30570-30997_08-19-1920_09-25-1920( 4 • - - - 1tl1H� 1531 N01An1053tl Ad0�Otl�ln � - SOLIVONVIS-40 nV38n6 1VN0IiVN II III 9•1 �•I �,Z•i ' � a . C4 • SZlllli a �lllll � p.i VIII p V. da a 02 a o d7 ua ayo� If \ \ m c j �� dti Oh'� START Serial -No. of Roll Departme{it G'�i Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERtfANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date Microfilm T QR /g 1,4 CONTENTS C o u h a a Number or name of first document of regular contents Co. Q[LrL� CT /pr�9 O By /- Ooerator • 0 e Operator By ��IJVW^�' 63 O Supervisor CITY OF ST. PAUL r� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r f COUN�iT UTION--- GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........_.. ....VY........ ....._..._.._ DATE ........August ...19. 1920- ......... RESOLVED In the mattQr of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for 'sloped, for cuts and fills in grading Helen Avenue from Ruth Avenue to White Bear Avenue, under kreliminary Order #'2986', approved May 26, 1920, and Intermediaxy•Order #30139, approved July 21, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter,,be it- Resolved; t Resolved That and a die mi s the amounj - o f land to bjI_ S Qn for the abQ�(% nam improvement as n ent for slopes, for outs and;fi inoand upon d a�.tting uPon HelaK Ave�e ;betwy}c9ii the point oreshidt6 the extent shoin upon J i$ketch a ed to,the port of the Commissioner Pi of ubl orks in the' matter, dated August,/l9, 1920,/ w sketch and rep6rt aro hereby referred to and made art hereof. ' C.. r.,, No. 80070—By ae'mning andltak- In'the matter of co l Ing 6T ea Bement In this land fillseln nary for lopes, , oe t I grading Helen Avo. trunderuprelim- to White sear, Ave., ,g [nary oraor xna laioam'eaiopr o ''ItgaY 1nn d JnIY 21. 1920. / der No. 30139, apprA'e pnbIt. Norks The Commissioner f having submitted his report and -� ekete'h In the above matter, Da 1t Resolved. Tlt3t all acre pertnln- 'ip� to enmo be nnnulled and dlscon- Una ed. Adoted d A1 the UK- 9,t1929:Aag 19, 1920 A➢Drovrove (Avgaet 28-1920) a Yes (✓) Councilmen( ✓) Nays ~ NG Y1) 1920 Clancy a Adopted by the Council S Ferguson, LIUG. 920 McDonal In favor Approved.... ___....._._19_,_ Matson L, rot. �, Smith _-LAgainst Wenzel 11 % f, MIVoR r (J Mr. President ( ULI of 01. Vttul OSCAR �s5e : „.e, ,,.. a UgpdrtwPnf of �iublir.Works OLA evEivee nsev HERMwN C WENIEL !.a CARROLL,S - . COMMISSIONER . ...o Kev.iR• . OERUTYA-1- JACKSON. I- IRVINO C. PEA.— M. S. =veev oreZnscriows " v io R.ReRRolo. .. .e,o «, _ REPORT TO THE COUNCIL. - In the matter of condemning and taking an ' easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Helen Avenue from Ruth Avenue to' White Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order #29386, approved Mai 26, 1920, and Intermediary Order #30139, approved July 21, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan. of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion. the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent -of the easement to be taken by the figures opi.osite such shaded and hatched part of such plan, a August 19, 1920. Commissioner of Public rks. r V • - � I1 �1053N Ad0'JOtl'JIP � r: _V. • So.Z;ls !0 nv3ane 1VN011VN a o•ZIIIII °`� i•i ���� .zlllll s:eNi�� r 0•i START Serial N of Roll Depa ment Cir L h' —�^-- S`— .. _ Office � ... ROLL IDENTIF ION. SLIP ilk PERMANENT RETENTIA LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (If limited) Date Microfilm CONTENTS } Dumber or name of first document of regular contents go By , ✓- Operator �— Operator � e a By 6� oSupervisor � u PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ................ RESOLVED o cePne,L�c._ w CITY OF ST. PAUL r��a NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE�C 4 UTION --- GENERAL FORM In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Helen Avenue from Ruth Avenue to White Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order # 29386, approved May 26, 1920, and Intermediary. Order #30139, approved July,21, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his.report' and I sketch in the above matter, be it rC. Cr�-(� •`/fit,->�l/1,1, f...... _, f „ � � Resolved, That,, 9 and ermipeB the a%un 'of land to b en for the abam�fl improvement as ent for sbpes, for,outa ar fi y6 in and upon d w tting upAYi Hel Avenue $e w �"ii the point orgga� id, t6 the extent sh upon t ��etch a ed to�the report of the Commissioner 6 ubl orkd in tbh�e matter, dated ugusV-19,,,1920 IN sketch and rep it ar,4 hereby referred to and m✓ art hereof. ✓ It;,_F.. No. 806700—B.1 H. C. Wenzelta n demning d `... 1In'the 6 er. e Y to and 011e to ' 4 06s g went In the la¢d y Yur lopes, Yor grading Helen A fro Ruth Ave. It -hit' rdernrNoVe 29386,or PPro'ad (nary 1920, and Intermediary Or- e .lfay 20, d Salli 21,' 1 r der No. 30139, approvelie The Co Ubmitiedr his Pub Dor Work, sraving e 4q re it nn - ketch lved.hThato"I mnttiersd polecon- �) f R bo nanulled an ng ame tlnued. 1920. _ Adopt the Co Aug 19, Approve u vat 28-1920). Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays = PUG V9 1520 Clancy j Adopted by the Council .._. _-_.-.-_...._.._______ 19_...... Ferguson, McDonal� An favor / Approved.......... i%/_192_.....______19____ Matson I1 r ® _i`t ..__. Smith '' _'_' .;.........Against c - �L•�i4 �' WenzelMIYOR (, jL `f fr Mr. President ` `` r � ' c4 IOa)1 9M 0-30 OSCAR —AUSS11. CN— eAREI o ,— uc riow ..wo nevniRa JACKSON. . r. N. W. G.._IN..R, Suvrlow R'', e- a_ (ilu of itt. Paul �He upwent of Fghlir Barka HERMAN C' WENZEL �. COMMISSIONER 0. DEPUTY IRVING C. PEARCE - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an a easement in tie land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Helen Avenue from Ruth Avenue to White Bear Avenne, under Preliminary Order #29386, approved May 26, 1920, and Intermediary Order #30139, approved July 21, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the gbove improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the ptt�fills to be made on private, property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched part od such plan. a/ Commissioner of Public "orks. August 19, 1920. CITY PAUL DEPARTME. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE ER OF FINANCE (D) 0��� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of opening, widening and extending Helen Avenue across the Right of Way of the St. Paul City Railway Company between Curve ,Avenue and Furness Avenue in Hayden Heights. o t under Preliminary Order approved June 30, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul:, The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The to or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as I st reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A strip 100 feet wide being 50 feet on either side of u, the center ;ine as located over and across Section 23, 2'65;0 Township 29, -Range 22. I - -- TOTAL. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to - said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Commissioner 19R.( 7,. Commissioner of Finance. v Form B. B. 13 ' o j VPAULDEPARTMANCEREPORT OF COMMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of opening, widening and extending Helen Avenue across the Right of Way of the St. Paul City Railway Company between Curve Avenue and Furness Avenue in Hayden heights. under Preliminary Order approved . `Tune o 30, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finapce hereby reports a§ follows: 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots br parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement; and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 8 DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED " VALUATION A strip 100 feet wide being 5.0 feet on either side of I the center line as located over and across Section 23, 265,0 Township 29, Range 22. ' 1 1 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 13 _ 1 ' Office of the Commissioner of .Public Work, Report to Commissioner of Finance'- .. r { Qt AUL 1.3 1920 ...1.g.2f3.............. .. ..... -.191_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of theQ�Coun eil, known as Council File No..._...298.4fi...._... approved ....._.....June..._M.,......19.2Q......19L........, relative to....................f,, -E-6Openingright,. widening and extending Helen Ave. across e 'o :waq of the 5t: Paiz1 City Ha'iTwap Coy .................. .... between Curve Ave. and Furness Ave. in Hayden Heights. ........... ................... _...... ......................... .._...._.................. ........................ _... .............. ............ -........................... ..._........ ................. .......................................................... .... ._....._..._ n" ............... ................. ......... _........ _........ ............................ _.,... _._............ ........ _............. -_-_....... _.................................... ..... _................... -................ ....................... _.... .......................... o and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......... .... ... :_...necessary and (or) desirable. V 2. The estimated cost thereof is $............xxx_..._., and the total cost thereof ,is$.................. IxXX......_:.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: :..:................................... _........................ .......... _........... ....................... ................ .... _....... ..................................................... _.._............_....._..........._......................_._....-._-...._.........................-..................._........................................_...................._...:_..._............_`_, 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is.hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................... ................................. _..... ............ ..... _.._............. ...._ .................................. ....... ........................................ ..._. 5. Said improvement is... - ........ ..... ........ ..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjset to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public s._.. MID of Ot. Vilut o9cnR cunsseN, cN.r eNOlHcsn - �P}18it1UPllt of ,PubIts works ,.., HERMAN C. WENiE L, J. e. CARROLLr-1. COMMISSIONER �pAh . ALPReO JACKSON, SV T. ci IRVfFlO C. PEARCF. ' H. W. GOCTLINOCR, 9V nY'oH �N .., aVRcwU OlconnecilONa �l ^ - -`v ..IN. HERROL6. Orrice en.iii¢n _ - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL -. In the matter of opening, widening and extending Helen Avenue to a width o3 sixty (60) feet across the Right of Way of the St. Paul City Railway Company, between Curve Avenue and Furness AvenT in Hayden Heighte Addition, under Preliminary Order #29646, approved June 30, 1920, and Intermediary Order #30141, approved July 21, 1920. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a phan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: A strip of land across the Right of Way of the St. Paul City Railway Company, between Curve Avenue -.and Farness Avenue in Hayden Hei.ghts,Addition. �J Commissioner of Public rks. August 19,',1920* CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMECf&*4W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes Inthe Matter of ....... .................... * ----- -- .......................... ................. . ......... . ................ - .................... . ........ . ...... for cuts and fills in, grading"i6len Avenue from !tuth Avenue to 1'111ite ........... ......... .... -- ..... ......... ........ .......................... I ..... ........................................ ... .... .............. .... .... ........ .......... - .................. ........................ .......... . . . Bear Avenue. a- ._...........- ........... ............. ............. . .......... - ............. ............................ .......... - .......... ...... ......... ............... ........... .......................... ............ ..... ........ ... ......... ............... ...................................................... under Preliminary . PreliminaOrder approved lday 26, 1920. .......... - .......... .. ........... .......... ........... ........ ........ - ...................... . .................... . ... . ...... . ............. ...................... .................. . ... .... . .............. .. To the Council of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assess ent for the above improvement is - - - $ 40.00 ............. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . . . . . . . ................ -- ..................... . .... . .... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation.of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 'ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A DDITiON VALUATION 6 Hayden Heights. 100 15 8 do 100 14 8 do 75 13 ,8 do 75 12 8 do 100 11 S do 125 8 strip 1feet bein50 feet on either side of the 2650 enter lin00e'as locadted overg andacrossSee. 23, Town 29, R. 22. Per 7 9 Hayden �ieights. 125 35 :9 do 100 4— ------- 34 TOTA&O E. B. 10 i. r _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - -DEPARg�^ ENT OF FINANCE ��..�. REPORT OF COMMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 33 9 Hayden "eights. 100 32 9 do 100 q a1 9 do 100 X 09 do 100« 29 9 do 100 2 9 do 100 9" 27 9 do 100 26 9 do 100. 25 9 do 200 7 10 do 125. 61 62 10 do 100 < Jb 61 10 do 100 60 .10 do 275 59 10 do 75 58 10 do . 75 - 57 10 do 75 56 10 do 75 55 10 do 75 54 10 do 2b 53- . 10 do 25 52 10 do 25 bl 10 do 25 50 10 do 75 49 10 do 75 48 10 y do 75 a. 47 10 do 75 46 10 TOTAdo L 75 "1.•sh - . + CITY OF 8t. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COA ►I,SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LdT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 45 10 liayden sleights 250 44 '10 do 75 43 10 do 75 4 42 10 do 250 41 10 do 75 40 10 do 75 39 10 do 75 38 10 do ' 100 1 13 Flo 100 2 13 do . '.100. 3 13 do 100 4 13 do 100 5 13 do 100 1 12 do 125 8 12 do 100 9 12 do 100. u 10 1$ w ??75 11 12 do 100 12 12 do 100 13 12 do 100 14 12 do 350 15 12 100 16 ' 12 do 100 r 17 12 do 125 1 11 do 100 8 11 do - o11 .o.. . 11 TOTAL do 100 ' � GLOP BT. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COf+ NAMS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) '. .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 11 Hayden "eights. 1500, 11 11 do 100 12 I1 do 100 13 11 do 450 14 11 do 400 15 11 do 100 16` 11 do 100 17 11 do 100 18 11 do 100 19 11 do 100 20 11 do 100 __. 21 11 do 22 11 do 100 23 11 do 24 11 do 100. 25 11 do .100. _. -- 26 11 do 100 27 11 do 100_y 28 11 do 100. 29 11 do 100 30 11. do . 100- — 31 11 do 100 32 11, do 5 _ �o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---- JAL—lof6_ Farm B. B. 12 U// - Commissioner or Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public `Woks, . Report to Commissioner of Finance ; 3 JuIY......9.a...19,20....................191. _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No ........29.3H.fi......approved ...... ............. 14aay.. 2.6.,.....1.82.0..191........, relative to .... .._Q.ondemning....and....t.along....an.aeasemen.t..:.in:... the ....land _.................... .._.. `... __.. necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Helen Avenue from Ruth.Avenue..._.......... to........Wh.......ite..................._..... .... ....._.............. _...._ Bear Avenue -.. ........... _................_._.. _...... ................ ..................... r...................... _..................... __....................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ and the total cost thereof. is $........... XXXX ......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ _........... ......_.:..............._...._.........._ -..._........: ......._. ......... _ .._.,..._............ ........._......... _.............. _.... ............... ....... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and inade a part hereof. ..:................. .... .... ....... 5. Said improvement is_ .......... _..... _........ -asked for upon, petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. :....... ............ —_._..__....._.. L--... .... Commissioner of Pu Works. � � s couNclL 3072 a CITY ,OF ST PAUL , rus NO.-•—==— OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLER �Q RESOLUTION ---GE RAL FORM d' `.��` PRESENTED„ BY OFFICE, OF THE CITY CLERK I�RESOL6T16 G RAL FORM MMIS810� .,.... ..: .... ..._..... ...... ... ... .....': ........... -,.. DATE ....:-..:: ........ ........:'....... .,,. iSOLVE� ; That, the annexed lana and, spec ifications andestimates eP cast for'the construction`of one;dottage school, prepared — CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER o(�'Yy� / COUNCIL NO........` "(_i E� rurm A14411.2147-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 480 _ BY........................................... ...... ----- 1 (n� //--- .e.... AUDITED .l G.. ..q...1d24............... 991 _._... CITY COMPTROLLER AvPER_ ............................... .......... _..... L TITLE Resole that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council........._GUU..° Clancy 11 GUI; 19' F-.,mwmth Ferguson In favor � . _............................. : ...11Q... 191 ........ fess--- McDonald ICeilei -- Matecn ........Against _..... ... .......... ...................................... M_cColl_- Smith. —�89✓�CijtG�:VeII291 . Mr. President, Hodgson 306wn 76 q'6etract:nin yabla�°u geeotved thatrs aeorY. D.Lsna. sacitd :. oLotlie h t tnatter cDecin. d,. s or vette la tl I or the DemonntB Bet oDD . t o f Leon for to Loaraees,B n- vent:I 1n the _lolowtn6, .geode. 1 20. 1820. ' c the E"' ted by the -20 �920AuS• ' APP BYediA g et�28-1920)- , 4903Edward W. Bemis, 4,101,61 Investigating Public Utilities ..,..sit\. 4;1 Total 4,101,61 L 3 - e Porn, A A46. P M 7-1 a 4 CITY OP ST. P.4U14 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM COUNCIL No..'.... FILE r FILE.............. 481 BY )---1 -� AUDITED ....... G..2.-(�-,-� j+l--,,,,,--191....--..� CITY C It ROLLER . ` PER........................`..!/� .....V... TITLE A Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen,( V ) Nays AUG,; Adopted by the C il Clancy_......-....:_................ .......... :....__........._:.-_..........191__ f UGw{! I920 Farne}W.Ett— Fe gnson _.... .......... In favor ved. C-;----- No onald ,--7 ...................... ..... . . .... . .. 1- - -K-g$Ql --- Matson Agai ............nst ...... v "v ...... Smi Mcf'Olr--- V4 MAYOR Wenzel _W_underlich_— — C F. No Mr. President, Hodgsonnbatrsat Re361ved that -.warrant. be drawn�l - uD6v,tho CltyeTreaauq ,aDayhale o of of �. 4904 American Multigraph Sales Company, . Library 4905 American Supply Company, Schools 4906 George C. Binder Company, Schools 4907 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Schools Parks 4908 Dodd, Mead & Company, Library 4909 Martin F. Falk Paper Company, Schools Library 4910 Melady Paper Company, Health Bureau ofBngineers Schools Library Parks 45:00 60,76 S6^f8 339.45 107.31 1.20 7.00 60.00 135.24 12,75 719.= 216.19 CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER eor.q,l;9,fxr-ta AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Nu........... ..`.L. .°....Y * 482-.....�`��`s:......-. AUDITED ..-AL.I7..G. Q..1[7FeO CITY C( PT OLLER...... 191 ........ /^\ . y / J TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement- Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays AU.. 2.. 192 Adopted by the u 1..........._............_.._...--=--....._......_..._191.....__ Clancy p $afrtst{+ fW Ferguson In favor ) rove ���. ...,_ . Goss---- McDonald __..........., Q................ -- 7- Matson Kllle��.h Against " - I�LS.A�__� Wenzel MAYOR._..._- . WAnds;lial- _�j9C F. 2Jo 30677 Mr. president, Hodgson Rgeoly d-tt�a[bwaioaatq he g UI th City Tre ry Parable,p� In the b: �Iaar[er D raga-ranaa-ana. Dn ta[toa r tiaeD g� to c ala to foil WInUy m DeolH !te Goody ar Tlree[I d [atemeat: 1268.61: Rubber Comyany, F, "W Matsoa,.Com'r. o1 '.Ftaance � _ peteraon, 119.60 ' ADDr0V¢d Auaa Couaell Aug; E0, 1920, B: 1920. <AUSust 28 1020):.,.., II I 4914 Goodyear Tire `& Rubber Company, 4 258.51 Munic. Gar. Ravi. 4915 F• W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance- 8,77%00 Red. Tax Levy. Certs. of ,Ind. -L919 Issue 600,00 - Intevest 135,00 n 7,380,00 655.00, �;'17S:3a 49.16 Ola Peterson, 12,50 Water Total 9,041,01 _ to FINAL QRDER In the Matter of...reconstructing, re la-ying.- and..repa it QmjQ.zlt...ti ] e. sidewalks at the folloviing locations: lIest1­1 side of h4innesota Street, _begininat...g..._.....Street_,...thence..s o - 8 off -.-... Twelfth Street from 1,1innesbta Street to Robert Street.; 1_1orth .................................... ................. - . . --------......----...------.........---...---....---- i .......... de__of.._Trieifth---street-.-from_-- oUert .i rest.-..t.o��c s.q -- tx e.et.a_................ n ',. under Preliminary Order.......... Lae ealica $c the: roUo mgt 10ca June 5, 1920. ttona West side of M"'s.0to. St, ------ ----- -- -............. ......-------- beg[nning at Ninth St., thence --south froIntermediary Order........................_ North old. ortT-11th St. from taob ert St. -to Jackson 9t., under Prelim ............. ................ .. ...�.. A -public hearing having bee lnary-Order 20796 approved June zs it upon due notice, and the Council xsso. having heard all persons, objectiohs nnblic bearing having-beeq had i TmproVement upon avoe thereto, and having fully consid- -�svi upim due ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the.Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....reconstruct,relay and: -repair the cement ti_le sidewalks at tine following locations: :'lest side of 14inaesota Street, beginning at ninth Street, thence south68. feet. .............................................................---- - ........ ----............................................. --- - ---......-..................................... . South side of T:'relfth Street from Idinnesota Street to Robert St.; -..............- ----------.............-- . ... ........-----... - --...-- -...............................................................-- -......--._..... --- _ ............ .. North side of Twelfth Street from Robert Street to Jackson St. ..................................I.................................. .....- - ...................-- .....---...... ------- --------------•----------..------.._....---.............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- ciLfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ^ AUG- 1,.20 4 Adopted b the Council..._ ....:.. -----------------------------------------1....... � - - y City �' (44. . AUG 191.....E Mayor. PUBLISM- D _ _a tl� Councilman ICdngwutth Clancy .. Councilman GFX Fergus Councilma iucDon on Councilman, Smith Smith Councilman' WpRkgah ' We Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 191.....E Mayor. PUBLISM- D _ _a tl� EPARTMFy: INANCE D REPORT OF COMM( IONEk OF FINANCE ®�a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) • ` In the Matter of..__reconstructing, relaying and repairing.._of.__the...YJest,.._side,,;_off........... ____,.._..__._.. t M3 tineaota....Street.,_._begirni g.__at.....N.izxth..Stre.et.;_:-then.e_...s.o..uth....68:_-fe.et....-_.........._._............__..._... South side of 'welfth Street .__from ._.Minnes_ota.._StreQt...t_p.._Robext_...Str.set_ North side of Twelfth Street from Robert..; Street.._toJackson.,_Street,...._..._.....,....__.._......................_ ....... _ _ . ..... .._... . underPreliminary Order approved 7tlne..._90._f...._l9`LQ_.1......... .......... ......._.............. ....._....... _........... .__._.............. _................._..........._.................................... _---' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$.............. .......... .......__......._....._. sq uFare 0.09 The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement Is $ ................................... _... ... .... ... ..... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT East 51 feet of 1 13Rob 8 13' Nly 100 feet of 7 ; 3 Tly _lo 87/100 ft. of Nly 100 _ft _ of 6 3 (Exc. Nly 100 ft. of Wly 10 87/100 feet of) ! 6 3 _ 5 2. i Ivests l of _._ 4 _S'. East a of 4 3 — --r �– Form B. B. 10 .. ADDITIONASSESSED VALUATION erts & Randalls Addition./ I 6-.6-00 1 do do _ do i do C do do___ do TOTAL. F GOT PAUL D... M j OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIlI1SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CCI IL, DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -: - Weft 25 _feet of l- _ 2 .3 Roberts .& Randalls Addition. J-6,0 a E. _25 ft. of West 50 ft. of 1- 3 p d 2 3 do East 2/3 o£ 1 3 do :. ,. ani sa West s of 10 10 Central Park being Avi#tors y� o East a of 10 10 Subdivision No. 3. ,i � e) 6 W. 9 EJP/100 ft of 11 10 do 176-6 J 76`6 4 16 _ 1 Randalls Addition, Lot 11 B.910 /Auditors Sub.3) 88 s a -- -- 17 1 do _.�.uO-O .e) ..__. 1 do oo> The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---- X� �� // Commissioner of Finance. F­PH. B. 12 V _ rOffice of the Commissioner, of Public Wf9k, ED Report to Commissioner of Finance e= =3 �< JUN 30 192n Jane 28x 1920... ............. To the Commissioner, of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 29796 .......... approved.-. June, 25, ..... 0 Qil, known as Council File No. ,..:.... 19......., relative to .................. Riftnetratstlon, relaying and repairing of the. cementtile ................................... ................... ............ .............. .................................................. _._.............. _.... sidewalks at the following locations. ......... >Rftst._:aide..__o.._b�innesQ.a...St,..,....b.eginning.._at....HIAth....S.t.............................................. _....... thence "south 68 ft. .......... Seuth...a,#de-.og...:Twe3:1-t33....Sta.....from•-Mimeso to...-Stv-..:to.:._Robert.....S t:y............_.... North side of Twelfth St. from Robert St., to g4qkson St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........ _....... _..... necessary and (or) desirable. 9V,,per- square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........ _...... _._............. and the total cost thereof is $....... _.................................. _.... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........................ ................. ............................. ......::......................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4................... ................................. ........... .......... _.... _..................... .......... ................. ........ _....................... ........ ...... ... 5. Said improvement ....... _._.._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._........... ......_................._....... _ .... _ ...1......_ ......_ _ .... Cc issioner of Pubj Work . COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... T. W. MATSON, COM, OF FINANCE By--....•............................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_...constructinE a cement the _giderfalk six fe ........................................ t1m noTtii-ai-de of iIas_t,_7tla Strziat.-fr-om ile.Uatt f.v-enue .. .. .. t7here.. Fqod_ and sufficient----s-i-devial-ks ----n---ovi---e-x-ist-.- ---------------- � WW;,"1k._n.W ;.iet.—nd- -Pr.f-. ........................... _­ ............................ inary Order 2992� approved -Jun: 19 920.................................................... ........ . ....... A public hearing having under Preliminary Order q9QUP..th. ovnimproveniorl,z� 29 ..tt.e_c.d.,th. Council ............ 7_: ................. q. Intermediary Order........ .................... .................. .............. approved_ .............. ........ .... . . . . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement up.u__due__._._ti ..... _ arld the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative theAtb, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of n alk six improvement to be made by the said City is construct a cement tile sidew - - - ---- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- Net aide on tiie north side of 17est 7th Street from Jellett Amenue --------- ...................................................................... .................................................... ........... ­­ ----------­--­-------- V ............. to Snelling Avenue, except where good and suf icient sideTvalks .......... ........................... — -------------­------ ------------------------------------ ---- good ................. ........................................ ?12a exist. ................................................ ---------------------------- ............................................. _ -------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed 4 and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. PUG 20 1920 Adopted by the Council ---------- - .......... . ............................ 191 hUG 20 1920 Councilman Ftzmmurft Councilman GkRwx Councilman Gtffiigkx Councilman Be Councilman hPGW Councilman -'Y9NATe1%eWC Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,..� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,.0 - REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1n the matter of constructing a cement the sidewalk six, Peet wide on the north t<, side of Nest 7th Street from Te under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ t a The estimated cost per fooRor the above improvement is g 1.08 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C. N. Youngman's 2nd Addition. A �a 2 ,3 do J- 3 3 do 1 .. 4 3 do 5 3 � do �° I _. 6 3 _ do s I I ; i I ' _.__ f , i TOTAL. ' i7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated � L�f191 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 k St 1 '�2c To the Honcrabie, T -,-ie Council, ci-,y of �.-. Paul, Gentlemen: We, -,-he un.'ersimed -i:orerty c':mers, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the foI3 o-.-Ti-ng improvement to be macie. aA _".... i.>. -.`TF :+.,•.�.��CT.j.`r�• . ...................... . I ....... ... .* . . . . . . . . . S.�. Ave. IT A 7 Y T.nql t -T.f-1:77 Y A -1--T" ace .......... i - i... ............ ....... ................ ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4/ ..Y . . . . . . . T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ........... ................. ............... co�' s ............ ................ ......... .......... .... .......... ........... . I . . . . I f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . I . . . Z'71 au I JUN 291920 gREAU OF Em"InuK5' Nib OTice of the Commissioner of Public WorksECErvEt) ,(12,, Report to Commissioner of Finance ",EH 01 9 a JUL 2 1920 ab ' 4: July 2, 1920. lsl....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Raul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- pp . oil,known as Coundil File No 29823 approved ..............Jti118 29a....................... 1PA�......, relative to......... `....._... ....... the__oonetrno.tion....o�....a....oemen'G....'Gl e.....sid,O.W41k.....a�.�.....�eQt....�.da...::................................ _on_the__north...sire_._o._1Yest__,.., _.._Aenne ........................ _SevnthSt�romJellettv SneilingAvenue. ......._ ................... .............................................._........._............_......._.......___.._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ........... ........mecessary and (or) desirable. $1.O8 per front foot - 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.... _........................ . and the total cost thereof is$.... _........... _............................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.._..._...__......... ......... .............. .._...................... ....... _................... _.._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... ............ _..__ ---------------------------......._..__._:_...._ --_ _..._.:_.__.._... ...... ................ ...._...__..... __.._ ... ._.._... ..... ....._ ......:. ........................ .: ._ 5. Said improvement is......... .................. -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...... ..__ .... ...............__.... _ .... _....... p�Comm i� blit Works.' 3.0582 COUNCIL FILE NO ..........................._ F. W. MATSON, CON, OF FINANCE By..: --p ......................................__............................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...constructing asix foot cement the side,rralk on the ... ............--........................................------- ........ south side of St. Clair Street from Erie Streetto Duke Street, except - •=°-:..........- .......... ......._.....I.............. ..I....................._.............----........------......------..............---..................................... vrhere•..good fi ._and-sui?cient sidewalks now exist. . . ........ - -.............................°.......... .............. ..... ............. -•---- ........................................ _ ... .:. � Noc.30682 BY F �• Mateog awe .-. atructlnB,._ aPM1Ie"narnd suet -._Y -..:order v under under Preliminary Order........3 proved u y 14•trig hgvtna bean, 'July 14, 1920. ... -------------------------------_----------- IntermediaryOrder ........................................... approved ........................... -................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._ctruct a six foot cement tile side- .................................-........................--- ................. ........-. walk on the south side of St. Clair Street from Erie Street to Duke _ .------------------- --- -------------------- .... ---- ... -- .---.....--------.....----------------.....-----........ ­­ .............................. - . ......... Street.,...except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. - ...........................................-----......._.............. ---- ...... -- ........--------....................--------................................ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cilfor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------ AUG '_y0 1920 191.----- r / a -..\ < Ci Clerk. AUG 20 1920lsl..... \ Approved ........................................... .. . s............................... .......... Councilman IM WtVh%ClancyMayor. Councilman (ice;; Fe us i PUBLI'gma) W 1) Councilman t� Iv c na Councilman ExRom Councilman N%g5H•x Matson Smith Councilman 4pX tdenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF Sr. PAUL • " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMWSS6ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of 0c#struoting a six foot vement tile sidewalk on the south side of St. Clair Street from Erie Street to Duke Street. under Preliminary Order approved July 14, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isfor;$ The estimated cost;perr foot for the above improvement is s 1.08 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION b 13: Stinsons Subdivision of Blk.�jj i 775 _ Stinson Brown and Ramseys;Ad�.' I i I I I , I e I , TOTAL. I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby - submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. J Dated 19$6— A'�/n �2� Farm H. D. 13 C Commissioner of Finance. Office of -the Commissioner of Public Wor6Ec-iVEO Report to Commissioner of Finance - JUL 16 1320 0 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ail, known as Council File No .a002� July 14. 191p..... relative to ........: approved..:... ... ...._. _ the construction of a Six foot cement the sidewalk on^the south ........................._ side-of St. Clair St. from Erie St. to Duke St., except where good .and sufficient sidewalks now exist* and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...-necessary and (or) desirable. $1.08 per front foot 2. The estimated; cost thereof is $_ __..., _. _ _._, and the total cost thereof is $ ........ ............ _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as ,follows:._......................:..................__....._._.._._...............__................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of -said improvement is hereto attached and made apart hereof. 4.-........... ......... f_..._........ _........ _................ _........... _... .......... __.......... _.... _.............. _.... _ ._........ _ ................. .......... _............ .;................. ........ ........ ... ... 5. Said improvement is_............... .........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. D Commissions- of Public Works. A ° Office of the Commissioner of Public Wort cFVED 2 'f Report to Commissioner of Finance' " H o� !UL 10 5920 ...........19 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: v The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consider on the preliminary order of the Coun- 30023 July 1420 eil, known as Council File No.... ....... ........................ approved................. .....:......_...__........._....191........., relative to ........................ thecsonstruotion of a six foot cement the sidewalk on the south side of St. Clair St. -from Erie St to Dake St., except where good and suffioient Sidewalks now exist* and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... _._........necessary and (or) desirable. $1.08 per front foot 2. The estimated; cost thereof is $ ._............. and the total cost thereof is $................. .................... ....... _... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows : ............... ..._ ............. .. ...................._...._._._..................:._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......__:.-.._.._..._.........._.._.._.._......._..._._...._........_..:......._.. __................. .... _............. 5. Said improvement is .......... .................. _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. hL ............. ............. ............. ......... _._... Commissioner of Public Works --------------------------- - - - - - - - COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.......... ................ ..................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of f.00.t q.eni.e.nt t1le s.i.d.e.w.a.l.k on b.o&li q. ides of Pierce Street from 1gle1aartAvenue to vlars�iall Avenue.. except where .................................................................................... ..................................... ............................................................. Food and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ................... .......... ............ . .......................... ­- — ------- -- -------------------------------- ----------- ............. * -------------------------- a W, m.t.on— ...................................... ....................... 'I. ih. M.ttaf 0 ructing a aim at ,T-ffnl t nJ. a,. is 'hJ Et 'O't Pi arca aid.. r I a art t where ---­­­---­ ­ ---------------------------------------- Eiarsball Ave., he n. - Ave. t. I n. goad rd.r. un ............... ---­--------­- ... .............. ............ 2-99"613 -IuPnr 0. .: ...................................................... bit hearingro— an, a.' under Preliminary Order ........... 2996 ovI - : 1s, all July 9, 1920. ............... ............ 1. ........................................ ............................. Intermediary Order .......................................... . ... . approved ............................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that.theprecise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City six -:.foot cement tile sidewalk ....................................... on both sides of Pierce Street from Iglehart Avenue to Marshall Ave. ...................................................................... ­ ................................. ­ ............................................ ............................................. __g . xqp.pj A4ere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. -------------------------------- ------------- - --------------------------------- * ---------------------------------------------------- ............................................................... - ...................................................................... ................... ................. ................. ... .................................................................................................. -1 ............ I ---------------------­--- ­ ............... - .................................. ........................................................................... ............ ................. I— .................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That tbo4mmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and'specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _I�UG �30 1920 ....................... ................. �1 1911 ..... 7. . ............. AUG 20 1920 City Clerk. Approved......--- .....................- ................... 191 . . .. . . . . . ........ ........ ...... . . ..... -------------- ............ Councilman PiNKA&% Glancy . . . . . . . Mayor. Councilman Gt%S:X Ferguson '-7 PUBLISHm- Councilman 4;1& -*x McDonald Councilman Councilman 4YWX mats on Councilman WATA Smith Councilman Wxv.4m1bb vienzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 s July 9, 1920. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S front 1.08 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION i 1 9 Excelsior Park 5bOI 12 9 do 410oit; 6 Conver & Theopolds 56 Rearrangement. _. 7 do 40!751,1 i d' ! - I i i TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby` submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-4,,,L,1//19AJ1 �, Cmissioner of Finance. - Form B. B. 73 Com COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. ,,_ F, W. MATSON, CO"A, OF [""fluf FINAL ORDER 30584 In the Matter of..reconstructing the 6 foot wooden sidewalk on the south .............................---....._............................................. s ida...of ..Maas.&x1t... yV.2xluo.._al---tho-,.following.-locations-....__Be ginni_ng__121.__f e et west... of.._;Aabolz_..S.t�eet,,..thence...}restapproximately_ .5.2.....f.. et...Beginning 139 feet west of Luke Street, thence west 338 feet. ,fPFoxlmately-•6z``'`feettutie inn r. >7Une 4, 1920. under PreliminaryOrder................ 1 s reef West of Dike street, ther ;........................................- - -West-388-feet-:under. Prellminary_.:� der,E9969 approved -Juno en =?611c �- --.^ Intermediary Order.................--........................._�._......::_:'aPPre gid:.: `........ ............................- - ........ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of reconstruct the 6 foot wooden side - improvement to be made by the said City is ......................................................... -...........-•------.................................... .lk on the south side of Pleasant Avenue at the following location$:, $egi.nning...12.xof--Lisbon-_Street-,-.thence west approximately 52 ........ .....--- £et..; ...... .Beginning. -.139. -feet --crest-- of Luke Street, thence west 338 feet. ........................ ................ ... .............. - --------------------------------------------------------------.............----........--------................... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... -------/ill(-I92Q -- 491........ 1 :. .. "........ city Cl k. AUG 201920 -� , Approved...................... _ --- ....................... 191 - ¢ -- ----- ----------------------- ................. ..... Councilman F Clancy Mayor. Councilman Sasexx ;:;cDona'ld PiTBLL%A&n C) Councilman GXffiili#. mats on J Councilman HE�Yev-1 Ferguson Councilman MSl$ti18=', Smith Ctiuncilman Vi I4xillenZel,-;, Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 9 CIT. PAUL ' ' DEPARTM OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. h (D) In the matter of reconstructing a 6 feet, wooden sidewalk on the s oath side of Pleasant Avenue at the following locations : Beginning 121 feet west of _Lisbon Street, thence west approximately 52 feet Beginning 139 feet west under Preliminary Order approved June 41, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pei foo for the above improvement is $ 3.25 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, andl the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION 70 Whitacre Irisbine and Nullit i 71 Addition. i95 61 2 ! Wrights Addition. do- / 7s �5 u 30 feet of do 4 isN.. E..3.0 ft, _ of S. W. 60 .ft. f 4 do- 4 S.: -E. -20 ft. of- do N. E. 13 feet of 5 do S. W.33 ft. of N. E. 4.6 Pt. of 5 doi �y t �� S 6 do , T-- TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits'the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, togetherewith the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated 19�� �f � Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. B. 13 • Office of the Commissioner of Public kW��LI 1 p0. m3 Report to-Commissioner of :Finance ° ;a JUL 1 1920 July 1, 1920, ................... ........ .._.......... ..................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..:�...approved July .4............................. _..._Ao...:, relative to.... ........... the reconstruction of the 6 ft. wooden sidewalk on the south aide atthe.:_%ollowng lgoations_................... _... .... ......................... .__............ _..... Beginning 121 ft. west of Lisbon St., thenoe west approx, 62 ft. B6glzuliz _ a� ...�'t, _WeSt Of ,I7fLkethenoe_ we Bt 388....ft......._......_..........._.............. and having investigated, the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:::..:. _... ...... necessary and (or) desirable. $5.25 ;per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_............ ........ and the total cost thereof is$...... ........ _............. ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ................ ..... .... ..._....... ....... ... _........... _ _...................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---- ._------ .._.._.-:.__.--- ------------------ ___ - -------------------- -,----------- ..... _.......................... _......... __......... ...... ........ ...................... .... _. 5. Said improvement is._.:. n........ ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for'said improvement. ........... _... . _.............. Co issioueL blic Works. /J [ 4 COUNCIL FILE NO ...............:............. F. W. UTSON, COM. OF F!NANICE By..:........................ ............................... ::....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the ....................................................... ....................................................................................................... east side o£ Scudder Street from Atty Street to Como Avenue hest --------------------------.....I.-.........---...------.......................... - --- - -- -- .-----......---.......------.........---........------• ---...............--5 .. except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ' FIRAL OSDEas. ................ - -- - .................................. f t cement;la aid=ak oD * under Preliminary Order .......t, dot. enuerwe'etCO�June25, d•, �gPBtctePt sfP Intermediary Order........ - •. Pae Tapproved ........ ........................ ... _-__---- .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct a six foot cement tile side - improvement to he made by .the, aid City, 'is::: - .............................-..... -- -----......--......---------............... - walk on the east side of Scudder Street from Atty Street to Como ............................................. .................................................................... ...........----...------........----•---...---..................................... Avenue West, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ....................... ........................----....._....... ---- ......................----------•-••............-------..................... --- - -- ------------------- -------......-............---.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil foi approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .. ...... ------------ 191........ City Clerk. 1 - +.Prt --Gs 1921 Approved..................................................... 191-----... (� -.............. ....................._........_...-- ......................... Mayor: Councilman famomAh Clancy Councilman (fix 1;IcD ona ld Councilman CYC Ferguson PUBLISID Councilman $'lex . Ilfatson Councilman Mcx Smith Councilman WlTvfifflerlich Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ST. PAUL DEI TOF FINANCE REPORT OF CO. SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing a six foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Scudder Street from Atty Street to Como Avenue West. under Preliminary Order approved June 25, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated -amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost ,pW oot for the above improvement is S 1.08 The lots -or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel.as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOGK I ADDITION VALUATION 1 _43 St. Anthony Park. I �•: 2 '43 doh - 3 143 - do " 1 135 do 3 Subdivision of'Lots 10-1Z F Block 35 St. Anthony Park. L , t" TOTAL. 1� , l The Commissioner of Finance further repori that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to -the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public works. vated, %- a/ a i tom_ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn., April 4, 1921 Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We, the property owners living in the district, —where order has been up for consideration'to place sidewalk on Scudder Street from Atty Street to Como Avenue, urge you to pass this order for the public welfare. Yours truly, Lot Block Addition r ✓ it �}.., � \...`'`"'J�t/"-....,`-7 f _ ._' _ ., .... -//�._� �.- � q zzz� J-, 1 86 COLTNPWRE NO .. a ..� � r � FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of: furnishing., and.•_installing---a-ea....a-_lighting•_sstem 1 _-,-:-_consisting-_o£.._lamp--hosts•-_and--_lamps-,__s^rires._and__underground-_conduits-, Y01'.:.G.OIlY.e�iT1�T,..fl1e.CtIjA...curxent...t]1.ergto.,....nd---all ...o: hex....neceasarg........-.. ........ appliances...and.-_eguipment•.for-.-said__system,--.on•.Fxchange::S.treet.:from_.-- Cedar Street to 17est Third Street. 28632ar. 30, 1920. under Preliminary Order.._ ................. - .................---.. approved ............ 9..._. ............................... _._....................... Intermedia ....................:.................. approved .............---- --.--......--........... ....--- H.`i F No 30580 A pubhin the aiattgr NP had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council -stalling-a--Bervlc ?n •<oA having hear conatatmg`ur lame s,1 d recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid .Wlrea add undergroun Y , h,. ered the San conveYiag: electric c• ,1 :and all o(her' ne ._ and equ{ ^: pt f RESOL' Fxena u oof the City of St. Paul that the lant -andad -bf furnisYa/'aYld instal All ..........----------- ............................. ......... ........ ....., .. lighting system'consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and _underground conduits for=conveying electric .current._thereto, and all ...othen..ne cessary.--appliances..:and..-egttipment.. #'Qr...said .. F+PG�a ;B Street from C ar..Streek _to -Rap Tk?t.Xd .Slir9et,.. ..1....... be the samd are; hereby cancelled; annulled, and rescinded and aU +,- ned................._.---------.................................. ............. d the Council by orders said i rovement to be ma i Y RESOLVED F HER, That the missioner of Pub Works be and is h , y' instructed and ' ected to prepare ns and apecificatio for said improvem t, and submit same the Coun- cil #d approval-, that upon id approval, the p er city officials are reby authorized and ' ected to pro ed with the making said improvement accordance there'. Adopted by the Council ...... ...................... ............,'�§1�:>: Approved... ............. 1,: _.. ,' .3................. 191..:..... r- '}, tt u0i e4T1 'fir, Vii.",Curit;nL°• Councilman Councilman Gee' Councilmana6leeeg�st4. 7��-n .'• Councilman "m Councilman Mefief- ka-} t r, Councilman t �—• e Mayor +Eiedgs�Sr Form B. S. A. 8-7 ............................................................................. Mayor. CITY OF L DEPARTMEt'T QF INANCE ,;�'� REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ................... ...._..._................... - ....................................... ............._..-_-...... .__..._...... ............... ................ under Preliminary Order approved ................... March 30'. 1920. -- .._.............. .............. ......_....s.._....... ......................... ................ ........ _..................................................... ................ ................. .. ...--- ---------------- -.............................. — - ........ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ount of the assessment for the above improvement is The total estimated7.�f $ 15 X797.76 The estimated costoot for the above improvement is - - - _ $ 33.69 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �fDESCRIPTION ILOT aLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ( 13 6 Bazil and Guerins Addition to St: Paul. 12 6 do- it I .__ 11 ! 6 do ; ?O 6 do 550000 9 6 do 6 do i — r i -- i r - Form E. B, _ TOTAL, 10 ., �r CI1mT. PAUL t - DEPARTMEN SOF FINANCE REPORT" OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION The foll6wing described rt of 1-2- Bazil and Guerins Addition 167060 -arid' _ _ ._ 3 7 _ _ _- -to St. " Pahl. BeffDiAing ata point on -the present -Westerly line of - Cedar St: 85 88/100 feet Northerly from the North Westerly corner of Cedar & 9th St. thence Northerly along said ttesterly line of Cedar St. to the South Westerly corner of Exchange & 9th St. thence Westerly along the southerly line of said Exchange St. to the -ulesterly line of said Lot 3, thence Southerly along said Westerly line to a -point 113 85/100 feet Northerly from'the Northerly line' of 9th St. thence 86 degrees and 172 feet to the.left 107 26/100 feet thence 87 degrees and 22 feet to the left 5 feet thence to place of beginning.- ( 4 7 Bazil and CTutrins Addition _ to St. Paul. 5 do d 358425 .7 ( 6 7 -- do 12 5 do 128050 _ 11 5 do .10 5 do 22900 _I 9 5 do 25500 South 25 feet of 8- .7 5 do 20500 ._.... North 25. feet of 1- 2 8 do 35350 .North 100 feet of _ 3 8 do 8700. _.. North 50 feet of 4-5- 6 8 do 23500 North 85 feet of 1- 2 9 do 78800 ..-.-.- _:. 3 9- do 23256 4 g do Voted That part of the North West _a of_See. _6, Town 28, R.22, _ 187100; _ .. lying between 9t1i and Exchange Sts. adjoining Block 9, Bazil and Guer ns Addition on the South Westerly side �$xcept that part lying South of a line 120 feet Southerly from and parallel with Exchange St..and West of a line 120 feet Westerly from and parallel to the Easterly line of Lots 4 and 6, of Blk. 9 _ said Addition. TOTAL ... - . 11 camT. PAUL DEPARTMENy':;OP FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South !�0 feet of -11 4 Bazil and Uuerins Addition 65250 - to St. Paul. South 100 fo:t of East 2of10 4 do 8300 West 2 of 10 4 do 9225 9 4 do 13450 8 4 do 132001 _ • _ _.._ Easterly 40 feet of 7 4 do 131751. ( Except Easterly 40 feet) 7 4 do, )- . _ ) 2100 That tract bounded on the North by the line between Townships) 28 and 29, on the Easterly side by Bazil and Uuerins Addition) on the'Southerly side by_ Exchange. St. and West 9th -St. and on �nlar ement the West by E. Reces g art of North [fest p ti of Sec,' 6, . Town 28, _ Northerly 37 50/100 ft. of 1 4 Rice and Irvines Additio-n to 6450 . Saint Paul. Southerly 37 50/100 ft. or the Northerly 75 feet of 1 4 do 6050 Southerly 2 of 1 4 do 8950 Northerly 2 of Northerly 2 df 11- 12 4 ' do 5400 Southerly 2 of northerly 2 of 11- 12 4 do 7700 Southerly 75 feet of 12 4 do 61500 Northerly 872 feet of 6 3 do 18600 Northerly 32 feet of Southerly 62 5/6 of 6 3 do 3400 Southerly 30 5/6 ft. of 6 3 do 3650 ;- - ..,.'(accept Southerly 100 ft) 7 3 do 9400 Northerly�,34-feet of Southerly 100 feet off, 7 3 ) do 50850 South 66 feet of 7 3 do 6 6 do 74400 7 6 -. a do TOTAL 56000 . C ST. PAUL ' - HEPAR.OF FINANCE d P2EF-<==*RT OF C--C>M AS10NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION - - - - - - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 5 Rice and Irvines Addition to175750 Saint Paul. , 12 5 do 58500 That part Nort'rnex'a- Z;F- g:xe 7th St. - o f. "' 1........13.4. do 44006 Tha t part Soutrier a - g of 7th 'fit of, =1 14 ) do n °47500 . northerlyz of 12 14 ) do Easterly 30 feet o southerly 75 feet _..._ of 12 14 do - 8300 (Exe. St. & Ex 1 20 feet) 6 13 do 26000 _ Northerly .1/3- of_ 7 13 _ do 16000 Southerly 2/3 of 7 13 do 31000 _ Northe:,ly 2 of 1-44�s r1y 48. fee# _ of 3- 4 16 do 20650 Southerly 2 of ue s erly 48 feet_ of 4 16 _ do 20175 - "(Except -3 IEE5 zrnohes .- of__the Northerly 77 46/:1-a<:3 feet) Easterly - 48 1/3 -beet of- - 1 '15 - do 21900 : � s 26 y 60 The Commissioner of further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as JEzis rP wort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissa©ac-r of Public Works. Dated— ' Commissioner oI Fi—c-, - Form B. B. 12 OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CHIeE ¢HOW eew J. ¢. CARROLL. So TINe ew. Y —R.. JACKSON. SU— U- ? URTU- S. GRYTBAKr¢iialNeewRw G. H. MERROLD•OEEloee ¢H.�Ne.w (fittg flout Sup rtownt Vf 11uhtts Mirka MN. N. GQSS. COMMISSIONCR R. T. 3OURLIM O¢PY April 14, 1930 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith approximate estimate of the cost of the furnishing and installation of an ornamental lighting system on Exchange St. from Cedar St. to West Third St. in accordance with Council File 38633, approved March 30, 1930. Approximate estimate $15,797.76 Cost per front foot 3.69 Excess inspection necessary 309.76 Assessable frontage 4,380 ft. Very truly yours, AA - Chief Engineer oc—b NOWARC F.WARE - - - - - .RWo.w• . ♦wusV w.R - - - AII PETE0.J.HC eccw<Erw / M / P. WARE NHUTRANCELOAN9 HAROLD K. HEIT. REAL EHTATE - Z TEa 1.0 w.ar. 'r w.w a R - MANAGEMENT PAUL O. MA wRHR .+wwr - _ o BALE 6 PU RCHAHE - - APPRAIHAL- ST_ pout- MINN.. August 19, 1920 The Hon. Common Cv«r�c Court House St. Paul,MIX13a 384Dta- T7t� 'iL� OA'RAMEBTAL LIGM-8 Gentlemen s We haYCa 1=0 rmmqueeted by Mr. F ankoi Who oene a part =of I,ot 7 1s S=3L_ 4c=wc2c 14, Rice & Irvine`te Addi- tion, with a[ :rr 3nLtatge o aLI--out 36 feet on Fkchange" Street, to say -bli-M.t 3-m a 31_ s in favor of the proposed im- provement, cso3msi8r:l.=Lg 4c==w=jE- flmamental lights for this Street. Ha is 3ML trying to make this a better Street arxi he tYa:!Lztifs -It-- aR proposed improvement. Will help . to make i t each very truly yours, & H. F. WAREf By Secretary PJS-Q r � � b 9t, Paul, Minnesota, August 14, 1820o To the Honorable City Council of St. Paula The undersigned property owners on Exchange Street from Third to Gear, protest against inotalling ornamental lights for the following reasons; �t �� Mlat a th0�"AU street and is a dead street, (a) No mercantile establiehmente on It M6rir� of 7-#6 (3) The property along the street does not bring a fair return on the assessed valuation. (4) The lights are not a benefit to the street. (b) The exoessive and prohibitive cost at this time of installation. TKYi fS %qdd IT/ o k i 11 0 ioF`oTS3i� d tecK /G. �' yf Norrrl �'0 FldT 0 � l -dT (� /���K l� ,1 ! i /G 7►C_A. A1?i0/1 LpT /1 Z<-at,� / 4 410, St. Paul, Minnesota, August 14, 1920. To the Honorable City Council of St. Paul: The undersigned property owners on Exchange Street from Third to Cedar, protest against installing ornamental lights for the following reasons: (1) It is not &``thoroughfare and leads to no special street and, is a dead street, MAjoriry a� rN� (3) The�propert� along the street does not bring a fair return on the aiseeeed valuation. (4) The lights are not a benefit to the street. (5) The excessive and prohibitive cost at this time of installation. P-.I"r TPL'TTix' Al — T mT— Lot 1 Plock 15 S Portion Lot 12 '?lock 14 Lot o rlcck.:f L.iscl Description 0cr:.er of ua 1x-i'hSts south 10G feel; of Lot 7 Plock Lot 12 Block 5 Miso1 Description Exchange and 9th Sts Lot 7 Blook 6 P10 !o �flc Ln�tirc� °ll�h.LU�O�JymDt�4YL.----a`S`� � CITY OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED41.' Angu.0 ....... ...... .:COMMISSIONER............ ........... ..... ..... ................. ....... .......................... . .................... 'IT, RESOLVED k4 In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for public school purposes, all Of :Lot 2, Block 1, Andftorls Subdivision No, 50, under Preliminary Order #.500,62, approved July 15, 1920. and Intermediary Order #30149, approved July 21, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plat in the above matter b8 it Resolved That I&e 4- - fixes and det;rmin��e th land to be -taken for the abo-Y-8--nemew vemen 0 0 Al of 2, Bloc udi -a Sub inion 0 to the City 0 Paul. C. F. No. sotis'i— condemning, .taking and. matter of con ad appropriating for publicschoel purposes, all of Tot 2. Block 1. An- liter's 81bdIV1111�,.. 131 0. rider Ir,ll-in.r, order 6oG52; I d jol, 15, 1920, and Intermediary Order No. 3010, apProven. lolY 1192o- W. Coon.1-1—ar Q Fvbli. work. • 'let having submitted, his report and plat b t i"nt.h..fv`.ava;r-hPt 'al Z's.it-e- v-rt-1-- I Ifag thereto 'be, annulled and discon- t1ona . Adopted by the council Aug. 20,1920. Approved Aug;IS:= 2o;28 L - (August Yes 00 Councilmen V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ---- ------ - AUG 20A920 Ferguson 20 1920 McDonald _-.--.—.-_.In favor Approved— Matson Smith ---___Against Wenzel G% Mr. President (Qiig of 1&1. tlttul OSCAR CLAUSSEN` GHI¢r EM61wLCR �Ppari91MINZE of Publir Ularke - HSRMAN C WEL. E. nunc ou or5 w nucTlow u.w0 rec v..�Rs COMMISSIONER�p�(`; urT D PUTY SIGN Jy '4J ALr oJAOHSOH, Suri. IRVING C. !ME. 8 H. OETiINGER, SvrT. .. M S. GTaYT6VAKrE nn¢ lows - HERRO LOr Orr c¢ Ewclwccn REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In tha matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for Public School purposes, all of Lot 2, Block 1, Auditor's Subdivision ITo. 50, under Preliminary Order #30062, approved July 15, 1920 , and Intermediary Order #30149, approved m July 21, a-920. TO THE 00UMTC 13L OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Th.e Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes at, part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement , showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the s1a$c1ec1. part of said plan, which land is accurately described 8.a follows: A-3 1 of Lot 2, Blook 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50 to the Gity of St. Paul. �omm�iss`,ioner of PublicWo August 20 , 2-920. "T. PAUL DEPAR: FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI S NER OF FINANCE Q ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` (D) In the matter of con demn, take and appropriate, for public school purposes Lot Q 2, R1nnk 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50, under Preliminary Order approved—.I7 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2075.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 'I DESCRIPTION LOT 61LOCa ADDITION ASSESSED I IVALUATION 1 Auditors Subdivision No. 50 St. Paul, Minn. i � - TOTAL, i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated191Y`�.�/y1/l/i� � GCommissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 13 ' Office of the Commissioner ,of Public Wo E r Jf./,-yam c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance $ 7 4. JUL July 15, 1920. ..... .................._..............._.........................,._191.. _ ..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 30062 July 15, eil, known as Council File No......:_......................_....approved.................................. ._......... ............_...__.......191........., relative to......_ .................... . oondemmin.,_ takir and appropriating, for Public Sohool purposes .sots... Z.,_._BlooAuditor'_a..._Subdivis_ion.._No__...._b0. ..... _ ...... ..._......I........_ .. ................_.............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... .... _........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ....... and the total cost thereof is $...-....._ 3= ....................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ------------------------- .............. ....._....__................_............._...__...._........................._ ---- ----------------------------------------- ....-.._.... ----..__................_................. ..................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #...................... _.... _.............. _................................ ................ .............. --- --- ............ --- --- .... --- - ----...-....................... - ... - 5. Said improvement is._ ... ........................ -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. r , ------------------------...�mmi---o..r orks. Section 4. In addition to furnishing the service herein- before prescribed, the at Pawl City Railway Company is hereby fur- ther ordered and directed to establish and maintain upon the respective lines of.street railway hereinafter mentioned, the -:owl service pro - Tided for in and by the following sohedulo, that is to say,'that said Company shall, between the hours hereinafter provided, operate on each of said lines, one oar each hour, viz: Minneapolis and St. Paul line - On weekdays, 1:00 to 5:00 A. M., on Sunday, 1t00 to 6:06 A. M. Como -Harriet line - On weekdays, 1:00 to 6:00 A. M., on Sunday, 1:00 to 7:00 A. M. Payne Avenue line - On weekdays, 1100 to 5:00 A. M., on Sunday, 1:00 to 6:004. M. Mississippi and Cherokee Heights line - On weekdays and Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00 A. M. Rondo and Maria line - On weekdays and Sunday, 1100 to 5:00 A. M. Aline - 0n weekdaye, le.00 to 5:00 A. M.., on Bunday, 1100 to.7s00 A. mo leventh-Snelling line On_weekdaye, 11'00 to 5100 A. M,, on Sunday, 1:00 to 7:00 A. M,. Hemline -Union Depot line - On Weekdays, 1:00 to 5:00 A. M., on 8m:day, 1:00 to 6:00 A. M. Rioe and South St. Paul line - On weekdays, 1:00 to 5:00 on 8=497,. 100 to 6:00 A. M. St. Clair -Hope line - Oh weekdays, and Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00 A., M. Selby avenue line- On weekdays and Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00 A. M. 'aroveland Park line - On weekdays.,'1:00 to 5:00 A. M., on Sunday, 1:00 to 6:00 A. M. raokson and Stryker line - On weekdays, 1:00 to 5:00 A. M., on Sunday, I fIO to 6:QO.A. M. Snelling-Minnehaha`line - Same owl service as on Seventh - Snelling line. Ylestetu and South Robert line - 0n weekdays, 14.00 to 5400 A, on Sunday, 1400 to 6100 A.: v. Section 6. It is further ordered that the Ot. Paul city Railway company Shall increase :the average number of oars in use. during the rush hours of the Ireekdays_in, the week. ending kxiguet 14th, _1930, by the permanent addition of at least fifteen (15) care before September 13th, 1920; and of at least four (4) care per week there- after.until the fulleervice standard piovided for in this ordinanoe is reached. Section 6. Every ;allure, neglect or omission on the part of the st, Paul city WWay Qomp q to operate Ito Caro 400ordtng 'to the proddoll of thio ordhooe, and evey dolifloa of the terms hereof by said St. Paul Qity Railway Company shall oonstitute a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not`exoeeding One Hundred Dollars fir each of#en4e. Section 7. 4:1.1 oxdinanoee and parts of ordinances inoon- sistent.herepith are hereby repealed. Section S. The City Qlerk is hereby directed to serve a oopy(of,this ordinance upon said Company forthwith upon its passage. and p�blioation. Section 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaoe$ health and Safety. b 8eotion 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in , force immediately upon its passage. and publication. I'Yes (V) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council,.......SEP� �Q� ........._....19_...._ `Clancy f i Ferguson I �G7 __.,� _ ..... 19....... McDonald __..._.......In favor � F Appr .--- -}g�0. _. —__. �Matson ------ Against ®r4F P LINED ✓_.Wenzel , Mr. President NORM .MC 20 f u m v . �' 1. � (.5t �•>'�� haw urwti alkh�df. , s �. k t , ( ) � , �'�i p yA p ^u Y � I 1 i) ,l `1 t, � � I I+YJ! ... t'', t +V. f I �, „�/t 4 f! i� lfa�r• Ilt 4"' � � J; �."+SS�++1tl:, ca•�tMasaini,a ., ! a J.M� , ��.1 �.1 ".f .. •i�f� .,:�i .+; �J irflfu��.:i a ird: , .�=� d� + ,,1'f4 LJ IV A ty p r h+znl`+�`"` tP �; a ..+� �tJ.{.. pv.r`6i�5.> '„ f^ re.ca?A�f�•y[K'9ntke •,u�5>,'St w�(' r`;., � :v ! �pYl�u4 'l:'r 1 �14v�f � +'� iFJ�r t �:J � 3. t� i ^ '� ✓ ,�?t?i.. �� i) v.{. [ �J � .l � n�J llt:. � J��' aY� p J���C1iA{!'�fl �.Lr 1..` J. �'r': J\�A S�I�'.4 t, �+�'Ir h1•.111e ll.-4 Y.t �S?.'r �,.l .( `M�{� Aa11111 nr,)��. r1 � 77Y�Y�WW{{AA �. �� �' yFy+An� 11" t' Y LYA R 11" �,1flV >"� . ��• 1j, a'sl),llVgf� + /I ;Ju o144 ev 4n.� r + � (�.�1�, •If iii; t �+.1 [�i:�?d. L�'.+� �.Y :! F�.f .(~s }1�1 i ,:,.., q 4''r�„f r y Y i �� .0 r l oa !Gir y ,tlt rllz i ,Fitt."I;f i r.�ua[ , . [t:l;TM9 •r yt , 7, �.�ZJ..a4 .��7'' I J Er .i.: '�,! >1:+ 'r :i iii •i + t,�':-� J .6 ;. ,. J.i7. :ti. !� !y>, }t, 10 11r� 1 1^ t 9t rl f 'r { r { f 'f'' • _'t r i 44^F1 �'� , +. 4 s M if o fy \ 4 r A C,F, 30689, cps preaery&tion of the public peael health and safety Ord. No. ^,- unilnof .the CItB oL:St.,.Paui ,1 An ordinance regulating the rate of fare to be charged by the St. Paul City Railway .Company in the City of St. Paul. This _r is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health andrsnfety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1s That from and after September 13th, 1920, at one 0 clock A.9, the St. Paul City Railway Company may and shall have the right to charge for the transportation of passengers in the City of St. Paul, and collect upon its care, not to exceed six (6) cents per passenger, ii 1 payment of his fare, such passenger shall be entitled to a transfer as provided in Section 14 of Ordinance No. 1227, entitled, "An ordinance author - icing the St. Paul City Railway Company to construct, equip, maintain and operate street railway lines in the City of St. Paul," approved September 20th, x,889; provided further, that no fare shall be required for a child under five years of age while traveling in the care of an older person; and that when the same car travels over two or more streets or lines, there shall be but one fare f, the whole distance so traveled. The said grantee shall place tickets or tokens for fares on sale at convenient places in the city. Section 2. The St. Paul City Railway Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City monthly reports, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, beginning September 25th, 1920, showing all of its revenues of every kind and nature and.all its expenses and net earnings for the preceding month, properly classified as is common in street railway II reports, and the Council, the Mayor, City Comptroller, or any other official, or any competent pereom. or persons designated by the Council, shall have the right at all reasonable times to examine all books of account, records, sched- ules and vouchers of said Company. Section 3. This ordinance shall not be effective dor any purpose unless the said grantee shall accept the same in writing within thirty days from the passage and publication thereof, nor unless the, said grantee shall ' (2) ' ' actually furnish the service prescribed by the ordinances of said City, por unless within said time said grantee shall also agree in writing that the franohise and privileges conferred by said Ordinance No. 1227, to- y gether with any modifications thereof, shall be held and used subject to 3all the conditions and limitations in the City Charter prescribed. In view of the fact, however, that said grantee does not now pay ark gross earnings tax and such tax tends, to increase fares, and therefore must be paid by persons using the linea of said grantee, the grantee, its successors and assigns, are hereby specifically relieved from the payment of five per cent.of the gross earnings of said grantee. Section 4. The St. Paul City Railway Company is hereby ordered to file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities, on or before September 9th, 1920, the operating schedule in detail, in effeet on all its lines in said City for the week ending August 14th, 1920, and all charges therein subsequent to said August 14th, 1920, and shall file with said Commissioner i of Public Utilities a statement of all changes in said operating schedule made by said grantee hereafter. Said schedule shall be verified by an officer of said grantee, and shall be filed as herein provided, within d five days after taking effect. Section 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, provided, however, that this ordinance shall not be construed to affect in any way Section 10 of the resolution of the Council of said City, entitled, "A resolution of the Council determining rights as between the City of St. Paul and Railway Company," approved March 2nd, 1905, except in so far as the fare therein provided is increased to six cents. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health apd safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, and the acceptance_thereof by the grantee and the filing by said grantee in the office of the City Clerk of the agreement aforesaid, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy j Adopted by the Court ' ._. $EP19— Ferguson ( SEF '71920 _ McDonald `-.'----..ln favor 4. APP _ __—.._ __19__..... n . Matson .....-Against '*fI,.F. MAYO" WE { I f X05 An ordinance regulatbe the rate of fare to be charged by the'St. Paul City Railway Company,in the City of.8t. Paul. Ibis ie`en emergenoy ordin&noe, rendered necessary for the preservation of -A0 B) �health and,safety, That from and after September 13th, 1920, at one o'clock A,, City of -St. Faul, and collect upon its oars, not to exosed six 6 cents per psi On oil which. shall Inolude ordinary bag** carried Alt oh$h be entitled to d traoefer 0 provided iA 0e0tion of old'- nande No, 1857, entitled eAn ordinance authorizing the Sty Paul Oity 4ilway Qompeny to oonstruct, equip, maintain and operate street railway lines;in the city or St. 'Paul a approved September 20th, 1889; provided,further, that no fare shall be required for a child under five years of age While traveling in the care of an older per- son; and that when the same; car travels over two or more streets or lines, there shall be but one -fare for the whole distance so traveled. / The said grantee shall place tickets or tokens for fares on sals:'at oonvenient, places in the city, Section 2. The St. Paul City .Railway.Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City monthly reports, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, beginning September 15th, 1920, showing all of its revenues of every kind and nature And all ite'expenses and net earnings, for the precedingmouth,' properly ' classified as is common in street railway reports, and the Council, the Mayor, City Comptroller, or any other official, or any oompeteat person or persons designated by the Counoil, eball have the right at all reasonable times to examine all books of account, records,, ached ules and vouchers of said Company. Section 3. This, ordinance shall not be effective for ang purpose 'unless the said grantee shall acoept-the same in writing .< within thirty ;days from the passage and publication thereof, nor un- 1 An ordimoe regulating `the We of fare to be obarged by tie It r cul ' alty IAilwdy aoquy 11 the city of ho Paul r 510 �s an emex�encq `ordina oe, rendered neoeeaary for the preeervatW public peace, health and safety,., THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: r Section 1. The St, Paul City Railway Company may and Shall ;the right to charge for the transportation of passengers in the City of St. Paul, and collect upon its cars; not to exceed six (6) , oente per passenger, whioh.e11611 anclude'ordinary.baggege oarried by such passenger, and upon payment: of his fare,:,euoh passenger shall be entitled to & transfer as provided in Section 14 ,of Ordi- nance No* '3227, entitled --"a ordinanoe authorizing the St. Paul city Railway company to construct, equip, maintain and operate street railway lines in the City of St. Pauly approved September 20th, 1889; provided further, that no fare shall be required for a child under five years of age while traveling in the care of an older per son; and that when the same oar travels over two or more streets or lines, there shall be but one fare for the whole distance so traveled. The said grantee shall place tickets or tokens for fares oa sale. at oonvenient.,plaoes in :the city, Section Z. Tile St Paul City Railway Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of said City monthly reports, on or before the fifteenth day of .each month, beginning September 15th 1920 showing all of its revenues of every kind and nature and all to expenses and net earnings for the preceding month, properly 'olassified as is common in street railway reports, and the Counail, the Us,or,'.City Comptroller, or any',other official, or any competent person or person designated by the Council, shall have the right at elL reasonable times to examine all books of account, records,. ached and vouchers of said Company. Section 3. This ordinance shall not be effective for any purpose unless the said grantee shall eooept`the same in writing withiu-Dirty days from'the passage and publication thereof, nor un lose $he said grantee shall aotually furnish the service prescribed 4 vby,the ordinances of said City, nor unless within said time said grantee ohall also agree in writing that the franchise and privileges conferred by ee,id Ordinance No. 1227,etogether with any modifications thereof, shell be held and used subject to all the Conditions and limitations in the city Charter presoribed. In view of the faot, Wever, that said grantee does not now pay any groes" earnings tuq "ItOds to increase fares, and therefore must be paid by persons using the lines of said grantee, the grantee, its successors and assigns, aro hereby specifically relieved from the payment of five per pent. of the gr000 earnings of said grantee, geotioA , 1 ordinances and pare of ordinanoea moon- Jietent herewith are hereby repealed, h"', section This ordinance is hereby declared to be an t emergency ordinance rendered-neo"eesary for ;the preservationof the public peace, health and safety. action . This ordinance sha11 take ePPeot and be it foroe from and after ite passage and publioation, and the aooeptanoe thereof by the grantee and,the filing by e41d grantee in the office of the City Clerk of the agreement aforesaid, in a form to be approv- ed by the Corporation Counsel of said City. 8hesed by the Counoil Teas aye Mr. Clanoy, Ferguson Matson MoDOnald Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodge n) Approved AttestMayor City Clerk PITY OF ST. PAUL - " �.... OFFICE OF, THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. .xD�� 11 Form A A 46, 2 M 1-18 483 aur iszo .. .. ....-------- .. CITY ROLLFR .....G - AUDITED ............................................191. ...-- PER ............. _.•...1/,. ,.-...':7SirG(�(.........-.:- J TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays UG 21 1920 Adopted by the Council.... .: ._.... 191_ Clancy p,Tmwmtr Ferguson ...... In favor McDonald -----_Matson _ Ke�ler Smith Against niAYOR MC�Pu-- ' �y���d-N,enzel P Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. -3069 A atract: '+ Resolved that .warrants y drPableaout wn of the hereitnafterespecty f ed8funde and to favor of. the Person. t.firms or cor- iha triore'spe'ctivhed mesnas te speatfledin- the o.lC Rinder iCia, $3920. ment•..' Ceolmi Ica &"Fur.Co •$ 21 8.- Martin Falk PaD _ 32.20. - Mrs. Mary Horan, 7 2: Prof. N. L.HuC., S Edward Neumann°'810 Co, $194.06. • Nicols, Dean & D126 66. bert.A. Rena, $ - Alez¢nder Rtce, 89.86.882.66. Milton Ros n & Co.. $ - - W. E.'gldda11 810.60. W. C. Scvires 86 30:- TaYlor Realty Co:. $60 011 Adopted by the Cov1920 Aug, 21, 182Q- - _ APprovedtAugv t1'28-1920) 4917 George C. Binder Company, 39.20 Fire 4918 Capital Ice & Fuel Company, 210.00 Parks 2F 4919 Martin Falk Paper Company, Fire 4920 Mrs. Mary Horan, Police 4921 Prof. N. L. Huff, Water 4922 Edward Neumann, Police 4923 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company, Fire a q Munic. Gar. Revl. S. & S. 01ng. Sprinkling Playgrounds 2.01 143.24 7.08 11.26 13.97 6:24 10.25 -7w ds 268,28 32.20 175.00 102.62 194.05 Res. 483 Page #2 . 4924 ,filbert A. Rene, 136.56 Munio, Employment Bureau 4925 Alexander Rioe, `9.66` Polioe 4926 Milton Roeen & Company, 882,65, Fire 323.70 301,80 11.30 15.60 39,00 !� 38,75 Munic. Gar. Renl. 152.50 4927 W. E. Siddall, 10.50 Police 4928 W. 0, Squires, 6.30,' Police 4929 Taylor Realty CompaMp 50.00 Lighting Total 20117,02 U U."]. -&J L-1 L. [AL- -1 a r ccr.. CITY OF ST. PAUL c, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER P.rmA A46,YM 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEO1L No.......... ..��°... 1 _ AUG 2 ; 7in�A rn{...�.c}�- AUDITED..............................f. ..t CIT' 1PTROLLER' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the clL._.......... PU.G...;;?...Lg2Q...... ....... 191......_._ Clancy Tarns o'rtl'i - Ferguson ..................In favor rove ....... �U� U :.._!y .f�... ...........:.191__....._ Goss"""'" McDonald -- ---- Matson 11 Keller--- Smith ..................Against _........ _.........._.....__...----............._..............._.............._....._..._._........_.......__._.......__ - iH1,WLL MAYOR 3ua44des14oltr Wenzel — Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. 30691— act 1. Abstr Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City` Treasury,. payable out ol" ttietTsminafter specided 2unda aad In. favor of the ..peraone, frms:or cor- . porations for the amounts set.op¢osite their •respective names as specified In the following detalled' statement: Central,.Bank,signee Peter Dick- son, $770.00. Christ Johnson, $2,696,92. - Gust Linblad, $693.00. ' F. W.- Matson, Comr. -of :yinaace, Ado $1 ,. Adopted by the Counc19 2il Aug. 21, 1920. Approved August�28 3920) 4930 Central Bank, Assignee Peter Dickson 1770.00 Grading Alley Leffman Sub. B. 87 4931 Christ Sohnson, 2,596.92 Grading Hawthorne 368.22 Grading Sims St. 783.70 Grading Hawthorne 1445�.00 a'59s 9 4932 Gust Lindblad, 9 69300 Curbing Roblyn and Cretin 4933 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 12.50 Unclaimed Wages (Trust) Total 4,072.42 ORIGNAL TO CITY OF ST, PAUL CITY `LINK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No . ........ VILE Form A A 0, 2 9 7.1 8$ 485 BY ... ............ .. & AUGi 1920 B 4t CIT WOW .. MOLLER AUDITED ............................................ 191......../ ............................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 'A Yeas Councilmen ( V ) Nays AUG 211920 Adopted by the on ............... ..... . ......... . ..... 191 .......... . Clancy 11nin, vrarth Fer&pson In favor ved.. cow ... .... ... ---- McDonald M .................. Against ...... ..... ... .... ........... ... ........................ ..................................................... Ike ler---- Watson tb MAYOR......._ Utder'Z 7enzel Mr. President, Hodgson C' III No, ION- Reolved that wafranig 68 drawn upon the City TreasurY, payable out of the, hereinafter specified funds and In faVor of the perpons, firms or corpor- ations for the amounts set OPPOSItO their respective names as aepelfted In the following detailed statement: White Construction Co., $7,204,60. Adoped by the Council Aug. 21, 1920. Approved Aug. 21, 1920. (August 29.1920) 4934 White Construction Company, 7,204.60 Paving Lincoln Avenue Total 70204*60 C. F, No. 3069•=-Oxdlnahoe N:. i,An ordinance to amend ordfnauc. „ 1 {ng ,and IcontrollingAn dltrafric, nance r r driving and travel Sn the scree the City o, et. Paul, pproviding' lehment for the vlolatlon t and repealing all--incgneletr -. pfnances. This. is n �..' ?ante rendered 1- L12 C. F. No. 30593. �._X4.5)q9, .N An ordinance to amend Ordinance No, 5366, entitled, An ordinance regulating and controlling traffic, riding, Ativing and Z travel in the streets of the City of St. Paul, providing punishment L for the violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinaues. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserva- tion of the public peacd, health and safety," approved August 14th, 1920. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S�ctio�l 1. �h�it Ordl�nc6 flp� X396 rpgad p4G 146h 1920, by and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 17 thereof, after the words "On St. Peter street between Fourth and Seventh streets," and before the word "provided," the following: "On Jackson street between Third street and Eighth street, and on Third street from Market street to Sibley street, excepting where no buildings now exist on the south side of Third street west of St. Peter street." Section 2. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage and publication. Yeas Nays Clancy Passed by the Council SEP —7 1970 Ferguson McDonald Matson U Approved , P —7 1970 _ Wenzel Mr. President(Hodge n� iJ ILI' Mayor. Attest PVBLISMD Y City Clerk. r � 305x3. An 69 to amend Or ae No. 5366, entitled "An ordinance regu3�V ng and oontrolling traffic, riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of St. Paul,_: providing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinances. -This is an emergency ordinance rendered. necessary for the preserva- tion'ot'.the public peace,. health -and safety,"..approved.August 14th, 1920 ,� ��� .• ''• THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section, 1. That Ordinance No'5366, approved August 14th, 1920, 'be -and the same is hereby amended by adding to Section 17 thereof, after the words "On St. Feter:etreet between Fourth and Seventh streets," and before the.word "provided," the following:,, "On Jackson street between:'Third street. and Eighth street, and on Third street from Market street to Sibley street, excepting where no buildings now exist on the south side' of Third street west of St. Peter street." �`� All Section 2. This.ordinanae shall take'effedt.and be in Tvmb thirty day%.,aftes its passage an�.p�blioatiozi. Passed by the Counoil - Teas Nays Mr. Clancy gerguson McDonald. Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) 4_ Approved 'Attest Mayor City Clerk ouncil rile iio. 30594 I kI Ordinance `do. S-3 96 An ordinance granting to Shaffer Oil & Refining Company per- mission to install a curb filling station on Harriet Street. R .L The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: C. F. No. 36594 --Ordinance No. 6396— S?;CTICI? 1. By H. C. Wenzel -m– An ordinance granting to Shaffer Oil & Refining Company permisshion to :Pat Permission and auth iisrtall streerb filling station _tied to .Shaffer Oil & Refining Company to in.u=t .ancll of the City of-- 10ion on the west side of Harriet Street adjacent V -V m. --tea, rront of Lot Fourteen (14), Block Twelve (12), Ewing & Chute's Addition. SFCTIQN 2, The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby au- thorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the in- stallation of said filling station upon said licensee's com- pliance with the following,conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commis- sioner of Public works a plan of said location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the ,said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The :said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St, Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (10,000.00) conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, opera tion, use, presence or removal of said filling station; the said bond to remain in force and effect as lonz as said station re- mains or exists, The sail. bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Liayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be arroved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTIO T 3. t This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication., Yes (v) Councilmen (v) I'ays - vzlancy �=cDonald In favor Iat son v£m-ibh Against 'Wenzel "jAr. President i rwad��� Aprroved SEP �92O _1920 h lay r r �1xw�nM,M,+nw+, n.1 rxTn.r� m rr,rvr. run. rn... ..,n, ....i... ....n �/6/ Yes U) Council Clan Fe M i •M S W Mr !•ORM DM D-90 taon t6 uson cOUN-L CITY OF ST. PAUL Fie IVO.------. __..--- onalcl OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL.FORM /�.✓J~jy PRESENTED BY - _ - August 21, -1920 - ER ...____ _ COMMISSIONER - .... .............................. .. ..............._._ DATE....... ..... .... .. ... ............... ... :........... ..._ In a xrwatter of condemning for school purposes Lot 2, Block 1, � orls Subdivision No. 50, under Preliminary Order No. 292 4�8 , approved May 14, 1920 and Intermediary Order No. -30-5 -19 , approved July 21, 1920. The- Goj3aaissioner of Education having reported to the council that ::jL-t -swill not be tdAthe best interests of the city to proceed --vwi1t--1x the acquirement of the said land at this time, be it Res- :Lvec3 , that condemnation proceedings be, and they are hereby, a:L c--antinll InhNinatter upon of c demntng echo%] purposes o t'2, Block 1, Au- ' ditor'a Subdlvlal n No. 50, "under Preifminary Order No. 29248, up - proved Mny 14, 1920 and Intermed]- ary Otder N%. 30149, approved July T)ielCommissionef of Education hav- In8- repor[ed to the Coun'.1 - that it -111 Loot be to the beet interests at the city - I the said land at tMt. Cime9bo jc` ent - of Resolved, that. that, condemnation •pro- ceedi'nga bc, and are hereby dte--- continued. Adopted by the C unci! Aug. 21, 1920. . Approved Aug. 21 1920. a (Augu t 28.1920) Yes U) Council Clan Fe M i •M S W Mr !•ORM DM D-90 taon t6 uson onalcl __.._......In Et izel Pres -z.3 Council File No. ._-........ 13059,6 By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Burr Street, from iessaTnine Street to Hose Street, and on Jessamine Street, from Burr Street, to a point 120 feet East of the East line of Burr Street, a I RATIFYING ASSE89bIENTe. 30 -696— F' W. Mament or BY No. con y theft eattco C °and ngCH on Bur St. r under Preliminary Order .....`d622T _........... Intermediary Ordbz ...._� 1 Final Order approved ... ... 10v emb_e Y ,._24 _,.._,....._.191. 9_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore ^ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F...THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in___.__1_L:'.......qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ._._�.z.... �q2Q _....191 1 ♦L _1_ f ...._... City Clerk. .......... .................................................. Mayor. PUBL1S1 DC� )_ - 4 O Approved ......_...._.._ .... ..._.._.::?..�gj�...._......... 191 Form B. B. 18 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND °,` CONFIRMING, CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of......e.OndernUixlg._AX141...talQ_flp;;,an---easement-._in..tie ...land_ necessary For_slo�es, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 3, Viarrendale cuts .......i -1 ................... ....................................... . .- .........---............................. Addition, from Van Slyke Avenue to Cross -Avenue, ., - .. ..... .. ........................... .............._..............- ---------/......... "---- ................---•----- RATIFYING ASSESSLENTS IN CON-DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 30697— ............:........__.....;:.............. _........................ Inthe matter of condemning and tak............................................... Ing an easement In the land neces -eary 'ter slopes, for cuts and P":;, c w under Preliminary Order _--- approved....ilal_-..16-,1920 Intermediary Order......29Q96....._., approved ---May ...5.,...19211........ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively: for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, he and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ft�.la„ter*eh��otermined...Ya••bo'"Payabie iii ................yequalyTfnsta� g}1 eRl$ Rb.1Q..Ailol pare of land described therein. fUG _ !220 + Adoptedby the Council ............................................ .................. ..:........ 191........ PUG 2, !920 Approved.................................... Councilman VLN»kx Clancy Councilman tllo1!'sC Fergus o� Councilman lulcDonalc Councilman AM& lc at s ons Councilman 11'1 smith Councilman Vftm&jdkh 'Menzel Mayor J=tkx Hodgson 0 City Cl 191...-.... ........K-- ........................ .........--- Mayor. --- � - ”) i - a 0 U FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 3059i_7 A In the matter of......_c-ondeltixting....and._..taJ•$1tl&r.-_a11..._BaS..QII?ellt._.. ? ._tY1e..._land_.._ne qgp-4-'y for slofor cuts and_:£ills__in_.grading._-_alley in -._Block 3, t'rarrendale Add3 tir�n.,_�rom.�Ian .Slylse.._9ti.�nu�._to Ssosa....Au.enue..,.__.........---._...._..._._......... _........................... _....._ FINAL ORDERS. - _......................... _... __....... _........ ............. -._.-........................... ...._......: C. F. No. 30598— _........ _... _...... _.. Ih the matter oY condemning ani• ing and an easement for cut in thlend ' under Preliminary Order .......2&5.05_........_..._..., approt—�ars[ for slopes. �i ._i1p.� uua, m ni Vo a. la Order ........2.9_Q.8.6_ ...... __.....„ from Van 51, e. ,ads, Prelim^ approved.X9-y_5.,__1:920.._ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby'ordered.to be made, viz.:.-Q.Ondemn and__take an easement in _the land necessary_'for= slopes. for cuts_and_fills to_d oss_ Yex>tues-------- ------ ....__....._..._----- ----------------------- --- -- ___..__....._....--- ------- —a._....:._............. ............... _............. ....... 1 (2) That the following land, ,lan& or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_...the .....land.__Owtting uppn_the al .e�n_.locji_.3_x_.GJarredale Addt or�.,.,._bettiv_een the'? gonts__afore- ani A , to t.ha extent. Oho.un...upon_-the.-sket_ab-a.i.Cached-tn_the rafaort_-of_the Commissioner._ of Public Works in the matter dated:June 10, 1920_ ^ y, (8) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands' or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. _. Adopted by the Council .... ........... G(1.�i..;�_.._.,.L�......... .............. ...._.._, City Clerk. Approved................. _........ .'NQ ............ 191............ f / ...... ........... .............................. ...... .. . _......... _ ...... . Mayor. aawwClancy bhummada Ferguson Yi PLTBLISIigtD�� %Xxx McDonald �isd3lx Matson 3da�at>F[ Smith Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgso RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of 0.10.UdOLM"Ll lag ---aInd...takixlE...tui...e.as.QIn;nt...in._Llle...lz=l---ne.c.Qas.=y for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in i3lock 5, Summit Park _...._....... — ................................._...................... ..._......_..................... ,.ddi_ti.on,....fror1 Grotto. St to St.. ilbans._S.t.... ....................................... ........... F. No. 20599— .................. .......................................... In the matter of condemning and"tak........ ...._--- ........... ......... ing an easement 1rt the land notes- sary [or elopes, for cute and elle Jn grading alley In Block 5, Sum; j' - Park Addition, from Grotto St. to ................ '!bans St., undar Preliminary 0 ril .......................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order. 2866.1_ ............... approved..r_tzril...l.,192-0, Intermediary Order.......U084__. approved ....hiay...5.,._loaa _.... 5 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made & part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, bb and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .................... equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. .UG Adopted by the Council--...._ .............:."- .----- ,::1..-----....., 191---•--- .... Approved._........ _�: �.il.-.`w_-. 2 r...... _., 191..... Councilman lido Clancy Councilman Gd6Kx Ferguson -" Councilman HAWZYCY, l::cDonal� Councilman MUM , 1iatson CouncilmanxXXOb ix Smitla Councilman 13XxdwditX .. eTiz e 1 i Mayorxavhxx Hodgson City C1erkG .. Mayor'.- A FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...._.c..o>idelmainp;._.and.._t.aking_..an..._e.as_ement.....in..._ the .....l.and....ne.c.e.s..s.ary f -or _...Slop.s..,... Lor .....c_uts.....and_..f_a11s... Fadin._a.11ey....in....Bionic....5.,.....Siu li.t.._.Parlc Add.�t_oxl.�_franl.._Grot.ts?..S.t.........t..0.....St,._..&�.bails......S.t.......................................... ........... _....... _...................... _.................. .........._ .................. -............... ............._..:._..__..._..._.__.._.............._..--.. C. F. No. 30600— ... - In the matter of condemning and tak- ing an easement Sn the land necea- ..-.._...._..........._..._................................._ sarY for slopes. for outs and alis in ................................................ ..... _._....... ..__...._.._.._.._ ......... _.... _ .............................. . "--yding a11eY in Block 6. Summit Addition, from Grotto St. to R St., under Preliminary_'_ •1 ' ......................................_................_....................................................................... ..................................._...__..........._........................_. .....__. "'""nved APril 1, 1p" :,_......_....._. .29084, nom,,... under Preliminary Order 9H94 .................. app>obed...k11?Fla.:._„lI, 92Qntermediary Order......._29084 , app4ved.....:�....5..,.....�..2_Q.e JResolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:G.Ondemn and.....t.alie_ an_ e a.s_ement..._in_ tktland_n a s_ary .for_.s.lo.Iae.s_,_f.or __ u.s.....nci.�f ills ixl....gi^.aa.D�alle�_in_.,�lock 5,,_,Sturnnit _Park kdditj,on,..._from...Grott_o._.�t„_.._to_._ St_.__Albans. Ste...._..................._.......................:._....................._......-.._................ __...... _....... _... _...... ........... ............ ........ .......................... ................ ........ .... ..... (2) That the following land, lan11s or easements therein be and the, same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements,:viz....._t_he.,,._I and..._abutti.na Summit.....Park...Additi_an.,..... he.t';r..e.en_.the ..__p.einis......... ..... aforesaid, to the extent- shown upon the sicetch attached to the report of t heC Commissioner ione r o£Pub Public I'l orksinthe matter .............. a dated .._-____._._,_ ._.-__ __..,_ ..__.. ..._....___. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the council ....._....11H...2i!2.2D...... ............ ......_.::., 191 ............ j Clerk. Approved............... ............ ...._NG...2:e....1920......, 191............ `'..5 ......._..:._Y_._`'`._........._.........................___._..... Mayor. I Q U+= Clancy y, SIED a - �-� xVgUauokj Ferguson xmmx McDonald XXOMx irlats.on i ?mit11 wltlxra��x enz�].� �J'� Mr. President, Hodgs,6n j , Council File No_ By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying. Assessment. In the matter of tha assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading alley 3Zocli- 11, I.ierriarn Park Second .addition, C. F. No. 30601—By Frank In the matter or the nsaesai , benefits, costa and ezyen<'. grading alley In Block 11, M, liim narye Order d2479g Interme". Order 26629, .nal Order 26913. proved July 22, 1919. A pu bitc hearing" havinlr Dee•' Niton the aeeeeement, !. 30601 under Preliminary ez__----- 2.x7.9.6 ..:.......... Intermediary Order ._..... ...___, Final Order.__.._�.J.9.�.a._.._.... approved ._.._._.Tt1= T_._.`�` ..--- _.........191..-..9.... A public he -a rjg having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having beeelcaconsidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore PESOLVED_ That tli� said assessment be and the same is -hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ori _rad to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.. BE IT FU12"T- EF;-' F2 U[ — LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__. .... _... ..._ _ _ _ __equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by Sze Cour:cil [Uu ti2- ?� 191._.-....... 1:.�.. - ..__:...._. ._.......> - .._.......__....... City Clerk. Approved 191._ Fn ..... � /� B. B. 19 �� Council File No. .._._--___ _ _ - - - -- _ . 30602 v By._,........ _..... ... RESOLVED, Tlia said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orde,-3- - o be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHFFZ _]L�FESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..__......_ -i-...... _..._...-.._.._. aq z— 1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the C ®iartcil ..............iAj 19 1 . ........ .. ° ' . City Clerk. Approved .....!S221 _...------- 191.._... .....__......_ ....................:....._........Mayor. FO- B. B. Is PUBLISILLD CITY OF ST. PAUL. JNNNNE- t_ -solution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of ---- a assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for planting trees C> - al-_eviecv -,ve. from 0s_aefee Lake Uomo Boulevard, C. F. No 30602—By F W.: Matson— In the m tter of ath asaoesment for benefits, costs nd sVjensee 7.nlcevfev+ Avenue planting trees onto from asII under e. ,eiiininar yo Order levard, 37746, Intermediary Ordeed2 APr'f1F7. . nal Order 28737, opD oV under Preliminary Ord 2'7'746Intermediary Order Final Order _.....2..8.737__...... approved .......I -i ]Y'.1.Z___r? _ 1�.` Q.._......_..__X!Wx...._._.. A public hearing- awing been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been fu lt- ] e r considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Tlia said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby orde,-3- - o be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHFFZ _]L�FESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..__......_ -i-...... _..._...-.._.._. aq z— 1 installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the C ®iartcil ..............iAj 19 1 . ........ .. ° ' . City Clerk. Approved .....!S221 _...------- 191.._... .....__......_ ....................:....._........Mayor. FO- B. B. Is PUBLISILLD Council File No. L��`'i iii"r 17f Iq rsol9. B... A.........................I` y ................................. CITY OF ST, PAUL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 1. the matter of the assessment ofbenefi ts, costs, and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 10, Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll -- Flo, 16257 Almond 5t,) sodla side) from Pascal jive, to aamline ,eve, r n both S,ldOq r0�1 ��al, l;l oof to Dal 061 I �► , F.O. 25999 Edmund St., north side, from Chatsworth st, to Loxington Aveo F.O. 26420 Blair St., north side, from Oxford St. to Lexington Ave. F.O. 26028 Chatsworth St., both sides, from Rondo St. to Fuller St. F.O. 26823 Lombard St., north side, from Benhill Road to Lexington Ave. F.O. 26361 Fairmount Ave., both sides, from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. --Non—Assessable Roll -- 2602 Chatsworth St., both sides, from Rondo St. to Fuller St. A public hearing having C. F. No. 30603—By r. W. Matson— r the above im In the matter oP the assessment of provement, and said assess- Ment Navin been further CO benents, costa and expenses for con - g structing, relaying and repalring tg been considered finally satisfactory, be it Cement Sidewalks, Estlmate No, 10, therefore under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919, Absesuble Doll, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ill..__ ........ ..........................equal installments as fo each and every parcel of land described tfIerein. Adopted by the Council ................. P.Q...0.y .......... ................ I A✓I _t ..,_,.�......_... ....`.:.....^ ,.�CClerk. f Approved .......... 19 .f:...192.0..._._ ................... 191......._ / DormB. B. 13 ................... _...................... _..... _...... _......... ............................ ........ _..... Mayor. PUBLISHED O �a aci� CITY OF ST_ PAUL F e"a` NO.--:._.Li.LiYpSL --- IL _ OFFICE UFTHE GlTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---G>✓NEi2AL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ------- ._______ A. E. SMITH .. _____ __ __. - __------------------ DATE.. .Aug.z..._19t.14.1 .._1.9- `________. - -RESOLVED application of Joha -T _ Z.iIIehan, for a license to con3cic —a=-- a Second Hand Store at 357 So. Wabasha St., be and the same �_� =�by .is granted and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to suoh license upon the �� 3 ia0 of the bond and contract and tie payment into the City of the customary fee, $10 1 0Q Yes 60 Councilmen i J7 -,-x ays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. Presidoat C. F. No. 3060-13Y A 10. Szss4'tlz— Resolved, That the DJPII—Itx— of JohnJ. Linehan. for lice--- Lo co-- duet n Second Hand .Store —t 30 = So_ Wa6ashn St.be and the a e here Dy i1s .. granted n d`the City C1er11 .mss' izera by authorized to Issue s—Ii license•- on the filing of the bond ---a c tract_ i and the payment Into tlaa City Tr—as- ury of the customary Yee. $10=00_ - ' Adopted by the Council 2920_ Approved Aug. 21. 1920. (August 28-1920), I Itacei-efl-' �rs11 connect on with ibo" 8eso tion. CITY OF ST. PAUL eouucu 30605- F, ce NO...._. .— OFFICE OF THE CITY,CLERK - j COLS t`YCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A. E EF>- Aug.1pth t19 COMMISSIONER----------------...- __ ....._ DATE.......... ................. 20 ,. ..- RESOLVED That the ;E3-pp3 =Leation of Morris Feldstein for a license to - conduct EL Second Hand Store, at 524-528 St. Peter St,m be and the same is granted, 'and the City Clerk is hereby author- ized to �s sug suoh license upon the filing of the bond and contract: _A2 c3_ -t_-21e payment into the City Treasury of the oustomary fee, $10 _ QO C No- 30600 —BY A. E 8— A solved, That ppimi[hlbatlo oY1l - ---- Zo r s E'alasteln forth a license to con- IIT a c a SoHandb St re at 624-628 Q terecSt., be and th a hereby is �raxz ied, and the City Clerk le hereby u t2zorized to issue such licenee u➢on L ize T1Y ng of the .bond and contract and. =�L�a ust marnenrynfeet $10010Y Treasury of - - - Ae�arated-bybthe Council Aug. 21,-1920. - Apps -owed Aug. 21; 1929. (August 28-1920) T4 iter cRee, a®golU Gl-:-- Yes (J) Councilmen 00 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -.-AUG19— Ferguson McDonald _ _ —Za favor Matson Smith "--- Against --- --- -- - --- Wenzel Mr. President ' y PRESENTED Ed_- GOMMISSIDNER ....... --------- - _ Smith— C g- No. 30006—BY. A- Hlicatio'n oYth. 3�6®� '- Resolvod. That -the aDD eouHoi� followin6 Persons for a' liCea ai the ¢na r�Le (VO._......-..... '- 0t Hotels or Reataur's•ats ------ ona resPectivelY indi ated. and -the rued aad directed COUNCIL .Raame are hereuY grto id DorBO.BB ORM ' '+aule rs ch licenses.'to sa th ➢aYmc?lt oY the -Zee as ....._ 01 h, law,.8601 E ........ .... August . aa.2 .. 19A0.*_... RESOLVED That -bli6application of the fol <>w_Lng persons for a license to conduct Hotels or estaurants at the 1oaations,respect ively indicated bei and the same are here by granted,. and the_ City, Olerk is authorized and directed to issue iaucii licenses to salcl. persons upon the payment of the Yee as regulweec3 'bar Xs=. icwit OF APPL=CAiTT HOTELS OF_ P�ESTAUHANT LOCATION JJ'r4l Quinln a Hoteloyexon 500 St. Peter J; Minor - a R1�'ee Cox',. '4th. &Robert C;L'; Hi Hill n Sxsng 1586 University e3l E'A:her 'by ! ' n 378 Jackson Frank Lacone tr Rosabel 274 Y. Seventh: F;J`;' Harringtoxa n A3.:r>JL-ne 156 Y. Third, William M13.3.er Jre Reatauram-b 599: No`. Dale, Wing Son Co` n 29-31 W Fifth:. Mike ScioXi *+ 311 Sibley Louis Mnehlban.er n 319 Robert George Bra.ahor tt 162 E. Third Phil Merina < 243 R. Third .06 ti n . Oscar Swoboda +� 467 Wabasha L=; M:` Linder n 770 E`. Seventh Miller &Moestixag n 439 Wabaehm Af.W:' Sorg _ _... e 49_3(�_.Rdymond Iver Fie7.clYY S9-1 Sibley I=Mbn Louis kaxa s n 157 E'. Third ldrs Leonard Mae4z n 767 Raymond. J'-' Lambrea & CO"-' Snc', n -434 Wabashm Bilfulk & Cre=0 n 391 E Seventh Louis Mar ion n 153 R. Fifth Stapleton & B'Iiut ere n ......:..•........14.0-142..E«..Fourth.... Chas`. Fabbx-ixne n 144 X. Fourth Moy Hee a 413 Robert E';' Fedeli a 91 So;Robert W;ieeler L Riscg n 410 Jackson -ww FOP!@ElFigiffia Edw. ( Estate) a3Z 481 Mississippi Elite Pastry Ca t: _ 396 Wabasha. S;� Eisoher a 719 No'. Dale 580 Yes 00 Councilmen ( v0 Nays: Clancy AdoPted by the Coun ' _--- S�i-`r.�-1g2Q.-_...___ 19..— Ferguson McDonald _—___ --__-In favor oved_— Ali 1 2Q Matson Smith ",i -----Against---- Wenzel P SI3ED �' Mr. -President oracL -I-ry OF ST. PAUL 07 THIE CDOF=F�-14—E: OF THE •CL-ERK- Aar RESOLUTION ---GENERAL Frc>nm- PRESENTED BY A- -A-L�. 19th, 1920. C�OMMISSIC)NER ........ ----- .... .... . ...... RESOLVED That t -lar, of The Branch FummItixre Co. for 86 license 'Co ccmpxxcLxxot at, Second ]Hand--2?Sto=T at 264-66 E. 7t;11- St. be and -t1ae!; iaiwzamo hereby is granted and', the City 02g --=]a is hereby authorized tv :Lasxxe such 11cenae upon 'the, :f:13L:Lnlg of the 'bond and contract the payment Into the. City %1T:re,.-LGxi:ry of the customers fee, $10-C>0�- Yes V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President Qr Adopted by the Cauncil-- Ia favor�Approv -7 ----- Against —VoR C --ML TY OF ST. PAUL F gee � No.-. 30-6-08-- _. OFF1GN==— OF THE CITY GLERK COUNCIL R E OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY u. - A. - E . SMS _--_-� Aug. 20th , 1920. COMMISSIONER ........ ......... .......... ..:._..-_.."......-._...._..._-_---_ _... ___—._—______............... ..... .__-.-.._______ O'ATE......................................-............. — RESOLVED Whereas, J_ F. McNu1t: has made application for, a license to operate upon the is of the City o:E St. Paul, One Packard 1916 -Louring Car, Fac -ory No. 54264. seating capacity, 7 passengers, owned by ;r--- icl. J. F. McNutt y , and _ Whereas, said J. F. Mc-- �u1ty, in accorcla.nce with ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy o _-� insurance policy with the City, and said policy has been approv -m�ci as to form by, the Corporation Counsel, therefore,, be it Resolved that license _.._tee iBsued to said J. F. Mc tlty, to operate said car upon she Btreets of thst✓ City of St. Paul subject to the prod"s ssm -of said :ordiaanee C. F. No. Smttll��. _---� �Phereas. J_ moi— 1YIcNulty has made 1 aDPlicaiioa Por to operate nv- i n the otleets t1i City of St_ Paul, ; one Packard 1 @ Ta Touring Car, Fac- tory No. 54264- — —r imi; capacity. 7 pas- : - sengers, owned aald J. S. McNulty, I. and Whereas. sa.i:r3 �_ F_ McNulty, in ac- ordsnca witY . o-ra3nance No. 6241 Las flied copypolicy With i the City. and — policy has been ap- proved as to for by the Corporation Counsel• therefore- be it itesolved ttra� M.1— a bo "fasned to' said J. F. mc -I i � ��- y_ to operal. said : Don the of the City of St_ Paul subject to Z:T xa provisions of said : o - ordinance. i„ .. Adopted by - tZae Council Aug. 21, 1920. Approved Av.;� _ 21, 1920: SL 28-1920)_ cYY�Jpa i COT1nPcti-cri with $enol oa. j' Yes (J) Cuuncilmen (if) Nays Clancy -- Adopted by AUG 21 1920 the Cou _------------------- Ferguson McDonnId-------------- _-.-.."ln favor- AUG 2:1,1920 pP Matson Smith _... ..Agaias[ �✓ Wenzel - --- - -- .. Mr. President Io11M sw s•ao Farm A A 46,1 A 1-18 ('1'1')' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 30610 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM H ILE "° No........... ......................... •3 486 /� nn JBY- � h 1411 t7 1 ...... 191......: auDlr ER ...... ..... __.. .-.L/......_ _........ . I Resolved: that warrants be'drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out l of the hereinafter specified funds and 'in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays U% 2L4 1520 Adopted by the Council...... ......... 191..._.__.. Clancy hUG 2;'!'920 Pannmotth Ferguson In favor Approve........ __. _.. 191 _....... Coss --- McDonald / MatsonAgainst 17M -e,- Smith 0. - n1r��slJ—l.-1Wenzel /,11,.President, ai axon ZVti7ularlich ,, Hodgson • • No. 306m—, Resolved 4hatbswerra Brawn upon the C1ty Treaeur ants "i ofout the herein after epecifled funds and .in favor of the person, firms - ihelrLO�pefor ,or cot- t [lveenamountsato set epepl Bed fhe following dstnnl d efatement: 1 9csUoeR90, er R&rRo'a.. Co. $22.10. 141.11. Ad Dted b 11& Councn Avg. 23, 1930. 'Approved Aug. 33, 1920. (August 28-1920) ' 4935 Keough Brothers, j 2,10490 Grading Pleasant Ave. from Otto etc. 4938 Scheffer & icossum Company, 22.10 Munic. Gar. Revl; 16.17. !' ' 1.(S0 water 4;33 4937 G. Sommers & Uompany, 141.40 Schools 88'.80 Munic Gar. Revl. A 38;80 6.30 Library 10.80 T417TO Total 2,268;40 _ } 1 CITY OF ST. PAcounmt - 3061 * , ULr E NO............................................ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT EO BY COMMISSIONER..........................................._.._........................................................................ ...------------- c:).AYE ................................. RESOLVED= That the St. IP -1 Gas Licht Company is hereby ordered —d directed to --d its electrical lines by ar —i— Doles —dstringing wires thereon for the transmisson of elec- tricity on and in the followin¢ alleys and streets of said city Sns to 11 One pole on the southwest corner of Hubbard aad Oxford Streets. Two poles on Oxford Street, between Hubbard Street and Hewitt- Avenue. with necessary guys and anchors. Comms rc i a1 11 g;ht ing . fip ;o A3noa '3S-setortog All such a - olas avd w shall be: erected and constructed under the direction and su De—ision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subiect to then of Oaassoa rdiNo. 2421, and of all other lawful ordinances and r solutions of the City of St_ Paul_ sshould all desi¢nate, and shall be of sflch height and h.—t., a he shall All Holes basuoia location in aid alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities sh.. dorsi¢nate and aDDrove, t—a any and all such Holes shallb. taken down and removed, and such wires vlaea:d underground whenever the Council shall deem that the-blic anterest so requires, and —I..- i shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Glancy Adopted by the Council...............PUC 2 1920 192. Ferguson McLZonald In favor Matson. Smith � Against Adopte ................._AUG '2,5._!.9-2.0.... _ 192......_.. -- -- - ..........._........... -- - - 1 - - ...... ` VVeazel ( Mr_ President '� _` 130612 CITY OF ST. PAUL. - FousNal. NO .................................... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BX; i COMMISSIONER, ....... .......... ............. ............. ............ .......... .......... DATE .......__._................_........_........._.......... ....... .......... RESOLVED: ` That the St. Paul east Light Company, is botchy ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of ,lee. tricky on and in the following alley, and ,treats of said city: Install Two poles in the alley east of Dale Street and north of Cook Street. Wirth necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. C. F. No. 30632—Hy J. H. McD.onnld- Resolved; That the St Paul On. LightCompany Is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical linea , by erecting poles and stringing wlreei thereon for tha transmission of Otte- trlcity. on and In the following alley. and street. of Bald City: Install Two pole. In the alley east of Dale St and -north of Cook St i With'necessary guy. and anchors. Commercial lighting All... of .uch extenslon., pole. and wIran . shall be erected and constructed under the, dlrectton and supervision. of the Commissloner of p�tbllo little and in alt things subleci to the provi- sions of OrdlnBnce Na. 2424. and. of all ether lawful .ordinances and resolu= ;! ilone o[ the city of St. Paul. All poles should be In-suchloca- tlon In said alleys and fit as the Commissioner of Publtc Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height andchararter as he shall designate _ and approve, :and any and all such poles shall be taken -down and re- moved, and such wires placed under - i ground, whenever , the Council .hall deem that the public interest so re-- quires., and when It shall so order. • -- - -. Adopted by the Council Aug. 23, 1020, Approved Aug. 23 1020. - -(August is -1020) A V All such er tensions, Poles and wires shall be ,reeled and constructed under the direction and supervi,i., of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the Drovisiova of Ordlna.cc No. 2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolution, of the City of St. Poul. All pole, should be at iv such location in said alleys and street. as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shell designate, and shall be of such hbieht and haracter a he shall designate and aop— , nad any and all such Poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wue. placed underg ,d whenever the Council he, deem that the oublic mtere.t no requires, and who. it shall s. order. , Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council .......... U.0 22 .19.20 .......... 192.-....... Ferguson McDonald ............ In favor Adopted �._...0......._.. 192.......... Matson Smith__ .......:. P.gaimc_......_...................._......... MgyOa Wenzel Mr. President COUNCIL �61 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. ....... 1.Q. .......... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEh`TED BY COMMIE...SIONER........................................... DATE.. RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by ere. tin¢ ooles and strivain¢ wires thereon for the transmission o1 elec- tricity on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: - Install, Two poles in the alley north of Randolph Street and west of Fredricks Avenue. One pole on West Ninth St., east of Exchange Street, One pole on West Ninth St., west of Exchange Street, One pole on Snelling Avenue, north of Blair Street, Eleven poles on Maryland Avenue, between White Bear and Hazel Avenues One pole on Snelling Avenue north of Como Phalen Avenue. Two poles on Wheeler Avenue north of Selby Avenue, One pole in the alley north of Folr th Street and east of Terry Street Commercial lighting.. One pole on the northwest corner of Macalester Avenue and James Street. One pole on the northwest corner of Macalester Avenue and Palace Streeti, One pole on James Street east of Macalester Avenue. One pole on Palace Street east.ofu^^ ate. C. 11. No. 30613—By-J. E McDonald Municipal lighting. Resolved, That the : ,ram a fle With necessary guys and anc]ai'acted°top extend Its electteal ordered and! by erecting points and stringing wires thereon for the transmission of else. tricity on and in the following alleys and streets of said city. - install _ o Doles In 11 _north of Re, R. A11 such extensions, voles and wires ehall be erected nd constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the provisions of Ordinnce No. 2424, an of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All occas should be set in d any and tall suchtpolels shall be and reet. as he take, down and mmo—edr of Public ... Utilities oshcled desiccate. andshall he ever theliCmmcil.nd character as be shall deem that the public desiccate re approve, an Femur o sue wires uv x interest sv reeuiras, and when it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ......._PUG ._2s:�._ .92D................ ....192......... Ferguson McDonald G. �n 1920192........ -- _ ...............In favor Adopted.......... ...._._...................................._.. 7. Matsu 0017 Smith Against.^'�.._ . wetuel P[JnLI - _�__"or--iJ Mr. President „ (`fAUNCIL < (� CITY OF ST_ PAUL .�Le NO.-------3061 � OFFICE OF TI IE CITY CLERK y C"OUNCIL RESOL.UTIO"---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9Y - - - - - COMMISSIONER._.__._ ---------- _�________________________ _,._.__,__.. ____._- - n. ____________________________ ____ _ — DATE ......_............. ..........."... ........ RESOLVED , , That whereas, 'by the teY=s oS Council File No. 24642, Ordinance No. 5081, app3rose3 Aix-3�3�4t%, 1919, permission and authority upas granted to George 31Ea'tlsison. to construct and-main- tain a aaLnopy 5 foot square wi tkL rain leader, on the building kn=A8. No- 116 west 6th Street upon the filing of a bond; and the bond in tise s%x3= oY Five Thousand Dollars ($5000.00) ` dated April 8t2i, 1919, waa Filed, George Mathison, being principal, and the Nat:kcknzi Szzrety Company, as surety, thereon; and WHEREAS, said prin'ai pal leas tams down said canopy and premises restored to its origina3 and'- said principal removed from said premises; be :Lt, RESO.%VED, -that the bond executed by George Mathison, be cancelled, and the principal axed st2rety thereon be released. C_ F. No_ 30614—By S_ M- Cla.ncy— Resolved. Tbat Ysereas, 4 the �� t¢rma of Cotaacil mil e. 1V o_ 24642, i diaaace No_ 5081 -approved ADril, 24th. 1919, permissioa - a d uthority was granted to George a3athison, 0- to ony' atruct and maiaLaia a canopy S foot square with rasa lesc;er. on tlh¢ build, ng known as Ho_ 216 Pest 6th Street. upon the Sling oS- a bond; nd Wh¢reas_ the 'poX i --the sum of Thou sa-a@- Doi3ars <E�000_00) led- ' d -April 8tYi- 1919_ was thereby filed. � � •George Ddataisoa_ssbe' aS principal, .and �.i - the National S ety Company. IIs - � cutely. thereon; ay.8- I Whereas. saa.d - principal :has LOTd _ doWxi sad rei-Canopy a d pramiaes re- stod- to 'ts oris iaai- coalition, and _ �said priaeipal - removed rrom said - premises; ba it Resolved, LhaL the: bond eaecuted by GaorZ;e Mat3sssoa_- be: ca_siceued, - and the- principal cad- suretythereon be released- - - - Adopted by Yba Coyyricil Aug_ 23,1920. Yes 60 Councilmen ( %f) Nays - - Clancy -Adopted by the Council ------ e 1910------- ___ 19__ Ferguson McDonald _._"In favor Approve ��ji 19 Matson . Matson r\ _ Smith (`..--_-------Against Wenzel MwTOR Mr. President FORM .M ­0 - ' WM. B.JOYCE, Pnestb enT MPA n' `NEw n' THE WO R L_!75 LA R G EST. SURETY COMPANY WE BONG MORE PEOPLE Ti—i �e`� i+l ANY OTHER COMPANY IN THE WORLD o CAPITA L AN E:> — LJ I Q LUS OVER 59,000,000.00 RES/O ENT %CE FRES/GENTS ATTORNEYS , BUTLER, MITCHELL,HOKE W.S. M,CUROY. P—s. C. M. BE N-. SEc'Y. ♦VN1.B.J0YCE & C:C>. \042TIVA-I,STI'11F NLA0N,1GER5 N w. CEDAR 1337 TRi 5TATE -- The City C1er1c, Court House � S`.. P2..Z2Z y Zfi nrl . Dear Sir ; - August 17th, 1920. =23 Rte. : 0. MATHISON We eric -1 herewt�th a petition by the Nat fLon=1 Surety C <=>---:K:)any which kindly have delivered to the Commora tau-no11 and if the 13atioazal Surety Coxaizy� released from further liability under- tais bond, will you kindly a.d.vi S e us a.nCL ob2i ge - A_ : J Eric1 . 353 Your e very truly, TM. B.JOYC _& CO. BY i f306 JOHN 1. FARIGY (Office of pity (t Ierk` JAS. J. MINER «bkK lT t! of ��iut �u1 ....1 rY «ENK August 18th. 19k20. L Hon. J. M. Clancy, a� Com. Parks P & P.B. Budjdirg. Dear Sir%— Enclosed please find petition of Nationqal Suerty Co. for release of bond for canopy at #116 West 6th. St.( George Mathison). Will you kindly investigate this matter. Yours truly, 1',, City Clerk. AT/S�HA� dS{M R To the Honorable Common Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Petition of surety for release on canopy bond at 116 W. 6th Street, for Geo.Mathison. To the Common Council above named: Your petitioner, National Surety Company of New York, respectfully represents and states to the Op -mon Council: First: That your petitioner 1s a corporation of the State of New York, duly qualified to transact surety business in the State of Minnesota. Second: Un the 8th day of April 1919 your petitioner signed as surety a bond for George Mathison in the amount of $5000.00 to secure permit for the erection of a canopy at 116 W. 6th Street, St. Paul, Minn. Third: Your petitioner requests to be released on said bond for the, reason that this canopy has now been torn down, and we understand that the premises have been restored to their original condition and the said Geo. Mathison is not occupying the said premises. Fourth: That because of the facts cited above, your petitioner prays that an order be issued releasing the National Surety Company from further liability, under the said Canopy License Bond. in testimony whereof, your petitioner has caused its corporate name and its seal to be hereunto affixed this 13th day o August 1920. NATINAL Y COMPANY BY its Attorney-in-fact. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N0 `0615 _. FILH ....._...._ ....._.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL- RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - 'PRESENTEDS@Y " COMMISSIONER............ ............ ............. ....... .... .............................. .................... DATE .-:................. ....... ........... ............... ..... .:........ .... . RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to Dr. 0. W. Sterner, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00), in full pay- ment of all claims held or asserted by him against the Board of Water Commissioners by reason of medical and surgical treatment rendered by him to Ola Peterson, a city employe, injured May 14th, 1920, in the course of hie employment; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to the Bethesda Hospital, the sum of $35.30, in full payment of all claims held or asserted by it against the Board - of Water Commissioners by reason of treatment and services rendered to said Ola Peterson, a City employe, injured as aforesaid. �ilr_u` F. No 30611:—soled,.t the prority re ereby authorized to Pay. epi I hereby recommend the passage of the Workmen's ompensation. Ac-Ithe above resolution. a. at of theGeneral Fund, to Dr. O... Ste Or, the sum of Forty Dollars (540.00), to fall DaYment of all claims held or asserted by him against 'the Board of Water Cn ear ionera by reason f medical and .surgical treat - mento 4f or. by him to Ola Peter- pJcity employe, fn,iured Mayl4th, In the course of his. employment: „ - and.heSt President, Board of Water Further 'Resolved, °That the proper city -officers are her apthorized. to Commissioners• pay.' out of the Workmen's Camp n. tion"outof that the General Fund, to the .Bethesda- iIcapital,. the- sum :of 556.30, -In dull Payment. of all clalt held or asserted 'by it against the Board of -Water Commissioners by reason of treatment and s rvices Yen- - dered to said Ola Peterson. a City em- ploye, injuredas aforoeaid. Adopted by the Council Aug. 23, 1920. Approved Aug. 23, 1920. - Yes ( (August 28-1920) Clancy -T— Adopted by the Council __G�_ Js192Q ...._. __ - 19 -- Ferguson McDonald - ----- ----.In favor Approved- 19 - Matson Matson /�� Smith (' ----__.__Against — ---�--- / — Wenzel ��r A+� r�ron Mr. President .. roses ar e•zo PRESENTED By IL COMMISSIONER ..-.-. RESOLVED y .�l CITY OF ST. PAUL Pae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REUTION --- GENERAL FORM ...._Au�xst .23, 1920 O ......................... ._C........_ .. .... ..... ..................... DATE......................: That the grade of Arundel Street from Front Street to ;Iaryland Street, in ac- cordance with the red mrade line on the ac- companying profile (two sheets) and as re- commended by the Commissioner of Public Viorks, be and the same is hereby adopted as the estab- lished Ixrade. Yes U) Councilmen 00 Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel 0 Mr. President ronw aw eho St oProm ec • F the BCCA a a x I eaone '" or `7 �llahaa s het Ago e aa< ApptpoveahJ Adopted by the Council.__—AUG 2; 1920 _ 19_ --- ...In favor APPr AUrj.Ge! ----------- Against- MwYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL-- COUNCIL NO.��— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...... %. �!✓ ✓LJ" ... ............... ....... ........ DATE..:...... ............................:.........._............... Resot_vEb That the proper oit officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John Hampel, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of #15.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled, by reason of injuriee'reoeived by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of st. Paul on the 36th day of June, 1920, be it Further resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to p*7 to the said John Hampel, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of One Hundred Twenty-fimodUMUsr (120.00) in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to August 38th, 1920. SIC. jr. No. 30617=BY H. C. Wen tY ^otti^I Besoived. Teat the .proper Y Ju 1020; be f `. FurthResolved With fd 6recml her -to, the said John t Workmen s Comps I the General, Fun( Hundred Twentyartia. sect thepperiod, up to A Adopted by tlief APPro..dA sus' I':.. - Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Sith Wenzel Mr. President roaw ar a•ao �ompen= I hereby recommend the above ate of+515.00 per Ias he shalt be esolu :neon Jnjurfes �o__ge. h s In the employ ,. ic Work. on tPubthe 6th day, ,at in accordnnsy the proper city '. I��'-' uthort d to paY t Comm'r of Public Works. .giant Aceeuntt"" the sum or One; - Adopted by the Council..—_AUG W.1920 - -------- 19_.._ _---OUG 231920 -- ........ .:. --...._..__Against --� --- -- --- wwvoa CITY OF ST. PAUL F LBY`" NO,-. _.._®��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.:..._. ...../.............;..... ......... ........... .. ----------- ... ...:... .......:.... DATE...August.. la,1-920 .............. ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby co urs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for curbing both Bides of Princeton Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Finn:Ave., as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #3037. C. F. No, 30818—BY 11. C. Wenzel— ' ! Resolved. That the Council hereby ,concurs in the a ominendation f the Contract Committee and rejects bid re -i / eided for on, both sides ot.!i Princeton Ave. from Cretin Ave. to Finn Ave., as bid received was In ez- ese f the engineer's estimate. F. B:J No 3037. Adopted by the Council Aug. 23. 1920.'. Approved Aug. 23, 1920. (August 28-1920) Yes (✓) Co cilmen ( ✓) Nays .lancy ((/ Ferguson McDonald _..._.._.._.....ln favor Satson ith ------------Against7 enzel . JMr. President IOHM 8Y e•20 Adopted by the Council..__.f��_�......_____ APPro CITY OF ST. PAUL `v Oe cu No.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE RAL FORM RESENTS BY COT.. 'R ........ ......:.a ...................................... _.....:..._....... ......._. ... ....... DATE...Au . .... ........_ P . RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs to the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for paving Arcade St. from the north line of Maryland St. to the northerly city limits, which 1s the center of Larpenteur Ave. with asphaltic concrete, as bids ereceived were in excess of the engineer's estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary materials through the Purchasing Department, as provided by the Charter. F. B. #3046. A Yes (✓) Coo/ncilmen (0 Nays Y ancy erguson JMcDonald In favor ✓/ atson � _ nth Against LL�nzel Mr. President 3UG10—BY 8. C. Wenzel rcbY That the CoUi`il. hof d the the recommendation bid. Committee end ejeSt from for Pnving 1 d city St. to the llof JJarylan tis the sen- ,rpenteur Ave. with asphaltic m bide received ere to 9nd the engineers estimate, the of Public Work is '� ,uthorized ucuring ithe neceey .Count, Prth .terials through vided bYc the artment. as Pro r. BNo 3046 ad by the C'U"il Aug. 23, 1020. ved Avg. 23'2 1920. 1Aegnet 8-1920) Adopted by the Council .------ Appr 19__..... GITY O>= ST_ MAUL nye n� 30620 - NO.- OFFICE OF Ti-IWE Ci TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL_LJ'T14=3.i-�i— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...._... ........ ........... ........_.._.._..________.__._____._ -------------- ___________ ____ ________.._......... DATE..AuguA.t._.l.$.p.. .Z92A............. :....... RESOLVED That the'Council hereby, coacLaras in the recommendation of the Contract Commit*- ee and raj 4--- 4-- s _bid received for curbing both . sides of Forest St- From Sys a xags Ave. to Fast Seventh St., as bid received was 13n cess Ozff- -ft3ae engineer's estimate. F.B. #3038. 30620—By g-eaz¢7- 1 R¢so2ved,. That th¢ Coaac_3� 2 ereby oncurs in the re coma- ez:d _a of the Contract Caxnmittee ad - az zbid J EE== --t —tt t St- drom Yor sbing botiz spa s For+ St. P13a tangs Ave_ la Sev Of t - St_, a bid reC�eive d- was. a ea9 oP the ¢ngin¢¢r's estimate_ �_ B_ cNo. i 3035_ b _ - Adopted y *-tae Cou 'I Asz- 23, 19E0. ADDa-ovad-Aug_ 23. 2920- - ' <Au Susi 28-292D 3 Yes 00 Councilmen (%f) Nays — Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith -- Against - Wenzel Mr. President rover ares -so - i - Adopted by the Council.__.__ AUG 23 1920 Approv� . a-492-8- _ --_-- -- -;h. OR d � NO. CITY OF ST PAUL - -- --®�� Yes ('1) Councl'1men (v) Nays 1//ancy Verguson �1/6130nald aWn.th 'Wenzel 1Mr. President Adopted by the Council__ AUG 2 - 1 2Q---_._19-. favor Approve ---AUG_e-�, - - -Agaunst w.roe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLIERK GOLINCIL RESOLUTION--- ENEF2AL FORM 'PRESENTED BY _ cc — —______________________ _.. ....._....._...... .. .._.._.. ________ - DATE.....Atl ust-1.9. -- 192Q RESOLVED That the C o hereby curs- in t3ie recommendation of the Contract Caxc3L3=rkittee and awards the contrast for grading Vista Ave. f'roml St. to West Seventh S ->r _ in`accordancewith plans alzci s -ecifications hereto attacl3ed, to Keough Bros., they being tae lowest responsible bizicier, for the sum of $700.00 :L- mrm accordance with their bi c3 and supplementary letter here a attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct ed o draw up the Proper foam cxf contract therefor. Engineer's astimate $672.00.. ' ' v C. F. No.- 30621—By H. C. Wensel= Resolved, That the Council herby _ s in the recommendation :oi. C3 e Contract Committee and awards .the ontract -for grading Vista Ave. from- } Rac¢ St. to wast Seventh St., -tn ac— -- -dance ith one and apeciflcatious hereto ttached,'te-'8eovgh Bros; -.they - being the lowest-resp...this bidder, = for the um of 5700.00. In accordance with -their bid and supplementary Iet— ter hereto attached, and the Corpora— tion - Counsel le hereby fnatructed draw- CounselIs oyer form of contract gi S' Y therefor. Engineer's estimate $672.00__i F_ B..No. 3032. - -- _ Adopted by the Council Aug. 23, 2920_-> Approved Aug.. 23, 1920: - '' (August 28-1920) Yes ('1) Councl'1men (v) Nays 1//ancy Verguson �1/6130nald aWn.th 'Wenzel 1Mr. President Adopted by the Council__ AUG 2 - 1 2Q---_._19-. favor Approve ---AUG_e-�, - - -Agaunst w.roe - CITY OF ST_ PAUL ori sNe"NO OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK _ e COuhICIL RESOL TI N ---GENERAL E9i2M t .PRESENTED 1 '_ - - Auaust 23, 1920 COMMISSIOER ........ ....... ..__ __ ____... ... .. __rQL__.___ -_ -- ..._..__. .. .. .. ....... t�A'FE-............... ........ ....... ........ ..- .. RESOLVED v That the time specified for the per- formance of a certain contract d.at eci June 1, 19�^, between Christ Johnson and the C-ity of St _ Paul for the construction of a leaver on Thorn Street from Earl Street to a point 632 ft. tivest of Earl Street be and the salve is hereby ext ended t o the 21st day of August , 1920, and t <e proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in ao- corc3ance here.rith; provided, hov%ever, that this resolution shall not have any force a*nd effect ur2a- gess the sureties on the contractor r s bond con - agent thereto and file such consent j.rn writing :pit rz the City Comptroller. 30622-13Y H- C. on ' Mie& ` Resolved. That the time spool trsct. the performance f ertain c _ dated June 1. 1920; between Christ; ! Tohnaon an the City of 6t. Paul Rorj the construction of a sewer 'on Thorn:. St. - from Earl . St.. to a point 632 feet _;at f atended to the 21st day Is,, gust; 1920. and the pr opar cit - officers i_ are hereby authorlae elltra-t c in �- .i amensa ant to ' rovided. however: It cordance herewith: e that thts ree.j.tionloshg theosi�hre"es ov force and effect t& nd oasent theratc{ the ntractor'p nt In wrltia6 Witlx !and filo Comptrpller. 23. 1920-. the City 1 Aug• Adopted by'the-Co 1920. ADprov¢d Aug• 23. -. - (August 28-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___--____.----- In favor Matson - Smith -----------Against Wenzel Mr. President h Adopted by Lhe Council 2,119.20 2,1+ 1920 Approv AUG 2%. is2Q..—.. ...__19_....... '0622 St. Paul, Minn. , TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body pause the timep off completing contract four the to be extended to - - - - - -- - - �- -2iv- a fi tA.' m Owing to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jit was not possible for to finish this contract within the time, specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be ruade as hereinbefore stated. Yours ve truly, Contra or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, ab far as the requirements of this office is concerptn PPROVED . 6f Construction & e s Cotnn;issione r of P is v'orks. Chief Engineer. Council File No ......... 3.0.623 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Paving. -.of -_Franklin Street from Ea.�le --- .... - - .............-.........................................-.... .................._........ ;. Street to Chestnut Street, including setiaer, water --- ................d (T- ii- as coririect..i.o"ns froru...et-reet.... fh ins.._t.c....p.rcp.erty-- e...-1Y1a0X_e.-.ilQ.t....alreadY....made.i..._also.,-in- _............................. ............................. cluding curbing 'and paving alley and driveway° ap- roe.-cthes- ......................_... ......-- ...............a... 23dAugust � Dated this ........ .................. day of........................................................................ : ........T.... 1 ......... Councilman. PRE EWINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... .......... P ay.ing... of... .ranklin._St.re.et... fr.om...E.agle...... _.. .............. .......... Street to Chestnut Street, including sewer, water ............................ a=d ... l?-a:s­... con-nections from street mains to property._...................._.:.... lines corn-?let.e, where not already made; also, in- ..... eluding curbing and paving a11e4 and car veivay ap- ................................pr- ,.... nar...v......._...................._................................................ ...__........_.... oach�a �arhe.r.e-..neGe C. F. No. 30623— having been presented to the Council of the City of St. 1 making reof'tha i tte. pr pos l for the) therefore, be it viz.: Paving of Franklin St. from Eagle - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Wei st. to Chestnut st., including sewerpdted: an water d gas connections from atreet• main., to rot�erty lines complete. 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of tris ___talready made; also Incl- - --I'ving alley,, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e6timated colt of said improvemeiiieTth0 Ccyotal co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ' f..11 ..: n0 d_*_..da3nf..amw+.wn''_rvh'CYi`�s'�d"ifFl�'fi'vCI4fif1L",�..--_...................._............................ .................................---.........................................._..---............... ............. ..............................................---'-..... Tg State whethef or not said impro�emeitt is asked for on the petition of three'or more owners. rTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ----------- UG ... 2e?.1.92Q .............. .....191.....-.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved........... .... J..19.20 ... ........... 191 Hyer McColl KellColl �. Wunderlich....................M.ayor.... ................................... Mayor Irvin Form CA 13 (dM y- 17) Council File No .........3.....062. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ga The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Cf of St. Paul, viz.: `i rad.jn ...of.._A.x�.u.ndal St.r.e.et.....frnm...F.r.ont.......-- ................. Street...t.o...Iaar-yland...Str.eet................_._._.........................._................_.._...._ ........_................. ------------ -........................................................................................... ......_.............._..................... ............................................ .........._....__....... ........: ...................._.................................._................................... ......................................................... _.............. ........................... Dated this........ 23d......... day of. .:...._............ ..-----August ......................................... , 19120.... _1ounci*lman-.'**­ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --- ....... ......................................._........._Gr.ad-i.ng_ of. ...Arundel _.. St.r.eet....fr.om...Fr.ont...........:-........_ ......_. .............................. Strzet...to...r:: y)-an.d....Stme-et _ _.....__.... ........................................_.._.............._....._..........._._............... �. C. F. No. 30624— ................... _..............._..__..... ADetraci .............................................................................. PThereae, A written Pro mprov or the ..: _d of the followin6 Improvement.!................................................ g of Arundel St, from Front having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by \ rylgnd St., having beenPT ....................... .......................__. e Council of the City re, therefore, be it be .!1ommla- ' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �VtRB"'.M improvement. ............ ..................... ...... ................. . ..........t ............................................... :.............................. ..'