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Mill o-zilill sEWJd,.,j VIII io:ff 11111 s ' � r `r • o o /, B � &-I l �� l��- 2 l 40\ .w n x-« ^^'b":�':"^ 9^m-.. rS-.S•±ire;�'1d.Ti.A..:'c-.`i ... START Serial i3o. of Roll Departmeatn`T—$T sk Office i ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed If limited !/ Date Microfilm T /T I4 G(e CONTENTS /-v e-,-- Number ,e Number or name of first document of regular contents 9T1A 19 4 A -- By Operator - - Operator By Supervisor CITY OF ST. PAUL Q.. FI E" NO �X559 ' OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK «_. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY A , COMMISSIONER._........................................................................................................:.............._............... DATE.............. ............. ............... ..._ RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with B. Wisnesky, who was injured Aovember 5th, 1;919, while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, providing for the payment'of compensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him as a result of said accident; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said B. Wisnesky, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in ful pe'ttle- ment of his claim for the period of his disability. w 8 TIo L'Y669-aB <M.".`f, ri y Y r�eCcr- omr , - 6e aur uuinavtsa�l 'ky Y "neat9vIe als ' I recommend the a Iove resolution who was sllurna ri(bvtae ` bth. '�Q�lpk°����ut, � for passage. ,yro�ti8ls6�Ybr'.tbaa 4YFaon61 t'Orb4 I eatlnx toYYaatm �t t�iexr9tea E P _ ;xveaxlii+rttig a nu tf>na �onze9#,�t��urtee ' . Rotall'p' gleabta br,rraNa %ta i[otck-y�¢¢ibt:huse a-raqutne,.k,�,a. a d# arl4ge,.tt. F�x x`, Yr' r nCa ', irar�ixer �esoLYe0. !rRa� i4aP4a .Qa stir tlatd ;asraemmu .tba Qroi4e gyMi$ ?.tn�e'�I com�eaeat'�a�atl 4�cmh'h�.�,ena ') 44. Or Commt r of Public Works Yes (0 Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 0 .••y.... -A. favor MI Coll Powers ----- -Against Wunderlich Mr. President i FORM 3M9-19 DEC 10 !1" r Adopted by the Council_.. 19..__... 10 i Approv...................................._.................. ....... 19........_ ......._.._ . _.J.'. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE `CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED BY COUNCIL 27560 ' FILE NO ...................... ............. _ DATE .......... ................ . . RESOLVED That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to enter. into an agreement with Peter Plachno, who was injured November 4th,, 1919, while in the employ of the Departl�ent of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him as a result of said accident; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED That in accordance with said agreement the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Peter Plaohno, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the s General Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00). in full settlement of his claim for the period of his disability. Yes (N') Councilmen (+) Nays Clancy B' FarnsvroMi Goss CCO[ Powers PowerO Wunderlich M. President FORM 3MO-19 + I recommend the above resolution for' p esage. CommTr of Public Works. a �v" Adopted by the Council .. 19_...... ........ ..... In favor APprov .................. ............ ......._..................19......._ Against ... _........_.....4`v! v .. _.. MAYOR Vj 27; CITY OF ST. PAUL ( Fu:e NO............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Deo 10 19E COMMISSIONER .................:.._M. N. .,088 -............:.................... DATE.................'............t.......................... ................................................................................. 11 r RESOLVEPO KU That the grade of the alleys in Blook 3, Phalen Heights Park, in accordance with the red grade line on the accomr nyinp profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public TOrkB, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Councilmen (,) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderli E Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ .__..____....._ ..............19 \...... In favor Appr . ....._.............. 19 Against "� MAYOR 27562 CITY OF ST. PAUL FI e"ca NO _ ............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ¢ j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I it COMMISSIONER ................ ,V.....D1...... Go -e6.,...... ........................ ...._...... ............... ..... ............ - DATE ....T eo-.--20_,....1.91.8........ RESOLVED That the grade of the alleys in John M-ongan's Stewart Park Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Publio t^orks, be and the saris is hereby adopted as the established grade. is Yes (v) Councihnen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor mccoll Powers 0 Against Wunderlich 1VIr. President FORM 3.9.19 i f Adopted by the Council L - - 19-- Appro.._...._-__.._._...._...._._........__.._......._.19._.__. -YOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: - — ---------- -- --------- .. ......... I ..... . ........ ..... .. .................. ................................................ 2756 W CfL . NO. -:::7 .................. ................ ... .................................... 1.- - -------- -./ .................................................................... -.- ............... Dj# Presented Resolved, That the Purchasing. Agent bet and he is hereby aut7g6rized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the'Comptroller, without advertisement, 55,000 brick'at a cost not to exceed $1354.00, as an emergency exists, caused by the Government placing all brickyards on the non-essential list for coal, where failure to act promptly would work.,a hardship to the beet. interests of the City. Charge Public Work&�'Paving Depreciation, #3001. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ll .............. In favor Keller McColl ........... .. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... Approve .. ........................................................ 191 ... .... ............. ........... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ' cvieNo. ..G.. - 4... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IV IF/✓! PRESENTED BY -a nerc RESOLVED Upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed ,to enter into a lease on •behalf of the City, with Frank James, leasing from the said Frank James, for the term of five years, at -the annual rental of Fifty Dollars ($50.00), Lot forty-four (44), Upper Levee, as a site for a portable school building. The said rental shall be payable out of the School Fund;. and the lease for said premises shall be in a°form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Yes (J) Councilmen (1') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss. .. .In favor 7 m cull Powers –Against Wunderlich Wunde Mr. President FORfl�._'.,. 3M9-19 - Adopted by the Council _..__....__................... ............... 19_..... DIS I L ,_ _ Approved............................... ....... ......... ............. 19........_ (ice! MAYOR Paving the following streets: Lincoln Avenue from alaaalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Goodrich Avenue from Amherst Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Princeton Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Fairview Avenue, ,�St. Q1air Street Brom Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue, >escsaleeter'Avenue from paved roadway in Sunmmit AVe. to St. Clair Street, Gambridg6 Avue Prom paved roadway in Summit Ave. to Princeton Avenue;, Balditin Aven frown paved xv>�dway in $tummit Av_p `t6 TAII003h Avenue, Bali u Aveaue frmn I;3 naoln Avenue to Sti. Clair Stroet' Amharet Ave; Pamsn 7,Snoolnt.AvenuB to St. C3atr Street,. Fairview Av ue frame moved roadway in Suaanit Ave. to St. Clair btreet,p. Sargent Street from Baldwin Ave�xue to Fairviewr Avenue, venison Street; from Princeton Avenue to St. Clair Street, including sewer, :nater and gas connections from street mains to property lines vomplete, where not already made, silo inoluding curbing andpaving alic77 and driveway approaches, where necessary. ' under Preliminary Order...........- -- ------ ._..... ... - approved_ ............. __.._.-,... .... ................ - ............. Intermediary Order .---_.__ - ...... .... ....... .... __..... .... .. approved..._ ................_.___..._..._._.........- ------ ._.---- ............ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the.City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is. Pave the following streets: Lincoln Avenue from i:t alester Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Goodrich Avenue from srst Avenue to Fairview Avenues Princeton Avenue from 11aealester Avenue to Fairview Avenue, St.. ClairStreet fram Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue, j Maoalestex Avenue fremm paved roadway in Swmni.t T.venue to St. Clair Street,- ! bridge Avem�Q paved roadway iai Aught Avenue to prinoeton Avenue, in Avenue from paved roadway°in Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, Bal in Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street, Amhe t. Avenue Prom Lincoln Avenue to 3t. Clair Street, fti.rvi w Avenue from paved roadway in Sumamit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Sargent ,treet from Baldwin Avenue to FairvieW Avenue, Vernon St at from Princeton Avenue to St. cUir Street, including sorter, nay N-•=-'�'' gtroet mains to property lines complete, Where not already made, also JIIcludi:� curbini- and oavir� linalles and drive�vay approaches. where nenessary_, The material on all the Foregoing named streets to be Sheet Asphalt on a 5" Portland Cement Concrete foundation, except on 5t. Claon which street r Street from Sthe 1pagvingematerial to be nue toe Fairview Avenu, 3?" Creosoted Blood Blocks laid on a 5" Portland Cement concrete foundation. r .. to pru00. ... z . Adopted by the Council, - __ ._. ._.._. City Clerk. D C' C� Approved._ .__ .. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ' •..L'+ -------• ,�- � ' 1/ Councilman Goss (- Councilman Clancy 1. ! _ Councilman :Keller / Councilman McColl C=-- 1 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 s y -Dear Sir: 11 Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving the following streets, in accordance with Council File 10. No.26061, approved July 31, 1919: Lincoln Avenue from Maoalester to Fairview Avenue, Goodrich Avenue from Amherst to Fairview Avenue, Princeton Avenue from Maoalester to Fairview Avenue, St. Clair Street from Snelling to Fairview Avenue, Macalester Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Cambridge Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to Princeton Avenue, Baldwin Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, Baldwin Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street, ✓ Amherst Avenue from Lincoln to St. Clair Street, Fairview Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Sargent Street from Baldwin Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Vernon Street from Princeton to St. Clair Street, Including Bawer, water and gas comnectione from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including ourbing and paving alley and drive- way approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File No, 26061, approved July 31, 1919. Intersections out, ------ $282,004.80 $7.96 3j In. Creosoted Block, 4,62 308,454.30 8.70 Interpections out, 250,874.40 7.08 Brick., 4.11 274,404.15 7.74 Intersections out, 219,744.00 6.20 Asphalt, 3.60 240,354.00 6.78 Intersections out, 219,744.00 6.20 Asphalt concrete, 3..60 :' 246.,354.00 6.78 Intersections out, 173,353.60 4.89 Concrete, 2.84 189,612.60 5.36 Assessable frontage...... 35,457 feet. For 6” house drain connections add. $70.00 For j,” water connections add :.......... ... 32.00 Where curb is not in place add 65¢ per front foot for cement curb. Yours truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enolo of ot. Paul l arvikiatrut of Puhlir Marko OSCAR CLAUSSEN ...„.peen ...wy or ¢„o x.en. GDSS, COMMISSIONER orSeoN. . N. R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY All... JACNSON, 9u ri.`T unsyyAjj�oF .w„irw.io„ N. OunECAU orEconnecii .. . . c N. s. cnrrewk, E„m„ee„ , N.NERRo4o 0”- .. August 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, a u 1 1 d i ng. -Dear Sir: 11 Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving the following streets, in accordance with Council File 10. No.26061, approved July 31, 1919: Lincoln Avenue from Maoalester to Fairview Avenue, Goodrich Avenue from Amherst to Fairview Avenue, Princeton Avenue from Maoalester to Fairview Avenue, St. Clair Street from Snelling to Fairview Avenue, Macalester Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Cambridge Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to Princeton Avenue, Baldwin Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, Baldwin Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to St. Clair Street, ✓ Amherst Avenue from Lincoln to St. Clair Street, Fairview Avenue from paved roadway in Summit Avenue to St. Clair Street, Sargent Street from Baldwin Avenue to Fairview Avenue, Vernon Street from Princeton to St. Clair Street, Including Bawer, water and gas comnectione from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including ourbing and paving alley and drive- way approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File No, 26061, approved July 31, 1919. Intersections out, ------ $282,004.80 $7.96 3j In. Creosoted Block, 4,62 308,454.30 8.70 Interpections out, 250,874.40 7.08 Brick., 4.11 274,404.15 7.74 Intersections out, 219,744.00 6.20 Asphalt, 3.60 240,354.00 6.78 Intersections out, 219,744.00 6.20 Asphalt concrete, 3..60 :' 246.,354.00 6.78 Intersections out, 173,353.60 4.89 Concrete, 2.84 189,612.60 5.36 Assessable frontage...... 35,457 feet. For 6” house drain connections add. $70.00 For j,” water connections add :.......... ... 32.00 Where curb is not in place add 65¢ per front foot for cement curb. Yours truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enolo ,. !CITY O�F-rBTT.y PAUL DEPA ,OIt FINANCE s,r�, T i t. REPORT OF COMMENISSIONER OF F1 ANCE ` 'Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER"` I In the Matter of Paving of the fQ.1.1.ov�.ing.�-}�e_e. B� T,innnln Ave—frnm ',Banalester Ansa_ to Fairview avenue; Goodrich Ave. from Amherst Ave. to Fairview Ave.;,Frinceton Ave. f rod, Macalester Ave. to Fairview Ave- Rt_ liug_pQe.Y_.-.. to Fiii-view Macalester avenue from paved roadway in Surrait avenue to St. Clair .$t.-;- Cambri Q_ qui -from .ply-et�Ipadway in Summit avenue to Urinnet.pA.._Axe.. Baldwin avenue from paved roadway in Su=ait Ave. to Lincoln Ave.; Baldwin Ave. wxxfix.-----f' am..LIU0.0ln.._.avenue o"—Aua.- from Lincoln Ave. to St. Clair Fairview Ave. from paved roadway in Summit Ave. sarg-entA..P_ to Raixaiew Ave.f- sFernon--- St. from Princeton Ave. to St. Clair St., including sewer, water and gas con- .---_n_@C-t1-QT38--_f.2:4A1.._4.tLeet.._ma,inH.__t.n....p.rnjlET.tjr._11IlEH_..t, letP ,.vharP not .3,j„rg3d3c-lriade-r...... also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary under Preliminary Order approved _!!Aly ---- 31st...... 1919A -- ----- -------------- ---.-......... --------- ---------- ------------- ----__--- ----.--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 7 Tbe-Commissioner of Finance herebv reports as follows: 7.:C, .70 Bite- sections 01-11" 250,871.40 .03 %74,40-_.15 7.7h Intersectio_;s out, 19,74_.00 6.20 sphalt, 5.60 2_0,35 .00 6.78 Intorsocti:_o'ls 01�.t•, 219,74,1. 00 6.20 __sphalt concrete, 3.60=O,So=.00 6.78 Intersections c:;t,, 173,353.50_.89 t"O'Icrete, 2.84 189,612.60 5.36 to = olatu-e. .... ..35,_57 3or 6" iicuse train connections a(_ ........ 73.00 -,-,,or " :nater :om:eeiiot: acid. •..... 3:>.00 ;here curb is not i,� _)lace ..1d65;:�a_ _cont foot for The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' _. DESCRIPTION > LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 6 Elmer & Morrisonla Re-arr- 17875 angement of part of Macal- 18 6 ester Park. 4150 17 6 Do 3450 16 6 Do 3250 15 6 Do 35,50 14 6 Do 3050 13 6 Do 3250 12 6 Do 850 11 6' Dc 850 lA 6 Do 1300 TOTAL. .-. _ 28 18 . 5.:. Do L ruin. - 27 . East 6 Inches Of 17 b _ DoDO r ; 4 _ (Ex. E. -6 -.inches of 17 b _I 4 - _ _. AeXy(FfXX)0MA011 1 I u . Do i3 Do 4 Do- - 15 - b :. Do 1 13725 _. I 1 1 .. 1.4t 21 4 _ Do __ I 1150 30 . 4. _. Dou TOTAL JI . jI _ 29 4 Do j i 13�t8 1 _ 28 4_ . Do 27 . 4 Do �. 26. 4 _ Do 4 - _ _. Do- _ 1 I u . Do i3 C 4 Do- - � i � 4 Q F -.... 22 4 :_ . _Do _ _ I 1 1 .. 1.4t 21 4 _ Do __ I 1150 TOTAL JI . jI CITY OF St. PAUL. 6 F FINANCE OF. FINANCE o - REPORT OFC -IMMIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - I 19 4 :Elmer,& Motrison's Re - Elmer. geme nt of Part�of a . rr a ! _ j 0 __ 18 4 Mae alester Park. 13P2 17 4 Do -1 -4 16 4 Dou 2 2A. DO -- 4 7 Macalester Park :2 -2. _1_.: (Ex. W. 75 feet) 3 7 Do 3 West .75 feet of & 7 DO- .4 P, ------- -Easte *vly 45 fest. of-1 7 Do ----- i i � 13 � !, T that part of . 1 7, lying easterly of a line. -drawn from a.po.14 on the North line of said Lot - 50 feet from -the. North West corner thereof. -to a point.. on.. 'I the South line 90 feet from the SE corner that part of 1 7 Macalester Park 4 lying,Westerly of aline drawn from a point on the North line of said Lot 50 feet from --the-NW corner thereof to a point - on -the South line 90 feet from the SE corner ir it Easterly 126.35 feet of 7 ElmeroX and Morrisson',s Rearrangement of part of 3F25 Westerly 44 feet of East.170.35 Macalester Park. !34 feet of Lot 1, Block 7. also the 4feet of lot 4Block 6, t 4 aMeasterly calester Park lying weserlof� a line drawn from4 a point oil the1tbouty herly line 88feet from the South West Corner. (Ext Easterly 170.35 ft. 7 Do also -that part of lot -4 blockZ- bf-- it Macalester Park lying. Westiky of a ------ i4) ---lize-Arawn frotpoint on thenorthline of said lot 60 feet from the North West corner thereof to a point on the South lime 44 feet from the South West Corner (Ex. West go feet of 2 7 Do it E. 45 ft. of W.90 ft. 2 7 Do 426D TOTAL Cly or ST. PAUL �F FINANCE -DFPco XI 14, It REPORT OF MISSIONR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION :LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIYN; 2 Elmer and Morrison! e Re 43 rrangement of part of 4L West 80 :r t _9;r Maoalester--Park, L7�Qo (Ex. West -3. _7 Do ft.. i. I15. Eastfeet of 1 2 & Do 14 7 26..f set of 1 - rt _2- Do 8 Do 30 5 8 Do �490 14�O J 8 Do 7 8 Do 3 Dyerl B Rear rangement of 5 also Block 5, Elmer and P art of Macalester Park Morrison's Re-arrdngement of part of-Macalester Park (Ex. the, West - 10-6 feet) 8 4 Do also except West 106 feet .A! of Block A4 Elmer -and Mor- rison's Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park) West 106 feet of 8 4 DO 13 also the west 106 feet of Block A-i�_Fjlmer and morrisonts, Rearrange- ment of part of Macaleelter. Park. (Ex. So. 4 feet 12 6 Macalester Park S J. of 13 6 Do South North of 13 6 DO All that part of 14 6 Do q 1 y of- a -line -drawn from -a- __7ng -o iSutherl point on the Westerly line #:43.25 feet northerly from the SW corner thereof to a point on the Easterlyr line 40 feet from '"the South Easterly-eo=8 r-,u1so the vacated alley adjoining on the South TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP IIIEN�T OF FINANCE. : r a REPORT OF 'COMIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUSSE N 4 _-The following -part .of.. 14 _ B, Macalester Park � �, -( 62�0 beginning at a point on the East line of j said Lot40feet north -from -the -SE- corner �- thence Westerly to a point on the West line 43.25 feet -North -from the South Westerly -corner { t thence Northerly along the 'Westerly line 50 feet (- thence. Easterly to -a point Lon aforesaid East line .•. , 80 feet from the South Easterly corner thence - Southerly- along- -said Easterly line -40 feet to beginning I t All that part 14.4 6. Do , S75 lying Northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Westerly lino£ Said lot 93.25 feet from the ' -----SW- cornerthereofto a point on the Easterly line 80feet from the South Easterly corner, also the I -- -South 10 feet of -the West 45feetof Lot 2, Block 7 Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement of part of ;- Macalester Park. -- 5 7 Elmer and Morrison's i ( 460 Rearrangement of part of - .4 7 Macalester Park $200 All that part of 3 8 ) Do j �1 0 lying East 'of a line com- ) - mencing at the BW corner of ii Lot 2, Block 8, thence South ) 32 feet, thence East 30.60 ) feet thence SElly to a point on Goodrich avenue 96 feet East from the South East corner d--- of Lot 10-. Block 8 said addition 1 All that part of 3 .8 „_ Do 03 6� lying West of a line Commencing at ..the _SW corner of Lot. 2, Block 8, thence South 32 feet thence East 30.60 _41-'.. feet.thence SEIly to a point on Goodrich avenue 9b feet East from the SE corner of Lot 10, Block 8.of said Addition __. 10 -8 Do i lo9 goj 8 Do J460 8 8 Do- I j j 2'� . 10 .4 Dyer's Rearrangement of o _ ;. part of Macalester Park. 9 A Do East 52.25 feet, of .15_ 4-, , _ - _- Macalester -Park A, TOTAL I 42 (' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP 1�1EN.7 OF FINANCE - ' REPORT OF SCO MISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER + DESCRIPTION S LOT BLOCK ADDIT19N VAL pT10N jl/.__�_ (Ex.W:40ft_. & Ex.E..25ft. 15.4 Macalester Park 52West 40 feet of 15 4. Do 442. _ {. East_- of 16., 4.... Do. 47_ .. I - -- ;. ! j477_. West } of 16 4 Do- 1 ' East_ 45 _feet_.of. _ 17- 4 _. _ - _. _ Do _ (Ex, East 45. feet 17_ 4 .. Do 1 I lto$ 1, Rudolph?s. Re. No. 2. 5�54 'that .part of 8. 10, ) Eacalester_ Park 1 ing,Southerly of a line drawn f rom. a .paint on_ the )) II East line 48 feet from the ! I. NEcornerto a point on _ )Do I the Westerly line 89 feet ..from the North West Corner of samA + I That part of 8 10. DO lying Northerly of a line i drawn -from .a_point on the East line 48 feet from the East to a 160 North corner point on the Westerly line 1 1 i I - 89 feet from the North West corner of same 49 feet 7 10 Do $0� (Ex. Northerly _..._ _ Do 51.4 .-._ �0 Northerly 49 feet 7 10 6 10 Do' 6Ob 5 10 - DoIL 1 14 E.} of alley 4ac.7 Adj. & 4 10 Do !6 The following described part of .. 3 10 i } Commencing at the .North East corner of Lot 3, thence - south along" East -line 215 feet' -thence West at right angles 50 feet thence north 166 feet to north line i570¢ of said Lot 3, thence East 62 feet to beginning also Ii alley _ the WesAll �1 3adjoining. tacartdof10 Macalester Park _._ that f lyingsouthlineoLot 1, produce d East ff iII � �y yyi ganorthooff_the strip -thereof 10.30 test on Goodrich -.. 14r r 9.216,� venue and 8.20 feet on the rear also ex., E. T6Y#Lft of � CITY OP 9T. PAUL DEP?A7ENT @F FINANCE I ' tIk ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY°ORDER (B) - j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESS i, T, --. IEOED�.I �I/f All that -part. -of. 3_:_10_ ___._.Macaleeter Park I i lying westerly of a line drawn from a point I f on the northerly line wf said .Lot -10.30 feet from.. I_ tj}e North West corner thereof to a point on the � - south -line - of'Lot 1, extended ..East -8.20 feet from ( the South- East corner thereof. 1 10 DO .11. Dyer's Rearrangement of ; 1AAy part of Macalester Park j 2 11 Macalester Park i '2 7 11 Except East 47 feet of 1 11 Do 1 7 Except East 47 feet 1 11 Do j ',182 1 E. J. Meier's Rearrangement 465) __ _... of Lots 9 and 10, Block 13. Macalester Park I Ex. N.50ft. The E.112 ft.oY 10 ( ) 7 Macalester Park I 5 0 The E. 60 ft. of W. 110 feet 10 7 Do 5 75 Ex. N.12 feet)The W.50 ft. 10 7 - Do I 12 2P H (Ex. north 125.95 feet 11 7 Do 0� North 125.95 feet of 11, 7 Do '175 9 E. V. Kenner's Rearrange-' ment of Lots 12,13,14, Blk. { East 10 feet of 8 � ))) 7, Macalester Park. I 1 ' (Ex. E. 10 fee t) 8 Do � � 19�Oj , East } of (Ex.that part 7 Do lying North of the South line Of Lot. 3 produced) West of 7 _... -also- a strip 20 feet. wide Do 4725 across the rear of Lot 3 6 ` � I (Ex. part to City)8.65Yt b 4 Do j �30 __.. That part of 4 Do 2�p lying west of a line drawn at right angles to Princeton Ave. from a point thereon 94 feet B. roe from the SVP car of same ;t CITY OF 8T. PAUL - - DEP 1�1E {T OF FINANCE r - �•+ ,REPORT OF CCIVIMISSIONER OF FINANCE �I�w ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (8) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATE N `� 1) RudolPkl&s $ear�t No.L � ! ( 15W ' East } of 2 DO I West *=of 2 Do 3 ) Do i 4 0 4 Do 2! 5 Do East of 6 Do - West of. 6 DO L I' - _ i f 5 11 10 Macalester Park � i 5 215 _ 12 10 Do 482 South 2/3 of 4 11 Do 2 0 8" 11 Dyers Rearrangement of part of Macalester Park 7 11 Do ;4325 8 11 Do 1,1 i, 26 i East of 9 11 Do i I i West of 9 11 Do 8f 10 . 11 DO i 144 2, ii, 6 Johnston s Rearr ement i 3eq of lots 7tand S Bock 11 M_ cal-ester_Park�- _(Ex. S.,* of E.110 feet ) 1 8 Macalester Park i I I6OQ _(Ex. West 107 feet 16 8 Do 124 E. 47 of W.107 feet of 16 8 Do!14d59 -feet P- West 60 feet of. _ 16 8 Do I Do i [_E.80 ft. of N.141.30ft.of 18 8 _17 ._9 _ _Do.. I i { !317 1 E. 100 feet of 18 - X. E.50 ft. of X.141.30 ; 17 9 Do Tor � 57 _„AL' CIT -i OR PT. PAULq All A - DEF 1dE NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� _ �i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED � VALUATION 41 100. ft. _ 18 17 . 9 Macalester Park f b0 5-- -- �' (Ex.CJesterly 85 feet 1 -Phillips May Place St. j ; I- 18 5 - Paul, Minn. I 14160�- W)1y 85 ft. of NIly 118 ft.'. 1 To b Do ; 62 2 4 -13 Maoalester Park 3578;- -- 3 13 Do 5601i" 2 13 Do 90101 3 Calderwood' a Sub. of Lot 1 Block lP�kncalestar 2 387 B 1 De 31�Of 1 1 Wright and Williams Re- j '875' g Block 12' 2--1 MacaiestertPark $675'I _ 3 1 Do i I 5 5 4 1 Do - I 317 5 I 5 1 Do 1 � X1761 6 1 Do. 37Qoi All that part .of 7 .1 I .. lying Easterly of a line drawn from the.Nly corner the South( $L�r_ ofsaid _Lot to a point on G 'vo thereof 4 feet from the South Easterly corner thereof All that part of 7 1 Do 1 Westerly .of a line drawn.from _ Ying. - the North Easterly corner of saio lot to a -.point on the Southerly :line greof .) 4 feet from the South Easterly o0 rfteM thereof. 8 1 Do + 43.5` rIf 9 1 Do 15'.5 I Do 1515 r 9'51 L. Do 12 1 Do29 5, I TOTAL �- f / I - - cITY,CFBT. PAUL ' DEP4TIhF%T OF FINANCE- { REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE }, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — Q A569SSED � . DESCRIPTION' LOT BLOCK ADDITION VAI,UA 15�N e and Williams Re-- I arrangement of Block 12, arrangement I < .1 4, :1 Macalester. Earle.._. ' i6 61 _ r_.... 15 _1 _ ADO. _ _ _ ;3 i I I _ -That part lying South of Grand -avenue._ i I of the East * of Sec. 4. Town 28, Range 23 137116i Y- (Except streets _ ,. _, -- - i South *.of 8._ .8 Macaleeter Park _;8.781 i East 52.40 ft. of 2 .1 8 Dyer1 s Rearrangement of,, 000 - iq E. 52..46 ft. & Ex. the part of Macalester Park -,EX., - 2 1 8 Do 270 West 52.40 feet) West 52.40 ft. of 2 and 1 8 Do. 1(�0 Ex. N. 78. 17 ft of 8 9 Macalester Park X925 � 4 9 Dyer's Rearrangement of 1 1d0� part: of. Park p i 3-- 9 Do 50Q0' East 93 feet of 10 9 Macalester Park 37801 West 50 feet of 10 9 Do 2701 11 9 Dyer's Rearrangement of '400 part of Macalester Park I i 500i ;-- _. Southerly 1/3 of 10 13 -Macalester Park Easterly 38 feet of 11 13 Do I + l9001 (Ex. East 38 feet) 11 13 Dc _ '• 1228! I � i _ - - -5 Lee Hall's Rearrangement ;3�O of Lots 12 and 13, Block � 380 ' - - � 4 13, Maoalestar Park. � � --- ; 3 _ 3�0, Do- _ f 136o Do .3 So. 50 ft. of 24, 23 22 2 Wright - and Williams Re- i �240I arrangement of Block 12 !445 21 2 Macalester Park 6� 7.... _ , 2 DO TOTAL I �4�51 � CITY OF ST. PAUL D�AENT pF FINANCE EP ITb�MItS,IONER REPORT OF COF FINANCE ilk' , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUTIF N it 171 19 _. 2 Wright and 12y� 4j0 .17 � nllia k 12- i arragement of aoa es er-Par :- .:.400 - • --- I .. 17 2Do I I i .16 -2 - . Do _i 7 15._ 2 Do 14� 14 2 Do j �8�f .. __. 13 . 2 Do 5b0 __. 17 1 Maoalester-Villas j 6b0 I 148 1 Do 19 1 Do i 450 20 1 Do , 42�. - - - - 21- 1 .. D� - 42 ;_ ..4 _ 22 1 Do ! ', �0 1 23 1 DC I4I0I 24 1 Do 4 25 1 D® 450 East of 26 1 Do j 2' West of 26 1 ---- Do 6�ib 27 1 Do 1 1 Do 1.060 T ._ 2 1 Do 39 6 ._._ .. 3 . 1 _ _ -Do; _ I 5636 1 .2 Do 1.0b0- _2 2 2 Do i $7 15 7b 27 2 Do . 2 Do TOTAL I 2900' i 5 . 1011 f. CITY OF BT. PAUL CITY Cf st. PAUL DtF kTIMENT QF FINANCE + y REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER -OF FINANCE. '!f' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPtION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION That part lying South of Graze avenue 13,771 _of the East of S.,4, T. 28, R. 23 - I 1 1 Macale-ster Park 1 38�21 North } of 16 1 Do 4521 South } 16 A Do 5071 _-N.68.50 ft. of E.133 ft, -16 1. Do' 101 -So.- 43.50 feet of E.133 ft. 15 1 Do 37i2i of and the E. 133 ft. of Lot 3 Block 1, Elmer & Morrison!e Rearrangement. (Ex. East 133 feet) 15 1 Do , also (Ex. E. 133 feet Lot 3 Block 1 Elmer and Morrison's Rearrangement N. 50.85 ft. of 1 and 2 6 Elmer and Morrison's Re- 31,41 arrangement of pat of Park - 2719 _850 ft. of N.100.85 ft. 1 - 2 6 Macalester S. 48 feet of 1 and 2 6 Do 307 3 6 Do'90. East of 4 6 Da 40. West of 4 6 Do 247 East 40 feet of 5 6 Do 11528 19 6 Do . 178,4 18 8 Do '41� 17 6 Do 34� 16 6 Do 321 15 .6 Do 35 4 7 Macalester Park 25� 5 7 Do 20E (Ex. South 50 feet) 8 ' 7 Do -37t i Routh 50 feet of 6 7 Do 126 North } of 7 T. ;' TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - n DEP TMENT pF' FINANCE ,, ► REPORT OF CORMItSIONER OF FINANCE 1 . ,.4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - , (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED V,gLUFjXION S.outh_}_ of `_ . _ 7. - 7- __. - Macaleet.er-Park- ___ __ . 1 15 2 - -8 7 _ Do _ j I f _ g -7 - Do I ,5�OU :N.50 ft. of E. 172-ft. and N. 12 ft. of W. 50 ft. of 10 7 Do ;3]l0d Ex. N.50 ft. E. 172 ft.. of 10 7 Do 5700 -- Ex. S.* of E.110 feet 1 8 Do ;6io South } of E. 110 feet of 1 8 Do 350 e 0 SouthS47 feet 2 8 Do i :4$1( North of 3i 8 Do 395( South } of 3 8 Do - 05C of DDoo i415C - orth o } South 4.; 8 Ex. S. 45 feet 5 8 Do 410 South 45 feet of 5 8 Do ! ;3 North 47.5 feet of 6 8 Do 287 (Ex. N. 47.5 ft.) 6 8 Do 3 0 7 8 Do 177 } No rth } of 8 8 Do A 14404 South } of 8 8 Do 2 1 Do 1O7�2C 3 1 Do A Ex. the followin art. Commencing at a oint on the ( g P P -line between Lot l Block 1, Elmer & Morrison's Rearrangement _ _... .and Lot 3 127. b0 feet north from e- oint on the South line p ,. :. _ of said Lot 1 - 94 feet West of the BE corner and 66 feet South ','Easterly from the NW corner thence due East to a point on the I ' IEast line of said Lot 3, thence Southerly on said East line to ( iSE corner thence to the point of beginning on line between the aforesaid Lots 1 & 3, Block -1 TOTAL _.. it CITY OP AL. PAUL " Macalester Park_ 14100 DEP^^4�''INENnT qF FINANCE .." Do REPORT OF C01171MISSIONER OF FINANCE 9 .2 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 352 - _ (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT.BLOCK-- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION{ %,.�' S7✓L— ire Do,5I5 _...:.. - Macalester Square - F -'u2 -_ Do Do 4021 2 Elmer and-Morkisonle--Re- 6 D0 . - 9 Do ;7 ..2 . Xa.calester" Park. b1�0 -- _ - 2b TOTAL A Do 3 Do 2 Do 0 1 Do _. 471 .' . II i 4_ Do ;4I"7 5_ - I The following part of - 3 1 Macalester Park Commencing at a point on the line between Lot 1 Block 1 - and Morrison's Rearrangement and Lot 3 - 127. b0 -feet 9�.5 j - North from a point on the South line of Lot 1, 94 feet West R--- --of the South East -corner -and 66 -feet South -Easterly from the 1 NW corner thence due East to a point on the East line of -- Lot 3, thence Southerly on said East line to the SE corner thence North Westerly to the point of beginning on line ) I between aforesaid Lots 3 and 1, Block 1 All that part of 1 2 1 Elmer and Morrison's lying a line drawn Rearrangement of Part of gFht anast of at ri les to the North - Macalester Park I Y line of Grand Ave. from a point thereon 94 feet West ! from the SE corner of said i Lot- y it 2 Macalester Park_ 14100 10 .2 Do ! 160,50 - 9 .2 Do 352 - _ _S . 2 Do,5I5 7 2 Do '1 35, ,50I1 - 1 2 Elmer and-Morkisonle--Re- , _ 7 2601 j arrangement of part of : 2 ..2 . Xa.calester" Park. b1�0 -- _ - TOTAL I _ L� 1013 i ac� OPITT Or ST. PAUL DEP��++,R' 'MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF: Cb15 AISS1ONER OF -FINANCE. ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED •' ALU TION 3 2 Elmer and Morrison's Re- . ��III arrangement of part of 1 4 2 Macalester_Park. 6 .; - 1 b Do i 1907 _ 2 5 Do , i 3 6 Do _ 1 6' 85;1 I w 4 5 Do 7 rah 5 8 -Do 7 _ 6 b _ _ Do 7A._.. 7 6 _ Do ...FS! 28. 8 Dc 46oQ_ 27 b DO 1 ,3;76. - a 26_ b 28 8 Do 137 r -- 24 -5 Do i4 21� . 23 5) Do 22 5.; Do 237$ 9 6 Do i -, _ 8 B D0 ' West 30 f set of 7 6 Do I 135 5 ' (Ex. W. 30 ft.) 7 .8 Do j7 6 6 Do 11]�0 (Ex. E. 40. ft.) 5 6. Do_ East 40 -feet of b _ 8 Do 10. 6N DO 85f - yl 6. D0. _ 12 6 Do 13 6 Do I 13 ' TOTAL , I / �. __� ,. , ..::..:.... .. ._.:.- .-�: . --::- x..:-_ •.-.._.:,_ .. :.._.: _- .. -. .__ _ � I to - i CITYOF 4T. PAUL • DEPA TIS ViT QF FINANCE - REPORT OF COAMISSIONER- OF FINANCE °I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION • LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDI 14 e 6 _Elmer and-Morrison"e Re- arrangement of part of arrangement Macalester Park. __ That part of 1. 7 Macalester Park 400 lying Westerly of a line drawn from a po-int on the North line of said Lot 50 feet from the NW corner there- of to a point on the South line 90 feet from the SE _ _.- corner North * of 2 7 Do 5g7b South'} of 2 7 Do 50 North of 17 7 Do 5¢7i South } of 17 7 DO 515Q Ex. S. 60 ft. 18 7 Do 1600 South 60 feet of 16 7 Do 4d50 Ex. S. 60 feet of Do 1550 South 60 feet of lb 7 Do 602 1 E. V. Renner s Rearrange- 465 ment of Lots 12 -13 and f 2 14, Block 7 Macalester $7 _ Park i Ex. Alley 3 Do 3425 also all that pat of Lot 7 I lying North of South line of Lot 3 produced east I Ex. part to City and Ex- cept the S. 65 feet 4 - b Do 1OQ . (Ex. part to City) 5.65 ft. :.-.. of - 4-- 5 DO 37 0 I f _ That part of 4 ) lying west of a line drawn at 200 right angles to Princeton Ave. Do from a point thereon 94 feet East from the SW corner of same i I !.1_ 32$ Easterly 126.35 feet of 1 7 Elmer and Morrison's re- ........I arrangement, of part of MacalsTtr Park � ^ CITYOF -Bt. PAUL'.. - ' DEP RTMENTOF FINANCE REPORT OF CbrvI18$IONER OF FINANCE �� ,�•, 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -- - DESCRIPTIOJq L.OT BLOCK ADDITION , ASSESSED At,UATIO 5 6 Macalester Park j 13712 1750 6 8 Do -_ - Ex. S. 20 feet 7 6 Do } l 48p01 - South 20 feet of 7 6 Do � 6 i. .,_. That part of 8 6 Do North of a line drawn from a _ - --- point on the Eagt line thereof li 60 feet from the Sk corner to a i _- point on the West line 42 feet from the SW corner ofeame. _ That part of 8 6) "' Do 6 69 �. South of a line drawn from I a point on the East line } r thereof 60 feet from the I SE corner to a point on the _ 'j West line 42 feet from the SW corner of same J That part or. _ ... _ .-9 6 _ Do - lying Northerly of a line drawn from a -point on the - North line 103.75 feet from the NW corner to a . point on the West line _ 14.75 feet from said NW corner The following described part of 9 6 Do Commencin.g at a. -point on .-- the Westerly line of Lot 9 14.75 feet from the. NW corner 1 I thereof the South along said 51p0i _Weeterly_line 40.25 feet thence Easterly parallel l _ to Northerly line of said Lot thence along the _North. line to a point 103.85.feet From the afore, said NW corner thence M ly to beg. i That part of 9 6 Macaleater Park 38, `.Il.___ _ lying _South of .a _line draws line parallel to theNorth : ! thereof.from a. oint on the p _ i West line 55 feet from the North West Cosner of said I !_ 10 i I - (Ex. So. 50 ft. East } of 11 6 Do 3828 S. 50 ft. of E. } of 11 6 Do 1 38p0 1 TOTAL i n CITY. OF MIT PAUL Dlk TME1lT 4F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF F[NANCE -,,.1 ON'PRELIMIhiARY" l&QER- (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION y SS�gTE N 7,.�,0.= -. 1_. Drang6r Plaoe I i i 88��� If I _ _.. 8. Rearrangement _ of Block 3 1� BQO1 - I il 7 Macalester Park Do _ .. I B Dc i 340 I —5 _ Do_ 12100 t .: 4 - - Do 340. 1 2 .Macalester Park 1.._. _2 Do 3.2 Do _ i65Q� 4 2 DO 5 2 Do 3;501. Do _ _ 396Q -North 50 ft. of 10 9 2 Elmer d Morrison's Re- 32,0_.____ arrangement � 8.50 ft. of N. 100 ft. of 10_ 9 2 Park 330a 84P48 ft. of N.146 ft. of 10- 9 2 Do 13515 S. 53.8 feet of 10 and 9 2 Do ;337 8 2 Do JJ 4Q.6p _ 7 2.: Do � 1 I J 31�8R- I I - 6 2 No 14415 5 ..2 DC I 80d ! 4 2 Do 14 5 DBD 43 5 Do 12 5 • Do I j 11 5. Do j 942 ! `�2.. .10 5 Do ! i F- - 9 5 D0 i I 5 II � row TOTAL i ,fie I I CITY OF ST. PAUL , . " n r ; REPORT OF DEP RTIMENT OF FINANCE C MIS!91ONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ' DESCRIPTION LOT ° BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 e 5 Elmer andMorrison's Re- r arrangement of part of arrangement i _ 15B Macalester Park - r372Q _ 16 _._5 _ Do i 271 (Ex. E. 6 inches 17 5 _ Do I ;357 .: East 6 inohesR _ 17 6 --- DO 1270.0, - 18 5 Do I - 19_ _ .6 Do _ •376 � _ _. 20. 5 Do Od -. .._ i (Ex. East_3*ft.) - 21 5 D0. _X1012 East 3}. feet of 21 _6 _ Do l2�76 1 -- i 4-- 2 _ 3 _ . _ Do 3 _ 3 _ Do 4 3 Do I z SQ - l 5 3 Do Z 56 6 3 Do 40I5g .... _ 7 3 Do A 5� �,... 8 3 Do 13950 - 1 4 Do2l - � 2 q I 2 i I 3 4 Do -!2125 i_ - �- .4---4 Do.: _ 92 5 4 Dc _. I 92 - 6 4 Do ! 2024 I 7 4 Do 92 30 4 Do �. 29 4 Do TOTAL )illa CITY OF Bt. PAUL - DE�7diE yT 9F FINANCE e .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER �OF FINANCE ►_R:, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AASL (�E�pSTION 28 4 Elmer and Tdorrisonls Re- i3� _arrangement- of part - of 27 4 ldacalester Par 43 26 4 Do � j3 0 25 4 Do 3�0 24 4 Do 3�0, 23 4 Do 4Sa0�f 7 8 Do.31 ' 0 ; B 8 Do _ 7 1�y7 1 10 Macaleeter Park all that part of3 10 lying Westerly of a line drawn from a point on the'Northerly qi line of said Lot 10.30 feet from the NW corner thereof to a l point on the south line of Lot 1, extended east 8.20 feet from the SE corner thereof. The following described - ll7�f p 2 and 3 10 Macalester Park art of i Commencing at the NW corner of Lot 2) _.. thence along North line thereof and its) extension to the East line of Lot,3, thence South to a point 240 feet Nor6h from the P , BE corner of Lot 3, Dyerts Rearrangement ) thence Westerly to a point on the West line of said hot 2, 250 feet North from the SW ) corner of the aforesaid Lot 3, Dyer's re- ) arrangement thence to beginning. ) The following described part of 2 and 3 10 Do 5428 Commencing at a point on the west line f Lot 2, 200 feet from the SW corner of Lot 3, Dyer+a Rearrangement thence North 50_ feet to a point on the East line of Lot 240 feet from the SE_ corner of the afores id) Lot 3 of Dyer's Rearrangement thence South) _48 feet thence to beginning _ ) __ _ _ ; - 7- _. f. 1 R. L. Robbins Addition :7600 2 Do 7650 _..- j That part of 3 10 Dyer's Rearranof - South drawn of ster 32� _ .p oint on£the1Weetli a 50fta from thepart3W ornerethereofrto a of A n on t�jPa line 48 ft* from the SE corner theroot lige ` id CITY OP BT. PAUL DEgg RTMENT OF, FINANCE r x REPORT OF +CO MIS$40NER OF FINANCE e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) j - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ]/pq UASTI N SCItU r3 O;l�- i _.._._12 _16 _. Diacalester Park_ ..Calderwoodls Subdivision. Macal- I I. of look 13, 4 ester Do . . ,50 -Qi 2900; 5 _ _ I _ North 5.0_feet -of_ _-18 .13 Macalester Park L 40�OI u S.46 ft. of NO,96 ft. 16 . 13 _ Do 29Q01 - _(Ex. North 96 feet) 16_ 13 Do 3625 - 15_ 13 _ _ Do_ i 3560' 801 ::.__ 14 13. Do , Y. 1 Lee Halls Rearrangement of 3�0 Lots 12 and 13, Block 13 Macalester Park Rearrangement of ' 76 also Block B, Elmer and ...Dyer..@ part of Macalester Park _._ MorriBon'0 Rearrangement _ j of part of Macalestt• Park - xaat, 100.80. feet of 4 4 Do4226 DO §last 110 feet of 4 4; I 4576` r: 5 4 Doi 6 4 Do j2d12 ' 7 4 Do II ll 148174 10 4 Do 9 4 Do 4960 - 111 Do j10150 (Ex. S. 20 feet) 2 11 Do 474 South 20 feet of 2 11 Do 4851 3 ,11 i I 4 11 Do i I I 5 11 Do North 1/3 of 4 11 Macalester Park 2 0 South 2/3 of . - 4 11 TOTAL j .- cktY OF 8T. PAUL DE RT,tENT OF FINANCE, REPORT .OF C ' M19SSJONER OF FINANCE . ON'PRELIMINARY ORDER " w (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAIION� ll a .R:earrangement ' of - e - _ _ _Dyer' part of Maoalester Park � Do 42 1 1 Wright and Williams Re- 817$ arrangement of Block 12 I 2 1 Nacalester Park 3 1 - Do 57 4 1 DO 3 7 5 1 - Do 3]17$ i 6 1 0 13WiI 24 1 Do 25 1 Du 76 - 86 _. 3�Od 1. Do - 27 1Do 3�5q 23 - . _1 Do i Il45q 22 1 Do b--I 1712 1 2 Do 2 2 Do 3 2 Do ' I 4 _ 2 Do 96d 5 2 _. Do 4zoq 6 2 Do 3dee Do 257 N. 40 ft. of 24, 23 and 22 8:50 ft. of 24, 23 and 22 2 2 Do 3250 6.40 ft. of N. 80 ft. of 30bq - 24,23 and' 22 2 Do 21 2 Do 42 20 2 Do 42 _ 19 2 Do i i TOTAL CITY OR BT. PAUL DErr4k�RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n . (B) . i DESCRIPTION LOT -BLOCK' -- - ADDITION $S VALUAT Ed -y (i -____..-.Excep.t E.._100_ feet_ of.17- 1B. 9___ __ _-Macalester, Park !__{_ _5t 15- . _16_ 16-9 ;-- -Ec--- Ob-- 15-...9 _ - - Do - - - 14 . .9 _ Do I 1. -- _ _ 13. _9__- __ .Do .._ _ o 400_. 7 9.. Dyerta Rearrangement of . i32.... ---I part of Macalester Park _.e. g _ _ 4426_ ,332.____ 10.:_ -9_ _ -Do _ --- ( Westerly 85feet)- 1.. Ex. - Phillips May Place St. Paul, Ex. N'ly 118 ft. -the _MIly. ; 45ft. of Wily 55 ft. of 1 ,Minn. 0 2! 5b Ex. NIly 118 ft. the W.Ily 40 ft. -of _ _ 1- Do _ 3 0� That part of 7 13' Macalester Park I lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on the Elly 3b25 _ line 75.60 feet from the.NE corner to a point on the Wlly { line 49.43 feet from the EW cornea (fix. S.50ft.) that part of 7 13' uacalester Park _lying=SIly of a line drawn _ from a point on the Elly i I.._ ----line .?5.60__ft. from the ,NE corner to a pointon thg ! j _-WIly-line--49.43 feet from; North West Corner. South 50 feet of 7 13 Do h0 8 13 Do 9 13 Do i 3550 Nlly 1/3 of 10 13 Do 160 S81y 1/2 of NIly2/3 of 10 13 Do 1, 75 SIly 1/3 of 10 13 Do r l iy(-Ft� � ! TOTAL y 444 CITY OF 9T. PAUI. • ' .. '. Ate' - DEt ¢TVFNT OF -FINANCE - REPORT OF COUM19SIONER OF FINANCE• +. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) .- - 1 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VAL. }JATI Li '. B3- a Fleet 50 feet of Wes 1 Rearran ement_ of -Blk. 3 -- _. Rr l•"calester Park $400( W.60ft. of E.65 -ft. of 1 East 5 feet, of6 1 ___ Do 77 5j :.._ (Ex. E. 60 ft.) 2 Do - East 60_ feet of _`. .2 Do_ _. 7360� _ 3 136po� I (Ex. S.Boft.) 16,15 and .14 3 liner andMorris on's Re -of Part of ..3.40 ft.. of &,80 -ft- of 16.,15-_14 -3, -Macalester Park 3600 South_ 40_ ft. of 16..15. and 14_ 3. Do 3650 - 1;_ 13 .3 Do 300 12 .3 Do 5360• Do 310, 1p _ 3 Do 850{ 9 3 Do y31b0 14 4 Do _.__ 5260 13 -4 Do 930 31W _ 12 .4 Do ±, li 4 Do 29511 . 1p 4 Do 41;6'I 9 4 D4761j 1 - i X8251 g 4 Do _ 15 -4. Do _ �2J5 Do 17 _4_ - Do 10451 _ 18. 4 Do. 32261 19 .4 DCG _ 100 - ?.0 : 4 _ Do ' - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - DFItT1AENT OF FINANCE I I REPORT OF COlVIM1&SIONER OF FINANCE r •�. f. ° ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION JJ 21- E1mer_and _Ikorrison! S.: Re- , _ i _ a?_01 ..4 arrangement of Part of -- - - - , 22 _4 _ Maa.al.6st ex_ P ark _ 1 , 4250 } 8 _Dy.er s- Rearrangement. i 878j_...--_-- e.4 part, of Macalester Park II 0. 19 4 Macalester Park 46 18 ..4 Do 1500 (Ex. East 45 feet) i7, 4 Do - Ij East 45 feet of 17 4 DC 425. - west of _ 16.4- - 1 47151 Bast of 16 4 Do 47751 1 E. J. Meiers Rearrangement of Lots -9_ and 10, Block 11 60 2 Macalester Park. - Do 340 o - 3 Do i !I 5; 3 4 - - _ 8 -! 5¢OI 6 Do I i '5501 .i 1 ) Johnston's Rearrangement 42 5 of Lots 7 and 8, Block .11 North of 2 Macalester Park 4 I, South } of 2 DO 4051 { a _ 4 ) ) Do 3940-! 4- 5Do 6 ) Do i; 1 13 1 Wright and Williams Re- Y % $515!" ® - arrangement of Blk. 12, 561 I 14 1 Macalester Park 15. 1 Dc _ _ 16 1 - Do $ i I56 .4:_. TOTAL CITY CP 8T. PAUL ., TENT OF FINANCE - DE �RM REPORT OF COmMI&STONER „OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED yyA� 1!._ N 50 ft. of 12 11 and 10 2 e Wright and Williams Re- I 142 _ 6I N.40 ft. of S.80 ft. of. 12,11 2 Block arrangement of Block 13 Macalester Park 30p0- L 10 I , - I South 40 ft. of 12, 11 and - 10- 2 - - Do ; 30p0I -. - 2 West 17 feet of 13- 1 Do _ Rosedale Park 1 1�0 0j 2_ .. 1_ DO i 4_ 1 _Do__ .._3 Do �Dll -- 7 1 _. Do_ _ �900I '--._(Ex.SIly .10.Oft..52,-51.&__50-._._1---- i' i N. 50 ft. of_ S.100ft. _ of _52, .51 1 Do' $460 f South 50 ft. of 52, 51 & 50 1 DO"- �5 51 i I , _ 49 1 Do 7001 48 1 Do 405 47 1 Do 18¢0j 46 1 Do 8001 1 Kenna's Subdivision of 11 50 , 2 f _ _ Lot- 53, Block 4, Rosedale,,i Park i4o I 3 Do 1 i601� 4 Do 650 5 Dol _f...; - DO 9 Do 1 4401 t 8 _ Do _ - q760 TOTAL I ' y CITY GF i1f. AAUL REPORT INANCE CXMSz NER OF FINANCE / t� -OF ON PRELrMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 3 }�p i. N 7 -al -s- Subdivision of Lot ,7 0 _ ._. -_ ..Kenn 53, Blok 4, Rosedale Park 42 01 4 Rosedale Park 60 {. 3b 0 2 4 310 _ 52_ ..4 Do- 3650 - 51 4 Do 7 _ A. Berghold's Addition to. 36, 60 I _. .1 2 St. Paul Do. 35�6oi - 3 Do i $ i0� 4 . 4 Do. 5 Do 7�O 32,50 6 ,--.7 _ Do - ry Do : - North 50 feet of 24 23 Do l I ,31'Od, I (Ex. North 50 feet) 24 Do 37j7 (Ex. North 50-feet)I 23 Do 30 22 ) Do i ;39,0 0! _ East } of 21 ) ` Do 37 $ Neat } of 21 Da 2 Do �3 2 19 Do 2 18 Du 1 1. Underwood' s First Addition 5:09 _._ to the City of St. Paul 2 1 Ramsey County, Minn28 _ .. 1Do 64 1 Do i00 __. _ 6 1 Do o 1 I 1 , - TOTAL CITY .or 8T, PAUL DEf tRTMENT OF FINANCE CITY OF ST. PAUL D"RTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 'COMMItSIONER. OF FINANCE q+#, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION ' LCAT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V 12 1 _. _ _ Mac,alestex C I1 -3b0 7 ...1 _ . _ D0 } 3�� 1 - 8-1 ..- _. Doj 1360 _ - 9 _1 ...- _Do -. 10 _1 DO. _ 3 -- 1 2 Do 87 001 0 2 DO i 4. 2 - Do �I 101 _ 5 _ . 2 _ Do- - _ 8$0i_ . . __Dd - :14 .2 Do 1340 13 ,2 Da I 1 i3�0I I '12- '2 Do , 3�--- 11 -2 Do 3 7 _:2 _ Do _ '•, 400 B -2 Do ! 400 i 9 2 Do I Vo 10 Do 140 Wright and Williams Re- _ 1 �5�5 1 _: L7 arrangement of Blook 12 -Macalester-Park.. _ - 1 A00_�_.._' Do __-._.__._ ;3160 I 19 1 Do i 50� 1-- 20 _ 1 DO 281- I - I - .._ .. 21 1 b0 3 - 22 2 DO TOTAL i� i CITY OF 8T. PAUL .. - DE0'}R�TMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,•� d� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. (B) _ DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION i� SSESSED B , - 23_ 1 Wright_ - .and Wi�,lma rran�ement o ock 12 T 27 1 Macalester. Park i 325 N. 50 ft. of 12 11 and 10 2 Do 426 S 2 Do �_ ; 550 _. 8 2 Dis _ , X348. . 5 2 Do I 4 2 Do j 9601 3 2 Do 2 2 Do 00 1._2 - Do. - --- - i West 60 feet of _ 16 8 _ Macalest.er Park North of 15 8 Do _18 01 South of _lb 8_ - _ DO _. i ._53 - I. 14 8 Do ( 4781 13 8 Do- 43.g,51 North 48 feet of. 12 .8 Dq ; I660I South 48 feet .o9 12 _8 Do__b_.6 d _ .North_ 60 feet . of - j__. .. i$�•.No._ 50 feet of)_ 11. 8 _. _ . _ Do_ _ {. i_. j 251 --- !_ ._____._Do___. Nodth .50 fcet_.oP - 10 8 10 .8 _._-. 1 � ! I 4 _f-e.et _.of .1 -and __ _ 2 .8 Dyer'. s.. Rearrangement -- of _j t O part of Macalester Park 1�.62.40ft_. - &,=E. _ 52.40 ft. 2 8 Do E. 52.40 ft. of lj 2nd 2 8 Do 127 0 TOTAL - GI OP ST. PAUL. - DEPART�1 ENT 9F FINANCE �4 t: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK I -- =ADD -(TION- ASSESS D '•' y _u 11 N II I�. 1 19 ! _ Macaleater_Park 1 North of i 2 i I 9 ; I Do 3800' ti .I South f of; 2 19 l Do _ 3900', Northerly._45.ft. of :.3- 19 Do - 2950. 1 __ r I (Ex. _.Nlay..-45.ft... - 3 ;9. ii _ .._Do- II North } of __ I 4 9 Do 3360 - .. __ ..'south. *, of i4- 1 9 _ Do _ 3750- i - __N.-45 -ft.. of I5 __.1-9-- Dyer s -s -Rearrangement of - 8007 part of Macalester Park S. 27-.5 f eet - of 15- ' i 9 1 _ _. 4725-- r - i I q"-- N. 22.50 feet of ,6 19 Do Fa �� ry___ Ex.N.-.22.50 ft. - i.6 j9 Do 2280 N.39.25 feetof';7 19-- Macalester Park i 3578'- , i I - — s77f� 1 8.39.21 -ft,, -of -N.78._ 8 5 feet,`" 17 i9 To 600 1 Ng39. 8 ft. of T87 1 Do 575' of S.,,-,2/3 of i8 9 4 Do 2346 78.17 feet) 8 i9 Do 3926 k Exo e t f The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated=_�1�. ------ ---------- - I Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn., .June .7.th,, ...........91.g . s To' the Honorable, The Council, City Paul, fi of St. Minn. G-qntlemen:lljl 4I We, the undersigned property owners, hereYi���� your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be t `Faving. of. the. following. Streets. bounded. by. Summi.t.t. A.ve,F"rvaew- Ave, St.Clair. St.and. Snelling. ave:as. showen. by. the. list. of. Stree . M nd plat attached to this petition x 84tDb .......... ........... .... x&kxxkxRxxtax.......................... ......................LKxli�•�' N L E V LOT BLOCK �ZCLz� zO1F f "" 1✓ :. .........�....!. a... ....... «................. T.. �....�.......�4-44W,- .......... ....... .................................'................ r ✓ . . . - . . . . . . . . v Y .. .... .� : .. .. ...' .............. ......... . . . .�...... ..... ... o r:... . .. . . .... ...... a. .s -..Y........... ..::.......... . r % ..... ........:.� ..b.... ......... � .11 ib. ... . f .... r ....... iC� Avg rt e r € , �3 St. Paul, LFinn.. .....................191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: lie, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Aft —.................................`........... ............. .......... ..............................St. Ave. from a...............4.........St. Ave. to .....................St. Ave. I N A 2! E I LOT L_BLOCK �DI1'IO1J �Z.......... ........ Z `J`v / ........... ..'l.•'�' .. ?... . a at,ZoL'''r` ".... '. ti✓/��� • � . � � . Q'.. � �:� �'.. �1'i-r- .SLC , ... � •� . a ;y, , St. Paul, Minn .. .....................191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .. / ................. y�,xX [Rex ax=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:Ltxxtxexxtzx-•••••... ..................... Sitxxae. i -Q............ ......... ...��:.... f....Z...../..�........................... .� .. .....�..... .y�... ...1.. . ...... z - �,..,... ...... ......... ......... .......,, ................ . �. . r ! r - y ' r E LOT BLOCK yDITI0II :Ir. � .. � ."'�':". M ...11... 9�'" • ;.1,,,,;,,,..n,••t'=`�3�•-r4!'�'`•ti',"":wF/^L"�. ;. ... z ........ ... ........... ♦ �.♦ i..... ...... - 1 �y ........... .... / fz ... l' . ..... !! j 'W.A ...: .......J..:..�. ./.. *_ (10 k '''F%�e, ;'s s��. y� . . �/4 .�i •;-(i.^v^� i •_�.��tj/�� ��cl,r � .. � " 2 i`�tJ . -max'- „ .s.. �;'";: � I 'R " •/ � - - '��c-> ,t l ..E LOT BLOCK �DI1Z OdI . ..... ... .. ... n D y c /-�srL .. By.................... .............. I........................ .............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... .......... c.onatruc.t.ing...a...c.emant... t.ileone=ept...wh.ere... goad..and_.euffi.ci=nt-..z idewalka...now...exie t................................................ ................................................... . - ...........- ......... --- ................................. � 'rte evens-= 8 In the maUer of; rAnteeG -w�da .............. ...._........ ............ .... . .Ula etdewa,k Sana, .............................................................. nf..Mlddleton_ Avf - under Preliminary Order - - ...................... .- :°--aPProved ..... - ... - - - -- - IntermediaryOrder ..............................................................approved ------------_----------_---_.......... I ---------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered thesame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.........canat.r.=&...a..o.eme.nt...tile...s.i.dew.al.k,....six --- f.e.et.,.rride, on---bat.h--sidea.--of.--Middleton...bvenu.e...f.rom...Ro.ge.rs_ Street ...t.o....Vleta...Amenue....... .except-..whexe...go.ad..and...auffi.ci.ent..sidew.alks . now...exf.st................ ..............................................................................................:..... ......... t._........... -------- ......... ................ I............................ ............................... ........... ................................ ........... _............. _......_................ ................... ..................................... _....__......................._......._....... .-.......... ............ ............. _ ........_.._......._.. ............ ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that . upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordapce tlegewith, Adopted by the Council ..... ..... ......._............_._.__.......... .., t.....� City Clerk. ,,d Approved........................................................... 191........ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 1 d cl42cy Councilman Kidhm P owe Ts,,,I-� Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor I56& Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7. R .PAUL DEPA EN F FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1., NER OF FIN_ ANCE Cl? • - ON PREM f ORDER u , I� the Aatter of -�Q11� t llS�tj Tl�s-A- 9.P -PIl - j l-e-B-1d r+wa l k a i ur ge-W-ide-OY1-fJ Ot}1-------- sides of Middleton avenue from Rogers street to Vista avenue, under Preliminary Order approved--sT-lda.y-�.i�}+.---�.`------------------------------------------------ ----- ". To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows, The total estimated amount of the assessment f6r the above improvement is - - $- — improvement is - - - - - $ { The estimated cost pe£lfoot for the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 31 2�iBirminghame 4th Addition 525 30 2 DO I, 29 ,.2 Do 150 Ii �•.. 28 '' 2 Do 400 r: 27 2 Do 150 26 !2 o Do 150 25 '.2 ii DO 750 h !i M1 24 2 Do 258 23 2 i DO 300 - 22 2 -- --- Ho_- ----- ---- — --350 TOTAL, 3.0,}�-- I�IKonMeswee� i j I ! ��_ � li ii - OP 8T. PAUL - . -. FINANCE i... DEP NT QF REPORT OF COMM' &TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIIW ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 20 2 Bi=inghaml s 4th. Add. 7 0 19 2 Do' 1 I .. 21 2 Dc ;7E0 4 4 DO 5 4 Do lab 6 4 Do ;lib I 7 4 DO 16', S 4 DO I lb 9 4 Do 1 0;I - 10 4 Do, '126 1 7 , . Do 2. 7 Do 3 7 DO 1125 4 7 Do I 15 '3^�5' 6 7 DO 6 7. Do 1 5 12151 .. _ 7 7 TIO g 7 Do 126;1 9 7 Do 10 7 310 1251 i. 11 7 D0. ,o 1g5' 13 7 DD 125 9 6 Do 125j i 1 6 Do l�d6j 2 6 Do 3 6 DO TOTAL71, 1 1 G CI 57. PAUL �- -DEPARF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI RIDER (C) 7 DESCRIPTION - LOT InLOGK' ADDITION ED ySLUAS ON rI 4 6 Birmingham's Fourth Add. 1125 5 6 Do 525 6 6 Do 125 7 6 ) -- Do }j 600 8 6 Do - The Commissioner of Finance further -reports thatU has investigated all of the aforesaid, matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to , him in reference ttoAsaid . matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— ------_191v� �? —IIS _�C.- -- - -- - -- - - . Commissioner of Finance. rorrt� �s.w. ee c a. St. Paul, Minn., �� .� .........191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body Io cause the. fo;lowing i r vement to be made: p % { ................. from ...... ... ..... St . Ave. to ...... Z.--. Gam.. _ . .....................St. Ave. . ...... .................. Office of the CommiJher'of Public WorksRECEI V F L1 g3 ,�,.. Report to Commissioner -of Finance �' AUG 29 1919 August, 27th, 9 - - --- ----- ------- --191---- To the Commis Is oner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ---25820 approved -----July 16th, _1919 _, relative to' oonstruoting a dement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides -------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------- of Middleton Avenue from Rogers otreet to Vista Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ --- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner Public Works. COUN B'�{ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ............. recons.t.ruct.,....relay ...and ...repair ... ement• tile.•. sidewalk,.. e3_-,f.on._the-.-Routh aid -_of Thomas Street beginning at Western Avenue, thence west 80 feet .. ......................................... .............................................. ........................... In the .............. .... a and erfn aeon �; ................... ................. +eDelrin ��et trWlde On, th17e*e$e 'hDmas,aee t e$reaue,.-'hes�tnnln south �. ....................................... . ..... .... .. IAf r�qY 26 18I8 rder E6 bg un ........................................... r 25959 July 25, 1919. under Preliminary Order ..................... ....---------- .........approved ....... _r .,................................. ............... IntermediaryOrder ........... ............................. ....... ....... ......approved .......---.............----------------......-------------------.........--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is....rec.oxlfl a..G.t•,..-_relay.-.and._rePg?Z cement . ti.le side- walk six feet wide, on the.south...aide of Thomas Street beginning at ----------------------------......-- ......................................... ............. .... - - -. - .. -- .......... Westaxn..A.renua...,__thanoe._etes..t..s0---fee.t.. _ ............................... .................. ..... ....................... ............................................................... ..................................._... _.......-_...._..... .................... ........................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... ........... .... ............... 191........ (� - 1� ✓'y y r C' Clerk. /`Mayor. Approved...:..................._.__. _..._._._ .._...- 191_...... Councilman. Farnsworth Councilman Goss �� Councilman Hyland Councilman Yxkmx P owe rs 0 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. T CITY OF 9T. PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Ilk REPORT OF COMMISW NER OF FINANCE ON PREL! 1 RDER Inthe -matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks 6 feet wide on the south aide of Thomas street beginning at Western avenue thence West 80 feet under Preliminary Order approved July 25th, 1919 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 7 The estimated -cost pe oot for the above improvement is $ T The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCiq ADDITION VALUATION i North 55 feet of 60 '9 Smith's Subdivision of ! Stinsonts Dicieion'of'the� !14 (E.x.W.38ft.)N. 55 ft.of 59 ;9 NW -j of Sec. 36, T.29, ! � 4 11 _ A. 23, Blks. 9, 10, & 16. W. 38 -feet of N.55 ft.6f59 ; 9 Do i �- 28 9 Do I, �I: Vii._ j� ; � ► I I i ii TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to , said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �J�/� v Gir7� Dated /D191 - Commissioner of Finance. �, Form H. B. 13 Vin} '?> ,3 x'_ , p COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter OL Pleasant -...---_•__----_-.--_-.---.--.. �hTf�p� real Ave. to....Albion Avenu..el on Albion Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Race Street, .................... ................. Avenue. ............................................................................................................. . ....... .and on Race Street f.rc.m Albion Avenue to Al.as.k.a Avenue. ..... .. .. . . . .. ...... .. .. . ..... .. ......... ............................... ....................... ............................ ............................................................ . ---------- - ---- d. F. 244&`- , 1a the''-matter Plean MI. ......................................................... ....................... 'A U rts ............................................................ :1 ............................................... . ............................................. ........... .................................................... 26304 proved ............ Aug. 21,1919. underPreliminary Order .......................... ......................... ap ................................... I .. . ..................... IntermediaryOrder ......................................................... approved ................................................ ................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard'all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is avenue -_.f r 0-m .......... Xmtx.0.4_1 Am!nqq :4q..A;bi n Avenue on Albion Avenue from Pleasant Ave. ........... - - - ------ ------ _ --------------------------------- ------ ------ ------------------------ A�bion Avenue to Alaska Ave. ..t'o...Ra'ae S.tr.set.__ana 9XI. .................. ............. . ............. ....................... ................ ........ ...................... .... ..... . -- - ---------- ............ ... ...................... ......................... ..... ......... . - ---------- ............................... ..... .... ......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, Adopted by the Council .. .. ....... ........................... J ............... .. ............... Z City Clerk. I 4 Approved............................ .. ........................... 191 .................... ............. .. ..... . .... ...... . .................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss IPKT Councilman Hyland Councilman Mar owe 8 ► /7/ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. • fluty of £►t � tau! D9 U99BN. cHi.. eHo.N..w Department of puhlir NIorks ,yiwuu or waive M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. y'. CPARDLL, SUPT. ` CTioN wxo w.rwiw. R. T.000RLCY, DEPUTY~ ALPR¢D�ACw90N, 9uPT. H. W. 00—NO". SUPT September M. 9. ORYTBAN. Bxa^ x..w'ox G. H. H¢RROLDrOrrrc. ♦jPoixe¢n September 17, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construction of a sewer on Pleasant Avenue from Montreal Avenue to Albion Avenue; on Albion Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Race Street and on Race Street from Albion Avenue to Alaska Avenue, in accordance with Council File #26304, approved August 21, 1919: Approximate estimate of cost .......... $19,545.00 Area of Drainage District: "A" see map ........... 283,000.eq.ft. "Bn it " ...........943,090 Estimated cost of sewer of sufficient size to drain abutting property ........ $9,320.00 Abutting frontage ...................... 2,400.feet. A map of drainage district accompanies this report. On this map the drainage area is subdivided into Districts "A" .and "B". The block marked "A" is to be drained by a sewer connected to Otto Avenue - See Preliminary Order Council File #26355, approved August 25, 1919, but surface water from the street will drain towards two catch basins at the inter- section of Pleasant and Albion Avenues, connected to the pro- posed sewer on Albion Avenue, and for this reason the block is shown within the drainage area. Regarding the area over which the cost of the sewer is to be spread, it may be noted that the ground lays on a steep hillside, and laterals from the main sewer will be small in size on account of the steepness of the grades. The order for th a sewer was introduced on account of prelim- inary grading order Council File (25423, approved June 11, 1919, as it was found the street could not be graded unless a sewer were built to carry off the storm water. Yours very truly, �• lel_ RAA_�� EBS/C Chief Engineer. '':Ss Office of the Commissioner bf. Public We Is REa�r�Er 1 „1 Report to Commissioner of Finance i • SEP 19 1919' September 17th, 9 ----------------------- ----191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of.' the Council, known as Council File No -- 26304- approved ----A---- 218t, 191_9, relative to the oonstraotion of a sewer on Pleasant Ave. from Montreal Ave. to ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Albion Ave., on Albion Ave. from Pleasant Ave. to Race St., and on ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Race St. from Albion Ave. to Alaska Ave. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ and --------------------------------------- ---and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. ____-, and the total cost thereof is S 12,b46.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- ---+ Frontage 2,400 feet. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan,'profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is_ --- - - _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------...��---..�-- --- ---- ACommissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPART 'OF 4,�NANCE REPORT OF CQ(1A ;N&&R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lnthe Matter of Conetructing a seV�er on Pleasant avenue from B4ontreal _aven_ue_____.— to Albion avenue'-. On Albion avenue from Pleasant avenue to and on Race stregt from Albion avenue to Alaska avenue. _—_-- 1-1 Au st _21st _1919 ander Preliminary Order approved --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated at per foot for the above improvelaent is rr and the assessed valuation of The or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —_ —' DESCRIPTION .LOT 'I ADDITION -... _—..._-... ._-. ', ASSESSED VALUATION -BLOCK,' _-_ ._..--_.._. 1 22' West End 176. i 2 2Z Do 150. 8 22j Do 16, j1 9 22% Do 175, 10 ! 22 Do 17b 11 22'! Do 176 li 12 221 Do 150- 13 'j 22.E Do .150 14 221 it ! Do 128 TOTAL, - CITY OF sT.'PwUL DEPART >=NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMM*610�VER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. (B)_. _:.. -.._ ,... _. .. .. _.<. ._ ._ _ - ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATIQN 17 22 West End - 16 .22 Do {: 8.*'of Albion St -Vac & 3 14. Do 206 1 _. A 14 Do I i 2pp ! 5 _ 14 . Do 200! 200 6 14 Do 7 14 Do 200 8.14. DO 200 I 9 . 14 Do 206 I Do 10 14 20Q 11 14 Do 12 14 DO 200 . 13 14 DD FOP 14 14 Do 300 17 20 Eo, 27� 18 20 Do 200 15 20 Do 200 t 14 20 Do 20p 13 20 Do 206 12 20 Do 20p 1 22 West End 175 150 1 2 22 Do l501 _... 3 22.. Do 15 23 Do 7AI3 X73 16 23 Do 17fi _ 17 23 Do DGrouL f -J,_ 18 23S* � Gln OF BO PAUL DEPABjTI�T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONII` IS!J5 IONER OF FINANCE _ .. )ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _. yA45SESSED Lx FIv 18 23 We*t End 19 23 Dcr 1715 20 23 Do 17;8 21 23 Do , 22b', 1 29 Do 176 2 29) Do 450 3 29 ) 4 29 Do 17;5 5 29 Do X175 f. 1 6 29 Do ! 76 7 29 Do 175 2 19 Do 250 319 Do 200 4 19 Do 200 5 19 Do 20b 6 19 ----- Do 1300 7 19 - 8 , 19 Do 200 ; 9 19 Do .1100 10 19 Do 200 I!I ,11 19 Do 20b 12 .19 Do 204 .13 19 Do 2Q4 19 Do 200 .4 .14 18 19 Do 200 , 15 23 Do - 14 .23 Do 175 TOTAL f FITY OF BT. PAUL A tel' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIIM , lql> ER`OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAT 13. 23 West End 1?5I 12: 23 Do 1!15 11. 23 Do 175, _. 10 23 Do 135 9. 23_ Do 1q6 8 23 Do 176' 7 23 Do 1 6 6. 23. DO. 1751 5 23 Do 1751 4 23 Do i 115! 3 23 Db 2, 23 Dof+ 2-3_ 4 22 Do 150; 5 22 Do .100 I 6 22, Do 150! 7 22 Do 1501 1 20 Do 2 2 20 Do '2601 3 20 Do 200j i 4 20 Do 800; 5 20 Do 200 22- 13 Do 200i - ,2d0 21 13 Do 20 13 Do 2Q0I, 19 13 Do 160 18 13 Do 1260 17 13 DGOTA L 2Q 3 d' CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �• f! P REPORT OF COAfh*PIOINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK; ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 13 West End�0 ,I 15 13 Do 20 14 13 DO i 13 13 Do 12 13 Do 20Q 11 13 Do ' 200 10 13 DD 200 9 13 Do :200 8 13 Do 20q 6 13 Do 78 r 27 14 DO 2oq 26_ 14 Do 200• .25 14 Do 200 24 14 Do 200 .23 14 Do 20d , 22 14 Do 200 I 21 14 Do .- goo '. 20 14 Do 20q 19 14 Do 200 - 18 14 Do 200 i - I 17 14 Do 200 i 16 14 Do 200. 15 .14 Do 20d i S.* ofAlbion St,. 2 .14 Do 20q v Do 1 14 Do 20a t Ex. Edgecumbe Road 11 Do :20100 ; Walsh Park in 15 :._ Do 500 , TOTAL - CITY OF at. --PAUL a ff DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE:I'. REPORT OF.COIbf1AftSIO�VER OF FINANCE T+ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (8) - - ' i DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION'" ASSESS A V ALU AT { ' E.f of Summit ave.Vaci.19 15 : „_:. West End 1 !2010 1 20 15 Do, 1260-1 E.} of Summit Ave.Vac.18 15 Do 20 j 17 18 Do 200 1 16 15 Do 15 15 DSS 209 S.} of Albion St.Vac. 14 X15 Do 200 13 15 Do 200 12 15 Do 209 11 15 Do i1 200 10 15 DO i 20Q 9 15 Do 200 8,15 Do 206 7 15 Do 200 6 15 Do 200 5 15 170 i, 20Q 4 15 Do 20Q 17 19 Do 200 16 19 Do 20q 15 19 Do i 200 15 16 Do 250 14 16 Do i 150 13 16 Do 200 12 16 Do 200 11 16 IF) ! 20q i - 10 16 Ma 200' , 9 16 to TOTAL :CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMOftMONS'R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i - �t DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCK� ADDITION - - ASSESSED VALUATION 8 16 West End 200 7 16 D6 w 200 1 6 16 Do 200 5 16 Do 350 4 16 Do 200 3 16 Do 200 2;16 Do 200 1 16 Do 200 - Dawson Park in Do 1500 I 3 s Sr>S— The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1a---- .. -�-- --- Dated— -lly ------- .._-_191.+�l�fllT I Commissioner oP Financl< FORM ..$.^. 0.5 C 05CM CLA —N, Cql[. lNc�q[tn J. C. CARROLL •!U iiNt[n[ cll;-11111 ALFRED J—SON. S 1.R[�wins wNI Anon N. W. 00lTZINGlR, 9—i. nt - M. 9. ORYTBAN •lR O�IR[[n'o G. . HEgRO LO'O �,ce ENRIN rten • a 1 A (IIitg of St. Paul Ntpartmut of Pu6Cu Marko M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY August 20, 1919. Mr, M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir, Investigating the matter of grading Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to west Seventh Street, under Preliminary_Order #25423, approved June 11, 1919, there appears to be no difficulty in grading 'between Albion Avenue and Otto Avenue, but between Albion Avenue and west Seventh Street it will be necessary to build a sewer to carry off the drainage from the hillside, which would wash out the street unless properly taken care of. This sewer will be somewhat expensive, but as the grading can only be carried out satisfactorily if the sewer is built, I am submitting herewith a preliminary order which would enable the matter of building the sewer and grading the street to be submitted to the Council for consideration at the same hearing. Very truly yours, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo ...................... I COUNCIL FILE NO..-....._._.-............ .......... FINAL ORDER g _R qn'Fl.p'q P In the Matter of ue toAlbion Avdnue........................................................................... I ..................... ........... ............................. .................................................... . . ........ ........ .......... . , %,2t7t5,6s�tcoustrucdnk� a 70A ..... . - ----- .......... ........ : ...... ri.issut"Avenue" 'r.*.%.Or 7%1U. .nary -order . ..... . ..... . .. ... . ...... 9 havinB 1AW :upon ..... ................... .. ... . ..... .............. . .... ............................. .... ...... ... ..... ............... ........... ....................... .............................. under Preliminary Order 26355 Aug. 25, 1919- — ................................. approved ----------------------------------------- r ........... ............................. IntermediaryOrder --------- - - ..............................._..----.....approved-------------- ---------- ------------------ --- ----------- ----- ------ :- . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is C -Q n-Qt;E4g.t. .Ave.n...u...e....from Otlo -. ................. ...... .�Lvnu. ............. ................. . .. .............................. 4 ........... ......e... ....e..... ..................... ......................... ................. .............................. ............. -- ................... ................ . ....... . . ....... ....... ...... .. . ... ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to lie made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Coulleil..... . —.. ... .1 1 191 il-) I Approved 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HYb&x Clancy Councihnan�leF Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Iry�Rxx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. ... ..... ........... City Clerk. n. Mayor. -13 V I OSCAR CLAD/SEN, eK�[n Enant[. n J. c. CARROLL,SOrt�n tt.a ion Ano n[nwiK. ALRRED JACKSON. 91.1Cr H. W. DOCTLINOER. 9upr1on N.9 �ORYTOAK �E a^n[t n'on• c. rI. HERRO LOrOrnrct Cncinntn . Mug of '#t. Faul �eportmenY of '�u6lit �arkn M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R.T.000RLEY.OEPUTY September 17, 1919. 1,4rt M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construc- tion of a sewer on Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to Albion Avenue, in accordance with Council File No. 26355, approved August, 25, 1919, Estimated Cost.................$E8,621.00 Frontage...... 2,825.E eet Cost per front foot............ $3.05 On account of the rock formation it is necessary to build this sewer in the sandrook. The block between Vista Street and Otto Avenue is within the Otto -Niles Sewer District, but the remainder between Vista Street and Albion Avenue was not included in the Otto -Niles District, because the surface and grade of the street drains towards Albion Avenue, and the surface water will drain into a proposed sewer on Albion Avenue and Race Street, as explain- ed in the letter accompanying report on Council File (26304, approved August 21, 1919. It was found, however, after drilling the ground that the sandrook formation ended short of Albion Avenue, and that the sewer would have to be connected to Otto Avenue. Yours very. truly, ®. ESS/C Chief Engineer. CITY T. PAUL DEPARTME }INANCE � REPORT OF COMMid'SIONER OF FINANCErV'�.T ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of'COnstrUCting a sewer on Pleasant avenue from Otto avenue to Albi6n under Preliminary Order approved ___p' p,x - 25th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— =� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isS�— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Birmingham's Fourth Ad- 100 dition toDSSt. Paul, Minn. 2 3 125 3 3 Do 125 4 3 Do 125 5 3 Do 725 South of 5 24 West End 100 6 24 Do 175 7 24 Do 175 8 24 Do 175 �. -9----24- _ .. DO _.. hibll -- IORM B 8 a s TOTAL, a°L d 0 v 1 CII F ST. PAUL CIINK . • - DEPART FINANCE REPORT OF COMM lbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' (B) DESCRIWUON LOT BLOCK ADDITION . ASSESSED VALUPyT1000 d 10 24 West End 17$ 11 24 Do 179 12 24 Do 176 13 24 Do 175 14 24 Do 200 1 23 Do 175 2 23 Do 175 3 23 Do 175 4 23 Do 175 5 23 Do 175 L_ 6 23 Do 175 7 . 23 Do 175 175 8 23 Do 9 23 Do 175 10 23 Do 1325 11 23 Ho 175 12 23 Do 175 13 23 Do 175 14 23 Do 175 15 23 Do 200 14 18 Do 200 15 18 Do 200 16 18 Do 2010 17 18 Do 1600 18 18 Do 200 19 18 Do 200 20 18 Do 200 TOTAL a CITY PAUL • Ir0"&T- =1 - D PARTM PJAM6,CNISIANCE REPORT OF E�OMMIWIMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DQE SC R I Pt I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUAT N q7� 21 18 West End 200 22 18 Do 200 23 18 Do 300 2 19 Do 250 3 19 Do 200 4 19 Do 200 5 19 Do 200 6 19 Do 1300 7 19 Do a 19 Do 200 9 19 Do 1100 10 is Do 200 11 19 Do 200 12 19 Do 200 13 19 Do 200 14 19 Do 200 18. 19 Do 200 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to ,-him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - -- -- - - ----- --- Commissioner of Finance. FORM R -A. 5.5 C .e..St. Paul, Minn,, . .191,9. To the Honorable, The Council, Y 1City of St. Paul, Minn.Ojjjp'j.�g1� v Gentlemen: C'7+�Vb ereby petition Vie, the undersigned proper , your Honorable Body to ause the follovring improvement to be made: • ..................................... ............................ (ie Avg• from ..(/%fc •.............. Ave. to ........ ... .....................St.a� -N A M E "/ ��mca,�(.�`��4nr�FG� • cam... �a-.�, i�.. �%. . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . V.........................., ............................ ... ..... ....... ........................... ........................ ............... ..... ....... _ _,� ... .... .... ..... ..... ..... ... JG26I�J, .... .. �....... .. .... ... . . . y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q _ Y . . . . . . ........... !.............. .................. ( ........ .................. q �.............. ..................... .......................... .......................... x..................... Y. .. .. .... . ..... . . .. .. .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . RECEIVEI. mmissioner of Public Works" Office. of the Co e e _ Report to Commissioner of Finance of SEP 19 1919 September 17th, 9 - 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 26355 - approved ___----gust 25th, 191_9_, relative to n the oonstruotion of a•sewer on Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenuet0_ ------------------------------------------------------------------ - Albion Ave nue.-------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ ------- necessary and (or) desirable. $8,621.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__-__--___-_, Frontage 2,825 ft. Per front foot $3.05. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.ay/�"�' `-"�-- ------------------ -- --------- - Commissioner o Pu is Wvrks.- J ................................................. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.'.;� .......... .. . .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. �10,sant . vel -rue 1'rol.1 -tto_.V011]U."