05-376Council F►le # �' 3Z �p rresenced Referred To Green Sheet # 3026272 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA s Committee Date 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Employment Agreement between the Independent School District #625 and the Minnesota School 3 Employees Association representing the Classified Confidential Employees Association (7uly 1, 2004 - 4 June 30, 2006). Requested by Department of: ce of Human Resources � By � i Form ����� for � � Approved � Adoptedby Council: Date �� //, �/�IJS Adopflon Cerdfied by Council Secretary �■�► ���■ Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green She Oepartr�rentlotficeJcounal: Date Initiated: H � -��� 27-APR-0S Green Sheet NO: 3026272 Co�mct Person 8 Phone: DeoaM�ent SeM To Person Initial/Date ��,5� � � � � as�y� i ne n;�� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Nmnber y p� For Rou6ng 3 or`s ce ! _ Order 4 cH 5 (5erlc Toqi # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Lxations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of the attached ISD #625 Employment Agreement with the Minnesota School Employees Association representing the Classified Confidential Emploqees Association (7uty 1, 2004 - June 30, 200�. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Perwnai Service ConRracts Must Answer the Fotlowing Questions: Planning Commission �. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this departmenYt CIB Commi#ee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any current city employee7 Yes No Explain aIl yes answers o� separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: Employment agreements Lave already eacpired. pdvantages It Approved: " None. Disadvantages If Approved: None. DisadvaMages if Not Approved: None. .. }�aE3°J°?�?. prh P"':^r, ToYal Amou� of CostlRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: Activity Number. � Financial Information: (Explain� , 05- 37� INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625; �_-� '�� . , .-:. � � I I � - _ . �':: :J L BOARD OF EDUCATION ;{UMaF, ;�;-:;�Ur;�=S • SA1NT PAUL PUBL{C SCHOOLS 'OS APR 15 P l :43 DATE: October 26, 2004 TOPIG: Approval of Employment Agreement Between Independent School District No.625 and Minnesota School Employees Association, Representing Classified Confidential Employees Association A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. New Agreement is for a two-year period from July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2006. 2. Contract changes are as follows: Waaes: Effective June 26, 2004, the saiary schedule increase is 2.5%. There is no schedule increase in the second year of the contract. Insurance: Effective January 2005, the district monthly contribution of $350 for single coverage is increased to $385; the district monthiy contribution of $585 for family coverage is increased to $670. Effective January 2006, the district contribution for single coverage is increased to $420, family coverage is increased to $740. Effective January 2005, employees who enroll in the family dental plan will pay the difference between the district single contribution of $35 and the Samily premium. • Severance: Employees who provide the District with three months notice of retirement will receive $100 per day for unused sick leave up to $17,500. Language is added that defines the Special Pay Deferrai Program for Severance and Vacation Pay. Bereavement Leave: Language changed regarding leave of absence with pay. Up to five days leave wiil include parent, step-parent, or regular members of immediate household. Travel time is extended from one day to cwo days. 3. The District has 27 FTE's in this bargaining unit. 4. This contract maintains the DistricYs fiscaf structural balance. 5. This contract supports the DistricYs goal of creating institutional change. 6. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Empfoyee Refations Assistant Manager; Wayne Arndt, Negotiations/Employee Relations Manager; Tom Coffey, Executive Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations; and Lois Rockney, Executive Director of Business and Financial Affairs. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those ciassified confidential employees in this schoo! district for whom the Minnesota School Employees Association is the exclusive representative; duration of said Agreement is for the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006, and that the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 adopt a • resolution that this contract maintains the DistricYs fiscal structural balance. OS - 37� i - - �= ;� r� _ ==.;L HUNAti n'�S�JRC�� 'OS APR 15 P 1 :43 , � S • ,• . „ A Wnrld of OpPOrtunities Negotiations/Employee Reiations Office Phone: 651 767-8228 Fax: 651665-U269 • • MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Sue Wegwerth Gity - Oftice ot Labor Re4ations Peggy O'Neill Employee Relations Assistant April 13, 2005 Labor Agreement for Independent School District No. 625 Enclosed are three copies of the labor agreement and a copy of the Board of Education approved agenda request for the following bargaining unit: Minnesota School Employees Association Representing Classified Confidential Employees Association Enclosures 05 37� , a � 2004 — 2006 AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAiNT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 AND M{NNESOTA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION � Representing Classified Confidential Employees Association July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006 � ; Paul SGH�OLS (�5 -3�� Saint F'aul PUBLIC SCHOULS • SAINi' PAUL PUBLiC SCHOOLS Independent Schooi District No. 625 Board of Education Toni Carter Elona Street-Stewart John Brodrick Kazoua Kong-Thao Anne Carroil Tom Conlon A1 Oertwig Administration Patricia A. Harvey MariaJ.Lamb Tanya Martin Peke! Luz Maria Sercano Louis Kanavati Joann Knuth Eugene Janicke Chair Vice Chair Clerk Treasurer Director Director Director Superirdendent of Schools Chief Education Officer Chiet of Staff Area A Superintendent Area B Superintendent Area C Superintendent Executive Director, ARemative Leaming Programs � � � �6 3�b � ARTICLE � , � Article �. Article 2. Article 3. Article 4. ARicle 5. Articie 6. Article 7. Article 8. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE Preambfe--°°...-°°°°--°-°°°°--°....__ ......................................................-...............iv Recog ition ......................................°--°............----°-----......----.......................-°----..... Check ..---�-�-••---��-� ................................................................................................ Maintenance of Standards ..........................°°°°--°-°°°--°-----°--............................... ManagementRights .................................................................................................. Hoursof Work .................•-----.................................................................................... WorkBreaks .........................•-•---�--..............................................................----�-�---.... Wages ....................................................................................................�--................ 4 H olidays ..................................................................................................................... 5 Article9. Vacation ..................................................................................................................... Article 10. Leaves of Absence ..........................�--�-�-•--�--..................................---........................ Article 11. Insurance Benefits ................................................................................................... Article12. Severance Pay ........................................................................................................ Article13. Legal Services ......................................................................................................... Article14. Probation ................................................................................................................. Article 15. Working Out of Class'rfication .................................................................................. Article16. Temporary Employees ............................................................................................ Article17. Employee Records .................................................................................................. Article18. Seniority ................................................................................................................... Articie19. Discipline .....................°----......-�------°-•-------.......................----...--•--�--..............° Article 20 Grievance Procedure.......--� .....................................................................................22 Article21. Mileage .................................................................................................................... Art�cle 22. Vacancies ................................................................................................................ Article23 Non-Discrimination .........................................................�---..................................... Article24 No Sirike, No Lockout ............................................................................................. Article25. Bulietin Boards ........---�� ........................................................................................... Article 26 Tertns of Agreement ................................................................................................ APPendix A: Titles and Saiary Rates..........-° .............°°--...........................-°°--...27 Appendix 8: Tities and Grades ............................................................................. Appendix G: Standard Ranges ..............................................................................30 Memorandum of Agreement regarding improvement Plan Process .......................31 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Not a Part of the Negotiated Agreement) Letter ofi lntent regarding Tuition Reimbursement ..........................................................................35 Index...............................�----.....................---�--........................................................... � D5-3 `7 � PREAMBLE This Agreement entered into by Independent Schoo! Disirict No. 625, hereinafter reterred to as the Employer, and the Minnesota School Employees Assxiation, hereinafter referred to as MSEA, representing the Saint Paul Public Schools Classified Confidential Employees Association, hereinafter referred to as the Association, has as its purpose the promotion of harmonious relations between the Employer and the MSEA, tfie establishment of an equitable and peaceful procedure for the resolution of differences, and the establishment of rates of pay, hours of work, and other conditions of employment. �� � � iv �5 -3 �� � ARTICLE 1. RECOGNITION 1.1 The Employer recognizes the MSEA as the sole and exciusive bargaining agent for the purpose of establishing salaries, wages, hours, and other conditions ot employment for ail oi its employees as outlined in the certification by the State of Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services, dated January 27, 1993, i� Case No. 93-PTR-1061, and set forth in Section 12 below. 