.................................................. .--- ......................................................................... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.............AUG..2Z-! 19.?Q.................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller f McColv Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 15 (01 4.17) Approved......... 191........ Mayor. Council File No------- -&-cot. .____. Acct. �rradiPKOPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .0 and PRELIMm�TARY ORDER_ The hereby proposes the making of Thee following public unprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz: ta1r-in;z,------1 -n --- szsement---- in ------------------ ------------...... tlae -land necessary for slopes for cuts and ------------- �i21s 1-n V-radin kru-rs3'E�3 St-xes----i-ruru... Fr'ont"--- St-reet--------------- -_...._..:.... t o 1daryland Street. Dated 233 day of. -- A_us�18t---------------- 9120.... uncilman. PRELLMII�TARY ORDER_ A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: n.! Condemning 'a.riu taking an easement ----- ..._..... in the land necessary Zc)= slopes. ffor cuts and -- ---------- �_i11s- in ... �zradin.R... A.rusa.a'�a Str-eet.._fr.om... Front ....... ._...... - .._........_............... Street t L4aryland Street. - -- - - - - - ...............---------- - - --------- ---------- ...........................----------------- ....................... C. F. No_ 30625- -.._-< --------- ................ ......................................... W lier¢a8. A written propoaal'Sor �� ' having been prytented to the Council of the Ci vmiylcing or tlae zollowing tmproven ,7 therefore. be i -r- ( cona¢raaias ane +axinS as ¢as¢m_ n th¢ .land n¢c¢ssary -To' slopes, cutI and Slls in gradig Arundel -. R�SOLVT �� That the Commissioner of P trom Front sc. to naarylana st ina.� sed and directed: I been pre nen ted to tlxa - �_ cuacil Paul 1. To the necessity for or desirability _c t1, -_of sa &iiripiovement. 2. To the nature, extent and eStunated Boit of said improvement, and the total cosi thereof. 3. To r-mrmm=sAx a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -------------------------------------------------------- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 5, to whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Adopted by council--------- Commissionef of F inane_ ti AUG C� IgZO --19 " --------------------191 -------- t ie --------------_... yeas: Nays: Farnsworth Goss Hyland e---� Keller 1/') Mccoll %,/ Wunderlich i�/iayor Irvin Form CA 1s C5IMK 4r-- 2'T3 Approved--------- .4sl_192a... ------- 191-------- -------------------------------- ............... _ Mayor. Council File No ..... ....306,26 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - ..-...... -......._.C.onstxuct.i.oz�.._o....a.._seiyer....on._,"lestern................... ...----...._.... Avenue--..from_..Cook Street t.o =-iaryland Street. ........---'---'--. .:...._..........................................._......_..................... ........ wF ' Dated this_......23a..._....day of..._..............._.....__..August.............................. C/ 19 0 ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. ......... ... _... _ ..__ ..... _. Construoti.on of a sewer on Western Avenue from Cook Stre t -to :.iaryland Street. ............................................... •C. F. No. 20626— Abstract..................................................................... ................................................................................................ Whereas. A written proposal making of the following Improv.;, 4 viz: i............................................................... " """"" """" Construction of a sewerr W A—from Cook 8L to Maryln.,'- - having been presented to the Council of the City of ° having been presented to th,:------............................ .........,. of tha City of St. Paul thergfn,, Resolved, That the C. therefore, b[ it Public Works be and ' i 9 and directed• ; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works i °, invest'_ .,ereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of -said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To furnish the following other data and information relativ_ , o—'a - 3^�'^�n' .---- ----- --- -- .. - ........................................................................................................................................................................................... whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Toreport upon all of the foregoilnl mOatters to the Commissioner of Finance. y Adopted by the council ....... ...... ....................__............ ....._...191....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approded..._..._ ...._- -92 ..................191._..... e.- Hyland _ _ Keller McColl Wunderlich........................ � ................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. L1S1- ED � Form C A 13 (eM 4-19) Council File No.------2e1061/a- 30627 ' ­ Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER_ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iimproveraent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .......... ....................................................... ..Construct_i.P.n...o.f...a.._s.ix fflot cement file ..........._..............Si.deWalk..:on...t:he....aszuth._si.de....of....z vy -- ------------------------------- ------- Arcade Streetto Ear 'Street. . ._ ........................ . --...................................._...................1................_.....-- - .. Dated this....... 23d.._.....day of...._ .................. c ............................ --- - - - - Q - . C� uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz_: _..........._.....................:........:........._Cons. t_rxict.i.on...of....a....S. X f o ct v en ---- sidewalk n - - - _...................._. sidewalk...on__t.he..south,side .of_..Iv-- St r o at T Torr ----------------------------- ............................... Arcade Street to Earl Street. ....................................................................................................._.............•------------------------------ --------------------------------------- ............... - ............................................................ �.C. F. No. 30627- .. - --- Abstract - Whereo.s, A vrrrittan propos., having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by maki.9 xmg or crze =ollowix:1-- ---------------------- viz.: therefore, be it coalde t 1-- or a six gte fromA_ _aa Ste* RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and -he is hereby oraered and dired_ted- 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e4timated coot of said improvement. aXkld the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To rave o sa> improv enta-------------------------- ---------------- ....... _..............._......._...._................................................................._..--- ---- - - - Ta late whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petitioa of three or more owners_ To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fin e; Adopted by the council. ............ ... _.191- - Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _ Goss Approved._.. - `��'*� 19 20 Hyland ----------------------------------- 191..------ Killer McColl /°• Wunduli ------------ - -------------- M2- M yor Irvin �r. Form C 1 13 (6M 4.17) - _ Council File No_________ j- on I?YLIOP430S.A,L V4001;t IMPROVEMENT aad ORDER. The undersigned 1<eraby proposes the making of the: f<A1c>vvixig 'public improvement by the City of St- F-.atxxI, viz: j .........------------------------------------------ ............................. .. . . . . . . aja-h -E s aaex an -Arundel... - ------------------- ................................ F-M-Oxl--t ---- 2:t -0-;St Ea .............. ........... -- Dated this....:.day of ---------------------------------- 19 0 ------------------- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the rn.&kirxjg of the following improvement, viz.: -C-,-- n -S tXVLoff.a.aaaex on A-7:ulade.j___ .......................... -:f=-nM --- 7b-C)—.:;IIaryIand Stre-et; ................. -- ------- ------ - ------------------ - 30628- .�bj-ttZt't,rop ... I �o� the --WV-Jz --- -s' -A. -w1-9 1 pr Yemeni ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------- I alcizxg -r the fell do: f & sewer on Arune--- -------- t to MarylaCn having been presented to VA-xe <-'oumc�H of the City of St- r`,—=',—ent.d to the , oun f SL P-1 therefore._ ------------- --------------------------- therefore. be it-rbe the C -els ls tel. b� nd he Asrsd Ar RESOLVED, That Abe Commissioner of Public W6yk-s be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate, the wxzxture, extent and estimated cc>6t: of said improvement, and the total cost thereof- p3rofilft or sketch of said improvement rove -------o state whetlze r or ---not---said ------i-r- n-- p-- r Q-- �- ve- r -n-- -e- m -t --- is --- asked s --k, -e- �- d- --- for the ---...petition-- *-- 'o -f - three - o -r- more owners_ *- 5 I T T -- report o repoupon: all of the'Foregoing matters to the: Commissioner of Finance. hUG 2� 1920 Adopted by the council- - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- -1 91 -------- Yeas: Nays: Councilman F-arx-AmNvo-r-th Goss ............ 191 -------- rvx =�L "r Mayor lx-%rla el- --- --------- - F.- C A 13 (SM 4-M —T _TSIWW No. 30629—Ordinance No 5401— //!//J�.�� R. 8. Fergueoa— /�,�a tt An adminletrattve ordinance A A5T'pt' q A� scales of prices for the use o[��0 • D Ci . F. • �ey � Public Auditorium and determh „ A - ,, what uses It shall be drg; + @ phis le a n emergency ordlnanr,. �,, ,, An Administrative Ordinance fixing lea of prices for the use of the. Public Auditorium and determining hat uses it shall be devoted. I This is an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for / the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. 4 THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.RAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION P That the scales of prices which shall hereafter be charged for the use of the Public Auditorium,shall be those fixed in the following schedule for the respective uses indicated therein. PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF FEES CHARGED FOR USE OF AUDITORIUM FOR USE OF THEATRE SECTION OF BUILDING For public gatherings where expended art paid by the City from the contingent fund, ae prodded by the Charter, oost of opening and opera�l Ili 011p are aherea. 120040 per aW . all mia %x«.. For Brand Opera, Theatrical, Musical entertainments etc, when admission not to exceed .50X is charged, minimun of $250.00'per day, all help extra.- �- ~� µWhen admission not to exceed, $1.50 is charged, an addition of .05¢ per seat to be added. 4350.00 for eve. matinee $150.00 extra. When admission not to exceed $ 2.50 is charged, an addition of .06¢ per seat to be added, $385.00 for eve. matinee $150.00 extra. 'When admission not to exceed $ 4,.00 is char ed,,an addition of .Q ¢ per seat to be added, $415.00 eve. matinee $17,n.00 extra. When admission not to exceed 6.00 is charged, an addition of .Op¢ per seat to be added, $450.00 for eve* matinee;$175.00 extra. ? When admission not to exceed 7.50 is charg-sad, an addition of .04 per seat to be added, $485.00.for eve. matinee 0200.00 extra. When admission not to exceed 010.00 is charged, anaddition of .10¢ per seat to be added, 0525.00 for eve. matinee 0200.00 extra. When admission of over 010.00 is charged, an addition of .12¢ per seat to be added, 0600.00 for eve. matinee 0250.00 extra. Help furnished on.such'occasions to include, attaches in front -of house, such as , Ushers, Maids, Ticket -Sellers, Door -man, Carriage callers, etc'. 3 � FOR USE OF THE ENTIRE BUILDING. For exhibits in connection with conventions, when no addd ssion is charge, 0250.00 per day, all help extra. Fo,q Concerts, Boxing -matches, Athletic entertainments etc, when admission is charged not to exceed .b0�'. Minimum rental 'of $360.00 per day all help extra., Page--2--- It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Auditorium under direction of the Commissioner of Education to collect the fore- going charges; and the use of the Auditorium shall not be granted to any person or persons unless a proper agreement in writing signed by tkB said person or persons and by the Commissioner of Education on behalf of the City of St.Paul, shall have been entered into. Said Agreement shall define the use for which the Auditorium is hired and the price to be charged for the same and shall contain the provisions usually in agreements of this kind for the payment of earnest money and final settlement. SECTION 2 This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays " Ferguson Adopted by the Council McDonald _\ Matson U SEP, 10 1920 ,1920. Smith Approved SEP 10 1920 1920: Wenzel Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) ' rrasy, Ra 7'1uo C1iY Cllr When admission not to exceed $3.00 is charged, an addition of .05¢ per seat to be added, $450.00 per day, all help extra. When admission not to exceed $5.00 is charged, an addition of .06y per.seat to be added, $500.00 per day, all help extra. When admission not to exceed $6.00 is charged, an additjon of .07¢ per seat to be added, $550.00 per day, all help extra. When admission not to exceed, $7.50 is charged, an addition of .08¢ per seat to be added, $600.00 per day, all help extra. When admission not to exceed $10.00 is charged, an•eaddition of .10¢ per seat to be added, $750.00 per day, all help extra. When admission of over $10.00 is charged, $1,000.00 per day, all help extra. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Auditorium under direction of the Commissioner of Education to collect the fore- going charges; and the use of the Auditorium shall not be granted to any person or persons unless a proper agreement in writing signed by tkB said person or persons and by the Commissioner of Education on behalf of the City of St.Paul, shall have been entered into. Said Agreement shall define the use for which the Auditorium is hired and the price to be charged for the same and shall contain the provisions usually in agreements of this kind for the payment of earnest money and final settlement. SECTION 2 This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays " Ferguson Adopted by the Council McDonald _\ Matson U SEP, 10 1920 ,1920. Smith Approved SEP 10 1920 1920: Wenzel Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) ' rrasy, Ra 7'1uo C1iY Cllr E CITY OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 30630 4' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMCIL No........... . ................. . ... FILE COUN F.- A A 46, 2 9 7-18 488 .... ......... ... ..... .. �JN .1 OLLER AUDITED ......................... ............ 191 "'IT PER . ..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysAdopted by the (;. 7i I .....11UG '. -- --.7 Clancy f32D rz;;Usw.rr Ferguson An favor roved......... 191- 2 – Matson ..... ...... . ... Against MAYOR w.kAio,- Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson I C. F. 30630Abs" ... �'pts -as drawn Rest thatre T's,%ury payable Out upon the City s"'ettled foods of the hereinafter In favor of the Persons firms,or eor amounts set apposite porations for the a,.*.. .. sps�jfipd in their ra'p"t"`d,'t.jlsd statm the following North Star State TobaccoCompany. $39.69. Robinson, Cary & Sande Company, $,10.11. 1 Gas Light Co.. $9,172.76. St' "' & Batson, $65.006 0. ON "V'I"'r Wolff & Co., $1, 2 2 1920. a-'. I Adopted by the Carmel Aug. 24,,192tug Approved s 24) (Auffu t 2 -19 4939 North Star State Tobacco Company, 39.69 Health 4940 Robinson, Gary & sands Company, 730.03 St. 0. & R. 13.50 Sewer C. & R. 31.50 Sprinkling 26.40 it 12.60 Schools 39.25 It 503.00 Parks 31.50 1 47.00 I'later 16.78 8 50 730 U3 4941 st.paul Gas Light Company, 9,172.76 Lighting 4942 Walker & Batson, 65,00 Health 49423 DeGraff v,Iolff & Company, 1P020.00 Sewer C. & R. Total 11,027.48 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COLS IL Nn....._ Form AA/6,2M 7-18 487 ... i9[C _............. ..._..: .�-....4�".. ......... AUDITED ............. i 91 TR,ILLER ................. . PER.yp// TITLP Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.__.._�r�Uli__:.:.....�SL�.....................191............ Clancy _FarustxnrLh_Ferguson .___.In favor pproved. ._._._:.lila 1.__..... ---- Matson <atsonatso n ---'--� 5TCE.11--- G. F. No. 30631 Ahet Bet• d qn \i 1YOR me D� \ NTLi'lic- Wenzel of bother In ftar'p noa g'un�r or Erma Mr. President, Hodgson to favor of the P'"' - _ namea as specffted fo, poratlons for the amounts set oBPoslte chair resepcttve - tha fan. vtng dotatleedo� ateofo Finance, F. µr_ Matson, 1920. $30.731.63. the CouncI' Aub. 24, j Adopted by 1920. ApprovedlA-9 t , ust 28-1920) 4938 F. 9;. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 30,731.63 St. C. & R. 9,926.09 Sewer C. & R. 1,536.16 S. &S. Cing. 10,663.10 " 921.90 315.00 28.80 Bridge B. & R. 626.13 New Crosswalks 530.00 Sprinkling 490.24 n 339.00 Docks, wharves, etc. 48.00 Trees Snelling -Goodrich 205.31 Paving Pine 2,283.85 Curbing Hampden Ave. 323.55 Sewer connections Indiana Ave, 1,059.90 Sewer connections Cambridge 7.00 Engineering Insp. 1 427.60 302 3r.-gy- Total 30,731.63 P 0 X11 COUNCIL {Q �n�' CITY OF ST. PAUL rue NO.-- ----.- �- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLU ON GENERAL FORM PRESENTEC'1 .BY ��/py// COMMISSIONER ...... ..e/.....e•... ....... ........ � ._... ..... .. GATE �t...._�'.3� 1920....... RESOLVED - That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or cal Territorial Road from Raymond Avenue to Hampden Ave. Wenzel— That tho Commiselonerayf C.BeO Vea 0832—BY he 1s hereby ke be and inkle with I',rl.ea and directed to epr from water or 11 Terrltorla nRAvo. gn.mond Ave. a u.e ,Aub' 24, 1920. 1 I.. Ado roved AVG. 24. 1920. Approved 28-1920) 1 n d Yes (%/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays e.nMnL 3063 CITY OF ST.. PAUL Fae NO. --------- ___ OFFICE—OF THE_CITY CLERK --_ ----- ----..- f COUNCIL RESOLUT N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENJED BY CoMMI IONER .- ..:. .:........ .. -.... ..........._ ......._. ................... DATE August 24—..1.920. ...... .... .. RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Works of A. B. Sharp as Superintendent of Sanitation, be and the same is hereby con- curred in and approved. I,'I C. F. Nti. 30633 --BY Ei C. Wenzel- gesolved: Thnt the aPDotntment by .the Commfesf...S oY Publtc t or of A. B. ShbrP as SUPerintendent f 50.n - j A. B.n be and tho enmo fs hereby con- curred in and aPProved. 1920. Adopted by the Co 19SU.�nS• 24, APProvediAug— App" ug 24, , us25-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson "j!M22jj= ------ ....._-------- In favor Matson S/��j 7 !.B mith _.__ ...............Against Wenzel Mr. President .:_FORM -3 -ao AUG 24" 1920 Adopted by the Council.___._____.._....__....___19___ App r _.. jUG x Ifl2Q.....---._.._19_....... Tull Lit 01. Paul HERMAN C. �P apateat of Vublir Marko WEN2EL COMMISSIONER 1. DEPUTY IRVINO C. PEARCE, August 23, 1920. Honorable mayor and Members of the Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I beg to inform you that I have on this day appointed Mr. A. B. Sharp as Superintendent of Sanitation of the Department of Public Works in accordance with the terms of the City Charter, and beg to ask for the concurrence of the Council. Respectfully, Commissioner of Public Works. HCW/LIhh CITY OF ST. PAUL coasts ��63 . �a No.-...._Cyl34— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CIL RE UTION ENERAL FORM A PRESENTED. BY , , - L1 st 24 192 COMMISSIONER..........:.'_..... -.L...'.... .... ........... ............... ....... DATE ..........._ .: .. # �....... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one White Truck -Model lb, equipped with special body, at a cost not to exceed $3000.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could' be gained thereby. Charge Pub.Safety-Police Fire A1m.24 t, Yes(,/) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson —..._In favor Matson Smith d __._........ Wenzel Mr. President �,, oar ar a•so _ _ _ .... ._ Adopted by the Council_.._._.g�`�r.-Li.%�_..__.__19_.._ App ------------ -- . CITY OF ST. PAUL couua� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r A.E. SMITH Aug. 23, 1920. COMMISSIONER........:_................::...._,:................... _........ ................ ........ .... ..................... DATE a.........:........_.........................:........................... REsowED hat the application of the following per for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicates, be, and the same are hereby denied, same not having been approved by the Health Department. John Cirillo, Restaurant, 512 E. 7th. St. W. M. Filben, ° 5211 Wabasha St. C: F. No 30635-33Y A. H: Smith— ' •Resolved, That the appllcatlo. of I the following persona .for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the ]bcatlona respecLM1vely yaolia-led' " a and the ams are hereby denied, same not -having been approvedbythe i Health Department: John Cirillo, Restaurant. 612 E. 7th St* . Al. Filben Restaurant, 621+,5 W. - bash. St. Adoptedby the Council Aug. 24, 1920. Approved Aug 24, 1920. 1�(August 22-1920) e Yee ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓% Nays Clancy Ferguson McDo--- ------ In favor Matson Smith –. ..._.......Against Wenzel Mr. President ►onw aw aao - Adopted by the Council AUG 24 1920 -.--19-..-- ®mow �52�� r c� TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: ............... ............................ ..................... ..................................................... ........... ........................ ............ ...._.............................................. does hereby make application to the Counci of the City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a ➢` and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is.._-../ ........... r.-. J' "� ------------....._------------ --- ........_... ....._..-...-............_.......- ................._......... -------------------- ......._-- % _..__................ and his (its) place of residence is .......... f�... .._Q..._ Q �� ...-_.V.-. `"----2atreet (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is AZO..._........_ ✓V-------..--.----- 4�� -------------- in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is ........... now engaged in said business at .................................. _....-...-----------------_--------......--_-------------------------- in the City of St. Paul. Dated this.....`7�_....day of. _ 19r4� -- ---------- ----. W . .J�� ----------------- Date, of expiration of License-- ..- .... 71------------ ----------- _..-...---- ----- --------- ....----- --- .........._.._.. 19Y_2. Dateof Inspection ------------------ ...................................................... ----_.........__......-..._._.-.._......---------- ...---- ------ -- --- ----------__191..._...... FireProtection ... ------ - .................................................. Ventilation of Building.... Meats and Provisions ----..._------------ _................................ Bedsand Bedrooms -------- —--------- ------------------------------------------- ._.-...... Toilet Rooms and Plumbing ................. ... __ ----------------- ................. 1 Kitchen and Utensils --------------------------------- _-.-------------------- Refrigerator ---------....... Refrigerator and Store Basement and Cellar Back Yard ._...... General Condition of Premises.........................�............ 6r _.... wl License R ommended: .��...�' City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. /yoy T Approved: Health Officer. J - UK14 TO„THE,HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: ..................................._.................................................................................... .................................... _......... - does hereby make applicat' n o the ooft City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is .................._.......................-------- and his (its) place of residence 4�e fis------..... � ............................ ..---- ----- ---------------- street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location which the Laiopplicant proposes to carry on business is_ .............*-......--..-.-------. ..--_.-._ ......... ..._.._......_....._...._...., in the City of St. Pau hat the s ' icant is -----------------------------------------now engaged in said business at...a5-1)...... ---- -- ----- ----------------- in the City of St. Paul. Dated this.. .day of .................- - ._.......... _19 4 Applicant. Date of expiration of License ............ -------- --------------- --------------------- ---------------------- --- ---------------- 192 Q.. Date of Inspection ------------- ----- .---- ........ ...... 19 a--- i Fire Protection --------------------------------- ----- -- ---_._.-- - - Ventilation of Building..._ -.._.... ..-.. .. ._... ....... . Meats and Provisions------- --------------- ....-..... - ._..... - -- --....... Beds and Bedrooms. -----... .------ - - - - ToiletRooms and Plumbing......t .1�—-------- -...--------------- -------------- --- ---------- -------- ------------------------------ Kitchen and Utensils -------------------------- ....... Refrigerator and Store Room ----------._....--------------------- ------_.._..------ --------------------------- ------ ..---- --- Basement and Cellar....... __ ....._... _. BackYard ......................... ........_........._._......... 11 �........... _....._.........:.._..._...._.....:........_..._..........._......._....................................... General Condition of Premises _.✓.. ........ ........_._ Licens recommended City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Health Officer. wueca 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO:--- -- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' A.E. SMITH Aug. 23, 1920. COMMISSIONER........ ......... .............. .................... DATE.........:............. ............................. .. ........ RESOLVED That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated, be and the same are hereby denied, same not having been approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Mrs. D McDonald, Restaurant, 275 E- 8th.St. Nic. Schetinsky, ° 1571 E --3rd. ° Yes 60 Cou ncilmen ( ✓) Nays lancy ---.....---......In favor atson 7mith Against "menzel r. President ro.r ar a -so C. F,. No, 3063,6c-bO 8Y �'' Tjicatlon ofothe following 9e 6O g ata °pant. of b a gnd. duct Hatela orttvelY tndtcntedgamo not c tion. resnPe°horebY denledho Barn - '0 hnvtnEs been aPFyy1Oroved by '276 gI— Pr-1Donald. Re.taurant. ENsh lc S ltafnelcY. Reaaun'd 841192 E ADP co a d Au6u24 2"!j%20) ) e �(Au6 2 I Adopted by the Council ------- AUG--;�--�2�.------19-•-_- APpro ��--------19.._...-- wwroa r a 306,16 TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: i - .........-�. .....--....-_does ........................_......_ ...-........._..._ hereby make application to the G40 of the City of St. Pagl for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is------------------------------------------------------------ ............................................` _ d his (its) place of residence is.....-.�4�..741-............�....:-----------------------............................_street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location hick ttgs�j� applicant proposes to carry on business is_---_-------..._ ---- ---___.._----- -------- c-- -.-_......--------------------------------------- m the City of St. Pau Tha e d applicant is �� ------------------------------------------now engaged in said business at..........._.._....- --------------------------------------------- in the City of St. Paul. Datedthis .._ .._.day of. --------------------------- ------------- ------------------ ----- ..........19�.GL Ap n Date of expiration of Li Date of Inspection ._.--..__. Fire Protection .. Ventilation of Building..... Meats and Provisions..._. Beds and Bedrooms......__ Toilet Rooms and Plum] Kitchen and Utensils .......... Refrigerator and Store Room and Cellar.. . ... ......... ..�! .._............. BackYard._ ................. .......... .__.... General Condition of Premises.- ................. License Recommende ...................._ ....... .._..__...._........ _\.........._.........._._.............0 R City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. _.............. ------------19y-0. ..................................19A - Approved: APPROVED; � e Health Officer. Chief of Police, TO THE .HONORABLE THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: ��ion %hX/.!.crrt------..-----------_------------.._does hereby make app 'to the Council o City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a -- .,...---------------------- ----- - - - .................... ......... ............................................................. '-------------- - — - and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the ful natuehe a licant for said License is p� ......... and his (its) place of residence is........-1.....11...__.....------....._.._........_......................-------------_.street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is_ ---------------------- -------.........._ 1;t7x ..................... o/............t-.� l._7-.'........- in the Cit/yroff�JSt. Paul. That th said applicant is ... _.__......................._...._...... now engaged in said business at.._..1...v....C...-/�._ _._ -------------..._...__-- in the City of St. Paul. Dated this .-...-J.^. .... day of.._..........._...... --- LApplicant. Date of expiration of License ...._......... ------------ - -'�_....__!...t----------- --- �L. U .......191 ------- Dateof Inspection ................._....... ... . ...... -..._......'......-. ............._... ...................................18I D Fire Protection .................----......... � ..------------------- - - Ventilation of Building. --- -------------% f�........_... - - ------ .................................... - --- -P-- -............................_..... . Meats and Provisions --------- Q C �`T �. Bedsand Bedrooms ...... —---- ----------- ---- ---------------------------- -------------................_-_.._-.......-------------------__---------------- ..... - ToiletRooms and Plumbing. 1�:--- .,. --------------- _...._..--- .......... -----------------------....._.....-----------------------..-..---------------- Kitchenand Utensils .......................... r............................ ° - ---............._.._.._...... - ..........-.------------------------------------------- Refrigeratorand Store Room....- 2�------------------------------- ._.......--------- ------------ ------------- ---- ------------------------------------- ----------------- Basement and Cellar.._ _.- _....,zG. ... ........... _._ .. _ _ ._......... _ ............ BackYard ............................................. ............ .................. _......................................_._........._......................................_............ General Condition of Premises_...1.1...._._......._......... ---__..._....._..:....................._.__............_..................._....._.. License Recommended: / ... City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. APPROVED: J� Approved:_19 i ............_............. _........................ _..._...... _. _.........-................ . . ........................ Health Officer. _ ......_......���.... -._. ..Chief✓of Police. 7 COUN CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 23, 1920* COMMISSIONER - .... ......... ............... DATE ........... .... .......... ........... ............... .............. ...... RESOLVED In the matter of constructing curbing on Summit Avenue from C. M. & St. P. Railway Right of Way Bridge to Baldwin Avenue, under Preliminary Order #9619, approved March 22, 1916. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimated qnantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be`"' and the same are hereby approved. C F. IInNo. 3037- recting carbing 't tho matter o cOm't .. comelt Aveo from C- it & st: P. :Et.IIW.y Right or. way Brldg-;-.t- Baldwin Ave.,s under FreliminaLy, order No. approved March 22. 1910. Reeo7 V' d -p ht the plane, , pa c 4lona ad quandtles - � td by C"''"*"or"vs Iii ororh.aabove -rd I-re tbe ant th .Me are her.a. Pr" Ad.ptedhythmellA ..21. id AugY2t.2g 1920) Approved od(s Yes Councilmen V) Nays AUG 24 1920 Clancy Adopted by the Council Ferguson AUG 24 1920 _._-_-An favor Appro -19 Matson Smith -_._._Against Wenzel Mr. President Council File'No......... 306-3`' Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT" and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grading._of.._LucY.....Street ...from................................................................ loodbur.Y....Street...........................................................:...................... C Dated this.......23d.........day of ......................... .... Augu.st .......................................................... 19�........ .................................�J ........ ......._.............._. -......_. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grading.- of...Lucy...Street...Prom._............_._.......... ........_......._.._._...... _....... ............._Qakdal.e...,AVenue....t.o. Wo.odbary. Street.,...._......_.__.. _._....._._.....:....'....._...._......__... — --- C. 7. -No. 3083 Ahairact. S -i ...._......_...._! V7hereas A written Dro�oeal or tL............_........................_....... ........._.................... ................................................. , making. of the following mDr.vemor� . . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paui'-,flies of nucYsi. from 0akA Wondn.tt . net 11— g . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve4tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and estimated cott of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement �leiiidfo}lowing other data:a»danforrtifEihn reiZtiVitifanipruvtlment;................_.................................... p -J......................... .................. ......... .......... ......... ............................................................. .............. .............................. 51--=. $, To„4tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Treport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 24 1920........_....._....191........ Adopted by the council ...................................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved........ UG_ 2. ................. ........... 191.._.... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich... ................. ....................... Mayor Irvin e _ I"ayor. PUBLISHED U Form C A 13 (6M 417) Council File No.......... 0.639 Acct. grading PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT j and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C ondemni nf... and... t ak ins"... an...eas.em ent .............................. -- - - in the land necessary for slopes for cuts .................................. and ....f-i-lls in wrad-ing....Lu©.y....Street ....fr.om... Oak— ........................ ............ ................. dale Avenue to Woodbury Street. .......................I...................._........_........................................................................._......_......._............. ._.......--............_......._..._...... ................ ..................... ............................... ....................................... ......................... I .................................... ................ ................... Datedthi............ 2.3.d......day of.. ..............._._........_.......Au^uS.f................................1 199x.... ................................................... � .........p .............................. Co llman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement — _ .................................in the�id ... la...necessary. for slopee for cuts ................... _........................_.......-and...-fills.--ila...gzadinlx...Lucy_.Et.ree.t....f.rom...Oak.-..... _. ..._.........._.._.. _. ____.. dale Avenue ^ ''- - "= ........ .... ....{ a r No. 30639— ............... ................................ Abstract. 11oval forthe ... .. ..................... ..... .. .....{1 yVT•eteae, A. written D I maklnB.of the f6liowing mprovemgnt having been presented to the Council of v%ondemntng and taking an eusem In the .land necessary fora o ................. ............ ....... . uts and Fula to grading ey therefore, be it from Oakdale Avenve Street-havinn ^"^ RESOLVED, That the Commissionefof Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirrbility of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and eftimated cost of said improvement, and the total coet thereof. i__.0 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketc7t of said -improvement. '- 3 Go fntnish the fallowingnot{ree data - ts� . -a* o1�a,r�to sai-,lmDIUYLfF!$:a.....................-- :. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ To ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners". 65" To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 24. 1920 Adopted by the council_ ...................... .......... ..................... ...191... ---- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth f Goss " ss Approved ....... ........ f .. 19 a .... ......... 191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich.............. ............................. Mayor Irvin /l Mayor. �f1flLI 6 U t=orn, c A 13 (am 4-17) 30640 COUNCIL TIL E NO ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..rA-PA?.ll7g..O.f..VJfl.Sk..S.8Y4tlxb..$tS0.8t..fx0II1.S.8Y.8n..G0�fLQI.S...... ( aRe ml I ad ). ,t.a . .tJa . aoutherl-r.1 in e.. o.f . T.uaca.r ssx8..4�.v. enue.„ . A D.Ql M irm . P.eyN.e?',, water,$nd„eqs„connections, from, street, mains, to„property lines complete, drive4� Y..�PBF.Q�.4kt� Q,.. Yih!?.xS..riACA8d4TJ'............... i..................................... ...................................' ' ' IlYTERHIEDIARY ORDERS - ............................... 'under Preliminary Order..... 280.67. — y2$,„x!320,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, C. F, No. 30640—By r W. Matson— an Council of the City of St. Pain I"se entn siieoi iro°n'useven Of West ' Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having co muecarora Ave., to e In luding sewrn e f es: 1. That the said report be and the sain@'W'?2_911°onecttons from ,p W�ted, and the said improvement , hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °`°petty lines °°"' 2.' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.F.@-JXve .9fC.Aest,,, S.e.Yaptk�.>xeet..fF.am.S.ev�o..GQxr��x�..(.So-o�7�ed)t,to,the„southerly line of Tliumir.mL.AVADIAQ,..AIIA.EAA.conneetions,.from street mains to property„lines„complete, where not already made; s.lso including c>}rkln.�. arid. RSXltlg. all,eY..and..d�igeweaY..a.BP.�p&Ck49A,. where, necea,sary,...., ,.. ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...-5016,79a.6.e. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....29t-b......day of ...... PAPt embpx...... 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. PUG 2' 1920 Adopted by the Council......... ......... 192...... PUG V 1920 1' i� .:... Approved.........................192...... G CI rk. Mayor. Councilman Clancy ��,18f�D Councilman Ferguson —••d u t n Councilman Matson j 1(J Councilman Smith l� Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson-: Form B. S. A. 8-6 3064, WWheorrkaswe hTichhe rCeonmmdeentchnheorf C8narnutoatcmhila- ,I cenic' NO' hecno OFFIE.accord.rexeiepor. nety8 D _ i his COUNCIL Rte a'ment ot. certatn� arpr-thatrre.neuoORM ZmentomDloYment7. Tharetaa �� PRESENTED BY ........ Rro_Per cit•. COMMISSIONER a..:... ........ . ............ DATE........... ... ........ ........ _:;�!9�..... ...... RESOLVED'. SAB, MW 0easinsionar of Publto Works has reported, to tho Oouncil=;in s000rdance with Seotion 53..Of the 01ty Mart enthe existenoa of an emergency which rendered Aeaessery the employ meat of aertain,amployes of hie Department for more than their usual. ,houro of employment; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the prop@r oitp offtoere are hereby authorized to• pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extrs employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth:. _ b Name title Hours Rate of :. Overtime Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council...-.-_A��1920 ------- ---- Ferguson AUG 2, , 1920 D58Q}B""° _.._..- .--------In favor AP _._—_ _...... zMtson Smith — .....-.Against Wenzel LISEWD Mr. President �'(J •caw ` pa �, q (� P O �[ i I ®e. /`A � ®- a i . No. 5400— d. C..30642—Ordinance Wenzel—, /. ��� /J,�D ' /0 i ^di nonce granting to the Auto +� ' Products COmpeny, a Corpora-; ' perm lesion [o maintain an oil, station at ete. n 0AA ant.cQ )jo_ 5-40o An ordinance granting to the. Auto Tire Products Company, a R corporation, permission to maintain an oil filling station at 1604 University avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hergranted to the Auto Tire Products Company, a corporation, to establish and t maintain an oil filling station on the curb in front of 1604 Univers- ity avenue, in said City. Section 3. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the install- ation of said filling station, upon its complianoe with the follow- ing conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said station and its loca- tion, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (3) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollare ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense arising from the installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station. The said bond shall be 1a such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Atte Passed by the Council SEP —8 1920 Yeas Nsys Ferguson —A"Beffatt- Matson 0 -�a3Yt3r WILLIAM bARRON' CHIEF INSPEC7DR ,{ CITY OF SAINT PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 19th 1930. Hon. A. E. Smith, Com'r. of Public Safety, Court House. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Auto Tire Products Company, asking for permission to maintain an oil filling station on curb, at 1604 University Avenue. We have made an inspection as to the fire hazard and installation at the above location and found that same was in compliance with City Ordinance, we recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, �) I� ,. Chief Inspect r. I J; . Form A A 46, £ M 7-18 J r t u. . abst-act GLLER ReBolved that warrants be drawn)®tea ,9 the .City Treasury, payable tlt7t !}ll'-�ii�'/3� `+�relnaf[er apeclfled funds and cucNcm Nti................................... AITD I';u 4=qa persona, Orme pr ¢or -.TION FORM FILE ...._...... PITY COM "RO ER 60 AU DITED.._._...:..:<...7 r:�i........._.........191........ TLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter ecified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysAdopted by the -Council f ..:. UG 2161 !920 ........................191_....__ _.................... Clancy £ereswertlir Fergasori ._.._.._......In favor Approved......... ._.2L,AM._.......................191... ....... Goss-----MoDona ld Rel7eF--- Matson ....... Against /_ MCCOII Smith A MAYOR........_ b Wenzel 2'7ndet7ie Mr. esu ant, o gson p�JBLLSi3ED r� — 4949 American Insurance Agency, 177.75 U orkhouse 171.00 Library 6.75 1777M 4950 American Law Book Company, 8.00 Corp. Counsel 4951 American Railway Express Company, 7077 Schools 3.32 Library 1.04 It .63 .63 2.15 -7-.77- 4952 American Society for Municipal Improvements,' 2.00 Library 4953 Peter G. Arend, . 2.00 Sprinkling 4954 Art Engraving Company, 2,50 Election 4955 G. A. Ashton Company, 13.50 Munic. Gar. Revl. Res. 490 Pape #2 4956 E. C. Atkins & Company,' Schools 4957 F. W. Babcock, Playgrounds 4958 Baldwin Transfer Company, Health Schools 4959 Barrett Battery Company, Fire 4960 Bayne & Ahl, IN at er 4961 Beckley-Cardy Company, Schools 4962 Beebe Laboratories, Health 4963 H. C. Boyeson Company, Bureau of Engineers Schools P. Bldgs. dater 4964 S. Brand, V; at er 4965 Brentana's, Library 4966 V1m. R. Burkhard, Health 4967 Burns Lumber Company, St. C. & R.- Workhouse .tirorkhouse Bureau of Parks P. Bldgs. Revl. 4968 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Com'r. of Finance Purch. Dept. C.p.W.-Gen. Adm. Library Water 4969 Central Garage, Inc., Munic. Gar. Revl. 4970 Clemens Implement Company, St. C. & R. 1.50 9.00 TO 5a .60 8.00 1.80 45.00 .40 19."0 8.00 79.10 2.25 lug= 23.35 1.77 3.31 5.30 31.23 64—. U6 3.60 12.00 10.50. 12.39 7.20 2.97 5.00 55.40 79.56 5.85 45,00 108.35 6,'4.96 37.65 24.70 Res. 490 Page #3 4971 Coca Cola Bottling Company, 377.10 Health 18.00 Is 9.00 " 9.00 Parks 45.00' it 90.00 11 90.00 45.00 " 36.00 35.10 377.1-0 4972 Columbia Tool Steel Company, 29.02 Schools 15.75 4973 T. 0. Cramer's Book Store, 9.00 Library 4974 Crane & Ordway Company, 585.84 Munic. Gar. Revl. 10.73 St. C. & R. .68 Schools 8.78 Parks 90.16 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.64 Water 441.30 " 30.00 4977 2.55 BST 4975 T. F. Cullen & Company, 15.75 Schools 4976 Daily Hardware Company, 67.15 Schools 7.30 " 27.00 �ater 32.85 4977 The Daily News Publishing Company, 3.25 Civil Service. 4978 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 30.55 Munic. Gtr: Revl. .79 2.68 St. C. & R. .35 Parks .35 # 4.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 11.17 Water 5.66 Homecroft Sohool(Bond) 1.00 Grov°:land Pk. 4.05 3D=. 4979 Louis F. Dow Company, 123.11 Com1r, of Finance 6.00 Comptroller 40.60 It 13.70 If 4.54 City Planning Comission 3.95 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 12.35 Fire 11.00 Schools 20.00 11 2.50 Parks 4.97 Viater 1.25 it 2.25 1713 -.ii 4980 Otto Fdstrom, Agent 50.00 P lay Frounds Res. 490 Page y1/4 4981 Essanell Electric Company, Fire 4.34 P/nznic. Gar. Revl. 5.69 It 6.33 " .60 " 8.48 Field, Schlick & Company, 2'-.4'4- 4982 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 396.90 Police 56.25 it .75 urorkhouse 6.65 if 2.94 Library 1.27 Parks 4.26 4iater 112.79 " 118.40 71C=. 4983 F. ''1. Faxon Company, 25.44 700.21 5.85 81.00 23.94 3.73 43.95 15.00 3.90 19.67 9.00 5.95 150.28 109.10 527.63 Library 4984 Fielding & Shepley, Paving Broadway, Third to Fourth 4985 Field, Schlick & Company, Schools 9.94 Parks 3.70 11 3.70 Water 6.60 723 4986 Flour State Baking Company, Health 4987 Charles Friend & Son, Fire 38.95 St. C. & R. 5.00 �5 4988 Funk & Wagnalls Company, Library 4989 Gainaday Electric Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 4990 Gaylord Brothers, Library 4991 Emil Geist, Library 4992 Gerber & Hausler, Schools 4993 The Golden Rule, Schools 21.28 Playgrounds 129.00 �8 4994 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Schools 4995 Great Northern Railway Company, St. C. & R. .25 106.59 Parks 420,79 5T17-. 93 . 25.44 700.21 5.85 81.00 23.94 3.73 43.95 15.00 3.90 19.67 9.00 5.95 150.28 109.10 527.63 Res. 490 Page #5 4996 Guiterman Brothers, 8.00 Schools 4997 Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 36.00 Police 4998 P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Company, 71.36 mire 20.30 " 2.06 6.54 Munic. Gar. Revl. 39.22 It 3.24 71-.36 4999 Hart & Murphy, 41.60 Parks 5000 Don Haynie, 9.00 Parks 50071 George Heck, 5,50 S. & S. Cing. 5002 Houghton Mifflin Company, 4.27 Library 5003 Howe Publishing Society, 10.60 Special Classes 5004 Hughson & vihitacre, 39.95 Police 5005 J. W. Hulme Company, 17.34 Police 1.00 Schools 11.24 l5.10 1 1773T 5006 Inter -City Paper Company, 22.15 Civil Servi ce 7.50 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 3.40 Pol. & F. Alarm 7.50 Schools 3.75 22 :Ir, 5007 J. T. Ingersoll Company, 37.49 Schools 5008 Integrity Mutual Casualty Company, 22.56 eater 5009 International Harvester Company of America, 106.28 St. 0. &,R. 6.70 S. & S. Cing. 6.80 Parks 16.96 It 74.35 u .75 n .72 lu=. 5010 Japanese Palace, 3.15 Schools 5011 Joesting & Schilling, 31.85 Humboldt H.S. Library 5012 H. W. Johns -Manville Company, 5.63 Munic. Gar. Revl. Res. 490 Page #6 5013 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 3.14 Fire - 2.10 Munic. Gar. Revl. .25 .16 Water .63 ,e 5014 Vim. B. Joyce & Company, 2.16 Auditorium 5015 Charles Kartak, 79.10 Parks ' 5016 John Klein, 136.27 Parks 5017 Kuhles & Stock Company, 183.78 Parks 5018 Lee 'levator Company, 68.50 Mater 5019 Lee & Hoff Manufacturing CBmpany, 97.50 Armory 5020 Leslie-Donahower Company, 35.21 Com'r. of Finance 12.75 h or4house 1.25 1.25 Schools 1.46 18.50 35:�I 5021 C. K. Levy, 43;50 Schools 5022 Library Bureau, 34.05 Library 5023 Vim. Lindeke Roller Mills, 15.00 v,orkhouse 5024 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company, 48.00 St. C. & R. 5025 C. B. Lyons & Brothers, 90.00 Parks 5026 McClain & Hedman Company 114.95 om'r. of jnance 3.50 Civil Service 3.25 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 6.00 4.00 Po4ce 29.00 2.45 8.80 Health-Adm. 1.20 Munic. Gar. Revl. .9) ScDools 16.25 28.50 Library 11.50 1T:95 5027 McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, 7.05 Workhouse Res. 490 Page #7 5028 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, Police Itu Munic. Gar. Revl. It Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Schools Parks u v ia�er Paving Broadway, 6th to Fourth 5029 F. A. Marko, Police Munic. Gar. Revl. 5030 Mich. Maurus, Playgrounds Water. 5031 Gus Messing, Corp. Counsel Parks 5032 Metalium ganufacturing Company, Water 5033 Meyer Engraving Company, Police Schools 5034 Michelin Tire Company, Library 5035 Minneapolis Drug Company, Mech'. Arts H.S. Librar 506 Minnesota Coal Company, Schools 5037 Minnesota Pattern "orks, Fire 5038 Mitsch & Heck-"iagon Company, Vire u rr u Pol. & F. Alarm 5039 Dow Morrison, Bridge B. & R. 5040 Motor Sales Company, Parks 5041 H. Mueller Manufacturing Company, Vi at er 5042 National Laundry Company, Police 20.58 34.30 8.82 209.66 129.33 94.35 171.50 8.03 52.42 52.42 86.72 37.24 9.85 62.00 6.80 2.65 1.50 .75 3.75 54.00 24.00 -79-.UO 7.15 5.75 110.95 13.75 14.00 1TI-.6-U 915.22 68.80 4.15 4.50 45.95 78.00' 4.50 7.86 9.85 4.25 151.60 70.00 10.00 72.05 10.76 Res. 490 Page #8 5043 H. G. Neal Company, Schools 5044 New York Tea Company, Health 25.00 Arks 25.00 50.00 1Z.O 5045 Northern Machinery Company, Schools 5046 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Water 5047 Northern States Power Company, Munic. Employmen Bureau .65 Fire 10.80 Sewer C. & R. 33.09 Schools 19.93 Library 589.83 W§ter 133.10 1 57.2 3.52 5048 N. W. Blaugas Company, Health 5049 N. W. Motor Supply Company, Fire 44.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 11.88 10.13 11.12 77-.- 5050 N. V1. Stamp Pdorks, Comptroller 1.00 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 19.50 Fire 1.15 11 .40 Schools 9.00 Library .50 Parks, 1.50 33: bT- 5051 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Police 17.64 1.68 10.42 Health 1.90 it 33.87 it 46.38 " 168.00 It 1.25 11 11.00 Munic. Gar. Revl.. .48 Central H.S. Library 1.20 2D:$� 5052 Oxford University Press, Library 5053 H. Feltz & Son, Comptroller 1.50 Health 23.25 Schools 82.00 Parks 5.25 T=. 0 44.00 100.00 11.07 70.07 2,144.52 21.50 77.13 33.05 293.82 17.22 112.00 Res. 490 Pap.e #9 5054 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 124.95 Parks 70.45 1. Bldgs, 19.50 Fater 35.00 TM -99- 5055 Pioneer Electric Company, 90.55 Johnson H.S. Library 5056 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 115.38 Playgrounds 72.90 eater 42.48 11573S 5057 Prentice Hall, Inc., 12.15 75.00 Library Library 5064 Louis Rober, 5058 Quayle & Kelley, Playgrounds 42.84 5065 Hater 16.30 5059 James Rasmussen, 5066 25.00 20.50 Library Pi at er 5060 Raymond Brothers, 14.50 11.00 Ciby Planning Commission 1.00 Library Library 13.50 1� 5061 Reed Motor Supply Company, Russell Sage Foundation, 13.88 I'`ire 10.73 5069 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 11 2.00 Library Schools 1.15 T3:88 5062 Reliance Iron & ',ire Works, 171.25 St. C. & R. 28.00 P. Bldgs. Revi. 18.61 Vater 78.50 8.00 38.14 17=. 5063 C. V. Ritter, 12.15 Library 5064 Louis Rober, 32.00 Playgrounds 5065 Robinson Plumbing Supply Company, 16.30 Fire 5066 John Rogers, Jr., 20.50 Pi at er 5067 Royal Typewriter Company, 14.50 Ciby Planning Commission 1.00 Library 13.50 1� 5068 Russell Sage Foundation, 2.14 City Planning Commission 5069 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 996.32 Library Res. 490 Pape #10 5070 St,Paul Gas Light Company, Police Pol. & 11. ,Alarm Manic, Gar, Revl, Stiff C, & R, Seger C. & R. Workhouse Sprinkling Library Parks 5071 St.Paul Glass Company, Parks 5072 St Paul, Motor Car Company, Fdre Munic. Gar. Revl. u 5073 St,Paul Stamp Piorks, GIVII SOrvioe �'�'No 5074 St.Paul Tent & Awning Company, Police 5075 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company, Parka 5076 Frank J. Schaaf & Company, Schools 5077 P. Schawang, Parks 5078 Jacob Schmidt Company, Parks 5079 Schuneman & Evans, C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Police Parks Library 5080 The Science Press, Library 5081 Skok Wagon Company, later 5082 11. 01. Slack, Library 5083 Sligo Iron Store Company, Sprinkling 5084 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, Water 96.24 29.71 64*00 1.08 24.68 64.52 58.10 13,72 15,82 12.08 379.95 10.46 2.31 3.10 53.7& 8�3 28,20 1,80 2.50 54.79 5.20 ,53 2,85 85:87 37995 .75 69.63 30,00 1.25 154.75 7.50 10.00 956.50 65.87 1.00, 1.25 13.50 129.30 364.82 ,*4k Ree. 490 Rage "Al 5085 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, Parks 68,20 19.80 " 22,00 Playgrounds 9.60 18.24 6.76 1T4.60 5086 S. S. Spencer & Company, Parks 5087 Steuart Products service Garage, launic. Gar. Revl. 5088 Strickaldn-lloolittle Company, Parks 53.12 It 37,50 hater 61.50 11.83 5089 Superior Refining Company, 144.60 84.10 5.52 163,95 26j00 .80 18.00 204.02 1.68 2.25 64.20 24.00 4.00 163.08 14.50 6.57 223.20 C�OO�C 5090 Tennant & ',iard, Library 5091 S. P. Townsend Company, Parks - - 5092 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, Police 97.27 it 4.20 FYre 5.05 97.50 204.0 5093 Troy Laundry Company, 'rJater 5094 Twin City Bakery, Health 5095 United Chemical Company, Workhouse 36.30 Parks 27.90 5096 U. S. Bedding Company, Police 5097 J. C. Vander Bie, Workhouse 5098 Van's, inc., Parks 5099 D. Van Nostrand Company, Library 5100 Warner Hardware Company, viunic. Gar. Revl. 5101 Washington Foundry Company, Sewer C. & R. 187.20 Brii ge B. & R. 36.00 -7TS-.n 144.60 84.10 5.52 163,95 26j00 .80 18.00 204.02 1.68 2.25 64.20 24.00 4.00 163.08 14.50 6.57 223.20 Res. 490 Page #12 5102 71. G. Watson, Pol. & Y. Alarm 5103 Wayside Garage, dO Fire 5104 Weed, Parker & Company, Sprinkling 25.00 27.50 Library 5.00 57.50 5105 '+extern Electric Company, Parks 5106 6vestern Machine Manufacturing Company, Fire 112.85 S. &,,S. Cing. 2.60 2.90 Sprinkling X5.35 5107 V9estern Supply Company, Fire .98 it 4.44 Workhouse 1.17 Sprinkling 1.05 Library 66.88 Parks 33.83 P. Bldgs. Revl. 7.30 'Nater .94 16I.5 5108 E. '1 eyheD Library 5109 S. S. Vihite Dental Manufacturing Companyk Schools 5110 Willis Circulating Library Library 5111 H. vi. Wilson Company, Library 5112 '�Asconsin,Archeological Society, Library Total 15,232.36 8.50 1.75 57.50 32.09 123.70 116.59 18.75 1,65 4.80 248.35 1.50 im Form A A 40, 2 9 7.18 CITY OF 8T, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 492 till(:.: 5 A20 AUDITED .................................... BY.......�1 i �...... 191........ //� PER..... _.................... \..... �..:.. COUNCIL FILE No. ........... 306144 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.:........ LU.15'...2j2920 ....................191............ Clancy fIUG °�2 PaFnjivorV Ferguson C. F. No. 30844— (_....._.--__" Approved ................. ..........:_...............................................191............ �••---• MoDonald Abstract. oss r at8t111 .••-- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury, pa able out the hereinafter Keller rrr.rrrr Smith of ..................... speclfled fundsland............ ..... ....... ....r....tMMAYOR In favor of the persona, firms or cor• � �r•• Wenzel poratlons for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified to •W4r«�tle>�4i4411•• the following detailed statement: Eleetrle Construction Co., 58,888,10. on Feyep Construction Co„ $8,486,60, YJ dingShepley, ;6,228,06. Christ Johnson, 06,762A0, Standard Stone Co, $1,638,06, Nhlte Construction Co„ $6,440.00. Adopted by the Council Aug, 16, 100. Approved Aug, 26, 1920. (August 381920) 5120 Electric Construction Company, 3,388.10 Lighting on University, Rice to Emerald 5121 Feyen Construction Company, 6,485.50 Sewer Randolph, Snell. to Hamline 5122Fielding & Shepley51122806 Paving Oleveland 4,590.00 Paving Grove 63896 7, 5123 Christ Johnson 3,'�52,�0 �radin� Orange 30400.00 Sewer Thorn St. 21352.40 5124 Standard Stone Company, 1,533.55 Cement Walks 5125 ''shite Construction Company, 5,440.00 Paving Iglehart Ave. Total 27,828.51 WN Form A A 48, P b 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No........?��'.�'" . 491 i AUDITED ' tpr}(� CI Y C17MP LER PER......................t...........Y....... .. .... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 16 Z11u't To ' Adopted by the Council ............... ..... ..........._...... ..... .......... .............. 191............ Clancy Pn9r FergusonApproved .....................f.l..U....f.i 191..,,,....... In favor Coss «"OpM*nald Oman'.., Matson- Keller - _ �......' �rsr4«s Smith _ .....,. . MAYOR 11 MG�DU«d C, F. No, 30646 — «�« ++ ���•�eIlZe� Abstract, Resolved that warrants be drawn Upon the City Treasury, payable out IIr,llt of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firms or cor• porations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detalled statement: The Broderick Co„ $332.64, Carnegie Fuel, Co„ $1,6600. griggs, Cooper &.C9.,_$62,67, Aug. 2s, 1828. 5113 The Broderick Company, Printed forma and blanks 5114 Carnegie ruel Company, Fire 5115 Grip,ga, cooper & company, Health Parks u u 5116 A. P. Hersohler, Health 5117 Pittsburgh Coal Company, Fire 5118 Review Publishing Company,' of 'ficial PiZblications 5119 C. S. Stewart, Supt., Health Total 5;628.02 7190 3,47 10,80 40.40 71`.5'l 332,64 1664,00 62,57 19,60 2,750.32 512.39 286.50 NCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL . N(:>---- .- _30646- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Ble DATE ..... ....................... .... ........... ....... _n_934 CC>MM1SS1C)Nf=FV ....... Au�g . ........ REsC3L_viEn T,$C� tYie T_:Laiein., for the Annex (13 rooms) of the Northern Hotel Wtlm. WzL-k:ozLs& hLEL - Streets, issued to J. Kane, be and the same hereby is revolved on :recommendation of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Yes ( V) Cuuncilme_ ( V> Nays 4 C! V. No 30646—BY A. E S-ith— That the for the Annex (13 rooms) Of the to Northern i Hotel, 4th and W.b..h. Streets, I-- ..cd J. Kane, be and the a-roo hereby '. -.--ks" u e.—IdaliOn "0 f the r- Of F Prreevention. Adopted bthe Council Aug. 25, 1920. �'Oi_'_, 'd A_25, 1920. (August 28-1920) Adopted 6y the Council --------.PUG 25 192Q____.._..19__.__ �­ ------------ In favor Approved--- _...__.._...--Ig....._.. ----------- - Against /.- - - Pe 51Z r ---"V 4 C! V. No 30646—BY A. E S-ith— That the for the Annex (13 rooms) Of the to Northern i Hotel, 4th and W.b..h. Streets, I-- ..cd J. Kane, be and the a-roo hereby '. -.--ks" u e.—IdaliOn "0 f the r- Of F Prreevention. Adopted bthe Council Aug. 25, 1920. �'Oi_'_, 'd A_25, 1920. (August 28-1920) Adopted 6y the Council --------.PUG 25 192Q____.._..19__.__ �­ ------------ In favor Approved--- _...__.._...--Ig....._.. ----------- - Against /.- - - i GOON CIL 30-648-. CITY OF ST, PAUL ., � F��E NO.�---��------ -- m OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY..S�-..' 24 1�2C �J---- ...._.------.......... C7ATE......... ......._........... COMMISSIONER,._.._.- _. ____ ____________ _ ___ _______-.p............_... ..._......................_ .............._. ---------- ........ . .. R ESOLV EQ -4 That the Commissioner cf P�tivl c 'orks z he is ^ereby authorized ar_ d u c t ac3 to s = r ^ sc ie v7ith water or oil Cleve-! a -n. L- ue orn as � Street to Cornmonrtealth Avenue - C. P. No. 30543—By H. C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Worhs be and he le hereby ass- ! thorized and directed to sprinlela withwater or oil Cleveland Avenue from Knapp St. to Commonwealth Ave. fldoptod by the Council Aug. 25, 1920- Ap proved Aug. -5, 1920. (August 23-1920) Yes (%,') Councilmen ( ✓.) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Couacil---------- ------ Ferguson McDonald - - -...In favor Approved--- �Ur�...."j ��7Q--19..._.. f Matson �. ( Smith C Y - - - Against �✓ Wenzel -7" 30-4 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO....-.....___.—.._.—._.....-.--- _ OFFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL_ FORM PRE9E0 BY _ _________________________-- ._. DATE .......... ug...._24t.Y3.,....1•�AO........ .. iZ�sd�v Whereaa, James Pakeenham has made application for a licarise to a ` operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Packard 1911 Touring Car, Factory- No. 11615, seating capacity, 7 passengers, owned by Jame& Pakenham, and Whereas , said James Pakenham in accordance with Ordinance No 5244 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be. 1t Resolved, that licerise be issued to James Pakenham to operate said car upon the &treets of the City of St. Paul subject to the provisions of said ordinanee. Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Ferguson / McDonald ((4/� Matson Smith Wenzel NW—PrMilde-gr Y C. F. No. 30647-13-y A- E- Smith— i Wh¢reas, James Pape Wham ha.s ad¢ ap Plication Por a licenset o' mate upon tie t— Z or the City of 5t. Paul• Une (1j Facicard ii8 ag Car. Factory No- 1161owned nby c Pac3tY. 7 - Passe n¢rs, James Pa1t¢nham, a n d Whereas•aid James Palcenham Sn ordance wSt£ Oc1inancp olN y_b241 has filed c nd aid policychas with the Ciit a' to £orm by the Corporation prove as Counsel, therefor¢ be it u d to Resolved, that lice ruse be James- Pale er.ham to perste -l-id SL pon the streets oP the City Paul ubject to the Pro�:is ions of said ordiii—ei j Adopted by the Council Aug. 25. 1920. • l ADProved Aug-st528 19? O) In favor _ _.. Against �\ lit ®cel -W �ltn �pov E Y111ection c olUtion. a Adopted by the Council__...._RUGt213_I9Zfl...._......._..19__.._ Approved ------- —f -MG - _ .... X1..1920 - _—...----__19......... - ._ ' II on \ 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Foes`"No. OFFICE OF THE CIrI`Y CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 'I COMMISSIONER- .._.____.. ............... .....__........... DATE .-AuguS.t.._23..- .1-92U .......... RESOLVED That the Council hereby oncurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Como Place from Union St. to a point 75 feet south of the south line of McKenty St., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of 0775.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $993.00. F. B. #3044. F. No, 30fi49— enzel— C' Resolved, Th �ecomma ndnatt`olhn fe h n Urs inCommittee d ard9 the for grnding a d l." It ementa contract Union Uj to ntract urom th l'tb P° Como Plast, th ofcco dance with int 76 Yeet in r L - of ➢icX nl YSPeclncnttons hereto �I plane nto Pe tar Dickson, he being the Yached' ible bidder. f tionhe sum Corpora Couu- lovvest TesPon, the drier P oY 5776.00, in str ct C�trgct therefor. eel is heere QBrm of 00. the ProP,r timate. $993. Engineers 1920. 3044. Council Aug. 26. 11 { Approved Aug. 26, 1920. [August 28-1920) t pArPrs Va _ �•oei�e3 �ith rb�Qe ctioTl R0 olu�°n Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Matson Smith 'l __._...._....:Against Wenzel �O Adopted by the Council.. ---------- __�1�(i : 920_.._....19__.._ Approved :Gc� �9-0 - Ch�W\ q �. i J CITY OF ST. PAUL FaeMa�No.- 30650. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY q COMMISSIONER_ ...... ........ .... ..... ....._... _.-.. .. _ ._......------- ................ RESOLVEpAfhat the Council hereby ncurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awardB the contract for curbing both sides of Jessie St. from Maryland St. to Jessamine St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the St. Paul Concrete Works. they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,349.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed, to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $61,414.00. F. B. #3011. J C. r. No. 30650—Sy 11. C. 1'Venzel— , Resolved, That the Council hereby s In the r endatlon of the Contract Committee and awards the a ontrct for curbing both sides o£ Jesslo St. from Maryland St. to Jasa� ine St.. ordance wish plans and speclflcatt qns hereto ttach ed, to the St. Paul Concrete Works. they be - Ing the lowest responsible bidder, for l the s oC $1,349.00, and the Corpers- U.. Coun eel 1. hereby Instructed to draw up the proper.norm of nt—t 'therefor. Engineer's estimate $1 r. B ,- 414.00. D. No. 3011. f Adopted by the Council Aug. 25. 1920 Approved Aug. 25. 1920. (August 23-1920) RoceiFeI ,.11 parrs it's connection with w':,c e R e s o 1���:L/� Yes (✓) Councilmen 01) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council...._I!''• Ferguson McDonald ____In favor Approved.-_-_pUCi.._s_-2-Q._----------_...__19..._.... Mahon f % Smith ---..-.......__Against A---Cy�-, --- -- Wenzel W /� �-Mr-President ronM aM 5-20 �IL. NO X0651 CITY OF ST. PAUL wus _.;_......--------......_..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTi(?V --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Sy t COMMISSIONER ....._ _. ........... ...... ._.. DATE.....Alwust..-18-..... . . .._........ ...:.. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to Mike Rauschnot for buying all garbage collected in District No. 3, City of St. Paul, during the year ending August 31, 1921, at a price of 01.25 per ton. Approximate amount of contract $5,000.00 F.B. #3085. v C. F. No. 30661-13y H. C. Wenzel— . I Resolved That the Council hereby approves tite action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to Mage collecteke d oIn PDis or ricta ng all Clay P St. Paul, during the year ding August 31, 1921, at a prlco of $3.26 ending tract1nt $6 000.00. a F.t B. No.unt 3026 f con - Adopted by the Council Aug. 26, 1920. Approved Aug. 26, 1920. (August 28-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy erguson y' )V1cDonII In Favor 1 atson mith (1 Against Wenzel woar sw e•zo Rocoived all pavcra connection with abo\.q Resolution. Adopted by the Council.... J*013-2c--,-192 _.....___..19-...._ Approved...__._..._.p�u(i._?x.'...1929----------I9..__.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ..,......-.. =rani nrinnl---GL*ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / ,// (� /C/V /�`" � DATE AUgjiSt_ Ya_ -l912G' COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to the Northern Stock Company for buying all garbage collected in District No. 1, City of St. Paul, during the year ending August 31, 1921, at a price of $1.37 per ton. Approximate amount of contract $5,000.00. F.B. #3035. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays C. F. No. 30652—BY 1" C. Wenzel— Reaolved, That the Connell hereby approves the action of the Furchatai Cg Committee in awarding the e ._to buying alithe t hern garbageu ckllected cin Disc the }rlct No�ingCAugusst.31,p1921 �at In price of ar 57.37 per ton. Approximate unt of contract $5,000.00. F. B. No. 3035. Adopted by the Council Aug. 25, 1920. Approved Aug. 25, 1920. i (August 28-1920) Receiv®d all ps.rers in connection With .rove Rego%}% Y I• �N f Uf ° � _..._..19_..._ Adopted by the Council _____...._ :�_?�i. _. IaM- [AUG ....... .....-.. it .......... Against - �• c Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith v Wenzel roar sM --MFPiesfdent s zo C. F. No. 30652—BY 1" C. Wenzel— Reaolved, That the Connell hereby approves the action of the Furchatai Cg Committee in awarding the e ._to buying alithe t hern garbageu ckllected cin Disc the }rlct No�ingCAugusst.31,p1921 �at In price of ar 57.37 per ton. Approximate unt of contract $5,000.00. F. B. No. 3035. Adopted by the Council Aug. 25, 1920. Approved Aug. 25, 1920. i (August 28-1920) Receiv®d all ps.rers in connection With .rove Rego%}% Y I• �N f Uf ° � _..._..19_..._ Adopted by the Council _____...._ :�_?�i. _. IaM- [AUG ....... .....-.. it .......... Against - �• c - NO.h < CITY OF ST. PAUL - F �ENC1L - 3®6513 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTIO --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER ....-.. .._ — — _ _ - _______ .. ................. ........ .........._... ... ..... ..........-.._..._.. DATE........ us RESOLVED That 2:--L e C ouncil hereby approv ea the ac 1_1 on of the Purchasing Connni -TE in awarding the contract to C - J. Green for buying all collected in District No . 2 City of St. Paul, duri— 3-io year ending August 31, 1921: a.t a price of $2.07 P er -e=— o r= _ Approximate amount of cont rac-t $5,000.00. F.B. #3036 Yes U) Councilmen arm r1J ay - Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wetzel f�4rri�tte��- S -to=' 1 F. No, 306'53—gy �_ C Wanz¢3 Rosols t That Ll,oe Council hereby i pmmitt the a tion f the purchasing; Committee In awardin aLlae c traot to G. T. Green for buying I1 garbage col- . le -1. In Dlst let No_ e Paul, during t Gt ty f St. 31, 1921, at a Or'— ding August ADProxlmate Y So-�� poen ton. 56, do.00. b g- No. t f tract Adopted by the Co U""11 Au Approved Aug. 25, 2920_ g. 26, 1920.1 �Au¢uat 2g_192pj i RgOe.ived with abOY, SS connection Hat:olution. , Adopcad by the Council_._..19_...._ In favor Approved PUG 92� ---......Against CITY OF ST. PAUL LOONC1NO.--- 3 -0 -6 -54 - OFFICE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERA -L FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMt55it]NER RESOLVED _____._________________-_-__._.............-.... ....._.............._..... ... ...........--------- OATE1.920.................. a tie Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Corgi>' t t ge in awarding the contract For furnishing 240 coils of ext a stx-ong lead pipe to the Water Department, to the United Lead Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a p= -a c @ oma- $9.69 per 100 pounds net cash,, total amount of contract bei a.aproximately $5,814.00, in accordance with specifications, tY� e= r bid and award of contract hereto attached' and the Corte o rat i on Counsel is hereby instruct ed to draw up the proper for C:> :f- contract therdfor. F.B. #3041. Yes 00 Councilmen 4C �T� Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson `= --- Smith Wenzel M- Pre- -de t C. geao�lYe PProves Comfur' for fur. strong le meat. be they bidder. Lractd b, ordai bac a d had. ;a betel 13 proper � AdoP APPr. 11S R®c®i4® I r.17_ p2Lper>s 000e connection with a Via✓ .ol',lti�,n. Adopted by the Council___.._...._AUIL25t--192 ..-..--.19_...... —_....In favor Approved.--------_lL��l.._s...�.2Q._. -- -.. Against 55 4 Acct _ omm i s s i or_er of F'ducat ion Council File No._.... -a....=" ,5EG PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ra,rr�r A IDN' !1R nVR - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A w_=ice men proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -rade Sheridan Street from _..... .........._.... - - - _ - .. L��- rl,be _oad to Sae Street. - - - -_ -- C. F. No. 306 Abstract. Whereas. A written proposal for th .... ...... ...... ....... .- - — - - - -.- -- ---- ---- -'-""-"--- m ping of the following improvement .. 12.: having been presented t® the Council of the Cit of St P a aae shertaan st. f om Eageumbe 5' Roa edt io 9the Couneilh f the Ctty of 5' therefore, be It Paul therefore. o Resolved. That the Commis•.( RESOLVED, Thaw Lie Commissioner of Public Work de �laea a ai�eea a he - °and direEted: 1. To investigateiie necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigatee nature, extent and estimated cosh of said improvement, and the total co St thereof. 3. To furnish a IF�a ten, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3 To fur i h t1- informationrelative-ta _._.._...._......_......_... ............--..... To state wtaai er or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upo� all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the couriea 2 -L' --152-Q-- ------- .._._ 191--...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman.—arnswortla �s gland ( � eller r t./Sc4Co11 �v'underliel-a Form C A 1s (6M 4-r7) LUG 51U__..._......._191..... Approved. _......_.._...__........._ ........... L HED —� — Council File No.- - !,I UO Acct EL -aI -I'-F -4--- VIEkC)IP4DSAI, FOR. IMPROVEMENT and PP-1ElUNIII*-IARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conaerr_ninama taking an easement .............................. z -n ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- Y &r Ores for I ---- f' --- !Stmeet-from ------------------- -------------- a. a- a- a---- 3:1 to Sue Street. ---------------------- ------------ ------ ----- ----- --------- ------------ ...... -.- - ----- ---- - 24- Au-Ust �0 -day �f -- .................I this.._ - -- ouncihnan. pP,F-1L,ILM11'*4,NRY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,20V:j,-en-ning an ft taking an easement ... - .... iY'- - - far cuts �Iolpeg 0 -------- ------------ to Sue Street. ........ ......... ---------- c' F. No. 3o656— for1b. -11._jo, ropr.—ro-rt, making Y the Yhaving been presented to the <----il of the Cii conaemntng ..d takin, necessary for atones , therefore. be it ir' tUe ""d "cn g—ding Sh' —t. —d -11%;dg­be Yt--'I '-*' - RESOLVED, -Fh-tm t17i- Commissioner of P "sireetj'b_ap insI"'t "'.— b !!!� �Pre,�',�eby •ordered and direded: 1. To inve9tigate, the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. x>x-ofilet or sketch of said improvement. ta infonnaation-xclative-to-said-iinprovemn" -------------- ------- --- ---- ..... .. .... -- ------ ------- ............ - .... .......................... .......... T--- ctate whetheror not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all cf the, foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ------------ � -U.G - 9 2- 0 - -------- - 191 ------ - Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved... "-IUD 191 Keller' McColl Wunderlich z..... .. .. .... ......... F.— C A 13 (BB4 4-17) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter or'_G.4.i1demni,iz..and.,.tat?inU..an..eas.ement.._.n.__t11e..._land ..neces.sary for slopes, for cuts and fills in rradLiC, 1:lbion .venue, from dri.an Street to Pleasant :.venue, - L.............................................. .................................................................. .................. C. F, No• 30661_ lnIng'inatter of condemnI44. ; _........................................... sary for tsloment In the land . p , for cuts t gradin and ........................................ g Alblen Avenue, from . Street to nt Avenue ,arch 123,r 1920rdpleasajr 11116, app;......................................................... X9203, aPProved bfntermedlary C _..............._.................... '61110, bear lnB h 11 1920. under Preliminary Order.....�..`� .............. Intermediary Order -......292Q3,..,,,, approved.....};,a. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or casements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the salve, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth ill said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. it is hereby determined to be paYpble,in ��.:x I. .' Adopted by the Council ..................... ....._. ...,.." [.-..... ..................... 191.....--- Ali ,.. � City Clerk* Approved..... 191........ 17 _1liayor. Councilman&e ClancyppgLISFb�D Councilman C MIK Yous on Councilman >� Mc onald Councilman,[ i:'iatson Councilman XIRXXX Sm i- t CounCilman > ,.en7eD 1 tayoK1=kx liodgs Ori ................ ..."............. ,... rrrr ............ a 11 .y U 08 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..C.Qnd_e]771z Pn the n tter8 f condemning and Ing an a sement m ethe 'and fn .-Y for tones• Por tfromd Adr vradln,r Albion Ave., to nrderant 285 6r. eaPProvedPTtalr ............. ........... _ latermealary order 292' -20. under Preliminary Order. 28586-_ _._._....__, approved... luar—larIntermediary Order.. 29.2.03 approved ...._I;4ay..._11.,....1920 . Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:...CondQmn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in. F.rading__rlbi.on._:v.e ue.......as.ant_...nv_enue..,.................. .... (2) That the following land, laulds or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:..._ the.._l1. a.i. d....abutting upon__ Albion Avenue.__b_etween._ the_.__ points,._._af_ores_aid_,__._t_o_,_t_he..__extent.___s_hoVrn._..,.. d 1.4.._t he..._ma t ter.._dated...._June..._5..,...._1920....................................................................._. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.14K_._.... 191 n l ! . City Clerk. Approved ...._.........G_UG... 1 .!920 191............ yor. MEMW Ferguson SHLD P —_2 RHKM'h1Mh Olancy ---� a=Mc BM Matonald KUi�C I�lltson NX§Wk Smith (� MXXAftk& 'rlenzel v M CouncilFile No. .. -..__----------------------------------------- 'Br . ___._._ ._- __,.._-._.......------------------------------` .. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the asscs`4z nt of benef5-ts, costs t. expo?.ses for furnishing and an ornamental lir;hti.nj system consisting of one-liC,iit lamp pos s and larks, wires and undergrouncu conduits for conveying electric current tiiereto, and all other necessary appliances a -,,-id equipment for sazci system on University -venue, from ili.ce street to t .;est City Z•�iniis, �_ IC. n theomdtter oC the assess ent ofl a m benefits, costs and expenses for Cur-� nishinb and tnst'at in6 ornamen- tal lighting sYstem co nsis[ing o under Preliminary Order- ..__7c one -light lacnP Posts and lamp Final Order.......2.�8� __........ underground conduits II_._.._. ... ._.. ...._._..-..__. 'v5re, and electric enc there's ve>'ino arY aPPlial urt c a Rin,- aid and nnlRf utmrn[ Cor sYstr_. 18t.h - --..._....191.._x.._. nm xiee approved ..... 11 -y_ r. . - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further eo jcjared by the Councils and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That tha said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ininstallments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. -C_ Adopted by the Council -------. ...__ _ �:v 191 _......._. ? ....' r.. City Clerk. Approved_.......__.....191-_..... 1�� r /�....... ......... ..._ .% .<... . .. Mayo. Form B. B. IS--- / PUBLISIiI1D I Council File No, ................................................... By r CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the alley in Block 8, Sanbornls Eidway Addition, C. F. No. 30660— In the matter of the assessment A benefits,coats and expenses for grading the alley In Block 8, San. born's Midway Addition, under Pre., liminary Order26316, Intermediary Order 26306, PIoat Order 26646, ap- proved September 29. 1919. A public hearing �, .4., peen bre nn^n the a"e.=_i:...n a -ice under Preliminary Order ........... 9K!1 ........... Intermediary Order 26%520 Final Order .......2.Q.1G .Q...__....__. approved........S..F)..X?t.P..:Ab.e.r.....2.9. ... _........... _..191.......9.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation, PE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in P VJ. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ............... AU�._2s%..E.Z0............. .................. 191............. :: :,r:,.::,!.l.�t�l_:_�;�City Clerk. Approved.......... ........ _..... _......... _....... ........ ............................. 191......... �a ............. _.rf..�� ..... ayor. Form B. B. 13 6- PUBLisii&D J Council File No...............................®661 By_ .... ..... _........ _.'.._..._....................................... • CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of 7.iyoming Street, from U'oodbury Street to a point 188 feet [lest of andretiv Street, also grading said iiyoming Street, from l,`oodbury Street to Brovin _venue, to the red line, when established, and from Woodbury Street to Scut .�-t—+ fi+naat- to the present establish grade, C. F. e-. 30661— In n. matter of the asssssn ben--- ' 1'rh,'es, costs penses Por. changing the wro+ntn188 f from Woodbr� t� --..�olnt 188 fest" of,A e under Preliminary Order. ...._ 225267_ ..... _...... Intermedial �I' '' y �' id'eti _26022 ....................... Final Order...........26415.____.__, approved ....._..Oat.Oban..... 6 ...................... -.--..191......_8.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. SEP —J 1920 Adopted by the Council Approved ............ ......_.._SEP_. -81920.....................191......._ Form B. B. 8 7y _ RQ 1h. � t ............. ._.......,191 ............. J �� .1..':_5:.' .. ........... City Clerk. 1 V COffcre of (&ire clerk JOHN t. FARIGY JAS. J. MINER «Ea� QP41 laf'*amt Paul .11r.111.11-K • September let, 1920. Hon. H_ C'_ Wenzel, Com'=_ of Public Works, court House. Dear Si r= v' Re. Changing the grade of Wyoming St. from Woodbury St. to a point 188 feet west of nv Andrew Street, also grading the same. IlO lY/ / At the meeting hold this morning, the Council laid the Resolution Ratifying Assessment, C.F. No. 30661, covering the above improvement, over one week to September 8th, to Bee if the contrac-Gor vrill release the contract. Enclosed please find said Council File No. 30661, together r vri.th attachments. Yours truly, . Zell, enc. CITY CLERK. / t n A pppY p p p p A A Y Y Y Y N p p p Y N p p p N N p N A p N p p N Y NMnMNN NN YNNNY Y N Y N N N Y p p N YpYpYpppp NNYYNYpp AAApA CITY OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT u �j...,2A................ 19�a.... In the matter of the assessment of .benefits, costs and expenses forte changing the grade of 1lyoming Street, from �.ioodbury Street to a point 188 feet 'Nest of Andrew Street, also grading said Wyoming Street, from Joodbury Street to Brown Avenue, to the red line, when established, and from 'Joodbury Street to South Robert Street, to the present established grade, 25267 Order ?6422 Intermediary ul�dcr Pxcl�mi�tary Order ,,,,,...,.�,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�,,.,,,,,,.,,,,., Final Order ......2.6.415-............. ..................................... ... approved .......C1..d 0b.f r.....6..................................... 191..........9 To the Council of the City of St Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $..,_10,489,_00..... Cost of publishing notice $ ........................._5.74 Cost of postal cards $...................... ....2...46..... Inspection fees - - - - - $.._.__._......2QQ.78_... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_........._....._._12..30._., Total expenditures $......O..v.�.9s...-. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............. 0._,.%.] .3...........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or, parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council �frsuch action the eon as may be considered proper. ....................................._........... ........... ... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. a STATB,OF HINIIRSOTA. BEFORE ThE CITY COUNCIL OF 3 COUNTY OF rMSEY• THR CITY OF ST.PAULo 4 s G�iuc s In the Matter of the Assessment of benefits arising from changing the grade of Wyoming street from Woodbury 6 street to a point 188 feet west of " e Andrew street; also grading Wyoming rc street from Woodbury street to Brown ly ��o s avenue. 10 11 To the Council of the City of St -Pauli 12 The undersigned, Wafer H. Sanborn, who resides at 143 Vir- 13 gInkavenuel In the Oity of StOPAull end Jdward Pr Sanborn, who re- lg sides at 545 ��kZand avenue, ln 04IJ �Iih 00 66 6"Q P D Itit 15 2,3,, and 4, in Block 61,of Brown and Jackson's Addition to West St. 16 Paul,which has a fro ntage of 475 lineal feet on Wyoming street be. 17 tween Woodbury street and Brown avenue, and comprises fifty.,per cent 19 in lineal feet of the property to be assessed between Woodbury and 19 Brom avenue for the purposes of the alleged improvements in the mat- 20 ter above entitled between those two streets. They are also the own - 21 ers of Blocks B and C which front on Wyoming street, and are located 22 a block west of Block 61, and they object to the proposed assess - 23 went upon any of said property, on the following grounds; - 24 lot; None of this property can be benefitted by the alleged im- 26 provements to the extent of the proposed assessment,or even to the 2e extent of the damages resulting to said property. 21 2nd; 28 The cost of this improvement, including labor, is so great at 2s the present time that this alleged improvement ought not to be made 30 now, and the proposed assessment is in excess of the authority of the 31 Council to maker and beyond its juxi ctio 32 33 34 35 G F.30888—Ocdlnance N B q I _3 BY H. C..•Wenjel- n�- An ordinance apyropTl Bting One-:Thousand Five Hundrgu lace toassist In meeting the es, is of building a edever to the of uildi g adequate d-1. Arcade Street., This f gency ordinance rend 1 e ;T O. f1 ���)+ Ordinance No.' thelreservati— , ..,,,�!alth and, An Ordinance appropriating the sum of One Thousand rive Hundred Dollars to assist in meeting the expense of buildiniz a sewer for the purpose of providing adequate drainage on Arcade Street. This is an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the /preservation of the public _peace, health and safety. 17herea4 in the matter of paving Arcade Street from Haryland Street to the northerly City Limits in ac- cordancewith Council File :o. 28528, ap_roved :;ay 26, 1920, it has been found necessary, in order to secure adequate drainage at the intersection of said Arcade Street with Oranae Street, to build a sewer in Oranxe Street from Weide Street to the east line of Arcade Street, as required by Council File 1`To. 30214, approved Auxust 5, 1920' The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred (1,500) Dollars, to be used in defraying part of the cost of building a sewer in Orange Street. from Weide Street to the east line of Arcade Street, which sewer is to be used for the drainage of said Arcade Street and ordered built pursuant to the requirements of Council File 11o. 30214, approved AuLyust 5, 1920. SECTIO:: 2. This is an emerzency Ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. The City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to set aside the sum of money specified above for the purpose mentioned. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passap7e, approval and publication. n Yeas: :Nays: Adopted by the Counci EP 10 192 '1920 Councilmen Cmc. Atpr7;; 0 19 1920 Ferguson slat son �natson Smith _ Wenzel Mayor 'dayor Hodgson PUBLISIND �U a TTE5T: JOHN 11 FARICY, City Clerk. I -F �16 S 2 v Z / 31 Form A A 46,1 M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL N FILE 495 f JBv?!��.0 ............ .-... ......... .. AUDITED -...AUG.; 't COMP PO ER.,e..F-.-n ..........191.... -...PE.... ...... ... y LE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Chancy I$7nswor5 FergusonIn favor or - 11. f - Z------- Matson f ellgl Smith j ..............Against Crp` 11ItSoll_— -WwAeAeh- Wenzel Nlr C. F. No - Resolved Resolved thac arry, 6ebdraw t upon the City Treasury, y fund out of the r oefnafter specific funds on- to favor of the persona, set or,opposite resons for the amounts set cified to their respective names as apeclfled ]v the following detailed statement: Merchants National Hank, $10 918.88. Adopted by the Council Aug. 24,-1980, Approved Aug. 26, 1920. (August 28-1820) - 5153 Merchants National Bank, Interest 3,712.50 " 2,992.50 G.F.-Mise. & Unf. 9.39 P.I.R.F.-Int. Acct. 10 202.50 15:916.89 Total 16,916.89 16,916.89 berm A A 46,2 M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °" Nu•.......0.0.6.... 494 AUDITED191 CITY u PT )LLER ........ ........ ......... .. ... :........... ..... ... ._..... _. _ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinaf specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N ^� Adopted by the Council _...1....yk.f............ 191..Z G; ey C. F. No. 30665— y t. / \ ---- Far 80 Resolved' that wary pa able out o[ proved .!. lt... Farnswor.7 upon the City Tre¢sury, payable 1g12�" the hereinafter specnafirmnsd°oLn eor� 8 069 -- favor of the persons. ------- Mataon peratlens for the ames ae eD°cf8 dllo / K_lle_- their respective names Co, Smith the fell detailed at¢Eapre.; C., r"n — American Railway R — WenZel i2 General Cigar Co, $76.96. �dettdei`liek — AJ.. a xeraehler, $621-22- A. T. Kenny Soap Co.,. $7178 86. North Star St to Toer bacco Company, $174.91. UntertitY Stilwell Van's Inc., $118.00. Wright; Barrett & Stilwell Company $1,612.41. 26, 1920. Adopted by [he Co 19 U Aug• L' Approved Aug. 26, (August 28-1920) 5143 American Railway Express Company, Library 5144 General Cigar Company, Parks 5145 A. P. Herschler, Parks 5146 J. T. Kenny Soap Company, Parks Playgrounds Water 5147 Leslie-Donahower Company, P. Bldgs. Revl. Homecroft School(Bond) Groveland Pk. If It 5148 North Star State Tobacco Company, Parks 5149 E. J. Stilwell Company, Corp. Uounsel Comptroller Purch. Depot. Municipal Court Miscl. Stationery Health If Playgrounds 5.00 16.09 58.16 79`.2*_ 6.60 86.63 86.63 17T. -g6- 1.12 3.80 3.73 8.09 6'.17 11.09 3.92 7.35 4=.'L'T 27.20 75.95 621.22 79.25 179.86 174.91 45.27 Res. ;494 Page #2, 5150 University Garage, P. Bldgs. 5151 Van's Inc., Parks 5152 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, Schools s Total 3,811.47 877.40 118.00 1,512.41 Im Porro A A 48,9 M 7-I0 CITY OP ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 6) , i l'OC1CIb �, ,. NQl 1 � FORM I (� AUDITED cLArMs n�soLUT0 493 ��yy II''t�'++ O IPE BY.. ... .................. ... ........ _..----._ AUDITED /iUl7 2 ......9�:.[�................. 191.... --- Cl r(t�y�`�l RU LrR .............. ................ .......... ..... _ ........ _.... ITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, `payable out of'the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays y be arawn �O�i 120 rr, pavane out Adopted by the Council.._. __ ......... ........... .-. specified funds and PUG Clancy " or o the persons, firm, or eer- 1' �1) J�O p ,'ons t r the amounts set opposite i I their r spe tive names as specified in Approved ...... ..__._...191 _ aTpswsuh Ferguson tfi�follBawu g detailed statement: it T,,.,,, 1 A sister, $3.60. T L. Blood & Co., $38.43. - KeRm--- Matson ;2g7oq rd of Water Commissionr Capital City Ltme & Cement YOR zfxcmr-- 5,tt11 th .6.38. Dally Hardware Co., $39.26. NundeiiicTi— Wenzel Fleetrie Construction Co.. t— ' Haskins Bros 0, , PUBLIS`MD 4p ,p �! 5126 Pim. Baumeister, C. H. & C. H. 5127 T. L. Blood & Uompany, C. H. & C. H. 5128 Board ct Water Commissioners, C. H. & C. H. 5129 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, C,H,&C, H, 5130 Daily Hardware Company, C,H,&CoH, sin Elaotrio Construction Company, C, H. & C. H, 5132 Haskins Brothers Company, C. H. & C. He 5133 J. W. Hulme Company, C. H. & C. H, 5134 Melady Paper Company, C. H. & C. H. 5135 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Of H. & C. H. I 9.60 38.43 22.74 6,38 39,26 1051 3.50 14,88 35,00 50.12 Res, 493 Page #2 5136 Prendergast Brothers, C. H. & Co H. 5137 St.Paul Stamp Works, C# He & 0# He 5138 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, C. H. & C. H. 5139 Twin City Iron & Wire Works, C. H. & C. H. 1 5140 Weiskopf Paint Company, C. H. & C. H. 5141 R. Be Whitacre & Company, C. H. & C. H. 5142 Wm. Youngbauer, C. H. & Co H. Total 397.$9 3.43 .60 60.50 72,84 2.05 11.70 16.45 7 I. - CITY OF ST. PAUL qy P��e NO ....... 3006... ........ ., .. L� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJr \A' COMMISSIOMEf4---_-__-____________________________............. ......... _........... .._........................... ....................... DATE. ............... -...._... -.......... ...__........................... ...... RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Licht GomDa-ss9 1— hereby ordered and directed to attend its electrical lines by erectio¢ poles and stoic int wires there.. for the transmission of e tricity on and in the Poll—tn¢ allays and streets of said city: +� i In etas _-X. One po let in the alley north of Randolph St., and east of Brimhall Aver:u a _ Wi tJk:L ae c e s nary guys and anchors. Comrn4e!t:r4—_ i a.l lighting. C. F. N.o. 30667— Reaolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend -its electrical linea by erecting poles nad-etringing wires thereon for the transmission of else- triclty on and in thefollowingalleys and streets of said city: Install_6, One pole In the alley north of Ran- i' dolph St., and ensu f Brlmhall Ave.. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. N tand All -. of aueh a axing, constructed and All such extensions, Doles and wlr s s1a11 bee ected and constructed coder the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Uliiities and in all things subject to the provisions of Ordinance No_ , and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All notes should be set in ala bearT o i id hays and streets m the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and haracter all be shall designate and a and any d-21 sir ch Doles sbell be taken down and removed, sad such wires placed underground whenever the Council shall deem that the public interest so re¢uites, and wham it s2z all so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen( -3 1\la3's Clancy Adopted by the Council...._...... PUG 2'C'......_....... 192,.._...._ ............................ _-Ferguson ltn_ra__ � _.192..._..... _....._.....In favor Adopted.._........_.........�!u.�l...: t..1.9.2.�...... Matson Smith -._....._.. Against t....d......._t. Wenzel res eat courtclt 3066 V CITY OF ST. PAUL rat NO.... ................................. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER........... ..................__----_---......_..------................................................................................. . DATE................._.____... .......... ..................................._-- RESOLVEM, That the St Paul Gas Li¢ht Com Dan>• �� eby ord d and directed to extend iia electrical liver by erecting Poles and atrivgine wirer thereon for the treenniniov of,lee- trmity o and. in the Zollotrin¢ ttlieya sad s Freesia o1 said city; I ns bell - One pole ixa Llze a11ey north of Prospect Avenue, and east of Hazel Av,enaae a One pole iri the alley east of Loeb Street and north of Cook Street, With necess ry guys and anchors. COM3=ercis.2 3Lghting. C. V. No. 30668 - Resolved. That the St. Paul Gas Light Company In hereby ordered and directed to extend it. electrical lines _ byerecting; poles and atrlslging wires thereon for the transmisaloa of slat - One pole inthe alley north of Pros- pect Ave.. and east of Ha.el Ave: ,One. pose in the alley east of Loeb St:- and north of Cook St With necessary guysandanchors. Commercial lighting.. other.lawful 6rdinancea - and Yeeolu- tions of the City of St. Poul.' All polea should be set In such loca- tion In said 'alleysd treat. an the m Coxaissioner. of Public Utilities shall 4 designate. nd shall be of Baca helght ,I sad. character as he shall designata andapsprovs, and any and all such rr wn And rO- moved and such wires be taken .pplaced-under- 4� grou la. 'whenever the Counell shall 5,�) deem' that .the public Interebt so ' re- ,: Quires, and when It shall so. order: .1 Adopted by the Council Aug. 26, 1920. A� Approved Aug. 26, 1920. (August 28-1920) All such ezteasions, Doles and _ire. s1z a— M I- erected and ...strutted under the direction avd suvervi,ion of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thing, subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 242s- as ei oZ all other lawful ordivences avd resolntio.s of the Cit> of St. Paul. All poles should be set in such irwatiou - aid .liars and street, as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall beof such height and character se he shall desi¢nate and approve, d a a d all s 3, Doles shall be taken down end removed, and Hoch woes Dlaced underground whenever the Council shall deem but the ouhlic interest so reauir , and whe it sho11 s order. Yes ev) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ............... (j(j...E_5..19��......... - 192.,,-..-., Ferguson -------------In favor Adopted........_..._.Qll.�i..,i.?M..�.9.ZQ................192.. - Matson Smith `Q ------- -- - Against a./ .L.[.._�..=.. .. . Wenzel - �. ..COUNCIL 30669 CITY Ol= ST_ PAUL_ .Le NO.- ---- --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FARM P'TEO- BY Y 'C MISSIONER'-------- --------- ------ .----------- ........... ..:........:...._..._._______..__------- ------ ----------- - DATE .......... .............. .......... .. ............ .... ,i, RESOLVED That 'ths proposal of the War,_•Dapart:ment. to present to the Oity of St. PauX m 50 siege gun, ]..8 feet long, now located at Fort Monroe, Virginia, the City to pay the freight charges from Fort Monroe to St. Paul, be and the Berme is hereby accepted, and the proper city officers are authorized to issue a warrant, payable out of the Park rand— ZZ-3L—B, for the amount of said freight charges. 1G g WRaresDoNlevopearS.tOmeant in• sa'1f- i0e2 ZtihLYIt'—ento e it I.. lon6. of gt. Paul a a" a1eSe Bu ' , .located t Fort Monroe' 4arB s SCha city. to Das' to 8t- iYsul.and ttie' from gort 1Konr accovd. �tbe same fa hereby te authorized [he roper city 2f[`e . DD ble out o2 .- _ 'iasne s. warren Sor the,.amoant of Y. F<and-S2_i-B. Aub- 26L 1920. ed 1said'Sreea lay .2. 6 char C Adoptbth1920- , ADD;owed AUS• sL 28-1920) Yes (%I) Councilmen C ✓) Nays ancy Adopted by the Council_.-Uf 2E�_12-(�.-'---.---19-- Ferguson :'Saseewii------_ln favor Approved—AH-2 19......z. Matson Smith -- -Against- Wenzel f C. teao" No. Sy P'. W. Matson— RCouncil 1 .. Iv ed,. 'rh.tThat Co 26 1 File and approved November 26, 1.d be and tha same is hereby modified by etrilc- co'"", -.K out the iollow(ngiy '306'70 plant and protect ornamental Shade NO_--- b� of Grana Avenue, �- OFFIGE OF�e .--tin. o both Idea RK Fairview to COUNCIL E?ESOLUTION-Y-:�_ Lh4L FORM .. PRESENTED BY T y� r`frY MISrGI ()N FR ....... .b.rank.. �YY-•.._--T:�a t.S _�11.-.. -"MATE ....L�u�«'u n.} l<- _. �_�_. �a7.O............ ...... RESOLVED That Cout_nei1 File 19553 , approved November 26p 1_93_7, be and the . same is hereby modified by striking out the Eollovring: Plant and protect ornamental Shade Trees on both sides of Grand Ave. from Fa1rv3ev7 to Cretin, on both sides of t8e11es1ey hve. , from Fairview to Cretin, or_ both sides of Palace St_ from Fairv3ezv to Cretin, on both .sides of Finn Ave. from Surunit to Berkeley, on both sides of ,,,Goodriclz leve. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Prior Ave. from Sumriit to Randolph, on both sides o£ Pairnount Ave. from Fairvievr to Cretin, on both sides of Princeton Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Portland i-ve_ from Fairvj.ew to Cleveland, on both sides of Stanford Ave. from Lairviera to Cretin, on both sides of Jefferson Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides o£ Berkeley Ave. from Fairview to Cretin , on both sides of Cleveland Ave. from Summit to Randolph, and on both sides of Earl ent St. from Cretin to Finn, and inserting in lieu thereof: Plant and protect ornamental Shade Trees on both sides of Grand Ave. front Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of :1e11esley Ave. from Cretin to Prior, on both sides of Palace St. from FairvleW to Cretin, on both sides of Finn Ave. from Surmmmit to Berkeley, on both sides of Goodrich Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Prior Ave. from Suin iit to Randolph, on both sides of Fairmount= Ave. from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Princeton PL - re -from Fairvlevi to Cretin, on both sides of Portland Ave. from Fairview to Cleveland, on both sides of Stanford 1.ve. from Cretin to Josephine, on both sides of Jefferson, from Fairview to Cretin, on both sides of Berkeley Ave. from Cretin to Josephine, on both sides of" Cleveland Ave. from Sux=:L1_ to Randolph and on both sides of Sarg;ernt St. from Cretin t o Finn. Yes(,,) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson - r/ *_peeffldr' Matson Smith Wenzel Adopted 6y the Council -----�%�?- --_---- An favor Approved --- --------- ------.V--G---- 2`-----Jc_2Q-------------- --_19.___. -------Agaiasr CITY OF ST. PAUL F��E NO._.. wr - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �, GOi..7 NGIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....... . ........................ .._-.-___-__- __-____._........ ......-....................... ..... ------ DATE .................................................. RESOLVED That tha Commistaioner of Public Baie=ty _ is hereby authorized to appoint ax-cl employ a seoretary-stenographer for a period not to exceed ai-cty Jaye, at a salary of 0a6 Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) per asoxzth; the same to be paid Y=om the Police Fuad. Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( %f) t4 ays Clancy Ferguson Matson —� Smith Wenzel No'306T71haC- gt. vedhere Public ga[.Y1PebCyo aut¢ihstsoairroi YrzQt¢¢ sdteont o I asci aPPo gce¢d emP1oY oKra Ph T (or a yP1arY 1 Ore Hurtdredl dta. tollaa id rrto lic¢ TwentyaDbe p.td sixty ornp tY�e Po the ane to 26, 1920. Fund. the Council A,. Po APed P9, A 1920. PT (Au biyeCfi'28-1920) Adopted by the Council... ------Pt - %L -1-920- 19----- Ia favor Approved -------------- -- NO.10672 CITY OF ST. PAUL --.---- .....------.'_ -- s...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT -Y A. �. 55223 t2" - Aug, 26, 1920 .. ........ t7ATE .......... ......... .-... ........ .... .---------- ------- ........ _.... RESOLVE That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety, of Owen Dunn, as Assistant Fire Chdief, , for the next ensuing term. This to to 1n of £ect 12 o'clock midnight, Aug_ 3:L, 1920. Same is hereby concvtrrecl in and approved. Yes (✓) Cuuncilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson ..iRcvv,Qaid tson Smith Wenzel POP pmsideer - Ia favor ----- --_--._._Against C. F. No. 30672—By A );, Smith— the`�---issioanerth erarubi tment 7, of Owen Dunn, as Assistant Fire Chief. for the n suing term. This is to 12 31, 1920��Stame isc hereby iconcu Au n- nnd appoved. Adopted by the Council Aug. 26, 1920. Approved Aug. 26, 1920. (August 28-1920) Adopted by the Council........ fWG 241 9.2.Q_....._.....19__.- Approved---------- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC1 NO. 30€�'� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOUNGIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED�CY A- ` ` - .S IIl:L-.h August 26, 1920 COMMISSIONER_.._. ......___--_-___ - - --__- - ____._...._._. ..............._..._........ ... ..........__...._ DATE._....._._._.......:.............. ...._.._.._. .....__...... .._: RESOLVED That t�7-qpiip� appointment by the Commissioner of Publio Safety, of R. J. N:L- des , as Fire Chief for the next ensuing term, This to be in effec 12 o t cloak midright, Aug. 31,'1920. Same is hereby eonourreci and approved Yea 00 Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson Matson mtth ti..f Wenzel` MI. pinitlent _._In favor -------- Against C P' the Co /off '?'e73 it o s 1nN]'.Yaq ner ?e a E- 8 f Adopt 3' con h h1Au� pefhof APDro VQ D t ,? b. i nr pec t't X 14 12 (q UR4a[ -19'd &-. 6, 29" Adopted by the Council _.__.....__ M&21JJ20-.........19_..... Approved.....--`— � ..2:7_9 _...._------19....._. CITY OF _ST. PAUL No. ---- �' �-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENVrRqkL. FORM PRESENTED BY - Anguet 26, 1920• .. .../ . . ... .. ......../.../- .........-.. ..... DATE...........-........-...-........................... ............... ...... COMMISSIONER RESOLVED ` That tlae Commissioner of Publics Worka be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water Avenue from Snelling Avenne to Undervwood -A.venne. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓> Nays Clancy Ferguson nn_n,..0la , atson Smith Wenzel A4e >'ar• a at --- ------------------ In favor - .-- -- ---Against C. F. No. 30674—Ry 11. C. Wenzel— . Resolved. That theCommissioner-ot Public Works be and he is hereby a thorized a d directed to sprinitle, ith water Je Rerson Ave. from S—IllnEr Ave. to Underwood Ave. Adopted by the Council Au S- 26. 1920. Approved Aug. 26, 1920. (August 28-1920) Adopted by the Council ... TLUCL2LL192Q .._._._.:.19 --- Approved - .. PUG -1,Y-492-9 - 19--- �jo"s`" Q i7 CITY OF ST. PAUL `NO:,_--U'�� R • - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOIJIVGIL RESOLUTION --- GENEF2Ak L- FORM F% NTE BY ._. A _ I° _ �-. .. r.. -- --- -------SMITH._..... _ pgTE.......... _.. ,. Aug.�.._25..t.h,....1.�20.... MISSIONER..__. __.-.._ __--_.-._.. __ ...__. \` Whereas W3- _ O _ Larson & Sons, b}ave made application for a license \ to operate; ori the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Cadillac 1914 Tour ink 0a=, State License No. 3-97597, seating capacity, 7 passengers o,rrned by said W. O. Larson & Sons, and Whereas , said W- O. Larson & Sons, 3-,n accordance with Ordinance No. 524--L has filed copy of insurance policy with the City and said policy has been approved by the `Corporation Counsel as to form, them£ore be it Reaolved� that license be granted to W. G. Larson & Sons to operate said car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul , subject to the provisions of said ordinance. Whereae676—gy A_ E_ Sza3L2s-- W- O- :_e rson Bc Sons . .� cave mann fheifcatlon £oor SGePapl, o streets p a - ` Car, tateX11 Cadillac tr�e City License No. 191-24 Toar,ry� PacitY. 7 berg, Sa W O. Ia sos 6cs5on In «'aerordan ed �v O. I'a *'son 8-_ Sons_ F 162'11. has filed copy o£ �i�nsura ce ho_ beenwi th -1 ItY nd _s PoI_ C ns Ipa v do by the id Policy has Resolved, to a r there £n re Da iaLion lJ1,,w Rrr O. that b h— /--- J/ t lice nsa t Son so to Sra rate8 Lo O 1- ulu sun the streets £ Pa rate bled to the the Cit o s 6t_ dfnan ce, sioras P aid Adopted by the Coun 1 Aum_ 26, 1920_ APp ro vea Aug. 26, 19 0. E (August C) < '� Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays ----------------- -----I- favor ----------- --- ------ Against f 121 192 Adopted by the Council.....- � __ _�(i -- ---------_---_......-19_---- fiUG °�, = X920 Approved----- -........ ___.____._..._. ___._._____.......19-_. . -- Clancy Ferguson rMatson l 1 S� Smith Wenzel M;al'l�esid2nt, ----------------- -----I- favor ----------- --- ------ Against f 121 192 Adopted by the Council.....- � __ _�(i -- ---------_---_......-19_---- fiUG °�, = X920 Approved----- -........ ___.____._..._. ___._._____.......19-_. . -- Council File No. et 1 t, d- CD rr P]P-OI?4DSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes thG making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: wziencr any extending' to a. - ----------------------------- street--f:C&rr- Payne Avenue ------------ �to ---- Arc za- C:3- t; r a -t ----- --- ----- .. .... .... ... ... .. . . ........ ---------- ------------ ----- ---- ------ ...... - Dated this ----------------- ---------- 1923 uncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement_ viz.: xidening and exre j -ng, t ---- --- --- - -- I iL �enny 'St r e e i r Orr. ------------ ---- --- ------ - r e e ....... ..... ...... .... F. No. 30676 k=eos. A written pro�osa of the fIIII—IIg itnpr opening, widening 6 f Y,, having been presented to lt-l�e of the C 'd of 0 e - Payne Ave t. �rcad, p been therefore. be it it'- Z of P'. t Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That tl�� Commissioner 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature:, extent and' e9timated cogt of said improvement, and the total co Et thereof. 3. To furnish a PI,-". profile or sketch of said improvement. -�Ud forma-sai _intionxelativ,4, 1 4 _ ._improvement:. - ---- ------------------------ ---- ------- --------- ---------------------------------- ------------ - ................ -- ............ .......... 5 T whether or riot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. W, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 0 To report upon 191 ------- Adopted by the council ------------------------ - -- -- Nays: ays: Councilman K--Mer- F— C A 13 (511I 4-17) Approved.. 191. Sc- "--a a D C. F. No. '`� Admi istrative Ordinance No. '�'`' C. F. No. 30677—Ordinance No. 6401— By L. R. S. Ferguson— An -1d'I'.. to amend Administrative ordinance No. 5202, approved Decem- ber 24, 1919, entitled, An administra- tive ordinance fixing and authoriz-,, Ing the payment of, compensatir An Ordinance tl for eTa t.rllo of thenneetCRYed "ith 'ae Urdinance No. 5202, approved December 24, 1919, entitled gz1t" &inistrative Ordinance fixing and authorizing the payment of, compensation for employees connected with the Auditorium of the City. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8T: PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That sectSon 1 of the Laid Administrative Ordinance No. 5202 be, and the same is hereby, amended by striking out therefrom the following words and figures: Engineer .70 cents per hdhr Stage -Carpenter 37.50 per week Watchman 85.00 per month Head Flyman Z.50 per performance Grips 2.2.5 per performance Grips jovertiMO .96 per hour Sta a Electrician 5.83 per day Asst Stage Electrician 4.66 per day Pro?erty Man,5.83 per day Ass t PropertMan 3.75 per day Property clegrers 1.00 per performance Property clearers (overtime .50 per hour Light operators, 3srzt 2.00 per performance .light operators (overtime) .50 per hour and inserting in place theveof the following words and figures: Engineer Stage Carpenter Watchman Head F17man Grips Grips (overtime) Stade Electrician Ass t Stage Electrician Property Man Ass t Property Man Property Clearers (overtime) Light Operators (front) Light Operators (stage) Light Operators (overtime) Section 2. 150.00 per month 50,00 per week 90 400 per month 3,50 per performance 3,00 per performance 1.00 per hour 8.33 per day 5.83 per day 8.33 per day 5.83 per day 1.00 per hour 3.50 per performance 3.00 per performance 1.00 per hour This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yaas Councilmen Nays F'ftneer McDonald .Matson Smith Wenzel Mr.Pres't(Hodgson) Attest: Adopted by the "ouncil ,,Ep 101920 Approved SEP tU 192C 1920 I � I � �� �� ' �� ,� . w� 4, �, , .., . �-�, , Vr'�� �~ ��`�'�`1:�,'n.�+a'1`°rts�'"�r1NYiM,nu:U�4 � � �� � ,,:� ....r�.,....,,_N..,..,.r , ,..,..� r� :. .....• . ,.. _ . . I ;.� � / ., -+�YB:�.":JF`:airri'i+t. �M+iwiN'gfic5�'ivdYli{i ��,,,,,,r,,,�.,..�.. --w�- -.,,.,. ..,.,.M,..,...,....��.�..,. �7°� d� ._ �/) � t � .��z '.`�.,' �, ��� r! C. F. No, 3067841 rdl �* t DY H.C, Wenzel An ordinance Creno ro . miss. �a Warehonsa ComDa ,o ���. a la, construct and m oi"the v 'c or platform n over nth street, Hoar Ninth "ouncil of the" , S • s An ordinanoe granting to the Kedney warehouse Company permission to oonotruot and maintain a loading platform over the sidewalk on Fine street, near Ninth street, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Mat permission and authority are hereby granted to the Kedney=warehouse Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a loading platform, 100 feet, 6 inches long, 10 feet wide, and 3g feet high, across the sidewalk on Pine street, near Ninth street, adjoiningEthe`building located on, ILots 1, a and 3, Block l41 Kitteonto Addition, r �eotion a, The 00MMieaioner of Pubiio Works ,ie hereby u horned to 1860 pent to the said 1106300 for the oori- �t struotion of said platform, upon said licensee's complianoe with the following conditions: (1) The`'eaid licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public works a plan or epeoifioation of said platform, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (a) The said platform shall be ereoted under the super- vision and direotion of said Commiseioner,'and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licenseC shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), condition- ed to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, chargee, damages and expense that may accrue to per- sons or property on a,$oount of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said platform. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. ' (4) Said platform shall be removed by said licensee when- ever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in fo'roeathirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Counoil [,. 10 '`�?0 No Nays Y Far�u�on Would Won Smith Wenzel Mr, President (Hodgson) Approved S _P 101920 Mayor Attest YUliLiJ13� ! � — C er $e "212& &tod 1 Iutir� ►Iter��. !boll. 1� GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY LEGAL DEPARTMENT JAMES T- MAHErz. - ' JOHN L. SNAPP. _ Rlct+r ot:' Wwv. LwNo 8- Tsax Gowa ralss�oNsa R—T OF WAv 8c Tqx Ace / S EATT - WASH - CHARLES HAY DEN. W-. N. S- IYINS. W. L SCHOETTLMm. Twz AGENT. AssISTANr COMMIsslo r-aExz� - ST_ PAI.: L M1NN- ST_ PAU L. M1N:1- St. Paul, Minnesota, August 20, 1920 -1 . Faricy, City Clerk ci t yv � 1 Tannesota Dass- sir This will introduce to you W. Fred S. Kedney of Zj=L6 :g:,M C aay Piarehouse Coward which has recently taken a long lessee on the old Schurmeier 6Sagon Factory at 27inth and PPi2=e streets. The Warehouse Con�����tt� wishes to erect and maintEJSa a 3o�dir platform on the .ieilt"i`'$treat side of this building, '.j_-esratofore'has applied to Commissioner wenzel. It is o-�--� v_-z3eratanding that the commissioner and other members oY t2nm aou=11 have viewed the location and are willing to grszxt esi ordinance along the usual lines. In order that Mr. Kedney may file the proper -s ti LS on and draft on ordinance in the proper form, will you !-i=dly exhibit to him a petition and ordinance in any —tYoxnz parmit made which you can readily lay your bands aa_ S think that within the last two or three years the Tu x� t e 8 States Bailway Express Company obtained the right to —�iatsin an elevated platform on the Broadway side of our old office building, and undoubtedly your files will prow i cle ample precedent for Mr. Kedney to follow in this ba_ 2r Anything that you can do to help 14r. Its dney out A--= t2zis matter will be considered a personal favor. very- t jyours, C O � I C7 U -CA t, ON, ell 0 cj F. No, 30679 -Ordinance No. 66i' By J. M. Clancy - 4 n lancy-4n ordinance granting to 6eor, noloa and. Maurice J. nisefon to construct ��V n An ordinance granting to George Georgopolos and Maurice J. Goldberg permission to construct and maintain a canopy over the;jentrance to the building located at 209 East Beventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to George Georgopolos and Maurice J. Goldberg to construct and maintain a canopy on the building known as No. 309 East Seventh street (being the New Francis Theater); said canopy to be as shown upon the blue -print hereto attached. Section 3. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said George Georgopolos and Maurice J. Goldberg for the con- struction of said oanopy, upon their oompliance with the follow- ing oonditions: (1) The said oanopy shall be constructed,under the super- vision and direotion of said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), con- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the erection, construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have a surety satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensees when- ever henever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensees shall pay any tax or license fee that E 1 1 � 1 may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a Written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Paved by the Counoil 11' 10 N9 You NRYI Attest n Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved SEP 101920 _ \ May Cityk i �o� ecA tae �eQt�oe? i { JAMES M. CLANCY. CouutsStONER J E. CORCORAN, DEPUTY Coed WSSIoNEP nnunnnannnnmunnenutettnununnunneeumeuuentnunueu.M.... tarreunutuunmrtteneeeeuutcuntuuuuuon:[neteuttenuuuetnnuuuuan, ` CITY Q�T_ PAUL 3�0 If ZY { Department of VlAmgrvunbs and jduhl � � Wa-tlbings OFFICE C> F= COMMISSIONER 43 CQ :�. K X=e HOUSE August 25, 1920 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Cornrn — Office Dear Sir: I hand you her <---- _ =-t= ha blueprints showing canopy construction ofTheatre on premises known as 209 The same meet with the approval of tri --a� — <a par i,ment , 0omp17lhg with the law in every r — cmEnt _ This matter was referred to this de c -t n2'�----nt by the Council. Yom? �r 1-y _- —� City A it2ct M R. D. LOVSRINO CEDAR 3486 A. W. LO]VODOTf� ' V COVERING -LONGSOTHAM CO. t GENERAL CONTRACTORS 336 ENDICOTT BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINNE6OTA August 23, 1920. TO THE . •HONORABLE; CITYCOUNC2L: City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Enclosed is the bond furnished by Geo. Georgopoloe and Maurice J. Goldberg in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) covering the canopy which it is proposed to erect at 209 IM_ 7th Street, over the sidewalk in front of the "ew Francis Theatre. will you please take whatever steps are necessary to grant us a permit to construct the above canopy? Yours very truly, LOVERING LNGBO COMPANY, By r AWM : AK ' f -------------- V-77 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER tn� @j, COUNCIL ....• y�0V�V AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na....: . _..................... 498 .................................................................. AUDITED tyt. CIT' C OLLER PER.............. ... r... V..�.. ....y TITLE p Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds, and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _..........AUG...2....................'1920 ._ _ .._...191.... Clancy _ 1-- l' Ferguson __._....._An favor Approved..._........................�Sl1.G...:2 _._1�.20.....:..........191._._.....: h Gees---- McDonald IFeket--- Matson ...............Against ..... ........t......� �....... .._ _.... — MCLOIT_ smith Q_ AYOR vPt�,aerfe�— Wenzel Mr Prilide jind-on �pyUTi01e6 C. F. No.'oeee Ahetract - drawn geeolved that wo`rrena be cut op - then the City T eaxull d�uade In ' her; the pe D dans or oppo,tu tl<vor oi'ththeeamounts yet ectAed`te tions for eeti vena"., etbtemeat, their reeD 31 tercel the�daardlW Hetle 389,00, W OblerthehCoil lnell A09.39r 1930, e AADDroved Aub' 394191 (dept, t r 5177 Edward We Bemis, Investigating Public Utilities 5178 Fe W. 011erenshaws Health Total 4,287,14 31888.14 399,00 r',aon.ro CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form A A 48, IN 1=16 _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ' COUN FILE ClL No.........r 1 496 e............................. ......................... I C CO PTROLLER r * AUDITEDj�Vi2..,..4..� ��.................I ........ PE........ ......... .......t............ . . ..... .....:.... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifit funds and in favor of the persons, firms or Corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement; Yeas ( d ) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council.._Nf�...:�_....11_920................ .........191........._ Clancy Fdrmr,6 rh Ferguson ..,..__,,,.._..In favor Approved;; .... ....... ..191. ....... _ Goss --- McDonald ----- Matson K_ell_er .smitb ...... ..... ..... Against .... .. q ...... :........_.__._. ...._^........_..._.....DR......._ V&P11--- Wamd.rlieb Wenzel A4 Ere v.49 — 0.. A No. 30681— savor Of the Parana, Arms or cous rpora trona ttlr, the,aln0hnte let o their, respective P411141 Sb ppealtf thefolioWI 400111od Itl � ��tolied pC�RO�On� Iq�o�hll 11118��04, loo, �oha& �oqa, X960,00, � Parka, plygdxrpn'P, B pntY Oom'r. of Adam Deb er Hardware' C ., j84,61, Drewry & Sona 13 3$8.40, W. U. Dunlap, 12,li 1300dYear Rubbor CO173 01, d. aouette,12,71, I111nosostee,llwarehou6e Company, =109.66, Dr. 'Dawson 19.40.,: Johneton, Librarian, B. Luthey, 11200. Co Manhattan Oil .,806 64 iia.4& , Metropolitan Rooang Corniee Co" Pittsburgh m optn9th Typewriter 01680.46. Emil C. Schroeder, $4,68, p• iti Snyderd$9684p 5154 F. G. Albrecht, seta merPeroduoteiBervlce Station, Parke 16.16, Western Union Telg, Co $88.46. Adopted by the Connell pug, 8T, 18ee, 5155 Geo. Benz & Sons, Approved Aug. 27, 1620, Police (Sept, }•1820) 5156 J. E. Uorcoran, Deputy Com1r. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs•$ Parks 5157 Adam Decker Hardware yompany) Mater 5158 Drewry & Sons, Parks 5159 W. E. Dunlap, W at er 5160 Goodyear Rubber Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 6.85 Parks 35.64 Water 6.68 r' 23.84 73: ifT- 5161 Ed. Gouette, Water 1,187.00 350.00 1.62 94.61 3,322.40 2.18 73,01 2.71 i 5168 Rear 496 Page #2, 80,74 Police 5162 P, Jo Hoefer, 60,00 9631 Corpo 000861 Munic. Gar,, Revl, 2,87 'i 5163 Illinois Steel Warehouse .Company, 19,40 108,66 Playgrounds Schools 72,48 Water .45 Special War Classes 26.69 Gaultier School(Bond) 2.75 Parks 9.49 80.74 5169 Remington Typewriter Company, lb$, bTi 53095 5164 Dr. Dawson Johnston, Librarian 8.40 Com r. of Finance 18.90 Library Fire 5,00 5165 E. Luthey, Schools 12,00' Water e 5170 5166 Manhattan Oil Company, 4,68 806,64 Water Police 305,61 A, M, Sharood, 4.45 1 9.00 5172 A. L. Snyder, 8.82 968.00 Parks Munic. Gar. Revl. 225,52 5173 G. Sommers & Company, " 104.83 Water Schools 76.32 6.16 Library 5,00 5175 Western Union Telg. Company, Water 71.54 Pureh. Dept. 5167 Metropolitan Roofing Cornice Company, 13,46 49.17 Water C.P.W.-Gen, Adm. 2,24 i 5168 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 80,74 Police 42,83 Health 9631 Munic. Gar,, Revl, 2,87 Schools 19,40 Playgrounds 3,13 Water .45 Gaultier School(Bond) 2.75 80.74 5169 Remington Typewriter Company, 53095 Corp. Counsel 14,00 Com r. of Finance 18.90 Fire 5,00 Schools 16,05 e 5170 Emil C, Schroeder, 4,68 I Water 5171 A, M, Sharood, 4.45 1 Parka 5172 A. L. Snyder, 968.00 Parks 5173 G. Sommers & Company, 17.85 Water 5174 Stewart Products Service Station, 6.16 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5175 Western Union Telg. Company, 88.45 Pureh. Dept. .99 Police 49.17 C.P.W.-Gen, Adm. 2,24 Sohools 3482 Total 7,256.97 COUNCIL 30682 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO....... ......... ........ ._..�✓ i COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......................................................................................................................................... DATE........:.................. --------- _%... ..................... ......... ....... RESOLVED:res there.. far the t—atiasion of elec- t hitt on St. Pont onLight ialt yavay is streets or said di,y l directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and stringing wt Install One pole in the alley west of Smith Avenue and north of Sidney Street One pole in the alley west of Smith Avenue and Bouth of Sidney Street Commercial lighting. a All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and auparviaion.1 the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin¢, subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2424, and of ali .,her lawral ordt—c.. and resottions of the C{lt of St. Paul. s be �bil All poles should be set in d chh I ..Ii. l in aid .11. shall be ukenadownCand mtasionerof Public Utilities placed eat dor round ahbenever theall be of l`Council ahalard i deem thaharacter t the rablic i interest`e arwu� �s� ana when i[ shall so order. removed,v suchwires uv w Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ..........In favor Matson / Smith D ......_... ....... Against Wenzel — tkr-pr-wglf Adopted by the Council ................. AJG 27-1-9-20 Adopted .............._... 11Ufi.:.�'. '970......_.......192.......... MItYOn C. 83 CITY OF ST. PAUL FO Ewen. No . ............... 30-6.:... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................... ............................................................................. ..................... .... DATE ... ..-...................................................... .. _................ r RESOLVED: - - Th the St. Paul Gas Light Com Dan, Is hereby ordered and directed to ..tend its electrical it... by erecting polos and sir in¢in¢ wires thereon for the transmission of elee- tricit, o. and in the following alley. and streets of said city: Install One pole on 3ftirview Avenue,north of Capitol Avenue. C omme rc i al lighting. All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the nrovieIons of Ordinance No. Y{y/, and of all other lawful ordinances and r... I.1ins of the City of St. Paui. All poles should be set to such location in said alleys and street, as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shalldesignate, and shall be of such It and ch arae for as he shall deli -at. and approve, and any and all ouch notes shall be t.ke. down and removed, and such wires vl... d underground whenever the C .... it shall deem that the public Interest eo requires, and who it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ................ .AUfi.. _,,..�9.�0...__...,... 192...--__ Ferguson McDonald . ........_..In favor Adopted ........... .... (!{}(7...�.. Y_.f��O Smith �/ ................192...... / ^ Matson /'") v / --- - - -- Against -- � -�i -/- _y... ........ ... MAYO Wenzel CITY OF ST_ PAUL i r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRES£NTEO 8.Y A- M .Smi th _ c p COM MISSION EFt -------- ---.--_ .-__-_-------------___--- --------------- - _____..._..___._.._ ... .. ..-.-.._...-.------ RESOLVE O F - That the- license of Lyon & Bouregstrom, to conduct the Vitgtory Hotel `at 380 and 382 Jackson Street, be and the same is hereby revoked, the same being done upon the recommendat ion of the Police Department. C_ F. No. 30684— Resolved, 133 A- E• Smith— _ $oa re st romh ito the license f Lyon Yes ✓ Councilmen ✓ Na s Hotel t 380 and 382dje�kthe Sltr¢et ' a ( ( ) Y �'9 d_� b¢ and the j •,-�r $ ;,a. i sa.rne Nein same is hereb 1�1 T p g done u h revoked, the ` V� 1 �J 2� dation of the P011ce�Department man- V 1 , Ado Pted by the C' Heli Oct- 16, 192x_ ;the Council -_.------- Approved Oct. 16. 1920. (Oct. 23-1920) ' McDonald -_ In favor �rT ej pproved-------- --s. �2Il---------19- - / Smith - - - Against -��X CES Yes ✓) Councilmen ( ✓)_ Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council19—__-- _ Ferguson _ - McDonald _----- _-_------- In favor Approved __-.- p4J-G _-19______ fMatson Smith wftnZel M RR4edo-o--, E3VN =ou"c- C--I-rV OF ST. PAUL Firms Nc%-- OFFICE OFC:L.F-RK THE -1-IrY COU NC/L Mesc>L-u-ric)m --- C3ENE:RAL- FORM . . ........ - ------------ -- -- ---------- ------- - - ------ Auguz.t ... 27..--1-9-20 ............... ...... Fzf=-sC>I-Vam TUELt. the Purchasing Agent be, and he i s hereby authors zed - to, p-UX-CIIJELIB,-.. WLtll the consent O:f the Comptroller, rporation Cocks. Cux--k> f--C>c3Cs and water meters to the amount or $2069.95 f'rom the G:L*-y Of' West St -Paul, without asking :rox- competitive bids, the City or West St.:pELul IIELv:Lng offered this material f at less tI2aLz2 zaarket prices as they no longer require it on account vf' Having made an agreement with this City whereby It now c-zLx-x-:L4eg3 on all work InL5�pnnect:Lon with MaRs'atiservice c onnect:L ormet elf--ttlna; meters and keeping iln repair the water wOx'3c'3 9&4--r'e=ELl3-Y Of' the City of' West St.PeLul. Charge Water Rind Resolved. That is Ii.,, L=bY author- i .t of tpotation c.-S.curb randrmaters cocl�s star $2069-95 from the city of or -vv---*- t asking for of Wast St. t Itb,- this C'tv, on s-11 1sett9 t. __t., WorXs general tL Paul Charge St. Adopted by the Cov nril Aug. 27. 1920. Agproved Avg_ 27%1,920,If Yes ( vr) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council __!320-__-__._.._ 19-_.__. erguson 9------- erguson tj G 2-, 9 2 0 'M -Donald - ------------- - --- 1� favor Approved--------- 19-.--.- - - - --- ------- - C CITY. OF ST. PAUL e���,� rIL. NO.-- ------.--.------.--- --._ OFFIG4E OF ' �C- L/�yUTT--, HIOEN. RRESENTEM BY COMMISSIONER --. C--I-TGYENCELREARLK. FORM RESOLVED Mmet"b ->G'jme y Comptroller be authorized and he a here y direoted to issue a oity warrant* in the sum of One Hundred Dollare ( $ZOO . 00) in favor of George 7. Dix, Clerk of the Munioigs:2 Coisrt of the City of St_ Paul, for the purpose of returning 'to aaid officer said eum which was paid into the city tres.Btary through error and =tetalr-6 C_ F_ldatson= Resolved That the City Comptroller be authorized and ha is hereby di- r�eLOo to is_4ue city rrant in the P One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) s Savor of Gorge F. IXr, Clerk of rhe Muaic ipal Court of the City of 3t Paul, Por the 1 IIvpose of returnw.ing to Sn to Lhec whh cit -3r t¢asury through$e r d i a SIt ibCx _ Ado pled by Lha Connell Aug. 27, 1920. Approved Aug_ 27, 1920 - «Pt 4-1920) _. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓-) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith V -- Wenzel -1022 BVI tb P1kftjk& abov.0 12 Adopted by the Council_ ..._AUG- LI -910- 19_..__ fn favor Approved - - _ / J� COUNCIL®�� v GiTY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ---------------------------- .,Ir OFFICE OF THE CITY- CLERK GO-UNGiL- FZESOLlITION --- GENERAL- FORM PRESENTEM BYY GOMMt5510 R....-........... ------ .---- _---- -.A_-_.._£•_._a___.S�=TA_-------------------- ....... _........_._. OATE--._..Aug------- 27s___1s; 9, _.___... E2>=soL Eo Whereas. QPilliam Gottwald, has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Packard 1911 Touriag Car, Factory No. 15598, State License No. 40755, seating capacity 7 passengers, owned by William Gottwald, and, Whereas, acid yTilli,a.m Gottwald in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy, of insurance policy with the City, and said policy has bee= approved as to form by the Corroration Counsel therefore be it - Resolved that license be issued to William Gottwald to operate said Touring Car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul sub j ett to the prov is i ons of said ordinance. C. F. No. 30687-13y A_ E_ Smith. - whereas. Vvilliam Gottwald has made application for a license to op- iate uron the treats of the, City of `. St. Paul, -One (1) Packard 1911 Tour-' ing Car,. Factory -No. 15598. State, Ll i cense N 8 No. 40755. eating Capacity 7 ,.. Passengers, owaedby William Gott-� wald, and Whereas, said William Gottwald in ccordanc¢ with Ordiaa- IT-- 5241 has -filed copy of 1insurance. policy w>th the city and aid policy has been p - proved as to form by the, Corporation` Couasel therefore b¢ it S1 Resolved that license be issue,d to williata Gottwaldto operatesaid 'Touring Car upoa the -streets –jr th. City of St_ Paul subject to the pro- yMoas. of said ordltan.+ e__ Adopted by the Goa cil Aag_ 27_ 1920. Approved Aug_ 27. 1920_ - j % Yes i Jj Councilmen (%f) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ___----------- - ----- In favor Matson ` Smith �------ ---------- Againsi< Wenzel connection��sir Resolution th above - 1_. Adopted by the Council -_---_--___-RUG _%'__ I9 Z0 APP;vved--- --- J-92-0 2-Q --19_.. �f CITY OF ST. PAUL `°" "` 30W3 _ F �s No. ..c..... -------..__..._... - " -OFFICE OF THE CITY GL_ WMFZK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- .FORM BY ________�.,±__.._._q FF'Rli7".. .. ...................._- GATE.------.%i}iG.,......`%.7..,... ]..Gj2.n.-.............. .._.. RESOLVED : Vill4- -cZ. s Charles Ullrich has made 3pp1i0ation for a license to op -.era -t a on the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Buick 2939 Touring Car, Factory No. �j29906. State License No. 252522 s s at ing capacity, 5 passengers -owned by Charles Ullrich, and, Whereas said Charles Ullrich iri a ccordance with Ordinance No. 523 ha filed copy of insurance p+ol icy with the City, and said po - icy has been approved as to ford by the Corporation Counsel -lv2=L4�refore be it Ftesa3vecl� that license be issuecl to said Charles Ullrich to operat e said touring car upon the s t Teets of the City of St. P-�u 3 subject to the provisions o f said ordinance. C- F_ 30688-3By A- B. Smith-- I TiT2aer�-- e L�'harles Ullrich he. made I� appli caioa Sor a license to Operate on 1 Lhe treszts or the City of St. Paul, One t <i> Eu ricl_ 2919 TouringCar, Factoryry No_ 529908- State License No: 262 62Y. aLi g parity, 5 passenger., owned b3:G��ar2es 1<711rich, a d, r W2xerz^ said Charles Ultrich In ae- cordaa.ce -11LU Ordinance No. 6241 he. f11e211. a copy or insurance policy with Lhe City- sad said policy hae been ap- proved as io Sorm by the .Corporation E Counsel- r�ereSore be tt Reso2vecl- that license be issued to aiti-.Cb.arlea U}lrfch to operate said touriag car upon the ntreete 01 the City of -St- Paul. subject to the pro- visioaas oS aa.id ordinance. AdoDtc$ by the.Covncll Aug. E7, 1880.. ` Approved Aug. 27, 1828. - - <seDt. 4-1980) Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald __.1n favor Matson Smith --------------Agatn.e Wenzel TORI, sL E -a0 aoa� �Tar� la a onn 4ft ,.i th o` Ii6SOZ =�rJ� _ Adopted lby the Council 492-0 -i-SQ$----------719---- ApProved_._��fi -19��----19..__.. CITY OF ST. PAUL - GOi2ftG1L RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM r�qq�� Subject:-•-+ ...- ..........._............... - — -- - -_ ........---.....------------------------ qou-- u0y��J ........................................- -Date Presented ----iWV U- t ----2.7.. .................19>2.Q t Resolved, whereas it appears tiastt there is at this time a balance approximating $103,000.00 remaining to trig credit of the School Uonstructlon Bond Fund and whereas it further apggsrs that the major portion of the amount will not be required immediat elg s tile Sinking V'und' Committee is hereby authorized and directed to invest of tag - above amount the sum of $p"75,000.00 in 'dity of St.Paul Participating Certificates of Indebtedness until such time as this amount may be neecec3 £or the purpose for which above fund was provided. Earnings accruing b -y rga s o of this investments after clac acting the amount of Interest accrued and paid at time, investment is madep shall be credited to the General Sinking runcl — Yeas (d) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy PRfMWnfth FergtzsoX-X GBgd----- SmitYi_- ---------- Za favor -- McDonald Keller 41 --call,--- Mat sE3T3------ Against 'WUh-d'8flfth 'rdenZ B 1 - Mr. Prc idAm - FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 ;9—ByL R..�S. Ferguson whereas it appears that ( this time $103,000.00 aaremainingto ; the School Construction and whereas it, further ' the major portion of the i Abe required lmmedl_ nking Fund Committee is i 1 1zed and directed, to in- -. ibove amount the -14Mf ' City of St- Paul Partici- tlflcates of Indebtedness; me as this amopptwhich be the purpose was provided. Ea .Ings. reason of this Investment. .g the amount of inter - and paid- at time investe Le , shall be credited to the Ging Fund y the Council Aug. 27. 1920. Adopted by the. Council ---- _---- RU0 2-- 1920 .191•--•-- Approved --------- NJ(i. 1920 ..__............191..... -- -`-Q/ - -.. _ ... . .................... GiTY O.F ST, PAUL OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK ^ COUNCIL AU ON---GENERAL FORMRESENTED.BY. / A -`-----`- _. _.__..-... ._._-------.-----. GATE _. RESOLVED coutioL NO. - --3®---9 ust 27, 1920 - - ......... .........--------- -------------- ------ `S'lzat the 0rade of alleys in _locks 5, 6 and 7, Ruth L ivingst on' s 2nd A.a.f !-tion, in acccr3ar_ce .vlth the reLL grade line on the acco>Jpanyirc rofile (t= ___ _ - - -) an L a.s reocDn=enaoea -by the Cornrnissioner of Pu0? ie `.?orks, be and the aerie is hereby aclo-cted as tie estab- lished bra:tee. t 30690—By 8. _ _ Resolved_ rrf,at the C- Wan:el Ya n Hfocics 3, 6 Ind 7, Ruth Ll vtagaton'si de or edAddition, accordance wt Droll eraand 17ae the accoaipan fn e1 Co�mfsstoaer oP pcommeaded by ythe; the same fs' harcb do VV' Eka, be na tabl2shed gz-adc_ Y dopted as the ea- � . Adopted by the Council g.7, Au21920' ADDroved AUS_ 27. 1920. .;t.7. t4-19201 -Yea (✓) Councilmen (0 Naya Clancy Adopted by the: Council ------�i��{j_..yg��------------ - f 9 ----- Ferguson McDonald ---- ---------------In favor Approved ----- -- ------------- f 5-- - Matron Wenzel ` - RESOLVEm . COnN<IL '10691 CITY OF ST, PAUL rae NO.-�----�--�--�........__ OFF=ICE CIF THE CITY CLERK Coll IVGIL RE OLUTION---GENERAL FORM DATE.._AugruBt... 27.2.._1920 .................... hat the grade of alley in Block N, Oak Kno11 Ano? r iverwood Park, from Cretin Avenue to - inn �vonue, in accordance with the red erade line on the--ccompanying: profile and as recor=end- ea by tZae Col-mi-8sioner of Public Works, be and the same to hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes(w') Councilmen (%/) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel _ row.. ar a-zo �1: C. F. No. 30691—By H. C. Wenzel— Resolved. That the grade of alley in', Block 2. Oak Knoll and River—d Park, from Cretin Ave. to Ft.. Ave.. Ina ordance with the -red grade It.. on the a mp"y/ng proflle and as commanded by the Commissioner ofd Public Works,. be and the same Is h-dreby ,adopted — the established grade. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1920. Approved Aug. 27, 1920. (Sept. 4-1920) . Adopted by the Council ..._.__MU.L2%._T.H..._,...... 19 --- Approved... ... 9_ -_ Approved..._ ..___--19.._ _. 1920..__....._.. - Original j,et�tion attacl_ed t D :Cel. Order for curb. �Q�/Ard Council File No ....... ..t1.. Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELINUNARY ORDER_ The undersigned hereby proposes the making. of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ccnstruotion of six fort ecmcnt tile ..............................-s-idewal.k.... ----east---a 3 g -j -f- _4loext ---- Sts -c t...ss.cu.......................... ...................................,.........- _......._r............ - �- _..................---- �nar��s .�tr..et.._�; %.inYie� �:- . .,see ---,._..._____._.._. _...... .............................................. _................................................................... . --- ............----------------------------------- - ................ - ............ Dated thia......26th .....day of._� -------------- -- IRO. . rxmnrssrxAar oan------------- .. ----------------- ----- .. ........... _........._.... C. F. No. 30692— /d �Abatract V Where ae. A itten DroppeLe-' ODUCllmfln. malciag of the following imDrave.- tructlon of a s1x foot - -- ----- "nIk on the east silo - PRELuvri_-. ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Const-•uction vi six f c't cCr: •int file .......................................... _..._..............._............. ........_......_....------ - --------- - ---.... ..----.__...... ....................._........._._........... A7.b.est-_.Street frpm _......._............. .Orarses...Strcct....t.z__.............................................._......................... ............... ....__..__.........................._...._.-_..... ...-------------------------------------------------- ....................... _-..................... -. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ------ ...--------- ......... ........... .........__....._........._..... ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cosi of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3.e o itnprovement:................................. ......_.............._. .................................. ........... ..................... :.:...--------------------------------------- ----- ...................................... ....................... ............. 1$ "'"TToo State whether or not said improvement ii asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b:''To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the councilAUG 2" 1920 .............191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Approved. :u.:!..0 ----------------------- 191....... Keller McColl Wunderlich M r Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) T - Council File No -------- eE.06� . Pet i t i crn PROPOSAL FOR IMP120VEMFNT and PRELIMINARY ORLDER_ The undersigned lle:reby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz. o.nstruction of curb or_ with sides of ------------------------------- �II�1-'----�LS_t�x...__.r �nl---u_IIH,r. s_'•5---.�_'t.��.G�-----+r-q----'--a'-n:._eYl-ana_----.------------------------- Street.-.................... ------------------------------------------------- , ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Abstract - the Dated this........+-t_h------- day of ------- _ Whereas. A written Droma&1 for ovemeaL 19.`! ..� maltin8 of the fol3owinY Dr curb on both ^harl¢s St_ to - •� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improverlvent, viz.: Construction of curb c:r? c:es of ----------------- ------------------- - -- --- ............_...--_-......-._-..._-...... "`.... ----------------- ----------- A Streit,__ .._... ---..tr.n• Liar. .es ... .c:tr-�� -------------------------------- - ----- ---.......... - ... .. ------- --------- -------------- ------------------------------------- ------------...._---- ......... --------------------- --- _--- ........ --------- -------------- ----- ---- ------- - - ------------------- - ..._. _.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ _ - _ - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said impro rrzent, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. prrlentc-------------------- .......... ............ _.. _._. ---... ...------- -- ---- ---------------- ---- - --------- whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petiLiova of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Firiasaee_ .. Adopted by the council ---------------- P - U '--------..... ._.. 192 ------ ........ ..191-------- Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.--- --- - -- -- ; {� .'