._t.3 .0st, sovont. ---------------- - ---------------------------------- ... ................... .......................... : .................. 7 _Stn,et.. ............................ ................ ................. . ....... ____ ............................ . . . ............................................................. ..................... .......... ................................ ................ ............. ............................. ............. ...................... .............. - ............................ ..................... ........... ..................-----••-------••-----................. .....-----...... under Preliminary Order --------------------------------- approved ........... !1un19'-- .......................... IntermediaryOrder--------------------- ----------------------------------- approved._ ............................... ------ -------------------------------------- A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City �9��ant -venue from Otto ,venue.. . .................. .................................................... to ',,'est Seventh Street. .............. ...................................... ..................................................................................................................... .................. ................ I., ....................................................................... ...... .............................................................................. ..................... --------------- -------------------- ------------------ .......................................................... ........................................................................... ... ................................................................................ ....................... ......................................................................... .................... .............. I .............................................................................. ................................................................. ................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- -------- :.L: ................... 191 ------------------------ .... .............. I a City Clerk. Approved............................................... ...... 191 ......... .......... .. ..... ..................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss PUBLI ------ Councilman Clancy Councilman Her Powers Councilman McColl ('--) Councilman WundeMiefi Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 OSCAR CLAUSSlN, CMI[I lNeiHeeR J. !. CARROLL •SUPTM[[Rt ioN wNo n[Pwiw.' ALFRED JACKSON. SUPT.oT H. W. GOETLINOCR. SunT'oH N. RYT6AH rCHoiH[t R'o„, O. N. HeRROLO•Orr.c[ e.oiH [[. (9itg of £it. Paul lorpartment of Fukir 3larka M. N. LOSS, COMMISSIONER �. R. T.POURLEY, DEPUTY September 17, 1919. yir. N. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 l d i n g. Deas Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to West Seventh Street, in accordance with Council File #25423, approved June 11, 1919: Approximate estimate .......... $9,700.00 Cost per front foot........... 1.97 Excess inspection necessary... 190.20 Assessable frontage............ 4,932.6 feet. The grading of that portion of the street between West Seventh Street and Albion Avenue cannot be carried out in a satisfactory manner, unless sewers are provided to carry off the rush of water which comes down the gullies - in the steep hillsides, forming a channel in the street, and washing out the surface. The necessary sewer is proposed in Council File #26304, approved August 21, 1919, which should be reported to the Council for consideration at the same time as the grading order. ESS/C Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. DEPAlk- tFINANCE NM REPORT OF COMM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER grading ;pleasant Avenue from OI;to Avenue to T,st Seventh Street, .In the Matter of -- - ---- - ----- -- --- ----- ------------ — .............-. -- - -- under Preliminary Order approved ---------- ------ ------------ ------ —--- -----""""'" ------------------------ _.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots of parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED -. VALUATION 14 18 lest End 800 15 18 do 200 is 18 ae aoo 17 18 do 1600 18 18 do aoo 9 lA do aoo .: $0 18 do 800 21 18 do 200 22 18 do 800 do __. .. .. _300 -- TOTAL. T -N- CITXO AUL DEPAk, FINANCE REPORT OF COIV111�i TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER?"', grading pleasant Avenue from oTto Avenue to vast Seventh Street. In the Matter of -- ----------- ------------------ under Preliminary Order approved --------t' ------------------------_.------------ --------- ------------ -------- ------------------------------^_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ~ The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $—/--/---"---Q-`--nQ/�— The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported b he Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 18 West End 200 15 18 do 200 .. 16 18 as 200 . 17 18 do 1800 do 200 19 113 do 200 00 18 do 200 21 18 do 200 22 18 do 200 _ 23 18 do 300 --- - _;'... _. TOTAL, - cITT o AUL. DEPARTMEN . 41W FINANCE - q REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i{ (B) DESCRIPTION ,LOT 4LOCK� ADDITION VALUATION 1 , 2 19;1 if a et End a 0( c 3 19' do 800 1. f; 4 1% do 200i� 5 19 do i, A001 do 6 lb' t7 1300 - 19 do } 8 19 do 200 9 18 do 1100,t 8001, 10 19 do 11 19 do 200!; 12 19 do 800` 13 19 do 200; 14 19 do 200 18 19 do 200.: 3 14 do 200' 4 14 do 200' 5 14 do _ 200 8 14 do 800 7 14 do 200 8 14 do 8b0 9 14 do 209, 10 14 do 200 11 14 do 200 12 14 do 200 13 14 do 206 _i 14 14 do TOTAL. 200 _ I!. CITYAUL DEPARTMENT' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i DESCRIPTION ,LOT 01OCK ASSESSED AD DtTION VALUATION I - 17 20. West End 275i, is 20 do 200 200; 15 20 do 14 20, do 300! 200:1_ 13 20 do 12 20 do 200'. 1 3 BirminghUme Fourth Addition to 100'! 2 3 8t. Paul, Minn. 125, 3 3 do 135I' 4 3 do 125' 5 3 do 725 5 24, West End. 100',. 6 24 "'o 175 7 24. do 175'. 6 24. j0 175_ 9 24 do 17511 10 24 do 175 11 24 do 175 12 24 d0 175'% 13 24 d0 14 24 do 200 1 23 do 175x' 175'x; 2 23 do 3 23 do 175! 4 23 do 175I', 5 23 do 175! 6 23 i' d° TOTAL. — — CITY CIWAUL DEPARTMENT'. AP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMtS8I6NER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - DESCRIPTION ..LOT ®LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 23 West gnd. 178 s 23 110 178 9 23 do 17$ 10 23 do 1326 11 23 do 178 12 23 do 178 13 23 do 178 14 23 do 17$ 15 23 do 209 1 a2 do D5, 2 22 do 150 8 22 do 125 9 22 dos 175 10 as do 175 11 22 do 1 $ 12 20 do 13 22 do 14 22 do 1 15 22 do 1s 22 do 275 17 22 do 275 18 as do 7i -,9-j The The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, " and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in references tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. l�GlT/� ----191...."x/.-.�� Dated--- - --- -- -- - - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.I.. 6-5 C - 4............1919., St. Paul, r?inn-, 7rt� To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. MAY b M. N' DOSS. Gentlemen: NEB OF pubwW " Vie, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement4to be made. 1 ... Ave. ... Ave. to r3� .......... from ............... .....................3t. -AVI&- Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksRECEIVEn 1 PR N.a'W -f 33 Report to Commissioner . of Finance ;$ ' SEP 25 1919 Sept. 24th, 9 -------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: N - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under _consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._25423.... approved— dune 11th, ----191_ 9, relative to grading Pleasant Avenue from -- Otto Avenue to West Seventh Street. - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is________ 'necessary and (or) desirable. $1.97 per front foot 9,700.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost the of ----------- Assessable frontage 4,932.6 ft. J�cess inspection 19b.26. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made -- part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. - ---- �,2�� Commissioner of Public Works. t ' Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to West Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order h64240 approved June 112 1919, and Intermediary Order f27233, approved Nov. 1"2th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement ftz as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Pleasant Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dated December 92 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay! Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council^`..,'!....,.!.... ;;.;..:___.......191...... Appro......... ........._.................. ..................... 191..... ..............In favor ......... Against ... ............................................................................. MAYOR r� r (6iig of Si: 'Paul ,G3CAR GL.U93EH. �HI.F ENo�N.a. Jgeparimeut of.puhlic Works —, a • �'6' ; : J. e.'NaaRa M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER .-ROLL ..Fr T..." wIRa R. R GOURLEY. ITEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON. 31". Y GOETZIHOER. 9�KToHI ' A. .1 C a.�.iHa a -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- Bary for slopes for cuts and fids in grading Pleasant avenue, from Otto avenue to -West Seventh street, under Preliminary Order #25424, approved June 11th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27233, approved Nov.12th, 1919 To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. �SS'160rLer of ublic Worke G Dated_,_. _ CI DEPARTMVAY E REPORT OF COMMOF FINANCE - ON PREL,RDERt IntheMattero° oondemn;ngann taking._an.--aaaerc:ent—in..the 1aMd s far�„ta and fids in =_adjil„ Pleaaant A'-enu; fror< Otto Avenue under Preliminary Order approved----"---------------------------------'---------------------------------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 50.00 e d co re o - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may. be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ;4 18 W-st End . 200 15 18 do 200 16 18 am 200 f 17 18 do 1600 18 18 0 200 19 lE do 200 20 1S do 200 200 21 18 ;0 .. N2 18 do 200 23 18 do 300 - - TOTAL, FORM B.S.- 0.3 w _ L CIT 'AUL`.. - DEPARTM REPORT OF COMMI. F.FINANCE E ON PREUMIN�-. OR j, T 10 N LOT s. ADDITION AssesseD - N VALUATION D E S,C III P 744CK 2 19 Pest End 250' .i 3 19' do 200! 4 19 do 200j d 5 19 do 200: 6 19, do 1300! (7 19 do 8 19 do 200'., 9 19 do 1100 10 19 do 20011. 11 1 do 200'' 12 19 do 200, 13 19 do 200 114 19 do 200;1 18 19 do 206 3 14 do 200; �, 20Q'. 4 14 do 5 14 do 200 6 14 do 200, 7 14 do 200; 8 14 do 209. 9 14 do 200 10 14 do 209 11 14 do 20a 12 14 do 200 !13 14 do 200 206 14 14 do TOTAL. CITY REPORT OF COMMISF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA RDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCN', ASSESSED �� ADDITION VALUATION I' - _ 17 20, Vieet End h 275;' 16 20' do 200;! 200 15 20 do 14 20' do 200;1 13 20 do 200I! 12 20 do 200' 1 3 Birlr;inghbhB Fourth Addition to 100 2 3 St. Paul, ?.'inn. 125 3 3 do 125 j 4 3 do 125. 5 3 do 725. 5 24 West End. 100; 5 24 o 175,' 7 24. do 175r 1751, 8 S4 0 9 24 do 175.1 10 24 do 175! 11 24 do 175; 12 24 do 175� 13 24 do 175 ,_..... 14 24 do 200 _ 1 23 3o 1751 2 23 do 1751 3 23 do 17 ;1 4 23 do 175 _.5 24 do 175 G3 jl do TOTAL. .: 175 �I U E C MIS; NA RDER CITY -- • DEPARTM E REPORT OF COM OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI - -- ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOGK, , ASSESSED 4. ADDITION VALUATION -` — 7 23 57 st gnd. 175 8 23 dm 175 9 23 do 175 10 23 do 1325 11 . 23 do 175 12 23 do 175 13 23 do 175 14 23 do 175 15' 23 do 200 1 2'u do 175. 2 22 do 150 8 22 do 125 9 22 do5 175 10 22 do 175 11 22 do 175 12 2P do 150 13 22 do 150 14 22 do 125 15 22 do 125 18 22 do 275 17 22 do 275 16 22 do 175 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference ttoAsaid by the Commissioner of Public Works. - _matter Dated ---- — --`- - --191--.., - = ._m ....er - -- - - -- ' �OPM 0.9.A. 9.9 C e. Commissioner of Finance. s ECEIV V3. Office of -the C.ommissi ner of PublicWor A"1Zs wog \ - 33 Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 25 1919 September 24th, 191-- 9 ------------------------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File N'o._25424___ -approved_____June 11th, _1919_, relative to oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- for outs and fills in gr4ding Plegeant Avenue from Otto Avenue to ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------- West Seventh Street ------------------ --------------------------- -------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. XIL 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______________ and the total cost thereof is $___________-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis inner of /Public Works. r J CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subjectt....... . .. ......... ..... . w ................... I ........ ............._...........4................._............9 COUNCIL 15 MLENO . ............................................................. ................. . .......................... .................................... . . . ........................................... ......................................... Dec. 9, 9 Date Presented ... . .............. ..... .......................... .. 191 In the matter of condemning, taking ani appropriating Resolved, for public school puxposes the following described land under Preliminary Order #26811p approved October 4. 1919, and Intermediary order #27235, approved Nov. 12, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report, and plat in the above matter., be it Resolved That the City of Lit. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to,. be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: Lots 1, 22 32 43 5 and 6 in Michaud's Sub- division; Lot.5, Block 2, St. Paul North Outlots,, and Lots 4, 5, 6, 72 lop 11 and 12 of Schneider, Young & Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St. Paul North Out -lots. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich 2r. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ......... .......... ................... 191 . Appr ....................... ............................... 191 I•.:.....Y . .. ... .................... .......... . ......... OSOM CLAUSSEN. Cn1[. ENO.n[[R J. E. CARROLL SUPT.. U TR[ 1111AU 11 101ST—Y10-11 M. w. cocrzlRCEA,�uP n M. 9. GRYTBAN rEnoIR[[R'on ' uRFwp of eRipo[[ p. M. MERROLO, Oer E1111-1 04tH of et, Paul Eepadmeut of Puhlir'Blnrks M. N. GO$S, COMMISSIONER R. T. OOURLEY. DEPUTY Y ti J `�7/5�Ib� � -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of•condemning, taking and appropriating for public school purposes the following described land under Preliminary Order #26811, approved Oct.,4th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27235, ap- proved Nov., 12th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded past of said plan,, which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in i:iichaud's Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 2,St Paul North OutLots, and Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 of Schneider, Young Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St Paul Yorth Out -Lots. ommission of Publ' Works. Dated/ ' �/ j.rT .PAULDEPOF FINANCREPORT OFCTNER OF FINANCEIMINARY ORDERf b (A) c == Inthegatterof Condemning rte taking and appropriating for Publio: School purposes_ Lots 1,2,3,4, 5 and 6 in Michaudts Subdivision, Lot 5, Block 2, St. Paul North Out -Lots, and Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,'11 and 12 of Schneider, — Young and Morrisettets Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St. Pain. North_ Out ........................................................... ............. ........................... ..................... -- Lots, as per Council File No. 26150, approved August 9, 1919. R October 4th, 1919. :..under Preliminary Order approved ------'— ..... --------------'-'---- ------------- ----------- --- ----------------- — To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: O U The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— — t co p f of a bo i r e is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,. and the assessed valuation of 0 each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I•' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Michaud's Subdivision of 200 Lot -(5) Block 2, St.Paul k 2 North Outlots. 175 3 Do 175 I� 4 Do 175 5 Do 175 6 ! Do 175 Schneider, Young and 200 IMorrisettets Subdivision 2 !of Lot 4, Blk. 2, of Saint 200 Paul North Out Lots 3 Do 200 li 4 Do 2.00 — it ronq as.�. sew TOTAL, - CrW PAUL DEPART T OFFINANCE - -„ REPORT OF COSTONER OF FINANCE ' ON P . INARY ORDER Ii -•"+ d DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD 0!�I,T ASSESSED !I I;VALUATION Schneider,_ Yo=z Morrisettets Subdivision 6 iof Lot 4, Blk. 2, of Saint.. 200 p ®_ !Paul North Out Lots 7 Do 200 9 Do 200 10 Do 200 11 Do 200 12 ! Do 200. c ; 6 a i " The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 4-Dated��-----udr - Commissioner of Finance. rortM .-A. 6.3 c � Office of the Commis loner of Public VWorkv-c-Efv D —0-.r _3 Report to Commissioner of, Finance OCT ?31919 October 17th, 9 .........................................................................__....... ..191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 6811 ...approved........_OO.tOber 4th..................191....._9 relative to.. ............. ail, known as Council File o ........................_ oondemnin�t, taking and appropriating for Public School purposes lots 1 21.9 4 5 & 6 in Miohaud's Subd. Lot b Blk.2, St. Paul Borth _...6U..-iUs.,.:..and.....LO..ts80.....1.2.....0f.......__.............._....................__...... Schneider, Young & Morrisette's Subd. of Lot 4, Block 2, St. Paul North..._Out.-lots.a..._as..... per..._O..r_.._F.._._.#26150.,._approv...Qd.....August.....9.,.._� 9.a 9..._... .............................. . "acid-ha'vi,,; investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ ._........necessary and (or) desirable. XXX XX% 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .......... _...._.................. and the total cost thereof is $- ........... .................... ._........_., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ........ ... ..............:............._........__..._.._._................... _............... ._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ....... ........... ......... ........................ _... ........................................ ............. ........ .....:......................... .._................................ ............. ..._........_............................ L.........._....... not 5. Said improvement is....... ................. ............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. Res61ved, In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for public schoolurposes the following described land under Preliminary Order 2'6812, approved October 4, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27234, approved November 12, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of.St. -caul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: Lots 10 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Samuel B. Fierce's Enlargement of Summit Yark Addition. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .......... __..._..." ................191...... j ....In favor - Appr ............. �...................__......... 191..... :�� I Against.............._... t.. ........... ........................... � MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller z"President, McColl Wunderlich Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.19 Adopted by the Council .......... __..._..." ................191...... j ....In favor - Appr ............. �...................__......... 191..... :�� I Against.............._... t.. ........... ........................... � MAYOR MUM of $2. Paul Meparfinent of Puhlir marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIOkER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for public school purposes the following described land under Preliminary Order #26812, approved October 4th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27234, ap- proved November 12th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public IVorks hereby submits and makes apart of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Elock 2, Samuel B.Pierce's Enlargement of ;summit Park Addition. Lg�j Commissioner f Public "forks Dated To the COMMON COU14CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL: a Now comes J. Romer Pierce, et al Trustees, and respect- fully object to the award made by your Honorable Body for the taking of Lot 14 in Block 2 Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition. That said lot is reasonably worth not less than $2000.00. J." HOMER PIERCE, et als,Trustees By CAPITAL TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, eir Agent. By. Manager heal #btate vepartment. CITY ICPSE4AUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE rL REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of `ten`^✓�t� AJ [�^—o a �C �� of /D 4 2 under Preliminary Order approved(<) T �v /'Z' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: t �O,,Q� The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - �s�DO The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION R111-4/ 6�, of o i _... TOTAL. i 2i OI 0, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by theCommissioner of Public Works. i is Commi.v�oner of ineace. rV!. /Dd -4 �; F.,m B. ^r. \ f the Commissioner of Public ocr_�ij:��°, Office o c, A Report to Commissioner of Finance g October 17th,9 ..................... ............ ..... ................] 91....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- eil, known as Council File No 2.....6812...approved roved......_oot.Ober.. 4th ................ 191...._9, relative to............._............... ................. condemning, taking and appropriating for Public School purposes ....._ ................_ ......... Lots 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 2, Samuel B. Pieroe's Enlargement ...................................-......................_......................................_..................._............._................................_.................._............................................................................................... of Summit/ Park Addition, as per C.F. #26272, approved August 19, 1919- ........... ............ ................................................. _....... _. _................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ............. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._x�................. and the total cost thereof is $._...._$�x................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.... _....................___....._................._........._......_..............._............_.....___.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. o. Said improvement is._.......... ...................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjoet to assessment for said improvement. .................................................................................. ..... oner of Public Works. Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth FTX 26 1219 1919. Goes, McCall, �6"� `J,f/J Approved 1919. Powers-, Wunderlich, pUgLl%*F14F-�—""'� T: / ry BY A}DBr�R O OD / 27571 Di i C. F. No. nce No. A_.a.ordl{.icpraY?'gnD[oern '4� nro) :- _ - ,: -•hifi r n] that there An ordinance ap rM,p�6//ect of acquiring Lots forty -on ' 1 of the Public School fund the money dic ted in the foregoing ordinance. comptroller Date Ono �v77tsoi fifty, both inclusio £ _ o��L. mare's Eastern Heights Addition to the City of St.Paul, for public school purposes, ordering the acquisi- tion of the same by purchase or condemnation, and providing funds therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Commissioner of Education having reported to the Council that Lots 41 to 50, both inclusive, of Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights Addition to the City of St.Paul, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, are required for public school purposes, and that the esti- mated value thereof is the sum of One Thousand,,pne hundred Dollars 0$'"1,100'.001, and the Comptroller_; having=certified that- there is money ava'ilale%in the treasury of.the City for the acquisition of the said; clots; the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for school.purposesy and -hereby orders 'and -directs that the same be acquir- ed for -said purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands,"consisting iri`thhe case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and thatthe cost.and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid forut of the item in the Public School Fund appropriated for"Real Estate and so much of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose`. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth FTX 26 1219 1919. Goes, McCall, �6"� `J,f/J Approved 1919. Powers-, Wunderlich, pUgLl%*F14F-�—""'� T: / Yr. Pres. (Hodgson) yT JOHN I. ARRCity C , I hereby certify that there is available in the Real Estate item ' 1 of the Public School fund the money dic ted in the foregoing ordinance. comptroller Date Ono �v77tsoi r r 3, PITY OF 5T. PAUL " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM F. -A A 44.1X 7-18 AUDITED DEC 1..' 1.919 .....� IT - .LER 1258 TITLE , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of tl persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 11 1 Adopted by the Cou cil.._ ..... ........... 191 Clancy C F N 1,ZOT6— -: .; • �, 1. - Abstract - •FanlaM"tk� Rn dth ed th t warrants bl draOut of Ap ed ...,. .. 1 -upon; the City Treasury, payable out of 91 Cross the hereinafter_ specified funds .and 1n 'favor ot,tha Aare ns -drm o corp' a [Iona for th. m unts specified, a their r� r=a It1Ve names as aPeclfled. !a- tha ._._... .. ............_ _.._....._. .. ....... ........ . t [lowlpB -detailed stat me t: MAYOR McColl wager mete co sloes zs Sophie .C.. Bo up 57.69. Wunderlich a E ,r �tpn fiB74 Auditorium;' it67 szt s Mr. President, Hodgson Wit. rnvip ehted i�osioi.5afio,oa. 16066 Badger Meter Co., Water 67 Sophie C. Borup School 68 K. F. Dreher School 69 A. F. Morton, Supt. Auditorium Auditorium 70 St. Paul Hebrew Institutue School 71 Victory Printing Co., School 40.00 Health-Dai^y 67.50 107.50 Total $ 1,555.71 V- AA1$,2N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM �"C. L FILE NO..........: nQ p _-- . ._ ... [ _. AUDITED UlC 1 U 19fA/ . 31 P' 11OLLER .. 1259 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor -of then -r"^ persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: L Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NF.—j. No. 27671 Adopted by the Cou t........... 19L.— Abstract. _.. .:..:.... ..... Resolved that warrnnta be drawn - Clancy upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of i .the hereinafter specified Lunde and in favor of the: amounts firma or corpora Appy(✓ + ... ......... ..191.. _._ [lone for the amounts sets or cto their" (,059 X reapecttye name. ae apecnt: In -the U [olio Ing 'detailed statement: ) i Bard of Cont 1. $17.924.06. ...._,�..7 Adopted by'the Cennen Dec. 11, 1919. ..-.__ _._.. ...._._... _ .......... ....._.. ........... ...__ ._ Approved. Dec.: 11, 1919. MAYOR McColl (Den: 13, 1919) Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 16072 Board of Control Bd. of Control Total 6 17,924.05 17,924.05 1 Rejld�,, t CITY OF ST.. PAUL. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . CoUN-L NO. PILE AlIft Date Presented 271157 .......:............. That, where any person, firm or corporation has been granted a permit by the Council, for the storage of , gasoline or other explosives , under the terms of Ordinance Number 5050, of quantities of more than a thousanA gallons, the Commissioner of public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a written permit for such storage. 191..... IC.. F No 2767R �y I#eri>•g;,b3oCo1L .' "` ReeoJved, -That where shy' i fted,,� nm ori t•prperatlo 'has :been grunted a permit by- the CoLriC,ll ;tor th0 slprage, o[ gaaoline :p other expoloatvpa,,ander the to me:.ot-Or¢Ina ee Namber.R939, bt' quantltles-'of'. mote; than a thoneand. gallons tbe:. Coinmiesioner bt Yhbtle: Safety is ;hereby.:avttiprtzed andl'cdt<: cepteWto Sesue a eMRtep:'perm{t ofeach; eWrag . -`- �Adppted by -th&Co0Keil Deg 11 ,.is 1 9. :.Appro ed Aee di, 19,19 - r:(Dac 13,, 1919) J Councilmen (✓) Nays D± Yeas ( ) ..,:.:....:.191...... Adopted by the Council . Clancy �h __......'.. .. Approved. _.S. __...:........ 191..... C Goss ... ..........In favor 4C -eller .................. McColl ...__....... Against ..MAYOR 'Wunderlich ` Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 Council File By Date Prese 91 the 1,* dGo, Lill" Co.uaevd streets of said tc ryaed directed to .steed it. electrical Iives br erectin¢ poles avd striv¢;n¢ wh. the... for the do the Install Twb poles in the alley east of Matilda Street and south of Carbon Street. One pole in the alley north of Magnolia Street, and west of Forest Street. Three poles on Fuller Avenue, west of Griggs Street. One pole in the alley west of Albermarle Street and north of Maryland Street. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. 11 br� bjeelto the provisiomi of O dlvaoce No� 242I. andvoErall oih�r i�wi�i a ai avices a d rem lutlione of the City of 9t�Paul.ommleviener of Publl< Utllltiee sad in a111hiv¢e All pole+ should 6e set io each locatI.0 iv .add .Iters ad atrtete as the Commdesio..r of Public Utilities shall deet¢nate, nod .hall be of such hd¢ht avd character ae h. b a Interpat eoere4Wrled e and wh Dalt Cha 1.11 such poles shall be taken dorw and removed, avd each wirce placed uoder¢rouvd, wkenever the Counci] shall deem that the ",,hall � 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen GOSS / McCOLL WUNDERLIC HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approved _ 191 RIJSb Mayor p7��^�� /�—/ y �. � C °F ?No 27fi'�o-:-8y Af1. R'teoTvflA, 'That theme "^-* Paul Cc� 4P" rAghtCLmill<aR. koreby otpergA dnA Ca its eleottioat ones11 OeYbo bB Dolaeasaa etrin6ln taSre6 a4A:btt -�qa ..ppotae Sn'fne Sou>;n�o� of Md+,' Inet6t1 �,rFF Carbot2 i gnd CO{,�yaCll tjlA6' poende ����7��tt ■ at�he ola imythe alloy Norah of Mab+ Form Wt?et of Noreat atreet� ' e-.Three�Pote9-'on Fnller A�enve Wa'��f " of �.iggo ¢treat Weet of A" altey Department of Oae Dote inahe rnnrle street, and Northl ut atrteet. :.li�rhrin_r Bureau of t Council File By Date Prese 91 the 1,* dGo, Lill" Co.uaevd streets of said tc ryaed directed to .steed it. electrical Iives br erectin¢ poles avd striv¢;n¢ wh. the... for the do the Install Twb poles in the alley east of Matilda Street and south of Carbon Street. One pole in the alley north of Magnolia Street, and west of Forest Street. Three poles on Fuller Avenue, west of Griggs Street. One pole in the alley west of Albermarle Street and north of Maryland Street. Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. 11 br� bjeelto the provisiomi of O dlvaoce No� 242I. andvoErall oih�r i�wi�i a ai avices a d rem lutlione of the City of 9t�Paul.ommleviener of Publl< Utllltiee sad in a111hiv¢e All pole+ should 6e set io each locatI.0 iv .add .Iters ad atrtete as the Commdesio..r of Public Utilities shall deet¢nate, nod .hall be of such hd¢ht avd character ae h. b a Interpat eoere4Wrled e and wh Dalt Cha 1.11 such poles shall be taken dorw and removed, avd each wirce placed uoder¢rouvd, wkenever the Counci] shall deem that the ",,hall � 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen GOSS / McCOLL WUNDERLIC HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approved _ 191 RIJSb Mayor p7��^�� /�—/ y �. - , p `tai sate» '3-.e7act?Y -NEM, a irk )pry . Zbr � t'>•RiF9mtiMlon Si.at • j ji � 1ty �l , PAUL-, 1G IT9 91N1 ��,� Cou Heil resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Council F' No Date Presented 191 By R VED. That the St. Pad Go L7¢ht Company ie hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lives by —cliv¢ poles .vd eaiv¢iv¢ wires thereov for the t aiou (ele5triel9 ov ¢nq 1n the following olieye;vd eVeets of said city: 1 InstalR Ninepoles polesinorthalley of RilesfStreetWoodbridge street, street. FastofSnelling Avenue. One pole north of 'Rest"Seventh Street and west of Leech Street. Seven poles 3n the alley north of Euclid Street, east of Earl Street. Two polesone in the alley s§ th o ofHudson Avenue. dAvenue est of Wakefield Avenue, Commerarial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. Three poles on Hester Street north of Hudson Avenue. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All of each exlevsiove, polo --d1=21'1'1' nd wires s1u11 be erected and co--,,od oder the dhectiov sad supervision of the Commissle.or of Public Utilities and iv .11 thiv¢e r:.blect ll the provisiov. of Ordlvanca No. 2424. avd of all ether lawful ordinances and reeolmions of the City of 9t. Paul. l., o All polo ehovld be set ed such location iv said alleys and.treefe ae the Commisdoner of Public Utilities shall designate. and shall 6e of such height avd chaneter ae pooh.11 a l lereet eo ould b of 1 whenait ..d.11.. b ,ol. shall be take. d= and removed, and such who. placed underground, whenever the Couvcil shall deem that the mqu b.11 10 191 Adopted by the Council - Yeas ( ) Councilmen r. A n V Qxx1 9Xa GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLIC40 HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approve 191 Mayor ^ CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .................. ..._................................................................._.......__..........._.....'_.._............... .......................................... ,. /1 POEN-- N0 ...... .................. Resolved, Date Presented That,irith the approval of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Bureau of General Administration Item of the Budget Account of the Department of Public Safety to the Bureau of Police Account of the Department of Public Safety, the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars, thereby preventing an un- avoidable navoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 191.._.. n Adopted by the Council .=. .:..'...........191...... ..In favor Approved ._......_....._ _...... ........_.._..... ......__ 191..... ............ Against......../......_...:...............�........1...._..... MAYOR Clancy " -Fsres"V"Ti Goss / IV_ Keller v McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson PORM.C. A. 9 3M 12-18 191.._.. n Adopted by the Council .=. .:..'...........191...... ..In favor Approved ._......_....._ _...... ........_.._..... ......__ 191..... ............ Against......../......_...:...............�........1...._..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .................... ........................... . ............. . . ..... .. ................. ..... ----- ..... : .......................... - . . 2 582 A .. FILENo . .............................. ............................ Resolved, Date Presented That, with the 8PPrOval Of the Mayor and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Bureau of General Administration Item of the Budget Account of the Department of Public Safety to the Bureau of Health Account of the Department of Public Safety, the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars, there- by preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last men- tioned account. Yeas (,/) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy %P2rffffw"rft_ Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 191 Adopted by the Council _191 Approve 191.— An favor ............ AgainstR ........ ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ....................... Subject: ........................................................ . ............ 2 L .}. ..................... FIL. No. .................... Date Presented 191..... That, with the approval of the Mayor and the consent df the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Bureau of General Administration Item of the Budget Account of the Department of Publio Safety to the Bureau of Fire Protectlon'Account of the Department of Public Safety, the sum of One Thousand ($1000.00) dollars, thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account. year (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy T1aUL% v "tiri Goss Keller McColl �J Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 In favor Against Adopted by the a - ..._....-c �n:......k.� ...:L.. _..191...... -, _ _:...... 191..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL' to -3 COUNCI ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM Subje dt: ... ..... ------- - ----- - ------------- -------- -- COUNCIL No ........ ---- 27,58-4 ... .. FILE - ----- --- -- - - ------ ----- - ----- Date Presented u 1 0 N—GEN .. - -- -- ------------- ....... . COU C S O -L T 4!! ----------- ----- ----- ----- - /esolved, That the 60mmissioner of Parks,111a,,crrunds an? Pub] is .2 Buildings is Hereby authorized to e-qP107 in t'�e "ureal -f Pub)ic Buildings, Bricklayer's Arprentice at a coioensation not to exceed B7!,,/ per hour. C. F. No. 27584—BY ,Resolved, _That �t Isalo r,oK Parke.' P, laygro.. Ings-to'here Y RnIth-rtce to employ In the'Dureau of; PUblIC on Ing6 Bric Iayer!W,Apprept7jC, gta co . ans. to not to exceed ' 8 a Der 1.nr.. Adopted !bd;th 0, an. ApDrpped Dec Yeas (P) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy —FIVIr"Ww"M Goss __..._._,_In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgeson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-18 pFf, 11ala Adopted by the Council., 191, 7rovA p 191 ................... MAYOR Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Ile undersign.=d hereby pro'p�aea\the making of the following publ' improv Dated this ._....... 10thday :'4fJn fie'.' b1Yli 11 :+ -Council File No ...................:: 27,585 at by the City of St. Paul, vii.: .!.0...SitB.'p.art ............................... o Ncarth....and -South ......... 5t -neat .:......... ........ ............................................................. 191.- Councilman. PRELIDB AR �ORDEIj�. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the I. owing improvement, viz.: _........... ra3i.ng...alleys....in...,I.ohn..l2ongan!.s...St.ew&st ....:.......................... ..........park...Ad--it-io7r %TO Westmi�nste-r —Street. to NoxtYr and South...... ............. ............................................ ...................................AI1ey � and �rom����erariium Street to Rose Street. ............................................................................................ . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... ............. ..................... ....._...................................... therefore, be it — RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated cwdt of said improvement, and the total codt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ............................................................................................................................................ dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'rTo E� 11........... Adopted by the council. ..................�..: �...... . W9..........191 Yeas: Nays: Councilm �....".._ I.... I � :.1 Goss Approved ................. :.........191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich ..�� /............................a�.... ............. Mayor Irvin Mlyor. Form C A 13 (aM 4-17) �• 8� '$4nrYeMc4�oh�'r } � r r� I`F� 4 1 �n Ptrdtna"nae a ae>a J hb.eum oL�; )� '27(806^" �ThtttY etBb'�6onpand x((7!=}88 d.4000) -, ' ���Q, `-, ntlarn2LTPm a bSP N�tidtA�s; Ste1d ed rrom 8ro5G N horn='�tet?; - '.` fh8-Rf%te_�6tu oC R'Cie•�'+ fN � a nr r, ,4r YfJi' fhd r¢�U 9^' �/l. �Q/Vu�. • ld . � � r AN ORDINANCE"APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF THIRTY-EIGHT THOU SAND ($35,000.00) DOLLARS FROM THE NEW BUILDINGS ITEM ( RECEIVED FROM GREAT NOTHERN RAILWAY), OF THE BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION BUDGET ACCOUNT, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING A NEW FIRE STATION. THIS--IS"ANi'EMEREENC�'OR--r DINANCEP.RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE,HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:- . , jw SECTION I. That there is hereby appropriat9d__from the New Buildings Item, (received from the Great Northern Railway), of the Bureau of Fire Protection Budget Account, the sum,of thirty- eLght $hour#aii&'($35,000.00)''d"ollars, "for the'purpose-of erecting a new fire station. SECTION II. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an Emergency Ordnance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage, approval and publication. Yes (0 Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council - OEC -I9 Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved .. .19 6 �9�9 McColl Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR TTEST; Mr. President JOHN 1. FARICY, PLTDLI9F.�I)—�'�—�CitYClerk. Icor el� yapa"�f wtl ki'NE¢fanpte=ap¢Xbbbrinilpgthe tlutn / -/ �� at thre�g h ThoUe6na' poi!" �ta�-06vdnR,�°From iA4:�lhltc so, �i r-• P J' �� Sor a fah oap�'o�t ¢afcr a, ggaot C. F. NO. ! �t ' reraexma aec��°e°enrr exlce No. �:r cho ann�iy_, An ordinance approriating the sum of Twentyethree thousand dollars ($23,000.00) from the Public School Fund for the purpose of purchasing land. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nec- eesary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THS; CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: PC - 4 „ a w r '.Section 1,.f ! That,thez , is hereby apprc3iated out o the Outlay (Land) item of the o Public Schl. Fund, the sum of Twenty- a , ee thousand dollars 03;000'=0.0) for"the purpose of purchasing addii"onal land for the Linwood, Hendricks, Smith, riverside, Cleveland, Ramsey, Hancock and Eastern Heights Schools. Section 2. This ordinance is'herebyrdsclared to bean emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the yaablic peace, health aiul safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately uon its passage, approval and publication. DEC 26191% Adppted by the Council December 1919 Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth / Goss O McColl Powers Wunderlich Lir. Pres It (Hodgson) Attest: P DEL 26 1919 ex 1919 1. rd}eanoe..ril�OroA>`1Sz1T 1.MM,n'bl.0 Eenty ThpUeanfl Lolta (�droPO4P);, � y--' �% s -�°ai rtirgfiaa st�°¢Pr�ave r T'.•. /►o. 27 588 An ordinance appropriating the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($a0, 0.00) out of the Police Fund for the purpose of } re u di34 jhe Prior Avenue. Police Sub -station. This is an emergency ord oe re ered ecespa c peabe, health and eafgtyfor the preservation of , the publ5 THE COUMOdL OF,�.tHF I '7, -PF S AUL 4DOE ORDAIN: . ... f . `88ot�lyon 1 % bat the sum of renty Tho a Dollars ($30,000) is'Isea yri $apropatedlout oP i�"Other Expense item of the Police Fund, te.bd,'jwed"only for th'e perp a of rebuilding the Prior Ave- nue $office Sub-stationthioh was damaged ty firm November, 1919, or for the- pur$oee df $ti ding aNepope, ��lido to a laoe� Prtirrenue Police Sub -station. 3eotion 2 •_-: This and ' oe iO herjeby `deolatQd to be an emergency ordirla oe rapdered necessary for the preservation of the �1"4% . publicpeaoe, health an safety. 'Section 3. This ordinanoe shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication., Passed :by the Council DEC Zs. 1919 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy ( Goss I Farnsworth MaColl Plowers Wunderlioh Mr. President (Hodgson) Approv npr.. 961919 Attei Mayor PUBLIBlW,D /,=2 All NV m 'Ix. PEI 27,589 7 51 4'. An ord/inanoe appropriating the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) from the Health Fund, for the purpose of re- pairingand plarging ��e pavilions and buildings on Harriet Isl *genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the press rvituou of the Piblic phap be OVA '5-�r e" 'p�,t�jve safety. COUNCIL OF THE:. Of -ORDAIN: _9F, ST. PAUL DO;S 0 TY ten'A*_ �TbA the sum "of Fitt and Dollars xv ($16,600.00) is tq�rfgpropp ap4,Vut of the "other Expense" th ho_purpoze_%f re - item of the teak-,, Fund be used�.9;4y.joA_ pairing, constructing and enlarging aviljo L"s and buildings on Harriet Island. SIN o t J,�q Jh%jj ordinWe'li hefOt ded tiredd to "tiO4 Y oxdinanoe randaiced neoeseary for. the geoervation of the public ordbanos shall We offoot ind be In fo:oi I I Nedi&te WoAl aise� by the Co ,oa jj�c 2fitM You lays FarnsWotth Goss Macoll Powers 0 Tunderliah Mr. President (Hodgson) Z26 1919 Approved Attest;. mayor PUBLI sy„� g7.�"rrFv � �*kr . _. _.. _t,.'t ,''`s ,. a An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) from the Other Expense item of the police Fund, for the purchase o6utomobiles or patrol wagons. This is an emergency ordalerendered neo seary for the preservation of the public eaoe, health"afe� V � y ly ±Ax •COUIQC L OF THE _-OIT•Y OF ST. PADOES ORDAIN: �� ,� t&ot, on 1: " That' there ie i►erebry ap opriated out of the otherp,��230fee tte of,the Police, Fund the sum of Five Thousand 7o ars "06,000.00) to be used only for,the purpose of purcha'eing".__..__ automobiles or.petiol4e onb'for °the Polios■department. Beotiont. This ordinance is hereby) dqo ersd to be an emer en y-0 rd oe, endered necessary for the preservation`"of the x ' ,public e. he�lth and safety. Section 3. This vi+dinanoe shall take`':effeot and be in force imine iately upon its passage and pubiioat on. EC 261919 Passed by the Council � Yeas ,.,,» :. Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss Aft McColl Plovers funderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Attest Approved DEC 61 Mayor ! t3 5;R, Ad`d`A o0 01 re"s dCoraA e'h;rl'ki1¢ p011, �kIat>,a C No � taq� es�r��3fr�s h , � P,re, f<<':;' 4/^,eli�uv�an�.c.F- Yeo Sz 23 a An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) from the Other Expense item of the police Fund, for the purchase o6utomobiles or patrol wagons. This is an emergency ordalerendered neo seary for the preservation of the public eaoe, health"afe� V � y ly ±Ax •COUIQC L OF THE _-OIT•Y OF ST. PADOES ORDAIN: �� ,� t&ot, on 1: " That' there ie i►erebry ap opriated out of the otherp,��230fee tte of,the Police, Fund the sum of Five Thousand 7o ars "06,000.00) to be used only for,the purpose of purcha'eing".__..__ automobiles or.petiol4e onb'for °the Polios■department. Beotiont. This ordinance is hereby) dqo ersd to be an emer en y-0 rd oe, endered necessary for the preservation`"of the x ' ,public e. he�lth and safety. Section 3. This vi+dinanoe shall take`':effeot and be in force imine iately upon its passage and pubiioat on. EC 261919 Passed by the Council � Yeas ,.,,» :. Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss Aft McColl Plovers funderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Attest Approved DEC 61 Mayor a f An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved JAugust 16, 1919. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ThE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Section l of Ordinance No. 5139, approved'August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Inspec.tor, Building, First Assistant . . . "Inspector, Assistant. . 125.00 95.00 $150.00 $125.00 Building, Second . . . . • 175.00 "Inspector, Sign aid General . . "Draftsman, . . . 0, 95.00 $135.00 $125.00 $150.00 Senior Architectural . . . . . "Inspector, . $150.00 $175.00 Chief Plumbing . . . . . . . . "Inspector, . $125.00 1150.00 Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . "Instructor, Junior Llayground.. . . . . . , . ,.$ 70. Q0 $ 90.00 "Instructor,.Senior Playground . . . . . . . .$ 80.00 0100.00 "Superintendent of Playgrounds and $115.00 0250.00 130.00 0 Public Recreation . . . . . . . 2)0.00 $250.00 "Park Policeman . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 115.00 "Matron . . . . . . 60.00 $ 70.00 • ::Watchman . .+ . 85.00 95.00 Engineer, Chief Mechanical (Parks) . . . . . . . I 125.00 150.00 Foreman, Park . . 95.00 135.00 "Gardener . . • • • • • . • 95.00 $125.00 Tree Trimmer . . , . ,.. , 100.00 125.00 "Repairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85.00 $115.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: .1 Inspector, Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 1175.00 "Inspector, Sign and General. • . . . . . . . $150.00 175.00 "Draftsman, Senior Architectural . . . . . . . .'$160.00 $180.00 "Inspector, Chief Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . 160.00 1190.00 "Inspector, Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 : 175.00 Superintendent of Playgrounds and - 1130.00 Public Recreation. . . . . . . . . . $225.00 Director, Assistant . . . . . . . . "Park Policeman . . . . . . . . . . . .. $115.00 0250.00 130.00 0 "Matr"Matron . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on . . . . 65.00 75.00 . . .. . . •. . . "Engineer, . . . . 95.00 $120.00 $175.00 ChiefMechanical (Parks) . . . . . "Foreman, Park. . . 1150.00 120.00 $135.00 "Gardener . . . 125.00 $130.00 "Tree Trimmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$115.00 9125.00 "Repairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..115.00 $125.00 and the said section 1 be and the same hereby is further amended by adding thereto the following words and figures: "Inspector, Chief Elevator1150.00 8170.00 "Mechanical Engineer, (Building Construction) 175.00 175.00 If Organizer (Playgrounds) . l50.JJ 8150.00 "Supervisor (Playgrounds) . . . . 1130.00 1150.00 "Playground Director, Assistant . . . . . . . . 80.00 1JO.00 0 Section II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendergd necessary for the preservation of the public peace,' health and safety. Section IIIA This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its pjassage, approval and publication, YEAS COUNCILMEN NAYS Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl ! ) Adopted by the Council Powers �•/ QU 261919 is ':Wunderlich Approved 19 Mr. President Mayo PUBLI9I3&D / ATTEST, JOHN 1. FARIOY, City Cierk. c r +a+A 4s PIP 57,1 An ordinan�e'to 777777777777 amend Administrative Ordinence.No. 5139, approved, August 16, 1919. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectioh` I, ,. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 51391 approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amend@d 'by striking out in said section the following words and figures: 116pector, Building, First Assistant . . , . 125.00 $150.00 "Inspector, Building, Second Assistant...... 95.00, $1254'00 "Inspector, Sign and General . 95.00 12540 "Draftsman, Senior Architectural ......... 135:00 150.00 "Inspector, Chief Plumbing .... 150.00 175.00 "Inspector, bing 125.00 .Plum 150, 00 .. "Instructor, Junior Playground 70.00 90,00 "Instructor, Senior Playground ......'... 80 00 100.00 , "Superintendent of"Playgrounds and Public Recreation $200.00 $250.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Inspector, Building . 150.00 0175.00 "Inspector, M 1 150.00 175000. �'Draftsman, Senior' Architectural 160.00 1180400* 11Tnepector,`Chief Plumbing 160,00 190-00 inspector, Plumbing , ...... , , 150-00 175.00 "Superintendent of Playgrounds and Public Recreation . 020&00 $250.00 and the said section 1 be and the same hereby is further amended, by adding thereto the following words and figures: Inspector, Chief Elevator # 150.,00 170.00 :'Mechanical Engineer (Building Construction) , . 175.00 175.00 Athletic Organizer (Playgrounds) , '.. . 150.00 150.00 .,,Supervisor (Playgrou#ds) . 1130#00 150.00 "Playground Director, Assistant . 80,00 100;00 Section II. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section III. -This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance Not 5139, approved August 16, 1919, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaed) health and THHOUNCIL OF THE CITY V �SLIAUL DOES ORDAIN: hotion L ;V That Seotion I OfOrdinaPoe Not 51391 ORO* hpot 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by4triking out in said. section the following words and figures: "Park Policeman . . . . . 100.00 115.00 "Matron . . . . . 60.00 70,00' "Wateinan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85:00 95.00 "Engineer, Chief Mechani "En cal(Parks). 125.00 150-00 "Foreman, Park 95.00 135$00 Gardener . . . . . . . . 11#00 125.00, "Tree Trimer .. 100.00 125,00 "Repairman 85.00 115.00 andinserting in:, lieu thereof the following words and figures: 'park P01joetan 11500, 1130000 , "Matron 0 0 0 0 65:,00 75A. "Watchmn 1 95,00 120,00 "Engineer) Chief Meohanlcal(ParkB), 150,00 17500 "Foreman) Park 12040 1135,00 "Gardener 125#00 1130.00 Tree Trimmer . .. . . . . . . . 115,01 125,00 "Repairman .1115.00 1125.00 Section IL This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, Section III. 'This ordinance shall,tako effect and be, in force immediately 'N':� :� - - n� oxlaxx� ro CITY OF ST. PAUL , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Fo*W A 0,191.18 .�UDITED`CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FL>xcrL C TR WiM AUDITEDDE ..............191....... , ER,.. ....... .. �26 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor,of the; persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement,' Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V) Nay's Adopted by the Council.... ...::. r Clancy Farnsworth ............. In favor p ved.... ._ .............. ... _.............. .. . 191' GI�Sr Int e/ V _........ ...... .Against _..�....__..._...._......._.._.........._.._......._.. _....4 /. r' k ;McColl MAYOR Wunderlich Mr.,President, Hodgson g �QNe, P +iiy �� �1 9.30; Total1A00�64 i ..u.0 Y. CITY OF 8T. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER c� j COUNCIL No ...... t,« Ae,trne AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR FILE � ............................................................. AUDITEDDEC..1..",.1919.................1 C TRO ER / PER ........... ............ .........................................,... 1260 ` TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Teas ( V' ) Councilmen ( V) Nays t) Adoptedby th uncil................ ............... I ................................ :._191.....:_. Clancy iLU Farnsworth In favor ov ........ 191....... k" Goss is a2 u Agamst ......... ..... ............._._.........._....................................... _..................... Masox u McColl C F No 1761 �brtraot Wunderlich MbheA that �rtrtapu bel EtaWn �rtbe"thr c1t Tnupet; Aayebl$�otlt bt Mr. President, Hodgson �ioror�r uipo►eeq tphde;:agd ip i t prmr br roel 0, f �oer;Co�4�e�a>no�ypt ret oppi�gt a �(ptF� !' �I 16073 Jane; Fales School 74 Perkins -Tracy Printing Co., Health 64.75 P. Bldg. -Design, & C. 15.85 Parks, Oper.& M. 15.85 Garage 21.00 75 N. C. Robinson, 91k. Dis. Ct. Misc. & Unf. 43.35 P. I. R. F. -Court Costs 129.30 TTT. ff 76 H. & Val J. Rothschild Playgrounds-Oper. & M. i 77 St. Paul Gas yight Co., Gar age 242.80 School-Oper. 554.14 Auditorium 20 84 =7779- 78 Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Co., Pol. & Fire Alarm 79 Wallblom Furniture Co., School--Bew Equip. 80 Wayvell Chappell & Co., ` School -N. Equip. 81 Weiskopf Paint Co., Fire 82' Western Electric Co., Police & Fire Alarm Total` X1,810.69 L Resolved, That permission b and is hereby granted the Northern States Power Co axiy to erect poles and croasar arms, and to string the rz cessary wires thereon: Uset^poles on Pam Avenue ;from Arch Street to Sherburne TVe:rrs — - e, Said poles and w-2 to be placed and the worms to be done under the direr motion and to the- satisfactio rte= o f ;_the Commissioner of lm- _ -- 11 c Works, said Company to pear the cost of inspectir3- and the engineering, and the poles and wires to tam removedwhen requested by t� a Common Council of the Cid - __ or St. Paul, this permiseic=w==m�- 3s Is granted under and pur ant to the terms and provia `-2- -oris or Ordinance ,P-545. apps ad Dec. 26, 1906. Orme- tco-.*rt� � _ - S.atla+' tHe�dtrbetle cat�m�s'� - _ a ;ot tem 44I � � ti9`vc""Yer+� v4�s- i �tb ueltedt Uy p 3k ��eX }Idpie Yeas (✓) Canacilmen C ✓) Nays Va Adopted by the Council ------------- ------------ Clancy _ CITY OF ST. PJL f d Council Resolution---�evxeral Form Departmeat Q# Bureau of Council Date 192 d• By - - P - tzcQOLVED� aul Gaa nen Litht C—,,any le hereby ordered and directed to ezt-1 T— eZ rr� 1 liby e—tine >wa an led .-i—Ins,res withezeoa f— ex— m. tranaisalon of clQetrstT-aa aaad is the ollowint alleys and streets of said clb : - - -- - -- I,ri s t a.1.Z One poke gra. Walnut Street,south of Fxchaxae Street. Two poi e S 32m the alley north of Bleanor SATO et, between l+iil.ton Street and xve var.-t7- Seventh Street. Commer-Q--:fL- —a ting. Twenty -o n� iso] -.ea on Fisher Street, betvw4� s-'iary and Street and -La 4a , and ons M=w v-->3 a' am Phalen Boulevard south Avenue. Muni c i ir-*a3. Y1ReCted la er, X, ta; zF.1 etent[a[.yyo of tt-toe', et ii19Yohanit4 Etlee G> - - -- - KfTYro �gpgx in§ k��.^ T •t'.r^ 3oii ( - - leanor,' ».t�eq�',,, W4.�irflnCh - tSooAma]'�sl ltt7it_ - - - iitd y8,fiA� 4» egntq 9 AntIPRW > 4 ft - yleeoF. do the dtYei'. n o!i tneComaitUwltiibnee'.}4*ei ►dd.,}tYdsll�'thftt6t.a' - -AFLiR fly qt OiM1ff►ttnea.N `•. trona of thg all All �gleexn6ntd ma�c�-E4as��. ioca All of ar+ -31�m — Holds and wire hall be ted ltdf4.tni id dtiys�(ata�—� Lib1L Co i.a:saer of Public Utuitiea and ;a all tbiats .-'bi— to thea �— F Ordiaaaa No. 2424. vad f all Co L� d�11Att' :a=F"4nZilM _ _ All vol a laoal3 It— >�r las ah location t wd allm 'dee�i[> aipi: tea b��' b �'w"��; � to d shall. be of anch beisht sad character he -)--Il deai�rar t>: spyrover. sad aa7 sad .11—h yoln shall egtQs^ .lt`st� "sII+ts� vnd, vhewver the Couaeil ahas dexm t)>st tM _ yu ei:c intaore at av z,�.aa� aaa Shan it .b.11 ao order. � :tho hand ennh t.tr,aaa�-�-�-- �• "'aasad�>`� - Adopted by the Council AdQDted� the 9 - Yeas f ) Councllm •Aypy$vi`c�s'o �. Nays GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND APP= 21 KELLER M r_ President, IRVIN Mayor g U -CITY OF ST PAUL ouricil Resolution---C_xenerat . Fon Department of Bureau of .�# �sl;Tice-kwmy�lp � itcora'�•.r . . . �: alreeeeiK'ro� eactead -,tr,..=.r .; ►�ti-Q a �R�fu>�B- :'S.^ir--� -: a Council File No _ r'17ate Presented 191 By _ RESOLVED, 1Lat the St. Pawl Gas 1< :eht Company in hereby' ordered and directed to ez i its e2K4iea1 lines by ereetin voles and atrineiue wires thereon for the paoamiseion of dectrictY oa d_ iia the fo22ow£ae alleys and atreen of mid city Install Three poi. a on ,7ooclward Avenue bett*reen '01 ve and bTohn Streets. Two poles os�. r orida Street, east of S ca a Street. Two poles �z2 �?�ie a11ey north of Ashland Avenue, First pole east and fir s : west of Aldine Street. Coralaercia 33z ti nom. Three pot oa Cypress Street, north ofanolia Street, and one pole So1.xt3:-x_ C>— MJTagaiol3.a Street. i¢unicipal 3:i- With With nece guys and anchors. All of such ezteaa'��_ got sad shall be erected and eovatrveted ander the direction sad sapen'oiaioa of the Commiisiener of Public UtiliNe and 3a atl tbintts ru L:t<t to the provisions f 0�.3ia:a� Nom 2424, anof all othv ]awful ordinantta and rwolutioan of .3- d C£ty of 9t. Paul. - A 1« les ahold he sz� za loatioa £a said alleys and streets as the Commlasloner of Pahlie u—jiti— a1a11 and eba11 be of sach hdeht and eh _= as i,e -hall [torte and appa:-avt_ sad aa loll ands pole nha11 be taken 4- - own and removed. and such w1r placed underground, wbmever the Council shall:dttm that the I,v�l:c hatemt so reeuires. zad �vlaea ii =3h, so order. Adopted by t�� Council 191 Yeas ( )iCouncilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS MCCOLL WUNDERLICH n' ^ A r _ � '. 191. EIYLAND App r, p�Mr. President, IRVIN - - Mayor fy %o —�� J . i I Ai ) , ,�a 1 x� r W111iams Co. 16096 Sh©win ° �' %TM School=M� 83:30 �, Earka-t�p�r;. 47:;04 � tr,�f , i �� . 20 'i67.72 Va�,: ,�7 . 67, ' �'I' ire Street C 328:x2 .� , , " p�v Como 2 3,,,�,�:' 80 - - 2,76772 $ e ,�' ,,.4 , l , - ;jl E 5' 4e N:ti' ' ?,l ,, .. 7;'... I, r 1bf26�i�16, • 1: I Total t`'' s e6 vr'' I NI ?li .� I, 'il I .�i I fl 1.�r,�%I�,� a 4);,;„r; f e �f• jf � ) .l� I F' ,j, f f t :41�'' ( ”, ',, 1 t , 1 ,,, 1, I tf,�n tl 5't ! !l I \ . rl 1 11 !, Y ryl f ' ,. ,' "" 1. J.+ , t ,'' a -sf: -. C p �I `V a :a. 1 '� -. �. *' YY.- . �$ �.�i if . "I I, R �„ , I l N' tt, ,, 1 :� ' b i Ij; % l , jar 1 I Qh ' a ,y a , y,, - ,. .. .. :- , i" `Y ., I r )' I' `i; 1�. f I { s +fp c y'. tai ��I, ; t '+ t�' 1 • 7 r 1. 4. I A i 1 F i ; , , � , * , ,� . " I", --�� � ,, -, ,. "�� """. � � � �, - . I � I � " , , , , ,� , I � . . I I � I I I I. � . . 11 I I I . � , � � , I : , � ., � : " I , ,� I �' 1 ;,� tl',S � , ,. r' w- I { °fa�'1�V�`'«' 6 n "Rim CITY. 'OF, ST. PAUL F LUNea ISO. — OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK T 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTEn BY COMMISSIONER---- —----------- ----------------•-.................................................... -.---....................DATE............... ..... ...... ... RESOLVED Th$t tice pWOper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to the City ewmc-L Co-u my Eospital the sum of $24.15, out of the fork- men'sAccount of the General Fund, for hospital care and' t=aaL-bmeri-U to one Anthony Eaokl, a City employe, who was in- jured 0<3ti4mober 17th3 1919.E I recommend the above resolution for passage. ssioner of Education. �i3itefl,.�`fF` Yes (�)-Couneilmea < T� I�Tays - COUNCIL RESOW710N-GENERAL FORM �? _ ..... _ M°�ac« No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOExev _ NO...__� C . 04 .•...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -COUNCIL- RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ` PRESENTED BY i C COMMISSIONER:.. ................`.---•--•----------- - ------------ --- -•------------------- --r DATE.:,........... ......... – ' ..... RESOLVED' That the proper city Officers are hereby authorized to pay to the City and Qouaty, Hospital the sum of $23.55 out of the Work- men's Compensat ioa - Aocount of the Genera3 rand, for hospital care and treatment to o=ie Charles Otto, a City employe, who was injured August 9th, 1919. I reoommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner o Publio Works. urs AV, r x[wps lost -boo4 106; Dept. Parke, PlapgNunde Pante »pen. Adz�~� � 416:6.6 MIT i ly, i i { t t \ I a , 4 i,,fi A 1 1 r'' t �' � ..'I' dIII I' iN,o I i,�`I,�I'��) "!�I t \ z � V cow iri (l t r t, t f S , t + f t: still ills" SO v f F5 u •... �tk� il. .. " Council File No.::.-.�.. Val. J. Rothschild /PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT f and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p m improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Pave Princeton Avenue from Fairy w Avenue to Prior Avenue, inel�zding severer, water and .gas co ections-f-rom._et-reet- mai-ne ...... ....... to property lines complete, wher not already made, also in- c7uding curbing and paving all aria clrivelvay approaohes, where...naceasary........... .............................................................................. Dated this ........-.12th....day of ..................... .......De. embe.r....... ....................... ... 191.9..... Councilman. IAC; F No. 2i670�beact: '.�Wlaereae. a"Itten Pr 0- r-, •' �jmakln� of the rollowan$ vl pave,Princetopri�r Axenl � �, WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making oi" the f6tldibitig impro Ment viz.: . ... ...Pave Princeton.. Avenue 'from Fairview Avenue to -Prior Avenuei_._._...... including sewer,....water...and gae_..connections. from street Maine , ....... to property lines complete, where not already made, also n- cluding._our-bing....and ... paving. ..alley ...and ...driv.eway...approac hes.,................................. where necessary. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .:r......_....................._...._-_..........................._ ....................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. e o owing o er a s elat4aeAa-said•-1mA.mUm ��.t. .r...................................--...............................:................................................................................................. whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of'three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. y'�...._. Adopted by the council..................".-...........191. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth CossP.!,:.Approved .........._ �r.A i_ 1_5J.,,............ 191..._... —"— �KelferP McColl Wunderlich ......... ..... ................. :.....--.........y... ................... Mor. Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) PUBLIBE=D/� CITY OF ST. PAUL �UNCIL RESOLUT,),ON_— GENERAL FORM SubjeL - --------- COUNCIL FILE N ............ ................. . ..... - .......... Resolved, 7. Yeas I) Councilmen I') Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich �ORMC A.9 3M9.-,10) Date Presented 191 Adopted by the Council, DIC1� 1914 rn In favor Approved 191 Against COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ;<_Q „a;' _. -, _ .. ...C' .--__-.-----..................................-----------........._.......------- under Preliminary Order ...........:.........�..---------------- approved ._i;':::':J.> .N. ka.•- .._ _...... - - ..:.. IntermediaryOrder ......... ..... ._........ .... _....----....................approved ..._---------_-_-:--- ------------------------------------------ -_............ ' A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. .' a., . a" :.,::.. Q.—: - ,, .. . c r.. �. ....... ......... ...........-... ..... ...-................................ ........ - .............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - 1i5 1 I .......1 191....... 0 Approved... nr� 15 1" i, ............................... ..d .......... City C1� _......_... ......: . :_ ............ Mayor. PUBUSISM/ f�� Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss % Councilman Hyland' _. Councilman I£e1lEr Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-7. ............................... ..d .......... City C1� _......_... ......: . :_ ............ Mayor. PUBUSISM/ f�� CI' AU REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter o£ =a 8 t ru c t i ng acent_t ile s_i dewa7 k -_6 feet _%ride on both sides of was eca s t set from Sydney street to George street, also on both sides of ow s r ee t :f voln Sydney st rest _to Robie at rest, __— _--__.__..._-.- under Preaimiasrp Or er appi-ove3---AUst 12th: 1919 - -- _ To the Council o£ the - itp o£ St_ Paul: The Commissia er o£ F'iaauce hereby reports as follows: The total esti**= wed amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----/ -------------- The estimated most pe:i•oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ e' f'U ----- The lots or p els o£ land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as 3 Y reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O E S C a F— -r1 0 N LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N Ass VALUATION South Z2 feet of 14 21 Nelson, Stevens & Kings 2750 Addition r��-- - YTo r Yi _—� - _ a �c -v •-.l1 -•.-••~.. Do --� 1 21 Do 200 14 16 Do 200 1 16 Do 100 75 12 15 Do 9 15 Do 75 8 16 Do 75 5 15 Do sf ,s— 18-V .,. . - "�a _ 7 15_ Do - TOTAL, PA DEP AR. OF FI REPgRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLSCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUfId?pa jjs��/ ///440��0 d •14 10 Nelson ens & Kingl a gStt 1 10 DO 900 14 9 D6 425 1 9 Do 375 1 Hage Plahe 10800 10 Do 300 9 Do 125 8 17 Nelson, Steven's & King's 75 Addition 7 17 Do 75 8 14 Do 50 . 7 14 Do 150 8 11 Do 175 7 11 Do 1700 8 8 Do 1175 (Ex. E.,20 ft.) 7 8 Do 1175 8 5 Do 375 7 5 Do 725 18 Aaroll's Rearrangement 225 . 1 Do` 75 14 17 Nelson,)Steven's & King's .75 Addition 1 17 Do 50 14 14 Do 50 1 14 Do 150 14 11 Do 300 1 11 Do 300 14 8 Do 1950 1 8 Do 2575 . TOTAL PA. DEPARW.. OF FI �• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - (B ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUYI 14 5 Nelson, Steven'e & Kings,.,-- 4675 Addtion 1 5 Do 1925 14 2 Do 350 1 2 Do 700 8 19 Do 300 South 50 feet of 7 6 19 Do 75 S.50 ft. of N. 100 ft. of lots 7 - 6 19 Do 875 North 50 feet of 7 - 6 19 Do 125 ll 8yrer's Rearrangement of 1800 Blk. 18, of Nelson, Stevens 12 and King's Addition 50 W.3ft. of 13,14,15,16 17 Do 1700 (Ex. W. aft. & Ex. E.53 ft. of 13,14,15,16 & 17 Do 2200 13 Do 1350 14 Do 500 15 Do 100 16 Do--- 1000 17 Do 950 18 Do 925 19 & 20 Do 600 . 8 12'`:, Nelson, Stevens & Kings Addition 2175 7 12 Do 37$5 8 7 Do 1825 7 7 Do 2775 . 8 8 Do 10725 . 1500 IF - ii TOTAL CITY Oi T, UL -- DEPARTMENT OF FIN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT aLSCK ADDITION VALUATION ..,/ 8 1 Nelson, Steven's & King's 2200 Addition. West of 7 1 Do 1975 75250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to . him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ �� X Dated.— o.._ ._.-/_./.---------191.q_-ld/.-.!/-:.� r- -- ---- ------- te. _--. Commissioner of Finance. O .Office of the Commissioner of Public Works� a RgC -. ate, -1 1 V Report, to Commissio/(/]er of Finance C.9, ,_ r 543) pUG 1S 1919 Au .r_ .........................191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File a o1B2..................... ...approved.. a..a ...... 1.,9.x..99.191 ......... , relative to. ............. Construct .a_._cement..._tile sidewalk, six ._feet wide,...._on.._both sides.: of Waseca .. ........ ........... Street from Sydney Street to George Street; also, on both sides of Bellows ...........................z........ ... Street from Sydney Street to Robie Street. ........................ ..........................................................................................................._.........................._................ . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ....... .............................. and the total cost thereof is $.........._,...__. ..................... ...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... .................................................. .............................................. ._..._.. A 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................................... _. 5. Said improvement is ....................... _...... asked for upon petition of three or more.owners of property, subj4t to assessment for said improvement. ..................................... . Commiasi er of Public orks. I CbUNCIL FSE Ng—,-:. ".....1........ By..... Ls'. .................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....�;1 �.,,7." _� RQ ``, .,: -' �. - - _ ......... .......... _...... ..................-_._._...__.._......__....... .... _............... ............ ................._. .....:......._..........._ . -,,_, - under Preliminary Order ...._........_moi=:i:�.:;......................approved..._._...,;.L�.,.._ti.i..._.::'_.;........_................._..._- Intermediary Order ................. ..........................................approved.----------- ------ ........... .................... ..........:.......... .__.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pad that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment went to be made by the said City is....:;".'::.'-�:•.:-.:-.:�....-:� - °-� =� ._:.:.; c<, - • -•-- . ........ `ter U,.LN� �1 G ............ -.......... _t ................................................................................................... ... 3 ........................ k............................................-.................................... ........... .................................................................................. RESOLVED FURTHE , That /theonmission�of Public orks be a is hereb struted a dire dto prepare plans and 8p ificationsfovement, d submit fime to th puncil for prov thatupon said approval, t e proper y offihereb nthorhz and direct to roceed vithof said improveme in accor —U. ther Adopted by. the Council...... MR Z7 1920 191........ 1 _....__......�._. .............................. City Clerk. ?7 1920 Ap roved ......:.. .......... M8 0 Y .............. 191 _...... 1 ,^ Councilman Farnsworth PjJ$j,I,9i�D�,_.__,� &upo-y Councilman Goss Councilman. Hyitmtk1 n -';a / Councilman'$ei%K 0 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich uf} Form B. S. A. 8.7, (giro of *t_ Paul i9eparfinrut of ruhlir marks M. N. LOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THF COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and zaking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 1, Pha- len Heights Park, under Preliminary Order #25692, approved July 3, 1919, and Intermediary Order 4,`27255, approved Fov., 13th, 1919. To the Council of .the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvemert,ehowing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Dated Commissioner of Public Works Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo&REcEIVEt) 12 FpRNg� Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 4 1919 Augus t...la_t.?...._._......_.............191. 9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, havinghad under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Jul 3rd 9 25692............approved .._.......y............._°..............191........., relative to.._.._.............._.._. cil, known as Council File No.........._........_......................._.... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes ....._................................................................................................................................................ _........ for outs and fills in .grad_in.g__alley..._n.__Bl_oo_k._l._,.._Phalen_._Hei,ghte.._......._........._..... Park from Frank Street to Orange Street...'.._ ........ ...............:.................. ........... ...... --.......... ......... ................ ...................... .............. ........._.................. ...................... ..................... ......................................... .................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._......._.......necessary and (or) desirable. ARX?..........., and `L. The estimated cost thereof is_._..-..... and the total cost thereof is F...................._...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _...._. . _............... _................... ..................... ..................... -............................................................. ._.._......_........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ........................ ... _.............. _. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............................................... ..... C ui-si-er of ublic Works. 41 f i CITI PAUL 21'1 9 DEPARTME F FINANCE �? �.. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r11 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary -for----_ ------ -.---_—_ In the Matter of ------------ - - - ---` slopes for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 1, Phalen ----_----------- -. Heights Park, from Frank street to Orange street, - - --- �. f r_------- - - -- - - - - July 3rd 1919 under Preliminary Order approved ---------------------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: " The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $--- --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Phalen.;Heights Park 450 2 1 Do 400 3 1 Do 400 4 1 Do 397E 5 1 Do )-------- 6275 6 1 Do t 7 1 Do 725 8 l Do 650 9 1 Do 650 10 1 Do TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. 0•3 A_- /3450 107J— CITY PAUL I DEPARTM F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATI9PN 11 1 Phalen Heights Park 3600 12 1 Do 650 13 1 Do 625 14 1 Do 3425 15 1 Do 2775 16 1 Do 575 17 1 Do 525 18 1 Do 550 19 1 Do 425 20 1 Do 375 21 1 Do 375 22 1 Do 400 23 1 Do 1600 24 1 Do 400 25 1 Do 400 26 1 Do 400 27 1 Do 3225 ' 28 1 Do 1950 29 1 Do 3775 30 1 Do 2875 ,0 d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to. him in reference tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - 191.={---` - - - /'//rly. 1...-------- Dated - ---- - - -- Commissioner of Finance. rOPM 8.9.,1. 89 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERS `f ce) .Estimate for _ .G1CgC� Lh... q l'....... 1,1 k j _.- -. I....? H A_h.C— N �. _ L'- 1 �i. T. S �P. c�.i� From ___.� C4r1� �,.. To.. -_ Crc�he'e .... ...�.. C. F. No. i,5 b9 3, Approved 1 ?�_ '�' 191`I. 9.7 23,- 1919... Lengtht2..�{.j.1.I...Ft. . Width Street .. Ft. Frontage �.,. Q.. 4 Ft, - - - Roadway z Q..... Ft. Excavation___.. .... _. P! 'S Cu. Yds. at - Embankment at _1,47q1 -f-) .. at S"'�ci (2S7/•g`y� � :Surfacing at _. _. �) 1 •.. ✓ •• at 3 O ✓ 7770 Dark Loam ...._........._. ..._... _. _.. at Borrow ,• at Stone Gutter Sq. Yds. at Lumber, (Boz Drains) Ft. B. M. at E _.......... per M. .