1.2 The bargaining unit covered by this Agreement shall consist of the following: All classified confidential employees of Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul, Minnesota, who are employed by Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and who are public employees within the meaning of Minnesota Statute § 179A_03, Subd. 14. Any titles designated as Civil Service unclass'rfied are not covered by the provisions of Civil Service Rules or any related rules covering employment in classified service positions. The terms and conditions of employment for any titles designated as Civil Service unclass'rfied are defined within this labor agreement, notwithstanding Article 3: Maintenance of Standards, which does not apply to titles so designated. 1.3 Any present or future employee who is not an Association member shall be required to contribute a fair share fee for services rendered by the MSEA and, upon nofrfication by the MSEA, the Employer shall check off said fee from the earnings of the employee and transmit the same to the MSEA. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro rata share of the specific expenses incurred for services rendered by the representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance procedures. � This provision shall remain operative oniy so long as specifically provided by Minnesota law, and as othenvise legal. 1.4 The MSEA agrees to indemnify and hoid the Employer harmless against any and all claims, suiis, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of this Articfe, Section 1.3. ARTICLE 2. CHECK OFF 2.1 The Employer agrees to deduct the MSEA membership initiation fee assessments and once each month dues from the pay of those empioyees who individualiy request in writing that such deductions be made. The amo�nts to be deducted shall be cesFrfied to the Employer by a representative of the MSEA and the aggregate deductions of ail employees shali be remitted together with an itemized statement to the representative by the first of the succeeding month after such deductions are made or as soon thereafter as is possibie. 22 The MSEA agrees to indemnify and ho{d the Emp�oyer harm4ess agai�st any and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Empioyer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Empioyer under the provisions of this Article. � �-3�7 � ARTICLE 3. MAINTENANCE OF STANDARDS 3.1 The parties agree that all conditions of employment relating to wages, hours of work, overtime differentiais, vacations, and ali other generai working conditions shall be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard set forth in the Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation at the time of the signing of this Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever specific provisions for improvement are made eisewhere in this Agreement ARTICLE 4. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 4.1 MSEA and the Association recognize the right of the Employer to operate and manage its affairs in all respects in accordance with appiicable laws and regulations of appropriate authorities. AII rights and authority which the Employer has not officiaily abridged, delegated or modified by this Agreement are retained by the Employer. 42 A public employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent managerial policy, which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion or policy as the functions and programs of the Employer, its overati budget, utilization of technology, and organizational structure and selection and direction and number of personnel. ARTICLE 5. HOURS OF WORK 5.1 The normal workday shall be eight and one-half (8.5) hours in duration, eight (8) of which are paid. Each normal workday shall inciude two (2) paid fifteen (15)-minute rest breaks. In adddion, a forty-five (45)-minute, duty-free lunch shal! be provided. Fifteen (95) minutes of the duty-free Iunch is paid and the remaining thirty (30) minutes is unpaid. The foitowing is an exampie of a normal workday schedule; however. individual schedules mav varv: Work day begins at: Moming Rest Break: Lunch Break; Aftemoon Rest Break: W ork day ends at: 5.2 5.3 5.4 8:00 a.m. 10:00 - 10:15 a.m. Noon-12:45 p.m. (15 paid minutes) 3:00 - 3:15 p.m. 4:30 p.m. The normai work week shall be forty (40) hours in any seven (�-day period. This Section shail not be cortstrued as, and is not a guarantee of, any hours of work per normal workday or per normal work week. Overtime is to be paid at the rate of one and one-haif (1-1/2) times the empioyee's normal hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. � � � 05 �3`1l0 � ARTICLE 5. HOURS OF WORK (continued) 5.5 The overtime compensation due the employee shall be paid at the rate herein cited, or by granting compensatory time on a time and one-haif basis by mutuai agreement between the District and the employee. 5.6 Employees in this bargaining unit working under a title listed under the heading "Clerica! and Technicai Group" in Appendix B shali be recompensed for work done in excess of the normal hours estabiished above in this Articie by being granted compensatory time on a time and one-half basis or by being paid on a time and one-half basis for such overtime work. The overtime rate of one and one-half shall be computed on the basis of U80th of the biweekly rate. 5.7 Employees working in a title listed under the fieading "Professional Group" in Appendix S who work more than seven and three-fourths (7-3/4) hours in any twenty-four hour period or more than thirty-eight and three-fourths (38-3/4) hours in any seven (7)-day period shaii not receive pay for such additionai work except as in 5.8 below. 5.8 It is understood by the parties that Civil Service Rule, Section 28.H - Overtime of Resolution No. 3250 shall not appiy to employees in the bargaining unit working under a titie listed under the heading "Professiona{ Group" in Appendix B. ln unusual circumstances, a department head may grant these empioyees who work more than seven and three-fourths (7-3/4) hours in any twenty-four (24)-hour period or more than thirty-eight and three-fourths (38-3/4) hours in any particular seven (7)-day period compensatory time or pay on a straight-time basis for the extra hours worked. 5.9 Normal work schedules showing ihe employee's shift, workdays, and hours shall be � posted on afl department bulletin boards at all times. It is also understood that deviation from posted work schedules shall be permissible due to emergencies, acts of God, and oveRime may be required. 5.10 Call-in Pav. When an employee is calied to work, he/she shall receive two (2) hours of pay if not put to work. If the empioyee is calied to work and commences work, he/she shall be guaranteed four (4) hours of pay. 7hese provisions, however, shall not be efiective when work is unable to proceed because of adverse weathes conditions; nor shall these provisions appiy to temporary employees nor to any person whose regularly- scheduled workday is less than four (4) hours. ARTICLE 6. WORKBREAKS 6.1 Rest Periods. All empioyees' work schedules shall provide for a fifteen-minute rest period during each one-half shift. The rest period shall be scheduied by managemenc at approximately the middle of each one-half shift whenever it is feasible. 6.2 tf an employee is scheduled to work a full hatf-shift beyond the regu�ar quitting time, the employee shaii be entftied to the rest period that occurs during said haif-shift. � C6-3lb ARTICLE 7. WAGES 7.1 The wage schedule, for purposes of this contract, shall be Appendices A, B and C � attached hereto. Both parties agree that the inclusion of the classifications and salary ranges in Appendix A does not preclude the empioyer from the following: 1. Reorganizing; 2. Abolishing classifications; 3. Estabfishing new classifications; 4. Regrading ciassifications; 5. Reclassifying positions. 72 Both parties also agree that titles and grades in Appendix A refer to employees in the positions at the date of signing of the Agreement. No empioyee in this bargaining unit shalf suffer any reduction in saiary because of a regrading or reclass"rfication during the contract period in which such regrading or reclassification takes place. 7.3 Initiai Step Placement. When an employee is regutarty appointed into a tifle covered by this Agreement or moved from one title covered by this Agreemeni to an appointment in a different title under this Agreement, step placement shall be govemed by Civil Service Rules. Step 1 shaff be the normat entry rate for fhe positions in this bargaining unit, except as othervvise provided in existing rules. 7.4 Saiarv Step/Increase EiiqibifiN. Empfoyees must meet the following condftions in order to be eligible for a salary step or, 'rf on the top step, a salary increase: 7.4.1 Emptoyees musi have received an overali rating of "Safisfactory' on their most recent pertormance evaluation to receive any salary step advancement or, 'rf an � employee is on an improvement pian, the employee must be on track with the components of the improvement plan. If an empioyee who is on an improvement plan, is not on track with the requirements of ihe plan, and is on the top step of the salary schedule, the empioyee's salary rate wiil be frozen. 7.4.12 Emplayees who are on an improvement plan artd not on track and who lose a step or have their salary rate frozen will have their step/rate increase reinstated if they get on track within tweive months following their step/rate freeze. 7.5 Salarv Step Proqression. At the beginning of the first fuii pay period in Juiy, fuli-time employees will progress one step up to Step 6 (tive-year sfep) provided they were paid a minimum of 1,040 hours on the payroll in the previous year (minimum hours requirement is prorated for part-time employees). 7.5.1 When an employee compietes ten (10) calendar years of service in the Disfict, that employee may be granted an increase of one (1) additional salary step on the first pay period in July, not to exceed Step 7_ 7.52 When an employee compietes fifteen (15) calendar years of service in the District, that employee may be granted an increase of one (1) additionai salary step on and the first pay period in July, not to exceed Step 8. � 05-�7/ � ARTICLE 8. HOLIDAYS 8.1 Holidavs Recoqnized and Observed. The following days shall be recognized and observed as paid holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Jr Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day 82 8.3 Labor Day Day Thanl�sgiving Day Day After Thanksgiving Christmas Day Eligible employees shali receive pay for each of the holidays listed above, on which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shali fali on Saturday, the preceding Friday shail be observed as the holiday. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be observed as the holiday. For those employees assigned to a work week other than Monday through Friday, the holiday shali be observed on the caiendar date of the holiday. Eti4ibilitv Reauirements. To be eligible for holiday pay, empioyees must have been active on the payroll the day of the holiday. Notwithstanding Subd. 82, a temporary empioyee shall be eligible for holiday pay only after such empioyee has been employed as a temporary employee for sixty-seven (67) consecutive workdays. 8.4 if Martin Luther King Jr. Day or Presidents' Day, falls on a day when school is in session, � the employee shafl work that day at straight time and another day shalt be designated as the holiday. This designated hoiiday shall be a day on which school is not in session and shali be determined by agreement between the employee and the supervisor. • �5 -3�� ARTICLE 9, VACATION 9.1 Each full-time regularly appointed employee working under a title covered by this Agreement shall accumulate vacation crsdits at the rates shown below tor each tull hour on the payroli, excluding overtime: Years of Service 9.2 1st yearthrough 4th year 5th year through 9th year 10th year through 15fh year 16th through 23rd year 24th year and thereafter Annuai Hours of Vacation Earned Per Hour on Pavroli .0576 .0769 .0807 .0961 .1'153 Annual Hours Eamed 120 160 168 200 240 Days Eamed 15 20 2Y 25 30 Calculations are based on a 2,080 hour work year and shall be rounded off to the nearest hour. Years of service means the number of years since the employee's date of empioyment. An employee may carry over into the next calendar year up to one hundred sixty (160) hours of vacation. 