_fs20--------- 191. - .. % Hyland _ / Keller �% McColl Wunderlich Form CA is (bM 4-17) - �T 7Rr xa�.:-.r_� �— eV Zi ' C. R No, 30694—Ordinance No, 6406— By John H. McDonald An ordinance providing for the con- � struction of a double trackstreet Ls railway line on Broad*ay from Fourth Street to Fifth Street. ^- an emergency ordinance,: " ^early Por the 30694 An ordinance providing for the construction of a double track street railway line on Broadway .from Fourth street to Fifth street, No is an emergency ordinance, rendered Necessary for the i pres4bation of the public peace, health and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That the St. Paul City Railway Company be and it is hereby ordered and required, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 1227 of the City of St. Paul, approved September 20th, 1888, and more particularly under and pursuant to Section 116 of paid ordinance, and on or before December 1, 1820, to lay and construct a double track line of street railway, ulith all necessary poles, vires and appliances for the operation thereof, on Broadway from Fourth street to Fifth street, and when so constructed to run and operate cars thereon. Section 2. That forthwith upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk is hereby directed to serve a copy of said ordinance upon said St. Paul City Railway Company. Section 3, This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in immediately force tr tF-ders after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council SPP 13 1920 Yeas Nays Mr. Ferguson McDonald Matson � '- Smith Wenzel Mr. President`: (Hodgson) Attest Appr PUBLJO'" Mayor THE CITY PLANNING BOARD OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 705 COMMERCE BUILDING r, GEORGE H. HERROLO PHONE: CEDAR 8341 MANAGING DIRECTOR August 25th, 1920• Co snissior ^r .T. TT. i.:cDonald, c/o Dept- - oma- a is utilities, .tet. 1'au1, Dear sir - ]_,e __.tecutive Coi-mlittee i the .-oard met ernoon,and your letter of ..u-,;ust 20t1n ou_tlinin c_ o request of the mint Paul Ci„y l�ailc,ay Col:r:�any for re-routi n of' c heir lines and the con- struction o-' a b1.oc_k: of douole track on Proadvlay rias r -•resented io �t�em. T requested by the Conmittee to advise ,you that t -ley indorse tl-ie proposed cons6ruction of a double track on road ✓ay be -ween Fourth and i ifth --trcets to connect the exist1nr- lines and make possible .he routin; of ?rand _=vc cars out a- ne s_ve. by wa.1 of Pro^dwe-, Yours very truly, ,;lana-ina rirector. 6 oxl- JJI. OtIOAtI TO CITY OF ST. CAUL E11Y OItAM . OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �nfj�)J l'lll;. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION ORM H,n CIL Nat,,.,,, Porm�il0,lN1�I8 � a,,R v f v 500 Y... ....................... _ .............................. � .IPTHULLF7R AUDITED i;_:..:........ X1:5! 191........ I i PER.......................... i ` TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereigafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas Councilmen i, V) Nays r Adopted by thil _..... ..... . Fai -a�gllson In favor p unroved -191 _..__... ff r-- Matson r� ._...._....Against _ ml�n-�-- Smith Al ox ;<4TderTic)i Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson - - _- C. F. No. 30696— Abstract. t warr upon the wn dCity BTreasury.t paft yableraout. of the hereinafter epecifled funds and .n favor f the persona, 8rma,or Cori - noratlens en- te theirrespective name.as specified din the following detailed .statement: ` H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, 2252.26. Adopted. by the Council Aug. 28, 1920; Approved Aug. 28, 1920. f (Sept. i-1920) i 5180 H. IN. Austin, Purchasing Agent 252.26 Mayors Office .92 1.31 Corp. Counsel 1,57 Civil Service 1.20 Comptroller 1.15 Purch. Deptt. 2.63 n 14.76 Police 4.72 Fire 6.57 Health .21 It 2.13 It 2080 it 7.40 Bureau of irngrs. 1.29 Schools 41,27 11 57.48 It 17.25 " 9.14 It 8.26 Library 3.84 Parko 13.33 1.59 Playgrounds 4.50 11.83 Via ter 35,09 INI i MR form A All, IN 1.18 1TI'i' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ( PILE' No,......,��.�)j. � .. 501 - ,f��.:, AUDITED .................... ..::.:....__........191........ T 0).VI„RULLER R......................I...... .............. _....t.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the -hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 V ) Councilmen 1 V ) Nays. j• !(t 2' Adopted by the unci) 191._........ ' —W --LL Ferguson In favor wed ?. 9l.0_._..... _....191............ Against ]fltCnn--- smith__ _.__.... \(,1YOR �r derl c� .Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson 5187 5188 5189 5190 5191 5192 5193 5194 ,.C, F• No. gess` Rexo Of t theeCtthathHraM. In favor erot at Treer asury tx'he 'thett0tr sPec)'the "son fir fund, out $93 0n,pod Inz detnatne�°ts ee s°or an,'! 3 t - Sten ailed as ePeetpposite VOr pette La m Lanhdry trent. In oe tlWapd etc ,, fCO3, 106 y ce P% 6. 101 n4h �A' lotonl f�la;�'��, o, k? how.. )Ilel. ($eAtl� 1920 49, 88,18=e . Concord Steam Laundry`=�_,� Parks Elite Laundry Company, Parks Feist Veterinary Hospital, Water Edward Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector Library Leslie—Donahower Company, Schools E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Schools St.Paul Electric Company, Auditorium Superior Printing Company, Schools 27.00 Parks 2.85 P. Bldgs. 25.00 6.00 ''+''ater 4.50 933,25 695.35 4.00 9.00 29.15 128.67 12.84 65.35 9( Res. 501 Page #2 5195 Walker & Batson, Parks 5196 A. J. Wampler, Schools Total 2;397.19 65.00 454.58 P oaa"•+ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER i' AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTIONRM Porm��IB,4M118 Cot.NCIL N U° FILE,o.........,. r � AUDITED �.�::�.1,'............:...::...................191........i�� PER...'//....��..'//...,.....(../............................................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: A� Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the ncil__ ...1'�i!..:�c_'_:wIiZu.......... ._....:...191........... ------- Fer on Fa„ rens'-r:f:"_40i6mt-lQ In favor Proved .. 1)�::...... -1-29 --- Matson ) ..� W161---- SMith Against MAYOR444eCe+1--- Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson � C. F, No. S0I94Abetrsat_„ ha NO 519 F, PI, Nfatsoh, 461 of FinArn Interest Red, Bonds 1920 47,50 2 000400 Total 2,047.50 0. Res. 500 Page #2 5181 Board of water commissioners, 970.18 Public Charities 268.20 177.24 Police 20.52 Fire. 68.34 Health 24.84 55.74 2.52 Munic. Gar. Revl. 4.92 11 3.90 St. C. OR. 3.24 14.58 riorkhouse 8.34 Sprinkling 2.00 Library 39.46 42.04 44.92 auditorium 8.00 Parks 117.46 2.00 1.04 Playgrounds 60.88 5182 Board of water Commissioners, 532.35 Fire 1.00 Sprinkling 48.21 Schools 246.48 Library 84.00 1.00 Parks 1.00 Playgrounds .66 C.PIfU.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 -test. Labs. 100.00 Lighting 25.00 b=. 5183 J. M. Clancy, Com`r. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 440.56_ Mayors Office 5.13 Election 5.00 Health 22.83 Munic. Gar. Revl. 200.48 St. C. & R. 117.45 Playgrounds 9.50 25.00 P. Bldgs. 17.50 Forestry Revl. 5.00 32.67 4�.ToS 5184 F. W. Matson, C.P.R.F., Mayor's Office 10.00 Comgtroller 10.00 116.00 Police 10.00 F� Fire 22.28 Health 10.00 "orkhouse 2.00 Parks 89.12 P. Bldgs. 19.00 0 288.40 J� Res. 500 Page #3 5185 A. E. Smith, ComIr.of Public Safety 34.97 Comptroller 122.93 u 71.00 Fire 38.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 427.90 ' Health 94.48 Bureau of Engrs. 224.27 Sewer C. & R. 171.46 'i+orkhouse 4.40 Schools 256.42 Library 77'99 159.23 96.93 Parks v 30.06 53.01 „ 185.72 Playgrounds 133.22 103.37 P. Bldgs. n 190.45 it 255.20 Forestry Revl. 43.93 430.48 Lighting water 570.01 Paving Hampden64.79 71"W,72 5186 fI. C. ''.enzel, uom1r.of Public Works 45.90 Lighting 103.74 Water ,t 230.02 It 1,039.56 paving Broadway 82.49 Sewer connections Sixth St. Summit to Iglehart Ave. 502.90 Total 8,329.08 31840.72 20004.61 �ourvc�� 1113�V CITY OF ST. PAUL NO:­----��------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDJFY -j Au COMMISSIONER....... ......... ....____ ___g_r____F_--.-SIH.lTH.............................. ..... -------- ....-------- aAT1E -------- _-_`.___._ .....g'_...-.. ...-...-_.a._. .._.. ....... RESOLVED That <.31g application of the Pure Oil Co _ for a license to conduct Oil Filling Station at the corner of East 6th. & Kms, tsori Streets, be and the same Yitrraby is granted and the City is instructed to issue such upon the pay- ment int the City Treasury of the customary gem_ Yes (✓) Councilmen N a�crs Ferguson Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President roaw awn :o _ No. 30898-_gy A. E. Smith—^vY_ ` Pureaelled- That the aP Iioam't11-n or tiseV " Oft Fillion-' for a license^ to eoneact corner or g Station at the northeast ' East. Bth & 8lttaon. ba and the same hereb granted an d� such Cll a set gPon lnetructed to issue tha CItY Trea urY "oto the�ant-.tato fee_ m A --rear" Proved Au Adopted by the Concil Aug. 28, 1920_ A P ug, 28, 1920. (Sept- 4-1920) i —1 Adopted by vise CouncilRUG- �.. 1_g2Q__.__----.._- PUG 1920 ----------- -----In favor Appr -- - ------------- --- 19 - ---- ----- :._Against _ ...------..-OR -- CITY OF ST. PAUL F �EN4C).-=.-300'---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i� COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - RESOLVEO Wher'e'as s 43�4ard M. Holton, doing business as the Cook *s Taxi—Cab & Transfer Cc3 -- s, has made application for a license to operate, on the streets a :E' —L 3:ie City of St. Paul, the following described auto cars, Typ- Motor No. State License Seating Cap. Year Dodge Csb 347479 205331 5 passenger 1917 ^ 382652 246956 ^ ^ ^ ^ — 374784 246958 ^ ^ " 389483 209980 � ^ ^ ^ ^ — 348946 16586 ^ ^ 1916 ^ " 285532 16587 ^ ^ " ^ — 176581 16589 •' ^ ^ ^ 272641 210593 ^ ^ 1917 ^ 340499 16542 ^ — 340290 246960 White 31227, 246957 7 ^^ 1916 ^ " 23055 16588 ^ " 1915 ^ 1.= m+a s s se, 16049 16578 ^ ^ 1916 15544 16579 " " 16036 16580 ^ ^ ^ 15546 16582 " Olds. Ssc3<7136 16546 ^ 1920 7972 16567 1649 15473 White 're, 7--x 14176 209973 " ^ 1916 owned by s rd M. Holton, and Whereas maid Edward M. Holton, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City, and said policy has been appcm by the Corporation Counsel as to form, therefore, be it i ResolvEa. c3 st licensesbe issued to said Edward M. Holton to operate said cszsg u o a the streets of the City of St. Paul subj ect to the provi- s ions_ 4p s_ -ssm� 3 d o rdinsnee. doing b.mr..n as theracoex•s TIN $ —AcX� �—X�XT Uon. f0 11ce se t0 to oa the t Paul.- t�� �o1lowing described auto care: PZ0Ce i4@li ' Motor No. State License Seating Ca D. Y'' C07173e Ct3o-i m -_347479 205331 6 Daseonl;er 15, ..82652 246956 13e 50112 �,. 1071 - • _ 374784 246958 . .389483 209980 - - - - - - - - - - — - - - ..48946-16586 ..285532 - 16587 -176581 16689 ^— . Yea -27641 ^18593 %0Councilmen (✓i`l�ra - - _ - - - _ - 409 �^ Adopted by the Council__. -_r' Ferguson ...... tn. favor Appr _ - — .' 19.H.--.19-..-. . Matson Smith Wenzel Mr_ President _ I... 9Y a.e,0 - - CITY OF ST, PAUL councu No.-3OVO c �a._..---.......... OFFIECIE OF' THE CITY CLERK _. C—_ C> Li MC-- ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED i3Y / / - Auprust 27`( 1920 DATE ---------- ................. ........................ ........._.... .. RESOLVED V L- Sn -t o `atter of -caving Arcade Street from ,iaryland c vet to the northerly city lilnits, ,xith tY-,a caa.ter and sewer connections, under Final Order C_ — _ ='o. 2S528, approved 'aay 26, 1920: RESOLVE That - annexed plans and specifications showing serer �r��.ater connections necessary to be made upon sal v =-z?t are hereby adopted and approved and the Comr_,3 s s a r er of Public ?''Forks is hereby ordered anddirected t c construct and install by Force Account said connections in such plans and specif1 ca t i ons — ovicled for; the cost of such sewer and water con_ e c 3 ons to be 1 -cid. out of the Permanent Improver. er_t Roti c ving Fund; all as provided for by Ordinance =?o. �'��3, a_Drroved October 27, 1910. RESOLVED That - rc2�asin k er•t be and he is -s.-. ereby aut morin ar_d direc ecll o advertise in the Manner rcvic'e LST tree Citi* Charter for all the materia ---jr to construct and install said sewer a.ra recuse <frain convections. 1 s-pera �� in 'C_ F_ No_ 30 <f3Q-8y Zi C. Wenzel— oe he iTed p.]" p ? 1— tMaLLer -r paving Areade street � la ion il. Vn from filar-yiaa St_ to the northerly f -s L.Cylrl®Ct city limst.s_ with -.the necessary wa- ti0 u ter red se r ossaectt—. under Fl- i j $®solo 4 1 Order C_ F_ No_ 28528,. approved Say 26. Z9= C3,_LJ R solved. -Z at: the an eaed pla s rid sp¢ciHca�iozZ-9 sh v¢ing ewer and ester coaa_ec�zoas —et ry to b d mad¢ -Up- saw , st a re hereby 1-10 an@ appro d d the Com raissloaer at �z: b1i Worlts fa hereby ord¢r¢d aad- 3 -Ad toccouconssestruct and. Yes ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ij tristall by -For --- ce Ant ta newer 11 and water connections in apch plane ana apeciScai$ozxs provided for: the StU� = t —r3"'outand water connee- yopted by the Council.._.._..=UG '-!. X9_2_ Q--.....__...._19_...._ 01• the Permanent 1, Izaprov'¢merir R¢voly iag Fund: all ae Ferguson provided for z>y , Ordfraance No. 379KAPPro aper ed Ocieber- 27. 2916. Res Ivedzsa-L7a er, That the. Pur//�� °"�' ! n onald-- --------- chasiziS.Agerst _ ne anahe is hereby au ._y ]._.G°_.2.LY-. ._..__19....Ieprovided liy the CitZ2satd sewe�@ f nstall SIDllb. ApprovedAa g_.25. 1920_-------- - and house " �r-��— Council Auger 28, 192 Wenzel Mr_ President 4--i-r'Nr OF !s -r: PAUL 30701 O F F= I G E=-: OF -r"l-= CITY CLERK COUNCIL --- GENERAL. FoRm- A124jr"Ms-t- 27, 1920. ------------- -- .............. nnTV ------------------------ --- ----------- --------------- ---------- In the 33DL8-t--b4S= D:E 0Gn8trUQt:Lng a sewer ®ata Orange Street from 4B:Lc-Le Avenue to the eeLs-b a-j-xxm of Arcade Stress -c=c-Uew Preliminary Order #2-9f5V.-- approved Jiuwq :]La- 1920 , and Final Order -#ZOP--JL-4-- approved Axianxes-t-- 5 . 1920. RES0I.V-ffU:>? 99macb -blkLe plans, Z323-cl estimated submitted by the 0oMM:L--3gRC:!-<>r34B:r of Public Works :C4i>=u- -blate above named improvement -hte gamcl the same are izereby aL:P:P:r0ve(1. Racy �ec7 ZL3-1 Papers in C 0 nn � f-- -t a-- z C> - I tqx &Ibovo Afes 1Z o r.4nha—-t— d4 7 2 30,70k Ya the --et;— or constructing a sewer n Or= rise St from We1de A'e to -t1�0 east li­.f Arj4de St_ ..d.P ar 3preIlr-1-3r C3rd— .. 29592. jl.--K—t S. 1920.1 Resolved_ Fwl—t the plane. .eie --ft Lions —a -.tfL .tit : ..n t:: -;jYo- ja—te.1 ... r of P.b1l. I r-t-Ulue, -b— e.med impr-- rrt 1b.- --.d tue same are hereby alp- �Vy' by the 1 ­.It Aug. 28. 1920. Approved A-V. 29 1920. ,CS.pt- %-192,0) Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council 1920 ----Ig--,- Appro !--I Li 6 --- 2:'-:! 1929 19 RESOLVED That thi✓ Comm-i.ssioner of Public `:`+orks be ani he :5-s hereby aut-norized and directed to y sprinkle it n ttiat er the following streets: � Syndicate Avenue From i.axshall Avenue to Carroll Avenue Carroll from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street Griggs fro— Carroll Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue St. Anthor_y Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue (.lept. 4-1920) I... C'- F No_ 9070E—gy.. Wenzel— blic ed. That the Cominlaefoner of Public Woran be and he la hereby FauthoNzed and directed to aprinitle St water the follow/ng treat.. SYndi Cate Ave. - rrom Marshall Ave..' to Carroll Ave. a• -d Grfrs 1SLLAve, from Syndicate Ave. to�' Grfgga St. from Carroll Ave. to Anthony AveSt. . St. Anthony Ave. from Griggs St. to-�: Syndicate Ave. ADproved Adopted byAug, the Covncil Aug. 28, 19E0 I E9. L6eDt.------------ Yes (d) Councilmen (V) Nays -G6—x-- Ferguson /e aid v Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President IOPM M 6-20 Adopted by the Council. ---- ------ 19---.- -- 9--_-- — Ia favor Approv - -- 2 Against- - r.ron OF ST, PAUL NO. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK yCOUNCIL RESOL_LJTION --- GENERAL- FORM -PRESENTED„JOY 'COMMISSI ER _.. _.. ...... _. .... _ _ --------------......_ . ........ .......... SATE ..-Amust..,2-7-.,. ..___ .. _ _ _____ ___ .. --_k - .. .1.9x.................... - RESOLVED That thi✓ Comm-i.ssioner of Public `:`+orks be ani he :5-s hereby aut-norized and directed to y sprinkle it n ttiat er the following streets: � Syndicate Avenue From i.axshall Avenue to Carroll Avenue Carroll from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street Griggs fro— Carroll Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue St. Anthor_y Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue (.lept. 4-1920) I... C'- F No_ 9070E—gy.. Wenzel— blic ed. That the Cominlaefoner of Public Woran be and he la hereby FauthoNzed and directed to aprinitle St water the follow/ng treat.. SYndi Cate Ave. - rrom Marshall Ave..' to Carroll Ave. a• -d Grfrs 1SLLAve, from Syndicate Ave. to�' Grfgga St. from Carroll Ave. to Anthony AveSt. . St. Anthony Ave. from Griggs St. to-�: Syndicate Ave. ADproved Adopted byAug, the Covncil Aug. 28, 19E0 I E9. L6eDt.------------ Yes (d) Councilmen (V) Nays -G6—x-- Ferguson /e aid v Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President IOPM M 6-20 Adopted by the Council. ---- ------ 19---.- -- 9--_-- — Ia favor Approv - -- 2 Against- - r.ron . 06 03 Council File No.............. .......... r Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sad PRELIMINARY O nIER_ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followuxg public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _C-gnstruct-i.on___of___E.____� e_�� �_� on Furcr: Avenue ...--- ........---- ----- _....-....._.._...--- ............. from a point 128 feet no=th of tea? e Como u >5halen Asenue...to-=?eke-raska-Auen a s-- ri- =Tehraska_.Av€nue._............................ from Huron Avenue to iTar_:lirne Av�-r_ue. ................................. ......................._....-....---------------------------- ------------------------------- -.....__...........__..--.--._...... ...................... ........--............................._.. C. F. No. 30703—AbatraCL I"--............................... ........... ................... ..................... T hereas, A Writt¢n proposal for t7z0 Dated thia.._.24.t.h..-...-.:day of--:..-- . ..:Q of the following improve�eaL (� C, action of a sewer oa X-4: _ ,-ioint 128 ie¢t north of S�a.�ce _ en Ave. to Nebraska Ava_._'... ............. ..... Av¢. from bee a Av. . LaovlaS f Councilman. nLL PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ixxzprovement, viz.: �.9nstructi.on o-a---- s-e �_y_er on Huron Street....__._...._._._._...... from a point 12S feet r_ort Y� o i T . z.lk e Como & Phalen Rvenue....t.o....-_. eba s?ca ->4v �u�?= cam. - __Ebraska..-Avenue from Huron Avenue to Ilasalineva�ue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by _..... .... ......_........._..................... .-......_........ therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and 1-ie is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the rxi-kix-ig of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemesat_ ---int........-...---- .......................__.........- ."....-....-............................... ........ ...--._..-------------- - State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coxxxxxs; of Finance. �.,.( Adopted by the council1920 ....------..191-------- .-..--...�:�. �.... ::::.................... Yeas: Nays = Councilman Farnsworth �Goss �• Approved ---- ---- - i ' ..y...�_FgLO........ 191_ ...... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich - _........... ............. Mayor. 7a�I3 Form C A 13 (rM 0-17) COUNCIL f=ILE 6 s ` v '' . CITY OF Z �jfResttion of Councilng Assessment. f 'In the matte o thrr assessment ofbenefita„ da maE--era, costa & expenses for changing --a-- grade of Autumn Street , £r oxm Van Dyke Avenue to Luella Avenue, a—� —' of Hazel Avenue, from Street to Autumn Street, also grad -.id Autumn Street, betwaera tYie points aforesaid, al so. grade tht= ie finder of Autumn Street , %atvveen White Bear Avenue and Ruth Avek — E to the present establ i sized grade, under. Preliminary- order .............. 21.594............_....__...... ........... , Inter=nee3iary Order .............. `2.21.00 ................................. -- ... -............ Final Order.... _ �e9Q.............................................. approved ......... .Ai1gu -'%$-----�Lg..--..................... ............ 191 -9 The assesax �- -z-- of: -b-e-na.f.it..s.,......damag.e.fir_...c. -s--8_-__siC----- @?M.en.8.e.9.....for and in connection with the above improv ent having been submitted to the Council- and the Council having considered same and found the said satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVES }mat the said assesgmetttLe and the same is hereby in all respects approved. {_ y RESOLVF T ]E R7— had said. That a public hearing be haon said. assessment on the ...................'�2S2.t}l- ...... day of i_92 -Q., #3arX....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A_ M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Il Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improver=-- -===_� the total cost thereof, and the amourit assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom notice is directed. .. Adopted bs ��ze Council ...._ t UG 920 -------------- 19 i _ -----------------------.............................. _..._.......-- ....... City Clerk. < = -_ — -2 1920 /approved _...---- _� =---..�.—.._..._......................191......._ - �--- -J — _..... .__.�..._. Mayor. " lgaoxwc Ferguson -A&-WV-eAx ldatson — -VQ2FP3dt Smith falx Wenzel Mayo r 3emisx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL.. CAP THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Aufi....-28..... 1_920 ........... 'RI In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs & expenses for dXX changing the gra c1e o -f' Autumn Street, iron Tan Dyke Avenue to Luella Avenue, and of Aazs1 Avenue, from Hyacinth Street to Autumn Street, also grade said Aut,inzr:L Street, between the points aforesaid, also grade the re a finder OL' Autumn Street, between White Bear Avenue and Ruth Avenue, to tine present established grade, under Preliminary Order 21 594 ---- -, Intermediary Order ...._2 -'21_00 - Final Order --------- 22 4_ Q--------------- ------- approved /iIAZ 15- ------ 9 -----------------------------_. 191....9._... To the Council of the City of St_ Paul: The Commissioner of F iaaace hereby 'reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• tures necessarily incurred aacl to be: incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of coastruction - - - - - - - $ 1-0-9.4Q....r Cost of publishing notice - - _ _ _ $ ..................:.......'7.35 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - -$._..................... _5.. •. Inspectiion fees - - - - - - - - - - $.._....._._.._._2.1.8-._$1.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..-......._............ 1_5._7_5. Total expenditures - - - - - - $..._..1_...,_:1._8_5.,._66.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the suaa of $_________ _7 y_3 ��_`�_._.�?- ------------- -------- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, andin the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon : that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewi th submitted to the Council for ch action Lher nae may be considered proper. Form s. a. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ----- - - ---------- ----- -- - - - - ----- - - - --- - - - --- - - - -------------------------------------------- - -- --------------------- - --- COUNCIL FILE NO---,-- ®ey6V ,-.-.- e a By ALAI, r 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Appro Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of b enef it B. co at is z nci expenses for constructing a sev+*es' on Wyoming Street, from Gorman Avenue to South Robert Street, under Preliminary Order -------------- 2_.r2-. 20 ..........................__ __._ . Intermediary Order.........2.rJ.9.5..5.................... ....................... ......... , Final Order2-6-;5-5-2 -------------------------------------------- - ------ approved------ August ..... 0-rJ---.--.... ...................... .......... 191.__ b eh e f k:218SS ...........................for and in connection with The assessment of_-__—_____.___-______----�-tr_-'i-,---_..o.Q:et.S-.-.B.n.d_._SX11 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER_ That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.... .......... .. .0.1 !___...day of ery----- a__ Q--, _-W ---- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M_, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall 13uilaiag, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of -the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. AA__.°a t___ .a..— :, h U G 2-1 1020 191 PUG 1920 Approved ...... ..... -- ---- ---- - - - - 191 maa c .. c,�r�cs_� I'erguson IsSa;?cx Mia t son 11�e1E-Y.�`lY 03m:L It Sa WYdMbej#_ijrk Wenz el Mayor I*cftpcY _r-IOcigson Form B. B. 16 - ............- -4 .-.. --------------- �----:_..._.'.''._.s'._V_4' _S_':..��_ City Clerk. ------------- --- - -------_---------------------=---------------------------- ----------------------- 30705 ---- ---------- - 3®6U5 CI -t Y OF ST. PAUL. 4>F FICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REP0_27r, OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the raattar of the aaa- rrxent of benefits, costs and expenses for tkKx construct er a sewer on Wyoming:: Street,. from Gorman Avenue to South Robert _3 x- ie-_ a under Prelirrziraary Order ---------------25524------------------------• Intermediary Order ``�.�.�...�2..5...--......-...........------------- -------------- ----- Final Order ------- 26352 approved-AuI*•,ust_._2�rJ._.._........._..... 191 9...... -------------------------------------------------------------- To the Coi 11 of the City of St. Paul_ The Corximissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures nec airily it c:uYred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz c - Cost of coastruction - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - Cost of postal cards - - - - Z raspection fees - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures - - - - - $.......3.,..31..5....9.5....... - $......----- ......... ..._82..._.. ............._....... - $ ..........................3- 3.0........ Said Corarrsissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit = ilia sum of $_ ----- ---- _------ ---3$.St-.7...-------- .upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by tba said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits eoaferred thereon: that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the szgaature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, arsc3 wieh is herewith submitted to the CounciArc-'n action there n as may be considered proper. -- ---... ........................................ Form s. s- z Commissioner of Finance. J COUNCIL FILE NO................30706 U y..:,,.,,, p CITY 0VPAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for constructing a sewer on Hand Street, from a point 25 feet north of the north line of Lawson St. to Cook St., 2793 Intermediary Order 27669 under Preliminary Order............................................................. 28 68 approved ............. ebru P,� �7.�,,,.., .� 0,.,, ........ Final Order � PP ���" '"" ""' The assessment of .......b8C18f,1 6,,,,.,.008t.H ,E�11d,,A,}(pB11 !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. .......... M4 ....... _...... day of 1,.,,,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..........._�'� ...: ..�9................._'_........._191...... . Approved ._......... ...... 4. f}......... _._..... .191......... Cani�8lA61il0�t[;��_��v18�tCy Gomm Ferguson KAt6E Matson mb&Ak Smith ybuctidoU Wenzel Mayor WX*x Hodgson Form B. B. 16 y Clerk. Mayor. 30706 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Augu-e. I:Rtx_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for dr.Z constructing a sewer on Hand Street, from a point 25 feet north of the north line of Lawson St, to Cook St., under Preliminary Order ............. .... __........................... . Intermediary Order .......... 27.09 ..... _...... _.......... :...___.. _.._., Final Order .............. _.28.1..,5.9 ......... ...... _...... ..................... approved _.....F_Iebrua'ry....1.7....... 1.9.2Q.. !®dK.......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making ofthe aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $...1.,.560...7.5........ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$......... .............. 1..•-26......... Cost of postal cards - . - - - - - .$......- .................... ...59......_ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $__ ............. ...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..... ................. Total expenditures $...,1.+61 .._87......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._ .... ........ ..,..51.5....fi1......... ........ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council f7oh action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. --------------- -------- ----- _---------------- COUNCIL FILE NO ............ 30707 By_..... .....,«_ ".WL. N,......__...., I CITY S . PAUL Resolution of Council pproving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Roblyn Avenue between Cretin Avenue and Finn Avenue and the Past side of Cretin Avenue, from Ann Arbor Street to I Roblyn Avenue, under Preliminary Order _....... 22.502 ........ _..__..._...- ............ , Intermediary Order ....... 2386.5_ .............................. _....._ _------- Final ._ ._.Final Order ........_M15....._........._ ............................. approved ......_._ An44Ty....28th................._....... 191--9- The assessment _for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............._.....Xth--_._.day of September,____ 1920 X_..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...._.......__.`. _ .. x.;...... 191....._{ , ............................ `;1 f j City Clerk. ..... _....... _.....................4..LL:: —. _... Approved .......... _____�!��?_..i-920___....... ......191_....... ...... _. _......... ......... ........ :......... %_G���Aknyor. cmLixx Ferguson �g*z Ifataon s��9�IEt 1 d bbitWk Smith Vggg.,gkV 'Menzel Mayor 19"X Hodgson Form B. B. 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30707 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tkm* curbing both sides of Roblyn Avenue between Cretin Avenue and Finn Avenue and the east side of Cretin Avenue, from Ann Arbor Street to Roblyn Avenue, under Preliminary Order .......... 2?_507... ...... _................. __.._..., Intermediary Order ............. .23B.6-5 ..... _....... _........ ......... _...... _....... ., Final Order .............2411..5 ....... ............. ............ .............. approved._......Junuttxy....28........ .................... .. 191......_.9. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends- _ tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ ............._.71.3...4A....... Cost of publishing notice $................._..._2.,.A.3...... Cost of postal cards $ ........... _...... _....... ..Brl...._. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ ....................1.4..26....... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_....._... .... ....... 4.._35...... Total expenditures $ -''-----.2.3.4..51....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $-...... _734. 51 ......................... _..... _.... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo uch action th on as may be considered proper. ..__..._......- ............... Form a. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO.-.-...- .-30708 .30i0'd By AX 1,0 CITY O/ST.UL Resolution of CouncilAssessment. In the matter of the assessment of benend expenses for planting shade trees on both sides of 'Rest Seventh Street from Vista Street to Montreal Avenue, under Preliminary Order ............... t ......._......._ ..............._.., Intermediary Order ......_.. L6 QQ......._......-.................._�._._. Final Order .... 26650___........._ ............... approved...._ 'Sept, .29, 1919. ..... 0o Om- Council File 30358, Approved August 5, 1920. The assessment of..._.._..henafit.s.,....:.eo.at.a... and .....L'J77..eXLe_g9.........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......_..._30th day of ;5-01.eII.17;Ja ...... RI»..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A.'M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the pgrticular owner to whom the notice is directed. ;v' I Adopted by the Council ..................._� i........_......_92�......_............... ...191........... Approved ......_.._..._.._NG 2'_ 920..._....__ ........ 191._...... nP Qz9Ma Ferguson �d cmc Matson MaLrAxx Smith Vtuk 'Wenzel Mayortaim Hodgson Form B. B. 16 Clerk. i i Payor. I 1. i ------------------------------------------------------- 30e08 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tIXX planting shade trees on both sides of 'Nest Seventh Street from Vista. Street to Montreal Avenue, under Preliminary Order ...... _.... 2481_6____. ..................... _... Intermediary Order ....-.26309 .... ............. -...................._......_.... Final Order _ _ . ..... _...... ........................... approved..._._ __ S;ept..., 29,_; Council File 30358, approved August 5, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends. tures necessarily incurred I to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $ ...... ........ 317_.._45.____.... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $............... -31-99 Cost of postal cards $................... _.1....7.1......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$.._........._.........._..._..._........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$............... ..... a..._`�_rJ.._.... Total expenditures - - . . - - $._...._..__3 .1._7.0......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_..._....._...$31..10 ...................... ... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for h action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO Cg ' � Orr +sou 1 By ...._.... ...._..._...,_ dl: CITY OF ST. P Resolution of Council proving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene ' s, Costs and expenses for Planting and protecting ornamental Wade tress on Both sides of Grand Avesta* from Fairview to Cretin, On both sides of Wellesley Avenue, from Cretin to Prior, On both sides of Palace Street, from ftirview to Cretin, On both sides of Finn Avenue, from Summit to bsrhsley, On both sides of Goodrich Avenue, from FairvieR to Cretin- On both aides, of Prior Avenue, from summit to Randolph, On both aides of Fairmount Avenue, from Fairview %* Cretin, On both sides of Princeton Avenue, from Fairview Ao, Cretin, On both sides of Portland Avenue, from Fairview to ci evouMe On both`eides of Stanford Avenue, from Cretin to Josephine, On both sides of Jefferson Avenue, from Fairview to Cretin, On both sides of Berkeley Avenue, from Cretin to Josephine, On both sides of Cleveland Avenue, from Summit to Randolph, and On both sides of Sargent Street, from Cretin Avenue to Finn. under Preliminary Order ........_17857 ................................ ......... Intermediary Order................_1.91_3Q._..__._..._._...__.:.._.___., Final Order............1.95b3............... I ............................ . approved ...........Nov.emb.er...26....... _....................... The assessment of ......._ben.Qfiti.o......... C.ollti..a....a11d.....exp.enaes ...........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............. Mi.11.1 _..___day of ............. Sept.emb_er.,_1.820 l2kx......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice f said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular k owner to whom the notice is directed. + Adopted by the Council ..... _........... ...UG.............. ;�::�+::...920 AUG 2,' 1920 .........._191......... Approved % i s t City _.__.......... ''..._.> ....:_:...___._._...._..._._.. Ci Clerk .. J ...... _.......... ...._...._....... ....... Mayor. Owmcxx Fermson ' Ktfty= Matson N=5s xx Smith Wenzel 1 Mayor Its= Hodgson Form B. B. 16 % i s t City _.__.......... ''..._.> ....:_:...___._._...._..._._.. Ci Clerk .. J ...... _.......... ...._...._....... ....... Mayor. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------------------- ----------- ----------------i------- ---- 30709 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ,6UgUzt._2.8,1_920 *b= for aim In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits, COBtS and exDqnses Planting and PrOttOtIrAS or Mental "do "OeS on Boo $1400 of Grand Ava=e from -9sirview to Cretin. On both Sid** Of "0110' 11ey Avenue, from Cretin to Prior, on both SWOO Of MaGO Street, from paigwiew to Cretin. On both 01408 Of Finn JLVOMO- lrr*n SUMIt to BerkASY, On both Sides of 000400h ATOMS, from Va'XV'OW to Cretin' an both 61408 Of Prior AVOnUO' from ammit to Randol On both Side* of Fairsoant Alr*M*, from ftirwlev to ph. Cretin, on both sideg of Princeton AVO=O, "on Vairviev to Cretin, on both vid4a Of Portland *We=*, "M F&'rW'*w to Clor4ands on bath *idea of Stanford ATOMS, Cron Cretin -%* joe"hlne' On both OldeS of jefreroan ATOMS, tr= F&IrWlOW to Cr*tn' ey Avenue, On both 414169 Of 201"' from Cretin to ZOOOPhInG, on both Gi4eq of ClevejaAd ATOM*, iron Sumit to HaDdOlPb, and on both sides Of Sargent Sirent..frou Cretin ATOMS to Finn - under Preliminary Order .......... . Intermediary Order . ..... . ..... Final Order... . ........... ... ... - ___ approved.---.N.Q.V.-=b-er--.-26-. ..... . .......... 191..._.:1_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $_ .............._1_10.1_8-_ Cost --------------- Cost of postal cards $............_........47, Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ....................... ................ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...........__._2_36.,_1 Total expenditures $ .......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer tained, to -wit- the sum of $.._._.........._..._8.,.7.2 .,_97____.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, idea- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council;for chnaction thereon as maybe considered proper. "Atz Aatf�' Form B. B. 17 C_ Commissioner of Finince. RESOL,UflON OF COU . NCIL APPROVINGASSESS4, ND I FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION P CEEDINGS. In the matter of q9 n.40 QX H91.1—A1911mQ.,...--•...... necessary under Preliminary Order ............. anDrovedAIA9.14-,19.19 Intermediary Order approved._Jung 15 1920 C. F. No. 30710 ­ In -the matter of condemning and tak- 149nn-easement In the .ad nets.- .111 for I.Im.,for cuts and fill. In grading Lucy St. from Stryker Ave. a: point 540 feet east of the east r Hall 11�..I.Irl.ludlng nece'.- ,.n ;A A I to - dal reg The Commissioner of Finance having subinitte , ,t snd,, under Preli _ in•f e matter as to the amount of �"_cd 6Aug� 662 damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements tkqgin appvppj4kfed for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of *said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -----_----3-0-th ...................day of 5.e p. tetmb_ ex.,.. - . 1. 9.2414C at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said. hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council............_ UG_21_�_JM Approver. h.111j..ZL'.Jq2 .a .......... 1 191 Councilman FffjMwx1x Clancy Councilman Gao= Ferguson Councilman R9tam McDonald Councilman &,Bjjr& Matson Councilman 130OXXX Smith Councilman Vim4afick Wenzel Mayorkxkx Hodgson .�.___. -.. .. _......:.. ._-__...,,.�M..+ .+. .,,.,...'rASWti?lAEY3,rCrb..ti'.N�'nY.Q3fEL+sSl:croo.-...... :.awi: .••�-.'.•� r 1 IN TR MATTER OF CONDEMNING AND TAKING AN EASEMENT IN THH, LAND NECESSARY FOR SLOPES, FOR CUTS, and FILLS IN GRADING LUCY STREET FROM STRYKER AVENUE TO SOUTH ROBERT STREET IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA: --------------- PETITION OF RMONSTRANCE. --------------- The undersigned, oven ers of the property set opposite their names, herewith file their petition of remonstrance in the above entitled matter, and object herewith to the proposed con- demnation proceedings, for the reason and on the grounds that said improvement if made will cause because of the cost thereof an unusual and unnecessary burden against said property and that the cost thereof will far exceed the benefits to.be derived because of the so-called improvement. And your petitioners respectfully call attention to the fact that the cost at the present time of labor and material and the performing of work of this nature is extraordinarily high, and your petitioners request that the socalled improvement be vacated and abandoned. Name Address Pr/operty 4 A: St. Paul, Minn., September 28, 1920. To the City Council, of the 1 City of Saint Paul: The undersigned is the owner of Lots 1, 2, and the North half of 3, Block 12, Jackson & Bidwell's Addition to St. Paul, 150 feet of Lot 1 being on Lucy Street, and objects to the grading of said street as proposed in preliminary order 26215 approved August 14, 1919, being intermediary order 29662, approved June 15, 1920. In addition to the objection to the socalled improvement on the ground that the same will impose excessive burdens against this lot,the undersigned desires to call attention of the Council to the fact that in the event said improvement is made the actual cost to the undersigned for stone wall and the grading of said lot in order to put it in proper condition will amount to a large sum of money, and calls attention of the Council to this fact, so that if said socalled improvement is made the Council will award proper benefit to the owner for the damages done to the lot because of said improvement. Respectfully submitted, St. Paul, Minn., September 28, 1920. To the City Council, of the City of Saint Paul: The undersigned is the owner of Lots 1, 2, and the North half of 3, Block 12, Jackson & Bidwell's Addition to St. Paul, 150 feet of Lot 1 being on Lucy Street, and objects to the grading of said street as proposed in preliminary order 26215 approved August 14, 1919, being intermediary order 29662, approved June 15, 1920. In addition to the objection to the socalled improvement on the ground that the same will impose excessive burdens against this lot,the undersigned desires to call attention of the Council to the fact that in the event said improvement is made the actual cost to the undersigned for C`- stone wall and the grading of said lot in order to put it in proper condition will amount to a large sum of money, and calls attention of the Council to this fact, so that if said socalled improvement is made the Council will award proper benefit to the owner for the damages done to the lot because of said improvemgit. Respectfully submitted, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.._C.Qnd.emni.:jg..atld.-..t k_ ng_an_.e sement in the land necessary ................................... - ............. .... for..-sl_ope.s_,_._f or cuts and fills in grading Lucy Street from Stryker _..- .... ....._...........................................................................---- ..................................... _--.Av-epee---t_q--4 p9i,nt._.540.__feet east of the east line of Hall Avenue _....__........._.._.......... ..............................- ------ .......... _.-includilzg..necessary...gra_din_g.__to sec,ire drainage of street at east and,---- .............. ........ ..................... ........... ................ _._......- under Preliminary Order......26.21.5........... approved. -Aug.1.4.,. 1919.., Intermediary Order -2956.2____...... approved.June..1.5.,...1920.......... .. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. G C. F.No. 30711—Ordlnnnce No. II pd1` / go A. �_1n ordinance granting to Hugo A. Poung an and t Eddie Y'oungmnn Isalon to install a 6nsoline .. d curb PUmP a[ 1194 l y, , . 30 711 v. the CRY of St. T An ordinance granting to Hugo A. Youngman and J. Eddie Youngman, permission to inetall a gasoline tank and curb pump at Payne avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Hugo A. Youngman and J. Eddie Youngman, oo-partnere as Y%�gman Bros. Hardware, to install and maintain a 550 -gallon gasoline tank.on the vacant lot on the north side of the build- //9+of ing known as $, Payne avenue, and to install and maintain a curb pump on the curb in front of said building. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licenseeBfor the installation of said tank and pump, upon said licensees' com- planoe with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tank and pump and the location thereof, which shall be subject to the approv- al of said Commissioner. (2) The said tank and pump shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, but said tank shall not be used for the purpose of storing gasoline until in- speoted and approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank and pump. 'The said bond shall be in such • i , form as may be approved•by thetCorpbraiion;Counsel, shall havQ �'Fyy. r ` t' k .� O suchsurety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said tank and pump shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. (5)_ Said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after the pass- age � this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council SEP 14 1920 Yeas Nays p Ferguson Matson McDonald Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved r '7/!Mayor P LISIILD / �y Attest City Cle WILLIAM BARRON - CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCb LL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 26th 1920. Hon. A. E. Smith, Com'r. of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of Youngman Bros; looavted at 1192 Payne Avenue, asking for permission to install a 550 gallon gasoline tank and curb pump at above location. We have had a conversation with Youngman Bros, , and they agree to install tank on vacant lot on the north Aide of building, and install pump on crab in front of building, installation to comply with city ordinance , we recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. MAN T K1, 'A-077096 HUGO A. YOUNGMAN YbONGMAN BROS.- HARDWARE PERFECTION MILKING MACHWES 1194' PAYNE, AVENUE PITCAIRN WATER SPAR VARNISHES MILLER PIPELES* FURNACES I LION ON BRAND PAINTS ST. PAUL. MINN. X C'_ /t 21 V/ 13 WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HE14RY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 30th 1920. Hon, A-E, Smith, commissioner of Public Safety, t. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of Youngman Bros., located at {1192 Payne Avenue, asking for permission to install a 550 gallon tank and curb pump on curb at above location. We have made an inspection of the above premises and find that the location applicant wishes to install tank would create a fire hazard as basement under building would be exposed as same is open full Iddth of building, this hazard could be eliminated if tank be bunted in curb on either side of building as their &so two vacant lots to erect same on, we refer same to the Department of Pulio Works for further investagation. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspe6t"6r. 1'11111of ST. PAUL - - "" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1'1 11.ACIL No...®i�/y 1(i•.. ... . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 f — 1 503 - AUDITED "Ia ... .... f.l;I- j TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds, and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respectile names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays ' Adopted by the Council__ I U(1 5_: 920.. ......... .191........... 520 In favor proved 91 . .1 C' F No. 30712-- .- Abetract. _... .. .... ...... -Keller Smith I Resolved that warrants he.drawn MAYOR upon the Clty Treasury, payabie out of the herelnatter specified funds and to j (aver f the persons, firms or corpora. W-Awerli,6 Wenzel ions for the amounts set opposite their espective names as specified in Mr. President, Hodgson the tolowing detailed statement: Christ Larsen, $1,275.00. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., $15.40. - H. Ness, 540.00. _ P & S. Auto Electric Co., $6.84. Pioneer Cone Co., $310.25. Robinson, Cary & Sands Co., In. - 121,11, Victory Priby the Co., $9Aug Adopted by the 31.Council Aug. 30, 1920. Approved Aug. 30, 1920. (Sept. 4-1920) 1 5196 Christ Larsen, 1,275«00 � Grading Fierce St, from Univ. Ave. etc. { 5199 Meyer Brothers Drug Company, 15.40 Parks 5200 H. Ness, 40.00 Gautlier School(Bond) 5201 P. & S. Auto Electric Company, 6.84 Fire 5202 Pioneer Cone Company, 110.25 Parks 5203 Robinson, Cary & Bands Qompany, 6,:125.00 Parks 5204 Victory Printing Company 93.75 Purch. Dept. 9.00 Health 16.00 Schools 38.25 it 21.50 Forestry Revl. 9.00 _9=. Total 7,666.24 T - counm� o? �J 4D CITY OF ST. PAUL P n No. _J:Q-�---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED,BY I ... 1ccfow.lFw.._.....................)....................._....................................._.....-... DATE....A41Fnt1R1;... 30 ...1.920.................... RESOLVED That the Purchasing_ Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of tide Comptroller, repair parts for Austin Trench 00/42 #522 machine from the Austin hdachinery Corporation, at a price not to exceed $270.00, without asking for competitive bide, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Nater Department. Yes 60 Councilmen (✓) Nays M•�'...n"IA— Matson .I . Matson O Smith Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 30713— ResolVed, Thnt the Purcheeing to . ha end hthi the reb s a t h f (the to pure w c n n Trench 00/42 No 622 urachi a from the Auntie Machine CyCorp or tion, t a prlce not c ex Ce d 52 n 70.00, without t nkrtlicles rng Poor ompatltiva no ld., as theee. l patted end advan- tage Could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. Adopted by the Council Aug. 30, 1920- APDro'ved Aug. 30, 1920. (3ePt. 4-1920) Adopted 6y the Council......_h.Uji--31 !9.20..........._._..19_...._ In favor Approve GU(i 30 1920...___-19......... ....Against ✓ V_. - -- - —--...---- CITY OF ST. PAULNo.. r°E -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY a COMMISSIONSi -._.. ........ .....__. RESOLVED, ,. 9 That Jesse A. Lewis is hereby elected to the office of Justice of the Peace of the Tenth and Eleventh (10th & llth) Wards, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Vern L. Berryman from said office. R C. P. No, ao71— 4— Resolved, That Jesse e. Lewfeh IsI ereby lected to the ftice of Justlee n oP tho Peaco P the Tenth and Elev . nth (10th & 11th) Na�ds, to -nth.- vacancy created by the re lgna[lon t worn L Berryman tromenla ortice, ` Adopted by the Councll Aug. a0, 1920. Approved Aug. 90, 1920. (Sept. 4-1920) I Yes (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays '--f' ergumo ibta5tlIMtd_ -- ...In favor Matson (, Smith V -.---- Against Wenzel lonM aM Mr. President 0'20 Adopted by the Council.._._._'U13_sad!-is.Z.Q_.__..... .... 19_.._. Approved. -'._. 19_....... ��..... — --- �- ... M..ea V. L. BERRYMAN -' W. J. BERRYMAN LAWYER RENTALS. REAL ESTATE Berrgman & Nerrgman 1593 UNIVERSITY AVENUE � Mous. NU RocRMiow 4Et> (� To the honorable Council 5T. PAUL, MINN. of the City of St. Paul. August 9,1920 Gentlemen I understand that J.A.Lewis of 1655 Sherburne Ave., t0, is going to file an application for appointment oet' the office made vacant by my resignation. Should he do so, I can heartily recommend him to Tour serious consideration. I have been ac- quainted with him for a period extending over five years. lie knows Justice Court practice thoroughly, is in the law office of Brandt and Spencer, 101C-11 Commerce Building, lives about two blocks from the present location of this court, is a mar- ried man with a family, and is honest and energetic. Sincerely, Justice of t Peace, 10th and 11th Wards. V, L. BERRYMAN - W. J. BERRY19N LAWYER RENTALS, REAL ESTATE Verrptnan & Berrgmarn 1393 UNIVERSITY AVENUE W. MIDWAY NVM.[R MI.WA142 921] To -.he Honorable Council ST. PAUL, MINN. of the City of St.Paul. August 9,1920 Gentlemen ;- After having served the City for a period of two years and three months as Justice of the Peace for the 10th and 11th wards, I find it necessary to sever my connection as City Official in order to devote my entire time to bus- iness. I therefore tender to your honorable body my resig- nation as Justice of the Peace; said resignation to go into effect September 1, 1920. Ally relatiwiship with all departments of official St. Paul has been most pleasant, and I desire to thank all for the many courtesies shown me during my incumbency. Sincerely Justice of the Pea e 10th and lith 4ards. To The Honorable Common Council of the city of St. Paul; Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully makes application for his appointment as Justice of the Peace for the 10th and 11th wards of the city of St. Paul, and submits the following for your consideration:. My present address is 1655 Sherburne Avenue; I am a married man with family consisting of wife and three children; For a period of over six years last past I have been engaged in collection and adjustment work and have tried a great number of cases in Justice Court. I am familiar with the practice of the Justice Court and feel that I am fully qualified to hold the position in question. Submitted herewith are letters of references and I shall be pleased to submit any further data the Council may desire. Mr. V. L. Berryman, the present incumbent in Office and who is now resigning was unopposed for office at the last two elections.\ Respectfully submitted, W.LNOL AN,SCEAnEA WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION COMMISSION OSCAP AANeeoN. M, ` wK W. 1. NOLAN, Chairman W. I. Nowt+ - - - Minucapalis - JOHN 1. LEV1N, Ser.rtory RA -1 J. P.— - S,,Hn V.11e' T. J. MCQ— - - Saint Paul -Sart LeAxY _ W. N. Nonmry - P 1063-4 Commerce Bldg. Joti I. vtry - - Snint P-nu1 SAINT PAUL, MINN. I _ ®'�aryt?/.1tlaV s l.l,, 419a\l�J��ti 4d(ig11 --- - — 41st SESSION August 7, 1920. Honorable The City Council of the City of St. Paul, Court Ibu seg City. "entlem en: - I have been informed Lhe t Hon, Verne L. Berryman has resigned his position as Justice of the Peace in the Midway District, that his successor must be appointed by the City Council, an. that Jesse A. Lewis, of 1655 Sherburne Avenue, is an applicant for th place. I desire to endorse Mr. Lewis for this position. I have known him for at lefst ten years, and for'at lerst six or seven ye,rs quite intimately as an office associate, : nd hav had occasion to entrust him with business of considerable importance. Mr. Lewis is forty three years o° age, married and the father of three children. He is a man of sterling character, tact and dependability. He has considerable knowl,dLe of the office of a Justice of the Feace, and by reason of his close association with Nr. Berryman, knows a great deal about the duties of the office he desires to fill. It is a pleasure for me to recommend him most highly, and I am satisfied that your Honorable Body will mak= no mistake in arpointinE] him to this responsible posi- tion. ` Re pecrl 1.v olms 1y irk JIL-c WALTER C.BRANDT ATTORNEYAND COUNSELOR AT LAW COM SAINT PAUL August 7th, 1;'20. To the honorable The City Council of St.?aul, ST.?AT, innesota. Centlemen:- 7T. Jesse A. Lewis, who is making apylication for appoiLt-ent as i.,stica of thaPeace to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 0. Verrynan, in tha .,.nth and Eleventh '.';arcs of this City, is a roan whom I can Live my unqualified racor:..endation. "r. Le'::is, for sev3ral'sears vast, has handled all of the justice Court practice of .nis office, as well as attending to various ::ratters in co= ction :with my law prac- tice. He is ...arm tic, hard-working, honest and conscientious. His nork in connection with justice Courts has made him, in my opinion, an ideal ...an to fill the vacancy. 70 rs very truly, HOWARD S.SPENCER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW COMMERCE BUILDING y /y SAINT PAUL August 6th., 1920. To the Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota:— Honorable Body: I have known Mr. Jesse A. Lewis, the applicant for office of Justice of the Peace, 10th & 11th Wards, St. Paul, for a period of about four years last past, during which time I have found him a very honest, ambitious and industrious man. He is of good moral habits and I do not hesitate in the least to ret"commend him for the office ne seeks and I an sure that he will fill said position in a commendable manner. FiS3-RS /Re tfully your L PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL couNauNO �0 rel....____ ..._.._.....__...__... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ............... .......... DATA.......A.u�!�.$t..._SO�....19LQ. .._.... That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water Juliet Street from Hamline Avenue to Pascal Avenue. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays M ❑__-�+ — _........ In favor Matson Smith _----- ..._..... Against Wenzel o Mr. President TORN 3N 6.30 C. F. No. 30715—By H, C. Wenzel— Reeolved, That .the Commissioner of j� Public Works be and he is hereby au-; tborized and directed to sprinkle wlth water Juliet St. from Hemline Ave. to Pascal Ave. Adopted by the C uncal Aug. 30, 1920. Approved Aug. ....... (Sept. 4-1920) Adopted by the Council..__F�� 192Q.._ _........_..._ 19__-- Appro _ '' —__19.._..... Council File No . ....... Petition PROPOSAL FOR 1IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: of ourb_ on bot.h. .......... Avenue—t-o Albert Avenue— ................. ct. . ...... .1ttcn pro?osal for the following Improvement. .......................... .................... . uction of curb on both sideg nford Ave. from U -11n. Ave. .Bert Ave., having g h I dDated this ......._day of ,e Counc�of the +f—, be It .Iv.d. That the ConarniBsioner of.............................. Work. be and he to h.rcbY or. and directed: Investigate the nece..Ity for Counciman. I"t— the making of ..I' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cons truction-pf Q�l , tb- sid2B.- ....................... ur��.—Qa 1��o pf. Av.eaue..from. ilamline Avenue—to. Alb.ext...Avenue. ................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. =report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..... . . ..... 1'U.G-5J0. �.920 ......... .. 191 Nays: ays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved q 191 Hyland Keller McColl Wunderli.h ............... ........................ Mayor Irvin :4 Mayor. Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and I PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No..�� � s�di t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ,,,, .Pave East Fillmore Avenue from Eva Street to State Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street - _.. - ......... . mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approac e , ...... ....whe.re.-nec.easary.. . ... . -- -_ __............... ........------------- Dated -..----Dated this 30th _.day — Aueust 19 0 C. F. No. SOM- batract. wharene, A written Pra nO°Pro for tb .I t ibo toilowln6 ...........:........._... _.._. making o. ------ �'., ; Eaet Pillmoro Ave.wer. fr..ter eanlcilman. State St. lnelnelnR 'ee ronnectione from et weti reafot _...-... �� linea complete, n PRE1,1MINX.— ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Pave East Fillmore Avenue from Eva Street to State _... ....... ........ --_....................... ... .. _ ......... Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street .... --- ...... ...... __ __ ..... ------- ----- -- mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also ...... ......... ... ......... _... including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered incl dirceted- 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ••.1,v,..Teaiaonasir^thCYdlPb'tvftl�othe�dai�aucliuir�il}n�on�;el�tiv�,S.9.SaisL.ittroPia�ee;ent,,_.. 5. tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of h'inance. Adopted by the council __ [-UG 130 I'[Q 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss - Q _ _ ._ .'��i ;m J:a; _ _ lot _....... LlHyland Keller; McColl r Wvaderlicla . Mayor Irvin �T�..__ Ma or. •a"" ` "-' S1Il'-D �T I ITI OP ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na*_ Form A A 46, 2 N 7-18 F 507 AUb.................... AUDITED ....... ...... .191 2R TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names a, specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _IHI(I ..191 FOPgusOn In favor A I pr 191- ------- Matson Against . ..... 6gACL___ (D MAYOR 1I,C,IL__ smith loi4"M"irlv Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson Resolved th Abstract. u Pon the Citat Nnrrante the IM drawn f favor Y. 'T 'z:sury fto, out d tions of -sons r or I an r In r, as orpo r.. e -un t lhe u estiva oppo .110 In P,Ifl�d 11 Stnne t statement: Ite." A te "vr,,tif '0v t e $22 ' 140 ' 00 U 1 7920,U9. 31. 19jo.. 4'-19 11 5221 Standard Stone Company, 70.56 Cement Walks 5222 Vilaite Construction Company, 22,140.00 Pavin7 Iglehart Ave. from Dale etc. Total 22,210.56 �l � k ' � i' 'I .1 t / I I t 1 I I ITI OP ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na*_ Form A A 46, 2 N 7-18 F 507 AUb.................... AUDITED ....... ...... .191 2R TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names a, specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _IHI(I ..191 FOPgusOn In favor A I pr 191- ------- Matson Against . ..... 6gACL___ (D MAYOR 1I,C,IL__ smith loi4"M"irlv Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson Resolved th Abstract. u Pon the Citat Nnrrante the IM drawn f favor Y. 'T 'z:sury fto, out d tions of -sons r or I an r In r, as orpo r.. e -un t lhe u estiva oppo .110 In P,Ifl�d 11 Stnne t statement: Ite." A te "vr,,tif '0v t e $22 ' 140 ' 00 U 1 7920,U9. 31. 19jo.. 4'-19 11 5221 Standard Stone Company, 70.56 Cement Walks 5222 Vilaite Construction Company, 22,140.00 Pavin7 Iglehart Ave. from Dale etc. Total 22,210.56 onan..o 1'1'1'1OF 1T. PAUL n. c..n. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F'I,`,,:`°" No._...._'�1:f...@. ` `J Form A A 46.2 M 7-18 ! t 504 �r AUDITED ''1 \I I'"1'It Ll N K .;.' ......�?.StJ............. 191...._.. Pr-r� PER ... ... _. ... ... _....... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective name, as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I `/ ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays r - Adopted b�i IJ1 y the Council__ 1'��]_1_ 0_ .... ..... __..191.arnswo___.... Frt}i F9'81180ri In favor 1p 0-Ned��li v; I'- 191........... '�_..... �.9r--L/'.......v Matson "Le Smith ___Against MIrC'ok'Menzel MAYOR Wmltl7rh71r Mr. President, Hodgson ID F. No. 38918Abstra t- be dl- of Resolved th Treasury PaYadae and to 1 u.on the C'fter Weed _ms nor cor➢oiie 5205 F. W. Matson, Com'r, of Finance 12,373.15 City Officers 3,083.32 Mayor's Office 200.65 City Clerk 423.10 Election 88.00 Corp. Counsel 948.44 Bureau of Assessments 470.00 11 I Recpts. & Disb. 653.49 Partic. Certs. 142.50 Pu_rch. Dept. 972.65 Municipal Court 1,831.64 C. H. & C. H. 1,462.22 Armory 159.99 Art "Auseum 140.00 Comptroller 1,234.75 Civil Service 562.40 5206 F. 71. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 460.93 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Res. 504 Page ,#2 5207 F. 'iJ. Matson, Com'r, of Finance 29,390.27 'ill orkhouse 706.25 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 634.16 �► Bureau of Engrs. 2,032,06 it 345.00 St. C. & R. 1,536.50 't 212.50 Sewer C. & R. 107.50 S. & S. Cing. 542.50 105.00 Bridge B. & R. 312.50 S. & S. Cing. 5,352.20 New Crosswalks � 62.50 Sprinkling 16,866.60 It 262.50 Engineering Insp. 137.50 Paving Pine St. 50.00 Sewer connections State & Fairfield 50.00 Paving Arcade 75.00 (S 92'7_ 5208 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 15,970.17 Schools 5,946.49 11 5,238.50 Special Day Schools 86.00 Library 4,305.56 Auditorium 393.62 17,-97 Zi. I'T 5209 F. 11v'. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 2,204.51 Park -Adm. 386.17 Bureau of Parks 254.17 IT 87.50 Playgrounds 167.50 P. Bldgs. 355.00 " 954.17 2�3i- 5210 F. W. Matson, Oom'r. of Finance 2,127..66 C.PitU.-Gen. Adm. 116.66 -Inv. Public Utilities 287.'50 -Test. Labs. 455.00 " -Markets 233.50 " -Lighting 11 035.00 21127.66 Total 62,526.59 Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 111'1'1of ST. PAr'1. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM`:'' FILL: 506 AUDITED //Y/rrj 11 I'T It 111 it I(. P ^ �. PER ..... ... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follolling detailed statement: Yeas i v ) Councilmen I v' ) Nays �^ �� Adopted by the Council JZ�.__.. _ _191 irmsm"f- Ferguson App ed _ _ 191 .. - C. F. No. 3 720- �' Abetract. — Keller Re.olyed that warrants b drawn ip u R the City Treasury, t. be out n / --- amito the herelnnfter epecl fled fund. and In -- - -- ---- MAYOR —yl'4+r4del=%u}► Wenzel ' ftion.avor the Pere. ,terms or orpor cpposite �IPresident, Hodgson ft a- the hr ts a est or. they r pectiven s specified in 6' "R he .ol lowing detailed statement: Rosrtl of Control, 64,8.14.61. - alo, SCo GreatFieldi Cloth&:Dock ,hy. $2,444.90. J. J Resig. $77.50. St. Paul Bottling Co., 6753.62. Adopted by the' Counc I2,Aug2 31, 1920. ADProved Aug. 31, 1920. ` (Se91. 4-1924) 5215 Board of Control, Board of Control 5216 Fielding & Shepley, Paving Cleveland Ave. 5217 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, Fire St. C. & R, Schools R 5218 J. J. Resig, ,�orkhouse 5219 St.Paul Bottling Company, Parks 5220 J. C. Vander Bie Company, :'arks Total 31,519.88 4,834.61 20,655.00 2,444.90 56.12 762.74 62.39 l"563.65 77.50 753.62 2,754.25 - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.- ♦ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l Z COyIIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEFWj�/commissIO R .................... . W.. .. ........... ..... DATE.._.................__. _............... ........ ............... ..:.. RESOLVED J` y That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to dray a warrant to cover the actual cost of the free use of the Auditorium 2-'/15 on November 23rd^nd 26th, for a Thanksgiving Pageant of the General Council of Mothers Clubs and Parent Teachers Association. Same to be paid out of the Contingent Fund, of the General Fund. - I C, F, No. 90721—BY L R. S. Ferguson Resolved, That the proper city cera are hereby authori.ed to draw n warrant to cover the actual coat of the tree use d the Auditorium on Novem- bar 23rd, 24th and 26th, for a Thanka- qt MothereeantClubafn do Parent Ten, General hor. Aeaociatlon. Same to �e the dr;erat the COntingeat Fund o Fund. 1920. Adopted by the�Counell Aub 31, Approved Aug.31, 1980. (Sept. 4-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays erguson m In favor Matson Smith ...___..._ __ .Agaimt Wenzel Mr. Presideat rolm s" 5-2o Adopted by the Council __ PUG � ` 1920----49_...._ Appro �!�fi cl . _._......... ._ 19._...._ MRS. G. M, POW ER -0- A: SEVERANCE H ..... . P—ld— 307n ....... M..b., (6pnerat 'Tounrit of Matlas (91111bo. 111 2' 192b anik r1we'red t, Farm Par4pro Assuriatijqq ed "6po-;tion MRS B. DR CK 4 At. Paul, Ainn.,--- P ld— "20-52 Summit A— MRS. A. A. PERKINS V—P—ld— MRS. J. P. M-LAREN Zqd V--p—id— MRS. E. H. SLATER MRS. W. H. KRUMBIEGEL R—,dl.g S.—t-, MRS. J. B. ARCHAMBAULT C---di.g S.-- 1216 Sh-b... A— el- 42', 1-4 z f --G "�.�L_� ��I�_ ��T "tea ` � C-,�u ,t,/ ie�. , Q� GsYr�4�� -11C 7 tz 1;7 C14, JA COL04—r4o. CITY OF ST. PAUL 30722- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER A—F...—SXITH ................... ... ....... DATE...... 8731n20t . . ........ ...... ...... . ...... RESOLVED A Resolution amending Council File No. 30077, approved July 16th, 1920. Transfer Auto Car License No. 50,,held by S. W. Clark on _ Packard 7 passenger Touring Car, Fa-d-rory No. 15668, to Cadillac 7 Passenger, factory No. 99413- C. F. No 30722—By A- E. S-Ith— F11. A -solution amending Council ... c11 No. 30077, approved July 16th 1920 Transfer Auto Car Llee .; No. 50, held by S W C ark on Cplmrd 7 .P aang- T;.ri;g Car, F�.. ry No. 16668, to Cadillac passenger, factory No. 89413. Adopted by the Council Aug. 31, 1920. Approved A.9 - 3l, 1920- (Sept. 4-1920) Yes(,/) Councilmen (0 Nays —JW4'� Ferguson j%jjhj&k1 ............. ..-.In favor 4. Smith Matson "EW..Against Wenzel Mr. President 0 Adopted by the Council 19- 7 19.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM courvcu FILE Date Presented -August ....,3.1-aty.........192Z. Resolved, that the City Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer from the salaries item of the Bureau of Special Assessments of the Commissioner of Finance Fund to the salaries item of the Bureau of Receipts and Disbursements of the same fund the sum of y$2,500.00 and from the salaries item of the Bureau of Receipts and Disbursements the sum of x$300.00 as follows: x$100.00 each Contractual- Supplies and Equipment Items of the same Bureau and from the salaries item of the Bureau of Participating Certificates of Indebtedness to the supplies item of the same Bureau the sum of y$150.00. Th@ above transfers are made for the purpose of relieving unavoidable def®ciencies in the items named. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays _Sww_r E-th Ferguson g--- Smith...-..... _.In favor eII 1� e� r fid --------- Matson -UQQDQ-0 Wenze-}.......-Against -wirmierrch Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 Adopted by the Council ....NVh..., -1_1.52.0.. ........ 191...... Approv.......__[LUG_.31..9.2D..................191..... ................. MAYOR COUNmL __ M1-. CITY OF ST, PAUL r�Le NO.- - �- llilll N`612 .b OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NV ESOLUTION GENERAL FORM /rpj`Jt PRESENTED FBY R � �.1 COMMISSIONER (.,r.' , ._... //[[ JJJ...........�(/fj��L��� ............... DATE ....... .. _ ............. ....... RESOLvEIP That there is hereby transferred from the Contractual Services of the Commissioner of Finances item of the Participating Fundn to -the Supplies item of the same fund, the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00), said transfer being necessary to prevent an unavoidable deficiency in the last men- tioned item of said fund. C. F. No. 30724—By F. W. nihtson— Reeolved, Thnt there Is hereby transferred from the Contractual Ser vices Item of the Participnting Fund of the Commisaloner t Finance, to the aupplles Item of the samefund, Vhe cum f Twenty Dollars ($ZO.00),. said transfer being necessary to pre ent n novoldable dedcloncy In the last mentioned item of Raid fund. Adopted by the Connell Aug. 21, 1920. Approved Aug. 31. 1920. �i (Sent. 4-1920) I� Yes (%/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Ferguson Is°°fr4c) C In favor Matson Smith __. ___.:..Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council __19 Approv !U(i ai % Iq?� CITY OF ST. PAUL °6NO: - -- -2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL'FORM a PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......_ _.. _,_ _._...___.... ..__...................._._ .......................... .... .................... DATE .........__...._...__.......... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with A. De Buooi, for the payment to him of the sum of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per week during such period as he may be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him on the 27th day of July, 1920, while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, and be it Further resolved, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said A. De Bucoi, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Forty-four Dollars ($44.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of said injuries, for the period ug to August 28th, 1920. C. F. No. 30726— ItY ntti-I Re.olved, That the PToueT ere nre hereDYret wI hl Aa De 13"Ce Into n agreeme he - dur- for the nnyment to htm of the sum of rfwelve Dollar. (E12.00) Per teh period as he mnv be totallY 1.d5 refiled by reason f Injuries reoefved by him on the 24th dnY of S.I V. to, i ivtd7¢ In the emnlov Oft t[he City rof ret ,t >a,htlo• it o 1 4t pan1, d be 1t that the proger Further Rn*olved. thoT1zed red iqty nttteer. a hereby n directed fo P v to the nnid j.a P .V.n evt of the _Workmen's Ir,red. the sum 19A2 d,optsd by the Connell'Ang. 31, 1920. PCpved An F. 31.1920. - (Sept. 4-1920) Yea ( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Fiw! Ferguson 115s"' In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Public orks. Adopted by the Council.._.__._1�.�i_:�?.-..����____.......19__.._ Approved 'J/�)-..._ _..._-__....._19._.. ..... -� CITY OF ST. PAUL COu."" - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY TE COMMISSIONER_._.......... _....... _.._ -. _.......... ................. ....__........... ...... ..... _... .................._ DA ........... ...... ....... ......... RESOLVE,6 That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to Dr. W. W. Christian, the sum of Forty-six Dollars ($46.00) in full payment of all claims, held or asserted by him against the City of St. Paul, by reason of medical and surgical treat- ment rendered by him to A. De Bucci, a city employe injured July 27th, 1920, in the course of his employment. I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. C. F. No. 30726— ResolVed. That the prober city Gift-bommiseioner of Public Works. are hereby authorized to Day ut ,cera 'or the Workmen's Compensation Ac- - unt or the General Fund, to Dr. W. W. Christian, the um or Forty -.ix (held 0)ora ful paymentofofhlm ` 'rlatmas asserted against the City of St. Paul, by reason [ medical and surgical treatment ren- dered by him to A. De l3U, city h" empl o o a ln'U his empred Julyloyment. -the In Adopted by the Council Aug. 31, 1920. Approved Aug. 31, 1920. -- (Sept. 4-192e) Yes 60 Cuuncilmen ( ✓) Nays ' Adopted by the Council 192.0 __..........19_....- FV erguson 1J1 Q r 1920 Matson In favor Appro _............. _ ... 19.. __- - - Smith_.._ _ _.Against --...____.......... __ ........ ----- __--- •'Wenzel ...roR Mr. President •ORM aM e -a0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '07127 F. -No. - ----- PRESENTED BY COMMISMONER . . ............ ... ... .......... DATE RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Oscar F. Peterson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of public Works of the City of St. Paul on the 13th day of August, 1920; and be it Further resolved that in accordance with said agree- ment, the proper city officers. are hereby authorized to pay to the said Oscar Peterson, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars (830), in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to September 3rd, 1920. C F. No, 30737,— at the Proper city fti- I hereby recommend the ere Go1hvede-,c`7,bhaZutb-r1 t or I - agreementto nn with to above resolution for passage. idi.g _ Providing to, the r paYme t9 of Pe ... It— to him , 15 00 e e Fifteen Dollars (I , time .. he shall e t6t 11 Ing ...h time_ I dieabled by r ..... . c Jes In the , Of t 1 he by III-' whil.f F�bl t Worksof I Department City 0 3 of I , , pan, on t�`i,' City '192o. ,t and be It .1 that 1, accord- Further ", ent, the proper once t a ree hri.ed to 1. city Icer arehereby"'rt, r et on, M of pay t to o I to or I 'a r 1 Come t lot at ofFn r a- tt to sept ent of r 92 it A u.. 31, 1920. pdoPted 1920. (t3epL 4-11120) Yes (if) Councilmen (V) Nays Ferguson 11.50Matson In favor 46001-" Smith --Agaiast Wenzel Mr. President L L3�q 00mm' r of Public Vorks. Adopted by the Council .. .......... . �Approve J couNcit ?0� CITY OF'ST. PAUL F��a No. 2�'------�---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...... ........._.............. ............. ................. ..__...... .................. .... .......... DATE...................................>.....:......_... ............... ...... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to N. M. Zengerle, a city employe injured March 5th, 1920, in the course of his employment,'the sum of Twenty—six and 14/100 Dollars (026.14) out of the -Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to September 3rd, 1920. I hereby ;409mmend the above resolution � passage. Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays '&-y Ferguson Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President FORM sM 1-20 ,Armory Commission. C. F. No. 30726-- Resolved, That the proper city offi- ces a e hereby aoth.,I.ed to Day to N. M. Zengerle, a city employe injured March 6th, 1920, In the co of his employment, the sum of Twenty-six and 14/100 Dollars ($26.14) out of the Workmon'e Compensation Account of the General Fund, 1n partial 9c-ttle- ent of his claim against the City for the yeriod uD' to September 3rd, 1920. Adoptrd by the CouncilAug. 31, 1920. Approved Aug. 31, 1920. (Sept. 4-1920) F . Adopted by the Council ..___AUG �920__....._....__19_._._ G `;�. 1920 favor Approve -._.___.___19..._._. .. ..In __ ...Against ---....---....._....-.._. .... M.roR CITY OF ST. PAUL ;oe"u`NO...___.._.... ..�.6"9.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY CDMMISS10W1i.._........._......._............................................ ._.... ......... ....._... ..... .................... DATE_ Auguat... 3.1.....19`1...0................... RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two thousand pounds of metalium and Supplies from the Metalium Refining Company, at a price not to exceed $329.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. 17 F. No. 30729— Resolved• That the Purchasing Agent be, and he i' hereby authorized to pureh ase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two thousand pounds of m tallumnd upplies from the Me - talcum Refining Company. at a price of to exceed $329.00, without asking for competitive bids, n thee. articles e -patented and no dvantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water De- partment. Adopted by the Council Aug. 31, 1920. Approved Aug. 31, 1920. (Sept. 4-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (II) Nays ✓ t'erguson C) _..__._-.-_.._lo favor Matson i 'Smith -----__.___Agemst Wenzel jNr. President Adopted by the Council....._._�_U(i :j>-13Z.Q.___._.--I9_-_ Approv 14 x "yo, -'__" - IOUNCIL • CITY OF ST. PAUL .uc NO. --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n -COIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Purchasing"Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 7 -passenger Buick touring car from the Pence Automobile Company, at a price not to exceed $2,002.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Education- School Equipment. C. F, No 30 Sao—sy 1t R'g. Pergueon Rut be eda That the' Purchasing to Pure aeend he 18 hecons authoorizetl t:omptroller, waeh the touring car from the Penee en Rulek $2 cbile Company at a price AeX°mo- RIvc0bid'yv+isthout n t too J d e'Jva this 188 cl Pateor ntod mputie eationj—, olhu rgL Depar[men[ of Fined \d�p[.J bool 9uiPmen t. Y the Conned qa '14P:roved .1u R. 31. 1920. g' al• 1920. Yes,( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council___...�GIi_,fs._�.��G___.._.__19--_ ./Ferguson .. In favor Approv '?'__1G .... _.._ ..... _19_...._. atson Smith ._.__..........Against Wenzel ,.roa (Mr. President ron„ a„ a•:o Mj.A CITY OF ST. PAUL Fll:e NO . ............ �1..:..d_S n AEJiAiEtaCy�.3G7C XX X f: COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM it PRESENTS/ BY COMMISSI— IER.._........ ................ .......... .............. DATE.... ..... .; _...... ........ RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Licht Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting pole. and Stringing wires thereon for till t. anslnlsston of'I"- ,,III,y on end in the following alleys and stro.t. o! caid city Inetall One pole in the alley north' of Dayton Avenue, and east of yarboro Street One pole in the north of Street One pole in the alley nstreet north of LaurelAvenueandrso westofCretindAvenue. One pole on yinnehaha Street, east of Nortonia Street. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting, C. F. No. 30131- 1 Resolved. Shat the St. Paul Gae I Light Com pant Is here bey o dared and dir ret ed to' QXLend Its electrical ltnea by' ting Dotes an thereon for tha tr nsmiae�tos wires t ntcl at, on nna ea the toilowin f 711e!!e- It d treats of Id city: g alleys Ina tall ton fl e.�IanId the alley n of Day-- ]a If Marlboro St land St nir. ea tesite of readat9tof Mary- relOAve and In the alley north of Lau_ Uole Ones of C etln Ave. N+°YdnFa St. btlnnehxha St.. east or With necessary guys and anohora. l Commerclnl lighting. v aa t all extenalona, Doles a shbe e. ten. All such extensions, poles and wires shall be erected and .... -,-d under the direction and au pervi.i.e of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all things s,bie to the provisiova of Ordinance N., '2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All pales should be set in such location in said alleys avd streets as the Commissioner or Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and cIt.... ter as be shall designate and approve, and any and all such poles shall be taken down and rmnoved, end such waes placed Inde.¢round whenever the Council shall deet. that the public interest so repair.., and when it shall so order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays eney Adopted by the Council......._.��UC._�} ... 970______...... 192...._... F�n „ ..,.,.,,_.._In favor Adopts 1920 192..._._._. Matson iSmith _...._Against � __....... / mwvors Wenzel Mr. President Council File No ........ C�."�.VQJ3.."�4; Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construction of a storm water sewer ......................... to ,relieve property along Van Slyke venue, ............ .......... .........RqQrton..Avenue ...... Churchi.11.. Avenue,.._Cross ...Avenue.,..........___..__.._ _.. -.... a(Iti Lexington Avenue from Cross Avenue to Van ._....................-Slyke...Avenuel,...and...adjacent territory. _......_-- ._____........... _... Dated this ....30th._--- day of.... - __ - August 19 Q C.. F. No. 30732—---"- t. ;rtteneproposal for the 1 Whereas, A a menu :Councilman. aklnS of the following ImP.Iove Construction of a storm sewer to e property alongchmn Aveke Cross P1d5L$'ve. from Cross Ave. �- snd adjacent ter- - -'9d to the althere- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followula _1ifovement, viz.: .....C.onstruction ..of_ a..st.orm...wat.e.r. sewer__ _ to relieve property along Van Slyke Avenue, ......... .. Horton Avenue, dhurohill Avenue, Gross Avenue, Lexington Avenue from Cross Avenue to Van Slyke Avenue, and adjabent territory having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... __ _ ..__.._.....__ ..._. ___ ..... .. ...... _ .....__. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inver;tigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. #� To E+�cni �e °fie wa orbs[ -diir� �?t� 19�3FW kivarslatiue Lu.said imxQxsmcnt,�_......._.......... Tg aate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �ta To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted =. ........._ 191.._.... Adopted by the council......_.._..__..... __ ... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved._._....._�t Hyland 4- Keller McColl '. Wunderlich................. ............................... ............................. / Mayor. Mayor Irvin PUTS G! 7' — Farm C A 13 (61U 4-17) 1-1 Council File No..............0 .y. 33 d Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and IF PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 01 -Curbing on both ..... ......... .._....... _... sfdea of-Mfddieton 'Avenue from Roge.r.s...Avenue......___.....__........ _....___. to Vista Avenue. Dated this 30th ... day oE.... ALlguet�/� o. 30733— 0 (/ T Abstract. /� � rens, A written proposal for th•- ISBUnCllman. ,gof the following Improvement =tructlon of curbing on both. Middleton Ave., from Rogers %ve. having been pre- PRELI AL:. of the city of st— WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construction of curbing on both sides .......... .__..of...Middleton _Avenue -from Rogers. Avenue to. Vista__ Avenue. _ ... ........................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..__...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveRigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated coEt of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. flewtetg`OthYF"'$a'ta an`din`%rmahon relative to sazd improveitft�it '.'�!-.. --. ............_ ........... _....._._. , To late whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 191 - Yeas: _191._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss 1. 191..... �^ Hyland Keller � McCol Wunderlich l Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Norm C A 13 (6M 4-17) rUliLf.�,.� i1:iJ �� a% n Council File No...........e $.�..6 34 *etition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT e and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................................................ .............._Construotio...... .curbing..on...b_oth.... ........... ............................... ._..... .-.._.._........................si.des....of...Jul.iet-_Stre-at....fr.om...Haanline-Avenue .._._ ..__ .................. _.. _..... t.o...Pascal...Avenue, ....... .......... __._............._. ...........................__......................................_._.._........_..._......_...._ ......................................................... _.......... ........_......_.......... Dated this....,_..'t.Ot.h......day of... _............_...............August..............._._..._.....rr..., 19 C. F. No. 30734Abetract. .l 11 .Whereas. A j itl,n proposol for the i .When of thenfolloW ing Improvement I Councilman. V,_ on botch Coo" etruction f eurbing .idea f Juliet St. from Hamilne ant- 1 co Pa.—, Ave., having been prof St. d to the CounM1il of the City o P"'' � - �-' •--�� � � � Commleaionf hereb;er • WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foilowulg Improvement, viz.: Const -ruction of curbing on both__ s.i.de.g.of Juliet Street from Hanline Avenue ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... to Pascal Avenue. __.. _ .......... _................... ..... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._ ..._...._...___._ ._... _............ __.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. � .rvn —3:-�' uSf"inisfi`Ehe'foilowing'o"fTier�"ta a'and"fnfSrmaCoN'rb'la�i._ve to 'said­improvemenl....... ......... _. . ?.T4t ..-..........._.................._._.___._._...._......._...........................__....._.._......_......_._._.._.._...._................_._............state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..._....__�!��i :3_ 1920__.___ 191._.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..._...._?_� '�� 7.1 . _ ..............191. Hylan Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin — b Mayor. P(IB 1StIED Fero, C A 13 (6El 4-17) Council File No.........U... ..6..c Pet it i on PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMIVRY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _.:............._....._........._............C.on .t.ru.ct.i.on....of... a...s.ia�.. f.49t... cem..ent.. ............. ............................... tile sidewalk- -on the. south side of Goodr#eh_..._.._ ___..._..._._...___ ._....... ............................... - Avenue Yrom Pasoa'1 Avenue to Syndicate Avehuej" " ............................ ... ........_..._............ ...:...... ._...................._................................_................_...._..._....._........._ ....................._.__..... except whefre good and sufficient sidewalk now exists.,---) Dated this.....3Qt.h........day o.. ................................... ugust............ .........j I No. 30736— ......-..-.SL./....-...f.... L..Y.✓./�::_/.............. Abet—et, , A written pr ofopoenl for thr OUllcllman. ethe following Improvement. --.truction or a six root coneent lewnik "the Hoath Ide of — h Ave. from Pnecnl Ave. Ave except where g'oUDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Construction of a six foot cement tile ............................. ............... __.......... sidewalk ...on...the ... south_,side. . of _Goodrich_. A.ve.nue.. from... Pascal Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalk now exists. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman- therefore, ouncilman..therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and efitimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �,(`f��t6e.F�I1��•:no fl�„fJgya„g��.ig(grutat;o_9:5S1ativc to=said �:improvementtu..._........___...._....-.. .._Y....._- ........__..........__...._....._._........._........P....._..._.........1............---_.__........_-......_._..._...__.............._.......... ............... ._..._....... 5, ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Z. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._...._ �!_��)_.=. 19 ..... ..... ..___ 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl; Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (5Al 4-17) A, . Approved......_..__ ..._..............._._....... ................................ Mayor. PUBLISHED � � p Council File No 30736 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the, following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............................ ... Constr et.io3?...of..$,._.s.ewer._.on...Si.ws...St.re.et... __.....................- from the terminus of existing sewer, approximately ............. ..................... 880...ft,-- east- -of-the-center of Earl Street, to Frank _. Street. ............................._... .. ..............._ _._... _......................._._.................._.._............_..........._........__._.......__.._._._................_.....................__....._..........__....._......_............._......_ Dated this...—30th. day of __...... . hugtket.. ................ C. F. No. aovas—�f Abstract. Whereas, A written proyoeal for tha- R '�l✓� !!!L /................................... making of the following ImDrovemer' i ron the terminus of a sewer ti Sims v Councilman. - t1 telt' 290 f existing 1x{maEar 2 t. feet east � - �r',Enrl Bt., to Fra,�------- - ---- ented 1, - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........ _ ......Construction ..of. a-.s.ewer . on.. Sims. Street from the terminus of existing sewer, approximately 290 ft. east of the center of Earl Street, to Frank Street. ......... ....... ............ ............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ _. _.... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diret'ted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveffiigate the nature, extent and e3timated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. . 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. +.�.-dwfvrnishathrfoltevviYlgttfYrl'ii�ta and%inf 5gitf-W0-d m—em;.._................_.........__. _.... _ ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon, of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...._ .P.H.. u1, ,1.920 .._ ................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved...__.�,Ur 920 ...............191,tl_..... yland Keller McColl J w Wunderlich .............. ..._.__.......... .... ......�.. ........................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Farm CA 13 (bM 4-17) PUB (SHED —--�L-�% COUNCIL FILE '`i, 3 a� 30737 CITY OF ST. P Resolution of Council proving Assessment. 1pthe matter of the assessment of ben f s, costs and expenses for paving Grove Street, from -' ssissippi Street to Lafayette Street, and Olive Street, from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. APPROVING ASSESSMENT& ur der Preliminary Order ...._..______2497225109 C. F. No. 30tr of t F. W. Mstson— ................................. . the matter of the costa a expenses for pa • , from pMississlppl - Final Order ......_ ............:.....2.5467...__........___._....., approved.'_.'.."_Ve.et�t., and onve St.. f ............. ........... 191..__9 and AY The assessment of ....._._benefits..,._ costs a.n..d.....expenses f _..._............. ............_ or and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. ...... ..._vOt)1...... _..... day of 3_1=._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. PUG 31 1920 a Adopted by the Council...............:._......._.._..._......__...._._..._...................191........... J.........j:V ........_._t.._.....GV1_t...L .(..........._. City Clerk. AUG w 1920 Approved......_...____..__. _._.____.._.........._ ................191......... Gumix Ferguson xf>xx Matson Wzaalk Smith YhnuhK1rr% Wenzel Mayor hw.,Yx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 ......� _ ._ Mayor. PTMT.TSHFT) CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICF_ OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Auz� ... 31.x..._1920 ............ ...._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ober paving Grove Street, from Iaississippi Street to Lafayette Street, and Olive Street, from Grove Street to lioodward Avenue; including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order ._249.72_ ..... _.............. ........................... . Intermediary Order .....25109 .. Final Order ........._._254.67 ........ _....... ........ ......_..____.., approved ...........S.=e.. 14.toll.....__.__..._..........._, 191..._9... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_.,_29.,340._72 - - - 700.98 New Curb -Granite- - - - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice - - - - $.......__._........_2._31_,_ Curb --Reset- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 574.07 Cost of postal cards $......_....._.__..._........_9.9..... - - 26.80 Private driveways - - - - - - - - - Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ................_6--12.85 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ........................._4.,_95___. Total expenditures $.....31.,2.6.3....6.7.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- ' tained, to -wit: the sum of $__.... each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for ch action the as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ✓0 -- - ' y C. F. '-NNo. No. 6408—� C. �(� _Sp /38 o f: C.6V G mmtntrnttye mnnnce n:ins '/'/� �/�//� ,e to C orpororntlon Counsel. s: City o - An administrative ordinance fixing the salaries to be paid to the Assistants to the Corporation Counsel. THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL.DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after October let, 1930, the Assistants to the Corporation Counsel shall be paid the follow - in First Assistant, not loss than $3,300, nor more than $3600. Second Assistant, not less than $2,640, nor more than $,3,000. Third Assistant, not lose than $1,980, nor more than $3,400, Fourth Assistant, not less than $1,980, nor more than $8,100. Section 3. Said salaries shall be paid in equal monthly -- instalments. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inoon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed by the Council SEP 151920 F s Yeas Nays Ferguson McDonald 0 Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved SEP 1.5 1920 Mayor Attest 4 Citp k fir; , 4, - _:� 30739 rdinance No. 6409- l F No. 393F9 tt Y LR. fTthe eetenograPhe fixing 1! the CO tan Couns AzlAdministrative ordinance fixing the salary of the steno- grapher in the office of the Corporation Counsel.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after October let, 1920, the salary of the stenographer in the corporation Counsel's office shall be not less than Fifteen Hundred Dollars per annum, nor more than Eighteen Hundred Dollars per; annum. Section 2.. All,oxdinanoes'and parts of ordinances in- consistent herewith are hereby=rspealed. f, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed by the Council SEP 151920 Yeas Nays Ferguson McDonald6� / q Matson 6—s Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved p EP 1592 0 PDMayor Attest City Cler ,:,-`:-_ G CITY OF ST. PAU1, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM I Ot -NCIL F N . . .......... ..0..74 ............0...... . 508 AUDITED1920 C I A TRU . L . L . F R ............. 191 . ..... PER ....... .... ... . TITLF Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council 19, Clancy 7 C. F. No. a074G-- HP 0 Ferguson Abstract roved.. . ..... ---.191 C,--- MoDonald Resolved that T warrants - - I Upon the CITY ta�' payable out of the her. or cord Matson in favor of a persona, . . O.K. Smith po.rMtjone for the a in ATCZO T their h 'rtie::i, vo names 0.1 MAYOR Wenzel the followl l.tatted..let. Clara 0 W of Hans Iblddff&& Aamold,1140-00. co.,I..f th or h :t ng d A.- 4 Mr. President, Hodgson Geo. -Rinser,o.$16.17. GWidow of Daniel Ann H. Campton, $40.00. ' 'OO' Ada Decker Hardware Company. Melady jj,., Co., 5661.98. ig.62.4-08. Republic Creo-tth" Ce, $16.624.08. Of Society for , I Cruelty $I00OOWidow Sullivan, 'I'l, Of Mt.ha.1 Sullivan, $30-00 Adopted by the Council Sept 1, 1920. Approvedep ' 1920 (liept,I 4.1920) Total 17,727.60 5223 Clara Aamold, VJidow of Hans Aamold 40.00 G.F.-Widows and orphans .Pensions 5224 Geo. C. Binder Company, 16.17 Police 5225 Ann F. Campion, Widow of Daniel H. Campion 40.00 G.F.-Widows and orphans Pensions 5226Adam Decker Hardware Company, 115,37 Fire 5227 Mielady Paper Company, 661.98 Fire 72.52 Scb,gols 287.50 287.50 Parks 14.46 661.98 5228 Republic Creosoting Wm an 16,624.08 Paving Hampden Ave. 12,675.00 Paving Tniv. Ave. 949 08 163 624!06 5229 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty,! 200.00 Public Charities 5230 Helen Sullivan, 'i'lidow of Michael Sullivan 30.00 G.F.-Widows and orphans Pensions Total 17,727.60 CQUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rae NO.----® -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION= --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - - COMMISSIONFR..._::..._A....E.......SIMTH.... ..... .. ............................... ............ DATE ......_Aug— ...31s.t....... .92Q-. ...... ... . RESOLVED Whereas, Fred. Listoe, has made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. PIaul, One (1) Hudson Phaeton Touring Car, Factory No. 10-0-6017, State License No. 76319, Beating capacity 7 passengers, owned by said Fred. Listoe, and i whereas, said Fred. Listoe, in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, has filed copy of insurance policy with the City and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it Resolved that license be issued to said Fred. Listoe,`to operate said car upon the Btreets of the City of St. Paul in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson '^ Smith V Wenzel Mr. President ae Corporallon, be to ed id ;erste ea of car rpeo- r ��Qi.S wicri a Received a3 -1 - in ;e apt; 1. 1920. connection with above R®solu on. —.......In favor __.... -Against Adopted by the Council ....._.`EP—j L2.�..._.._.___ 19_._.. r�ron CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED A. E. SMITH' COMMISSIONER........................::.._ . .......... I .. ................I. ........ I ......... - DATE ... `. Le a No.:. .._3 42 Whereas, N. P. Wold has made. application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, One (1) Hudson Phaeton 1920 Touring Car, Factory No. 10-0-5172, State License No. 76319, seating capacity 7 passengers, owned by said N. P. Wold, and Whereas, said N. P.Wold in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel therefore be it Resolved that license be issued to said N. P.MWold to operate said oar upon the streets df the City of St. Paul in accord- ance with the provisions of said ordinance. Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..__..___In favor Matson Smith. V ---_---_-..,Against Wenzel Mr. President' -roflM aM a•so C � connection with 11 is Resol t -on. Bove Adopted by the Council19__._ Approv _..._.__ _.--fQ.__—_._....19...._... CogHaa 30743 CITY OF ST, PAUL NO.----.--_�_....�_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEAiP BY�1Q.. ,COMMISSIONER ...... ......... .... -_. ... ... .. .......... ...... DATE ""S�_. 309...1E2O............... ............... ' RESOLVED In thematterof paving Aroads Street from Maryland Street to the northerly city limits with necessary gas conneatione;.under Final Order Council File No. 28528, approved May 26, 1920: RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and specifioations showing the gas connections necessary to be made OU Aroade Street from Maryland Street to the nortberly city limits are hereby approved and the Commissioner. Of Public forks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a aopy�o this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. `I: In he matter of pav ng ArcadeLStreet. I Racel.�ed 6'�',• pA. v iII from Maryland St to the northerly Kith abOTo 'dty limit. -:with necessary it eon- ConneCtiOn ecti P., nder rural. order Council - 'tion Pile No. 28528, approved :*ay 28,O , -, • 4 v �i File v f(�p). tY[ ,Re olved, .That the anhesed plana pe and scldeations showtnS the gas Arcado lStB from aMarymnd e" Lm_atoe the norherly 'roltY limits ar hereby ap "11 d and'th Com iesi nor or'Pub• It. Work. Is' h r by orde ed and'di- recia to rva a copy of this-ordep tbgoth r with said pinnn, upon thoSt. Pa 41 Gas Li.ht Company Ad pted by. the I Sept. I"2. i,",Proved. Sant 1, 1920. (Son 4-1020) i t Yes (✓) Councilmen (t7 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council..._._.__SEp —11920 Ferguson McDonald _....... ___....In FavorApproved-' -- . C EF'.. -1 `1920- - 19 - Matson Smith let/ — ........ ... Against Wenzel \.oH Mr. President -' /OHM 8M O -3D PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ""-- RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL a OUN "` NO.-. "... 30744 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL E SOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM " .�.�...l:.l.....�.....�i..L!��,........1����� � .����i............. DATE ......_Auguat....0.1...... 192.0........ ...... In the matter of grading Albion Avenue from Adrian Street to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order #28585, approved March 28, 1920, and Final Order #29488, approved July 6, 1920, Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F No. 30744 By $.�. In th matter t w.... t m Adrtan I St PieaeIIntrAva Aun- der P eMar-h 2 Order 3 1No 2868S, a- drr No 20483 R°o°iwed a co 1 PaPera X19 aPProVp- 1u1yl8$1920. j That tae''blans, Il°np°ctio th above rterRssolved;; d byn thaaComed 9aaptltleaiibmlb '.. ;Works tor' mtsafoner f _ ot, publle r, meat be and the boVe. named .improve-. same jY .proved. _ are hereby ap- etas Cohncl1Sept. 1. 1920. le APProvedbypt. 1, 1020.. ( :(SOPIL 4-1020). Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council......_. ._.._ ... .... Ferguson McDonald _ ._In favor Approv SEP --1921 19 Matson Smith ----DAgainst ------_ Wenzel MAYOR Mr. President FORM DM azo "� - CITY OF ST. PAUL p CIL NO. 30744 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK A COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / l 'A'/�/�`/'Z COMMISSIONER........ '......... .., ...... .... .. .................. ..................;,... DATE......_gguB.�Fi....�.1.,.:..�gP.O.4,...... ...... RESOLVED In the matter of grading Albion Avenue from Adrian Street to Pleasant Avenue, under Preliminary Order #28585, approved March 23, 1920, and Final Order #29483, approved July 6, 1920, Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. o C .E Na. 31744- - in the mat r 'weasel HY H.0 'd rmpr Ii Fan Sq grading antbion Ave. Ra�.ei. Droved htat h 28OSr�der No 2858j, -no-,I connectiod �- ]*Piro + .der No 29483 30'.and Flnal Or- is>t [ %Reeblved, aPDrgyc Jule a 1921. BeRoft - ( th aZtOT� [lona and Thst [ke I"...peclacs- f ted b estimated quaptltiea rvb e y;Works fo a -CO $bove�n¢m d fro covleo f men[ be undhe Droved, tha eama pre hereti ' ie :Adopted b Y. ap. !SDDroved Y. Pho C.iJ. 192011 8eDt. 1, 1920. /P �_ 8o t. 1' f ($eDt. 4-1929) Yes 00 Councilmen 00 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council _.__--- 19__._ Ferguson McDonald ._In favor Approv TL -.1 1920 ly Matson Smith---DAgaiost------- ____ Wenzel Mr. President roww ar a-zo � - -•40 30740 -By 8 G W nyel a '!.e 0 In the matter of D&ving -" G•,Iey Av Irom the west Ifne of =UNCIL +,H A-. to,the east Itne of Fred -"I NO.--�� Stanford Ave. from the OFFICE OF •. 1 -{dune Ave. to the east l 0. Ave'- Welleel0y;i UNCIL RESO T N om sneutng 'ORM PRESENTED: BY _ / COMMISSIONER................ VJ ... .. ......... .. ........ ..... .DATE .._Auguat 30A.._1920.....� - liBL$gflLlit= Whereas, in the matter Of paving Berkeley Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; Stanford Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; Wellesley Avenue from the west line of ,Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; and Macalester Avenue from the north line of Jefferson„Avenue to the south -line of St: Clair Street,; except the intersections of Berkeley Avenue, Stanford Avenue and WelleBley Avenue; in accord- anoe with the requirements of C. F. No. 25495, approved June 16, 1919, it was provided in the plans 'end'specifica tions for the doing of certain work in steel and concrete reinforements over trenches in which house drain or sewer and water service connections were installed, zatc a scale of prices therein fixed; and in accordance with the said plans and specifications, which plans and specifications were approved by C. F. No. 25981, approved July 26, 1919; and Whereas, it was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works to have the contractor, Fielding & Shepley, perform the said work, more part iciilar- lp described as follows: 44,516 lbs.. of steel bare @ $0.06 $2,670.96 216.6 ou. yds. of concrete @ 7.50 1,624.50 216.6 cu. yda. of excavation @ .45 97.47 And Whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for in the paving of the hereinbefore described streets: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Council hereby allows for all the work and material as herein stated the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-two and 93/100 (4,392.93) Dollars as an extra under the contract known as ✓ Comptroller's Contract L-1070 for the making of aforesaid - improvement. Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Ferguson McDonald _...--- ........ In favor Approv SEP 920 19_..--_ 0 — 92 — -- Matson Smith ------- Wenzel Mr. President �OaN 9N eA0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION... GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........ .......... ........... ....... .... ........ ................. .................................. ................... .... DATE... RESOLVED a ILe �,� NO.. 30'40 That the bond of Jesse A. Lewis, as Justice of the Peace, 10th & 11th Wards, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) with the Lion Bonding & Surety Company, as surety, dated August 30th, 1920, be and the same is hereby accepted and approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to file the sane with the City Comptroller: c, r.. xo. aatae—. Resolved. That th th d [ cease- th anA. d I• as Wards, of the Pence, SOn " and 11th Wnrde; Sn the amount of One.I Thousand Dollars ("3,000.00) with. the Lion soud(n6 &'Paroty Company, no surety,the sdated ed herabyt_accepted Oand be ap--�f directed t6 d'hethel sumefewfthrk ethe CCY't ComAtr.ul Adopted by the can ncl3-SeP4 3 , 1920. APproVed BeDt. 1, 1920: ldePt. 4-1940 I aaaaection$ in ion, Reao �lth above � Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) N4ys Clancy Ferguson McDona�----_-_In favor Mahon Smith _.---.._....Against Wenzel Mr. President r SEP —1 Adopted by the Council ..... - . ----- 1920 EP -1 WO Approve —'---- weroR Council File No ......... CI.V..Y..48 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Grading...of.._Juno. Street... from Lexington ....................................... .................................Avenue...t.o...Ple.a ant... Avenue.;..._ also ..... tlw lay. nl3..of.......................................... ................ ..-watermain.4....in.,_Juno...St.xe.et...b.etw.e.en...the....above....1.imi.is.............................. Dated this..... 318t........day of ................................... ugl`lQt..................................., 191.210... Councilman. "�--- C. F. Noy 30748— Abstract. Whe �Das. A -'written proDaeeI for the maklnlrmo[ thefollowing 1mproVemeu' l .nom Et. from Lezingtou iso..the ISYlns WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foffowlm^etwntedth ent, viz.: _.. ............_............................................._.... Grad ng...of.. Jun.o...St.x.eet...from...Lexi..ngton....._ ............._ _......... .. Avenue ....t.o...Pleasant.. Avenue;.... ai.so,.....the._lag.ing.._of ...._._........__...._ ......... -watermains...in...Juno. Street between the ..above. limits ..... ........ ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . an 1 ormatlon re a improvementr............................._............. .............................................................. .............................---- ......................... .......----... To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............... SEP ...-1 f920 ...............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .................. S E P...-. .1 .20...... 191......_ Hyland Keller O McColl Wunderlich %,_... . ........................_.............................. ........................... 7 Mayor Irvin '/ _ Mayor. ee.m c n is cam 4•17) 1 PUBLISHED k Council File No .......... tj 9 z. - Aoct PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Gradii ng an I PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _......................................................... .....C.ondemning...and...taking-an-easement................................................. in the land necessary for slopes for cuts .................................. and %11-1-s to grading...Juno...Street from ....L.exing-...._......._..._._._................ ton Avenue to Pleasant Avenue. ...................... ..................................................................................................._......_....._...-_................... ...................................... ........._. Dated this._....31B.t.......day of. ......................._..........August........._................. .. , 19130.... ................... ...... .... _..... _................ _ _.. p C- F. No. aorta— Councilman. , Wherea.% A wrttenct —king or the follow ingojrupoval emeat. - demning and taking an easement e land nece°nnry. ror °loDea, for d nlla 1n ora iag .rano Street WHEREAS, A written proposal for the'ztngtoa Ave -to Pleasant Ave:, tment, viz.: reee� ted to the Counci, 'ol therefr�n- h•- _ ..................................... __........._Condemning.. ari8 ta.i.g...an. easement ......_.._._.. _...._._._............ in the land necessary for elopes for cuts ..................... ...and ...fil.ls...iri.._grading Juno ..Street ...from ... L_exing_....................... _.........._ ................. tan ...Avenue ...t.Q...Pl.eaa.6nt.._ Avenue ............................................. ............ ......_......................... ._ .................... ..._....._........._............. ........................ ................................. ......._ ..__..__.............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......_...._ ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredcd: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ......�............................................................................................................................................................................................................... to whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. ............ �. Q 771..19.2fl . ................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ............. 777,1 1820...............191........ Hyland O Keller McColl Wunderlich ................................................................................................. Mayor Irvin PT r n ayor. Form C A 13 (SM 9 1r) `VBLI`Sl LDG M9/ '� 6/ O COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER .30pa C'A f�Y i In the Matter of.....paving Eaton Avenue from Fairfield Avenue to Indiana............................................................................. Avenue, including sexier, mater and gas connections from street mains to ------------ ------------ prgperty„lines,_comylete.l.-ahere,not,.already,made; including curbing and.. paving. al ley.. and..drivew e y.. apur oa a h.es., . ............................................................................................I......... . , under Preliminary Order. 3 - 0534 ........................approved............Aug......17.......1920...,.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. pave Eato..............n .. Avenue......... from„T airfield„?.venue. to,. Indiana Av„enue,,,includi lg sewer..grater and .gas.sonnections..from.strnei.maid.-An.praperty.lines..c.omplata.,: y7hgre.Agt ,alvea-dy -made;- •als o3 • •inoludi-ng • C-urbing. -and. -paving. •alley- and . dra vewayy.... approaches, where necessary. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....5.,707,38„ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 1St. ..... :day of ...... 9.ci.4bAr......... 192.0..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. �EP. -? 1920 , , , , , , , „ 192...... Approved ..... `EP -1 1920.......192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith C) Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �i . .. ......C'. Cler . ......... .. . .............. Mayor. - p 50751 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.................... :.. ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.$rading, t+lagnolia Street„easterly„from,Frank Street . to the ................ 'laterrrorks Right of Vday. .............................................................................................. ............................................:.......................................................... ..........................................................:........................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...29?P?.................approved . +Iay 18a 1920. .................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... grade.i,'!.gnolia .............. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.., 1st... „day of ..... Octol).er,,.....,,. 192q..., at the hour; of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... CEP..�.192Q....... 192...... A, Approved..... $EP -1 920......192...... r Ci Ctlerk. ........ .. .. .... .. .. . .. .. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO......... . By- K"'—lra_�e'�JUrT, INTERMEDIARY ORDER 307,52 In the Matter of ... recons tamcting,..vela-ring..and..ilia sidewalks at the following locations: • -South • eide • -of- -Univers i-ty -Avenue; • •begin_-Amg • Be • feet• eas u • of. • •L•e.::ingt•on• Avenue, thence east 194 feet by 6 feet. • •idortn • side• •of'Aur>7ra 'Avenue;• •beginmirg' 90•'Peet• e'ast; ' zsf"I;e..ingt;on'Ave: , thence east 160 feet by 6 feet. S011th"di'd6"oi"A'ur'ora-Ave'rine',"be�iriiiI A-48"£eet•"oas't"'of'-Le�irigtbh—Ade:, thence east 264 feet by.6 felt.,, ................... ... South side of Burgess Street,beginning at Gaultier Street, thence des..2.60..fael_;...Yleat..side.-Of .Gauliiar. Street .,. hegi.nning.at..Burge ss.St., thence north to Stinson Street. under Preliminary Order......... 342£•36 .......... approved .... july. 31•; • •1.9001. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. X ?I e1�S l llQt., . P.Q; ay and repair the cement tile sidewalks at the folloaina� locations: ' S'cSuth"91cte"Of'Ur]i'V61�Sit�'t�vBYiu�',"li'e�i'rininA'S8"f'e'et"es't"of'Texiiibt0ii' Avenue, thence east 194 feet by 6 feet. 17or�h side of kurora Avenue, beginning 90 feet eas .of Lexi.n on Ave., ted?..�et.J60.feet.hy..6. fe.et............................ ............................ South side of Aurora Ave., beginning 48 feet east of Lexington Ave., ..thence.. east . 264 . feet • by •6 • £eat•.•; • •Sout•13• s ide• • of • Burgee s• •9t2?ee t•, • beginning at Gaultier Street, thence crest 260 feet.; West side of Gaultier Street, ••beginrririg •at••Burgess•Street y'ttlence•irorth'to•Stins'oi 'Street':''........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... ptp9..per, square foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 19t.......day of October ., 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... �V. 71 1920..... 192 SEP —11920 Approved.........................192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson V Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........J .. .l City Cl rk. .............. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ................ By 1'r Arir� w: n 1, T.c,(1*r :......................t........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructing present .vipgAen.pidewalk on the :vest side ................................... R1 .�SP.13 .Rob@1?t.,S�Xgpt. IQrP:.tk?q. noXt.k}..end.o#, tkjq. Chi4aS4�:.Great...... liestern Railtiway bride to a point 268 feet north of same. .......................................................... ...................................................................................................... .N ................................................. ..................................................................................................k"- under Preliminary Order...........30131 .................approved..........July .... 21, 1920. ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imprgvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report the and the same is hereby approved and aliopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . i 2. That the nature of the improv2ment which the Council recommends is.S'Qq.Qw.trjxAi)a .present, -wooden sidewalk on the west sideof Soi3th Robgrt Street from ...................................................................... the north end of the Chicaio,-". Great western railway•bridge to a point; ................................... ................. ........ .268 feet north.gf,same. r. . . ...................................................................................................... With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 7.•.34.per,front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ �,5t...... day of ....... 0.qt.............. 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in,the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. ,Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manne,5provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the irriprovement'and the, total cost thereof`as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......EP -j 192 Approved........ —.. I92O 192.. �::: ..� r�?� . .. .. ...... . . ..... ..... .. ............. .. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald , 1 Councilman Matson U Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... ByF ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..GOZiS �SLlCta 119 �, S.�iG.#.gP.. c�1 t43�f ..tray P..S�Sletfp.1.'P};. the .... �p,d@„q„((ontPn,$,trePt,f�om,Ohio„Street,to,Charlton Street. ....................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order......... 30526, , , , , , , . , , , approved ........kug. 16 j 1920. The Council of the City.of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.cgnst�uct, 8, slX l ... f.oot.a(ment..the..sidertalk.on.Lyle. .s.outli .side..P�.1l4�tQx�. 7txee��rgm,.Ohio S.tr�et.tO..Gb Y�tRra..St�P@t.,.p.4p.qp.e.yiigrp,ggod,anA,sufficient... s.ideivalks ............... . ......................................... ............................ .................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...,,1.08 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the., 1st day of October 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ......., 192....... c SEP —1 1920 $ Approved..........................192...... ty Clerk. ...... ....... .. ..... .. . ayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith 0 Councilman Wenzel f Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 Y � COUNCIL FILE NO ............... Ft�jNX tail: NIA"S43�! By................................................ ORDER condemning and to g an easement in the land necessary Inthe Matter of................................................................................ for slopes for cuts and fills i grading ialagnolia Street easterly .................................................. xQ,��a}�k,Street„to,the,i'JaterR�o lfs,Right.•of•iVay. •........... ................. :,2ERAfEDIARY- ORDERS. •••••••••••••••••••••••••.••.•.•••••.•••••: ,. No 30756 --BY F. W. Mateon— ..... ...... ... .. ...... ......... .•.,••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•••.. •••., the Mutter of condemning and tak- iar an eaeement In the land aec�^— grad for Idagn for Street and Iii•••••••••••••••• •••... .... .. ..... -. gradtngMagnolln Street- ,,:�ov, Eranh"'Street toy;,* - .................................... .. .. .N: '.,..... .................................................. under Preliminary Order..... 29283 . . . . . . ....... . . approved ...... I�a�r..l8 = 1920. ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends icondemn and take s .......................... grading Magnolia Street easterly from Frank Street to the 'daterwrorks ............................................................................... ....................... Rigbi..Q.�.«ay.,..in.acear�lance.u.�.ih.klue..rar�nt.he�et.o a�.t,�cr�ea, ana•maae, a. P.al::tr..l?eX'�.R#'., . t;he, • �a �,Ckted..PaX't�. Q}'1.51}4w?�•.t?t; .the..Cu"GS.. al?d.. tie• ,$ haded. ,portion show73ng the fills. with no alternatives, -and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 20.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... is t day of October.....,,,, 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... �V. ....... 192...... EP —11920 J.. L.%CZ \ � t........... . Approved.........................192...... Ci Clerk. F � ty ........ .:................ Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith 1 Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 z.v COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By FRANK... ''.. I ......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructing,, relaying, and, rena,ir}ng,of, eeent„tile,,,, sidemal s..in. tba.following. .locations :.............................................. ... *Mth.rs.ide. o thence east 115 feet. ...................................................................................................... „North side of• Carroll 1;ve. , berimiing at Farrington Ave. , thence ............ 40 ft., begimling 142 ft, farther east, thence east 14 feet. ........ ....................................................... under. Preliminary Order.....30.201 ,,,approved u.J .26 1920. ............. .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is—rQAQnstrugt,x,. relay and re�air,tlze,cement,file„sicleizalksin„the,folloti?ing.locations: South side of Hastings Ave., beginning 155 ft. east of nester St., .............................................................................. ....................... thence east 115 ft. ......................................................................... ............................ North side o.. Carroll Ave. beZinning at Farrington Ave., thence 40 ........ ................ ...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....Q. Q9..pex. Square f oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 2nd....... day of October 192 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fipance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... -.1920....., 192...... SEP —11920 ............... .... .. +F:3r:':, �..:f.`�:li a.''�;�+� Approved.........................192...... Ci Clerk � ........ .... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith +� Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ...IldS3.3t'.. <"i•L �....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER P e In the Matter of..eonsLruct.ing. a. aener..on. Rohie..Strset •morn• :wins] ow •ELaenue to a point 170 feet west of Winslow Avenue. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................I...... Jul under Preliminary Order........30232 ...................approved.....27....3'.....'1920. .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. . construct a sewer" ........................ on .Robie...Street....from..Winslow....Avenu.e.to a �oint,.170 feet .rest of vdinsl.. ....................................... Avenue. .............................................................................. ....................... ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 7.$i;.aQQ...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 2nd..... ..day of October..... , 192 ... 9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... SEP. -1 IND....., 192...... Lq �t Approved ...... C.. . I9Z.......192...... t Clerk .... ...... ....... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald�l Councilman Matson U Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..4gr},s,tr; u�t�g;, a„�e]ve , off, iys,�t„13obj e„$eet,.from L'laseca Street„tc.a�pro:cimutely 25 feet east of Charlton Street., ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order...... 30231. . , . , . , , . , , , approved ........ July 27 1920. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends on West Robie Street from Waseca Street to approximately 25 feet east ....................................... of Charlton Street. .............................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................... ........... I................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....1,518.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 2nd.....day of October , 192.. R., at the hour..of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... SER .- 20......., 192...... SEP —� 1920 :. �. ... 4.i. t...... Approved.........................192...... City Cle k. ...r!.... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith V Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of., constructing,a„six, foot„cement, ti�Q, szc}syra� k„Q}� ,the, east side of Cretin Avenue„frorn,St. ,,Clair, Street„ to,Surmnit,Ayenue, ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ly 30398.................approved .............. Aug. , . under Preliminary Order.......... , 10, 1920 ,,,,,•.._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. construct a six 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................... foot cement tile sidewalk on the east side o£ Cretin Avenue from St. ........................................................... .......... Clair Street to Summit Avenue, except where good and sufficient side— .............. ............... ............ ....................... walks now exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ....................................................................................................... ................................................... :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 1.,08,per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on kk e....... 2nd clay of ..O.etr.................I 192.Q..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commission.4 of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... ........ 192...... SEP —i 1920 ......... ........... _.�... . �...... Approved.........................192...... City Cler . ....... .. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel i Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... 4o>Is,tZuct�}g.,a„fix, Poet„�emer}t„t,i �e,d�rva�}f, on„the,,.,, SR9tkl.s?de..4#...Qlanve..Stxee1..#x4?�7.kran?c..$. xe9t.t4.P.u? t1?..Street........... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...:.................................................................................................. under PreliminaryOrder........., 30133 July 21, 1920. approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the -above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. c........onstrue t .... a ...... six ....... Street to Duluth Street, except Inhere good and sufficient sideivalks now .............................................................................. ...... I................ exist. ................................................. I....................... ............................ ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....1.08 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 2nd ........day of Oe t fiber, , , , , , , ,, , , , ,, 192..4.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... $f P — I920. , , , ,, 192..... . ................. ,%.: .. .......... Approved.... SEP.-?.1�2�.......192...... City Cler . ......... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald.\ Councilman Matson U Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 /t, 6 COUNCIL FILE NO ..............: �-- By-..kiiA IBA !tl: MATSON. ........... ... . .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.paving . of . Payne .A�eritle . r AJp. J` aX yJ and..Sx�.@t, ,to ,the, 1{orth city„limits,radin and paving iJhite Bear Road frorn Payne Avenue .to ........... the north city limits including series., crater and gas connections from ................................... .. street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, ....:................................................................................................. including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where .......................................... ......................'............. necesszrl ...................... .............................................................. 28292 Feb. 26, 1920. under Preliminary Order...........................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..PAV.Q.P. Y.1?P„ 41,ve}1ue ,,,�'�;gm,jgaxy�.epd,,�t�;eet,;to„the, north, city, limits,x,grading and �avin� '.Jhite Bear Road from Payne Avenue to the north city limits, including sewer .............................................................................. ....................... water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, ........................................... ............................ �rh.... t,alreadj made, including curbiri and having alley and drive- ................... way..approaches.,.i�}aexe..neCs wary. ................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.,174,309.95 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the: ,4t h , , , , , day of .......0c tuber .... 192. P.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the.total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..., ........20 192 �Fn -n V Approved.........................192...... _^City rk. ......... . . .. . ::.`� �. ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald .Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By .. FI.I ; '%,.1`:''s' r ya ?..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER a0762 In the Matter of ... PAV;,i?g.o;Q, PSfitF S A„StreQt , rop?,�rad�ey„Street to AxUT?S.QxL.Ss%�.@t.,.�i?�1A4�iX .Setipex, ,y�ater.,2c1„gas, connections from street .................. mais?s..t.o.8rapexty. fines..c.o?nRlata,.�pk�4re.nQt.alr.�ad>r.mage,.also,,......... iracludaaag..curhing. and. -Pavdng. alley.and approaches. slhara...... TQV'Q'9 PXY................................................... ...................................... ...................................................................................................... 30523......... approved ................. under Preliminary Order............ Aug. 16, 1920. ......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered. said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ... pave„Partrid&e... ..StxB9t..#'xoirt .Bxalilay..Stxeat..tA .�xl>?15.4�..Stre,Qt,,, ,i,rcluding .seiyer,}yater... and, gas , connects gA*..9forp„street„Ming. .tp. o ?qe y, lines complete, .vrhere.not already madex also, including curbing and paving al.ley .and .......... driveway approaches, where necessary. ...................................................................................................... ............................. ...................... :......... ,....................................... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.6,,.649.66....., Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 6th day of QRt09;1, ober, ..... , , , 1 192-9,., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... $EP - I92O. .... 192 Approved...... S.P.—�. �9ZQ .....192..... .................... ......... L Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO , F'R,kN-_. FAI. l = n By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofU4.C4ng..O;r..RLMt . ...................................................................................................... ............. .................................................................................... I.... ...................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 2958.0 ................approved . ..... J=P.:J.Qe••1924................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rade Hunt Street 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...�...................... from Hunt Place to Cromwell Avenue. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................:.........,......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.2.x16.5,.47...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 6t ........day of ....... Oct hgir • • 192.Q..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....... KP.. -.1.1920..... 192...... SEP -1 1920 k` Approved.... ..................... 192 ...... City Clerk. / Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson j Councilman Smith lJ Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ...... . ....... . By........................................ ...... ORDER 0764 In the Matterof..9rnamental„1: gh nS onboth sides „o£ ;ast Seventh Street Zrgn.ia� eX�z?aJ�.Stxee.t.t0..kauA ger..StYnet.......................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 577Jul 12 1919. under Preliminary Order........27.7 .9 ............approved .......... Y ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ornamental hhting, onboth , ,sides o.. .... ,,seventh„$ > e@t„#xQM„�,j i $enVA d. 4'xgS.t.1Q. Xfk1AC uier� Street. .............................................................................. ....................... ... .......................... ........................,... ...................................................................................................... . ........ ........................................ I........ ...................................... .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.,12�911t16,, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 6th........... day of , , , , , , , OC to ber , , , , , . 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......i P.— .�9�Q...... 192...... Approved....... �P. - IgZO.... 192...... City Clerk. .. .. ......... ,,v7� \ .... . Mayor. Councilman Clancy a Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Mataon �l Councilman Smith (/ Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COU IL FILE NO ............... By......................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 30765 In the Matter of..constructing a serer on Raleigh Street from Como Avenue ................................................................................ ',Vest to a point 320 feet south of the south line of Como Avenue Vest. ............................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ....................................................................................................... 30202 July 26, 1920. under Preliminary Order...........................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. c . ons t . ru . c t . ing ..... a ... seder... „.on, Ra,],egh,tStreet,from, Como„i�venue Nest to a point 320 feet south of ........................ ... the.. south..line.. aE. Lomo. Aveme. .hest......................... ....................... ............................_......................:................................................:.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 1,478.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... wdh I ........day of October , , , , , _ , , , 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... $ j7._�..+920........ 192...... �1 Approved.... -1192Q ....... 192...... City Clerk.. Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman.Srmith ttJ/ Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ...mow_. €-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... _ By PRANK.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..ch&Tlging.,the. grade , o0', a] l t3y, , i r�„$� p�$, , {aha en„I38ights Park, ••• to. eon£orm.-to . the. .red..line.on. the . praiile..hereta.attached.and.mada.v. part k��Xa0,. �kte,gxe$}}t„mad@„lze,ig,xepesenied„by,the„blue line thereon; ..... .............. also the gradin of said alley in said block in accordance with the .................................................. red line when established. ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... , under Preliminary Order..........30064 .................approved............July ....... 15 ...... 1920 .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. change tlae grade 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... of alley in Block 1 Phalen Heights Park, to conform to the red line ................................................ on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present ....................................................................... .........•........I..... grade bei m represented by the blue line thereon; also, ..the .gradi.r_g .. ............... ,.,off, said„alley, in„said block„in,accordance.Y-lith the said red line ................................... ... rchen..e s.tablish ed..., ....................:......... ......................................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....1.,823..45... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the, .. •6th day of October 192 9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........ SEP —1 I9ZO •, 192 �. —1 1920......SEP ..Approved.........................192........... ....erk�. < fMayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith lvj Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 r♦ . d COUNCIL FILE NO ... :............ By k:d�ANaS 6V �i6l`St3e. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for,slopes,for,cuffs,alld,flls.,in„gra alley„j�},$�oC#,1,,. Phalen .uai ghts. Park --P-= 3016v--Bvtatnd •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • �In the Matter of condemning- and_tak ............................ in the lan A. —4z� an slopes, tfor cut and Pile in .............................................. �'rvng a11eY in Blcek 1, Phalen ,,tg ark under PrelimSnarY Or. • • • • • • • • • • • • • ............. . a0065 approved JulY 16, 3920.- = wancu uY tpa Cmt of �c CPaul ............................... ..... .. .... .. ..r,g:reeeived the .:.amort -[the C m... ......... .. .. .... .. .... ... - , i e of Finn °dement. .............................................. .port. he ....... .. ....................... .. .. ... 30065 Jul 15 1920. under Preliminary Order ...........................approved............y.....?....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..condeiw and take ........................ an. saaement.in. .tlie. land. .necessary.for. .alapes. for. C.uts.and.fills..in..... '<.b].ua.Px'int..ber�tn.attached.and.mada.a.Rart.here.to. the. hatchecl.p.4x:�i,o.1�, showin g the cuts and the shaded portion showing the fills. .............................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 2.Q..QO:....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......6th .. .dal, of ....Q9.k}QhQX:.........., 192..Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...... 5EP.-j.020...... 192.....q Approved..... U.-j.J9V...... 192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald 7Councilman Matson. Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel V Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 le ............ . .... ity Clerk. ....... . .................... Mayor. PTMLISHED 9 - g- a o ®G gJIJ COUI� L FILE NO ............... By ...............1'......`... ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..,condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Bunt Street from Hunt Place to Cromwell Avenue. .......................... C.F. No. 30468 --BY F. M Mate<................................. • I. Matter of condemning ani •• 1ng an easement In the land n.'. ............................ •. earY for elope, for cute-andpflP- �aadtng.HuatBt.from Hunt Plan•••••••••••••••••••... ......... �—,Wcil Avenue udder Prelim; -.er 39681 approved June 10,' ..................................... L..onncfl-of the el of Bt:............ ... .. .... .. ... ^•erelved the repo rt of'th .. ''''' c: of- Finance upon tT ......................................................'nnr .-havfn............... .................. under Preliminary Order......... 29`81........... approved ... J11ne 10 192 0. The; Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. condemn 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ............and......take ....... an easement in the land..nece..ss.ary..f.or..sl.pe. os.f.or.cuts..and fills in ...................................................... .grad.lag,�jT�}�,t,•,�t�;ee�„��orT„I�unt,�lace„t o,Cronmell,Avenue� in accordance wU11.blue. print..}herata.attaclied. and. . made. a. part. here a£,.,ikl�,•kta pke4•,. portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion showing the fills. ............................................................. ............................. ..................... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 20.%QQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......Qth........ day of .... QC.e4lber .........I 192.Q..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....... SEP. n1• ��2Q...., 192..... , Approved... ..... .. .......... 1912 . City Clerk. ..... . .......... i�?l ... ..... Mayor. Councilman Clancy pLjgLjSHED 0 Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson �-�yy Councilman Smith V Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 3076,91 COUNCIL FILE NO............... n4KApK 4�.1,TQ-By 'fe..... ........ ...... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...condemninf;,a}�d„taking,an easement, in, the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Villite Bear Road from Payne Ave., ......................................................................................... to,the.north.city limits. C.F. No. 30768--8y F, w Mateo`— In the Matter at ce.demntng and Lak ••••••-•••••••• ing an easement in the land. necea ... .. ..... ............... eery for dopes, Yor. cute and 11lle d` grading White Bear Road 'from „ • Payne Ave. to the north city' llmtte under Preliminary Order 88298. ap . proved Feb. 88' 1920. ' • • • • • • • • • • • • .........'... vlog received the report of the ” -�.!r al Finance upon x.,. .. ...... ..... ....... ent: and .-+: r• - under Preliminary Order..... 2829$, ...a,",,,irid ........ NZ -t.9§.3, 1920., The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Condemri and take .................. an easement in the land .necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in .......:........................................................................ ........ in accordance Vlith blue print hereto att.ac.hed and made a part hereof, the hatched portion shoFin the cuts and the shaded portion showring the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....25.. QQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......, •6th day, of . Q4t4p@l:'.............. 192Q..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... $EP.. -i. 42t ........ g92..... . Approved.......SEp.: �.��2d ....192..... .19. • wk?t Clelr. ,. Mayor. PUBLISHED q Zy � v Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald .^ j Councilman Matson f!J Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .19. • wk?t Clelr. ,. Mayor. PUBLISHED q Zy � v No. 20770=0 dinance No. 6410— l 1 H. C. W...el� �,llnance gran ting to theoil North d Company pr emifill to the en rb in front of _ ",,eland Ave. An ordinance granting to the Northwestern 011 Company permission to install and maintain an oil filling station on the curb in front of No. 460 North Cleveland avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Northwestern Oil Company to install and maintain an oil filling station on the curb in front of No. 460 Cleveland avenue North, consisting of a 550 -gallon tank and curb pump. Section 8. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the install- ation of said filling station upon its compliance with the follow- ing conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public works a plan or specification of said station and loca- tion, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (3) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save said City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, damages, costs and expense that may accrue to persons Or property on account of or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station. The said bond shall be in such form as may be satisfactory to the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage r of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council UP :12 1929 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy McDonald 1 Matson lJ Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) a Attest City Clerk SEP 17 1920 Mayor C. WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��%e DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 27th, 1820. Hon. A. E. Smith, Commissioner of Public Safety St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the applicatiolaof the Northwestern 011 Company, located at #460 North Clevland Avenue, asking for permission to install and conduct an oil filling curb station on curb of above premises. We have made an inspection of the above premises and find that -.the installation of a curb pump and tank at above location would not create a fire hazard, we refer same back to the Department of Public Works with recommendations that license be granted. Respectfully yours, • ---- pe ,(/ --__Chief Ins- -O-;t-'r. _ 13 o! per'DIf Commisslo ffirr of (Wil (Merl JOHN I. FART 4Y JAS. J. MINER /. «s. %Ctu of '%htf Paul Asst «EaK Hon. A. E. Smith, Dear Sir: - August, 18th. 1920. Com. of Public Safety, Building. Enclosed please find application of the Northwestern Oil Co. to install a tank and pump on curb at #460 North Cleveland Ave. which the Council at its meeting of this date referred to you as to fire hazards. Yours truly, G/ City Clerk. i F Ja NEWL L YL',t 5L{PER I OR,w IS. olAl N-S'� LOUD ' ANo 9£rn lo�l MoEA LEEFRALL1111. S M St. Paul, Minn. August 16th, 1920 To The Honorable the Members of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Sirs: - We hereby request permission to install a 550 gallon capacity tank and pump on the curb in front of our oil plant known as the Northwestern Oil Company at 460 North Cleveland Ave, situated as follows. Lot One, Block Three, Merriam Park Addition. Same to be used and operated as a Filling Station in connection with our Oil Plant The out -fit to be installed ,to be the very best KAIiT LE X Equipment, to be constructed in every way in conformity with the Cit.*,* requirements. We are quite anxious to get this outfit in operat- ion as soon as possible, and would therefore appreciate as early action in the matter as may be convenient to your Honorable Body. Respectfully, C. P� � _: �.� � - -- 4 _ _ . ,�J � v T -- 1'\ 0 C., FNo. 30441-0 dl No. 641E ," 'By H C •We i Aa d1 S fB.t Hnto B r a 1 ! X D IBBI t 1 sgnilt 81 H'i• 1, `� � ay 7-g nace s r, : /- cl®��L 1- f the City An ordinanoe.granting to Bernard Just permission to install two air -filling stations on State and George streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Bernard Just to install and maintain two air stations, one on George street, fading north, and the other on State street, facing south; being on both sldes`of the store building on the corner of State and George streets, occupied by said Bernard Just; _said air stations to consist of curb boxes and air lines under the sidewalk. Section 3, The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the -said licensee for said air stations upon said licensee's compliance with the following con ditions: (1) Rhe said licensee shall file with the Commissioner ' of Public Works a plan or specification of said stations and loca- tion, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (3) The said air stations shall be installed under the supervision and -direction of -said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the coat of 'inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.06), con- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may.accrue to persons or property on account of or arising'. from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said stations. The said bond shall be in such form aQ_ may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, with surety satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller'. (4) Said stations shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so 'order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax :that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul., N. W. Phone—Roble 616 \� • DEALER IN \� General Hardware STOVES PIND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS q' Cor. State and George Sts. 1v1. Paul. fainn.. August .26, 1920. S\ a� City Council, City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: - I herby apply for a permit toiiplace two Air Stations on both sides of my building. The one which is to be placed on George-Streeb is to face North, the other is to be on State Street facing South. Both of these stations will be curb boxes while the Air Line will vun under the sidewalk. Gv --1 Very truly yours, Q o (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council SFP 1712 8 Yeas hays Mr. Clancy / Matson //rr�� / McDonald l lQ Smith Wenzel Mr. President�(Hodgson) Appro El Attest Mayor PUBLISFIEIS-2 0 i, CITY OF ST. PAUL .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL'Eotn No....... 0772 I ��_ 510 AUDITEDE.P..........1.92.d.................. 19 Y TROLL_E_ ....._ PER. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays CEP —% 1920 - Adopted by the Council...................... _...... ......................... ... _....... 191......_ ` Clancy SEP —F 1920 E9)IIs,WaUh- l.+ieEgusoII _....-_In favor Approv .........._ .........._.1991......._.. �'--' McDonald /V�J�✓ $eller--- MatsoII/ 1.._._.._.....Against MC O MAYOR Rrn'd1raWenzel Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. $0772— bstract Resolved that warrants -be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable .out o1 the .herelnatter.specirled funds B u of - favor of. the persons, firms pr corpora- 1 tions for theamounts set opposite' their respective names an specified to i ' thefollowl g detailed statement: Gertrude Bernier, BOOrd Of Control. §16,420.71. A. Gree -wood §22.60. E w,-llatson, C'=0;r. of Ftaance,. §60.00. Adopted by the Council Sept 2, 1920. Approved Sept. 2, 1920. (Sept. 4.1920) 5257 Gertrude Bernier, 4,50 Com'r. of Finance 5258 Board of Control, 16,420.71 Board of Control 5259 A. Greenwood, 22.50 Library 5260 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance 50.00 City Planning Commission Total 16,497.71 Form A A 46,2117-18 1 I CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL No 50`/ SEP ti 1920 B --......:.. _.... .. ER .. -..... .......... C CON P'l•RULL R AUDITED ..........................................191. ..... PER................G/. .... ...... _....... TITLE Resolved that warrants drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor ofthe persons, firms or corporations . r the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the C x,rr..._ iyLU........_...... _191.......__ _ .... . Clancy F. No. so77s- -EP -/' 1920 EdU%Qr'b Ferguson ....... ^d�"that bwarrants be, drawn A oved.............._.............._...._............. _._..................191............ of Gocs.--- McDonald ft Treaenry, payable out In •rafter epeclfied funds and In Ke}let--- )i�at90II r„ he persons, toflrBeor corpOrte (lJ7 the amounts set oDp�et�e 'tive names as specified In -..._.... .......__.._..__._.___._ ..................._. .._.._.___.._.._.._........ , M-- SI11i t}I �etafled statement: MAYOR Wunderlich — Mr. Presidents Hodgson 5231 American Cone Company, 60.00 60.55 572.00 206.25 1,067.27 15.65 Parks 5232 Casey Dairy Company, Health 523 Corning -Donohue Brick Company,. Homecroft School(Bond) 5234 DePree Chemical Company, Health 5235 r Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Health -Adm. 1.00 Schools 11.50 90.00 e 86.24 Parks 5.00 tr 11 3.23 361.80 Playgrounds .25 496.10 Plater 12.15 5236 George N. Gerlach, Supt, of School Bldgs., Schools 60.00 60.55 572.00 206.25 1,067.27 15.65 Res. 509 Page ##2 i 5237 G. J. Giddings, Treasurer of Anoka -County, Minn., 20.64 Water t 5236 J. T. Kenny Soap Company, 16.09 ' Health 5233 Mrs. F. Koelindorfer, 16.10 Parks 52410 Lamprey Products Company, 24.64 Police 5.00 He&lth 17.64 2.00 2� 5241 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company, 741.25 St. C. & R. 524 C. B. Lyon & Brother, Inc., 65.45- Fire 5243 Mack International Motor Truck Corporation, 6,000,00 I St. C. & R. 5244 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 1,054.07( Munic. Gar. Revl. 263.56 TM 112.69 Schools- 1.24 Parka 52.42 86.72 Water 506.26 5,75 Homecroft School(Bond) 25.43 1�5�07 52#5 Moving Picture Machine Operators, 16.00 Playgrounds 52I6 W. J. Nelson, 13.50 Parks 524 /N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 121.52 Police 1.46 " 51.74 Fire 7.50 Schools 3.29 Library 54.44 Test. Labs. 3.09 5248 N. W. Motor Supply Company, 698.92. Fire 53.25 Munic. Gar. Revi. 320.49 9.46 5.23 50.00 tr 260.49 5249 Oppenheim Realty Company, 3.02 I Water Res. 509 Page #3 5250 Pittsburgh. Plate Glass Company, • Police Munic. Gar. Revl. Schbols ? 4 Playgrounds a i. P. Bldgs. Revl. 5251 Milton Rosen & Company, Fire 5252 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Library rr n tr n u n n i p it � tr Parks I 5253 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Munic. Emp. Bureau j Health I rr i u Parks Test. Labs. Markets 5254 St.Paul Hebrew..Institute, Schools 5255 IN. P. Taylor Company, i Water 5256 Wallace & Tiernan Oompany, Inc., Water Total 15,671052 5.35 5.94 49.08 .99 3.02 67.73 T32=. 99.90 96.46 99.34 11.00 17.25 99.96 99.95 99..19 99.01 99.65 14.50 78.00 75.00 2.20 U7=. 1.00 3.66 158.67 8.45 8.94 44.11 106.75 7.50 1.00 3'IT=. 334.40 991.41 340.08 100.00 2,129.50 876.10 ■ eopwca 3Q4._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. .na NO.-- OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL`R UTION --- GENERAL FORM��g$1( PRESENTED.6Y COMMISSIONER. ..-..i .:.... y. ....... ... _........ ........ - ..._......... .....:.. ... DATE��D....._.b, QPt .1.a. NAP .. ...... -. RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works and Chief Engineer be and they are hereby authorized' anddirected to make a trip to Duluth for the pur- pose of inspecting the results and operations of the Duluth vehicle tax ordinance. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to set aside and appropriate for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said trip the sum of Forty (40) Dollars payable out of the Bureau of Engineers fund of the Department of .....-.. '- Public works. v Ila C Resolved-OThat$th Comm 98Iou- of Public theyoar. and herebY chief authorrised and l an - :directed to. znoke'a trip to Duluth for 'sad operations ofsthe 3Dulu h veshtcle I _tax ordinance. , ' Reaolved Further, That the proper - directed tc to eat oslde aadt apprpprthorized ata for the purpose of defratl1lmnsothFoCLY trip the yeses of-. aald . _ (q0) Dollars DaYa:ble: out of the 1111- re au �ofDnCtnaors 7tund of the Depart- "meat, of Public Work. - , Adopted by the Council Sept. 8,+3820. IApproved Sept 2, 1920. ._ (Sept. 47192-D),,- - Yes( ✓) Couneiluim ( ✓) Nays -Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Adopted by the Council _:_._.__$=;�v_132�--19-- ..._ _....... .In favor Appro 00, `Smith— Against -- — — — — — Wenzel Mr. President I COUNCIL CITY OF $T.PAUL ruNO.---- f { OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Set 2, 1920 COMMISSIONER ...i2 .....–.-..• •...... ......... ................. '. ,. . .. ..:. DATE .......... . _. ... ...... ............ RESOLVED._.t In the matter of constructing a curb on both sides of Stanford Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Albert Avenue under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 30716, approved Aug. 28, 1920: RESOLVED, n That all orders in the above matter be and" the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceddings in such matter discontinued. 13Y"8. C. Wenzel curb I In the matter of conatructlnE a curb tier on bath 'Idea of-8tnnrord Avenues trom'. 8nmllne: Ava' to Albert- Ave. - Proliminary r - C. F. No.: under' -Orde c , roved AvB. ZB, 1928 ;, - Resolved, That 'all order' ,n the'. above manor be :an a same are ' hereby '. cancalled, .annuI ad -and re- eclnded'and nil Droc IRBa In, such matter discontinued:, Adopted by the Council Sept. 2,162o. ADProvad Sept.2, 1920- . (SODA 4-1820) I . Yea U) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council.......__—�_..__19� Ferguson McDonald _.._._..__..._In Favor Approv Matson ot16 0 _...._..... Against Wenzel Mr. President loRY :iw e•so >. CITY OF ST. PAUL COsnca No.– 30776 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK M' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY COMMISSIONER........ ..... ..... ................... ................:.............................. .............. DATE RESOLVED In the matter of grading alley in Block 2, Lane's Manor Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, under Preliminary Order #28548, approved March 20; 1920, and ;Final Order #29607, approved June 12, 1920. Resolved, Thtt the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. R'ceiTed all connection Papers in les lu i t ab ¢n the' matter of grualug uney 1n bil, I - I 2, Lanes Manor: Addition from Pas- cal Ave, to;Atbert=Ave. ,under Pre- '11.1—Y,i - Order No. 284/8, appr6va8 M-ch.:,to, '192o sad �Pinal order No. - 29607; appto" June 12, 1820 Reeolved, Thak the plane apecilir8 tions and esNmatedQuantq as aubmlt-t ted .py the Commissioner of" :Public - Works Sot the above named traorove- ment be: end'thb acme are..IIereby.np•: Proved. Ado pted-bY the Couaoil sept." 2,.- 1920., - =*-roved'sept. 21 1,12" Yes(,/) Cuuncibnen (✓) Nays SEP = P 1920 �� Clancy Adopted by the Council Ferguson EP -2 1920 McDonald _ to favor Approv (1� Matson :...Against__— -- MATOa Weazel Mr. President �roer ar e•so 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL f°ae"c`No. -®7'"� OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK rCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM FRESEN-Mb .. COMMISSIONER ....: ,.... .. .. ... .. .. ..:.. ..... ............ DATE._AugLiBt....`�r7,.. ..�.9�x O.... ......... RESOLVED That the, Council here approves the action of the Purchasing 'Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 241 tons Asphaltic Cement, to be used in paving Arcade Street from the north line of Maryland Street to northerly City Limits, to the Minnesota Road Equipment Company, they being the lowest,• responsible bidder, at a price of $29.70 per ton, or a total contract price of $7,157.70, in accordance with Standard City specifications-, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #3047. C: F. No. 30777 BY 1i --C. Wenzel'.= .:Resolved That be . Council . h6mby apD ves the. action of .the Nurehasing ;Comniltf a In awarding the-eontract 11 for, furnishing approximately 241 tons - Aephaitie.Cemonrest. r,Y, to .beused toDaving QQ S11►e Maryland,St.,-to northerly city, Limlt r j 1 t'o the Minnesota Road Equipmen -Compnny, theybeing the lowest re- •iO t' Us,.: .bidder, at a Price of 529.70 - �• � : abppe Am IIr ton, r a total contract price: of 71b7.70, in ACCOTdanCe ;With Standard d City apec(..atlne o, Ehelr bid and award 4'.f"contract hereto attached, and ,the Coi•poration - Counsel Is hereby ,etruct.d to.drniv up the�propbr form or " cgntra't therefor. F.:B,` No. 3047. Adopted by, the Council Sept. 2, 1920. _.K'I ,pproved :'¢epL2,'1920. _ Yes (J) Councilmen (v) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council__ EP—2 92 Ferguson ' SEP P 1920 McDonald ____..__In favor Appro • Matson - - — — .:..::.:Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM SY 6•20 _ � T e W0 CITY OF ST. PAUL ias NO. ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED: BY '4 COMMISSI E44 .....:... (�! 1, .... ...... :.. .. ....... DATEAl.Ig118t...2rL.:!..:19`�,.0......... ... ...... REsoLveo That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for -furnishing approximately. 3;709 cu. yds, of crushed rock or gravel and concrete sand to be used for paving Arcade Street from the north 11ne of Maryland Street to northerly City Limits, to the Stiefel Material Company, -they being the lowest "responsible bidder, at a total price of app� `oximately $9,334.70, in accordance with .Standard City speci.. • i'Ffll tions, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and. he 4. rpgration Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper farm of contract therefor. F.B. #3047. Received 011 p&p®!e 9t! C. F No 3077i 43y li d. Wenzel connection with above "Resolved That she Coe -P. h tens, approves the lotion of the 1?urchaping committee; In .aWardipg the Contract JtDO tion I for furntshfng. approzlmately 8 409 "ev. ��m/-�� ` yds of orvshoE rack or.gravel and Arca etlFeand to to be used for yavtrg Maryland Bt. •from the north lino'4 to Ah and efe to northerly Citq y.. the , being the fowl Material company.. ,iddey being the low,eat ,responetbla blddet,r atr'a total yrlco of :apptozlmately' $9,934.40, In acgqordapce mlth Standard4 "City .Speciflcatfon0. "ti101r, bid` and award of contract hereto=attached, and the: Corporation CounseV is hereby la gtructed to "draw up the proper to A or:roontract therefor. F. B No $044. Adopted by the Council :6ept. 2 19X0 Approved Sept. 2, 1920. (Bept. 4-1920) I Yes 60 Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Cou.a__.—_SEL-!.-2 920—_19— FergusonSEP —2 1920 McDonald --.-..In favor Approv _—_. Marson Q ---.._...Against Wenzel 4 Mr. President FORM SM e -4a. ccuNc . 30779 CITY OF ST. PAUL r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r LqU.NCIL R UTION NERAL FORM PRESENTED BYCOMMISSIONER ...... :.:: ..._.. ... ... ... ......::.... DATEAUgL16.t....27.,.. 1.,9.2.0..............._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing 6 Committee in -awarding contract for furnishing approximately 2970 barrels Portland Cement at $4.00 per barrel, 82 lin.ft. 1811'V.C.Sewer Pipe at $1.58 lin.ft. and 302 Lin.ft. 1200 V.C. Sewer Pipe at 75¢ per lin.ft., to the St. Paul Builders' Material Company, ,they being the lowest_ resporlsible'bidder, to be used in paving ,Arcade Street from the north line of Maryland Street to northerly City Limits, total amount of contract approximately $12,236.06, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the,,'Cor poration_counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the properform_ o- f contract therefor. F.B. #3047. 7ap '. No: 30778—ByH C Weasel— . Ivod, That the Council' hereby roves tha action, o[ the,Purchaeing mittee In �awarding, contract, for furnishing approximately 2970: barrels PortlandCement at :K00 per barr.L,' 182 Ilneal. feet 18"-V. C Sewer Plpe at 5168 lin: fl., and 302 Lin. ft, 12":;V. C. sewer Plpe at 7.t per lin ft„ .to the Qonnec I yw Bt .Paul Bullaera Material, Company , tj.oj= *1 �r)/ tIQ ie't. cing,the lowest reeponslble bid- aes9luti tl1 above deh.. to be heed In paving Arcade St., 021, 9 from the north'inero[Maryland yt. tb I contract City Itq t, total amount of contract a with Banda ;1 city, 8 Irt \/ accordance with standard city eVOclft= Icatloite, 4h Ir bid and award oT' bda- tract hereto attached; and -the', rcted, t, atlon Counsel Is erhereby,for Instructed, coed'to draw up ..the oroPer-.form of contract therefor. b B. No. Council Adopted bye the Council Sept: 2„Y920. Approved -Sept. 2, 1820. (Septep 4.1920) - Yep 00 Councilmen. ( t) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Countlil__ S_p=�e1_���8____ Ferguson McDonald — — .:_:.la favor Approv Mebon -- ---- —'- Against MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President :'.►ORM ]MI Y]O ► 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL C Le ca C$®(�YJ_ NO. - OFFICE OF THECITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONATE ...$.e it.emb-er..g .....1.QQ,.Q ... ...... (.. RESOLv at the Purchasing Agent be, 'and he i4 hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 160 lineal feet 36" Monel Metal Wire Cloth from the Supnlee Biddle Hardware Company, at a price of $1.50 per square foot,. or a total con_ : tract price of $720.00, without asking for competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C-1. Nc, 30780—Hy J. H. MCDbnald= -I Agent 6e. aand he, s the authorized' c purchase, with the consent of: the metal ire 16th neal feet 36'•'Monel I Metal Wire Clothe, from ..the Supplee I Biddle .Hardware "Company, at a price co .tract per.. square Coot, or a total) - contract price of 1720.0 0, without ask Ing for competitive bide,, ne this ie a Patanted article .and no advantage codId >be gained'. thereby.: Charge, WAter Department: - Adopted by the. Council sept. 2, 1920.: - APDrov d E2,192e. - (SOP8eP[.'.,4-1920) Yes( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council...__ SEF Ferguson - CEP •-920 McDonald ........ In favor Approv _.-_ r, Matson SCJ 9-itr=, / --- Against Wetuel M OR Mr. President ' )ORM DM a•IIO _ t ri CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 37Sub...... .... ject:........................................................... .................... ................... . 81..... IL FILE No ...................._ ............ . ................................................................. .............................. 49W aqmmission,Crof"l �Work.g. Date Presented ...................... 7/- ............. .......... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the comptroller, 22000 - 311 x 411 x 911 Purington Wire Out Paving blocks without adver- tisement or competitive bids as this material is to be used for an emergency job and on account of the scarcity of paving bricks at the present time no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Bridge Building & Repair Fund. ---------- Yeas 00 Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller 0 - --- --- -- Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IS Z;-- 9 -.d7ye"P'_C0U-n-" Sept, X 1920 Vt 2, 1920 (S..pL 4-1pid), Adopted by the Council --SEP -20 19-20. App;�v...___. EP `2.19 2.0 lqt.. .. ............. ................ .. . . ...................... .......... iii„c'L NO CITY. C F ST. PAUL 1'� v.--3®782 h OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY`.� A. E. SMITH ----------: nATF.....9..]-20 ... ........... ............. -....... 30'783 ;.. ubpnpu , CITY OF ST. PAUL n a NO. - OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERALFORM -. COMMIS ER........ .. .....::.. .: ............ .DATE ,RESOLVED _% t the proposal of E. W. Bemis, ;made hrough the Commission— er of Public Utilities to furnish the necessary skill; labor and services for the making of a valuation of"the plant of the St. Paul Gas Light Company, and an investigation of the operating revenues and expenses of said Gas Company, in order to determine the necessity of granting an increase of rates to be charged for - ,gas and electricity by said Company, is hereby accepted, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to prepare and submit to the Council for its approval a proper for o o tract., — Resolved further, that the �f.13 � Tw,nty Tho and ollars ($a0,000.00 dor a much a accessary, e' hereb� 1 t f appropriated, out of the Valuation of Publio Utilities Account of the General Fund to meet the cost and__._ ense of such valuation C F Nti. i,That,the H McDonald and investigation. R e4lvad That the propoeat of E. W., 13emis, mobilo rough..the Coinmieafon- er oC pupllc UfI11t1em to,iurnlah -the aeceesarv-skill, ;aboc.Bnd-cervices for the making of a valsation of tho- lent '1 pt' -the 9k Yapi 'Qas IJght co an ;1 and an 1nPeetlgation.o[ thq•opa[ating, revenues sand expenses of said (las Company, 1n 4rdar to determine the aeceseltq 'ot. grgnting an fnoreasa o[ .'rates to ,1{e charged 'tor gas and -atop- j. tricit9 hy. said Company. ie herpb . our ceDted; at�d-tthh0 corp, ratlpp Coansel is a, hereby directed to Drppar0 aad eubmIt to the•couaell for, Its-`npproval 'a:prop-_ -er•form of cautrapt' ._ Resolved furthe _ lost the `unez- '.D nded. tialance of the Twenty Thau= sand bolls or. plio;o00 00) h0t_et� (ore'. ^nnnrnnrtnr.d t..r Council File No..:4 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................... ................................................ Glad,ing....R:f._Grigg$...Str9et. from.........................................-....................... ............... .................. Minnehaha-.-Street.._t.o Seminary 9venue..................... ....................................................... Dated this.._...I.et----------- day of....................................15,-eptlrfAbar........................... 19$0..... ........................................ - - - --- - --------------------------------------- '078i -- . ----- .-------'o7al Councilman. �cwn A rltte ,the followropossl for the in a. lmyrovemen6 P%.f Griggs `St. from Mine ; •urinary Ave., hav{vB be'a e Connell of the, Cites WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making O',.�eda,,,oang unprovement, viz.: ................................................. .............. Grad,i.ng....of....GrIgge... S.treQt....from.................. .................................. ............ .............................. Minnehnha...Str.eet....to....Seminary-Avenue. ................ ............. _.. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................................... .................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and estimated co9t of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Ire Following offer re a ve o sal p ent------------------------------------------ -........._..... To 4tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 8,report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the councJ.._.._SEP....... ��2�....._................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss ApprZPUBL, !f..��2�....._....19L..._.. Hyland U Keller f] McCollWunderlich Mayor Irvin � Mayor. Form CA 18 (sM 4.17) Acot. grading Council File No ........30785......... PROPOSAL VOR IMPROVEMENT �l and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City'of St. Paul, viz.: ........................ ........................................._C-enciemning...and-t.aking...an:...easement ............................... .................... in the land necessary for slopes for cuts ............. ..................... and ...-fills ....in... grading Grigam.Street--from...M.in.,..... ............. ............................. .. ... nehaha Street to Seminary Avenue. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Dated this...... 1.at........... day of ....................................... Sapt.eMb.ar....................... 19?O..... ..................... ............. . .. _ .....--............:.......- whetraot:, Councilman. ^rens, A written. pro oral for the g o,( the following Prnprovement.; miring Viand taking'an Basemen! and pecei.mry Foe elopes fo .tL. � 10 ot_ t!Mding. Griggs p 4o; Seminar3r:_ ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......................................... ........Condemning:..and...tali.ing.:.an...ei%a.ement.... .. ....._ ........................ in the land necessary for slopes for cuts ..................................and- fi1.1-s...in....grading.. Gr.iggs...Street....from....Bain-.._._......................._.............. nehaha Street to Seminary Avenue." ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................ ...... ............... .._............................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and citimated colt of said improvement, and the total co8t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Ino diRfalm nt:............................-............................. V-1 �Q�e whether of not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the councJ.......yE.�... i�..�g�a........... ............ 191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Hyland Approved.......... ��P.._'../:................:........191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich < ......... ..................... ..................... ._ ........ Mayor Irvin PUBLI, :D Mayor. 7Porn. C A 13 (del 4-17) Council File No......®.!... " Petition PROPOSAL -FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ,r ......................... .......................................... Uonstruati.on...of....curb ....on...both...sides ......................................... . ................................... of....Stanfox-d Asenue...fmom..Haml.ine...Avenue::.to...P.aa-.................................. :..-.-. ................................... Qal.:_A.menue........................................ ....................................................... ------------ ....................... .......................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................... Dated this .......... 2d......._day of.................................Sept embar ............................ . 19 0.... ._ .........................................2J....... ......- -------- -- --- ........ .............. 7ss_ O' AhstracG Councilman. of th -h e written for the tollowing impr 3mprovantenG WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making'bf the iou.ivwg'inii:ruvement, viz.: ...................................................................Con Construction. of ourb...on...both. ..sides ................................. ........... ........_..........................of....Stanf ord..Avenue ...from...Hami.ine...A-venue....t.o...Pas—...._.._............_................ .......... ......................... aa1..Avenue- ....................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. . ............................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and e4timated cost of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. . I ent:.......................................................... rToRate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council............ ....SEP...—` 1920..............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller (/ McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin F.—CA 13(5113"7) Approved ............SEP — 1920 ...............................191........ . ._......... ...... PU13U; 1 ° a O Mayor. AJC So�tr'fF" _ . *, t c , No 3078T-0 dlnance No. 6412—� C. F• No. _1-'(: '//(( Andin amending O dinaD1 No. fi207 amended, approved d em - I ORD. N0. •r 19th, 1919, entitled An Admini. By A. E • Smith ve: O�dinance Relating to e t %•f P••h"' An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5207 as amended, approved De!&ember 19th, 1919, Entitled "An Administrative Ordinance Relating to the Department of Public Safety its organization, its officers and employes, their qualification and appointment, compensation, power and duties: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That ordinance No.5207 as amended, approved December 19th, 1919, Entitled "An Administrative Ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety itsl,organization , its officers and employes, their qualification and appointment, compensation, power and duties;, be amended as follows; -- By strirking'out the following words and phrases in Subdivision "A" Section "3" thereof;— Four (4) Captains of Police, each at an annual salary of $229-0.00. FivU45a Lieutenants of Police, each at an annual salary of $1,800.00. One(1) Drillmaster and Inspector at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 1,650.00. Second n " " 1,720.00. Third it " " 1,500.00. Ten(10) Sergeants,each at an annual salary of $1,650.00. adding and and//inserting in lieu thereof the following words and Phrases;— Ten(10) Sergeants, each at an annual salary of :11,800.00. Four(4) Captains of Police, each at an annual salary of $2,340.00. Five ((5 Lieutenants of Police, each at an annual salary of $1,920.00. One 1 Drillmaster and Inspector at the following schedule of salary; First year of service, 1,500.00. Second " " " 1,540.00. Third " " " 1,920.00. One(1) Polic'b woman -Stenographer at an annual salary of 11440.00 to$1680., By stri.1krng out the following words and phrases in Subdivision "B" Section "3" thereof;= (14FOOT PATROL. Eighteen (18) Roundsmen,•each at an annual salary of $ 1,620.00. Two hundred and fifty (250) Patrolmen, each at the�'follawing schedule of salary: � First year of service, $ 115.00 per month. Seooqnd " " " $ 120.00 per month. Thir',d n nn S$� 125.00 per Month. Fourth n n n 130.00 per month. Five (5) Policewomen, each at the following schedule of salary; First year of service, 100.00 per month. Second " " " 105.00 per month. Third " " " 110.00 per month. Fourfth " " " 115.00 per month. and inaerting in ;lieu thereof the following words and phrases:— (1). FOOT PiTROL. Twen JV48;n;!(25) Roundsmen, each at an annual salary of $ 1,740.00. hr*'a hundred (300) Patrolmen, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, t 125.00 per month. Second " " " 130.00 per month. Third " " " 135.00 per month. Fourth n n n 140.00 per month. Five (5) Policewomen each at the fol owing schedule of salary: First year of service, 110.00 per month. Second " " " 115.00 per month. Third " " " 120.00 per month. Fourth " " " 125.00 per month. P -2- By stricking out the following words and phrases in Subdivision "C" Section "3" thereof One (1) Pawnshop Inspector at an annual salary of $ 1,980.00. One (1) Bertill'.on Detective at an annual salary of $ 1.950.00. Thirty-six (36) Detectives, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 130.00 per month. Second " " " 135.00 per month. Third) " " " 140.00 per month. Fourth " " " 145.00 per month. Fifth' " " " 150.00 per month. One (1) Senior Clerk , Assistant to Bertill.on Detective, at an annual salary of from, $1.140.00 to $ 1.440.00. and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and phrases: - One 1 Pawnshop Inspector at an annual salary of $ 2.100.00. One 1 Bertill4.on Detective at an annual salary of $ 2.100.00. Thirty-six (36) Detectives, each at the following schedule of salary: - First' year of service, 140.00 per month. Second 145.00 per month. Third " " " 150.00 per month. Fourth 155.00 per month. Fifth " ^ " 160.00 per month. One (1) Senior Clerk, Assistant to Bertillon Detective, at an annual salary of from, $ 1,260.00 to $1,560.00. By striking out the following words and phrases mn Subdivision "D" Section "3" thereof: A"_Seczeta,0y_t0_the Chief of Police at an annual salary of $ 1,960. Three',(3) Jailors, each at th-, following schedule of salary: First year of service, 100.00 per month. Second " " " 45.00 per month. Third " " " 110.00 per month. Fourth " " " 115.00 per month. One (1) License Inspector at an annual salary of $2,220.00. One (1) Clerk to the License Inspector at an annual salary of from $1,140.00 to $1,440.00. One (1) Senior Stenographer, Clerk to the Pawnshop Inspector, at an annual salary of from ..1,200.00 to $1,440.00. One(1) Messenger to the Chief of Police at an annual salary of $1,020.00. One Court Officer at an annual salary of $1,500.00. Two(2) Police Matrons, each at an annual salary of from $720.00 to $960.0o. One(1) Janitor, Central Police Station, at an annual salary of from $900.00 to $ 1,020.00. Eighteen(15) Chauffeurs, each at the following schedule of salary: Firstyear of service, 110.00.per month. Second ^ " " 1120.00.per 115.00.per month. Third' " " " month. Fourth " " " 9125.00.per month. and inserting in lieu there of the following words and phrases: - A Secretary to the Chief of Police at an annual salary of$2,100.00 Three'(3) Jailors, each at the following schedule of salary: First, year of service, 110.00 per month. Second " " " 115.00 per month. Third' " " " 120.00 per month. Fourth It " " 125.00 per month. -- w _ 3 _ One 1) License Inspector at an annual salary of 2,400.00. One(l) Clerk to the License Inspector at an annualmsalary of from $1,260.00,to $ 1,560.00. One(1) Senior Stenographer, Clerk to the Pawnshop Inspector, at an annual salary of from $ 1,320.00 to $ 1,560.00. One (1) Messenger to the Chief of Police swan annual salary of$1,140.00. One 1 Court Officer at an annual salary of $ 1,920.00. Two 2 Police Matrons, each at an annual salary of from $ 840.00 to $ 1,080.00. On$ (1) Janitor, Central Police Station, Et an annual salary of from $ 1,020.00 to $ 1,140.00. Fighteen (18) Chauffeurs, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 120.00 per month. Second " " 125.00 per month. Third ": " " 130.00 per month. Fourth " ^ " 135.00 per month. By striking out the following words and phrases in Subdivision "E" Section "3"thereof: One (1) Day Surgeon, Police Ambulance Service, at an annual salary of from 9 1,440!.00 to $ 1,680.00. Two (2) Night Surgeons, Police Ambulance Service , each at an annual salary of from $ 1,200.00 to $ 1,440.00. and inserting in lieu thereof the fallowing words and phrases:— One S1) Hay Surgeon, Police Ambulance Service, at an annual salary Of from $ 1,560.00 to $ 1,800.00. Two (2) Night Surgeons, Police Ambulance Service, at an annual salary of from $ 1,320.00 to 9 1,560.00. BY striking out the following words and phrases in Subdivision "A" Section "5" thereof: Ten (10) Battalion or District Chiefs, each at an annual salary of $2,400.00. One 1 Fire Marshall at an annual. salary of $ 1,800.00. Two 2 (Assistant Fire Marshalls, each at an annual salary of $1,680. One 1), Assistant Superirfyendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of $ 2,100.00. One (1) Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $.2,400.00 to $ 2,700.00. Three (3) Assistant Electrical Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $ 1,620.00. One (1)Senior Clerk at an annual salary of from $ 1,140.00 to $ 1,440.00. One fl)'Senior Clerk to the Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from 0 1,140.00 to $ 1,440.00. and insert in-.a1e­3L':thergof the following words and phrases:— Ten (10) Battalion or District Chiefs, each at an annual salary of $ 2,460.00. One (1) Fire Marshall at an annual salary of $ 1,860.00. Two(2) Assistant Fire Marshalls, each at an annual salary of $ 1,740.00. One (1) Assistant Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of $ 2.160.00. One (1) Electrical Inspector at an annual s&1ary of from $2,460.00 to $2,760.00. Three(,)Assistant Electrical Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $ 1,680.00. One(f1Senior Clerk at an annual salary of from $ 1,200.00 to $ 1,500.00. One(1)'Senior Clark to the Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $ 1,200.00 to $ 1,500.00. By striking out the following word's and phrases in Subdivision "B" Section "5 thereof: Three(3) Captains, Squad Wagons; each a an annual salar of $E 1,800.00. Thirty-eight(38) Captains, each at an annual salar of 1 1,800.00. Three R) Lieutenants, each it an annual salary of 1,660.00. Forty (40) Lieutenants, each at an annual salary of $ 1,660.00.' Twenty-fiveS(25 Engineers,Assiatant.,each et an annual salary of $1,620.00 Twenty-five (25i Engineers each at an annual salary of $ 1,680.00. Four hundred 'thirty-five (435) Squadmen, Pipemen, Truckmen, Chauaffeurs, and Drivers, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 9 115.00 per month. Second year of service 120.00 per month. Third "' " " 125.00 per month. Fourth " " " 130.00 per month. and insert in lieu thereof the following words and phrases: - Three (3) Captains, Squad Wagons, each at an annual salary of $ 1,860.00. Thirty-eight (38) Captains, each at an annual salar of $ 1,860.00. Three Sjj) Lieutenants, each at an annual salary of � 1,740.00. Forty `40) Lieutenants, each at an annual salary of $ 1,740 -00 - Twenty -five (25 Engineers, Assistant, each at an annual salary of$1,680 0 Twenty-five (25 Engineers, ®ach at an annual salary of $P 1,740.00. Four Hundred Thirty-five (435) Squadmen, Pipemen,Truckmen,Chauffeurs and Drivers, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 120.00 per month. Second " " " 125.00 per month. Third " " " 130.00 per month. Fourth 135.00 per month. By sttiking out the following words and Phrases in Subdivision"C" Section "5" thereof: One(1) Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from $ 1,800.00 to $ 2.100.00. One (1) Assistant Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from 1,500.00 to $ 1,800.00. Eighteen (18) Inspectors , each at an annual salary of from 1,320.00 to $ 1,5 0.00. One(1) Senior Clerk -Stenographer at an annual salary of from $ 1,200.'00 to $ 1,500.00. and insert in lieu thereof the following words and phrases: - One (1) Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from $ 1,860.00 to $ 2,160.00. One (1) Assistant Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from $ 1,560.00 to 1,860.00. Eighteen (18) Inspectors, each at an annual salary of from $ 1,380.00 to 1,62o.00. One (1) Senior Clerk -Stenographer Et an annual salary of from &1,260.00 to $ 1,56o.00. By striking out the following words and phrases in Subdivision"D" Section I" thereof: Four(4) Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $140.00. Three () Automobile Machinists, each at a monthly salary of 4140100. Four (4) Machanic's Helpers, each at a monthly salary of from $190.00 to $110.00. One (1) Electri6i.an at a monthly salary of $ 140.00. Two(2) Blacksmiths, each at a monthly salary of $125.00. One (1) Horseshoer at a monthly salary of $ 125.00. One (1) Superintendent of ,lepairs at a monthly salary of $ 150.00. Two 2 Carriage Painters, each at a monthly salary of X140.00. One�1, Painter's Helper at a monthly salary of from y90.00 to4'100.00. One (1) Senoir Stenographer, Clerk to the Superintendent of Apparatus, at an annual salary of from $ 1,200.00 to $ 1,440.00. 4& and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and phrases:— Four(4) Machinists , each at a monthly salary of $ 150.00. Three (3) Automobile Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $ 1501.00. Four (4 Mechanic's Helpers , each at a monthly salary o•f from $100.00 to °" 1�D. 00.k.1b One l) Electrician at a monthly salary of M 145.00. Two (•2 Blacksmiths, each at a monthly salary of $135.00. One(1 Horseshoer at a monthly salary of $135.00. One 1 Superintendent of Repairs at a monthly salary of 1155.00. Two (2 Carriage Painters, each at a monthly salary of $ 145.00. One (1) Painter's Helper at a monthly dalary of from $'95.00 to x"105.00. One (1 Senior Stenographer, Clerk to the Superintendent of Apparatus, at an annual salary of from $ 1,260.00 to r 1,500.00. By striking out the following words and phrases in Sectiot..°6" t4ereof: Six (6) Linemen, each of the fol]vwing schedule of salary: First year of service, 115.00 per month. Second ^ " " 120.00 per month. Third It ITX125.00 per month. Fourth " " " #1130.00 per month. Fifth " " " „135.00 per Month. Four (4) Fire Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, X115.00 per month. Second " " IT 120.00 ,rer month. ThirdX12,.00 per month. Fourth " " 1j0.00 per month. Fifth " " " "135.00 per month. Twelve (12) Police Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary: First yes�r of service, :x-115.00 per month. Second to IT ^ - 012000 per month. Third To to per month. Fourth to"1,125:00 130.00 per month. and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and phrases:— Six (6) Linemen, each of the f6lloring schedule of sUary First year of service, "1255.00 per month. Second It " It 130.00 per month. Third " to To X1335.00 per month. Fourth It " �1g9.00 per month. Fifth n to .1 5.00 per month. Four (4) Fire Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, 4125.00 per month. Second " " " 5130.00 per month. Third It " 11135.00 per month. Fourth to TI to 0.00 per month. Fifth to To It 145.00 per month. righteep(10) police Alarm Operators, each at the follo•rring schedule of s&dary: First year of service, A 3125-00 per month. Second to to to "130.00 per month. Third " "1to 8 35.00 per month. Fourth to To140.00 per month. r Z' 0 -6- This i 6- This4 s an emergency ordinenee rendered necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foree from and after its passage.and publication. YEAS (V) COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS. Clancy McDonald Matson Smith AGAINST. Tenzel Mr President. ADOPTED BY THE APPROVED INFAVOR ---/ P 17 1920 1920 1929 1920 MAYOR. PUBLISi1I D__l —/ S —Qe) A rrssr: JORN I. FARJCY, City Clerk, s f1 C. F. No ............. ORD. NO. By A. E. Smith An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5207 as amended, approved December 19th, 1919, Entitled "An Administrative Ordinance Relating to the Department of Public Safety its organization, its officers and employes; their qualification and appointment, compensation, power and duties: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 4SECTION 3. Bureau of Police. Sub ivision A"- Super ion2?j��Y Four (fl Captains of Police, each at an annual salary of $2340. Five (5 Lieutenants of Police, each at an annual salary of $1,800 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,920. One (1) Drillmaster and Inspector at the following schedule of salary: - First year of service, 1,680 and inserting in lieu theroof,11,920 1,800 Second " ^ 111,8000 1,720 " ^ ^ " " 1,840qThird " " " " " ^ " " Ten (10) Sergeants, each at an annual salary of $1,$80 and in- serting in lieu thereof, $1,800. Subdivision "B"- Police Force: (1) Foot Patrol. Eighteen (18) Roundsmen, each at an annual salary of $1,620 and inserting in lieu thereof, 91,740. Two Hundred Fifty (250 of salary: ) Patrolmen, each at the following schedule First year of service, $115.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $125',.00 per month, Second year of service, $120.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $130.00 per mont4, Third year of service, $125.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $135.00 per month, Fourth year of s:rvice, $130.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $140.00 per month. Five (5) Policewomen, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $100.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $110.00 per month. Second year of service, 0105.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $115.00 per month. Third year of service, $110.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $120:00 per month. Fourth year of service, $115.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $F125.00 per month. Subdivision "C"- Detective service: One (1) Pawnshop Inspector at an annual salary of $1,980.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $2,100.00. One (1)'Bertillon Detective at an annual salary of $01,980.00 and inserting, in lieu thereof, $21QO.00. Thirty-six (36) Detectives, each at the following shhedule of salary: First year of service, $130.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $140.00 per month. Second'year'of service, $135.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $145.00 per month. Third year of service, $140.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, .9150.00 per month. Fourth year of service, 0145.00 per month and inserting in lieu theirof, $155.00 per month. _ 2.-1 JW Fifth year of s=,rvice, $150.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $160.00 per month. One (1) One Senior Clerk, Assistant to Bertillon Detective, at an annual salary of from $1,140.00 to $1,440.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,260.00 to $1,560.00. Subdivision "D"- Miscellaneous Service: Three (3) Jailors, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $100.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $110.00 per mont4. Second year of service, $105.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $115.00 per month. Third year of serQice, $110.00 per nlbnth and inserting in lieu there- of, $120.00 per month. Fourth year of service, $115.00 per month and inserting in lieu them of, $125.00 per month. One (1) License Inspector at an annual salary of $2,220.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, $ 2 y0 O.a U One(1) Clerk to Licnese Inspector, at an annual salary of from $1,140.00 to $1,440.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,26o.00 to $,56o.00. One (1) Senior Steno rapher, Clerk to the Pawnshop Inspector at an annual salary of from 41,200.00 to $1,440.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,320.00 to ~1,560.00 One(1) Messenger to the Chief of Police, at an annual salary of $1,020.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,140.00. One (1) Court Officer; at an annual salary of $1,500.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,920.00. Two (2) Police Matrons, each at an annual salaryof from 720.00 to $960.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, from 940.00 to 1,050.00. One (1) Janitor, Central Police Station at an annual salary of from $900.00 to $1,020.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,020.00 to $1,140.00. Eighteen :(15) Chauffeurs, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $110.00per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $120.00 per month, Second year of service, $115.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $125.00 per month.. Third year of service,.$120.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $130.00 per month. Fourth year of service, $125.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $135.00 per month. Subdivision "E"- Ambulance Service: One 1 Dayy Surgeon Police Ambulance Service, at an annual salary of from1,440.00 to 1,650.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,560.00 to $1,500.00. Two (2) Night Surgeons, Police Ambulance Service, at an annual salary of from $1,200.00 to $1,440.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,320.00 to $1,560.00. SECTION 5. Bureau of Fire Protvti � � bdiijviZon*"A""- Su vision: !� Ten (10) Battalion or District Chiefs, each at an annual salary of $2,400.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $2 460.00. One (1) Fire Marshal at an annual salary of 61,800.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,560.00. Two (2) Assistant Fire Marshals, each at an annual salary of $1,690.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,740.00. One -(1) Assistant Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of $21QO.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $21,60.00. _ 3'- V* One (1) Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $2,400.00 to $2,700.00 and inserting in lieu thereof from $2,460.00 t,$2,760.00. Three (3) Assistant Electrical Inspectors at an annual salary of $1,620.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,680.00. One (1) Senior Clerk at an annual salar of from $1,140.00 to $1,440.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, 1,200.00 to $1,500.00. One(1) Senior Clerk to the Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $1,140.00 to $1,440.00, and inserting in lieu thereof $1,209.00 to $1,500.00. Subdivision "B"- Fire Force: Three (3) Captains, S4uad Wagons, each at an annual salary of $1,600.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,860.00. Thirty-eight (38) Captains, each at an annual salary of $'1,800.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,860.00. Three (3) Lieutenants, each at an annual salary of $$1,680.00 and insertinin lieu thereof, $1,740.00. Forty W) Lieutenants, each tan annual salary of $1,680.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,740.00. Tivent-five (25) Enginners, Assistant, each at an annual salary of 1,620.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,660.00. Twenty-five (25) Engineers, each at an annual salary of *1,680.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $1,740.00. Four Hundred Thirty-five (435) Squadmen, Pipemen, Truckmen, Chauffeurs and Drivers, each at the follofving schedule of salary: First year of service, $115.00 and inserting in lieu thereof $120.00., per month. Second year of service, $120.00, and inserting in lieu there- of, $125.00, per month. Third year of service, $125.00, and inserting inlieu thereof, $130.00. per month. Feurth year of service, $130.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, $135.00. per month. Subdivision "C"- Fire Prevention Service: One (1) Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from $1,600.00 to $2,100.00 and inserting in lieu thereof from $1,860.00 to $2,160.00. One (lj'Assistant Chief•Inspector at an annual salary of from S!1,00.00 to $1,800.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,560.00 to ?1,860.00. Eighteen (18) Inspectors, each at an annual salary of from 4l'20 00 to 91,560.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,380.00 to 1,620.00.. One (1) Senior Clerk Stenographer, at an annual salary of $1,200.00 to ($1,500.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $1,260.00 to :'2,56o.00. Subdivision "D" -Miscellaneous Service: One (1) Department Veterinarian at a monthly salary of $83.33 and inserting in lieu thereof, $88.33. Four ( ) Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $140.0= and inserting in lieu thereof, $145.00 per month. Three (3) Automobile Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $140.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, $145.00. Four (4) Mechanic's Helpers, each at a monthly salary from 890.00 to $110.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $95.00 to $115.00. Two (2) Blacksmiths each at a monthly salary of $125.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, 6130.00. One (1) Electrician, at a monthly salary of $140.00 and in- serting in lieu thereof, $145.00. One (1) Horseshoer at a monthly salary of ."x',125.00 and in- serting in lieu thereof, $130.00. 4V _ 4 _ on One (1) Superintendent of Repairs at a monthly salary of $150.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, $155.00. Two (2) Carriage Painters,each a a monthly salary of $ 00 and inserting in lieu thereof,.00. One (1) Painters Helper at amonthly salary of from $90.00 to $100.00 and inserting in lieu thereof, from $95.00 to $105.00. One (1) Harnessmaker, (Fireman) at the same scale of salary provided for.Pipemen in Section 5, Subdivision "B". One (1) Senior Stenographer, Clerk to theSuperintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of from $1,200.00 to x,1,440.00, and inserting in lieu thereof, from $¢1,260 to $1,500.00. SECTION 6. l 4-{ L Bureau of Police &Fire Alarm Tdeg./�j Six 6) Linemen each at the fo o,v g schedule of salar�yff/ �r First year of servic x"115.00 per month, and inserting in lieu then of, $125.00 per month. Second year of service, $120.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $130.00 per month. Third year of service, $125.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $135.00 per month. Fourth year of service, $130.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $140.00 per month. Fifth year of service, $135.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $145.00 per month. Four (4) Fire Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service,$115.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $125.00 per month. Second year of service, $120.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $130.00 per month. Third year of service, $125.00 per month, and inaertigg in lieu thereof, $135.00 per month. Fourth year ofservice, $130.00 per month and inserting in lieu thereof, $140.00 per month. Fifth year of service, $k135.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $145.00 per month, Twelve (12) Police Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $115-00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $125.00 per month. Second year of service, $120.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $130.00 per month. Third year of service, $;125.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof, $135.00 per month. Fourth year of service, T130.00 per month, and inserting in lieu thereof $140.00 per month. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. r Farm A A ds, Y N]-1 a ['1'1.1" OF sT. 1'.\UL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ! AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ;;',`, °'L NO., ......... z�......-%5 .._ Com'r, of Finance 511 `. AUDITEDS.E!. j.._.192C. ...............791..... / 1'I } l 1I VT i. 111 R PER.... _...... . __.._ _...._ Resolved that 7'iTLI. warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firm=_ or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Cou icilmen ( V ) Nays 36,328.99 Adopted by the Co cil _ --- --- In favor Ap 7;1i 920 __. ._..19I._. -- McDonald / -- Matson ,\ Against ._.-- ___...... i}IC�611, MAYOR — NIr. President, II gson 1,540.00 RESOLUTIONS. ,. C. F. No. 30788— Abstract, Resolved that warrants be drown 5264 upon the City Treasury payable out f . the hereinafter apeclfled fu ad and In Com'r, of Finance favor o[ the persons, firmsa corp— at tot the amounts et opposite their respective names as specified to 5,804.00 the folloWing detailed statement: P.w. Afatson, Com'r. of Finance, $22,155.12. F. IV. Matson, Com'r, of Finance, $36,328.99. 611.67 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance, $1,090.00. 8 W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance. $5,o Vital Statistics te0. d by the Council Sept. 3, 1920. I Approved Sept. 3, 1920. (Sept. 11-1920) 5261 F. ';., Matson, Com'r, of Finance 22,155.12 Folice 5262 F. i. Matson, Com'r, of Finance 36,328.99 Fire 5263 F. 1% 14atson, Com'r. of Finance 1,540.00 Pol. & I•', Alarm 4elg. 5264 F. 7,', Matson, Com'r, of Finance 5,804.00 Health -Adm. 611.67 Vital Statistics 262.50 Food Reg. & Insp. 555.00 (,uarantine Insp. 1,062.50 Tuberculosis piv. 600.00 Dale St. Infirmary 102.50 'rlorkhouse Hospital 102.50 Laboratory 162.50 P. Baths 146.00 11 866.33 P. Comfort Station 162.50 14unic. Gar. Revl. 117000 b:804. 00 Total 65,828.11 For, A A 46, 2M 7-18 `C: PITT OF ST. I',\LL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM C It °`--"''L No.......' FA... 512 BY .� AUDITED I..- �_._.192C. ... ............_.191........ ) TITIA1, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:. Peas ( V ) Counc'lmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C iL_ S.�r 'e:i._�y.�fl....____.191____... Clancy 1•ar -- ..__._._In favor roled _.._.... i.Cl..__. aJ 320_._._ .....191_.......... -17s- McDonald --a - Matson Krellgr -- Smitb Against _ _ - I AIA 1•OR NIr. President, Hod. on C. F. No. 30789— Abstract. Resolved that warrants drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the Persons, firma or cor- -poratlons for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in ted h7 hn1B. i.g iet.1$ 30.00.atement: Prof. N. L. Ruff, $175.00. loaxotoo Agency, $46.34. Albert Reh bein, $163.31. Sifo Products Company.. $224.88. Ross A. Thuma, $110.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 3, 1920. Approved Sept. 3, 1920. (Sept. 11-1920) I I 5265 John B. Darling, Corp. Counsel 5266 Ptpof. IT. L. Huff, 'r'ater 5267 Maxotire Agency, Nlunic. Gar. Revl. 5368 Albert Rehbein, i ater 5269 Sifo Products Company, Grer.t 'iorthern Schools 5270 Ross A. Thuma, 17ater Total 749.53 30.00 175.00 46.34 163.31 224.88 110.00 5A i 7 1 1'ITY OF ST. PAUL .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 4' 14'4" . IL FormAA48,4M7-IS No ........: j 514 AUDITED SEI. I( �� - 4 ti�117 1\I I'T It 11 LER .......: 1��..... .......... 191........ . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I. V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays QEF ��� 1920 Adopted by the Co cit...__ ___......._.._....... ..... _...191........... r SEN _....Ll favor oced ...... - mcDona �f ---Matson Rin -- Smith N_under ie— 1 Mr. President_H dgson .•.•/.__._._.Against C. F. No. 30790— Resolved thawarr tbaanta be drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or cor- Doratlons for th¢ amount. set opposite their re.Dective nam ea as epeclfied In j the following detailed statement: i $13,043.94. Matson, Com'r, of Finance, 1 Stenographic Service Co., $6.10. Adopted by the Council Sept, 3,_1920. V APprovad Sept. 3, 1920. i (sePt. 11.1920) 5272 F. IN. Matson, Com'r. of Finance Plater 5273 Stenographic Service Company, G.F.-Miscellaneous & Unforseen Total 13,050.04 ........................ MAYOR 13,043.94 6.10 C. F. 80701— Wtierea&-.the Commissioner oL Pub-! ito Utilitlea'.hae reported. to the Coun Il, -.In aecordanc0 with section 53 of, the CI[yCharter, the existence o1 an emergency" which "rendered' necessary' CO the --employment oL ertaln aniployee A FO PSL of .hie department oa sundaY. said em- ployment being more.. than their eual s o[. employment; therefore, `be it: Subject an1Ve 1, That the prover city olr1. Hereby authorized a,g,Pn 9�.,,��-, COUNCIL //��r� -q SILK N0. c�rp 1 �� d ININNo1 "Jhereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency w1nich rendered neces- sary the employment of certain employes of his department e -rye e-tlaRia-e ngt_3�ex a -fie -da3 on Sunday, said emplPryment bein=; more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it, Resolved,That the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay the folloe in;; named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title P. Sacco Laborer H.A. Mennell Utilityman 2•Iat Johnson Laborer Frank ?:Munson Utilityman Otto Reichow IM. Frit z " Roy 1.1unson " Gust Pet -rson Laborer John Johnstone it IIours Rate of Overtime 3 561G reg. rater. t}'/v 622Qr n n (8 56gr " n ( 8 62-.'-/ n 8 6ufC n n 8, 622f1 n u 8 60X 8 60X " o 6 5 6j (8 56¢ (8 62-e3/ u n Cdr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the SEP —,j 199 1920 Approved CEP - '-' 1920 1920 -//-fib Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays n ,Ta: - Med in favor Sm We against Cdr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the SEP —,j 199 1920 Approved CEP - '-' 1920 1920 -//-fib c. F. No. 20792— Whereas, The Commissioner of Pub- lic Utilities has reported to the Coun- ell, in accordance with Section 62 of the City Charter, the xlstence of an rcd aAmermen,y meat of certain employes r,- Date presented 1920 i ' 'REAS;, The. Commissioner. of Public Utilities has reported C ouncil, in accordance with Section 53..o.f the City Charter, the existence of an emer, encs r�hioh rendered necessary the employ- ment of certain. employes of his ,department for more than eight hours in per day, said erlployment be;,mo.re than their usual hours of employ- ment;therefore,lbe it Resolved That the proper city ,officers -are hereby authorized to pay t=he`following named ,employes at, the raterotherwise fixed for extra employment £o r.. the e-tr" time hereinafter set forth: jhis deparime—said employment bF' day, - hours per more than their usual hour r. - -' ICOU�dC'I ployment; therefore, be it tha prop �IT;RAI " Resolved, Thata zee uthorinamed 6 a hereby emp ^_ajfr Subject - rate. Nels L''nquiit 11 6 Date presented 1920 i ' 'REAS;, The. Commissioner. of Public Utilities has reported C ouncil, in accordance with Section 53..o.f the City Charter, the existence of an emer, encs r�hioh rendered necessary the employ- ment of certain. employes of his ,department for more than eight hours in per day, said erlployment be;,mo.re than their usual hours of employ- ment;therefore,lbe it Resolved That the proper city ,officers -are hereby authorized to pay t=he`following named ,employes at, the raterotherwise fixed for extra employment £o r.. the e-tr" time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours;: Rate of,, Overtime P. Anderson Utilit yman 6 65¢ Reg. rate. Nels L''nquiit 11 6 65,- A'. Peterson " .6 65¢ n u P, Scott :;alter Anderson „ 6 6 je ¢ n Plot :Roberto Laborer, 6 6 ¢ If If J. Mikit es.ch 1 u 4 569 u n Hike Radeke #2 If 4 560; n, If Geo e'itko ski '.ndert ' 4} 56¢ n If jo s. n 1 62}¢ccaro n n - D. 3a " 1 62-1 je n „ Joe'Dedario6a1 n F Piesslin. 62¢ n ,. tr ofitasciotto - -'¢ 62 " n D ' a r,er 01e Okeson It n g 62�¢ „ n ,Toe Vacco 1 621¢ „ n T. Dvorak if 1 El fi2z¢ it It L..Iikalaeich I" 1 62,¢. q n ii. Killentilit yman 112;: 6p¢ to u G. Iosue A.A. i4enne1l „ ( fin 2 62L¢ C M 6p _'�� 'r „ n h 4 6 2pf E. Qratnpton Laborer, 7 2 67—¢ 62—¢ n „ n Har rey Donahue „ 2 . if Thos. Fahe�r Yat n z fit¢ 622¢ n n u .Johnson �cXX;Yrr�rm n f 56¢ w,.t m - n j1 6;'2 A. 1\Torman m.. Keating ! n „ i. 662�2}¢X Carl Anderson Uit111t.yman 11 " John F. Hac.kins ' " 2 16 65¢ 622¢ 11 ,i .Frank Munson n 6 65r/12 „ Otto Reichow - 6222¢ „ o I. Fritz '� 610 2¢ 'Roy Munson n 10 6A¢ u u Louis Rie:rel Laborer .12 1 58¢ " 6 622¢ n u 5�C d) Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime O.H. R em -,q i lot n Laborer 16 5 6f -I reg. rate J.G* I'loffatt 7 3 6 2 -LX It 11 6 Vo Yonnemdoher, 7 65g,' Yeas Councilmen ( ) Nays' Adopted by the -ap —:SIS 1920 -Approved SEP -j, 1920-1920 =;fat son in favor against —r. Prsident Hodgson Mayo 3079 CITY OF ST. PAUL ...... NV, ..................... L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F: PRESENTEI7JBY COMMISSIOIER .................................... ............... ................................... ................ DATE...___..._..._.......... RESOLVED: That — . the St. P1 GMatt Company is hereby ordered and directed to ,tend It, line, by ..acting poles m and s!ri.ei., i,.. thereon for he tritte.i.d.. of let. (,left, . and in the following allay. and streets If said city: Install Two poles in the alley east of Smith Avenue, and north of George Street. One pole in alley north of West Seventh 13treet and east of Walnut Street. With necessary guys and anchors. C. F. NO 30793— Resolved, 0793— theR, esolved1 Thatt the t' LightCompany Is re anded 111to electrical I 1p g ossY r et, In. trelt ortI tranemlaelon�aot else- Bad to .11.Y.andortoI oafInstall Two- Dolea In the alley east of Smith Avenue, and north of G st ne pole 11 -31- north *.'g' oath -t r West So - it, re d I t .1 Walnut $t -see o of guys anchors. f the Ild ..pj­,Z'o", Joal ... , Of .,Il.rv,. it things Oubject to ane Ul other dlfn,��, it stern do NO, 2424, a.d prPv1fi ��k the OI ln,,,,, and reeolu or S, PO of I Il 11. " -Ilo. d be of In ;; h I.n.1, loner IlleYs and .streets loca- 1; i d,,Ig,,t,*ne Publi U as tION adon'ball he fihall�Kf, ad Inrnetor a he sue and approve no Shall dh Doles - and any "I' -bull be tak, . -ad all each souOved and such In :'down and nd, 7 Nil` d under - deem t'h hehever the Coca quires a the public 'Interest shall,�:;';'P',� er adopted _h._,jt hall .at .0 order. Apr ed b I d sv the Council Sept. eat 3,11920. 3. 1020. apt I -1920) All each --i—, Palo, and wires shall be erected and .... treatedad., the direction and •mo­Aeim,.f the C.mmi,.j.ao, If Public U,ili,i,a and in all thing. subject to thevr,,i,i,,,,fOrdinance No. 2424, and of all .,bar 1—f.1 ordinances and of the city If St. Paul. All price should be a-, in such 1—lion in said alleys and at ... te a. the r of Public Uti litie. shall denigrate, and shall be of such height andoh .... to, - be shall des4mate and approve, and any and all such note, hall be taken d— and -m—ed. and such wires ol,ced underground whenever the Council bell deem that the public internal ao re -i—, end when it shall.. order. Yes (V) Councilrn" (v) Nays Adopted by the Council SEP--i_.J.9.20 192 MoD nald In favor Adopted S 192 .......... Mats n Smit Against ..... ......................... MAYOR old Mr. esident PRESENTED COMMISSIUNE BY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.- rI ENCU No o.............31J..1...9.. 30.794 - 'Ir RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to ..tend its electrical lives by erecting Doles and strinciou wires Ihereon for the transmission of elec- tricity on and In the following alley, and streets of said city: -.- Install Nine poles inthe alley north of last Fourth Street, between Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Seven poles in alley north of Sigel Street, between Hazel and Ruth Avenues. Eight poles in the alley north of East Third St., between Hazel and. Ruth Avenues. Seven poles in the alley north of Conway between Hazel and Ruth Avenues. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting., All each ertensiors, Doles and wires shall be erected and constructed order the direction and supervision of the Commissloner of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the provisions of Ordfranee No. 2121, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All Doles should be set in each I ... tie, in said alleye end streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of each height and he... or he shall designate and aDOr , and any and all such poles shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed underground whenever the Council shall deem be. the public interest so requires, and wh so it .hell so order. Yes (✓) Council en (✓) Nays 2 Adopted by the Council........_...SEP..—a_ 1.92�............... 192......... Me nald In favor Adopted ............_SEP ,.-i3._i920._,_._„_....192.......... a n Smith U Against C/:1..... Mr. est, / PRESENTED AZT COMMISSIONS& ....... ...... RESOLVED s CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL -RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 30795 In the matter of constructing a sewer on Forest Street from Hyacinth Street to a point 100 ft. north of the north line of Hyacinth Street under Preliminary Order No. 29715, approved June 21, 1920, and Final Order No. 30462, approved August 13, 1920: RESOLVED, The plans) -specifications and estimated quantities submitted.by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above improvement be and the same are hereby approved. 00 A L � e o� y ' j d n Adopted by the Counci t=. ItV-U..._._ 19_....._ Appy SEP —a 1920 19......... _- NwYOH CITY OF ST. PAUL :°.. NO.- _ --- O OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BX S8 t :2Ild, 1920 COMMISSIONED! ... ....... .. ......._A..t....r_..SMITx......................... .......:.. .......... DATE................ p... RESOLVED Whereas, S. W. Clark, has made application for a.l.icense to operate upon the stree6B of the City of St. Paul, One (1) 01 Packard 1911 Touring Car, Factory No. 15668, State License No. 260231, seating capacity, 7 passengers, owned by S. w. Clark, and Whereas, said S. W. Clark, in compliance with Ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City, and said policy has been approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form, therefore be it, Resolved that license be granted to S. W. Clark, to operate said car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul subject to the provisions of said ordinance. Yes (✓) •��Resolved' that license. bo granted to 9, W Clark'to operateaid-aari upon the streete of the Clty of St. Paul aub- )act, to the prov191ona of said- ordin- ance. Adopted by the Counell Sept. 2..1920. Approved ;Sept. 8_1920. (Sept. 11-1920) ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council 19-- d __._.._In favor Appro 4SEP—:�2.-Against— -- — --- MAYOR dent C. F. No', o30777—Ordtnnncc No. 6413—� , HY A. �E. Smith— An An ordinance amending Administra- tive T �din1. No. No. ;,6 v . .Droved ) August 20, 1919, ne amended by Or- t her 30e 916 and subsequent her 30, 1916, and "An amend- ments, na a relating ' An adml�fatrnttve -.rnanoe uoft to the ser- U Yme en`g d the ca. . '-cproving and ad, -- An ordinance amending Adminis-,gn,attens 'a—nanse No. 325C*, approved a August 20, 1914, as amended by dinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 115, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative or nee relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, alproving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 3250}, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinanc"o._3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in Section 9 of Rule IV the words and figures "not lose than 5 ft. 8 in. in height",and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "not less than 5 ft. 7 in. in height". Section 2. This ordinance shell take effect and be in foroa from and after its passage and approval. Yes U) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays V" Clancy L�-'Ferguson (� ;)McDonald _____In favor ,.Matson Smith Against ,z Mr.Prtesident Adopted by the Council __ _SEP .P5.1920 19 - _ Approv __..S "Mj..1920-----19__._. A 1 T. O �' Cit' C7 ork, C. F. No. 30707—Ordinance No. 6413— An oralnanne amending naminiatra- �� C'�� i--1 Live O aloanca No. 3250%, pprovedl August 20, 1914, as amended by Or- dinance No. 3670, approved Septem- Uer 30, 1916, d su Useq mi. amend- J Y ` �, BY: he 30 entltie,n "An admintatraad: ({M SL •,rdi..nee relating to Ili, C + Ser- viee Buren. of the CIO— .... Proving and ads• An ordinance amending Adminis. ,a'. nans'n No. 3250}, approved August 20, 1914, ae amended by dinance No. 3570, approved September 30, 015, and subsequent amendments, entitled, "An administrative orAkianee relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That said Ordinance No. 3250}, approved August 20, 1914, as amended by Ordinanc� 0._3570, approved September 30, 1915, and subsequent amendments, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in Section 9 of Rule IV the Words and figures "not less than 5 ft. 8 in. in height",and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "not lees than 5 ft. 7 in. in height". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in form from and after its passage and approval. I hereby request that the amendment mentioned above be recommended by the Civil Service Commissioner. 1 Commissioner of Public Safety At the request of Commissioner Smith of the Department of Public Safety, I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned ams dment to the civil Service rules. 1. Civil Service Commissioner i� � f .J •J ,� . � � )i � /J ,.•q �1�L�.i� 4 . f� 1 i�,;,� 1 . l 1. 'J \ � � jJ '1::._ ,;'1 J• -,, ':-T ,Y'... _'.:>:S ..., x,39 v.�S�Y� a.: t:fv^IL ... .i:J J, l,t':�:8 � 1:1 (�//'(j'�/p��,� j�rJ�� ,v ,v;, �f1�1.. �,�` �f `.i..i(.�..jpas `.�' � ,� 11 ���•C \�A �`ie r �:•i.. _ � -.; J�.I .;C o -/n •r; � _,... .7 70�. ., _,i X01 _V; ll�._.5-,'.'V f �.. _.y�''4.. S(\/ /.��. �. ..: ��,:'r;�s ..J ,df.md ,U.• :�� a�.. ;J ✓.ic.ip�CS'.'.Y/l'(.4+5" :oa:; 'cn _ _-ifs :;r. n„;.r,- ,,rn•Ys.: .. ..;�2�'i:a ;i vagina IG�e.:.: to tom, 5�•".'.n�R�;t;,+uw, rc.. ..tc .- ... .. ... 1 An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance Lo. 5139, approved "u•-ust 16, 1919, as ded be "rdinnnce Eo. 5348, approved June 29, 19:30. Section 1. Taat ornin-ncc To. 1159. _ j =u" ,t 1210, as w_,4nded b ,rdin^nce No. 5345, apo_°ovad -,:n 29, 1920, be and t: -e sale is nereM nun _ed ,'n.^t:n h ,.yin=- — C recti _. 1 oC said .ir0.,-nce oWj 1, anonj_. , the follot;in "nark :olice:nn "yap; 'liceDn,-..otor- tcle (furn.isi.es ar; maintains own motor- c7c 1 e) . . . . . . . . . `i45 1,0 __._ inserting in lieu terrof We following words and Mures: "Fark Policeman . . . . . . 1125 "140 _n policeman, 7otor c-- CIO (Pur.._- -:, Ynl. _.9in -l_ns oTr motor— cle . . . . . . . . . . ''1`.- 170 rection A. Tris ordinance snail We Me& �n9 be i. Carce immediate_y upon its , ?e, , �ova1 Dni r ullic'lt.."... __i, wunc=Mlle?"; •.,--Y7 t derv, son UDD old i <, t s': � �71i .. (✓f/j e. F. xo. gorse—oral-¢¢`„ie?-•yoj5� Smiih- � �" �IO • "l'��� °�,''y - �¢ rai�¢¢r•�• to ¢ e¢a wdr„mislr¢ 53a9, ¢pProved t. Ordinance xo. 16. 1919, as ¢mended by O g ,¢t No. 5348, nPPro�'e,l Sune ^ 1920. O /1 Coto,swor tic / eil 0 the Cita'. Of SL. An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance Lo. 5139, approved "u•-ust 16, 1919, as ded be "rdinnnce Eo. 5348, approved June 29, 19:30. Section 1. Taat ornin-ncc To. 1159. _ j =u" ,t 1210, as w_,4nded b ,rdin^nce No. 5345, apo_°ovad -,:n 29, 1920, be and t: -e sale is nereM nun _ed ,'n.^t:n h ,.yin=- — C recti _. 1 oC said .ir0.,-nce oWj 1, anonj_. , the follot;in "nark :olice:nn "yap; 'liceDn,-..otor- tcle (furn.isi.es ar; maintains own motor- c7c 1 e) . . . . . . . . . `i45 1,0 __._ inserting in lieu terrof We following words and Mures: "Fark Policeman . . . . . . 1125 "140 _n policeman, 7otor c-- CIO (Pur.._- -:, Ynl. _.9in -l_ns oTr motor— cle . . . . . . . . . . ''1`.- 170 rection A. Tris ordinance snail We Me& �n9 be i. Carce immediate_y upon its , ?e, , �ova1 Dni r ullic'lt.."... __i, wunc=Mlle?"; •.,--Y7 Clancy derv, son UDD old i <, t s': �71i .. Pt e d b-, t o,., ;.^' SFP _iJ I^?r :onv, ed S F mr9n Ft'PI.ISIT1 D - - D w TT&ST; rnNN 1. F�RICY, City Clerk. ---'_'T V4 ir. : rr ent r /* Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 f PITY OF ST. PAUL - - / OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER „r�7l�� I / AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM "" 'I' Na. ......... ........................ Z F'll.l•. 515 - yr AUDITED a , - PER......:. 11 I I,I: Resolved Flat wal'rants he dl'awll upon the (at\11ea-l'\' J'I�a11e out Df the 11ereina1ter-pe(ilied luluk and in fa\'or of the I' per -oils.. firnls of corporatlo- fol- the anlou111s ret oll "o ite their Ilalll- it, specified in 111e 1o11ow 11,-, dela11ed statement: ea` I \ I (,otlnCilinell I \ I Naffs Adopted ht the (;uuncll �•-� 191 _..... Fifr werdr Ferguson favor _In X03,---- MaDonald fieTler --.• Matson cJlRi.tYl Again=[ MCC011 A _... MAYOR -- Wenzel Z1 Wu1ErlirJi \Ir Yre�ident Hns,12,`:on C. F.INo. 30795— i Absw¢rrta Resolve that nta be drawn payable at of theherIna ftereasury, ad I, favor 0 the"P',=, arms nda and eor- poratiomt for thenmounts set opposite thelr resp e n apselaed In the following detour. et¢[ement: Austin \Iaehinery Corporation, gsC. C. A. Rerg, £96.10. Rurrou ghs Adding Machine Co., S. F, Nater Depart- N.W.Cashier ' m $66.39. 5.39. N. L•'I0c[ric P•.qull%men( Corn pang, $50.29. Patterson Street Lighting Company, $1,106.16. Review Publishing ng Co., $ 4,649 Li St. Paul (;ns l,I$13 Co., $4,649.G8. Sherman Hotel, E33.00. C..1. Smith R Co., $32.32. E T. Stillcell Paper Co.. $16.85. Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co.. $119.94. Adoptedby Ire Council Sept. 4, 1920. APproved Sept. 4. 1920. (sept. 11_1920) 5274 Austin i,ac',inery Corporation, :t3ter 92.45 5275 C. A. Berg, 96,10 .I . -Cer.. !�_,�'r,. 33.85 St. C. ,. 3. 43.95 -'r' ?. 10.20 L S.ClnE,. 8,20 5276 Brrreughs A l iirq- ',,,i ine Coml;nny, 9.13 Comptroller 5277 :. F. Iia in, Cashier ';later Depart.aent 65.39 ntf� 5278-?loctric Equipment Company, 60.29 Lighting 64.19 eater 166.10 C1`T2i9 5279 Pnttersor. Street Lighting Company, 5,106.16 Lighting 5280 ?eview Publishing Company, 54.90 Official Publications 4 Res. 515 Page 92 5281 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 4,649.68 Fire 163.17 Lighting 4,375.83 ater 110.68 5282 Sherman Hotel, 13.00 -ur.iclpal Court 5283 C. J. 5mi.th & Company, 32.32 llaudc. Gar. ?evl. 2.95 u .70 n •87 .72 4.03 St. C. & R. 1.05 �. =3 5284 E. J. Stii,'ell Pepe.r Company, 16.85 Comptroller 5.25 Police 11 2.71 i.78 Fire 7.11 lb.97- 5285 Tri -:hate Telephone & Telegraph Company, 119.94 Mayor's Office L].80 City Olerk 4.50 Comptroller 24.00 Purch, vep't. 23.95 Ma,Lnic. imp. Bureau 4.70 Fol. _ F. -" is rm 6.35 Health 11.10 17.15 runic. Gar. =,evl. 8.55 . orkhouse 6.84 Homecroft School(Bond) 2.00 Groveland Pk. " " 2.00 1S5'; -JF Total 10,336.21 F.—A A 46, YM 7-18 1'1'1'1 111: 5'1'. PA C1. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 30 0)9 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 11UIL 516By 4 , t .- I'I'I S AUDITED �;_l.. _t.'. _..... 191 ..... '-.PER.._... �..__ ..... TITLE ' llesol\'ed that —t—ml, lie dlami upon the CiLl lreaSLll'\, pa\',lhle out of the herelllallel- �peclfled funds and In lalor of tale persons, firins of corporations for the ilnumut, `et oppo- Ile 1he11- I'e�perti%e llanle� u, j)-ified 111 the f[Ill(ll ins delalled �Iatenie11t: leas I � ) Councilmen I v' ) Nays Adopted h, the Council �, � �. ''�._..9�(� 19] _..... 4Farne i4t— Ferguson _.Ll laror A,) !{l' -.1 y2[1 191_.._.._. -Cuss----- Mason 55.65 i'. Bldgs. - ---- Mattson 1�e11er ApinsL y _. ------- Smith McColl _ 15920 MAYOR Wunderlich w _srAriZ91 n ' N1r. I'resir1enr.-1{o­(7; snn 43.00 II Total 28,074.78 1 5286 F. ,. ',.7atson, Co.ti'r. of Firarce C. r. ne aoas I''le ° ", tit Yhl'tea'so wants b moor fo rth per Ftpes tfled P[toldatwi tions Pers no '. the an oh nya se[ orPorgn their r sPeetive trms o Inr he folloq-ln� detailed s nx oPOPsite 528,0.. 0, t" 3fa tson, slate sPeclfled Comer, oP menta AdP ted by the Co Ftne.nce, `\PP'owed sept. q 1920.' Sep t. 9, 1920. (acpt. l 1-1920) `_'arks 2,583.88 5,802.83 u 3,9.'0.71 " 3,14.2.21 1,229,0 Forestry 346.11 Election 55.65 i'. Bldgs. 56.00 F. Bldgs. Revl. 19.00 15920 75..30 n 77.20 43.00 II 59.10 II 44.40 11 68.60 It 14.00 It 18.00 It 119.40 33.85 49.00 42.00 It 9.00 11 4.00 11 5.00 ,t. "orthern Schls. 1,364.35 u .557.62 ater 149.18 Tiolnecroft 5choo2,(Fond) 2,886.42 �roveland Pk. 3,346.19 CJaLllt.ier `school 11 771.01=1 Y. Bldgs. Rev1. 10.50 2.5� C'F�78 e 28,074.78 1'I'M III.` %T. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER��C�iy� Fol. AA46,YM 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM "` "''L No. .................................. F11.1.. 517 191( ... AUDITED ...... .......... .._.......191...._... � �.� � 1 �• til"1"i< a 1 �:�� PER _..._ .... _.... T IT 1, hl 4' ReWlhed that 1%airants he dra}cn upon the Cit% Treasur%, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follol6ng detailed statement: Yeas I v I Councilmen ( }` I Nays Adopted b_v the Council _.�Ef'_. ��� ��Q_ _ _I91 __....._ FtTn trmth Ferguson In fa%or �x } l -.` :910_ 191 McDonald Matson �j against Smith rel//ler ``IZ"_-_--_-_- a'u <lerlih Wenzel �+r�• C. F.:lo. d tho, ants be dratrrt Resolved thaCT �Ir"Pr�511f/;1)F out IIOd��Orl upon the CII: reasu r)', pa)'able specified funds and of the here) nater 9 - in favor of the persons. firms or c9- orationfor the ants set opposi;_e —ti - their r ,� tive nanoos sPecifled n 041- the follow"' del nileds sto'o`p t. p N. Matson. Com'r. of Finance $6.1;3.55. F W. Matson, Cl- of Finance $9,500.00. \nlan-T rons Company, $693.63. IThe Sentinel, $5.25. 1420. AdoptedCoon l Sept. 4, db Sept e Approve (Sept. 11-1920) 5287 F. n. bi,,Ason, Oom'r. of Finance 6,653.55 '_ CZ70n1S 5PR,R F. 'J. .:ptson, Com'r. of Finance 9,500,00 ''at"l, 5289 Nolan -Irons U0,71pany, 683,63 ,,ter 5290 The Sentinel, 5.25 Poli..^,e Total 16,842.43 oopMee . CITY OF ST. PAUL NotJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 40 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER .... .... DATE 9�3-20_ . ........... RESOLVED That Auto Bus Licence J20, on Wilcox Bus,Factory W74792, held by American Auto Transit Co. be and the same hereby is trans- ferred tv,"White, 17 PaBwenger, Factory #41019 C. F. No 30801— Resolved, That Auto Bus License NO he�ld.. 1"- B-, ""t-1 No. 14M�- bY American AWO Transit 4-1 the same hers, 1. . White, j,� ;fCo. be 41019. 17 passerge, art.-vlsd to Y No. Adopted by the Coam,11 Sept. 4, 19 Approved Sept. 4. 1120 (Sept. 11-19jo) $9000 o.0 Yes 01) Councilmen (V) Nays IG6-Y-- Adopted by the Council ig-_.. Ferguson McDonald ___......____In favor Approved ../�F��}�'�-y ��.'Q._. ....19_.._.. Matson Smith V Against MAYOR _ct A S" wenzel FORM 3M 1-10 c10802 r OF, _RK COUNCIL �� AL FORM BY p n r=w ...... ......... ........ A.......E.......SJ,IilT �1 ....:.. ... r DATE ..9.-.3.-.251. .. ... ...... ........ Whereas, Cook's Taxi -Cab & Transfer Co., has made application for a license to operate upon the stre-ts of the City of St. Paul, the following cars: One (1) White Limous ing, Factory No. 15565, State License. No. 16561, seating. capacity, 7 passengers, One (1) White LimouBing, Factory No. 16046, State License No. 16563, seating capacity, 7 passengers, One (1) Dodge Cab, Factory Pio. 341169, State License No. 177247 skating capacity, 5 passengere, One (1j Dodge Cab, Factory No. 369460, State License No. 232466 seating capacity, 5 passengers, all ovmed by Cook'sTwai-Cab and Transfer Co., and, Whereas, said Cook's Taxi -Cab & Transfer Co. in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241, has filed copy of insurance policies with the City, and said policies have been approved as to form by the. Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it Resolved that license be granted to the Cook's Taxi -Cab & Transfer Co., to operate said cars upon the streets df the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said ordinance. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays l: erguson S�McDonald ........_.____In favor f Matson SMA Against Wer - el V Or. Presi t Adopted by the Council ..__..._.....P_=:_Y .1920 - __ 19_..._. y Approved ....... .....::............' 92-----._19.— PUBLISHED- -1st ��row t OF COUNCIL PRESENTED BY A, E. Smith, COMMISSIONER ..._ _........................ ............. - FORM F.I. No. ' ..0L}.Hbx�....._... RESOLVED - That -the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby xranted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT HOTEL OR RESTAURANT; Brandon & Lee,- Restaurant, Mrs. D. B. Arons, - Restaurant, Andrew Peterson,-: Restaurant, Wm; Hale, I Restaurant, Blackstone Caf eteria, Restaurant, Dan B. Scott,-. ,Restaurant, Ryan Hotel Drum Store,Restaurant, M. E. Pothen,'' Pothen Cafe, C. E. Duley, Restaurant, Gust Alles, Restaurant, Andrew Johnson; Restaurant, Eat Shop Trust, Restaurant, Dan McCarthy,' Restaurant, , Mrs. H. Ryder,' Restaurant, Michaud Bros.,/ Re'ettuxant, F. L. Schwartz, Hotel, Oriental'. Donald McDonald,' Hotel Astor, Mrs. E. L. Kelly,' Seven Corners Hotel, Andrew Olson, I Minnesota Home Hotel, C. H. Gillard',' Fey Annex Hotel, Yes(,/) Councilmen ( 0 Nays Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel 1MW4 ent 110, LOCATION; 668 Central hark Place 843 E. 7th, 11 W. 9th, 291 Robert, 327 Robert, 236 W. 7th, 6th & Robert, 1940 University, 25 W. 9th, 161 W. 7th, 387 E. 7th, 383 Robert, 227 W. 7th, 1094 Ielehart, 8th & Robert. 105 E. 8th, 16 E. 8th, 238+ W. 4th, 279 E. 3rd. 323 Wabaaha, Adopted by the Council __._SE_P . . ......... to favor Approved.._�.___.._�EN..— I9LO .... 19 t Against M••ca i UBL1SHI?D _ CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY AE. Smith COMMISSIONER_......._._..........._...J.__........._...... ........_.._...... DATE............s9.p{.'.a...4,._.19a0r RESOLVED • - That the applioation of the followinm persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby, rejected, i 'NAME OF APPLICANT.' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT.' LOCATION.' Pavich & McNally, Restaurant, 147 W. 3rd. Chae. Smith, Hotel Waddell, 189 E. 8th St': C.� eoNy°3080- followin ed' That Hy 'I E the fo s° es ere Rcahara° ptce a°°h°f the P at �, Pavl h Se eeh el ebY. let,rdleut de the 10- E.Aa. ah 8 it let tel etaurant- It, �1�Pro Yedbs Pt. oD20ellv9ePt,119. 1920? Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Ferguson McDonald _- ....In favor atson v mith Against Wenzel A&-- •t."eilt lONY eN O -a0 Adopted by the Council SEP r �92.� 19_...._ Approved..192-.._._....19..__. I-. V 41,0814 TU 1'114' HONORABLE TH 'O UNCIL of the City of Pa .._. does hereby- make application to the Co f the ,i y 0 St. a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as ollows: That the full name o tl fpplicant for said License is x. -_� -dl-;1*2 , and his (its) place of residence J._._f_c,, _...`-w1'11,11 _ _.street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact locatiof rich the sat plicant proposes to carry on business is _ _.._. _. - _...____. _. in the City of St. Paul) tat the said plicant is lON1, engaged in said business at in the City of St. Puld Dated this - -}._day of Leant. Date of expiration of License ........ _ .... 19.4... Date of Inspection � L/�� 191x4- Fire Protection.... Ventilation of Building__ . ... _ _. Meats and Provisions...... __...... Beds and Bedrooms . ._..- Toilet Rooms and Plumbing`I2f...-. _.. _ Kitchen and Utensils _-.. __.��y -_ Refrigerator and Store Room__...? ...... Basement and Cellar�h _ .................... . Back Yard _ _! General Condition of Premises__ License Recomme �:/ City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: C. Vf of Police. v { Health Officer. 1 i � l V 41,0814 TU 1'114' HONORABLE TH 'O UNCIL of the City of Pa .._. does hereby- make application to the Co f the ,i y 0 St. a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as ollows: That the full name o tl fpplicant for said License is x. -_� -dl-;1*2 , and his (its) place of residence J._._f_c,, _...`-w1'11,11 _ _.street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact locatiof rich the sat plicant proposes to carry on business is _ _.._. _. - _...____. _. in the City of St. Paul) tat the said plicant is lON1, engaged in said business at in the City of St. Puld Dated this - -}._day of Leant. Date of expiration of License ........ _ .... 19.4... Date of Inspection � L/�� 191x4- Fire Protection.... Ventilation of Building__ . ... _ _. Meats and Provisions...... __...... Beds and Bedrooms . ._..- Toilet Rooms and Plumbing`I2f...-. _.. _ Kitchen and Utensils _-.. __.��y -_ Refrigerator and Store Room__...? ...... Basement and Cellar�h _ .................... . Back Yard _ _! General Condition of Premises__ License Recomme �:/ City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: C. Vf of Police. v { Health Officer. I M THF,•HONORABLE, THF, COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: 6 .... .........does hereby make application to ti the Ci . of t. Pa f i cense to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is_.._.._._._----.-----__._.._..... _,.1ea5ul� q..__. and his (its) place of residence X/x q1'/,_... _...street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the t location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is ����� ........ (P�-C'r .. �y.. . _............ in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is l ........_....... .................._...now engaged in said business at.. /S-./-.� _.,w$/f in the City of St. Paul. Dated this `i..__. -.day of Applicant. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. tf i f j i M THF,•HONORABLE, THF, COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: 6 .... .........does hereby make application to ti the Ci . of t. Pa f i cense to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is_.._.._._._----.-----__._.._..... _,.1ea5ul� q..__. and his (its) place of residence X/x q1'/,_... _...street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the t location of which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is ����� ........ (P�-C'r .. �y.. . _............ in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is l ........_....... .................._...now engaged in said business at.. /S-./-.� _.,w$/f in the City of St. Paul. Dated this `i..__. -.day of Applicant. License Recommended: City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Council File No... `l 30805 s Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .......... ................ ........... .....__..Gr.asii.ng._.o%..Layvaon_.Ptreet_from...... ......_ Frank ...Street ...t.o...Dulut.h.. -Avenue.... ..... .. -�.... Dated this... 3d day of ........ Sep.t.emhex ..... ... �f) _ aoao5— ACouncilman. bstract. _ .ereaa, A written proposal for the mprovemen t, wading of �Lnwso ha "been pn Frank ER. Duluth Ave., •d to the Courof the CRY of fipit WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tn, issi; g improvement, viz.: Gr.aaing.of_Lawson _Street. from. Fr.ank,..t.reet....to Duluth Avenue. ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........ ........ .......... _.......... To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. goreport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. q-20 Adopted by the council.. __. r' __ _ _ ___ 191___ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _. ..SEN ". 1920 Goss Approved......._..._...191 Hyland Keller -- McCoIY!) Wunderlich _............. Mayor Irvin _ �� a a r Mayor. ee.o ce is (snf 1- 17) PUBLISIIED Council File No....__...__ _. Acct. grading. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _...._.._........._.._..............._..___._.....Gondemning...and..taking.an...easem n..t in the land necessary for slopes for cuts .................. ...............and fills_ i-ngrading ),,awson Street from "Frank Street to Duluth Avenue. ....... . ............. _..... _ ........... . _.......... ..__..... .......................... ............._....._.. _ _..._. _......._ Dated this. ....3d. _ ._".day of. ........_._.__ ........_ Sept.emb.e.x.........._._........., 19N-0 Qj C. F. No. 30806— ouncilman. i Abstract. Whereas, A written ProP losal for the making of the fo owing imovemen prt, "' --- --'---"-'-"-- -'- _-- ---'— viz: Condemning and taking a In, ER. in the land n ossary for nsiop� for lis d flits in grading Lawson St. m Frank nulu[h All., hnv1; ',AUEREAS, A written proposal . � . makin>, tn,. _ .oh,;. tg improvement, viz.: '_... ....__.. ......._..._ _ .......0andemn. ng and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and._fiils in grading Lawson Street from Frank Street to Duluth Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invebtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve9tigate the nature, extent and citimated coAt of said improvement, and the total co€t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 0 owing o er ................ To ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. \ To report report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.... 1920 1920......___ 191...._. Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Goss �- Hyland Keller �) McColl v Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (6M 4.17) Nays: Approved ........ .. _ N ._,. 1.. _ ,.. 191 �j .............................................................................................. A 9 Mayor. Council File No ..... Mr. Gayton PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'T/he undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruction, relaying and repairing the ................ ................ .cer ent-..t.i.l.e...$.idewalks--at....the....following....1.ocations:........_................._. ................... ..............._South side of Capitol Avenue, beginning 72'f t. _eaet....of-Avon ...St.r.e.et:,.._th.enc.e..east _24 ft,..x_6. ft.___ ....................._ East side of Broadway Street from Ninth Street, _.._........._._.thence south...te....alle_..._........ ._............... ............... Dated this.day of..... ......September ..... [._j 1920 C. F. No. 30807— Councilman. -' whereas, q Abstract. —mnking or to ,Ilowln6 oP�sa1 for the -- "-- --- -- — - nro�emena' ', ethe eon9crmentn tl lel ld—alnd ks atn the wing ]ocatlo ns: 'deWHEREAS. A written proposal for t°, :t. ea9t ofnljnl `w- -e11Provement, viz.: Reconstruction, relaying, and, repairing_the cernent tale sidewalks at the following locations: Southsideof Capitol Avenue; beginning 72 ft, east of Avon Street, thence east 24 ft. x 6 ft. Last side of Broadway Street from Ninth Street thence ,south ..t9....alley,............. ... .... --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ent:............................__.................._.. To state whether or not said improvement Is asked for on the petition of three or more owntrs. IrTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council___....._. EP—rw..192.0 -- 191 - Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Coss Approved _.......... . C - M-.J.92.Q.....^.191. Hyland Keller �A ' McColl Wunderlich ............._......._.-_...._. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Fe,m CA is cant 4-171 PU11Ll�i Farm A A 46, PM 1 -IB L l 1'1'1'\ 111 I1. .11". OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ;:',;; No. 518 _._ .../ AUDITED 7E1".. ......'i �'�.�. ...181...._... - PER ...C/..t.. (/. TITLE: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or colporation<_ for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I. o .1 Councilmen d ) Nays Adopted by `EP 7 1929 the :u 11 t -. ll1 Clancy In favor P -7 1920, Farnsworth _isron .iio - -- Ma onald proved _ 19L _._. Gest----- Matson (/►\) Keger-----tel- \..(-Against _. _... _.. _.... N"tyli'---- M:1YOR T nilerl;Efl--renZel Mr. I'resident, Hodgson C. F. No. 30608— Resolved th lbs;ra"'II na be out of upon the City Treasury, payable t of the he r ei nnf ter sons, fi funds and i favor of r persons, firms or car, a[Iona for the amount s se[ op Post to their respective names as ape in the foliowing detaueds statement: Abbott -Miller Co., $125.00. Keough tiros., $710.00. F.w Matson, Coal', of Finance, $127.00. F. W. 011erenshaw, $399.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 7, 1920. APProved Sept.i 1920. (Sept. i1-1920) 5291 Abbott-:4iller Comp^.n;r, C'_ty i=Tanning Commission 5292 Keough Brothers, Grading Vista 690.00 Grading 6tew rt Ave. 20.00 5293 F. [[& tson, Comlr. of Finance Playgrounds 5294 F. W. 011erenshaw, Hep. lth Total 1,361.00 125.00 710.00 127.00 399.00 �. 130809 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND 7CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..S;ticleluz;---.ie.s.t,...=?.ourth..�tr.e.e-t.,--.nes.t....of...;.;ai=ia- .venue..,...by------- ta'.cng : feet on i,ain :.venue, and the Lortaerly line of paid opening being parallel _.__.._._......_.__......_............__.................. ......._—........ _....__............... .... .......... ...........................- to tiie 1;orth line of .,est Fourth ;street as now laid out East of ;,lain .venue, "G ASSESS31ENTS IN CON - .,\TION PROCEEDINGS. .............. _ .. - ------------- Ho9— i,tter of widening West ....-.--..-. ................ ....... -_...... .......... vent of Main venue.. ... ..reef, - - ana condemning s r e ay ofro uri under Preliminary Order--- 1 .7.7.4............, - aca+n m•enne, on appro oe enia J 6.., Intermediary Order.......2824Q..--.., approved..i'.e.b..-_20.,...19.ao.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands. respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 7.. .. }}..........equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ... S><P--Hgq2.r........ ............................ 1191 .... _.... .. .. i City Clerk - Approved... ....................... .fir.. ........., 191.._._. __.................. .................. \ Mayor. councilman $oma Ferguson p, It1.ISITPa) J Councilman K Ya -at s on Councilman hT60914 S:Ath Councilman WiaYi9e$1i3'{>r-.iensel Mayor Iiwbizi_ iodFson 30810 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.....V.11d.e.l'19.17�.._.lies.t.....F.h .ourt..5.tre.et.,._.u.es.t....of..._l.;ai_n. AvenuS.-,_,..by.._._ ._.taking.._. and_.. c..ondemning....\z-.,triangular ....pies e._..of._..ground-...meas ur.i.ng_..30. 7.7... -fee t _..0 ..... Aain.._Av._enlxe..,.._and_._the .._leiar1herly...line....-of .....s.aid._.. opening.._.heing.....parallel t.o...._the.....iLorth....line.....of _..:des.t... Tnourth...atr..e.e.t.....as.....nou.....laid .....out ._. Zas.t...-of- under of.. under Preliminary Order ......__.1,5_774....._._...., approvedROV.27..,29.16, Intermediary Order...._._.....28.2.40....._.., approved ...i .e..b..._...2.0_,..._1.9.20, Ar ORDERS IN CONDENNI"ON I PROCEEDINGS. Resolved: 30810 steer aid"" west: sveec. a° ac oc �I-:n .�.,e., r yrden (1) That the following improvement :. ,na condemning a criang+,_rY ordered to be made, viz.:_'.. _ n. .. ,ronna men—H-30.77 - triangular piece of ground measuring__ 30.77-_feet...._on__._Tdain...._!?Qenue. ,....-and__.__. the Northerly line of said opening being parallel _to the forth line of .. ..__.......... West Fourt_h._Stre_et..._as..._nocr...la_ .d..__0ut....,B&S.t..._.of._..Maj.n.... Avenue ..,............................................................. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:......A..._s.tri.p.___pf.,_.�axx(� off of the s outherly....end..._of.._Lots..._8__and....9,....-I 1.gGlf-_54..,..... io_e...._and....lz vi ne_i.s.. Addition, measuring. 30.77_ -._feet on Ieain._ tivenue_ and.. t.e._--nortkLe.X ly...l? ne..-_ of..._said.._strip._being..-.paralle1_Iq.itklthQ_..=x..th xly....link...._of....Pleat_..Fourth......_ Street east of Idain Avenue. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council..._... - UP. _8 9.2 ............. . 191IW ._ �y 1 ... } l,d.y Welk. Approved ............. 191......_.._ mayor. PUI3Li5iI.;i? /— � d Ferguson IeBert��d mz= jfxHkc I'latson. lJ xxkodlc Smith IVenzel Mr. President, Hodgson Council File No. ........ .......................... ....... -41 By ..__F.f.MW,. M.ATs13'1 ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. .3081.1 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, estimate No. 12, Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 26556 Iaarshall Ave., south side, from Cretin Ave. to Isiississippi River Boulevard. F.O. 25674 bcIitnley Ave., both sides, from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to Frankson Ave. F.O. 25674 Frankson Ave., both sides, from McKinley Ave. to Hamline Ave. F.O. 28739 Lakeview Ave., both sides, from Osage Ave. to Lake Como Boulevard. F.O. 25998 Hamline Ave., east side, from Randolph St, to Otto Ave. F.O. 25327 Eleanor St., be from Hamline Ave. to Edgcumbe Road. --Non-Assessable Roll-- RATIFYING ASSESSMENTS. F.O. 25998 Hamline Ave. , es F. No. 30811—By F. lV, Sfnteon— )h St. to Otto Ave.- F.O. 26556 Marshall Ave. , stehe _flg gs,s aIetn° aes°a ent ain Ave. to t;ississippi River Boulevard. � trng. °,aynsxa"�e8y`° F.O. 28739 Lakeview Ave. , bothn•t nt a i', iron Osage lwe. to Lake uomo Boulevard. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHI�R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_.__.._.::_.......':.::':-..'_ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .._..... SEP -8 1920 191 . ............ 1I L!_V.tcity Clerk. r SEP -8 1920 � Approved.._.... ...... _....... ____....._ .............__......._.......191.....__ ....... .._. _ Mayor. Dorm B. B. IS -.1�-30 C:111 ! I 1vp 30812 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of.................................................................................. — - -- Reconstructing, relaying and r,: pairing the following cement sider�lkS. idorth side of Capitol i,ve., beginning 142 feet west of Snelling rve., thencecrest 34 feet by 6 fact. South side of candolp'a St., beginninE at ,,. Seventh St., thence crest 188 feet by 6 feet. South side of itandolph St., beginning at the southeast corner of Clifton St. extended, thence crest 112 feet by 6 feet. North side of itandolph St. , be`in,ting at i�ay St. , tiience east 50 feet by 6 feet. North side of itandolph St., beginning, at Fulton St. ,thence crest to Clifton nve. ''lest side of Victoria St., beginning at Palace St., thence north to alley. North side of Palace St. , be"inning rt Victoria St. , thence rr::st 365 feet. Last side of ileasant t_ve., beginning at Thompson St., thence north 60 feat. . ............ under Preliminary Order......... 30.?Y= approved July 30, 1920. .................3,92 ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... _. __............ ........................................................ .......... _ Reconstruct, relay and repair the following cement sidewal;cs: North side of Capitol Hve. , beginning 142 feet .reit of Snellingave. , thence west 34 feet by 6 ft;et. South side of itandolph St., i;eginiiing at ii. Seventh St., t4ence west 188 fee, by 6 feet. South side of Randolph St., beg'nninL at the southeast corner of Clifton St, extended thence ;rest 112 feet by 6 feet. North side of-,andolpii St., be:J.1,. at. la 50 feet by G feet. iiorth side of , an,iolpii ut. , begin :inff a -Fulton St. , t;iii ce crest to Clifton 1,ve. 'Jest side of Victoria St., b:: -,inning at Palace St., thence north to alley. hortli side of ,alace St. , beLinning c,t Victoria St, t'.ience west 365 feet. Last side of ileasant nve., beginnin', at Thompson St., thence north60 feet. ................ ........................ .......-::............. 0.P9..3�x.Nfluare foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 8th ...... (lay of OCt ober • • • • • • • • 192. Q . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said hearing,eth enaturethe opersons the improvement and the total cos ed by the asaestimatedstating the time and place of Adopted by the Council ..... SSP.. -?x.1920.,,,,,, 192,..,,. 1 SEP —t8 ,,.,,192,,,,,. / City Clerk. 1 Approved.................1920. , / Mayor. Gouucilmaa-61a� Councilman Ferguson r Couneih an-McBrmald 1`I'r Councilman Matson p� Councilmatr6mitiv Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 V -k � �11Iva COUNCIL FILE NO...,.;:_jx ...... . By......................... I..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of.................................................................................. deconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalk in the following locations: Sothic side of James St. , beginning at „ebster St. , tilen:e ,;est 114 feet by 6 feet. ',iest side of Mice St., beginning at cyton Place, thence south to the G. J. Bridge; 8 f.et aide. East side of liroadaay, beginning at East Third St., thence north 110 feet b,r 10 feat. North side of Cherokee Ive., beginning at the center line of George St., extended, t.ience southwesterly 450 feet by 6 feet. Fast side of ',;extern :_ve. , beginning at Thomas St. , thence north 72 ft. by 6 feet. East side of 'r'airview r,ve. , be_ -inning at Grand ; ve. , thence south to alley 6 feet by 152 feet. ...................................................................................................... , under Preliminary Order......... , -10Q91 .......... approved ............. July ... 17 ...... 1920 ..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... ........................ l�ecoiistirzot; r;6ni -and.. repair tl,e cement tile sidewalks in the follo',ving locations: South sidd of Ja:!ies St. , beginning at Abster St. , thence 'gest 114 ft. by 6 feet. ':;est side of :Vice St. , !Degin:zinF at Lyton ?lace, thence south to the G. -.. Bridge, 6 feet ,vide. East side of Broad,vay, beCinniu,; -t :.a.;t Tiiird 3t., the:.ce north 110 ft, by 10 faet. iv'drth side of Cherokee Gve., beginn_nr- at tine center line of George St., extended, tPnence soutnseesterly 4.50 feet by 6 f,et. —7e.East side of r;estern ve. , be„in n ng a, `21icmas St. , tL:e:1ce north 72 ft. by 6 feet. East side of 1'airviery :.ve. , beginn nt, at Grand :.ve. , thence soui.h to alley 0 feet by 1 ? f, 't. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 0-02.pQr..5: care foot. Resolved Further, That a pelic hearing be had on said improvement on the..8th............ day of Oo O er , 192....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... ,.192...... EP"=�'I9'70 ... ............. ..... Approved.... .. ..... n ...192...... City ityClClerdeP— �f.......:�............ Mayor. ncy Councilman Ferguson Councilman-McHomdd- Councilman Matso CQuuGilman�4;m� Councilman Wenze Mayor Hodgson `308:4 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By..............: ..........I................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.. �cq;l$t uG �;z�,•,>e,]ayi}I •• lei• e?ai�jni ,tile. •cementtile• side;7alks at the follo7iing locations: •• • • • • • • S cilti� . s•i cls ..of..s:�s t.. r.oui�t h . Si; re c;.t ,..begi .icing. 90..f H t.. e�. s.t . of ..Il ai: ort Street, thence e;_st 56 ft. bf 10 ft. ......:rbe t• •si•de • o -f • •3acics•on• • 9�re•et ;.:aegi•�+M•:•;�L • ftt, • •N if tit • 6�, re e•t y• •ti�enee• • s•outh 56 feet by 10 foot. ....... Sbt^fit's'ide—of 'Ca;:id-::V ZAtd'frdrT`%i'ce"StirUfet-t•o'"Phdr.s's"StreLt.••••• ••. Ee.st side of Snelling :_venue, beginning 334 ft., north of Taylor .......-.en .................... ........................... :�vrenue, thence norf,x'1'12"f�:"li�'8'f'ee�:'`""""" South side of_Breda.•Stryut•x_beginning at 1arnline .•venue, thence crest 300 feet by 6 feet. """"""" under Preliminary Order ............ 30L61........ approved . r`.Ug...5., ..192 0. ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isseGoiis::i uet.,.r.elay and repair the cament tile sidewalks at the following locations: " • • •Sout•h• •s'_ de• •of • �- s� • �ourt•h• 3tr�et•; • be z mi' ng• •90 •f•ee� •east• •of• • Cobert Street, thence east 5G feet by 10 feet. cl'e"df"JadIedb'ri'SiNOL't bd iniiifig"dt" ifi i"Stt�et;'t'he ice south 58 feet by 10 feet. South side of Como r,veiiue­ i'rori .=i ce Str�et to• iiionias• Streei': "•""' wast.side..of..Snelling..6v.eaue.,.heslTli? TaYlor. Avenue, thence north 112 ft. by 6 feet. ....... aouth••side••of•Breda••9-trae-t .•be[i n•i.Tag.a.t.•I!an LLIZe..Averiue,..thente.... :^ret 300 feedt bty 6 flet 0.09 per square foot. with no alfernatnes, an tha the es imafed cost thereof is $........ -0...... Resolved F ther, That a pub is hearing be had on said improvement on the...8th..........day of Oeto�er 192 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... SEP.-,S.�92e....... Approved.......:�EP.-:j402p....192...... Councilman Ferguson ' ( -Councilman Matson T Co ncilman,5}}.r, Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 %'A L^ City lerk. :.............. Mayor. 30815 COUNCIL FILE NO ..... ......... . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof. constructing a six foot cement the sidewalk on the north ................... ........................... I............... side of i?illes Street from Prior -.venue to r'airvi-err ::vunue. ............................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........ 303G2 ............ approved......... ug,. 191 1920. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.,,�onsti uct a six foot content tile side„alk on tiie north side of Hilles Street from ..............................................................................I............. > ri or..r zenue..to. Lazruie�r. uenue.,..�-�,ceRt. iY��r.�., 9ocl_ and, sufi.... ent srdel?�11,s..l�vl:+..exis.t.................................................................. ..........................................................................I........................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.1.08 per front ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. $.tt�............day of ........QQ:40b.@r........ 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... SEP- —a 1920......... 192...... SEP.... ..... .. ... ....APProved.....................192...... City Clerk. I .....: .............. a...... yor. Gnmeflmarr('hancq Councilman Ferguson Councilman—McDonald Councilman Matson +Cauaeiknair Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO..._,,,, . ;...... . 3 R id titl. . By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. constructinC.curbing on both sides of i'lwn StreDet from ................................................................................ aS12.1:vL'.?id�..to..!.q l: dS..3ou1e;{ard. ................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 299u2 iul;i 9, 192J. under Preliminary Order...........................approved...................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.coPstruct curb ................ on bot.i sides of Ylntn Str.et froi7 ,'aria ;:venue to ..sounds P:oulevard. ...................................................................................................... .... ......................... ...................... ............................................. I...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.730.27 Resoled Further, That a pablic hearing be had on said improvement on the.... t!? .........day of CC ober . 192 ... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... SER.-S.122Q......, 2....SEP -I92OApproved.........................192...... city C�le.r..k. ..... Jf J- . ................. Mayor. Geuncilman,19aney Councilman Ferguson CQU-rile—*R..Danald Councilman Matson Couneiimarr 5mrth• Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30817 \r COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof.grading, alley„in, 3loclt 7 J,..;1. ito,r� s .addition, from ..... .......... Snelling Avenue to Saratoga ,.venue. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 29852 July 1, 1920. under Preliminary Order...........................approved............................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... rade alley in ................. ....._.rtoger's :addition, from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga ....................................I............ Avenue................................................................................... . ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimateicost thereof is $. SG2.33. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... Sth ,day of ........ aci.Qbex,.... 1929...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... SEP 78 .19.2.0 192 SEP —8 1920 ...............%s: v'...�� :: r..... Approved.........................192...... �j City Clerk. .. ..0 . .................... Mayor. ._Gouncilmaa-Clancy` Councilman Ferguson �( -Councilman--McDonald= Councilman Matson Councilman -Smith^^ Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 �t Il (,V6 '308.8 V�v COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By lit 1: xL.....iii"t,._.......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. rading Sheldon t:vunue from La,e Como -Phalen =.venue to ........................................................... 1.ebraska Lvenue. ..................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 2906<< ............. approved .... I:Iay 4 1 . 920. ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. .Lradetihcldon venue,.from,?ake. rP Coo -h : alen ;venue to :;ebraska -venue. ..................................................................... .............................................................................. ....................... .......................................... I.............................. ............................ ...................................................................................................... ............ ................. ,.... I............... ............................:,..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... J5� 88 Resolved Further, That a pubic hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 8th ....day of Ootober 192....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.....$EP. -S JM ....... 192...... SEP -8 1920 ..,'. Approved.........................192...... ........Cit Clerk. .. ..� ....... .... Mayor. rte•^ "ate Councilman Ferguson •c an_A cDQnald Councilman Matson Councilmaa„$pyYji, yCouncilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By'........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 00819 In the Matter of, condemning. and, i{zliing. an.,ease pent i ; the.. land necessary. in..C}r2:!;-1�g..Sile�cP}?.Flv.;.ntie:fro7,.L l;e. C.omo-2haleai._.venue..ta..;.e�� a,>o .re-nue......................................... .......................................... INTER.IIEDIARY ORDERS ................................ .......................................... C. F. No. 30819-13Y F. w. Mats.................................. In l the g fatter of me nt fcondemn nit lan.r easethe .................................... .. .... sarY for slopes for cuts an .................... .. ........ .. ... grr �,�na aheldon Avenue P 29062 Ale, tg Ner i.iay 4, 1920. ........... ........apt. I...:c..................................... under Preliminary Order....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Condemn anci take - .......... an ..easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in .......................................................................................... grading Sheldon ivenue from Lake Corno-Phalen bv..enue....to......lebraska ............................................................................ ............... x. !enue, in accordance with blue print hereto attached and made:_a _V............................................................... ............................ part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded ...................................................................................................... portion showing the fills. .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 20, OQ, , , , , Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 8ttk......... day of ....... QcLober........ 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. SEP 78-19.2.0 ., , . , , , , ,1 192, , , , . , .... Approved.......SFP..-9.1329.....192...... % % City Cl k. ..... ............. .. .... .... ......... Mayor. 3L1%13L Councilman Ferguson .Eeunc-ilnian-McDonald Councilman Matson i ..Councilman-Smitif ""'" Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 s COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By.. .`.. .°.............. I.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 30820 In the Matter of.. A.QI��B;m�i rig . axed.. iaki:z . an..Baser:�ent . a n . the..land.. ne cps nary ...... for„slopes.,for..cuts„and..fills,.ii.giading_alle�,in„F3loc1,3,,.J.,,i.. Roger 's ,'Iddition, frac Snelling Lv nue to Saratoga isvenue. .............................. C. F. No. 30820—BY F. LV. Dfatson— In the Matter of condemning and tat ................................ Ing an easement in the land nec.�........................................ pry for elopes, fore is and 011e u grading alley from Block 3, J. ” addition, from Snr�” ............ ................... .:..: :..'... ..a Avenue ............................................... under Preliminary Order.. 29853 Jul 1 1920. .........................approved .............. �...?...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is.hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Condemn and t :lie .............. an easement in the land neces ark for slopes fo.r ..cuts...and...fills.. ............................................ ................................ ...... «venue..to..Saratoga..&uenue._,..in.ac>~ordance.viitL .blue..print..hexeto... cuts and the Bladed portion sizov1in the f_11s. .......- .............. ................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....25. 00 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had onsaidimprovement on the....8.th .........day of October 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......,SEP ..... 192.....SEP — !o20..12...... .. Approved...................:: , C.'.i....-1:e<r:k..�...... J7I Mayor. L. L —Councilmaa° Elancq`^' / Councilman Ferguson 11 --Councilman ^McDonald LL Councilman Matson tl F-auncilman-Smiih- CJ Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 l ti 0 30821 I COUN'rC�I�L�y �Fq. ILE NO ............. . �1 , Vi. TddA T SON, By.............................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..grading..Berkeley [venue from Josephine Street to Fredericka Avenue. ................................................................................................ ....................................................... under Preliminary Order ...... 28909 April 191 1920. „( .................. approved ......... ................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby .approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Urade Berkeley Ave. 1 i . „.from„�osephine t4,treet to Fredericka Avenue. .................................................................. ............................... ....................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $4802.06.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..l )!.. „_.....day of Oct ober, , . . . 192..Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as est ated. Adopted by the Council.... SEP - ISZD........ 192...... SEP -8 1920.......... ............ ,.V'.;. Approved.........................192...... ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Ferguson _il�taarD6al�uaald Councihnan Matson w vl Councilman Wenzel l/ Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30822 COUNCIL FILE NO ..... . ........ . ByF12A K. W.: fA-ATS,pN........................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. grading..Be.lvidera.Stree.t.-fr.ora.SnutJa. RohOrt..Street..t.Q.a.. line 80 feet west of the crest line of Livingston Avenue and the ................................................................................................. ..layin& ofratermains„theeinr.......................................................... ........................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order... 29 87 ................. approved ........, , , , , _ , , , , , . , . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..gxadg„1}elvideY2 Street from South Robert Street to a line 80 feet west of the west .................................................................................................. line of Livingston Avenue and the laying of watermains therein. .............................................................................. ....................... .......................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... J.,�tl}...... day of 00tQhor............. 1920...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... S P.- . WO...... 192 Approved....... SEP —L�i {920....192..... Councilman..F,laneg�> Councilman Ferguson Cgtuacilman--AfcB=ld Councilman Matson CRuasilman"Siffm O Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 a�J ....... ...... City Clerk. .. ... Mayor. 0 30823 COUNCIL ME NO ............... PA—j* K 1NV'-' ✓'A.T30FJ:..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... o.EeAiAg,,,widenfng,and„e ctending, Jessamine Street to..a.. .................. branch, of„the Northern, Pacific Railway.,....... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 4mder Preliminary Order. ..2452 . .............approved ...... June 4 1920. The Council of the City aul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is, open, widen and ................. extend Jessamine ..Street..to a width of 66 feet across the right of ...................................................................... way of the St. Paul & Duluth branch of the northern Pacific Railway, .............................................................................. ....................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $., 10.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... day of October 192.. 0., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the,manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .....�g2O....... 192..... . SEP -�192.E Approved ...:................. ...192...... � Crty CI fi . ..Mayor. CouncilmmT-C111mcy Councilman Ferguson ..CouaerlmXzr'Nf'lc on31d Councilman Matson Couueiiman'sm—l- ” Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30821 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By 4AIYta 6'. 1�1t3 1' �A,:.................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... onstructing,Aix. f,00t,cealent, the.sidewalk.on the west ............................... „ side,.o£.Fairyiew.Avenue from..Portland avenue to Ashland Avenue. ................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ......... 3QQ9 Q........... approved .... July . k7,„ 19201 . . . . . . . .. . ..... . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. construct .... six............ foot cement tile sidewalk on the *crest side of Fairview -.venue from ....................................................................................................... Portland Avenue to i%shland Avenue, except where good and sufficient ....................................................................... ....................... walks now e:tiist. ......................................................................... ............................ ..........................:..............................................................I............. ...................................................:................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.9S,per„front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..... 13th day of . , . , , , .. , . Oe t ober 192.0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... SEP 75.W0 , 192 :............. N. Approved .......... SP.7.O..192...... ,.�.... City 6;rK ........... ..... ,r i .... .. Mayor. n mrilman S7anC34, Councilman Ferguson Councilman ,McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman..Smith— Councilman Wenzel . Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30825 1 f' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... FP.ANK W. Ni AT By.............:............Si)Cd...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of., condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ................................. for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Berkeley Avenue from ................................................................................................. Josephine Street to Fredericka Avenue. .................................. C. F. No. 30825 —By F. W.. Matson— In the -Matter of condemning and tak-,..... .... ......... .. .... ...... .. ... Sng an. easement In the land nece4; eery for 'elopes, for cuts and 011e In grading Berkeley Avenue from 70- _.. sephine St. to FrederScka Avenue, under Prellmtn.? Order 26910, ay-. moved Apr1118, 1920. S ('o'ncit of the Clty `........ .... .. .... ..... ...... .. .. .. ... • nA undehhr Preliminary Order ........ 28910 .................... approved .... April, 19 i 1920 . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Condemn and take ............... an easement in -the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ...................................................................................................... grading„Berkeley l�genue from Jose�hine,Street to, Fredericka Avenue. ..o .............. in accordance with blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, .......................................................................... ............................ .the hatched portion showing the cuts .and the shaded portion showing ............. ............................................................................. the fills. ............ ....................................... I................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..,20.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....., 13th. ,.day of October 192 0 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the"persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated; Adopted by the Council ... SEP.—$.1920......... 192...... SEP —8 1920........ Approved.........................192...... City Clerk. .. .. .......... .................. Eeeseil�an-G-Iano3� PUB S1�D-7 ---” � Councilman Ferguson councilman--MY'I96riAd Councilman Matson `Councilman-Slnitir Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... 1ZFi1V i,r, TWATS4)NI, By........................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 30826 In the Matter of..Condemning,and•tal�iiig,an• easement„in,ti}e,,land•n@cessa}y for s•looes.for.cuts and.fills..in,grading Belvider e• Street from South ................... Robert Street to a line 80 feet west of the west line ................................................................................ of Livingston yVBnUe, No. 30828—E31 F. W. Mate, a •••••..•••••••••••••.••.••••.” " " " '•'.e Matter of condemning and tak- I ............................................ .Van easement in the land necee-- Por atopen For cuts and line 1•-' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••..... 1,11n9 Belvldere Street from BouG••••••••••• pert Street to. "a Ilan 80 Peet wa= .. ---t If-- of Livlageton Av- .............................................. l.. Preliminary Order 29988,x,. ... .. ... ...... .. .. .... 1^1920. ......... ^• r .:, under Preliminary Order..............29988 ............ .approved '.::�:� .... J?z1Y.. �-.2 �. ,1920 t ; , , ; ; ... • . • , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whio the Council recommends is.....condemn and .................take .... an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ...........................................................:...................................... gradi}zg, �e�,v, j dBxe..Size.�i..#x 4m.South .R4bex i .Street . t.o. aline. 0.......... fe.et..vlast..o£..tL.r�.es.t.line..of..LivirlCs.ton.�:uenue, An.accordanca.vidth. blue print he °eto attai�hed, arld•made,.a„pant„llenepf,,•tiie...... hatceft. porti on shoring the cuts and the shaded portion showing the fills. .............................................:............:...... ............................... 00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :........... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvellient on the.... 13th. ,day of ....October • 192„ Q., at the hour of 10 &clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... SEP,-�, 19ZO........ 192 Approved......... SEP.. -8.1920..192 ........ Councilman Ferguson Councilman Ivfti3biFaid Councilman Matson U C—nai3nian-1312T H11'° Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 � 1 ............ G���i�� •. City erk. .. .................... ... . ... ........ Mayor. PU , .ISHF.D over and across Cypress street, between the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company's right of way, Block 15, Terry's Addition to St. Paul, and Block 2, J. P. Gribben's Re- arrangement "A". This is an emergency ordinance, rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company, a cor- poration, to construct and maintain two spur tracks over and across Cypress street, between the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company's right of way, Block 15, Terry's Addition to St. Paul, and Block 2, J. P. Gribben's Re -arrangement "A", as shown in yellow on the accompanying blue -print. Section 2. Said permission is granted subject to the .following conditions: _ (1) The said licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all damages, costs or expense arising or growing out of the building, operation, maintenance or removal of said spur tracks. (2) Said tracks shall be laid and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when ordered by said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain upon said street so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel, (3) Said tracks shall be taken up and removed and the street restored to its original condition, at the cost and expense of said licensee, whenever the Council shall so order. (, C:F.No. 30827—Ordinance No. 5417— , B9 H. C. Wenzel— C. F y.. An ordinance authorizing the Chicago, .1 / St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha Rail IJ way Company to construct ani matntaln two spur tracks oversn acrossCypress street, between Chicago, 9t. Paul, Minneapolis Omaha Railway Company's rlgh way, Block 15, Terry's Additlot' � SLBlocr 2, .7. PT r --mTinan / . 1r An ordinance authorizing the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company to construct and maintain two spur tracks over and across Cypress street, between the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company's right of way, Block 15, Terry's Addition to St. Paul, and Block 2, J. P. Gribben's Re- arrangement "A". This is an emergency ordinance, rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company, a cor- poration, to construct and maintain two spur tracks over and across Cypress street, between the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company's right of way, Block 15, Terry's Addition to St. Paul, and Block 2, J. P. Gribben's Re -arrangement "A", as shown in yellow on the accompanying blue -print. Section 2. Said permission is granted subject to the .following conditions: _ (1) The said licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all damages, costs or expense arising or growing out of the building, operation, maintenance or removal of said spur tracks. (2) Said tracks shall be laid and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when ordered by said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain upon said street so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel, (3) Said tracks shall be taken up and removed and the street restored to its original condition, at the cost and expense of said licensee, whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall file with the City Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, within ten days from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas N e Mr. Clancy Ferguson M2BZ7—%Id 1 Matson L) Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Attest Mayor PUBT.Isn'n A EDAIsLTOEAD V AOAIDRSUPPLIES RU PP ALL u ES PTIODESCR" AND (ILD M NEI 1111EI I AND O TON C.TT,._ ` s � t OUR SGECIArTY RELAYING RAILS ��1t� u�xX, 1�ttU2.50�tt September hird 1920 anzel, a on:r.�, issi_ner of Allic lolls, vity of ,Kt.Faul, CcUrt V use, - St.Paul, uira,esctu. Lear Sir ':a nereby wake application to t"e ;Mayor and Ccrni-nion- era of the City of St.Paul, : innvsctn, for permission to construct andm.intain two spur tracks over ant across Cypress tre.;t, bet,;een ,,.e Ci icaoo, Ft -Paul, ::iri :supe lis .. 'OrhLu:a Railway company's ri.ai,t of .say, 01cok 15, ..,_ry'a A—iticu to St."raui, and :look a, j.F.oribbanls n'vaxral:t;c:mant "A", city of St.P«ul, ::in: ,sots, as the s -in spur tracka or exts"aiur:a ,:erocf screw Cypresa Street axe Mora partieul'sly anown oy ;iia yellow linea extend L; across Cypre,, htreat ca a-- w,tachad plat. _na parmiapicr, for .3uo11 cc.r:atructicr;, nninten;,nce, ;and cparatic: ^f r.ilrc_.a _a a ana endinea across, said spur tracks is desired unci ap, li-d for by us, for uhn Chico o1 ,a :spur tracka are necessary for t:na cparaticn ana conduct of Z_,e business of our company. Cypress Street, cv�r w,ics we desire pur"isnon for aaiu Asilway Company to ccnatruct said track nnd cparate e.ma, north of Seventh Street, is merely a stub street, ending at the south line of the Vma.ha railway 'Company ri ht of way nhich is only a half block north of Seventh Street. Ail tie lana abutt,ng on that part of Cypress �.treet, described, and between which the spur tricks will crass, is owned by the undersigned applicant, Paper, jalme"aon A Company. :rusting that we may receive the f azwission of the Ccuncil, at :-e, ea eat moment, so aat :e may place tLe tracks before the cold weather seta in, we are, 7wry reepectful..y yc sa, PMR, J T' C By eat. Secy. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM °`:cO1° FILL No- 3082.8- F Fo AA 46, 2M 7-18- r 520 By ... ...- ..... .._........ _ _.._.. _.._....:. ` AUDITED .. . ..A.... _"f}Kf/�._ ........ STC r" ......". 191..E PER....___....................�`"�v-........... ......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts _et opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:- Yeas I. V ) Councilmen 1 V ) Nays Adopted by theun ' SEP _ ......._ _ ..._ _ _.._......_................. _..191_._....... CST II ...___In favor roc .. P '9_19Zfl........:.. 191 ..._... McDonald K-7 — Matson T Again=_[ : F'i / } ._.. e ler V..- - s MAYOR �lunderliclL?JeIIz e 1 it Nlr. President, Hodgson C. P. No. 30828— Abatract Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, ➢stable out of the r of the p sons, i , or Bn- p favor of the persona, firma or c their res for thea sots at opposite their respective names ee mentfled In the following detailed statement. Rred G. Albrecht, $25 L. a Baumeister , Son,on, $0,676.66. The National Bank, $762.00. A L Snyder, $216.00. Adopted by Sept.Council Sept. 9, 1420• Approved pt. 1 1920 (SePE. 11-1930) 5306 Fred G. Albrecht, 256.00 Parks 5307 L. W. Baumeister & Son, 4,676.65 Drew School (Bond) 5308 The National Band, 752.00 Parks Sn der 5309 A. L. Snyder, 216.00 Parks Total 5,900.65 T, g P;t�> -1 No. 30930-13Y 8. C• Wenzel vin6 308 matter of Pa hereae, In the Date Si -o I,ezln6- eounei� Ve. [Tom ee µ.30 ,th the Te' tiart A cordon No, 26079. �1L8 1v0,_._.._ .__.__-- ...._..._ CIT) tve. to nc It. rite ea of coon ; ' LERK -..Idea --f OFFICE OFA iricv + �: / COUNCIL RESOLD ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY tJ September 8, 1920 DATE....................................... COMMISSIONER 0' whereas, in the matter of pavir_g Iglehart Avenue from Dale Street to Lexington Avenue. in accordance with the requirements of Council File No. 25679, approved July 2, 1919, it was provided in the plane and specifications for the doing of additional work where such work was installed, at a scale of prices therein fixed and in accordance with said plans and specifications, which plans and specifications were approved by Council File No. 28038, approved January, 29, 1920; and Whereas, it was deemed advisable an necessary by the Commissioner of Public works to have the tractor, the White Construction Company, perform such , more parti- oularly described as follows: 9,348.7 lbs, of steel reinforcing rods @8.08 $747.90 30.6 cu. yde. concrete 44.80 27. 54 30.6 19 " sq. yds. excavation asphaltic concrete •90 2.63 49.97 40 lin. ft. straight cement curb .50 20.00 25.2 II radius cement curb 75 18.90 5.5 " straight sandstone curbl.25 6.88 89 n pine headers .15 4,35 $1120.34 And whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for in the paving of said street; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, That the Council hereby allows. for all the work and material as herein stated the Bum of One Thousand One Hundred Twenty and 34/100 (1,120.34) Dollars as an extra under the contract, known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-1107, for the making of the aforesaid improvement. yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays _GW"1 Adopted by the Council..........HR=9-1920----- 19---- Appro� SEP -9 .. _.._19....... McDonald- - _ _In favor Matson Smith __.Against '?; -----Wenzella) .. w.roa Wenzelt U, S ED rp Mr. President �M e� . ae {� • couaaL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTIC PRESENTED By C. F. No. 30I; 1, pommissicnern" Pub-I� COMMISSIONER. �/—�' whereas, reported to the cof t'/Ef'7, 1J20 _......... _.._,..........CLQ. ..._ _ ._ _....... ue works has .... _...._.:... on n accordance tlWi i[hX etenlco br an tyeicnartor, eoe9sarr' y 'hto rear eyed n RESOLVED " t�,reetment, tort mo mn' WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Sec— tion 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of cegtain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Rate of Name Title Ho/urs Overtime 't" Y �—tea'C . M Yes I t Councilmen ( Nays —si-14— Adopted by the Counc' SEP -9 MCI - - 19 firth oss .-- In favor APPro EP —9 �9P0 - 19 . iVlcColl C) Powers Against q Wunderlich Mr. President FOFM 3M919 IPPP- Gf %37 iPa�,e �Sn q-2� od "' �i.�� - 6� a" �0-0 f ,4a- 06" - 'f o 04 . (?,& y,,Go --Q3 7 - W O , � O N ��GZ�O Y �A/✓�e rlr O ,� r. !� O O r• rl' � le" ° r o o -, "`111 �j •. rr 7, d � r� � �p J�4ofdduti$ i�6 �/is�sn a« /' b. Oo r. CITY OF ST. PAUL - `o""`"NO.---.0------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE .. ... ..._.... ................ COMMISSII ER ...... ... ........... ....... ..... .. .. .. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for gradin; and improvement of Brand Street from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue. F.B. #3050. Preliminary Order No. 27925. C. e No, 30832 n..'&, ng he lCeu W Contrae'e W nzel r calved eo�ommltte m e drelon hereby e $rnnd srndlns leets bldg Hazel Ave Se. rrom ynnd lmpro.�eme I a Ador ter No t 7n26 °' 3060ykPre ve, to ADP povydby [1, Coun llmin- SePt, 9 19201 SeP,' 9, 1920. (Sept. 11 -102 - Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays '�6leoayr.�, ,,?.Donald _._ _.. In favor atson m1th _...__. _.Against Wenzel Mr. President .oe� ewe =o Adopted by the Council 19_ ---- _ App ed 19___.. CITY 9F ST. PAUL NO.308.3.. _� OFFJCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __ .. ................... ...... ............ DATE .8.P,pt.eTllb.er....8y... . ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby c rs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid; received for grading and improvement of Ker-rrin Street from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue. F.B. -W52. Preliminary Order No. 27927. wci Z h ` h13y 11.e 39833 t theme adoty lnids C. FaeolvedTh recom n lm9TpP Vme to Rcure i. 11. Ittee and Con ��'wIn St- mgo.n306 yxPr 11m1n- 1111".1 pv e. o' B9 Connell Se9t. 9. 