__... .... _. _.__... .. Curbing Straight _..._._...... _.. _ Lin. Ft. at " Radius ....._..ft. at .............. Catch Basins at • Side Inlets at at ,IF"•' 1�,.,� V--appp tf nS E. Inspection 2% , Estimated Cost E /So.3 Ste' — Calculation by-• Approved by .• 1919 I Cost per Front Foot S - / 191 Excess Inspection Form 51 A 8-17 1 - - - ---- - • LJ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERS I t P'ei._Estimhte for_ ��1-.cAc� CI --of -'a l J..e-L -. -..z '-'K,.. ! ° �.-�.AJ— E -N.... 1-4 -F- i C ' T From C. F. No. % 'S. 6 9 3 . App1-oved I Street 2 O Ft. Length '.. _,._I, _. Ft. Width Frontage ).y 3 --`✓•'_.j Ft. i, Roadway ��...�'? .. Ft. Excavation....... _. _. _. 77 -7-.(2� Cu. Yds. at Embankment at __... 1..J-T-.'--'•�.._.- - _.. at. Surfacing at ___ _.... _... __. C7- �. • ..Q. at -7 -7 l I U Dark Loam ___...... _.._.._.. - •• at Barrow I <I 'L G- o at .=, o 7 1 3 00 Stone Gutter Sq. Yds- at Lumber, (Boz Drains) Ft_ B. M. at S ...___ per M. ._..__.... _.__.___ Curbing Straight_._._ - _. _.. Lin. Ft. at ___._...____ ...._. Radius ........-.- ---- " ft. at Catch Basins at Side Inlets at at 1-4 0 0 �I CI FYI GI=�� E Inspection 2% Estimated Cost 55510 3 1 10 s '2 azo Calculation by 1919 Cost per Front Foot Approved by 191 F-- Inspection Form 51 A 8-17 - 1741,fi '-I-r'r 1.............. ------c---.F.=......s... r. FOUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GE R �L ORM Ru M bject:........................................................................ --------- ------------------------ o.. N 127 Ll No .............................. ...... .......... .............................................. .......------- ...... .. ...... ........ Date LseatedDeo. . . 15, 9 ........... ..........................191....... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in :B-Loalr 1. Phalen Heights Park, undbr -Preliminary Order #25692v approved July 3, 1919, and Intermediary Grdta= #k7255, approved November 13, 1919* . The Commissioner of2'7abllc W'4rks having submitted his report and plwtokL in the b - ve It er, i t Resolved Thar t Imle C:L-t;y O;r St. maul f &es d/ ti f� t t� le'r to 6 :k!i fo t4e a 4ort pe , fq'r 0 uTis he bo e determines name t ;:�,, ",L,,� a tement and I., improveme?i in A P03a tlmle�fp d UuttjZR &the.�ey Mlle "I , anjFtl 9 in Block 1 ale lle�:Lg74"ds Fa ta-'the;exte t Sao tt -t �-fih E�portxof the �ommisaione on thex'sketch ac ed e4 /ted,/be ber Vans, or n em 0 a kA tte 40' :LF- - k 1_ t ]�k4 w- 7or k. 3 F19'j/ 0.vchu�l i t,h nd re�yibxt hereb$r refe4ed Vo an, made el ,'EL part'�Kere vr Z' Yeas (V) Councilmen M Nays Adopted by the Council Approved f1ha 2.7 1920 191 ........... . .... ... MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss favor ..............In Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council Approved f1ha 2.7 1920 191 ........... . .... ... MAYOR CITY OF%SIMK'kUL DEPARTMENT O� FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE;.t;- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter cNA_--=--Uradirtg alley in _13oc2t 1, __Phalen i-----ts_Psrk from Frank _ street to Orange street, _-__"_—__. ---- July 3rd. 1919 __ under Preliminary Order approved----------------- --------------------------------------- ------------ - ------------------ --------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - y $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - &of - - $---��� -- The estimated cost pe�' for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Phalen Heights Park 450 2 1 Do 400 3 1 Do 400 4 1 Do 3975 5 1 Do )------ 6275 6 1 Do )� 7 1 Do 725 8 1 Do 650 9 1 Do 650 10 1 30 344570 . roan B.S.A. e-ew '� TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ` Dated. / ......_191.1 v/ -t-------- ..............._ -- Commissioner of Finance. -. FORM B.S.A. - C - CITY OF fT 4UL - DEPARTMENT O INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C .. ., _ ,...., ._ DESCRIPTIO14 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED': VALUA I N'' J �Q Zi 11 1 Phalen Heights Park 3600 12 1 Do 650 13 1 Do 625 14 1 Do 3625 15 1 Do 2975 16 1 Do 575 17 1 Do 525 18 1 Do 550 19 1 Do 425 20 1 Do 375 21 1 Do 375 22 1 Do 400 23 1 Do 1600 24 1 Do 400 25 1 Do 400 26 1 Do 400 27 1 Do 3225 28 1 Do 1950 29 1 Do 3775 30 1 Do 2875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ` Dated. / ......_191.1 v/ -t-------- ..............._ -- Commissioner of Finance. -. FORM B.S.A. - C w The Ci-ty ('ouns&l of Saint Paul.''inn_ �nP�� Q -*S rontl tih= und:)rsigri3d prop;rty o,,.ners p3rrtition you to grade th3 ally in Block .!LI of tY.a Phal•sn Heights Park Addition. IUFA _, ' +ter R ;j N,THERN SILVE RANCHING FRED ROSEN. Pr..id-9 CORRESPONDENCE• ERNESY IRSER, T a �l 6: :"l aan Pw Av Sr. Pw M- DAVIDCARLSON.SenIl a n. Wiluae+Av W—..— GEO.W.BALDWIN.ADDroft a M...--. C�r+now . J �i%nesoL( a . .�L - - - . i3URL't�U t��� �ivGiiIEERS. x Office of the Commissioner of Public WcAsR c 1 ' PKwg 0'f'� Report to Commissioner of Finance o - AUG 4 1919 August 1st'191.9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Coinmissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26693 July 3rd, 9 cil, known as Council File No .............. ....................... approved ......._............. _.................. .................. ._............ 191 ......... , relative to. ....... ........... ....... .. .grading alley in Block 1, Phalen Heights Park fr.om .Fra....n.k Street . . . .. . to ..... .............................................................. Oranze Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...... ...... _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.30 per front foot 907.60 'l. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............................... .._, and the total cost thereof is $_..................................., and Assessable frontage 1398.4 ft. Excess inspection 17.80 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... .._........... .................................. ................ — ............. -..... ......... _..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................ .......... ......._......._..............._._................ .._.... ...... .................._...... ._...... ...... ................ ..... ......... ......... -...... _....... _........... ........ _........_...._. _............_............. 5. Said improvement is......... ........................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... .......... ..................................... _............. ... ......... ... ...... ................--- / Commissioner of Public W rks. n M(Mg of St. f{'aul L+ OSCAR OLAU99EN, Cn'tr Exo�x¢t• �tQa\hunt tlK.±'x{{Y --.— -_ J. e. CARROLL, SUPT. M. N. LOSS, COMMISSIONER AL/RED JACI[SONO.UPT, i xO..'A'.. R. T. GOURLEY. DE— H. W. GOERINGER, S11, ax[ M. S. GRTiEAI[, ENO'.... HCRROL*1 O= Exa�x[tn July 24, 1919. ?&r. u'. IT. Gose, . Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading alley in Block 1 Phalen Heights Park from Frank Street to Orange Street, in accordance with Council File 4'¢25693, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate........ ?A907.60 Cost per front foot......... 1.30 Excess inspection necessary, 17.80 Assessable frontage......... 1398.4 feet. Yours veryyjtruQlfy7, ESS/C Chief Engineer. `+{ July 24, 1919. Mr, M. N. Goes, Commissioner of- Publio Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading alley in Block 1 Phalen Heights Park from Frank Street to Orange Street, in accordance with Counoil File (25693, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate........ A907.60 Cost per front foot........ 1.30 Eadees inspection neoeestiary, 17.80 Assessable frontage......... 1398.4 feet. Yours very truly, 00 ESS/0 Chief Engineer. 1 r r A (iity of SL Taut OSCAaPLAU496N;:DIII[r olwe[w Etp rtaunt of f uhtte 30urks - --- [[w[ '. M. N. GOSIT. COMMISSIOMCR J.1.CARROLL,SUPT. y 11TIUITItl All [,Alw[. R. T. OOURIMY. OCrUTY X -MO JACKSON, SU". H. W. OOCTLINOlR, 9YwilOK owa - - N. S. cnttewKrewOlw[[e c. H. HlaROlq Oma[ lwm.... `+{ July 24, 1919. Mr, M. N. Goes, Commissioner of- Publio Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading alley in Block 1 Phalen Heights Park from Frank Street to Orange Street, in accordance with Counoil File (25693, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate........ A907.60 Cost per front foot........ 1.30 Eadees inspection neoeestiary, 17.80 Assessable frontage......... 1398.4 feet. Yours very truly, 00 ESS/0 Chief Engineer. 1 r la. COUNCIL P111H NO............................. y� FINAL ORDER In the Matter .°1tS.EE:f. ................................................................ .......-"--"'•-•eau..n_............... -'....................................................................... .......... _.....................................................................:i.xnt .!i:: ,: , ... '° ...... ............_................................................._.. ............... .... ...... ........... .................... .............. ....... ......rsni....V....=h .: a:+--i s+V::.-...�:..-............... �'Cr: to nlir; gid: .dT ,I •��r l��r.� .Ili7nl. ........................... .........------------------ .................. .-....................... --:duiion9 --J-, rrrt s: f, :G•i��r r `rh �:t„' run}t cm:aq rn , ........................... ................ ............. be i'trevvvrtrrtlo+ r -d n..................................... — under Preliminary Order ..........2f5of ac tf � 1i0i ......... be and It- 111ni-1,61- .w and .OSR[ it -t:.11. G-- ' Intermediary Order .............................i_ .I'..........................." IabPrHdd ................, A public hearing leaving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the preeise-a mem sr�..l.arl�y. ,, t...tD.. n ...�l�r..x�t ��, a� � .� ?ta.�u ... ..............................................< ........................................... ........................................................ I.................. ... I................. ...... ................ _......... ............................................. ............. ........ ................. ....................... I.................... ........ _.....__......... ...........__....._...:....... ........................................... ........ ................ and the Council hereby orders aid improveme to be mad,. y d � RESOLVED FURTHER That the Co saiIm of Publ' Works be a is hereby ' tructed dire ed to prepare plans aXap8cations fors improvement nd submit//adore to the Cc cil fora royal tha .upon said approvaoper city o isle are hereby uthorized aGd directed to roceed w the alof said improvemeordance erewithr ✓✓✓MAY ' Adopted by the Council._...................... 111920...............................191........ . �/Aei`✓1 .`... � City Clerk. Approved ..._.......... MAY _.11.192q................. 191_.. _. � Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss CouncilmanHy1myd_ C? ncy Councihnan ;8ellest Councilman McColl 1 Councilman Wunderlich ,. f Mayor Rviwt ,, Hodgsor. Form B. S. A. 8-7. T �9e, tt_'e lirdt°rsis:r.ed, be4n o•Fn, -s of prop rt: adjcininrr Terwin 3t, between lermain 3t, and Flardreau 5t,, do hereb,, petition that t•_e gradin�2: of Kerwin 3t. alone; the tno blocks aforesaid shall ',e indefinitely postponed until at least a majority, of the prcpert; holders affected shall be £oijnd to be in favor of the �Tradinp ptoposed, NAME A77RE33 RESCRIPTIO2 OF LINEAL FOnT PROPERTY FRONTAGE' 0117 �,, ,,_,';.,, ,_ � ''; ,• , ; .- = �"�y c? _ ,yid . jV�.. t� /5rr ' L ar "elef'(o' ..4 rtr,, , J. �. r pr �4' Afi& F. 101, 1>%:!a -�"�,4,"�„r �•�� ��d�`n,� ,�+ t,, moi' •�s ., ;✓�.i y';��I.�u.�.,_!"�� a•�'� '4�': C.�, t.61- , /l! j '• i +! f / r I `jJ Cr/ l!� �F - /• �/ 69 es. City of St. Paul. County of Ramsey.�M lylzela_ ) V , being duly sworn, on oath deposes and says tha affiant i o of the petitioners herein, that af- fiant witne ed the signatures herein and knows the same to be the signatures of the said respective petitioners, and that they sign- ed the same as their free act and deed; that to the best of af- fient's information and belief said petitioners are the owners or agents of the property herein res esti described. t: Sub ibed and before me this day of 1920. terry Public, Ramsey Coyy��}}ty Minnesota. " My commission expires &T _/O, �9a-� PAUL FINANCE REPORT OP EOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Its ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Grading Keryri7l` s t T'Qm Germain under Preliminary Order approved S e'12 -t– Amb e r 16t h. 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby, reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $�` The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ j • 7 d — The lots or parcels of land that map be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �i DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 4 Denelowl s Rearrangement of 75 of I,Ots 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12' 2 4 !Bloch 2, Lots 9,10,11,12 50 12,14,15,16,17,18,19, Block 1 4 ;3 a.nd Lots 11, Block 4, 50 Cruickshank' s Garden Lots 4 i 2 Cedar Park, St. Paul 50 3 2 Do 56 2 2. DO 750 1 2 DO 50 rwin St. W.'� o� 3 S. off Ke ( 2 Cruickshank s Garden Lote - t 1025 Do (E.* o€ ... 3 2 Do 425 — -- ---- — _ Do 2 Ii'OR-S.A.S-3A-�.--e--�..- 2 Do 3876 Yf �ITu� T OF F[NAN GE REpC:>F2T OF COM SSIONEF2a OF FINANCE . - - ON PRELIMINARY OR�EE2 .- - - ASSESSED - DEtuCRIPTION LOT SL.ocic VALVA]'1 N (o Dv0 3- 2 Albriglit Addition - • 125 15 4 Birming3maaz0 s 2nd Addition 1251 14 4 Do 1Q01 3-3 4 Do !1a,0 -- >2 4 Do ,1001 I 11 4 Do 260-1 ! ... 10 4 Do 100 9 4 Do 10,0 8 Do 10;fl i 7 4 Do 100 6 4 Do 100 1:450 5 4 Do 4 4 Do_ lop , 3 4 Do i 100 2 4 Do 100 3- 4 Do -ISO 4 3L De Ioi -0 v s Re -arrangement of Lots 5,6,7,8,9,10,11; 5 1 12, B1 ac3s 1600 6 1) 7 DC 5 1 Cedar Par3z, St. Paul 001 00' 7 1 3D0501 8 1 Do i Cruic3sshara3�� a Garden Rota North of Kerwin is -it 3 2 __ 425 Do 2 2 Dc 5_ = -- 8 2 Albright Addition 125 TOTAL i T_ PAUL IL DEP T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DEUCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 140.1 _ 16 3 Biz=inghaml B 2nd Addition i _ 17 3 Do .10I 18 3 Do Q ; 19 3 Do 100i 20 3 Do 1001 _ 21 3 Do 100; 22 3 Do 1001 23 3 Do 1,00! 1b0 24 3 Do 25 3 Do 26 3 Do 100 27 3 Do 106 '. 28 3 Do 106 29 3 Do 10Q 30 3 Do 100 !i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, _.__-.-.. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to - him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of ]Public Works. Dated L..�_ Lv----------- -- 191- �_U_ FORM B.B.A. 0-D C Commissioner of Finance. • 'O'MALLEY & O'MALL.EY - ATTORNEYS AT LAW 616 GLOBE BUILDING . .ST.FAUL.MINN. AUS t 15th, 1919. A �\ U Hon. Commis oner of Pu'rlic Works, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, ;jinn, sota, �8 D-ar Sir; - I an; ad -iced th'%t an Order is in the Council for the gradin- of Kerwin, Street from Flandrau to VanDyke St. On the other hand, I <.m also advised that Kerwin Str6et has 'Dean traded to clermain Street. This would leave but the two looks :nom Oe m-ir. to Flandrau un raded. It seems to me that now is a ver,., orrortune time to hav_ :has:; two `.looks ra.dad. I am intere<:ted in the .1712 of Lot 3, dock 2, Czuic,:she.nk's :,arden tots, which h--,s a partially completed house upon it ar.d it is ap;,arently impossi le to do ar.r`.hin; further with it until the Street improvemc;nts are in. The -rent ^f this yrope'rty on Yerwin Str,-ot is 100 fent. It stcnds of record in the neamo of .._ y A. Kurkoski. I therafcre res- pectfully request you to pres=nt an Order to the Connlon Council for the oradin.- of yerwin Street fron-1 uez-m in to Fl .ndrau . Very ±Uspectfully &*;1 aff nv0' i4?-f TT clow, d Y Or .AMI*ATION CIXO�, lYYT. - YDrCOt.[DTIOXt IAN !N INY[X U r.tiDaYY, fL.D, O(rle.lX.IX[tN � Mr. •M. N. Goes; Commissioner of Publio Works,, 3 u. 1di'ng. Herexith preliminaryestimate of oost of. , Qredincr Kerwin Street from oermaln street to �og��ea p h Office of the Commissioner of Public WprksFI v r. Report to Commissioner of Finance l OCT 291919 October 29th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__26594 approved ---- September 16, 191_ 9, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the --land necessary for - - - - --------------------------------------------- slopes, for outs and fills in grading Kerwin Street - from ---------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ _Germain _Street_ to_ Flandrau Street ----------------- ------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-----_ Xx __, and the total cost thereof is $---- g --- and _--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. missioner of Public Works. _ 1 - C,. PAUL DEPART T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM SIONER OF FINANCE "! ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - In the Matter of Condemnin and taking- an . easement in the land necessary -for .slopes - for cuts and filly in grading Kerwin street from Germain street to Flandrau under Preliminary Order approved--$b-r__16th., 1919 .-------.--------------....---._------.------.----------- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—=-��----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . - - - - $ -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 4 Denslowls Rearrangement of 75 Lots 5,6,5,8,9,10,11,12, 2 4.Block 2, Lots 9,10,11,12, 50 13,14,15,16,17,18,19, Bak. 1 4 3, and Lot 11, Block 4 50 CruI.ckshank's Garden Lots 4 2 Cedar Park, St. Paul 50 3 2 Do 50 2 2 Do 750 1 2 Do 50 So. of Kerwin St. (W} of) 3 2 Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 1025 Do (E.} of) 3 2 Do 425 -- ..___ DO- _... ._ 2 2' Do TOTAL. 3875 .. .��ORM ....A. 8.5A .. .; f. CAUL tt DEPAFC-IsIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B� A ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIONS 1 2 Albright Addition lSt 15 4 Birmingham'a 2nd Addition 125 14 4 Do 100, 13 4 Do. 100 12 4 Do 100 11 4 Do 250' 10 4 Do 1001 9 4 Do 100 8 4 Do 100' 7 4 Do 100 6 4 Do 100 5 4 Do 1450, 4 4 Do. 100', 3 4 Do 100'. 2 4 Do 100' 1 4 Do 160, 4 1 Denslow's Rearrangement of Lots 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 5 1 B1$. 2, Lots 9,10,11,12,13, 1600; 14,15,16,17,18,19, Block 3 6 1 and Lot 11, Block 4, Cruick- shank's Garden Lots. 5 1 Cedar Park, St. Paul K 6 1 Do W 7 1 Do 50' 8 1 Do 50, (No. of Kerwin street) 3 2 Cruickshank's Garden Lots 425 Do 2 2 Do 776 8 1 Albright Addition 125 .. TOTAL ` CITY AUL DEPARTI OF- FINANCE REPORT OF COM a .aIONER OF FINANCE - n ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION, LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION 16 3 Birmingham's 2nd Addition 100 1$ 3 Do 100 18 3 Do 100 19 3 Do 100 20, 3 Do 100 21 3 Do 100 22 3 Do 100 23 3 Do 100 24, 3 Do 100 25 3 Do 100 26 3 Do 100 27 3 Do 100 28. 3 Do 100 29 3 Do 100 30 3 Do 100 142$5, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that hehas investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. " - 191.. Dated .._ .. -;� - - FO9M 9.9.A. 80 C Commissioner of Finance. OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CXiln C....... XIIR[ J. E. CARROLL. Su T', ALPREO JACKSON, Surtr.cT�oX wr.o n[nw�R[ X. W. GOETZINDER. 9uRi'oR RRtcilEXs l.. S. ORYTBAR,EXoiXllrt ' . X. MERROLDrOrrKn En c�X ee rt. (Qitg of Ot. fain arpurtauut of Ilublir Warks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Kerwin street, from Ger- main street to Flandreau street, under Preliminary Order x'26594, approved Sept., 16th, 1919, and Intermediary Order (27256, approved Nov., 13th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shades, portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Fublic Work" Lateci _�=r___----- Fara A A 66, t N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL• OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No......(. / .: AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE '1369 e _, ..... 7 I�G.7 n p R L _. AUDITED ...DEC .. 94-9 """- 191.. .... yy}�••`%%`��`ry • � PER........'.-� . Z�/-.......���.....—--.��_��... —,. .. .........._ .... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City, Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: rrny � I 191.E Yeas ( V.) Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the C c' ...... ' .......... .._..... _..__. r Clancy cued Farnsworth ......... _.In favor Goss _ -7-i, _ I C F No 27616— MAYOR phetract McColl 1101oivea that '.warrang s je ou of tie herr atterYspeetffed. funds. and In Wunderlich favor; of the:yeraons, arms or:wrpora- Mr. President, Hodgson ,i �e°DDccuve aa�meoe as eneo�� aftin t followfsg'detafledatatement: .Ahltierg BeaTing-COmpanYi EB 62 CeatBtoae ConitlanY S2 676.06 FYed'R CLLrt1e, .1120 00 - Mra:'MarY Horan 1:12.52. T.'Si-S.il1Y 560.00 - Manhattan ,Ott '& '�Llaseed ComPmnY. 1 E449.77. 16119 Ahlberg Bearing Company, 8.82 Fire '16120 Cast Stone Gompany, 127.20 2,575'.05 St, C.p& R. n 1,559.61 Crosswalks 12.00 It 870.54 Parks 5.70 139'.00` 16121 Fred R. Curtiss Paving Como Ade. Ej 22 Mrs. Marg Horan.. 12432 Police ;. .- Y, 16123 T. is Lilly, Mech. Arts H.S.Library 60.00 16124 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 449.77 Mimic. Gar. Revl. 84.48 St. C. & Repr. 15.68 Sewer C. & R. 76.03 Schools 166.60 Library 1• 83 66.74 Parks :. Water" 20.54 Gaultier School Add.(Bond) 9� .8 Paving Como Ave. E. • :. S x Farm A A 11, 2 X 7-18 OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OFF THE COMPTROLLER ' r" AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEorL No........27-41- �• DECI± 1 �,. Y .. .................... ...: ........, �� LER -- U-...---:..' j YL� AUDITED ..........-. - ' ......-- ER.................................................................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen V ) Nays [' Adopted by the Council_.__.__..__.....-........�..._......._..........._.191_.. Clancyroved....._ C" 6 �Q ..... I" ..._._.......191__...._ Farnsworth .... .......... .In favor ..........................................._. ....... Goss _.-Against........... ... .......� .:.........._ V iyI.1.....YO.R . McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 16133 Keough Brothers, 75000 Grading Juliet-Falaoe-James and Maaalester 16134 Standard Stone Company, 1,164.29 Cement Walks Total 1,914.29 Res. -1569 Page #2 16125 Edw. Neumann,_ Police .16126 N. W. Eleotgic Equipment 00mpan7, Police 124.43 Pol, & F. Alarm 112.54 16127 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Library .60 Playgrounds 15.10 Water 4.90 " 1.75 2'2,355 16128 Alex Rice, Police 16129 H. J. Riordan, Oomptroller. 16130 Alice Sparscbuetz, Police 16131 Standard 031 Company, Parks 16132 victory Printing 0008My,., Bureau of ssessments 23.00 Uivil Service 17.50 Bureau of Engineers 15.00 Schools 34.44,00 Total 5,045.83 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM Subjedt: ---------- --------------- --- ----- ---- - ------- '6 1 Iq FILE N 0 ............................................ . ................... .................... . ...... .................. .............. Date Presented..__.-_._ - ... -.191.- - Resolved, c1 t -T oi, cOrs o .ioPolr -,,;'Clio'l draii a 2:.Vo-p of 0, .10, il ol cf 301_1�. ", cnsts of -:.'Ale, D It 11 t 1, 00 t f 3I, 0: o t Det t.0 1, o a, CI -"a to ovo, it L 1072) 1'. - Yeas ( 1,) Councilmen( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth G... 0 Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C A. 9 3M 6 -18 s Adopted by the Council191._ Approv191 .. . ........ In favor Against ----------- MAYOR Department Bureau of _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form No. Date Presented 191 SOLV ED,'I'hat the 5{. Paul G. Light Cempa., is hereby ordned ad directed to e¢tevd its electrical lien 6y ertclin¢ poles and stringing wtree thereon for the s iaeion of el.tricty o. and in the following alleys I'd streets of said city: Install one pole in the alley west of Fairview Avenue. north of St.Clair Street. With necessary guys and anchors All of each attevslans, pole+and what shall be erected avd covetra<ted under the dircctiov and supenisio" of the Commissiever of Public Utilitin I'd in all things ecbjeet to the pro.ialona of Ordivmea No. 2424. and of ali other lawful ordinances and resolutions of th< City of &. Paul. All polo eha' beset Iv such button in said alley, and etmts as the Commlasiover of Public Utilitin shall designate. and shell be a[ such 6ei¢ht and chatacty an i o hh later.11l •. so rteuiree rand and an fiat solo O fPOI. shall be take. down and removed, and each wires placed underground, whenever the Council shall dem that the Adopted by the Council n,7 it, - 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOS7 S McCOLL W UNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Y � „ CITY OF ST. PAUL` Council Resolution—GeAral Form Department of Bureau of Council Fi Date Presented 191 ByOf t' n d in the f lloww¢ alloys a d treeisofea dud yvddirectedtoextendivelectrigllivesbrerectivevoice and etriv¢in¢w'un thereon for the nst611 one pole on Front Street between Farrington Avenue and Gaultier trest. With neoeesary guys and anchors. All of each eztensiane, poles end wfree stall be erected avd covatructed under the direction aed eupenieion of the Commieeiever of Public Utllitic, and in all thione subject to the prmNivne of Ordivav<e No. 14]4. and of ell other lawful ordivancee end reeolutiove of the City of 9t. Paul. 6- jean d h' %a'oa pyrwv4 aha :e; as a ai sash poles she 1 be taken down dna cad. e d euth woe: placceed � de Round°whenever tLe council ehallddeem that the c ul le lvtereet ed reaule . and when it .hall en order, DSC 1` 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS Cc MOLL WUNDERLICH 71 y 1,I,, In 191 HYLAND Approv KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department Bureau of _ Council 0 No. Date Presented 191 t the St mine f Ilo tint Choi a nd, heetno[ said.d -d directed to eatead lU electrical i(oe. by erecaue Polo and .trincioe ntre. thereon for th. Install Two poles on Arundel Street, between Hatch Street and Front Street. Thre_b poles on Gaultier Street, between Hatch Street and Front Street. Municipal lighting. one pole in the alley north of Goodrich Avenue, and west of Finn Avenue. Commercial lighting. I With necssary guys and anchor�c E78E1—Edits ....,r --- Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDER QIIH HYLAND KELLER Mr. resident, IRVIN ( ) Nays 191 Appro�'_^ l � "`' 191 Mayor PRESENTED BY RESOLVED COUNCIL 27622 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ....... ...... ......... ............ :.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERk COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL qWM 2-f. Y. Goss ................................... DATE._ne.�.r.__15.,._..1919......_.. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to charge, as a part of the cost of .W,aving with asphaltic concrete the following street, to wit: Ashland Avenue, from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, the sum of seven cents roar equals yard to aid in the maintenance and upkeep of the City Asphalt Plant and as an off -set to depreciation and wear and tear on said plant. Further, Resolved, That the City Comp- troller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to %at aside from the paving accounts of above named street said Sum of seven cents per square yard and place to the cre"it of the Paving Depreciation Fund. yes (d) Councilmen (�) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 �cr 5 �41Q Adopted by the Council 0 _ Approved. _ ... .r. r.... In favor 19 Against..- ru CITY OF; ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL, NO..........N...i`➢2- ..... OFhCE OF THE CITY CLERK j NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE ....Dec...... 15.,.._.l.�.19......... WNYONAS Whereas, in the paving of Concord Street from Ada Street to Annapolis Street it was provided in the plane and specifi- cations for the doing of certain work in steel and concrete reinforcements over trenches in which house sewer and water service connections and also special sewer work was installed at a scale of prices therein fixed and in accordance with the said specifications; Whereas, It was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works to have the contractors, Thornton Bros. Company, perform the said work more particularly de- scribed as follows, 16312.3 lbs. steel reinforcement 1) 9 .06 $978.74 55.4 cu. yds. concrete 6.00 332.40 55.4 " excavation .45 24.93 _1336.07 Whereas, said work has been done and material furnished as provided for the paving of said Concord Street from Ada Street to Annapolis Street made in accordance with the require- ments of C. F. No. 14427, approved January 16, 1917; and the .plane for which paving were approved by C. F. 24259, approved February 19, 1919; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council hereby allow for all of the work as herein stated the sum of One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty=six and Seven One Hundredths (1336.07) Dollars as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-1053, dated August 6, 1919, for the making of the aforesaid improvement. Yes (%) Councilmen (J) Nays pFC 16 1919 Adopted by the Council 19 _ .... Clancy Farnsworth ( 1 191 Goss '' _ In favor APprov 19......._ McCall..:: D ' Powers Against j�MA ' "...`I YOR Wunderlich N L13I3T�1) Mr. President FORM 3M9'I9 CITY OF ST. PAUL {� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sublectt ....................... _ c --L •w N 27624 "'- PILE O. 1._..____._..._._._..._... Dece»Vor 15,9. Date Presented .. ................ _.... .................. ............ 191....... Resolved, In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for Public Square a piece of land bounded by Sixth Street, Washington Street and St. Peter Street, under Preliminary Order #26326, approved August 222 1919, and Intermediary Order #27275, approved November 15, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That des ete e &_Irvina�--Add��ie� 1. CC� xc...191Q.....i91...... Adopted by the Council .........`......... Approved................................ _................ 191..... Of . r . . '....,:. ................ ...................... . ............ .............. MAYOR jv Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓)+Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ............. _In favor Keller McColl - ........_._. Against Wunderlich . President, Hodgson ORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB CC� xc...191Q.....i91...... Adopted by the Council .........`......... Approved................................ _................ 191..... Of . r . . '....,:. ................ ...................... . ............ .............. MAYOR r LKS GOTT Tl1E TME 11 Mp�L►�R METROPOLITAN METROPOLITAN ST. PAUL LEAWNGTHEATRES MINNEAPOLIS OF TN• TWIN CITIES ST. PAUL. MINN. Dec. 11; 1919- S.A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minn. Dear P.Tr. Farns)wor.th: Your post card notice, under date of Dec. 6th, is the first notice that I have had that there was a pre— liminary order approved Aug. 22nd, of this year, to con— demn for a public square a piece of land bound by 6th t. Peter and Washington Sts. in thi$ city. This condemnation of property will very materially benefit all the frontage on this proposed square, and the greater portion of the expense of this condemnation should be borne by the owners of said property, and whatever amount is decided upon to be paid by the city of St. Paul, should either be added to general taxation or a special assessment made against all the property in the city of St. Paul „ instead of the expense being con— fined to a limited district.. If this proposed improvement is a good one for the city it would be just as beneficial to property on east or west seventh street, or in any other pot— tion of the city, as it would be to property owned by the Metropolitan Opera House Co. on Sixth Street near Robert. If it is an improvement that is desired and beneficial to the city'as a whole, the expense j should be evenly distributed over the enEilre city, dispo int of L and our company would strongly protest the proposition in any other way. Yours truly, 11 Metrop its Ope a Ho C pany,- n3*__ resident. v T",- �u ABBOTT - R COMA NY'> Erb IlOM1F.MlE ]SRfI.l1L�i(3 M07rneviE s p7amrz :E19.318 G®1wPII.tt1:F. ➢3mi.DIlv/3 INSURANCE eAmmw .vrarnlxv un�r RENTALS �E"Lig�I� l•A'®ilitVi. 'N'I'® RWI➢OAIHtOAORY nu.�-larmrcxrn Nov. 21, 1919. Lir. S. A. Farnsworth, Court House, St. Pciul, "Iinn. Dear Cdr. F=ns:vorth: The writer understands that there is a proposition before the council looking toward the proposed condemnation of the trian,�,.ular piece of ground at St. Peter and 6th Streets, othzr:^rise known as the Flatiron Building. As the owner of the adjacent property I would like �o know whether or not the property at 6th 8: Franklin will be or is likely to be included for the assessment for this project L,nd how far up 6th Street such s. -red is likely to extend. I can personally sae no'possible justifi.;aticn for an asse.gsrgent for this improvement Wither then upon the property adjacent, to this square and feel that any proposal to spread this assessment o#er a greater area is a decided injustice. I would be grateful for your reply to this letter at your entire convenince. Very tru y Y' -'urs' PF, i3OTT-IAILLER CO,,,IPAIdY CPA:EH BY a 1y i� -(J STATE OF idIMNE30TA ! E COUNTY OF R-,,UISEY CITY OF 3T. PAUL. 1a IN THE IeLSTTER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THF CONDEI,INATION OF BLOCK ONE (1) of RICE F: r•...rC.. 'r, IRVINE'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL. Now comes The ;Minnesota Loan and Trust Company, a cor- poration duly created, organized and existing under and pursuant to the :laws of the State of i,Iinnesota, having its prn4; place of business'in-Ainneapolis in said tate makes objec- tion to the foregoing proceedings and to the award therein made y ,v as follows: 1. Said objector shows that it is the owner in fee of an undivided one-half (1/2) interest in said Block One (1) of Rice & Irvine's Addition to 3t. Paul; that the proceedings , heretofore had therein have been had wit'4out actual notice to this objector; that the same ar �wi out legal oundation and i! are null and voidt 2. That the award of Dollars heretofore made in said proceeding for the tak- ing of said property is insufficient and inadequate and less than ''the value of said premises and that said premises are worth a sum largely in excess of said sum so awarded and that the taking ithereof for the sum awarded by the Commissioner will be a taking without proper compensation therefor. i WHEREFORE, your objector prays that said proceedings be dismissed. 'i II Its Atflorneys, 1010 Security Building, II Minneapolis, Minnesota. I. I TIS MINNE30TA LOAN AND TRUST 000ANY By V CATHCART, & MAXFIEED REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE • 401.9.3 MB CHAre NA oNAL BANK 13-DIN0 ST. PAUL, MINN. December 15, 1919. Mr. John I. Faricy, City Clerk_, Court House, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: On behalf of the Arcade Investment Co. which oi,,ns almost the entire square bounded by St. Peter, Fourth, Fifth and Wabasha Streets, and the R. Schiffmann Co. which owns the building at the triangle of Sixth & St. Peter Ste. & May, ket, we wish to protest against the assessment for purchasing the triangle bounded by Sixth, St. Peter and Washington Sts., known as Block 1, Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. We beg to remain, AC B EbTl8UWiW M90 JOHN L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS, INSURANCE IM E. FOURTH STREET. ' ST. PAUL. MINN.. U. S. A. Dec. 9th, 1919. , THE`HON. COMMISSIONERS: Gentlemen: I wish to withdraw my signature, as agent for Mrs. Marie T. Fry, from the petition asking for the condemnation of the property known as the Flat Iron Bldg. on St. Peter Str. 4 Mrs. Fry owns the Euclid Hotel and we under- stood when first approached, that the assessment would not be more than Seven or Eight Hundred Dollars, but Mr. Seamer informs me that it will be between Eighteen or Twenty Thousand Dollars. If this is a fact, the assessments far exceeds the benefits and is prohibitive, Furtherpore, I am informed that the property condemned is to be used for parking automobiles. If such is the case, we much prefer the building as it is. The space will only park sixty cars and to put the property holders to an expense of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars to park sixty cars, is ridiculous. The interest alone is Nine Tbfusand Dollars per year or One Hundred Fifty Dollars per car per year, for parking. I do not like to oppose any public improvemeYlt. but Mrs. Fry cannot pay this huge assessment and hereby withdraws from the petition for this improvement and objects to the same. Yours truly,n OSCAR CLAUSSE N. CN�e� Exoix¢ex J. E. CARROLLrSUEYlxeex. ALRRED JACRSON, S—i.CiioN wxo Re�wiRs N. W. GOERINGER. SuxY'ox lull— 11 M. S. GRYT8AK.,* xop ox• W" G. N: NERROLD•O¢ric¢ Exo�x [[¢ Titg of Ot..Vmd liapartment of Vubtir Vlarhs M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning, taking and appropriating for Public Square a piece of land bounded by Sixth street, Washington street,and St. Peter street, under Preliminary Order #26326, approved August 22, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27275, approved November 15th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,w'rich land is more par - titularly described as follows: Block 1, Rice a -Irvine's Addition to St -Paul. Com eszor of Publi rks Lated / / ? COUNC.................................................. , ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER , ' In the Matter of. G.{1 Lc1.C.:'u17.t...1 1;.; a piece of land boimded by Sixth Str ot, '.;asiii,.gton Strcet and^ St. .. ... .................•---...... Peter Street, :core aarticu'_arly described as Block: .1, Rice & Irvine's - - ----------- --_-__ --- .............................................................- ....---..............................--------..............................._.. ... Addition to St! Paul. -------- ...................................._...... ..............................................at �3nnd *$Opnaed "hY '8 , .. ................................ g',4 .............. yphlhgtup'. '9tree� and .. simer ,nore�aryih>Ftans 22 1G19. under Preliminary Order .. G�26 moclr r nte9 8clrvSne'a Au -•----. ....p,,:;BC Iiaa�, v6doT PFe14r:. ane ..... ?.. ............._.. ...... 96 .aPPrae r `, z, r. The Council of the City, of St. Paul hat e Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rep8i«t; ]1@GY reelves: ie 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby apprnV6d- and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Conder.Ln, tta;e and appilog_ _.,.to.. for .... _, blic Square a piece of land bounded by Si xth Street, .ir;ton Strcet and St,�.etcr Str7et, ;:ore par,_calarly described _...as _........_ .... . -- _ .............I..... .......... ................... as Block 1,'s,icc � .rwinels _Cidition to St.. Paul. ......... ....... _... .... ... ............. ....- - .. _._ . .. - _ ._ .................. ......... ...................................... _................... .......... ._............. ... ....... .... . ............... ........... ...................._..............._....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._.15Q,JO,,-00 Resolved Further, That';a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................1Gth day of h .........oCe;rber� 1919_..-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the .............. Court House and City Hall', Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. KV 15 1519 Adopted y tieoCouncil ....................................... .. 191. j� J� ..h ..f. 4.'.^:i.... .......... ... .. .. .. Clerk. PP '1 A roved ........................ ........::............... 191......... �� ... City Clerk. l` _...... ...... .....------- ................... PUBLr // —;;I_-) Masy3. Councilman Farnsworth �'�.,,•� : Councilman Goss il _ Councihnan•'4Kr Poti'd'ers Councilman McColl D Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Imtr Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 vx -- T§ri u� DEPRtr NT OF FINANCE 4.A Rgf'ORT OF MMIS CVSIONER OF FINANCE. a -ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lnthe Matter of CQndemnA take and_aprriate for Public Square apiece -_of land bashington street and St Peter, more particularly described as Block -1. Ripe &-Irvine1. Addition to 3t. Paul.------ under aul.-__ _ under Preliminary Order approved — A- 'u8t..-22ridy--1918 -------------------------------------- - --- --- ------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTIONS LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Rice and Irvineel Addition 71500 j? to Saint Paul. 7 10 Bazil and Guerin's Add. 76750 l to St. Paul -- T'g l0i Do _ 54500 -. b 10, Do 78250 z 10 4 Do 58850 South of 3 10. Do 23200 -i 3 10North } of . Do 35900 2 10 Do 64000 v North } of E. 100 ft. of 1 10+ Do .36750 18 Do- -- TOTAL.3O.A5O--,---_._ f., I� MRM O.S.A. a -a n CPIYIOP 677)1 PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbI MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) + DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION _. AI PSESSED V LUATION 1 11 Iazil & Guerin1s Add. to - 4 St. Paul. 10 11 i Ex. Southerly 25 feet 7 11. Do =00 of Westerly 100 feet thereof,- also except the Easterly 30 feet for alley. S11y 25 ft. of W! 1Y 100 7 11 Do 27754 f aet of lot 2797¢ (Ex. alley) South } of 6 11 Do 297 Do North' of 8 11 Do (Ex. East 30 ft. for 3 11 Do 61864 - alley 87fi7u Ex. East 30 ft. for alley 2 11 Do 1 11 Do 198360 4 11 Do 186004 - North 37$ fee# of b 11 Do 124¢00 South 12J feet of 6 11 Do 132750 North 25 feet of 8 11 ) �f �O. 25 ft. Of V1. 1/3 of 8 11 Do 12009 .. , 7 000 _ So. 25 ft.- Of -E. 100 ft. Do 8 11 _-- 9 11 Do 12 11 Do __-- 13 11 Do -- -:.- 3 Pfeifer' a Place Plat 2. Do 231250 i 4 12.:- Ba.zil and Guerin' s Add.. 3$3364-'.- -11 { to St. Paul. 172000 - - 12 12 Do E.66 ft. of Lots 13 an : DC ,14 12 TOTAL 27200 OIIYIOF ktp PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbMNIISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - "--' -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO�D = (pp Ex. E'ly 66 ft. Lots 13 14 12 Bazil & Guerin's Add. to St. Paul. :23630q 690'00 15 12 Do 7 20 Robert's and Randall(e 443000 Addition to Saint Paul 8 �) Do _I 9 20 Do 185500 _ 10 20 Do 184500 11 20 Do 404200 12 20 ) Do South � of 8 1 9 Do 1(t 10.3100 9 1® 1 Do 10 19 Do 220500 West of 11 19 Do 99250 East of 11 19) Do 327000 12 19) 3 Do Fac. E. 20 ft. for Robert) 13 19 Do 610000 St Ex. E. 20 ft. for Robert) 14 19 Do St Saint Paul Proper Nfly 2/3 of Ex. E.20ft. 1,2,3 4 717500 Ex. E.20ft.) 1\111y } of 4 DO 81300 Southerly 1/3 of Lots 1, 2, 3 -- Ex. E. 20 ft. Southerly 3 4 Do $OOOd 1/6 of Lots 1,2 and (Except allay) 4 4 Do 482800 (Except alley) 5.4 Do 6 $ DO 219000 7 4 Do 59000 76600 (Except alley) 8 4 Do 76004 (Except alley) 9 4 Do 10 4 Do 13200 TOTAL �y " / of z n0 OIII'1+OF?fx PAUL �, f • i'� k �• - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --` - - -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS VALUASTSED - 0 J -?.3'0 P „_ 11 4) Saint paul Proper see L.10 Westerly 40 ft. of NIly 50 feet (Ex. Alley) of 12 4 Do �- i Ex. the Wily 40 ft. of Nly (Ex. Alley) 12 4. DO 0860p 50 feet, also 107P00 Except Alley 13 4 Do . Southerly 5/6 of 14 4 Do 117500 South 100 ft. (Ex. East 20 ft.) of Lots 15 and 16 4 DO 363500 Oxcept E. 20 ft.) S. * of 4 Do 7410,0 North 1/3 of 15 and 16 Ex. East 20 ft.) North 1/6 18 4 DO 79000 of Lots 14, 15 and (Except Alley) 1 5 Do 43950,0 (Except Alley) 2 5 (Except Alley)- 3 5 Do 182300 (Except alley) E. of 4 5 Do 91600 (Ex. Alley) West } of 4 5 Do 91550 (Except alley) b b Do 45Q000 (Except alley 6 5 Do - 274500 7 b. (Except alley) Do (Except alley) Do 9 5 (Except alley) Do 110900 _ (Except alley) 10 5 DO 102000 W. 25 ft. of S. 2/3 of 11 5 DO Do j 19$70 (Except W. 25 ft.) S.2/3 11 b Soly 22.50 ft. of the w ly ) 12 b ) DO 6P900. 50 feet of Lots 11 and )) The NIly 27.50 ft. of 118e 12 S 1 8)� Do 361000 8 8� Do - - TOTAL .. , CITY OF �Z':PAUL '- .'+`•, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ED ASSESSASSESS ON (Except alley) 3 6 Saint„paul Proper 59!06 (Ex. alley) E.* of 4 6 Do 96804, .. _(Ex. alley) W.} of 4 6 Do :16590Q I (Ex. alley) East of 5 6 Do -<--- _- (Ex. alley) West of 5 6 Do 79450 . I (Except alley) 6 6 Do 183900 N' 1 90 7/12 feet of 7 & _ y 8 8 DO 351 $00 _ Sily 59-5/12ft. of 7 and 8 6 Do 156650 North 50 feet of 9 and 10 8 Do 98800 S. 48 ft. of N. 98 ft. of 9 6 Do 87000 South 52 feet of 9 6 Do ,116604 - West * of S. 100 ft. of 10 8 Do 45450 E. } of S. 100 ft. of 10 6DO 93800 Ex. Elly 30 & Ex. alley 11 6o Do + E 1 30 ft. of Ex. elle Elly ( y) 11 6 Do 2342 .: (Ex. alley) 12 6 Do (Ex. alley) 13 6 Do (Ex. alley) 14 6 Do 41400 15 6 DO 190904 16 6 Do North 1/3 of 1, 2 and 3 7 Da 233000 South 2/3 of 1, 2 and 3 7 Do 336575 _ 4 7 Do 5 7 DO 6 7 Do 538400 . 7 7 Do i 9 7 Do 8 7 Do - 1� _. ... ... „ TOTAL �"3 o yy - CITi OF*. PAUL I / FT- - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF dOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY_ ORDER (B) t ,..:.. ,..: .._. DESCRIPTION -._ . LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 7r Saint Paul Proper_ 11 7 Do 53500 - 12 7 DO (Ex. Elly 20 ft. of Lot 1 & Mc. the W'ly 18 ft. of lot -3) The N'ly 1/3 of 1,2,3 11. Do 262000 - (Ex. Etly 20 ft. of Lot 1 and ex. the W'ly 18 ft. of lot 3) The Southerly of the N'ly 2/3 of 1, 2 & 3 11 Do 162000 Ebti;rElly 20 ft. of Lot 1 and ex. the W. 18 ft. of Lot 3) The Sly 1/3 of 1,2, 3 11 Do :150500 The W'ly 1.19 ft. Of N'ly _ 38 ft. of Lot 3, &all of 4 11 Do 2 3 2 5 - 5 11 6 11 Do i '133250 _. i 7 11 Do 66i00 8 11 Do 70000 1 10 ) )) Do 49000Q 2 10 (Ex. W'ly } of 14116 2/3 of 3 10 Do 55350 West ofNorth 2/3 of 3 10-- Do 4 10 Do 8210Q 1 H. L. Carver's Subdivision 12500 of Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8, B.10 2 St. Paul Proper.. 3 ) Do ; 95506 4 )) Do 5 Do i Do 71500 6 TOTAL I i 1 VI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF 03MMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORCfER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ' ASSESSED ,*ALUATION 1 9) Saint Paul Proper 2 9 3 Do ,147200 3 9 ) DO 56500 S'ly 50 feet of 4 9 ) Elly 24.75 ft.(Ex.S'ly 501)4 9 Do 34050 N' ly (Ex. S' ly 50 ft.) of 4 9 Do 32400 5 9- Do 74400 6 9 Do 71500 . All that part of Lots 7 & 8 Block 9, Saint ) Paul Proper, lying N'ly of a line drawn from )) a point on the Wily line of said Lot 8, 51 feet 4-7/8 inches N'ly from the SWIly corner ) 330300 thereof to a point on the E'ly line of said ) Lot 7, 50 feet 11-7/8 inches DT'ly from SE'ly )) corner thereof. All that part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 9, Saint Paul Proper, lying S'ly of a line drawn from a point on the Wily line of said Lot 8, 51 feet 4-7/8 inches N'ly .from the SIWIly corner thereof 100200 to a point on the E'"ly line of said Lot 7,,50 feet 11-7/8 inches IT'ly from Southeasterly corner thereof. N 50 ft. of 1 and 2 8 Saint Paul Proper 151400 N'ly 24 2/3 ft. of S'ly 100 feet of 1 & 2 8 Do 57400 = _ 1 ft. of Y /tlyV25-1/3 S 1 75-1 3 feet of 1& 2 8 Do 65980 S'ly 50 feet of 1 and 2 8 Do 98100 3 8 Do 10000 4 8 Do 315009 5 8 Do 6 8 (Ex. S. 100 feet) 7 8 Do 39$00 - - South 100 feet of 7 8 Do j1a5000 TOTAL tITA 4-9t. PAUL N I 4i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbMMISSIONEIR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER TI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 8 Saint Paul Proper 121050 (Ex. S. 105 ft. of E.10 ft.)9 8 Dou _ S.105 ft. of E.10 ft. Of 9 8 Do 610006 S'ly 105 ft. of Lots 10,12,11 8 90306 The N'ly 45 ft. of 10,11 & 12 8 Do _ North 50 ft. of 1 and 2 21 Do 246600 N.75ft. of 5.100 ft -Of 1,& 2 21 Do 122750 South 1/6 of 1 and 2 21 Do :.3'X269,J _. 3 21 Do 109959 4 21 Do 10705Q 5 21 Do 115400 6 21 Do 712600 7 21 8 21 Do 75200 9 21 Do X1876 10 21 Do 61875 j 1Torth 1/6 of 11 and 12 21 Do 33750 South j of N. 1/3 of 11 & 12 21 Do 34$50 South 2/3 of 11 and 12 21 Do 17000Q -_ M 2 Rice and Irvine's Addition 47500 Lot I'M, Block 2, to St. Paul, Minnesota. (Except W. of) 3 2) Rice and Irvine's Addition 36500 ;, to Saint D au1. West * of lot lySng A'ly 10 2)) I I�' of Seventh street (Except alley) 4 2 Do 125tl0' (Except alley) 5 2 Do Id TOTAL 1 - CITYt#6*"AUL I1 {A DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF c6mAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION r A trianailar piece of land 2 Rice and Irvine's Addition ;- 12400 adjoining hot 6, Block 2, -on thenorthand.bounded to Saint Paul. by the Elly line of Frank - line street & the WIly- line of alley Stly 85 ft. of (Ex.alley) 6 2 Do 50000 - Ex. Sily 100 feet) 7 2 Ex. alley & Ex. S'ly 85 ft -6 2 Do 19500 Southerly 100 feet of 7 2 Do 6320q 8 2 Do $5500 (Ex. Seventh Street) 9 2 Do 58000 South of Seventh street 10 2 Do ],4700 (Ex. Seventh street) 11 2 Do 65000 12 2., Do 124000 North 75 feet of 1 7 Do 51400 I N. 40 ft. of S.75 ft. 1 7 Do 14600 South 35 feet of 1 7 Do 19400 South 35 ft. of East } of 2 7 Do North 115 ft. of E. Of 2 7 Do 31700 West } of 2 7 Do 37400 East 10 feet of 3 7 Do (Ex. east 10 feet of 3 7 Do 49000 4 7 Do 43250 5 7 ) Do S'ly of 7th street 6 7 Do 105550 North of 7th street 6 7 7 7 Do 550,00 8 7 Do TOTAL 26700 t .. OITYt)#91 ?AUL S •l DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CbMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -9 7 Rice and Irvine's Addition 2310po 10- 7 to Saint Paul. i 11 7 Do, 236400', 12 7 Du (Poet Office) 8 Do 1460000 1 Rearrangement of Block 9, 1240,00 Rice and Irvines' Addition 40600 _. 2 Do 3 Do 760100 4 Do 22'3000 (Ex. Elly 14.50 ft.) 1 10 Rice & Irvine's Addition 136000 to Saint Paul (Ex. Elly 14.50 ft. & Ex. 2 10 Nlly 20 feet) Elly 14.50 ft. of Lot 1, Easterly 14.50 ft. of Lot 2, except northerly 26 feet there; also the Elly 30 feet of north- of erly 20 feet of said Lot and the Etly 30 feet of Lots 3 and 4; also all that part of Lot 5, lying Elly from a line drawn from a point on the northerly line of said lot 728664 71 feet Elly from the KIWIly corner thereof, to a point on the Stly line of said lot, 70.31 feet Elly from the SWIly the Sly corner thereof; also all of lots 6,7 andl8, except 83 feet of said lot 8; also the WIlyl2 feet of Lot 9, except the SIly 83 feet thereof-- Also lot 6 in Subdivision of Lot.,. 10, ad Elly 48 feet of Lot 9, all in Block 10, in Rice and,' Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul. �`- S'ly 83 -feet- of lot 8, and the Wily 12 feet of_ the St 1y 83 ) 62001 feet of Lot 9, mock 10, Rice and Irvine's Addition.) The NIly 20 feet of the Wyly 90 feet of Lot 2, Block 10, Rice and Irvine's Addition; also Wily 90 feet of lots 3 and 4 Block 10, said addition; also all that part of lot 5, block :121700 10, said addition, lying WIly of a line drawn from a point on the NWtly corner thereof, to a point on the Stly line of said orner:1 1y1�drf/ lot, 70.31 feet Easterly from the SWIly corner.- 1Subdivision of Lot 10, and ---ij+ the easterly 48 feet of Lot (Ex. east 10 feet) 2 9, of Block 10, in Rice and ---�-� Irvine's Addition to Saint East 10 feet of 2q ) Paul. 3 TOTAL 11Q600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------%P� 191. ---�4..J� - - - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. - C CITAF IS•%'1W UL P_ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMOSSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ..- _._ . DESCRIPTION � LOT :BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 : Rice & Irvine's Addition .. 330000. ° 1 12.) to Saint Paul. 73000 2 12'.) South 32-17/100 feet of 3 12: Do (Ex. S. 32-17/100 feet 3 12; Do 68500 South 30 feet of 4 12 . 5 12) Do 202500 North of 4 12 . Do 6 12 . _ Do 7 12 Do 454950 8 12 Do North 130 ft. of 9 12 Do 41000 South 20 feet of 9 12 . Do"� 10 12: Do 31800 11 12 Do ----- 13 - 12 12 Do ------ . The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated------%P� 191. ---�4..J� - - - Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. - C 5s P \ 41._ 14 4 3d . ,,Office :of the. Commissioner of Public W&cO'. v �b wg. '3y Report to Commissioner of Finance o, s �.5 6 pUG g 1919 August 26th ---- 191-_ 8 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of at the Council, known as Council File No ----2--------- approved___ A1lga-- 22nd, _1919 _, relative to condemning, taking and appropriating for Pablic Square a piece of ------------------- ------------ --------------------------------------- ----------------------- laid bounded by Sixth Street, Washington Street and St. Peter Street, - more particularly described se Block 1, &ioe & Irvino0s Addition to ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. -- --- St. Paul. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2.1 The estimated cost thereof is $_ ------ and the total cost thereof is $______, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----- -------------------- ------------------ Commissioner of Public Works. t ly To the Honorable Council of the City of St. Paul: The undersigned, ownars of the property set opposite our names respectively, which may be subject to an assessment of bene- - fits for the improvement herein referred to, hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body to acquire in the manner provided by the Charter, the lands hereinafter described, as and'for a public park, to -wit: The piece of land bounded by Sixth, Washington and St. Peter streets, and more particularly described as Block one (1), Rice & Irvine's Addition to the City of St. Paul. Name. Description of Lineal Property. feet 4,4,77' < /6J�i'r,L��ty ��. �rf%�jr-Lo tic. _—_��c-ir-iz /''►�/�Z� �g AUG 2 5 TJ';LCt;ii OF f Section 3,, APPOINTMENTS.--Where both minimum and maximum salary limits are prescribed in this ordinance fop any position, the minimum salary rate shall be the compensation payable in the designated position to any new appointee selected and appointed from original entrance eligible lists to fill said position. Section 4. AUTOMATIC INCREASES.--Incree.see in salary from the minimum to the maximum rate prescribed above shall be made on the basis of seniority in the position, and such increases shall be allowed for each six months of service in the position and until the said maximum limit is reached; provided, however, that any such increase shall not become due and payable until the first of the month following the month in which the six-month period of seniority is completed. The amount of any such increase shall be the amount allowable under the "advancement" rule (Sec. 41 Rule II) of the Civil Service ordinance. Section 5. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, or resolutions incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 6. . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval, and publication. Yes (J) Councilmen (j) Nays pff y^^ Adopted by thi Clancy ;.,r?Ainsw6rth Appr......_...... ._....._191. Y Goss" ...............In favor McColl Powers Against /^'C {r.. Wunderlich PUBLI ij `ty Gork. FORM 3W9 - (tCit�i of faint �Buul 27626 ibamptralives offrrr JE99E GGT, C.-...... A L. EGGERT, -UTI CIIITHOL- December 16, 1919. Hon. James M. C}ancy, Commissioner of Perks, P. G. & P. B., Court House. Dear Sir. Will you kindly introduce in the Council this morning the accompanying administrative ordinance governing my department? Very tr�u/lyny/ yours, / / Comptroller. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ` FILECILI° 1,4 ""'2 i 1372 DEC 1 " 191 g BY .............. ------ ---- AUDITED ......: '.............191........ d�//�J/</�I�3LER .-.....-..PER'.. .e�/ / ✓ - - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in-fava person?, firms of corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed stetera Yeas V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ............. . "Clenc ;orth In favor A ved..........DEC....17- Goss lJ i� MC11 - c o Wunderlich ijs F rio ags2vAt�ecraar k arawa7 ✓% Mr. President, Hodgson 16141 S. A. Farnsworth# Com'r. of Finance 18,243,29•- Police 16142 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. or Finance 31�835.91- Fire 16143: S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 11202,50 '- Pol. 8o Fire Alarm Telg. 16144 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 3989460• C.P.S.-Oen. Adm. 245.00 - Health -Adm: 140.00 Vital Statistics 215,00 �. Food & Dairy Insp. 49§.00 _ Quarantine li©10':00 ; Tuberculosis Div. 49040 Dale St. Infrmy. 86.25 Laboratory 160.00 P. Baths 116.60 P. Comfort Station 146.00 Enf. of Dog Lie. 52.00 Munic. oar. Revl. 833.75 3,98900 Total 55,271.30 F. -A A 46. IN 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F ;E°" Na• --.....2 i-ry 6 1371 . /� Cl p BY . ........... ...._... .......................---- DFL. �,� 19 �'� 'tyyy'''���O:NPTROLLER AUDITED ............................................. 191........jjam�/ ,(/ PER ... ....�."."1.,..._............._... TITLE " Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ......... 0EC 1"r I9I9 Clancy DEC 17 1919 Farnsworth Apt./. :..In favor P Goss ..... ............ MAYOR I1t/-a-rae,ts.l�--.'F"�Kamst __.._...... ......... _ .. C eso ved781P4at ewa7 ante; be drawn? ._... ............ ....... Y t McColl Wunderlich luyon the dtfYy Treasury; payable out or' the heretnafter apeclfled Quads and Alf Mr. President, Hodgson favoenf•the.petboaa arms or.eorpora 16135, Belt Line Brick Company, Park Construction 16136' Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, S. & S. Cing. P. Bldgs. Revl. 16137 Leopold Bruenner, Parks 16138Camden Petroleum Company, N St. C. & Repr. 16139' Midway Lime & Cement Company, Park Construction 16140 United Charities, Quarantine Total 3,050.71 50.00 1,201.92 14.21 35.00- Total 5.00 Form A A 0,2N 7-18 II 1373 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No . ......... DEC 17 1919 AUDITED............................................191 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of'the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in.the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen Nays E 1 Adopted by the Council.........._ ... - 0 .. .. C ..................._........_.........._191._..._ 7 1919 Clancy. DEC 17 1919 Farnsworth A '3ki-jj&0CA f - 01 , the Citk. TriMur. bji� Out', Goss I tr 4%y6Fofth'O Vaisons-flrms"Corpo W-Q—tin � 116a {for the t' $at o 081te, 1311:1;� McColl �JOV,' inw'detall;i OU 7Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 16145 Fielding & Shepley, 9,316*00 Paving Berkeley -Stanford, Wellesley and Macalester- Total 9,316.00 - 27630 OFFICE � COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL IL6 No ..:.................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYDATE............................:.._.......................... rnNe Iu71CS10NER........................................................................................................... .................................. RESOLVED That the proper city officers axe hereby authorized to pay out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, to Dr. Thomas Gratzek, the sum of Sixteen Dollars ($16.00) in full payment of all claims held or asserted by a& against the City of St. Paul by reason of medical treatment rendered by him to peter Plachno, a City employe, injured November 4, 1919, in the course of his;omployment. yes (J) Councilmen (�') Nays Clancy Farnsworth l Goss`^/) McColl Powers 7 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM )M919 1 hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. r Commissi of Public Works. Adopted by the Council DEC 719919 19 ..................... ....19......... In favor _..._..............._....... ,Against .............. .................. .... ..... .... MAYOR 4a. yes (J) Councilmen (�') Nays Clancy Farnsworth l Goss`^/) McColl Powers 7 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM )M919 1 hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. r Commissi of Public Works. Adopted by the Council DEC 719919 19 ..................... ....19......... In favor _..._..............._....... ,Against .............. .................. .... ..... .... MAYOR COUNCIL 27631 631 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fue NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKLf COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0 PRESENTED BY assaffn Of j WHEREAS, One, B. Wisnesky, a City employs, who was injured November 5th, 1919, while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, incurred a bill for drugs and medicines amounting to $1.50, and doctor bill of $5.00, by reason of the injuries he sustained at the time of said accident; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay to the said Wisnesky, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $6.50 in full settlement of his claim for doctor and medicine bills which he incurred as above set forth. Yes (Y) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council __ _DEC -IT.1 M...........19..__... EC 171919 .:........In favor App r ved.... ............._.....................................19......... Against .................................. MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss. ^' McColl v Powers Wunderlich FORM 3MO-19 Mr. President Adopted by the Council __ _DEC -IT.1 M...........19..__... EC 171919 .:........In favor App r ved.... ............._.....................................19......... Against .................................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL .RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM LP ... " 2`7632 est:.._ ........ ..... ... __...................... _. ..--- ................... w GWNCIL Date Presented -Zee-erah-exp-----1.7.,........... Resolved, 1^1_at the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the 'consent of the Comptroller, one Burroughs Adding Machine from the Burroughs Addin iiachine Company, at a price of $175.00, -without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Comptroller- Expense. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay! Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 ..............In favor ............. Against DEC17 1919 t9i...... Adopted by the Council .................................. Approved,, DEC ...17.. ..............1191...... <-4f �-4� MAYOR J 27634 . 634 Ordinanc N 6225—, f .N Clancy to a nd O dl ' 1/v titled "An dl ....n124 1=1 1 An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 3437, entitled "An ordinance to amend Sections 124 and 125 of Ordinance No. 2902, en- - I 'j.. titled 'An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to, or affecting the oonst.ruction, alteration, repair, removal or maintenance of all buildings or structures, or parts of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected, within the City of St. Paul,' approved March 316t, 1910." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I Section 1. That Section one of Ordinance No. 3437, approved April 20th, 19115, entitled "An ordinanceito amend Sections 124 and 125 of Ordinance No. 2902, entitled 'An ordinance providing for all matters concerning, relating to, or affecting the construction, alteration, repair, removal or maintenance of all buildings or structures, or parts of buildings,or structures, erected or to be erected withinthe City of St. Paul,' approved March 310t, 1910," be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: :+s•. '. Fldl'TiV. 1. -- . •. 121 of Urdinn me Nei.• . 21102. entitled "An-011,zu u•c prucidl ng hltin4 - for all .I:. [.ers I [inti, re nffecting [hcol Isl[ructio n. I.I t�ra� - , n[ nl! I.0 lldin'ds ol"tle tu nea'Io.I Iltt ' l [rti I, I ar • t i I. vitiun 'he llt3 of .1z .E 1 nil. .y P;I • 1 At: -1, 41 t 1110. b, . . is - nd Ins h.r�hs I. ended t.. -- iad as follu,cs: .chop 124—Fire unii[s ; nd Firr. I'rool' 11oliding Ill=trier.—.\II that t, r- t eCtl • :1 1 - Iter h, kro It. IC [ht CII, F 't. tl.c Fir-, 1n o Paul: I I g t 1 .int n, ,h, I ,u Ih _ y '. I f I ♦1-:svl vel. pl Ii I, I ,t :' i if nl'o'.i uc�;l, n'ould in [crv.•�l th `;a �, ' t11 l.lectnnu t' f .- if ul odu. cd null In t�rs,rt 1 , �'�''�•f. �l rli..Ilr 150 f. t yth of 'tnd P,.I,tll - I •. - to of 1:�rt'e ih to rhe =call - 1 h" slur 4: tae"i I avtrr1, rill. cl o - Iln, 150 feel vluth of and pa:,- `~ -. E In all�l�to thr .1"Wherle Zinc of h;:— li .th strt t t - the i It,,,' ref enru,rrir ;fa, the"",[ ' 3.''. i - the center line of HOR- y .•. l to at point 160 f- t north - .f�the nor(herlc line of P•.net Sovenih ert: thence Ih n westerly direction along a Ilno 150 [ret north of and `lar - to the n rlh toi line cif F.:.s[ nth etre.; to a point 150 feel els.t of en the• easterly line yC F, rood,vuy: thence - orth,rl3' dirrc [ion o a line 15� fai t rn St of and p:tral led to the costrr_ ly line of l3road n'ay to the center lin, - ' ' of (;'o—street; thence Ives[ clop;; the I nr of (7rove vtveet'ln a Point .150 feet ,est of the . cvtart.- _ - llne of Broad-- thence In n ouill- . 50 eriy dir,rtion along a line "11n1-11 It of and parallel to thr I "1Ir1 I- , lin of Rroadll y- to a point 11,0 F,._ - "'h r herl3' line of liar( ., Ninth etre.l; tit nn ce In a ecterl31 di- - sego. :.long a Line 150 feet I nrth o1' tn.l parallel to the• norl'nerly Ila.' of I.nnt Ninth s[rcel to it point 150 f,el -1 t 1'• r. steriv line of Joel", on in dl st t' ti a north. rl3' —o tion :I ti I e (ne r -t of and p.• Iy 'inc ion I..I t•I ar .lack `t t l0 'h, � tl I. 41 ..�I n Hila see[ the atter line o�"I:nher•t strei'itelitenre i u` t than- ne uoh- e ill II produced; thence ❑i "all treol ion olong the alter I•;net , If 'I u c to hill Ilf 1JU fe.l t,,It the tr ��sb 1, �� line 1f „-atm.=ha s1 -K `i,then(1 i nrtIt l'f ",lura alonF a line ,I frrl tst u[ nil p,i nill.l t th. ?t. rl. line of IN c, Polnt -I-II f -t nld In t.•rs.cL a line dra u'n 1G0 feet nC ana p:t ru llel to th�etsl Ilne u I til [• street: thence torlh along :t lin l:,U f��t i of unit po lallel to tl�• ist line af,Itice strc�l to ;t Uoint 1511 �t forth of the nnrtll line of i•::ist I'nlve rsil�' Veli ue; thence est orlon;; Ilan• ISU f,[ n rth of and purullel t.. �h� north of t:nit'� �, to _ I�oint ]500fee' nes[ of f tit he nent'line of Rlrn s-trce[: thence south :111111 rad ,;,1 1,1111 to I I est Ilni of off I Ih,. ra i -t a t : fee[ ruth e Guthto line poinof \fest I'nnitersl t)' ithence lalt - nlong ;t Ilne 150 C"et ' Guth of u—1 par- allel to the .� �u th Ilne of \fest it 1'nit'i•r- It 1>uint n'here .s1 •'t hi lest iuldt in te r, i•ct a line dr:�u�n 150 [e est of anfl Pn rift l.l to the � terl )' line u( \\'u hushu . •�t: LA rnrrsln �thcrl� dii o.dont; line 151 feet ♦ et of :e rad pu lullcl t rtthe est- rl�' lige nC \\'uh;ish;t street, tn� the line of \\-e_st Jsnit Ih�'nt•In •rly ,di re, t io n ` a l oil the e r I•ine`oft\\"est tiuin nail .a [n a t>uint ]'ua feet test n[ the n s le .•rl �' line of \I et Third thence .0 then)' direction ulu rat,• u Ilne I�iO• feet nes[ of and pn la llel to the -est e rl I- 1111 of %Vest Thlyd street to point 1511 feel i firth oC the northcrl� l�nof NV, It' c�en tlt s[re.t: th nciin fc`Steri} dl recline lilt;_ n line 1G0 t i Orth oC and Int all to thy, t nrth_ rl �' tile of \\e.t ten th ih�- rater Ilne uf\e ltnntse�'t'sl Ines e ca.. "". •. If:uns, street to a I int, feet ,,pith of to I,e 13It,,, of hest w c t t an,.e _. �.tu ... } �._ +dao ' n 1 •Nc ^in of IN . . .. h .t1f.�c, v. a iteto� i thrn ��.. �i h. rl �- three tlnn i alun��'t lin.- li'0 [�et rat nil I •�Ilel [ thiII �' ,tine 'n[ I::t�le nhcre Salo Iln•, if �edili i.. J� Mold t Ing. n'th I�t�Ili•iI line` of frac \[ice+ivviiii lti t.r: in.n�c II �dire. Linn :�Inne thy. rth hurlI I llnr. thr ]ILculu- �il Vinitie.a' i Paint to ..... the i ��� if hI••J •n ed. nonl,l nurhor li6e: thence in a southerly direction along the centerline of Hyde street, if produced, to 'the center line of Water, street, thence in an east- erly direotion along the center line of Water street to the center line of Walter street, if produced, thence southerly to the center line of Fillmore street, thence easterly on the center line of Fill- more street to a point 150 feet west of the westerly line of South Wabasha street; Ithenoe i t nerl. I'lreeunn wrong a line t'•t eci t IT.,',' evt of t rad pit bI,, to the es toe —ter Hou lh \\"abn Itt street. [n [he [enter Ilhe of R'esf Isanel .t ree�: hence orl(; [he enter line of Is, ncl street toona oln•t ]t th feel east of the e.tsterl It,,," of Cnpth \\"n L:tsh;t sl rest: thence In aortherl ao-e,unn alnnt; It.. ISo feel ettnc of rad na�.a lei io the tnterU• line of ugh \1'oiia Sha rCo the ntrth line of \\'nod n 'eti, f prod ncea; thence t ixf Irh Ice tlnn nlon{; [he r rth 'Rn of Rona6 set, if prnauced paint 150 feet vint of the ea a ter lr lllno nsontn xone,�t =lreee: tnenee III Itnert> ailfernn ainng rn�nuo feet <• tet u[ ana parallel [u the cors tell �' line 1 Cnuth Robert street : the c tet llnc oC Fillmore a the neec'i tsterl �' di rection along the ( •.Hier •lime uC P'lllmnrc (n , uoint n'I:ere s-aIa line. if •prod need. nould in to rsect [he i r line of i'Intc etrect: thence In n nYthel l 1' 111111 0.11 along the rater line !If Cta to st rent to point n'hcrc .said line. if pr el ncedt. IN null Intersect the forth harbor Ilm• of t \ hIlssl ssiDpi Ftlter: thence i is t erley direction along lite n lr Lh'I'll- her line of the \Ilsslssippl It"I' to the - plueI. of heglnning. \len tcing at :e point n the n ter, llnetttof Mlnnehaha street 150 feet core'[ of he east line of I ayne a I he race I rr[It along a line 50 fel I''1st of ana n'trallel to the e-t' line of a�ne to the center line of took sttn�e t" thence est along lhn enter Ilse of look street e a PI) )lie15D feet nest oC the Hent line of I'a)'ne tnenee v uth 111""j, a line 150 fe�et•v ent of anon parallel to the nest line of Puynt• to the le -Il Ilne of \finnehnhit sIrelt: then — ale the rater line n[ \tinn.haha ntre��t to thr pmoe o[ her;innins: .\Isn all of Lola 16.. to I 6 InclosI— roil I.,, t, 197 to 20! Inch s i,'e. In Bink_ .-\mr ndntent to Union. Park. �'. \Iino, rota. nrdin� to the 1,1,,t th,•rrof on file and of r nrd in the office or the ReGie[er cof I,c.•ds i nd Por said t'nunC}'. Thal r\i—al ttte dist riot einbe- fnre dcslgna[,�rl .imlts, I h.re I.s here h�' r •afed : dlatr let to 1„ ho n:(floe "a._ [Ii Fir,• Proof livildinc IAixlrleL" nhivh said dlstrloe .ahnit Lo Ill Ierrin,re 10thin the fol - L w'ion huoodulics: at a I int at the Intrr- nr :a.t Third st r,•rt and I:.11t thcrl>along the ,,• 1 rl1,' In the , otc,' lio, nC 1•::,st f:i,.htt, ,Irl; �,.fhence •a 1. rl>' :, I..nR Ih. . li[rr ne liFasf the ,, ot,f line of edar slrr,•t [u the li or of I'- \il.th street; inn- th, , ,iter lin,. ..f �\ninth n't r.�,�t to th,� , •ntri' ling oC .,thrn,:e ,other In fh� nt ,�r ling ofFrankli�,t , ,h.�—, ot,o lin. of \\',�sl iriftlt `iii .,f ,I"h:��.l ..,,. � t .�� t.,.� •lis i ,.f Ii.E•, i n ning.. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas i f Nays Attest Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes 'McColl Powers Wunderlich � 4ant--kHodgaQn ) Approve City Cl�, tj PUBLI19uiH-I—) (:,) r)f C', Form A A /8, I R 7-I8 ..::, .:.. 'crry of ST. PAUL. ( _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t 27635 L OU.CIL No. ........................_....._. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 71 ,;� 7 Y 1374 n/_ ,4-u //Y�� AUDITED .....:'_.5.i.1....�7.J. i_.._....... 19}:. _.. O PER------ .............. .........--------- .. ...._....__. TITLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor o the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen r V ) Nays DEC 18 1919 ,. Adopted by the Council.._ ........ .__....__..__..._....._........._.___.191... t Clancy red......._. uE�...18 91.9...__... ....191.___ Farnsworth 6055 !C: F N ..... AD t g t ed. tb t al'r at be d wn the C1tY T Y DaY DI ont .... _..... /_...____ _... _..... _...... _._ ( th hereinaft ape nd L ..do n_ MAYOR McCollin savor of th a to t area tin" porrgqtlonae fot th ,he fT Peottve. names epe Wunderlich the tono.Ytna. demised tatement: Brooks Brothers, 'Lumber Company, Zsident, Hodgson-3tia:oo. - CaDii.1 City Loreb-r CoaPanii.2R8.73. _ 16148 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 112.00 Schools 82.32 Water 29.68 1=. 16147 Capital City Lumber Company, 43.13 Schools 16148 Central Foundry Company, 1,289.72 Water 16149 Z. R. Cooke, 5.00 Water 16150 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 12,043.74 Water 16151 is F. Hain, Cashier 138.26 Water 16152 R. E. McCleary & Company, 159.75 Water 16153 St.Paul Electric Company, 3.24 Pol. & F. Alarm Telg. 2.16 S. & S. Cing. 1008 Total 13,794.84 CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN RAi FORM C�r� Subject: ................ ........./.+ f COUNCIL F NO. ......... .................... Date Presented -Dec.ember....18,.............. 191_.9 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, 125 tablet arm chairs from Langley & Ewart, at a total price not to exceed $843.75 on informal competitive bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City. Charge Public Schools_ New Equipment- Old Bldgs. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -_ C. iji •, . 2763613Albert Wunder- Iich Ren# he Is her the Purchasing Agent be,. and. he Isherebyauthorized `1 pur- chaae; with the . consent 'or the 'I ! and tfie Comptroller 125 tablet arm total :eyrice nofrom t to exceed $: Ewart, on ting normal ompetltive bide without adyer- tlsement, as an emergency exists where tailors to actDromptly will. work as Public 8choole city. Charge Public Bldgs, , New EqulPmOnt—Old Adopted by the Council. Doc. is, 1919. Approved Da0. 18, 1919. (Deo. 29, .1919) Adopted by the Council......._GE� 18,.�9�9 --191...... Appro :�ECi...181-919--..............191 In favor ,� //,/g J}� \............. _..... Against........................................ f........................... MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller. ^"1 7 McCOIU Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 -_ C. iji •, . 2763613Albert Wunder- Iich Ren# he Is her the Purchasing Agent be,. and. he Isherebyauthorized `1 pur- chaae; with the . consent 'or the 'I ! and tfie Comptroller 125 tablet arm total :eyrice nofrom t to exceed $: Ewart, on ting normal ompetltive bide without adyer- tlsement, as an emergency exists where tailors to actDromptly will. work as Public 8choole city. Charge Public Bldgs, , New EqulPmOnt—Old Adopted by the Council. Doc. is, 1919. Approved Da0. 18, 1919. (Deo. 29, .1919) Adopted by the Council......._GE� 18,.�9�9 --191...... Appro :�ECi...181-919--..............191 In favor ,� //,/g J}� \............. _..... Against........................................ f........................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL JiV"�/ r COU CIL N 0 FILE NO .................. .................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER....._............ ............._....._...._.........._......._..__............._............,...._...._.........._.._.._..... DATE._.__._........._._._.... RESOLVED That the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the `ayor, the Coru!issioner of Lducation ; and the Purchasing ..gent, is hereby authorized to purchase, on behalf of the City of Lt.Paul, as additional land for the Cleveland School, the following described property: Lot 17, Block 12, rlington dills Addition to the City of St.Faul, for a sum not to exceed Pour Hundred Dollars and to execute on behalf of the city the necessary contract for such purchase; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in favor of the owner of said land in payment of such purchase price when the proper deed conveying said land, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged out of School Fund, 7.eal -state item. 1c. F. No. 27687—BY Albert Wunder -1 r Adopted by th'�e11Council Dee. 18, 1919- Approved•De 2U191,9- Yes Councilmen Nays DEC 18 1 9 1 9 Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy Farnsworth Approved EC181919__ ....__ .19 _... Goss In favor McColl Powers Against �/.. / MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 cOUNeIt 2'7638 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ..................................... OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY %%��� p; • GOBB M Dec. 17, 199 COMMISSIONER..._ .................. L......'._.__._......_............._..___......__........._...._...........__.___.......... DATE__ ............ ......._. _._...__._................. RESOLVED in the matter of changing the grade of Syndicate Avenue from St, Anthony Avenue to University Avenue under Preliminary Order No. 27598, approved December 12, 1919, PESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby can- celled, annulled and rescinded and all rroceed- inge in such matter discontinued. C. F. No. 27678—By M• N. Qoe9tt- 1n3yndcnteoAvenueg from St. A hong Avenuie. to UniversltY Avenue Wunder Preliminary ,Order No: 2768,- aP- Proved December 12, 1919. • Resolved, That all_ orders 1n the above matter be_ and tha eamo are here- by'cancelled. annv Ile r'scinde ail proceen eucri matter dins nd adinBa... continued. - Adoptedby the Council Des 18, 1919. Approved (DCC 12011918) Yes (0 Councilmen (� ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC 18-1519 –.19 Farnsworth -i— Goss __._.. In favor Approve �O 7f:V1919.._........19 fticColl Powers - -Against��- / .. ..... MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3 R- couMCIL 27639 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .................... ....... _...._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L.I( COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PE PRESENTED BY M. N. Goes Dec. 17, 1919 - .. DATE._......'