92.1 An employee who has more than one hundred sixry (160) hours of accrued vacation remaining at the end of the tast fult pay period in October shatl either. 922 (a) (b) (c) be required to use the hours of vacation in excess of one hundred sixry (160) hours prior to the end of the calendar year, or be compensated for hours in excess of one hundred sixty (160) hours at end of year; or be provided an exception for additional carryover of vacation by means of approval of his/her departrnent head. Choice ot option a, b, or c is at the discre5on of the Empioyer. For the purpose of this Articie, the "vacation yea�' shail be the calendar year (January 1 through December 31). 9.3 Upon separation from service, if the employee has provided ten (10) calendar days notice to the employer, any unused, accrued vacation shall be paid at the empioyee's current rate of pay. If an empioyee has been granted more vacation than the employee has eamed up to the time of separation from service, the employee shail reimburse the District for such uneamed vacation at the empioyee's current rate of pay. If an empioyee is separated from service by reason of discharge, retirement or death, ihe employee shall be paid for any unused, accrued vacation earned up to the time of such separation. 9.4 Sick Leave Conversion. Sick leave accumulated in excess of 1,440 hours may 6e converted to paid vacation time at a ratio of iwo (2) hours of sick leave time for one (1) hour of vacation time, to a maximum of five (5) regularly-assigned workdays (not to exceed a totai of forty [40] hours) in any year. There shall be no conversion of unused sick leave in any amount at any time to any cash payment other than the above-described conversion to vacation time or severance pay in Article 12. � � � r1 LJ OS-�`7b r1 L J ARTICLE �0. LEAVES O� ABSEiSCE 10.1 Sick Leave Sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour for each fuli hour on the payroli, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is unlimited. To be eligible for sick leave, the employee must report to his/her supervisor no later than one- half hour past his/her reguiar scheduled starting time. The granting of sick leave shali be subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement. Any employee who has accumufated sick {eave as provided above shall be granted leave with pay, for such period of time as the head of the department deems necessary for the following specified aliowabie uses: 10.1.1 Personal Iliness: Employees may use accumulated sick ieave for hours off due to personal iilness. The employee may be required to furnish a medical certificate from a quai'rfied physician as evidence of iilness or physical disability in order to qualify for paid sick leave as per District practice. Accumulated sick leave may also be granted for such time as is actually necessary for office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist, etc. 10.� 2 Famiiv Iiiness: EmpVoyees may use accumulated sick {eave for hours off due to sudden sickness or disability of a parent or a member of his/her household or to make arrangements for the care of such sick or disabied persons up to a maximum of eight hours sick leave per incident. Up to forty (40) hours of accumulated sick leave may be used in a work year to allow the employee to care for and attend to the serious or criticai iliness of his/her spouse or parent. These hours when used are deducted from sick leave. 10.1.3 Sick Chiid Care Leave. Sick leave to care for a sick child shali be granted on the same terms as the employee is able to use sick leave for the employee's � own illness. This leave shali only be granted pursuant to Minn. Stat. §181.12413 and shail remain available as provided in Statute. 10.1.4 Bereavement Leave. A leave of absence with pay, not to exceed five (5) days, shall be granted because of the death of an employee's spouse, child, parent, step-parent, or regular members of the employee's immediate household. Up to three (3) days shali be granted because of death of other members of the employee's immediate tamily. Other members of the immediate family shall mean sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild, parent-in-law, son-in-law or daughter-in-law. 10.1.42 Leave of absence for one (1 } day shafl be granted because of death of other close relatives. Other close relatives shall mean uncie, aunt, nephew, niece, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law. A"da�' for this purpose shaff be equivafent to the regulariy assigned workday of the employee, and such leave shall be deducted from accumulated sick leave. ff an employee is required to travel beyond a two hundred (200)-mile radius of Saint Paul for purposes related to eligible bereavement leave, two (2) addftional days of sick leave may be used. 10.1.5 Adoption Leave. Up to fifteen (15) days of accumulated sick teave may be used in a contract year to attend to adoption procedures or care for a newly adopted child. Use of these fifteen (15) days does not need to occur consecutively. � 10.1.6 Male empioyees may use up to frfteen (15) days of sick leave for the birth of a dependent child. This leave may be used within the first six (6) weeks surrounding the birth of the chifd. OS-3�� ARTICLE 10. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (continued) � i0.2 Court Dufy Leave 10.2.1 Court Cases. Any employee who is duly subpoenaed as a witness in any case in court shall be entitted to leave with pay for that purpose provided that ihe employee is not a party in the case, and provided that the case is not the result of litigation undertaken by the employee or the Union against the District. In cases where ihe Board is a party in the litigation, the employee sha)1 be enfifled to pay while attending as a witness at the request of the Board or as a co- defendant in the case. 102.2 Reauired Jurv Dutv. Any employee who is required to serve as a juror shaii be granted leave with pay while serving on jury dury contingent upon the employee paying to the Board any fees received, minus travel allowance, for such jury service. The employee may seek to be excused from jury duty. 10.3 Military Leave 10.3.1 Miiitarv Leave W ith Pav. My employee who shaii be a member of the National Guard, the Naval Militia or any other component of the militia of the state, now or hereafter organized or constituted under state or federal law, or who shall be a member of the Officers Reserve Corps, the Enlisted Reserve Corps, the Naval Reserve, the Marine Corps Reserve or any other reserve component of the mi(itary or navaf force of fhe United States, now or hereafter organized or constituted under federai law, shall be entitled to leave of absence from employment withouc loss of pay, seniority status, efficiency rating, vacation, sick teave or other benefits for alt the time when such emptoyee is engaged with such organization or component in training or active service ordered or � authorized by proper authority pursuant to law, whether for state or federal purposes, provided that such leave shall not exceed a tota! of fifteen (15) days in any calendar year and further provided that such leave shall be ailowed oniy in case the required military or navai service is satisfactorily performed, which shal! be presumed unless the contrary is established. Such leave shall not be allowed unless the employee 1) retums to his/her position immediately upon being relieved from such mildary or naval service and not later than the expiration of tims herein limfted for such leave; or 2) is prevented from so retuming by physical or mental disabil"rty or other cause not due to such employee's own fault; or 3) is required by proper authority to continue in such military or naval service beyond the time herein limited for such leave. Any employee who is a member of the armed forces or National Guard and who is called to active duty may be eligible for pay conUnuation pursuant to the requirements of Minnesota Statute 471.975. 10.32 Militarv Leave Without Pav. Any employee who engages in active service in time of war or other emergency declared by proper authority of any of the milftary or navai forces of the state or of the United States for which leave is not othenvise allowed by law shall be entitled to leave of absence from empioyment withouf pay during such service with righf of reinstatement and subject to such conditions as are imposed by law. Such leaves of absence as are granted under Article 10.3 shali conform to Minnesota Statutes, Section 192, as amended from time to time and shait confer no additional benefits other than those granted by said statute. i 0.4 Education Leave. Leave with pay may be granted for educational purposes at the option � of the Employer. D� -�`7� • ARTICLE 10. LEAVES OF ASSENCE (continued) 10.5 Leaves of absence may be requested and are subject to approval of the Director of Human Resources. A fist of typical leaves is provided below. This list does not cover all possible reasons. . Physicaf or mentaf incapacity of the employee to pesform the+r work efficientiy, where the granting of a leave will permit the empioyee to receive treatment enabling them to retum to School District service; • Election or appointment of a fuil-time, paid posiUon in an organization or union whose members consist largely or exclusively of empioyees of the School District. • Education or training relating to the employee's regular duties or to prepare the employee for advancement; • Election of the employee to a School District or City of St. Paul position; . Appointment of the employee to an unclassified Schooi District or City of St. Paul position; • Disability or injury received in the performance of duty not due to the negligence of the empioyee for the period of the employee is receiving compensation payments from the Schooi District for temporary partial disability or temporary total disability; . Parentai leave upon the request of the employee. 10.5.1 For a leave of six (6) months or 4onger, the employee must provide written notification to the Director of Human Resources, indicating his/her specific intent to conciude the leave and be available to retum to active service as of the � termination date spec'rfied in the leave. This written notification must be received by the Director of Human Resources no later than two (2) months prior to the originally-scheduled date of the leave termination. 10.52 Employees retuming from leave will be placed in the ne�ct available vacancy in their job title. 10.5.3 Employees who retum to service under the provisions of this Section will retain the+r former seniority. 10.6 Parentai Leave 10.6.1 Parental leave is a leave without pay or benefits which shali be granted upon request subject to the provisions of this Section. It may be granted for reasons of adoption or pregnancy and/or the need to provide parental care for a child or children of the employee tor an extended period of time immediateiy following adoption or the conclusion of pregnancy; such period of leave shall be no longer than one calendar year in length. Leave up to six (6) calendar months shall be granted upon request. Leave for more than six (6) calendar months is at the discretion of the Empioyer. 