1920. gc9 Ocd ved 5 P . " i 1920) pdo9 A9'9ro lSePt� Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays 'm Adopted by the Council........_ . I__...... _ 19_...... McDonald An favor Approv ._...---�ER_��_{: pn.___------._.._19...__. Matson Smith _.._. __ Against Wenzel Mr. President Council File No... 30834 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition 11 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ ................................ ...Grading....o.f...and...00n .truot.ion....o..f.. sewer....__ _...__....._..... ................................. .and ...wat.ermains....In...Lake Como _.&... Phalen. Avenue. ....__................_..........__..... %rom_P.ayne_.Avenue_t.o....V>heelo.c.k_Parkway. ....................... ...._ ...._........... _... _....._..._....._...._._......_........._.... ...... . Dated this.. _ .9th._ _day of__..__...._ ._.._._ _ _September 19�... C. F. No. 30834A"'t"" ......_._........._........ Abstract. 1 for the Whereas, h Wrtt[en propmprovement. ellman. king of the following ading of and construction of sew- n Avenue from i PaYneeAvem+a — ock Parkway, having bee - 1, the Council of the f ORDER. I WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Grading _of..and_cons.truotian of.. sewer. _ and watermains_in.,Lake „Como ,& Phalen Avenue fr.ozn..P.ayne.A.venu.e...to_W.h.eel.a.ck. Parkway -e_ .._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ therefore. ouncilman .therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve>ftigate the nature, extent and estimated co€t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To Egmuh the folio m -data and informatioriTelativ tb Said'rmproveme'rit::r:r.,x_.................._. . _ _ ... __ To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 9.1920 191...._. Adopted by the council ......._..._._ ._.._ .. ......_._. _ Yeas: Nays' Councilman Farnsworth Coss Approved -....__ g_192fl___ .......191___. Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich M,� Mayor Irvin Fo C A 13 (SM 4-17) Council File No. ._.....-.f. 0 • t Acct. gradirFROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................ ..._.........C.ondemning...and.Aaking._an .easement..__......_ .._.---.._..._._....... in the -land necessary for slopes for cuts and....fi.l.i.g...i.n-..grading...Lake Como .&.. Phalen ...Avenue ..........................__..._'. from Payne Avenue to Wheelock Parkway. ..._......_._._ ......_._...._....__..._..__ .. _......_.__ ............................ §q-ptember 20 Dated this 9th _day of .__........_.. .... 19 C P No. 30835— Abet ... 0835 Abetrnc I. whereas,A written proposal for the making of the following improvement Councilmen. via. Coeasement ndemning And taking an In the land necessary for elopes 'or _— -–..–------------ uts and fills In grading Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from Payne Avenue to Who eloek Parkway, having been pre- .mted to the Coben itl of the City n •ul therefore, solved. That t"i" - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the .' works be ^-olowing improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement1. _ in the land necessary for slopes for. cuts _......and fills in grading Lake Como & Phalen Avenue from Payne Avenue to Wheelock Parkway'_....__._....._............................_.........._. ................. .................... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direEted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. 3...T.3.� iah•khe4o!!es°f1Y$`otftt°Y`t9kt� aha`YnYorttt''dhotrcelativefo-=sar -mtprovgtnein......._...._...._._........_ 1l.' .._...__...... ............................................ ± To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. w' 1'fo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _SEP .-9_1920_. ..... 19L...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved_. SEP — X920 191....- .. _._... _.... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich_.........:_........... .... .............._......... Mayor. Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (bal 4-11) At F...AA/6,2 t'1'1'1" or "'. 1'11'I. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER. a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM N;'L� 11D No- ..__c� �J.��- 5G1 AUDITED O .����. �.•t-r �n•Tln�n ivtt 191........ PER............. .. 'tlr r; Resolce,l that tval"nts be drawn upon the Cit}' Treasurv. payable out of the hereinafter specified funds incl in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opp-ite their reylectice uanles as specifiC(l in the follou-ing detailed statement: Yeas I v' 1 Councilmen l Adopted brthe Council -LP 10 1920 .. 191 /Ferguson In favor Faul ((oth D Y ------- bIo onald Matson C) ]1i%11Gi--- Smith Agninat �i:t ruR — Wnncktaielr Stenzel \Ir. President, Hodgson RESOLUTIONS. C. F. No. 30836— Resolved that w ante be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out f the hereinafter epecifled funds and in favor f the persons, firms oco poral tmou.ta eet o ne of the opposite their respective n eas epecifled in the following detaileds tatc...t. 28,F. W. Mateon' . Com', of Finance, $807.97. Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 1920. approved Sept. 10, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) 5310 F. :`„ Matson, Comtr. of Finance 28,807.97 St. C. & R. 7,391.10 Sewer C. & R. 1,581.1.6 S. & S. Uing. 10,448.80 784.19 7.00 1 0 Bridge B. & R. 610.49 Street Intersections 439.35 Mehr Crosswalks 40 Sprinkling 5W. 00 It 372.70 engineering Insp. _ 1,582.20 Tree planting Snell-. Goodrich Ave. 165.38 Paving Pine St. 1,357.66 "urbing Hampden Ave. 184.00 Sewer connections Indiana Avenue 1,175.30 I& Paving Arcade St. 18.00 Paving Depreciation 1 195.54 7i 28,807.97 h] I I illy 'IF ST. I-Aull OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Farm AA 46, 211 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No_ 522 �i, .; 1920 EP I It AUDITED 191 PER Resolved that v,arranLs be drawn upon lite City Treasure, pavable out of the hereinafter specified Nulls and in favor of the persons. fitnis or corporation, for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folli,vin, detailed statement: Yeas I % I Councilmen I % I Nays Adopted by the C n1 SEP 10 MC. A;"5 - YvIiIergason In favor r (I �V- 110 220 191 gas---- McDonald K,7177 --- Matson Against 0 (� -,17(7 MAYOR Smith II p'unsterlirh-Plenzel Iln P,o,i,le,,,, Htn1g,on F No. 30837— Re P.n.."'" fha` warrants be drawn u the City Treasury, Payable out of the favohr e.r fe inafter sotn-s Ifed foo d1 s1Jaf nd i it'af th"Per-'u,'Orme orporan tions ats,P1PZte the following detailed t.t.m_t: In Edward W. Bemis, $4,058.33. Electric Co., $47.81Goldsmith Bros. Smelting 8RefningC... 1765.00. Christ Johnson, ohnson, $ 1,4u30.- 6 F. C. Kimball $110.6 �.tandard stone Co.,o., V.665 .0 5.Adopted by the Council Sept. 10. 1920.ApprovedSept'10, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) 5311 Edward 1'1. Bemis, 4,058.33 Investigating Public Utilities 5312 General Electric Company, 47.81 Lighting 5313 Goldsmith Bros. Smelting & Refining Company, 765.00 ,later 5314 Christ Johnson, 1,430.75 Sewer on Hand Ave. etc. 5315 F. C. Kimball Company, 110.62 5316 Standard Stone Company, 3,665.05 Cement oalks (1919) Total 10,077.56 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By............... ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... 1'fid iag.Of. : 4:.................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 295--3 ay 2,1 , 1520. under Preliminary Order...........................approved..::......................:............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends V,e3139..iJ:9il..?L7�119..;Y.41u9..t.4.., 1:::S.tx'•e�:...................................... ..................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... �?920.7.8 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... 1=tli .,,,day of Oe t o, .e r. , , , , , , , , , ., 1920...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......................... 192...... ^Fo 1 f), .117 Approved.........................192.... Councilmatr-Clam"' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 City.Clerk. Ma or. i COUNCIL, FILE NO...._._ .................----. V A- .til ,... By. ..... .......................... ............... ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER J In the Matter of.co 1 Tru .i ;er oil :c t -� - lic i_°ora �oolt ';t.r_ .t _. _-....__.. r......_..........._._................._....................--.... ............... . under Preliminary Order.. . _ 3 D6L` ' ._..approved._ 23 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._,cor_Si,_.uut a se.. cr o.n ...... =..; ✓;..n.u.e._ r ';mol: Stroet to ::ar-:land Stroct. ........... ...... _........ ............................................... ......................................... ...........,._...._.. .... -..... . _.. ......... ..........._ .. .................... .__..... -- _....... _ __.....__............... _ ... _...._. ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the - '- h day of October 19TO at the hour of 10 o'clock A. .11., it, Tire Council Chamber of the Court House and City ,Hall Building it, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, statine the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated _Adopted by the 1'nuocil - - AN --IU IW"1u �,. Approved .otr Crri Ctel?h. llayar. Councilman �X�dfl>�r�uso Cmrncilman:3$Tipritc-_C��o-.r�1d Councilrnan;dlii .atso_'_ !t Councilman \I�( jj'-�; g, -,i th J Councilman 'nzCl Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. S -t; COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By rc'u'{1iN'N`- ' ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. c ortsti;ucti,r , a ,six„ oct , cemeP, tib e,„� idecralk„on ,the, ,, , east side of Albert Street from Charles Street to 1.1innehaha Street. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 30692 approved Aug. 27 , 1920. under PreliminaryOrder.......... ,, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... Consti:uct a sLi .......... foot cement tike sidewallt on the east side of Albert Street from ................................................................ Charles Street to .,.inneh�ha Street: x exce, t„rhere good, und, sufficient sidewalks now exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ... ................................................................................................. (1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1r.Q$..Pe3'„ r.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... 14th„ .......day of October 192..0..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... SEP AO.1920• • . • • • •, 192..... . Approved....$E —10.120. ....... 192..... i manancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith t 1 Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........ ... ......J ... . ...:....y..:."'... CitClek. Mayor. J 30841 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... t'RANIYi y� . INIATSOI , By............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..I ec,gnstl^uctjnp;,, relayinE, and ,repairing the cement the sidewalk on the ..ortii side of Fairmount kvenue be inning132 feet west ........................r.....5........................... of "Tilton Street, thence rest 132 feet by 6 feet. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... under PreliminaryOrder....30284 July 31, 1920. .................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. regRllstruct rala.y. and .repaix. .tha.aement.the..E3i,d0Flall".QA.1.4e.. 1, gide„of Fairmount P.venue, berinnin 132 feet wrest of I„ilton Street thence wrest 132 feet ...................................... ? ..... ....................... ........................................................... ............................ .............................................................,......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 0.09,..per, square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... l%i i ......day of ... QOt01aer ..........1 1920...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... SEP 10 1920 192 20: ... Approved....SEP 10 19.....................192...... City Cle ...��. ..�m�.� .. / Mayor. ft[IffC13> . U- cy- Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson r Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30842 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By ..?N.txd.1Y[ATS ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. P.avin�, ayton :'.venue from :-von Street to Victoria Street, .................................................... >,ncludin6. se}'tex,._IIatex. aud. ��&. C.oxu�l�ctj,on�,,f ror�,.st�eet,mains..to, property lines_,complete= czhere not already made, also including curbing and .............. paving alley and driveway 'a pproacnes where necessary- ...................................................................................................... :;................................................................................................... 30285 July 31, 1920. under Preliminary Order............................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..pave Dayton...ve ... , #'�:gpi..��vp�},�t�;eet, to„y�ctoria„Street.t. including,serer,, water and gas ............. connections from street mains to property lines complete, rihere not .............................................................................. ........................ already made_, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessarj*. . ................ ...................................................:........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..i 7 7 r 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........1.?th day of ....act.QtJ4r.......... I 192..0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and,the.total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ... SEP -1:0.122.0 ..... Approved ..... �TP-” O Mfl ......192...... ancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... 7/f / City Cler . Mayor. i 3043 /00" COUNCIL FILE NO ............... �RA.NX MATSON. By...... ... ..... ....I............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER ^nx:"in ` t`i: 3 c ;-ral s Avenue„from.Scheffer Street, In the Matter of....::.......v.......�r..:..................... :4o..4.DOS �.23�..$..ff...s.outll..of..the..s0.11th.Iine..of..atto.:.vanue.4nd.nf... Ati.o.AV.e7LUe..fma.Bximlzall.Street.LQ. —acalester. v.enue.,.to. .canform.to the red line on the Profile. he.eto attached. and made a part, hereof, .... the present �' cin bein re resented thereon b�- tl: e blue line. ......................'.........Li....P:.....................:....u..........I..................... ....................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.. 29716..................approved ., Juze 21, 1J20. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends:................ ” of„$ne of the south line Of Otto Avenue and of Otto .vepue from Brimhall St. ......... to ;:Iacalester Avenue, to conform tc the red line on the profile hereto ......................................................................... ............................ attached and made a part hereof, the Iresent,radi.:r beim represented ........ ................ thereon.b� the blue ,line..,,,,,,,,,,,, .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....35.!10....... 'Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 14'Z day of Oct o. .. 192.?..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of skid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... SEP j Q I92O.. , .... 192 Approved:tl ......EP 10 1920 .....192...... City erk� ; jMayor. ,CotsneiiaPa9Y'"Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Lo Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30844 r� COUNCIL FILE NO...._..._.._ .................. By.............................................__I�T.... ITERMEDIAY ORDER In the Matter of..condenining and talcin an easerient in the land necessary .......................................................................................... for dopes for cuts and fills in Grading iiartf ord i:venue f roe _iamline ............................................... :venue. to Grigi _s Street. _...__.......... ..... .................. ............-- . --- _.........................................................._............................ ........ - ..................._........................... ....--......... -....__ _._..... .... ... ... ..................................................................._..............................................................._.........---- . _ ......_._.__.._......._...... ............................... .................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order --------------- Q3A i .......... :.............. npproved -- - ..tuaJ... 24.e....IW.C........................... ......-- - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..... COndelim„and.-.take._.. ,sn, easement inthe land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ............................................................................. .lradipg..Hartford,Avenue from Hamline i' -venue to GriGrs Street., in.-.-----_-.- .. .... .. accordance with blue print hereto attached and made.s part hereof, _......................................................................_........................ ---..._....................... ...................... ........._............................... .the-.hatche4..Dort_on showing the cuts and the shaded portion shoWing ...... .... ......... .. h .................. ......... with no alternatives, and that the est4nated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a publie b.--1 Ing be had on said improvement on the.... ......14th...,_-dav of ren.- October 1q?U1'1'Por_: the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., it, the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building ill, ury City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in thc'e tris' er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, w Where / total cost thereof as estimated. _SEP nd hav bAda ted by the Council.y re:, drl-_-..._.... 191....... Ppr., Approved_.... SEPI 191 t C'ty Clerk. .. � Mayor. Councilman)ttdllax ;,,cDonald Councilma%jjykuaAg -atson �"j Councilman Keltamx Councilmae Tv ir7 ;Wx FerCuso4b Smith Councilman NVWf%44gi6h `iienzel Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 6-6 C'ty Clerk. .. � Mayor. 30845 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... V By FYIAT i3; ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..c,4}��tructing.a sevrer on i rundel Street from Front Street .................................... to I;aryland Street. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... 3 under Preliminary Order.......0628 Aug. 23, 1920. ....................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Construct a se,7er .............. pb,HPu fj�j ,,S froin .Street to aryland Street. ............................... ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...9,310.00... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 7 5h..........day of October...., 192.0...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner providedby the Ch r, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof—imated. Adopted by the Council... S.......�192 ... Approved.. SEP. 1 ,....................... PP Y.f�•19��.......... 92...... � 6i"-S}erk. ........ ......................... O ilr. Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 30846 Q� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... C � RiVl, T'% By..........".t:N141,:SicON ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...Payin,Franklin Street from,agle,,Street, to„Chestnut,, $f<> eet,, inc?ucljng,�eraer,,,water,ud„gas „eoneg,tiolzS„o, sheet, mains .... t.o.prnparty. lines. . cmiplate,••wliere.not. alneady•made;.•a1so, lmalzidLnF, .... o.urbi*Ig..and. .paving..a.11 y.and.dra.vewaq. approachez ,..vhere.,neees, sary.... ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order.......... 3N?2q.,,,,,,,,approved ...... Au.!..?3,..19.20.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis.PYe.FYanklin Street ............... gas„connections from„st><eet, IPA rs..tP.pxpDerty„?,ir�es ,coi7�plete,,,}°r here not already made; also, including curbing and paving alley and ................................................................... ............................ driveway approaches, where necessary. ................................................................................................ .................................................. :................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 13,561.60 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. , 15th day of Oe. .. .. , , , 192..9. „ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner ofFinance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... $EP 1Q,�92Q....... 192...... SE.......... .�.. J..V` Approved...P10.192.0.........192...... City y . Clerk. \ / Mayor. Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 AIV6 _ 3084' COUNCIL FILE NO ............... r BrRANK W. MAT.",)N. V y............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of., reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement the .................... szde 7alks..at..i1��..# old o1:+i ng .19P.0i ons.:..... ..... South side of East Fourteenth Street, beginning at iaiiss..isappi St., thence .east. 11JJ. feat.b5'. 10..# t. ......................................................... South side of Blair Street, beginning at Arundel Street, thence east ...1.20 • f-eet • by {,•-feet:........................................................................ East side of -'rundel Street, beginning at Blair Street, thence south V6- d 11&y; ....................................................................................... . ...................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order........ 30563.pp !iu 19, 1920 ...........a roved ...........�...... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..YeCCnstruCt relay and repair the cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: .................................................................................................. South side of East Fourteenth Street, beginning at IGississippi Street, ttren�e east %ZO b7--10- -ft; ................................ ....................... South side of Blair Street, beginning at Arundel Street, thence ...east"120"f'e'et"by' 6' feet:. ................................... ............................ East side of Arundel Streets beiinning at Blair street, thence south toalley. ............................................. ....................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.,0.09 per square foot, 15th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................day of October 192... 0, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... SU AQAQ?Q... , Approved .....S.EP..10.1M ......192...... Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... ........ �..:. .... - z. f City er . Mayor. EftVW.—n'ffa—ncy' Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 192...... ........ �..:. .... - z. f City er . Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO .............. . By ......... ...rV,. .iY%A T SON. ................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.�o1?� �T?IC �717g..�. S1X.OQt..GeJgerit..t7 10 .9 ids 7&1k . D11..tkLe....... .....$Pnib..si.de..oP..Ivy,.S.trr ei.from.Arcade. .Street..to.:arl.Strect............. ...................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................... ...........................................................I........................... 30627 Aug. 23, 1920. under Preliminary Order...........................approved.......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. CO 1stYuet a six ............. foot cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Ivy Street from .............................................................................................. Arcade Street to Earl Street, except inhere good and sufficient side- .......... I ................................................................... ....................... walks now exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ............................_.,............................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 1.08 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... M -4 ..... day of ., October........ 192.0,.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.... SEP- M........ 192... r . Approved ...... SEPAQ 1920......192..... Form B. S. A. 8-6 t ; Clerk. . ty Clerkk. �...... .................. Mayor. -C6uncilmatr-Elamy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 t ; Clerk. . ty Clerkk. �...... .................. Mayor. PRESENTED BY \ RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL X849 . �e NO.-.._....... - _.._...._ That the proposal of S. W. Bemis, made through the Commissioner of Public Utilities to furnish the necessary skill, labor and ser- vices for an investigation and valuation of the plant of the Minnesota By -Products Coke Company and St. Paul Gas Light Company and an investigation of the operating revenues and expenses of said Companies, in order to determine the necessity of granting an increase of rates to be charged for gas by the St. Paul Gas Light Company, is hereby accepted, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to prepare and submit to the Council for its approval a proper form of contract. Resolved further, that the unexpended balance of the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) heretofore appropriated for investi- gation and valuation of the St. Paul City Ry. Co., or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Valuation of Public Utilities Account of the General Fund to meet the cost and expense' of such investigation. C. P. No. 30819 —By J. H. MCDonnld— Resolved, That the proposal of E. W. aone/' -ad, „�h rou6 the Commie. Yes(,/) C.aa#nlce�iilineen (✓) Nays ..V hergusoa McDonald In Favor Matson /Smith Against _. Wenzel ,Mr. President t !. ducts Coke Company Light Company and of the perating r determinePosses or s the neaid ms 0 an Increase of rates gas by the et. Paul nary.Coo nh Co ubn sera Corporation suomlt to the Council a proper form of con- ther, that the une:- a maybe nec- �priated out of - - - operating- reve-- nues and in — order to determine the necessity or ing an increase of rates to be charged for gas by c—Mapany, is hereby accepted, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to prepare and submit to the Council for its approval a proper form of contract. Resolved further, that the unexpended balance of the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) heretofore appro- priated for investigation and valuation of the St. Paul City Ry. Co., or so much thereof as maybe necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Valuation of Public Utilities account of the General Fund to meet the cost and expense- of such investigation. Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays n i 1'J cllonald ...... _...._.._.. _In favor Matson (S(Smith mith _...........__._Against Wenzel r•Mr. President C. F. No. 308.19—By J. H. MCDonnld—� H¢ Is, IV ma bat through the Co m e ®loner of Public Utilities to furnish; the necessary skill, labor and servlceai for an investigation and v luatlon of the plant of theMinnesota �ducts Coke Company and St: .1.3Y -Pro - 61 Gas of Light Coperatingmpantd an investigation Pensee of said Cm avenues and oto determine the necessity Panlee, f der to n increase of rates to e a char ged for gas by the St. Paul Gas Light Com- : Corporation1. hCounselals herd, and the 'to prefor 11. pare and submit to the Council tract. approval a proper form f on_ I Resolved Further, that the unex- Thousa dalance Dollar, (§e0,000.0o) sum of he a ty fore ' appropriated for 0-00) lgre o- nd vauation f the St. Paul City do Co., or so much thereof as may he ec- ! the Val uatione of Pu bljc rUa istllllee Act coat t f the General Fund to meet the and expense of such investigatloa. Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1920. APproved Sept. 30, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) CITY OF ST. PAUL a t.s NO,.. 30850 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION -;;GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY September .9, 1920. COMMISSIONER........ _.... ... .. .... ........ ..' ........ i. .. .... ..__...... .. DATE.. ..... ........ RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sprinkle the following streets in the vicinity of the State Fair Grounds during Fair Week, the cost of same not to exceed $200.00 and payable from the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Expense Account of the General Fund Almond Street from Aurora Ave: to Snelling Ave. Albany St. from Hamlin Ave. to Snelling Ave. Como Ave. West, from Hemline Ave. to Selling Ave. Breda St. from Aurora Ave. to Snelling Ave. Wynne St. from Arona Ave. to Snelling Ave. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays C. F. No. 30850—By H. C. Wenzel— Fuhlic Resolworks be the he Is hereby u - of thorized and Instructed to sprinkle the following streets In the vicinity f the State Fair Grounds, during Fair Week, the cost of a not to a eed IGadd payable forseen Exhe MVeAc- - aneoue Ac- count of the General Fund; penes Ac Almond St. from Aurora Ave., to Snelling Ave. Albany St. from Hemline Ave. to Snelling Ave. area Ave. West�from Hemline Ave. to Snelling Ave. Breda St. from Aurora Ave. to Snelling Ave. Wynne St. from Arena Ave. to �.. Snelling Ave. Adopted by the-Councll Sept. 10, 1920. Approved Sept. 10, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) J Adopted by the Council......_KP�__"J920_ _.......... ...19_...... __........_ _In favor Apprav _.__ .Ep_JLS l.1.320_.__._............ --19......_. _...Against --rte --- ,,,ro. Ferguson McDonald Matson /) Smith v Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 30850—By H. C. Wenzel— Fuhlic Resolworks be the he Is hereby u - of thorized and Instructed to sprinkle the following streets In the vicinity f the State Fair Grounds, during Fair Week, the cost of a not to a eed IGadd payable forseen Exhe MVeAc- - aneoue Ac- count of the General Fund; penes Ac Almond St. from Aurora Ave., to Snelling Ave. Albany St. from Hemline Ave. to Snelling Ave. area Ave. West�from Hemline Ave. to Snelling Ave. Breda St. from Aurora Ave. to Snelling Ave. Wynne St. from Arena Ave. to �.. Snelling Ave. Adopted by the-Councll Sept. 10, 1920. Approved Sept. 10, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) J Adopted by the Council......_KP�__"J920_ _.......... ...19_...... __........_ _In favor Apprav _.__ .Ep_JLS l.1.320_.__._............ --19......_. _...Against --rte --- ,,,ro. CITY OF ST. PAUL a F �eNc NO... _3..i1_V.51.._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V COUNCIL RE ION ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ` Jay y rSept ember 9, 1920 COMMISSIONER ..............._........ ....._............_...... ..... ..................... _. ._. DATE........._............_................................ ............ ...... RESOLVED That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to transfer the sum of Eight Thousand (8,000) Dollars from the Material Item of the Street Construction & Repair Fund to the wage Item of the same Fund, as thereby an unavoidable deficiency in the wage Item may be met without hampering the work provided for in the money in the Material Item. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays -C.laQos Ferguson McDonald _..__._.__._.lo favor Matson Smith _...._ ___ Against Wenzel Mr. President - I C. F. No. 30861—BY H. C. Comptr— Resolved, Thet the City ized aooller' nd he Is hereby AuthaumzC o nd dl- 1 IShe re to transfer ll'Stars from the ecteennd 18,000) Street Cens[ruc- �rlonq f tho NVego Item, MQ[ertat Item d to Che i tton & RoDatr Fua oe thereby alt m avthe some Fun the Wu6e the olds elo. deflowSLhouL hemoPorY In the I mach Prov lded for In [hem Re 1920. �I iMnterinI ItemthI Council Sept. 10, ADDr ved SeD t. 10, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) I Adopted by the Council __.-SEP 10 1920_ ...... .19_. -...- SEP 10 1920 Appro__....._.._.....___........._......_............_...___19......... 111N11L 30852 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.._._............---.-----._.._. 'ICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY % - RESOLVED That there is h eby appropriated from the City Officers Attending Conventions Fund, the sum of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary to defray the expenses of the Commissioner of Education and two library assistants while attending the State Library meeting at Hibbing, Minnesota, September 14th to 18th, 1920. 1 Co a p,ve3085p�� _ S va n�teonl °n' ttA here 16" Fereuson� n+uco tY'Flve en Uoaa FOt➢ pplreby tip_ t D 11 d e s/olrar t Heol asomaa (576.00 c-uh, _( L1a titan to Edu a l.a to tnec sear eo sora as ma t�nto I' attenad trvOCI tmI to s n br A>'opoved 9eh Coun to 1g�A ti9Innate �t (Sept�P( 10,21920, JJr d N Yes( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays " Adopted by the Council.__....$ER.44.1.g20-_....____.19_._._ �/Yerguson I/VJeDonald _. _.......___.In favor IJ/Matson onf 5mi,h......Against Wepzel I(In P—id— I..........- 920 .._.:. 19. PRESENT4SY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL v�enaL®�"53 NO. _........---....._.._........ _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That the Commissioner of Nblie Beaty is hereby authorized to employ one Matron for a period not to exceed 15 days at a salary of x$65.00 per month, on account of allowing vacation for regular Matron at the Tuberculosis Division. Expense to be charged to Health Fund, Tliberouloeis Invision, 25 5, A ., 1. C. F. No. 30863— t Resolved, That the Comm [..loner of Public safety is hereby authorized to employ ne Matron for a Derl od not to emcoeed 15 on at a aalaary of 566.00 Per nth, oaccount of lto gowing a- berculosle Disvision atEx t [he Tu- pense to ba Division t26 be A�i. Fund, Tuberculosis Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1920. i ADProved Sept. 30, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays .-Classy Ferguson McDonald Matson _..........____In favor Smith _...... Against Wenzel M, Adopted by the Council.._. _..._SEE-10..192II-.__..19-.--- Appr ...._.:....... S. ..:..10-.19.2....._.__...._-..19__... �° 30854 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ......... ............._.........._.. OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY q A. E .. SMiTH......... DATE .... _ .:..Sept ....9.th.,...192.Q....... RESOLVED That the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 7th & St. Peter Sts., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the rayment into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. Yee (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ..G"We" Ferguson McDonald to favor Matson Smith _ _.Against Wenzel Me.'lireaident C C. F. No. 30TAut Rthe applies t�an oT the Resolved, Trust Twin 1Cct nse to aemduct a MatlonnsPico fora ° bee dhthe seam. hereby is tgrnnt d and theand City Clerk /s Instructed to Issue I eh iicenae upon the payment Into the City byyof the the Councti 0. Sept• 10, 1920. Approved Sept. 30. 1920. S (Sept. 18-1920) Adopted by the Council __...SEP -4 .-4829 .....----...-19---- Approv _.____'/._5�._.i�Q...�.g2�...___.__....19.___.. No 30855 CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e -_...---.-......._.......---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL.. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE09Y .. .. _.A.. ..... _._......... DATE ..........Se. t......10.t.h,.....1..2.0..... ...... COMMISSIONER_...... _....... .__...__..E.e.....c$..MIT.H.................... ... p l RESOLVED Tnat the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 19-21 E. 7th. St., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license thpon the payment into the City Treasury of the sum of $100.00 C, I`. No. 20856 —BY A D¢ Smith— gceotved, That the pPlicaUan of the Twin Cit aemoacenduct suMoE n tate for Picture Thameehereby 19-21 grantedt•�and �: and the a no j the Cl[Y Clerk lathc Payment Iotas the cich license upee the a oe( $100.00. ' ty TreasurYLh Council 9 pt. 10. 1020,1 Adopted bY. I. APPi.Yed Sept. 10, 1020. I (Sept. 18-1020) 1 Yea (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -019-rAdopted by the Council ____SEP--- 10 1920 _.__.....--19 _-.--- Ferguson 'SV '10X920 In favor APpro McDonald v --._..9...__. v_ C Matson �¢ .....Against Smith _....._---.._._.__ . . Wenzel Mr. President Qhb, CITY OF ST. PAUL F��6 No. - .0856. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .__ n c CIITTN _. _.. _.. .._................ DATE ......5.'–P..t.,....-9th, 1-920' ...... RESOLVED That the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 302 University Ave., be and the sa:::e hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Ferguson McDonald ___.....__ _In favor Matson Smith..-- -. .Against Wenzel Mr. President ! C. F. No. 30866—BY A. E. Smith— That the appllcatlon of the Twfi Clty Amusement Trust E8- ,.to for 1l cense to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 302 University Ave., be and the same hereby Is granted and the City Cleric Is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment. Into the City .Treasury It the fee„ $100.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 1020, Approved Sept. 10, 1020. (Sept. 18-1020) Adopted by the Council _ _..SEP _.10 192.0.__.........19__._ Appro d_...._.__._..SEP ._10.192.___....__.._19...._.. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .-....... RESOLV ED That the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 626 University Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. CITY OF ST. PAUL COONC�� No. ----3.081J7._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM A. E. 20. .SMITH ............_.......DA.S...eP.t...'.....9 9th, ......9 ............._. .......................... .._........................... 1 Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -@MW"— Ferguson p J McDonald Matson In favor Smith --Against Wetzel Mr. President RC. 1, N0. 30857—By A E Smith— the Twlu dCi That the pplicatlon of tote for I ty Amusement Trust Ee- Pleture Theatreatt6,6 duet Motion 11 s me hereby Isi verslty Ave., theaCtdt'he Clerk Is hereon l at granted to Issue eh license I'Into the City Treasary t he of payment' $100.00. [he tee, Adopted by the Cpuncil Sept. 30, 1920. Approved Sept, 30, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) Adopted by the Council _..... Approve /SEP_..- (!_.120_...................._19......... .�� Council File No...........t4[1lJ�v Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................................................ :..........Construction Of curbing both .. ..._......_......_._....e.ides....of....TApp.ingStreet .......... _.G.au]t.ie.r_.St z.eet_........... _.._......... ..t.o ...Farr.i.n gt.On...Av.enue...... . . .........__..._.....__.._ ...... _. _._..._......... .. Dated this.. 9th ..day of. ....__..___...........__.....Se.t.eIllb.er..............._....., 19_ 'EI.iHI11GAliY OADERB. .� Councilman. __— Abatract.ropoeal ------—_--- 1iDDr -ELIMINAitY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Can.13tFu.ct.iQn .Of cu..rb..ing .on.. both_ _.._.. _.....__siclea of Topping Street from Gaultier- Street t o Farrington ..A Venue....._..-..._..._... .... _............ ............... _..-. _..... ................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmam... .. ......... . ... .......... ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3� To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ,.rTo report upon all of the for, of g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SE Adopted by the council ...._..._ P To _.........__ ....__........._._.... .191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth (--o GosHyland O Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 15 (bili 4-17) Approved ......._SU. 132.Q..._........__/191..__.. Mayor. PUT' ,LIS"ED —1 ?j CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL .3-085-9' NO.-........._. _. _. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v COUNCIL RESOLUTI N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY * � /7 COMMISSIONER........ J ....:..... ..... ..... ... .............. .......... .......... ...... ..... .................... DATE.......c.).eP..t..!....l�.x. !'.Z�,ZO.............. ...... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking the land necessary for the lowering of the grade and widening Robert Street North from the southeasterly line of Central Avenue East to Univer- sity Avenue West and of University Avenue west from the ex- tension of Robert Street North to Park Avenue, including ` similar improvements on intersecting streets where deemed necessary, under Preliminary Order No. 29757, approved June 23, 1920. A public hearing having been had upon the above im- provement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul, that the coAdemning and taking the land necessary for the lowering of the< -grade and widening Robert Street North from the south- �terly line of Central Avenue East to University Avenue West and of Univer$ity_Avenue Nest from the extension of Robert Street North to Park Avenue, including similar improvements on intersecting streets where deemed necessary, under Preliminary Order No. 29757, approved June 23, 1920, be and all matters -pertaining to --- 1� dhv ann,Illed and discontinued. 1 C. F. No. 30869—$Y E• C. Wenzel— I In the matter of condemning and tak- I Ing the flak„ necessary far wide Ing ring o Robert Street North froa.mthe south- II Iterly line of Central Avenue East to Univerelty Avenue West and of University Avenue Woet from the extension of Robert ellfrom Northim ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays provemen.= • •••-----'-undeF Pre- - here deemed neces-nry, where Order No. 29767, approved June 23. 1920. A public hearing having been had I upon the above Improvemt Us ent n h and notice, and the Council having e 17 persons, objection- anIm dardohaving d done r lative therestno, ntherefore, fully onsidered the n be It Resolved. BY the Council In tha Ctty o[ St Paul• that eh. e..dltn1l Or hlow taking the land eceadrwidening Rob- e eying of the gradeen ort Street North from the souiheast- IY line of Central Avenue East to Unlveolty Avenuetwet set and of tinl- ver. ity Avenue Weet from the exten- mo sion of A eludinBepI Ilar himprovek Aveenue, son Intersecting streets where I deemed necessary, undeved rJunen 2S Order No. 29767. aPPro 1920, be and all matters pertn dis _ to me are hereby annulled and dfe- _ c ntlnuea. Adopted by the Council BeDt. 10, 1920- ADDroved SSept.108 1920) by the Council -------- SEP_1D...1220__.__.........19---- Aon s>....... -----SEP --10.1920.. I F To the City Council of the City o3 St Paul w0 ,Gentlemen of the Council: - You are hereby notified that Emma B. Mueller, [formerly Emma B. Delson), owner of the west half of Lot seven (7) in,. Block eight (8) of Whitney and Smith's Addition to the City of St Paul, Minnesota, objects to and protests against the project known and designated as the opening, widening, and extending.Robert Street Horth from the south-easterly line of Central Avenue.East to University Avenue +lest and University avenue ,rest from the extension of Robert Street to the East line of Rice.,Street, as proposed under the prelim- inary order 29757, approved June 23, I920, upon which healing has been set for August IOth, 1920, at ten o'clock A.Iu..; acid to and against the proposed inclusion of the aforesaid property as part of the property to be made subject to assessment for benefits by reason of said alleged improvement; and to and against the assessment proposed to be levied against said above described property for the same, for the reason and upon the ground that said proposed undertaking is wholly unnecessary and in no sense a public improvement; and that the cost of the same as it is proposed to be made, will far exceed any benefits that might possibly accrue therefrom; that the spread of the assessment for benefits as proposed to be made, is unfair and unreasonable; that the above described property can not possibly be bendfited in any way by said proposed improvement, nor can any benefit be implied thereto by reason of the same; that the amount proposed to be assessed against said property for such purpose, is unfair, excessive and unreasonable, amounting to confiscation of the same, and being a taking of the same without due process of law. Respectfully submitted, Dated at St Paul, Minn. August 9, I920. 9 � 4_j 7 To the City Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen of the Council:- You are hereby notified that the undersiened as trustee of the estate of H. R. Itelson, deceased, owner of the east half of lot seven (7) in Block eight (8) of Nhitney and Smith's Addition to the City of St. Paul, I3innesota, objects to and protests project a4 ainst the known and designated as the opening, widening and extending Robert Street Borth from the south-easterly line of Cent- ral Avenue East ko Univ,erslty Avenue West and University avenue ;est from the extension of Robert; Street to the East line of nice Street, as proposed under the preliminary order 29757, approved June 23, 1920, upon which hearing -has iieen'set 'or August 10th, 1920, at ten o'clock ` A. If. and to and against the proposed inclusion of the aforesaid property as part of the property to be made subject to assessment for benefits t:wckwxmKa by reason of said alleged improvement; and to and against the assessment proposed to be levied against said above described property for the same, for the reason and upon the ground that said proposed undertaking is wholly unnecessary and in no sense a public improvement; and that the cost of the same as it is proposed to be made, will far exceed any benefits that might possibly accrue therefrom; that the spread of the assessment for benefits as proposed to be made, is unfair and unreasonable; that the above described property can not possibly be benefited in any way by said proposed improvement, nor can any benefit be implied thereto by reason of the same; that the amount proposed to be assessed against said property for such purpose, is unfair, excessive and unreasonable, amounting to con'iscation of the seine, and being a taking of the same without due process o3 law. Respectfully submitted, ZI TruTe o a est=_e o I:. Iwelson,deceas Dated St. caul, I:Iinn. , August 9, 1920. To THE xoaoRAo MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL'y'UINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. We, the undersigned property owners on Cedar Street protest and oypose the construction of a bridge or viaduct across University Avenue. on the grounds that the same will depreciate the value of our property, and also deprive us of the privilege of travel both ways v- from Cedar Street to University Avenue. and in addition to this, we consider the contemplated change of street grade as marring the beauty Of the City of Saint Paul's greatest object of interest, one of ;the World's greatest buildings of its kind, THE CAPITOL BUILDING OF MINNESOTA. We most earnestly request that this project be abandoned as being unnecessary. as the taus at the present time are about all that the property in the City is able to bear. j '. Y.,� , -It �� lA�` TO THE HONORAM `S MYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, 'SAINT PAUL, VINNESOTA. We, the undersigned property owners on Cedar Street, do protest and oppose the construction of a bridge or viaduct across University Avenue, on the grounds that the same will depreciate the value of our property, and also deprive us of the privilege of travel both ways from Cedar Street to University Avenue, and in addition to this, we consider the contemplated change of street grade as marring the beauty of the City of Saint Paul's greatest object of interest, one of the World's greatest buildings of its kind, THE CAPITOL BUILDING OI' MINNESOTA. We most.earnestly request that this project be abandoned as being unnecessary, as the taxes at the present time are about all that the property in the City is able to bear. LO P44-� elf 2�7 --- _ 7,P7 6dwr, M CITY OF 5T. PAUL ' DEPARTMEN'F'OkFINANCE v + REPORt OF COMMIC.5 ftNyER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA VRDER _(A> . In the Matter of .. opening _widenin{;, straightening and ext ending Robert St,reet_.I. Orth from the Southeasterly -line of Central avenue fast to University avenue .lest,, and University avenue !'gest from the extension of Robert Street North, as aforesaid, to the East line of Rice Street, - .. __ _._....... ._...._... ............................ t - ........... ......... _... _.. ....... under Preliminary Order approved November 20th, 1919. ..... ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as 46l1ows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - g�...r1_o,_o.d__ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - b The lots or parcels�gf land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or 1 L parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D ESC RI PTION� LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Oentral Park 387175 South of Univewsity avenue 3 2 Lambert & Co's Addition to 100 the Tour. of St. Paul. South of University avenue 4 2 Do 3475 South of University avenue 5 2 Do 5500 6 2 Do 4200 East 10 feet of 7 2 ) Do (.Except East 10 feet) 7 2 Do 4600 8 2 Do 28425 7 4 Do 136675 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL. I DEPAI?TMENj. OF FMANCE REE-OFiT OF COM14IS TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI[MAY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That cart of 3 Randall's A"dition to St. 87975 lying northerly of a line Paul. drawn from a point on the 1!!1 ly lire of Jackson St. 183 feet ?"ly from 14th Street to a point on the Elly line of Robert street, 183 feet from said 14th street. 1 Valentine's Subdivision "A" 2500 16 3 ),inq P.: Chutes Addition to 59975 St. Paul. 1 3 ) Do 16 2 ) Do 29100 alley vacatdd and 1 2 )) Do alley vacated and 16 1 ) Do 49200 North of '„'abasha Street 1 1 ) Do 8 m. 1's. :uerriaar.'s Rearral,ge• 2400 9 Do 10 Do 11 Do 12 ) Do 19725 13 Do 14 1 Do 15 ) Do 16 Do 6 4 Bren;ster's Addition to 3000 St. Paul. 5 4 Do 3750 4 4 Do 3750 3 4 Do 3750 2 4 Do 3750 1 4 Db 4100 Lots 1 to 6 incl e. s. 6 3 Do TOTAL 15750 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAFITMENZ OFFINANCE REIDOR'T OF COMNIISgIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE IM14IRY ORDER i,. T l �s DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (S BREAD) 6 29 Robp—Ttson L: Van Etten's 5000 Addition to St. Paul. 5 29 Do 4250 4 29 Do 4750 3 28 Do 1750 2 29 Do 2250 1 29 Do 3800 West 40 feet of 1 and 2 30 Do 6000 3 30 Do 9375 East 32� feet of West 7221 1 & 2 30 Do 3625 E -32-2L Ft. of '11.105 8t. of 1 & 2 30 Do 3100 East 45 feet of 1 and 2 30 Do 5275 8 4 1.'_a.7offin and Breckenridge's 3800 Addition to Saint Paul. 10 4 Do 3400 11 4 Do 2600 West 5 feet of 13 and all 12 4 Do 3500 (Except West 5 feet 13 4 Do 4200 14 4 Do (incl in 13 ---- 15 4 Do 9500 16 4 Do 2000 A piece of land bounded by University avenue, Rice street, ) Sherburne avenue and Block 4 of Magoffin and Breckenridge Ad- ))) dition (Being part of Southeast � of Northeast j of Section 36 60750 To^rn 29, Range 23. 1 1 VPiitney's Subdivision of 36500 Blocks 1,2,7,8,9,10,15,16 2 1 and part of 17, of Browster's 19750 addition to Saint Paul. 3 1 Do 7075 20 1 Do TOTAL 3750 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAFITMEN= OF FINANCE REpOR'T OF COMr7S�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRE IMI Y ORDER le) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION S. 40' of %7.90' of (Ex. S.801) 5 and South 80 feet of 5 and Lots 1, 2, .and 19 1 )",nitney's Subdivision of )Blocks 1,2,7,8,9,10,15 & 18 1 ) 16 and part of 17, of Brewster's Addition to 17 1 Saint Paul, 16 1 Do 15 1 ) Do 14 1 ; Do 7 'Nin. R. .Serriam's RearranSe- ;nent . 6 Do 5 Do 7 1 L.,:;:bert := Co's Addition to ;.e Town of St. Paul. 6 1 Do 6 1 Do 4 1 Do 1 Pomroy's Rearrangement 2 Do 3 Do 11 2 �FlorenceAddition to St. Paul 10 2 9 2 Do 8 2 Do 7 2 Do 6 2 Do 5 9 Do 4 2 Do 3 2 Do 7 1 Do 6 1 Do TOTAL a Y r ASSESSED VALUATION 99900 45125 ,,150 68025 1200 1200 1000 1500 5050 2050 5700 2425 2275 2800 6300 3325 2525 5225 1225 2875 4425 6725 1975 1275 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAgTMEN-, OF FINANCE REbOR'T OF COMLMIS!�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRE-LIMINW4ZY ORDER 1 ls) ;t DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 1 lorence Addition to St. 2375 Paul. 4 1 Do 2375 ` 3 1 Do 2375 2 1 Do 2375 1 1 Do 2375 19 Audito.rls Subdivision "o. 5,975 6. 18 Do 3000 17 Do 3450 16 Do 6350 15 Do 2100 14 Do 4900 13 ) Do 10125 12 11 Do 2925 10 Do 2600 9 Do 2475 8 Do 2025 7 Do 1925 6 Do 10 425 (Ex. East 6 inches ) 5 Do 2200 East 6 inches 5 Do 5600 4 Do # E0 4750 2 Do 7100 1 Do 18500 South of Wabasha, street 1 1 Ec:i_1 and Chutes A:: ition -E1350 t0 St. Paul Lots 2,3, E.3 of 4 1 Do TOTAL 2300 r.) DESCRIPTION ,!/est of CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAIFTMENj OF FINANCE ROOT OF COMMIS TONER OF FINANCE ON POLIMIPINRY ORDER (Except street) South of .'abasha street North of `'abasha str,et Lots 1 to 4 incl. Lots 1 to 6 incl North 'j of E.J of (Except S.50 feet and except East 20 feet for widening Robert streets) South 50 feet cf IL of (Ex. E.201 for r;idening Robert street) of (Exce,t E. 20 feet) (Ex. E. 20 feet) Do Do LOT BLOCK ADDITION 4 1 E:in; and Cl- .utels A lotion to St. Paul. 5 1 Do 12 1 Do 13 1 ) Do 14 1 3 Do 14 1 Do 4 Do °erris.:,,Is Rearranger.lent of Part of Blocks 4 & 5, ;hint; and Chute's Addition to the City of St. Paul, _:arlsey County, : innesota. 2 Valentine's Subdivision up,e 7 Do 7 Rearrangement of Blocks 6 ::nd 7, Central Park. P "I ASSESSED VALUATION 2300 3400 12125 12925 4600000 10675 11 ,. J e 2. 2675 12000 7 Do 13350 11 6 Do 2375 10 6 Do 2375 9 6 Do 2375 8 6 Do 2375 7 6 Do 2375 6 6 Do 2375 5 6 Do 2375 4 6 Do 2375 3 6 Do 2375 2 6 Do 2375 1 6 Do TOTAL 3125 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAFFTMENIT OF FINANCE R&014T OF COM`MIS TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMISWRY ORDER lBJ ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of Block 5 7entral Park lying east- ) erly of the followin:; described line; beginnim, at a point on the Southwesterly corner tl-_ereof, ti,er-ce Northerly 47 feet to a point 202.35 feet Easterly at right angles frora the ',illy line of Laid Block, thence :asterly parallel kith the '-Ily line of sai J Block, 8.40 feet, thence _;ortherly 81.30 feet 41450 to a ,-,oint 211.02 feet easterly at right an;yles from afore- said' 'esterl,,4 Eine of said Block, thence 17eoterly parallel etith the aforesaid Northerly line of said Block 8.40 feet, thence Northerly.120.74 feet to a point on the Vest line of said Block ) 203.03 feet from the Northwesterly corner of s:rAd Block 5. ) All that part of Block 5, Central Park lyin„ Westerly of the fol- ) loving descrioed line; Beginnin; at a point on the Southerly line ) of said Block 209.19 fc:�t from the Southv:eoterly corner thereof, thence '_.ortherly 47 feet to a point 202.35 feet Easterly at right -clock, 291OQ angles from the Vesterly line of said thence ;asterly parallel with the Northerly line of said Block, 6.40 feet, thence Northerly 81.30 feet to a point 211.02 feet Sasterly at right angles from aforesaid Westerly line of s_id Block, thence West- erly parallel kith aforesaid ortherly line 8.40 feet, thence Northerly 120.74 feet to a point on the Northerly line of said Block 203.03 feet from the _orthc:esterly corner of said Block 5. Past 2/3 of (Except street) 1 3 Roberts and Randa;ls Add- 17100 ition to Saint Paul. E.251of '.7.501 of lots 1 2 3 Do 3300 Illest 25 feet of 1 and 2 3 Do 3600 East 100 ft, of 1 and 2 3 Do 10700 (Except street) 3 3 Do 12200 East J of 4 3 Do 2975 11 3 Do 6650 (Except street) 12 3 Do 12700 (Ex. Elly 100 feet) 13 & 14 3 Do 5850 "Ily 30 ft.of EI1y1001 Ex.St.13 3 Do 7;00 Slly 201 of Elly 100ft. of 13 3 ) Do 17100 and Elly 100 feet of 14 ) (Except street) ) (Except street) 1 6 Do 16150 (Except street) 2 6 Do 15050 (Except Street) 3 6 Do TOTAL 17050 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RE)POFR'T OF COMMIS TONER OF FINANCE ON PRdLIMIt §Y ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Elly 110' fret (Ex. street) 12 E'ly 110 • Lx. St r -et 13 & 14 "'est �W feet of 12, 13 14 11 (Except street) 1 B 3 4 (Except Street) 15 Lots 12 and 13 Lots 9, 10 and 11 Ex. Street 1 No. 10 £t. of (Ex. Street) 2 S'ly 40 feet of (Ex. Street) 2 E.99.15 ft, of (Ex. Street) 3 The Westerly 50.85 feet of 3 11 and 12 and the S'ly 25 ft. of the Elly 49.15 feet of Lot ?4, also the Elly 49.50' of Lot 10. (Ex. S'ly 25 feet of Elly 49.15 feet of 4 (Except Street) 1 (Except Strdet) 2 (Except Street) 3 4 (Except street 1 (Except street) �4 12 6 Robert's and 11 andall's Addition to Saint Paul. 6 Do 6 Do 6 Do 6 ) Do Lamprey's Subdivision of Part of Block 11, Roberts and Randall's Addition to St. Paul. Do Do Do Do Do 14 �Robertsa-id Randall t o Add- ition to Saint Paul, 14 Do 14 Do 14 Do Do 14 Do 19 ) Do 1 19 ) Do 19 Do 19 Do 19 1 Do 19 S( Do 19? 4iSTAL 8 450 15250 30 40 0 141700 22750 47000 43100 7300 31250 27400 29400 51175 22500 122500 33250 28500 20000 210 500 137000 92450 610000 327000 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAFTMENiT OF FINANCE REIPOFAT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRAUIVI 1'RY ORDER ..r (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION N.2/3rd of 1, 2 and (Ex.St.) 3 4 St. Paul Proper 717500 IAT. of S.1/3 of 1,p- & ) 3 4 Do 81300 Except Strer:t ) _. S.1/6 of 1,2,&3. (Ex. Strcet) 4 Do 80000 (Except alley 4 4 Do 482800 "'.1/6 of 14,15,16 (Ex. St.) 4 Do 79000 S. -J of :;.1/3 of 15 &16 (Ex. 4 Do 74100 St.) S.5/6 of 14 4 Do 117500 S.100 feet of 15 and (Px.S t16 4 Do 363500 (Ex. _Northerly 5 feet) 13 4 Do 107000 (Ex. Elly 20 feet of 1 of 1 >.nd 3x. 1;; 11y 18 feet of Lot 3) The 1 -fly 1/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 11 Do 262000 (Ex. Elly 20ft.of Lot 1 and ex. 7i11y 18 ft. of Lot 3) The S11y 1/3 of Lots 1,2 & 3 11 Do 150500 The Wily 1.19 feet of the 11 Do 290325 _' I ly 38 feet of Lot 3; all of Lot 4 and t':e _, I ly 50 feet of Lot 13. 1; I ly 1/3 of Lots 14,15 ^,nd 11 16, (Ex. t'.e 7,'Ily 18 £t. of Do 146500 Lot 14, for alley and X. Elly 20 feet. (Ex.SIly 50 ft. also ex.::Ily 1/3 thereof and .,Ily 20 feet) 11 Do 136600 Lots 15 and 16 SSly 50 feet of Lots 15 and 16 (Ex. V ly 20 feet ) 11 Do 174800 East 1/3 of (Ex. the ::Ily 14 11 Do 46000 10 feet for alley wily 2/3 of 14 11 Do 44500 (Ex. :'11y 10 feet for alley) South 100 feet of 13 11 Do 156000 Thely 25 ft. of Lots 1 & ,Ex. 2 18 Do 87350 Elly 20 feet TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t RE'PONT OF COMMISSIONER OF t INANCE WO ON PReLIMItRY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Nlly j.- of Lots 1 and 2 (Ex 2?Ily 25 ft. thereof,also 18 St. Paul Proper ex. the SIly 1/3 thereof and) '2I1y 20 feet) ) The Slly 1/3 of 1:Ily i of lots 1 and 2 & 3 (Ex.F,I ly 18 Do 20 feet) The SIly 25 feet of :Ily 98. 93 feet of Lots 1,2 & 3, 18 Do (Ex. Elly 20 feet) All that part of the Southerly 1/3 of lots 1,2, & 3, lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on the W1ly line of said Lot 3, 2.04 feet from Southwest corner thereof to a point on the V ly line of Robert Street 1.69 feet iortherly from Southerly line of Lot 1 (ExceptIly 20 feet. All that part of the SIly 1/3 of Lots 1,2 & 3, Block 18, St. ) Paul Proper, lying Slly of a line draein from a point on the t+Illy line of said Lot 3, 2.04 feet from the Southwesterly corner thereof to a point on the 61esterly line of :!obert street, 1.69 feet i,ortncrly from the Southerly line of said lot 1. (Ex. Elly 20 feet and except SIly 98.15 feet) Lots 14,15 & 16 18 St. Paul Proper Stly 98.15 feet of Lots 16,15,14 18 Do (Except ^Ily 20 feet) Elly of RTIly 50 feet of 3 18 Do Filly Of 1:I1y 1/3 Of 3 18 Do Easterly -F of Westerly j of (Ex. Elly 20 feet) The i'Ily 1/3 of Lots 1 & (Lx. Elly 20 feet (Slly 1j of of filly 2/3 of Lots 1 & 2; also SIly 30 feet of .:Ily 100 feet of Lot (Ex/ Elly 20 ft.) V ly j of SIly 1/3.of Lots 1, 2 and 4 13 13 18 Do 18 Do 18 Do 2 25 3 25 3 25 Do Do Do TOTAL l 1 ASSESSED VALUATION 75900 76400 72200 148525 },39925 1370025 29550 33200 192550 36700 148700 68225 30 700 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPAf2TMENIT OF FINANCE RE'POIAT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE WA ON PRL10%kRY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Ex. Elly 20 feet) S'ly 1/6 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 (Ex. the 25 S'ly 1 foot of said lots 1 and 2. Elly J- of the Yl ly 50 feet of Lot 3; also S'ly 20 ft. 25 of Yf ly 70 feet of lot 3 wily * of ?T'ly 50 ft. of 3 25 4 25 (Ex. E.20 ft.) The North 1/3 of Lots 15 and 16; also S' ly 25 1 foot of Lots 1 and 2 S'ly 100 ft. of Lot 16 (Ex. Elly 20 ft. and ex, part 25 taken for widening 3rd Street. "!'ly 40 ft. of SIly 100 feet of Lot 15 (Ex. part take. for 25 widening 3rd street) Elly a of Lot 14 (Ex. part 25 taken for v,idaning 3rd Street) v!Ily of Lot 14 (Ex, part 25 taken for i-idening 3rd Street) (Ex, part for tiidening 3rd 3t.13 25 (Ex. E'ly 20 feet of) 1 ) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Ex. Elly 20 feet 17 16 15 14 St. Pti111 proper Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Auditor's Sub. ''o. 16, St. Paul, Iinnesota. DO Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do TOTAL p f ASSESSED VALUATION 32150 32125 21400 66900 49725 62000 23200 14300 13525 26050 20 50 0 21000 14500 13100 31900 6650 7850 13200 5000 5600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA[RTMEIjT OF FINANCE R9PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF hNANCE ON PRELIM"ARY ORDER .r �B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lots 3 to 6 inclusive 4 Lambert Cols A"dition to the Town of St. Paul. That part of ffiock 3, Randall's Addition to Saint Paul, lying ) Stly of a line wrac:r from a point on the '!'' ly line of Jackson ) Street, 183 f::et northerl•- from 14th street to a point on the ) Elly line of Robert Street, 183 feet from said 14th street. ) Lots 1 to 4 inclusive 8 Central Park Addition St. Paul, ;.inn. being auditor's 2 9 Subdivision. No. 3. 3 9 Do That part of 4 lying Wily of a line drawn from a point on the SEIly line 25 feet SWIly from the SEIly corner to a point on the 2P7 Ily line, 20 feet S'.''Ily from the NEIly corner of said lot 9 Do �t That part of 4 9 ) Do lying :Ily of a line drawn from a point on the SEIly line of said Lot, 25 feet SV!'ly from SEIly corner thereof to a point on the NV,Ily line of said ) Lot 20 feet SWIly from the ) NE'ly corner thereof. ) Except E. 8 feet of 5 9 ) East 8 feet of 5 9 Do 1 9 Do 10 2 Randall's Addition to St. Paul, 1 2 Do 2 10 Central Park Addition, St. Paul, :.:inn. being Auditor's 3 10 Subdivision No. 3. 4 10 Do 5 10 Do 6 10 Do 7 10 Do 8 10 Do TOTAL 136675 30675 13800 8600 7 500 14550 3550 1300 6300 8000 4150 7750 6000 9800 10 500 3250 10000 3750 2::'. - - j�( CITY OF ST. PAUL Y . DEPP,RTMEf T OF FINANCE REEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR�U^ARY ORDER r (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 10 Central P .rk Additicr., St. Paul, ISinn. being Auditor's hest z pf 10 10 Subdivision No. 3. East j of 10 10 Do A 11 t hat part of 11 10 Do lying C'ly of the follo,,,.,inr described line: Be;;inninc, at a point ) on the !illy line of lwth Street, 109.88 feet I'ly from the .: 'ly corner of Robert 8 treet and 12th Street to a point on the ;''1y line of Lot 14, Bl.cck 1, Randall's A:.dition. All that part of 11 10 Central Pcixk Addition, St. lyinC Elly of t.'.e following Paul, '..!inn. being ,aditor's described line; beginnin;; at Subdivision Iio. 3. a point on the "I ly line of 12th Street, 109.88 feet Elly from the NE'ly corner of Robert Street and 12th Street to a point or. the :;'ly line of Lot 14, Block 1, Ran- dall's Addition produced 7,711y 100 feet " esterly from the '::'ecterly line of alley in said Block 1, of Randall's Addition. 1 10 Central P:�rl; Addition, St. Paul, :,:inn. being auditor's :ubdivisibn I'o. 3. 11 1 ?;andall's Addition to St. Paul. 12 1 Do 13 1 Do 14 1 ) Do 15 1 S} 16 1 Do 1111y 45 feet of lots 6 and 7 2 i?o'oertE a-,qd I;andallI s Ad- dition to Saint Paul. S' ly 55 feet of :'.Ily 1001 of 2 ) lots 6 and 7) ) The :illy 2/3 of that part of 5 2 )) Do lying ','" 1y of t; -.e Foberts & ) Randall's line fronting 8 ft. more or less on 12th Street. 9100 9200 5300 1750 4150 4000 3100 2200 1800 4150 6600 16;575 12100 All that part of Lot 5, lying Elly of the Robert & Randall's 2 Do 7400 line fronting 42 feet more or less on 12th Street. g f L tt ry 22 17950 ale ;Y� yoIl?o � �hH part IDg lot 5, lying 'C'' ly of Robert L Randall's Lire TOTAL TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAfZTMErjT OF FINANCE REEPOFZT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR LIMI%ARY ORDER to (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ylly 50 feet of lots 8 and 9 2 Roberts and Randall's :add- 11100 ition tc saint Paul. P'.Ily 37 feet of SIly 100 feet of Pllly 100 ft. of Lots 8 and 9 2 Do_ 10200 (Ex. I I ly 37 feet of the %lily 100 ft. of the SIly 100 feet Lots 8 and 9 2 Do 6850 (.F;x. SIly 121.16 ft.Lots 10 and 11 2 Do 1050 SIly 121.16 ft, of 10 :s d 11 2 Do 80450 N/ly 621 feet of 7 and 6 7 Do 20725 "Ily 47o' feet of the Slly 87J feet of Lots 7 and 6 7 Do 28425 SIly 40 feet of 7 and 6 7 1 Do 5 7 Do 11400 L'lly 1/3 of that part of 8, ) 7 Do 22450 9 and 10 lying V0ly of the ) Randall's Line, ) SIly j of illy 2/3 of that 7 Do 15600 part of Lots 8,9 and 10, lying '_"Ily of the Randall's line. SIly 1/3 of t'.at part of 8, 7 Do 22,1150 9 and 10, lying ':'lly of the Randall's Line. That part of Lot 10, lying 7 Do 6475 x]Ily of the Randall's line Lots 5 to 10 inclusive 10 Do 452300 !113, 52.50 feet of the :'Ily 84 feet of Lots 6 and 7 15 Do 53000 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAjRTMEIyT OF FINANCE RE`POFt' T OF COMMIQSIONER OF FINANCE M - 4 ON PR LIA-ALRY ORDER P v (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That part of Lots 5, 6 and 7 15 Roberts and Randall's described as follows; Corv-rencing Audition to Saint Paul. at a point on the ':;'ly line of Robert Street 112.50 feet S'ly from the S'ly line of 9th Street, thence Elly parallel r:ith said 9th Street to the Intersection of a line which is 14 feet 1"'ly from and parallel to the Roberts and Rand - all's line, thence IT'ly along said parallel line 47.50 feet thence t!lesterly parallel to 9th street, 32 feet, thence "ly parallel with Robert Street, 12.50 feet, thence :'lly parallel with 9th Street to the Ily line of Robert Street, thence S'ly along said Elly line 60 feet to place of beginning. 42650 All that part of lots 5,6 & 7 15 Robert's and Ranxdall'e 19250 lying S'ly of a line 112.50 Addition to Saint Path. feet SIlY from a;:d parallel to the S' ly line of Vest 9th street and lyin P" ly of a line 14 feet Wily from and parallel to t1ne Robert and Randall line. That pat of 5 and 6 15 Roberts and Randalls Ad - described as follows; dition to Saint Paul. Beginning at a point or. the S'ly line of west 9th Street, 84 feet Elly frog,'.' -.e _:'ly line of :'cobert Str.-et, thence Elly or 311y line of said 9th Street, 35.80 feet to a 6800 point 119.38 feet Ily from said Robert Street at right angles thereto, thence l7'ly parallel with S'ly line of 9th Street 35.35 feet to a point 84 feet Elly from said Robert Street at right angles thereto, thence _!,'ly parallel rith said Robert Street, 65 feet to the place of beginning. All that part of 5 15 Roberts and "Andall's ) lying Elly of a line 14 ft. Addition to Saint Paui. ) w'Ly from and parallel to the 'Iobert ) 19800 and Randall's line; also that part of Lot 4, said Block, lying ) Westerly of a line drawn "nom the Southcucterly corner of said 1 Lot to a. point on the l:ortherly Lire 1.95 feet from the 1:`'ly ) corner. ) All that part of lots 8,9 & 10 15 Eobert's and Randall's 14500 lying West of the Robert and Randall Addition. to Saint Paul. lire and N'ly of a line 125 feet ':'ly from and parallel to ITorthcrly line of 8th street. N' ly 25 ft. of S' ly 125 ft .8 & 9 ) 15 Do 162500 J N'ly 25 ft. of S'ly 125 ft. of Lot 10, lying West of the J Robert and Randall line J a ?'ly 25 ft. of S'ly 100 ft. of 8 and 9, KI' ly 45 ft. of S' ly j of Lot 9 & S'ly j of 8 15 Do TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAIRiMEf T OF FINANCE RE!PORT OF CONIMISSIONER OF FINANCE kq ON PRELIMNARY ORDER :N d (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ea. W. 45 feet (S.'- of 9 15 Roberts a- R;Lndall+s Ad- 18000 5.100 ft, of 10, lying W,ly Addition to Saint Paul. of the Robert & Randalls line. All that part of Lot 10 15 ) Do 16050 lyinZ Elly of the Robert & ) Randalls line 11 15 � Do i ITIly 30 ft. of Wily 91 ft. 5 18 Do 60250 S11Y 25.62 feet of the *Tfly 55.62 feet of 1,711y 91 feet of lots 5 and 6 18 Do 45525 SIly 24 feet of 6 and all 7 18 Do 200000 SWIly 6.25 feet more or less of the 7.11y 30.18 feet of 4 18 ) Do 48100 (Ex. Wily 91 feet 5 18 A 11 that part of Lot 6, Elly of the 1V'ly 91 feet (Ex. SIlp 18 ) Do 24 feet) ) (Ex. SC I ly 6.25 ft. ::ore or less of !'fly 30.16 feet) 4 18 Do 125500 'dilly 75.50 feet of 8 18 Do 371500 'r"1y 75.50 feet of 9 18 Ex. Wily 75.50 feet) 8 18 Do Ex. W11y 7 5. 50 feet 9 18 Westerly 8 feet of 10 18 Do 263050 4 Auditor's Subdivision ITO. 888000 56, St. Patel, !:[inn. 5 Do 850000 ITfly 75 feet of ."fly 90 ft. of lots 6 and 7 12 St. P:Lul Proper 286000 E' ly 10 feet of I' f ly i of 6 12) Northerly z of 5 12 Do 80000 S'ly J- of Yfly 2/3 of 7,6, 5 12 Do 76750 SIly 1/3 of 7,6 & 5, (Ex.Sfly 12 Do 10 feet of said Lot 5 for alley TOTAL 142800 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA,RTMEfjT OF FINANCE R8PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRkLIM1%ARY ORDER .r (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Northerly 50 feet of 8 & 9 12 St. Paul Propdr 135800 Slly 25 fe-,t cf :'fly 75 feet of lots 8 and 9 12 Do 69500 . Southerly j of 8 and 9 12 Do 241350 (Ex. ?'fly 20 feet for al- ley) 10 12 Do 90500 TTIly 102.50 feet of 6 & 7 17 ) Do 534600 •.r11y 4.34 ft. of 11', 102.50 feet of 5 17 )) Do (Ex. P fly 4.34ft. of :71ly 102.5C feet 5 17 Do 177000 (Ex. :T f ly 102.50 feet) 6 & 7 17) Do 292350 (Ex. SIly 120 ft.) 8 & 9 17) Do (Elly ' of SIly 100 ft. 10 17 Do 23750 '"Ily 110 ft. of SIly 110 feet of 8, 9 and 10 17 Do 819500 SIly 110 feet of Elly 14. 17 ) t Do 36000 5 feet of ''Ily 124.5 feet )j of 8, 9 and 10; also 711y> 10 feet of SIly 120 ft. ) of '.'.'fly 124.5 feet of 8, 9 & 10 (Pri•;ate alley) That part of Lot 10 17 Do 9250 lying northerly and ';Ily of Private alley (Ex. SIly 100 feet) :'fly 50 feet of Ally 100 feet of lots 6 and 7 26 Do 149750 SIly 50 ft. of '11y 100 ft. of C111y 100 ft. of 6 26 Dc 60800 and 7. N11y 25 ft.. of SIly 50 ft. of Wily 150 feet of Lots 7, 6 and 5 26 Do 36075 Elly 43 ft. cf "'I ly 143 ft. of '711y 100 ft, of 6 5 26 Do 43850 Elly z of Lot 5 25 Do A2100 (Ex. VIIly 7 ft. of SIly 50 feet. TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP.t RTMEQIT OF FINANCE R+]�POi2T OF COklMIS1. SIONER OF 'FINANCE ON PR LI ARY ORDER rw 0 (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Wily 41.06 ft. of 8 26 St. Paul Proper (Ex. part taken for widen- ing 3rd street. ) ASSESSED VALUATION 80000 The follor:ing described part of Bot 8, Block 26, St. Paul ) Proper; Coraencing at a point on the present Northerly line of 3rd Street, 41.06 feet Elly fron.. the Elly lire of Robert Street, thence _'Ily parallel_ with said Lot 8, thence Hlly 23300 along said lire 25.21 feet, thence Slly to a point on 3rd ) Str=et, 25.18 feet Elly from the point of beginning, thence ) VIlly to beginning. ) The following described part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 26, St. Paul Proper; Co=,encin; at a point on the present P'.Ily li:ne of 3rd Street, 66.24 feet Elly from tlae .^Ily line cf Robert 22350 Street, thence ?Elly to a. point on the --Illy lire of s�,,id Lot ) 8, 66.27 feet Elly from said Robert Street, thence Elly along) NIly line of said Lot 8, and 9, 26.01 feet, tElhence SIly to )} a. point on 3rd St'eet, 25.93 feet Elly from the point of begin ning, thence Wily to beFinnin-,. ) All that part of Lot 9 26 St. Paul Proper lying Elly of a line drawn from a point on t'ne present ;'Ily line of 3rd street ) 17750 92.17 feet Easterly from the Elly line of s id ) Lot 9, 92.28 feet I ly froTi said Robert Street. ) (Ex. part taken for widen- ing of 3rd Street 10 26 St. Paul Proper 23950 A I-%Ct off the Wily side of Lot 4, Block 31, St. Paul ) Proper, lying NIly of alley :ural Treasuring 22.78 feet on the ) 27200 original SIly line of 3rd Street and 22.81 feet on the ally ) line of alley (Except part taken for 3rd Struet) ) All that part of Lots 2 and 4, Block 31, St. Paul Proper ) lying Illy of alley (Except the Elly 44 feet of said Lot 2 and except a tract off the Wily side of said Lot 4, 33000 measuring 22.78 feet on the original SIly line of 3rd Street and 22.81 feet on the Nlly line of alley; also except part taken for widening 3rd Street.) ;Illy 20 feet of Elly 44 ft. of 2 31 St. Paul Proper 10700 lying Illy of alley (Ex. part taker. for widening 3rd Street) Elly 24 feet of lying Illy of allgy (Ex. part 2 31 Do 12400 taken for iaider,ing 3rd Stireet. TOTAL 24120150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ._ Commissioner of Finance. FORM BA c CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART,MENT,OF FINANCE Rr=PQIRT OF COMIIAISSaIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE IMIN Y ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of 2,3 & 4 31 St. Paul Proper 140000 lying S'ly of alley 7 Audit cr's Subdivision Ldo. 10900 35. Lot 8 and that part of "", Street .aca? ed nd Do 547750 ad' J oining 24120150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ._ Commissioner of Finance. FORM BA c (B) CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAfZTMEr*T OF FINANCE RePOOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIrA4`RY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 6 l:crth 2/3 of t JCa i', of 1 _0 _ ,t of 1 - South 1/3 of /•� of' (1 ( s c,,A�l 2/L� of _.. Of 2 3 5 13 14 15 16 17 l ' 20 21 23 6 4 gest 50 fr:ot of 1- ., ast 100 ivet of 1 10 ft, of -,. 100 f t of 2 ASSESSED VALUATION 1 2in'_cors —!u litifl n to the 3750 2 Git- of int 1, d o to 1 do do do do 2 do :nv nn 'u�c ._ddition to IA. i, ..An- do do do do do do do ,:0 do 3 ,ioel —. itnc Is :.ci;!iti.cn to ti.e 'eo.!n of 5t. nul. ':oUerts and ,clalls :.d iii io i 2 do 3 do 1 2 /) ' o TOTAL 13,700 00 ;'J0 IS50 6700 5150 1600 1500 2075 12 5 1625 1-75 1475 1�J0 1650 8000 7650 5J5O 5100 14,100 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF 8Y. PAUL DEPARTMENfT OF FINANCE RLOPOOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI*RY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 1'0111'Oy'I S u: P:'lt 1300 5 do -300 9 2 Handills _ d""1ti011 to 2930 6 2 'L ul. O -'750 7 u _7u0 c d0 7600 5 2 do 2500 Cio 5 2 do 10100 2 2 do 2500 l do 14250 2 1 do 0 3 1 do 4573 _ 1 do 6775 5 drl 7825 6 1 do x:775 :0 1 d0 U." 30 1 do 1.200 10 1 0 56:10 17 1 do 20000 1 1 1.'I nkcra ..c J.1Ll n to i.ilc7 (;it-., 6=30 2 1 of ::t auAD 2700 3 1 do 2600 r 1 do ;3000 3 1 do TOTAL 1700 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAIITMENIT OF FINANCE RE'POOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM14ARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1; _ 10C, _ -, A of n _ d. _0 . A of _:. 100 _ A of 3'75 do 201,'�o 10 1ZS;S.; 100 _ t n_, ? )0 do 1 ( 7 do 3 7 X5000 (ice 7 do ( (13 7 ( (14 7 r y� o %3a 6 l�u /7 5 U a �Jo 3 6-0 d O /a / 6 G J o 0 dIj / d o 0 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION n _ do 3'75 do 201,'�o 10 1ZS;S.; do ? )0 do 'l.;OJO do ao X5000 do do 121600 do �a 7700 r 9, 7 6-0 o %3a 6 l�u /7 5 U a �Jo 3 6-0 d O / 6 G J o 0 dIj / d o 0 TOTAL CITY OF AT. PAUL DEPARTMEriT OF FINANCE ROOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �✓-0 / / Uf �% /� /a CSO / f d� �- O O Q T6 61 io 7 7s /? 6 a0 /y e� TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAf?TMENIT OF FINANCE ROPOOT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION B-lr/,2•, , t ��L Lid rr e'2 �2 v - o�✓ �c 'x� 7 o u o TOTAL CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMEfiT OF FINANCE RE!PO,-4T OF COMMISSIONER OF FIN4NCE ON PRELIMIftARY ORDER �B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION s" '7 D O J % dl- j -I,- y � S � � X03 des TOTAL R9PORT CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAIRTMEPAT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF klN INCE ON PREUMDJARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION / erl roe ,, r .: U 1 syo o /Q 00 7- A, / to /a 7 D U J 7,F' 1:1—e 1/0 TOTAL CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPA,ITMEN,T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF IrINA"NCE -- - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5o S6) G o v o % S v o 0 0 �r o d y4y /�7 -,2 s o /7 6o 6 /b Q // /% �IA i7 s`a �Y/ t-/y X70 8d/as 7a o 6 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RVOPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF hN.*NCE ON PRELIMIfi4RY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o 0 c-. / a61 a67So s--0 5'7/00 o / 6 .3 3 D 0 v yo 8�� ��/� Q rs CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE RLPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF NNhNCE ON PRELIMItfARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 57 7�' C) o o L q X 7 0 0 0 6 q TOTA� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R199PORT OF COMMISSIONER OF lrINhNCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /a- 171 0 o,0 00 y � � i5� a 4 TOTAL .` CITY OP 9T. PAUL DEPAPTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF I=INANCE ON PRELIMII&ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �7 / VI LW / b a % % 64-/Y q % v chi / d . j3 / 2 7 GLv. 5� /a 6 0 /b 6 76-0 o- CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAf2TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF lrINhNCE ON PRELIM &AIRY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 -dl d- - <� O /b a7 -�, 7// 4%O a39 p a /J % � 7 7 7 c�'fl 3/8sa 7 6 60 (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCC' ON PRELIMINAkY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION �. 3 a, ASSESSED VALUATION d/ 7y 7s // �3a o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of ;o,orks.�//,{��/ Dated ---- ___.._. _ ......191.. :�i<:/. Commissioner of Finance. •ORM B.S.A. 0-0 C • r The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of ;o,orks.�//,{��/ Dated ---- ___.._. _ ......191.. :�i<:/. Commissioner of Finance. •ORM B.S.A. 0-0 C Office of the Commissidker of Public WASEIVEo .2, Report to Commissioner of Finance \ 1UN 25 192J June 25 1920. _ ... ' _ _ __._..191..... 7`o the Commissioner of finance of the City of St. Paul: 7`h(, Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimimuy order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ..29757 June 23, _ __ _._ _. 1!1 2 1 0 relative to condemning and taking the land necessary for the lowering of the grade and widening to a width of 7b ft.,of Robert St. from SE'ly ._ .... ._ ........... line of Central Ave. East to University Ave. West and of University Ave. West from the extension of Robert St. North as aforesaid, to a.point 160 west of the center line of Oapitol Boulevard, thence decreasing uniformly to a width of 69.1 ft. at the -east line ofPark Ave also including similar improvements on.. intersecting streets where deemed necessary. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.__._._...__necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The 4itiuiated cost thereof is ... ._._.___, and the total cost thereof is ._ __ XXX .____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ '-- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 3. 5. Said improvement is. ....not . __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J / Commissioner of YubFi)c Works. /f (fit of 6t. 11aul atpertA of Iluhlir Norks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEP.- April 10, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: On January 23 I submitted to you a report on the University Ave. - Robert St. improvement. Since then interested property owners have been in to see me, suggesting certain changes endeavoring to out down the cost of the improvement as enumerat- ed below and shown on attached blueprint, to wit: 1. Change of center line at intersection of Robert and University in order to save the two frame buildin�s shown on Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, Lambert & Co. s Addition. 2. Eliminating proposed widening of Uni- versity Ave. from Park Ave. to Rice St., thereby sav- ing interference with brick buildings on Lots 1 and 16, Block 1, Ewing & Chutes Addition. 3. Slight change in center line between Park Ave. and a point 15C ft. west of Capitol Boule- vard to suit present roadway from Park Ave. west. 4. Changing the width of roadway from 49 ft. to 52 ft, from south line of Central Ave. to a point 150 ft. west of Capitol Boulevard, the roadway from this point uniformly decreasing to a width of approximately 45 ft. at Park Ave. L Ma 5. Changing the proposed creosoted block paving between Capitol Boulevard and Park Ave. to sheet asphalt. The paving between Park Ave. and Rice St. to remain as at present; that is, asphalt on a 40 ft. wide roadway, the street railway tracks to be laid in the center of the street. 6. Changing the proposed Cedar St. bridge from a one span to a three span structure with piers located at the curb. The change in grade due to the revision of alignment is rather small, the average grade from the south line of Central to Capitol Boulevard being on first proposed center line as 6.035°s on the revised 5.863%, a difference of less than 9.2%. The estimated cost of the improvement with the changes as enumerated above is $223,000.00, a reduction of $30,000.00, the main saving being due to the omission of any improvements between Park Ave. and Rice St., and by using asphalt paving instead of creosote block paving, as originally figured, west of Capitol Boulevard. A saving of about 06,000.00 is due to the change in the Cedar St. bridge. Only a comparatively small reduction in construction cost can be laid to the change in curva- ture at the intersection of University and Robert. The amount of excavation saved will be nearly off -set by the increase in concrete retaining walls, the walls being longer than before and must be made to the full height as slope will not be possible on account of the property. The increase in the paving due to the widen- ing of the roadway and the decrease due to the reduc- tion of the intersection will work slightly in favor of the revised plan. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer oc-b C. F. No, 30860—Ordinance No. 6419—' By H. C. Wenzel, to ordinance granting ;to the 'i'ee[ern Machine ➢innu[ac•turing (;o many, --d on to install gasoline tank yy ^�� at 443 ll bet en In d C. F. 30 ac tile auey bet—en ;ut and `" Ordinance of the City of St. P - An ordinance granting to the Western Machine Manufacturing Company; permission to install a gasoline tank in front of 443 Rosabel Street, just North of the alley between 7th and 8th Streets. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION I. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Western Machine Manufacturing Company, to install and maintain one 120 gallon underground gasoline tank under the sidewalk in front of their premises at 443 Rosabel Street, just North of the alley between 7th and 8th Streets, in said City. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said gasoline tank upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions; (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tank and the location thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said tank shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, but said tank shall not be used for the purpose of storing gasoline untill inspected a4d approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank. The said bond shall be in such form as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor Idatson Adopted by the Council Smith Against Wenzel RFP 251 192Q 1920. Mr. President Approved EP 2-4 12-28 1920. �7H1Y 1. FARfCV, City CIA. Mayor u . C. r. No. Uscl—ordinance \n ,dm nd_ntive rdlnance to men1 irdinn nee No. -5139,_._d Au... 16, 191 �, nn1 endmen [s th ere[o, u entitled, ",\n nd min l.stratl�e ordin- flxll the mtn nsatiort r1[es )(� erin n I[)" p09ltlolts and cIDpluy- C. F. No. 3lPf) Thne -ire of . t • , No. a`. Ano rdinance to amend Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 15, 11 19, and amendments thereto, entitled, "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, apc_roved August 16, 1919, as amended, be further amended by striking out therefrom the words and fiizures: Asst. Supt. Workhouse (includes maintenance) from $110 to $135 Foreman Guards " If n 90 to 110 Guard if It " 85 to 100 Utilityman If " " 85 to 100 Matron If " " 60 to 75 Cook " In " 85 to 100 Engineer If If " 800 per hour Gardener If If " $ 85 to $100 General Chauffeur If 100 to 120 Senior Clerk " 95 to 120 Clerk " 120 to 140 nabPrincipal -C Bookkeeper " 120 to 140 Chief Timekeeper " 120 to 140 Utilityman, Dept. of Public works " 85 to 105 and by substituting in place thereof the words and £inures: Asst. Sunt. Workhouse Foreman Guards " Guard " Utilityman " Matron " Cook " Stationary Engineer Workhouse Gardener " General Chauffeur Senior Clerk Principal Clerk fmnennl Bookkeeper Chief Timekeeper (includes ;Maintenance) it If It n Utilityman, Dept, of Public Works from $125 to $150 " 100 to 125 n 95 to 110 " 95 to 115 " 70 to 85 " 100 to 120 If 130 " 95 to 110 " 120 to 145 If 110 to 135 It 140 to 160 " 140 to 175 " 140 to 175 If 6225'¢ to 650 per hour and by adding as a part of Section 1 thereof the words and figures: Utility Foreman, Dept. of Public Works 750 per hour SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force inLnediately upon its passage and publication. publication. Adopted by the Council J "� 1920 Teas: Nays:�7 Approved � 5 � 1920 Councilman Clancy Matson O In favor Ferguson Smith McDonald Wenzel _Against Mr. President — ATTEST: Mat JOHN I. FAF?ii;: Citv Cork. ____-__________-_'___-__' �'. ~ / /�� �� �zf / �� ./�_- �'�« / w~. r~`�� ,w�_~_- " /� ~ /k ' \ -7�, �/ / ^/ _/ � ' ~ i/7'� � '^ ` "L__ ' __'____-.__ �~ ~`= / !//. / �/_� / / ./ / ' . ��' � ' ' ' ____-__________-_'___-__' �'. ~ / /�� �� �zf / �� ./�_- �'�« / w~. r~`�� ,w�_~_- " /� ~ /k ' \ -7�, �/ / ^/ _/ � ' ~ i/7'� � '^ ` "L__ ' __'____-.__ �~ ~`= C 0 P Y Sent to Council Sept. 10, 1920 Ordinance r/ v r 4 No. An administrative ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, and amendments thereto, entitled, "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION I. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. -5139, approved August 16, 19199 as amended, be further amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures. Asst. Supt,, Workhouse (includes maintenance) from $110 to y135 Foreman Guards " " 90 110 Guard " " 85 100 Utilityman " " 85 " 100 Matron " " 60 " 75 Cook " " 85 " 100 Engineer " 80 per hour Gardener TV IT 65 to 0100 General Chauffeur from 100 " 120 Senior Clerk ° 95 " 120 Brincipal Clerk " 120 " 140 General Bookkeeper It 120 IT 140 Chief Timekeeper " 120 " 140 Utilitgman,'Dept. of Public Works Tf 85 " 105 i- -and by substituting in place therof the words and figures: gset. Supt. Workhouse (includes Eaintenance) from Y125 tow150• Foreman Guards If " If 100 " 125• Guard if " IT 95 " 110• Utilityman if If if 95 " 115 Matron If " 70 " 85 Cook IT " 100 " 120 Stalonary Engineer Workhouse TV 130 Gardener " " 95 " lio .- General Chauffeur ". 120 " 145, Senior Clerk " 110 " 135: Principal Clerk If 140 " 160 General Bookkeeper 140 175 Chief Timekeeper If 140 175• Utilityman, Dept, of Public 'Works 622W to W per,hour and by adding as a part of Section 1 thereof the .words and figures: Utility Foreman, Dept. of Publio Works 75V per hour. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage end publication. Adopted by the Council � " 1920. Yeas:G�runoilmen Rays; Clency tson Approved 1920. Ferguson ith In favor ✓✓ nzel MoD�dYresident. <�'Against v t�v JOS@Mayor*' r x PUBLISI TD a T-1 0A, 3 2 no An Administrative Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5207, approved December 19th, 1919, fixing the rate of compensation of General Bookkeeper in the office of the Department of Public Safety, of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 5207 approved December 19th, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Sectimn 2, of said Ord- inance the words and figures, "One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of from $"1,440.00 to $1,660.00" and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures, "One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of from $1,740.00 to $2,100.00." SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION j. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council -1 S I n �_ p Na Yeas- Clancy 30862—Ordln— No. "'and Ferguson mintatrauve ordinance to amend McDonald mance No. 5209. approved De- iber 19tH. 1919^ flxing the to of Matson f"1 pon antion �ra Baoh� ceper� Smithn- Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved 1"i Attest: rIx Ordinance No. C. F. 30862. An Administrative Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5207, approved December 19th, 1919, fixing the rate of compensation of General Bookkeeper in the office of the Department of Public Safety, of the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. fp a That Ordinance No. 5207 approved December 19th, 1919, be and the d same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 2, of said Ordinance!: the words and figures, 'One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of from $1,440.00 to $1,680.00" and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures, "One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of from $1,740.00 to ;2,100.00." SECTION 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect im-nediutely upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nay !Clancy, Ferguson, In favor McDonald, Matson Smith Y... 4ainet Y'Wenzel ✓Yr. President Hodgson Adopted by the Council I �f Approved 0� _ c:�`� , - Mayo 3; ATTEST: City Clerk. C. F. No. 30863-01dinance No. 8918— An ordinance authorizing and provld• Ing for the issuance and enle of Three Million Dollars (53, he ci0.0o ` par value o[ the bonds of the orp of Q )o[1fl:S St. Paul, Minnesota, Por the purpose CSS j�J(llV of extending, enlarging ad improv- ,waterwthe orks lcystem woodpiand nt n waterworks by.'he City of St Paul. Ch The Board oP St. P. of the City of SL P. ^nncr. 30th day of AUguti. • P - solo [ion in ' 'le ores An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and waterworks system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul. WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul did, on the 30th day of August, 1920, duly pass a resolution in the following words and figures, viz: "WHEREAS, in order that an adequate supply of pure water may be provided, there is need of rather extensive additions and improvements to the water supply and dis- tribution system, including providing for additional water supply, building new low service and high service reservoirs, building a purification and filtration plant, a new pumping station, including pumping equipment, in- stalling new large feeder main, supplying both the low service and high service systems, and distribution mains, meters, etc., and that the cost of said improvements is estimated at the eUm of Three Million Dollars; therefore,- be it RESOLVED, That 'the Council of the City of St. Paul be respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City to issue, negotiate and sell Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) of bonds for the purpose of extending, en- larging and improving the public waterworks plant and water- works system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, and they are further respectfully requested to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City." AND WHEREAS, Said resolution has been duly presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Committee from time to time as may be ordered by the Council, the bonds of the City of St. Paul in an aggregate amount not exceeding Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) par value, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and system, as authorized by Section 217 of the Charter of said City and other sections of the Charter (2) applicable thereto; provided, however, that the total par value of said bonds issued in any calendar year shall not exceed the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars. Section 2. The said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold, and the principal thereof shall become due and payable thirty years after date thereof, and said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of St. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. •The coupons attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the engraved signatures of the Mayor and Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of St. Paul is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appropriated for, and shall be used solely for the purpose of extending, en- larging and improving the public waterworks plant and system of the. City of St. Paul. Section 3. The Sinking Fund Committee shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as may be directed by the Council, within the limits prescribed in Section one hereof, and upon such notice and in such manner as said Sink- ing Fund Committee shall determine, at not less than par and accrued interest, if any, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders; and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums, if any, realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in the fund of the Board of Water Commissioners of said City. Section 4. The Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized, ordered and required to set aside annually from the (3 ) revenues of the Water Department of the City a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and accumulate a sufficient sinking fund for the redemption thereof at maturity. This pro- vision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City for the payment of said bonds, and is not in lieu there- of. Section 5. That ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication, and upon its approval by a vote of electors as provided by law at a general election. Passed by the Council � 2bLtZ r Z U Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel 7mr. President (Hodgson) - / L Appro Maor PUBLISHED - r- T O Attest ' City Cle -�- (continued) eliminated and this will care for nearly $2,000,000 of the new bonds. Undoubtedly, our 'increased sale of water will offset all expense of our increased indebtedness, so unless conditions become worse than one can imagine at the present time, it will not be necessary to increase the water rates in order to meet the requirements of the City Charter, except prc,7iding that the Water Department must be self sustaining, possibly for providing for the increased cost of purified water over raw water. Bond issues for water works are necessary and this method of financing is good business. Of all Public Utility improve- ments, water r�,orks is the most permanent. For instance, cast iron mains cro-.xld give stood service for 100 years. 'Many are still in use after 125 years. Concrete reservoirs and similar structures should last 75 years. Pumping equipment, with the exception of boilers, should Yzith good maintenance serve at least thirty years. This Dem partment has some pumps that are more than tr.9_ty years old and are practically as good as when new. From this it can readily be seen thF,t after the cost of the various -improvements have been paid, a long life of usefulness is still available. This is taken into con- sideration by bankers and financiers, and ordinarily water works bonds are the most easily sold and therefore bring the best market price. As se" be'Tre it is probable that a small increase in rates will be necessary for purification. yuch depends upon prevail- ing prices and also upon the quantity of water which we will be able to sell. The increase would be very little, if any, and certainly every.one should realize the, -superior value of purified water over the raw water. If an additional ID per month is charged per service connection, it would mean an additional $50,000.00 in revenue,this additional amount will go far toward meeting the increased expense. provements; Following is an estimate of the aforementioned im- Additional water supply $800,000.00 Low Service Reservoir, increasing pressure in .low service system 50 feet - X180,000.00 Purificatio�Filtration Plant of 760,000.00 40,000,000 gallons daily capacity - A large feeder main varying in size from 42 inches;to 30 inches in diameter supplying, both the low service and high service systems and extending from Cayuga St. via L°Orient St., 13th St., Pleasant Ave., Edge- cambe Road, Otto Ave., Snelling Ave. to a pro- posed high service reservoir on S. Snelling Av800,000.00 Pumping station located in vicin- ity of Pleasant Ave. and Milton St., in- _3- (continued) IV pumping,equipment - $$ 50,000.00 High Service Reservoir on S. Snelling Ave. between Otto Ave. and 250,000.00 Montreal Ave.- Distribution mains, meters, etc. the cost of Whish is regularly met by money obtained through the sale of bonds - 770x00.00 Totaling $3,000,000.00 it is understood that the above amounts are based on estimates and it is realized that estimates at this time are rather uncertain due to continual changing of prices of the commodities entering into the construction of the various proposed additions. However, it is thought that the estimates are sufficiently hitch to amply provide for the fulfillment of the contemplated additions and improvements. Respectfully, /CommissionePublic U es. I An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars (03,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks Plant and waterworks system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul. 'REAS, The Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul did, on the 30th day of August, 1920, duly pass a resolution in the following words and figures, viz: OWMEAS, in order that an adequate supply of pure water may be provided, there is need of rather extensive additions and improvements to the water supply and dis- tribution system, including providing for additional water supply, building new low service and high'service reservoirs, building a ificatIon and filtration plant, a new pumping station, inoludiai, pumping equipment, in- stalling new large feeder main, supplying both the low service and high service systems, and distribution mains, meters, eto., and that the cost of said improvements is estimated at the sum of Three Million Dollars; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul be respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City to issue, negotiate and sell Three Million Dollars (430000,000.00) of bonds for the purpose of extending, en- larging and improving the public waterworks plant and water- works system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, and they are further respectfully requested to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City." ADD WHEREAS, Said resolution has been duly presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAINt Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue and deliver to the Sinking Fund Committee from time to time as may be ordered by the Cotuw il, the bonds of the City of St. Paul in an aggregate amount not exceeding Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) pa>t value, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving, the public waterworks plant and system, as authorized by Section 217 of the Charter of said City and other sections of the Chaster r applicable thereto; provided, however, that the total par value of Bald bonds issued in any one calendar year shall not exceed the eum of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars. Section 3. The said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold, and the principal thereof shall become due and payable thirty years after date thereof, and said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of at. Paul, or at the Financial Agency of the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds may be authenticated by the engraved signature of the Mayor and the engraved signature of the Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of St. Paul is here- by irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful -payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. The proceeds of said bonds are hereby appropriated for, and shall be used solely for the pur- pose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and system of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. The Sinking Fund Committee shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as may be directed by the Council, within the limits prescribed in Section one hereof, and upon such notice and in such manner as said Sink- ing Fund Committee shall determine, at not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders; and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums realised thereon, shall be credited to said placed in the fund of the Board of Water Commissioner@ of said City, provided, however, that said bonds ollall not be negotiated or sold for an amount less than the par value thereof, together with accrued interest, if any, thereon. Section 4. The Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized, ordered and required to set aside annually from the - (3 ) revenues of the Water Department of the city a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and accumulate a sufficient sinking fund for the redemption thereof at maturity. This pro- vision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City for the payment of said bonds, and is not in lieu there- of. Section 5. That ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe thirty days after its passage t -aid publication, and upon its approval by a vote of elcctors as provided by la.r at a genorrl election. Ile Passed by the Council�� Yeas Mays PSr1' Glancy rg'1180A onaldc tson Smith ✓ �'enael Ur. Provident (Hott-Hon) Attest � city, Cloft Approvedr� Mayor pe'Pa rh rize` RoL�\ i�u/1 brlljc�� fp�� is hi e BOAROOF WATER COMMISSIONERS `\�'v "vIfI %,.J�, *mr JOHN H. MCOONAL O. PR...... F.W. MATSON H. C. WENZEL /� JOHN W. --Cl. G E—.1—T. Sept. e. 1920. To the Honorable Council, of the City of St. Paul, Gentlemen. The Board of Water Commissioners at its meeting heli, or. Sept. 8, 1920, unanimously adopted the following resolution, requesting that you authorize the issuance and sale of Three Hillion Dollars par value of water bonds, viz. "77HE EAS, in order that an adequate supply of pure water may be provided, there is need of rather extensive additions and improvements to the water supply and distribution system, in^]uding pro,Ading for additionnl water supply, building new low service and high service reservoirs, building* a purification and filtration plant, a new pumping station, including pumping equipment, installing new large feeder main, supplying both the low servics and high service systems, and distribution mains, meters, etc., and that the cost of sail improvements is estimated at the sum of Three Million Dollars, therefore, be it RESQLVED, That the Council of the City of ^Zt (continued) St. Paul be respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City to issue, negotiate and sell Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00) of bonds for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public water works plant and waterworks system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, and they are further raspectfu2ly requested to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City." A certified copy of said resolution is hereto attached. Ver respectfully, Secretary, Board of Water I � `'IT�^Y^`��F� ��rg3�lAlY�'�' r✓T�ZU�L;, ��parhin;ea1hv���'�V�ub'I!c�frh�l'��h,e-s. OARD OF WATER COM MIS STONERS 1U1"�1�1� �}��1Jpa'-\_l� B JOHN H. MCOONAL D. PRESIDENT ��VV F.W. MATSON H. C. WENZEL JOHN W. KELSEY, OENI. SV PT, Resolution passed by the Board cf Water Commissioners at its meeting llc:" in September 8,1920 "WIIERLAS, in order that an adequate supply of pure water may be provided, there is need of rather extensive additions and improvements to the water supply and distribution system, includ- ing providing, for additional water supply, building new low service and high service reservoirs, building a purification and`filtration plant, a new p,unping station, including p xaping equipment, install- ing new large feeder main, supplying both the low service n. '119h service systems, and distribution mains, meters, etc., and that the cost of said i:provements is estimated at the s`u* c" Three Million Dollars; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of St. Paul be respectfully requested to direct the proper officers of said City to issue, negotiate and sell Three Billion Dollars (903,000,000.00) of bonds for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the public waterworks plant and waterworks system owned rnd operated by the City of St. Paul., and they are further respectfully request- ed to submit the question whether or not such bonds shall be issued, to the electors of said City." I, John I. Faricy, secretary of the Boord of Water Commis- sioners, hereby certify that the above resolution was passed by the adard at a meeting held Sept. 8th, 1.920 and I further certify that said meeting was a regular meetinf Tid Boar Secretary ITrOF SFoy _ @A BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS \�1_"il(4,���V' 1•'l �,J.�--�� JOHN H. MCDONAID, PRESIDENT F. W. MATSON H. C. WEN2EL JOHN W.I( .EV.CENI sDP*. September 9th, 1920• To the Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul, 11innesota. Gentlemen: In presenting the accompanying; ordinance regard- ing the 0,,3,000,000.00 bond issue that has been approved by the Board of ':later Commissioners and herewith presented to you for your consideration, I wish to make the following statement re- garding the same. To a great many it seems to be a surprise that money is needed at all for the Water Works. Fortunately, St. Paul has had no very great problems in securing an adequate and an exceptionally good quality of water supply. There are no real engineerinE difficulties at present in the proposition of increasing the supply. There has been very little change in the Plater Works system since it was first adopted in 1882, and this is principally for the reason that at that time those in respon- sible charge had foresight enough to provide for quite a city. This, in a measure, accounts for the economical operation and the very satisfactory supply and management through all these years. However, the City is fast approaching the limit of not only its supply, but also of the entire distribution system. In many portions of the City the pressure is inadequate, simply for the reason that the feeder mains are no longer capable of deliv- erinj; sufficient v�rater. Purification and Filtration Plant The quality of the water today is undoubtedly as rood if not better than formerly. As far back as 1899, an ex- pert bacteria analo,gist reported that he found the water to be contaminated. In fact, in his report he, claims that a normal glass of water taken from a tap in many portions of the City, contained on an average of 14 colon bacillae. All ;rater in which colon bacillae is found is considered likely to contain harmful intestinal and perhaps typhoid disease germs, so the present .plan for a purification and filtration plant is not something new, but in keeping with the times when people are more inter- ested, and take cognizance of the danger of drinking a water which may be contaminated. The fact that the same water has been used for years without direful results, should not be used as an ar- um ent a;ainst preventi-•a measures. Today, the physician real- izes that his value to humanity is more in the prevention of dis- _ -2- (continued) eases t'nanIin the cure. This, I believe, will be sufficient ex- planation forwhy a purification plant is proposed in the new improve- ment s. Additional Supply The problem of additional supply may be easily ex- plained by. the reason that water consumption for the city has, in the last few years, increased at the rate of approximately one million gallons per day per year. For instance, in 1915, the average daily consumption was 13.770,000 gallons. For the year 1920, it is estimated that th average daily consumption will be approximately 18,500,000 gallons. We have had no trouble in supplying this quantity of water this year and very probably unless an exceptionally dry year occurs, we will have sufficient water for the next three, four, or probably* five years. In order to carry out contemplated improvements in an economical manner, suitable plans, investigations and preparations must be made. It is not at all likely that all of the work con- templated can be finished short of six years or perhaps longer. Of course, if unforseen emergencies arise, we will, by reason of having the authority to issue bonds, be able to more nearly meet the emer- gency and then hasten our construction work very materially. The Board of Water Commissioners at this time are endeavorinh- to find the most advisable source for this increase of supply, and before any decision is made will investigate all sources thoroughly. Of the several available sources the approximate cost is very much the same asthe estimate we, have made for -this portion of the work. We believe the estimate is sufficient to provide the water from any of several sources that are under consideration. Feeder Mains In 1914, the Board of Fire Underwriters recommended and have since insisted, that we bring an additional feeder main into the congested business district. The midway district of the city is growing rapidly and their demands are greater almost, you might say, daily. The Board of Fire Underwriters also have re- commended that a better feeder system be provided for this district. Ne also feel that we should provide a larger available quantity of water in order that it may be sufficient to meet the requirements. The southwest section of the city, south of Randolph Street and west of �"'. 7th, at the present time has practically no water supply. This district lies comparatively high and with our present distribution system vie cannot supply them adequately or satisfactorily. It has been planned to take care of the needs for these districts, namely, the congested business district, the mid- way district, and the southwest portion of the city, by laying or constructing a main from Cayuga Street by way of L'Orient St., 13th St., Pleasant Ave., Edgecombe Road, Otto Ave., and Snelling Ave., varying in size from: 42 inches to 30 inches, to: a proposed high ser- vice reservoir on South -Snelling Ave., with a pumping station located -3= ('continued) in the vicinity of Pleasant Ave. and Milton St, This, we believe, will, and we have been so told by different engineers and also by engineers from the Board of Fire Underwriters, give St. Paul one of the best dis- tribution systems of any city in the country. This can readily be seen from the fact that we will have reservoirs on both the north aide and south side of the city, feeding toware the center or the congested district where most water is needed.PIt has long been felt that the pressure from the low service is also inadequatd. This defect will be taken care of by lifting the water for this district an additional 50 ft., and our ,system is such that this can be done at a comparatively small cost. Every Part of City Benefited From the foregoing it will be seen that every portion of the city will be benefited, in that higher pressure. will prevail on doth the low and high services which will tend to reduce insurance rates. It also will give a more satisfactory supply to domestic and commercial consumers. Filtration will be an asset to the city from its influence on visitors and on people who are looking for manufacturing sites. Filtration is necessary before the city water supply will meet with the approval and requirements of the United States Public Health Service Bureau. However, the chief benefit will be in that consumers are drinking a water of assured purity, a water that insures them against the possibilities of disease, or harmful results. Financing When the re -organization was made in 1912, also the City Charter requirements are such, that all bonds must be taken care of by annuities sufficient to retire the bonds when they become due. At the present time our bonded indebtedness amounts to $2,400,000.00. We will have, at the end of this year more than $500,000 in our sinking fund, hast spring, we retried bonds in the amount of $$100,000.00, and of the remaining amount, namely $$2,400,000.00, $1,100,000.00 are bonds that fell. due at various times between 1.915 and 1919. Unfor- tunately there had been no provision made to pay them off when they became due. .An explanation of this apparent unbusinesslike proceeding was that the city failed to pay for fire hydrant rental over a number of years, and finally this Department canceled a charge amounting to approximately $1,400,000.00 against -the city. This threw a burden upon the water works because in order to meet these bonds which fell due.in 1915»1919, ten -yeas refunding bonds were sold and naturally since they must be taken care of in so short a period, the annuity is very high, so at the present time for these bonds that should have been paid, this Department is setting aside $121,000.00 yearly to cover interest and sinking fund installments. The first of these re- funding bonds fall due April 1, 1925 and the last one May 1, 1929. The additional $3,000,000 bonds now being asked for will cover all expenditures until 1930. Bjr that time, the burden of $121,000.00 per year will be . CITV C. F. No. 90864— _ 30861 n�� l� OFFICE OF 7 Abstract. v{IVC f$ _ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of _ + ;he hereinafter sDeclded fugds andel COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—! -,1r the persons, firm. or'coryor _BILE . 1 NQ fothe amounts set oppr.: -- - -- 523% «� sEP 11 1920 r, I'`w /-,. ,, . ........._.... CITf'7 P •RULLP•.R AUDITED ........ ...... ...... ..............197 .... .�. / ,. 'PER ..............:... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.._.. SEP._1.j..1920:.. ,....., ..191.....__ "Im+sr SEP 1920 -F;n— worth Fergt eon In favor p v .... ........ 191 ------ QQ ooAAB Matson _ ICenLr _......Against _....._ _ • _ "--" "--Smith ......... ... ... .MAYOR McC_ll _ —'&uldelUd6 Wenzel Mr. 1 eeiclaot udgipt� / 'a d PUBLISHED - 5317 American Insurance Agency, Parks 5318 American Law Book Company, Corporation Counsel 5319 American Linen Supply Company, Munic. Empl. Bureau Police Fire Munic. Gar. Revl. Schools Parks 5320 American Supply Company, Schools n Water 5321 Austin -Western xoad Machinery Company, St. C. & R. 5322 Auto Engine Works, 4 Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.30 3.65 3.15 4.30 1.25 6.81 182.95 15.28 22.05 8.94 T6.27 { 24.60 15.00 205.41 46.27 9.10 48.00 kp 1,`- t Res. 523 Page #2 slz 5323 Barrett Battery Company, 45.58 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5324 Bearings Service Company, 13.78 j` Munic. Gar. Revl. 5325 H. C. Boyeson Company, 13.21 Municipal Court 2.80 Police 4.00 Health 5.21 Health -Adm. 1.20 5326 S. Brand, 45.00 Health 5327 Brandtjen Motor Car Company, 29.17 Fire 5328 The Broderick Company, 57.50 Schools 5329 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, 5.75 C.p.S.-Gen. Adm. 4.95 Water .BO 5338 Capital City Lumber Company, 244.13. Bureau of Engineers 3.02 - - Schools 38.00 Gt. Northern Schools 203.11 3 5331 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, 35.67 St. C. & R. .58 Schools 35,09 5332 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 186.50 Plater 5333 Arthur H. Clark Company, 1.60 Library 5334 Clymer & Huelster, 31.50 Health 5335 Cochran -Sargent Company, 142.45 Schools 111.60 Parks 5.76 n 15.07 P. Bldgs. Revl. 10.00 T47.47 ;5536 Cooper Engineering & Manufacturing Company, 9.16 Special Day Schools 5337 Corrugated Bar Oompany, 41.00 Homecroft School(Bond) 5338 S. A. Courtis, 1.35 - Schools 5339 S. S. Crooks Uompany, 35.00, Police 5340 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, 6.00 Workhouse Res. 523 Page #3 5341 Printing Dispatch g Company, Fairbanks, Morse & Company, 1,95 • Health -Palm. St. C. & R. 2.50. 5342 F. B. Doran, C. Finberg, Election Parks 86.53 5343 Louis F. Dow Company, Com r. of Finance 49.68 Purch. Dep t. 50 19.00 5349 1.65 17.00 Miscl. Stationery 6.75 2.00 TT. --0T Fire 2.00 6.50 ,1 13.00 Schools 1.65 Library 7.90 215.95 v 1.80 Parks 1.60 6.5 5344 Elkhart brass Manufacturing Company, Burnetof Engineers 77.50 Fire 5345 Elk Linen SuP1Police Comp.an y, 24.87 75.32 Pol. & F. Alarm 1.49 Health 39.25 20.00 W ter 5.07 15.65 44:50 4.64 6.16 5346 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, St. C. & R. 10.50 5347 C. Finberg, Parks 3,35 5348 Gaylord Brothers, City Planning Commission 19.00 5349 Gerber & Hausler, 17.00 Schools Water 2.00 TT. --0T 6.50 5350 Gleason Piano Company, Schools 5351 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, 215.95 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5352 Grossman InstrB corksu 10.00 Burnetof Engineers 44.50 5353 Haag & Manke, 6.85 S. & S. C1ng. Library 20.00 Water 15.65 44:50 136.20 5354 Hackett-Gates-Hurty Uompany, 30.75 Fire Bridge B. & R. 17.80 u8.90 Parks 47.42 Playgrounds 21.25 3.79 T, 4.04 West.°Labs. 1.75 'i ater �50 � Res. 523 Page #4 5355 Highland Spring Com Vany, 39.50 Mayor s Office 2.25 Corporation counsel 2.25 comptroller 12.25 3.25 Punch. Dep t. 2.25 Health -Adm. 5.25 U.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 5.25 - Library 1.50 Schools 5.25 39.50 5356 R. M. Hollingshead Company, 21.71 Fire 5357 Horticulture Publishing Company, 1.00 Parks 5358 Inter -City Paper Company, 350.00. Z Schools 5359 P. W. Jackson Company, 2.25 Civil Service .50 Munic. Gar. Revl, 1.75 5360 Kee Lox Manufacturing Company, 4.76 Comptroller 5361 The King Manufacturing Company, 81.00 Lighting 5362 Andrew Koehnen, 7.20 'Parks 5363 J. Krank, 3.35 .Alfred Election . 1.10 Plater 2.25 5364 Lawyers Co -Operative Publishing Company, 7.50 Corporation Counsel 5365 Lemeke & Buechner, 1.70 Library 5366 Leslie-Donahower Company, 19.09 Mvlisol. Stationery 4.34 Parks 14.75 �3; 63 5367 Linde Air Products Company, 9.30 Fire 5368 Line -A -Time Manufacturing Company, 14.00 Municipal Court 5369 Mc,-4ill •-Rarner Company, 60.00 Printed forms and blanks 5370 Manndler Brothers, 25.60 Police 6.81 Bridge B. & R. 12.12 Parks 4.17 Plater 2.50 �0 Res. 523 Page #5 5371 Mannheimer Brothers, 12.95 Schools 5372 F. A. Marko,. 15.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5373 E. C. Martin, 4.00 Police 5374 Merrill -Greer & Chapman, 15.07 Police .44 Parks 14.63 5375 Meyer Engraving Company, 50.00 om r, of Finance 5376 Capt. J. Middleton, Q.M.C., 12.63 Lighting 5377 Miller & Holmes, 22.40 Workhouse 5378 Murphy Transfer Company, Health 2.45 Parks 8.56 5379 Nelson Brothers, 18.85 Parks 5380 Newell Electric Company, 4.18 Fire 1.68 S. & S. Cing. '2.50 5381 Northern States Power Company, 2,128.53 _ Health 18.47 Library 424.99 Auditorium 8.61 Parka 1,633.71 42.75 TIME P3 5382 N. W. Tire Uompany, 425.11 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5383 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 224.37 Police 35.71 9.24 II 19.20 Health .50 If 41.32 "'.75 It 25.00 74.00 4.61 1.26 .58 3.70 Munic. Gar. Revl. 8.50' 5384 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, 8.50 Fire 5385 Oriental Laundry .ompany, 34.11 Health 5386 Patterson Dental Supply Company, 3.90 Schools Res. 523 Page #6 5387 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 526,50 Playgrounds -' 5388 R. L. Polk & Company, 60.00 Mayorts Office 20.00 Police 40.00 b�aS 5389 Toe Prest-O-Lite Company, 2.64 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5390 Reed Motor Supply Company, 22,50 Fire 5391 Reinhard Brothers Company, 8.89 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5392 Reliance Iron & Mire works, 63,25 Water 6.00 Gaultier School(Bond) 57.25 5393 Jos. A. Rogers Agency 80.60 C.P.S.-ben. Adm. 40.60 Workhouse 40.00 �6.6II 5394 Miss A. A. Rost, 27.00 Police 5395 St.Marie Cigar & News Company, X50 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5396 St.Paul Book & Stationery C ompany, 843.42 Schools 77.00 Library 99.99 99.72 ° 99.48 " 99.76 90.00 ' ." 99.46 22.10 99,70- 9.7951.32 51.32 Parks 3.00 Play§rounds 1.50 .30 5397 St.Paul Brass Poundry Company, 49.43 Fir e 42.68 Munic . Gar. Revl. 6.75 �97Z3 5398 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 113.0 Pol, & F. Alarm 4.00 Schools 12093 80.00 Lighting 2.10 Water 11,90 2.10 I1�:Ou 5399 St.9aul Gas Ligght Company, 151,82 ity Planning Com. 1.00 Schools 116.52. Library 34.30 -T=. 2 Res. 523 Page #7 5400 St.Paul Machine Works, 18.18 St. C11 & R. 2.50 1.50 Mater 10.80 3.38 18.18 j f 5401 St.Paul Welding & Manufacturing Company, 16.15 V4 a ter 5402 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Company, 74.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 16.00 Schools 58.50 -7 5403 Sanitary Food Uompany, 12.75 Health 5404 W. H. Schmelzel Company, 74.16 Fire .40 Munic. Gar. Revl. 10.35 51.64 1.80 Schools 9.97 5405 L. C. Smith & Brothers, 16.50 Parks 5406 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 276.65 Parks 5407 Stearns Printing Company, 45.25 Com'r. of Finance 7400 Municipal Court 16.25 B.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 2:50 Health 16.50 - Water 3.00 45 5408 A. F. Stewart Broom Company, 8.00 S. & S. Uing. 5409 J, C. Stuhlman, 20.50 Playgrounds 5410 Swift & Company, 37.01 Health 12.18 Workhouse 19.58 V:' at er 5.25 ITT. 6l 5411 Swival & Burch, 1.52 Schools 5412 Raf. D. Szalatnay, 52.75 Library 5413 Donald W. Taylor, 16.50 Parks 5414 John N. Theissen, 1.50 Parks 5415 Transit Supply Company, 335.00 Corp. counsel 25.00 Police 300.00 Pol. & Y. Alarm 10.00 33T :60 Res. 523 Page #8 5416 C. H. Turner, Sales Agent • Parks 5417 Twin City Bakery Company, ' Health 5418 Twin City Fixture Exchange, Water 5419 Twin City Motor Car Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 0 5420 United Charities, Health 5421 U. S. Rubber Company, Water 5422 Valley Iron Works, Schools 5423 W. J. Westphal Fire Manic. Gar. Revl. . it 5424 West Publishing Company, Corp. Counsel Library 5425 R. B. Whitacre & Company, Fire Mater 5426 A. R. Womrath Company, Library Total 9,161.86 11.25 150.00 81.70 7.50 4.50 7.05 18.54 2.� 22.60 32.05 20.00 50.56 35.00 13.00 111.35 242.95 12.00 25.59 13.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form A A 49, Y 41.7-I8 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. 308t�5 524 .1:�'htLtl SEP 1 1 1920 BY...... __. ROLL ......... AUDITED 191......_ TY COMPTROLLERP R.......................... ............................ ._._...._ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.........___SE_P.._19.2Q.........._.191._....... _ mor; Ferguson SAEP 1119�20 In favor .191 MODOnald Matson Smith ` ..... M4)Goll-__ Wenzel C. F. No. 30866Abst MAYOR Resolved that warrants be drawn Wunderlich Upon the City Treasury, payable out n the hereinafter spe,leed funds and in VII. son favor I the persons, Orme rcorpora- -tions "' the amountH esec I pDoaite m their spective n meas splfled la the followdetailed statement: J. Batley, 326.00. _ Central Garage, Inc., {920:62. $66.00. Wateon,� Com'r�� of Flnan. e j . Penes AutomobileCo., =2,002.00. 81 Paul Stamp Works, $80.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1920. Ap➢roved the 111920. .(Sept 1�-1920) 5427 J. Bailey, Schools 5428 Central Garage, Inc., Library 5429 Essanell Electric Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 5430 Dr. Harry -Ghent, Corporation Counsel 5431 F. VI. Matson, Com1r. of Finance Docks, wharves and levees 5432 Pence Automobile Company, Schools 5433 St.Paul Stamp Vorks, Police Total 3,404.70 325.00 920.58 11.12 10.00 56.00 2,002.00 80.00 COUNCIL 30866 CITY OF ST. PAUL PLLs NO, • --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED er AESmithSept•;11,1...9....2..0� COMMISSIONER . DATE. .............. ... ...._ R ESOLV ED .: That the applioation of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to.said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law: -NAME OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT;' LOCATION. The Emporium Mero. Co` Restaurant, 7th &Robert, Mrs'. Minnie Biever, Restaurant, 168 E, 10th,, L, N, BeoXer, Restaurant', 378 Jaokson, E. Mitchell, Restaurant, 1579 Selby, P. Ungaretti, Restaurant 129 E. '5th;. Sam Nekosy Restauratzt, 471 Wabasha. F. K. Turgeon, Hotel St;' Francis, 7th & Wabashs;, C.`F No 30866—By A E. 6mtth AResol ed,_Tpat the apDticatlon -ot� the. eamo are he by. granted,.and the City Clerk la authorized and directed �.to Issue such licenses to said persons i I upon the ayment of the fee as re -I 4uir-dThe Emporium More. Co., Restau- rant,:7tk & Robait Ste. Mrs. Mlnnle Bieber, Restaurant, 168:, 8: -10th St. - .. N. Becker, Becker, Restaurant; 878 Jack sort St.. B. Mitchell, Restaurant, 1679 Selby Ave. P. Ungarettl, Restaurant, 129 B. 6th Sam Nek as, Restaurant, 471 Waba- sh. St. F. B. Turgeon, Hotel St. Francis, 7th & Wabaaha. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1920. Approved Sept. 11, 1920. (sept. 18-1920) {M1 Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( s/) Nays .64ee�g� Adopted by the Council __SEP_.�Q..:___19-- Ferguson SEP 11 19 McDonald------ ........ In favor - Approved— —. 19_ r�''------- Matson Smith b — ------------ Avinst --- -- MI,YOw Wenzel MerfTE3ldeat . ".�owr ar .•ao^ eouNnit }C CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae NO.--_ .__M_86 .- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ESENTED By A E SMITH Sept. 10, 1920. OMMISSIONER::........................................ .............................. .................... DATE .......... ................ ........... ....... ....... ............... ...... ESOLVED That, the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate; for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre, at 494 Wabasha _St., be, and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is in- structed to issue such license upon the payment into the treasury of the fee, $100.00. C. F. No. 80887-11y A. E. Smlth- - - (� - Resolved, That the apDllcatfon of the Twin City Amusement Truet.Ea- tate, for a license to conduct a M0-. tion Pleture Theater, at. 494 Wabashal St, be, and the aame hereby 1s granted, and the City Clerk fa instructedto Ie-' sue such ilcenae upon the Dnyment 1n- to the treasury. of the fee, 4100.00. Adopted 'by the Council Sept. 11, 1920. , `-- _ Approved Sept. 11, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920)- I , Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays SEP 111920 Adopted by the Council_...—_ 19-:— Ferguson EP �9 McDonald --_— ------ In favor Approved— pprovedMatson Matson Smith ___.-Against MI1YOn Wenzel t FORM aM a730' .. CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTIO ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY.f' - :COMMIS910NER..... ........... :.......................................... ..' ......... DATE.....S.eft.e171b..er...`�c:,....1.92Q...... ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in Williams Rearrangement of Block 3, Nelson's Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for 'the sum of $929.20, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby ingtruct ed to -draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,089.00. F.B. #3023. C. F, No. 30868—By H. C. Wanael— - - Resolved, That the-Covncll hereby concurs In the recommendation of.the Contract: Committee-. and word. the contract for gro.dingIalley..in Williams Rearrangement of .Hiock 3, Nelson's Addition, In accordance with Diane and specifications 'hereto attached, to Christ Johnson. being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of {928.20, and .the•. Corporation Counsel ._ le hereby' Instructed to draw up the proper form of—contract therefor.: En -1 8 023er's estimate $1,089.00. F, H. No. S`,® Adopted bythe Council Sept. 11, 1920. aDi7g lved $� .Approved Sept. <11, 1920. ectic 1 Pa, (sept: 1a-19291 Ro8o tion, with ave in v Yea (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays __ Adopted by the Council_...:_1FP__Uj2H.--.--19_.__ Ferguson McDonald __..__._..In favor Approved__ �p 2 -1,9.------ / Smith Agaivat Weazel `I roar ar a•ao-. \I 30869 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of_.condemning,....t.aking._and ...3p�?.F.Apx.. rpt.1X1g...fQ;s:gtl.c___.Chool purpgaesej- ote--5.-.and-__6x Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition --.................... z.. r ......_.........._........... .......... .. ...._... --.--......--............._._......-----------------------------........ ---------------------...... ., .. ........................................... ..------------------------ I --------------- ...... .... t: A-. ............. . .. .. .....................................................................-..-..- under Preliminary Order.. 2859a ............... approved-Mar,2.4,122Q--., Intermediary Order......39f�63__-__, approved... un8 - 15Y -1920_- - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for,said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment IV roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council..:-------.SEP--1.71..1220.................................... 191-;1--- a 1.j �t City er. Approved........ -SEP ..............1920 ..........._ k .......... Cl191........ Councilman GXKX Ferguson Councilman Jff~ Mat son —Co-- MaX= McDonald Councilman tl<l qj t Smith Councilman vlfastd-Exbixp/enzel FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._.__a=iemning.,._..taklag...and._appr.o.printing.-..for ....: public. -...school pnxpaees mots 5 -and- 6; H3vek-1�; �1��}.n on.....Rill-s--- Addl-ititin....................................._-.........._. ORDERS IN CONDEMNATION :_._..-........_- PROCEEDING9........_._....-........... .......... ......... -'................. ... under Preliminary Order .-.._M.R8............ __...... approved,_MK.eaA4 L. "Intermediary Order ......_2966.6 ................ _, approved—June-15,-1920. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz.:._.nondemn, takg ._aA.d_ ap.P�Pxiat.e__f�r Dtib7 i R onl,c,Q,l.._pnrpA.aes-..ia;.s--5-and-F,.-Block-.12, Arlington Hill Addl t i.oa,___ ------.--.----._._...._..--------._.....------._._�..--.-- (2) That the following land, lanais or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: All o$,-Lo-tB— 5----- and 6, Block 12, ArlinKton Hills Addition, as graphically shown uponT the plat attached to the _re -port of the Commissioner of Public Works _ in -the above matter, date Jul_141920....___._____.......... _........... ........ (3) That the ward of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .._............. SEP 1.1 1920 191_-..._� Approved- - ........ .SE.P 11...I.g24....................... . 191............ Violet Ferguson x McDonald �fccdiezx �rFx4iad�c wmaster3d ac 11f�.Ra�esedertt;•+�oclgsoiluu Matson Smith I nzel City Clerk. ---- --- — Mayor. Council File No. By .a RANK W. MATSOM ..............._........................_.......... 308'71 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Sime Street from Cypress Street to Forest Street, �1 RATIFYING ASSESSMENTS. . Abstraot. z matter of the aesesemeat of 11 to, damagfres, ooste and ox - +a -1.1ng om • Grad+ ¢ Slrt,. St. from CyDreea —d re under Preliminary Order...25.35.6................. Intermediary Order ............. Final Order........ 2.7506 approved ..Den.emb.e.r ..8.t.h_.........................191......9.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That, the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby,ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... '..'..�Y..p...:0)..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council___....__SE.P....]1_192tO_............__......191............. ............................. �. \-wl. _.......`t._..t:�^,,a_.�..�6L'\...!...".....`� City Clerk. Approved ............ ....... SE.P..1.1..1_92.0....._.._............... 191.....__ % ......._.......... M r. Form B. s. to ayo CouncilFile No. ........... ... . ......................... . dESSMENTS. ®Ute By.. - . .batract. . ............... .._.... _.._............ of the assessment of mages, coat. aad a. - .ng from CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Under Contract 3068 C, for Season of 1919. F.O. 23597 Geranium St., south side, from Rice St, thence west to alley. F.O. 26360 Rioe S£., west side, from Wayzata St, thence south 27 feet. F.O. 26450 Rice St., west side, from north line of Arch St, thence north to G. N. Ry. Bridge. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess. ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUI RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ......... ...-equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ._........__SEP 111920 Approved ............_...,SEP._ �..._�920. ................_....191 Form B. B. 18 191..._........ �^o<a.�._...:....i:. aFS...!..._1_..1. City Clerk. l............:..........._:.— `..'..I. ......... ..............._.......... Mayor. -------------------------------------- Council File No ....... .................... } . By m 3 Ota" _..........._.......... _._ .................._..........._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and eXnenses for pavinrr alley in Block 30, aw:mlit Park -ddition, including all necessary incidentals, jj I C. F. No. 30872—By F. W. Mntson— In the matter of the assessment of benefits. costs and expenses for pav- ing alley in Blocic 30, Summit Park Addition, Including all necesr incidentals, under Pretiminar- der 24660, Intermediary _ 24^" ` lnal Order. 26306, hav under Preliminary Order ....._....2.466.0........... Intermediary Order ---..2! Final Order.......25.3.06....__.....__. approved .._ JL1Yle__2.x....._._......... _.........._._.........191 _9..._. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE"IT FUER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._._......,;/......_._................et al installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .._....._ ___.........SEP ...11.IS.20 Approved ... ...... _.._._SEPAL 1.9.2D. ............ __........19l Form B. B. 18 191.. ';....... 0 `...i a 'City Clerk. ......._✓ _...............%.. ....._ .. _.... Mayor. W (IIi1y of Si. xul ® C �?®� OSCM tLAU95CN, G er eaoineen r ERMA�?) N C. agUf Ui of Publir Morita ,.. . HWENZEL. J. C. GARRDLL,rSUPT. 800000M COMMISSIONER e.a.wD or ooa.Tauo +ion wno avwin. - ® DEPUTY ALV REO JA...O..RurT. IRVINO C. PEARCE. M.W. ERINGER, ".1 on A. m.r s. E GRYTDAK v' G. R...RROL D'Orrice Eva�neen July 24, 1920. Subject. Final Report of the Paving of Alley in Block 30, Summit Park.Addition. Hon. F. W. Matson, Commissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Sir: Herewith please find final report of the cost of,paving the alley in Block 30, Summit Park Addition. The work was done by Force Account pursuant to and in accordance with the requirements of C. F. 25306, approved June 2, 1919. ,p C. F. 28519, " March 18, 1920. The total cost of the work amounts to $4156.64 and in this amount the cost of paving approaches to garages and extra paving, where widening was necessary, amounting to 020.88 is shown by Exhibit "A" hereto attached and made part of this report. In Exhibit "A" the cost to the several lots or parcels of land is given. Attached hereto is a blue print of C. P. W. XV - 15784, which drawing is made from a survey showing the area actually paved. Respectfully submitted, C} Commissioner of Public Works. JEC/1& CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exoenses for the paving alley in Block 30, Siunit Park i_ddition, including all necessary incidentals, under Preliminary Order .....__...... 3.60........._ - Intermediary Order.........._2.. ......................... . Final Order........2.53.06.................................................... approved .........JU. np'....2nd....................................... 191....9..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $. _...,.13.x... 7.6............ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ .................._1..1..96............ Cost of postal cards$__..._...............64............ W4AMIhmAwft Driveway approaches - - - $ .............20.88........... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ....................4-2.0........... Total expenditures - - - - - $.4..,.163....6.4........... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._.�k..,.a..3....6..................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for au action thereon a ay be considered proper. Form D. B. 17 Commissioner, of Finance. EXHIBI T "A" FINAL REPORT OF THE PAVING OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 30, SU=IT PARK. DRIVEWAY APPROACHES AND FOR EXTRA 17IDTH PAVED Lot Block Addition Sq. ydr Cost Ex. W. 10 ft. 1 30 Summit Park 0'54 01062 3 30 " " 0!65 1:95. 12 30 " It 132 3:96, 21 30 If " 0:43 1'29, 22 30 1163 27 30 " 052 1:56, 26 30 " " 2.17 6.51. Total 6.96 $20.88 Rate of $3.00 per square yard The extra paving put in for driveway approaches to garages or for additional width paved beyond side lines of alley is ehown by blue print of Commissioner of Public Works drawing %XV - 15784 hereto attached and made part of this report. Council File No. ................ .... ............. . .... ......__ 6.�. 30874—BY F. W. DS'r BY--- - Matter of the aesesc.. -, costs and eapenser g, relaS11 and S[deWall. -. '. S, seas', CiTY"OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses 308'4 Constructing, relaying and repairing Uement SidewalLs under contract No. 3068 B, season of 1919, Estimate iso. 11. for --ssessaYr`e Roll-- F.O. 25799 `Rondo St., south side, from Chatsworth St. to Oxford St. F.O. 26028 Chatsworth St., both sides, from Rondo St. to Fuller St. F.O. 25999 Edmund St., north side, from Chatsworth St. to Lexington Ave. F.O. 25581 Thomas St., north side, beginning 253 ft. west of Milton St. thence west 8 feet. F.O. 25796 Albany St., both sides, from Snelling Ave. to Pascal ave. F.O. 23255 Almond St., north side, from Snelling Ave. to Arona Avenue. F.O. 25560 Almond St., north side, from Hamline Ave. to Pascal. Ave. F.O. 25674 Frankson Ave., both sides, from hcKinley Ave. to Hamline Ave. 25998 Iiamline Ave., east side, from Randolph St. to Otto Ave.' -ton-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 26028 Chatsworth St., both sides, from Rondo St. to Faller St. F.O. 25796 Albany St., both sides, from Snelling Ave. to Pascal Ave. F.O. 23255 Almond St-., north side, from Snelling Ave. to Arona Ave. F.O. 25674 Frankson Ave., both sides,'from IacKinle.y Ave. to riamline Ave. F.O. 25998 Hapiline Ave., east side, from Handolp'ci St. to Otto Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to 'the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable f.�, i .. �..._..3.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... .........SE.P....i� �9�d Approved ..... ....... ... ............S.F.P.11._NO..... ........... ..191......_ Form B. B. IS 191......:.... ... ....... .�.Z:L'...i..:`...:'_" City Clerk. j r Z/Z L^GMS " �' Mayor. PUBLISfIED — — '7 7_16v�' 30875 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. �M' ¢ By - L FINAL ORDER In the Matteer of...aav: n r.. _oras.t----2.trae.t---ir.om.. tat ;s..., vanue....t.o...."aryland.... venue.,.._including.--s.errer,t viater and _:as connections i_rom street mains - ..... ................. . ... ...... .... to..property._li'Iera...C0111Rl te.>.. i.STe.re...T 9t a.�reac`' ade;._ ;.1N..4,-._i:;lc u(lil------------- curbin and naviiig alley and driverratr apnroaciies, rTiere necessary �..._ . _._ .. - : - ....... under Preliminary Order .......... 29403, . ......... approved_. ----I: ay_ 2£3.} 1 20-,----------------------------_._.... <. IntermediaryOrder -------------------- ----- approved ---------------- —'---------- .------------------------ -_------------------ A public nearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.Paul t_bo the r y nave...H'ores.t...;qtraot...fr.wi--Has.ting;s_.Avanue to_.iiarylaAd Av. 0-aue.+-..zx.lc.1uci.1L i1g..se rex.f_. iator_.aIad._ a._conjj!egtio}Zs...f?:o? .. .... street.-mains-_-to..uronert;t_ lines complete, ,r sere not already madel also ggg _. ................... includint; cu._-itl and paving alley and veiay approaches_,...rizere �� ( GCI:!? Com..... ... ` __..__..... �z ..... and the Council herebyorde s�s ` I de. 1 u P w afatso RESQ VED FURTHER T 1�k tAt L,vlto vthnata Qt ublic Works be a is hereby instructed an dtre ed to prepare plans a from rtr e[ m t s % pop` improve ,. ,t a submit same to the Coun- eomplete,. wher p t cil �ro or �roval; that upon said ll so; inclvy —d idiVe.,i - .qty officia s ar a uthorized and directed to ceed with the making of here essary. ql in accordance erewith. I � O d 29403 a Adopted by the Council.lt"-Q it p vement up , 191...._ /1 / ti na a ,11 d e4 tl ereto and h4.. i ! ' the Pam ther - .. ._. ......_ ..... ........... J - Ci Clerk. a{/ c 1 of th ;�• LyB ISHED City Approved ---_-MAL- i yd]` nretrt J kyr Nat om str et mai L _t . ,\ mpl to nUer r, - r nclud[nB ca'Utn. --------- ............................ I d l e n Ma or. be and 5 Councilman O�t17C a b annnlle•' -�w' Councilman trsaBssX a,n 1 tite o 4.