28529-29034_03-18-1920_04-29-1920ane 9•1IIIII b IIIIII �Z•illlll 0•ZIIIII VIII '. BID . szlllll a Zlllll p.j III�I T ,.... r _ s �y 6 r Q O /, %,o m Ao ` � �� 04 %Z. A% q ^y o0 ca n�o•4�)1 \\ a,rn' _ asci �j\ a� �Q o•� 2 �j • oaao `\ A � START Serial No. of Roll yj g�q Department -.L,:x e/e Office,— ROLL fficeROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP -PERMANENT RETENTION . LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed If limited) Date Microfilm 6 CONTENTS Number or name of first document of regular contents BY operator Operator By O�.cry✓ Supervisor CI P FOENCII No......^Sl 2..9.-. O F THE CLERK r 00 OWN t ESOLUT N GENERAL FORM (0 PRESENTED BY � COMMISSIONER. ...:........... .......... e ................................................................................ ..... - DATE...... ........:. ... RESOLVED Y UREA'S, It has been reported by the St. Paul Armory Commission that certain repairs to the flooring and plumbing in that certain garage building owned by the City in eonfunetion with the St„ Paul Armory are required, and that the same have .been esti- mated to cost and WHEREAS, It has been deemed advisable to have these repairs ..made.by-city force account; now.therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and: Public Buildings be and -he is hereby authorized to cause the neees nary repairs to be made to the said building now under tAe super- vision of the said St. Paul Armory Commission, the cost of which is to be paid in the first instance out of the Public Building Revolving rued #56, which said fund is to be reimbursed by the proceeds of rent to be received for said garage building by the said Armory Commission; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to apply said rents as they are received, to replenish said fund. 1 AgWyed all papers in xb. zecza-BY a. at c " eenne Ifherene,: It has been,FeY flioA With abOv� I Bt.'Pael-Armory QOmmleF RegOluti t tela.mal- to ;the Qoor bbing;tm Lhai •-- certain iat- a^t x»Whed 9+Y the.clty, In eeaj.• the Paul eryarerow 0.5tthe seine have tleeneatlir- : 100iand tha - I ..:.. lean did—ad.- Yes mede-Yes (1) Councilmen t i ..r s R :t4e� 1Va;s e Adopted by the Council Aia{�.:.I ..Im.............19 6 Clancy,n... Farnsworth Goss �� °.. In favor APPro d. ....�... ..........19... 1(J Powers, Against ....... Wunderlich Mi. President ` FORM 3M9-19 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE NQ•--•••••• 157 MAP 19 1920 . ... --- - �--------------- --- $ P-- � TROLLE......R...... 11 AUDITED............................................191. J/�y ` PER -1 ............. ..... ..... I . . .................................. -. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favgf of the . persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: PUlft 19 1921 Adopted by ncil................... _._......... _--------- '%9 IS2 ..._'9IS20 4 _._........... _In favor � ppjpved.y... ....... _. _............. Against— .._.. /--✓/../.._._...._._...........__._....._... f//'^ """""" ;�Y.oR... Total 54,694.77 f I� 0 O �I r� �n n �a Y 'Af 8 Polio hnliol lyl2.800,00 A arns�or h Comfr. ,of Finance 11��02,68 14�$ S , B eau of Parke 1134 ,00 �► 315 4,40 11 92.40 Play gr ds 617 77 Forestry, restyvl. 456.79 `° _ Eleotiori 560.75 P. Bldgs.: Re 2.44 11.00 R 14.10 " 3.50 New Bldg. Con 1,060.4.9 Gt. Norther. School '29.44. 168.60 it 246a70 n. `453:00 498.00 .20 24 0 it 26. Gltier School(B4nd) 1,757.21 mecroft 63.00 11,802.5b 14 E. T. Webster, 2,.125.00 :! Sewer Bayard and Ha&line 1 7 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 4,892.22 Schools- 4,690.09 Gt. Northern Schools 202.13 4, 92.•2;& _ 1v ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. u .,� 28532 w . Council Resolution ... General 'Fgrm Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RES, T the $t. Paul Gan Light Comyavy to hereby ordered and di.,ted to nicnd it. el«triol lion by erectine yule. and suivcing wirn thereon for the t:anamina f el and in the following alleys and ea eeb of eafd city: - nst 1 One pole on `13uffalo street, between Acker street' east and Genesee street. Two poles on Toronto Street, between Jefferson Avenue and ralace 6treet. With nel:essary Buys and anchors. commercial lighting _ I G. F: 0" 28632 , d'.!'. hat the Re.olved, le hereby, order -fines LSsht CQomPan electrical wires I directed t° extend. nd etringinol stet- , by..erectfn8 P"fes on nlleYe - "".0no�°a^a �nt�hed 1o11owlnS trlcftY city: ,t - end .ptreets 01 IL, d between . ; 7nsta1l oentn �BuKalo' $treat Street:{ one 0010 On and Gene be-', A Two spolee";on Toronto"$treetP.alae,e. . ;awoen Je6:ereon Avenue gnd ' Sir" ith neCeeacY keys gnd<anohore., r, fCom>o sfuchileatonelonei' Poles and nd�aonetructat ,,o'{yeg nhalla Vection an p1bilc Utilitle n .Pnder L"e lealoo-l''0 eo"'to, the Prov the -Comm,. " nd In alt hi Sit .and renplt``i stona,of Ordinanc No. 8424 and to all lty. of sl't in ., ;other .lawful ordinances' tlont Of l Ueah old ho eet; tredte r the. <tion in Bald, ""Y' and P Commleeloner of Pnbllq.o slush heSghq I,,,.ate,.end ehalh0 ee'ltall d@91gn to ':and-clharncter ads,-hY';:'and .all' Such, ahaTl henasken-down,'%nd.�,re-, �¢¢nd aPPr° � .laced underi-, •Polon wlrea,P shall. mov d %nd h t e,.Cor, ggrround, wheneveubitc fntereat so re deem that th PSL afiall Mar rd9 2986. All of each eatene{ova, yoln aad wiry hill be .quires, tda-by hie Cou 1CaQa �u� ommiseienv of Pnbik Utllftien and In -11 W-0 anbiec�w pmol �d be of ee%feueh,11o,!a to add nid oflelia APPA°ved. 'eta 1 gq 1986) d ignele, and eh.11 be of ouch heieht and characty ae be All MI. hand atromv d avy and dl eh yoln ,'tMorch F `' ndervouud, wbevevn the Convcil atoll deem that tke —blie intetnt eo nahlree, and Lan It elWl ord r. , - . Adopted by the Council--' 191 Yeas Councilmen "(' ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOS$ ` r' WUNDERLICH ffAN 91920 191 HYLAND Approved KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor Department Bureau of, o. Date Prese /RESOLVED. That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is bereby ordered and dhected to wend its electrical lines by ereetine poles and atrin¢int whey thereon for the tmoemiselon of elcculcty on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: Install One pole in the alley north of Butternut t3treet, ')etween Bay Street . and Otto Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting, qutree and when tt 0+� ' .Adopted by the Council Mar 19 1920 ppproved�Mar 19 1920 l Ail of.all exteniluti Ddla.and hu a1,a1I be WCslad and (March 22-1920) _ Iaalener of Public Utilities and in all things subject to the provisions of tpane. No 2414 anS t dl then 1 afi' ppqq yyaaAll poles should be sat to such 1—thot i said alleys d s tilt Uttllti hall desiq� t nd shall be of such height and character as p9bliclivtermt so regntreeltnd whenati shill aso orddlrA dull ba taken down and removed, and such whey placed underground, whenever the Council eball deem that the Adopted by the Council N11H 19 1920 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS Ad COW; I WUNDERLICH HYLAND Approv `x_191 KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor PRESENTED BY COMMISSIO r• RESOLVED ,o CITY OF� FILE NO........28535 OFFICE OF TH CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _.----...................... DATE .......................... ............................... . That the City Clerk is hereby authorized to employ whatever emergency help that may be necessary for the handling of the election returns at a compensation not to excedd Five Dollars ($5.00) per day. Sucih expense to be paid out of the Election Expense Account of the General Fund. Yes (v) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FO RM_,'43 9-o TY OF FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2 36' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.................................................................................. .............. ................... ............... DATE............_................ RESOLVED VMPMAS, The Commissioner of Fdudation has reported to the Coune il , in aoaordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of em emergency which rendered necessary the empla.9pent of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of.em— ployment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the I 1=0per city officers are hereby authorized to pay I the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra -emT)lq_YmeUt for the extra time hereinafterI C. 77�-:-- F. No28636-11y Albert *U.de,J set forthii Rlh f d"', "'11- repoftiid'to ae ]ved, whereas the Colpmle the k6%itIn V-N . f 1-1--�thehCR Ym: Charter the 'extatence ey6a6r9oncy which Yandor.d,neceIIthe i.0-d.oartreet of cormN­ yUFS Rate Of hvdepartment for n.rahAlftltName hours per qWd -VIp7Me.Vb.Ins mors than tfair,, ou t e I hpure, Overtime 'meati; theYsba 6. propercity 0 1- IfiefAbF .It ons.41 , 'the e 10 cl e, . rate _for o:crs an O,e $1.34 per hr. Boelter, A. L. 'to 10 r set Fredrickson, Chas. 1.75 h6fira, 4: rate or, 6,irtin"lo"� hour.: Langenberger, Joe. Naine.— Fredrickgoy-: Cho tit, e, .50 0ie=fltter;l Yat - 715, per hotter. N-0, Langenbekger, ljorer;�h re'-24; rate ,on -IIh pe 7 hoar. by t6'6-6c11 Mar SB 1820. �,O'r , !4d-mar, 19; 192o.: 2761920.) Yes (%1) Councilmen (0 Nays NAR 19 1920 Clancy Adopted. by the Council...._...............................................19... Farnsworth' NAR 19 1920 Goss .......__...In favor Approved ........... ; ..................... .................... 19 McColl PowersAgainst . ................... ......... ... . ......... .. .............. ............... MAYOR Wunderlich W. President FORM 3M9-19,� N e 2853"7 . COIc 'VE/Wr.............. . By.......... h ........................ FINAL ORDER Tia -the Matter "-=_-=ce 4' -'...re ue __'o' ,:. q,, ,r=5,?...._ rc iia•-' o..... ve..0@.,...... cl_i:c, ... e........ -` .. c�,�:�ct`_ocs.-- °=_.....� :--- . ,.. y _ --- �.4. 'o, oh :. =1 4�...d...... .S.x...._ . Q............il...................... ... „r ...c.s ................... ----! :� ....: ace a - under Preliminary Order ............ _27610 ----....... approved. - - e c r..,;h o = ---_:.a--- J' ,.......------ IntermediaryOrder............................................................. approved ................. .............................. ................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- . ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and ;kind of �� wd .improvement to be made by the said City �s ?:_v4............................'...,,vc uc._= eri i v °*t -R._<...C..,_�G�t._.Li'L.,...S1:DT7 street nay s to � one :.i_1c co Mete :e..._ ° c c,ez....._ s° ...................... .. ............................ ..._...................:. -- . ... ° ...... dr 7C-, 1i7_ 1)_':_'OAC 1L-.,.....::...ioi'C............. J2—c /flieneil he " y orde se and ' hereb ins ted VED Uat the omm, xe to re are a anDA d i8cahons��� w�auyd t sa to th P P sP Y3 e�yrRe;that on said a royal, th roN? n�'i j�ffic>t U„ ?'her autho ' ed an dire ed 'th the eking o sajd>>imp vemenWn 3' `rordancreihere . Adopted by the Council- .............?- .... f. 1 r ----------- - - -J ----- ----------- ~....-- City C k. �..... /n^ - ... .. ------- ------------ Mayor. councilman Farnsworth PUBLISHED .3— ' ? D Councilman Goss Councilman ClancyIN t - ouneilman Rfffl 00.00S _ ouncilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich v 1 Mayor Hodgson C V dr �' r' i w `� •`� w - 4 - -z t A orm B. S. A. 8-7 /-���Ttl of✓L% l`�"�- �/T'�/�'s-dam. J-4 J CITY 'I -.,y T, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _.F.aV3 a qL r.m i r le avenue to -Prior avenue, Q..Q:tqn _ yftq g ......... . 0. - .. . . ...... . -y.- .............. .. ...... ... .... ............... .. .... . ...... ...... ........... ....... . includlng..s.eiwae— wat.e..r. AAd mains to -property lines,, aompl.et.e._ r,,here.nptg_ curbing and -paving alley..a.nd.. ne-ces-sary. . .... .. . ... 5 A V 40, -Ops". P1CUL - .DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE_[ REPORT' OF COMMISSIONER OF .FINANCE i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK e - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Underw.00dl.s Firet Addition _:_15_4 to City of St. Paul, Ramsey :14, 4 _ County,.-Minnes-ota.- - t i i . _ 5 b. I- -,. 13.4 - Dc _ .._.. _ _ , ; _5751 3 .._ __Do _ I-1 `1J0 1- 23 3 :._ Do". 60,0- 1 I 22 3 _ _ . Do __ _ .. _ .601 ...- -Do .... 60_{___ I 20- 3 _ I - - - -Do _ 3 - �0 60,0 17 ..3 ;.' - -.__ _ Dp _._Do - - f 350,0- _ lb.. 3 _ _ _ .. _ Do 240'0 - - ' 14.3 _ _.Do - i L 60j0 i 60�_.�.._ 1.3..3 -Do _ 6.50_f- _ Ma:calester _Plac'e 2 _ 1 ._ _Do 17 60,0 i 600...E ;_3_ 1 Do _.. - ,._. _14 1 ,_ _.... Do ;i 13 .0 ! -; 1360 i DO Do i i i3lI ' 3- SeletnAddition _._. _ J ..4d0 ;: ...: ' ,I aQ , { 40,9.E I Do_ _._.� - _,4:�. _.- 900 -,, I 71 425 i TOTAL (9i2g of OL Paul OSCAR CLAUSSEN,CRiEE eK°iREER - �p}tatSlaPtt1 of ,uh1il �AYIiB ...A..,1...I..... M. N. GOES. COMMISSIONER J. E. c ri°v wv° nenwina R. T. GOI,IRLEY, DEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON, Sunr,° ,. N. W OE NGER, SUIT-,.., - N.s. January 5, 1930 G. N. NERROLD•OFF es E11IR11. ' Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir* I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the oost :br paving.Prinoston Avenue from Fair- view Avenue to Prior Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made., also-inolud- Ingecurbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File No. 27610, approved December 15, 1919. Total Bind.of per Total coat per Paving_ 9o.Yd.. Estimate Front Foot 3j" Oreo$oted Block $5.43 $33,441.31 $9.88 Intersections Out 5.43 31,736.29 9.17 Brick 4.67 30,160.39 8.50 Intersections Out 4.67 18,694.01 7.88 Asphalt 3.92 16,922.64 7.14 Intersections Out 3.93 15,691.76 6.62 Asphalt Concrete 3.93 •16,923.64 •7.14 Intersections Out 3.93 15,691.76 6.63 Concrete 3.15 13,598.55 5.73 Intersections Out 3.15 12,609.45 5.32 Width of roadway 30 ft. Paving area 4,317 sq. yde. Intersections Out 4,003 " Frontage 2,372 ft. Where sewer, water and gas .house service oonnectione are not in, add for cost of each connection: For sewer connection $75.00 " water " 32.00 Very truly yours, ges-b Chief Engineer To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 27610 Deoember 15, 9 _cil, known as Council File No ........... ............ ......._...approved .............................. ................... ........ ............... 191.......... relative to ...................... _..... paving Princeton Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue. ......... ...............__..................................._............................_............_........._..,......_...................................................._....._....................................................._.........._........_................_....::... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. ........ _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The e7stimated cost thereof is $_: x.XXg.......... _, and the total cost thereof is $................ _g ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................ ............ _._................. ............... _............... ........................ _... ..... ........................ ................... :.............. ............. .......................... ...... _....... .......... _........................................................ ...... _..... --... :__............... ._...................... ..._.................... ...................... 0 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.. _ ................... _........................ .......... _....... __._.... ... -............................ ... ................... __................ _................... .................... ..................... ............................... ........ ....... 5. Said improvement is_....... _................. __asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............ ....... .....'...'� '...... Commissioner of Public Worke. WE, the undersigned, owners of property fronting on Prinoeton.Avenue, between Fairview and Prior Avenues, hereby object to the paving of said Princeton Avenue from Fairview to prior Avenues for the reason that the present cost of labor and materials is eaeeedingly high and that the cost of said improvement would be more than one half (*) of the value of the lots fronting on said Princeton Avenue. And that the street is in reasonably good repair at the present time. �� r couxcn. 'iF - ; 28538 . . ............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .C_._.t::.::: =- ... ...,.., o ....:i:1_. w.,:�....' '- ;l nc..c...?,_.,.... _--'= of a L i' . _ cc0 _ -e:_� o o� - e _0. _ c o. -- 7 -- _ s I.J - „ ^... --- 011 ..,...::.kT. : ,-a.....-.. .....:. .6.0 under Preliminary Order - -: '.L �.1. .......... approved. - `..C. ..:J:: ,... ,.: .............---- .... Intermediary Order........................................................ approved -. A public hearing having been had upon the above improveme r 2hce and the Council a Tiq tWg4 ' having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relat inking tea Daae baving fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it ie xo dca` t4 RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the p lana nuu@nnF -e, extent and kind of improvement,to be made by the said City - ,_,i, ;.,. 0.� � l0 .-0. ._.' ( � 'BOJ) j ., -QO 0 ;.-.,� ................................_10 ....... p y0 C i1 C iUG - _ i.— 0- .: _'0,.,��, 0,_. --G ..... .. .. ... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accords therewith. Adopted by the Council .......11t1f( i9 -I (�.................... 191 _ n �r X Approved........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clangy.: _ Councilman EdiT: �c Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 191........ PUBLISHED City Mayor. "CITY OF ST. PAUL i .�6eP,RTMy..T OF FINANCE %REIl-ORT OF C1d�M%jk,,��SJ0? ER OF FINANCE ��jt•.. ON PRELIMI AR ORDER I l) In the Matter of__ ap ing the grade of alleys in Blocks 2, 6,7 .and 8 of Macalester . Villas in accordance witri $F,6 red lines on Profile�o: `642 -4 p1atW- heret_o,._attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by blue lines thereon;'aYso grading all - of the"""All'ays......iri_d said Blocks 1,2,3t4,5,6,7,8,9,10,ll and 12, Macalester Villas the alleys in said Blocks 2,6 ,7 and 8 to -lie -graded in aocoidariCe""with-"t]W red, lines on the accompanying profile when established, and the remaiW. alleys 1.to the present eatablfished gradss; under Preliminary Order approved ........December 2nd, 1919 ............._..........._... _....._....................... _....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 3 ,�J The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is - - -$.-...�%.................�....-.....-......-�-." " a The estimated cost pet' �foo�tfor the above improvement is $..__..1:.._J'C................ .................. .. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of egch lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ESSED D Es C RI PT iON ILOT OLOCKi ADDITION VALUATION II TOTAL, f 6QOI I 17 1 Macalester Villas a _. 18 j 1' Do i 4! 51 � i lg i 1' Do 4�O1 20 425! 11 f _ { 211 1 Do 425 22' 1 Do 450 231 i Do i 4501 ' - } 24 li Do 425! 25i 11 Do . , 0 li__.. TOTAL, 9 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R. REPORT OFx CO�v1MISSIONER OF FINANCE' c P ELIAiNARY <VRDFR M'= - (B) ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A ASSESSED _ VALUATION West of 26 1 �acalester Villas Ii 675', 21 1 Do 16 1 Do 60,0 15 1 Do 475 14 1 Do 3275, 13 1 Do 27751 12 1 Do 475 11 1 Do 2975': 10 1 Do 475. 9 1 Do 2825; . 8 1 Do 475 7 1 Do 475 6 1 Do 3175 1 1 Do 1000 2 1 Do 3925 3 1 Do 3625 4 1 Do 4175 5 1 Do 1000 6 1 Do 3175 1 2 Do 1000 2,4 2 Do 37751 3 2 Do 725' 4 2 Do 5000 5 2 Do 1000 27 2 Do 2900 6 2 Do 600, q6 2 Do ... -, TOTAL :475 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE x REPORT OF"' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON OkELINIINARY g3RD§R (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION East z of West of East of West of 25 2 24 2 23 2 22 2 21 2 20 2 19 2 18 2 17 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 2 10 2 ) 11 2 )) 11 2 ) 12 2 )) 12 2 13 2 14 2 15 2 16 2 1 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 5 3 Macalester Villas Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 287.51 261.51 475 1 475 475 3075 47,5 475 .650 c- - 3775 240 725: 3975 2675 3175 25.0 8025 475 340'.0 35.0 '! 300 275 250 225 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �CO.MMI1SSIONER FttEPORT OF' OF FINANCE p --' ON PRELIMINARY (YRDFiR - ADDITION ' DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK I ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3- Macalester Villas 225; 7 3 Do ` 2251 8 3 Do 225' 9 3 Do 225', • 10 3 Do 11 13 Do 12 3 Do 225 13 3 Do 2251 14 3 Do 225 15 3 Do 250, 30 3 Do 3100, 29 3 Do 2850 28 3 Do 2850 27 3 Do 3251 26 3 Do 300 25 3 Do 1800, 24 3 Do 300 23 3 Do 1 3001 22 3 Do 300 21 3 Do 300 20 3 Do 275' 19 3 Do 2501 18 3 Do 250 17 3 Do 250 16 3 Do 250, 15 4 Do 275. 14 4 Do - TOTAL 250 i ASSESSED VALUATION i 300. 876 725 475 475 1679 250, 46.25 3425 3925 575 425 3075, 425 225 3325 4325, 425, 5450, o1TY OP ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINE r OEPORT OF' CO, MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PFLIt4INARY 9RDr4R DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 30 4 Macalester Villas 17 5) Do West-* of 18 5 )) Do East j of 18 5 DO 19 5 Do 20 5 Do 21 5 Do 22 5 Do West of 23 5 Do East of 23 5 Do 24 5 25 5) Do West of 26 5 ; East of 26 5 )) DO 27 5) Do Y 16 5 Do 15 5 Do 14 5 Do 13 5 Do West 20 feet of 12 5 Do East 20 feet of 12 5 Do West 30 feet of 11 5 East 10 feet ofD 11 5 o 10 5 � Do 9 5 a Do West 10 feet of 8 5 East 30 feet of 8 5) Do - 7 5 ) TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION i 300. 876 725 475 475 1679 250, 46.25 3425 3925 575 425 3075, 425 225 3325 4325, 425, 5450, - cm OF 9t. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE : 1 _ kREPOF2T Opo M E OF FINANCE 0 11 t SSIO ,�R (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 & Macalester Villas 3525 27 5 Do 3025 1 5: Do 4450 2 5 Do 675 3 5 Do 3475 4 5 Do 3825 North 10 feet of 5 5 82'5 (Ex. N. 10 f eet O:r 5 5 DO 1 6 Do 1000 2 6 Do 3525 3 6 Do 367.5 4 6 Do 87'0 5 6 Do 9715 27 6 Do 3325 6 6 Do 450 27 6 Do 0-- 26 6 Do 41715 25 6 Do 2.675 . 24 6 Do 3475 23 6 Do 277:5 22 6 Do 3575 21 6 Do 3475 20 6 Do 3475 19 6 Do 475 18 6 Do 475 17 6 Do TOTAL 600 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -' ON AELAINARY 4j)RDrjR DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 6. Macalestr Villas c --I--- 7 6 Do 450 8 6 Do 450 9 6 Do 450 . 10 6 Do 3750 11 6 Do 450 12 6 Do 3050 13 6 Do 3050 14 6 Do 3050 15 6 Do 450 16 6 Do 550 17 7 Do 525 18 7 Do 400 19 7 Do 425 20 7 Do 425 21 7 Do 425 22 7 Do 425 23 7 Do 425 2A 7 Do 425''. 25 7 Do 425 26 7 Do ,425 27 7 Do 425', 16 7 Do ;400 15 7 Do 300 14 7 Do .3001 13 7 Do 300 12 7 Do TOTAL 350, .. - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 y t REPORT 00 CCSMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON AiEL11A1NARYPRCFR (B) DESCRIPTION d North 8 feet of Ex. N. B feet of East of West of East J- of ro.+ • . 11 LOT BLOCK 11 7 10 7 9 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 27 7 6 7 1 7 2 7 3 7 4 7 55 7 1 8 2 8 ) 3 8 )) 3 8 4 8 5 8 27 8 6 8 26 8 25 8 25 8 24 8 23 8) 22 8 )) ADDITION mac fester Villas Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do ASSESSED VALUATION 400 400 400 400 2800 2150 C ---- c---- 900 550 550 5$0 800 900 3800 500 600 875 525 500 625 Do 625 Do 3226, Do IAF TOTAL " CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t MEPORT OF' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON IrRELI` (NARY VRDY.R Ay (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION West of 22 8 Macalester Villas. 625 21 8 20 8 Do 425' 19 8 DO 3075 18 8 Do 425'. 17 8 Do 5751 6 8 Do 500 7 8 Do 3100. 8 8 Do 400, 9 8 Do 400 10 8 Do 400, 11 8 Do 21751 12 8 Do 400, 13 8 Do 400. 14 8 Do 400 15 8 Do 400 16 8 Do 550 1 9 H'o 300 2 9 Do 275 3 9 Do 250, 4 9 Do .225. 5 9 Do 225 6 9 Do 225; Ex. W. 5 feet of 7 9 Do 240 West 5 feet of 7 9 Do 250, 8 9 Do roww .. 9 9. DO TOTAL 2R¢; - CITY OF ST. ?AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE e REPORT 01 6mmISN IO oER OF FINANCE r Aj ON .. . 4 (e) -. _ -ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 10 9 Macalester Villas 225; c, 11 9 Do 425'. 12 9 Do 225 13 9 Do 225' 14 9 Do 225 15 9 Do 27b 30 9 ) Do 840 East of 29 9 )) Do West roof 29 9 Do 1Q0 28 9 Do 300 27 9 ) Do 415 East of 26 9 Do West of 26 9 Do 135 25 9 Do 275' 24 9 Do 275' 23 9 Do 275 22 9 Do 275 21 9 Do 27.5 276 20 9 Do 19 9 Do 275; 18 9 Do 275 17 9 Do 275; 16 9 Do 300 '. lb 10 Do 300 14 10 Do 27:5 13 10 Do 12 10 Do TOTAL 27,5 i .i. CITY OF ST. PAUL. - ^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I I t REPORT OFA' CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON *REC (NARY*ORQER - - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 10 maoalester Villas 275 10 10 Do 275, ' 9 10 Do 275, 8 10 DO 215; 7 10 Do 275, 6 10 Do . 27 5 5 10 Do 275, 4 10 Do 275 - 3 10 Do 275' 2 10 Do 3W 1 10 Do 3' 16 10 Do 250, 17 10 Do 250 18 10 Do 260 , 19 10 Do 2501 20 10 Do 250. 21 ' 10 Do 250', 22 10 Do 250: 23 10 Do 260' 24 10 Do 250,, 25 10 Do 2501 26 10 Do 250! 27 10 Do 2501 28 10 Do 250, 29 10 Do 2,50'; 30 10 Do 300, 17 11 Do TOTAL - - CITY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE iF2EPORT Off' C(IjMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 0 � --" ON 16-RELOMINARYiORWR B� OESG RIPT�ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 18 11 Macalester Villas 19 11 Do 400 20 11 Do 400 21 11 Do 400 22 11 Do 400 23 1�1 Do 400. Lie st of 24 11 Do 200 1pas t * of 24 & all 25 11 Do 600 W. ZO feet of 27 11 Do 4000, 26 11 Do y'. 40-65 feet of 27 11 Do 400 - 16 11 Do 450' 15 11 Do 325 14 11 Do 325 13 11 Do 325 12 11 Do 325 11 11 Do 325 10 11 D o 325 9 11 Do 325 8 11 Do 325 7 11 Do 325, 6 11 Do 400 :M- 40.65 Peet oS 27 11 Do 6 11 Do C--- 5 11 Do ..660 >. 4 11 Do 475, d Refer s. a ft 3 11 Do TOTAL 47 5. ' CITY OF BT. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT Ot' CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE fi �► ON N°RE"14MINAR4QRfj?ER ,N (B) EQ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 11 I3acalester Villas 475. 2 11 Do 47,5: 1 11 Do '725. 27 12 Do 350 6 12 Do 275 1 12.. Do 675 2 12 Do a 450 3 12 Do 450 4 12 Do 450 . 6 12 Do 625; 27 12 Do D 26 12 Do 350, 25 12 Do 350. 24 12 Do 275 23 12 Do 250 22 12 Do 250 21 12 Do 250: 20 12 Do 250. 19 12 Do 250, 18 12 Do 250 17 12 Do 30;0 6 12 Do 2751 7 12 Do 275. 8 12 Do 275', 9 12 Do 275'. 10 12 Do 2§0, 11 12 Do TOTAL 2�O I,:..-..., CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ♦ 4REPORT Off' CbM_MISSIONER OF FINANCE y. r ON AP-1AMINAR4ORJ?ER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 12 Macalester Villas 13 12 Do 14 12 Do 15 12 Do 18 12 Do / H VALUATION 2251 225 200 275 ��3 GOO -. 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191�v Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 oscAR cuussEH, cwl[. ewalw[[' J. E. CARROLL.�Su tlw[[R[ ALFRED JACKSON. Sunt OiloM Awo P[.wlRs • .�Ii H. W. GOETZIHOER, 9u�r.ow M. S. OPYTBAH •E a^H[[Rlowa O. H. HERROLD!Orilce Exalw[[R d QEity of £+t. pant loepartmrnt of PubCu Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY W December 23, 1919 b:r. M,. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. .I Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading -of all the alleys in Blocks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12, Macalester Villas, in accordance with Council File No. 27417, approved December 2, 1919. Alley Total Aasessable Cost per No. Cost Frontage Front ft. 1 $425.65 1,325.62 ft. $0.321 2 337.31 1,359.40 •25 3 151.39 1,198.50 .127 4 349.88 .1,198.36 .29 5 214.83 1,364.10 .16 6 370.84 1,330.62 •28 7 286.55 1,330.62 .215 8 608...30 1,363.81 .45 9 283;:59 1,198.22 •24 10 348.86 1,198.10 .29 11 589.85 1,363.52 .433 12 587.35 1.330.61 .441 All alleys $4554.35 15,561.5 ft. 0.30 Excess Inspection $89.30 very truly � yours, Chief Engineer gse-b r ' # • � "Y Al ~ �✓„ St. Pe:ul, Minn .. .....................191... -o ti.-ie Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition 0 your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gradbg Of all a► 10ye, of KRO"aster VIII&s. ........ ....St. Avo. from ........................St. Ave. to St. Ave. M E LOT BLOCK :,DD1. Old .............°"".° .. ... .... .. .... . �/..... ��.s... . ...... �.� ... . ,k?.. .. .......... .�. G� ".EC 4V. .,9 :.. QA U .... ..... .. 11tQ✓...............5, , z� fel ./k7.8........ e r � E, ;; 4a�, St. P<,ui, Minn., t -o the Honorable, The Council, ^"� ,1 - City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: we, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to-be made:' zd off' a1� pilo a ..11.]....,............ ........... ..................St. Avo• from .......:.................St. Ave, to :. • . ......... ..... St. Iva,. N e E OT BLO K �BZfIOId / �r • � N •,�•' s� 'x eN. Sa r r K /... ....... /.:. . ~ . l... ..................... . .:. .!j............... �... ..�... ..... ............. 4 ...... �y(( ..�.. ffS '. ..........� .. ... . v.......................... ...... iyY �1.......� i .. 1 Str:inn. 91.. . xo the Honorable, The Council, 't!U11 _ 1910 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading of,al2 al�eps,q$.?��¢aeete, ................. ........................ .::St. Avg. from.. ..................St. Ave, to ............... .......... .....St. Ave. A M E OT 0 K 3DI`l'IOI'__ 1 .........:��........ ...... , ................. �.:. .. %.. .,, .......... < :.... - ��`� o.. �... . ?i `• .......... .. "................ 4 ....... ...........q..... . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. 4. CITY OF ST. PAUL cotl MCR. 39.._ ,,' FILE NO ...... ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mar. 19. 1920. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading alleys in Blocks 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Macalester Villas, under PreliminaryOrder #27416 approved December 2, 1919, and Intermediary Order 428228, approved February 19, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St'. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Macalester Villas, to the ;$tent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated March 19, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to"and made a part hereof. Yes (d) Councilmen (i) -_Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderliclh Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Approv .._.... ...........,Ilalt1520............19........_ ............. .............: _.............. _......... _ .. MAYOR oscnR cuussEN, c a. cwa�Ra.w CARROL1, SO.Twawwa ALFRED JACKSON; r eT�ow wwo wenwlw• H. W. g10CRINOER, yu.i,o wa M. 9. GRYTRAK'ENCINawn1O G.H. HERROLO'O.n�cc Ewo�Rcan Mitg of ot. 11sil Department of Public Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY Report to the Council - 28539 In'the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, fe'r- cuts and tills in grading alleys in �. Blocks 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Macalester Villas, under Preliminary Order 7#•27416, approved December 2, 1919, and Intermediary Order rr28228, approved February 19, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made ` on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan, -'-V � A� A A A Co i i -n i o• u c r Dated March 19, 1920. >_- - CITar OF ST. PAUL FINANCE ' FI. FINt ANCEREPORT OF SNR -0` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y l6� - - ... ., s • -DESCRIPTION LOT BLociCADDlT10N ASSESSED VALUATION West of 26 1 Macalester Villas:: 57b 27 1 Do 16 1 Do 600 15 1 Do 475 14 1 DO 3275 13 1 Do 2775 12 1 Do 475 11 1 DO 2975 10 1 Do 475 - 9 1 Do .28215 8 1 Do 47.5 7 1 Do 475 6 1 Do 3175 1 1 Do 1000 2 1 Do 3925 _ 3 1 Do 362.5 4 1 Do 4175 5 1 Do 1000 . 27 1 Do---- 6 1 Do C---- 1 2 Do 1000 2 2 Do .3775 3 2 Do 725 4 2 Do 5000 5 2 Do .1000 27 2 Do 2900 6 2 Do TOTAL 600 ' Cl;!, OF 8T. PAUL OF FINANCE DlmPART %MY 2.-., E 0� �.: REPORT. OFf"CdMWSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' :4-J DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 27 2 Macalester Villas C---- 26 2 Do. 475, 25 2 Do 2875' 24 2 Do 2675 23 2 DO .475 22 2 Do 475, 21 2 Do 475 20 2 Do 3075, 19 2 Do 475. 18 2 475 17 2 DO 650; 6 2 DO c----, 7 2 DO 3775 8 2 Do 2.50'. - 9 2 Do 725 10 2 Do 3976, East of 11 2 West of 11 2 ) DO 2675 East of 12 2 DO _ West of 12 2 Do 3176 13 2 2 14 _ 2 Do 30.2 15 2 Do 475 16 2 Do 3406 1 3 Do 350 2._ 3 Do 300 3 3 Do _ 78 TOTAL CIT! OF ST. PAUL 7 (10DIEP T9i NT OF FINANCE MtSSIONER ` r REPORT OF%'CG OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2�O 4 3 Macalester Villas 5 3. Do 225, 6 3 Do 225; 7 3 Do 225' 8 3 Do 2251 9 3 Do 225: 10 3 Do 2251 .11- 3- Do 225, -- 12 3 Do 13 3 _ Do 24'6 14 3 Do 225 15 3 Do 250! 3o 3 Do 3100 29 3 Do 2850, 28 3 Do 2850'; 27 3. Do .325 _ 26 3 Do _ 3Q0, 25 3 Do _ 1800. e 24 3 Do 300; 23 3 Do 300. 22 3: Do .300! 21 3 Do 300. , 20 3- - Do 19 3 `�0 250: _ _ 18 3. _ Do 250 _ 17 3. _ Do.- _ 250 - 16 -- -_ _3 .. Do_ 250 TOTAL (p�,1 CIZ OF 8T. PAUL D1kPARTE T OF FINANCE 7 NII + REPORT �F4CQAVIT SSIONER OF FWANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t. (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Z5 4 Tdacalester Villas 275 1 44 Do 259 1 3 4 Do 250 12 4 Do 250 11 4 Do 275 10 4 D o 309 9 4 Do 300 _.. - . 8 4 Do 300 7 4 Do 30Q . - - 6_ 4 Do 300 5 4 Do 300 W 4 4 Do 300 3 4 Do 300 2 4 Do 325 1 4 Do 26 4 Do 25Q 17 4,- DO 225 3-8 4 Do 225 19 4 Do 225 $O 4 Do 225 21 4 Do 225 22 4 Do 225 23 4 Do 225 24 4 Do 225. 25 4 Do , 225 -26 4-- DQE I e _ I .225.-', : — -27 4 Do TOTAL d I - - - - -- • "'' 7 - - -. CIT6 OF ST, PAUL - D�PA�TME T OF FINANCE T`� REPORT OF�CO'lVI1NSS10NER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "� �' 1• DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 28. 4 Macalester Villas 225 29, 4. DO 275.'. - - - 30 4 DO 300 1? 6. . DO .. 875 ! -- ` West of 18 5. Do East of 18 b . Do 726 ; 19 6 . - -- - - -- - — 20-, 5-, _ - Do - - 21 5- Do- - - - - - 22_ - b:, Do 1 _ - West of 3 23 . b Do i $50 - - - - - - mast.:_ of 23 . b . Do 4620 - - - 24 5 Do_ - 25 5 Do :3420 =- - West of 26, 51 East of 28 5, Do 382 27 5. --- - 16 5. Do- 5?b - -- 15 5 Do 425 - — - - - - - 13 . b _ DO 425 :. . --- - - - - - -West 20 feet of 1-2- ..5 _ D0. _ -. 226_ _ . East 20 feet of 12. _5.�._ _ -Do. 3325 West 30 feet of 11 5 ) Do East 10 feet of 11 Do 4325 -- 10 5) Do 9 5 Do 425 ` e �y TOTAL • f C11 OF. ST. PAUL OF FINANCE K. T' DEPFT ,7}4T / , 6�C-0 m1sSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER~ cBi DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION East 30 feet of V 8 6 Macalester Villas 1 54pO0 7 5 Do 6 5 Do 3526. 27 5 Do 3925_ 6 5 Do o---- 1 5 Do 4450' 2 5 Do 3 5: Do 3475, 4 5 Do 3852 1v o xrth 10 feet of 5 5 ) Do Etc. N. 10 feet of 5 5 Do 820 1 6 Do 1.090 2 6 Do 3525",. 3 6 Do 3675 , 4 6 Do 675 5 6 Do 9751 27 0 Do 3325 ; 6 6 Do 450 27 6 Do c--- 26 6 Do 4175: _ 26 6 Do 267.6.. 24 6 Do 23 6 Do 277.5: 22 6 Do 357;5 21 6 Do 347.5: 20 6 Do 347j5 19 6 Do_._ 47: TOTAL s - Cl�yy OF BT. PAUL � l D�PP,RTM NT OF FINANCE �( � �� F �� T` REPORT OF�CO'IVIM�SSIONER OF FINANCE r� 11 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B� UESG RIPTION LOT BLOCK �� ADDITION VALUATION 18 8 ;,dacaleater Villas 476 17 B Do 600 6 6 Do c--- 7 8 Do 450 8 6 Do 450 9 6 DO 450 . 10 " . 8, Do 3750 11..a,g,:., , Do _. .450 12 8 Do 30 50 13 6 Do 30 b0 14 B Do 450 15 6 Bo 450 18 8 Do 550 ' 17 7 Do 52b 18 7 Do 400 19 7 Do 425 20 7 DO 426 - 21 7 DO 425 22 7 DO 425 23 7 Do �� 42b ,- .2+4 7 Do 425 25 7 Do 425 26 7 DO 42b 27 7 Do 425 16 7 Do 400 15 7 Do 300 300 14 _7_ _ r�.� FYSi CITY OF ST. PAUL DkPARTAENT OF FINANCE } 7 r-. REF -C) -RT OFIIC04ISSIONER OF FI[SIANCE ON PFRkLIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION _ 13 7 Maoalester Villas300 12 7 Do 350 i 11 7 Do 400 16 7 Do 400 9 7 Do 400 8 7 Do .400 - 7 7 -;,--DO 2800 - - 6 7 j" Do 2150 . 1 7 Do 900 . - - 2 7 . _ Do 550 3 7 Do 550 - A 7 Do 550 5 7 Do 800 1 8 Do -900 , - 2 8 Do 3800 . - - - North 8 feet of 3 8 Do Ex. N. 8 feet of 3 8 DO 500 - 4 8 Do 600 - 5 8 DO 875 - 27 8 Do 525 6 6 Do 500 26 8) Do 62,5 East of 25 8 �) West of 25 8 ) Do 625 24 8 }) Do - 23 s Do 3225 - East } of OwY It 22 8 Do TOTAL - - $ : `dttDZPAR CITY OF ST. PAUL` - NT OF FINANCE OF F14ANCE .f;. REPORT OF4CCOMM�SS10NER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ION West of 22 8 Maaalester Villas 625 21 8 2- 2D 8 Do 425. 19 8 Do 3075; 18 8 DO 425, 17 8 Do 6 8 DO 500. 7 8 Do 31001 8 8 Do A4M 9 8 Do 400.• 10 8 Do 400; 11 8 Do 2175; _ 12 8, Do 400' _ :-- 13 8 Do 4001 14 8 Do 400' 15 8 Do 400. 16 8 Do 550'' 1 9 Do. 300'. 2 9 Do 2751 3 9. Do .250 4 9 Do - - 5. 9 . DR 6 9 Do 225, (Except W. 5Pt. of 7 9 Do 2001 — West 5 Feet of 7 9_) Do .250; — _ - 8. 9.) Do - Fs TOTAL , - _ - - CITY OF et. PAUL D&AkAENT OF FINANCE n REPO Ti -2T' OF QCOMMIt§SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATt OtV - 9 9 MacaleSter Villas 225 10 9 Do 225 11 9 Do 225 - 12 9 Do 225 13 9 Do 225 14 9 Do 225 15 9 Do "' 275 30 9 ) Do 546 - East of 29 9 )) Do West of 29 9 Do 160 28 9 DO 300 - - 27 9 ) Do 415 East of 26 9 )) -Do - West of 26 9 Do 135 - 25 9 Do 275 24 9 Do 275 23 9 Do 275 - 22 9 Do 275 21 9 Do 275 20 9 Do 275 - 19 9 Do 275 - 18 9 Do 275 17 9 Do 275 16 9 Do 300 15 10 Do 300 14 10 Do 275 13- 10 Do 275 roe.. . TOTAL 4ITY OF 9t. PAUL O&PAki IT OF FINANCE i i c REPORT OF�OMn MSIONER OF FIA41%, CE _ QN PRELIMINARY ORDER _ - (B DESCRIPTION iLOT BLOCK ADDITION VALVAT ON ' 32' 10 Macalester Vi13as 275.; - -- 33 . 10 Do 275' ZO _ 10 Do 275 9 10 DO 8 10 Do 275; �. - 7 10. Do .275. 6 10 . Do 275: - - 5- 10 Do 27& 4- 10 Do 275.- - 3 - 10 . 0 275:. 2 10 Do 300 1 10 DO. _ . 350 _ 16 10 Do - 17 10 Do 250.: _ 18 10 Do 250 19 10 Do .2501 20 10 Do 250• 250 22- 10 Do 250, 23, 10 Do 250 24 . 18 Do 25W 25 10 Do 260. 26. 10 Do 2501 07 10 Do 250 28 10 Do 250 - - - 29 - 10. Do _ 250: 30 10 Do - TOTAL - 300 - - - ` T Cm of ST. PAUL. , Fr D&PAPAMg OF FINANCE. - I OFI FINANCE REPORT OF4COMI ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 11 Macalester Villas 550 18 11 Do - .400 19 11 Do 4001. 20. 11 DO 400, 21 11 Do 400' 22 11 Do .400, 23. 11 _ Do _ 400 - -' West } of __ ,,.24 11 _ _Do_ .200'< E,. * of .24 and -all __ _25.;- 11 Do 640; _. West 10 feet of P-7 a1128 11 _ _ Do 4000: E. 40.65 feet of 27 11 Do 900. _16. 11 Do 4501 15_ 11 Do ,325; 14 11 Do 325, 13 11 Do 325'1 _ 12. 11 Do 3251 11 11 DO 325' _.. 10. 11- Do 325', 9 11 Do 325i 8 11 Do ,325' 7 11 Do 326.1 6 . 11 D0. 400 5 11 Do '650 4 11 Do 47 5I 3 11 Do 4 _ 2, _11 _ Do_ _ _; 475: Do 795': - TOTAL CITY OP ST. PAUL MENT OF FINANCE I t�D&AA REPQRT OF4COMW.4SIONER OFA FRANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I►" �__ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .VALUATION ASSESSED 27 12 Macalester Villas 350; 6 12 DO 275 1 12 Do 675' 2 12 DO 450 3 12 DO *60 4 12 Do 450 5 12 Do 625 26 12 Do 35o 25 12 Do 350 24 12 Do 275 23 12 Do 250 22 12 DO 250 21 12 Do 250 . 20 12 Do 250 19 12 Do 250. 18 12 Do 250 17 12 Do 300 A 12 Do 275 7 12 Do 275 8 m Do 275! 9 12 Do 275' 10 12 Do 250 11 12 Do 250, 12 12 DO 225 13 It DO 225', 14 12 Do 225: 15 12 Do TOTAL 200 .. 'CITY OR 5T. PAUL DEPAFITMENT OF FINANCE a' p ; r 1 REPORT OF COMMIS*TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �T -- I— ASSESSED DESCRIPTION I LOT LooKADDITION I-ALUATION i— 16 12 Macalester Villas: l 2"� 5 I ISI I - ,I' I � I � i � t I i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--��/j`Y Commissioner of Finance. •opM es.w. es e - Form AA46,2X 7-I8 158 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNLIL No..._••.28— 540- -` BY.... .. ... ..... ......_. �, �. i ,d.A. �1 �/7 AUDITED MAR..�..�..�9tQ ........... 191 ....._ ! R.., ............. //CIT/t/'�1�SV/PTRtjJ�I.LER V �/ �� ae , ..... .. ........ _...... ��. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays Adopted by the Co i7 llal!..e.0 Clancy illli( �U LU Farnsworth Ap ed ........ ..... ............ ...... 19L ri086 C Resolved No: 28640- on,h Yy -.warrants y drawn he City Treasury payable out . t of the hereinafter specified Punde and of the Meller �t in favor of the persona firms or'cor- ........... porations for the amounts set OPPoaite. to ..... .... .......... .. ... ..... .. ........... _..... ...... MA OR , McColl thelereepective nnmes as specified •� the [otlow5ng detailed statement. Wunderlich Brooks BrotLere .Lumber :ComPn Y, �4 3370.8+.: MI. President, HO1g30n 3130 8Uta1 'City Lumber Company. -Corning-Donohue Brick COMPMnY.- 0792.00: - Adam Decker Hardware.—P--y— J 3188.09: Fineh, Van s1Yck & McCohvnle; 4' , H. W. 6oetainger, .117.62. H. R. T. Gourley, 333:40. Katherine Hamilton, 937.12• E. Jacobs, state :Boiler Inspector, 16 3.00, Miss Esther Moran, $66.06. M MuHaney.c" Northern ll Stakes Power ComDanY. U. & Rubber Company. 36.94. j`F ss 2..j,"' Wear Froof L 1;tCo. .s91.41. Adopted. by th'e Council Ltor.20, 1920: ,I -1920. Approved Lear. 20, (March' 27-1920.) I _ 14 8 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, r 370.64 4 Spr ng T459 Capital City Lumber Company, 130.60 S. & S. Cing. 1 0 Corning-Donohue Brick Company, 792.00 Paving Depr. 1 61 Adam Decker Hq?dware Company, 168.99 C� & R. 0 2 .08 S. & S. ing. 4.82 ' " 28.23 Schaols .35 " 3.90 " 13.49 1.05 35.10 Greatr"Northern Schools 1.48 Wat"r 9 2.40 1462; Finob,•Van Slyck & McConville, $� �- ;:� r4 ti• - _ W F Y& fi 0 Res.. 158 Page #2 ' P43 iH. W. Goetzinerrt 1&4 R. T. Gourley, Ur Engrg. r C & 1�. ;;5`� gin ring Inep, 1465 Katherine HaMlton � 1466 K. Jaooba, State Dbiler Inspeotor 1 _ Spri:.,... P g Depr. 146 Miss Esther Moran, 1 8 PJM, Mullaney, 469 Northern States Power Com any, tbrary useum' .,,,, 1470 U. S. Rubber Company,. 4,�gwer` & R. 1471 Wear Proof Mat Co pant, 6 0 .00 6, 25 45 2004 ,99 3,'533 117,47 53843 .To�-6, 48 , CITY OF ST. PAUL " "`.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Form A A 46, 2 611-18 _ 159 AUDITED1p211............ BY. 1 cl COUNCIL N0........lY.+.:.JL..a l FILE .t PER %........... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council_.....lAl{...'l,(]..1a2J ...... _............... 191_..� Clancy _ C. F. No. 260`41— iOv¢d.. ...._._ (; p(1 ... ...... Farnsworth - Resolved, that warrants be -drawn PP . � "� ..... . upon the City Treasury, payable out Goss D of the hereinafter, specified fund: and in favor of: the persona, Orme or cor- Keller "6 atlons for the "mounts set oppo.lte _.... ...... . .. .. ..... .. ....... ... ... ..._.....:. ......._ their reapeetive names as specified 'in MAYOR McColl the following detailed statement.' S. A Farnaworth, Com ri of Finance, $2.641.8t, - Wunderlich S. A. Farnsworth, Com r, pf Finance. $301A& - Mr. President, Hodgson S, A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance: $5,1565.92.- S..'A. Farnsworth, ComSn of Finance, A. $2911.22. S Farnsworth, Com r. or `Finance, n'517.72. > ' 5 A. A.Farnsworth, Com'r. o[ Finance,' _ $3 210.03. 5, A. Farnaworth, Cota'r, or Finance, > z4.00. Adopted by the Council Mar. 20, 1920. Approved Mar.: 20, 1620. (March 27-1620.) _ I 14 2 S. A. Farnsworth, Com$r. of Finance 2,641.81 �Vfie- C e 73 S. A. Farnsworth, Com$r. of Finance ' 3,191.43 14 4 S. A. Farnswort , Com1r. of Finance 5,665.92 Cot6i8s..o e 14 5 S. A. Farnsworth, Com$r. of Finance 2,911.22 C o le 1 6 S. A. Farnsworth, Com$r. of Finance 5,517.72 ale 1 7 S. A. Farnsworth, Com$r. of Finance r 1,210.03 rovemsnt� 8seasments 478 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. of Finance 24.00 Tdnnieipgl�,l�#ti\ „dotal 21, 62.1 QQ �yC� -- -- – FILLMcu NO....._?v.�'#.f�... F. .No. 28b42—BY M. COU NC� �9hereas, The. commissioner [ Work. he. reported to the aom�FORM acordanwith Bectlon ce 83. Of PRESENTED BY !!l��� '.t'y charter, the eziatence o1 ar cn y/9 •,f -y,/ �}'� nco welch certain mpiwraryl `/' oyment of oerwln employee.._.,.. DATE... /M COMMISSIONER!..../- – irtment tore mooyme t -being day; .aid ' their uau;" �`oure of%mplot r solved,Pro RESOLVED re `;horire,,�• o T. QHEMS, The Commissioner of 14"los�`�.-.-- bas reported to the Council, in accord— ance With Section 53 of the City Charter, the exist• tanoe of an emergency Which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment= therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth$ Rate of Title Hours Overtime Yes (\') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers P Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M. -le halt 20 1920 Adopted by the Council 19 Approve _. AN 20 X510..__. ..19-..._._ ....In favor _ Against ... _.. _....... MAYOR �f Rate of ,dame Title Hours Overtime Gust Anderson Laborer 3 $4.00 per day ..0 P`Anderson " 10 4.00 " If Ed Brown Ro Enlgr 15 .80¢ " hr L Brennan Laborer 7 4.00 " day C Brink "" 16 4.00 Jos Barsochine " 14 4.00 " "- G Bryzieki " 37 4.00 John Conrad " 4 4.00 J L Carlson Foreman 10 5.50 David DuPaul Ro EnCgr 13 .80¢ " Hr L Fierita Laborer 11 4.00 " day M Prato " 5 4.00 " " M Gurgang " 36 4. qO " If P J Hagerty " 12 4s00 " If A Hauk Ro Ent -gr 11j .80¢ " If H Harry Pipe Layer 28 4.00 " If C Hagen Laborer. 9 4.00 " " Edw Hannon If 1 4.00 " If Jas McDonald Swr Foreman 16 5.00 " If A McKillap Laborer 13 4.00 Frank Mullarky Swr Foreman 59 5.75 Hugh Mullarky P1'pe Layer 41 4.00 Pete Nerdine --Laborer 4 4.00 Chas Nardquiat Ro En'gr 6 .80¢ M Pertrantone Laborer 37 4.00 John Plasca " 45 4.00 A Plumbo " '' 11 4.00 Jos Plumbo " 26 4.00 M Plumbs " 51 4.00 J H Plumbo " 41 4.00 If If Geo Robinson " 6 4.00 " If C V Ryan " 37 4.00 H L Ryan " 29 4.00 " If Wm.Scott Ro En'gr 4 .80¢ John Simone Pipe Layer 19 4.00 to If P Santillo Laborer 11 4.00 " " John Smith " 197 4.00 n4.00 n Chas Shield If 11 N Tuccitto " 4 4.00 " Thos Towey If 8 4.00 n n L Veoyer If 4 4.00 J Zambrino If 3 4.00 n n %(� L4AS ,a FILE NO .......... 28.543 PRESENTED By wof COMMISSIONER........,,-........................................................... Rc B AREAS, It appears from the report of the Clerk of the Municipal Court that the bail of one Margaret Detell, amounting to Fifty Dollars ($50.00), was through error forfeited on the 9th day of March, 1930, and that thereafter and on March 11, 1980, the case against said Margaret Detell and her bail were reinstated, the case tried, and defendant discharged; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Margaret Detell refunding to her the said sum of Fifty Dollars, bail money erroneously forfeited and turned into the city treasury as afore- said, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen item of the General Fund. �t a Yes (Y) Councilmen (J) Nays19._...- Adopted by the Council---MR-2-0 19-20 Clancy 110 ;�10 1920 Farnsworth APProv _..........._.__._......_........_....-_............- Goss19....-- In favor MICo11 Powers ._.Against _..._.... ..... _. _ meroR Wunderlic Mr. President FORM 3M9-19,: L C O U N E: ',To 29544-8yf hicCoII— the E R l A L. F O R M enoI ed, That th0 MOPiication o owing Parsons f r a i.Yc¢ns¢ to co Subjedt': . ... _.'. on °` gpectty iy�i dlcs t¢d aad hd ' SSSS--------- ----'---- -- -- --SSSS-- t - --SSSS-- --- SSSS-- �� �� same arehereby. graated, nd diT¢ i d COUNCIL , .� ^tCfertc. is suthorizdo. a^+g y¢rsorf+ FILE N O.._ ... 21, ...+; as-re@i�R arr / - Date Presented-------------------------�--------- -- -- 191__0% Resolved, That the r li^stion of the fcllo- i__ persons for a - s to co~_�uct :otels or restwvsan-to at the locations same sre .,are—,y) or nted, an,, the amity C=e k Is authorize az-ia _-1:L zc --t; iosue such license:? t o said per:1one upo- tl-ie payn-ent o- the .i e e a � by law. 7A7- 3F "-'-)-,TC H. D. `,?illiene, T;M' Parsley, P. F. Fooshe, Cam Corkin, Joseph Seiler, LouiseColas, Shannon Co., '_oadley2O T3rerster , Fred L' :,[cell, Lyon & 73ourestrot_:, =-OT.^L OP - - - restaurant , restaurant, -.estaurant , :restaurant, R e s t aur ant , F. est aur ant; restaurant , Restaurant, ey n our Hotel, victory Hotel, Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl --_ ----- ___.-.Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 8-I3 128 F. 9th, 2.559 551 JG.cksor_s 172 C---� 4-80 ?'Iz oas12 s 20 71. 274 7. 7t'_. 321-323 Ro' 380-82 Ja-aI-- c_^ Adopted by the Council ------- �aait;�'�212f1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Approvd ----------------------------SSSS------------SSSS----191 ---- ---- ------------------- ------------ - ------SSSS--- --- - - - - ----------------- MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMIS9i ONER..................... RESOLVED 1 ■ CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL .28545 FILENO ..................................... DATE ................... 19, 1920 March In the matter of paving Fairmount Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior 4ve., with neces sary gas connections, under Final Order Council File No. 27482, approved December 5, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made on Fairmount Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., are hereby approved and the Commis- sioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to Berve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon,the St. Paul Gas Light Com- pany. Ro!Gilvo all conne0j:10t1 Yes (�') Councilmen (:) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council----I(JAR--'OJK-U-...-..-19 Farnsworth Goss _..__.. _In favor APprov .. ._...__.:171ak..;eU..JS.j�......._...197 ........_ 1VICCoff Powers --Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF..THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL No.___28546_._ 1 ' -I. 1.820:..... That ;t�?e grade of alley in Block 2, Lane's lFanor Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recom— mended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Nowell / Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -- I -C. F No. 29648—SY ML 8e �oelteY m R 90l ed, That the 9Ya ddlt[ Irl l nl ck 2. latie'e pyecal Avenue tM0 Albert: Av ue, lu a ccordance. a yj the rredoffie ana .m s!- the ended anYtn6 D ' ommended_,11. , :by the ,Coe ..M lo. h 0r byDadoP d"asthe eetabllsh dogradeTe . AdoDted`Dy the Council Marr 20. 1820.' -.Approve FSar. 20. 1920. (March27-1920.} ! Adopted by the Council -. -NAR, 20_1K0_ -...-....I9 ... -- Approv .___ . I 1114 ;LU 1520 In favor .._......._..-r_9......._ - -Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE NCIL NO.......2Q5.4..7-.. DATE.._?larch 19, _1920 . That the grade of alley in Block 6, Lane's Tdanor Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recom— mended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the eStablished grade. Yes (v) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers ll/ Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No... 29647—By M. N. Goss— Resolved, That the grade of alley In. Block' 9, Laos'. Manor Addition. from Pascal Avenue to-Albert,Avenue, In'ac-' cordance with the red grade line on the accompanying ,profile. and as recom- mended by the Commissioner of Pub- lic -work., .be and the. same Is hereby adopted ae the, established' grade. Adopted by the Council Alar 20, 1920. Approved Mara 20, .1920. (Mnrcrt 27-1920.). - Adopted by the Council _. _ NO ;20-1.(0_..._._19 In favor Approved ........ _ 4�..20...� t1 �.(f _. _ ...............19........, Against MAYOR R Council File No..... 2Q 548 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ...................................... ...........Grad-in of...alle ...in...B. ock...2�....Lane.is....hffano.P..........._....... ..........._..._ �.... ........................................................... -a« Addition, Pascal e to venue. �., �lbert � A e J ,..... C N . 28548 ! .. .... ..... ..... El..... ........................................................... i - Ab tract .� i Whereas, A - tt�,,,,////'''� p sal fo the ......... ...... . „ ,,,,,,,,, „ ............... ........ .......... ................. . king of the Yoll� 3 Improvement "'" lith ams of' aces oh 2. r e ( 0 Dated this ...... day of.. Addition, ;..._� 1„av, ,................, 19� C ncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement viz.: _...........................................Grading.._of...alley.... n...Block 2.,_..Lane.'s....Mano.r_...._......................_....... Add.itinn,....ir.am...Pascal :..Avenue. .. t.o...Alb.ert.... Avenue............................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ._..............................._........_................................................................_.........._...._................._.........__.........__... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity For or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish,a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4 X, .................... ............. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. S, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............ ftlm(.-20.19.2Q..................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..........._ flQfr.... ._ 920...............1917 ........ Hyland Keller /�) McColl (/ Wunderlich ........................_ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Porm'C A 19 (W 4-17) Council File No....-.:28J��J Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making -o following p is improvement. by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and talcs easement in the land ................................ Tygows.s.a�,.....far ....s.l.op .s.... fnr.... .e.. and...,f1l.i.s...in.--grad:i.ng............. _......... a11eY.... n...lock...2.,....Lane' ..._.:Za,_ or Ad3.t.i on.,... ?rom_.Pas.-.............._...._._..... cal Avenue to Albert venue. ..................... _.................._................_.............._............._.._............._..._.............-......_..............._............._........................._......._. ......................................................... _--- ........._....-............_......._._........._.............._..._.._........ C. r. No; YH64 A tract• Dated this.... l�th...:.....c, .Whereas w written DroGOeal for the ....................._.._, 19120._. making of the. followtn6 1__ �n__Tr°vaMent, vis: A� nnning and Lakingg for an eaeem for end cesearY 4dr. slonea dintralleY.1 Blooki r Aa from , unulman. In B p�tEL1�PIti)j RIDER�__ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Con3emning„.and._t,aking,.,an...easement,in the land neces ary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading ....................... alley ....in:;.Block ....2y.....Lane.t.s..Manor ...Addition, ._.from .. P.as-.__......_ _........._. cal Avenue to Albert Avenue. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....... ::.... ....._....._.......... .........................._.............................._.................... - --................._................ having been presented to,the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........ _._ .......................... ............ ,therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. urnl foHuwinwmthm-ji�randtinfofmation menta......................................................... ........................................ ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,Adopted by the counciL..._.....�.lit.. 20 11 .Zu ............ ...,..191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..... 191._.._. Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich.............................................................................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. PTT!sf,T 3 Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) • - QQ Council File No.._.�a�i.� Pet it ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and > PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p blic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grading alley i Block 6, Lane's Manor Aidit.ion,--..fr.c� _ Ai hert. ....Avenue_....._ ........................._.... C. F. No. 29600— Ab ................................................................................. \ en, Whereas, .writttten rof!o9a1 for thr........................................_............... _.............. king of the follawlpor '""ovemen .................................................................................. Mer 1� .;5:.,. ::..Z �. f.............. Dated thia........ 19.t.h.....da of_.........:...�c , y asks in}]..............'.t?.!........., Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the. malting of thfoUo ' im ..............................................................................!w.... ..... ......................................................... Grading of alley in Block 6, Lane's .................................._................................................................................_......__..........................................._....._......_.... __ ......._....._.... Manor Addition, frorn Pascal Avenue to Albert a. . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .............................. Ave.nu.e........... .......................................................... .......................................... ..._'_............................ ........... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dire a- ed: 1. To invei tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. Z. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and edtimated co6t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or_sketch _of paid -improvement. -- To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............NOR.........191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _,._. ___ -- Goss Hyland APProved............1 ll�ft... ........10 ................191.._.... Keller Mc&U Wunderlich - .......................................... ?Mayor Irvin —"a w Mayor. �?Uf3LISI�D Form C A 19 (dM 417) Council File No_ ..... .28551 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the, f the following public im ovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ..................................... ...............pori emi rig and...ta ing a ea§er�nt_i the..........._. _..........land...nec.e.asas-....f>7r. slop s... r...cuta-and...f1.lla.......... in grading alley in B 6, Lane's ilianor Ad- .................................. ..dit-ion; ....from ...Pastal'.. venu-..to....Albert-Avenue:-_........................ .................... No. 28551—............................................................................... .................................................................................... Abstract. eleas. A written Proposal for the { Dated this._ ....19.t.h.....day of ............... 19 of the following tmorovemont;� - 140...... demntng and tq�ti`tig"ilriea@stneiii. land necrs t`N <6 slonpR ¢toe.... .. .......... ...... .................... 1 allR In dl R .1lev-1n' Block R oEr Councilman. PRELIMINARY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of a ollowmg improvement, viz.: Condemn.ing...an..d..t.ak.ing...an...eas...eme..nt.... n._....__._._..._..._..... the land. necessary for slopes for cuts and .......... ....... ......... ......f-ills....in...grading ... alley ....in...Block ....6,... Lane's...._ ...... _.._._..................__. _-. ' nor Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert ...................... .venue. ..._........................._......_........._..._........_............._._........._.............._......_......._.................... .............. ..................... _......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._....._....._...._........ . ......................._....___ ...._.._.. therefore, be it . RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..................... ........... ._ ................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. wll� 20 IM Adopted by the council...........................................................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved...._._.tAkt.. G . ... ....................191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich......................................... ............................................... Mayor Irvin 7 _A a Mayor. PTJBT.TSfTED Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) - Mr. CarrollPROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following .Q�. Council File No. -28552 by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Avenue..................._.....: . ...........::..................................................................................................... ....................:.................................................................... . from Eaton Stree..tto of 110 feet easterly of the easter) " P �f So 1 5ert Street. ...................... ..................... ... ...... ... .........C F N 28562- 19t h dbatracf 19 Q,0 kh na, A.wr/tten proPoanl,fol the - "'' Dated th�......._..............._day of >_,tknlg of the follow n . i K improvement; ne•n• f n:eeo•er ott Indiana V✓ 2 ; �ate`rlY line of s been' yre- Councilman. the City of -ner o --- •!lnreby o n PRELIMINA- it�esoPys &R. � d ext F WHEREAS, A written proposal for the im1mg of the following .. provement, viz.: i Construction of a sewer,(.)n Indiana.. Avenue_.,. _f. rom..Eaton...Str.eet....to...a point ._.11.C....feet-east.erly-of........._..._......_..... ........... ..................... ..the ...east erly lin.e...o f..--South....Robert....StT-aet............................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......................................._.............._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. A—;ca t6 d t said iriforovement•.....'................._......_.......... ........................................................ - S, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ................... Adopted by the council_................fill R .... 2.0 1920 .191. ....... . Yeas: I Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved............000 ��fO............._191..._... Hyland 7 Keller / 1 McColl Wunderlich...... .............. ._................... ............................a.a................... PUBLISHED . Mayor Irvin a v Myor. Form C A 13 (451 4-17) o. �28'n pp to c �a� i the,City of Council File No. 2O5r53 u7:h IVY c Vaveedthe- - o[ the ote8 cast,.. t the City t' qty EI tiop field on [hel6th day? veep, 1920,.and ' tt app.Arfrom to CITY OF ST PAUL 'Rndgthe c s thereof Lhat tn. r - ie, n meA� � +,mates t' cetve- a mlvatlt a, 'rrz-.n•, ..n,;ay.•«( ee. .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC " COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .JT o. var WHEREAS; the Council of the City of St. Paul has duly can- vassed the returns of the votes cast at the City Primary Election held on the 16th day of March, 1920, and WHEREAS, it appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that the following named candidates received the number of votes for nomination for the following named offices. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. John L. Rounds, 12,873 James L. Johnson, 10,613 y Henry -Kane, 9,585 z George.M. Luethge, 4,844 Lewis F. Soukup, 4,237 �^ Eugene Finger, 3,164' FOR MAYOR. Wm. Mahoney, 11,000 L. 0. Hodgson, 8,994 Gilbert Gutterson, 8,365 FOR COUNCILMAN James M. Clancy, 17,807 A. E. Smith, 11,669 71 H.''0.'Wenzel, 11,528 'Julius F. Emme, 11,026 R. 31. Ferguson, 10,689 John H. 'McDonald, 8,301 Albert Wunderlich, 7,363 Frank L. Powers, 7,243 Wm. J. Peter, 6,887 M. N. Goss, 6,864 , Henry McColl, 6,774 Frank W. Matson, 6,le&ti James H.. Burps, 5,833 B: J., Keller, 4,889 Fred M. Truax, 4,631 J. I Oswald Jones, James F. Sperry, 3,731 B. ;G. Novak, 3,231 Charles T. Miller, 3,083 W. A. -;Curtis, 2,413 R. F.,Pol'eki, 1,318 Louis ?avian, 1,235 Otis &_ Godfrey, 1,232 Aug. Hau4f, 988 Herman Gale, 873 WHEREAS, it appears from amid-,returns''.andsthe'calwass thereof that"the following named candidates received more votes than any other candidate or person for nomination for.the following named offices: FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. John L. Rounds James L. Johnson Henry Kane George M. Luethge FOR MAYOR, Wm. Mah\�ney L. C. Hodgson FOR COUNCILMAN. James M. Clancy A. E. Smith H. C. Wenzel Julius F. Emma L. R. S. Ferguson John H. McDonald Albert Wunderlich Frank L. Powers Wm. J. Peter M. N. Goss Henry McColl Frank W. Matson AND WHEREAS, it appears from the records in the office of the City Clerk that the following named persons are the only ones whose names were presented for nomination,.for the offices hereinafter indicated, and who accepted such nomination as candidates for such offices, and that the number of such candidates for said offices does not exceed twice the num- ber of persons to be elected for said offices respectively, to -wit: For City Comptroller: J. 0. Cederberg, Jesse Foot For Justice of the Peace of the 6th Ward. M. L. Niles For Justice of the Peace of the 10th and 11th Wards: Vern L. Berryman For Constable of the 6th Ward. R. C. Nagle, Jerry A. Galvin For Constable at Large: E. W. Hanft, C. A. Knutson, William B. Miller. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforesaid persons receiving the highest number of votes for their respective offices together with the said persons being the only ones whose names were presented for nomination, are hereby declared to be the nominees and the only nominees of their respective offices. Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council nAk 20 WU Clancy Approved tiAk 20 1920 � _ Farnsworth - Goes McColl Powees Mayor. Wunderlich — a d Mr. President Hodgson -I--, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Parra A A 46,2 H 1-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 101N°`L No. ......... 2 54 FILE AUDITED(JAi!..C'..2...192C'.................. 19 ....... 1T MP ROLLER ER............................................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( -- 1'WR 22 1920 Adopted by th ouncil C. F. Na 28554— Clancy Resolved "that warrants be -drawn �Iili( 211G, �SCU of the hereinafter er ape (Trans"fled uncle and Farnsworth p roved...._._ _....... .... ..191...... _: pored favor or 'the pe son., firms or oor- tInons. for the amounte'set opposite GOS9 their. reeDective namee as apecifled 1n - �J the foifowl.g det ..d. etatament: _ 'CF Oeo, C. Bfnder. $9.31. ._......-. ............ .. ......_..___ i Bringe 8- Company, 1442.60. MAYOR McColl Neala carlaon, ,E4as. Crane & Crdway. Company, 1129.26. Wunderlich d s•'Marr,Horan,;36.82. J. T. Kenny `& Cofaim., , 119.48, - Melady paper Company„ 1220'4 ' Mr, President, Hodgson' Noyea Brothers'& cutter, $2161.97. Alex Rlce, 14.62. Rnesclt ars. er Mfg: ComDaay,. X18.81. ABee SparaclluEtZ, 12.80. W. C. "In ires, i4 06. Adoyced by th; C ancll Mar. 22, 1926• Approved D1ar.'22 1980: (March 1479 Geo. C. Binder health -Adm. 1480 Brings & company, Fire 1481Nettie Carlson, Police 1482 Crane & Ordway Company, Fire New Bldg. Const. Schools 1483 Mrs. Mary Horan, Police 1484 J. T. Kenny & Company, Armory Police 1485 Melady Paper Company, Schools it Playgrounds 24.41 40.50 64.34 T2$7ft 9.00 7.43 19 ria+[ 2.79 3.24 16.66 V27 ff 36.82 16.43 22.69 Res. 160 Page #2 1486 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Pol. & F. Alarm Schools u n n 487 Alex Rice, Police ;1488 Russell Grader Mfg. Company, St. C. & R, 1489 Alice Sparschuetz, Police 1490 71. C. Squires, Police Total 788.24 101.97 8.33 38.32 6.80 18.50 30.02 1aI;9'f 4.62 13.31 2.80 4.06 on�aw.• re CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF 1'HPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE `°IL No....... FILE . F—AA18,21i! 1-I8 . 161 MAR 2 ? 1920 BY �.:F-::.. t-:....:..: ....... ` AUDITED ............................................191.... .. T .IP OLLER- ��-_/ ER.._.. ..may/-..�V.. ................... ....... _..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays f10 C C(f ...................191._..._._ Adopted by t uncll._.........._-...__.. - -- ............ Clancy flAtt zlw f[l) Farnsworth -_............In favor proved ........... ......_...................... .__....._........... .......... 191..__._.. Goss tt�� Ifei�l�' tom/ Against........................... .::_..................... ........._..._._..._ _..._...._ MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C. t56— RFe.olvea8 hat warra.6 be drawn pf thethe her nattereasury. payable DUt In Savor f the Decided funoc eogd D flee a _ Doratlone for the t ppoaite- amount. their sPective- epeclfled In - the f'UuVng delalled T.'e ment. -S, A.. Farnsworth, Trena Teach— PeTreaeur rn of. they Health Employee. A.aoclatlon: $6,700.00. Adopted bythe Council 3fer. 2d, 1820.. Approved' 3t. '20, -:1920. (March 27-1990.) 1491 S. A. Farnswort# Tress. Teachers Pension Fund 13,400.00 G.P.-Teaohers Pensions 1492 Treasurer of the Health Employees Association 6,700;00 Health Employees Relief Association Total 20,100.00 1 ,��j 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILCOUE NO ..........NCIL ...................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIO.A.........................................................DATE.3.2 .2.0...................... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized . to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ot LEIZ Kinney Motor driven road k"141111 10 01: gallon capacity, mounted on 6 ton truck, for the sum of $8500.00, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this 1s a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Oprinkling-Oiling-39-2 Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth / Goss (v— McColl PAZ V Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No. 29566—By M. N. Goes—. Resolved,, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is a-ereby authorised to.pur- chase, with the consent of the Comp- troller, -one ,Kinney jVotor driven, road oiler, 1,000 -gallon capacity, mounted oe 6 -ton truck, for the sum of $8,500.00. without advcrtiae..nt or competitive bids, as this Is a patented. article and no advantage could be galned thereby.. Charge SprinklialC-011ing-39-2. Adopted by the Council Mar. 20,. 1920. ABproved"Mar: 22, 1920. '(March 27-1920.) Adopted by the Council- --thIR .22 6_U--- - -19 IN 22 15[0 ......... ... _In favor Approved. _.......... _ ..... ........_..__....._.......19........_ Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED COO NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fac NO ...............: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESIXUTION—GENERALFORM A DATE........................... That the application of Harris Winburgh for a license to conduct a Pawnshop it 188 E. 7th Street, be and the same hereby is grated and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $125,00. F. No. 20557—BY 'McColl— Resolved, That, the. MPV'"Uon or Rarrlewinburgh rora. ncenee to con- duct a Pawnshopat 188. E. 7th errant. be and the same hereby is granted d I the City Clerl- Is hereby Instructed to Issue such license' upon the filing of. thebnd n into andcontract cCity �Treasu1Yhotp.the tee, 1125.00. i A,PAdopted ed Mar. Council War. 22, 1020. r.(March 27-1980.) I Yes (t') Councilmen (+) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Cl P.ewas-- L) Wunderlich Mr. President FORM . -19 ....In favor —Against Q WN 22 WO Adopted by the Cougol--) _ _ __ ____........_..... _...._19 pp M 19 \ MRYOR C1/0F ST. PAUL FOENCIL Na 2558 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........................ '.......:................................ ..... ........... ................... .......................................... DATE ................................. '......--............... . RESOLVED That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorised to purchase on behalf of the City of St.Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5140, for public school purposes, Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St.Paul for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of the said land when proper deeds conveying the same`, approved by the Corporation Counsel, have beenN delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land. ($5,0W*00) to be charged to Public School Fund, Real Estate Item, No. 41.7 Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss .......In favor McColl �l n-�• -� — �,f Against _ Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 t1A 22 1920 _.19_.._... Adopted by the Council---------------- -- - ----- Approved....._._._OAR ...22.lan............... 19........_ ........... ......... ...._.._--- ------------------------- MAYOR �x_q o i� r ' �`��cTTltt X111 �r.��xkmrnt of ;r�uc�ctivrc ALBERT WUPDEP LICHCon nls sloNcn P.F.UR_ER.O Ua C0.1155-11 March 20, 1920. To the Honorable the Council of the City Of St.Paul: GentlelTen: Your Committee on Lands for the purpose of acquiring, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5140, Lots 5-10 inclusive, in Block ]2; Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St.Psul for school purposes,' desires to make the following report relative to Lots 7, 8,9, and 10 in this block. These lots and the house thereon consists of the homestead of Ake Swanson who has"effered the premises to your committee at a price of $7506.00. There is also an offer in -the hands of the Committee by which another party agrees to purchase and remove the house for $2500100; leaving a price net to the City of $5000.00 for the premises. After viewing the Property -and taking into considera- tion all of the circumstances, your Committee believes this proposition to be entirely'fair and reasonable,and therefore recommends that lots 70809, and 10, Block 12, Arlingt.bn Hills Addition be purchased at a cost to the City of $5,000.00. RespectfulIV submitted PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL M128��f1.0 FILE NO ....................... ...... Whereas, S. M. McMahon has announced his resignation as General Secretary of the St. Paul Association, after four years of earnest service devoted to the task of creating a spirit of coopeeation in St. Paul, i Be it Resolved, that the City Council express its apprecia- tion of Mr. McMahon's work, and tender its thanks for his constant willingness to assist the officials of the city in all civic enter- prises, and his efforts to make the Association a more effective agency of municipal welfare. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Pe WAU.— Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3,9-793,9-79 Adopted by the Council NAR 22 1920 ...........................19-- .............. In 9........._.......In favor Approved.. ................... 19 .....Against .......... .................. ..."...... MAVOfl 28500_ By. "r DO' CITY AF, ST. PAUL .Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In'the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Under Contract 3068 A, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 24113WestSeventh. St., south side, from 69 feet west of Grace Street thence west 42 feet. F.O. 25071 bladison St., east side, from est Seventh St- to Youngman i'f Avenue. The assessment of...._l?eY],efils..,...._c.o$_ts,._and..._ex.peTJse.................. ...........__for and in connection with the above improvement having been Kty ouncil having considered same and APPROVENO ARH F]NTB. found the said assessment satisfactory, W, RESOLVED, That the said asseasil �:,hec anfhkJ,�,,same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ __.1..7.tYl__._.day of A.px.i.1..,.....�.9.20......_......, $$K.__._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............... .......... .................. 191........._. %-1 Approved ......._..._._..11�it.. x �;14��-.......___._.._ 191 _...... Councilman Farnsworth Goss kbzhkx& Clancy McColl Wunderlich Mayor 18Nwx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 PUBLISBED y Clerk. Mayor. ,-------------------- -------------------- .----------------------------- ---------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT __._._._....-----._._...__...._...., 191.__ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for l� Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Ito. 1, Under Contract 3068 A, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 24113 West Seventh St., south side, from 69 feet west of Grace Street thence west 42 feet. F.O. 25071 Idiadison St., east side, from 1Jest Seventh St. to Youngman Avenue. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $...._6.88...47. ........... ... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $.......... .......... x_63._.._.......... Cost of postal cards $...._..__17-, 76_ ............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $................ s2.7 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $- —--"""-" Total expenditures $....._QQ5.•..48......... _.... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$__......__.._9.Q$...4.8... .... ___.......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon ay be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 CO[Ilmi88loner of Finance. --------------------------------- COUNCIL �E NP,--.- 28561 By.� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 2, Under contract 3068 A, for Season of 1919. 23962 Elm St., east side, from Exchange St. thence south to alley, 140 feet by 4u feet; '6lilkin Street, west side, from 70 feet south of Ramsey Street thence south to alley, 100 feet; Ramsey Street, south side, from 92 feet west of lilkin Street thence west 30 feet. The assessment of ......_..U.ehef.� ts.,__ c os ts...:a..nd.. _expe.s es..._ ...................... and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Coul C. F. Na rs6sr-8yy e A%�"Oe`rOiu'_ ytred same and In the, matter e[, tae aeeeeemegt 01 beneIlti re1a�Yln6 . ne�ifor N j. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it etrggttns. cemegt.eldewalluti Eetlmate . 'ander eontraot LOss- 1,. for eased -', RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same; +sts• ,, aY lsvmved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said a�9esarrteiiE"oft the:...__17th..__..day of 7q�K........... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall huilding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. flap 22 isKu Adopted by the Council .......... ............. ............ - ..................... .... v� Approved ...................... 144 i.{t................... -191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss id�tavk Clancy McColl Wunderlich MayorArAx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 _ 191 ............. _..._ ._ -....._.41._._.... __` City Clerk. _......_._..._..._.....__...._ Mayor. PUBLISHED :7 � U ---------------- - - - - _-----___---------- ---------------- L CITY OF ST. PAUL. BICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF 4C_'0A4PLETI0N OF ASSESSMENT 191.__- In the matter of the enaat of benefits, costs and expenses forWm constructing, a.a-id repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 2, Under Contract 3068 :'or Season of 1919. F.O. 23962 Elm 8t - w side, from Exchange St. thence south to alley, 140 re�-t. bfeet; Wilkin Street, west side, from 70 feet south of thence south to alley, 100 feet; Ramsey Street side, from 92 feet west of IVilkin Street thence vii e - 30 feet. To the Council of tha City of St Paul: The Commissioner of F_R-rzaT+ce hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred a to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of caT aruction $......131.2.8 ......... _.... Cost of notice $.......... ._....... . 9 ............... Cost of postal cards $.................. _...9.1 ......... _..- Inspectioa f ePa - $............_..2...6.2 ............... Axnourxt: of costa for confirmation $.... ..._....... 1..05__........... Total - - peaditures $....__135._65. ... _......... Said Commissiorx rz- ; ; +er reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: thesum of $s—'2.S.i6rJ....................-..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred tlEaerP^a 7. Lliat the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of t�e =a Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ��_ ...... _..... .... Form B. B. 17 _ - Commissioner of Finance. ------------------------------------------- ---------- .................. .----------------------------------------- --- COUNCIL . C/ < ✓ ��� /1 � yj 285 By_................. _._..._._...._..._._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment.' In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No, 9, Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Edgecumbe Road. F.O. 25999 Edmund St., north side, from Chatsworth St. to Lexington leve. F.O. 23955 Thomas St., northside, from liestern j:ve. thence viest 80 ft. --kion-Assessable Roll- F.O. 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St, to Edgecinnbe Road. The assessment of ...._b nefi_ts..y..._c_O..s_ts.._-. and..... expems,.@.9............................ -for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on on the .........._17th....-_....day of 28562 off the lessees 4 -�� m itngcoate and exDensosrep; at the hour of I retnftng -and puncil Chamber of the Court `nt sidewalk.. Estimate No., 1. Contract 3068-B, for seasoi' House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paiy of Finance give notice of Assn ableRoil 1 said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in 38861. Palace Bt tioth,3 place of hearing, the nature ttggsBt to Edgn umbe •11. 9U8: Edmund Bt ort„ of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amq.'ts 111 st: to z xtnF %e lot or lots of the particular ?968...'Tb,-'L,e,;S A, owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council....................... I'IfI..._.4............L�..._................. 191.........._. _........ ..t= � _. l .......... - ---. City Clerk. Approved ..... - ............... f1411t ti IJLU . -_._ 191......... _.........................- ...... ... _... _............ .......... ...... _...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth •• PUBLISHED Gose_�------��� d HxbLm& Clancy McColl Wunderlich Mayor ►ditWX Hodgson Form 13.13. 19 - ----------------------- ------------ — °CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION. OF ASSESSMENT 1'91 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forgl= Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 9, Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Edgecumbe Road. F. 0. 25999 Edmund St., north side, from Chatsworth St. to Lexington Ave. F.O. 23955 Thomas St., north side, from western Ave. thence west 80 ft. --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Edgecumbe Road. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $---5•------ Cost of publishing notice $................. l.* 10............... Cost of postal cards $......._............x..60 .............. Inspection fees $...........11...91 .............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $................ a -00 .- Total expenditures $.._.._612x 34_.._........ . Non -Assessable - - - - - - - - 83.46 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - 5?695.80 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $------ ---- 695.._80 ........................ _..... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ...._,2 ....... ........... ....... .......-.......... _....... _............. Form B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. �v �e RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of........opening.,-..rtidening...and...extending...Savth..S#xeet...#a..a_a3dth of .sixty.....(-6.0.)...feet..fr-om...Gomo...Avenue...North ... t-o..-Cama--B-oulexar-d.. ..................... under Preliminary Order...._. 2fiB.18............ approved-...0CtAA4-.::7..9) 91_, Intermediary Order...._;�r.7.52G..., approved1111Ren.._.al...191�.... ':T .IND'.• The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his"'report'in^the above matter as to the amount of s` damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements 11 ein9appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessmenYjof benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................ 17.th.............. day of .......... 1920-----. -__- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council .....................1ilfl 421X9-1 ....................., 1141( ;ems: i52(l Approvea......................................I.......1 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss H Councilman Clancy Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlict Mayor R'Jftx Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of......opening.,..midening..and ._azt.ending.. aouth..Stre.et.._to a.midth o.£...aixty....ifO.)....feet...from...G.ama..lavq=.Q..ldor..tkh tl.QQ.OnO...... -....... . ...... .........--------------.._.........._........ -- .. -- under Preliminary Order....2.681.8........_., approved.0.41...4.11.019_.- Intermediary Order......27526_._._. approved------ . ........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. . � ... -_ ................. ;- Commissioner of Finance. 28564 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. .a In the matter of__...c-ondenning..and...taking ...ari...eas�eman ....ixl---the•-•Ianci•-dle-seszary nx....cuta...and..fills..ir�..grailing ..Alas lra..Auenue...�s Street..tg..Vista._avenue .................................................... ...............------ .............. .....------......------........-- under Preliminary Order .._..2.CZ91Q............ approved...O..CA-13.,1919...., Intermediary Order... 2.732d., approved... H0v...2Q,...1919.. "No.'28584 ' .ie matter of. co ' an. easem— . > fnr alti_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted, hiscreport in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............ 1'7...'l;h...............day of --- pail-r.-.192.0........]IBk.- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. folk 221 1520 Adopted by the Council .................. _.........._..------------- .._...., 191.....-. �! V G./`•.I.� ........... -- .......................... ...... / City Cl Approved.......(a.K..`ry°.-LO...._....... 191...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth O PUBLISHED d Councilman Goss —a t Councilman Clancy Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliek Mayors Hodgs on REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...cendemaing... and ...taking the ...land. .naaassary X -or aloge.s-,...fo:c...cuts...andStreet to Vista :venue. .. --................ - .......—_..._....... -- ..------------------------- ---------------- ....-...... -- .......... --................--- - --------------------------------------- -------__..................—............................................................................................ under Preliminary Order .......... approved. OctJ3.,1919,_. Intermediary Order ..2-7328........... approvedJIOV....._2.0. 1--.1919........._. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commisaioner of Finance. pppp- ORDINANCES. `�•''' /,(y�_ s Q 111 C. F. N. 28565—prdinance Vo. 5218— C / - / • Q I Clancy— 28565 ,� � An ordlnanc. s ..ling the e��ctalm o[ the r } �_ ,��I' 8t Paul Bottling Com PanY. a Co[- 1 jpotation, against the City of ' Pa• b oily - An ordinance settling the claim. of the St. Paul Bottling Company, a corporation, against the City of St.- Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIE: Section 1. That.the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund, to the St. Paul Bottling Company, a corporation, the sum of Thirteen Dollars 0"13.00) in full settlement of its claim against the City for merchandise furnished to the Department,of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings during the Beason -of -1917. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all -claims arisin.o in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas i,i li -u 1920 Nays Mr. Farnsworth Clancy Goss McColl 7 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) ArR -6 1920 7Z,�7rove ayor Attest P LISHED -City Clerk v' ('ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER A 2M 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM IMN FILE t.IL No...... 163 V.. _ MAK 1929 1, 1�uui"rwn.Li�:re AUDITED ..........-__ ............................. 19 ...... 1497 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, Fire If St.C. & R. 1 Sew .r C. & R. Schools 1498 P. R. L. Herdenbergh & Company, Fire Munic. Gtr. Renl. 1499 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Lighting 1500 Si Fo Products Company, Great Northern Schools 1501 C. S. Stewart, Supt., Health 1502 Victory Printing Uompany, Official Publications Prtd. forms and blanks Fire Bureau of Engrs Schools Parks Water 468.40 580.89 38.21 26.00 39.48 22.90 1,T�7E :S8 21.00 8.41 5.40 34.81 95.00 7.75 28.50 36.95 5.00 23.50 5.25 11.25 7=. 0 1,175.,68 34.81 16,685.85 45.70 815.00 213.20 ER...........__.._....__._. ...... ........_.... _......._.._. ' TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by ouncd__ __.) h��f_.:�.�...�.:1L0..._.__.......191.._........ Clancy t� IJLO Farnsworth A Iprol ___. ..........191........... Cross C. t No. 28566— ps,ifl s he draown Resolved th nt n' upon the Clty Treasury, pnbebd t of the ter s and firm, or cor �._. Keller ons, .. ... in favor of the persons r of th set opposite-' ........._. ... ...... .... .__. MCCOII amounts enames as specifled i their orations ]I?.YUR Wunderlich respective the following detailed statement: Great Lakes Coal A. Dock Company'. �I r. P[esidenl, HOdgBnn $1.175.98. P. R. L. Hnrd enbergh & Com Ann>• $34.81. $16,- St. Patti Gns Light Company. 115SC.I.8"Fte Cnmpan)'. Sta70. 170.44 5. stewart, •Victory Pt•i Ming Compnny.. 2a, 1930. ar. 23, Adopted by the Cou1920 `1 :Kar. 33, Approved (Al... 47-1920. ) 1497 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, Fire If St.C. & R. 1 Sew .r C. & R. Schools 1498 P. R. L. Herdenbergh & Company, Fire Munic. Gtr. Renl. 1499 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Lighting 1500 Si Fo Products Company, Great Northern Schools 1501 C. S. Stewart, Supt., Health 1502 Victory Printing Uompany, Official Publications Prtd. forms and blanks Fire Bureau of Engrs Schools Parks Water 468.40 580.89 38.21 26.00 39.48 22.90 1,T�7E :S8 21.00 8.41 5.40 34.81 95.00 7.75 28.50 36.95 5.00 23.50 5.25 11.25 7=. 0 1,175.,68 34.81 16,685.85 45.70 815.00 213.20 ___/\567 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO...........2.---.///111111 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY :rarcn 22, COMMISSIONER..._....... -..__..... _.__.._......__._... DATE _......._... RESOLVED Tt;at t,1e = raze e hl'oior. A.verue, `rc:,, est Feventh Street to ?leas__nt Avenue, in accord- ance with t?)_ _ _ d rzra e lire o5: th ao,o1L- an; 1r 1 refile ,..:._ as rec n...enfe: by t Co,!A:is ^er cf uL is r}_ 'oe ar._. to : sa:: c is hereby a'., t d as tnc estal: 14_1 sr.e_ -ra e. Yes I ) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl 0 Powers v Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. N. No. 28567- ihef gh de pof \lbion Resolved. \\•eat Seventh 'trees to .\venue, from 1n n orlon ce xith Plen.9ant Avenue, e tJte red gra cne r ­0 o y - {ng profile a d n mhee nded by and Con miss oBRhl 1'1<' K de b," the on)yr hereby ad oPtei� the established grade. A do Pted h, the f �uncil Mar. 23. 1920. A roved Mar. 23. 1920. t:lfareh 2-1920.) fink ) IM _ 19 Adopted by the Council Approved _ IllllfG_I1"Lll __I9_....... In favor Against Mnroe... --------------------------- ----- ------.............. ...--- COUNCIL FILE NO....._ _..._.._...---.__-- �-7 f '7/ 856- ) �- 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs a -id expenses for grading, improving, curbinE;, re -setting side•,aalles, seedinf; vaith Crass seed, and planti_'_,- .ritli trees, both sides of the Pa.,! -way l_novin as Le:,;n,_;ton ,.venue from ':u.r.tit :-venue to tl'.e alley het:';, -en Yo.^tland '-venue and -ummit :-venue. ender Preliminary Order - 1.7T93___.. , Intermediary Order .._`P.-..la2?__..___ .. .......... Final Order _ _21728 , approved _ June 20 . 191 8.. The assessment of ..__belu,f_L.S.,. co.s_' a.-L.._.d ex.pc uses... ..-_...for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..`�Q ____....r ... t.):L.._._...day of 4 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ___ li<ild- 4 j I, 191..._ ..... .... � , _ City Clerk. Approved ...._-__................................. ._..... _........191 _... _. _........ tet...._.. .� . .. ._. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss id$k nst Clancy " K i,ovrers McColl Wunderlich Mayor ksinx iioCv-s on Form B. B. 16 -.. ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- KD COUNCIL FILE NO...._....., .............. __-�— Z ? 185?:) B - 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs a --id =penses for Frading, improvinC, curbinr;, re -setting; sidowalics, sced5.nt aitii ^rass seed, and planti_., Jr-th trees, bot!7 sides oi' the Pariniay ltnorm as Le::i_t,-;ton _,ventic frori S,i-r nit : vonue to 1111.c ulle-• hetsoen Portland .venue and -ummit :-venue. 0 - ender Preliminary Order 179,00 __ Intermediary Order .. _...1.2.1�.).'?2.-.............. Final Order _. _ __21728 , approved_. June ,.0 1 191..._.8.. The assessment of _..... e.11S. S: i.t.S. ,_ Ce.a^j:.S...1.1C. eX7e115fl8.. .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._.___..._ 2.0t..);1...._...day of —?ril, 1020 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council Approved ....... ......... Councilman Farnsworth Goss Faclwa Clancy Kx=i Powers i 1 J McColl Wunderlich Mayor 1xvitex Hodson Form B. B. 16 _ _...._.:........::.....:.:. ........... _ City Clerk. 191......._ / //5C ._......`......... -.. Mayor. - --------------------- --------- ---- /jper( -�/ COUNCIL FI �jl0� re .............__.._ // 0,55(9 B .✓ '.... ° CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs -.id exponses for constructing a se-aer on .i;!!arlotto :.venue, frol., Taylor :_verluo to a point 20 feet south of tae Great--ort_lcrn : i.g'at-of-.:ay. ander Preliminary Order ...._...20.7.20 _..._.. _..... Intermediary Order _027114-- . ... ................. ............. Final Order approved, Lo=,,bor `r _ 191.._9.. The assessment of.._120'_7.. � ?,t„`i. ,... CO .t.?.__9LO. o;: _.�C su3___ ..._....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._.._. 2.0111._..............day of +.ems 39-&....._._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. :rt Adopted by the Council ____ flint zt; 191 _.. ..__... City Clerk. f Approved .._........... .titu14-0.3...1;+f;i .. ....... 191...__.. 'e� � f... ....... .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss •• N.3.yi�1i� anc KAa !'o.tcrs McColl Wunderlich Mayor, "K, liod(,s on Dorm 13.13. 16 ------------------------------------------ / COUNCIL F)LE N4 ' CITY OF. ST. -PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a server on Baldwin trcet, iro;:i .:arf,ent ..venue to a wint 165 1'cat _iorth of 3t. Mair .:trcet. t ender Preliminary Order _.._26.16) Intermediary Order 26921. ........... Final Order ..___2.7.2aQ_ approved__ _'.ov<:aber_1.7 The assessment of ..b,enef.it3.., C.0st.s.. _.and. C:L-]ells C3 ___.__ .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........_rZ...Q:bl7..................day of 1_, 19.2Q =X__ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the t,tal cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council __. _ ni [U _..._ ........191. f /f 4' i ° t ..... City Clerk. � -- Approved...._.... ..-..r.., . _ 191._...... L..\ ._-......__._..._.... ..... . ._...............%.................._..._..:...-------- Mayor. r - Councilman Farnsworth Goss xb ilancy Kxlka>-orrerc McColl J\ Wunderlich �7 Mayor legim IIodE;son Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO . .......... .......... ......_._.._ rr� p B �--� ��iJ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 00 In relaying and repairingtC©menttSidewalJks,1Pstimate Not 1 for Under ConW10t 3068 C, for Season of 1919, ' -48seaaable Roll.. F,O# 24316 Ramsey Sts) south side, beginning 40 feet nest of Wilkin Street theme west 10 feet; Thompson Ave,, south side, beginning 109 feet east of Pleasant Ave, thenoe east 12 feet and from 218 feet east of Pleasant Ave. thence east 11 feet. F.O. 25656 Sturgis St., south side, from 126 feet west of Douglas St, thence west 21 feet. F.O. 24178 western Ave., east side, from Ashland Ave. thence south 8 feet and from 124 feet north of Holly Ave. thence north 8 feet. F.O. 23603 Laurel Ave., south aide, beginning 81 feet east of Farrington Ave. thence east 8 feet. F.O. 24120 Virginia Ave., east side, beginning 105 feet south of Selby Ave. I he assessment do "80uulfu f04Pe8t ror ana in tonnecnon wttn the above improvement having been submittf having c. F. No. 29571—By S. A. Farnsworth—g considered same and In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for con- found the said assessment satisfactory, thereft structIng, relaying and repairing cement sidewalk s, Estimate No. 1, ,under Contract 3068-C, for season of RESOLVED, That the said assessment 111 1919• pects approved. :fxxexaable Roll. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public I F. o. 2+319, Ramsey St., south side.m the....... 2.0th....__...._..day of beginning ao feet st of lvukta Street, thence west 10 'feet; Thom Dson l.l.....1.920........ _._._ _. ygcx +ve. south side. beelnnin.109 feet east .. ._, at the of Pleasant Ave.. Lhence last 12 feet ouncil Chamber of the Court end from 218 feet east of Peaeant Ave.. henoe east 11 feet. House and City Hall Building, in the City c fro °i" feel swes�l of stDouglas 01st.: r of Finance give notice of Lhence Rest 21 Leet. said meeting, as required b the Charter, s F. 0. 2uv8. western Ave., est aide. g 9 Y fro e•omljn feet' thencesouth outHolh 8 feet place of hearing, the nature thence north 8 feet.or o of the improvement, the total cost thereof,'�'begt nin3681 teeuet eel `e. soutFrrh aide, lot or lots of the particular Ave., thence east 6 feet. owner to whom the notice is directed. F 0. 2+120. Virginia Ave.. east side, beginning 105 feet south of Selby Ave., thence .....eesmentt Adopted by the Council __.____...__.__�i']i( ul ¢,pensee for of Incocosts ---.... -.ana and benefits, connection with the Dmitove Improvement having a been it having to the eyedConnell, and the �j Council paving considered same ana l;1 round the said assessment satlsl.ttory-..`. r . therefore. be it---`---"----- Y Clerk. City �'i Resolved, That the said assessment Approved............_...._.................Ll.t�lt'�f..._...��......_.191. be and the same Is hereby In au respects approves. Resolved Further, That Public hearing be had on said assessment on the 20h day of April, 1920, at the _, „ _,,,,,. Me Or. hour of 10 ""all, A M., in the Council t � ������"'�" � .i .-"" Y Councilman Farnsworth Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give •• GOA notice of said meeting. a required by the Charter, statingIn said notice the time and place of hearing. the nature .. t�p,,,1W- of the improvement, the total cost bWand, Clancy hereof, and the 'mountassessed against •ner to whom tthe lot lots of the partleu- lar he notice is di- Ire&.rcx YO:rer et (topic(] by the Council Mar. 27. 1920. Approved .11a1. 29, 1920. McColl (� ii h 11-1121.1 Wunderlich jMayor AmeikK Hod' s on Form B. B. 16 COUNCIL FILE NO... ........................... By CITY OF ST. PAUL 'Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the -assessment of benefits. costs and e:.penses for Ganstructingl relaying and repairing Cement Sidefalkej gstimate Noj 1� odor AWIA N66 Gfad ��8u0XI of ln0l »MAooegoable Roil.. P.O. 24316 Ramsey St., south side, beginning 40 feet viest of Wilkin Street thence gest 10 feet; Thompson Ave., south side, beginning 109 feet east of Pleasant Ave. thence east 12 feet and from 218 feet east of Pleasant Ave. thence east 11 feet. F.O. 25656 Sturgis St., south side, from 126 feet west of Douglas St. thence west 21 feet. F.O. 24178 Western Ave., east side, from Ashland Ave. thence south 8 feet and Prom 124 feet north of Holly Ave. thence north 8 feet. F.O. 23603 Laurel Ave., south side, beginning 81 feet east of Farrington Ave. thence east 8 feet. F.O. 24120 Virginia Ave., east side, beginning 105 feet south of Selby Ave. thence south 60 feet. I he assessment or ..........t]L'.L11 L;6 L; y....t ua..6:4,-4?1t1._ U,, f,t;11, i6_ . - __ for aria in connecuon with the above improvement having been submittcC. F. N'o. 28571—By S. a. Farnsworth— having considered same and in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for con- found the said assessment satisfactory, thereb sfructing, relaying and repairing cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, under Contract 3068-C, for season of RESOLVED, That the said assessment bi 1318• pects approved. •:1--. Poll. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public ho > , ,..d':,u'satd . ..ent on the__..... 2.Oth.................. day of .... „..... _... 7fjCX.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _........... 91 �� y ,-, _.......... _......... h.. ... ,rri............................................................. City Clerk. Approved f.1ij( Zj 'Cu ' .....................................191......... _................................................f_.............__. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss dAand- Clancy Ekdkxx Porters McColl Wunderlich Mayor3imam Hod' son Form H. H. 16 28572 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. Iii the matter and ...t.akin;.,.aa...0.u,amore;:..,in...the ...land ...naus ary for..s]. pas.,...far....cuts... and-fiJ.J.s....m... tha._ aut... aide ....of...Onaida.2traet.,...b.ativeen 5 .---83ain-- t -r., -a ci...Gxa �...Stye.e -►---in..frnut....of...LnLs...44.,45..and...46.,.. tinsan1 s Stinson, Subdivision-.of-_B1oc1�-3-,f Broivn-_aizd.._Ramsey!s-_addition-,--for-..the of -constructing-a sidelyalk.................. -..... -1 ......- — ......................... .... ...-----.................----- under Preliminary Order...... 26$42 ............. approved O-Q.ti... 7,192-9 Intermediary Order.....?,.? Z�...., approved....d&Il. !1 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......24:tla .......................day of ...April.,...19.2.0............AIiK......., at ten o'clock A. M. and that. the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............ f[AR..2i3_} ,lU------ ---------------------- 191 .... i }.; al a l Approveo................ 2¢3 152U........, 191........ Councilman Farnsworth \ Councilman Goss PURT,T9HED_3 717—a � Councilman NjbMk Clancy 'Conncilman Kelkx Powers Councilman McColl .Councilman WunderlicY MayorZK,Z= Hodgson City Clerk. Mayor. 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..00b=-Ing.,O.,.t0ft..an....@,a. �g,1�t... ��... k1 ...�, ...D1Q.—Oz g for alnpe.s.,...far....cuta...and...filla...nn.... the ...aut...aide ....of...Dnaida. tvaat...... batu>'.een.... 2.t• .Cl�x...Sta.-.._algid...Grace...aGreet.,...n„front....4.._Lots...44.a...4...xxd.._�k6..-.......... Stinson, tk �.gn�.s•,,,5ubdiv si-on--of-_Blocle.3.,�Broy. ,_and,._RamsU s•,.kdd t on,,,for•the• purpose of constructing, a sidewalk. ........................................................•-----...........---------............------.......................... under Preliminary Order.... 268.42 ............. approvedIntermediary Order........ 27 U..Q....., approved.....��17.....�.4.,...� X24........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he hag fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ............................... ......................... Commissioner of Finance. 235'73 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION. PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...9-0ft1419.. W...Ulan J,X1.-1110...1411.d...xumry ._Va.tll..n.. fee.t.....fr.am Uni.on..Sheet...to..& poinfi...75...feet...z.oath...of...the ..s.autil-li.ne...of.... IrKe1�t......................•......................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order..... 26238 ............. approved .Lug..16,1919....., Intermediary Order 2.7329.., approved NOV......2.Q.,...� — . PP ,i F No. the matte" an; ear su or 11 im. nQ The CoIn1111iau of FiNIA 1196T Kbi4d li l �'8� '�U6111 til fluOVo lnat�Cl' a� t0 the llm011llt 0 1'i'Ib' oil) damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the; Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. 2Qtii................ day of._......Aprl,.._1920...,.._.Mx..__. at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............. .11lllt..&1�2:U ... Approvea...........�........:��...JlO 191...:. 0ouneilman hrnowoA Councilman Goss Councilman i jua Clancy Councilman kRu PoWers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel Mayorkft Ilodgson ►6 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONCONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..q_QndeTli1�ng...and .._iaking..s1.n...eaS.eIA-aIlI;...i11---the land-.necassaY'--y for.,slopes-,---for__outs.-.ajzd.--fj_).J.aa in...grading--.C-omo.--Place-._to..-a--riidtlz_af-.50..-. feet,--from,-Union--_Street--,to,_a---point75---feet--Bouts--.of...-tklQ 5.04th.-line....of-...-.. IAC.Kenty..-Street,............:.........----- .--- ...... under Preliminary Order..... 2623&.......... approved..Aug.lf .,19.19.., Intermediary Order .....27329.......... approved. Noy.. -.-20-,,,.1919-*„_„--,-, TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters, ........................................................................ Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. /` /.................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...graang...BT.911d...hre.B.t...f>;'AD]..Y.A7,1...D.y1 0 k1.vW11Ig....�A...1�6ZAl�aYAllUe. ............................ ............................................................................................................................................................. under Preliminary Order ............... 21225 .................. ...... approved. .....January..171...1920............. ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...grade Brand..Ztro.Qt. fr-.cAn._Va .Dyke..Avenue to .JIazel Avenue ... .............................................................................................................. ._..........................................:._... ................... __ ................. ... _..... __............................................. ........... ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3.,147_6.2....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......42QL11.................day of April.,..192.0.............. ........... ....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil. Approved ..................lul......l{ .... ?3 IKU . ............., 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Boss Councilman HXbUutx C1anC9 Councilman 1tx Powers Councilman McColl j Councilman Wunderlich Mayor SI= Iiodgs on Form B. S. A. 8-6 i i 28575 r E� ' w . COUNCIL ME N ..................... By.....!y�,d��......... a, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...c.ondoz ilng aud taUng for....alaAes...xor....piutS...a1AJills... R..grad ng„Srand_.4tnp ,i„fM..Van.Dylq Ave...Haze1..jlxenue............. under Preliminary Order ................ 2.7.9.s .............. ..........approved ...... 17,—MN .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having receiged=the repoit;oi Sbr.Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said re or -nhereby 4eisd,ve;'.;;";° 'niu•� 1. That the said report be and the same is hereb�.4pproved and adopted ptid the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.eondellnl...a11d..ta�ie..311 easement ..i.17..the._land_-necessa>.y for.._slopes� for cuts and fills in grading' Brand Street, from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, in accordance with --............_........__._ ......_ .. _._....._...................._.........-..............................._..:..... the ..blue .,:prr4Lt...hereto„.attached.an._ dmader _a part heeof.r the hatched portions showing... the .... c.41ts. arid_ the shaded... portions__.shoi�ing the fills. _ _................ ---........_............................._......._....._........... _.__....._......_....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 2.5.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......a ................day of ---------- April ...... 199 Q..,,,......__., 1 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....................... 191\ -.– Approved ........... 91\, -.– Approved........... .li��{ iii Hyl() ..........-., 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman GOBS Councilman Ill kxj Clancy Councilman )Udkj Powers Councilman McCol Councilman Wun ich Mayor hn= Hodgson Form B. 9. A. 8-6 rujiL,1W LW — 285'76 COUNCCIIL,FMEE NO ................................. By ... ev414��y........ In the Matter oforeat ,From Tula ..4.9.a4.,.1Q..Wo-aro jjno...4f...Collogo2a.yV is Division.........................................................................�......... ........................... ............................... under Preliminary Order....2flQ9.7....................................approved ......February..3.e..1920................... ......._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... FY'8de-.,Charlotte,..,...._, 'xom.-.Taylor...kyenue...to_ the...north line...of:..College...Place., Taylor's Div-iaion.- ......................._.............._.... .._......-------- ....... .... .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is y.. 643..82.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................2Q�tk ........day of ............. Apru—s-ag2Q......_..._.., XNX—K..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ f4jj ..-23..15.0..-..-...., 191......... fiillt 231520 Approved....................................... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman fioss Councilman Houatx Clancy Councilman $xj}m Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kil x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .................... ..:l.,.... 191_... City Clerk. ..... ....f ........... � Mayor. i COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. B,.... ... `�� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......coUdeml► nl;._and...taking._aH._eaSel7 Pmt ...1Xl...tLklfl_.1�t1d..naCessary for slopes.,._. for.-.cuts-..and.fills...in,. radin;„Char o.�.�...A�!@111�Q...fr-QM---T=2.0r- Avenueto the north line of College Places 4 r.! .,.p ���, .Q ............................ ............................................................ I ....................... , li �,Hnpw l pp Wtlugtl Opgllllu.unapOgllu I.luplllu.... 14ll,l, 1 11 1.1p q lu.b..... laappi❑u 1.1uuil tlllea„1p,gll, ................... ...........„.,,.........,.::..,,........0.......I......:nu...mnmu.,::nuu,nnuau under Preliminary Order ............ 2NQR...........................approved ......FQbrU.al'y.. 3.}...1.9 .Q. ... ....... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having rec ived the V e,Commissioner of Finance upon the ront�, q � L! above improvement, and having considered said repin!y Loeb resolvesu 1. That the said report be and the same is ha5ebj; ap}g1(�d,d,;lii�o}ited, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to beroceeded with. p n That the nature of the improvement which twebhncil recommends is...Gondem..and...take ...an eas.ement...in._the__land_.necessary__f.or._slope ..for._cuts_..and..fills.-.in..gl"gdl}zg Qharlotte..lvvpnue_ from_Taylor._avenue to.the . orth._line-.-of._Co11eSe. Place., Taylor..!.a_-.Dis.ision.,..in..ancor.dance...aith.-blue... print_hereto made...a._part..liereof.,.. the_ hat.c.hed...pertions....skls ting...ti e...cut.s._and...tbe...shadsd porti.ons.. ahowing...the...f.illa._..........................................................._........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..20...0.0 ................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........2.0th...............day of ase April., 192.0 .......... ..........7�G......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .... ((AKA. -1920...... 1 - J (1114 �SLU _ .........t�----.s. .............................. ........................._ ... Approved............................................ .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss UB l:;ilcD 3 —_1p Councilman HOwnd Clancy CouncilmanAkka polvers Councilman McColl Councilman WunderAi Mayor YKXX Hodgson 'Form B. S. A. 8-6 Vj" v7 0 COUNCIL FILE NO�..................... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...o.onStr.U0.tiX4.....S.xX...#.OOH...amo#:...5la-gaU...M-All-9 va-Q-9.1 414 #�ga.,LIAcq;n„Ayenuo to„Goodrich Avenues except where .. .., ......I.........I. .................... ......................re nmO01X t� iunionunn.am..uusuuno..uuununumnumu.unpeonuaununuauuuun IIIIIIUIp�11111111111�I bI11110�11p1llulul111 tl11�.��11,1IIIA.II IUI II II II, I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I11, I I. Ito 1I bIl11l llllllllallelall1�, 111111111111111n11111eU1�1111U1�, �,Iglllm�u,gql under Preliminary Order ............... 28337...,-,.,................ approved ........ .I I.... 2_,. 1920. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.onatruc.L...a... ir.....f.wt cement ..sidevalk...on.the.rest..side...of._Yasca.1 A.venuerom.Linc.ln..Avenue to f Goodrich-Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .......... .............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $...,.45...per ..fr.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..........Qth.................day of .............I 4W....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and. place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............. 191......... Approved ............... Isis{i...4i........... 191....... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman MXbtxk Clancy Councilman 80118e3c Powers Councilman McColl (� Councilman WunderlicTf Mayor rAXXX Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8-6 t ........... .. ...F ...,..............ci..c!i-1.£.�.4,� City Clerk. j !�..Q Mayor. ................... ..................... --.......... f 285'79 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. BY...../ .................. 0 ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...CO. nns.trizctin€;..a...si.x..ioat.-.C.oJ1Qen:L---sa-JAWa-1-k an..-tlie---e-a5-t--side of...Saratnga...Sta'.Qe-... xazn...� inc.q�?...tivex�ue----t-Q---Ctoosix�.�h..bxelzue.....e:�cejzt...lhexe gopd...and ...&uffioient-,.sidevialks,-now_.exist,,............... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order --.2$N.$ ...... ......................approved .. .A'1ared...2.►...192Q....................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...0O2IStrUOt...&--ZiX...f Aot cement .-.siderr.alk...an-the ...east ._si.db....0%...5arstt oga.-.Scree 1...i'x0in.-Umc o7n. lmenue to.Goadrialh.Avenue.,_except 11here food..and.snffici.exlt...s.iser+.aJks...nosr.-.exist. -- ..........._ ..... .. . ........... _ ....... _.......... ._._............................................. ................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s...15...per...fr.ont foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 20thh..............day of April.r-..19.2.0..--......_........,)Wlc.x..-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated: Adopted by the Council .......Hale..%s>3.J.5.2U...... _..... 1 191---.... J .� i (Wh 23 XKU ................. ...r�......c. ........ Approved ..................................................... 191......... City rk. ........... _................... _............:........................................ Mayor.Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HgbW Clancy Councilman FAR&K. Powers Councilman McCollyy'"�� Councilman Wunda-h Mayor 2MWC Iiodgs on Form B, S. A. 8-6 28580 VVV v v� COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......c.oSAs.?eXu9. 111&.a...c.Qlne}l,t...s1A%ialk.._Q.n b.Q.t}a...pldea...of...S.t iiford Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............ 2$3.02...........................approved ......,F.ebruary..2.7.-,...1920.......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Q.=5. ...a...c.Ql Qnt. sidelvalk_..on..b.oth..sides -of Stanford Avenue from Prior Avenue to Cleveland ..................................... . Avexiue,....except..rrhere...go.od...and.. suf f ici.Qxit...s� c�eera� kis...no..W... ex;,S-t......... .......... ......................__.._....._........................_.._.__...... __...._..._........._........................... I...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ..75....per ...front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.-...20th...................day of April, ...192.0......._..._...,x.__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the�oancil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' fulii 192U Adopted by the Council .......... ------- _.............._....__..., 191....._. f�ff Ji.. Approved ............................... ..............., 191......... ; City Clerlc. - :'.........................,% . �,------------ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth t y Councilman Goss Councilman ibJwaA Clancy Councilman I{Tkmx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlicl j Mayor kXi*x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FnYNO................................. By.........�J .. f ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....G.OUUS01,151...R...Q.Qault... UIQ .,.§12,11Q.,.�14,,,f,ul,,,YUAP.,..9P to from„I'lr„ .,.toHOrC,�,S'tro0t,a�,xcop�.. e pq and sufficient sidewallcs now exist. ........................................... .................... ................................. ................. ...................... ............................................. I................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... ....... ..................................... _ .. under Preliminary Order ......_....281$4....... ..... _ .............approved ... _..�!'ebruary...l.6,.._1920....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...c.onstrllct...a...Qelllent.. ta.l,e...sidewalk_.six feet wide on the north side of Carroll Avenue from .......................................................................................................................... Fry ...stre.et...to..P..ierce_..Street., except where food and sufficient sidewalks ........................................... _........... now... exist ......................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0...75... per... front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ 2lat..................day of ............... Apx1.1.-,...192f1............., ]$iCX...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Co Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... 101..23 SKU Approved............1111.....k ?3 ?3 192U............................... -.1 19L...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman I:ioss Councilman 24JMA Clancy Councilman I%W- Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich® Mayor kTJKX IIodgs on Form B. S. A. 8-6 V 0 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 28582 In tho Mottor Street from Snellin.G Avenue to l�;acalester avenlue, .... ................ ....... ......... . .................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ---....---.28310...........................approved .....February..27_,._._1920............. .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Q.QXWAX1lQ.t... ...C2111etJt.. sidewalk...on...hoth...side.s.... of...Jarges...atreet_.from._ Snelling--livenne...t.4...1=�C3�le.s.ter Avenue,._exo.ept where good and sufficient,.siderfalks nocf_.exist ..._.._................ _...................... ............. .............._........... ._.._....... .... . _..... ._...._................. ....._...................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... J5_..ppq , front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 21st..........t........day of ............. 6pr11,...192C....._.........,YI&Fx...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. fulit ;i✓3192U Adopted by the Council ................................................. 191......... Approved. ....... ♦'Ilii}"`L(j................... 191......... C' ........................ .. .. ......... .............. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman IJZDL-UdX Clancy Councilman NE mx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich U Mayor aK&K Hodgson arm B. S. A. 8-6 Ikky 7®. 28583 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. By.......=y.`......`u ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Iu tho mottora,,..aNn1;,..tl, e,,.oi,dowalksix feet ,widcQn both „f r.... ............................. &ogd._anct_._sufficient s devialks now exist. under Preliminary Order ............... aaim ......................... approved ..... +e.bruary... 16.th,...19.2.0..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...rons.truct...a...cement.. til.e..sidew.alk- six..fe.e.t...vtide._.az1...bo�h..s.des... of_ ipndo...Street._.from..Iilton,,,, Street to Lexington Avenue,. except rrhexe.__good.._and..sufficient_..sideytalks. 1419... exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....75....per ...fP.ont f oot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........... U31...............day of ............. AMU, .._1920......___.....__ IMP"., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...... 1`.11114`�44,920........._....., 191..---.... Approved..........NOR 23 1920 ........................................... 191........ ........:................................ .......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilmanh{ykep¢_ Clancy Councilman J=ke- Porters Councilman McColl . Councilman Wunderlicho MayorxMift Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........:................................ .......... Mayor. 4 Council File No..... 2Q58. Petit ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ER. a The undersigned propose., the making of the fo wing public improvement by the City of St i'aul, viz-: of a cement tile sidewalk _--siX---fest•--wid z1--t- north.-Siris.--of...Ames ...Avenue .fT.Om............:........... - --- �ThieBe. tt - <.et............................................................... ..... { F No .Ea6t4 AtMr►rt. �- ____________ ___•__ ___.__-.-..---.-.---..-. �.. ... . �f Whereas A written pr posal for t , .----..........-.----...-... -.. ............................... _ - ILIaQ otlhe tollovinB '1mDroveme: Dated this F.2ef - daY of ia.tr In . e•l tl • s l a19120.. -... S " th Siff.......'.....'.." "' ; y.. sixv 1 u.nc u. 'f .13 7 IS - ed, ,ar A� F . 19tOLa ni (�.. In Wvr S •is+`._3441a.— ItY'. ti '... .............................................. Councilman. PRE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mg of t e ollowmg improvement. viz.: --------------- ................................... Cpx7f3.ti.??.Q�e.Gn.-..4 a,.cement...tile...sidewalk .........................' _..-..--aiz---ie.et...3a1de:.:.om-..tho.f....Ame.a ..AY.enue .from ................. mit. -.. .ear...A,vemue t..Q...� :.Pl... P.11U0,......................._..-.....-......--............-......-............. ...... --------- ............................... having been presented ......................................... ted to the Council of the City of St Paul by Councilman...........:................ therefore, be it RESOLYM. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direezed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature. extent and eitimated Coit of said improvement, and the total soft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ................................. ...... .................. . ` .--...---'...................................... ........................................-.....................--...... ....-.... 7 whether --' Efate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Piak 2315[U _-_--- Adoptedby the council...................................................._. .191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved....... .. t.... ..... �.9 �........... 191......: Hyland Keller McColl Wlmderlieh - :. ............. .... -- - 7Mayor Irvin — d Mayor. ._ :> PUSLISIiED Fara. C A IS tsi+s 4-171 Council File No -------- 'A -- Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE TIT and r PRELEWWARY ER. The undersigned hereby pro the making of the owing public improvement by the City of Sc Paul, vrizr: - ......... c- . emnin ... and...taking--- gn--_ea _emsnt------------------------------------ ------------ in the lancl ne s ry for slopes for cuts a.TA---- srr--- gt g---Albl-on--- Ave u -e -j ---- grnom----------------------------------------------------- --- - Adrian Street oPl sant Avenue. .. .....-----..----.---- --------- -- . - ... .. F: No 28588— ________________ _____________ __________ ____ _______ ______________ __________ - ._....................................... - Abstract �_ SFA¢ ¢ae,A wr/ttenDroDoeal;for .:Dated this.... 22d. --- y �lrtna of the r now{n6 imvrovenaent :•_________ _ --------- 19�Q.... _ - ^-oadimnfn6 andtah(n an'+eaaemeet _ -the land. neceseai9 for sloyei, tor. tts ad nlla in, Bra 1n6� Albion A9 .-------------------------- ... .......... ....... .------------ �lm��___ aa,..irom -AdHan .3tree4 to Plea ra. 6aving peen-.yresented t ^ oo ' -•:ince ,tin- - - _ - PRE ARY.0 IDER. WHEREAS. k written proposal for the making a fol wmgimprovemen� t, viz.: -------- Cgndemning_and• taking .an. --easement-..-...... in the. larrcl. necessary for: slopes for cuts and -g-rading Albl-ora ... Avernus...----f-r-©m.........---------- - ------------------ - Adrian greet ,to Pleasant; Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.... .------------------- -..... ------------------------------------ therefore. - ------- ------------ therefore. be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total Dolt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. -��h—Tsiawiiiriin fsilou" L-- --a : c . _t;nn .At;-- �..._;,r a.,..� n.. --------------------- ----------------------------------- -- .. ---. t= ---------- --------- -- ----------------•--•-- -------- �Tastate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mon owners. � 1b report upon all of the foregoing matter to the Commissioner of FFA_ Adopted by the council----------------- -------- 191 ........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved------- _.1 2.........191...... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich----- ---------- -----•-------- •---- - -- -------------------------•---------------- Mayor Irvin Mayor. - - F.— C A 13 (/M 4.17) -- 77 C F No 2868$--0rdlnance No 628Q By Henry McColli An ordinance pprovlding ;for the re•; s ➢ . fundmont of the unearned portion of� 0�, Itquor license fees to those holding' (� Ileenses on July let, 1919, and ap• j proprlating moneyd therefor. , Whereas, During the latter part of Wo , 5 Z the year 1918 and the early part of the`Q- I' Q year 1919, certain pereone, firma and —orations took out licensee for the° i r 1,tq,",- Nng liquore under the, r ;rr of the Council r An ordinance providing for the refundment of the unearned portion of liquor license fees to those holding licensee on July 1st, 1919, and appropriating,moneys therefor. u 1 U atarly,,'part of the year 1919, certain pereone, finis and oupox'. ations took out licenses fpr the Sale of intoxicating liquors under the agreement on the part of the Council to refund the un— earned-portion of the license fee to the licensees in case the sale of intoxicants should be prevented,by federal or state en- actment; and WHEREAS, On July 1, 1919, the sale of intoxicating liquors in the City of St. Paul was made unlawful and prohibited by Congress and by the State Legislature; therefore THE COTJNOIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAM DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of One Hundred Sixty-five Thousand Dollars (,1165,000.00) or.eo much thereof as may be.necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Refund of Liquor License item of theGeneral Fund, for the purpose of refunding to the licensees holding licenses to sell intoxicating liquor in the City of St. Paul on July let, 1919, such pro -rata part of the license fee as corresponds to the time such licenses had to run from said -July let, ! 1919, and the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to make out, audit and present resolutions for the payment of such refund- ment as soon as moneys are available therefor, without interest. j i Section 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication, a, i' Yes 1 1 Councilmen ( ! Nays C, Clancy Farnsworth Y\ ✓ Goss ^ ✓ McColl �,,(j Powers !) ✓ Wunderlich y/1VIr. President � FORM 3M9•19 Adopted by the Council 1!f R —% -152(J- - --19 In favor Approve -7 19?U _ .19 _.. _ Against MAYOR lt;F.I,ISEI> —MAW. fARICY, `pity Clcrlh t 2 -5-K25' P'r4zp3poaec2 amendment to an ordinance providing for the re- fundment of the unearnea portion of liquor license 4'ees to those holding licenBes on July 1, 1919, and appropriating moneys therefor. Aaa to Section 1: ^Provided, however, that no such refundment of liquor license fees aha11 be granted for or on account of any, license where the licensee or his employee or other persona have pleaded guilty to or have bsea convicted of any violation of 'G3m6 ordinances of the City oP S -t. Paul, or State or Federal Statutes regulating traffic in intoxicating liquors, alleged to have been committed after July 1, 1919, in or upon the premises for which Such license was issued; nor for or on account of any license While there to still pend3.Zlg against- such licensee any crimine.3 charge for the violation of the Saws hereinabove referred to, and it i8 hereby made the duty or' the 04omptro3ler, before auditing any, claim for refundment on bel-ia3£ o4 any applicant, to asoertain vrhether or not there has been any conviction or there is still pezacii.rag eLm y charge as hereinabove set forth." Proposed amendment to an ordinance providing for the refund-7— Mont of the unearned portion of liquor license fees to those holding licenses on July 1, 1919, and appropriating moneys therefor. Add to Section 1: "Provided, however, that no refundment of liquor license fees shall be granted except to those holders of liquor licenses who in good faith discontinued the sale of intoxicating liquor on or/ before July let, 1919.,A yY%(a j.�r �� .. Sj' Sty+ CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 165 r� COCNCIL Ne. ..:;,..... ..:.... FILE ............... V� 1604 Badger Meter Company, Water 1603 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, t Schools yaN 1966 Reif. F. Otto, Schools 1607 Albert Rshbein, Water 1608 Taylor Realty company, Lighting 1609 Western Union Telegraph Company, Police Bureau of Engrs. Total 9,209.94 ■ 68.02 1.44 x.X6 t rl MAR 24 1920 19L �........-.191....... -...--.,...- ..-..<................ CI C \SPTROLLER AUDITED ............................. -,� PER ..... ...... ..... ...i.�/.-��--�----.... TITLE... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations fo - tt>eamounts set=yy ±t+a�-""' tive names as specified in the following detailed' statement: ) Yeas VCIa �C F xo 23b90 Adopted by the C tl........ [.1.2 .11/0...._....__. nmr�° PIARQ�eQQ�t upon the ;Ctty Treaeur Pa abl6 out lherfi that cyCouncilmen /j Cross � Op a&jntz otRe infayoq,p. A eves.....Farnsworth .,Wratjone,for•tha.-amuuTte set aDPoelte. itolring detail dltitemedtned la_ their .Badger Meter.ComDVy) o -P &b 1. Co, Pa, Meller .Great Lake- Coal , : _ --- _._._. ... _.. _ ...... l�/vL '"' ......._. — 36 69b 22.' 7 _ -- MAYOR Otto 326.00 McColl Retl F: Albert, Rehbeln. toin ReattT ComvenY 360.00: ; 7 Wunderlich Taylor Wratern IT go Telegraph ColnpanY f si f93o:, Mr. President, HodgsoaAaoPt-A 309.4& by the counou Mer prow„ed Mar. 14, 1920 1604 Badger Meter Company, Water 1603 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, t Schools yaN 1966 Reif. F. Otto, Schools 1607 Albert Rshbein, Water 1608 Taylor Realty company, Lighting 1609 Western Union Telegraph Company, Police Bureau of Engrs. Total 9,209.94 ■ 68.02 1.44 x.X6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No......._�. Form A A I8,81117-18 - 166 2,090.00 fib.. QZUI7CC1 7- ryry U1IH./LLIA�� ........../�. ?PER.�ZW- .....AUDITED PTROLLER................ 8,722.10 2,817.26 „ TITLE- Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set oppo._theu-respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ' "' MAR 241920 No. 28691—. drawn, watrants be ......_. ...._. ... _....... C: F'` ont Adopted by the Council.. that., 'v on clued TreasurR a sofa --tha Ctt9 < ands gnd y s�Pond$e�c dPr Engineering Insp. Clancy .. the her°tnatteTe ttrme or HAR 241920 Farnsworth in favor torthe aryov' a stea16ed1� poratlons tive::naMes se. P - a Prov 191__ ......... ._......_.. .._......_............ . their ow detailed statement GOSS thS fAl. r^Btvorth Com r. of FtI nn Interest Meller Si6,76091 Conr11 �: I Flnano° Earn -worths. _..... ._ ...._ ._ .... .. ... .................. "'-.""""'. 8,p McColl X683:76. , Sank j36 S86 81�, NationalnA Dough rtY MAYOR rAferchants lMorrie SheP°1Jr.6,876.00. .. 84•'1880.' Wunderlich oeot `J. 1}ranGthe Council Dis* by . ., Adopted 84 1990.- Mr President, Hodgson �• Approvedt5 87.1910) Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. 1610 S A Farnsworth, Gomtr. of Finance 16,750.97 • St. C. & Ro 2,090.00 Sewer C. & R. 1,058.16 S. &tIS. Ging. 8,722.10 2,817.26 „ 266.00 Bridge B. & R. 491.55 Sprinkling 156:50 Dooks, wharves, eto. 52.00 Engineering Insp. 1 097.40 15,75U.97 1611 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Interest 436.25 If 20.00 it 112.50 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Aoot. 15000 1612 Merchants National Bank, Red. of Bonds 2,000.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 13.39 Interest 6,557.50 26,280.00 Perm. Imp. Revl. Int. Aoot. 775.00 1613 Morris Shepard and Dougherty & Geo. J. Grant Sewer on Broadway Total 68,175.61 C F Io 559h� 1 di ROe0 ye�,, 5ht♦t tkait¢ tp 5bb o ftz CITY OF 9T. PAUL 2 oaun.t ro�UpA1hy"/t,1µ61t' 9' 4�j9' Otlpf- CITY OMAN U�'th� �ai�iptltt��a�f►! ��4 �N�. o,;,. OFFICE 01! THE COMPTROLLER p the �n1Cdlu' d4, ted.at�temat' Ahtbekg.; earin�` Qm �nq as+aESOLUTION FORM FILE l.:iDITED CLAM— Form A A 58, Y N 7 ; AInAT1Can Latvr t10C�'"�4�ncanYr :i'j.60. ti , t: 9AmertCan Rattany& Reed Mtg�Com- r 9 _ 5........... .... ..............................................' Pant, 584.60. r - 8Y American 64Dly Company, 1199.82, T LER Tp. Aechiteotural:Record 53.00. 191....... P ROL �AVstin,.Western 'Road Dlacfiinary. 'A'R"'N"'r"�t�' �';' % I Comgany:.:369.90.' ER..�.... :. v �..... �,. Autu 1, ngWorks 169.38. . "" "" '� • F W.- Babcock $ 16 00 � TITLE Baldwin Service Company 5120.96._ Baldwin Transfer-Companri>fR �4 i ,bor �u,5, era Warcants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:- Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Co il•.:.::.:......MR .241920 191:,,,.,. ... Clancy l arasworrlt ltl favor proved...... ..... 191" Coss C,✓ Keller..................Against.............................................. ................................................. ..................:..... MAYOR McColl Wunderlich 3- 22—,)6 Mr. President, Hodgson ptJBLTSHEI3 „ i; " 15 3 Ahlberg Bearin COWL 64,31 11 4. 09 MRevi�,_:.�.�...-.�.--.�_>.:.:�..t,. 0 3h'31 504 American Law BoEok Company, ,7.51D i 141505 American Railway Express Company, 96.02 1 Fi r. of ,F t3annarx •.:, .,.. ,. I n X.03 SKayvgzr of 66:77 Lary Po ds .4 506 American Rattan & Reed Mfg. 94.50 Specisl Day;.,�,ph��ls . a 1507 American Supply Uompoy, 192.82 Uhoo18. 1508 The Architectural Record, 3.00 1 09 Austin-Western Road Machinery Company, 369.90 5 wRi nsM �,� 0 i Res, X6'4 Page #2 1510 Auto Engine Works, 59,38 Munic. Gar, Revl. 1511 F. W. Babcock, 16900 Playgrounds Pl- 1512 Baldwin Service Company, 120.96 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1513 Baldwin Transfer Company, 6,00 Schools 1514 Beebe Laboratories Inc.p 3'00 116 �n Albert bonnier Publishing &A66 r Library i 1516 Brand, 48.00 ' Water 1517 Brandtjen Motor Car Company, 66.32 Fire 1518 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, 32.36 Civil Service 2.16 Bureau of.Engrs. 13.50 Schools 3.30 Water 2.00 11.40 52.36 1519 M. Burg & Sons, 172,50 Police 130.50 j Schools 42.00 172?a 1520 Burns Lumber Company, 312.76 Schools 4.80 Parks 273.46 'Water 34.50 312,76— 1521 Capital Envelope Company, 54.93 Police 10.25 i Schools 4468 1522 A. A. Carlstrom, 2.00 Great Northern Schools i 1523 Central Garage, 59.79 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1524 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, 3.69 Health .79 St. 0. & R. 2.90 1525 Chicago, Milwaukee & St +ul Railway Company, 4.15 Pol. & R. Alarm .60 Paving Depr. 1.11 2.44 1526 1Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway Company 7.55 G ultier Schools a 1527 A. C. Clausen, 2.50 Library Res. 164 ,Page #3 1528 Clymer & Huelater, C,P.S.-Gen. Adm, Health j 1529 Coohran-Sargent Company, SOhools Gt. Northern Sohools Playgrounds P. Bldgs. Revl. New Bldg. Const. Test. Labs. Water Gaultier Schools8ond) i 1530 Cooper Engineering & Mfg. Company, Special Day Schools 1531 Daily News Publishing Company, Civil Service 1532 Davis-Bournonville Company, gire 1533 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, Schools j 1534 Dispatch Publishing Company, Mayor's Office Health 1535 Louis F. Dow Company, _. Polloe u Health Bureau of j%ngra. Workhouse Schools lPlaygrounds Water i I 1 1536 W. J. Dyer & Brother, Library n Humboldt H.S. Library Mach. Arts H.S. Parks j 1537 Electric Blue grint Company, j Bureau gf F'ngrs. Schools n n n I' n 40.50 31.50 ''T2`.i� 110.60 10.39 8.91 2.96 2.26. 50.56 1.59 6.15 2.88 . 8.32 47-.- 252.45-' 5.85 1.95 -770- 5.65 6.44 .60 1.85 2.80 2.00 1,00 10.60 3.00 92.40 177 .3z- 3.35 2.00 2.00 9.00 20.34 9.00 1.75 16.12 4.85 16.00. 34.95 2.70 28.80 11.10 22.80 10.30 45.69 149.37 Res. 164 Page #4 .i j I 1538 Elk Linen Supply company, 53.82 Police 23.67 Health 27.50 . LibVary 2.00 r I_ .65 33: Hi' 1539 Engineering News Record, 15.00 j Bureau of -Ungineers 1540 Essanall Electric Company, 22.13 Fire3.70 Munic..Gar.'Rebl. 7.06 - 2.09 " 7.68 1.60 1541 Farwell, ozmun,-Birk & Company, 274.23 a Election 14.42 Police 1.35 3.17 Fire 4.60 50.24 St: C. & R. 2.85 S. & S. Cing. .84 " 90.65 " Bridge B. & R. 4.11 Sprinkling 36.00 `. Library 5.38 " 7.00 Barks 53.62 1: 1542 Franco & Reichelt, 19.43 r Library 1543 Gleason Piano Company, 4.50 Schools 1544 The Golden Rule, 71.52 j Oomptroller 1.25 1 Schgols 1.00 .33 Library 1.50 35.00 Special Day Schools 26.06 Playgrounds 6,38 � I 1 1546 Griggs, Cooper & compatr, 216�8i WJorkbouse 2.00 ' 20.60 I_ SobRols 83.89 12.42 28 to Playgrounds 19.30 I Water 50.30 1547 george Haag, 18.55 d Schools Res. 164 Page #5 1548 W. J. Haas Manufacturing Company, 77.70 Fide 9.25 8.25 25.00 I Muni'o. Gar. Revl. 10,75 I " 24.45 A. 'T%'T0 1549 Handlon & Company, 137.66. Workhouse �. 1550 George J. Hook, 128,00 Sohooh ' 1552 �imebeugh & Browne, 436 Library 1553 Home Broom Company, 7.25 Armory ' I 1554 Illinois Steel Warehouse Company, 7.21 Water 1'-1655 Johnson High School Print Shop, 80.00 Schools i 1556 Joy 'Brothers Motor Car Company, 101.00", Fire 89.87 . Munia. Gar. Revl. .63 .75 u 3.75 ii 6,00 1557 Geo, W. Keys, 74,00 Bureau,of engineers 1558 A. J. Krank, 20.24 Bureau of Engineers .35 Parks 199,899 1559 " Lamprey Products Company, 8.82 Health 1560 Charles E. Lauriat Company, 8.00 Library 1561 C. B. Lyon & Brother, 3.66 Mech. Arts H.S. Library 1562 A. C. McClurg & Company, 749.45 Library 1563 McGill -Warner Company, 2.50 Bureau of Engineers 1564 Manhattan Electrical Supply Company, 25.34 Pol. & F. Alarm Telg. a '1 7 1' <° t Res. 164 Page #6. 1565 tdanhattan.0il & Linseed Company, 1,076",47 Police 118.90 Fire 445.55 Munic. Gar. Revl. 126.72 Sewer C.; -&"R. 79.31: Workhouse 5.59 Sprinkling 39.17 Schools 73.59 .17 Parks 48.00 Water 139.47 1596 Merrill -Greer & Chapman, 74.17 'ii orkhouse 2.76 Schools 3.65 u 6.75 _Central H.S.Library 3.09 Humboldt H.S. ° 57.92 1'f 1567 Gus Messing, .50 Water 1568 Minneapoli"s,& St.Louis Railroad, 11.11 St. C-. & R. 1.35 Sprinkling 9.76 1rTr' 1569 E. A. Moeller Company, 14.50 Health 6.00 Fark 4dm. 8.50 } T4756 1570 M. N. Moffat, 6.30 Water 1571 Dow Morrison, 35,00:- Bridge B, & R, 1572 Motor Age, 3+.00 , Munio. Gar, Revl, r 1573 J. L. Mott Company,. 4008 Schools 1574 H. K., Mulford Sgmpany, 249.40 Health 1575 'National Steam Laundry CompaVY.- 7.80 .Police 1576 New York Tea Company, 58.50` Workhouse 1677 Nicolas Dean & Gregg, 50.20 St. 0. & R. 3.87 19.83 Schools 4.65 " 8.33 rr 2.53 " 8.64 n .66 Water 94 .75 Hwa Res. 14�ge , 1578 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 137.61, Workhouse 119.11 Schools 1T18.50 ' 1579 North American Telegraph Company, 1.51 Police 1580 N. W. Motor Supply Company, 281.88 Munio, Gar: Revl, 5wore 32,20 oilBureau of Lngre, 18,00 Libr§ry .25 1,20 1.50 2.50 4.25 1 u 1.25 V at or 1.00 1.50 3 ".0 1582 N, W, Tire Company, 14546 Munio. Oar, Revl. 1583 J. E, Olen Comping, 84.21 re 2.15 5.50 , ,► ,75 Munic. 0&r. Revl. 22.51 10.50 2,75 7.55 P 32.50 1584. H. Peitz & Son, 59.5b . ' Corp. Counsel 2.50 Fire 9.75 Bureau of Engineers 47.25 U7.i1V q':" 4 q r 109.841 +^ 1585 'Louis H. Peters, Workhouse 1586 ,Remington Typewriter Company, Finance 1.05 18.95 Com r. of C.P;W,•Oen, Adm, 4,00 Soh�ols 7,15 1,50 �► 4,00 Library 1,25 lB;9b 1587 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 84.29` Fire 1.85 n 8.61 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16.25 Sewer C. & R. 13.70 Bridge B. & R. 1063 Sprinkling 16.50 Schools Parks 13.25 12,50 I1568 Robinson Specialty Company, 54099 Schools � 4 t G t Rea.'164 Page #8 1589 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 1,845:25 Schools 36.00 7.00 Library 99.79' '+ 95.76 - ++ 99.89 u 2.00 u 1.50 +J 2.00 " 1 499.96 '845.20d 1 1590 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 4.63 'ire 4.00 Munic. Gar. Revl.063. 1591 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 231.93 Schools 112.14 " 3.75 +' 105.80 Library 5.50 Great Northern Schools 4.74 1592 'St.Paul Foundry Company, 281.28 St. C. & R. 9 �+ 28.70•� ++ 67.70 '+ 73.35 S. & S.. Cing. 44.32 Paving Depr. 6.25 - 51.36 1593 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 1,083'.84 Police 30.47 +' 499.38 Pol. & F. Alarm 32.25 Health 2.81 P. comfort Station 6.55 P. Baths 40.16 Health 7.44 v 41.14 7 Munic. Gar. Revl. 306.52 Water 117.12 - 1$� 1594 'St.Paul Machine Works, 5.25 Fire 3.00 Schools .75 Water 1'TS 1595 St.Paul Motor Car Company, -- 40.34 - Fire 3.36 Munic. Gar. Revl. 27.48 3.10 n 6.40 0.34 1596 D. B. ShotwellFCompany, 50.04 ire 6.62 Munic. Gar: Revl. 38.25 Schools 5�� 1591 Stearns -Printing Company, 77.50 ounsel -Corp. � 2.00 Puroh. pep't. 10.50 _ Police .75 Health -Adm. 1.50 $ealt}.t ` .75 Bureau of Engineers 27.50 11.75 S. & S. Cing. 2.00 n 6.50 u 12.75 - Water 0 . 50 1598 Swift & Company, 95.75 WorkhRuse 10.80 13.50 Schools 26.50 n 260W", u 18.00; 9s�s 1599 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, - 126.85 Police 76.52 4.85 "Pol. & F. Alarm 11.28 Health 11.10 P. Baths: 3.00 Health 17.15 Munic, Gar. Revl. 2,95 1600' Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 160.65 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2:50 Auditorium - 6000 Parks' 150095 Playgrounds 1.20 1601 -Western Supply Company, 171.77' ' Police 1.04 Fire b.15 Schools .74 153.75 P. Bldgs, Revl. 1.14 8.65 Test. -Labs. 1.10 Plater T7 .. _ • 1602'< R. B. Whitacre & Company, 85.59 St. C. & R. 72.00 Sprinkling 10.00 Water 3.59 -$SiSg 1603 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 303.04`' Miso. Stationery 285136 SchpRls 8113 4105- Watbr 5:50 Total 12,350.47 PRiSEOD .