.__..._.._. _..._........._.... COMMISSIONER............_........_..__.._........._................................._..........._...._.._....._...._.. RESOLVED X7 That the grade of Syndicate Avenue from St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. yes I I Councilmen I I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 1Vo Powers Wunderlic Mr. President FORM 3MR-19 C. 1'. No. 27699—By M. N. Goss— Resolved. That the grade of Syndicate' I Avenue, from St: Anthony -Avenue to University Avenue, In ao-rd—ce with the red grade line on the accompauying profile and as -recommended by the nd them eoner of rebylt adopted se be t ame1. hehe established grade. Adopted.by the Council Dec. 18, 1919.. Approved Dec. 18, 1919. (Dec. 20, 1919) Adopted by the Council DEC 181919 ..- 19 In favor Approve __ DEC IS W9._.--19__..... Against M-0. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - i RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM k........rT. Gos.e._._.._........... .................. .._......_........... r COUNCIL I.� 7640 64 ■ FILE NO ......... .. ...` 1111...((!... DATE .._De0_._..,,1.7., 1,919._._._.. =hat the attached specifications for the installing and*furnishing of an asphalt plant be and they are hereby accepted and approved, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and di- rected to advertise for bids for same. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7 Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 C. r. No. 27849—By 1L 1 Reeofyed. That the attached' apectft-� cation. for the fneta111ng and "turntah- �In f aaccePt d ¢nd aPProved.tand the re 81 Agent fe hereby authorlfor and directed to advertl9e for bldg for , same. - 1919. Adopked by the Co 19191 Dec.'.YB; Approved DDec 18U. 1819) 1 _ In favor Against leceiTea all papers in Connection with above Res,O]u ion. 4;..G Adopted by the Council C 18--1-cis...._. _19 18 lx19 __ ... 19 MAYOR E¢ - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ....... ............ .......................................... ... .... ................ ..... I ... .. ...... ...... ......... 7 n 4 nc—Nc- NO . ............... 2 -.6.:E -l ............ ........ Date Presented ....._DeC.18�_1919.......... .191..... Resolved,That the PurchRAng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to have ti the roof of the pumping station at YcCarrons Lake repaired at a cost not to exceed ;631.25, on informal competitive bids, without advertisement, and with the consent of the Mayor and the ComptFoller, as an emergency exists, where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the best interests of the city. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl 0 - Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. 37641—B Frank L. Powers— b -.'and he ale Lerebpeauthorliedgto sva 'the of the; Dumping. station at me. Canon's Lake repaired at=a cost not to expeed'It'ho 6,'. on'tnformai competitive C, w sent advertisement, and :with the consent of the'.Ma'or.: and tha ComDtroller, as an emergency .'.tete, 'anh injury to tfie best IpnCerOetelof the citAvdopted by the Counc;itbca 18, 1919. Approved Dec. 18 1919. '(Dec. 3b, 1919) Charge Vater Dept. Adopted by the Council ._UEC.1,g.jaj.g.----..191...... Appro JE�...L...�g19.........191..... _......... .In favor ✓P .......................... ............ Against ...........................................�.. MAYOR "Tv IIF 5'1'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na•--- F—AA96,2X 1-I8 _ n -c/ .. t �'i 7tULLEK AUDITED OaG l'.. -'�'19-� • ER............... ... .....::.. -.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas t V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Ad<,he DEC 1,14. 113.19. Clanc Farnsworth .__..In favor .--�--19 191-9--,.191_.._.._ Y l Goss RESOLUI'fONS.. ' �MAYOR McColl _ Wunderlich C.' J No. 27642= Abstract. Mr. President, Hodgson u cResolved n the City,Treasurer warrants ovt of, --- ///��I the- berefnaftetl; speelfled funds and, in. ; / 9 favor of the persona flrmsor Torpors. / / tfoas for the amounts set oDnoeIt, thetr respective names ee spe�fled fn the fol-: lowingg deta ftedl statement:'. A:; A. Johnson $666 $6 Gane & Ordway Compafiv 54264 The PdmDer.y Chsmtcat Company,` 5614;60 >.+ RenubllL� Qre0sotltte°, Compsay 527, n 95S Stts Pani Hebiew InNtltute, $192 60 C. 6tr9kb.' $219, 1 Ylet4'T PrlhUng Company $66 60 { Adopted A iiia 9, 1919. Deo. }9-1919. _ ADproYed_(De 19, 119 -t ,(Dec H7, 1919) , 16275, A. A. Johnson, 566.85 Lighting 16276 Crane & Ordway Company, 43.54 Fire 4.14 St. C. & R. 3.96 Schools 9.24 Docks, wharves etc. 26.20 TIT. -n 16277 The Pomperoy Chemical Qompany, 514.50 Sprinkling 16278 Republic Creosoting Company, 27,459.00 Paving Como Ave. -Rice to Bt. Northern Bridge 16279 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, 192.50 Schools 16280 H. C. Streich, 2.19 Li ght ir)S 16281 Victory Printing Compar>,y, 65.50 Water Total 28,844.08 Form A A 46.2 M 1-18 16282 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 124,497.25 Schools 4,476.91 11 117,275.15 Spec. Day Schools ,747 16283 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 9,747.85 Great Northern Schls. 1,121.65 Bureau of Parks 4,407.04 Forestry Revl. 329.31 Playgrounds 643.80 P. Bldgs. Revl. 337.88 Park Construction 1,733.67 Gaultier School(Bond) _1t_1�7,44..5500. 9'747 a 85 16284 S. A. Farnsworth, Uom'r. of Finance 12,036.24 Water Total 146,281.34 CITY UR ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS— FILE RESOLUTION FORM No. ......... %..... •..... ..... ..... 1377 � ,' –L By........................__...........- ... 1.. 11 Iv1 r.. 1 V(�IPTROLI FR AUDITED ... :r9..:..:.. _........ 181........ - -� ER...:._......................_..._..............._�....... _...... TITLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nal Adopted by the C ci DEC -19- ... ..191.._... ClancyAbstract C F No. 27643— . ' • 'be drawn Resolved: that warrants upon the City Treasury payable out of Lf� oved t) C 19-119.19 _._._. 191 .._. •--• Farnsworth the heroinafter eveciBed'funds ,and in favor of the Pereone,.8rms or corp corpora- tedoth.fGoss ftr,tneamu.enlfeel Oe' L J / - olve"ame.sna respo lowing detailed sateCent: : ...__ ...._... ...___. ...:.... .. ....... ... ..- McColl i A 12'." Orth Com r. of Flnance, 4222"h"97 26,' 8 A. F`arn wot;th Co r. of Flnance, MAYOR Wunderlich $9.7 M86. 9. A Farnworth, Cdre of Finn e; 512,036:24.'= - - )'lr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council Dec. 19, 1919. Dec. 19. 19199. Approved (pea 27i'-1919) 16282 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 124,497.25 Schools 4,476.91 11 117,275.15 Spec. Day Schools ,747 16283 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 9,747.85 Great Northern Schls. 1,121.65 Bureau of Parks 4,407.04 Forestry Revl. 329.31 Playgrounds 643.80 P. Bldgs. Revl. 337.88 Park Construction 1,733.67 Gaultier School(Bond) _1t_1�7,44..5500. 9'747 a 85 16284 S. A. Farnsworth, Uom'r. of Finance 12,036.24 Water Total 146,281.34 Form A A 18. 2 9 1-18 ('ITV OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM ._z I )LACIL No.........c[j��F.,1,644.. FILE 77 1375 ' AUDITED ..._... ........ I �z ��; �A ' s 3 .......197..._... _ .75 ER.....:: r:.� ... ...........___....._. _....____-- .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen t V ) N vs .,,.. G F No ifi44 Adopted by the u if.___.....HC._191919..._.... .... 191._— Clancy Farnsworth upon tti the heretgafter pt st 9Ct easnry; pap. roved ._......__. _.1.5..1��9 .........191-' _ — spectdea. to Goss D favor of Cha tions fu the.amoants.a re8nye ttra name pel9ons rt i ot" ,. as epee• ` fo110wfng AOfafted Al Red otfon "lmertean'. tateme.. .......- ...__...— SaI a Cott MAYOR I rance Age " 'McColl merican. 6 Etafiw y Expr., I; er Wunderlich "(ur r kComp \1r. President, Hodgson�In=.I:. uu) p Supply Coy pr: _,� Fire / 16154 Air Reduction Sales Company, .75 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16155 American Insurance Agency, 149.05 Armory 21.85 Park -Adm. 78.60 Parks 48.60 1'4 U . 0.5 16156 American Railway Express Company, 21.76 Fire 10.51 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1.82 Bureau of hngrs. 1.72 Library .79 If .59 n_ 1.27 Park 3.00 tl 2.06 161$7 American Supply Wmpany, 48.81 Schools 16158 Armour & Company, 30.20 Parks 16159 E. C. Atkins & Company, 2.75 Schools 16160 F. C. Austin Company, 22•5& Plater k Res.11375 Page #2 28.76 Library 16168 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 1616} Ball -ngine Company, Comptroller 1.57 Paving Depr. 2.60 .17 16162 Barrett Battery Company, 10.50 3.19 Fire 15170 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 1.50 , 16163 Beebe Laboratolies,^Inc., 22.70 2.00 7.50 Health Playgrounds 15.20 'M." 16164 Berger Mfg. Company, 17.12 Civil Service Sewer C. & R. 16173 J. W. Cassin & Company, 16165 H. C. Boyeson Company, Schools 8.73 aureau of Engineers 5.08 it " 2.40 16174 Central Garage, Library 1*25 8.73 .50 16166 S. Brand, 2.45 24.76 Munic. Gar. Revl. Water 19.13 n n 11.25 Gaultier School (Bond) 5.63 Company, 8.61 Schools T476 16167 Brentanols, 28.76 Library 16168 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 4.17 Comptroller 1.57 Water 2.60 .17 16169 Burnham Antique Book Store, 10.50 Library 15170 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, 1.50 omptroller 16171 Burns Lumber Company, 22.70 Bureau of Engineers 7.50 Playgrounds 15.20 'M." 16172 Capital Envelope Company, 18.50 Civil Service 16173 J. W. Cassin & Company, 68.75 Schools 33.75 Parks 35.00 b'". 5 16174 Central Garage, 14.95 Fire .50 ° 2.45 Munic. Gar. Revl. .75 n n 11.25 16175 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 8.61 Schools 7.79 Paving Depr. 82 9=. 16176 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway company, 2.85 Schools 16177 Clemens Implement Uompany, 3.75 S. & 5. Cing. Res. 3375 Page ¢#3 7y � 16186 Electric Blue Print Company, r 16178'4ochran-Sargent lompany, 11.50 Water 108.44 paultier School(Bond) 1.61 16179 Continental PoXtland Cement Company, $'l 20 Water 16180 Daily News Publishing Company, Mayor s office 2.60 Civil Service 1.44 4- 16181 Detroit Publishing Company, 1698 Library 16182 F. B. Doran Company, 11.17 Schools 4.40 16183 L. F. Dow Company, 2.90 Municipal Court .75 Comptroller 1.30 Civil Service 2.19 Bureau of rmgineers 7.80 Schools 2.40 Library 1.20 If 15 -.UT - 16184 W. J. Dyer & Brother, 7.60 Schools 96.50 Library 1.60 n 1.15 D". 5 16185 East Side Meat Mat3¢et, Schools 16186 Electric Blue Print Company, Bureau of Wn§ineers 11.50 25.50 ++ It 44.92 Water $'l 20 16187 Ed. Erickson, Schools 16188 Essanell Electric Company, Fire 1.66 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1698 16189 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Sewer C. & R. 11.17 ScDools 4.40 2.90 Great Northern Schools 113.31 If ++ n 113.31 If " " 113.31 is n n 10.49 Water 3.95 If 4.25 If 3.00 If 7.60 IT 83.45 ++ 14.21 485.35 110.•05 .52 4.04 10.26 10.50 15.64 99.25 5.49 82.12 •66 18.64 485.35 Res. 1375 Page #4 75 161901rranklin motor car Company, 50.b0 munic. Gar. Revl. 4 44,98 16191 General Auto Sales Company, 6.00 10,00 Munio. Gar. Revl. 16,25 16192,The Golden Rule, 8.75 10.40 Schools 10*01 Library *39 1619& Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 30020 Schools 16194 R. L. Gould & Company, 5.00 Parks 16195 Great Northern Railway t;omPa1VP 132,49 St. C. & R. 126.49 Paving Depr. 2000 57,07 Paving Como Ave. E. 4*00 16196 Theo. G.Helle, 38.45 Fire 2.21 16197 Herzog Iron Works, 28.50 109*20 P. Bldgs. Revl. 27.35 16198 F. O. Huebener, 10600 1,93 I Schools 1.20 16199 Joy Brothers Motor Car ComparW, 14.70 0SZ7 22,55 Fire 16.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.30 If If it 3.25 '22.55 16206 Juul Photo Studio, 75 Library 16201 Kaplan Printing company, 44,98 Uity Clerk 6.00 Partic. Certs. 16,25 Civil Service 8.75 Health -Adm. 9.03 Bureau of Engineers 4.95 44.98 16202 2 Kennedy Brothers Arms CordPanY$ 18,75 Police 1620 i 3 W. A. Lang, Agent 165.00 Water 1620 ! 4 Library Bureau, 54.00 Library 16205 Library of Congress, 57,07 Library 16296 McClain & HedMan Company, 83.96 urch. DewIt. 2.21 If 28.50 Bureau of imgineers 27.35 Library 10600 IT 1.20 Water 14.70 0SZ7 Rea. 11375 Page #5 16207 A. C. McClurg & Company, Library 16208 McDevitt -Wilson's 3!ho., Library 16209 McFadden Cancw Company, Schools 16220 McGill -Warner Compary, Bureau of -6ngineers 16211 MacMillan Company, Library 36212 Marshal & Marthaler, Fol. & F. Alarm Telg. 16213 Merriam Park Grocery Company, Schools 16214 Meyer Drug Company P. baths 16215 Michaud Transfer Company, Fire 16216 Minnesota Map Publishing Company, Library 16217 Minnesota News Company, Library 16218 Minnesota Storage & Battery Company, Police Munic. Gar. Revl, n u n 16219 William Harvey Miner Company, Library 16220 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway, Water 16221 Mitsch & Heck, Fire 16222 Dow Morrison, Bridge B. & R. 16223 Nat'l. Assn. of Corp. Schools Library 16224 National Fire Protection Association, Fire 16225 National Geographical Society, Library 16226 National Laundry Company, Police 16227 H. G. Neal Company, S. & S. Cing. Water 16228 North American Telegraph Company, Police 6.70 40.43 27.30 T4=� 42.24 24.00 Bu7n 285.90 .73 13.80 3.40 .75 25.48 32.19 4.80 .52 .75 10.37 74.43 .73 63.49 27.40 35.00 8.00 21;00 2.75 9.80 66.24 .75 Res. 1375 Page ##6 16229!Ncrthern Coal & Dock Company, q" 241.78 Sprinkling 60.46 Schools 161.32 NT"M 16230, Northern Pacifig Railway Company, 167.30 Parka 104.02 Water 63.28 16231 Northern States Power Company, 113.62 Fire 4.95 O 15.03 Schools 19.37 Library 23.08 Art Museum 49.44 Water 1.75 1TS-77 16232; N. W. Stamp Works, 7.45 Comptroller •25 it .50 Civil Service ..40 Bureau of-ngineers .25 Schools 3.00 P. Bldgs. .20 Water .60 v 2.25 16233', Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 517.41 Polic a 12.60 Quarantine 27.23 Health .22.05 rr 57.04 n 210.63 Schools 147.86 n 29.70 Mech. Arts H.S.Library 9.00 Johnson H.S. " 1.30 SMIT 16234 J. E. Olen Company 95.88 Munic. Oar. Revl. 16235 M. E. Patterson Dental Supply Company, 6.50 Schools 16236 H. Feltz & Son, 115.30 pity Clerk 95.50 Misc. Stationery 19.80 1=.0 16237 R. L. Polk & Company, 18.00 Mech. A.H.S.Library 8.00 Library 10.00 T970 16238 Reed Motor Supply Company, 7.80 Fire 16239 C. Reiss Coal Company, 10.70 Fire 16240 W. R. Rice, 16.17 Munic. Oar. Revl. Rea. 11375 Page #7 16241 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, Schgols " Parks 'rYat ee"`r " 16242 Robinson Plumbing Supply company, Fire 16243 Rockefeller Institute, Health 16244 M. Rosen & ComparW, Manic. Gar. Revl. 16245 St.Paul Abstract Company, Corp. Counsel 16246 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Schools n n IT Johnson R.S.Library Humb8ldt " 11n n Special Day Schools If Library Gaultier School(Bond) 16247 St.Paul Bottling Company, Parks 16248 St.Paul Foundry Company, Bridge B. & Repair Schools Prater 16249 St.Paul Glass Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 16250 St.Paul Stamp Works, P. Bldgs. Pater 16251 Chas. C. Schroeder, Parks 16252 Sehuneman & Evans, Civil Service Schools 1625;3 Seabury & Company, Schools 16254 J. Skroopka, Munic. Gar. Revl. 16265 Standard Oil Company, Sprinkling 16256 Standard Publishing Company, Schools 3.40 1.80 7.00 3.08 229.34 22.10 13.50 9.12 7.95 99.85 41.58 4=72 33.48 29.07 18.00 -87(:55 17.10 *35 17.45 3.00 5.00 -970 327.47 1.50 5.00 43.10 6.25 438.72 45.00 80.55 13.61 17.45 27.00 8.00 11.46 2.00 657.48 1.00 22.00 4.33 15.52 7.23 276.00 2.39 -MT. -T7 3.40 1.80 7.00 3.08 229.34 22.10 13.50 9.12 7.95 99.85 41.58 4=72 33.48 29.07 18.00 -87(:55 17.10 *35 17.45 3.00 5.00 -970 327.47 1.50 5.00 43.10 6.25 438.72 45.00 80.55 13.61 17.45 27.00 8.00 11.46 2.00 657.48 1.00 Res. j1375 Page #8 F 16257 G. E. Stechert & Uompany, t% Library 16258 Stewart Products Service-Station, Fire 16259 J. C. Stuhlman„ -% Fire 16266 Superior Printing Qompany, City Clerk 6.00 Municipal Court 36.00 Pr�nted forms and blks. 10.50 Schools 6.00 Water 28.00 16261 Swift & Company, Schools 14.40 Parks 14.10 16262 Tierney & Company, Enf. of Dog Lie. 7.25 Workhouse 45.00 UT.-75 16263 Transit Supply Company, Pol. & Fire Alarm 10.00 Health 10.00 Schools 25.00 Parks 25.00 7670 16264 Troy Laundry company, Water 16265 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, Enforcement of Dog Lie. 2.40 Sprinkling 28.00 P. Bldgs. Ravi. 40.00 'TUM 16266 Waldorf Bindery Company, Library 16267 A. J. Wampler, Police 16268 Washington r•oundry Company, Sewer C. & Repr. 16269 Webb Publishing Company, Library 16270 Wee, Parker & Company, Schools 16271 Western Supply Company, Sprinkling 1.20 Schools 17.99 Great Northern Schools 112.98 Saultier School(Bond) 293.04 Paving Depr. 13.rs .220 . 3.50 3.00 15.00. 86.50 28.50 52.25 1.30 70.40 443.75 9.00 60.00 1.00 6.75 438.41 ( t, r r € E Res. 1375 Page #9 16272 R. B. Whitacre & Company, I 27.92 Sprinkling 20.92 3.50 Water • 3.50 7r. -D7 - 16273 r. -D —16273 World Book Company, 7 14.9§ Schools 16274 Zimmerman Brothers, 6.00 Police Total 7,303.39 CITY�OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........._...... COU NCIL PILENo............................................................ Date Presented _....Slec.,.1..9.,. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby aut horized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller one 21 -ton Packard truck, Model E, with cor.plete equipment, at a cost not to exceed $3700.00., without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Departrrent. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller / ) McColl 1••�� Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I6 Adopted by the Council.__�� Approved DEC j'9 I919 191..... ....In favor ...... Against.... MAYOR ,. FILE N(].......fi�ff'�... COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 3S OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE .................... �. �� .....___..._....._....._..... .._..._..___..__ ..._....... PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOL hat upon the application of the licensee, that certain license No. 77 heretofore issued to Bernard L. Busch, as G. L. Hargrave & Company, to carry on a male and female employment bureau for the period ending ,+fay 7th, 1920, be and the same hereby is can- celled and annulled, and the bond given by said licensee as an emplo%ment agent be and the same is hereby cancelled and annulled except as to any liability that may have accrued thereon previous to the passage of this resolution. Yes (%,) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM lM9'IR 6be andnthesamo as e laeherleby d annulled except as to any hat may have accrued vloue to the passage or this y the Ceun ll Dec. 19, 1019. Dec. 19, 1919. (Dec• 27, 1918) Adopted by the Council DEC 19 1 9 1 9 19 Appro DEC 1.9 1919 __ ._ _ ..19_ In favor !LG%mAYOR Against JOHN I. FARICY Offirr of Tity (nlrrk JAS. J. MINER cvr crena wear, carr cL.- �t u 'Artttnt Paul Decem.Ler 17th, 1919. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, 27646 Corporation Counsel, Dear Sir: Please find enclosed, the request that License 'To. 77 --issued Mai 19, 1919 to Bernard L. Busch as C. J. Hargrave Company, 423-4 Merchants Bank Bldg., be can- ,:elied, and the bond also annulled. Thesar..e was referred to you for the proper form of resolution, b,, the Council this date. Yours truly, enc. // CITY CLERV �. Oa101HAL CITYHA UL Liceoe 77 Comer. of Finance (MIS having d in the City reasury the license fee required by law, is hereby authorized to......... '4:`!0.:...—.....///%? 9✓'..G y�G"� ..... "yG.`"........_ �✓✓ r.'........ ;f .......................................... ....... .....' -forendin8,_r.._ _ g Dated this........ day 1 ...._._. ...... .. _�a 9ew1 city clerk._ lill rtr COUNCIL 2'764 JJ�I!! CITY OF ST. PAUL _p FILE NO .................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY, «. e / // /_.------._....._.._.......:............... DATE ............ ..._......................_. I WHEREAS, The American Auto Transit Company, a corporation, ,has made application for licenses to operate on the streets of the City of St. Paul, certain motor busses described as follows: One "A" one -ton Wilcox truck, 45 H. P., Factory No. 74234, State License No. 260104, and one "A" one -ton Wilcox truck, 45 H. P., Factory No. 74792, State License No. 260105, both owned by said Tlansit Company; and WHEREAS, Said Company, in accordance with Ordinance No. 4026, approved March 9th, 1915, has filed copies of insurance policies with the City, and said policies have been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That licenses be issued to said American Auto Transit Company to operate said motor busses upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, subject to the provisions of said Ordinance. C. F. No: 27647—By Hanry McCoil Yes (4) Councilmen ( ) Nays n /// Far worth pOss '`.Powers' Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 -. -. In favor . - Against ReQei�ed t �SPluti " corjnectionabove in_ by the Couy 19- 19 19 Approved_�"1;911 - 19_......_ / O/ - COUNCIL 27648 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 'FORM PRESENTED BY .6 ' pecepbe_ 8 1.9H COMMISSIONER........................./,...--.....{....................................._........................_..._........._................ DATE...................'.__.'...__. +...... . RESOLVED That the Council concurs in the recol-A-rendution of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contr�.ct for the construction of asewer on Charlton Street from Page Street to a ljoint 160 feet south of rage Street, to the Feyen Construction Company for the s)mi of A522.00,, engineer's estimate being 3549.(10. F.�./121089. 27848. SY M. N. Gose oncurs C• F'N° That -Ehet Council Resoly d t,e.con- d hereby awards.. t sewer . to the re do.Th t - tion of the Contre.c Committee an fpm Page Street tracblor the conetructlon oL s ,to a ,Point' 188Seet South at Paee on Charlton,8tre@A_ConstructI., Com-', Street, to the Nye.yng estimate for the e E 47008�P Q71¢N°1n2b89.. 'Adopted Iny the,Counoll Aec. 19. 191'x: .t.APProve3'Dnec. 12%i11919) - Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss - - In favor McColl Powers 0 Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9'I9 p"00"Ped all Re a"' n. with apa'boorr vg fh Adopted by the Council -_ DEC -1._9_ 9.19---- 19 /DEC 19 1919 ..............._....19. _. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • /' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I A COMMISSIONER............................................................................................................................................. DATE............ RESOLVED That the committee on Lands is hereby autharized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursVant to Ordinance No. 5085, for public school purposes, Lots 8 to 16 inclusive in Block 31, West End Addition for the sum of $300 per lot, amounting to a total of Twenty-seven hundred Dollars ('$2700)and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner or owners of the said land when proper deeds conveying the same, approved by the Corporation @ounsel, shall have been delivered to the Compbroller. The cost of the said land (x2700) to be charged to Public School Fund, Real Esttte Reserve Yes (%') Councilmen (,' ) Nays Adopted by the Council DEG ...1.9...19.19-- 19 .- - Clancy Farnsworth DEC 19 1919 Goss In favor Approv .._ 19........ J 1VicCo11 Powers (W J Against. MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 -Is (Situ of saint Pant ;Zr1t;V r ,Bepartmeut of �iburation ALGERT WUNDERLICH.CO55 ER K. F. DREHER, DEPUTY Go- _._ o miss._ December 18, 1919 To the Honorable the Council of the City of Wit. Caul: Gentlemen: - Your coram_ittee on lands for the purpose of acquiring property for school purposes, undor Ordinance Pio. 5085, desires to report that it is able to acquire lots Tight (8) to sixteen (16) inclusive in Block Thirty-one (31) 'Nest Fnd Addition, at a cost of Three hundred Dollars (;;;300) per lot. This being considered a reasonable price vie recommend that these lots be purchased at the total cost of #2700 and that condemnation proceedings noxi pending against the same be annulled. C 0?,i4ITTEE 4Respectfully submitted, V ( ( .AY ( PUH li.I AGENT COW CIL 65.o. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.: ........ z... f. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FoW. � t PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_..._......................._......_...._......._................_....__......................._..__........_._....._...._.,. DATE__._....__..__._.. _..__._...._......._...... RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Conmtittqebp,�1 Lands has reported to the Council that they are, o procure lots 8 to 16 inclusive , in Block 31, 'hest End Addition by purchase at a reasonable price and ry ;;�B;ar_�S, the Council , by resolution known as C.F. No. ,x'764.) adopted December 19th1919, has authorized the said Committee on ani to purchase the said land and has directed and empowered the proper city officers to complete the said transaction and :';HI,REAS, their report was made subsequent to the adoption of final order No. 27243, approved November 19, 1919, which order provides for the taking of the aforesaid lots for school purposes; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Lots 8 to 16 inclusive, in Block 31 West End Addition, be and the same are hereby withdrawn and eliminated from the aforesaid condemnation proceedings. F: Ne. 27860—By Albert Wunder- demnntion proceeds ga. Adopted bYthe Cbuncll Dec 19 1919, 7tipprbYed']78E" 19'1918 ` (Dec 27 1819) . Yes Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council DEC- 19 1919 - 19 - - Clancy Farnsworth _ In favor Approved . . _ _._ _-- DEC 19 �y .g. Is Goss ....19. _.. McColl .`' Powers V -Against � -- -- MAYOR Wunderlich 7Mr. President FORM 3MII COUNCIL 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ND.......... 11....... OFFICE OF :THE CITY CLERK ` •COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .................... .........................__....._......................._....._............................_......Ir.......... DATE.._......_...._........._........ RESOLVED In the matter of condemning for school purposes Block 31, West End ddition, under Preliminary order No. 25949, Approved July 25, 1919; Intermediary Order No. 26874, approved October 11, 1919, and Final Order No. 27243, approved November 19, 1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having authorized the acquirement of all of the land required for the said improvement by purchase, be it Resoled, that condemnation proceedings be, and they are hereby) discontinued Yes (%') Councilmen ( I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers .•r' Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 1.9 - Adopted by the Counci GEC 19 1919. ___..19 np OJEC 9 19.19 _ 19 In favor _._. Against MAYOR I Y COUNCIL NO21.-652 CITY OF ST. PAUL MA FILE ........... Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ................._..._...._...... DATE ........._.............. .... ............................ . COMMISSIONER._.................................__........._........._.........___...................__..... RESOLVED That the Co•v^.issioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to comply with ti:e request of the Joint City Hall and Court House Com-:ission and furnish to that body plans and specifications for the additional equipment for the vault in the Probate Court Office. yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM ]M9-19 c. r: We. 27662— %, i Pgrks iPlaygrounThat d. and Public Build. e i Ings, is hereby Ruthorized and directed to comoly wlththe request n the.. Joint .ion f, furnish t0 tha body planConnote. and apecl9 0 tons for the additional eggip. Ment for the. vault In the Probate Court Office. - Adopted by the Cei, col Dec. 19, 1919. Approved Dan i iliac. 27. 1919) Adopted by the Council ` L- I J " -19 - L' X91919 19_.__ In favor APP`ved ._ ` i i Against MAYOR Form A A.6, IN 7-I8 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ^ �s {/J, V COUNCIL, YCIL 2Y/j • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F,,.E No•'--•--' I B OEG ::. a91 ! jam CI' AUDITED .........191....... `........:---.10 PER.-.. ........ ..e._ .........................._._ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ),Councilmen ( V ) Nays SEC ��� Adoptedby the n .............. . 2.....0 .........._�...... _... _191 ...... ... _ Clancy UEC 20 rovedFansworth —I favor ..- ...... ............ ,C;; F No X7668 Coss .Yaws oi,th$:peraone, 5 to be drawn- * UPenethe CItP'17ea�iUsY; Pfundae out. of ....... .. .._.. .. ... .................. .__ Keller the hereinafter speolfle,d rnd In MAYOR rt O o7' cerpo7s McColl hone tor'iho'amounte eet opnoetta their• reepecttve:h mea sa epectdad 1n the Wunderlich follow M, de flea statement ,Q BOMIp it 28 Mr. President, Hodgson :Buena LSimber, Go-pany isas so. g � HmeAe_ &>_coarteav ., t0.90 i I I� 16285 S. C. Borup, 1.20 Schools 16286 Burns Lumber Oompany, 309.30 . Schools 2.00 285.56 " 11.40 Library 10.34 309,30 16287 Emelie S. Courteau, .90 Schools 16288 G. N. Gerlach, 156.91 Schools 16289 Louis Jacobi, 2.70 §chools 16290 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 862.80 Police 169.94 Fire 393.37 Munic. Gar. Revl. 133.48 S. & S. Cing. 105.60 Schools 50.88 " 4.77 " 4.76 Rea. 1378 Page #2 27653 16291 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 731 as Fire .61 '---_ Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.21 Lighting 717.17 Water 10.40 .66 162921 Raymer Hardware Company, 102.65 Police .80 Fire .90 Pol. & F. Alarm 4.55 P. Comfort Station .30 St. C. & R. 11.27 S. & S. Cing. 5.97 Bridge B. & R. 6.42 Schools 24.00 33.52 Special War Classes 5.05 " Water .28 9.59 16293 Samuel A. Thorn, 1.70 Schools Total 2,169.21 CITY OF ST. PAUL - "" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMI Fe®AAIi,2N] 18 FILE 16294 Grace C. Briggs, 12.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 16295 Merchants National Bank, 19,462.34 Interest 19,012.50 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 18.59 Perm..Imp. Revl. Fund. Int. Acct. 431.25 Total 19,474.34 1379 RY. ... -._. AUDITED -...._.U.. �:' 17-�.,/...-.191---..-- C I ���eee��yytPTROLLER //J -: TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by th oun _.....:...___.DEE .z(%...�.�.�� Clancy Farnsworth ._....._......_In favor _ roved_.._.._. _..__.-.____UkL 2..0._N.l.g._.........191.._-....- Goss KelleKell r. ___._.._.._Against -......_..__._.._._.__.._-.._...................�^%j-..//...-'............. .......... ...--..... O ..............._ -� xAYR McColl Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson C F STo 2786%1— - ab treat. Heeot"ved Thai!tivar+'ana be, -.drawn: out,ot'. Ifyon the'-�Ity T,reB'SurY' fun %: aDepleefl fvad� snfl !n'. t . heke�aafter tavok oil;the peraoae: arms or corpora-' air p.AonBl�ve namBe ae, epeot9ed }a�th0lol'' detattef8ggatafement ,: ha aa! Bank ;19 �82Si. - .'Mor ta'.`rNapo 'Adapted the Dtiancil D c 20 3919::. +� b8,. 1819 - ADpcovOd�e �',: 16294 Grace C. Briggs, 12.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen 16295 Merchants National Bank, 19,462.34 Interest 19,012.50 G.F.-Misc. & Unf. 18.59 Perm..Imp. Revl. Fund. Int. Acct. 431.25 Total 19,474.34 F 1J, L CITY OFPAUL C OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER YFCOUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 'ILE No ......� .. �. rmm A A 18,1X]-18 _ e..... ..... .................... r� 1 AUDITED .J919 ./rte/' �O/TY`ROLLER ... ......... 797..../.. (/...<../ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the nc' _.._....11l C....20..19J.9..........._.....191............ Clancy 1 Farnsworth ._......._.._..In favor ro;�� D��201t�19....191_.......... GossKeller ___.. _ _..Against........._..............._........ MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Ci F No 27666— '' >it9solvod `'that tes.rraats bo oat of upon ttta CSfY TrfSasurp, PaY - 01Ye, Doreinatcer,9poctded. fuade, and.,tn._ Savb! by YLa�ysraons, Hrm or corpoia- tlonsYor%tha•spvoun�AEePe D$ d tint the. resyyecUv names,. c� , .LptlovJtnk detalteA etatementa , Chea H.-..Bronson,40000 Adopted b 'Yh ,Council Decm 20 App ovod- 1919 16296 Ohas. H. Bronson, Sohools r Total 400.00 I 400.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , Subject:..,...._.................................._.............-----.... COU MENO. 27656 Date Presented De -CAM .er....2.0a..............191..9 Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract to the Patterson Street Lighting Company for furnishing, installing, equipping, maintaining, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair of incandescent gas lamps and connections to gas mains for certain of the streets, alleys and public places within the City of St. Paul for the year ending December 31, 1920, at a price of $12.60 per lamp per year, in accordance with revised specifi- cations attached, total amount of contract approximately $54,180.00. F.B. 110. ^^nc Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Kelle McCo Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 s - Adopted by the Council........DEC..2.Q..131,Q.....191.....; Appro...................... 191..... ..............In favor Against........................................................YO.......... �-����������� MAR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rye+ ry -_ Subject: ... _.......---............................................... ............_- .............----........................................ _ .......... f �)5 / —N 91L A FILENo ............................................... Date Presented ...--DPA-It..20.S .......................1919.... c Resolved, In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cretin Avenue from James atreet to Palace Street, under Preliminary Order /26211, approved August 14, 1919, and Final Order X27236, approved November 13, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by.the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received all papers 16 connection wit4sbo" Reso uti n (i Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays C1EL� �y�9 Adopted by the Council ............. 191...... Clancy Farnsworth UEC 2Q Goss .............. In favor App: _....._.........._�y.._....9__......_....._..191..... Keller McColl .............. Against7(—.'✓ .. .... .. �`�...'...�. �. Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IE CITY OF ST. PAUL " 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i ---.... COUNCIL .. 27658 FILENo ............................................................ Date Presented 992 ........................ 191._9. Resolved, • In the matter of constructing a sewer On Dudley Avenue, from Chelmsford Street to Grantham Street, under Preliminary Order (26212, approved August 14, 1919, and Final Order X27237, approved November 13, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Coimnissioner of Public Corks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. . Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller D 3YIcColl .............. Against Wunderlich ?rPresident, Hodgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 12-I8 Received all thpbft connection with above Regrtio f,l i = i i� Adopted by the Council ........GEC2Q 1919 .191...... Approve ................2_�y.�.9................191..... ....................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....................................................................................... Co . UN .._ 9,7659 CIL PILE NO . ------ ..-------- ..--- .......... ....... _...... Date Presented.....DAPJ! Nj........................191...9. IL In the matter of constructing a sewer on Baldwin Street, Resolved, from St. Clair Street to 100 feet south of Sargent gtienus, under Preliminary Order f26163,approved August 11, 1919, Final Order (27280, approved November 17, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public 71orks for the above named improv.ment be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller Q McColl Wunderlich yrpresident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 ReceiTed all papers it connection with above Ees9lution. � — %� •rte �J s Adopted by the Council ......... J.E.C.. 20..x.91.9....191.-.... DEC 20 1919 APProv........._..................._.........................191..... ..............In favor ............. Against MAYOR f `I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - A ............................... 27660 Subject: ............ ............................................ .......... ................. ..... r /Z- F, ou No. .......... ...... . . .. . .................. .............. ........ I ........................ ............ ....................... ....................... Dec. 20, Date Presented ................... .......... .............. .... Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer the sum Of $1,000-00, from the WorkmenlB Compensation" .: 'K, the miscellaneous and Unforseen Item of the General Fund to Item of the same fund, thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. C. r., No Sr. A. F.rhrth 33� e..I�ed. - That, the � C.,hp*tm11, bei authorized and he 10 hereby directed to trdnofar- h W.WbrUmb7A ninii.as.t 6n,'It.a, f� the .1 GeneraJ,Jftndtb, the, MI-11anedua and unfor"kPn,16nvoTthaa.,Te fund,,' thbreby, relteving- an 114avMdti 16"dOdclency.;ln the latter - L:D6d'2Q,'19t9 AdgyteH the "Council Apprpw.d c.. 20 1919 lw' Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 1 Adopted by the Council 191 ti Approved.... 191 ......... ....................... .. .................................... MAYOR� l� 2 FILE e"7661 CITY OF ST. PAUL .J NO ......:.............................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE RAL FORM PRESENTED BY !`nMMICCInLICD �j[ `_..-----............_._.._.............._..............._................a. DATE....._._......_........... _._......... _............. RESOLVED That Council File No. 24560, approved March 27th, 1919, appro- priating the sum of $2500 from the City Planning Account of the General Fund, to be used in paying the expense of engaging a city planning expert, is hereby repealed; no such expert having been engaged and it not being the present intention to engage such expert. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 Adopted by the Council I I DEC 20 1919 19 ..___.._.Infavor ApprovedAC. .2.Q_N-l9._._...._-19.__..._ Against MRYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ,. , FILE NO............................_`r... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY— COMMISSIONER....... ........................... ..... ................. ............................... ..r._✓Z1................................. DATE......._............__.... _.__.__................ _ RESOLVED That with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) is hereby transferred from the balance remaining in the City Planning Account of the General Fund to the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the same fund, there- by relieving an unexpected shortage in said last mentioned account without in any way interferring with the activities provided for by said first mentioned item. Yes (�) Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 1VIcCo11 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9- ... In favor Against Adopted by the Council X 20 1919 19 DEC 919 MAYOR 1.1 ,//r� ®i/GJ��/ CITY OF ST. PAUL v I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E/ . Subject: _.....................-o....:u ..N.1L : 2`7663 (p FILE NO . ..... .................. ...:.... ........... ........................_...-----------...__.._. ................................................ .........._............_.15.L............................._ . Date Presented. ........Dec_..._20 191.,191...... Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $60.00 from the Workmen's Compen:-ation item of the General Fund to the Municipal Employment Bureau item of the same Fund, thereby relieving and unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. 1 C, F. Noi 27883—'gY-'L C �0 teoiiei• ba SieeolKed That t� erfi 3r ,directed.. lauthor�>sed, and be - 1 pieQ 09;irom tha. ' to n -r fer the sum to trauan9 Compeneatton it@m:at the. General-.. U iteinea= that same fund, mens -s_, thereb}"!'relb letter unavoidable de, etenoy rIn the Counci�t Dee;. 28 1919r Adopted b ,,,Approved. C. E7T 1919? Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays r Adopted by the Co cil _..._ -.. _-..:�'..�_�9�.�.....191...... Clancy Farnsworth Goss .__......_. In favor p owed.........._. .. Q.iNIS -...__........: 191..... Keller McColl...----...... Against..................................._.........r MAYOR Wunderlich ZrPesident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -le Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT: LOCATION.' C. A. Johnson, Euclid Hotel, 405 No' Washington, Charles Bennett, Hamilton hotel, 348 E. 7th, K. H. Nyman, Restaurant, 834 Raymond Ave., F. R. Standish, Hotel Standish, 50 W. 5th, Arsonos & Spanos, Restaurant, 566 Wabasha St., Strenglis Bros.Sioris Co. 'Restaurant, 468 Wabasha St., Paul Sufas, Hotel, 380-83 Jackson St., E. H. Phifer, Restaurant, 50 W. 5th St., Fred Fink, Restaurant, 551 Jackson fit., R.6. Colemem, Restaurant, 388 Kent St., Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM G. A.9 3M 6-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER !T 2'766 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COnYOIL No....:... 1382 SEC 2 1919 BY . . . ..............c�/ .. AUDITED ...........791........ 7 )\1PTROLLER ......... ........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the'I persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays ��C 19i1� �_. Adopted by the Council..... ...._._._.__191. Clan Farm �orth In favor Appr ` Goss Kelle....Against Wun rlich Mr. President, odgson Re'soty'Qd ttiPatrac"�. aDo>P th6 tat ta.'be rewn` tlti46p, 0 --4;0j*- „ oat of favtir; of,the net'enljq aad.9p'; ,te°atpp'ecttVbe"eea„Sa abt?q:GkRe��.]oieji, fol]omld n„.�°.,�.•� aPeed fa •th..:. 16317 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir, of Finance St. C. & R. Sewer C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Bridge B. & R. Sprinkling Revl Docks, wharve etc. Engineerin nsp. Paving gaft Ave. E. W. St thong Pump , Total 11,652.03 1 !SO .89 ,3 9.69 45.00 �34E.�@' 4V.00 aeb.20, 11,652.03 Form A& 68, L N 7-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOWM FILE COUNCIL N 1381 z . j j BY.... AUDITED DEC y 1- ........ 191_.... .. jlll / PER../// -------- ER_ //. /V.....�/..---- CJ_ ................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V _) Councilmen ( V ) Na No st;sz {` i Adopted by the Council..._ . F �2 1919 191_..-' r i hL.beo�I�i�d^tl+ tb Wa'r sate be 0.FRw'7nj - Cla icy u Lha. ty�T}eaaaryi ➢eyabte enr o� e:a.°aLe� aDeet qa SundeX�na tc` tabor a the o Fa sworth Zlom+ for � gament7�sertmToy APP Go res DeMlveasaames lvj".engatgep taY 1d toll¢wla detal)aq r�,emsata v ��, ' 74 Kel er 61 0 t Me :011 / TI 9. W f x`3. MAYOR G9od9eaTFRnDbetxny;1`9'Qi WE iderlich +' Gsapo7ithtc.yY�mlm7pp� py ;4v.,�8 t � Gr�ai�fakgb CeaIF hoc Company JPresiden Hodgson s � z'�e�by Roan ti'owppHu�nY 38'91 i,�¢gge,ot rEAtn3fe94f@. �AnniotyAlltted,�� 16297 C. F. Alstatt, 16298 J. A. & W. Bird Company, 16299 Contractors Supply & Equipment Company, 16300 Gleason Piano Company, Armory -1�.50 Scho 6.0 16301 Goodyear Rubber Company, 16302 Granolithio Company, . g. 16303 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, - FUke- 16304 J. T. Kenny Soap Company, ' -7 - 16305 League OP Minnesota Municipalities, -LLbr-vy — 16306 Leslie-Donahower Company, G 5.00 37.28 12.15 7.50 1.98 404.18 251.51 8.91 1.25 352.35 Res. 1381 Page 16307 McClain & Hedman, 237.09 -- Oom'r. of Finance 2 Polios 13 n 7 0 Bureau of engineers .00 " .55 " 0.50 " . 5.45 119.00 " 18.90 Schools 2.00 u .70 16308 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, �brarR- 1,132.45 16309 St.Paul Letter Company, 2.15 16310 Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, 28.25 . Lighti �lA: .75 e 9. 16311 Mrs. C. Sivereonn 4.90 16312 Sinclair Refining liompany, 603.96 16313 Stearns Printing Co$pany, 67.25 Election __4 Corp. Counsel ;� ' 5 Munidipal Co *75 Police 7,50 C' ,-Oen. Adm. 3.25. Schools 7.50 n 3 w 16314 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, Mayors Office 5 294.75 City Ulerk .50 Corp. Couns 1.00 Armo 9 c Depot. 12 Schools 248 16315 University of Minnesota, seheele 312.50 ` 16316 Western Union Telg. Company, 61.26 Mayor's Office .31 Purch. Dept. �' 1.2,,J�' /1 Police 44:50 Bureau of gineers 2. ,.Soho 8 6 . Form A A 46,297-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No..... 1383 F(� J t�t't� M�c ....AUDITED_*-.+....4.�...1.,7.}�.............. 191......./�//'JnC/OM,PT�ROLLER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statemen Yeas ( V ) ouncilmen ( V ) Nays j Adopted by the o cil-....... DE_�..�re�d 199 II r a' 7 y t p+„ Cla c Cf tl x z7ssa� nd ti roved --AAL ` 1.19..... S Fa swocth owitaitl. xhiwoet aRstfn lam/ - 1 vltoff tn.rAlt% GO OTKYIb bo,.1n.egKnnd. sna ,tL"19 r eornlYf suuaa K ler Znb eo!!vei' e4 3 ................. ........ _................. MAY M Coll cna sottdtrtag d4t+tttiA etatatttbn CaDtto1-171Yy`L>ynYt{br,Com nT'i28.8�,' nderlich too ner ,L1mtf Bcr .Ceme>}4 o>Shpany ii r8�.i8 �tiawar'*S in$e xt? t CemtCgD@dY.` Mr. Presid nt, Hodgson Sass 78 ie<in.eaa CoglDaay ISSI ss; No�hexn $tYdD� � ote,C mTflrt ,si84 89 Aao yy eLbv o1gt.7�e 88t a,9r8.� APDkot?e� I7eA isf'd�1319 h� c1 OR To .82 . 16318 Capital City Lumber Company, 22.34 16319 (Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 1,132,33 P on 16320 Midway Lime & Cement Uompany, 166.78 16321 Northern Linseed Company, 381.98 Greet Northero0 1 Qsultier-8a o l(Bo 9 6 16322 Sifo 15roduots Company, 34.39 o s To .82 . 2766y L {I\ CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ....................._........ J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM =NTED BY nnTF December 23, 1919 That Council File No. 27300, approved November 18, 1919, be and the same is hereby repealed, and be it fu3:ther resolved That Council File No. 26938, approved October 15, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the following words and figures:"not to exceed One thousand dollars ($1000.00) for a period extending from November 1, 1919 to July 1, 1920" 7' and inserting in place thereof the following words and figures: " not to exceed Twelve'hundrrd and ninety dollars ($1290.00) for a period extending from Novjember 1, 1919 to April 30, 1920" ;I c- �e � Ra 191, �D® 40 r, Yes (v) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss h McColl ( J Powers Wunderlich Mfr. President A. S3M9-1. Adopted by the Council --DEC 23.1911......_..-i9 -- ..............In favor Approved .. ... . DEC.. 3-1319'..................19.... .Against � :...... _..... PRESENTED BY 27670 councu CITY OF ST. PAUL M FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE.............Dec. RESOLVED That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized with the consent of the Comptroller, to transfer the sum of $15,000.00 to the Other Expense item of the Health Fund from the items of the same Fund as follows: Public Baths $10,000.00 Sanitary Inspection 2,000.00 Tubercular Division 3,000.00 thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the item first above mentioned. �. Yes (v) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council UEC.. Clancy Farnsworth EC 23_119. 9 Goss In favor Approved i9.._ *Ccoll Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED consent of the Comptroller, to transfer the sum of $20,000.90 from �( k FILE NCIL 1�1� CITY OF ST. PAUL IlldddJJJ'�'�'�111 «<,,,���ppp... FILe NO......7N.�.�}{...%--.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION'—GENERAL FORM DATE� DCc.�_... ................................_.............. .............11.............. That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized wiAh the the Salaries and 1Wges item of the Police Fund and the sum of $5,000.00 from the Equipment item of the same Fund to the Other Expense item of that Fund, thereby relieving an}unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. yes (%') Councilmen (:) Nays FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council - DEC 2 19 - - Approved .... .DEC 23 x.91.9._........._.19_._.__ _-.-In favor _..A$'a1n5t ...._. ...�....... MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers U Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council - DEC 2 19 - - Approved .... .DEC 23 x.91.9._........._.19_._.__ _-.-In favor _..A$'a1n5t ...._. ...�....... MAYOR CITY OF ST PAUL O COUN_C11- RESOLUTION— GENERAL FOR Subjedl -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --C,0U"C1L FILE N . ......... 27-6.72- ---------- ....................................................................... ........ . .. .................................. .................... ......... .. Date Presented ..............................................191.... Resolved, That Motion Picture Theatre Lic 'Te No. 32, now in the name of R.L. Zalk, 989 Selby Avenie, which expires June 25, 1920, be and the same hereby is transferred to Al. Brown, 989 Selby Avenm. Cy Resolved �That I �Motfod* �,tgiottlrb I Theatre T466eo No �- 22j 'no*' in the 1 .—e of -F. LZ%11?,19WS61by'AV.oi-dol *alai exolres'A, no; 25, 1920., be UAO j hereby in 'transferred to 4 the "NOR 9 S.g Brown, . = Av&..% , 11 1, Adb�tedby th-COUnell Appro—d'D4C* 23;'191h ...... Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council ----.-----.191.....C-23 Ia1.9 19L Clancy Farnsworth Approve 191 GossIn favor Keller () McColl ............... Against ---------- Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M a-10 0976Thnt 1ss^^ N PY,i3b§e-- Z:1 Resolved. That tn� Comudeg[oneP of blic "CVorka `bb gn be fe her00by' aW xhariaed and. dfretl to Fb- at2uot _ _ PL.oa�loWllgb' 162atiol i 8.}�'+,fin k ChBk Ch_ ttj '7.�}'�} COUNCIL NO.d+.� 2 erOaewlkOS ...._ _ �- COCtc Croadwd111c71 'L FOR• de' of Ivy Stilet Gorge¢ a1S)''' .. ,•r.Nt f EdBert9R Street. 3 y ,9treek �Croe§ n1' PRESENTED BY Ne Avg , M. *' Gose DATE_.D.e.C.. .?2.,.._1919......... COMMISSIONER....._.........................:...�................._........................_.......-�I�....... �: RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to construct erose walks of brick and cen,ent at the following locations: Ward 1 Brick Crosswalk: South side of Ivy St, across Alley 110 ft. east of Edgerton St. " " " n n " II " west of Payne Ave. East side of Edgerton St. across Ivy St. West " " Payne Ave.across Montana ,Ave. South " " White Bear Road across Montana Ave. Payne Ave. Ward '2 Brick Crosswalk: North aide of %erwin St. across alley between Phalen Ave. and Tracy Ave. South " " Antes Ave. Hazel Ave. " " Van Dyke Ave. West " " Van Dyke Ave. " Ames Ave. East " " White Bear Ave. across Ames Ave. South " " East Sixth St. " Gotzian St. Ward 5 Cement Block: East side Lexington Ave. w roes St. Clair St. Alley between St. Clair St. and Lombard Ave. West " Woodland " " Lombard Ave. Ew.st " Lexington " " " " - South " Lansing St. " Hamline Ave. North " Jefferson Ave. East " Syndicate " " Eleanor St. WAst si,Le of. Syndicate Ave. across Bayard St. East " " " " Schaffer St. Whet n. n IT IT n n n n IT Eleanor " East "- " ^ " " Hartford Ave. West. East " West e, IT If It ^ " East IT h?ilea St. West n•::, x " x n n,. n East ^ n n n " Juno " West It a n n n n ^ East "- n " ^ " Bayard " South " " Juno St. across Syndicate Ave. North " " Niles " IT " ward 6 Cement Block West side State St. across Constans St. n n n x It Utah IT Champlain " n n n n IT Morrison - ^ it n n x ^ Eaton Ave. ^ x Brown Ave. " ?age St. East " Delaware Ave. across.Baker." North " King St. across Waseca St. West " Livingston Ave. across Morton St. East " North Gates St. across Woodbury St. Brown Ave. n n n n n Kansas St. East " Robertson ft." Fillmore Ave. West Ward 7 Cement Block North.Side of Dayton Ave. across Hamline Ave. West " " Hemline " " Dayton " Ward 8 Cement Block South side of Maryland St. across Dale St. North " " Front " " Mackubin " South n n n n n n ^ West " " Western Ave. " Capitol Ave. ^ " " Macktib 1n St. " Front St. East x n n n Ward.a0 Cement; _Block South aide of Carter Ave. across east turn -in Gordon Ave. West " " Gorflon " " Carter Ave. East " " Grantham.St. " Dudley. Ave. South " " Chilc'bmbe Ave. " Keston St. Fest " " Chelmsford " Dudley Ave. rd St " Asbury Ave. acrose.Thonas St. " Hamline ".Syndicate Sherburne Ave. East " ^ ^ n n Thous St. Lafond" " South " it Chilcombe " " alleybetweenKeston and Doswell' Fest " " Cleveland " " Dudley Ave.. South " "Dudley " " Raymond Ave. West " " Hyath St. " Dudley " East " " Chelmsford Ward 11 J ''.GementBlock .EaBt:a. across Jefferson Ave,side Fredericka Av n n Fairview " n m- Brimhall ^ ^ n .South '" Jefferson " Underwood " Fredericka " Fairview " " Palace St. Asbury Sherburne Ate _ North " Jefferson " " Saratoga " East " Albert " " Juliet St. North." Palace St. " Syndicate Ave. West " Albert Ave. " Juliet St. North " Juliet ' St. " Albert Ave. South East " Albert Ave. " -Pascal " Lansing. St. ,Jefferson Ave. ^.Stanford ^ t n n n n n Berkeley." " n Pascal h n Julief St,.,' Raymond " " _.Myrtle Ave. South " James St. " Cleveland " East " Underwood Ave. " alley between,Wellesley Ave. and: Stanford Ave.' West " " " " Stanford Ave. North " Stanford " Underwood " n n Wellesley. East " Underwood " " ' alley between Wellesley Ave. Iand ,—Jefferson Ave. North " Jefferson " " Underwood -Ave. W ard,11 (cont.,) East aide Saratoga Ave. across.Palaceg St. North " Palace St. Ave. " Saratoga South " Jefferson Ave. ° Brimhall St. Saratoga Ave. North " Berkeley " " Cleveland " South East " Cleveland " " Berkeley " Fairview " " Juliet St. James North " Randolph St. " Fredericka Ave. West " Fredericka Ave. " James St. North " James St. " Fredericka Ave. East " Fredericka Ave. " James St. ward 12 Gement Block 'South side Lafond St. across Avon St. West " Victoria " " Lafond South " Aurora Avon Front. " " St. Albans North " St. Albans " " Aurora Ave. South " " _ " U41+— Rt. That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Standard 011 Company, a corporation to, build erect construct and maintain tanks for the storage of Gasoline on the property located at the intersection of Smith and Cherokee AYenuessaid property being known as Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 in Block 27 of Balmes addition to St. Paul and for the storage therein of not to exceed 3000 gallons of Gasoline in three tanks to be buried under the ground inside property lines the distance of any tank to be at least 100 feet from any building now erected on property boundelby Smith and Cherokee Avenues. This permission is granted subject tm the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the erection and construction of a fireproof building and of said storage tanks iia accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St. Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the building department before this resolution becomes operative Yeas ( PJ Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy -. nF GT. I C F xo [27679 PAUL G E N E R A L F O R M 9� ly asl neabe ' �" Resolved -:That m ' the Goss 111 same. to hereby �graated On COID gn ea -ntanderd co,.por , - baud BreCt. COnatlaCt gad mgt SubjeCi:---.._...---- --- I for COUNCIL � thg etor of age nP21Mis' (orated llnir PILE N 0...... ..... -.. ---.... at 4he�! .nr " , Vved, Date Presented ..............................................191..... That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Standard 011 Company, a corporation to, build erect construct and maintain tanks for the storage of Gasoline on the property located at the intersection of Smith and Cherokee AYenuessaid property being known as Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 in Block 27 of Balmes addition to St. Paul and for the storage therein of not to exceed 3000 gallons of Gasoline in three tanks to be buried under the ground inside property lines the distance of any tank to be at least 100 feet from any building now erected on property boundelby Smith and Cherokee Avenues. This permission is granted subject tm the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the erection and construction of a fireproof building and of said storage tanks iia accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St. Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the building department before this resolution becomes operative Yeas ( PJ Councilmen( V) Nays FORM C. A. 9 JM 6 •le Adopted by the Council ............. �.. •3. �.��.9....l91..._ Df_C 23 1919 Approve 191._.- ......................................................... In favor Against ------------------- ..../�....._....._.._....... MAYOR CUr1L1 L.� V - /�j Clancy Farnsworth Goss �j / Keller McColl V Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 JM 6 •le Adopted by the Council ............. �.. •3. �.��.9....l91..._ Df_C 23 1919 Approve 191._.- ......................................................... In favor Against ------------------- ..../�....._....._.._....... MAYOR CUr1L1 L.� V - /�j I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............ RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILENa..................................... That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to Aire the necessary election clerks at a. salary not each to exceed 04.00 per day,A required for the Sprint; and Fall Elections and any other elections that may be held during the year 1920; the cost thereof to be paid out of the "Election Expense Account of the General Fund". Fi No Ihe d, ThatHy >se A8,Aierebyhauthorlrtld '8nd d,r�e [O OA i. _ to hlra the neceeearp .�q -O elpgnon clerks a't - �a �ealary- ngt` toy 6.Ceed,;! 00 pdr 4a9 each; Lor tho eDrlgg and tall e7eC.,be ps-And' i anfl'atl Other e(e9d0aa that m4y .,be v dur 'A"t"',year 1990 coat thereof to'. pa(d out of the- DlebNon ]0xpeaee Account of th0 Cea ! stat Fund f!. ted byybthe Coungll nda. 9! 7918 - APnroved ea:2i 18}8 5 .i Yes (v) Councilmen (v) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC --. 2.4_0 - .......... .19 --- Farnsworth DFC Goss In favor Approved ..... ..................... 19 McColl Powers -•--- Against - ._........ Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 ... s COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fu.e NO......:!.t :-�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ~1 J PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........... .................. .?.................... ................ ........................ .......... ..........:.......................... DATE......................................................... RESOLVED _ That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for the Spring and Fall Elections and any other elections that may be held during the year 1920; the cost thereof to be paid out of the "Election Expense Account of the General Fund". C fao 279T i�B L It hSodtdk, Gr' 7' J helleohe yaut otl4efl d 1exa,.l td purchaee u1Te provide ;0he, neceeearv. 'Of",eleollon9 l and,eaaytotaher gleottoM. that may, be held during th0 ye9W 1980. , the°:coat thereof to be pard ont of'the Slectton Flapenee Account. O, erAdoDtefl h Lhe Covnon'Dec 9� 1970. ,ADproved;l)eCeca , 1 19.'n -,(D'°dT 191,9) Yes Councilmen (�) Nays Adopted by the Council - - DEC- 241949___i9- - Clancy Farnsworth JE ,.., 4..1919 Goss In favor APProved......... 19......_ McColl Powers ----Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 F— A A46,214 7-18 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t cry ry AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEO1L No FtI•�-`- 1386 U OMPTRO LER AUDITED--QE�';;;.[�-....)(}{ L--------....191 ...... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the '" persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Na e F No szo77 Adopted by the Counci RetlolvPB tbat snrrrgptu 1,e 'drawn; pEG 24 Clancy 'go ri the qt qty Dayabie tsut t 1919 y emaer- "atpe WOW, is Goss Farnsworth mvorJtt;?��. twouns .8emr or Ito %bel App ro UOna }OR,Kgn+¢LM1onnts`,e0t oDD alta that Keller vtlt=namoe rvewlA'ed1 in. tui r,ar [n {IPtaIIad tbmente 3: a f s $erstun 3i tmte:Cbinuabs Iso 7s aeo C. Htader?;�LR88� , ... _ .._ ._. _................ ................ _......_._ .. _ �7 Biaoke't)3ratjtP?9%3ai7pib6T �'CoNu pahFA MAYOR McColl t9at t6 cruet �vr,�tioeer �'1zI os �` Wunderlich r9ooAyParub er Company 87 Qa, t ,�Lat mts v,lC',etn®btmDany Mr. President, Hodgson jh,�t�i 4m �y Pra'adotd*Comftany ie 88- �:' 16334 S. Berglund Lumber Company, Schools 1633rz Geo. C. Binder, Bureau of engineers 11.52 Water %31,32 16336 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Bridge B. & Repr. 715.82 Water 28.18 Schools 79.38 Central H.S. Bldg.(Bond) 98.00 9m-.13$- 16337 H. W. Goetzinger, Workhouse 16338 Goodyear Rubber Company, Sewer C. & R. 16339 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Great Northern Schools 16340 Lamprey Products Company, Water 16341 B. E. Leighton, Water 16342 LeslieDonahower Company, Schools 235.20 Gt. Northern Schools 460.40 34.79 Subjedt: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...- -- COUNCIL FILE.* N O ........... 276"7 ... Date Presented. ............ ................. ........ ....... 191...._ Resolved, mhat the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a tneatre at 6th. and St.Peter Sts.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license' upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee one hundred dollars (ftoo.00). Yeas ( VI Councilmen ( V) Nays iC F Noy 2'{fl78 11"o11 tha T,T°t>se ��+ '�'C°neemeni Trus} -AeLgte for a; nceneo to Fopduat, a 4hcatr0 at same 'hAreb9 Is gCtorx+ds.htrpAy tnetracteH to )OAvb'sso Tseasu dyo; he Seems, O4e hnnac94 aot�.. Hare (i 0 00) AdoPtOd bSy the Gyo1�nc1% DACE 2�I 7.018 ADDroved (1Deo.a27i118ti) ..,� Adopted by the Council,_..... fG.. !?4 1919 191..... Approved.. C...` . ............. In favor ............. Against Against MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss %� Keller (lJ) McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -18 iC F Noy 2'{fl78 11"o11 tha T,T°t>se ��+ '�'C°neemeni Trus} -AeLgte for a; nceneo to Fopduat, a 4hcatr0 at same 'hAreb9 Is gCtorx+ds.htrpAy tnetracteH to )OAvb'sso Tseasu dyo; he Seems, O4e hnnac94 aot�.. Hare (i 0 00) AdoPtOd bSy the Gyo1�nc1% DACE 2�I 7.018 ADDroved (1Deo.a27i118ti) ..,� Adopted by the Council,_..... fG.. !?4 1919 191..... Approved.. C...` . ............. In favor ............. Against Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL wi.w.ro ,... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER •yam+ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE orL No • :� e V Form AAN,2N 7-i9 - 1387 / - .. .� DEC 2(19 T ..................................... AUDITED jq j, CCOSiPTROLLER ...................... p �•-.-� --� a. .... ER...`................ ......................................... ,.,.. TITLE Resolved', that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays DEC 26 1919 Adopted by the cil.... ..........._...._._. ._........-191._..__ Clancy. DEC 26 1919 Farnroved......... ...._........... _......... -_191.---- Goss sworth { a`fi5rzt��an l3tasEu� �� to �'''�ClSn �y au. I �t T i SFJ ...- ...... _ _.. MAYOR Keller 3 x S E t T McColl w, f NoiAa7$^sTx 3�x WunderlichA trap It..t`ir1YPd th$C�Yyaitf9 be45ij;ayg�}' Mr. President, Hodgson heq TibL4,4 bngFn�g g„d in ;avoE 70n 5'"ChsapeT6�b 9! Rrmefiok A- W., �:. E tiOp6 for 'run L4 AOtopp�� b thdfr. -, rdap., ;tg£�'a��'as feFBp 11e�ir4 the; ,y. �hHtfp" P'cciL)z��A� E18F 1Y. -1 ;Drrard� afsia�4L¢F,r''" C,'ommibetbnerH,' R x,Darda" 01 �^tY.tgr $QrdbjlDalogaieA 7 M CY c > Cdair oLE t 9und� � YBId" � S1t2. 9� � �,,tt��iI fion xCom�"r u1.�4hi1F-�4orha; 8:Sg8.66 z He t �tkk 1roiu r�{ �Df Pnbtlp: 1 Heen+� nf:otl T ��r:7 0[ Public _ ', � g9feLY �� r Ot Plduca- -ilih2rt rirtdbTUch. Copy � 16345 H. W.�Austin, Puroh. Agent Mayor's Office City Clerk Corp. Counsel Municipal Court 11 Com'r. of Finance Comptroller Civil Service Puroh. Dep't. C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Police Fire Po•1. & Fire Alarm Health Dairy Quarantine Munic. Gar. Rev. Bureau of Engineers Schools Parka -Gen. Adm. Lighting Water Rea. 1387 Page #2 16346 Board of water Commissioners, 9,441.82- ' S. & S. Cing. 435.57 23.20 - Sprinkling. 8,129.43 Schools' 181.79 " 44.46 ° 1.00 Bureau of Parks 396.33 13.80 n 47.09 " 3.98 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 Test. Labs. 100.00 Lighting 25.00 " 6.60 Paving Depreciation 1.10 Paving Locust 3.27 Paving Ashland Ave. 4,20 9,41-.82 16347 Board, of Water Commissioners 1,075.94 Armory 11.10 P. Charities 252.36 Police 19.32 Fire 52.86 614.82 Health 2.00 " 21.54 Manic. Gar. Revl. 6.00 St. C. & Repr. 3.42 Sewer C. & Repr. 1.05 Workhouse 6.90 Schools 455.98 Workhouse 6.18 Library 27.60 39.34 Auditorium 8.00 Parks 2.00 70.95 Playgrounds 228.2 1' 16346 J. M.'Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 111.18 - Police 61.62 Fire 15.06 Health 3.50 It 12.69 Lighting 18.31 III:TB 16349 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 1,064.20• Official Publications 200.00 Uorp�� Counsel 6.50 10.82 Municipal Court 21.64 Comptroller 10.00 " 20.00 a. civil Service 100.00 Purch. Dept. 317.80 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 31.56 Police 20.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 4.00 Health -Adm. 20.00 Workhouse 4.50 Schools 215.60 Library 25.00 Parks -Adm. 7.50 n 43.28 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 6.00 1,064.20 Res. 1387 Page #3 16350 M., :N. 'soss, Com'r. of Public Works 2 406.55 - Police '1 St. C. & R. 11.85 61.30 Great. Northern Schools .81 Park -Adm. 3.90 Forestry Revl. 200.00 P. Bldgs. 9.03 Park Construction 4.92 Lighting 60.97 Water 2.45 Gaultier 8ohool(Bond) 1.14 Paving Como Ave. E. 15:36 19.20 " 171.05 Paving Como Ave. W., 1,747.32- ,747.32Paving PavingDepreciation 35.05 Paving Ashland Ave.. 34.60 Tree Planting 17.60 16351 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety Is 606.13- (;om'r. of Finance 52.30 Comptroller 34.34 Polios 280.94 504.79 Fire 34.16 " 28.38 Pol. & Fire Alarm 337.55 Bureau of imgineers 143.13 Server C. &.R. 150,52 Paving Como Ave. E. 40.02 16352 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 1,420.83 Pool. & F. Alarm 75.00 Schools 227.07 Bureau of Parks 14.08 Playgrounds 41.28 P. Binge. 105495 100.32 Lighting 1.00 " 250.33 391,17 Water. 214.63 16353 Albert Wunderlich, Com'r. of Education 29.90 Civil Service 17,277.73 Il9Iii,flllllw6f!III�!I. 111-11",l �! CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No• ......... 2.6.7. 1388 AUDITED ......D.E.C..y.?.....1..9.. 19 ......... ......_ ./�TxU .Eft PER..................................................................... TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Co 1 .......91 ...� C F Nd 27879— ., r �. DECDLC 2�...Lf�.l g............ ,. ClancyAbetraet DEC 26 1919 8eeolYed�Tbat warranfa'+ 'd�'i' vta" _..................... 191..__' _ Farnsworth >rpon kp.'CftY 1ar8aeury Dit �NsA': .. g tAq "herpinq>Ster� a8e¢id ti ii tt 7 yn Goss to , 0 tbe• DoreAluW Nt b7 ory016 :iln. o the am¢unte s4$' Dodtte'r, M Keller '*ee eatrfye� Ramer aal dDeblaed in. it. 2o1>t°owtn edetatt6d�ppta� eat ._- .... _ ..... ...._.... .. ..... .. ........_:. ' Pitt nt iYa P,1at0 l�. 'Com Jt77Y MAYOR McColl 3I e �;6 '� at .P6ts8oiler'Nork Wunderlich 8t Paul ii3d6 LIBIlt'Co. �tl$ 67$L7 11. or or;:R.Anlo gCom e,ny 148•$8 Mr. President, Hodgson w��bbA Yrfbeo1979�c 28 19x9: Total 14,089.85 16354 Pittsburgh Plates Glass1,omp 344.87 • ny8chools Great Northe16355 St.Paul Boiler Works, 21.38• Schools 16356 St.Paul Gas Light Compar7, 13,675.07• Lighting 16357 Superior Refining ComparW, 48.53• Schools Total 14,089.85 �. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO .............. 4TVo OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for sewer on Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to a point 100 feet west of the west line of Oakdale Avenue, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F. B. #2098. Yes (+') Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council --- -. DEC 26 19 9 19 Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved.... _._........UEC..26...I.9.I.1..__19........_ McColl Powers Against ....... .... .... .................... ../ Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM -_19 CITY OF ST. PAUL F°E"o11 No......_���(7....... -� OFFICE OF THE. -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESYNTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for sewer on Somerville Avenue from the Mississippi River to a point 1,420 feet north= easterly, to DeGraff Wolff for the sum of $39,960.00, engineer's estimate being $54,066.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2099. Received all papers lit Connection with above gesol ion• �- Ya Councilmen (.') Nays 2..19.1.9_ Clancy Adopted by the Council _ _ . ..........19_ ... Farnsworth Goss ............ An favor DEC 26 1919 Approved .. ............ _._......__._............._.....19... McColl Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL FLENG1L No 276.82.IWA + OFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY\1 COMMISSIONER....:..... ..................... ................................ .............. .................... ....................................... DATEDe.c.emb.er...2u.a.1.91.9.. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs.in the recommendation of We Contract Committee and awards the contract for sealer on Fairview Avenue from Palace Street to a point 70 feet north of James Street, to Feyen Construction Company for the sum of $652.50, engineer's estimate being $710.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2096. Received all papers 3n connection with above Resol ion. Yes (v) Councilmen (,') Nays OEL 26 1 9 1 9 Adopted by the Council --„ Clancy Farnsworth C 26 N19 Goss.............In favor Approved... ... ......._...._._....._._.__..............._19........_ McColl Powers -Against %�! ._......... .... .. Wunderlich 1 Mr. President FORM � 3M9-19 COUNCIL 2 Y �83 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for sewer on Ridgewood Avenue and Benhill Road from a point opposite the west line of Lot 38, Block 7, Ridgewood Park Addition, to Milton Street, to Christ Johnson for the sum of $2,135.00, engineer's estimate being $2,414.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2097. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( 1 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 10 McColl10 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM ]M9 19 Received all paptra iii gbnnection with above Reso tion. Adopted by the Council - -- DEC 26.4919.....-19 ..-.. In favor Approved. UEL...26..1319._.._..........19...._ Against MAYOR PRESIfNTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILFILE No.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M. In the matter of paving Iglehart Avenue frou. Dale Street to Lexington Avenue, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order No. 25679, approved July 2, 1919, PESOLVFD, That the annexed plans and specifications, showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street, are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Torks is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install said water connections in such plans and spe- cifications provided for; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and di- reoted to advertise for bids for the installing of the said sewer and house drain connections in such plans and specifications provided fQx"�'.._ the cost -t o -f -said -sewer and water connections to be paid out of the permanent improvement revd1ving fund; all as provided for by Ordinance No. 3783,- approved Oqtober 27, 1916'. Yes { V) Councilmen ( ) Nays i inn Clancy 1� Farnsworth In favor Goss McColl Powers Against Wunderlich 1VIr. President FO M 3M 9-19 Re0e17ed all papers id connection awith above Bso ution. d the Council __ ... DEC _24.12ig .......... 19 _... )roved.... _...-DEC-26.4alS .........i9 - ........... ........ _ . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED'BY N. Gose ....... RESOLVED p. V COUNCIL a�����, COU 1\0........_.. ... DATE..D a o.-...._23.,....1919 .......... . In the matter of paving Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order No. 26660, approved September 231 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and Br. eoifications, showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street, are hereby'adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install said water connections in such plans and spe- cifications provided for; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and di- rected to advertise .for bids for the installing of the said sewer and house drain connections in such plane and sp66ifications provided for; the cost of said sewer and water connections to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund; all as provided for by Ordi- nance No. 3793, approved October 27, 1916. yes (%') Councilmen (%') Nays Clancy Farnsworth a Goss Ir McColl Powers // f Wunderlich FORM Mr. President 3M 9-19 r"C. F. "'o.�jdina_nce "'o. Vf )6 C. 11. No. 27686—Ordinance No. 5226— By M. N. Goes— A ordinance authoiWng L G. M. B V ��, V ( c as _ Tim"boa to nstruct a Nlll,lfled clay plDea together with the ary appurtenances, on Sy'ndl- ,ates Avenue, Prom Bohn Street to sewer in northerly erne o[ Unl9a^- 'i - a tT his is an ems €o Ar. orlinance al-tho ndtna��eOe�e tared peaseay=prn to construct the preservation of the public p`�. a vitrified clay p�-i-^alth n-, -," ,th the receseary aprurtenarces, on Syrdid.te k.Venue, `1,e6g. Rohn Street to seiner in northerly aide of Universit'! Avenue. This is an emer?ency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of tt,e public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTIO^T I That L. 6. M. Timpson is hereby granted authority and permission, at his own expense and risk, to constrbct a vitrified clay pipe sewer, together with the necessary appurtenances, on Syndicate Avenue, from Bohn Street to sewer in northerly side of University Avenue; said improvement to be made according to the attached plans and specifications, ruder tte supervision of the Commissioner of Public Forks, and to be completed or or before April 1, 1920, to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner. SECTII)v $,i Before entering upon the performance of said ^ork, t}e said L. G. L;. Tin: eon shall deposit with the City the sum of Two Fundred (200) nollars to pay for the inspec- tion of said sewer and shall file a surety bond to the City of St. Paul in the sure of Five Thousand (5,0CC) Dollars, in a form to b� approved by the Corporation Counsel, conditioned to save harmless the City of St. Paul from all damages, costs, disbursements and exrense arising in any manner out of the doing of said work, or by reason of any dar:.age or in3ury to persons orprorerty, or otherwise arising out of or occasioned by the doing of said work; and further conditioned to save harmless the said City from. any expense it n.ay incur in corL pleting or altering said work to the satisfaction of said. COML,issioner. Said L. G. L. Timpson shall also deposit with the City the sum of One Hundred and Seventy-five (175)iDollars to cover the expense of repairs to pavements. SECTIOAT 3. The said L. G. M. Timpson shall agree and by the acceptance of this Ordinance and rroceeding to do said work, he does agree, that in case the said work is not com- pleted on or before April:'1, 1920, or done to the satisfac- tion of the said Commissioner, the City may complete or alter said work at the exrense of the said L. G. Y. TirLpson. SECTIOV 4• ^uring the rerformance of said work the said L. G. Y. Timpson shall keep said work rrorerly guarded by lights and barriers. 27686 ' 1 SFCTION 5. All persons desiring to connect with said sewer u.q L.ay do so uron such teals as the Council shall direct. SFCTIOF 6. The said L. G. M. Timpson shall ray the cost of the publication of this ordinance, and before startinE Upon said work, shall, file an acceptance of this ordinance in a form to be ar-roved by the Corporation Counsel, and trerein shall aCree to be bound by all the terrr.s of said ordinance. SE.CTIor 7. 'ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the rreserva- tion of the ublic peace, health and safety. FFCTIn*, B. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force iii,wediately upon 'its passage and Publication. Passed by the Council JAM 10 ma 1919. Yeas: Days: Councilman Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Arrroved JAH 10 15_20 _1919 Powers / Tunderlich (p o t1 ' PUBLI9LaD—.,.