10.6.2 In the case of pregnancy, an employee who wishes to use a period of (paid) earned sick Ieave at the fime of pregnancy and delivery-related disability, may request unpaid parentai leave for a period following the use of earned sick leave; however, sick leave time shall not be granted within (during the course of) a period of unpaid parental leave. The employee requesting such sequentiat leave shall submit an application in writing to the Director of Numan Resources of Independent Schooi District No. 625 not later than twelve (12) weeks in advance of the anticipated date of delivery. The employee will be � required to submit, at the time of use, appropriate medicai ver'rfication for the sick leave time ciaimed. 0 5-3�6 ARTICLE 10. LEAVES OF ABSENCE (continued) 10.6.3 In the case of adoption, the employee shall submit a written application to the Director of Human Resources, of Independent School District No. 625 including the anticipated date of placement of the child, at least twelve ('I2) weeks in advance of the anticipated date of placement, or eariier 'rf possibie. Documentation will be required. 10.6.4 When an employee is retuming from parental leave extending over a period of six (6) calendar months or less, the employee shail be placed, at the beginning of the first pay period following the scheduled date of retum, in the same position held prior to the ieave or, if necessary, in an equivalent position. 10.6.5 When an employee has requested and been granted Ieave for a period longer than six (6) calendar months, but no more than tweive (12) calendar months, the empioyee wiii be placed in an equivalent positlon after the scheduled date of retum as soon as an equivalent vacancy becomes available. For purposes of this provision, an equivalent vacancy is a pasition in the same title which exists, has no incumbent, which is to be filied, and for which no other person has rights. 10.7 Familv Medical Leave. Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of absence shali be granted as required under the federal law known as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as ii remains in force. The Human Resource Department provides procedures which coordinate contractual provisions with FMLA. 10.8 School Activities Leave Without Pav. An empioyee may request and be granted up to sixteen (16) hours of unpaid leave per calendar year for school activities of his/her own child, pursuant io Minnesota Statute § i 81.9412 rules, so long as the Statute so provides. 10.9 Union Official Leave. An empioyee elected or appointed to a fuli-time paid position by the exclusive representafive may be granYed a leave of absence wiihout pay tor not more than one (1) year for the purpose of conducting the duties of the exciusive representative. • � ►. J �� d� 3 7� • ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE BENEFITS SECTION 1. ACTIVE EMPLOYEE HEAITH INSURANCE 1.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for active employees such health arid !'rfe insurance benetiks as are provided 6y Employer at the time of execution of this Agreement. 12 Eliaibilitv Waitinq Period. One (1) full month of continuous regulariy appointed service in independent Schooi District No. 625 wili be required before an eligibie empioyee can receive the District contribution to premium cost for health and I'rfe insurance provided herein. 1.3 Full-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, full-time empioyment is defined as appearing on the payroll at least thirty-rivo (32) hours per week or at Ieast sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, exciuding overtime hours. 1.4 Half-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, haif-time employment is defined as appearing on the payroll at least twenty (20) hours but less than thirty-two (32) hours per week or at least fiorty (40) hours but iess than sixry-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours. t.5 Emqlover Contribution Amount--Full-Time Emplovees. Effective July 1, 2004 for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed full time and who seiects employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $350 per month, whichever is less. For each eligibie full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer wili contribute the cost of such family coverage or $585 per month, whichever is less. � 1.5.1 EfiEeetive January 1, 2005, fos each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed fuii time and who selects employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $385 per month, whichever is Iess. For each eiigible full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such famiiy coverage or $670 per month, whichever is less. 1.5.2 Effective January 1, 2006, for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $420 per month, whichever is less. For each eligible fuli-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such family coverage or $740 per month, whichever is less. 1.6 Empiover Contribution Amount: Marzied Couofes. Futf-time empfoyees who are married to another District employee and who are covered under their spouse's health plan may waive the single or family contribution to health insurance and receive up to $150 per month toward their spouse's family premium. The combination of District contributions cannoi exceed the full cost of famiiy coverage and cannot be applied in cases where the spouse is receiving heaith insurance through the DistricYs cafeteria benefits plan. 1.6.1 Effective January 1, 2001, employees who work a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week, but less than forty (40) hours, who are married to another District employee and who are covered under their spouse's health plan may waive the single or fami{y contribution to health insurance and receive up to $75 per month toward their spouse's family premium. The combination of District contributions cannot exceed the full cost of family coverage and cannot be applied in cases where the spouse is receiving health insurance through the . DistricYs cafeteria benefits plan. 11 65 ��� ARTICLE 11. INSIiRANCE, Section 1. (continued): 1.7 Em�lover Contribution Amount--Half-Time Emplovees. For each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed half time, the Employer agrees to contribute fifty percent (5Q%) of the amount contributed for fuil-time employees selecting employee coverage; or for each haff-time employee who selects family insurance coverage, the Employer will contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time emp(oyees selecting family coverage in the same insurance plan. 1.8 Life Insurance. For each eligibie empioyee, the Employer agrees to provide $50,000 f"rfe insurance coverage. This amount shal! drop to $5,000 of coverage (in the event of early retirement) until the retiree reaches age sixry-five (65); then all Employer coverage shall terminate. 1.9 Dental Insurance, The Employer will contribute for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is empioyed fuil-time toward participation in a dentai care plan offered by the Employer up to $35 per month for single coverage. 1.9.1 Effective January 1, 2003, employees who wish to enroli in family dental coverage may do so and pay the difference between the cost of family coverage and single coverage. 1.9.�.1 Effective January 1, 2005, employees who wish to enroll in family dental coverage may do so and pay the differe�ce between the cost of family coverage and the Employer contribution of $35. � 1.10 Lona-Term Disabilitv insurance. The Employer shall provide Iong-term disability insurance for each eligible employee covered by this Agreement who is employed a � minimum of 20 hours per week. 1.17 Flexible SDendinq Account, lt is the intent of the Employer to maintain during the term of this Agreemerit a plan for medical and chiid care expense accounts to be available to employees in this bargaining unit who are eligibie for Employer-paid premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the established legal regulations and IRS requirements for such accounts. 1.12 The coniributions indicated in this Article 11 shall be paid to the Employe�'s group health and welfare plan. 1.13 Any cost of any premium for any Employer-offered employee or tamily insurancs coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 11 shali be paid by the employee through payroll deduction. , � 12 65 -37� � ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE (continued): SECTION 2. RETIREMENT HEALTH INSURANCE 1.1 � r � U Subd. 1 Benefit Eliqibiiitv for Emplovees wfio Retire Before Aae 65 Emplovees hired into District service before Januarv 1. 199A, must have completed the following service eligibility requiremenis with Independent School District IVo. 625 prior to retirement in order to be eligibie for any payment of any insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement: A. Be receiving pension benefits from PERA, St. Paul Teachers Retirement Association or other public employee retiree program at the time of retirement and have severed the empioyment relationship with Independent Schooi District 625; B. C. D. E. Must be at ieast fifry-five (55) years of age and have completed twenTy-five (25) years of service, or; The combination of their age and their years of service must equal eighty-five (85) or more, or, Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or; Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of service within Independent School District No. 625 immediately preceding retirement. Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul wili co�tinue to be counted toward meeting the service requirement of this Subdivision 1.1 B, C or D, but not for 1.1 E. Emplovees hired into District service after Januarv 1. 1994. must have completed twenty (20) years of serv+ce vaith Independent School District No. 625. Time with the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty (20)-year requirement. 12 Eliaibilitv Reauirements For All Retirees 1.3 A. A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is also an Independent School District No. 625 retiree or Independent School District No. 625 empioyee and eligibie for and is enrolled in the Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in any other Employer-paid heaith insurance program. ] C. � Additional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time of retirement may not be added at District expense after retirement. The employee must make appiication through District procedures prior to the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits provided in this Section. Empioyees terminated for cause wiil not be eligibie for employer contributions toward insurance premiums for either pre-age 65 or post-age 65 coverage. 13 �5-37� ARTICLE � 1. INSURANCE, Section 2. (cont7nued): Subd. 2 Emplover Contribution Levels for Emplovees Retirinq Before Aqe 65 2.1 2.2 Health Insurance Employer Contribution Empioyees who meet the requirements in Subd. 1 or Subd. 2 will receive a District contribufion toward health insurance until the employee reaches sixty-five (65) years of age as defined in this subdivision. 2.1.1 2.12 The District contribution toward heatth insurance premiums will equal the same doliar amount the District contributed for single or family coverage to the carzier in the empioyee's last month of active employment. Jn the event the District changes health insurance carriers, it will have no impaci on the District contribution for such coverage. 2.1.3 Any empioyee who is receiving famiiy coverage premium contribution at date of retirement and later changes to single coverage wi!! receive fhe rloliar contribution to singie coverage that was provided in the contract under which the retirement became effective. Life fnsurance Emplover Contribufion The District will provide for eariy retirees who qualify under the conditions of 1.1 or 12 above, premium contributions for eligibfe retirees for $5,000 of life insurance only until their 65th birthday. No Iife insurance wili be provided, or premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over. Subd. 3 8ene(it Etiqibilitv for Emplovees After Aae 65 3.1 Emplovees hired into the District before Januarv 1, 1994, who retired before age 65 and are receiving beneffts per Subd. 2 above are eligibie, upon reaching age 65, for employer premium contributions for health insurance described in Subd. 4 of this Articie. 