�.s/ Councilman QWAYcly is°� ot�a ^12. Councilman Iit �l Councilman WXndm%Eb 'aenzel Mayor Hodgson 1" [ f - Form B. S. A. 8-7 - ` Y'(\ TO ,THE HONORABLE THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL '03? THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The undersigned petitioners, as resident owners of the real estate hereinafter described, do hereby protest against the making of that certain proposed public improvement in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramey and State of Minnesota, to wit: Paving of Forest Street from Hastings Avenue to Maryland Avenue., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made; also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, when necessary, the preliminary order for which said improvement is dated May 27, 1920, and was adopted by the Council of the ;ity of St. Paul on May 28, 1920. Your petitioners further represent that they are the owners of more than fifty per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of such improvement and that they represent in numbers more than.sixty per cent of the resident owners of real estate abutting upon the line of such improvement. Name Address Description of Lineal foot %- II "Z W . _ �I L.15, B.70 Scottena Sub. 124.15 �J �i' ✓ s f"Y ; mi L.16 , B,7o " " 124.1 5 L. 1, B.69 Greenleaf Clark 124.15 935 Hastings Ave. L.23, B.69 it to 124.1 o/o Mound Park s L.15, B.73 Wakefield Plaoe- 124.25 tate Bank J �, r�eslre'r L.16, B.73 " IT 124.25 ,� O %�vfir /d4C 7 / -Z,o >n. GL 17 Forest St. �`L4�1, B.74 A.Gotzians Sub � �4 35-We� ie L.22, B.74 " " 134.25 1, B.77 " " 124.04 o -V 1051 McLean L.30, B.77 " " 124.00 i f 942 Conaway St. L.15, B.80 Stinsons Sub 124.00 Rsemo�fn't,Minn. L.16, B.80 " " 124.00 L. 1, B.81 J.E.Ransoms Sub 134.83 X cis= 937 Euclid St L.30, B.81 It It 134.83,. ..938 E. 3d St.L.13,B. 85 JOd.Arthe..-Sub 42.8 /1 L.14, B.85 " " 40. (L.15 B.85 if of40. I, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed inresenee by each of the various signers hereto. // Subscribe l�.nd�vrorn to before me -_L/ this p da of April, 1921. 7 Notary itb o, Ramsey County, Minn. My coni ion expires Dec. 4, 1923• z Name Address e•+cio �V� 9'�A`�f _ F 939 Conway St. 40.00 Serw�+lietlas " 124.00 L.13,B.88 497 Forest St y- 935 Conway St " " 90 McLean St. L.15,B.88 993 E. 3d St. �. e< </K aflz, 937 E. 3d St. " " 518 Forest St 939 E. 3d St. 505 Pioneer Bldg. 531 Forest St X11 Forest St. lbs�Yt.1t��,2,,7f'911 Hudson -w X531 Forest St. 535 Forest St. 537 Forest St. itivv�,a�'Yy e.s% � 941 Fremont St �i �. ✓` �.e 907 E. 4th St. 561 Forest St. o a 559 Forest St. 553 Forest St. 7 (.l ,,, r',.�-r 547 Forest St. 349 Jackson St 61 Maria Ave. Description of Lineal foot L.16,B.85 Jos.Arths Sub 124.00 L413.B.84 A.Gotzians 42:75 X L.14,B.84 " 40.00)( L.15,B.84 " 40.00 L.16,B.84 " 124.00 L.13,B.88 R.McCarricke Sub 43.8 L.14,B.88 " " 40.0 L.15,B.88 " 40.0 (L.16,B.88 " " 40.0 (1.17,B.88 " " 40.0 L.18,B.88 43.8 L.13, B.89 A.Gotziane Sub 34. L.14,B.89 n " 40. L.15,B.89 n n 40. L.16,B.89 " " 40. L.17,B.89 " ", 40. L.18,B.89 " " 40. X L.19,B.89 33.71 L.9, B.93 L.D.Hodges Sub 124.00 L.10,B.93 " it 124.00 L. 1,B.92 Asch's Sub 42.00 L.2 ,B.92 " " 41.00 X L. 3,B.92 " " 41.00 L.27,B.92 " " 41.00)( L.28,B.92 " " 41.00 L.29,B.92 " " 42.00 X L. 8,B.94 Matthews Egans Sub 46.25 ,e..y� C"Z 1, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in my presence by each of the various signers hereto. Subscrib� and o to before me thiso d April, 1921. i Notary P bli , Ramsey County, Minn. My commies n expires Dec. 4, 1923. I, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that, the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in/my presence by each of the various signers hereto. J -� C Subscribed and sy0rrn to before me G this April, 1921. Notary ubl amsey County, Minn. My commkosion expires Dec. 4, 1923- r- _ Name Address Description of Lineal foot property owned frontage 182 DoUBman St L. 9,B.94 Matthews Egans Sub 40.00 q?588 Forest St L.10,B.94 " " " 40.00 88. Forest St L.11,B.94 " " n 40.00 <%578 Forest St L.12,B.94 " " " 40.00 �! +✓ vc:f �toCap.Nat .Bk.Bldg. L.13,B.94 " " " 46.25 597 Forest St L. 1,B.95 Daily & Berrisford 44.75 X 597 Forest St L. 2,3.95 " " 40.00 X J.r 909 E. 5th St L. 3,B.95 " " 40.00 581 Forest St L -301B.95 " " 40.00 `:�, ,r�579 Forest St L-31 B.95 " " 40.00 O 4s >i r mit L.32,B.95 " " 44.75 942 E. 6th St. L.15,B•99 Snaw & Millefs 123.67 V C/oE.A.McDonald L.16,B.99 " " 123.67 � 1120 Reaney St. 597 Forest St L. 1,B.98 Sohiffman Place 123.90 �C 1004 -8th Ave E L. 6,B.98 " " 123.90 Duluth Minn _ Bk L. 1,B.102 H.M.Ranneys 133.00 X ,j r- r , a ;cz�r�%c:- a�i�ul�idu4uiez st L -30,B.102 " 133.00 480 E- 7tII St. L. 1,B-103 Stinsons 123.00 X r / o '-' 35 E. 6th St. L.30,B.103 " 123.00 O 940 Beech St (L.28,B-107 A Gotzians 45. X E'Gf(�,� �'"1 (L.29,B.107 n 45, x / ✓L `2'Zc )') 678 Forest St L.30,B-107 " 36. `=-i`� S. ..-... ...., ,.- o/oL.S.Cushing L. 1,B.107 " �L. 36. 2,B.107 " 45. (L- 3,B-107 " 45. Beech St L. 1,B.106 R.P.Lewis 123.5 �936 2t/.�e�_tJ 935 Margaret L -30,B.106 " 123.5 I, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that, the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in/my presence by each of the various signers hereto. J -� C Subscribed and sy0rrn to before me G this April, 1921. Notary ubl amsey County, Minn. My commkosion expires Dec. 4, 1923- r- _ Name Address Description of Lineal foot � 0 1-1 L.15,B.110 Schiffmans Sub 121-71 L.16,B.110 123-00 936 E.Minnehaha St L. 1,B.111 Stinsons 122.00 If ✓ 681 E Minnehaha L -30,B-111 123-00 952 Reaney St L.12,B.21 Terrys 127-00 4 947 E.Minnehaha L.13.)B.21 135-10 VyL yet L. 1,B. 4 E.M.MackubinB 135- 987 E.Minnehaha L.22,B.4 it 135- ti L.11,B.20 Terrys 100.68 L -30,B. 2 E.M.Mackubins 41.1 L. 3,B.19 Terrys go. co 681 B42innehaha L.29,B. 2 E.M.Mackubina 154. ✓ all, J V 886 ip. Minnehaha L.17,B- 1 J.P.Gribbens Reagt 90 J.P.Gribben Lbr Cc Prop 218.46 Aud. Sub #57 269.04 Minn.Milling & Mfg. Co. 146.00 0, 929 E. 7th St. L.6 & 7,B.4 Auditors Sub #7 196.00 L.5, B. 4 50.00 852 Forest St L.4, B. 4 50o00 L-3, B.4 R.2, 50.00 17 Z77— B.4 50.00 0 o Taylor Realty CoL.1, B.4 50.00 Minn. box Co. 269.04 Nor.Malleable Iron 248.46 1-Y r 6-- N (�t. Vg�&Ii Union (L.20,B-3 50.00 L.19,B-3 57-00 L.18,B-3 H 43-00 913 Sims St- L.16,B-3 50.00 Xr:aioaE`L. 15,B-3 50.00 X I, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in y -presence by each of the various signers hereto. Subscribed,and sworn to before me this i I April. 1921. a�y f Notary PubliRamsey County, Minn. My commio_*on expires Dec. 4, 1923- � 0 1-1 lag Description of Lineal foot L. 1,B.6 Chas Weides Reagt to 125.00 !I 125:00 1008 H. Lawson L.14,B.,�P,,Auditors Sub #7 7- 50.00 -& 0.00-& E. 4th St. L -13,B-3 of 50,00 IG? 4 th St./ J�L-12,B-3 to of 50.00 &a4,cAX, /920 Forest St. L.11,B-3 of 50.00 983 Western Ave. L.10,B-3 50.00 'k Los Angeles R-F-D-#3White.bear L. 9,-B-3 50.00 Opening Sims St City of St.Paul L. 8,B-3 50.00 936 Sime St. L. 1,8.5 Nelsons, Add 125.00 937 York St. L.24,B.5 It It 125.00 Opening Sims St City of St.Paul L. 7,B-3 Auditors Sub #7 50.00 Lb936 Forest L. 6 & Pt 7,B-3 50.00 913 Fauquier L. 5,B-3 50.00 -M-irm L. 4,B-3 40.00 L.3, B.3 40.00 14 L. 2,B-3 It 40.00 L. .3 1] 10.5 20 Forest St. 9 920 Fore L.19,B.2 Chas Weides Reagt 125. 414 11-1 , For. ON 949 Forest St. L. 1,B.2 Romae Reagt 41 2/3 953 Forest St L. 2,B.2 41 2/3 410 E. 10th St. L. 3,B.2 41 2/3 all -ion ft . 1,B.4 Stevens Reagt Foresdale to 38-1 . 2,8.4 to 38. z. - 3,8.4 of It 38. No.St.Paul L. 4.B.4 II to 38 Globe Bldg. --j4� L. 5.B.4 38- 976 Jenke L. 6,B.4 It 38. X I, Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in m .3�epence by of the various signers hereto. 7eac Subscribedand sworn to before me this -30'da of April, 192b. Notary Publ'd, Ramsey County, Minn. My commies on expires Dec. 4, 1923- -1^ Ad& a a' De"scr ption of""" LYnea1 foot ro ert owned frontage 4 L. 7,B.4 Stevens Reagt .r Foresdale 45. GI-obe Bldg. `r L. 1,B.1 Nelsons Addn 125. Forest St L.24,B.1 " " 12 .:5 93.5 5 ;.;• c/o R A Walsh l7 Cent Bk Bldg L.15,B-3 Forestdale Add 125.)111 945 Jenks L.16,B.3 " 115.9 f,• '- '�pdt 934 E.Lawaon L. 1,B.4 Howarde Addn 125. 397 Jenks L.30,B.4 " " 125.5 V, X940 E. Cook L.15,B.2 Forestdale Add 125. (( 2 - 15�' 941 E. L%wson L.16,B.2 " " 125. f i� 917 Euclid L. 1,B.4 Lockwoods Add 125. T r L.30,B.4 " " 125. D O e/o911Comm Bldg L.15,B.1 Foreatdale Add 125. 4 s� Ca otC 'ne L -16,B.1 " 125. 0/0909 CommBldg L. 1,B.1 Lockwoods Add 125.75 1500 - 4th St.NE JMpls L.22,B.1, " " 125. K 4 y' ori L.15,B.14 EaetvilleHeights 121.95 Harrison School L.16,B.14 " " 121.95 r 15yi—j ,,c. el 1097 Forest L. 1,B.15 " " 121.96 309 Pioneer Bldg L.30,B.15 " " 121.96 L.15,B.11 " " 121.95 L.16,B.11 " " 121.95 �d ;-!.7. r,.• x%765 Rose St. �L.28,B.10; L. 1,B.10 ° " 243.90 Rose 6 " " 942 St A L.15,B. 121.95 1148 Forest L.16,B.6 " " 121.95 Globe Bldg. L. 1,B-7 " " 121.95 Y f d zr.) /Yo; " " F ,44 L.30,B.7 121.95 1, 'Im. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in y esby each of the various signers hereto. Subscrib eA/and sworn to before me thisZ - day il, 1921. Notary Public Ramsey County, Minn. My commipeio expires Dec. 4, 1923• �M W Name Address Description of Lineal foot Property owned frontag q'i N Forest & Maryland L.15,B -3 Eastville Heights "Off I Vvv- 957 Rose L.16,B-3 121.95 10, �TZAi L. 1.B.2 ;Y A)4-S�L-1187 Forest Y L-30,3.2 411 I. Wm. Klotz, do hereby certify that the names signed or subscribed upon this sheet of paper were signed in my presence by each of the various signers hereto. Subscribed_=d sworn to before me this o April, 1921. Notary PubIJd, Ramsey County, Minn. My commfs W n expires Dec. 4, 1923- 0 hl 4 RMINA UNWOM WWWWWWWO ... ... . .. ... . ..... ..... ......... - ............. ................ ............. ............ ........... May 28, 1920. .............. ........... ........... . ............... ............. . ....... under Preliminary Order approved .......... .. ............ ............... ................ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total Kind of per Total cost per PaviRs S . 7d. estimate front foot 322" Creosoted block $6.09 0196,207.68 $14.25 Interseotions out 15.3,978,95 11*18 on edge 5*32 171,400,29 12*45 Intersections out 154,510.35 9.77 Brick, laid flat 4*92 158,523.05 11*51 Intersections Out 124,396.79 9103 Asphalt 3*95 127,261.50 9.24 Intersectimm out 99,867.85 7.25 Asphalt Concrete 5,95 127#261*50 9024 Intersections out 99,867.85 7*25 Concrete 3.28 105,675.57 7.67 Intersections out 82,941.19 6.02 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ILOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ALUATION 16 Scotten's Subdivision of Block 2950 70 Lyman Dayton's Addition to 17, St. Paul. 2750 18. do 44510 19, do 750 20. do 45" 3450 0 21 do 3350 �350 22. do 50 2750 23 do. 2650 50 15 do 100 28Ej00--L--- ------ ---- d,0- - -- -------- Y I CM OP,QT. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONE#;uOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 Scotten's Subdivision of Blk. 300p 12 70 Lyman Layton's Addition to 35bI 11 St. Paul. 35p 10 do 350 9 do 350 8 do $5p 16 Wakefield Place St. Paul, Minn. 35p 17 do 4000 18 do 317 19 do 355P 20 do 475 21 do 500 22 do 50p 23 do 50b 15 do 2200 14 do 450 13 do 400 12 do 40b (11 do ( 2$50 (10 do ( 9 do 8 do 45p 1 -'+dam Gotzians Subdivision of 127�i 2 Block 77, Lyman iaytons Addition, h26 3 do 4 do 2&20 5 do 1225 TOTAL 1 ?ITY OF18T. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONS!:='OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) C!o DESCRIPTION West 30 feet of East 10 feet of West 20 feet of East 20 feet of (Except p=ast 10 feet) East 10 feet of West a of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Adam Qotzians subdivision of 1040 ( 6 Block 77, Lyman Laytons Addition. ( 100 ( 7 do 7 do 1650 8 do 30 do 1075 29 do 21$0 ,,.28 do 210 27 do 1900 26 do i 1850 25 do 1600 24 do 2400 24 do ( 900 23 do 16 Stinsons subdivision of Block 1050 17 80of Lyman Laytons Kddition to 1700 i 18 St. Paul. 1:600 19 do 1750 20 do 1050 21 do 12Q0 22 do 1550 23 do 1400 15 do 750 14 do 850 13 do 1450 12 do 375 11 do TOTAL 460 I j 1 1 (B) DESCRIPTION ?ITY OFIBT. PAUL ` I DEP/ RTMEVT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONFI.2" OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER West 80 feet of 14-15- (Exc. West 80 feet) 15-14 West z of East z of West 10 feet of East 30 feet of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 Stinson ''ubdivision of Block 80 1600 1 9 Lyman Daytons Addition to St. Paul. 406 8 do 1100 16 Joseph -rths �Iubdivision of Block 2600 17 85 Lyman baytons Addition to St. 950 18 Paul. 1950 19 do 105Q 20 do 1450 21 do 2400 22 do 3350 23 do 850 13 do 510Q 13 do 3050 12 do 3200 (11 do ( 1375 (10 do 10 do 1725 9 do 9 do 1625 8 do 1750 18 Richard McCarricks Subdivision of 3650 14 Block 88 of Lyman '-�aytons Addition 1850 16 to St. Paul.3156 19 do 425 20 do 1456 21 do TOTAL i L 1450 1 I i 1 PITY OFIST. PAUL F DEPIRTMEVY OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONS C OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 Richard McCarricks Subdivision of 1450 23 Block 88 of Lyman Dayton Addition 350 i i 15 to St. Paul. 2050 14 do 1450 13 do 1125 1& do 300 11 do 256 10 do 250 9 do 1925 8 do 2025 10 L. D. Hodge's Subdivision of Block 2550 93 of Lyman Laytons Jddition to 11 St. Paul. 2100 12 do 1300 13 do 1509 14 do 3900 15 do 3800 16 do 1709 17 do 3406 9 c do i 550 8 do 2900 7 do 2600 6 do7d� 5 do 2006 4 do 3100 3 do 2100 2 do TOTAL 8000 ", 1 FITY OF/8T. PAUL / DEPIRTMEVT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSION E01 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 ivlatheiv Lgans Subdivision of 195Q 12 i Block 94 Lyman "aytons Addition. 1475 11 do i 3275 14 do 42B 15 do 509 16 do 3400 17 do 3600 18 do 500 19 do 2900 10 do 2150 9 do 3150 8 do 500 7 do lop 6 do 2975 5 do 1P,75 4 do 2275 3 do 3400 2 do 500 16 Snow and Idillers Subdivision of Block 17 99 Lyman Daytons Addition to 18 St. Paul, h1inn. 26575 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do TOTAL 400 I ?ITY OPIST. PAUL A 4 DEPIRTMEI,IT OF FINANCE I , REPORT OF COMMISSION Elk OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION e I 15 Snow and Millers Subdivision of 4200 14 Block 99 Lyman 'Jaytons Addition 2100 13 to St -Paul, Minn. 3400 12 do 3325 11 do 2500 10 do 2000 9 do 400p 8 do 2100 30 102_ H. rd. "anney's Subdivision 1850 i 29 102 of 101 and 102 Lyman—aytons 1152 28 102 Addition to St. Paul, Minn. 180Q 27 102 do 450 26 102 do 1700 25 102 do 2300 24 102 do 1100 23 102 do 500 1 102 do 285Q 2 102 do 3 102 do 500 4 102 do 500 5 102 do 700 6 102 do 500: 7 102 do 1700 8 102 do 1300 3 edam -iotzians subdivision of Block 750 2 107 Lyman baytons Addition. 700 1 do 675 TOTAL r PITY OFIST. PAUL i I DEPJRTMEN T OF FINANCE A 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Adam Gotzians Subdivision of 1500 5 Block 107 Lyman Daytons Addition., 2360 i 6 do 1100 7 do 1400 8 do 200 30 do 1675 (29 do 7075 (28 do 27 do 1600 26 do 1800 25 do �3y O 24 do 1500 23 do 2100 16 110 Schiffmann's Subdivision of 4315 17 110Block's 109 and 110 Lyman 1'aytons 1700. 18 110Addition. 1450 19 110 do 1200 20 110 do 1800 21 110 do 1700 22 110 do 2500, 23 110 do 3900 - 15 110 do i 775 14 110 do ( 4850 West z of 13 110 do East a of 13 110 do 350 12 110 do 3200 (11 110 do 4400 ro.w a s Ii t10 110 TOTAL ( ( FITY OFIST. PAUL ) I t DEPIRTMEN T OF FINANCE I I REPORT OF COMMISSIONE7k OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 110 Schiffmannls Subdivision of 2700 Blocks 109 and 110 Lyman Laytons I 8 110 Addition. 709 23 Greenleaf Clark's Subdivision 7850 22 of Block 69 Lyman Daytons Addition 750 21 to Saint Paul. 2750 20 do 750 19 do 750 1 do 1350 2 do 1309 3 do 500 i 4 do 1300 5 do 450 6 do 2950 7 do 3900 22 Adam Gotzians Subdivision of 3456 23 Block 74 Lyman i)aytons Addition. 3500 24 do 475 25 do 400 26 do 250 27 do 250 28 do 250 29 do 42P (Except North 64 25/110 feet 21 and 20 do 3225 forth 64 25/100 of 21 and 20 do 2,300 19 do 3006 18 do 2,356 TOTAL Y FITY OPIST. PAUL ; 1 I DEPIRTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONth OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 Adam Gotzians Subdivision of 17519 16 Block 74 Lyman -Laytons Addition. 1100 15 do 1825 14 do 350 16 A. Gotzians Subdivision of Block $50 17 76 L. Da ytons Addition. 1856 18 do 409 19 do 400 20 do 1300 21 do 350 22 do 2200 23 do 1250 15 do 1520 14 do 1450 13 do 500 12 do 1350 11 do 1500 10 do 1050 9 do 1400 8 do 400 30 J. E. Ransom Is Subdivision 1956 29 of Block 81 Lyman Daytona Addition.27,5 28 do 275 27 do 400 26 do 2'7510 i 25 do 1850 24 do 180¢ TOTAL 1 1 VITY OFIST. PAUL 1 DEPIRTMEYT OF FINANCE Y I REPORT OF COMMISSIONE62 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 J. E. Ransom's Subdivision of 2400 1 Block 81 Lyman Laytons Addition. 22� 2 do 175 3 do 175 4 do 17§ 5 do 200 6 do 200 7 do 975 8 do 2775 16 Adam Gotzians Subdivision of 1400 17 Block 84 Lyman Laytons Addition. 1150 (Except West 10 feet) 18 do 1200 West 10 feet of (18 do 850 East a of ( (19 do West 2 of 19) do 2675 20) do I 21 do 1,356 22 do 1700 23 do $50 15 do 1050 14 do 2000 East 60 feet of 13 do 1125 West 60 feet of 13 do 1576 12 do 1500 11 do 2300 10 do 2000 9 do TOTAL 3400 1 FITY OFIST. PAUL 0 I I DEPJRTMEt T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSION14z OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 Adam Gotzians Subdivision of I 1$50 13 Block 84 Lyman Laytons Addition. 2575 14 do 1656 15 do 2100 12 do 425 11 do 420 10 do 40Q 9 do 2475 8 do 1800 16 do 1150 17 do 1$50 18 do 1350 19 do 1150 20 do 1275 21 do 1175 22 do 2875 23 do 500 24 do 1200 29 Asch's Subdivision of Block 2850 28 92 of Lyman Laytons Addition. 1275 27 do 1175 26 do i East z of25 do 1550 West 2 of 25) do 2300 24) do 23 do 1300 22 do TOTAL 1500 1 / 41TY OFIST. PAUL 1 I DEP�RTMEYT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONS Z OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 32 (Except North 2 4/10 feet) 31 North 2 4/10 feet of ( 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 3 2 1 4 5 6 7 8 6 5 K ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i I Asch's Subdivision of Block 92 975. of Lyman t5aytons Addition. 975 do 2250 do 1075 do 900 do 1700 do 105.0 do 3000 Daily and Berrisford's Subdivision 2050, of Block 95 of Lyman Dayton Addition 19150 to St. Paul. 1900 ! do do 3100 do 2600 do 2500 do 2800 do 4000 do 2375 do 625 do 2700 j do 1650! do 1775 do 2250 do 3250 do 3000 Schiffmann Place 675 i do 3215 TOTAL '� it 1 I I (B) DESCRIPTION TOTAL CITY OF BT. PAUL A 0 DEPAIQTMENV OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI�;SIONEIR OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 Scniffmann Place 3475 1 do 5900 2 do 675 3 do 2775 8 Freeman's Subdivision of the E 2 2300 7 of Blk. 98 L. Daytons i�ddition. 3600 6 do 3800 5 do 3000 1 do 3300 2 do 3600 3 do 4000 4 do 3100 30 Stinson's subdivision of Block 2000 29 103 of Lyman Laytons l.ddition to 1600 28 St. Paul. 2300 27 do 2300 26 do 2700 25 do 3700 24 do 3400 23 do 2100 1 do 2 do 32175 3 do 4 do 2500 5 do 2900 TOTAL 1 ; CITY OF16T. PAUL 1 ! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /. 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONOR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Stinsons Subdivision of Block 5200 7 103 of Lyman Laytons Addition 3450 8 to St. Paul. 5200 30 Robert P. Lewis subdivision of 3875 29 Block 106 of Lyman Laytons Addition to 1250 28 St. Paul. 550 27 do 1025 26 do- 2600 East 27 feet of 25 do 1600 '.Jest 13 feetof (25 do 1350 East 132 feet of (24 do est 262 feet of 24 do 1500 23 do 1900 _ 1 do 3775 2 do 1875 3 do 3875 . 4 do 1865 5 do 2425 6 do 2025 - 7 do 2875 8 do 675 30 Stinsons subdivision of Block 3575 111 of Lyman Laytonls Addition 29 1780 28 to St. Paul. 700 27 do 4100 26 do 3100 TOTAL 0 CITY OFI ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMI�SIONIM OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 25 Stinsons subdivision of Block 3000 24 111 of Lyman baytons t.ddition 3000 23 to St. Paul. 2200 1 do 5000 2 do 750 3 do 2950 4 do 2950 5 do 1700 6 do 1550 7 do 1550 8 do 1550 (Except i;orth 49 50/100 feet) 22 and 21 4 E. I,,, i,;ackubins Addition to 5975 North 49 50/100 feet of 22-21 4 Saint Paul. 1575 20 4 do 4225 19 4 do 2050 18 4 do 1750 17 4 do 325 16 4 do 200 ( 1 4 do S 13675 l 2 a do 3 4 do 1025 4 4 do 1350 5 4 do 12850 6 4 do 1550 7 4 do 850 8 4 do TOTAL 850 4 " CITY OF18T. PAUL I DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI§SIONEZR OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 9 4 E. Id. 1Iackubins Addition to 10 4 Saint Paul. 1 3 do 30 2 do ( 29 2 do East 16 feet of ( 28 2 do West 26 feet of 28 2 ) do 27 2 ) do 26 2 do 25 2 do 24 2 do 23 2 do 22 2 do 21 2 do 1 2 do 2 2 do 3 2 do 4 2 do 5 2 do 6 2 do 30 1 do -. -. 29 1 do 198 1 do 27 1 do 26 1 do 25 1 do 24 1 do TOTAL I Y 1 ASSESSED VALUATION 850 850 7200 600 10725 1200 1100 2100 1200 - 13700 1850 - 2050 750 350 450 500 850 550 1200 750 1250 1150 1700 1800 1800 ' CITY OP ST. PAUL ^ DEPAIkTMENI OF FINANCE I I ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONS R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 23 1 E. M. Mackubins Addition to 1600 (Except North 10 feet) 1 1 ) Saint Paul. (Except i4orth 10 feet ) 2 1 do (Except North 10 feet ) 3 1 ) do 36100 Except Borth 10 feet) 4 1 ) do (Except worth LO feet ) 5 1 ) do (Except North 10 feet) 6 1 ) do 7 1 do 500 8 1 do 500 North 10 feet of Lots 1 to 6 1 do 350 Rt. of bJay over ii. W. a of S. 28. T. 29, R. 22. 34000 Rt. of Way over N. W. a of S. 28. T. 29. R. 22. 12 Auditors Subdivision No. 57, 4600 8 St. Paul, Minn. 275 9 do 16825 6 do 10900 5 do 1175 1 do 153000 South 65 feet of 40-39 - 38 Charles Weides rearrangement of 1400 North 60 feet of 40- 39- 38 Block 6, of Nelsons Addition to 1225 37 the City of St. Paul. 125 36 do 125 35 do 1125 34 do 125 33 do 975 32 do TOTAL 125 CITY OF ST. PAUL Y a DEPAIRTMEN�' OF FINANCE 1 I Y REPORT OF COMM19SIONPR OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 31 Charles Iieides Kaarrangement 125 South 622 feet of 1- 2 of Block 6, of Nelsons Addition 925 North 622 feet of 1 to the City of St. Paul. 1625 (Except South 622 feet) 2 do 1000 3 do 950 4 do 1150 5 do 1000 6 do 300 7 do 1650 8 do 1750 9 do 1500 10 do 300 24 5 nelsons Addition 2600 23 5 do 1350 22 5 do 4000 21 5 do 2400 20 5 do 2500 19 5 do 1700 18 5 do 1500 1 5 do 1850 East 25 feet of 2 5 do 1400 West 25 feet of 2 5 do 900 3 5 do 1350 4 5 do 1650 5 5 do 1125 6 5 do 3600 7 5 do TOTAL 2900 1 CITY OF 8T. PAUL > DEPAATMENI OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 45 feet of 18- 19 Chas Weides Aearrangement of 4100 North 80 feet of 18- 19 Lots 14 to 24 inclusive of Block 2075 East 37 feet of 17 2 of Nelsons Addition to the City 2175 West 13 feet of (17 of St. Paul. do 2275 ( (16 do 15) do 1800 East 15 feet of 14) do (Except East 15 feet ) do 1350 (14 13 do 12 do 1625 11 do 1900 10 do 1 Romans Rearrnagement idorth of 1975 2 Block 2, ::elsons Addition to 1375 3 St. Paul. 500 4 do 1400 5 do 2850 6 do 1150 7 do 1000 8 do 1150 9 do 1250 10 do 1350 24 1 nelsons Addition 5950 23 1 do 2400 22 1 do 1100 21 1 do 3100 20 1 do TOTAL 800 I CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPAATMENI OF FINANCE I I REPORT OF COMMISSIONEjR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 1 nelsons 4,ddition. 1800 18 1 do 1750 1 1 do 250 2 1 do 150 3 1 do 1950 4 1 do 1�B 5 1 do 125 6 1 do 12) 7 1 do 1350 . 30 howards Addition to St. Paul, Minn.1950 29 do 2200 28 do 1700 27 do 1750 26 do 800 25 do 1175 24 do 2400 23 do 1400 1 do 450 2 do 3200 do 1800 4 do 250 5 do 2400 6 do 1775 7 do 2100 8 do 2250 30 4 Lock -woods Addition to the 450 29 4 City of St. Paul. TOTAL 400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAI?TMEN'r OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF CO'MMI!3SION14R,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28 4 Lockroods Addition to the 350 27 4 City dB St. Paul. 300 26 4 do 2100 25 4 do 2375 24 4 do .1400 23 4 do 250 (Except Horth 40 feet) 1-2- 3 4 do 800 i+orth 40 feet of 1-2- 3 4 do 3100 4 4 do 1000 5 4 do 70o 7 y o a 0 5-0 6 o0 / oC '/ a a TOTAL 1 ,CITY OF18T. PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 1 REPORT OF COMMI�SIONEOR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /yaa 16- Ar /}yo 0 0 6'0 6-0 sa 6 0 7,9 U Gf//( A'? 4,0 D GGA / y t6 14 yb DD /7 aU o(A TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL ' DEPAFTMENIf OF FINANCE t I REPORT OF COMM1SSION%R OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 014DER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The following described -,art of 9-10 Blk. 20, Terrys Addition to the Beginning at a point 21 `38/100 feet Flet from the Fouth lest nrrr.er of Lot pity of Paint Pacl. 450 9, thence Pest 68 58/100 f -et to the most restarly oornir of Lot 10 thence northeasterly along line of Lots 10 and 9, 88 %5/100 feet to a point 9 5/10 fest north Easterly from the "ort;. P^at ,orner of Tot P, thence South Easterly tc be_inning. ( part of 9 and all of 10 ) The fol.le:•,ing described ;:art of 7-8 and 9 20 Terrys Addition to the 1300 Beginning at a coint 12 feet south City of taint Paul. Westerly from "orth Easterly ^orrer of Lot 8, thence South VPsterly 100 feet thence South Fa=terly to a point 21 38/100 feet Fast from the South Peat corner of Lot 9, thence Fs.at to a point 1-4 feet East from the south weeterly corner of _Lot 7, thence North tFeoterly to _lace of beginning ( part of 7-8-9 ) The follcwinE described part of 7-9 2`, Terrve Addition to the City 2750 Beginning at a point 24 feet Fast of ceint Paul, free, the south west corner of Lct 7, thence F^et ^8 feet to the eouth F -est corner thence Ncrth to North Fast corner of Lot 7, thence along northerly line of Lots 7 and 8 to a point 12 fer-t South Te>t�rly f om vgirth Fa -t corner of Lot 9, thence Fcuth Festcrly to bpwlnn-',r rir.rt cf 7-8 ) 6 20 Terrys Addition tc the 4500 r^xcept Fest 1 3/10 ft.for St.3 19 ^ity of Paint -u1. 5500 Fast 23 fe-t of 2 19 do 3850 Teat 27 feet of 2 19 do 2175 1 1S do 3850 17 1 J. Gribbens Pearrangement 1400 16 1 A. do 1525 r Te=t. 11, fPet of 15 1 de 14 1 do 1,75 Vest 34 feet of 13 1 do 900 TOTAL A I (B) DESCRIPTION East 6 feet of "est 2 of East of Test 12 of East i of TOTAL CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAI2TMENh OF FINANCE 1 I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY O DER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 1 J. P. Gribbens gearrangernent 150 12 1 A. 3100 12 1 do 2700 11 1 do 5075 10 1 do 10 1 do 2900 9 1 do 48CO 7 c 4 �u itors ^1;bdivision `<o, 2000 c 4 7, 8t, haul, "irr.. 5 4 do 2710 4 4 9e 2250 3 4 do 1275 2 4 1.0 625 1 4 is 625 _c 3 do 575 19 7 do 2200 is 3 do 17 3 do 500 16 3 do 500 15 3 do 1350 14 3 zc 475 13 3 do 475. 12 3 do 475 11 3 90 2050 10 3 do ?400 9 3 do 550 TOTAL 1 1 (CITY OR ST. PAUL 0 1 DEP' RTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONOR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION North 3P 5/10 feet cf 7 3 Auditore subdivision No. 3100 6 3 �, Ct. "aul, Vinn. 1350 5 3 do 1500 4 3 do 2700 3 do 1600 (2 3 do 3375 �1 do 7 Stevens �earrangerent of lots 3250 6 ntrbered 13-14-19-i5-17-18 of 225 5 mock Numbered 4, of Fereet:'e1e4475 4 :19iti'n to St. ^aul. 9'?5 3 do 5'S do =50 1 0 3575 19 4-cr-stdale Addition to 1903 4 St. ='aul. 1800 21. 4 do 1975 22 A tdo 2150 23 4 do 4CG lZ 4 Fcr-std-.le A=iliticr, to 1611C 11 4 St. Paaal . 350 10 4 do 1400' 2 4 10 2250 9 4 do 400' 16 ', do 400 17 7 do 1200 18 3 do TOTAL 2800 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAIPTMENW OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OR ER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED •VALUATION 19 ? Fcrestdale Additicn to 2300 20 3 St. Paul. 1900 21 7 de 375 �2 3 do 900 23 3 do 900 15 3 do 450 .14 3 do 3000 1.3 3 do 2000 12 3 do 325 11 3 do 2000 10 3 do 1000 3 do 1500 8 3 lo 2300 16 2 do 2400 17 2 do 400 18 2 de 1000 19 2 do 1175 2G do 250 2.l ? -1c 250 22 2 do 215 23 2 do 350 15 2 do 25^5 14 2 do 2550 13 2 do 650 12 2 do 2200 11 do 400 10 2 do TOTAL 1250 I CITY OP 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Q REPORT OF COMMISSIONOR OF FINANCE k ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 2 rorestd2le Addition 4750 8 2 to St. Paul. 400 (Extent north 62g feet)>16-17-18 1 do 3275 North 62'-z feet of 16-17- 18 1 do 3875 19 1 do 725 20 1 do 2100 21 1 do 1700 22 1 do 2200 23 1 do 3200 15 1 do 3300 ( 14 1 do 13 1 do 1800 12 1 do 1400 11 1 do 1250 10 1 do 1300 1 do 1500 8 1 de 1375 (16 14 Eastville weights. ( (17 14 do (18 14 do X19 14 do ( 120 14 do 27450 21 14 do 325 22 14 do 325 23 14 do 325 15 14 do 4725 ( 14 14 do TOTAL R CITY OF 8T. PAUL I ,� REPORT DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONM OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 14 Eastville Heights 350 12 14 do 1750 11 14 do 1825 10 14 do 2000 9 14 do 2150 8 14 do 350 30 15 do 450 29 15 do 1425 28 15 do 1275 . 27 15 do 1975 26 15 do 150 25 15 do 15C 24 15 do 300 '3 15 do 1950 i 15 do 450 2 15 do 800 3 15 do 1050 4 15 do 1400 e 5 15 d0 1000 6 15 do 1800 7 15 do 1200 8 15 do 1400 Alley Vac. and adj, and 30 10) do Alley Vac, and adj, and 29 10 do 40525 Alley Vac. and adj. and 28 10 do Alley -ac. and adj, and 27 10) do TOTAL f � I � (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONE11 OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY OR ER LOT BLOCK Alley **ac. and a4j. and 26 10 F^st 15 feet of 25 25 10 West 25 feet of 25 10 $4 10 East 15 feet of 3 10 Feet 35 fest of 23 10 1 10 10 Fa et of 3 10 Feat of 3 10 4 lc 5 lc 6 10 7 1� 5 10 30 7 2�- 7 Ga 27 7 26 7 25 7 24 7 23 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 ADDITION Fa-tville Heights do do do do do do do do do 1e do 'o ,0 do 3o do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 4450 350 2550 750 3375 1050 200 600 400 400 400 1200 1500 725 400 3700 1100 400 400 3250 1350 250 226 225 j CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAhTMENT OF FINANCE 27 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r f ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 26 (B) do 250 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 4 7 F astvil]e Heights 1225 5 7 do 1925 2 6 7 do 1625 7 7 do 975 2 8 7 do 825 South 40 faet of 30-29- 28 2 do 2550 Scuth 41 96/100 feet of North is ?1 56%100 feet of 30-29- 28 2 ciao 1225 North 40 feet cf 30-29- 28 2 3o 1650 27 is 225 26 2 do 250 25 2 do 250 ?4 2 do 250 33 2 do 75 Scuth 40 feet of 1- 2 2 is 1450 South 38 feet of North 82 ft.of 1- 2 2 90 625 (2xcet Scuth 78 feet )1- 2 2 do 395 3 2 do 225 4 2 do 100 5 2 do 50 6 2 do 50 7 2 do 50 2 2 do 50 16 11 dc 1375 17 11 do 75 18 11 do TOTAL 50 r f CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t. ON PRELIMINARY ORU ER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i9 ll. Faetville Ilei-ht4 50 20 11 do 50 21 11 do 100 22 11 do 250 23 11 do 2025 South 40 f=et of 15-14- 13 11 do 1300 South =0 feet of vcrth 91 9^/100 feet of 15-14- 13 11 do 1550 nTorth 41 96/100 feet of 15-14-13 11 do 1700 12 11 do 325 11 11 9c 1''cQ l0 11 dG 500 {. 9 11 do 925 6 11 do 107,5 16 do 1775 17 6 do 1125 le 6 do 350 19 5 is 13,75 20 6 do 125 21 6 do 100 22 6 do 100 23 6 do 1125 15 6 0 2425 14 6 do 300 T_3 6 io 300 12 6 do 225 11 6 do TOTAL .175, ' + CITY OF ST. PAUL Y' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ► REPORT OF COMMISSIONE4R OF FINANCE ` 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 6 Fastvi]le TTeiiThto 175 o F 1C 250 8 6 do 25G Ccuth 40 feet of 16-17- 18 3 30 375 South 41 95/1,CC feet of N. 81 C5/100 ft. cf 16-17- 18 3 do 350 North 4. _.et of lo- . - 18 3 do 325 19 3 do 181CC 21, 3 do 1100 21 3 do 1700 22 3 do 1700 3 do 3C0 South 40 feet of 15-14- 13 3 do 1325 North 42 felt of South 92 feet of 15-11- 13 3 :c 350 `north 40 feet of 15-14- 13 3 do 1725 12 3 do 1300 11 3 do 300 10 3 do 430 9 3 do 600 a s do 1900 )7.A40d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ / Comminsioaer o Vinaace. f F.- B. U. 12 - F To - St. Paul City Council, St, Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: r re, the undersigned, owners of property on Forest Street, respectfully request that the members of your Hon- orable body take such action as is necessary to pave Forest ^treet, either with concrete, asphalt or block, from Hastings Ave, to Maryland Ave, We al^^ -�c and Oma`ha_trae �-hetwegrFa--i�rnr�vter--S4--a-riu--tfiez-ag-�, Names Owner of ------------- -- - - --- --------------- :-V ------------------------- ---------------- -==--------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------------------- - -------------_------- L. ---------------------------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------- ----------.----------- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance i � JUN 15 1920 ry June 14 , 20 ........... ......... ..........._...._.....191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 29403 May 28, 20 cil, known as Council File No,... ................. ... - -approved ..... ... ... ........... 191-1 relative to. ........................ the.....pav... _g..._of..Forest_.__Street from Hastings Avenue to Maryland Avenue. ....... .............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._ .......... .........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ .................. and the total cost thereof is $................._._ ............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............... _.... ..........._.___......... .__...___ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. 5. Said improvement is......__ ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........ ............__........... ............... ....... Comm %ner of fPublic ks. (9itg of int. Pain Orpartment of rublir Eor[cs M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER + R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY June 14, 1920 Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of paving of Forest St. from Hastings Ave. to Maryland Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made; also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File No. 29403, approved May 28, 1920. Kind of paving 3�" creosoted block Intersections out Brick, on edge Intersections out Brick, laid flat Intersections out Asphalt Intersections out Asphalt concrete Intersections out Concrete Intersections out Total per Total Sg.yd. estimate $$6.09 $196,207.68 153,978.95 5.32 171, 400.29 134,510.35 4.92 158,513.05 124, 396.79 3.95 127, 261.50 99,867.85 3.95 127,261.50 99,867.85 3.28 105, 675.37 82,941.19 Cost per front foot 14.25 11.18 12.45 9.77 11.51 9.03 9.24 7.25 9.24 7.25 7.67 6.02 -2- W.idth of roadway, 30 - 40 ft.; frontage, 13,769.7 ft.; paving area, 32,218 sq. yds.; paving area, intersections out, 25,284 sq. yds. Where house service connections are not in, add to the cost of each lot: For 6" sewer connection, either side of street $80.00 For 4" water connection 32.00 Street railway tracks between Cast St, and Maryland St. Ver truly yours, Chief Engineer jec-b 4 � 0 St. Paul, Minn., Sept, 10, 1920. Honorable L. R. Hodgson, Mayor, and Members of the Council: We.the undersigned property owners of Forest Street between Seventh Street sad Maryland Street, desire to protest the proposed issuance of any order to pave that portion of Forest St, from E. 7th to Maryland St. The proposed project to pave Forest St. from Has- tings to Maryland will come before your Honorable Body for con- sideration and final approval on September 11th, end we request that you give the following facts your earnest consideration and believe that in justice to ourselves you will refuse to issue the order in question. We do not believe that the paving of Forest Street can be considered a public necessity in any sense of the term. Forest St. lies within two blocks of Arcade Street which is well paved End easily accessible to or from Forest Street. Forest Street cannot be considered an arterial highway as the traffic density in this entire dis- trict is not such as to crowd Arcade Street. the present arterial highway, and tidaich, as before stated, is well paved. If Forest St. is to be paved north of E. 7th St., a new bridge over the Northern Pacifie Tracks and C.ST.P.M.&.0. ''racks will be an immediate necessity, an additional expense of several hundred thousand dollars. It is our earnest belief that the paving of Forest St. from E. 7th St. to Maryland St. will not benefit any of the abutting property to the extent of the expenditure necessary and we believe. that this project has been fostered by the businessman on E', 7th Street, who feel that when Maryland St. is paved from Payne Ave to Prosperity Ave. that the trade originating east of the N.P. tracks and north of Maryland St. will be diverted from their -district owing to the paved highway via Maryland to Arcade or Payne Ave., aid those streets into the city. While it may be true that the paving of Maryland St. may result in the diversion of traf- fic via Arcade St. and Payne Ave. which formerly reached E: 7th St. and the downtown district via Duluth Ave. and E. 7th Street, we do not feel that we should be subjedted to the enormous expense of paving Forest St. in order that the businessmen of E. 7th St. may attain their selfish mo- tives at our expense. /'" (2) We further believe that the cost of paving at this time or in the immediate future vdll be confiscatory in view of the high cost of labor and materials and that it is impossible to concieve how the abutting property will be benefited, even a small percen- tage of the great expeaditure proposed. Forest Street is not a business street. There are a few scattered small stores who can without any handicap ih atever receive their supplies via Arcade Street over pavement to that point and dirt roads beyond which are passable at all times of the year. Hoping you will give the above facts your very earnest consideration and knowing that it is not the desire of your Honorable Body to inflict unnecessary burdens on the taxpayers we sincerely hope you will refuse to issue the order for the pavement of Forest Street between the points named above. Name and Address Name and Address Ca Jh 4a/� j a r„ ?. f�i SJ Aa rkJzt IwP7 ell , 11( p Ile W-4 —.4; J 7 Na -t7- jz� 14 w", so V) )Cio tLlt :',)"e 0.•:n t72 lclra'6417m "710 or"I'oo S in zO�i ta the rol�clal h1l.i- --nJ --,,f3 -�a bo Lilo 0:0 WTl �Zrtf��;,Z-,o cz, � -, " ;,.;. ao V -o; - o 3, to nowth, -,-1Z wn,7 lo - or -wy-xco e.. 3 it un bJ !!orr .t. Il3 npy in zO�i ta the rol�clal h1l.i- --nJ --,,f3 -�a bo Lilo 0:0 WTl �Zrtf��;,Z-,o cz, � -, " ;,.;. ao V -o; - o 3, to nowth, -,-1Z wn,7 lo - or -wy-xco e.. 3 it un bJ !!orr .t. Il3 I A: i Aj L; W—i ,riml--�)J-",,.,w4, OMwzo ,A L b:� -,,ail �,t 1933 M -,,ASW -u !la� 'J., e-, ve 1xl t) 4j Z�v 02 111: te —2 G ry Alr 11L v_ `y ANSI" a Mal W 'Y oxely to Lvov. 0. j 2. Lt- 111�1 " OMMA I LAM, Vol a�w V�s ?a onqwni�. 00 J ;V ski Won. ,wn br m Q SAY, to lot. 4 y"j, a A OKA, In y. Im owu 0, A :An lov shn, PIC to now .10A 170W not &TO lip Vol 70 man T�j OW, K vivo! 2 Stan!' (2) i'o further believe that the cost of paving at thin time or in the imiocldato future tlll be confiscatory lu view of the hi,� cost of labor and materials tu.0 that It to imposalblo to caacievo how tho abutting proPerty will be benefited, even n mull pereen- tmgo of the groat exp(nditure pxopoocd. Poreot ilttoot in not a buoinooj stroet6 There are a fear scattered wall stores who can ,-,iithoat any handicap vhatovor receive their cu -,-)lies via Arcade street saver PM= aVt to that fjoint and dirt roads beyond viniah aro ro passable at all times of the jovx. HOPUS YOUX0111 E;iva the above inets your Very OaMoot consideration and luiowing that it jo not the dooiro of your Honorable Sody to inflict tuinocesoary burdens on the texpayers Nvo sincerely hope you will rognao to issue the order for the pavammt of 11orost 3troot betwom. the points namod abovej. Dome and Address ltllniao and Addveas 1 i K ✓, ,. - i� i _ � � � � ,. � �� ��z��� x .;� i � I lJ � -. To the HoncrdDle, The Council, Vvy Cf ?-. Paul, lasm. Ontlemas: inn., -M. I.IESO Te, he unnarsi7ne3 12c;arty onners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cruse the folicnnE UnTove=n U va =fe: ....... ...Gr ............ ......... ........ ...... . AV.. L. ........ SO. AVG. -417v. 1 P AWT -TAT: ....................... I -yl WINY .. .................. . ..... y�.2 ....... ....... . ............... .... ....... ...... .... ....... ..... .. ............ to &evil 4 j NO A 140— PY A FKA Alves, ..... . . ........ Y a 1.. TIVAL ........... 1.7 ........ Y ...... ........ To the Honcra'D e, The Council, My c: 7-. .aul, lann. An tl er..an: We, ,he. unAersi_ned ;-ro-erty o7ners, her3by petition your Honorable Body to ca she t�hs following improve:lenntt�'�oa i.._. .. .............. I ............ St. _ 'L71, __,: aC To the honors': e, The Conno'__, Cily c_ _ -aul' :inn. O :tlamen: Te, the un''_ersiZn-e3 jwo7arty c hers, hereby jetition �JLOLI your Honorable Body to cause th; folinning improvemant^to be ........................ r.. A LOT Xr �`%;r .�V . �C...i .�l iJ::J •...CjL... .. .. YJ . . . . . y /�/ . �l-': 1 . W. . .... ,-�.. • C Q.. ._ o ... ....'✓ ... T..tr'... ... /.. S i• .. ... . . . . . . . v' 4 • . . . . Y i •�� C 1 . . r ... r .................... 7.,.. v ....... ...... .....:....... . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . St. . . . . . . . . . . 1020 To the Honorable, The Council, WZY Cf 7. Paul, Qn=. Wntlaman: Is, she unOrsQned 7rojarty c7nars, hereby petition your Honorable Eody to cruse the following improvementto be nile: ..... . .... .................... .... ............... . sz.Ave. ............ ti ............................. �0. Jlvc.. ...... E LOT 11MY X AD71V 7 117 ;IA no A OV ... 1.`? 14. 1 ..... ......... LI :V Ar...... /L Y .......... Y ....... Y Y ................ ...........V Y V........ . ........ ............. ......... .... ........... ........ ..... .. ......... ....... ........... ....... ........... ............... ......... ..... ............. ........ 1� 2C To the HoncraDie, Toe Council, Ci --y of "-. 2aul, Gentlemen: We, .he un-.-.ersi,-ned 7io-,erty o'--mers, hereby petition 1-7� your Honorable dy to cause the followi-ng irriproveMent to be zi-,de: .......... ..... ..... .... ...... ......... . ............ ......... �;, .... . ..... ............... S,6. j�vc. 7 To the Honcrf, ie, T_la Co-.:ncil, r;'e, ;he u,:'..arsi-ne3 .lo -arty o'-:n;;rs, hereby eyition your Honorc.ble Bidy to cause the folio:ri_i, im rova_^snt�to'va ....... . ............••... .......•. ......r S-;,.1'.. ..... I ...... ................. t„_' Loi AD— I'_JF. .1�j,l�/J .�.Kc�v.'t✓A�%Y �f'^i�",�'t'rJ.... �...... �.��f1�. ��. �:�.=.`�.... F . ..... ............. .. ...... . r.( fir........ , . � . J 41f I ae aV 4 ... Y.. �. /.. , i .........., .........._. 1..._"yy`.......{... ..... ............. c ( i Ip St.Paul,LinnesOta, September 7.192o. TO THE 14MMERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL, GREETINGS. XVI Concerning the paving of Forest Street from Hastings Avenue to 'yaryland Street , we, the residents and taxpayers of the district affected , hereby peti- tion your honorable body not to make the improvements contemplated at the present time. The reasons underly- ing this petition are the extrei.iely hi;-"1 prices of labor and material as well as of all necessaries of life. Apart of this the taxes have already become so onerous a burden that the additional assessment is sure to cause serious rinancial distress to our neighborhood. For these and other reasons we respect- fully ask you, the members of the council, to drop the contemplated improvements as specified. �6--4; e �� St. Pau', Minnesota, Septembkr 3rd, 1920. To the �Iambera of the 13oerd of City Council, Groe tin 8s. Ip ri :sd'to the paving of Forest Street from Hssgins Avenue, we, the resjients, and tRx F. ywrs of the'dis- triot affected .nre,hereby petition your honorab:e body riot -to eciake tWsImprovoments oomtom;-?rated at the present time, for the reasori's'that labor end m.-Aeriel sra so vory expensive and the cost uf livine, so excep4ionrl.ly high, snd trixes tlroedy higher than evor before will air::o::t bsnkrupot the neighborhood on which the levy will fall. " Therefore, -s above stntod and for,Y-rious other rej:sona that rdght be mention d we respectfu'ly :ask thpt you discontinu the comtem; latod improvements as speeified. 5_7 PIP r, d,, 9 9 y f' U ,4..,0.�, �orY o�..,•ro ,a,�., .I j ei 0 $100,000 DEPOSITED WITH THE STATE OFj)<'� I B Cya��►1 ILLINOIS FOR PRO- TECTION OF ALL POLICYHOLDERS. of c.lo.00 PREMIER DEPARTMENT 196 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY WM. A. RITT. + SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE PREMIER DEPT, BOI EXCHANGE BANK BLDG.. ST. PAUL. MINN. CAPITAL. $200, UNDER SUPERVISION OF FORTY-SEVEN STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENTS St • PaUl, l`.'Ii 3 JOt J Oept,miber 3rd, 1920• To b�� ;r•bers cf +.ha Fo;:r.l of. Ci%y Courcil, Greetin,,;s. to rz;_r4 to the pjving of Forest St,yet from Hasgins Avenue, vie, the residents, and tax payers of the dis— trict affected arc, h;;rcby petition your honorable body riot to rc.ate tha icprcveir•:nts contetnl>io.ted at the preaent tire, for the raasots that. lu;)Ur ::J:.: i.:r,, :,Ullal -le 3U V<3zy '�, enalve av the cost of living,so a.cceptionally high, and taxes alroady l,a;;her th;,ai cr 'baSora srtlt almost b :-:'.;:rapt thc' r..ez; .,bOxiiaod On rihlch the levy V ill f.-I.L.L. Thasafoxe, as -above stat::a -aid for various other roasons that night be mentioned vie resenotfully as:, that you disc,) n'l�`,s�'nuge tine on ;er�pl-sten improvements ss ape ified. Irvcoa Po airFo tela $100,000 DEPOSITED WITH THE STATE OF �.5 I r 91iMiil ILLINOIS FOR PRO - TE TION RO-TECTION OF ALL POLICYHOLDERS. O F C H I GA G o PREMIER DEPARTMENT 196 MARKET STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY WM. A. RITT. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE PREMIER DEPT. SOI EXCHANGE BANK SLOG.. ST, PAUL. MINN. CAPITAL, $200,000 UNDER SUPERVISION OF FORTY-SEVEN 5 TATE INSURANCE OEPARTMENT5 St. Paul, Minnesota, September 3rd, 1920. To the Members of the Board of City Council, Greetings, in regard to the paving of Forest Street from hasgins Avenue, we, the residents, and tax payers of the dis- trict affected are, hereby petition your honorable body not to make the improvements contemplated at the present time, for the reasons that labor and material are so very expensive and the cost of living so exceptionally high, and taxes already nigher than ever before wli almost bankrupt the neighborhood on which the levy will fall. Therefore, as above stated and for various other reasona tnat might be mentioned we respectfully ask that you discontinue the contemplated improvements as specified. S1DO,000 DEPOSITED WITH THE STATE OF ILLIN015 FOR PRO- TECTION OF ALL POLICYHOLDERS. CAPITAL, $200,000 UNDER SUPERVISION OF FORTY-SEVEN STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENTS PREMIER DEPARTMENT 19B MARKET STREET, NEWARK, NEW JERSEY WM. A. RITT. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE PREMIER DEPT. SDI EXCHANGE BANK BLDG.. ST. PAUL. MINN. St. Paul, Minnesota, September 3rd, 1920. To the Members of the Board of City Council, Greetings. In regard to the paving of Forest Street from HasgidAvenuewethe ers trictinaffected, are, hereby spetitiidents onayourahonorableobody nota to make the improvements contemplated at the present time, for the reasons that labor and material are so very expensive and the cost of living_:so e;zceptionaliy high, and taxes already higher than ever before will almost bankrupt the neighborhood on which the levy will fall. Therefore, as above stated and for various other reasons iy ask that discontinue tthe �contemplated iaprovementeht be mentionewe taslyou specified. t ,�., x E f'`' k J" J I. J // C St. Paul, Minnesota, September 3rd, 1920. To the Members of the Board of City Council, Greetings. In regard to the paving of Forese Street from Hasgins Avenue, we, the residents, and tax payers of the dis- trict affected are,hereby petition your honorable body not to make the improvements oomtemplated at the present time, for the reasons that labor and material are so very expensive and tbo-cost of living_ sa.esceptio.nally high,`and taxes already higher than ever before will almost bankrupot the neighborhood . on which the levy will fall. Therefore, as above stated and fof,various other reasons that might be mentioned we respeotfully ask.that you, '`' discontinue the comtemplated improvements as sgaeified. LJ.��,/�jr.. I St. Paul, Minnesota, September 3rd, 1920. To the &embers of the Board of City Council, Greetings. In regard to the paving of Forest Street from Hasgins Avenue, we, the residents, and tax payers of the dis= triet affected arejhereby petition your honorable body not to make the improvements oomtemplated at the present time, for the reasons.that labor and material are so very expensive and the.00st of living so excep1Qn.al.ly high,.an,d taxes alread .,. higher than ever before wiltalmost bankrupet the nelgh�for o1 on which the levy will fall.' Therefore, as above stated and for v,.rious other reasons that might be mentioned we respectfully ask that you discontinue the_comtemplated improvements as speeified. td 4 4w LLAA Fu; .�•6'`�'soak�/�,-. �� r't i 136dde ntg f $ SLC �, `Jf 30876COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. �- By.......FRANK W.:Cva_ -_r501N'- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....PAY iiz[-_alley_ iq Block__29,---aummiit-.-Park < ddition.,...... _...._._-___ a' ------------------ -. .... .......................... C F. No, 30876—Sy F. R 3latson— ln the M51tter of: -paring. alley in Block - •v3•g�,Lts^Ola ......._............................................................. 29. Summit Park Addition.. under ..29615, approved lacDonald June 1i, 1920,Order 'dune l2, -1920: '._......................................................................: A .Public' hearing 'having been had 1 upon the above improvement Updue--------------------------------- -------------------------- _ n Lice, and. the Couneil havin6 hear:' all per3on5,-OtlJeCtlons and reCOmme' Smit .................................... .. data•... relative ':thereto, he'.............. l :. ensidered-ahe- under Preliminary Order 29615 ............._.........------ approved ...June- 14...1920....... ----------------------------- Intermediary Order... - .................................................. approved.......... - -- ........__. -- - ..... -- ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be mdb the said City is...pave ...aflle�/1 ..81-Q.elt..-29-,-__Stitnm i,t-.-Park..._.._._. iddition.�. // C......... ............. ....... . ...... ._..... .... Z/' .... ................................ .. ........ . ................. _.--`------------..a _...................... _-- ------ _. _.-...... _...-----.......... _.... _.... _.----....._........----------------- -.......... ... ----------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thaf"th6 Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans afid specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......._ U `21 �.... 1 . ........ 191 .. � �1�1D "2c Approved................................ .191 -- City Clerk. { Mayor. )l a' Counralmenr;.••,.^�•- •v3•g�,Lts^Ola C� �ppuncilman Ct lacDonald r°°"-"�"EouncilmanAWIWkX L'iatson 6 Councilman 2REOR Smit ,,Councilman UQd&h l Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 City Clerk. { Mayor. )l 9 - � DEPARTME�F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �� n ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -_ In the Matter of _....._-...._p.avi.n of alley in Block 29, Summit Pant Addition. ._........._... ._...._............................................_._.......... _ -_.._.......__.............__.........__......._.......__..............._.._..._._....... ..__._.._...... ...._.............. .._.. ___.... __ ._.....__.. .... _____... _. .................. __. .......... _..-__..._ _... ..... ..... .......... .... ........ ..... _._ _ ..-- ........ _ under Preliminary Order approved une. 12, 1920 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: `.total Kind of per `.Dotal Cost per avinF S4• - 1d, 2stimate ?rout foot — �— 3'° Creosoted Block ;6.23 x8,241.04 6.88 Brick, on edge 5.21 6.891.79 5.76 Brick, laid flat 4.80 6,349.44 5.30 C' Asphalt 3.84 5,079.55 4.23 a>sphalt concrete 3.94 5,079.55 4.23 Concrete 3.17 4,193.28 3.50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O ESC RIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 60 feet of 1-2- 3 29 Sullimit Park Addition to 1100 4 29 St. Paul in i�amsey Co, &jinn. 9700 5 29 do 7450 6 29 do 9700 7 29 do 1200 8 29 do 4800 9 29 do 1300 10 29 do 5100 11, 29 do 5900 do 4500 Form B B. 10 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated6l(t -- -- - -191 C//YG"/U' Commi.raioacr of P'inwcr. DF 6T. PAUL DEPA... ,NT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 13 29 Summit Park Addition to St. 1300 14 29Paul in 8amsey Co. Minnesota. 7750 15 29 do 11450 16 29 do 1500 17 29 do 1500 18 29 do 1500 19 29 do 5750 (20 29 do 8050 _ ( (21 29 do 22 29 do 7950 23 29 do 24 29 do 5700 25 29 do 6850 ';lest 12 of (26 29 do East 2L of 26 29 do - 4800 South 90 feet of ',lest 12 of27 29 do (Exc. South 90 ft. of 1'1.027 29 do 6750 - 28 29 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated6l(t -- -- - -191 C//YG"/U' Commi.raioacr of P'inwcr. �YV - Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance 3' JU.�..y_-.7..,__.1920..__.__......--_.......191.. -... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......_29615_..__approved..... June 12,.._..19.20. ,,,,.191........., relative to................ ..... ........ paving alley, Blook 29, Summit Park Addition and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ ........... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......XX.X$...... ....., and the total cost thereof is $....._ ..XXXX I and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .... .. ........... ........ ..... __....... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... __... .... .... .................. .__ ...... .......... _.. _.. a. Said improvement is.. ................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. L / .._......_.......cwJ Y ....... ....... _......._..._._....._...... Commissioner of Public Works. 1 jr ( um of Of. Maul 0� SEN. Crvier Ervoirvccn Deparhnrnf of Vuhltr Morko eirveen. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER o • riory ♦rvo n¢Pninf R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY 41 - JACKS N. S.PT 1. 1 -HOLO, Erva,rv.¢ry July 3, 1920 i r. H. C. Vdenael, Commissioner of Public V;'orks, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of paving alley in Block 29, Summit Park Addition, in accordance rrith C. F. No. 29615, approved June 12, 1920. Total Kind of per Total Cost per paving sq. yd. Estimate Front foot 32111 Creosoted block a6. 23 $x8241.04 "6.88 Brick, on edge 5.21 6,891.79 5.76 Brick, laid flat 4.80 6,349.44 5.30 Asphalt 3.84 5,079.55 4.23 Asphalt concrete 3.84 5,079.55 4.23 Concrete 3.17 4,193.28 3.50 Width of roadway, 20 ft.; frontage, 1,197.1 ft.; paving area, 1322.8 sq. yds. Very (truly yours, ,^ /ate Ly - Chief Engineer (� , j ec-b 6290a�eutttle0�"Atl ,otdlnan 6'aut ..g the St- Pau�UniOtt Deyot t` , 30877 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5290, entitled "An ordinance authorizing.the St. Paul Union Depot Company to grade, pave and otherwise improve certain streets in the City of St. Paul," approved April 27th, 1920, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 6 of Ordinance No. 5290, entitled "An ordinance authorizing the St. Paul Union Depot Company to grade, pave and otherwise improve certain streets in the City of St. Paul," approved April 27th, 1920, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to read as follows: "Section 6. Said St. Paul Union Depot Company shall, within one hundred eighty-five (185). days after the passage of this ordinance,.file a written accept - anoe thereof, with amendments thereto, with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in K force thirty days after its passage and publication. At Passed by the Council SEP 27 1920 Teas Nays Mr. Clancy Ferguson 7 Matson McDonald Smith Wenzel,. Appr ed F 27 1920 Mayor �13L1SHl:I�� b`1vv Ll::LL�T-n- -TT IIF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER QQrr�� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM (OL`" No._sJOC?.l........._ Farm A A 18, 2 M 7- 18 F'll.k.. 525 By .............._ 4 l ;; 1920 i" AUDITED ..._............. _... .........._..._....197.... .. PER"...."....`.�.... ._.... .._.�...._.. TITLr Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the ' cil_.---SEP 13 1920..__.-_-_._.._-..191._._._., rtj- Ferguson ___In favor ro ed__ __JF _.1..1920 _ ...191.---... aid ------ Matson Keller Smith ........._..Against ...._........... _. i` .......... _- `-� ....._._. ~ Z"W1--- Wenzel MAYOR �Wxt�eriioll- Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. 30878- - Abstract. Resolved thatu on warrants 6e drawn of 'het her he ItnaYtersepecined a funds and out in favor of the persona, firms or cor- porations for the amounts set oppo- site their respective names as specified tnRthe Rf `yhitacSdetre &aCio.a E7 016 60s statem nt: Adopted by the Counc9 Sept. 13, 1920. Approved Sept. 13, 1920. (Sept. 18.1920) i 5434 R. B. Uhitacre & Company, 1,015.50 Mater Council File No..........._. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construotion of ourbing on both .........._._......_................................................. -bides_._of. Hamline Avenue from Goodrich Avenue .. ..... ............................................... - ............. ............... .................................. to Randolph. Street. ...................._._..._..........._...._..................._......__............._............ „t. Dated this......... 13th_.. day of ................: <`or +solar %%...//..._19�120.. auA —itten proposal for the + Abatract. nereof A .. .. .......... ._ . king of the following Improvement," _ ""---'-"""- .•^tion of curbing on both) Councilman. r... line Avenue from Good -, St, rose beein.� 'PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .........................................................Const rust ion... of... curbing... on...b of h ..._....... sides of Hamline Avenue fromGoodrich Avenue .....__........................................................._..................................................._......_.._......._................ .......__....................... 1.9...Rando.1ph....Stx.e.Qt...........:................................ ......................... .............................................................. ................................................................................................................................... ..................... ..........-............................. .................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and c9timated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ' e a e o sat top ov m • ............................................_ .......... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three of more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................. SEP... U..1D2.Q............191 Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Fero, C A 13 (dh1 4-17) Nays: Approved.........SEP... 20 .................191........ ... ... ........................................... 1 ................................. Mayor. oor PRESENTED t COMMISSIONER ........ ....... .... S.i RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL c°u.NcN'NO.- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "COUNCIL RES TION ---GENERAL FORML�I Sept. 10, 1920 .1 .............. ......................... DATE.......................................................................... That the grade of alley in Block 9, (;b;inby Park, from -Herschel Avenue to Aldine �r Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No.. 30880—BY H• . of a11. In Reeolved..Tnby Park r from Her^shot Block 9, Q 1n accordance Ave. 'oh �'yangradeellne on to' e accom- wtth te r male . and a9 commened P-1111 P adopted e p¢ and CO the orn nmeo is rierobybllc Works, the eombllehed grade. Adopted by the 13.t 1920 Sept. 13; 1920• Approved Sept 1g_19'l0) Yes (✓) Councilmen (t) Nays Asabses— Ferguson x.16 01"M ...... -.--........ In favor Matson Smith /") ----......Against Wenzel v Mr. President VONY ar s•ao Adopted by the Council r t'l7'Y 11F s'1'. PA UI. QQ .,... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 3Op81 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PILE Form AAd8,YN ]-18 Nu. ................................... ' t l.N/ C � ) 527''✓au BY..................._................ .._. Ep 1 4 t0 AUDITED 5 ................. 1 Ci C I'THt11.LtiH ...... ......._._...._.. 191........//Ji' .. t. PER..........U-�......_.......�� _ .... _....... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the flowing detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the ea ___._...S.EP .1..19.20......._.......191..___... --- Ferguson FarnsworEh C. F. No. 30881— warrants be araw rot ed Resolved that pP _ -F ----- moDonald # 192f} 191...__... lrOSs upon the City Treasury. payabl t ------ °f the hereinafter apecltied funds and am^ Keller Mat 8011 In favor of thepersoas, erma o 0 ----- Smith p°rattona for the amounts set Opposite theta respective names as epecided in ^- -- ...._._... 1�'ICL.Ov-- the following detailed statement: MAYOR 7• (Z. Adams. 32 60• -W«>-a;abwenzel American L1nen Supply Co., $63.28. Trans - Ballard Fireproof Storage & T ra Mr. President, Hodgson fer COT. psiooa3&7co., S1a.76. 327. Board of Water Comm1881—r..\ 33. Brown• Blodgett & Sperry Company, 3263.60. Central Soap $6.00. Daily Hardware Co., 82.25• Diebold Safe and Lock Co., E6.00. Soe trf. C net $33.90.n Co. 3129.91. J. W. Hulme Co., $46.52. Lambert & Co., 19.20. -. Fred landmark. 520.00 Liberty Printing Co.. $9.00. McClain & Hedman Co., $170.76. Merrill, Greer &Chapman Company. 36.00. Charles Neilsen, $80.00. - Peoptes Coal & Ice Co.. $39.90. Raymer Hardware Co., $14 �T Reed Motor SUDPIY Co., 64 Cents. II St. Paul Gas Light Co• 31,716.93. SL Paul Mnchlne Worka, 313.96. Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Co., ""93. Vfilm,,, Bos & Lumber Company. §2 apo dd y he C 1920.SeP O 14, 1920. t;• ..�„ (Sept. 18-1920) 5441 J. Q. Adams, C. H. & C. H. 5442 American Linen Supply Company, C. H. & C. H. 5443 Ballard Fireproof Storage & Transfer Company, C. H. & C. H. 5444 T. L. Blood & Company, C. H. & C. H. 5445 Boaird of Water Commissioners, C. H. & C. H. 5446 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, C. H. & C. H. 5447 Central Soap Company, C. H. & C. H. 5448 Daily Hardware Company, C. H. & C. H. 5449 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, C. H. & C. H. 2.50 53.28 4.75 18.75 27.33 263.50 5.00 2.28 5.00 Res. 527.PaKes #2 5450 Electric Construction Company, 129.91 C. H. & C. H. 5451 Jos. Guertin, 33.90 C. H. & C. II. 5452 J. V% Hulme Company, 46.52 C. H. & C. H. 5453 Lambert & Company, 9.20 C. H. & C. H. 5454 Fred Landmark, 20.00 C. H. &'C. H. 5455 Liberty Printing Company, 9.00 C. H. & C. H. 5456 McClain & Hedman Company, 170.76 C. H. & C. H. 5457 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Company, 6.00 C. H. & C. H. 5458 Charles Neilsen, 80.00 C. H. & C. H. 5459 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 39.90 C. H. & C. H. 5460 Raymer Hardware Company, 2.30 C. H. & C. H. 5461 Reed Motor Supply Company, .64 C. H. & C. H. 5462 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 1,716.93 C. H. & C. H. 5463 St.Paul Machine Works, 13.96 C. H. & C. H. 5464 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, 62.83 C. H. & C. H. 5465 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 26.51 C. H. & C. H. 5466 R. B. VIhitacre & Company, 23.10 C. H. & C. H. Total 2,773.85 r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Q$2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .................................. ................. DATE.... .... . or RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to ' conduct restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and' directed to issue such licenses to said persons, upon the payment of.� the fee asrequired by law. W. J. Osgood, .Como & Snelling Aves. Thos. J. French, Como & Snelling Ave. A.C. Browning & Carl Hanson, Como & Snelling Ave. C. F. No. 30882—By A. E. Smith— Resolved, That the aplication of the following persons for a license to conduct restaurant. atthe locations respectively Indicated be, and the same ` a re hereby granted, and t1� City Clerk is authorized and directed to Issue such licenses to said person. upon the payment of the fee as required by y law: , J. Osgood, Como and Snelling Thos. J. Frencb, Como and Snelling A A C. Browning and Carl Hanson, Como and Snelling Aves. Adopted by the Council Sept. 14, 1920. I �' Approved Sept. 14, 1920. - (Sept. 18-1920) 1J' Yes (✓) Councilmen U) Nays amt" Adopted by the Council.".. uson rt ... ...... _........In favor APpr _ S ""j ___I9 �;tonald saWon mith Against AWeuiel r , i Mr. President FORM sr e•20 CauoCiL NO._._... 30883 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2L. ... y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y COMMISSIONER A. E. SMITH ............ .. ................... DATE -........S.ep.t......l.3th.,.... 1.920.......... diin bu ineas as Cook' Taxi -Cab Trans f r Go. D Thereas, End. M. Hoit&n las made application for a 1 cens6 to operate .on the streets o the City of Saint Paul, certain touring cars described as follows:- One (1) Dodge Ba. H.P.30, factory No' 272599, State License No. 16591, seating capacity 5 passengerq One (1) White Limousine, H.P. 40, Factory No. 103 G.E.C., State License No. 16537, owned by Ed. M. Holton, and Whereas, said Ed. M. -Holton in accordance with Ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy of insurance policies with the City, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it Resolved, that license be issued to Ed. M.Holton, to operate upon the streets of the city of St. Paull said Touring Cars, subject, to the provisions of saie ordinance. 1 C. F. No, 30883— 1 Whereas, Ed. My Aoltons doting bus- e mess as Cook's Taxl-Cab & Transfer Co., has made 'application for a licca.% . to operate on the streets of the City P Saint Paul, cert.1 n touring car. described as follows: One (1) Dodge Ba. H. P. -30, factory No. 272699, State I - acit pa..enge e, One v(i)a White Limousine H. P. 40, Factory No. 102 C. E. C., State Llcenso N0. 16537, owned by Ed.. M. Holton, and Whereas, Bald Ed, M. Holton in a' - filed Ordinance No. 6241 has flleed copy P insurance policies with th Cl[y, and Bald policy hss been ap- ii Droved as Lo form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore, be it Resolved, that license be issued to Ed. Al. Hol tea, to operate upon the treats of the city of St. Paul, said Touring Cars, subject to the provisions of said dlnance. r Adopted bythe:Councll Sept. 14, 1920. Approved Sept. 14, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) Yes(,/) Cuuncilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council._.._ ... SEP 4.1920.._......_ 19_-.... Appr SE�P��' 1920 _ 1 u�roa Ferguson MCD ooald / ------....-.-.....In favor Matson v Smith _:...Against wOryM1 --.: Wenzel -;,lent Adopted by the Council._.._ ... SEP 4.1920.._......_ 19_-.... Appr SE�P��' 1920 _ 1 u�roa COUNCIL FILE NO . ....... ....... _ p_j� 3®885 By ..._ �.�_w:.mArma,....._._....__....... v C CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Issessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ing Berkeley i,venue, from ,.est Line of Snell_ng Avenue to East line of dericka Avenue; Stanford Avenue, from ''jest line of Snelling !;venue to t line of Fredericka Avenue; ;uellesley Avenue, from !lest line of Snelling nue, to East line of Fredericka Avenue; Idacalester Avenue, fro;,.] worth e of Jefferson Avenue to South line of St. Clair Street, e,�cept the exsections of Berkeley Avenue, Stanford Avenue and ',lellesley r.vonue, luding serer, water and gas connections from street mains to property es complete, 4ere not already made, also including curbing an_d paving ey and drive;,`` f approaches, T71iere necessary, APPROVING ASSESSMENTS, under Preliminary Order ...._24905..__._._,_,........, — 25110 .............._._...._......._...._....__......... pP, ho. 30880—IIy a es ssme t nT the nssessmen[ of Final Order 254.9.5. ,ne '^oenses eor pnv- a roved..._...d:w . from west....._....._......, 191.......9 - tines oe The assessment of .......... benpfi_ts,_..._costs..__a.id__expe_r.1s.es_..................__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the touncil, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......I StIl .._......day of Gat.ober.,..19.20........., #9tkx....... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court { House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said r ^e the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the Tha• ;ainst the lot or lots of the particular gad o- owner to whom the notice is directed. t,.`�P ✓� Adopted by the Council .............SEP..i�..1920..._.......:.:::'."._..._..191._.._.... .. _.. i .. - City Clerk. Approved ....... ._ +���_u.��2�._......................191_._._ / d :. ti . ............................................./.T/i�/ ._...__ Mayor. GHAxx Ferguson l�xtstsskx i>icDonald Ksd ezx ..!at s on Q bdKQDW.x Smith. klAa3Tim.0 Wenzel Mayor UVxx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 LISHCD CITY OF ST. PAUL. ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Se.pt... _. ........... E_22.Q........, =_.... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for dUK paving Berkeley Avenue, from .;est line of Snell_.iir -venue to 3ast line of Fredericka [:venue; Stanford ,evenue, from -.lest line of Snelling ivenue to east line of Fredericka ; venue; ,;ellesley Avenue, fro,a .;est line of Snelling venue, to mast lime of Fredericka i.venue; :acalester -venue, from iaorth line of Jefferson avenue to Sout!z line of St. Clair Street, except the intersections of Berkeley, t.venue, Stanford ;venue and .iellesley _:venue, including sewer, -:nater and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, viliere necessary, under Preliminary Order......................._...._............... Intermediary Order......_`Z.`�.llo............... _..._......_......................... , Final Order ....2549.5....approved_..JUnQ__lfith _._.._.... ...._........ 191 _9..._. ...._._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $_73 1032...0.9...._. ater Connections - - - - - - - - - - 4,992.00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ ....................2.0....7.9........ Sevier Connections - - - - - - - - - - 9,394,00 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $......_ ...............8...9.1....... Curbing, i;evi - - - - - - - - - - - - 841.24 Ins ection fees - - - - - - - - $__.1.}G68..Q.l_.._. L�urb repairs - - - - - - - - - - - - 111.40 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... /14-55 ............ Private Driveways - - - - - - - - - - - - 12.21 Total expenditures $..9.0..,.13.5..2.0....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $._..._9.0.,2,3-5..20— ____.._._ _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for s ch action thereo s be considered proper. �G�,� 1... __.......... Form B. a 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . ....... ........__ By ..._��. t?YMMS.Q&.....__.._.__....... 30 CITY OF ST. PAUL O �b/ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expe4es for constructing ^ sewer on Capitol PlaceL rom 'airview `Avenue to a point 200 feet crest of the west line of vairview Avenue, Mats— ® �11a sasessment end oa expenses Por onf - airv,a gve"at, Cnpl[ol Place eat o� the line pop F 200 nder Prellmfnnry Oder '— �,termedfary Order 28508, FI- __.. Ap,.1 under Preliminary Order ............ ......._Z8.2.1.1._.__...___.__........, Intermediary Order......._..28$.08....___.................................. Final Order ......_....._._.28872 ...................................... approved......( Dr'.11 .........__.._.......%VAX__.._ The assessment of ....... _....bane%'.i.ts..T._.G.os.t.s--and.....expel}ges................ __...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... ... 15:t.h....__-day of 4.c_t.ob.er..,.....1.9.24..._..., 19dXX..._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ,dNouse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ S€P....1 ��.�(}............ .191.. r � ....... {..._.`.i_::.f.... City Clerk. ', Approved _..__.._.__SEP 14 1920 ......................191......... 1 .......... ...... ...... ................. _-_.._�._..._�---/._ Mayor. " GXalixX Ferguson PUBLIS MASK& 1.1cDonald Kaflexx 1,;atson ll Mx%kkx Smith MbwE&otkAK Wenzel Mayor kAtc Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT Sept.�......1�.r...._l92.0..._.... ice_... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tb= constructing a sewer on Capitol Place from ?airview tavenue to a point 200 feet west of the crest line of r'airview r,venue, under Preliminary Order .......... ...............„_... Intermediary Order...._2$..Q..._...._.........._.__......... _..... Final Order ...._28872........._........._.._ ..............__._.... approved..... To 1J20 A X....._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $.............��.S...QO Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ ........................._!_80........ >i Cost of postal cards $......._._ .............•._15_.__... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ .................17..._9.2._...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ ............................1.5.......... Total expenditures $.......... ..-915..62......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.......... 215...62...................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fo ch action thereon as may be considered proper. .................. _..-..................'Lyn.i...................... . Form B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO . .... ............... __._ _ �, 30887 st.. ........................ - J v CITY OF Si. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing 'relief sewers on i:,acalesteri:venue, groin Lincoln _venue to -Princeton ?.venue; Lincoln .venue, from 5airview ._venue to Cambridge ,,venue; Goodrich Avenue, from !Fairview ._venue to Baldwin Street; Princeton Avenue, from Fairview e=:venue to Baldwin Street; Princeton Avenue, from limliorst Street to Vernon Avenue; Amherst Street, from Princeton !!venue to Lincoln _%;venue, ss —i3v F. «: ntaeso•' ner oe the s ostsnd atissn' relief Lincoln on o n •e from Lt ncoln under Preliminary Order26162 ..r . ............................._....._..__.-, i _�y Order .....24 . ...... Final Order ___......_27283...:....__.._..._.........._......__, approved_..._ I. ove](Iter._.1 �...._:._............ ....... ..., 191.._9._. The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.... _J t.)1,._.,_......day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .. .............. __SEP._.1/.192Q......_._....._....191___._1 Approved ................ .... SEP._14_14� ......................191 � man y Gta xx Ferguson 1`& II;cDonald I NUM Idat s on 2hbFWA Smith Wimn4d miX Wenzel Mayor Irvyn= Hodgson Form B. B. 16 A:' r _..........._..... _........ _..._:....,,i'...... ....�'t.:. :._F....:'_. City Clerk. Mayor. ............................:...".....•.`....�✓ / PUBLISHED I /'2 `.2 d CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ ept.......... 1.,.....322.Q 7,X9r_... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tXX constructing relief sewers on ",acalester Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to Princeton Avenue; Lincoln Avenue , from Fairview Avenue to Cambridge ilvenue; Goodrich Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Street; Princeton Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Street; Princeton t.venue, from Amherst Street to Vernon Avenue; Amherst Street, from Princeton Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, under Preliminary Order ............ _..... _.0.16.2.- ............................_.... Intermediary Order .........2.6.924..... ......... .............. ......................... Final Order .........__27283.__...._........_...._..._.____._., approved..._11.ov.el7b.eY'...17. 191....9..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.......27..,.74.4...25... Cost of publishing notice $ ........................15...75... Cost of postal cards - $......._ ....................6-7.5 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.......__...__5_`54..._.9... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_ .......................5,5...75... Total expenditures$....._Z8s.J5J.._Jg... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............_28., 5j....5..9....................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for h action the, on as may be considered proper. (At_._......._......__..............._........................ ............ ........._......_..... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. lCn F. 3oMat COUNCIL FILE NO I. the tt.,fthedssem � 30888 ;benefits,. costs -and e.P.... F, �� �,•( constructing, relaying 'and -1, BY....... .F1,_ �.., �yy.._._....._._.... . Cement Sfdew'11— l:stl..t. under C�_ for $el 1919. - Cl - F ST. PAUL °Rgsolution of Council Approving Assessmeni. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Gonstrueting, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 13, Under Contract 5068 B, for Season of 1919. -Assessable doll-- F.O. 24987 -Sent Stwest side, from Cook St. to Dont St. F.O. 16824 1,afond 5 ., south side, beginning 100 ft. east of Asbury Ave. thence east too Simpson St. F.O. 25995 Karlbwd, Ave., west'sides, From Dayton Ave. to Laurel Ave, F.O. 24983 ReirVION Ave r both 83408:, from Randolph St. to St. Clair St* F.D. 25561 Snelling Avenue,, most aide,. from Otto St. to Randolph St. ` F.O. 24700.�t. Clair St., south sid6 j,_ from Webster St. to Brie St. and from Duke St. thence west approximateZy 135 ft. F.Q. 193941 Duks St., east sides frame. =--air St. thence south 126 test and on south side of St. Clair St.. from Duke St. to Colborne St. F.O. 217 5 4ima St., south sides from Hamlin6 Ave. to 3yndiesate, Ave. F.O. ?.65'0'5 Niles Alfie., .north side, frw Griggs Sty. to Edgoumbe Road,. F.O. 253il meanak- St. , both sides.,. from Hayne Ave. to EdgeWbe. Road. --Non-Assessablb Roll-- F.Q. 26824 Laf*nd Stop south aide, b11 100 ft, east ,of Aabury Ave. Blease east to Simpson ot. F.O. 2.4983 Fedrviee Ave., both sides, from Randolph St. to St. Clair St. F.O. 24700 ,St. ,02ali. St., south side;, from Webster St. to Erie 'St. and from Duke St.. thence west approzi.mately 135 feet. F.O. 25527 Eleanor St., both sides, from Ham -line Ave. to Edgeumbe Road. F.O. 24987 Kent -St., west Bide, from Cook Stto Front St. The assessment of Qos_t .Aud... expe.R0_QS ....._.... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,,therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._.__.,1.5..: 4 ........ _...... day of IIx........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissic td r of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and\ place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_.._.....__..._SEP.._1. 920 191 .............................. _... _........... ..... ...... ..... _............ . _ ...... _.. J� �._1_�: 7....... City Clerk. Approve. _...._-___$ E P.__._.__._........_.... 191 ._...... ......_..`...._........_......._............................_. :..._....__.._._..-- Mayor. aq _ " Ods�xx Ferguson PUBLiFTT'-n- l - 2} HXL=& I,!cDonald Kndmx Matson IIx Smith Vibsdoikk ilenzel Mayor Inc Hodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF . COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT S ........... ladxt In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e?.penses for Canatruoting, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No* 130 Miler Contract 3063 i3, for Season of 1919. - dumssable Ron-- P.O* am lumt St. vast aide,* #,'x*= Cook St. to Front St. F.0. 26 � a ., south 8140, beginnIM IM w. eget of Aeburg Avec theme t tri Susan ;fit. P.O. 25M ZhKbcw0 Ave., West sick:, ir= Dsy'tm Ave, to Laurel Ave. F.O. 24M Fairview Ave*y troth slde, from RandaUft St. to $t. Chir SU P.Q. 26M Sne=M Avenue, Neat 91ds, frw Otto St. U Randolph Sts P.O. OM St. Class St*, south sided filam Vabster SU to Eris St,.. and iY'm Dube fto, thence =;st Bpwazimste2y 135 M P.Q. 23041 Duke St*# asst aids, fZara St. Mair St. 'thence ,!south M £t* wen saw side of St.,, Clair St. dam Dulm St. to 063:bor. Sto F.O. 91795 -j=0 SU, south zld # f om nWallno Ave. to SynUosts Ave4 P*C6 200S WeS Avt* y nQVth Uld$, 1'rm fFrigip St. to Ragawgn Ro F.O. SSW Meanor SU, both aldes, from USAUM Avex to 3ftembe aced„ F.C. 2=4 Wand St., south aide, beSlnUlne ]AQ ft. oast of !3sbt� Ave* theme east to 3JUJ* n Sit, P.Q. PAMZ PWaMiew Ave., both muss,, f r'ow ,RU4'_019h St. to St. Clain St. P.U. 24700 St. Clair St., south sift, from Webster St. to %rie St. and rom Dulm St. thcwe Neat appro tely l3S feet. F.O. 2W27 Eleanor St., bobs sides, from l:mline rive. to Edgelbe noad, P.O. 24937 lent St., vast side, from Cook St. to Dant St.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - mart, viz: $......_a..,2 13...72..... Coat of construction - - _ - - Cost of publishing notice 1,71 Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - _ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ ..........................8...5.5...... Total expenditures 350.60 iion-kssessable --- Total - - - - - - - - - - x4,695.44 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..........! .y6.9.3 44............ - ...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for action there o s may be considered proper. ........_. Commissioner of finance. Form B. B. 17 No.Sn9—Ordinance No. 6430— -E.. S_i . By A. mith— � I An ordinance to preserve the Public _ 7 h b re..'. e..' .iia. the storing and Health y I V S health b of Foodstuff, intended for human consumption, offered for sale O J v1d niG P nCtys n the ffor Paul violattioand n' thereof. 3 o V tl ON1. Deftuft The Council 01 the of St. Paul "• ""' does ordain: .... �j... .... ... m �C�� ),I .. � ✓1` ... SECTION ,w Term!/ C.F, No. - DE' TION..'Ir:"�r' By Commissioner A -,F,. Smith, this ordfnan ,•'^`^ ' 'AN ORDINANCE. To preserve the Public Health by regulating the storing and handling of Foodstuff, intended for human consumption., offered for sale within the.City of St. Paul and providing penalties for the violation thereof, The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. Definition of Terms.. DEFINITION OF TERIIS as used in this ordinance. The word "person" shall include any and all individuals, firms, associations and cor%4 porationsoThe word "Foodstuff" shall include any and all articles of food or drink intended for human consumption. The word "sell" 11sa1e11 and "sold" shall include all transactions of a mercantile character, VIZ., to sell, or exchange, or expose,.or offer for sale or exchange, Section 20 Definition of Inspection• Part 1.DUTIES OF HEALTH OFFICER: It shall be the duty of the . .. . R of Health Officer to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, The Health Officer .shall inspect or -cause to be inspected all places and vehicles from which .Foodstuff is offered for sale within the City of St. Paul for the purpose of determining whether suctr places and vehicles are equipped•and operated in a proper manner for the eale of such goods. Re#tsal to permit such inspection on the part of the owner or_person in charge s 11 be sufficient"case for prosecution, Part 2. DUTIES •0F INSP.TCTORS.-�'\It sh4i• ti the: duty of the inspectors to keep a record of all place_swit'hin the City of St, Paul where Foodstuff is stored or offered fta sale:' TYt fYi�peStGrs shah t have authority,, and it shal_.be e $�7 uty, to eAdt and ha#o full access to all places whe-te IloAstored. 6P b.ttered for sale In t.4s City of St. Paul and to give advice and A6Abtajhce.t6 dealers in the matter of improving the conditi6i 6f 4thoir places, .I- Part 'S AUTHORITY TO TAIM SA*'MES: -The InspeetOro dhall have authors to take samvles of Foodstuff from any place 7'hor'e $t is stored or offered for _sale .-vithin the City of St. Paul and every person handling foodstuff in the City df St. Paul shall upon request,' furnish free or charge to said inspector, all such necessary samples for the pur- pose of enforcirig the provisions of this ordinance. SECTIOD 3. Regulating the Handling of Foodstuff. Part 1. STORES AND WAREHOUSES, All places where Foodstuff is stored , or offered for sale shall be kept in a sanitary condition and shall, be kept free from rats, mice, flies and vermin.T.oilets or sleeping rooms shall not open directly into any room in which Foodstuff is exposed or offered for sale, Part 2,PROTECTION OF FOODSTUFFS: All Foodstuff that is easily con— taminated siieh as bakery goods, confectionary, shelled nuts,etc., Dried fruits, such as dates, figs, peaches, prunest , Cereal products such as tapioca, breakfast foods, macaronia, w*" -,Pickled products such as pickles, chilli sauce, q*;m, Fruit products such as apple butter, jellies, jams,( ) Meat products such as dried,salted or smoked fish, veal loaf, pickled pigs feet, mince meat, chipped beef, boiled ham,` and all berries and other -,fruits or other foods subject,to contamination by flies or dirt shall not be display. ed.for sale cithor insidd or outside of place of business, unless effectively- protected from flies, dust, dirt and all other contamiri• ation by suitable coverings of glass, wood or r.,etal Tho _covering of small fruits with screens or netting is not sufficient compliance with this seetion.The sorting of fruits on the streets is hereby prohibits Part 3.SIDEWALK DISPLAY 00 FOODSTUFFS: All Foodstuffs, not included in the preceeding part, shall not be displayed foss sale or stored on. the sidewalk or outside the placecV business within 18 inches of the level of the sidewalk or platform unless they are securely covered b3e cases of glass., wood or metal or enclosed in tight bores,bags or barrells. Part 4.UNWHOL2SO1L FOODSTU•�'F: It shall be unlawful to sell or have in possession with intent to sell for use as human £ ood any unwhole- some foodstuff such as decayed or frozen fruits or vegetables,swollen or spoiled canned goods, rotten or musty eggs, and any filthy, de- composed diseased or -Otherwise unwholesome food or dairy products, either in a natural.state or in avy'manufactured- mixed or prepared , q condition, and if any of the aforesaid unwholesome artic;u e be 3 found offered or exposed for sale or had in posession with in- tent to sell, for use as human food, the inspectors shall have i power and authority to seize the same or render the same unsal- able'foi use as human food; and the said inspectors shall be ex- empt from liability for such action. Part 5. WRAPPING OF FOODSTUFF: It shall be unlawful to wrap.or pack articles contained in Part 2 of this section in old newspapers or any paper or bees that ke n an unclean condition. The refilling of cld berry boxes with s::iall fruit is hereby pro- hibited. Part 6.- HANDLERS OF FOODSTUFF: Every person engaged in the handling of Foodstuff shall be clean, and wear clean outer gar- ments. No person with a communicable disease shall handle or come in contact in any way with Foodstuff exposed or offered for sale, and all utensils and containers used in storing or handling food shall be kept in a sanitary condition. Part ?, DISPENSING OF DRINKS AND ICE CREA14: All places where drinks and ice cream are served shall be operated in a san- itary manner and all such goods shall be dispensed only in clean st.:rile containers, facilities for the cleaning 2nd sterilizing of dippers, glasses, spoons, serving dishes and 0.11 other vessels and utensils coming in contact with drinks and ice cream shall be provided for as follows: An adequate supply of hot and cold water for cleaning pur- poses shall be providod and glasses, dishes and spoons shall be sterilized in boiling water or live steam after each 2se, or when it is impossible to use boiling water or live steam sterile dishes,coups and spoons made of paper, wood or any other suitable material and handled in a sanitary manner for one service only may be used. All glasses, dishes and straws used shall be pro- tected from dust and flies. Refrigerators and soda fountains shall be kept clean and containers used for drinks and ice cream shall not be used for any oth&r purpose than they are intended for. 1 1 4 Persons engaged in dispensing drinks and ice oream shall be clean and wear Olean outer garments and shall be free*from *any infections disease. SECTION 4. Penalty for Violation. ANY PERSON WHO SHALL VIOLATE any of the provisions or requirements of this Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol- lars, or by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, and their license -j3=*be revoked. Upon the revoce, tion of any license to handle food6tuffs, the licenseeshall not be entitled to a return of the license fee or any part thereof. SECTION 5. Repeal of Former Ordinances. All Ordinances or paxtr. of Ordinances relating to I the manufactur- ing and sale of -food 'Products inconsistent herawith are hereby repealed. SECTION 6, Date of Enforcement, This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force sixty days after it's passage and publication. Yes V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the C.uncil...,._.GrT__WjS2a 19-_ McDonald favor Approved-____ (�r T 19 Matson Smith Against A PUB JOHN . L ]PAR10Y, City clerk. The following changes in an Ordinance regulating the storing; and handling of food stuff within the City of Saint Paul, are hexx- with recommended: In Section'3 - Part 2 the following: Wherever the words "and etc." appear, same should be stricken. In the same Part 2, lines 11 and 12 reading "Effectively protected from flies, dust, dirt and all other contamination by suitable coverings of glass, wood or metal;"then add to this line "to such extent or in such other manner as may be allowed by the Health Officer." In Section 4 - Penalty for Violation: In the 5th line change the word "shall" to "may" so that same will read "and their licenses may be revoked." ,n" C.F.,No:®rQ:7 By Commissioner A.E. Smith. AN ORDINANCE. To preserve the Public Health by regulating the storing and handling of Foodstuff, intended for human consumption, affered for sale within the City of St. Paul and providing penalties for the violation thereof. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1.. Definition of Terms. DEFINITION OF TERMS as used in this ordinance. The word "person" shall include any and all individuals, firms, associations and corpor- ations. The word "Foodstuff" shall include any and*all articles of food or drink intended for human consupption. The word "sell" "sale" and "sold" shall include all transactions of a mercantile character, VIZ., to sell, or exchange, or expose or offer for sale or exchange. Section 2. Definition of'Inspection. Part.l. DUTIES OF HEALTH OFFICER: It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance, The Health Officer shall inspect or cause to be inspected all places and vehicles from which Foodstuff is offered for sale within the City of St. Paul for the purpose of determining whether such places and vehicles are equipped and operated in a proper manner for the sale of such goods. Refusal to permit such inspection on the part of the owner or per4on in charge shall be sufficient cause for prosecution. Part 2. DUTIES OF INSPECTORSS It shall be the duty of the inspectors to :seep a record of all places within the City of St. Paul where Foodstuff. is stored or offered for sale. The inspectors shall have authority, and it shall be their duty, to enter and have full access to all places where Foodstuff is stored or offered for sale ,in the City of St. Paul and to give advice and assistance to dealers in the matter ew improving th6 condition of their places. f Opp_,V Part 3. AUTHORITY TO TAKE SAMPLES: The Inspectors shall have authority to take samples of Foodstuff from any place where it is stored or offered for sale within the City of St. Paul and every person handling foodstuff in the City of St. Paul shall, upon request, furnish free of charge to said inspector all such necessary samples for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance, SECTION *% 3, Regulating the Handling of Foodstuff, Part 1, STORES AND WAREHOUSES. All places where Foodstuff is stored or offered for sale shall be kept in a sanitary condition and shall be kept free from rate, mice, flies and vermin. Toilets or sleeping rooms shall not open directly into any room in which foodstuff is exposed or offered for sale Part 2. PROTECTION OF FOODSTUFFS: All Foodstuff that is easily con- taminated such as bakery goods, confectionary, shelled nuts, etc., Dried fruits, such as dates, figs, peaches, prunes, etc., Cereal products such as tapioca, breakfast foods, macaronia, etc., Pickled products such as pickles, chilli sauce, etc., Fruit products such as apple butter, jellies, jams, etc., Meat products such as dried, salted or smoked fish, veal loaf, pickled pigs fest, mince meat, chipped beef, boiled ham, etc., and all berries and other fruits or other foods subject to contamination by flies or dirt shall not be displayed for sale either inside or outside of paste of business, unless effectively protected from flies, dust, dirt and all other, contamination by suitable coverings of glass, wood or metal. The covering of small fruits with screens or netting is not sufficient compliance witIt this section. The sorting of fruits on the streets is hereby prohibited, Part 3, SIDEWALK DISPLAY OF FOODSTUFFS: All Foodstuffs, not included in the preceeding part, shall not be displayed for -sale or stored on the sidewalk or outside the place of business within 18 inches of the level of the sidewalk or platform unless they are securely oovered by cases of glass, wood or metal or enclosed in tight boxes, bags or barrells. Part 4. UNWHOLESOME FOODSTUFF: It shall be unlawful to' sell or have in posession with intent to sell for use as human food any unwholesome food— stuff Ouch as decayed or frozen fruits or vegetables, swollen or spoiled canned goods, rotten or musty eggs, and any filthy, decomposed diseased or,:, otherwise unwholesome food or dairy products, )MbdUbDctmm either in a i , natural state or in any manufactured, mixed or prepared condition, and if any of .the aforesaid.unw}zolesome articles be found offered or exposed for sale or had in posession with intent to sell, for use as human food, the inspectors shall have power and authority to seize the same or render .the same unsaleable for use as human food; and the said inspectors shall be exempt from liability for such action. Part 5. WRAPPING OF FOODSTUFF: It shall be unlawful to wrap or pack articles contained in Part 2 of this section in old newspapers or 0-61 any paper or boxes that U in an unclean condition. The refilling of old berry boxes with small fruit is hereby prohibited*. Part 6. HANDLERS OF FOODSTUFF: Every person engaged in the handling of Foodstuff shall be clean, and wear clean outer garments. No person with a communicable disease shall handle or come in contact in any way with Foodstuff exposed or offered for sale, and all utensils and con- tainerd:.used in storing or handling food shall be kept in a sanitary condition. Pert 7. DISPENSING OF DRINKS AND ICE CREAM: All places where drinks and ice cream are served shall be operated in a sanitary manner and �• all such goods shall be dispensed only in clean sterile containers, facilities for the cleaning and sterilizing of dippers, glasses, spoons, serving dishes and all other vessels and utensils coming in contact with drinks and ice cream shall be provided for as follows: An adequate supply of hot and cold water for cleaning purposes shall be provided and glasses, dishes and spoons shall be sterilized in boiling water or live steam after each use, or when it is impossible to use boiling water or live steam sterile dishes, cups and spoons made of paper, wood or any other suitable material and handled in a sanitary manner for one service only may be used. xAll glasses, dishes and straws used shall be protected from dust and flies. Refrigerators and soda fountains shall be kept clean and containers used for drdriks and ice cream shall not be used for any other purpose than they are intended for. Persons engaged in dispensing drAAks and ice cream shall be clean and wear clean outer garments and shall be free from any infectious diseasey - _ SECTION 4• .y Penalty for Violation. ANY PERSON WHO SHALL VIOLATE. any of the provisions or require- ments of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof, be pun- ished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars mor more than One Hundred Dollabs, or by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor,more than ninety days, and their license shall be revoked. Upon the revocation of any license to handle foodstuffs, the licensee shall not be entitled to a return of the license fee or any part thereof. SECTION 5 - All Ordinances or parte of Ordinances relating to the storing and handling of Foodstuff inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 6• 4 . Date of Enforcement. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force sixty days after its passage and publicatiob. 14, Lac vt Y {e_., j'sAn DOD TICTotull'. ISO Was l"": SVIC-il Yil 1L ndl;nOOVA all ads. Aj�lyna too! ina 10 _23115. .. _. S0.61110 $S:Ci; - vv t L' uex- r ti ,f flll' iCLAf F V7 j 8 - Lb-t3 2�o --ww� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F—AA46,21Y[7-18 AUDITED CWMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNECIL No ..... . FIL3-0 11U.— ,A 52.9 SEP 15 10 --- -- - - ------ - - AUDITED - ........................... ...... .... T TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the 'City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by theil- EP 15._(920..__...___..._.191..._.__ . . ..... r,Rutffr j?MFerguson ............__An favor Jrovoved . .. ........ E..P-1.5-1.92.0 ...... ........... I ........... 191 MoDonald K71re7--: Matson Against . ..... ........... – ........... . .......... ... Smith MAYOR Wenzel No. 30890—' .,warrants be drawn: . Mr. President, Hodgson .Pon the CityTre a of the bereinaft.r;urY. Payable out, , I Bed funds and in favor of the person fir . or car. Porattens for the amounts a their respective as. at set opposite t t SP-Ifted In he 0110wing detailed - American Develop statement: 488.02, meat Company, The JDePr.e Co.. $222.75 jfarwell, Osman, Birk cordpany, 6 &1199s. Coopert , 1-2' 04 H. R. Huntung U, Co.'1.412.N. F. A. Juenemann, $3 SB �crthorn Pacific Railway way Company,': X4'ats Bros. & Cutler, $271,17. Pratt'sExpres Co., 6 Cent. Raymer Hardware Co., H Griggs, r n NoyesC th tg H r n t 'a E Raymer u Bros. St.. c 02.92. y 5898.43.Paul Book & Stationery Co.,' Paul aul Cement Works, $28.00. -t Paul St. Paul , Electric Co., $143.92. South Park Foundry & Machias Park $489.66. J. . Stilwell S , J. Stilwell Paper Co., $41.7C S, up_l, u I or Printing. Trl! Sl or Co., $40.00. ,$99. 5i. ate Telephone & T.1g. Co., WesternSupplyCo., Adopted b y h $38.68. App'. ' the 10IMIll Sept: 15, 1920. Approved Sept . 16, 5 1920. Sept. F8-1920) .5468 American Development Company, 33*92 Fire 5469 The DePree Company, 222*75 Health 5470 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Company, 82.96 Armory 7.75 Pol ce 2.55 6.90 Schools 32.00 Library 1.69 Test. Labs. 1.00 Lighting 2.55 Water 3.41 It 17.82 It 7.29 5471 Griggs, Cooper &.Company, 12.04 Parks 5.74 Vi'ater 6.30 77.07 5472 H, R. Huntting Company, 462.14 Library 5473 F. A. Juenemann, 38.68 Water Res. 529 Page #2 5474 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Workhouse Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Comptroller 1.15 Health 72.00 �+orkhouse 14.33 Schools ;6.60 ' Auditorium 2.15 Parks 13.75 it 1.44 it 122.95 " 36,80 2'7r'I*I 5476 Pratt's Express Company, St. C. & R. 5477 Raymer Hardware Company, Election 2.50 Health .95 "7.07 it 1.80 It 1.50 Parks 7.36 Forestry Revl. 2.70 Vi a ter 1.20 16.01 20.00 rt .90 .60 .33 5478 St.yaul Book & Stationery Company, Schools 4.15 Library 99.45 99.69 99.41 99,10 99.32 " 99.63 `r 98.64 99.3.3 " 99.91 5479 St.Paul Cement Works, Water 5480 -St.Paul Electric Company Pol. & F. Alarm 6.00 Parks 125.28 Gaultier School(Bond) X1`2'.644 T4 .�JG 5481 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, Water 5462 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Corp. Counsel 4.60 Purch. Dep't. 4.80 Liprary 14.70 17,64 .56 271.17 .50 62.92 898.43 9 28.00 143.92 489.66 41.74 Res. 529 Page #3 5483 Superior Printing Comiany= Purdh. Dep t. 6.00 P. Bldgs. 34.00 5484 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, Corp. Counsel 1.00 i Municipal Court 26.00 Armory 3.00 City Planning Commission 4.60 Heath 17.35 4.20 °t 11.00 °t 6.90 Auditorium 10.00 Parks 1.50 Groveland Pk. Schl.(Bond) 2.00 Homecroft School (Bond) 2.00 $3?5 5485 Western Supply Company, Parks 8.61 11 12.73 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.48 Vla�er .99 1;.34 g 3.53 �� Total 2,957.62 40.00 89.55 38.68 CITY OW ST. PAUL - - 'bm OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Porm AA 98,PN t-18 a/ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM F1I E °n' N.. ........ r a" 5 192 e ....................._.................. ................ C Sf ['TRU ER AUDITED............................................19111 ........ PER........ �, ------ 531 TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the'llereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays ted by th o ciL.............1pJ_.1.9.2.Q__._......... _191.__--.– C. F. No. 30891— Pa� rns Ferguson np ns the dclr that Tre pui8ea !u Ul Do t �� �� I��O of th hereinafter roved _.............. ...-...... 191__....._ .............. /T-----MoDOna ld In fa of the persons, Orme Foran n forthe amounts 8 O ����---Matson s'te their respective names es specl Keller fled In the following detalled emle_......_._......___...._......_................_......_... ........-.......-.........-.....__.....-.......... – nBetheada Hoep[tal 536.30. MAYOR McCsll__�Smith Fielding & Shepley, $5.&00.00. wund.rllcll. Wenzel Christ iez i Johnson, Pa apso.00. F. W. 011erenshnw, 5399.00. Mr. President, Hodgson I Dr. . 0. W. Sterner,rinting 04009.00.00. 5491 Bethesda Hospital 35.30 Workmen's Comp. 92 Fielding & Shepley 50100.00 Pay. Streets in Mac. Pk. 93 Christ Johnson 2,550,00 Grad. Orange St. 94 Alex Lawson 24.00 Misc. & Unf. 95 F. W. 011erenshaw 399,00 Health 96 Dr. "0. W. Sterner 40,00 Workmen' a Comp. - 97 Superior Printing Co. 200,00 . Water 98 White Construction Co. 6,605.50 Pay. Goodrich 3;103.00 Pay. Hemline 3,502.50 6,605.50 Total $14,953.80 i Farm A A 48, 2 M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNAUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °`L No. `= J iQ' fj SES .``• ULLi; AUDITED --------------------- ................._..191...._... N,����(�/� 532--I-----"...""'.-----------_"`-'."-.--r .. zirL (' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds acid in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Counc' ._.._...S.E.P...15...22a .... _ ..............191.......__ � .__ Bdo_ o - - - App P 15 192Q...._ 191 ...... Eacas3rerlh. D nald a F. xo.-30892— Abstract //}�) Resolved that warrants be drawn.. .... _ __ _..................................... 1 *dkr---'-Mat Bon \.( 1 upon the City: Treasury, payable .out � � / ATAYOR Smith f the hereinafter specified funds and iQIZo$ in favor of the persona, firma r aor- IM .eTY Wienzel porattone for the amount.'setsoppo- \V UnOerlicSi ­ sitetheirrespective e9a. apecl8ed PPO- I, the following dofalled statetmant: Mr. President, Hodgson $247.60 Matson, Com'r. of Finance, IF. W.- Matson, Com'r. of 'Finance, 5$739.02. _ i Adopted by the Coun n Sept 16, 1920. - Approved Sept. 16, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920) 5499 F. W. Matson, Com1r• Finance 247.50 Pub. Safety -Gen. Adm. 5600 F. W. Matson, Comir. Finance, 6, 734:42 P. Works -Adm 620.82 Engineers 1,716.55 Street C.& R. 83%00 St "r s 172; 50 Sewer • 107.50 S. & S. Cing. 417.50 105.00 " 225,00 Garbage 2,720,00 Bridge Bidei• 312.50 _ Crosswalks 62.50 Sprinkling 615,00 " 241;65 zhg. 345.00 Bag. In8p. 62.50 Street Int. 125.00 Pay. Pine St. 50:00 8: 3— Total 8.981.52 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE °`L FermA A48,YM No....3.0,09. 718 � - ' 530- 1 AUDITEt EP i S 1920._ ................. 191.._._-_-PTRUI.LER f.................... ` Resolved that warrants be drawn TITLE upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays b d Ado teSEP_...�...1�20.-.._...._. .........191....__.._ P Y the1..- 1 'C.1=9 -- Ferguson f SEP 15 1320- arnsworth ------- Mononald In favor roved.. ...._...................._.__._ _.............................. -- C,;§-- ---- Matson Mayor's Office Kdlea----- Smith - _-- `-,.-....._... _. ....... _ .......... McGoilr-� -C. F. No. 30898— MAYOR Abstract R�'�ffagniimr— Wenzel Resolved that: warrants be drawn upon the Cfty Treasury, payable out of Mr. President, Hod the he rein at ter specified funds and In favor of. the Dersona, firms. or. corpor- g son 'atlons for theamounts: set.; opposite their: for namee as specified In .. the 'following detailed statement: ...F R, Matson, Com r. of Finance, x6,2. W. - 06.-W. Matson, Com'r. of .Finance, x706.2b: - - F. W. Meteor, COM'r. of ]Finance, x11.060.69 F. VV - Matson, Com'r. of Finance, x2,179798: '1 RR'' Matson, Com'r. :of .Finance, x219.67. Adopted 'e", Council Sept. 16, 1920. Approved9ept 36, 1920. (Sept 18-1920) '-I _5486 F. % Matson, Com`r. of Finance 5,297.05 Mayor's Office 203.33 City Clerk 400.00 Election 104.00 Corp. C ounsel 717.51 Com r. of Finance Bureau of Assess. 521.00 Com`r. of Finance Recpts. & Diab. 644.16 Partic. Certs. 142.50 Comptroller 1,316.69 Civil Service 541.20 Purch. Dept. 546.66 Armory 160.00 5487 F..W. Matson, Com r. of Finance 706.25 Workhouse 5488 F. V1. Matson, Comir. of Finance 11,050.59 Schools 6,227.67 Library 4,418.51 Auditorium 404.41 s Res. 530 Page #2 5489 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance Park -Adm. 366,66 Bureau of,,Parks 254.16 Y 87.50 Playgrounds 167,50 -� P. 586.66 �. itBldgs. 717.50 5490 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance C.g.U.-Gen. Adm. 116.67 -Inv. Public'Util, 337.50 -Test. Labs.. 455.00 -Markets 225.50 ° -Lighting 985.00 267 Total 21,353.54 2,179.98 2,119',67 G- Res. 530 Page #2 5489 F. W. Matson, Com r. of Finance Park -Adm. 366.66 Bureau ofjarks 254.16 87.50 t Playgrounds 167.50 P . . 586.66 �. 1�Bldgs 717.50 2,�. $ 5490 F. W. Matson, Com'r. of Finance C.g.U.-Gen. Adm. 116.67 -Inv. Public Util. 337.50 -Test. Labs. 455.00 -Markets 225.50 -Lighting 985.00 2,x.6 2,179.98 2,119.67 f' =u CITY OF ST.. PAUL sicNo308'94 .-.:._..__�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �j COUNCIL .RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM • PRESENTED BU•�R ,J �[� COMMISSION W ...... .:..". _.' 7.:.::.. ........ ..._ '..::.... DATE ... ...... ... ...... ............ ........ : .. ...... -. RESOLVE That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Swift & Company, in a form to be approved by the,Corpdration Counsel, for the renting of the locomotive orane belonging to the Department of Public Utilities and now at the City Dock, for a period of not exceed- ing sixty days, at a rental of Twenty-five Dollars ($$25.00) for each day, except Sundays, that said orane shall be in the possession of Swift & Company, said rental period to be figured from the day said orane is delivered into the possession of Swift & Company at the City Dock, until the day same is returned to the possession of the City at the City Dock. C. F.- 30894-13y.7:-H.McDonald- Resolved That -the proper city oR1- cera -are Hereby authorized and -di+ rectedtoester into a contract: with 6wlft & gompany. 1n a -form :to be aD .proved bY.I o Corporation -Counsel, for the rents ng' or the locomotive' crane. belonging to She Department o1 Pub - it. IItilitlee and now at :the City Dock, for . -.a periodof not esceedtng. slaty days, t s rental of Twenty-Rv. Dol. ]are ($25.00). for each 'day., .xc.pt Sundays, that said crane shall ,be )n the poesesetoa. of Swift &'Company,' said rental period to be Rgured • from theday said crane- to delivered: Into I the possession ofSwlft &-Copanyat tae.. City Dock. until the 'daymsame Is returned to the passe Won of the City. at°the City Dock.. Adopted by the Can"" ept. 15, 1920: .. ..... _ .:... Approved .Sept..15. 1920S:.. .:(Sept. 18-1920) 'Yea (✓) Comcihnen Nays Adopted by the Council _:_—$5 `erguson onaldIn favor Appro SEP --- – –_--19....... on �--------- We a resident f IOaY sY 6.30 '- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE -OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ,, / COMMISSIONER AAAA .. v...... AAAA ..... ...................... ....... .... DATE• .................. ........ AAAA... ........_ RESOLVE�,That the proper city officers are hereby' authorized to pay ` � ~ to Oscar F..P'eterson, a city employe injured August 13th, 1920, in the course of his employment, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00), out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to September 17th, 1920. I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commlr of Publi works. C! F. No,, 130898 .,y H, C. Wende� 1= cerss are ehereby: That the .prober city.. oIli- 3 Oscar F. Peteraon uthorized to-paY to lured August lath,.1920� In tnploye..la- W hla emDloytpon .the course t. the cum of Thirty Dollara (530,00) out of -. jCombD :the Workmen's und,e in, rti¢jcount of the Generai j laim a' ho aettleme the of his _ .�uD to Clty for period Adopted b r 17th, 3820. !tDDroved. ept. 16,�3820,Sebt 16, Ig20. �--_ (Sept. 18-1920) 01 Yea (✓) Councilmen ( V) Nays "81art�T ` Adopted by the Counci 19-_ Ferguson' McDonald In favor A ved_—_S51920._.__ / Matson �— — — - — — Wenzel — — MAYOR Mr. President .caw aw a:o i CITY OF, ST. PAUL we"c"(�j0, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TION ---GENERAL FORMr PRESENTED BY .COMMISSIONER ..... .:.-. .:: .:....:. ....... .......>. ,........... DATE ................ .......:: ..:...... ... .._.. RESOLVED That the. proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to;pay to John Hampel, a oity employe injured June26th, 1930, in the r course of his employment, the'sum of Forty -Pius Dollars. (p45,00) out of the,Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund,' = in partial settlement of his claim against the City for the period up to September 18th. I recommend the above resolution for passage Commissioner of Public Works. . C. F. No,. 30896—BY H.C. We'll,— ' Resolved, That the Drapper- city ort,- - -- sere .are herebyauthcrl, d "to ppy to john Hampel, a city" employe 1n)ured - _ --.; June -26th, 1920, In the :course of "hle employment, the, sum of Forty -flue " Dollars ($45,00) out f the :.:Work- en's 'Compensation Account of the - - - .General Fund; in partial settlement of his nlalm'a6alnet the.'City for the - poriod -uP'to 6ePtember 18th:. - Adopted by the Council Sept: 16, 1920. - - : Approved' Sept: 16, 1920. ' 1Sept:; 16Q920) Yes 00 Councilmen ( V) NayD !^ Adopted -by the Council_:. SEP 15 1920 Ig — Ferguson McDonold - _---_ ___.._[n FavorAPPro SEP 15 1920 -------- ---- �Matson D QSmith __....Against - -- — —' Wenzel - Mr. President lODY DY D•40 An ordin_Aee to preserve ". , ' ' _o iiou,Ith by regulating e th'estoro a:id handling of ffa intended for human con- ` sumpt'Al offered for sale within the City of St. Paul, licens- in`+suoh.places, as wall ss providing _:enaltie6 for the violation ,,'bhareof. This-is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. ThEllfrom and after the passage and publication of tl;is ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to deal 3 isj or sell at retail at any other place within the limits of the City of St. Paul than the Public Market, any foodstuffs, `us whioh shall include any and all articles of'food or drink intend- ed for human consumption, without having first obtained a license so to do, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Any person desiring a license to engage in the business of dealing in or selling foodstuffs of any kind, shall first make an application therefor to the Council of the City, of St. Paul by filing with the License Inspector of said City, for presentation by him to.the Council, an application in writigo therefor, which said application shall set forth with reasonable exactness the nacre and place of residence of the applicant, and the exact location of: the place at which the applicant proposes to carry on said business, and shall further state whether or not he h-s at any time previous to the date hereof, been en,aoed in said business of dealing in or selling foodstuffs in the City of St. Paul, and if so, when and where. Said application shall be signed by4the arplieant in person, and when received by the License Ilspectpr shall be by him placed on file, and the name of the applicaTit shall be by him registered in a book of regis- tration, to be kept in the office of said License Inspector for that purpose, provided, how,-ver, that said License Inspector shall not receive such application or register the name of such applicant S6 the aeplication is accompanied by w r eeipt from the C3emnr _ res, pi vi3gd for in tiro next following section. I Section j. Before the filing of an application for a li- cense, provided for in the preceding section, shall b�e,valid for an purpos;, the applicant shall deposit 'th the oom kt f /O ice the sum of T„ve�rt-ya-fi-ee Dollars (jam), and said �nnn shall thereupon deliver to such applicant dupli- cate receipts therefor containing a statement of the purpose for which such deposit was made, and one of said receipts shall be attached to anti filed :with said application. Section =F. The making of such deposit provided for in the next preceding section, and the filing of the application accom- panied by the receipt, as provided in Section two hereof, shall authorize the applicant to engage in dealing iE or selling at re- tail, such foodstuffs until the Council of the City of St. Paul I takes action thereon, and _ither issues a license to the appli- cant or refuses so to do. Section 5. Any such applicant shall permit the officers of the Bureau of Health of the City of St. Paul, as well as the representatives of the Bureau of Police and Bureau of Fire Prev- ention, to inspect and examine the place of business or proposed place of business named in his application, together with all the appliances and instruments used or to be used therein, in the prosemtffion of his said business, and any refusal upon the part of such applicant to permit such inspection shall be deemed a sufficient ground upon „hich the Council shall refuse to issue the license by him applied for. Section b. Upon the filing of an application with the Lice se Inspector, accompanied by the ?;roger receipt of the 2 -em- �_ �zwrrce, as provided in Section2 hereof, said License Inspector shall transmit such inforration to the Chief Health Officer, Chief of Police, and Chief of Fire'Prevention, who shall proveed forthwith and without unnecessary delay, either by himself e -f his employes, to inspect the place of business or proposed place -3- of business named by the applicant in his application for a license under the teras hereof, and the said Chiefs of the Bureau of Health Police and Fire Prevention shall immediately thereafter and without undue or unnecessary delay report their findings _Lnd recommenda- tions to the License Inspector, who shall present the application and receipt, in Section 3 hereof provided for, to the Council, and shall accompany it with a report containing the results of the ex- amination and inspection hereinbefore required, and the Council shall thereupon, after proper investigation, whether from a con- sideration of such report or from other sources, adjudge and de- termine such applicants as may be entitled to obtain a license to Jeal in or to sell at retail such foodstuffs, within the corporatte limits of the City of St. Paul, and shall thereupon by resolution grant the licenses applied for to such applicants as may be in the opinion of the Council antitled thereto under the terms and pro- visions of this ordinance. Section 7. The Chief of police shall, on the first day of January, May and September in each year, report in writing to the Council the names of all persons conducting places of business. for the sale of foodstuffs, and whether or not any such persons have ever baen convicted of selling liquor illegally, whether or not the premises have been used for any illegal or immoral pur- pose, and w:nether the s:.re have been eorr,Tonly frequented by im- moral or disorderly persons, and if liquor of any kind has been sold therein illegally. The.con uct of any such place of business or permitting any immoral or unlawful conduct or practices therein, or the sale of liquor illegally, shall be cause for refusal of a license to the keeper thereof, or for the revocation of any license already granted. Section 8. It shall thereupon be the duty of the City Clerk to issue to any person to whom such a license has been granted by the Council, as hereinbefore provided, a license of even date with the approval of'the resolution for which said license was granted, entitling him to deal in or sell at retail foodstuffs at the place named in his application therefor, for a _4_ period of one year from the date hereof. Upon the granting of such license, said deposit of - Dollars,s'�92 � shall be and become the property of the City of St. Paul as and for a license fee for the term of said license. Holz ver, if the Council shall refuse to grant such license, the e shall, upon proper demand, return said deposit of taking a receipt therefor, The City Clerk ;shall keep a proper record of all licenses issued by him pur- ;suknt to the provisions hereof. Section 5. Any p& rseon violating a y of the rovisions of . sav� this ordinance shall upo %,nv tion thereof b� punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars; nor more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisontpent for not less than twenty days, nor more than ninety days, ;-- Seotion 10.E-:- - a� � h ahe provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any place of business already licensed under the provisions of Ordinances No. 2090, 3524, 3525 and amendments thereto,.,4. Section. 11. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary S -o `or the public peace, health and safety. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeae Nays mp-ftw? Ferguson ✓ McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel 3Ar.—AresYttee�.n Attest ( City Clerk. } Passed by theCouncil ,; ;)1 Approved 1 Mayor 1 1t081- Chi, 'U An ordinance to preserve the public health by regulating the storing and handling of foodstuffs intended for Yuman consump- tion offered for sale within the City of St. Paul, licensing; such places, as well as provitting penalties for the violation thereof. THE COUINCIL OF THF CITY OF ST. PAUL DOTS OP.DA!": Section 1. That from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to deal in or sell at retail at any other place within the limits of the City of St. Paul than the Public Market, any foodstuffs, which shall in- clude any and all articles of food or drink intended for human con- sumption, without having first obtained a license so to CIO, as hereinafter provided. Section 2. Any person desiring a license to engage in the business of dealing in or sellin foodstuffs of any kind, shall first make an applicatior therefor to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Mir. with the License Inspector of said City, for presentation by him to the Council, an application in writing therefor, which said application shall set forth 'site reasonable exactness the name and place of residence of the applicant, and the exact location of the place at which the applicant proposes to carry or, said business, and shall further state whether or not he has at any time previous to tiie date thereof, been engaged in said business of dealing; in or selling foodstuffs in the City of St. Paul, and if so, when and where. Said application shall be aimed by the applicant in person, and when received by the License Inspector shall be by him placed on file, and the name of the appli- cant shall be by him registered in a book of registration, to be kept in the office of said License Inapector for that purpose, rro- vided, however, that said License Inspector shall not receive such application or register the name of such applicant unless the appli- cation is accompanied by a receipt frorc the Commissioner of Finance, pr>vided for in t -e next foiloviin; section. (2) Section 3. Before the filing of an application, for a li- cense, provided for in the preceding section, shall be valid for any purpose, the applicant shall deposit with the CommAssioner or Finance the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (;25.CC), and said Commis- sioner of Finance shall thereupon deliver to such arplicant dupli- cate receipts therefor containinE a statement of the purpose for which such deposit was made, and one of said receipts shall be attached to, and file.! with said application. Section: 4. The makin; of such deposit provided for in the next precedinL, section, and the filing of the ar_plication accom- panied. by the receipt, as provided in Section t,%o hereof, shall authorize the applicant to engace in dealing in or selling at re- tail, such foodstuffs until the Council of the City of St. Paul takes action thereon, and either issues a license to the appli- cant or refuses so to do. Section 5. Any such applicant shall permit the officers of the Bureau of Health of the City of St. Paul, as well as the representatives of the Bureau of Police or Bureau of Fire Pre- vention, to inspect and examine the place of business or proposed place of business named in his application, together with all the appliances and instruments used or to be used therein, in the prosecution of his said business, and any refusal upon the part of such applicant to permit such inspection shall be deemed a sufficient ground upon which the Council shall refuse to issue the license by him applied for. Section 6. Upon the filing of an application with the License Inspector, accompanied by the proper receipt of the Cor_ missioner of Finance, as provided in Section 2 hereof, said License Inspector shall transmit such information to the Chief Health Officer, Chief of Police, and Chief of Fire Prevention, who shall proceed forth-xith and without un eceasary delay, either by himself or his employes, to inspect the place of business or proposed place (3) of business named by the applicant in his application for a license under the terms hereof, and the said Chiefs of the Bureau of health, Police and Fire Prevention shall immediately thereafter and without undue or unnecessary delay report their findings and recommendations to the -License Inspector, who shall present the application and receipt, in Section 3 hereof provided for, to the Council, and shall accompany it with a report containin; the results of the examination and inspection hereinbefore required, and the Council shall there- upon, after proper investigation, whether from a consideration of such report or from other sources, adjudge and determine such applicants as may be entitled to obtain a license to deal in or to sell at retail such foodstuffs Within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, and shall thereupon by resolution grant the licenses applied for to such applicants as may be in the opinion of the Council entitled thereto under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. The Chief of Police shall, on the first day of January, May and Se__teAer in each year, report in writing to the Council the nares of all persons conducting places of business for the sale of foodstuffs, and whether or not any such persons have ever been convicted of selling liquor illegally, whether or not the premises have been used for any illegal or immoral pur- pose, and whether the same have been commonly frequented by im- moral or disorderly persons, and if liquor of any kind has been sold therein illegally. Thegonauct of any such place of busi- ness, or permitting any immoral or unlawful conduct or practices therein, or the sale of liquor illegally, shall be cause for re- fusal of a license to the keeper thereof, or for the revocation of any license already granted. Section 6. It shall thereupon be the luty of the City Clerk to issue to any person to whom such a license has been Granted by the Council, as hereinbefore provided, a license of (4) even date with the approval of the resolution for which said license was granted, entitling him to deal in or sell at retail foodstuffs at the place named in his application therefor, for a period of one year from the date thereof. Upon the granting of such license, said deposit of Twenty-five Dollars ($p25.00) shall be and become the property of the City of St. Paul as and for a license fee for the term of said license. However, if the Council C shall refuse'to grant such license, the Commigsioner of Finance shall, upon proper demand, return said deposit of Twenty-five Dollars, taking a receipt therefor. The City Clerk shall keep a proper record of all licenses issued by him pursuant to the provisions hereof. Section 9. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars, nor more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than twenty days, nor more than ninety days, or by both. Section 10. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed, except that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any place of business already licensed under the provisions of Ordinances No. 2890, 3524 and 3525 and amendments thereto. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council _OCT 21J920 Yeas Nays Attest Mr. Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved City Clerk Mayor 777 S W_ - i C. 8. No. 90898. An ordinance to preserve the public health by regulating the storing and handling of foodstuffs intended for human consumption offered for sale within the City of at. Paul, licensing such please, as well as providing penalties for the violation thereof. This is an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. THE COUM IL OF 7HE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That from and after the passage and publication of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to deal in or sell at retail at any other place within the limits of the City of St. Paul than the Public Market, any foodstuffs, which shall include any and all articles of food or drink intended for human consumption, without having first obtained a license so to do, as hereinafter provided. Section 8. Any parson desiring a license to engage in the business of dealing in or selling foodstuffs of any kind, shall 0 first make an application therefor to the Council of the City of F St. Paul by filing with the License Inspector of said City, for presentation by him to the Council, an application in writing there- for, which said application shall act forth with reasonable exactness the name and place of residence of the applicant, and the exact location of the place at which the applicant proposes to carry on said business, and shall further state whether or not he has at any time previous to the date hereof, been engaged in said business of dealing in or selling foodstuffs in the City of St. Paul, and if so, when and where. Said application shall be signed by the applicant in person, and when received by the Lioonse Inspector shall be by him placed on, file , and the name of the applicant shall be by him registered in a book of registration, to be kept in the office of said License Inspector for that purpose, provided, however, that said License Inspector shall not receive such application or register the name of such applicant unless the application Is accompanied by a receipt from the City Clerk, provided for in the next following section. - 2 - Section 3. Before the filing of an application for a li- cense. provided for in the preceding section, shall be valid for any purposes, the applicant shall deposit with the City Clork the sum of Yen Dollars ($10.00), and said City Clark shall thereupon deliver to such applicant duplicate receipts therefor containing a statement of the purpose for which such deposit was mads, and one of said roccipts shall be attached to and filed with said appli- cation. Section 4. The making of such deposit provided for in the next preooding section, and the filing of the application acoom- parried by the receipt, as provided in Section tvo hereof, shall autborise the applicant to engage indlaling in or selling at re- tail, such fooiatufis until the Council of the City of St. Paul takes action thereon, and either issues a license to the applicant or refuses to to do. Section S. Any such applicant shall permit the officers of the Bureau of Health of the City of 8t. Paul, as well as the representatives of the Bureau of Police and Bureau of Fire Proven- ticn, to inspect and examine the place of business or proposed plans of business named in his application, together with all the appliances and instruments used or to be used therein, in the prosecution of his said business, and any refusal upon the part of Bush applicant to permit such inspection shall be deemed a suffi- cient ground upon which the Council shall refuse to issue tho licence by him applied for. Section B. tipcn the filing of an application with the License Inepeator, accompanied by the proper receipt of the City Cloak as provided in Section 2 hereof, said License Inspector shall transmit such information to the Chief Health Officer, Chief of Polics, and Chief of Fire Prevention, who shall proceed forthwith and without unnecessary delay, either by himself or his employes, to inspect the place of business or proposed place of business named by the applicant -9- in his application for a license under the terms hereof. and the said Chiefs of the Bureau of Health Polios and Fire Prevention shall Immediately thereafter and without undue or unneoessary ddlay report their findings and recommendations to the License Inspector, who shall present the application and receipt, in Bastion 3 hereof pro- vided for, to the Council, and shell accompany it with a report containing the results of the examination and inspection hereinbefore required, and the Council shall thereupon, after proper investiga- tion, whether from a consideration of such report or from other sources, adjudge and determine ouch applicants as may be entitled to obtain a license to deal in or to sell at retail such foodstuffs. within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, and shall thereupon by resolution grant the licenses applied for to ouch applicants as may be in the opinion of the Council entitled thereto under the terms and provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. The Chief of Police shall, on the first day of January, May and September in each year, report in writing to the Council the names of all persona conducting places of business for 4 the sale of foodstuffs, and whether or not any such persons have r ever been convicted of selling liquor illegally, whether or not the promises have been used for any illegal or immoral purpose, and whether the same have been commonly frequented by immoral or disorderly persons, and if liquor of any kind has been sold therein illegally. The improper conduct of any such place of business or pormitting any immoral or unlawful conduct or practices !heroin, or the sale of liquor illegally, shall be cause for refusal of a li- cense to the keeper thereof, or for the revocation of any license already granted. section s. It shall thereupon be the duty of the City Clerk to issue to any person to whom such a license has been granted by the Council, as hereinbefore provided, a license of even data with the approvul of the resolution for which said license was granted, entitling him to deal in or sell at retail foodstuffs at the place named in his application therefor, for a period of one year from the date 4 i thereof. Upon the granting of such license, said deposit of Ten Dollars ($10.00) shall be and become the property of the City of St. Paul as and for a license fee for the term of said license. However, if the Council shall refuse to grant such license, the City Clark shall, upon proper demand, return said deposit of Ten Dablare ($10.00) taking a receipt therefor. The City Clerk shall keep a proper record of all licenses issued by him pursuant to the provisions hereof. section 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and this ordinance shallepon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not lean than Twenty -Five Dollars, nor more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not lees than tventy days, nor more than ninsty days, sxxbjxietYx Rection 10. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to any place of business already liceaeedunder the provisions of Ordinances No. 2890, 8524, or 8525, and amondmento thereto, where business of only one kind is carried on. Section 11. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and Section 12. This ordinance shall take efgeot and be in (safety. foroa from and after its passage and publication. l Adopted by the Council Yeas Councilmen Nays "&nay $ergnson r �' ✓✓Jal)* aid Approved ` " - V/Astson v ith'" Dr. Praei at +� } 2 �•..r4,1 Mayor llVll Attest City Clerk. t'�r' Ftp® YM 7-18 5508 C VI.Y OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t"Ott. CIL8.,` 3 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No ...... ...................... _ City Planning Board 9 � ),' � Comir Finance BYE ... ......... .... _......................... _.... _..... .......... AUDITED ,........_..191..._... / i' COMPTROLLER �7.( 5,34 _ GL TITLE .......... ILF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set oppositeltheir respective names as specified in the following detailed statement' Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 'ouncil_._...__SEP1.7-19.20. Adopted by the ........... ._...191......_.... 'Clancy ID -,.757.50 Ftnsioarlhe2YgY3olf _..._ d ` _..__ ' P _...__....... ....._.... 17 1920 1 --- MoDonald RESOLUTIONS. \ �,/ ------ MG�a_tson Keller — t..�,,,:,..+ --l!�--�77-- "IDitkl _._ _....... C. F. No. 30899— ..__._. _._........_. ._ .:...._.__ ........ .......... ....... wBri el \t at OR Resolved thug bµtract) upon [he City Trensu ..anti b dorawn the herei fter f Mr. President, Hodgson specu, dpfundseand 1 6 Pion. oft [heers+o- Acme o corporin tion s for a o their r awing ve names Baso etc appeal to the following detailed ata t. F• Tt'. 3latson, oe� nlaed In 550.00. C,,p P Flnflnce, & Int. Fund F. $10,757.60 W, "'t""Ctun". of Finance, 512F.00�V• ➢tatson, Co-'- of Flnance, 5508 F. W. Matson, Comtr. Finance 50,00 City Planning Board 9 F. W. Matson, Comir Finance 10,757.50 Interest 9,757.50 Red. Tax.Levy 1,000,00 ID -,.757.50 10 F. W. Matson, Comir. Finance 125.00 Inte est 25.00 Spec. Assess Bond & Int. Fund 100.00 125.00 11 Merchants National Bank 968,47 Interest 157.50 " 810, 00 Misc. & Unf. .97 968.47 ` Total $11,,900.97 i o PITS' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER A 46, 2N 7-19 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM t(it NU1L No,.,,._,_ ® ..... FILE....- .�6&v'/ AUDITED { 191..... 533 TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following, detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by th ou)icil___...... SEP _17,1s20 .............191..__.... Clancy Q0/( e arrants i7e out of / S 1! 19L1,.__....__.. 191 _Tn c. F. Nn. ao9oo— rove EP MoDOna CZ (Abstract)--- rj Matson Resolved thTreasu ry, payn upon the City ���--_� the hereinafter specified funds and in Smith firms or corpora- -- McColl tavor of the persons, tions for the amounts set opposite MAYOR their speot"' na ae e e nt. 1n \ Wenzel the foll_.n. dets uea statement. Corning Donohue 130ck Co., Mr. President, Hodgson $1o.asa.96. TIrc Pi AV Ilampdenb`Jr. & Co.. $ .T. r'Kain. Cashier. $43.83. E. J. Lynch, Cotle ctor of Internal Revenue, $362.95. New Era Lamp Co., $57.23. i StPaul Electric Co., $275.21. ` Ad. opted by the Council Sept. 17, 1926' Approved 7, 1121 (Sept.125 1926) ------------------------ 5501 Corning Donohue Brick Co. 10,450.96 Groveland Pk. School 240,00 a 3,380,06 Homecroft School 6,830;90 10,450,96 2 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. 173.81 Garage 3 J. W. Hampden Jr. & Co„ 66.23 Parke 4 J. F.Kain, Sashier 43.83 Water 5 E. J. Lvnch, Collector of Internal Revenue 862.05 Health Parkse`- 6 New Era Lamp Co, 57.23 Garage 7 St. Paul Electric Co. 275.21 Pol. & Fire Alar* Total $ 11, 929.32: C1,1W of S7'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ((``fi�ee 11 Cot'\CIL .39 90^ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No........ r AUDITED��...._^ ...................191........ 53b ` -.r PER. �.__i.._................_._....___...... -- - TITLE ti Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the f SEPI 17 ng d192l d statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( d ) Nays Adopted by the ' until __......_ _ _...____ _._........._._.......__._191.-..._. ClancySEN 1920. _. 191 n _. r+�ertuwurm �- fi7 favor `� d MoDona`4ld =" Goss Matson Smith .__..._.Against ._ _ ........_ __. _... ....IAYOR McCotL___ Wenzel �1'Elf�3Ck� IC, F. No. 80901 Abstract)• Resolved th Tt w rr8ntnff be drawn: Mr. President, Hodgson i $926.20. 326.96. tulpment Co.,' $3,186.45. $1,450.23. $229.02. 1920. Il sept• 17, 12 0) 7.60 9.60 17,20 69.15 20.67 297.28 X87.10 - 50.00 – 48.02 17.20 387.10 12.65 9.75 12.70 Adoptee Approve 5512 Leopold Bruenner 1 Parks 13 Armour & Co., School 14 Geo. C. Binder Fire Water 15 Capital City Lumber Co., School n Bridge Bldg. 16 Arthur E. Eggert School 17 L. 8. Ferrey Water IS Geo. N. Gerlach School i $926.20. 326.96. tulpment Co.,' $3,186.45. $1,450.23. $229.02. 1920. Il sept• 17, 12 0) 7.60 9.60 17,20 69.15 20.67 297.28 X87.10 - 50.00 – 48.02 17.20 387.10 12.65 9.75 12.70 926.20 326.95 819.78 3,186.45 1,450.23 229,02 5519 Jeffereon Lumber Co., r� Police 4.80 Schooll Crosswalks 83.00 343.4,5 104.02 73.60 Street C & R. 38.58 " 14.97 n 60.81 98.68 107.29 926,20 20 Leslie Donahower Co., P. Bldg. Rev. 9.80 School 196.00 y Parks 10.25 .' G. N. School 87.20 Bridge Bldg. 23.70 326.95 21 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., School 1 22 Pittsburgh Coal Co., School 1,096.36 13,186.45 Fire 2,090.09 J- 23 Pittsburgh Coal Co., Fire 563.83 Street C. & R. 187.42 " 129.95 ' " 107.64 Sewer " 146.70 Sprinkling 152.69 Playgrounds 162.00 f,-450.2.3 24 Superior Refining Co., Water Total 7,476.08 t� i -. A 926.20 326.95 819.78 3,186.45 1,450.23 229,02 1' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE 0 , THE COMPTROLLER nn,�g AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM I Ilk,`O1L No........30902.. Total $1,519.44 AUDITED� .........191........ 536 TITLF, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C _...__$EP....1?._(9.ZD.....___...._...191........-... Clancy 1% 1920 on n favor 011SEP _._ _ ....191.....__.. - geIler---- McDoonld� ---- - Smith Against _.... McColl MAYOR �L I7Ch — W11.11 C. F. No. 30902— Mr. President, Hodgson Resolved t.h¢t wnrranta be drawn upon the Ctty Treasury, payable out of the herelnaPter specified Panda and 1n in favor P the persons, flans orpd tion s. for the amounts sett opposite their eapecttve ales as specified in the PollowinJ3 Uetatted tatement. Batt Ltne Hrfet< Co.. $1,328.94. Concrete SteeI Co., $155.00. James R. Gray & Co., $10.50. Emllle Df. Knoll, $20.00. Stnte Treasurer, $5.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 17, 1920. Approved Sept,17, 1920. __ _- .-__.._LGgnt. 25_1920) 5525 Belt Line Brick Co., 1,328.94 Homecroft School 26 Concrete Steel Co., 155.00 Bridge Bldg. 27 James R. Gray & Co., 10.50 City Clerk 28 Emilie Yii.Mwll 20.00 Misc. & Unf , 29 State Treasurer 5.00 Auditorium Total $1,519.44 ( COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL sae NO.-.-..- - 9... -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED BY t COMMISSIONER . ............ ....... ............... ......,....................... ...........E.Se l.amb.Q X.17 1,9J ........... REsoLvED That, Whereas the Ahrens -Fox Company has been delayed in' fillling their contract with the City for one automobile Pumping .engine due to labor conditions and difficulty in Procuring necessary materials, these being conditions over which they had no control, Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby authorized the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for the full amount of the contract price for said pumping engine without making any deductions for delay in delivery of said pumping engine, as provided in the contract. Yes( v) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays v Clancy cDonald .............. In favor Matson W", (Smith _.__--..._.—_Against " Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 30903—By A. E. Smith— Resolved, That Whereas the Ahrens Fox Company has been delayed in flll- intheir for ne automobile rpumping engineact with the ) due to labor conditions and difficulty In pro- curing necessary materials, these be- ing condition. over which they had he control, Now therefore be it Resolved, that the Council hereby issue.Uthorfze�urchaaethe urordern forAtt he full amount of the contract price for said pumping engine without making any deductionsfor delay In delivery f sold pumping engine, as provided In the contract. Adopted by the Council Sept. 17, 1920. p➢roved Set17 Adopted by the 11 � nopnaL e �(� s� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L.O. e -- 30tJ�.j`"'-""- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '1 PRESENTED 6Y?�✓� DATE .._SepL_eIRU.�.S�... a..