> CO M M I SS I O NF R ...............:................. �iESOLVEp S% That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and ordered to cause the section of street -s men- tioned in the accompanying list to be sprinkled or oiled during the year 1920. e00NCIL 28593 CITY OF ST PJ 61. FLLE No.........._.._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLARK COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM —..:...........................................:..I. ............... DATE_rdarch...23.,..._1920 .A Yes (%7) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council- MAR -.24-1-9 Clancy Farnsworth Farnsworth MAR 24 1920 Goss_In favor Approved .........._..-... .._................. .....-....lg........_ McColl I Powus T% / Against .... ....... ........ ...._ _ .------...... Wunderlich MAYOR D Mr. President p[JBLISIi1 FORM 3M9-18 • FIRST WARD.. Arcade from Bridge' over N. P. & O. Ry. to alley north of Jessamine. Arcade from Maryland to north City • limits, Arkwrtght. Prom York _t0_C.goL1'__._ to to ClarkfromWhitall to Case. Collins from Otsego to Bedford. Cook. from Westminster to Ark- right. from Edgerton to Arcade. Decatur from Bedford to Beaumont. De Soto from-HODkins to Minnehaha. 1 Be Soto from Whitall to Lawson. � Earl from York £o aCook. use Earl from Cook 'to Ivy. Edgerton from Beaumont to So. end of By. Bridge. - Edgerton from York to Cottage.Clty Edgerton from Cottage to NN Limita Forestter from Payne r from Bridge Omaha rBY• to Geranium. Forest from Geranium to:Maryland. Fourteenth from Mlaslssippi to John. Geranium from Edgerton to Arcade. Greenbrier, W. S., from. Minnehaha. to Fauquler. Greenbrier from Wells•to Maryland. Grove, N. S., from MississiDDD to Willlus.' f% Hawthorne Yromf Payre to Arcade._. 1 g�from�e $oto to Bradley: /✓y St.- from fav/ fa O ron�•e ✓eoks .s/.' fiom Burr i'o ✓e s s i e ✓enE•5 Sl.- from Boyne i'o C�reo.�brier en s -from Westminster to De Soto.. Jenks from �essteto Payne. Jenks from Greenbrier to Weide. Jenks from Arcade to Mendota. - .. Jenks from.Welde to Arcade. Jessamine from Jessie to Bradley. Jeseamfne•from Edggerton to Forest. SeAsle Yrom Magpolla to jlfaryland. :Sohn from :Grove to Olmstead. Ldfayettefrom Grove°to De Soto. I Damon 'frost "Westminster to Ark- ^ �wright. LuWeon fano DeSoto to Burr. Lawson from Jessie to Forest. Lookout Place from Westminster to Arkwrlght>, s• . Meg..". Irom. Westminster to Ark wright Magnblia froolia from Edge tonBurr toBto dForest. Maryland. from Arkwrlght to Alen. /Y/o� cf o�d �i from Du/�fh fo Fv� 6t Miunehalha from �Rivolt to. G eenbrier. Mississipul. 'E. S.. from Grove to winnepana. - Rose from Jessie to Forest, Seventh,fromGrove, to' Bridge over G.N. and N..P. .Sims ,from Edgerton to Forest. Sims from Cypress to Earl. Thirteenth from Miss iBelpp 1. to Pine. Weide from Well •to J ks At from L wson'to Roae wells from EdgertOti;to"GFeenpFter. b{/ecfmini-sir-� from GoyN9ri fo Yor,E -Westminster from York tri -Ca sCo- - Wheelock Parkway,. from Lake Como to Lake Phalen.; Whltall from Clark to Bradley. Whitall from Edgerton to Payne. Woodward from Brunson to Bradley. York from We to Weide. York from Arcade to Forest. • SECOND WARD. Arcade frog y to Fou th. gnde from 6ti*enw o So. end of BY.. Atlantic from Seven[h SfmneLahn. - /� Ida<ow.ftoai.ayU,•i,efln. +-� Beech from Seventh to tin.: Burnes from Mound to I"t"m• Cable from Seventh to 1=T feet, or Margaret. Cherry from Maria to Bates I,. - Cherry from Hoffman to M, n., Conway from Mound Pk.� Blvd: to Earl. Cypress from'Sixth t to Fremont. Cypprens from Stxthto 6evcuth-. Dellwaod from Cable to Margaret. Duluth fromr Minnehahs. to Railwayy. Earl: from Thorn to .Seventh S. Y Bridge. - - Fic of'Iiwald from Sixth to Seventh. ' Eighth from Marla to North. Euclid from Hoffman to Earl.. Fauqquler, W,. end of By. Bridge to p� Atlantie. - F�he� /i/P from z';h f•o /Y1ou.�y " •`Fifth from aria o os/i� 5 Forest from to-Rallway� Fourth from 75 eet': W. of Maria to - Cypress.' Frank from `Beeeh•to 'Seventh. Fremont from Arcoda to Cypress.. - Greenbrter from Mlnnehaha-to Fau-, " Hastings: from Hawa,to Pt. Douglas tt . •,.. For/ - ... -.._ ..... - _. . .. C7of//JqB F�✓c. Pf Douy/os �o ✓aiinso r/ �or.Fv✓oy _ i/iawofhOfrom J111/74 fa /2S fecf So .fh /9✓e..y fvom 641,-7W4711 fo Se vcn�h .,. _. Hails n f m Maria Earl. Hudson Road from --Hastings to E. . - Clty Limtta.: '-^-'MaLean4rom.Cypresa to>Ead. McLean from Maria W. to Marta E. Maple from 'as to. Cable. Margaret from Cable to Atlantic. Marla from McLean to North. Mianehaha fromOaGreenbF erq tol r'. , CSI' y Limits. - Northafrom Mar astott 0 H aa ss a ngs. Phalen from Seventh toN. P. Ry Phalen fkom N> P. Y. to Stlllwater. Plum. from Hnffmnn to Maple, Prosper(ty .Ave. from Stillwater Ave. ' - to.Larpenteur. Pt. "Douglas Rd, from dustings to Temple. - Reaney from Greenbrier to Atlantic: River Irom bfaria to Hettman, . Ross from Seventh to Atlantic. - Seventh from E. end of Bridge to Whit6 Bear Ave: Stillwater from Corning to Pros- - PerI 9lnnen, from Sixth to Seventh ;. S/xth Sf from fFrcude o Gy/oress. Third from Balesto Earl. Third, N. E., from Maple to Arcade, Urban Place from Hoffman to Maria. Van Buren Place "from 00 feet E. of Hoffman to Maple.' Wakefield from Maple-to-Earl. -- - White Rear from Seventh to I srWln: V r i THIRD WARD. - I Broadway from Third to Grove. Canada from Ninth to Grove. Eighth from Jackson. to Willius. Fifth from Jackson to Pine. Fourth from Jackson to Plne. rove s5. from ✓Oc^Eso17 7'0Piive rove 5 S. from ✓oho fo Wi//icis Snekson,F.. S. from Levee toi Grove. John. from Sixth to Grove. Locust from Sixth to Grove. Ninth from Jackson to Pine. Ninth from JohntoWfllius. Norrls.from Temperance to Canada. Olive from Sixth to Eighth, Pine from Fourth to Grove. PrinceYrom Broadway to line. 'Rosabel from Union Depot to Etghth. ,Seventh from Jackson toGrove. \ Sibley from Union Depot to Norris. Sixth from'Jackson to Kitteon. Spruce from Slbiey-to Canada. _ Spruce from Broadway to Pine. Third from Jackson to Broadway. Th,i-e,7' /YS 510001 OII 740 loo' f of oii/e Tenth;.`frolii Jackson to Pine. Tenthlrom John to Grover Temperance Yorm:Elghth to Ninth. Temperance from Tenth to Grove. Van Slyke Court from Broadway to Pine. Wfllius from Sixth to Grove. Spruce. FOURTH. WARD. Cedar Yrcm Second to Summit. Coltege•trom Smith to Cedar. ggle.E. from. Third to River. E . Eigahth lfrom Wabasha to Jackson. Eleventh fromCedar to Jackson. Exchange fro�Third(to Cedar. m• _ Fifth from Fourth to Jackson. Fourth from Summit to Jackson Franklin from Third to Ninth. Hill from W. Thir{i to Washington. Jackson, W. 8., ,from Levee to Thir- • teenth. 4 -� ...Malo from Seven. Corners to Tenth. - Marke c from Third to St: Peter. - - - "Minnesota from:Thtrd toSummit. ...._ ..... Ninth from Smith: to'Jackson. Pleasant Prom Fonrth,t 9tztt).- - • - - Rice; from Colis' ge;to Summiitte9lssippf. Robert from Br Qge over' - - . _......-.... to Summit .. . RoheF;'"E"S°vEtwaE•5etetmdt%to• TA�w t khit.. J •Sevent,�i`-irom'Seveh'Coraerato.JaCk-�- son Sixth'Sroia Summit to 7kason a .Sixth from Cedar h to College W- P from Fourth to .College. st Peter from Third r to Robe Summit,: 8.:.8.; from Rlce to Robert. Tenth from Rice. to Jackson.. -Fourth, N. S;l from. Summit to Seven Corners., . .. TThirteenth, Seven S., from Robert to Jackson. Twelfth from Cedar to Jackson. Wabasha from So:: end of Bridge to 76e feet. Northerly. Wagaha from. No.: end of Bridge to Summit)' Washington from Eagle to Hill. _ Washington Prom -Third to St. Peter. - FIFTH WARD Ann from St. C1aR to Banfll. Arbor from: Jefferson to James. Armstrong from Drake SoMiltan. Banfll from -Duke to. Smith. Bey from Stewart to Jefferson, - Canton from Otto to Seventh. Chestnut :from Pleasant to Levee. Cliff from Yankee to Smith: Colborne from Jefferson to Superior. Daly: -from James to Jefferon. Douglas from Goodrich`to.Ramsey.' Dousman from Goodrich to Yankee. - Dousman- from ,-.Yankee -to Van Min. .. den. . iDrake from Alley So. of Lee to Ran. dolph. - .. puke from Cascade to until. Eagle; S. S., from Thir•Bd. to River. D1m:from.Franknn to Wilken. Emma from Western to Cliff. Erle. from. St. Clair to.:Cascade. • Exchange from Wilken to Eagle. - .Forbes.from :Douglas to Exchange. Franklin from Elm- to Eagle: ^ Garflel, froth Goodrich to Pleseant. Goodhue from_ Duke, to Miff. oodreh from P/eoso.�t >`o f14e-ri'sor/ ioaar.oh from i�grrison �o Leech ooar/ch from C e ch fo /50 7'e -l' Ens rOcefro 9fer s>lern �/orri?or� Tran?7' �oodr/ch 7,Ou o5 ✓qm es 1 i-a/7'n C/iffor, 721 Tora,f� f Jeffersfin from Bay To Colborne. Juno from Mllton to View. Lee from: Seventh to Drake. Leech, from Goodrich to Ramsey. Levee from Wilken to Eagle. Lisbon from Pleasant to Douglas. Logg¢n from Canton ;to Bay. atcBnal from -Douglas to Wiiken. .._ btichigan'from Webster to We=tern. Milton from Tuscarora to ltandolph. " _ Milton from St. Clalr.^to Ridgewood. Nugent from Rahway v. Seventh. Oakland from Western to Ramsey. y . ....-.... .. .. ..-...-.... .. - r..p. OneZds 3r6m-6eveppth-`to St. Clair. Palace from. SevEnih' 11 Arbor.' Pleasant Yrem Asceola to F."T Richmond from Nlederllofer to Gcod- rich. seT fr Pleasant to Wtikcon • Randolph f om' Lexington to- Toronto. Seventh from .Montreal to Seven' ,Corners. r - Sherman from Pleas ant 'to Bluff. j Smith from m t Fourth. St. ClairfromLexington to Avon. 1 St. Clair from Webster. to CI 'Stewart from Otto to. Tuscaroror a. Sturgis' from Western to Douglas. Superl6r fi•n Fourth, 9. S.,, Duke to Western. from College to Seven ' Corners. Thompson from Ramsey to an Toronto from Randolph to 9inee Tuscarora from Chatswor o Os-, to rocs Western from Emmn toaY al ln. m We., Seventh from Montreal t000m mit Ave.'- South. Walken from Bluff to D.. Yankee from Western ern to to Dousman. SIXTH WARD. - �' Ada from Conaord'to Congress_. {ro.n C �c rG f� Gan�i-ess 1-7-176;' ­e1/V from �✓ii»i free rho Pi esco /9nrno o/s /Y S- fi'o� Smifh fo Gh2vo kEc B,qoE�i- f��''vm Ghi��oewo fo De%worn �/G7.%2f from �e/owos-e fo f /dvve// QriCrOff" fro rr7 Co �Gord f -'o Cis s�y're ss 6/a'tf/ei/ from /Y/orra.� fo DoQ 0 .3/�rrti�// from {✓innefr2d fo �Jaorborne fj/9 P,ev/ fi—am 6o r`er Yo 1%arfor i ' "' '"' 'Bidwell from � nil2pod t -Delos: Chicago: Yr ASO feet'W$tig, baetin: tR nit44ert^(otp Concord to Colorado. ' Co26rao-.fpotR Waba h to Cli-t-r- _,,_:Ejjjs-ioWlio Stryker_ CQ/ar¢o'oom Hq fb qtr /c e✓ 0jaricord from So robe_ fo y.th�.r c Congress- from - So. Robert to Ban- ft. rom Ohio to So. Curds. frfom Oakdale to So. Robert. Dearborn, from Stryker to So. I Robort: Delaware from -Annapolis to. Baker. Delos Yrom Wa A" to Greenwood. Delos from Bellowa� to.270 feet E: of �'� Hall. Eaton fromFilitaor@ to Indiana. Edward from Fllimore,to Water. Ethel,from Ohio to, Fnfrdeld. E✓c from Fo/r fie/a' fo Fairfield from"Beile: to'State. FlllmoreYrbm HYde ;to State. Gates from Oakdaleto ;Voodbury. George from Ohio to So. Robert. George_Prom'Concord to So. Robert. �j�orge Pram Smith fo Oh%o Ho// from �cTge fo Pf-os�ecf Terr'oc� I:"6rinatF`:Yrom 21ortb"n, 'Co-.. er.;_____ - Greetia�odd Yrom; 3�elbs tol�oncord. lana fFom Hyde"to Skate. 7sabel,4rom Hall td act t Isa6bel from So. Robert t State. . -..Isabel from Hall to Be. Wabashs. - Humboldt from': Morton to Ir Kentucky from.:Sta.te to Minnetonka. _ Ktng: from Cherokee. to ,Ohio.'- y�9 from Ohio 7-0 Bic vYr// Llv n -mon Y om Concord to Wood. LtVi gstod from In. to F rit M ominf Cherok to Morton. Midway L Oakdale to 200 feet E. f W odbnry Morton Yro Sf yker to So Robert. /Y%arfor� from Sifh �o7� /I% Homme 6-0/77/�oqe to puri/c er Oen/cdfi/e from 's�N�fo Luce/ -- spect Terrace from dull t6 Hid- Robertson from. Indiana to 200 feet - • N. of Fafrdeld. - _. - Roble trom Sellowa to. Hall Roble from, Concord to gndrew. So.. Robert from No. E, of Bildge to Anna HoIts. So.vabaeha from S. E. ofBridge to nt 'Wiifred.; So. Wabasha from Stryker. 'a Sidney. Smith fSbm Cherokee to Annapolis Starke from Isabel to Delos. -State >rom Fillmore to Morrison. state from Bunker to Isabel. State from Page to So. Robert. Stryker from Page to Prospect Ter grace. Sydney from Ohio to Charlton. WaterTram Starkey to Public Baths,' Winnifrod from Ohio to Goff. Winnlfred .from So, Robert to An- drew. - l Winona from Cherokee to Ztth. Winslow from ::Prospect Terrace . Eo Morton. SEVENTH WARD. •Alley. between .Victoria and Avonl to Laurel and Holly - Alloy between Linwood Pt. and Os- . ceolato.Avon and Grotto. -All ayy between Grand and Lincoln from 3t. Albans to 100 feet East. Alley between Lincoln aad Goodrich) from. Milton.to %00, feet Hast. . Arundel'irom Marshall to Carroll. Ashland Yrom ifxington to Syndi- �Se_- 4 �. from St. Clair t Carr o Corro11. ' arrolt C, g„ ;from ,Farrington to _. Chatsworth. Cathedral .;3,'lace�-'from .Summit to Nelson. Chat: from .Clair to Selby. `ChateDamorth from :Dayton; to Carroll. -Oo% St' from Foivmour�f �'o ,00417'0/ f om i/em o o% 7' _ Do�tor 7'r bfpIF, 7'o Sffi/6o�s 11,1217711 ... .. D4 tori from �fir - " - Dnnlap f om 6umm-It to M..-hall. _..,.. -'Fairmount from: Dale to Chatsworth. . Fatrcrount from. Latingtor :to Chats- worth. hats-Warrfrotp "Nelson 'to Marshall. - _.. -- _--. Farrington, W •41.,trom';Marshall to. Carroll.. .. .. ..-.. Fisk from Laurel00%f.e Carroll. Floral from 306,feet S.:.of .Grand to. - 'Summit: Goodrich from Hamlin"oto Syndicate.: • Goodrich from Lexington toy Schur- - "- meter's All.y ; .. Goodrich'Yrom Dnalap to heafngton: �m Lawton to 3yndlcate. : Z_0091 Summit r, .Marshall , <o i`o �ro� 26 S. o Linr✓a o d P/. 7'o Garro o/og�rcr//eii7e 7'itrormS�' nSd fo nnPLr oeox41 /i /17 y%o1-7 7'o /6 Lee%or/m�fo, 7'o Oo% sHam3lne. E. S:,from roC,5��aI7 £3am Selbjr . Hand ne. E. S., - from Goodrich to, Grand. Hamilne from Summit to Portland. Lours/ {`ox �Syiizricofc '•Pexin ori tom from _17" (51 7'0 Li oadO/ Le x �7 frorrr � ,70/0oc/ P/ 7'-0 Sum�»if fr_ Lincoln om Oakland to d Pm,rk Linwood 'Pl. .from .Senwood. ltrkway - toLexington:- Louis, from Nelson to Mar- . shall. ' Mackublrtfrom. Marshall to Carroll . Marshal-, S. S., from. Syndicate to. _ ,Lexington: n - - a�farshall from Lexington to Weetern:. /Y/orsho// 7'i 0177 141 o177/1.715- 7'11 Syr di "c oho �blil odrrom: St:. Cla/r':tp Car)oll.: • Oaklaftd'from Grand'.to' Western. • Osceola from Chatsworth to.Pleasant. • Oxford from Marsbalk to. Iglehart.. •Oxford from St:':Clair to.§elby. • Pleasant,; N. S.,fromgsco`olu;toJ. West- , /"1Poso�f 7'i om St G/oi/� 7'0 Osco/-7 from rr��oS 7''o L.eAicy7-0/7 Schurmel 'a Alley. from. Gooacich to Lincoln. 1 �.Seib y from 9ummtt to Hamlin":; - t: Albans from Pleasant .to Carroll: St. Clair, N. S.,. from. Lexington to Avon- 7" Syirdico><c ��orn �joodiich 7'•o sUmmif F' �vth lyS Ti om o //sq 2 7''0 S cimm1f �Gcfo'r:o from G/f�.r �o �iw�ood P/ �X ict riafromLinwGq'o`d •. Virgfnfafrom i`I lson�a CarioiL .Western from Selby:to=Dayton., • Western from. hfarahadltoCaaoll.' - EIGHTH WARD - Alb. • Albearle from. Atwater "I'll Albemarl from Hatch to Laween. _Albemarle from Cook % 011vE3: #'-�/68rmav/e ><��om �ievar�ivr,� ><'o Rose Arundei from St. Anthony to Mtnne- d. Atwater from Albemarle to Earring- e� ton. • Aurora from Rice to Dale. Burgess from Arundel Gaultier.. .Blair from '.CoDole Dole. . • Burges' from from to Como. - Cathedral PI. from Nelson to Fuller. .Carroll, from Date to Farring ton. •Carroll from Farrington to Rtce. •Central. from Rtce to Dale. Charles "from Dale -to Pee. Oo% _Sf S from 611-7/* ify fo IM2 4// 14;'17C . Edmund from "I" to Rtce. Elfelt Yrom Charles to Como. Farrington from. Marshall to Como. Farrington from Burgess to Lawson. Front from to. Rice. 'Fuller from Dole to Rice. ' Gaultier from:Univereity to Came. jaultfer from Atwater. to,Cooln .. 12? 710 /-10fC`l Ste` fyo�n oU�i t� /Y/oti��l�rn,. :Jay from R: t Anthony :Jay Yrom SL Anthony. to eh ha.s(ty. . Kent from Carroll to Ric.. haka. •Lou Is, from Dula to et.. Lou Is, E. S., from Nelson to Mar- shall -Loafs from Marshall l Fuller. • Marlon' f from. Carroll to Minnehaha. , •Marton''from Boller , Como. Marlon from Atwater"to Lawson. 1. /1%Ory/tend frv� Bice fo Li/o o -/,b � 'TMatBdn from Frons tp Cook. - - • Minneh: from Gaultier to Rice. -Minnehaha from Dale to':F le .Ravoux :from Central to Fu71er. •Ravoux fromIglehart to Carroll. • Ravoux -from Rondo to St. Anthony. Rice, W. S., from. Larpenteur to. Summit.. .;;gond' -from Dale: to Rice_..... ...._ Fla se Sf fvom /bermov/e fo W42acbsldge rSh'eXh'b' from Dale to RDeale. 9lmeoe from Atwa_or 30, Wnyznta Sixfh Sf -from 5u1"�711- fo /q/ehor� -8 nson from Western to Gaultier. - Thomas Yrofn. Como to Dale. •University from Dale to Rice. • Van Buren fromComa to"Dale... • Virginia from. Carroll to Como. '- • Wayzata fromGaultier to Rice. • Western from Cn;roll to Coma. • Western from Atwater-toCook. Woodbridge from Atwater to Lawson. W,o odbr%n9e from O/ii/ed �o fPase LYhee%c,E PorfN�Oy from La,Ee Como fo �o.�e�ho% NINTH. WARD. Acker Yrom Sylvan to Mississippi. Arch from Rice to Park. Atwater from Rice to Sylvan. Aurora from. Cedar to Robert. Aurora from Rice toParks Broadway. from Grove to Valley. _Buffalo ,from_Acker.. to . Granite. Go�pifo/ B/✓d fra�7 U�idersi> c/ �a COno Capitol Heights from University to; - Pennsylvania - Canada. Cayuga', from Cofrom rtland to Mtasissippi. Cedar from Summit to Como. Central from Rice to Central Ter- race. enf-�Q/ fS� �orrl Ge�ar�fo '� aberr Oenfro/ NR dram Ge�'o. f -o /'70 r2-_ Central Terrace from Rice '-to Park. Columbia from Glencee to Pannsyl, Como Prom Rice to Capitol Heights. Cook from Rice to Sylvan. r•—Cortland from Acker to Maryland. Fourfeentih AroiYJ f�obes �` fo L'Orierrf Geaessee from Buffalo to'iltl9'IsSIPPI. Geranium from Rice ,to Sylvan. Glencoe. from Columbia to Miasis- alppt. Granite from Cortland to hIisslselppL 'Grove, N. S., from Jackson to Missis- siHarriet from Central to Central Ter- bace. - Warren from Mt.'Airy t6 Arch: WlnmpegromRice•to Sylvan. winter tromRice. to Capktol HelKhte Wheelock Park}vay: from.L�lkeComo( to Lake P,hdlen.'- < TENTH WARD.' Albort. from University to Chnrles. Albart front! Charles to Minnehalia. Aldine from Biair to Capitol, AsbgC ,from University to Capitol. Asbury from Hewitt to Taylor. Bayless B„ from Manvel.to Bay mond,' ,­ $avy�95flyp Rft6M CudVVortli 6\fan-, Blair from Fairview to Pascal ` Mallr from Albert to Raptl'fie ar from Dugiap to•:Lexingtdii. Blair from Pascal to Albert, ,,:Blair: from T�Amllno to I'Dunlap._,_ d�9afo1`1/ 7rO Z -// is fo Lon9 –Bradford from Long to Hampden: Blake from Raymond to Gordon. Capitol from Aldine to Griggs. Carter from Cleveland to 3M feet W. of Gordon. - Charles tmi harles from HamPOo nto to e480 gfeet? East. Chelton from Prior to Tatum. and ath from C'mround CommonwealttePeIand to Cleveland from Commonwealth to: Dudley. Ave. W. from Snelling to Ilam-� 1"Co ne. Como Ave. W. from Raymond to Ren- don. Cromwell from University to Miiv 1. Cudworth from Eustis to Raymond. Doswell from Como to Raymond., Edmund from Dunlap to Lexington. Edmund from Simpson to Syndicate. _Edmund from Snelling to Simpson. EdmuiTd from gy.s 74D Sy.�dicofe —Edmund from. Syndicate to Dunlap. Ellis from Territorial Road to R -Y - mond. Eustis from University to 100 feet N. 0f Cudworth. Pry from Blair to Hewitt. Gordon from Blake to Carter (E.' S.) oY Park., Hamllne from Hewttts to Tnylor�itt. Jr..pden, from U. versity to Ray- mond. Hewitt from Aldine to Syndicate, Holton from Minnehaha to 200 feet N. of Capitol. Knapp from Raymond to Iangford. 'Keston. from Commonwealth to Car- ter. foTforG L. Grego to Laangrdrmordon ComAve. Langford Pk. PI..W. from Blake to K Larpeateur I— Snelling Moog Say- der ay > d Long from Raymund t„ i•;{iiR. Hatch from Rfce. to :Sylvan.' Iglehart from Rice'to Wabash¢. SacI, on, E. S., from.. Grove to Thir- Iteenth, Jackson from-ThlrtFe.th 1Ro Syca- m ✓B 6SOi77117e 7CY0/77 15'O1--7�/-/;.Q' fO �C�Ote —Jessamine from Rice to'AbJ Fourteenth from Broadway'.to"MIs. sisslppi. - -. &oat from Rice to Sylvant' 4gL•Orient from BrogQway to Wnne- '- Lhhawaon from ""to Sylvan Litchfield from Rice to Sylvan. Lyton Pl.from It,, to Sylvan. Mt.. Airy from Warren to-_Miasls- ` s1Pp1. . r !' oll Mngna from Rice'to'-COi Manitoba from Rles to Syl Mississippi, W. '5., from, Grove to Maryland. - - Park from Central. to -Arch. Park from Sycamore?to CooID' ' Park from Cook to Mngnolla Park from Magllblt¢to Marylgng. Pennsylvania Mlseissfpp,` tD 300 fYom feet W. of Columbin. Rice, E. S:, from Summit to Larpen- teur. Robert, WS., from Summit to 4tl lr- eenth. . Robert -from Thirteenth; to,,,Gapttol , ,Heights. St. Peter from Summit to'Urijymslte,, Sherborne from Rlce to Cedar. ?, • Summit, iV'. S.: from B".to Robert. Sycamore from Rice to Cortland. Sylvan fro6r Acker to Lawson. Temperance. from Grove to Thlr-; Thirteenth', N. S.. from Robert to: Jackson. Thirteenth from Jackson to Mlssis_ Warren from Mt.'Airy t6 Arch: WlnmpegromRice•to Sylvan. winter tromRice. to Capktol HelKhte Wheelock Park}vay: from.L�lkeComo( to Lake P,hdlen.'- < TENTH WARD.' Albort. from University to Chnrles. Albart front! Charles to Minnehalia. Aldine from Biair to Capitol, AsbgC ,from University to Capitol. Asbury from Hewitt to Taylor. Bayless B„ from Manvel.to Bay mond,' ,­ $avy�95flyp Rft6M CudVVortli 6\fan-, Blair from Fairview to Pascal ` Mallr from Albert to Raptl'fie ar from Dugiap to•:Lexingtdii. Blair from Pascal to Albert, ,,:Blair: from T�Amllno to I'Dunlap._,_ d�9afo1`1/ 7rO Z -// is fo Lon9 –Bradford from Long to Hampden: Blake from Raymond to Gordon. Capitol from Aldine to Griggs. Carter from Cleveland to 3M feet W. of Gordon. - Charles tmi harles from HamPOo nto to e480 gfeet? East. Chelton from Prior to Tatum. and ath from C'mround CommonwealttePeIand to Cleveland from Commonwealth to: Dudley. Ave. W. from Snelling to Ilam-� 1"Co ne. Como Ave. W. from Raymond to Ren- don. Cromwell from University to Miiv 1. Cudworth from Eustis to Raymond. Doswell from Como to Raymond., Edmund from Dunlap to Lexington. Edmund from Simpson to Syndicate. _Edmund from Snelling to Simpson. EdmuiTd from gy.s 74D Sy.�dicofe —Edmund from. Syndicate to Dunlap. Ellis from Territorial Road to R -Y - mond. Eustis from University to 100 feet N. 0f Cudworth. Pry from Blair to Hewitt. Gordon from Blake to Carter (E.' S.) oY Park., Hamllne from Hewttts to Tnylor�itt. Jr..pden, from U. versity to Ray- mond. Hewitt from Aldine to Syndicate, Holton from Minnehaha to 200 feet N. of Capitol. Knapp from Raymond to Iangford. 'Keston. from Commonwealth to Car- ter. foTforG L. Grego to Laangrdrmordon ComAve. Langford Pk. PI..W. from Blake to K Larpeateur I— Snelling Moog Say- der ay > d Long from Raymund t„ i•;{iiR. rOP sad from Raymond to Wes1eY from Aldine to Fry. Langford. Pk.•Pl. E. -from Gordon to Finapp. Manvel from Raymond to Cromwell. - Minnehaha from Prior to Grlgga. Pascal from University to Edmund. Pascal from MinneLaha tb Wesley. Pascal from Edmund to Lefond. Pillsbury Ave. from Ugtversity to Ann Arbor from Finn toCretin. Alpert from Grand to 184 feet N., of Territorial Road. Prior from University to Pennock.: Pusey from Chelton to Tallula. Raymond from University to Dudley. -Seminary from Griggs to Hamtine.- - -Scudder from Como Ave. W. to Blake. O d1/'f ! 012''7 &/7/ Sheldon from Minnehaha to Hewitt. Sherburne.. from Lexington to Snell - O177/7e-7r0/77 _57'- in _ .. ' gherburna- from Aldine to Snelling. erst £oin `L1 In fo Peron.' • Ashin dfr ni Cle land to Ha line,: • Baldwi f otm u mit to'St Clai :- tam-6a+wo :Sae ling from ;Langford to Larpen- teur. Simpson from:. University to Hewitt. -: Reaeoti'ftotn �St. Anthony t9 IIniver-' Simpson Yrom-Hewitt to T"Y Syndicate from University to Ed, onund. ._.Syndicate fromVan Buren to sad from Raymond to •Hamline. W. S.� from Goodrich .to Grand. ,Hamline from Selby to Marshalli Hamline from St. Anthony to Un ver- t' Hamline from Marshall to St. An -,: thong. � Hamline .Prom Haggue s to -Selbby. Hampden from C. M. sift'y tolVabus o r Herschel from C. M. & St P. RY• to U i ersit _ -" .Howell �trnm ��n:i to St. Anthony. •loitrt frnt l,le��etlunri IR1�.:�'n�l. .Laurelifrom La Salle from tin(rersi Lti_tn R'nn;:..h. 74_�O Wes1eY from Aldine to Fry. Langford. Pk.•Pl. E. -from Gordon to Finapp. 7—,2 7e 7`-0777 TGll!//O 7a Pero CZ,6 ELEVENTH WARD. Ann Arbor from Finn toCretin. Alpert from Grand to 184 feet N., of ummlY Yii-NitS forCt • O/4e� f � min _54.1.1771171'7' -7'0POr�%�o' 'Brsifr, fo St C/iTf/7o�c� O d1/'f ! 012''7 &/7/ O177/7e-7r0/77 _57'- erst £oin `L1 In fo Peron.' • Ashin dfr ni Cle land to Ha line,: • Baldwi f otm u mit to'St Clai :- -Bayard .fronx nfveraity' to N City -: Reaeoti'ftotn �St. Anthony t9 IIniver-' -sl&—midge from Summit"to Prince- ton. • Carroll from Cretin to Wheeler. Pierc_ e_to-Snell/ng._ Carroll: from G/eve/oro 7'vO177 2'%a-4710/ 17 710 Pa/ace - Cleveland from Palaee to University. Rtveri Bivd:d toRC., St. P. MfiB OMRy. '. Bridge. • Cretin, Prom St. Clair [o.Summit. SL Anthony. .Cretin from laurel to We- .Cromwetl IWVntveraity to Wa- bash. bash. -t University. ew from-ASYrtle,. o _ OoyfO� 710177 /Y/��/bovo 7`O C/ e7'i�7 .Dayton from Cretin to,'Saratoga. Dewey from Surarn ito Untvereify. , Eustis from Unive_4'91ty' to Wabash. . .Fairmount from _prior to Sue._____ Foie ✓ie v✓ from-5�1-C/alr 7-0 Se/by FC7ivdi0kV 7:i'O77 4z // 71-0 • [�/7if�2i�SiY`c� 1.1 • Fe rdCnand� from Carroll. to St. An- s •Hamline. W. S.� from Goodrich .to Grand. ,Hamline from Selby to Marshalli Hamline from St. Anthony to Un ver- t' Hamline from Marshall to St. An -,: thong. � Hamline .Prom Haggue s to -Selbby. Hampden from C. M. sift'y tolVabus o r Herschel from C. M. & St P. RY• to U i ersit _ -" .Howell �trnm ��n:i to St. Anthony. •loitrt frnt l,le��etlunri IR1�.:�'n�l. .Laurelifrom La Salle from tin(rersi Lti_tn R'nn;:..h. 74_�O . Lincolnxrom Grsttn Yo rl,,.. <Ltncoln from blacalea'- to .Prior. Lincoln Yrom:'Snellingg. to, Handles. .Lynnhurst from Oakley: to University _ and around Lake Irls. Lyaburst, E. and W., from Feronla to Lake Iris. Macalester: from Summit: to St Clhir. • Marehnll.;S.:. from yyndi�ate to Lexington,, �lj�ar-5/70/�55-fita�77/i/7P 7`o yndiGo G ..Mliwaukee from -Astoria to/Railroad A Mis issippi River Blvd. from Su mf`: to Mo rel from Laurel to Terrace Pa k• • -Moore from Summit to Laurel. 1, -. jXrtle from Pelham to Cromwe3l� '15 7-i3 fo !�Ot/mo�d Myrtle from Emerald to Bustle. • Oakley from Prior to Lynnh urst. , Otla from Marshall to Somerville. '�O.SGG/ f✓o�77 �ao c/rich 7`0 1Oirmounf Pnsanl Yrom Uopdrill, to Summit. Pascal from Ashland to 150 feet tl-therly. Pascal from Summit to 200 fest Northerly. . Pelham from University to Bridge.. ' pPP��ippe�r�,cpp�e�..'from Be1by to Marshall. M;;tle.ba Ave. from University to Myctle. wer f/a�77 G/eve%q' /0 11/i/de✓ -07-0/7 7's—or7a /Y/ocAies�ev o Fo i�> /er✓ ion from Scarge.7f 0 /�lorsho// viOv from :S�'C/oi� 7'0 Sor/er�f q R�ayim�o�nd from.Unlveraity to Wabash. 12oblyn from Terrace Park to Fnir- yiw— f�o6lyr/ from F/%717 f'o Gies e%roc +Roblyn from. Pierce to Asbury. • Roblyn from Finn to Cretin. • Sarrtho-y to atoga fromAL. ,n_ to Dayton tty. Se/6 y 7<rD/77 Cl',- e7' /i7 7`a Foiw/ew S /by ;'�-D 177 z 3 f : W, o/ W 11i7e o'C Ci efii7 f o GrEfii7 S ie/ds Pram Fpirviei✓/ 7 -o Ff/d�i7e 7 FG/� StC/oi , 7`ram /Y/oco/esfe� a �r7 ersf Sf F/nfh0, 7`rorr7 C� ef/r/ 7 o Sne//io9 Tem/o% XZ fioCrrieW,1,1,, -/-,-:55XIlt/711y • Terroc P University-, i. S. from 300 feet W. of Montgomery to Cleveland. Vandalia from University to R. R. Bridge. Vernon from Princeton to St. Clair. Waltham from Prior to Dewey. Wheeler from 6elby to Summ(t,iew Wheeler from St. Anthony to Uni-. '.ratty. 'r. - Wheeler'from Selby to Iglehart. Wilder from-. Laurel to 3t. Anthony. Wi%dc,�- from 5u17717.717' 7`0 oure-/ TWELFTH WARD: . ArgyleFrom Front to Hotel' Arle• Aurora from Oxfordfrom .t tot�Dollee. fo A onrfrom Cdrroll ttooCentral,ford: AurAvon front Aurora to: Lafond: Avonfrom Lafond to Mlnneh&ha.. • Blair from Avon to Dale. • Capital from Avon to Grotto •Carroll, N. S., from Date to: Chats R.C. tth'rsl from Chatsworth to Victoria. .Central from Avon to ,Dale. •Charles. from Dal@ to Lexington. Chatsworth, from Aurora. to._Charles. ChO�sv✓o7 fl, 7`ram G/7or/es fo Th0/774s Sherburne from Dale to Lexington. . Simon from ^_37 feet E. of McKenty to Dale. •St. Albans from Carroll to 3finne- paha. ISt. Anthony from Dale to Chats- worth. Thomas from Dale to Chatsworth. Thomas from, Lexington to Chats- inBBton. Victoria from Carroll to Thomas. .Vidor;, from Front to orchard. Victoria from Thomas to La 'Wheelock Parkway from Lakeke Como to Wheelock Parkyvay. __ 1 � Chatsworth, from ]Trent to Van Slyke. •Chatsworth, from Carroll to Rondo. -Churchillfrom..Front to Orchard. Churchill from MCKenty to Como Park. Como Boulevard from Como ave. to South. South - Cross from _ Lexingtoom n to�Argyle. �Q�2 �• ✓`.• ��O/77 l/?l l/P..l�Sif�/ f6 //� C!l�ylG//4 Edmund from Dale to L xington. Ill k fro C rroll to Ro do. Front from Dale. to Le 1 gto n. from Chatsw rth to Victoria.. 'F t' Puller from Dale, to Flsk Grotto from Carroll to: Minnehaha- ap p fVo/17 � s c�/ e t -o mina /vc� La o�d f�oin O/2 f o /I%i/fog Lexington from Como Park_ to. Lar - Sherburne from Dale to Lexington. . Simon from ^_37 feet E. of McKenty to Dale. •St. Albans from Carroll to 3finne- paha. ISt. Anthony from Dale to Chats- worth. Thomas from Dale to Chatsworth. Thomas from, Lexington to Chats- inBBton. Victoria from Carroll to Thomas. .Vidor;, from Front to orchard. Victoria from Thomas to La 'Wheelock Parkway from Lakeke Como to Wheelock Parkyvay. __ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL8.511 FILENO .......... 2 .. .. .._.... .. { PRESENTED BY� COMMISSIONER....]./.% ................................. DATE .................... �................ RESOLVED That Ordinance No. 5256, entitled "An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1227, entitled 'An ordinance authorizing the St. Paul City Railway 09mpany to construct, equip, maintain and operate street railway lines in the City of St. Paul,' approved September 20th, 1889," shall be submitted to the electors of the City of St. Paul for approval at the general city election to be held May 4th, 1920, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give notice and to do whatever else is necessary for the submission of said ordinance at said election in the manner prescribed by law. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy 1 P ,Farnsworth Goss ----- ----In favor 1VECCOII /',Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President I t 1 FORM 3M9.19 Adopted by the Council......_.MA.R_.`�4..�.92fl.._.......ig_.... AR 241920 .....................i9........_ Appro ............ �....................... . ......... ... _........... . .......... MAYOR i a CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY VY COMMISSIONER.._....... ............................................................ DATE..3/2,4./192C1.... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for making sewer connections on Sixth street from Summit avenue to Iglehart avenue to Thornton Bros. for the sum of $360.00, bn accordance with plans, specifications and Formal Bid No. 2172, and their letter which is hereto attached and made a part of their bid. F.B.2172. Charge Per.Imp.Rev.Fund. Yes (d) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich = W. President RM 3M9•19 fit (10I*EA R��� ;CnTanA Vit! Ito 0iution, Adopted by the Council _.. _NAR -24`19-2(}............19-........ .............In favor Approv ............MAR ... ........... .........19........_ Against MAYOR FO ENCILIe.NC, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Y zENTED B I 9i KgAh au a -uy IMI SSION ER..................................................................................................... - ............... DATE........................._...:- '....._........ OLVED T t the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee that no bids having been received for paving Pine Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary materials through the Purchasing ` Department as provided by the Charter.F.B. #2199 — Yes (J) uncilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 'Goss ', cColl Powers Wunderlich ;IV&. President I FORM 3M9-19 __ -.. i.....4� _f Charter. F. 13. No. 2199 Adoptlod by the Counolt Mar: 24, 192 Approved Mar. 24; 1920. (March,27-1920.) Adopted by the Council._._..-.11QR...2..�9.2.Q....._._i9 ....... In favor Approvea- ..........NAR. `-4-1920 ..............19........_ Against _._. otoll t0 mR.fter tlt yavn the Win6 pled �Btreete, Wlfh neCeeRatry gag COUNCIL FILE No nneetlona underFinal Order Coup-' i Flie •No 27b66 !appFoyed„Ileceul-. .. - .`ITT' f 1t CIc.• nu - m Macaleeteel COUNpinin Fav I,d u n . k�gooAr RM t PRESENTED BY I.od LIT. .'•M �: •. � •.6 �•i11 � .. COMMISSIONER......................................................................................................................................... DACE.................... March 23, 1920 RESOLVE ' In the matter of paving the following named streets, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order Council File No. 27565, approved December 10, 1919: Lincoln Ave., from Macalester Ave. to Fairview Ave. Goodrich Avenue, from Amherst Avenue to Fairvie'a Avenue Princeton Avenue, from Macalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue St. Clair Street, from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue Bald•.vin.Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street Macalester Avenue, from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street Vernon Street, from Princeton Avenue to St. Clair Street P -, Cambridge Avenue, from Summit Avenue to Princeton. Avenue Sargent Avenue, from Baldwin Avenue to Fairview Avenue ' Baldwin Avenue, from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue Amherst Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street Fairview Avenue, from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifica- tions showing the gas connections necessary to be made on the following named streets are hereby ap- oroved and the Com;r.issioner of Public Works is. hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas tight Company: Lincoln Avenue, from Macalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue Goodrich Avenue, from Amherst Avenue to Fairview Avenue Princeton Avenue, from rllacalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue St. Clair Street, from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue Baldwin Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street Macalester Avenue, from Sutmr.it Avenue to St. Clair Street Vernon Street-, from Princeton Avenue to St. Clair Street Cambridge Avenue, from Sumr:it Avenue to Princeton Avenue Sargent Avenue, from Baldwin Avenue to Fairview Avenue Baldwin Avenue, from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue Avenue, from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street Yes (1`)CoupEitmen(vT"Nayst / Fairview Avenue, from Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street Clancy Adopted by the Council -MAR., 244..192Q........i9-.....-. Farnsworth Goss 19C.4jyaggr all papers 11; Approv ...__..____....MAR 24 I9ZO._.......19......... ect-son McColl coni with at -ova Resolution. Powers }a nct,.l r {`.A.......... Wunderlich .1Jt MRYOR -- / Mr. President FOhM 3M9•I9 1 Request of Albert Wunderlich. �E759O s Council File No........ PROPOSAL FOR IIVIPROVE NT and PRELINIINA ORDER. The undersigned hereby pro ses the making of a following public improvement by the City of Sf;. Paul, viz.: _Coni einna•,•-t. e....�nd....a�g�Ildi ---.fax...pu>a�lia...U.C_haolpnr-pa sea .Ltt.t.a...5....azzd...£ton.Ht:L=_. --- C F. No. 28608— - Abstr........... . ...............:...... ....... .............. ------------.............. - - ----- Whereas, A writteact: n prop wing for the aking of the following improvement, viz: Condemn. take-hnd apDropria.te fort ................... ......... ........... ... ... public 'ec}tool llatoea Lute 5 and 0'. -1920 Block 12, Arlington H111. Addition Dated thla..... 24th.. ..... of..... having been presented to the Council 1------ ' of the City of SL Pau%; LherePore:.b ItV Resolved, That the Commisaloner of Public Work. be and he is hereby or-�- - --- .....----.- .---. -..----.....- de d and directed 1 -To .Investigate 'the nseeaeity-for or d sirabllity o[ She. making of ae,td Councilman. Imp oveiaent. 2. To. lnveatlgote. the nature,extent and estimated cost of .aid., improve-.� +' ment, and th. total .coat thereof. - 3. To- 'furnish. a. plan, profile or. -sketch of. Said Improvement. - 4. To- Sate-Whether or not s to Int- vrovement'is asked for on the petition - of.three..or morebWaera. t viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal fo 6. To report, upon all of the ,forego Ing matters to the 'Commleeloner of n Finance. _�io.AdeAln,..._take ...and . appp Adopted by the Council Mar. 24, is2`o. 0.1...purpoees...lo.ts.._5...and . G pproved Mar. 24, 1920. (Maroh 27-1920.) ' ...Blak._la,....nxl�,�.gto�,._� ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... ....................................... .............. ................. .............. .......... .............................. .............. ............... .........................................._............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... ... ....... .... ........... s therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be. and he is hereby ordered and dire fted: r j I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2.. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated wet of said improvement, and the total wet thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4_ JajuI is �lf following other data and information relative t- ,., itpptpxGnent;........................................_.............._ .......................................................................................................... or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �a­ftat-e­w_he�er o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............AR 24.192..................... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.................... rl .......I J9 Hyland Keller McColl o Wunderlich ........... ............. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Farm C A 18 (sat 4.17) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...................................... ............... .......................... ........... ............................... ........................... r RESOLVED 1- COUNCIL. N()......_N..�!. 99 v y DATE.._Maresh_ i In the matter of widening Fourth Street from West Seventh Street to Main Avenue, under Preliminary Order #13774, approved ITovember 27, 1916, and intermediary Order #28240, approved Febuuary 20, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: A strip of land off of the southerly end of Lots 8 and 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's- Addition, rvine'sAddition, measuring 30.77 feet on Main Avenue and the northerly line of said strip being parallel with the northerly line of West Fourth Street east of Main Avenue. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy - Farnsworth Goss McColl l//) Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM sm -18 19....-... Adopted by the Council _ .........._...._ ... MAR 2.4 ........1920......... Appro __..._.......NAR. ..24-1920....__........19_......_ In favor -.Against MAYOR 09cAR -u99EN, c.... e"...[n J. [. CARROLL, �S �iIN[[nf ALRRED JADN90N, 9u.1. eTIOH wqo ne.wlna H. W. GOCTSINOER. 9unTIOH S. yRYTBAIf •ENolq[[nloga G. H. HlggOLOrO..lee EwalHean (9ity of #t. Haul atpartutrut of puhlir U10rhs M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY —REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of widening Fourth street, from West Seventh street to Main avenue, under Prelimimiry Order #13774, approved November 27th,1916, and Int reediary Order #28240, approved February 20th, 1920. r To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improven:ent,shoving the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part, of said plan,which land is more particular ly described as follows: A strip of land off of the southerly end of Lots 8 and 9, Block 54, Nice and Irvine's Addition, measuring 30.77 feet on Main avenue and the north- erly line of said strip being parallel with the northerly line of West Fourth street east of Main avenue. ALEXANDER CATMCART CATHCART & MAXFIF.LD Eer­�.w.e 1008 REAL ESTATEAND INt3URANCE 401.9.3 MHRCHAN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ST. MAUL. MINN. March 15th, 1920. Cdr. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - Representing numerous pieces of property in the vicinity of Seven Corners, we beg to protest against the assessing of this property at the present time for any more local improvements. The property in this vicinity has for the past five or six years been the butt of local improvements, and to our knowledge, prop- erty on Fourth Street between Exchange and Seven Corners has within the last six years been assess- ed for five different improvements. First came the paving of west Fourth Street, then the ornamen- tal lamps on West Fourth Street., then the assess- ment for the condemnation of the Berkey property, and last, but not leased the assessment for the opening on West Fifth Street at Pleasant Avenue. It is for these reasons that we protest against the widening of Fourth Street, which matter comes up for public hearing on March 24th. e ru 1 your ACM/LVH �285�)q - In the Mattar of clrr r%IJIL I - DEPARTMEM OF FINA R P0T.' OMMISSIONER OF FINANCE*��� PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved .............. .._..a2_7.J:......(.._.................. .._............................ ._.................... ....................... .................. _...... ___ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$.......%J4®/%.fQ....O...�_...._�.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $....DSr.LSv...... .................... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT I ILOCK ADDITION i ASSEVALUATION I! � I TOTAL. _-�- W"T. PAU DEPAR ENT OFF IONA. E00R917 COMMISSIONER O FINA�G�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B� J DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '3 7's o �-t� Ize, r x ,o4 . .� G�i L/a ,tea L fl( L gg �. TOTAL OutT. PAUL., . I DEP AR ENT OF p��"� C iTJI \ y EpeQ Of COMMISSIONER OF FINA,I#V ON PRJEILIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUA ION O Y. 0. Cd"t ianJ 21 a TOTAL. c OVT. PAUL I DEPA RENT OF i�,9NC1;'" ' I QRS OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAfC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ""''�I -4 i (B) (��) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3� o'Y: � cso� �,o-1.t/ c'✓ ,C� � tJ, a.�in� c� <¢T-ne. u�ct-�C , .GGA>-sem{, . I . .. o 0 o QDir V TOTAL 7.0 Ore. PAUL - �- 1 DEPARRAENT OF ANCA. sty P40PPRA OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA "^' " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "d1�..E F`_ DESCRIPTION r LOT BLOCK - - ADDITION - VALUSSfO,DjJ O O f y !r 7 r/ 1,3U all s3 cCo 8000 4 9 ea TOTAL 71.f - O 9 BT. PAUL DEPAR�ENT OF F 5NCI� .. P4pQR .OF _COMMISSIONER OF FINA E . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION yAL ATION 7jzzd--4t9i i `/ do l U Ua4 a-1 s,�� f /V 2 6 3 43 3 4.3 'A CAT' 3 6a 4� pie do TOTAL �; 7 Q 171I 71 DEPARE qT. PAUL c c b 1 T OF *r4,' = F PQR44 of COMMISSIONER OF FINAIf.% K ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ; _ - -_. ASSESSED _�.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION YyALUAOTION % s; �5 S� 146 2 ! S a Ip �s �6n-o�uad ze 3 l A. /7/so o 14 A,5V, 0. __qq ) 6 s ✓tel. � � 0 � � 0 �1 . 6 s � � ,� �; 0 �O i :I _- - TOTAL C OR yT. PAUL _ DEPAR ENT OF !?AANN4—.. QR WF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN. v ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IfE�? (B) DESCRIPTION ADDITION ASSESSED �J/J LOT BLOCK 7 A� 3 2 �. 7 (� 14;1�� %J� /� t iI, ,e.:...e 74 SA X.�"h•� XSO ZO a��-0,.,.,�/,90, 3O� ���.0 �o..e �y �t"'f�"� �/I AA -.e o� s �, fps L /-f-;4 ;Z4 C4—� Si C°, .. r, a� alb- r +✓� o-r� Hyl o"44 r , r 4/�f'L 4 x4.//7!t' %a h eiwH v! r✓ . '17 �LZ( Alt I I % • TOTAL CA O"T. PAUL Y I - DEPARWAENi OR RViN a..,. U Nq R PF COMMISSIONER OF FINAN�Eh` , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER y (B) a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIO Irk �7, do V/°77 /0 �x �� 0'=83 / /s _ /'•9 �? .r o /3l 0 411, /s TOTAL-- ro Cq O?yT. PAUL — 9 ......T ENT OF F14N P4PQRjj RF COMMISSIONER OF FINALE+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Ir 3'! (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED µ 'VLpLUATION /G 9W�.]1 kS / dd g 3 s o (A D714 14 ell Ey, e �A &'A'4 2y4l' 9 7,9 �3af it A&7 /b 61 10 ron ' TOTAL C OFT. PAUL - IO DEPARTMN ET OF FIWA444$" -:',. w F*QRT F COMMISSIONER OF FINA N ON PRELIMINARY ORDER N DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION r/,ASSESSED LUATION .:- 00 Q 67 o Gln Ice y x �I /00d u !L 1471 7 /z Ay 2 64 /o /3 ALO 9 /o per/ • �3 0� J % / �3 . GLn S /,3 0(,0 G�0 1�2t70,f's;c.� TOTAL & 7,a'G / L,3 0 '� O 2; 0.71sd sus, a' a ;0 Sa,eo:0 ON OVT. ?AUL DEPARENT OF W Iet44, w PJPQRu. �FoNOMMISn 1O E OF FINAIVE#,� RDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED d b., ^L+/ 2+s. k-'576 o v3 /� &-k3- 0 SSO O 91 12,4 TOTAL Fsrmueem ...o JOHN L. BARNES,. .-�L e ' REAL ESTATE AND moRTtVAE %ANS, _ + INSURANCE *4 E. FOURTH STREET. ST. PAUL. MINN.. U. S. A. a Nov. 25th, 1916. Commissioner of Public Works, Mr. M. N. Goes, CITY. i Dear Sir: I want to call your attention to the V. E. Corner of West Fourth St, and 'lain Ave. To my mind, it is the moat ,dangerous corner in the city and the street should be widened at that point. The lotsthat I refer to, is a part of lots 8 and 9, in block 54 of Rice & Irvines Addition. Some three or four years ado you widened the streets south of Main and this corner should have been taken care of at that tims. I control 150 feet of property just across the street from this corner and I am willing, to, stand my just proportion of the assessment. T would suggest that you assess the an -me district that was assessed when the city acquired a part of the livery barn at seven corners. Yours respectfully, __..�.Ma17r•9ve. ;--•-an3-the--zrarti7er2y-•..1•tAe...-af._.aai8:._opetrin sing•-psra��el .. to the north line of west Fourth Street asnowjaid.out east of .'Ma1ri Avenue. ' id having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: , 1: ,Said improvement is .....__. `..necessary. and (or) desirable. " t;, profile or'sketch 'of said improvementis hereto attached and made a part hereof. s provement �s _.._ 110t.._...__asked for upon petition of three or.more owners of property, subject for -said improvement ommise ner of P blia orks. u. C. r. _ /u 6281— �'�! •�; �' C. F. No, 28600—Crdfnance No. . � ���a� a y to the Gust j An ordinance BrantinB a eorpore- 0 t }} Johnson 1Yre-ComPanY. S"➢ermission to construct and F 6 maintain a Curb air-fllliag station ""� �'� _ �•r t frbnt o[ No. 141 «'est F[tth Street. I Thq Council of the City of St Pau' ordain: - . om,r'rion t . An Ordinance granting to the Gust Johnson Tire Company, a corporation, permission to construct and maintain a curb air -filling station in front of No. 147 West Fifth street, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Gust Johnson Tire Company, a corporation, to construct and maintain a curb air -filling -station on the west side of Franklin street, adjacent to the premises known as No47,West Fifth street, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said station, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said filling statih and location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner; (2) The said air -filling station shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of -said Commissioner,and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (85,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use,.presence or removal,of said p#ation. ;The said bond shall be in such form as may. -be approved by the Cor- poration Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required bar any oxinne;or,law.- of ,,the,;City, of -St., t r77 28600 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers Wunderlich Approves. hPR Mayor Attest PUBLISHED - —7DCity Clerk-, To -the Council of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned, Gust Johnson Tire Company, a corporation, respectfully petitions yourHonorableBody for permission to con- struct and maintain a curb air -filling station on the west side. of Franklin street adjacent to the premises commonly known as No. 147 Pest Fifth street, situated on Lot 11, Block 6, Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. The compression tank to supply sai4 station is to be located entirely ,within the building on the above des- oribed premises, and the hose to be parried through an areaway underneath the sidewalk. GUST JOHNSON TIRE COMPANY, By ��ei VY� �O�-�✓ Manager. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PormAA18,YN T-IB,AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM . +�'- NT 167 COUNCIL �+(Jl}F11 FILENc.._..__ ............ ' AUDITEDM.AR 2. 1920 L O]iPTROLLER PE.. .......... _............... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays .NAR 25 1920 Adopted by the Council ._......._............ _..__..— Clancy NAR 25 920 - Farnsworth In favor Ap ed .........................._191___..:._ Goss Keller --McColl C F. No.'28601— Abstract. Wunderlich i Resolved that warrants be, drawn upon the City Treasury, payable-out'of Ir., Ie61deIII, HodSOII the her111aftsrspeclflsd fund. and 1n g favor. of the person.; flrnw or corpora- Ciona.for thee.- nhtounts get oppe8lte theta respective names as 'eDeclfled In - thofollowing detailed statement: .. -George M. Brace. ;.$9708. Burroughs Adding Machine 'Co., 'Adam Dueker.Hnrdware Co.,:.$Y06.01. L. L. Everiey,"$61:16• 'o -an "S' "ag. Co, E36.Z6. -Jenitin.,Re.t..ran, 519.so. i Minneapons ` Furniture , Co„ 5264'.00. - %I.J.r. Jo�e. C.'Platt, Q. M. C„, E12.b8.: St. Paul Gas Liglit Co, $260.76. S.._Sommere Co!N5t, 38 - .: Tri-State, Telephone & irelj. ,Co„. Adopted by the Council Mar $fi,;9ao.; Apbroved (April ” (April 3-1920) .. A !i 1614 George M. Brace, 97.06 Schools 1615 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 13.00 - Comptroller 1616 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 106.01 Armory 12.00 Fire 5.25 Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.51 Meoh. Arte H.S.Library .30 Bureau of narks 4.46 P. Bldgs. 3.30 Water 77.19 Tog.aI 1617 L. L. Everley, 61.16 Schools 1618 Hoffman Lighting Company, 35.75 Schools - 1619 Jenkins Restaurant, 19.50 Municipal Court 1620 Minneapolis Furniture Company, 264.00 Schools 1621 Major Joe C. Platt, Q.M.C., 12.58 Lighting KTotal 1,037.02 Res. 167 Page #2 1622 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Fire 235.42 Test,, Labs. 7.90 15.27 Markets. 1.17 S o .1.00 'lG�7T 1623 G. Sommers Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 46.25 Playgrounds 3.96 1.17 r 1624 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, Comptroller 18.00 Civil Service 4.50 Armory 9.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5.20 Bureau oPrngra. 19.45 20.45 St. C. & R. 9.50 " 16.20 Parks -Adm. 1.50 Markets 6.00 6.00 TIT.W KTotal 1,037.02 COUNCIL 28602 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ............ ............_............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w PRESENTED BY ` COMMISSIONER........................................................................................................ DATE ..................... ... ..._....... ..................... . RESOLVED T J YI That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Illinois Steel Warehouse Co. for the storage of one thousand (1000) gallons of gasoline in tanks to be placed underground inside the property line, located at the corner of University Avenue and Eustis Street. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and that ouch storage tanks be in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St. Paul, That the commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the above Btorage. --— I$8602—BY McColl-= be , the . Aeaolved; That pat' grentn to the ^aloe''la hereby .granted .., .. d .(1.000): g�.n I la 8iee1 watAet.ouee Co. ror the S In v Yes (%7) Councilmen (j) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President -FORM - 3M9_19 _ ®cei7e .11 paper con ecti witL aG-cve Reso on. Adopted by the Council-.. - MAR ...2.51920 ........... 9_.__.. .....,.In favor Approved........_MAR. `2.51.920 .......... __....19........_ Against ............... ..._...._..._._ _.............. ........ . MRYOR I ILLINOIS STEEL'WAMEHOUS.E COMPANY 4 ` UNIVERSITY AVENUE AND,EU STIS STREET ST. PAUL. P N� LEONARD B. DOUGLASS s,,... ,.......... Larch 5th, 1920. aepertmout of Public Safety, St. Paul, '-Iinnesota. I r Oon tl upon; - _11 inspection of our property ws.e made yesterday by I:r. A. J. Ebert, irsrectnr in jivision of Fire F-revention, and vie were requested to apply for e permit for display for a 1000 gallon tank used by ua for the storage of gasoline, for use in our motor dolivery trucks. he, therefore, respectfully ask that you issue to us a permit for this 1000 gallon tank which is made up of riveted steel. plates 1/4" thick and is buried about 51 below the surface of the ground, about 101 outside of our garage. :he tank is Incased Nvith about 6" of concrete for protection from ground moisture and, together with complete, gasoline Lumping outfit, was installed by 'the 'S`. i'. !3owsiir Od., in'thh serine' Gf 1914' o truly, Sunerintendent. WILLIAM BARRON l CNIFF INSPECTOR C CITY OF SAINT PAUL 286®2 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • HENRY MCCOLL, C.2MMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION MARCH 23rd 1920. Hon. Henry McColl, Commr. Of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Illinois Steel Warehouse Co; located on the corner of University Avenue and Eustis Street, asking for permission to store 1000 gallons of gasoline on their premises. We have made an inspection of the above premises and find they store 1000 gallons of gasoline in underground tank in side their property lines, pump is located inside of building and installation is known as the Bowser System. Ordinance complied with, we recommend that permit be granted. Reespeotfuliy yours, Chief Inspector. IL CITY OF ST. PAUL ae"` No 44J. 03.,_ 'OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDY _ . March 24, 1920 GOMMISSInN_._.___..._..___.........._............................................................. .... DAT E.................. ......_... _........................... . I i DI That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to draw a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance payable from Appropriation Item No. 123 Local Improvement Assessments of the General Fund and to be deposited to the credit of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Imp. No. 949, Local Improvements in amountin to $925.92 grogress, this being the amount of supervision and services renderdd by the City Forester claimed non..assessable by the Department of Public Works. )(es�) Councilmen (J) Nays HE 25 1920 (' Adopted by the Council - ..-...... .......... 19-- -.. Clancy /Farnsworth V Goss In favor APpro MR -25 1920 ............._..._.19.. /McColl O Powers -- -Against M YOR Wunderlich N&. President FORM --9 286 lit COUNCIL OFFICE OF jqI!,Y CLERK COUNCIL RESOL &()I -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Cenm:LSS of Education has reported to the' Council, in accords, ith Section 63 ofthe Cit7 Charter, the existence of a enci which rendered necessary the emplo7ment of cert loy6e of his Department for more than eight hours p a sald employment being more than their usual hours MP107ment; therefore, be it r-er city,offioers are hereby authorized REsOLVED, That the F to pay the f lloonamed oyea, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra pvyment f the extra time -hereinafter. set 1 .11 RATE OF (Per evening) C. F, No' 6 —By Albert Wulader- 28 04 R. accordance, With Section 53 of the C ty 1 1.50 which Gauthier, F me;nt., of certain emp eyes of big De- partment for more than eight hours 1 1 .50 Whitman F than their usual hours o employment; Resolved, That Lt. PL MP McAndrews Win otherwise Iis."l— ..tr. RmVIh;Rmnt �i 15 1-50 old, evening, McAndrews or G rove far. 26,,1920 IM1r. 2-192b Fay Goi FORM _ Farm A A 4. IN 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 4 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL No...... 28605 169 - .......... ................ AUDITED 1�QR 2 6• T - .1n ROLLER R...... ....... .................. ................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Trfasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss �1 Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 1633 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools Total 167,392.65 I—A A 48,2M 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORINT`' FILEO1L No ...... 28666: 168 l` a ^p�(n B .. .................................. ..__--- �.. AUDITMAP..1.C IJL0..................... 191.. ._. T _ -IIPPP ROLLER �. I R ............ ... ... .:. .......................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the uncil........._NAR _26.192�_ _ _191......_.._ ...... . Clancy Farnsworth roved.... . 9.R 26 1920 .. " 91..... C Ir No...... ..._....... ........ Goss Ab tr t• t ho 'le out Resolved to t I{eller a, t the CRY Tr ass Y payable out oY the. hetes ft r eDeclfiOadms funds and _ _ orcor- . ............._..._........ ........._ MCCOII .in [avor, of the Pereo.. MAYOR porations foreotivea --rias. speol8ed in. their resp Wunderlich theC�o?c sinaa statement: Mr. President, Hodgson Dranapien Motor car b0- , $1.366.00. Dr. dt a`✓•. Cowern. $10.00. Minnesota State Band, $230.00. 3t. Paul GaeLlBht Co.... $661.16. SeJr._ Co., $11.130 76. rU 13 �ArmyeSurDlus. Property Stotea,l $61 40. AppAdopted hY the CouACll Mar:.26. 1920• roved Mar. 26, 1920. (Aprl1:3-19$0) 1625 Geo. C. Binder, 31.61 Municipal Court 20.58 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 11.0 1626 Brandtjen Motor Car Company,, 1,365.00 Fire 1627 Dr. E.W. Cowern, 10.00 Cm P. Counsel 1628 Minnesota State Band, 230.00 Larks 1629 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 661.18 Armory 102.33 135.57 St. CIS & R. 30.95 37.50 Sewer C. & R. 2.07 if 128.35 S. & S. Cing. 14.94 Library 31.54 Art Museum 15.00 Parks 24.42 Playgrounds 138.51 1630 Seagrave Company, 11,130.75 Fire , Rea. 168 Page,#2 16,31 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company;, 310:90 Fire 97.50 sc}ools 122.75 47.95 + Library 43470 r $0 y: 1632 U. S. Army Surplus Property Stores, 61.46:', Workhouse Total 13,800.84 i Y 1 JJ 00 PRESENTED BY '* . RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ctiuseu 2860`7 FILE NO..........._ ........................ DATE Mar. 26, 1920. ............. . In the matter of opening, widening and estending Rankin Street from the east line of Kentucky Oerrace Addition to the south line of Section 15-28-23, under Preliminary Order, $28501, approved March 16, 1920. Resolved, That the order in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays �(yncy Adopted by the Council....... MAR -261.920 :.............19 ...._.. y r 'nsworth NAR 26 1920 s. ! os ......._..... favor }McColl Approv _--------19 O )lowers Against (� Wunderlich FORM !W President 3M.- " Q� (�QQ Council File No...... 41. J. momillan PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and s PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o e following p 'c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoonstruotionf__r q._._ and repairing of ..................... ............................. the Tsement t le... sidewalk a north side oy tending east approxi t ely 3.3-. -- _....._................._................................................_._.......................... -•----................._...............................................--.--............................... -- Datedthis........ 25tb .... day of.-....................... ............... mar -ah ................................. . I$0....... ......... ...._................ ................ ................... Councilman. PRELDUNARREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followig Mnimprovement, viz.: ReC9n8t.ruCtaQz1,.:.:elayng .and.. repairing ..of.. ........ the Cement tile sidewalk on the north side of ............_ ................. ---.Ronde St-reet.y beginning at.. Dale..Straet.. and._ex-.._.. ___......_____.......... tending east approximately 32 ft. ......................................... ...................................................... -............................... . .....__.. ...__ having leen presented to the Counci c. F xo zssos— ...... ....... ... .... .. "' ' .......... .. Whereas A A tStra troposel,foe the therefore, be it n akinC or -the fol ping improvement• RESOLVED, That the Commi viReconetructt nY retaYhi, and re ordered and directed: nairin2 04 the, cement a ®la.�_^>: 1. To investigate the necessity for r i3esiraw.iiry of the maltellg of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said'improvement. ................................... ............ ...... ....................................... ....... ................................:.::... ?Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the.petition of three or more owners. TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...............7 . 2b 192..:: .......19r........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Gose Approved._.......... 20.42ir.........191........ Nyland KelWunderlip ............. ler McColl Mayor Irvin Mayor. Hone C A 13 (6M 414) The undere Council File No. ..... 286.09 Pet it ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ked" hereby proposes the making of the ollowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ..................... ...................................... ............................................................................. ....................................................................... il: Dated this ......a5th.......day of .................. :................ Maroh.... ............................, I�f.. Coun� an PRELIMIN Rj ORD 6 WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the fo owing m rove nt, viz.: Construotion of a six foot oement tile .................................... ...._...........__....._....................................... _ ......_................ ...................... .................. ............. ................ 1 ................................... eidawalk.._oz>...moth...Bides...of...C.ent.ral... Avenue...fr.om. _ ___ .............._ ........ i.................................�hat_sworth...Street...to...Lexington...Av..enueA..................................................................... .... ....... ... j... PItRLIMINAEx OADIDn9 - having been presented to the Council of the therefore, be it e. 'F. No 28606- A Ittraot. �harene, A written propoeat for the l�ed and dl[eEted: RESOLVED, TLthejske, nking o[ the, following kraproyeaient1. To invedtiee(dewai6 on°note taee°oi centrsiement.ve, drotn Chatsv{orth :3t. cto Lezing-2. To inve82ign Avenue, hnving beam praeentea aoand the total colt thereof. eltynul 3. To furnishR'eeoieaTet'abe dommisetoner of ublfe"he ie hereby of- redeand-'.dtrected: , r,.• :, ...... . .............._....... ........... ..... .. .. .. .. .. ...... $,.To"Inv T at whether or not said im mentEBanfli 3 To to To report upon all of the foregol eketah, of 4.. ' To etas w pr0VOYnBnt li Adopted by the council.......OAR 2s ot6th Tao reP' Ing'"mnitere.. Yes: Finance. Adopted b Councilman Farnworth A'Proved:; Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 18 (SM 4.17) or more owners. 191...... Council File No...28fil.O Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a ` and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol ng public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................................................Con ruction...of. ...six.. foot....o.s"33t ...tile.. __._ ..................._..... sidewalk on lout side of•West Lawson Street _._ ...................from...�geSt ern....Ave ... ,o Aruadel....St re'et.........................._._..........._..........._..._.... Dated this..._. 25th._ ..day of_........._.._..._....._....ISarL•h.......................................... 1980.... ' Councilman. PRELIMINAR�iMi.en;1/,iz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the o Construction of a sia foot cement tile .sidewalk on the south side of Pest Lawson Street _._ ....... ...................... g£om...Western _.Avenue to Arundel Street. i� e ........_ ............ ............. _......_ ..I C. F. No. 28610— ._._... __. _... Ab111"t. he having been presented to the Council of k,ns oe the fiiowing Improvemen4 a rEaf Lnweon ..St. the W h side Ave. ........ _... ................ .. ........... ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commission, > Arundel St. having been v ante .-dered and directed: MI of the City St I 1. To inve4tigate the necessity for or de�irdlii4i;;" "t; .,, said improvement. 2. To inve4tigate the nature, extent and eitim sited w6t of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o ltrnish e o 0 o sal improvement:._.................._.............._........_..... 51 Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..... HAR_26 19,29 ............ 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved....._........ __... .6..)9ZU............. 191 Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 1s 014 4-19) •" Cou .�1 until File No........ Pet it ion . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and J PRELIMINARY ORDEIj,. The undersigned hereby proposes the melting of the following ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; C nst.ruotion of six foot oement ---------- ................_._._........._........._........................................................._ ....................................tile-aidewalk... he--so h...sidea..of._3t......Chir...St....._............._............ .....................................froiw Mount --curve d..t.o..Miesisaipp.i....River......._............ ........................................................................................................... ......................................................................................... Boulevard. Dated this.........$5t.h....day of............................. )I=ah............... .........................., 1900..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY OR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo owing improvement, viz.:' .............. ... _ ........... ............ of a. six..foot cement .........._... ------...-tile....sidewa:ik on the south side of St. Clair-St. .........................._..........from Mount Curve Bouledard to Missi,eeip-pi River .................... .._ Boulevard. �C. F. No. 28011— ­­ havingbeen resented to the Cil of the Abstract. p Council Whereas, A written proposal for making of the t Mowing improvement therefore, be it viz.: Construction of a six toot cement RESOLVED. That the Commissioner oisite sidewalk on the south aide of st. ed and directed: C)nir St. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Mississippi River Boulevard hav- 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or ing been presented to the Council of ment. the City of St. Paul therefore, ba it 2. To inve8tigate the nature, extent a public )Works be and Comm lW etiy "ort nd the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch aei, To investigate the necessity for or deaimbillty of the makingofsaid 3 To.msni�h ti•=') improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent ................................-....................... and estimated coat of .said improve- ;:. went, and the total cost thereof. ....... ......... ........... ... 3. To furnish a .Plan. ' profile or eketoh of aid I. (tate whether or not said impro a. To state whether. or not said Im- ee or more owners. provement Is .asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing 6. To report upon all of the forega- Ing matters, to the Contra ashmer of Manc . - Adopted by the council........ ...._�IAR °2,6. 19 Adopted by the Ccu 1,l1 Mar. 20, 1920. Approved Mar. 20, 1920. Yeas: (Adril 3.1920) Councilman Farnsworth — Goss Approved............... 191...__ Hyland Keller McColl V Wunderlich M................................................... ............................ ayor IrvinMayor. Form C A 13 (eM 4-17) Council File No .... .... fi.2 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public im vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Planting and protecting_ sh trees on both ............................... skies 6f galdwin Street 'fie vie Sty Claii Street _......_............._.. nwA �w4—+n Ovan11H ...._.................__............_............... .__......................... .._..._..._.............. .................................... . _................................. ...... ..._.... _........... _._....._-----._....... ......__.__........ ................... _..................................... ....................... ........._..................................................................... ............... __.......... ......................... Dated this..__. 25th..._. day of_ ^._................................... ..-, 19130_ . r" Councilman. PRELIMINA YO A- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t e Tollowing improvement. viz.: __.P.lanting._and _prot.ecting.shade trees_on both . sides of Baldwin Street between St.. Clair Street ...........aad r noe I„n . Avenue: - .......... .......................................................... C. F. No. 28012— I� Whereas, A Abstract. _.,._, ................. writtenpproosal forthe ............. ...... .....-- ... maklnB of the fallowing improvement. M; having been presented to the Council < onPboth aides of Baldwin St abetween St. Clair St. and Princeton Avenue! therefore, be II having been presented to the Council of the City ee f re Poul therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the Commies Public01Worke be and nein hereby ro°rrY °rdered and directed: ( dered and directed: 1. To II1Ve (tl ate the necessit f 1. To Investigate the naceeslty for MProvement. g Y or deairablllty of the mnking of said; Improvement ylent, and the total cw4t thereof. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, and eTo fn edticost the saiduce, extent went, and the total cost. thereof.Prove- 3. To furnish a plan, profile or 1 To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of sold Improvement. - ng o 4. To state whether or not said Im- provement )31'0"6finent;-....._._...............__..._......___.....__.. 'is asked for on the petition of three or more own.-. 0. To report upon all ofthe fo cgo ....- ... """""""""' . ....... ---- -i 1nB matters to the Commissioner of Syy Flounce. of three or more owners. State whether or not sae Adopted by the Counctl Mar, 26, 1920 Approved Mar, 26, 1920. To report upon all of the Eo� (Ap ll 3-1920) inance. .._._ Adopted by the council .........._...._.__. MAR 26 T920 191. V... Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Approved..__.._... - . AR --1920.......191._..... ............................................................ Mayor. Coss Hyland Keller McColl V Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (4M 441) Approved..__.._... - . AR --1920.......191._..... ............................................................ Mayor. . CITY OF ST. PAUL. JJ �.... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �Y AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1=00`°`L 286 No. 3 v Perm A A 46.2 Al 7-18 FILE 172 MAR 2 s 1920 .................... ._. ............. AUDITED ......................._......... ........ 191 ...--. cl �1PTROLLER PER .............. .............. .. ..... _ _............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council 27 .._2 1.92D ... _.r. N28013A I p ........._._..... R......192(1 ........ 191 ........... Farnsworth o. � roved ,x.7. 11Q 4 Abstract. l GOSa Resolved that warrants he dran-n �. upon the City Treasury, payable put AY Keller I� of, he he�e�na Pter ePeciHed funds and , ........... ................1...........-. ... '0. ..... ...........-...t-. v In favor of the persons, Orme 1p Cor- MCCOII porati one for the amounts Bet ppoalte- theifollowing detntied etnlementnod in Wunderlich S. A. Farnsworth, Cotn'r. of Finance, $9,476.13. On MagdalenaLentsch, $25.00. Adopted by the Council Mar. 27, 1920. Approved Mar.27, 1920. S (April 3-1920) I 1652 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 9,476.48 Schools 6,137.88 Special Day Schools 33 338.60 1653 Magdelena Lentsch, 25.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen Tot -,ll 9,501.48 Form A A 46.2 M 7-18 IIF ST. PAUL 1 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER s AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No- .._4.<_��� - FILE 171 AUDITED AAR.L.L_.t920. _. _........ 197........ /}}}/''''I/T'T��/,,y�tflt 1/'tc'uL�LEIt TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 1 Adopted by the Council. ._.___r�Qk...%7._L9.2fl..._.............. 191......_ Nslalmr Farorth ...__._._._In favor Approved.......__ �IQk_.2719.20._. Goss XeTler Powers Against McColl QA . A7A cR Wunderlich C. F. No. 28614— Alm Resolved that warrants be draw - uponthe City Treasury, payable ou of the hereinafter specified funds an n favorf the persona, firms o ... porattons for the amounts at n posit their spective names as specified h the hNorthe nfollowlnCoal & etalIs Co.,ed en$2,059.01 N. W. Be Co., $86.24. N, W. Electric Equipment Company $40.75. Review Publishing Co., $51.05. St Paul Rpolc & Stationery Co. $2,390.77. U. S. Rubber Co., $3.71. Western Supply Co., $167.46. Adopted by the Council Mar. 27, 1920 Approved Afar. 27, 1920. (April 3-1920) 1645 Northern Coal & Dock Company, Police Fire Sewer C. & R. 1646 N. W. Bedding Company, Election 1647 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Polic e 11 Fire if Sewer C. & R. 1648 Review Publi Ehing Uompany, Gorp..Counsel Health 1649 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Library 1650 U. S. Rubber Uompany, Police 58.52 1,985.69 14.80 5.32 23.15 1.35 4.59 6.34 Tu7m 20.40 20.40 10.25 5T; 6S 2,059.01 86.24 40.75 51.05 2,390.77 3.71 0 Rea. 171 Page #2 1651 Western Supply Company, Election 113.29 Police 2.29 _ if 2.29 Fire 3.15 11 .42 Schools 12.24 Water 3.78 1�— Total 4,798.99 Form A A 48,2 M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER „ tt�� qg AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL °`L No..........F, A 170 y� MAR � 7 1920 B ...:::...._ ..................... AUDITED ..... .............. 191.._:::. - HULLER `.� E R.:: ............. ...... ..... ._...__.........._... _........_. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NayPIQR 271920 Adopted by the Council.__..... .... ......... _....._...___..... ......... ......191......_.._ C. F. No. 28616— anc Abstract upon the CRY Treasury is be drawn Approved- . .............��pR.... 7..}y.20-`--......191. 8rn5WOit of the hereinafter payable out In favor of the speolfied funds and O58 Persons, firma or cl.V poratlons for the amounts set opposite Keller their respective names as specified In .. _ ..-___... .. _._............__.... .. ._ thH fellow o owIIng detailed statement. ta mentAgent, siting MA OR McColl 3294 83. Board If water Commissioners, Wunderlich $7 Boars 57of Water Commissioners, 0 g90R 70.30. ^lancy Com'r. f Parke, P. Hl dge.. $433.66. ne Cath. C. P. R. F., 522.71 as m r. of Public IV.'ki 1Icco11, Cum', of 'I'll, 09.87. deColl, Com'r. of Public 41.49. jcColl, Com'r. of Public 04.72. IcColl, Com'r. of Public 3.63. anderlich, Com'r, of Educa- ,v the Council Mar. 27,11920. Mar. 27. 1920. (April 3-1920) H 294,83 1634 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent City Clerk 1.64 Corp. Counsel 1.75 Comptroller 12.36 Purch. Deplt. 13.22 Election 8.16 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. .23 Police 3.56 Fire 11.71 if 9.25 Health 1.88 If 3.32 ti,orkhouse 2.58 Bureau of r'ngineers 15.47 28.07 Schools 108.11 It .90 if 27.77 it 4.63 Mech. Arts N,.S.Library 1.00 12.78 Park -Adm. 12.62 P. Bldgs. 7.19 Viater 6.63 H 294,83 Res. 170 Page #2 770.10 1635 Board of Water Commissioners, 786.69 Wilder Baths 265.80 Police 12.60 Fire 47.96 {' Health 18.84 Bureau of Parks 2.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.00 St. C. & R. 2.00 ', 2.58 If 2.00 Sewer C. a R. 1.05 f�orkhouse 7.86 1637 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parkg Plygds. 8.00 11 6.96 Sprinkling .84 Schools 406.20 " 799799 1636 Board of Water Commissioners, 770.10 Schools 502.62 Munipipal Court 1.32 Library 62.86 Auditorium 8.00 It 8.00 Bureau of Parks 1.55 11 2.00 Playgrounds 30.75 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 Test. Labs. 100.00 Docks, wharves, etc. 3.00 Lighting 25.00,._ .._. , 1637 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parkg Plygds. & P. thd`gs., 433.66 Election 10.00 Fire 33.67 Health 4.38 " 101.69 " 1.83 Munic. Gar. Revl. 4.95 Parks 10.00 Playgrpunds l0.00 162.50 P. Bldgs. 25.00 It 30.00 Forestry Revl. 10.00 29.64 1638 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 223.71 Mayor's Office 10.00 Munipipal Court 10.03 10.00 Police 21.56 Health 53.12 S. & 5.'L�ing. 5.00 Workhouse 2.00 If 2.00 Schools 60.00 Library 50.00 �3:7f 1639 M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public works, 55.62 . Paving Depr. Res. 170 Page #f3". 1640 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 2,609.87 Com'r. of Finance 47.37 it 152.62 Comptroller 52.89 Poy ice 683.85 568.91 Vire 43.96 Pol. & F. Alarm 292.83 458.03 Health 141.13 168.28 2,609.57 1641 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 1,041.49 Bureau of Ehtineers 79.00 it 147.74 - St. C. & R. 43.55 12.50 Sewer C. & R. 90.13 it252.80 Schools 229.54 Library 76.02 110.21 1,041.4v 1642 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 1,504.72 Bureau of Parks 12.50 11 12.50 If 41.01 " 55.75 " 307.79 " 130.93 Playgrounds 79.49 Forestry Revl. 34.88 Playgrounds 44.89 P. Bldgs. 183.96 119.35 " 307.86 " 151.54 Forestry Revl. 15.84 P. Bldgs. 1.83 4.60- .601643 1643Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 1,903.53 Lighting 343.53 538.14 Fater 32.50 it 471.35 " 518.01 1�563�3- 1644 Albert Wunderlich, Com'r. of Education 184.70 Civil Service 9.70 Parks 175.00 im-70 - Total 9,808.92 Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nay& Clancy / Farnsworth Goss® In favor Keller McColl . _......-. _. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 8-18 Adopted by the Council_._ "'R 27 1520 191__. Approved..._ NaR 27 1520 .....__;....191 MAYOR C: R. No. "sc17—BY Hear, lfecoll-- .Thee= thb aPPll atlPsn of j Resolved. ,one for a llcen a Lo P iL o the Re.�._ the [otloa•inB COI conduct Hotels or ely indicated b„ E R A L FORM Hpra[t9n9 respec[ivelY. innaed. d are hereby, g an and the same d dl - authorized P SubjeeR:.............. _. _._.....:_-. _...._-- the. City Clerk is _..... rectae to iesee such if eeL se4 [he fee .. " persona upon the payment n slee COUNCIL I^', req by ]aw: as 419 Sibley FILE N O ..........2-86._ -- ..'................ �. `. ... .... ....................-........ .ulrod Max Tract, Pestaurant, .St. ........ C. R. SNneon, Restaurant, 90 es- -- -. mmit Ace. Restaurant, 111% 1 SuFrank S. Cte7kn, ` { -. -ar '° 27, 19i2C-� • E. 3rd St. Restaurant. eoppmette a rerrozio, Date Presented-�--------- 320 Carroll Ave•627 + J¢s McNnvin. Abbott Hotel, �6 obasha St. 305 E. Ralph Predtanl, Restaurant, 7th r SC McMahon, overland Hotel, 151 E. 3rd St.57-59 E. E. Cleveland, Duluth Hotel, E. 7th St. Mar. 27. 1920. ` Ad.Pted byMthe Resolved, Approve,,ar. 27u 1920 pproval IApril 3.1920) _ication - fc'_7.o17irg persona icr a lice -.-3e to-o,:'uct r_ctel� Or 70- =u-. ate Lythe _ : e� ec ivt, iy�.i__ _ _e, a..1..'. 6",e GU:,: w_. or.J t:^e -a y, y, ,.= 1.- _._..... ri i te` to is_ ....-- '',,,._.e to er.c u7 -c._ t r-. c_ A..t f e c a x . - air ea ,Y :ax Traut, "'est aur-.nt, 4-19 ,:'ic'_e; ,t„ C. 1, —ti—so—n, i'eZtaurant, 90 r:."ura it, Frank J. ^iejka, ^estaurwrt, 187z"F, 3rd ._t., Goprclette 'errozic, 7eetc,ralt, 3.2-- %wrrcll Ave., (;< : c_:avin, Ab"c.ott __otel, 527 o'a"basha, ^t„ alrr Fre'iani, ^eotaur-mt, 95 r 7th P, C, :Feiah :'on, Overland Hotel, d " 151 F, 3rt., F. E. ^leveland, Duluth Hotel, 57-59 F. 7th St., • m Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nay& Clancy / Farnsworth Goss® In favor Keller McColl . _......-. _. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 8-18 Adopted by the Council_._ "'R 27 1520 191__. Approved..._ NaR 27 1520 .....__;....191 MAYOR F. No. 28618—BY �•�,lyunderlich— C. ., nm mitt.. on COUNCIL 4(,�IJiV FILENo ..................................... unue. ...... r -.__- Q340, for Pd 10 school pure A�linston L FORM 9 and 30, Block 12, Hills Additlo-, t r 6 of nO" tu. PRES BY (reser ovinK however to the owner, the 9�ouse and1ef Or anal all tyjurn icon- DATE. COMMI ER........_....._ ....................._._....._... heaunK p nected therewlI h, and o-11 wnerI,toia �tep. - .:.1 stop a waren the tho RESOLVED That the Committe8 'ft "anis is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St.Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5140, for public school purposes, Lots 7, 8s 9, and 10, Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition to the City of St. Paul, ('reserving however to the owner, the house and foundation there -under, he heating plant and all plumbing �y trZ� -C�- A -O -v,,' -.t... �t t u v th/r /�a wrt connected therewith, and all stone steps and stoneal4k `� I 'jy Y for the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when proper deeds conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, have been delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land ($59000.00) to be charged to Public School Fund, Real Estate Item, No. 41.7, and be it further RESOLVED That Council File No. 28558 approved March 22nd.1920, be and the same is hereby repealed. Yes (I') Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council NAR 27 1920 19 Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl V Powers FORM 3Me-19 Wunderlich c ftem -- Adopted by the Council NAR 27 1920 19 - � No. 28819-Ordinance No4 b?92 -� ordinance 'Srentlne to .lecatik. E. titoran,:doing bueltiesa as the ire --T ieDair _Company .: permission• to t9' reet and malntafn a combination` ^^6 " iee-air and water .stand on Smtth, DF.)+1X7 (✓� ';�•.I w.nus near Sixth. street Council of the CHH of St. Paul hoes ordain: / SECTION I. Qn �k X '� :t permission and thoritY are l ���t�YYY��\ I • �C O granted to Frank )i Moran, 'i business as Mhe Tire Rep •_.._._ s,•.• do ierect and m+ An ordinance granting to Frank E. Moran &a*e: _.,_m__ 5--Weiss, doing business as the Tire Repair Company, permission to erect and maintain a-combination free-air and water stand on Smith avenue, near Sixth street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF"ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are-hereby grant- ed to Frank E. Moran doing business as the Tire Repair Company, to erect and maintain a combination free air and water stand on the east side of Smith avenue, north of Sixth street, but not less than forty (40) feet from Sixth street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the con- struotion of said stand, upon said licensees' compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensees shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said stand and loca't'ion, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said stand shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of�said Commissioner, and the said licensees shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (1,5,000.^,O), con- ditioned to save the City of 'St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments,, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of,said stand. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said stand shall be removed by said licenseeswhenever the Council shall so-order. (5') 'The said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax that maybe required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passaSe and publication. . Passed by the Council APR 0 SKU Yeas Nays Attest Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approves hPK iO JKU Mayor PLBLISIiED C/— Reee3,.ed a®nnection with n �®$olufion. RACIIN E: HORSE SHOE G®®IIDII ECH TDRES GOODYEAR SERVICE ffrKTION 25:3 W—( Sixth Street Curler Smith ,�veu ue TO THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL. V March 23, 1920. ,F �easr.-.n.r REPAERRNG dlUILCANIIZIING EYIIQDHMOH, ACCESSORIES CeJur 111:111 Ant��"-lia _20:311 Gentlemen: We hereby make application for permit to erect and maintain a combination free air and water stand on Smith Ave. near Sixth Street. The location of this stand will be fifty feet north of Sixth Street on the east side on Smith Ave. The stand is similar to the one erected by the Emporium on Jackson Street. Alpn find enclosed the required bond properly made and executed for your protection. When the permit is granted the filing and permit number may be inserted by you. Trusting that you will give this matter its proper attention, we are, Sincerely yours, TIRE RE, AIR COMPANY. Wim "Ll By �V ' No. 28920- Abstract IDLER y Resolved that warrants be d"Wal u➢on the 2.%t lty Tteseu.I payable -:outj -bn� - ' f of the herelnatter spectfled faade andl COUNCIL N0._F_OTCAJi. F—AA49. JP`:l8 L1V In [avor ot_:the Deraoa. 8rme or Car -ZION FORM FILL Weir— eir ons for -the amounts set o0yyoelte tltelr—pectiva names .ns speciaed In ;the fotlowtng_detelled btatement: Feyen.GonstYucUon Co, 81,7$4.00. 4 ,Adopted hY the Council Mar 39,1820 � ............................. ADRrpYeat 39 3930 . .............. .. AUDITED !1� ;(gpril 8.3830) _ I R ER Ii 4 ,4 : TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the Council. ...PAR...29.192D._' ........ 191__.._ Clancy Farnsworth In favor Approved.................M._2.9_.I.9.2O......._.. 191__ Goss Keller ^ ........... _...Against ....... _..... ..... ........... ... ._ ......... ... R ._.. : —.... _ McColl Wunderlich 1685 Feyen Construction Co. — 1,734.00 Sevier on Junin 765.00 Sewer Con. Grand Av. Oakland to Milton 969.00 1,734, 00 Total 1,734,00 1654 Addressograph Company, Water 1655 F. J. Brings & Company, Fire 1656 Brown's Photo Craft Company, Library 1657 W. H. Byrnes, Schools 1658 Capital City Lumber llompany, Schools 1659 Cochran -Sargent Company, .Schools n It Great Northern Schools Docks, wharves, etc. Gaultier School(Bond) rr 1660 Dearborn Chemical Company, Schools 1661 East Side Grocery Company, Schools 67.14 143.11 14.00 50.40 13.66 4.01 2.5 34.00 24.48 1,4 .9.ZI 36.00 22.82 No. 28623 Ahbtract. ,. draWri LLER Resolved : tl1 t wa tante ably ont bi peon the City.Treas rY yaY de and' of taea. f ha hereinafter ane in the'ION FORM COUNCIL A=4Vur of. S. A. Fsrnsworth. Commis- FILO NU^•••••++''• Farm A A 46, 6M 7-18 slonar of .detailed .statement. - `AddreseoSraph Co E6:7fi - 7 B Ince & Co 5310 90 � Craft Co 20.50'. 'Browne 173 W 8 Byrnes $27 81.: rhes. Capital City Lumber Co 56714 Co ;14311 -_-_ n�y�et n�/�( Cochran -Sargent , ..... ... .... ... ..... .... AUDITE`jj' Dearborn ��Ch bill Co. SE 820' :' I COMPTROLLER East 9lde-Grp A. D. Eilaworth, 5?3.07• , $133.00 Gopher. Lime &'Cement Co. 5110.00.: _R..(! ! ........................ .- -/---y/� ... .. ... . HSekory Gas Mantle Co.. - R. W. Iiibby, 516.66. .. TITLE $29.73. Resolved that ._ W. R.'K..e Library of Congress, warrants Marpnal & Martha 567 0 @si 27. able out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the P Merriam Psrk Caeh Groc iy persons, firms or corporations f rsscnaua Broe $76so. Mickeleen 410.40. ctive names as specified in the following detailed statement: O. R Pittsburgh Plate'Glass Co.. 5139.18.. Peas ( V COUIIC11mP,n ( V C. E. Mille 514.62,-' PIAR `,Z9 I9ZO 52016 O, W. - Rohtand Co..- & nii6; a 5101.66. Adopted by the Council... .................. .._._.._._..__._..191._..__ ' Co., Clancy St. Paul .Boller St. Paul Book & 6tatt nary S, (�/� p $935.37a Gae Light Co., 5919.36. NAR ,G9 IJZO Farnsworth GOSS .................._ . . Carr Schuta 51683..:_ Approved....... ..191.____ $ 1 1- Unlfed Chan 11 Waldorx. Bruer , 51.070. Engine works. 848.00.' KellerWaterous Wept Publlahtng Co., E7.60.............. ...... ...._. Wllsoa Co 14.76 _ ._....._ ..-;y;—..-- _.... . _ .__..._ 512406 MAYOR McColl WgqrTld -Book Co .1920. J AdApteaby the C uncll Mar. 29, Wunderlich itipIp Approved M prtl98 1920) �-- -_ -- 1654 Addressograph Company, Water 1655 F. J. Brings & Company, Fire 1656 Brown's Photo Craft Company, Library 1657 W. H. Byrnes, Schools 1658 Capital City Lumber llompany, Schools 1659 Cochran -Sargent Company, .Schools n It Great Northern Schools Docks, wharves, etc. Gaultier School(Bond) rr 1660 Dearborn Chemical Company, Schools 1661 East Side Grocery Company, Schools 67.14 143.11 14.00 50.40 13.66 4.01 2.5 34.00 24.48 1,4 .9.ZI 36.00 22.82 -Res. 173 Page #2 1662 A. D. Ellsworth, 23.07 Schools 1663 Gopher Lime & Gement Company, 133.00 Schools 19.25 27.00 a 16.70 New Bldg. Const. 66.45 Gaultier Schools(Bond) 3.60 13'3 ba 1664, Hickory Gas Mantle Company, 110000 Lighting 1665. R. W. Hruby, 15.66 Schools 1666 W. H. Kane, 29.73 Schools 1667 Library of Congress, 69.52 Library 1668 Marchal & Marthaler, 57.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 1669 Merriam Park Cash Grocery., 21.27' Schools 1670 Michaud Brothers, 76.90 Schools 1671 0. R. Mickelson, 10.40 Schools 1672 C. E. Miller, 14.52 1673 Pittsburgh plate Glass Company, 139.18 , SchooWs 2.97 126.50 Library 7.97 Water 1.74 T33•ZB 1674 0. R. Rohlmid Company, 20.15 Schools 1675 St.Paul Boiler & Mfg. Company, 101,65 S. & S. Cing. 39.45 Schools 62.20 1676 ZZ.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 935.37 Health .25 Schools 6.75 „ 5.40 Library 99,50 99.95 " 77.95 " 99.38 96.15 Mach. Arts H.S.Libr. 4.27 Humboldt H.S.Library 12.60 Mach. Arts H.S.Libr. 5.25 7.50 Great Northern Schools 420.42 zJ35�'T Res'. 173 Page #f3 1677 St.Paul Gas Light. Company, 919.36 Schools 1678 Carl Schulz, 18.83 Schools 1 1679' United Charities, 35,00 Health 1680 Waldorf Bindery, 101.70 Library 1681 Waterous Engine Works, `148,00 Fire140.00 Sprinkling' 8.00 -148*00 1682 West Publishing Oompany,; 7.50 Corp. Counsel 1683 H. W. Wilson Comparw, 4.75 Library s 1684' World Book CompanJc, 124.06 Schools r. Total 3,552.15 CITY OF ST. PAUL 28622 Council Resolution --General Form De artment of Bureau 'of C c Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the s . 1 Gtr' Licht Company le hereby rdeted and dbecled to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and ablm bv¢ wires there.. for the trnveteission of eleevictr on and N the followiv¢ alleys avd av«u of said elty: Install Nine poles in the alle4orth of Carroll Ave7aue tetween Cleveland Avenue and cretin Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. Two poles in the alley east of Eaton Avenue between Indiana and Chicago Avenues, with necessary guys and anchors. Municipal lighting. - , c 8. Stto. 2soz2 s'y 3a R. Goes= Resolved, That 'the 8t Pahl ('.ad Light company fa hereby ordered ad directto extehd Its electrical; It ed by-ere0tln8 poles.and atrlaBlnB thereon for thec tre.nef test on ob,eleo- trietty on and In the followin8 elleye. IInand atreeta of said efty; stall Nine -Doles fn the alley north of (Carroll<Ave. between C1eVeland Ave: land Cretin Ave.,�.wlth aecesattiry P..vyt! and anahore. Commerci6l lfehtine Two poles imfheialley,east of Eaton Ave. ,between Indiana and. ChlcaBo_..I �Avenuesr... with necessary- 6'nye and and character All of each exvn'ton-, poles and wbes'bell be erected and co and approve and_:any and .all such f'sioner of Public Utilities aad in • t v¢s 'ubi«t to the tvovisions of Ordlvance No. 2424. and of all abler lawf poles ,shall bq;. talten down wand re., All pol-""-db le set iv each tocatiov iv said alters d -tree mov d .ant] aueh wtres plaeed� under-: . shall be of a cb heit avd eem that as It aball desi¢m m and approve, and any and ail each ,oles'hall be ground,'; whenever the Council shall nd, whenever the Counetl shall deem that the poblic interests, revutres, aad when ltehallsoorder. deem'-that.the publlo int est, 60 re- clulres,'h when it; hall so order.. 191 Adopted by the Council Mar. 29, 1920. Adopted b the Council Approved nfnr„ 29; I92o ... p y ;(April 3-1920Y. Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH NAR 29 1920 191 HYLAND Approv�ed�/ KELLER Ma Mr. President or Departmej j of Bureau of _ 0. Date Presented 191 I th. St. Paul G. M.ht (:—My . heresy oraerea ana_ aueCiea co eawaa .w cwc.na-a..ww .r. c•cauu. w•w .•••• .•••••--- -•••� •••••••� ••• •••• as .ad i. th. followin alleys aad.—M of uid sib. Install One pole on Jackson Street,' between Eighth and Ninth 6treets.- One,pole in the alley north of Jessamine Street, and east of mendota Street. One pole in the alley north of Front Street, and east of Park Avenue,. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. GOSS McCOLL (f% __ ... WUNDERLICH HYLAN D KELLER' CITY OF ST. PAUL 2-8624 Council Resolution ---General Form t7ena rtM ed_N of A 1 I u Irl ile o. Date Presented 191 ays RESOLVED I oto o d the tGas ollowitnr alleys avd etree . of ea d lcedyavd d s__ to extend Ita etectr cal lines by s -1 -poles and etr a.. w es -s— -the Install Three pokes on uharles street, between ttaynond Avenue and Carle- ton Street, wit# necessary guys and anchors. ?ohlie Utilities sad in all thine f each hel¢ht avd chmefet as the Council shall deem that the Adopted by the Council MAR 29 1920 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND Approved PSA 7 191 KELLER '/Aclt�Mayor . j Con CIL 28626. NO ... CITY OF ST.` PAUL FRE ........... OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED COMMISSION '........................ ,y. RESOLVED That the application of A. H. Heimbach for license to conduct a motion picture and vaudeville theatre at 499 No. Snelling Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00). Said license to be for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said A. H. Heimbach has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein, are in all respects in compli- ance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. C Reenivea s moat the ayplication of A.. 1L Helmbacft for a App!ae to con -•I �ducL' n motion pptapu and vaudeville theatre at 499: o. SnellingAvenue,: be;� and the aame.�hereby is, granted and. th-City; -Clerlt. is Instructed to feaue such• licanee upon the paYment into the:,;City Treasury or-Ahe'fee,oi Twn Hundred' Dollars ($200.-007%" SaSd 1b. cane. to .be tor; period' -of .one yoar from h'e ies euTTeL�d6adtr b eadb-t,r1ie(ceentfsepet alif ql l-'lnaoltt, eb tge'u1ttl bididing ; ,has b&A.,HZ-Nelly completed, and until. said- d H4-lielmssio has procured, from the Cdinaifasioner of PublicI bafidingg6 and allrtthagapDaratue to albf used to connection with thea.�l h(bttlone t. r,be Btvea taeraln, an *reepecte­-In complfanca with -tri Building Codes t the City of St Pau and ring � rated the certfftcate with tri Ci Ad plted by the Collncil;Mar 29, 1020 Yes (J) Councilmen (J Nays Approval ((Apri29,1920- 3 }1920) PEAR /�9 I9ZU e Council _ .... 19 Clancy Farnsworth NAR 29 1920 Goss.............. In favor Approved ...................... _._.............. .............. ......19_......_ McColl PowersAgainst ....................................�... .. ....'.................MAYOR Wunderlich xt FORM 3M9.19 PRESENT, D BY I COMMIS NER ............................ RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE Ok, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �j - COUNCIL 447-1." FILE No .......... 286 That the grade of Benson Avenue from the west line Of Palisade Addition to Rankin Street,'An accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profiles and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C F. -No. 28427—BY-M,"N.-Goes- Resolved That the grade of Benson Avenue fr3ea the West lin...f Pall.aft: Addition to Rankin Street, In accord -I an.o with the '•. red grade I n line on profiloa an " 'r—In mended by,ihe Connisolorer of,Pub 6 T1rkas I and the same Is hereby., adopted he.to1 lished Adopted by Che: Council M grade. Ma 20, 1920. Approved, blar.- 29. 1920, • (April 8-1920) Yes (%7) Councilnien (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss .......... . In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich FORM 3M. -I9 Adopted by the Council MR 29 1-9-20. ....19 Approved VAR 29-182G ..................19......._ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNAUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM t FILE L No.......... FILE W. Form AA 46.2 p 7-19 - `. 175 -7w BY . ..... .. ........ .... _ AUDITED `� i ........ /...'.3.. 0 ............ ..... 191�.�,v/. C SP ROLLER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set - opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N Adopted by the Council ........ . C F."No: 28628— -. ❑ Clancy Abstract. - ���� ^0 I��O - Re9olved-. that warrants be drawnApproved -i ' arnaWorth .von the City IfreaeurY. 'Datable `out .. ............_..__......... �._............_.....___ ...._ of the herelnafter epecffied funds ,and •$Ogg— \ in favor of. th persons H m or cor- Keller Ph am SrtlresDedtivh nemeena �D clfied lin :the following detailed statement: y MA R McColl American Line BnpPly Co., , E13.76. Wm. J. Baker, SS.bO. Wunderlich 8T c Buffalo-SprinBHeld Ron.r co, �$r 00:00. nt. Creamery C $46.60. '"�'1T:-�fLgi�Etft�iieliggOh I Loins F. Do1v Co:, 599 86. The Elite Laundry, Co ;81.68. " Englneering�Newe-8 cord 56.00. . I Eynon -Evans Mfg.Co E88.00. i , H. B:..F.uiler Co; 18:00 Axel;Johnsoa $4.fi0. Kee Lox. 114Y8 C.,c$6000 Keyetgne Lubrinatlag Co, $ 7.0 CoKoeh,inM$$42.76. McClain&Hedman, 37.60. 0. Dfotor War d. $3.00 . � . National Bureau;oYCriminai Indon- tlH&.vlon.'i $76.00. National Gas Governor Co•, $2.26: Nodth; Star Stnte :Tobncco Companyi Nutting Truck Co.,-i3s0 PerklnsiTraoy Printing Co .$t37.06. Pittsburgh.Ccal •.Co. $21199; Quayle;: & Kelley. 'Ei7 66 Reliancge.Iron Work% $476' - Russel Grader M1Bt CO.; - Sted. Paul Stamp :Works .928.6¢• ` Schm'P" Co - H. Sch .t-.dt.Co 566;130 ` Adopted by the Cou ctl Mffr. 30, 1920. Approved Mar.,30;1920 '- (April.; 3-1920) 1686 American Linen supply Compare., 13.75 Armory 3.80 Police 3.44 Fire 2.80 Munic. Gar. Revl, 35 13.75 1687 Wm. J. Baker, 3.50 Library 1588 The Buffalo -Springfield Roller Company, 200.00 Pavibig Depreciation 1689 Crescent Creamery Company, 46.50 Schools 1690 Louis F.. Dow Company, 49.85 Purch.DepIt.. 1.00 Partic. Certs. 9.00 Purah. DepEt. 15.00 Municipal Court 1.35 Misc1.11Stationery 11.25 6.30 Schools 2.40 Library .55 Water 3.00 1691 The Elite Laundry Qompany, 61.58 Schools 1692 1�ngineering.News Record, F 00 Water Res. '175' -Page #2 1693 Eynori-Evans Mfg. Company, 88.00 Docks, wharves,. etc. i 1694 H.;B. Fuller Company, 8.00 Lleotion 595 Axel Johnson, 4 50 Li tin gh g 1696 Kee _Lox Mfg. Company, '60.00'' Miscellaneous Stationery 1697 Keystone Lubricating Company, 7.00 Schools 1698 'Koehring-Machine company, 42.75 ` Paving Depreciation 1699 McClain & Hedman, 87.60 - Punch.. DepIt. .70 Health -Adm. .65 Health 1.25 12.00 Bureau of Engrs. 4.00 2.20 Schools .30 1.50 Water 15400 1700 E. C. martin, a 3.00 ;.: Police °1701 Motor World, 3.00 Munio. Gar. Revl. 1702 ,National Bureau of.Criminal Indentification 75.00 Police 1703 National.Gas Governor Company, 2.25 ` " orkhouse 1704 North Star State Tobacco Company, 25.09 .` Workhouse 1705 Nutting Truck Company, Comptroller 1706 Perkins -Tracy PrintinCompany, g 137.05 s Cor counsel 19.15 Comdr. of Finance 19:75 Purch. Dept. 21.70 Election 29.50 Printed forms and blks. 17.75 Police, 4.00 Sprinkling 6-.70 Schools 18.50 ` 137. Ob 1707 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 210.99"i. S. & S. Cing. 52.85 Water 158,14 1708 Quayle & Kelley, 17.86 water 1709 Reliance Iron Works, 4,75 Library 3.75 Auditorium 1.00 Rea. 7 175 Page #8 1710 Remington Typewriter Company, 60'70 Comptroller 1.45 Civil Service. 3.25 Schools 50.00 Library 1.75 Water 4.25 1711 Russell Grader:ManuPacturing Company, 5.89 _.. St. C. &.R. 1712 St.Paul Stamp Works, 28.55 Police 1713 W. H. Schmelzel Company, _ 14.73 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1714 H. W. VJedelstaedt Company, 56.40 Muncipal Court 1.90 Bureau pP engineers 5.00 6.00" Schools- 3,60 Library ;Q 391,90' Total 1,276.48 - I . CITY OF ST. PAUL FILU No ...... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing CO3mmittee in awarding contract for furnishing approximately 810,000 gallons of Road Oil to the City of St.Paul during the season of 1920, to the Carson Petroleum Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a pice of $.0773 per gallon, or a total contract price of approximately $ 62,613.00, to be delivered as required in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation counsel is.;hereby authorized to draw up proper contract therefor. F.B.#2166 Recei"d all par"r5l connection with wbove Re%O1 Ion. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council.... _.... r�AR..-30J82-G­­..19..4"....: Clancy Farnsworth ,.,..............In favor Approved ...... ..... . �IQR 30 .920 19 McColl Powers Against J ... .............._-...._. $ .....---...-. Wunderlich - MAYOR ea^sae� _b1rvVresidant.. '.FORM 3M9-19 l PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL . F1°.ENC1L NO.......2.Clilf. ft. OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSI 11_a.._........1��/.�� r✓/C....y{i:......i10?yL�l/G`.......................... DATE &r.Q$...25.�.19. RESOLVED' That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Commit*be in awarding the contract for furnishing to the water Department approximately 250 coils of extra strong lead pipq, to the United Lead Company, they being the lowest. responsible bidder, at a price of $10.20 per one hundred pounds, OV a total price of approximately $6,375.00, in accordance with specifics.. tions of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. B.B. #2208. 1, Received R11 papers in Connection with above Resol n, Saes (d) Cou cilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council r.�A�--�-1920 19 ancy FarnsdOrth In favor Approved ....... ..... MAR _�i0 �92�........... ..19....._ -cr owcrs _.Against ��. .. ....... .. ... ...c�/....... MAYOR . Wunderlich 3M.•18 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No 28631 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY, rnFAM1-,Q1nNF:P ................................. ........ ........... ............ . ........................ ........................................ DATE RESOLVED That the offer made by the Organ Purchase Committee, through C. O. XhIman, Secretary, to donate and install without cost or expense to the City a pipe -organ in the Auditorium, is hereby accepted. Resolved further, that before said committee or its agents shall proceed to install said organ or to make alterations In the Auditorium for said purpose, the plans therefor shall be submitted to and approved by the City Architect and the Commis- sioner of Education.. Yes (%) Cou /�111�en J) Nays ancy/, Far Orth orth .91CCO11 Owers Wunderlich resl en FORM 3M9-19 I Adopted by the CouncilNAR 30 192Q.......19 ..... . .... ..... In favor Approved - HAR 30 IRR ...............19--...._ AEainst . ... ..................MAY KALMAN. MATTESON & WOOD.. INVESTMENT BANKERS - N..w ooD SAINT PAUL MINNEAPOLIS a��! PIONEER BUILDING 13 ST. ST. PAUL, MINN. March 20, 1920. 0. H. OtHeill, City Attorney Court House, Saint Paul. Dear Sir: - As you are no doubt aware the Organ Purchase Committee has decided to award the organ contract to the E. S. Skinner Organ Company of Boston. The installation of the organ will involve the construction of an organ chamber above the ceiling in the Auditorium and cutting out six panels in the ceiling and replacing these panels with open grill work; also the installation of a blower probably off the first floor corridor, and the installation of a console with a raising and lowering device at a point near the center of the orchestra pit. The Committee has made provision to meet the expense of the above items out of the Organ Fund. Before entering into a contract with the Ski=er Organ Company, the Committee feels that it must first make the necessary arrangements with the City of St. Paul for the installation of the organ in the Auditorium, and we would highly appreciate it if you would advise us as to the proper zyanner of making such arrangements and of any necessary formali- ties. ormali- ties. _1\� Yours ve truly, Secretary, Organ Purchase Cormnittse, CO% J (office of (l Ulj (4terk JOHN I. FARICY JAS. J. MINER arr Hans4 (n #H of ' nt vain wear. circ dews March 27th, 1920. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Please find attached letter from Com'r. Wunderlich requesting that the City cause certain work to be done at the Auditorium, necessitated by the installation of the new pipe organ, etc. This matter was referred to your depart- ment for the proper resolution. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. situ irf. int Pant 1-1yL MV11t inf- Uraftrrn ALBERT WDNDER CN, CRn R. s 5 i0 K. F. ORENER• D—TI C-111—IR March„27, 1920. To the Honorable The Council of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: I am in receipt of a letter from Mr. C.O. Kalman, Secretary, Organ Purchase Committee, in which he informs me that the Committee has awarded the organ contract to the E. M. Skinner Company, of Boston, and that before entering into a formal contract with the Skinner Organ Company, the Committee wishes to make the necessary arrangement and agreement with the City of St. Paul for the placing of the organ in the Auditorium. The installation of the organ will involve the con- struction of organ chambers above the ceiling in the theatre part of the Auditorium, and cutting out six panels of the ceiling and replacing these panels with open grill work. Mechanical devices for the operation of the organ will also have to be installed, and all of this work will be dune under the supervision and ac- cording to th+lans made by Mr. A. H. Stem, the architect of the building, and a sufficient sum has been set aside out of the organ fund to pal, the necessary expenses. Inasmuch as it is contemplated to re -decorate the Auditorium during the summer months, it would seem advisable to db the preliminary work necessitated by the installation of the organ before that time in order that the panels, grille, etc. may be decorated with the balance of the Auditorium. It is for this reason that I am presenting this matter for your consideration at this time, and in order to facilitate the installation of the organ at the earliest date possible, I urge that appropriate action be taken by this Council with that end in view. Through the splendid campaign for this instrument on the part of the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch, and the cooperation of the Committee of One Hundred Citizens, the in- stallation of one of the finest organs in the United States in . the St. Paul Auditorium will become a reality at an early date. It is my suggeation that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be requested to have the City Architect, Mr. C. A. Hausler, confer with Mr. Stem, in order that complete Plans for the installation of the instrument may become a record in this office, and that the Corporation Counsel be instructe0 draw an appropriate resolution of acceptance. Very truly yours, A9! -R o ducation T -,#ix uF �aint Pant , 3ryarl olt of ir]Zut-atton ALBERT WUNDERLICH.Connis5i0nEn H.F. DRk-n'D-U+v conn�s $�On[R J April 22, 1920. Mr. John I. Faricy, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. My deer Mr. Faricy: Will you kindly inform me whether or not a copy of the resolution passed by the Council directing the City Architect to confer with the architect of the Auditorium, Mr. Stem, regarding the installation of the municipal organ, has been sent him: Very truly yours, _/fir. rem -- AW-R Council File No. ...... .:C7.6U2 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIM NARY ORDER. The under&,Vd hereby proposes the melting of the 'following public im ement by the City of 'St. Paul, viz.: Furnishing sta1Tation of an orn ntal lighting system con— R tirig...of 1- 0 pdii ti 3oiftj,3o Wires und-ergronnd oondui�t-s-1pr...- conssging..slejtT.is4...tsusrel ...: thQrQto, ...... ..--:--all..other necessary appliances and equipment' for said syete on change Street from i✓e$ar Sheet .............._............ . ...................... Dated . ............................................. Councilman. PRELDHR RY• RDER.� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Furnishing !0 of an ornamental lighting system consisting of lamins posts :,and lamps, wires-�and un ergioiund odt XU Wf I-IIII f©r-oo tveg hg--e17Atri4--current thereto,....and-.all....ot.her :nec.esas,ry....ap plianaes and equipment for said system, on Exchange Street from Claes...Street..-.t.a... West.... T'hard...Strest............................................................................................................. .................. ..................................................... ......... therefore, itto the CounciLo mak or Ape roti #tan.............................................................. g presented c F No.' 88832 act: Wbereae. A wrltten.Drpyoeat .r`•. Ig Q WIP91mDrovY RESOLVED. That the Commissioner I f Public Works b tori ereby ordered and dirededi lenatz t §u �§ 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or c{® a4ibdjtgAtbeti ng_¢f said improvement giliiltfft je 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and tairstted 6 t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. RTYUMtIi� ve to said improvement:.............. .................._............._.. ......... ... ...... .... ... ....... o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ........�{_.iiQ �92�,.-.. ....191..:.:... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Hyland Approved......., r�A i � �szo..............191....... Keller O ,McColl Wunderlich W702 if Win 1-1UIV Mayo Fo— C A 13 tali a -til PUBLISHED Council File No........ 2863.3 Pgti#ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY O R. The undersi fJed hereby proposes the making of the folio public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz : •••••..Furn3etting- insta}.}at-ien-of ...an,-- ornamental ._yighting-.. system oonsisting o amp post and lamps, wires and under- ground oonauit's for, oo yih'g .* and, .......... ..... _....all...nther...neneaearX....apR i a..a....sand:.ogntpmept....for.._ed.._s_ stem on the streets in the distr t bounded by Summit Aaive., t. 01str 1 w4j -Milwaukee Sheri - in--t-raoks and -Pleasant ...Ave ...... ............. ................... . Batedthis ..__..29th.....day of..................................Mare .... ............................. .........e..... ... ...... ......... .... ............. Co oilman PRELBHYA WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... F'wnishing:-.and.. installation ...of....an.:..ornamental ....ligh.................... system oonsisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and under - s 7 rot� Oy g.ftdutts for oonve in el-eotrie Current --thereto and .. Ali t1' t. ii. neoeae_ary appliances sad equipment for said system, on tho" gtreete in the distriot`1�oizndeii bY Summit' Ave., 3t: " ' _.Glair ..Milwaukee - Short....Lina . traaks. and...Pl.easant..06. ._... ..... ..... having beep presented to the Council of thel ' 1 ..... .................. .. therefore, be it c s xo ?tress— Abstract Whereas A written proposal t'br the! RESOLVED, That the Commissioner o moktns of me touowtns lmnrovemant, wfs; _._ csed and directed: B'orniahing'and instatlatlou of a•,,, 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or rl ornamentar uspefn system son mprovement toS ffitnD:Dosta an Tampa... ,, round' coaaUlke " 2. To inve8tigate the nature, extent and elti� anent hereto r p4dvement, and the total cofR thereof. ..aHP tanagr an��.. _ 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said unja�naea: by su.nm Mltwnhkee short O - ,rin -Avenue fiavin .ai improve aq� theret ren be Ltt t°. :.......... ... .. ....Comtn................................... '"oi ka be�and ho le .............. ...................._... 6tate whether or not said improvement. is asacted P W � rtsato the rie.�"on of three or more owners. the maklr.'� I. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to W'k Ckva the Hato Finance. Adopted by the council- ,.....!IDR 3.0.1920 ......... ..191...:.: oopi n vine Councilman Farnsworth e r Hyland Approved............tIAR .M_19Za............... 191..... . Keller McColl Wunderlich ._..... ..... Mayer rvie— Mayor. PUBLISHED_ p Form C A IS (aM 417) . Q�9 Council Fife No..,nc�l86 34. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' Petition _ and PRELIMINARY iiDER. The undersi�id hereby proposes the making of the foil public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Ing of al ey in Chat Friendahip's __._.___..._._. ...Subfli'vieiori"o look , Lydian Dayton�s AQditlon, gg ........ ..................from...Cy Cypress St it...n ...Earl :.:Street ........................................................................... .................---................................................... ............................ ............I.......................................................................... , Dated this .......... 30th..day of ......... ................ ......... March.........�j�j 1980... ............................1.......:. ..... ... .............. ---_f ......._. ... I Councilm PRELRIIiIN R PiTt. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......... ..............._ ....................GvUing....oY....alley...in. C11aa.:...Friendship'..8..... Subdivision of B1ook 108, Lyman Dayton's.,Adgition, -- ......-from...f3ygresa....Street— t.o..-Earl....Street. - f9 ............................................... ............................................................................................ J C F No 298a4Abetract ...................................._...... ... ... 1 Whereas A written Droaosai for tae making of tris fo1!Qwtng iro.Proyemer having been presented to the Council of t to........................ . .............................. 'grading of a11eY in Chae A therefore, be It '4 I 1.a tdivielon of Block 108 r �.. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and fie isi reby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated coAt of said improvement, and the total wilt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To ve `sal unprovement:....................................................... o .. not said o Atate whether r improvement is aakedl.or on the petition of; three or more owners. - SrJ To report rt u po n all of the foregoingmatters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...... MR.B.O IM ........ ......191:....._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth -cad—,. Approved .............. f►AR._301520.........191....... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich........... :..... .......... ........... .................................... Mayor. Form CA is cant s -tri PUBLISFICD 3 —2 v The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f-11 wing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, -viz.: Condemning.._and__ ta_ _ng _an, easement in the land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading ................. venue to Dated this .........,'9t.h....day of 4 -- Councilman. PRELIM WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thefollowing improvement, viz.: ................................................_C.ondemning.:.and.,.taking..:an....easemtent .An:. the........ land necessary for slppes for outs and fills in grading _ ....................alley... in•-Blook....2-3 Webster to Addit ionj....from...Frederieka.............................._ Avenue to Underwood Avenue. .. �IC r:_No sasa7A ............. . ..... ............................... . 4atraot... .. -..... ....... _ . .. Whereas A Wittow prodoasl for making of the follow[ng Ctmproveme having been presented to the Council of the l Iz : ....... - .... ...... ......• ((o�pndemning and Faking. an e'., i'i'iin the land nec...%rttnjer enol therefore, be it ?�,��h1nfern gpaafi un slit d RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Qoi 6e a ,nun en "�$ orSered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. .To inieitigate the nature, extent and edtimated cot of said, improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. Tounprovemen:................................._..................... ............. _...........................................................................- ......................---.........---.................................... Etate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............. UAR._30 19. L.... ....191.:...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Gess .ei Approved ............... Hyland .riQ�{..0" 192ff............191........ Keller U McColl Wunderlich _ :.: ..... ....... Mayor. F.— C s 13 (5111 447) �B.Li iii ll T - 3-411) Dated this .....:2% h.......day 20.. PRELIMINA Y O D Y WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of e fdl am improvement, .: .Grade.:. Buth..Avenue...from ...Minnehshs, Elb.reet...to ......................... Nokomis Avenue and Algonquin Avenue from Nokomis Avenue. ...................to..-St-lllwater -Road:._....._............................._.........._......_.............................................._......._.... ....._......._ ......................................................................................................................... j( «'herena A wrt I p F No E8888—i �r Abstract Clan DroDoeal ror the.I{� - .............. .. .. ....................... ... .. .... .. I rovemeat ,l.. ... ... ..... .. .. ....... ..... ...... .. ing or the rollowtng alD having been resented to the Council of the Cita'! i +", .Ave rrola `nstanehKy+ - Pana,Algon n .................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.To inveAtigate the necessity for or desirability of: the making of said improvement. 2. -To inveltigate the nature, extent and ei timated co8t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o sat Improvement :............................... .............. ........... . ............. ....: ........... .....: ........ .................................................................... hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council... MR..304920................. 19 :::..._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GGPP_ Approved ............. - ......191........ Hyland Keller MCCOU Wunderlich _.. _:... ..... ...... ...�..+.�._ ............................... �� QOBLLSL?�D CM nut) or. Form CA 13 (BM,447) " - ,J•J - Q A✓ KF Council File No..2 (-7641_ Peitit;on PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and _..; PRELIMINARY O ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo g public, improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taki an easement in the land neoessary for slopes. for outs aiid fall-e`in "gradilig"Serieari.............. .....................Ave.....fzom...the...vft.qe..-o%-.vent .P. Stisaile..:Addit.ion...t.o:..RalIldn._st•..,......... .... Rankin St. from West e. to Youngman Ave. and Spring- ............ ..........field ...St; ....from....ylest Be nt. ..Sty to Youngman Aveii ---------------- ..._-............... _....... ._ ............................................................... . Datedthis... , th...:...day of............................ _............ ah.:............ ................... 19?0-.-, ............. ............................................................................... .... Councilman. PRELIMINAR OR E1/ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the of owing improvement viz.: ConcLemning.:.auad . t.a.i ng an.: easement in theland neoessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading Benson ................ilve:.:..gxom..,blte .West line of Pa:13.eade -Add-iton....to...Rankin...St. , ........... Rankin St. from West Seventh St elto Youngman Ave. and Spring - fid' St: from"West Seventh Sty to Yg=&an Ave;*- .................... ..................._................................. =- -...::.................................. _ .......... b Nn 2a84i I betrant having been presented to etre Coun _ .....................: ......... ......... ..... Wh�rea§ A wkltten Proposal ror the, therefore, be it mahln6 of the tollowlp6 1roProve;nent RESOLVED, That the CommisaioYijl„asmh4n aoB nenee�eiy toc e�oaFse^ ” nus to areatus den +ia'eby ordered and. direRed: I.' To invefd ate the necessit for ordesira i 'o vet ur " p. 6 Y ,.� ".;t.(,ae'RAlkxig of simprovement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eftimated cost of said improvement, and the total wSt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3fnraish«the'foHowin6 ...... .....::.... .... ......... ........................................._.................... ... b State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council -....... 1.10 3.01920. ........ .191......: ' Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth —Gvsr� Approved.....:MR_3010 ....................191........ S Hyland 0 l Keller McColl Wunderlich h -,air'-- `D n Mayor. Form CA 15 (asi 4.17). 28642 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.!qPnaemni-P9..AT.1d Ukinz an eamemant-in tha land namezzary for ... s1,o.pes..,...for auts and f1 -1-1-s in g-iFadlng Kerwi* &treet--j Bear Avenueto,Van ..................... .................. ........... wxp AS.S�r ..................... ------------------ ..................... ------------------------- ................................................:,y...------------------------------. ------------------------------ li! ding ar under Preliminary Order......2.6-07%5... approved..A]ZIntermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements the in, for the -above. improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed 44pessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and, he same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. tIRR 30 1920 Adoptedby the CounciL ........................................... .... ........................ 191 ........ e zrp ................... ......... ....... . ........ . City Clerk. Approved ................ 191 .... ... .... ... . ..... -- - ---- --- ------------------ ... * - ------- PUBLISITED—V Ma Councilman Farnsworth CwAuaik"Hk-� Councilman>$x Clancy /councilman KmV= Powers SC.i1man McColl Councilman Wunderlich M 28643 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of c.ondermning-and taking an easemen:t in the land-naaaasamy f or -slo r.om lIhite—.. ........ ......... �K4A.1111a �.p RegrAY-Qm;KQ.A..o ......--•--------.....---._................................ .......................................... ............................................................................................................. ------------------------------------------- 't' ORD NRMS -CoWDEXNATtc;' OWN MnINGS.: ................ ........................................................................ I ..........rn. 38643- --------------------------------------------------- A ,, 1,4.ter of pondomn9-.nl ........................... ..................................................... ................... iement In thte', 11, street;''' ... Dyke k under Preliminary Order. 2.6.07a ............... approved-AMn �-A:Q�3L..Y/FIatermediary Order.. 2.7117 approved Qqt..3Ix IR19.1 Reso,74 (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: 0.=dQ= takp A;q q4agmgmt in t' be I.P.Lnd—lac.e.9-sary X -or alop.es.,--fI:w cuta and—alls Bear-Azonue to Van Dy1m..Av.enue-.-.-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same,!re hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, .v!z: the land -abutting Wqn Kerwin Street, between..the nts af tbo Qz�t.Qxlt Shawn- ..... . ............................. .......... . ........... .......... 2jpi ................. �q!WXL u.PPA the qhqtch gligo'haI;l t of Pub. Le _Q tjIg X.,jep ox.t of the....Gnmizzionar I Works in the matter dated December 4, ....................... - ............................................................ 1919" ...................................... ...................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above Liand, lands or easements therein, havelbeen ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ................. -- ................. 191.....--- ................ Approved .............. 191 .. City Clerk. - -k .................. I/ ........ .... 4 . ....... n, Mayor. L Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman EW=Ax Clancy Councilman il--39*Amr Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich MayomlEtba Hodgs on r. ..................... _................................................ 28644 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of .... G.ondemning...and...talflrl;...an...aassraent-.in.--the..-land---nacessavy fI.or slopes .for cuts._and_.fills.._in_-.grading._0sceola__.GKgApo....frQm,.5.n0.Uiug Avenuo to Saratoga Avenue. V0. 2ii44— atter of condemning and tak.I ""....""' ..'..........._... easement In .the ].ad neck r elopes, for cute and fllla in O ... Ave. from 8nelllag .............. - Saratoga ., is ;j^r 87064, aanr:^=�xr 6 under Preliminary Order ...... mu .....De.G...2.7..r..181Q.... -------approvedIntermediary Order .2,77Qf. approved .-...., A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. r er R ea] I Is hereby a rmm -------- ----------equal inst Adopted by the Council------------------- MKA.!9-Zq.............. ............ 191 :: ... City Clerk. Approved ............._p�{�[�_•�.Q. �.�2�i..----------...., 191..-..._ V ..... . b 1-Fv�-a Mayor. Councilman Farnswort /, V-3—fid Councilman HstmA Clancy V P[ 1,T.eHFD Councilman 9dd= Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich -28645 Ix FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of condemnilig q:q'U arid_ SAUA Amenueto-Baratoga ---- Lvanue . . ..................................... .......... ----------------------- i --------------------------------------------------- — .............................................................................................645 ................................ I ................ 6�d t� .. .................... •nt in the I..d .......................................... ................. . -- --------------------------------- .................................... �Uts -nd .................. ................. ............................. I .............................. .................................................................................. under Preliminary Order ............. approve&O-Q.tAA....2.Q.,...,1.9.19 Intermediary Order -.......27.7.06.._.,. approved Dea.-M 1-919 . . ...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: a.ondemi and taka an easament in tbLe I -and ae.ceiasar;y fDr s2-o.pas,.f.or autn Bnd-.-- fi I I ...In—grAdIng Qaceola.-Avenue fr.om...Snelling.--hve=e ta-Barataga.-Avenue. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: the land abLutting. ,4p2:q Avenue from ellin , ............... ................... q1! ............ pax.t-wit ah.Qwu UP= tlle a d_ t__Q ... tj-kQ re-p-or.t of—the ---- Q-c=1s.al.Qner Qf k4tU-p ... VQT3CA—;Ln thp.................................... ---- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .................. ................. 191.......... ..................... ' 4-N NO 301920 city cls Approved.................................................... 191....... . ..... ... ... .... .. ........... .... Councilman Farnsworth PUDSHED LI 54Mayor. - 3 -Q6 — Councilman lbdmA Clancy uncflma-n EWtffA Powers 5-- Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich M 28646,-1,11 t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...c.ans oxmixl&..And....tal 1. z axe...ass.gmo t---a,.n.--.thQ_.� lz�..xleces.s ry for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading; Sims Street from Cypi:ess Street to Forest Street. No. -'88646= x,_wr. n. veen G_ time „ s"'- Street ..............nu;:: ;.�. to- Forest. -a'_.....-.- n„..�.ien.:.:... Order ... _ �:e ��.. under Preliminary Order -25,355 ................ approved...a7UUe,,...5.+1!3 .4.., Intermediary Order..._ 2717.......... approved.....11.aY...... 5,..,1910 — A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation -of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ur ve at the said assessment be an is .._ ........... ...............equ mstallme o each Adopted by the Council----- .......40-3442-0.....--------------------------- 191-------- cam?,. ----------- L.......5 :�, `.......................... j City Clerk. Approved ................. 191..------ May . Councilman Farnsworth Connciln-^ n^ PUBLISHLD y�— Councilman Iizbmd Clancy Councilman gem Powers Councilman McColl 'l Councilman Wunderlich V MaSM -i: FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. '2864' In the matter of.....conderuni.sig...aY.td...ta-A)z..an...a aS.0ment...in---thl]. ..].And....�.1.CCS.luY for ...alope s.,...f or-...cuts...and..fills-..in-grading ...Sims .--3tre e t...fr-om.-.QY.prflaa...Str.@ et to...l.Qrest... Street.. - - -- -................................................. -..............................---.._........------ •............... ----.........._.............. ....... .-__.................. - - -- ......_...... --- .........----- ........------.---•--•--...... •.._ under Preliminary Order.....` 2.5355 .............. approved ..J -=-x...5.,1919.., Intermediary Order..._27176.-, approved-ROV,....5-...... 1.919. ............. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:...c.ondemri_ aria...take.. a n ..easement-..ixi-.-the ..larad..s� eoessary- -f-or-.slapes-r--i oa=-.-cuts--.and..%i ] is in..grading_Sims---Street...fram ...CY lras.s...Stxeet---to Un eat,—atreet....--.-- ................-- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:. t-118---land-_abutting., upon Sims Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the -.-sloe ch._at.taGhed-.-t o.-.the•_report•--of.--t-)ie.-_Corm7iss ones•-_o..__Public___!_Iorl..s_.in the..x!lattex,-._dat d..Z2eo mlzex._ , 1919.--.......................................................................................... ...._. (3) That the assessments of be above land, lands or easements therein, Adopted by the Approved .................... r�.f..i{....3-0 ......... 1-92..0..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman NRtN= Clancy councilman ) Powers Councilman McColl 0 Councilman Wunderlich and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the been ratified and confirmed. ..........1 191----... �. .....-------- ........... .: .. ..x--=....... ...... ..4'F4s:�. •:t._�'.*•._+`_`_ City Clerk. .,191......... PLT1iT i.S?i?-- --- -------- ---- -. ...._-... p _ Mayor. 28648 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of..._O}j911'l.Sl.,._tiI.1.d@x}j,�---rl�j-_extend},1�jQ.__4-txeet...t'_o-__a width of._sixty_..-(60j__feet-_ovei the. -_sight -of -say -_of -._the -Chicago, -.- at, lis & Omaha Ry., and the Northern Pacific Raillwa7, between 1Vells--.-$trent--.ancl--.Fpagoz ier1-treet, �__, -----_- , 28648.— - wldetifn6 ------ -- -- the matter.. oC ,open St -�----� s, Arcade at. to wtdth" Btt ,. . Grua. � .................................................. ............................ .rnA.�.r:_..,..-�.rw.0----- ._..: _atilt['rl=R:____.._......._............................................. under Preliminary Order --.26.0.4 ............ approved..9Ug.....3Q.,...1.91,91ntermediary Order ._._27..11.8. .... ..... approved .......Qat.obar._.al'-.1919. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the 'Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e a e t o be pa n . =gual insta linen ^ee of Ianescn e Adopted by the Council........-.��{}�{-- -}C�z+(�--------......--- 191. .._ .. ..............----t-...... ...._...... .......... Approved ............... rlAk-.3D..192d............. .__., 191._.--_-- � ! City Clerk. Mayor. Conncihnan Farnsworth PUBi.l61 xL D Councilman XAXd9C Clancy Couneilman.%KMx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich O Ma 23649 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of opening ..?wideniT p_. xidt.o...a._1T uth of---sSx#y... (6D-)---faet--- Over ...the ...Right.-of--:Vay...of.... the lfinneapolis...&,-Omaha.. Ry....,..and.-_the ...Kort ern..Eacifin Wells Street and Fauquier Street. .-...................................................................---.....----.........- . .............----......---..........----- -- .............. -----_...-------- .....................................-- -- .................................---................................- - - under Preliminary- Order .....-...26434........, approved.Aug..3.0, 919_., Intermediary Order.. -...2.7.118...._.. approved...A&tnber...31,...19.19.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:..open,...._._ w1.cen...and. ...ext-end..Ar-cad53....Street...t.o a_zlath_of---sixty.... (.60)...feat ...over.---tha._ Right -of -day of the Chicago St. Paul IeIinneapolis . &-.Om2ha Ry. z.. and the uortkloxn._Raeific..aai-1iYay..,--betyzeexxAbe lls...31reet.-and--.F-auquier.---Streat...... __ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..--&..strip...of... land ---sixty (60) feet in width extending from the --North line of .Block_53,--Arlington Hills-- Addition_... scross-..the--_Right-of-l'la-y-. o£.-_the--_Chicago,.__Stt---_Paul-,---Rinn- aapol3.s...and f eat.,..mora--or...lass-,---axid...the... Right-Af=1.Yay of the St. Paul & Duluth Railway, 100 feet, more or less, the center line of--sald---strdp-:bei-nS-•-- the ••-Seoti,om---line...be-tween--Se-c-tion...28--and--Secs-t ©n--•99, Town. 29 Range 22. (3) Tat the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. NN 30 1920 Adopted by the Council ..................................................... 191 \ ..fv City Clea$. Approved ----•- ----- .............. 191.. . ...................................... - - Mayor.. Councilman Farnsworth yU13L1�1I�D_1�1—=�� {/� ouncilman EDJMN& Clancy JCouncibnan m]Yey¢ Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich May 28650 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..._01QndQilulirxgand-.-ne.cezzazy for slopes, for cuts and fills inrading Pleasant Avenue. .....................................................•----------.....--......--.............. .-- -- ___. „a Avenue to nest Seventh Street. _............................_.................. ....................................... ..... - —------.......................... _............................_ '.in6 and tak , ..................................................................._...........-.:..d. ...lanneves;.... - 1r.+...nth .. 2 .. .--------------------------- __. -....__...................------....._....-............._......----- ------ ^'.:.......-........-._.........................------...........................................-_------ under Preliminary Order..... 25.424.......proved June-- 11.,1919 Intermediary Order .._M -Z.0........... approved1.9.119.. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits v therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. urthe d it ie hereby determined to be payable i� ��„ .eqn inatalt+a nt a-�o.eaoU.p 1 f lnn�i rlP rihed herein. Adopted by the Council......... I"11H --- .. .. ...30......1520 - - .-...p..... 191.......- VQ--3a-1a20 p� ,(� (/I Approved. ..----..- . --•---1.IN1}..i�V--Ia2U•------...., Ci erk. 191........ /} M yor. Councilman Farnsworth Cegmam"a�^ FUSLISFIIiD Councilman l Clancy Councilman KvIbe Porters J Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich f` May 28651 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of aondemiitng-and ... taking an ea-aamoxit,---zLn tIAQ lAng! RQ.Q.UgAry for. -sl.o.pes.,,-f.or cuts and -f -i I I z iii..4gradixg..2jeas.ant Avemue-,...from Q.t.tIL.- Avenueto ................................... .............................. ................. .................... -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - under Preliminary Order 254.2.4........_..-, approved-JUne 11,193-9,Jntermediary Order 27R33 - approved XQV 12 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ..aond-enm - and take an eas.emant.-in tb-e land no-c-eaaarY XDI? 5.lopez.,-flor Qml s and -fills I xi i. g E 19 U AXlt &Y-Qx1V.Q f.r.QM-Q.t1Q AV.QllqA t,.Q IJA'al (2). That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..the land.-Ab.vt1ing- -upon El e a A arLt. . Azenue.,--hetze an the poi-nts af0r.esaU-,.A.o the ext.ent'-shoun .Up -on. -the sketch &t.tarhad to the X.O.PDX-t of -the Dormis.si.oner ... of 2ulallo-- ................................................ .................... . . - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council .......................... 01 'J' ............ pp City Jerk. Approved .............. 191 May Councilman Farnsworth r(mTjqrTrT) oZeUman HybmdK Clancy 1 o eilman 11:kbm Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich F.O. 26449 Syndicate Ave., west side, from Portland Ave. to Summit Ave. --Non Assessable Roll-- IIATIFYING _%ss F.89MENTl. 25654 Cleveland Ave., east side, from Laurel Ave. thence north to Council File No. ...... ....... .. t'. 1;. \'i,, �8;,fp—It • �. ;1. Inrnsworth— lirant of Ir io elil y, r ytn r iil ry 111ta suu n .vtro, firt4 By nrer t ew: it s, 1 ` , ' •• J, 068 23962 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning at Fry Ste thence west 90 CITY OF ST. PAUL. 1 i Resolution Ratifying Assessment. . ! In the matter of the assessment of - f „CU for I ,� F.O. 23704 University Ave., north side, from Curfew Ave. thence east 114 I Constructing, relay n` and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estiivate 110. 6, Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. 6! --Assessable Roll -- -+i F.O. 24087 Dudley St., both sides, from Grantham St. to Cleveland Ave. 24985 Berkley Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave. F.O: 25834 Buford Ave., south side, beginning at Seaton St. thence west 26449 SVn_iaate Ave., West side, from Portland Ave. to Summit Ave. 100 feet. F.O. 25824 Bourne Ave., south side, from 550 feet west of Keston St. thence r west 200 feet. F.O. 26031 Hampden Ave., west side, from University Ave. thence north to railroad right of way, from Charles St. thence north 120 Peet, therefore and on the south side of Hampden Ave. from Bradford St. thence S east 114 feet, and from 30 feet farther east thence east 18 feet, and from a point 168 feet east of Raymond Ave. thence east 18 feet, and from 220 feet west of Long Ave. thence west 50 feet and from 10t feet farther west thence west 70 feet, Bradford Ave., east aide, from Hampden Ave. thence south to alley. F.O. 23704 University Ave., north side, from Curfew St. thence east 114 feet and from Curfew St. thence west 240 feet. F.O. 25654 Cleveland Ave., east side, from 44 feet north of Ashland Ave. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council f,iilj :30 thence north 28 feet, 38 feet farther north thence north 100 feet and from Laurel Ave. thence north to alley. Laurel Ave., north side, from Cleveland Ave. thence east 18 feet, Selby Ave., north side, from 64 feet east of Dunlap St. thence east 60 feet, Selby Ave., north side, from 98 feet west of Griggs St. thence west 32 feet, from 30 feet farther west thence west 70 feet, from 70 feet farther west thence west 16 feet and from F.O. - 198 feet west of Syndicate Ave. thence west 62 feet. 261-96 Broadway, west side, from 8th St. to 9th St., south side of 9th St. from Broadway thence west 10 feet, Arundel St., east side, from Charles St. thence south to alley, Charles S., north side, from Arundel St. thence east 40 feet, Arundel St., east side, from Charles St. thence north to alley, Iglehart Ave., south side from 200 feet east of Howell Ave. thence east 100 feet, Mt. Airy St., north side, from 54 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 42 feet and Grove St., north side, from Mississippi St. thence east 160 feet. F.O. 25656 Sturgis St., south side, from 126 feet west of Douglas St. thence west 21 feet, West Seventh St., south side, from 79 feet east of Walnut St. thence east 151 feet, Selby Ave., north side, F.O. from 200 feet west of Wheeler Ave. thence west 8 feet. 23962 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning at Fry Street, thence west 90 feet by six feet in width, and from Fry Street, thence east 96 feet by six feet. F.O. 25329 Sycamore St., south side, from Rica St. thence east to Park Ave., Humboldt Ave., east side, from Page St. to Tyler St., Pine St., west side, from Seventh St. thence south to alley, Dale St., east aide from Front St. to Maryland St., Rice St., both sides, from Sycamore St. thence south to Great Northern Bridge, Wabasha St., west side, from Third St. thence south to bridge, Third St., south side, from Wabasha St. thence west 40 feet and from 56 feet farther west thence west 150 feet, Minnesota St., east side, from 50 feet north.of Fifth St. thence north 106 feet and from -..&•point 92 Peet north of Sixth St. thence north to Seventh St., Bedford St., west side, from 7b Toot north of Collins St. thence north 40 feet, Maealester Ave., west side, from 291 feet south of Lincoln Ave. thence south 18 feet. F.O. 24177 Arundel St., west side, from Thomas St. thence south 100 feet and from a -point 26 feet farther south thence south to Edmund St. and on the east side of the street from Thomas St. to Edmund Ste F.O. 23669 Charles St., south side, from Arundel St. thence east 160 feet and from a point 39 feet farther east thence east 200 feet. F.O. 26128 Charles St., south side, from Snelling Ave. to Fry St. F.O. 24116 Fry St., west side, beginning 173 feet south of Capitol Ave. thence south 8 feet. F.O. 25825 Charles St., south side, in front of Lots 8 and 10, Block 28 between Albert St. and Pascal Ave., Syndicate Addition No. 5. F.O. 24985 Berkley Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave. F.O. 26348 James St., both sides, from Fredericka St. to Underwood St. F.O. 26027 Saratoga St., east side, from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph St- and on the south side of Jefferson Ave. from Snelling Ave, to Warwick St. F.O. 26449 Syndicate Ave., west side, from Portland Ave. to Summit Ave. --Non Assessable Roll-- City Clerk Approved 7 l` ._:_._._.....Mayor. F.O. 25654 Cleveland Ave., east side, from Laurel Ave. thence north to alley. F.O. 23962 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning at Fry Ste thence west 90 feet. F.O. 25329 Dale St., east side, from Front St. to Maryland St. F.O. 26128 Charles St., south side, from Snelling Ave. to Fry St. F.O. 23704 University Ave., north side, from Curfew Ave. thence east 114 feet and from Curfew St. thence west 240 feet. F.O. 24985 Berkley Ave., both sides, from Cleveland Ave. to Prior Ave. _ F.O. 26449 SVn_iaate Ave., West side, from Portland Ave. to Summit Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, r ment and said assess- having been further considered by the Council, and having been therefore considered finally satisfactory, be it S RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be ? � payable In equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council f,iilj :30 191... _. City Clerk Approved 7 l` ._:_._._.....Mayor. O Council File No ............ ............... ..... By .................... s CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Charlton Street, from Page Street to a point 160 feet South of Page Street. '. I,+'i No 88663 -By 8 A'N�arnswoith= ..,the matter of, the,paseesment of ,events, coatssand esp¢tieee far•, con- 1 Fructfng;'a`aewer "on: Cfiaoton Bt•C m Page St: ao`a-polnt 160 :fest �. of Page;ptreet; tandem Prellm,+ rder'-26449, In termed Iy C,.' +Ik ,�Flp 1"Or 18182842 «nlr� under Preliminary Order......... .�................ Intermediary Order .:...::'......., Final Order....... 5...._..:...._. approved ...... ..... A:99!A t_.Ntl .....................191...9...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore t RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU�TRER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......�t ,1ti Q .......r.....e)llqual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council....__........._�Q _IR.:'30 1920 _ ...._ ..................191........... City Clerk. Approved ............ ........... P1Ak ii0 19...... __.........._..191......_ Mayor. Form R. B. 18 PUBLISHED Council File No ...... ---- 2865 J CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on rairview Avenue, from Palace Street to a point 70 feet North of James Street. under Preliminary Order. .......... 262U,....-, approved---.........0_Qt.Q.b_er-....l5.t.l1 .............. A public hearing having been ha ment having been further considered therefore 2_.6.927........... ...... and said assess - satisfactory, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Cdbnty of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in `R��`............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .............. ...��Qk....t`j.Q...1921�............................191............. (�( ......................... ......... ..-;7...�I........... .... City Clerk, Approved ......_...._._........._II�H ejo �yl�............_....191......_.` Mayor. PUBLISHED P 44 . --- F No, An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3885, entitled "An ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars (j3,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of'the City of St. Paul for .the purpose of erecting permanent school buildings, and appropriat- `ing the proceeds thereof for such purpose, notwithstanding charter limitationd�'_ approved May 21, 1917. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section one of said Ordinance No. 3885 be amended to read as follows: "Section 1. That the proper city officers are here- by authorized, empowered and directed to issue and de- liver to the Sinking Fund Committee from time to time as may be ordered by the Council, the bonds of the City of St. Paul in anag regate amount not exceeding Three Million Dollars (3,000,000.00) par value, for the purpose of erecting permanent school buildings as authorized in and by -Section 217 of the Charter of the City and the other eeotions of said Charter applicable thereto." Section 3. That Section two of said ordinance be amended to, road as follows: "Section 2. The said bonds shall bear date the first day of the month in which they are sold, and the principal thereof shall become due and payable thirty years after date Thereof, and said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance or at the Financial Agency of.the City of St. Paul in the City of New York, State of New York. The faith and credit of the City of St. Paul is hereby pledged irrevocably for the prompt and - faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds." Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, :approval..ss& publioation, and approval by a vote of the electors of said City, as provided by law, at a general or special election. Yes Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council - GFR' 1419L20.!- ......_19 - Farnsworth Awn Oaf. vdOltiYd VHOr 19 19 A 44 C�..._..............- Goss In favor {g�y,I,q PProv "(SPR 1 MCColl 0 Powers --. Against W.nderlichb........ .. �+ _. ... Pursr.Tsrrrn 7 a MNYOR \ Mr. President OFM 3M9�19 ,� ' j vt ck" 0 R -p CITY OF ST. PAUL cnr ci.,. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (/�'((�� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL r�"'��56 FILE No...• ...........................••.- Por,AA46,2M 7-18 Special Day Schools - 177 1724 ' � 3 i _............... ...... 1920 . _.... MAP AUDITED 'Y I) ............................................ 191...... - PT )LEER t���Nrtrtt 48.02 _.......--- ......._...... . TITLE Parks Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter Specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified i following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V > Nays-._-. MAR 31 1920 509.53 ++ Adopted by t C cll_._......___._........_._.................._......----191....---- Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, ClancClanc C. F'• No. 2HH5 y 175.32 Resolved thatbawarrant, be drawn roved........._I��HR...3. Farnsworth upon the City Treasury, i1 .19.20-..— ................._191._........ payable at of the hereinafter specified fund, and I Fire 12.82 G05S ;in favor of the, persons, firms cot-- '7 Bureau of Engineers potations for theamounts set'oPPoaite p Keller thir respective names as specified 1n .... ....... _..........__. _... following detailed tatement.MAYOR 0 ..._._...._..._....__... __._.............................._.........-_ - Berglund Lumber Co., $279.6.Brook, McColl 39.15 :he' Bros. Lumber Co., $2,398.97. e11' 07mun, " .72 Kirk & Company, Wunderlich 1 5.32. Bridge B. & R. GrtggsI..CHnrdenUe rgh $Co.,e 6. Mr. President, Hodgson PR $8.43. J. N. Hulme Co., T. F. Ke.n, $81.91. I - Michael Kasanoff, $375.00. L 5fark. $5.00. 16.00 N. '. Electric Equipment Company: R08.74. 6.60 $1 Peoples Coal & Ice Co., $142.50. 1'15�37� 1726 St. Paul Electric Co., $11.26. Standard Oil Co., $66.05. 168.86 horkhouse E. J. S111we11, $12.13. it 20.79 Refinery Co., $61.08 Thompson Yard.„ Inc., $703.64. Y Schools 5.47 iSuperior Adopted by the Council Mar. 31, 1920. Appruved Mar. 31, 1920. Test. Labs. .90 m. -...—April d-1920) Mater 1.05 1723 S. Berglund Lumber Company, 279.16 Special Day Schools 1724 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 2,398.97 Schools 48.02 Parks 33.32 New Bldg. Const. 1,808.10 509.53 1725 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 175.32 Armory 1.05 Fire 12.82 Bureau of Engineers 9.75 St. C. & R. 39.15 " .72 Bridge B. & R. 50.48 Schools 38.75 Special Day Schools 16.00 V'4ater 6.60 1'15�37� 1726 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 168.86 horkhouse 140.65 it 20.79 ► - Schools 5.47 Test. Labs. .90 Mater 1.05 I Res. 177 Page #2 1727 P. R. L. Hardenbergh Company'jF Water 1728 J. W. Hulme Company, Great Northern Schools 1729 J. F. Kain, Cashier Water 1x730 Michael Kasanoff, Parks 1731 L. Mark, Water 1732 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Schools Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. P. Bldgs. New,,Bldg. Const. Water 1733 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, : Schools 1734 St.Paul Electric Company New Bldg. 6onstruction 1735 Standard Oil Company, Water 1736 E. J. Stilwell, Miscellaneous Stationery 1737 Superior Refinery Company, Water 1738 Thompson Yards, Inc., Gaultier School (Bond) Total 4,764.45 6.35 2.29 3.38 7.41 1.20 15.42 45.13 27.56 Tug -.n 8.43 178.40 81.91 375.00 5.00 108.74 142.50 11,26 66.05 12.13 51.08 703.64 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. .......... .!-'365- r� Perm A A 46.214 7-18 179 AUDITEd".3. 1..1920 ..................19 ........ C��ya; 1744 Board of Control, Board of Control 1745 John Devine, C. H. & C. H. 1746 Jos. Ruf, C. H. & C. H. 1747 V1. C. Van Brunt, C. H. & C. H. Total 4,532.76 4,327.76 70.00 67.50 67.50 �X _......._....,.. �.y...._...................... ............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V Councilmen V, c ���� FIAR ei11920 Adopted by the uncil..........._____........ ._......_..._ ... ............. _191......_.... Clancy C. F. No. 28667— I�I)n' !/1 1910 Farnsworth Abstract. drown ed that wxurit p roved_.............._........................__.._.......__....................191............ GO55 y upon the City Treasury, payable out on th of the hereinafter specified t. d. or in favor of the persona, firms or cor- Por the amonnta aet opposite Keller uoration� rheir re@Pective names as specified in .._.. ._........___................._._........................ /) the following detailed statement: MAYOR McColl Board of Control, 64,327.76. Wunderlich John Devine. 670.00. .los. Ruf, 667.50. . Mr. President, Hodgson ���. C/ Van Brunt, 667.50. Adopted by the Coancll Dtar. 31, 1920. Approved liar. 31. 1920. (April 3-1920) 1744 Board of Control, Board of Control 1745 John Devine, C. H. & C. H. 1746 Jos. Ruf, C. H. & C. H. 1747 V1. C. Van Brunt, C. H. & C. H. Total 4,532.76 4,327.76 70.00 67.50 67.50 I «reR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Iarm 0. 0.16, Y N 7-18 COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI No. ........ � 178 MAR 3j 1820 ................. ...... ....... \......- ' AUDITED Y PT LLLR I •I _ R 1739 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. of Finance City Officers Mayor's Office City Clerk Election Corp. Counsel Special Assessments Recpts. & Disb. Partic. Certs. Comptroller Civil Service Purch. Dep It. Mun&cipal Court Armory C. H. & C. H. Art Museum 1740 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Workhouse C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Bureau of Engineers St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. 11It New Crosswalks Bridge B. & R. Sprinkling 3,083.32 203.33 397.50 131.00 1,346.67 625.00 721.66 90.00 1,008.83 479.25 882.49 1,831.64 167.50 1,310.00 180.00 TTI -4m r.17 700.41 755.83 2,262.88 1,739,60 263.31 505.00 55.00 4,991.30 62.50 312.50 185.00 12,458.19 11,833.33 W-...---- .......................................... TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays r�Qt7 _. Adopted b e ouncil_._........_...__.....�..�9��._..............191...._, Clancy _ t,ii7tpp -/ t7 C. F. No. 28668Ab.tract 11}i11 til 1920 Farnsworth Gu55 /1 /`///) Resoivea tnat warrant. be drawn Apptol L-- '. upon the City Treaeu rY. Payable ana of the hereinafter specified Lunde "a Sn favor of the peraofis. Orme Keller porations Yor the amounts oposite in - McColl their reepecfive names as ®pecld.d -.,,.., MAYOR the feupw+ns aetauea statement: -_...... 9. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, Wunderlich' $12,458.19. S. A. Farnsworth, Corn r. of Finance. Mr. President, Hodgson $11.833.33. S.A. Farnsworth, Com'r. .oI Flnance, $17,779.43. s. A. Farnworth, Com'r. of Finance, $2,162.6' s. A. Farnsworth, Co.". OfFinance, $1,974%t Adopted by the Council Mar. 31, 1820. Approved Mar. 31, 19, (April 3-1920) 1739 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. of Finance City Officers Mayor's Office City Clerk Election Corp. Counsel Special Assessments Recpts. & Disb. Partic. Certs. Comptroller Civil Service Purch. Dep It. Mun&cipal Court Armory C. H. & C. H. Art Museum 1740 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Workhouse C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. Bureau of Engineers St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. 11It New Crosswalks Bridge B. & R. Sprinkling 3,083.32 203.33 397.50 131.00 1,346.67 625.00 721.66 90.00 1,008.83 479.25 882.49 1,831.64 167.50 1,310.00 180.00 TTI -4m r.17 700.41 755.83 2,262.88 1,739,60 263.31 505.00 55.00 4,991.30 62.50 312.50 185.00 12,458.19 11,833.33 Res. 178 Page #2 1741 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 17,779.43 schools 12,908.71 Library 4,395.30 Auditorium 475.42 ~ 1742 S. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 2,152.51 Park -Adm. 224.17 Bureau of Parks 254.17 It 87.50 rlaygrounds 167.50 P. Bldgs. 864.17 555.00 2ibi _ 1743 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,979.16 C.P.U.-Oen. Adm. 399.16 "-Test. Labs. 387.50 "-IAarkets 177.50 "-Lighting 1 015.00 11979.16 Total 46,202.62 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . , . ........A�............................................................................ DATE..........M.....a...r..............311920 .......................... That the Commissioner of Public fforks be and he is hereby authorized to employ in the various bureaus the following: Double Horse teams at $1.30 per hour Single Horse teams tt .$a 11 tl Such two horse teams as may be necessary for the collection and disposal of garbage at ;x160.00 per month. Three double horse teams to collect dead animals at 4`160.00 per month. Such two horse teams as may be necessary for sprinkling streets at $200.00 per month. Yes 0') Councilmen-(�) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3Me e C. F. No. 28659—By Mf N. Gose— - neeolyyad. That the Commissioner of I� Publio Works be and he Is hereby au- thorized to employ in the various bu- te the f owing: I �1Double Horse teams at $1.30 per I 3 hour. 3 Single Horse teams at so Cents per ' t .hour.. 7 Such two horse teams asmaps-be 1 necessary for the Il tlo—ar.d dis- posal of garbage at $160 00 per. mouth. Three double •horse teams to. -collect dead animals. at $160.00 per month. Such two horse teame as may be nec- essary for sprinkling streets at $200.00 per month., Adopted by the Council ]lar. 31, 1920. Approved 111— 31, 1920.. (April 3-1920) Adopted by the Council _. .__PIAR._.3.1 1.920__19 ._._ In favor Appro PIAR_ii�..LSZQ._......19...._ Against MAYOR-��� PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE�P....:. RESOLVE] l CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.......28-66. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Dnr,March 31, 1930 ........... That the grade of east and West alley and north and south alley in Block 4, Stierle, McConville & Seeger's Midway Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (%) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers U Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No. 28660—By BT. N. Ga9s— Resolved, That the grade of east and seat alley d north and uth alley In Block C'Stlere, bfeConvllle & Seag- a Midway Addition, In accordance with the red grade line on the x ponying profile and n recommended by the Commissioner of, Public Works, beandthesama Is hereby adopted as the established grade. Adopted by the Council blar. 31, 1920. Approved Alar. 31, 1020. (April 3-1920) Adopted by the Council 19 -- In favor APPro® ____.___piQ. _.�. _1QZQ__.._....._19_..___ Against MAYOR FOENCIL NO......... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY )7 COMMISSIONF� /� ...... _. ..._.... ....._.__...... DATE_....Ar 1...31.,...19{30...... That the gzade of alley in Block 6, Merriam Park 3d Addition, in accordanos with the red grade line on the acoompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes IN') Councilmen ( I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No. 26081—BY N. N. Gose— Resolved,_That the grade of alley In Bloeawitmthe Poll,3d grade) line on In the . .accordance h accompanying Inside and as rec- ommended by the Commissioner I ;Public Works, be end the same in hereby- adopted the established grade. Adopted by the Council blur. 31, 1920. Approved Mar. 31, 1920.. (April 3.1920). Adopted by the Council MR `ii .y L.. 19 In favor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That the grade of Alley in Block 2, COUNCIL .�I_J\)62 FILE ND... - March 29, 1920 DATE........... ._.......__..._.._. __....._.._. Webster Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3Ma-le F. N. 23662-13Y el. N. Gosa Reaolved.'ebetthe- Additlo ie of AlneY on Plock > 2, theaaccompath, Pro le rand .. eren oner mo blicded by be nnd�healearn. ie hereby adopted as the established blur. ,grade. Adopted by Alan re Council 31. 1920. 31. 1920 "pprll 3-1920) Adopted by the Council - (IQk 31-1920._ 19 -- _ _-In favor APpro 19 - Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /`/, COFILUNCIL NO...... �.�.6.`._ ...... March 31, 1920 DATE. .__............ That the grade of Arona Avenue from Wynne Street to Midway Parkway, in ac- cordance with the red grade line on the ac- companying profiles and as recommended by the CommiBBioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 28G63—By M. N. Gose— Reaolved, That the grade o[. Arona Ave. from Wynne St. to Midway Park ay, In accordance with the red grade li tie on the accompanying profiles and asmmended by. the Commissioner [ Public work., be and the same Is hereby adopted ae the e.tabl fished Grade. Adopted by the Council liar. 31, 1020. .Approved Mar. 31, 1020. (April 3-1930) _ yes (%') Councilmen (� ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President F0R11 3M 19 Adopted by the Council HE 31-..Ir.(G-- -19 MAR 31 iy�U._. __._.._i9__..... _....._._-In favor Appy Against _�10. .... Y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"cit No .................28664 ................ c- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ei COMMISSION................................_..___....._.._..........._._._...__..........._.. ..._...._._...... DATE......................._ _.....__....._..... p+ RESOLVE that the offer of y s$ . 17. Marvin, 1283Thomas Street, to permit the use of Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, Block rifteen (15), Syndicate Addi– tion #5, as a public dump for the deposit of waste material- by the City of St. Paul and the public generally until said lots are filled to grade or until such time as said permission is revoked, is hereby accepted and a publjc dump established upon said lots. • I C. F. 'No. 28664 By Vit.. N. Go Resolved That the otter oI Lewis ') \V.Ttarvin, 1283 [Phomas tree[, to p6)milnelusivee t the usoBlock Fiftf Lots One een to(15). sy mileate Addition No. h, as a public dump for the deposit of - ste male- rial by the City of St. P-111 One' the public generally until said lots are filled to grade o [ [ntilreoRut Istimehera aid permission is blic damn osteo accepted and Pu ltshed upon said lots. .Adopted. by the COure ➢Iar. 31, 1920. Approved Mar. 31.31(Apr1020) i Yes (N') Councilmen (:) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers P Powers Wunderlich Air. President FORM 3M9 -le -.-- In favor Against Adopted by the '131...Nfl _....19 NAR 31 192o 19........ �/��� f / St. Paul, Minnesota March 18, 1920.E .i Mr. M. N. Goss,, S'3 Commissioner of Pub is Works,®�� City of St. Paul. e0"G 5f�t:ES?C.`�L''•u;.",t Dear Sir:— We the undersigned,"property owners Ld tenants", surrounding the hollow bounded by Mmdioate Ave. and Lafond St., do hereby petition ybur department, that the above mentioned hollow be made a public dump by the City of St. Paul, and that a man be placed at said hollow to see'Ihat nothing offensive to the neighborhood be dumped there and tftt'.whiolt is -"ed is properly taken care of. Name Ness • • � (X ........... ............+.... ........... PRESEhjTgD BY COMMISSIONER. RESOL1;cD 7r CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 28665FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM March 31, 192 0. DATE.................. ....._ _. _.........._ .............. That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave Fairmount Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue, under Final Order #27482, approved December 5, 1919. Resolved Further, That the plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of -Ptbie Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. C r. No. 29865—Ry M. N. Goss— Resolved, Agent be nd That is hereby aant orl.td, and directed to advertiseln the man n r provided by the. City Charter, for, 11 of the material-necesary' to pays i�Fairmount Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior Ave., under Final 'Order No., 27482, aDDroved December 5. 1919. Resolved Fnrth.n Th.t the plans, pecilications an d estimates qubmitted by the Commlaslbner of PublicWorlts for the above materials: be and the same or' hereby approvMed "'' ` Adopted bythe ar. 31, 1920. Approved Mar. 31, 1920. (April 3-1920) Yes (4) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President ReceiTed all papers in connection ith above Res91 >. Adopted by the Council- PEAR e31, 192x__...19 .... 7riRk ai is o In favor APpr _ ......_......_.._._-...19 -Against MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .............:- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.... :............ .............. ....._....................... ..._....._........................... ................... ..._....–__..._ DATE.....Mar ...._31,....19.20...... RESOLVED In the matter of grading Pierce Street from University Avenue to Carroll Avenue, and from Iglehart Avenue to Marshall Avenue, under Preliminary Order #25065, approved May 14, 1919, Final Order #26373, approved August 27, 1919. a Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. T t T. hn matttete FNo. 2 - r nf. ¢rndlne..Plerce � St. Resolved, ti at the plane, sp submit [Iona. and e, Co ed Commissioner a .ldt- ted 69' th6 Commissioner f P *,I - Works for the above named of Proae men[ be and the same ora hereby p Proved. Adopted by the Council Alar. 31, 17z0. Approved (April 31, 1920. (April 2-1920) i Yes (N') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss _... In favor McColl Powers –Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Received 7ConneFa ction ut�on w�,�h flbova Adopted by the Council-- R -31-1M ---19- - Approv...._..._ali_.11.192U............_........19..__..- MAYOR COUNCIL No ....... ...R.. .66 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By Mar.31, 1920. r rimmm,Cir)N-.-__............................._........................................ DATE......._.._......................-..._. ............... . RESOLVED N In the matter of paving Fairmount Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order #26719, approved September 29, 1919, and Final Order #27482, approved December 5, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 28e64— In the matter of paving Fairmount Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Prior "Ave. under Preliminary: Order No. 201 and Final Urder No.t 27 82r aFpr.V, December 6, 1919, - Resolved; That the ptnns, epeciRca tions and eettmnted quantltlea eubtnit• to by theCommlesloner of .Public! tVorhe for the above named Improve- ment be and the eame or. hereby ay= proved.' Adopted by the Council Mar. 31, 1920. Received all Papers ig connection w't above Resolutign,� Yes (l') Councilmen (J) Nays H 311920 Clancy Adopted by the Counci .... _ .__ -- __...___._.....-..._19 Farnsworth Goss An favor Appro ��AR...C11..�.9L9.._...19........_ -- / 1pkCo11 / Powers --Against .- ......... MRYOR... Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -e-19 CITY, OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. f 3...._.. RESOLVED COO CIL 28668 FILEN ILE NO ..................................... DATE....... That the application of Leon Solomon for a license to maintain a curb oil filling station at 1515 University Ave., for the year ending January 3,1921, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license . upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, required by law. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays �j lancy ( Yarnsworth Goss McColl Powers �J Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No. 28668—By Hen y McColl— Resolved, That the application of !.eon 8olomdn for a )!cense' to main- ' fain a curb all filling station at 1616, Unlverlaty Ave., for the. year ending January, 3, 1921,be and the same hereby Is granted and the City Clerk Is Instructed to Issue each license upon the filing of the bond and the payment Irito the -City Treasury of -the, fee, required by Is - Ado ted by the Council Men 31. 1920. Approved Afar. 31,1920. (April 3-1920) Adopted by the Council.- . - 31. -Ma.- ---19 --- 3:L In favor Approv I9......._ Against i... ICITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO....._`l ClL9......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....................................................................................................... DATE ....L+.�..ci.r.ch...2.0_1.9.2.Q.......... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the.Yurchasinb ( Comnittee in awarding the contract for furnishing various / building; inateriaB required in the construction of the Homecroft School to Thompson Yards, Inc., they 'being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of :7,052.50 , in accordance with specific,:._ tions oa file in the office of the rurchasinC .'i. ent and th(air bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the )roper form. of contract therefor, F. *2192. C. F. No. 28660—Hy A. V'unCoundcrllch- aDDrovesethe a tionThat thof the Purchasing a Committee innwarding. the contract ' terinll rre7ulred in theeconst�uction o¢. 'the Homecro It School to Thompson Yards, Inc„ they being the lowest r eponaible biddersfor the m of , 'S7,062,f.0. "I accordance with sepecifi- ' call on' sion file ih the tflce df 'the Purchang Agent and, their bid 'and award of contract -hereto attached, and ;the Corporation Counsel Is hereby ln- strutted to draw up the prNoper form of contract therefor.' F. 13. 0. 2192. Adopted by the'Councll 11Iar. 31, 1920. Approved Mar. 11, 1.0. (Aprli 3-1920) Recel cennectiod all pa Resolu�a meth abcIIo ig � c J Yes Co 'ciImen (�) Nays ancy Adopted by the Council- _.__..lt�.�..n��_��L�...........19...__. arnsworth �QK-.`...�SL[1..._.........._....._. Goss -.-...---In favor APProv 19 (McColl Powers -Against MRYOR Funderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 -d PRESENTP1.1 4 COMMISSIONER............................. 4 -on COUNCI T IL I t' FILE No.......... .28670,the rh i Or d w n6 child- CITY CLERK .' The belfevea', I., I r. :)N—GENERAL FORM , ,: Ifthat the W `hereas to ! .. ....................... ......... ........ . ........................................... DATE ..... . ... ... Bseftvft WHEREAS, The Jefferson, Lafayette, and Madison Schools, have been condemned by the State Fire Marshal for the reason that he considers them fire hazards and a menace to the childred, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Education believes that the condition of the said schools is not such as to warrant the drastic action of condemna- tion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education and at his request the following named persons, viz; John R. Schmidt, Roscoe L. Smith, H. C.Devlin, F, D. Varnam,'W, C.. Barroj% Oscar Claussen, C. A. Hausler, and a structural engineer from the of*ce of the Commissioner of Parks, Play - Grounds & Public Bldgs., be and they are hereby appointed to constitute a committee of investigation, and they are hereby empowered and directed to make -a thorough examinatjon of the Jefferson, Lafayette and Madison chools, and report to the City Council as to whether the(Ahvsical condition of the said buildings is such that they should be condeftined for reasons given by the State Fire Marshal'. Yes (V) Councilmen (,) Nays /_11 Adopted by the Council 1.11IR ig (,/,g "y a;nsworth ho ss favor 4A pproved - 19 Coll wers Against ..........Zyo l Wunderlich PUBLISHED (M. President FORM 3M.— t �� �l I: r428677 �` '- 1C F. No. 28677—Crdina r ' �/tpWY�Q/VVCQ� BY S. A. Fnrneworth,: `� �• \n ard''vn"e % nding o dm Mi 1 919 , N, [vs 5g2mendedro_ 7- _ 0 ne St. . An ordinance amending Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved _ugust 16th, 1919, as amended. TIE COIJKCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OFD IN. Section 1. That Sedtion 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approv- ed August 16th, 1919, as amended, be, and the same is hereby amend ed by striking out therefrom :the vidrds and figures: "Bookkeeper, senioP-,, y85- - ?105,`T and substituting in place thereof the words and figures. "Bookkeeper, senior, 700 ;;125.°- Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council VR I Yeas Er. Clancy Eays Farnsworth . .: Goss - lVic C oll Powers Uunderlich i;Ir. President (Hodgson) approve i; jor UL rs Attest City Clerk. jr_ ['1'19' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER j7n{��y(R OL NOL ...../.d1...7.lJ,�y„L AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILL Na form A A 46, 2M 1-18 —��— 1748 Ake Swanson & Wife School Total $5,000,00 $5,000.00 MAR 31 Q20 BY ..._---- AUDITED _ ......_ ... _...... .191........ CITY I'0111-TIMLLPItI 180 PER.... ............................ .._.. _....... TITLF: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the for the set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations amounts Yeas- 1 V ) Councilmen l ) Nays Adopted by the on cit... APR .-1 192U191.._...-_. � APR —11920 Clancy .��11 ___.. _ _In favor rd__. 191..__ /J co55 i l Against MAYOR _.._..— McColl Wunderlich C. F. X. 28478— Mr. President, Hodgson Abstract. Resolved - thg[ warrants be drawnupon the City i the herelnatt Treasury, Payable out of specified funds and In Pavor of the tioora- ns for theamountsis setfirms t o r m,to ppd their respective names a In he 1. following detailed statement. Ake Swg neon & Wife, $5,000.00. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1920. AP pro ved April1, 1920. (April 3-1920) .. _. a'... 1 Rm 1748 Ake Swanson & Wife School Total $5,000,00 $5,000.00 Form A A 46, 2M 7-18 T t'IT1 OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Na ...... E�.; 182 I( AUDIT�1��.. ........................ 191......_3 f�.�...._ r�'2r PER...................... .._.... .......... .. _..... .._. __... ..__. rrrY c�I�n�uLLr•, tt Y TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council...GFk —� LU t Clancy ....._._...................................... ,,191._..._... F. N.. 28679— IIII _i &u Goss Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable out pf Keller the Allf I\ sonde and a- favor o[ r off the Pe s Persons, D persona, firms or corporae done tar the C 0 t amounts opposite theft spective names as a¢ent In the following Geta fled statement: Wunderlich / MAYOR ' clava 40,00. , widow of Hnna A B �'Ir. President, Hodgson Control, n", of $14,813.84. Ann F. Campton. Widow of Daniel H. Campton, $40.00. S. A. Farnsworth. Cotn'r. o[ Finance, $9.426.00. Society Cor the Pr¢ventlon of cruelty, $200.00. Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan, .�ldo., ted by the council April I, 1920. approved 1, 1920. uni "759 Clara Aamold, 'Iidow of Hans Aamold 40.00 �-idows and Orphans Pensions 1760 Boer$ of Control, Board of Control 14,813.84 1761 Ann F. Campion, Pidow of Daniel H. Campion 40,00 �ISd ows and Orphans Pensions 1762 S. A. Farnsworth,nomtr_ of Yinance Water 9,425.00 1763 Society for theCharities n of Cruelty, 200.00 1764 Helen Sullivan, Ydidow of Michael ;,ullvan i Widows and Orphans pe 30.00 nsions Total 24,548.84 F—.A46,Y147-I8 [111,11OF W.I. -. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fn,. No. ...... �a.9,- UC\CIL BYV ..; `.... ......................... .... AUDITED��R 1 1920 C�11i r'rno 191 PER ............._....._.._.....'.... ��....___... .. LF. Resoled that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ,) Nays 1-11. --, — GFI� —� firm lopted by the Council... ... ......................................191............ Clancy F. No. 28630 Abstract. (� 4' Fal'IIaHlGii Resolved that warrants be drawn p f —� I���� Treasury payable out or �.... ed ___ _.... 191........... upon the City and In GOS11 [he hereinafter specified funds —� eavor of the persons ftrme or corp" / 1 [lona eor the ¢mounts set op?ed I. v their respec[Ive names as apecifled In .... ... ..._ t. McColl hGopherwLime & Cement Co.,e$130.44. u 31AYOR Inter-Ctty Paper Co., $165.G2. Wunderlich 11,lady raper Co., $30.00. C. A. Nichola Co., E14.00. Mr. President, Hodgson J. J. o*Connor, Chief of Pollee, $44.10rghpit. Albert. RenePlae E171.00. Co.. $45.30. Val. J. Rothschild, $203.00. Ntstate ammo Ut. S a0 Department, A. J. Nam Pler$492.90. APproee , thepril 1,01920. April 1. 1920. (April 3-1920) 1749 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 180.44 vi at er 1750 Inter -City Paper Company, 165.62 Miscellaneous Stationery & Supplies 1751 Melady Paper Company, 80.30 health 12.25 11 61.25 Schools 3.20 3.60 1752 C. A. Nichols Company, 1`4.00 ii,ech. Arts H.S.Library 1753 J. J. O'Connor, Chief of Police 44.10 Police 1754 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 45.35 Fire 29.70 Munic. Gar. Revl. 15.65 1755 Albert A. Rene, 171.00 Munic. hYaployment Bureau 1756 Val J. Rothschild, 203.00 lhunic. Employment Bureau 1757 State Game & Fish Department. State of Minnesota 1.00 Parks 1758 A. J. Wampler, 492.90 Fire x C. F. No. 28081— ?L Resolved,. That the roposedamend- . meet to Section 40 of the Charter of V E R A L FORM • Co the CitY of St. Paul returned to the Chief Executivebythe Boardof.Free- ' holders on the First day of April, 1920. [ 1 Subject: ehau he submitted to the voters of, - - said It, for r tlflcation t the Gen', COUNCIL e 1 City Election to be held May 9, FILE N O. a 1920, and the City Clerk Is :rereby or dered and directed to cause said Pro. ed as retlufdredmbydnwtfor to thI puYbldaye In three weekly newepapera, as fol,bws: West St. Paul Times, North Central Date Presented _.. -c i ;.. 1 , 7 c': t. 191. Progress and Minnesota Union Advo - The ' be paid zfrome the Officialublication Pub Publication 'Account of the General Fund. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1920. Approved April 1, 1920. (April 3-1920) Resolved, » c c r t o _.cee. I,I. P f r raL_fi.-ac,nr _ r :'. ,. _.inn :o ,,-1-: ,1,r 1C-2(: q(,(' ,ne d_rected a,.. said rnr ;eci e ^] u:d as req:;.re.l ` l., "or i n r d -S i t free ^Ce'<'.y ne^:S i i-,er -. follors: West St. Paul Times, North Central Progress and Minnesota Union Advocate. i 'e . C: n* �:c`: ).:;1: -.,soon cn _ ,__ fr)_ ,`lc �rar Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -E1-ir Adopted by the Cou GUk —1 �yLU 191 ar� Coss In favor APR —1 IKU r Hyland Keller Appro 191 McColl Against ��/%G Wunderlich i Mr. President, Irvin MAYOR FORM C.8-2 , To L. C. Hodgson, Mayor of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned, constituting a majority of the Board of Freeholders of the City of St. Paul, hereby propose the following amendment to the Charter of said City: To amend Section 46 thereof to read as follows: "Section 46. The compensation of all officers and employee not fixed by this Charter or by state law shall be fixed by ordinanoe."e-cvtatoiY, �. The council shall have no power to change the oompensation of any officer for the term for which he was elected or appointed, nor within sixty days of a municipal election" Ut I #iwret ti:ree6 1 provided that, notwithstanding anything in the Charter, the council shall have power and authority to fix the compensation of the deputy comptroller, deputy commissioner of-finance, and auditor in the comptroller's office," And respectfully request that you transmit the same to the Council to be submitted to the electors of the City for approval and rati- fication as provided by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota. N f , N CITY OF ST. PAUL couMFILEat (Y7 No .... .... ... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n �' ---�----...... DATE.MarCh._3Qs__1.92.Q....... v REsoD That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the g Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Cretin Avenue from James Street to Palace Stbeet, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Beyen Construction Company, they being the lowest responsible w bidder, for the sum of $1,778.00, and the Corporation Counsel 'd is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,393.00. B.B. 2138. C. r. 'No . 25682—By M. N. Geos— Resolved, That the ,Council hereby f of the j concurs In the ecommanda[ on Contract Committee and awards the } , contract for the construction of ew- er on Cretin Ave. from James St. to SL, In accordance with plans �i Palace and specincatfons hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Company, they _ being the lowest responsiblebidder, for the Bum Of $1,778.00, n Cor- poration Counsel le herebyinstructed to draw up the Proper form oP contract therefor. Engineer'a estimate $1,- 303.00. F. B. 2138. Adopted bY the Council April 1, 1920. ✓ Approved April 4 41131IADr920 20) Received all papers Id connection with above Resolution Yes Councilmen Nays APR Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth APR —1 192U Approve 19_._.._ Goss An favor McColl t, POWCPS Against g .-- .... ..... MRYO Wunderlich Air. President ',';FORM 3MS-19 COUNCIL /.6( CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No....... M .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'iSENTED BY, .............�.,� __........................................ .. DATE.MBTCh...30,7,920........._ VED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contrac Committee and awards the, contract for the construction of a sewer on Cambridge Avenue from 3u fait Avenue to Grand Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to O'Neil & Freston, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for 'the sum of $3,320.00. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of con�,Fact therefor. Engineerls ewtimate $2460.00. F. B. #2170. n Cnnt�%a r �t contract Received all papers in connection with above Resolution. Yes (%') Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Count' GLPR--t 19 Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor APpro---19_..._ McColl Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM --Io s ZR' COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........._.__ ..................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - SENTED BY MICGIr1NFG �� 1_..--...----_........__......_......._._......................_........_._........-...._.......... DATEYar.9.)i...-.y3..Q.,.._1.92.Q......... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer mn Dudley Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Grantham StreAt, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Feyen Construction Company, they being the lowest respons*)le bidder, for the sum of $2582.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $2145.00. F.B. #2139 C. F. No. 28884—]3y EI. N. Goss— Resolved, That the Councll hereby ncurs In the r commendatton of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the - cone[ructlon of Fewer on Dudley Ave. from Chet— ford St. to Grantham St., In accordance with plans and specifications ' hereto attached,. to Feyen Construction Com- pany, they being the lowest espon- .tble bidder, for the sum of $2582.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the Fproper form of contract therefor. Rnglneer'F sett- , mate $2145.00. F. II. No. 2139. Adopted by the Council April 1, 1920 Approved Apr. 1, 1920.1.. (April 3-1920). Received connectiall papers 1, ReQolutioon ovith above Yes (t') Councilmen I,') Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council- ---UPR =j IM -- 19 Farnsworth Goss In favor Approv 19. - 1VIcCo11 �i Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 -i9 CITY OF ST. PAUL ...e"`It OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BF // COMMISSIONE ........................... .................................... ...... ............... o........................................... DATE ...................... VV , WIMEAS, Heretofore under date of January 26th, 1915, the Baltimore Investment Company as principal, owner of the Piedmont Apartments in St. Paul, and the New England Equitable Insurance Company as surety, filed a bond as required by the City of St. Paul for the construction and maintenance of a stairway and railing dt the corner of Smith avenue and West Ninth street; and whereas, application has 0been made for the surrender and cancellation of said bond, and a new bond has been filed by the Lion Bonding & Surety Company; now therefore, be 1t RESOLVED, That said bond of the New England Equitable Insurance Company be and the same is hereby oanise_lled, provided, however, that such cancellation shall not in any manner operate to relieve said Company of any liability incurred before the sub- stitution and acceptance of the new bond referred to herein. I C: P. No. 28685-33y sL N. Goes-' -I 6Tnnuy2Heretofore under th. 1916, the Baltimore ie n. - -j _ veatme nt- Company a principal owner of the PIC most Apartment. in St: Paul, and ,the New England Equitable - i Insurance Company n. urety, Holed a bond as quired by the Ctty P St. Rece j eDneat,t ed -onceor -r ehytairwayuanld roiling t the $11 •ner of Smith Ave. and west Ninth Gj On lbape street: and u�'•toj� l�h r there, .application has been ads for the surrender and an -AbOyg In Ila oP sold bond and a. new bond • has been been fi]ed by the 11 it Surety Company; now therarore, be `o I therefore, It . equltuble ldIneuaancof e�eLbm-' Englnnld pant' be and the ams la hereby can-, celled, ,i provided, however, that such C'"""""' Ilation hnlllot in any manner Yes (✓) Councilmen `) NAYS Operate to ny of liability Incurred before the subetltu- tt 1phe snow o, and ac bond' refer ed to hereto. Adopted by GPR Clancy Councilthe A pr 1, ked by the Council ..-1..192ll...19...__.. x Approved April 1, 1820 (Aril 3-1920) _ Y Goss -. ----In favor APpro{F.R...-1...�.2�................19......:_ McColl () / I Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Nor. President FORM 3M9 -I9 .'28686—DY SSenry tFcOot1— - 2 1656 CITY; one' Ernest . ,En6eITIn8. COUNCIL ' C� ployed by the Department Ot FILE NO ........................__......... OFFICE OF'tety, Ce�whicn ree ted In '' 1919, 1919: and September es COUNCIL RESDLUTIb, w1a Ernest C. E'r.• PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONER......_........._.......................__..._..._._...._...................._.............._......_...._..........__....... DATE.._.._. _...._. __............_.... ^* WHEREAS, one Ernest C. Engelking, while employed by the Department of Public Safety, received an injury on September 23, 1919, which resulted in his death on September 28, 1919; and WHEREAS, The said Ernest C. Engelking was receiving the sum of $23.08 per week at the time ofsaid injury; and it appear- ing that he left surviving him as his only dependents two minor children, namely: Margaret Engelking, of the age of 15 years, 7 months,,. and William Engelking, of the age of 12 years, 3 months; and whereas, it appears that Edward Engelking has been appointed guardian of the persons and estates of said minors by the Probate Court of Ramsey County; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Edward Engelking, guardian of said minors, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 467 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1913 and amendatory acts, providing for the payment to the said dependents of the sum of $12.69 per week in the aggregate, from and after the 28th day of September, 1919, during their dependency and until they reach the age of eighteen years, and for a period not exceeding 300 weeks, in settlement of their claim against the City, arising by reason of said injuries and death of their father, Ernest C. Engelking; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Edward Engelking, as guardian of said minors, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $12.69 per week from and after the 28th day of September, 1919, during the dependency of said minors or until they reach the age of eighteen years, for a period not exceeding 300 weeks, in accordance with said agreement, in full settlement of their claim against the City, arising by reason of the death of said Ernest C. Engelking. I recommend the above resolution for pass a 11^^ AA Commissioner of Public Saf Y. Yes Councilmen () Nays /Claf cy GFR —1 1920 Adopted by the Council 19 • h r Goss In favor Approved .-- -.. (af'R 19.. -..._ McColl PowerU Powers Against Wunderlich nin SHED 3—MeroR- 1VIr. President FORM -R- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE 'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUYION-*GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI6NER.. RESOLVED COUNCIL F��� NO .. . FILE ...... ...,1.. ..... DATE_ _.._ _... _. That the application of John Schmitt and Jesse A. Guise, oo-partners, doing business as'the Employers Service Co., for a license to conduct a Male Employment Agency at 502' Commerce Bldg., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such permit upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. C'Rexnio.Q,286TY—HY,HenrY McColl— 1 / / U @@nne a❑ 'ILI r n #@@QI.>�tion. WIt A bw� i Yes (�) Councilmen (�) Nays G lt'h-119`[U Clancy Adopted by the Counci 19 - F_ worth Goss In favor i APpro e .._...... G{ _ _-!_�y2.Q_.. .... _._.. 19.._...._ McColl 0 Powers Against.. Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9'I9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and PRELIMINARY (YRDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the ,To-nstrU--ftAon of ........................................... 71 ........... .................. Ave:;,Oe- fr.=-. St - .......................... Avenue.............................. Dated this... UAt ..day Council File No.......................... 2go8's 20 ........................... 191., V - Councilman. PRELIMINARY 0 R. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo lowing improvement, viz.: Construction of a six-foot cement tile .......... siclewalk on—the West side of Syndicate Avenue fromst ...... C air St reet ................................ . ............ ............ .......... .................. having been presented to the Co. r. No. 1169'-J�b.t ... t. the n whereas. A written proposal form at, of wing improve therefore, be it ki.9 the following improve RESOLVED, That the C '%".tr..tJ0- of . .1. feet ­ge,nt tile Com , dl --t- eby ordered and directed: sidewalk on the west side of Y,`ff ran. f 'tlJefferson ' - the Ave rom St. Clair St. to Jet Ave!. having , ,,,r presented 1. To inveftigate the necessi asimprovement. Connell of the City of St. pool there, t 1 2, To inveftigate the nature,Cm,,h,:r,,,er o! hereof. 1 tore, That the he 1. slon - ement, and the total codt t shy Public Works be and he 1. h.rebY a �d n b in 3. To furnish a plan piolile d doled and dir.e,. th r r y in p rd r c vr ced a. ment c ent, and th To 1.ve t 9. eca.1ty o d rc.� Ing e t� , of r mid gapr-vem�n 'low"or desirability improvement, ----------------------- ............................ J_Provement- th nature, 4. Inv. stigato x 2 To id Im- stim&tod coat of althereof. l-r-.v,nn.dntc and the total "It aor ........... ..... ...... . .... furnish a plan• 'a pro ftate whether or not saji sl'�tch of ""tde ;.t said im- n of three or more owners. an 1. To al a i 1. asked to, an the petition an report upon all of the f� 'o'f`,thr`..' or -or. wnlrl.of,the -mance. 11 f or.90i ?'Too To report pon 11 w matters to the Commiael ... r 0 Adopted by the council.. Finance by the C ... sn April 1, 192a- A—roved April 1, 18 20. Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin F— C A 13 (511 4-17) Approved ............ . . . . . . . . . . Mayor. 9 ........ ........ .............. Council File No .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public iigprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: �.ar�at to .. i -on of_--'-f' a..ai ...foot_...o=ent...t. 1.e .......................__.. sidewalk on the wet tide of F?ie Street from _..........super-ior-Street -to St: 'Glair Streets except -where good and sufficie t �ewalks now exist ...................................................................................................... ..........................._....................................................._._................,-..__.................................. 31st Maich Datedthis.........................day of.................:..........,................................... PRELIMINARY PRDER. A....F WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construction of _a six ..fcot cement the D......... sidewalk on the west side of Erie Street from ............ Street to St. Clair Street; except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. P having been presented to the Council d C F N 2ass9— Abstenet. Ii theref07e, be It Whereas, A written pro cnyrovament eking ofor e f the touowtng ordered and directed: RESOLVED, That the Commissioi vic�atructlon of a tx toot cement tiro from superior st. to st. Ir st., ex- Provement. 1. To investigate the necessity fm sidewalk on the wear arae t rMe t. Copt where good on a belie present- nt, and the total co6t thereof. 2. To inve6tigate th4,pature, exte v,aika now exist, having d to the Council bel It [ the CItY ,of 3t. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or A Pon' therefore, Resolved, That the Commleetoner of -..� Public Works be and he le hereby or" .Ment;......................................................... 3. To c Htiab t fe}{e+ ittg otfreri deiedToatnveetfBnte the eoeaelt" for n or deslrnbillty oP ttie makln6 of se.id .. Improvement. ....... .. .. ....... ... ... --- --- "--- ry, To lnveetiBate the nature, extent aatd 'mprove- and eatnd the sot of f three or more owners. I ate Whether or not Said Im meet, nd the total co91anhe profile or 6 3. To aid Jmpr. furnish a p CG To report upon all of the Foregy ak4to Tofstate whether ornnot said im— { provement le asked for on the petition Adopted by the council ......... Gk -A of three or more -owners. -'--'! 6. To report upon all at the tore6e- In matters to the Commiaeloner of inance. 1920. Yeas: 1 F Adopted by the Council APrtl 1, ril 1. Councilman Farnsworth Approved (April 311920) Goss Approves ._....._ ... ......1929........__...191. _._. Hyland / 1 Keller McColl 4/ Wunderlich........................................ .................................................... Mayor. Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (bid 4-17) Petition The undersigned hereby proposes PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER the -Making of the following publi%�' ...... .. .. ........ ......... - from Avenue . .t .......................................­­............................ ................. Dated this 5113t....day of ...........................7'Z ara Council File No 28 - 9-0 by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Sheridan Avenue rn Avenue. ..................... ............................ ­­­­­ .. ......... . .... . ........... . 1980 PRELIMINARY 0 DE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gonstrudt ion of a. six foot oement ........................... t-ile sidewalk on Both sides of Sheridan Avenue from Belle Avenue t 6' Da7;er11._A1iefiue."'­ ............. . ....... having been presented to the Council of th Ab -t ... t. therefore, be it Wber us. A *rltten Proposal for the, making of the following impro—nic.t,[ RESOLVED, That the Commissioneri wiz.: red of a six feet cries,it-,red and directed: I. To inveftigate the necessity for or � t,iC'.idcw.1- a but. Side. of Sheri- Do, -gement. dan Ave. from Bellevue Avr: to Do,- - Ave., havingbeen presented to the 2. To investigate the nature, extent ai, Con nell ' f the jtY of St. Paul there- d the total cost thereof. I fore, .b' 3. To furnish a plan Resolved, That the C(ua�ub.-km;ro' R profile or sketch .I'll. Works be and he I b r! the nee—ity for t; '-�efUrmbh-tilCutllUawS.g.Oth _dein it I. To 'nv' i dared and directed: or desirability of the rucking of sold Im➢rov0 iiv�atlg.ta the ...,turi�'P­t.,n cu� estimated ..at at re it, and the total Cost thereof, To state whether or not said impro�, "T To fur:n1sh a plan, t' profile Or ref or more owners. I ,ketch of said loopro""',.t aid report upon all of the foregoing 4. To state Whe or or I p,o,h.rm.not 1. asked for on the petit --I of three r in, owner, rr r, s. . report Pon all of the fore Adopted by the council.... OR "igoing matters to the Commissioner of i Finance. by the Council April 1, 1920, Yeas: A'P'' ,rtv1,d April 1. 1920. (April 3-1920) Councilman Farnsworth Coss................ 191.,__ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich ........ ..... --- -- - -- - -- - - -- ------... .... Mayor Irvin_3 Mayor. PUBLISHED C) For. C A Is (Sill 4-17) Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 869 f Mr. Gaton and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propos Gr&nd... Avenue, be4 east 130 feet. -- .................... Dated thi& 5.18t..day of .......:s::.. of the following public i rovement by the City of St. Paul, xiz.: 3zut ion, rela ng and repairing .......... Walk on e* South Side of bert-Streat, thence- - March.................\........_._, 19120 PRELIMINARY ,CMRDR.,_,,,� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Reconstruct ion, relaying and, repairing... the cement t ile sidewalk on the south side of ......Grand. -Avenue,.._ beginning at Albert Street, thence east 13� feet. ................... —j 1C F. No. 28691 a wri itten proposal f`.'cut' th- having been presented to the Coun� t" wing ,prove relaying and "Pat- 'tio. 'I, an therefore, be it the to at 1C unlet, having Albert or breed At", RESOLVED, That the Cooftlnij ';Ibert St-- thence e "the Council of the by ordered and direded: been presented t� therefore, be It 1. To investigate the necessit City of SQ111 ,cfrom Sy`u�i-vrt-- 'improvement. 'e Grading lta�jrtg been of Ave- to rIh991Coc..jI of the Ci 2. To investigate thenature rented t'ht the be It.uualesjoaer.�r meet, and the total cost thereof. St' Paa� therefore, bo hereby 11"ito 'I- be -ad h furnish a pla profile o, Publdle ;�or n ad directed: 1. necessity I -dr dere T� Investigate t xions; of "' Tent:_._......__ .................. . 1. abllitY of the dr�.-,crelrt* ti.ate the nature, cxt`P�' t To invo� ,at of said I.pr.v ........... .................. .......................... ........... -n.ete total Cost thereof. or ,neo, , nlsh pro of three or more owners. T ate whether or not said improve ru're, 'G -Nether %,ruritt aid I!' report upon all of the foregoing matters to, -1 for on the Petl'� Finance. To r ineT f the for' Adopted by the council Yeas: Nit's: Councilman Farnsworth 9A Hyland Approved . .1 4-R, 7— ....... ..... 191 Keller Co', McColl ........... .. IUBLI 0 Wunderlich Ll ;D Mayor. Mayor Irvin For. C A 13 OM 4-17) Council File No.. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following yfiblic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................................................. Constructio,\ pf-p'sjx foot cement ...................... ...... ..... ........................... t.1le sidewalk on...botll 11.4 of Falape-Stre.et A Avenus'�tO n rwood Avenue. venuS'� ............................................................................. ................ :� .................. ...... ..... ... Dated this .31st day of....._...._.March............. 191 PRELIMINARY OFJ)ER�� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construction of a six foot cement tile ejae)RaIXonboth sides of Palace Street ............... from uoalest.er...Avenu.e...t.o ..................... ....................... ............ having been presented to the Council of the C. F. No. 28962Abstract Where". A written P -P08-1 for the , therefore, be it making of the following Improvement %'nstruction of a six foot cement_ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner q tue sidewalk on both s'ed.estof urn�' ,3-"�;and directed: from maca esterb Av 't- 1, I. To investigate the necessity for or ... 'od Ave. having, been t. --ouncil of the tY i I t e, be 5 sn[ 4he total co At thereof. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftira,'Irr ' at the C- I Works be and he is hereby Y", 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said it nd directed: nece-ItY investigate tts,klirg of of ')111ty 0 ;�u`vtestigate the nature. am' - .aid the total cost thor- 1 -pro, ;ctc& cost of 'f plan, prof� ;;91-ftate whether or not said improvement is ask6ldl, emene -�f three or more owners. IrTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council UR —1.119.2.U- 19, Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.. .. . ..... 191 Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich. ....... ..... ................... ............... . : . ...................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. For. C A 19 (SM 4-17) Council File No---------- Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 1 and PRELIMINARY O DER. The undersigned hereby proposes t of the Follow' g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ' Changing he ads of alley in Block 52 Sumiait ]cask A33it3on -om Grott-o Street to 8t. ................. Alhans....8treat....t.o....con.. m...to...the...red_.line..on...the.................................. profile hereto attac and made a part hereof, ............................. t-he...present....establi ..grade... being shown ..by...a... blue line thereon; also re -grading and paving said Dated this....._....31Bt...day-of ........__....... ............far.Q.tJ.................._............ --• 19fa�... Councilman. PRELIMINARY KIR O�DER. / WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o t e ollowing impTov�ement, viz.: Changing the- grade of alley in Block 5, Summit Park Addition, from Grotto Street to St. Albans Stree£ to -conform -to the red line- on the profile- heretoat- taohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade --being shovPn by a Blue line thereon;. also re -grad - ...... 1.ng.._end...p.aYllig...aa1d. e,lley_in. accordance,_ with the said red line when established. having been presented to the Council of the City,of St. Paul by Councilman...._ therefore, be it zssss— Abetenct RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pr'e8H A written °raDn�ovemena dered and diretRed: g of the following mtpr 1. To inveffiigate the necessity for or deP;�sing the grade of aueyfrm vement. e, 6ummit Park Addition, 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent ant.o,,re a line ;nine proals n rei, the ,and the total coot thereof. and. made a Dart hereoehown 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch o(.t established grass being ad oalingt snia oiler to accord- 3 o fwhish thrfollowirlgotherdlfe af;wun the Bald red lme wheh ea- }„„„.nr. ........... clan re -gr the led having beenfPst Paul there- of the City o ........ t �....... ........................................................... d That the Commieetonar �o To Ittate whether or not said improvement l k be and he Is hereby or' hree or more owners. cted: etigate the nacese�t� eId e �To report upon all of the foregoing matters tob y of the making APR -1 1520 ° . gaof old to the -stare, extent 'I Moet s Adopted by the council.._ .... ..... _ ...__ .. ...... f9 etas cost thereofimprove- . a plan. profile or Yeas: provementor -ger not pot, lm- �� on the Detf ll�l._i. Councilman Farnsworth " -1 ' 11920 Goss Approved _..... _........... ... _............. ..........191 Hyland Keller McColl Wunduli........................................................................................... Mayor Irvin Pi TRTMayor. ,TSHED D Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) 0 286+ '-- ,)71 Council File No..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and PRELIMINARY OROtR. The undersigned hereby proposes the k* f the1 11 ng public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: making 0' ond(M , , taking easement in .............................. p#g -;� e liii",'ne­ 0 sary f2toslopes for cruts and fUls _ . .... . 1, ok -5, - Ehimmit Park Additlon,......................_.... -------------------------------in--grad-ing- &1_1 i '? from Grotto Stree to St. Albans Street. .................................................................................... ..... ....... ....... ............................................................................... ......................... ... ...... . .............................. ........................ ............................................... Dated this.. ..day of ................................... Xer--- ................... ................ . 19120 ---------- PRELIMINARY.) WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fok�ng improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts * and fills ............................ In grading alley In Block 5, Summit....P.arX Addition, from Grotto Street to St. Albans Street. .................... ........................ .................. ............. ...................... ............................. ............. .................................... .. C. F. No. 28694— having been presented to the Council oft Where-, A ;Mtlen t.'-p— making of the following hnP,.1`fora`.Le therefore, be it ^, demning and taking RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of the eadl n—.aary for n, " e. f. cd and diredted: land in grading alley In Block "!'!tP ok Addition, 1. To inveaigate the necessity for or des-:SlAia.. st h ment. to the council of the 2. To investigate the nature, extent anddfoThr;, bit ate the commissioner of d thetotal colt thereof. its tea e and he is hereby or- r_t , d: 3. TO furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saidistbrate the y of keceasity far the making of sald WZM=t; astigate the nature, ..t—t .d cost of said i the total cost there ;�.pro,a ...... .......................... ................ u rn so a plan. Profile or ' 'd I'm rov"'ont. ate whether or not said improvement we ther or not said ha hree or More owners. I '— on it,, petition �To report upon all of the foregoing matters- toTthe F. ; ' -1i of the forego. APR —11920 1 -1 -ion -of Adopted by the council.._ .......... ..................................:°:.;:191-:'-,,.i:, . ..... .... Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved __.._.-.19.20..._..191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin ................... ka or. Form C A 13 (5M 4-17) DFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF T9" a c COUNCIL. �(,y` ORDINAN--E- f`'-fO ^ y� ` /v �lV' ! `� — -�- NO . S 2 An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance NO -5139i approved August 160 1919. nac�-gry-lbr }b*-44sevevvat4on, nr-mthe--publi4 peace "health a end-ee�etg. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No.5139r approved August 16+ 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Plasterer an hour X "Carpenter Foreman 92V an hour, "Carpenter SOan hour "Painter Foreman 75� an hour "Painter 70X an hour Y "Sheet Metal Worker SOX an hour "Sheet Metal Worker For em" 90¢ an hour t M 25 Go r y W am boiir aH h66t1' "-u�rr�7 Q�cc er 76 an ho „ V "Plasterer's Foreman //,00 an hour x � { " ter Foreman an hour Y J "'"Reefer Foreman AOZ gn hour "Steam -Fitter Helper ------- --an--hour -�- and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: terer� Not to `exceed $1,12j an hour)' Enter Foreman Not to exceed1,121 an hour v enter Not to exceed 1.00 an hour ter Foreman Not to exceed 1.10 an hour ter Not to exoeed 1.99 an hour x t Metal Worker Not to exceed 1.00 an hour x t Metal Worker Foraten Not to exceed 1.10 an hour's -Haater r-! s' Foreman Not to exceed 11hour x eo to _ ea a, ►,�,,,+ e ter �'-lttnurei - r-- "N9efer•-•P'c�emari-9A�l-an-hour— r'steemNot to exceed wAAheu-r-- steam-F4--�ieigErr- - i�ot-to axae9$--�$ -na-esrhoax'- jf Latham and - he said Section b� adding thereto "Stone naso ,Tile L er �..sa hereby is �urther amended sg ords A�d f igures , 1.37 an Your < 1.37_ _ an 1,37 ep hour ='8b� an htiur at 2, - This or an /�a side rvsvion begin eme�$enoy,="Phgg�� rendered nea a dor pr erva bn o the p bliaace,, / health an saL�it�' G� �y Section L+: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council�64�1 . Appr Yeas Nays Clancy t GOss McColl Powers Wu -de -ll ch Mr. Tresident'.(Ho dgson) sUiiLi-S EW) 5--/—;t0 A TTEgr. �aNh 1.:'gRI C City C, ark. An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919.This is an emergency ord- inance rendered necessar-r for the preservation of the it public peace, h-alth and safety. Y TiM C..UNCL Ud Tu.s CITY OF SAINT PAUL llU i UftliAIN: Section 1. That lection 1 of Ordinance !do. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and ifugres: "4iortar ii.ixer 651 an hour "Plasterer's Tender 651 an hour "Carpenter foreman 9??' an hour "Carpenter 801 an hour "Painter Foreman 751 an hour Painter 70d an hour "Srieet Idetal ",Torker 801 an hour "Sheet Metal �'.orker Foreman 90' an hear "Laborer °'?. PO to "-"4. 00 per day " Foreman, Concrete 8: Labor o $,115.00 t $105. 00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Mortar Mixer Not to exceed 85,Z an hour "Plasterer's Tender Nnt to exceed 85s� an hour "Carpenter Foreman Not to exceed 'iia. l? an hour "Carpenter Not to exceed �$1. uv an hour "Painter Foreman Not to exceed -wl.lu an hour "Painter Not to exceed wl.uO an hour "dh�et ,aetal lGorker root to exceed •$1.U„ an hour "sheet ,ketal "iorher foreman .Not to exceed 1.1:, an hour "Laborer Not to exceed 75c. an hour "Foreman, Concrete & Labor . . .Not to exceed 851! an hour" Section ?. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered ne6essar7. for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Secti,n 3. Tris ordinance shall take effect and be it f,rce immediately upon its passa?e, ap-or,)val and publication. YEAS NAYS C la ncy Farnsworth Goss 1+icColl Poaers 4underIich - Lr. President Adopted by the Cnuncil A.:. rove9 Mayor I � l� � � � f ��� -�� �� '� � �_ -�,. /^ C , .�..�.. � / __,. �`a � w ' � �. '- ..:-----•----� i c ��� ._. � s --� ___..__ _. _.... / 1 � � '� :! / � �� � ------ J q ,,� � , l ,_ �, . d .. -. / t. _. L /f •,L r f J / � z r �-ca ROOMS 008, BOO, 010, 611, 012 RYAN BUILDING sr vnu� em�o�xs BVILDERS EXCHANGE _ ST. PAUL, MINN. April 17,1920. To the Commissioners . of the City of St -Paul - Gentlemen: Our attention has been oalled to the ordinance presented to your bddj by Commissioner Clanoy, establishing wage scales in the oonstruotion lines for the year 1920, under which it is proposed that the following scales shall be paid tommen employed by the City in the callings enumerated: Mortar Mixer .85 Plasterer Foreman $1.371 Plasterer $1.124 Plasterer Ten- . der. .85 Carpenter ° 1.124 Carpenter 1.00 Painter Fore- Sheet Metal man 1.10 Painter 1.00 Foreman 1.10 Sheet Metal 1.00 B3borer .75 Foreman,Con- crete and Laborer, .85 Bricklayer -Stone Mason Foreman 1.374 Bricklayer 1.25 Foreman 1.374 Stone Mason 1.25 Marble Setter Marble Set Foreman 1.374 ter 1.25 Tile Layer Iron Erector Foreman 1.374 Tile Layer 1.00 Foreman 1.25 Iron Erector 1.00 Cement Finisher 1.00 Plumber 1.25 Roofer Fore- Steam Fitter man .90 Steam Fitter 1.00 Helper .60 Lather 1.124 Electrician 1.25 Hoisting En- gineer 1.00 Terrazzo Wor- ker .85 These rates of wages are in many oases excessive and are above the scales agreed upon in many cities of the Country. The various groups of employers within this association have, during the past five months, been negotiating for the establish- ment of a 'fair soale of wages in this City for the year 1920, and have likewise been negotiating for an agreement under which all differences between employers and employees in the oonstruotion lines would be submitted to arbitration and strikes and lookouts made impossible. These negotiations are still on. Rooms BOB, 609, 610. 611. 612 ST PAUL RYAN HUMD.. smLo�s BUIt.DERS EXCHANGE 9T. PAUL, MINN The City of St.Paul empl0yte1,uot to exceed 3J� of the total number of employees in the construction lines in St.Paul. It has been the policy of the City in the past Vo recognize the scales of wages agreed upon and paid by private employers. This rule 1s covered by Section 393 of the City Charter. The adoption of ,be wage scale set out in the ordinance referred to would prejudice the establishment of wages by the employers of 96J% of the employees who are employed by others than the City of St.Paul. Favorable action by your body on this ordinance at this time would not alone affect the employers in the construo- tion lines but to a fax greater extent would concern all of the citizens of St.Paul. It is a well known fact that this Ctty to -day 1s greatly in need of additional housing accommodations, as well as buildings of many other types. Many of these moot needed building projects have already been cancelled. If costs are to continue to mount up, it is reasonable to expect that many other cancellations will follow. The building business gives employment to a greater number of persons than any other industry in St.Paul.. To keep it active is therefore a problem which concerns all citizens. Failure to recognize this fact will not only add to the continued discomfort in the lack of proper housing accommodations but will result in the City gacing the more serious problem of non -employment next Fall and Winter. We therefore ask that the policy heretofore followed by the City in fixing the wage scale of its employees in the construction lines on the basis of the scales recognized by private employers be continued thisiyear, and that no action be taken on the ordinance referred to until such time as the wages have been established by theemployers of 96J� of the employees engaged in the construction lines in this City. Very sincerely, Builders Exchan a of St.Paul, Seore �Z CITY OF sT. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER a 44146,211 .>�/8 AUDITED- CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Inl /a p� FILE Nu........... •�,..•4J� 183 i7 192@ �By..........AUDITED fl .................... 191........ ............................F11 """' ....� ' CITY CJ\SPTROLLER ' PER....................... .................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council .............. -3 1..920.___ ......._......... 191-- -- Farnsworth In favor APR -31920 GossA ed_ ................_........................... "� ........... .... ............ 191.._ .._... Keller (/ Against �� McColl . .......... . Wunderlich MAYOR Ml'l'resident, Hodgson 1765 Charles Kartak, O.F.-Miscellaneous & Unforseen 60.00 ItYOBOLIITIORs..' , 2868 bstract,i Reebl d that '.warrants- _ be drawn : up.n'the Clty, Treasury, Payable out oI;the aer.l.atter specified funds and. Cin favor of the person., firms or cor- poratlons for the amounts set opposite_ their .respective names as-speulfied in the 11.11 owtng ;detailed eI torrent: Charl0 8artalt-, 60.00. - . .Adopted -'by -the Counoi1 Apr. 3, 1920. Approved Apr. 3, 1920. (April' i. ,20)' _ I CITY OF ST. PAUL Total 6'5,097.93 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2156.97 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEO1L No........... Form A A46.211 7-18 18 o� APR3 1920 ............ .... ........ A ....................... IT \iP ROLLER AUDITED .................197. .... PER......... ---- --- ... ........................... -- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted b th on p y....._..__.......AP.R_...—.�3..t92-0--...._.I9I_..--- Clancy �Frorth ._............. In favor Ga..n.sw ved.._ ..........._..GIN ....-` V KellerV _...._..........Against ... _.._...._.__._ .... _............_....._......____.._.._.......__........----...........MAYox ---- McColl Wunderlich I C F.:No. 28697— Mr. president, Hodgson -. Abair.ct., Resolved that arcanfa be,: draw Of, / upon the city TreaeulTY. payable out thehereinafterapec)fled fund and in of the Persone,.,f1 me'.,or corpora -'J for the amougt..5 Bet oyypoeite. " Spec fled 1n tea Live names ollow .:detailed" statement: p. nagortom.91.16A. Farnaworth Comer. of Fluaca17.96.A. FarnswortCom'r. of6.60. A:.Farnsworth, Comer: ut Finance. 8.3t,opted by the Council Alm 9, 1920proved WCqcu tAAM [1 109109.20). 1766 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 21,231.15 Police 1767 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 37,117.98 Fire 1768 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 1,485.50 Pol. & b'. Alarm 1769 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 5,263.30 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 478.33 Health -Adm. 689.17 Vital Statistics 257.50 Food Reg. & Insp. 555.00 Quarantine 1,097.50 Tuberculosis Div. 577.50 Dale St. Infirmary 102.50 i+orkhouse Hospital 125.00 Laboratory 190.00 P. Baths 134.80 P. Comfort Station 155.00 Enf. of Dog Lie, 56.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 845.00 a Total 6'5,097.93 CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER s AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM d I—AAµ.BIO: FILE CIL No..----.- _ 185 rAPR '920 - - .. .................. .._ AUDITED ....._......... ......... ..........1 ... TY �iPTR0LLER REFF. .-.--....�-�!...G...--- ..._--.- 1 TITLE i4 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Co cil.......... _.� .Q_.............._191......— Clancy Farnsworth O In favor A QP� — 1920 191 Goss Keller .. ...............Against • McColl MAYOR Wunderlich - Mr. President, Hodgson [V, xo. 28698— solved thatb werranta'be drawn erein k. epectfledpfact ad eeand In of the persons, firmaorcorpora.. for the'amounte :sat bpposlte respective-name..as specified In ollowing detailed statement:ertean,FeltCompany, j29:07.at Lakes Coa! &DockCompany.43.. L, Hardenbergh, 511.44.stVEleotrlc Co., E102.24.pted by the CunellApr. 3,. 1920. roved Apr. 3, 1920: (Aprn '30-1920) 1770 American Felt Company, 29,07 Fire 1771 Great Lakes Coal & Lock Company, 8,049.43 Schools 1772 P. R. L. Hardenbergh, 11.44 Munic, Gar. Revl. 1773 Wedtern Electric Company, 102,24 Schools Total 8,192.18 ,a ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL 1\ 68 .`�9 • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE �7U�.........SC.r._......._.,� Form A A 18, Y M 7-16 187 APR 3 1920` / -... ..11 .1 TR LER AUDITED ............................................ 19 ....... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays �IPR —ej �........ ..............191.......... Adopted by ncil.............._......_................... Clancy s Farnsworth In favor ove ......._GP({ —..J� .. -- Goss ....... ....._...._........................_._............. Keller _.._.._...._. grans[ MAYOR 7 McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. 28698— Abstract Resolved that warrants b drawn yan the Clty Treasury, payable cut of the hereinafter sDecifled funds-and;ln favor of the Dera" to a. carpora- ca tion. Poi the amopnta set oDPoslte their respective names neepeclfled in the tollowinB staRement: Dirs. (tE.7{26.00. ~ ? APD�dved ADr•e 3C 1920.1. APr.: S, 1920. --(APER- 30 II 1776 Mrs. E. 1"i, Cook, Library Total 25.00 25,00 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER { AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 166 AUDITED....Af"il...`d.....-13t0........... 191..-.... i/y/}J`,�J (I/,�/y�'r/•o]u>TELOLLER PER......... . L......'�G�J................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth ............In favor Goss % Keller v _............... Against McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 1774 S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. of Finance Bureau of Parks 1;34500 It 2,92427 I' 420;85 rounds PlaygPlaygrounds 349.34 558.50 Forestry Revl. 622:50 Election 363:60 Gt. Northern Schools 226:70 It 487:15 It 639:60 Homevroft SohoolBond 34:0) GAltier It It 2,499.59 P. Bld§s. Revl: 13960 7'00 New Bldg. Const. 1'152;32 1775 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance Water C. F. No. 28760— stract. Resolved that warrants he. drawn payable o of upon the City -Treasury, d In, the-;herelnattet'eapeci Arins or�cTporr : 11,770.02 10,882.35 4 COu Y 28 V JL CITY OF ST.' PAUL (/FILE NO ............_........ OFFICE OF THE .CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM \ PRESENTED BY . COMMISSIONER...... ..../'............... .........................-- .-. DATE ........................... __ ........................... RESOLVE .._ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city off•cers are hereby authorized to pay the follow named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment r" 'e for the extra time hereinafter set forth: t. NAME TITLE HOUR-: RATE Or OVERTIME j.. m' John Burke Mortar Mixer 11 Straight Time Ross Freeman Laborer 3 P. A. Peterson,Coincrete & Labor Foreman 3 Erick Steen, Labnrer 3 T. Torson, Laborer 16 " W. .Nilson, Laborer 3 F. 29701--J. r Clancy— ., Whereas The Commissioner of t Park Playgrounds and Public Build= 1 ge has rep rted to the Cannon, acc rdance with Section ss of the Charte City r the .late-cf an em I ergency which rendered necessary the C employment of Cert. emPtoyea 'of his department for more t 0 ell t khours per daY, said emptoyment being ore Shan their usual ,hours of em - i ployment: therefore, be' ft - Resolved,':That'theyroDar cltY . jcars are hereby author as to Day. the. following named amDloyea, at the rate Otherwise fixed for extra e... 0 . cut . for the - rn time '.hereinafter eet.torth; j John Burke, blotter Dfixer,f 31 hours, straight time , Roas Freeman, _ a bouts, "s[rsight Yes ( NO Councilmen ( ) Nays time'. h Pet rson, Concrete and Labor For .-i a hours: straight time. OR —3 1920 Erlek Steen, ..Laborer, 3 hours, ppted by the Council-- ---- Clancy straight time. I __._.. ...........19._.__. To Famsworth labaren as mourn, R —a 1920 atral h time. borer, Approved s CioSS -barer. bAi Il no 1091920) pr. a. 1920. I'. ............_.......... .........19 T. it McColl I Powers – gainst MAYOR. Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 'MR -Is Jd F71 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL�� OFFICE OF THE CITY ERK .`-+ �' a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ., COMMISSIONER..............._....._................................._...._..._..._._........................._._.....__.....__... DATE. _.............._..... .. .................... , �. VED WI-EREAS, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the j Council in accordance with Section 53 of the City Chester, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more then eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, T. --"t the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employe, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth-. NAME Jos. Langenberger, Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl / Powers U Wunderlich Mr. President 3i+.tbM9-19 TITLE NO. HOURS Laborer 18 C. F. No. 28402—By A. Wunderllch— catNtono has reportedThe to.M.ner of the Council E,d n CIt0 c tte . accordance the etetence6of an em ergancy which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of hie Department for more than eight i0ura Der day, aid employment be- �g more tM1an their usual hours of e ployment; u.te rW erefore, belt Resolved, That the proper ,city oRl- followlpghnamedaemployea to the —is fore the .0 t a time hereinafttermset forth. Jos. "a hours* I�borer, 18 lioura. 60e per hour. Adopted by the Council Apr.. 3, 1920. Approved Apr. 3, 1920. (April 30-1920) RATE OF OVERT DI - 502' per hr . R -3 102U Adopted by the Counc19 - APP...1g__.-.._ In favor - - i --Against .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PA� 1�x ca �NO4..,&... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one American Tool Co. Lathe 20" x 8',Identification No. 14532 for the sum of $350.21,from the United States Government,- without overnment,without asking for competitive bids as this is a special offer made by the Government for Educational purposes`. This being a transaction requiring cash in advance, the proper officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of H. Vl. Austin, Purchasing Agent of the City of St.Paul , in the sum above mentioned, charg- ing same to the Equipment item of the School Fund', Yes (%T) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adoptc Farnsworth Goss In favor mcColl Powers D Against Wunderlich W. President FOM 3M9.19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w RESOLVED FILE No ....... f M� `. 7 Wk That the application of Lazarus Bros., for a license to conduct a Pawnshop at 167 E.'7th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee of $125.00 required by law. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Coss .............In favor McColl 1 1 Powers / _......_...Against Wunderlich M. President FOR 3M9.19 Rec®iied all paabove bits connection with above gesoluion Adopted by the Council ...........-APR _192G......_.19--.-..... Approv...........APiZ................. .19.--....._ .....................................__.....✓._............... ................ MA Yeas U), Councilmen (✓) Nags Clancy Farnsworth Goss :..._..In favor v , Keller McColl ..... Against =Wunderlich Adopted by the Con .........................................191...... APR -3 1920 Appro eo ./................ ...191..... Bvze.,; a Apr. 3, 2U.. .. Date Presented '_ ..............................................191....: n Resolved. @'ti0.t the , appltcauph dC Qp,�� Ftoa`t 15.1 reone dor.;a Ylcode9 to AL FORM ' Object: ...........{Y ......... . 11S.1% pot teleC Reatnurahta gt the � lona 7etlpriCttve{v in{I{�atded De and gcl'eerke s horla�ee"snd alrc rF` _...... 2.._ •9UB BUCK Il h689 t0 9 d pN COUNGL zao pgympgt of th ice "LE NO: -.................. P ..... hr {IS. Rr? A Yeas U), Councilmen (✓) Nags Clancy Farnsworth Goss :..._..In favor v , Keller McColl ..... Against =Wunderlich Adopted by the Con .........................................191...... APR -3 1920 Appro eo ./................ ...191..... Bvze.,; a Apr. 3, 2U.. .. Date Presented '_ ..............................................191....: n Resolved. That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants a the locations reg-nso tively indicated be and the tQale<exe hereby granted'.and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue: such licenses to said persons upon the payment by law. of the fee as required NIAMR, OF APPLICAITT' HOTEL Oil"RrSTAUR11P?T:' LOCATIOi?, Ge6..H. Franks, V7m`.`, Restaurant, 554 V'labasha, E. Coffaa, Restaurant, 562 Wabasha, Johnson arcs. Boardinghouse,_ 2327 Charles St., Peter Battista, Restaurant, 699 E. ??in.nehaha, Mrs. Geo. Davidson, Restaurant, 93 E.. 6th, Ernest W Pearson Koutsorpos 8: Kon�os, Restaurant, Restaurant, _ 359 1'iabasha-, ._ - Jenni'igs Hotel, 450-Mroadiv y, 473 labaeha, James Sun?:urg, Clarence Shenk, Restaurant, 393 Robert St., Vim, Ostrom, Restaurant, Restaurant, 780 17abaslaa, 854 Raygiond, 193:;. Catherine Bell, Restaurant, 368 !Uinnesota, Tiaycue Gale, Reataursint 146 W. 7th, Roth Hotel Co'., St',' Paul Hotel, 5th & St. Peter, Yeas U), Councilmen (✓) Nags Clancy Farnsworth Goss :..._..In favor v , Keller McColl ..... Against =Wunderlich Adopted by the Con .........................................191...... APR -3 1920 Appro eo ./................ ...191..... PRESENTED BY RESOLVED. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AIS COUNCIL FILE No That there is hereby appropriated out of the Officers Attending Convent b ns Item of the General Fund, the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed to defray the necessary expenses of a delegate while attending the Convention of International Association of Policewomen to be held at New Orleans, La,, April 11 to.21, 1920. Expenditures to be accounted for on properly certified vouchers. 1 C. _)• tia.')2s7us r-svxenry nr�� „-:.;:I Yes (d)/CCollouncimen (✓) Nays fiiancy P/ worth oss ccoll Powers 7 �Wunder(ich i Air. President FORM 3MJ-19 PRESENTED H RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO........AeU— 1 �.. Y� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Thal permission be and the same is herebi granted to the willys-Overland, Inc., for the storage of ten thousand (10,000) gallons of gasoline, in tanks to be placed underground, inside the property line, located at Eustis Street and University Ave. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety, and that such storage tanks be in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St. Paul. That the Co mpissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the above storage. Yes (d) l~ouncim en (J) Nays Yancy I/ Ft'rnsworth ,/,Goss '' r�VlcColl O } powers H underlich . President M 3119.19 Adopted by the Council ...._GFR. -5..192.0 ............... 19 Approv ..................._GNR....-5..19.2{1.........19..------- ...........In favor Against /.. !'y'Y."...v..-.... MAYOR 8'70 b r CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEecu 2NO................_. 7,m "4_101 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "'r r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......y.................................................................................................... DATE JLW.il 5,.1.92.0... � o RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the 'contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor and material and installing complete an ornamental street lighting system on University Avenue from the weat:line of Rive street to the east line of Emerald Avenue to the Electric Construction Company for the sum of $109,000.-00, 1n accordance with plane, specifications and blue prints hereto attached, and the Corporation Qounsel is hereby authorized to draw up proper'form of contract therefore. Charge Per. Imp. Rev.Fund. F.B.2207. Yes (d) Councilmen ( J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss .............:.In favor McColl Powers T Against Wunderlich (� Mr. President 9M9.19 CORneeived a17 Rers soeotion, mi.thpabove 1t1 APR —5 1920 Adopted by the Council _............. ...............................I9......... PR —5 1920 Approved..............:..................................:.........I9......... �...�aF...? .... . MI1Y09 Dated this ..---....'3Q.. ....... day 19$0..... Councilman PRELIMINARY �.,(¢ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of t e fo lowing nnprovement.viz.: ....... ..Gohstmot#on: of...a...al-r- foot..:.Oement.:...._. .....::. ...................................... tile ...sidewalk -.On-- the. .north. .-side ...o.f -Topping , having been presented to the Council of th therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner 1. To invenigate the necessity. for m 2.' To investigate the nature, extent 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sket( c R T.. a.__• ........................................................ ....... ..._.... .... dtate whether or not said fm To report upon all of the forego' Adopted by the council.--.. GPR -5..y Was: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl U Wunderlich eyor Irvin Approv :red and directed: cement. and the total cot thereof. or more owners. ........... 191 n,.o CA is c,m 44 7- ,:l R Council File No.... GHQ Q Ll Mr. GatosPROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT GO r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following P 6c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ting,....r aging:..and...repairing ................................ the sidew on the ouch ode of Fourteenth Street, beginning at•�--3aOkson-- r-e , thenae west 100 Yaet; ................. or more particularly d_- ibed as in front of Lot 7, BYocTs 2, itandall� s '1�ddi on to tfis City of St'. Faul: ..............................3d........................................................................ Datedthis ..........................day of....................... ..... ....... ...P. Til...... ..............._19$0..... Councilman. PRELINARY"��r WHEREAS, .A written proposal for the inking impm i,.- Re.aonat ating,. re.�,aying...and_.repairi.ng. ._• ........_ the sidewalk on the south side of Fourteenth Street, .................. ........... beginning at Jackson--.. Street,. thence-west 100 _feet;- ... .....- ....... or more particularly described as in front of Lot 7, _...................._ .... Block...S.�...gandallre...A333t3on"to tfie...City...or..St.,....paui.�................. ....... .. ..... ............... .. C F •No 26711 2 .... ......... ......... having been presented to the Council of ah p atraot+ ....... .... .. Wheraea A written Pr m eovemanp therefore, be it maxtng of fhe Jouowin6 } ,v. ale.: r ring, trn five'; relaYlnBthen eoliih'.. RESOLVED, That the Commission patd'n6 the •slaewatx ° beginntuB aq ered and directed: aide of Fourteen,Eh BG at iQ0 :tent oL_ Jackson fit.'. thenco roe 1. To invedtigate the necessity for .=„ora parndularly deaoribea as la, vement. rront'ot tat r docks 8andnit a and the total coot thereof. 2. To inveltigate the nature, erten ditegnpreeentsd1to tha C°sq �l qt iced City=p€Bt. Paul thererore, he ii 3. To furnish a plan, profile or ske ,S$eotvea, That'the Oommt4,loner 0 PuplloWbtice be. and he to dared, and directed ................................................ • .1.?:To fnveetlgata the aklnB'01 a0,. qr deelsrC§lltty of tpe� m hfaprovemeA -i ............................ .............................. _ ................ .. g ^fip fndeetlgate ti[a nature extent .: o.9tate whether or not said im and gsttpistad octet at eald'ifipr0ve meltt:,,and"Nrnl' Eta as D 0, �pa proille or, ee or more owners. �. To report upon all of the foregoi 'bks ehr4i p tom; ti t°h;° oe noc gahi Sm yrvYemgnt le' sskell for On the petltlbn; of threa.pr }1WS,e othpvrs o['the rota 4_ a.;$ tSb xborL u8o 6j} Adopted by`the council:. ........�PR Yeas: Rotne`4., dere"[o the Cq�mlee[Jndr at. �.AdaoDra by Lh4 CounNl ADr 6 1820 ((�� t1 • _ APprOWeAPe $,181�0)�' Councilman Fernaworth (nprn 18 Goss Approved....a 191...:-... Hyland. Keller 0 McColl �/ Wunderlich .... "-"'........................ Mayor .Irvin Mayor. Borm de is tact e-iri 4sfi io'ot�188tY�a1ijlrpprt$tWf$-the sum o! �}' ,. � 9'ohrx 8undreQ� Do}18r� to-maeC thy -tpxbee 9L InetAllEnB-a .eeLetp S , '� (p inp}etoat-�thge e stetlY Inta�� e'9treet. wlth'Pi_Ix^" Counct File No. -�2 6�t Or No. v An Ordinance appropriating the sum of Four Hundred Dollars to meet the expense of installing a safety isle, complete, at the westerly intersection of Case Street with Payne Avenue. This is an emergency Ordi anae rendered necessary for the preser- vation of-. a public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Paving Street Intersections Account of the General Fund the sum ofFour Hundred Dollars ($400.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet the cost of installing a safety isle, complete, at the westerly intersection of Case Street with Payne Avenue; and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and instructed to do the work of installing said safety isle by Force Account. SECTION $ This is an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council 1930. Yeas: a Nays: Councilman Clancy l Vaymewev6h Approved .?:7/VT. 1920 Goss McColl Powers .. Wunderlich • • • • Mayor--HodgsonFUMISMD T mayor 1 qua HEE r. - CITY OF 9T. PAVL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 6riealA�t fA t-18 � 28'77 COuscm No ............ ........ FILE 7��q� 191.. .... C 03 ROLLER AUDITED .��._�.. XI2V---....._ 193 - ...... .................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: P.rmAAle,tN 7•IB CITY OF ST.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 192�+" ' AUDITED APR ....................... 28714 COUNCIL FILP11\ 0.. .............__................. PER....5..:.'�._'�..V....4./..�- :-.:............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ') Nays Adopted by the Council...........:h.:.l ..._._ . r:.:. Clancy Farnsworth Approved R....-�' 1920 .. 191___._ _.........__.In favor. PP -........_......._...._..._. _. Goss Keller ........... Against __.._.._.......... _.......... _........ --..... ------...... _...................... _................................. _ MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 1797 S. A. Farnsworth, 0om'r. of Finance 5,204,97 Schools _\ . 5,063,47 Great Northern Schools 141.50 5,4.97 C. F Nol,2871 -. Abstract: on: th .. that warrants aY -drawn upon t3ereiaf er. specr .ysYads :tut. of..the hereinafter apeciiled fund, and n;or of ;the Persons, arms or not-. 'psratlopa for -the amounts. set oppposite thst 7reapectiYe•names na spectded fa the' Its In .detailed statement: S A. Farnsworth Com'r, jot Firanee.: Adopted bq the Counctl._Apr 8 1950, - .Approved ^ADr 8 19800."t _tgyril 18 14E0) 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �'Qryq AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECrL No ............ ........... .......... .: Fona9 A46, 2117-.a 190 • APR 6 1920 AUDITED..........................................19 ...-... ........................ _.................................. IER PER........................... ............................. ............. TITLE h Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the _ persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement,: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ' APR —6 I920__—._191_._._._ Clancy Farnsworth Approved ...................... .... . 141 _ Goss C F: No 28716-' Kellet Resolved th tbwarrantB;.be drawn -- upon the City :Treasury, parable out_of: - MAYOR McColl thehereipafter: specified funds and: in favor of the persona, firms or corpora- amonnte set opposite Wunderlich tions for the , �theit respective._ names as-epecifted.in - Mr. President, Hodgson the -following detailed statement: g Oeo. C.-Rinder, $26.96- . ..Capital City. Lumber Co., $64.84. Dreher, Deputy Co er. of Ed- .26 uucatfon, E24: Topher$ LSme:- & Cement co - $$M taandler Bros., $70.69. - Manhattan Oil '& Linseed Company. ;376:02: - --- ' Menton A84061atlon, $34:44. - ' A. F. Mortonjupt., $169.60 N.. , W Elebtric EQnlpinOnt Co-, $77: P67. . atterson Street Lighting Company{ 59: S'3 . Spencer ' $3.'2 y, $102.66. ' $220 - Alex Warren, Ale -.Adopted Supply Co $68A2. - Adopted 11 file Council:Apr. 6, 1920., i ' Approved ADrc 6, 1920. (April 10-1920) 1783 Geo. C. Binder, 26.95 Schools 16.17 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 10.78 1784 Capital City Lumber Company, 64.84 Playgrounds 1785 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Com'r. of Education 24.25 Schools 1786 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 233.00 Schools 63.00 Parks 127.50 New Bldg. Uohet. 42.50 X . 0 1787 Maendler Brothers, 70.59 Schools 1788 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company, 376.02 Police 8.33 Munic. Gar. Revl. 173.76 " 100.61 Workhouse 2.74 Schools 24.50 " 11.03 " Library 2.10' Parks 48.00 :k> New Bldg. Const. 4.95 fey 1 „e Res. 190 Page #2 1789 Mentor Association, 34.44 Library - 1790 A. F. Morton, Supt., 159.50 Auditorium 1791 N. V1. Eleettle Equipment Company, 77.67 Quarantine - .56 P uomf6rt Station 7.93 Munic.;Gar. Revl. 29.36 n 39.82. —77. i ff 1792 Patterson Street Lighting Company, 5,188.03 Lighting 1793 S. S. Spencer Company, 102'.65 Sohools 1794 Alex Warren, 3.20 Com'r. of Finance 1795 Western Supply Company, 68.02 S' '& S. Oing. .96 Workhouse 13.40 Schools 23.91 29.75 'dotal 6,429,16 i `-CITY OF -'ST. PAUL COUNCIL„RESC3LUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject .._..... _............................................. a �t -f "-11!,112 10U �1L 6 .. rite NO. ........ 2$171 .. ...... ..................... .....:.. ...... .......,. 1 rt n. - .. 11-. Date Presented .......................... ........_--.................. 1.91.:... Resolved, That the City Cleric be', and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license to A. L. Brown, to conduct a motion nioture_theatre at 340 past 7th.st. That said A•'L.Brown pay into the City Treasury a license Zee o! one hundred dip l c�r� - wIIiog is the «ustowary, :amount for said lioonse Yor said mot on,pioture theatre_Spictures onlg) o is periost of -nae 76"-T7C6ti— the issuance of said i ioa ise That said license shall bot be issued or bacomo offeotive until building has become fully completed and until Paid A•L.Brown has procured from the Corcmissiones of Public Buildings his oerti,tioath that Ue said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given thereiA are in 9611 raepeots;ia oof pliance Frith the Building Code of the City Of St -Paul had has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - APR —6 1929 Adopted by tygC pncil ...._..................... 191:..... Clancy Farnsworth Goss A p ed.........::..f�(2�- 191...., Keller - McColl _....... Against` .: MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson POR- C. A. 9 3M 12-18 �. 2871 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...-�. - ................... — r_- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...constructing,_a--cement---tile--sidewalk,--_six feet--Elide-,-_.on, the north ---sid.e-..of...C-exrtrA1...AVjPnUeDMA aB--.Avemue.,.... exnapt.-.Ahera •.................................................. a - ------------------- -- ---------_...... - .......----------- - - - -- - ....-----...------- --- ------....... -----.......--- - --- ......--...........---- - ........ under Preliminary Order....25848 ........................ approved ....--.Ju1y--17th-z---1C19-.---------- ._-------------- Intermediary Order --- --........ -__.- -;,: r................. .......... ......................... A public hearing having been had `< sixwa onnans :m due notice, and the Council having heard. all persons, objections a —'' eto, and having fully consid- ;:_, �F N 3a717—Hy 8. A-Farnawor[h�- ered the same; therefore, be it , �tatcar of aonstracfing a 'e. sidewalk, .at all wlde,: oSt RESOLVED, By the Council of the City',,of, : Adm AV to a Dame �nccise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City's 19..Qa�tl-rLl-ct-- a -_cement ---ti-] e_-ai evfall�.X _s -ix -_-f amide-,-_on--the- north-_side--_of---Central -; o-iiue, from Lexington Avenue to D..unlall..AVP,IMe-,.--QXQ-ept._yMe- e---good--and--.sufficient---sidevralks-,sort---e ............. - .... -- ..........-......---.....------........... -- --....----- - --- -- .......--- ..........------ --- ....... - ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...__. ..Gf.R -� I9P0 - - - ...-.... , 191-....... ............................. .. ..i- .h City Clerk. Approved..............GPk---� ............. 191.--... �� Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLISBED C/ Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Ix Pourers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v7 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE `140 ON PRELIMI'Q'nY ORDER (D)'". --- ---- s, In the matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk 6 feet wide on the North Aide of Central avenue from Lexington avenue to Dui3 a -n atenue- s - under Preliminary Order approved July 17th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost per/iloot for the above improvement is $ -70 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 3 F. t4. Hoyt Is Rearrangement 445C. of Lots 25, 26, & 27 Hall I 5 3 and Brown's Addition to 40 Hyde Park. - 6 3 Do S 3 Do I 9 3 Do qp 11 3 Do !13 3 Do -- 14 3 DO C� 15 3 Do I 16 3 Do TOTAL. 5d I4 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of finance. �': " x �+� s ,}' �� �'€ ;., _ � �\\,� M, M - eve 14 �9 Office of the Commiasip-ner of Public W� ctVED 3 Report to Commissioner -of -Finance t}JJpV 15 �1"19 November 18th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._2b848 ---- approved-- July 17th,- --191 9-, relative to oonstruoting a oement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- eide of Central Avenue, from Lexington Avenue -to Dunlap Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 70V per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made- a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of x'8718 COUNCIL FI....------------------ By V - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._Q.0=.tructiT1Z a--_ cement ...t.ilo...u-ide tmllc.,.-.s.ix..iaat_:iirle.,---nn..the s011t. ..Side Q. -f- - HYA.Q1AtJ1_ - _15. tmat Zro M_,4,LQndot Strg_q�t 1p ---.2tro_Q.t.,--.eicpept where...gaod...and-suffAzient..si.dermlks---now....e,:iat...... ----------------..--....---...............------................ ..............-=.................................. ........ ----....... under Preliminary Order ----.---_27276----------------- ---------- approved ----------------- c F Nu•fffil-§ R A- naw Intermediary Order -----------------------------------------------i t ee a,d twat.= s`i : alit tWtae :o Me ------ - --------------------------- A ----------- -- ------- cp;.atao o= nya tach street zrom: a notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon xe nota acreot ,co >• o c acreeq Dt:. her soon and .Ur i rot having heard all persons, objections and rd to waixs now ext 4 m dot rre- and having fully consid ti 1 ary Order 27276 aDDroved No-. ered the same; therefore, be it taxa. 4 -tiTtc hen iaq. Having been had RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of t- " d1 +TMD ovemane opo, ture, extent and kind of atnsu d 9,. .,, improvement to be made by the said,City is...Constrttc%_-a_Y�Yit_-- :til e- Sid erJajdSet wide-,--.on...the-south-. side__.of--Hyacinth-_Street---.firom..Itiendot a.. Street -..to -_Forest Street-,-..esce.Pt-..where---good-_and-_sufficient__ sidewalks .-novK_.exist.-___--------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications' for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with -the making of said"improve ent in accordance therewith. GPR15't Adopted by the Council .................... .-------------------- ------.., 191....---- �✓1te. City Clerk. y APR -6 192U Approved.. ------.-- .-- ......... 191 ................................. � Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth L'UBLIS Councilman Goss 0d a O / Councilman Clancy 10 Councilman I Powers Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 _.__..-....._........_................ ......................................-..............-......_..._....................- under Preliminary Order approved .-_November 15h, 1919. ................ ......... ...... .._........... _........ ..... ............... ...-............................ . _................................ ._.............................. ..._.............. _.................. _._ ................. ......... _........... _... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is$........................................................... front The estimated cost pep'foot for the above improvement is $.......7Q .............................................. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ii DESCRIPTION !LOT �LOOKj ADDITION ASSESSED it VALUATION !i The North 655 feet of the" 50 feet )!_450, SR.f II of the SVJ '- of S@7 of S 218tT129, 22t(Ex."Str6ets) ) 13 3 J. A. & w. Pd. Steee A dd. 925 12 3 Do 125 11 3 Do 125 _ 10 3 Do _ 125 9 . 3_ Do. _ 300. D4_. r _7 ! 3. ': i D°- _ _.'. __._.-125 - 6 3 Do �. TOTAL, ISI I CITY,r W. PAUL DEPARTMWtOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS19NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 15RdER f DESC,ftIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION 5 3 ii J. A. & W. M. S toes Add.. 4 3 Do North of 1, 2 and 3 3 Do ASSESSED VALUATION 125 100 1025 ___------------------------ - -- --- - -- 4675. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ��_ Dated— - — — 191.Ue�_� i-- Commissioner of Finance. 4 /.i /6 /7 /8 j /y zo z/ 22 23 zy 25', 2G h O , A/ M. /Q 7 ti T3 A/Y,vc tLfO•). Yi:1h. Lu..�Y':3w ox.. l"^ 1^": :IT to U'1 M"--.v�;a k Y•'": -"t--. "+mak �.'.:X d .':-. _ .. zet+ Q�EOUGH i _./d. Celli e✓ r COUNCIL F E N....... ..................... /, _ By.........: :.....t....�rr... r_ ��r ✓ ........ FINAL ORDER s 287 In the Matter ofrepair-ing...cement...ti-le- side- walks.._on...Pierce.._Street_,--west...side_,__.beg inning_. at---Selby._AveP34- south ue,-. thence.._.... south..115-feet, by six feet. .......................................... ................. .. ................. . .. ........ under Preliminary Order ------2.7.208----------------------------- approved ---------- No.V.elab—or --7.x...1919. ...... ................ IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved ................................................................ .. - - A public hearing having been had upo c. s. -Nu. 28719-13 'ten due notice, and the Council In the .3foner of sc a8ttrugt iff, rT-�and having fully--consid- rth having heard all persons, objections and r laying dna repairing cement'.ule Bred the same; therefore, be it elaewallce zn- gl, _c '--Street. uveae; aide,.'h g at .Selby:: Avenue,. t"� ; us feet, by•aix feet, ture, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council of the Clt Jz SP. P a' -maty ,order z78o8 ap__ s tuber alag having been "" improvement to be made by the said City is._...re.aa mprovemeat.upon ane 1d ---repair -.-cemen-.. _. tv„Oe^.gtL,havinat 6 heard on on, tile.--sideua.11cs.--on...Pierne-..Stre.et-,._lzest...si a eAn at..Belby..Avznue., thences.nuth...27.5... eet.,...by..s.a ...deet.............................................. '....... ......... ....................... ....._.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit” same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. GNR —� I �..,u:.. Adopted by the Council_.........................._......SCU_......., 191........ a �r (( � City Clerk{,,. Approved...............GNR —fi I9`[0............., 191.... - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman 1 Porters Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 / Mayor. PUB ISHLD _ CITY OR ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT Ow FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS06MER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved i,az To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost perfff6ot for the above improvement is ' $ .07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r r , TOTAL Jf!4j L_- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner ofFin.uoe. Form: B.n.1a Office of the Commissioner of Public Woto O D; ;3,� Report to Commissioner of Finance �` z NOV 151419 November 14th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as -Council File No._27208 approved__ November 7th, 1919_, relative to _______ reoonstruotingt relaying_ and repairing oement Ule sidewalks on __ ____ Bieroe Street, west side, beginning at_S�lb�_Avenue. e _theno______________ 86iith 116_ feet t_ by sis feet ---------- and.baving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --- ____--- necessary and (or) desirable. 7 per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ____________________________'------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is____ not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of 28 720 COUNCIL FILE NO. ........................... /I FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-...re.c-onstr-ucting.,...r-elaying-.-and..r--e.pairing-.sidevialk,---ll.. feet wide.,.-_on...the---north...a d.s of..Haat...Seventh.-S.txeet_ ram...the...eaa-t o-nd... of...the Se,r-enth--Sheet...Br-idge.,...thence...Eas_ ...tQ-.-as.t-..line....of---lnndward..Avenue„----------- -- - -- ----------- ---------- - - - under Preliminary Order .........25849.......................... approved .__.:11th.'Z---17-.,..-1919................................. :—! IntermediaryOrder ............................................. A4"............................... ---.......... A, public hearing having been had upop, the m tte� ofB ¢eons&notmg'te,&Y ing and repatrtng�-eldewalk 11 teen 1llle IIOtlee, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and r wide, det nsthe nb�l treeU from thedeasCle d of �, and having fully consid- the seventh Street Brtdgward- ered the same; therefore, be it E<<t to saet a 10, of mooedd ❑minat'Y order 86649 ap- RESOLVED, By the Council of the Ci i} o gt i i sa, , 916 nature, extent and kind of `improvement to be made by the said City is.. reconstruct-: relay._Ana the---north--side---of.... Last--_SeventhStreet-_£rom--the--_east--_end of --.-t he...Seventh.-Street...Bridge.-,-:_thence...East.._t.o...Eas-t...Lina...of--.1TQ-odr_ar-d-.---------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil. for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council52t1.........., � ^1 c � !i` GP -1 I_ y --ty, --- -- --....- - CiClerk.-- GPR —6 1920 ...____1 191..... -- Approved...._-..._......-._............... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss „\ Councilman Clancy v Councilman Hdbm Porters ftme"Iffil me" Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 i PUBLISHED Z" —l6 � D Mayor. CITY AUL' DEPARTMENT F FINANCE 1 —REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)--- — -- --- In the matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing sidewalks 11 feet aide on the North Side of East 7th street from East End of the 7th Street Bridge thence East to East line of Woodward avenue, Ip under Preliminary Order approved July 17th, 1919 1 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ s'qua're The estimated cost pei /foot for the above improvement is $ .70 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION !LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION 10 11 Brunson's Addition 20 DO 0 12_. 11 _ _ Do - __. - 95�Q __.... Wes -t.20.57. feet of _ 4 12 Do_ 2 -- -'--- 20.5.7. feet 4 12.!. Do - 7i _3 .12 N.ly Do;_..9 ff_C a -- i I - TOTAL. 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated law— Commissionerof Finance. _ a. Is Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo cEivF_ C, Report to Commissioner of Finance \� P i , i�(1V 1.F 111!1 November 13th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 25849 approved July 17th, _191__ 9 relative to the Council, known as Council File No.__ ----- _____a ____ reoonstruating, relaying and repairing sidewalk, 11 feet wide,.on _ the north _aide _oi 3sest_ Se_v_ent�h_teet_ fr9m_th�__@a�Rt_ @ns�_o_th@_________ :. J -1.Q_Oi_➢QAodS¢arll_A4eAllea.______ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improveme t is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 77 per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $____-_______- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi sioner ublic Wor I 2872 COUNCIL F-LLEO�—..................... By.- .... A.....: �'✓1r1✓i-------- FINAL ORDER .tjng,-rlayip-_cement_-tile--side- In the Matterof.re-c.oxlstxuGnr walks at following locations: Water Street, north side, beginning at South t`tabasha Street, tFienae east 166 feet�'by"six "feet; Rice Street; gyres s'_ e, from--Atwater--8tr-eat...t.o...Zytosx..Place,.._eaght..-- set._ ids-x-_Edmund-.-StreEt.....south side, from Western Avenue to Virginia, six -feet gide; Edmund Street, south ------- - -- --------------- -- ,------- --- -- -- ----- ----- -- ----- ............. ----_ ----'-- .. - side, beginning at Virginia Street, thence east 102 feet 1by six -feet; Smith lveriue; east sides 52g iM=8 at fifth Street then' e north 6.O fee by...e ght::.feet-.wJAe.........--------- - ......------- ..-..----- - ........----......-- ---.--------------•---------......-- under Preliminary Order................27209 ................... approved November . 7, 191%, ...... -: --• 'u C. F. No.;2H721=8y S: -k Farnsworth Intermediary Order........ ....:. m the Metter of reconstructing, re ----------------------------------------------- - ;' - ----- - -- - 'Jay4ng'-and repairing' cement- the A t7S)achearing having been had u sidewalks at following -locations due notice, and the Council - Water street, north side, beginning. . -- A at south Wabasha:. Street, ., thence. j� and having fully consid- havmgeard all persons, objections an east Iso feet, by siz feet. Rice ered the same; therefore, be it west e�de, from Atwater sires . i Lytonmond - Place, eight" feet front RESOLVED, By the Council of the �t "n aA en a sio virgthifrom lecise nature, extent and kind of .o -v7. -1°i i.P' Edmund. -F-0 - :y let:�nii 1 improvement to be made by the said City isrelayr-a.Pair..-c.ezaezxt.--tile sidewalks at following locations: plater Street, north side, beginning at - ---!......... .................. ........----..........----- ....-- f- - .......- .-.... South iabasha Street, thnce east 160 feet; liy's x feet; Rice nlr-6 , west --- side.,...from-.Atriat-er...Street---tD---Lyton--.Place.,-..aight---f eet _wide -,-Edmund. Street, south side, from Western Avenue to Virginia, six feet wide; Edmund - .... --- ---..................... - -- - ....----... ..._.... --- .... -... --- ---- ...._..... ............. . ------ .... ---- ... ---............. • Street, south side, beginning at Virginia Street, thence east 102 feet by six fetyt; Smith Avenuu; east side, beginni-ng--at Fifth Street -thence --north 60...feat..by... eight ..£.eet...171do............ ................................................ .........-------.....................-......... ............................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to -be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil`for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._.._...G-PR..-6..192................ 191.....-.- yf ���� t 1 11 ._..--------------------- -- ---U `" = -� ' ` {' 4 -- "� t Citv Clerk. APR —6 102U Approved-------------- --- --- ---------------------- 191........ %� t .................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth // Councilman Goss %1 / Councilman Clancy Councilman Ree Powers Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 REPORT OF COMMISSIMER OF?FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDERS In the Matter of _....�%@_C.R.t1Q .� 1�.Q.t..�. g«..._.T .� sby f Xlf�'.__can d_......repa.i.r.in$ .-"ment..._t at the following locations: Water street, N.S. beginning at S. Wabasha street ........ thence ....Eas.t_....1.6.0........e.et....:_w.,..Bi.ae.,s.t.r..set..... West _...s.i.de...- roza...A.twat.er At.r.eet._.. to Lyton Place, Edmund Street S.S. from Western avenue to Virginia avenue E.dmund.... street ...._5....5.......b.eginning....at..__Yixgini.a...s.t.r.e.et.:....th.eno..e.21.4-a.t......1.0.2.....f..e.et......... unr�. tk� avenue, E.S. beginning at 5th street, thence South 60 feet, underPreliminary Order approved7th 1919. ....... ....................._................................_..............................._:......._._.._......._............_...__......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total.estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$........_...._.... .................................. _:.. square The estimated cost pe/foot for'the above improvement is$._..._.07......................... _... _._...... The lots or parcels of Iand that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT �LOCK� ADDITION '1- VALUATION - 1_. 4 _ A _.-.Robertson's. Addition 3 17100 it .._ _ _ AA): Do .,,. i3 2 A Do it 3400 1 A 31 Do _.. .. �! Ex—Rice. & A .twat.er__.Sts.;_ an✓i Ex'.. 5.292-.:60 feet of the N. ' 34650 _ of S.E.J of S.E.-J of S.25. T.P.9, R. 23, Commencing at a point ti 1Pa�a011eleto t X, from n0 Of N.r 11 thenceeW SKI hnce on the West 1150 SycamorehStreetils9�+ Easlt_.to ne, feet V J.._. j --thexice-.North-_115__feet t he 115 feet �Tort�i a point of; of beginning in :� 1�$5C, of Rice street, of --S,- 25,__.T... 29, .-Range 231. point 1I I _..__ ' _t?, W. 33 feet of 6 and _ 7 9 Warren &Rice s Addit ° 2300 t 1000' i TOTAL. GO II, I - j ;� Form B, H 10 --�-- Gam_ REPORT OF COMMISM11111WER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C DESCRIPTION LOT I pLOCKI ' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 9 Warren & Rice's A dd. 5200 0 10 9 i Do 4200. , 7 '10 Do 6500 8 '10 Do 1000 West of 9 '10 Do ` 1700 6 55 Rice L Irvine's Addition 96300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Conmmmiissioner of Public Works Dated --� - — --- -19Y -- ���� --=-� - - Commissioner of Finance. roeM es.w. e•e c clTr bE'AART - REPORT OF COMMIS ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION VALUATION I j 9 9 Warren & Rice's A dd. 5200 10 ! 9 Do 4200 7 ;10 Do 6500 I 8 '10 Do 1000 West of 9 I10 ,', Do 1700 u 6 55 Rice & Irvine's Addition „ 96300. Ii it a ii ii I� i! It - - l it i , I 18$�QO The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n � v Dated-- — — 19Y-- ----iyG----= Commissioner of Finance. r RM B.S.A. a -n c YMAl Office of the Commissibner of Public Workv 1' ' x u •u 4. 3 ct1� -y 53 Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov 15 1119. - - November 14thy-- .j To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: r The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 2720—-_-app'roved_ November -- 7th, 191_ 9 , relative to refoustructing relaying and repairing cement the sidewalk at fallowing looatjono: Watsl-St: � `1�. S: ; t eginIl171g -at'3Zis�P&tssslra- St � ; - CiIsii68--6a�E'260'� 6'----- Rice St.,_W.S., from Atwater St. to cyton Place, 8' wide. ctmgad -St:�- 3:3r, from--Weatern-Ave--to=-Virginia--Ave: -f `W-Ife------------- Miund 8t., $.S., beginning at Virginia, Ave., thetoe east 102 ' x 6' Bmith-A4a..,_E._-B.-,_bsgimning_.at_-Eifth-.S.t,i -then¢e_north._60-!-u_8_'_._____- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 7per square foot, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $--__-_--_-__, and the 'nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- '3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and madera part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --A - ------ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvemen --G�//--_�-------- --------- - 'sem'----- Com sinner b�.P is Works. -h► 4-. CITY OF ST. PAUL - "`""" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Qg AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F°� c3L Na........ 28? 722 ` PormA A�8,2N 1-18 194 All- APR X92- - ----------------...... ... y.......Ro E -..-..... E . .. -- AUDITED ............................................ 19 -Cl . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the' persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their reslive names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V )r,thbheielnaiter 14o:-28722-- - •� Abstract- w f Adopted by the Council .....__...._uPk ,be draws pClancy e City Treasury.�D6Yeblo otofG�II iI9LU speol9ed-funds and tn.Farnsworth f the persona, firma or corpora- 191_=_ __.oY�.fbe amounts eet,.opDoelte.................. .. Goss their allow tive named as epeoat is 'the, followilnag defatted etatemeat: . 70hn,B.Darling, 860.00 Keller a.• R Davla, $16.00.._..__ _.. _ .... _ ...::. I'.. Great Lakes Coal `& Dock' CompE}!nri MAYOR McColl F�38.31. r.ak .iamea $60.00.-: WunderlichUNeu & Preston, 57 02, ,%!- I�Iijsmes Ileamueeen, }36 b0. Mr. President, Hodgson 8t'Paur Cement works 70. .0 0. g ; t?fctory Printfng Co:T i$00. 1920,; I' Adopted by ilia Council Apr• 71 Approved APr. 7, 1920 (Aprll 10-3920) 1799 John B. Darlin, 50.66" orp. Counsel n 1800 J. R. Davis, 15.00 Election 1801 Great Lakes Coal & Dock ComPanyi, 538.31 Workhouse 458:50 New Bldg. Const. 79.81 + S3$:3r 1802 Frank James, 50.00 Schools. 1803 O'Neil & Preston, 7,020.00''" Summit & Pascal Sewer System 1804 James Rasmussen, Library 1805 St.Paul Cement Works, 225.00 Schools 1806 Victory Printing Company, 67.00 Library 53:50 Water 13:5b 87'b'a Total 8,000.31 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FI Eecu No......_.�8"723 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ideal Power Lawn Mower, 1920.model, from H. E. Erickson & Company, at a price not to exceed $360.00 B. 0. B. St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids. as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks.. C. `M. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich W. President FORM .M .. \ . �FI7P`;YtigS—BFM ;j��9b 28724 tVhbreee. S k °Dd, Yqo,• e-Caurr." COUNCIL 1l� Worlta A ......... ..... pIj 1n.`a6ePraAAae+WSth gitetnan;OT„E'A FILE No {�q City. ChartOr-ttia e7d ' a� rBlol`NWeA h,APei' 11 bmDlea9 E or m9en ihatt eig8ht fOft .. _ ahla;, et�$rYIDeilasid: 0mD1oYIIrgnEYbei; ur55 r dzY rn�6 moFo thau Ygq[r v btr !E houta o[ PRESENTED By ytDioytnent ther t"W- ar city be \ .. reaPlveaj'rEA xve Drop DATE...... "`"L\ ..... .... COMMISSIONER. fire harehxaAthorjzea to-vA .................... ... ................. in6 Ay �Aed, emD]oYae at .. ee � r,exr�a F RESOLVED f AS, The Commissions of has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section E3 �s of the City Charter, the. existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employ- ment; thereforer bs it __... RESOLVED; That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of overtime �n Yes (d) Councilmen (d) Nays APR -7 ,[�Q i9 Adopted by the Council- - Clancy GPR -71920 F Farnsworth........... ... ....19..... Goss .... In favor McColl J� ", .::..... Powers Against Meroa PUBLISHED Wunderlich Mr. President 3M9-19 - to •-k o o 1r . )�.an.ot�p-v�-e� a (b •} o o • lJ.v�-rte, �'•C�(?�Ci�(l/�,c-v�� -S �-^(os"� ... \ \ `.'F So 0. . `�A/J7U\.6-ave @ o.N�� '1 •-t •t o .. . . ' ckto •.. @� a��,a S3 �o�� 1� ,ems .. � ^T� t "D ' �Zest•r� p.ic�sr?- O--o..x>'o'`ai" � � I � ...fib a .. .. 1si- � � �n-e- `�-� ''1 ���- •too .. h.abl Q� •• \ .}oo t COUNCIL 28725 25 FILENO ..................................... COUNCIL Rtnio an agreom0nt with dames"Carter � s eprriance With she terms -oY the_ � PRESENTED BY ,jj/��n ,. �r onen+s ComPe>Re h°r oq the gym• COMMISSIONER ...............:::: .�.�.....fC�.- .... ..................................... DATE..... ........ RESOLVED That the. Board of Water Commissioners Of the City of St. Paul, through its proper officers, is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with James Carter in accordance with the terms of•the Workmen's Compensation Act for the payment to the said Carter of the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per week during such period as he may be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him on the 6th day of March, 1930, while in the employ of the said Board of Water dommissioners; and be it FMTHER RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners, through its proper officers, is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said James Carter, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of $45.00 in full settlement of his claim against said Board, arising by reason of said injuries. Yes (J) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss M C.H Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 ' I recommend the above resolution for passage. President, Board of Water Commissioners. Adopted by the Council.........._..._._.GPR.........-7 1920......................19..._.... APP ed.._..._.......GPR.... 7 192.__ ---------- 19........_ ....... --In favor Against - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE RESOLVED That the proper city offioers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund the sum of Twenty-two Dollars ($32.00)'to Dr. James C. Ferguson in full payment of all claims held or asserted by him against the City by reason of medical and surgical treatment rendered by him to Edward King, an employe of the Department of -Public Works, injured Febru- ary 26th, 1930, in the course of his employment. yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers 7 Wunderlich Mr. President ORM 9.19 APR —7 1520 19.......... Adopted by the Council _____..._ ....................._......... Approv .......GPR 7'1.. 20 .................19..:._..: .............In favor .. _.. _.....Against CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"°" NO....._._!.1.�Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED WHEREAS, one Edward King, a City employe of the Department of Public Works, was injured in the course of his employment on February 26, 1920, and as a result of said injury incurred a druggist bill of $1.85; therefore, be it RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authoriz- ed to enter into an agreement with the said Edward King, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.80 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of said injuries; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Edward King, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the Gener- al Fund, the sum of $65.85, being five weeks compensation up to April 8th, in partial settlement of his claim,_ and MOWANOWE $1.85 for druggist bill. .. Yes (J) Powers Wunderlich Mr. Presider FORM 3M9•19 .__........Against -- -.- I recommend the above_ resolution for pass g��P Commissioner of Pub l orks. Adopted by the Council......_.......:19........: Approved . R..—"11920 ....... r9......_ MAYOR PRESENTED BY '<" COMMISSIONER ............ RESOLVED t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couRCIL �,$'�28 FILE' No ..................................... DATEAP r 11 §,__192.0'_ That the grade of McLean Avenue, from Clarence Street tpe, Etna Street, in accord - ante with the red grade line on the accompanying Profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. ReeolV t0 ;That the grade of Mclean Avenue rrom,; CtaStreet to'Etni street to necdrdancefin— =wlth the„red rade line qn' the. aCcompanying •Dro- .l ae:re¢otnmende.8"bY theCOm .misalonerrQf-;Public .Wor, a ba and;the eamq I hereby adoytad,aa the e6tab- '. {lahed grade-'; -' AdoPt¢d byayhe .Council- AdrLL 7 1980. � -1pProVed �6pri1 10 920) III Yes (d) Councilmen (.') Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council .......APR ..19......... Farnsworth GossA r i9......... -In favor PP —'7' 1920 McColl Powers --- -Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FOpM 3M8-�8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COENe1L ISO .......... ..�i�!:J.2N9 f -a PRESENTED IHY COMMISSIONER................................ ..... ............. ........................... .:.................... ..................................... ..._ DAI&a..-----. ._.........._........... ..._ RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated end+.est aside out of �r1 Account of the General Fund, the atmm of One Hundred Twenty -Five ($125.00) Dol- lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to defray the necessa.xy expenses of George H. Harrold, ManagingDirector of the City Planning Board, while attending the convention of The National Conference on City Planning at Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19th to 22nd in- clusive, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized end directed to issue a war- rant in favor of the Managing Director of the City Planning Board for this amount. Yes (d) Councilmen (') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl D Powers I Wunderlich Mr. President FORM. 3M9_19 Adopted by the Council_.._._uPR_=7.1.920..........Iq......... GPR -7 1920 In favor Approved...... ._ ... ......... ..................................... i9........_ AYOR Against ............ M Rational Conferena on UP Planning 28 729 aowao or ora�croaw - • .. rauioawr� N'eLoe P. Lewis - I— Farb, New York City laryp Nolan Cembrld e, Mnae. Alfred Hettmea. Cindnha i Ohio Geor¢e E. hooka, Cgiica¢o Geor¢e 13 Dealer. DallaafT'eaee Freder(ck L. Olmsted, Brookline, Meas. Richard B. Watraae, Waehin¢toa B.A. Haldeman, PhlledeinnGia Semlary Lawrence Veiller New York Citye Geor¢e B. Ford New York City Charles H. Cheney, San Franclaco Andrew Wd¢ht Grrew(a-. Phlledd I.,his George E. Reee�er, St. Loose. Mo. Noulen Ceachon, Ottawa, Caoada Charles Moore, Detroit, Mich. Lea ). Made. Ft. Wayne, lad. Ben. H. Berkshire, Renese Clty, Mo. E. P, Gaaddeh, New Yark City ). C. Nichola, Renese City, Mo. Edmnod T.e; B�sveltMhurt e6, Boston Office of Secretary - eo erwra R.; .0— March 27, 1919 Dear Sir:- The Executive Board of the National Conference extends to you a very cordial invitation to be present at the Twelfth Annual Conference to be held at Cincinnati, April 19th to 22nd. City Planning activities which were suspended in many cities during the War have since been taken up with even more vigor. Several cities are passing and proposing new legisla- tion; cities which were not aroused on the subject are appoint- ing city planning commissions. The program has been made up with the needs of cities particularly in view. It has always been the opinion of those who have attend- ed past Conferences that the sessions were of utmost practical value, particularly to organizations like yours. I hope that you will be represented and that you will be interested enough to urge on the Mayor the importance of being represented by con- tinuing officials like the City Engineer or others whose work affects the physical city. A reply before April 10th will be very much appreciated. Yours very truly, See ry. 28129 r CITY PLANNING BOARD Saint Paul, Minnesota. April Sth, 1920.1 _ To The Honorable Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The National Conference on City Planning will be held at Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19th -22nd., 1920. It is not only desirable but necessary that Saint Paul be represented at this Conference and we believe that a logical person to said to this Conference is the Managing Director of the City planning Board, Mr. George H. Harrold. Our Representative to this Conference will here meet men who are actuallyengaged in all the phases of City Planning work in American cities and will be able to acquire a knowledge of the progress made and methods used in other cities that could not be acquired in any other way. Would therefore request that Urio Harrold be made the official Rep - e, of the City of Saint Paul at this Conference aril we attach herewith a proper resolution covering the necessary action'tope taken by this body. Yours very truly, —__a,..... Council File No .........21030 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publi improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............................. ......................................ving...°........... a east.......' west alley in __.&...bias'!s....Add.it.ion,....fr.oin...p ne. Avenue. t.o_Gz.a.en-. brier...Avenue................................ Dated this .......... /tih......day of .................... .....A r.11....................................1 1990. Councilman. PRELIMINARY O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: P&ving..of.the sea t..and_w.est alley_in. ......... ................. 4,__EVOMA. Addition, and Block_ 4, Holterhoff ............... &..Mead'.ss A. ddtioA,...from. Payne Avenuet..o Green.- .............................. ........ ....... brier Avenue._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........ _..._............. _.....__ ..._ ...................__......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pul C. F. No. 29730— Abstract lad directed: Wherea-,'A written proposalImprfer. the.. 1. To investigate the necessity for or desire making of the following improvement 1t vi-.: 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eil Paving of the east and went Block in Block 4, Evans Addition: and. Block 4, he total rA$L thereof. 'o'a.r It &-Mead's Addition, from 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of s Payne Ave, to to the council Ave., having beencity of presented to the Co be iit Of the ,_ _--tumah-the falJowittg city Resolved, Paul, therefore, Rlic work. That the he I. baloney o[' ^,-______________________ Puit)fo W.orka be and he is hereby or- dered and directed: .... .. ............. _. _._.__.....-.._... _.._� 1. To. Investigate the necessity for r deairab111tY of the making of said (� To ate whether or not said im roveme im rovement. p T' �nveetfgate the ature,,extent more owners. To re rt upon all of the fore cin mat and ""Teatea ost of sola tmproye- PO PO g g meat, and the total -'-[.thereof. GPR —7 15[0 3. To furnish a plan. Droele or sketch of: eald 1, a' _ Adopted by the council..._... _ . 4. TD: -let. whether or not said im- Drovementls asked. for on the petition leas: of three or more ownare. 6. Tp' repor t upon ail of tit' fore- Couneilman Farnsworth gating .platters to the Commisptoner of ? Financpt Coss f APProveed ADrh 7 C1920 I1 APc 7 1920'. 15[ll Hyland cna ra 10-19x9) 191........ Keller T McCollWunderlich 7mayor "n........................................................................... Irvin Mayor. Form C A 18 (6M 4-17) 31 Council File No...... .6'-- petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDE . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p is improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gr of MoLean venue from ................................. ....C.i,aizen.ge....81revt .t9.._.... nil......reet............................ ......_........................ .......................... ........................................... .......................................... ................ ...............:...................................................................................................... ......................... Datedthis. .......... 6th ......day of....................................AF.T11.............. .................., 19130 .. _ ........._... ............... Councilman. PRELIMINARY PRD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following —improvement, e viz.: Grading of McLean Avenue...from .... ..................... .Clarencie_.Street_ to _Etna_ Street. .......... .............. _............. ................... ......_..................... ............ ............ ............ .......... ... ............ .......... ........ C. F. No. 28721— ....... .... ...... ........... Abstract. Whereas. A written DroDosal for the having been presented to the Council of the Ci making of the following Improvement. via.: 6rading of McLean frost. Brom therefore, be it Clarence at to Fltna attest, having City ofrSt. Paul therefore be Council of [hei RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of F d and direfted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or de Resolved, That the commissioner of!ent. Public Works, be and he A. Hereby or 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and dared and directed: I the total colt thereof. 1. To Investigate. the necessity for 3. To furnish a Ian, profile or sketch of,: or desirability of the making of said p P Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ectad the coat cos Bald improve• mint, and the total coat thereol. """`- 3. To .said a plan. profile or sketch of said i Drovement. ......... �, ........ ............. ... 4. To aceta whether or not Bald Im- ............................... .............. provement Is caked for on'the petitioe To dtate whether or not said improve of three or more owners. or more owners. 5.. To report upon ell of the fore-. To report upon all of the foregoing ma going at to the eommtealoner of Fluence. 1920. y �nL Adopted by the Council'Apr. '7, Adopted b the council... ......_.._. -UPR J Approved (Apt '10 i°rozo) Yeas: ays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.... _....... N k.......7.. 1.92U ..................191... _... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich .............. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMCouncil File No . . 28`4`312- and PRELIMINARY 0 'OER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f.1 1;i/n.ypubh improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Dated this..... Z.th.--dayoF talo ng easement....in t1ie-- ................. for outs and fills in .......................................... m-Clar-ence Street -to -Etna- - .......... ........... ............... -- .......... -- -- - ............... ............ 19120.. Councilman'. I PRELIMINA�R�YOR 1 45 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and. taking. ..an.. easement... in the .......... .. ... ....... .... land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading McLean- Avenue — from Clarence -st-i&a to Etna ....................... Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of C. - F. No. 28732 - therefore, be it j�b.tmet. op. .1 for the Whereas.A written pr 8 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public, uaking of the following improvement, dire �i viz.; ded: condemning ..d taking an .---snt I. To investigate the necessity for or desirabil Intsh.e.dlana noeess.tl '- or fill. . �, slopes, .0 grading cl- Ave. from Clarence St. to Etna St. having 2. To investigate the nature, extent and esti been presented to the councii of the total con thereof. City of St. Paul the"' 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said Resolved, ' the therefore, be of Public Works and he to hereby or. h4 dared ..ddtr..t d _ neces -1 T- 1.desirTo abItilityo_gtE� f the tt�sity making of o said or fori......................................................... � Improvement. 1 2. To Investigate the nature, extent .. Iand estimated cost of said Improve- J" - - ................ ............ . .. To state whether or not said improvement 15*10T. report upon all of the foregoing matter Adopted by the council .—,7 fan Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich 7Mayor Irvin Form C A 19 (SM f 17) ian, profile or �Fc owners. sent. I or not said im- on the petition,. ,ted by the Council Apr. 7, 1920, roved Ap, 7,-1 20. (April 10-1920) konrcive,d. z7 .................... 191 Mayor. 7-3 Council File r:' S&W4 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following blit improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ................................................... ----- Of six _ foot _q.e.ment tile- .................................. sid.exalk 0. W�AgA al _ _of Lq;g�ipgtpn-kvenue between. - PRE 3 the making a t h , et and aha Street, except where good Blair Street - ...... ......... .......... ..... ...... - ................................... and sufficient si al now exist. ............................................... ........................................ ........... . . .................... ................ ............. .................................. Dated this.......'.t.h day of ............ ............... -April ................ ...................... . 1920-- .............. ............. ........... ................. Councilman. PRELIMINAR� =RH-, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: -.,.,..QQA6tructiqn of a-sixfoot cem.ant,tile 0 West aide of Lexington Avenue between Blair Street and Minnehahs, Street�. except where good ...................... - ...................... -- .......... - .............. and.. suff Icient-sidewalks now exist. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it C. F. No. 28733-1,.tract. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of I Whereas, A written, proposal for the d and direded: T"�kIng of the follow ng improvement, 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or dei Zi6struction of a six toot cement.hent. 2. To invenigate the nature, extent and the Sidewalk on the =nt 3i`aIr"st'=.i 0 the total cost thereof. I ngton Avenue two and Minnehalial- Street, exce�t where 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch 01 = and sufficient sidewalks now having been presented to the ;the, d.t. Councilof the City of St. Paul, there for.. bIt .......... Resolved. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Is hereby or-� dared and directed: gate the necessity for .... . . .. .... . .. .......... ........ S4 Tat. whether or not said improve or desirability To investi� .slrabillty of the making of said , o improvement. or more owners. 2, To Investigate, the nature, extent To report upon all of the foregoing nd and estimated cost of said improve- ' ment and the total cost thereof. i1 fin jq? 1; 3. To furnish a plan,. proftle or Adopted by the council. sketch of said Improvement. 4 To state whether or not said im� PrEvermint Is asked for on the petition Yeas: of three or more.owner'. 6. To;report - a �por up. al Of the for.- Councilman Farnsworth I Flag matters o the Commissioner or loan Adopted by the Council Apr. 1. M. Goss ,7 U........... 19, 1 HylandApproved ( LU A4r,, 7, 92110. -1920) Keller McColl Wunderlich ?mayor Irvin Mayor. F.— C A 19 (6M 4-17) CouncilFile No. .._.____....._.._ ...................... a By r CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for paving Como Avenue ,seat from Snelling Avenue to Raymond Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections frorr. street mains to property linea complete, where no.+, already maria, also includino'paving of alley and driveway approaches and the construction of curbing where necessary. under Preliminary. Order. 13563 Intermediary Order ...._1322.3.. __..... , Final Order._....._ 14308.-. approved_.......January ._9......_._..._._._. ....... ..191._.Y....... providing for the paving of Como Ave, from Hemline Ave, to the y'estarly City Limits, A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RATI@17N0 ASSESSMENTS. RESOLVED, That the said assessr n all respects ratified, and the same is herebyordered to be submitted a F. No. 28734—By S. A. Farnsworth— of Ramsey for confirmation. In the matter of the assessment of benefits -costs and expenses for pav- ing Como Ave West from Snelling II BE IT F.VRTH R RESOLVED, T Ave to Raymond Ave lncludine pereby determined to be payable /O e r wets and gas contyelines from. ete, ero to properalready add complete, where not al Cady mad0 in _ . __....... qual installments leo Including 'pp ', ing f alley he "an{ d described therein. ^-- driveway approaches and' the con- structi0n of curbing here neoee- sary, under Preliminary Order 13063, Intermediary Order 13773, Final or- der 14808 approved January 9, 1917, Adote d b the Cil ..........._.._._...... providing for the pavingtomo P Y Council 1 Ave. from Hemline Ave.. of to the Westerly City Llto to i A public hearinghaving been bad .a upon the assessment for the above Im DDrovement, and said assessment having '- City Clerk. been further coneldered by the Council, and having been considered finally eat- L IIll oaf I\ _ f �SLU taraatory, .e I[ taer0rope Resolved,_ That the said asaesement Approved .........._... _. ..__.... he and. the same to hereby in all re - ... ......., ape to ratIJ10; and the deame-1. bereby ..... ordered to be subm,ttedto� the Dlatttet. Court of the County of Ramsey for confl ath' `- 13It further Resolved, That tLe sold. ie hereby dater- CCLL��////....F�.� Mayor. ns esmentbe and it fn d to be -payable doth. (30) equal / ..... .. 7'orm B. B. 18 "atallmente to each and every "pee. \ I cel of land described there,.. Adopted by the Counett Apr. 7, 1920. u/ Approved Apr. 7, 1920. April 30-1920) \ b } Council File No.K4.................._.......... .....__ .... J} u r9;5 By 1._......... ... ...... _._.__.._....__....._....... ..... ....... .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for paving, Como Avenue from the Great Northern Bridge to Rice Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street rains to property linea complete, where not already made, also curbing, and paving of alley and driveway approaches where necessary. under Preliminary Order9328._............. ...., Intermediary Order 1Q_6.8.7_ Final Order 11528 C. F. No. 28736=Ey & A, Farnsworth— a roved . Tul.....15....__ ............................... 19 Inthematter of the assessment of Pp -- y � benefits Como eAve.ndfrom ns the orGrreat Northern Bridge to Rice 8t., In Ing .sewer, water and gag connec- A public hearing having been had u tionstroin etreeEmatne to property improvement, and said assess- lines complete, where of already ment having been further considered by mnade, also curbing- andpaving of dered finally satisfactory, be it alley and driveway approaches therefore here necessary,. under Prattminary Order 9328, Intermediary Order 30887, Fl nal Order. 