32 Emplovees hired into the District before Januarv 1. 1994, who retire at age 65 or older must have compieted ihe eligibility requirements in Subd. 1 above or the following el�gibility requirements to receive District contributions toward post-age-65 heatth msurance premiums: A. Empioyees hired before June 8, i 988, must have corr�pleted at least eight (8) years of continuous employment with the District. For such employees or early retirees who have not compieted at least eight (8) years of service with the District at the time of their retirement, the Employer will discontinue providing any health insurance contributions upon their retirement or, in the case of.early retirees, upon their reaching age 65. B. Employees hired on or after June 8, 1988 and prior to January 1, 1990, must have completed ten (10} years of continuous employment witfi the District. For such employees or eariy retirees who have not completed at least ten (10) years of service with the District ai the time of their retirement, the Employer wili discontinue providing any health insurance contributions upon their retiremeni or, in the case of early retirees, upon their reaching age 65. C. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1990, must have completed twenty (20) years of continuous employment with the District. For such employees or early retirees who have not compieted at least twenty (20) years of service with the District at the time of their retirement, the employer wiil discontinue providing any health insurance contributions upon their retirement or, in the case of early retirees, upon their reaching age 65. � � u 14 05°37�, � ARTICLE 11. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued): Years of certrfied civil service time with the City of Saint Paul eamed prior to February 1, 1996, will continue to be counted toward meeting the DistricYs service requirement of this Subd.3. Civil service time worked with C"rty of Saint Paul after ,lanuary 1, 1994, will be considered a break in District employment. 3.3 Emplovees hired on or after Januarv 1. 1994. and all employees in the Professional Group (see Appendix B) shail not have or acquire in any way any eligibility for Employer- paid health insurance premium contribution for coverage in retirement at age sixty-five (65) and over in Subd. 4. Employees hired on or after January 1, 1994, shall be eiigible for only earlv retirement insurance premium contributions as provided in Subd. 2 and Deferred Compensation match in Subd. 5. Subd. 4 Empiover Contribution Levels for Retirees After Aqe 65 4.1 Emplovees hired into the District before Januarv 1. 1994, and who meet the eiigibility requirements in Subdivisions 3.1 or 32 of this Article are eligible for premium contributions for a Medicare Supplement heaith coverage policy selected by the District. Premium contributions for such policy will not exceed: Coveraqe Twe Medicare Eligible Non-Medicare Eligible Sfnale Familv $300 per month $400 per month $400 per month $500 per month At no time shail any payment in any amount be made directly to the retiree. � r Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions specified must be paid directiy and in full by the retiree, or coverage wiff be discontinued. Subd. 5. Em�lovees hired on or after Januarv 1. 1994, and all Professionai Group empioyees {see Appe�dix B), after completion of theee (3) full years of consecutive acGve service in Independent School District No. 625, are eiigible to participate in an employer matched Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan or District-approved 403(b) plan. Upon reaching eiigibiiity, the District will match up to $50 per paycheck up to $500 per year of consecutive active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of $12,500. Part-time employees working haif-time or more will be eligible for up to one half (50%) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory leave shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of consecutive active service, and shall not be considereci a break in service. Time worked in the Ci1y of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this three (3)-year requirement. �ederal and state rules governing participation in the Minnesota Deferred Compensation Plan or District-approved 403(b) plan shall appiy. The empioyee, not the District, is solely responsible for determining his/her total maximum allowable annual contribution amount under IRS regulations. The empioyee must initiate an application to participate through the DistricYs spec'rfied procedures. 5.1 Effective January 1, 2003, upon reaching eligibility as described in this subdivision, the District wili match up to $60 per paycheck up to $600 per year of consecutive active service, up to a cumulative i'rfetime rmaximum of $12,500. 15 d5=��� 12.1 The Employer shali provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article. Payment of severance pay shall be made within the tax year of the retiremeni as described in Business Office Rules. ARTICLE 12. SEVERANCE PAY 122 To be eiigible for the 403(b) Tax-deferred refirement program for sheltering severance pay and vacation pay, an employee must meet the foilowing requirements: 12.2.1 The employee must be fif3y-five (55) years of age w older or must be eligible for pension under the "Rule of 90° provisions of the Public Employees Retirement Association (PERA). The "Rule of 85" or the "Rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covered by a public pension ptan other than PERA. 12.22 The employee must be voluntarily separated from School District employment or have been subject to separation by layroff or compuisory retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct, inefficiency, incompetence or any other disciplinary reason are not eligible for this severance pay program. 12.3 If an employee notifies the Human Resource Department three (3) months in advance of the date of retirement and requests severance pay and if the empioyee meets the eligibility requirements set forth in 122 above, he or she wili receive a District contribution to the School District No. 625 403(b) Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan for Sheltering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay in an amount equal to $100 for each day of accrued, unused sick leave, up to '175 days. � 12.3.'1 If an employee notrfies the Human Resource Department in less than three (3) months in advance of the date of retirement and requests severance pay and rf � the empioyee meets the eligibility requirement set forth above, he or she will receive a District contribution to the Schooi District No. 625 403(b) Tax- Deferred Retirement Plan for Sheltering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay in an amo�nt equal to $65 pay for each day of accrued, unused sick leave up to 246.15 days. 12.3.2 If exigent circumstances exist, such as a sudden itlness�njury of the employee or immediate family member necessftating immediate retirement, and 'rf the empioyee meets the eligibiiity requirements set forth above, he or she will receive a District contribution to the Schoot District No. 625 403(b) Tax- Deferred Retirement Pian for Sheltering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay in an amount equal to $100 pay for each day of accrued, unused sick leave up to '175 days. 12.4 The maximum amount of severance pay that any employee may obtain through this 403(b) Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan for Sheltering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay is $17,500. 12.5 For the purpose of this 403(b) Tax-Deferred Retirement Pian for Sheitering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay, a death of an employee shall be considered as separation of employment and, 'rf the employee would have met all of the requirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, contributions to the 403(b) Tax-Deferred Retirement Pian for Sheitering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay shali be made to the employee's estate. 12.6 For the purpose of this 403(b) Ta�c-Deferred Retirement Pian for Sheltering Severance Pay and Vacation Pay, a transfer from Independent School District No. 625 empioyment to City of Saint Pau! employment is noY considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shali not be eligible for this plan. • 16 05 371� � ARTICLE 13. LEGAL SERVICES 13.1 Except in cases ofi malfieasance in office or wiiiful or wanton negtect of duty, the Emptoyer shall defend save harmless and indemnify employee against tort claim or demand whether groundless or otherv✓ise arising out of aileged acts or omission occurring in the performance or scope of the employee duties. 132 Notwithstanding 13.1, the Employer shall not be responsible for paying any legai service fee or for providing any Iegai service arising from any legal action where the employee is the plaintiff. ARTICLE 14. PROBATION 14.1 General Principles. For the purpose of this Article six (6) months shaii mean six (6) full- time equivalent months (1,040 hours on the payroil). The caiculation for time on probation wiil exclude any unpaid breaks not worked by the employee. Extended absences ofi any kind (paid or unpaid) lasting one week or more in duration may be excluded when calculating time toward the completion of any probationary period. 14.1.1 if a District employee who is covered by this Agreement transfers to a posftion in the City of Saint Paul, that employee wili have the right to return to his/her former position or to a position to which the empioyee may have been transferred or assigned prior to the new assignment, during or immediately at � the conclusion of that probationary period, if the employee faiis probation in the City position. 142 Oriqinal Emplovment Probation. A new empioyee shall serve a six (6) month probationary period, as defined in 14.1, above, foilowing regular appoinVnent from an eligible list to a position covered by this Agreement. At any time during this original probationary period, the employee may be suspended, discipiined or discharged at the discretion of the Employer, and without recourse to the grievance procedure. 14.3 Promotionai Probation. An employee newly promoted to a position covered by this Agreement shall remain on promotional probation for a period of six (6) months. At any time during this probationary period, the empioyee may be returned to the employee's previous position or to a position to which ihe empfoyee could have been transterred or assigned prior to the promotion, at the discretion of the Employer, and without recourse to the grievance procedure. , • 17 C�5 6 ARTICLE 15. WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATION 15.1 Employer shall avoid, whenever possible, working an employee on an out-of-class � assignment for a prolonged period of time. Any empioyee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of fifteen (15) consecutive working days shali receive the rate of pay for the out-of-ciass assignment in a higher classification not later than the sixteenth (16th) day of such assignment. For purposes of this Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as an assignment of an employee to pertorm, on a fuil-time basis, ail of the significant duties and responsibili6es of a position different from the employee's regular position, and which is in a class'rfication higher than the class'rfication held by such employee. The rate of pay for an approved out-of-class assignment shali be the same rate the employee would receive 'rf such employee received a regular appointrnent to the higher classificaiion. 