235965 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK i �����J�i a CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. LICENSE COPiMIT'I'EE CO NCIL RESOLUTION—GE ERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE ' December 5, 1967 DATE RE�O�VID= That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo G�es, applied for by the followi.ng organizations at the addresses stated, for the days, dates, and hours indicated • on each applicationJ be and the �am0 �����by granted. _ rients Club� Holy �pirit Church - L�95 S. Hamline Ave. 1 Pd, App, 18789 Renewal Volkfest Assn, of Minnesota ' 1079 Rice st. 6 n " 1.9275 �� ., , � Each Appn, for series of games Informally approved by �ounciZ As dated thereon� _ - � ��� � 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 5 �9�7 Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Favor Meredith Y�et�on d �Gft'lIQ Mayor Tedesco A Sa�t � , ��:��re i��'`'':�B'` 'c'•` ..:;: 196�` s c1eri�'�$.y.r�3�'mE::s g Mr. Vice �resi�ent (Peterson) pUBLISHEB ��� � �22 � n.K. � �. 3,s 96� CITY OF ST. PAUL . APPLICATIVN FOR "UN SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE A plication No.._ ..._ .._..._...___ Ivame of Applicant_.GE�,D..D-.._�D�.Y_��_�:.:..:.: • LAND�".��I�. ....I�`T.�,._ .._........... Age.....2..2...._...._. ........_..._..._.._...___ Resideiice Address.....1.5��-..13���i�u�„AVE,�ST,_PAUL.,...��S.QT�i......... Telephone No....._.7.'�1----3067 ... ..........-- Areyou a citizen of the United States?.....�S_....__.�..._..._--._...._...._...._..._---....�._....._...._..._..._..._........._....._...�........._._.............__..._..._._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ..._................_..............XES....---........_...._._...__.__..._..._._...__.__...._.._ _........_.....--�----.._._..........._..._...._..._..._.__..._..._._.._---_-__..._.....__._..._...M �'Vhen and where?.......$ADGER.ZOUNGE,_ ST._PAUL: T�1INN..._...1963.....-...1�66_...._....._. _ ._. _._._____..._._._.. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation..........._..IL9L�3..,�.rr....I,T�.E�..1;4r_C�...._......__....__......,,,.___,_,._..._ OPERATE RESTUAI3ANT AND ON--SALE LIQUOR BUSINESS __. __._. _. Whenincorporated?..........._.__.....-----__._.__._..__..__...._.....___._..............---._.........._..._.._.�_.._..._._.._...._....___.._..._...._._.._..__._____._..___ If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?....._..__..___._...___...._.._....__._._._..._...._.._� How many members'?................._....._._.....__-------__.._...._...___..._ . Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , GERA.ZD D. LANDRERTILLE, PRSIDENT & TRE�SURE 1535 BIRNLCNGHAM AVE._.ST._ _PAUL�.PTINN. _ ............._......_.._--�-----._..._.__..._.__. .......JO..ANN.L-4NDREV".II,LEa:.VICE .PRESIDENT &..SEC�E�:�X...15��_..���:�A9�..AY.�M...ST.....?AUL.,..�1+1N. Names and addresses of Stockholders: ' .................................GERALD D. LANDRE'�TILLE & JO_ANN D. LANDkEVILLE ' , .- .. _. . _..............._.........._..._...................._...._...._..._.........._.--�--.._.__...__............_.._._ ...C..ALL�OF...SAID.,STOCK PLEDGED TO F�.R�,,....,�......�'.{��Q,....A�II?...KLEISZ...�T.EST��TT_CD.-,....._....--- ...._..._. _.. . .__._..._..__._.--�-�--_--___ . . . . ..............._.............�� _.._._._..___..__......._...._...._.............._ _..___.... Give name of suret com an which will write bond, if known........... ..... ......._. _.�v'-�� � ��- � �- Y P Y .. .....__._.__.__.__..._..._.._....._._._._..._...._ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets , ' � Ward 435 : ST. PETER S�'. �JEST 9TH AI� �' T�H STREET How many feet from an academy, college or university (mea:;ured along streets) ?...........N��.....�__....._..._._._...____ How many feet from a church (measured along sfreets) ?................�'lO�BI,OCKS � W �`� � � ,^��^�TY�W�M How many feet from closest public or parochial grade oi• high school (measured along streets) ?...__..._ ...._........._...._._ Name of closest school.......gs��-.'.TION _ T How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._...C��'•�.CL�,�............._...._.........._.___..._.._..._..._.__......__�........._____ On tivhaY floor located?....�:AIN.�...UPST4IS _�^ � __ ..---....._...._.._._.._....................._...............__...__.............._..._............._..__ Are premises owned by you or leasedT`?'�SID..............._.._.If leased give name of owner.__���T...��.'���T.�...�.Q..._._ '� If a restaurant give seating ca.pacity?....._._..IL�..TQ_150..1:.�!I�...AP�T.�LT�m....��1!?---........._.........._---....._......................_..._._......_..___ lfhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._........._._................_..._..__........._._._...._..._......._.._...._...._..........._...____...._..........._.................._• Give trade name.___._.__��a__t!'�IS�__GO–GO ------�-------- --------------------------------•-•-------------�------•------------------------------------------------- --------�---�---- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: ' MA.IN I'LOOR AND UPSTAIRS B9.�UET ROOM . ....�....... ...............`.............................._...._..____..;.._._�.�...._. _ ..............._.............._.............._......_......_._....._..._......_...._....___...._.._...._..____.._— -- (The intormation above must be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sules). How many guest rooms in hotel?_........._._...._.........._._. " Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)....._........._..._......._._..........._..._....__.._..._....._._._..__.._.........._._._..._.___. Give names and addresses of three business references:...._.._....___...__...._.._.:._...._..._.._.._.__.._._._..._....._..._.........._...._._.............__._ 1......C.-....�.'....Q�.�.'...sS�.'�.`.�F....�Q..NR�.....(Q.7.....�Q...`�.SrLTTu_.S`TT ,��.'.r....�.'L'...._??.l�Lld.�-_.i�?+�T.,............_._._...._. 2......�?.Q,S:�i...J.._..�I:T�I�,�_t.�---����4-���������.4�-�-�;��?�i�...���:--�--�--.._.._....-----�--........:..........__. _. ... ... .. ...._......................_......_.....-----.......__. 3.....,WESTERN_.S T�TE..BANK�...UN�IVERS I TY..,AVENITE-..�,...�.�.....P�.TI�a,.._:t�1�T�I._..----..._...._.__.._...._---_...._........._....__..._.._.___... THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COR,PORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOR,ATION BE ATTACHED: = SEE OTHER SIDE