— ATTEST; JOHN J. FARICY, CItY Clerk, t } � 1 p r: ¢ _ r ` V li7 C. F. No, 27887—Ordinance No. p227—finance NO. -,l-- �'i . F. NO • BY Albert Wunderlich— An ordinance 'authorizing the erecj- and construc[ton of a new ech bulidiag, in the block bounded ' Cleveland Avenue, Sty Clair Bt., S; neth Avenue and 3aegent St. tor: '..•ovelond Park District, ; •'satin_ff the sum of ^ An ordinance authorizing the erection and construction of a new school building, in the block bounded by Cleveland Avenue, St.Clair St.,Kenneth :venue and Sargent St, for the Groveland Park District, and appropriating the sum of One Hundred and Ten Thousand (t�110,000.00) Dollars to meet the cost thereof. . This is an emergency dvdinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Vlhereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended to the Council the erection of -the said school building and has reported an estimate of the costof such improvement, together with sketch plans and other data giving in full detail the nature of such im- provement, together with a statement certified by the Comptroller of the funds available in the city treasury for such purpose, which proposed improvement meets with the approval of the Council; there - f qee, °.� < THE COUPICIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES 02DAIId: SECTION 1 That the erection of the said building at a cost not to exceed One Hundred and Ten 934Qusand (,1?1110,000.00) Dollars in the manner provided in and by the City Charter, is hereby approved and authorized. SECTION 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund, the sum of One Hundred and Ten -Thousand ($110,000.00) Dollars; or so much thereof as may be necessary to meet the cost of said improvement. SECTION 3. That the name of the said school building shall be the "Groveland Park School". SECTION 4. This ordinance, 3s.hereby,declare.d to an eergeracyr#ordxiance ;;ce d red necessary- .pr, the;,.. pwblS c�.peace, health and safety". upon SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays .dopted by the Council Clancy 1919. Farnsworth X12 30 I'$4 Goss, JAH 10 U0 Approved _ 1919. McColl, Powers, ''lunATTEST yderlich, JOHN 1. FARIC'i, Y�0" �, R+fir City V3rk. 1vT�v„� dl�l� _ I hereby certif-a that there is available in the y6oi tones i�tnd th JJJ indicated in the foregoing ordinance. 4 mone — DaSte. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No......_`"688- �� COUNCIL /J FILE F—AAIa•tN7-18 1389 0 • i�`F7, .� i AUDITED .I.. . 1 Obi t'TROLLER .. Grading, curbing and tree yv Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, TITLE payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as'specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council..__....__ 11 F.C..2"r.....191....__ Clancy I O :F No 2788 Abstract ny,,earrdntp- bD )F < 7 19.19 191. Farnsworth $eaotved tb . cut Tt,pccj td' proved _. Goss Keller upon the 'I ifftg�,a: he etnafte>" sonar flgmsuo' atone tort he @mounts `eeE:6Pr' a9 sPegtfle, L-. _.... ._ .__ - P✓ ,soccttve names de�fdSL Luken t-' MA OR McColl rctr• 16361 Wunderlich t �' n.. 1tkl� �___\.. L�nt+►�� . I.President, Hodgson " 14.60 16358 The Church of St.Luke of St.Paul, 75.00 Grading, curbing and tree planting Summit and Lexington 16359 Concrete Steel Company, 1,475.67 Plater 16360 The Dawes Electric Sign & Mfg. Company, 15.00 Lighting 16361 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 122.25 Police 14.60 Fire 90.72 Workhouse .64 tt 1.15 Schools .75 It .85 Auditorium .78 Parks 5.51 Water 1.60 West St.P_nthony Puktp House 5.65 16362 Electric Construction Company, 28.25 Lighting Res. 1389 Page ##2 16363 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 79.48 Corp. Counsel 2.25 Police 3.75 Quarantine' 1.20 Enf. of Dog Lice 2.28 Be & S.` Cing. 19.98 Bridge B. & Repr. 4.24 Schools 16.95 It 4.39 Special Day Schools IT 11.94 Parks-, 22.50 77.-Z$ 16364 Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 724.80 Schools 16365 Handlan & Company, 98.58 Workhouse 16366 F. C. Kimball Compare, 138.75 Water 16367 Library Bureau, 900.00 Mechanic Arts H.S.Library 16368 McKibbin, Driscoll & Dorsey, 21.00 Water 16369 Michaud Brothers, 147.12 Schools 16370 Minnesota Crushed Stone Company, 664,73 St. C. & Repr. 16371 M. N. Moffatt, 23.10 Fire 6.50 Water 16��Oa 16372A. F. Morton, Supt., 361.94 Auditorium 16373 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 166.95 St4 C. & R. 57.40 Workhouse 59.43 Schools 22.50 Paving Como Ave. W. 27.62 T9379T 16374 Northern States Power Company, 3,650*48 Fire 7.02 Literary 1,903.86 Auditorium 387.30 Water 1 352.30 3:650.49 16375 J. E. Olen Company, 100.60 Fire 8,00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 4.75 8.80 " 18.40 " 3.75 56.90 i3O6O Res. 1389 Page #3 16376 Pittsburgh Coal company, 1,473.43 Schools 16377 Quayle & Kelley, 55,00 Water 16378 N. C. Robinson, Clerk of Dist. Court 76.70 Corp. Counsel 18.50. G.F.-Misc.Unforseen 30.00 ,,& 2.55 kJourt Coats (Bond) 25.655 16379 St.Paul Book &•Stationery Company, 532.89 Schools 5.10 It 20.16 40.46 +' 7,80 Library 80.26 ti 99.60 Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. 28.80 it 17.95 Johnson H.S.Library 138.75 . 37.40 it .48 Special Day Schools 15.83 40.30 35=. 16380 St.Paul Concrete Works, 44.45 Schools 16381 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 281.08 Armory 96.96 St. C. & R. 35.98 Sewer C. & R. 21.95 Sprinkling 2.00 Auditorium 20.84 Parks20.56 it 19.51 Playgrounds 54.52 Markets 1.00 Lighting 7.76 16382 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. company, 75.90 Parks 1.90 Lighting 72.00 Water 2.00 75." 16,383 The Sherwin-Williams company, 213.20 Schools 16384 Stewart Products Service Company, 14.19 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16385 Taylor Realty Company, 50.00 Lighting 16386 Tri-State Telephone.& Telg, Company, 275.40 Municipal Court 13.00 Armory 12.50 Bureau of A,ngineers 21.55 if 20.15 St. C. & h. 4.90 S. & S. Cing. 5.10 Schools 122.75 It 47.95 Auditorium 12.00 Bureau.of Parks 1.50 Playgrounds 8.00 Markets¢ Res. 1389 Page #4 16387 L. Weitzman, 2.58 Water 16388 Western Machine Mfg. CompwVy 200000 . St. C. & Repr. 34.00 Schools' 150.00 It 8.00 it 8.00 790. 16389 W. J. Works, 78.68, Schools 16390 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, 349.45 Misc. Stationery 26.95- 6.95Schools Schools 40.00 " 8.50 Mech. Arts H.S.L�b 96.00 Johnson H.S. 72.00 Humboldt H.S. =` 48.00 Special Day Schools 48.00 Water 10.00 T49 -M 16391 Zinsmaster Baking Company, 15.21 Water Total 12,532.16 toretA A 18,2N 7-18 f' _ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rr�� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. ........ 'Z7..1....,�)..� FILE 16392 Bilbow Candy Company, 168.05 Parks -1390 ( 3EC2 ;' 1 6Y _...........y._..._ ........._._.._........ AUDITED � ........._ ...............................191._ of �� �" C�»tt"PxuLLEti Ind. 1918 Issue 500.00 PER....::. �(y//wn.(/fi�� TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( �DReBNo Adopted b the Council__. ... ���9 p y 191 .... E7sEA— Clans I vea that warrants.% ,bon he Ctty Treasury Dayahle Farnsworth � u n here[ atter sDeci as ouvot -tunasbe * a A ved_ IIFI C'7 �.�f�. 191.... _.... _ .there `e am a GUSS 1 to ations "for 1 /V' Porations for the amounts Keller of;e ffielr respective names a s; st. cos- set cffied as epecifted 16394INorthwestern Electric Equipment Company, Bllbow Candy s, p8rsarnsworth,=Com r, CEolmecutarnioy nlinnc, MAYORMcColl ;82,08,a.7y7 Wunderlich CD0%.trywe tern •- �;Eq8u1, t Pnfbr_ 1.76 Mr. President, Hodgson '-Water9ue., nt so. Works, Mr. g Adopted by the'CQunWt Dec: 1 27. 1919.1 12.50 16392 Bilbow Candy Company, 168.05 Parks 16393, S. A. Farnsworth, Uom'r. of Finance 62,083.77 Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1918 Issue 500.00 Interest 61,336.50 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 247.27 16394INorthwestern Electric Equipment Company, 29.39 Pol. & Fire Alarm 14.24 Pipe 1.76 n 12.50 .89 pu7m 16395 Waterous Engine Works, 9.80 Fire Total 62291.01 /ST7 PAUL ON—GENERAL 11 Subjedl: -- 27, 1919. Resolved, �- COUNCIL FILE NO....._... _.... Date Presented ..._.._...__..._._..._.._.._.......191....: That the Commissioner of 'Education, at his regv.est and upon his reconmiendation, be and he is '-.ereby, authorized to establish proper facilities for the maintenance of a night school at the premises known as 607 Jackson Street in t,e city of St. Paul, and for such purppses may provide proper room or rooms at said location at a rental not to exceed Twelve and 50/100 (y,'1"-.50) per :aonth, payable each month upon request of the Coirmissionc-r of Education approved by the proper city officers during- the period when such accommodations shall be necessary for the purpose of a night school but not to exceed one year from January 1, 1920. Resolved further that the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized to enter into said month to month arrangement with Lrs. Goldie Y.oropoff, residing at 669 Canada street in this city, and that the said rertal s#all be payable out of school fund, Sundry item 41.6 Yeas Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller i McColl Wunderlich /M,.. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Council_..... t)} C.._27_4M _ .. 191 .... Appr d......ll��,--;v-f-����..._.._......._,. .191. In favor Against ) MAYOR IR solved,2 Up1n Rthe Tecomm ndatfon PAUL ot'fhe;Commieeioner or Education and` GENERAL FORM fflrehheretiv authorized tb ente��nito 'S leas on behalf of the Clty 1th tha ee. 9t.-PgUl Aeaociatl n least B f am the ----- --..... said At Pau1Ae oclatfon, to the terml coUNCIL Subjedt:---- nt- Ixteen months b ginnlnu January FILE NO. - 1, 1820 and endlOr May i 1921 at the monthly .rentnl, oL, Two.'hundrear wet Date Presented ......_....__........_......_.........191..... -Adod Abpptby 1h,2c uncll Dec 27 1918. 'v a Dec. 27 191 s. - (Jan. 3 1920) Resolved,-- _._. Upon thi recorriendation of ommissi.oner of -Education and at his request, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into a lease on behalf of the City, with the St. Paul Association, leasing from the said St. Paul Association, for the term of siitteen months begi;ning January 1, 1920 and ending MAY 1, 1921, at the monthly _rental of Two hundred and fifty-three Dollars and sixty cents ("Ih253.60), the space known as Rooms 715 in the Commerce Building located on the corner of 'i:abasha and Fourth streets in the City Of St. Paul, to be used as offices for the Bureau of Schools. The said rental shall be payable out of school fund, Sundry Activities item 41.6, under authority of this said lease which shall be in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Received all papers in conn tion with above R -e lll On, Yeas (4') Councilmen( V) Naysi ` �( 9 ...-. Adopted by the Council191 __..._�}(,L...G.... _... Clancy FarnsworthAPProved_......__�.,�.��..._......_......._.191. -`-, Goss In favor __. Keller % J McColl V ._._..Against Wunderlich -- MAroR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 8M 8-18 C. F No 27092 By A.Rrunderlich=rPresented Resolved, That.i:andeinheMyotstonor of HdncLgytonand: the Purcriaefn(; ASeptauto rlsed .and; dc- to purchase,on behalf, of the CItYof 8t Paul;fot.�............................. ptbject:.-- --• usn school:purpoeee, the follo..L.-describ d' property,. Lot t. erne Na . ...... ....... ... ............. ...,'Oen,dt thecoraerFrvieand Seffareon-avehuasumnottoed - elx thousand e1gbt hundreddollars. (;01.,ity )andtpbehalf of the city the nen- tract orsuchpv p ae: and191the'-proper city officers are hereby au= --- "''' """"'tk.warized.'and ,empowered.' to, .draw :nwarrant Is favoro;the owhenu chatheee Prlal when proy rptdeedvodeeds; conveyingthagame. apprved bythe"Cgrporntlon Counsel; shall havbeen. delivered to the tolCost of alddgaid out ovAdopted bythe Council'Dea 27. 1919 Approved Deo 27, 1919: - tJah, 2, 192 Resolved,0) ,` That the Committee on hands, consistIng~in this case of the Mayor, the Commissioner of Education and the Purchasing Agent, is hereby authorized and directed to purchase, on behalf of the City of St. Paul, for public school purposes, the following described property; Lot 6, Wessingerts Garden lots, located at the corner of Fairview and Jefferson avenues, for a sum not to exceed Six thousand eight hurried Dollars (06800.00) and to execute on behalf of the city the necessary contract for such puxpose; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in. favor of the owner or owmrs of the said land in payment of such purchase price when proper deed or deeds conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. Coat of said- land to be paid out of TMEK Public School Fund, real estate re --eve item Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth , Goss ..............In favor Keller 0 McColl ..-- - Against Wunderlich /r,resident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council......�� I�19 ..191...... Approved.... ..._... _. 7 y 9 ...................... 191..... MAYOR lrit4 of �ltint Ijaut le �crtntrnt okZ-' UrahtTlt ALBERT WUIDE RLICH,COHn.-- H.F.OREHER,D—Tv ConHissio— December 26, 1919 To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen; Your Committee for the purchase of lands for the Bureau of Schools, Department of Education, begs leave to recommend the purchase of Lot 6, Wessinger's Garden lots, at the corner of Fairview and Jefferson avenues, to be used as a school site, for the aura of Sixty --eight hundred Dollars ($6800) Respectfully submitted, COha AITTEEE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. - RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M. Y. Go COUNCILNO........ f)��3 FILE DATE.DeO..t.. 26,_ 1.919....._.... That the ti:: -e specified for the rerform- ance of a certain contract dated Septen.ber 11, 1916, between E. T. y'ebster and the City of St. Paul, for the construction of a sewer on Page Street from a point 160 feet east of the east line of Ohio Street to South T abasha Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 24th day of Pecen.ber, 1919, and the groper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an aner.dment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such con- sent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yes (s*) Councilmen 1 1 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl �1 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 1M9-19 he CIty Comptroller. Adopted by-theCouncil Dec. 27: 1919.. Apuro ed Dec. 27 1919. cd,zn: a. 9zo) 1 Adopted by the Council DEC 271W9. - i9 ADEC 27 1519 19 - pproved - In favor AgainstOR MAYOR Z7693 St. Paul, Minn., - - ZG - - - - - 19/-F - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the-S�sye�42 20 ys `/ /--o�7' /Go Eas�o fe eosr�'�e Qtita S,4 f shoSf - - - - to be extended to - - - - ��/- - - - -� - - - - 19/1- Owing to - - sGQlzoi_ �as ciiors - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible fox to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated, Yours very truly,] f Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned APPROVED -- Sup of Constrpucction & Repairs Commissioner of Public l"orks.. Chief Engineer. C F. Plo,2Z89�8y; Fienry 11fcCt L Resolved That. the 4ggltcgtlon; C O U N to110 Ing gerson�+lbr a }Ic n8w &. E R A L FORM - duct otale or Restnin ... at (... catlo,reapectfveiy; fndlcate8 be 27(,,; ��j T I Ie s8me. are here by, g-I.P.' ant d aai .. ---- / ^ is �� q _ 1. rk 19 'wit rized and dtr " ,/ C-3 /�,i, Subje6t: --- . - '--- o said ge COUNCIL FILE N 0.... `� ' . ....-...... •a.. 1'1 he 1 . -.-- ... tli i. ). - .... .. Dec. 27, 9 Date Presented....._._........._._....._...............191.._. . 1 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct :; otels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby, granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. Angus J. Cameron, Eugene Rossi, Hackney Investment Co'. Walter A. Pocock, Mrs. D. J. Longton, Angelo A. Bruni, John Daly, B. M. Oppenheimer, Andrew Hotas, St, Paul Drug Co. St; Paul Drug Co. St. Paul Drug Oo., Ralph Cook, Louie K. Liggett Co. Chas. F. Craig, Neff & Rosenquist, John }.lanes, Nick Esposito, Yeas ( V') Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 6-te HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. Hotel Sherman Annex, Detroit Hotel, Brinsmead Hotel, Merchants Hotel, Court Iiotel, Palmer hotel, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant-, Restaurant, Restaurant, LOCATION 150 E. 4th, 61-65 t, 7th, 341 St; Peter, 3rd & Jaokson, 21 E. 5th St., "I W. 4th St. , Foot of Indian Mounis Park. 1656-E Grand Ave., 481 St. Peter, 7th & Wabasha, 4th & Wabasha, 5th & St Peter, 419 Sibley St., 364 Wabasha St., 635 University, 160 E. 7th, 527 St';' Peter St., 541 Decatur, Adopted by the Council_.._._ ULC( 2i.1)-19 191 ... Approved.- ...�1-L .G� N9_ ...... 191 _.._.... _.._......_.191 In favor Against MAYOR h, Council File No.........276 ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Co�Astruction of sew on Simpson Avenue .............. ....................from...dewitt:�.Av'v ue...to.-`l`ayior.. .venue--and...on....Tayicrr........ ... ......._............ Avenue from Simp5 n Avenue o the terminus of the existing sewer 16 feet e t� of 1letiury Aveiitie. Dated this .....2.6th.......day of .......... .......:e...........neoem ..............................._.. 1919...... Councilman. PRELIMI R�ER. 1• WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the fo lowing improvement, viz.: ................................................. ....._........_oonstruation...of sewer -on 0-Impeon....A.veno.a............................... f row Hewitt Avenue to Taylor Avenue and on Taylor .......... ................ . Avenue from Siirpson Avenue to the terminus of the ................................. exiat..ixig ae er 150 feet east o£ .Asbusv...Av.enue. .................:::................................................ ..... ... .. ....... ..... .. ... 7•RBLt9lFNAIY:Y ORDBR' ........ .a having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.....__.....'. 'F..N.. 27,696— """"" ! therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredtedi" I. To inveAtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eAtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4-aafslsnishthef (� L.�:h��datRO d. *m,F.a sl_� r a r• .................... ........... It !tate whether or not said improvement i9 asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �o report uppn all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the counciL.........dEG-2"X..19.1.9.......:...........191........ Yeas: � Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .........DEC ..2X.1919 ... .............191........ Hyland Keller ^ McColl (.J Wunderlich.................................. Mayor Irvin Ma� Po.m C A 19 (6D1 417) -�" 2"76.6 � 2? COUNC E 1sF6- --------- ----- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-.ecosl t=t;cti_:� ' .. .:- ........... .c .:31:.5 2o1 -0C1 _-_„ loc Ct=.__n]. ................................ ............_ ...._............._..........:.... _.... .. .................... ................ -' -••.......................... � - ---. 2-nn3-'1v_�,. _3 !T �', "''.:v, north .. _c.c, !)e -;fn _-- r' `.t ,:.c' "Co?_ -t� ''�t1• nCO -........ -;.Q., . }7 a:,.:.1.•. 1:, ..:.Q. �. ...a..0. -..- *,hence east 272 _.cat b;r G _...ot.; ................ npt.:y---`�i>-bn,]:,-�.y...ii6,..:'�. - ,,..q- •j r:._<r'..:.'- -- ' • ,-„a �-�,1 .y_u.,--�..,�,...,_al->-.:aa; 4,. _ ..i . e^.' �^-.-:.:;;-a<i..:-,.°. e::te_ided, ;.11enco ... -t by, _.:„t. ; „., _..._ O'D ....- _ctc ;� �evc2l�ir--ori�.z, � _ .. .,.,1^--a: t 1-7 2._ c t._ rtTl..r..... - „ _.. „0.�1 �. �,., �.li�._1_0 under Preliminary Order .............` 6793... . ..................... ......... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ccns uct :0 _. That the nature of the •improvement which the Council recommends is --.t.. _---.....x--.'_'...::.J. and cepa it cor.len'u tiie , `_dc.r;.l's at the _'olio _:.. locat'_.ons: _ .. ................ _ _. .......... t*enue, _Zo: ,. 0 o 'ali 1acU c .............i.!J=.,._1...�.4_.��.i..ty... _1Q_'..�:7....+:,'wC1G--�......-v.,,..:-n�.,....:w.'.....�.Ss...:.. :;<. ...::. �i..v............._..,.c=.US.J..G.�..-...:.J;i:!... e-.tandod, llonco .-est 35 -'yet %Ir�rce- st 50 feet by 12 _ ct . tl, r .07 ')or squ::;'c -Loot. with nd'alfef.a&ea and'fhaf the estimated cost thereof is $__._ _....:_ .... _- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .....:...._'.�t«..............day of ---------------- Jai ai' _ 19f'�.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. i11., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...._...... Q U 27-1919..........., 191.. Approved ........._ KC -2'7.19.13......__...- 191.._.. .City C�erlc. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman HadEmd Ci a-cy Councilman Kgs=oi's Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ire 'odmson, Form B. S. A. 8-6 .City C�erlc. Mayor. 27697 0 COUNCIL.FM.E NO.. . . ........................... By......... -._......................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......... �.O:iU� u4 �1. ,. -•u j 1Y; - 1C- rcxJ iri:'1 ,.".Ce..e11t tilB LCtC:`rc AL3 O.t`::tlke - '- follicw11,E 1662ti0n$:- IS oe1 S t 'o't-j nortii Side, ecLiz—'in t ij0 1tll .1)' Stla ti°Get: t}lerce east 'pan- f et. Sabel Stiedt sotlt aide, aera.ndnF, 97 feet c s ;ox 01in�o1 treat, thence e t nine feet. "y'2.er r nue, :OSu side Oe, ,� ing .:00 16::1 10Pt.',' of TS'�Lbe) Jt �henco no�t'1 27. -scot. Strg2=_er enue, east- aide, be n in, at i i ped. Str cst, the_1ee south;.; 102 feet label Stct*ix*i_1�0 Toot e>s't o� ;�t F�er._ve*xuey ce eat ei nu fee t Ro ie.:,St^eet, nor' rl S:"d6- b6�;1�'.3�?�,:at ,.�.ry*lrCP u4>aC211ue, t e Ce e2 o y' 100 feet, n Cwt ce St, o t, no_til Side, zrora 0 kd',11e ae_11de to Lt. Hosie Creet� t G eorso Street, northl Sidefl ola 3tl Wes t sa feet: �lnifiyeCt ,7 ir:,et, 2math. S-ioe, ,beginnlil� JOf@et thence , ,west 72 feet. s, 0 a under Preliminary Order - .........-..' .::::...........................approved .........- _ _..._ _...... ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and .having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...__...._..........._........._.__........._- 2econstrtlGt, ��3a ae� i e ant Lilo side ,l'_cs at.the following Oca 10 Isabel Sl r eet, no:'tll- side., l Or i i 1,* Ott Sauti1 „�b6 Shc't gtr at thence I aoel Nl et, south side., oeE;inn.07, foot,, e, adt -.ot r'linton treet thence e€'s t. nine set. St 1re1 6_nue, ,reU _de, `qe in ing;00 feet: north: os Isabel Street' ,tilfl xlc.$ 11011-;� tii. 2'7` feet. 1V1nuC, east SdO,, d_i1 lags rat xnlfred ,qtr @t,'-tile5xce. soutti.;a0� foot$ uti, s_.ie r ace �t e: t,eixulin 110 'eat eaat oz Sti Ler l�vellue, ca nee east E2 1t 'eat: 1 0bie 3 to :l'h side; be, Yi in- .at str j'_or <i venue; 113 7.ce e"Nt 100, feet. Cuxtie str 60t, n0--rt'1 Side, fr olt 0al_da. is �Onl� t0`". aio Je Stl' 8t. r� Goor�e ,Sticet; x1o� �h side, frorl St ,Icer Ave ; —west a0 Beet ilifred Stroet, soGtil side, ljeginilin30 feet .est: of Ta,11 re , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .._ Q-07-2.' ' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...............:7.h . day of __.............. i nu: '...._____. , 19f% ._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. UFC 271919 > Adopted by the Council......_:_ .... _ ............ _ _... 191.. . }f C -27 1319 Approved. ........ .... ......_ _, 191....... City Clpik. `�................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 03+.IW" J-1,.'-Ic'j Councilman ifrHgr-0.; :3 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich� flavor Iriia-' Form B. S. A. 3-6 City Clpik. `�................. Mayor. 2760S COUNCIL VMR NO.---. -- ---....... By--------------------------------------- ............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER G In the Matter of. --.. ..... _-. -------------:--- ......-.._............:_ ................... _' o,. c _z r ------------ e t v - . •_, •cam ..... . _. ..x . - - . -.-,:� -3V..0 _i ,,L Lc''_?U@� 20 2 _ .... ` . .. _.._ ... .............. . ......... ...... ... - .............. 0002 :c_t '2G, 1S1. under Preliminary Order ............................I ................approved ...._ ._ _ _.._................................... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be ,proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is :................._..._............................_.............................................................................................................. �� t t2cut _. ... ... 110_.00 ,.,t 0 G 10 -_:Co D ']t t0 ._ .�1.,_ t, a -e. 0%1 St __........ cc ..., t 'J _ _.t _..._ ................................:........... ..... ..................... ............ _............................... _............... ._..........._...._........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is �.. W.....,— G:. -,;..-.,c - t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._.._ 7.` 1 P P _..day of --.....-....... .`.........._......_., 19Y 0- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Conned. ---. UES 2.7 091 .... 191 . rL ... Approved._........ __��.(� �'7.��.(�... __. 191.._. City Cler Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. C.Oun Cilmaa Cuss Councilman Hylad Councilman xe9iitf- i- 1.1 Councilman McColl ILJJ Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Fnvin- --CM-,'011 Form B. S. A. 8-6 27699 COUNCIL . . .................... B........ ............ �-k ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of az ........ .. ........... -L.- -0 ..................... . . . ......... .......... . '. , --0 . ...... . .. ....... ........... CIO X eo 9 Zuet. 7 .... ........................................ .................. .. ........ ............................. .................................... ............. lxl__O..,�Lt ...... . .................. .. ................ .... ............... ............. .. ......... ........ ............... ,ui,eot, t under Preliminary Order._ ......... . 11 . ---approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the -said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ---------- - ... ............ ... . ... _W t ....... . . ..... . . ............... 0 't, 2-0 cr r)-t— Ij C I ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.0,7 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. day of ....... 194.0. .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 2.71�19 .......... 191 '27 1919 ................ . ....................... 40- ..... Approved.... ........ ...................... 191 City Clerk. ne Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (joss Councilman Hyland J1,cy Councilman Xe.HW' louncilman McCol 'Councilman Wunderlich 7 Mayoe-Tlvvi- Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUN05,P E............................. IJP .... B .. ✓ INTERMEDIARY ORDER weo_ol:_aa3^ 7;acaa?ons-; ...:.a(...._..,....;,,_,.. _ In EITg 1 gtcp-of..,,........................... „, cc, cc u , o' 100 _ ';t sou :h _. cct c _tc -.6-ed, cc res �_ ^1 10 et i); foot. ....... ...... .;,,, 11.3 _ ,„,t ea:at of Iasca"-, _ nuo ,.'no;�Co c_.`i. 1'_ _..ct lr- G e+ ........ ,:,d.. _. p , .'O, ._ i©_ �':i �r0, 1)i1_,r ].C` -..,.. .. f;".. a Ci 3:e �.:.,a,.o-n. ,i0 -co ..II t 110 , . i7 - _ _ �Ct. ......-... _. _..... _.y. _._ .. ._ _:. .._ _..... _.._. `. .. ...__....... _............... .._......__..._................. ....................... ...................... ”.G7J8 Oc' . �, .1 l.). under Preliminary Order ................:".................................approved ....._....__ ._ _......._..............._.............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.: eee__'sst_'T 0t y...i'2�� nd ronaaj:: c 1::C_1 owall s - 4,%o :'o11 o'a _ 1occ.-,ons: ............. r .,.. , .... .. C u �S%Y'f3c �, C.., ,:). <la ,...j7C'^' S%1�0: '. ciC v.nua, to c sc tis 20t , ............. c_:sl•- ........._iJ.YA. v.v.Y..... :.....`.: ...:.J.. .' :. ....... ......... .... . ... .......... _. ....7....... 5.11ld ,72C, ''_1or n -, CCS. -)C )_)--.o.__ ',.cl;,T 11.:.J t _..; 1, ___.......pj. ...; �.... G.:..1 ..:. V..dn1LIG_ -d.: GC...:J_....5.... I..... .. ................ nd r,:e, .o°t': i:,an :..... i.i.., ...:._:._,.�...:. ..........= c-tr......... .... ......... ..... .......... ....... ............... ........... .... )c _' _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....___.- 07 s :, 'e 1 cot• ...... ---- . r Resolved Further, That a public fearing be had on said improvement on the ....... ..`'.l t.`1...................day of January 2 ......................................... -- ...... ........ 1 191-...._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 2,7 1519 Adopted by the C'onncil.....___ ..... _ ... _........ 191-- f DEC 27 1919 ......... �;. CleLc -i" Approved ... .. _.. __ .... 191 .... Ctt� rk Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 14y1aWd' JL .-zCy Councilman Councilman McColl 0 Councilman Wunderlich xayor IKg0: ljoCq- oa Form B. S. A. 8-6 f �f CourrcrE �, . c= ��r .� By........'....:. .................... ......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........: _._, 2'7'701 ..............r -....mac.-..... �.�-i i- :-�._.,,.:-..., ..5.).L.:..........::.:i11LCy._:...:.D.._..._:�:._.J..._-_:8...::.1L...:1�.n..._�II...L'1_.7.:.._.<__L.�....... t. --------..................................................................._.........._............_.................._................................. ......................... ...................................... _........... ..._._................... ....................................... _......................................................................... under Preliminary Order... -`= Q ...... .............approved .......... _ ' -� `' .1 :................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:. C O Ys t 't.Ct c. C,v'r:C't1t ........................... t` lc sdo.rc.l- ..o ,c ;1 ...-..... i.... e ..,r-,2_llC. to t .. _.L.L; .O'.; _.... __ ._.. .............. _._ ........ .__.....__.................................. ......... ._:':......".. . ...... .... _......_._.........__-_................ ....__..`-.....................................: with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 7ta.... day of . ..... ... .. .. JCi:111.. ,1 1930: at the hour of 10 o'clock A. hl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........LEE ..27-19L9 ...............14 191...... L ................... . Approved .............l vy-�Jp191. City Cler _._....................................................... ............ I........... Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Hylaiul :la'_?C;j Councilman Keller :I o: _.; Councilman McColl U Councilman Wund�rlich Mayor leni[ F rm B. S. A. 8-6 27"702 COUNCIL E - ------------------- 'By�„ ` _. INTERMEDIARY ORDER C O2l�t?1:C'C=-:" (.'. CJ. .. t, ".` �_:J - .U.i Lil o_._:. . i Inthe Matter of.....---�--------- -------- -................... ......... ._............................................................................ -----........_.---_. :de of,nu^ lu0 - -�0:. - - - _ - to •.ir._Sil erne, _............... - .._...._.... __ ....._..._.._._.. _........__....._..............--.............._..------... -• . _.......................................... ........._................................... ...................... ^'c under Preliminary Order ........... `.:....-............ -......approved ... Oct. 7.._ ........... .................................- ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is............ C011St t':ct r. cc:..c n t ............................ - -,.e' O -dC 01 17dt7 _'iue, ,. ...........-._.....:..`......:......_'..................._.......... ..............----.....................--.-----... ------.............................-----.................. a_ . .. 3:luo to .. :.ilf.. ll .Vfl:T 10. 0::c" 7i; .,...^O -20d. ...._.....--------- '--- ....................... ._....__............................._.........._........._..................._.........._..._................................_........_.._.... SU=' -7C .':0-. .,::_fit. .._...................... ............................................... ---- ................. .__......................................_...................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is . 0.'70 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. ..............day of --------------------------- 191' ..... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....-... . ....UEC.. Z_�919...-., 191 r %r Approved.. ..... 7 19 9 _...... 19L .._ _ tato Cleric. -- Mayor, Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (,oss Councilman J:Jyj=d;l:._.cy Councilman- Cr p0,-; �i Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IrAUri 1'Od ;S� Form B. S. A. 8-6 2'7'74) = l.. COIINPFN..................�- By............................ ............................... .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER co c' .c,L.:5_1'x, t__=e s_.c.c:a1]- :•, Wit, % o In the Matter of.........._. ..: '- ; _.:.:::...:.:.................. . .---- ........................... o....... a ...=:..:....:.. 4. r. —'� - `�otil "J__=Ie-'- o :::'i ..,cot i o i l„c_.,ay. .....c:?'s:e : a sc :':. ........ .... ..................... .- ............. - ............ ............ ............. ........................................................ .....................I.................... . under Preliminary Order....- ..E ::. .................................approved............ _... Oct... 1C9...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......co:_Uti'uct a o... :o. t .c 14v 'til v... ..... e.t...” °...:..... .4.:._�'-... .......1c:' 4v..m :oJn '_l ext ante o ra c:.l ;rue, e::c.: t ,c -ood and . _...__. _.. g.:_<'lea&. 11] S...];-0-1._C::...J t.., ._.......................___._......._...__...................... .................................................. .._......_........__........................._....... ._.... _.....__......... ............. ..............._......_............................. .............. ._....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...............:...........day of J_'_a 191.9._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,.the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilC--27-1.g{.9.....__........ 191....__. Approved .......... ...�f.E...1.}Q.49....._...., 191._.... City Clerk. _.... ..... _.. _............................................_.- Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman (loss Councilman -Hyla d Councilman.y-el}er 0.:3_'c Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliclo Mayor Imim odds on Form B. S. A. 8-6 27704 f r� /2 G COUNCIL ,13 Nq!-.... .._..... �w �. ....✓ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of C „a. ,,. _. ..... _ _ .............__•------- o c _ se o: :.. roe _..:, . _�, �, , o: -x,.0,1 ,-. o' �.. ...._..................--............_........................................................................_....._................................................. ...................... under Preliminary Order.,......::: �................................approved _._...... _. .....`.0 ..'_.............. ....._._............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.:.. c. c_ . _.- o _ 'o str of „o a ,o =L n,-^ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is �_ � = � . 3 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the., . 2711- 1 day of `i:.:.=:.;. ......... _.._._._ __., 14.0_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .........I1.k4._`17_191.9............. 191.._ .. Approved .................. 1}€C..27-121.9........, 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Ooss Councilman --Hyland 1:1t°.:;cy Councilman Kdjyr Councilman McColl ^ Councilman WunderlicW Mayor Ib43a. HodCS oia Form B. S. A. 8-6 (� rr r , x- ., .............. ...................... �r V f . ........... ........... City Clerk: �( Mayor. COUNCIL . NO...:.^ :......... ............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER O :� to a a ,ora .......«. .. In the Matter of........:::: `:::.::.::::r...'. ..,, -'- - ':•_� l �_ ------•-•-----.....-•---•---•------ _' t:e. _ ....._...I ........... -.................... _...... _......_...._....._........................................ ...-.......... ........._......................................... "ct. 0, 1� 10. under Preliminary Order ........ .........................._............approved .......... "__......._.__........................ ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. de Oscoolo. _.,cue ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ....... ..... .......................................... °c::; can := t;e to o; ya ue. ....... -........ .... _ _ ...._.__... _._ .... )v 1 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public ,earmg be had on said improvement on the.. _...._�.L:en.. , y ' .- .........da of Jrl.. u -d0 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by tice Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._..UEI .���_��.f9...-..-...., 191...... t ........ .- G ., Approved .................. 191e� City Cleric. )1 syor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman floss Councilman 1jjjMil Councilman $elbr 1 o.:0_'a Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieh(D Mayor:likiu Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL, ILE NOr................................ -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 2'7'706 condcl. i_ 'V,._-.rc Inthe Matter of...........-................................................-....................................................... ................ '........_.. .=:-..al:'9:;) •-------..o=....u.......::.... .. ............: a _.........:_........ 1 ----------------- --- -. -;d. under Preliminary Order. - 70!S` ............... ............... :appxpved ...... _GCti.... z The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends All se::. 71t._�, ....:......... ...", C.. 3:1C AL.u._:L0--- :.::.:'_'.at.0 .'.c_.. t.:i` ;lE;.......... ........_-'_n- _Ccc CP_C1:�CC ...-'.i..l....,.r... _...... .,............... .. ..._. . .' -..�..... - CCi .... .... .;:i0 at-, 'jd :)C't_O'_'_ ..,::C:-. uui's S :. :CLCC. 'Z.'..C1 �:10�17.:'1 _........_........__. _..._._............`...... ... .._.....___.._............_.........:.......__........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..... Nr.''3." _ ..._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...........:..........................day of ............................. ........... .192..�U_. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the . ........ _, ... Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..191........ I,EC 2'7 1919 /' � ....City Cler-. i Approved .......................R ....................., 191...__ J/V {' Mayer. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss PUBLI9MED. Councilman Upland Councilman $elter Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel Mayor );•Lein Form B. S. A. 8-6 CO f o:......_....... By........ .......... ...`...---.......................---............. a r 27707 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....... c :. ..:4.::: _ ..:....._:: ..::...... 0 0 .. .......... ..n_. ... __...._....... : o c 'to ........_....................... _......._.....a. ..... •- o-, 'r o_ U-- :.l ......... ......... ............_........ _.............................................. .................... underPreliminary Order .....................................................approved ....._..._..-:.`o.._ ----------- - ---------- ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 9. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. Q.: L ;:.Q...s:i. Y....::.'s;Ge-- o ; . . - .o... . 1_ _oc ................ _.................................................. ......... ... ... ....... .... -.......... ....... ................................. ....... ............ ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....__.,,Q,. 0. _. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................. 7th day of '0 - .................._5'. [- ---` ..... _......, 19Y......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -..._D.0 2.7 1.919 191 Approved._. ..-....(K27.1�L9.._.., 191.-.. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman _Hyl§1id,,,-- Councilman $epee• o ; Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irdh orm B. S. A. 8-6 i ............. f itv Clerk. Mayor. RES6 TION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSME AND FIXING -TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of- ..aondamni-ng,,....tak i-ng--anti•..app-ropri-apt-ing---foa•--•the••-puap©•ee--•- --._.._...._...--. .. ......................- ...... ........ .......-- ............ ---- .......................... --- ... - - under Preliminary Order..._24112............. approved Jari.25_ll°19.-.-._ Intermediary Order.........46.9., approved ------.._March.._ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the....... a7th.......................day of _.--....January., 192Q..Irggx--.- at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to -give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council..-- ............... DEC--27-491-9...................19�,,..... r ` Approver---- Uc C 2'7.1919..........., 191........ • - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman lkftt Clancy Councilman ge*WX powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel Mayor Imimc Hodgson 5 — -,-� lt1a or. FUBLI9f� _ - arc ► E;:Rotaert �ft' !� tli@I14SQ @ast �.9r f@@t►j .R�690LUTION --�ldoawksaesaable .Roll c � rJ '°`" , '' F^ r F.t), 32961 �@st Pag@ St, both sicl@e� �ioin' 8tryke� i►v@� �o Ohio St, .: - < _ F •�. 3285$;_Iridiana Aoe�'�_botii sidesy- �rqm�>I�:va�'�� t6<Ea'6Gn_Avea � . , benefit e, ooete and., expenses The assessment of _...._............ ............_................................._—..-..._......._.._......_......__...__—..---.....-.For and m connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment -on the -------------- --- 69211 ,.--.day of i:,t.* ...... at the hour of 110 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC27 I9 ............ ..... _.. ......._..._.... r _ City Clerk. Approved ---._�ylg_... -............... 191_....._ ! w _............ _ .... .._.................._.........- ' -- Idiayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss I-lyuaA Clancy 19h &x Powers McColl .. Wunderlich-.._ ... ,.. ., .. �~ f. o � In the matter of the assessment of bene :_t9,• coSts -. expenees for the Conatruetinr=,, relaying -an.i r-ic.Riring Cen.ent Sidpwalks, Estimate No. 6. Under Contract 3961 C icr 9eaecn of 1018. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22321 East Third St., north side, beginning 20 feet east of Minnesota St. thence east to Robert St. F.O. 23259 Robert St., rest side, beginning 96 feet north of Third St. thence north 53 feet. F.O. 23085 Minnesota St., east side, from Third St. to Second St. F.O. 23137 East Fourth St., south side, from Jackson St.thence west 53 feet. F.O. 22738 Fillmore Ave. at the following locations: Beginning at South Robert St. thence east 100 feet, beginning at Robertson St. thence seat 138 feet, beginning at Robertson St. thence to Eva St. F.O. 32727 Fairfield Ave., south side, beginning at Daniel 8t. thence west 140 feet, beginning 39 feet west of Eaton St. thence west 81 feet, beginning 78 feet east of Robertson St. thence east 75 ft. F.O. 22855 Indiana Ave., both sides, from Eva St. to Eaton Ave. F.O. 23237 Delon St., north aide, beginning 138 feet west of Robert St. thence west 14 feet. F.O. 23204 Gates St., north aide, between Woodbury St. and Broom Ave. F.O. 22556. Wabaaha St., west side, from Sixth Street thence aouth 55z at. F.O. 22818 T02Ufbh St., south aide, 50 feet east of the east line of Seventh St. thence west to Seventh 8t. thence south and easterly to Third St. thence east on north side of Third St. 80 feet. R.0a 23013 West Louisa St.,�both sides, from Stryker Ave. to Bidwell St. F. . 22961 West Page St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to Ohio St. F.O. 23238 Page St., south side, beginning 138 feet east of Oherokee Ave. thence east 14 feet. --Aon-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22961 West Page St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to Ohio St. F.O. 22855 Indiana Ave., both sides, from Eva St. to Eaton Ave. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tnres necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 6,954.65 .... _ _ ...... _ ....... Cost of publishing notice $....... ... _g _Q 3 Cost of postal cards $__ .............. ,7.:, 74... Inspection fees - - - - - - $ ___ _.......13.9....09.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... ........._19.,.:.3...5... Total expenditures $.....3..,..1.2°-._8.6_., Non-Ass-�eeable - - - - - - - - - - 161.92 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7,2'1.78 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ....___7 , 291,.78 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proffer, .;t ,* m ` , Form s a 17Caoinmissioner-of Finance. ,i'.i (ITY OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - ?77-10 Fa— A A 46.2 R 7-1840 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILECOL NCIL N . . ........... ... 1391 ...... ................... BY.! .......... TY PTHOLLER AUDITED .............. 191 . ....... R----- .... ...... TITI. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( I/ I Adopted by the Council .........Ac 29 1319 .......... 2771 Clancy at ... I. be d . r. -M D Ec 29 N9 Resolved that. t on ,a .... . y.bl. out - . etr naftei,s act ad fund. and in:. oved . . .. .... .... . .. .................... ........... 191 .. . ........ the of the ra - •-` — 9, - -f a 9 to _—Goss tions for their as a t a a n9mae as ea 71 the' r ctve Keller following : ... ............ .............. ...... .... 'Auto Ile 01Work-, 0. I raneter CoMAYOR $, H. RCapital .. at t I' : 6 , 17, Wurderlich J. ,, T 0 N1, j a Int Shop. nao 001. 8 0 Mr. President, Hodgson 12 —1-2-�—' lf� ..... ig on. 9411646. Malady. Paper �COMPany, $12'2- Manhattan OIL & Linseed Company "%"�Ic X r y -Va..f.1 C.rapnY. MO. Nowell Electric, CO -P-7,473-59- es No , .y�ra,6hrra & tl.r.' F. Parker . :Z,.ny. $1l.00. Pilot Printing Company, $47,70. SL Paul- Gas, 'Light Coqat)a nY, 111112%blel; &mll,my. $75.00'. ' G & Brother., t161 -99- W 6 'PS.'�ld'r`ag. $7.42. stew�rt Products SerVi..,Company. $3.41. TO State tal. & TeIg- Cbrapany. $252.77, I Adopted by the CounciViSe. 29, 1919. AyIJ-vad Dec. 29. 1919. q 1 (Jan. 9. 1920) 16396 Auto Engine Forks, 1p1"50 Fire 73.75 Munic. Gar. Revl. 47.75 16397 Baldwin Transfer Company, 6.00 Schools 16398 Capital Ice & Fuel Company, 15.00 Schools 16399 H. R. Huntting Company, 57*83 Library 16400 J. T. Ingersoll Company, 21.67 Schools 16401 Johnson High School Print Shop, 28.501?�,.- Schools 16402 Journal of Infectious Diseases, 5.00 'i ealth 16403 Lamb ey Products Company, 16.66 Quarantine 16404 Melady Paper Company, 12.29 Municipal Court 9.31 Quarantine 2.98 I- - 1391 Page ¢#2 Ilk 16405 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company, 559.74 Munic. Gar. Revl. 112.32 84.48 Schools 8.82 Water " 1.96 " 352.16 559.74 16406 Murphy Transfer Company, 7.50• Special Day Schools 16407 Newell Dlectric Company, 73.59, Fire 16408 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 69.85• Com'r. of Finance 2.00 Police 17.69 Enf. of Dog Licenses 4.95 viorkhouse 2.40 Schools 9.32 Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. 33.49 16409 F. M.,Parker & Company, ` 3.00• Water 16410 Pilot Printing Comparw, 47.70 - Schools 16411 St.Paul Gas Light, Company harm 24.70 1,010.35 Pol. & F. Health 3.23 " 35.88 P. -Comfort Station 5.53 Munic. Gar. Revl. 55.20 Schools 657.75 Lighting 228.06 1 � altr.'35 16412 J. L. Shiely Company Lonstructlon 75.00- Park 16413 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 161.99, Schools f 58.66 42.65 It 34.65 Special Day Schools 26.03 16414 W. C. Squires, 7.42 Police 16415 Stew rt Products Service Company, 3.47• Fire 16416 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 252.77- Police 114.67 Fire 98.10 P. Baths 3.00 Quarantine 17.35 Health 12.55 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.20 S' 4.90 2,52.77 Total 2,556.83 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RFrSOLUTION—GENEF FORM courvcl� ripeNO . ............................... ..—�............... In C/ Date Presented_191....... tteolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract to Robinson, Cary & Sands Company for furnishing Pumping Egigipment at the Pumping Station at Como Park, for the sum of 312,P�50.00, they being the lowest responsible bidder whose equipment complies with the specifica- tions under Which the city asked for bids, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up proper form of contract therefor, in accordance with bid, specifications and award, hereto attached. Charge Park Fund. F.B.#2084 C. F. No. 27711—By J. M. i Resolved. That the Codnc approves the action of the F Vommlttee In nwarding the contract to E Robinson, Cary & sande Company for Received all pspL-ts 11L furnishing Pumping Equipment at the 1 Pumping Station t,Como Park, for connection With abovs the um of 512,260.00 they�being the Reso Ut 10I1. lowest responsible bidder whose equ1D- under which the city netts for bide, and undemen complies rvlth the eor bids. and f _ _ the Corporation Counsel is hereby au- to draw form p' prober, of ntract therefor, In accordance with bid. sp bid, peci na and. award, hereto Chat ttached..; Charge Pani Fund. No.2084. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1919. ' Approved Dec 29, 1919. (Jan. 3, 1920 Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays t t�..l..t�.....9_......191...... --"opted by the Council ..._�.......IC Clancy til EL' Z9 1919 Goss ..............In favor Approve_........._......._ .............._............._.-.191..... Keller C mil .............. Against .......... ........__....._.._..................... ......... --_........... ..... ....... Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -Ie C. F. No 27712—By M. N. Goe6= 11here... In the CORBtr.Ctiort of -61x1 COl1NCll Inch ._.r or .house. drafa connectfone �/% �/] on- Cfe e18nd aven a from Marshall. FILE NO............/....1...1.. Dv avenue to Univereity'.evenue it was Provided in the plans and specnlcationsiL£RK that any extra work ordered was to be •'one aten, meals of prlees -therein dxedERAL FORM In n ecordance' w[th the d aper'- Ii one; PRESENTED BY ... ..._...._...... •.-^,m. mitlM. N ae�wdu...,., "- 26�_ 1919 COMMISSIONER ...... ........._................<DATE.c................. whereas, in the construction of six inch sewer or hoose drain oon eotior.s on Cleveland Avenue from Marshall Avenue to University Avenue it was provided in the Flans and specifications that any extra work ordered was to be done at a scale of prices therein fixed and in accordance with the said specifications; ^hereas, it was deemed advisable by the Commisaloner of Public Works to have the oontrao- tor, John A. Sandquist, install one extra oonneo- tion at an additional unit cost of 452.25; and ly,'hereas, said work has been done and material furnished pursuant to the requirements contained in Council File No. 24807, approved May 13, 1919; the plans for which were approved by Council File No. 26377, approved August 27, 1919; Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hereby allow for all of the work herein stated the sumof Fifty-two and Twenty-five One- Fundredthe (52.25) Dollars as an extra under the contract known as Conptroller's Contract No. L-1090,- dated December 13, 1919, for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Department of Public Yorks has agreed with the Contractor that the stn of $52.25 is the reasonable cost of doing the extra work and supplying the extra material specified in the foregoing resolution. Commissioner of Public To s Contractor (Countersigned) Yes (d) Councilmen ( ) Nays m�pp 1111 qq CCAdoP�rtaibye tr he Council - .7- . _....._..19.� �f Clancy / Goss In favor Approved.--- ® q Powers oN1Against { \M.YOR Wunderlich T6, Mr. President FORM 3Ma CITY OF ST. PAUL �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt:... ----------------------- -- .....----- ....:..._._.. - ...---- ......._.................. - ..._.........__....._......_.... COUNCIL FILE +............................ PILE ri 0........1. .. .. f Date Presented. -_ ............._...__.__........,.._..191_... 11 Resolved, That the cigarette lioense No.92 which expires May 5th.1921 now in the name of Sam Bloom 131 State St.be and the same hereby is transferdd -to Sam Druoker 131 State St. *�e-- O. F. No. 27713—BY 6th 1921, Ree.1—d. That the j&ay tte llcenee', No. 92 which exPlres MaYBloom 131'. Inow In the name t Bstae hereby 18 Stntc St. be and the 131 Stnte transferred to Sam Drucker, 3hAdopted by the Co 1919 11, . Dec. 29,'1919. { ADProved De. 23'. 1920) Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl .Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 8-18 Adopted by the Council_ _...�1519 . ..............191_... 2.Approve...... ......... ....QEC...9_�y.l.g._...._.191. .... _......_ ....r4 f' - ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r _ 27714 I'yr'y %j Subjedt.. ------- 2 6 (1 `i ..............................................FILE N O.. ' COUNCIL ' t Date Presented....__.......__._........................191..... Resolved, That the application of The Northern Display advertising Co.for a(lieense to engage in the bill posting business with offices at 66 West 10th,St.ttbe and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee fifty dollars: (150.00). Yeas (t) Councilmen( 11) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl ............_. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 .M 6-18 C. Reeolved,77That �the e a pllnry �entlon f 'foreailiodcense t oingage ins t ha" etbill poet- ing,business with ([ices at 66 Wea[ C�v �•lOth St., be and the same hereby le str acted t n eau_ each license upon [ho payment Into the City Tres.ury og the tee., dlty dollar. ('60.00). Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1939. Approved Dec. 29, 1918. (Tan. 3, 1920) Adopted by the Council____ KC_2P.1-31.9-191 Approved..._...___.C...Z.`9._1919....__._._.191.. . _......._— MAYOR 1 1 f 1 C. F. No. 27716—Ordinance No. 5233 By Henry.MeColl— .an ordinance granting permission for ;5e interment of the mal ne of the Rev. John Wright within th. '.Inde of Paul's Church. II off the City of St. F Jll/ILL// gain: r.. SECTION 1. ' i' ti orciear r•.r Q/`Ia/yl�C y An ordinance granting permission for the interment of the remains of the late Rev. John Wright within the precincts of St. Paul's Church. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Health Officer of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the inter- ment of the remainso the late Rev. John Wright 044'6iri i�!e-lreei�e'b� St. P_aul's"Church locate on Summit avenue and Saratoga street, in said City. Such permit shall Lesignate with reasonable accuracy the part of the church within whi3ch such interment may be made, and the kind of grave or sepulchre and the manner in which the body of said deceased shall be interred. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed JV ;l0 1 20 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth C�&"m McColl Powers Wunderlich mr. President (Hodgson) Approve !i1 '20 1520 PUBLI �"� /p2Gayor Atte �t City Clerk tF' A . 2'7'715 (offirFJAS. J. MINER JOHN 1. FARICY AEET. CITY CLERK CITY CLERK /�.� � Paul December 27th, 1919. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find lettere from Frank ArtAur 1dcElwain, Bishop of 41innesota and St. Paul's Church, regarding the interment of Reverend John Wright, deceased within the precincts ofthe prodirtyonance ofsaid church, and requesting the Council to pass ng them the privilege to do same. The Council referred the matter to you for the proper form of ordinance. Yours truly, CITY CLERK. '20 THE riONORABLI' ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL,MINN. Gentlemen: Whereas the rectOr,wardens and vestry of St.Paul'e Church in the City of St.Pau1 have requested,or is about to request, the paasage of an ordinance by your honorable body granting permission for the interment of the remains of the Reverend John Wright within the precincts of the church property belonging to said St.Paul'a Church - NOW THEREFORE, I, the. underaigned, the Bishop of the diocese of Minnesota of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, do hereby notify your honorable body that, as such Bishop and, pursuant to the laws and canons of the Protestant Episcopal Church do hereby grant my consent to the interment of the remains of the said Reverend Joh Wright within the precincts of said St.Paul's Church, in euchmanner as may be provided by the ordinance granting permission for such intt�e��rmmrent. Bishop of Minnesota. I TO THE HONORABLE THE�ST.PAUL CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL,MINN. Gentlemen: Whereas,the Reverend John Wright for many years a resident of this city,and rector of St.Paul's Church in this oity.Pdeparted this life on the 23d day of December, 1919; and whereas,it was the desire of the said Reverend John Wright that his remains be buried within the precincts of the property belonging to said St.Pan1's Church; and whereas, it is the desire of the rector, wardens, and vestrymen of said St.Pau1-'..s Church to comply with the request of the said Reverend John Wright - NOW THEREFORE, the undersignedtthe rector,wardens and vestry of said St.Paul's Church do hereby respectfully request from your honorable body the passage of an ordinance granting the under - To signed, as a body corporate, the right I&and privilege B,� indterr/-G• the remains of the said Reverend John Wright within the precincts of the property of said church.,on the corner of Summit and Saratoga Avenues in the City of St.Paul; said interment to be carried out in such manner as the law of the state and the ordinances of the City of St.Paul may provide. W_Rector Senior Warden U1 Junior Warden CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No.. 3 3 DEC 3U. .....1919FER -----....--- AUDITED. CI OM ROLLER .........................--------------........... ........................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Na y e301919 c F No zj118— Adopted by the Council.. U�� 191__ Abptraot. '` n .... ..................--.....-- Clancy ,Itagotvsd rust .warraRta tietiawa, oFL 30 1919 n6bn the-Clty-Trgdsury ayaBlefbut qfi t4b heraYna{ter sDeufded ,fund's a 35 favok o; tha DerAone ;firma oq.;carporn- ``1P - ..- ...._ _.. ..... .......... . _..191_ Goss tions roF the amounts set •qpDoette' their eeDective names ea eDeotatjd tai Keller rue. tollorttng detgtlad statement -'` The ;8a;rett LbmnanY 13188'83 ' Cbaeita MCGoII i6CbWh MAYOR 11 f.Cochcan-6argant,C m aay 1768$ Wunderlich F rb'Rlt' ormu :, xt �C a, eombats'� I� ssa.7a � Mr. President, HodgsonvRi 4 orrev�#firmnn 16419 The Barrett Company, Paving Como Ave. Rice to 1,188.91 Gt. Northern Bridge 16420 Chaska Brick & Tile Company, Sewer C. & Repr. 543,00 r 1,04"21 Coohran-Sargent Company.. Gaultier Schools (Bond) 75.93 16422 Farwell, Ozmun,'Kirk & uompary, 1,253,72 Police II 4.38 Pol. & F. Alarm Telg.- 4.18 1.40 Bureau of Ingineers X45 Bridge B. &Repr. 10.01 Sprinkling n 7.62 tr 66.57 9.405.30 Library Parks 9.50 770.53 Gaultier School(Bond) 364.38 16423 R. T. Gourley, Bureau of Engineers 30.75 45.80 Sewer 0. & R, 10.90 S. & S. Ging. 4.15 Res. 1393 Page #2 16424 W. N. Jones, 1,500.00- Water 1,6425 Midway Lima & Cement Company, 330.87 nark Qonstruotion 45.37 Gaultier School(Bond) 287.50 16426 N. W. Isleotrio Equipment Company, 26.03 quarantine 9125 Munia. Gera Renl. 2.12 10.:43 Playgrounds 4-i23'3— 16427 W. S. Nott dompany, 5.61 Fire 16428 Raths, Mills & Bellslno y 356.50` Parks' 164,'9 St.Paul White Lead &=oi1 Company 136.81 Gaultier Schools (Bond) Total 5,463.18 UITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 y' ry AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM b FL;`OIL No. d J _ 2 17 1394- ....... G-*�G :------ DEC 30 1919 ' °• OL R .4 AUDITED............................................1 .......- ER ............... .......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V Adopted by the 1/`//J__l • ''Fmyttarp.��C�bi'�2 '9oeNaql �bAovtBtd<agtrdwaOaacRYiaeeAeQ S.xgd 9mdrdzeAc9tppn0a99Y1 u: IEG 30 yc19 ....... _._.. 191 dClancy defdee�t,A uC....... . _ ..._.___. na n?fito r pRed,1nGoss . V . .Keller .._. MAYOR 8108. McColl =rYti(taaY PapOr comppa�aqq 9 I Wall^C J'�tOcaaehtla 170:00 omyattY i. Wunderlich $t• h Pab1 bas I,¢ght ) ��t� Products Gon'PsuY 5392'!)6; Mr. President, Hodgson ;.�. Tha ntGp,� Brothare t4r �Q`°pany , 0 �M! 2 16430 Crane & Ordway Company, 23.11 Schools 22.01 Parks 1.10 16431 Melady,.Paper Company, 94.08 Schools 16432 Val J. Rothschild, 76.00 Munic. Employment Bureau 16433 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 4,479,87 Fire 193.34 Lighting 4 2� 8 a 87 16434 Si Fo Products Company, 192.95 Great Northern Schools 16435 Thornton Brothers Uompany, 2,415,78 Paving Concord St. Annapolis to Ada Total 7,281.79 0 �4 ( PRESENTED BY N. COMMISSIONER ....................... ......................... RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FOFNe1L NO.._.._ti�.rf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - Dec. 30, 1919 That the grade of Alley, Block 2, J. N. Rogers 4th Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (J) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy .irrrwwWs" Goss 1VIcCo11 / Powers V Wunderlich FORM Mr. President 3M9'Ie 3 C F Bn Resolved, eaolved 7WN721ihtERh aLOiBtRh"", N. Alluoeaf :— AlIeR 4tbddtion, n red 6radellno one : the In B, P on10 . qnd as recommended by the CommWeloner dry Pnb I 'Works be" and tho enmo; Is hereby .'ad Dtod ae. the eetabllehed grade f; Adopted by tho-Council Dec 30 119. Approved Ddc 30..1919 n Adopted by the Council . BEC :3.0...1�1.9.....__.__..19 ... .... /"� ` �.. e3 Q. J.91.9. _.... _ _... _ _ 19.......-- .....In favorApprove- .......Against 7—�/�1�i� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N011 ND.........2r1.7,_.9. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......................................:.................................................. ............. ................................. DATE-1)e.cembe.x.:..30.,.1.91.9 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, parts for Cummer Asphalt Plant from F. D. Cummer & Son Company, to the amount of $1,018.50, without asking for competitive bids, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Works_ Paving Depreciation. Yes (d) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council- - 0EC �� �y�g.-........19-.. _. Farnsworth Goss .......... In favor ApprovC13.0 ..3.O . .y.l.9. ........... .........19......._ 1VkColl �G✓ Powers � _._.....__Against (�� _...... ..._.... MAYOR Wunderlich 7M. President FORM 3M9-19 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .............2.7..'.7..2... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO UNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED, BY . .............. .................................. 22TE �&' DATE Decembe.r. _3(.41.919.. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Smith patent gate valves and sleeves from the A. P. Smith ILanufao turing Company, to the amount of $1,543.65, without asking for com- petitive bidg,as these articles are patented- and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Public Utilities- Water Department, Yes (%') Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President Adopted by the Council. ---0 - 0.1919 . !� -, * 19 ......... . In favor Approved/4EG , Isla 19 Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENEj2AL FORM PRESENTED BY `ODUNCIL No........._2. Y..21 DATE ........... D6C.e.. _.JO.,.... RESOLVED That whereas -City Warrant No. 21879, issued Nov. 16, 1917 to McClain & Hedman in the sum of $86.55 has been reported lost and whereas McClain & Hedman have furnished a bond,'in,the•sum of $173.10, approved by William L. Kelly, District Judge; the proper officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $86.55 to said McClain & Hedman. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich O Mr. President .ORM 3Ms-Ie Adopted by the Council DEC 30.191.9. ...__...19_ .. In favor Approved... ... OEC ...3019.'........._.._-19......._ Against .._lam ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: ...4------------------------------------------------------------- - -................................-- -- �� /J COUNCIL 27 1/I PILE NO.. 6 Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, 'hat the application of Ellsworth Cameron for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 947 Arcade St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollare(J50.00). Yeas ( O Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss __..........In favor Keller McColl 0 -._._.._Against Wunderlich r. President, Hodgson POR. C. A. B ]M 8 •IB Adopted by the DEC .30 1919' 191 .......- ............... _..... _._.... .__... DEC -3fl-191.9_. _._.191.:. �� ..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PALL _COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt:-------------------------------------- ----- ..---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 1�A COUNCIL 2 72 FILENo ...................... ................ Date Presented - Resolved, That the application of Ralph R. Jackson for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 1915 University Ave.be and thir same hereby is granted and t) City Clerk is instructed to issue such liasnee=upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50.00). Yeas (VI Councilmen ( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth ,/Goss Keller McColl V Wunderlich President, Hodgson FORM C. A.6 8M 6-18 C. F. No. 277x4—By HenryMCColt= Ra�ph 8. . Resolved,J.That the appltcau— of ackson for a llcease to maintain e.n':oli al3ing'etatlon at 1916 Ldleeralty Ave, be and the same here by, la grant to .and. the l.[cy [,...a lr, n- 's[ructed t0 lesue such lice .6 upon. tea. 'payment intot,[ty treseµry of the city, dollar (boo u8) Adopted by the Couaoil Das 80, 3918. lapproved Dea 30 1938:, i11 was a isaoj Adopted by the Council, DEC _39-1-M ... 191..... ........... Approved... FC 30 1919 .............. In favor ... ..........__...._............._.....__..191.... Against .. . - -- .......... .._................_...._........._........ MAYOR Subjedt: CITY aF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COUNCIL �rl (�� FILENO ............ ......----- -- ...._---- Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, That the application of the Standard 011 Co. for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 1107 west 7th.St.be and the same hereby is granted and -the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars (50.00) . C•%F.q No 27726-BAe y Henry Mc" main1 8[addAN dOil'C6;, apclic ltceasA the tain an ot18117ag ataflon aE }Ip7' We6L venth.. at be and n,- same hereby is granted and the City Clerkl On:t structed to issue such illcense up= oh [ne Dnyment tn[o the f.ity treaeufy' Io� the tee afty dollar. (i60 007 Adoptt:d by the'30 n1 18 Deo. 30 39071 siDproved 75 $ Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council__.,.DFL,` .0 19J"9."","191..... Clancy Farnsworth7 Goss In favor p Approved . ....... 191.... Keller McColl ........." Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 .M 6 •19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt:--------'r------.._._-------....._'---.....--------------......-..-----..._--.....-................._---------------------------.... 27726 COUNCIL 1 Fide NO .........................__...-'------'- Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to transfer the sum of $1495.00 from the New Buildings item of the Fire Fund and the sum of $1194.;p from the New Equipment item of the same fund to the Salaries and Wages item of that Fund ,> thereby releiving an unavoidable delfieienoy in the latter item. Yeas ( V) Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss „In favor Keller McCollAgainst Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 JM 6-18 Adopted by the Council ,..__ff.G3Q..��.�.9........... 191_._. Approve ..........DN.30._1y19 ..........191.... .._...................... :.........._........... /--...r'..-.'.........-.. MAYOR C. F. .No. 27727-0rdinance No. 5228- 3y rdine" Hodb'son— oo dinance appropriating the Um I 27727 f Four Thousand, Faur Hundred 7 �� 45300) from F1ftY-three Dollars It byment Bureau , the Slounlefpal EmP [tem ,the General Fund. Muni- I `+�,..Cl t.•1 purl;ose. o[ malntainB� eaue the EmPloYment _ - the Year 1920. r Paul The Co "il does rd.in. --- p[,i r An ordinance appropriating the sum of Four Thousand, 611s Hundred Fifty-three Dollars ($4,453.CC) from the Municipal Employ- 4 ment Bureau Item of the General Fund, for the purpose of maintain- ing the Municipal Employment Bureau during the year 1520. THE COUT_.CIL OF T E CITY 0. ST, PAUL DOE'S ORDA�IH7- Section 1. That -the sum of Four Thousand, Oe Hundred Fifty-three Dollars (p4,`J53.50), or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of the Municipal Employment Bureau Item of the General Fund, to be expended under the direction of.and pursuant to vouchers approved by, the Mayor, in the main- tenance and operation of the Municipal Employment Bureau during the year 1920. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by k1 ft Council _JAH 4 )ZO-------- Yeas ______Yeas Hays .r. Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich 1'r. President (Hodgson) Mayor Attest�� - City Clerk/ PAO Yeae An ordinance smendin3 ordinance 1.3253 o" the Council of the Oity of _t. Paul, adopted Aafnst 14th, 1919, and approved =-ugnst 14th., 1919, revokin* the permission granted to the St. -ful Arcade Company, a. corrorsltion to erect and maintain a. metal and =lase canopy over the uidewalk on 'Xst 7th :`street, adjacent, to Tots aaJ 5, Mock 4, :,t. caul groper. The Council of the City of c,t. i'anl does ordain: Section I. ^ha.t Section I of ordinance 3253 of the Oouncil of the Olt; of wt. _anl, be, and the sane herely i., amended no as to rend ps follows: "That pernission and authority are he-eby -trnnted to the at. ipnl Arcade 'ompany, a corporation, to construct nd nain a Aetnl ^nA }la^^ canopy over the sidewalk on :Aanesotn ::greet, p1jacent to Lot A, block 4, Pt.. 'anl ironer. Section V. 'hat —ut!lyipionoLection QYe ameneed I., W stitutim .,.or'the words`' Ten 2h^,usan! nolla.rs 010,000,00)'' therein can`Rined, the warts "Fipe 2honsan,a rollers (05,000.00)" Ynction III. Chip orAi_nnnce M11 tarn effect an •e in "orce thirty deyp nfter i_, pas., ;e PY rnllic.ntion. Adopted by the Copncil AM 14 120 Nays Approved Farnsworth Goss ldccoll Powe rs Tunderlich Mr. President Hodgson. Ar2'EST: FgRJCY 04COrk. . C. F. No 27728 O dinaa - .tn ordinance amending O dl II of [h ?53 of [he 0" adoF t 14• - Paul, pte,+d AOn an approved Fust lain and . ,king the permlaslonrcadeCon 9t. Paul .l r-3°slaRa`pa 1 QAOWN QiY1:�2.'�p ,.Sy1. An ordinance smendin3 ordinance 1.3253 o" the Council of the Oity of _t. Paul, adopted Aafnst 14th, 1919, and approved =-ugnst 14th., 1919, revokin* the permission granted to the St. -ful Arcade Company, a. corrorsltion to erect and maintain a. metal and =lase canopy over the uidewalk on 'Xst 7th :`street, adjacent, to Tots aaJ 5, Mock 4, :,t. caul groper. The Council of the City of c,t. i'anl does ordain: Section I. ^ha.t Section I of ordinance 3253 of the Oouncil of the Olt; of wt. _anl, be, and the sane herely i., amended no as to rend ps follows: "That pernission and authority are he-eby -trnnted to the at. ipnl Arcade 'ompany, a corporation, to construct nd nain a Aetnl ^nA }la^^ canopy over the sidewalk on :Aanesotn ::greet, p1jacent to Lot A, block 4, Pt.. 'anl ironer. Section V. 'hat —ut!lyipionoLection QYe ameneed I., W stitutim .,.or'the words`' Ten 2h^,usan! nolla.rs 010,000,00)'' therein can`Rined, the warts "Fipe 2honsan,a rollers (05,000.00)" Ynction III. Chip orAi_nnnce M11 tarn effect an •e in "orce thirty deyp nfter i_, pas., ;e PY rnllic.ntion. Adopted by the Copncil AM 14 120 Nays Approved Farnsworth Goss ldccoll Powe rs Tunderlich Mr. President Hodgson. Ar2'EST: FgRJCY 04COrk. M PAUL Q. BREMER AT 'R N EV AT —.4 – - 27728 i to GV —. L.I. B.IL.I.O 6T. PAUL, MINN- December 29th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paill,- St. caul, Minnesota. gentlemen: By ordinance 11r3253,.the Council of the City of St. Caul, c7ranted to the St. caul arcade Company, permission an' authority to erect canopies over the sidewalk on Seventh _Meet and on linnesota..treet, which ordinance,provided for 'a bond in the sum of ,1110,000.00, this bond having been made to cover both canopies. The canopy on aeventh street was removed more than a year - ago, and for this reason we request that the bond -provided for in the e.bove mentioned ordinance, be reduced to ;?5,000.00, as it only covers the one canopy on .:innesota Street. Yours veru tr,ily, C F No. 27729—Ordinance No. 6230— A di e granting to th est Nutlonat Mot North- ' r Ca and Ve- hicle e-hi le Company permission ermlael n to install [�tyj.: f[7/� 650 -gallon' tank and - F/J f/ i!29 (root of -No. 346: Main at, � - The Council of the City ;L .. does ordain: — That permission lU. hereby granted to - Q tip M_"1— An ordinance granting to the Northwest National Motor Car and Vehicle Company permission to install a 550 -gallon tank and pump in front of No. 346 Main street. TEE COUNCIL OF TEF. CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Northwest National Motor Car and Vehicle Company to install and maintain a 550 -gallon tank under the surface, and a pump on the surface, of the boulevard in front of No. 346 Main street in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby' authorized to issue a permit to the sai4licensee.for the con- struction of said tank and pump, upon e d licensee's compliance with the following conditions' (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public works a plan or specification of said tank and pump and the location thereof, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said pump and tank shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, but said tank shall not be used for storing gasoline until inspected and approved by the Commissioner Public Safety, and the said licensee shall pay the cost.of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (;5,000.00), condition- ed to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arisin" from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said pump and tank. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be eatisfactory to the Mayor, a d shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said pump and t shall be removed by said licensee 9'7729 whenever the Council shall so order. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council lam X41520___ Yeas Nays Mr. eimlteg Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) C%" Approve!, I�g2n 1 Mayor Attest C. C1t-3, clerk JOHN I. FARICY OffirP of 6tU LY erk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK ABET. CITY CLERK Cfttij oaf twnt Pact December 27th, 1919. 2`7'729 Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The Counc'iS, at a meeting held this morn- ing granted the application, on the recommendation of the Chief Inspector, of the Northwest National Motor Car and Vehicle Com- pany, at 346 Main Street, to install curb pump and tank at above location. The same was referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Please find all papers in the matter en- closed herewith. Youns truly, CITY CLERK. WILLIAM BAOTION -'INSPECTOR CITY OF. SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION o- December 23rd, 1919. Hoa. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Northwest National Motor Car and Vehicle Company, located at #346 Main Street, asking for permission to install curb pump and tank at above location. Will say that we have made an inspection of the above premises and find that occupant wiBges to install a 550 gallon tank underground on boulevard in front of their building, pump system to be used, they are willing to install tank inside their building, but we recommend that tank be buried underground on boulevard thus eliminat- ing all hazard. They propose to install the most modern system, same to comply with regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, and subject to inspection by this office while being installed. We recommend that permit be granted. Respectfully yours, t J_Y --- - - Chief Inspector, /rte J �l + JOHN 1. FARICY (Offirp Of Titg Tlrrk JAS. J. MINER o firr gene aint Vain peer. CITY CLERK •1{4 December 19th, 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find application of the Northwest National Motor Car & Vehicle Company, for ermission _curb pump and tank for gasoline filling station at 3q6 Main Street, which was referred to your department in regard to the fire hazard of same, by the Council this date. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. / �J '00�000 AGENTS FOR NORTHWEST NATIONAL MOTOF� CAR AND VEHICLE COMPANY DAVIS MOTORCAR NORTHWESTERN DISTRIBUTORS NATIONAL CARS TELEPHONE CEDAR 2209 SEVEN •CORNERS SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA Jra 4 ne0ember 18,1919. City Council of St. Paul. Gentlemen: It We heremitli crake application tc install Curb Pump and Tank for Gasoline Filling Station at 1306 Lain Street. Tank to contain 550 gallons of gasoline. Yours truly, jj(.'.RT'?RF 8T N1iTICNA,i ee( CC-': C.iR 8c VEHI� 6NY. r / Manager. I, JG -LF, ti ce CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °'L No. ..................... FerroAAWIN 7-I8 1395 . --------- ------------------ --- ------ '- -- AUDITED ...... ROL R ` t PER.................. ....._........._.........._.............. TITLE t_ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for t! -.'No---- 8773t tr their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: �<Ahatract.I Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V )Nay toes Aha warraatd .. DEC 31 1919 q ettv:T'.,aury:ya$aY Adopted by the Council .............. ... 191...__ el0.'ty6 .0..In `tun Clancy t the �pereQna.ULC 311919 r ter the amoun aNet oy, eettve'.�p7�ne. ,:epecit.. A r......................._ ..._....._.191___ Farnsworth tng dataytea . stamen pP - """"' ' ' �7 Aath�potgg[c91 Ar Goss . • c . InevFaaca Atrar,cy E , Keller O tbraYr Aeaooigtton _ AYoe McColl �nn}aeupi�aea o t i l t Wunderlich F Mr. President, Hodgson�� 16436 American Anthropological Association, Library 16437 American Insurance Agency, Dairy 12.00 Schools 22.00 Lighting 36.00 43.50 1T3–'.76, 16438 American Library Association, Libeary 16439 American Linen Supply Company, Armory 3.65 Bolice, 3.40 Fire 2.80 _ Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.75 Schools 2.79 1T.319- 16440 American Printing House for, the Blind, Special Day Schools 16441 American Railway LXpress Company, Schools 7.02 LibNary ,99 42 n 1.86 2 1.32 It 3.15 Paving Depreciation 100..6600 6.00 113.50 5.00 16*39 .38 25.36 y { Y3 Res. 1395 Page #2 16442 Armour & Company,. 2.30 Parks 16443 Will Bass, 2.78 Schools 16444 The Belmen company, 1.50 Library 164R5 Broderick Company, 9.75. Bureau of engineers 16446 Burns Lumber Uompany, 56.69 Fire 4.64 Munic. Oar. Revl. 44.50 Workhouse .80 " 6.75 16447 Central Scientific Company, 71.81 Mech. Arts H.S.Library 43.59 .Johnson " 28.22 *11:8T 16448 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad, 5.99" F Quarantine 2.09 Water , 33,9900 16449 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway Company, 66.28 Workhouse 64.68_ - Water 1.60 16450 Crist Book Shop, 6.00 Library 16451 Cycle Sales Company, 18.81, Munic. Gar. Revl. 16452 Detective Publishing Company, 24.00' Police 16453 Dispatch Printing Company, 1.95 Health-Adm. 16454 Louis F. Dow Company, 11.95 Municipal Court 3.00 Com'r. of Finance 2.40 Civil Service 1.20 Bureau of Engineers 2.80 Schools 2.55 16455 William D x, 7010, Parks 16456 Elite Laundry Company, 19,08 Schools 16457 Elk Linen Supply Company, 123.48 Polk e 21.15 Pol. & F. Alarm 1.48 Schools 100.85 TT' :4S qi 16458 A. D. Ellsworth, 21.24 Schools Mee. LOUD rage IM 16459 Engineering & Contracting Bureau of Angineers •16460 Essanell Electric Company, Mimic. Gar. Revl. 16461 Field, Schlick & Company, Quarantine Schools 16462 Thomas Finn, Schools 16463 Great Lakes coal & Dock company, Fire n Sprinkling Water 16464 Great Northern Railroad, Sprinkling 16465 F. 0. Gustner, Schools 16466 George Haag, Schools 16467 Wm. Harris & Company, Schools 16468 Theo. G. Belle & Company, Schools 16469 W. H. Kane, Schools 16470 Library Bureau, Library 16471 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company, Police 16472 McClain & Hedman Company, Health -Adm. Schools Library Itn Parks u n Rater 16473 A. C. McClurg &.Company, Library. 16474 McGill -Warner Company, Schools 16475 0. R. Mickelsen, Schools 16476 C. E. Miller, Schools 16477 Montana Mea ff arkeC"' 39.76 16.60 23.50: 6.60 16.90 45.00 297.42 24.00 251.51 21.40 .51 1,507,83 3.56 64.00 ,3.40 `.88,05 ;24.21 241.50 41.60 8.00 19.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 4.25 4.00 6.00 .40 379,,26 122.50 2.3.76 13.93 4.61 Res. 1395 Page #4 16478 J. L. Mott Iron Works* 1,33 Library 16479 Niools, Dean & Gregg, 48.25 �r Fire 6.12 Manic. Gar. Revl. 8.43 1.16 S. & S. Cing. 2.10 It 1.58 Sprinkling 3.24 Parks 2.40 Docks, wharves etc. 1.52 Central H.S.Bldg.(Bond) 211o77O 16480 Oxford University Press, 11.81 Library 16481 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 91.50 Fire 60.00 Quarantine 6.75 Bureau of ''ngineers 2244..77755 16482 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 19.82 Libe ary 6.30 Parks 1.30 Water 1.30 n .27 1.40 IT 9.25 1D 16483 Prest-0-Lite Company, Fire , L 16484 John A. Rasohick, 1.73 Schools 16485 Reinhard Brothers Company, 31.76 Mania. Gar. Revolving 16486. Reliance Iron & wire Works, 35.95 S. & S. Cing. 3.25 Schools 32.70 35.9 16487 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 213.26 .Manic. Gar. Revl. 158.00 Schools 14.50 Docks, wharves etc. 6.54 Water 32.78 West St.Anthony Pump House 1.44 TLI3:T� 16488 Otto W. Rohland Company.. 19.11 Schools 16489 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 587.30 Library 16490 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 1.10 13.75 Fire n 6.80 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5.85 16491 St.Paul Electric Company, 49.40 Humboldt H.S.Library Res.. 1395 Page #5 - 16492 St.Yaul Foundry Company, 129.95 Bridge B. & R. 6.00 Docks, Wharves, etc: 1.85 Water 76.00 Gaultier School (Bond) 39.00 Paving Depreciation 7.10 .129.95 16493 St.Paul Machine Works, 61.35 Fre 11.25 Water 45.30 " 4.80 �T:35 16494 St.Paul Stamp Works, 11.15 Police 16495 W. H. Schmelzel company, 21.15. Munic. Gar. Revl. 16496 Carl W. Schulz, 12.15 Schools 16497 Sears, Roebuck &Company Mechanic Arts 62.50 H.S. Library 16498 Simplex Time Recorder Company, 4,58 Bureau of 4riginsers 16499 Sisoho & Beard, 2:60 - Schools 16500 C. J. Smith & Uompany, 8.52 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16501 ;Stearns Printing .Uompany, 11.25 Quarantine 3.00 Parka -Adm. 1.50 P. Bldgs. 5.50 Water 1.25 16502: Taylor Instrument Company, 9.57 St. 6. & Repr. 16503 Tire Service Company, 56.25 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16504. Transit bupply 4mparZ., 660,00 Corp. ounsel 25.00 Police 300.00 Pol. & F. alarm 10.00 Health -Adm. 5.00 Quarantine 100.00 Special Day Schools 20.00 200.00 16505 Valley Iron Works, 7.35 Schools 16506 Washington Foundry Company, 250.08 Sewer C. & Repr. 16507 Western Badge & Novelty Company, 10,80 Police Res. 1395 Page #6 16508 Western Electric Company, 49.04, Pol. & Fire Alarm 32*89 Water 16,15 16509 Western Supply Company, 385.69 Police 1.67 Fire .98 muflic. Gar. Revl. 138 a. Schools 382,56 16510 Yiddish Literary Publishing Company, 36,01 Library - 16511 Wm. Youngbauer, 94eO 0 Library . CITY OF ST. PAUL omr cu.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ry 41 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM E LEO1L No........�� �• Form A A t6, r 9 7-18 1398 F DEC 3i 191 _......... .tT........\iPTR�d�LhR ..... AUDITED ...........................191. �� // � //. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays _ DEC 311919 ., ., ; c„ _•. Adopted by the Council._ _....... ....... 191 Clancy87781Anatra°t+ dr wn Reaorvad that Wa rani&a aLle ° t oL. 19 � p Farnsworth upon tae Cttr-'trees Y 9 Yn � _ _ ......... _A J ___..._ ......... l91 d aaa tp A / G Gossfav r of tD r 9ereAne. nrmreti este. pp ./" (`yy tt8n4 x°Yap giq d ae nDpctdad to Keller th4t[ reRP the f llowlnG'.=;aetYedaatatemerIt 1.: - ......._.. .... ._ ..._.._ ..............._-_ McCollxr�� i9��+Qd6 of Parka Play MAYOR Donde ,an Pnttflv Butidtnge �4{383. Wunderlich g` ar'hae38���e} 1 h(ea"8i Fla`iidf`38 Mr. President, Hodgson of plrGrlfLun Mtg ComP�a;,vabitc 16518 R. Birnberg, Parka 16519 J. M. Clancy, COM Ir. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., Police 57.98 Ehf. of vog Lie. 219.27 Munic. Gar. Revl.. 156.98 Art Museum 7.00 16520 K. F. Dreher, Schools 16521 Gleason Piano Company, Schpols r It Ir u a Playgrounds It II 16522 M. E. Griffin, Schools 16523 0. I. Johnson Mfg. Company, Library 4.50 3.00 6.00 3.00 4.50 1.50 1.50 3.00 1.50 2T.TU 9.60, 441.23 82.01 28.50 3.75 1.75 Res. 1398 Page #2 16524 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 894.54 Health 414.69 Schools 56.02 • Lighting 423.83 16525 F. A. Marko, 6.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 16526, St.Paul Gas Light.Company, 1,078.76 C. H. & C. H. 16527 W. G. Watson,1.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 16528 West Publishing toompmiy, 2400 Cprp. Counsel 1.00 Library 1.00 Total 2,547.64 I onwnu .o CITY OF ST. PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ry( [/l AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL 732 AUDITED Form A A 46,1 M 7-18 1399 .... - 'IT�l ?...J.=?.1.t X17 CU TRl)LLER I, AUDITED......�.1=r....a_...... TITLE r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v )Councilmen ( ) whrrante roe "A I,t `311919 Reeotgnd tfia�ba" Ie c. ; Adopted by the C n ' .-.......� '... ........................-- Clancy upon tIm efts TrnannrY: Pasahtn oneot;' d the h refnatter pegifled.faada an3ila, ...... .................191 ........ Farnsworth ;effijhaevCoiotraollowt'AfnS=dereatpomntiend'srtatAemrenctorpglna�trthaflp3 rin-a se ; 11919 Gossin ........ ..................................-�19 Keller nmold I W{dpm of Ha ainoldd too go MAYOR McColl ot3 Dgprg7 S4 dss.sl `ytn�8 C�amq n WCdow, of Daniel F.I. 'amPiOn 3N gP Wunderlich e a Farpawarth eo a of Finance, j6saA76j �: Mr. President, Hodgson w@o�kty ter ;�he�,Preve7iffon of C7:uei_ n 16529 Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40.00 G.F.-Widows and Orphans Pensions 16530 Board of Control, 4,068.61 Board of Control 16531 Ann F. Campion, Widow of Daniel H. Campion 40.00 G.F.-Widows and Orphans Pensions 16532 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 8,898.75 Interest 8,787.50 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 111,25 16533 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 200.00 G.F.-Charities 16534 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan 10.00 G.F.-Widows and Orphans Pensions Total 13,25?.36 Farm A A 66, IN 7-18 1400 CITY OF 6T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED ...�1....7.... �.9_�4_......... 191 COUNCIL No..........? G 73-3 FILE a TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (V ) Councilmen J Na ( ) c �^ No„ 2728 "' t I Adopted by the Council..._ ),LFC. 31 319 191....___ ..... Clancy k,. Abatrsob l{e.olved that types the City Treasury warrants ba drawp. payabteout of'� UEL 311919 Farnsworth Cross ^1 / Keller erfith6-er a.nw,1`d ravor of the per, sI' a to , the amounts th�r respeotive th o,WI nP, 10tafled oVk l ;others ilii 3udHe and fns Appri' .......--..-_._. ...... P_affirma o corpora e0t appyyoefte � names as speCltied� fnl statemeat: s 7 ,_._,... _.. . _ .._.... ... ._. .. ... ._.... ... Lumber Coalpany ai ..R (l McColl$ls q tlAo 00nev�orth Gbmr �S Finance WunderlichM N Gose Com'r. 1140.52. - iof Publ}o. Works,-,". Mr. President, Hodgson M6L!'OpAlltatl oo9ng & Cornfaet; 16535 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 181.30 Water 16536 S. A. Farnsworth, uom'r. of Finance 45,000.00 Water 16537 M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public forks 170.42 Great Northern Schools 4.59 Parks .36 Water 21.93 5.11 82.43 " 56.00 TM -47- 16538 Metropolitan Roofing & Cornice florks, 631.25 Water 16539 John A. Sandquist, 1,072.25 Sewer Cleveland, Univ. to.Marshall 16540 fames Shiely, 261.22 Water 16541 South Park Foundry company, 775.00 Water Total 48,091.44 CITY OF 9T. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1391t17 AUDITED—UEC 3 1 1J COUNCILI�� 0 B i14 FILE NNO.—._. — 49 0. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as specified in the following detailed statement: � 1 31 191 Yeas (J ) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council_— 91— F%xo a7z94- Rebolved that; war anta'ba drat�n Don.;the CItV Trea9U Y paYablO Dat ot, (� Farnsworth.Depart het f Fubd�sie VL 31 1919 scot Finances als dadted; in�tha;. Appr ------ —191— } vpt of 9 A. Fatl,awor '.following;: detailea atatalit Mtecgilane ha Fond i N 3a iir o ---b f eF, ip'worl{e., 311.99Q 88� e` MAYOR McColl nepary�nent nt saa�tto;,; ala Isl is 't)eparttnrn0 0[ Parka �1YHdb (��F � Wunderlich alae ,sea6s1, s -;Danartp,ent „pf Pub�ib; U}1)ltfea. Mr. President, SYasbB Bs� ^'' �fLdgptad �Sa>jd Covncll P�.c 91 291Q ;. 'r'.yApprd,Jea Dec: 81 1819 �._. 16513 Miscellaneous binds, 12,498.12 City Officers -3,070.98 Mayor's Office 213.33 Corp. Counsel 1,271.67 City Clerk 395.00 Municipal Court 1,786.72 Bureau of Assessments 685.00 Recpts. & Disb. 716.66 Participating Certs. 90.00 comptroller 975.91 Civil Service 480.00 C. A. & C. H. 1,317.20 Armory 443.16 Purch. Dept. 872.49 Art Museum 180.00 T779'=.I$ 16514 Bepartment of public Works, 11,960.38 Workhouse 713.75 C.P.W.-Gen. Adm. 755.84 Bureau of 'ngineers 2,220.17 St. C. & R. 1,992.50 S. & S. uing. 5,642.50 Bridge B. & Repr. 312.50 G.F.—Crosswalks 62.50 Water 260.62 I�.'ur8 Res. 1397 Page #2 16515, Department of Education, 12,161.15 Schools 7,582.36 Library, 4,048.44 Auditorium 550,.35 a 16516 Department r f Prks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 1,830&01 darks- Gen. Adm. 416.67 "Bureau of Parks 341.67 Playgrounds 102.50 P. Bldgs. 969.17 1,.OI 16517 Department of Public Utilities, 1,956.66, O.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 391.66 _ 11 -Test. Labs. 387.50 It -Markets 177.50 it -Lighting 11 000.00 1!956.66 Subjedl: CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE No Date Presented........ �,kZ g - 17A q � ............ Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to transfer the Bum of $2700-00 from New Equipment item, Police and Fire Alarm Fund to the Salaries and Wages Operation and Maintenance item of the sqme Fund. The sum of $300-00 from the New Equipment item, and the sum of $295.00 from Other Expense Executive Item to the Other Expense Operation and Maintenance item of the same Fund, thereby relidving an unavoidable deficiency in these items. 1, - , ", �! , " - I .* Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-18 DEC 31 1919 Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Approved DEC 31 Isis 191 ............. Against .................... MAYOR 7 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2773`. Subjbdl ------------ /r / / �� ........................................................................................................................PILE NO.. COUNCIL ...................................................... ......................... ................... ................. ........:................................ ................. Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to transfer the sum of $1200.00 from -Other Expense, Executive item of the Fire Fund, the sum of $560.00 from Other Expense, Electrical Inspection item of the same Fund, and the sum of $1445.00 from Other Expense Fire Protection item to the Salaries and Wages Fire Protection item, of the Fire Fund. The Sum of $50.00 from Salaries and Wages Fire Protection item of the Fire Fund to the Salaries and Wages Fire Prevention Item of the same Fund, thereby relibiving an unavoidable deficiency in these items. Yeas (V) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council..__DEC 31 I y 19 ......._......_......._.......191.__. Clancy DEC 31 IJ19 Farnsworth Approv .............. ............. ..._.......__......_.......191.... Goss _.___.....In favor Keller O McColl .............. Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson VFORM C. A. 9 JM 6 -18 '��. CITY OF ST. PAU V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEK[ CFOI:(M v�w� Subject: ............................................... COUNCIL 2 '7 PILENo. ----.------- ..7..., _....'7`7 _........................ ecember 31 .1919_. Date Presented D .............................................. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5065, to appoint one assistant to the Director of Educational Research, at a salary not to exceed Twenty-five Dollars ($25) per school week for half-time service, for the purpose of assisting in GrWi Testing and such other research work as the Superintendent of Schools may require. Said salary to be payable out of school fund, Instruction item 41.3 Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council._.DF(191...... Clancy Farnsworth ' -L 311919 - Goss ..............In favor Approve ................................._._........._..._ 191..... Keller McColl ...... .. .... _Against ._...`.. �'.. ..................... ..............._......... .............. Wunderlich - M.aroR 'Mr. President, Hodgson - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- -GENERAL FORM ' ------------- ----------------------- --...__------. `jI SUhledt:........................................................................... FILE Nom... _.... /�I''//��//jj` . COn NCIL .. /+.I.l...f...38....... ...................... ............................................................................. :....... ................................................................ Date Presented-nQC_---315.t--.-......191_.9 Resolved, That t'.ie surf of seventy -10 & 50/100 ($72.1"10) dollars be trans- ferred from the Bureau of Receipts and Disbursements' Fund to the Bureau of Assessments' Fund, De»ert"lent of Finance, ns by 90 doing an unavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account i,,ill be met without ',ampering the monies in the first mentioned account. Yeas ( [) Councilmen ( V) Na Clancy Farnsworth Goss � � McColl Wunderlich President, Hodgson FORM A.6 JM 6-18 ys GEL 31 09 Adopted by the Council 191. In favor Approved LILC 31 N18 191 ---__...._.. _.. Against MAYOR PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 27739 FILENO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' DATE... Dec.m....31.,... 1919......... RESOLVE ,q n That withtha approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller the swn of 9ght hundred and twenty-five ($825,00) dollars be and the sante is hereby transferred from the Parks Operation Fund and ltaintainenoe/(52,2) to Parks Aotivities and Refraotories Fiend (52.3)of the sameaocount, as by so doing an unavoidable defioienoy inthe last mentioned a000unt will be met without hampsringthe moneys inthe fust mentioned aocount. Yes (%') Councilmen (.) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -- DEC 31 N19 --19.- _. Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved.... ___..GEC.31,19.I.g.......__....Iq...._.._ 1VlcCll Poweors ch - Against Wunderlich nfsron Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 COUNCIL 27740 40 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED•')Y J. M. Clancy Dec. 31, 1919 COMMISSIOAR.-..J.............._........................................,......................--........---.-_.........................._..._.. DATE..-.........._..._................ _.......--.-......... RESOLVED Resolved, That with the approval of the nayor and the Cor/rptroller the sum of one hundred and ninety ,and.$ixty one hundreths ($190.60)dollars be, and the same is hereby trans- ferred from the Playgrounds Instruction and Supervision Fund (55.1) to the Playground Operation and 11aintenance Fund (55.2) of the same account, as by so doing an anavoidable deficiency in the last mentioned account will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned account Yes (%*) Councilmen (,7) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers CD Wunderlich Mr. President C F,o No. 17740=ii T •M.:Clan Revolved, That. with the apps I..the bfayor and [he-Comptroi eum: or. one 'hundred nlnetyr an' one hundred he (5390:90): doll 1. andj;the .. same. is hereby [ral front the. Me.— ..e..a. _._.-_ Ado p[ d by the Council Decal. 1919. "A,pproved Deo., 9,t 1919. (Jan. a-1990)..- Adopted by the Council - ^ 31 N19 19 Approved..... E C 3: 1919 _ In favor i/2� Against _ MAYOR CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No..........��� .................. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM/�^,� PRESENTED BY ` C:I f s/ COMMISSIONER..............................................................................................................._...............---._C DA.;�:::... RESOLVED/ C...;r-a••�'.: f� /C� That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license to S. R. Thompson, to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 381 Prior Avenue. That said S. R. Thompson pay into the City Treasury a license fee of fifty (50) dollars, which is the cus- tomary amount for said license for said Motion Picture Theatre for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said S. R. Thompson has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certi- Yes (%T) Councilmen (J) Nays 40 Glancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlic Mr. President FORM 3M9 -I9 In favor Against Dec. 19, 1919 s. John I, �aricy, jity clerk, r5t. Paul, Minn. Dear ;iir :- 2'71AT I am enclosing herewith my check in appli- cation for license for theatre on vrior and St. Anthony Avenues and would appreciate if you could advise me when this would be taken up by the councel as i an anxious to appear when this is read and would like to have this letter of explanation accompany same. The theatre property is one being financed by my neighbors and business men in the immediate vicinity of the address given and a short time ago we made an application for a license on a lot oposite the school house and which was for that reason rejected and we have now taken the matter up with the objectors and they have no objection to the present location as it is located a number of blocks from the school house and in the business district and not resident district. In order to save time I thought it would be best for me to appear when the license is read. Thanking you, I am Yours very truly, 455 I'. lynhurst Ave., St. Paul i PRESENTED BY •�� COMMISSIONER-(.. ....................... COUNCIL 2'7'742 No -� )'DATE........._...._._..._..........__... Jk=MMWHLREAS 'orthe Commissioner of Parks " Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that by reason of an emergency which arose on Decdmber 27 and 26, it was necessary to employ and pay certain employes of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours on each of said days: RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes for the number of hours of emergency employment hereinafter set forth. The compensation for said employment which arose on December 27 being on Saturday afternoon shall be allowed at the rate of one and one-half times that fixed for regular employment by Ordinance No. 5139, Approved August 16, 1919, and for employment on December 28th, Sunday, shall be allowed at twice that fixed by said ordinance, said allowances being in accordance with union schedules. December 27th: S. U. Nordberg, Carpenter Foreman, 11 hours, J. Abelson, Carpenter, 11 hours, M. Lgan, Jarpenter, 11 hours, P. Peterson, Concrete & Labor Foreman, 8 hours J. Barber, Laborer, 8 hours, T. J. 6o111ns, Stationary Engr. 4 hr G. J. Jmith, Stationary Lngr. 4 hours, A. Tenquist, Cemex -A Finisher, 6 hrs. L. J. Huot, Stationary Engineer, 4 hours, A. Brathburg, Laborer, 4 hours E. oteen, Laborer, 8 hours, F. Deitel, Laborer, 8 hours. Si Anderson, Laborer, 8 hours, M. Kain, Laborer, 8 hours,__ A. Loss, Laborer; 8 hours, December 28th S. G. Nordberg, Carpenter Foreman, 10 hours J. Abelson, Carpenter, 10 hour,, M. ygan, Carpenter, 10 hours, P. Peterson, Concrete & Labor Foreman, 15 hours, J. Barber, Laborer, 10 hours, E. Steen, Laborer, 10 hours, o. Anderson, Laborer, 1J hours, L.J.uussey, Hoisting Engr. 18 hours, A. Bratburg, Labnrer, 10 hours John Burl*.e, Mortar iviixer, 11 hours, E. Davis, Laborer, 9 h^urs, M. Kain, Laborer, 10 hours, F. Anders n, D4ortar iIixer, 10 hours A. Loss, Laborer, 10 hours, F. Dietel, Laborer, 20 hours E.S.Smith, Steam Boiler Engr. 12 hours, D.J.Collins, 6team Boiler Lhgr. 12 hours, A. Tenquist,.Cement Finisher 6 hours, Yes (%7) Councilmen (. ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC 311.91.9...--......- i9 - Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved_ ....... C w McColl Powers -Against /I ............. MAYOR WunderlichjTBL7 Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 - 277:11 cy Wherexa- tha COUNCIL .. PA rhe ,ple Cotxmleflloner FILE N0. 27743 OFhI r aeup Of.. flthe Co6nr1( th:i' COUNCIL fila yD°c mpfa E4 soda 8Y o� m.''4tM Y. and pA BY •i"aflr ER.:,,-...__......_............................................................................... DATE .......... __._...................... ... RESOLV ' �� V WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that by reason of an emergency which arose on December 24 and 26, it was necessary to empl,1y and pay certain employes of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours on each of said days. RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes for the number of hours of emergency employment hereinafter set forth. The compensation for said employment which arose on December 24 and 26, shall be allowed at the rate one and a half times that fixed for regular employment by Ordinance No. 5139, approved AuR. 16, 1919 said allowances being in accordance with union schedules.. December 24: S. S. Smith, Stationary Engr. 32 hours T. J. Collins, Stationary Ehgr. 4 hours December 26: G. S. Smith, Stationary rEngr. 4 hours T. J. Collins, Stationary Engr. 4 hours S. &. Nordberg, Carpenter Foreman, 1 hour P. Peterson, Concrete & Labor Foreman, 1 hour M. Egan, Carpenter 1 hour J. Abelson, Carpenter, l hour John Barber, Laborer, 1 hour L. ,teen, Laborer, 1 hour S. ;inderson, Laborer, 1 hour n. Kain, Laborer, 1 hour A. Loss, Laborer, 1 hour F. Deitel, Laborer, 1 hour r'. Anderson, Lahorer, 1 hour Yes (d) Councilmen (�') Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council .- DEC 31199 -. - 19-- - Farnsworth Goss In favor Approve .. ..._. _ L1EG ` 1.91.9 _...... _ 19_..... mcco Powers-Against���� WunderlichP �' M� OR Mr. President �r d FORM 3M9 -I9 ` reported to the '0. FILE by keaeon' d[ nan eth ' riO. P.ltYewtldr FILECOU N ..'x.44 Inge haB FILE IVD................... .... ... OFFIC groeo on Pac. 29th it wue neoe r amV lBv—d pay certaln eofY�M COUNCIL RE' De V. of Y �bg, Pin ' K ED BY Innis__-_............................................................................ DATE ............ ......_.... .... ... _................. WH, -?REAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that bi reason of an 1 emergency which arose on Dec. 29tr, it was necessary to employ and pay certain employees of the Dept. of Parks, Plavc?rounds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours on that day. R-jJLVED, that the proper city officials are hereb,7 authorized to pay the following named employes for the number of hours of emergency employment hereinafter set forth. The compensation for said employment which arose on December 29 shall be allowed at the rate twice that fixed by Ordinance No. 5139, Approved August 16, 1919 „ for regular employmenta, said allowances being in accordance with union schedules. J. Flaherty, Laborer, 22 hours Wm. Keen, Laborer, 22 hours M. L. Devine, 6teamfitter, 22 hours Water Petsch, Steamfitter, 22 hours Yes (%") Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss \ In favor McColl U Powers - - Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -- Adopted by the Council- DEC 31..1.1.9...__...-_19- _ Approved... Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 27745 Vb RELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propomaking of the following pu is improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curb sides of Lakev ew Avenue from a point ................... "....................... ..."".......".."""".........................-....................................................................................................................... 410 "feet wee age Avenue_,..t...".Lake...Cotuo"..Boule"v."aril",..."..."......".".".-....."......".".." ............".. .....".."...".."._."".."....................... ............................."..............................-..................-...................................................................... Dated this_.... �©th....day ................. \0.0 emb.e.r................................... 191.9.... Councilman. PRELIM`NtR ER. Gt�{S' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curb both aides of L&aviewAvenuefromoint ......................................... ... . "a............ ........... 410 "feet "west "of Osage Avenue to Lake Como Boulevard .. ......... .. i ......................................................... ................. ......... ......... .. ........... .... ... ,7A6 Y ........ 1 6hef acti '[ p wrttton PTapoeol 4� he rollowlnl4 SmProv ..."..................................................................................................................................................�. "k View /.......... Idea a'oceet 4,. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............._..... "t ' ....:........:.w.a.................. ITtIN...,_.......... therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature, extent and e9timated co9t of said improvement, and the total co9t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.`' ; ...... .............. ......... "...... ..".................. ..... .... ........... ........... ."--................. ............. ..... ........... .. To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more own era, report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................. IJEC 31 919............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ................ ............ ....... ......... 1.9 11.191 7 Hyland Killer McColl Wunderlich ...... ... ..... .... "-... .....16 Mayor Irvin 3 Mayor. Form CA 13 (aM 4-17) Council File No- .............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 27746 and PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the , making of the follow' public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: unt ees on Lake ew.Avenue.from.Osage Avenue ......... ................. aP Lake Como Bouleva� . ...! 'A ......................................................7�4 ....................................................................................... i Z Dated this......... �1Jit....day of.: `.........................................., 191.9 j.......:.: Councilmen. PRELIM NAR TsR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .._..........._..................................Plant....t.r e-as....a n...Lakeview Avenue f rom...Oz a.ge-A.v.enu.a._............._ ........................................................... Bou 1.e.Yaz d ........................ _ Y .,..................................................................................................................................ttbetract.. ........ :.Whereat, A wrlttea proposal for the, making oY thpfollowing improvement. ............... .......... ........................................................................ viz.: trees Lak061ew ave ere Plant r A from''Ota6e aYpnue to IakCCom Bou having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman revara b',:Sng 'h. • n presonted teTOa: 'bund, o[Bt. F j therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direde4 1. To inveedgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invettigate the nature, extent and eEtimated cost of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3.' To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1 ormation re ar<ve to saz miprovemant:..:...: ....:: ................ .......................................................................................................... ,...... ........ ........- ....... .-...... Ta State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................. 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ............................... . 9......1917 ........ Hyland ... Kllere KellerO McColl Wunderlich ...... ........ ....... d Mayor Irvin MayorY /// Form C A 13 (6M 417) / - PITY OF �3T. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �[ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM `FILE OtliO1L NQ . - . COU F. -A A46, IN 7-18 ' ........ ...... 1920 . FR AUDITED :--- TIME Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for th �t nonosite_their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays SOLDTioas. JAH —2 19av IIAdopted by the Council._._........... tq�.....Yy77... ........191 ._._ 27747 JAN —fir �J�. Clancy I Resolved Abstract the n tho. Cltthat warrants be drawn Approved. _._.. ...... ... ........ Fdrn6WOLIlI r ta�ohereinafter epecifledDfuadedand In fiU$$ ?[lona for �LheerBoae"ryripe tr corpora their reapecti .gn cants set opposite v am es as ... .. Beller the folio In sDeclfled ib:_.....__ - .- Brin a CdMtaned statement: - MA OR A & Company. 1764 20. McColl BrPItal-Cit a Lumber Co S7E.03...; _ Y'Lumber 27 - Wunderlich �isii�fio r,ow.tth, ComlCrlop'yg0nanc P�•d—A rr d oh�'F..:.Fl(zPatr/ek. 160.00. ' a. '6 9h[elY Co., 32,10326. ' Vfslt3ilon bfonasteryand Henry'E R Kaley, $2,700.00, Adopted dby the Council Jan, 2, 102(1: APproved�Jkn. 2, 18E0. 30-1020)' J Total 11,999.03 5 Brings & Company, 754.20 Fire q 6 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 72.03 Fir e ==z 7 Capital City Lumber Company, 27.05 Pol. & F. Alarm 23.51 P. Bldgs. Revl. 3.54 • -2775 8 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 6,287.50 Water 9 John F. Fitzpatrick, 50.00 G.F.-Miscellaneous & Unforseen 10 J. L. Shiely company, 2,108.25 Paving Como Ave. from Rice to Gt. Northern Bridge 11 Visitation Monastery and Henry E. Whaley, 2,700,00 Schools Total 11,999.03 Poem A A 49.2M 7-18 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER.( (48 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL No. 3 p aN ..........._ c/�..._..... ....... AUDITED ......_.�1y .. ....._�C-A �.:...... 191 .:.. i` TRO ER ! ER ...... ....................................... ..................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereknafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council__..._......_....._.............._._....._..._..._........191_...._-- d r of dItt Abs a firms or corporac Clancy ge olved' that warrants b dray.'R' Farnsworth upon the CItY T ee,urX Dfund- en 1n� ApprovedJAM —2 _2 l y � V 191._........ 'the hereinafter ,P.-,clfled fu (iOss Yavo of the Per o, et ed tn. dons for the amount, set eppo,ite 61their re peative names ae ,pe Keller U tha fnl. oi3O d tatted ,tatement; ......... .. . . �O� _. ... .,...- E T Webattre Councl/ Jan• 2. 1920 At OR McColl Adopted by h Approved (Ja-2 19 0. Wunderlich o 12 E. T. Webster, 2,277.00 Sewer on Page from 1601 E. of E. L. of Ohio to So. Wabasha St. Total 2,277.00 F.— A A 48, 2 X 7-18 1 CITY OF !T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM AUDITED _.. JAN..Z_..... . IUr$.... _... 2'7'749 COUNCIL FILE. o. ........... ...:.................... 77-7 �-_ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays J<a(1 _2 191-m Adopted by the Council .... ......... ... .... ... _............. ...... ... ......_....._...191.......... Clancy ._ G F .No. 27748— Farnsworth etietract A roved__ __.._ IAIj._..- I �.I� ® 191 Resolved that war ante hai draan PP Goss / 1 Keller (/ pon the City Treasury parable our Oro thehereinafter apecfded Sunda anfl �- McColl infavor of the :persons.firma oppr cor 0; ?'Y Chelrtrespect,vdenameanas peclded ijn Wunderlich the following detatiedCostatement: A.Far^pwortb m'', of Fin6ncq, {1a,068.8m2 oath. Com'r:. of Flnanoe. 1 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Police 2 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Fire 3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Pol. & Fire Alarm 4 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Health -Adm. Vital Statistics Food & Dairy Quarantine Tuberculosis Div. Dale St. Infrmy. Laboratory P. Baths P. Co#fort Station Enf. Dog Lic. C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Munic. Gar. Revl. Total 57,469.48 619;08 215;00 495;00 1,010.00 520;00 86,25 160.00. 119.80 217.50 56.00 478.33 '833;75 1 19,059.32 32,396.95 1,202.50 4,810.71 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL« R ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ''yry Subjedl- -------------- --------------- -- �-----.............................................. C . - - 2 [ 1 c150 COUNCIL PILEN 0 ......................................... Date Presented...... -- .................................191..... Resolved, That the application of The Manhattan 911 Co.for a license to maintain an oil Pilling station at 900 East 7th.St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50.00). Yeas Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl Against .......... Wunderlich Mr Presid r u eRr.Yc. A 9 aM 6 -to C: r No.' 27mo ty 1leliry MoColh. Raeolved,/'Tha the; aDDlf ton„oC The Manhattan'OI!� o_ Lor n Senee' t maintain an. 'oil, Ing'at0'Kio at;100.. Ea@t 7th St..be and� ppd.jaam� tFai'eby is: i ,grantad and�the C1tfMCIOTiS Iq Ihetuot- ad to l -o. such ll}#enee,"«Dom �hC &Y 'ment Into 4he Clt tDreeavey 0 'thb :ree; fl[ty dollara;t I 19 Adp!.y. by th uricit tan 2, 19201 ADproyed,Ja>S 2, 1820 �.10-1$20) Adopted by the Council..._.._ JAN 72jy.j.9-__...191...... Approved ................ J.Ali...-`�-� � ��.__...._...191.... ............. . MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 3.4_ Subjedt: ----------------------- ...------- .-------------- .....------------..._.--------------------- ---- ..... ---- ... COUNCIL fd t PILENO ......................................... .............................................................................................................................................. _, Date Presented.............._.._._.......................191..... Resolved, That the proper city officialsare hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to transfer from the Buildings, Structures and Improvements item of the Fire Fighting Fire Fund to the Equipment item of the same Fund the sum of $7520.00, thereby preventing an unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. Yeas ( 6) Councilmen( V) Nays FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 •IB Adopted by the Council - 1 JAn — . 19 Approved.......... _ ...... _ .....................................191.... ..............In favor .......Against ..... ........ .. _... _............ . MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss 0 �J Keller McColl Alp JR—, Wunderlich lanAg.— FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 •IB Adopted by the Council - 1 JAn — . 19 Approved.......... _ ...... _ .....................................191.... ..............In favor .......Against ..... ........ .. _... _............ . MAYOR Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --------- COUUNCIL . - 2'7702 PILENo ............................................. Date Presented ....._....._._._.._......._..... ........191..... That the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) dollars be appropriated out of the Contingent Raid to assist in paying the expense of the St. Paul Motor Boat Club enter- taining visitors at the annual Regatta, 1920,.and the proper City officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrant therefor. Yeas ( I') Councilmen ( V) Nays FORM C. A.9 9M 6 -Ie In favor ..... _.".. _.. ,Against I C. F. No: 27762.—BY�llanrryy 14icColl Resolved Tf1at'Ahe -evin +:oC Flve be s eaao i of in °co; iiz�enc Fu a to°es slat 1n:SDaY1nR the -e Pb . ate the St. Pani Motor Boat Club entertafnfng.:' vlsitors�at,'ilia u 4t�al Relittle ln- 9 and; the- propdr,.'Cfty OM" structed' to ,t ua :the neceeearY war.. rentthereror - -.,Adopted by the gonnoll Jan: 2 1920. Approved Jan. %`2920. (Jan. 30 1920)' Adopted by the Council _,_......JAn 72 �9.Q191..... Approved _...........J Q n:_-2__ I..I...... ........191.... ke .......... ..... ..... Qr0"MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller V McColl Mt? Wunderlich LJJ_ 11Qd9e, FORM C. A.9 9M 6 -Ie In favor ..... _.".. _.. ,Against I C. F. No: 27762.—BY�llanrryy 14icColl Resolved Tf1at'Ahe -evin +:oC Flve be s eaao i of in °co; iiz�enc Fu a to°es slat 1n:SDaY1nR the -e Pb . ate the St. Pani Motor Boat Club entertafnfng.:' vlsitors�at,'ilia u 4t�al Relittle ln- 9 and; the- propdr,.'Cfty OM" structed' to ,t ua :the neceeearY war.. rentthereror - -.,Adopted by the gonnoll Jan: 2 1920. Approved Jan. %`2920. (Jan. 30 1920)' Adopted by the Council _,_......JAn 72 �9.Q191..... Approved _...........J Q n:_-2__ I..I...... ........191.... ke .......... ..... ..... Qr0"MAYOR Subjedt: I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM C 0 UNCU. 277,53 FILE NO.......... ...... ........... ........................... ..................... Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, that the application of Harold E.Casselton for a lioense to maintain an oil filling station at 1007 Aroade St.be and the same hereby is granted and t City Clark is instruoted to issue suoh lioense upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50-00)- • Resolved that .t110 apD�natlon :of, tnaIntain an all, fllllF�atatldn at Arcade'. be - and, -the `aanI6�herebx g&nted and'.thb� City,Clerk Wlnstfu�t ed � to I.au6. Oueh 11dense, n00W th& ply;.', m'liito-the -City-Tre4slir3ri)f,th.,f. ty'donars 050 00). 0). , I � -1. 1 ,sfA4ted,bk the Gounct! Jan: Yeas ( V) Councilmen( 11) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss favor Keller 0 McColl Against Wunderlich rft��._ Hndav" FORM C. A. 9 3M 8 -18 Adopted by the Council... .-JAN ,2_191.9 191, Approved.......JA� 191 .......... OLr�MYOR L O An ordinance granting to Marie T. Fry, and to Marie T. Fry as Executrix of the Estate of Christian Fry, deceased, per- /r/I OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF ' COUNCIL. OR91N:1N C'E9. F, N1. 1'" ,n A, 6A � 0. 6_2 32 mission to maintain the present canopy on the southeast corner of Fifth and Minnesota streets, in the City of St. Paul, and re- voking the permission to maintain said canopy heretofore granted to the Rayner Distilling Company. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to Marie T. Fry, and to Marie T. Fry as Executrix of the Estate of Christian Fry, deceased, to maintain the glass and metal canopy as now constructed on the building on the southeast corner of F1fth'and Minnesota streets. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Marie T. Fry and Marie T. Fry, as Executrix of said Estate, to maintain said canopy, upon her compliance with the following conditions: (1) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5,000.00, conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue ,to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy. The said bond shall be approv- ed as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such sureties as may be approved by the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (2) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council .shall so order. (3) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. I 75,'1 (4) Said licensee shall within ten days after the passgge of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. The permission heretofore granted by resolution approved July 14, 1811, being Board File No. 34375, to the Hayner Distilling Company, to construct and maintain said canopy, is here- by revoked. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered' -necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JAM_ '7 i32U Yeas Nays Mr. - Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approved Jan i7 KU Attest City Clerk o �� I 7 47755 or xt t a.. In, and employment 0 orovertime I fa an 011d"'a emergency or Inance, rend ... sea r, o t a . re arvat a. A ill,", he I Deace, alth and sate! An ordinance fixing the ra;.The cDnncu pf the citv..�tt,st.,o be paid City d— ordain: AbP employes forovertime ana'emplovinent on Sunday and certain holidays. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and saf&t7- THF COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES )RDAIN: Section 1. That when an emergency has arisen and has been declared as provided by Section 53 of the City charter, which emergency renders necessary the employment of city employes or em- ployes of the Bureau of Water for more than eight (8) hours per day, or which renders it necessary to work or labor on Sunday, New Years day, Decoration Day, Fourth of -July, X not employed on monthly Labor Day, Thanksgiving or Christmas day by employeeszxrA salary basis Saturday afternoone, A and not usually employed'as Sunday, and the holidays hereinbefore A enumerated, during the continuance of such emergency and until otherwise ordered by the Cru ncil the city employees employed more than eight (8) hours per day or on Sunday and the holidays hereinbefore enumerated, in the descretion mal be paid of the head of the department;/not to exceed double the compensation per hour otherwise fixed for ordinany employ- ment for eight (8) hour day, provided, however, that said rate of compensation shall not exceed tiie compensation ordinarily paid to members of labor Unions for like extra hours of employment or employment on Sunday and the holidays enumerated above. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yes Councilmen Nays AN. --tib . Adopted by the Council 19 A126 In favor Approved 19 McColl Powers AL-inst ATTEST: C� Wci,rli<h JOHN 1. FARICY, City clerk. jo ;> CITY OF ST. PAUL carr cunn OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER IOL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILENCIL No........ ................ Form A A 46,2 N 7-18 4 B ... - ........... .................... .......... .......... .... ... TIV) .LFR JIM _i41,,-------- 191.. AUDITED 42- PER............ ............ ........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas C!4pcilmen ( V N vs Adopted by the Council__...........1,91 C. F. No. 2 .... lbatr-t- Clancy Resolved that warrants be., dr.— Appro 191 Treasury b s t I" Al —3 13WO wIu the Cit T ou the hereinef,or spe. 0 1 1�� Farnsworth effied"MfuYnd Irnpora favor of the P-rs- r,u.,rin, or 11,'Pos,t. . is sett et . r—) Goss xj—� tions for'theopectil t- � !d their respective statement: Keller the fopowing, ' tj oil Co., ;2.26. Bart" ,.. tiedMAYOR McColl Bloln Mi Darling. $30.00. - Defl.1 Its%ltyShC�0pys," '$'61.00. �pro Wunderlich I Supt of Bldgs., $27.60 "Nh ., & Cement CO.- $589-'6 p L 9 Mr, President, Hodgson JaCo � $s8t.3ts' Soil- In.peC-' Edward Bros.Maendler J. C. .19 ent CO.. $39.1 u I- N 'Adapted Electric rio. ouncti Jan. 3. 1920. Approved 1930) 19 13 Bartles Minnesota Oil Company, 2.26 Water 14 John B. Darling 30.00 Counsel 30*00 15 Defiel Realty Company, 1"38 Water 16 Fielding & Shepley, 67,00 Water 17 G. N. Gerlaoh, Supt. of Bldga., 27,60 Schools 16 Gopher Lima & Cement Company, 589*52 Paving Ashland—Snelling to Paseal 19 Handlan & Company, 86.39 Workhouse 20 Edward Jacobs, State Boiler Inspeotor 6000 Workhouse 21 Maendler Brothers Company, 9130 Polloe Ree. #4 Page #2 22 J. C. Mullery, Water 7.19 23 N. W. Rleotrio,Equipment ComparW, 39.11 Workhouse 28.82 Schools 7.82 Water 2.47 IV Total 865.75 Form A A 46, 2 N 7-18 l'l7Y OF 1T.. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM nt'°'L No. ...... 21..f%}: .- OL 5 � � ., „ ,, ., sic.. .._ ... _.� . �...................._....... PTROLLER AUDITED ._ ............. 191.. PER...... .. .. ..... ...... .. .....C-.- TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the amounts stet opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nav, I______.___�a.Ii_.."."t�._IJ�0...191.........._ i Adopted by the Council C. F� No. 27757— . Clancy Abe'_t. IQn Resolved that warrants be drawn -3 192 Farnsworth upon [he City Treasury, payable out J ldlJ I the hereinafter specified Npda and Approve _..__...___ ..............._._.._. ...................__.1 _......._. t iaver of the persona, firma or coin Cross poratlons [or the amounts set oppoeit their re lowin ivo names ss specified in Keller the following Farnsworth. Co statement: ....... ..__.. .._ ... .............. ....._.. ... .._.... 9. A Farnsworth, Cpm'r, of Finance, M ty R McColl $4.641.89. Mary F. Mattl7nore, $16.75. Wunderlich Adopted by the Council Jan. 3, 1920. Approved Jan. 3'1920. (J-40-1920) Mr. President, Hodg=_on 24 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 4,541,89 Schools 4,519.89 (treat Northern Schools 22.00 4 RIM - 25 I — 25 Mary F. Mattimore 16.75 0.P.-Misoellaneous & Unforseen Total 4,558.64 ('I'1'1" OF ST. PAUL '! G "`"" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2t t06 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No................................... t•u.r: Form A A IA, 211 7-18 _ IN jt01 I F { AUDITED ..:...f J71 ... ...... ----- _- Res. 6 TITLE I Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas l V ) Councilmen I ) Na Adopted by the Council®........191_....... _......._......s�AN.._-3..ls.11D. C. F. No. 27768— {�0 Clancy Resolved that A warrants be drawn ��� _� I� V Farnsworth upon the City Treasury, payable out o1 Appr .___.. . _ ...._ -. 191 ....... the hereinafter $pecifted funda and In favor of the persona, firms or corpora- GosS [lona for the amounts set opposite %%% ` their rlor t e namee as ape opposite to Keller f the following detailed statement: ``,,,/J MAYOR S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance. McColl $10.768.1 2. . __--- —.--� Adopted by the Council Jan. 3, 1920. Wunderlich Approved Jan. 3. 1920. (Jan. 10-1920) Nlr. President, Hodgson 4 S. A. Farnsworth Com r. Finance 10,768.12 26 Com' r. 4,734.92 e 64.00 Forestry Rev 439.50 Playgrounds 292.60 a 384.16 P. Bldg. Rev. Comfort. S. 31.87 u 7.00 s 42.00 0 28.00 a 1,817.05 G. N. Const, Schoo• 12.60 n 67.50 w 505.50 w 575.95 n 573.45 Gaultier School 1,192.12 10,768*12 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ------- ............ .._..........................._.._......._............._......... Z 1751.) COUNCIL Date Presented _ Jan..3y.1.92.0....:............191....... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the co^sent of the Comptroller and 2,ayor, one car of Asphalt at a price of 4591.95, without advertisement, as an emergency exists where failure to act quickly would work a hardship to the best insterests of the city, Charge Street Constr & Repair. C. F.:10. 27759— porch razed he 4 the rcbY aathot the esolved, That Ag nt be. ure.n llh onsent of Aa' hnee. rd Ma3'oi• One Car to Comptroller 1Ce of E691er witho exte a enact 4u\ekl, ld gent pert4s . lin as he beat inter -t Where failure Constr. Work a e ardahlP to t 'treet . the ,ty. Charge 2 1920. R Adopted b`' n a3C 192041 Jan. '1 ApPro`ad 10.1920) Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Adopted by the Council OO pQf Approv d _.._....tun-V._�..J►J._............__ 191..... ........................................ MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth / Goss ............_In favor Keller /\ / McColl l�/1.............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council OO pQf Approv d _.._....tun-V._�..J►J._............__ 191..... ........................................ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ) 8 60 FILENO ..................................... COMMI. w r..:_,._....._._..........__....._....... DA ......_.. RESOLVED That the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars be appropriated out of the Contingent Fund to assist in paying the expense of the Twelfth Annual Tournament and meeting of the International Bowling Association to be held in this City February 6th to 18th, 1920, and the proper City Officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrant therefor. yes (�) Councilmen (J) Nays �C. F. No. 27760— Resolved, That the n]of Five Hundred (5600.00) Dollars be appro- priated out of the Contingent Fund to cis[ in paying the expense of the Twelfth Annual Tournament and meeting of the International Bowling AesoclatlOn to be held In this City Februnry 6th to 18th, 1920, and the proper CRY Officers be Instructed to Issue the necessary warrant therefor. Adopted by the Connell Jan. 3, 1920. Approved Jan. 3. 1920. (Jan. 10-1820) JAM -3 --.- . 13019 Adopted by the Council -- - - - - - M -3 1 s rYf-) In favor Approved ... _ ..._.-- _ ......._....... 19..._.._ Against `/.. MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss MCColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM ]M9-19 �C. F. No. 27760— Resolved, That the n]of Five Hundred (5600.00) Dollars be appro- priated out of the Contingent Fund to cis[ in paying the expense of the Twelfth Annual Tournament and meeting of the International Bowling AesoclatlOn to be held In this City Februnry 6th to 18th, 1920, and the proper CRY Officers be Instructed to Issue the necessary warrant therefor. Adopted by the Connell Jan. 3, 1920. Approved Jan. 3. 1920. (Jan. 10-1820) JAM -3 --.- . 13019 Adopted by the Council -- - - - - - M -3 1 s rYf-) In favor Approved ... _ ..._.-- _ ......._....... 19..._.._ Against `/.. MAYOR 'ENTRIES ACCEPTED FROM ANY TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL IN UNITED STATES -OR CANADA International 'Bowling Associatio5, 77(jo THEO. J. GROREIUOLO, Secretary 75 Court House, S[. Paul, Minn. 4C A 3•'79 Si. Paul, Minn., JAny 211(1, - 192 0 To the Honorable City Council of the City of St. Paul. Gentlemen, The Twelfth Annual Tournament and meeting of the "International Bowline A8800isltionll will be held in this City, February Gth to 18th, 19;0, at the Dayton's Bluff Commercial Club. This Tournament is one of the T.arGest j,nnual Tourn- aments held in the U.S., and gives the city holding same trio weeks Of continuous advertising all over the country. It brings people into the city from all surrounding states. To help make this meeting a success, we would appreciate your heli, and respectfully ask that the sum of ?500. be given the I.B.A. to help defray the necessary expenses of the Tournament. Yours r.espectn"lly, b( 4Z Y. C. F. No. 27761—Ordinance No. 5231— By L C. Horlg.on— An dlnance appropriating the s f Five Tho .sand Dollar. ($5.000.00) for the purpose of aiding in the work / o[ [he iilnneso[a War Records �ro••P4� q :ommteafon. , 3e C / „uncll or the CI[y Of S[ P¢ ^In; ` ''T1ON , f An ordinance appropriating the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) for the purpose of aiding in the work of the Minnesota War Records Commission. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the Minnesota War Records Association item of the General Fund, for the purpose of aiding, in Ramsey County, the work to be carried on by the Minnesota War Records Commission through the Ramsey County War Records Committee. The said money so appropriated shall be paid to the Ramsey County War Records Committee appointed by the Minnesota War Records Commission, and said moneys shall be used exclusively for the purpose of carry- ing on the work intrusted to the Minnesota War Records Commission. Section 2. The proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant for said moneys hereby appropri- ated, as soon 46s the same are available, payable to said Ramsey County War Records Committee. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council J0 19 I'[U Yeas flays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes Powers Wunderlich Mr. Hodgson, President Approved _ G�� Mayor Attesttf�e'�� /A City Clerk v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE No. ..... Farm A A 4;.2117-18 u 9 7 , AUDITED ......`(/n N._J..... Q�.....-..191 -_.. //N/ 1'L. CIOCheater lv Gaskell; -;12.00. . l3aakina Broe Go.. $5.60. Help., Capt Cleaning Works; $686` J M11^, alms Co. ;147 46. Benny & Co.: $j.41 9 00. AL F: Xerwint; -Paper ;$9;50. - ElecIo .EquipCo..ment Co.. - - 13T088S9.•.,,: ,.r. one . .. .[Ate Teleph�8- Telegraph Co, $eZ.82.. - - R. B. Whitaeie Co., ;629. 0. Adopted. by the Counc l•Jan.b;192. Approved Jan., 5, 1920. (Jan. 10-1920). - American Linen Supply CozPwV# 35.49 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, Yeas lV ) Councilmen ( V ) Na ""--- - Adopted by the C ncil..._ �? 191.. ---- 29 Board of Water Commissioners, 29.82 . ,. ...._..�An...-.e]...L:�.tA ClancyAbstract. C F. No. 27762—• . drawn JIq �1A[1 '_5 IJ Farnsworth FBrnSWO[Ill Resolved that Warrants be upon the Cltl- TreaBury, payableout Y. W ..191.._....... I Goss . ;the hereinafter: epeclfled and in favor oCihe persons, Orme or co= - tions foE.the amounts eet opn ei e their reapeotive "na.mee as apecifled fn' K¢Il¢[ the following detailed statement. Amarlcan Llne Supply Co " $36.49 -'- """ """ MAYOR McColl x L. Blood & Co.; 117 29 , Board.,,ot ,Water' Commissfo e - Wunderlich E29 a2. Business Furniture Co $172.60. Mr. President, Hodgson + Uaily Newe PublMbing Co, $2.18. I Electrfd Construction S 0 $134.90. CIOCheater lv Gaskell; -;12.00. . l3aakina Broe Go.. $5.60. Help., Capt Cleaning Works; $686` J M11^, alms Co. ;147 46. Benny & Co.: $j.41 9 00. AL F: Xerwint; -Paper ;$9;50. - ElecIo .EquipCo..ment Co.. - - 13T088S9.•.,,: ,.r. one . .. .[Ate Teleph�8- Telegraph Co, $eZ.82.. - - R. B. Whitaeie Co., ;629. 0. Adopted. by the Counc l•Jan.b;192. Approved Jan., 5, 1920. (Jan. 10-1920). - American Linen Supply CozPwV# 35.49 .27 C. He & C. He 28 T. L. Blood & Company, 17028 0. He & C. He 29 Board of Water Commissioners, 29.82 C. He & C. He 30 Business Furniture Company, 172.60 C. He & C. He 31 Daily Dews Publishing uompa.nys 2.18 C. He & C. He 32 Electric Construction Company, 134*90 C. He & Ce He 33 The Fire Appliance & Inspection GCmparQ`, 3.75 C. He & C. He 34 Chester We Gaskell 13'•00 A. He C. & C. 35 Haskins Brothers Company, 5.50 6. He & G. He 36 Helps Carpet Cleaning works, 6.86 C. He & C. He Ree. 7 Page #2 37 J. W. Hulme Gompow, C. H. & C. H. 38 J. T. Kenny & Compalq; 0. H. & C. H. 39 M. F. Kerwin Paper VompaiTs 0.H.&c. H. 40 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 0. H. & C. H. 41 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Compaxp, C. H. & Co H. 42 R. B. Whitacre & Company, C. H. & C. H. Total 963:85 147.46 9.00 9.50 308:89 62.33 8.99 farm A A 46. 2 X 7-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI E °"' No....... 2 1.045•8 a AUDITED ............................................ ........ ... l TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (V )Councilmen ( )Nays J11 —5 1'1$'0 Adopted by the Countl..........................................................._.......191......-- Clancy j 1 —5 131�� oved _.... ....191. _..... Farnsworth - --.....In favor -- - - � - -- Goss Keller c F �`Io 2v7sa-- ---` _..._.. ____._ ...-..- .... ...._ ...... ..ytwrox---'- Abetract McColl - Resolved -.that iu rant h drawnupo. •the the Clty T ea cif,, D .1rd1 out of Wunderlich the heretnatter ap clfied funds and InI faYor of the rson firms or corpora-. Mr. President, Hodgson th s for .the amo nta et op oatte P, their reaneetiv .... rover 0,.1`624. O \ ' -Jamb 1920. 43 Sleotrio Blue Print Company, 65.62 Homeoroft Schools (Bond) 44 S. A. Farnsworth, Oom1r. of Finance 11#46135 Water - 45 Jesse Foot, City Comptroller 1676 Comptroller 46 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company, 16.34 Workhouse 47 Mary M. Strobel, 6,800.00 Schools 48 Wm. H. Ulmer Company, 127,40 Paving Prior Ave. Univ. to N.L. Minnehahe Total 18,472.47 . Farm A A 96,2K 7-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE OIL )l7-` 9 ... .... .........--------- AUDITED .........:..................................191 ...... PER................ .......... ...... ..... ....... .... .... ...._ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V )Nis Adopted by the Lound an -5 I",w _.._._. ......__._ ....................................191.._.._._ Clancy Cv F. No. 27761— Abstract. " ' P/.....,. 191..__...... ! Resolved that warrants ba drawn AP _-----1--^"�-�3i4 Farnsworth upon the City Treasury payable out of she hereinafter epeclfled fund. and In [loss � Yavor oY the persons firma or corpora- , fFr�I their res "Otfor lve names an8eepecf8ed 11n .... .... ....__._. .... _ ...... ..._. the toilowing' detailed statement: �t \YOR McColl i E. T. Webster, =1.12o.o0. Adopted by the Council 1... 6, 1920.'. Wunderlich t Approved Jan. 6, 1920. "(Jan. 10-1920) Mr. President, Hodgson -- --- — 49 E. T. Webster, Sewer on Page, Robert to Gorman •i } t Total 1,120.00 1,120.00 COU HCIL ".65 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ................. Fir•................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY192 j-.` n...._ 3.,�..._ .0..___....._. rt (;a 69 _............_...._... DATE_ ..._... RESOLVED That Council File No. 16761, approved October 1, 1917, being a final order for the re- paving of Broadway frons Third Street to Fourth Street, be and the sau.e is hereby ast.ended by strikin- o•.t `he porde, n1faterial to be sandstone," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Ma— terial to be vitrified bricl, raving block." C. F. No. 27766—BY M. N. Ogee— , Reebaved, Tho.t Council Flla 'Nd.� F 116761, pproved October 1, p v lie{nr� a final order for the repaving Broadway from Third street to Fourth 1 street, be and the same is hereby', I amended by striking out the wordy.' ",,,aterlai to be 'to 0' and ng: sorting inlieu thereof the following:'. Materlal: to he vitrified brick paving black Adopted by the Council Jan. 6, 1920. Approved JaTelleoune (Jan. 10-1926) Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy Farnsworth 9 Approved.............__.._...._..19_ Goss In favor IVwer Pobwers U Against _ _�._ _...._ _ _... . MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9-19 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL - -' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cOUNCIL 27 )6, FILENo ......... ....... ..................... DATE ..J.Fn.......3..,..._1 S2.0............_ That the time srecified for the per- foru:aree of a certair. contract dated Dec. 24, 1915, between F. T. Tebster erd th.e C1*y of St. Paul for the constrt.otion of a ae7:er on Page St. from: 75 ft. east of 'um.boldt Ave. to St=te St., or. Fobert St. fror,. 25iorto^. St. to scvtrerly intersection with Page St. and on Gcrmer Ave. frog, 75 ft, south of Morton St. to Page St., be and the aE.i,.e is hereb,, extended to the 31st day of necen.ber, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute ar. amendment to said contract in ac-_or�ance herewith; rrovided., however, that this reso.lution shall not have any force ard. effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. yes (�) Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss mccoll Powers Wunderlich FORM JM9-19 Mr. President . ...Against by the Council im '-'5-14 d.-19 -- Appr ed...._..........'"5..1.1.y.4-..........19..._._. MAYOR M 71 st. Paul, Minn. , - Z - - - S3 - - - 19z4- - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, CITY• Gentlemen' would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing co tract for the s� �6 1,iti.-6.ELt67ve. 71. nSfa?cS� S..R 6e fSf.�pr /7oif� f. t Sodihei/yinf - Y - - to be extended to - - - - 2z---- 19/9 - Owing to - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. tzu4 Yours very _Yc,'L/..e Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concern APPROVED upt. of Constnrnuetion & Repairs Chief Engineer. Commissioner of Public V rks. COUNCIL ����' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.....27767. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTW BY .� *•T Goss ,n.. 3, 1920 COMMISSNER.........................._...._..._....................._.........__......._......... DA ......._........__ _I I_ .................. RESOLVED That C Ur.cil File "a. 14963, a_rrroved Febri;.ary 21, 1917, bein_ a resol-.tion direc'ing tre ^oW: iasioner of vublic V'cr%s to prcc re the r,ece sl.r erials :m.d do the work by C_ty Force PocoUnt in the ,a.vin., of Gram Ivenue fron, ;Gilton Street to Cretin Etre:`, be and tie sc: is hereby ann, lled and rescinded. FD'EOLVF'D, FURTFSF., That the 1;lans and ere- cificationE be :L -1t'-:-1:1 to ':" Cott.c:iasio .er of ntbiio n;orl.s for any neoeaa=.ry aaandmerts, e to '05 re- bWitted f.,r e1-2:,vul vv' -en _W.endl:.ents are r:,ade. same Is .hereby annulled and reselnd- ad. Resolved Further, That the plane and specl0catlons be returned to 'the Commissioner of Public Works for.any necose.ry'amendmonte, same to be re- submitted for aproval. when amend- menu are made. Adopted by the Council Jun.. 6;': 1920. Approved' Jan 6.1920- f t7an. 10-1820); Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council JQH —5-1,42-19 -. Clancy Farnsworth 1 _5 Goss ---- -In favor Approved -_.... _....._...... _.._....... _... _._--__.....19._...... McColl Powers Against 7 MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President 2'7768 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED B jn P� cOMMiSSIONER.......... h�%v+! % ... ........................ DATE_ ......__---------------- ...__...................... RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direct- ed to enter into an agreement with Walker D. Hines, Director General of Railroads, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company for the maintenance and operation of a track for the use and service of the municipal levee; the said agreement to be in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. C F No. 23788—ByFrank L Powers -- e i�PoratfoN �Coune lar...,...'.. •._ _ .. :I Adopted by -the CO -11 Jan. 5. 1820. ' hPDroved Jan. 6. 0 . (Jan. 10-1-19i r r F�cEi�eo1�. ��f Qe" 1- abo r.1 connection with SdBolulO — CX/ Yes (w) Councilmen (J) Nays Adopted by the Council --- 19 ....................... Clancy Farnsworth J _5 W- _ Goss ......... Approved ........:... .__...��_..._......�.................19_....__ McColl Fower!0 A¢ainst MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 9M9 -I9 Department of Eaw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILsE` JOHN A. Bl1RNSJ w.+o nncr. WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS H MASEK Mr. Frank L. Powers, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir: - ^ti January 5th, 1820. Herewith find duplicate copies of agreement between W. D. Hines, Director General, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company on the one side, and the City of St. Paul on the other, for the construction, maintenance and operation of a spur track to serve the municipal levee. I am informed by the Chief Engineer, who had this matter in charge so far as the construction work was concerned, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, that all the expense of construction called for by the agreement has been in- curred and paid for. It seems, therefore, as if the execution of the contract as to some of the provisions, is a little irregular at this time, but as it serves as a memorandum both for the Railroad Company and the City, I see no harm in the recital that the City is to pay certain costs which have already been paid. You will please execute this contract on the margin, and then forward the same to the City Clerk. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Department of Eaw CITY OF ST. PAUL c O. H. O'N EIL SE` JOHN A. B URNS) ,ffonry er. WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS H MASEK Mr. Frank L. Powers, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir: - January 5th, 1920. Herewith find duplicate copies of agreement between W. D. Hines, Director General, and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company on the one side, and the City of St. Paul on the other, for the construction, maintenance and operation of a spur track to serve the municipal levee. I am informed by the Chief Engineer, who had this matter in charge so far as the construction work was concerned, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, that all the expense of construction called for by the agreement has been in- curred and paid for. It seems, therefore, as if the execution of the contract as to some of the provisions, is a little irregular at this time, but as it serves as a memorandum both for the Railroad Company and the City, I see no harm in the recital that the City is to pay certain costs which have already been paid. You will please execute this contract on the margin, and then forward the same to the City Clerk. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. IT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �y�j Sobject: - 0 / 6 COUNCIL 9 FILE N 0.... ..,,r..... ..................._... ................ ........................ ........................ ..............--------- ------ --- ----- Date Presented..... . - - - _ - .. - .... - - - 191 Resolved, That the employment agency license No.117 now in the name of J.C. McDermot 290 Sibley St.be and the same hereby is transfered to J.C. MoDermot 173 Past 3rd,St. Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McCol Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 DS°Coll : ent�, ft solved g76ThNo 1 C.1jen7 r nowPlt BLbine { aBene Yat(1 °C. itber hereby 93 East,. \ nam and the 9a Derlr-tt 34 ed t9 'C, pic 1929.1 3rpdoPt Yd by t", 1919Z0)Jan. J. C APPr° 9d (Jan•,1� Adopted by the Council.__... �a�i 5 �'_ O 191.... In favor APProved.._....... �]jj.. a.�.�.� .Q 191 _. _.,,.,___.... Against �lL� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLj1TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BV COUNCIL 27770 FILENo ..................................... DATE RESOLVED That the application of the Black Diamond Auger Company for permission to establish and operate a forge in the building at the northwest corner of Second and Cedar streets, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit therefor. T of the aPPlication of tot C. F. No. 27770— er ComPaPY gesolved, h Aub erste a rot B1acX' Diamond O ..ta Permission t balem_ d n6e, the "nor rotige: iathe dar .streets, co[Aor of Secondnndd tris C s d 1Bp�bllc 'h',NY' granted,, authorised -'and di' � r Parite, ; Pla-bY out IBui{dings is herebYe mit therefor. a 'C 6, 1920 to issue Council Jana pdtlPted by the 1920—� (rented APProved�7an?0-199^) Yes (%) Councilmen (') NaysAdopted by the Council "19 Clancy Farnsworth J0..-5.1A.P... _19 Goss APpro – -ln favor ed... __ McColl Powers Against ...... ......................... ......... MAYOR _ Wunderlich M. President FORM 3Me-19 JOHN I. FARICY Win, of (fity Tlerk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK - 'SIT. CITY CLERK �i of ��tnt 11an1 )7 January 3rd, 1920. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Council held this morning, the request of the Black Diamond Auger Company for permission to establish and operate a forge in the building at the northwest corner of Second and Cedar Streets, was referred to you for proper form of resolution. closed herewith. Please find letter from said Company en - Yours truly, CITY CLERK. C% . To The Honorable The Council Of The City of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - St. Paul, Minne ot The undersigned, respectfully request per- mission to establish and operate a forge in the building at the Northwest corner of Second and Cedar Streets, as the sameis necessary for the conduct of the business of this Company. Respectfully submitted, BLACK DIAMOND AUGER COMPANY. COUNCIII-P ............. By_ .. .... ..... ..... . ........... FINAL ORDER -:31lue to In the Matter of Y P a: Clu 1 � :cnuo fo::'� I ......... .................1--------..... ... ....... . ...... .............. ............... ... ................. .................. z's .. ....... ........... ............................ ....................... ................. .................... S n ..... ..... ............ . ....................... ---- - . ....... j '0 :1, re net. .......... 1 ........... under Preliminary Order ....... .... ........... ....... 'iG. 27771 , ASa IntermediaryOrder .......................... ............ .... ... wr . .................... .......................................... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pezions, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City .ipdon ........... ........................ ........................................................ "er --,,,d + S -13 co-e..;.s- 'ct' s f- t s .ore .......... .: ............ ........................................................ 110 to r�c "c- t-, nos -------- ----------------------------------------------------------- .......................... ........... � g t..,,._ -G,- - - -oa,b` 'L - , � � -'d al-_,eady .der -, -,(,, iL,�ti ir c 7'� Cl - 1 .110. . ... ..... ------------ - ---------------- I ....................... -------------- hall be The roadway a EL 0 1)11 ----------- .......... paved to a width of fifty (50) feet. -The material to be used to be three and one-half (3J) inch creosote wood blocks on a six (6) inch Portland Cement Concrete Foundation. upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance. therewith. JAM -5 I319 Adopted by the Council .. ........ 191 AN mg Approved.,.. . � .-- l"l - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HV19.Mi GY 7rmF.Ouncilman�,K&10- 10 I u i's Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayorins-in 1 lodr�ol B. S. A. 8-7. .,N ............ City Clerk V4_��- Mayor. 4 --------------------------------------------- - 2 OF-Wr-f In the Matter of Pay._ing--_Hamden University - ------------ - --- - avenueto the — -southwesterly - --------- ------- - side of'Wabasha avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections-from where not already made, also _t_r_ggt main t __p_Kqp�,y lines complete, - -- ---- ---------- wer. water and to property Ajq connections from street mains . .............................. ---------- - -- in-pA qQmp---------e, a not already y madlso including curbing and paving -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - — - - ay----------------------- ---------------- ..- 4rivew where - -- - - - ------------ ...... ... - - ------- under Preliminary Order approved --- oc-to-bar 6-th - ----- 1-9-2-9 - — ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- --------- ------ ------------ — - - --------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 85 F FORM B.S.A. 8-3 A ol The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -4 1iind of Yo al Total Dost Paving Der < per q. Yds. mate. Fnt. Ft. 3I' Creosoted Blochs 40 P, dl.!7 62 15,892.80, 60 Do Do 501 19'7C4.36 15.68 Brick, 4.11 14,136.40 Do 501 17,532.58 13.96 Brick -maid _,let, 401 11 3.75 12,900.00 10.24 DO Do Do. 501 1[ 3.75 16,042.30 12.73 C) 3.1130 12,384.00 9.90 111. Do 15,400.8n0 1 P. 2 colic -etc it 6. CO 12.3811. 0 1). co Do Do 501 11 15,Z.00. 0 12.2': Concrete,Do zot It 2. C 0,769. 60 7.76 0 it 2.84 CITY OF SLIIJL 9.64 here curb is not 1-I L-6�C,. rjG,-! DEPARTTENT OF FINANCE "oot o-,, e. eurb. 1-1'�Icse 30^vico coet REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE to teat of eats lot- for 31' '�ioiisr- ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ................. ; 40.00 for house service In the Matter of Pay._ing--_Hamden University - ------------ - --- - avenueto the — -southwesterly - --------- ------- - side of'Wabasha avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections-from where not already made, also _t_r_ggt main t __p_Kqp�,y lines complete, - -- ---- ---------- wer. water and to property Ajq connections from street mains . .............................. ---------- - -- in-pA qQmp---------e, a not already y madlso including curbing and paving -------------------------------------------------------- - - - - — - - ay----------------------- ---------------- ..- 4rivew where - -- - - - ------------ ...... ... - - ------- under Preliminary Order approved --- oc-to-bar 6-th - ----- 1-9-2-9 - — ---- ----- --------- -------------------------------- --------- ------ ------------ — - - --------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 85 F FORM B.S.A. 8-3 A ol The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: -4 1iind of Yo al Total Dost Paving Der < per q. Yds. mate. Fnt. Ft. 3I' Creosoted Blochs 40 P, dl.!7 62 15,892.80, 60 Do Do 501 19'7C4.36 15.68 Brick, 4.11 14,136.40 Do 501 17,532.58 13.96 Brick -maid _,let, 401 11 3.75 12,900.00 10.24 DO Do Do. 501 1[ 3.75 16,042.30 12.73 C) 3.1130 12,384.00 9.90 111. Do 15,400.8n0 1 P. 2 colic -etc it 6. CO 12.3811. 0 1). co Do Do 501 11 15,Z.00. 0 12.2': Concrete,Do zot It 2. C 0,769. 60 7.76 0 it 2.84 12,14D. 52 9.64 here curb is not 1-I L-6�C,. rjG,-! �)o,- "oot o-,, e. eurb. 1-1'�Icse 30^vico coet .ons =t to teat of eats lot- for 31' '�ioiisr- d n4, ................. ; 40.00 for house service :rater .......... 57. 00 The lots or parcels ofland that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the a&lsessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DE5CRIPTION LOT BLOCK 83 82 E. 50 ft. of N. j of 105 (Ex. alley and except E 50 feet of IT. -j of Lot E. ---- North j of 104 and 105� (Ex. alley) S. * of 104 & 105 Streets S. of Lot and between Hq-npden and llay- mond avenues and 123 ADDITION Hewitts Outiots First and Second Division Do Do Do Do Do Do ASSESSED VALUATION 14750 13400 11925 6875 22950 150000 15050 13400 A 84 85 F FORM B.S.A. 8-3 A ol -4 a Do Do Do Do ASSESSED VALUATION 14750 13400 11925 6875 22950 150000 15050 13400 A CITY OF 5 A`IL KDEPARTMENT O FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 106 ) Hewitt's Outlots First and Second Division. 