152 For the foliowing ciassifications, the provisions of 15.1 shail not appiy to performance of the duties oi the next higher class'rfica6on in the job series: Clerk I Clerk-Typistl ARTICLE 16. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 16.1 It is recognized that temporary employees are within the unit covered by this Agreement, however, except as spec"rficaliy provided by this Agreement, temporary employees shall � not have or acquire any rights or benefits other than spec'rfically provided by the provisions of the Civil Service Rules andlor the Saint Paul Salary Pian and Rates of Compensation. ARTICLE 17. EMPLOYEE RECORDS 17.1 Any member of the bargaining unit may, during usual working hours, with the approvai of the supervisor, review any material placed in the employee's personrtel file, after first giving proper notice to the supervisor in custody of such file. 17.2 Any member of the bargaining unif may file a grievance or a discrimination compiaint and there shall be no retaiiation by the Employer for such action. . 18 05 37� • ARTICLE 18. SENIORITY 18.1 Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shail be defined as foilows: The length of continuous, regular, and probationary service with the Employer from the date an employee was first cert'rfied and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further understood that seniority is confined to the current class assignment held by an employee. In cases where two or more employees are appointed to the same class title on the same date, the seniority shall be determined by employee's rank on the eligible list from which certrfication was made. 182 Seniority shail terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged. 18.3 ln the event it is determined by the Empfoyer that it is necessary to reduce the workforce, employees wiii be laid off by class title within each department based on inverse length of seniority as defined above. A. Employees who have heid other titles covered by this agreement will have the right to displace a less senior employee in the next lower graded title that wouid keep the employee from being Iaid off. B. When layoff occurs in any of the titles listed below under Column A, layoff shaii be based on inverse length of total seniority in all titles listed on the corresponding iine under Column 8. C. The Human Resource Department will identify such least senior employee in the department reducing positions, and shail notify said employee of his(her reduction from the department. If there are any vacancies in any of the titles under Column B � on which seniority was based, in any other District department, the Human Resource Department shali place the affected empioyee in such vacancy. If two or more vacant positions are availabie, the Human Resource Department shall decide which vacant positions the affected empioyee shall fill. If no vacancy exists in such tities, then the least senior District employee in such titles shail be identified, and 'rf the employee affected by the originai departmental reduction is more senior, he/she shali have the right to ciaim that position and the least senior District employee in such titles shall be the empioyee laid off. For the purposes of this Article, the Board of Education is not incfuded as a City department nor is a Board of Education empioyee included as a City employee. Column A Column B Clerk 1 Clerk 1, Clerk 2 Clerk 2 Clerk 1, Clerk 2 Clerk-Typist 1 Cierk-Typist 1, Clerk-Typist 2 Clerk-Typist 2 Clerk-Typist 2, Clerk-Typist 1 Human Resource Assistant 4 Clerk 4, Clerk-Typist 3, Clerk 3 Benefits Cierk Clerk-Typist 3 • 19 c��-3�� ARTICLE 18. SENiORII'Y (continued) 18.4 in cases of the General Clerical Series or Benefits Series when the number of employees in these higher titles is to be reduced, empioyees wiil be offered reductions to the highest of these titles within ihe series to which senior�ty would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made by any class title within any department. Generai Clerical Series Administrative Secretary Secretary Human Resource Assistant 4, SEMS Staffing Clerk Benefits Clerk Clerk 4 Human Resource Assistant 3, Clerk Typist 3 Clerk 3 Human Resource Assistant 2, Clerk Typist 2 Clerk 2 Human Resource Assistant 1, Clerk Typist 1 Benefits Grouo Personnel Specialist 2 Personnel Specialist 1 Benefits Techniciart 2 Benefits Technician 1 i 8.5 In cases where an employee to be laid off has held no regutar appointment in a tower titie in the same promo6onai series as his/her current title, that empioyee wiil be offered a reduction to the title within the bargaining unit to which he/she was regularly appointed immediateiy prior to his/her current titie, so long as there is either a vacancy or, if no vacancy exists, a less senior employee in such title may be displaced. In cases where an empioyee to be laid off has held no regular appointrnent to any titles immediately prior to his/her current title, said empioyee shali be laid off. The empfoyee reducing into a title formerly held must satisfactorily compiete a six (6)-month probationary period in such title. 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 tf the probationary period is not satisfacfory, the empioyee shalf, at any time during the probationary period, be reinstated to his/her fortner title and shali be laid off, but such employee's name wili be placed on the reinstatement register in his/her fortner titie and "bumping" nghfs fierein shafl not again appty fo such emp(oyee. This procedure wili be followed by the Boazd of Education for Board of Education employees. City employees being reduced or faid off may not displace Board of Education empioyees. Board of Education employees being reduced or laid off may not d�splace City employees. It �s understood that such empioyees will pick up their former seniority date in any class of posrtions that they previously held. Recall from layoff shall be in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after two years of layoff. The provisions of this Article are applicabie only to positions within the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement. Actrve employees who previously held the ti�e "Human Resource AssistanY' shall have senioriry rights as if they held the title °Human Resource Assistant 4." � L_J � � d5 -3 7� � ARTICLE 19. DISCIPLINE 18.1 The Employer wi11 discipline employees for just cause oniy. D'+scipiine w+t! be i� the form of: 19.1.1 Orai reprimand, 19.1.2 Written reprimand; 19.1.3 Suspension; 19.1.4 Reduction; �9.1.5 Discharge. 19.2 Any written reprimand made conceming any member of this bargaining unit which is filed with the Human Resource Department or within any Employer department, shall be shown to the member before it is placed on file. Before the reprimand is placed on file, the Employer shail request from the empioyee an acknowledgment, in writing, that the reprimand has been read by said empioyee. 19.3 Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form. 19.4 Employees and the MSEA will receive copies of written reprimands and notices of suspension and discharge. 19.5 Employees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that concerns work evaivations, commendations and/or disciptinary actions. Fiies may be examined at reasonable times under direct supervision of the Employer. 19.6 Preliminarv Review. Prior to issui�g a disciplinary action of unpaid suspension, demotion, � or discharge, the supervisor wili make a recommendation to his/her supervisor regarding proposed discipline. Thai supervisor shall then provide written notice of the charges to the employee and offer to meet with the employee prior to making a finai determination of the proposed discipiine. The empioyee sfiaf{ have the opportunity to have union representation present and be provided the opportunity to speak on his/her behalf regarding the proposed action. if the employee is unable to meet with the supervisor, the employee and/or union will be given the opportunity to respond in writing. 19.7 An employee to be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action shall have the right to request that an MSEA representative be present. 19.8 A grievance relating to this Article shall be processed in accordance with the grievance procedure in Articie 20 of this Agreement. This provision is not intended to abrogate rights of veterans pursuant to statute. • 21 05 ��� ARTICLE 20. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 20.1 The Employer shali recognize stewards selected in accordance with MSEA rules and regulations as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unft. The MSEA shaii notify the Employer in writing of the names of the stewards and of their successors when so named. 20.2 It is recognized and accepted by the Employer and the MSEA that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by the job duties and responsibilities of the empioyees and shall therefore be accomplished during working hours only whe� consistent with such empioyee duties and responsibilities. The steward involved and a grieving employee shall suffer no loss in pay when a grievance is processed during working hours, provided the steward and the employee have notffied and received the approval of the supervisor to be absent to process a grievance and that such absence wouid not be detrimental to the work programs of the Employer. 20.3 The procedure established by this Article shaii be the sole and exciusive procedure, except for the appeal of disciplinary action as provided by Article 19 for the processing of grievances, which are defined as an alleged violation ot the terms and conditions of this ' Agreement. 20.4 Grievances sha!! be resolved in conformance with the following procedure: � Ste° y. Upon the occurrence of an alleged violation of this Agreement, the employee involved with or without the steward sha!! aitempi to resoive the matter on an informal basis with the employee's supervisor. If the matter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction by the informal discussion, it may be reduced to writing and referred to Step 2 by the MSEA. The written grievance shall set � forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the aileged section(s) of the Agreement violated, and the relief requested_ Any alleged violation of the Agreement not reduced to writing by the MSEA within fifteen (15) workdays of the first occurrence of the event giving rise to the grievance shall be considered waived. Steo 2. Within ten (10) workdays after receiving the written grievance, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the MSEA steward and attempt to resolve the grievance. if, as a result of fhis meefing, the grievance remains unreso(ved, the Employer shall repiy in writing to the MSEA within five (5) workdays following this meeting. The MSEA may refer the grievance in writing to Step 3 within ten (10} workdays following receipt of the Employer's wrftten answer. Any grievance not referred in writing by the MSEA within ten (10) workdays following receipt of the Employer's answer shall be considered waived. u � 05=��� • ARTICLE 20. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) Steo 3. Within ten (10) workdays following receipt of a grievance referred firom Step 2, a designated Employer supervisor shall meet with the MSEA Business Representative or the designated representative, the employee, and the steward, and attempt to resofve the grievance. Within ten {10) worfcdays foliowing this meeting, the Employer shall reply in wrfting to the MSEA, stating the Empioyer's answer conceming the grievance. If, as a resuft of the written resQonse, the grievance remains unresolved, the MSEA may refer the grievance to Step 4. Any grievance not referred in writing by the MSEA to Step 4 within ten (10) workdays following receipt of the Employe�s answer shall be considered waived. Steo 4. If the grievance remains unresolved, the MSEA may within ten (10) workdays after the response of the Employer in Step 3, by written notice to the Employer request arbitration of the grievance. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted by an arbitrator to be seiected by mutuai agreement of the Employer and the MSEA within ten (10) workdays after notice has been given. If the parties fail to mutually agree upon an arbitrator within the said ten (10)-day period, either party may request the Bureau of Mediation Services to submit a panel of five (5) arbitrators. Both the Employer and the MSEA shall have the right to strike two (2) names from the panel. The MSEA shall strike the first (1st) name; the Employer shall then strike one (1) name. The process wifl be repeated and the remaining person shall be the arbitrator. 20.5 The arbitsator shafl have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement. The arbitrator shall consider and decide only the � specific issue submitted in writing by the Employer and the MSEA and shall have no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. The arbitrator shaii be without power to make decisions contrary to or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. 7he arbitrator's decision shail be submitted in wrfting within thirty (30) days foliowing close of the hearing or ihe submission of briefis by the parties, whichever be later, uniess the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be based solely on the arbitratoPs interpretation or application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the grievance presented. The decis+on of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the Employer, the MSEA, and the employees. 20.6 The fees and expenses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings shall be borne equaliy by the Employer and the MSEA, provided that each party shall be responsibie for compensating its own representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made, providing ft pays for the record. • 23 b5 -�`� h ARTICLE 20. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (continued) 20.7 The time limits in each step of this procedure may be eutended by mutual agreemeni of the Employer and the MSEA. 20.8 It is understood by the MSEA and the Employer that 'rf an issue is determined by this grievance procedure, it shall not again be submitted for determination in another forum. If an issue is determined by any other forum, it shali not again be submitted for arbitration under this grievance procedure. This provision is not intended to abrogate rights secured under state or federal statutes. 20.8.1 Notwifhsfanding tfiat portion of ARicle 26.2 referring to taws of the City of Sainf Paul, no issue regarding actions taken under this Agreement shall be submitted to the Civil Service Commission, except as permitted in Articie 19.8 for persons covered by veterans preference. ARTICLE 21. MILEAGE 21.1 Mileaae Allowance, Employees of the School District, under poiicy adopted by the Boarci of Education, may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiles for school business. The mileage allowance fa eligible employees shall be established by the Board of Education. The mileage reimbursement rate shall be indexed periodirally to reflect the rate established by the Intemai Revenue Service. 212 Reimbursement Procedures. An employee must keep a record of each trip made. Reimbursement shail be for the actuai mileage driven in the performance of assigned duties as verified by the appropriate school district administrator and in accordance with School District Business Office poiicies and procedures. ARTICLE 22. VACANCIES 22.1 The Human Resource Department wiii post notices of those job vacancies which are to be filled at least five working days before filling the vacancy so that qualified District employees who hold the title may apply for consideration. 22.2 For the purpose of this Article, a vacancy need not be posted if it, is to be filied by a current employee to avoid a layoff. 22.3 For the purpose of this Article, a vacancy need not be posted if ft is to be filled through reinstatement of a laid-off Schoof Disfrict emptoyee covered by this Agreement with recaii rights to the vacancy. 22.4 Administrative transfers in the same title witt occur occasionaliy prior to or apart from the posting of vacancies. � i � 24 C� � 7b � ARTICLE 23. NON-DISCRIMINATION 23.1 The terms and conditions of this Agreement wiil be applied to employees equaliy without regard to or discrimination for or against any individual because of race, color, creed, sex, age or because of inembership or non-membership in the MSEA. 23.2 Employees wili perform their duties and responsibilities in a non-discriminatory manner as such duties and responsibil'dies involve other employees and the generai public. ARTICLE 24. NO STRIKE, NO LOCKOUT 24.1 MSEA, the Association, its officess or agents, or any of the emptoyees covered hy this Agreement will not engage in, encourage, sanction or support any strike, or the withholding in whole or in part of the full performance of their duties during the life of this Agreement, except as specifically allowed by the Public Employment Labor Relations Act. In the event of a violation of this Articie, the Employer wili wam empioyees of the consequences of their action and shall instruct them to immediately retum to their normal duties. My employee who fails to return to his/her full duties within twenty-four (24) hours of such waming may be subject to the penatties provided in the Pubiic Employmerrt Labor Relations Act. 242 No lockout, or refusal to allow employees to pertorm available work, shati be ins6tuted by the Employer and/or its appointing authorities during the life of this Agreement. � ARTICLE 25. BULLETIN BOARDS 25.1 The Empioyer shall provide reasonable bulietin space for use by the MSEA in posting not�ces of MSEA 6usiness and activities. Said bulle6n board space shall not be used by the MSEA for politicai purposes other than MSEA elections. Use of this bulletin board is sub�ect to approval of the department head. � 25 b5 ��� ARTICLE 26. TERMS OF AGREEMENT 26.1 Complete Aqreement and Waiver of Barqaininq. This Agreement shall represent the complete Agreement between the MSEA and the Employer. The parties acknowledge thaT during fhe negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunity to make requests and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by Iaw from the area of collective bargaining; and that the complete undersfandings and agreements arrived at by ihe parties after the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the Employer and the MSEA, for the life of this Agreement, each voluntarily and unqual'rfiedly waives the right, and each agrees that ihe other shall not be obligafed to bargain collecfively wiih respect to any subject or matter referred to or covered in this Agreement. 2&.2 Savinq Ciause. This Agreemeni is subject to the laws ot the United States, Yhe StaTe of Minnesota, and the City of Saint Paul. In ihe event any provision of this Agreement shall hold to be contrary to law by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose finai judgment or decree no appea! has been taken within the time provided, such provision shall be voided. All other provisions shali continue in fuli foroe and effect. 26.3 Term of Aqreement. This Agreement shail be in fuli torce and effect from July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2006, and shall be automaUcally renewed from year to year thereafter uniess either party shali novy the other in writing in accordance with PELRA that it desires to modify or terminate this Agreement 26.4 This consiitutes a tentative Agreement between the parties which will be recommended by the Negotiations/Labor Relatio�s Manager, but is subjeci io the approval of the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 and is also subject to ratification by the MSEA (Saint Paul Public Schools Ctass'rfied Confidential Employees Association). W ITNESSES: INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 ` � / �✓- � f.f . f L� Chair, Board of Education Negotiafons/E oyee Relations Manager a.___ Negotiations/Empl ee Relations Assistant Manager �l- P- a Date MINNESOTA SCHOOL ES A I� Fe d Director, MSEA - � � — � ��i�- �°���- esFfi ident,�y i Paul Public Schools Classified bnfidentiai Empioyees Assxiation /D - a9- o Date 26 � � C J �-�7� • APPENDIX A: TITLES AND SALARIES All titles are Board of Education T�les and Unique from City of Saint Paul Titles Yrs of Svc S7ART t Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 10 Year 15 Year ' Grade 7 Retum to W ork (Unclass'rfied) Trainee BOE (Clerical) 6-26-04 10.47 11.18 11.58 11.98 12.35 12.84 13.22 13.92 � Grade 9 Cierk 1 BOE 6-26-04 10.92 11.69 12.07 12.54 12.92 13.43 13.83 14.54 Grade 10 Clerk Typist 1 BOE Human Resource Assistant 1 BOE 6-26-04 11.15 11.89 12.31 12.70 13.09 13.61 14.02 14.74 Grade 14 Clerk 2 BOE 6-26-04 12.07 12.96 13.46 13.96 14.38 14.95 15.40 16.17 � Grade 17 Clerk Typist 2 BOE Human Resource Assistant 2 BOE 6-26-04 12.88 13.88 14.42 15.06 l 5.51 � 6.12 16.61 17.46 Grade 20 Clerk 3 BOE 6-26-04 13.75 14.99 15.62 16.31 16.79 17.47 17.99 18.87 Grade 22 Clerk Typist 3 BOE Human Resource Assistant 3 BOE (unclassifiedj , 6-26-04 14.42 15.72 16.50 17.22 17.73 18.44 18. 99 19.92 Grade 25 Benefits Clerk BOE 6-26-04 15.60 17.02 17.75 18.50 19.05 '19.82 20.42 21.40 Grade 27 ' Clerk 4 BOE Empioyee Relations Assistant (Unclassifiied) Human Resource Assistant 4 BOE ' Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS) Staffing Clerk BOE . 6-26-04 16.03 17.57 18.37 1925 19.82 20.61 2124 2225 27 �5-3�� APPENDIX A: TITLES AND SALARIES 1 2 3 4 6 7 Yrs of Svc START 1 Year 2 Year 3 Yeaz 4 Year 5 Year 10 Year 15 Year Grade 29 Benefits Technician BOE 6-26-04 16.89 18.50 19.40 2027 20.89 21.73 22.38 23.43 Grade 30 Assistant Secretary to the Board of Education (unciass'rfied) Secretary BOE 6-26-04 17.38 18.98 19.94 20.85 21.47 22.33 23.00 24.09 Grade 31 Clerical Supervisor BOE Compensation Technician BOE Human Resources Training and Orientation Technician BOE Labor Retations Anafyst BOE (unclass�ed) Personnel Specialist 1 BOE 6-26-04 17.86 19.52 20.42 21.39 22_04 Grade 32 Administrative Secretary BOE Benefits Technician 2 BOE Personnel Technician BOE Secretary to the Board of Education (unclass'rfied) Tax ShelterBudget Technician BOE 6-26-04 18.35 20.08 21.03 22.02 22_92 23.61 24.71 22.67 23.59 2428 25.43 Grade 34 Benef'its Technician 3 BOE Human Resource Application Development Technician BOE 6-26-04 19.40 2125 2220 23.25 23.95 24.92 25.66 26.84 Grade 36 , Lead Compensation Technician BOE Personnei Specialist 2 BOE 6-26-04 20.48 22.43 23.51 24.64 25.39 26.40 27.19 28.44 • C J r1 LJ � �5 -� 7� � APPENDIX B BOARD OF EDUCATION TRLES AND GRADES CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Clerical and Technical Groups Grades Titles 32 Administrative Secretary BOE 30 Assistant Secretary to the Board of Education BOE (unclassified) 25 Benefits Clerk BOE 29 Benefits Technician BOE 32 Benefiis Technician 2 BOE 34 Benefits Technician 3 BOE 31 Clerical Supervisor BOE 9 Clerk t BOE 14 Clerk 2 BOE 20 Clerk 3 BOE 27 Clerk 4 BOE 10 Clerk 7ypist 1 BOE 17 Clerk 7ypist 2 BOE 22 Clerk Typist 3 BOE 31 Compensation Technician BOE � 27 Employee Relations Assistant (unciassified) 34 Human Resource Application Deveiopment Technician BOE 10 Human Resource Assistant 1 BOE 17 Human Resource Assistant 2 BOE 22 Human Resource Assistant 3 BOE (unclassified) 27 Human Resource Assistant 4 BOE 31 Human Resource Training and Orientation Technician 36 Lead Compensation Technician BOE 32 Personnel Technician BOE 7 Retum to Work (unclassified) 30 Secretary BOE . 