11628, approved Jyly 16,, 1918 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Im- RESOLVED, That the said assessme Pnovement.- and said assesament hav- all respects ratified, and the Council, nand rhavincon nb tereco considered the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to finally satisfactory, before e itahe onsid Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Reaolvad, Tnat the eatd "sessment eby determined to be payable be and the same is hereby In all re- epecte ratified, and [he same le hereby ordered to be submltted to the District ia_....`._._._....L.p.._equal installments as Court of the county of Ramsay for Iescrthed therein. -- co33' It tFurtNer Resolved, That the -aid aeeesement be and 1t le hereby determined to be payable In ten (30) ` equal Installments as to each and Adopted by the Council every parcel of land described therein, - - �-..kl.. Adopted by the Council Apr t rein. Approved Apr 7, 1920 (April 10-1920) r. ' .._'....L....... City Clerk. Approved ........_ _........_Lll'.f{. _-.7... 12W . ..... 19 1 ..............._� Y� / .Mayor. norm u. B. is C.ulicil- File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying 'Assessment. In the matter of the assessment Of benefits, coots and expenses for Oquotruoting,, relaying and "pairing Cement. Sidewoake, Katinate-No.:. a tMder Contract 30.68 Sol for Season -of 1919. i4lesessable Roll." P.O. 23935 Thomas St., south-sidej, from-Oxford.8t. thenoto west MG -fest. T.O6, 35IS66 Pallor z both, sidss#.be -0h&tswo*0,qt*- AV41*w. PAO 23670 Oiiiiroa Are., south, side,., beginning 48' feet east o�. I(ent- thenos east is feet. r.Oi- 83148 Yelpioulit .,AT* *6 Wouth- aid## -from Albert St. thftw e►pproximat0f, 440 foot. r. 0. 26WS Os6eola'AT south,,sido, from Pasoahel, Ave. t nos east App"Onately lls et.., ," F.0. 3,6051. Dayton Ave.,souiv iws, beginning at w point -150 'feet West of 0i St. jXto�A west .line of Louis ed, -L theUQ&, Woe%.150 feet, 11, of Of. AKOGWIV4. from �')'Srrijjjfton.L A*sr,`:*-,*heno* east 260 foitt end frogs *j%enosL saij to Louis 'St. 520 test 'We Wt 'eine, i_ ltestexn Ate from. sa:Buren St.:t henow SQJ%th 110 sets.,4*U$h­:s1d* orrcv "_Wfrom We rA0 on" ,9 . no I. OfYec7mloony Ave.Aveo from ,'ay St w thenoe f#&t 8 -feet farther se thenoe West Mfg* ��WOn-Assessalole Roll-_ P .0. 26051 V&n BUrsn Zt. sr4, Ao." thenoo west 120 fegf.. C. F. No. 28736—BY S, A. Farnsworth— A public hearing having be In the matter of I i. easessment of a above improvement, and said assess- ,e.eft,.. ..1. and e-pendses for con - rel Y"� an rep.irin,� ment having been further consid structl n%id, :j yen considered finally satisfactory, be it Cement I k-, "It"'t- No' under Contract A68 B, for Season therefore of 1919. ,ZP�68,0 23 It 'u" is hereby in all respects ratified, and the ,�, "5�Thoee­he RESOLVED, That the said _ "r, .. e same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey, for confirmation. BE IT FUR;Fh;F- RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i . ....... �_.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council Approved . ................. 19, form B. B. IS MA y Clerk. Mayor. �j 1090 COUNCIL FILE NO_..... ............. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_....p1 17tin ...tr.e.es__.on...Lakesie---Lv..enue...frarl.-.OsaGe.. LvenuP_ to Lake... Con, o.. r:otileva d..___...._..._....._ ................._.. - ... -- .........................._..._......._...._........_.......... ..... - ..... ........ - ........_._...._..._.... ............... ..... ... .................... ....-_..................... .............._..---.- ............... - .._.. ......._... ........... -----.....------_.................................................. _-..................... ................................................. - --........_..... ..............------ ---- ....... . ..... _. _.................................. -.._..__........................... -- ............. ...............: under Preliminary Order_ ___...27746__.... .......... ...... approved 31,_.191.9.. ........ _._..... Intermediary Order........_. __._.----.......... _........-c. F. X. 28737—By sA. FarnarortheRr--..............----- _._..... _....-- A public hearing having been had upon In the ere Ale. f Planting oi . set Ave. to notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and ree 1 mknarC ordeB 277 6, ae Ievar pproved er n �nd having fully consid- 31, 1919. Bred the same; therefore, be it A public hearing having 'n Ween hs? upon the bove Improvement upon T RESOLVED, B the Council of the Cit n tree. ena the ceunen n avtn� h; nature, catent and kind of By y .41 n tin^. d renr- improvement to be made by the said City is.plant...tl:.e.e;z...o1a..Laliav1.err...I-menue...Sr.om..Qsage Ave. nue to..?,ake_.Cou9..13©ulevaz:c1..,, ..-...... .............. ..... _.... _............. ...__._--- ......___..._........... - ._ __._.... ................ ............ .............__...... - ......__........-...__.. - ... - -- .... - .................... .......... _.... ........... ....._._............._....-._.._.................._............._...-........ -- .... _._.. -- ....... - ....._..................._..__.._._............. --------------------------------- '------------------------- - ._.........._......._.... - - ._....------- ..._............------ .._...- ----- ..----- ..----- ............---- ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials ark hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--- . �{f'... .�..�.lt.�--___......., 191..----- i City Clerk, Approved __... _ _._ .......... 191....... .... _.. .......... Councilman Farnsworth PUBLISIIED dtlayor• Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman KXRe3% Powers Councilman McCat Councilman Wun rli h Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8_7 CI 7. PAUL - DEPA OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) under Preliminary Order approved ------------------- --------------------------- -_._.......... ------------------ ------ ------------------ — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: — The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $___-oT_._ cz, 676 .---------- /ront The estimated cost pe F toot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $___-_--_Q.- .-..._-----------. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A 6_ 6 B.S.A. a -n A TOTAL, ;C�]7 GT T. PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION O o / // GAO / 6' a G�JJ 6-0 a a 5�0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated----- - ----- ---19L: 7��_ _ _____ _ ....._ __.... ...._.__...... - - .. /.. Commissioner of Finance. FORK II.s.A. 8 c To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 27746 December 31 9 oil, known as Council File No ..................................... approved.. .............................. .......... ......... ........................ 191........., relative to........._................... El.t...xtg..._tx.e_.e_.....Pn....ak� eve flw.._A.Y..en]a e...._.x.Rm....Q_s.a,..P e...:4 QV e..._t o.....8ke..........................._...... Como Boulevard. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The ebtimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total cost thereof is $.... ....... ....... ..........._................., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is._ ------------ ............_.__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / snoaer orks. W R (IIito of 8t. faul Departawnt of Publir 'Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY February 17, 1920 M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of cost for planting trees on Lakeview Ave- nue from Osage Avenue to Lake Como Boulevard. Approximate estimate 232.56 Cost per front foot .16 Excess inspection necessary 4.56 Assessable frontage 1462 ft. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer oc-b No � St. Paul, Finn., ..lo+.....Z. ' .....191 . ^o the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlement Is, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improven.ent to be made: ............................... :....... I ............. s�ca�C � uc.2.so . -616. Ave. from �..tt: Ave. to LAr%G�.�o,tte-a ....... V LOT BLOCK �DITIOIJ V Q `... . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . ... . . Ay . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . . •.A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yyC(� •. •. - . .{ AyyQn* . . . . . . . . . . . . •'' . . . . . . . . . . . % . . . . . } . . . . . . . • • . - . . . . . . . ✓ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• . . . • X/ • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . __ .... V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i - . . . . . . . . . . . . .�� f �- 1.. .......... JA8--! 19,k ......1 ........................... im'UA F E?�G ':�E .. ......................... . ...... .. ........... ..... x. ............... �.....�... �........ ............ �r 14., COUNCIL F E N,(� . .................... By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.G..O. st uctinl;..a-_cement--_tile_ sidewalk s.ix-_feet-- 1ide..-on--.the eas.t.side....oi...19 siss.ipRi.--Ritter---$oulevard-_from.-;arshall--_Avenue--to..-the-..north line ._..of... Lot __5.,...Blnck...fiQ.,..D.eszla ..F.a k,_.e.cce.pt...rlllexe.._ ood-..and...au-G.ient s ...................... I c. R No. 28738-8B & A Fs"ilith=} _. -- ln be Matter of constructing a ce- ___ ..._.. ......_.. ._... .... ........ glent,Ute Sidewalk six feet *Ida -on ............................................. the east side of Mlsaieslyi R1ver .BoutCv—d from Marshall , n. Lo --------------------------------------------------------- .........._............. I., the north line o1 Lot 8, .Block 88. D..noSer Park,' exoePt where Bood ............... . .. ..... .. ............. and Xficleni sidewalk. mow `0..der under Preliminary Order._._..2.7.81$.._.....m x.. rj. m_..:.rr=^^.• y..7-,...1920. ...................... IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------------------- ..... approved . -.. ......................--------------------------- .... .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..cor> StrqCt__a--.cement---the„-sidewalk....... feet vride.._oxl the. -east---side__.ofiiississippi River Boulevard from i:iarshal1 Avenue ---.to...the...nor.:th._line....of. L0.t...8.,- Park,---QxQe.p-t_ were goad-and--auff1cient...sideYlaJ k s_.xto ±.. emist.------------------------------------------ ­­ --------------­--- - - -------------------------------------.......-------------------......---------------....._.- ........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith) Adopted by the Council ..... ..... 4}.K. -.-1-.19E{}....._...__, 191........ 1, / .. l� r City Clerk. Approved.. .. ....... 191........ ... ......... ..” '--.... PUBLIS D Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman lkodIcx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlic to Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITYPAUL Ib'E.P *TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved--��`—L--------'-- To the Council of the City of St. Pa The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am nt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— ------ The estimated cost pzothe above improvement is - - - - - - $� — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION i LOT eLOCK ADDITION i VALUATION � I � 6-6 d i 5J � fG l a q6 L oy6 47 f 6-0 o ; e y y6 5—.0 0 FORM U.S.A. G-6 As�- TOTAL, _ -- I Q z b ! � CITY PAUL Dr=PA�jTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER b, DESCRIPTION LOT eLOCKI ADDITION !, ASSESSED it r; VALUATION I er- C16 r , II_ . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, . and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ,�/ _ - -----19 - (/L - ------ Dated - Commissioner of Finance. - ronMe.e.a: e•eo COUNCIL FILE NO.................. By 3: FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...c.onstrizctin;..a..six..fszot...sidavalk...on...hath..sides--.of................ Lakeview..Amenue...fx=... Osage ...,Ame.nt1e.-.t.R...LWi:e--..CQA7o.. good.._ and ..s.uffa,Q-ent.._g'.dpRp ks...ngy�.. Ax st.----------------------------------........--- ------ ------........-- -' . -- .................................... ...------------ 1C. F No. 28739—By S. A. Farnsworth in the 37af*. of constructing a'. six ................. F.................. ..........._... toot sidewalk' en both aide. of_..........._........................ .... Iekevlew.:Ave;. fen, Oaage�Ave:: to: Lake "Como - Boulevard, - ': except,. where-good and auQlelent aldewalks:. .................................................... " ""..............".................."" - now, exist' under Preliminary Order ' 27ai, aDDD1' e* d' January 7, 1820. ` 2781[} ;' publicSearing-having Been-.:.had Liar 7 1920 under Preliminary Order... _.... Y.......,. _....................... ry upon the above, lmprovemant upon:: due notice and;ihe. Connali having heard. all persona, obiacttono and recommen Intermediary Order-....................................... datlone relative there 0. and having'. ..._.... ...........-------------- A ..... .. .._........ fully. coneldor, d the •�a>31e therefore A ubhc,hdarin having been had ba it n due notice, and the Council P g g 1';eaolved.:By. the Covaa{i'ofthe Clty.; ^oY St. Paul that-the-Frecla n�ture,:ez- having heard all persons, objections an'teat-and'oY imFrovegmant td Q�eto, and having fully consid- Made by the 3ald C(ty;1. construct s' ered the same; therefore, be it siz foot,sldewalk . oh-:both sides;.of;, RESOLVED, By the Council of the � e�ceo nu Ba,ile,!'a egtAwhele a nature, extent and kind of good .' and , eulficlent aI awaike now exist and _the.-Councii.:.,bereby orders said improvement to bey.made. - ITnprovement to be made by the said Cl gaeolved�:Fnrthe=„That the commta. Qt . s- ger�alk..9i'1 _boi; . by'In ;of Publtp;worka 6e and is here sides of Lakeview Avenue fr Byae- sed and di[eetea tq.Frepare Como Boulevard. except- -h ......e ..... -, glans., and aDeoiHaa.lona-:.lor.safd-:Im-, ........... - .-..... --- ,Provement,4 and aubmitP same to Cquaotl Yor:apprgvalt:4hat„ upon eafd e o .d and sw x cYent . eFrbrgval th'.Froper. gfty. gtfielata wren ........ .. .......... __....-. h--- ......... -- ria eby-pathorlaod and dtreoted�;to�pro ry er good and ccord ace t of; eatd improve - _ meat-in accordance u erewlth' s AdoPted.:by'the Coaucll Apr�7, Y920. ......................... .............. ... Approged: Apr. 7,, 0920. .................................... ................................................................ .................................................... I.............................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therev�jth. APR-7192 Adopted by the Council...._...- ............... 191 ----------------------------------.-.-.-.-..-_- - ......... ..... \ ...... .......... j \ City Clerk i Approved......._GNR...- .-1520................. , 191........ -------------------------------------- - .......... ------------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth P LISHLD Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Iix Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderli Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 p, 28739 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of sidaws I 1--on,-hoth-aides. of......_........ Lakavlew Amenue from O.U.4ge Ammi.lee ... to L&lo Q.o.m_Q 3.onl.emar.0 . . .... ox.o.e.p-t vhare.. gn.ad and auf f i.o.i-Q.nt nQA..A-i;1qt . ............. .......... -_-_-_-------------- ---------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ............................................... Vo 'Iltl�' 11, A. 7n the 3ta.......................... ----------------- ................ . both. Ad- 'W -- ----------------------------------------- ------ ------- --------- ............................................................................. —re'gcod'and'bufflcfent eideyva112 .......................................................... n-27814 r under Preliminary Order 27814 approved � .. ...................... Intermediary, Order ------------------------------------------------------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A pu!�4!�-hdaring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having -heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is G._0nq1rmqX_A simfoQt... des. of Lakeview .enueBoulevard: . Avnue from Osage Aveto Lake Como e ept-:1, .................................................. . ............... ....................................... ......... ........... w) gre good. And_.,quffiqient�4��ewalks now exist. ........... I .................................................................... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun: cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there,c th. Adopted by the Council........ OR ------------------- ----- ----------- 191 ................... ' - i _� -- --- -------- City Clerk. Approved ----------- h —7 1020 P . R .................................... 191 .. ......... ...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth P LISHEED�. Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Rix Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlico Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT -OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON I;+RELIMINARY ORDER -� under Preliminary Order approved ---- f __/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Pa ;,/ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amjj//o��nt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—------- The estimated cost p&400t or the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED II DESCRIPTION LOT ',BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION e%l A 6 r a 6 f.a 6 / /-d 6-! u / GGA TOTAL, _ ty itFORM B. 5.A.8 2 - I CITPAUL .1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i, ASSESSED LOT BCK Ali ADDITION DESCRIPTION LO VALUATION O- a.6 6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �------ ---191----------- --- Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. !-! O 1' ': 4� f.' �t .r; 28740'1�:�: cou cl CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ND........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY rCOMMISSIONER ......... ........................ ....................... ................ ................................................. ............. DATEAP.r.1.1 1 ...... I!M RESOLVED in the matter of grading Osceola Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, under Preliminary Order #2700.3, approved Oct. 29, 1919, and Final Order #27983, approved January 27, 1920. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes Councilmen (,) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss . ......-.--In favor Powers Wunderlich Mr. President IORm 3M9'19 Received all paperi 1i connection with abovo Adopted by the Council..........- APR..—74a-20......-..19-........ A CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE"c11 No. i r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. COMMISSIONER...................................... ......................................... _............................................................ DATE April RESOLVED 0 In the matter of grading Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to West Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order #25423, approved June 11, 1919, and Final Order 4T27570; approved December 10, '1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. R®ceiYeft all papers Irl connection with above Esso ution .v l Yes 07) Councilmen (J) Nays GPR —719' Clancy..._..........._ Adopted 6y the Council ................4.Q............1.9......... Farnsworth (, favor APR —7 1920 APProv......................_.................__............_..19....._._ ..............In I McColl / Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Xk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED COUNCIL 28`742: CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..:............ ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM 1920. --------- - - - A ......... DATE........ p.......ri..........l 7.' ........................ That the plans and specifications for the grading of Sims Street from Cypress Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order #25356, approved June 5, 1919, and Final Order #27506, approved December 8, 1919, prepared .by the Commissioner of Public Works and herewith submitted, be and the same are hereby approved., and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized, ordered and directed to do the following part of said work viz: Mkke the necessary changes in watermainB and appurtenances by Force Account; and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for a contractor to do the remainder of said work in accordance with said plans and specifications. Yes (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers /v) Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3.9.19 FFeceiaed all 'PaPorl iri connection wit11 abovs Res luti Adopted by the Council ....._.....-u.P..R...-.719.ZQ.......19_.._... APR —7 1929 Infavor APprov .............................................................i9....... Against ....... - MAYON M Es, ,Abstdac4 � ,� ieolved'; that warrants `be dre}�Wm DLLER up tae Cltx T,rI•aedry paYahi>Y ou o[ I --Y + the: herelhatter epees 0Ciande an$ to FJ/IAJC i/ (hl, Tj7 CaVDr of th3 Dersode firma. or cerptlia, COUNCIL NQ - F.rmAA46,S6f7-16 �. - A Fmss.:er the. amoanie:seC,oDDoelte ;TION FORM FILE -••- r�'vfo owinirdetailed at t went! 1n ;. 196 e..r Tenn'& Amntng Co 516'76 r .� edde,lr;; 5900 g Bearing Co. 36 ' 1 - 'An Book C 117430 ' Railw 9 EYPree' ...... ...... ..... ..... .y.1� ........... ........ AUDITED 1#kt Co 12 - - CO TRO ER SPR ....!MZ '. PER.................................... ....................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysAdoX920 pted_ by the Council.....__..�F�.._-.�__�__.___191._._ Clancy Farnsworth _..._.._._In favor A oved.. ... GP.. _� . . 7 Goss Keller /) _Against -- McColl y / MAYOR Wunderlich � BLISam — a 6 Mr. President, Hodgson f' 1808 Acme Tent & Awning company, 18.75 St. 0. & R. 1809 James Adair, 9000 Library 1810 Ahlberg Bearing Gompany, / 13.61 Fare 2.50 7.80 Manic. Oar. Revl. 3:31 T3: 8"1 1811 Amerism Book Gompariy, 174.30- HWboldt H.S.Library. 22:b0 Johnson " 151.80 17430 1812 American Railway Mkpress CoritpanS, 14.08 Mtint., Gar. Revl. ,40 Schools 9.37. Library ,88 :81 rr *53 ,59• lr '55 Playgrounds .43 `r .42 ! k• G' Res. 196<Pik 1813 American SupplyCompaby,' 74.86 C. & R. 20;00 3:36 S.'& S. Cing. 1'50 Water- 504,00' '74.86, 1814 F. W. Babcock 26.00 - Parks 1815 Baby Carriage & Wicker Shop; 52.25 Special Day Schools 1816 Will Bass & Company," 2.59, Schools 1817 Bazille & Partridges 10.38 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1818 Boston Music Company; 2.60 Library 1819 H. C. Bogeson Company; 23.15 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 1.50 Police 4.40 Schools ;25 Li'orary 8;00 900 1820 S. Brand Company, 95 5Q Schools 31;50 11:00 Water 53:00 ".0 1821 1821 Brentano1s,' 29.27 .. Library 1822 The Broderick Company, 2250-0 Schools 1823, Brown, Blodgett-& Sperry Company, 55.32 Comptroller '81 40.00 Bureau of Engineers; 2.10 Water 12:41 1824 Fitzhugh & Robert-A.Burns 207.07 Schools 1825 Canedy Otto Manufacturing Company, -11:70 Water 1826 Central Garage Inc,,- 87.24 ire 16;00 Manic. Gar. Revl. 41.97 21;87 7.40 1827 Central Scientific Company,108.76 - Schools 50;11 Central H.S.Library 27;40 Meoh. Arts H.S,Libr. 14;00 3;00 = " 14;25 OT. Res.::196 Page #3 1828 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 226.26 Lighting '6'58 , Water 202:00 , " 17.68.' 279M — 1629 Chicago;.. Rook Island & Pacific Railway Co., 3.15 Test. Labs. 1830 Citizen's Ice &-Fuel Company, 60.00 Schools 1831 Arthur H. Clark Company, 10.62 Library 1832 Columbia Tool Steel Company, 9.82 Schools 1833 Dearborn Chemical`Company, 123.75 Schools 1834 Denoyer Geppert Company; 78.30 Mech. Arts H.S.L braxy 1835 Henry Dreer, 40.00 '. Parks 5 1836 William B. Duck Company, 26.00- Humboldt H.S.Library 1837 W. J. Dyer &.Brother, 155.90 Schools 50';00 63:00 +! 11.10 1.80 Library 9.20 " 2.80 Parks 18:00 i5r':$a 1838 Otto Edstrom,,Agent'"" 50.00 Playgrounds 1839 Electric ManufaoturirM Company; 92:54 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1840 Elite Laundry Company, 24.07 " Schools 1841 The Emporium, 12.50 Schools 1842 parwell, Ozmuri,""Kirk & Comparq, 186.65 " Police 3.97 Schools 12:;07 7.22 n 2'55 " 30:39 " 11.88 " 17:50 ,r. 9:04 T.ibrary 6.33 Res. 196 Page #4 1843 F.• 47. Faxon Company, 103.&5 Library a 1844 Fenstermacher Auto Supply Company, 31.38 Fire 17:60 Munio. Gar. Revl. 13:78 3a - 1845 Field, Sahliok & Company, 115.20 Police 6:00 Schools 61:20, Playgrounds 48,06 TTF.M 1846 Finch, Van Slyek &-McConville, 2.75 Health 1847 Charles H. Fuller Company, 5.00 Library 1848 F. V. Garland Compal,' _ 5.00 P. Bldgs.: 1849 Goodyear Rubber Company,_ 10.33 Fire8:75 Munic, Gar. Reel. .80 Bureau of Bngra. '78 Ia:33 1850 Haag Roofing Company, 113.70 Schools 1851 Hackett, Gates -& Hurty Company, 65:10 S. S. Cing. 64:25 ._ Plater :85 bo. IV 1852 Handlan & Sullivan; 58.09 Workhouse 1853 Wm. Harris & Company, _. ... = 42:50 Jobnaon.H.S. Library _ 1854 Highland Spring Company; 22.25, Mayor s Office 1,76 Corp."Counsel 1,75 Goinp"tzoller" 5.00 Puroh Dept. 1;75 C:PW.-Gen. Adm. 4':00 Schools 4100 -4.00 1855 John W. Hildred;: 15.46. Sewer' C'. & R. 4.50 Docks; wharves and " •IAB levees 10,96 1856 Historical Publishing Company, 12,75 Schools 1857 Home Correspondence Sahool, 3.00 _ ._. Library 1858 H. L. Hosford, 16.00 Library 1860 Howard, Farwell `& Oompany, 50.00 Playgrounds s Res. 196. Page,5 1860 J: Y1. Hulme ComPany 9.63. Schools 5:25 water 4:3683 OR'OR15 1861 H. R. Huntting Company, 309.38 . .. Library 1862 Ideal Plating W6rka; 2.60 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1863 Institute; .for Public' Service 3.30 ' ' 8choole. 1864 Juul Studio, 6.00 Vater 1865 J. T. Kenny Soap. Company, ' 8.13 Armory 1866 L. E Knott Apparatus Company, 3.16 Johnson H.S. Library 1867 Lindeke, Warner-&, Sons, Inc. ,:bo Schools 1868" McGraw-Hill Boole Company, 16.00, ; Library 1869 Merrill -Greer & Chapman, 100x23 :Schools 00:23. Parka 40:00 'Z3 1870 Michaud Brothers, 37.25 Schools.'. 1871 Michaud Transfer Company; .54 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1872 Minnesota Storage Battery Company 66.24 Fire Munic.' Gar. Revl. 43;93'' 1873 Mitach & Heok Vlagon & Auto Company, "'' 218.10 Fire 73:50 tr 72.00 n 3:.50 1:00 30:50 n 33:10 ; water- 4:50 2i8'Iif 1874 Montana -Meat Market, 2.30 ' Schools 1875 Mullery Paper Box Company, 139.00 -Schools 1876 National Meter Company, 2.67 ._ Water r'. Res. 196 Page #6 1877 Klools, Dean & Gregg, 248.96 ,1 Fire 73:08 ' Munic. Gar. Revl. 7544 -' 1:38 ' 11:37 " St. C.:& R. ti55 S. & Sig Ong. 9.69 12;78 Schools 9:72` 2:53 Parks 30:20 Mater :64 n 13 ; 79 7 1878 North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary - Schools 4.00 3 Schools 1879 Northern' Coal & Dock Compal, 158.96 St. -0. & R. 109:96 Playgrounds 49;00 1860 Northern'-Machinery`CompazW, 10.30 Schools 1881 Northern Paoifo Railway Company 180.85 - y Parks 122;50 Mater 58:35, . TgU.95 1882 Northern States Power Company, 1,013:61 Fire 9:45 n / 18:37 P. Comfort Station 91.43 Schools 7.36 „ 32:90, Library` 8:82 Y Auditorium 557:06' Art Museum 288:22 n 1883 N. W. Stamp Work e; 48.75 Pol;'"&`F. Alarm 10.25 Schools Schools 8:00 10; 00; Library 5:50 6;3.5 n -75 P. Bldgs. 1:00 s Forestry Revl. 5:50 r Plater „50 T. :90 1884 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 206.89 Police 11;52 Fire 6:50: '50 rr 1:65 He&lth 4:09 49.83 rr 74.62 Mun c..0ar. Re61. 4.00: Mech* Arts H.S.Libr. 30:64 58 Playgrounds 18:80 Test. Labs. 4:16 206 .89 Res,, 196 Page #7 188$ A.J. Nystrom &Company, 9.33 Meoh. Arts H.S.Library 1886 J. E. olen,Company,56.19 Fire.. 3:00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 45.25 1.44 to 3.00 .3:50 O0..LV 1887 Parker Garage, 13.75 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1888 Patterson Dental Supply Company, .45 Schools 1889 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company.. 138.18 Fire" 8:40 Schgols 6:90 4:20 10:70 , Library 19'75 15.75 69:25 Auditorium x3.220 1890 A. Pickworth, :90 Schools 1891 Pilot Printing.Company, 23.50, Schools 1892 Pittsburgh Coal Company, -476.00' Parke' 1893 Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, _ 60.31 Prater o 1894 Rand McNally & Company, 25100 Library 1895 Raths, Mills & Se11, Inc:, 12.50_ Playgrounds 1896 Raymer Hardware`Company, 347.36 Police :95 Munic.Gar. Rept, 5:60 5:13 -S.' Clog— 225:00 Schools 1'05 18:62 �r 18:72 Parks.. - 2 ",90 7:Playgrounds 499 y 5:06 New Bldg. Const. 1%25 Water 4.20 0- 1.55 Gaultier School(Bond) 9.344- . Ree. 196'Page; .8 . 1897 .C., Reias CoeiComp 21.40 - ;.Fire - 1898 Remington'. Typewriter,Company, -23.55 Health 15.25 S4hools �► Library` 1:25. 1:55 —23?� 1899 .Renstrom Brothers, 19.05 Parke, _ 1900 Robinson, Gary :&-Sands Company, 463.39 .Pira 23:09 - Schools 5:00. 32:50' Parka ,. 325:00 Plater TT�80_ 1901 Roe-James Glassompany, 2.60 Schools 1902 Milton Rosen Company, 691i,40'' F1e 88;45_ 110:00 - ` 49.70 Munio: Gar.'Revl. 143:25 160;00 n 140.00 1903 St.Paul'Book & Stationery Company, Library 1904 StPaul Cement Works;=.' P`"Bldgs.. Rev1 190b St.Paul Gea.Llght Compare, 372.82 ,. 2.04.43. Manic.`Gar. Revl. 10:00 Workhouse 137.55 Auditorium 20:84 1906 StPau1 Hebrew Institute, 52,50' Schools 1907 Sb .,Paul Welding'&'Mfg: Compai�, 29,'25 Bureau of Parks-' ;50 VI ter. :` -, 5:00 9:50 _ " 14` '26 1908 St Paul,White company, Fire 1909 Schleh Brothers; 33.50 Munio. Gar. Revl 1910 Andrew Schoch Grocery ComparW, 34:96'° < Health 1911 Schroeder;& Company,,_ Water 7_ xes ivo rage 1912- Schuneman``& Evans, 43.73: Comptroller 2:5tS Police, Workhouse 1:20 Schools 11:80` w` Playgrounds 19:48 1913 Charles Scribner's Sons, b.00 P. Bldgs. 1914 Seagrave Compal, `51.00 Fire 1915 H. W. Slack, Central H.S. Library. 1916 C. J. Smith & Goinpa W, 19.34 ' Funic. Gar. Revl. 1:44 11'60 - Parks 6:30 1917 Social Register Association, 5.00, Library 1918 South Park Foundry 164.00 Water 1919 G. E. Steohert & Company, 418.25 Library 3920 C. H. Stoelting-Bompany; - 57.99. Johnson H.S. Library 1921 -J. 0.'Stuh1man,` 3.45 Bereau of Engineers 1922 Tire Service Company, 16.27 Fire 1923 Transit Supply Cmn064s 34.5.00 =- Election 5'00 Polioe 300.00 Pol., & F. 'Alarm 10:00 Health=Adm. 5.00 Schools 25'00 1924 Twin City Carpet Cleaning works, 2.75 Schools -1925 Underwood Typewriter Company, 1.00 ' Fire 1926 Union'Carbide Sales Company, 10.30 Water 1927 University of Minnesota, 50,00 Schools _ 1928 Valley Iron. Works; - 2.94\ Special War Classes 1929 Waldorf Bindery Company, 951.30,_.. Library 1930 Washington Foundry '& Machine Company, 24.00 Sprinkling 1931 The Welabach Company; 1.35 Schools i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2Q46 COUNAUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE OL No........- o 197 �o APR 25 197.Q $---------- ...------.. AUDITED TY TRO ER ......191....... PER........................ ..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed -statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysGPR — Adopted by the Council __..-._....................._ _�SL�--..._.__191:__— Clancy Farnsworth ._..._...__In favor roved...... .GPR —8 1920 .......... Goss Keller -----._..._._Against --"' '--'-'—" --... -..............._. MAYOR McColl Wunderlich -- - Mr. President, Hodgson 1 F NO 2874 Ab Resolved tha atract upon the CItY Tiewarrante De 'ot� the hBreta �aeuty payable outwa ttona if th arap 0.18rdine or e9DDrDDporaa-I the�1o11 ml 6t deta ed aaPeculeaft i29 A Farnsworth, statement AdoB�e' . -Com r -ot pq�nre; ADPraved ADrh g Council . (ADrll � 1920 _I 1935 S. A. Farnsworth,' Comtr. of Finance St. 0. 0. & R. 5,962:70 Sewer C. &'R. J 981:69 R' S. & S. Ging. 11'529:60 2,392.00 If 285:60 Bridge B.-& R. 481:70 Sprinkling 526.50 Dooka, wharves' eta. 56.00 Paving Pine Sto from Fourth to 6th St. 402:65 Engineering Insp. 1;180•.379 Total 23,799.19 G ,' SNR $At,7hy HCtenty'Tkcvo�yyank�; �PAg1v0�Tu4tR brt�d�a"dfdit ee�cEeS toy CadUgt�Ylafihpt�tliukL'en A L FORM sod attce°si. rThaF panted f MMilr @d �aralntp thR ett �F�aa♦■ah d -�nqa. teA RC opa 1• altndu o}tare - ........ . �y. SBoh iq Fha cR.toaury ameuntf, SOF couealL.._ . id 3lbenaA Soh aid, motFoa picture FILE. NO. ---- "- trA [ar p.p0rl4d Afon'A Maar from ......... te.aanoeot Held .1tg$n1§q Tkdt _ -_ genas a'�a11 Miot ha leaAad or'ba. �, 1 Nfectivp aptlt ku�ldfn®® has bfl* . , S� )c11 rgmodatad an4 'untlt ea]d tottrtiba ha§ proanrad S{`ote .... .191 ...- t eloaer q[ Pubttc 8ulidla};9e Preseated................................................. I no^r that the aai7� bugdt116 7,>b4 t)aed P - ,fusee@ yigbp c y: 3..�as fly. Resolved. That the City Clerk be and he is haraby authorised and directed to issues m lloanse tokier E Hoffman to oondnot a Motion picture theatre at 800 Rice St. That said Hiller E.Haffmany into Us City Trewury a. 1—lame fee ofone hundred do lMars shioh In the austommy Mount for said llama for Said motion cloture theatre icor a period of one year from the to sulanoe of st%id t►iee n se. That said liveawe ehal ism or base affective u>til building bas besdome fully and unt-12 said miller Ir..Heffman has procured from the Ctmiusioner of Public Baildlnp his oartifioate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in aormeotion lsitil the exhibitions to be given therein are in sal respaots .in cote- pli8aneaes with the Building Code of the City of St.Poul And has filed the Certificate With the 01ty cle-A. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Con it AI'R..:-81920...::.:191...... Clancy - Farnsworth GPR —8 1920 Goss- ........In favor APpro ...... .................................... 191..... Keller McColl.............. Against...................... ......................... ..................... MAYOR Wunderlich pUBLISM, D� Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C A 9 3M 12-78 i f t COUNCIL CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL FOU NO............ LIP. ZZZ1✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................................................................................................................... DATE Apr•.... 8..x....1920........... RESOLVED In the matter of grading Herschel Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Selby Avenue, under Preliminary Order #24438, approved March 12, 1919, and Final Order x{25102, approved September 23, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl v Powers , Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 Receixea all connection with ovo Reso t on. �rrailtr OR —t� 1520 Adopted by the Council ..................... --.................._.19....__. ......... ..._In favor Approved .................. 19 ...Against .......... MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..... RESOLVED I / CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE NO -1 WS, April 7, 1920 DATE ................... _....... .............................. . That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated November 17, 1919, between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for the installation of house sewer connections on Lincoln Avenue from Snelling Avenue to the bridge. over the C. M. & St. P. tracks, be and the same is here- by extended to the let day of April, 1920, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized ho'execute an amendment to said contract in ac- cordance herewith: Provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect un- less the sureties on the oonthactor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yes (J) Councilmen (v) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl Pow s Against Wunch Mr. President FORM 3M9_I9 the Council ........_._A..M.-�.IM .19 ..._ Approved..........R...-R.152D.................... i9........_ MAYOR ;:-88'r 49 St. Paul, Minn., -April 7t11 - - - - 1904 - . TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: _ would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the Inatalliag-nause -sewer gollrWcti.one on_ LjrQolrL avenus tzom. Snelling av-enue. tD the bridge. over C. M. & St. P Tracks to be extended to - - April .lst - - - - - - 192G = Owing to -Labor- oondi-dorsa- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very tru G Contractor.' There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far a& the re imen of this office is cont APPROVED Supt. of Construction & Reps.rs 4?. _lam- r of Public Works. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FILE I ENCIL NO._..... LVED That Oounoil File No. 37529, approved December 8th, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "Rice street" where they occur therein, and by inserting in lieu thereof the words "Wabasha street." Yes (d) CoyhcAmen (J) Nays 40 Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers v Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-18 1 I C F kfb 2876D-6 9 "k'Qfr L'poWere— Roao)va& Thi' L'bunctl �k'lle hTo „ 27629 dDProx$4 Deopitibev I{tN 191$ be gnd tD'e ea.da l� herebY lrmgndad Dy,' � Atrl)c�pti[ dut the.gvrord.!$1- 1 altos[ rwyere, they odour<th>sreln Slid by fn -47ertlnj�-1u,31et�. tDetdgt the wltirQa wa bAahh street. - .Addflkdd d1F f�k._'CoLnc}) �9 8 1920 t i ApDcgVed Apr 8��t920 fAprfi 1t)>1H2O) .., APR —8 1920 .._:......19 _...... Adopted by the Council APR —8 1920 ..... In favor APprov . . ..._.. ............ .... i9.... .Against' MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL.N01- NO ............ 11(J.l--t51 @�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �(j� r OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...................................................................................................:... ............................... DATE..A S'i.1.–l......192Q_...,..... Vv RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 5,000 gallons of Ice Cream required by�hal�lPi'�iimS'lliyckT"�4t3*ig the season of 1920, to J. C. VanderBie Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $1.15 per gallon, or a total contract price of $5,750.00, in accordance with specifica- tions and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2210. Feceived all papers in connection with above Reao ution. Yes (d) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council �1�R._- _IyLU•....I9 Farnsworth Goss..............In favor Approved... ... ...._...;AEU............. ......_I9........_ McColl v Powers O Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEIVED BY CIO COU "CIL FILE No RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for constructing, relaying and repairing cement side -walks during the year 1920; for the entire city as shall be ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first day of November, 1920, to the Standard Stone Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of approximately $46,312.50, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is -hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2205 (A) Yes (V) Councilmen (1) Nays .......... An favor .........Against Reye- .489ec n W2.1 Pap... itt ti on, above Adopted by the Council ........APR ...-,S-+y2f............. 19......... Approv .........GPR....-8......................................1920 19 MAYOR �­jt Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President .;:FORM 3M9•f3 .......... An favor .........Against Reye- .489ec n W2.1 Pap... itt ti on, above Adopted by the Council ........APR ...-,S-+y2f............. 19......... Approv .........GPR....-8......................................1920 19 MAYOR �­jt 1 '28753 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0._ ................. I ... __......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—,GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................................................................................................................... DATE,Ax.O.h...,31,19.2.0........... RESOLVED That~the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awA:Cding contract for furnishing approximately 1,000 tons of Limestone Dust to the Asphalt Plant. to the Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, they being the lowest responsi- ble bidder, at a. price of $5.50 per ton, or a total contract price of approximately $5,500.00, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #2129. GS Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor McColl %� Powers l /--Agairzt Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9.19 M �, ceiwed "il papers to ab connection with 01e gea 1� uticn� ,�„y„r�i Adopted by the Council 19......... Approv . 19 ... ..............GpR..._ ...1920.........._._._ ...... y........ y./...../ MYON/J ........ //�<���I CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENe1' No ... ........ 2.8.754 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the C,pntract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Wyoming Street from Robert Street to a point 100 feet west of the west line of Oakdale Avenue to Christ Johnson for the sum of $3,862.45, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Sttti .$3206.00. F. B. #2147. Yes (d) Councilmen (1) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Received all papers in connection with above Res lution. :Adopted by the Council .......... iq .......... eR —� iso Infavor Approve......._..._........._..................................... 19....----- _............Against MAYOR O CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ERcn No........... 8-7,55 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,tA COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By. /III RESOLVED That 'the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for the construction of a sewer on Adrian Street from Elway to Vista Street to the Feyen Construction Company for the sum of $0,640.00, &'d:1;40 iry&fttlon Counsel is hereby instructed to .draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Eng. Esti. $7.640.00. F.B. #2186 Yes Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President ' FORM DM9-19 Received all 'Papers In connection with above ResO tion. Ilk �,.. .� Adopted by the Council......GNR.19......._ In favor Appr �L�i� .............. —t9 Against............. ......... ... . .. MAYOR OF ST. PAUL FOEnm� NO A, o V' kjF�CITY E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..'..... .... ...................... _....................................................................... .................................. DATE A.PXil....1r.1-92--0............... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 5,000 gallons of Ice Cream required by Como Park during the season of 1920 and 2,000 gallons required by Harriet Island during the season of 1920, to the Crescent Creamery Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $1.15 per gallon, or a total contract price of $8,050.00, in . accordance with specifications and their bid and award of con. tract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. B.B. #2210. Yes (d) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl 0 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 Recgi'aect za�l � connection with 9-1 0TO Res lutio ate- Adopted by the Council (fiPR- -_ - - i9 --- -- �i 79[U Appr....... _.._............ .......................... .... .........i9........_ AP —8 192U ..... ............... MAYOR i PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n RESOLVED rl� the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the .Contract Committee and rejects bid received.for the grading and improvement of Carbon Street from Oeage Street to Wheelock Parkway; Folsom Avenue from South Street to Wheelock Parkway; Aoland Street from South Street to Wheelock Parkway, and Como Avenue North from north line of Como Boulevard to South Street. F.B. #2197. Yes (J) Councilmen (1) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ......... ..... In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Pdr. President FORM 3M9.19 Adopted by the PVH —8 1920 APR ..-a..1g2.Q............_'. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, stimate lio. 7, Under Contract 5068 B, for Season of 1919. --rssessable Roll-- F.O. 23953 Albert St., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 26351 Jefferson Ave., south side, from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. F.O. 25580 Fredericka Ave., west side, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., on the south side of Jefferson Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave. and on the north Side of Palace St. from Fairview i Ave. to Fredericka Ave. FO. 26348 James St., both sides from Fredericka St. to Underwood St. F..0. 26347 Underwood Ave., west side,, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., south side of Berkeley Ave. from Underwood Ave. thence west 240 feet, on the south side of Stanford Ave between Underwood Ave.; and Fredericka Ave., ori thesouthside of Wellesley Ave. betwe,#n Underwood Ave, and Fredericka Ave. F.O. 23954 Front St., north side, beginning 154 feet east of Dale St. thence east 16 feet and from a point 100 feet farther east thence east 94 feet. F.O. 25329 Dale St., east side, from Front St. to Maryland St. F.O. 25676 Montrose Ave., west side. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. and on the east side of Ir"Iontrose Ave. from Dayton Ave. to Laurel Ave. and on the east side of Otis Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. F.O. 25995 Marlboro Ave., west side, from Dayton Ave. to Laurel Ave. --Non-Assessable Roll -- -F.0. 23953 Albert St., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 26347 Underwood Ave., west side, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., south side of Berkeley Ave. from Underwood Ave. thence west 240 feet, on the south side of Stanford Ave. between Underwood Ave. and Fredericka Ave., on the south side of '0ellesley Ave. between Underwood Ave. and Fredericka Ave. F.O. 25580 Fredericka Ave., west side, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., on the south side of_,Jefferson Ave, from Fairview_Ave.. to Snelling Ave., and on the north side of Palace St, from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. F.O. 25329 Dale St., east side, from Front St. to Maryland St. F.O. 25676 Montrose Ave., west side, from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave., and on the east side of Tlontrose Ave, from Dayton ':ve. to Laurel Ave., and on the east side of Otis !_ve. from Marshall_ Ave. to Laurel Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. /BE IT FURT14ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ((((// iLC1.� i�.1..:_..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. a Adopted by the Council -CS (HU-- X191 .. .. City Clerk. Approved 19L.- A- ._ �� Mayor. ........ ... Fe— B. B. 18 rt'Ut 5 -.- C F. No..8760—By S. A. Farnsworth— ) In the matter of the assessment o1 for >; '. con- benefits, cts and expenses on- os strueting. refaying and repairing strue Council File No. Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 7, under Contract 10b8 13, for Season Qf 1919. - T :t..e..nble R.H. By........... ........ ._..............._......_..._..................._................ 53 Albertwest side to CITY OF ST, PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, stimate lio. 7, Under Contract 5068 B, for Season of 1919. --rssessable Roll-- F.O. 23953 Albert St., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 26351 Jefferson Ave., south side, from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. F.O. 25580 Fredericka Ave., west side, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., on the south side of Jefferson Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Snelling Ave. and on the north Side of Palace St. from Fairview i Ave. to Fredericka Ave. FO. 26348 James St., both sides from Fredericka St. to Underwood St. F..0. 26347 Underwood Ave., west side,, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., south side of Berkeley Ave. from Underwood Ave. thence west 240 feet, on the south side of Stanford Ave between Underwood Ave.; and Fredericka Ave., ori thesouthside of Wellesley Ave. betwe,#n Underwood Ave, and Fredericka Ave. F.O. 23954 Front St., north side, beginning 154 feet east of Dale St. thence east 16 feet and from a point 100 feet farther east thence east 94 feet. F.O. 25329 Dale St., east side, from Front St. to Maryland St. F.O. 25676 Montrose Ave., west side. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. and on the east side of Ir"Iontrose Ave. from Dayton Ave. to Laurel Ave. and on the east side of Otis Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. F.O. 25995 Marlboro Ave., west side, from Dayton Ave. to Laurel Ave. --Non-Assessable Roll -- -F.0. 23953 Albert St., west side, from Portland Ave. to Ashland Ave. F.O. 26347 Underwood Ave., west side, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave., south side of Berkeley Ave. from Underwood Ave. thence west 240 feet, on the south side of Stanford Ave. between Underwood Ave. and Fredericka Ave., on the south side of '0ellesley Ave. between Underwood Ave. and Fredericka Ave. F.O. 25580 Fredericka Ave., west side, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St., on the south side of_,Jefferson Ave, from Fairview_Ave.. to Snelling Ave., and on the north side of Palace St, from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. F.O. 25329 Dale St., east side, from Front St. to Maryland St. F.O. 25676 Montrose Ave., west side, from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave., and on the east side of Tlontrose Ave, from Dayton ':ve. to Laurel Ave., and on the east side of Otis !_ve. from Marshall_ Ave. to Laurel Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. /BE IT FURT14ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ((((// iLC1.� i�.1..:_..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. a Adopted by the Council -CS (HU-- X191 .. .. City Clerk. Approved 19L.- A- ._ �� Mayor. ........ ... Fe— B. B. 18 rt'Ut 5 28761 COUNCIL FILE NO..._ ........................ By...... ': Gef.lir, _.''�i`Ll. .... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...o.onSt-nuoting--- ...8.03ZeX...9 ..DQ.S.Q.ta---Sheet-,._fX QI?..BS 7??�.......... Avenue--t.o..Zuy- -Street.---------------------------------------__.......-----........--------......_..........---...---.........--------------------------- ........ .......I............. ..... - ................ ...................._...... - . - ........................ --.......................................................... -- - --------------------------..._... ---- ...... ....................... ..... - .....-- ........ -- ...................'.-.........__------------------------..................----------...-..------------ -............................ -----------------------.._._.------------- .. under Preliminary Order ._....27.8.5-0 -------------- ...._......... approved._ J uary._1Qa..-1920........................---- _ Intermediary Order .............. ... ................................................. C . F. xn. 2svei—sya A'Farnsworth—e notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon anon n sots, 6" 'On Bain rawve -'r having heard all persons, objections and tee i, st, -. pnaer Freuminery Order having fully eonsid- 2i8K0, approved January. 10.1920.. ered the same; therefore, be it A,. inetiaeovea lmaTerenie,�yr been had RESOLVED, By the Council of the City ofd ,-ana tge_cam „�.pre', iture, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is--anns.true-t a...s.e. es'._Qn..ABB.Ota...Stre.et.�... Y.om BrainerdAvenue to Ivy...Stx e.Qt...._... ....................---.._...._.......................................... --------------------------------------_--------------------.......------------------------............ ..................... -- - ............... -- - ...... - ............. ..........._................:........--. - .........._......_. -- --- - ....... - ._................ - ---..........._._............ - ......................... ......- -- ............ ....._... ... - . — .---------._------------------- .._----------- -- ......------ --- ................ ................ ---..............................................................-- ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. 1....... kr'" u -:1... ,�' 04:...5:,- ". City Jerk. Approved. ......APR------6.Iy29. ...._........ 191-..... f �� - —................ -----......�............................. ...._..__...... ......._._... .Councilman Farnsworth ISHED !h-1 O—A Mayor. Councilman Goss = Councilman Clancy Councilman NO= Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 c/. under Preliminary Order approved ...._J nPP.ry_ 10th,_. .. OF FINANC&9° \ CITY O 11--,� ... ................ ........... ............ DEPARTMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIOMER OF FINANCE,. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved ...._J nPP.ry_ 10th,_. -1920 ._..-__.. _ _. ........... _ _....... ... ................ ........... ............ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $......4.160-00 ................... frot The estimated cost per Yoot for the above improvement is $ 2.88 . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are follows: DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION SS VALUATION Stone &Morton's 2nd A ddi,r 250 .20 .3 tion to the City of St. Paul 21 .3 Ramsey County, Minnesota. .. 100 22 3 Do 1275 23 .3 Do 1275 - .24 .3 Do 175 .. :... 25 ,3 Do 1375 -- jl 26 .3 Do 975 27 .3 Do 675 - 28 .3 Do 175 �--=- _----- -----X2.6_1-__ ---------------•29 ------�o---- TOTAL i .. CITYO L DEPARTMENT O FI�lANG�E " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Stone & Morton's 2nd Add. 175 to the City of St. Paul, 31 3 Ramsey County, Minnesota. 175 32 3 Do 1175 33 3 Do � 50 34 3 Do 150 35' 3 Do 300 36 3 Do That tract bounded on the east by De Sota Street, on the South by Brainerd avenue, on the north and west by Lots 7, and 14, J. "!. Bass' Acre Lots, being shown as School 1500 Lot on Plat of said J. W. Base' Acre Lots, 14 J. W. Ess' Acre Lots 350 4 1 Jaggard's Addition to 100 the City of St. Paul. 3 1 Do 50 2 1 Do 50 1 1 Do 50 22 1( J. W. Bass' Acre Lots 23&b 23 1 Do 30 Do 700 31 Do 700 16425 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - - --- - -- 19 - ---- - - ------- -Dated -__-- - Commissioner FORM B.R.A. 5.3 C of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance =�- r an 20 J .'.....2.6.. ............... ......_................. _...191.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._27860....._...approved_.......__Jan.'...10.�..._......__............199..., relative to......._........._.,_.... eonetruo_tion..._of..._e..._sewer.,._on__DeSoto.,._Stree.t from Brainerd enne...,.t.o.....Ing....B.tre.et................................................. .................. ......... .............._... _............................... .............. ..........._...-._........................ ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.88 per front foot 4160.00 2. The dstimated cost thereof is $ .... ........ ........................ and the total cost thereof is $ .............. and Exoess inspection $80.00 Frontage 1450 ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. .... _......_......__................ _...._........_........._................ _...._........ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..............................................................................._....-............................. ........... ..........._.........:........................................................................._.................................................. a. Said improvement ie. -......_ ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject / to assessment for said improvement. ...... ,.:!....... ........ :............... _.:...:r...................... Commissioier of Public yPorkc. W 14 Tug of St. Paul OSCAR CLAUSE N. CHI- Mrrartutrat af.VubUr Works J. e. cMROLL r9urr1N6fR' M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER eunewu or tonernuer ion wno nelwiR• 'A. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL R!D JACN90N, 9u M'. ".Y.a.'o'w«.on, January 22, 1920 M. 9. ORYTBAH, CHOINee n'O G. H. HlRROLD,Orr�cc lnOin eee Mr. N. N. GoeB, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I beg to submit herewith report on the matter of constructing a sewer on DeSoto Street from Brainerd Ave. to Ivy Street under Council File No. 27860, approved Jan. 10, 1920: Approximate cost 4160.00 Cost per front foot 2.88 Excess inspection necessary 80.00 Assessable frontage 1450 ft. It was the intention of the Council to hold the hearing in this sewer at the saute time as the grading of the sheet, as a question was raised by the property owners as to whether the sewer could be built. We find that the sewer can be built and will have a depth of 9 ft. at Ivy St. Very truly yours, ( Chief Engineer �� C F Na 2762—Ordlaance No (1888 / �,� �An drdtnance g anti g to the w. 'L ,t9chmelaet :Company corporatlo , to erect and permfeston malntatn an �( yand afar station on University 1^ea betweenRica street and • „7 Boulevard.. 5 An ordinance granting to the W. H. Schmelzel Company, a corporation, permission to erect and maintain an air and water station on University avenue between Rice street and Capitol Boulevard. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted 0.-,1115 W. H. Sohmelzel Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain an air and water station on the north side of University avenue, between Rice street and Capitol Boulevard, near the curb, and about ten feet vast of the west line of Lots 18, 19 and 20 of Whitney's Subdivision of Brewster's Division. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the erection of said station upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of .Public Works a plan or specification of said station and the loca- tion thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of said Com- missioner. (2) The said station shall be installed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of a. St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), condition- ed to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, Judgments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the erection, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said station. The said bond shall be in'such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satis- factory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays i PH M 1520 Mr. Clancy Goss McColl U Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Appro i!PR'3 1520 ruIlLro11EDS/—�6T 4 or Attest 7� 'if�.f�li.n,�. ^1 City Clerk � �'. ` ;;�. �, ,.a.,, rte° �,��•;�, � April 2nd, 1920. The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen. Attention Mr. Mike Goss; NEED For some time past we have felt the need of a public air and water station in our section of the City, not only for use .by Ford care but for all makes that may wish service. This need is particularly great at night, when garages are closed, and would be a very great convenience to the auto driving public. Over 30,000 care entered our building during 1919 - we believe that ten times that number or 300,000 would be a conserv- ative estimate of the number of care passing our location during the year, we have no way of estimating the number of care that might use this service. TYPE We have endeavered to secure the neatest and best con- -- strutted station obtainable- We are enclosing a out of the type we propose installing. PROPOSED On north side of University Avenue between Rice Street LOCATION and Capitol Boulevard, near curb, ten feet east of west line of lots 18 - 19 - 20 of Whitney's Sub -Division of Brewsters Division. We hereby petition your Honorable Body for a permit to erect station as outlined above and in accordance With any City ordinance relating thereto. Assuring you we will appreciate your prompt consid- eration of our application, we are Yours very truly, W. H. SCHMELZEL COMPANY, Secy and Manager of Sales. WSW -11 - <o..AA<,s 1 6, lu µ - - - CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FnE O1L Na.... Farm A A 46.2p 7-18 72 APF y 192G - sv ..-------- AUDITED __,9j 191 CIT SIPTROLLER " ., ............................... ..-.-.. ..�� PER--..-.. { .. ....... ....... .._...---..- t - TITLE , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adoptedby the Council GPR �9 I9ZO Clancy - '' ' RES0%TION9- .' ..._....___ .._..__..___.___19I...._ Farnsworth o. F. No 28783`— Ap ed....._... APR -9 1920... AEatragt. (i09s Resolved that Warrant-. er draw. $e ms fae r of -t it'persp s.41 Payable and in _-_....._.._.__......_.._ - /1`•.�a/ favor r tba persons 9rms n corpora? ._. llopa for the amounts,`a0 opposite. MAYOR thefr respective' name- a-'epectded [n Wunderlich the Qonow)nl; detaflea ate, - !eUt- Adam Deoker Hardware C (29.34. •Jolntlese, Fire Brick Co-: 6145.04. Mr. President, Hodgson °Joern-13r;Mfg. ao., szl7 ss Manhattan .OII & ,IAnseed Co..' 59.9$.: -N. W. Elegtrlc Equipment Company: $69:40 -: Plttsbu`O wall Co OlaeifCo - 627.93. - -E: J Stt well Co, 249.bL ThomPaolr Yards. Ino. Rubber Co-;9Af- . 'Adopted by. .tbe C0un0WApr 9 �19K0•. Approved Apr. 9, 1920. j. (April 17-1920„ 1945 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 29.34 Schools 13:56 tl 4.13 3:25 ,t 7:00 _. Parks 1.40 1946 Jointless Fire Brick Company, 148.04 Schools 1947 Joerns Bros. Mfg. Company, 217.56 Schools 1948 Manhattan oil &-Linseed Company, 3;98 Schools .1949 N. V1. Electric Equipment Company, 63.40 Schools 1950 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company', 27.33 Schools 1951- E. J. Stilwell Company, 43.61 Schools 1952 Thompson Yards, Inc., 15'6.86 Great'Northern Schools 1953 U. S. Rubber Company, 9.41 Schools Total 699.49 r - s V CITY OF ST. PAUL owiaww� m OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER h ry AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOUNCIL No. �� t:4 Form A A 46,2.7-19 APR Q 1920CO\IPTROLLER AUDITED .........191........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council...GPR -9 19ZU 191._ Clancy = APR 91920 oved_._ .. .......... FarnsworthC F No.297b Abstrae4' Goss Aeaoived '.that warrants be b 0 Soot -� u11on the City Treaeuri. Pala Keller of the hereinafter epeciII Hr- or sad _--- '--_. _ _ .-_ _...._.__ .. . .. - . _..._. _ ..._. _............... Ilu favar of the Perm .; MAYOR ((Z� Poratlona for -the amounts set apposite: meeatr— their reeDectf9a amee'as 9p cl9ed in tha following detailed- atatgme t: Wunderlich ' ; x. W. Goetal ger, 313,67 ' A C. Teffereo , $360.64. Mr. President, Hodgson I - Manhattan=o�t s Ltneeed co 37.94.04 Merchants Natlonat -'Hann 53 033., - O'Neil &:Preston. i�92.Co. a6 1937 H. W. Goetzingperkhouae 1938 A. C. Jefferson, Paving Deir . 1939 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, St. C. & R. 1940 Merchants National Bank, '675.00 Interest It .. 2, 420.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 3. . , 1941 O'Neil & Preston, Sewer Connections on Lincoln Avenue 1942 Power Equipment Company, St. C. & R. 1943 Seabiary & Company, 8;15 Polios Workhouse 07 91 87 .02 1944 SiFo Products Company, St. C. & R. Total 4,340.61 'CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY « RESOLVED COUNCIL 28766 FILE NO .................... I ........... ..... In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hand St. from a point 25 feet north of the north line of Lawson St. to Cook St., Under Preliminary Order 27293, approved November 17, 1919, and Final Order 28159, approved February 17, 1920. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (d) Councilmen (1) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss f Powers l0 Wunderlich 1V&. President FORM 3M9-19 ....Received all Fop°ve in wyth connectjOr Res Ila °n N/ w . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......... RESOLVED , CITY OF ST. PAUL coxxcu FILE No ...... ... . ..�P`.¢ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of constructing a sewer on Dale Street from Maryland St. to a point 220 ft. north of the center of Maryland St., under Preliminary Order #27528, approved December 8, 1919, and Final Order #28311, approved February 27, 1920. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (J) Councilmen (J);IEjays Clancy Farnsworth Goss msevffl� er Powers b Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Received a]-1 pa.rers Ili connection with above Resollytio I1/ Adopted by the Council ._..._........A PR --..91921.....i9......... .............In favor Approv .............. �........... i9. ........ _ -Against I ' /1 MAYOR .I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE No 2876.8 �j r In the matter of construction a sewer on the west side of Lexington Avenue from Lafond Street to a point 75 feet south of the south line of Blair St., under Preliminary Order #26891, approved Oct. 11, 1919, and Final Order #27993, approved February 3, 1920. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..In favor 11�Ge1}� ower 6 Against Wunderlich fdr. President FORM 3M9•Ie 4 Recei♦ed all Papers ii connection with abov* RespltAtion. l�f vU Adopted by the Council........__... -J _ GPR n__........ 1920 _........... ......... .i9.__.... Approved..... ....._R....-.1?_..ZU........... .......... .iq......._ MAYOR 7. COiINCII, FILE NO, _ . lj. g vow INTERMEDIARY ORDER In thg Matter of ----- aryland---Street-_fro;p-_Pa lzie-_:;venue to -_Prosperity-•• �iv�tztte-,.--znchiding_-serer.,.:hater..-and_gas-.-c-oruiections from street mains to ....---------•....................._..-•-•--------•••• ...ropertv..,lixl�- ..,o9mplete.,_vrnere not- alread-y,--made-,,--alsoincluding................. curbing-.and--•p.a.vilig--a-1ley--,and•-driverJay--approaches•,•-_yrliere- necessary. ........................................................... ......................... •- I�ITERUEDIAIIY URDEA.�1'..................................................... ........................................................................................... C. F, No, 28789-B,y 9 A. Earn I under Preliminary Order ---------------_2-`x-9,7,2.... ..'nf� Payne AvertoiPr sS oth,---1919, i.�,,amg:aewer. wsv.. ..... ...-- .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having recei' :o'S Tport•of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..have..11aryland...St-reet from ...Payne ...rvexzlae...to---�xosper.... ..venue -,---including- seder, grater,and gas' _.cs?z�nectiona._from street mains to property lines complete, where not _......__.....__.. ........ .... - I ..... ............................_..- - .-... ... already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway . .- ...... ................ _.... appx.oacles ,.--gfhere_. necessary. ................ _.,.........- ...... ---_..... ....... ._...__ ....... _............................ ...... .._..... _.... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... __.12th ............... day of "•' .. -1'd'-ay, r---1Q2-Q-------.....---.?494X -.-., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvem nt0 and t�Lkotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.................................U..._........... 191..... -. —� 192 Approved....................fi.....PR ............................ 191........ ... ...... City Cl k. ---- ....... fc .................... 3fayor. PUBLISHED q—J 7— D Councilman Farnsworth Councilman toss Councilman Incl Clancy Councilmaz, MMNx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor LW$KX riodgs on Forrn B. S. A. 8-6 ... ...... City Cl k. ---- ....... fc .................... 3fayor. PUBLISHED q—J 7— D �j)' 1 J b COUNCIIr E N0. Q ` INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....QbAugzX>,(,...tdbe...El:ad@.._4 ...A ?3:Y.land.,.Street--.from-.a.,goint 220 ft. v>est_-off'._.-Frank Street-. to. the east -line of Fisher Street to conform to the ... .--------- ............................ red...17x1e...Qn,.the-_-profile .l}ereto.-attached-.and..-made a pal:t Hereof, the present grade beim represented by a blue line thereon; also, grading said.... nd.__Street---between..the.-aforesaid limits to the said red line .when ...es-tablis.hed........ ._........................... ......... ............................................... .................................. under Preliminary Order .......... 28209 ............... ............. approved ...... ltebruary..18-,_-.1J2N........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of th nmminioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said c. F. xo zaz a ayn a Farnswo tt 1. That the said report be and the same is Ia the Matter OR CiiangtnEthe �r�so the said improvement is P of MarYtand 4t trom apofat 2 D ft ; p herebyordered to be proceeded with. west f Frenk 9i 'to the east nn,_n_- p feher St to.-confo m to th ' z w hereto 1" Z. That the nature of the improvement which t ie CouStcit.teeortjii� izds s .c.I e...the... grade.. ox -..... I-ar"gland..S-treet....fran_.a...p.Qrrt. 220._feet.-.V12pst_.of.- Duluth Avenue the lineof._Pisher...Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto att.ached..and._made a part hereof, the present grade being represented by a blue line thereon; also, grading said iaaryland Street between the ... _............................................. ................................................................................... .....afaresaid...liu .t,.,5 to.._the-.said red line when established. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...17..,.i?.71 74_„ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the................111h........... day of ............. i?iayx 1920 �g¢x_..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...........APR —9 Iy2U ...................................19.., 191.:....... Approved ................. IyC(1..........1 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilmanxyjlbtk Clancy Councilmanxlketkex Fevers Cn.,.,,ai,..... , r -"I Councilman Wunderlich MayorIitM Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........................... . ...... j City C rk. 1 .1 ........................................................ Mayor. PUBLISIIED 7 O v0 Q_ couxclr. � �Cfir-------------------�-� . vr��f...... sy......... .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....ao-T en, nin&..and takixig an for I.i.11s.... rdd nb...lial:YJI?las....txe # i'.r..Qm...A.-P.a xlt 220 feet -_crest --.of..- Frank Street to theeastlineofFisLerStreet,------------------------ -- ................ __--- ---_ _ -- ............................................................... ..............� .:: der Yrelimisary Omer >2YLla 8(....... ......................................... proved ireb. 18..1820 ''MM or"P - under Preliminary Order ........2$2aQ.......... ... The P - •n of the rir,r,fivaxy.._1 192 ..... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....condglljXl and. -.t IM...ari e.lis.ement..in_the-.-land._necessary for slooes� for cuts and fills in grading iIaryland...St.re.et._-from.._.point 220. feet__. west_. of. Duluth Avenue_.. to, -_the... east _line .... of....Eis.hes...Stre,et in accordance with,.the_blue..pi_int_hereto-attached _and. mad.e_.a-_past.-hereof, the. hatched_ norti,ons. shoyring, the cuts and the shaded._p.Rrti.ons...s.hgi ing.. the fills. . - .- ......... ._ ..._.......... -....... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated .cost thereof is $....54..0.0. ........ -_ . Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....._11t.11 .................. day of ............ tlre.y.,...a 92.0 .......... ........ 19i?{__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A♦. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci]...ueR _9 19« 191...._.. ........... ... ........ ............................:........... Approved..............utt............ .................... , 191...-..... City rk. ................................................................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth , Councilman (foss PUBLISHLD Councilman IVIMM Clancy Councilman lhtnc Powers Councilman Wunderlich 0 Mayor x,'jc Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNC ILE .ilk..--_---_-------------- v - - I FINAL ORDER 28772 In the Matter of.-....c.olfatruc.t....c.ement.... tile -..sidewalks-,-six-.feat ..-Wide .................... on both sides of Sheldon Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Como- ----- ---'--------- ' --- ---'-----------------'---......... ...........------............- '- '- -- ......... - .................. ......-............ -----.... .......... Phalen--avenue?.-.except...where ...good .-and--sufficient.-.sidaualks-..now ...................... era t, .........................................................— _ — ................................. ............. O.:F. No. 28772—Hy S. -ti - 8`arnewarth- Ih the Matter of construotln$ cement -tile sidewalks, els feet wide; ,un ........................................................... '- "'-"'.."'-'................................both sides of Sheldon Ave...Irom,, FrankaonAve,; to Comb -Phalen Ave_ 11 eReept 'Where $OOd '.and B ............................................ Clp' ................. ........... ....-... ...................................F 'd_11,k -now ex(s[. .nnder 11;. .. .....-.-... aprove under Preliminary Order. -..97179 ....:......................... "appi45 i'.-; ---Ngv.-..5..... 1J19.-.............. IntermediaryOrder.-............................................................ approved---" .............-.-.....-------------------------------------- A ---------------------------------A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having beard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul ,that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City iso-Won#.-..tile ..-.Sid-ew-alks.o------------------ six feet wide, on both sides of Sheldon Avenue from P'rankson Ave., to. como-Phalen---Auenue,.-.except--.where ...good.-.and-.-s.uffieient--.sidaw.a7.ks----.--- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordan therewith. Adopted by the Council ...._. uPR -9- IyC0.-.--.. ... 191........ Approved ..----f4P.R.----9 2fl- -_ ---, 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman XMKr Powers C Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerl �— - 0 II rAUL DEPARTME T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWOOVER OF FINANCE �>y' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved/L1 f---------------- --- ------------------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----------- The estimated cos;Feggq++of for the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ 0.70 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ��, LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION :/7,(/wttiP/��r�G�lLtioxJ a : 17 i,'N './7 �o ,a7 17 Gl�f /7 a9 .'17 - - -- —L� --- -- --- --- --- TOTAL, I+OPM B.9.A. 9�9 A ASSESSED VALUATION � � I PAUL YSi - - DEPARCl r `OF FINANCE - . REPORT OF COMMISSIpI�IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFt ORDER 4B) DESCRIPTION j LOT �LOCRi ADDITION�,VASLI sEON I� _ I v 33 /, 3--i 6- a II'i /% /% a(/, 60 6-1 '16-0 3 p. ! 1.4-A 6J' �j-/G aeo a y s lo :�lo GCU 3 6�u .7 lela 140 I �s'I -- TOTAL. CITY aT. F, DEPARTMENT 4F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS,;pN%iR OF FINANCE ON PRELIM)NARY ORDER — - _--� - I ASSESSED j� DESCRIPTION LOT 00OCKADDITION VALUATION ' �i I II I: !i it I it I p, li IIS I� it , f i i I i D O IIathat he has investigated all of the The Commissioner of Finance further reportsg -" --- aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - - �-............. ---------- ---194%x ----------- ---------- ----------------- -- -- - -- Commissioner of Finance. In the Matter of....reCDns.truc:Ling,...rela.3ring-and--.r-apair-ing...Gement---ti-Vis...... ...... sidewalk on west side of Rosabel Street, beginning at Sixth Street ............................._............ -------...........-- ................ - .......-........ thena-0 asutla...to EL1ley.._ten ..feet aide ........................................ ................................................ - ......------......--- -- -------- --- --- ....I ........................................................... 4 C. F. No 28773 --BY S. A. Fa ns orth. -�� Matter or recoestruotiag, Ye"` �-,ng and reBatring.':, cement Hle ............. .._............................................................ .allr on west std. of Roea1..C---------------- ........... ------------. -------------- 1 Wit, beginning -'at Sixth nur 14 ee eolith to alley t,-, U ....................................................................................7.. i Preitmir....'...`. ............ ...--............ ........................................ Al under Preliminary Order ........... 27206. ................... s; approved----.Sloe.---"I-,---lel-S.-.....--------......---------........ IntermediaryOrder ............................................................. approved ................ ......................................... ........... ......--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered .the same; therefore, be it / RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City tile sidewalk on west side of Roabel,Street, beginning at Sixth..---..----_ ...- ..... ....................---- ...-------- - - -----,,....... Street.z..thence. south to..alley,_t.en-ioet---w---id---e-I................-----­---------------------- --­-------------.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. s--� APR � I Adopted by the Council.... ----..._--------------------------1._......., 191..-.--- Approved .............----- GNR. 79 I9L0......... 191 - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Iiftm Powers Councilman Wunderlich Mayor -Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 r City PUBLISHED Y '- / 7 _ a a Mayor. �S Office of the Commissioner of Public Work; r r Report to Commissioner of Finance 61, t Nfl�' 15 rig November 14th, 9 ----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: 'Che Commissioner 11 of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. ZYQ06 _---approved___ November 7th, -191_ 9, relative to reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing cement the sidewalk on west --13�.ds _o�_Rs2&ahel..S��QQtc�_ t�egi�ilt� �� alley ten feet wide. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 7V per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ---------- ------------- 5. Said improvement is__not------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------- - Commissi er of Public Works. OITY OF 8 DEPARTMENTANCE REPORT OF COMMISS' R OF FINANCE § ON PRELIMINARY,ORDER under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is E The estimated cost pergloot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: f I TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. O r Dated � 19� -- ... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 -- 874 COUNCIL' FILE NO ................ By. -------------------- ' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...reconstructing, relaxing and_.Ke-pairing-_cement._ tile..._.._...__ sidewalks on the south side of lTini£red Street from Be}lows Street, .-.. - - .. thence nest to Charlton Street six feet wide. - -27207 ffi�'�°3�.,,,"Rs-ti4'7,'rproven ....... .. ............ .......... Jng been i Lad. .................................................... aeg, - 7 1919. under Preliminary Order-- ...... ........_ ..... �pplbvedl........_?yk :...............r-_........... IntermediaryOrder.... ..._-------------------=---------------------------- approved ............... ---.......-.....-......---------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....YeConst------ ._reiay-..and-_repair.-cement _tile--_sidergalk_ on._thes outh..side.. of--i^linifred_•-Street-fr4m..$el] o17s...Bt...., thence west to Charlton Street six feet wide. - .............. - - ....... .__.... -- ........-........ --....--------------.....-- • ........-- .......------ .......................--------------- - - - -------------------------------- --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 19'U ....----....., 191....---- n .......... .... .............. City �n Cle_v.. Citrlerlik Approved ------------ ttPR- !) 92G ............... 191 - ----------- ------------------ -- ------- Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councihnanxlr Pow ers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITTTItj�.AUI= DEPARTMENT d- �!LtfANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved ----•---<---�-�-%'---"'------"- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---�,(----'— The estimated cost pepoot for the above improvement is�— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —r— _ - �'-- — --ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 9LOCI. ADDITION ' VALUATION �i011�p yf/ a v D C� o ° ° d� 15— all i AJ1 TOTAL, CITY -!-AUL DEPARTMENT Ojk'0IN*NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED� 5_ f� ADDITION VALUATION ,11 D€SCRIPTION LOT 6LOCK it 6 ',,YI / `V.jt�✓Y�tit-G¢/ LZ-v`�."C lj pK/ d ; 4 3 O O i - _ 7 0.0 I i% u , The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, _and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said/matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated--- -- -�1c? 14Y..- " IS- --`---..--------------------------------.-..-- --- - - b / Commissioner of Finance. IOPM .-A. 9-D C R Ofitce-of the Commissioner of Public WorkwornVE D o�y Report to Commissioner of Finance g' ,1g19 ---- November 14th, 9 _ ___191____ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 27209-__a November -7 th. 9 the Council, known as Council File No._________ pproved____________________3191_, relative to reconstructing relaying and_repairn� i'cement tile eidewalkIx___________ tt9----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 7V per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------- and _________- ,and the nature and extent, of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- I ______________ __ _c______________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - 5. Said improvement is --- RQt------ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - j Commissioner of Public W46. ;r COUNCIL`FILE NO ................... ..... ._ .; .................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..c-onstr-uc-tixg-.-aauer....on.-Simpson--Avenue---.from-.1017i4------------------- Avenue --_t o--_Taylor.--Avenue... And ---9n...T.ay,.s?r--..Aveszue-.-fr-.om...Simpaan-. Avenue ---_------------ t.S2-..the-..terinixnlxs....of-._tine.---ex;.st:Lng..sev_%r.-IN.-.fae.t...east.-:of--.Ashury Ave .------------ ....---------------------------. .... .... ..... ........ 1'0. 28745—BY S. A�i--Fnrnewor[ti-:------------------------------------------------------ t.,lfst11,I of ,0 11 acting sewer -on 1<son Ave='hom-iiewltt `,'Avenge t:Y3or,:Ave: and`an TaYlor;1AveF ..................... .... ................. ..................................._....---.....-_--_......-.-.-...............-..,,..3lmnson. Ave.,_ totthe:tervilm --- _ 150 feet. 27695 d?..?..........Dec 27 r- 1919. under Preliminary Or ............................... . approve--------. --- .-...--- IntermediaryOrder --................................................... ......... approved.... - ----..-.._...--..--........... --- -.....- ..... ......_.....--. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered onsidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is--.-.Construct--_s..... _957-.Simps9Il-.Avanue-............. from Hewitt -Avenue to-_Taylor::4-0enue-.and;;on--Taylor-_Avenue-_£r.9m-.. amps -on. Ave 7lue-----9---the.:.t_exln xtus_.-of...the.._existing---s-e:r.er.-.-15Q..f-e-e-t-..easi... o-.Ashurg...-- Avenue.: ------------------------ --------....--.........-...............--- - - - -- ....--.......... . _.... -................................... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there ,th. APR —9 1920 191...-..-. Adopted by the Council---------------------- - 1 r - G/L. r C City Clerk. Approved-------- ----u----,, --9 19..0 ............... 191 Councilman Farnsworth - Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Ko is PowersD Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 f- ---- --- ------------ ._. - ...-.--... Mayor. -/7-Aa -'7Y 45 Y PAUL DE tt,MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF dbh*ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved - --Z= `f- -------- ----------- ----- ------------ ---- -- ---- ---------- -- ---- ---- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 2,254.00 — 00 2.60 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT IsLOaK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 foo;: r — -------awe I ' TOTAL, ,. i DEP' MEN-rOF FINANCE REPORT OF 09k*ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKIi ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 316 !f aha 0 o 6—: 7 6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. d - - - - ----192���. - - �L' -. ...... ...... - ..Dated FORM B.S.A. 0-5 C Commissioner of Finance. . Office of the Cot46issioner of Public . Worrks]RECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance _an. 26, 20. .. _.._ ................_...........................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City. of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 27695 Dec. 27, 9 cil, known as Council File No... .......... ............ approved ...... ........ ............. ............ ................................ 191 relative to. ........................ the construction of a sewer on Simpson Avenue from Hewitt Avenue ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ to Taylor Avenue, and on Taylor Avenue from Simpson Avenue to the terminus of the existing sewer 150 feet east of Asbury Avenue. ...................................................... ... ... ............................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..:_._ .... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. $2.60 per front foot 2234.00 2. The elatimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total cost thereof is $..............................................., and Frontage 857 feet Excess inspection $80.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................... .............................__................ ........... ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is................. ._............... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject / to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pablic Works. i OSCAR CLAUSSCN,C Ix[cR J.E.CARROLL •9UPT x[[R[ ALPRSO JACKSON, 9u.? cTiOn wP0 neP win• 01 H. W. COSRINGfR, SUATIOH M. 9. GRTTSAH,ExOIx [[R ox. e. H. H[RROC OI Orr x:c CxclHeen i 00f Of. Paul i8epartment of publir Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, bEPUTY January 23, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of cost for construction of a sewer on Simp- son Ave. from Hewitt Ave. to Taylor Ave. and on Taylor Ave. from Simpson Ave. to the terminus of the existing sewer 150 ft, east of Asbury Ave. Approximate Estimate 2234.00 Cost per front foot 2.60 Excess inspection necessary 80850 ft. Assessable frontage These sewers cannot be -made to drain storm -water from the streets, until an adequate outlet can be provided. Until that time they should be regarded as sanitary sewers only. very truly yours, Chief Engineer oc-b St. Paul, Lrinn.. ...../d.c': To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Y0Honorable /Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /' ✓.�•, y ---ems. ;,tea. -e: r..,,,///� lA.-a^+m.. ,y^/� ,.. /� LtA� '^pj'.^ti � �iY.'.. .a<vV. c.s•n:".*..r��— C'Y� c"�'4R�, �.-a•�'� '^"J�.. fSt$Lu .4... .St. Ave, toC ......................St. Ave. N A M E LOT Bi OCK 1JL11IOIJ �r ........... ...... !/IJ/'. . . . . . . . . . l ........... • nn 1 / ✓-x .yy ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................„..A....... xx y X Sx . fA% / x YYYY x } xx . . . . . . . }xx p........................... ,'y,. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11!! ... . . . . . . .. ....� . . . . . .x. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x xxxN . . . . . -. . . . . S .. . . . . ... . . . . . . x� . .... ...... ................ . . - -.....y..y.......ix�l 9..... . .Y 7yRRX( pAp(.......X......... ..... ......................... p . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . l xy 7 .. V .- �� .. - . Z . 1; %t,c r IV, 287 176 COUNCIL FILE'NO ..t.............................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....C.0118.tructing--.a...sa :er....on_l sb.usy.-Lv.enue.,._fr.om -Charles- Street to a.. point_ sixty_. feet... s outh...of_ Edmund...Sere.ct......._............... _.............. ..__..... .................... ........ .... - ............-............. .....-..--._......................................._. �. 28776—By S. A- Farnsworth— •...� flatter of constructing a sewer -------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- ........................................................................... ..sburY Ave. from Charles Street point slaty feet south of Ed - 1 9t., under Preliminary Order............................................................... ........................... .------------------- ... -------------- ... ............. i approved San. 17. 1920. I s hae,17 having been Lad; ....................................................................................... ..... ......... .'- r.......-..--...::<c'...------------------------------------------------------- ........... 27930. ....._... .. approved. Jap 17, ...1920.........---- ........ -..._. under Preliminary Order..._..__..__.._.._.. pp IntermediaryOrder---- - ........ - .................. ......- .... approved ........................... ........... .......--..---------- ------- -_.......- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.._..e.ons.truct_,a--sewer...on._Ashur-y--!.uenuP......... from Charles atreet to a point ---sixty-.-feet..soath_of_�dn1 a..a-txxeet....... .... ---------------------------------------....---------------------......-. ... ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.191----.... _...................... City Clerk. Approved..._ - uFIX_-9-14211...... 191. .... �^^ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss BLISHED V__ / _ -) Councilman Clancy Councilman K49F4 Porter Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,f ` In the DEPARTMENT AWE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) under Preliminary Order approved — 1 To the Council of the City of St.a : The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 758.00 2.50 The estimated cost perifoot for the above improvement is 8 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: e DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONy Alf .6— �`�G��p-�j �O� ✓lI . to e� 5- -/41 f 67 0 y _..� TOTAL.�i0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, iogethcr with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 19) Dated O Commissioner of Fia.oce. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public )V&rk �."A Report to Commissioner. of Finance ' 1:114 % 8 1920 Jana.....s..n.............................................19%' r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No........2.7 50.......approved......_........c79I1.......7 % :..........................19$ ...., relative to.............................. ........................................ g..._a.....&_ewex.....9.4.... sbur3!..._bgenue..._from....Charl..s.............. ................. ............. Street to a point sixty (60) feet south of Edmund Street. ........................ .................................... ................................... .................. _.................... ...... ............... ........................ ........................ .................................... .............. .......................... .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: i 1. Said improvement is.............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. $2.50 per front foot . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_......................_........_, and the total cost thereof is$.._.............._._75800 ....._......., and Frontage 303 feet Excess inspection $30.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ................ ............................................. ........................... ............ ........................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. ................ ..................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. J� C_7 . Commissiongr of Public Works. 1J OSCAR cU1u-N, CEw Ewod.p uD I ......... J. E. CARROLL. SUIT. ALPRED JACtt90N. Su�T cTioN w�0 R..wiR• N. W. GOETLINOER. 9vJt �[ m. 9. GRYTEAN 1 ExalR..n1OMs G. N. HIRROLOD. 011 cos Enm ea[S Ctu of fit. Paul Erpartment sf W[uklir Barks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. OEPUTY January 23, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of cost for construction of a sewer on As- bury Ave. from Charles St. to a point 60 ft. south of Edmund St. Approximate estimate 758.00 Cost per front foot 2.50 Excess inspection necessary 30.00 Assessable frontage 303 ft. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer gss-b St, Paul, )Linn, , Jan. 12M. , isao We, the undersigned„ Vetition the City of St. Paul to put ffi Sewer in on Asbury between Edmund and Criarles Streets. Z f G y- _ `t WHEREAS, it is impracticable to operate the park activities without a contingent cash fund to be used for change, and to pay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it therefore, RESOLVED, That a warrant be drawn upon the De ggaartment of Finance Por the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars ( 1,5U0.00)1 in favor of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, payable out of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Activities -and Refectories Item (52.2-B) to be used for the following Purposes only First, payment of temporary employes hired for holidays, Sundays and during rush hours - Second, freight and express, Third, postage due and telegrams, Fourth, car fare for employes on city business. Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements, and said receipts shall be turned into the Cnmptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever reimbursement of said fxdn fund is sought, and of such form as the Comptroller may require. The fund to be reimbursed by warrant and kept intact in this manner, and at the end of the season deposited with the Department of Finance to the credit of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Activities and Refectories Item 52.2 B yes (�) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers v Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council -- -OR-9..620_-..-....19- - Approved...._........uNH._'.9..19.2fl--......19... In favor Against pUBLISM, D 287,717 •-�.: COUNCIL Claacy-= FILE NO.- .................................. Whereas, ft ta'impracticable to op- - e the part ctivlites without' a �Ingent cash fund'to for "be''used .e and'to pay Immediate a._O-_ ORM sea as they • COUNCI i.Ixepe arise,. _ be it 3 That a ,war ant bedrawn PRESENTED BY oartmeat of stns, cU tot 'en Hundred Dollars' DATE..- COMMISSIONER... _ the Commie. .......1... ..... .... .playgrounds an' j +aRable out of V A6.LWLL1Y d, Ant Mties r. .. WHEREAS, it is impracticable to operate the park activities without a contingent cash fund to be used for change, and to pay immediate necessary expenses as they arise, be it therefore, RESOLVED, That a warrant be drawn upon the De ggaartment of Finance Por the sum of Fifteen hundred Dollars ( 1,5U0.00)1 in favor of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, payable out of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Activities -and Refectories Item (52.2-B) to be used for the following Purposes only First, payment of temporary employes hired for holidays, Sundays and during rush hours - Second, freight and express, Third, postage due and telegrams, Fourth, car fare for employes on city business. Receipts shall be taken for all disbursements, and said receipts shall be turned into the Cnmptroller with itemized expense voucher whenever reimbursement of said fxdn fund is sought, and of such form as the Comptroller may require. The fund to be reimbursed by warrant and kept intact in this manner, and at the end of the season deposited with the Department of Finance to the credit of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Activities and Refectories Item 52.2 B yes (�) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers v Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council -- -OR-9..620_-..-....19- - Approved...._........uNH._'.9..19.2fl--......19... In favor Against pUBLISM, D r COUNCIL ..._ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.......8.L.�j..Ig.-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y�e q ................................................... DATE_ .................... ____........._............... . RESOLVED That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to amend the license permit heretofore issued to John Sohmitt and Jesse A. Guise, co-partners doing business as the Employers Ser- vice Company, to conduct a male employment agency at 502 Commerce Building, pursuant to Council File 28687, so as to make the said license permit read "Male and female employment agency," upon the payment into the city treasury by said licensees of the additional sum of Fifty Dollars. Yes (%') Councilmen (1') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 1VX Powers 1//) ,. Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 -IB C. F. No. 28778—By Henry Resolved; That, the City �! hmreby aUtho�rpTe— d and. IC hOeneeea of ' the additional sem FirtYllare. ` ! 'Adopted by the Co -Oil Apr. 9. 1 Approved Apr. 9; 1920. (Apr11 17.1920) Adopted by the Council - -ANR --520............19--.-- -..-.-....-ln favor Approv __ OR.._f9_1.y:t(}.......__....19..._.._ Against tr PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.... �!......... RESOLVED C. R'No. 28779- i Resolved,. Ti[ 3¢ Henry .MeCo11= "the. appllcatlone of `Co.° for licenses to of RCatione on pri- the folowing-loce-?RM scorner Victorin -a 9th Fr COUNCIL N � ,t 7.9 FILE ND........ `........... .... .. DATE .............................. _.... That the applications of the Standard 011 Co. for licenses to maintain oil filling stations on private property at the fol- lowing locations, 712 Grand Av. 857 Selby Av. corner Victoria 424 Main Av. and 9th St. 234 Snelling and Marshall Av. 1852 University, corner Dewey. 287 E. 6th St., corner John. 436 Selby Av. and Arundel University Ellis and Curfew.St. 9 Rice, corner Como. 474 MinneBota St. corner 9th St. 397 W. 7th St. corner Smith. 483 Lexington and University. 825 E. 7th St. and Arcade St. 247 W. University, corner Gault. 279 E. 45 6thSt., asbel. 8Payneand Whitall 66 E. Isabel, corner Livingstone. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. b Yes (1') Councilmen (•') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9— Adopted by the Council_...GRR__79.._13.H ..............19.._..... In favor APprov_._._G.f�H....-..�.���........_...19......._ Against r - ............. IV_ �O MAYOR PUBLISHED " COUNCIL /, C. F. No. 22780—BY Hanry MM'oll— 1t10'...� s `"t {f.�o � Whereas, The American, Auto Trans. 1 ,or Company._ a corporation, has made COU Vicatlon for llcen a to ope at l FORM onk streets f th City of St Pau!D BY !-a20 White Truck. ck. 3a- 1 _rt aln motor busdescribed PRESENTEae I I COMMISSIONER / I, `.k' ..... DATE _....... _. ... REhp WHEREAS: The'American Auto Transfer Company, a Corporation, has made application for license to operate on the streets of the City sof St.Paul, a certain motor bus described as fol'ows:- ` One 2 -ton, 1920, White Truck, 30 -horsepower, Factory #65659, State License #260,760, owned by said American Auto Transfer Company, and WHEREAS, said Company in accordance with ordinance #4026, apFroved March 9,1915, has filed an insurance policy with the City, and said policy has been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, therefore be it RESOLVED: That a license be issued to said American Auto Transfer. Company to operate said Motor Bus upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said Ordinance. I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Yes (d) Councilmen (v) Naysom. 3 s 1r� y. Clancy Adopted by the Council-- .I1.P.R..-9...18CR----19- - - Farnsworth APR —9 1920 Goss In favor Ap77� Powers Against ... __.......__19......._ McColl ._...... ._.._ ...._... m.roa Wunderlich Mr. President eU ULIa+� D FORM --s — F.- A A 46,2117-18 202 c CIT] OF 87. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEc1L APR le" ......... --- ----- 1111 ER AUDITED ................................... :-.... _. .............. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) ouncilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council GFR 10 1920 ........... .......... ........................... 191....... — Cla c Fa sworth _.._...._...In favor APPr _...... Go Keer ..................Against .-_........._......__........._......_............._....................._.........:.............�./.....�..-�-------�-._..__ MAYOR M oll W derlich t Mr. Preside t, Hodgson .– C. F. No. 28781— -. Abstract. Resolved that warrants be draw- pon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter speclfled fund8 and Sn tion forfavor of the rsamount. set ePpo9lte their espeetive names as ep-ifled 1. the following detailed Statement: - Edward 0. rngalls, ;26.00. Adopted by the Counril Apr. 10, 19;0. _ Approved 92 3 (Ayrl11170. 920) 1961 Edward 0. Ingalls, .F.-Miso llaneoutr"'IIriYeea Jb� 6.00 26.00 Farm A A 46,2117-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE No. ......... &.78 4 201 =' APR .... ................................ AUDITED APR...L'-�--19ZC- -------- ...... TY `0 'TRU LFR PE........................ ........ .__.--.- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )(til' uncilmen ( V ) Nays 0R 1 0 �JLI) Adoptedby the ncil................... __.._.....__.............._............_.191..__...._ Cla Fawor[h ,.i rroved.. _. �lih.1..�I-. �t1L11 .. 191.__.... ('io C. F N 284E2Abtt tb dwlved that __ _ - - - ____ �.ICs I,_h CItY T awry. PBV DI t 2 �Mcl ntaYOR [Waite=sP .m.dt nd Wrlich fav hof theDere a arms or corporations Loramounts setoyPostteMr. Presideodgson their respecttvdeialted statam--t: tn! rbe [ollowing__.._... 1124.80..- -- 1954 Concordia College, Sahae3s- 1955 Mrs. Rose M. Hennessy, Schoolff. 1956 Albert A. Rene, Idunic- .Imployment"direau 1957 St.Paul Electric Company,,- Pol. & F. Alarm - 1958 G, Sommers & Company, Polioa Schools 1959 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Prtd. f s and blanks S: L rary 1960 Van Paper Supply Company, juxni,ra, _-I4nploymeut-Bur eau ---Totem 23.46 5.55 4:27 14,69 4:27 21.22 1.26 30.72 124.50 150.00 135.00 4.20 29.01 76.43 14.35 PRESENTED BY. COMMISSIO♦iER. COUNCIL 2878 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - 192.0 .............. RESOLVED ,t the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, th the consent of the Comptroller, three new rollers for Kindling Street Washing Machines from the Kindling Machinery Company, for the sum of $581.12, without asking for informal bids, as it is impossible to obtain these repair parts from anyone except the makers of the machines. Charge Public Works.. Street & Sewer Cleaning. Yes (0 Cound en ( ) Nays Cla cy Far worth Go Mc oil Po ers W derlich D&. President FORM (]M9-19 C. F. No. 28783—By if. N. Goal--- Resolved,. That tha Purchastng to Agent be, and he In hereby authorized Comptroller,' th three consent of the toe i Kindling Straet Washing Machines from the Kindling Machinery Com pant',. for the sum of $681.12, without' asking for Informal bid o Obtain e,ne 1t la Im- Prombgnyane except the makers part.. the machines. Charge public Workshe Street & Sewer cleaning' Adopted by the Council -Apr, to, 1920; Approved Apr. 10-,1920. --_ (April 17-1920) APR 10 1520 Adopted by the Council ._ _ __ __._._._.._............_...._i9 APR 10 192U An favor APproo _......._...._.._.. __._...._...... i9 Against MOTOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COFILU.NCIL NQ.........28 84 PRESENTED BY t / A T11 10 1930 COMMISSIONER ................... ...._'.::.............. ............... ............................................................ ............... DATE......P.....................t......................... RESOLVED v-, That the grade of alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers Addition, and Osceola -Pascal Ad- dition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (w) CounJImen f,') Nays Clancy I Farnsworth i Go MT -11 P; Po crs derlich AU. resident FORM SM Is G F. No. 28724—By n N. rose— .That-the .grade of alley in Block 4, T; N. Rogers Addition. and Gordan e,wfth i. Pascal Addition, 1. the red Brad. lia. anfle on the secomrecommended pany in mraft .neraof Public. Yorke, be and , the Same is tereby adopted as the as - the grade. r by the 011920. Apr: 10!.1920 - Adopted i Approved, t pr11017 1020) I Adopted by the Council - --- A P K-- U-15 19 PR Approved ... 19...._.. In favor // Against MAYOR roU NCIL� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENOF BY �—..........._........._.._.......... DATE ._._.ADr1.Z...9 ...1820.-- COMMISSIONER. ....... ... RESOLVED That the proner City Officers be authorized and they are hereby directed too issue a City Warrant in favor of the National Association of Comptrollers and AccountinP Officers in the sum of $40.00, being the amount of membership dues for the years 1919 and 1920, charging same to the 9_i-ty--6ffi-'--rs Atteai��nsm al Fund. yes ( 1 Councilmen () Nays t Cla�cy F-iisworth Goss McColl Po � s Wu erderlich Mr. resident FORM -9.19 C'Rexol - 2918 hatB the n, Per CRYt Of- I1 flees be authorized and-=tfiey, are here --I Fr On py directed to issue -City Werranti Comptrollerah andatA cotunitnBt Otftcers 1n tfie sit. 540.00,-petng the amount; io[ membership dues for' the .years 1939 and 1920, hnrgln6 eamo to the Contin Kent P1md. 10. 1920.1 � AdnptedbY the Council APT• I i Approved 4yri1 17719"01 Adopted by the Council APH-1U-19�U-.-- 19 " R iU 192U Approve In favor .......Against meroR 2817.86 ................... 191...:. Resolved, That tile ap lioati0n of the followin; Persons for a license to co!aduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively i?ldioated be, ane. the to same are hereby granted, an:. the City Clerk is authorized clad directed the fee as required issue Euoh licences for said persons upon the payment of by law, NAIM OF APPLICANT. F.OTEL OR RE^TAUr 1INT' LOCATICIT. George John g '449 Restaurant, 13 8th St., ?7. 7th, Sam I'owexi, Restaurant, 252 7-611,.. ''• Cremer, Restaurant, 438 rroaslvay, ;IT ,7m, ,Ta;,t Restaurant, 229 E. 7th, S. G. Larsen 7.;rs. HtUda Jensen, Larsen Hotel, East Side hotel, E E Day''.ae Ave., I C. F. No. 28796 -BY -Henry McColl— C. Resolved the.. ppltcatlon 'of -for ,That the follOwlp4 persona a itcen6e to a ndvct He r $eetaurante .ld �lo.etpne .r'p-Debtl g' tmdlcated r be, and the same are hereby granted, the and. the Ctty,Clerk is authorized and a for esee. b dt'd to.leaue euch-llcensea 'a t". peradna upon the payment o[ the fee ; as -GeorgB 7ohnReatnurant, 13 9th 7 h i 0 Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clan 99 Sam:Bowen,Reetaurapt, 449 W.._ St T. Ru C. Cremer, Restaurant; 262 W. 7th St. Wm. Hunt, Restaurant. 438. Broad way ,S. G-I)a;sen; Larsen Hotel, 229. E. 7th St'. ..1frs:Hulda 7ensCure en,'Eaei 91de Hotal. 8'46 Payne -Ave.. .\doptsdd Apr1.e 10.1920t Apr: 30,1920. .(Aprll-;17-1920) Farn iworth $� Goss ... -.......... In favor Kelh r MCierlich 1 .............. Against Wu Mr. Presidentodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 / OR iU 1920 _..191...... Adopted by,the Council ........................ GPR0 1920 191..... Appred ........................ ...... _.......... ....... ................................. ................. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t* COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ri COMMISSIONER- ...._._........................ DATE--......._...._....._._........._....._.........._. RESOLVED That the application of the Craig 011 Refining Co.for a license to maintain an oil filling station on private property at Eaton Ave. and Morrisson St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City clerk is hereby instructed to issue Buoh license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee required by law. N. 28787—BY Henry. McColl— ' C. ReF.solved. That, . the. aPOicatfon 0P (`6t fora Iiaeriee the C-19 Oif RedninFr to Wete Ip oictJtppartY tat81Eaigone Avennnd Mor�rta-tUe edsan. .4 tohe Clty Cl ck le rierey by InRtrInRtr on tRR he PaYmentinto the C1tY_TreaeuI. eY or the Yee reaaired. DY law• " I Adopted by the Council Apr. S0, 1920. j Approved Apr. 30. 1920. - € (AprL7 17-1920) Yes (1') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clgncy ✓ F ! nsworth el, G ss In favor NI Coll Po ers Against Wynderlich 1VIr.lPresident FORM --le a Adopted by the Council- -. APR H i U ..2 U 19 APprov .19....._- MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition - and PRELI A R. The undersigned hereby proposes the making 0 e f Owifig Ali improvement o o a si foot Const in- ........... 0 .............................................. ................... ......... .. ....... .............. .. ... ......................... SIde we ide-:.of . r1bo .aAV! Day -t. :Aven ti D. ........... ................................... PRELTINIIN'ifty 'ORDERS. ....... ..... ..................................... ........ ..... . ... ... Dated this.. !.`pith. - -Y 0 28788— Pr.P ... I f— th." Improvement, epmen', 88 Council File No ........................... rCity of $e P #I, viz.: ile Councilman. MARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making"Of the following improvement viz.: 0.o.n0t.,rU0t1bA ..Of -.4 OILS toot.. cement...tile ................. ........... ........... side -of Max.1bor.o...A.7enUefrOM D.ay ............................. si"wiak o11;-the-!:"N0St- -ton Avenue to Maxabial AV -0=09 ................................................... .................................. .................................................................................. ..................................................... I . ............ .......................... ............. .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman-_ .............. ....... ........ ... ..... . . . ...... .............. . .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eftimated cot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;------- .......... ............ . ........ ............. ....................I..... _........ _.............. _................. _............... .................................. .... — ................ ...................................................... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. TO report upon all of the fo i In tters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......... .... .... . . ............ ......... 191 Nays: Yeas: Councilman F xnaworth G as Approved A P JL 9.20 .. . ....................191......_ H Vland eller 0" fd .... ...... erlich ............. ..... ...................... ............................................ ayor-v Mayor. —n 12M F.— CA IS (am 17) PUBLISHED 477- AO Council File No 287. Pet iti on PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public ' rovement by the Grade allfft in Blo 1, Quinby ,?a ................................I.-............._............................. .,..,:....... __......_................from._Hersohel A.y6me to Ald ne Street..end fr Roblin Avenud' to east iku west .alley. ' ' C. F. No. 28789— Dated rias.... i.i.b'.day of.... .._ Abstract. Whereae, A written DroDoeal LOr: ".1f.a �� mnkln6 of the Lollowing �mBrovemen ~a11eYs - Btock' 1, Qu1nbY in ... ........ 1 yds .'rom Hersehel a_ve. toArdin!;, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pr osal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............ ........................... .............................Grade ...alleys ....1n..Blook... l.,...Qtiinby...Park.e ............................. _..... ....... fr�w.Hax.e.Q.klel .Agan.... o_Aldine Street and from _.. Roblyn.. Avenue...t o... east... and...west...a�ey....................................................................... _............._..........._...__..__._......._...._...........:...................._................._._._.........._.............. _.......__. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by, Councilman ............. ........._._....._..._........_............._._................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .................................... ................. .__............__._._............._............... _._.....__.._................................................................................. S, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ORA 1920 Adopted by the council ...................... ...............................191........ Yeas: Nays: CouncilmanI!Eclerlich rnsworth ss Approved.... _.............. 191........ land"'r oll .................................................................................................. ayor Irvin Mayor. Pcmr.x rel y-1 eon c e is cam alar '� -20 St. Paul, viz.: Council File No.. --..2" " Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT • and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cond®mnincr and takinW an easement...., h the land no ................................... .... ....-.... aiiflfrog Roblyn� anus t ens and...wee s... C F No.28790— Q ./ •� Dated this.... 9t� _dam• 6f................Whereas; Abstract. 'Jg .mnking of the_tollpmin Proposal for jmprovement, 'Condemning ....._..... ............ .... meat ern the Tananatalon _.- d necessary tar sease-ins..-,. ^�Ie grading :.-. Councilman. nark, fro— . �' f -- RELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prep¢ arfor the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning:: and taking:an easement in the land necessary for slopes i'or -cut's aind ......................... _....._....fi.3as- in grading. alloys ...in:..Block...1,_..(uinby...:. Park, from Herschel Avenue to Aldine Street and ­fiom ftblyv _Avenu-e-.-to east--and-west alleyr......................... ...... ..................................... ............................_...............................................................;................ _. _:....... _... _ ... _........... _ ....... _ ........ _... _. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................ ........._...__I.............._....... .......... ................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby,ordeted and diredted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and eEtimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ............................ .................. ._.._...._.........._......._.............................. -- -5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.............G.PR..1d.1.S.G0.................. 191-....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa Approves.................G PR............1�.............. 19r........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich--- - --......................................... ayor Irvin PUBLISHED Mayor. Form CA 13 OM 417) �� Council File No.........f3 d Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; Dated this...... 1900.... ...........__..__..............._f A'Detracp • �.,,.� :... pgoprODroVeMBnt. Councilman. f , if (HIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade... alley... in,. B1ook...4,:...J-.... N....Rogers................__ ................................ Addit.lon.>....and ...0a.ae.ola...P.Beoa1 Add t.ion.,_.from.. ................................. t oga ...Amemu.8....:0._Pal' cal... Agenue,.......................... .................... ......................:........ ................... ................. ............... ..................... _.._._..................... ..................................... _..._._...... _. "........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......................._...-......._._....__....._...._.... _.._.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and e4timated coet of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:......................................................... ._...._.............................__........... _.._._.....__._._.._._.................._.... - - 5, To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _..........-hPR..: 0 19H ............. _191..... --- Yeas: Nays: - Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (aM 4-17) Approved.......Uf{_:' . .l2U ..... ............... 191....._. ................................................................. ........ P�LISFi1 D l(_/ Mayor. �D Council File No....." Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publirArnpro ment by the City of St aul, viz.: .................. ................... ............. .................... :Gondemning...and .... Ing- ---easement........ >• ................ in the land necessary r slop for outs an �' ................. fill .B..an...griding._� ........in B]o......4� J:...N�...Rogers_....,._...._..........._.. .......................................Addition,.... &-GA:o. a...Pas.a ..Addit.ion,.... `. M......... _._...._......_...._ _......_ Saratoga enue o Pascal enue. .....................................................:.....................................................�...................................................................................... Dated this......._..9th..... y of..... .............:.. ansa=. ............_, I��....... Abstract ae, A writteap posal for tbe- - of the following lmpr mdnt al d txking an a enin Councilman. t' PIELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propUAIor the making of the following improvement, viz.: Oo demning and' taking...an..-easement .,. _ .....:..: . ................................................ nthe-_,land.. neoessary,.,.tor slopes.. for.. aut s_., and fills in grading alley in Block 4, J. N. Rogers ...................................Add#tion.....and:;aeoeela...Pasca]:....As�ditiQ4,..::from................._........................... , Saratoga Avenue,;^to Pascal Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the-City, of St. Paul by Councilman.............. ...... ...... .. ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredcd: 1. To invenigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveRigate the nature, extent and eAtimated coAt of said improvement, and the total eo4t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.................................. ................. :...... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APR A 1920 ......... Adopted by the council........................................................191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Approved ........._:�A? .U-Ifsm.............191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich +did......................................................... Mayor Irvin PUTST,TS Mayor. HED norm C A 13 (SM 4-17) 218 7!x`3 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND t AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter oi....>:nndaxanlag-_t3X>tl..tlliz..-arl-_easement.._in__the..land- necessary forslopes, for cuts and- fills in grading Brand St. from -.71-lite Bear Ave. ......................................................--... .............---......................-..............----------------........ to. _Van_:Dyke...Av.e..._and...Kersin...St.....from..Flandrau..S�,....t-A..k1kt] .......................... .......... ........................ . RATIFYING ASSES93IENTS IN CON- •-------------- -------------------------------------------------- DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. ................ ...... ...................... ...------------------- � ONE RAT S CONFIRM CONDEP•.. ' C. TV— mattes - c nden under Preliminary Order .......... .., approved.. °!ay....1,,1919---,- Intermediary order......_27116 approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ppByye--f�it furtherhat t aid assessment be'gd it is hereby determined to be payable in ------:----Ll..0.............equA�olved, ats as to ea parcel of land deescribed therein. P y �u Adopted b the Council. .....1{}. .. ............................................ 191.- ? v Ilf'K id! ly[U Approved ............ ....-- ...................... ._..... . 191....--- "• City Clerk. - - ........... .. ...............:........ .. .................... Councilman arnsworth Mayor. Councilman loss Councilor yx Clancy Councilm Powers Councilma eColl n Coucilma Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of...QQAdQx[ti)1X19...aud..takin,g--an...6asement...in...the..- .and--neceaaapy for -_slopes_, -_for-, in,--;radi g- -,B xld_. k.... .om.lYhit�...Bernr.-- .AYe"-.--t.Q...V.4n D.Y1tQ---Av-Q...... and...Y.flrrrixL..Si...--frnm..F1$ndrau..St..---ta-Mlita-zesx— Ave.-............................. ........... .... _.-.-.......... under Preliminary Order .. -....2491,x,.--.._-. approvedAIRT.1,1919....--, Intermediary Order.....2.7.].16......., approved ..Qs .t.....1.,--.1919.......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. .- -- ••••• i•••• •�•••i •••••!•777777 r- 28 "9 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of:.c-ondem a- nn•_-and-_taking---an--eas.emen:t J -n the.. -land --neGsssarg f.or._.slopes.,--i'or...nuts_and..fills._in...grading- Rrand_-St.....from._Flhit e --- HeAn ate. ta.._Van--D.Yke.-.Aye_..--axed KexmlKi St'-fx.4mI'MI-te- Bear._.A.X.e...._ under Preliminary Order....24911............. approved.1443L-_l.x---1919... Intermediary Order.21U.fi............. approved ..-....... Resolved: rcx;+• ser .y,. (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:._Co?�demi•_ gild..talLe-an...Qasement---zn--tYae...lexld..ne-cassary..ior....slopes-,---fox._cuts...ax�d fills;. x1..gradaxlg...Prand..Bt.---from..�ihite...Baar.--A` e.....to.--Van..D.yke...Asia.....and---amain.-St. from-_Flandrau -St' :LP tA zm lkr..J'V!Y -.-----------------....... -..................... ............................ _............. -_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: Ahe-.-land---abU:Lt-inf;- ,up.m.Bsand...and..Aerl2in..&tre ta.,_kaetrteen._the._.pointa...afor-asaid,.._tA...:Ula ...:_.. .extent. .. shown ... upon -the _..sketob—attached.._tn---the.- report-...of--.the--.Commis s-i-oner of...Public. Flocks } LIQ...Inahere---dated_.L2eGemt7 x..... 1929,..------.. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. APR 10 1920 ls1 Adopted by the Council .......... - _........ — ................... ------------ City +Y 1y f�✓.�..._ . GPH iU 192U City Clerk. Approved.......... - .............................. .. 1191 --------------------- - - ................-................... Mayor. Councilman rnsworth P4J1fLlatil;ll 1-1-17 Councilman ss Councilman k1 Clancy Councilman Powers Councilman cColl Councilman underlich Mayor�C Hodge on . ............... ...:...............; ............... ................... :.....................................:-: 28x95 RESOLUT19N RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS`OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.._e.ondemning—ama..taking ...an...Passmetal--•in--tile•-•land •--naele"Qxty for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading__alley Handy's Addition and Midget Addition from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler ........ ..................................... ............ ...------•--------------------•-----...---------•-------•-----------•................--_........_ Avenue. — - - under Preliminary Order----- 2.6.468-. ........... approvedSe.pt.....3.y....191� Intermediary Crder......2.`X5]s3......... I approved.... De.c....3.,..19l2-. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation- as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered'to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it furthe olved, that the said asse be and it—is—hereby—determined to be payable in ._.,--_--U..G.._....... qual installments as to each parcel of land described therein. ` Adopted by the Council..............j1P..IIQ..I9LU----............................. 191---...;:, Approved ............. [JER-A_l91.Q.................... 191-- F Councilman Farnworth Councilman Gos Councilman Clancy Councilman ' Polvers Councilman Me oll Councilman W derlich Mayor trxdizi dgs on i V a' . 1 City Clerk. Mayor. 7 %7_-7 _ t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....a.Qnd_Q.=1n&...and .. t.alfa.zlg...axl....eaaement...in..11he... land...necessary Huta---aizd..�121S...iu..gxading.. 1 ey_zn..H�szcl�_G.;...Egbaxt.._P. _Bandy.!.a..Adda.don...azad...i4�s�get...Ads�t.9ala...fx.Qm..la va.el[...�ven�ao.._ta---;ilieeJer.. AvPnne_ 1 . under Preliminary Order.._ZHN............. approved..Sept.....3,1919 Intermediary Order..2.7.513 ............ approved.._.Deo.....$.,............ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. FINAL• ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of-._�.Q >de..mllixaF,._and...talo?3l..a}?.._ea�eltleXlt---�xl---tp�---aal1S..SIeC?SSsl�y ' for__sloges.,...f.or....Q. ts.-. and ..fills .-..in-grading ...alley G.-__liandy's.-.Addition and._i:fidget-_Addition..-from-_Fairvievi-.Avenue-.-to..-_-__.-____ ------------------------------ Nheeler.-Agenue..................... ........................................................_.. _ .... .. ................................. filo: r( �.Irt,f::�:r'�tiiYbBN.. under Preliminary Order 264.68 approved SST1;;;,�181f�,�Jntermediary approved...Ae ...... &.°---19] 9............ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ..C.GndeXtl — and--_take--_an.-easement-_in,_the---land._neces-nary--for-._slgped-,--_for._cuts-_and fills I n_gradi.ng-alley---in...Bleak.-.6.,...Eghert---G•.-.Handy.t.s...Addition.--and.-=dgat...------ Aadit3 on_from...Eairvislv...Ayex►us_.ia._Whealer--- Avenue ........................................._.................. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:.the..land..JElbtltt.i.37tg..- upon_ -the -.alley-, n--dock•_6-,-3gl7ert-._G.....Iiax>dY..'. s._,Hodi&i.9n...And ...Iddget...AdO teion, between the .............................................oints aforesad. _to -the--_extent-_shown-_upon•.the-_sketch•.attached ...... ..................------ to...the...raport---af....the---C—iss3oner... of._.Bublic...l7orks-r--in-•-the--mat ier--..dated January-8' -1920.------------------------------•--•--....----.._..........----------.................---------- ................................................._ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council---- .......APR ..f..Q.):S .................... 191... t . ISI J R- F- ...... ...............:.......e....... -.._.s .s....!f!..-}....- , GPR A 1520 City Cler . Approved -------- ......................................... 191.._...... , "14 Mayor. Councilman arnsworth AMLIMM el 1,7 - ?- Councilman oss Councilman Clancy Councilman Pourers Councilman McColl Couneilma Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Council Tile No. ......... A< ........................_...._..._ 2879t! By - o c CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. ` In the.matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading -Sheldon Avenue, from Prankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, and Albert Avenue, from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue. _ ASSFOSlrENTS r '797 -.Br s. AFaraewortk i Ratter, o1 tho assessment.. 01, •& Sh.1stsdonna AYeno., from yQ�in; sts Ave to. Lake Comn�.,nnd. "KYon 9 and 'i; ert AvLa e l L�a_Ite: 26384 "i .y„>,.. under Preliminary Order__ Intermediary Order..`.._.....LFx6.04............., Final Order.......2_Fz.93�.....__..._. approved ......._QCt•.....15th_.. ....................... _..191_9_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, "and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....... ......... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. APR i0 1520 � Adopted by the Council .......................... ._......... ( t i __v..l......LA _11...2. City Clerk Approved ....... _...._._GIf�R_.�Q._I�L�............ ..... ......... 191......_ /�� _ .........___..__.__....._..._.__F"_.'_...`.... Mayor. Form B. B. r8 . PUI3LFSfiE13—,L-1--. i Council .F,ile hlo:.................... .(/ By.._.........................._......................................._..._....__._ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. `2S7�) 3 In th tt r of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Ridgewood Avenue and Benhill Road iron a point opposite the west line of Lot 38, Block 7, Ridgewood Park Addition to, Pilton Street. xes torFcoa-. under Preliminary Order.... 2.05-0-9.0 ............... Intermediary Order ...26371 ............... Final Order........ 26fi'Zl....... _..... .. approved ._..Oct......._.1..,.._............... .._........_..._..._191.....9..:. _ A- public- hearing having been. had.upon the ussessment._for. the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT.WRTHERIRESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ....... _ _ Sd_..............equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .......................P.H...Lo 1.a[ra...... ..... ...._......191............. Approved ...................... 4413-K-9 . .................... 191 r.— :1413- .-9.............._......191 Form B. B. i8 J � u....... ._ .�1�...L_E...�trity Clerk. ... ,,,_ Mayor. PUBLISHED .....:..�.«.::...............................................................-.'.'g - -� 2S799 RESOLUTION ` RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES. AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. -s =`In the matter of...nnndemning..-and.._tak' g-an...eaz=eni..in.. ha---lancl neaessa�Y o>� slopes?, for cuts_ and fills in-- grading- the-_alley-.in__Bloek-.4�_7�ariets Pi]&len Grove_:Addition.••.• DnmisrtF(i Asa�ssidsNxg.IN aoN" - i..�..........._ DUN FATION 1"ROC1i7i0I)11YG8 I .................................... _... ICn tnFg. Namn eaeeme................................. nt 1nr the{Innad dneicneka• ..........- ......._......28799 ........................... ..:_:.. ............... tha—f..... nary -.for atoyee,-�or�nta. and 011e fa; , r;; - --- -- ---- ............. - ............ Phalen rovaefiOY In 1o,ek,:4 Lane al..............- «rdini ihe..-. ,Ilminary Order.:86898, aDDroyed duty . 3, '1919. IntermedtarY . Ordet 27047r s` ' aPPioved Oct 27, 1919, ....:.: ...................'ROsoIYed That -call matterspertain......__......................... ........ ....... • i>wg thereto be .a,naulted snd_ dtecon ttnued 25695 Adopted by the Couaotl ADr.`26 1920 ander Preliminary Order. _..... appy Approved Apr. 26 1920 . OrdeL....2.2Q47... 9 (may 11980) app owed A public hearin wing been b pon the taking condemnation of the lands or cuts therein, 'for the above`i vement, a awards of da es therefor, and also upon assessment of benefits there£ d the Cound awing"duly coni a the same ow therefore be it $esolved, That the to ' g and ndemna ' 4f the la describ m the annexed assessment roll, identified by the eignat ea of th ayor an ty Clerk, made art hereof, and the awards of damages to the, owners of ch lan espectiv for said g and condemnation as set forth in said assessment . roll, be and t same ' ereby in all resp eta • ed and eonfirmed. ,_ Resolved further, that the said easmen benefits, and the me is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to a submitted rict�r confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that said ssment be L is h rmine be p able ' ............equal in is as t ach parcel land deac ' ed thereem- Adopted by the Council .............. II�R' o"i�Z(J.......----..............., 191._PU13LTS1D {_ �. City L7erk. i Approved .:.... U i5[{}......., 191... l rvj'y• --f,'. ._ Q Mayor. -�3 Councilman. Nis ` J =- tCouncilman Clancy _Councilman Powers ( t. ouncilman McColl l Councilman Wunderlich `Mayor kxln 'Hodgson ................... 1• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f • •• ° 28800 " FINAL ORDER IN, CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter oi,naondemning..and._takxxlg;.--till---eaaexlent...in...the--laud aomeaa= for slopep euts--_and -_fills in -grading _the .alley _in -_Block --4 x _Lane!s Phalen -_Grove- Additio............................... _----= _�....... ... ......................................................................... under Preliminary Order..KU... approved .--..QGt..... 27. 1.-.11919......... Resolved: (1) That (2) That the following land, priated and condemned fort puri upon 'the alley B� -- _ _ A Y order ap-,ry. Order..24.04.7----.._ Wena aid ent�inuea ; anon Apr, 1920.. -- _ 1920) - y or Bred to be made, i•ar..slapes, ... or•_,cuts._.and-..__._ to DL,olo.. r» — GAA, Z_ or easements therein be and the same .jda7kil}g the said improvements, viz: t! taken, appro- the extent (3) That the asse4iment9 of b' e s a f age poi the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements there ave a ratio and confirmed. Adopted by the Council------------�...................... 191------ a --... -... ................ - ...... Approved ....... _... ............ 191. UBLISI-IED Mayor. w.CCouncilman 181 11 Coune an Goss Councilman 1 Clancy Councilman Bmbm Powers Councilman McColl Couneilman Wunderlich` Mayor IMM Hodgson ..... .. ........... ......................................................... 28800 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter o:"condamning...and...takaxig--- n._%aamae.t...i.n...the._land..no.ceasary forslopesforcutsand fillsn radinthe_allein,Block_4.Lanes „_ -....,_ .._ __.g._____ (3) That the asselVments of b eged_-tifi a f age ai the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements there' ave and confirmed. Adopted by the Council__------- ...................... 191...---._ 1 11 City Cl k. Approved ............... .Itj[�...... 191.-....... • ......------........ ------ .................. ............. UBLISHEi) Mayor. v.Councilman Patva�ttfi.+-� Councilman Councilman Clancy Councilman WhM Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor INIM Hodge 021 ,In ., ................. .,..................................... .................. ..............rw• 88600— ,. ........................................._..- maeAsemeaC is thne land nes sea- - l..... --------------------------------------------------.... .............. :r elope& for. este-.and 9lls'1n: the alle9 in moek 4. Lane's.................. ...... ................. ................... Grove .Addition, Ander Pre-' zav ry ?-- .. approved.. underPrelimina Order- u6g9 ............. . Ju 1. e�rmeafeceS0eaeeavo rry Order..22.Q4.7.......... _.. sub -1 approved -----Qct. .... 27.,...1219........ Resolved: �u (1) That a same �e eGreE y ordered to be made, • ....... ...... -and ._take. ---an..eaaement---in...the ...land..ne - - pes-,.-%o--- -or-- s10 fi.11s_-_in._gradingthe--_a ........ --_. •---_o..............-•--•--........ -- ock _ _ .........Cppro- ------...............................----.._............-----------•------...........-----:------------......•.......................(2) That the following land, Ian or easemen therein be and the same araken, appro- priated and condemned fort purr i adi the said improvements, viz: the..hutti-ng.__alleyBck ,•_haii ! Phalen -_Grove Additione extent ..... ............•••- -t..oA+^ +hn n nnrt. nP the Cnonerr of (3) That the asselVments of b eged_-tifi a f age ai the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements there' ave and confirmed. Adopted by the Council__------- ...................... 191...---._ 1 11 City Cl k. Approved ............... .Itj[�...... 191.-....... • ......------........ ------ .................. ............. UBLISHEi) Mayor. v.Councilman Patva�ttfi.+-� Councilman Councilman Clancy Councilman WhM Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor INIM Hodge 021 28801 r inance No. An ordinance approving theiproject of acquiring Lots 57Mli twelve, both inclusive, in Fred Brandt's Re -Arrangement of Block 38; West St.Paul Proper, of the City of St.Paul, school '�utii3dizg-, ordering the acquisition of the same by purchase or con- demnation, and providing funds therefor. THE COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having re to the Com cil that Lots 1 to 12, both inclusive, in Fred Brandt' e -arrangement of Block 38, West St.Paul Proper, of he City of St. , according to the plat thereof on file and of reco d .in the offic f the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesot , are requir--a,e3Es.-,for_-w-new schaol,bulding, and that the estimated vale t ereof the sum 9f Thirty-nine Thousand Dollars ( 39,000.00), and the ompt ler having certified that there is money available in th trea ur o the City for the acquisition of the said lots, the Counc 1 he approves the project of acquiring same for school purpose , an ereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said pose by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this cas a Mayor,. Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, if the ame c n be so procured at a reasonable price; and in case said Cc ittee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price abd shall so report o the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said lots: , and that the 'cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of School Bond Fund, and so much of said funds as may' bd necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose•. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. 1, Jyeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth 1920. Goss McColl Approved 1920• 111 J/� Powers Wunderlich A Mr. Pres.(Hodgson) c I hereby certify that there is available in the S ool Bond Fund, the money indicated in the foregoing ordinance, �jJ'ESSE FOOT Date DEPUTY Ordinance xoc An ordinance approving thealit of acquiring Lots one to twelv8 both inclusive in Fred =t'a Re.Arrangament of Block 38' West H.:Paul Proper, of the City of St. -Paul, AS aa,-wltecfor a:) ew school i¢sai r3i'I3i:rig: ordering the acquisition of the samoa by purchase or Con- mnation, and providing funds therefor. THC; COUNCIL OF '1'FIe." CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAM Section 1. The conxniasioner of Education having reported to the Council that Loge 1 to 22, both inclusive in Fred Brandt's Rearrangement of Block 89, Woot StrPaul Prdper, of the City of St.Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of reaord In the office of the Register of Deads of Ramey County, Minnesotan are x�qu$red`'C s��tr��fc� eKsew_sehgQl. building and that the estimated value ther64f'its thin sum of Thirty-nine Thousand Dcllara (039 000.00), and the Cot roller hayi certified that there to wadable in the treasu-,Ay of the. C#y '.ar the acquisition of the's# lots# the Concil hereby approves the project of acquiring same 'i+vr ell purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the same to. ive8. for said purposes bpt rebase by the Cormrittee on La,�nd$# tonouting in this case of the ,� Purchasing j�gent and Conaieaionetr of Eftcations If the same can be so procured at a reasonable pvi *i, and !Au cans said Co tteo cannot procure said land at a 10 Mice stud shall so report to the 00andil, then and in that ev*"u ,the Cdwwl . hereby orders and directs that condemnation procoedinge bo Instituted under the provilmlafto of the Charter of the C1t7 to secure said lots ,� and that the cost and expense of ecgairing GaM, whether by purchase or condemnatim#1 be and the same is hereby ordered to be id fdv out of school Bond F+wd and so mach of said funds as r ' necessary to hereby appropz�;te$ and not apart fpr said purpoW., section 9 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its Waage and vablication.t Yeas Councilmen Clancy Farnsworth Goss Elston Powers, vandarliah mr. Prea*(Hodgson) flays :1dopted by the Council Approved • I, hereby certify that there is available in the School Bond Fund, -the money indicated in the foregoing ordinance. Date om p p CITY OF ST. PAUL _ 7 \p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J...... ..................................................... � �(.�� Snbje :.._........ couR�,� - � � �na.c IVO. -..._........... �........................ Date Presented ----}d@.r.gh__„;3,x,.,.................. 19?._0. That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States Power Company to erect poles and crossarms, and to string the necessary wires thereon: "Set poles in alley between Lexington and Churchill Avenues from Front Street to Van Slyke Avenue,u Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, said Company to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poxes and wires to be removed when re- queeted by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this per- mission is granted under and pursuant to the terms and provisions or Ordinance 2545, approved Dec, 26, 1906. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council 191 .................191...... Approved. ._.... APR 12 1 y.G.Q................. 191..... ..............In favor Against /J.. ..:...��op..... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER- .............................. RESOLVED FOENCIL No...........IQ l�t�: �, _J.L�� DATE........._...__..._._.. ___.._................. That a warrant for One Hundred Thirty Seven Dollars and Forty Cents ($137.40) be drawn in favor of the Commissioner of Finance, payable out of the Contingent Fund to pay Auditorium bill for services of the Ramsey County Men's Garden Club, as per attached statement. yes (k') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Powers Wunderlich Mr. President loaM ]M9 d c C. A _1�.•eN. 0B2Thatt 03—Bn S. warantntoroTth— One Hundred Thirty seven - Dollar. and fa- vor ofliteCommisslonerbe d ofwFinan-, P ayable out of the Contingent Fund to of Ram.ev County Men's GardeneClub, the as Per attached. statement: Adopted by the Council Apr. 12, 1920. Approved .fpr. 12, 1920. _.. (April 17-1920) Received all papers 14 connection with above Re-ution. Adopted by the Council APR- 1211520- - 19-- -- APR 12 19 0 Approv___..._.._..--__..._...........19-......_ In favor ........_..__._._. Against ineror PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .............................. RE`§ LVED L r CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No 28.8.01. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 12, 1920. ............._._................................_........_..........__..._.......... DATE ......._....._..............._...._._..._......... . In the matter of grading Wyoming Street from South Robert St. to Brown Avenue, under Preliminary Order rr25267, approved May 28, 1919, Final Order X26415, approved October 6, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities sub;l,itted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. [ g.'trbm­5outh Robert 8t. to Brown Avenue, under Preliminary Ocder No 25267 Final Order \or 26415, approvedl1919, Oc- tober 6, 1919. Resolved, That the plane, specifica- tions pnd estimated quantities submit- ted by the Commissioner of Publio Works Improve- ment be and hthe bsame ove �are eherey ap- proved. Adoptedby the C. -it Apr. 12, 1920. �1 Approved Apr. 12, 1920. (April 17-1920) �Recei.4Pd all Pflr�rt! iA connection a;.