107 Do G, Geo. H. Watson's Second Addition, St. Paul, Minn. IL Do ASSESSED VALUATION lIIra 50 110125 41000 6800 406275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_ `lam%%- �.- .--191_{._ v Commissioner of Finance. �O9M e.9.A. 9-9 G Office of the Commissioner of Public WffGIVED P.V• t� P, Report to Commissioner of Finance oa ; 7.G, OCT 16 1919 October 16th, 9 191.. '... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 26833 October 6th, 9 cil, known as Council File No . ............... ................ ....approved .......... .............. _...... ..........._......_......................191......... relative to. ...... ..... ...... ..... ....... paving Hampden Avenue from University to the southwesterly side of ........... .................. --................................................................................. ..................... ......._. Wabash Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....................necessary and (or) desirable. 'L. The el3timated cost thereof is $._..._...._ g8X and the total cost thereof is ......_..._._g.........._... ......... ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ........ ..................... ...... .................. :_....._........_................................. _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is. ......._............ ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Z Co nissioner of Pnbli orkc. OS CAP <LAU99EN, Cni.r Ervcin[en J. L.9cnt1M[[Pa ALrPED JACX90Nc 9u.iucii On..A�P• M. W. GOETZIXGEP, 9urTlcry GPYT... ....... Xa . G. M. XePRO LD•Orr�c. [rv.iXa[n 0 0 (Itty of St. pout 39rpsrtmrnt of ruhltr Norks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONCR R. T, OOURLCY. DEPUTY October 15, 1919. Mr. H. N. dose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Hampden Avenue from University to the southwesterly side of Wabash Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #26833, approved October 6, 1919: Kind of Total Total Cost Paving per Esti- per Sq. Yds. mate. Fnt.Ft. 3}" Creosoted Blocks,401 Rldway,$4a62 j15,89 .80 X12.60 Do Do 50' " 4.63 19,76 .36 15.68 Brick, 401 " 4.11 14,1 .40 11.33 Do 50' " 4.11 17,583 58 13.96 Brick Laid Flat, 401 " 3.75 12,900.00 10.84 Do Do Do 50' " 3.75 16,042.50 12.73 Asphalt, 40t " 3.60 12,384.00 9.90 Do 50' " 3.60 15,400.80 12.22 Asphalt Conorete, 40' " 3.60 12,384.00 9.90 Do . Do 50' • 3.60 15,400.80 12.22 Concrete, 40' ' 2.84 9,769.60 7.76 Do 501 R 2.84 12.149.52 9.64 Where curb is not in add 65¢ per front foot for cement curb. where house service connections are not in add to cost of each lot - for 6■ house drain connections ......... 140.00 For in house service water oonnectlons..37.00 Frontage --o0----1,260, feet. Yours very truly, Q Co; lX . a . E ESS/C Chief Engineer. St. Paul, Minn., U To the Honorable, The Council, 1919 PV? fN, I City of St. Paui, ,Minn. Gentlemen: we, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follotivirg improvement to be made: Namely. --.Concrete base,.Creosote, block Payement,,grk....................... H$mP�4n ....... .$#*. Ave. from .... ViAKersity, ........... -gt. Ave. to .8gut&aPeatsrly-hide .af...... . Rehash ............... ft. Ave. tl DV uafucu J 1PtYmdf3k '�` Abler :d. -rade`• and•D l ppd@nn G.9,.9-.WaYaon,.SgC9nd.Addition ,l( Wink Flealinws. u1g�iTrS.G. .... .123. ;Jq.-'eat..�..Hewitts •Out•hate•Addltian ' G Raymond r' p ...TwSt. paul,j Minnesota.... B9: ....... HWebaeh ampdenl Wal f • Paper• Products •Gompan • • • � }1 vandali� „ , n • . • .... , � .. 106 . ,,I�st1e. � ............... . -B.. .. Wabash. f . .... . .n. . . nrr.... . n ........ . v n .....^... ..... Nprtherrt.S at9s.°owg;,Co. srJY.... � .: N4c . � ..... ...... . half x By...... ... ........% V ............... J.... gWpari9.. x..50.. .....�,. ......."............... half By....�.105.f...... ^................ . ............. rtJ.- ''" ..,.:................... ............................ ..... ....... .......................... ............................ �....... .... .................... ............................x..... ...... .d......... ..... ............ t. _ COUNCIL -FILE NO ... ::........................ By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-...G.G'1;1� �5.1,1G.L1�:" ' - ' - � ' sa-c..0".::... ;..-.a.;.::......��-3<.i.�- --gra- t 1,e S"olzt =. -sz_les C. - ;a:_mi —..............................e --'- re ...' ° ^oocrn s e"_c_.. _:_der;a 11-s nc." e . . ...--- --------- .........--------------------------------- . No x87472 ars A. i CLe Mattor of cogetNct ne}� : "-......... """""'-.................................................. "" "' " " """ "" �mentttlieieldeWa'175, mix feet v.i;:, —� tan - south slue oP Curate =., �,rdm 'O kd$ia, to'. HArynrd L._ ,.�.-, _ wheie�;good and atiBl/Ment ed- ""' mt$t?DD?'Dvfd ;SepC 2,_9..+.,c 25,�G1 �e 7t 21S1S. under Preliminary Order _....._.............'.. .....-.............".approved ......S. , ...=....._.. ..._.._............ _.... IntermediaryOrder ............ ........._.__. -' -"' .........----approved .............................................-................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment t" -,"u ter;.' t.._t tile side fe e t.' -=r ide, went to be made by the said City is .......... .... --- on t'ne South _'_..-..._ ........ .............".al .._o.. Utu t..ce street, ...... '-e' .. a.x...except ...kraC1.0 ,C'OC4 C'."au :3 LL_ cle--nt S_.uJ:; _] C ----"'----'—""'-........ '..............._...........-.....--------..---"'_......................---......................_..........__...-...........--- ......................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. .................... 191........ .. ...........-/ J _........................._,-........ .. . City Clerk. g'' -5 1919 Approved............. ....... ........... ............ .............. 191..__.. -------------- ................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland: Councilman KeI sr=- - o. e- s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor L1%�: : - od gs c as 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7. r CITY OF ST. PA,,//UL DEPARTMEt�'r OF AINANCE V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' t' (D)_ - ------------ - - In the matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk 6 feet wide on the south side of Curtice street from Oakdale avenue to Harvard street (Except where -sidewalks now exist). under Preliminary Order approved September 2nd, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ for improvement is The estimated cost per oot the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1� DESCRIPTION LOT !;BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 ; 12 The west St. Paul Real � 200 .__. estate & Imp. Synd. Ad- 13 - . 12 dition No. 1. : �110d J _ 12 ! 1$; Do � I � 200 - 11 12 , _ DO I , 10 ; 12 Do �10�5q 9 12 Do I 8 12 Do i X00," 7 . 12 Do 1700 i 6 12 Do I 3001 5 12 Do 4 12 Do 3fafr7GlC _ Do _ I � � i.2 1 I; 4. Total 5=50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to himin reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatediY%J� ,. Commissioner of Finance. ` F-11.5.13 - - - - -- - Cu rT Wv 111 U V fs J St. Paul, Minn., ........... i9 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition a your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. from ..... .... .... St. Ave. t07. ........... ,4AV ...................... St. Ave. —DDI .... ........ . ........ ............... 7841 ....1. .................. . I............... ......... ........... ................ Office of the Commissioner of Public Work§ECEIUEo 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance II ;, I'll September bth, ___191.9_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26461 September 2nd, 9 the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to oonstrnoting a oement t - he sidewalk, six feet wide, on -the -south - --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- side of Curtioe Street, from Oakdale to Harvard, exoept where sidewalks- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------- now exist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_____ nec sary andr) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ll_____ ----- ___, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement Comrissioner of Public Works i ��i COUNCIL N0!----------------------- By ..i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..= . .. . " e- - c - - ...................... ..............'........ ..... x.'---........... --..... ........:.::...:.:___..... ......... -. . ............ ... .- ....... St -0 under Preliminary Order _...... ............... approved .. ,._ .... ....................... Intermediary Order ._...... _ _..... ... - - .... _.............. 'F.,No. 27773-nY S. A. Far'*---- A public hearing having been had upoij,�he matter at recons csiru.V :upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommend ,kin atnet �rrinBlo, and having fully considered the same; ik avenue`. Catrodo a" therefore, be it beginning at Fe ;�+*_s,. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Oe .;ita40• ifat the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is. .... .. y vQ T7 7 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__ __.. ..._e7 ......... .., 191-.-. r G C Cl itv ere V _5 Approved_. ......---..Jal__ .Ifjly......__, lsl ..._ C_ ............' % ..` Mayor. Councilman Farnswortb Councilman Goss Councilman HyIAO:-- ! %� Councilman Me Councilman 11IeCo1Coll Coui cilman Wunderlich Mayor Iiia:_ 7FormB. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMT; F FINANCE REPORT OF COMNiNgSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ _ .--- IntheMatterof Reconstructing, relaving_�rld re - pairing cements the sidewalks 6 feet wide at the following locations: Farrington avenue E.S. from Rondo street to Carroll avenue• Carroll avenue N.A. beg at Farrington avenue _ thence E. 40 feet. Michigan avenue S.S. beg. at W. 7th St. thence W. 66 feet; Arundel St west side beg. 40 feet south of Iglehart street thence -- south 108 feet; Iglehart street S.S. from Moore avenue thence east 60 feet, ------- -------- ------- - ---- -- - - ---— ------------------ --- --------------- - -- September 12th 1919. Sete' ander Preliminary Order approved —�---- ----------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 21 Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 3475 30 21 Do 2800 6 27 Merriam's Re-arr. of Blocks 3450 24 to 29, Merriam Park. West 31 feet of 5 27 Do 2600 North 60 feet of 16 7 Nininger's Addition 3400 (Ex. North 60 feet) 16 7 Do 2950 17 7 Do 4725 18 7 Do 2450 9 1 Dawson's 2nd Addition 2850 8 1 Do 675 29 -- - - TOTAL. ThTirimissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CJo�mmissiouer of Puldic Works. Dated- ` Commissioner of Fin.nce. F.— B. B. 13 REG : i !✓D Office. of the Commissioner of Public Works ? �1 .4 ' mmissioner of Finance Report to Co,y s'' SEP 19 1919 September 17th,191.9_ --------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works; having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26544 September 12t elative to the Council, known as Council File No----- TepBiring eoement the g ----- lks__ 9, six reoonstraoting, relaying and feet -------------------------------- Farrington Ave., East side from Rondo St. tp Carrol Ave. Carroll Ave.t north side r �e�inning at Farrington_Ave.,_ thence _east - -401 Michigan AVe., south side, beginni at W. 7th 5t., thence west 66 ft. - -nni - s ---------------------- Arundel St. west side be inning 4 ft. south of I lehart St. h e - Ur-108--ft-------- g e i Acl u . , sough aide, from Moore Ave., thence east 60 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -61¢ ---- ee ry ssaand (r) desirable. per 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $___-__------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------- -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---- 5. Said improvement is____not _______asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f2--- ----- Commissi er of Public Works. dJ COUNCIL FILE NO._..__.-....____._.—.� 74 BY CITY OF ST.� PAUL sest7ot ee+st°Tl.t� +;it ?pioule�ra SDM�,e earth: tri 'jot,S4k-, as i H1�. lt4m Illlsa axQ t t�mdlr ,Iters, �IBG feat. F. Q, 33161 Luclid. St. north side. beginning 153 feet west .of Bates Ave. thence west 9 feel., b f. 33069 8arl St.,_east side, from Hastings Ave, thenae'narth to,alleY. The assessment of .... be? e, £- a_eestg and expenses for and in connection with �ncsonuTroN OF COi NCIL �rr"Y-s"ouncil having considered same and the above improvement having been ING A99E9991ENT9: found the said assessment satisfactory, C.•F. No. 27779—BFB A.:t, In - the - matter of the , ssseasre_ ,bene8te Roata and esvaeo es r-± RESOLVED, That the said asses,' to all respects approved. benefits, selayln9 nd Ceme9t 9ldewalks 8 n under ContraoL.29✓; 'm .3rd:_ _day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a tats;: and assessment on the .Aare,; •,�M , February --1030- tax - at•mc; —ur of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAIL —5 _.`.�...... 91..... _� . ` Adopted by the Council........................_............_...........I�.1�-. � � n ............... City Clerk. JAM —5 1319I Approved......_._._._...-.__..._...___ ... ....... ._.............. _191......._ Councilman Farnsworth Goss �� •-'� lAwWx Clancy ICaxK Pourers McColl - Wunderlich Mayor IIl¢;RC Hodgson Form B. B. 16 ------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMWIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191..._.... benefits, costa and expenses for tXBx In the matter of the asaessmon of pairing Cement sidewalks, Estimate No. 5, Constructing, relaying and re Under Contract 2981 0, for Season of 1918. Sepea sablat Roll vost. side:. beOZniAg; #4 �a1Yfi�E14 1►ve. tlft�noe 'A. asst :of sae# line" -'at Yaulgs 13o�ta$roc�s:+�••�+• pQLY�i21' side.-vf Eae; Seventh $t� cErt .ilCd 8�ra:� thttide'. '. WesS.. •i00 ening 152 feet West of Bates Ave. F. b, 33161 Euclid St., north side, begl thence West 9 feet. �,p,3(7g9 Earl St.. east side, from Hastings Ave. thence north to a11br• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement that above improveof the - tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making meet, viz: _ _ $......_.u..a0�1.,_65.... Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards $........._........... .41..$ 3.... Inspection fees 12 ._90_.. Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied .the total ount as above ascer� tained, to -wit: the sum of$.........2.,.157..5G.............-..._.... upon each and everylot, pao parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which'is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. //� C/ a YP��......_............. -' -' "-" Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO. ......... _..._. I ` 4 r J e By ( l is li CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for ender Preliminary Order............::.:.-.: C..'. ...._....___ Intermediary Order V:1_9 Final Order` :.Q`_s.3..............__._.... approved._..._. --.__.____.. - _._. _........ 191 _..��_.... The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the ,same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............::.-'._:,............ _...... day of ... .......... =}$}r..:......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............... Approved .. JAN-e5._IJ19- ...............191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Wand , .. Keller McColl 11 Wunderlich Mayor Irvin O C Form B. B. 16 .............._......_;._`.....}.. f...::".':..'_..'' -City Clerk. i — --- ._. Mayo . CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191..._._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for M curbing both sides of Dayton Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Street. under Preliminary Order ..___....._._..2i.472.2......._._ .................... Intermediary Order ................... 2.56.49........... ...._........ ................_. Final Order.._...........2..Q.4.8.........._.._......... ............, approved. ......J.ul.y....3.0th..___.._.__.._...._........ 191..9........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $._..__ ... 578..00 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -$.......... ................ ... 26......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $-_.. _. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$....._...__........4_._BQ...._._._. Total expenditures - - - - - - - $............_597.,.6_,.,..,.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$........_........................................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such actionthereonas may be considered proper. rornr B. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ---------------- ................... -- --- COUNCIL FILE NO. ....... ....... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of r c :: for .:... . ander Preliminary Order _..._.......:: ......_____.___.........__, Intermediary Order . Y.=:e,._................._..................._.._..........., Final Order........_:_v:• ..3..,�.�..... ........ .......... _.........., approved.. 191..._. The assessment of .. a _':; ^ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......._..'. 1:._............_.....day of 22.0_ ............. 1"A......_._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council._....._..._Jhli.,_..__J_i_.�.I.� __ 19 L. _. .__._. _............ �;` i? i ._ City Clerk. Approved .... ---... JA11 -5 11M ................191._...... .-.---. _......... ..... .............. _._......_..................... _._.._----- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss / Kilter: McColl L � Wunderlich i Mayor Iii":- {: Form B. B. 1C ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT .......... ............._..__............... ................. 191......._ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses forC constructing combined curb and gutter on Selby Avenue, between Finn Avenue and Cretin Avenue. under Preliminary Order .......__....2.3010 - Intermediary Order ........................ 235_65................._ .................. ... Final Order......._.....2ZER3......_...___......_...___..... . approved..._....._ -.laniary. -.S...--_....__......_., 191..._$... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - $----634.-Op...____.. _ Cost of publishing notice - Cost of postal cards $-- ---........ '.3Q Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..._........12..$.0._.__._. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ ..................1.•-95 Total expenditures $----645,$5------ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $............645....$5.-_ ........... .................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._..._ /% I i; (o�(� vo 3111% CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of -- for ender Preliminary Order ... 1. _ _...... _ __. Intermediary Order Final Order .............. ................ approved.__ ...' ---_. 191.. _9 The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... ;2!_.... ........ _...... day of r --j-. . .:.-_J.....__......, Fri ........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council191._.__ ApprovedAi -5 X319 Councilman Farnsworth Goss McColl f Wunderlich Mayor Irsmt_ _ .:1) Form B. B. 16 i,'.....�''.:.._:.._� ...... ity Clerk. 191 ......._ ..........__�.._....._...................._....._......_......... ..._.... (Jy._....___.V Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT n", r'.� ._.... under Preliminary Order ........_......:. -.:.:a:.........._...._...._ ......... _. , Intermediary Order :........ Final Orderapproved.- To - the Council of the City of St. Paul: the Council the following as a statement of the expendi• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $.....il....J.—.0....._.......... Coat of construction - - - - 82 Cost of publishing notice Coat of postal cards - - Inspection fees - - - J. Amount of court costs for confirmation t Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- $...._....__..%:.=1.*'=7--------- -upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with den - the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, f tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed leteeted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ........._.........._......................_.................... _..._..._....._..._..._.........._..._...Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO . ............... By CITY QF, ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of . � �-, : -) � _: L_ S for ander Preliminary Order Intermediary Order ........... Final Order)J.._ .......... approved.-..... 1_11_ ........... .. .. ___ 191 2 The assessment of�,,!,s � -,,, , , for and in connection with �.. .............. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the L�: ............. . ...... day of _U_.7.3, ttkat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ... ............ .. - ..............191.. ................ . .. City Clerk. Approved ...... ...... . .... Ali . . .... . ................191er . ....... ... . .................................. yor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss McColl Wunderlich Mayor ItViii-: Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT under Preliminary Order .......... .............. ..::.d'.=.._..__...._....._......., Intermediary Order .,.............. ._:_........... Final Order ... ___..., approved.. ....__.... _ .__.._, 191...__9... _.._.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $.__.`,:.s.:..::.:.=..• ...::.......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $ ----------1.•.-'- - - Cost of postal cards $$ - .._... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -----�--•------- 22 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of ,upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council forsuchaction thereon as may be considered proper. Norm B. B. 17Commissioner of Finance. 779 COUNCIL FILE NO 7 B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for -C ander Preliminary Order Intermediary Order .. ......... .......... ............ Final Order approved. 191 The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the- ....... . ..... day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., inthe Council Chamber ofthe Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................ J911, —5 Approved Ai -5 1J.1_9 ...............191......... Councilman Farnsworth Goss -Keller: 0 McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin- Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 .._._ In the matter of the assessment of "' for Wel V.�_ �.., „- i. V': �LLJ� �,,._ •. _._. _ JO' . :, .._ .. _O _,-., _t'.� .., r. _.. ,._ �.Oi": Vl�..;, _.. __G_rU_:L':;, .:L O under Preliminary Order ____...._....:_.: Ji. ....... ._._........._........, Intermediary Order .............. ..._[_ Final Order...... 07 -.. approved.. 191...__x.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $-••-- > %-' Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $-.--------- -"-" - Cost of postal cards - - - $ ^• Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $................._.' : ... __.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - -$...._....... ..............'t:.... 1.... Total expenditures $.._.__.:-._}....5)`w.... :.i ..... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._......_'.-...a ..= •=.•- - ---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. roe B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. — ----- — — - — — - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- - COUNCIL FILE 2 11 8 0 By. ............. . ...... . ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of �f: for 0 ander Preliminary Order ....... .... Intermediary Order % ......... ....... . . ... ............ Final Order approved.-.... 19 The assessment of ........... ......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore,, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on ....day of 9X_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Jp -5 1319 Adopted by the Council .......... .......... Approved ....... .... . ........ JAII z Q.................... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goss wand-: _:C__ Kol t:. -- McColl Wunderlich Mayor ItiTfi - Form B. 16 =i.. City Clerk. ........ .........._..------.._ ay.r. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT under Preliminary Order ..__._.......;_._ �....._.... ........._......... Intermediary Order.._........:.%s.:::.--:!............ ............... _...................... Final Order ..a,' .._ _... approved.. _ 1.7.___ . _......... 191 ✓....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.......:.:= '.• til Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $--------'---------- Cost of postal cards $.._...._... i' .... .._:-,%._......._... Inspection fees $...__..!:`.:::...'.l t......._.__. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $---------•-------- Total expenditures $__.; :,-?..Z_.... u....._.......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $. _........._r _' !.!.__:' .................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Foam B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._: __— / /---- -By � 1, / l 5 l✓D CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of . - I",-, , e o: _ _ for to .:. a Su0 ender Preliminary Order ....._....._.: 1..:3.__.__..._......____. , Intermediary Order ...._..._...... ...... .._.._........_......... _...... ...., Final Order _._... '6r_2L; __.._..............._, approved_.. 191_._3._. The assessment of a_._. _, ........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...............L_2 ....... ........ day of Imo .......... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JAN -5 1319 � Adoptedby the Council ..._._........__............ ._........... ..._..._......_.._ ... .191...._... �. Jan -5 i3i9 Approved ............ Councilman Farnsworth Goss I*vland :c, •• Keller: = o:..,- McColl I Wunderlich Form B. B. 16 fJ 7 p . I .r:: � f... . j/' ..:.......... City Clerk. 191 _....... CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of `` - - " t "" ' for 2tte a under Preliminary Order ...__..... au.u........_._..._.__....._.._..---•, Intermediary Order .......... '_'�.`...7............... ._..._................ ....._... ... o:._ ............... ........._......., approved ... ....... ..........isi'::......v.` .1 ............... 191..9....... Final Order ._.__...:.r..:.:..r.::-4..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $......._.=_ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $... -......... �u�----- Cost of postal cards $......_ ......... ...... ._°..'m.......... .. Inspection fees - - - - - - $......._.....�:..:m2 .......... Amount of court costs for confirmation . . - $......_..........1� !�............. s Total expenditures $.._...._i:2. . ,. .a.. s ............ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..._...U: <:z..G.G.......................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, •is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. w COUNCIL FILE NO......__.__ 1 4✓ 1 - r By _...._.... v.__.._. �.� 41_, ✓ e y 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of , ..0...2 _ _ _ .__sOc cc _.a- f. 1. .. ., i,__ , _ -- _Ji, -..p ender Preliminary Order...... .__.... Intermediary Order Final Order _ ____ , approved._.__ ' � ._.� __, 191......... 2.8 8'+8 for The assessment of and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the___.., i_CL....._.....__.... day of 395.:........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...... 191 Approved ................ __.A4 54.1 .9............._.. 191._...... Councilman Farnsworth Goss McColl / \� Wunderlich/ Mayor Irvfa Form B. B. 19 _ .. ........: .._E::_::..:'_.:...:.:' City Clerk. �G CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ........................ . . ............. 191 In the matter of the assessment of for tbx 7 under Preliminary Order 2.:,:.1=.........._......._._.........__........... Intermediary Order .........:-:.r::...:-s::.._..........._._ ---------- Final Order ........_..._:: w`..._........._.._ ........... __ 19L 9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $ .. ........ Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - '3. 6 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ . ..... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ Total expenditures S Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ..........upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper, r— B. B. 17 CommissionerFinance. COUNCIL FI OBy . CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of o: for ander Preliminary Order Intermediary Order '.._:_C. Final Order ..... ICS approved....... -___ 191......`.1.. The assessment of n_ _...._._._.....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ............. ;;;,...... ...... ..day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. iAfi -S 1319 Adopted by the Council ......__...._....._..._....___ .................. _.... Approved ............ _.... _...................1Qa.._::4..1.:i.Gy.....191......... Councilman Farnsworth Goss 1991" K.elker ' McColl WunderlieK Mayor IW&fi _-o : ;o_: Form B. B. 16 24ITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _........._ ............................1-, 191 __.. In the matter of the assessment of r,'} for; under Preliminary Order ..... Intermediary Order -- ---. Final Order 71approved _ 191.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $- - -- Cost of postal cards _ fr Inspection fees - - - - - - - - _ _..... _ .........._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ --- - - • �'� Total expenditures $..._ _._ :.:__..... ,..,..::._... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- .. _':. a upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be conside ed proper. r.r B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. -------------- COUNCIL FILE �5 v,r 99U CITY OR ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for ender Preliminary Order ......_.....' :_... Intermediary Order Final Order ..... 7... _ approved.... . __._ 191. _.._D The assessment ofV ............ .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._......._:_!i.'..;1._................ day of ............... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council_ _....._Al1.._. 5..11..1.1 _...__._.___ .....19 J Approved .. ........... _................ JAE - � Councilman Farnsworth Goss Kelley )McColl �1 Wunderlich ayor [titin- Form H. H. 14s y Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 for ik8 In the matter of the assessment of under Preliminary Order ._'...ca...:.,...,. Intermediary Order ......_........: :::.:_..................._............._......__ , Final Order approved - . . 191. ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $"- ".__..,.-,Z_'...`- Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $- ..- ....... .... - Cost of postal cards $-__.__.._.__.... .... _.... :.:...... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of court costs for confirmation -" - Total expenditures - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of$...._...._._.._}-...,.._.....,..�.... benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE 140 ............................. � . - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. .......... Gll di__ _ . :.r' 'Cc i ,a .---ce Streettc ._s ......Jo.�. ............. _.........I............... _............................ _...... ... ......._.... _ ..-- ._..... .. - .........- - ........... Oct. 1", under Preliminary Order ................. a .>,J_........_...._....approved . ...... 1J19. , Intermediary Order ....... __ approved .- _ - _._.----.___._....---- --....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- went to be made by the said City is..._.. -` 1" "- -- C,` P. No. 27785—By. S. A Farnsworth - 1 `the Matter of grading Alaska"a-........................................................ ...... Cnue-........ ........... .�--������� "...........�� -' nue from -Race street to Vista Ave. �� under Preliminary Order 25999 up: p`rpved Oct. 13, 1919......................................... ....................................................................... A public hearing having been had............ upon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ................................................. all persons. objection. and recommen......................_..............._------...................... """--- ""-'-'-'tlatlone relativ. thereto, and having MY considered the -same; therefore, +t ....................... 'solved, BY the Council of the City -'"---""............'.-........"....'.. ,,. Paul that the precise na ,o e:- ........................................................ ........................ ..... .. e.<u. evanrcn ........-------- g.froro Race. Street to Vista and the Council herebyorders said im rovegand the Copncu here orders R 1{o a ent to be madt RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Comm, P Further, rks betahn, orks be and is hereby instructed and directed -i and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imp+ at scvbmit f`n submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials a lhegnioRvear+'e+t'A orized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewitl3u;norl adsa$a. da 4 Adopted by the Council ...._ .tij. --5]_1121; 191....._ .. r i , City Cl Approved............191........ IIYY� T7 Yv'1 V v r ^ `, t,( > �' ' :.t a _ - . _ ,. ----- ------------------- .....Mayoorr. ... ._ ... ,j. Councilman Farnsworth �{� L / --• rc C i . , Councilman Goss CouncilmenjiyJaud;la_le Councilman Krilrx Cj Councilman McColl Mayor I1stt: ._Ofl ;C 0 : - - Form B. S. A. 8-7. '1`� CITY.PAUL DEPARTME i'LINANCE P REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. (A) R-ce street to Vista avenue ------ Inthe Matter ofT0'-31----a`---------------------------------------------------i-------- --------- October- _13- -1919-'--- ----------- -----------------.-.._..-...-------..-...------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved ----------------- t To the Council of the City of St. Paul: I The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $�i—�_���_l-1�_ ---_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----�-/—------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 21 23 22 23 23 23 24 23 )) 25 23 ) 26 23 27 28 �2� 29 23 30 . 23, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION viest End 225 Do 175 Do 175 Do 175 Do Do Do 700 Do 175 Do 175 Do 175 Do 175 Do 1.75 _. TOTAL, CITYTi�FpAUL ' DEPARTMEOf IVINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 32 23 West End 175 11 5 Birmingham's Fourth Ad- 125 dition to St. Paul, Uinn. 10 5 Do 125 9 5 Do 125 8 5 Do 425 7 5 Do 925 6 5 Do 125 5 5 Do 725 4 5 Do 125 3 5 Do 125 2 5 Do 125 1 5 Do 125 5400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.. Dated ---.-.------- ----- 191.._-------.1�-:�-GLITiU-��i--` Commissioner of Finance. �OPM B.S.A. 8.5 C � Jfa COPY - Original attached to Order for Sewer. St. Paul, PQinn.y�ePteml��x.�r7,.7919.....191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of'St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We. the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ._Grade -and construct cement the eid.ewalkB................... Alaaka.Aosnue........................,..............St. Ave. from ..Race.Street ............St. Ave. to .Vista Avenue.. .....................St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public WO PECEIVE0 o= Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 3 1919 October 22nd, 9 ............................................................... . 191--... I To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26909.....app roved......_ October ..l3tha............1919 ail, known as Council File No ....................... ........ ..... relative to ............................. . grading Alaska Avenue from Race Street to Vista Avenue. .......... ................................................... _.................................. .............................. _................................. _........ ...... ................. .................. ................. .................................. ................................... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....................necessary and (or) desirable. $1416 per front foot 1,308.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__......... ..................... and the total cost thereof is $............. ............. ......... ........... . and Assessable frontage 1,106.9 ft. Excess inspection $26.66 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................................... ....................................... ........... _............. _..................... _... : ............................ .......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.................................................................................................... _............... _... ....... ......................................... ........... ................ ..................................... ................... ......... ... ... 5. Said improvement is ........... ...............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........................... . . . .b...................._............ Commissioner Pie Works. ... OSCAR CLAUB9EN, CHI" .v.a.. o. [..ween. J. [. CARROLL. SUPT. r�LPPEOJACN90N.9UPTUCTi.. ♦.. H. GOCTSINOEP, 9uPT'oM M. S. ORTTBAH. EkOIN..n'o.. G. N. NERROLO!OT.oca E..waan 4!" r Mito of fat. pout 30tpertauut of Fuh1tr Marko M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. OE"YY October 22, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading Alaska Avenue from Race Street to Vista Avenue, in accordance with Council File #26909, approved October 13, 1919: Approximate estimate.... $1,308.15 Cost per front foot..... 1.18 Excess inspection....... 25.65 Assessable frontage..... 1,106.9 feet. Yours very truly, U ESS/C Chief Engineer. 1UN6*6isd, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in the grading of Alaska Avenue from Raee Street to Vista Street, under Preliminary Order #26910, approved October 13, 1919, and Intermediary Order 7328, approved November 20, 1919, The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be takenl',fortthe above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Alaska. Avenue between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated January b, 1920, which sketoh and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. er_ In th matter t damning and ink y [ g easementt Ln,. t} a Innd necee .sa y;r cuts and fllla.ln g -'.the-gradinS ot-Alaska;Avenne 2rani '-Rn a $treat 'to Vista'' Btreet, uadec .-._Brellinlnary Order -•No 28,910...:sP for slopes fo and to -be "tai ,r,�yo [mDTorement. the land abut bwaen+ th9� tx he d,A. Atil lA -tone of -P-Ub tl t a Januar ./`I-nnd rep.- !a' maddi. Vert.: A ODted by ADDrev.O,Y ,• Yeas ( I) Councilmen (✓) Nays ' Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller MCC -11 .............. Against W=nisviieh Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-1e FEB —5 1520 Adopted by the Council ..........................................191...... t:B —5 1020 Approve 191..... ................ MAYOR 09CM CLAU99lN. CNI[I !wain [[n � J. G. CMROLL,�9Y TiN[[!f gLPRlD JgCKSOM, Suvf er�Ow qM. n[PwiSs H. W. GOCTZINOlR, SYP r'OM N. 9. GRYTBM,�GNo�w[[R10 xf C. N. NCRROL D•Ocv x:c Exc�xc[n Qiitg of St. 11aul Mepartment of Fuhtir Blarks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 27786 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Alaska.avenue,from Pace street to Vista street, under Preliminary Order #26910, approved Oct., 13, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27319, approved "ovember 20, 1919. To the Council of the 'ity of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatcned portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and trJe extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and 'hatched parts of such plan. Commissio er of Fub c o is Dated __ — r TY PAUL ' DEPA FINANCE f' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Condemning and taking an easement in. the land necessal�l--for slopes — for cuts and fills in grading Alaska avenue from Race street to Vista street,.-_-- ., - October 13th1919. - under Preliminary Order. approved ---------------------1---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--�--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -- - 41 --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for The such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ------------------- --- 21 26 west End 225 \ 22 23 Do 175, 23 !23 Do 175 \ 2423 Do ¢.00 25 23I \ A6 23 Do 175 27 .23 Do 175 28 23 Do .175 29 .23 Do 175 I ;30 -123_ _i-. -__- - - _-Do__. �, ronM H.S.A. a -e a � IT- TOTAL. C O ST. PAUL , DEPPj. _ FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Y LOT BLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 32 23 ':, West Yazd 175 11 5 Birmingham's Fourth Ad- 125 dition to St. Paul. 10 .5 Minn. 125 9 5 Do 125 g 5 Do 425 7 5 Do 925 6 5 Do 126 5 5 Do 725. 45 Do 125 3 5 Do 125 2 5 Do 125 1 5 Do i 125 I; 5400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together, with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191.�� Dated --------��-1 — - --------- Commissioner of Finance. roan a.a.w. e•a c s COUNCFILE DTO�.............. ......... /%� r'�r 8 G: ....... .-i . ................... FINAL ORDER Ga.:o _'lace =io u:.ion Street to a uoiat 75 ;et Inthe Matter of......`............................ ........... ............---.......................-_.............._..------•----•- so:�th ---......................................._.............__...........-- ........... .......... ........................ - ................................................................. _...._......._..............:.........................._....................................... _..._.......... ............................................................................ ....................................................................................................................... .................................................................... ........................................ .................... .............. ... __.......... .......... ......................... .......................... ... 26:;57 tinderPreliminary Order ..................................................approved........ ......................................................... I................ Intermediary Order .........................----........-----...---...------...approved ------------------- ----------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having folly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Clty.of St Paul that thy precise nature, extent and kind of improve- 7' mprov 7'U .gi, 50 �r mento be made by the said City is..G acie.. Co io ?ic_ce. i._' _-,. u;Iio ;- St r,;et_._- o--- _point:- f'eet soutn e :e ;cah li chem arect. s n e;- ........... , r .- Hradlne6-po: 76 feeq seat dine ot'McKe der ................. ....._..... ... .. .......... -. ¢T ..................... ............... .......... ..... 3 atinB ggavin6: vpo due ..-...... ......................... ...................--.. tt, euncilmnsvtenomm ................................................................. fi eetlone and, av1u8-.. ..........I,1 thereto. and h .ve eame: thereLore, ... -efl the . . .the Council. 1 rosacea ............. and the Council herebyorders said im rove 17o tm°vr oeA' roe P dx' to pt =76g 1mt brks be and is hereby instructed and directed RESOLVED FURTHER That the Commi h t se Y to prepare lane and specifications said im ` 1 M � tgg1esubmit same to the Council for approval; that P P P P Let h9 4, upon said approval, the proper city officials e�theppat"theab'rized and directed to proceed with the making _ of said improvement in accordance therewith:}a a tf r e - T h9r9.tt�4 Adopted by the Council ------------- i3. �. �1:.SS'._ .a....., 191........ / ....._............... .... ........!wJ.....-1.1....�r.. City clerk. _ ... F EB.-7v..1920............. ,.,Approved.... , 191........ o S D 1y Mayor. Cou. Farnsworth l ' ) rl_ Councilman Goss Councilman Hylandx Claiicy v p — a (CouncilmaRgijlpx• - otl 's j Councilman McColl d a�.:r_ 1` r y Mayor Inlut Hodgs ma Form B. S. A. 8-7. C. CjTyg LUL DEPARTMENT %jr1N'jkNCENER OF FINANCE F, I REPORT OF OOMMISS ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I In the Matter of - Gr2- 11 "Z COMO Pl-ajaje__froyn ITnion — Of i lira of TReKenty under Preliminary Order approved — - - - ------------------ - - - -- - ---------------- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT MLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 3:Comb Addition to St. Paul 2600 8 3 Ramsey County, Minnesota 1050 7 3 Do /6 3 Do 2225 450 i� A strip 0 f land 150 ft- in width over and Lake COMO Villas 17 5 across Lots 9, and 17 in 17 Do 1900 (SIly of R.R. Royal Oaks 2600 2 6 Do 1750 75 That part of 11 Lake Como Villas i -ing.--aoutherly of-como-a',4enue- y TOTAL, CITY. t0*.OAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. c REPORT OF COMMISS NEiR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'eLocM 1 ADDITION VALUATION 6 Frank Crowell Addition 150 �O .5 Royal Oaks 2750 19 ,5 Do 325 16050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— -/- �v...S._.............................. -------------------------- - -�-, Commissioner of Finance. -RM B.B.A. B-! C St. Paul, Minn., To the Honorable, The Council, EIil, ff'' ^ , City of St. Paul, Minn. i Gentlemen: M {, r• riRit5� R w :.r. ,FLlC Y41SR�z We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your, Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: f rom T_ l4v z ............. St. #ve-. to .4/1r.�rl .. .. ...... . a ....................... M E _ LOT V BLOCK �r f .. .... ..... ............. 3�`.. t .. .. , ............... . h....... —...... ....... ........ jg Vol I F •'-.4`,,• 1V ,' / �/ f_ moi' `" , ✓'� %�./'�'L rl � �tin'�t• IV fa 09CM CLAUSSEN, CNiel Spa�N[[n J. E. CAR ROLL •SU Tn[[R[ Ano ALFRED JACKSON, Buni.OTioN n[nA�n H. W. DOETZINOER, SunT'on M. 9. ORYTEAK'¢ a^n[[n'on• Ii- attg of OIL f aul Nepartmeut of Vublir ilor1w M. N. G©SS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY August 14, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: With respect to the attached petition for im- provement on Como ATAMB Place from Front Street to Union Street, we find that this street was graded privately many years ago, and that from a point 75 feet south of McKenty Street to Front Street, the street is on grade and may be placed on record as a graded street and turned over to the care of the Street Department. For grading the remainder of the street to Union Street, a preliminary order is herewith appended. . Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo ITYU T-- DEPA COT MEh OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COMMIST. 1OER OF FINANCE�F ON PRELIMINARY ORDERW �TIU ra. Condemnixig and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes In the Matter of ------- ------'-- --- ------ ---------------------- for cute and fills in grading of Como place from Union street to a point 76 feet south of south line of McKenty street, Aufust 16th, 1919- .. -- --- ---- .---- -— -- - --- --- --- ander Preliminary Order approve ---- ---- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $----- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . - - $____ --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the The assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 3 Como Addition to St. Paul 2600 Ramsey Co., Minn. 1050 8 3 Do - 7 3 Do 2226 i fi 3 Do 450 A strip of land 150 ft. in,width over 175 and across Lots 9 and 17, in Lake Como Villas (Slly of R. R. 17 Lake Como Villas 1900 1 6 Royal Oaks 2600 2 6 Do 1750 That part of 11 "' Lake Como Villas 76 -lying-southerly o -Como -avenue,-. --- TOTAL �'—!F— CITYPAUL 7 DEPARTME F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISiSIdNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 Frank Cowell Addition 150 20 5 Royal Oaks 2750 19 5 Do 325 16050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to -111e Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ��1//F�y Commfssfoner of Finance. ronK e.e.w. aa c - tr TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and m favor of the, persons, firma or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following det�atrhed statement. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Counci Clancy�— t ti Appy ._..... .. ... An -6 % 191_a Farnsworth i I C F No 27789 `F4 Abstpab `-S - rioss _ ^ ion,tb a theta warrangd d.- or �tlM�� Upon the CITY TreaetirY P Y .__ ------_ ............._._ _.. .. �`��{{//tt th herelnart r Pet nrmt or co pord -MAYOR raWOr of,the PeraoPe�_ McColl hong - So2 a thvb n �e t aeasPeovip as their re4P 4r1 f Wunderlich the tgllewfng detailed31038e7 eht, � F C.. RIMb011 00188 74 Mr. President, Hod Aibert;'Rehbetq E g soa Ad.ptea by the IPoyytn�ca Tan 8' Y920. .ADyed Tan 6^382a (Sal 10 PP -1820? 58 F. G Kimball CW PaaYJ ter 59 Albert RebbeintWater Total 1,174,49 F.-AA16,1Nf-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rryy `, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL Nu._._....L.:lti_ 11 'AN i, B ....... I;I ry CU\4 PTROLLER AUDITED ........................... ............ ..... 191 PE R........ .. ................................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Clancy `FC, F No. 21R90Ab$tractnte be draYdn: olv,dt arra able Out it Vo Farnsworth Cyon the CELS SP'. rsrms Of nd p.o.1te -ih h retnaft rifled Ya- DOSS f rot 11 t'- mu nta�e gPeC[ftea 1n 1 1Q tt ne ford name iaent. t� reap ttv at t th McColl bt euK-'Mag bSachtiknara3676 5268.20: (ooa x sup A. las:11• Wunderlich _ NL "doe eoalg& D600.83.- 1920. N4rP&ul: Herald.Council Tan. 6 Mr. President, Hodgson s doVt$d•b, to e6 1,20. Ajt-Jp—roved (Jan. 10-1820). 51 Mrs. S. M. Beals, Civil Service 52 (food Roads Machinery CompaM, St. C. & Repr. 53 A. V.fMorton, Supt., Auditorium 54 H. Mueller Mfg. Company, 4 Water 55 Northern Coal & Dock OomPanY, Police. 56�pauT Herald, Official Publications r Total 1#153.24 5.00 368.20 36.75 93.25 149.71 500.33 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Jki b 1920 AUDITED................................... COt.NCIL No.......1. (�...A..9.l_. FILE --------------- tPFR TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C ncil_............. ClancyC. F -'No, 27791— _ et. nte 'be Resolved th t War able out In' proved. 1' aInaWOlth npon •the CItY T eaeClfledjjaunds and in i the heret alt ¢mons drmsor corpora - Goss favor of the p eet opposite tfgne .for the amounts as t ectfled to r� 2 .. ......_ .... _.... M ..- -- th Ir re§pectty etatetse t:HAYOR Nth. toltewin$ 1920. MCCOII \ Ad Pfed by Kka Coun661�an. 6. Wunderlich Apnrovea �Jan6V R)) Mr. President, Hodgson 87 o'Neil & Preston# Sewer connections on Goodrich,, Snelling to Hamlin Total 1,166.20 1,166.20 XZ cIL 27792 CITY OF ST. PAUL raOeONCNO............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��1��� DATE .DBCEmber--30,19-11 COMMISSIONER.._ �—1 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the H. Mueller Manufacturing Company for furnishing corporation cocks and valves to the Water Department for the sum of $5,663.88, they being the lowest responsible bidder, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract with said .company in accordance with specifications, their bid and award attached hereto. F.B. No. 2101. Yes (%) Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl % Powers / Wunderlich ®■I Mr. President ®FnnM JM9'19 C. e- No. 27792—By Pratik L Powers-- Resolved. That the Council here11 y. approves the action of the Purchasing Committee In awardikg contract to the H. Mueller TLanufacturing Company for furnishing corporation cocks d for the sumas o Of $5,663.88. they beingthe Water Dertment the lowest re8ponslble bidder, and the Cor- poratlon Counsel Is hereby authorized fo draw up the proper form o[pon- traetwitaid owpany In accordance with specidcatlone, their bid '.and "Ord attached he 5•eto. F: H. No.2101. i Ad pted IV the L` their is Ap prove d Tan 8. 1920. '(Son 10-1920) con nocLinn vrt itesol icn. Adopted by the Council Appro ....--_.._.. An...-!D-J.;j�t,�....0._._.i9_......_ In favor _.... ._Against __...__.___ _ _ _ Mavoa COU CIL 2'7'703 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .... ........_......... ....... ._._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .... ...... ... ...................._.............._..... RES ED DATE...._ Jan.�....6..t. 1920.1......, In the matter of constructing a sewer on Charlotte Avenue from Taylor Avenue to a point 20 feet south of the Gr"t Northern Right of Way, under Preliminary Order 26720, approved September 29, 1919, and Final Order 27461, approved December 41 1919. u Resolved, That the plena, specifications an t estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for, the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. I N . 27753-- LcOn h Pram aTeYlor t I o^hearlottaOaYenuop avenue to •-point EO Ceet sovph� Right oP pvaY• " .the Great 'North rn. pude; Prelimtnarl Order.26720. nA- E9.4919,� erns, .proved Septetnper i .Order 27461�':e:PProved.Deeemher; 4, 1919. That the plane.- specidca- ' tlons�and deatltnated 4u ntlties eubtplt-. Received s11. t -;:._ .:1.. y the commlaeloner of 13ublld np�rs in Connection wi - ... Works for the above named Improve - Ment be -and the eame are-.her.bY aP-, Resolution, proved. .. Adopted by. the Council Jan. G. 1920. / Approved Jan. 8, 1920. (Jen. 1 119'lo) (' Yes o) Councilmen () Nays J0 _6 LAo Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy Farnsworth Approv... ..... .... 19 GossIn favor V McColl /� _. 1 Powers Against — MnroR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M919 i Subject: ----------------------- —�-- Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............FILE N. ........ t7..6...1... ��-`-------......- COUNCIL Date Presented ................................:.............191..... That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ two (2) matrons in the Bureau of Health, Department of Public Safety, each at a monthly salary of from $65.00 to $75.00. Expense to be charged to the Bureau of Health. Yeas W) Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl _.._Against Wunderlich Ml/President, Hodgson I FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 •18 0. F,No. 27794—BY Henry McColl" Resolved, Thatthe of Public 9atat5� is hereby uthorized to enippluY-two (2), matrons in. the Bura¢u of Heatth, Department of PuWe.9a10- x66.00 ohtot E76.00.tpExpea.rieee of r be charged to he $ureau o[ Heatth. Adopted btt y he Council Jan. 6, ..1920.. ppproved Jan 6, 1820. ; - (Jan. ioasao) Adopted by the Council ._ _.Jun —(00 ..1a1WP..191.... Appr e ....... ..... _..JAh...-6..19.1 .._.191.... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'jr'y^y Subjedt- ----- ----------------- ------------ -- --...---------------- -------------------- ---- ------------............-----......------.--------- d 95 FILE COUNCIL NO.— ' Date Presented ..............................................191..... Resolved, That the -application of M.E.Samu&lson for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 192 East 7th.St.be an& the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is ina'tructe& to issue such license upon the filing of the, bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee one hundred Dollars ($loo.00). Yeas (V) Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss .._.__,.__..In favor Mr.)Keller McColl ............... Against Wunderlich resident, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 JM 6-18 Received all papers in conn ectio with above Resol Adopted by the Council ._-._..JR—61J.r.0.191....- Al 0 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ER No ............ 2.l...l...96 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r - - COMMISSIONER. .......:..:i....1�......_._._................ DATE.JariU&rY._s.r._.1.92.�.._. ......................... .......................... RESOLVED—That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 6" Standard Hersey Detector Ideter from the Hersey ;danufacturing Company, to cost $400.00 net, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C. 1*. No. 27796—By Fthe' Pa 0 art 6' Resolved, T:h . Agent be, and he l tI, a oneeat of the to purchase, with -he Comptroller, one . 0 Standard Haran- r n - Detector M -tar from r Yet to xuett 5410,00 uffietaring for ecsmpetIt' net, wIthoat askinpgIs no .alas t 1 could Oengainedtltheretiy. Charge Wa[er DbDartmeftt. Adopted by the C1920 Jan., 9, 1980• Approved (Jan 810 1920) i Yes (1') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl Powers - Against Powers Wunderlich FORM -- Mr. President Adopted by the Council - JuI1.-.-6.1y fKQ9__ _. APpro —s 1SPJ V.....__ig_....._ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjeQt:----------------------- _..---- .---------------- --------- .---- .----------------------- ---------------- ...---- ------------ ------------ . couNca PILENO .............. ........l, ... ............... Resolved; Date Presented ..............................................191..... That there is hereby appropriated out of the Officers Attending Conventions Item of the Bud?et fund, the sum of One Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($150.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed to defray the necessary expense of the Health Officer of the City of St. Paul, while attending the convention of The United States Public Health Service to be held at Washington, D.C., commencing January 26th, 1920. Yeas (I') Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl � .Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson A-9 7M 6-18 - Adopted by the W. JRM -6 10.x........ 191. ................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: Resolved, --------------------------CLENCIL IQ NO ...... ........ 27:7Y'1'lJ-.----- FI ......................:........... Date Presented.._...................__...................191.-..- That there is hereby appropriated out of the Officers Attending Convention Item of the Budget Fund, the sum of One Hundred and Twenty-five and 00/100 ($12;.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed to defray the necessary expenses of the Electrical Inspector while attending a convention of the Western Association of Electrical Inspectors to be held at St. Louis, Mo., January 27th- 26th- and 29th, 1920. Yeas 01 Councilmen( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller /'` McColl (�./) Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson rO RM C. A. 9 JM 6 -18 __.........In favor _,_____,.Against Adopted by the Council ..-.JAR..-&-jap191..... Approv _...._.Q�i _�..'.�.�Q 191. MAYOR 06 00�INOIL M /.../.• 9. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No............ A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ,,.___ 11 COMMISSIONER........_ .........................._........._............................ DATE............._..__.........._.... RESOLVED 4?hat the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with J. A. Stockton, a City employe, in accord- ance with the provisions of Chapter 467 of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1913 and amendatory acts, providing for the payment c, of compensation to him at the rate of $14.92 per week, during the time he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries sustained while in the employ of the Department of Education, on December 19, 1919; be it FARTHER RESOLVED That in accordance with the aforesaid agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said J. A. Stockton the sum of $14.92 in full settlement of his claim against the City by reason of the injuries aforesaid. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. ---- �Commtr of 1 u on. Adopted by the Council —(1-J�Jypi9-- - In favor Approv 1.JQn. t..'..�......_..19_......_ Against P. ._.... - / �� � MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich FORM 3M9-19 1Vfr. President I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. ---- �Commtr of 1 u on. Adopted by the Council —(1-J�Jypi9-- - In favor Approv 1.JQn. t..'..�......_..19_......_ Against P. ._.... - / �� � MAYOR COUNCIL FILE_, NO ..................... FINAL ORDER 1800 In the Matter o£..:P. ..:... :. `-. :.....:. :..::.:. . ,...... ,... ----- .. ............ __. 1C .._ I F. No 27800 BY k. A Farnaworth . _.. ..._....................._ ....- ,the Mntter f ebttdtmetinft a 'e ----------------------- -------- ......... ...... ..... ment tile sidewalk eix feet wid thenorth aide of Fatrmonnt v . .. ...._ ......... ... ...... ....... ... ....._�. bOBinnlnK 60 feet. enat qf r ...._.... .... ...... .. ......... .......... avenue, thence eget .i. f' where Good and. auffiot n � - Preliminary Order ...................... . onw.'exfet:mnaer r i _... 264 aPi"'nveA •.•r �.d. ....... .........------------------------------------ under IntermediaryOrder ................. ..........................approved .......... .............................................. .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. ._...... ..- ..t...: - :.. -,: .......................................... .........._..........................- ......__......_...._.:: - ...... - :....... ---- - ..... - ........._........... _...........- _..... ...._ .._ __.............. _...... ... ._...... -.... _.................. ..___. .. .- ............ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _____Mi -6. U9....___..W City Clerk. Approved......._...��j...,� �.�9.._.__........., 191 ..... ��.r...�.... r.—........ ........ .. Y ._.....Ma or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman. Hyland:;'. . Councilman Keller Councilman McColl] Councilman Wunderlich �J Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMMS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �a (D) __ .__...._. _. .. .. ._.. In the matter of Constructing a cement tile sidewalk 6 feet wide on the North side of Fairmount avenue beginninp. 50 feet Fast of Snelling avenue there under Preliminary Order approved August 18th, 1919• To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per,�f" oot for the above improvement is $ 7 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuatioB'of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 Princeton Place 700: 10 Do700". 11 Do X00' 12 Do 700 13 Do 700! 14 Do 700 18 7 Summit View 750. - TOTAL. •lG�iiit? '. L. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 �y Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 $ • • PR • • St. Paul, Minn., 191. I I fi Y To the HonorableThe Council, , , , 91 , -I U 4 V14ij .City of St. Paul, Minn. N'po, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Hongrable Body to ca) -se the following improvement to be made: ...................... I ......... JdN- ........... Ave. from .....u..0.................... '-,. 0 ............. 494— Ave. to . . ...... .7 ........... ..................... * Ave. 17 ------- ...... ie -k ..... ............... . - r .... ...... ............................. 7'A ............... 2 . . . . . Y m . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I. . . . . x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I * * I I I \ � M 5 Office of the Commissioner, of Public Works RcElvEn Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG25 1919 - August 23rds ..... 191-9_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._26Eb4 pproved_-_ August 18th, 1919_, relative to - -a constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------ side of Fairmount Avenue beginning -b0 -feet -east of Snelling----__--_ ------------------------------------ Avenue, thence east 320 feet. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_________ -necessary and (or) desirable. 90� per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $_______-_-__, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.-----Y.------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement ------------ Commiss on of Public Works. 2 E Bko l COUNCIL FILE HD— ........ ................. By4;..:..«........_:_._........::.._ :..:..r..:..V....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......... .. - • - 'lis S ..:. L......;..._._G.. ...�... ..... ..:.... .. .....:.. - No 27801-$y S. A. Fnrnaworth— ce blotter of',paving;Goodrich ave- e• from •He. 11 avenue, to: 6yndi - .... - .. !e ave connection, sewer, ' wat _ . - t gna connections .from. et -ns- t oDP.i'kY lines co{npl under Preliminary Order a e.a nde, alar - Intermediary Order ...._..---....._ ..----------- .....------ .. --- .------- _..r.approvedi.,.................... .................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment c oci. cr .. ... a .,c ment to be made by the shid City is. -................... Material to be asphalted concrete on a five (5) inch Portland Cement Concrete Foundation. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. -RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._v... ....... Approved.::......!. �......__.._........, 19.� Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman 41ybta d + Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor;Fryia Form B. S. A. 8-7. PIISi.iSi-}�D /� CITY OF SMAUL R' ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r `, _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER; In the Matter of Pz_ving_Goodr ch _avenu e ---from Hemlineavenue to Syndicate_ ave_nue,____ _ including sewer, •nater, and gas connections f property _rom street mains to _linea complete, where not alrea made, also, including curbing an pav-_ _ ing alley and driveway approaches where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved .`-------- ------------------- ---- ----------- ------- -------------------------- ---..— --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: d-Ild Of _ Tot,^1 Total _ (lost pE .r.; Pali_. - - Tav' Stl= - TOO r C-^eosoted nloc s,, 4.62 1�. r1c}.i! L'r4jC' ?la t, alt, so c �sphrlt "onec',ete; l,�nr } 7? Concrete, v. , 1, ,. 7G 07 ;here curb: is lot adu. I >y>. e- _ -or t foot :h re 11r_ 2 sPr rice Cora. ci,.: als^e, nct n add to -cost of k east lot --'Foy dl'::noll2o draico 1 et4ans e"70.00 ; _ --- p" or surv_ce ;ate;, " - - 3 :00 _ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 6 Stinsonte Boulevard Ad- 3700, dition to St. Paul. 4050 17 6 Do 18 6 Do 3450 19 6 Do 4150 20 6 Do 4200 21 6 Do 3650 22 6 Do 4150 23 6Q Do 3450 24 6\ Do 3650 25 6 r Do _ 3300_ _ --- ...... _ _ - FORM TOTAL, 9 A. B-! A -` CITY OF SW"—L. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK , ADDITION 26 6 Stineon(e Boulevard Addition ASSESSED VALUATION 3 77,S v 650 3850 650 2850 700 700 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 700 56300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —/ d]l Dated U--- -- ------ ---191..-1--.. - ... - Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. B-5 C to St. paul. 27 6 Do 28 6 Do 29 6 Do 30 6 Do 15 7 Do 14 7 Do 13 7 Do 12 7 Do 11 7 Do 10 7 Do 9 7 Do 8 7 Do 7 7 Do 6 7 Do 5 7 Do 4 7 Do 3 7 Do 2 . 7 Do 1 7 Do ASSESSED VALUATION 3 77,S v 650 3850 650 2850 700 700 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 700 56300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —/ d]l Dated U--- -- ------ ---191..-1--.. - ... - Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. B-5 C 2 705 ra To the Honorable The Mayor and the Common Council of the• City of St. P� We, the undersigned property owners frontin� n Goodrich Avenue petition your Honcrable.Body for paving the Block on Goodrich Avenue between Hamlin & Syndicate Avenues Name Lot Blbok Addition. -C. ��� �� �) ,tea a, '< <, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, ►vEo .1a, ,32 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT iv 1919 October 16th, 9 .................. .................... ..................... .............................J 91....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26795 October 3, 9 cil, known as Council File No...................._...............approved........-..............._...............................................191........., relative to.............................. paying_Goodrioh Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue. ............................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ..........necessary and (or) desirable. XX= XXX 2. The ebtimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total cost thereof is $.............................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................. ......_........ ...................................................... ................. ................. ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a "part hereof. 4_ ......... ___________________..... _.... ____... ____.... _______... ______........ _...... _.......... _________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �Conmlisoner of Public W s. Mug of st. Jmuytp , OSCAR CLAU59EN. CNI.I Evo�v eeE Bt} admtnt of f udIU 30arJW J. E. eARROLL, Su r1Me M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER .uRewu o. co vareue rlov wvo n..wi.. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPNTY ILFREDJACNSON,SO.r. , N. GOERINOEP, 9upr'oN W pu RewO Oa eoRpec do va M. 5. GRYTBAN, Evoiveen _ HCRROLO!OTri[e lv.�Na.n October 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear 81r* Herewith preliminary estimate Of cost of paving Goodrich Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, including newer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File -F26795, approved October 3, 1919: Rind of Paving. 3}" Creosoted Blocks, Brick, Brick Laid Flat, Asphalt, Asphalt Concrete, Concrete, Total Total Cost per per Esti- Front Sq.Yd. mate. Foot. $4.63 $9,877.56 $8.21 4.11 8,787.18 7.31 3.75 8,017.50 6.66 3.60 7,696.80 6.33 3.60 7,696.80 6.33 3.84 6,071.93 5.05 Where curb is not in add 65¢ per front foot for cement curb. where house service connections are not in add to cost of each lot - For 6" house drain connections... $70.00 For JN house service water " ... 33.00 Frontage.... 1,303 feet. Paving area - 2,138 Sq. Yards. Yours very truly, FSS/C Chief Engineer. COUNOISii.FILE NO.c.................... .-. 278012 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...(tcs.._P.----- =e 9. tZ, ct..: '.�.:i._;=.:._`•?.- '. �r...�.R. .liJ.!;II...st...:�:EI.y.:.,. .. ......._... .... .... ........__.. FIN.17: ORDERS., := C. F. No 2 80E=EyS.A, Farnsworth— .......In them t Jan•.. rbin8' both sidep of ............................................ .. .'•.$a3' street to ' entch basin In ••HrP.+r Pry,................................................................ �GJI? Oct. - -- nnder Preliminary Order ............._._-.....................-.. .....approved .............. - - - IntermediaryOrder ......... ......................... ..........................approved... --............... -----....... -- ------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of -the City, of St Paul that the -- _,.dC S....C.... Jr-. J... ..los �� . f cr.. 3�:�=..... Yet Lo Vier he Uloci i �cr , t:i1d c .tclz >::., ----'i .l e cant 'e '.:f ... ............................. -..................._...._............. ........._.....__..__...... .. - y�ll.�C/...��!r�.. ..................... ��� ! iia ....... ........_...._................... ............ ...... ..... .......... __.... ............ .......... ..................... .......... ............... ................. ......--_...._ ..... . _ ..._ . __ .......... _._..... ....... .... _.................... .._....._....................................._................ - __ _......_ __ ..._....................... _......._............. .................. and the C/rb- y o ers said im rovement to be made. RESOR, That e CUmmissioner of Pub 'c Wor be and/oth. eby ivatr ted and to preparspecificatio for said improvemen , and a mit sameCo forapp7al,;agt upon saide prope city officials are her attth zed and 'acted top Geed with the of said imance therewith. Adop i City Clerk. Approved...... ..... _.... -_... 15 .. 17 .............. t i:r,.k Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman lb and Clanc; lA "�ytti'` Councilman Kell er . oi I :': rUBLISBED > / 3 f✓� Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich M®Y4W-kR �St3fl d Form B. S. A. 8-7. ,lox. St. PE.,ul, Minn., ....... ,.c, the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvements to e made: james.Stzaat ............................. .............. St. Ave. ............... from ... .... . ........ St. Ave. to ... /A?.—..........- . ................ St. Ave. �.,.�. ........... ...... .... -4 ....... . ..... ............... ........... ............... ............ .................. ...... .............. ....... ..... ................. ........................ .......................... 1-33-3.. ........ . .. . .... ... ..... .... .................... ..... .. ....... ........ . ............... 33 f. l ........... .. ......... . .............. .... .......... .......... ............ .......................... ........ CITY PAUL T DEPA,t�TMEM�F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ,, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ^�3 (A)_ In the Matter of—_ LIT'-..•ltl-g----Q$]3_:i1.4?..P-9----o-f----t1dG1E.4....9-._rnat. -fSt117:_.E1d---S_t3:EE.t.__t.0...-YiE17L.S_tZ:e-et,_ _and build catch basin in the center __— ------- :___--- ----__- under Preliminary Order approved October._1_ th�__1-919__:_.-_.------ _---.--.-.---_._-------- __----------------- ----- --------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - II y $-<-L----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Kerst's vtibdivision of 2425 Block 33, of Stinson, 2 Brown and 111.neey's Ad- 2550 dition to Saint Paul. 3 Do 2550 4 Do 2450 5 Do 2750 6 Do 2750 7 Do 3050 8 Do 3700 9 Do 2025 10 Do 3025 _ FORM B.S.A. S -S A TOTAL, i h 60 650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—.1./..Df�--�-(/ - 191 --------- Commissioner -------iU�...-.f�ca v Commissioner of Finance. �onrn es.w. n -s c CI7' PAUL % DEPARTYER FINANCE a REPORT OF COAMI�7SIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 11 Kerstts Subdivision of 2425 Block 33, of Stinson,Brown 12 and Ramsey's Addition to 2725 St. Paul. 13 Do 2425 14 Do 2375 1 23 A. Vance Brown's Subdivision 6375 of Stinson, Brown & Rmsey's (E.50ft. of W.100 ft. of)19 &.20 23 Addition to St. Paul (W.i 3525 Blk's 6 & 8, all of Block (V.I. 50 feet of) 19 and 20 23 9, 23, 32, 39. 1900 (Ex. W. 100 ft. of) 19 and 20 23 Do 575 Ex. the W.80 ft.) 21, 22, 23 23 Do 3550 E. 40 ft. of W.80 ft.) 21,22,23 23 Do 2000 West 40 feet of 21, 22, 23 23 Door ifo �3 � yo,o 60 650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—.1./..Df�--�-(/ - 191 --------- Commissioner -------iU�...-.f�ca v Commissioner of Finance. �onrn es.w. n -s c AL a St. Paul, Minn., .1), 45 To the Honorable, The Council, Y11 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen - We, the undersigned property owners, hereby on your Honorable Body to cause the folloviing improvement to b6 made: Cfi-7- - r OF Cly.0,9 5.111 . .07- M)PP.I.E. St. Ave V) ST ................. from ........... St. Ave. to F-YV ..................... St. Ave. LA -17 . . .. ......... ............. —VA ...... ......... .................... ... ..................... 7-A.- ........... ............... .......................... . ......... .......................... . )..,3 .......3. . . .. ......................... .. ................. ..... . .................. ... ............ ............... ....... ........................... ............................ ....... .......... .............. .................... ................. ......... ...... ........ .......... I 16 K Office of the Commissioner of Public Wosc*,;r1VEo PSw o 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 3 1919 October 17th, 9 19L.- To 9L _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,"having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Colin - 26917 October 14th, 197.9.., relative to_......... roved..... _ ..... oil, known as Council File No........._......._...._...app' - _..... ........ _.... ourbing both....S.idea o£ James Street from Bay Street to View Stree and build catch basin in the centre of the block. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__........_ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 98y per front foot 1,047.32 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.....__........ ...._..... ..., and the total cost thereof is $,�..............._......._.., and Assessable frontage 1,066 ft. Excess inspection jp20.54 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ........................ ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjuct to assessment for said improvement. ............................