�...,�y��,..0...... ...... COMMISSIONER..._ _. ..... .._ .. - RESOLVED That, Whereas the Ahrens -Fox Company has been delayed in filling their contract with the City for one automobile pumping engine due to labor conditions and difficulty in procuring necessary materials, these being conditions over which they had no control, Xow therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby authorized the Purchasing Agent to issue a purchase order for the full amount of the contract price for said pumping engine without making any deductions for delay in delivery of said pumping engine, as provided in the contract. C. F. No. 30903—By A. E. Smith— Resolved, That Whereas the Ahrens - Fox Company has been delayed in fill - Ing their contract with the City for no automobile pump ng engine due to labor conditions and difficulty in pro- during necessary material , the" bno Ing conditions .,or which ontrol. Now therefore be it Resolved, that the Council hereby authorizes the purchasing Agent to Issue n purchase Ord for the full amount o[ the contract price for sold I pumping engine Ithe It ahing an" f dedaetlone [or delay 1n deU lded in ..I', id pu ra"n6 en g In e, as pro, theontract. Adoptedd Sept. 17u 1920 sept. 17, 1920. AApprove (Sept. 18-1920) 1 1 Yes ( V) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays v Clancy Adopted by the Council......_S _.._ 192Q-_.......___19_...._ jIYjeDonald In favor Appro SEP 17 1920.___ ......... _-19......... t ', i)M tson C� �t4mith Against _ _... Wenzel v., Mt. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED l`[)MMISCI[]N FR ....... ........ ".�....... .'......................... .... .................... DATE... RESOLVED No.. _ ..30944.. Sept. 17, .. 1920. ............ ...... .......- .............................. That the plat of Portland Terrace as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy 1FRiaAr McDonald� In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President C. F. No. 30904—By Fi. C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the plat' of Portland Terrace ae recommended by the Plat Commis.l on d approved by the Com- ' mlesioner of Public Work., be and the came le hereby accepted. Adopted by the Council Sept. 17, 1920. Approved Sept. 17, 1920. (Sept. 18-1920)' C 30905 eCITY OF ST. PAUL iLeOUNCIL No. ............----_------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Se tember 17 1920• COMMISSIONER....... _..� 4 � .�.".��.... DATE. p _ RESOLVED Whereas, in the matter of paving hamline Avenue from Grand Avenue to Goodrich Avenue, in accordance with the requirements of final order 0. F. 25261, approved May 28, 1919, it was provided in the plans and specifications for the doing of certain work and at a scale of prices therein fixed in accordance with the said plans and specifications, which plans and specifications were approved by C. F. 28041, approved January 29, 1920, and Whereas, it was deemed desirable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works to have the contractor, the White Construction Company, perform the said work more particularly described as follows: 28 sq. yds of asphalt concrete in place at w2.70 -- $75.60 15.7 lin. ft. of radius cement curb .75 -- 11.78 19 " " pine headers .15 -- 2;85 and Whereas, said work and material has been done and -furnished as provided for in the paving of said Hemline Avenue; now there- fore, be it Resolved that the Council hereby allows for all the work and material as herein stated the Sum o3 $90.23. as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-1109 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. C. F. No. 30906—By 11C. wonzel— Hamatter of paving ,i to amlineAve.vefrom Grand Ave Goodrich Ave., in eco dance with the requirements f Final Order C r 25261, approved May 28lane , 1919, it was tfons�for the doinIn the g of certain work and 1 accordance with the th 1d ipl ns and in sp,effleations, which plane plans apecifl- entl one were approved by C. P. 28041, approved January 29, 1920, and �4 a d necessary by nthe Commissionerole fPublic works to have the contractor, the white Construction Company per - Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays fo d.m Ibed said wfellork more particularly 28 Sq. yds. of asphalt concrete In ^ Clancyplace at $2,70, $76.60. *Co�unc/',E7 j9_...._ I 16.7 Ln. ft. of radius cement curb by ^ 07JoP pine headers nt 16{, �'vas.$2.8and said work -McDonald ....... .j whereas, materialhas, been done and furing o hed ae pre- p1..O_.. videdl Por In the Paving of said HMatson line Avenue; now theorfore, be 1t Resolved that thewo Counoi4 herebyaSmilh lows for all the work andmaterialas���–��-�� - heroin stated the sum oP $90.23 ne an- eOm. under the ontract known asWenzel :,.olt ng ft Contract Impr a the„ molt ng Of the a Council S17, T9nt. Approv by the Council Sept.e. 17, 7920. Ptesldent 3� Approved Sept.17, 1920. - {� 'hum".�s..„.N,k✓3s ., � ,.. fel (Sept. 25-1920) ,.✓'=`''.r C. F. No. 30006— Whereas, Heretofore, unser ante e- ° '.i July 2nd, 1016, the Northwestern Telcsousaen. t�rQ���� phone Exchange Company, as princl- NO.- AAAA_....._ Pal. and the American Surety Com- ERK pany o[ Now York, as 6urety, caused ccto be executed n rtala uraty bo a to inaem If the city of St. Paul ny RAL FORM reaspn of the malntenance f nn e7e-, PRESENTED BY vator in the sidewalk Cedar atroot. on ear ,the corner of Fifth street; and COMMISSIONER.•; ...........�............... ............. /Whereas, It appears that the North-'�.. DATE.......................... .. .........._... .. 'ern Telephone Company has paw ' h the title to said prop art_ ate Te]ephene WHEREAS, Heretofore, under date of July 2nd, 1915, the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company, as principal, and the American Surety Company of New York, as surety, caused to be exe- cuted a certain surety bond to indemnify the City of St. Paul by reason of the maintenance of an elevator in the sidewalk on Cedar street, near the corner of Fifth street; and WHEREAS, It appears that the Northwestern Telephone Company has parted with the title to said property, and that the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company is now the owner; and WHEREAS, Said Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company has executed a new bond in the sum of $5,000 to cover the maintenance of said elevator on .cedar street, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company and the American Surety Company of New York be released from any further liability on account of the bond heretofore filed under date of July 2nd, 1915, upon the filing with the Comptroller of the bond of the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, dated September 2nd, 1920; provided, however, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed as releasing the said Northwestern Telephone Exchange Company from any liability which may have here- tofore accrued. o lCcri'v.�d m.. l,l. i8 ®�noatiarl With ahoy. olution° // Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the CounciL..........._EY 17_1920 19_ SEP 1920 McDonald ._..._._.-_....._lo favor APPro ._............__19._..... Matson — Smith ..Against ------._....... _._- -- Wenzel ` A .Avow Mr. President PML M d�� C� Tri-State Telephone L Telegraph Co., A.C.Cragg, General Auditor, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: Responsive to your request of August 319t I am inclosing a new bond on behalf of your Company to comply with Ordinance No. 3466 which I will ask you to file with the city as a substitution on a bond of the northwestern Telephone Company, and ask the City to furnish us with a release under the bond of the Northwestern Telephone Company, so ti.at we can cancel our liability. I assume that you have been operating under the i orth restern Telephone Company's bond and for that reason are willing to pay the premiums Bet forth in the bill that I recently sent you. Yours very truly, A. E. Ac�rs ( 1 r r�° • -Z AEA : ATLP i A •. P GF;1� 1 09O6 4 BOARD T'eR 11.1 ;� BRANCH OFFICE FOR MINNESOTA, NORTH DAKOTA .BARK N. PRiHCE E H EOwARD w. DECKER AND SOUTH DAKOTA 817-23 FIRST NATIONAL -500 LINE —LOIN. FOWLER, sCHIITT cARLSOH, s 1U111R, 1.U.— TELEPFIONES f N. W� MAIN 3499 A. E. ADAMS, MANAGER TR I'S TATE AUTOMATIC 34918 R..I...T A..�.N., s.�R..... MINNEAPOLIS, MINN., September 2,1920. Tri-State Telephone L Telegraph Co., A.C.Cragg, General Auditor, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: Responsive to your request of August 319t I am inclosing a new bond on behalf of your Company to comply with Ordinance No. 3466 which I will ask you to file with the city as a substitution on a bond of the northwestern Telephone Company, and ask the City to furnish us with a release under the bond of the Northwestern Telephone Company, so ti.at we can cancel our liability. I assume that you have been operating under the i orth restern Telephone Company's bond and for that reason are willing to pay the premiums Bet forth in the bill that I recently sent you. Yours very truly, A. E. Ac�rs ( 1 r r�° • -Z AEA : ATLP i A •. P GF;1� 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FaeNO.-..3O-907--�- ' t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' �• ._... DATE..........._pp...,-20,.............. ............... ...... COMMISSIONER ....._..... _... s..,.....E.. ....S1JI .,T...H........... ...... ........ .......... .. _. .... ........... . J—..... RESOLVED Whereas, Listoe & Wold, have made application for a license to operate upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, one (1) Cadillac Touring Car, Factory No. P-915, State License No. 217194, seating cap -city 7 passengers, owned by Listoe & Wold, and, Whereas, Listoe & Wold, in accordance with ordinance No. 5241 has filed copy of insurance policy with the City and said policy has been approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form, therefore be it, o Resolved that license be issued to said Listoe & Wold to operate said car upon the streets of the City of St. Paul subject.to the provisions of said ordinance. I C. P. No. 30907—Ey A E. Smith— Whereas, Listoe & Wold have made i application for a license to operate Pon the streets of the City of St Paul, e (1) Cadillac Touring Car, Factory No. P-816, State License No. 217194, eating capacity 7 passengers, owned by Listoe& Wold, and, Whereas, Listoe & Wold, In ace d - I ante with Ordinance N.6241 hes(fled } copy of insurance policy with the City n d said policy has been approved by jthe Corporation Counsel as to form, therefore be It. Resolved that license be Issued to said Listoe & Wold to operate said car upon the streets of the City of St Paul subject to the provisions of said ordin- ¢Adopted by the Council Sept. 17, 1920. Approved Sept. 17, 1920. t I (Sept. 26-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays �J /Y✓� U,. 1 C ) , Rlacei-red connection wittl Resod, fin. Clancy Adopted by the Council _._..._ _ HP -1.7, IM, __ 19_..... 1920 ( McDonald In favor ppf /SEP .. Matson Smith_.. ... .Against --- -- .._._...._-.. .._._ __........... ----- N.roa— Wenzel Mr. President IORM 8N e-20 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. 30908. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER f._ .... .. ..... . ..... UITH . .. . ...... DATE Sept 1,5.,...1920. ..... ..... RESOLVED That the application of W. H. Gervais for a license to carry on a Bill Posting Business at 1795 E. 7th. St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clekk is hereby in— structed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, A1--10.00. C. IF Na. 30989—BY A Ith— Re..Ivd, That the � E. Sm H Gervals f application of W Bill P I or a license to carry .. � �d th'an the same hereby E. 7th 1 I b dng Business at 1795 I CRY Clerk Is hereby" "noted ed to leaus each lice -a instruct - .Out Into Ile no. the pay- cestanusMe Treasury Of the ry fee $50.00, Ad-Ptad by the u,jj Sept APP roved Sept 17, 1920. . 17, 1920. (Sept. 25-1920) - Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council . ...... . .. __ 19....... C;SEP 17 1920 McDonald In favor 19......... Matson Smith Against Wenzel ..'r. ,Mr. President FORM 7M 3-20 - aye CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.-----���`=_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY A. E. SMITH Sept. 15, 1520• COMMISSIONER........ ........ .....:............ ............................. .............................. ... DATE ..........._............... ....... .... ........................ RESOLVED That the application of Marie Kuhlmann, for a license to conduct a Female Employment Agency at 59 W. 7th. St. be and the same hereby is granted, and the City Clerk is here- by instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $76.00. Reaolveq ThaBY A. Smith— I M'trle Kuhimxnn, ttore Ppllcatlon pp 60 WA7th 9l.ebe mPlo}mien taAgenecon pla grunted. and thena Y Cle Te here i Y Inetructeh to f yClt lc is here - n Iheintoxt P the hohdeana oe nae P_ CU tomary peCe $C6t00 Trenauryt hoe p[y AdoPtea hY tphe 1719211 Sept. 17, 1920. Approveel Se (Sept. 25-192x) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy u McDonald _......__....In favor Matson / ) Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President Adoptedly the Council.__....._SEP �. 1920 . 19_ SEP 17 1920 Approved.......---._....._----..... _..-_____._..._._..___ 19...__.. PRE+'L131INARY ORDER& I Council File No. 30910 C. F. No. 30910 .-^ SENT v - e,G al m for the "oreaa''O'Pmogroveent, of , thewr con,ucstru GLIMINARY ORDER. • r The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:..... . Reconstruct , relay and-_repairthe _sidewalk, at_the. following locations: ...........-._ _ ._.... ............... ------ On the south side of Ethel St. beginning approximatly 63 feet ­.-eas-t--of Fairfield-ABenue-,---thenoe-- east ...-to- Ohio _.-Street-.._.......-.._ ..................._._._. --- On the east side of Ohio Street beginning at Ethel St., thence ----- -ttTn��8877and of- the. -.-present cement _walk -opposite the south- side of -- �ate etlisSt. BXteY]dde�. _..._..._ .. 1 0.. . 17th..... September,__ Co Heilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk at the following .-..-. ...... location: - - Ori t -he sbu-tt side -of Ethel -St. beginning approximately --63 -feet east of Fairfield Avenue, thence east to Ohio Street ---- .................... .-.. _.. _..._. ..... On the east side of Ohio Street, beginning at Ethel St., thence ..._...to end- of the --present Cement walk opposite the south side -of - - ----- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman Isabel St, ext ended. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnisli a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To fi r '.h the f�ll..c ,; tether dat_n_a_dlnfnr.netian- lat,+ve-to-st'tHniprovnienl.;_ __....__. __..._ LX4 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _ _ _ . SEP 17 1920 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss -- �tt yyy��� . Approved _._.SEP x.a 192.._. Ifil._.._.-. Hyland Keller 0 •--� McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. ronn C B-5 No. 'M.—Ordinance No. 6521— , o" ]]] BY A. E. Smith— 'I eounei� No . . An Ordinance to amend Administrti•' F �s ........... Ordinance No. 6207, approved DeceFkK C her 19th, 1919. �+.._ Thte is an Emergency or. CORM Ordinance No• aered necessary for th- - of thepublic pea - '- PRESENTED BY .- COMMISSIONER A E. Smith.... ... DATE ......§8'a2temb92... tI7.....lC]. ...... ..... i1 An Ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5207, approved.December 19th -1919. This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section I. That Section 4 sub -division "B" Headquarters, approved December 19th, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said Section the following words and figures: - "One Laboratory Helper at an annual salary of six hundred dollars ($600.00) to seven hundred and twenty dollars ($720.00)" inserting in lieu thereof the following words still figures: "One Laboratory Helper at an armual salary.of Seven hundred end twenty dollars ($720.00) to Eight hundred and forty dollars ($840.00)." Section U. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force itmnsdiately upon itis passage, approval and publication. Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays ,,,i Adopted by the Council_.....__.._U�_—._�ZQ...:.........19_-.._ Ferguson Approv OC f —P, 1920 19......... McDonald ........ ..... In favor ---- ...---------- --- --'- Matson Smith ___....Against .__..-- .... YO .____,. MI / Wenzel PUBLISHED Mr. Preside"[ A'I' JOHN JOHN I. FARICY City Ctot'K,..,. .ss., w 2- ................ ....... q�l V- Form A A 46, 2 M 1;18 C -j 1'111'1Itp S11'. 1'.\lL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILIi AUDITED ....... 191......, (/ 537 TITLE Resolved that warrants be fralvil upon the Cit}' `preasmy, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follolving detailed statement' Yeas I v ) Councilmen I ) NaysSEP 16 X920 Adopted by lh ncil _-_......___1.91_._.._... Clancy SEP 8 1920 ranlelty * Ferguson It, favor 1, 1) rot e, 91... _..... Coss --- V 0l F _ C. . No. 30913— ...... 1}� Matson (Abstrct) - MAYOR I`*eTlei — Resolved that warrant. be drawn "p114v'1T upon the City Treasury, payable o t of 11c 7 the hereinafter specified fonds ,ad In favor f the persons, firms or opposite tion s for .[he ants set opposite corpora - their respective an as specified In \lr. President, Hodgson t h a touowlns deawea statement. R'. D. Bugge, $1.65. F. Campbell, $83.83. Ca-sp,le Fuel Co., $2,559.20. City of Nv" St. Paul, $2,069.95. Fun, Laundry Co., $773.96. Genevieve Fitzgerald, $33.00 H. AV Goetzinger; Supt., $18.81. Handlan & Co., $170.14. Review Publishing Co.. $G95.54. SL Paul Blue Print Co., St. Paul Sanitation Co., $42,50. Ross A. Thorne, $110.00 Villaume Box& Lumber Co.. $3.466.51. .Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1920, 5530 W. D. Bugg a Approved sent. l8. 1920. AuditO rii (Sept. 25-1920) 31 E. Campbell Police 32 Carnegie Fuel Co., Sprinkling Fire 33 City of West St. Paul Water 34 Elite Laundry Co., Parks 35 Genevieve Fitzgerald Parks 36 H. W. Goetzinger, Supt. Workhouse 37 Handlan & Co., Workii)use 38 Review Publishing Co., Official Pub. 39 St. Paul Blue Print Co., Pub. Works -.Adm. 40 St. Paul Sanitation Co., Health jl 41 Ross A . Thuma Water 42 Villaume Box & LumUe_ Co., Fire P. Bldg. Rev. Park a G. N. School 403.20 2� 156.00 2,559 •20 15.00 23.65 32.11 . '23:75 3,372 .00 3,466,51 83.83 2,559.20 2,069.95 773.96 33.00 18.81 170.14 695.54 54.00 42.50 110.00 3,466.51 ;s - Form A A 46, Y M ]-18 r 1'1'1'1" 1)F ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No...... .' .d.({. _.... SEP 1 8 1920'BV .. AUDITED _. _.� il'Tl I 1 ft .. ............. ................ 191 _ � PER .. _..�... ...... ..... 539 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the Citv Trea=_m"y, payable out of the hereinafter specified fluids and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified ' 1 the follolrinr detailed statement: Teas t V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted Ie Council SEP V3 1925 LJl Clancy 1 1920 �+arinnerkir Ferguson __. _. __In favor Approved -mss ----- Matson Against _.... �CoilQTc \... _ ---- al t\ve VWtslerlisJL—sgF175 c. r.°.�ao91+t C9 be oraw.n abstirrran Mr. President, Hodgson npo °he a,Y 'eas i� •d fynhayeana i the be ­,the lee r suns, firmsnor corpora- Ilon s' for [he ants set oPPoelt. their sPective nn:rm �s-as sPecit 'd In Che tollowing detailed statement. I,, l\-, �f arson, Com'r. Finance,. 199.10.For 00Fire Engine Co.. lhrens 811.370.. \dop eve by 18u 1920 sept. 18. 1920. APProCc (Sept. 20-1920) ------------ 5548 5548 F. W. Matson, Comir, Finance Bur. of Parks n n " -Act. Playgrounds n Forestry Rev. Pub. Utilities -Pump House P. Buildings Homecroft Scgool Groveland Gaultier Randolph gechanic Arts Hancock School Ramsey School Gorman 5549 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Co., Fire 2,302.34 23,199.70 4,304:15 3, 843, 36 1,091.37 240.17 739.92 279.57 3.00 72.90 2,860,66 3,378.21 946.06 1,053.34 426,05 1,057.85 443.25 157.50 23,199„70 Total $34,574.70 11,375,00 Form A A 96, 2 M 7-18 41 I C'2TY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO..........u~..:.i_L.. F'1 U4: IBY is��'V AUDITED .SEP, L _191........ '� R . �?l ��...= 538 :'ITl as Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund= and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I. v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C lei su l qn _- _.1.91._._.._. Clancy –P�m6nordr Ferguson ___._In favor /� led -P P..192 1%7I---- Matson_ -h Against MAYOR 'A cc'VY'�CoTf— - c.aos15— ��// (Absvarra —Y� Resolved that its be drawn )1 r. President, Hodgson upon the City Troeasury, payable out of the hereinafted pectfied fundc. d n favor f the persons. arms or orpora- tions for the a onto, setpec fled lie their s'pective na es s n the C011owint; detniled statetment: F. \\', Matson, Coni r. Finance, $21,739.5x. 1r, I\'. Matson, Com'r. Finance, $a 610.99. Com'r. Finance. F, vV Matson. $1,620.19. Com'r. Finance, F. N3'. Matson, $1.939.99 r. W. Matson, 512,983.30. Ado pier] by the Council Sept. 18, 1920. APPro%'ed(Sept. 5 pt1825120. 1920) I 5543 F. W. Matson, Comi r, Finance, Police 44 F. W. lgatson, Com'r. Finano® Fire 45 F. W. Matson, Comir.Finance Pol. & Fire Al;,.rm 46 F. W. Ylatson, Comi r. Finance Health -Adm, Vital Stat. Food Reg. & Insp. Quarantine Tub. Dale St. Infry. waknouse Lab. P. Baths M Comfort Station Baths Garage 47 F W. Matson, Comtr. Finance Water 70.00 262.50 555.00 1,062.50 800.00 102.50 171.50 167.50 142.00 280.00 202.50 153.99 1, 170, 00 4,939.99 Total $76,894.30 21,739.53 35,610.99 1,620.49 4,939.99 111"In. 309 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL .ea NO.- ----.---- .-...--•.... t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCit RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _........ .__.......__.. ............................. ............................... _...... DATE...S{3p.t.e.Ub .er...l.8...... .1.9s RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the 1:4ayor and the Comptroller, 5000 lineal feet 3 x 12.. 141 or 161 No. 1 Rough Lumber, to be used in paving Arcade Street, on informal competitive bids without advertising, as an emergency exists where delay in purchasing this material would work a hardship to the best interests of the City, Charge Construction & Repair - P. I. R. Fund - j C. F. No. 3091 Th i i I;esolved, That the Purchasing Aogent be, and he is hereby nu th fri zed Purchase, with the c t oP the �ayolineal and the Comb 16,r, 6,000 lineal fee[ 3 X12-14' 10' Rough Lumber, to be used In paving• - _d lrcade Street, on Informal c mpe[I tive bids wlthout advertising, ae an emer- genet' exists where delay In purehas- Inh' this aerial would work hard- hip to the best Interests of the Clty. Charge Construction & Repair -P. I. R. 1 Pnnd. Adopted by the Caunell Sept. 18, 1920. { Approved Sept. 18, 1920. (Sept. '25-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council._ __ .. 19_...... 5 x]:231820 Ferguson ae n R.l l In favor App? ov - ..j; �t3 t92Q 19..... / Matson � ^ --Smidb-. Against .../ —_ Mr. President /ORN 9N 0.30 FOFM NO. 2 existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employ - employee on Sunday ment of certainAof his department serf-mere-thama-sight-laeuse-der defy, said employment being more than their usual hours of em- ployment; therefore be it, Resolved,That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set .forth. Name Title Hours Wate of overtime Ne1B Enquist City of Saint Paul. John Johnstone COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM. ' i IC. F. No. 30917— COUNCIL Tho Csp-ts dion¢r of Pub- �llc Subject; Utilities Utilit/e9 has reported to the Coun- n. is ae• ann¢e 111th Seet/en sa of FILE N0. 30917 J.J. Haggerty the City Charter, the xletenee of a '— - -��� [Ito tey which rendered n' ¢esnnry t4pioyment of -rtnih employee of h 1p.d"epartment G. Iosue on Sendny, Bald em gent being mare than their un-' H.A. Mennell P ployment; therefore• That the proper v ze' bate Presented 1920 ed,WHEREAS, ste The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employ - employee on Sunday ment of certainAof his department serf-mere-thama-sight-laeuse-der defy, said employment being more than their usual hours of em- ployment; therefore be it, Resolved,That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set .forth. Name Title Hours Wate of overtime Ne1B Enquist Utilityman John Johnstone Laborer M. Masciotto " D. Mayer " J.J. Haggerty " G. Iosue Utilityman H.A. Mennell " Leo Nonnemacher " Mat Johnson Laborer Yeas ( } Councilmen ( } Nays 41ftTray Ferguson Matson in favor McDonald Smith against against Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson �r. 3 65je Regular rater 16 62 of " 3 62 )e " " 3 62 1j 62:VX 8 6 5j 1.01 1j to. reg.rate �8 2 67*3e Regular rate. 4 65,d it " 8 62-h Adopted by the cFP 18192 1920 Approved guj 1920 Mayor. WWI /�s�� c s xo. aosls - Whereas, Tha Commissioner of Pub-. llo Utllillea has reported' to the Coun- accordance wlttr Bectlon d3 0[ the Clty'Charter the existence of an F ljhonrs per any, sma empioymen• COUNCi1 i an their usual hours of em- FORM., oyreent of certain employes of ,-'-t rebe it _' t the proper city offl- .:,thorized to po" Subj ect; Yege ( ) Qouncilmen ( ) Nays C}anoy Adopted by the . SEP 1t3 1920 1920 //.� rguson atson -c+a6giii 1n favor Approved 1920 Menzel against Mr. Wesident, Hodgson. � ,U�� PUBLISHED, Uayor COUNCIL 30918 FNO. DATE PRESENTED 1920 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the em- ployment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours pef day, said employment being more than their us- ual hours of oyment; therefore, be it Resolved, That the properkcity officers are hereby authorized to pay the following nemedemployes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth; Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime. W.O. Peterson Utilityman 3 6511 Regular rate. P. Scott R 3 65X T. Thorson " 3. 65� MiLt Roberto Laborer 3 62¢ John Erickson " 3 62 Aug. Kurkowsky " 4 62 C.H. Remmington " 2 620 67 H.A. Mennell Utilityman 12 Leo Nonnemacher " 1 65je T.J. Carter Laborer 1* 621-X Mike Fritz Utilityman 6 62 John E. Hawkins " 6j 65 Frank Munson " 6 67V Roy Munson " 9 65je Otto Reichow " 9 3 65je 62}¢ Tony Paduano Laborer Louie Riegel " 3* 62j$t Martin Ryan Utilityman 1 2 65 62V Moffatt Laborer James Hawkins,Jr. " 1 62 Gust Peterson " 1 62 " n Yege ( ) Qouncilmen ( ) Nays C}anoy Adopted by the . SEP 1t3 1920 1920 //.� rguson atson -c+a6giii 1n favor Approved 1920 Menzel against Mr. Wesident, Hodgson. � ,U�� PUBLISHED, Uayor ' IC. P. No. 30919—BY J. M. Claney� tt co.Hea .._..3091�V Whare¢s, The Commieaioner of 1 riga NO.� Parke, PlnYsr 1, and Public Bn11d- _ OFF ince hnR reported to the Couf tl, fn ac- nord¢nce with Section 63 0[ for City iRM COUNCIL hartor, the a letence at nn emersencv ;filch rendered neceeanry tho p1oY- em certafn employee oY h19 de - PRESENTED BY ` for mora than eight hours 'd employment being morn COMMISSION6N........ ......... ......._........................................................... .... .. - -•. :.-•....went•.-rE... ....... .......... ...... ........ RESOLVED LEAS,�The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, theexistence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of empla:ment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime William J. Cannon Plumber 4 hours Double Time Charles Daly " 4 hours C. Forsinengo, Bldg. Laborer 22 hours " L. Mancusa it it 22 hours " John Pace Terrazza 7orker19 hours J. Narduci, " " 22 hours " Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson r-McDenehi– _ __......_.._...In favor Matson -firmdP /1 _......_..__.._.Against Weneel Mr. President roRM sM aso r Adopted by the Council_._. SEP A 8 I920 19 Appro EP 18 IM 19 MnYOR URLISHEB. s C. Resolved,9 That the application t.f the conduct hotels eraoneatnuli or r.at. at the locations respectively indleated bd the In,-”" a hereby granted directed City Clork_ris uther ized a �to issue such licenses to said person. upon the payment or the fee as re- quired bYJ law: fired . V✓ollny, Restaurant, 1087 Payne Ave. J. Hutchinson, Restaurant, 891 E. 7th St. Ton. Lemanlak, Restaurant, 916 Ar- cade st. J. Holmes, . Restaurant, 496 No. Dale St•Elof Olson, Restaurant, 719 RaY- mond Ave. Restaurant, 1214 Wm Tuberty, Snelling Ave. N. D. Green, Hotel, 421-6 Wabnaha St. Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1920. Approved Sept.(Sept12511920) Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McQonald ___..._..Io favor ( �y Smith Y",'✓ _....Against _4JKewni. Mr. President TM a•20 Adopted by the Council _.__TSP...19zQ.__.._..___ 19__._ Apprr'", SEP sr.rpa ..orae O�N® J CITY OF ST. PAUL 017FICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11L. NO.- �_.._...__...__._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Sept. 18 1920. �'.._n.................?. _. OMMISSIONER...._A.!...ISrnith.7 .....................................„.:........... .... .................... DATE......... RESOLVED conduct the application of the following persons for 1 cels to hotels or restaurants at the location6� respectively nc�icated be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NA)4E OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION., Hugo J. Wollny, Recitaurant, 1087 Payne. J. Hutchinson, .Rest'&tL: ant, 891 E..7th. Tony Lemaniak, Restaurant, 916 Arcade, J; Holmes, Restaurant, 495 No, Dale, E1of Olson, Restaurant, 719 Raymond, Tim' Tuberty, Restaurant, 1214 Snelling. N. D. Green, Hotel 421-5 VIabaBha. C. Resolved,9 That the application t.f the conduct hotels eraoneatnuli or r.at. at the locations respectively indleated bd the In,-”" a hereby granted directed City Clork_ris uther ized a �to issue such licenses to said person. upon the payment or the fee as re- quired bYJ law: fired . V✓ollny, Restaurant, 1087 Payne Ave. J. Hutchinson, Restaurant, 891 E. 7th St. Ton. Lemanlak, Restaurant, 916 Ar- cade st. J. Holmes, . Restaurant, 496 No. Dale St•Elof Olson, Restaurant, 719 RaY- mond Ave. Restaurant, 1214 Wm Tuberty, Snelling Ave. N. D. Green, Hotel, 421-6 Wabnaha St. Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1920. Approved Sept.(Sept12511920) Yea ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McQonald ___..._..Io favor ( �y Smith Y",'✓ _....Against _4JKewni. Mr. President TM a•20 Adopted by the Council _.__TSP...19zQ.__.._..___ 19__._ Apprr'", SEP sr.rpa CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub]edi::... . ... .... FILE NO. 3 -.... o (� S I COUNCIL 0921 Date Presented------ eF.t.,...18.,........-. 19EO. Resolved, That the a'p•,licatic-r: of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or F.estaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the a. :e are hereby, rejected. P Ai:7? OF APnLICA:'.T, IOT I OF F.F,:'^:;'..Lrrn,,'T. LOCATIOi?. Arthur Frockman, Hotel F.andall, 522 W., 10th, H. A. Ohennesin, Hotel, 373 :To. Franklin. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss l\ Keller McColl Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 C. F. No. 30021 Resolved, That the appllcntion of the 'rollowfrtg persons eor n license to c duct Hotels o Restaurants t th locations respectively Intllcated be, d the same hereby, r 11 cafe 'S2rt�ur10 Rr8flcman, Hotel Randall, H. lin I Ohennseln, Hotel, 373 North IrrankSt. Adopted by the Councll Sept. 18, 1920. Approved Sept. 18, 1920. (Sept, 25-1920) s Adopted by the Council_....SEP 16.1192110 191....- In favor APP _._...... ER_.1./�f�.�.._...___/191.. Against MAYOR 30921 TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: .._—r�R-. a c. .................................. _does hereby make appjic4tion to the CouA&T)of the City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full of theapplicant for said License is ............ .._................._.._.._.........._.._.____------------_- ._...... ............... �� ....... _.......__.......... .. - - and his (its) place of residence ... ..-... - - ........_._street (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact locati o h the said applicant proposes to carry on business is_ ------------------- _...__...._.-__-- _y _ .. ............. ............. in the City of St. Paul. That said applicant is .... -..- .....................................Dow engaged in said business at..--� ../ L _�// .1�'..L..-..----------------------------------. in the City of St. Paul. ) Dated this .......... ..-day of__.....��/ _..... 19 �..._. f ----------- I__ -------- Applicant. Beds and Toilet Rooms and License Recommended: /�,, / ` ity Hotel and Restaurant I pector. Approved:iJ �t £ v Health Officer. A F 30921 TO THE HONORABiF, THE COUNCIL of the City of St. Paul: .'_._ ... does hereby make application tote Council of the City of St. Paul for a License to conduct a -- - ............._................_.........................._....................._.._....................__.......... ........------------ and to that end does hereby certify as follows: Tha t%hul name of the applicant for said License is .... ----�/ - and his (its) place of residence is......��� ..�._..-----..._.......��--.........._._.__.----....__...---------...------....-...:rtreet (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact location op which the said applicant proposes to carry on business is_ ....................... -........_....-. 4�-..1..'...-_..., in the City of St. Paul. That the said applicant is _._.._ ._---._...now engaged in said business at ........ 4Y._./.. ._�fU....-------- in the City of St. Paul. i Dated this.._..'.._....day of..... G utiJ ........._....._........19i U...... Applicant. Date of expiration of License.---.------------ . �j.-_ -- --------- Date of Inspection ............ _..._.....�Z...._.��.....__......._....._...... ........ .._._._...._ ............._.19a_.. Fire Protection. .............................. - Ventilation of Building.... i CITY, OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PermA A46,YM ]-s_r AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 6 ` ` I'OI: \I:IL (JQ� . NO. ........... ......... BY*... .. _... _. ..... ...... AUDITED _ I Zr CIT) \I I'TR ILLER 1 R ........ .. _...__.191._.._. PER _.. .. _. ..._....... 540 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays �•• Adopted by the Council_. SEP !Z 1920 _ ._191_.—.._ Clancy ----- Ferguson _ ....._._.._In favor r—ed_._20 1920 ...............191........... Goss Matson " K" -----Smith Against_... __. ._ zu"L--- _._.. A[AYOR _Y+ y I. --fllsanel Mr. President, Hodgson nts be ora�vn� Abspt arca ResLlved that and to he. Cl(Y Trenev'. 4�nnse t ulpvy., f�naYter spec ntms or corpor- Ynvor oP the re's ons. nts set ppp,�site _-for the nmou ase ctfied to trielr .pective n the followlns letailed tatet�r'.ent: Christ Johnson, $661.00. of Finance. Rintson. Com r. $5,915.60. _. Adoptoby Sep20,(1920 Sept' 20, 19 0. Approved (Sept. 25-1920) 5650 Christ Johnson Sewer Capitol 5551 F. W. Matson, Coffi r. Finance School 5,904,43 Library 11.3{ —7 916.60 Total 6,796.60 $881.00 5, 915.60 COU NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL riaNo.--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED S510r�:F. - E Uli .... ............ .. .. I ........... DATE Comm] . . .... . . ............ A.A Za aM RESOLVED, That the application of J. C. McDermott, for a license to con— d,,iat a uIaie Employment Agency at 322 Sibley St., be and the same here- by -J.; granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such 11q nse upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City T I asury-p�fi +tff—fee, $101-00. C, r No 30923—BYtA 1� Sm n4ton of 1,�.,,Vsa. That so I Co C McDermott, for I• s duct Male Employ s so s or. Y ment Agency 322 Sibley, St., be emd r Is granted .;�d the Cl 1,, i9here- Isuchs by I oeled to issue flung of the bond an o[ tha t t einto-the City re asury Ise, 1l -l-0" the Council Sept. 20. 1920. �"'up,.,,by 1920. Approved Sept. 20, (Sept. 25-1920) Received connection 'Otb "ole Resolut Yes(,/) Councilmen ( If) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council 19 Ferguson 1920 ..................... An 1,,*' App . ........ 19 n C -D Against — ------ I A - . - Y 0 R —46wei Mr. President PoR, aw 5 -so PETITION C. F. No.30D3f— ,I!l)v Z� writtrncpr Council File No....' .. Whereas, A. written proposal ter..' PR '4of the fouowmg tmprovMENT tirade Hawthorne -Sttror." i Bear Ave. to the Right e r A Paul Street r`;m:-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ......................Gra.de__Ha'V tharne...S.trest. from ..Whit.e_..Bear....Avenue...t.o.... the... Right ....o£...Way of St. Paul Street Railway Company, Hazel Avenue_._from..Maryland...Str.eet to Hawthorne Street....at�d...Vail... Hyke...B.tr.ee.t.._fr..om-Maryland. Str.e.e.t_.to...._.. ....... Hawthorne._ St.3 eet................_._........................_.._........... Dated this...... _20th._day of__.............September........................................... 1 g0.... ........_. __...._... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Frade Hawthorne Street from White Bear Avenue to the Right of Way ....... o.f...at.....Paul...S.tr.eet...Railway....Company., Hazel -Avenue. from.. MarylandStreet tA.... Hawthorne ....S..tr.ee.t...and...Van ..Dyke_.S.treet_from ...Idarylan,d...Streat ...to._ ............. Hawthorne Street. .Hawthorne ..... ..... ... __._... .......... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ._....._ __.. _..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed:' 1. To inveHtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and e8timated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 0 owing of er a a a ,..:......' ................--__........._............ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........SEP..2+U..1920.....................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland /l Keller ( / McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (SM 4.17) EP 20 ................. Approved_...._ ... 191...._.. Mayor. -:70. 30725— (Abstract Iop'sal fo, Council 5—(Abstract)Council File No..........._.......__.. c.., n written Proposal fo:- the' follawine i -P... PROPOSAL FOt,' and talc an.AENT E <r air eo- a and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Con .J.pg.and.._takip'g an_._easement_._in the land necessary_, for ................. . slopea, for cuts and fills in grading Hawthorne St from White Bear .......................:................................................. Ave. to Rtght of .�7a..y of . St. Pa..ul .. City .......... Ry. Co., Hazel Ave, from Maryland.. St: to Hawtlorne .St: .arid Ven Dyke_ 9ve .iroiri Ltfarylarid B . _ o HaiNtihBrrie ..B.t.� Dated this_....... 20th.... day oE..............._.yaptemher-.........................._........_..., .................. I.: Councilman. PRELIMINARY PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuta and fill11 s in grading Hawthorne St. from 'White Bear Ave. to ......................... ............................................................................... Right of Jay of St. Paul City Ry. Co., Hazel Ave. from Maryland St. c ............................................................................................................................................................................ .............................................. . Hawthorne St. and Van Dyke Ave. from Maryland St. to Hawthorne S . ................. ... ....._...__.._.- ................... _ . ...... ......._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .._.................__...._...._...._........_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4__T.t6 t ti w Q other data and information relative to said i -- (...�L.........................._................_...._.........................__.............._..._..........._.........................................................._..._.........._.- 5, Tg.state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ Hf. _.0-192 ..._........191...._.. Yea$: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ............. .... e::. .U..�9n............. 191........ Hyland/� Keller V , McColl Wunderlich....................................... ................ ........................................................ Mayor Irvin \ Mayor. Farm C A 13 Old 4-17) CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM "t:`O1L No..........r�.Q9��, Form A A 48, 2 M 7-18 FILE 1 r 4,468.31 Sprinkling 1,612.51 Pay. Dept. AUDITED`.,:;...;`.,.._;<r........._.... 191........ IPER......._._. 4,468.31 60 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 91.18 1�4 __'_..._:._ ........... _ .... 12.50 542 TI TLI: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the e-unts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays C. F. No. 30926- Ab tract. .dopted I • le Council Clancy Resolved that is be drawn upon the City Treasury, payabte out of the be specffled funds and to favor of the persons, firms or cor- ._._.SEP...21..1..2.Q........ ...._.........19f............ SEP 21192 FavmwePgr Ferguson porations for the amounts Bet opposite ......_ ___.191......_._. �---� MCD6nald their respect) ve names as epeclfl¢d in [ha [s]lowing detaned statement: Barrett Co., .31. ��PPr_ Rel rr --- Matson AThern dam Decker Hardware Co. $91.18. Goodyear Rubber Co. $46.39. -- vl\ Mcf Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., $1,921.52. MAYOR ------- Melady Paper Co., $125.16. C. Reiss Coal Co., $2,082.34. St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., $254.40. Mr. President, Hodgson seabury The Sentla el, 58.60. ".J. Stll{V ll, $23.93. Stearns Printing Co., $85.75. fTrl-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., $211.38. Tri-State Tel. F. Telog, Co., $65.26. Victory Printing Co., $128.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1920. Approved Sept. 21, 1920. - - (Sept. 25-1920) 5559 The Barrett Company, 4,468.31 Sprinkling 1,612.51 Pay. Dept. 2.8 55.80 Garage 4,468.31 60 Adam Decker Hardware Co., 91.18 Fire 12.50 Armory 1.75 School 29.25 11 .84 11 6.16 Parks .75 11 2.00 P. Bldg. 1.93 Water 36.00 91.18 61 Goodyear Rubber Co., ! 46.39 Water 30.89 " 6.50 Bridge Bldg. 9=00 46.39 62 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Co., 1, 921.52 Fire 437,195 to 81.95 Garage 186.86 " 107.46 Street C. & R, 39.31 M 120.73 S. & S. Cing. 405.66 u 1 262.08 Sprinkling 231.68 Parks 3.72 Water 1.20 ^ 5.68 " 37.24 1,-121.52 w #2 5563 Melady Paper Co , Parks 64 -C. Reiss Coal Co., Police 833.84 Fire 276.50 Health 972.00 2,082.34 65 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., School 66 Seabury & Co., Workhouse 87.06 School 26:73 113.79 67 The Sentinel Bur. of Engineers 68 E. J. Stilwell Btir. of Engineers 6.98 of 6.75 School 10;20 23.93 69 Stearns Printing Co., Comptroller 5.00 Printed Forms & Blanks 34.00 Police 1;00 " 4;50 Health 14.00 Bur. of Engineers 9;50 Library 4;00 Parks 4.00 " 2.00 Pub. Utilities 3.25 Water 4.50 85.75 70 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., Police 96.97 Parks 20;96 " 15;50 " 15, 95 Playgrounds 17,00 " 12.00 P. Bldg. 15.00 Markets 18.00 211.38 71 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co. Civil Service 4.50 Garage 7.45 Police 4.35 43 Bur. of Engineers 19.65 Street C. & R. 4.10 " 2.10 S.& S. Cing. 6.40 Sprin:.ling 4.00 Workhouse 6.50 " 6.20 65.25 125.15 2,082.34 254.40 113.79 8.50 23.93 85.75 211.38 65.25 #3 5572 Victory printing Co., 128.00 Corp. Counsel 7,50 Misc. Staty. & S. 3.00 School 8.75 Auditorium 5.75 Parks 103.00_ 128.00 Total $ 9,625.89 c111t- of sr. Pact. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Form A A 46. E M ]-I8 • i-ol NCIL No. ......... ty.�.� �.d.. F i 1.1 Resolved that warrants be drawn pon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor oP the persons, firms or corpor- tlons for the amount. .et opposite their spective names as apecifled In the following detailed statement: Feyen Construction Co., $n nt: D. T. Neb.t.r, $120.00. Adopted'by the Council Sept. 21, 1920. Approved Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept 25-1920) 5573 Feyen Construction Co., 80.00 Sever Doswell 15.00 to Canton 25.00 I n Edgecomb 10100 it Griggs 20,00 it Dudley10 0 80.00 120.00 74 E. T. Webster See,er Pe.ge.St. i ms's i I� Total $ 200.00 AUDITED i_.1 __....... 791........ BY... __..___.._..__..... 543 TIT be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations SEP 2� Yeas 1 V ) Councilmen l ) Nays Adopted the Council ..................... . ClancyAppr ve SEP 21 1920 pyf�y rt3r Ferguson In favor Gs55 MdDonald Matson R Against g` _..__.. ..__... ._____ MAYOR Coll ._.._ ...,. v..... __� 1 Mr. President, Hodgson --1 Abst—et Resolved that warrants be drawn pon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor oP the persons, firms or corpor- tlons for the amount. .et opposite their spective names as apecifled In the following detailed statement: Feyen Construction Co., $n nt: D. T. Neb.t.r, $120.00. Adopted'by the Council Sept. 21, 1920. Approved Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept 25-1920) 5573 Feyen Construction Co., 80.00 Sever Doswell 15.00 to Canton 25.00 I n Edgecomb 10100 it Griggs 20,00 it Dudley10 0 80.00 120.00 74 E. T. Webster See,er Pe.ge.St. i ms's i I� Total $ 200.00 ......NO_ UNCIL lJ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE O.._ ................. .. ..........._.... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER................ .......... ... .......... ................ .._._... DATE......... ........ ...... ................ _.. .......... RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Lipht Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erectin¢ Doles and st rtnpinp wires thereon for the tr assmission of elec- "ility on aad in the followio¢ alleys aad sneers of said city: Install . Two poles on laurel Avenue, east of Cleveland Avenue. Two poles in the alley east of Cleveland Avenue, and south of Laurel Avenue. Two poles in the alley south of Dayton Avenue, and west of Wilder Avenue. Two poles in the alley south of Randolph Street, and west of Yettleton Avenue, One pole on trent Street south of Charles Street. Three poles in the alley north of Carroll Avenue, east of St.Albans Street. Six poles in the alley north of Randolph Street between Sue Street and Prior Avenue. One pole in the alley north of Randolph Street and west of Prior Avenue. One pole in the alley north of St.Clair Street east of Oneida Street. One pole in the alley north of St.Clair Street and west of Oneida Street. Two -poles on DeSoto Street south of Collins Street. With necessary guys and anchors. -jreby ordered and I Ito eleetrleal lines ur.ct: _ ._a and atringing wire. thereon for the transmission of elec- trlclty on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: Install Two poles' on Laurel Ave., east of 'Cleveland Ave. Two poles In the alley east of Cleve- land Ave., andsouth of Laurel Ave. Two poles In the alley south of Day - d tojr Ave., and west of wilder Ave. Two poles In the alley south of Ram oiph St. and west of Nettleton ^- IOne pole on Kent n rise St. e poles In - rel Ave., .net to'. All such eate..I.,,, Doles and wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction and sup—jai., of the Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thin¢, subject to the Drovisions of Ordinance No. 24H, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be set in such locatioin said alleys and streets as the Commissioof Public Utilities shall dosis, ate, and ,ball be of mhelt hac eieht and harter a hii shall de.i... 1. aad approve, and any and aln ner such holes shall be taken down unit removed, and such will. Dl.ced undereh round wenever te Council shall deem that the uublic interest so requires, end when it .hall an order. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald In favor abon ^ l --Smith Against Mr. President Adopted by the Council......... SEP.2.1._192fl....... _.... ... 192,,,,..... o d....__._...EP....`�i._19.2Q..._........._._192....._... ............. "Yoa CITY OF ST. PAUL 1coul— 11E NO__,___30929_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CoMMISSIONER. ........... . .......... ..................... DATE........ RESOLVED: That t. P" Gl11, SI Company i,hereby .,d.rd..Id di,,,i,d to I.(,,d its - electrical It,,, by erecting t1rinthereon.e i,.s thereon for the uit,i. ...di. he H­'� ',.LiCompCompany bn,,Ilay­n­­ dsI.fi.Ih,: Install Ten poles on Hoyt Avenue, between Quincy Street and Shurb Street, with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. C. F. No 30929- Rclml�od, That the St- Paul Gae Light Company Is hereby orderedlead r directed to extend its electrical nes by or -ting poles and .tringing wires thereon for the transmission t following alley. r1rity .. and Inidthe lt � 0 .ad street- of y' Install Ten poles on .1joyt Ave., between utncY St. and ho�rb I., with Dec" under the Direction the Commissioner of -Public L. the pr.11 sions and In of alOrdirmnl thingse. No. subj c 2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolu- tion. of the City 0 . Paul. All poles should beset , it "' h tion in said alleys and atrect. as t ,.or of obij. Utilities hall h height "' .Ignetc I Cot fall d ,,, ga , ad hall bl'ho and character as he and all such and ppr.' any poles "'[I be taken dolwn da.d re- moved and such wire. P ace ..del grouna:- whenever the council ohm] deem that the public interest so re qu Adopted b I re' an a who, it h, y the C.une ,Il Sep 2I' 1121. 1 d Sept. 21, 1920. Approve (Sep t . 25-1920 All such extensions, - ad -1shall be I,,,t,d ad ... -u ­d under the dir,riion and supervision II the Public .bli, Utilities.d m 11 thi- subject 11 the provisions of 0,dt .... I No.2421, and of III other lawful tdi .... 11 and ro-itlti.11 If the City of St. 1`111. he h.11 10-titi,sid .11 ­ and theC­I',mM­, All Del- should be - i. such If Public Utilities shall d -w—, and shall be If I, I t C.0I�b. d, that he publicint,t.. d..i 't''aor.v', 'II—dall inch P""u.Ib t down and ce-1, .d -h canes placed under Iqi,., ed cab..it shall - order. Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ... .......... 192 Ferguson Ado a 21_1920 192 McDonald In favor ,-V Macm --SiL— Against `ter . .... ... ........ Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION�}GENERAL FORM PRESAGED. BY /.F-� �— // 1-11L 130 ................... + aau+ear....�....... RESOLVEDThat the Council hereby o.cu raliq the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for the con- struction of a sewer on Dudley Ave. from Chelmsford St. to a point 50 feet west of the west line of Hythe 'St., as bids received were in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #3061. C. r. No: 30930—Ry R. C. we_I_ Rosolved, That the C-nell hereby the reom Contr¢ctl Committee mendeteleC of the celved- for the and re DudICY Avensfr ction ofIsa l fdo ord St. to Point 50 Peet est line of Hythe St., ¢s bluest Of the w vere In a of the enbineer. estl- mate . P. BeNo. 3061. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1920, APP roved Sept. 21, 1920. i Sept. 25-1920) fes ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonaldj..... Matson __-...........In favor ��/,'j Smith ...Against Wenzel Mr. President IO.Y aM. b30 Adopted by the Council_ .S . _ ... 19_.__. App/ r�Q._.....__19...._... w•roR <eprCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL No— ---- WI - OFFICE OF THE CIITT�tY CLERK ��COUN� RESOLUTION- r-pENERAL FORM - PRESENTED44 A DA — /((/ RESOLVED That the Council hereby .concurs in the recommendation of the ' P Contract Committer and rejects bids received for curbing both sides of Forest St. from Hastings Ave. to Fast Seventh St., as bids received were in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B.#3062 Yes (✓) Councilmen ( t7 Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald ..-- ----- -ln favor Matson Smith --...__. Against Wenzel Mr. President C. r. No. 30931—By H, C. Wenzel— Resolved, That the Counc(1 hereby s in the recommendation of the Contraet Committeeand rejects bids received for cu Bing both sides 0f- rorest St. from Hastings Ave. to East es Seventh St.; as bids received w n ! cess of the engineer's estimateF. B. No. 3062. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1920.' Approved Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept. 25-1920) Adopted by the Council...._._.—QC i9Q0__.__19__.._ 3®� CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L.a��e No... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - S COUNCIL RESOLUTION---rvENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONER ........... ... ..........,... ............................................... ....... .... .................... DATE..So�-}.Pttt�3PP-...2 ©.�.....]. C3'�.�..... ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recomtnendation of the eontract Committee and rejects bid received for curbing both 17 Sides of Delaware Ave. from Baker St, to Aruiapolis St„ as bid received was in excess of the Engineer's estimate. F.B. #3049. Yes U) Councilmen 00 Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald q .-_.__....._...._.In favor Matson Smith --........Against Wenzel Mr. President C. F No 30032—.py... ne solved, ThntC. rye C ntUactln the ae Council nzel_ Comm ltte rnm oeYebY D�ela vitae ror and ,iendntlon octaf the urbin� both ides bids � 89olis tit 1vsc..bld �e [lake, S[s to A- 0.. 3040the );nein eetse�,�ed in _ AAdoPted b Bp a %'," .Sept. 21, 10 PProVed (9ep[.�25-]020) 20. I Adopted by the Council-._- - --2A-192.0- 19_-__ Appro------ —.SE. -.21...1.9.20.- _19.._._.. .------- ... .... _ CITY OF ST. PAUL COOMC1 NO.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F1L COUNCIL RESOLUTIQ,N --- GENERAL FORM D BY )NER .....w RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for the construction of a sewer on Bayard Ave. from a point 200 feet east .of Syndi- cate Ave. to.Edgcumbe Road, and on west side of Edgcumbe Road from Bayard Ave., thence north 80 feet to the end of existing sewer, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #3057. - Yea (✓) Councilmen U) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _...._....__In favor Matson Smith _.___......._Against Wenzel Mr. President C. P. No. 30933—By H. C. Menzel— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs Contracti•Committee endd rtlon oP the coi vad for the construe tion tsofbidj, 200 "feet Ryya ud Avs. from point t f Syndicate Ave. to Edge. be a be Read, and from• vast side of j thence north ,, feet to the end Ave.., latero s ae� er ns bid received } as oe the ngineer's etimate F. 33 -!No. 39067. Adopted Ly the Council Sept. 21, 1920, Approved Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept. 20-1920) Adopted by the Council. ._ .P LI24— ...._......... -19_..... App - EP..�?ZD.......—19...._... MwYOq ° CITY OF ST. PAUL Pete NO. .._ :.p0934 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEii BY COMMISSIONER ....... ......................_............- ............ ...... ..-............... .............................. nATESAn+..Amb.Rr....`ZO.....-.i.szii...... ..... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bidsreceived for the construction of a sewer on Ross St. from Flandrau St. to White Bear Ave. and on White Bear Ave. from Ross St. to Frost Seventh St., as bids received were in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #3058. II C. P. No. 30934— i "hereby c ncursvin�thehnt commenthe d rethe ,otsY beide Committees and of `^'- eor contract the. n trctandrnu nSt, to ece, forFnnWhitI ESt. or n Rosa Sc, Yr an Whit- Bear Ave. d esti eventy the Ave., from Ross 5`Yer to - btde eved F. B. Noe 3063. e ti—Ct 1920. ensioptod the Cou1�20.$eBL 21, APP oved Sept 21. 1920) (Sept. 26 - Yes ( ✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council.....—REF-2-1.15M ._._..__...._-I9_,_ Ferguson McDonald ..... ..- ....... In favor Approv ----...-_---19......... Matson ^ -� Smith (:.// Against �.."' Wenzel Mr. President couen� 30935 Fa.. OF ST. PAUL re NO.- ........--------._::._....._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ - COMMISSIOD>i..........___�...... ............. _...........__. .............. ........ DATE S..}�gjpb.e.r....2Q .....]oQO..... ...... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards ,the contract for curbing both sides of Princeton Ave: from Cretin Ave. to Finn Ave., in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the St. Paul Concrete Works, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $680.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract there- for. Engineer's estimate is ;872.00. F. B. #3063. .1 *0 F. No. 30036—By H. C. NV... ..1 Thnt the Counoll- hereby concurs In the race on of the 1 ontract Committee n d awards "the an ontrnet for curbing sides of Princetort Ave. from Crotin Ave. to E`I n Ave., In nccordance with plane tel c the St PaulnConeretetifrNoras� theylie� Ing the lowest POnel ble bidder, for lura tho s m of $$80.00 d the Corpora- Rae®1'�efl &ll�. ».pars in lan�ren"y Inatrneted.te draw up the proper for eonnef;tion with above c.d. of c ntract therefor. Rngineer'eate le II 5872.00 F. B. Na. 3003. i;e Go,].ution. Adopted by the Council Sapt'. 21, 1920. Approved Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept. 25-1920) Yes U) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Counc' - ..... ...... 19__._ Ferguson 7 McDonald ___-...._........In favor Ap __-_.-.`�-)�}------,_ 19 ----- Matson �f? Smith �srf _...... ...........Against .Wenzel wron . Mr. President ,p CITY OF ST, PAUL oopr.c:� NO.---^'-_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION, --GENERAL FORM �-PRESENTED BY ; COMMISSIONER.'... ....... .................... ...._.................... .... .......... DATE... S.ept.emb.eS:...20-,....]..9.2.0-... ...... P. RESOLVED That Ahe Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and im- provement of Brand St, from ghite Bear Ave. to Van Dyke Ave. and Kerwin St. from Flandrau St. to Van Dyke Ave., in accordance r s with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, / he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sura of $8,984.10, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate is t.--$10,906.00. F.B. #3051 j C. F. No. 30936—By H. C. Wenzel - Resolved, That the Couneil hereby ncurs in the recomm of the Contract Committee and awards the 9 c ntraet for grading d Bear Ave. to Dapxrs in lmprovement iV�AeJ.�eQ 8111 P Brand St. from Whl[e of Dyke Aye., and Kerwln St, from donfloction With Finnarau St. to Van Dy"' Ave., 1, ac above rdaree with plane ad sP..Idcatlone p6p�1lltl0II. hereto atteehod. to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest p ... this bidder, % for the sum of $8,989.10, nd the Cor- Porntlon Counsel Is hereby Instructed i ✓ <�LC-!/��r.,f to draw up the proper form P contract therefor, Engineer's estimate is $10,906,00. F. B. N. 3061. Adopted by the Council Sept. 21, 1920. APP'ov.d Sept. 21, 1920. (Sept• 26-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _._.___..In favor Matson Smith Against Wenzel Mr. President 1 Adopted by the Council.._........_SEP 2 1920_.._._..19____ Approv • MwYOa CITY OF ST. PAUL vas NO.--.----C1J.*�.4�!_--. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED , That the application of Roz Michael for a license to conduct a Pawnshop and Second Hand Business at 190 E- 7th. St., be and the same hereby is granted, and the City Clerk is hereby author- ized to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $125. Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson 7 Smith Wenzel Mr. President C. F. Ivo. 30937—By A. E. Smith— Resolyed, That Lhe application oI Roz Michael fars gond H¢nd`Busfne 6 Pawnshop t 180 E. 7th 6t., be and the same here- by is granted,• and the City Clerk la hereby authorized to issue such it ..Use upon the filing of the such ands contract and the payment into -the'; Cl t" Treasury et Lhe"custom8 res. .1 $125.-iigs :. Adopted by the Council: .Sept. 21, 19ZO.V Approved a1920 pt2 2671920) I Received al -I connection vit®Q its R ution, i Adopted by the Council _SEP 22 1920_ l9 _ _..... ............ In favor oved_...---. 1...)924._.___.._..___19_..._. ._... ........... Against — ............— �/ Council File No.._....`0 38 PROPO' r. No. 30938611strnet. Whereas, A written proposal for the laking of the following Improvement, .Iz. On St.. Anthony extend fromttle AsI u Yet Ave. to Saratoga PR,','-, even though said, extension will properly or dequately drain the Ire Vremises Including basemen',. le dwelling houses thereon ha- e tea to itie couneit The undersigned hereby proposes the making of 9 aPau1 therefera *,mprovei ent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: :,hat the Extend the sewer on St. Anthony 'Avenue from Asbury Avenue to ............................... ........................--................................................._..........................._........_....._.......... ............ ........_................. Saratoga Avenue, eventhough said extension will not properly or ............................................ ............_.........._...._...................................._........__................_................. ............ _ ............ _adequatelydrainthe__.entire...premises._.includi_ngbasements of the dwelling...houses ....th.er.e.on..._....._............_....................................................... ._.__..........._..... .............. Dated this.......21.e.t......day of..__.._......__ Sept ber.......................................... 19FQ _. a1...1T.:f12/6%�.- ........ Coun man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Extend the sewer on St. Anthony Avenue from Asbury Avenue to ........ ................ ...................... _.......... _. Saratoga AQenue, eventho.ugh extension.. will not properly or .._..,. _.adequatelybasements of the . drain the entire premises including ba ..................................... dw.elling...b0.ns.es...tbexe.On........ ......_ ___ _ _.._ _._. ......_.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... ............_...__._.._.___ .._.__ ..........._.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveAtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e3timated coAt of said improvement, and the total co€t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........................................................................................................................................................ ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..............SEP.....1920................191--...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller (� McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin F.rm CA 19 OM 414) EBTITION No. 3093 9- Absvaet. Council File No. ._.... h -ons, A written proposal for the Af PROPO .ng of the Pollowins 111,1111111t,ment, ,'e. both sides of Sargent Stree" n Finn Avenue And Cretin " avins been.. - . .'.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both sides of_Sargent.Street between Finn 6venue andCretin Avenue. .......................... _..... _... _............. .......... ................... __ ............._....._........ ._.................................. ............ __..._. . - .._...._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..... - - --- - - - --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total co At thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 To fr,r�in6-thr�nllowina other data and information relative jp „grid ...::.............................. �j....................................................................................................................................................:........................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council... SEP 211.19.20 -191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth P 211920 Goss Approved ........ — ..................... 191..._.. Hyland 5 Keller McColl Wunderlich... Mayor Irvin ��f� .......ayor Form C A 18 (aM 4-17) ' Co..— CITY OF ST. PAUL FLLe NO.- _.....__.____....._._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM o PRESENTED BY A .: SMITH pp 20-20. COMMISSIONER.............:.E `..:...............'... E-.,,,:- ................ ................. ............. ..._............ .. DATE ... ..._................ ......... ............... ............... ...... RESOLVED That the Hotel License issued to Jack O'Leary to conduct a rooming house at 1801 E. 7th. St. be revoked on the ground that he has been keeping a disorderly house. I 0 e� C F. No. SOA{0—gY A. E. Smith -- Resolved, That the Hotel leaned qto Jack p •l,e y to l.lceaee rovokad on nth t 18�y, E. 7th 9l. ba, W• beoa t. In e Sr -d that he has Adopfed b 8 a disorderly house. Approved y the Connell Sept. 29, 1920. C_ Sept. 29, 1920. n (Oct. 2-1920) V U X4 Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays �ancy Adopted by the Council......._ %Ferguson SEP 28 1920 McDonald In favor Appr 19......_ • `Matson ® -� (Smith Against ✓Wenzel rOR Mr. President FORM SY 5•3O Sept. 21st, 1920. Mr. John O'Leary, 1SOJ E. 9th St., City. Deur Sirs You are hereby notified to appear before the Council of the City_of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber, Court Houee d City Hall Building at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, Sept. 29th, 1920, to show cause why your hotel license should not be revoked on the grounds that you have been keeping a dis- orderly houre. Yours truly, Received copy of above notice: CITY CLERK. .vGE DE7�RT11f}yaxtmtat of Par 5*tq ''L�SM'ITH.COMMISSIONER POLICE - OFFICE OF Co, o- SAI T.E.CAM PBELL SaintPaul,Minn• CM1— Mr. A. E. Smith, Commissioner, Department of Public Safety, Court House, City. Dear Sir: - Sept. 8th, 1920, I am enclosing herewith a signed statement of Anna Hoover, regarding a rooming house at 180J East 7th Street, operated by Slack O'Leary . The statement is self- explanatory, and I would recommend that O'Leary's license be revoked. Yours truly, / TEC -KM. Chief of Police. tatement of Anna Hoover, taken at the off ioe of Chief of olioe T. E, Campbell, Bt,', Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1920, J. F. Istish aoting as stpnographer. My name is Anna Hoover, I live at Dresser Junction, Wisconsin;' On Monday, August 30,1920 1 came to St Paul and secured a room at. 1801 E. 7th Street, taking Room Xe. 10, the roominghouse being operated by Jack O'Le=y�. Since stopping at this roominghouse I have been living a lif a of prostitution, and have entertained something like a dozen men during that time; For eaoh man I stayed with I-+have been required by the proprietor Jack O'Leary to pay one dollar, and O'Leary has also oolleoted one dollar as room rent from each man who stayed with me' Another girl whose first name Is Rose, has also been operating as a prostitute at this roominghouse during the time that I have been there. She has also paid one dollar to the propeietor Jack O'Leary for each man she stayed with, and the men who have stayed with her have also paid one dollar to the proprietor, Jack O'Leary, as room rent. 1'1'1'1Iv ST. 1.111, {j OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �o��g 4. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No..._ ............................ FI LIi Form A A 46, Y M 7-18 410 BE AUDITED .. _. ...._...191__... 545rrrl,lc L' 1{esolled lint Ica rrmlls Le drat upon the fait% Trea,urc payable out of the hereinafter ryJ e ilfed fund, and in furor of the persons. firms or corporations for the amounts act oppo-ite their re>peone name, a, �pei flied in the folloxims detailed statement: lea. I ) Councilmen ) Says ':(-P 2jq�l) Adopted b� the .op�icil 17I "- _ v Clancy J " � li I" 1i artfi Fe�guson I I ,k )r 1�% 11 4nR_171 a l l u t j -- ---- Matson er Il r _h_eTl uipa able out ill-! ec-tied funds and t u '' ,lt� tnell ,I,e,u1e"n 51>eemea OwderlihyyenZel 'd mun�Iin deu�u«i05.04enlenc sd1l�Ird 11�. wends. $s.9o5.64. \1r. President, Hodgr on rumness Floloto" i"" 6117.36. Ueal sturiere Hooans N, Cornice Co., $3.1i'J 6.31 , treat l,xlccs Coal K rUocic Co., 61, 351.69. 11.111;.1 .l'- Co., $74.`J N.111, ,I"o" \Nato, al t'u.. 6503,65 \,oq,,In I \ntioual ilnl<. . 22, 8.56. Ad PI"I l t11e 22, 1,92 Jepf. 24, 1920. Anurnl'ed .vent. 1990. tSel1f. 25-1990) 5511 Edr:ard W. Bemis Investi;grutinIg Utilities 5515 Business Furniture Co., School 5.50 Library 111.76 117.26 5516 Deslauriers Roofin6 d6 Cornice Co„ Auciitorium 5517 Grcat Lakes Coal & Dock Co., Street 3c R. 78,97 Mater 1.175.72 1, 254, 69 5518 Has:gins & Co., School 5519 Northern Machinery Co., School 5520 lderchants National 'ank Interest 6,070.00 14 27,575.00 Afisc. ,& Unf. 1.3.56 33,658,56 Total $42,256,72 3,905,04 117.26 2,696.20 1,254,69 74.97 550.00 33,658.56 5575 rrrr ur c•r. rpt,, `�`A`r✓d 378,60 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .4 s, 125.0 AUDITED CLAID'IS—RESOLUTION FORINT No.. ....................._..__ For, A A 46, Y M 1-, 8 253,60 i r 76 F. J. Armstrong L AUDITED);. � I 1 � I'll ,\I.•'ri I I:i: Library �' 191 -----. ........ p � /J 55,00 Water 78 544 �nrl.l9 34.39 Re—ked that w':—ants be drawn upon the Cit) 'freasur " payable uut of the hereinal4er y,erified fund and in (acor of the persons Ilan- or corponrtiU- for the an -el oppu-ite their respeone names a--peciGed in the following detailed=tatement: leas I NaNs - Hu 30642 beAe -' Comu-il SEP 2`i, Workhoi; s e r r ,rats ne ara«adopted -X9.2'_ _ _.171. _.. 80 —, Clancy. '`s°": ver°°t`-aha i; in t t„las 21,40 >, 11 pe,lacd i�nnmmrh- Ferguson r..,o� t ,I - I ���„ mu,s or rumor ' �' _1v1.._..... EP Z� 192. 14.50 . �i 11o, mounts ser u,>nos,te,pr -----� MoDonald mos t.teuea su,ten,enr Matson U / school - Beller loam_t o� ste.00 --_ Lurp o rn t,on _ Wenzel t'un'ing Cu., $34.39. Parks ..50 U:uraslorliJ>. co., sss.zo. ' \Ir. 1're-ideal, Hodgson 81 -Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 78,60 5575 Abbott ?filler Co„ 378,60 City Planning Bd. 125.0 School 253,60 3778.60 76 F. J. Armstrong 15,00 Library 77 Austin-Yachine y Corporation 55,00 Water 78 Barber Asphalt Paving; Co., 34.39 Street C, & R. 79 John F. Bauer Co., 37.20 Workhoi; s e 80 H. C. 30yeson Cc; 21,40 Bur, of F,ngineers 14.50 school 1.50 ff 3.90 Parks ..50 21.40 81 -Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., 78,60 Fire 23.40 Sewer C. & R 4,80 School 48.00 Pay. Depr, 2.40 78,60 82 Carson Petroleum Co., 870.69 Paries 83 Clym�_ c.t Hueister 31.50 ?i eal th #2 172.06 Zlec;ti cn 4.00 5584 Corrugated Bar Co., Str et C. & R. 300.80 to Galtier School 112.80 23.94 Bridge Bldg. Homecroft School 102.00 35.60 Workhouse Groveland 86.00 10.33 Sch000l 4.80 300.80 166 85 Crescent Creamery Co., 3.00 2,853.20 Pay. Depr. Health 259.95 Parks 1,500.75 " 1,092.50 2,853.20 •86 Dakota & Great northern Townsite Co. 750.00 Paving Pine St. 87 L. F. Dov: Co., 96.89 Police 2.43 It 1.35 Health 39.01 Bur,, of En6. 27.55 1.10 3.50 School 5.70 P. Bldg, 2.00 Water 11.25 " 3.00 96.89 88 Drake ;Marble & Tile Co., 233.64 Galtier School 89 Otto Edstrom 50.00 Playgrounds 90 Farm Equipment Co., 61,56 Street C. & R. 24.52 2.30 " 13.65 S. & S. Cing. 21,09 61; 56 91 Farwell, Oz:nun Kirk & Co., 172.06 Zlec;ti cn 4.00 Police 34.10 Str et C. & R. 6.96 to 37.80 11 23.94 Bridge Bldg. 9 39 Crosswalks 35.60 Workhouse 5.14 to 10.33 Sch000l 4.80 Park 166 92 Feature Film Co., 38.00 Health 93 The Fleischmann Co., 7.50 'No rkho . se 94 Ha;u Brewring Co., 1,034.70 Park 95 F. 0, Huebener 29.20 Park 96 Edward Jacobs 3.00 Pay. Depr. ,_ + t #3 5597 Kenney Boiler & Mnfg. Co., 66.06 A Fire 15.10 0 6.90 if 1.15 Street& R. 5.10 "y 15.50 Parks 22.30 66.005 96ficClain & Hedman ..•38.29 Comptroller • .85 Police 8.90 Pol. he Fire 'A. 4.20 Health 3.00 P. Works -Gen. Adm. 6.00 of .20 Bur. of Engineers 2.00 6;00 Parks 2,89 P. Sldg. .85 Mater 1;50 " 1.90 3B . 29 99 Fred iviedart-dinfg. Co., 42.00 School 8600 i,detalium Refining Co., 329.00 'Eater 1 killer Y. Holmes 24.80 Workhouse 2 :dinnesota Sporting Goods Co,, 38.40 Parks 18;00 Playsroonds 19.20 to 1.20 38.40 3 Municipal Supply Co., 393.46 S. & S. Cing. 4 Nicols, Dean & Gregg 480.34 Garage 1.27 " 1.07 " 9.35 " 26;75 to 14.35 Street C. & R. 40.41 to 7.80 Sprinkling 98.80 " 79.45 " 15.94 School 2.13 Pay. Depr. 183.02 487S4 34 5 N. W. ylectric Equipment Co., 141.69 Health 6.93 Libr_ry 25.87 Park 69.80 to 1.07 Playgrounds 10.52 P. 31dg. 2.22 " 1.96 to 12.63 School 10.69 141.69 5606 J. R. Olen Co., Fire G,75 Garage 7.25 " 12,10 " 6 02 " 4.18 " 25.00 " .28 " 13.25 " 4.80 Sprinkling 13.35 92.98 7 Osgood & Blodgett Co., Galtier School 8 Ferris Price 89.10 Fire 20.85 9 Raymer Hardware Co., 20.00 Police 1.90 " 3.94 Water 2.25 o1. Fire A. 6.50 Garage .40 Bridge Z Id.g. 5.00 Sprinkling 2.50 School 14.56 if .66 Parks 8.90 If 1.15 If 2.50 Water 1.65 Homecroft Sc._ool 15.00 Saltier 1.95 68,86 10 Remin,_ton Typewriter Co., Police 89.10 School 20.85 " 20.00 Library 1.25 If 1.55 Water 1`25 .134.00 11 Robinson, Cary & Sands Sprinkling 18.18 School 40.00 It 2.95 If 150.00 Water 37.25 to 45.84 Pay. Depr. 12.50 306 72 17. St. Paul Bottling Co,, Parks 13 Sligo Iron Store Co., Street C. & R. Total 10,479.46 92.98 974.00 6.65 68.86 134.00 306.72 144.30 45.00 r. No. ghoa�_ 30943_ Resolved, That [hs SL Pati i NO otri aounc L16ht Company is hereby d{rected to extend Its electric, -'- --�-- dA erecting Poles and ,[,logit �. thereon for the transmisal�� f'X COU . -tett ireetena aintdthe 't ENERAL FORM atalt PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER................ ...._...... ..... ..:... ......_...... ....... .......... - DATE ... ......._ ...._.................... RESOLVED: That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to Ostend its electrical lines by efectie, poles and strin¢m¢ wires thereon for the transmission of d - tricity on and in the following alleys and streets oI sold city: - Onstal1 Two poles in the alley south of Princeton Avenue and east of Baldwin Street. One pole in the alley south of Palace Street and east of Cleveland Avenue. One pole- in the alley south of Jenks Street] and east of Mississippi Street. Two poles on Vista Street, between West Seventh"Street and Race Street. One pole in the alley south of Kerwin Street, and east of Germain Litreet. Five poles in the alley south of Fairmount Avenue, between Hamline and Syn- dicate Avenues. Three poles in the alley east of Farrington Avenue, between Nebraska and Hoyt Streets. One pole on Bayard Av@nue, and east of Curfew Street. One pole in the alley north of Magnolia Street and east of Cypress Street, One pole on Pascal Avenue north amd north of Taylor Avenue. One pole in the alley Aorth of Marshall Avenue, east of St.Albans Street. One pole on Ivanway and west of Stewart Avenue. One pole on Fairfield Avenue west of Eva Street, Commercial lighting. One pole on the northeast corner of Elva Street and Fairfield Avenue. Seventeen poles on Pleasant Avenue, between St.Clair Street and Erie Street. Municipal lighting. �Vith necessary guys and anchors. All such extensions, roles xad wires shall be erected and coostrocted undo, the direction and supervision of the Commission", M Public Utilities and in all thin¢, subject to the Provisions of Ordinance No. 242/, and of all other lawful ordiri—, and of the City Paul. resolutions All nPlas should be set in such location in said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of designate and approve, and Eloy sad all such Poles be [.ken down and of St. Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and haracter as he shall sball removed, and interest so reem—, and when it shall so order. such wire. Placed underground whenever the Council shnllodeem thus the Public Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council.,,_. _...22 X924 192 Ferguson McDonald ........_In favor Matson Ads S�p a ..92�.. 192_........ ✓/ Against Wenzel "VOR ' Me. President BUBF .M."I ��' 30944 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.... ................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...C.415.Gruct.ih .-cixrbi. i..oizUoth...sides.-..of.-.;ja.rert,--;;venue-_-----. fr.ol7...i-lber-t...t_u-e.nue...Ln...I'.as.cal.. u.erue.,............_.._. .................. .............. ......................................... FINAL ORDERS. "'- ..... --- -- No. 30944 6Y 1•'. R'. MS tson Matter of constructing curbing -both sides of Sargent Avenue -- ......... Albert ave. to Pascal Ave. ......... .................. ..: V ll, ry Order 29433 rare a .. .......................................... ...................... . 2, 19.0. ,.-..._ ,., .,... arin6 having beer ..... ... ... ... ---t u' under Preliminary Order......2%-33--------------------- -------- approved ..........June__2.,-__1920. ..................................... IntermediaryOrder.-----....................................................-approved .................................. ................. ..........._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precisenature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said Cityis..con truct._curb' _ F.. on-. both -.sides._. of. -.Sar ,eat .venue - .............---------....._.............---............... - / ............... __........ .........._.. ..._..... ._............. ................_f " ....................... ............. ............ _.._ ....._._. _._..._.......... ... _ .._.__........._............. -...... ..__....................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and Specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.. °EP 22 i°2n 191... City Clerk. a u n - l Approved......... - ..JFP_,Z� �2: 191. ........ Councilman "lancy Mayor. CouncilmanXr r j) Councilman R:69e .1 nld Councilman �13$X 1. a t s s oon � � Councilman map,01A: '1;a=tlh Councilman NVWkg&tX& .. e nz e l a MayorDE"X i.odCsori L' Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY !� DEPARTMENT O NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). In the Matter of ,__ cons--Uructir4, curbinf, on Loth sides of Bar;-ent-,vonue roanlbert _ _._..... .......... . enue to i^scal .v nue. ........._............................................_.. under Preliminary Order app o 14 2 _ 1920 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $... The estimated cost 4ertoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $_.. r2. -.j.(. ............._. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E 5 C R I P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION 22 2 21 2 20 2 19 2 18 2 17 2 16 2 15 2 14 2 13 2 Form B. B. 10 ;ar vents , dditiGn. do do do do do Cl o do do do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 3100 400 400 400 350 350 350 X50 300 300 CmUL DEPARTME INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �P�a ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C� i11 DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12 2 Sar -oats :addition. 325 1 3 do 450 2 3 do 3150 3 3 do 400 4 3 do 40,) 5 5 do 400 6 3 do 400 7 3 do 2,100 3 3 do 400 9 3 do 400 10 3 do 400 11 3 do 375 8 3 1,;idrray ;,arlt 3t. Paul , !:}nn. 400 7 3 do 400 G 3 do 400 5 3 do 500 1 4 do 400 2 4 do 400 3 4 do 400 4 4 do 500 / %'2 Ci O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Comms„nmcr of 1+finance. 11— n. u. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Q` �• UL 14 1920 1920' ...............791_ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary ordor of the Conn. eil, known as Council File No, __294.33 .......... approved _....__..._'A.m.e._22......_...................19P.., relative to ... ........ .... .._..... curbing both sides of Sargent Avenue from Albert Avenue to Pascal Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ ............ necessary and (or) desirable. 78V per front foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is $...__.........._...._........._, and the total coat thereof is $ 933 '07and Assessable frontage 1,202 ft. Excess inspection $18.30 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ............ ........... 8. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ..............._.._......._asked for upon petition of three of- more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. St. PE-.ul, k'inn. ,�// ..... la's"o, To tie. Honorable, The Council, G--*ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be mado: ................. .......... . .............. - - — -ft. jlve,, ................................ from ......... St. A'e. to ...................... St. Ave. A I -F E LOT BLOCK -=DDI'111011 .............. ........................ ................. .......... .......................... ... ....... j .. ...... ...................-A ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X A . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ............................ .... -i. . ...................... - i 7 ka MR . ............. .............. . EAR U.. ........................... ..... ....... .............. ------ OSCAR „ssEN. CHL. E --- __A, EoLL.rsu•.1MQ6.• b ALIRED JACKSON. 9uvr.ciloNw . wiwf H. ET2INGER, 9�Al- N. 5. GRYTBA I* E wa (8itg of Ot. f aul Oppartment of Puhlir harks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY July 14, 1920 r. H. C. l enzel, Commissioner of T_'u'clic Tor', -S' wilding. Dear Sir: I transmit hereriitn r.relilr.inary estimate of the cost of curbing both sides of Sargent Ave. frore Albert Ave. to Pascal Ave. in accordance with C. F. ::o. 29433, ap-_.roved June 2, 1920. Ar_rroximate estimate �1�933.07 Cost rer front foot •78 Excess inspection necessary 16.30 Assessable frontage 1,202 ft. Very ftruly yours, Chief Engineer jec—b m r St. PE.ul, 1' -inn. , - ?:� 191 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improverLent to be made: .......... 0.17 ................................... from Albert to Pa5cal.av ........... ............. I . x ............. ....... St. Ave. ............................ ........................... I .................... ............................ ..:..#....... .. .... ............ ................ ......................... ............................ ..... . .. ..... ............ ................... ....... ........ ........ ........ .... ....... ........... .............. ....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ ....... ............. ............ COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By FINAL ORDER 30040 In the Matter of..reconstruct:ing-,..relay_ng._ani._r�.�a"r,�Sl�t-�}e-_c.�lp�ntja"-side— walks at the following locations: 0n...tk1e.._east.._siae...of_Sne ling„kveau.�... .opt.-L)Aytolz.. vezl:ao...t.o,..�iaxs.na.].�....AYenue. On the nest side of i.:issS.ssip i Streetlfrom the north end of the bridge across .".the._Soo".Line Rail ay. to""?iie south end of the brides across the .................... ..........-n-d..... f tl................,_.........................----.......... Northern Pacific Railway. .-.On-tlie...vaes t..side...af... lestern ..vvenue...iiorih,...begiruii n{;.-.144..f.t...:.north..of.. Laurel Avenue, thence north 10 ft. --- On h..sida._af...l 'le.hart....eaenue.,...b.e.ginning...14.0...ft...... east ...nf..:,Lest.. Sixth Street, thence eas 20 £t O..t:he„south..sde o£ ,urora llvenue, begruzing, 148 ft, nest of day Street, .. _ ...... ..... _ _.. . . thence west to Farrington :.venue. under Preliminary Order 2_9965 .. 30945—y l02 4........_.......__........... __ In ',he of . _ reconstructing, re - Intermediary Order"""""laying and repairing the cement the - """" "'! sidewalk at the following locations: . A public hearing having been had upo;o. v yttns`Ave etofM iso ll Al'oenne On the w est aide f Ausslsa ppi ^u fe notice, and the Conseil having heard all persons, objections and recommen' n tie north end f the m - P J oss the soo nine of toi having fully considered the same; therefore, be it th sad of the ; bridge acro- , the rn P ifl� :. ,' the - - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City 1,ebas!Yaul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - the . ment to be made by the said City isre.c.onatr'i::;.t.s...re.lay...and..1'.u'_Rair....the ...C.Qlrieiit...tila side— walks at the following locations: Qn"..tkae_"east".- side .-_of Snellin Avenue from lla ton "Avenue to hl'arshall Avenue. ............ ...........S Y On the crest side of"i.lississippi Street fi cin the iiortfi`ericT of tFie'tiridge aarns.s the. 3.oa...Li11@....B.ai_ll-�ay--to_"the.""south.-end...of--the"..bridge"_across... the_.". Northern Pacific Railway. On...the...7Jes.t-..sa.ale....o.£_."ies.texxl..�v.ei�u..e._.isxtli.,..-bel inning ...I°...#t,.... north..nf. Laurel Avenue, thence north 10 ft. ..Ori tive..south."side._af...1 le.bart---dvenus.,...he.gi.nning...14.0 ft..._east---ai...1:est. Sixth Street thence east 20 ft. On the..sou�h side of urora Avenue, beginning 148 ft. west of Jay Street, tfioiice rdestFa""rriYit"cri":4+Yeriu2 """"" and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..__ ._.},P.�„��lj ..__......., 191....._ 7 ._ - r City Clerk. / SEP 221920 ,--� �. ; ; Approved .... _...... _............ _ _...._...................., 191_..._. Councilman Fop 6&x Clancy Councilman fix. Ferguson Councilman Ef� idatson J� Councilman ENMX-x ir;cDonald �1�/J Councilman NltMrc Smith Councilman W }ielet :.ensel Mayor Im9a. iiodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. Mayor. PUBubal L._ �;;�' CITY,OF AN PAUL . DEPARTMENT bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) reaonstrueting, relaying and repairing the cement tile sidewalks In the Matter of ............. _. .._.. _ ... ....................... ............ ..... at the following locatio-e: On the e.aa.t _.side of-Snelling.._.A.uz_nu.e. f.rom__nayton....Avenue...to On the west side of tgisslssippi Street frog the north end of the bridge across. the—Soo—Line ailway _t_o... th.e eoatnend of the bridge acrbsayt:2e Northern pacific Railway. On the west side of y1e t rn _A -venue. Vorth, _ eginni ng 144 ft. north of Laurel Avenue, thenoe north 70 feet. On the._e.cuth side ofIglehart.._Avenue, beginning 140 fMet eaUt of Zest w Xth Street, thence e-st 20 f et. On the, aauth side of_A.u..rora Avenue beginning 148_ feet west of Jay street, thence w,e,t to Farrington Avenue. .......__.._._._......_..._.........._ .. under Preliminary Order approved .July To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per,14foot for the above improvement is $.. ,D 9_ ___.................. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows; DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 Cardi>, ns Rearrangement. 3 50 5 do 1925 4 do 1925 do 3050 2 do 2300 1 do 1900 Lots 1-2-- 3 3 Boulevard Addition. 15900 Lots 1 to 6 14 Fd. Rices Trout Brock 6600 Addition. TOTAL. Form B. B. 10 _ ���U�� � ate, n G�cit� YLs—� �G-� — it `��-2 �-';.'� � �- �- �r � ;� 2� �� �� � � - c� „-�—L-e_ -�..o 41, Com, at N. W. ly side of Summit Ave. at Sly nor. of Johnso,-a Re-ar. thence N. W.1y along South Westerly line of said Re-ar. 240 85/100 ft, to Sly, line of Iglehart Ave. thence S. Wly. 30 ft. to an angle in said Ave. thence -Sly 47 ft. more or leas to a pt. F4 ft. distant from S.Wly line of said Re-ar. thence S. Fly parallel with said S. Wly line '05 ft, more or less to N.1y 'line of summit Ave. thence N. E1 along Summ mit Ave. 64 ft, to beg, part of S. E. ocf S. E. of S. 36. T. 29, R. 23 and pt. of 16/3 IrvineB Addition. 8 C 'T* '^U' Elfelt Bernheimer and 4200 DEMR , .NT OF FINANCE Arnolds Addition. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE East � of 7, 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 2850 West z of 7 4 do 3150 DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION do 3300 3 Cochrane Subidvision. 7050 Com. at N,Ely --or. of Lot 1, Summit (ire cant thence south East 10 feet of 100 feet thence E. 50 faet thenge N. 100 f het. thence W. 6100 50 feet to beg, part of S. E. t, of S. F. , of 36-29-23. 4 Com, at N. W. ly side of Summit Ave. at Sly nor. of Johnso,-a Re-ar. thence N. W.1y along South Westerly line of said Re-ar. 240 85/100 ft, to Sly, line of Iglehart Ave. thence S. Wly. 30 ft. to an angle in said Ave. thence -Sly 47 ft. more or leas to a pt. F4 ft. distant from S.Wly line of said Re-ar. thence S. Fly parallel with said S. Wly line '05 ft, more or less to N.1y 'line of summit Ave. thence N. E1 along Summ mit Ave. 64 ft, to beg, part of S. E. ocf S. E. of S. 36. T. 29, R. 23 and pt. of 16/3 IrvineB Addition. I s- 0 o p The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. //' _ Dated Con,n,i,sioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 8 4 Elfelt Bernheimer and 4200 Arnolds Addition. East � of 7, 4 2850 West z of 7 4 do 3150 East 2 of 6 4 do 3300 West i of 6 4 do 3200 East 10 feet of 5 4 do (Except Ea,at 10 feet) 5 4 do 5000 Fast 2 of 4 4 do 2100 We st of 4 4 do 2100 East z of 3 4 do 2100 West z of 3 4 do 1800 2 4 do 2700 1 4 do 3800 I s- 0 o p The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. //' _ Dated Con,n,i,sioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo&,_,ve,'/ =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance s , ; , J� br+Eil Oi JUL 14 1920 July 13, 1920 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No29965 Ip Jul 9 ....................................a roved......_.............4...........e..__................ ........ ....1gP......., relative to ...... .... ..............-. reconstructing, relaying and repairing of the cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... On the 'Past side of Snelling Ave. from Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. On the west side of Mississippi St. from the north end of the bridge ..across the Soo bine Rye to the south end o f....the _bridge acrosa.Ri _P -;-__Ry. On thq. west side of Western Ave. North, beginning 144 ft. north of laurel ...Ave. ..thenc.e.....north ....10.....ft.................Y.....y ............... _ On the S.....of Iglehart, beg. 140 Z.* o� W.6th St. t}ience 1aet �b On the S.S. of Aurora, beq. 146' W. of Jay St., thence west t9 and having investigated the matters and t rings referred to therein, hereby reports: Farrington Ave. 1. Said improvement is... _ .............. necessary and (or) desirable. 9V per square foot.. 2. The e6timated cost thereof is $ .............................__... . and the total cost thereof is ......_...._.......... .... ..... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �. .............. ................ ......... ........... ........... .................... ............................. ..._..._............ .......... __... o. Said improvement is...._.._.._n�t .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............__.._.._...................... .... /Commissioner Public orks. 30946 COUNCIL FILINO ............................. �. 1'• By.............:..._................:..............................._.... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....e.ens.tz.uG_tUng...a...aix...z.00.....cement....fiIe. ..s.ide-W aIk...on..Uio.til sides of... erlie.le.y_..venue bet5.reen nantline Avenue and iabert Streets except where F, od and. suffi.cie' sidewalks now exist, ................................................................................... No. 30946—By F. W. Afatson— ie ,fatter of constructing a six cement tile sidewalk on both ............................................................... s of Berkeley Ave. between ...................... ,line Ave, and Albert St., except re gon e oil and rient aldewal` - _-._......, exist, under Prelelimin y C':;. ... ............... ................ .. ..... aDP rovedJuly 21. 1920 - .... ............... ........... "• hearing having 11 under Preliminary Order ......30132 .............................. ymprovemer rul.3.'-- 21-,.---1920..----............_...... IntermediaryOrder ............ ................. ------...approved .........._.........----........-----............................ -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...annS.tY zzGi..a..sia_i.o.ot...aetaex t...t ile._sidaw i.11L oxi...... $erl:;e1ey...wenue...b.et ween.,-_iamlkne_.hyenu_e and_. Albert._.S#re_e-t-, excagt...ubare... oed... zd..aa£a.c.i.�nt...s.i.delyalks...xl.alz...exist.,............................................ ...... ................... .............................. ............ ............................ ........ .... .............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Connca.__.`tEP.VI._20 _....._.............. 191....... - Approved .......... ........`tEP.Z'..�n.._.......... 191_.._.. Councilman =i 6- Clancy - Councilman unsex Fergus on Councilman fly)Ex C I'"cDonald� Councilman atx ]riatson Councilman XIODlk Smith Councilman 3ffqmAeLXWx ',;enzel Mayorxlx94x riodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. s J� .............................. City Clerk. _... .......... ........_...-.......... M. � hlf St. Paul, Finn. , To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: V A r We, the undersigned property,nwners, hereby petition your on able Bod to &a�usee e 013. o improvement to by made: l 'U'U v�G L r:<>. �'... C•� . _ti °:��: t .,....1!.,-� if?Ave. ., c� from J�G�`?:`�::��!�:.'�........o°: Ave. to ... ,. - �e St. Ave. ................. .. Ip ry /�i cv o�►M./<�a ......... . �4 . ✓ o.......................... v Ir, Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksRESEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance 1920 July 29, 1920. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 30132 July 23, 990 ¢il, known as Council File No__ ..................._...........approved____................................................__............19L........, relative to_._.. .... ......_........ oonstruotints six foot oement tile sidewalk on both sides of _ ........................... ............_.........._................_...................................... .........._.............................._................. .... .... .................. .................. .................................. _...... __.._.............__..... Berkeley Avenue between Hemline Avenue and Albert....Street/ . .................... ............. _.. _....._ ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement'a.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 1.08 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........._ ............. ._........, and the total cost thereof is _......_...._ ............. ... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ ......... _.................. ............ ..._........ _.... ...... ...... ......._......._........... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuet to assessment for said improvement. 401%q6...: ....... .............._.. ICommissioner of Pais Works. CIT7'OF jT.tPAUL DEPARTM11NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER constructing a sig; foot cement tile sidewalk on both sides of In the Matter of Berkeley Avenue between aamline Avenue and Albert Street. ................................._... ................. July 21,'1 1920. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ _ The estimated for the improvement cost pe" rifoot above is - - - . - _ _ - $ /,q o_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 1 Surmyside Addition. 425 4 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 9 1 do 300 10 1 Jefferson Park Addition. 300 9 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 Form E. B, 10 TOTAL, -qPWTK/ OF ST. PAUL DEPAVT'AEWT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 7 1 6 1 1 2 18 2 17 2 16 2 15 2 14 2 13 2 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 ADDITION Jefferson Park Addition. do Sltnnyside Addition. do do do do do do Jefferson Park Addition. do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 225 325 475 300 300 300 1150 300 300 250 250 250 1425 300 � ' 7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C.—ni-i—r of Ili..ace Farm B. B. U 301?4 l " s COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By..................................:.....::: ...................... ........... FINAL ORDER In the Matterof..grad�z ...a.J1.s ...in..B.I.o.ck...k.,...1._... ....Rogers...nddatinn,...ansl........ Osae.ora...P.as.aal.. ddit_i.oxl....f.� nm..Sarat.oga.. �u. nue...t..0 .............. I.......... ........ ..........._.W ..................-............. ......... ..............__......__..... ............ ............ ......................... .................. ..:. No. 30947—By F. W. listson— [he Matter of greding ,,,a In.....................................................:•......... :lock 4, S. N. Rogers Addition, and Jsceola Pascal Addition, from Sa-,., ............................................................. .;t.oga-Ave. to Pascal Ave., under-:...............................................-..................... .......... ..:iminary Order 28791 approved n, 1920 .public i. b ............................... ......... . ..._......... - . �..r .. ...-..... .............. .- .............. under Preliminary Order._...2&79 ...............................approved ....._...A,p-r.i.1-10......1820..-........................-. IntermediaryOrder ........... ............... ............................. ......approved ............................... .....--..............-.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..grada...dlley_..in..Blnc.k..a.,... L...ii....Ro ers...AdditLon,.. and O.s.o�c21a..Pasoa� from_. Sarat oga._.<zvenue.--to.--Pascal_. Avenue_, ................... ........_._......................................................_........_...._......_..........................................................._........_........-- .. ..._.4 .. --- ..--- .-------------- ............. ..... ....... .------- __......... _........ _...._...::::.......--- ................_.------ ...----- ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .Adopted by the Council___._ JFP 191...... r� ................... City Clerk. Approved ..................° P 22 IS24..._........., 191_..... % v Mayor. CouncilmanfA*,Yr 18 Clancy Councilmanx Ferguson Councilman Fi I&M KcDonald CouncilmanXx= 1.1atson i � !% Councilman x24 .enzel Mayor Ixvduz ,y odCs on Form B. S. A. 8-7. (Citg of St. Patti �egartment of �lublir ;iioriw ..a HENMAN C WEN -L. , AggoLL,r9u rr w. . COMMISSIONER cwU or co„arnu�r,o„ n„o a¢.Ai„a DEPUTY AL N, 9uq r. IR VINOC. PEA RCE REPORT T0. TH3 COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers Addition and Osceola Pascal Addition, from Sartoga Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order +28792, approved April 10, 1920, and Intermediary Order #30479, approved August 13, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of P”. *forks. September 22, 1920. Office of the Commissioner of Public Work& il. x!2•.,1 IC Report to Commissioner of Finance �i(lll �b July 22, 1920. __.... ..._ ............... ......_.......................191...... To the Commissioner of France of thelCity of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had wider consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No.—. 28791 April 10, 20 ....... ............ ...... ..... approved _..................... ..................__.._....................... 191 ......... , relative to........................... the.6rading of alley in Block 41 J. N. Rogers Addition, and Osceola ...... .. .... ... _._........... ............ ... Pascal ....Addition, .....from ....6arat.oga._Avenue.....t9.....P.��_4e1..._Av_enup......- .............. ........... ........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ _............ necessary and (or) desirable. 44yr per front foot 628. b3 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..._ ............................... and the total cost thereof is $. ............. .... ................. ._._....., and Assessable frontage 1200 ft. Excess inspection $10.38 the nature and extent of said -improvement is as follows: .................................. ....... ............. ........... ...... ...... .............. .._... _...... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and utade a part hereof. #. o. Said improvement is. ................ ..... asked for upon petition of three or utore owners of property, subject Ji to assessment for said improvement. ................ .......... ..............................._........... _.._.._...__. / (.omnussioner of YuUlic ti ot•ks. - CITY qr &{tr.UL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE �n tii _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of gYading_a�leyn_)31ock.. 4, _J,..IJ,__Rogers. _�ddition,..and _ceola.. . Pascal O.P. .. ........a....__ . Addition,_.from ;;aratoga_?.v..e..nue to...P.ascai Avenue. ....... ... ............_.... under Preliminary Order approved . __.. Apriii0,_1920• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $__ _ _......._.. . 0 --'et The estimated oot for the improvement is cost pe4 above - - _ - - - $__ ___ __7, ....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 40 ft. of 1-2- 3 4 J. N. Rogers Addition.. 775 East 40 feet of W. 80 ft. of 1-2- 3 4 do 3725 Nest 40 feet of 1-2- 3 4 do 725 4 4 do 725 5 4 do 3025 6 4 do 1475 7 4 do 725 8 4 do 2925 9 4 do 2725 TOTAL, For. B. B. 10 I _- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finn— Form B. D. 12 UUU CrlWWW9T. PAUL DEPARft4.GNt OF FINANCE ,t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' Ohl PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 J. N. Rogers Addition. 3025 11 4 do 725 12 4 do 675 15 4 do 625 lest 1/3 of 16-17- 18 4. do 700 I'liddle 1/3 of 16-17 18 4 do 550 East 1/3 of 16-17- 18 4 do 550 19 4 do 525 20 4 do 525 21 4 do 525 2;: 4 do 525 23 4 do 525 24 4 do 525 5 Osceola & Pascal [addition. 575 4 do 575 3 do o75 2 do 600 1 do 875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finn— Form B. D. 12 UUU St. Paul, Minn., ... .-, ../......19$O. To the Honorable, The Council,* Gentlemen: City of St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause V e following improvement to be made: �e ...4 ......�... ..... �...... from (.u- e .............. St. Ave. to t ....... ........ ............ U. Ave. ..:X .. A�ez:.�90.. .....:�'% :..��.., .�..z ..y... rn,.. i:.... ... ........ ........................ .......... /.............. / �% LCo PR 1920 �........ ..................... � � z .................................n.. .... ........ ......... ................................... b............ . PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL. COF.LNC a 1 NO. ---3(M8_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GE RAL FORM DATE......... Sellt.r.. z2. a...1920.1e.............. 77 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers Add tfon and Osceola Pascal Addition, from Saratoga:. Avenue to Pascal Avenue, under Preliminary Order #28792 approved 'April 10, 1920, and Intermediary, Order J.50479, approved August 13, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it',", Resolved, That the City of St. Baul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken, for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon'the alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers -Addition ,and Osceola Pascal Addition, between the points,aforeeaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to,.the report of the Commissioner. of Public Works ,in the matter dated September 22, 1920_, `which "sketch. and report are hereby referred to and made apart hereof. i C. F. No. 30943 -By 13. W. �' ou"I- In the, matter of condemning and t¢k- 1ng n easement In the land d iWk sary,-Yor sloDea;, for cuts and fills' In the grading of alley. in Block 4, J: N. Rogers Addition and oseeol¢ Pascal. Addition.' from cam....,..... ...- Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald _..__......In favor Matson O _...-Against Wenzel Mr. President 0 221920 _ Adopted by the Con ' ._..-_.__------------ _ _.__---19-.-.- _ S 221920 I9_...._. YI�YOR Gfl�ST. PAUL DEPARTM T11OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ...._concierpn ng..._and..-_.tAk_ing_.an_..._eas.emont..._.,i.n, the _.-land ...ne.c.e.ae.ar.y.....f.ar......sl.o az_ for ,its and fills in gTAding Alloy infilock._.4, and Oec©ola Pao tl A3di,ton, from $art.oga_pv.emae._tu P3 ec.a.1_.Av.e.nue, ..._............._.._.................... ............._........................ . ....................... .. _._ under Preliminary Order approved ...._April 10� 191-0. _.._. _. __...__ _._........ ... ._...._:: ................ ............. ... ... .. .........._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Fast 40 feet of 1-2- 3 4 J. N. Rogers Addition. 775 East 40 feet of rest 50 feet of 1 2 3 4 do 3725 Test 40 feet of 1-2-3 4 do 725 4 4 do 725 5 4 do 3025 6 4 do 1475 do 725 8 4 do 2925 9 4 do 2725 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL. ITV OF 9T. PAUL D .ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE CCI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 10 4 11 4 12 4 15 4 West 1/3 of 16-17- 18 4 Middle 1/3 of 16-17-18 4 Eaat 1/3 of 16-17- 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 5 4 G 1 J. N. Rogers Addition. do do do do do do do do do do do de Osceola =Pascal Addition. do do do do ASSESSED VALUATION 3025 725 675 675 700 550 550 525 525 525 525 525 525 575 575 575 600 875 3oo7s The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated j F.— B. ➢. 12 Commissioner of Finance. l Office of the Commissioner of Public WAEPCIV D R" 8= c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL <! im July 22, 1920. ,n, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. ail, known as Council File No..._28792,._...approved..........April 10, ......................1 ....., relative ta......_............. ...... .................... condemning and taking an egsement in the land necessary for slopes,for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers .................... ....... Addition, and Osceola Pascal Addition, from Saratoga Ave. to Pascal Ave and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._.........__........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... ............. and the total cost thereof is y....._.._............. _........_......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is._..._............................asked for upon petition of three of more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... i,�+ Comwissiouer of Public Worka. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER 30449 In the Matter alley...in.-:3loak..�,._ans.. ddi3on, anti._ -Block.. 4.,--.a1.Ql:t_erhoSf...£ .-.i,le.ad.'.s...s t�dition,...from-. Pa3rna..P-v.eiwe...#.a.................... Greenbrier is venue, ................. .................................. C. F. No. 30949—BY F. W. �fatson— In the Matter of Paving. the east artd west alley in Block 4, Evans Addl- - - - -- --- .......................................... tion, and Block 4, He terAmol e & Mead's Addltlon, from Pa ne Avenr, ....................... .................................... _.............' rn-Greenbrier'Av.no. under Prell;.'.........-............... ...... ................. .................. 'order 28730 approved A':' ,....,u •. ,�a�7 ............._............... .........._.-......-........._............ -^.�. under Preliminary Order .....28760................................approved ......'_nri1....7..,...192..0..................................... IntermediaryOrder..............................................................approved...------------------ .----------------------------------- ...................... .. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pa,pi that the o em nava..t1a...aa .t and..uest..aIle-.y....in-.Bloak..-�,...'-,'v-ans. i:ddition, and Block 4, i;o erhoff & l.;ead's _.ddition,-..from.-_Pa1ne....venue. .............--------------------- .............. to G sen ler ..Fermi`1f� ..... .............� ........4.. .......................................... E..1�eI :' -. and the Council hereby or s said improvem?i to be made. RESOLVED FURT That the Compilssioner of Pu�l c Wor/to is here metruc and tinted . to prepare plans and ecifications for td improveme3rt and submt CO: or app "el; th upon said approval he proper city cials are her pliy authorize and direef d to pro ed with e m of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by theCounri]}�. `�� ��zQ �,... ..., j City Clerk. / ' SLP I°'Z0 Applbved........... ...y--......._....._........._.... 191..._... j ............................... Mayor. Councilman Fat%xlm &% Clancy Councilman 14NKX us on Councilman I::cDonald Councilman IRR WXatson Councilman da rlith SiFnxdsc Councilman l4ait ,'enzel 7 Mayors ilodgs on Form B. S. A. 8-7. County of Remsey State of 11 mesota Ise* under oath, deposes and says# that he is one of the alMwrs an the foregoing sheet, that have signed against the pro- posed,improvemant and do hereby certUV this foregoing list of name 1s a true and correct pstltlon to the best of m Immledge and belle$. state of ginnesota County of Ramsey ) as. on this L� day Of before ne personally agpgs to me personany Imoen to be the ra n who executed the foregoing instrUMent and A-� aelmowledged the same to be free act and deed. samey UOMILYj naasota,., =Oiss4on eapires��� G */II 044 To -the Honorable Council, City of St. Paul. Gentleman: Vie the undersigned property owners,, to be assessed for tine VA.A1 protest most trenuously to the Cou 1, against the S G C.,v , as proposed under Council File 3vy> Annroved 'Lineal root NAh:E 1ESIDIIi GE LOT BLOCK LDDITIOE Fron# age r, i� K a , •2;J Ir /In 2% �d T4 the Honorable Connell, i;ity of St. Paul. Qa;�tlemanf Wa the Undeni '-owners, to be asseawd for tib Want mom ly to the Coro 11, agaimt the v L� as prcpmed under CotimaU nae 11J' Approved Lineal foot NAME ii .SIDr iCS LO`T BLOCK QD'rTl0H F'ro :Z,;V "tl 1 Xo CITY'0 311 PAUL DEPARTI4LAIT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ......._Paving of the east and viest alley in Block 4, __........_....._................._.....__.._......._............................_.................... loans Addition,......... and Block 4, u9lterh9ff cz hlead's t=.ddition, from Payne .',-venue to Greenbrier 1�venue. __._. _ __._..... _ .... ....... ... _. _.......... _.... .......... ............ __. . _ .............................. _...._. _._...._.. ... .. __._ ..._ .......... ......... ........ _.... under Preliminary Order approved ..._..___..__ April 7, 1920. ...... _.._.. ......._. _.. ._.._.._...__ .. ___........ ....___.... ...... ........ _ .... ....... .............. _...... ................. ..... _._._........_..._......__............ _................... ............ _.. _. .... _......._........_........._ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ................................... The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total Kind of per Total Goat per pavis. Sg.Yd.. Esti front foot 3j" creosoted Block 06.26 05,180.78 04.51 Brick, on edge 5.24 4,336.62 3,78 Brick, laid flat 4.83 3"997031 3.48 Asphalt 3.87 3;202.81 2.79 Asphalt concrete 3.87 3,202.81 2.78 Concrete 3..20 2,645.44 2031 —" The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ( 1 4 brans Addition to the City ( 2 4 of St. ?aul. 27100 ( ( 3 4 do 4 4 do 2925 easterly 39 feet of 5 4 do 3875 v,iesterly 1 foot of 5 4 do 25 6 do 2575 17 4 do 5375 ., 8 '_ do 0075 -9. _ __1_ d4_ 2 TOTAL, Form B, B, 10 I �ITY OF 8T. PAUL DE("I1ftNENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G� ON PRELIMINARY ORDERt (C). DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 ,bans ;,ddi ti -(-_z to tiie City 1975 11 4 of St. 'aul. 2225 .:est 7 6/10 feet) 12 = do 2350 ( xc..est 7 f3/1"? ft. 19 _ do 1950 20 r do 1325 21 4 do 1775 22 4 do 2075 23 do 1675 24 4 do 2175 25 4 do 2175 26 4 do 4175 27 4 do 2150 28 4 do 1975 '.Vest 2 feet of 29 do 2-; (Except „lest 2 feet) 29 i do 650 30 4 do 750 5 4 iiolterhoff and i+Teads Addition 1250 6 4 totile City of St. Paul, 4050 .damsey Co, iinn. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date Commissioner of Finance. F— D. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn., ...... �G ........... 191... To the Honorable, Tho Coincil, City uf St. Pe"ll.- M11M. Gentlemen: Te., tte un-lersiZnccl property owners, hereby petition ycur Honorable 3,.cj to cause the following iLprovement to be made: The paving .of . in. 3look . I ..... 4,. Evans Addition,same running East and .... ..... .......................... West....................................................... St. Ave. from . ..... Greenbrier_.... .,_ :9. Ave. to .... PkLy;q ................. .....................IA. Ave. N A 11" —7 LOT l BLOCK 4t . ....... .671 � ... . ....... 6 SY. . ... ... . .... 2 e� 7 4 "t ...... ....... .... . ... ........ ..... -14M ....... .. ... - L-4-:4-4-7 ..... .... ..... ... . ..... ....... .......................... ....... .................. ...... . .. q ......... .. .. ...... ..................... ...... ........................ Ar" 6 IM9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... .... .................... ............................ ....... .......... ...... Office of the Commissioner of Public WgrkstVo 6 Report to Commissioner of Finance e =3 JUL 12 19Z) July 12, 1920 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- gil, known as Council File No.....297.30........... approved ..............._..Apri—.1.....7..y......1,.9:2V91.......... relative to............................ P. v n.....t..b..e......a.a.t......axzd.....eve.a.t......alley ..,......51.0.ck......4.,..................................... vana Addition, and Block 4, Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, from Payne Ave. to Greenbrier Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... ..... ............ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.......... .xXX............. and the total cost thereof is $..._.............__XXXX .__.__ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: —---------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ............................ ................ . ... _....... _...... _......... .......... .......... .. _... _........ _........ _ .... _............ _... _. _...... _..... _. _......... _......._..................................... _.............. _............... _.. o. Said improvement is ...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ...................... ....._....._Y 1 .,j...'.._4P�2 ' Comi sinner of Public Works. p FINAL ORDER X0950 In the Matter of.._P?-.Yin€,...-'ai- r.7ount._l3ye.i?ue..fr4?T...i7X12...1 Y..CIi??e.._t.4...Szle� J J llf including..se;ier.,___rrater and gus---connect-ions from street mains --------------...........................................•-----• ,-tro...p AD.Party----lines..c.o;n-nisie.,...uzere...no ..a]r-early--:;ads.;..--s1so-,---ilac1uditag----• curbin and alle a-1—in,_veuasr_approaclaesvrhere necessary C. F. No. 30960—By F. W. Efateon— fn the Mat oP Daving Fairmount Avenue from Hemline Ave. to Snell - Ing Avenue, Including sewer, ............................................................ stet anA gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, ... .............................. ............ .............................. where not already made; also. In. . .... ...... .... ...... ............ ....... ..... .......... ..... eluding curbing and Having alley, and '..v',,.•,r, under Preliminary Order .......29699......::.:.::.::::..........._approved ...y' wne 19-2.O ...................................... IntermediaryOrder--......_.................................................approved . ..............--....................................................._ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....pave ...Eairno. ult._Eiv.437.114... Sne11 sig..=u 437114.,...i.114lud-ing-_sewer.,_.ti-later.a-r c1.-. rgaq_c.Q ecti.ons.--from S.t3°ee.._mains--.to__propert-y---linesomlenot...... yradei.............. .aLs.o.,...includ? n .}/�4.uxb�.h�._u�d-_Haying,. a/alley-,and/j,ve�ra-;�-_apnr.oac izes-1-.'_� here i144� za yd.._G '1..1 `ire �- h t c.. ...��e?f c,C. e :. .U' t ._C< ...-- ----- .............. � f-- �:4..t/`.-......_..�.................... -............................................................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .........S.EP-.2` 192O_____________________ 191...._... SEP 22 1920 Approved..........................................7..............1 191...... Councilman Ram w8wh 01ancy Councilman N= Ferguson Councilman Hirid{ icUonalcl Councilman H91ME I:;atson Councilmanx1luDatl Smith ,enzel Councilman �4i Mayor If* , Ilodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. 1 ..... l l l 2::: ..... `....... Clty Cleric. ......... ..... ....... ................. M1...... ....-- .............................. Mayor. 91 PUBLLSHED 11, 1, 111, Hi, 1920. June 19, .. .............. .......... ........... .. . . .......... under Preliminary Order approved.. -- .. .. . - .......... .. ..................... ............................. . .... ........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: `-Lot a I Total Cost oer -Find of per stimate _11'ront loot Paving Sq. Yd. 31" creosoted block :;16.51 061,512.34 :¢12.98 Intersections out 54,864.33 11.55 Brick, on edge 5.49 51,874.4.6 10.94. Intersections out 46,268.07 9.76 Brick, laid flat 5.08 48,000.41 10.12 Intersections out 42,812.72 9.03 Asphalt —4.11 38,834.98 8.19 Intersections out 34,637.65 7.31 Asphalt concrete 4.11 1 38,834.98 8.19-1 Intersections out 34,637.85 7.31 Concrete 3.45 32,598.71 6.67 Intersections out 29,075.57 6.13 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SSEDSE ASAT VALLI [ON All that part of 1 Reserve Garden Lots. 5600 -lying North of Fairmount Ave.' All that part of 1 do 5600 lying south of Fairmount Ave., (Except South 33 feet taken for opening Osceola Ave-) All that part of 2 do 5800 lying North of Fairmount Ave-; (Except West 30 feet taken for opening Albert St.) All that part of 2 do 5800 lying Pquthof Fairmount Ave.(Exe. ,__ West 30 feet taken for opening Albert St. and Exc. S. 33 feet taken for opening Osceola -,-ve.) For. B, B. 10 TOTAL, r NATIONAL NONPARTISAN LEAGUE A. C. TOWNLEY• P—id— NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA June 15,1920• 14r. H. C. Wenzel, City Commissioner, St. Paul, Minnesota. My dear Mr, }Menzel: - Mr. Thomas N-Keys_handed me two petitions yesterday with the reeuea*'that I forward them to you. It seems that the people living on Fairmont Avenue between Ha.mline and Snelling, are desirous of having certain improvements made by the city. While I do not know,personally, of the neces- sity for theae improvements, I al.: sure that the petition is deserving of genuine consideration• iSore- over, I am equally certain that it will receive such consideration at your hands. HGT-_: Frat er/o// DEPA . M OF F19ANC9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRPLIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCgIPTION LOT BLOCK All that part of 3 lying north of Fairmount Ave. (Exc. East 30 feet taken for opening Albert St.) All that part of 3 lying South of Fairmount Ave. (Exc. East 30 feet taken for opening Albert St. and Exc. South 33 ft. ADDITION Reserve Garden Lots. ASSESSED VALUATION 7300 4800 taken for opening Osceola Ave.) 6 1 ',lard's Subdivision of Lot 4. 650 5 1 Reserve Garden Lots. Ramsey, Co. 675 4 1 Minnesota. 725 1 2 do 650 2 2 do 3775 3 2 do 3825 8 1 Midway Park St. Paul,P,;inn. 675 7 1 do 2175 6 1 do 2975 5 1 do 5800 1 2 do 4675 2 2 do 4675 3 2 do 4975 4 2 do 800 24 8 Summit View. 4150 23 8 do 850 22 8 do 4450 21 8 do 4800 20 8 do 800 19 8 do 800 18 8 do 400.0 TOTAL DEPA 'ME T OF FINCQ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 8 Swrunit View. 800 16 8 do 750 15 8 do 750 14 8 do 750 13 8 do 800 22 7 do 41700 21 7 do 20 7 " do 5450 19 7 do 750 18 7 do 750 14 Princeton Place. 700 13 do 700 12 do 700 11 do 700 10 do 700 s 9 do 700 8 do 900 East 40 feet of 1-2- 3 4 J. i;. Rogers Addition. 775 East 40 feet of West 80 ft. of 1-2- 3 4 do 3725 West 40 feet of 1-2- 3 4 do 725 4 4 do 725 5 4 do 3025 6 4 do 1475 7 4 do 725 8 4 do 2925 9 4 do TOTAL 2725 JL DEPA . E T OF FIA ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .CC) DESCFIJPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 J. N. Rogers Addition. 3025 11 4 do 725 12 4 do 675 13 4 do 675 14 4 do 625 15 4 do 625 East2.of 1-2- 3 3 do 5550 (Exe. 'lest 5 feet) lest 2 of 1-2- 3 3 do 025 l9est 5 feet of 1-2- 3 3) do 3800 )_ East 35 feet of 4 3) do gest 5 feet of 4 3 do 675 5 3 do 6 3 do 4175 7 3 do 600 8 3 do 600 9 3 do 4400 10 3 do 4400 11 3 do 550 12 3 do 750 13 3 do 3675 14 3 do 675 da �35U The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date 11— D. D. 12 Commissioner of finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works �• Y1.ti Report -to Commissioner of Finance 3� 7.,....1920...... ..... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No......._29999........ approved_.........._Jung..19.:..__1920...191......... , relative to........................... raving.Fatxmount Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Snelling Ave. .. ...... .. . including server, Nater and gas connections from street mains to croperty lines complete, where not already made; .............. _......_................... a-.se..._ineluding aurb.i.,lg....and .paving .....alley ..._and.._d.£..iueway._.................._ .... approaches, where necessary. _..............._.....__._.._........_................ ._................ ........_............... ....._.._._.................. ....._............................ ..... ..................... ....._.... ....... ............. __...........__._..._.._....._............ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ............ .......... necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is `.b'......XXX ....._....._..., and the total cost thereof is ..................... an{1 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ .... ..... ___ _..... ...... ...... __... .................. ....... __..... ____ .............. _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............... ............ ....... .... .......................... ................................................_...._.._........_._...................._._..__..._..........._..._...._............__.._..__...................__............ a. Said improvement is ...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjact to assessment for said improvement. / Conrmissi ier of Public Works. St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:' ........... ......................................... . ...... :.:'f . ..................Syt. Av@. fTom .........St. Ave. to ... - / ................... —St'. Ave. / N_g H K V LOT 4 BLOCK-,DDIT'I01I 1 /.. ..................G, v.�L.�'1...... it............. p:.......r. �. ..... /'1...; ... �� .... ......................... � . <-..... ........... ..... G x j peen"..-...;.e4. :l` �' .............. x ^y7 F 31??F . (IIity of fit. �ttul o.1c LAussew, cnle. eroixun 1hpartmeut of Publir Works J t. CIRROLL. unT�x tens M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ns;,uciion nxe nenninf R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL ACKSO Fo9uri. I1. INGER, Sun��ox m.. RTTOARrE na ri xs y R.REAROLo. En.,n..n July 6, 1920 'Ar. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of paving Fairmount Ave. from Hamline Ave. to Snelling Ave., including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made; also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary; in accordance with C. F. No. 29699, approved June 19, 1920. Total Kind of per Total Cost per Paving: Sc. Yd. Estimate Front foot 3j" creosoted block $$6.51 $61,512.34 $12.98 Intersections out 54,864.33 11.55 Brick, on edge 5.49 51,874.46 10.94 Intersections out 46,268.07 9.76 Brick, laid flat 5.08 48,000.41 10.12 Intersections out 42,812.72 9.03 Asphalt 4.11 38,834.98 6.19 Intersections out 34,637.85 7.31 Asphalt concrete 4.11 38,834.98 8.19 Intetsections out 34,637.85 7.31 Concrete 3.45 32,598.71 6.87 Intersections out 29,075.57 6.13 -2 - Width of roadway, 32 ft.; frontage, 4,740.5 ft.; Paving area, 9,448.9 sq. yds.; paving area, in- tersections out, 8,427.7 sq. yds. Where sewer and house connections are not in, add to cost of each lot - For 6" sewer connection, 66 £t. street $85.00 For 4" water connection, 66 ft. street 33.00 Very truly yours, 92• f—c Chief Engineer jec-b Py -r - V ED BY RESOLVED couRa� CITY OF. ST. PAUL cuc NO.-----L.J•J�/ `OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK COUN?C.OItL RESO ON GENERAL FORM 4/4'Y/�� ...... Sept. 22.E 1920. ..:.. DATE ........:. _... .. ........ ....... .. J Thft the Commissioner --of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water Palace Street from Hamlin Avenue to South Pascal Avenue. Yes 00 Councilmen ( 1/) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President : ►ORY BY 6.20 ' C P No. 80951—By H. C. Wenzel— Reeolved, That the Commissioner oY� Public Works be and he In hereby au- thorized and directed: to sprinkle with water Palace , Street from-Hamlla. "Avenue to SouthPascal Avenue: Adopted by the Counell Sept. 22, 1820: I Approved Sept. 22, .1920. (Sept. 26.-1920) Adopted by the Council ------ SEP 29A ---19-. favor APProve — SEP�22M--19..._._. ^ MAYOR PRESENTED by COMMISSIONER RESOLVED f Where4s there was set aside by C. F. #27389 - Ordinance`b216 approved December 15, 1919, the sum --M $7,000000 of the Bridge Building and Repair Fund for the purpose of reconstructing the sidewalks of the Wabasha Street Bridge. crossing the Mississippi River, and Whereas, a portion of these repairs were made during the segson of.1920 at :an expense of $4,792.55, which expense was charged to the regular Bridge Building and Repair Funcl as set aside in the 1920 budget; therefore, 'he it Resolved, That the 1920 Bridge Building and Repair Fund be credited with said sum of yp4,792.55, payable out of the $7,000.00 set aside for the Wabasha Street Bridge sidewalk repairs by above Ordinance #5216, and be it FurtherResolved, that the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the transfer of funds as above outlined. Yes (✓) Con en ( ✓) Nays Snoy ergusnn j/�I•cDonald a ( maLmi "1�0/n � W�[Q pa}..President sonu-.er srao` capneu NO......_ �Q�f - CITY OF ST. PAUL .��e OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' .COUNCIL .�R,ESE-SO,LU --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY SB tember 21 f...1....9.. 2..0•/�......... DATE ........... ..... COMMISSIONERt...... ..... ................ ...... RESOLVED Whereas there was set aside by 0. F. #27389 - Ordinance #5216, approved December 15, 1919, the sum —'ir $7,000 00 of the Bridge Building and Repair Fund for the purpose of reconstructing the sidewalks ofthe Wabasha Street Bridge; crossing the Mississippi River, and Whereas, a portion of these repairs were made during the segson of 1920 at an expense of $4,792,55, whish expense was charged to the regular Bridge' Building and Repair Fund as set aside in the 1920 budget; therefore, be it Resolved, That the 1920 Bridge Building and Repair Fund be credited with said sum of $$4,792.55, payable out of the $7,000.00 set aside for the Wabasha Street Bridge sidewalk repairs by above Ordinance #5216, and be it Farther Resolved, that the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make the transfer of funds as above outlined. C. r. No. 30962 -By IL C. Wenzel— Whereas there was got 'aside by . C. F. No. 27389 Ordinance No. 6216, ap- proved December 16, 1919, the sum _ of•$7,000.00 of the Bridge �9. Ming and Repair Fund.for' the -wpurpose of recon- :trusting the'. sidealks of tjrc Wolin eha street bridgecrossing_ the MIS- - eissipp�Rlver,and Whereas, a portion of iheae repairs were`made during the season of 1920 at an eapense,.of $4702.66..whlch ez- pon.e' — charged to the regular Bridge Bullding:-and Repair: Fund as . setaeide In tbe.1920 budget;. therefore; be It. ... Reeolvod, rrhat theC .1920 Bridge I Butlding and. Repalr Fu d be credited oIth-'aid sum of .$4,792.66;'payabla out f the $7,000,00, Set, aside for the Wa- bneha Street bridge Sidewalk repairs _ byiaboNie. Ordinance No. 6216,. and be it ,nether .Resolved, that.. -the City- Yee (✓) ee'D (✓) Nays Comptroller be `and he Is -hereby nu: thorized and directed to mnke the transfer of funds as above outllnedr :Adopted by: the Council Sept. 22, 1820: Approved: Sept. 22,'1920.. ted by theCoaocil__SEP—%0-.------19-- tsepc a6-lszo> emusoa SEP 22 1920 cApprov Donald -- 1 y ([j etSOn C ___.-Against _.__ -- MAYOR We President r soar su S C. F. No 30963—sy Ii' C. Wenael— eouYea. a :Vheroas In .the matter ot`paviaSl V-Fl.f G{ooddch A e Sr.m 8amllno, Ave. to„I vi4a NO•- --""-- F OF guiragm tscof�Ca Fn 27801 ,rdance W.Rth�,” r COUNCIL January 6, 1020, it was pro• plana and aDeciileutlo n 'tVERAL FORM + _ f certain work is o{n¢or.l. .t. of PRESENTED - .t� to drain :o �iTe .t. 21 1920.. COMMISSIONER ..:....... ._ _... _ .. 11 ........ DATE , p ...... ......1 ......:.. ...... .. RESOLVED Whe 'tas, In the matter of paving Goodrich Ave. from EMline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., in accordance with the requirements of`C. F. 27801, approved January 6, 1920, it mas provided in the plans and specificationsfor the ,doing of certain work in steel and oonerete reinforcement of trenches in which house drain or sewer and water service connections were installed at a scale of prices therein fixed in accordance with the said plans and specifications, which plans andspecifications were approved by 0: F. 280$9,.approved-January 299 1920, and Whereas, It was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Fublic Works to have the contractor, the White Cpnstruction Company, perform the said work more particularly described - as follows: 70432 lbe. of steel at .08 $663.48 25.2 cu. yds. concrete in place at $8.00 201.60 � 25.2 " " excavation at .90 22.68, and 787.76 Whereas, said work and material has been done and furnished as provided for in the paving of said street; now.therefore, be itr Resolved, that the Council hereby allow for all of the work and'materlal as herein stated the sum of $787,76 as an 'extra under the contract known as' Comptroller's Contract L-1108 for the making of the aforesaid improvement; Yes (✓) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council19-- Ferguson SEP 221920 McDonald __._.___....In favor Ap __,__--_� 19....._.. Matson D Smith --.-Against _ l�r�ilX� ,Y �•On Wenzel Mt. President CITY OF ST. PAUL CO°""`05 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r , PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) is hereby appropriated and set aside from the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Expense Account of the General Fund for the purpose of meeting the expenses of the Charter Commission. Said moneys are to be,expended upon bills approved by said Commission. C. F. No. 30054— Hundred FirtYatDollnre u E260.00)M of Tr1s'' heT.ebY nPproPrin[eo acid et rse Fxp nBee Abeount..' n�the GeneraloFund fon eee of thee:Char ter tiCommiee1 6. gnid moneys to be expended upon I bill 9 ¢➢Proved Tby Be ..I n. Adopted by the Council Sept. 22,. APP1919 rove d (Se ti.226--1820) Yes (J) Coyncilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Co ./�erguson % �1cDonald ....In Favor pprove ....._SE P22.13.ZD...... ......... ....._ 19......... Matson Smith Against _... _.... ........ .. .V......._ ..... .._.... ....... _...._ MAYOR Wenzel Mr. President eonMsM a•ao � t1LB1\' E. BJORKLI:\D U010154 - �\TTORNEI' AT LAW 702-705 GU 110- l.lt'e RUILOI\(: 9T. I-AtTI.. MINX. September 18th, 1320. mr. J. I. Faricy, City Clerk, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: The Charter Commission of tho City of St. Paul, at a recent meeting, requested me, as its Secretary, to request of the Council an appropriation of 5250.00 to defer the incidental expenses of said Commission. L9ili you kindly submit this matter to the Council for its approval, thereby obliging Yours very respectfully, 0#V Secretary. AEB/L 30956 ordinance fixing the titles and compensation for certain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. THE COUNCIL OF 'P J CITY OF ST. PAUL DJc.S J2DAIN: } r -Ordinance No. 6424 -By J. bf. Clancy- _nce Axing the titles and compensation for certain employes in the ment of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. That the Commissioner minas yell of the City of St. Paul does ordain: is hereby authorized to : eyes as may be necessary of t' SECTION 1. J he paid salaries as hereincfti.>^m .. __;..^ 9layerounds and Publir ^ General Bookkeeper %`145.00 1175.00 Chief Timekeeper 145.30 175.00 Secretar�� Stenographer 145.00 175.)0 Assistant Superintendent of Packs 195.00 225.00- ,iatrop 95.00 115.00 Gardener 130.00 155.J.0 Caterpillar Tractor Engineer 150,30 150.:10 Parr Foreman, General 145.00 160.00 Park Foreman 125.00 135.00 Forestry Foreman 13J.J0 145.00 Tree Trimmer Not to exceed ,':5.00 per day Laborer ('Parks) Not to exceed v'5.JJ per d&y GenQral Chau"fear 12J.00 145.00 Sub -Foreman, Parks 12J.00 130._0 i'latchman 135. )J 125.JO Chief ;Mechanical Enninaer (Parks) 175.00 225.00 Superintendent of Flaprrounds and Public Recreation 250.00 3_O.J0 senior Stenographer 105.'0 135.00 Play,roun9 Foreman 145.00 175.00 Play. -round Director 110.00 120.00 Assistant Playground Director 95.00 115.00 ;athletic OrF_aniZer 150. JO 150.'0 Sup arvisor of :la,rgr:_unds 150. ,)0 175.00 Superintendent of Building Construction, General 3 %. 3:0. 0 Section 2. P.UTJ?:ii TIC INC"r:'?,`S - For each six nonths of service in a position, but subject to any c?:erter limitations, t':e employe in such oositio" shall recei e an increase in salar-, eouivaIgnt to five p-rcent. of tae minimum monthly rate prescribed above; provided however, that such increases shall be allowed only u to and including two zeas of service, but in nocase stall ar i-ra ,crcaz_ be allosi cd n excess of vile resrective r,aximums prescribed _above. Section 3. All ordinances, p��rts of ordinances, o: resolutions inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sect on 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force itinediatel'y upon its passage, @Iproval and publication. YEAS C., _,VCIL_iPN I ,YS Clancy Ferguson i+icDona ld O-1 ?"taon ':Ion°P,� h9 t e COuncil Smith Menzel pproved _ __ 192n 4iig - Pis__ A77IMT: JOHN L FARICY, Clty Clork, J �n •MY� r�xuayn.':�a�sw.wa i n l Ao a. 'I CITY OP ST; PAUL OFFICEOF THE:COMPTROLLIM, irm AA46,2M 7-1e. AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NO...__..0957. FILE AUDITED BOLLLIi , :_._."._..191COM PT ........ /�%� 546 ............. (. (....... -........ TITLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, .payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays - .Adopted by the Con -- SEP.._`i1 19.Z�f._..._._....... 191 .... _• latlQy C. F. No. 30057Abstract. -.au.' ,Lb— ,n th ed that avarran[s be drawn Fe7r�guson open the cityat --rry. payable d on Ap ved EP _ ..{9?Q ,.Do. Id of she hereinafter specified fonds and li4Gf in favor of the persona firms or e pp rations for the amounts set oppoalt Matso11 _._ their resnecti.•e namea as sp.tl..d lh the followl,g detailed statement: !arc oil.mith Burns- Lumber Co., $579.18. MAYOR _ _ppTT Crane & Ordway Co,. $1G5.70. 7Unj¢rtic - Wenzel Adam Decker Hardware Co., $75.26. Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co., $2 ti Greenwood, $13.50. Mr. President, Hodgson Griggs, Cooper & Co., $252.30. Hooker Electrochemteal Company, $110.97. Illinois Steel Warehouse Company, Inter C1tyPaper Co., $97.95. Dr. Dawson Johnston, $2.60. Kaplan Printing Co, $4250. Kee Lox Carbon Co., $22.05. Lamprey Products Co., $10.29. - H. I{, Mulford Co., $3.36, - ilunery Paper Box Co., $32.10. C. Reiss Coal Co.. $640.50. 1t. Paul Gas Light Co., $316.13. St. Paul Hebrew Institute, $175.00. St. Paul welding Co., $112.45. Tierney & Co., $172.09. _ Tri-State Tel. & Telefg. Co., $110,30. • waarf-In.dety C.:; $1,127.50, - Adopted by the Council Sept. 23, 1920. Approved Sept. 3, 1920 2 . 5621 Burns Lumber Co., (Sept. 25-19203 579.18 Joh=sbw—Z`.:s— 125.00 P. Bldg. Rev. 19.10 School 88.00 155.00 Water 181.00 V " 6.70 Galtier School 4.38 579.18 22 Crane & Ordway Co., 165.70 X . Test.lab. 2.50 Garage Galttiier 155.58 00 70 23 Adam Decker Hardware Coo, 75.26 School 52.40 " 19.56 Playgrounds 33 300 24 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co., 214,07 Armory 25 A. Greenwood 13.50 Library 26 Griggs Cooper & Co. Heath 252.30 Workhouse 12.90 73.93 " 110.22 48.25 Water 7.00 ' 252.30 27 Hooker Electrocher� Co., 110.97 aPl l` 5628 Ainois Steel Wareho8, School 29 Inter City Paper Co.., Parks 8.70 School 5.50 n 18.75 n 65 0 7 95 30 Dr. Dawson Johnston Library 31 Kaplan Printing Co., City Planning Bd. ft.50 Pur. Dept. 8.00 C. P. U.Gen.Adm. 11.50 Water 16 50 ?!8 32 Kee Lox Carbon Co., Pur. Dept. 33 Lamprey Products CO*, Libr4ry 34 H. K. Mulford Co., Health 35 Mullery Paper Box CO -Library 36 C. Reiss Coal Co., School 37 St. Paul Gas Light CcATmory 66.65 Garage 72.2456.38 Workhouse Library 51.36 Art Museum 30.00 Playgrounds 41.50 38 St. Paul Hebrew Institute School 39 St. Paul Welding Co., Garage 1.50 P. Bldg. 1.50 Water 52.70 n 14.50 a 17.25 a 16.50 a 2.00 Lighting 6.50 112: 45 40 Tierney & Co., Health 1.50 Workhouse 62.19 N 20.00 Water 8 0 172.09 4.13 97.95 2.60 - 42.50- 22.05 10.29 3.36 32.40 640.50 318.13 175.00 112.45 172.09 LM #3 641 Tri—State Tel. & Teleg. Co., 110.30 Fire 97.50 Parke 4.00 n8.80 1U.- 42 Waldorf Bindery Co., Library Total 0 4,282.23 41 1,127.50 For, A A 46, 2 M 7-18 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 6 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM lot C11 Na....3-0958 .............. . ......... 113Y / AUDITED .- , �Y COMPTROLLER ............. 191 UPE�R ............. ............. 541 - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City 'treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the CoSEP23 1920,_.__._.,_.191...._...:. cfft-� C. P. No. 30968SEP — FeFarnsworthrguson Abstract. 23 1920 Resolved th it up. a A of ed - --- 191 t warrants be drawn ---------McDonald of the e City Treasury, payable out ---------Matson in favor hereinafter spec' P.r.tI. I the Pere—, e lull, an, .s f amounts or e- - – – Smith respective r the amo site . ..... (he a sepeffied In MAYOR h f011Gwiu�'d,t-�-jjMd`. test Opp C ent: ,,Prist Johnson $3,825.00. sc. P. Russell j350'00" Paul Crushed Stone Co, $1.000.80. Mr. President, Hodgson standard th-l-o T. Silverson ;i50000 T . sone - $1:085 ii7. $52.00. $371.53. 11 Sept. 23, 1920. 20. 5643 Christ Johnson Macalester Yk. Sewer 44 W. F. Russell School 45 St. Paul Crushed Stone Co., Street C. & R. 46 Katherine T. Silverson Open. Sperry Blvd. 47 Standard Stone Co., Cement Walks 1919 48 Tierney & Co., Fire 49 The White Bear Press Health 50 White Construction Cc Pay. Co., Total $ 8,913.65 3,825.00 350.00 1,000,80 19500,00 1,085.87 728945 52.00 371.53 Petition �(� c. zr. xo. aosss— Council File No.........30.9 l✓ Abstract. Whereas, A written proposal for the PRO making of the Pollowing Improvement, :: ;Grade Holton Ave., from L.ke Cots .1 �Phalen Avenue to Nebraska A• 'ng been presented to the Co,, City f St. Paul therefore, i That the Commisslo- PRELhvit, . , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Graae Holton Avenue from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue ................................................. ...................................................................................... toNebraska Avenue. .............................._...._........ ......_.................... .._............ _......._............._..._..................... ......................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ............a...................... ........................................ ................. ........................ ............................................................ Dated this...... U.rd—.....day of................r` gPAember...................... ................... .., 140 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G........ .......... .. GQ...Hebraska_.A.venue .. ..... ...................... ........... _..._....._....._.._..._....._.._..........._..._.............. _ ....................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._....._...._....................._..............._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e6timated coot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative. to said improvement, ....... .... ..... . ..... .. To btate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. `05 -'To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. SER ..r23 192.0...............191........ Yeas: Nays: Cou Goss Approved .._......... 23..9.2 ...:........_.191._..... Hyland / (� Killer U McColl Wunderlich .. . .... .................................... ............................................. . Mayor Irvin �9 Por. C A 18 (5M 4.17) _-.i C. F. No. 30900— c�Qt�60 Abstract. Council File No ................ Whereas, A written proposal for the,. making the following Improveme,: Iz:ng o;ENT PRCondemning and taking do eases, in the land necessary for slor. cutsand fills In grading Hol;,, *om Tyke Como and Phalen venue, h PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _:.G.on.d.emning...and.-A-a�kix ....an...eas-ement....in...the._.land..xae.c.e.s.sar�t...for......_._....... sloes, for cuts and fills in grading Holton Avenue from ....... ..... Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. ........... .................... ..................._............................... _................................................................................................_........_..._................_.......-.........................._._....._.. Dated thi...... 23rd........day of ...... .... ....... .SeptelIlbeT.,........................................ . A0 1� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __...Condemning...and._.taking...an._easement in -.the -..land, necessary .for._ ......... e10.pe8.4 in._grgaing Hol..ton.. hge..nue.. £rom_Zake.._Como and_.Phal en.. Avenue... tq.. Nebraska_ Avenue. _....... _.......... _............................. _............._................................... .......... _...... _....................... _......... _..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........_..........__.................._.._.....__....._........._..._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invenigate the nature, extent and e6timated co6t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. rdata and•informatiemrelgtiVe fo set unprove en7.......... .......... ...... ......_.......__....... . ...... ........................................................................._......................................... ............................ .. T�.6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. G�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council............. . SEP_23 _......_.191........ Yeas: Nays: oun Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form CA 19 (6Id 417) Approved.... .191........ Mayor. C. F. No. 30961— Ab8 tract. Whereas. A written proposal for the viz: making of the following Improvement, .Curb both siof from amifne Ave. toSouth Pascal Ave., ' -- Dreaent"I to the Council ,. �therefore, be it.,PROPOSAL.. u1 P and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 0961 Council File No.......... The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb.._both__sides of Palace Street from Hem1. line Avenue Oel48nue......................................................................... ............._...R....rSQlltib.. Pl3 S.................................t............................................................. ........................................ .................. .............................................................................................................................................................. .... 2Se tember C Datedthis. 2nd .........................day oE..................�.....................r..............................................., 1 ........................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both aides of Palace Street from Hemline Avenue ......................................... . to South Pascal Avenue. ............................................................. ____.... .._.._.............._....................._............._............................-_......................................._.................................. ............ .............. --..... ..... -............ ..... .................... ........_............-,..... ...... ._............ ........_..._......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._ ............._.......-....-...-.--.-.-.- - ---- — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredied: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cast thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4 To f h tti -E LI win other data and information relative to said improvement;........ —'- - . �� ,w .A... w �x„x r.., ....... .................................................................................................................................................................... .... To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........... SEP...M.AiIl...................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilor_ an Funswo _ Goss Approved .............5.. .............. 191 Hyland Keller / /(� McColl Wunderlich................................................................_................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 13 (nal "r) COUNCIL FILE NO........._......._. By FINAL ORDER, In the Matter of....re.C.0i1S.t::uc:�.i:�,._i:e.lay.intlE- sidertall-s_a.t tlie_folloninE__locat ions ast side of Street beuinninE at Rose ;Street, tileince north to alley, ..._.... .. ...... ............................................................. est ide---of__rcade_..Street beginning at Rose Street -,.thence south_toalley, - - East. --site of noa...Areet beginning at University :.venue, tiience south 82 ft. ------- . ------ ---- -- -- ---- ......._................................................................... C. F. No. 30962—By F. W. Niatson.............................................................. Ila the Matter of reconstructing. relny- n I�II�Y and repairing the cement ti le 7 O under Preliminary Order...._.... 2514::.-J.e�, Id' es at t Arcad 9ta beg n of s 28.,...19.20.._--------------------....---.... ve St., thence north to alley. side oY Arcade .�,., be gine"' Intermediary Order ................................ - St..thenceno-..__....................--- --- ------- ..._...... - A public hearing having been had upon the aboFc improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....l:.eB_Q'_lstrllGt.,...?.2.lay..a at...t: CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT (FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �r In the matter of—:reconstructing, relaying and repairing of the cenent tile sidewalks at the following locations: East side of rircade Street beginning at Rose Street, thence north to alley. West side of iircade Street beginning at Mose Street, thence south to alley. East side of Roy Stroet beginning at University Avenue, thence south 82 ft. June 28, 1920. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g The estimated cost pera of of for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 1 Eastville —eights. 1 18 Oalnrille Park. The 'vilest 45 feet of East 320 feet of Uorth 181 5/10 feet of i;. E. ' of S. E. of Sec. 33. T. 29. R. 23. (Except Streets) ASSESSED VALUATION 600 250 4275 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / 19r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor1ECE1vEo Report to Commissioner of Finance c•, 1 U L 2 1920 July 2, 19 220 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No......_......_....._..29814......_...npproved........._.an ........... e ._...... ... 28 ....,... ............. ..................IAO ........., relative to..... ............... the reconstruction, relaying and repairing of the cement tile side- Wal>�a..._.e_t.... thp...._following....locations...._..............._........ .. East side of Arcade St. beginning at Rose St thence north to a ii West side of Arcade St., beginning at Rose St. thence south to alley; East side of -Roy. St: beginning at. Univere.ity....Lve_..., .thenoe....aauth....82ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ................. ....necessary and (or) desirable. 9V per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._.._ ............................ and the total cost thereof is $...._........................ ......... an the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................._....__...._____._............... __..._._....__...__......._....._.._.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ._.... ___ .............. ....._......._._.._...................__.._....__...._.__......__....._.......__............._....... _.. o. Said improvement ie.........._not.'._......_.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... ................_'... I)] JeWorks. COU\CIL FILE \0........._.__.. ........................ .. FINAL ORDER -06— {T di S In the Matter ofLa:::ent....t-J.1e side.vi. al l:;S_.at...i.i e...t..o.:.�;-..1,Qca.t-.i.ohs..;........... ......... On...the-_ outis-.,; ue...uf....'a.st...ai:_ th...�troet' =-'rLlin� ..100...:a.,._.cas.t...9.�..- .... ;abasha Street, thence cast 100 ft. x 10 ft. -f---t.ay-'..A.iso;.zy---=_v.e.nue.-and..6-Qat_ca1---v.enue. i;orth side of Central ._venue, berin,,inr; at - _arritlr-ton .-venue, thence ---..._............. ------ -.------------................... _ .......... ........._........ #es.t s;.de-__o---1'ai ri,n„ton-__;,venue, be ,i -nn_:._ _ 16._ft.-..nortl}.._oi-_ Contra1-...,;;vonue Vnenee north 80 ft under PreliminaryOrder.. _.?.087 4 c. r. No. 30963—By F. w. Matson— 1J.�0 _...._...... .... -........ In the Matter of reconstructing, relay- y... ing and repairing the cement ewthe sidewalks at the following locations: Intermediary Order ...._.................._..---.........---- on the south side of East Sixth e• .-...............-.-.---.--.-_...-_.................. beginning 100 ft. east of wabasha A public hearing having been had upo,»az. east loo ft. x 10 ft. n due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendat.� ^ensr, between p _ _reto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and hind of improvement to be made by the said City is...racnnstruc.t.,._. ela�_.anu...re:na .a--tiae...P-o;i3a 1t tiae_s.zdeJails...at_.ti?e._follorLiz£..1oca.tions :_...._...................... -.... ........... _........__.... on the South side of East Sixth Street, be,minning, 100 ft. east of abaGha Dtreetr-tk-ie?tc� oast--100--ft. x 10._ .t...... ......-......... _..._._.....----}......._........ -. Both sides of Jay Street between St. ::nthony Avenue and "qgtral , venue, Tort -11 sido of, cent"raI 7:voriuei lririisib at "Parris toZ :_veil e thence ,a.est--- 70..fe.et...... -......_._.....-................. ..................... -... - .......................--------------.......----------------------------------------- -.;est side of Farrinr-ton ivenue, beginning; 46 ft. north of Central ,ve-nue-,...th,enee...north 8Q f t---------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------ - -----------.--------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comm sinner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the CnuII- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-__ EP I92� -. _..__...._..., 191....---- n /_ j, ;............_ ...:::..._ City'Clerk..... /I .. Approved ..._........ SE -P 2.4. / Mayor. C ancy ounce man Councilman QL%w3t uncilman VAdlzwc r e , us on cllonald ;,;atson L/ ouncilmanAUCO= Saith Councilman )XUffd-efiie41 Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTWE-N�g* FINANCE c i�� '31ONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of relaying and repairing �.tl.!.I..e��..C..'elTl,e.i"i"t tile si-d.e.,,,; a.1.k.s-." in the following locations: On the, south , -s, ide-.,of..E..a,,,;.,t, Sixth. Stre,�,A,,, ............. beginning, 100 f Get east of abasl-ia Street, thence east 100 feet by 10 feet. . ............ Both_sides of jay.Areet . Dptvieen St. Anthony Av.c.nue and Central �,venue. .............................. ...11orth. side., of... Central4�vpnTi.e..,x,....b.epi..niling at Farrington Avenue, thence west' 70 f'aot . . ..... *je St. sideof, a rrinFtin !.venue., beginnin 46 feet. north .......... .................... of ..Ctntral. :wonue t.heAce. north.. 50.feet... .. ... .... .. .. ... under Preliminary Order approved July 21_1920. ............................. .............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ • The estimated cost per4foot for the above improvement is .. . ... .. ... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 6 9 St. Paul Proper. 71500 5 a do 37200 S. 31 -�. foot of 11— 12 10 Elfelt Bernheimer and 2050 IT- 31 feet of S. 61 f: et Of 'Irnolds Addition. 11 12 10 do 1225 Yi. 31 ft. of id. 62-,, feet of 11— 12 10 do 2025 W. 31 feet of 11— 12 10 do 1375 10 10 do 1500 Form B. B. 10 TOTAL, DJUCI* OF ST. PAUL MMST OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (10 2 ( ( 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 E. 26 04/100 ft. of S. 64 ft. of 7 8 17. 24 ft. of S. 64 feet. of 7 8 Dewey Drake and Pences Add. 1700 do do 1550 do 2550 do 2850 Llfelt Bernheimer & Arnolds f?dd. 2425 do B. 20 ft. of S. 64 feet of ) 8 8 ) do E. 26 04/100 ft. of S. 64 ft. of 7 8 do 11. 60 25/100 ft. of 7 8 do 775 2425 775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date 2 Comrnissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksliECEIVE'n Report to Commissioner of Finance J U1 IL 7,3 f _J u ly.....7-,.....19 20 11 .......... 1b the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coin - oil, known as Council File No._.......29$.74......approved...._ JUly.................191.......... relative to..._.._the....... reconstruction, relaying and repairing of the cement tile sidewalks in the following locations: on th_e gouth side n3 East.Sixth Street- beginning 1.00 ftr east of . Wabasha Street, thence east 100 ft. x 10 ft. S_of.h..s..ides..._of....Jay ..... t..r.e.e.t.....b.a.tW,e..e......S.t..A....._A.nt.k�.oxay..._A_t!.e..nue..._and...._Cent_ral........_... Avenue. North side of Central Avenue, beginning at Farrington Avenue, thence ................................................................................................. _....._................................................................ Wes aide of rF ng on Avenue, beginning 48 ft. north of 6entral Avagiff%tin �_I _t�Igante t r a tetta� dnd things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._........_..........necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is.........,_er e.q•and tiro total cost thereof is y..........._......_..: p anal the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _... __._.___ _ _.___.__.._.........._....__.._....._......_.._..................................... .... .' 3. 9:A#aoxw:oii4ewxxvdxs€rax:2mxsemmna¢rx�tst>mea¢sxutau�udcrgxiwwxhexu4tuia:dnew:ait 4. ._ ....................... _..._..........................._...._..................................................._...._._.._......_._...._....._....._..._......_...__._._.._..........._.....,__........_........................._._..._ _.. 5. Said improvement is_.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................. ........_ / Commi3Ener of Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO......._.. __...._..... It FINAL ORDER 40964 In the Matter of...!.! ;Ast.Vuc:Un ...a_..s.ix..f.o.ot...c.e uent...tile...sidartallc..ora---b-athl_sldes of l-.lbion -venue from Pleasant i:venue to drian Street, except ,h ere ............... -' ....... '............_...............'-'-""- - . ..._......._--------...................................... - -- ._....' ' end._and.suPf i.cient.s.9 I ......................----......------------------------- --. C. F. No. 30904—By F. w. Eiateon— --"-""""' six Infoot cement til. leIs itssidewalkaboth y on ................. . . .. ................ . .. _aides of Albion Ave. from Pleasant -. fo Adrlan st.. x ce pt where e ' and sufficient aldewalka noT ...................... ..........._..................-..................oder Preliminary Order 300' ed SutY 14. 1920. .............................. .- aring h•�- � been ._......_._._.._ ..................... ........................ _...._............ •-...:............ i....................._......_.._........._............._........................ under Preliminary Order ......... 30024 .................. .....approved ._Jud Y.- `� J -92.0._..........._...................... Intermediary Order ....... ......__........... _.__.._._.. _approved .-._____ __.----- .------------------- ------._ ............--...- A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..construct ...a. -.six. .foot ....cement..- tile ..s.id.er_alk CLn---both side.s..of...::.ihi on..;.venuc .from P.laasant. -venue to .�'_d.r.ia_n. Stre.e.t, exc-e.nt :v. Pere...f:,o.od..and...aufficient . side.a.alls . now . exist ,_...... ___...... ........... .... .__. ..... ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._ ..SEP 23 X920 191....._. SEP 23 1920 Approved. ._................__.--._........ ..... . 191... Councilman1,,=Gwmth vlane' Councilman C3otsar; _'or -lis Councilman 11)490 cJona Councilman AR&?:: :atson Councilman kj�1 gni. th "en -e] Councilman �iii�Xu'GYCf Mayor Rldax Hoclms0n ............ ............. City Clerk. �/ Ma or. a1"a0 on lco Form 13. S. A. 8-1. ............ ............. City Clerk. �/ Ma or. a1"a0 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPAR ` .NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMSSIONER OF FINANCEs+l ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) constructing a six foot ceriiont the sidevialk on both sides of In the Matter of _ __ ............ 1.lbion _.venue from Ploasant ,venuo to :_drian Street. ........... ....... ._ _....._ _ _.... July 14, 1920. ......... _..................... under' Preliminary Order approved _ .. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost pertfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $...__/ _4_ .............._............. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 23 lest _snd. 200 - 16 23 do 175 17 23 do 175 18 23 do 175 1 29 do 175 14 29 do 750 1 33 do 325 14 33 do 1450 1 22 do 175 2 22 do 150 Form B, B. 10 TOTAL, P5XR'OF BT, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CK*IMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 22 ',lest and. 4 22 do 5 22 do 6 22 do 7 22 do 30 22 do 5 30 do 6 30 do ASSESSED VALUATION 150 150 150 150 150 "'325 250 150 S;- L5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __ _- _ � � -lgl (Appi� Commissioner of Finance. Form B, B. 12 it, ; '--* Im O Office of the Commissioner of Public Works j, LL 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance „o b.. July 16, i�jo:l 1?`D ✓ ............. ............................. ......._.._......791...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 30024 July 14, 20 eil, known as Council File No.........._._.........._........_approved_....__..._......._.................._._......................_...191........., relative to ............ the construction of a sig foot cement tile sidewalk on both ....sides ..._................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..of...Albion ._A .e...._..from..P.le.%s.aAt.....A4e......_to..._Adrian._5t.._................. ......_.......... ._................_.._._...._...... _...__... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...............:........necessary and (or) desirable. p1.08 per front foot 2. Tine estimated cost thereof is $.- - -- . and the total cost thereof is $_...._................. .......... ..........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ............................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. N Coisaioner of lie Works. 1' C,PY St. Paul, ?.-inn., March 2, 1920 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Iainr,. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned rroperty owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be Trade: The opening and grading and the installing of sidewalks on Albion Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Adrian Street. VT am Lot Block Addition Raymond P. Pavlecka 13 19 l'e'ast End Addition 14 19 15 19 " 16 19 " " 17 19 " " 18 19 Ph' C. Hausler 1 33 " 2 33 " 3 33 All of Block 32, lVest End Adlition Department of Education J, By Albert 1'?underlich, rl F Commissioner r . i 4 JUL 1510 t B�g�U OF ENG MA COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ ` By .•- rti 1'd... X, FINAL ORDER 3096 In the Matter of...QJa142 ^,.ix. . t.he...gx°sae. of_ P,1ley...in...H1oc1 ..14.,... 1�mit...Yaz:k....... t.¢...C.Qxl 9xm._t.4...t.ixs---red...li e...an...L La...nrttfila...here-L.o_.attachsd....---- and made a part hereof, the present establi shed F^rade- beim._-s.noi, n -__by ................... ........... ............. .................. .. a.. blue ..lin e-..tliereon;.._als.o, i?actin a?d._payi.ng..,sa.i-d...a,Jlsy--:i.o...the .... aid..--- red,.-line..-linen.. estaulished,-..- -- 30966—BY F. W. -9 t eon— ............................................. ..... ............ ............ In the Matter of changtng the grade oY a11eY to Block 14, Summit Parn. k ........................................................ Addition• to conform to thee red and 2g on the pr,fk hereto had under Preliminary Order ._ ...................-2.l I made a aereo ant ^ ,.,.-19.2.0.. .......... ...................... ... Intermediary Order ............ --- ----..................approved.......................................-................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the 'same; r' therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the preclae na urs, eaten e ma change. ...grada...of...allay -..in...B1aaL _L. L .--Luraui.t..-Park ddiLLon,...tn...o.onf .ann...t.o... the_. Pod li-Ile an__t.ii_e....or of i-Le...hare t.o...a t tach ed._._.. .and --- made ....a..-part.---aer.aof.,.... tkie---x'-rs.sent....s.stabl.i.s ked_grade.-.be.in_g..Eb_o:7n---b_r.-•- a blue line thereon; also, gr ming and paving said alley to the said ret e -,hen established„ �(c v l r i?�a s .... T . ..?,✓ F Y J �. fir' ..Com.:.:...... and that euncil herebkordera said im rovement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That t e Commi ner of "p��Q�le We a be d is he by ins ted arlith -ted to prepare plana and specification for Bald provemfl: andMit e to tTy Connell r appat upon said approval, the p1'oper ty offici are hereljy anthQrized ar fl directed to prwee with ting of said improvement in accordance th y. ith,,�:- 4 Adopted by the Council. ................................:........................................... i City Clerk. Approved ........... .......................: i..:.. - 1311!: :.. Mayor. Ca ' _ an- �Iamcy Councilman C01fsx Ferguson CouncilmanHAMA cDonald Councilman AkJb a (It s on All Councilmanll Snlith CouneilmanAkmH mlbeh .;enzel Mayor Irsiny,�; ;iod,:;son / Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OFST.r*VL DEPARTMEN-i'bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER changing the grade of alley in Block 14, Su=it Park Addition. Inthe Matter of ................. .. .. ... ... ....... . .................. t o. c onf. orm t o.- tiie, red.. iine......on. the Drofile.. 4 part nereof, the pr sent in siaown....by abjvjp_ line thereon; also, .grading payin said alley,to the said red .......... when. astablis lied. .................. .................. .................... . ..... ............... . ......... ............. . 1,11ay 12, 1920. under Preliminary Order approved ........... ...................... 'To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total Kind of per Total Cost per Paving Sq.1d. Estimate front foot 32" creosoted block 06.49 68,610.28 07.17 Brick, on edge 5.47 7,257.05 6.04 Brick, laid flat 5.06 6,713.10 5.59 .Asphalt 4.,09 5,426.20 4.52 Asphalt-concrete 4.09 5,426.20 4.52 Concrete 3.43 4,550.58 3.79 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 14 Sul,.i it Park Addition to 10650 2 14 St. Paul in admsey County 7603 3 14 Lin os ota. 7450 4 14 do 3500 5 14 do 4900 6 111 do 6700 7 14 do 1900 S 14 do 6650 9 14 do 7875 _(Exc,;ot 30 fel-et)- 10 14 do .Form E. B. 10 o TOTAL, / %.0%3-0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date— (�� Commissioner of Finance. r�,.m a. ❑. Iz CI((T PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ;lest 30 feet of 10 14 Sulmit Park C.ddition to St. 1425 11 14Paul in tamsey County minnesota.6300 12. 14 do 6100 13 id do 1900 14 14 do 7300 15 14 do 12100 16 14 do 4600 17 14 do 5900 18 14 do 4800 19 14 do 7250 lyest '_ of 20 14 do hast of 20 14 do 7150 c 21 14 do 22 14 do 5100 23 14 do 6400 24 14 do 5950 25 14 do 6400 26 14 do 5150 27 14 do 4250 28 14 do 15450 / %.0%3-0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date— (�� Commissioner of Finance. r�,.m a. ❑. Iz CIT PAUL DEPARZEN OF FINANCE REPORT OFn COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESA RIPTION ',lest 30 feet of 119est -'_- of Eas t of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 14 SWulit Park Addition to St. 1425 11 14Paul in i;amsey County Idinnesota.6300 12 14 do 6100 13 -16 do 1900 14 14 do 7300 15 14 do 12100 16 14 do 4600 17 14 do 5900 18 14 do 4800 19 14 do 7250 20 14 do - 20 14 do 7150 21 14 do 2'1? 14 do 5100 23 14 do 6400 24 14 do 5950 25 14 do 6400 26 14 do 5150 27 14 do 4250 28 14 do 15450 / 7.075 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i��i Date _ ___ ---..___—l9 (� Commissioner of finance. F.— B. B. 12 St. Pe.ul, r:inn.. .....................191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:' . ........//.//...... lez�f ��d......... St. Ave. from ..V u ........St. Ave. to ................ ......................St. Ave. . ✓.. ...... ... .!. ........................ �..... ......................... ........... ................ .......x.... .................... ................... ... ..... ...... .......... ................... ....... MAY 1,31920...... ............................1................................... b Office .of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance` ` July 15, 1920. .__... ...... ... ........_........,............,_ .1...1.....191 _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Qil, known as Council File No. _2.9217.. ..... .._approved. ....... May ....12..• ....................._._.........1 Ao......, relative to.............._...__..... gradng._and having _alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................necessary and (or) desirable. 7�............_.., and the total cost thereof is '........ L. The estimated coat thereof is $............. $ __......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: - __ _... ..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. 5. Said improvement is.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to asse�Lsment for said improvement. / .aJ ..-- ................. ....._ _...._.. _ Commissioner of Pu i Works. July? 9, 1920. 14r. i,. C. Wenzel, Uommissioner of Public Works, Building. I)ear r,ir: - 1 transmit i"lprewi ut1 prcl:.mina7'y esti;:ia"'.e of the cost of paving and grading alley in Block 14, Sww,lit Park_ Addition, in accordance with Council File No. 29217, approved !,,lay 12, 1920. Total Sind of per Total Cost ner Paving Sq.Yd. 3stimate front foot 32" creosoted block i6.49 ".38,610.28 07.17 Brick, on edge 5.47 7,257.05 6.04 Brick, laid flat 5.06 6,713.10 5.59 L,sphalt 4.09 5,426.20 4.52 l:sphalt concrete 4.09 5,426.20 4.52 Concrete 3.43 4,550.58 3.79 . idth of road,,iay 20 ft. Frontage 1,200.6 ft. Paving area 1,327 sq.yds. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer. St. Paul, iiinnesota . Septemi,er 16, 1920. To the :Door+cl t ity Council of the City otJt. r:' owners in clock lu 3u;u«itt re= '.ddition, nere,v _rater rrot=st and ocjectio:s to the ravine of the ^llel✓ ru:uiin6 tnru said bloc4 14, from d.von to Victoria. Street Tor the following reasons. 1. rha.t the present c�ndition of said alley does not warrant the present expenditure Tor tnq pav�mert. 2. For th= reason thfit present prices for paving ase eAorbita.nt a,nd this alley should not oA pa.ved until such time as the cost of material and lo,bor will mgte•rially reduce the present approximate estimate. O -W -h -E -R. R -E -S- I -D -E -I? -C -E . &L D �✓ cz Astrt�13 o2r rz,sr /i i1� I WAVAM KIM St. Paul, Minnesota. September 16, 1920. To the Honorable City Council of the City of•St. Paul. ,he undersigned property owners in clock 14, Summitt Park Addition, hereby enter protest abd objections to the paving of the alley running thru said Block 14, from Avon to victoria Street for the following reasons. 1. That the present condition of said alley does not warrant the present exrsriniture for the pavement. 2. For the reason that present prices for paving tre exhorbita,nt and t:his alley shduld.-mot o,-p-l#q? urtill s;ich true 9.5 the cost of material and labor will maNrially reduce the present approximate estimate. —R -2-S- I -D -E -JJ -r-7, . 04- St.: ell] '-.M.,r. Gen 11.27 ,t ' 9 ^o T rioncr_ '_e 11 i bmrc 0f '., c City Co-,ar,cil City. DW4 0"vire +hr+ -c:inre tr to ?,e , consideration of n proposal to psve t''? 116y rounlal ,.y Avo :,Fnirmoun+. VIP Loris sial Osceo'_s. Ave;;:,es =+ _ ^v'ci;:, of your 1 c-cra?,le ?loiy ^hurn'n ,^oplt.11rt.T nm iz.;,eroeto9 i:. 50;10 pmp,rt.' in !vV hlor,k,9n3 � i- h to ente3r objection.« to said ;roving of thio tine for t:ie reg- that present c�::d + +h f - i•.imu ir. n labcT :z.,' -n torisl statue are so sbnomnl rr9 u_:etenl.e thnt I would s-ek that t' -e Improvement be do'_eyel,untill ruch tine ee conditions will warrent judi.ricu- nroce�dure. Re-rectfully yours _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED..@Y COMMIS 10, ER •- DATE RESOLVED COUNCIL 30966 ,". NO...._..._...__ --------..._...— In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neceshery for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alTYe�y in Block 14; Summit Park Addition, from Victoria Street to Avon Street, under Preliminary Order #29218, approved May 12, 1920, and Intermediary Order f30484, approved August 13, 1920. The Commissioner of Public ''dorks having submitted his report an ske c�h n the above ma t be i (r�1 •,,r; _ Resolved,,T; determines the amount of land to �. _ keri for the above named improvement as ani e t for.�slo�, for cuts and fills i4-and� on e apd� GU upon the alley .ir� Bl0 14, S dgi on, between th point fores d, t t gte sh t ) d upon the­sket attached�]. to tie e�° t t Zrrred"to issiof Publ�eiW s j yne tAr 1920. whreh eta r oyrehere and a part ere -� 1, til No. 30966—By I;, C. Wenzel— i In the matter of condemning nd tak- Ing n easement in the ]and neces. enry[or elopes, for cut. and fills in grading the alley In Block 14, Sum mit Park AddlHon, Brom Victorin St. to Avon SI under Prellminary Or - dor No. x9218, appUt roved May 12, 1920, and Intermedlnry Order No, 30984, Ther Commleat htor 3. t9Public Works \V(\I 'sketch loathe above matter, tie It and Ing to the abova belannulled andtdls continued Adopted Sept.23, 192l Sept, 23, 1920. Approved Sth 23, 1920. (Sept. 26-1920) Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council— -.......... Ferguson McDonald __._.In favor APprov Matson �) Smith V ..__...._.....Against --._....... — --- Wenzel Mr. President "►oar ar a-ao (8itg of ot. tyaul OSCAR CLAU936 N:.CNi.r �Ni��EEw department of rublir orlr.a , '�� ��➢ HERMAN C WENZE L. J. E. CARROLL. 5111. `6w ® COMMISSIONER ne V e............. Ann nen Aiw. DEPUTY AL N. S—T. IRVINO C. PEARCE. N „EAROLD.o..K=E.....w - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the Land necessary for slopes, for cuts andfills in grading the alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition, from Victoria Street to Avon Street, under Preliminary Order 3u484, approved May 12, 1920, and Intermediary Order 30484, approved August 13, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. caul: The Commissioner of Public eiorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above im- provement showing by the shaded partion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be tEken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. pJY.�fLZP� Commissioner o Public iorks. Dated September 23, 1920. r, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of FinanceII1/.%..'.��- July 15 UL . ig20 + __....._.....__..._...................__....__.._..... ...._.........791...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 29218 May 12, 20 ail, known as Council File No.. ...... I ........... ._.._...._._.approved......__..............._.....__....._........................_....191......... , relative to .................... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Victoria St. to Avon St. ........ _ . .. __.... ......... r._.......... .1-1- ........... .. ............... ........ ._........... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ............necessary and (or) desirable. 2The estimated cost thereof is $........._.._.._..... ...... _., and the toad cost thereof is $_ ..................___................., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .__... _.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .......... . ..__.... .......... ....... ... _.. _... ..._._.... _ ....._........... .... .......... ..... ._._..._-_ ... a. Said improvement is......._...........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................._.__.........._....,.._............................................_.....__._... Commissioner o ublic Works. CITY UL11 ' DEPARTMEN FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE!�d ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes In the Matter of _....___.... . for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 14, Summit Park 1lddition, from Victoria Street to i:von Street. under Preliminary Order approved ....... .. ......... .... -....... _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $___.i. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $___ __ ____..__........._...__...._.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 14 Swm it lark Pdditi.on to St. 10650 2 14 Paul in aamsey County ].;inn-esota. 7600 3 14 do 7E650 4 la do 3500 5 14 do 4900 6 14 do 6700 7 14 do 1900 a 8 14 do 6650 9 14 do 7875 (mac. IIest 30 feet.) 10 14 do Form E. B. 10 TOTAL. / 7 a750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L �l/ Dated.%tc 5 191�� i Com of Finance. F.— o. n. is 9T. PAUL DEi OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO . SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERi�"J (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION hest 30 feet of 10 14 Sunr-it Parr :"addition to 1425 11 145t. Paul in %amsey county 6300 12 14 I.7innesota. do 6100 13 14 do 1900 14 14 do 7300 15 14 do 12100 16 14 do 4600 17 14 do 5900 18 14 do 4800 19 14 do � - 7250 C1 est ti= of 20 14 do Ea:A of 20 14 do 7150 21 14 do 2 14 do 5100 23 14 do 6400 24 14 do 5950 25 14 do 6400 26 14 do 5150 27 14 do 4250 28 14 do 15450 / 7 a750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L �l/ Dated.%tc 5 191�� i Com of Finance. F.— o. n. is I COUNCIL FILE NO... ................ By FINAL ORDER 30967 In the Matter of frQM ly tarminus.-of the --- e-1,Ls.t.ing s_e.v.ar...lQa f of Banciaoft Str-e-et . ......... thenae eas_t.erly.to a-P.Q.—int ... QX - - 1,11le Qf LPt ), .......... RpArrqngqment of Block 13, Brown & Jackson's Addition ..................... ...................... ... .......... .......... - .................................................... ................................... ..... ......................... - _­ i I ­ ......... ..... ........................ C. F. No. 30967—BY F -On 'r ej MlMat In the matter 0 constructing Ing a eewer . ................................................................... --------------- .. lo Congress St. from the easterly t"rol.o. of the existing ­­ 100, feet easterly or Bancroft ft St t _20� under Preliminary Order 2.945.3 ----------------- thence easterly to , P, 7.' - ---------------------------------- ✓�,o . —t Me of Lot 3, _�­­gom­t of Bl,� . . . . . . .......... ........ lipf Add I . ........................................................... Intermediary Order .......... ............. 29456 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is cons.truct a-.8-emer-ou thQ pa terly terminus of thQ.. Q�.;ist.jng Pf 9�g. B n roft Str.e.e.t.,.-AdienCe_ eaS terlY... -tO...a'_P.Qint....l0 .f Q.et- avat Uxw of .......... of B.1001< 13ti ditlon, ....... ... ........... .............. _ . ... ... ............ . .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... . __ SEIP'...,39 1920___..._.....,°191........ T) 1920. Approved ........... HP . - ..... .... .. Councilman Rmmx=Ax Glancy Councilman '443n4X Ferguson Councilman 21yNA& h1cDonald Councilman K4k7PX Lia t s on Councilman mxaax P3,111 il t L-1 Councilman 3&unaotH= Mayor IK&1WX Hodgs on Form B. S. A. 8-7. ........... ...... ...... ....................................... City Clerk. 191 ----- --- --- - .... ..... I ............ --- — ------ ................................... Mayor. 1 1 7L' CITY OP UL a DEPARTM FINANCE REPORT OF COMM, ONER OF FINANCE : (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER constructing a sewer on Congress Street from the easterly terminus Inthe Matter of.........t...-__.....__.___............ ........... ......___...................... ............. _._...........__........ ........ ......._........_...__......__..._..................... ................................ ...................... ........... _ of the existing saner 100 feet easterly of Bancroft Street, thence easterly _ ........... .... _ ._.......... ._. _..._....... .._.._._... ....._._ __...... _......_. to a point 10 feet east of the nest line of Lot. 3, Paulson's Rearrangement _..... ......._ _ _........._. ...___.. of Block 13, Brown & Jackson's Addition. .-_............. - .. _.. ................. _......... ................ .................... .... ....... .......... _ _.._....._.. ........... ..... ............_. - ..__.......... ........ June under Preliminary Order approved ............. 4, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $..._.7r p4 The estimated cost pe 'riot foi the above improvement is - - - - - - - $..._ _ _. 3- ? ................. . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That nart of Lots 1-2-3- 4 12 Brown and Jacksons',iddition 1175 lying south westerly of the Chicago Great Western Ry. Rt. of to 'gest St. Paul. lay. (`_;x. Ilorth '.!esterly 100 feet of Lot. 4.) 3 Irlartins rearrangement of Part 1525 of Lots 1-2-3-4 Block 12 of (4 Brown and Jacksons Addition to 1150 ( ;est St. Paul ,iirmesota. '-lest 5 feet of (5 do („xcent .lost 5 f,et) 5 do 1050 G do 925 1 Paulsons :tearrangement of the iortii of Lots 1-2 of Block 13,1275 of Brown L Jacksons `.ddition to lc t S :int pata}.L, CI T. PAUL DEPA T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 Paulsons :rearrangement of tine 1200 1dortii ' of Lots 1&2 of Blocic 13 of 3 Brovin and Jacksons ;addition to 1625 lest Saint Paul. 99�s The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. s��`�9.� Dated _ ---_ ._ �—�--l�JY_`- Coln-inissioner of Finance. - F— B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo &,,, .. , FARNq P Q, 12,, L On CV Report to Commissioner of Finance o 3 y �Uiy tg •192Q ._June 12 t . .......... ............ ......................_19... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 29456 June 4, 20 cil, known as Council File No . .................................... approved........ ..................................... ................. ............ 191.......... relative to .................... the oonstraotion of a sewer on Congress Street from the . ..... ........ _......._....................... _......................... ................ ........_.._............ .... ........................... .................................... ............................ _........................... ........ _.._.......................................... easterly .terminus of the existing sewer 100 ft. easterly of Banoroft Street thenoe easterly to a point 10 ft. east ................................................................._..............._....................._..................................I................................. ................ ........................_.._.............. of the west line of Lot S, Paulson's Rearrangement of ................B1ook ...13.,....Blown...8a....Jaekaon.'...s-...Addit.ion............................ _................. .............. _........ ...................................... ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said' rnp ovement is .............._ ....... .necessary and (or) desirable. $2.87 per front foot 2. The efitimated cost thereof is $__ ................................. and the total cost thereof is $........... and Assessable frontage 250 ft. Excess inspection $35.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................................................................................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. f o: Said improvement is ...................................asked For upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commioner of Publi orks. OSCAR CLAU3S[N•CHI[1 CKOIy[[ J. C. CAPROLL r9u YIHa[[. ALPRED JACHSON, gy Pr crloH wHo n.Pwlna H. GOEIZINGEP... PrICH GRYTDAK •[ cIIitg ui�f�i. �mtl Department of Publir Works M.N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY June 11, 1920 Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of constructing a sewer on Congress St. from the easterly terminus of the existing sewer 100 ft. easterly of Bancroft St., thence easterly to a point 10 ft. east of the west line of Lot 3, Paulson's Rearrangement of Block 13, Brown & Jack- son's Addition, in accordance with C. F. No. 29456, approved June 4, 1920. Approximate estimate Cost per front foot Excess inspection necessary Assessable frontage j ec-b 716.00 2.87 35.00 250 ft. Very truly yours, Cheif Engineer 4 i _ r r t M., ll /rx..h f f II n n-r! c i , v f . f: Off re of (Pty (1 tern AS JOHN I. FA RICY J. J. MINER Cr. «-a.. 041 of #aiut Vain .s=r C.. «Ew. September 23rd, 1920. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Comer. of Public Works. Dear Sir: Re. Sewer on Congress Street from the easterly terminus of the existing sewer 100 ft. E. of Bancroft St. thence E. to a point 10 feet east of the west line of Lot 3, Paulson's Re. of Block 13, Brown & Jackson's Addition. Final Order No. 30967, covering the above improve- ment was laid over by the Council this date, to Thursday, Sept. 30th, in order that they might view the same, and all papers were referred to you. Please find said Final Order enclosed herewith. 9 Yours truly, l To the�HQncra':)Ie, T -.-ie Council, Ci --y cf � -. 1'a -U1, ::inn. &antler._�-n* Yle, -,-he un.'ersi7ned -..2o7:erty o',mers, hereby petition oar Honorable Body to ca se th-- foil o'.�ii-np, improve;ment � to as made . ........... .................... . ............ I ................ S-6. live. --T "V T An'T' "0 ....................... Y .. ........... Y ............... .......... ................ ............ Y . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y....... ..... T ..... . ....................... ............. Y 3Qf6 �3U) COUNCf�+ILj FILE(NO............................. B R'il14IL7_'.; `4f Y- i"4f.r_L.::-L'.t i'lf ........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matterof....t raC7iSlf.--u11ey...in..B.1ocL...3..,._2`dama..�=.ddition.,..anr1...3laelt_FI.,. !,aaales.tsr.---Uextlahvey._.=v.enun.-.tn._Pas.cal..Auerwe;....als-o.--•--.... _..bury-.- _vonusfrom-.Earsnall__;;Yenu e__to-_zgl.chart-.-.,;..y,exill�....alatl..P.us.esl..I:venlze frnm..iars �a.ll._x'.,v.e.nue....to...hlehart._FX.e lue.,-...................................................................................... C. F. No. 30963—By F. W. Matson— ...................In the Matter of grading alley in Block -- -... -----""" -��������-�----�-�-��������-�-��-�--�-���-����-�����-��-���-��� 3.. Aflame Addl tion, and Block 4, Ma- ,,M—ter V1eW Addition, from Asbury ................ -.vs. to Pascal Ave., also AsburY...........-......................................... ............................................ ..... vs. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart and Pascal Ave. Prom Marshall _ to Isle` 'e., uP�«�- under Preliminary Order ..........2.J109 .............._.,...,-•pproveu nder � .:.v.,--.120.. ............................. ......... IntermediaryOrder .. ....................._............_....__...............approved . ......_.........--------._.................. ................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;:. therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pgal that the preeiae axt^^* ^^' kjaid ^Q ` P"^ M. _.rade-all .- �,ddit.Lon-,---and__..... loch -_4, .... I;iacalester..Vie..i a'.dditi.on.,-_from_lsbq:;y l.venue--.to._.Pascal_.4,v-exime; als.o...Aahur_y i.xenlze...zxorl.. <iaX,z�la��...AV..e3'a11e. :'.venue � Iglehart Avenue, � ................................................................................... .......'-.......................................................................................... and the Council bereby orders e d Vprowent t e made. RESOLVED FURTHER/pecii at tmisa' of Pu c Wub a and ie reby ingitucte Hm otd to prepare plans and tions � provemen ,and ssame t the CoY'1ell for pp upon said approval, tr ' y of6ci ale hereb authorizd directed to procee with of said improvement idanceSt,lygrg11i)t1�g20 Adopted by the Council _.__.._.__[_.........._ _........................ 191_.._. i City Clerk. rte; Approved ..._._..... SEP__:?', 192...' ..................... 191........ • _ ..... .......... lr e or. Councilman I+'&•XWokh Clancy Councilman kom t erF;uson Councilman II3 it l cllonald.� , i;atson d 41 Councilman KW** gQg] smith �Sst�N Councilman Councilman Wunderliob enzel ` y Mayor Ind x Iiodp-,s on (� Form B. S. A. 8-7. y U�;0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. � .> E�� f :�.'i;,i By . ....... ............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....[ rad7.zl a 11�y.._in..B.1ocL...3.,... ?dam..t clditinn.,..anr1...31aclt_ I.,. lahury...Lues>_ua...tn.--Pas.cal.-Amexulp;....a-9.o.......... yonue,..from_Eai.scall_, enue__to...?ilei-art-_-,`,yeiiuo._mid.— Baa c.ai.Amen up from..iyars.rza ll...E,ve.nue....t. o._T mlehart.--l;,Y..e nue.,................... �C. F. No. 30068—By F. W. Matson— In the Matter of grading alley in Block -- - ........"-"" .................................................................................. 3.. Ad... AddIAddi and Block A1.ti a_ ......... ........... t1ol -<xa eater View ton, rom - s ury "r'�vs. to Pascal Ave., also Asbury .............................................. .......................... ve. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart s. and Pascal Ave. from Marshall �.o Igle'' ' e., under Pref" O(J under Preliminary Order .......... 2.91C.Q._.................:.. _�+ roveu x.,...1.,...0.... ..............................._. IntermediaryOrder .. ................. ............-- ..............approved .-........................................-----------.---------- -.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having felly considered the same;. therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pkat the t ^^a Mand ^f ch"— eity ...fir.ads...allay:.--in..Blnck..3.,.sdascs...jddit ion, ---and _....... 9 lil oc ,Iiaca les ter Vie onfrom ....... _... _-,_-Lbury-. lv e nue_. to-., ag c al _.;; v,uu; live. e from I`arsl al 1 ;venue t Iglehart Avenue, zv� -.` C,-/ .G C.- /� L � i and the Council hereby orders e d iYr=M went t e made. RESOLVED FURTHER, at tmiss' ner of Pu c Works e and�reby ete d diracted to prepare plans and spec' cations rovemen ,and sub It same t the Co eIlfor pproF-- of upon said approval, the roper ' y offichereb authoriz d and directed to proceed with th said improvement i accordanceS"rgjvl1' 920 Adopted by the Council ....._.___..... ............. _........._........., 191........ _ ............... ........... .............. ..................................... _. City Clerk. Approved.......... SEP..3(!.1520'...._._........._ 191 (" ........ Councilman F6Y&AXth Clancy Councilman fim Perl;uson Councilman RV 1•icDoYlald Councilman liWQ V l a t s on Smith Councilman D'iWM .:enzel Councilman 3ftndffdwh 1. Mayor In;Wcx riodFs on Form B. S. A. 8-7. _..._ P l� A/ .1 C1 CITYI044CAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEr��. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) - In the Matter of^-C0nsiem.C?i_n9.._an..3...._tal ng...-An..._eaeement,...i...n...,_the_.land.. Aeoessar.y._,_Por.__©lopes-_.- filr r,uta_ and fill a,_in. grad. ng alley in Block. 3,,. Ad_am_s Additicn, and B.look_4,_ racalester....V_iew Additicn, from _Asoury,,.Avenue to Pascal Averue, also Asbury_ Avenue from Marshal Avenue to Ialei.art Avenue and Pascal - __.. . - ---. .............. Avenue from t1tarshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue. .......... __._ _........_..._......_. __............................. -'- under Preliminary Order approveday 8, 1920. .... _ . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $_ _______.. .......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION East 50 feet of 1 4 74 -oalester View Addition 2600 West 10 feet of 1 4 to the City of paint Paul. 500 4 do 3 4 do 1450 4 4 3o 1250 5 4 do 1600 6 4 do '00 7 4 do 400 8 4 do 400 g 4 do -400. TOTAL, Form B. H. 10 _. _.. LIT.,YJ OF -ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION West 2 of East i of West Z of East i of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 Vaca]ester View Addition to 400 11 4 the City of St. Paul. 400 12 4 do 400 13 4 do 1350 F. 4 do 75 G. 4 do 75 14 4 do 1025 15 4 do 450 16 4 do 250 (17 4 do 625 18 4 do 18 4 do 7875 } 19 4 do 20 4 do 275 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 325 23 4 do 325 24 4 do 2325 25 4 do 325 26 4 do 500 1 3 Adams Addition to the City 375 of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Ninn. 3 do 2350 2 3 do 650 3 3 do 7450 4 3 do 2000 5 3 do 1450 6 3 do 1600 TOTAL tiyyz 5 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�� F— o. B. 12 1J1- Commissioner of Finance. / , CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEF')A'RTKSr#T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 3 Adams Addition to the 250 8 3 City of St. Paul 4amsey Co. 250 9 3 Vinnesota, 400 10 3 do 250 11 3 do 250 12 3 do 400 12 3 do 400 West of 1 3 do 375 16 4 Snelling Park to St. Paul. 400 1 4 MFinnesota.. 475 26 4 Vacalester View Addition to 500 FPCt .; feet of 1 4 -,the City of St. Paul. 2600 7 2 Grieoie and ?rewstere Add. 425 6 2 to the City of St. Paul. 275 tiyyz 5 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�� F— o. B. 12 1J1- Commissioner of Finance. / , CITY OF ST. PAUL `vac"` NO.-' 1241eZ+G1eZ_r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC�RESOLUTION--- GEp1ERAL FORM ^ PRESENTED'SYP $apt.-23 192.. .. ...... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 3, Adams Addition and Block 4, Macalester View Addition, from Asbury Avenue to Pascal Avenue; also Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue and Pascal Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, under Preliminary Order #29161, approved May 8, 1920, Intermediary Order 30486, approved August 13, 1920. .Che Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matt,A be t p Resolved, That- determines the un-e of land to be takeny above named improve: t wn easement for pea, for cuts and fills in an "t e land ah po the a y in Block 3�151"Fsb tion oak Ma ale er iew Additi venue Pasc avenue, }e n the d, to exten own u n . e etch at a report o the Co fission i�Pub o ks i t matter dated September 23, 1920, which a ch port are hereby referred to and made a part ereo . o �G Block 3 f ))) R.. 4M 11 I' v u A b Y-A 0 „_I A . to Iglehart A A frfr Ms,shnll n or Prelfmlfr' a Vo medlarY Oder 3048E T gust 13, 1920 1 sl ser o[ Publln I it his o rt and1"'�y aIle[,Zr- t Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council __I_ .._S_0 .920_._.._ _ 19— Ferguson McDonald .......In favor Approve,.P__ Matson t1 Smith_...Against --' — '-- — MAVOR Wenzel Mr. President Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 9= =3 July 2, 1920. _. _. _........191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan] : The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Ma 8 20 ail, known as Council File No....29161..........approved...... ............. ....�....._............................... ....191........., relative to............................ condemning..._and_.._ting_. an easement in the 19nd necessary for slopes .. ......... .................... for cats and fills in grading alley in Block 3, Adams Addition ............................. ...... .... ..._._............ ._.............._....._.................................. ................. .................. ._..................................... ............................. ..._..._.._._...__... _.......... and Block 4, Maoalester View Add., from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave., ..........--als.Q A.e. !x.y.._9ve..,...._from.._Marehall..._ ehart Ave..�...._and...Pasoal...._....... Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 7L%S 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........................ and the total cost thereof is(t...._..._......_...__........._........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. 3. Said improvement is.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjvet to assessment for said improvement. .!..._Po . �.... _. Commissioner of Public Works. TRIJ of ot. Fuul 0 O9OAR OLAl199EN, OR... eN.,.EERe}lprtment Afiulllir` tlrl:8 ,., HERMAN c WENZEL. J e cAPROLL ,suv N` �.COMFI ISSIO N ER ALFRED JAC 9ON, 9u.i ctioN n......... DEPUTY IP VINO G. N.HERROLo.O111`°E,-- - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 3, Adams Addition and Block 4, Macalester View Addition, from Asbury Avenue to Pascal Avenue; also Asbury Avenue from Iviarshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue and Pascal Avenue from Iviarshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, under Preliminary Order ir29161, approved May 8, 1920, and Intermediary Order ,;30486, approved August 13, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. caul; The Commissioner of Public dorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improve- ment, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to A' be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of 4ublic Ydorks. Dated Sept. 23, 1920. CITYIWAUL DEPARTM F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of g adigg a.11ey, ip._P.;qqk3. Adams Addition, and Block 4, Yacalester ....... ... ....... ......... - .......... . ........ .. ............... ..... . .. . ................ . . View Add i„iqn.,...from. Asbury- AvAmAe to Pascal Avenue.; also Asbury Avenue -- . . ........ . .. ......... .. ............... f. r om., M. e.g. sh all 1-A v, aP.u-p--t o. 1..gle4p�rt Avenue and Pasq,al Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue. 1. 1 --.- .......... .......... -- ........... under Preliminary Order approved .8-1, 1920.-1. ........... . . ...................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ -met for the The estimated improvement is cost peA, above - - - - - - . ... ..... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION East 5r, feat of 1 4 Macaleater View Addition, 2600 Rest 10 feet of 1 4 To the City of g&int Paul. 500 2 4 do 3 4 do 1450 4 4 do 1250 5 4 do 1600 1 4 do 400 4 do 400 8 4 do 400 • 9 4 do 400 Form B. B. to TOTAL, DEP BT. PAUL T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DLSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 Macalester View Addition to 400 11 4 The City of paint Paul. 400 12 4 do 400 13 4 do 1350 F. 4 do 75 G. 4 do 75 14 4 do 1025 15 4 do 450 16 4 do 250 17 4 do 625 West of (18 4 do East of 18 4 do 7875 19 4 do 20 4 do 275 21 4 do 300 22 4 do 325 23 4 do 325 24 4 do 2325 25 4 do 325 26 4 do 500 West of 1 3 Adams Addition to the 375 East o8 1 3 City of St. Paul Ramsey Co. Minn.2350 2 3 do 650 3 3 do 7450 4 3 do 2000 5 3 do TOTAL 1450 y9f�5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date V F.— B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. aT. PAUL DEP T OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CO SSIONER OF FINANCE CCI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _6 _.3 Adams Addition to the 1.600. 7 3 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co. 250 S 3 Minn. 250 9 3 do 400 10 3 do 250 11 3 do 250 12 3 do 400 12 3 do 400 West of 1 3 do 375 16 4 Snelling Park to St. Paul 400 1 4 1.inneeota. 475 26 4 Maoaleeter View Addition to 500 East 50 feet of 1 4 the City of Saint Paul. 2600 7 2 Greibie and Breweters Add. 425 6 2 to the City of St. Paul_ 275 y9f�5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date V F.— B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. (ecce of (&tty (Neck JOHN 1. FARICY JAS. J. MINER C,.. «EaK Oty lat*a4 Pact .ss,. CITY «ERK Sept. 23rd, 1920. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, \ Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Re Grading alley in Block 3, Adams Addition, and Block 4, Macalester View Addition from Asbury Avenue to Pascal Ave. at al, also slopes for same. Enclosed please find Final Order C.F. No. 30960 and Resolution No. 30969, covering the above improvement, which were laid over to September 30th, for the Council to view, and all papers referred to you. " � p Yours truly, '/"/ e 2 enc. (// %.� /"! 70 OSCAR CLAUS—H. C.— L?—.... J. E. CA-ROLL, SuYi.sER• ALPREO JACN90N, gupr tido. A.o RA— H. W. OOETLINOER. Sup iio. OR HERR—. 011— E.01... I TRY of ot. fond Nrpertmrntof Fithlir Hforlcs M. N. GObcS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: June 24, 1920 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost to grade the alleys in Block 3, Adams Addition, and Block 4, Macalester View Addition, from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave.; also, Asbury Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. and Pascal Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave.; in accordance with C. F. No. 29160, approved May 8, 1920. Approximate estimate $3,991.72 Cost per front foot 1.53 Excess inspection necessary 78.27 Assessable frontage 2,613.7 ft. Cost per front foot, alley only $ 0.53 Cost per front foot, alley omitted 3.18 Very truly yours, J.i E. Carroll, -� Asst. Chief Engineer jec-b VOW TO ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL. Petition for grading alley from Asbury to Pascal Ave, jj Midway, between Marshall Ave and Iglehart Ave, We the undersitn property owners and tax payers d8" 0 - 1920, hereby sign petition to have said alley out through, 'graded ind graveled, at earliest possible convenience: /11 �4r C& I r4 HAY 1 11920 BUREAU OF ENcIjiLqE}3'pg, h, r -Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor ` ` `"moo Report to Commissioner of. Finance 7u? OF FAN 1920 1 July 2, 1920. ................................ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- oil, known as Council File No..._29160............ approved. ................_�.y.._8_T..................._........._19120., relative to ................ grading alleys in Block 3, Adams Add. and Block 4, Maealester ... ................................... ._..................................... ............. ............ ................ ........... ......................... _..............................._.............................. ......:._..... VieauvAddition, from Asbury Ave. to Pascal Ave.; also, Asbury Ave. ............ .....fr'9m..:.�.ftr..a .1.1..,9ve.,,..,.to.._Iglehart... Ave......_ and Pascal Ave. from Marshall ................................................. ........... _.......... ...... Ave. to Iglehart Ave. ........................................................._......... _... ......................... ....................... ........................................................ ................. _..-.... ............ ........................... ................ ......................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, here�y reports: 1. Said improvement is. .......... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.53 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ................................ and the total cost thereof is$......._...3..l........._.991..... _7...2 ......, and Assessable frontage 2,613.7 ft. Excess inspection X78.27 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... ............_...... o. Said improvement is_ ................ ................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............... Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL 30970 CITY OF ST. PAUL v— No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESE BY 'T;6E DATE -- ...... ......... .......... ............... . ............. _.20..IS. - . . ..... ....................... .. . ....... ............ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Fred Geiser, providing; for the pay— ment of compensation to him at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of grounds and Public Buildings Parks; Play­pf the City of St. Paul on the let day of September, 1920; and be it Further resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Fred Geiser, out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars ((x30.00) in partial settle— ment of his claim for the period up to September 22nd, 1920. C. F. I'll . 300:0— Resolved, the Proper city 1111-! core are That t,.,i.:d to ..to, hereby a." into an agreement with Fred Geiser, I hereby recoruiiend the above roviding for the payment of com- resolution for paBBage, pensation to him at-the,rate of Fif-� teen Dollars ($15 -GO) per week, during such time as he hall be totally dll- ob, r._ Pied by reason of injuries Ived by him while in the employ of the De- partmen I. f Parks, Playground s and Public Buildings of the city of S Paul on the 1st day of September,' 1920; and be It Further resolved Commissioner Parks, Playgrounds w said agreem�ntth.atthe'n accordance proper city oAle.re are hereby authorized to pay u Public Buildings to the said Fred Geiser, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund the Dollar. ($30.00) I� .,t,.T.' ttM' c.t of his claim for the period up to Sep- tember 22.d, A 1%',morU M Sept, 13, d. "Pied byo 6 Approved Sept.eh23, MO. (Sept. 25-1920) Yes (11) Councilmen (%f) Nays SEP 23 1920 an Adopted by the Council . ............... __ ----------- - --- Ferguson 9 1920 McDonald ....In favor rove .... . ._..... 19.. L Matson Smith ..Against l Wenzel o Mr. President C. P. Number C:'.wP( 9 By Corr.issioner 4- 5miLh. r Mb An ordinance, to amend adc:inistrative ordinance No. 5207, approved December 19th, 1919, and amends thereto, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its organization, its officersand erployes, their qualification and appointment, compensation, powers and duties." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Health and Safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That Section Four (4) of ordinance No- 5207, approved December 19th, 1919: That the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section, the following words and figures: "DIVISION C - FIELD FORCE: Throe (3) Medical Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $1,440.00 to $1,680.00. One (1) Chief Sanitary Inspector at an annual salary of $1,920.00. Sixteen (16) Sanitary Inspectors or Sanitary Police, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $115.00 per month. Second year of service,$120.00 per month. Third year of service, $125.00 per month. Fourth year of service,$130.00 per month. DIVISION E - TUBERCULOSIS DIVISION: Three (3) Physicians, each at an annual salary of $1,440.00 to $1.6eo.00. DIVISION F - FOOD INSPECTION DIVISION: One (1) Live Stock Irepector at an annual salary of $1,800.00. One (1) Chief Dairy Inspector at an annual salary of $10920.00. Four (4) Assistant Dairy Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $1,560.00. Three (3) Meat Inspectors, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $1,500.00 - Second year of eervice,$1,560.00. Third year of service, $1,620.00. Fourth year of service $1,680.00. Three (3) Food Inspectors, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $1,440.00. Second year of sertirce,$1,500.00. Third year of service, $1,560.00. Fourth year of servico,$1,62U.00. Fifth year of service, $1,690.00. and inserting in lieu, thereof, the following words and figures: 2 DIVISION C - FIELD FORCE: Three (j) Medical Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $1,560.00 to $1,800.Oo. One,(1) Chief Sanitary Inspector at an annual salary of $2,040.00. Sixteen (16) Sanitary Inspectors or Sanitary Police, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $125.00 per month. Second year of service,$130.00 per month. Third year of service, $$135.00 per month. Fourth year of service,$140.00 per month. DIVISION E - TUBERCULOSIS DIVISION: Three (j) Physicians, each at an annual salary of $1,560.00 to $1,800.00. DIVISION F - FOOD INSPECTION DIVISION: One (1) Live Stock Inspeotor at an annual salary of $1.,920.00. One (1) Chief Dairy Inspector at an annual salary of $2.040.00. Four (4) Assistant Dairy Inspectors, each at an annual salary of $1,6so.00. Three (j) Meat Inspectors, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $1,620.00. Second year of 5ervice,$1,680.00. Third year of service, $1,740.00. Fourth year of servica,$1,800.00. Three (j) Food Inspecotrs, each at the following schedule of salary: First year of service, $1,560.00. Second year of eervice,$1,620.00. Third year of service, $1,680.00. Fourth year of service,$1,740.00. Fifth year of service, $i,680.00. ; SECTION68. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the Peace, Health and Safety. SECTION -j. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its passage and approval. yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council — Ferguson � i. i . y 19 McDonald �\ In favor I-, ' Matson �' 1 AP o d 19 Smith Wenzel C Z> ' aw 3M sMr. President��" n i7l'�STr .-11 ' te" �i �,^�_ , ,. ,� --- _ _` u C F No 50948—Ordinance No 6486-=-� lByH d t4ennet Ati ordinance g acting to the Brown Fotoplsy Compnny perm(eelon / - cpnetrnct and :mn nta-card' trance 'over the. ento thea pre-' (� known as 174- 70 East Seve " 6 t� The Council of the City c' " _ does ordain: - -SECTION V., J An ordinance granting to the Brown Fotoplay Company permission to construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to tie premises known as 174-176 East Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Brown Fotoplay Company to -'construct and maintain a cast iron canopy over the entrance to the building known as No. 174-176 East Seventh street, as shown by the plan hereto attached. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and i Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said Brown Fotoplay Company for the construction of said canopy, upon said Company's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (;p5,000.00), condi- tioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the conetruction,,maintenance, use, presence or re- moval of said canopy. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Baid licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council QCT-_rJ-1920 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy 7Ferguson Matson McDonald Smith j Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approve LIC I__d 1920 _ Mayor Attest City Clerk �� Sept.. 14, 1920 TO, 'HE -HONVJRABL'�;; C7NY C:`0^CIL: Gentlemen: 'Phe undersigned propose t) erect a cast iron canopy over the sidewalk attached to building known us 174 and 176 E. zeventh St. located upon premises lot 11 Block B, �i,,kiitney and Smith's Add. St. Paul. ,le are submitting herewith two copies of the drawing of canopy construction.and will comply in every way witn the requirements of your honoaable body and the requirements of the Dept. of Public Buildings. We are also filing, this day, a bond indemnifying the city as required by ordinance. Should we be granted permission for the erection of this canopy we would ask that t.ne lamp post now directly in front of the entrance be removed as it will serve no. further purpose because of the fact that the canopy will be highly illuminated. Yours ver- truly, BRO.7N.FOTOPJA 0' I Secretary' iv_ Office of (pity clerk JOHN I. FA RICY JAS. J. MINER r. of �aYn# Paul 83. r. «EA� Sept. 15th, 1920, Hon. James M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs., Court House. - Dear Sir: Enclosed please find application of the Brown Fotoplay Company requesting permission to erect a canopy over the sidewalk at 174 and 176 E. Seventh Street, which was referred to your department, by the Council this date. Also fine enclosed blue prints covering same. �J Yours truly, / 8 enc. CITY CLERK. �J ( tee JOHN of (�Itg Qerk MINER JASJ. 1. FARICY . M «AAK Cts of tnt 11aui .s,T �:r. CLERK Sept. 22nd, 1920. Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Please find enclosed, application of the Brown Fotoplay Company for permission to erect a canopy over the sidewalk in front of promisee, known as 174-176 E. 7th Street. The Council referred this matter to you, at its meeting this date, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, one. CITY CLERK. . JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONE0 R q,i J E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER nnnnnnnnnninnpnnunnnnnnnnnnununenunnnnnuennnnnnmiunnnnnnnun�wmnnnuuumnnnnnnnnuuuunnnumnnnuunnnununuunnuunununnnnnM� CITY 'OF ST. PAUL E ttr meui o Parks, f laggrounas X09 cud ibblic Isuilbiugs OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE -J;8 Sept. 21, 1920 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner, Office. Dear 6ir: Application of the Brown Fot6play Co. for the erection of a canopy over the sidewalk, premises known as 174-176 E. 7th St. referred to t}iis department. The canopy as shown by the drawings must be revised in accordance with notations in red pencil. I have taken this matter up with the brown people and they have agreed to comply with these notations and I would therefore recommend that the same be granted accordingly. M Yours truly, City Architect r L •- � d � L� �% Y,:�_. � �.-tom.. G,IC 1 `_ l` �'-L�t.T--� Cl PdP'7 r •--"- ,4* r7� xo- r >;A[dinasr�"�'iab�tit"'�ES.:„� _ Staplear,permtgeien to �'eepabi1 a curbb of statloa �n the curb in '- e Co of uncil of, a NO.-663 Eaet' Seveath'•. St �C7�-_ — The Cothe Clty of St. Pul does ordain SECTION 1. r permisslon and authority`: ranted t A. T. Staples t d matntat a curb fltling n front of N ,// 1J/r� � said CI l//�//z f�• % �! (7�• 1 An ordinance granting to A..T..Staples permission to establish a curb filling station on the curb in front of No. 6eo East Seventh street. THE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to A. T. Staples to establish and maintain a curb filling station on the curb in front of No. 653 East Seventh street, in said City. Section 3. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the con- struction and installation of said filling station upon said licensee's compliance with the-followin conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said filling station, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (3) The said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (010,000.00), con- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station. The said bond shall be'.:in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas OU --J 1920 Nay s Mr. Clancy Ferguson Matson McDonald Smith Wenzel Mr. President (Hodgson) Approv G0 C - 1920 Mayor FAR RV JOHN I. (Office � of (&itg (41Prk MINER JASJ. ICY b . M cw� Oty Of faint Paul �as, �,r. CLERK Sept. 22nd, 1920. Mr. A. E. Nelson, •a Corporation Counsel, 6 Court House. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find application of A.T.Staples Staples' Garage, for a permit to install and operate a gasoline Q pump on the curb at 653 East Seventh Street, which was referred p�- to your department for the proper form of ordinance, by the Council at its meeting this date. Yours truly, one. CITY CLERK. ACCESSORIES' STORAGE STAP L ES' GARAGE SALES CHEVROLET SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING AND STORAGE RADIATORS AND FENDERS MANUFACTURED AND REPAIRED 651-653 East Seventh Street Mr. A. E. smith, Commissionor of Public Safety, Court House, C1ty. Dear Sir: Telephone Tower 2664 309`73 St. Paul, Minn. September 3, 1920. We herewith make application for a permit or license to install and operate a gasolins pump, to be - located on the curb of our place of business 653 East 7th St.. Yours very truly, STAPLES' GARA E. Jj It l r: /~/a WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR' 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY AE SMRN IYSYOR. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION September 17th 1930. Hon. A. E. Smith, Com'r. of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Staples Garage, located at 651 East 7th Street, asking permission to install and operate a curb filling station at the above address. We have made an inspection of the above premises and find that the installation of such a station would not create a fire hazard to surrounding property, we refer same back to the Department of Public Works, with recommendations that permit be granted. Respeotfully yours, -_ Chief Inspector. CITY OF ST. I -AUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 0.0174` fUt]CIL No ...... .3......._.j/+��_ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE .7 cC �' AUDITED ..........................191 ....... - - TITI.I. 548 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund= and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 V ) Councilmen ( V ) days Adopted by the unci L__....__$EP__`244_19.20..._......__.191._._._ clans: ed EP_24-19.211 191..._.__ Farnswo FerguSOn _1n facor Goss iaat 90n (0— —Against KellLe=----Smith 141c(.nA_---Wenzel ��[pd¢cliclr- ,At. President, Hodgson RESO I 'e,etions (Ptivhe nxinpy as nPec1t¢e ••• their ¢spec detailed statemen 5651 Fielding &Shepley hFie.li.;'& .1hePteY• 863.18. Pay. Bereke] Fielding, -F S"'IE1 .50. ComeenT, OiberZ. jlni2 I<er Electrochemical Sault Ste. 5652 Fielding & Shepley nn'$13 pant ens• st Pay. Berkle3l M , ?Aa,y AOes, ht E26.118. Adoo ed b SatheiCoun it PLZ1920: 1920. 5653 W. J. Giberson Approved e Civil Servid- 5654 Hooker Electrochemical Co., _ Water 5655 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie School 5656 Mrs. Mary RossPlayground 5657 St. Paul Gas Light Co. , Lighting Total 44,608.95 29,401.07 463.18 t'. 11.50 i 123.70 33.69 25.00 149550.81 F Porn A A 48, 4 M 7-18 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ' FILE ILE No. ...... IS__. AUDITED4U�IPTRVLLF:R ..._ ..............._...._.._..__......191........ i. t PER. ........ _. _.. .._lSi .. _.. ......_ 548 TITIAI Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the ' micil__ SEP- 241920....... 191 Clans" r voif � Fer eon In favored EP 24.192 amsi Goss _--Matson mid Keller --Smith ...............Against_........._MAYOR W4:C.Q11____Wenzel Mr. President, Hodgson 5653 W. J. Giberson Civil Service 5654 Hooker Electrochemical Co., Water 5655 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie s4ol 5656 Mrs. Mary Rose Playground 5657 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Lighting Total $ 44,608.95 - UTIONS. , hat aarrests be drawn v Treasury. Payable out p (ter sp_lll,d msnor tcora 1 i hey set opu to amounts d e named as specified In 5651 Fielding &Shepley _nPvisY yzt4o:op7 bow"M Pay. Berekely I, c11.5o. Company, ro heroical 5652 Fielding & Shepley pant & Sault ate Pay. Berkley 5653 W. J. Giberson Civil Service 5654 Hooker Electrochemical Co., Water 5655 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie s4ol 5656 Mrs. Mary Rose Playground 5657 St. Paul Gas Light Co., Lighting Total $ 44,608.95 CITY OF ST. PAUL em ci.n. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FOI E N.. ........ ' for, A A 48.2 BY- ... .......................... LLE ........ iAUDITED ._.............................._.._.... 197....._. J 549 ER. TiTLr Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by t ncil OF -.P ��_J_�2�.... ._....._.....191_.�.._._ _._..... _. ._.. Clancy j earn.*th An favor ved __EP... "_1.920 ............ ...191_.......... Goss Keller _.. Aoainst ... __... �ral, .....?t.1YOR McColl C F. No. 30978— Resoived that warrants be n Wunderlich upon the city Treasury. payable out of the, herenntter speclfled funds and In Mr. President, Hodgson tnvor of the persons, arms r corpor- g tions Per the amounts set opposite the(r eapeclve namrs 1 speclfled to the f011owIng detailed statement: Fnnn ea n Gaertner, Gertrude Koht. Adams nd Knthernele Koh Hahn, $9.100000. F'. W Matson, Com's, . Finance, $21,877.73. Adoptrd by the Council Sept. 24, 1920. Ate —ed Sept. 24, 1920. (OCL. 2-1920) 5658 Frank Gaertner, Gertrude Kohl, Fannie Ryan Emelie Kohl, Lena Adams and Katherine Hahn 8,100.00 Open. W. 4th St., 59 F. W. Matson, Com'r. Finance, Street C. & R. Sewer " S. & S. Cing. a Garbage Bridge Bldg. Street Inter. Crosswalks Sprinkling n Docks, Wharves & L. Eng. Insp. Pay. Pine Pay. Hampden Sewer State Pay. Arcade Sevier Arcade 23,877.73 4,506.54 1,517.44 8,827.40 662.90 318,50 392.02 1,005.97 1,152.10 475.60 349.20 48.00 1,496.50 696,28 257.15 878.90 1,211.23 82.00 23,877*73 Total #31,977.73 f co mch. CIT Y OF ST. PAUL Fac OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y L COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY p Z ZQ COMMISSIONER ..............:.. ......... ............A..-. Fa......SMI.TH..................... .... ................... DATE ........_9. -...-3-..... _!.......-.............................. RESOLVED That the application of the following person for a license to conduct a Restaurant at the location Jndi:ated, be and the same hereby is denied same not having been approved by the He 'h Department. Charles Ewing, Restaurant, 1 hest 3rd. St. C 1'. No. 30976--133r A• E. Smith— Roaotved. That the PPII atlori to the tollawlnR Person for It lu goon onduc[ a Reetaurent i.I t bh the Ind7cated, be and the same hereby is, danby tfie HeRith Department: aPProv e CharteR Ewing. Restaurant, 1 at 9rd $t., 1920. Adopted by the Couneu Sept. 24, ADDroved 8 f t2 2 3820) yes(./) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Coun ' __...SEF B.,2D_..-_.__ 19_ ..... . Ferguson P 24 1920 ..._. ____..-....In favor pro ed .._.-_—. ._._..-_..__---------- 19__..... Matson SmithAgainst ._.._._-.-........ MwYOR Wenzel Mr. President FORM SM -'20 TO THE HONORABLE, THE COUNCIL of the City of aul- -......................_._.......... _._............._.....__................. .................._...........................-........_._......----....---..._-------------------------does hereby make applicatio the Cot of the City of t. Paul r a License to conduct a and to that end does hereby certify as follows: That the full name of the applicant for said License is ...--- ............. _.........-_.._._....---- and his (its) place of residence /........... .-.....--�...................................... ..... ....- ------------ treet (avenue) in the City of St. Paul; that the exact locat* of which e said applicant proposes to carry on business is............._...._..._.._.._..._.... �.._....V/ - _...._ in the City of St. Paul. That/the said applicant is - . ...._ .................._......_.now engaged in said business at...... W....------------- ......... _.................. in the City of St. Paull Dated this_ -------------------- day of-............. _...._._. r/ -19Z). _ / ........(��� `--------------------------- Applicant. Date of expiration of License..._.....__...._.........-----._`Cl� ...... /-.....---.-__.....___-----------._..._.-------19 -?L- Date of Inspection ----_--._._...._.......................... Fire Protection ... Ventilation of Building ........... Meats and Provisions __------ Beds and Bedrooms------- ------------------ .._...__...._' Toilet Rooms and Plumbing.-_.._......._.._..... .Kitchen and Utensils .__.__....___-----------------_--------- Refrigerator and Store Room Basement and Cellar._ __ ...._......__..._.__... Back Yard General Condition of Premises _ _.. _..... License _Recommende City Hotel and Restaurant Inspector. Approved: Health Officer. 191............ t COUHCIL CITY OF ST. P62r wee No, - — - �, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Se tember 24 9 ,0 COMMISSIONER............................................................... ......... .............. ... ... ....... -........... ......... DATE.......8.,......................... ...s 1....2............ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, iii th the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, to arrange for the installation of electric service for pumping equip- ment at Como Park, at a cost not to exceed $1000.00, without advertisement, as an emergency exists where any delay in the installation of thisservice would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Parka -62.1.E IancY— PurrhaelnB avo`aor ns. for in k. gt a cosor without ad• E;ency eafs tgta))at�nn of c hard Charge I fry. Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( to Nays Clancy Adopted by the Coune'.. _._SEP 2+f#. 19Z0_...._....._ 19__._ Ferguson / �- _...In favor APP ed SER -2.4-13M19......... Matson �l Smith V Against -_._..._...... -------........__::_._._._ Wenzel ~^roa Mr. President roa. a. -b D v Imo. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the exist- ence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of Employment; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of (� Overtime Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson .AGaBesald _...._... favor Matson Smith...... .... ...... .—Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM aM s•ao Adopted by the APprnv SE _1920 -- MwyoR --� oa Y a4 7iha Commt�nelonor of Pub {accous vapor he bSuot �enoiLNo.--- r -o' section w Charter the si4ten�e of ;an t?Fp -nay?which rauSered necesq." K - M, V,oYraenr or certain employee FORM COUNCIL irpday esald emyloym��nt b<ing L _. n. their usual hours u s or PRESENTED BY "th... t COMMISSIONER .... ..:.... ....0 �.,,. t ­'.'r_ , ....:.:.. DATE........ ......920..._ D v Imo. WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the exist- ence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of Employment; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of (� Overtime Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson .AGaBesald _...._... favor Matson Smith...... .... ...... .—Against Wenzel Mr. President FORM aM s•ao Adopted by the APprnv SE _1920 -- MwyoR --� oa ............................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDERS ..................................................................... C. F. No, 30979—BY F. W. I at-- In the Matter of constructing a six ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,, cement the sidewalk on the south ................................. ol.t- —h Ave. I nd9 "Pas' .Pas'.. e .................................................... ... .....'-:...................................... under Preliminary Older ..... 30755,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,approved ......F:U�. 1, 19 . ? .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Costruct a siv foot ce,:lent ti le side-.tallt on the sout'u side of Goodrich :venue flora ................................ .......................................................I.............. ?a c_tl _.v ,nue to ndicr.te venue. e.ccept arhere ;-ood. and sufficient ...:.......................................................................... ....................... sidevalks nor,, exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.08 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....23th........ day of . , . , ,Q 9., ober , , , , , , , , ., 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... W..24 MR ...... 192..... . SEP 241920 AApproved .........................192...... .....`. lY. PP t Clerk. u .......Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson CnuneUmaa=MeDane4d Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 rUBLIS1I j C 9 ,t V 309'79 COUNCIL FILE NO ............... 1 . By ..?may"i'.-..; X10: :r .......................V... INTERMEDIARY ORDER i In the Matter of. c,Q;�st};tic iilc foot ccr.ient .................................................. t ` ie ..sideral?..on tiie south s,Ide,of,Gpodric!?,;,.p,nue„fror.i rascal :,v ;lue ...... ........................:................................ to S,ndi_cczte ..venue. ............................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDERS ..................................................................... C. F. No, 30979—BY F. W. I at-- In the Matter of constructing a six ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,, cement the sidewalk on the south ................................. ol.t- —h Ave. I nd9 "Pas' .Pas'.. e .................................................... ... .....'-:...................................... under Preliminary Older ..... 30755,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,approved ......F:U�. 1, 19 . ? .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Costruct a siv foot ce,:lent ti le side-.tallt on the sout'u side of Goodrich :venue flora ................................ .......................................................I.............. ?a c_tl _.v ,nue to ndicr.te venue. e.ccept arhere ;-ood. and sufficient ...:.......................................................................... ....................... sidevalks nor,, exist. ......................................................................... ............................ ............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..1.08 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....23th........ day of . , . , ,Q 9., ober , , , , , , , , ., 192.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..... W..24 MR ...... 192..... . SEP 241920 AApproved .........................192...... .....`. lY. PP t Clerk. u .......Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson CnuneUmaa=MeDane4d Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 rUBLIS1I j C 9 ,t V 30980 COiP.VCM FILE NO ................................. _wa-4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mh*r -fro:! .;est evaah trcet to _l,o.:nrt - ._ ......_._.. ............. -.. ------------------- _ .........__ . _ _ .... _ ----- son ...-.. -..... C. F. No. 3U980—BY F. w, Matcurbing Inoothe Matter of construct ng--------- --- fromboth w" an,­ t (Seventh St. to Stewart ""- - under Preliminary Order 30360 pproved Aug. 4. 1930. The Council of the C(tl'0 or St. Paul Ing received the report of the loner of Finance Pon the ab :............ .................. .............. ement, and having cone'. J ..JJ J --ports hereby resol under Preliminary Order.. __ .._ ._ ..,t the snla r�r:.I'............ ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. cons et c'.irili.ng _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._..._......_......._ ............................ on b ot li ... u–S of `_� -2.1'O . �:"1ll0 Ii'O -.*. -V-ni, i_ :�.._'a:�t GU ,,,e ;ai't _.`le. ... ........... ..... .. .._............ ...._..._ . ..... _... ....___... _.-...__......._ . .............__..._ ...._ _.. ....... _.... _._. with no alternatives, an ���• l d that the estimated cast thereof is :�._ _1 r ......... Resolved Further, That a publie hearing he had on said improvement on the. =7 th.....__.__.day of .......... Q.CtoDeP _.- 19PO , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in thel City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted hp the l'onncil _ $EP..24 1920 I Approved SEP..241920_...--. J Clerk. .. � lIa}•o•. Councilman Farmahcu 1 .;lAncy Councilman xioss: e'er;"ta o:: O'_l�:lci IV 1 Councilman :Kaellet• atO O-_1(. C /7� tTBLL3I I /J Councilman .11rtntk _ :.th ` Couneilman Wundantich'-. , _nz111 Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. E-6 COUNCIL. FILE NO..._ ............................ By........_._........ .......... ........ -......_.......... ............... < INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__.=))fling ..stnu_ P'i.lL; ore ;.ve from va 1-tro oot t:Ante _ .. _..... ........ _..... _. _............... ..................... ..... _.............---- con_:ectio'1s frac st're.ct 17 to o_-one,,ty li. es co.u�i: to .lh _t Wear ode, also inciuuing cur!) - nd na-if 1,, ..rd dr-vei:a.r _.. o 'a s, li�_�c nece..s^„ _ ...__ ........... ................. ._...... ........ ................ -......... ........................ 'r Canc..� No. 30981—By F. 11-. Metann— .. .- ...... ............. iJ . the Metter of pavig Exs[ Fillmore .............................................-- ------------------- �. hve. from Evx St. to State Street, Including sewer, water and gas con- . .... .... ...................... need ons from street ranine to Prop-.......-................................................... ........ 'i.rty Iines complete, -hes not al- -�'eady made, also (nciuding curbin l 1 'and g pnvin alley and dri yew¢ a `'il" �(] .L Jr., under Preliminary Order......_ :.:. - s rr_..,........_ '--..._................ ry ........... t;rnnches. wh- -. ;-^essarv. y-, ,V- �-,? The Council of the City of St. Paul i`eI`mg r6ceived"tW6 r.dJ bPt'bf the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. 7:i%e..._:;;s t ":.il::;o rc vent e,,; a t to '. to rent , ct se.s _.ter and us con _ect ens f-0111 ti'oet '.�li>>s tc; n_ o )cri• 1_ es 1<t re -;ot . a1rOady ;tad', -- _so nc 1 o __y ,r've ia-. _...._..........._................................ ... ........ '............. __ _..:.._..........__ ......._................. ....._....._. _.......... . ii re necessary .........e, U-*- ..... .._.... -......... _...... .... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y;_ ' ,800. 80 Resolved Further, That It public hearing be had ou said iulprovement un the __ 2r/tday of October 79 '0 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the f_'ouneil ._-SEP 24 1920 191 Approved ..._.........SEP 24_19 2_0 Colmcilman TAnsx rt91_-Ilcy CouncilmajxXbomf,-. Fur' uson Councilman Keltets: .:atsc_. J Councilman 1iot'nit SI.J th Councilman ? vT�.nierigll; ; en z e l Blayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Cl k Dlaym 30982 COUNCIL FILE NO.._._ .......................... By............... ....................... ................. _.... _......... ........... . F INTERMEDIARY ORDER ,,,ted' -;s in Mock G "un'_lit View ..ditio�� In the Matter of....:.s-...:-.'3._.._.......-:'...._........_.....-..._'d ..................t........ iron=•ara5.o�:a :venin to Goocl-iclh r::nue and --_.ncoln .venue. - - - --- 50er of r i, onenr.— ,... :.fntter of gradlnr., aA Ill fn G, Summit Vl"w Addition, --- ----...... Sarntoga Ave. to Goodrich Ave. ........................ Lincoln Ave. under Prelim [nary ...................... e 29192 approved May 11. 1920. _ Council of the City of St. Po• rano-- . -.. -_. _ __...._._. ._ _.....__.___. ....__. _._. ....... ....._ ........... _...... ._...... ------------- under PreliminaryLrder....3293.................................approved ._lLRy i,...� 2`1,0...__................... .......... -_.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._i:Io' ae... i ..4....?n Bloc1 G Sult.ait View ..667 on, f'ror.: Sara .o„a -enuc t C'oodri.cln :: enue ........ rand..._i ................ ..............__..__...... ...._._............ _................... .............. ............. ........ ............. ................. ......... ... __...... .......... ....... _. ....._.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is * _ - ('.',7..12, . it Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ..._." ..................day of Octobor,_____._ _...-, IJ]” ---, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by thr Coumv9_ UP 24.1920 l� l f: Approved .._...SEP ..2t..13.20-- 191. _ �i�y Clerk Councilman F.esiiew4t4-',1c.ncy Mayon Councilmaa:C$3'si bemtCtflaaiz�}n-' _ _ Councilman Delict. ;atsoLt Councilmano(fo}I eilsell� Councilman W:gAdezlicb Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 3-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 30983 In the Matter of... ..:.... ' zc: c ' 11 a iv- n ._loci G, ., It ...__........_.................. .............................. ........ --------........ =C C. tl No. 38983— - _ the llfatter of By d' w- Mals n i... ........... . . ........................ . ..... condemning and tak- ! ............-........... - ..........-.... Ing an easement to the land neces- sary for elopes for cute and aIle In grading alleys In Block B, View Addition, from Saratoga ^,-...:...- .... ..... .... ....... to Goodrich Ave. and Irato............................................................ under Prellmnary n, , ,,,,,.Under .•� Proved 3fac 17 +- - i'I �' 1, under Preliminary Order_ "'' ^e approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends -outh �.t .st alle-�:; in �1ocL 5, :iui>lit i:i.c.� ..QcLt_on, in �o.ccc_�:,c:�ce _ .._._..__... __. _.._..._............_............ ................ ................................................................................................. ,o ,_ttac.wd _... _--de - _.. _........ .... ..... ..........._........._..............._....._............... ._.,t lie_ :oi', tl c .Otto-ied port: .— .....................................:._ ;n o. ,'F �-; o cuts u:r: :a1u j _adud -)o? ... _....._........._............_.... .........._.... ...._......... .._or, .... ...................................................... o,.� ;F_ 'che i.�_ils. .................... _ ...... ..........1............_. . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is e. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _ .:..t:'- .. _.._..._day of 100_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall P,uilding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ine, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ .SEP -2,x_1920 191 a `* , C Y Clerk. UMayor•. Approved ..._. SEP. 24.1920 1 191. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman boss Councilman Hyland Councilman Keller j Councilman Jfccoll 1 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 3-6 COU\CIL FILE NO. _-....-_................. s FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-._c-p:;.tructi-rte-.a...s.e.Fre.r...oxz_i�Sc-al...v.enua_ir-otn..i:inaeizha..-.. Street to a no-nt 1Q0 feet south of Caoitol..Avenue,.__---.-_._..............._--._.......__..._._ _..... ... - _ .... ......... ....._.. - ....... FINALORDERS. ......................................................... .. No. 30981—B.......................................................... 'tatter Of Y F. W. 71rn[son— nstrucaeWe[ __,.-_, _. �. �-. prom .nne .................... .................. ......... .......................... ................. hi-nnehaha P �'°,nuts°rS[. under Preliminary Order....... -2 9736 .............._..-_.-..... approved..._._7..une...22_,-.-182Q.._........ IntermediaryOrder .......... _......--...._.........._.............._. approved ................. _......_._........._....._.._._...-_............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.._construct..-a..eetiar.--on...Pasaa1-.i:uernue.--- - fret:, -'Annehaha Street to a -it 140 feet south U.aoi:tol_.,';,vonue.,...__.... - ... _. _- - .-.... ..... - _._..... - - .............. .................... __. -..-....... - - _........__ .......... ..._... -- ........... ----- - ..... ........... — ........... -...-.-............... _._._............... .---------- - - - .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. _ SEP. 2.4_1920_ _- - 4gl..:...:. .t 'City Clerk. Approved-._ SEP 24 1920 / Mayor. Councilman Clancy Councilman X[ XSK rfuson Councilman Donald Councilmanl'Ten 'xatson ::tl t h Councilman AkEUR enzel Councilmanerdirk1 �. Mayor Hodgson PUi LiCi= 1_t Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARWN'f OF FINANCE M REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) C�v - r r rh, Amar r constructing a se-raer on Pascal :venue from L:innei aha Street to 19 point 140 feet sout'n of Cauitol :_venue. under Preliminary Order approved June 22, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g The estimated cost pei oot for the above improvement is 8 2. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 1 iiuclitors Subdivision No. 8300 9 1 47 St. Paul, Minn. 75 6 1 do 8800 5 1 do 3600 8 Stiaeitzers t dditicn. 825 9 do 775 10 do 775 TOTAL. 1 A r/ r D The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �j i Dat, _ 191— i .,..., B. ti. i a '$ Office of the Commissioner of Public WoikacErv`o Report to Commissioner of Finance `p JUN 25 1920 June 24, 1920. _.. ... ........_ ......._._.._._. _.........._...._._......191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, 22,..._...... 0 relative to_... cil, known as Council File N2......_.... _....-_.._approved_.. ... _....._... ..............7. ......, ........_.._... ,the construction ._ ... of a sewer on Pascal Avenue from ... .................--....................._._.........._._ .........................__......................... ..........._..................... ...._.._....................._................ ..........................._....._._.... _..._ _............__. _..._.. M.i>uneh.&br 5.ttroel..._tt?...._a....p.4.3nt....140_._Yt......_s.on..th._o_fC.�P.ito�..._AV nu...e..-...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._...._...necessary and (or) desirable. $2,66 per front foot .� The rAstimated cost thereof is $....._....._._........._...._, and the total cost thereof is � 710.00 ... ............_..........._..., and Assessable frontage 267 ft. Excess inspection 060.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ... _.............. _....__-._. ...... __...___.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... / t_.._........._.... Commissioner of ( -Public Works. i17 h 7 t 192 - St. Paul, Finn., ..................... ^_o th.; Honorable, The Council, C'_ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following i. roven�ent to be made: .................. I....... ...tee. from :. . .................... St. Ave to .. ..� •-�?'a�-' Ave. N_A L E LOT i BLOCK) .. ....... `�......... q 67 CJR�u?� �sZ .... .. .... . 0 ^ Y 7 ..............................5...... .. . ........... .......... `.(..........e�...... /�'//N/V'�=r�'fa'� sr -IR OLAUSSEN. a N. T2iNGER. Su�,�on (fitg of Ot. 11aul Mepartmrat of Ilublir Warks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY June 24, 1920 'Ir. H. C Tenzel, Commissioner of Public Corks, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewithr,reliminary estimate of the cost of the construction of a server on Pascal Ave. from ldinrehaha St. to a mint 140 ft. south of Capitol Ave. in accordance with C. F. Yo. 29736, ar_ - proved June 22, 1920. Approximate estimate 1,"71C.00 Cost per front foot 2.66 Excess inspection necessary 60.00 Assessable frontage 267 ft. Verytru y yours, J. E. Carroll, Asst. Chief Engineer jec-b 3®985 COUNCIL FILE NO.....-__........._...... , By ............_.......... - — --.:. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..€ ra liX ;-_;:r_p: a...:kv..e. yu,... fT.Qi7_-xyxuze.:.;_).tract...-t.o.:. �d t.a ...Pa'r.L tay, _...... - ...-- ..............._.. - ... -._..-._.........._..-....._..............---------- ................................- ..._.... No. 309,86 By F. w. Met-- ..-...----_--.-._......._......................................___....--'-._.......Matter of grading Arona'Avenue,..._-..---- ...--- .----- .Wynne St. to MMdway Parkwal r Preliminary Order 28672-.ar >d March 31, 1920. - ............................ ...-.......----.._..........................._.-.._.-..._ ,blic hearing having been h......-.--..---._......-.--...------..._..------.... _... G ^e be the Improvement: upon the r•eenct7having h i!' u... ter.. . .. ,d rer� ................ under Preliminary Order 28672- ................. approved-------.---_.,.,,..._......- Intermediary Order ---------------- -._._.._...._........._.._........._ approved. ......._....__...__...._----------------........ __..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of. improvement to be made by the said Citv is_e:rade ..roiia :,venue _from to Eidnay arjmay., ......... - ................ __.. ...- .-...... .................. ---- .... . . ......... _........... ... - _ .. - ............ __.... _ . .............. - ......_....._.. - _..... . ..... ................... .._........_.... _.................................... .-----------------------.._..---- ..........._.- ...................... ---------------- ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.- ,11AV- 2t1..1. City Clerk. Approved..__.._..._1`.�.a-�._��)..�N..,. __...., 191....._.. ..... .............................._............. Mayor. cM man� W 7��fty Councilman �65sac us on ell Councilman at n CouncilmanAtafkAX `. enzel Councilman 5idx175d klidi Mayor Hodgson I - Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OUL DEPARTMEN' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Y,6 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 're ' t, '_Fradinr, Arona venue from-mne Street... to ,'idrtaf Yarizray In the Matter of • ......................... _ . . under Preliminary Order appr6vedr' 31, 1920' . ........... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ _Io SG _z S ......... . The estimated cost per�ltoot for the above improvement Is - - - - - - - - $_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Lake Park Addition to Saint 550 15 1 Puul Second Division. 425 35 2 do 1900 1 2 do 425 South 120 fo:t of 12 1 Lkke Nark i-,ddition to Borth 120 feet of 12 1 Saint Paul 'ildtrd Division. 5550 South 120 foot of 1 2 do 3550 iortr: 120 feet of 1 2 do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 I BT. PAUL DEPART NT,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 120 foot of 1 7 Lake Parlc j,dditi on to 725 ivortri 120 foot of 1 7 Sa9.nt 'Paul. 35 G do 34125 1 G do 450 35 3 do 450 1 3 do 425 1 2 do 3000, 1 to 9 incl. 7 Cern; s-,oarrLmgernent. 5T 6 do 700 1G 5 Lalce Park Addl-tion to 2700 15 5 Saint Paul. 1900 16 4 do 450 15 4 do 3125 (Exc. iad,ray Pa'rlciay) 1.2 1 do 675 S-/� 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dute�VV`�/y//--L �L—_191fZ� / Cammisurner of Finance. F— B. 12 (/// Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor „r 8 ;3 8 ;; Report to Commissioner of Finance iOtt• UL lg 1920 .:.... ............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 28672 upproved reh 31 _ ...... ..__.........r..._..._.._ ................... .1 relative to .................... gradi�.._Arona Avenue From Wynne St. to Midway Parkway. __....___ ................____... ..................... _.... Fnul having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.._.._................necessary and (or) desirable. 01.29 per front foot 3 6b6.4b 3. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total cost thereof is $-.._._.+......._.....__.__........., and Assessable frontage 2,838 ft. Excess inspection $71.70 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ............. ... ....... _......_ ................................. ...._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............................................. ................... ........_..._........_................. ......--- ...... ...... ..---- .......--- .............................. _ _... 5. Said improvement is................... ..._.__......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �• ..................._..........._..._................._._....... ...................... ...... �Commissio�ofPlic _... St. Pe:ul, P'inn. , .....Q'.A....19to. Te the Honorable, The Council, C;-ty of St. Paul, Linn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .......... .. 4 Q n-.. ........... o V� ............. Ave. from nq .rw»•�.... 8t. #stor. to ...........::......... 11 It E 6 LOT V BLOCK �BTTI01 0 '17 yto ! X0 z i ✓io� ss '' �•�� ,ice -�.. .!.... ::ya.. r � .(.✓.� ... ./...� .h W3ti'a'�+�' •�`'•ti��G:-{''� �$( X 09=A vn.wu oneeR w..n ciutw ,. RROLL. Surer. ret Ott30N, 4VPT trio« wwo n¢.w�na (IIitg of Ot. Valli Department of Vublir Works h M. N. GOSH. COMMISSIONER R.T.000RLEY.DEPUTY July 13, 1920 _r. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Pullic Works, - Euilding. Dear Sir: I transmit herewit.preliminary estimate of the cost of grading Arona Ave. from. P:ynne St. to Zidway Parkway, in accordance with C, F. To. 2=.672, app_roved _.:arch 31, 1320. Approximate estimate -----•:...- "3,655.45 Cost per front foot 1.29 Excess inspection necessary 71.70 Assessable frontage 2,838 ft. Very truly yours, -PAPb����9�d-� - Chief Engineer ec-b cocs"' 3096 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fees NO.------._.—._..__....._......_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �.. Sept • 24, 1920. COMMISSIONER ..... ... .................. ... ........ DATE............... ............. __._........ ...... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Arona Avenue from Wynne Street to IJidway -Parkway, under Preliminary Order 28673, approved March 31, 1920. The Commissioner of Public 'Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Yaul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Arona Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public 'forks in the matter dated September 24, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes(,/) Councilmen (✓) Nays Ferguson McDonald Matson a� Wenzel Mr. President In favor Against ---�_ F. No. 30986—BY A. C, Wenzel— ✓1 i y+ lnsng, ne matter of co demnmg and auk- 4 n easement In the land e - ny for slopes, for is ... fills In I grading Aron& Ave. from Wynne St. in ' to All d way Parlcwn. under Yrellm- } ] fnary Order 26673, approved Alnrch 1-r-^^�;"1'lr1 31, 1020. (� The Commissioner of Public Works ' having submitted his report and / sketen In the above matter, be It Axes sand deteot the y of rm Ines theu.t of .-1 land to be taken [or the nbovenamed i Hmpt'o Vemcot nsno easement for � , lopes, for uta and fills In d upon the Iand abuttl ns upon Arona Avenue between the points foresaid, to the extent shown upon the ]retch attached I to tho port f the Commissioner of, Public Worlcs In the atter dated Sept. 24, 1920, t hich $]catch and report e;' hereby referred to anmade a part, fhereof. 1 Adapted by the Council May 20, 1921.+ j Approved May 20, 1921. 4 t Alay 29-1921) Adopted by the Council__IhAY 20 19 19_ 19._ _ . Tit -4 of 14. flail Eepartment of Vnhtir Worhs J � OS 5 w ".olaci�ewER 'ewo�R[en HMAN C WENZEL. '-70 19yrr ®.COMMISSIONER u w ....... DEPUTY AL R 9V.rc IRVINO C. PEARCE REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Arona __venue from '+'Lynne Street to kidway Parkway, under Preliminary Order 26673, approved March 31, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public alorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on priv,:te property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of z141ic riorks. Sept. 24, 1920. COUNCIL FIIlE NO .............. . By Flyr.1NKA'1.1,.°S ATA --0... ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. dei i17;, i7%.ta [.ng, 1, ca4e;°,entin, :}e„land.necessary, for Saone a cx..Qvt2..aria. ] I la. i v.,' r.v6, ; .:xpr” ,.,:.( !]lvA. �xo? .:jynd i! , 3t2eet, to b;� dl'?� 414 ray.a ........................c: r. No. 30492—BY F. w. atataon— _ ...................... . In the Matter oP co , ninF d tas n an inS an easement In the land nece . ...... �� Bary for slopes. Por cuts and fills In .................................... .Xrona clue. from \'Yrre 5[. .. ... .. .... .. .... .. .: Pra dlnF F¢rl<way under Prellne- t o 3lldwaY d March "'rY orde 28673 PPr�' .................................................. 1920. SL p.......................... <, Connell �. re ................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order....... 2 Q7.?............approved ...F arcq.31,,., 10;:.0. ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. conde.nn and i,alce an 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.9 ................ . �&S.C::I@::t. zn..tkle..la:]d.neGe.SS.ax:I..r,Px:. S.1R➢e.S e..��.4�'..4u'�s..and..-;'.'-.lis. 7.in.acc,ordai,c.o .,itlt . tLe.. bloc ..arint, .'ucret.o. att.acze.d. Hncl.:nade..a..part..ilere.of., ..tile.. l�?�.4kled..nort_ ons sho rind, t::e cuts and t�)e s:.aded uortions silo, :rin^ the fills. ........................,.....................v.......fi ..................... ...................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 25..OQ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... 2`.ktb ........day of ;r.4pte I x........ 192..9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. GUG A•' ...... 192.,..... Adopted by the Council................i9l ... � Ail Yc -l0 Approved.........................192..... Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman Matson Councilman Smith Councilman Wenzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............. ......... ...... ..................t.... CClerk. Mayor. CITY 0011 PAUL DEPARTMENT OF.FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE•tJ° (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of condomni-7� and tal i err an oase_ unt in the lt..nd necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in mrading :,rona ,.venue from .:ynne Street to Adnay Parin,iay. under Preliminary Order approvedl.iar. 31, 1020. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ _ .2 _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 1 Lake lark ; ddition to 350 15 1 Saint Paul, Second Division. 425 55 2 do "` 1000 1 2 d o x_-25 South 120 foot of 12 1 Lake nark .-.dditi-cn to Saint North 120 feet of 12 1 Kul. Third Division. 5550 South 120 f �ot of 1 2 do 3550 porta 120 f -;et ,_. 1 2 cio Form A 0 10 4- TOTAL, *apsR.T. PAUL DEPART ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DL-SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION =0u`h 120 f "A of 1 7 La!,a _ddition to '725 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - –ten �(/l�� nnn_.�—er nl Finan— � C.,, FFinan— ro.,,, u. a. Iz i:ortll 120 f �Jt of 1 7 J='.i:lt .;,ul. 55 G do 34125 1 do <50 65 d0 1 J u0 1 2 do 3000,1 to 9 incl. 7 Cern- s _ orcrrron5;e: cont 525 do 700 16 5 La);e i> ,r)C :.ci Loon to 2700 15 53, ---int Paul. 1000 1G _ do 450 15 = do J12 (r. -:c. ,Adw J .'ar) rra: ) I.3 1 do 675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - –ten �(/l�� nnn_.�—er nl Finan— � C.,, FFinan— ro.,,, u. a. Iz Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Y Report to Commissioner of Finance 0-'zz)9?0 July 13, 1920.._.._..]91_.. _ .. _.. 7b the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Conuuissioner of Public Works, having had under Consideration the preliiuillary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 28673 ,,)proved _.....79....., relative to ....._.__.._.. condemning and taking.an.easement,in the .land neceasar _ _..,_.,___... .- . for .._G19.Pe.G_ . G.F_Cut.S.__axld.... in -grading _..Ar-QUa.._Aven]b_e.....__ _.._ _.. from Wynna_ St,___to kid way Parkway. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: ]. Said improvement is.... .......necessary and (or) desirable. _ and the total cost thereof ism-.- and 1. The intimated cost thereof is $._� �- the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................_...... Ct. A plan, profile or sketch of said iniprovement is hereto attached still made, a hart hereof. 4. 1 :i. Said improvement is...._ asked for upon petition of three or mme owners of {arfrperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. �......ComtiussiollOr of Public/Works. e,y 'OF CITY ST, PAUL � OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERcoUNCIL ` 3098' U ilw TIFO ]CORM ILh o ........ # K 7-18 B51 Y.. • :' ;-32' :, �1 �, r1' \.l\It'T ILL R HP........:....._ AUDITED 197 IPF Ia•Lr 551 yable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, pa persons, firms or corporations for the amounts'__=et opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: I, SEP_25... Yeas I d ) Councilmen I,\� ) mays Adopted by the Co ci 19 21.0. _...._- -.191....... Clancy A owed SEP 25 1920 ._._ 191_ ....... Farnsworth In favor .. __. _. cnsa a _ ...._......... Keller .___......_.Against .. \t \YOR I McColl IIWunderlich Mr. Presfuent, Hodgson _ - C. F. No. 309$7— Abwar, . Re'olved that warrant' he drawn the hereinafter �pecifiedpfu deeand in favor of the par on', firms r corpor- tfo 9 for the mount' set opposite i their r speng d name' ae epecifled In [he following detailed [atement: Standard Stone Co., $1.400.25. Adopted b) the Council Sept. 20, 1920. Approved $ept^25, 1920. (Oct. 2.1920) 5672 Standard Stone Co., Cement Walks Total 01,460.25 1,460.25 u; OFFICE OF THE coMPTROLLER -rb 988 NOS........ ... TION FORM AthF x �ev- _._ AUDITED.......__.........._..791........ P__..... ..� _ _ _ .._ ; 550 TITLI: Resolved that warrants be drf c F No."oav4le_ out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the x0988_ names as specified m the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations for [htu Resolved T ewuaYata ha drawn ppn ehe SEP 25 1920 191._.._._ < the ,heret Pa.,,,, out of Adopted by the ow - leas ( �' ) Councilmen ( ) Nap favor of nthheter epeoiaea to da and o p ' ;atone i r _InPerson.. t ma or eorpPr_ SEP 25 1920 I'll reapective nam" t Zip&-6lte Clancy th fall, detailed statement: : m ed __._. 19 _-_-..... Fi ��'• Austin, tat,,,, - Farnsworth 5,,tj ,. Purchasing Agent, clam Baldwin. $5.00. fio55 Carson Petroleum Co., Corrugated "or Co, $232377.91. ------ ,I Keller N, V• Matson, C. P. R. F., $335.41._- _ MAYOR F. Nueshaumer,C527.9t 0.13. McColl Peonies Cost & Ice ce., $112.58. 7 Ho entR eStarr, f500 0" $1,082.07. Wunderlich w111" sonwalm, 14r. President, Hodgson R. J se nweu paper azi.00. Elo4.l0. I. Adopted by the Council Se APprovea Sept. 25, 1920. Pt. 25, 1920. --- - root. 2-1920) I I I 5660 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agt. , 145.79 Mayor's Office 3.20 City Clerk 1.06 Coro. Counsel 6.57 i. Comptroller 12.00 Civil Service 8.11 Pur. Dept. 5.25 City Planning Bd. •62 Pub, Safety—Gen.Adm. 2.96 Police 18.92 Fire 2.06 Pol. & Fire A. 18.69 Health 2.28 n 1.60 GaraF-e .82 Bur. of Engineers 15.24 Workhouse 2.96 Parks 14.33 P, Bldg. 5.09 Lighting 1.59 c water 22.44 145.79 5661 Clara Baldwin 5.00 Civil Service 5662 Carson Petroleum Co., 8,090.91 Sprinkling 5663 Corrugated Bar Co. 2,323.77 Groveland Pk. School Ej Total $ 12,357.74 5664 F. W. Matson, C. P.R. F. 335.41 Corp. Counsel 4.50 Co=lr. Finance 110.60 Comptr, I!, r 5-00 Pur. Dept. 10.03 Hun. Court 11.08 Official Pub. 100.00 Election Exp. 22.20 Pub. Safety -Gen. A" 10.00 Police 22.00 Workhouse 4.00 a 2.00 School 10.00 14.00 Library 10.00 335.41 5665 N, W. Blaugas Co., 100*13 Parks 5666 F. Nussbaumer 27.98 Parks 5667 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., 112.58 Health 5668 Sandstone quarries Co., 1,082.07 Street C. & R. 5669 Helen K. Starr 6.00 Civil Service 5670 William Schwalm 25.00 Corp. Counsel 5671 E. J. Stilwell Paper Co., 104.10 Civil Service 10.87 Misc. Staty. & Supplies 58.80 28.50 School 5.93 104.10 Total $ 12,357.74 r CITY OF ST. PAUL '*u"" No..3098a.- OFFICE 3Q9 -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- ENERAL FORM PReoEIQfED er Sept. 25, 1920. COMMISSIONER....... ...... ................. .... ... .................... DATE.......... RESOLVED That the St. raul Gas "ight Company and the Tri-State Telephone and.Telegraph Company, be and they are hereby directed to remove the poles and wires belonging to the companies so mentioned, and place said wires underground on Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue. Purther Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to serve a copy of Ibis resolution on each of the companies above mentioned. 'es U) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald IMatson Smith Q Wenzel Mr. President 't Ao eg hT �IbSraPhthe 2 j -g Paul elG S rdpWlre aso wIlee 'bttM'p l oy to II.es'si a be Ing Avfrom 11 e efgnorab a ng ..... etl 1 % He"I"t, e a"heA e ve8evenah SIIIRo ndoju he arree n a f /zbeyeutron reatl [o le he ehet the `Snel n be OU It l tpp mea Sept. theaCeunc Iheely pemAaq�1� (Oct' syph Sept. 26, Is Adopted by the Council _...._.SEp_`j-.20 ............. In favor25 1920 19......_. ppro]�-- --_.. _.....__........_............_.....— Agabst -- /� � ---CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.--- -3-0990.---- i�OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE ELATED BY CbMISSIONER ..... ...... . ..... ... .. ....... .... ...... .... ....... .......... .. ..... ...... DATE......... _.. . RESOLVED That permission is hereby granted to Joseph Friedman to erect, on a vacant lot in the rear of 438-40 Wabasha street, a temporary onestory shed, consisting of a skeleton wooden frame, covered with iron, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 2902, Section 127, for the purpose of storing coal; provided that said Joseph Friedman shall remove said coal shed witGhin eight months from the date hereof. Yes (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President .oaM 314 .'20 C. F. No�-30990—By J. M. Clancy— Resolved, That permisslon is hereby granted to Soaeph Friedman to greet. ant lat in the r of 438-40 Nabasha street temporary 0"_ story shed, consisting of a skeleton ooden framoC red with Iron, In ordance with Che provislone of Or- dinance No. 2902, Section 127. for the paid rp on.Jo ep hto Friedman pbelld re that said coal shed W'thln elght months from the date hereof. Adopted by the Council Sept. 25, 1920 Approved Sept. 25, 1920. (Oct. 2-1920) Adopted by the Council.IfJ_._._ In favor Approve 920______.._.._19........ .._.....__..__._.Against `� �' JOHN 1. FA RICY (Office of (� tg Clerk 30900 JAS. J. MINER ��.. «.Ak C�Ii� of ��IYi� qui .s=. C,r. «Ew, Sept. 23rd, 1920. Mr. A. E. Nelson, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find application of Joseph Friedman to construct a temporary building on premises at rear of 4313-440 Nabasha Street, together with letter from C.A. Hausler, City Architect recommending the same, but with certain provisions as est forth in his letter. This matter was referred to you for the proper form of resolution, in accordance with Mr. Hauslor's letter. Yours truly, 6- 2 enc. CITY CLERK.G// � JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J E. 'CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER MUU'U"M,Eiflnunnpnn...Elnn.Ennn.EEEEn.EIOEIMEI nnml uumnnuuuunnun m uuu.unuuununuu uREEn.EEE.1n.1f1EEEEE1n1OE.Rnumnuunl unun nuuuump unuunnnuunw CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of jJttrks, Plaggrounas and Public Builbin.gs OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE flon. J. .. Clancy, Commissioner, Office. Lear Ar: z3cpt. 2-, 1920 Corr,unication to the council from Ic!r. Joseph Friedman relative to the constructing of a temporary wooden building on premises rear of 438 and 440 labasha Street referred to' his department. I have taken this matter ;sir. Barron, Chief of Fire Prevention Bureau, and we agreed to recomrend that Par. Friedman be allowed to construct a temporary one story shed consisting_ of a skeleton wooden frame covered with iron, which is in comcliance with section 227 Ord. .''o. 2902, and tient a time limit for the maintaining* of such ternorary structure be set at 8 months. This would Give ^9r. Fried^Ian tY,e lenmth of time kxx to use this structure for the purpose tie sets forth in his communication to tide council. This permit from the council should tr so ,ranted tiat Mr. Friedman guarantee t'lat he remove the same in its entirety on or before t -e time limit set. your,, ver;. truly, City hrchite I JAMES M. CLANCY. COMMISSIONER J E. CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Rlnnuunnuunllp,lunnnnnNlllll.„MIINIIIIII..nunlniflnmOOM uununnnunnnunmuunnnuuuununuuuununuuunununnnnunnun nu nuunnum nunnnwl quww CITY OF ST. PAUL • Department of Parks, Plaggrounas and public 'Nuilaings OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE wept. 7, 19G0 Honorable Council and j,ayor of the City of St.Paul: Gentl emen: On account of the present coal situation I am very desirous of erecting a temporary wooden building on a vacant lot in the rear of 438-40 IVIabasha St., so as to be able to house one hundred tons of coal. Under my leases am compelled to heat these buildin<Ts, and must therefore make some arrangements whereby I can house .more than my coal bunker will hold at the present time, which is anproximately fifty tons. May I therefore urge you to Five me special permit for Lhis building, which I assure you will be un down as soon as this coal stringency is over. respectfully yours, ��L*�(rLvL�-ew✓ I CITY OF ST. PAUL309�31 . e No. __ .. ZZPFFI�E OF THE CITY CLERK GiSU,btfCji� RESOLUTION ---GEN AL FORM PRESENTED BY ,J1 tp._.�.`. y COMMISSIONER...... ,.e �... .. .. ... .. ... .......... DATE--. ...... RESOLVED That the League of Women Voters be given the free use of the Auditorium on October 22nd, 1920; the expense incurred to be paid out of the Contingent Fund of the General Fund. C Rey, o' ". �Vomenl Vo' Th Sy L R tqe X ditorlufibe Bl upas Len uu $neon the Pe11ae rr otobeo Ad Afn tln8an[ se Fund tofho P8lddouj 920t 'tPpd rovedhv the Cou the g ogt of S n Il t :' 19 ea. ePL 26, 1920: Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald .._.In favor Matson Smith ...........Against Wenzel Mr. President Adopted by the Council......._._SEP.._2J_..19ZO__.._._.._..___I9__.... Apprr .__.__ SEP_. 25.1920 .._ __. __19.._..... PRESENTED BY C*1111L30992 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ---_-__...__........_.._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM _._...... ..... A,....F.....SMI.T.H.........................._.... .... 1. DATE._..._-RePl...... 2.4t......1920. ....... ...... RESOLVED; T4at as the Commissioner of Public Safety was unable to attend 4 the national Safety Council Convention at San Francisco, Aug. 26th, 27th and 26th, that the balance of the sum of $500 allowed the Commissioner of Public Safety and Officer Dusek, to attend the above convention, be used by the Com%ission.r of Public Safety or his Deputy to attend the Safety Council Convention held at lilwaukee, September 27th. 30992—e C. F. N �— 1 o. g Resolved, That ASmith— f Pu bllc Safety wns the Commlealoner the Natlana] 9a tet ^able to tion at San Franefsco,Cq�nell Con vena and 28th, that the a] co f th 27th Puba�O y allowed the Commlealoner or 'to Dnd th a(ety and ORI R. _ the a above conventlr Teed b hls t)e t^misleoner of Pub icbe cil too n^tY to attend the Sae Bafety o �Septem bert24tho be held at tnf;aukee, s ADpr'ovedb9epG 261920 `Qept. 25, 1920 (Oct. 2.1920) L Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays , iOlancy Adopted by the Council...._S_ EP`,l_5 I9ZO..-_.___....._....19_...... j//Ferguson McDonald In favor Appr SE - 19......... Matson Smith v Against v Wenzel 11roa Mr. President _ COUNCIL _.. tYp ---. _- CITY OF ST. PAUL .ILs No. - - «1...,,, ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER A E SMITH ........................... ........... ....... DATE ....... ........._......_...q..?L...?(-):..._......_. ...... RESOLVED That Restaurant Lioense No. 397, issued to Andrew Spanos, 154 East Third St. be and the same is hereby revoked on the grounds that gambling has been allowed in said Restaurant. Yes (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Ferguson McDonald Matson Smith Wenzel Mr. President 1 C. F. No. 30993—Ry A. E. Smlth— Resolved, That Restaurant Licens' NO'East 397. Third nSt.tb Aaddrsw theean mel is hereby revolted on the grounds that gambling has been allowed In Bald tnurant. Adopted by the Connell Sept.�25. 1920 Approved S (& 25. 1820. I Adopted by the Council19_-_... In favor Appr _..._.__..SEP..-2�..192Il.---------19..-._. Against--....... Au� v .YL G4l LI1,��{1 �� {.•�U��L ;l�L•L vs. Fy A. E SM ITH. Co--i—"ONER p a �OFFICE OF17 7 Op SAINS Sainfi Pau1,`'linn. T. E.CAMPBE CHIEF September 11_,th, 1920. 39993 A POLICE p„r, A. E. Smith, Commissioner, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir'- _f Dan Mikos, Proprietor of a RestL�urant at x154 East Third Street in this city, was arrested on the night of September 14th, for conductin€ a poker game in the rear of the Restaurant. This arrest resulted in his conviction on the above charge. I understand that the license of this Restnurant is held in the name of some other party. I erould request that the license be revoked. Yours truly, TEC41% A Chief of Police - _6 A, . 4 dP CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� E. Smith, Sept`. 25,1920. r--AwgSq— FR ...:.... ......... ...... ..... ............. .............. .... . ....... rIATF RESOLVED That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated is hereby granted, and the City ®lark is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION.' J. F. Sohultz, Hotel Carleton, 493 8�t. Peter, Geo. Wong, Restaurantp 493 Wabasha, Miss Catherine T.Mullane a 70-72 Endicott Bldg. F. L. Nioolin, Restaurant, 35 E. 7th, Geo. Christ & Frank Gambel, Restaurant, 527 St.' Peter. IC>?e.eo�\jgetl3099q—.g- 1'. ,,-f etQptnt para➢ peamonh_ 'S ha4o a Dectl Reata;nnh�gnae to �tne n tho �reA Leda and [hey Cldlcated tl thh o l Cen see to -aid IDeeeod to le ter 6 are_ ;f la na DaY_ nDon ethe `h 11- � Ment OP [lle 'll'eterl, o r'9Ulred by 1, W; v. \ Geo, 6t A telt t%arleton, I aha SL �L Uw6. Restaurant 93 4a3 St.; uIlt, 70 -i, Ivabu- l�Stf. . llle. Ni,oll nlvotT-RldWinne, P. Leo Restaurant la uran t,Christ 35 E. 7th d 2l bt Pete S Alau �o vctlb� the to cnncGll Sept' e [be], Res_ I D fOct. 2-1 8' 1920 --._ 1920) Yes ( ✓) Councilmen ( J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council..__: 7-4 .920_ Ferguson McDonnld In favor Approved... .... _ _.____ 19..... Matson Smith __.___..Against Wenzel Mr. President rover ar. ao 30995 COUNCIL FILE NO ........ .. ... ._- x By__ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .�r.a.d az::...:.:Ci�can _: uenue_ rnia... la :ence...at .cat_. t.a_._:t.na.... .... Arseat.,.._ __ ..... _._ ...... .. . _. ......... . rlo. 30995—BY F. W. Mateon. ........................................................ .............. ........... ...................................................... � he Matter oP grading Sic Leen Ave. 0 m Clarence St. to Etna Street --- - ider Prellm ina.Y Order 28731 ap- ----... : led April 7, 1920 ---" ........................ ..... ........................................................................................... ... ........................ .. ............................. . . . ............. . ..... under Preliminary Order. 2 37' l Approved.:"r_-1- l��n Intermediary Order--.. _.... _..__. __... - approved.. - _..._..._......__ _._ - ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cityof St. Paul tat the ,l-7 7-precrise�rrt[ti`r—cstcnY snd-kirrtt�l� - im rovcment-to be maiTc tTic'sal-iT"C:ity-is :-'aae c c..a ver-atc `' o,:)._�l-- 'J ce Areat iPa_„:tna..�treet.,._�I - . /�• f%l"! _.. _ _.._._ _.... ....... _...... .... ............ and the Council hereby ordeiysaid improve 't to be made. RESOLVED FURTHE�{Thnt the Co issioner of Pu bli Vorks be/nnd is h eby in� cted, and directed to prepare p�tins and specif .tions for said im(yOccment, myd submit. amc to ffie Coun- cil for approval; that ppon said appr dal, the proper ci _ officials ar�icreby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sa' improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ SEP. 25_1920__..___ __, 191 Approved.. __SEP 251929 Councilman iisa 4PT3 —laneI Councilman Gostcx _�'ei'(`tts on Councilman (3i=y:: c>onald Councilman ICAW: t• o on Councilman Ntd bMx �ilit h 0 CouncilmanRL}i�h on of !�� Mayor Hodgson orn, B. S. A. 8.7 CITE CiFf �.. PAULe DEPARTMENT OtrFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISA�NIER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A), In the Matter of . .................... ... _..................... ........... _.. _. _......... _..... under Preliminary Order approvedTo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ y U / 3.- 2_6 The estimated cost peYq oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ -y '?0. The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED D E 5 C R I P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK A D D I T 10 N -- VALUATION 1 Kamnetz Addition. 6 0 Part of the Southwest a of Section 34, Township 29, HL-nge 22, described as follows: ',lest 100 feet of Last 335.60 feet, of North 219.72 feet of that part of Land bounded as follows: Burns Avenue, Clarence Street,Vc ''ean Avenue and rulton St. Part of the Southwest a of Section 34, Township 29, Hange 22, described as follows: Last 235.6 feet of idorth 187 feet 6f that piece of Land bounded as follows: Burns i,venu-, Clarence Street, IrlcLear, Avenue ar:d Fulton Street. TOTAL, Form H, II. 10 P—V.rY OF 81. WAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMASSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION• LOT BLOCK ADDITION A5 aESSED VALUATION Part of the southwest q of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, do described as follows: Comr:encing at the intersection of center line of Clarence Street and Me Lean Avenue, thence north ,&long center line of Clarence Str.:et 162.25 feet, thence Fast parallel with •--cLean -venue 142.37 feet, thence Sout to a point on center line. of EcLean Avenue 142.52 feet East from the point of beginning, thence West to point of beCinning. Part of Southwest of Section 34, Townsiiip 29, imnge 2::, described $ 5 as follows: Commencing at a point on center line of r,cLean Avenue 330.89 feet Best from t11e intersection, thereof. with center line of Fulton Street, thence north parallel with -ulton Street 162.12 feet, thence ''.iest parallel with i,:cLean avenue 56 feet, t�'-i 4e South to a a, --- point on center line of IacLean Avenue 56 feet 'lest from point of bdginning, thence East to pmint of beginning. Part of the Southwest a of Section 34, '1'ownsilip 29, 1canCe 22, % 4 described as follows: Commencing at a Doint on center line of 1-c Lean Avenue 274.52 feet ',lest from the intersection, thereof, with center line of ?ultonStreet, thence idorth parallel with 1• lton Street 162.12 feet, thence 'hest parallel with :,:cLean Ave. 56.37 feet, thence South to a point on center line of •-cLean Ave. 56.37 feet ,Jest from point of beginr:ing, thence Last to Place of beginning. Part of the Southwest of Section 34, Township 29, rtanre 22, described U�5 as follows: Begin_:ing at a point on tine center line of I;iCLean -avenue 162 feet 'westerly from the intersection of 1'ulton Street with the f center line of i.!cLean Avenue, thence :;ort'n parallel with i''ulton Street 162.06 feet thence westerly parallel witii center line of -cLean Avenue 112.37 feet, thence southerly parallel with r'ulton Street to center line of r.:cLean Avenue, tkience Easterlyll2.52 feet to point of beginning. *W- ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Part of the southwesterly of Section 34, `2ownsi ip 29, Range 22, 0/L, described as follows ast 132 feet of South 127- feet of that niece of Land bounded as follows: Pacific Street, Clarence Street, ­cLean ._venue, and "'ulton Street. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Puhlie Works. /ry` D ated--19 Commies sio r of Fio—, an Office of the Cpmmissioner of Public Wo Report to Commissioner of Finance Lia7, .................... ._...................1910.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Comn- 28731 _cil, known as Council File No.......approved_.Apri1 70...___.__..._ . ............. ls�0..., relative to ... __.......... ....... . .._._...._..... the grading of McLean Ave. from Clarence St. to Luna St. ...... .. Ii and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. '4.30 per front foot 4,015.26 L. The estimated cost thereof is $........._..___..............., and the total cost that•eof is :�;....._................_......I..._......., and Excess inspection ;278.73 Assessable frontage 934.0 ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . _... _...... _..... ....... __.._ ....... ...__....._...__ _.. W �n 3. A plan, profile or sketch of *aid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 4 5. Said improvement is ....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said innprovennent. ( ,I v `J Como 'scion r of Public Works. t -#-- St. '0' St. Paul, P'inn.. ..................... ^.c t.ne Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .�F�� ��-r-t .................. . . .. .... fit. from ......St. A*e. to ........... St. ftp. �ppn�,�Q�yb CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' yt yJ�II1 //� Sept• 25, 1920• COMMISSIONER.Y.1. DATE.- .......................... ..................... r RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to Etna Street, under Preliminary Order #28732, approved April 72 1920, and Intermediary Order f30495, approved August 13, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the abpve mater be,�Lt f RESOLVED, Thatvas—Cit07 niA. —Iia�a-fzxas_qiH& determines the amount of land to bq__t" the above named improvement as sem or ope , for cuts and fills i d upon e land ut g upon McLean Ave betwee e poin aft esai to the egt shown u the sket att hed the repor the Co sioner of lic works e m er dat ptember 25, 0, ich s �tofi ala A, o a hereby referred o d made rt here C. r. No. 3o996—sy a. c. IPhzel— ___.. In the matter of co demo ing and tak-+ Ins On easement In. the land necea- ry for elopes, for cuts and Alla In the Grading f McLean Avenue from Clarence SL to Etna St., under Pro- 1�••.. .a r> lera No. 26,32, pproved. ADrll 7, 192 o, ad Intermediary or d No. 304 J6, approved August 11' '1920. 1f Commissioner f .Public Works��_ sketch submitted above his% report and �y ekme Reeolvedh That 11 In ttfere be it Ing to the above be annulled and dls-i continued. c Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 192ol Appro4ed Sept. 26, 1920. (Oct 2-1920) Yes(,/) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council.19— Ferguson S McDonald _-.__....__.._lo favor Appro 19ZO 19.._..._ Matson Smith Against ---`..-------_._.-_..._ —..._..___.._._.-.-_— Wenzel M.voR Mr. President FORM aM -0 , In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the ecessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to Etna Street, under Preliminary Order 9f28732, approved April 7, 1920, and Intermediary Order 9f30495, approved August 13, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above im- provement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Pu I 4orkS. Sept. 25, 1920. R artarrnt of Ilublir Worka USSEN ,,__. J HFAN C WENZEL ®. COMMISSIONER row Iwo ner mina qE OpJAONSON MSowiC DEPUTY I—EIG C. PE—E M. RVTegH'C x=c r�owa N.NEAAo=o.o..K=Ewaw==, - R&PORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the ecessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading McLean Avenue from Clarence Street to Etna Street, under Preliminary Order 9f28732, approved April 7, 1920, and Intermediary Order 9f30495, approved August 13, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above im- provement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Pu I 4orkS. Sept. 25, 1920. CITY DEPARTMENT 51LI JL NCE REPORT OF COMMISSI ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). condemning and taking an easement in the land necesaary for slopes Inthe Matter of _.. _.. ...... _.. ...................... .... _..._.___ _._ .............._ for cuts and fills in grading 14cLean e:venue from Clarence Street to Etna St. under Preliminary Order approved April 7, 1920._.... _. ___.. _.. _. ._..:__..._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - `p...::v._._...__.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - c The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E 5 C RI P T I O N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS E D VALUATION 1 Kamnetz Addition. 50 Part of the southwest a of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, 1400 described as follows: West 100 feet of East 355.60 feet of North 219.72 feet of that part of land bounded as follows: Burns t.venue, Clarence Street, 14cLean Avenue and "ulton Street. Part of the southwest of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, 925 described as follows: Ea>at 235.6 feet of North 187 feet of that piece of land bounded as follows. Burns Avenue, Clarence Street, ;IcLoan Avenue and Fulton Street. Part of the Southwest of Section 34, Township 29, Range 22, O o described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of center line of Clarence Street and i;icLean Avenue, thence north along center line of Clarence Street 162.25 feet,thence .:ast parallel with i:icLean ::venue 142.37 feet, thence south to a point on center line Of .IcLea, •venue 112.52 f@et East from the "St of begin.;ing diene& °vest-to point of beginning., i CITY OF 8T PAUL DEI &-A JNT4 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C). DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Part of the southwest .y of Section 34, Township 29, Ranke 22, 85 described as follows: commencing at a point on center line of McLean Avenue 330.39 feet '.lest from the intersection, thereof, with center line of Fulton Street, thence Korth parallel with Fulton Street 162.12.feet, thence nest parallel with -cLean Avenue 56 foet, t4ence South to a point on center line of i.icLean Avenue 56 feet .:est from point of beginning, thence Ist to point of beginning. Part of the Southwest t of aecticn 34, 'iownsuip 29, hange 22, 90 described as follows: Commencing, at a point on center line of _w Lear Avenue 274.52 feet :Jest f. om the intersection, thereof, with center line of Fulton Street, thence .north parallel with Fulton Street 162.12 feet, thence Test parallel with nLean avenue 56.37 feet,thence South to a point on center line of RcLean rvenue 56.37 feet ',lest from point of beginning, thence East to place of beginning. Part of the Southwest I of Section 34, Township 29, "ange 22, 625 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of ,Lean Avenue 162 feet IJesterly from the intersection of Fulton Street with the center line of AcLean avenue, thence k.orth parallel with lulton Street162.06 feet, thence Westerly parallel with center line of KcLean vvenue 112.37 feet, thence Southerly parallel with Fulton Street to center line of EcLean Street, thence masterly 112.52 feet to point of beginning. Part of the Southwest ti of Section 34, Township 29, Mange 22, y0 described as follows' East 132 feet of South 1272 feet of that piece of Land bounded as follows: Pacific Street, Clarence Street, vIcLean ;venue and gulton Street. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated aloof the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated VCoI„1s.,i—r of Finance.F,A— &412 1„ ,J'4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo& :� �'= D Report to Commissioner of Finance i Pday 7, 20 �. _ _......_..........._191...... To the Couusissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Tho Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelioiinwy order of the Conn - 28732 ipril 7, 20 cil, known as C,puncil File No. ..._._..._ ......._ _approved. ]97........, relative to condemnin .,_and_,takin� _an_ease ment ,.in._the_ land nec_ess r...for...._..___.. slopes for cuta end fil _s in grading LcLean Ave. fr.em Clarence St. to Etna St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. necessary and (or) desirable. - 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._��:._._......., and the total cost thereof is h_._.. ._.____......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _114 Co issioser of i arks. 3099 COUNCB_ FILE NO... ------ ...... FRANK W. By...........................-...._........._.-...-._..............-_...... .,FINAL ORI:>ER In the Matter aix-f.o.o.L...ger:)ent....the...>.ideualk--on.- both --- - s Ldos---of...-.'il;{a ond..-at ree t---betzie on .-1'as cal. -.Avenue -and ..,:,n-ona --=_v onue-s...except where `ood ``nd...sufficient....sideiialks no,.r exist., ... .......... -- .......... - ..... ......... ----------------------------- -_.. C. F. No. 30997—By F. W. Matson— ............................... .............................................. ----------- - .......... ._�.... C. the Matter of toot cement the constructsidewaling a elz ............................................................................. a:dea of Almond Street between P eb ...............- ` A"' Arona Ave., exeeet - �'.. under Preliminary Order .........0013.0 ----------------- ........_ approvedJul..—j 21.r...192.0 ...... ....---_.................... ...-- Intermediary Order._......._....- -............_.._..... ._......... approved .................... -- .._._....----------------- ._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...C.QS1SiSL1Ct._.2�...a13x...f.C2Dt._Ga;;9B.nt._.ti1a._s.i.deyalk on..b9t1�..si.d s...of-..<_-7noncl_..��.'r.eet.-lletl:reen.-.pascal--._,pe�ue...a;id-- except_Vherq_. ood._and_.snfz_icient...siderva.lks...noci...e;Gist.,............ ......._....__.................. -- ----.......... - ........ ................_....._......_------------- ...._... .................. ..... .................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.. _ SEP. -25 -AM- - _... 191._. - City Clerk. r SEP 25 1920 Approved. _ .... ........................ ..... _........... 191...... Councilman Fa=ozilx Clancy Councilman': " erguson Councilman C19NOPC i.;cDonald Councilman MTCYL .:,;at son Councilman M-62WH svlith Councilman '&'WUWY4bh ,ienzel Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8_7 .............. ._..._______... ....... . July 21, 1920. under Preliminary Order approved ._.___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - for the improvement is - - - - - -$__./..._...........__.._.._._..... The estimated cost Pe*toot above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 4 Lake Park Addition. 450 29 4 do 400 28 4 do 400 27 4 do 400 26 4 do 400 25 4 do 400 24 4 do 400 23 4 do 400 22 4 do 400 _ 21 ,_4 - do_ __ _400 Farm8. B. 10 _ _._., ._.. TOTAL, _.... .:.:. ,: :.-. F.:._.-..: .... _.., (C) DESCRIPTION A OF - PAUL DEPA MEMt OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 4 Lake Park Addition. 400 19 4 do 400 18 4 do 1300 17 4 do 400 18 4 do 450 1 5 do 450 2 5 do 400 3 5 do 1800 4 5 do 400 5 5 do 400 6 5 do 400 7 5 do 400 8 5 do 400 9 5 do 400 10 5 do 400 r 11 5 do 400 12 ` 5 do 1900 13 5 do 400 14 5 do 550 15 5 do 1900 /76 b0 'Che Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated (✓ Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. H. 12 '� / � yp /� i Ste, .. __.1., - _.i._., :^: V�• ,.. • is zc L To the Honorable, T -e Council, Ci --y' of - . 1a4., ::J -nn. &antleman: r Pie, 'he un.:ersi-ned lo -arty o^niers, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the fo17.o:ri_za imorove:lent to be ; .... ....../............ .... ... ............................... w5. Avc:. / A X LOT X Y Al Il_ ✓C J.. ° . ..... _ ... /z . Y . s-. Y.`�.� T r 1 ' r ✓ . , f 4 . .. 1' .117. f. ........... .... Y., ......\.. ........ \i' v v . ►� ¢ICat�, .tiUJ,�a ??......... . • a ... Y.... Y..... Y ...................... 4,... Y, . .......... L \9 -; U L 2 31920 • E?T:A,U OF 14GjY % Office of othe Commissioner of Public SVA c -IV 0 =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance �����• UNffl pt w�a AUG .July..._29 ,...._1920 • ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coin - 30130 July 219 20 eil, known as Council File No_._........_ .......... ........... approved ......_._........ ........................ _........._..._..............191.._...., relative to_..... ..................... .. constructing a six toot cement the sidewalk on both sides of ................................................... ......................................................... ................................. ............ ......................................................................... ............................... ....................................... - Almond Street, between Pascal Avenue and Arous Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.08 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $. ............. ..................... . and the total cost thereof is $.... ........ .... ........ .................... mxl the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................ ........ ...... ..... .__.......................... ...._...._.................. ........... .... 3. A pian, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... ........... ........_................... ................ ........................... ..... _............... ..... .................................... ...................... ........__......_..................... ...... ..._..................... .... _ ...,... 5. .Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners -of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................ ._.............. ....._.-.Cv.. .. .. ............. \Commissioner Public )aks. EWD IiICROFILN CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by�o ar r Cownry /%i� Fo L,�in �ePS in accordance with the standard and approved technique -b with a Recordak microfilm machine, Mode l/t7R Q —�[ of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on a o 19 (L 6 by the undersigned operato-r(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: �✓o vh m Pfln in T 3 v,6— -2',0 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. It Signed: . i Dated (,i p 19 Operator SOaVONV1S.i0 11V ana 1VNOIiVN 1 9 TIIIII f- 11111 �Z IIIIII 8 • i lull - o�z����� ,�9 I • I VIII S ZIIIII 8 zlllil 0.1 VIII tea° ee 0—