+n -.:%"2 Rero,lutioP. 1 T_(' Yes (v) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council-- APR- i;4_119.20_ _11920_ 19 Clancy - - Farnsworth APR 12 1920 Goss In favor Approve _............_.......... ........ _........._..-19...._.._ v Powers 0✓ Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of ---7P--- \ Cou File No. Date Presented 191 .-e A RESOLVED, That the iv the tell w`ioc Core, etireele of ea d`<d yana directed to extend it, electrical lines by erective Dolce and etriveine w've, thereon for the ivsmastov of electric[, o° av Install, One ) cla in the alley north of poll.ryland Street and west of PAatilda Street. With necessary buys and anchors. C. F. No. 28845—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas L1ght Company Is hereby ordered nada eilrectecl to extend its electrical -lines Eby erecting poles and stringing wheal thereon for the transmission of else - tri city on and In the following alley. and streets of Bald city: Install One pole In the alley north f Mary-. land Street and west of Matilda. street.' \Vith neceseary guys and anchors.' All of such —tendons, poles p.ndi -rfree shall be erected and constructed tion in said alleys and streets as the �l Comm lost once of Public Utilities hall desigate, and shall be of such hengahti and character as he ahall desig to and approve, and any and all such. poles hall be token . , down and re -1 moved, and such w i r e._p Incedunder- grpund. wwhenever the Counelf shall deem that the public Interest so tol quires, and when It shall o order. Adopted by the Council Apr. 12, 1920. 1 d wire• ehnll Approved 'he Council 1920. elon o[ the Commiseio°er of Public Utilities sad to all thin¢ - All of such ealevelave. Da ee av (April 17-1920) - kY of St. Paul. subject to the provuiove of Ordinevice No. 2424. an shall dealenate. and shall be of such heieht avd chancier be All pole should be set Iv suc6locetiov iv said alley, and •treete eat e • ° r henever the Council shall deem that the he shall deeienate so approve, and aa, avd all such poles shall be takes dowv and removed, avd such wlrcs placed wderervund, w public Interni so rcqufree, sed when ft shall so order. GNk i2 192U 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS �A4e;ALiWe, WUNDERLICH Approved G R 12 W11 191 HYLAND KELLER �/ 1 Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor 'a CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --- General Form Department of. Bureau of= Council No. Date Presented- � 191 1 By ESOLVED, That the SL Paul Gas LI¢bt Compavy is hereby ordered avd di—ttd to extevd its electrical liaea by erecting polee avd etriv¢ivc es III --Lor the mue,on of elevtricty oa avd iv the foliowing alleys and aheete of said city: Install One pole in the alley north of east Sixth Street and east of Cypress Street. One pole on Fast Exchange Street, north of Ninth Street, Comyrierc i al lighting. Five poles in the alley north of Ashland Avenue, between Saratoga and Pascal Avenues, also three poles on the north side of Saratoga Avenue, between Ashland and Laurel Avenues. With necessary guys and anchors. Bdunicipal lighting. � :880,8—BY hi. N. Cxosa— the SL Pnul GmI rth Of te- Cypresg sL hant;o north Of Ash- plean oe Pthe u be- U the PT and of All f the Cpmmissiever of Public Utilities avd iv all things i reeolu- PavL - 1 designate, -dshall be of ouch height and character ae such loea- under¢rpund, whenever the Covvcil shall deem tbvt the ta ns the O"les shell nroa"¢nate 191 d when it shall -A ory=1920. by thel u ..11 APr, 12, ;d AP- (APAI 17-1929) _.. WUNDERLICH A rov APR 1,2119[U 191 HYLAND pp KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor ) Nays COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ...... . . ...................... DATE...............................:.................::........ COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED That the application of the Regent Theatre CO., for a license to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 436 Wabasha St., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee $100-00. C. F. No. 28807—By Henry McColl— Resolved. That the application of the Regent Theatre Co. for a license I. conduct & Motion Picture Theatre at 436 W.b.eh. St be and the .... hereby 1. granted �nd the City Clerk 1. hereby instructed to Issue such It- cense upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee. 5100.00. Adopted by the Council Apr. 12, 1920. Approved Apr.12, 1920. (Apr, 1 17-1920) Yes Councilmen Nays l PPR 12 1920 19 Clancy Adopted by the Cound Farnsworth Approv W.R 12 Goss In favor McColl ..__.......Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9-Is "Ell_ 1 C F N. 29909—ordinance No. 5290SyMN.GO_-,. ordiauthorizingion arsand In the ee Improve ertaln n/ /dy 1p. J{ streets in the City of 8t. Paul ! •f� (- O /t Cis v .Gp No An ot$inance authorizing the St. Paul Union Depot Company to grade, pave and dtherwise improve certain streets in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The St. Paul Union Depot Company is hereby authorized and empowered, at its own cost and expense, to regrade, according to the established grade, and pave the following streets: Third street from a point 300 feet west of Sibley street to Broad- way; Sibley street from the levee to Third street; Wacouta street from Third street to Fourth street; and Rosabel street from Third street to Fourth street. Section 3. Said work shall be done in accordance with profiles on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, the blue,lines on the profiles showing the old established grades and the red lines the proposed changes, the full red lines repre- senting the grades of the curbs and the dotted red lines the grades of the roadway adjacent to the curbs. Section 3. In paving said streets, the said St. Paul Union Depot Company may use vitdfied brick laid on edge on a seven-inch Portland cement concrete base, with the privilege of using the granite blocks now on some of said streets, at such places as may be designated by the Department of Public Works. All plans are to be approved.xby, and all work is to be done under the supervision and to the satisfaction of said department. Section 4. The said Union Depot Company shall indemnify and save the City harmless from any and all suits, claims and demands of whatsoever nature that may be brought against the City because of the actual change of grade of any of said streets, or arising out of the making of said improvements, and agrees in case any suit arising out of said improvements is brought against the City or any of Its officers, that it will take over and defend the same and satisfy any judgment may that be recovered against the City, at its own cost and expense. A Section 5. All water pipes, hydrants and connec- tions, sewers, catch basins and connections, conduits, man- holes and other public utilities, whether belonging to the City of Saint Paul or to others, which are located within any street or public grounds and which interfere with any of the improvements authorized by this ordinance, shall be re located and rearranged in such street or public grounds at the expense of the Depot Company in such a way as will preserve their utility and not conflict with the work per- mitted by this ordinance; all to be installed under the super- vision -of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with his directions and requirements. ,Section S. Said St. Paul Union Depot Company shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a { written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council APR 27 1920 Yeas Nays Yes Councilmen Nays Clancy ,6artxswer4h / Goss /v^ McColl (, J Powers Wunderlich Approved- Mr. President Mayor {f Pini ISHM - I Attest: City aTerk OS GAR C AUS9EN, On�[r Exaix [cn evr{ n i e[Ra POLL. A1 i N ALPREO JACKSON. 90iiuci ou nxo e[pwle. H. W: GOETZINGER. 9VPTiou rn. ORYTEANrExoiu[[RiCx• H. HERROLo�o�p <i ex.,x[.R (Bttg Orpertm at of ubltr 3parke M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul, Building. Dear Sir: April 9, 1920 We are advised by the Union Depot Co. that it is ready to begin the physical work necessary on a number of streets in the vicinity of the Union Depot, such streets being enumerated below, and, understanding that it is necessary to pass an ordinance specifying just what the Union Depot Co. is to do, said ordinance to be accepted by them, I request that you draw such ordinance. The change of grade on the streets is con- firmed by C. F. No. 24711, approved April 10, 1919, and comprises the following changes: Changing the grade of - Third St., from a point 200 ft. west of Sibley St. to Broadway. Sibley St., from the Levee to Third St. Waoouta St., from Third St. to Fourth St. Rosabel St., from Third St. to Fourth St. This work is to be done in accordance with profiles on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public works, the blue lines on the profiles showing the old estab- lished grades and the red lines the proposed changes, the full red lines representing the grades of the curbs and the dotted red lines the grades of the roadway ad- jacent to the curbs. Of course, carrying out the physical improve- ment of this change of grade will necessitate the repav- ing of the streets named and changes to sewers, water - mains or appurtenances belonging to public utilities. -2 - This Department is satisfied that the Union Depot Co. may use vitrified brick laid on edge on a seven-inch Portland cement concrete base, with the privilege of re -using the granite blocks now in some of the streets, at such places as may be designated by this Department. All plans are to be approved by and all work is to be done under the supervision of this Depart- ment. The carrying out of the change of grade will involve physical work that will change the topography on these various streets to a considerable extent, and the Union Depot Co. not owning all of the property on these streets where the change of grade takes place, it appears that it should be called upon to indemnify and save harmless the City from any damage suits of whatso- ever nature that may be brought against the City. Will you be kind enough to cover these points properly in the proposed ordinance? Thanking you for your attention, 2 am Very truly yours, Commiesio r of Public works oc-b (IIttg of St. 11eut Deportment of 1161tr Nnrka M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLE V. DEPUTY Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: April 14, 1920 With regard to the Union Depot Co. ordinance that you introduced a couple of days ago, I find that after consultation with the Ccrporation Attorney it will be necessary to add another clause to this ordinance, this clause being Section 5, as per sheet attached, and should be introduced as an amendment when the ordinance comes up for the second reading on April 19. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer oc-b expense. Section 5. Said St. Paul Union Depot Company shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Attest Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) City Clerk Approved Mayor uww ir. CITY OF ST. PAUL '.ae OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FOMAA46.2M 7-I8 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE`'"' N(k.........`."'...�..�..`........... 205 L� BY..... ............ ...... .... ........ ........... 19'f _ .. \I PT I ER AUDITED ........._..._................. �!... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ^ Adopted by the Council _....._.. _Gi.f'.�_J e�._� 1Lu.......191.._....... C. F. \o. 28809— ] f.IfaltCy Abstract. Resolved that warrants be drawn Farnsworth upon the cttr Treasury. Payable out of I roved __..al ...�_jy.t ...._1 1...... fav the hereinafter s ns. firms d funds and 1n /1 Cross do s forof the ersons, firms or eorpora- U ne amounle set oppoeita their respective names as specified in Keller the folowing detailed slalemenC - -...... J. Arena. $14.00. __. MAYOR McColl Geo C. Broder, $5.16 $1'40600. / Wunderlich Brings & Co., $477.54. Broderick Company, $166.82. Si Mr. President, Hodgson GoDital8.46. City Lumber Cnmpany, T. F. Cullen & Co.,, $106.39. K. F. Dreher, Deputy Com'r. of Edu- cation, $71.53. Eppinger, $10.00. Catherine Foley, $5.00. L. M. Glass, $6.00. R. T. Gourley, $63.55. Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co„ $29.70. ti uperior Printing' Co., E190.50. 7. S. sweitzer, $15.00. Van P aper Su PPIy Co, $71.34. 71.34.aliace, $27.50. J. \f. R'eyandt, $55.00. Mas v lttman, $63.75. DeGraR W01R & Co., $4,420.00. Ado D[ed by the Council Apr. 13, 1920. 1976 T. F. Cullen & Company, 106.39 Election 27.64 Schools 10.50 15.75 52.50 1�3zJ 1977 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Com'r. of Education 71.53 Schools 1978 Mrs. F. Eppinger, 10.00 Election 1970 J. Arend, 14.00 S. & S. Cing. 1971 Geo. P. Benz & Sons, 1,400.00 Police 1972 Geo. C. Binder, 5.15 Schools 1973 Brings & Company, 477.54 Fire 1974 Broderick Company, 166.82 Printed forms and blanks 1975 Capital City Lumber Company, 78.46 Schools 65.28 Playgrounds 13:18 '104 1976 T. F. Cullen & Company, 106.39 Election 27.64 Schools 10.50 15.75 52.50 1�3zJ 1977 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Com'r. of Education 71.53 Schools 1978 Mrs. F. Eppinger, 10.00 Election Res. 205 Page #2 1979 Catherine Foley, . & S. Cing. 1980 Louis M. Glass, j Election I 1981 R. T. Gourley, Bureau oP r'ngrs. St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Engineering Insp. 1982 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Oompany, A Fire 1983 Superior Printing Company, Fire It Schools 1984 J. S. S^eitzer, Election 1985 Van Paper Supply Company, Police Fire 1986 A. J. Wallace, Election 1987 J. Pd. lv` eyandt, Election 1988 Max Mittman,, Election Schools 1989 De Graff Wolff & Company, ] Sewer C. & R. Total 7,277.23 32.20 2.25 13.10 2.10 13.90 —83T5 121.50 50.50 18.50 Tgu3a 14.50 56.84 71:34 48.00 15.75 =5 5.00 6.00 63.55 29.70 190.50 15.00 71.34 27.50 55.00 63.75 4,420.00 PITY OF ST. PAUL ...., OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Parm A A 46,2 M 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Fll.k: ILE No ......... ::;ii''.,.'_..... /) 206 i920 sv.._�..._. AUDITED yg1___, _._ .iT - II"r )LI •.It TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 V) Councilmen ( V) Nays til K X 9 � U Adopted b e Council 191........... Clancy Farnsworth -- Appr 1 hl'k A� C� 191......_. Goss C. F. No 28810 C�� Keller %� Abstract. V Resolved that w-orranta be drown --- ---- 1cCo11 upon the.CI1111 easnry, payable out, of MAYOR the hereinafter epecifled funds and in favor of the persona, flans or corpora- 1 Wunderlich their fepecttveanamessaeeCpsolneali Mr. President, Hodgson he fouowlng detanoa atatemenr. rift r -eh Con, Com pony. $10.314.14. Adopted by the Council Apr. 13..1920. Approved Apr. 13. 1920. (April 17-1920) 1990 Pittsburgh Coal Company, Schools Total 10,344.14 10,344,14 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fu.R NO ................_........ ....... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNIVL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ............ ..._...._.............. _._....._........._........._................ ......._.._.._..........._..._..._.._._... DATE .................. .... _... .... N o D WHEREAS,, The Commissioner of Education has reported to the Council, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employe, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emplojiment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: RATE OF OVERTIME NAME TITLE NO. EVENINGS (Per evening) J. McAndrews, Fire7an, 2 $1.50 IC. F. moo. 28811—ndeOr Ed. \\'hcrcas, The Commissioner cation has rep �[h Section e53Co fnthe In ac dance w CItY Charter, the nde Pence CeofflanY the ermencY rvhlch �' ,ertaln nem PloYes of pinYment oY e o e than Ight hys Dopsrtments idt etnPloYmen ubeemg . hoore Per day. su 1 hours f than their r be It -tri- ' ploy'men[; therefore, city Resolved. That est Properthe `cersfire heraeb, n t=horiye t that rate following med o e tra PIOYtP set theralse fixed for Cor the extra time xherelnnf for t I forth: Fireman, 2 even Ings, T. Sic Andrews, Ing. 13 1920.1 at d1 p per t n \doPte<I by the i o 1920. APr. .\,Proved Apr.f1 (April 17-1920) Yes (%') Councilmen (, ) Nays Adopted by the Council OR A514 19 Clancy Farnsworth Approve Goss .__.__.. In favor MCC 11 .._____uNH.Yt}-i1[u_____..._...j9___... Powers - - -Against /// MAVOR / Wunderlich FORM 3M Mr. President 9 1 fes; C0U\CE By...._O..,.....w.....................-...._........ _... _. /q _,-.....:._... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._re.c.ors.truc.t. nE.,...re.la .inC._and...re.pair-inB._certe:it- tile -sidevialks at...the-..foll.oviing-..loca-tions:....Ann _.; r_tor-Street,--sautla._si-de_,._from -�'inn Street to.... Cretin. A-v.enue,._6._feet_rr.i.de.;._Sherhurne...4:venue.�...nnr.# h..sicie.,.-heg.inninE 60 dee-t.-Fr s.t.._of... � rnPs.on..Stre_et.,._tlzeiZce._hest-,.1i0._f'ec-t.,.bf...6...:C.Q.et.._..................... -.-- ._.. .............................................................. C. P. \n. 28812—nY S. A. Farnsworth— .-... in the \latter of recon strutting, rstay-- ing and repairing cement file slde- ,valka at the following loeatlons:.............................................. ....... .................................................. Ann Arbor Street, south side, Prom ^inn St to Cretin Ave, 6 feet wide; C; =rburne Avenue, north side, Ue--.--�1�+--------- --- under Preliminary Order..__._.2714�k._._--'... ag 66 reef west of h side, be- weat 140 feet by 6 feet poser order 271,: anprovp��-. Intermediary Order ....... ................ ,::, ,.�,,. __..__....__............. -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is-.-I'.egrl.Strut.t.lia-aj.-az7,ti,--Y°el]ir._ce?:'le.nt._tile sdo owalks _.a.t...L.h�_i.o.11.v;l.i _1o.c t.i.oas..._<':_zn. irhar---Stre.e.t, .-s o3:th_ side.,_ from r:inn Street ---to-_Cretin .venue, .G_feet }fide; Sj ei!burne_;,genue.,_ noi_th---side, beginning 60 feet viest of Simpson Street, thence wrest 140 feet by 6 feet. - - - - .. - __.....-------------.._.._........... .......................... ---------- ............. - -- .............. - ..._....... - - ..._----------------........ ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.-_ _----_NFRi -W. )—(ILO GFR 1920 Approved.. ': ....... ._......... .. 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman AkMr Povierso Councilman McColl f Councilman Wunderlich / Mayor Hodgson -A- 8-7 __, 191........ ....:.............. Git;c.-Blerk. Mayor. PUiti,i`;NF y— 7 / CITYOF rye L FIN DEPARTMENTNT OF FINANCE �t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 00 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of __Re.can tand sepazring__cerlrn.t..._t�le ._si.de�ralks ._at.. .,__.. the following locations:____Ann_.Aroor Street, south side, from Finn... __....... Street to Cretin avenue, 6_fe.et_Wide, Sherburne avenue, north side,_ beginning 60 _ feet west of_ Si..mpspn, street thence, ",'est 140 feet by _6_ feet,_ under Preliminary Order approved November 4th, 1919. . ............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ __............... . t � The for the improvement is - - $._. D %.. estimated cost perp cot above - - - - - - _.._._...._.__....... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 3 Capitol Addition 2600 25 3 Do 2800 24 3 Do 2950 23 3 Do 2850 22 3 Do 425 21 3 Do 2900 20 3 Do 2450 19 3 Do 2700 18 3 Do 2650 17 3 Do TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 .500 34825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- - -191 . ______-..__._.... ... Commissioner of Finance. CITY O1}F''ST. PAUL OF FINAN('E DEPARTMEh4 REPORT OF COMMISSION ERfOit:jFINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION E.J of 15 and all'of 18 3 Capitol Addition 1850 West j of 15 3 Do 600 14 3 17 2 Lyman D. Baird's Add. 2850 16 2 Do 2400 15 2 Do 2600 14 2 Do 1700 34825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- - -191 . ______-..__._.... ... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 10 1919 November 10th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 27144 November 4th 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ___________________°__191___, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at ------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- the following locations: Ann_Arb.nr_�tr�et_,_snuth_aide,_fr.om.�'jnn_.Sttee�_ta-P.xe�in-�1pe.nuE._______ Sherburne Avenue, north side,, beginning 60 feet west of Simpson -Street-, -then"-wesb- 340--ft-.--X- -i--ft.------------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 7� per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is-- not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �? f -_-/__-- ----- / Commiss' ner of Public Works. i L ' i COU1'CIL FILE \0............_..__........ By..................................... _............................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_constru.Ct . 9..a....o.erne.nt_-tile..sidea_alk._aLm..f.est _�.'iide.--on -the south side of East 3eventh_St^eet._£rom-.Johns_on._1.ar.hlr.ay._t.o...Birmingam h..... -....._.... ........ ...._......------ ............ 1', .enTie-, except... r71aexe._Z.4od...a.11d_.s1Aff.i_ciQnt._szdettall ...nor,....e.Li t..-_...._..._.......--- �\Jfy�� FLNAL ORDERS C. YS813—Dy 5. A. r rnsworth— In the \fatter Co..of rusting a c ........................................................................... file +r..: ,t o si:� fee[ wide onn t't, .-.......-..................................................... Y Seventh St,- , Dlrr under Preliminary Order...._279.05.........._...___......_. approvet! G . -an .....15,--.19.2D.............. Intermediary Order _..__..._ ......................... - ..... approved..._ _..........._.............._...---.........---------- ._..---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_ con.`utr�uct._a ce>dont--t.i.1-e...side ia.2-1c_si:__£.eet wide on the south side-of....past_ Seventh__�tr:_et_frold-..Joi .axZ._Parlstay-.t.o.. -.......... -..... . .... . BirminEzham_Avsnua,...sx ept.. rhesa._F;.aod--and--Wu%.i.c .e{at_.sdde�lal-lc-s _.npw......_..... e ist. _. .... ................... .._._.............-------- -'................ ..... ......... _... ... - I ... -. ............ ............. .._............. -.......... .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_ _ _ _kh'R191. C ...:..:.. _._:.......:.r:..- _: .... ( City Glens. Approved ... ..... .... ._6t7'.ff-a:3.1{{}_........, 191........ 0 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth _ 0 Councilman Goss PUI'L]SITFD ��— 1 a Councilman Clancy Councilman M#ut 1? 0(.- �et S Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY UL 1'. DEPARTME4WWFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) '1? In the Matter of-Conetrac-_i-: ---'-'-:.-.c-en..:it<--_�_i-.- l.d.'i_":alk---_-f at---'-it%._nr�..:.he....an._�.t_h.._a_-----.-- -Iast 7th street---fror.. Johnson Parkway-t���3i22t1�nGYl�ti-- sanlde�.-------------------------__-_- --------° f ---------------------------------- - January 15th, 1920. -- -- under Preliminary Order approved ------'----------------.. ----- ---------'-------'---------------�------------------........__--......----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---- --- -- -------------------------- The estimated cost peploot for the above improvement is - - - - $_--'-------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 3 Lorena Park Plat 2. 1075 5 3 Do 1425 4 3 Do 175 3 3 Do 800 - 2 3 Do 1 3 Do 12 2 Do 175 11 2 Do 175 10 2 Do 175 9 2 Do 175 TOTAL, K CITY OF 44, DEPARTMEN' 'INANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSI NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - D E S C R I'PT I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION b 2 Lorena Park Plat 2. 175 7 2 Do 200 6 2 Do 1425 5 2 Do 1625 4 2 Do 1725 3 2 Do 1795 2 2 Do l 1475 1 2 Do ( 225 6 1 Do 300 5 1 Do 275 4 .1 Do 275 3 1 Do 1075 2 1 Do 1125 1 1 Do 150 9 4 Cruicksnanks Garden Lots 1000 (Ex. South 200 feet) a 4 Do 2450 1 2 De 7ranchyls Division 125 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated F/ 19SJ — Commissionerof Finance. I09M 9.9.A. 89 C m 0 r 0 V 'V'j St. Paul, I ! inn . a ..........1914 - To the Honorable, The Council, Gentlemen: City of St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follc-iing improvement to be/made: ...................... ........ &Z ....... St. Ave. - ff.M ae /I .....................St. Ave. J. dc ....... I .......... ... ........ ... .... .... ........... . 4 ....... ............. 2-- .............. ........ If ................................. ............ .... .. .. ......................... .... ................. ........ ............I ............... .......... . ....... ..... ..... . .................. . ....... ..... .. .. ...... . .............. . . . . . . ... . . . . ...... ...... .. ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -z (" �-Iq 3 z / 't• u j Office, of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance January 24, 20. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the COUu- 27906 Jan 15th, �_... relative to _. __ .......... cil, known as Council File No.__.... approved 19 the construction of a cement tile Sidewalk six feet vide on. the s_outh_.._,.. ............. _.._.................................................................................................. _................... _...... .. side of East Seventh .._Street..,.from.,..Johnp.q..n_..a.xkway__-ts1._.H.�xzaingham_..AQenue...... ..._.._............_._....._.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_. ....... ..necessary and (or) desirable. 75per front foot. 2. the estimated.ucost thereof 1s _......_................._....... , and the total cost thereof is---. - - - - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..._............._._.__.�Sk'e4k-€oar, pp�1 petition of three or more owners of property, subject v. Said improvement is. /-_ <.• to assessment for said improvement. / / N commissioner of Public Works. �? JAN 7 t" i COUNCIL. FILE NO.:: ........ .... ._ ....... Ii By_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_.c.onstr->_tet.ixl9_a._c.ement...tile...s.i.deualk.,_six_.f.e.e.t._1ide,_on- the e.ast---s-ide.._of..-4t.is--.i;meetaue...from--Soruuexs.i.il.e._e vextue--.to...i razall_<vsuue..,.... et.c.e1?t...tiq exe-Cood...aid Buff ,cient_',ral1_s...now e ist.r_........ _.__..........-- ...._.. ................... _.._._._....._........_..._ ..............._...........�_ __... _... _.. ......... C. 28811—nY 5..1. Farnsworth— ' - - --'-'-'-""""' In t3he \fatter of construcn Ida cement ..............................................._ wide. on ....-.......--- ...---- .................-.................. the "de'vf ae feet - as[ 1de t Olis ,lvenue from e s meryllle :lvenue [o Uasl�all- _ . ...............................................................................� Where Good ....................................................... xa6pt e now e:�is[ ung wullts " "1J.9V..-...� ,-� ................. _under Preliminary Order. 27173 pproved .__... Intermediary Order _._. -- ._._ _ approved..........._..._..._._..........................---- ._._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.... C.ons.t.ruot_. a cQiaQnt._tile... aideaall�,._µ.]:..feet til de,-.on..the east s -de of Otis lvenue front 3ormneiJille venue to !.iarshall Avenue.,_ ericept _,7 he re rood and sufficient balks now exist. .......... .1..... ..._.._ . _ 1.....- _... I I... ............................................_....:.. _...._.............-................... - .................. ....._...-----.- ... _ .._.......__.._._...................... .... ....... ....- - ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. s� Adopted by the Council _ it.t'R i�.li'Ltl____.., - - j - -' ......City Clerk. Approved. ..-- ...;.;1'-_c:3 Jath.. 191.-...-_ v� _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy v Councilman Kldler Pot,'ers YUBLlSiil) Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 *CE DEPAI E d REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r}i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER oCi In the Matter of .0onstructing_._a__cerrent__tile sidei•'q lk 6 _f_'et. wi.d...£. _pn of_0.110. avenue fron,,Sortr,erville a7enu0 to marsh-all avenue, ... _- . _ ...:....................... _................... under Preliminary Order approved ._ November 5th, 1919 _ ..-......_- ........._- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $----- ------------- Y4 .� The estimated cost per-foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ G.�------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 20 Desnoyer Park 675 2 20 Do 625 3 20 Do 625 4 20 Do 625 5 20 Do 625 6 20 Do 625 7 20 Do 625 8 $0 Do 625 9 20 Do 5700 10 20 Do .600. _ TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 -.. 4 T. PAUL DEPARTJ NANCE � REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 20 Desnoyer Park 600 12 20 Do 600 13 20 Do 625 14 20 Do 625 15 20 Do 625 16 20 Do 625 17 20 Do 625 18 20 Do 500 1 29 Do 650 2 29 Do G50 3 29 Do 650 4 29 Do 650 5 29 Do 650 7 29 Do 650 6 29 ) Do 9 29 Do 5875 10 29 )))) Lots 11 to 19 29 Do 4175 31 Do 1200 A- Town & County Placd 143500 7 J/ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. L3U ------------19_. Dated -L --- - - FORM B.S— B-3 c C ommissioner of Finance. 5 tl / \ �a I 71 (t �• / I 1 4 Fli lJJ 4vp on Ave :. _ tc .=CYC :.v�n;i:: - •. _ U'3 d � c3�}`— � '�`.ti "•-,_�Q, cam, '•,�� � � `, . - _ �- �. Fli 4vp 1 S Office of ithe Commissioner of Public Workw;E=";I1 4� Report to Commissionet of Finance ` pt NOV '-0 919 November 10th, 9 - -- - --- -- ---- -191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 27173 November 5th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to constructing a cement tile uidewalk, six feet wide, on east side ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ---------------------- of Otis --Avenue- from Sommerville Avenue _t o Marshall Avenue. _-- -- ------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 75� per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-__---____--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.? / Commissioner of Public Works. // i 7 COUNCIL F LE NO_ ,..... By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...r..ec.Qns.trttG.tiaig.,..r.eteuili...and..r..epairi:*..nement...t.ile.--aide- -lks at tine follosrinE._locations_;.._Chestnut. S.tre.et., Q.a ;.t...s.ide..,--beginning .nor.t,u._7.5-fe.e.t...by...l2..feet-,.._iioffl-Mn...stxeet.,..xv.e-st ourth__.Stxect.,-.G_.feet..vi de............................................ C. F. No. 28815—ny S. A. Farnsworth_ _ _ -___________.._____-___.____,_In the Matter of reconstructing ....... ...... 1fl'in g re .... ..... .... ...... and repairing cement tris sidewalks at the following locations: t under Preliminary Order. 27145 :hescnut st, east aide, hegihning atr 4 a- 1�7.�• ry vashington ar .... ..-... 12 f ..• -.. .. °e. Intermediary Order ...... ..... .._.... „ approved__. -.._.._ ....:........._... ......_..................... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.. reconstruct ,..r-elay...and..rapaia�._Cement.--tile beg .rLning-.at_. nslz ngton_3t_,_Vience_ north _.75._ifee.t._b.;�...12..fe-e.t.,...IIoffman... Street,west side, from Third Street to Fourth Street, 6 feet ride. _.... ........... .... .................... ....... - -............_..._...._...........-.......... .......__ ......----------- -......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- _ __ t[PR Approved... ilt.'H 4 j ` el,, ...- .. 191 -. __ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman HOJ= Po;;e Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8_7 " rl City Clerk. / Mayor. PLTBL''S.TrD CITY OF BT. PAUL DE _P, RTMENT OF FINANCE REPOJ OF iCOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations; Chestnut. street East side, beginning at Washington street, thence North 75 feet, -by 12 feet. Hoffman street from 3rd street to 4th sti2eet. 6 feet wide. under Preliminary Order approved November 4th, 1919.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 5 The estimated cost per of for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0— DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 9 34 Rice L Irvine's Addition VALUATION 877151 1 31 Lyman Dayton's Addition 1875; 22 31 Do 1225, TOTAL. , 1875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4zzv 19i�' � Com nsace. Form B. B. 13 -mi 7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ,a x Report to Commissioner of Finance ' NI a v 10 1919 November 10th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 27145 November 4th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191__-, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalk at the - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- following locations: Qb�9iAgt _St.,_ eat_side,_beinnin�_at_Glashington_ St. Z thence north 75 ft. x 12 ft. ----------------- Hoffman Ave.. west_sideZfrom Third Street to Fourth Street, 6 ft. wide ---------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 7V per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $--_--__-----, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- not 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.---. ----------------- -------- Commissioner of PubliQ'VG(orks. COUNCIL FIL No.. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of plantinC,.-.azid-..protec.ti-n-g.ziiada trees. oai_t-h.e follouving streets and avenues: St, -Glalr Street -y -frein- ;,!^ed-erioka :venue- t,9 GnellinE_ A-v-en-uey Berkeley ivenue, from Fredericka:.venue to Snelling .venue, Stan -ford- Pven-ue,; from- -_-frred-e-ricfm _;�v-enua -t-o-- Snal-1-in-G, even­ue I - - --- - * '.1ellesley Avenue, from Fredericka .avenue to Snelling Avenue, Jeffe*rYdn JaIve_rffe _ -from 7Y10de_r_iCka 1-17enue --to -Siieniydg :;venue, laacal*e*' ster --venue,.from - 'St. Clair_ Street *S**treet-t,--o* -Je-f­ e..r.s..on..;.-v... nu !.. ........... .... ......... Unaervtocd '-venue, from St. nairStreet toJefferson lWenue , fron to Jeff_erq.on,_,1V.enU0.._ .......... under Preliminary Order F. No —By S. A. Farne, ov. 20,...1019........"-_._.........___.. the Latter of planting and f _,; shade trees on the fog Intermediary Order .......... cet, and avenues: ................... .. - 'lair St., from Fredericka, A, A public hearing having been had upon tk 4,,Ave., . v _.. ;.pro­,1dcrirkt!qpon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recoru�nii,2 lations rely thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said. City is plant. -a xid pr-at-a-ct ...9.1aad-e....tre-as on-Ule folloviing streets and avenues: St. -Glair St-reety f-r-om---r-rc_dericka -Avenue- -to Snelli-iig Aven-ue,.­., ............. Berkeley Avenue, from Fredericka Avenue to Snelling avenue, Stanford_ f,,.venue-y from-irtedericka iivenue to Snelling ii:v-cnzrei '.1ellesley Avenue, from Fredericka ,venue to Snelling Avenue, Jefferson 1":venue . - fron Ftiederi*c1ta_:.VenT2b 1.1aca,**le*_st'e,r_ Avenue, from .S..t. Clair lair . Street treet to Jefferson ::venue, x... Under-ioodi-venue, from 3t. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue, . ......... ;C.r. Q-1air �treet t_o..,jeff e rg,on _vQAqQ ...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized 'and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. . . .... ........... 191 r� :.PR J( Approved __ ­ - 7. J. . '! 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman M&M Porters Councilman McColl /FCouncilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8-7 --- ------ ---- City Clerk. Mayor. 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMM ,,*,NEWPF FINANCE ":!V ON Pf2ELl INAR ORDER Ck.) A In the Matter of ..... a.eeeasment...for plant in_ ,and prof_actin. ._Sh_ade._Trees_..on-_tha-_.fol.... streets _and avenues, St _.._Clair.._St.reet _from.Fredericka._avenue to Sne111nU ave_ Berkeley avenue from. Fredericka avenue..to _Snelling avenue; Stanford avenue -. from ._._gxedercka:-avenue.__to _Snelling....avenue;...__Wellesley avenue from Fredericka ........ ... ......... .......... avenue t6 Snelling avenue;. Jefferson avenue from Fredericka avenue to Snel- ._,,._1_ing..._avenue;........... h4acalest_er.ay.enue, from.Sti Clair street to Jeff ere on avenue_ Underwood avenue from St. Clair Stree&)to Jefferson avenue- and Frederick _._...__.. .............. ...................... _....._............_._._.............. -....._...._..._...................... ._...__............ ................................ _.._......._...._.........._......._........_..._._._..._...._._... _......_........ ....... ............. avenue froom St. Clair street to Jefferson avenue, ......................................................_.......................... ......_... _........._..._......................_......_....-............... ........._............ _............._._............_......_....._.._... _....._........_....._._. under Preliminary Order approved .. .._N O Vemb er 20th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedamount of the assessment for the above improvement is $-....�� 7..-.�U...... - ,.�< O. l — The estimated coat pei'foot for the above Improvement Is - - - - - $.- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION iLOT FSESVE LOCK ', ADDITION IALUATON 15, 3 Mucaleste.r Villas_ ;._250 14 3 Do. 225 — /./ 13 3 Do. 225 12 .: 3 .. DID _ 225 11.3D° _ 226 10 3 Do 225 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE g, REPORT OF COM SfYON R OF FINANCE E ON PRELIMINARY O DER .w (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 3 Macalester Villas 225 4 3 Do 250 3 3 Do 275 .2 3 Do 300 1 3 Do 350 17 2 Do 650 18 2 Do 475 19 2 Do 475 20 2 Do 3075 21 2 Do 475 22 2 Do 475 23 2 Do 475 24 2 Do 2675 25 2 Do 2875 26 2 Do 475 27 2 Do 2900 1 2 Do 1000 1 1 Do 1000 27 1 ) Do 675. I,test of 26 1 )) East E of 26 1 Do 225 --- ...--- ---- ---- - - -- -- 25 _� _1 - --- -- - --- — - 450 _ — _1— CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE w REPORT OF COWIfOIOjp1ER OF FINANCE ON PRIIELIMINAR$10RDER - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 23 1 ._ Macalester Villas 450 22 1 Do 450 .. ..__. s 21 1 Do 425 _ 20 1 Do 425 19 1 Do 450 18 1 Do 475 ' 17 1 Do 800 _ 1 Lee Hall's Re -arrangement. 350 _- of Lots 12 and 13, Block 2 13, Macalester Park. 350_', 3 Do 350 4. Do _ 5 J Do 350 _ W.28.20)' of E.76.201 11 13 Macalester Park 325 W. 38 feet of 11 13 Do 1225 E. 38 feet of 11 13 Do 1900 SIly 1/3 of 10 13 Do 500 11 9 Dyer's Rearrangement of Part of Said vla.calester Park 450 East 93 feet of 10 9 Macalester Park 3700 W. 50 feet of 10 9 Do 2750 3 9 Dyer's Rearrangement of 5000 Part of Macalester Park 4 9 Do 1100 Ex. N. 78.17 feet of 8 9 MacalestEm Park 3925 PJ. 52.40 feet of 2 8 Dyers Rearrangement of 3100 Part of Said Macalester E. 52.40 feet of 2 8 Park. 2750 (Ex. W.52.40 ft. ant ex. Dc 2750 East 52.40 f oet of 2 8 . _ So. of - 8 8 Do TOTAL 875 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO jMI �SICVER OF FINANCE ON PR€LIMINARY ORDER �B) -" -.ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION Except streets, that part lying the E. of .south of SE } of Sec. 4, T. 28, R.23 137175 Grand avenue, of - 15 4 Macalester Villas 275 13 4 Do 250 14 4 Do 250 12 4 Do 250 11 4 Do 275. - • .10 4 Do 300 9 4 Dc 300 8 4 Do 300 . 7 4 Do 300 6 4 Do 300 5 4 Do 300 4 4 Do 300. 3 4 Do 300 2 4 Do 325 1 4 Do 375 W. } of 18 and all of 17 5 Do 876 E. } of 18 and all 19 5 Do 725 20 5 Do 475 21 5 Do 1675 22 5 Do 475 West } of 23 5 Do 250 East } of 23 5 l) Do 4650 24 6 1 W.} of 26 and all of 25 5 Do 3425 E.} of 26 and all of 2% 5 Do TOTAL 3925 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM3,S►O10Ett car ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ... _ '-- - -ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 1 5 Macaleter Villas 4.450. . 1 6 Do 1000 .. _ .. _. 27 6 Do 3,325. - .. 26 6 Do 4175 25 . 6 Do 2675 24 6 Do 3475 . 23 6 Do 2775 - 22 6 Do 3575 . 21 6 Do 3475 _ 20 6 Do .3476. 19 6 Do 475 18 6 Do 475 . 17 6 Do 600 16 3 Do 275 17 3 IIo 250 18 3 Do 250 . 19 3 Do 250 _ 20 3 Do 275 - 21 3 Do 300 22 3 Do 300 2S 3 Do 300 24 3 Do 300 25 3 Do 1800 . 26 3 Do 300 27 3 Do 325 26 3 Do .2850 . 29 3 Do TOTAL 2$50 CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Co1fM1TpSICjt4ER OF FINANCE s ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -. - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Macalester Villas 3100 16 2 no 3400:_ . 15 2 Do 47 6 14 2 Do 3025 West of 12 and all 13 2 Do 3425 E.J of lot 12 and W. -I 11 2 Do 2675 East � of 11 and all 10A 2 Do 3975 W. of 8 and a Al 9 2 Do 7..25 East ' of 8 2 Do 250 7 2 Do 3775 6 2 Do .600 5 2 Do 1000 5 1 Do 1000. . 6 1 Do 3175 7 1 Do 475 8 1 Do 475. 9 1 D o 2825 10 v 1 Do 475 11 1 Do 2975: 12 1 Do 475 13 1 Do 2775_ 14 1 Do 3275 15 1 Do 475 16 1 Do 600 16 4 Do 250. 17 4 Do 225, . 18 4 Do TOTAL 225, . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COVNMI SI(JNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 19. 4 Macaleater Villas 225_. - 20- 4 Do. _ 225 21 4 Do 225 22 4 Do 225 23 4 Do 225 . 24 4 Do 225 . 25 4 Do 225 26 4 Do 225 — 27 4 Do 225 . 28 4 Do 250 29 4 Do 275 . 30 4 Do 300 _.._ 16 5 Do 575 15 5 Do 425 . 14 5 Do 3075 13 5 Do 425 . W. 20 feet of 12 5 Do 425 . E. 20 feet of 12 5 Do .3325 . W. 30 feet of 11 5 E.10 ft. of 11 and all 10 5 Do 4325 9 5 Do 425 W.10ft . of 8 and E.301 8 . 5 5450 Do 7 5 6 5 Do 3525 Ex. N. 10 feet of 5 5 Do 525 5 6 Do 975 6 6 Do TOTAL 450 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COt#MIWIC$ IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 g - Macalester Villas 450 Do -- o_9 8 6 96 Do 450 10, 6 Do 37 50 11 6 Do 450 .12 6 Do 3050. 13 6 Do 3050 14 6 Do 450 15 6 Do 450 .16 6 Do 550 15 9 Do 275 14 . 9 Do 225 13 9 Do 225 12 9 Do 225 11 9 Do 225 10 9 Do 225 9 9 Do 225 W. 5 feet of 7 and all 8 9 Do 250 Ex. W. 5 feet of 7 9 Do 200 6 9 Do 225 5 9 Do 225 4 9 Do 225 3 9 Do 250 2 9 Do 275 1 9 Do 300 17 8 Do 575 18 8 Do TOTAL 425 � a (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COWMj4SIOA4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '.7e et J of E.J of 22 and all of I9.* of 25 and all of E.J of 25 and all of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 8 Macalester Villas .3075 20 8 Do 425 21 8) Do 625 22 8 ) Do 23 8 Do 3225. 24 8 Do 625 . 26 8 Do 625 27 8 Do 52.5 1 6 Do 900 1 7 Do 900 27 7 Do 425 26 7 Do 425 _ 25 7 Do 425 24 7 Do 425 23 7 Do 425 22 7 Do 425 21 7 Do 425 20 7 Do 425 19 7 Do 425 18 7 Do 400 17 7 Do 525 16 9 Do 300 17 9 Do 275. _ 18 9 Do 19 9 Do 27.5 20 9 Do 275 21 9 Do 275 . TOTAL OITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C(*MI)6S1®NER OF FINANCE 4X » ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .... -ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 22 9 Macalester Villas 275 23 9 Do 275 24 9 Do 275 25 9 Do 275 W.J of 26 9 DO 135 E. of 26 and all 27 9 Do 415 28 9 Do 300 West j of 29 9 Do 160 E, of 29 and all 30 9 Do 540 16 8 Do 550 15 8 Do 400 14 8 D9 400 13 8 Do 400 12 8 Do 400 11 8 Do 2175 10 8 Do 400 9 a Do 400 8 8 Do 400 7 8 Do 3100 6 8 Do 500 5 8 Do 875 5 7 Do 800 6 7 Do 2150 7 7 Do 2800 8 7 Do 400 9 7 Do 400 - - 10 7 Do TOTAL 400 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CCKW SSANER OF FINANCE 4p ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 7 Macalester Villas 400 12 7 Do 350 13 7 Do 300 14 7 Do 300 15 7 Do 300 16 7 Do 400 15 10 Do 300 14 10 Do 275 13 10 Do 275 12 10 Do 275 11 10 Do 275 10 10 Do 275 9 10 Do 275 8 10 Do 275 7 10 Do 275 6 10 Do 275 5 10 Do 275 4 10 Do 275 3 10 Do 275 2 10 Do 300 1 10 Do 350 17 11 Do 550 18 11 Do 400 19 11 Do 400 20 11 'Do 400 21 11 Do 400 22 11 Do 400 TOTAL ° CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE k REPORT OF COhdMI$SIWER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ;* (B) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Macalester Villas 23 11 V%. of 24 11 E.J of 24 and all of 25 11 ^.10 feet of 27 and all 26 11 E.40,..65 ft -of 27 11 350 . 1 11 Do 1 12 275 27 12 Do 26 12 250 25 12 Do 24 12 250 23 12 Do 22 12 250 21 12 Do 20 12 250• 19 12 Do 18. 12 250. 17 12 16 10 17 10 18. 10 19. 10 20 10 21 10 22 10 23 10 24 10 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Macalester Villas 400 Do 200 . Do 600 Do 4000 Do r 400 Do 725 Do 67.5 Do 350 . Do 350 Do 350. Do 275 Do 250 Do 250. . Do 250 Do 250 Do 250 Do 250 Do 250 Do 275. Do 250 Do 250 Do 250. . Do 250• Do 250 Do 250 Do 250. Do TOTAL 250 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT o FINANCE REPORT OF C6mA�iSSrONER OF FINANCE " Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .VALUATION 25 10 Macalester Villas 250. 26 10 Do 250 27 10 Do 250 28 10 Do 250 29 10 Do 250 30 10 Do 300 16 11 Do 450 15 11 Do 325 14 11 Do 325 13 11 Do 325 12 11 Do 325 11 11 Do 325 10 11 Do 325 9 11 Do 325 8 11 Do 325 7 11 Do 325 6 11 Do 400 5 11 Do 650 5 12 Do 625 6 12 Do 275 7 12 Do 275 8 12 Do 275 9 12 Do 275 10 12 Do 250 11 12 Do 250 12 12 Do 225 13 12 Do - 225 TOTAL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO¢7WIPSIM4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 14 12 Macalester Villas 225 . 15 12 Do 200 16 12 Do 275 15 1 _ Glenwood Park Addition 325 _ to City of St. Paul, _ 14 1 Ramsey County, Minn. 300 13 1 Do 300 _ 12 1 Do 300 11 1 Do 300 10 1 Do 300 91 1 Do 300 8 1 Do 2550 7 1 Do 300 6 1 Do 300 5 1 Do 300 _ 4 1 Do 300 _ 3 1 Do 300 , _ 2 1 Do 300 1 1 Do 300 _ 18 2 Elmvio od 400 19 2 Do 325 _ 20 2 Do 325 _ 21 2 Do 325 _ 22 2 Do 325 _. _ 23 2 Do 325 _ 24. 2 Do 325 _ 25 2 Do 325 25 . 2 Do TOTAL 3.25 CITY OF 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMWSI(AMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION- LOT BLOCK ADDITION 26 2 27 2 28 2 1 2 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 25 1 26 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 1 6 2 6 3 6 4 6 5 6 1 7 2 7 3 7 Elmwood Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do DO Boo Do Macalester Villas Do Do Do Do DO Do Do Do Do Do Do Do TOTAL H 11 ASSESSED VALUATION 325 325 400 . 150 50 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 325 1000 3925 3625 4175 1000 1000 3525 3675 575 .975 900 550 550 - CITY OF 8T. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE CCr m?#iSS1bNER OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 7 Macalester Villas 550 5 7 DO 800 1 12 Do 675 2 12 Do 450 3 12 Do . 450 4 12 Do 450 5 12 Do 625 1 2 Do ,1000 2 2 Do 3775 3 2 Do 725 4 2 Do 5000 5 2 Do .1000 Y 5 Do 4450 2 5 Do 675 3 5 Do 3475 N.10 feet of 5 and all 4 5 Do 3825 EX.N•10' of 5 5 Do 825 1 8 Do 900 2 8 )� Do 3B00 North 8 feet of 3 8 Ex. N. 8 feet of 3 8 Do 500 4 8 DO 600 5 8 Do 87.5 . 1 11 Do 72.5 2 11 Do 475 3 11 Do 475 4 11 Do TOTAL 475 CITY OP YT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE •' ' REPORT OF COMMaSIdWER OF FINANCE k ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I`n VALUATION 5 11 Macalester Villas 650 17 2 Do 650 16 2 Do 3400 17 5 Do 875 16 5 Do 575 17 8 Do 575 16 8 Do 550 17 11 Do 550 16 11 Do 450 1 3 Do 350 X 3 Do 3100 1 4 Do 375 30 4 Do 300 1 9 Do 300 30 9 Do 540 1 10 Do 350 30 10 Do 300 15 3 Do 250 16 3 Do 275 15 4 Do 275 16 4 Do 250 15 9 Do 275 16 9 Do 300 15 10 Do 300 16 10 Do TOTAL 275 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMIEE61ONUR OF FINANCE �. . it w ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT '.,BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION That tr-ct bounded on the northjby Berklcy avenue, on the . East by Fredericka avenue, on the South by Jefferson avenue and on the west by Fairview ;avenue, in the north Last j of. 2,37;54 Section 9, Town 28, Range 23. That tact bounded on the North Uy St. Clair street on the East by Fredericka avenue on th9 South by Berkele avenue on the west by Fairview avene, in the North East � of Section 9, Town 28. Range 23. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /Y Dated —'-- ---------1912 -D --------' �?i Commi CORM B.B.A. 0-0 C LCC w3mvIewwav'swav''Aws I kwwww"A a City of St. raul We the undersigned, property--owners7 in Elni .-Maoalester Villas hereby petition you to-caua rees, to be "Utriot--from--St,. 7'- planted--along--the graded streets in. J 'er efT zon-Ancluaive -and from Snelling to -Fredericka St ­ LOT .-BLOCK -ADDITION- 1617 7 1 � 70 A311L - cl_ BuRFAU OF EAC Itim t] �t. Y S Office of the Commissioner. of Public Works t;EurlV'LD Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC .5 18k,9 December- 4' .................191..9.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 27316 November 20, 9 cil, known as Council File No.... ........................... approved .......... ................. - ...................... -- .......... 191 relative to.............................. pplantinng� and protecting shade trees on the following streets & avenues: St. 'Clair St. from Preericka Ave. to SnIT elling Ave. BerkeleyAue......ir..om...............................:............................_..............:.:..............:......................_..............................................................._..._..................._...... Stanford Ave. Wellesley Ave. n n n if n n n!?:....,................[L..............._n...._.................JG..................._^ .76i&3'6OIi..................... ......._.......................... ................ .... ......._....._.._..._... .........._ n.................................... Maoaleeter " St. Clair St. to Jefferson AIT It It It 11 ve. Underwood Ave. ..................n........_....n..................as..................n._...........n...............................n.._...._.........n...._..._....__._.............._...._......................_..._.._.......... and having iuvest�ated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 15¢ per front foot 3670.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......................... and the total cost thereof is ....................................., and Excess inspection $70.80 Assessable frontage 23,656 ft. { ;the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ........... ..... ....... ................ ................. t+ .......... .............._.............................. ................. ........... ....................... .......................................... ............ ........... ._........... ......................... _.........._....................._....__....................... ._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... _........ ..._...... ..... .. .. ........... ...................... ..... 5. Said improvement is..........................._......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C missioner of Public orks. (Ittg of St. lout Itpurtuunt of 11uk1tr Norko M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY DsceLlber 3, 1919 Yr. Goss, Co..raissiorer of public hcr'ze, near Fir: I transmit herewith preli.Lir_ary esti- ..:at> of cost for the following improvement, viz: To plant a^d protect Shade trees on the following streets and avenues: St. Clair Street, from Fredericka Avenue to Snelling Avenue Berkeley Avenue, Stanford Wellesley Jefferson Macalister " it St. Clair Street to Jefferson " Underwood ° if n n n n n Fredericka n n n it it n This estimate is f.ade in accordance with Coun- cil File Pio. 27316, anrroved Nove,ioer 20, 1919. Approximate estimate 03670.80 Cost per front foot .15 Excess inspection necessary 70.80 Assessable frontage 23656 ft. Very truly yov-rs, Chief Engineer gas -b COUNEIL Iyj ............... �. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of -grading ._ Stanford. _Lvenue...fr-om..l:iount--.Gur¢e...Boul-evard- to - Cretin._Qyenue.._and..-of....e.11esl.ey._:venue...frpm__ ,qunt__Curye-..i0u� eu.ard...t.o........ Cretin Avenue to conform to the change of grade proposed..-in_Prol..iminary .............................................. ............ ...._... ........ ....... . _'i order--C.ouncil._le... danuary...9.,...192.0------------------------ ---------- --------------- ___ ........ _....._.... .............._.............. ......... -.......:.,,....................................... under Preliminary Order......... 2aO65............._. ._... � 4;iroved.....:Jan.._.29.,....1220 Intermediary Order .......................... .._.. __. approved ..-'-_...._ ........ ................ .. --------_------ .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..._ grade _Stanf.ord..Av-enue...from..1doitt._Curve Boulevard to Cretin ^:venue and of 71ollesley :venue from L_ount (Curve ................ - ..... B.oulevard....t.o---Crets.n_iavenue...t.o..c.gnf.orm.--to..tlaein Preliminary Order r.'i1 e.--ld.o.--2.78x9.,. approved- Januar-y 9.r--].-20.--- --. .........._- ---------- -- - - ._._.... ............. -- _... ------------------------ ...... - --- -------------- ------------------------------------------------- .............. - ........... ...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public `Yorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- -- IIP.R... 3..ItU -.._ -. -----, 191.. City Clerk. Approved.._._._........ ft-''- IV'�U ...... 191_..__ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLIIB1) Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman I>?e1 otters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 0 Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITVIM T.PAUL DEPLLRTT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER X) r(A) In the Matter of Grading Of Stanford avenue from ',.fount Curve Boulevard to Cretin --�- -- - ---------------------------------------------------- -- - - - — - - - ---- - - - - - - — - avenue and of Wellesley avenue frorzi;;ount Curve Boulevard to Cretin avenue, under Preliminary Order approved --January 29th, 1920.. - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 10 4 11 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 5 9 4 9 3 9 2 9 1 9 ADDITION Louden Park Do Do Do Do Do Do Doo Do Do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 275 250 250 250 300 275 250 250 250 300. 5000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__.....<�% C-`--=----------A9p --._-----.__.....------- ---------- - Commissioner of Finance. 1ORM B.B.A. B -B C CITY < ' S• U 4 DEPARirMEW_*AL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 9 Louden Park 250 11 9 Ii U 225 12 9 Do 225 13 9 Do 225 14-9 Do 250 5 10 Do 250 4 10 Do 225 West 22.2 feet of 3 10 ) Do )) 225 (#x. West 224,- feet) 3 10 2 10 Do 225 1 10 Do 250 5000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__.....<�% C-`--=----------A9p --._-----.__.....------- ---------- - Commissioner of Finance. 1ORM B.B.A. B -B C .SOAR CLAUSSL'N, Owl[. CwOIN[en J. S. CAR ROLL. SUIT. IM[[n. eilon wwo n[.un[ ALrRF. JACKSON, SUIT. H. W. G.CTZINOSR, Su�Oi'o w• C. H. MlRR6L0rOie cae E...... I r zc (Qitg -of St. Paul Orpartatent of 3lubHr 3larha M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY February 10, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Deas Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of the cost for grading; Stanford Ave. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and of Wel- lesley Ave. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave. in accordance with Council File 28065, ap- proved January 29, 1920. Approximate estimate $1236.50 Cost per front foot 1.45 Excess inspection necessary 24.25 Assessable frontage 854.12 ft. This proposal should be considered in connection with Preliminary Order C. F. No. 27849, approved January 9, 1920, which includes changing the grade of the above streets and zlso of Mount . Curve Boulevard, in order to bring them below the level of the adjoining property and avoid the ex- pense to the property owners of having to fill their property. The grading proposed in this order is based on the assumption that the change is de- sirable. Very truly yours, jP Chief Engineer gss-b A. A. FRY •Prdeid-1 omo. �enoo . Tr, ej a 29209 E. G. PH. W. b Boo'y &Tree.." TrM6,.ti 891192 N W Oder 6628 N. W. Wdws)699 - } I*t� J 0� •.•'�utri tai Pati#r`.7. nudr'u sr� (940trr dots iu V. 10��OFFICE: 916-418 COMMERCE HIIILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. .,October, 10th, Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public forks, St'. Paul, Minn, Dear Sir: Regarding the grading of Mount Curve Boulevard, request that a chagge be made' in the proposed grade :at the end of Stanford and Wellesley Streets, Nest of Cretin Avenue, so that it will be lowered one 11) Foot, We own lots 10, 11,-12, 13 and 14, in Block 4, and lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 9, on Stanford Street, We also "own lots 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, in Block 9, on Wellesley Street. Trusting that when this grade is established, rm with this request. you will confo Yours very truly, ` PERRY-FRY COMPANY, Per �- J PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED r COUNCIL QQ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .Il 'I In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Stanford Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, and of Wellesley Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, under PrelJ�.iminary Order #28066, approved January 29, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28479, approved March 15, 1920. The Commissioner of Public 'Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Stanford and Wellesley Avenues, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated April 13, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes (v ) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl r Powers t Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -_19 19 Council APe..._......�0.._.....19_. .. 12 APR ia ign In favor Against MAYOR OSCAR CLAUSS¢H. Cvl¢. Evolveen J. e. CARROLL! SOnav¢ens wl OJACHSONoSVPT c H wrvo nenwlna „y o H. W. GOETZINGER, Suni. v M. S. GRYTDAIS Evoivc¢n ova G. H. HERROLD. Orrocc Evolrv¢¢n _(Ettg of 6t. Vanl 33r}+artarrnt of %lttkiltr Mirka M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 28818 In the matter of condenminf and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Stanford Aven from Mount Curve Blvd. to Cretin Ave. and Wellesley Ave. from &fount Curve Blvd. to Cretin Ave., under Preliminary Order x#28066, approved January 29, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28479, approved March 15, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Conaiaissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plans of the' llabove improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan'�the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and Che extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. G Commission f :ublic '0or . Dated G7 Jl/�i4.� X950 clrr ffl�AUL DEPARTM .JNANCE REPORT .OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of CoTpdemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts "and fills in grading of Stanford avenue from Yount gurve Boulevard to Cretin avenue and of Vlellesley avenue from Yount Curve Boulevard to — Cretin avenue, -- - ..... - — -- -..... -- -- ---...-------- --------- -.------ ---- ----------------- ----- -- -- under Preliminary Order approved Januar 20t4=. fi 1920. ....... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— ' The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: (DESCRIPTION= LOT BLOCK i ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION --- -- 10 4 Louden Park 275 ll 4 Do 250 12 4 Do 260 I j 13 4 I Do 250 14 ! 4 !i Do ,I ° 300 i 1 5 9 DO 27 5 I� 4 9 Do . 250 'ff 3 19 Do li 250 1 i 2 9 Do I, 250L .. t_ lI i 1 9 i Do 300 �I ii IORM B.H.A.!-DA TOTAL, A (C_)_ ___ UL GTY OF, PAUL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ---- - --- — _ --- d E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK! ADDITION i --- -- - - ASSESSED VALUATION 110 j. 9 Louden Park 250 11 9 Do 225 .12! 9 Do 225 . 13 , 9 Do 225 14 9 Do, .250 5 '. 10 Do 250, 4 10 Do .225 Wept 22$ feet of 3 10 Do 225 - (Ex. West 22s' Peet of 3 • 10 Do --- 2- 10 ! Do 225 _ I 1 ! 10 ! Do 250, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 105�7� Dated — - - -E - 19)0 --------- — ��!GG---- — - - Commissioner of Finance. IOflM B.B.A. B•6.0 5 2881 9 COUNO r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....c.onstruot.ing...c-cmerit...aide,.�. 7k5...mi botkl...51dAs...af....oxaa­21ce from-.I91cKenty_Street to Union Street. ............................................. ..... __........... ....................... .................. ............................................................................................. ....................._.._....... under Preliminary Order ........ 2..$�W.7.................... ............. approved ....k.eb....27.a...1920........................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--C-anStrllct-_G-Went......... --si�deiva-lks...on-b-oth.-.sides_.. Of- -.0-01110 aaX�ellty.. txee.t_..t.R:.Uxiio??...ztreet, edge -pt -.fir here.---good--snd.-sufficient sidevralks now e::ist. ........_.... _....... ._.._....... ...... -. ............._...--.................-....................... _.............................. 1-1.............................. I ..................... ..- ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..s..`j5 p0r-,-front foot. Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---------- 12th--- ............. day of ... ........... MAY,,._1920..................... T41 X.. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ......... Adopted by the Council -. 191 ........., J ......1 .. . .'_.; ... .. v City Clerk. Approved ........... GPR J......9CQ............ . 191......... ............ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman lXyLVa'W Clancy Councilman l; Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor I"d= Hodgson r Form B. S. A. 8-6 »820 COUNOIL FILE NO .. . ............ ......... BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_.....anustxuctinC_.a....cemeui.._t3le.._sislelralk..si:s feet...aida:..on. the ..aast... nide ...of---Lexingt.on... ,v nue._'ran...Samas...S.txee:t,...t.o... dgaumbe...40ad....... :..... ............................................................................................................................................................................................... .... under Preliminary Order ........... M5U............................approved .........J:;jarckk..2 .s...192.0................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....annatruc.t...a._.c.ement tile.. si_darralk..six..i e.et onthe..west...s.ide.... o£...Lexingtnn_1 uenue.. f.r om ..James Street... t.o._idgawnbe._Road,...eine.pt-mhere.:_ good... and..suffiaient...aide.- .malks....e.,iat._.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......7.5....Pex•_front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... lath................day of ........... Clay.,...192.0 ........................ im....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......APR..j'3..ja2.U.........._. 191.__...... ,✓""�� Approved.............APR AL13 .l92D...... .... 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hylw& Clancy Councilman E.RUM Pouters Councilman McColl f Councilman Wunderlich j Mayor hmWx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 / . Ci Clerk. ._................. a ............. . ..................................... Mayor. a COUNCIL FILE NO................................moo INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....c.onstruating...a...aement...tile...sidama k..si.x..fe.et...rcide....on...the .s-aut)a...s.ide....of...P.alac.e Stre.et.,... fmom..Fai r.Y.ievz...Alzenue...tn..E adari_ ka..Avenue. _...... ................. .... --..........-...........__................... .................................................................. .... -- -...............I under Preliminary Order..........2 d0a.............................approved.......L)arG11_25,-10.2...0................................... The Council of the. City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....aons.truct...a...c.ement ti-i.e on ... t.he...snexth...a.i.da...af....Pa2aee....atx-eet...... fs om.. F,airviePi...AY..enue_-to..Frederic l:a_--avenue, except Where ;ood and- sufficient sidevzalks...notY...e ,a t.. ........................... - .............................................._................... .......... ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....75 ---. per ...front foot: Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........12.th ................day of -----------I ay.,..-a..Q2Q................ .._.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. GFR Adopted by the Council Y.31920 ................191......... .....`.............. Gf R 1520 _.......... ��.: x� Approved ........................ - - ....... ......, 191......... Ci , Clerk. - ... (...... .. ..... ...... .. _. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HYDE" Clancy 7 Councilman KPLMx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ickm Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-8 ° 28822 W � � COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. By------..�--- ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of�L Q.eme.nt.._UI.Q..:S. clQ3aalis...s.1z...fa t...yla.d.....01I..b.Qth aides....of...Staalford..r'Yexltue._ 1.Axn.._:. baX'.t...Ame:a11g ...... wchene.--g4.od...and. silf1is.i nt...s.idgv-4,1's...na31...e.?.i9.t............... ................................-----..._..........-. ..... .......... ..........-- ............---.._........._....I.. ..................._..._...................................................................------.....---- under Preliminary Order ......----....2.6.5.Q2 ......................... approved ........Saax,.o.h .7 6.x...7 924................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....-.C.oz1S.tr.1d0.t....a.._c-mann, til.e..s.adeiq.&lk..s.ix,.,feet.._tiide..on_-both ,_ides of Stanford Avenue from .'-Aber-t.../v.enua-.to...Ras.cal..h*z.exlue.,...atcept.. 'sere_ oodandsuificient-, side- -wa-1ks...nort...ax.isat...................................................................................................................................................... .. ............................................---..................................-•------.........._........................ .............. . ---......---.._............-------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....75....p.9.C'...1'ront foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 12-tlL................. day of UiRY 1920 ............................ 1$�..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......�k� 'y `�..��:E�......... ..... 191...-.f� 1 Approved.... __ ........., 191..._.... { CC' y Clerk. j ... ....... ....... .: :.1...............1`lE .... --14iayor. /3'y Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Howklx Clancy . )Councilman $ggx. Potters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor RW= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 `E 28827 COUNCII FILE NO r.' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofxeptairing...the _.aameslt...t-I le. sidewalk-,on-_the__north side of Rondo Streets be inning _at Dale Street ...................................... ar�d.._eltending-__east--aproc3mately.-32 feet: under Preliminary Order.........28&Qa.............................approved ......... ieiex.Gk1..26..,.... 1.920............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is—xe.c.onatruc.t..,...relay and..r.e.gaa.r the_ -cement_ tile._sidevialk..on..the north side of Rondo Street_ beginning.. at. -.Ale . .Street ._.and -extending east approximately 52 feet. ........ ....... ..--....................... --...................----......................_..__....-.............................._................._... ..................... ----------- ........................ ------------------------ _....._............. -•................_.._..._.........._.--.............._................................ ............ _................ ........................._.-.................................. ----------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....07. -.. per --- aq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 12th ..................:day of •-.lday.,...1220.........................fix....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co Adopted by the Council .......YR.AA.19[............... Approved............ GNR..1i A241 .............. 191........ M Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Kylaxd: Clancy Councilman M1W POVIOrs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irv= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 M COUNCID FIDE NO.......... ...................• INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of A019111119111 _ a-..sevrer__on„•Dpty r�,,.KIY�,lj11g.., xQlp.,a_.17,p� t 2QQ .ft.--_past-.-o-__Syndicate E:venue.-_to_Edgcumbe-•3oad•,•and._on•.lyest.,_ side,_ of_----___ .Edgcumbe Road from Bayard Avenue, thence north 80 £t. to the end of ....................... ...................................................... t-he__pxist serger. ............................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............. 2B44Q.......................... approved _.....Earah..1L,...1920.................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....c.onat- uct...a...s.eiver....on Bayas�l..©vexzue..-trom..a...P-aa 1._20.0... t.....easy...o.....5 aic4te...AY01 e... .o.. agcumbe Road,..-and...on.-yvest.-_side-. of..Edcutnbe_-Hoad.-it-om-_Bayard.-.Avenue,-. thence north .BQ..f.t...... t.o...th.e.._Q.nd_ of..-the...existing pev pr. .............................................. - ..._ ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..9Q --.-.- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... lath...................day of maylo....1920........................ ggpg---- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as es •mated. ' Adopted by the Council .......... APR ..12.ay.2fi .......... Approved ............... ........ 191......... _C y Clerk. ..... ......................... . Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman 240= Clancy Councilman KNreBX Pe17.0S's Councilman McColl y Councilman Wunderlich /h/1 Mayor Fxjdg Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 28825 COUNC o..:= -------_----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...nunstructin&.-a...Sew..er... Qxk--Iud7 axya.--�ge�ue.--��Qm E�t4A.-Street tsz...a.-.A.QRt._110._-feet--_easterly._. of the easterly line of South Robert Street. -.....................................................................................................- .............._..................................._...--............. under Preliminary Order 28 .................................. approved ....... 29 ...1920..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....C..Dns.tru.Q.t...&1 9.Qfter...on Zndiana..Atr-enue...fr.Qxa..k at.ori._S.teet_to_.a.._point-..110., feet__easterly,_._o£__ ..aas.terly...line.. 4£...So1kth...Robert Street.. .............................. ............................-----.........._. .......... ........................................ ----- ......................._..... ...._._............. -- ........ . ..................... ..................... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...5.30..0.0............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....12111...................... day of May.,.._12mt..................... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.-------�If.H_ .�9.��............... 191..._.... 1 ' . �....OZ:.. `t Approved.............OR f3192Q............., lsl......... �... y lerk. ..... .... ....................._....- 114a or...... y Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman R}dWc—x Clancy Councilman '11a1W Pourers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor dmtxx Hodg$ on Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL ENO ... By..... '-- ............ -......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.grad' ng Fourteenth...Street.,..irom..Pit1e...8#saei.._t.o._Lafabyatta Ai(.�X141.................... I............................................................................................................... _................................... __....... under Preliminary Order.......27910................................approved ..........J892t.16.....1920................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That themature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade F..o.urte.anth.. StreetPine Street to Lafayette Avenue. ............................................................................................................................................... ---- ------------------------ ----- ------- ------ mated cost thereof is $....2.,,4-0$., 47..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..........13th13tL ............... day of .................1jay..r..192-Q................ ,. C194M...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... h -PR -.1-3. iy.' 191........ q�-. Approved ...................... . _.........................---, 191......... Ci Clerk. ............ ..... ... ...._......... ............................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman NybuMi Clancy Councilman MMXK Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderl eb Mayor I9Yvir2LX Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 2882 COUNCIL FILE NO ......_.................... A By.:.. INTERMEDI 6 r ,9..._ RDER In the Matter tinder Preliminary Order ........... •. 4a3`pa �u°Eq aur $ vo¢a„av°� aauJ ...................................... The Council of the City of St.Paul havin aeam`a epy„°?II"jtZSZ a4 ortgaQ °f� oner of Finance upon the mprovem t, and having above 1. , That thenadd report be and thersame ie hereby ppro w a p z U1 a $earl d the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.Onclemn...and ..taka...an easement...in...the ....lel_1d...necessary._for..slopes,..for._cuts and.fills in...grad- _..ing..F.ovrIQenth..Street_,_from _Pine Street to Lafayette Avenue, in ac.c.ordanO.a_With ..the..blue_.print-_hereto. attachedand made a part hereeo£, the ...klatched..-portions slhoiving the cuts and the shaded portions shorrslig is-. ... ................... ._.............................. _._-------------- .................. --- ... --- ...--- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._..30...00............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 13.th...................day of ....................:...... $94?F......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .....ARI t 1HU........ ........ 1191--- ( a , ,... ` Approved ................... uNH,..._i_iSLo... - :.. .. .._ 191......... Clem, ..... .............-..................................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Boss Councilman Hgbw& Clarity Councilman $@Ilex POWOS ' Councilman McColl J Councilman Wupderlieb Mayor bmimx Hodgson x V< Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,, - 2882< COUNCIL y'ILE NO , INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...candex-ming...and._takiT,lg...S1.._�S.�SQ�XI�._�21...4k1@._a1lS�-.X1�.Cf SSaY� for..slop-QsAnd -,.Gills,-,in,-grading,.Fourteenth•. Street-�._irom^Pine ....-------••----•••--•• ........................................... 3$BiT BY,,qq �A. Ear➢sgt'vokth ? Iter of codYe�nlag and tak n,� leom �fr3r �he�]anad..n........................................... , _. F nrtaenth qdb _ ..:......................................... ................ .................. - ,4)1..................... ................................... tinder Preliminary Order...... -27911 ............ .... ...:....app roved :. Jari.......:6.:.._1920...........------...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.ondemn.. and..talm ax. easemsni...in...tYze:.,..lan,,,rlecessarg..forslo�es-,..for-._cuts and fills in frad- __ing..r^.ourteenth..Street_,-_from Pine Street toLafayette Avenuo, in ac.e.or.dance-..,w lt.h..the_.blue _pj1nt_.4ei.eto. attached and made a Part hereof, the...Jzatched...portions shoring the cuts and the shaded portions shorting _ .. ............................................. t.Yle zZZs.................._.......-_.........._.._...................._........ ----.........---..............._.._............I..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._..3.0...0-0............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....._l3-th...................day of ........ Siay.,...19.?.Q-------------------------- I 494?F....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................. 191........ Approved .................... 191......... ty Clem ............................. ... ..... ............................ ... Mayor. Councilman ; Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman K)tuak Clancy Councilman $8dlex Port�e2ts Councilman McColl `J Councilman Wunderlichp Mayor bMbLx Hodgsonxj. -6 Form B. S. A. 8 } yr a COUNCIL NO � .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...0..1�UX _to -_Lexington Avenue. --........._.............................•-------•---------------••---•----._............................---........ ..__._....... under Preliminary .............. Order ...... 27000 ...................approved ........OctoUer. 24.1...1919.......-•----............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby -ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...avrb....b.Q:tk1...;310aa-...Qf.. _..Aunova... Auellue...✓ x9zn..V ctoria•••,Street_.to.-Lexington-.Avenue. ........... ............. .... .......... _ ...__ __ .... _-._ _........... .. - .............................................................--.....--- ----------- ............... _...................... ............._...-......................_.......__...................-..............................................._....................... .---------------------- .... -- - ............ _ .._..... ..................._..._.._..._............ - _..---............_..........._........._........................ ..... ---....-- . ... ................... .-_.........-.................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..3,1546..111 8---..-. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......1Jth__............. _-..day of .----..........LFay,..-1520................... x......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... GI'R 113 19[0 ................................ 191......... Approved ............... GirR...�4eiJ15 Q.........., 191......... t City ler'. - .......... ...... .................. .. . .. .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman. Goss Councilman 1� Clancy Councilman a Pow s Councilman McColl /V\7 Councilman Wunderlieb Mayor W4KX Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .■ BY.......... ............................. ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of P.&Ving..Ashland &v.enue fr.o2n..3nalling Avenue :L*.Cle.V__e1 And avenue,-•-includin sewers water and has connections from street main ................................... ........... ..taz..prape_r.ty linas G-omp.2.010 ...... Y1.11ex.Q.—nat alraady..Mad.Q a.13.0 Inaluding ..aurblng Pad . ....... I• . ........................ ...................................................................... ......................................... _77", In th., Mattai _0i �Vz"ng. Ashland Ah;.. ........................................................................... ............. t from , Snellft,9 AV.O,.,� and ......................................... 41atsrC-. dI cunnec[idna, from street Mama to ;; . . ......................................... under Preliminary Order .......... 2 LEI Q ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having receL�'oi the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, h&eby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Pave Ashland,.Avenue -.f rom..SxallinF.1VQTqg tq Qleveland..Avenue., including ..s.e.ws pj mater and .......,.- ,gas.. -c. ...... ,gar, _c onneations...from.. street �jylains. 1_Q..PX!PP.q4Ay Unp�-5.... -already ::approaohes.,...tvhere- necessary. .................. ..... ..................................................... .................. ................... .............. .............. ............................................. ............ . ..................................................................................... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._..... 14.th ...............day of ................ 144Y., iq9P ............... W at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... 191...._ APR 13 1920 vi", . J. .... .............. Approved.................................................. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Kyla= Clancy Councilman -Rwkx Powers Coun6ilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 0 Mayor PMKx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------------ ------------- a COUNCIL FILE NO ........ TY OF �P; Resolution of Council ving Assessment. Y In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate lio. 2, Under Contract 3068 C, for Season of 1919- -Assessable Roll-- 1;.0. 23415 Plestern Ave., east side, beginning 57 feet south of Como Ave- thence south 9 feet. F.O. 23412 ';postern Ave., east side, beginning 104 feet south of Como Ave- thence south 8 feet. F,0. 26450 Dayton -Ave., north side, from Farrington Ave. thence east 670 ft. F.O. 26051 vsouth LouiseSt. beginning tended,tthencenrest0150efeet. of the west line of The assessment of ._...henef.lts..,.. G..QS_t�_..an.............. . ......for and in connection with �I the above improvement having been submitted to wsssdssitthe Council having considered same andt found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, bga%i"�sy e n `aarneR , ;, qtr or the 'abeeseme8 - , RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the ' is an :.ealarmg penses o"Al respects approved. a a reu. c-atke 'Estimate 1a` sOss C r r ,t9• RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be h i nvent on the......... Mth ........ _...... day of Isiy..,.....].$0.., ........_...., , ..._..., at the hour of 10 o clockz"> M , in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St., Paul -,,,that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. ` Adopted by the Council .......... WR -- .........._.....19 City Clerk. ......................................... AT ...... ............. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OFSEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 288, under Preliminary Order.. 2raal2 approved Intermediary Order ...... 272,75A. -I W. L co" MIWAT The' Commissioner of Finance ha. �P,Bove matter as to the amount of of ssal 2 In bride. damages awarded for the taking of tb c. hated for the above improvement public school and,appropriating Sor Pn n_ ':ia and 14r and to whom payable; and also it to property from the making of 16 2 d72 62 r, d. 'ed q order r e 2 O�4� said improvement, therefore be it ` di 'y Order - im.rw- -,r, er -,I Nax­12i 19 Resolved, That the said assessment of bea_ the" can lelig e approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the I 2,t11 ------------_-- - _ day of 19210 - - ---- _1M___ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_ ..... ............. Approveu .......... h.P_Rj.3..1.9.20 ......... 1 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Eylmy& Clancy Councilman 1gQ1%K Powers Councilman McColl councilman Wunderliel 0 Mayor3m6x Hodgson i J. M HA ' RED WINgjMMW.j. . S.A.Farnaworth. Red Ming,Minn.April 16-1920. Commissioner of Filance. St Paul,Minn. Dear sir;- I am just in receipt of a."Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings" from you dated April 14-1920. The Lot referred to in said Notice is Lot 11;B1ock 2.as descriYed by you,In the atisenee'of any information from you or any one.elee as to awards or damages to he given me for said Lot under said condemnation proesedinge,I am not in a position to file O1Bject*4nv "priis to date of hearing which in set as May 12th,1920." Fur t r more I was not aware that condemnation proceedings had actually leen taken in.the matter,although it was suggested. So if you will kindly let me know What the awards as made 'ley the commissioners in said matter,,ioth on Lots 10 and12, " well as on Lot ll,which is ietween them,I want this information as a com parison as to values,also since negotiations for the purchase of ArJ. W. HAJ RED WING. MINN. I said Lot was starts in February 1919,ander a 60 day option d no efforts were made t close the deal until now more than a year afterwards,the 1919 taxes have 'been assessed en said let,830,86. and as the matter now stands I am liable for these taxes unless the City of St Paul makes provision to take care of them,as I have on several occasions within the past year 'both in.persen and thre correspondence urged your Commissioner of Education to speed up on consumating this deal and get it closed,thie my cor— respondence to him will.show but it was not done,Mow i am net only out the interest on my money for a year had the property tied up durong this pried,and besides am facing the above taxes The above are the facts in the matter and T thet it my duty to give them to you as they exist so that you can draw your own conclusions as to Why I complain for the manner this deal has 1Peen handled by the City of St Paul. Enough said for this time. Stafor your adrreply en envelope Yours t for your reply enclosed. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the-matterlef....�. Qndemuing.,...taki g and ..apprnpri.ating-.%ar--.-pub11,c_ %zh4)a1 pureas.es...I<Ota....l? ..... al,....12.+---1�5 Aud2..,..-aamucl 4. ment.._af...Sumni.t..Par1�.Oddi &Wplat..ls.,...1219................................................. .....----...------------.........-_._...._--_...............------..................._..........._ under Preliminary Order..26! 1U ............. approved.Oct..._4s1919... Intermediary Order.......27.. 3 ....._., approved...ROv.....12,.... 2191......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance: M 1 An ordluapoe'gratrtjag'tothe 8tanaa"a' "Oli domPan9 ppeerm1 se10 to InetalY C2(�(]��2 • s gaeoHne,.tanK.and curb pump Temyer6iioq, etreet:+lear :the corper� t : P '+ot 6roVe and TetnPit r etreefe.. Cou Cit*of the Clt9 of 8t. P?nN n An ordinance granting to the Standard Oil Company per- mission to install a gasoline tank and curb pump on Temperance street near the corner of Grove and Temperance streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Standard Oil Company to install and maintain an under- ground gasoline tank and curb pump on Temperance street, near the corner -.of Grove and Temperance streets, in front of the Market Garage, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the instal- lation of said tank and pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tank and pump and lo- cation thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said tank and pump shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3), The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), condition- ed to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability,' judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank and pump. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Uyor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) The said tank and pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Atti Passed by the Council ia�R 14N - Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Goss U McColl Powers Wunderlioh Mr. President (Hodgson) Approve OR 28 JK0 PUBLISHED Y r D B ABUSH® 1590 JOHN L.•BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, INSURANCE 104 E. FOURTH STREET. ST. PAUL, MINN, U. S. A. . April 6th, 1920. Hon. City Council: CITY. Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully requests permission to install on the curb in front of the property known as the Market Garage, located on the corner of Temperance and Grove Streets, purAp to be located on the Temperance Street side. One 559 gallon under- ground gasoline tank and a curb plump. I herewith attach letter from the owner of the Market Garage, authorizing installation. Respectfully submitted, 1, STANDARD OIL 'COG'd NY, Agent tt CI v `C1 Jb\ •�s5 F� G° 0 LIGHT AND HEAVY SERVICE TRucks T AND PLEASURE CARS =L^ss REPAIR WORK SECOND HAND CARE BOUGHT AND SOLD THE MARKET GARAGE CLINKSCALES & MITCHELL, OWNERS GROVE AND TEMPERANCE STREETS PHONES: W. CEDAR 6801; T. S. 91420 ST. PAUL. MINN. March, 23,1920 Honorable City Council. St Paul, Minn Gentl&men: Kindly issue permit and license to "he Standard Oil Co (Indiana) to install a curb pump at side of building facing Amperance Stat Grove add Temperance Sts.known as the Market Garage. Yours very truly, Market Garage By_ 7 ` WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER I BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION April 9th, 1920. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Company, asking for permission to install on the curb in front of the Market Garage located on the South-west corner of Grove and Temperance Streets a 550 gallon undegground gasoline storage tank and curb pump. We have made an inspection of the above premises and advised applicant that if permit be granted that pump and tank be insiAlled on Prove Street and that they remove frame oil room in basement and discontinue the storage of gasoline inside of building, which they agree to do; tank and pump to be of the approved type, we refer same to the Department of Public Works with the recommendation that permit be granted. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector. CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL RESOLUTION —,3ooGENERAL FORM S.bjea: ----------- ........ .. C - OUNCIL OQ FILE N 0 ............... 2,.--3934 ................................... maw Date Presented---ATx-U--.1,4_1 In the matter of designating z nO (?str,blishing, as a res- tricted residence di:,trict all of the lands and real estcrte in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota described as 'n1lows, to -wit; Lots the Nest of Lot 20, all of 21-22- - 23 and 24, Bloc41k .1�and Lots 1-2-3-4-5-3-7-3-9-10-11-12, Block 17, all of Yerriam PLrk Ti,ird Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office or the Tlegister of Deeds of Ramsey County Yinnesota, under oroceedinFa instituted under Council File ;/28671, Ilonroved March .51, 1920. Resolved, That Ilessrs. W. R. Yueffner, H. 71. Kalscl eur, , A. J. Veigel, Geo. G. Cooper and L. C. 3earierfive disinterested qualified voters of the City of 3t. Pt` ul, none of whom reside within the ward in any pr;rt or t"-, " irtrict heretofore ignated under said order serve without compensation to premises and appraise the dz_rrages when xray be or— ,u by the establishment of such restricted residence dist and by the exercise by the City in this ratter of the pj%vers grEnted under Laws of 1915, Chapter 128. Yeas ( 11 Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller A McColl Wunderlich r President Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -18 OATH --- Do you solemnly swear you will discharge your duties as appraisers in fixing the damages and determining the benefits therefore, which may be occasioned by the establishment of a restricted residence district on Portland Avenue between Dewey and Howell Avenues, and more particularly described by Council File No. 28671, approved Maych 31, 1920 with impartiality andfidelity and make due return of your actions to the Council of the City of St. Paul. h1 0AW Do you solemnly Mar you 4iil diasharge your duties as appraisers is flslsg the damages aid determining the bansfits therefole, rhiob way be ooeaslosed:Dy Us establishment Of a.rsstrioted roaidesce distriet as Portland Arenas beteasa Dasay and iloealt Avow", mad mars partioalarly described by Coanoll. #a* No. 8Et6'!l, approre¢ harsh Um "20 **th Avartiallty and fidolity and mko dui voters of your mations to the Csaooll of the 6lty:of at. Fina. M COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL ,,,..2.8.83,5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 61'CQ0UNCY RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY V �Vr COMJJII$SIONER......................................................................................... DATEApril- 14,] RESOLVED TiIrat the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 400 Bquare yards of 3*" Creosote Blocks, in accordance with standard city specifications, from the Republic Creosoting Company, at a price of $3.25 per square yard, or a total con- tract price of $1,300.00, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where delay in purchasing this material would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Public Works.. Street Construction & Repair. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President Fiftr 3M9-19 Whe Republic Creoeotlug a once r lR s - — Adopted by the Counoi) Apr. 14, 1920. Approved Apr. 14,---3030. (April 17-1920); Adopted by the Council APR -19...... In favor Appr �If'.. �_�SG(l.._._........19........_ ..Against MAYOR PRESENTED t . COUNCIL ]t 36 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..........2. !..Jac. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for the grading and improvement of alleys in Block S, Phalen heights Park Addition, from Maryland Street to Hawthorne Street and from Frank Street to North and South alley, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #2216. Yes (v) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers �J Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9'I9 C. F. No, 28838-By.X N. Goas- Concuravla ilm racoho mmendatlun: hereby ontract Committee and relectsbid received _tor tha grading and Impt'ove ment, oe alleys'. (I Block 8 Phalen, Ste'to Hawthorne�3t:nsnd Froma Frank 8t. to Nortk and South -Almy _oy bid received as do ezceee- of the engd nears. estimate, F. B. No. 221& Adopted by the Council ADr.. 14, 1920. , ADPrOVed r. 14. 1920, (Ayril 1'7-1920) Adopted by the Council -- .APR 1_4..1920. _........19 -- ��f)R SLR -..... In favor Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I PRESENTED BY/I COMMISSIONED. ... ............. COUNCIL FILE ND.......i.7.c. DATER.P.r1.1....13.1.92_Q........... . RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejecte,bid received for the grading and improvement of Autumn Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #2219. C. F. No:. 288ST—By ET N Goes,- Resolved That the C uncil .._hereby concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for the: grading and Improve- ment of. Autumn Ave. from. White Bear' Ave. to, truth Ave., as bidreceived was In ezcess, ofthe engineer's:; estimate. F. -B,: No. 2219._ Adopted by the Council (pr, 14, 1929.- ' Approved Apr, 11, 1920. 'I . (April 17 1920) Yes (v) Councilmen ('j Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council --.APRW(!... ____iq....... arnsworth , Goss In favor APPr 19 ......._ McColl Powers Against MATOR f Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM QQy(� Subjedt:-----....r�fi?�/i�!sae^..=....._........... ------------ . -------------... �(JC7CDCJ COUNCIL FILEN 0------------------- --------------- --------- Date Presented�Rr..1.�..-�..'?...-..�-92.Q, Resolved, That the, proper Citv Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue .and draw a warrant in faver of the Twin City Linden Society CDr the sum of One hundred Thirty-four Dollars and Twenty Four Cents ($134.24), beim the CXC88t3 amount paid into the City Treasury for the assessment of benefits on ]Lots 1,2,3 & 4, Block 16, St. Anthony Park Addition for the Como -Snelling Sewer System, chr,rgeto the permanent imprnve,aent revolving fund, improvement #464. Yeas ( i') Councilmen( V) Nay' Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 6-18 C.F. No. 28838—BY S• A Farnsworth— I Resolved, That the props CR3y j— C.F. hereby.. authorized end 'in- atructcd' t. issue aad draw ` --real Sn favor of the Twin on. Liundrennedn Society Lorthesum'of ' H Thirty=four'. Dol3arahnd'-Twenty Four Cents (5134.24), being' the excess mount.:Daid:ihto': the -City Treasury j aeeesemaht of benedte on Lot for the s. 1. 2. 3 and 4;:. Block 16; St. Anthony Park Additlon for the Como -Snelling. Sewer system;' charge to the Derma-. Hent improvement-reyolvfng fund, im- . -provement, No. 484... 1920. Adopted. by the Councu-ilDr. 14,, Approved. Apr. 14, 1820. (April 17-1920) Adopted by the Council____ _ t,. -.._-_ _191_... In favor APPr _...._.%.{f. H...k Y#.��.................. 191'. _Against Al MAYOR OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .. ......................................_.........................---...... DATE.... April.._1.4,.192D......... RESOLVED That the ,Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, twelve chucks for the sum of $92/7.8 from the United States Government, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a special offer made by the Government for Educational purposes. This being a transaction requiring cash in advance, the proper officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrantbi in favor of H.W.Austin, Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul, in the sum above mentioned, charging same to the Equipment item of the.School Fund. C. F, No. 29839 ByA. Wunderlich Resolved. That the Purchasing i ,Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to .purchase, with the ` consent of the Compttroller,. twelve chucks,. for the sum f E92.18 from the United States :Government;' without asking. for com- petitive tilde, as this is a apeclw offer imade. by the Government 'Tfor Educa- tlonal purposes. This being a t ane action equiring cash In advance, the prop -,officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a wawa t 1p.- favor-of',H. W. Austin, Purchasing _' ,Age ji:Of. the' City, of St. Paul, in the sum above mentioned, charging same to the�Equipmenttam of the School Fund. i... Adopted by the Council Apra 14, 1920. Approved Apr. 14, 1920. (April 17-1920) Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ... G..P._�L.ISGu_.......19_.... Farnsworth �{ In favor App f�..�.. �.SLu.........._. i9...... Goss v McColl Powers Against .......... ✓' __..... MFYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO....._`...8:0... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM PRESENTED 6Y COMMISSIONER............................................................................................................................................. DATEAp.ri1..._12.,1920............ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves .the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing, delivering and erecting in the beet workmanlike manner, all of the Marble, Tile and Terrazza Work required in the construction of the GFoveland Park School, also all Hardware in connection with Marble Work, to the Northwestern Marble & Tile Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $7,019.00, in accordance with plane and specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2232. Yes (v) Councilmen (: ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers ?0 Power� Wunderlich Mr -President FORM 3149-19- Received all -papers pa era in connection with <bove Res t o . Adopted by the Council-- --hPH jL4-+52tJ----19-.. Approm..............................................................19........ In favor FH 4- 1520 . --Against "YON Co"CIL 2f3841 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL Far NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE,.CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _A/%J RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Leffman's Subdivision of Block 87, Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Cypress Street to Earl Street, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,375.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,245.00. F.B. #2228. C. F. No, 28841—By M. N.' Gose— .I Resolved. That the -Council hereby! ""are In the recommendation f the, Contract C. 'it.. • and' award. the contract for the grmling and im- provement of alley In-Lefrmah'e Sub-' division or Block 87, Lyman Dayton's "Y Addition, from Cypress St. to Earl SL,. i In accordance, with. plansand spec'f -, cations hereto attached. to Peter Dick OS enhe being the lowest -responsible 4� Dlodd,er, for the sum of $3876.00, and QR O •' they Corporation 'Counsel ie hereby In- Q .tr(loted, to draw up the proper form y 1, of contract therefor. Engineer.'esti- mate $1,246.00. V. -B- No. 2228. e ., o y 0°4®`'I Yes (d) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President Adopted by the Council --VR-.14J`J[(1-.......... 19 - �l.f.R_(LI4..IJE.�............iq..._..._ In favor Ap ed....... _...... . ----Against M�roa COUNCIL $8.42 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No............2..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RE;60LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Watson Avenue from Griggs Street to Hemline Avenue, in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to Keough Bros., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $5,690.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $5,695.00. F.B. #2225. C. F. NO. 38842—BY M•,C N. 0 it h rebi f• yes (n) Councilmen (I) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 1VfcCo11 Powers 7 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM ,M, -I, Roca ived all pr�•n,-rs in inconnection with Reso ton `nova Adopted by the Council -19- In favor .._..Against ..._-.. _..-. ..-... _.... .... ..._... MAYOR council 4�lJT CITY OF ST. PAUL Fee NO ...........................:....._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SOLUTIO � —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............_........._................_............................................._................. ....................... DAT ................ RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Block 7, Summit View Addition and Princeton Place, from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $250.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $342.00. F.B. #2224. IC. F No. 11 38843—By M. - N. Goes— Resolved, That oes- Re olved,That the 'Council hereby neu a In the recommendation of thel Contract- Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improve- mentofalley-In Block 7, Summit View Addition and Princeton- Place, from Snelling Ave. to Saratoga Ave., In ac- ordance with plane and specldca-1 tions hereto attached, to Peter Dick -1 eon, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for,.the sum of 8260.00, and the Corporation Counsel JA, hereby I struetedto draw up the prop or .form of contract therefor Engineer's es= Received all pq,pers la connection with =L��L -bovs Yes I, 0 Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council - APR1L4192U---19---- Farnsworth Goss / ` -In favor APP.......__..._..Flf".R-JL:�S..IS{�f....._.....I9........_ McColl V Powers Against_ _ ................ MAYOR Wunderlich M. President FORM ems -le CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA COMMISSIONEFf COUNCIL FILE NO - 10 RESOLVEDThat the Uouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the -contract for the grading and improvement of Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to Gorman I Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,893.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $2,632.00. F.B. #2223. II C. V. No. 28944-139, M. N. GO-- Resolved.. That the:Councll hereby'� concurs In the ecommendation"ot-the I Contract Committee end award. th. contract for the grading and imp.ro' e� r mant of Wyoming --Street, rom Ont Robert Street Gorman,. Aveouep- in ..!a yes (%') Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7 Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich I Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 ReC91yed all papers III% .0 connection with -4' Resp V �- t I .o ove Adopted by the Council 19 hPR JL4 1920 Appr 19..-- In favor .Against .YoR coudcu 28845 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C.OIJNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY(/) 4j . RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and -improvement of alley in Bishop's Subdivision of Block 46, Lake Como Villas, from Hatch Street to Orchard Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $200.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $342.00. F.B. #2215. I Received all conn pars in ctnF l Op R' Y ROSSO 1CY1 1 t.l OV4 Yes (%) Councilmen (;) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -- -- iI fah -14 -&.O....._..19 _ Farnsworth Goss In favor Appr ed ..... _._NNi..1.4._W.(J..__.....19_....._ McColl Powers -Against MRYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ........ ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEPRESENTED BY .V')I �1.'" �.1- NSIONER...._........................................................................................... ................... ........... DATEAp.r.i1....1.341..1920...:..... COMMIS RESOLVED lrhat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Block 4, Elmer & Morrison's Rearrange- mW.t, from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $357.75, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct®d to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $455.00. F.13.#2214. yes (v) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy rth 7MP00,r7Cs,-,W,11lo? �------In favor 'TJ Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM ]M9-19 Received x.11 p2.nF,rs in connection with above Resoluti n, Adopted by the Council _ hFR 14 1929 19 Appro....._..__._..fNR...j..4._1KO.............. 19_......_ MAYOR ,. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. N� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE No ................... i. J jr OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTLON—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alleys in Block 3, J. F. Eisermienger's Addition, from Lawson Street to Cook Street and from Park Avenue to north and south alley, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Peter Dickson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum.of $175.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engi- neer's estimate $281.00. F.B. #2217. Yes (d) Councilmen (,' ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth GOSS McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President EORM ams -le Recsiv©d all pa.pnrs in connection with w,bovo EesQlutio r o Adopted by the Council -- G.N._�S�Q..._.....19_...... lIPR F u .....In favor APProoed. _ ..... _ �Lll...._ ...I9......._ -Against MAYOR COUNCIL I lAi 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .............\\................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Zachrison's Addition from Arkwright Street to Clark Street and Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to peter Dickson, he being the lowest respon- sible bidder, for the sum of $1,110.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,383.00. F.B. #2213 C P..No.-28BM8—BY Resolved, That the Council herehe rater, tn'-the recommendation . the Contract r hC-rae Err ft Z5. and improve ; la _., . eon a Addition :, tT d Clark Street trom .Rosn,;�t re — h[arYland Street, in, accordance o` jajt ith plana tadpeter cDicksion,she being the I, tacked, lowest' espo"ad t bidder. gtion 0)a`' or $1,130.00,,andt.t Coed e t is hereby instructed. to drew uU the Pr P. fo estimate $11299.07 qet therefor, 13. Nn. 2213. Adoptel by the.c.ttn l Avr. 14, 1920. Approved Apr, 14, (April -17-1920) Yes (1') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor ?WundCC-11 ,rlicoh owers tl Against Mr. President FQRM ,M9-19 Received all papers in connection with Iibove Rea utio . Adopted by the Council -- OR jA 1y��--- -19 --- Apllf k tISCu19......_ _ __..... MAYOR COUNCIL 28849 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE§OEUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for making sewer connections on Fairmount Avenue from Prior Avenue to Fairview lAvenue, to Thornton Bros. Company, they being the lowest respon- sible bidders, for the sum of $3,500.00, in accordance with plans and specifications, their bid and supplementary letter hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $3,600.00. F.B. #2229. Yes (v) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl ( J Powers V Wunderlich Mr. President � FORM ,M,-te No,a28m4tie�Bh CouncllRti eb, SteE2:800.00, F. R. No dLCY. - dopted�by the Council Apr. 14;1920. ,pproved Apr. 14, 1920. (ApHl' 17-1920) Relutceived all papers i� connection with above Ae i Adopted by the Council ---.OR-1.x..191V -'- 19 -- In favor APproo ....---_.1l}.f{.....).�.((J_......_....19.... _ Against _ _... .._..._. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES JAITION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY. COUNCIL FILE NO 28-85. ......... .. ... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and �improvemett of Margaret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto. attached, to D. W. Moore, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $18,963.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therelfor. Engineer's estimate $19,933.00. F.B. #2222. 920........... Received all papers in connection with wbovr Rseo ion. yes (%) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council_._uPN.3L4-1�.1{1....._......I9 Clancy Farnsworth Approve ._ i9........ Goss """""""""" �,,���pppp .._ IVw Poowuo er rI _ Against ...........7. .._.........._._....._ _....... M �YOR Wunderlich Mr. President FOAM 3M9-19 4/ 28851 COUNCIL FI E NQ T-- .... ...... Z `C�w� �,��.. -/Jw•w FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...........grading_--of,-_Kerwin--St eet-..f.rolp.-Va- --Iffy-)fie.-.Avenue....to........... hazel Avenue. .................... ---............................................. ---.......-------- -- _....... ................................... ........... .... ....... ._.............. 26651 --BY S. A. Farnsworth— . ffi�tI':e ,fgrad 'AveftoKHasel .........................................-------------------------------------- I :,.. .... n.::. rY Order RE, -.........-............. n ,..;„u c; had ..._ t(� ......................................................................................... ....................--......... under Preliminary Order 27927 approved. ......._Jan 17� 1920. Intermediary Order ................. ........-.............. ._........ approved....... ..................... ........ -- -----........ --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...._grade_ ILerFtinStreet._from. V-,q1l..Dyke-.-.._...... ---___Avenue,ah- Haz........................................................lrenue .._. ---------------- -- --------.............................. --- . ......-....-------------..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....___.......... .._ .`_.._..... ._........., 191...-.-- \ % _ ,1 :.y City Clerk. j Approved........... t1 f' f{.. x ...... 191........ _..................... ----- ---------------- .......... y -or..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss PT JI3LIS�IF,D 7 Councilman Clancy Councilman IM111W Po iers., Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 / ,(� CITY OF 5 A�U!L f - iSE`PARTMENT NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ t� 592- .11_ --- ---------- .------------- ---------------------- --------- – ------------------ ----- — under Preliminary Order approved — _.��1_1-�-= To the Council of the City of St. Pa The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - ,051.22 —� $— The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 1.73 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $--- –The The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- DESCRIPTION LOT ?LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .17 5 6 0 6" / s- 4d 6- -- - TOTAL, �— 4 CITY OF ST. AUL D�PYiRTMENT OMQPCAANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 191--- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Commissioner -------------- Commissioner of Finance. - B.S.A. 8.5 C DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 - all all/ /0 0 z z / 0 0 / 0 0 cG/v /S o. /y p� D / } 8 Ai Iq C 6 :. 8 cGo /s6 ; 7S-Th</ -75- e Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, The and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191--- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Commissioner -------------- Commissioner of Finance. - B.S.A. 8.5 C Office of the Commissioner of Public Workcc Report to Commissioner of Finance >` 11^F3 .9 1'x!'1 March 4, 1.�... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved_.................................................._....................19 ........., relative to.............................. grding._Serwin Street from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue ..................................... _........................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.....................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.78 per front foot 2. The ektimated cost thereof is $ ................. ................ . and the total cost thereof is $........... 2061.,*22 and Assessable frontage 1,189.6 ft. Excess inspection 40.22 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...._......_......._..............-................. ....................... _........_................ ._........... ....... .. ........... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. f. ......... ............... _............. ......................... ......... ....... ..... ............. ......... ....... .......... ...... ..... ......................................................_.......................................................... -........._... ....... not 5. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l � / ......... ........._..._............._............ ........................._. m ' ssioner of Pubrke, 1 � s alitg of fat. Paul 05CAI91 CLAUSSEN, CHIa. exolx[[n arvartu{fut of ruhlir Works wu o. [xolx¢[na M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E. euRewu or coxa lox wxo n¢.wl[a R. T. GOURLEY.DEFUTY ALPRED JACKSON, Suet oY H. GOETZINOER, SunT.cx I M.S. DRYTEAH •Cx onix [[n Ox• HERROLD'Ornce Excin¢¢n February 10, 1930 Mr. Me Na (foes, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: Separate estimates are submitted here- with for grading Brand St. and Kerwin St. between Van Dyke Ave. and Hazel Ave. The grading under this order requires a considerable amount of filling and as a final order has been recently passed for grafting adjoining por- tions of Kerwin and Brand Ste., from which there will be available surplus excavation which can be used in filling these streets, an economy would be effected by grading them at this time. The estimated coat of the grading already ordered is #11,343.48. The cost of the grading under these orders estimated separately, is 05,198.84, making a total of #16,541.321 whereas, we estimate that If carried out at the same time the whole of the grad- ing can be carried out for a total of X14,995.84, thus effecting a considerable saving to the property owners. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer ges-b a -k Into of $t. Paul OSCAR CI AUSSEN, CH- ... I-- 19epartment of 'Public Blark-0 D.R • - M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER IKAU Oar CONS D* ion AND II—A"IS R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON, SDNi. w. GOCRINOER. SV /T.ON M. S.RYTRZE..:::SDN• February 10, 1920 O. N. HERRO�D, 011— Mr. 1- Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of cost for grading Kerwin St. from Van Dyke Ave. to Hazel Ave. in accordance with Council File No. 27927, approved January 17, 1920. Approximate estimate $2051.22 Cost per front foot 1.73 Excess inspection necessary 40.22 Assessable f rontage 1,189.6 ft. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer gas -b J'ee leer q }lgcAed- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �oEncit N0, A..J.C.?t..: April 14, 1920. DATE.......... .........._.........---------- --- ---- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Kerwin Street from Van Dyke Ave, to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary Order m27928, approved January 17, 1920, Intermediary Order 74r28487, approved March 15, 1920. The Commissioner of Public 'Works having' submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Kerwin Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Norks in the matter, dated April the 14, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C F. No: 28862— ' I 0 the matter r condemning and ink, "g easement tops r cIn ute land fill. In f the groding of Kerwin Street from t van Dyke Ave.: to Hazel Ave.. under Preliminary -Order No. 27928, up-; I proved January 17, 1920, Intermedi- ary, ntermedi- ary.'Order No. 28487;approved March' 16, 1920 The Commteeloner of Public works boxing submitted - his report and sketch In the above matter, be It Resolved That the City. of 8t. Paul fixes .and determines the _amount ., matter.- � ,which referred the Council GFR 1.4-JK0-.-- 19 ---- 14, 1920. h f ppr R. & 15.Cll...... _ _ 19_......_ --A ___.. �...-.. ..... /MRYOR land to be Improveme� atopee, for the.land gal between. tt extent sho Yes (V') Councilmen ( ) Nays sted to loner. of -F on dated API ketch and Clancy to and maE Adopted: Farnsworth Approxet Goss – -In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 matter.- � ,which referred the Council GFR 1.4-JK0-.-- 19 ---- 14, 1920. h f ppr R. & 15.Cll...... _ _ 19_......_ --A ___.. �...-.. ..... /MRYOR (9tig of S1. Paul oscwR ei.wue9eN, cell. Ex.ix..n �P}tarlatPllf of Fuhlir Warko l(��)(`''�s�^(�� J E.CARROLL,9u.T. "S M. N. GOSS� COMMISSIONER '✓�-'!7 lox •xo le. R. T. GOURLEY. O.— ALIPlO JACN90N. 9u.T.OT X. W. GOLTZING9R, 9u.Tlox N. s. cRneAN!ena x!l.loxe G. N. H—OLO•O..... ...... f CREPORT TO THE COUNCIL In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in the grading of Kerwin Street from Van Dyke,,Ave. to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary 'Order #27928, approved January 17, 1920, Intermediary Order #28487, approved Burch 15, 1920. To the Council of the. City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommissioner 6lic P!o` r7s. Dated April 14, 1920. CITY PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM )ONER OF FINANCE$$ ON PRECIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Condemning and taking sga easement in the land necessary_ for s] Owes for cuts and fills in Brading Kerwin Street. from Van Dyke Avenue to Haze 1 'Avenue . Y --- ------ ------ under Preliminary Order approved 1920._ _ _ _ _----- ----------- .__-------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $— 20.00__ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Nest e of ) (East 2 of ) /ORM e.9.A. 8.8 A LOT BLOCK ADDITION 16 5 Hazel Park Division 4. 17 5 do 18 5 do 19 5 do ( 20. 5 do 20 5 do 21 5 do 62! 5 do 23 ' 5 do -- -dn-------------- TOTAL, , 150 350 150 475 375 125 125 CITY O PAUL DEP A R T M E Iil3 FINANCE REPORT OF COMIU�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELZII±NARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------------------- -- ----191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- —--- --------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. O.p c - it DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION a- 25 5 Hazdl Park Division No 4 100 i26 '.5 do 100 - i !i 127 .5 do 100 :28 ,5 do 100 . 29 • 5 do 100 30 : 5 do 100 15 8 do 150 14 8� do 300 - !i 13 8 do 150 ii 1112 !8 do 150. 11 . 8 do 150 -i !I :10 •8 do 125 li 9 :8 do 125 . a, do 125 - 7 8 do 100 _ 6 8 do 100 5 ;6 do 100. 4 8 do 75 - 3 , 8 do 75 . 2 .8 do 75 ii_ -1 g do 7b The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------------------- -- ----191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- —--- --------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. O.p c - 3 ESSAND FIXING In the matter of ui...t.ue. for....ajomas.,...f.nr---- cut a... and ..fills ---in... gra-ding ...L>rand..Straet...fr-0,a T- acy-.Sucavae r to...Has x ...._...... .......... .......... ... ......................... ..............--.....----..................._....... Com -nor Flnattr,= ............... ............................................ hi. re�n -- :.rtf. '•'�hia rt i. the .,u„. under Preliminary Order 2 ------------, approved Ogt-,::`.......,• Intermediary Order...���.��2......, approved.... _.J `1n-•---2 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......-.....12th..................day ofKaye...1J2fl..............A=....... at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............ 1(B-.1.4-IS[.0...... ....................... 191 -;:� ApproverUR 14.44 ..............1191...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman ]Wyad; Clancy Councilman Koflmx Powers/ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlict MayorI#WW Hodgson PUBLISFIED Q In the matter of..JGA.nd-omni.nF...and .-_taking an...e.as.liT�nf ...in..tb.e...]2sLd..neaessa> y far 4.r�.�...# x ozn_:CxaY... �Y�t�ue toHar-oiLzanup- ............................-- . ------ ......... -- -- ...._--------------------.....--.......-........_.....-_.._.............. under Preliminary Order----. 26.7.92 .......... approved ---0ct..3.,1fl19...., Intermediary 0rder.....28II12._....., approved..... San....28.,...192.0......... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $T. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...... Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO.... .............. ,y v _..// By ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approv'n Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of _- for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 3, Under Contract 30GS _C, for Season of 1919. --Assessable 9011-- P.O. 26353 Fuller Avo•, south side, from 50 feet west of Farrington Ave. thence west 22 feet. F.O. 26360 Farrington Ave., east mite from Fuller St. thence north 28 feat., Fuller St., north side, from Farrington Ave. thence east 360 feet. F.O. 26051 St. Anthony Ave., north side, from day Sto thence west 235 Peet and from lUffeet farther west thence west 70 feet, St. Anthony Ave., south -vide, from Farrington Ave. thence east 260 Peet and: from 74 feet farther east thence east to Louis St. `:F.O. 23862 St. Anthony Ave., south side, from RavOUX St. thence west 60 feet and from Cathedral Place, thence east 154 Peet. F.O. 25329 Sycamore St., south side„ from Rice St. thence east to Park Ave., Rice St., both sides, from Sycamore St. thence south to Great northern Bridge r, F \0 2885♦—iiy S. A. Far r ....Tloal!&awessable Ra11.*- rn th. macre, nu the cosec benefits, t, nd exP1 [ •. trucling. la, iog 1 p I L t Sidewalks, Estimate ,o. F.O. 25329 Sycamore St. , south std'^de°Contract 3068 c for Season ante east to Park Ave. Rioe St.,�jboth �psaides fro \.xex..blc R.H. -woe south to Great northefi&< Bridge.3 Full . F.O. 26051 St. Anthony Ave., north sido. . St 'thence West 235 feet and from 11i8 ft. farther west thstbi', at 70,feet, at. Anthony Ave., south side, from Farrington Afe. thence east 260 feet and from 74 feet farther east thence east to Louis Street. The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _ _ _a. (.!',_1_........_day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. _ Adopted by the Council ;t''t?_...��s.,l.:.�•CJ _ 191 ty Clerk. Approved_...__..............191....._.. G Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLTSTTrD � a ,I Goss U McColl Wunderlich Mayor -Irvin- , Form B. B. 16 r 4., C, F. No. 2ass-Otdlnance No. --7By` Coll— Henry Mo An rdl.— prohibiting the -Ing at large of certain animals and fowls I (thin the lints of the City of # Paul. Thft In an emergency ordina rendered nate arp for the press ` tion of the public peace, health " serer 9 T '>�3 nr r .,.a. • .ct. r ' Oil J_'� An/�2 NiJ An ordinance prohibiting the running at large of certain animals'And fowls within the limits of the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. No horse, mule, ass, goat, sheep, swine, poultry, chickens, geese, ducks, or any cattle shall be permitted to run at large at any time, or to graze or be pastured on any of the unenclosed lands within the City of St. Paul, and if so found running at large or pasturing, each and every such animal or fowl shall be impounded in a public pound of the city by the policemen ,or persons detailed by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No. 4119, approved July 1, 1884, and the ordinances amendatory thereof. Section 2. That any person who, being the owner or having the custody of any of the above mentioned animals or fowls, shall permit the same to run at large in the City of St. Paul or to graze or be pastured upon any of the unenclosed lands within the City of St. Paul, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse of the City. for not exceeding ninety days. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yes Councilmen t 1 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Counc• l!F k `29 1u [L 19 Goss __ In favor /Appr llf'k'4tlJ I _-i9__M'Coll / Powers Against 4 MAYOR Wunderlich .; c `t Mr. President J0.,4 d Cl'y Seri' �V FORM 3M 9-19 i" Wk. , TU �1 1, } \ ay e 7`6 1 TO << t nance to amend Ordinance No. 3437, entitled 'An ordinance to amend I 1 t the &5 C. F. No. 286__Ordinance Ko. 5=—Hy center llne or Sifnn,, aha point Pet ISO feet J. M. Clancy— P vt of the east lineof Pa> e a e An ordlnanee to am and =I—nll No. then,, north :bong a llne 150 feet east 5CM ntltled %o ordin to anted and F all 1 t the Pest line t Paynr -Or.dinan,e No. 3437 entltl d 'An rdl- avenue to thecenter line of Cook street. d 125 of then,, [ long the center line f I / i - ' — - - a t _ +✓g la0 feet west oP the N },� ^ � Y thence -uth d1 )m thence )1y tof nd parNlel 1 1 L ue to the L Jr- An An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5062, entitled "An ordi- Sections 124 and 125 of Ordinance No. 2902, entitled 'An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to or effecting the construction, alteration, repair, removal or maintenance of all buildings o:'rstructures, or parte of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected within the City of St. Paul,' approved March 31, 1910,° approved March 10, 1919. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section one of Ordinance No. 5062, approved March 10, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 11 a northerly direction along the center of Starkey street to the center of Plato street; thence in an easterly direction along the center of Plato street to a point 150 feet east of the easterly line of South Robert street thence in a northerly direction long "ne cu feet east of and Pnrallel'to the asteT- ly line f Sottth Robert 'street to the enter line 4 I`Illmare avenue: thence inn easterly direction along the c n - ter line Y FI-0lmorn a' nu to a point where s id line. if Prodv ced, t rid in- tersect the ntor line of Rohertson street and Fillmore n : thence in rtherly directions o"n Rnberte— .Ir et to a point where said Ilne o� ld tersnct with the enter lino of .Ala-, hams street. 11 Produced; then; in n* sterlystdirect(thennn to in n the centerortherlIy di - State reet; ce rection along the center line. of State street to a point ;here ald Iine. if ➢rod viced. would Into rsrct the rth harbor linef the Mississippi River: theline the rivfi.1s ss PDhe River t harbor place sof obeginning. i Also tntuetu, tur at a Point nn the enter Itna f Minnebeha street 160 feet t oP the a st line of Payne ave - nu ' thence no th lone a 11nr IFO feet cast and parallel to the east itne of i Psyne v ue, to thence ter line bf Cont rslineet:ftCooke street to est ocena point Iso feet west of the west line of Pa. e venue: thence south long ¢ Ilne 150 Yeet west of and P-11 el to the west line oY PnYus v nue to the center' line of lff" e% ahaestreet; thence sty "long the 'enter line. of Minnehaha; street to the place III, Also 11 of Lots 760 to 168 Inclusive' and Lota 197 to 204 inclusive, in Rink-� T. Third Amendment to Union Polk, Ramsey County. Rfinnesota. cording to the plat thereof on flee and 1 reef d e the flies Ot the Register of deeds In d for said County. That It In the distrl It hereinfie- f�re designated as the hire Litults. there la hereby created a district to rbe hereafter known as the "Fire Proof Building Dstriet:'itwhich aid dstl ut shall be the terrory within the fol- lowing boundaries: Int at the in[er- e tion eoP ing'''est "Ph rd street and ceC" Broadway; thence rtherly long the nter line of Broadway to the enter thence line or East Eighth street; ast sterly along the nice ter f e, _ Eighth street to the Center line of Cedar street; thence northerly along the center centllnefnefofE e. Ninth[ stpitreete thence westerlyal.% the center Ilus f Ninth street to the center line of' Franklin street; thence southerly along the enter line f Franklin street to thecenterline of Neat Fif ` street; thence westerly along the cen- ter t I centerneof line West Idainft avenue[ thence southerly along the center, Itne f Maln s nue to the center, llne oY West Third tree[: thence easterly along the centerlineof Third street to the Place or beginning." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yes i 0 Councilmen i Nays Nei ti'�i Cl) Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy APpr F'K eft 15,;; 19__ Goss — In favor McColl Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President .yY rORM 3M9-19 -,�C - Prat- o�13 i I - `�i- PWI £ awst�ta-� =Curvg''BN1�y� i<§7C his " 9' Y,. ..�-. Ma'unt son Ade toxBenipgl9Y"� � gtaniq iy,9o.. v1raR4 f�-t''a ur BoYtlevaSd ' Gretfh ,¢bbr.aft��°�Y n ;Mount Q0.rva 9oti a and 4a` j Age..ti{o ohfg7m to 'the sed . yt�88t5' •n „b the Dro$leq hereto 4tf `— ®(.� COUNCIL �yE•NP, ....- 'Z Byg��"......................................... .............. '+ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.changigF- the..-.grade::.of.. _Yount_.CUrve-..a9ule.yard-_frou.................... Jefferson Avenue to Berkeley Avenue.; Stanford !,venue from idount Curve ..8oulauai^d uenue-.and... lel les -1 ey--•/ u enue•_----- Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue to conform to the red lines on the r -pre€i-lee--heiet-e--attached -and made a.-pert..-iaereef,--t-he. -present-estab- lished grade being shown by bluelinesthereon; also, grading Mount Curve B'OUl:evard--froni ilartf oud livenue ,CCS -St eT�4 r StY'�2ti 1�arts o a ►. Avenue from Mississippi diver Boulevard to Cleveland Avenue.; `" Cretin Averiiie-aroiii rIartiorcT Eiieriu'e" to "fit: "Clair"Street:; idon rose _crane.,from•-,'artford_ Avpnue._to-.Randolph_-Street-,and...J.�ff�r$-QrL.{�yeriyo.--_.- £nom iassissippa. River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. trader Preliminary Order 24$.49....... approved ...............---. t Intermediary Order .............. ................................... approved ............. ............ ........... `................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having i ;heaid all:persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it SOLVED, By the Council of the City of fit. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve e'd'ging the .,.rade of -. -cant Curve 3oulevard from Jefferson Avenud to ?I Berkeley Avenud,; Standord Avenue from "ou.nt Curve Boulevard to Cretin. Avenue; and "iel'_esley Avenue froin idount Curve Boa.everd tc Cretin Avenue; to conform to the red lines Or the 'rofiles hereto at- tached and made a -cart hereof, the present estab- Llisbed grade being shown by blue 'lines thereon; also, grading (7 Curve ,.cuievard from Wit, Clair Street to 3 ndclrh Street; Cretin Avenue fror^ Randolph Street to St. Clair Street; and r. r Jefferson Avenue from -cora "ssiss'Pri River a1 yard to Cn +,n, Avenue Councilman Farnsworth �' , ~? "p Councilman Goss - & T k 1 Z( 7 Councilman Hyland - Councilman XNHMX powers A ./NN _ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 14- Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. P'!NT 0ST- PAUL DEPART COF FINANCE ER� OF FINANCE` I - SSION 4 REPORT OF COMIDAIr 11 ON PtRtLAOINARY ORDER 051 In the Matter of ZhAn Avenue to BerkeleY Aven"A' ,f-.,nnjFnrrJ AvOr"A f',, frnrn Mnunt, ('++r c+ Rnj*�I,ym-rA +,n--- tn Cretin AvenU Me -tin.- . A*enuz t -o aanfarm to the r.ed limaz--O�the profilAq hPretQ.;attAr'hPA ........... 0 V - ---------- and madz-L-a_4=_t__hex_e0f --tha Pre _Spmt ARtalel iabed p;rn(ip being abcAnhY hliip lines thereon; also, grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Hartford Avenue _. to St - - ---- Clair at_-r._eeLt_.; to Cleveland Av-nue,; Cretin Avenue from Hartford Ave me to St. Clair fmom Ear 1ph R t d TeffPrRon enup f.x-om bRiReiesiiani R1YPr Boulevard toSzl3Dike— under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: improvement is The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above k" -f $ 0249_5 The estimated cost perAfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels o I f - land I - that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —7 -ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 10 Louden Park 250 .5 10 do 250 10 9 do 250 5 9 do 275 O 4 do 275 � 4 do 275 25 3 Ryan Place 350 24 3 do 300 83 '3 do 300 II A - TOTAL, ... CITY OIr -SRT. PAUL DEPART E bF FINANCE e . REPORT OF COKISSIONER OF FINANC�� . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl� — :I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 21 3 Ryan Place 300 20 3 do 300 19 3 do 300 18 3 do 3�;0 17 3 do 300 16 3 do 275 15 3 do 275 14 3 do 275 13 3 do 275 12 3 do 275 11 3 do 275 10 3 do 275 9 3 do'., 275 8 3 do 275 7 3 do 250 6 3 do 250 5 3 do 250 a 3 do 250 3 3 do 250 2 3 do 250 _ 1 3 do 250 50 2 dg 300 49 2 do 250 48 2 do 250 47 2 do 250 46 2 do 250 49-----2 - dv TOTAL. (B) DESCRIPTIO r• ITY ppP 8T. PAUL -. DE" r' NT oOIFINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER l " " ASSESSED N LOT BLOCK VALUATIO ADDITION N 44 2 Ryan Place 250 43 2 do 250 • 42 2 do 250 41 2 do 250 40 2 do 250 39 2 do 250 38 2 do 225 37 2 do 225 36 2 do 225 35 2 do 225 34 2 do 225 33 2 do 225 32 2 do 225 . 31 2 do 225 . 30 2 do 225 29 2 do 3025 28 2 do 225 27 2 do 200 26 2 do 5550 10 3 Louden Park 325 5 3 do 400 Iiai7thorne :food 15625 Crosby Place 122300 1450 1200 1750 16.00 (Except opening Mt. Curbs Blvd) The Elms do 1 d6 do 3 do do 4 do --- - - TOTAL (B� DESCRIPTION CITY 7p ST., PAUL -NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE F P�LIMINARY ORDER ON E i�r r LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED EVALUATION B 1 11,,ississippi View, Being 100 23 1 Auditors Subdivision No. 59. 200 e 24 do 150 25 1 do 150 26 1 do 150 27 1 do 150 28 1 d0 150 29 1 do 150. 30 1 do 150 31 1 do 150 32 1 do 150 33 1 do 150 34 1 do 150 35 1 do 150 36 1 do 150. 37 1 do 150 38 1 do 150 39 1 do 150. . 40 1 do 150 41 1 do 150 42 1 do 150 43. 1 do 150 44 1 do 150, . C 2 do 200 22 2 do 250 21. 2 do 200. 20 2 do TOTAL 200 CITY OF ST., PAUL DEP�''Jt,1.lENT �p�' FI NANCE y y _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINAI*CE 1 ON P4ELIMINARY ORDER `BJ LOT "BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION � 19 2 tdississippi View, Being 200 18 2 Auditors Subdivision No. 59. 200 ° 17 2 do 200 16 2 do 200 15 do 200 14 2 do 225 13 2 do 225 - 12 2 do 225 11 2 do 225 10 2 do 225 do 250 8 2 do 250 7 2 do 250 6 2 do 250 ( 5 2 do ( do ( 4 2 ( 3 2 do 2400 ( 2 2 do ( 1 2 do 10 4 Loudon Park 275, do 11 4 250 12 4 do 250. . 13 4 do 250 14 4 do 300 do 5 9 275 4 9 do 250 do 3 9 TOTAL 250. . CITY. �OOI�..P ST_. PAUL DEPA' j* NT�OjV-- FINANCE. '^ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON P ELIMINARY ORDER (B)�' r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 9 Louden Park.. 250 1 9 do 300 e 10 9 do 250 11 9 do 225 12 9 do 225 13 9 do 225 14 9 do 250 5 10 do 250 4 10 do 225 West 222 feet of 3 10) do 225 (Except PJest 222 feet) 3 10 do 2 10 do 225 1 10 do 250 50 3 Ryan Place 1100- 25 3 do 350 50 2 do 300 25 2 dp 175 50 1 do 175 25 1 do 225 South 2 of (Except Cretin 11 Suburban Acre Lots. 225 Ave.) 12 do .200 Southwest s of 13 do 100. Southeast W" of 13 do 100 South 2 of 14 do 200 Southwest a of 15 do 100 Southeast a of 15 do 100 16 do TOTAL 400 CITY OF 8T. PAUL ?•,,..�, DEP_ 71�Tx01`FINANCE REPORT OF COWMISSIONER OF FINA7CE ON P`ELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 2 of 17 Suburban Acre Lots 200 18 do 400 . 19 do 400 20 do 450 1 1 Edgecli£f Addition No.2. 650- 15 1 do 1700 15 5 River Boulevard Addition 100 14 5 Saint Paul, Minn. 100 13 5 do 100 12 5 do 100 11 5 do 100 10 5 do 100 9 5 do 100 8 5 do 100 7 5 do 100 6 5 do 100 5 5 do 100 4 5 do 100 3 5 do 100 2 5 do 100 1 . 5 do 100 . 15 3 do 75 14 3 do 75 13 3 do 75 12 3 do 75 Ill 3 do 75 10 3 do 75 TOTAL A 4111 (B) DESCRIPTION CITY OF BT. PAUL DEP 1Lry"T OJt FINANCE � j�•. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINA SCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED A LOT BLOCK VALUATION • 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 (Except kilt. Curve Blvd.) 2 ( do ) 1 14 10 10 14 9 1 9 14 4 1 4 14 3 1 3 16 8 15 .8 16 5 15 5 16 2 15 2 fel1� o Ryan Place do do do do do do do do do do The Elms do Louden Park do do do do do do do do do do do do do TOTAL 200 200 200 200 200 200 3050 2825 3500 3500 4075 1450 100 250 250 250 . 300 300 . 325 300 600 225 . 275. 275 275 275 350 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPA0"^�0*FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) f DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _. 9 3 River Boulevard Addition, 75 8 3 Saint Paul, MdInn. 75 7 3 do 75 6 3 do 75 5 3 do 75 4 3 do 75 3 3 do 75 2 3 do 75 1 3 do 75 (Exc. East 7£t.for Cleveland Ave.) 1500 1 do ':Jest 399 feet of East 200 feet of north 1253/4 1 do 2175 feet of 25 1 Ryan Place 225 24 1 -do 200 23 1 do 200 22 1 do 200 21 1 do 200 20 1 do 200 19 1 . do 200 is 1 do 200 17 1 do 200 16 1 do 200 15 1 do 200 . 14 1 do 200 13 1 do 200 12 , do TOTAL 200 . CITT OF 8T. PAUL DElA'�gW'4%T 40q frINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 11 Suburban Acre Lots 225 10 do 225 South 2 of North 2 of Northeast of Southeast a, of Section 5225 Town 28, Range 23, (Except North 75 feet of East 185 feet) The west 150 feet of North 2 of North 2 of northeast s of 900 Southeast.'—_ of Section 8, Town 28, Range 23, (Except Randolph Street) 16 3 G. G. Mitney Is Riverton Place 250 15 3 do 150 16 1 4 do 150 15 4 do 150 15 5 do 150 15 3 Lane Park 1st Division 225 15 2 do 225 15 2 Ada Park 200 16 2 Hospes Park St. Paul, Mann 200 15 2 do 200 25 2 Ryan Place 175 24 2 do 125 23 2 do 125 22 2 'do 125 21 2 do 125 20 2 do 125 19 2 do 125 18 2 do 125 17 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 TOTAL m CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPpjMjIT 1W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (8) 4 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 15 2 Ryan Place 14 2 do 13 2 do 12 2 do 11 2 do 10 2 do 9 2 do 8 2 do 7 2 do 6 2 do 5 2 do 4 2 do 3 2 do 2 2 do 1 2 do 50 1 do 49 1 do 48 1 do 47- 1 do 46 1 do 45 1 do 44 1 do 43 1 do 42 1 do 41 1 do 40 1 do 39 1 do TOTAL M 10 ASSESSED VALUATION 125 125 125 125 ]125 1.25 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 150 175 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPIJM' FRT i' FINANCE My • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ` 38 1 Ryan Place 125, 37 1 do 125 36 1 do 125 35 1 do 125 34 1 do 125 33 1 do 125 32 1 do 125 31 1 do 125 30 1 do 125 29 1 do 125 28 1 do 125 27 1 do 125 26 1 do 150 40 3 Mississippi View, Being Auditor's 900 Subdivision Igo. 59. 0 3 do 50 1 3 do 250 Ii do 500 44 2 do 275 I 2 do 75 45 2 do 250. 46 2 do 225 47 2 do 200 1 2 do 25, 1 2 do 200 ( Perpetual Easement to City)K do 44 1 do 150 1 1 do TOTAL 150, CITY OF ST. PAUL '+ Ci DEPART'M NWeO F WNANCE l OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEL. REPORT ON PR;LyfAINARY ORDER , - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Hawthorne Food 15605 10 10 Louden Park_ 250 11 10 do 225 12 10 do .225 13 10 do 225 14 10 do 250 4 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon, to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- ------ - ---- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. S -S C Office of the Commissioner of Public Workt., :>yn Report to Commissioner of Finance Y Fiu -;� �I - ) ,February 24, 1920. .........._.....__....._ _.... _ .................... -191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 27849 January 99 1g 20 r lati . tto ................... cil, mown as Co eil Fileo..._....... .... pp •oved.:...... ...... clanging 1%e gra a o£ Noun G�urve Blvd. from Teffer8o ve• d Berkeley Ave., Stanford Ave. from Mt. Curve Blvd. to Cretin Ave.and ....=VP8II88I8....Av6....>=T07i1 7�dt.:......Curve....B.:vd..:.....t..o.:..Cretiri....... a1.a_b.....gh3SY�g`"Mt:.....C>arve Blvd. from Hartford Ave. to at. Clair St.,artford Ave. from Miss - Blvd. Hiver Bl... to Cleveland 9ve:� Cretin Ave; from TTartforii Ave to 5 . Clair St.-�Ixontroae Lena from Hartford Ave. to Randolph St., and Jefferson Ave: from laiiii: River Blvd: to Cretin Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......_....__........necessary and (or) desirable. $2.06 per front foot 47 792.66 S. The estimated host thereof is $ ............... ......_._...._..., and the total cost thereof is $__.._...._................................ and Frontage 23,391.7 ft.- Excess inspection $937.11 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ...................... ................................................ ....._................. .... _ ...... .... ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ......... ...._........ .............................._........_...._._.................._....._....._................-- o. Said improvement is .... ............. ..................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co rmissiouer-o 10 (Aug of St. IlauL T jorpartment of Vublif Works as^^ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ' J. RO LL •SV PT11M uc.ioH .^o ^a^win• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL REO JACKSON. S- H. GOEC ZVN�OE�RS�[e. O N. GHIT9AN. EHa�«a T-1 January 28, 1920 Mr, M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate the vf cost ule— ard fromoJeffersongAve. to Berkeley uAve.' St�ord Ave. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave. and Wellesley Ave. from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Ave.; also, grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Hart- ford Ave. to St. Clair St., Hartford Ave. from Mis- siseippi River Boulevard to Cleveland Ave., Cretin Ave. from Hartford Ave. to St. Clair St., Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to Randolph St. and Jeffer- son Ave. from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Ave.; all in accordance with Council File No. 27849, approved January 9, 1920. Approximate estimate 47,792.66 Cost per front foot 2.05 937.11 Excess inspection necessary $3,391.7 ft. Assessable frontage very tr u ly Yo�urs, p lSi _ "lam- tae • �- Chief Engineer oc-b I M��, I iflull I''.EMWO To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your ;Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made The. gra.dirig.Pf.Jefferson.Ayenue..................................... .............. •............................ ...,.............. 5#. -Au@. fromCretin ..g;b, Ave. to .the.Yissisaippi.River•••• Boule4ard............ et:--A-fe. �yV— I .. ?-... .......... a. .......... y... . �..... .. .... ................... ........ ......................... I. 4..:.. I.... Y .......................... .......p.....p.......y........................... .................. ....... .......................... .................................. ............. ................ .....p....... ..... .................... ............................ ..... ....... i .. f . ! t f I • P s . 1 i . . } • • . . a ... e • . . < . . . w i a.• s .'M + tl .. • w . « • . - . • i R P '!a••• •R•wINN,'•1 aw•'• .................. N!NlrrN•al.Ni!! .aaYlaNalN♦6' aA"•aNQ�aa 00 SAO.N• 4al41.r.r.r•..•••!!N!! •r.•f .lf.a•R N••:�+•'•••-..•N.�aNNaN�aaaNf lN'lM r••....•...... s. •.I..•a •....a...•. .....• .....•e.!•�lNafi MMi.e!•aa�!•..f.....•...•.•r•fr.fN ......•....••!•rarr•!••••i �a N..IN VAr•.••fraNsff ••..N•!.f•.NRlrrra•a .a....••f...•iY••a....r.•.••N�i..•1�1`�.l1rf.�N..IfI�•..:,M; ..11«i1.e 1N'fir•... Nir. . . ........-..s. s.s.. �..:s+. ►.•t-r..s vN «•w �ss a saiil'aa •�s#r:�t+ ...:...1....�r .. a r....: P w . • l ff j St. Paul, Minn., ... June .......... To To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Th@.grading,o'f Hartford•Avenue....................•.....:........... ............ ................................ ............... $t:-AW40- from .... Clegeland • • . • . • • • • .. •- St-. Ave, to the .Mississippi .River Boulevard•._ : • • . , ... • . •.81 14.4.6,, Ly.. ... . ......... . ..: :.. . 7enith.t a��J<�.rnpany . . �/(s�/• .... � .2.�``.. � ..�..... � ... ... . G.nmpetiy...... �r .:.M Y............�.. S . ....... .....:.............. ,......... ...... .5 b, . ....... ............ .............. ........... ........ I.........!/.... x ... y/Aic • lBSc 3 )A --- p �.�/,. Q.� J ................... .......................... ............................ a..... R --- --u ............. ........... ...— ................................. ....... .......................... . �........... .................... .............. ..... ....... .......................... ............ ...........................`•.,............ ...,... •!.a••A.1•••1•••,•••irrr•rrr�fr•r•r�r••••r101•••ra..••1.••.••rr•.rr.• •.�••......••....•.......••............ �AA. •a.•.••..••.•.. rr•.•••r ................•• .., ...••.Ys••.i0s••.a.. rAA• a... 6 ............ ................. ••e••••r••••a•r•••Qr•r•••rf•......... •r•••••r••••rr ...........................0.....0.......0...................... ........................•,•4...../0�.......0..,................... •.•..•.e•..1.....•.,.:•..••rY.••rritr F•i.rr �.,•r �•••-.•••..•••r •.•r••• To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 'Gentlemen: I Is, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition your 'Honorable Body to cause the follo77irg improvement to be made: T........................ 11P. grNU;1g. Ps. Cretin. Ameme ................. .. ............................................ ....... from St. Ave, to .Hartford .............. ........0— Ave. .............. I i-6— 0000 .J......... .......... ....... V W. au ................... ............ A. . ... ........ U -7A... L .....V� � ........... ....... ...... ............. ➢ ............................ ............ ....... .... ..... i— .... ........................ ................. ...... ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e!•.•••. 6 0 ........... .. . .......00............ . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ....... .......... ............... f ...... ....... ..................... o 046,0. too* . . . . . . a• .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 **P'* too#** to ♦ I o 1- o 0- o-41- a fol To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minna Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: grading, of. Xqunt% Curve. Boulevard .. .....I..............................,........ ............... from ... St—Clair ............. St. h8a. to Harti'ord............... .............. rftr Ave. J ��r�pany. G3.. ........................ . .......... ............. L ri • k_a., e9t paey �t(A2)...0.. Z. CJ• . ............... . ay,...... � ... � 2 i - - .... �. . .. ........ . ...+?.�...?�!.. n _ .:�lid.::/..�.. o........... o ' ♦,•. @..[. V.@sr is•@.r..r••,.,r...�l........•.. ......,. @ ..@•.l!.. @........•,�............... .@. cr 7777 COtlN CITY OF,"ST PAUL Foe y� OFFIeE' OF-171RE: CITY, CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM ry A PRESENID BY DATE._A aril 14.1920.. 1 �Cf x In the: matter of ondemning and taking an easement ' in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hartford Ave. from Mississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave.; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair St. tb.Randolph St. and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph St. to Hartford Ave.; Cretin Avenue from ''Randolph St, to St. Clair St.; Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to,Randolph St., and Jefferson Ave. from mississipi River BoulevaTO4ed Januato ry 9en1920der ' Preliminary Order #27850, approved roved March 15, 1920. and Intermediary Order #28489, app The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St -Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes for cuts Cf sand fills in and upon the land abutting upon Mount Curve Boulevard from St.Clair Street to Randolph Street, Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to St.Clair Street; and Jefferson Avenue from lyLississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Comm- issioner of Public Works in the matter, dated April 14, 1920, which " etch and report are hereby referred to and made aart ` N .': p—� I C F o. Iter In the matte; of condemning and .Lair Ing an ea.Om at in tpe land neces. wary: Yoi sloPae. for_nts tom jlMien •---5•Fl- t....i..... � by the vQ grading -:Hartford -Ave: r Boul.Vard 20 Mol slaeippt River Boulevard, and,from Crq I Ourve AVo., to Cleveland Ave Mount Cul St i R. dolphVStasnd from apoint 600.E RandolD,hr: St. oto 8artf' .�'. aouth.af. eF1 AV..; Gera SCt..: Mon[roeeal Ave. to,;Randolph Hartford. Jefferson Ave. ,!4om Mleeleel � No 27 . under, Prelfminary Ordrer 4anuary,'9,"1920, and approved terinedlary Order Nii 29589, nP01 ed March ib, , Publfo W1 The Ccmmlasfoner of tted havl"g eubmltted his report in: the abovehe"tatter be it - sketch tClty of St: 1 Resolved, That fixes, and -determines the a 'no Yes ( J Councilmen ( f) Nays O'o land to be taken for. the above '-Pro ant as, an a ffineni el.P.eVaYer caid and fills 1n and'1 upon Mou%C Clancy the -]nad -abutting' Bqulevard from St.: Clair St.' to..I Aanfrom J tta eon Farnsworth . Be to a 'Oluir,ns from .Mleale°IPpytt RI th.or Boulevar nts Goss .. Cr.tintoA thebexteat:ahoWnf upon said, the r�� McColl keteb :attached to. repOTt -uf Qammineto tO A Public 9o2*Ok°; 14, Powers - -- matter,ted, ort . -and r a part ra hereby ret eO:a nlade a part Of -14; Wunderlich i to'�and-. , Adopted by the Copnoll Aug` Approved Aug. 14. $91920) (August Mr. President __ ----- a FORM :.3149.19 1 - by the vQ oacwRcuuasaN, tale eeaaiNeeR - GRROLL. SUpTNeen ALP... J -SON. !PT.n o n¢Pwm. M. W. OOETZ LAGER, SUPT. 'on oP �Ra a Ogn Ea.�Neen1oa O N.7� Tr RROLD. OPPoce Ea01.... (9ttg of St. Paul arparivnut of pu61ir Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R.T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY REPORT TO THE COUNCIL 2188-51S In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Hartford Ave. from Mississiippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Ave. to Cleveland Ave.; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair St. to Randolph St. and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph St. to Hartford Ave.; Cretin Ave. from Randolph St. to St. Clair St.; Montrose Lane from Hartford Ave. to Randolph St. and Jefferson Ave. - from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Ave., under Preliminary Order #27850, approvedJanuary March JanMa 1920, and Intermediary Order x`28489, app d 16, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Pau;: The Commissioner Of Public Works hereby submits and ..makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of by thedPlan the filis hatched portion, tthe ecuts etonbermade eon private and property, and t�Le extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommissione of u c oris. Dated � -�%� ST. PAUL DEPAR T OF FINANCf REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. iWe"r ANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and ta,kinE easement in_the land neceesarry__foslopee� -- a for -,cuts ?nd fills in grading Dartford Avenue from Mississippi S Bouhevard to Mount Curte Boulevard from St. Clair Street to7&anloloh___ Street and from a r.oi_nt 600 feet south of Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue . Cretin Avenue from oandolph Street to St. Clair Street.; Mortroee T_ane from artford Avenue tr, Randolph Street.; and Jefferson _—_--_ - - - - - -- - -- .. - -- - - ----------------------- -- Avenue from MississippiRiver Boulevard to Cr=tin Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved Ja.ri 9 L 192 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— d -O.6 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 50 ----..----- --- 3 Ryan Place 1100 25 3 do 350 1 1Edgecliff Ad.9ition Numbe11 r 2. 650 15 1 do 1700 l South of 11 Suburban Acre Lots. 50 (Except Cretin Ave.) 12 do 450 Southwest 4 of 13 do 100 Southeast 4 of 13 do 100 South" of 14 do X00 Southwest�- 15 do 100 TOTAL, I i I �( OP 9T. PAUL 4L ' DE ENT OF FINANCCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONERL FINANC ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION South6ast y of 15 Suburban Acre Lots 16 do South of 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 15 3 River Boulevard Addition, .14 3 Saint Paul, Minn. .13 3 do 12 3 do 11 3 do 10 3 do 9 3 do S 3 do 7 3 do 6 3 do 5 3 do 4 3 do 3 3 do 2 3 do 1 3 do (Except Fast 7 feet for 1 do Cleveland Avenue) West 399 feet of East 200 feet of North 125 3/4 feet of 1 do Crosby T51aoe TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATION 100' 4Q0 2Q0! 400 400 450'. $5 75. 75! 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75' 7.5 75 75 1500 OF Bt. PAUL M1 DE ENT OF FINANCE k REPORT OF COMMISSIONERt,� . FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION "LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION . Hawthorne Wood. 1525 I K : 1 2 Mississippi View, Being , ti 2 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 59.I 4 , 3 2 do 2400 4 2 do 5 (((6 2 do 2 do 250 7 2 do 350 i 8 2 do 250 9 2 do 250 10 2 do 22.5. 11 2 do 225 i 12 . 2 do 225. 13 2 do 22;5 i 14 2 do 22:5 15 2 do 200 16 2 do 200 17 2 do 20.,0 18 2 do 20:0 19 2 do 200 20 2 do 200 21 2 do 200 22 2 do 250 0 2 do 200 44 1 do 150 43 1 do TOTAL :15.0 . i I OR BT. PAUL A( DE ENT OF FIN E REPORT OF COMMISSIONEXr ; INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAALUATSED SSES ION 42 1 Mississippi View Being 15b 41 1 Auditors Subdivision No.59. 150 40 1 do 15.0 « 39 1 do 150 38 1 do 150 y 37 1 do 150 36 1 do 150 35 1 do 15,0 34 1 do 750 33 1 do 150 32 1 do 150 31 1 do 150 30 1 do 150 29 1 do 150 28 1 do 150 27 1 do 150 26 1 do 150 25 1 do 150 24 1 do 150 23 1 do 200' B 1 do 10.01 4 The Elms 1600 j 3 do 1750 1 do 1200 2 do 1450 5 3 Louden Park ,400 10 3 do TOTAL 325 : .. i I of, 8T. PAUL Y DE NT OF FINANCFf REPORT OF COMMISSIONER°r1FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION Louden Park 325 5 4 •do 325 10 4 do 275 5 g do 225 ' 10 9 do 250 5 1p do 250 10 10 Ryan Place 125 13 2 do 125 14 a do 125 • 15 2 do 125 18 2 - do 125 17 2 do 125 18 a do 125 19 a do 125 20 a do 125 21 a do 125 22 a do 125 23 2 do 125 24 2 do 175 25 a do 125 38. 1 do 125 39 1 do 125 40 1 do 125 41 1 do 125 42 1 do 125 43 1 do 125 44 1 125 do 45 1 TOTAL Of BT. PAUL ' A I REPORT DE ENT OF FINANCE j OF COMMISSIONER. '�INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • 46 1 Ryan Place 125. • 47 1 do 125 48 1 do' 125 49 1 do 125 50 1 do 175 (Except Mount Curve 2 The Elms 350 Boulevard) do 1 do 375 North 30 feet of A 1 Mississippi View, Being 125 Auditors Subdivision No. 59. (Exdbpt North 30 feet) A 1 do 50 22 1 do 200. 21 1 do 150 20 1 do 150 19 1 do 150 18 1 do 150 17 1 do 150 16 1 do 150 15 1 do 150 14 1 do 150 13 1 do 150 12 1 do 150 11 1 do 150 10 1 do 150 9 1 do 150 8 1 do 150 7 1 do i50 - 6 1 do TOTAL 150 Y OF BT. PAUL DE IWENT OF FINANCE', REPORT OF COMMISSIONER,4�-FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • 5 1 Mississippi View, Being. 150', . 4 1 Auditors Sbudivision pro. 59. 150 3 1 do 150 2 1 do 150 1 1 do 150 r 14 10 Louden Park 250 1 10 do 250 _ 14 9 do 250 1 9 do 300 14 4 do .300 1 4 do 325 14 3 dto 300 2 3 do 600 16 3 G. G. whitneys Riverton 250 15 3 Place 150 16 4 do 150 15 4 do 150 15 5 do 150 15 .3 Lane Park let Division 225 15 2 do 225 15 2 Ada Park 200 16 2 Hoenes Park St. Paul, Minn.200 15 2 do 200 16 8 Louden Park 270 15 8 do 275 16 5 do 275. 15 5 do TOTAL 275 IIIftY OF 6T. PAUL DEWRIIIIENT OF FINANCE. REPORi OF COMMISSIONER FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ` 16 2 Louden Park 275 15 2 do 350 . 25 2 Ryan Place 175 24 2 do 125 23 2 do 125 22 2 do 125 21. 2 . do 125 _ 20 2 do 125 . 19 2 do 125 18 2 do 125. 17 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 15 2 . do 125 14 2 - do 125 13 2 do 125 12 2 do 125 . 11 2 do 125 10 2 do 125 9 2 do 125 8 2 do 125 7 2. do 125 . _. 6 2 do 125 . 5. 2 do 125 _. 4 2 do 125 3 2 do 125 2 2 do 125 . 1 2 do 150 TOTAL r9T. OP PAUL E DE NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER=yj&j(FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .. - LOT BLOCK ADDITIONVALUATION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 50 1 Ryan Plaoe 175 49 1 do 125 48 1 0 125 47 1 do 125. 46 1 do 125 45 1 do 125 44 1 do 125 43 1 do 125 42 1 do 125 41 1 do 125. 40 1 do 125 39 1 do 125 38 1 do 125 37 1 do 125 36 1 do 125 35 1 do 125 34 1 do 125 33 1 ao 1 5 32 1 do 125 31 1 do 125 30 1 do 125 29 1 do 125 28 1 do 125 27 1 do 125. 26 1 do 150 Rawthorne Wood 15625 TOTAL CI OF ST. PAUL IW OF FINANCE DEPAR OF COMMISSIONEROFWI 4NCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C)_ - - '-_-_ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION 10 10 Louden Park 250 .: ii 10 do 225 12 10 do 225 13 10 do 225 14 10 do 250 40 3 ,jississippi View, Being 900 G 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 59. 50 1 3 do 250 H do 500 44 2 do 275 1 2 do 75 45 2 do 250 46 2 do 225 47 2 do 200 2 do 25 1 2 do 200 Perpetual Easement to City)K do 44 1 do 150 1 do 150 ----------- -- -- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - -- 191--... - Dated---------------- ---- --- --- Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..9.11. !-D C CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"° t NO....�...[J. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ............................................................................................................ DATE........A. P..... r........14 1920.......?...................... In the matter of opening, widening and estending a street eighty (80) feet in width from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph St. in Amditor's Subdivision 59 and the Elm's Addition, under Preliminary Order #28193 approved February 17, 1920, and Intermediary Order 428490, approved March 15, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as followsi Lot H, in said Auditor's Subdivision No. 59, and a strip of land eighty (80) feet in width across Lots 3, 5, 6 and 7, of the Elms, the westerly line of said strip being described as follows: a line drawn from the Northeast corner of Block 3, Ryan Place to the Southeast corner of Block 3, Auditor's Subdivision 59. ' 'A®90LUTI0NS. leterml ,^� •,,• 0. F No 28869— ¢ htrfp of In the matter of opening, widening and extending .a street elghty (80) deecrlbed as 1\ [roni thNorthp: e Ryan Place feet in wldth--from Jefferson AQ a to Randgjph 9t. In AuditorsSObdt to v,- rr Block S Audli vision 69 and the Elm's Addition, undei Preliminary Order. Pproved Feb. 17, 1920, and Inter-'V^� tr 1cdiary60 9aer a - No 28490, pA - � f ommission r • submitted i- 69,�and rin Wld Elm 'obeI g 4 �f� Yes (') Councilmen (') Nays :Y Clancy 7 Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich N&. President FORM 3M9-19 is abov, That leterml ,^� •,,• ¢ htrfp of the weeterty �i deecrlbed as 1\ [roni thNorthp: e Ryan Place \) to v,- rr Block S Audli GPR=}Adopted by the Council ........ .......•.._....._.._........19 In favor Appro -- Against MAYOR MULL of Of. ?Pau1 OSCAR CLAUSSHN, Br}tartment of V61tt Works .UPewO on Pvalv.TneN . cngPO LL. Burr. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER eLPPwu deovernuc riov wvo nerwlne R. T. GOUgLE Y., DEPUTY AL On nuHo �ew sirwr ' H. ZINGER, Surr. MA. CR nE ve aVr,[nu a enoae.n e. H. HERROLO, 01n11. [v oveen REPORT TO THE, COUNCIL In the matter of opening, widening and extending a street eighty (80) feet in width from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph St. in Auditor's Subdivision 59 and the Elms Addition, under Preliminary Order X28193, approved February 17, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28490, approved March 15, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public 'Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows: Lot H, in said Auditor's Subdivision 59, and a strip of land eighty (80) feet in width across Lots 3, 5, 6 and 7, of the Elms, the westerly line of said strip being described as follows: a line drawn from the Northeast corner of Block 3, Ryan Place to the Southeast corner of Block 3, Auditor's Subdivision 59. Commissioner of Public Por . Dated April 14, 1920. PAUL EPACITYRT F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .� WIN ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �{ In the Matter of Opening • wideninf_and extending• a street 80 feet in width from Jef- ferson ef=ferson avenue to Randolph street in Auditor's Subdivision 59 and the Elms Addition, by taking and condemning Lot H in said Auditor's Subdivision No. -- 59, and a strip of land eighty feet in width across Lots 3,5,6, and 7, of -the Elms, the westerly line of said strip being described as follows; __ a line drawn from the northeast corner of Block 3, Ryan Place to the _Southeast_--_corner--_of---Block--_3-,---_Auditor's Subdivision No. 59, 6t h, 1920. under Preliminary Order approved March arch 6t--------- -------------------------- -- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—Z411 -a The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 'I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i ASSESSED VALUATION I i f H Iississippi View Being Auditors 500 �j (Subdivision No. 59. 1 3 Do 250, � 2 i 3 i Do 200 3 3 Do 200 4 3 : II Do 200 5 3 Do 200 6 3 Do 200 II I �! 7 3 I Do 200 I. 8 3 I� Do li 200 I --_D0 - 200 it - }ORM l -A. B -B A t TOTAL, it i. i _ O 8T. PAUL DEPARI OP FINANCE ' REPORT OF CO 1 STONER OF FINANCE""+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK • ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 .Mississippi View, _Being 200 Auditor's Subdivision No. 11 3 .- 59. 200 '.!. "12 _ 3 Do 200 13 3 Do 200: 14 3 Do 200 15 3 Do 200 16 3 Do 200 _ 17 3 Do 200 18 3 Da 200 19 3 DO 200 20 3 Do 200 21 3 Do 225 22 3 Do 350 E 3 Do 200 44 2 Do 275 43 2 Do 200 42 2 Do 200 41 - 2 Do F00 _.. 40 2 Do 200 - 39 2 Db 200 38 2 DO 200 37 . 2. Do 200 28 2 Do 200 35 2 Do 1200 34 2 Do 200 . 33 2 Do 200. 32 2 Do TOTAL 200 : } CITY Opp ST -AUL EPARTM - F FINANCE Ail -A' REPORT OF COMFMONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , - _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION -_ 31 ; 2 laississippi View Being 200; Auditor's Subdivision No. 30 2 59. 200 29 2 Do 200 28 2 Do 200 27 ! 2 Do 200. _ 26 ! 2 : Do 200 25. 2 Do 200 . 2� ! Do 2 200 23 i 2 Do 2A0 D.) 2. Do 200 (Ex. Open. ,'fit. Curi7e) 6 ! The Elms 350 Do 7 Do 2450 Do 5 Do 350 Do 3 Do 1526 - 14675 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _..... . Dated--------- -------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-8 C :T h pIf 1 3 St. Panl, hTinnesota, February 9th, 1920. ; . To the Honorable, The Counoil, i s City of St. Peal, Minn. i s Gentlemen; i i whereas, certain property owners have petitioned your i Honorable Body in the within and hereto attached petition to open �TLyS( 1 '. ditor's Sub -division number fifty-nine (59), an addition Lot H Oo �An.TAAa i 10 of the City of St. Paal as a public street and extend the same as " a public street from the center line of James Street, if extended, 12 in the City of St. Paal, to the northerly line of Randolph Street,. 13 and " Whereas. the undersigned, Jacob Leuthold, is the owner of said o HAAuditorls sub -division number fifty-nine (59). Now,,Therefore, the undersigned hereby offers to the 17 City of St. Paal, provided your Honorable Body will order said im- 38 provement to be made, to deed to the said City of St. Paul, free'and I 19 clear incumbrances and withoat charge therefor, the said lot ..oI,f: /all Q.OTI/w �B.W ;0 H ofAA4ditorsa Sab-division number fifty-nine (59) and the ander- 21 a signed agrees that before the final hearing on sald,patition he -Will n daly, tender saoh deed to your Honorable Body, together with an abstract 2' ehoi.ng clear title in him to said Lot H. 24 xs .27 LEI— t< Z' ED 17 1920 30 Tt►IJEAU OF EAGINEER! , ,. Z 1 3t St.Paul, Minn. January 1920. To the Honorable, The Council, .City of St.Paul, Minn. �v Gentlemen: - We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:. To open Lot H.AAuditor' Sub -div cion number fifty-nine an addition of the City of St.Paul an ed` n =e same as a public street from the center line of James Street in said City to the northerly line of Randolph Street in said Cityi EBI 1920 .� �;1,1?�E&U Ali E iG-JE'RSA E� ` s ` Name Lot ;, Elook — Addition , z ,F ti j zz e ` r IL /L 199 Form A A 46.114 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �+ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 312E°'L No• ........ �I $25 88 3 g. A. Farnsworth. Com'r of Finance, _ 4L AUDITED APR1. ��` Ii ............. 191:..... BY ............ ..... "r1 r'rI �)1.L1it ,. 4,004.99 PER........... .__...._... ..... ............. .__..._.....__.... 203.33 City Clerk TI Tl.f: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, Yeas firms or corporations ( V ) Councilmen ( for the amounts set opposite their I ) Nays respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by th ncil _ _....._. .. GO ...... Mr. prc.ident, Clancy Farnsworth 6055 C) Keller. `'� McColl Nunderlich Hodgson C. F. 7:0. 28860Abstr.et be drawn Resolved thnt warrants out 0 upon the Cit'' Tr pe i fi dP funds a and to the herelnntter spec Orme corpor- favor of the pergmounte setropPoeit= ationa tar the "peclfied In their .pective eatateo ent: the tollowlns detailed A. Far.—.rth. Com'r [ Finance, sa:oo4 .9 y. p. Farnsworth. Com r o[ Finance, g6.142.s4 rnsworth. Com'r, oI Finance. UU ((�� )p il�,i!....! i 1uL.t,..... 19 .1 .. _..__._. MAYOR _ s. p. §13.031.85. Cpm r. of Finance, Farnsworth. $25 88 3 g. A. Farnsworth. Com'r of Finance, 81,980.00. 1920. bya 15,, 1920. Apr. 15, ADD of ed (APril 17-1920) y 3 2000 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 4,004.99 Mayor's Office 203.33 City Clerk 397.50 Election 104.00 Corp. Counsel 105.00 Bureau of Assessments 573.83 " Reepts. & Disb. 723.00 Partic. Certificates 92.50 Uomptroller 1,013.33 Civil Service 487.50 Armory 167.50; City Planning Board 137.50 -' 2001 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 6,142.54 Workhouse 703.75 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 522.50 Bureau of Engineers 1,799.59 St. C. & R. 1,457.50 Sewer C. & R. 202.50 S. & S. Cing. 180.00 it 55.00 Bridge B. & R. 312.50 New Crgsswalks ding 62.50 Spri 846.70 Res, 208 Page #2 2002 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools 8,215.49 Library 4,433.65 Auditorium 432.71 1T, $x.95 2003 S. A. Farnswortl}, Com'r. of Finance Park -Adm. 362.66 Bureau of Parks 254.16 11 87.50 Playgrounds 167.50 P. Bldgs. 497.50 818.99 2269:31 2004 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 399.17 " -Test. Labs. 387.50 if -Markets 177.59 " -Lighting 11 015.85 Total 27,397.69 13,081.85 2,188.31 1,980.00 PITY OF ST. PAUL. "r "`.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CIL AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM `LE — FILL: .No.......1- )' Form A A 46,4 X 7-18 209 ARE ....................... ....... A .... ......_........... AUDITED -_i92fj - rTR� .LlsR ER ......................... _...:. _..... ... _..... T1TLl. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by e ouncil.._.......(1.}'.k...a'.e1..�.�i.�-........__191......_._ Clancy Farnsworth o'e.......:..____1{k'-h.'-_1-4..I.Wy.U._................191.._........ GoSS C. 28861 �batract. II that Warrants be drawn _..-.- ._.. I....... MAYOR Keller / Resolved t TteasurY. Payable out upon the Cl Y ecified fup or cor-- MCCOII is ; Y the herI theter spec, firma n favor f the amounts saptectfl diin Wunderlich porattfor the am e their respective names n the folowing deistic' statement: �Ir. President, Hodgson Brooke Bros. Lumber Co.. $122.50. Leopold Rroenner, Com.66. f Finance, ,f . A. Farnsworth, ° :- $16.740.00. 26.62. Pittsburgh Plate Glase Co.. 8 Mid—Y Lime"Co., $118.88. St. Paul Whits. Lead &Oil ComPflRY, 76 $18.21. tie to Maters ,1 Cu $47.04. 61.51. 15. 1920. aolotern Supply Adopted by the April CO °1920. pt -nved APrt11 17-1920) 2005 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 122.50 Parms 2006 Leopold Bruenner, 100.00 Parks 2067 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. cf Finance 16,740.00 Interest 3,627.50 It 950.00 It 7,147.50 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 15.00 Perm. Imp.. Revl. Int.A.5 000.00 x6,740. 2008 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 36.62 Parks 31.87 Playgrounds 4.75 2009 Midway Lime & Cement Company, 118.88 Gaultier School (Bond) 2010 St.Paul lf+hite Lead & Oil Company, 18.21 New Bldg. Const. 2011 Stiefel Material Company, 47.04 P. Bldgs. 2012 Viestern Supply Company, 61.51 Oaultier School (Bond) FormR AIB,YM 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I ot1c1L No......,_`'�'9(`)�)it�._ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILL 210 a h. l.i i.iG] I�n T ut.t. • t AUDITED --..:.. ...............`. ---+..-..-..-.....7 .---...- �� Resolved that warrants TITLE be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of.the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following, detailed statement: flrR YJ Kli Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by th Council_ .... .................. ...............191...... -- Clancy �If k iel �JCU Farnsworth _-__In favorrove....... _.. .._... - .191.__. . Goss Keller O ......Against \I.�YOR . i McColl i Wunderlich 0 Mr. President, Hodgson C R No. 28862 u�Resolvent that warrants be drawn on the City Tresesury, the .r payable out in favor peelfled or the r funds and f the p�¢.,s. on& firms Poratlone for the c _ - a by the Council Apr- a920. 'ed Apr, , 1920. I5, (Apri1Gl 1 i-1920) 2013 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Purch. Dept. Total 569.16 569.16 Porm A A IB, Y M 7-18 11 210 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Vii; l; i.)Zt AUDITED......................_�.... �__......... FILLNo. .................................. t..,......._ 2013 S. A. Farnsworth, Gomlr. of Finance Purch. Dep(t. Total 569.16 569.16 ......................... ........'-'.__......... _ _..._.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, 1JrH YJ �.r7Ct) Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by th Council_ __.._._.......................191....._ Clancy IIf k y_;� I5[U Farnsworth --__...In favor roved_ _ ... 191. Goss Keller .............Against ... .. __ ..../....._ t 11 AYo11 a r.-._...7_ McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, President, Hodgson n. F. No. 28862— be uponathed that warrnnfs draown P the .hereitn ttereasur -, Pay ao'e 1 in favor f Peclfl pot the person Bd fun and for rue ' 'hratlone the amounfe the/followintivde n mea ns. specifieOw e 1 S. A. Farnsworth Comfat oP Otn 5589. 16, ance, Ado pted by the Cou.Olt -4PP, 'edAnn 1'5. 1920. Apr. 15, 1920. (April 1i-1920) 2013 S. A. Farnsworth, Gomlr. of Finance Purch. Dep(t. Total 569.16 569.16 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED i. + ti J COUNCIL /8 -6l3_ CITY OF ST. PAUL '�.- FtLE NO......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... DATE.........._...._...._____._..._. That the motion picture theatre license ;N.4 which expires Jan. 27,1921 now in the name of H.H.Grant 501 Mississippi St.be and the same hereby is transfered to R.J.Ullen 501 Mississippi St. Yes (�) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth McColl ^ McColl 7fv} ` Powers \Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C Resolved 28863—By theIonry motianeGDieture theatre 1921 now in the name of H� H. Jan. 27,601 Mfeslsslypl St. be and the Grant, b 501 is transferred to R. J. Ullen, 601 Mtesisetppt St. Adopted by the Council Apr. 16, 1920. Approved (APp� 11617-192 0) liPR �5 15C�_ . _19 _ Adopted by the Co - -- - -- -- ._.- IIf'K keJ ��cU - . In favor Apr ed-...__. 19 ._._ ...........Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCII,,_�ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...... ...------- ------- .............: .....' -�3 COUNCIL "�� • PILE No.. ----------- ...............!............................................................................................................................................. Date Presented...._._.._ ............._._......._..._ 191._.. Resolved, That j. Clancy unu :i. ... i-'arns rorth are hereby anuo:-ntod delep:ates to atte;iu the :.:ississinpi Valley ..ater:'lays Lssociation to be field in tA. Louis ;..pril lOtil, 1920 and t;lat a Tarrant be drarin on the City Treasury in favor of the Colnuissioner of vinance in the scan of )300.00 to pay their eapensus, same to be payable out of the Officers ,.ttcndinf4 convention rimd. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays v Clancy Farnsworth Goss O Keller McColl Wunderlich Peid.nt, Hodgson A. Reaol �' '8869. Fxr Yed, That �a11held e xtesw�rth are Mega lane nd a Atte hY 'Y a T that U y St.rnn f f le `iprala l9 tMtIBa1� e1P 1 be Day t 4[rx , rtn be .0 c f nlla 88 p, tl r CApP rovedbF thea oOncl lr t4abe'Pa tge a.�Attandln . (AAr1115 1820, APr. I6. 1920. 17-1920) Adopted by the Council _ (I}'K_Y�_��£�_....191.-.-. APpr a _...-- llf'k �Le1 �5C0 _...... I ----..._...... _. _. _.. _....... _..�...191 In favor-. Against MAYOR COUNCIL 28865 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ............. .:..................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............... ...._................_........_.._....................._................... ......._.............. ..._.._.......__. DATE.................__.._._ _.... RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, tough its proper officers, is hereby authorized and empowered. to enter into an agreement with John Distler in accordance with the terms of the Workmen's Compensation Act, for the payment to said Distler of the sum of Fifteen Dollars per week during such period as he may be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him on the 10th day of March, 1920, while in the employ of said Board; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That the Board of Water Commissioners, through its proper officers, is hereby authorized and directed to pay to ,,,.,,,.the said John Distler, out of the Water Department Fund, the sum of Seventy—five Dollars ($75.00) for five weeks total disability up to April 21, 1920, in full settlement of his claim against said Board arising by reason of said injuries. C. F. No. 28865— Resolved, That of L� a city ur of Water I hereby recommend the above resolution through its proper oMears, Is hereby authorized and empowered to enter for passage, Into an agreement with John Distler ncordance with the terms of the Work—. Cerrito atipn Act, for the payment to said Distler f the sum u' Fifteen Dollars per week during such period as he may be totally disabled by r of injuries r cele d by him n the 10th day of \larch, 1920, while it the employ of sold Board; and e it president, Board of Water Commissioners. Further Resolved, That the Board of Water Com miss tonere, through Its Proper officers, Is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Job. Distler. out of, the water Departitiart Fund, the auof Seventy-five Dollars (576.00) for five weeks total disability up to April 21, 1920, In full settlement . CJ of his claim agitlnat said Board arts- ! Ing by reason of said Injuries. Adopted by the Council Apr. 16, 1920. Yes (�) Cot Approved Apr. 15, 1920. '.I (April 17-1920). Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President Adopted by the Council -GPR-` .ri lq4 fl 19 -- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �a COMMISSIONER......... . ......_.✓✓✓.....__...__ .....__..._....... ...... ._.. ............ RESOLVED COUNCIL ������ a FILE NO- _....... ...._.__....... DATE ...A.pr..1 1:.. 15th ,.....19.2.0 That the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) be appro- priated out of the Contingent fund to assist in paying the expenses in connection with the convention of the National Association of Comptrollers and Accounting Officers to be held in this City June 16th, 17th and 18th, 1920, and the proper City Officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrant therefor in favor of Jesse Foot, City Comptroller. C. F. No. 28966—B -01"y S. A. Farneworth— ndreded, That the sumg of Two Up P op iatecl Ptout DoP Rthe tCon.001 b¢ Fumio (n a.sist in paying the tingent 'ties on •ith the a .tion soC the National Assoelatlon oP [-'omo_ trolle . nd :\ceou.ting Office re 0 be held In this City June 16th, 17th and IS[sh, 1020, antl the proper it n offi- be Instructed to Issue the eery a t therefor In favore pp Sesse Foot, City Comptroller. .ldopted b3' the Cou In ppr. 15, 1920.' �\PP roved Apr.ti5i� 020. Pr 1920) i Yes (%') pCoouuncilmen l I Nays V Clancy F�firnsworth v ss ------ In favor Coll owers Against Wunderlich J1 Mr. President FORM -- Adopted by the Council h P R i J ls" U - -19 llflK. YeJ..I:i.CU _..._--19 _..__ COUNCIL?i�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.......�t._.:..._..:....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / April 15, 1930 COMMISSIONER......................................... ,! ........... .._.._... ........... ._._.. ..._... DATE_ ..., RESOLVED A/ That the grade of east and west alley and north and south alley in Block 9, Macalester Park and Dyer's Rearrangement, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying pro- file and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes IN') Councilmen f 1 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9.19 C. F. 10, 26867—)3y K. N. Goss— Rod Reaol et RllsYate d northe g,dc f e t Rod oath ley Wn Blocic 9, Jtacale;neraPnrd nce L,ee's Rearrangae line on theoaccom- Neith the red grade ns e• mmended ponying profile by the Commfssfolse Publc works,i be nod the nme e heof reby ndopted as th0 eetablished grade. Adopted by the Council Apr. 16, 1920- I Approved Apr. 16. 1920. (April 17-1920) Adopted by the Council 6 k 15 IS29 - -19 -- In favor Appro e ..._... (IfIR J_5 +9Z0._.... _.._..19......_ -Against CITY OF ST. PAUL y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.............................:....._...___..........._._..__...__...._........._.........._.......................__._...... RESOLVED CO UFILE FILE No.........'. d.'..J..�.. `.�. •..:.. DATE. That the proposition of Edward H. Bennett and Wm. E. Parsons Consulting architects of Chicago, Illinois to furnish their services in connection with the development of a city plan as contained �n their proposal of April 8th, 1920 is hereby accepted and the Corporation Coun- sel is instructed to prepare the necessary contract therefor. C. r. Yo. 28888— Eelward H. Ben nett That hu Proposition of no Consr,jeng t and a ta.ur Par- ity go,nllltnola to faro lah their ee v hl connection a th the development of a r"' plq as ntalneeI in their pro opted andpthie " 1820 is herehy _ instructed to Potation Caunaelals I co tract th a refo�repar¢ the necessary Adopted h' the Cou ncli :\pr. 16, 3020, AnProved Apr. lo, lszo. "'Pr' lv-lszol Yes (t') Councilmen ( 0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3Ms-1a Received all paperg its Connection with above Re lution. Adopted by the Council APR 1LelJS2U _ _- 19 In favor APPr __.._._..(}f?H..Y5-JKu._...__...19_........ Against t COUNCIL'FILE NO .......................... _ ._....._...... .... .__.........._..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._c.Q11atr_VCti ...a cc 7.ont..s.i...:lir�e.,...on..tae.. forth S.w.d.@.-.4...Osceol2._ve_Zue..f.='ga._:nc1....'..'-.t._.,... .... ...... ia 9x wlne7-e -,00d and suP ic`_e it _devai'm norr exist........ . .._...... _. _.........__... ._... ........... ....__..urnstvo�u, ... ....._. ....._...... ............ ucta feet %cide,e, on the [foe under Preliminary Order .._._23�.Oo..................... approved ...._...- e Alar j..27.a... 920....._......__...._ IntermediaryOrder ... _............................_.._....__._._approved.-..................:,.....__......_... .................... ...._..... ......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is_CQ=t.rzc.t...a_._..__ -.0 ke..ide-y....o1 #lie...nor h.--si.de._.of.---Os.c.c.ala._.,v.enue....f.r.on...Sne.fling..._uenue...t.a..SaratQ a_ venue, _ent....... erralfa...�oir---exist.------------------....._........-........._.. _............................................._................................... ... ............ .................... -......._..................._.................._. ........ ................ ... I ........... .... ......._._........._.__............ ..__ . ..................... ._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council... 1lf _s Fi 1_"t U_.._-.... ......., 191......_ V City Clerk- Approved 1: t:ii_ _ -JJ U. — __._, 191 �_ _.... ...................Mayo..........r.... G... Councilman Farnsworth U13LISHED !' Councilman Goss 7Councilman HYXKd a11WL Councilman Mdkx Po' rs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor,Dblax Hodgrs on Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE'SPZNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof Con0tructing a cement tile sidewalk on the 1,ort7h side of Osceola avenue from Snelling avenue to Saratoga avenue, under Preliminary Order approved February 27th, 1920, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is $I The estimated cost perefo t for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 3 J. 1. Roger's Addition 675 18 3 Do 400 19 3 Do 400 20 3 Do 400 21 3 Do 400 22 3 Do 400 23 3 Do 400 24 3 Do 400 25 3 Do 400 (Ex. East 88 feet) 28 3 Do 450 East 88 feet 28 3 Do TOTAL, 1400 5725, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Cgmmissioner of Financ, II • 1. L 11 • 0 . N St. P<-.ul, Yinr .7 ...... .r, t`ie Honorable, The Council, T,ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made' ............ ........... St. Ave. from ........St. Ave. to ..........St. Ave. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . ................... ....... ............... .......................... ............................. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. ....... ..................... ..................... .. .... ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . I I . . . . . . 9 . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . I I " I I I . . . . . . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 8,0 ................................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. .28308 February 27 �0 .._..._...approved._...._ ......_...r _.................. _...19 ........, relative to ...._._._..._..._..... the construction of a cement sidewalk on the north side of . ...... ........ __...._ .._ Osceola Ave. from Snelling Ave. to Saratoga Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...........necessary and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot .. and the total cost thereof is *............_....._ _.. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $............. ..................._ , -- � and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __.. _.._...__.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3..... ................... _... .. _ ..._.... ............... _._.._ 5. Said improvement is......._ ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis 0 nes of Public orks. 40 COUNCIL FILE NO......__ .............. By.............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of Q_QMat_r_L1Qt_J11F­.a ceinerit.-1il-fa both -Si des JgF -__Q -,j s.t.a.. :.V p -t. P, _QQ -.yi. a f, _Q_Ut.�Q il.w_ .. ood alld..s.i.Ifficient sidevialks now_ex st_ .......... __ .......... . .... ........ ..... _ ... ........ .... . . ..... . .......... . .... .. . ....... . S. A. Farnsworth— ------------- �r of constructing ace x41 %,alk, six feet 11 s ............................................................ , of Alaska ,,-u........................................................ t. Av n—, ,M�isnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . under Preliminary Order ...................._....._.'.approved . .......... I ----------- Intermediary Order approved ....... --------- -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is lyide ides of _Llaska Ymenue from lace Street to Vista �_venue,, except ---------- ............ ........ ------- .wlaar.e__god Wad, Zzlf f:Lc—ent s.Lclerialks...nou 0-;, i t........._......._........._ ...... . . ........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTEER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement � accordance therewith. Adopted by the uucil.,.. 191 Approved.._.. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman ZF34fiLX.: C10­11CY Councilman Yaa*X Po le r Councilman McColl fl—N Councilman WunderlicL_,J Mayor Si Hoczr;s on Form B. S. A. 8-7. 1 T. PAUL 7 I DEPARTMEN i OF FINANCE ® REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _.construe.tin9._a..,_Q.em.cnt....tll-e- gi.dewalk..on.:oath....s.idcm--.of....Alaska, _ avenua from Sace Street .to.7ie.t.a_ay.erue,_ _._......__...... ._............._.............._.......... ....................... .......................... . under Preliminary Order approved February 'ti7..th., 1920._.. __...... _._......._. _._.... ............. ............ _.__..__... ................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$ ........... . The estimated cost per/ f' oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $ 7-T---- -.-- - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 21 23 'vest End 225 22 23 Do 175 23 23 Do 175 24 23 N0 700 25 23 Do 26 23 Do 175 27 23 Do 175 28 23 Do 175 29 23 Do 175 30 23 Do 175 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 - � 1 Cf Oj' ST. PAUL BERT OF FINANCE ?' t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DL=SCRIPTION LOT BLOCK •ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 32 23 Birmingham's Fourth Add. 175 11 5 Do 125 10 5 Do -1.25 9 5 Do 125 8 5 Do 425 7 5 Do 925 6 5 Do 125 5 5 Do 725 4 5 Do 125 3 5 Do 125 2 5 Do 125 1 5 Do 125 5400. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. ComF Form B. B. 12 0 • 11 v COPY .Y Original attaahed to Order for Sewer. St, Paul, 2!inn.September 37,+ 1919. 1g1... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Gxsdc;and oonetruot oement tile sidewalks ... ... .... Alaska. .... Avenue....................,..............St. Ave. ............ from Rape Street 5t. Ave, to Vista Avenue. .................. ......................St. Ave. ,W ..... . A.'. W. Freeman ....... ...? . v ....5 . . .. .. Freeman, 6 . 5.. Jos. J a r y 5R Moe3 :_DD11'1011 Birmingham's 4th. Addn. a fl........ ...... tl............ e n s a ........................... . j ..... ....... .......... I............... �•�sru�./J.�'o�t�-r1¢"?H.xr:? ...... ........ ............................ ..... ....... .......................... ............................ ..... ....... .......................... j�................ ................... 1. 5........ ..,..a..................�........................ i......................... ........................... i................ .......................... �........................ b....... 1 ul AJAR . 1821 a A Il O, F may:. Office of the Commissioner of- Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance \ March 8, 1920 191_-... .__..._..............._............._.._............._.............._....._... To the commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideratimn the preli ailmry order of the Conn - 28306 ._. pored February 27, 19L...., relative to-_ cit, known as Council file No.....__..._... .a P the construction of a cement sidewalk on both sides of Alaska ....._.................................-_....._......_.................._............................_....._..........._......._..._ ... Ave. from Race St. to Vista Ave. ------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._.._...............necessary and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot 2. the estimated cost thereof is $............ ..... _..._._...., and the total cost thereof is $......- _..__.......... ...._............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... .. _. ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............................................................_.._......................_....._......__ 5. Said improvement is . ...........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................... Con Ili iouer of P He Works. r COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....o.ors.truc.L.iry,._a_ sewer_ on_G.aul.tier...G.tr�eb_ir.o>..LaYr.S.on.-------• _Street-- to...Coo.k Street. ................ . ... ....... ...... 3Y S A. F swarth .� [tl g a sewer L on S[. to --...... ... .... .. ...... ........ ..... ...-.-. ... --.... - [ i 'Y Order - -. - - ...................................................... -................ -.-... .................................................................................................................................................................................. under Preliminary Order ................ 2823.9...................... approved ......._ ...1Yebruary...20.,,3_ 920. Intermediary Order ........_...__.._. ._. _....._ _......._....approved ........_.__ ......._._.. ......_.__... - A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....C.OSLSt S'.Q�.t... �5.571]1...Z;4Yl.S.on gtrset....t.o.._Qo........... -- _..........._...........---_......._..._......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..._ .111'K-. .i)J fi ......... 191....-... 1, .......__........ ... .. .. e..::......:::.... .......................... ' Ciel= -Clerk. iIFR U Approved.... __....-....._....., 191._._.. i ....................... .. ..... _................. ............ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth P 'BLiSIIBD Q r Councilman Coss Councilman )?f�41 Clancy Councilman Xatx C Powers Councilman McColl Councilman WunderlielO Mayortmdut Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITYOF AUL �� t DEPARTMEt FINANCE s, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i A) In the Matter of ...C,onst_ruction,.._o_f a sei er on Gaultier street from Lawson ......_. _ street. to . . Cook Street, .. .. ................ under Preliminary Order approved ..___ FebruaCy 2Q_th, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountof the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$../,.._../..��e.O.U.........._.. _.._ The estimated cost for the improvement is /"/-Z peffl"oot above $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 31 Auerbach and Hand's A d- 1925 dition to the City of St. 8 31 Paul. 1400 7 31 Do 1200 6 31 Do 1400 5 31 Do 550 4 31 Do 1500 3 31 Do 850 2 31 Do 800 1 31 Do 725 19 4 Dawson e. Riced Add.to St.Paul TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 _ - _.. _.... low a.ITY OF ST. PAUL I B PARTM�F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK•ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 4 Dawson and Rice's Addition 300 to Saint Paul, lbmsey Co., 17 4 7 inn. 300 16 4 Do 300 15 4 Do 300 14 4 Do `300 13 4 Do 300 12 4 Do 300 11 4 Do 325 .13075. , . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated7_._, I e Be Form B. B. 12 om r Foinane Office of the Commissioner of Public Works } Report to Commissioner of Finance r> Mar c h... 1119-2.Q ........... 191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 2118239 . ..._._.__............approved......February__._....._........._..........__...20 ..........._....._..._10........., relative to_ ........... ......__..... the construction of a sewer on Gaultier St. from Lawson St. toCook St. _..._....._ ......................:....._...__ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..................necessary and (or) desirable. ;1.92 per front foot 1460.00 'L. The eGtimated cost thereof is $ ............................_....., and the total cost thereof is ...___..._......._........._._......, and Assessable frontage 758 ft. Excess inspection $25.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................___........ ......._...__...... ............ _.___..._.....__._...._..... ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . ..... ................ ......................._.._.............._................_......._...__....._.._....._....._...._.._._.. __...... _._........._....__............._- 5. Said improvement is ............ ............_........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. \ ............... .:.........................._...._ ... ..._............_..__.... l Commissioner of Pu�,krks. ,,i FEB 18 St. Paul, Ilinn .. ....... 7o the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Hp=rable Body to cause the folloy7irg improvement to be made: f ....... St. to . ..... ..... ............. ...... St. Ave. N A 1! 'E LOT BLOCK -MI101al A.0 ............ ..... ....... I... I ................................. ......................... .............................. �--- -! .... 11-1 1-111 11*11 *1111, I- 'T' ............. * ........ ............I ............... ....... .......................... .. .......................... A .......a . . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ .... ....... —A ................. . . . . . . . . r41 ....... I ................... .............. ............. ..... ...... ........................................ .......................... ............................ ....... ............. - ........... ....................A .-A .. ... I - ..................... ................... ....... . ...... . .. .. ... OSCAR CLAf —N, J. ARROLL.r9up AL crco•fAN�rAr M. COETZINOER. Su rr. R[[rl ria (IIity of £irt. haul Separtment of ?Tnhlir Blnrks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. EEPUT.Y February 28, 1920 Mr. L N. Goss, Commissioner of Public T,.orks, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit here-Ivith preliminary esti;rate of cost of the construction of a se,.,.er on Gaultier St. from Lawson St. to Cook St. in accordance with Council File No. 28239, approved February 20, 1920. Approximate estimate Cost per front foot Excess inspection necessary Assessable frontage gss—b $1450. OC 1.92 25. 00 758 ft. Very truly yours, 4 ' Chief Engineer >� COUNCIL FILE NO ----------------------------- By ....... --------------------------By.......- ................ ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....coas.tc cti: ,_a_se.1or._an i CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE xr, REPORT OF COMFl+115,5FONER OF FINANCE �I ON PRE LfMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a sewer on Capitol P1 -ace from Fairview avenue to a poirffi 200 feet,w s of the vest lire of Fairview avenue, under Preliminary Order approved February 18th. 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $_ ✓ �o y OD The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is $ A/'q The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 15 :idtiay Heights 3300 2 15 Do 375 3 15 Do 2975 4 15 Do 1975 5 15 Do 375 Cato Park In i`ridway Heights 1000 TOTAL. 10000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated —19 � �� ��c / r _ / O //�ia rarer n. u, i.¢ Commissioner of Finance. r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance March 2, 191.. 20 ..................................................._......._............................. To the .Commissioner of Finance of the City oi Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 28211 February 18, 0 ail, kWwn as Council File No_........................_.........approved.....__........._.......-................_..............__........_4......... relative to........._..... ...... ........ the construction of a sewer on Capitol Place from Fairview Avenue ' to a point 200 ft. west of the west line of Fairview Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .........necessary and (or) desirable. $5.40 per front foot 864.00 .............. and 2. The ebtimated cost thereof is $ ..... ............................_, and the total coat thereof is � .... Assessable frontage 160 ft. Excess inspection $20.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._ .................................. ........_............. _.......... ................. _..... .......................... ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............. ...... ..... ....................... ............. .......... .......... ........... ........... ............. .... ...... ..... ............ ..... ....... ............... ............................. .... ............. .......... ............ ..... 5. Said improvement is .......... ..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... .............._............._............_... ......... Commissioner of Public Wmkc. i' OSCAR CLAL9SEN, C»Isv Erv0lrveeR J. E. CARROLL ,9u.1. o1»sant �,i rv.»o R.PAIR• LPRED JACKSON. 9uvi. ». GOETZINGER. Suv.lory t..S. GRYTBAM•E»OI»aa. a ». »ERROLD. 01: »,I».•. s •e Tttg of 6t. Paul Npartmrnt of Fudltr Marks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY Cdr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: March 1, 1920 I transmit here,vith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Capitol Place from Fairview Ave. to a point 200 ft. west of the west line of Fairview Ave. in accordance with Council File No. 28211, arcroved February 18, 1920. Approximate estimate y 864.00 Cost per front foct 5.40 Excess inspection necessary 20.00 Assessable frontage 160 ft. The high cost of the sewer is because there is so little frontage that can be assessed, the north side of the street being a park. Very Jtruly yours, Chief Engineer gss-b , t St. Paul, Finn .. ..................... :c the Honorable, The Council, Ili —�1� F5 rEB 192U City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: -; We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: t -� Sewer.on.Capitol.Place.............................................. ......Ave. ..... St Av .. from-Rairvi ew -avenue • ...... • . St. Ave. too .......................St. Ave. N M K LOT BLOCK vD1TI0Id i......... 4,..>. ........ .. . � � yG .. ...'.. .. . ........................ .... ............ . .... ............ ...... ......................... ........... .�.... ...... _....:...:... ............. :::::....:::i�r. �........ FES 2 4 120 ...,.�.......�..................... ..... X . ..... �.... a 'F a 28' ',73 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.. '...'..... ........................... .... ..................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.coi19itructing-_a._,sewer-._onY.friue _to.11unlap..Street and on. Hamline _t e... -from-- Iubbard__Stree-tto._a.._point.-_110 fe.e.t...nortla of._the...gaol:.th..lixle_..of...iiubbard...S.tree.t........................ ................. _........... ....... _. . r .678—BY S. A. FarnaN-orth—...................................................... ,..ter of c nstructing a..7- inl St. Yrom Hamline Ave. 't. and on Hamline Ava. ................................................................. Ft. -act to a Poln�, ..........-..--................ ... .............. ,ii Olx;_ �r ihr lines, ............................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order a82.0.0 .............. .approved ......_.1,'r1SYuarj...17.x...192.0..------_---------- Intermediary Order ......... .......... ....____ ___-........._. approved ...__ ..__...................... .......... __.............................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....C.anS Imc.t...a...aov_or...on...iiubbard.. S.tree.t...fr.om..Hamline r>yenue--to_Du�}lah__Stre.et-_and o.n Hamline__t:ve.__from--Hubbard.--Street-_t.o--a .point ... 110...fa.et..north..of...the...north..liale....of.-Eubbarcl...Stre.e t..................._................ _ ........................................................ ............... ... ......... _................. ....... ......... ...� ............... -.......... ... _...._.. —................__.................._ ..... _ ................. ...... .... _.... _..... __...._...._................................. .................... ..... and the Ce ncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. pI H iv �9�0 Adopted by the Council __..... .__ ... ...._ 191........ i �. City Cl Approved_ .............. ...... eJ_I1'CU.. ....., 191........ _} ................................ ................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth UBLISHED y 7—a 6 Councilman Goss Councilman Ry2mdc Clancy Councilman telex Pot�&pi�s Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich MayorA Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF -Aj*dJL DEWf-t1f4ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CUIMISSIONER OF FINANCEIn ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved Feb.ruary 17 th, 1920 - ........... ........ ..................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: is $ ...... ... The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement .............. The estimated cost pe/4?o�otfor the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D E SCR I PTI 0 N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (EX. 5.44.25 feet) 14 and. 15 8 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 650 13 8 Do 3000 12 8 DO 400 11 • 8 Do 400 10, 8 Do 400 9 8 Do 1550 8,8 Do 400. 7 .8 Do 800 6 .8 Do 400 .-Do- TOTAL, RCITY OyyP BT. PAUL FINANCE DEPARTML�Ri�OIF REPORT OFC COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,4,'c. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (E�) DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ' 4 8 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 2400 3 8 Do 2200 2 8 Do 400 1 8 Do 450 15 9 Do 400 14 9 Do 350 13 9 Do 350 12 9 Do 350 11 9 Do 350 10 9 Do 350 9 9 Do 550 8 9 ) Do 7 9 Do 1025 6 9 Do 5 9 Do 325 4 9 Do 325 3 9 D o 325 2 9 Do 325 1 9 Do 325 '16 7 Do 300 17 7 Do 400 18 7 Do 400 19 7 Do 400 20 7 Do 450 16 6 Do 400 17 6 Do 350 18 6 Do TOTAL 350 11 CITY OF ST. ST. PAUL T-EPAROWNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 60MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION I 19 6 Hersey -Woolsey Addition 350 20 6 Do 350 21 6 Do 350 22 6 Do 1550 23 6 Do 325 24 6 Do 300 25 6 Do 2200 26 6 Do 300 27 6 Do 300 28 6 Do 700 29 6 Do 300 30 6 Do 300 15 3 Gilbert's Addition 225 14 3 Do 200 13 3 Do 200 12 3 Do 200 11 3 Do 200 10 3 Do 1200 9 3 Do 200 8 3 Do 175 7 3 Do 150 6 3 Do .125 5 3 Do 100 4 3 Do 100 3 3 Do 100 2 3 Do 100 1 3 Do TOTAL 100 4 '. CITY Or $ WI - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE P REPORT OF COO' ISSIONER OF FINANCE f �' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION '.� LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION Y 16:2 Gilbert's Addition. 225 4. 17.2 Do 200 18 2 Do 200 19 2 Do 200 20 2 Do 200 21 2 Do 200 22 2 Do 200 _ 23 2 Do 200 24 2 Do 200 25 2 Do 175 26 2 Do 150 27 2 Do 125 28 2 Do 125 29 2 Do 125 _ .30 2 Do 125 �I 4 . Panian Addition 550 5 . Do 400 6 . Do 3000 7 Do 2650 8 Do 400 9. Do 400 ..: _____:----•--_3000 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMIE* Mr FINANCE REPORT OF".CdMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12. Pzinianlo Addition 7 125 4 Do c--- --- 3 Do 3 425 2 Do 425 IT.J of Viesley Ave. & 4 13 College PlRoe East Div. 2800 6 St. James A ddition 3100 54175 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..... .............. ............................. .. ...... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ` St. P<.ul, Minn. , O�.�e �.. /. 0.......191. 'o the honorable, The Council, C-ty of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .., •....................... .......... 4. ................ ..............8P ° f rom Ave. to .......................... .............:........St. Ave. `�J..................:....�.......:.:............... 13 ................�.. ....... ...... ......� ....... ................ .......�. .. ..... �.... ................. ....... .......................... .........................: ....... ........... ... .............. .................. ..:.. ....... ............ :............... ....�....... ....... .................. ........................... s..... ....... .. ...................... } �....... ....... ............. �..... ...... ....... .. ......... Y Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _Ieiarch._.; -.............................. ......_.._19129.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu-- 0 Feb0 oil, known as Council File No.. .....28......2.0._...............approved.17 ...'.�_................._., ......_...............................19 ........, relative to .......................... the construction of a sewer on Hubbard Street from Hamline Ave. .............. ................. ................ ....... _... ................................ ........... ....... ............ ..................... ._..... ............ .................................. ......................... .................. ........................................ ..._...... to Dunlap St. and on Hemline Ave. from Hubbard St. to a point ...._...._....._.............................._..._......................_...._................................................._.._................................-.............._............................_...._..................................................._..._ .... 110..._ft....__north.._of the north line..... of St.................._._...._...................._.._..._..........._....._............. ..... ....... ........._................... .......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__..................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.52 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ .................. and the total cost thereof is$.................__.9608....._.._...00 ............, and Assessable frontage 3820 ft. i3xcessihspeeti0n�'p185.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ ............._......_......_....__._...._........ .................... ....................... ............. _..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ................... .................................... ..... ............... _.......... .................... ......................................................... ..............................................,........._................................................... a. Said improvement is ..................... ............. for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. omni ioner of Public }forks. OSCAR CLAUS—. Cwier... I-.en CARROIL.,Su iiweena AL JACNSONO —1. •wO n.rwiS• ,ow I . Goe-I Gen. Sur i M. tlRTTDA1c, [ ......... G. N. Ne.RPOLD. 011— e—...n (111.4 of 6t. f eul arpertmut of Pudltr Works M. N.'G059. COMMISSIONCR R. T. ....LEY. DEPUTY Mr. M. N. Goss, Con;r:issioner of D-ablic W'�orks, Building. Dear Sir: March 1, 1920 I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a se':.,rer on Hubbard St. from: Haw -line Ave. to Dunlap St. and on Hamline Ave. from Hubbard St. to a point 110 ft. north of the north line of Hubbard St. in accordance with Council '_File No. 2S200, aprroved February 17, 1920. Approximate estimate $ 9608.00 Cost per front foot 2.52 Excess inspection necessary 185.00 Assessable frontage 3820 ft. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer oc-b F j xr. H. G. Fliefks. St. Peul. Minn, My dear ?Ar. Pliefke: your letter and petition for sewer have been referred to Mr. V. I. Coos, Commissioner of Public Works. I ban assure you that Mr. Goss will give this prompt attention. yours very truly. OOId1dIgST0I1 i OB PUBLIC UTILITIES HAROLD OOODKINO. 3 ICE I...• LEO OOODKIND• 8[c. AND TReA e. W. L. OOODKINDRR[!.W,,,, MANNHEIMER. A-- 811. AN. T -AS GEO. MANNHE100.. RR c ST. PAUL, MINN. Jan. 31, 1920. the icon. yraaik L. Powers, Commissioner, City of St- Paul, St. Paul, JAnn. Dear Sir: - I enclose'to you herewith petition addressed to the Council, for sewer on Hubbard St., from Hamline Ave - east. Several years ago, when this general sewer system was put through, Hubbard St. was included in the original scheme but, as I understand, on account of some error made by one of the Depart- ments, was left out in the final esti- mates, and for this reason we were de- nied the sewer being put in on Hubbard St., although we were assessed on account of the general system. Vie have tried to do the best we could with cess pools but find the conditions are such that no cess pool will operate longer than two years, and, for sanitary reasons alone, the sewer has become a necessity. I do not know to whom to address this petition but thought, knowing you personally for so many years, that you would be willing to assist me in this matter and put this petition into the proper channels and give the same such support as will insure us that the matter will be taken up by the Council and re- ceive due consideration. Any assistance that you may give me in this matter will be greatly appreciated by Yourp�— r t HGPI'i' - _ — Cr r • �i ea,Parhm;e�Rlhv-�'[Ju6�1 �c�Ulh�I�Fie�s FRANK L. POyNR. BUREAU OF WATER ESCommissioner J. W. KELSEY .,, S.pr. J.B.BTARK• Deputy Comm1—...r BUREAU OF MUAICI PAL TESTING LABORATORIES VICTOR H ROEHRICH.Ch_"e BUREAU CVPUBLIC MARKETS OTTOPANACHERM arket M__ BUREAU OF L GMT NG February 2 1920 ✓ M.0 O-EiCH Supt. �I TVA R Hon. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. My dear Mr. Goes: I enclose letter and petition for sewer forwarded by Mr. H. G. Pliefke. Mr. Pliefke is a very reliable man and you may depend upon any statement which he has made in his letter, or which he may hereafter make in connection with this matter. I know that this petition will receive prompt attention. Yours very truly, j��IES FLP -Hp /.. _ -� �, �: `' U April 13, 1920 r Corporation Attorney, Building. � Dear Sir: In accordance with letter under date of February 28 from the City Clark to your- self, with petition of property owners attached requasting of the Council the oonstruetion of a ride over the rimbt of way of the Chicago, U11- ivaukeo & St. Pt=ul railways I am hereeltb sending you general plans and eneolfioations and Eatenta- tive_d.raft of an ordinance. Will you be kini enourzh to 'draw up the proper ordlnanoe and let me have [same, returning the plans and opeoifioations at that time? Thanking you for your [attention to this matter. I am Very truly yourra� Commissions:: of Public Works oo-b �,. .'' TO THE HONORABLE COUIJCIL 07 TFE CITY OF SAII'T PAUL Pie,' the undersigned, prmperty owners and freeholders of the Oity of ,Saint Patil,�-(ree o.ctfully petition anti request the vounril of the city of Saint Paul to order,or otherwise direct or require in the manner duly prescribed by the charter of said city og Saint Paul, the co atr ct�on of, bridge,of such`chaiacter as�it may"deem suitable; over and. across the right of way of the chieago Milwaukee and Saint Paul xailway Hight of Tay where the same intersects Goodrich Avenue �. in this city. i4k& ADUkcFSS LO 31 22 24 28 27. Et 30 �y � i" �1f�"��% � ter. .� � �.�1aY.� , I t GOODRIOH-AVWUE, 6T.PAUL,,MINk- between Grigg LOCATION The crossing is located on Goodrich avenue j' and Dunlap streets. PRESENT S CpI3DITI0N At pzeees�t no traffic is,.pOesib1e ac;ose the railway,aom- piao right`o,,nay.at this point on account of a deep atit tracks thr.,o &'which,are located. ah®:;railway, companies Goodrich ovenue is graded up to tbO railway Wight of.aay on eitber side of same the width of , t he right.. Og nay at this point, Pons. 800 feet. The grade of the street !s establiahsd across the track, at approximatelq 88.9 feet aiwve; the, top of the rail.1. Gch avenue 1s 66 feet The width oodri and the wiCrth of the present raadnaY neat the, Gro where curbing is set is 38 ft. 4 feet on center are lo .A.t.,PPROOnt two railway,,traoks about 1- been made, however, for ie cut,, provieloAs_ having Gated ,thraugh,tk_. e�oaomodating Your tracks at all bridge crossings now carrying nearbq,.Streats aornae.the tracks. DESCRIPTIONeoifibatiOns='shows or THE NEW, 11ep1an aacomparping these gP BRIDGE SUFEP5TF2t1CiU�'E• in s qen®rel gay a`btidgs"tahioh will be acceptable to eLhe City• t;ruotion built of steel steel TYis bridge shall be of `permanent oone or vonaxete or a combination of same • The width Of roadwaY Shall be made 38 fest with two eidewallie 9 `feet wine .making a total } width of 46 feet, oen,i0i to Dancer`, of raili the curbs and the The bridge floor supporting the roadway, f 7. ii do +shall -be of 4eimfo4ea bCcs 4 The fu11 viidth, of roadw®iy shalS =be -paved, :tN►e 4a"#"al be sheet asphalt; creosote bloods or`�briok all, however, conforming i with the'oorresponding standard city apeoificationa Sidewalk wearing surface shall be V nishtd so aex't0 prseeat but not slippery 'surf ace . , a smooth; 'pper y Garbe shall be protects steel angles or special curb Railink may be of steel of standard-ornamental assi'gn'ee + used on the Cityls bridgeeoi may be oY aonoret8. i All structural steel shall be Protectedwith paint and gir be pro- dare, Yli�orbeeme or ether exposed steel surfaces shall' teeted against the direct blast from lddomotives by oast iron plates. SMWRU TUFM, ,4 All substructure shall be made of a eatlsfaotory aPPd ' aye$-built Of .,concrete cr masonry, the width of same to be euf- s of fioient to' support a roadway and two sidewadesign same width"`'ae speoifSad for the bridge. A railing of same as specified be put on the full length of the r on the bridge proper shall e- ' i taining walls whboh,shall go far enough back to prevent ans- y Po i Bible sliding of the dirt from under-the sidewalk. Allmaterials for the Substructure shall be the best o � its kind. All foundations to go down deep enough to insure the safety of the structure 'against the soon 'of frost Or settlement. I satisfactory foundation cannot be obtained with reasonable depth, piling shall be used. All foundation pita to be properly pro - tooted during excavation. retaining walla, the sidewalks shall be From.the-end of the flared out to meet the sidewalks on the street as indicated on the plan. I i. ..._..c ..0 17 Of the BLrUUUU&. v,,.._ __ . in a satisgaotory manner. joints shall be protested DFAIt1AGE Provisions must be made ;.for. Braining the surface o: the bridge by crowning where the roadway and by making ou neaeasary• FLANS All General and detail plans necessary for the proper per- formance of the work shall be submitted to the City's Chief En- gineer for approval and no work shall be started before such approval has been obtained. ints of the approved plane shall be one complete set of pr furnished free to the City for its file. EESPONSIBILITY The Failway Company will be in responsible charge of the construction of the new bridge and any damage to property, aaoi dents oaused by reason of the construction of the new bridge the City of St.Paul shall not be responsible for. ucture will be stated by TERMS OF The time of finishing the new str C.. TFMCTION a city ordinance. aondi- MAINTEVANCE The structure shall be mgintained in a satiafaatory tion at all times by the railway company. Department of Bureau ofbBridgesliO ks Maroh 31st 1920 m. S. G. ORDINANCES. C , rXv 28875 / C. F. No. 28876—Ordinance No. 5294 By M. N. Goss— . / An ordinance Frantio6 Permis• -'+ 0J the City of Rest St. Paul to /I OC T rt Ci sew s Paulithf [he ' ' tPe �i[}'lof St. Paul for tl ordinance granting permission to the City of West St. 4 to connect certain sewers within the limits of the City of St. Paul for the purpose of affording an outlet for the sewers of the City of West St. Paul. WHEREAS, The City of West St. Paul desires to build certain sanitary sewers within the limits of said City and to cause the same to be connected for the purpose of affording outlets to cer- tain existing sewers of the City of St. Paul and with other sewers which may from time to time hereafter be established within the City of St. Paul; and WHEREAS, Said City of West St. Paul has been authorized by its Charter to enter into a contrast with the said City of St. Paul to effect this purpose;, and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul is desirous of affording to the City of West St. Paul the outlets above referred to, so far as the same may be done withoutoverloadingthe capacity of existing sewers in said City of St. Paul, or such other sewers as may from time to time be established; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8eetion 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the City of West St. Paul to connect the sewers of the City of West St. Paul with the existing sewers of the City of St. Paul or with such other sewers as may from time to time be established within said City of St. Paul, at such points and in such manner as the , Council may, upon the advice of the Commissioner of Public Works, hereafter determine. Section 2. That such permission and authority are granted with the express understanding that such sewers of the City of West St. Paul as may be connected with the sewers of the City of St. Paul shall carry only sanitary sewerage flow, that is, merely drainage from houses, not including roof -water or storm -water drainage, until such time as the sewers in that portion of the City of St. Paul which (a) is immediately adjacent to the City of West St. Paul shall have been s Meonstrueted or reconstructed as to permit the carrying of addition- al roof -water and storm -water sewerage. Section 3. The City of West St. Paul shall pass such ordi- nances regulating the use and maintenance of said sewers within its territory as may be required by the City of St. Paul, said ordinances to be approved as to form by the Council of the City of St. Paul, and shall include, among other things, regulations preventing the use of said sewers for any other than sanitary drainage until additional sewerage is provided by the City of St. Paul. Section 4. The City of St. Paul does hereby undertake, at such time in the future as additional general and relief sewers are ordered to be constructed in that portion of the City of St. Paul lying south and west of the Mississippi River and adjacent to the City of West St. Paul, to build such general and relief sewers of sufficient size and capacity to drain the roof- and storm -water drain- west - age originating within the /territory of the City of St. Paul, whenever such territory and the drainage areas thereof shall have been deter- mined by competent surveys to be included within the natural drainage area of said general and relief sewers of the City of St. Paul, but upon the express condition only that the City of West St. Paul shall agree to pay an equitable sum to be determined by the City of St. Paul as its proportionate share and percentage of the cost of such general and relief sewers, and such proportion shall not be less than the amount assessed against a like area within the City of St. Paul which is drained by the same system of sewers, and said amount so chargeable to the City of West St. Paul shall bear at least the same ratio to the entire cost of the construction of such general and re- lief sewers as the area of West St. Paul to be drained bears to the total area drained by said sewers. The said sum of money to be paid by the said City of West St. Paul shall be an obligation of the said City, and shall be paid into the treasury of the City of St. Paul in full before the letting of any contract by the City of St. Paul for (3 ) the construction of said sewers and before the City of St. Paul be- comes obligated to construct said sewers. Section 5. The City of West St. Paul shall be required to indemnify the City of St. Paul for the cost of any surveying and engineering work which may be required by the City of St. Paul to determine the drainage area of the City of West St. Paul, and to provide for the connection of the sewers as herein otherwise referred to. Section 6. The City of West St. Paul shall agree to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any damage, cost or expense by reason of making the connections between the sewers of the City of St. Paul and the City of West St. Paul, and also by reason of any damage, costs or expense that may be occasioned by the City of West JL St. Paul or any of its inhabitants by reason of diverting. into said sewers either roof- or storm -water drainage. Section 7. The City of St. Paul hereby reserves the right to inspect and examine any sewers that may now or hereafter be built and constructed by the City of West St. Paul and located within its territory, in order to determine whether or not said sewers conform to the requirements now existing or hereafter to be established with respect to sewers in the City of St. Paul. Section 8. That when said City of St. Paul does construct new and additional general and relief sewers in that part of its territory adjacent to West St. Paul, and the proper proportion of the cost thereof as hereinbefore provided has been paid for by the City of West St. Paul, then the City of West St. Paul may cause the sewers within its territory to be so operated as to drain the roof - water and storm -water drainage within said territory, but the City of St. Paul hereby reserves the right to determine at what time and in what manner this change of operation shall take place. Section 9. The City of West St. Paul shall agree to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any damages, costs or expense by reason of any action or claim which may be filed by any citizen or 1 (4) property owner of the City of West St. Paul based upon the failure of F said sewerage system to properly drain the property of said claimant or any other injury occasioned by the alleged inadequacy of said sewers, and the passage of this ordinance and the agreements herein referred to shall not be considered to be the basis of any cause of action by any citizen or property owner of the City of West St. Paul against the City of St. Paul. Section 10. That before this ordinance shall become effective for any purpose, the terms and conditions hereof shall be formally accepted by an ordinance of the City of West St. Paul, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul, and a certified copy thereof shall be filed with the City Clerk and the City Comptroller of the City of St. Paul. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council T,i ' w I � it Yeas Nays Attest Bir. Clancy 'Fs'P1%&WoTt1r— Gose McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approve r � Mayor ,A t PUBLISHED O Department of Law CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILL JOHN A. BURNS r nrron. Eva WILLIAM J. GWERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H MASEK April 13th, 1920. f Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: - Enclosed herewith I am handing you ordinance regulat-- ing the permission to the City of west St. Paul to connect with our sewers, which has been approved by the Chief Engineer. You might submit it again to him and if satisfactory and you approve of it, have the ordinance introduced for passage. Yours very truly, Ass' Corporation Counsel. JAB -M � -------- r ..� ,>r�% ;,,, � ! t � � G � % �' / -' --� (` -- -- � 7tt vim- �� p < � � l � _... . r' �"__ �_ �, � , � � ti � -� .� ii- ,� �--; C BV. X N., No elil' qlnaneq We. 5295— Y ' 0 the City of St. Pau Th. Council of 1 do.. ordain: SECTION." P -r -1-1-D and authority are hereby nted to the 11-11011— Mereant a and.,the .olden Rule, corg 4 "r- ju� d maintain on er- ,11-1,­t street be - streets. P thereto Iused in, An ordinance authorizing the Emporium Mercantile company andtthe Golden Rule to build and I maintain underground conduits on Robert*street between Seventh and Eighth streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Emporium mercantile Company and the Golden Rule, corporations, to build and maintain underground conduits on Robert street between Seventh and Eighth streets, as shown upon the blue -print hereto attached, said conduits to be used for the purpose of carrying electric wires. Section 2. Said permission is granted Subject to the following conditions: (1) That said licensees shall indemnify and save harmless the City of St. Paul from all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages or expense arising or growing out of the building, operation, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said conduits, and shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10;000.00), conditioned to indemnify said City as afore- said; the said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the CorLioration Counsel, have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and be filed with the City comptroller. (2) Said conduits shall be laid and constructed under the Supervision and -to the Satisfaction of the commissioner of Public Works, and said licensees shall Pay the cost Of inspection, if any. (3) The Said conduits shall be removed and the street restored to its original condition, at the cost and expense of said licensees, whenever the Council shall 80 order. (4)Said licensees shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof With the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel - Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. yes (�) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council 6PR 30 IKU 19 Clancy z---2 19- In favor --2 Z)- lJ Against 4iesi dent -nitv Cla J St. Pai:il, '_:inneoota, April 8, 1920, To Honorable L-1, N. Goss, Cor.=iGsione-, Pu -clic St. Pau, , I:inn. - Your petitioners, the ilri,.norium Compan y r.nd The Golden Rule reEroctlully r,-,D-Lz5ent "hey are e --ch corocrations or„anized unr.'er the 1-1wo of the SLajf� o- ­innesota. -h��t ez-,ch is - operating a in thd -ity of S6. Paul on oppocite :ides of Robert Ftreat anC, each Cocup-in,­ n._i'.,_,ly the entire block on v,,hich they are -cc ec';i-.,ely situated. A-iat each �:,L-_s �,, v,-ry 1;_ r�;o i:.nd complete plant for jeneratin,_ oleo. t.-,icii. Awr purpose of li�Iitin[: their _, respective stores, op_: - �n, evvt " c -- nn,' o_h_r v -a rl: -or --ich electricity c:,n _,ie user: That froE. t.-,ey is..a learned occasionc-lly some unavoidable acci:ent -y --,u, ',:_eir rec:_ectivc pl; ntp ut o` co :_-Zilfis- sion S - Sion temporarily�"_�t for e_J',"4-.er one _i�i li:,,ble to be un.,ble to bu�,ines ".i-- -e,, sono- - -uch L,cc_;,'en' r . -.h�,+ such I -C c iciunts,ar,_ to 1;11 -,on L.n� ecneciall,- the./ c",.oppinE ru�,h Ju: + Cl,.ristnar when .he -ol, ntc of ',-.olh -petitioners !2L.'ICe_- 4-, r :-C; il : t --roscure .nd when h,ir res-rective stores are crowded ea r cu,to-,:(_= an6, the sudden inr of -he li­ht�,-, sto"o- PLEe 0-- to c �-ucd.en n!n,ic he cus- f nc' 10 ss of Iiie, uAess tomerc "cc the rn�-ans 0 _reL.t elama-e, i- mcE.ms car, oe 1 --un.- tu"n on in ci:,:c of ^uch dcr-to ; Th.,.t your petitioners L.-- o_- he opinion ai,.t by connect- ing t'­6ir t -..-m pimte a tie lino. cc-.rJrt__-.- of :., c.andui', in copper ca." -less wi-,h. D_.,C)peO cvic--s, he Said c, a �rc;_,_tiy ler--tined, J.- not elir.iin ted; !:ut itld be recess in in cc;:.nect sodc', fo­ thc, conuits to cross R. -,,r- Ctrect unl-emeath h surface; That it i-. not -'I,e intention o --our pI-;titiofIC-_,,.-_ to chc r[ -e oac'D:L th­_ c ­:vice ani.er,2d c7 tc, 'u -i -ii -h -ucih ser - 4 c -e C , cc (n ',lie ­enc;7LitIn,-- pla-rt of one o- tha'.,. 'een uddenly and une:r-etedl,.r put ou , o:' c Dr. c un:.-_vc_i,. .-le ccident, -..nd service ic -._ct t c.ny lo-., is njces, ary for the pctitior-ur _LoLc _plcnl ju t - ee:i 'i. ­I -..-,L-0, to it 'he dama[-,es v!1th ',lie uti-oct expedition; --!-.a+ the -1rn e ei -otion�rs C to const-uct li).e ir, -e---eto aftac',Ied etinr' 2:ii,.de a of this petition, ' ' . Yc,,ir petitic t-_�:%� t ---:,-.t the neces�-��.ry ordinence be ;-,.utic-izinF thc.-., to c,,ns t,_,uct : nd 1,iinLain the said tie line in acco­dance v;ith -ro-_21-:oin-- petition :n('. the "I - I:� + 4 , of cur �. �._+­.I,+ rule. -,1 r— -9 Pc+i+JIcners. � ,i .� °�i:�i � ,�,/��e'.:.,�'y,�'r�..P_ti,:� .��Ep... e��„�t ����:..R;w3,"�m; 'ea � ��—lye . _ �..�__ - 3 a . 2 u �.�.,.- ..��(( en dml*lleira8'1Ct: t�iYaknC4 lid ,���'?3��dsupRy� Bs3 bio b _ � Sa tSl�.e�Aa �dmin ve- •� C. F. NO: f 288 F. N0.- I a aQa F l An Administrative Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5270, approved March 26, 1920 entitled "An Administrative Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5208 entitled "'An administrative Ordinance fixing !-and authorizing the payment of compensation for certain employees in the•uncl'assified service connected with. the Public Schools of the City," approved Decelpber 19, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1. That Sectional, of Ordinance No. 5270 , approved March 26, 1920, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures; "Teachers in High Schools, except as herein- before stated, may receive a salary of not less than $142.50 per month and not more than $328.33 per month." and by inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures; "Teachers in High zDchools, except as herein- before stated, may receive a salary of not less than $142.50 per month and not more than $360.00 per month." and that said Section 1, of Ordinance No. 5270, be and the same is further amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures; "Grade School Teachers, minimum $88.33 per month, maximwm 021.67 per month". and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures; "Grade School Teachers, minimum $83.33 per month, maximum �s260.00 per month." SECTION 2`. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication: Adopted by the Council hPR .in Dili 1920. Yeas Nays Clancy Goss _ McColl Approved 1�J f9[0 1920. Powers PUBLISHED Wunderlich Mr.pres.(Hodgson) MAYOR. JOHN isRlCY, Clay Clerk. fJ E Y If 1t 6 / Not ! An Administrative ordinance to ffeOnd Ordinance No. 5270# approved March 26, 1090 entitled, "An AdmInistrative Ordinance to amaend Ordinance Nor 6808 entitled "An AdmIniotrative Ordinance fitting and authorUing the payment of compensation for certain employees In the UclaeaU16d service connected with the Public Schools of the City," approved Dece*or 19 29199. i THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST*PAUL DOES ORDAINS SECTION Is That Section 2, of Ordinance NO# 5270 , approved March 260, 1920,0 be and the sque is hereby anted by atriking out therefrom the Vrardo and f$ tj "TeachOrs in High sthoo2ps except as liz-re3n- before stated ts>ey reativfe a oalwy of not teeso than 614 r50 Per month and not mere per month." and' by Werting It 110u thereof the, -wards and figures; "Teaahero in, High behaola, except as herein- before `stated may roceive a salary of not IA130 tl*U 414A,50 per month and not-moro theta 60600 Per mtst MW and that ,said Section l of Ordinance Nov 5870, be and the same io further mended by striteitag mut therefrom the words and ripresi "Grade Oehool, Teachers, minims >t aa.33 per laantho maximn 0221#69 per month", and inserting in lieu thereof the words and figures; "Grade School Teacherot mlal== 09303 per months maz tlatm , ti60 00 per month* sHCTzou 21. This ordinance shall take affect and be in force ImmediAtely Its passage, approval and publicatlon4r AoptOd by the'ummil 3o 2ftL't;. Teas Maya t Clancy dD � Moon 45I Appro"d _ Powers trxrir3`®�a{EifJdglix�Ota� ATTEST: N�AyVcs• JOHN 1.-FARICY,- City, Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL e,r. e..nn OFFIC COUNCIL No AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE . Farm AA48,4fl 7-I8 - 2I2. ...... f7 1 !� (1 (n� Y �; - RO/JLLER AUDITED ._7,1... 1.1+..�.7�!J ... .....191.... PEB-•�........- . ..... ' ' .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays _ Adopted by Council ..._.........4116.. ��L�------ 191._.__._ C. F. No: 28878 - drawn Y Clancy Resolved that 'W Yt payable out proved............APR _i(:° 19`22. .. .._191._...__. upon the. City of the hereinalteie*pee �Teflmeaor eon 0 Farnsworth in favor of theD porations. for iVeenB 0 t. epecl9ed in. Goss their reap .. fol1o1I1 detailed erick cn . .... ... . _.., ,_ ➢1AYOR feller 1 Amertcan Hotat.& Derrick CompanY. V $5 75 Co.. $102:2b. McColl Belt Line Brite Cameta _ Oemun.4 i 0, & Company. Wunderlich Farweli, $1.088.66. Librarian, Dr. .,Dawson Johnston. Mr. President, Hodgson $1 9.65' Bros. -Motor Car- CompanY. $19.80. Bureau. $2.20. Oe ribrarY Northern h [Coal Co.. 5 . `ao-oO q` Pittebur& Light C St. Paul Gas J G; Adopted by the COv11", I APProved'(Apr .12 (APrlt 24-1920) �iq 5.75 2815 Company, American Hoistat . Vl at er 102.20 2016 Belt Line Brick Company, Gaultier School (Bond) 22.50 2917 Camera Art CompaP. Counsel Corp. r' 1,086.55 2018 Farwell, Ozmuri, Kirk & Company, Munic. Empl. Bureau 2,25 Eleption 188.53. 1,96 u '400.00 266.67 Bureau of engineers .64 St. C. & R. If 5.35 9.25 Grosswalks 9.11202.79 Paving Depr. 19.55 2019 Dr. Dawson JohnstOnp Library 19.30 - 8020 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 6.25 Fire Munic. Gari Revl. 5.55 5.50 Tia t' Res. 212 Page #2 2021 Library Bureau, Corp. Counsel 2022 Northern States Power Company, Munic. Emp. Bureau 188.80 c 68.00 90.40 Fire 15.93 a Water 1 121.25 l,'484.3E3 2023 Pittsburgh Coal Company, Library 2024 St.Paul Gas Light Gompany, Munic. Employment Bureau Total 3,367.89 Form A A 48,1 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 213 ppr}it tt AUDITED APR 1J: 1920......... COUNCIL FILE 7�'PptULLFja , / _ 2025 S. A 'Farnsworth, uomtr. of Finance TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for. ---^t- __L=uosite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen Abstract. Adopted by the Council. �{N.H 1LA..J.�ZQ..._. .191..___ 2026 S. A. Resolved that warrant. tie drawn Clancy upon the CRY Treasury, payable out p p of the horelnptier spectfled funds and ��i11 ��' yLU 1n favor Oft Farnsworth persona arms or: cor- ,Approved .....191___.__ orattono for the awounts set " ' ' """ ' _ _ Opposite j Goss Keller err reflp'pEtiv.a}p.s, aa-NpbekAia� th following detailed ata;em r L/t/ ............... ............. ........_._ : 1,535.00 9 26 Farnsworth, Cpl}' eF mance, j i20 7A- 00. MAYOR McColl I S. A Farnsworth, Cono6r of Finapce,, Farnsworth, Com'r. d Finance Wunderlich 4,483.60 E96,25rdB..'.. e. A Farnsworth, Com r. of Flnaace. -1163600. � M . President, Hodgson 1&54 168. A60. Farnsworth, Cen'T, of Finance, - . Health -Adm. 147.50 Neje Oleos, 7126.00. •° Adopted'bYthe Council Apr. 16, .1920. Approved_. Apra 16, 1920. Vital Statistics 257.50 <A=t11 2/-1920) 2025 S. A 'Farnsworth, uomtr. of Finance 20,726.00 Police 2026 S. A. Farnsworth, uom)r. of Finance 36,357.49 Fire 2027 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance : 1,535.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 2028 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. d Finance 4,483.60 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 245.00 Health -Adm. 147.50 Vital Statistics 257.50 Food Reg. & Insp. 555.00 Quarantine 1,149.50 Tuberculosis Div. 577.50 Dale St. Infirmary 102.50 Workhouse Hospital 125.00 Laboratory 190.00 P. Baths 131:.60 Comf-ort Station 157.50 Munic. Gar. Revl. 845.00 6 2029 Nels Olson, 125.00 G.F.-Miscellaneous & Unforaeen Total 63,227.09 CITY OF ST. PAUL `T "`"" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER } AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE. O1D Form A A 46, 2N 7-18 � 214 APP........ - AUDITED f CW OLL , R. ....................................6 .... v/�pjTR TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of'the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 0 ID Zee Adopted by the Council. .............._................._�._......_..._._.:.....191.__..__ Clancy uPR 16 1920 Farnsworth..._...... ......In favor roved........_..__._ ............. .................. ..._._...................191. ----- Goss KellerAgainst ....(�...Y................_........_._..._ .._.__...._.._......__._.........._....._........... ... � McColl D MAYOR Wunderlich E Mr. Msident, Hodgson C. F. No. 28880— AbewarT Resolved that the ur3r. .be' d— the the Ctty,Tresaury, paYabl out of,the hereinafter eDacifled; fnnd and In favor .1 the persona, IIYIDa or -cor porations for the amounts set ooppDoalte their respective names. ae speclfled�In tlie-fol towing . det811ed etateme¢t: Christ Johnsoa, 6638,00. AQopted by the Council Apr. 16,'1920. Approved Apr. 16, 1920: (April 24-1`920) 2030 Christ Johnson, Sewer on Agate Total 533.00 l 533.00 ■ f U t ?r l CIT OF ST. PAUL FoEMca No ............ ................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED dY RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Education be, and he is hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant, to Administrative • Ordinance No. 5065 to appoint two School Garden Instructors at a salary not to exceed Ninety Dollars (ap90.00) per month each for full time. O`A. ved.That;28he" C missloner of Plduoatlon be; and h0'ls,,b.reby an- thbri;ed and empowered, ppursuant to `Adthinletrative Ordinance: N0.. 80.66 to', appoint Mw School Garden Inetruct irs. ata salary not to exceed Nine Dol:: lar41{590.00) Dee montb"Bach ror,full- time AdoDtedby:,the donndl Apr 78 382(Il Approved-Apr.16, 1920. Yes Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council- - - G NR.. _1L ?.. �..�.�.........._19 Farnsworth Goss ......... ..._Infavor - Appr APR ... t; 1y1W ......................I9........_ McColl Powers O Against .......... Wunderlich MnvoR Mr. President FORM 3M9•I9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONO. RESOIA�I/ COUNCIL ���� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM April 18, 1930 ......................................................................................... DATE ...................... ........_._............. ............ . f That the time specified for the per- formanoe of a certain contract dated December 8, 1919, between the Feyen Construction Company and the City of St. Paul for the installation of house sewer connections on Grand Avenue, from Oakland Avenue to Milton Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th day of April, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accord- ance herewith; provided, however, that this resolu- tion shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comp- troller. i -- ;f Yes (N) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth �- Goss Powers PerO owcrs Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 the Council hPR 106 1�20..........19 ............In favor APProv ........_._......{I�{�....QD i��� ._.._../19.... - Against a " MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., --�/'= - -/`-r - - 192--"- ` TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, Gentlemen: C I T Y. would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- _ to be extended to - - - - - - - -`/ - - -�� - - 19 2-1 , Owing to -r 00(1{. - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, 7 o tractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements o this office is concer APPROVED Public V`op . of C(o�nstruction & Repairs 9 Commissioner of r . Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONEf ........... M RESOLVED ate• COUNCIL /��y.♦ FILE No....... DATE..................................... That Cigarette License #64, now in the name of H.N. Paulson, 39=Cleveland,Ave., which expires April 11th, 1921, be and the same hereby is transferred to Richard J. Messing, 39 Cleveland Ave., So. Yes (d) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 7 1VwO Powers Wunderlich 1V&. President FORM -_19 IC F. No. 28®83—Ry Henry, McColl- Reaolced, That Cigarette License No. 04, now .1 -the nalne•Of-R: W. Paul 59 Cleve and Ava. ,which exDlres. April lltp..:18Z1:'ibe an�'the-Same kereby:-la tranarerred to. Rtebard. J. Messing,. 39 Cleyeland'Ave., So.• Adby tp@ Council Apr. 18, 1920. nro—_ =.ApDroped Apr. 18, 1920. C (ADHI 24-1920) . . Adopted by`thl e,Council_ .41.16...1y2O.............19....... Appr~....._.....4 - .�.(i..15L�1............... 19........_ In favor Against MAYOR ® Resolved, OF ST. PAUL FORM. COUNGL 28884 Date Presented--.--.Ap•>:'il...b•a.....................Va.. That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States Power Company to erect poles and croesarms, and to string the necessary wires thereon; "Set poles on south side of Mc%enty Street from Hamline Avenue to the alley east of Lexington Avenue." Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done un- der the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commi"ssioner of Public Works, said Company to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by tete Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission ie gr nted under and pursuant to the terms and pro- visions or Ordin — roved Dec. 26, 1906. i'C Yieeolaan 6m8f-"BY.M N, Gosa— I t poles n eoyih'.M. of Bjcx my asale '.treae6 t from Aamll.e=A",jde to:. the :lley seat o[ Lexln9tonand A,.M I; yolea Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays GPR ]Lf►.I9`L,O Adopted by the Council ....................... ..............191•....: Clancy Farnsworth GPR X6192 oved ........................................ _ «............... 191 Goss--------------In favor Keller McColl_............Against ...........................................:.............._...:= i Wunderlich Mr.)resident, Hodgson j v rOliM C Ii, 9. 3M 12 a,; , itat' the 8t. d°red indi Is herebY } tend t,w,elevtrical line /'�1TV ll ole9 and -1 It Veea� CI i 1 the:tranamiealon of alleys) and to the follovvinB o[ said CttY y1Y1 Council Rescan ra`�ndiwestooY 1Mf,ton P1 e -I Form Re 1 in the e11eY north and oRice r zta�een Pa It AV0 I Department of Bureau of 1�. Council o. Date Prese% ghe 191 - �a ehaR te Ile1BIl t reetena-. u _ tl such ESOLV ED. That the St. Paul Gat Licht C ....y it hereby ordered avd dirbamd t Htl d� i ..ned under- rectin¢ poles avd ttrivgin¢ wires thereon (or the miteiov of elgtei.,y e. and iu the followia¢ alleys sad streets of said city: 1 x "unoil shall +lnte...t.,eo re - 1a.,; Install d� ' Two poles in the alley north of Rondo Street, and west of Milton Street. One pole in the alley north of Jessamine Street, between Park Avenue and.Rice Street. One pole on Tyler Street, east of Livingston Avenue. One pole on Exchange Street, south of Ragle Street. All of such exteneioae, Doles avd wtr<e shall be erected end constructed uvdar the dhect(ov and eulxnielon of the Commtaetever of Public Utilities and iv ill tblv¢e sub�ecl to the Drovbiooe o[ lhdivance No. 2424. avd of all other lawful ordiaanae and rerolutionn v( the City of 9t. Paul. All the p should be set iv each locative iv .aid alleys and elreeU ae the Commieetoner of Public Utilities stmt) desi¢nate, avd shell be of tach bei¢ht and character m pub'h.,, a Intercet eoer.quia, avd w.d .. stmt).11.gh ,ele. shall be tekev dowv and removed, avd each wke placed uvder¢rouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the Adopted by the Council GPR 16 1920 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLIC A ro Nf'K 191 HYLAND PP KELLER Mayor Mr. President, IRVIN �UHLj,,kED� ego 41 Department Bureau of_ CITY OF ST. PAUL 2888 Council Resolution ---General Form No. Date Presented 191 1111St. Paui Gas Lisht C --is hereby ordered avd dlrected to eatevd Its electrical lines by ereclive voles avd etrivviv wires thereon for the oe avd iv the followiv¢ alleys avd sheets of said city: Install Two poles in the alley east of Cleveland Avenue, between Iglehart and Carroll Avenues. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. C F No.:889&—BYthw St Paul Gas All of such eatevsiovs. poles sod wire nhali be erected and coo de l>t that subject to the movislovs of Ordloo.— No. 24x4. avd of ell ether lewf 'Qu�ree; and All poles should he set In ouch I=tiov iv said a11.,. sod etrcets Adopted`1 he shall desievate aed approve, and... sod sll such polse shall be tak 1, Approved public letercs' so requires, avd whey it shall no order. Adopted by the Council APR Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL r� WUNDERL(a HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN N dor- f nioner of Pobllc Utilities ,d iv all thio 18,�19Y0 vd shall 'sol ouch height sod character as d, whevever the Couvcil shall deem that the 191 ( ) Nays Approv 41k 191 Mayor " Council File No .......2888 7 ..... .............. Petition PROPOS PREI C F 3 00,2886 wAIOIIset. K t,. . Preima t, ' -weking of the fol 17 u 'here roposes the making '4enipg: to The undersigned by the City of St. Paul, viz.: �e ................ I ................................. Xt 14.. �n. ................................................................. ... to A n r b a ere 0 se oM -A —..+ .1 , 4That.or na ....................... -- ----.................... ............ a To'fnvaetiBdte' oho nature extent rove ............. ......... ....... ....... ...................................................to. Boat o., ............................... at t1eof. -..t' and the ivItIV Plan profile or 0 14t� ......... ... k.tjor '_'Id' Dated this ................. ... .....day of 1h rhvement 4, To elate rv of three era, P -n 'the -for f ............ ... ......................... report u Zan of -go, t .r tera'taA a �omeetfibloneroso t ,�20, uncilman. PRELIMINARY "D 0. D�� t. v WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of Fh-. �.IloAng improve t, viz.: Opening to a width of 16 ft. the .............. ........... - ............. ... ........ ....................... ............ east.�94qt we g4py j4..A:kqpX 1 , Nelson,_ Stevens ................................................. .......... . ..... A King Addition-,- in re"t.--of-Lots. I to 14 Iuel-us-ive . .................................. ....................................................................... ................... ..... ............ __ .. ........... ...... .... ............. ......................... .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................................... .............................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .. . ................................................. . . ... ..... T..ft. .............. .... h.�_ o.r not said improvement is asked onthepetition o-f--th-re-e--o-r-morc--own-e-r-s .... ....................... ate whether o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._......._ ..K..16-1510.................191...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191_ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderl Mayor Irvin Form C A 18 (5M 4-17) N C, F' No 9flBaB—ABY 8, a;jFarnswortii— un". 6 C, for G __ ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -% 7 thence V teat r- 28888 C�OUNCI .1NLF,0-NO a B, ..... ....... . ......... . ... .. ........................ Al CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Ouncil Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for (;=Ztr.jAtjnS* rVUWing ""Com At aidowalks Natimte IT*. 4 mder cantzost 300 0, f ea ri The assessment of ....._benefits. Jor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......... -lath . ..... . ..... day of 19M at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 19 0 Adopted by the Council.... _ _..kPR :L6 ­ ..................... .......... ............ 19 L--- Approved 77W,9 72 . ................ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss HAmxE Clancy Malux Powers McColl Wunderlich Mayor IYAa Hodgson Form B. b. 16 A� IMA I $ I \k .................. . .. .. ... .............. . . :-lCity Clerk. . ..... ... ....... .... . ........ Mayor. qjbLISHED i'Ll I MHU1191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $__.._57!=.3_9 ............... Cost of publishing notice 1_19 ............... ............... Cost of postal cards $ .................... ..... `J_................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ............ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$.._......_z.s_95............... Total expenditures $......15.9..0..13 ........... _.. Fong -Assessable - - - - - - - - 19.95 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - }?610.08 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_..___........6.1.0.__08 .......... _............. _.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such J/(a�act�ionnntthereon as may be considered pr per. FormB. B. 174't`L✓---�..... _._..._..__..... ..__..._._._..._._.._.... _. _._-. .. Commissioner of Finance. 4 Ml= Form A A 46.314 7-18 f e CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM; E CIL No. ' 1l Jt ]z7 216 L�—I BY .. AUDITED ❑[] IyZU CiT. A7"il' I(: .... ........191...... �fy�CJ PTRjOL�LER ..Y ....�/..Gldl TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specifi ' the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted b he uncil ............. Clancy uPR l 1 [0 Farnsworth .._._.._.._.In favor A oved_ ....._ r _...... 9 9 ................ __191--- Goss Keller........ _.... ....Against ......_.._ ................._..._._.:._.....__............ .... ._.......... _. _ McColl v MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson I - C. P. No. 2888 Abetraep —ta be drawn) t{; foiloirtng detauee "319.60. AdamDeuker H.rdor" 'Co.. $937.94.' Gopher Laine & Cement Co. $162.16. Pittsburgh Coal Co.. 85,917.i4...344.04. �I Pittabui'Bh Plata .Glass victory Co.. 3196.00. AdeDtari y tho 14.t 3920Apr. 17. 1920. i. ADProve 4AFrtl 24-1990). 2051 Capital City Lumber Company, 19.60 Humboldt High School Library 2052 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 337.94 Schools 2053 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 162.15 Schools 27.00 Markets 135.15 T6=5 2054 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 5,917.74 Schools 2055 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company., 44.04 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5.28 Schools 2.30 1.75 26.46 Water 8.25 2056 Victory Printing Company, 196,00 Workhouse 10.00 Schools 58.25 52.50 9.50 " 42.50 23.25 T9900 CITY OF ST. PAUL - ��• OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL JV��� Form A A 46.2 N 7-18 a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE .�� Nu•. - ..... - • a ' 215 ........................................ -- AUDITED M{A...y+...E20................ 191..4BY �/C/I'(T�y�j-��.�1����TROLLERE .....�.......... ......'x- C/ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays . , .r Adopted by the on __...1li.k....s�...h.G)J................. _191......_ Clancy GF 11192U Farnsworth ..........In favor r d....... .. _.. 1 --_-- ............................................................. 7 Goss Keller Q .... .......... .Again-st McCollMAYOR C. F. No. 28890— Wunderlich Abetrnot. - Resolved test ararrante be`_ drawn Mr. President, Hodgson o0o tithe C7�y Treaenry,Dayable ont of tt ;tb V I I 2031 American Linen Sut nyvrev (ApM1'1. C. 2032 T. L. Blood & Company, C. H. & C. H. 2033 Board of Water Commissioners, C. H. & C. H. 2034 S. S. Crooks Company, C. H. & C. H. 2035 The Daily Hardware Company, C. H. & C. H. 2036 Louis F. Dour Company, C. H. & C. H. 2037 Haskins Brothers Company, C. H. & C. H. 2038 J. W. Hulme Company, C. H. & C. H. 2039J. T. Kenny & Company, Q. H. & C. H. 2040 Lamprey Products Co. Inc., C. H. & C. H. 2041 McClain & Hedman Company, C. H. & C. H. od $10.45. 61nb.0. , i27b. i �0'is7o.fio::_. 'o . Lent Company, i 5786.67. r $8.88: Cents. 58.68:. CO.,. 88.26. i L%L;Z- Co., I '- 510.46. Apr. 17,;192°. °I E 6 34.88 22.99 31.56 1.50 10.45 818.20 5.50 27,45 9 10.50 2.75 370.50 s, Res. 215 Page #2 2042 W. E. Macaulay, C. H. & C. H. 2043 Melady Paper Company,C. HC. H. t 2044 N. V. Electric Equipment Company, C. H. & C. H. 2045 St.Paul Gas Light Company, C. H. & C. H. 2046 St.Paul Machine Works, C. H. & C. H. 2047 Frank J. Schaaf & Company, C. H. & C. H. 2048 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, C. H.- & C. H. 2049 The Villaume Box & Lumber Company, C. H. & C. H. 2050 y+olterstorff Range Company, C. H. & C. H. Total 2,277.62 corm A A 46.2M 7-18 1111 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F ;�E I IL No ...... 28� 217 AUDITED APR_..1:...1920......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favo persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statemi Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( J ) Nays - APR 17 1920 Adopted by the Council._ ................__......._..........._....._.__ ---.– Clancy APR 17 1920 Farnsworth ..._.._.__._.In favor APProved_...__._...___-..__.___...._...___........:_._..._._.._._. Goss - Keller �, F xo. 2se91— Ahstracr. drawn McColl 'Beaotveh that warrants roe Treasury, pay9hle Baa In M`t upon the City Ifted funds Wunderlich. favor otn hterpe dmoun ern t.: or in; r. President, Hodgson t their i respectt Wailed aSL,h nPfitc� ce,, th. f0I11g,aeworth, Cam h• of. Adopted h Attie 1 . neti Apr. 11, 1920: §79,299.64. Approved. t Arkl 24-1920) 2057 S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Finance 10,398.64 Buread of Parks 1,397.80 It 3,514.40 it 355.33 Playgrounds 351.17 11 469.50 Forestry 444.50 Election. 156.80. P. Bldgs. Revl. 1,007.40 323.60 " 35.00 " 258.50 " 53.75 107.00 7.00 " 316.'75 Gt. Northern Schls. 149.55 it 80.55 " 11.25 u 24.00 Gaultier School Bond 1,312.29 Homecroft School " 22.50 - Total 10,398.64 I I. ....�.. =-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Council File No .................................................... F I;92 q CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, tests and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 2, Under Contract 3068 ?:, for Season of 1919. F.O. 23962 Elm St., east side, from Exchange St, thence south to alley, 140 -feet by 4� feet; Wilkin Street, west side, from 70 feet soutl5,of Ramsey Street thence south to alley, 100 feet; Ramsey Street, south side, from 92 feet west of Wilkin Street Thence crest 30 feet. A public hearing having been had µ; sAc sYlliG AssussxiExms: improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by these idered finally satisfactory, be it "0... 28892�I3Y ., ..." vorth therefore ❑ matter, n ithe assessment of �-x tl- relaying $papa reDafring.. �-ent: 8fdewalks, -Estimate .No. RESOLVED, That the said assessment t act 3068A for season of; respects ratified, and the bpi iritY ,t f a s east Bide, n' for confirmation. same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District '�ourf r aS�utvi � �.. ty of Ramsey BE IT FURT ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 3 in )..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ..............-APR ...1-7-1&20....... GPH y_ d ly'tU Approved.......... ......... ......................... .....................................191......_. Form B. B. 18 PUBLISHED V- a L O lark. ayor. Council File No. B _.✓ Y........_...................._.._.............................. " CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing', relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Do, 92 Under Contract 3068 B, for Season of 1919. --assessable Holl-- Di.0. 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Edgecumbe Road. i".0. 25999 Edmund St., north side, from Chatsworth St. to Lexington.ve. F.O. 23955 Thomas St., north side, fromllestern rve. thence west 80 ft. --lion-Assessable Roll -- 25801 Palace St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Edgecwnbe Road. C k'. No., 28883 -BY S. A.. Farnsworth i we improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been hain:the matter of the .assessment of : benefits, caste and ezDenaee for con- ment having been further considered 1 - =nit std k`. Earlmate DNO. 9 :onsidered finally satisfactory, be it ;:1der Contract 8068 ;B, for !"em therefore 1,18. Awerable 1te14 RESOLVED, That the said assessment 6e and CY'. 4ciV is" -de eby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 3 in...... "{v,Rd.-':_,.:._..._equal installments ys to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...........__..�AKR...1."1..1910---- Approved ............ ......... ..1.lF?R._.ti.i......._[.u._.................. 191 Form B. B. 18 erk. ,yor. Council File No . ........... .. ........... ..................... ...._ –1 By........._........ AW CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying ? e ent. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Siderial}•:s, Estimate No. 1, Under Contract 3068 A, for Season of 1919. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 24113 ;lest Seventh St., south side, from 69 feet west of Grace Street thence (vest 42 feet. F.O. 25071 Madison St., east side, from '.Jest Seventh St. to Youngman Avenue. C F vo hate of & A.:F,ar¢aworth— ln enefits,acoete and exile see for cent A public hearing he— having been had A s!emydng and. reaatrfng a improvement, and said assess- structdng, -Cement Sidewalks, Eetimata No -1. ment having been further considered b; under contract 2666, A. for season Isidered finally satisfactory, be it of 1819 therefore Auee.e►le soli F 0.'24118 ;West seventh, 9t., south aide, from 69 feet went of Grace -St.,. RESOLVED, That the said assess n thence west 42. feel F., O. 25871' .Madfaoa Si., east side, n all respects ratified, and the from west Seventh Bt. ao been an . same is herebyordered to be submitted I Avenue -.A Dubltc hearl¢g having bee¢ bbd of Ramsey for confirmation. ¢port the assessment far the above BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, T rovement and sada aeeeeement haveng leen further cbnetdered by the Councs. ereby determined to be payable �A� jfr and havin6 bee¢ .r.f ere finally sat- tJ (t 'fetacto y,.be fE therefore y ":RaeoSved,;.That the said .aeeeeement .L'1..._lr.�.:.(......._equal installments a be and tha-:aame is hereby In at} :re. 1 described therein. enacts ratified, and the_eam­11e teypemby Adopted by the Council U Approved .....__ .......... pl'ff . ........ ..._.T.1. ........ ............. ..........191......... rorm B. B. 19 City Clerk. Mayor. 0 RESQ,1UTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter .olltla atreEt...t o a-..ad-dt.h. ...._Qf... sixty--_i60)__f'feet-. from...Q.Q.m...4i,xgnuq._IY.Qx'tkA._t.A....Q.ams..3.4.ulevard...................... ..................................... �R�,TIF7'IPG ASSESSBiEFTS IN CON. ............... ............................... .-.......... _. .......................... DEMFATIOF PROCEEDIFGS. ..._.....__--------- _.._------------- .......__.-- N. 28896—.......-.......--.......................................... the matter of -opening: wtdet d extending South Street to a 'th of efsty (80) feet from Como ....._......_..........._..._........__........_. -_........._.........._r, n;•e No" to Como Boulevard............................................................. ary, -nOi4le ^ 26818, ap ;,..fi .. term -ft under Preliminary Order -.......,x6$ .5...--...... apprgeo _.Q'C't.'.... .y i; uaiJ Intermediary Order........27a26......, approved A public hearing having been had upon the tatting and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. y e iEded to e payable in - c parte o Adopted by the Council ------------- 1 Approved.........(INH g e ---............ ..I5L0� .......................... 191- / Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth t'L'LSLI Councilman Goss Councilman 1tmffal5x Clancy Councilman Wdbux Powers A Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor'J¢inx Iiodgson t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..B9Qvt1l..atS Gt---t52---q...iLa41111 of...qizty....4.0.4-)... feat ...Xr.Qm...0.Q>aot'Qqom.Q---Houl,QVax-da........................__.. .._..........:......................................................... - ._........... ----- . ------.....-- . ....._............. ---- ...........-- . ------. -------- under Preliminary- Order ..._U151$-------------- approved -.QCt.4-,,,.,1919-- Intermediary Order.... -._2.7.52.6...._. approved.➢en.....8,...1�1�.----- -...... FINAL ORDERS E CONDEMNATIONPROC, Resolved: (1) That the following improvement bear ! the same is ii", 'dered to be made, viz:._Q.ReT1.y......_ wd.djen..and..- ex -tend ...Sauth..Street...#a.:a.-r-idth..af....s-a`1t-y---(6(1-)---iee#-..i-r--o Au.on e.--i.�iortkl.._t.0 Como ...Bauleuaa:d--.............. .......................................................... -- ---------------------------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .The-..S.outh..i.ive...4a) feet...af.. ots - gncl -6+ dock.. 2.:--a1�s...t��e....5.4Ut-j . ?'.z.V.Q .CS.)...%e.Q:t� af..Lat 4L ----- Block 31, and the south 5 feet of vacated Street lying between said Blocks 32 and 314y8omo; and the south tYrirt-Y (30} feet of a--mi-s-ceiTaneons t—mot of land lying between Osage :venue and Como kvenue North, the south line of §affil land••-lie'frig--the as -ii aii jest Section Y rie and .the T Orth T line of .South -..St.................................. ddatec3••.in-_Como._He? E;htS....................................................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council........... G FR. y 7. (5."[i)..--..-__.__. ..., 191.----- , Approved ---... ... - L -------------- 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman VZdmdc 45ney Councilman 1Sei1'W F4gbrs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ix6= Hodgson r City Clerk. Mayor. Y �- M, ' � PUBLIS D q � RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.....Q.QI:1S.lQ.Tt1n.7,n9-aTxd.. takCixz aZl...�. Street to Vista Avenue. c a xe. isas7— In the matter of coed lnning. andtak w e ae e m nt of benente there -1, or and[Ae Council having duly con. PIetlminary Order ....rL6�a Q ............. &etdered the came aoiv, therefore be pedtary Order....2.7.28.........., ` Reeotved; That the taking and c on- approved.._KQV 2Q.,...1�19.. theemnatfon. or the ]soda described lu n -ata aeaeasmeat ron,'be aid the lands or easements therein, A public hearing having been had up the ame,ts hereby -tn alt teapacta 1p ratla d end. coadrmed. - for the above improvement, and the awar R omeaturther. [net the •eatd:ae_. on the assessment of benefits lemment of'beaents lie and the samai e hereby -tn air respecta rattled,' aad'• therefor, and the Council having duly con theeepte -in- air ordered, to be sub- , to 'the=District Court for con. drinatton. Resolved, That the taking and eon Adopted by the OUR Apra 17, 3920. n the annexed assessment roll, APProved Apr. 37;1820. identified b the signatures of the Mayor an ' [April 241920) -.eof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation -as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. in ................................ eq Adopted by the Council......--';PR.X.. _.......................... 191. ,.. City C Approved ................. yt.�1...y,-a..lyi�l----..-......., 191........ , P� D _� _aO Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman limit Clancy Councilman VAbm Powers Councilman McColl J� Councilman Wunderlich raj Mayors Hodgs on FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.......c.ondemni2"lg...and... taking ..ask..aaaement...in__.tlie... land ..n.enessary f.or....slaues.,... for .._.cuta--- and..fills...in.. gimcUng..Alasl a.. iluenue---fram-Ra aa.._..- street...ta...V.ista-sivenue.......... _...,.,,..-,.,u............. ................... ................................................................ -- C. F. No. 28898— - In the matter of condepming 'ad Ink '--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------............................... " " Ing an -seamen[ lrt the land peee6 Bary for slopes, for. cute and Alla In grading Alaska Ave. from Race SL ............................................................................. to .'VIsta -Ave. under PreliminarY. I...................... Order 26910, approved O -L I3, 1919r Iaterpiediary -Order 27328, appro4:= ._..............__....._....._.._.__------- ......._.........----- . Nov: 28.1920. ..........._-------------------------------------------- �; Resolveii: � - I (]), That tfid tollowing Empro�r', under Preliminary Order.:.....2.6.C14.......� der d�o'fi.. aae,0v ae h;" '';bs �ermedlary Order ............ 2732a., 1 takean easement .in awry Por ppe approved xov._..2C,...181H......... uw�.. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same ie hereby ordered to be made, viz:..Q.Qx1deT11T1._ and ---tali--- an --eas enent.__in.. t he-__land._.ne c e s Bary... f ob.-_s lgpes-,-..£ of --_c uts._.Aizd fi11a...in_.gradiug..11aska.. usnue_.ircam..Iiace--.S#se.et__.tn...iiista.. v.enue............. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:.... the... land_. abutting uP-on..Alaslca_.AA-nue---hetr1eexl._the point,s_..af.ores_ai .—.tn__.the...extent...shovin ugon___the..slcetah__attached---to-.-the... rep=.t----oi---# Le...Calmnissioner----a£---Public _llarks---in...tile--nat tes-,...dated_Salauar�Z---5r--1920........ ------------- -........................ -....................... � (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council.............._`af K..i7. A ---------, 191......._ r. Ilrk ii 'KU � City Clerk. Approved.......----------------------------------------- ---- 191 - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman kylzmk Clancy Councilman ]ve Power Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor bUjRx Hodgson oI V — C. F No. 2859 the Comml stoner the _ Whereas Fo ..q� Puul[tie ar,nceewltsection 63� council, In �hnrter the existence of the CItYcocy whloh rendered nece� C COUNCIL REB en emhe emPloYment o[ cerC BundaY �1 't rY department �oanore than J plo)ea of his beln8 emPloYment `: tt id mPloYment their usual hours of j the foe be It c ty orct l council g s Ived, That the DroDer thel are hereby authorized tao P Y t toll wins meatem vloyee.emo�°ymenG�' File No . - therwlae flied LiTInaft r sat., for t.: extra 46 forth rD P t nt ;fat °I Presented R ed, WHEREAS, The Commisi&n'er of`Publi¢:Ut .ties has reported to the Council in accordance with Section -of, the City Charter, the 'existence of an emergenoy'Which rendered'` -necessary theemployment on Sunday of certain employes of hie' department ger-mere�bkeas-efghb-kseara-per reg, said employment being Ynore than their usual hours of employment; therefore;, be it Resolved, That the proper city mfticers;aid hereby 'authorized..to pay the following named employes, at -;the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra.time'hereinafter set forth: Name Title Hours Rate of Overtime Jos. Dupre Laborer $ hrs.` 4b¢ reg.rate Wm: Dupre 48� " A.Kurkowsky " 2 60je " n LVar-elll- " 8; " 7b¢ - l* reg.rate beorge.Witkoski " 3 " 8010 reg.rate Mike Zestiok "` 10},` °" 80je reg. rate M Masciotto " 8,. " 503e reg.rate John Johnstone " 16 " 50¢ reg.rete Yeas ( ) Councilmen( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth apes in favor Ma0o11 � Powers against Wunderlich J"ident, Mr. Hodgson Adopted by the OR 1.7 !92U 192 Approv uPR $ a 1520 1SC2 la kUBL yll yor +h,c" City of; Saint Paul. 11 f COUNCIL RESOLUTION''- GENERAL FORM Sub,jeotL ?' 9ounoil, File No Date Presented 1920 Reed, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported 'to the Council, in accordance with Section'53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary Me employment of certain employee of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than,their usual hours of employment; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes. at the rate.otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth:• Name. Title Hours Rate of Overtime A. Peterson Utilityman 5 hr"s. 8 ¢ 1 reg.rate W.O.Peterson (7 68 1 a « ((( " a a P.Soott " l4 " 6S je i T Thorson " �5 " 82J¢ 1* a « « 55¢ John Hawkins " 16* " 52¢ reg.rate Frank Munson "'` 1 hr. 57¢ _ a a ;Otto Reiahow " * a 58¢ n a �Tony:Paduano Laborer 1 " 60¢ C.H.Rem�uington " I " 50 Louie— Riegel n 6 « 50� 'T Roberto " 1' " 50je " • lkhur' Smith " 1 " 60 « n John Johnstone " 10 a $1.00 double time Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy - Adopte the G[,R�r�192Q Farnsworth Goss in favor Ap ed ul'k g e ��•+�U 1929 Po ere against Wunderl cch �� Mr. Pr sident. Hodgson/mayor C-US(,p�b COUNCIL. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .......8... ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM JTEO BY ;SIGNER........./ �' � :?_......,,/_ � !{.�i.'(.r��. ........................._.. DATE....._ omn WERFAS, The Commissions of Parks, Playgrounds and Public �i buildings has reported to the Oouncil, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hour of employment; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME a TITLE HOURS RATE OF OV -M TIME Frank Anderson Mortar Mixer 1 Straight Time Wm. Berg Cement Finisher 11-1/3 Time and -ne-half Wm. Davis Laborer 1 Straight Time C.O.Peterson Carpenter Foreman ?/3 Time and one-half Geo. Stouff Cement Finisher 10 6/3 Time and one-half Thomas Torson Laborer 16 Straight Time W. Wilson Laborer ? Straight Time Yes (1) Councilmen I , I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President 68^Th�lancl'— f 288 nommissione13uil 5n d { nUlt t \\'herras. tO the Loun:�il. the to �ksltn ln1 ¢Ported Section 62 ° it "e".- -ielnece off a ct oe a�cordane ie a the a se r;. f City Char nti re"taw a he. e, e P e, °Y Ptent for a ori .,,t UeinS em4° mr lePa tmaY saltl mD hours °f e IR lonrs DeT their eu 1 plo)"menln t .•hat the Dro Dertp IPSY �Ce RS sole a„e9ne authorized a f nlloW ins medfont elxt- e.mPtOem yet thethesex[%e tint¢ here5na:11\xer. 1 fpr �fortnr forth: her. Andrrtlnle. 11 1/3 . Frnnk i SLraiRht Cement Fln s hour. Perls• pd one-half. 1 hour, \Ym,rlms taborer. II hours, flavis. Foreman. wm” time. Ca��enter StrnlSht PetersorR• -half. 2/2 uCt •t•ft n e onntnF'( fisher. 10 d °barer. 16 hourE• ,.rre,m `s Tor- ILa2 hours. SlrelRht rims• Wet' li Sp20. \v. Nihon. Straight tl pc the 17 n1920 APF. \PPTpV cd APT'lt 24-1920) I (APT NtCf1 by Council !I f'R .i^,. I�r'.4�__.___ 19 In favor APprov il1'}{_.A19 Against _.... R PUB ISILLD CITY OF ST. PAUL COU P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t COMMISSIONER.. DATE..___....... _...... J RESOLVED ` Thtit the applicatoin of John Cirillo for a license to conduct a hotel, 374 East 7th.8t.be and the same hereby is granted and the City clerk is her instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee.required by law. Yes (t') Councilmen (') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Cross McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 31,19-19 "o. 28900- 1 John �,('i d� hostel at fort the aPPliracion of st2 a Iirense to the a J,ereb e8fy 7th Street, be and uleY sCirrh is hereb e'ran ted nd the Pch license upon etruc ted to I Into [he City Treasur the DeYment OUlred beµ. Y of the tee r Adoptey 1d ADproyed ryy the Cou nril AP, 15, Apr. 1 1920 7, 1920 (A Pr11 21_1920) u,rR i'd, i`�LU Adopted by the Council - - - -- ---19 In favor Approve PvR d.e_L:1u.__._ .. Against MAYOR WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF IN 5PECTOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY . HENRY McCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION April 16th 1920. U Hon. Henry McColl, Commr. Of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the license of John Cirillo to conduct the Rosabel Hotel located at 274 East 7th Street and which this office recommended be refused until rear stairway be put in the proper shape. We have made an re -inspection of this hotel and find that all our recommendations have been complied with and all the necessary repairs to the rear stairway to make same safe, have been made and we now recommend that license be issued. --- --- � Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. . F. No 28901' % He y M C ll C-31f HOTEL OR RESTAURANT; LOCATION: - ReeoSv d Th t [h appni atI far lfc ae toj Restaurant, Restaurant', COUNC� the tolls Ing prep �o.d111fff H t 1 R t t et theM Vinton A'. 9iebenthal, Grathwol, .ne renpa etively Indicated e hereby granted. and¢ct 601 Wabash&, .................... - Clerk fe authorized ddl,. tolaeearch lleenae t idthe Restaurant`, Restaurant paymentof the 1 e No. -- ImW 1-edHY Howe. nee tau nt 1't 412 Wabasha, l .�1...1 ......... ...... ..... .. ........ t'... i P+[apCant, 610 ' Restaurant, ,. ' 17, - Date Presented --.....APr.I �e .. .__..--191..'x.. 4 solved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT`; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT; LOCATION: Herbert H. Howe, raoob.H. Lehr, Restaurant, Restaurant', 139 W. Central, 610 Wabash&, Vinton A'. 9iebenthal, Grathwol, Restaurant, 601 Wabash&, ?carry Odyssie, Restaurant`, Restaurant Pioneer Bldg., 375 Wabasha, Mushier & Bergier, Ree taurant, 412 Wabasha, l �,._. Union News Oo; Restaurant, 1 nr — ..� Union Depot# Margaret Chase, Hamilton Hotel, 248 E. 7th, Mise Nellie A. Hagen, Hagen Hotel,- 335 E. 7th St'., H, D, Kennedy- Florence Hotel, 127 11th St., 14 D. Kennedy, 'IV%ls Deming, Mayall Hotel, Aldiig Hotel, 65 W. 7th, 126 W. 6th, p"''V. Hendersoni W. Woolworth & Col. Ramsey Hotel, Restaurant', 384 Jackson St., 65 E. 7th �>T. Heller, dabone & A.mendola� Restaurant', Restaurant, 31-33 W. 10th, 420 Minnesota, bato & Rogers, Restaurant, 287 Robert St., \ yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays' - ;; '' - Adopted by the Council —191...... • Clancy , y,-7 FarnjVorth Goss favor ', lll'H 7 J,U Approve __ ___.. ..... .191..... -- ...__.In Keller ? McCo❑ .............. Wunderlich Against Mr( President, Hodgson'--- 1 FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-10 , _ C F Lr ""dlytnan.ro oto nasi—. '_ -x. cl Ja ,44 s91nanc to amend Adminiatra Ordinan e.T" 6139 aDDroved ® �� .,�.�, '77,�1 y / {- tno 16 i9C8 Thi 1 n mer- '+�.�+ ed fA' •may �tJOf CiVa[1an P�la tl�e Pub hand [ ty. the An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. This is an emergency ord- inance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE C�UNCII. OF ThF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DJ'?S OFDAIN: section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following wards and figures: "City Forester .. . . . . . . . $150.00 ,175.00 " Inspector, Chief Elevator . . . . . $150.00 -$170.00 "Instructor, Golf . . . . . . . . . . $ 80.00 `loo. GO and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures - "City Forester . . . . . . . . .x$200. UU V60.,UO "Inspector, Chief Elevator . . . . 175,.00 07.75869 ''Instructor, Golf . . . . . . . . . . $lq O.OU 190.00 and the said Section 1, be and the same hereby is further amended by adding thereto the following words and figures: "Inspector, Assistant Elevator. ..$150. �i175.00 Sectinn ?. This ordinance is herebv declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for th,- preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall tale effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publicatinn. YEAS NAYS. Clancy Farnsworth Goss Adopted by the Council NO `'f licColl rovers Approved rIUY —6 152u Pdr, President Mavo i Porro IA 16, t 97-18 CITY OF 9T. PAUL atm} OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 28903 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM CO(N°IL FILENo. .................................. 218 A U DITE @@,,?g _...�..i .. ..................... ........- ........ ................ ._...... 19t:....._ Y MPT 't.KR PER........... ....................................... �_._._...._./ TITL . .... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the uncil........... .%..... yLQ..............191......._._ .: Goss C.. .: on upon q F. N.58,903-- Abstract of Il t th d that warrant. be dra roved 1 the City Treasury payable out the hereinafter ed funds and CS Keller to .1 Id r o no. savor of the Pero no. eset or sit for t4q amounts eat McColl . he George f reepegt(pp names as .pect8ed la V re. specified in- to ge C, g deiaUd'd.etate gent: MAYOR C, Binder.' E5.16. Wunderlich cols,1s, DeantsGreg.$189.79. 18s aW EecrEmant Co panylMr. President, Hodgson E3a Gothad 8t= o6 lern .57.90 'Paul H.br.w I titotu. fthe ee 2058 George C. Binder, Municipal Court 2059 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Fire r n 11 Munk. Gar. Revl. S. & S. Cing. Sprinkling 2060 N. Vl. Electric Equipment Company, Hymtboldt H.S.Libr. Lighting H 2061 Gothard Reenstjerna, Library 2062 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, Schools 2063 Taylor Realty Company, Lighting Total 469.99 .91 .96 17.71 73.35 20.17 22.02 52.14 2.52 lug7m 1.88 19.81 8.62 7.75 37.= 5.15 189.78 38.06' 37.00 150.00 50.00 Form A A 46, 2 N 7-18 i 1 2064 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Refunds and Repayments 2065 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Water Total 12,949.26 1,663.24 11,286.02 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1I ` LE No. ................................... 219 ............... ......... F ('� AUDITED 1 � ') � P'1'1 1,1-1�:I2 LR . .......................... _.... TITLF Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the - persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays f'-190..........In........... K 1j') Adopted by C ncil_ ..____ �eiancp^ ll t' ff 1 i J L U 5-47-7 ...._.._In favor pprovo© Keller __-_Against ___. _ _.___... ... _. _._. _.. ...._..... MAYOR McColl �— Wunderlich c. F. No. 28904— Mr. President, Hodgson g Ah.tract. Resolved that warrant. be drewn Treasury. payable .out upon the CRY the hereinafter firma or .rd Iof person. n favor to ➢orations for the amounts set ppoei1. a. aii cified in their reeepetive name. the foilswina' detailed statement: COM i, of Finance, S. A. Farnsworth, 51.668.24.` Farnsworth. Com'r. of Finance. $11,286.02. bthe Council Apr. 19, 1920- Approved APi, 19 1920. / April 154-1920) 2064 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Refunds and Repayments 2065 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Water Total 12,949.26 1,663.24 11,286.02 COUNCIL }t�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........!..it.�.�3.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ....__.. RESOLVED That the application of James Marzolf for permission to. construct, maintain and operate a public garage at 93 West 10th Street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. Yes (4) Councilmen ( ) Nays _fAR l Ir - Fs as werrh'®° Goss McColl Powers 1 Wunderlich FORM Mr. President 3M9 -Is C.^29903—By" Aenry 1lfeColl— Resolved, -That the application of Sa as ,Marzolf, for permission to on - strut'; maintain and operate a public herhgbe at 93 west IG Street. is of ParkanntFedB and the Commissioner Buitdin a Playgrounds and Public In. our 6 hereby. authorized and Adopt d by theue a CouncilrApr. t29 r1920. Approved Apr, 19. 1920. !April 24-1920) Adopted by the Council hr -H 19 -.. In favor Approv hf)k_.�,i.1�L�1. __...iq..._.. Against ..... ... .............. MAYOR..... >���� � (etre of (�itg clerk JOHN I. FARICY JAS. J. MINER «Ea. ( i of �aint Paul .ss, ,. «Ea� April 14th, 1920. Hon. Jame"s M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Dear Sir: Attach6a, please find communication from H. C. Struchen, stating that he is to build a garage for Mr. James Marzolf, at 93 West 10th Street and requesting a permit for same, which was read at the Council meeting this morning, and referred to your department by said body. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. G H. C. STRUCHEN General Contractor 404-406 DAKOTA BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN., ._ _'i L L . . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ,FORM FOENCIL NO........._;,�1 9011) DATEApril 17, 1920 That the grade of Berkeley Avenue, from Josephine St. to Fredericka Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the ac- companying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 28906—By b1. N. Goss— Resolved. That the grade of Berke- ley Avenue, from Josephine St. to Frederleka Avenue, In accordance vrlth the red grade dine=on the ac eompanying profileand as recom- mended by the Commissioner of Pub. 9 lio Wor)5e be and the same hereby adopted Ss the established grade. Adopted by the Counull Apr. 19, 1920. ,Approved Apr. 19, 1929. (ADri1 24-1920) Yes Councilmen (,' ) Nays Fx MagrA+ Goss – - In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3.9.19 Adopted by the Co�'o nil APR -1L.9..L�.H __19- -. Approv 1It.9_1�Lu_. ._.._...19..... _ Mevox..... Petition C. If, No. 28907- - pbetract Whereas. A. written proy oval for makin6 of. the Iollowfng ImDrovemt vis.: Construoflon of a six toot cam `Ile side WA Ik on the West side. of . .,_.. ..e ..a .,. ergRlalr St. to Imf( r The unders tined hereby propose any of gt. Paut t> P'.. c e. I" It ;, •_. 1 ":latructiori(: _F a six ..................................�a.Ik._ori .the..West....eiiia of...Ae ........................ .........Blair ...St et....t.o....Lafond....St.r.e.et.4.. and suffio ent sidewalks nowAx Dated this ......1.F1th.......day Council File No...•! 7a(� 'f 4ey. ,.c lm vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: f of •cement tile ........... ry Aderiue from........._ ................ exc.ept...whore....Bo od................................. ist. .............................................................. -,-., 194l0._. ..................................../ Councilmen. PRELIMIN Y WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo lowing improvement. viz.: Constructionof a Six foot oement the sidewalk on the west aide of Asbury Avenue from __...........................alai-r-Street....t.o.. Lafond Street,_ except where. good_ and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .............................. ........... ..................................... ...... ..................._..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ . ...........__ .................____. _ .........._.._......_._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. r•o To fafnish the ieHe)uinp ethos daee+Ntd irlferinwt ^^ __l..«.,,..,, ,>id imorovement:.............................---........................ .............. ............. ....... ...... ... ......... ,state whether or not said Improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........_...._�1}.H...1l. d �S.LI)..............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman FAsnewetth t Approve..HLU Goss...... 191 _.. 40amd Keller n McColl V y� Wunderlich ..................................... Mayor Irvin �Ma r O Form C A 13 (SM 4.17) S . �� MrGaton �_ Council File No ......................._.. 26906— `I Whereas, A wrttun DroDoenl for the �T vrtrtl1)�king of the tollowing improvement, PT" Reconetructfort relaying and re- Reeg of the cement"tile sidewalk on the oorth'efde'ot tielb'9"Avenue b ginning at. Western Avenue bttd�h thence The undersigned hereby proposes t east 7s tt: x Iz tt. having eentea to the couneu of me city of lovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; So Paul there[ore. D It Resolved, That the. Qomxr�leeloner of ............................................ Public Works bet"4 *s le -hereby or and repairing dered and directed. t. To fnveeugat the neeeeeof aid Orth...eide .Of. ............................of t.h$..C.eme 'or deelrabflity of the mskinB o[ said ImDro ement. $ lb Ave• $o fnvestlgate the nature, extent veSlLle ........................... .. Q_,_-..}� pi. 1}@ and estimated ,cost -o[ Bald ImDrovej- A _. _......._......_. _.._... ent, and the total r. thereo[. thence east 75 A'. '-x U ft. " _' -_-------................. .... ..___....._.___............................. Dated this......_.]..F)ti.h.....day of .......... ..._.............. April.`..........................., 19124 Councilmen. PRELIMI A : WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruction, relaying and repairing _...__....oi.._the ...osment.tile sidewalk on the north side of ._ .....Selby-.. Avenue.,...b.eginning...at....W.e.Bt.arn...Avenue....and.......................................... ...t.hence. eaat__75...ft.. x_12..ft. _- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.-_.._____ ........__................_.. _....._.............-. therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve4tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and e4timated co6t of said improvement, and the total coast thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Pii gatherdata'aad ¢t�revemmt._.._........................... 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_ .._...._OPR JA)1- Cli -- 191....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fevmw" h Coss Approved.... _Gf k.. - . 191........ 'r t�, 7{ Keller v McColl Wunderlich .. .. ........ ............ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Ferm C A 13 (et[ 4-17) _ �)a) Council File No. ......�.....: ......... Petition PROPOSAIs FOR IMPROVEMENT and; i PF C. F. No. 28809— AbatrWhere-, A n p - maklhgo[ the following Improvement. . The undersigned hereby pro ose he mak v1S0 - nt by the City of St. Paul, viz: 6n P .Gad ring at Berkeley Avenue fiom e Dated this........a.7.t.)].....day of..._:......................... m `au1 tnereror , oe 1: _....-.....__ ..................._....._._................ nd hems herehlror- ............................................................... the necessityi.tor the. making of 61d. ttthe mature, ezteat . of eafd itnprove- i. coat I ere.. _ a. plan, profile .or .........___.......................... ............ •ovement..- I........... her or notBald im-419120 ! for on the patios iwneru=.,.,_ .. _.................................... f n`J Councilman. PRELIMI ARY O�IZFB., WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o the fo lowing improvement, viz.: Grading of,Berkeley Avenue from _.._.___Josephine Street. to Fredericka Avenue. .............. ........_..................... ............. ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..__ _ _..._.__._..... _ _......_.....__ ....... _ ........._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direacd: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 31 To furnish the.fd]aaeiog attert+prwa+neat:................. ................ ....._............. .... .......... .... .............. whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council— k.. �9'cU .............. 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman f uli&wosth Goss APProved_....._llf'K yC�....._............191......