32 Secretary to the Board of Education (unclassified) 27 Substitute Employee Management System (SEMS) Staffing Clerk BOE 32 Tax SheltedBudget Technician BOE 7 Trainee (Clerical) BOE Professional Group 31 Labor Relations Analyst BOE (unclassified) 31 Personnel Specialist 1 BOE . ' 36 Personnel Specialist 2 BOE \ I �] 05 �7� APPENDIX C STANDARD RANGES, JUNE 26, 2004 CLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION Years of Service 0 7 2 3 4 5 10 75 8 9 10 17 12 13 14 75 16 �7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 � 31 32 33 � 35 36 37 � 39 40 41 42 � 44 45 4& 47 48 49 50 9.36 9.56 9.75 9.89 70.07 1028 10.47 10.70 10.92 � 1.75 11.33 11.58 11.81 1207 1231 12.59 72.88 I3.13 �3.46 13.75 14.08 14.42 14.82 1522 75.60 16.03 t6.03 16.50 16.89 17.38 � 7.86 18.35 15.95 19.40 19.94 20.48 21.04 21.67 2229 ?294 23.56 2421 24.94 25.63 26.32 27.12 27.93 28.77 29.63 30.51 9.95 10.17 70.36 10.02 10.76 10.97 11.18 11.4� 11.69 ��.89 t2.15 12.44 12.68 12.96 13.1 S 13.56 73.88 '1424 14.53 14,99 � 5.30 15,72 �6,15 76.58 17.02 17.49 t 7.57 � 7.97 18.50 78.98 79.52 20,08 20,67 2'125 21.81 22.43 23,06 23.73 24.41 25.11 25.84 26.57 27.31 28.12 28.97 29.78 30.67 31.58 3253 33.51 70.34 10.47 10.70 t0.92 11.15 11.33 11.58 11.81 12.07 12.31 t2.56 � 2.88 13.13 73.46 13.72 14.08 14.42 74.82 15.19 75.62 75.95 16.50 16.85 17.33 17.75 1829 18.37 18.83 19.40 19.94 20.42 27.03 21.62 7220 22.86 23.51 24.�5 24.86 25.57 2627 27.04 27.82 28.59 29.49 3027 31.78 32.10 33.07 34.06 35.09 10.64 10.83 � 1.08 1129 1�.53 11.72 1�.95 1226 12.54 12.70 13.02 13.36 73.65 13.96 1429 14.69 75.06 '15.45 75.86 I6.3'I 16.72 1722 17.63 18.15 18.50 19.12 t925 19.66 2027 20.&5 2�.39 22.02 22.63 2325 23.92 24.64 25.30 26.00 2675 27.55 28.32 29.13 29.96 30.85 37.74 3270 33.67 34.69 35.72 3G.80 70.97 11.16 11.42 11.6� 71.88 12.07 12.35 12.63 12_92 13.09 i3.41 13.75 14.06 74.38 14.72 �5.13 15.57 15.91 16.33 16.79 1722 77.73 78.16 18.70 19.05 19.68 79.82 2025 20.59 2t.47 22.04 22.67 23.32 23_95 24.64 25.39 26.06 26.78 2756 28.37 29.17 30.00 30.85 31.78 32.70 3�3.67 34.69 35.72 36.80 37.90 77.47 11.60 11.88 12.OS 72.35 12.56 12.84 13.14 13.43 13.61 73.95 14.30 74.63 14.95 15.30 15.73 7 6.12 76.55 16.99 17.47 17.91 18.44 18.89 19.43 19.82 20.47 20.6i 21.05 21.73 22.33 22.92 23.59 2424 24.92 25.q 26.40 27.�0 27.&5 28.67 29.57 30_34 3121 32.03 33.05 34.01 35.02 36.08 37.16 3827 39.42 �7.74 1�.96 1223 72.44 12.72 12.94 1322 13.54 '13.83 74.02 i4.36 14.73 75.07 15.40 15.76 162� 9&6] 17.05 17.50 17.99 '18.44 '18.99 79.45 20.02 20.42 21.08 2724 21 _70 �.� 23. W 23.67 2428 24.98 25.66 26.40 27.19 27.97 28.69 29.52 30.40 3125 32.13 33.06 34.04 35.02 36.08 37.76 38.27 39.42 40.6� 72.38 7 2.60 12.89 13.11 13.40 13.6� '13.92 7424 74.54 14.74 15.10 15.49 15.83 i6.77 16.57 � 7.03 17.46 17.90 18.36 18.8� 19.35 19.92 20.40 20.98 27.40 22.09 22.25 22.78 23.43 24.09 24.7� 25.43 26.74 26.84 27.67 28.44 29.79 30.00 30.57 31.79 32.66 33.59 34.54 35.57 36.59 37.68 38.81 39.96 4�.16 42.39 � � � 30 05-�7� • MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETW EEN MINNESOTA SCHOO� EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION REPRESENTING CLASSIFIEP CONFIDENTAIL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION REGARDING IMPROVEMEN7 PLAN PROCESS The Union and Dishict jointly affirm that individual improvement plans are an appropriate method through which to identify job-reiated areas of concern and provide an opportunity for empfoyees to improve performance. This process connects an employee's step advancement or salary increase to the foilowing improvement plan process. Step 1: INFORMAL PROCESS The supervisor and empioyee meet on an informai basis to discuss pertormance concems. The supervisor ciearly articulates pertormance expectations and provides the employee time to make corrections. Steo 2: lf the employee is not meeting performance expectations after an appropriate period of time, the supervisor notifies the employee in writing of a meeting to discuss the components of an improvement plan. The written notification informs the employee that he/she has the right to Union representation at this meeting. Step 3: FORMAL PROCESS The employee and supervisor (and union representative, if employee desires] meet to discuss the � components and timelines of an improvement plan. The plan articulates the areas of concem, actions the employee and supervisor must take to be on track with the pian, and timelines to meet to discuss progress. "On track' means following the actions and adhering to the timelines outlined in the improvement pian. The employee may appeal the components or timelines of the improvement plan to the next level supervisor. Steo 4: If the empioyee is on the improvement plan as of June t and NOT on track with the components of the ptan, the empioyee's step or salary increase (if not eligible for a step) is withheld. If the empioyee is on track, no action is taken. The improvement ptan must have been in place since March 1 in order to lose a step/salary increase. Also, if the supervisor is not on track, a step/salary increase may not be withheld. Step 5: The supervisor must meet with the employee approximately two months, four months, and six months after the withholding of a step/saiary increase. The purpose of these meetings is to assess whether the empioyee and the supervisor are on track, to provide assistance and resources, and to answer any questions/concerns the empioyee may have. If the empioyee is on track or the supervisor is not on track, the employee's step/salary increase will be reinstated retroactive to July 1. Steo 6: At the six-manth meeting, one of the following will occur: 1) The employee wiil be on track or the supervisor wiil not be on track, and the employee wiii be taken off the improvement pian, and his/her step/salary increase restored retroaCtive to July 1; 2) The employee and supervisor will agree to extend the improvement plan for an agreed upon length of time; � s� The employee will not be on track, and the employer may take disciplinary action 'rf performance is deficient. 31 �S-��� MEMORANDUM OFAGREEMENT REGARDING IMPROVEMENT PLAN PROCESS (Continued) Although placement on an improvement plan is not grievabie, an employee may grieve a disciplinary action. If Number 3 occurs and the empioyee's step/salary increase is not restored, the employee may grieve the loss of step/salary increase at this time. Memorandum shalt remain in effect for the duration of the 2Q04-2006 Labor Agreement. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 �m� �'�� Chair, Board of Education �� �, , ���� egotiatio /Employes Relations Manager NegoUations/En loyee Relations Assistant Manager U� Date MINNESOTA SCHOOL E YEES AS �IATION Fiel Director, MSEA �.�� � ��- sident, S aul Public Schools Classified Confidential Employees Association l� 0 Date 32 • � � d5 � ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Not a Part of the Agreement) STATEMENT OF INTENT Tuition Reimbursement Policy . • 33 t�� -3 7,6 • STATEMENT OF INTENT REGARDING TUiTION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY � This Statement of lntent is proNded for the soie and specrfic purpose of stating the interpretation of the DistricYs Tuition Reimbursement Policy for confidential classified service empioyees with regard to job-related organizational memberships. The Human Resource Department will consider requests for payment of dues for participation in pre-approved appropriate job-related organizational memberships. The list of generaliy approved organization is listed below. Individuals may request and secure the Human Resource pre- approvat that the organization is job-reiated to his/her assignment. Those organizations wili not be considered which include personal characteristics (such as gender, ethnicity, or beliefs) as part of the basis for membership. Determination of appropriateness shali be made solely by the District. The request for consideration must be accompanied by documenting information about the organization. A roved Or anizations American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Cerfrfied Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBSj Minnesota Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP) National Association of Executive Secretaries National Association of Legal Secretaries International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP) Twin Cities Schooi Personnel Association (MN) Twin Cities Personnei Association (TCPA) This Statement of intent shall remain effective unless the parties agree upon changes. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIS7RICT NO. 625 �/`"�� Q�� Chair, Board of Education MINNESOTA SCHOOL EMPLOYEE ASS TION Field Director, MSEA � ��/.�., ��.��- ._ �� �-� Negotiations/ mpioyee Relations Manager sident, � i t aul Pu ic Schools Classified C fidentiai Employees Association � �o��q-�y - Negotiations/Emp ee Relations Date Assistant Manager //- � � � 35 b5-��� , u►i•»:� a Adoption Leave ............................................7 B Bereavement Leave .................................... 7 Breaks ..............�----...............................,..2, 3 C Call -In Pay ...................................................3 Court Dury Leave ......................................... 8 D Dental Insurance .......................................12 Discipline ---....--� ......................................... 27 E Educationai Leave .......................................8 Employee Records ....................................18 F Fair Share Fee .............................................1 Family Medicai Leave ................................10 Fiexible Spending Account ...............:........12 G Grievance Procedure .................................22 H Holidays -�---....--� ........................................... 5 / Improvement Plan Process .......................31 Insurance Benefits .....................................11 L Leaves Of Absence .....................................7 Legal Services ...........................................17 Life Insurance .........................•---.....----......12 Long-Term Disabiiity Insurance ................. 12 Lunch Breaks .............................................. 2 A4 Miieage ............................... ....................... 24 Military Leave ............................................... 8 N Non-Discrimination ....................................25 O Overtime ...................................................... 2 P Parental Leave .............................................9 Protration ...................................................17 R Retirement Health Insurance .....................13 S Salary Rates ..---.....--- ....................°...27, 28 Salary Step Progression ..............................4 Schooi Activities Leave ..............................10 Seniority .....-°° .......................................•---19 Severance Pay ...........................................16 Sick Chiid Care Leave .................................7 Sick Leave ...................................................7 Sick Leave Conversion ................................6 T Temporary Employees ...............................18 Tftles and Grades ......................................29 Tuition Reimbursement Policy ...................35 U UnionDues ......................••---...........---.........1 Union Official Leave ...................................10 V Vacancies ..................................................24 Vacation................................................ ....... 6 W ' Wages.............................°° Work Week ..................................................2 Workday...................................................... Working Ouf Of Class'rfication ...................18 �� � u �