_ Keller McColl Wunderlich ... .......... ........... Mayor Irvin _- Ma Form C A 13 (aM 4-17) / �Q Council File No......48910 Pet ifioA C. r. No. 29"" PRO Abstract. the Wheraes„A wr[iten Dro�nis rovemeat makin6 of the toltowing P and takiD6 an easement Condemning In the lend n g a din for eloppes, for uta and 011e in grading HorkeleY from Jobeen n r eeatedodthe Council hav6:g be it i o[ the CItYThate �Commfaeloner of The undersigned hereby proposes the mq idetved. public Works me and be fa berebY or -hent by the City of St. Pau, viz.; Conde defied and nvestigate tbe. necessity for dement or desirability of the Waking oI .or ,..._ • Ott s an 1A t�le Yang Ileo imacoTomnveattgate the nature, extent JAsephine _...-fills ...in...gradi and eelimated coat of sate [mDrove- 1t and the total coat therero& or i Street t0 Freder>.o,.�.Te fornfeh a Dlan. p of said improvement. -_- .................._....._.................._............ �..._.............. ante whathar NZ, net thesaid tton.-..............._........ _........... ................................................................................... ...ore ....................................................... ............... ofDated th1s_l?.th.......day of .............:.............. Aril -.....191$0. ............ Councilman. / PRELIMINY O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Condemning and taking .an_eas.ement_ kn the land necessary for slopes for outs an --- ftl]a-in grading Berkeley Avenue from Josephine _... Street_.. to, Fredericka Avenue...._...................................._...._............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.........._...._ _...__._..__....__......__........._......_...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. `3 � e farrtisir }11e o owing of er a a a ...................................._. ............................................................... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 11NH Adopted by the councilJI,J_lJL..0 ....................19l ...................... Yeas: Nays: Goss Approved............ ..... .....j6 j 1tJ24.....191...._.. w ller� Ke `, • McColl (/ Wunderlich .. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 15 (asf 4-17) pray-<- C. F. No. 2&911—Ordinance No. 5296— C F �. An rdinance bra nttnl; to the maintain ain Standard b � Oil Company Permission to maarlous - hoxea for air lit hone u v �• � w� �� points In the CI[)' of St. Paul. � �^ •.dC The Council of the City of St. Pa t� doer, ordain: Q , J 7 A-.', .�.y�—_ � � SECTION 1. erm lesion the `�',h.$ andard '011 Company permission An ordinance grahte- g wo 'to maintain boxes for air filling hose at various points in the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Standard 011 Company, a corporation, to maintain boxes for air -filling hose on the curb at the following locations: On the east side of Arundel street, between Selby and Laurel avenues, in connection with the garage at 436 Selby avenue. On the west side of John street, between East Sixth and East Seventh streets, in connection with the garage at 387 East Sixth street. On the west side of Dewey avenue, between West University avenue and E. Feronia avenue, in connection with the garage at 1852 University avenue. On the east side of Snelling avenue between Marshall and Dayton avenues, in connection with the garage at 254 Snelling avenue. On the south side of East Ninth street between Main and South Exchange streets, in connection with the garage at 424 Main avenue. On the east side of Victoria street between Selby and Day- ton avenues, in connection with the garage at 857 Selby avenue. On the south side of Grand avenue between St. Albans and Grotto streets, in connection with the garage at 712 Grand avenue. On the south side of East Isabel street between Livingston and Ooncord streets, and on the north side of Concord street between Livingston and Onega streets, in connection with the garage at No. 44 E. Isabel street. On the east side of Gaultier street between West University and Sherburne avenues, in connection with the garage at 247 W. University avenue. On the north side of West Seventh street, between Smith ave- nue and Douglas street, in connection with the garage at 397 West Seventh street. On the east side of Curfew avenue between West University avenue and Ellis street, in connection with the garage at University and Curfew avenues. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said boxes, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said boxes and the location thereof, which shall be subject to the appioval of said Commissioner. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said boxes. The said bond shall be in ouch form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have auch surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said boxes for air -filling hose shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss l b Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Appro Qy -!`cU — Mayor Attest ' City Clerk / JOHN 1!FARICY (OM of �Iflj (�Ierk JAS, J. MINER ARRr CIT - Y I KRs CITY «ERK i� of #awt Paul 28911 April 12th, 1920. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, • Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find letter from the Standard Oil Company requesting permission to maintain boxes for air filling hose on city property at various locations. The Council referred the same to you this date, for the proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, one. CITY CLE •ALL QUOTATIONS ` SUBJECT To IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE STANDARD OIL COMPANY ANO SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTED ON BACK HEREOF (INDIANA) SALES DEPARTMENT ST.PAUL'MINNF.APOLIS BRAaqun AND AGENCIES C. S. BROWN. SST.MANMER Mi*X -"0LIS,X1ivN, April 8th 1920. W. H. BROWN, wssr. MCR. , IN YOUR REPLY REFERTO FILE NO. ML Mr. J. I. Faricy, City Clerk, St Paul, Minn. Dear Sir:--- The undersigned respectfully requests per- mission to maintain boxes for air filling hose on city property at the following locations: -- ADDRESS 436 Selby Ave. On E. Side Arundel Between Selby & Laurel. 382 E. Sixth St. ^ W. " John " E.6th & E.7th Sts 1852 University Ave.i .Dewey " W.Univ.& E.Feronia 254 Snelling Ave. ° E, ! Snelling " Marshall & Dayton 424 Main Ave. "_ S. a E. Ninth ° Main & So. Exchange 857 Selby Ave, a E. " Victoria " Selby & Dayton 712 Grand Ave. " S " Grang d St Albans &Grotto 66 E. Isabel St.) Two.- S. " E.Isabel b Livingston & Onega- )Boxes E. " Concord Stargy 247 W. University Ave. " E. " Gaultier " W.Univ.& Sherburne 397 W. Seventh St. ^ N. " W.Seventh N Smith & Douglas Cor.Univ.& Curfew Aves." E. 1! Curfew " W.Univ.& Ellis These receptacles have been maintained for sometime, and I understand that it is required that a bond be furnished the City in connection therewith, and request for permit is being made that the matter may be handled in the regular way. Respectfully submitted, Standard Oil Company (Indiana) FiGl-A By�i Manager. ANY QUOTATIONS ON PROSPECTIVE SALES, AND PRICES NAMED BY THIS COMPANY FOR CURRENT OR FUTURE - DELIVERY ON ANY PRODUCT DELIVERED WITHIN THE UNITED STATES, ARE MADE WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT ANY INTERNAL REVENUE TAX, WAR TAX, IMPORT, EXPORT, IMPOST, TONNAGE, SHIPPING OR OTHERCHARGE, OR TAY. OF ANY KIND, EFFECTIVE AT THE PRESENT TIME OR HEREAFTER MADE EFFECTIVE (EXCEPT CURRENT TAXES LEVIED - BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY OF TH IS COUNTRY, AND WHICH ARE AT PRESENT IN FORCE) AND LEVIED By ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, ON THE PRODUCT, ON THE PRODUCT CONTAINER, ON THE TRANSPORTATION OF THE PRDDUCT, OR ON THE CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT PRICE, PROFITS, OR ANY MAT ER CON- NECTED THEREWITH, SHALL BE ADDED TO THE PRICE FURNISHED, AND PAID BY THE PURCHASER; UNLESS FOR CHASER ELECTS TO WAIVE THE RIGHT TO DEMAND DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT, OR UNLESS THIS COMPANY ELECTS TO PAY THE SAME, AND THAT IN THE EVENT THAT TH IS COMPANY IS PREVENTED FROM MAKING DELIVERY BY PAR., hr+� TIAL OR TOTAL INTERRUPTION OF TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES, OR BY FIRES, OR STRIKES. OR BY ANY INTERF'ER. ENCE OF CIVIL OR MILITARY AUTHORITY, OR FOR ANY CAUSE BEYOND ITS CONTROL, OR IN THE EVENT THAT By REASON OF WAR CONDITIONS THIS COMPANY CANNOT DELIVER SAID PRODUCT UNDER NORMAL RREIGHTS. INSUP.. - - ANCE AND OTHERCOSTS, THIS COMPANY WILL NOT BE OBLIGATED TO MAKE THE DELIVERY OF THE SAID FP.000v:. - MAY 1­ 1917 STANDARDL.COMPANY. YO �� ALL QUOTATIONS SU EJECT TO IMMEDIATETANCE AND SPEC ALACCE j(-�1� CONDITIONS S L OIL C O-MPl3N1 NOTED ON BACK HEREOF . (IxniaxA) SALES DEPARTMENT ST. PAUL 1ASnvxEAPO1JS BRAWCIr nrm ,�o�eNTcrF:S C. S. POLLOCK. MANAGER MnvxEAPOLis,Mnvx. April 14th, 1920. W. H. BROWN. ASST. MGR. IN YOUR REPLY REFER70 FILE NO. ML Miss 11. E. Utz, Stenographer, City Attorneyfs Office, St Paul, Minn, Dear Madam: --- Replying to yours of April 13th in reference to our application for permit to !naintain air boxes at certain locations. There are two boxes maintained at our address 66 E. Isabel Street, one on the South side of East Isabel Street, between Livingston and Concord Street, and one on the North side of Concord Street, between Livingston and Omega Street. I trust that the above will make these locations clear to you. Yours truly, M L -H (�' 1• U c. ANY QUOTATIONS ON PRQSP PRICES NAMED BY THIS COMPANY FOR CURRENT MIL�`VTIIA�'Tl DELIVERY ON ANT PRODUCT DELIVERED WITHIN THE U 1 Y7M RE MADE WITH THE UNDERSi JTHANY INTERNAL REVENUE TAX, WAR TAX, IMPORT, -EXPORT, IMPOST, TONT IPPING OR OTHERCHOF ANY KIND, EFFECTIVE AT THE PRESENT TIME OR HEREAFTER M ADE EFFECTIVE EPT CURRE TT.t� BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY OF THIS COUNTRY, AND WHICH ARE AT PRESENT IN FO '61,._AND LEVIED BY PN` GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY, ON THE PRODUCT, ON THE PRODUCT CONTAINER, DN THE TRANS ORLATIO OFT PRODUCT, OR ON THE CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT, CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT PRICE, PROFITS, DIR AN �F1 EPC Y NECTED THEREWITH, SHALL BE ADDED TO THE P CE FURNISHED, AND PAID BY THE PURC4AISER, UNLE k —"" - - - C HAS ER ELECTS TO vfAlOE7HE RTOTiT TO DE)0 D ELIVERY OFTHE PflO OR UNLESS THI COMPANY BIE TO PAY TME S DTHAT IN THE EVENT TH THIS COMPANY I ENTEO FROM MAKING DEL EP.Y BY PAR - T AR TIA/dR IOTA I RU 0 RANSPO I. C�ILITIES, IRE ORTRwKES. OR AN INTERFEi ENCEOF CIVIOP ILIT�KAI!•F(ORItt, OR RANY CrtUSE BEY OITFTHPG OR TNT THAT 61 /i REASON OF WAR C NDITIONS THIS COMPA ANNOT DELIVER SAID PRODUCT UNDER NORMA FREIGHT INSI�R U ANCE AND OTHER COSTS, THIS COMPANY IL NOT BE OBLIGATED TO MAKE THE DELIVERY O HE SAID F°CCU17. MAY 1- 1917 ��� S ANANDARRDI oRL AOMP4NY, Pki of iAspeoti aid liaeasee< m of Ten', Thou ,.said lioenaee shall pay 'any ,lic'snse `fes or tax.,: ` � {etre Of (&ity (41Erk JOHN 1. kkRICY JAS. J. MINER CITY CLeRK C� # jj,..`of ftut Vaut ,as,. C,.. C� RK April 14th, 1920. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir. The application of the Standard Oil Company for permission to install an underground storage tank on the curb in front of #155 Concord Street was granted by the Council this date, and referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Please find said application, together with the -Fire Inspector's report, enclosed herewith. Yo719 3 enc. WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR t CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION April 10th, 1920. Hon. Henry McColl, commissioner of Public Safety, t. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Standard 011 Company asking for permission•to install on the curb in front of the propeFW' known as #155 Concord Street a 550 gallon underground storagg for the storage of gasoline and o xtb pump. We have made an inspection of the above premises and recommended that if permit be granted they install pump and tank in boulevard on the south side of entrance to garage as there is ,no basement under this portion of building. Tank and pump to be of the approved type and ordinance complied with in the installation of same, we recommend that permit be granted and refer same to the Department of Public Works for further investagation. Respectfully yours, ---------- Chief Chief Inspector. , mTneusRm Isco JOHN L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, INSURANCE 104 E. FOURTH 6TREET. ST. PAUL.-MINN., U. S. A. April 6th, 1920. Ron. City Council: CITY. Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully requests premission to install on the curb in front of the property known as 155 Concord Street. One 550 gallon under ground gasoline tank and a curb pump. I herewith attach letter from McLellan Garage, owner of the property authoring installation. 1 aespectfullY submitted, L` STANPARP OIL COMPANY, BY age — j agent M ga c oF_ St. Paul, Minnesota, March 25, 1920. Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Kindly issue permit and license to the Standard 011 Company (Indiana) to install a curb filling station at 155 Concord Street in front of premises known as McLellan Garage. Yours very truly, / MCLELLAN GARAGE i! BY� :N owl. wa ro CITY OP ST. PAUL cm o�rww 'i OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (J� ' -,, - COUNCIL NO......._� I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Perm A A 46,2 14 7-18 223 ^: AUDITED APR 49fL.-...._..191..._ (\/jy� //CIIT/Y/ �. �gJTROLLER r..., PER.. _.. ....-r.. .. __------- t TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Ne� —�I�� Abstract. Adopted by the Coon '1.. Iteeolved that W@rra,f be Brawn ; upon the City a - I - I to ef vfooce: f a-TDreeraeouascrenytflefldrsmefUsilddresed•cooafuid of the,herelater thnt { Ap _GR 0. .._19.2...0. ..._..__._ _._ .. .... G0.thir eepect[venmcl the foilowf B dgtelled etateIDnnt ; Keller, / 1 Abbott 1d1t0r C f263 60 / V Serslund Lumber -Co ;4020.00 —..-- ..-.----....._................._.. _._. . M/ McColl �� J: IV:: Casein Co'.. 188 26 YOR..... _ N> John H HoRman,12f600 Manhattan Oti & I.tnseed Co ' ,.H. Idueller MLB• � f908ff.'� ^ 1 Mn President, Hodgson st. psul Ei ctti�tc;;co., f16s,z5. St.�Psvl .Institute 1476.77. _ StearnsSrintfnB-Co ,ahpert.1 Printing Co 566.60. 5up0rintendevt of Do umente 11000:' -- eate. Union-Toeuncil BraPh Co: 12278:- ' Adopted byth.'CApr.20. 1920. i _ Approved ADr: 20: 392D: - " (ApMl-24-1920) " 2076 Abbott -Miller Company, 253-.60 Schools 2077 Berglund Lumber Company, 4,020.00 Great Northern Schools *.. 44. 2078 J. 41. CasSin Company, 63.25 Comptroller 9.00 Printed forms and blks. 30.00 Fire 13.50 Schools 10.75 b"3�r 2079 John H. Hoffman, 225.00 Gaultier School (Bond)_ 2080 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 266.86 Election 9.31 11 8.82 Mun1c. Gar. Revi. 132.48 Schools - 2.00 11 63.95 Parka 50.30 6 `2081 H. Mueller Mfg.'Company, 90.33 Water 2082 H. Ness, 35.00 Gaultier School (Bond) 4. Res. 223"Page #2 2083 St.Paul Electric company, 159.25':.. SohSols 25.31 12.53 Poli= &-F. Alarm 26.77 39.55 1.26 Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. 49.31 Humboldt �� 4.52 20,84 St.Paul Institute, 475.77 Schools 208F� Stearns Printing Company, 60.25 Mayor's Office 1.50 Municipal Court 1.50, Printed torms and blks. 2..00` Schools.. :; 22.50` Library, 3.75 Playgrounds 23.25' Water 3.400' _:2.75 2086 Superior Printing'Contpany,' 65.50.; Park -Adm., 35,00 Water 30.50 ` 2087' Superintendent .of Documents, 10.00 Schools 2088 Western Union Telegraph Company, 22.76 , Purch. Dept. 2.73 Munic.'Employment "Bureau 3.75 - Schools 162 e Total 5,747.57 CITY OF 6T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE" ° No......... 23911 FoemAA48,S97—i8 ................................................................ AUDITEp❑9.O.1M..-----•_._--......191/CI/TY C TROLLER PER........................ ✓..'.. 224 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the .persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( VI) Councilmen ( V ) Nays hPR 2� 1920 ** Adopted by the Co . _............._..................__....._.... _..... @jowl .............. in favor Ap OR 2. ..19............_191 Goss Keller / j ......... --.Against ..... ...... ... ...... _............ _.......... ... /`.�ox McColl `/ 5 —�V+at�11Cf1•s __�-- _- _ _ �-• t Mr. President, Hodgson c F xo:-28sl,i Abstract Aoive the CityaTreaea Y. PaYable ad, ot•ihe -h erelnafter:�apecided funds,and poratio rF for the amounts nets opposite their- resepctivedet.Ui d 8etatemi ntd ta. tbe: oil In gF ' n9worth,'Com'r. of Finance,. 54 967.40. 1920. Adopted by tr. Council Apr. 20, Approved Ayr. 20.1920. (°�Pril 24 1920) 2089 S. A. Farnsworth Comtr. of Finance 4,957.40 School 4,839.15 Great 'Northern Sch. X95 ,957.40 Total 4,957.40 P CITY OF ST. PAUL dFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED' CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 225 8915 COUNCIL FIL�E�Na ............ ...... ............. ..: Q_// O—a-Z (, a .... ................................................---------- APR _'0 192 C O\i ROLLER AUDITED ............................ y,/�/ t PER R�..C�.../..... ...� TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( u ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............. I.J.PR.. In favor cued .. .................. �J_ ....20.:.)94._ ............. ..._..191----- Goss � Keller Against _...._...._. ......rr'r`%i��L -- - -- / MAYOR McColl 0 Mr. President, Hodgson 2090 Corning -Donohue Brick Company, 3,188.52 Eomecroft School.(Bond) CITY OF ST. PAUL FI Eeca NO.............289... a OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK "? COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ITED BY >SIONER................ .:...._,:'.................................. ................................................... ....................... ....... DATE ....................... VED .That Ordinanod No. 5277, entitled "An ordinance amending Ordi= nanoe No. 3885, entitled 'An ordinance authorizing the issuance and sale of Three Million Dollars (03,000,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul for the purpose of erecting permanent school buildings, and appropriating the proceeds thereof for such purpose, notwithstanding charter limitations,' approved May 21, 1917," shall be submitted to the electors of the City of St. Paul for ,approval at the general city election iso be held May 4th, 1920, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to,give notice and to do whatever else is necessary for the submission of said ordinance at said election in the manner prescribed by law. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Counci19 -- Farm wu¢F� ✓_ Goss......... ..... Infavor APprov _........f�k2R.._{Z(f .......19......_ VACCOH 'may Powers L J Against MnroR V W. President FORM 3149.19 COUNCIL 2Vy1.Y.... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO :........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED/hat the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Agent in awarding the contract for furnishing various building materials to be used in the construction of the Groveland Park School, under Council Pile No. 28413, to the Gopher Lime & Cement Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $9,347.00, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is herebv instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Yes "1 Councilmen Ftnrrlswortk a `" Coss McColl Powers Waypdgrljr}y Mr. President Zainst '01, Adopted by the Council it► i.ed ®.Zlt1p abs° • ce w Rco eso �f. ............NPR...:�rQ..�910.-....-..19....-... favor CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CfTY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FOUNCIL No..........N'J _LV PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONEI1............................................................................................................................................. DATEAPr11..._993 1.9-2.9 RESOLVED That the -Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Agent in awarding the contract for furnishing various building materials to be used in the construction of the Groveland Park School, under Council File No. 28413, to the Corning -Donohue Brick Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $16,556.75, in accordance with specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Yes (v) Councilmen (j) Nays Goss McColl Powers - FORM Mr. President 3M9.19 - Rer,ei,P,j a.lt pa.P"-'rs connect nn with abOV• Reso ution. 0(v - Adopted by the Council __ _ PPR_;4Q.1920......_.....19 _...... In favor APproo ,.._._._.._ hRR...•G00 {.92u....._........19..._..._ Against MAYOR LI 'V MUNc'L X91.9 CITY OF ST. PAUL Far NO.......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , nnrc RESOLVED That the contract bearing date April 19th, 1920, between Edward H. Bennett and William E. Parsons, of Chicago, and the City of St. Paul, for services during the year 1920 in connection with the development of a city plan for the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are alitherimed and directed to execute the same on behalf of the City. r. A Received all pa.pers in connection with ubov® / Reso ut�iionn.. yes (v) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Coun '1............(aPf�..;G© 19-`0......19 .._.... or Ap id....__..._GP.R €1..19.20 .............._..19......_ Goss In favor McColl 0 Against POWCrS "'�'��� ���- g ............................................... M...A...R__... YO Mr. President —_-_ FORM ..3MO.19. -. -. t'T'Y vvmel�LwINT �✓FZ\JL �Igparh ne. hot (JublicUFiliFkwv G IGe�a BOARD OF WAT E`Z COM MISSIO NERS u Co,����f *g,r FRANK L.POWERS, Pfecid— S.A! ARNSWORTH M.N. GOSS /�I�/�20 JOMN W.KELSEY,G—.S.pt April 19, 19 To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL Gentlemen; The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held on April 12, 1920, unanimously adopted the following resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be. and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Osceola Ave. from Saratoga to Snelling Margaret St. from Etna to Birmingham Minnehaha St. from Oxford to Chatsworth On the east side of'Lexington Ave. from Charles to Edmund. Yours u y, Secretary. °8921 Whereas, On the 20th day of December, 1919, on petition of Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company and Great Northern Terminal Company, this Council in and by Resolution C. F. No. 27665 did vacate certain streets and alleys in Kittson's Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and Whereas, In and by said Resolution it was provided that the petitioners, among other things, should dedicate or cause to be dedicated, or reimburse the City for the cost of opening and extending, Locust Street to a width of sixty (60) feet from the north line of Grove Street, northwesterly over and across Block One (1) of Schurmeier's Subdivision to the East line of John Street; and Whereas, It now appears that the opening of,said street will render useless property of great value for industrial purposes, and that the public Interests will be equally served by substituting a reverse curve between Locust Street and John Street at Grove Street; now, therefore, it is hereby Resolved, By the Council of said City, that Paragraph (4) of said Resolution.C. F. No. 27665 be and the same hereby is amended by striking out therefrom Paragraph (4) and substituting the following: (4) The said petitioners by the abceptance of this resolution further agree to dedicate or cause to dedica\\ted for street openings and widenings a strip of land fourteen (14) feet in width on the westerly side of Locust Street in Block Seven (7) of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul accord- x, ing to the plat thereof on file and of record for the purpose of widening said Locust Street to a width of eighty (80) feet, between East Tenth Street and Grove Street; also, for the purpose of eliminating a sharp turn at the intersection of John Street, Grove Street and Locust Street, the pieces or parcels of land described as follows: All that part of Block Seven (7) of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul according to the plat thereof on file and of record lying northeast of a curved line having a radius of eighty (80) feet with the center of the curve southwesterly of the are thereof and which curve shall be tangent with the southwesterly line of the fourteen -foot strip, herein- Whereas, On the 20th day of December, 1919, on petition of Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company and Great Northern Terminal Company, this Council in and by Resolution C. F. No. 7.7665 did vacate certain streets and alleys in Kittson's Addition to the City of Saint Paul; and Whereas, In and by said Resolution it was provided that the petitioners, among other things, should dedicate or cause to be dedicated, or reimburse the City for the cost of opening and extending, Locust Street to a width of sixty (60) feet from the north line of Grove Street, northwesterly over and across Block One (1) of Schurmeier's Subdivision to the East line of John Street; and Whereas, It now appears that the opening of,said street will render useless property of great value for industrial purposes, and that the public interests will be equally served by substituting a reverse curve between Locust Street and John Street at Grove Street; now, therefore, it is hereby Resolved, By the Council of said City, that Paragraph (4) of said Resolution -C. F. No. 27665 be and the same hereby is amended by striking out therefrom Paragraph (4) and substituting the following: (4) The said petitioners -by the acceptance of this resolution further agree to dedicate or cause to dedicated for street openings and widenings a strip of land fourteen (14) feet in width on the westerly side of Locust Street in Block Seven (7) of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul accord- ing to the plat thereof on file and of record for the purpose of widening said Locust Street to a width of eighty (80) feet, between cast Tenth Street and Grove Street; also, for the purpose of eliminating a sharp turn at the intersection of John Street, Grove Street and Locust Street, the pieces or parcels of land described as follows: All that part of Block Seven (7) of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul according to the plat thereof on file and of record lying northeast of a curved line having a radius of eighty (80) feet with the center of the curve southwesterly of the arc thereof and which curve shall be tangent with the southwesterly line of the fourteen -foot strip, herein - -r �wN above described, and the south line of Grove Street; and also, all that part of Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) of Block One (1) of Schurmeier's Subdivision, according to the plat thereof, lying southwest of a curved line having a radius of seventy-five (75) feet with the center of the curve northeasterly of the arc thereof and which curve shall be tangent with the east line of John Street and the North line of Grove Street. In the event that the premises to be dedicated, as aforesaid, shall not be owned by the said Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company at the time when ordered opened by the City of St. Paul, the parcels above described, or any of them, may be condemned by the City of St. Paul, and the Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company shall thereupon reimburse or cause to be reimbursed the necessary cost and expense of such condemnation. This amendment of Resolution C. F. No. 27665 is subject to the following conditions: First. -- The Great Northern Terminal Railway Company and the Dakota and Great Northern Townsite Company, or either of them, shall at once proceed to do all work or cause to be done, at their or its expense, all work to alter, modify and change, as may be necessary, any and all curbing, drainage, water, sewer and gas mains as now established or installed, all such work to be done according to plans and specifications and subject to the superintendence of the City Engineer. Second. -- The Great Northern Terminal Railway Company shall not construct any track or tracks across Grove Street within a clear distance of sixty (60) feet between the easterly line of John Street, as opened, widened and extended along the above described curved line, and the nearest rail of any such track or tracks. Yes (d) Councilmen ( T) Nays Adopted by the Council _............_.19.... itPR.:.20..19Zb... Goss ...............In favor Appro .............. f �-.,: I9, -S.._, McColl %f1 f5C0 Powers _..Against; WAuxdrSliah M. President ; _ , PO$L�a. t Bepartment of Law %iry OF ST. PAUL O. H: O'N EILL JOHN A. BURN Sf wrro nwev WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAM '4 JOSH MASEK To the Council. Gentlemen: - I hand you herewith resolution in triplicate (together with blue -print attached), drafted by the Legal Department of the Great Northern Railway Company, asking for an amendment to Council File 27665, approved December 20, 1919. The resolution is approved as to form by this department. The description of the proposed change in Locust street has been 0. K.Id on one of the copies by Mr. J. E. Carroll, of the Depart- ment of Public Works. I believe an understanding has been had with the Council in respect to the matters embraced in the resolution. Yours very truly, JA t Corporation Counsel. : �2 <..J. .. Council File No...... �-- Mr. Goss PROPOSAL FOD Nritta0r3poeal for"thb�.. .,:oe foltowing_y mdrovdmaAY. E ning,t widening-an8 e><tand-. PRELI-- sabb�and west alloy twenty y MS wrath tprathleclt 6i Y yJ�mlth s AdditpA or, , talc - ,tl c[demning Lha northo*19 Try ¢det of Lore' E and 30I The undersigned herebyproposes the making of 4p,,yresentea to Lha counpft ent by the City of St. Paul viz. - re" P P 8 of sc Pant therefebe; lc n. That e:, Commlealon'eroY. be and he le hereby_ --------------•• oP lisli oted 7Ct anal OF ..:............... T .ijnfn Fkta tris" ccsitfr for "" an east an was lley� �e.m1°g"Dt.eatd, set in width, ..................... .... 3 ate the nature, extent. alt i on throu h Block B t °�.e: said ,,„,rove 6 ................_.......----......taking.:and...condel�nin ;tat eDnt,tlareDt >Ivantq..t20 ........ ................ a Dlan. pMoflle ,or. feet of Lots 3 and 0. nDrovoment .......................................................... ......._ detper^or: noC eatd iiA F _........ .......... ..............._...._ ed for on the Petltto Dated this.... _17th. .day of......... April mon°arii'ot the t 19120 . 1 .Lila cmppmtflaio5 CAARCI3",11 '. .g�o.�. ........................ .......... Councilman. PRELIMIN Y R-; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t e fo lowing imrovement, viz.: ..... ....ningr ........ ...... The ope, widening aria"axtending Of"' an...east...and..wast...allsy.. t.Nfent.y (2.Q).. fe.e.t....in width, .. through Block B, Whitney. & Smith's Addition, by taking-ancl aondemning ._...._ b -he -northerly twenty --4.20) ............................ feet of Lots 3 and 10. ............. ...._......._......._................._....... -................................_..................................... ............. ...................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............. ..... ................... ........ .:. therefore, be it , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invenigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveAtigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -T�. f. • ti ttie•folletving OthP3 d r d inForm ion If =d— w..,.�,r............_........................... ............. .... .. ...... ....... ............... .... ... .... ... ...... .. ... T e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............... APR -zU t920....... ..191.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Flo ire tletth Ca+a Approved ................ . 'G(JJ&20...........19Y:....... Keller s� McColl Y/ w�arlia6- ; Mayor Irvin Mayor. lro.m c e Is tsar 4•17l Council File No...._5 92 ! Petition PROPOSIM• ? NT haetract. a _ t\wrltfen Dr000a�t tdr {6e' •.� the following FmProvamenG l,. P ftlon oat •feet`_ cement silt on the nortlreldeoCEeet . eet between Atlantfo 8t;oat dice, Street ha mB bean Dre- The undersigned hereby proposes the mekirr•therefoieube tlr f zhe; cltr. of rovement b the Cit of St. Paul, viz. iveH.. Thst'-tae Commiesloner--ot y. y Cionito, pr Ks be shd he le aereby or :t oement tile _....... ......... ..:.:.... ......... .lunH directed sidewalk "On he`;l41in—SStl tneanaicius or egia'" Sixth Street, e,ant: _ .....................................be#-SFeBnh--At•�: - ?xtnveat3Bstas tea nctuee.'eitevt '@-•$'fr3'$Etr.............................................. rated -cost '.....:- yt.h-@n%ifedht.: 1a cost st!aend, tjis�rDeJYomf .:C................................:....._ ::.....:. . ofDiuroVda-. .........: _ -. ItvIDY0001ne11t.. ; . .. ^thy4 OY not sa/H lm ......:. .. Sbt opttlie Detttt. �. ......................................... 1 of she fore Dated this.... --1$th-_.day of... leetonar ` Ayr` ge 19E9:` r...: .... ). ............ .. ...... _.... — Co Cllrnen'. PRELIMIN_ AIRY QR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo iowmg imp`�"�rovem��ent, viz.: ............................................ .... .... Construcstioa....Of. .a...six—foot -Oement...t.Ile. ................. sidewalk on the north side of East Sixth .Street, ................. .............. iretlMsn...Atl-aniio-..Street" and- ..Clarenos-:Street....................__........._........... having been presented to the Council of the City, of St. Paul by Councilman' ......... ._.._.......... ...................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and edtimated coot of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. To f-rdill tile .. .. provement.................................. .................... ......... .... _... ........ ...... ........ ........ ........ ........ T ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance Adopted by the council...:...: UR -20.1924 191 Yeas Nays:. Councilman &aoM+reRle*. Goes' Approved .................. 191 _..... Keller McColl $4lwisr3i�Lr�' Mayor Irvin Mayor. i Ponn C A 1e OM 4.17) q tiro iY1i�' .................................. glue ...s...ft; ......................... ..... Hera ................ ........................... 4a all �o[ the fn Dated this....:. 19th..... day of ..................:.. Apr ^rraun 191.20.. Council m , PRELiMiN RY R 11. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o t e o owing improve ent, viz.: ............ ........................... Reconstruct .ion, ...relaying ...and.....repairing........... ...:.:..._ _......... .............._.............. the -sidewalk on the north side of East Ninth. Street, _....__......__ .,_ ..................n : beginning. at...Jackson_.Stre.st......thenoe...west...196...ft...............................:.....: ..................................1?lus. S...ft................. ............................................................... ........_......... .... .._........... ..... .........__......-....-...... .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......................... ..........__................_._...... ._............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and e6timated cci t of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..... ...... ... ...................................................................:.......................................................... ............... mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. (t /To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............... WH..2.0............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman �i a* Goss. Approved .:..:.:....:: .... - -191.._...: 1,j}ffild_ Kellamer (/ / McColl .......................................................................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A I9 (rDt 4.17) ....- r/ Council File No.. Qg��'g 28924 f Mr. Gaton PROPOSAL FOR"II�Rk'L ' f Rtes Drovvoaal fob �he . SII,r � aollnwing. 1mDrovemsat: Sr �ito7y ralayfi}g sne rtiwr. PRELIMINAxa:rreei aeslnins ata`(dtaei f thepce rresti8a feet' Dtuc 8 .Inge be en �:Dreaented to ,th@ - of the Ctty of 8t' Pau} theta•. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tH by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cgmmteeioaer visa-'-rh't the of orka be and he le hereby ,or, Reconetruotion;�eC� tarbdaeceaetir'torepe Ti21g__ ..................................................... ....... - ................... `% of the making of said the sidewalk on the north;°.._ .�_; ...__ _ . . in the .................................. glue ...s...ft; ......................... ..... Hera ................ ........................... 4a all �o[ the fn Dated this....:. 19th..... day of ..................:.. Apr ^rraun 191.20.. Council m , PRELiMiN RY R 11. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o t e o owing improve ent, viz.: ............ ........................... Reconstruct .ion, ...relaying ...and.....repairing........... ...:.:..._ _......... .............._.............. the -sidewalk on the north side of East Ninth. Street, _....__......__ .,_ ..................n : beginning. at...Jackson_.Stre.st......thenoe...west...196...ft...............................:.....: ..................................1?lus. S...ft................. ............................................................... ........_......... .... .._........... ..... .........__......-....-...... .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .......................... ..........__................_._...... ._............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and e6timated cci t of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..... ...... ... ...................................................................:.......................................................... ............... mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. (t /To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............... WH..2.0............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman �i a* Goss. Approved .:..:.:....:: .... - -191.._...: 1,j}ffild_ Kellamer (/ / McColl .......................................................................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A I9 (rDt 4.17) ....- COUNCIL FILE NO....... By........................ j FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....aonatruc.ting...a...aement...s.idevalk...on..both-.s.ides...nf..S.tanfard Avenue.-f-m---Frior..Avenue..tQand............ fat ... suf.�.Ic�.exit.._s..�.dev�al--s---no�..eX....--......................................... •--•-----.... P9NAL ORDERS.. C. F. No. 23926 ......................................................... ..... .... In the, Matter of conetructfnB a ce .._................. went^ -sidewalk on both sides.; -of: Stanford -Aven in from ri.,CAwhere ............. ..... ... ..... ... ....... ........ to Cleveland Aveaue. ......................................................... good" aad surticient eidewal s now 2839 - ezfet. under Prelfmiaary Ordoe 28309, under Preliminary Order ............................. ..........gid appn 7-^ tiavtag been ", ary....2'L,...1920............ ............. '1�-Fvement-e0!�: Intermediary Order ......................... ...... ...... .............approved'................................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- hn `-.ment to be made by the said City is...construct_.a.. cement...sidevra,„--..- anford Avenue from Prior tivenue to Cleveland Evenue, except where. --good ............._.......... ... ...............-...... ........ ........ .... and-.sUfflaiQl7,t...nohP,;?.L$&................_............................................................... .......... ............. ................... .............................. ........... .................... ...... ...._....__....... ... ..................................................... ............. . _......... _._.........._.._.....................-.........._........._...._............._...._.._.................-..................................... -• ............ .................... ..........._ ......._ .......... _...............-.........._......_..__.............. ................................ _............ ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. .................. 191........ C Got Clerk. ut R _.0 X920 i Approved............................. --------------------- 191---..... ._.......--......_...... Mayor. Councilman Goss !L ,tusll> n 3 c 7 Councilman X-vk” Powers Councilman McColl Mayor kMxx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. .......... ...... ............ .......... ....... .......... .. .......................... ... ........ ............................................ ............... .................. ............................................................. ........... under Preliminary Order approved ....February27th, 1920, .... ........ ............. ............... ... . ............... ...... ........... ........... - ........................ .... .. ...................... ......................... . ......... .......... .. . ......... ...... ........ ......_........................ _. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_......_......................... .._.................. .. The estimated cost f rgntper/toot for the above improvement is $._...,Q-75............... _................ _.... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —�� -i ^ASSESSED II DESG RI PTION iLOT BLOCKS __ — ---- ADDI ON VALUATION 30 2 Academy Heighte 325, 29. 2 Do 300 281 2 Do 300 II I. 27 2 Do ! 300 26! 2 Do 300 i. II- i i ._ 25 2 Do 300:. �I 24.' 2 Do 300 23 2 Do i275' f 22 2 Do_ „ 275 II nD �I Form B, B, 10 ,_,_L__ Lam_ TOTAL,,r BT. PAUL ) ;lN lY DEP/.RT""}}ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM[�GIISSIONER OF FINANCE 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTIONS LOT BLOCK ADDITION _ ASSESSED VALUATION 20 2 ,' Academy Heights 275 19 2 Do 275 18 2 Do 275 17 2 Do 275 16 2 Do 275 30 1 Do 250 29. 1 Do 250 28 1 Do 250 27 1. Do 250 26 1 Do 250 25 1 Do 250 24 1 Do _.., 250 23 1. Do 250 22 1 Do 250 21 1 Do 250 20 1 Do 250 19 1 Do 250 18 1 Do 250 250 17 1 Do 375 16 1 Do 325 l 3. Do 300 2 3. Do 300 3 3. Do 300 4. 3;. Do 300 5 3 Do 300: 6 3_ Do :. 300 Do TOTAL - r_ t OP ST. PAULO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEi` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` ON PRELIMINARYORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 8 3 Academy Heights 275 9 3 Do _ 1925 10 3 Do 275 11 3 Do 275 '. 12 3 Do 27.5 13 3 Do 27:5 - _ 14 _3- Do - 275.11. 15 3 Do 275. _ 1 4 Do 250. 2 4 Do 250. 3 4 Do 250. 4 4 Do- 250 _.... 5 4 Do 250 ' 6 4 Do 250. 7 4 Do 250 8 4 Do 250: l 9 4 Do 250. 10 .. 4 -Do _ 250 11 4 Do 250 12 4 Do 250 13 4 Do 250 14 4 Do 250. 18 4 Do 250 _. TOTAL 79'),J' TKe. Commissioner of -Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ......... '^ - ? Commissioner of Finance.. Form B. B. 12 y, S i l 1J � 0 1 d J( `-1TIf�T�Clyl r m .. sL n F- 0 • .,r t St. P,ul, Linn. , ...../ ......10 x ^.o the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ;,,f Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition' your Honorable Body to cause t e followingi rovement t�be�n ................. ..a`..`.. ............. , ¢:�:-�........ Sb Ave from ...: -.. : . ...... --W. Ave, to '..... ......... �.. . ............... Ave. N E OT BOCK—DD loll ....... .. ......................... ...................... ... . ...... ......................... . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . .� ' �.., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. MAR:1920 .... Eid6ilvEdsl' ......1 .......... ... . .. ... ....... _ .. .......... raiz . .... . .......... . . ............ . .................. ......... ...... ........................... �.... ......X...... ...:.. ih t A �x _Ti2aroh 8..e ............... ... ............... 19�... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: " The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - ml, known as Council File No....28809 February 27 , 19120., relative to ............................. ................. approved....................... _....................._.............._ the construction of a cement sidewalk on both sides of . Stanford Ave. from Prior Ave.. to Cleveland Ave' _........_.._...:.....__ ....................... .._ and having. investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................necessary and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $;..... ............ .......... and the total cost thereof is $ ..........._.. ...................... and. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................................................... _........_ 3. A plan, piofile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _................._.._.._ ........_ .. _....._................. ...... _.......... ......... ....................... _...._ ..... . _. 5. Said improvement is_ ..................._ ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment For said improvement. h �✓/l,,Y/ ,C// .... .................................._......._. l ...._.::. ...._._.. C mis over'of Public W It COUNCIL ITZ NO,_ ................... By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... of aax'.kd..Qz& atneet� exc.!�gt .. .. .. .. .. .. ..venue-,_....... ... .. ....... gaod..and auffi.ciemt.—s-t-demalks wa paxis.:�_­ .........___..._I .................... ............................................... .4. 28926 --By S. A. Farnsworth— ,. Matter of constructing . ................. ...................... ............................................................................................ .. It cement In t ',a 0;18.lt aid.w.1k on the ..at 0 . SL from Lincoln 'a. to GOOdr]Fh Ave. d ft exc6 t where --------------------- .............. ............... I .................. ......................... .......................... 4d an an 1cfent sidewZko now 'qt UM� Preliminary Order 28388 -ove arch 2. 1920. ................................................................................... "blit hearing having bl.a had ------------ heveImprovenent upon due I the'*: CO -.611 having hoare under Preliminary Order ...........2833.8..........................approve thj­p 1'rc trona and . t' a on't"­ Intermediary Order ............. ....... ................ approved ............................. ............. ................... A public hearing having been had upon the above imprpvcment upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relati�e thereto, and having My considered the same; therefore, be it I RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is f.0-ot c-em.e.nt. sidewalk-, on thg...e.a s t .. .. .. .. ... I cement-- . ..... .. .. .. .......... s ide of aar-atoge,_Stmat :rr a, Av ue,_eXCePt r.. Ph ......... sA _gM Lill where good..ana..suf fici.ent sldeuallm now exlsi . . ........................ ............................... I ....... .... . ..................................................................... ........... ... .......................................................... ................................................. ­­ ..................................... ............................. ­ ......... ...................................... .......................... . ................ .......... ............................... I ......................................... .................... I ...................................................... ................... .............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..........._ (if!R 191 - — ----- ---------- City Clerk Approved ................4k ................. 191........�)_ e— "�z Commewme" Pal Councilman Goss Councilmanff§01R Powers Councilman McColl Mayor kkxx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ......... ....... ....... . .................. .................................. Mayor. 4, RTMENTOF FINANCE REPORT OFC MI TONER OF FINANCE ON E 1NARY ORDER C� (D) In the matter of Constructing a 6 foot cement sidewalk on the east s;di of Rara+nos street from Lincoln avenue to Goodrich avenue, exaent where gnnd and Inuff;niAnt sidewalks now exist. under Preliminary Order approved March 2nd, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost pq/r foot for the above improvement is $ 0-75 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: '.I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION I I 12.-- 5 Sltmmit` View Addition_ ( i1p0 I�III - I J , i I -lobTOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--19t7lL Commissioner of Mnanee' 0 • ------------ Report to Commissioner of Finance Ma 'ro the uommissioner or r'mance or the uny or at. raui: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - March 2, 20 cil, known as Council File No .......... .,._..................... approved _.... ..... .......:.. .......... 191.......... relative to, .................. the construction of a six foot cement sidewalk on the east side ..._...__........................... ......... _... ___... _........... _............................. ....................... ...... ..:......... ............................................ ............ ....... _....... _.......... .._............................. _..... ................ ef.... Saratoga ...Avenns.....from ...hlnc.O.. .,.AY�......_tu..._Goodr oh._Ave:.........._........_.... ............. .._.......... ....................................... ................................. .............................. _........... .............................................................. __.......... ................. _........................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 75% per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._......................... _., and the total cost thereof is $. .................... ........................... and the nature and extent of said improvement, is, _as follows: ........ ....... ...................._. ............................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....... . ................... ............ _................................. :............. _.................. _.............. ................ _................ _......... _.......................... _................................ _.._............... ... not o. Said improvement is ...........:.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject - to assessment for said improvement. Com issiouer of Public Works COUNCIL E$Ai^NO .. ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of---_C.Qri&.r17C �] X1g.. .. 3.] Y.. f.00...CeS1�17...] QII...?.1��.. si.PiS.t....d c1e of...U.Qmn...j, nco��-_�vel�ue_,to••_Goodrich._?Y.enue-,-_-exeept•_arhere•-----• good..and..ztLff G e .. ....................-................---------.....-------......-------.........-- -------------------------------------------- . ... ..... .......---........-- ... faold-et n-cfemPeanstca ewe - ow 9. .......... ........................... al Aven—from Lincoln Ava Goodrich Avenue. sce-P' hegbdand uttclent i — . wurY- - ------------._ . .......... ........................................................ Jet. under Pllmin 299yProved Ma h M, 19 pu;blnar+ma!.................................... under Preliminary Order ......2$.N.7.. .. —11 W IntermediaryOrder ............................................................approved .............. -" --........................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.cont struc...a._sixo.ot-._cement--_sidevralk-.on.._the- crest side ...of...P..SapG l..�v..enue.--from..Lincoln._Ayenue_.to..Goodrich_wenue,x_exce.pt._where good ..and.. s taif ic.i ex�t...s.j deeral ks..noir... e ist.r.......................................................................................... ................._........ ............................... -..........................................-......... ..................................................... ........ .......... .................. ........................................... -.............. ......_....................... ................................... ........................ .......... ..._.....__.._................. ...... ..... . _......._........_..._ .._..._.- _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. 1i.." 191........ i - �U I9'[O. _...... 191 ........ Approved.........................uik ....... Councilman Goss Councilman >i• Powers Councilman McColl Mayor J=ftx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7. ............:...0 .../�_�.-C. `p City Clerk. 1 __- �.------ /f Mayor. FiEC` � +('office of the Commissioner of Public' Works � ^EI:i�� �:. Report to Commissioner of Finance ^6 MAR 13 1920 March 12,........................19120 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu 281337 March 2, 20 eil, known as Council File No.............. _..................... approved ............... .................................................. _....... 191...,.....1 relative to ......................... theconstraction of a sig foot cement sidewalk on the west aide ............... __..... ._.................. ....-_._.._...... _................... _... ........... _............... ......... ................ _... _..... .............. ......... ................................................ :........... _............ .__.........-.......... G.;f....3..se.c.ah.._AY ......_ rom,_L nc0.4.n. Ave..._to..._Goodrich Ave_o.............._..._..................._.._...._..__.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie............ __........ necessary and (or) desirable. 75! per front foot 2. The d6timated cost thereof is $_................. ... _........ and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................... ....... } 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. d. ...............................................__....................................._............_.._.._............._............................................_...... _...... ........... ................ 5., Said improvement ia__.._�t..._......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comfhissioner of b ,Works. v '5 U v /yf- FBT. PAUL DEP T OF FINANCE avVy4 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of f:onstructing a 6 fent cement sidewalk on the west side of Pasc& avenue from Lincoln avenue to Goodrich avenue, except where good and suf- ficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order approved March 2nd, 1920, To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front 0.75 The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 5 Summit_ View Additi-on . _ . -_ I I1071 TOTAL. i - The.Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together _with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 4,� 3 1912 v i e/�U Commissioner of Finance. . Form B. B. 13 COUNCIL FILB NO.... .. BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..grading...Brand. ...Stre.et... from ..Van-.Dyke...Amenue....to...Haze.L &vanue. ................... ............ ...... or. C F No. latter 8. A Far ......................... ....... In the Matter Haworth ......................... . under Yr,11Jing Avead/to Hazel Ave ............. Proved'J ry Order, 27 ................ ....... ........ ................................................................. ...... „-A 6n. 17. 1920. 926 ay-. �'IneDubllebove Improve ing .been It thea hearth ............ ...................................... ............................... ..........raon8,, jblectouacil having�neard:: 'yrelative ,n'�-� And recommen- under Preliminary Order .....27925 ........ ...........'::°n.9!°eiproved ....:n,";he°ems;°r.:�...17.�...1920......................... 0 IntermediaryOrder ............_ ............................ ................approved ..................................... ................ .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is....grade ...Braud.. Ure.at_. f r.8171--V.an--DVj{.e._iaY.OnuP,...tQ........... H4; et ..lwenue.............. —........._.........._........................................._...................._.._..:::.:.:. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ !tPR.. 4.62U.. --.-.......... 191........ 4 City Clerk PR �il15YU ....... Approved--.-...-...�l.....................................---... , 191. ......... ..........-......................... ..... .................................... ...... Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman 1fi1K Pouters Councilman McColl --ami-, /t Mayor fix Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. .. CITY OR&UL I DEPARTMENT dF kINANCE (, REPORT OF COMMI4§6AER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "Yo In the Matter of._Gra_ding.._._of..__Brand _st_reet_f_ror.L__V nDyke.-._.avenue.._to.___Hazel.__a..venue,-____..- _ ..... .. ............ ..... _...._...................._... ..._... ...... ...... ............... ;................ _._........... _._.................. ..................... .......... ........ ........_..........._...............__.........__..__...... under Preliminary Order approved-.._J&T1Ua.IY.._17th........ 1,920..a ..... ....... ............................................ ............ ............................................. _............. ........--.........._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $..._..3..x.147....62..._........_-... front The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is $ ....................._2_,_65...-.._.--......... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ------_--- —==i DESCRIPTION LOT —_ -_— ¢LOCK -- - _-- — -=ti ADDITION ESSED VALUATION 16 4 Hazel Park Division 4. 75 17, 4 Do 75 18 , 4 Do 50. ' 19 4 Do Do_._ 50 I_ 21'.- _ Do -- - Ij 22.4 ! _._ Do. §0 I! 23.4 ! 159 Do " _ _ 50- 24, 4_: ____ Do _ _ _. _ . 25 Do ---- 5Q— �— --- - _ .4—: � j � TOTAL, I CITY O PAUL DEPARTMEN FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i �I DESCRIPTION LOT BLCCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION G 26' 4 Hazel Par2c Division 4. 5Ci i! 27 J: 4 Do 50 28 1 4 Do 50 29 ; 4 Do 50 30 ;4 Do 50 r 151 5 Do 75 14 5 Do 75 13 . 5 Do 50 12: 5 ! Do 50 11 5 Do 50 0 10 5 Do 50 91 5 Do 50 8 5 Do _ r, 7 ' 5 DO 50 a- B 5 Do 50 I 5 ! 5 Do 50 4 5 Do 50 3 5 Do 50 2 i 5 Do I Do i ------------- ' I L The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �19U ....... .... Y [�✓..... ..... ............... _ ...o..-f _Fina...nc_e....... - .Co Commissioner. Form B. B. 12 -.. - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works,, -''- V-/. Report to Commissioner of Finance March4..........._ ............ ........... .....1sf4... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 2$1925January 17. ... ... ......... 11 ....., relative to ...... ....._....._..__.... cil, known as Council File No... .................................approved...................... I......................... grading of Brand Street from___yan._D_yke_._Avenue....to.,._Haz_e..._AQenue................................. ...................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.65 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................_.......... . and the total cost thereof is x....._3147.62 and Assessable frontage 1.189.2 ft. Excess inspection $61.72 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................__......__....._......_........................................... ......_.......1. _... .......................... ................................. ........................ ...... .............. _........... .... ............................. ....._................. ...................................... ...................... ............................. ...... L 1 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............ ................................................................ ........ ............... ........ ......... .... ................._......................................................................................._..................._.......... ... o. Said improvement is_.._no.t................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................. ... _.. C miss'oner of Public Wo* -R OECAR GLAUSEEN�C oIH [.n ' of FoK IOK Ano n.Fwln. ALFREDJACKSON. SUIT.oT H H. TL GOEINGER.5-1. M. RYT U I TIa... (9ttg df 60 Paul atpartnunt of Fuhlir Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY February 10, 1920 Mr. M. F. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: Separate estimates are submitted here- with for grading Brand St. and Kerwin St. between Van Dyke Ave. and ntxzci Ave. The grading under this order requires a considerable amount of filling and as a final order has been recently passed for grading adjoining por- tions of Kerwin and Brand Ste., from which there will be available surplus excavation which can be used in filling these streets, an economy would be effected by grading them at this time. The estimated cost of the grading already ordered is 911,342.48. The cost of the grading under these orders estimated separately, is 15,198.84. making a total of 416,541.32; whereas, we estimate that if carried out at the same time the whole of the grad- ir_g can be carried out for a total of 914,975.84, thus effecting a considerable saving to the property owners. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer gee -b Tug o$ 6t. if aul 09CAR c=ssCNRepartmrnt of Ilubtir fflorko -. J. L•SUll. , M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER �o» w.o »e.wiK. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL PCO JAOK90K, lull.C* H. �o..R.I T. ». February 10, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Brand St. from Van Dyke Ave. to Hazel Ave. in accordance with Council File No. 27925, approved January 17, 1920. Approximate estimate $3147.62 Cost per front foot 2.65 Excess inspection necessary 61.72 Assessable frontage 1,189.2 ft. Very /ytruly �yours, A--�-�-�--- Chief Engineer g s -b See �efte/ of/gched. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........:..... cORRciL0;r2 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............................................. DATE .......April ...20. ...... 1920.. In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Brand Street from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, under Preliminary Order 27926, approved January 17, 1920, and Intermediary Order 28575, approved Niarch 23, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Brand Street between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated April 20, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. yes (�) Councilmen ( ) Nays F.acaawerph I / Goss 1VkCo11 /I Powers V ich Mr. President FORM 3M 19 Adopted by the Council ----[IFR 20..WO..-----19 -- - In favor APpro �4} R_. G.O I�.Lll._........ 19_ _..._....._Against�� ._.. ��� MAYOR (ditg of Ot. Paul oscAR cLAussEN, cHi=. Eno�Nan Deparlwout of FuNtr Blunts e.. COMMISSION— ' M. N. GOSS, COMMISSION J. E. CARROLL, S oN+, 6 rloH wHo AL—D nev�ln• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY JACHSO N, SO yr c H. GOETLINGEP, 9uv+IOH M. 9. GRYTBN4 ENoiNeenlowf qq yy,, .—AU.1....... � - e�FFi G. H. HERROLC. O.ne[ENa H.ew _ v t: REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Brand Street from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Ave., under Preliminary Order #27926, approved January 17, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28575, approved March 23, 1920. To the Council of the City ofSt. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �2Z omm.ssioner lic 4'!or �s. Dated April 20, 1920. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _Co_ndemn ng,.„nd_kinm-th-e......1and,._n.asessaxy...f41.0-99.0q.- for..,, _..._...yn_„_gradian.g_ cuts andfills,-_ian...._Dyke.....t.4..._Hazel 9:7. - XUQI ............ _.... . . ........ ..... ............... .... . _ ............ ......_.. _ ._....._... _ .. __......... .............. .............. ... ..... ........ ........-- _..... _ _ .....__ _..... , _ ........__ . ....................... ............ ........... _.._............ ............... ......_...._.__.--........._.................._................__.........._............__. __.....__................._._.__....__...._....._.........._....._.._.........._............ .............. .......................... _........... _... January 17th, 1920 under Preliminary Order approved ...................... __. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $_.......... 25..0.0. ......... .............. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $_._ ............... --- ...._........................... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r i DESCRIPTION ''.LOT FLOCK ADDITION 16 4 17:4 '.18:4 19 i 4 20;4 21 4 22 4 23 4 24 4 Hazel Park Division 4. Do Do Do Do Do _ Do Do Do TOTAL, 1 DEIJT�.TM�WFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCK; ADDITION 26'. 4 Hazel Park Division 4. 27, 4 Do 281 4 Do 29, 4 Do 30, 4 Do 15! 5 Do 14: 5 Do 131 5 Do 12: 5-' Do 5 Do 10: 5 Do 9: 5 Do 8: 5 Do 7i 5 Do W 5 Do 5 5 150 4, 5 Do 31 5, Do 2. 5 Do 1; 5 Do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C� Dated... .................. ........... Commissioner oi'Tin.-nce. rorm B. B. 12 Offi+ce, of the Commissioner of Public WoTs,.... Report to Commissioner of Finance ...Mach...4_+....._.._......_..........._..1s �. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No Q.7926......_.:.approved....._' ' .,1�r:_................ 193g...., relative to .......... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for._...:_ alopea___for_,enta....and.._f lis.. n....gx..add.xlg.' 1d...5.traftt...$rom_.Yan::.Dyke.......... Avenue._to._Heze AY.e..xLqe........:_...._ _.._..... ..__..... ... _............ ..... ........... _................. _.......... _.................... _.:_..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ........... necessary and (or) desirable. ........_, and the total cost thereof is $ and 2. The ehtimated cost thereof is $__....._... _._. _ _., the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....... ..................._............__._......_........_............_:....._........................._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made amort hereof. 4 : ........ ....................... _.._........... _............. _.._.__._......._........... _..... _...... ._.................................... ............... _....... _........... ._....... ........................ _..... _........ .... 5. Said improvement is ...... nOt.......... _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. l ......._ . . ---------- Com. _ Com _...... ssioner of Public 1 , 8(1)3 COUNCIL FItF, NO.. By "v �F FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofdradinP;...Char Iat-te...Straet, fxazU..1.a�YlQr-,LV.QnUQ ---trJ--•--tIL(D autla ]..S.na...of Q.ollegQ...P1a�e.,...Ta�lnr.!s_� �,; o; �-—........................ .................... Z. F. No. 28930—By.S.A. Farnawoith- .........: in the matter-o£-$tadlA,1 Charlotte. ....................................... _-..-. .........._..........._..._...................._..........__... -at.°from Taylor Avenue to the north line. o; College Place,. rl'sylot'�6- Di- vteion, under:: Preliminary Order- ....................................................._.............................. '28097. aPProved Fab. 3, 1980. - A public .oee imp,havtagbeen had upon "theabove improvement uDDn. duo ............................................................_...........................:notice: and the. Conncn having'heard .............................................. ,5l Dnrpoas, 'ob�eatloFas and recoguaen- �s..}elat(ve .thereto, .'dared tha.'x�.r:,.,.: ............................... ......_........I........_.._......_......................................, G .... .................. .................. .................. ....------._------- under Preliminary Order .........................approved .....February, -3.,,.-1920._ .... ....... .............. Intermediary Order.............................................................approved................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - went to be made by the said City is......grade- Charlotte Street from Taylor Avenue t o the north line of College Place, Taylor's Division. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............. .._..................................... ............................................................... -.-................ :......._............. .... _......................--.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval,: the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed ,to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the ..............eR ; .i u ......... . 191.... City Clerk Gf'H 'z:3 19z0 Approved------------------------- --------------------------------- 191 -------- ------ ..-- .................."-..'..'..-' Mayor. `Councilman Goss Councilman $SdXW Clancy Councilman 1�etCesC Powers Councilman McColl Councihnan Wunderlich Mayor iffaM Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. otj V. Al1�;� 3'12 P r N. W. TELEPHONE MIDWAY 639 OFFICE. 735 SNELLING AVE. TRI-STATE TELEPHONE 6432 •cEp 4�t ■C F, .0 e LINE FUEL co. GARRISON 6. N MOVING AND PURE LAKE ICE EXPRESSING - HIGH GRADE COAL AND WOOD v S PAUL, MINN., Apr 14, '1920 Hon. M.CGoos.Commlic works,S Dear Sir; I with to enter protest against the proposed widening and regrading of Charlotte Ave.,under preliminary order28097. The present grade was established in 191.4 by the city engineering department. The grading contractor paid $10 to have the street survegted and the stakes set.L know the street was graded down below a levelof these stakes and then surfaced up to them. There is very little traffic on this street as it butte the'Gt.Northern Ry. on the north end,and the present street handles it without any trouble. Regrading would be simply an unnecessary burden to the property owners. Moreover to lower the grade would make the street a catchbasin for drifting snov► in winter,makinlg passage difficult,and would cause the rain to backwater in summer from Taylor Ave. Your sewer inspector was on the job today, and said he couldnt see but what- the grade was alright. Yours respectfully, The undersigned property owners join in protesting this order gr �CITY OF aT.PAUL RTMENT OF FINANCE [� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter -of. -Grading Charlotte street from Taylor avenue to the north line of Qgllege Place. Taylor's Division - under, Preliminary Order approved February 3rd 1920 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 643.82 front The estimated cost pe/foot for the above, improvement is 3 1 on The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT LOCK:�;�... !; ! ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION 5 3 College Place Taylor's j31'50, Division. r 4 Do 325 3 3 Do 3026 2 3 Do i_3i2a \ 1 3 Do 9125 _. 12 2 Do 5j7b 13 2 DD 102 5 j 14 2 i Do 325 15 202075 J - - - 16- _ 2 Do � 325 1 TOTAL. i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19�� Form B. B. 13 C -6.i ... r f Fin—.. COPY - Original attaohed to-Sawer Order. St. Paul, Pfinn., Sept."24,-1919.=••••.191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: ---We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ­41MUng, •Sewer -and •Sidewalks .on .Charlotte .Avenue ............ St. Ave. f Tom .. TiTlor • Ave.... • .. " • . • .. St. Ave, to •propartg .of Great •No;thern Railway... ...St. Ave. ....... Haakim" A. • Rogue.,. • ... . 16.. .. a. • • . College. Plaae,. Taylar4 ,DSv. (.... Ingrennt. Gustad,.. .. . 13-i.. �.... .1'.. !`...... "........"...... " (904 0harlotteVve. . ........................ ....... Theo:-Olstad;.... ....�.16.. 2.......e......o......n......e (....M.•G.•Wiliisms,...... 1.. ..3.... ..."...... P...... a...... e x � ............................ ......... .... I............ ............................. .......................... ................... ... ..................... . /� a:�/.1o �:�L.:-�i�>/..�!!�•eT <x�7� ............�.. _(...�......��I��j'��� I1920 ...............:............ ..:.. ....... ..................... .................... ............ ..................................................... .................................................................. � � x .......................... ..... ....... .... .................... ........... ....... .......... x.....d....... 1.. ................... ,.... s Office of the Commissioner of Public Works yy�� .. � 'l ice✓ Report to Commissioner of Finance s x /A March 13 , 19207. ..................................................... 91...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 28097.................approved.....___February. 31�JI !...._............�....., relative to ......._......._..__....... .................. grading Charlotte St. from Taylor Ave. to the north line of ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Co 11 ege.._P lac es..._Taylor'_s..._D ivi s i on._.... ....... ..... __.... ........_.._._........_._........._......_............. ........... ......._......__................... _ _.... ............................ ................. .._.__._....................... ................ .......................................... ...._... ..................... _._._...___.........._....__............. ....._..._............... ......................... ................ .._.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._.___...........necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot 643.82 _. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_ .......................... and the total cost thereof is $.................... ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................ .....__..... ..._._..__............ .............. .............._.._...._.__............. .............................. .......... ....................................................................... ................................. .................. ..................... .............. ........:..................... ................ ............................................_._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........... .................... _................................................................ ..................... ..... ...... .._...._...-.....___.........._......_._._........-._............___....................... ........................... ....... 5. Said improvement is ............................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C n nissioner of Public Works. OSCAR CLAU5sEN. C K- ­R R J. C. CARROLL,F9O ..`.. cr ow •wo Rtwninf ALFRED JACKS.0N, 5IFi. N. w. eoerziNoeR, s6F.�ow f N. 9. ORYTRAN,E IRiwteR1owf Mug of ft f aul Eepartntent of Fuhlir Worko w M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY February 27, 1920 Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Charlotte St. from Tay- lor Ave. to the north line of College Place, Tay- lor's Division, in accordance with Council File No. 28097, approved February 3, 1920. Approximate estimate 4$643.32 Cost per front foot 1.CC Excess inspection necessary 12.62 Assessable frontage 657.8 ft. This street was partially graded under a private grading permit in 1914, but the work was not completed. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer gss-b - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 28931. FILENO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESQLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER._............................._......................_................_._......._...........__....._...._.._.......:...._.. DATE. ..._April 20f 1920. .. _..... ..................._. � f I In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the grading of Charlotte Avenue from 'Taylor Avenue to the north line of College Place, Taylor's Division, under Preliminary Order #28098, approved February 3, 1920, and Intermediary Order (28577, approved Idarch 23, 1920. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. caul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Charlotte Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public ''Works in the matter, dated April 20, 1920, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. C.' F., No. 28931— In tHS clatter of .;mndemning and tak- Inc aneasefiedt' lh starting land necessary fair -1-n 'for Citta and fills in the Charlotte Avenue from TaYJor Avenue fo,Rha'.: north line_yfi I College '.Pia' e, !"Ie. e. Division, un- der Prellml aP- Proved ,11.b,'S. -1 89�eaad Iete�e�di= I'. OrW'NO: W77, nPDroved Match 23 / %ngheumttedhis Clno a, of Public Works hav Pott and ketch to �( the above mater, be it Resolved. That the MY of St Paul Rxea and detertmeea the amount of land v1 / to bo taken for the above- na ne3 im- r.X- l i�l—._ Y .a•..Sj- r_.- - provement as an easement for slopes, — J1 for cuta and dil. in and upon the lead hI in upon Charlot thlte Avenue between' e poitic atoresaW, 20 the extent shown . upon Che.aketch. attached to theof report' In the e s, adorer of Publta Work, In thmatter, dated APrtI Zq ]920, whi e A ch - I sketch sad report are hereby reterred to and madpart hereof. Adopted try the Counoll P. 28, 1920. ADProved Apr. 23, 1820, `JI fMaY. 1-192D) Yes Councilmen (2) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council - . - % F R_.,4 e.. ' C Q._._ 19 P�flstvei•[fr� Goss In favor Appr :..... . .... .19 Nowell Powers Against Wunderlich Nitros Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 09cAR cuu—N, chis. enoin [co J. E. GRR01.L!su.,X¢en. ­—uc�/oN wno .e A u o. ton.TRu a AL J -50N, S'_ X. ETSINGER�9u.T.on 9a'� IAU M. 9. ORYTBAKrE ap nee.'ona ....XERROLD!O..Dcee l....... Qlttg of 61. Paul Departatent of fulthr Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. OEPUTY - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Charlotte Avenue from Taylor Avenue to the north line of College Place, Taylor's Division, under Preliminary Order #28098, approved February 3, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28577, approved March 23, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner ?rlublic Works. / April 20, 1920. OSG1R OLAU99GH. CMI[ GXoiX[e. J. C. CARiIDLL•9u�rNe[Se . er�oH wXo 9[P.i.e ALIR[O JAOHSON, 9uir X. ou--- op O�n [er o, M. 9. GRYTBAX, GHoiXee[ O. H. HGPPOLO!Or� c[ EXoiH e[. (91tg of St. Paul Orpartomnt of Publir lathe M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - �,11Q yy "', In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Charlotte Avenue from Taylor Avenue to the north line of College Place, Taylor's Division, under Preliminary Order #28098, approved February 3, 1920, and Intermediary Order #28577, approved March 23, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched pdktion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Comm ssioner ubl c Works. April 20, 1920. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works l~� V Report to Commissioner of Finance _�31 U,. 1 1_3 1920 Marc4..._13.x. 19�_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 28098 February 3, 20 cil, known as Council File No...................................approved...._.........._._.................. .............._..........191......., relative to ............................ _ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes ._....._......_............... ..........................._.__...._............................. ............ ....... _._................... __.......................... .......................... ................. ....................... ..................... ........... _.................... . for cuts and fills in grading Charlotte A79. from Taylor Ate. to the ......................_............_.......... ........................_ northlineofColleg............ace,Th lor!sDivision, .._.__,._ l__ __,_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... .......... _........ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The ettimated cost thereof is $__ .......... _I and the total cost thereof is ....... ............ _.......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan; profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 41 ............................ ................... .......................... ---._... ...... ................................................ _............................................ ............................................. __............ _...... __.........._ o. Said improvement is.. ................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to as e9stuent for said improvement. a / I om iissioner of Publi orks. l -IW. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 9 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of _CondeUming antaking an easementinh..landnecessary._fo-r-._sl ......... -. ._ _ __ _ V _ for cuts and fills in grading Charlotte avenue from Taylor venue to the North _line of College Place, Taylor Is.Division, ............... --:-- ................. ....... ... .. under Preliminary Order approved .........._._Februa.fiy .3Td, 192..0:___ _...._ _ ................. ........ ..... ....... ...._............. ................ - ....... _...... -.._...—... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Tk The total estimated amount of the assessment for the ab'!ove improvement is - - - $__..._.2-0. QQ...____.,__._,.___ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - _ - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT SLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION �..,'3 .College Plaue Ta ylorts___ 4 3 Division. .325. ! .3 3 Do 3025 is '_ _ _ 2 3 Do 325 -1 _ _ 1 3 Do i. 925. _ - 12 2 Do 2575 136 2 Do 1025 _ 14 2 _Do 325 15 2 Do 2075 16 __2 _ _ Do. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. UL i 3 19120. missio�Fi..n�e.oI Form B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f COMMISS17NER.._._......._............._/_ __ _. COUNCIL •� /)� 1(*/� FILE No...._'YI: .. �... e...:.."..... kpri1 20, . DATE......__.....:___._. _.__.___ 1920_...... RESOL V /"Ile tale attached ;Tans tna speci ications for Cue _nnLi t ei mou cn . j707vo. roc: u _ Co..r ch cvnrd, un.er :reliminary seer .W746, n1provuo vew—r 51, 1wTv, -hu wined Crdor 20757 ;.j jro eln .. ri1 7, 19x0, submitted ny Lna Cc ai.ssicner c"-_,. .ic Jorn, , be and elle snore are noreny approved. AeUL1Ved wnrtLer, that the Con-i5sioner ci' F'ti._ic-;or:_s oe �d no iN hereby directed to do hu �or}_ as specified in s;_id pian, n, d specific?tions by _'orce Account. F. No. 28992—HS M. N. (:oss— ltesolved, Thnt the att—hed Plans and sPecM WQ rnr tha Plan"— of ernes nn L:a�e�;e�' A.'e. [ � se \ve. to 1.'ke' (trder tNoile 27746, 76 under I'rei4minary 1919, and Flnai Proved December 37, rder No. 26i3i, aPPtT AQ 7. 1920, ass bmltted by the ('ommisaion- of Puhlir \\-orks. be and the sam e hereby approved. e trResol ved Fu riper, that [he1Commis- oP I'u blii \\'orks be nJ k eecis he by dlrled to do the vorn If,insdbed in y kbrPel Acicoa plans and speciflen o 8 Adopted by [ha Council Apr. 20, 1920 APP roved APr. 20 1920. (.\Pril 24-1920) n ctlod all 11401ut11n Wlthp�bo9. In Yes Councilmen (,' ) Nays __� Adopted by the Council IJF R z1f)-� 1{ _(j 19 .. _Mk1116. Pram War-th Appro !If'�r._�,.U..�.�LI) Goss ___._'.In favor McColl lPowers - ---Against - ..........19........E MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9'19 Council File No. .. .......... ..... .. . l By _z�rr{y R CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading, improving, curbing, re -setting sidewalks, seeding with brass seed and planting with trees, both sides of the Parkway Imown as Lexington_ Elvenue from Sulunit .:venue to tiie alley between Portland !.venue and Sur.1mit revenue. 28933—By. B., A. Fsrnsivo[t]t--I natter oL -.the aseeeement of I and Dlanting-wlth'treea. oocn as of th Parkway known as Lez- Ston-Avenoe Lram 8ammlt Avenue' 21728 under Preliminary Order. 17.903 In the slley between Portland Ave: Final Order. .............. 4 id summa Ave. under Preumtnary .. der 17908, , lntermedlarY -Order 122, Fnal Ordet. 21728 �aDDroved • 20: 1918. Jll11e 2Q_ ___... ...........191 ;+lin hearing having.•been" approved ._ f_..._.. 8 • .,assessment.- the.ah;,.'' +nd saidaadeasmen; • �`IderedtiY th•' d red ' A public hearing having been had upon the assess me � 1i1e above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B �ITFURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .._�... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. l Adopted by the Council 111 }i Ift,li 191 ....._.. Clerk. \i Approved ........ ........_ 111' ..t '__......._....KU _._............... .........191._..._. C Mayor. ....................... Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.i REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT r! , _... _. _......... _..... 191.... _... In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses forxkK grading, improving, curbing, re -setting sidewalks, seeding with grass seed, and planting with trees, both sides of the Parlgiay lmown as Lexington Avenue from Summit ivenue to the alley between Portland ixenue and Summit Avenue. under Preliminary Order .......... 17.0..03 ......... _ .......................... _._.. Intermediary Order .............. 21322. ... ........._... .................... .......... . Final Order.....`2.17.28—.......... _...._........ - .......................... approved _......... ..J?di'12.....2Q..._........................ .......... 191....8..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.-4..,.082...3.0. ........ .. Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $...........8.0........... Cost of postal cards $ .............. ......... ..06.._....... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$. .. ... - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $........... -........... Z.0.....--' Total expenditures $._4.,083,_6...,,,_,.. Less the sum of - - -2,000.00 appropriated Ord. 5257. Approved ;;,2,083.46 2/28(20 Tp�(� Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..................... --....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of Land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ---.-....._......._........_.... _ _ Form B. B. 17 Commissioner Of Finance. Council File No. BY .T.� CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the asse ment of!or Constructing, relaying and 1'cpt.a ills Goo le -i,, Under Contract 3068 C, for Soas,,n of 101:1. --Assessable Roll-- F.^ 2,,.4316 Ramsey St., south-s-ide, boginnini; 4-0 foot West of ..il,. .. thence rest 10 feet; Thw'pson '.vo., south site, be ;iiu..nr' 100 feet east of Pleasant ?ve., thence oast 12 footfrom 213 fc-ec east of Pleasant Ave. ,roite126 east t 11 foof.L'otc;i.^^ :.t. F.O. 25656 Sturgis St. , south side, Douglas a thence west 21 feet. F.O. 24178 western Ave. , east side, from ,:shland :1ve. tiienco sontli 8 £eet and from 124 feet north of holly AVO- thence north 8 feet. A� i.0. 23603 Laurel !':ve-, south side, bo;;iruzii� 31 Feet east of Farrington A.ao. c i3c oast 11 fc--t. : ulb; e v. F.O. 24120 Virginia Ave., east side, beginning 105 feet south. of ` thence south 60 feet. A public hearing having been had upon rhea enr F..r rh- h.,.,e limprovement, and said assess- men�vmg been further considered by t'n 1.,.I X- msuera Hy n 1': Farnswort b—etdered finally satisfactory, be it benefits. aies'c�nd-"Penn rs ffo.nr therefore trneti lax]nt; ana- r pai Cement -sidewalks, rstatn N. oder t'ootraet 3V6s C, forSe — 1919, RESOLVED, That the said assessment t._ is n_,eby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable I � 1J d therein. in_..... It" ;-.. ��.....4-!-.----equal installments as to each and every parcel of land describe Adopted by the Council i'.' li 't ''''' 191 L_ i Approved F."', G, 11. is 191 City Clerk. Mayor. CUI31.l311i.11 �) CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMEN-C ................................. 191..._.... 1.. tl.. ...,,tta. ..f the naaPaament of ha nafi } f—�E GGnatx�xfsting, releying and repairing foment Sidewalks, Hstimate Na. Is Under Contract 5068 6, for Season of 1919. —Assessable 8011-- F.Q. 24316 W067 St., south side, beginning 40 Peet west of Wilkin Street__. thence 'east 10 Peet; Thompson Ave., south side, beg Z -OV- feet east of Pleasant Ave. thence east 12 feet and Prom 218 feet east of Pleasant Ave. thence east 11 Peet. F.0. 25656 Sturgis St., south side, Preen 126 Peet west of Dow,10s Sts thence west 21 test— F.0. 84118 western Ave., east side, from Ashland Ave. thence south 8 fast and from 124 Peet north of 'HOUy, Aver, --,.thence north 8 Peet, F.O. 23603 Laurel Ave., south side, beginning 81 feet asst of Farrington A11e. thence east 8'Ber., F,0. 24120 Virginia AVe., east aider begiltaing 10 Peet south of Selby Ave. +ha»Rn amlth 1 0 feet. To the Council of the City of St. cul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impiove- Ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $ "''""" Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ - +' .......... Cost of postal cards$....:...............27.............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ .................2...38.._.......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - _ _ $.-.._...,_._._._1.35 Total expenditures $......._123_._66 .............. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_...123...6.6...................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper / ...... _.............. _... ........_..._ _._. Form s. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No . .......... ............_......................... _ Y CITY OF ST. PAUL. • Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Charlotte avenue, from Taylor ,avenue to a point 20 feet South of the Great Northern Right-of-i"lay. j C F. No: 38036—By S. A. Farnsworth—, In the matter of the assessment oto benefits; costs and expenses. for con-, structing-: a. sewer n,Charlotte Ale. - from Taylor. Ave. tc a polot 30 feet: South. of the Great Northerh;Right= f -Way, -under 'r.11minary- Order 26720; lntermedlarY .Order 27114, ::..FloJ'r-',-' ^7461. m under Preliminary Orde_2.CZ.2.0...........IntemediaryDrv!d,Fan a, Order.. ........... 2.7.4.( approved....._......lief.elIlbe.I.....4........................191....x..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Courtof the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTLIkR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......... ........ qual installments. as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191.......... ` -e 1 �^-- .......(?.%.....L.t..City Clerk. Approved _ ... ..... ....IFk z0�9L...................... 191..._._ ....... .........._......_... ................. -.... _..._................... ............ I.. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _....._._.................._._..._._.....__......__... 191...._ AWK In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructin.g a sewer on Charlotte Avenue, from Taylor !_venue to a point 20 feet South of the Great Northern Right -of -slay. under Preliminary Order .......... 26720 ........ _................ ..._...._..... Intermediary Order ................... 2.2.�a......... .......... ............... ........, Final Order ..............2746.1 .............. ... ....... _ ............. . approved._.Dec.eT7h9Y..4....................... ...... .... 191...._9... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expends• tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $........_..1..,23.3...5.0.. Cost of publishing notice $. ..... "'" _ Cost of postal cards - - -. .......................3D.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $......._....._.........2.4..7.9.. Amount of court costs for confirmation $-- .. .............. Total expenditures $` "...1..,.$66.:.8'9.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............... 1.,.26...6_89_...................... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ��.� ................ _. Form E. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. Council File No. ......... .. . ............... By....... .. .... . ....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sevrer on Baldwin Street, from Sargent Avenjje to a, point 165 feet north of St. Clair Street j.Ljk'Tj7yjXd ASSESSMENT". _Bythe sw parnorth- - tAeo matter of Ilnbenef)M Costs sod"P.-Se. for .0�n,- dl, Bldwl under Preliminary Order...26163 ................. Intermediary Order Final Order 272.8.0 ­ approved .1,1ovemh.cj-! .1'Z............_.._.....191...._9.... - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUI�THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable (,)equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .......... .. ..................191..... .. ................. City Clerk. Approved............ ............................ 191 ........... . ..... . .......................................... ........ . . ..... ............ ayor. Form B. B. 18 a 2893"', t` RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of aondemnlag-and t.addng an eaaomiant in--the-2and ... nQ.c.eaaary for. and fil I q an the-eas-t zidia af On-alds. S.traat,,..h2.tuaen St. Clair St. and Grace Street,".i, front of Lots 44.45 and 46 Stinsonis .................................................................................. --- A ------------------------------- I ................. . .... ..... ......... = ........... . Stinson, Subdivision of Block 3 -,/Brown and Ramseyls..Addition,_for the p. p. g!�. ............. .............................. ................. ............. I ......... I .. ...... s_.Addition,_ 1 ...... ...... .................... 9 . ....... of camg *IAgrrMJK . ........... under Preliminary Orde�15�Aa .................... approved 0.910.,,IaN Intermediary Order...27$.7-0----------, approved Jan.-10.►IUD- a F'.- No. 28927— ln�tlkp matter of condemning Ing anaint I. th .Va is' -d !kaea.; —y q elopes, for — the east Ida of Onelds SC between Clair r St. and GracetS4 In front d L is 'i 4' Stinson-. sui- a' A public hearing having been had V 4- 131IM"3' Stinaon,� Br, .on of the lands or easements therein, and Reansey's Addlito.. for t'. I for the above improvement, and the award !. of conetructing a 40 preli'l— ii -'-find also upon the assessment of benefits ry .2r,:.,, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the saq,-now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all tespects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. asseasmen able in Adopted by the Council-------- -----t1j. R.zo-lb2z .............................. 191 ............. ... -41-j City Cl Approved................... ................................. 191 .... ........................................ ....................... ......................... Mayor. Councilman Goss onn Councilman xP= Powers Councilman McColl Coua9i1msff-VF"wder4ich Mayors Hodgson 0 -- FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...-o.ondamn; g-.and...t.aking...an..easement...in...the- .land---neaessarzy f or....alopes.,...f. or...c.uts._and..fills.—on._the---east---s.ide....of.... Qneida...dtreet.._------ -- be-tzreen...St----- lai-r..St.----and-Cir-ace..Str.eat-,---in---f-r.ant---of----Lots -.:44.,45...and --.46-, St* on, .�xls.oza'.s SUbSl?y.�..7 oxl...o ...BJoclt..3.l-- rotvn...and....tZarasQY---s---- ddzt�.o ,... 91' � e purpose._..pf---c-gastruet ng._a--sid...... ,. ........................................................... ...................................... - under Preliminary- Orden...... -_2.0842._,--- aC: F. No. :8988— - �aediary Order. --25.5. o...... --....e ra_th. —tt- of eevd—I.I; ..a tau- . Ing an easement in the land nee '-" approved.... dan..._i.0.,---1920......... ear9 for slaves: rer Data ana s'.' the tame of onelaer St.. Fes•., _ sa Clair St. ana .. •., - - f f.tits 4t� QF a - Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ..C.Onda— - and -take............................................. easement in the land and—fills -_ - ._. on...ti-ie ...east ---side---oiSt--0-lair•-at- -and lGr-aae---; tr-eet, Stai,,nns on, in-Iront...of...L.ats....4.4.,45 and. ..4Fi.._..Stana-an I..s 3nhdiyisiAn...nf---B1Ack..Z.,JBrnYm and--Rams-y1s--.Addi.Uon.r---%ar --- a--si-d-ewa-1k.-------••••- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .the -.. land ...abutting.._ upon-.Dne3da--Street,._.be#r ex--the--•paini;s--afor-esaid-,--•ho--t-l� extent -•-shaven• unnn.-.the.sket.ch..attached..-tA.._tkta.._xepart-_r;t�_ _t:he---Conugissi-onerof--_Public--•-_ e ua- 10 1920- etarks....ixl ..t.kl�---�a-�tEr.._dat-- d-_f� ebr---- ry---------x-------------- �-.......................... --.......................................... -- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have'been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Connell............._...Glik..6ru.�..��..... 111'k irU 15LU- ., 191......... Approved ..................................................... - .....-......- n_..__:l____s"a Councilman Goss .Couaeilmam��n++r�^'e' Councilman R dbx Poviers Councilman McColl /l Mayor Rta m Hodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. 4 In the matter of Q..Q.11dQ=inZ .Llld an eAs..Q.Mont-.1a t f or 3.10.P.0a ...... for r. I A. 0 a. Ud—f i U S Aln gradi-ng C.oma—Plac.e ta a viidtb ... af 5.Q.— f el.e.t ...... f-r-om Uni.on St.r.e.e.t to a. ... pq'j?�j� 7�� g:�..the south line of . . .. .. .. ..... .... ... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ................................................ . .. under Preliminary Order ............ Intermediary Order....27,N.9.— approved A public bearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. eel, Nishn 8--Milt—lis ierery determme -To-te payable in ................. Adopted by the Council ------------ ...........................1 191 .................. .. ......... Approved ...................... t1FR �A IKU City Clerk.. .... ............................ 191 ..... ... ... ... ?�4 .................. ...... ...... ............. z Mayor. Councilman Goss Ge—dhhatf�� y Councilman NeUex Powers Councilman McColl C 0 Mayorx,tMK Hodgson T FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. in the matter of-..condemning--and--_taltin�-,an-, easement---i.q. t)ie,,,�aXld---neCS.SSa�Xy f Ar---alo-p-es-,-.f.or.-- cuta--and-.-f ills -..in--- grading-.C-omo-.-Place... to---a...w-id th-..af•-•59_. feet, -„from -..Union-,_ Street„-to-_a,-Point-.75„-feet-._south--,pf--_the-,s-gktH,,,] Z,rze----Qf, IucKentY...Stre-et_. ....................... In the matter of pti lnemning anflllen ............. the land neces- egg an eeeeme for cora gnwidth of � y for Como&Place to Dint 46 ............................................................................... adtng from Union at. toa D 60 feet, south ilne oO ser 7 -------- fe-t eo>c�h °oder Preliminn1919,;Ir_- under Preliminary Order_.... 2-623.8............. ... loved..:Aug':ernivszs: ac intermediary Order.. 2-7.3a9 ........... . approved.. I1 PV...... 29.► -.19.1.9 --------- Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: and ._take--SQ.MQmt_-.ixi tile ....land .--ne.c-easary-.. fnr.--s-loges-,-.%or---cn-ta..anri--fills ingrading.-. o dQ---P] aG-e.-.. -o---a...wldtkl of -50 f. aa.t, - f r QM-Unin n Strn.et to a paint 75 fe-et-..snutil of..-tha--s-auth-.------------------------------------------------------- _ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:--_the-..Land -..ab.uttinp, unnn---C-om-o---PIa. c.e-r--betrr-een-- tae.-.pc�iz�ts-•a€or--esa d-a-..to-.tbe.--ext-ent.--all-QW-U -------- upon-_the-_sketch attached to the report of the Corvnissioner of Public .t. ....... -- ........ .. .. .......... ...... .... - - - - - - - - ..-......--- - -- - -- -• . YLoxJfs.e---in,-the__matter-_dated January -5.r--._1920.- •---------................................................. - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages fot•'the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ------------ h -r K ..�5"c0.............------.. 191 Q GFH GO 19[0 City Clerk. Approved........................ . ........ . ............... 191---...--. �/ .. .............- �............ ...... .... . ... .................... Mayor. Councilman Goss T Councilman Yjdkx Powers VEMM d / Councilman McColl Genetd� Mayors Hodgson 608-611 Ryan Building Gentlemen: M Building Employers' Council ` of St. Paul St.Paul, Minn., April 23, 1920. The organizations, members of this association, repres- enting the lines of contracting engaged in the building business in this City, appreciating the importance of an early settlement of the wage scales for the season beginning in 1920 and the like importance of establishing a system of arbitration of questions of differences which might arise in order that work would pro- ceed without strikes or other labor disturbances, so that the building public could be assured of stability of cost.and oer- tainty in carrying on construction work in this City,"sought meetings with the various trade groups of employees as early as October 29th, 1919, and have since held many meetings with the representatives of the employees in each of the lines. We had hoped that there would have been some middle ground on which each line could have agreed and an early settle- ment, satisfactory to all parties, arrived at. Some success, as you know, attended our efforts, but in most of the lines the pro- gress has been with very little result. 'Rage scales and working conditions were submitted by the representatives of each Group of employees and counter propositions made by the representa- tives of employers. The counter propositions offered by each of the groups within this organization were first gone over by this association with the view of establishing wages and conditions in each line which, in relation to the other lines, would be fair and just. These counter propositions were as follows; the lines in which agreements have been reached being indicated by,* *Teams $1.30 from April 1st, 1920 to April let, 1921 Bldg. Laborers .60, 9 hour day; May ist,1920 to May 1, 1921 (Hoisting Engineers 1.00 " " of " n " n Engineers,` Concrete Mixers .80 4Carpenters 1.00 ;!Bricklayers 1.12}. +Plasterers 1.121 /Lathers 1.QO.Ydge 7ti �( Cement Finishers 1.00 I Hod Carriers Jr *Sheet Metal Wrkrs.1.00 .80 Apr. 15,1920 to May 1, 1921 •*Roofers,Kettle Men .70 May. 1, 1920 to May 1, 1921 • " _ *Painters .80 1.00 Apr. 15, 1921 Plumbers 1.00 From July 1st to May let, Steam Fitters 1.00 1.00 " " June 1st Inside W remen 1.80 " L4aY 1st, 1920 to May lst,1921 Iron TM7or=hers (Same working rules as last year, except as to Cement .Finishers and Painters.) 'It will be noted that some of the scales enumerated are Lhe same as those asked for by'the several groups of em- ployees while others are of lesser figures,, which we believe are sufficiently high when the relation of the same to the wage paid and service performed by other lines is considered. The date on which many of the wage scales were to have changed ia_Mpy'lst, 1920. We are therefore sending a copy of this letter t„ each of the trade groups of employees interest- ed, so that their members may be familiar with what we have en- deavored to do in each of the lines. The wages and conditions shown herein will be fol- lowed from and after dates indicated unless otherwise cha,iged by fut?re confer-n^es between the -groups interested or -by other.conditions. Te trust that the plans for arbitrating differene-es which Frere discusse9with your various groups will be put into effect so that stoppage of work will be avoided. The building business, as you no do^.bt now appreciate, is very rapidly falling off. Thie result was not unexpected by us. At our first conference with your representatives and many times since, this subject has been referred to as one of the reasons why an early and fair adjustment of wages for the cur- rent year was necessary if we could hope for a continuation of any degree of activity in the building lines. Each day sees further evidence of the lack of intention on the part of the public to build until such time a3 some certainty of stability of prices and other conditions are assured. Much therefore depends upon what transpires within the next thirty days in the matter of relations between the employers and employees iii the builling line,_. Failure to recognize this can only firther complicate con-litions which now are fast appr•o-.ehing a f-zrthor closing down of building operation,., which cv.n only result in non-emploment to a very considerable degree di.iring the winter months of 1920 and 1921. Very sincerely rs9 Prpside ��eePe�ary. Building Employers' Council of St. Paul 608-611 Ryan Building April 29,1920. Mr.J.I.Faricy, City Clerk, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: I enclose herewith copy of letter sent by the Building Emp oyers Counoil to the varicus unions in the building:rlines. Very since-ely, r� ti rztary An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. 3-= ' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. _ That :Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Hoisting Engr.8011 an hour. and inserting in lieu.thereof the following words and figures: "Hoisting Engr. Not to exceed $1.00 an Flour 28942—Ordinance No. 6310— { BY Frank L Powers— - Ap dlnance to amend AdmiNetrtive _ _-dinance No. 5139, approved Ao- -- - :at 10. 1919. 1:0,m cil of the City of St. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in -force immediately upon it passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council MAY 0 19204 192" Approved MAY 20 1920 Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Mayor ,y Powers ATTEST: _. Leh JOHN d. FA RfCY; Mr: President CitY-Clerk, 7 f e> .;-. .� <<,.,_ , [F, r.. . o: yr -_ .r; � c.- ;• -�,:.. ,a. <'C '.]'Ji-. f��VU'".. ^.r' ,.?c::..G ...^,^:G_ .'S l' _.. fSO:'. $U9u�. ✓`�, Iti - - - L . ~',f P-rm .3c7 , fi.r±:'i - .�a•.�� �.�f . ''. 7f0 _ r.. ,. ?:, nvTerlS ._..Jz ^..S y.r•_ 0.i moo..• , . h .._.,•f;n i. :S 301 C�. P P,�TiB ,i}E.. fix. �i: .. ,-f a0 npC,L 1�l5 z ,,f 3 rh yC' 4 0•"" y 1► 10 h Ir 11 GMy J� JLZ' V ].✓ '( / 1, 2, P. ot le Oe '01 vo 1,0 289-43An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. s THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: fi- Section 1. That Sectidn 1 of -Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Plumber 87*f an hour, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words 'and figures "Plumber Not to exceed $1.25 an hour 0 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council 192 Approved 192 Yeas Says Cla�nay , Farnsworth Goss Vayor McColl Powers Wunderlich �. Mr. President. leo � 28944 An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: wSection 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, $e.�C.. 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in 3� esiid section the following words and figures: ! "Roofer Foreman 80¢ an hour and inserting in lieu thereof thb following.words and figures: "Roofer Foreman Not to exoeed'90¢ an hour Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately. upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 7 C,F� ff ' 28946 OA",, , Mo 53zz An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ---�, Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby:,amended by striking out in said section the following words ;,and figures: "Lather $6.50.a day Wand inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Lather Not to eiceeed $ 1 n hour. 28946—Ordinance No. 6322 o—I k L Po e rd stance N" 6139ndp,r.v d Au tiv� 1919. nrit nP the CRY Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and.be in force'immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. r Adopted by the Council 192_a_ Approved `1 192 Yeas Nays F renworth Mayor Qoes ATTEST McOo 11 'QHN 1, FARICy pUBLISii1 D Powers city Cllr ; j!underlioh Mr.I're s dent T. : ^e 61��111 C, L' L' z iMr .2 r!0 'OJ:i ,•'.; t7 ;1C •U'r .'-,i 3'.3.111 _. 4f _.1. f. S r,.. t, -Nlizz d t -� 4�t`71 P �Ave 5 t} WA0v. t'A4 ®A4+ • t g� N i� �� i� r� �r Ov g� lys I✓ g� la I/ 1,0 Ir ✓r Ir A !® 9 1 I "`('t1 �..- �a �? __ !� � 1::1J " l"1'\r-�.. ! � • �_ a �. ' e, r :.E;�: r x �`c ► civ or✓ -. e-,rvv ' a1._r j;.9 �:. 289471% 'An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. �--^ That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, 'Lie and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: `` T � • "Marble Setter 7Sfe an hour "Tile Layer 681je an hour d inserting in lie -+a thereof the following words and figures: .Sr7r-�'�� pMarble Setter Not to exceed 1.28 an hour 10 Tile Ler . Not to -exceed 11.00 an.hour and the said Section 1, be and the same hereby is further amended by addling thereto the following words and figures: "Marble Setter'Foreman 81.37} an hour "Tile.Layer Foreman $1.37 an hour "Terraza Worker Foreman 85.d an hour Section 2 _. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. f t Adopted by the Council.. _19k.— Approved 92Approved 192_, Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Mayor Powers Wunderlich Mr. President a ri!t0 r'?;.t l'):.ITf.. "' i _!_ e __, ." �3'`•:( ','i. ^:'.� .. Jr'i •�.� _ Y Y b'L-, abror; gli v. L).f L ol ; !,r tt +1[*i .,rzR i; Oil ax, (.a..l'? i- .5 - mo •' _ ;, t :'OTi j,. s._ ^" Z- 0 •' jjyy�LQ� o „,� ; � .� f0'S., .--:+...;"f�tS,i3_ ._0(1 [Y i. }' .{ . l ! t� It !R ly f.,. Aa ' taP 5po Irk tk•, v } Q SOLO �r1;^b' t-a,�r- �'�1C-1•_� ;�c bf;~tiy �'`""1"�"¢""'�4�!t�"'� / , �j;(��yfi An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919. �--j. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN:. Section 1. r--- That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, Approved August 16, �T 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Structural Iron Setter 8 6¢ an hour "Structural Iron Setter Foreman $1.00 an hour - +/u and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: 4Mr"Structural Iron Setter Not to emceed 1.00 an hour V "Structural Iron Setter Foreman Not to exceed 1.25 an hour C. P. No. 28949—grdfnance No. 5313 BY Frank L, Powers--- An ordinance to amend Admfnfstrat' Ordinance No. 5139, -➢Proved Aug 16, 1919. —11 of th, -ri,_, of Sain' This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth Mose McColl Powers --tie-32! Mr. President Adopted by the Council MAY, 21.1920 192_ Approved NMI 192 Mayor ATTEST:. . 1 JOHN . Fctty Clerk, f _ t ' Lf :2 J'-.; t? ^1*.r ...'•r eti.' .. '.f.,r '� .-_'�-..J-r-- -.. •�"."'.r' �iJC"' %�% C'nd�'-•'(J ..._.. J;�iti".�G...r;N1AWt!'v...._i- iev �' %1y4�.�. � O-1 � � � ate. ft.l° A � Is � o v .?�'� � � a^��.v b'L-z� -`•�..w..,....,,,, la j, p / ii is 0i 07, - r1'� G-�".'; .y � tp , ;,✓~ � ,'^t \ ' y R , =.� c� f' ten„ 3. 0 v rol b, �.� T' Z'a( a 2804(; � ! An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approvQd. August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Cement Finisher 85¢ an hour and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Cement Finisher Not to exceed $1.00 an hour 4.. 28949— No. 5311—� J' ­.k L Powers— maacee a ADDro�edaA e N.. 5139. 6. 1919. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council MAY 2()1920 192 Approved MAY 20 1920 192 & Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth w� Farorth Goss tom'Mayor J Powers W%ad'6 Ch Al'TEST: Mr. President JOHN 1, FARICX, City Clerk. t Lp. '•� liGc� /rte----�y-----+k-�i.� F. IV,. O - An ordinance to amend Ad�nistrative Ordinance No. 5139. approved { �,. August 16, 1919. / , TSE COIINCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seat ion 1. That Section 1f Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same�is hereby amended by striking out in said section the f'ol'lowing words and figures: r?Bu�ldingIlLaborer .80 to $4.00 per day and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: Building PLaborer Not to exceed, 9* per hour C. F. No. 28950—Ordinance No. 6312— .By Frank L Powers— Am ordinance to amend Admfni.trtive .Ordinance -�$o. 5139, approved Au- gust 16, 1919; This ordinance shall take effect and be in force.immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council"" '20 1920192_ Approved MOV 2Q 1 22@ 192 Yeas I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Powers Rah Mr. President or ATTEST; ,OHRd I. FARIGY, City ajork, MJBLMM : G 1 A Administrative Ordinance No. 5139 approved 7` An ordinance to amen August 16, 1919. g w- THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: CN _ i"Inspector, 71evator $95.00 $125.00 and inserting to lieu thereof the following words and figures: - "Inspector,'Elevator Operators $95.00 $125.00 - — Section 2. --- This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon ite passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Couua}1 JU(1 -5 I9 20 192_ JUN —5 1920 1921 Approved Yeas Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers or Wunderlich _ Mr. President - -- C. F. No.-28951—Ordinance No. 6329-- By 328—By Frank L Powers— An ordinance to amend Adrninlatrative Ordinance No. 6139, approved August ' 1.6, 1919. The Council of the City .of St. Paul doe8 ordain: _ • SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 6139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking V i II out in said section the following words and-Hgurea: Inspector, Elevator....$95.00 4125.00, and inserting in lieu thereof the fol- I lowing words and figures: j Inspector, Elevator Op- . -tor . p -.store ...............$95.00 $125.00 SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force Immediately upon Its pass- age, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council June 3, 1920. Yeas—Councilmen Clancy, Farne- orth, Goss, McColl, Powers, Wunder Itch, Mr. President (Hodgson) -7. Nnys-0. Approved June S. 1920. I. C. HODGSON, - Mayor. Attest: JOHN I. FARICY City Clerk. (June 5-1920) 7 Ordinance No. 5328. By Frank L. Powers. Council File -!No. 28951. X An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, ap- proved August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Inspector, Elevator $95.00 $125.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Inspector, Elevator Operators, *95.00 $125.00 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council 77",,. . S 1 I Z U Yeas Nays Approved �1 ancy ✓ rnsworth Gw Pose ! 1. ✓McCollyor. f 8bwe re Wunderlich lr. President Hodgson. T �''�=�.t�- -- '� .�/,:.:�.v-..�J°_o'�`=� � Jho• ti� An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No., 5139, approved August 16, 3,919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. •Y That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: Bricklayer 1.00 an hour s Bricklayer For 11.12 an hour F d and•inserting to lieu thereof the following words and figures: Bricklayer Not to exceed1.25 an hour Bricklayer Foremen Not to exceed 91.37} an hour '11111—Ordlaance No. I'll— Frank 323— F nk L Powera­ ordinance to amend Administrative - jd inan Co No. 6139, approved Aug- - 1919. roum,u "he ordain: This ordinance shallt8�e effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council 2cJ Yeas Nays Approved A ' 192 ' Farnsworth Gose McColl Powers O qor Wunderlich ATTEST 0.4: Mr. President 11 1. FARICY, City Clark, y!�. J PUBLISIiED C, vl- ._ ,. ,_, ... ;•(p_.d.. r. ..�. l.. a. ,.,. ;s.fi '.n - I:. it :. _,_... t;�b ,i._ c•: -1z:.0 30 fCl. iii a 1 � 2-.A a v auk �o /ryl-0 ✓ r to �e h er •� l� l ��^'^7hetii�2 '��1 a'-�:"�,:t-:a► l(- tl It I t (9--(,.^i^i:• � v1.4+ �A� rd's`}, t'+� �� Ll...x�.�:..�._� �.O �:.:.�=�,�„•. a An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. '5139, approved +�•- August 16, 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. z--" That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, .be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in t-1 said section the following words and figures: "Stone Mason 87*X an hour and inserting in lieu thereof the followingwords and figures: "Stone Mason Not to exceed $1.25 an hour Od the said Section 1, be and the same hereby is further .amended`by'adding,thereto the following words and figures: "Stone Mason Foreman Not to exceed $1.37} an hour. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its., passage, approval and publication. ,. Adopted by the Council 192 Annrnvr:A roe f� zi 0 TY 7 tcriT 3•?.1_.. .1-n. iIt}a t 1( ?w92 biL.- �.! '._ � � '"' P" P' "' ��,�°' � l7'1✓`1J1% ' `•,+�+ifG"e•.."�G / � P.e ,Z, ' m./� ` -: p _ b-. '3. ,a not oe i F ••ri�C:r ri." it ,'o,:5 a3 2 lilt ow tt tt Ire (14 FK iY :C:'v !�' M �� 1 An or to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 6139, approved August 3.6 , 1919. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 6139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: « "-Mortar Mixer 66je an hour n "Plasterer's Tender 68¢ an hour and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: l i•G Mortar Mixer Not to exceed an hour-- f,,1ir,« "Plasterer's Tender Not to exceed ; an 101iiT 53961—Ordinance No. 63" Frank 1, POAore^ d,nance to ame,,1 Adminietrative ainance No: 5139, approved Auguot _ t919. tr of the City o[ 6aint s. ` tn: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately _upon its passage, approval and publication. ` Adopted by the Councilhi" 211920 19 r Approved _ MAY 21 1920 Yea Nays ar ncy ar+ Fnsworth ; Ose cColl O Mayor Powers Mr. President EI1BLiS�1ED > ; p i ATTEST: JOHN 1, FARICY, City Cleric, (q, ?.r.A A 16,2 N 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL The Barrett Company, -- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 28955 GC7 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL>,"°tL TJa• `• ••.. 228 APR 21 1920 46.58 Sprinkling 1166.08 Y C RO ER. St.Paul Milk Company, AUDITED-------------------------------------------- 19 ........ Parks - 2106 PR ----------------------------------------------------- ._-.-......,.-.. St. C. & R. :&TLE 2107 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays I9`t0 Adopted by th unctl._._......_.�li'k....;Z�.-_..................._.._.191.-...._.._ Sprinkling 252.84 2108 William T. Horsnell, r ., - D. F. No. 28966— Abstract.. Resolved that warrants be drama. Goss upoa the City Tressury payable :011Y' 1 LL rr11 roved. .. .......h��f1....�2"�J i!U"` 191. _.._.._ - ,o hereinaftertheo--the epetl�I, funds and in favor of -the Keller peraoa& firms or oor ter the amounts set opposite ' porir, --- - -- - __.._ _. .. .. .. .. 14A R -res McColl their respective mamee as apeelfled 1. 45' th< following detailed statement. The Batrett Co pany, 5100 9s Wunderlich Illinois Steel Warehouse Co„ $162:68: f . St. Paul Milk Co., 521:79 Mr. President, Hodgson T. Ts Shlely Co,' -5326.60. -� William T. Horanell 120.00. -Adopted by th, Couneir Ayr. 21, 1920.- . 'Ap're j A. r. 21..1920.. _ (April 24-1020). - 2103 The Barrett Company, St. C. & R. 2104 Illinois Steel Warehouse Compfmy, St. C. & R. 46.58 Sprinkling 1166.08 2105 St.Paul Milk Company, Parks 2106 J. L. Shiely Company, St. C. & R. 2107 A. J. Wampler, Workhouse 91.63 Sprinkling 252.84 2108 William T. Horsnell, G.P.-Miscellaneous & Unforseen Total 968.37 100.95 162.66 31.79 328.50 344.47 20.00 CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER )-956 F.- A A 46.2 N 7-18 FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE L No �+ 227 AUDITED .. ........... �.(..................... 1 ..... ITT .1PTR I.I.ER R........ ... .... ..... _.. .................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specifi7l funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed.statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by ouncll APR .21 LaH..._................. 191..__.._. C. F No. 28968— , Abstract. rl FVs rth I Resolved Ybat warrants be draWP rov d. _ .. PP � �- FR� .,�,�...jy.E�... ...... 191.._._ J Keller shone for of -the Le a ams nznte�ee{d oD 4t. .. _.. .. _._ [loss upon the City. Treasury, Payable out of tavor McColl Padded in'. , i� ]fAYOR the fotlowing detailed etatemenC. Brings &-Co., .$460.76:. Wunderlich Farw.II. Oxman, kirk & Co.,, $.1172.73. . Mr. President, Hodgson sot Lakes Coal '& Dock Company, 462&1i, .: - . N10CeRobt son, clerk of the District Court, 719.36. Val J. Rothschild, $103.00. -St. Raul Book & S Spatatlonery.Co.,, $2.66. 5672.48.' . Mrs Allce- rschuetx W. C. Squire0. 53.68. ,.. Tri-State Tel. & Tetg. lCompany, 1299.09. -Alex Warren, $3.46. Adopted by the Council Apr. 21,1920. ADProvedApr. 21, 1920. (April 24-1920) 2092 Brings & Company, 460.75 Fire 2093 Farwell, OZMM, Birk & Company, 1,172.73 Schools 53.40 If 34.50 " 5.75 " 21.60 " 29.60 " 9.22 It 4.74 Great Northers Schools 833.40 Humboldt H.S.Library 1.57 Homecroft School(Bond) 178.95 2094 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 623,44 Fire 610.44 St. C. & R. 13.00 2095 Alexander Rice, 3.08 Police 2096 N. C. Robinson Clerk of the District Court 19.35 6ourt Costs Res. 227 Page #2 2097 Val J. Rothschild,, 10300. Manic. Employment Bureau 4 2098 St.Paul Book & Stationery.Company.. 672.08': Library 2099 Mrs. Alice Sparschuetz, . 2"t66 Police 2100 W. C. Squires, 1.68 Police 2101 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 299.09' Mayor's Office 6.50 City Clerk 4.50 Corp' Couns el .. .95 Purch. Dept. 24.40 Municipal Court 13.00 Munic. Employment Bureau 6.T7. ' 15;,67 10.55 Pol. & F. Alarm 2.70: Workhouse 6.50 Auditorium 12.00, Prater 195.60 .55 2102 Alex Warren, 3.45 Oom'r. of Finance Total 3,363.31 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU �1.1 Jtr No.._........_ _s .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.................................. ...... ......... ........................................... ...... ...................... .......... DATE.................................... RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ ten (10) laborers at Harriet Island for a period not to exceed four months, at wages not to exceed <5ZCJ'?W_ cents per hour. Expense to be chagpil to Health Fund, Public Baths Account, Salary Account, 36-8. Yes (�*) Councilmen ( ) Nays Goss Nfcwoll 65— er Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 ,That Byy $envy McColl— . Public ed, That her Commieslaner,ob Puppy Bafety 0) laborers thoitze riot employ' for a: Period not to exceat oda four' months. at . wages not to exceed'FI(ty :cants per hour. Expense to,be.charged- to Health Fund, Mbllc,Baths Amount Salary Acc0un4 26 AdODted bu the Counetl Apr '. Approved: Apr; 21, 1920 (April 24-1990) Adopted brthe Council - APR21I9 -- In favorAppr 19....-_ Against MAYOR L. � PRESENTED BY RESOLVED COUNCIL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.........?�Cls5.. -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE-.:.! That the application of the Standard Oil Company for a license to maintain a Curb Oil Filling Station at 216 HateB Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. Yes (%) Councilmen (J) Nays —Clai E—kah mColl Powers Wunderlich w. President FORM 3M9-19 :Adopted by. the CouciI Apr. 21, 1920: Approved Apr, 21, 1920. (April 2(-1920) Adopted by the Council uEWR._21-IKU- --i9- - ..............In favor Approved .- ...._B. 41 Approved ti A anso g ........... ..................... .... MAYOR PRESENTED RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COONe1L .J I FILE NO....... .. . ... That the -application of the Standard Oil Co., for a license to maintain an Oil Filling Station on private pro- perty, located at 71 No. Snelling Avenue, be and the same heraby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Mays Cla��_� Farnsworth Goss McColl 0 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M 19 Adopted by the Council-- _uFR '21192 � ._.._....19 In favor Approved ...........p4 R.....1.9.'LIl.._.._.......19......... _......Against /..'.-.....:.. MAYOR .................. 40 28960 COUNCIL N .............. By z_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... faeLt-mida on..hDtli s.idas of .. haudo 3-traet—f-r-orn 1.111t.on Strepat--to Laxington..Av.ianue,...exaept,..i2laere good. -and.. aufflrlemt .... ...... ...................... . ......... . . ........ .... ... - _____ ...... 28'J60—BY . I S. A., Farnworth— ............ ........ ... .. ...... matter o[ constructing s c . . .. ...... t the sidewalk -six feet wide on h sides ofRondo Street rroT ................................ . ...... .......... ittm at to Lexington Ave.. except.......................................... .................... 11=k good and 'uff%`u'.nf`rard' Ord.r ,,ext.t, under -�iapproved Feb. 16;- 1920.. Ihc I .ng having been had .sae above improverag,.t'nim. 1111 under Preliminary Order ........................... .. d ts C.u_' g, h'.Y . ... ... P.qQ ............................ objections and recom� ..�6 ...... relaQtve thereto, " d-1 . ' Intermediary Order ......... ..... ........... . ............ ai+.._ovec. _ ................ ...... ....................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is c-onstruc_t on.. bn t, 12.. z _ijda a of aQnd.Q fX-Oln Llilt.011 SIr.Q.01 t..0 LQ Xi 119 t- O -U.. AVQ. n U 0 . ..... ex-st . ............. .. ...................... . ......... ........... ....... ........ :�i ........... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... it .. ........ ................. ... ............... ....... .............. ............................ ............ ..... ----------- .. I. _ -1 .................. ............................. .... -1 ­ . ... ............ ..... . . .......................................................... ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.__. . .......... 191 City Cler ApprovedICO191 ..................... ............. . .... ---- ------ - �May-or Councilman Goss Couftefimmritdwad-'—i�c Y Polders - �Cp.o dii: - =C 1. 11 7--7- C C ouncilman Wunderlich Mayor bodux Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. - +,,, *CITY OF ST. PAUL cyn DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Q� REPORT OF COMMISSIOR OF FINANCE ON fftELIMINA DER i In the Matter of ._._C_Dost_ruct_ing.._a.__c_ement__t.i1e_.sidewalk_._6_.._feet_._}+ide... on___b_oth_.._s_ides ........ .... __._. of Rondo Street .._from _Milton , street to Lexin.gton..-rvenus except_.,..yhere good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, ......... _..__....- _............. ................... ......... ........... ..__...__................................................. - ............. ....__....... ............._...__........... _. _._.__................ under Preliminary Order approved ...._._.February 16t4p __......_...._....._._.__..._......._.__.........................._................._............................._.._ 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $.._............._.........__............._ £rnt The for improvement is $......0...75.................... estimated cost per3oot the above - - - - - - ........... - ..... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I, DESCRIPTION SLOT PLOGK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r South 120 feet of 9 and 10.. �Buall and ISackubints Out 4225 lying North of Rondo Street Lots. North of Rondo street 8 li Do 1000 North of Rondo street 7 Do 1000 North of Rondo street 6 Do 1050 9 1 Cummin's Addition 150 10 1 . _ Do 150 11. 1 Do 150 12 1 Ila . _ 150' 13 1-.. . __.. Do __.. 150 TOTAL. TY OP Y. PAUL DEPARTCIMENTBOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELiriftRY ORDER v (B) - r DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 1 Cummins Addition 150, 15 1 Do 150 16 1 Do 150 7 1 Varner&s Subdivision 350 West 36.20 feet of 8 1 ) Do 1625 9 1 ; Do (Ex. East 20.78 feet 10. 1 Do 225. . East 20.78 feet of 10 1 D o 650: . 11 1 12 1 _ Do 550. , 9. 1 Donnelly's Addition 5225, 10 1 Do 475 12 1 Do 875 13 1 Do 475, 14 1 Do 475 15 1 Do 875 16 1 Do 2375 9 Walker and Goodine's Add. 1325 10 Do 2325 Routh of Rondo St. of 10 .: R1-TlrI&.nd`. ddktab1n's out, 825 Do 9 Loco 775 Do 8 Do 500 Do 7 Do 400 Do 6 Do 400 8 2 Cummin's Addition 175 7 Do, 1675 3 2 Do -TOTAL 225 �.� ,W5.,. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMIN1I PftROER (C) I1 DESCRIPTION : LOT BLOCK';' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i. 2 2, Cummins Addition 1700 1 .. 2 Do 1550 8 2 Varner!s Subdivision 1700 I 7 2 Do 400 6 2 Do 400 1 2 Do 3000 7 2 Donnelly'a Addition 450. 6 2Do 450 4 2 Do 450 3 2 Do 450 _ - 2 2 Do 450 1 2Do 450 1- SE of NW of SE of SPI of S. 25. T. 29. R.23. 24300 w i 62600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated... `......................._........_.......... _........ .J�....._............19L ... _.... _.,.....__ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ,2ra 14 m A • Ll S7 - it m A • Ll Office of the Commissioner of "Public Works ! Report to Commissioner of Finance ` March 81191;0..................... I 191;0........_..........I.... ......... ... . ........... 191 _.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 28183....approved_......._February 16,_..... ...... 1f�1�......, relative to ................._..._... Coun- cil, known as Council File No............_ .............. thec . ...................... ........................... .... _.......................... sides of Rondo Street, from Milton St. to Lexington Ave., except .................... ................................... ................ _.......................... ................................................... .................... ........ --.............. ................................ ........................................... ..................... ...... where good and sufficient sidewalks noyc exist. 17 _...................--........_...................... ............................................... ............................... _........... .............. .......................... .................... ............. .................................... ............................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. necessary and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ..............._..._.........._. and the total cost thereof is $...... ......... .. _................. ........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................................................................ ..... ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............_......................_..............._................._.............................................................._..........._......_..........................._....._.............._....................................._......._......._ .... not o. Said improvement is.. .................. ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......_.................................._....... ................ ....,.... Co missim ubli Wo COUNCIL FIL,EINO ............................. By --......K d ........... P'NAL ORDER In the Matter of...G.9.Trlit;,luc.t.i..a...celrlent...t.lz-_side-_,p�,k Sx-,f'eet,,,t_de,-_on ,#.j}e - ZnrtIi_aida.-of ....G aXK'ok.]...=svenue---fr.4t"1-.-!:,rY..fatreci:...to.4 ... treat -,_.e; cep ....- heregood ...an<1_suff.ic.i.exit._Nlde..ra].lm ..:._.......... ..................._--------.------------..... — __ ................ In F h oMaiter�y onetruc[ineswO1 ce o c a ............................. ,.._. _. .,. _.,..,.__, mant ills sidewallt six feet ide on ......................... the north aide o[ Carrtlll Awe. r ........ . .Fry 94 to 1'lerce 94, except where n good to sufticlent sidewalks now under Preliminary Order .........28184....: eslst under Preliminary Order -2819M11_ 1�1 f 19�Q,---- abeen had pprored Feb. 16, lb" A public hearine oveent upon due Intermediary Order .................................. ... ... non.rhe abo.PP ro\;,cil ha lnrt bear, ........ ..............--- .......------- .--- ------.".... nq. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement.upolr3lue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thilt the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...e.onstruo.t--- a-..r,.Qneat....tJ-1.o...5.]"C1�S1.�.1{..S.:I-X.-. on..the..-north---s.1.dQ....a ...S%a Avercll--..ue-.from...nr�,Street,------fierce-Str...... .,... e cept_.:J-here"..f;and...aiid...auf 1aielateXisa................."....._.............. ..._......................_........----";........_...................._.................... -....- ._.._......-......_._..................... _........_..._...------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..._...... ...... la"VR.7i!.15C� 191........ approved__ ..... ... _iiPk 1 I. .0 191. Councilman Goss Counci Councilman �7F_ PO'r7e2'S Councilman McColcColl Councilman WunderliQ Mayor bcxis Hodes ki Form B. S. A. 8-7. City Clerk. ..... ................... Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL D``'ARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF.'� MMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk 6 feet wide on the north side of Carroll avenue from Fry street to Pierce street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order approved February 16th, 1920. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost per/ oot for the above improvement is $ 0-7.9 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 4 3 College Park i 1550 I 10 4 Excelsior nark X450 - 8 4 Do (8 i I i � I i I TOTAL. 4sdo The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. , Dated 19ac/ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 - 9 , 6�y� ., y �; ��( a� t/ �" �, 8t.Paul, Min. . Z To the Honorable, The Council, City of Ct.Puul, Minn. Gentlemen: Ke, the uniereigned property osnere bereby petition your Honorable Body to onuee the following improver -ant to be made: 0A;. 4 , W4 -46V . a^1 .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .... . . . from . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ane. to . . . . . . . . . . . . fat. ear. ;�? : L:�' : . • . ,tel . + . .�c,� . • .�c ��.-d . �i�-.ti-�L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. .•. .+. . . . . . . . . . . • r • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+. .+. .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+. .•. .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + • .•. . . . . . . . . A'r Awl - LAI LL- 17- 1920. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . ;a1 tyF F° ° • • , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . + . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works • � 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance March 8, ......................_.._................. . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.28184.............. .approved. _...r0TUArjY....!A....... ....... ...199..., relative to....._...._._... the construction of a cement tile sidewalk sig feet wide on the ............................................................_..._...........__.....__.............-_..__..... _....._north-._si.de-_of...Carr_oll._Ave_:..._from.. Fry ..._St. ..._to.P_ era_e...St_......_e$c_ept......__.__.. ...where._..goo.d....and... suffi.c.i.ent.....sidewalks ....now. .. exi.t..._...__..._......__..................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... ............. and (or) desirable. 75V per front foot 1. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ........ and the total cost thereof is I...._...._ _..._......... ....._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.. _...... ._.. .......... ___ .. ._._............. .......... ... _._.__....._... _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .............. .............. .. _._. ...... __ ........... ......... ....__.. 5. Said improvement is....__........._. ............ ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Con�nas�ublie orks. 3 COUNCIL FILE NO..r1 :::. ..............z . ._,�.._. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-...Q=S.iruc Ling..a...cal: e.rit...side:'1.�11 _.ou..:oath..uide.s...-of...a`ar>>es.-.-- ree.t-.£ro;i_-Snel.li, g._ venue-..t.o--. kale tc_ ..___venue.,-.-eFce,t._::.ile_^c...ro_Q. aid 'ullffir'.iezlt...s7,d.e ia.h sOw Q..-'U.at.................. ...... ..... _..._................. _.._...._...._................ _' ..._............. ..............- _......:.........._.. c jC. F..1'o. 28962—nY 9.:t. Farnsworth— In the Matter of cons rueting a ...................................................................................1 men[ sidewalk on both sides ........ -........... ............... '....... .... .. James S[. from Snelling Avenue to Tfacalesterexcept where good . ..... ............ ... .......... .. ................ ................. ! and suffielent eidewnika now exist. ..-...-...... ........-............. under FrellminarY Order 28310 aP- ^raved Feb. 27, 1920. under PreliminaryOrder ........... blie henrlrts having been hnd r/ 102.0...... ....u.1 La �............ .., _., Improvement upon du. _ ... Council having hr Intermediary Order ..._...__ .- ... ............ _ ...... - _ .. _....._approve4 _ _. .... ... .. ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. G.QIaP X".aC.:U._«._C.G ae lt..-S.J.de-kIa3. It...9.71...1�.a$h...S.id.e a.. 9f ....... panes. trcet...fro; hell. iZg..;v.enue_to i;acalc te3_.ivc.zuc., eaCQPt Coocl..aad.-s.uif:icieni. sida,.-ia1:m .12or1 .e..i S.u.. .. _ . _ _ ....._ ...._ _ _.... _ .. . _..._.. .................. ........... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.......... i' 191........ If City Clerk. ! Approved..... -........ t R 2 B J[U _ ._..__.. ......_ ....._...., 191......_ .....:............... .......... Mayor. Councilman Goss�f Councilman YXJr-, Po;iers M Councilman McColl a���1111 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Iji,% Hodgs on Furm B. S. A. B -i. CITY OF St. PAUL DEPARI"MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4.%,qQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Pons t.r-u.q,t ing q..eng.p.t S.idewal.k on botli sidesof James street from . .......... ................... ..................... ............. . .... . . . . ..... ..... $.nelling...,aveijug to macalester avenue,._ ............ ........... ....... ........... ... - ............. .......... - . ...... ............ ................. ......... .... ..................... ............ under Preliminary Order approved 7Q XVAU--2711!x 1920.., ... ....... ........... ......................................................... ............................. - .... .. ..... ................................ ........................................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .. ........................ front The estimated cost pe/ foot for the above improvement is $ 0.75. -.1- ............................ . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6 5 Elmwood 1825 7 5 Do 50 8 5 Do 50 9 5 Do 50 li 10 5 Do . 50 .11 5 Do 50 .12 5 Do 75 13 5 Do Wo .14 5 Do 100 1525 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEV ART%JENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE T ON PRELIANARY ORDER A" ~ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION 26, 8 Elmwood 100 r 25: 8 Do 100 24 8 Do 100 231 8 Do 100 22 8 Do 100 21 8 Do 100 20 8 Do 100 19 : 8 Do .100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__. ... .... ......5......L?�........_...19 Commissioner of Finance. Forra, H. B. 12 0 17 jz- r1 ly o LD 0 To tine Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. t Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to a (m'ada�: .. St. AlEz. ... Ave. to .... ! .. . f mom its. 3t. Ave. �� / �f......... //................. ..... .......... ............ 1/ ................... ..�:.�: i/._..... ....:/i...........:... _...:..../1 ................:..//..I..!!. .......[i.............. ...... /l :................ �.... .........!'/....... . //.... z ../!... .........(i ............... �/ ............... ?!j. ../i... ......... P .............. /./...................�.�.�/ ...��... .. ......i�................ ........................i,............... .^..... _ ..y ... .. ..S. xY ..... .. ..... .....................� ..�`.. .. f................. � � S ... 1- .. [JAR . Jp�... ......... .....:. ........ -' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works j Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR M.ar oh 8, .... 1920 .. . .. ............. ....... ......... ........ ..._.......I................191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No......... 8.$�Q...._.approved._......._Febr.;18.,T,y...97......... .... 19720, relative to._.._ ........... _......... ................. t-334 aonatruation....o3....a...cement ....tile....aiiiewalk....an.... both ...sA.&e.8._...... ........ ....................... of James Street from Snelling Avnue to Maealester Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ................ _... necessary and (or) desirable. 75% per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_................... _...... ....., and the total cost thereof is $ .................. .............................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................... ....................................................... .........._............... ................ ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. ._ ................................asked for upon petiti of three or more owners of property, subject . y to assessment for said improvement. r Com ssioner of Publ' Works. A A 48.2M 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER d AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No............. '�.�1190 231 w ........................ .... ................ . APR 2 2 1929x AUDITED ......................._..........._...... 19 ....._ RO E R.......... ......._._...............................__._..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Trea- ry,' -payable out of the hereinafter specified funds ant in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite th&spective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays pfR . �9C� Adopted by the ciL..........................................._..._..._........._.191...___ ff11 C. F. No.. 28969Abatract. oved - lI FII 2w IJ.2U 191: Aeaolved that warrants be drawn (ioSS upon the C1tY TreaSO12 payable and of Keller the her.maxtPernone� arms or corpora osfte ........._ ..... .. ... .. .. McColl tions.. for the amouata est 9PDMAYOR their ree0ecttvaenal ed statement: in - the' followfhg 116.00. - Wunderlich Central Bank, i Christ. Johnson. 31,199 60. Mr. President, Hodgson Keough Broa, n, 410 '22.yszo: g 0-W.11 & preafon. 31 1, Apr' "gdopted._bY the Co.ean ADR. e>iPDrove� - 2121 Central Bank, Assignee Standard Stone Company Curbing Thomas from Albert to Hamline 15.00 Curbing Thomas, Snell. to Aldine 20.00 Curbing Sherburne, Griggs to Syndicate 15.00 Curbing Aldine, intersection Laurel & Hague 10.00 Curbing Linwood, Milton to Victoria 20.00 Curbing Osceola from Milton to Chatsworth 25.00 Curbing Fairview, Summit to Grand 10.00 007 T15707 115.00 2122 Christ Johnson, 1,199.50 Sewer on Charlotte Ave. Taylor Ave. to a point 201 S. of G.N. Ry, of W. Res. 231 Page #2 2123 Keough Brothers, Grade Race St. Alaska to Chatsworth 20.00 Grade Waseca, Morton, Page, Bellows, Louisa, Elizabeth 150.00 Grading Stewart, W. 7th to Parnell 30.00 Grading Bellevue-Mtnster Graham & Davern 20.00 Grading Bayard, Syndicate and Hamline 15.00 Grading Hamline, Randolph to Otto 25.00 Grading Charlton and Stevens 20.00 2124 O'Neil &Preston, 'Sewer Connections on E.. S11h and Arcade 50.00 Sewer Connections on Concord 50.00 Sewer on Syndicate 20.00 it " Snelling 60.00 LaFond •100.00 n n E.S.Snell. Stanford to J. 30.00 Sewer Connections on Laurel 25.00 Sewer connections on Earl Street 25.00 Otto Niles Sewer Systeml 40� Total 3,354.50 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE LYCIL No.�. Q F " Farm A A 46,1 N 7-18 - 230 APR Z 2 1920 BY.... ........... ............. ....._.........._.............R .. T C1 Rt1LL R AUDITED ............................................ 19 _ P R.....-------------- ........................ .... ...... .......... .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the /persons, firms or corporations for. the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V ) C 1E'. No. 28964 uF1H �w �SC_�, ,,,,, ....191...._.._ Abatzact. Adopted by t ouncll .. Ileaolved that warranta be .drown 18nC upon the City Treasury: payable out of they, hereinafter, speotfled funds `and Ing i[h .tions of the peraone; Orme or corpora- ..-�..... _....191.._....... [lona for the amounts set c tied in .d/�l/•�/// G09S their reap ective names as me.t! ed In the following detailed statement: fleorge C; Binder Co., $39 461 , Keller K F. Dreher Deputy Com'r. of $du ...... ... ......... .... .......... _..._._ n, $10.06 ca n, MAYOR McColl » c. Je/Yeraon, szl4.as Joy roe. Afotor Car Co..$2.400.00. Wunderlich Nationat Leaa "U$ , 32626 W. Eleetrlc Equipment Company., Mr. President, Hodgson 53 s@. e InnRwaidl 16000 Council Apr. 22, 1920. 22, 1920, 24-1920) 39.45 10.05 217.35 3,700.00 36.26 538,68 2110 George C. Binder Company, Sprinkling 28.91 Schools 10..54 2111 K. F. Dreher, Deputy Comlr. of Education Schools 2112 A. C. Jefferson, St. C. BE R. 2113 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, Water 2114 National Lead Company, Water 2115 N. VY. Electric Equipment Company, Police 85.32 Health .79 Schools 108.98 32.93 Library .98 Mech. A.H.S.Library 36.10 2.35 Auditorium 226.38 Water 4.15 It 3.18 11 34.36 11 3.16 X68 39.45 10.05 217.35 3,700.00 36.26 538,68 'Res. 230: Page.: #2 2116 S. C. Ringwald, 50:00 " Water 2117 James Shiely, 428.38 Water i 2118 0. S. Stewart, Supt., 1 372.00 - ' =. Health 2119 Superior Refining Company, 54.70, Water 2120 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 173.55 ' Police 9.00 Fire 99.50 Park -Adm, 31.55 Bureau of Parks 7.50 Playgrounds 3.00 8.00 , P. Bldgs. 15.00 173:55 Total 6,620.42 A „4 .. CITY OF ST. PAUL onr •aero OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cocvcl rl AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILA ' No....... ��`� Form A A /9, 2 M 1.18 120 er ../....." s� (_ 2TP�rROLER AUDITED ......................................191...... 232 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations f j..-the. amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen( V ) _ – Ado ted b the Council. .._Elf'k.. ..15M._... _..... _191..— C k No. 29996 Abstract. p y �.. R of ed• that rra to b dra uIII npo L6 City T a ury PBYabI or the hereinafter pecffl i r nda_'cond rOV¢d f Sao re theparsecs, firms -- 1 ; �- Goss theatfons tor, the mounts et opposite ii �✓2i fy Z� eaDectfve names'an apeclfled In the rollowing detailed state ent: Keller S A. Farnsworth, C m Finance. .. ....._ . . . _ .............................................. ... :272.69.. SiAYOR McColl Adopted by the Council Apr. 22, 1920. 'Approved Apr. 22, 192e. Wunderlich ztils2o� Mr. President, Hodgson 2125 S. A. Farnsworth, Com Ir Finance 272.50 Interest Total $272.50 J •.. l 1.1 C. FS No 28966, By hi N,¢oe9-- counEh • Ql'hetesa 'Ober Commlaetoner of ub- FILE f NO........ vlt fiC ,:n,'oS1<e has reported8ectlgto'the Coul'ncil., in ,accordance tih n. 68 of ,the. ClLyy, Charjer, the .ezfetence of ad em-• COON ertKency whlch'�endered nec eeat•y the+, empi yment oC certain: employes eP PRESENTED by his-.Department.YOr more.,than eigg4t; � h prp Der dayY, gald,emptoyme t 7»Ing`,i 9F COMMISSI fR....... ... .... .J .... . more than CheIF usual 'hoard E em, DATE. ..... K/ +��--T^ „nt, ,therefore be It;:�--••• sd„That-..the"propaF; cltg;; author': t RESO&VED WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Works has reported to the Council, in accordance L with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employ- ment of.certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than their usual hours of employment; Therefore be it Y RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Rate of �cName - / Title Hours Overtime Yes (l%) Councilmen Nays am oss In favor JJJ NkCof[ Powers —Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM:: .3M9 -I9 Adopted by the Council .G�Rw lyC� t9 Approv .. .. .APR. Z21920......._ 19.......- MAYOR ❑I CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .,PRESENTED BY COUNCIL `�' 96 FILENO .................. .................. DATE.........__....._..._. RESOLVED •'-.ri:L 1:; ane .,.,.:.•,..-rcr'r , `l. U1 t•.r L'::77o: _ injured P,:Arch 5 1920 in the cours a" -_i:; walljy; w_ __ _}c ki,'_-aul Armory, and, ,,':he're ns, he his incurred lion_ :.1 _rd noctor Hills amou nt- inr to tlCG.GG,be it RE61LVED t'::Zt 6ne sro : r t its✓ Cfficers -re herety authorized to enter into %n apreament ,,,:th the said 4. W. Zenk,erle in accordance r_th toe ter -,e of ih- T orkmen' s Connensa V en _Ct oay-r- t .J 1 . ...._d ?`_nf:erle o. Lhe su.n. of V1'.C7 ner week 2urirx such )erind as ^e . 7:,r W totally Woubled by reason of such in•juri s and be it further resolved tact in jecordince vit'n e'iid aitreeven.t nroner Lity Cfficers ,are '•,ereL,/ !ut'^,or.7ed to 01Y to Or slid ' -,F, of the `torkn:enls Co7neapgt'_on 1ccy:n`, of the neneral "t1.:nd, t' -_e e.-. of :'73.92, heir si:: aceks Comic nof or un to Anril Card .in partial ce-Ze- went of Au c1n.im and tAe furVer sur. of PICC.CC in _-.:11 sett,'_e- ent of is cl On for hosnit -11 and medicnl oreatr eqt . a v: 24967— Whereaa':onetN. M:. Zengerle, a�. City ''Employe, was'injutled- March. -6, Clit in t wn;Me nf. his employment at the - St. Paul Armory, and, Whereas, he he incurred,; Hospital and. Doctor Billss amounting'. to $100.00, be it Resolved,That the proper City ORI era are hereby autliorissd tos enter In-. I :hereby re C` an agreement with the Bald N. M. :u ;: ;.C': fnr `'1E:'L 'e •• 4erle in accordance with-theyterma - ..r. �^said . J:airp n AV=ory Jo-ylboiun. Yes Q Councilmen (A Nays C ' ncy F rnsworth f ss (/ In favor cColl j'� wets V -Against underlich President FORM 3M8 -I8 Adopted by the Council fI}'k Z2_� f2.u......_ 19 Approv < ^ 11f k res:. 1�2u ..._..... _.19_......_ OR MAYOR COUNCIL 28968 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE . NO ................. _........... ...... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "PRESENTED BY~ COMMISSIONER...:._..................................,.('/nJ - ...... DATE...APTS.1..._2.1....._19i....... RESOLVED , That the grade of Pascal Avenue, from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the ac- companying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. -No, 2898&—�Br M N.. Gdoed-= -i'S. -MIved, That the grade of PuImt- Avenue;" fr m `Uatehall AVeaiie'" to' Igl hnrt Avenue: In accorQance .ith.l the red grade line on It e'accompanY- ing. profile and as. recommended by the Commiesloner of .Public Works, 'be and the same,ls.bereby adopted.ae the,l established grade. Adopted by the Council Apr. 22, 1920.. Approved Apr. 22, 1929, - _ (April 24-1920) _ p Yes (x') Councilmen ( 1 Nays -46 GoIn favor Mc o11 V 1 Po vers -� Against Wnderlich Mr President FORM -9-10 Adopted by the Council h P R 22 �S.LU._...._._-19 - - Appro d .__._. llf�k z"c!. 2..U...........__19..._..._ MAYOR r - PRESENTEE) BY 4e COMMISSIONER ....................................... RESOLVED COUNCIL ), 169 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .......... .....__................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATEA.pril 22, 19HC ...................... That the grade of alley in Block 5, Lyman D. Baird's Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F ISo. 28988=8y M. N. Gk Resolved, That the.grade of alley. ln. Block 5j Lyman D. Baird's Addltion;'irL accordance with the red grade line -,on the, acdompaWpit profile, andas rec omtnended by:.:the Commissioner, . of Public: Works: be .and the same..'. Is hereby:: adopted.-as;,the establlshed, grade. Adopted by�tbe Council Apr. 22, 1820. APprol'ed,Apr. 22, 1920. .;(April .24.1920) Yes (N') Councilmen (�) Nays GossInfavor M.Co11 Powers O -Against Wunderlich Mr. President .. Adopted by the Council "^&....S.LO _19 Approve ._ 111"R 4'U' � L(}......._........._.19-_..... .... .MAYOR..... .... 3M9-19 �}m BY RESOLVED. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILEt NO....... FILE DATE That the grade of Asbury Avenue, - from Marshall Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public,,Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as -th"b established grade. C. F. No. 29970 -By DL N. Goes— Resolved,, That the gradet . St._ ur9 Ave:.' Tram- Marshsll Ave: to She e t onye._ ne on tba accompany he �� flle.andas recommendedb Ue..and t e mleeioner of Rubilc N.orke.. ilebad�Brade byadopted as th 2 e 792 . Adopted by the CgOunoSl AD 2, Approved (pDD {7 24 1�0) - Yes (N*) Councilmen ( ) Nays FORM -R_ Adopted by the Council OR ;l.,v-Wa - ---19- - Approved. _. _.._lTP:..'<A„v �yLl)�_/_._...^..._19.....,..._ V v MAYOR Gosycas>raRth McColl Powers In favor - 'Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -R_ Adopted by the Council OR ;l.,v-Wa - ---19- - Approved. _. _.._lTP:..'<A„v �yLl)�_/_._...^..._19.....,..._ V v MAYOR PRESENTED BY COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ........... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DA RESOLVED 'That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge Touring Car for the sum of $1295.00, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Playgrounds -53.1.$ C F -No X8894T Reeolved, That the Purchasing. "Agent.be. and he is hereby suthorized 'to. -purchase. Wlth the. coneent.:ol;-the Comptroller, -Dodge Touring for the r3295.0, wthoa& vertleementy ae thte; FIs a patented ar> ticle and no advantagecould be gained thereby. Charge. Flayground"3.1. E- Adoptedby the Councll ..Apr. 2, 1920. ADProved.(A1920, pril r. N 3926 Yes (d) Councilmen (f) Nays r_ F�nSSlER�S % Goss � �- In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 Adopted by the Council.- --..h. PR ,rsd 192U__.19 .............._..... . A/p//p''11/v .. ,�/././. _......._._...........19_._.._ MAYOR I COUNCIL (� 2. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..2,,,1S.;7•~�.�.- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..... .... ...... ::..:..................................._..............................................._.........._................, DATE.A. F.i.h....$0..__...9 ....... RESOLVED at the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Hawthorne Street from Duluth Avenue to east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, in accordance with plans and d specifications herito attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,046.20, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $1,020.00. F. B. #2240. Yes (Y') Councilmen (,') Nays Cel` o'" Ewan verth Goss -- In favor McColl Powers -Against Wunderlich Mr. President \tiPURM 3MR-,q No' 240 s m��.awe No 2240. opted by _.the Couhctt Apr 22 lil 0 proved. Apr. 22 1820, .(Ayrtl �i4-1920) �,. "Pers 31t CAnr .Above $esoi ( Adopted by the Council -- u F -)'.L.0 ---'-19 - - hP.R Z,`1215[ll...__...._..19__..._ APPr MAYOR COUNCIL 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ................. -...x........0.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Frank Street from Maryland Street to Ivy Street, in accordance with plans and specifications attached hereto, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,195.80, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $2,078.00. F. B. #2238. "onnection with ail pa.n®rs in ct. Resolution. -uov® Yes (%') Councilmen (�) Nays Fmxw" YFPt" r' Goss 1 J In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich FORM 3M Mr. President . I Adopted by the Council ll f'R Z2 JC ?x._...........19 Appro ..__6l}'fi...;�.`�"..JJLU--_._...._......19_......_ MATOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DA COUNCIL'2 J..9 p T FILENO ........................._.......... RESSLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Hawthorne Street frotd Earl street to Duluth Avenue in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,905.90, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $2,168.00. E. B. #2241. "Adored byoEde'CouneR Apr.�22 IB20.I' ApD��ed Ayr 22: 1980 � � (Aprt)•.8� 1820) I PPI. "e1 all p:;p^,ra is cnn'iect1on with :bov,y Rea0lutti'jonn. Yes (0 Councilmen (�) Nays Adopted by the Council 11 PR-22-J92U......i9 - Farssw�th e� llf'K �;� 15C0........_.1..._._ Goss `....._.In favor Approved. _ _ 9. McColl Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3149-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU""'NO..._r,.+L7.7.d..E�...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the I Contract Committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Orange Street from Earl Street to east line of Pho.en Heights Park Addition, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $2,681.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $2,708.00. F.B. #2239. n.,,.;, ;1 t s: i.1 Papers in oc!.ion with above '.?solutio Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council --(If1R-'��-����- ---19 -- Goss In favor Approved 1VIcCo11 ,9Vj Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3.9-19 Council File No.... ................ Petition tit ion PROPOSAL FORT'��"unVEMENT Atetri t4 , itek f ell ';*F" ' 'for .1 9win ,%venlb f`lwde-Thaf the- oiant by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making 0 1 .Work.�,ls ane he I nd:dfr6ct,d: lt,r,by Or, Const U1 n. _ "Belt Jdmuld ................................................................... -.7-lor - - - . ........ .. . ..­�t' .th1Uaturie,extenI t'etSre.et.,ry ti.6et,10,lDrove- ...................................tthereof. coat i le, or t ed for. n t OafI eu lion ................ ............................ .......... I of theforego.- Dated this.. pOth day of .............................AP...... l9@0 .......... ...... Councilman. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making ofdre folloi�q mqfi.Wemcnt, viz.. ..... ...O.on a t = 0 t IOUof 4 Sg*ox on Edmund ............ ..Street, ......... from Fry.. Street to A.1dine, Street.., .... ....................... ........................ .... ­ ............................. .......... ............ _ ...................................................................... .............................. ­ ............ ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................. ................ ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invenigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eftimated coft of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 8-1n1-3—rmSV3'M_ ................................ .. ..... U/ .......... ........... ..... ___ _ .................. ........... . __ .. ............................................................................... h ther or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. gtate whether To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. epo Adopted by the council .9111.92.0 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman FORIN61d. Goss Approved.. fl.PR,.' IS -20 ---------------- 191 Keller,, McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 19 (5M 4-17) Council File No.............;...:.. Petition PROPOSAL FOR IQ:.F 130 2�8977A�treot,. r I A wrltten�Dr V1L n'$lOyY 0 Ly,... " 6rWrd'Saiinl� A a11to i ram' AeburY'?ve_ The undersigned hereby propos S Baira`e-Aadtuon, t bc.a• D .improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; jeen$ed to theyOpunciFY4ot the CttY,�of St' ?V Works b and be 1W her y a, Ck 5, Lyman D. .Baird 8 ................. ........................ ...,at.R�aouly aeTpat 1heC WrhYset$aertbr > ....... . _.. .... __ .... _. Addltiori, dared and directed: 4impson Avenue. ............................................. .. 1 T0.. Ittveetlgate the neceeeitY 'for .... .. .... .. - ... ... or dealrablNty of the makln8 of, said � I'imD ovament..1..e. the nafilre, 0 tenE ' o, menp and the to plan. Drodle r>, ................................................. _ To.: f41 ah' a D ;... .... ..... .... .... ...... .... ................ 1 cent. - nrov Ynr not-eatd, on'the ^` Datedthis....... a....et day of ... ........................_ ...?._ r............................... 19..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY RD -! WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo owing Imp ov men , v1z.: ....Grathng...of....a11ey _in..Block...5,...Lyman D, ...Aaird.l.s.-Addition, .from Asbury .Avenue, to, ....................... Simp.aon..Avenue............... .................... .......... . _. ._.................................... ......... ....................... _.............. _........ ... .......... .... ... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._......_..__.........._......_._.__.._....__..........._........ 4 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. .3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. _.. 3 Toilwreh•tIF- c_n ...:__ -.1. _ a.,«e e..a • .,..e:a :..,.....,,. �. ..................... _.._....... .................................................................... ........... ........... . dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. I�T- report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................... 191_...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F11?fl1WffM' Goss App) �- Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Itim Form C A 15 Ohl 4-17) I c x� iso assts— ` Council File No... ..__ ,Abe trICt. ere-asA'wrlttenYDr�Petition P tuWkngof the follgweal for the { r. T ' vli•eo C. d. and ta$ngan eameaY. tae-.Ipnd necessary for slOpeb. for: C .rand 81ls, in grading alYItto Sl'o vman'D. Balyd's Addition prole. t p dy, Avenue'-_to'glmDeon;:et6en ell �l ♦ the CRY, preuedted t Or o, Council' •, :9e: Cod of Sn..Paul therefore; r of .. esolIt ved, That+the Commleeloner of -'-c The undersigned hereby proposes the ��uC .works be ana pe la hereby or. ovement b the Cit of St. Paul, viz; A and directed: - y y To I.vestlgata the nece,sly for on � irabillty'pi .the making o[ said .............................. I..................... - .. anent. _ easement .. in the land neC ,!. Inved .-tae the nature, extent cost• of said` improve-.. Cllt 8 and .............................. .9 the -otal coat thereof. -.ilis...Im gra-ding,-lefi, a"Dlan, hlrr,0flt0 or 'Lyman...�i...... ............_..... ......... Baird' i3 Addltlonf Ot nether or'nocsatd lm a t0 S1mp- ..................................... ......... ............. ............... .......................... .... ........... d for on the potlt On "" "' son venue owners.. ..................._........................................ ...................ata,, a;tr A e rr......................................................_.......: ............... Dated this.........2ia flt.....day of .................................. April............ ..................... , Councilmen. I. - PRELIMINARY _. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o he fo owmg un7rdliilt, viz.: .............._ ..._ _.._..__....__ ._......_......._.....Condemning.. and taking. -an.. easement ..... _-- ---------- in the land necessary for slopes for outs and .................................... fi3.Zs...to._grading- , alley in..Block ..5.. .Lyman...D:.._ ...._..... Baird' s...Addition,.... from.._Asbury... Avenue._t_o.._Simi.-........................................... son Avenue. ............................. ............................ ..................... .................................................. .........__...._........._......._............ ..._.._. __........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............._. ...................... ..................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........ .............. ....................... ............ ........._....... .......................... .._........._.._............ ..._............... ............................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .... ...... _�IP.R...r2.2.1920.................. 191 yeas: Nays: Councilman Tiasaswstit Goss Approved ............._ �I 19`lQ........191...._.. d Keller McColl Wunderlich_.......................................................................... Mayor 6*iw- or. Form CA IS (SM 4-17) AR 5e C. F. No. Administrative Ordinance No. ,'4 An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5001 entitled; "An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 3942, entitled "An Ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the employes and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City", approved August 10,1917. ORDINANCE. '- F. N, 28979—Adm1.j.t,.tlr 0,0, 'Ce No. 5299-13y Albert "raiTL DOES ORDAIN: THE COUNCIL OF THE., �. SECTION 1 That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5001 entitled; An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 3942, entitled " An Ordinance fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the employes and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City", approved August 10, 1917, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the following words and figures: "For the coaching of Base ball and Track teams, at the rate of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($loo .00) per season which season shall begin on Aril 1st and end at the ciloso of each sbhool year. It and inserting in place thereof the following words and figures; "For the coaching of Base ball teams at the rate of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per season which season shall begin on April 1st, and end at the close of each school year." For the coaching of Trackkeams at the rate of not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per season which season shall begin on April " 1st. and end at the close of each school year. SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays -e iane� Farnsworth -Gees McColl ,: •� powers �-✓ Wtinde! 3: Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) Adopted by the Council MAY -7 1°1-0 1920 AY�aMAY -7 1920 1920. ATTEST JOHN i. FAPICY, City Clerk. I `^-�aravr^�..rx>saw•�w'.�t.:�.1tT.�...v.+�JG<-2S�Af[tHnwF�tY'�i'..i'.+ �1. .n .').C/1:4 .. ,,. tl„i `�Ct � ' µmi... �V•' ,a � ..t� 5RA �'w::+.,4�2#"t .'.P::eYntia.£+ hN\:hop. ty q d.S J.din- C. F, No. 28980—AdmtnAlbertiVW ander -i C I V V an" No. 6300—BY tich— r � dtnance to amend Ordinance a 1 � —�.fntitled: An Ordinance au•Awl "W""'��-, :he emPDI. marttaent of Ed- y7 C m 289,Y; Administrative Ordinance No. O 0 C. F. Fdo V k An Ordinance to amend Ord1nanee No. 5065 entitled; "An Ordinance authorizing the employment of persons for service in the Department of Education and fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the employees and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City, approved March 10, 1919. COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECT ION 1 That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5065 be and the same Is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the following words and figures; "For the School Gardens: Not more than five instructors of school gardening for six months at salaries not to exceed $$70.00 per month each." and inserting In place thereof the following words and figures; For t}e School Gardens: 3i•Two (2) instructors of school gardening at salaries not to exceed $150.00 per month -each for a period of five months. Four (4)�ins� re of sehool•gardening at salaries not to exceed $$100.00 per month each for a period of five months. " SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen ---- Farnsworth ,._ �.w+ ww— McColl Powers f ••�e�e3�3ri.�t Mr. Pres. Nays Adopted by the Council MAY –7 1920 1920 (Hodgson) Approved MAY –17 19 1926. �iIBI 1SHED ---ATTEST! A rr RN y JOHN 1. 1,RIC St" Clerk, d \^ �Ye c lad ;/ c 1 �! �.�,rtq�..{ ,� �` '" � � � 0 F �,} J �.•� !'1`, XY�-�'"+-,''."i i �:1 to �< .�,, ,(� y�: .r. yd �...:,o•...wco�,.}H.awJw ruwrwypurrarw,msre�awz,�a*m'taia�rw,k�a�sar!t�irrsuaM+Mld^cs;d^mut€.tai+�,wmtars�,,.�,Nvr..u1,5.m„y r::,�yv{,U?�:r+t*s+a; j: I—A A46,2X 7-t8 CITY OF 9T. I -UL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE°'L NQ•....... 233 Sj ' APR 23192 0 a .... .................. .. AUDITED . /P�)LL7:R .._. /Vi// - ... .... ._.......... 191.... _ yy/� 5 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the' -< persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysAdopted by Ih on i] ...��r.H . J �U Clancy WT :?J IK U 1=er:Is[1Ctdf�' .........In favor oved . ... Goss Keller upon the C. F. fio 28981 Abstract.� � MAYOR ve—_ Resold that warrants be drawn McColl 01 TreaeurY. payable out of tha. heielnafter epeeltled fund. and In Wunderlich favor of ty. persona, Arms or corpora- ' ttone for -tithe amount. eat oppoelin Mr. President, Hodgson tt:etr 7e.peottve names aa ep.nt; In the [cls Bros. statement: Brooks Bros. 1 r Co., 53;1.37. Dranseeld. d. $1 1228.. -- +.usr.• Hornn. (23.10. k. 66.00. aad Co., 5332.32 s2& hurah of Amer - Co.. 536.63. is. $6,126Ao. Co., 512[.36. 1 Ap, 23, 1720. 2126 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Parks 2127 F. J. Dransfield, Water 2128 Mrs. -Marg Horan, Police 2129 Mrs. W. E. McCormick, Water 2130 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, Police SewerC. & R. St. C. & R. it S. & 5. Cing. Sprinkling Fire Schools Water 2131 Edward Neumann, Police 2132 Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, Schools 171.53 116.58 70.57 9.31 83.56 20.94 19.60 57.79 282.44 9�'3'� 354.37 2,28 23.10 6.00 832.32 70.28 215.00 I Res. 233 Page #2 2133 Rev. F. Otto, Schools 2134 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comparlp, Schools W orkhous e Fire Water 2135 xobinson, Cary & Sands, Parks 2136 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, Comptroller Auditorium St. C. & R. Schools - u Library 2137 A. J. Wampler, Playgrounds 8,264.29 2.60 20.27 75.29 .37 9' . "3 4.50 12.00 7.50 131.70` 40.90 148.50 40.65 41.60 5 25.00 98.53 6,125.00 427.35 85.06 CITY OF ST. - OFFICE OF THE COMPTBO�I;ER ., 82 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na ....... �'1; A FILM: 99; l:N 7 -IB - 234 APR rII1 BY . . .......................... `.� '' ..... AUDITED .....SPR-.2.�--.1920.......... 191......-.//c'y/,i',/'t/gprR'U'L/1 PER..... .:. --..Y..!.....`.!....--" ......... ............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the r. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council__..._.._.4'.H...2a-J 29........._..._191..:......_ Clancy -; AbetracL t rr11 r' the here that warrants' be drawn, roved__........_._. iif R--7�G°2i I3 EU-`-" ..191_........ Resoly upoC1ty Treasury payable out In Inatter sons, firms ms or and in Keller to it r�the Persons, nems t corpora. Goss favor o[ [lone for the amounts at ap its .........__ pec[fve ailed.' -t epecl ed iR MAYOR t ,[poLowlng rootaile-d met of Finance, McColl - 0k Wunderlich Xel Conslvction co., Y166.00. 9Hanel— PeteMn, !20.00. Standiuld' Stone'Co., 1561,30. Mr. President, Hodgson Thornton Bioe., $4184.00. Adopted by the Council Apr. 23, 1920. .Approved. Apr.,A 1920. :.....(Nay 1-1930) I 2138 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr, of Finance 22,200.17 St. C. & R. 10,912.88 Sewer C. & R. 626.80 S. & S. Ging. 6,656.60 1,742.20 274.00 Bridge B. & R. 92.74 Sprinkling 603.50 Docks, wharves, etc. 52.00 Engineering Insp. 1,117.55 Paving Pine St. 121.80 �S6:Z7 2139 Feyen Construction Company, 765.00 Sewer Myrthle from Non#gomery to Cleveland 2140 Hansine Peterson, 20600 G.F.-Misoellaneous & Unforseen 2L41 Standard Stone Company, 561.30 Cement Walks 2142 Thornton Brothers, 2,184.00 Sewer Iglehart Dale to Lex. 1,934.00 Sewer Connections via 6th Summit to Iglehart Ave. 250.00 2,184.00 Total 25,730.47 �}y (ma(y1 Council File No ....... 83 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY O ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follo • public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -b-And gutter oth sides .of............................. ._.................................. ....._................H.W. ILLA................................................-...................................................................................._................................ ..................................................................................... .................................................. Dated.this.._2aa.\)........day of ........................... P..r1._..........._............_................, 19P._. .......................................................... PItT•;I.IDIINARY �ORDF,R9 I Councilman. No..28983-- �• Abatraot. P$iNhereae A. written propos 1 for their ng of ta' following_ Improvement, WHEREAS, A written ro Deal for the mak2n' St Cl airrskottoeoece Q a i-ArL viz.: P P ,rrn' Aran^are�to thw;: .................. .. _...... Curb and gutter _.b.at.>z:s.ides... aY ...... ................. .................... Avon..Street.... from _.St. ..... Clair ...St.r.e.et....t.o...os...Geola_. _....._.__..__.... ....._.__.... ........................ Av a nue...............................................................................:..................................................................................... ............ ........................... ........................................ ................................................. .._............._. ...._._ _.._...._........_......_.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._......... ........... ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. • nr dares +.rl i [a&mar nn r•tative to sa,_„ir�Itnorovement• .........,........:........._.......... ..... ............ ........._........ _........... _.... _.... _.. _. ... ..................._... ......................... ........................... ...................... .... ?o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. T- report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................... GNK...'�.'`�..IyL�......_:-.191........ Yeas: Nays: Goss ft 2315[0 Approved..... .... ......... .......... 19t-...... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich,. ............................................. ............................... ............... Mayor Irvin Q Mayor. �. Form CA 13 (6M 4•17) Council File No..........2-89,84 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improve/ by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _............................................................................................ ao..... Datedthis .................day of..........................................................., 191......... ...................................................... 'I C. F. No. 28884— Abstract. Councilman. Whereas, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, _I �•iz.: Paving of Burgess St. from .Furring. ton Ave. to Western Ave. having beer, presented to the Council of the City:.. I$t. 1'qul there*ore,-hba ^ommleste WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following'improvement, viz.: ...Paxing...of_ Burgess._. Street.,...fram.. .. _.....Earringt.an.. Avenue ..t.o... West.ern _ Avenue. .................... ................................ ... ....... -................... .........._..................... _......._._.............. ...................................... ................................ ....................................__..... .._.... ......... .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman................_...................._...._..............._.........._...._... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eAtimnted coat of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o nu erata an information re a ve o s ................................... . _---_.......__._...._.............._............._..................__._...._,......_.._.._...._... T dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.. ..... ......... ._191......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191 Hyland ........ Keller McColl Wunderlich......................................................... .................. :........... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Ferm c w Is tsel 4-171 PlJBLI5f1� iT vt Administrative Ord ln_e latlog to thoe DI tm8at -f bile I and appoint en, nsation. Powers and tie, AN -ORDINANCE AMEND,JNG ADMINISTRATIVE ORDINANCE NO. 5207, ENTITLED "AN ADMINISTRA I11F ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, ITS OFFICEi-IS AND EMPLOYES, THEIR QUALIFICATIONS The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: - SECTION I. That Ordinance No- 5207, entitled "An Administrative Or- dinance relating to the Department of Public Safety, its officers and employes, their qualifications and apcointment, compensation powers and duties," is hereby amended as follows: . By striking out in Section -D, Sub -division "A" of said Ordinance the words and figures, "One (1) Assistant Superinten- dent of Apparatus at an annual salary of from $1800.00 to $2100.00", and inserting in lieu thereof, the words and figures, "One (1) Assistant Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of $2100.00.0 By Striking out in Section 5, Subdivision "D" of said Ordinance the words and figures, "Two (2) Carriage Painters, each at a monthly salary of $125-00," and inserting in lieu thereof, the words and figures, "Two (2) Carriage Painters, each at a monthly salary of no SECTION II. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. Yes Councilmen Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council MAY -8 1920 19 Farnsworth Goss Infavor Appr Nfly -8 1929 19 McColl Powers ALainst Mr. President City Clart. is I iM 13M9- ri 1� z : } }} / \ ƒ \ \ Ii I T Form A A 46,1 U 7-18 • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 289'j AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1OL" IL No........... 236 �— 't 6�Y . ............................... 7 AUDITED pP.;�...., 114 192.._.._........ 191..... ////C//11'T . /pTRu1.LF:f2 PER..._V....... ..�! ..__.... _. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays --_ Adopted by th ncil tIF'.R .2.4. _ Clancy C. F.; N.- Abetraet. be drawn. f k 24_&U..._.. .......191......... warrants b�le out of pprov .._... Rn theed t 'rtreaeutls Df..R. and lnl (so55 u0 h 'natter ¢Peet firms or corPort; th sone, osltp ' Keller y♦� tavor Tt r 1•thee amounea aset eDecifled to I reePectiv Aet611ed .tgtetne 9PPP1Y MAYOR McColl the follow= CooPl'ng 8: Fire The A.r. OB Wunderlich Sze City I r C- c11y"' �T."PfC3itlUrtit�" 1'�8K'�.a I� teF'C� � �gy �� �7.6Q I 2144 The Anderson Coupling & Fire Supply Company, New Bldg. Conbt. 2145 Capital City Lumber Uompany, St. 0. & R. 9.60 Bureau of, Parks 71.46 $ice 6� 2146 Inter City Paper Company, Election 2147 A. F. Morton, Supt., Auditorium 2148 William Mullaney, Election 2149 L. L. Olson, Election 2150 0. J. Reynolds, Comptroller 2151 Seabury & Companyp Water 2152 Stearns Printing Company, Civil Service Health -Adm. if Bureau11of Parks If Total 627.83 2.75 9.25 2.25 59.50 42.00 29.50 14S:Zb 205.80 81.06 19.60 47.50 104.00 16.00 5.25 3.37 145.25 LCOUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE _ No .................. Y✓U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESENTED BY//� COMMISSIONER........_ ....__ ...__...._.. .......:._.... .. _............. DATE April. 24, ..1920..... RESOLVED That the .prover city officers are hereby directed and em-porfered to have printed. 1,000 copies of the City Comptroller's annual report for the year 1919, charninf, same to the Official Publication item of the Ge`A'eral Fund. 2.®g7_gY J' 31. Cb eey._ ha herci, dlr' ct O0e itr om Pryht 7919, chairig�j 6n t mccortwA�}ftt PycI llc. .h -koro of . O— APProvod A°rh °�°r'. 24, 19'Ep,b /Nav 1.182pt Yes (%') Councilmen (,-) Nays Clancy Goss In favor McColl 3wers / l Azainst Wunderlich b� FORM -- Adopted Y Ado tedb the Co ncil GE'R "«-.a[�--19 i /llf'fj f , 1 , // . 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIE NO...._..._,d. OFFICE OF THE CITY ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. ._..... ............ _......_........_ .. ..._._ .. .......... ......... ..._.. DATE ......... RESOLVED , that a warrant for $18.1.69 be drawn in favor of the Commissioner of Education, (payable out of the contingent fund,)to pay for services at the Auditorium on April 20th., 1920 according to attached statement'. C. Bo ya,t t Of °i'ns coo std' s O he O d �t1on. (P%�'bY for service occord- n6 WiOn l "1.24. 1 pdoD bpyr. Approved Psi 1�192D1 - T, Yes (, �) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council H !LLI-. 19 - Clancy F. Goss __..._. In favor Approve _.. ._..Il.'�..,�P_I[(f_ ..__.19......._ cC 0 � /] er Against Powers • -. Wunderlich FORM 3M9-19 MAYOR r wCCv// COUNCIL 2898()' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .�. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............... ............. j..G!:.!9/1(... , ......L�` ........._.... DATEApri.l....20..1.92.0............ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing and delivering 200 coils of extra strong lead pipe and 11,000 pounds of wiping solder to the Water Department, to the St. Paul Warehouse, National bead Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $8,648.30, in accordance with specifications of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2246. Yes (%') Councilmen (.'I Nays Clancy F _ Goss S, McColl Powers FORM Wunderlich -9-19 CO�ece r W Adopted by the Co 19 In favor A-..._ ... H.r—°_.��.Q.._____..._19.......- Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL•� )89911 FILE NO._....,y.,..,... f. ... DATE That the application of The BartleB Oil CO., for licenses to maintain oil filling stationB on private property at the following locations, Mounds St. and Hastings Av., 6th--St.Peter & Washington Sts., University Ave. & Albert St., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is here- by instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. Yes ( ) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 1—IB I C. F. No. 2M—$Y H-7 McColl— ' a,;sWved, That the appialctlon of The Bertleo oil Co., for Licenses to maintain .it filling Idoing I--—�rlvate P-Demy nt .Xw ds St:and Hostings Ave.' etb. Bt. Peter & Washington Sts. UntvereltY Aye. & Albert St., he CitytClerk ee heerebyylnstrug cued toalea 'sue such licenses upon the payment Into the Ctty Treasury t the fee eeulred by law. Adopted by t'e 24 uI M.l -pr. 24, 1820. Approved r Adopted by the Counyil� Gf R (j----19- - In favor Ap ed .... .............. .19 , Against MAYOR BY COMMISS(O RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM '1 FILE No. ............ ..... DATE...._ .......... That the Cigarette License No. 65, which expires April 16th, 1921, now in the name of S. E. Levenson, 919 Armstrong Avenue, be and the same hereby is transferred to S. E. Levenson, 354 E. Lawson St. C: F. No. MM—By Henry MoC`111�1Y, . R.eeolved, That the cigarette >•dyenu, ' No.. 6, which :OXVIres .April IRth;);}821.;" now In the navw,or 9,; •E;. ,I„ere Ae -tti9. Aa dtrong ,AYmue, be any the sFale. hereby is tranaCerrvd to. 9. E. teveneori; 35/ E. Laura W St -- AQopted by the 06uneil Apr. 84, 'Ift. - Apprwed I=. . ->6�ay 1-1a2Uj f - Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council - - } K.. }...;.; .L.O...-_ 19 - .Ter+!QEOCP�fi � Goss In favor Approv ...... III:.K...<: ._+[jJ.._..19_,....- McColl Powers v Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9_19 COUNCIL Subjedt: _. Resolved, RM I COUNCIL PILE No ............... y.. 'j�\) .911 2'....... en $e' Ander n,. Rest"rent. 299.1 - r &'H" "biumnt. 13e:..rPresented......Apr.* .244......_..._..191 .0 PM.tson, Reataur"n 2. E. F!w.on Reeteurant, 22F+ ria Bros Sieetaurn' That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the location respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NATIE OF APPLICANT.' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Fred Fink, Restaurant, 121 lith Ste, Mrs. Anna Reed, Restaurant, 487 Asbury, Klausen & Anderson, Restaurant', 299 E. 7th, Lawler & Harris, Restaurant, 138 E. 5th, Pete Peterson, Restaurant, 215 E. 7th lve., C. He Evenson, Restaurant, 2264 Como Xatzambis Bros. Restaurant, 122-24 8th St., Mrs. C'. Bartlett, Restaurant, 152 University, S. P. Sullevolds Restaurant, 2264 Hampden, Stanley Yacak, Restaurant, 562 Rice St., A'. Be Schwabel & Co., Restaurant, 83 E. 4th St., Albert A. Schultz, Restaurant, 238 E. 7th, Henry Fruetel, Restaurant, 11 We College, Albert Siess,. Arcade Hotel, 841-43 Arcade, Ryan Hotel Co: Ryan Hotel, 6th & Rgbert, Cecil Smith, Cecil Hotel, 315J St.- Peter, Yeas ( 0 Councilmen ( V). Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl. Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 8.18 Adopted by the Council .-._-....k�R..-�24.-J�clfo.._.._191 In favor APP, u.PR._ <4....��......... .191_ _.... _.. Against _...... -- .............. ._... ......_................... MAYOR Paan A A.6, t N 7-18 I CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL N.. ...... 6a F1LN: 237 APR 2t� 1920 9......CITY........TI_ LLER AUDITED ..........................................PERR..._. .......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or r4iporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Counci1men ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Co it UFIk ���� ...... Clancy (aPH QRS �SL� 4�rltawortht _.......In favor roved....... ._. ......_. . .. .......191 ._ Goss 1 Keller MAYOR """ "�"' _ -' esolved Uh`A wa� t. McColl izant. I drawn up'.. Clty Treasury, payable: out of Wunderlich the_herelnafter speclded-funds and'In L favor of the persons. acme or "corpora Uons for the'. amounts e t oppoetti Mr. President, Hodgson their respective names' ae syeci ed in the following, detailed statement: Lakes Ceal d: Dock Co, It6S10: D�fnole Steal .Bridge Co., I1W W , 2153 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, play dg 57.30 New $ldg. Const. 105.70 Gaultier School(Bond) 22J�.100 2154 Illinois Steel Bridge Company, Bridge B. & R. 2155 Maendler Brothers, s.'& S. Cing. 2156 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Police 544.22 Pol. & F. Alarm 29.13 Schools 2.25 Library 68.72 Parks 39.32 it 4.67 Playgroun$s 22.73 Test. Labs. 9.23 Markets 1.00 *nil;�7 2157 Western Union Telegraph Company, Mayor's Office 2.35 .3 Police 46.92 Health -Adm. 3.75 5Z7W Total 1#635.63 185.10 100.00 576.24 721.27 53.02 Pet it ion PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and C S. No: 0994— i Abstract. Whereas, A. written] proposal ; nt, The undersigned hereby proposes making of the following improvement; tnprovl to a Council File No............. P hent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ding Bidwell ............................................... I .................... . Terrace to a ........................................... Dated this ......._24th....day of'......... _....................:...April................_............... 191 20... Councilmen. PRELIMINAARQY O D WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Opening, Widening and extending Bidwell . ......... _......$tr.eet......rom Delos St.r.eet_to Prospect Terrace to a width of 40 feet. ................................................ ................... ................ ..... ........ ............ ......_......._ _._.......... _. _...... ..... ................. -having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._.............................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e8timated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o i."rmatioa &tivAjA 9G15{dMp gv ement:......................................................... ...._ ... _.... _. .._.......................___._.........._........._.__.._...._..............._...-----.......................... ............ ................... ......... ....... . 4tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council- ................ LN.!_.1.15L0............191........ Yeas: Nays Goss Hyland Approvea..........._��� ...:..°.!.yzu ...................191........ Keller McColl �•f /� / V wnnaerlich ............................................................................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. F.— C A 13 (SM 4-17) Council File No......sl.s f Petition with sewer order r pRnvncAt MR i 4PROVEMENT C. F'.�No. 28D96- . Whereas.+A"Abstract written peopoea( for they making of the following mprovement,� Conetructlon walof a cemeat ill Pes side+ Y k 4;5 et wlda on both sides of Yr m TaylorAvenue ao' The undersigned hereby proposes the maktllgrortno�n clght of .r A.., hauls,;1vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _. Constru ion of a ement tile sidewalk ....................----.......----..............._.....................................................................................----._....._................................... ..... -- ..... .................. _...............4 ...ft,,-,41de.._on..-both.-- des..._f..Charlotte Avenue...from..............-....... .................................... Taylor ...Avenue....t.o..:Great ... ort. horn... right of way................................. -4- ..................................................... - .:.............................. ...................................... ............. ............... .......................... .................. .............................................. Dated this........a4thday Of .......................... Apr11.................................... . 19120.... 1-J Councilman. �l F�LIMINA"OR WHEREAS, A written proposal for themaking of the fose' menu ............ ......................................... .........Construction. of -a- oement.-tile...sidewalk.._............._.............. -----------,4-...ft.....w de_.on_.both_.s. des_. of_Charlotte... Avenue... from___..__ _._........ .....................aY].or...Avenue ...t.o...Great... rt.Qzt.hern...ight... o....?axe............................................ ........ ........................................................................ ..... ....................... _I ........... ....._ _........__....._.........._._._..._............._.:..._.._._..........._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. — x T, �•�e followine other data and informatGe� relative to said imurovement:.............................._.............. ............................................................................ �kate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more own era. . To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. .......... '9. �9.� ....................191........ Yeas: Nays: Goss Approved......._.... .. ( 191.._.... Hyland f5t(1............._ Keller fU McColl Wunderlich .... � .. ...................._.. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A IS (SM 417) PUBLISH%IF e9 My. Gat on The undersigned hereby propose .................................... af...13elient. .... ... ................W@1..1... Strep ................................................................ ...................................................... Dated this ........a3d........day of n Council File No --- ..:..2859-6, ` PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. C' -F- No. esess— . rovement b the Cit of St. Paul, viz.: Abstract. - �9hereae, A written pg mprl for the p and repairing tusking of .the following mDrovemenG vlz. t---si-de--of Bid ......... .:.. -- ---_. R s^ icq the rld walk on tho Pyr betti.•.eu street, betv;-)4reet and Page Street. 191 20... Councilman. PRELIMI _ . . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ti.: Reconstruction, relaying and repairing ....................... of Dement the eidewa2lr on the east side -of Bid— well �e11 b'treet....... .etweem Morton Street and Page Street .......................... ................................................................................................................... .............................. _ _ . ....... _._..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ... ............ ................_................ ....__._.......... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e6thnated coAt of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. *......-............ .--- .........._...._.................. .........._............... .......... ___--- .... ............................................................................... � state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..........iI.PR.. Z4i..ly.« ....................191........ Yeas: Nays: Cattt ' wor t GossApproved...��► 19 ` G _ .��% . 191— Hyland 91 Hyland Keller McColl v Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A as (def 1-19) P€tL1SHF-D -i` COU2899 r COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. .. r......�....!............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .I DATE...... COMMISSIONER.................................................................................................................................. .._.._._ __.............___........__..... ...... ..... RESOLVED That Council File No. 27362, in the matter of grading alley in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, under Preliminary Order No. 25694, approved July 3, 1919, be and the same is hereby repealed, cancelled and annulled. yes (N*) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Fares Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 22E Couu l tiaY pe);e10n o " A. hecebY 7ulY csu tho Cp _ � Adopted by the Council APR `iii 4928 - 19 - -- _._.......I avor Approve ..__...iiP.R �(1-152(1---..._._....19...__. Against - ' ..............MAYOR I Form A A 46.2 Is 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL — Na• 241 ®®��77t BY ...... ................................ ..... ....... AUDITED .......................-'r T7 2� FQ 191. �i TTROLLi',R - ..... ........ _. ER... .._ ...................... ......... TITLU. . Resolved that .warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( 14 Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted b the C ci !_. P Y l.l.�...RJ't ��f{f......—_.191....__: Clancy f1ru FarnswnctL.— _._......._.._In favor ov d...... __.. ___ .............__.__......__................_..191.._....... Goss Keller..Against ..... __.......... ._........_....._............. ......_._._... a MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. .No. 28998-. Resolved thatbewarrants be drawn uVVon the CRY Treasury, 'payable out o[.thv hereinafter-sp.cifledfund. and :in favor of the. person& -ti ms or cor- porations for. the amount. s.t.nppoWt. their re.peclivv Dome--ae' epee fled_ In the following detailed statement: Merchants National' Ba.N6 >C7.2tg,7b. Approve by tha:Council ADr. 2T 1920. -- Approved ADr: BT, 1920. (MDY 1-189D) 2345 Merchants National Bank, 27,278.75 Interest 4,242.50 it 22,505.00 Perm. Imp. Revl. Fused —Int. Acct. 531.25 Total 27,278.75 t CITV OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COL.NCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLU" FORM FILE No........ f. F—AA44.2117-18 240 APR 2T 1921) CITY CO IIOL - R AUDITED ................... ---------- 191. PER......_......I ..................... ----- .... - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City easury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the cil �11.11_27 1920 CoC .............._........._.....191........._ 1'91 reasury. payable o Clancy A ........ . . ..... . IE-411 - In favor 191- ......... Goss Wez . n%- ..... .. ........ ............... Keller Y 0 . R ---- McColl upon he IF hars. Qr,__ be drawn , . or pe.f_ -Y.b's out Wunderlich of P. ", iod funds and �"` ,Or 6f-the4persons. firfuS, Mr. President, Hodgson , Perot ons for the anu, et� Or cor- i! their respective funrounts Fte),.,op the following detwi.d a .. . a in AIurtln, pilreh statement: H. wd of-'Water 0I., Agent, f=37. Board of Water 0oa,M, $0,1=42. M. ClancY. ComIr ' $782.81. P. Bldg. $IV_K * of P—k-% :Plygd.. I B- A- Forilft;;ortb, C. P. R 1. X. Goe F;.. MIA, . I, CPfe'r. of IKhIj. Work Henry U-C-11, Ca-'r. -f -ftbli.: Sot0- ,ty. $2,09%K Albert W-ftd-erlkh, Coo,-, of dU' — ,,on. Willa Adopted by the Count1 Approved Apr. n 1970.'� A- 21, ro FNay I-MID) 2337 H. W. Austin, Purch Agent 253.37 Mayoris Office .27 It .19 It 1.10 Election 3.17 City Clerk 2*79 Corp. counsel 13.27 Com r. of Finance 4.32 Comptroller 13.20 Civil Service 1080 Purch. IF Dep't. 7.02 10013 MuniciRal Court 2.75 5.10 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 68 Police 24.78 Fire 13.53 Health .68 IF 2.2Q IF 14.30 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 1.50. Engineers 61.96 Schools 2.04 It 42.00 Park-Adm. 11-.94 If 1,87 it 1058 Wat8r 9020 . " M Res. 240 Page #2 2338 Board of Water Commissioners, 62,175.42 Hydrant Rental 54,950.00 Sprinkling 2.42 ' C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 Markets 2.00 Test. Labs. 100.00 Lighting,; 25.00 Water Connections, Good- rich, Hamlin to Synd. 528.00 1,551.00 Paving Woodlawn, St.C. to &oodrioh 2,208.00 It 2 784`•00 2339 board of Water Commissioners, 782.81 Workhouse 6.72 Wilder Baths 116.58 Police 14.34 Fire 42.98 Health 16.86 n 2.00 St. CA & R. 2.00 Sewer C. & R. 1.95 Schools 457.67 Library 45.72 Auditorium 8.00 Parks .50 rr 2.00 " 25.00 Playgrounds 4780.49 2340 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 182.80 Election 5.00 Schools 10.00 Parks 5.00 Playgrounds 90.00 P. Bldgs. 35.00 Forestry Revl. 37.80 182 Ma - a -2341 2341S. A. Farnsworth, CiP.R:F., 812.70 Mayor s Office 10.00 Civil Service 10.00 City Planning Board 11.14 Heal�h 31.56 30.00 Workhouse 2.00 Schools 654.00 It 60.00 - - Auditorium 4.00 852-.'T6 ' 2342 M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public Works 52.40 Com'r. of Finance 6.75 Police 9.75 n 5.50 Playgrounds 10.40 Water 20.00 Res.- 240 Page #3 2343 Henry McColl, Com1r. of Public Safety Comptroller 72.94 ' Com r. of Finance 78.29 Fire 68.57 Health 165.56, C.P.W.-4jngineera 115.44 St. C.n&R. 39.72 12,50 " 49.32 Sewer C. & R. 192.28 Schools 253.39 - Library 118.64 Parks 130.22 99.08 12.50 Playgrounds 85.64 P . . 72.96, ,,Bldga — 1 200.86 Water 293.05 2,344 Albert Wunderlich, Comb. of Education 'Civil Servis 9.70 It 9.70 Parks 158.70 I'f8: io Total 66,498.56 4 U171Y of ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Form A A 46, r M 7-18 i AUDITED CLAIMS-RESOLUTIO COU,,NCIL IST `�l PILE No_ .......... ........... ..... .... . 239 C.F. N as000- ptistrac4 that warrahts - Revolved upoathe'CltY-Treaaudrawn ble out I) ry, Pf.. and fn .. the-. lierelnafter apeefaed funds flan`et corpora- __. ... , ......_ ...:. .. BY .. I= .� TI LH - AUDI favor of the perAona, tions for the amounts 'set fined In ea spe the}r reepectBglVe names thoe ffoerlcan nce Age-' 5261.70. ... ... . a .. ... _ .. . P TI LE Insuraet Linen -Supply' Company. _` Resolved that wawa Anlerfcan 138.96. _ American Railway g prcas Company a able out of the hereinafter s ecified funds an in favor of the payable i persons, firms or corporatio .5x6:86: American 8upp1Y Co., 149.06. Book Pub]Inhing Co.- spec[ive names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( prenftectural $36.00. i . c. Atxlna co., $a:6s. Tronefer CO.. 59.50. U y Adopted by the Co c' .............N f.11... ._IGLU 191............ Baldwin - Hall Engine Co 387 8888: -" t $ ' Clancy Barrett Battegb 0 Co $4.26. Bausch &Lomb .,115.5 56.60. [' 11" _�17 X520 11 J U t�15wOrIh Beebe Laboratories S. Hrand Coal Co , $18.00. & BDerry COmpaaY. A v _.__ _ 191_. - �--� �� -� ���� �� �--, Coss Keller 0 Brown, Blodgett $13.46. til. Burg & Sone, $67.60. Capital Envelops Co.. 512 60. . $16.00.'. , McColl �netmrfacatoundr B�o Weatera RatlLI waY Co., MAYOR - Wunderlich Chicago. Great $2-11.1 Chcago. Milwaukee -&Sr. Paul Rall-. Mr. President, Hodgson way Co., $90.40. Mp16. & Omaha, Chicago, it. Paul, & Hgeter, $31,60. ,, G -Sargent Co.. 5198.76.. WOO a Tool Steel Co.. 51980. Ordway Co..$18.30. ellen & Co., $34.00. E 1.060.36. ammer & Son Co., ewe PSblfehln6 Co., Ea 2 26. _ ,• Decker eHardware 1 00. $6r _f69.0a. 2162 American Insurance Agency, Fire Health Workhouse Schools 2163 American Linen Supply Company, Munic. Empl. Bureau Police Fire Schools 2164 American Railway Express Company, Fire Pol. & F. Alarm Library if n , Lighting Paving Depr. It if 145.80 6.00 40.00 69.90 *dFT70 t 9.00 3.40 2.80 . 8.75 23.9* 1.70 3.17 1.46 .43 .63 1.41 2.74 10.80 1.42 1.60 =. 6 261.70 23.95 25.36 J V Res. 239 Page ##2 2165 American Supply Company, 49.05 Fire 15.76 23.04 } n 8.00 St. C. & R. 2.25 ^ _49a5 2166 Architectural Book Publishing Company, 35.00 Library 2167 E. C. AtkinsOompany, 4.68 St. C. & R. 2168 Baldwin Transfer Company, 9.50 Schools 2169 Ball Engine Company, 37.35 Paving Depr. _ 2170 Barrett Battery Company, 6.69 Fire 2171 Bausch & Lomb optical Company, 4.26 Schools 2172 Beebe Laboratories, 5.50 Health 2173 S. Brand Coal Company, 18.00 Election 2174 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, 13.45 Civil Service 1.25 2.30 Police 2.40 Health-mAdm. 5.10 Water 2.40 ISS 2175 M. Burg & Sons, 57.60 schools 2176 Capital Envelope Company, 12.60 Park -Adm. 2177 Central Foundry Company, 298.75 Water 2178 Chemical Catalog Company, 5.00 Test. Labs. 2179 Chicago, Great Western Railway Company, 2.20 Docks, wharves, and levees. 2180 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Co., 90.40 S. & S. Cing. 40.37 Library 1.63 Water 15.05 Paving Depr. 33.35 _70,70 2181 Chicago, St.Paul Mpls. & Omaha Railway Company, 9.98 Library 2182 Clymer & Huelater, 31.50 Health 2183 Cochran -Sargent Company, 198.75 Playgrounds 11.81 P. Bldgs. Revl. 16.04 Water 143.70 Gaultier Schools (Bond) ""I9g: 27.20 75 Res. 239 Page ##3 2184 Columbia Tool Steel Company, 19.80 Schools 2185 Crane & Ordway Company, '13.20 Schools 12.00 Gaultier School (Bond) 1,20 2166 T. F. Cullen & Company, 34.00 Election - 2187 F. D. Cummer & Son Company, 1,050.35 Paving Depr. 2188 Daily News Publishing Company, 2.26 Civil Service 2189 Day's Presto -O -Service Company, 2.25 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2190 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 66.15 Election 2.30 Health 1.80 Bureau of Engrs. 4.60 St. C. & R. 4.54 it 1.16 Sewer C & R. 48,45 WorkhAse 3.30 2191 Denoyer-Geppert Company, 161.00 Mech. Arts H.S. Library 2192 F. B. Doran CompanYp 15.00 69.00 Election 11 37.50 Schools 16.50 69.OU 2193 Louis F. Dow Company, 312.03 Com'r. of Finance 16.00 It 12.00 Comptroller 4.30 Purch. Dept. .80 Municipal Court 99.40 t Misol. Stationery 135.75 tv 10.35 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 29.93 Health-Addm. 3.50 uMM 2194 Wm. B. Duck Company, 4.00 Humboldt H.S. Library 2195 W. J. Dyer & Brother, 105.47 Schools 5.20 If 42.94 It 3.60 Library* .60 u 2.18 Humboldt H.S. Library 5i8�7 I Res. 239 Page #4 2196 Electric Blue Print Company, 60*Ir.'9f Finance Bureau of Engineers u ( n n n n Schools 2197 Elk Linen Supply Company, Police Pol. & F. Alarm P. Comfort Station it Water 2198 Essanell Electric Company, Fire Munic. Oar. Revl. 11n 2199 Farwell, Oanun, Kirk & Company, Police Fire Munic. Gar. Revl. St. C. & R. S. & S. Cing. it Workhouse Schools Special Day Schools 2200 F. W. Faxon Company, Library 2201 Field, Schlick &Company, Workhouse Schools Playgrounds 2202 Chas. Friend & Son, Fire n Munic. Gar. Revl. 2203 General Auto Sales Company, Munio. Gar. Revl. 2204 Gerber & Hausler, Schools 2205 Golden Rule, Municipal Court Schools n n 2206 Goodyear Rubber Company, Police 4.50 9.40 10.68 27.36 3.36 7.75 74.90 30.88 5.00 1' 1TIM 20.87 2.24 22.92 25.50 5.42 3.50 6.16 57.29 5.00 4.90 1.46 26.27 4.08 4.42 13.92 23.25 19.45 15.16 10.02 5.51 124.01 68.43 314.52 1.10 63.05 2.88 b'7-3 1.48 .60 1.50 -3: '8 2.50 1.80 2.50 4.00 1u -.SQ Res. 239 Page #5 2207 Gopher Lime & Cement -Company, 35.88 Great Northern Schools 7.68 Parks 1.85 Water 10.00 Gaultier Schools ('Bond) 3.00 " 13.35 2208 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 22.29 Police 5.00 - Schools 17.29 2209 F. 0. Gustner, 1.30 Schools 2210 Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 109.65 Water 2211 J. H. Held, 3.50 Library 2212 Himebaugh & Browne, 2.98 Library 2213 Houghton Mifflin Company, 2.50 Library 2214 Wm. B. Joyce & Company, 12.50 '* Auditorium 2215 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 195.81 Police 193.41 Fire 2.40 I95=. 2216 Kee Loa Mfg. Company, 230.33 Comptroller 1.00 Miscellaneous Stationery216.00 Water 13.33 M -M 2217 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 96.03 St. C. & R. 2218 Keystone View Company, 265.03 Library .98 Teachers Trg. Library 234.82 ti 29.23 79573 2219 Knott Apparatus Company, 4.25 Mech. Arts H.S. Library 2220 Koehring Machine Company, 355.01 Paving Depr. 2221 Alfred J. Krank, .60 Bureau of Engrs. .35 Library " 25- 2222 Lewis Institute, 15.00 Schools 2223 Library Bureau, 5.10 Schools 239 Page #6 Rba. 2224']Linde Air Products Company, 15.64 Fire • Munic. Gar. Revl. .24 4.65 Test. Labs. 1.75 2225 McClain & Hedman, 97.55 Police 2.80 Fire 33.95 " 4.45 Health -Adm. 4.40 i 7.00 Schools 10.00 it 4.10 if 1.80 LibrKry 17.00 Central H.S.Library 1.35 Parks 2.00 Water 5.00 " 3.70 2226 A. C. McClurg & Company, 872.09 Library 2227 McIntosh Publishing Company, 73.14 Central H.S. Library 2228 Maendier Brothers, 7.66 Library 1.56 Bureau of Parks 3.55 Playgrounds 2.55 -77T 2229 Mahle Wagon Company, 33.80 Fire 2230 E. C. Martin,C 3.00 Police 2231 Martindale Mercantile Agency, 18.66 Library 2232 Melady Paper Company, 13.86, Com'r. of Finance 3.36 Health 3.23 Schools 4.93 It 2.34 T378 2233 Merrill, Greer & Chapman, 6.48 Schools 2234 Miller & Holmes, 12.80 Workhouse 2235 Mpla. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co., 5:67 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2236 Minnesota Pattern Works, 2.45 Fire 2237 Minnesota Union Advocate, 10.80 Civil Service 2238 Mississippi Valley Historical Association 2.14 Library RPs. 239 Page #p7 2239 Montana Meat Market, Schools 2240 Dow Morrison, Bridge B. & R. 2241 H. K. Mulford Company, Health 2242 Mullery Paper Box Company, . Bureau of Engineers 2243 National Laundry Company, Police 2244 National Municipal Review, Civil Service 2245 National Railway Publication Company, Police 2246 Newell Blectric Company, . S. & S. Cing. 2247 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Fire ItIt Munic. Gar. Revl. n n n n Sprinkling Schools 2248 J. Nilsson, Munic. Gar. Revl. 2249 Northern Coal & Dock Company, Police Health St. C. & R. Playgrounds 2250 Northern Linseed Oil Company, Schools 2251 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Workhouse 2252 Northern States Power Company, P. Comfort Station Library Auditorium Water 2253 N. Pl. Cutting & Welding.Company, Fire 51.68 5.40 8.10 12.40 10.98 43.89 55.19 7.00 3.31 6.55 12.14 X84 147.67 219.89 67.05 40.83 81.99 1,699.93 417.78 441.63 3.65 35.00 80.00 11.40 1'.50 5.00 28.50 15.52 216.64 .30 475.44 .90 58.18 2,641.33 1:.75 I Res. 239 Page #8 2254 N. W. Stamp Works, Civil Service 3.50 Police 1.25 Fire .45 Health .25 Bureau of Engrs. .75 .75 Library 1.20 if 1.25 P. Bldgs. 1.00 i Water 2.00 If .50 it .75 3.00 T6:65 2255 N. W. Tire Company, Munio. Oar. Revl. 2256 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Health 59.43 If 3.30 „ .60 n 4.43 Bureau of Engrs. .35 Workhouse 8.07 Schools 20.26 Central H.S. Library .45 98$ 2257 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, Fire 2258 Oriental Laundry, Health 2259 Osgood Blodgett Mfg. Company, Schools 2260 Oxford University Press, Library 2261 Page & Hill Company, St. C. & R. 2262 H. Peltz & Son, Partin. Certs. 23.50 Comptroller 21.00 Bureau of Engrs. 6.00 Water 157.80 n 5.00 x 85.80 9T.= 2263 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, Municipal Court 32.75 C.P.S.-Oen. Adm. 12.50 Bureau of Engrs. 9.90 108.00 it 106.50 if 33.75 Library 6.40 13.75 E. Bldgs. 19.70 Water 10.40 353:65 16.65 N. 36.43 96.89 4.49 19.90 340.00 13.08 35.70 299.10 353.65 F-3 Res. 239 Page #9 2264 H. C. Perleberg, � a} " 148.20 9.25 2.50 82.68 47.25 2.85 13.95 .60 156.71 4.47 7.79 26.50 5.60 9.00 12.00 199.40 5.83 Library 2265 Pilot Printing Company, Water 2266 Playground & Recreation Association of America, Playgrounds 2267 The Prang Company, Schools 2.52 it 72.00 Library 888..16 2268 Prendergast Brothers, Fire 2269 Price Electric Company, P. Bldgs. Revl. 2270 Quayle & Kelley, Water 2271 John A. Raschick, Schools 2272 Raymer Hardware Company, Com'r. of Finance 5.50 Election 4.13 1.40 .50 Fire 6.75 n .63 f Pol. & F. Alarm 1.92 1.85 Schools 52.19 Great Northern Schools 1.50 It 23.05 Special Day Schools 22.46 Water 34,83l 2273 Reed Motor Supply Company, Fire 2.00 S. & C. Cing. 2.47 2274 Reinhard Brothers, Munic. Gar. Revl. 2275 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, �a Water 2276 Renstrom Brothers, Parke 2277 Riley & Emery, Fire 2276 C. V. Ritter, Library 2279 Robinson, Cary & Sande Company, Schools 163.40 Library 36.00 2280 Frank Rosengren, Library � a} " 148.20 9.25 2.50 82.68 47.25 2.85 13.95 .60 156.71 4.47 7.79 26.50 5.60 9.00 12.00 199.40 5.83 A I Res. 239 Page #10 2281 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 573.04 Health 1..52 It .80 Schools 8.50 " 1.75 i of 2.20 1 10.50 " 68.40 " 20.60 " 4.00 n 164.46 Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. 238.30 " 3.00 38.61 ' 10.40 5737M 2282 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 66.05 Fire 11.00 " 1.20 " 9.80 31.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 13� 5 2283 St.Paul Builders Material Company, - 93.65 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1.00 St. C�� & R. 16.25 12.00 Schools 2.70 " 11.00 " 11.00 Great Northern Schools 2.70 It 19.00 Water 18.00 73-.T5 2284 St.Paul Film Rental Agency, .50 Playgrounds 2285 St.Paul Foundry Compang, 742.43 St. C�j & R. 19.43 7.00 It 35.00, Schools 10.00 Bureau of Parks 21,00 Gaultier School(Bond) 650.00 2286 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 296.72 P. Comfort Station 7.74 Health 7.09 " 24.65 " 3.74 P. Baths 2.00 St. C. & R. 2.34 Sewer C. & R. 28.70 Workhouse 79.12 Auditorium 20.84 Water 120.50 2287-St.Paul Insurance Agency, 20.50 Water 2288 St.Paul Machine Works, 4.50 259.36 Fire St. �. & R. 37.51 213.85 Water3.50 2'S o 6 t Res. 239 Page #11 2289 St.Paul Motor Car Company, 3.90 21.80 St. C. & R. Munic. Gar. Revl. 2295 Schulenburg Brothers, 2290 St.Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Company, Schools 13.48 2296 Mech. Arts H.S. Library 2.80 2291 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, 2297 37.25 38.62 Bridge B. & R. 2.50 2298 L. C. Smith & Brother, 2.25 Corp. Counsel 1.20 Water 18.50 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. ,(15 it 8.50 2299 " 2.50 Great Northern Schools " 3.00 37-.T3 H. M. Smythe Printing Company, 2292 Scheffer & Rossum Company, Water 29.27 2301 Munic.°Gar. Revl. 1.20 Special Day Schools " 9.84 Standard Oil Company, 5.02 Water 18.23 -777" 2293 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 5000 22.10 . Library Munic. Employment Bureau 1.85 G. E. Stechert Company, 138,68 Police 1.25 7,18 2305 P. Baths 11.6a Meoh. Arts H.S.Library Schools 1.20 Markets .50 Wat8r .60 t " 5.10 2294 Scribner-Libbey Company, 3.90 St. C. & R. 2295 Schulenburg Brothers, 1.41 Schools 2296 Singer Sewing Machine Company, 2.80 Special Day Schools 2297 C. J. Smith & Company, 38.62 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2298 L. C. Smith & Brother, 2,55 Corp. Counsel 1.20 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. ,(15 Schools 1.20 2299 Smith System Heating Company, 306,00 Great Northern Schools 2300 H. M. Smythe Printing Company, 7.50 Water 2301 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 191 Special Day Schools 2302 Standard Oil Company, 5.02 Police 2303 State of rjisoonsin, 5000 Library 2304 G. E. Stechert Company, 138,68 Library 7,18 2305 Stevens Art Store, Meoh. Arts H.S.Library "Res. 239 Page #12 `2306 Stewart Broom Company, .Playgrounds 2307 The Studebaker Sales Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 2308 Swift & Company, St. C. & R. Schools Parks Playgrounds Water 2309 Tierney & Company, Workhouse Parks 2310 Transit Supply Company, Police Health It 2311 Troy Laundry ComparY, Water 2312 W. H. Ulmer Company, Paving Pine St. 2313 Union Carbide Sales Company, Water 2314 United Charities, Health 2315 United Lead Company, Water 2316 ValleY`Iron Works, Schools Special War Classes 2317 G. Bross Ban Dort Company, Library 2318 Vaughan's Seed Store, Workhouse 2319 Victor Animatograph Company, Library 2320 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, Police Pol. & F. Alarm 2321 A. J. Wallace & Company, Election 2322 Washington Foundry Company, Sewer C. & R. if Schools Paving Pine St. 5.25 37.75 350.00 10.50 5.25 69.00 50.40 300.00 10.00 90.00 4UU-MO 32.80 65.28 _'S78 9.58 2.00 1I:T'8 423.30 126.60 86.24 70.65 �.Im 24.00 .70 408.75 119.40 400.00 1.52 32.50 10.30 35.00 480.62 98.08 49.50 10.75 1.81 11.58 30.00 706.79 Res. 239 Page #13 2323 H. E. Wedelstaedt Company, 168,59 'Punch. Dep t. 2.50 Health 1.04 Bureau of Engineers 34.00 Schools 110.00 19.55 1.50 2324 Welsbach Company, 4.65 f Schools 2325 Western Architeot, 5.00 Parks 2326 Western Machine Mfg. Company, 402,91 Fire 16.90 S. & S. Cing. 136.00 11 22.51 Schools 4.35 " 95.05 " 10.00 110.10 n 8.00 2327 W. J. Westphal, 70.75 Munic. Oar. Revl. 2328 West Publishing Company, 8.00 Corp. Counsel 6.00 Library 2.00 -r—.M 2329 J. M. Weyandt, 117.50 Election 2330 H. W. Wilson Company, 62.50 Library 2331 Max Wittman, 102.00 Election 2332 Wm. J. Works, 180;95 Schools 2333 World Book Company, 19.12 Special Day Schools 2334 David Wright, 30.00' Parks 2335 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, 15.12 Schools 2336 Yiddish Literary Publishing Company, 33.34 Library Total 18,320.21 PRESENTED BY e RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO........(.w[�.,.X,R l.l..y.... DATE That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Hagel Wagon Spring Bolster Company for the storage of Twelve Thousand (12,000) gallons of fuel oil in tank to be built half above ground and to be set horizontal inside a concrete pit, Tank, pump, pillirg,valves and all other equipment to be used in connection with the purposed system are to be of the aprroved type. Tank to be placed on premises inside the property line, located at 716 Eustis Street. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Co::.a.issioner of Public Safety, and that such tank and storage be in accordance with the ordinances and building regu- lations of the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Public Safety -is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the above storage. F. No. 29007-13Y nervy McColl— an ` Resolvod, ffhat permiaelon be d the WaeL go1. n 8Pror- lsert Cot forhthegsor- aae oY Twerie Thousand (12,000) sa11ons Received all V1,1507",1ci of 2del oil in tank 4o be brilt halt above Bround and oto be aet .horlumP 1 PIPinBo C o nn e C t) O it with K b O V Q a concrete it: Tanks P valves amd all other aulpment.. to be R B G I systomnare to be of he approve it trt 716d Tank o be Placed on qe 6 inside :the ProPertY Itne, located at We street. f ted subject to Thle ylermiaslon is bran the approval of tho ComOIL to k oy Yes (t) Councilmen ( ) Nays Ile. I ne odtd wits the oral ❑ . nanees Bagnt,d bu111 regulations of the%If�ll._�+4i_�.J.G.U....._.__.19._. Clancy aTnnt ,u �Comlmissioner Of Public Sefu- .opted by the Council ....r�m6 ty Ss hereby authorized and directed to F'atn>;ypprrn U. a permit Yor the gbovo etora81 0 - Z. adopted by the CdOne Apr. 27, li . Approved Apr. 27, APPr a ... ....... .... _..19......._ . (6ffiY 7•]920) McColl f� Powers ........Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 314 - e WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF INSPECTOR I C. F. ,N0a 29�UF 'B^ Her, McCOlI— __-.._ ermisalon be and t1 C 1 T Y O F S Wagon apring Bolster Co. for rna���(� age Of Twelve.Thousnnd 02000) fa711— CITY tens F of fuel oildn tankto be 'bulli halt above DEPARTMENT( ground'snd to be set horizontal i de a concrete pit: Tank' pumps pips g, HENRY McC01 valves and all 'other equipment to BUREAU OF p used In connection with the ved ptY�De system "OL to be of the appro 7Ymk to be placed on premiscs lhafdo DIVISION OF I the property tine, '1. 0 ted'at 710 Letts Apri street;hisp0 � on le granted subject ;to' 1 the approval oC the Commfesloper of Public safety, and th t each dm and storage be in acwrd"" with the ordl-. nances und. regulatth-oR' of the Hon. Henry McColl, J sty et a's n 1. Commr. Of Public Safety,I ''. h"e It_tbetoner of d1ree Bate - Issuehereby a>for the and directed . isaue a permit he the above storag 1920. S t Paul, Minn. Adoptee by the Council Apr. 27, Approved AP( h 3920. (3Toy 1-3920) Dear Sir:- d In regard to the application of the Hagel wagon Spring Bolster Company, 716 Fustis Street requesting permission to install a tank for the storage of 13,000 gallons of fuel oil, same to be used in their heat treating furnaces in place of coke which is now being used. We have inspected the above and find that applicanat purposes installing tank outside and about 30 feet from any adjoining building. Tank is to be half abtve ground and to be set horizontl inside a concrete pit, pit to be large enough to hold more than half the capacity of the tank'for safety againist breakage of tank or any other part of system. Tank,pump, piping, valves and all other equipment to be used in connection with the purposed system are to be of the approved type. It is our belief that if the above system is properly installed and maintained that it will tend to decrease the fire hazard in this faotory,f or at the present they have about six open coke fires in the plant this hazardous condition will be eliminated, for fires will then be in closed furnaces and fed by continuous piping, which will be controlled by valves. Thus doing away with the danger of having so many open firer in building, We reoommensi that permit be granted subject to re -inspection by this office. Tank and all equipment connected with system are inside of property lines. Respectfully yours, --r ------f�'2 Chief Insp or. TR"TATE PHONE 82626 J. L NAGEL. PRESIDENT p C. G. SUCHER. VICE PRES. AUG. NAGEL. TR6AE. AND SUPT. AOOLPH A. NAGEL. SECT. • MDR- M. .The Hagel Wagon Spring Bolster Co. ' ♦ {INC011roRATEO) '1tSfeL:T::::s1JJJSIDC`}:JJ. T • ; _,a ---------------- ooa , 5- MANUFACTURERS 716 EUSTIS ST. ST. PAUL, MINN. April 14th, 1920. Honorable Uity vouncil, City. Gentlemen: - We are contemp�ating cnanging our heat treating furnaces so that we can use crude oil in place of coke_ for fuel. In order to do this it will be necessary for us to install a tank for the storage of about twelve thousand gallons fuel oil, and we herewith respe.;tfulll apply for permission to do so. .his tank `could be installed according to specifications recommended by Fire Prevention Inspector who has gone over the situation. Respectfully BAGEL WAGON SPRING BOLSTLA CO. BY HENRY MCCOLL Cor-f�­—..R 0tvt of Saint f lattl DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOHN T. MCCOLL D"'T, C-15910NER COUNCIL .. 90( -2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fae NO......:...,:." ...:.................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.............. ............................... .................... .._............._...._............... .................................... DATEApril 26,19.20..... RESOLVED That the ICouncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bids received for grading of alley in Block 11, Merriam Park Second Addition, from Howell Avenue to Dewey Avenue, as bide received were in excess of the engineer's estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account. F.B. #2218. C. F. No. 29002—BY W. N. Ubss— Resolved,-That the Council hereby con- curs In the recommendation of the"Gon- tract Committee and rejects bids receiv- ed for grading of alley In Block U' afar - m . rlaPark second Addition, from How- ell Avenue to Dewey Avenue, as bids re- celved were In excess of the engineer's estimate, and the Commissioner of Pub- llc Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, F. B. No. 2218. Adopted by the Counell Apr. 27, 1920. Approved, A'pr. Z7, 1920. ($ay 1-1920) Yes (%') Councilmen f,') Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council 1108 . .....-L9 h _Appr AFIR 2 _(1LQ..___.. _19_.__._ Goss In favor McColl Powers � Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM --le 2900"1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU Mca INO..........11 ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B rnmmigc FnNFtfY____ ...._._......... ...._....... ........ ..... ..... ................... DATEApr.11._.23.,.192.0.......... .. RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 2,567 square yards .Vitrified Clay Paving Bricks or Blocks, to be used in paving Pine Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, to the Streator Clay Manufacturing Company, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a Drice of $1.95 per square yard, F.O.B. care St. Paul, or a total contract price of approximately $5,005.65, in accordance with standard city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor. F. B. #2249. Yes (N') Councilmen f,') Nays Clancy Easasworik"_ Goss In favor t McColl I4 A Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -_19 C. F. No. =03—By M. N. GosR 'Resolved, That the Counoll hereby ap-' Droves the action of the Pbrchnsingl Committee In awarding the contract fors furnishing a.pproMmately 2,567 square Yards Vitrified Clay Paving Bricks or Blocks, to be used In paving PineStreet from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, to the Streator Clay Manufacturing Coal-' Pan Y, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a price of $1.95 per square Yard, F. C. B. cars St. Paul, or a. total contract price of appro)dmately .,$5,005.65a, I-secordance with standard city ep"ltl cations, _ their .bid and award of con- I -Pit Apr. 27, 1920. 19 1920) �®cei�ed a17. papers ib Cpt111ection wi th ¢boa• Adopted by the Council GPR �a..�.y[(� ----19 - - APprov Uf1R.. �ed-Z ...19 • MAYOR 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO....... �) .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 I PRESENTED BY e" `� COMMISSIONE�......................_............__..............._......._.................................................................. DATEll;a.rrth 1 R i oon RESOLVED That the Council hereby ap,roves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing approximately 4,648 sq, yds, of Sall Southern mine Creosoted ':'lood Blocks, to be used in paving Hampden Avenue from university Avenue to southwest line of '.'!abash Avenue; to the Republic ilreosoting Company, they being the lowest responsible bidder, at a price of $3.25 per square yard, or a total contract price of $15,106.00, in accord:Lnce with specifications, their bid and award of colitract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed �o draw up the proper form of contract therefor, Y. B. .#2174. C. F. No. 2900f—By M.. (loss. I 13ssolved, That the Co thefl hereby Purchasing proses Rhe —ti— of the contract for. Committee is awarding the contract tbr' furnishing appro. t-vtely 4,618 aq. yds. P 3%11 Southern Plno Creosoted Wood;,, Blocks, to be used to paving .Hampden Avenue from University Avenue to ? C 'R®Q97 Fp,� ,'southwest line. of Wabash Avenue, to 012ne .,1]_ the Republic Creosoting Company, they C t 7 nn Psi nA y being thelowest responsible bidder, at RD$Q]1 8 53 price of$3.25 per quare yard, or a. to- '. tat ccmtroct price of $15,106.00, in accord- ' ante with epecldeations, their bid and .. +'ward of contract herotottached, — the Corporation Counsel Is hereby in- - strutted to draw up the proper form of structc6ntrct odratherefor. up heB. No. 217E Adopted by the Council Apr. 27, 1920. I Approved Ayr. 27, 1920. i (May 1-1920) Yes ( 0 Councilmen (' ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ....... _ 19_, Farnsworth Goss In favor Appro _._.... __LIPit. .��'-Iy.�{J.._.....__._19...... McColl Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR ._. Mr. President 4 FORM 3M9-19 L fCITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO........'�'.'..'.7.P..V... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM,; PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. . ......... ................. DATE APFil 24,1920........... RESO4ED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Asbury Avenue from a point sixty feet south of Blair Street to Lafond Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to Christ Johnson, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $895.20, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Engineer's estimate $728.80. F.B. #2169. L Yes I ) Councilmen ( I Nays Clancy _ Farasworth^ Goss /McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 ,f Rec9 ; ,1 flaper� conn, . Necc i_>+j -R Adopted by the Council lLF R -;e'4,. . LU... _ 19 - - In favor Appro llf � d' �y��.... .l9_......_ Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY RESOLVED e1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ............ COUNCIL 29( )( � OFFICE aF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE........-. __.._.-....... _.. That the App`_ication of A. G. Johnson for a license to carry on the business of Auctioneer for Funiture at 419 Jackson Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed tib issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. Yes 0) Councilmen (�) Nays Clancy fifth . Goss McColl / ?� Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM W.— TJooC.-g�� ypII�ulon 01 A)' That the on the gesoly n for a license Furniture at G. job.--, Anetioneeer ford the same here - .business n Street, t Clerk Ps here - b�s ° Led and the such SPcenee upon by l 9" 'ted to Sssud and the payment 'the 1111n8 oP the fury aP the 4ee reautr- Into the w ty cll A4r• 27. 1920. �A OPLed b9 t2 �?A. APProved APi�ylaY 1-0,M) a ©ceieed airs in connection with alove Re(p,�ution. Adopted by the Council - - - In favor AP d ...... --_ ._ 1.l} It..G.u'..J.S.`LIJ_..._.__19.._..._ Against CITY OF ST. P COUNCIL N , ..... 9 � 4 AUL FILE NO...... .•.�......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............................ ..._................_....._...._................................... ...... ............... ......... ..:........ DATE .................... RESOLVED That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Craig Oil Refining Company for the storage of thir- teen thousand (13,000) gallons of kerosene in tank to be of steel construction, erected on stone piers nine (9) feet high, eleven (11) feet wide and twenty (20) inches thick; tank to be electrically grounded and built inside of property line, on premises located at Eaton Avenue near Plato Street. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and that such storage tank be in accordance with the ordinances and building regu- lations of the City of St. - Paul. That the Comi,issioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized ani directed to issue a permit for the above storage. C. F. No. 39007 BY Henry Me(""— he eby granted to tha Grad the same hI Co, for the storege not thin¢ �uthoue l.K (13,000) gallons of kerosene Intank Ro bei of steel construction• erected on ttone niers nine (9) feet blgh, eleven (Il) Peet' dwide and twenty 4) tlnchea thick; tank eideo 0electrically gFounded and built ented. f Pr,, rtY tine, ort Premises Ict Street. Fa[on Avenvo near Into TMRPProvaA�ion 1s grunted subject to . the n of Rho Cemm PubIle safety and It au�h os eor ge i tntnIt be in ccordance with the t mnces and bull Ing regutaMona oPIe i �ThutP the aul. ' 'safety pub Is hereby au orh, n d dlreMei Yes (') Councilmen ( )Nays to Issue a pemnIt for the above etornge. AAppr v by the Council Apr. y7, 1930• __ {) PProved APr. yy, 1920 [dopted by the Council - }_ H-.d._IS�.� _d9 ----- Clancy oY 1-1920) Goss In favor APProv ll}1..8_. G a..�JLO.._..._......i9_._.._ mccoff Powers 0 Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 WILLIAM BARRON CHIEF IN SPECTOH t CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION April 20th, Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Craig 011 Refining Company asking permission to erect a kerosene tank on Eaton Avenue near Plato Street. We have made an inspection of the above premises ,and applicant informs us that he proposes to erect a steel tank, capacity of ahme to be 13,000 gallons to be erected on stone piers 9 feet high, 11 feet wide and 20 inches thick and tank to be electrically grounded, we recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, ------------- Chief Inepe or. Y's C) F G m Ewa Y's C) F G RivE-- 03.1 REFINERIES CRAIG EL REFININGCO.AUTOMATIC 22-430 TOLEDO. OHIO OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE AND REFINERS OF PETROEFiUM EATON AVENUE, NEAR FREEDOM..PENN. FAMOUS DEEP ROCK OILS AND GASOLINE PLATO STREET ST. PAUL, MINN.April 12, 1920. City Council, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Attached please find sketch or drawing of a propo ed kerosene tank which we desire to ereo--j—oA our grounds located on Eaton Avenue near Plato Street, St Paul. and ask you for a permit for the erection of same. Sizeof tank to be 23 feet 6 inches long by 10 feet 6 inches high; holding about 13,000 gallons of kerosene; to be erected on stone piers 9 feet high, 11 feet wide and about 20 inches thick. Trusting that you will grant usthis permission by -issuing a permit, we are, Yours very truly, M/C Craig Cil Refining Co., Enclo USE MAXIM INIOT011 OIL "YOU'LL LIKE IT" COUNCIL CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 6 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ... .......... . . DATE.:..............._.........._..................,...._. RESOLVED That Cigarette License No. 9, which expires January 21st, 1921, now in the name of Jacob Fink, 599 Tabasha Street, be and the sante hereby is transferred to O.K. Berg, 599 Wabasha Street. Yes Councilmen Nays Clancy Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3149— C F -hloh "N" No PODS—By—By Henry I�IeColl_ No. Yed �, 7anunry 21st, 1921, now ' the' name or Sacab Fink, 699 Wabesha Approved --Apr. e (slay 1-1020) Adopted by the Council "127 ?U 19 In favor App v 19 --- Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FYIENtIL No.......29t.1i.t.O.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...................................... ........_...... __...._......... ....................................... .._.._......_. DATE ............ ......__.........-......................... . RESOLVED That the application of the Manhattan Oil Company for licenses to maintaiin oil filling stations on private pro- perty at the following locations, Raymond & University Av. 174 w. 6th St. St. Albans & University Rice & Front St. Snelling & Ashland Av. be and the same hereby is granted ani the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such licenses unon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee required by law. tea and is . Srp9� tq is" be 'Hue CMiu I,licee805 of tib rea 23, 1929. the OliYed7'¢'Pp,snUe CcLy�ll Apr tna+• -f. A4p °ved f'prkmwj 1-19291 Yes (l') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council _ _ U�R.._.C.O .._....19__ Goss - In favor Approv 19 McColl n Powers — —Against ................ Wunderlich Mr. President FW 3M9-19 ,k CITY OF ST. PAUL a Council Resolution ---General Form Department of - - Bureau of _ �/� Council By Dov of elatrictytoty a d iv the follows Flu alters avd th— of sa—d ..d directed to eztevd its electrical lives by --i-Doles and strin¢in¢ wires there.. for the Install Five poles in the alley north of Ashland Avenue, between Snelling Avenue and Pierce Street. with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. Date Present 191 i C. F. No. 29010-8y M. N. Gon— Resolved, That the 9t. Paul 6ae Light Company ie hereby ordered and directed to extend It. electrical Ilnee th erecting pole. and otMnt;1n1 wires thereon for the tran.miselon of elec- tricity on and in the' following alley. ® and streets of said city: Install 0! Ive poles in the alley north of Ash- land Avenue, between Sne1"Avenue and Plerce Street, wdth nece.eary guys I ioca- a8 the All eztevelove, poles avd wires shall be erected a � puwm ncereer so re- Qultee, and wises It shall eo order, Adapted by tiro t7oundl Apr. 27, 19TH. iCommiseivner of Public Utilities , and iv atl thiv¢s of such subject to the prvr6ione o[ Ordinance No. 2424. avd of all ofi All voles ehovid be set ---b locative iv said vlleys avd Approved1920.¢nate. (Stay 1-1820) and shall be o[ each hei¢ht avd character as r¢rouvd, whenever tfie Council shall 2cem that the he shall dni...te avd approve, and any avd all such poles shat) public interest eo regviree, and whey h shell eo order, Adopted by the Council GWR 1 a 19111 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays a GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLIC Approv F'R 1n It'^ 191 HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor p CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Departmetlt' Bureau of _ Cou BY- No. Date Presented 191 IL %D, t �t the St. Paul G.. Licht Company is hereby ordved and directed to extend Its electrical lines by ....tine poles and striv¢inr robes thereon for the le cry eo and in the following aileys and street, of said city: Install One pole on the northeast corner of E.7th and Eauquier Streets. One pole on Plum Street, between Bates Avenue and Maple Streets, One pole on the south side of University Avenue west. of Lexington Avenue. One pole in the alley north of Dayton Avenue, between Howell and Dewey Avenues, One pole on the southwest corner of Hazel Avenue and Helen Street. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. C. F. No. 290ll—Dy t N. t. --P Resolved, That the St. Paul So i Light Company is hereby ordered and '- tllrected to extend Its electrical linea th erecting poles and Stringing wlres [hereon to tho transmlealon of else - and on and In the following aileyp a d Streets of ®aid city: nInstall one pole on the northeast corner of E. �4tOh apd Fauquler Street.. polStret, between Stes AvenoaPlme Street. iJne pole on the south side of Univer- y Avenue West Of Lexingten Avenue. One polo in the alley north of Dayton j Avenue, between Howell and Dewey I Avenues P !One pole on the Southwcar corner of H I Avenue and Helen Street. r With neceaeary guys and ...her.. snail - under the directiont and supnd ervision, of t the Commiast...r of Public Utilities 1' end In all things subject to the provl- the Co eenini...e of Public Utfh'tf.s and iv all thio¢. All of such eatensiovs. Dole. ad wires .hall be erecp� lone oP Ordinance No. 2424, and of ali pawl. subject to the DrorUions of Ordinance No. 2424. and of alb;. other lawful ordinances and re9olu- devi¢nate, avd .hall be f such height and character as he Sbelllded¢ ate apd aDDr va sou aoY aoa:ii uch yolslid eyll tlo�nt( of the City of $t, pgul. ' „` ender¢rouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the eqj Doles Should be set in ouch"loco- mblic Interest so requires. and when it shall so order. tlml In said alleys and streets as the I CommlasImlSr pf Public Utilities Shall designate, nd'Shall be oP such helght 191 Adopted b the Council and character as he shbll designate P Y — G and approve, and any and all each rF poles Shall be taken down unit. re+ 1 Y M7 moved, and such Wires placed under- ) Nays Yeas COU❑ ground, wheneV9r the>Councll hall! deem that the public Interest re- quires, and when It shall so order. I Adopted by the Council Apr. 27 1920, McCOLL WUNDEPI,f 11 �H A(z� ��oppr L d KEra KELLERLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor � :. CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Departmeil o Bureau of— Council By o. Date Presented 191 !tbe St. Paul Gan Licht CnmPany in hereby ordered and directed tv eatead its a w,kal liven by crec0- Poles and ntr .&c wires thereon tot the ov and iv the fnllowine alloys sad rtreete of .aid city: Install Fifteen poles in the alley north of St.Anthony Avenue west of Aldine Street and the alley west of Aldine Street south of University Avenue and-6the alley south of University Avenue west of Aldine Street Seven poles on Aldine Street south of St,Anthony Avenue to the Rail- way tracks. Commercial lighting. C F. No. 29012—By M, N Baa_ Light oCompany le harebyt order d Gas directed to extend rte electrical lines there*' fo the [ Iran. I.. of wlec- Lglcity on and in the followln alloys In. rat, 8 ,pf said city; S Flftee., poles lh ¢n>y�. end the AvoDue west oil h 1St. :. south of Unlverewest of yn,t4``pu - Al oath ty Avenue and Yko'ut_;. Aldine Street.Unlvetglty Ay�,ue wset of st Seven poles on Aldino Btmet south of tru hany Avenue to the south of and — nhall be, oP each hath It acocinninver of Public Utuitiee and iv all thines Dr 'b and gp s .. d e16 ate Bl¢nat<, and shall be of noch 1,661 and character as he taken and all sDeh kr¢rouvd, whe..—the Council shall deem It., the such tvc'. -_ and re - Adopted by the Council—Adopt ,bYA rhe Cuunc1l11Ap o21s1920.e lyt pDrov p a1, 1020 (h�y 1-11120) Yeas ( ) Councils{__ ) Nays —'ewe GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLI�FI Approve 4 e � �' 191 i HYLAND KELLER ER Mr. President, IRVIN / Mayor Council File No........: ✓.r ..79 F f Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRFs rs,m.r o. 29013- ' Abetr¢ct. The undersignedproposes the tiereas, A written proposal for the I.b yP po frog of tile following Improvement. jprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: onetruction of ¢ six toot cement the ^- w.111 .the east side o[ Asbury ............................................................. (i'oise from Blair St. to Imfond St. ' ea- bt..oemend...'ti'�le........._....................... where good and sugtclent .1d. - sidewalk on _h a now exist, ,awing been press nIry Avenue from the Council oY the City oY ,...... ,... ... ................................... . ....... 6. Blair tree rye2efore, be It oept where good and...BuffioieIIt... d:..Thhe 18, end hems 'her 3at— Dated this, .......26th......day of .... . .....................April....... ........ ....................... • 19120... w Councilman. PRELIMINARY O , WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following-lmprovementC ....... .. .._... ._..... ._ D6rieiructioil of 6 six foot cement the _eid$walk...011..t.he...east..side..cf. A.$burY..A..v xtue from Blair Street to Lafond Street, exoept where good .................. ...........and- sufficient...-Bidewalks....now exist... ............................. ........ ...... ............ ....... ......_.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ....... ...... ._...._._....._._.._.... ___._ .._..............._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coot of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Tihaihl4r.g 1pro-remeesr+�••. .............................. ..... ..... ............ ....___ ........... ............................................................................... State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..........._qR...2_I9C0.................. ....191.._.... Yeas: Nays: Counclman• Ferffewoitha Goss Approved_ .. ........ 191._._.. Hyland a Keller 4� McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin 3 yor. pUgLtst�' Form C A 13 (61d 6.19) jCouncil File No.... Petition PRG- � C. F. No. 11011Aa,t,00t. Where ns, A —Itto- proposal if- the �oaking Of the following reprovernent, '12': ,-,Construction of . cement the Bidej th k .1x feet wtde on the oe-t eo 'Cl','veland Avenue from tolrlh Ave: w 1_. ._ The undersigned hereby proposes the to Randolph Street, ex -P j t, hv�gement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: t lon-af o.ement t.ile-aidewalk .................. six fee -de -0the east side of Cleveland Avenue 2. .................. ............ from.- Good -rich Ave , ---to-- andolph- Streeti - except - wherewhere good and suff i t walks now exist. ...good .......... ................................ ... .... ............. t ............. ........................................ .................................................. ........ ..... I ................................................................. ... ............. ................... - Apr 20 Datedthis ........26th......... .........day of ............... .......... .......... ... ..... ........................... . . 191 .......... ................ ...... ... - Councilman. PRELIMNY WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -- Construction of a cement the Sidewalk six feet wide on the east side of Cleveland Avenue ..................................... rfdff--Gd6 ich Avenue to Randolph Street, 6=60 .1 1-- - where g.o.o.d...and...Bufficient....walks now exi.s-t ....................................... .................. ................................. . ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...___ ........ .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated con of said improvement, and the total con thereof. 3. To Ur-nish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........................................ state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. T. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finan;'. Adopted by the council.... ....................191........ Yeas: Nays: CoundiIman'F%rmmfflfth G038 Approved ..................191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich.. ............................................ .. .................................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. F.— C A 19 (6M 4-17) Council File No......*ZlS Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and zsols— Abstract. Whereas, A written Pro oseI for the �..t by the City of St. Paul, viz.; The undersigned hereby proposes the making or the following PmProvement Grade aliey In Bleck 3, Egbert G_prt G. Handy e _e BandY'e Additlon� rrogl Fairview Ave......................... .................................................... ............ Wheeler Ave.. havi'n been the Council g presenh; er the city er st.pler Avenue. �... .ore. be it................._............._........._......._....__........ Dated this......86th.......day oE.........�:...................... ....B2i.11................... ........... Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of die%ITowing'improvement,viz.: ........ Grade_ alley.. in .Bloo-k_ 3, .. Egbert_ G... Handy t_a .......... Addition. from Avenue to wheeler Avenue. ............................................................... ......................... _......._... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..__..._.._..._....._..____._....._.............._........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and dire@ed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveidgate the nature, extent and e6timated coSt-of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. c3 -T F�� sh thefoUotviagnther data and>infor+nijtionTeLetivein,:caid improve ................... .--------------- a,W..... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. APP ;r � Adopted by the council ................. H... ..��(jJ.........191........ Yeas: CouncilmarrTan sworth Coss Appr Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 10 (SM 1-17) t - � ............. Council File No ........ .1 7,t. i Petition - -�MENT rT iC, F. No. 28018 phstrac4 oval for they Whereas, A written Dr fillprovement. �laktng of the followtng rvls.: nd taking an easement Condemning a -it fall y �neglock �• d. the land -net AddtNon. Econ; g°tEgbert G. 11'V eg haw:' lrvlew Ave. to Wheeler Ave. The undersigned hereby proposea�a'p-wro St.° Fnu1 moreioie roe tit °f .blit improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: r,...� ,-wr ,• .. Com^. �4, .❑ ..................... ................ _....... ...............0 ing...and... ak�ing-an--easement-................._.------------------- ----.._ . in the land neoe ary f slopes for cuts and ................................. 1.1131H....in-grading", ...ey... m*. Block..,3.)....Eghert....G�......._........__.........._............._. _Handy.'_s..Addition, fr.. Fe,lrview...Avenue..to.... Wheeler Avenue.. ............................................................................................................I......... ...............:..........,.................................................................. Datedthi...... 2.6th.......day of. ................. .............ApT.il................ ..... .............., 180...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY � WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following lmproveliient, viz.: '...Condemning...and. _taking... an._easement.. _.......... ................. in the land neoessary for elopes for cuts and ............................ ...... 11 -1 -18' -1 -n -grading alley in Block 31 Egbert G. ..._ Handy'B...Addition,_ from Fairview .Avenue ...to........................:................................. __...._._.heeler Avenue. .................................. ............................ _ ._.. . _ _.._..... _ ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. . ..... . . ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: I. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..� T 6 • 6 •H F411olvig.attr d r ,t : r.•^^-gown.TCldtiC�L`tYJ's�4gT'No�ment.*,ass................................. ____ .......... ... ............._.._.__.............._._....._._..........._._...._.__.._._........_......._............ ...... .................__ .................................................... ..C�astate whether a: not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6 TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._.........rliR.. �...�91u............. .... ..191....._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman.Fwn wote6+ baa Approved_.................191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich........................................................... Mayor Irvin ✓/// Mayor. A— - C A is (SM 417) Council File No ..... �..+ 41)— rf Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .'rro. a�olr— Abstract. PR'Ihoreas,.A written proposal for the cing o1 the following Improvement. 4 .ceding Jordan Avenue from Har - iter Avenue to Stillwater' Road'. The undersigned hereby proposes in ,- ng ""c preaented to the Council ent by the City of St. Paul, viz.; ,the City of Z. Paul therefore, be it -.9solved, That the Commissioner. of Works be sad he is hereby orvesteT........................................ .. �.... ................... .................. .. ...aF. A>..!c.•t3 directed: �....... ......... S�vestlgate the necessity fo ....................................Amenue...t.o...t5't1319Q8 ;'ng of r; .........._ .............z .................................. ... ........................... ........... ......... ....... ._........_....... _...._ .................................................................... .............--: ......................... ......-- .....................-......................._.__................_............. Dated thi.._....2fit.h...-day of ........ .......................Apri1.................. ............... 19130... Councilman. PRELIMINARY O E WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the of owing ' provvem nt, viz.: ...... Av.entre...t.o....Stil.l.water.Roaci,__ _...__....._::......"............._....._._........_................ ....._.............................. ........... ..................................... . ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...__ _..........._....._...._.__._........._......_.._............... therefore, be it RFSOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �.�,Zo fi i 6 t6 F Il w' nii+e_ d t �1 ' L F' _+.:-.=.t • , ..rmwrowor_.....-..._....................... ._../ .....__.. ...... ._..._ .___._ . ....._. __.. _ .____..... ................ ............................ ...... 'SLo�State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. iIPR z"! 192Q...... ........ 191 Adopted by the council._.__.._.........._. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _ Coss Approved... _......__ �..... .......15C......_....191..__.. Hyland Keller rj McColl Wunderlich........................................................................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 19 OM 4.17) _ •m Council File No....��-�7 J r Petition PROF " ra"pRnVPMENT =`. No: 29018— Abstract ^.rebs, A written --proposal. for the PREIg of the following Improvement,', 4 1"n"%and tnking an easement .::land nOceesary for slopes fort a in grading Jordan Avg. The undersigned hereby pro ses the making of t Ie T :_ Avs.pp snu'-r,Aement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: — _....._.............................................. Viand img...and.._t ing._an...eas.ement........................... .._........ _..... ............... in the land neoe ry for lopes for cuts and ....................... f.i.}.l.s....}n... grading Jor enue... from ...Harvester ......... ...........:........ ......... ............... Avenue to Stillwater Ro Dated this.........`d6t.h.-Aay PRELIMINARY R =. f WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning -and ..taking- an ..eas.ement..... _ ......... in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and ........ ....fills #n -grading Jordan Avenue from Harvester_ Avenue to Stillwater Road.._.._._..._... _......................................... _............................ ................................................................................ .................. ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_ ._...................._..._._........_::.._................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e6timated co9t of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..... ...... .__.. ..... ........... _. _._... ..........._.... _....... .. .. .......... ....... ......... .............. ............ To btate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. i6�o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_........ (WR 27 1920 ...................191........ YEas: Na Councilmaa.FAlggamjhm. Goss Approve Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) —+` No. 29019—Ordinance No. 5302— •� din ace granting to the Hflmm tlty Company perm lesion to ereot 1 ^ , t f s maintatn canopy In front (\ i � R� ry Capitol Theater on Seventh �--+, -,..( ll 3 �--t•:�]ew.e�^n�+� Std. Peter and W.1, ,J r-1 City aP OA U1,1111 IVO .J J C An ordinance granting to the Hamm Realty Company permission to erect and maintain a canopy in front of the.Capitol Theater on Seventh street, between St. Peter and Wabasha streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Hamm Realty Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain an ornamental iron canopy over the sidewalk in front of the building known as the Capitol Theater, in the new Hamm Building,,on the south side of Seventh street between St. Peter and Wabasha streets, as shown by the plan attached hereto. Section a. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Hamm Realty Company for said canopy, upon said Company's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the . erection, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy.. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed b Y the Council Mme{}-- ;'-- Yeas Nays Attest Mr. Clancy rarnewq,rth �--Ooa McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved hllj� 12 1920 Mayor �Y&�SIiL1J' 1r 3/.�O Ae� �i� heCeived rr y 1^✓1tbL0 I � � I � I St. Paul Minn. April 13th 1920. To The Hdnorable Council, City of St- Paul, f}ent'lemen :- We the undersigned hereby petition your Honorable Body to erect and maintain an ornamental iron canopy over the sidewalk in front of the building known as the Capitol Theater in the now Hamm Building on the south side of Seventh Street between St• Peter and Wabasha Streets, on Lot 4, Block T St. Paul Proper . Yours respectfully, Hamm Realty Co., Byjv//; C/" Secretary. 1 � C. F. No. 29020-0rdlnanee No. 5303— ' .ul ISilk ttCllong the claim of the mpnny against of St. Paul, the � Council of the City of St. P^,•' C - 9 2 oraa�n: No, 53o� An ordinance settling the claim of the St. Paul Milk Com- pany against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized,to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to the St. Paul Milk Company, a corporation, the sum of Fifty-five Dollars and Twenty-two Cents ($55.22) in full settlement of its claim against the City of St. Paul for milk, cream, buttermilk and butter furnished to the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings during the year 1917. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon its execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for any claims it may have for goods, wares and merchandise fur- nished as aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council MAY j21920 Yeas` Nays Mr. Clancy tr.Luwtrsth tl"T MoColl G) Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Appro-MAY 1 11 � X920 Mayor tteSt City Cl k t% J �Y K 1 , w^., �%..:, Fi�w�•/ V l�i C. F. No. 2902Y=Ordiuenes No. 5304— An ordlnance grnn ling permleslon to the Standard Oil Company LO Install and maintain a gasoline tank and. curb pump In front of the garage at \�{- h/ 29, 216 Bates Avenue, and repealing_, 9t;� v No. 5268. of An ordinance granting permission to the Standard Oil Company to install and maintain a gasoline tank and curb pump in front of the garage at No. 216 Bates avenue, and repealing Ordinance No. 5268. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Standard Oil Company, a corporation, to install and main- tain a gasoline tank and curb pump in front of the garage at No. 216 Bates avenue, in said City. b Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said tank and pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tank and pump and the location thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank and pump. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tank and pump shall be ?emoved by said licensee whenever the Council sifall so order. (4) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 5268, entitled "An ordinance r^'MP granting to Kindle & Baker permission to install and maintain a gasoline tank and curb pump in front of the garage at 216 Bates avenue," approved March 15, 1920, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and.be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. - Passed by the Council MAY 12 wo Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy '�aarth' MaColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approve Y _ ---- Mayor Attest City Clerk . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK PUBLICATION NOTICE 1101( ;?2 ASCU' Isl— �reDAT'The attention of this roapectfally called to the fo lowtion, whic�has �odopted bythe canxncll and approved by the mayor. ,F�8326—Ordlnnnca No. 526811 (-c granting to Kindle 1 permission to Install j:,ln a gasoline tank and r i In trent of the garage at. Avenue. unc II of the City of St. / ordain: SECTION 1. pleslon at author! ,granted to Kindle * 131 and m.I main a. gasoline ', pump In front of the aces Avenue, In said Cil, i SECTION 2. .mmissloner of Public authorized to issue ie said licensee for the said tank and pun' .[c.ndi tioompllance condions: he said licensee hull - Melfi" of Public >±plocation t of said tath thereof, l ' to the approval I Ir said tonic and p' under the super f at Commise•� eh all pay if any. said licensee xh' the CItV of St. Ten Thou— con hou— conditioned Paul harmless r. luder. 'iamngeegman ',e to .person' f o arisln nein tenanc.J, van o !aid on be O�EI I' .ti�.liw CITY CLERK ro7 .-18 r st .Paul , Mi:ui . ,April 5,1920. iionor-ule City Council, St. Pau1,Minn Gentle -me n: Kindly issue permit to the Standard Oil Company (Indiana.) to install a curb filling station in front of premises knownas 216 Bates Avenue. Yours very truly, T-INME p� B"J= 0 By _ ',:pr EST�eusH® ts.o JOHN L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, Re „ INSLAN E IN 6 FOURTH STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN.. U. S. A. April 22r4 1920. HON. CITY COUNCIL: CITY. Gentlemen: You issued a permit to Kimble & Baker for a curb filling station at #216 Bates Ave. It is the desire of the undersigned to have this permit issued or ttansfered in the Mme of the Standard Oil Co. Will you kindly grant this request and oblige. Respectfully yours, fG% ��% I�� M ► -Form 487 51l 8.119 TANK RENTAL AGREEMENT St. Paul, Minnesota.----------------------------this..--------th_--....._... ....day of THIS AGREEMENT made at--------------------. ................... ------------- - A. D. 19.1.9_., between the STANDARD OIL COMPANY; a corporation of the State W P HIIdDII+J and 0 L -- ........... ....... of Indiana, partypf the first part, and....--..- " ' St. Paul.--Minnesota.................'�-------........................................partie4_ OIL - ................ ..-- of the second part, WITNESSETH as follows: WHEREAS, the said part -10-11 of the second part is now purchasing Petroleum products from the said party of the first part and .... }��e...... requested the said party of the first part to rent to . --..L 900.--------•-------------------= ... a tank and pump for the storage and distribution thereof, and WHEREAS the said party of the first part has consented to rent such tank and pump to said parAAR.- of the t}lgip.„, bnslIIP,t6rv.'1Q��, a terms and conditions hereinafter men - second part for th&Jz convenience and usean � � . - - - — - - 100 --- NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and of the rental OL - �?-_&---�_-..-_ _-----_� dollars per month which the part16A of the second part agrees to pay to the party of the first part in advance on the first day of each month during the continuance of this agreement as rental for the said tank and pump, said party of the first part does hereby agree to furnish and rent to the said part -19A of the second part a tank of the capacity 35 of about ..................... gallons, more or less, and pump for said tank to be used by the part iee of the second part. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that said tank and pump and all the appliances con- nected therewith, or used in connection with the same furnished by the said first party shall at all times except as hereinafter provided be and remain the property of the said party of the first part, and shall be used by the said part-108of the second part only for the purpose of storing and distributing Petroleum products, and if used for any other purpose than that 'herein specified, then said party of the first part shall have the right to declare this agreement null and void and said party of the first part is hereby given the privilege and right without notice to said parties of the second part, to enter upon the premises whereon said tank and pump are located with men, horses, wagons and such equipment as may be necessary, and remove therefrom said tank, pump and appliances furnished by said first party without recourse to any legal proceedings for that purpose pro- ,vided however that parties. of the second part shall have the riv'I ge of purchasing said pump, tank and ap- r HuQa Hundred Ety-liv� Tlland pliances at any time for the sum of 1¢0100­�dollars, payable in cash, which it is hereby mutually agreed is the reasonable value of said tank, pump and appliances. IT IS FURTHER AGREED between the parties hereto that they or either of them shall have the privilege of terminating this agreement at any time upon giving thirty days notice in writing to the other, provided how- ever, that in the event that this agreement shall be terminated by the parti-11s- of the second part by notice afore- said at any time within six months from the date hereof, said part..I.OPof the second part shall refund to said party of the first part the cost of installing said tank, pump and appliances unless said part_ie a of the second part shall purchase same in manner and at the price hereinbefore provided, and upon -cancellation and failure of said second party to purchase said equipment as herein provided, then said first party shall have the right and priv- ilege of removing said equipment as above set forth. AND IN FURTHER CONSIDERATION of the premises, said parties- of the second part, for Sheatheirs, executors, administrators and assigns, hereby agree-... to indemnify and save harmless the said party of the first part, of and from any and all claims for liability for any and all loss, damage, injury or other casualty to persons or property caused or occasioned by any lakage, fire or explosion of or from said tank and pump, or the appliances connected or used therewith, or through any imperfection in the construction, installation or opera- tion of the same, whether due to negligence of the party of the first part, or otherwise. AND ALSO, for ...t -hg -1#'-.... heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, do ---------...hereby expressly waive, relinquish, exonerate, discharge and protect the said party of the first part from any and all liability for damages which may be suffered by ..--.th-em-------------- or..._th41r_.......... neighbors by reason of any leakage, fire, explosion or other casualty occurring through any imperfection in said tank and pump or the appliances connected therewith or from any other cause whatsoever. The undersigned, owner.......- of the premises installed, hereby consent --e...- to the installation then the foregoing agreement. - ----------------------------------------` ... STANDARD OIL COMPANY -•-- ,--qndiana) above described tank.--..-.- is to be or has been to be bound by -the teriv and conditions of F—A A 46, 2K 7-18 CITY OF JT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Cot NCIL NQ. ..... 4 �� �N• ," AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE M 242 BY.............. �...... ........ " ............ ninl n n ,t)y LE AUDITED ....AU .,� �7!C ......... 191....._ F ............ ... ... .............. ...... ,7 TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out 6,the hereinafter specifier) funds and in favor of the �. persons, firms or corporations for,Ehe amounts set opposite their respective names asgspecified in the following detailed statement: 7 Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the il_.......... }:: ._, 1._ ELL ................. 191 r Clancy _ hF H Z1-3 i Lu In favor oved 191..... Coss Keller Against __....... ..tAvoe McColl f. Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Cry F. No. 29022-- �i' thatbstract. — a. lyed a arrants be dr C8A `e'• eIn Pter aanrY. PaYable owin sPeclae ^oP the Dersona, add. Ma or �9 for the Amor vet ovr +•a.�^clue nnn ' 3 0M SIED e 1 2352 Edward: -Hanley, Water 9.25 10.54 206.53 i 28.00 ° a .75 34.70 7.25 2346 Wm. Bellargeon, Water 2347 .George C. Binder ''ompany, War kboim e 2348 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, St. C. & R. 90.16 Plater 116.37 2349 Hors. Moise Capistrant, Plater 2350 Thomas Cardinal, Water 2351 R. T. Gourley, Bureau of Engineers 17.30 St. C. & R. 2.60 Sewer C. & R. 10.4eQ Engineering Insp. 4.80 34.70 1 2352 Edward: -Hanley, Water 9.25 10.54 206.53 i 28.00 ° a .75 34.70 7.25 Res. 242 Page #2 2353 P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 2354 John Houle, Water 2355 Philip Houle, Water 2356 A. C. Jefferson, Bridge B. & R. 2357 Joseph Leroux, Water 2358 Joseph Levasseur, Water 2359 L. C. Lorin, Gaultier School (Bond) 2360 Edward Marrier, Water \ J 2361 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 1.59 2.27 S. & S. Cing. 2.22 Library 65.97 155.36 Lighting 766.07 4,534.16 Water 96,77 It 5.40 --5-,630,11 2362 Jos. Pelloquin, Water 2363 Jos. t. Peltier, Water 2364 St.Paul Gas Light CompanY, Lighting 2365 W. A. Sparrow, Water 2366 Swift & Company, Workhouse 2367 Mrs. Ellen Troudeau, Water Total 23,000.22 21.33 1100 6.75 340.06 .50 .50 3.00 2.25 5,630.11 1.25 1.50 16,561.57 3.50 128.63 1.25 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......_: -Vic._.:....,+' ... OFFICE OF THE &Y CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y PRESENTED 6Y —I _:.._... DATE.........._......._._._.. RESOLVED That the annexed plans and specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of two cottage schools, prepared by the city architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and herewith submitted to the Council, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education; and the Commisiioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of said cottage schools on the basis of force or cost account to uthe extent of not to exceed $$7,000.00 for the two buildings; the cost of the said work to be charged to the Great Northern School Construction Fund. P. No. 290'-3r$Y Albert Wunderlich— _ a�oaxed mane and same re hereby. aDProv Ile aatory to the Com�la- I Education: and the Compub- t P_ks, Playgrounds and Pub - Ings is hereby authorized tO-Pro- .h Rhe conetraction of sald cot- onnt Ro Rho ex[ extent ofor­ f enot to ex- .��.� J Mq.00 .for "ib. Rwo butldinge: said work -to ool hnr�nstrucdon Northern ao � �/ e i by the Council APL. 28, 1020. 1 -d Apr. 28, 1920. �I (ktaY - -- :- �.lh � �ecei�eA altYpQboa• it9 ILS of t °n„�"'�" G A- yes (%) Councilmen (;) Nays APR ;ed ISLO........_.19_ it Adopted by the Council - -- -- - Clancy Farnsworth Appr Flk'ff .Gl;..l�Cii-._......... 19_......- Goss --- - In favor McColl Powers Ivi.....Against i��/ _ MnvoR Wunderlich N&. President FORM -9— X902- ^ COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fa.E NO... ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .x PRESENTED By 1 COMMISSIONER_............................._......_......._....................._....:_......._.........._.......:......._......_....._.....,. DATE.. ........... BEsoWI�E& WHEREAS, The City is desirous of obtaining the following described tract of land, to -wit: A triangular piece of ground measuring approximately 6 feet on McKenty street, and 20 feet on Como Place, being all that land in Lot 17, Lake Como Villas, lying east of a line drawn from the northeast corner of Block 3, Como Addition, southeasterly to McKenty street, passing through a point 50 fe�,'* westerly from the angle point in the easterly line of Como Place as now laid out, said 50 feet being at right angles to the first described line; for the purpose of widening Como Place at its intersection with"McKenty street; and WHEREAS, the owner of said tract has offered to convey s`ame- without cost to the City for this purpose; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proposition of Harlan P. Preeper, the owner, be accepted, and that the dad to said tract, approved as to form and execution by the Corporatia•,a Counsel, be accepted, and the proper city officers are hereby instructed to place the same on record. fi No. 29OT'Lhs- Cftyts desirous o4 oh=j eTs i� talntwln8 the 'following aesorlhea Qrnct ot, ;, ill land,- to-wtt::� A triangular Plece ofl RgCB ived with r xlmately G feet1 tion ground measurl a app o , DSeKe tY.:stroet, and 7A1 feet 17 comp Q Onn place being all that land to Lot 17, Iaho gesOlill',]. Como villas,lying a corner "ohnee d kw3 from the n theast Como Addlttom southeasterly Kenty street, Passing through a Polntl so feet westeriY from the angle point In the ensterlY line of Como Pince as now being - laid out, said 50 feet being at rigor the gles :to the first descrlbsd If t Yes ( )Councilmen ( )Nays purpoao of w Bening Como Place ata a intersection: with McKenty 3[dest: orerena Conveywsame -now tof said in et to 11 G J U t9 Clancy f has the�C tY for Uue purpose now therefore; opted by the Council bo It That the prnPosltlon of 11us- ttll ) CII Goss Orth 1\1 Ian P. t the deedorm anto d executI b' u IJ�U Goss U ...... 'ped to° tion p e sho aeanso onr ra. _ Approved _ a...__. .._19......._ McColl I Proper I hnSa eT82OarAePrhetebY in .... Adopted by 192D. Polders an i Approved APT. 29. MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -_19 p(� 1 y CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ^ FILE No ........... f��7�)f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " m - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - f COMMISSIONER_............._.....................................__....._._.........._..............................._..........._............... DATE RESOLVED - That the attached plans and speci£icat+ions, for the planting of trees on the following streets: St. Clair St. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. Of' Berkeley Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. Stanford Ave. from Fredericka Avc. to Snelling Ave. Wellesley Ave, from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. Jefferson Ave. from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. ivlacalester Ave, from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave. Underwood Ave. from St. Clair St. to Jefferson Ave. Fredericka Ave. from St. Clair St. to Uefferson Ave., under Preliminary,Order #27316, approved Nov. 20, 1919, and Final Order 28816, approved April 13, 1920, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work as specified in said plans and specifications by Force nnrvllnt— — G�a C. F. No; 29076 -- Resolved,. That the attached plana nad' speolilcatlons for the planting of trees o the following atreat.: St, Clair St: from FrederickaAve. to S Berkeley Ave. - from Fredericka Ave. to Snelling Ave. - SStaffgord Ave.eefrom Fredericka Ave. tonett 'Wellesley Ave, from Fredsrleka Ave. Received (`.c.=4 to Snelling Ave. Jefferson Bd X11•----- FII . from Itedericka Ave. to Snelling Aveg Ave. Connection With above ffecalester Ave. from St. Clair St. to Resolution. Jettereon Ave. ads rwood Ave. from St. Clair St. to Jettereon Ave. Frederlcka Ave, from St. Clair St, to Tetterson Ave. under Preliminary Order No. 27310, ap- proved Nov. 20, 1919, d Final Order No. 210, approved April >3, 1920, as aub- ftted by the Commlasloner . Public works, be and the same aro 'hereby n o proved. F`It stoner ofd'PublicleWar],. bah ad he 11. heroby directed to do the work as aped - t fled in said pians and apecI�tlons by I' Ibrce Account. Yes Councilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the Cbuncll-Ap 28; 1920. Adopted Apr. 28, 1920. Clancy T&W 1-1920) ptcd by the Coun ' lil'1t-'e6 dSEfl 19 Goss In favor ved__. _ IIfH)S�JCO 19.... - McColl (� Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 BY CITY OF ST. PAUL ICE OF THE CITY CLERK -09:anl IITION—GENERAL FORM COeRGit 2902 ,7, FILENo ..................................... In the matter of paving of Burgess Street from Farrington Avenue to Western Avenne, under Preliminary Order 728984, approved April 23, 19209 RESOLVED, That the order in the above matter be and the same is hereby cancelled, anulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. 27, ..1920... NO. 29027—JBy V. N. Goss— , In th6' m tter of Paving Burgess Street from Parrington Avenue to Western i� Avenue, under Preliminary Order No.April 23 �- ` a ter That a order In the above mutter be d the samo is hereby cAn- celied, nnulled and rescinded and all proceedings In such matter dlscontI.- .ed. Adopted by the Council Apv 29, 1920. APUroved APF. 1920. . . ti tNaY 1-1920) Yes ( ) Councilmen ( 1 Nays uPR 26 1 �0 19- Adopted by the Council - Clancy :26 �., [O1': ..__..__...._... Approv 19.....__ In favor *loss McColl \ Powers �J Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM JM9-19 r / Council File No. �t1� PROIC. F. No. 2s026Aba—et. Whereas, A written proposal for the ...i eking of the following improvement, viz - i R'eaterh"oAr esincludingGaal elrr water ? pond gas connections frome6treh main' tr p�roDer ty linea complete, where nn dY made. el eon ino� nnlg: °. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following ub11c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave. Bargess. from..Gau. tier Street to._Vl.estern__... g Ave. ,.._including_.sewer., ., .ter .and as_ connections from stre.gt mains.... to_.property..line Pmja te,. .... .. e not already made,__also including._ ? tie ,ovine of al 'e driveway. approaches,. where -._....- curbing....' .' ........ ..I'....._�.a ..............y ......... necessary.. 28thy ..... ............... ..............._:...., Dated this. ...._.__._.da of..........._.... A it Councilman. 1 -`PVELIMINAR HIL' '"-' / WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thefo lowing Improvement, viz.: Pave Burgess 5t, from Gaultier St. to...Western _Ave, _including_... water._and_.gas connections from street_mans_to_property _lines complete where not already made, also incluuing..curbing..and.the,__._..._ paving of alley dna driveway, approach0s, where necessary. having been presented to the Council of the4City of St. Paul by Councilman ....-.. ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: L To inve8tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve8tigate the nature, extent and e4timated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d -improvement.._..._....... r ......... .......__.. ms e o owing otNir data an'dt fafotrnatinwT laeve-to- a'r 3 To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. iWR 28 I5[U...._.._.19t......_ Adopted by the council..._ .._ ..____ .__ _... Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnarodlr�"'"� Coss g5tal Clancy lc Powers McColl Wunderlich 41 Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (6b1 4-14) Approved_ ... _ �.� �JC(L.......191.-...... ..................................................... ' Mayor. Request of Commissioner Wunderlich. j C. r. No. 29020— Abstract. Council File No..._.....A making of the followiA written proposal g , Provement, PRf via p o mate for T Condemn. take and aper P , a tl publlo school purpose. Me M1l to 60. /S In Addition, hav gL. r beenasPre- isegtedto the Council of the City of ' .ihorefore, be 1t PRIG_- d. That L6e C.rc.,_yr(, The undersigned hereby proposes_ the making of the following lic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemn, take and appropri e for public school .............._.......... _ ............. _ ...........--.._...........,...._....... ...._._. .._._..... _._........._............ . t.o_.50.,.-in-31ack.. .,_.Rober.t...h.....: Yare.'s...E.a.a.tex x�...._..._...._ .................... .. ....... .............................._......................-....._._......._..._.....__........_._...._... .......... ,....._.............. __.................. .. 0 Dated this..... _.28th.... day of ...._. April ............._...-............_._.........., 19�T _ .. ` Councilmen. PRELIMIN Y ORD _ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foowing mp �1�7t vitt Condemn, take and appropriate. for public school purposes Lots 41 to 50, in Block 1, Robert L. '�iare's Eastern Heighta Addition. ....... ........ ......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 61 -To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r I',� Adopted by the council.... _ l)I'k G;S _ U...._....._...._ 191...__. Yeas: Nays: >�n Councilmep.FA&a&va&j" Coss Approved_. _ )}'k_, _1,..1)......... 191. *ORd Clancy xwla Powers �p McColl Wunderlich....................................:............... Mayorltmda Ho� son Mayor., Por. C A 13 (SAI 1-17) f O.,�r No 38080—Adminietrative Ordin- Q/� �� li""'r � ante No. 6306 --BY A. id d 11th r l� An. dinance to amend Administ riveOr. Ordinance No 5139 aper August 16. 1919entitled An A -1e[ ativ Ordlna fixing th nsentl6n rateBd t p o. C.F. N0..Ge�iS Administrative Ordinance No. X30 An Ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139 approved August 16, 1919, entitled " An Administrative Ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city compensations and em- ployrhentsfas amended by Ordinance No. 5194, approved Nov. 20, 1919, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 That Section 1 of Administrative Ordinance No. 5139 approved August 16, 1919, as amended by Ordinance No. 5194 approved Nov. 20, 919, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out said Section 1 the following words and figures; A Inspector, Heating Plants $x150:00 to $x175,:00 Mechanic's Helper 90.00 to 110.00 Superintendent of SchooQl a Buildings,Assistant 175.00 to 195.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures; Inspector, Heating Plants $175.00 to $190:00 Mechanic's Helper 110.00 to 4125.00 Superintendent of School Buildings, Assistant 195.00 t4 '10;00 SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and -be in force immediately upon its passage,approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council Goes McColl 1920 MAV � � IgZU Powers Wunderlich Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) Approved MAY X31920 1920. A TTES:� �OHiV t. FPaH1CY; City Clerk. .; L ORDINANCES. 1 C. P. No. 29631—Ordinance No. 5306— -' By M. N. Gose— Lnce �� O f • F n ordinance granting _permission to S , Herbert H. Bigelow,*o grade Sy. e - este Ave. Prom t. Anthony A the Intersecting line of Unlc' An ordinance granting pe " °s.'".eOmple:e:i3e" Gr Yt H. Bigelow wig wood to grade Syndicate-����. from St. Anthony hve, to the intersecting- �ine.o+f1iversity Ave. as incomplete, also Griggs St. fr=4%aiversity Ave. to St. Anthony Ave. i The Council of the City of �St. Pauli poes ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority be and.the same are hereby given to Herbert H. Bigelow to grade Syndicate Ave. from St. Anthony Ave. to the in$ersecting line of University Ave. as incomplete, also Griggs St. from University Ave. to St. Anthony Ave., according to the established grade. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the grading of said streets upon his compliance with the following express conditions, namely: (1) The said licensee shall g�rad� said streets entirely at his own cost and expense, to the satisfAAion and under tLe super- vision of the Commissioner of Public ftBks, and in accordance with the plans and profiles prepared by him. (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of engineering and inspecting said work. (3) Before entering upoll-or doing4ny of said work, the said licensee shall procure from the abuttiug,.owners such easement in and to the abutting property as is necessary for the construction of slopes for cuts and fills, and a written release, releasing and discharging the City of St. Paul f'rtm all damages for the taking of such easement for slopes, and releasing it from all _.,pgsequential damages by reason of the'grading of said streets. (4) The said licensee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute same continuously_ with diligence, and fully complete said work within thirty days after the said work is started. If the said licensee shall fail to complete the work within said time, the 6ommissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and the licensee expressly agrees that he shall have power and authority to complete said work and that the licensee will pay to the said Commissioner of Public Works the reasonable cost incurred or expended thereby, and such cost shall be a liability upon and a condition of the said licensee's bond. / ;7 (5) The said licensee shall give a bond to the Cites of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (%$5,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of the resoluticn c.,7 'cc indemnify =nd save the City of ot. raul har la: ss�a� Loss. .iiaoi-lty judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement, or arising out of the same. (6) The said licensee shall, within twenty days from and after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within said time, the authority hereby given shall be void. Section 3. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and shall Lake effect aiid be in force from and after its passage, aj�proval and publication. Yes � ) Councilmen (,' ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McCg1 , 1 yn ' derlich President pp1 �1 FOFM 3M' A Adopted by the Council `1 14192 19 In favor JWLISHED i� Ap 0 3tipprov y 14 1920'_._ ..._ _ 19. Against nx'�Esr: JOHN J. FARICY, • / City Clark, AoluvA 1 �o�V •4 To Minneapolis U,iAve. To St. Paul - Midway Industrial Division University Ave... F� Comprising 70 Acres Finest Industrial Trackage Over 7,000 feet Main Spur Track REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT BROWN & BIGELOW E. A'. CONRAD QUALITY PARK - MANAGER ST. PAUL, MINN. jk A April 27, 1920 To the Honorable Mayor :nd Common Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen:- " The undersigned petitioner desire, the grading of Syndicate Avenue from St. Anthony Ave. to the intersecting line of University Ave. as incompleate. Also Griggs Street from University ave. to St. Anthony Ave. The petitioner askes to be allowed to do said grading at his own cost and expence. Inasmuch as I Lsire to do said grading at once, I ask it bets e. de ant emergency ordinance. The matter has been previously referred to Mr. Goes and Mr. Carroll: Very truly yours, Mgr. Real Estate Dept To St- P..1 Tol&" polis MIDWAY INDUSTRIAL DIM51oft U.i --t- A- -.7 BRoil 6 B16 LOW Z Ar- p", z 7 6 w t ZAA - �L--L-L 4i 4-a. C..prilsi.p6 70 A. Fmest 1=6= -Sewers. City Waste Gms, EIB,—c Lltl- =I Trac k -la Paved Streets Car SelrillLs— ill w "—d ovillill, 7 " f� 1431 Tm= RF -XL ESTATE DEPARTMENT BROWN & BIGELOW 0 QU-kLrrY PARK E. A. CONRAD ST. PAUL 1-i MANAGER - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER d a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE GIL No . Poem A A 48,! N 7-18 . o•Nn .M. Geer cS"o j Seh..1 Bldgthch, 4dhng . Machinery Co., $1,806.12. Co Minnesota Road Eflwpment $4,025.Ob. W.rT.e . p, lflc i nj1� Co.. Mil7. L. Shiely Co., $380.10. Statodard Register Co., $297.03. . I" S. A. Swanson. $16.00. Vlctory Printing Co.,. $86.00. . Adopted Eby the Council Apr. 29, 11920. Approved Apr. 29. 19, (M•aY 1.1020) 2368 Sophie C. Borup, Schools 2369 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, New Bldg. Construction 2370 Capital City Lumber Company, Schools 2371 City of Minneapolis, Water 2372 Dr. Charles L. Clark, Corp. Counsel 2373 W. J. Dow, Water 2374 Otto Edstrom, Agent Playgrounds 2375 Gamon Meter Company, Plater 2376 Geo. N. Gerlach, Supt. of School Bldg., Schools 2377 Kindling Machinery Company, S. & S. Cing. 2378 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, Bureau of Parks 75.63 68.99 28.84 86.60 50..00 37.00 50.00 980.00 28.65 1,806.12 4,025.00 ii APR 29 1920 AUDITED ....... .. ...... .........191... ..// BY .. ........ ...0/..... CI' lPTROLLER ', i �y� �� • S 7 PER......... � ....... (/P�('l/�O' V V •-�NV.......- 1 ._...... TI�LE - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 4T9 .42� Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by a ouncil....._.....____..............._............_.....:._.......191.._-- Clancy C. F. No. 2903'"- Abstract k!lAll$)RM' - Resolved that warrants be drawnr th. einTreasury..PayabetDOSS of the hereinafter sped, firmsor c ain favor of thep'mounKeller for the amounts set In pied to//their ed ...__.__. / t :..191.._ -_--upon porations ei reepectivenamesae specifted MAYOR the following detailed statement::Sophie C. Bo7Lp $75-x• . $68.99• " 73rooks Bron Lumber Coj28.84. Wunderlich W � � ci Yi of Minnenpmolliss,, Mr. President, Hodgson Dt Charles L. Clark, $50.00. ,xw. $37.00. --- -- . o•Nn .M. Geer cS"o j Seh..1 Bldgthch, 4dhng . Machinery Co., $1,806.12. Co Minnesota Road Eflwpment $4,025.Ob. W.rT.e . p, lflc i nj1� Co.. Mil7. L. Shiely Co., $380.10. Statodard Register Co., $297.03. . I" S. A. Swanson. $16.00. Vlctory Printing Co.,. $86.00. . Adopted Eby the Council Apr. 29, 11920. Approved Apr. 29. 19, (M•aY 1.1020) 2368 Sophie C. Borup, Schools 2369 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, New Bldg. Construction 2370 Capital City Lumber Company, Schools 2371 City of Minneapolis, Water 2372 Dr. Charles L. Clark, Corp. Counsel 2373 W. J. Dow, Water 2374 Otto Edstrom, Agent Playgrounds 2375 Gamon Meter Company, Plater 2376 Geo. N. Gerlach, Supt. of School Bldg., Schools 2377 Kindling Machinery Company, S. & S. Cing. 2378 Minnesota Road Equipment Company, Bureau of Parks 75.63 68.99 28.84 86.60 50..00 37.00 50.00 980.00 28.65 1,806.12 4,025.00 1 Res. 243 Page #�2 2379 Northern Pacific Railroad Company, Bureau of Parks . 142.59 69.86 • Water 47.88 2380 W. T. Reichel, Eleetion 2381 J. L. Shiely Company, New Bldg. Const. — 304.10 Plater 57.00 Gaultier School (Bond) 19.00 -38�IZ5 2382 Standard Register Compamp Comer. of Finance 93.61 Rrinted forms eta, 203.42 79773 2383 S. A. Swanson, Election 2384 �.i-e�ory Printing Company, i Printed forms and blks. 11.50 Bureau of Engineers 74.50 Total 8,291.29 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 ; OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F;I` '!+� No........... 244 APR n p 6Y.. ......... 2" ppqq LI'r' u. -TROLLER ' AUDITED .Nf�LI.. �G V..Jl3t �'........_..-.191....... /��f/T[p TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the - persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 d ) Councilmen I ) Nays Adopted by t ' ncil 41l.'_� Clancy -pdi[tl .......In favor pProve._._191..._..... Goss Keller Again=_[ __.._....... MAYOR McColl 7 Mr. President, Hodgson C. V. No. 29022 Resolved thafh'7w act. , upon the Clt arrante bedrawa of the hereinafterego Parable aat In favor f thPorae Peclded funds and their resons for the amounts set o r cor- a respective namee as e t I po itn their sit detaned etatemen_t: ➢'Nell & E2,270.00. John (`r. ThaunPreston. g, '1,000.00. Adopted by se CO" E1.CH2.26. i APProved ADrh 29, Y920 i1 APr. 29, 1920. s (ELaN 1-1920) 2385 O'Neil & Preston, 2,270.00 Grading Topping, baford to Chatswoath 2386 John G. Thaung, 1,000.00 Schools 2387 tghornton Brothers Company, 1,542.25 Sewer on Broadway Total 4,812.25 /Y)t.CITY OF ST.�PAUL FOERnt NO.............._7.......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ------._...._._._._..... - DATE....._ .......... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Edward ging, a city employs of the Department of Public Works, - injured February 26th, 1920, the sum of Thirty-eiSht Dollars and Forty Cents ($38:40) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full settlement of his claim against the City by reason of said injuries. I recommend the above resolution for passage. _ t Commis. of Public Works. C. F. Na 29029-_. Rehoe�y°b 296U— That the proper city offlcera I Kdng, a cit thploy o paY to Edward (oP P1rblGc W employe f the Ueparhmmrc x Fort thesum of ThintnJeght FD 29th, 192,p, Y Cents ($28.40 out of the and men's Compenaatlon Accounth° Work- Olea General Fund, In full ac ofP his ""Iles. 'nat rthe Ckty by reason of sold Adopted by the Council Apr., 29, 1920, APDroved Apr. 29, 1920. - <May 1-1920) yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays "'Clancy Adopted by the Co u llf'H 29JS2U..- --.19 Goss Pn favor ed .. / (v— McColl Powers Against `APP __ . ������ MPYOR Wunderlich M. President FORM -9-19 v� END —j PIICROFILM CERTIFICATE, The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by—j J r, ;w o /�i `.� R �x� r --i in accordance with the standard and approbed techniques vrith a Recordak microfilm machine, Model M _IG— of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 196 by the undersigned operator(s). 3.. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is -IT- jA 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: ? ,�o cis cis a no it � /y, C f 8 fa 5 1'l2kjh^-6 /fir/44-n 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: 3V Al2 1 After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated 19 Operator v, S ' VONV,S j0 nV3ans IVN014VN s•t i� illll 9Z illll i 8 •I VIII o z ti� Z ZIIIII all sZlllll 8 Z!IIII 0-111111 s oda � oy a , 0 0, p oat mos byO � u ,la's y so 2% VA \,% 1!1 0 N4T i ' a�qo 14� p . e.. GA