_...................._...... .. Commis ner, of Public Works. 'V. 6 (fitg of St. Haul Nrpartaunt of 11uhltr Norhs M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY October 17, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of public works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of curbing both sides of James Street from Bay Street to View Street, and build catch basin in the oentrs of the block, in accordance with Council File No. 36917, approved October 14, 1919: ESS/0 Approximate estimate ........ $1,047.32 Cost per front foot......... -•98 Excess inspection necessary, 30.54 Assessable frontage......... 1,066.feet. Yours very truly, Ili, tX Chief Engineer. .............. dq' 4ft; COUNCIL-FILE;NO-.-::. S. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...... ' -....................................... .................................................................. -- ........... ..._............. ................. _......._ ._ _..._._ .._....._._-_........__...__............................... ............. ............... ......__.._ _ _..._...._....._. _..._.............._....... ......................--....... ---........... ................. ander Preliminary Order ------------------------- Intermediary Order ._.......__..__............... -..........._.....------...__........_---....._.... (`. F. No. 2-803—Br S. A. Farnsworth— A public hearing having been had u 1n the a"tie'' f ° " tr"°nos a ce,aent notice, and the Council having P g p -d-:le sldewa]it, six feet wide, on th^ heard all persons, objections and recommend:Orth side of Randolph Street frr, '_h,nd Avenue m the Miss]- Paving fully considered the same; "ate -or Boulevard. f•' ept where. therefore, be it sufticlent Qks ne. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of fit. Pa 11 that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is .................... -.................. ................... --...._....--....._.......r........_.......................::.. ....................' ...._.... ... .......... _ .... . ..._..... _.._ __ . ..-.. .. _ _ .... .. _ _ _........ _.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __ flab..—eD I�L�......_., 191...... t`J t City Clerk. Approved._. 191. .. �' -- - _........:.C.... .�':...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Councilman Beller Councilman McColl 4„(J Councilman Wunderlich PUBLISHED i Ve Form B. S. A. 8-7. GTY T. PAFIUL DEPART T�F NAN6E: REPORT OF COMMISSItN-r-R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of --CO n9t rUCt_lriy�- a- Cement .tile sidewalk _6 -feet Ydlde -On -t'lle _ri-Orth -91 de dolph-_street from Cleveland avenue to the ,f------ ippi River Boulevard, august 14th, 1919- under Preliminary Order approved ------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-- ----------------- The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $— -------- ------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ex. eta. - ave) The Fast 638.55 feet of the ) 14200 S. 336.10 feet of the SE of the NE j of 3 S. 8,T. 28, R. 23. 30 3 George G. Whitney's River- 275 ton Place 225 29 3 Do 28 3 Do 225 27 3 Do 225 26 3 Do 225 25 3 Do 225 24 3 Do 225 23 3 Do _ 225. FORM B.S.A. 8.3 A TOTAL, - (C) CITY DEPART Tk FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI`�E_�R 'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o� 26900 a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated !L Ol .191_vl Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 0-5 O ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALU9yTION (005' 22 3 George G. Whitney's River- 225 ton Place 225 21 3 Do 20 3 Do 225 19 3 Do 225 18 3 Do 2475 17 3 Do 225 16 3 Do 250 2 The Elms 1450 3 Do 1750 7 Do 3800 o� 26900 a The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated !L Ol .191_vl Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 0-5 O M 0 St. Paul, Minn. , ...June .3.8 ........... 1922-- City 915.. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: �jze_ ponstruction, of. A. sidewalk on tke, NQrtkj s.ide..Qif Randolph .... • . ..............St. due. from .... Cleyeland_ ....... , , . , &t.. Ave. to the. Mtssiss•ipgi- Rdver• • . Boulevard ........... -St -Age. ............................. 1Imo® .—A. — . . . .' r ? 116 y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .L. . . . ..... 4 .......................... ...... ........ .......p..... .. ....G .......................... .47 ................. ..... .:. .. .. d X ............................X�X................................. ..... .................�.....�....... ............................ ..... .......�....... ......... ..............................:........................ ..................................D.......0........................ ............................0....0.......@......................... ............................. o..... a....... o........................ ............................ 0.... 0.......@........................ .............................Q.....4.......o........................ .............................Q.....4.......0........................ ............................ 0.........0........................ ... .....................0. .0.. ..0. .... ....0..:..4.......0....` .............. .. ............. .0. 0.......0.. ........ .........................D.....0.......0........................ .............................@.....0.......0........................ .............................0.....0.......0......... ............ .............................Q.... Q.......4........................ .............................0.....Q.......0........................ .............................4.....D.......@........................ ............................0.....0.......0........................ ..........................0.....0.......0..................... ._. i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works R PR�� S w PF2..i ora.. Report t' Commissioner of Finance AUG 291919 27t�e------- 1919 --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26213 August 14th, 191_ 9, relative to the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ____________ _ oonstraoting a oement tile sidewalk, Six feet wide , -on the north- ---- side of Randolph Street from Cleveland Avenue to,the. Mississippi ----------------- - River Boulevard. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i70¢ peT yTOnt yfand oottort desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $--------- __ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7---- 5. - ---5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ,+ ---------- - ----- ------ --------- Commissioner o blic Works. f �': }• CITY OF ST.. PAUL ' �•••� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO.._..... .I U AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM P.. A A Y, 1 N.IJ 18 C RO LE AUDITED 71t k� p �2 ........ 191..._ •� JHIV--'1 - -... P.R... .......:.................................... .. TITLE payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of _t e Resolved that- .warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,' k persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen Adopted by the Counc' ...-- -- µ �'Re90 Y 2 Lb °w,etrsitta S,? drawn '. Clancy uD'ga theCttY'rF ufYi D%p JAN —� 15101 a,...,�, to 4W+, of arnsworth the heratnattgr's 99tded 4Dade and m : Appr –'--- �. __ Savor o[ tfie Pataonp Ilrma eEC oDubatEe done fax then amountfi p 0glfl¢d fn oss, tB91i re9GaaGc�Ye mamas as 'sP i - she �o11DWlh detaiCgd. etatemevt _ __._... :._ - � Saraapp i7.um �n• ;6fi7 +yt / MAYORS ra%d.g� 'OtdA']z9- `S$7 63 McColl Otto Ed.lrom AS�ifiB bb Har�to,��gs ei 18:66 ,w'-.. Wunderlich D x, f3 urfi°4 Ca.,aa4o0 7 .F •.ICatn CasltieT 427 97 g`g;'<McBtrattonj3K"w Mr. President, Hodgson pa;tciaoa Street'shtWB compass' S4,y6��2 �6 Coa]`;Ca S2tb8 54 - 14 9 t���t B`unbrY C9 i87 N3 3 - _ y,�' zgy �` mith� •?tanuta4tDrJn6 Cq " 5282: �AdoDted�by+the Counc}i'Jaa T 19E4 • A[lD�oved Jan ,ab 1820) ,' } mn 867 et" 88 Burma Lumber 0oa€Pan7, 119.00 St. C. & R. Park Conatruation 238 ,14 =4 278.51 '_ 88 Company, Crane & 0rdwaT 4,151 Soh„ole 2,08 Art _ liusenm 48 OQ - Bureau of Parke 22.19 P. gldga. Revl, 3117 Park Constrnotion 197.88 Test. Labe, 2,77 Water -,81 50.00 67 Otto Edstrom, AP aygroun8e 2.58 88 Harris Brothers, ater 2t oo . 89 Da N. Hunt ComPwvs” Water 27.97 70 J. F. Hain, Cashier Water '5.0© 71 F. S. ldostratton, Election Psge .#2 . 72 �lattexeon'stireeL �,igay�g :�vmpa,q, ; ,i63g'htiag ,. =,o==•oma .78 Pitt Our&-GoalAiiipawgs 7l St'.Paal Tanner . "mpa W s 87.03 Water.,: 75'A P,.. Smtitl 1[Yg.ompaay, 292.41 _ ,water - 7t Tierney &'E6SPa s 199,45 Workhouse 8.20 Wataer . 60.75 115;•5© s 15.OE� ii7i7;•9i7. .. i� s z.' _ x Totsi ;6,186.12 r S _ - J t� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE ,OF THE COMPTROLLER couxomc� ry AUDITED CLAIMS--RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.......G�i-- 17 JAN 7 1920 ---- PER C R ERAUDITED..................................................... .......... .......................TL,...... TITLE e City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and.in favor of th Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the ounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations for the am Yeas (V) Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the unci ...... 191 Clancy C E` lg7iAb6,tf'�CL- 'be' 2s3or o ar sp &ygb}e o j roved... a,rrante Farnsworth up n the tyty�Tt00 ilrY D ecifted tuada a5�d` tb. Goss V they herelth Ryexaonann et P rDP t� .__._._.. ......__.._..._... tiU tT the _....... .. 15 eellennt+Wetait�dba 8temaht MAYOR McColl 1h�oeTA� �oKtro74p�n's?!�� �I wulaa i � t so�' ildtl te8>�u Au.07 19.W* Wunderlich ).Ap�roy tp}e5o5 r. .icy �CSan. Mr. President, Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILENCIL No .......... E........................................................... RESOLVED That the Department, of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildingo A ton Gtrnot a concrete base for is hereby authorized and direote o c a twenty -ton truck Goals at the City Market at an estimated cost of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00), said money to be paid out of the funds heretofore appropriated from the City Market rued for that purpose. r . f �C. F h`o 2;�08—SY FranK S. Et�w�er Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays H-7 1920 Adopted by the Council .. ............................19 ..... Clancy Farnsworth JAM -i 1929 Goss ............. In favor McColl APProd ............................... 19........- Powers Against MArOR Wunderlich P&. President ,t ;: FORM 3MS-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Sub------ • --- .................-...............I....--- •-- COU A/APILENeII N 0..._.....A�.{-iJ��V__------ Date ._--- . Date Presented..... ..: ...................................191..... Resolved, That the application of Peter O.Naevik, for• a license to maintain an oil filling station at 3388 Como Ave.West ba and the same hereby is granted and the, City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50.00). Yeas ( Vj Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl ...............Against Wunderlich r. President, Hodgson -PORMC A.9 aM 6-19 Q b1;No 27806=BY Henn¢ McColl. _ P•�tar0 Naegikafor a�dlcenee�t6l nialn ' ta[n tan olI" Iting BWidri at 2290.' [.omo.,Ave 'West be and the Game her by-la:granted-and tfi Olty `Clerlt le In aCSucted to teauesuch l,Ly- upon tfie, paYmeht into Che Cltl^Traesury of the'+ fCee fifty dollars=ft600% adopted by the Council 3sn 7 i920,� Approved Janda 1820 - (San. 10 19207 }� Adopted by the 191..- kppr �Qn —7 �yLo ......191.... .........................................------ - ----- - -----....... MATOR Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RILENCIL N 0 ......... zy.(.i.-J-� ....- Date Presented ...............I..............................191..... That the application of the Pure 011 Company for a license to maintain an Oil Filling Station at 9th and Franklin Streets, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed �o issue such permit upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. Yeas Councilmen( V) Na Clancy Farnsworth Goss Kell Mc of Wunderlich Zr.President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 8M 6-18 Adopted by the Council ..._._.._ _`)An _7 1920 191.....: Approve771920_.......-.191._. .............. In favor - ::Qh............ ............... Against / .._........_.MA ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL � f -).l. COUNCIL FILENO ......................:.............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJ - M. g, GoesJan. 7, 1919 COMMISSIONER........................ ..... ...... ........ .._......_.... ......................................_............... DATE_. ....._.........._....._.._...__..... RESOLVED 4 { That the grade of Jefferson Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boule- vard, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of. Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopt$d as the established grade. Yes (%') Councilmen (.' ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss D McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. R. ,No 27811 -By Na N. Cose— Resolved,. That the grade,: of JeHer son alstme from Cretin avenue to Mie-. II eleelAPl Rlver Bouiedard.' In accord-.•- ! encs' wlth.the ed grade ltne on. the accompanying proNla and 'es recon- .� vorke, he'LandCthemisameeris f heretiy adopted as the established grade — - Adopted by the Council Ja. 7 192U. - Approved an. (Jan. 10-19'La) JAM —7 N2U_... _ i9 Adopted by the Council --- - - h -7 1920 Approve ....____.__..._........_._........._...... ---19_........ ..._ In favor Against v v�� ���MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM [�C� SubjeL4:... .........................................---------.....------_--------.........------- -- - --------------------- ,,r%' /� COUNCIL /� 1- FILE NO ........... -------------------- J Date Presented- Resolved, resented... Resolved, n U That the application of the American Auto Company for a license to maintain an Oil Filling Station at 353 Main Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. Yeas ( [)Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth `_. Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C' F. No. 27812=ny Henry McColl— ' naeolved, That ,the application of. I the 'AmerlaanAbto Companyy Pdra.11- cenea -to maintain an OIi ... r ata- 'tlon-at 868. Main avenue, ba and the ealne 'hereby'Is wanted andthe C(ty j Cierk_: ie hereby Instcuated to teeua tush -license upon: the payment.. Into I the City Treasury of [he tea, 180.00. Adoptey the' Coonpn. Jan. 7, 1820. .Approved San, 7. 1881 (Jan. 10-1020) In favor _.... ... ... ... Against Adopted by the Council_--.._..4AN —7 1M 191.... ApprovedV _7 WD 191 _ ......._"... ._....._._ _.--'--___.......... ..----.._.._..._-- .._.._............_.........._. MAYOR CouNCIi CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO...._L,. �.: ......., ..,.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. ..... ........ _ .......... .. . . ....... ............... . .............. ............ . ......... ............ DATE RESOLVED In the matter of oonstructing a sewer on Cambridge Ave. from Summit Ave. to Grand Ave., under Preliminary Order #26164, approved August 11, 1919, and Final Order 27282, approved November 17, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifioations and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the�tbove named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. r C,. F: No. 37913- Bawer In the matter of constructing- p : on Cambridge Ave•uridamPeY min` Ave. to rBNo: 29164; dPyroved An- gry 11. 1919, and Final Erder 21292, aDyroved November. l7 1919.setflct ,03,Iv,d, That the-P{pane, '. v tions'and tfins, Qaton'eritief eppbllp -ted. by ebova named Imyrove- Wcrka',for the a a hareby.ap- ment- be and the. same r .. Prpaopted by tha Council Jan. 7, 1930. Approved J8(Jan.;'10-1930)P•_ 7. 1920: r. '.920...... Received all r — connect; ion wi I , Resolut on, d Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council An -19 -- Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Approved ._ Ah -7_1.�20 __....19.-..__ McColl Powers Against/.. MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -s-Is Council File No.2.744- Petition PROPOSAL FOR EUROVEMENT /na I. The undersigned hereby proposes the making ofimprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construotfoot sidewalk on Datedthis........f�t.h-.......day of ..... ....... .................. J9nu$r3!....................._..........._. I�O..... Q34ELIMINARY oRDERB• COUDCIhRBIL . No.. 27814 Abstract. _ A written proyoeal for phP: .` the; follow ng lmProvem;�ll'.' .e, x toot ele•.,v�ry: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making binv F,:prc vement, viz.: Construct on of a six foot sidewalk on botfi eider of iake< avenue from Osage Avenue to... Lake ....Camo...Hauleoard...... _.._.._...._...._........ ._. _._._ ....... _.........._. ..........................__........................................................................................................................_............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..........:...................... ........... ....... .................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and edtiifleted coa of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3 �n fucnir>a r6 FII Y t6 d to a d Fox++ et��alatuve.............. ........................ ...................._...................................................................................................................................... --_ �5. Towhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 651. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JAM —7192 . 0 ..............191........ Adopted by the council ............................ Yeas: I Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Coss Hyland Keller ti McColl (/ Wunderlich Mayor Irvin F— C A 13 (6M 4.17) JAM 0 Approved............. . ....... _. ................ 191..... _. ......... • may.. �p ,�D f Council File No:...�..^..y �GVU P4tition PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO IMENT and PRELI7th AR RIDER. The undersigned ere y p s the making i oollowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: -Eionerortto of ti -I& a dewralk...sia............................... feet Ride on the ea_s de of Misaissippi River Soule- vazd Prom Bare sal venue thi3 norfli Line of I+of 8; . 6 ......... januaTy ..................................... . . . Dated this ......._......... 19gL �.... ....... .........:. ................. ........:... �.. o: z7els- Councilman. Atietract. he A. A. wrlttep propnDroveme[t4 t g of. the following -tructlonwlde�onethe e.t etdede —f- f friday 91 aero- , WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the til. viz.: .................. ................................ .....Conetraot ,on...o f:--a...oement.-ti-1e-..BtdewItU-- sin......._........._ ..._._. feet wideon..t a esot aide.._of- MiseieeiWi River Hauler ........vara from Marehali AveYroe' to the north line of Lot S, ....................... Mlook...601, Deanoyerla -Park .......... ........... ........ ......... ................. .............. ....... ........ ............ ..................... .......... ........................................... .................. .................................................... ........................................ --.......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._._ ...... .......... ..__....... ........._......._._..................._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �iolnr�n lrnrefollnMixg-etker de a acrd ....................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 3511 -7 1020 Adopted by the council ................................. ......................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved........J.A ... i ...........191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich ayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 18 (bat 4-19) Q Council File No.. -.2 a. 8.16 t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publi provement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: CondemniaR:_and .tak : an...Ba WaT�t..'.iA::_She.................._......... ........................................-............................ }7 land nsoesaaztc for slopes fo outs and fills in ion from 9festminst St et -to North. and South_____. TTwv� iaiiA fi;irim rliiaE� Street to Rolle Street. Dated this..... 7th........... day of a'r. ve. a7A1 Abstract. whekeae; A written proposal f.r I aklnK of the [d1lowlniS Improvement. ism • 1a1nn ^ d taki.9 an eaaement l l;4 an. eVeseprY i r. slop a fo" s v WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making 6c . :: s +• ?°` t r" VIZ,: .........................._.condemning ..and taking an. in .............._................. the land neoeesary for slopes for -GUO and fills _............._.................in...grading...aileye....in...John...Yongan.r.n...Stewart..Park..............._....._ .._.._.. Addition from Westminster.. Street....9_3o:rth...and:......................._.................... . Boiuth Alley"si from Geian3um Street to Rose Street. ..................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edthated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. {............................................................................................................................................................................................................... .... State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. inn 7 IKU 191........ Adopted by the council .............................. .............. Yea$: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth ZQ Goss Approved .............. �A.... ..... ._ ......................191........ Hyland Keller McColl if Wunderlich .................. ............................................................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 13 ($M 417) Council File No.........:.." -.-' Petition PROPOSAL FOR RAPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the eking of the following p c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Const ion oi........_rain. in alley lying.. ................................ betweea hot l and ak8, fat. Antlioay Park ...................... North.,--.f.rom._th8...Bente .. Cartar...AYsnue....thenoe e... .... ._........... ...... ..... .... distance of 157 fe south rly. ..................................................................................... ......................I......................................................................... Datedthi--------- th.......day of.......................... ............:....................... ................................................................................................................... a r•. No. 27814—' - t Councilman. Wherea& A wrltten'q opoeai'for making ot'. the following iri(provel i,, 4 iz P)u gebeiween Lotr a dmin 380 ,::. .'�jv _ 6�ri,on� Pnrk- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the t$(IbtSulg iMpttlVemenQ viz.: Construetion;: of.:. a:. drain..: n:..alley...lying..._ ............. _........... .......... between Lots 1 and 36, Blook 38, St. Anthony Park ................................ north, ....from ...the ...neater,.of...Carter ....ATenUe- thenoe...a._............... _.............. distanoe of 157 feet southeasterly. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._................. .......... ...... ......... ......_............................ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. i, .furnish•tlis,fo 9H S!&gjf}er dga and information relative to said improvement......._.............._. ...... . ................................................. ►$ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. to report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Jan —71020 Adopted by the council ................ ......................................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..................... ...... U0........ ..... 191........ Hyland Keller f McColl(!- ) ? Wunderlich............................................................................................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form CA 19 (6M 4.17) �f Codncil File No ...................._....._._................ 278 18 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bon ._._t3, CO3`_ G ; )C%'0C3 for cu? Li .O --O—ti) si -o ci' .;ap_te= . v0 yt:e, _._ .__. -__t of _,ct 31, .1oc'_' 7_' , __e - _ .o^l3 ., -'t��4 O?., VO.'t10 '(_C-1..� .V2i1 tiC. .UTION RA96H 1NG �ASSE98-. 'MEN{B. No 27818 B9'� A.'rarraWerth—. 'e, -matter ol5the- asseeemont. sot; eRts 'costa :'.and, ezriegseq .,19r:" the North side oV CaOt01. 'nue ii front -o[ Lot 211,tB1oek 11, 4:" Woolsey's•Addltion, fifi Han'�t a sven�xa dr•n.ayn,• . � �� 576..._.... . under Preliminary Order_.__.....c.:....._ Int.rmedi$ry• t)rder ...:!:..:.2.0_Q.3.D._.......... Final Order ............ _....... .. approved _........._.....' ...........191........D.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in- /equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Jan —7 1520 Adopted by' the Council .......... 191............. r, Approved ......................... Jan... _ —'7�5L0.....................191......... Form B. B. 18 y Clerk. Mayor. -------------- Council File No. ................................................... By....._........... ............. ........................ ..... ....... ....... ........ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benef i.t. ; , -,os _ S e.:_ ; .1.^. for .ai..l^ __ :_til st. _ ^o_', lila ear. r. 0.? . 0-;, t:1P .- _.t a A. - e t0 lily ust line o J ^ca.,.e >t. , ..-:ei _.t ce ie :;t. is o;.: t11e sotrt,!, v :e of .a3t Si:aa A. to 1,.e co -;a:_ f- -Linc o 1 -eve t1i _t., e._cooti t:.c _-.,tu_°::action of _.o_' _-n :_tio. d o.n t o1' ..o':._.. o,: eve:d._.1 aved .)o=t`_o^s of t_le -;aa coct: c._ of .ve. .d._ve.,, __.chu.---_ owe. , ;a;,or and es cc ;.ectl0n1S f c;, st_cot ...wins tens^oprrty li_.es co;!nlete, ':r:iere not ^_l. _. de, __so .. 11::c inr, :� .. _- e and drive.; .. ._r: i oaciies _•,x3 7 s.oi' street t _sect-loas ui co-ls,:ucti_;; o' _ sattin': i:o_ c -"ole. ;DN ntWVYINO a95ESs MHNT '761s By,�¢. 'Farnawo'iih • l;%' Final Order ._.-...._.:;1167...... _......-. under Preliminary Order._.�11........ .., Intermedia atter ,An �e sas160,to E of .msts,gnd; espehaes; Sor. pav-_ c Sixth St. from the e, end 'lath SC_ �yidBe' to ;the west 9rcada. $t �:=sea Arcade ' approvedu_..°..-:...... :`' .......... .............. 191 7 atn,tir. .., .oe spcthi .., >pr��• A public hearing having been had upon the Alsessment for the above improvement, and said asse, s- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__..._..1.._0.._ ..........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adonted by the Council ........_...._.....-% 520 ...............................191............. , Approved......._I....... ......._�A.M._,.'.7_1_?.Q.................. 191......... 1'- 13. B. 15 y Clerk. Mayor. -It re.VO Ll'T 111\1IF.N it T.11\1: :\Vlr.!iti- t'. F .N'n 27820 B%' S- A I`a oil• tt, thr m&tees In of the @` benefl [s eosts and erp•e�te [ K, tela }'I It nd . 1n t`elnent Sidewk Gst� n L 1 I I 1'J 18n'te Contra c[ al2'J 81 l'. Co, . Resolutt ,.ae..�bte It..11. assessment. FU. 28122 R'eet Sere- Le Kin ninK 224 fret t r�•e[, ulence w 'Ofi6 Ituke ' for In the matter of the assessment of Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Ido. 49 Under Contract 2981 C, for Season of 1918. --Assessable Ro11-- F.O. 23122 gest Seventh St., south side, beginning 224 feet west of Victoria St. thence west 40 feet. F.O. 23066 Duke St., east side, from West Seventh St. thence south 183 feet and on the west side of Duke St. from Itlest Seventh St. thence north to Grace St. F.O. 22437 Ann St., east side, beginning at West Seventh St, thence north 30 feet. F.O. 22355 Smith Ave., west side, from Winona St. to Sydney St. F.O. 23151 Winona St., south side, beginning 60 feet east of Manomin St. thence east 26 feet. F.O. 23087 Winona St., south side, beginning at Ohio St. thence -east 58 feet: F.O. 23134 Ohio St., west side, at the following locations: Beginning 136 feet south of Sydney St. thence south 10 feet and from a point 32 feet farther south thence south 10 feet. F.O. 23086 Ohio St., west side, beginning 65 feet south of Page St. thence south 12 feet. F.O. 21790 Stevens St., south side, beginning 172 feet east of Ohio St. thence east 20 feet. F.O. 23071 Ohio St., east side, beginning 113 feet north of George St. thence north 8 feet. F.O. 22171 George St., north side, from Humboldt Ave. thence east 82 feet and on the east side of Humboldt Ave. from George St. thence north 100 feet including one new brick driveway 12 feet wide, extending from property line to gutter, approximately 18 feet. F.O. 22292 Annapolis St., north side, beginning 524 feet east of South Robert St. thence east 10 feet and on the north side of Annapolis St. beginning 62 feet west of Oakdale Ave. thence west 24 feet. F.O. 22335 Gates St., north side, from Brown St. to Kansas St. and on the south side of Gates St. from Andrew St. to Kansas St. F.O. 22268 Congress St., north side, beginning 108 feet west of Dunedin Terrace thence west 12 feet. F.O. 22287 Congress St., south side, beginning 55 feet east of South Robert St. thence east 170 feet and on the north side of the street from Concord St. to South Robert St. F.O. 23139 Isabel St., north side, from South Robert St. thence east 114 feet. F.O. 22454 South Robert St., west side, beginning 318 feet south of Plato St. thence south 438 feet. F.O. 22427 South Robert St., west side, from Fillmore Ave. thence south 100 feet. F.O. 23083 South Robert St., west side, beginning 66 feet north of Fillmore Ave. thence north 195 feet. F.O. 22453 South Wabasha St., west side, beginning 50 feet north of Chicago Ave. thence north 150 feet. F.O. 23155 South Robert St., east side, beginning 90 feet south of Concord St. thence south 40 feet. F.O. 22707 Chestnut St., southerly side, beginning 48 feet east of West Seventh St. thence east 225 feet. F.O. 22332 Plast Seventh St., south side, beginning at a point 33 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 81 feet and from a point 47 feet farther east thence east 50 feet. F.O. .0. 22324 FastsFifth�Atl.esSouthside, sides,17beginning 102thence eastSouth oftey. Cedar ,t. t;ro ace stilt SO feet. sise vta�c w>.s s%tall side, begimiing at Fairfield Ave. thence south to the Great Western Bridge. --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22437 Ann St., east side, beginning at West Seventh St. thence north 30 feet. F.O. 23083 South Robert St., west side, beginning 66 feet north of Fillmore Ave, thence north 195 feet. _ __-- _.C. _:,1::6 St:ae rt.� ..., .- ,�r -, ir•_':�ld tr,. E. �o -: � _... ori i:;e. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above Improvement. and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ....._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 7 '.'l� _ 191__ _ City Clerk. • � JI --.� ``Lie ,_.... .-approved _..... _ _ _. ___._._191..__ / a — Mayor. .�. F. No. 27821—Ordinance No. 6234— �'� Al ordinnnceII ornh[ln6 LO 0. Swliu ion // po1;-H . Perm sn An der l'om Pan Y. a 120 -gallon tank Lo maintain the side w•nik on 13roadwn)'. Fifth titreel. . . w � The t'o uncll Of the "ItY u[ tit. ilies ordain: V Fi'TII1N 1. That Perm lssion nd . reralraFrn nte'wif An ordinance granting to Swift & Company, a corporation, permission to maintain a 120 -gallon tank under the sidewalk on Broadway, near Fifth street. TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY_ OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Swift & Company to maintain a 120 -gallon tank for the storage of gasoline, under the sidewalk on Broadway, in front of Lot 5, Block 44, Kittson's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for said tank, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said tank shall not be used for the purpose of storing gasoline t"til inspected and approved by the Commissioner of Public Safety, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of in- spection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ("5,000.00)3 con- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satis- factory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever tpe Council shall so order. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yes ) Councilmen Nays ";iJ l _'2 1.'LU o Adopted by the Council - - I Clancy #mTm rrVhJ ll i 1 L k' c In favor Approved i McColl � A�,.,inst ,- rnnroa PUBLISE Wunderlich E�f- J �A � / LST: Mr. President N L FARiCY, City C13rk. i, 71 .... J HENRY MCOOL JOHN T. MCOOLL OOMMi9514 DEPUTY OOM m�ssiOr+eft C9itu of *aint Vain 2'721 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Dec. 1 , -1- - -, r',I —�' 5th& Broadway, tf�' CITY. Gentlemen: - In feference to your application, dated November'? 26th, for permission to store 120 gallons of gasoline, beg to advise you that in view of the fact that this storage is under the sidewalk, it will be re cessary for you to call on the Commissioner of Public Works, Honorable M.N. Goss, and arrange for the filing of a bond, indemnifying the City., It will also be necdssary for you to arrange with him for the introduction in the City Council, of an ordinance, giving you permission for this storage. The question of fire hazzard is, in this instance satisfactory to the Fire Marshal. Yours very truly, eputy Commr.Public Safety• a MJG I WILLIAM BARRON Ims-TON CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION DECEMBER let, 1919. C Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - We are in receipt of a letter from Swift & Company asking permission to keep 120 gallons of gasoline in an under ground tank, at fifth & Broadway Streets. Will say that we have made an inspection of the above premises and find they keep 120 gallons of gasoline in an.': under ground tank, tank is outside their property line and under side- walk on $roadway Street, pump is looatdd inside of building and under look and key and inoased in a metalio cabinet; tank has been installed at the above location for the past ten years and we recommend that permit be granted as ordinance is complied with and re-refer same to the Department of Public Works. Respectfully ( VDUXIB. Chief Inspector. Dept. of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, Division of Fire Prevention, Court Hazse,,St.Paul, Minn. Pursuant to fire inspection report dated November 25th and signed by Inspector Ebert, we hereby apply for permit to maintain one (1 ) - 120 gallon Gasoline Storage Tank under sidewalk in frmt of building. Gasoline stored is used f or operating our auto trucks. Respectfully, SWIFT & C011 ANY St. Paul Market. Per. ......... . GJ*FCVd Sift&Company 'St: Paul Market Broadway and Fifth Streets TELEPHONES: , Ceder 2071 N. W. Cedar 2070 N. W. 'j. St. Paul, Minn., 25840 T_ 20047 Tri•S[et- 20840 Tri -Stet - Nov. 25,1919. Dept. of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire Protection, Division of Fire Prevention, Court Hazse,,St.Paul, Minn. Pursuant to fire inspection report dated November 25th and signed by Inspector Ebert, we hereby apply for permit to maintain one (1 ) - 120 gallon Gasoline Storage Tank under sidewalk in frmt of building. Gasoline stored is used f or operating our auto trucks. Respectfully, SWIFT & C011 ANY St. Paul Market. Per. ......... . GJ*FCVd Zy 0 DA R 7 _7U, L� L67 CITY OF ST. PAUL : OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER `'ry AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °'L Na . w Q 8 19 i/ 1820 __........... Vit*, p TY .iPTROLLER AUDITED JHiv...................................1 .._..... _ E R........... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays JAf1 — I9r_—._191— Adopted by o cil......_.... Clancy -+ —� JAN -s ISIo Farnsworth .In favor /-.R/ r/ _......._............ _ . ._..... Goss l - .....". _... - - _.... _..._ . .. - --- i�r�s en _Against _ 31AYOR McColl c F. xo a2Azz �- Wunderlich Anacia t Resolved that warran;a he: drawn is of Mr. President, Hodgson n., eon City, Treasury, pfunda out nd in i ii..olie-l" fter saPnci1,04eaoz 80 S, A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance G.F.-Docks, wharves and levees Total 52.00 1 52*00`':, F.- A A 88, 2 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LO1L No.......••• 2-1-7-823N 1 AN BY. ............. ...1..... ....... , AUDITED .JAN.. �......?2!�... .......191........ CI /g Com. �TpROfL�LER i. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen (V) Naffs JV –8 1520 1 Adopted by the cil............. _............ _......... __._ 191 JOH —8 1520 Clans ��Resolvea 7tn3 Farnsworth at, warrants be dcagn r d .......... _.........................................._.191 191— Farnsworth the City Treasury, payable out ppt 9a the hereinafter apeclfled funds and In _ fa�Pr of the persona, firms- cot or tions for.•alte amounte.�aet, oPPoatta their resPeo(ive names a:e aPeclfted to ._..... . ......... ...._....... ...... _.. ......... ....._.._}. Lne 1,,S {ng detailed statement: ' MAYOR McColl -8 A Fnrnnwarth, Com'r. 0t Finance i2 702 50 Wunderlich lndr w J: Loftus Yoh M LoYt¢: and Patrick' It LoMua X.25 Mr. President, son Hod _Merchants National Bank $35,227.58. . Hodgson _Adopted bv_th a Co nidi dan S. 1920. 94 S. A. Farnsworth, com1r. of Finance Interest 95 Andrew J. Loftus* john M smell Loftus and UPatrick H. Loftus 96 Merchants National Bank, Igterest 35,147.50 G.F.–Misc. & UnYorseen 35.06 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund—Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Acot. 45.00 T,,19773 Total 37,935.31 2,702b0 5.25 35,227.56 Farm A A 4E, 297-1a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ;jw�Q� COUNCIL No ......«. _ ..�_...� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE L 2O tn BY ...............�./.�/y.T. \IPTROLLER AUDITED �.K.nt-i?....--__�.... ........... 191....... PER-... ......... TITLE 'the City Treasury, payable out of the heified in the following specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn upon persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specl�AM detailed2statement yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C • JAfI —8 1920 Clancy a F xo.'-z7sz4— : AWatract Oy ... ............................------ Farnsworth Resolved 'that, warrants bo !draw upon the CRY Traa61 044, 4a,4esueatPdeaoo6iaPflnpdd t Of the hereinafter 6p, (O6s [!ththeReaunflr. oabrpodosrlta!tone - - ---- -_ . .............. ... ... ................. tiosn-fota their esnecuvevriamee - -- MAYOR the follwln8 detailed statement Aou,'. RearinB,Company. McColl 1281 LaoPWd Rruonnenj E6900 Wunderlich Clymer a ilvele ryc E14 p , East side O oFery Compani.' E24 76.. Mr. President, Hodgson Farweg oamun, Ictrx & Comvany. E4147 $3 a,FwatL tS26.$7. _ t_ `1 4 2.81 81 Ahiberg Bearingany, Fire 50.00 82 Leopold Bruenner, Rnreau Of Parke 14.00 83 Clymer & Huelsteeealth 24._75 84 East Side Grocery company, Schools 4,147.33 85 Farwell, Ozmm, mak & company, 1.38 Workhouse .4,007.44 schools 5.18 - 1.75 21.90 4.80 Special Day Schools 54 19.50 Parke Forestry Revl. 47,50 Test. Labs. Docks, wharves, etc. 2.82 82 23 062 . 2 10 Water 1.49 18.11 n _.... 7.40 n 1.22 n 1.80 k T{ee. $0_Page #2 $6 Langley & Iorart,_ 826.87 Schools 87 Leslie•Donahower Compan,-a iZ6.10 Orsat.Northern Schools 1.75 #;. 88 Midway Harness QomPanys Fire y> 19`7.68: 89 W. J. Miller, Schools ' 90 N. W. Electric rquipmlent Company, schools 1.29 56.88 r 25,04 Auditorium 4e86 Bureau of Parks 16,43 Park construction5. .. 91 Victor B. PatnaudeChief State Boiler Inspector - 1.00 Parks 92 Stewart Broom Companys Com Finance 2050 9.85 r. of Quarantine7436 .. 93 C. S. Stewart, Supt*, '©0 x, Quarantine Total 6,035.18 n., / - Date Presented-.1An..7.;.1912.0.............191....... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, the following fire apparatus from the AHRENS FOX FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, without advertisement, as this apparatus is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby: One 900 gallon capacity Auto Combination Pumping Engine Four 750 " 11 " Triple Combination Pumping Engines for the sum of $12,000.00 each, total $60,000.00, less 5%, making the total amount of contract ,000.00. C Charge Fire;"Equip went. 0 0 0 '? - Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays 'y Clancy Farnsworth Goss .............In favor _, Keller J'� McColl v .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President Hodgson FORM -C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Adopted by the Council 191...... JAN.... -8 1920 Approve . 191..... . ....... .........................._:..................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO...... �..d..8 t�... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN AL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....................'. .............. .............................................................................................. DATE............................ ..... ... .................. RESOLVED w That the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars be appropriated out of the Contingent Fund to assist in paying the expense of the first State Convention of Minnesota Master Painters, to be held in St. Paul, on January 13, 14, and 15, 1920, and the proper City Officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrant therefor. 1 _ CSI%solved? Thn2Bhe aum orTTwooHun- dred 0)..d011are be �aPptoprlated out'gr the Contingent Bund- to sestet Convent unhe otDenMinneeote:fl�tlaster l I'patnter , co D0 held In 9t:paul, on iJnnbesY'1S, 14 and 16, 3920, and the ptope.City OKloers be --.instructed to issue' the 'nec.seaty warrant thererOr. : Adopted by the Council Tan B, 3820.:, 1ppi'ovcd Jan:B. 1920. 101920) - Yes Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council ._....._.J. -A. ." ............ 19 Farnsworth -8 1920 Goss......... ..... In favor Approved.... __......... ................. ._....... ........19.......-- NlcColl Powers . Against v..- \_ MAYOR Wunderlich W. President FORM 3.9.19 MASTER. PAINTERS ASSOCIATION. ST. PAUL, MINN., 301 Selby Avenue. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, iuinnesota. Gentlemen: The St. Paul ]Laster Painters' Association will entertain the 1,aster Painters of the state and adjoining states, in St.Paul, January 13, 14, and 15, 1920. This will be the first State Conven- tion of ..innesota Laster Painters and naturally will incur considerable expense. As our financial resour- ces are rather low,we feel compelled to ask your Honorable Body for an appropriation of $200.00 to assist in properly entertaining our visitors. Trusting you will act favorably on this matter, and thanking you in the name of the -aster winters of St. Paul, I ars Respectful''y yours, / ,Seely. 2"732 i 5 Zh CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY DA COUNCIL FILE No .............................. RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading and improvement of Sheldon Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue and Albert Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, to Christ Johnson for the sum of $3,090.00, engineer's estimate being $3,482.00, and the Corppration Counsel is hereby instructed to draft and submit the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. #2082. Yes Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl n 7 Powers (s1 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9.19 Redelved all Gonne tion with upavm Reso tion. Adopted by the Council.._............._......JAN —8 ........ 1520 .................i9 _..... In favor Appro...._.....__._...-JAN .._8"19-20....._i9........_ Against ................. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RSOLUTION—GE RAL FORM � �7 .................. I - - subje------ a; ------ --- - ............................ -U..IL 27828 FILENO- ....................................... ..................... ................... .................... .................. ............ .......... ....................... .................. Date Presented ............._................._.___....191... -- Resolved, ...............-............. 191 Resolved, That a warrant for 11220.06, payable out of the Contingent Fund, be drawn to pay the following Auditorium bills: Services in connection with entertainment of Mena Garden 'Club, April 12, 1919 ................ ..1136.90 Services rendered in connection with Memorial' Day Exercises .................................... 4'F149.75 Services rendered in connection with American Legion Con,vention .......................... — $290.06 Services for reception of President Wilson.-. 207. 11 Services for Mothers' Clubs and Parent-Teachere Association convention, Nov. 26, 27 & 28....$436.24 As per attached bills. ReceiTed all papers in coy n4 th Qbov8 n ti Wi Reso t* - --- - ------- Yeas ( V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl ____...___..Against Wunderlic r. President, Hodgson FORM C A.3 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Co.ilnlcili�. X —13 1W 0 12 Approv 0 -- 191 ... .......... .............. . ........ - - -..- MAYOR 12 -PRESENTED E.._" A 1 FILE No ........... 2.782f DATE................ ......... _.. _.... WHEREAS portion of the alley in Block Four (4), Snelling Park to St. Paul, has been vacated making it desirable that a turn around be provided for the remaining part of the alley, therefore be it resolved that the City of St. Paul hereby accepts that certain parcel of land offered to be conveyed by ;Calvin A. Fleming and Georgie A. Fleming, his wife, described as follows.. "commencing at the southeast corner of Lot Seven (7) in Block Four (4) of Snelling Park to St. Paul, accor ding to the plat thereof on file and of record in the of- fice of the Register of Deeds in and for said County,,�for a place of beginning; thence east 25 feet to a point; thence north 25 feet to a point; thence north 45,degrdes west to a point on the westerly line of Lot Five (5) in Block Four (4) of said Snelling Park; thence south along said westerly line of said Lot Five (5), to the southwest corner of said Lot Five (5); thence southwesterly to the place of beginning." Said property being conveyed to the City as a part of the plan contem- plated by the abutting property owners in the vacation of said alley authorized by Council Resolution 27722, approved Decenber 30th, 1919. Yes (%*) Councilmen ( ) Nays 1 Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlic Mr. President FORM 3M.— Adopted by the Council JA —8 192 19 In favor Approved JAn-8..151Q__... .........19..------ Against meroR 2'830 COU�N•CC,,XILE XO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...conetruct ing._a._ serr... ...n-_Mount.__Qu v_�---Bout.eY.az�l...frotn............ ---Randolph--S.t-rest...to-Zeffer-son.... Avenue.... - ........ ..... - .....----........ .... ...._......------ :- under Preliminary Order..... - --...... ag o5t-------- ------ approvea ......................... ,................ IntermediaryOrder---------------------- --------- ------------- -- -----. approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... COAetgAgt.-_ geA r--.on-MOttnt_-_Carpe........................ Boulevard from-.Randolph--Street-._t0-_Jefferson---Aenue.•........................................................... ...... ..... ------- I ................... ....... .. ............. - .......... ............_.... ............._..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----_._......JUn -S 1;110........_., 191....... s 's City Clerk. I Approved ................ AM —8 I.............. , 191......_ eyZayor. / ..................... .'...... ........ - .........._......... ... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss �UBLLSID 9 Zf Councilman Clancy Councilman Nddmx Powe Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OPS STP -AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIV4ISMbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e under Preliminary Order approved --v—-------fC"------------------------------_-.-....----------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - is - $�- The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ -2 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6- 3 al0 76 0 C2oo?. _. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTME}J'W'p FINANCE REPORT OF COMkMS�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB1-- _ --_ ASSYSS50 DESCRIPTION- LOT'pLOOK" ADDITION VALUATION /9 3 oLa a o O foo.. Roo o o 2 ALO d e 0 3 o b' 6' O 'z a</ ° O �6 ,1 0 0 �6 01 97,E r/.r foo a°o:{ b TOTAL. _:I CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF, PINANCE REPORT OF COMMkBSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION X777 Cf'� G O s� a a6o 3y : a- . a A 60 . aO Q.. yy� 975-. �O6 iso The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said ma/tester by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---------f. ._ ------- --191..L.....f-- Commissioner of Finance. IOHM B.B.A. DD C _ Office of the Comissioner of Public Wor ^; �. 3 i Y",•6,, Report to Commissioner of Finance NOV 19'1919 November 18th, 9 _ _ _ _ .......191.....:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26988 October 23rd, 9 cil, known as Council File No— ........... ....................-approved ........................ ........................ �.......... ............191........., relative to ....................._..._. constructing a sewer on Mount Curve Boule.va.rd .. .. fr..._.. om R..dolp....h Street _. _..................._........... ..... an . . ........... ... t.A...se.ff.ers.on.... Avenue .,............ ............... ................. ..................... .................. _............. ._....... ......_........................ ...._.._........_................. - ........... .._.......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._......_.necessary and (or) desirable. $2.29 per front foot 4,805.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ................................... and the total cost thereof is $.... ................................ ............ and Assessable frontage -2,100 ft. Excess inspection $60.00 ......................... ...... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ................ ......._................_........_......__......._............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attaehed'and made a part hereof. 4. ... ...................... ................... .......... ........... ............ ...................................................._.................................................................................................._........................._............... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............ ommissio of Public Works. . � * . st, Poul, mion'' .... ... . . ... 191S.. ' To the~.~~ . ` �o�l� The Council, City of ot' Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned Property owo:r*' hereby petition your 8unozouzu Body to cause the following improvement to be made: zhe.onpvtrnvtIM vf. *. n*Y�nr- PTI. Dlnnjit. Q=vn. Bvn�jerarjd . . . ... . . . . . . ' ' . . . . . . *;*.-`e=*' from ....J*fferoon ... . .... . . ..aw' Ave. to Hartford . .. .... ...'. . . . . ` . . . . . .. .. ... Is%. Ave. n'' -V 74—erittbl �.QQrMcpatny..j,,.2_ J)�w ww 0^ ^^^^^~~^^~^ ... .,^.,,,~,,,,° _......... ^^^^`^^'^^'^`^^~^.~...~.~�.""^"*"^^^^^^�'.^^.^'�w.°°"... .....~.. ^^^^ ^~ ^~^^~,^^^— ^^^^^'~`^ ^�^~^^^^~.,^~�0^^."°V^ � ^.^..` .~~^'...^'..'" ^^^'^^^'^^ ,.^�""^^"0^_..°~A"^^^^.^^. '^.`'. `^...'... ,,^,,,,,_~,^.,,..,.....^A^,^—�^^^^^^°�'^^^^^^ ^`^'^ ^'^^^^`^^^^` ,,._,^.,.,, ,,,,,,,,.,^,,~`'^`^^^�^^^'^^^^'^^^" ._.,,,,^, _,^^,,~,,�."..°0^^°"^"°�^^^�^^^^'^^' `^`— '^^^^"^ .....^.....�"^ '........,.. ........ .^..^~",.,^ ...^^....~ ...~.,.....~.^.~.^..'... ^^^^^^^^`^^^"^.`^~...—.°V.—.^A`^"^,^° V November 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Desi Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Mount Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, in so- cordance with Council File #26988, approved on October 23, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $4,805.00 Cost per front foot....... 2.39 Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 2,100.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo (fifty _o oil Foul OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C.lay...,.ea. acpa"awtit of Vu61fr Marko ..... r9u.T. M. N. 6053. COMMISSIONER J. C...... L au.ewO ov coNaT. ucr iou All I-Al.a AL EOJACN9ON. 9u Ai. R. T. OOURI�Y, OEVUTY N. W. GOET2INOEP, 9u vtlo„ we.. oPa .' N. 5. G.YT9AN'ENa �. N. HERR—ID, .� a E..INe.. November 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Desi Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Mount Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, in so- cordance with Council File #26988, approved on October 23, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $4,805.00 Cost per front foot....... 2.39 Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 2,100.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo t COUNCIL FILE N0._ ...................._.... .............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...........construnting_._a..cement-___..t_ile-..-sidewalk-..,..--six..feet_.w-ide, on the.. north side of Sargent Avenue from Albert Street to.Pasea.1 Ave.., ..exaapt... ,"iher.e...good a1ks...n4vp...e.1113.t....................................................... - ..._.............._....... - .................._.._........ .........- ..._..................................................._............ - ................... C. r. No: 27831—BY S. A. Farnsworth-7I.......................................................... ....................................................... .h the Matter of con tSu ti.g a d meat the sidewalk, ais feet wide, on the . -north side of Sargent -ehur............................................................. from.--41'.atre— ro Pascal Ave sceg 'he a . c "- 26609 " ,'„ Sept 17 1919. under Preliminary Order ......._......._......... .. PProvet�: us . , ........_ ' ........- ................. IntermediaryOrder------------------------_.---------------------------------- approved ........................_._..----- ...--- .......---- ------ ....---- -- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.......Q.Q.n)9tru-c_-_--.Qemen ...t.i- .8.._Fide-walk.,,.-.-six. feet.-,sidernn.-the...no.r-th...side ...of... Sargent- ..Avenue --.from...Alb.er.t...Street ...to --- Pascal .,.Avenue ,-...except...where..-good_- an. d___suffici ent.--walks-.now exist.________________ .................... ..... ................. ......... _...._... ..._................ .._....I........ ------ ----------------------- .............. ..... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said im rovemeni in accordance therewith. P g AM -8 1910 \\� - t Adopted by the Council...... __..... __.....-, 191........ Approved ------------ - -AN ..- .Pj20.._....-, 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Vjtft Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 ......................... ............................ i City Clerk. ' _.._ ...-'................. .................. Mayor. PElBLISHED r CITY O1UL. DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE r'.r REPORT OF CommpsIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) under Preliminary Order approved ------f'=----A–L-- –/--L To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am unt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--------------------------- The estimated cost p foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $—----"-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Q�_.eT=c.fiL° ti Jib 6 yom fjJ b � 35a 3 S o o�0 3 ©' 3 G 6 /� d o s .� TOTAL., - CITY OF 5 UL DEPARTMEN FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL14INARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 3 � a 90 %3 � 9aov ©o s3 AL ea 7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 6 ... _..x. _... Commissioner of Finance. FORM 9.5.1. 8-5C __. (N St. Paul Minn., To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition y5111 TH orable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: P ... ........................... ...... ........W. Ave. nV from.... .................... St. AUQ. to ...... . ............ ...... St. Ave. ......................... ... .... ... ... fi . ......... .... .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . I ............. ............... ... . .. ....G .......................... ............. - ............. . ..... ... . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...... ................... ................. SAF .............. I ............. .................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ............ 'j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X4.14 Office of the Commiss'ionbr of Public Works BEC- I V ED F 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance ; SEP ^2 1919 September 20th, --191 9 ------------------------------ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26609 September 17th 9 the Council, known as Council File No. ____________approved______________________391___, relative to constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north -------------------------------------------------------------------------- side_of- Sargent -Ave nue from Albert Street_t o Pascal -Avenue, -------------------- except where good and sufficient-- walks now exist - --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commi oner of Public Works. COUNCIL.FIILE NO_- ... _................... By_ ............ __................................................... :..:-....- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....-gradi ng alley in block 6 Egbert G. Handy' e Addition ........ ..................................... - ........ .._ .-.-..-................ and_ fidget..- Addition.. from -Fairview_ Avenue--to._'fiheeler_.p.venue...... .._._................. .... _.... ........ . ' No 27822=By 9. A Farnewurth- -he 'Matt%, 'of.`g "" -Y In. ..... .... .......... -------- -- d. Mk glt A n IinnllYt4, It on �d: Midget' Addition from Fatrview -enue. 20 {Vheelr 26 ender ' venue .............................................................................!+[imineµ...Order 26467 approved ... ..... ........------- .----- .--- .---- .-..--- .-.----- .........-. "' lb ' 1, ,Ing ] vtgg bgen'' had m r- .vent Upon.due`_..------------ ................................._------.----- ............................. -.-_--...-----........-_--.._.-.._.------......-.--.-_- tvtn6 hear•.,-. under Preliminary Order - - ..__2E467....... ..... Papproved.. . SePt-_ 3.z-.-1. 1 -------------------------------- Intermediary ---------------------Intermediary Order------- _ ... ...._.-__ --................. ..-.. approved------ __ __ -- ---- ........----- ...---- ---..._-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.-....grading._.311ey._in..block 6..E-gbert._ G,......:_.. Handyte Addition and Midget Addition from Fairview Avenue to wheeler -...-.... .. ........... ............... -- _.- .-......... .......... _........-.-._...._._._... ......._.. ...................................................._. __.._. _.......................................... _.......... ....._.._....--..__..-._........._.__..._............... .. ......... .-........_...--..-....... ... ...................._ ___._.................................... ................ ................ ..................................................... _..........--...... -- .---_-_..._........ ...................... .... .._.._ ....._...._.. _..-...... ......----.....-..-.._.......-........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. lAf1 —!3 1 X10 f Adopted by the Council. _. _._ - -._ -.-._ 191 Iii* —.9 1"20 Approved_. ..................... - - _....... _. _ .........1 191.. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ouncilman Clancy uncilman Kc kxx Po T ouncilman McColl v Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form R. S. A. 8_7 City Clerk; Mayor. /e/J fl PUBLISI1ED REPORT OF COMMIMNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) under Preliminary Order approved _ --` ............. -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimatedam unt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—fig'- Q- ------------ The estimated cost p foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-----'. 3 Q -__-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION j 6 6-0 a o 9 G/ o0 f5" 3 5 6 FORM 8.9.A. !-! A TOTAL. CITY PVTj. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM[$ OVER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) .. R ^ ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - VALUATION m- 6 G 0a o116-6 a /S 6 14 /7 Soo /7 G GCo // 7,9 6- 3 6 "3.6 a6 /o ela 6- Z2 73- 6- 6 - J3 - 6- 6 - J3 6 cLo y7aS— '44 G (411. A 61 6 G a 140 7,9 a d a o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - 191(' Commissioner of Finance. •OPM 9.9.A. a-9 O rtk, St, Paul, Minn., .....................i91... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follo;ti improvement to be made: r,, from .... Z'O .4?j�........ tt. Ave. to .. ��` s� « �u « 't 1919 aN.4 4.. .?O !IM Ave. a t _ :4- FCBUC Wf RKY E LOT BLOCK .........�........... ,!- ..... - . ..................`.............. � ........... ..... i 5...5 ...............1�.............. ...........::... ........ %.. ....�.......................... ................................ ..... ....... ............. ............ ........ ................... ....................................... .... ................................... n.......... ................ ....................... x ....�...... .... ................... � � n ............�........................... ' `, �.� Q , !�!j /• E' �. s f a •,!`,s tP � � ?r x` - { : f.::;i.. td /li...G.< .:i�.+3?� r n. Office of the Commissioner of. Public Workrzc _,'q i E-. Report to Commissioner of Finance< NOV 4 1919 November 3rd, 191---- 9 ------------------------ -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-_2q4LT---approved--_ September_3Td�1919_, relative to grading_alley_ in Blook 6}_ gbe t_rxt_E��siX_R_Aildi.t.ion_and_-Midgs-.________ Addition_from Pairview A-v-enue_to-W,leeler Avenue._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 30� per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $- 348.08 Assessable frontage 1,164 ft. Excess inspection $8.17 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pub] c Works. OSCAR CLAUSS[N, C.i[r a«oi«¢cn bV n[wV or ¢«w«[[.. J. E. CARROLL. Sb.r. rio« wMo w[Pwiw[ ALPRCO JACKSON, lu niVO H. W. GOeTLINGe11, 9unr1o« N. S. ORYTSAKrE«oi«[¢w'o«a 0113 of ft Paul BtpartmM of Pabttr 30arks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. OOUI(LEY. DEPUTY October 39, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alley in block 6 Egbert G. Handy's Ad- dition and Midget Addition from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, in accordance with Council File 36467, approved September 3, 1919:, Approximate estimate ....... $348.08 Cost per front foot....... .30 Excess inspection necessary, 8.17 Assessable frontage ........ 1,164.feet. Yours very truly, ®SS/C Chief Engineer. - COUNCIL CITY OF-ST—PAUL Fn.E NO .......... ..... .................._. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -- r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED^ Jan. 8,, 1920 COMMISSION................................:........................................................................... .........................._...... DATE........_........._.._... ......................... RESOLVED` In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Block 6, Egbert G. Handy's Addition, and Midget Addition, from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, under Preliminary Order 26468, approved Sept. 3, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27513, approved December 8, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOINW, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for auto and fills 'in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 6, Egbert G. Handy's Addition, and Midget Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent,shown upon the sketoh attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works, in the matter dated January 8, 19202 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes 1 ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich { M. President FARM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council --- JAM 8 }y 10 - 19 -- Appr e JAM. 19 _......In favor Against M_R .. -FIEPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 6, Egbert G. handy's Addition, and ;Midget Addition, from Fairview avenue to Wheeler avenue, under Preliminary Order J26468, approved Sept., 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27513, approved Dec., 8th, 1919. To the Council of the City of Ct.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Ac.issione f Public Works Date _ — Qittu of £rt: Faul + bSGM cl.AusseN, cHlx. Exo�xecx frpartmettt of fuhlir Norks rSU M. N. GOSS. COMMI9910NER - J. E. CARROLL T1Ne•ns OT iox Axo xiF R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFRED JACNSON. 5U 1. 1U11- OF -_ H. W. OOETZINOER. SuvT'ox M. S. GRYTBAHrExO�xann'oxf oY exioa[� p. M. HE RRO LO. Orrice P.xolH.ex -FIEPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 6, Egbert G. handy's Addition, and ;Midget Addition, from Fairview avenue to Wheeler avenue, under Preliminary Order J26468, approved Sept., 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27513, approved Dec., 8th, 1919. To the Council of the City of Ct.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Ac.issione f Public Works Date _ — CITY OI' ERWUL fA DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CODA n SSIONER OF FINANCE �a ON PNARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved -- ---- - -------------------------------- ------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ao.eo The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ __--- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION iAA �s'D:: -. TOTAL, 3 8 02 7 I CITY OFAWL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE T, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRTMARY ORDER ASSESSED 1LOT J3(_OCK: ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 4 J, 7 L 6,6 �i� s�tius �/ 0 0 0(1 ,Y dad H.3 ..1 6- d-; 7 11,-A 6_, 67 06-0,, The commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -- Dated------------ - FORM B.B.A. .'B C MMM ......... .0.� ................ . aA 27834 COUNCIL XE'` �- By............ ............. -.::- .—' - ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.00natructing--a--sewer.--on--Montraae---Lane-..from---Randolph-...:......- Str-=et--_t feet .---south-- o -f -Randolph --Street .-------------------------------------------------- . ............................... - ------ ----------------------------------------------.............................. -------------.......................................... ............ under Preliminary Order.. -- .............2.69.8-9--- ............... approved.......... Oet.z._33,:-_1919-- ............................. Intermediary Order---------..................... -----...._------------------------------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that.thenut ftnrMve o e ma construct- a ewer -on Montrose La'A �om Randolph: -_Street --_to a point -_60-0 feet-_-south^of/ Ra?}dolph Stre _--J.-_ t" G----------------------------- �C�a���-` ----- - /---._ ........ ... hereby ordeps de. *`� RESOLVED FURTHER, That the r o a o s be and directed to prepare specifi r said impro and s cil for ap at upon said ap the proper ci gals are h L oceed with the making of id improvement fin accordance theleth. IV Adopted by the Council..............all-!ns-Wo -------------- 191........ Approved--..--..... JAM —8 1920 191........ p .. - ...._.. - ..... ......... . Zlilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss --, Councilman Clancy � Councilman 441m powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ted ito a n - d dir ed i ' City Clerk.- ".Y CITY O1,FJAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPOISiiIONER OF FINANCE t,,D ON PRELIMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved --`-=3-=../_(I------- ------- ---------------------------------- - ----- - ------ ....... --- ------ To the Council 'of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—----p•-6--�=-- $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 � 5 �' TOTAL, CITY OP's UL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ---. ._— — ---.._._. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: — ADDITION VALUATION /,26 37 is s'. 3s- / eco i a sr:: - ; 3 D d The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to/said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - l-- - 1-------------------------------- - --- -..... 'leCommissioner FORM D.S.A. 0-3 C of Finance. _ �j Office of the Commissioner of Publico&W.f;F'VED �� : �y Report to Commissioner of Finance :',i E N O" , �,) 319 November 18th, 9 _ _ _ ........................ _ 191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ................___.........approved................_......................................._......._.:_191........., relative to ...... ..................... . the construction of a sewer on Montrose bane from Randolph Street _ ............. ........ ....._............. _......... .................... ............ to a.point 600 '#set south of Randolph Street. ................_..-................__............................._....-..............._.............._......_........................................................... ....__.._._................... ....... .__..... .......... .....__.._..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... necessary and (or) desirable. $2.13 per front foot 2330.00 i 2. The ebtimated cost thereof s $ ................... ................ and the total cost thereof is $.._............... .............. ............. and Assessable frontage 1100 ft. Excess inspection $70.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............._._..._...__...___...._....._._....... ........ _.......... .._._.................... __......_..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................................................................................................ ........................ ................. o. Said improvement is..._..._........ ........ ...._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. ...... ........... ......_......_............ .......... ..... ' Co nssioner f Public, Works (Ittg.uf. ot. Ilaut DrVartment of Vubltr Marks M. N. GOSS6Cc3MN+9510Ncq .T. GO ICY, DlPuT November 18, 1919 Mr. M. N. Goes, Coi.rfissio-er of Public Works, St. Paul, Mirn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti— mate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Montrose Lane from Randolph Street to a point 600 feet south of Randolph Street, in accordance with Council File No. 26989, approved Oct. 23, 1919. Approximate estimate $2330.00 Cost per front foot 2.13 Excess inspection necessary 70.00 Assessable frontage 1100 ft. Very tr}/u/(fly yours, Chief Engineer gs---b COUNT�F LE NO........................... By.... ` .,..4 ......_.. _... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .......... aanatruatin-g-a- seweronMississippi----hive-r---Boule-vard--- from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue. _...... -- .......................... ......- ........ ....-.............._.......-................. - - - a ........................................ _ ---- rth C. No. 27,835—nY S. , FA{naw sewer In the Diatter of constructing a .......................................................... - - ........... - ------ ................................... ---------- - --- ----- - --- on \llealsaiPPl River o leBoulevard Lrom yandrOlpPh eStreetliminary O derso26990e ape .............................. "......ed Oct. 23. 1919. _--......................... •ublic hearing having been h >. above Improvement upon ................._1d the Caunrll having .-........'........_.----_----------------------------- . ,:,-,obJYc[in_v and rer,.---..-- 26990 ,�.,-., �, _' Oct. 23 1919 under Preliminary Order........ -...._ .. ............... approved; ..................................... .............. IntermediaryOrder---------- ......................._..__--------------- approved ------------------------- ............. ..-------- ..--- ------- ..------- .-------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is......_Q*.Astrugt....asef?.e.r_-..Q%..h9.j.�si.es.itn.l...l?�Fer Boulevardfrom R .......... --... _.--------------- ....... .......-- ...___............... ..................._... ....... -. ...._.............. ....... -- ---- ........_...... -- .... -- .... ........ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._--- .liltr 7,U 1517,1 191........ City Clerk. 114H .7,U 1510 // \ Approved ... .......... ................__....., 191.. - �Z. . --------------------------- - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman KWkelt , Po—Mr e { Councilman McColl 6 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 �Bit9i#fa 4 CITY qjQkPAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE REPORT OF CQMMISSIC NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) 6 under Preliminary Order approved _.C..?`----_r_/...r'..1.`---'-------------..--...._.....__-------------------------_--------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------L-Q-�Q'----f%- 5.85 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $------------------------------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 97 3 0� 36 3 1// 1'S- 3 Gia 33 3 -41 j V TOTAL, FORM B.B.A. B -B A CITY OI DEPARTMEIjrW FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI}pi NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3O 3 q�� 8 60 13 EJB��` r-aro-„✓ �" / s o 9 6 i 3 800 2-375_ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saiid� matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �'1 .y...__......-.191. �j-�.�__ Dated -/ - / _.... . Commissioner of Finance. FORM E-A. 0-3 C Office of the Gommihioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance' ;..-j November 18th, 9 .......... .................. .......__.......-....191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26990 October 23, 9 cil, known as Council File No........._ .......... .............-approved._..........................................................._.._...:.191........., relative to ............ constructing a sewer on Mississippi River Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... ....................necessary and (or) desirable. $6.86 per front foot 7010.00 1. The estimated cost thereof is $- ................................... and the total cost thereof is $........_.........._.._........_.. ......... . and Assessable frontage 1200 ft. Excess inspection $136.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ ................ ...._......_................... .................. ........ ...._.__.......__._.._..._...._._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. 0. Said improvement is ....................... ............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (.ommi ionm• of Public orkc. otty 4P we Pont lipurtaunt of Fukttc 30orks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY November 18, 1919 Mr. M. N. Goes, Conn,issioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary esti- mate of cost for the construction of a sewer on yississippi River Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue in accordance with Council File No. 26990, approved October 23, 1919. Approximate estin;ate $7010.00 Cost per front foot 5.85 Excess inspection necessary 135.00 Asset:sable frontage 1200 ft. Very truly yours, Chief Engineer ges-b Petition for this improvement is attached to Council File No. 26210, approved August 14, 1919; a preliminary order for the Hartford -Cretin Hewer System. I Yes (\*) Councilmen ( 17) Nays j Clancy ,i' -Farnsworth •- Powers ......_.•f1„gnirat '. Wunderlich Mr. President �Pm 3m9-19 - JAM z_iu___ _>9 Adopted by the Council JJ lit 1JLU._..._.:_.. .............. �m MOORE, OPPENHEIMER & PETERSON w1 1. loo.9ATTORNEYS ATIAW W1 I.—SON n a SUITE 1013 MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK BUILDING w,a r n w SAINT PAUL All c. „ooaaor, AN December 51,1919. Mr.U.iI. O+ i�eill, Corporation Attorney, Saint Paul,Yinnesota. Yy dear T`ra011dei11:- Unclosed herewith please find blue print showing where the United States Tedding Carpargri wish to encroach about, 4 inches over the street. line of Yinnehaha Street. They desire this only during the life of the present building, and the buildii , to be constructed, an shown by the att- ached blue print. As the writer recalls it.., you were requested by the Council to prepare the necessary ordinance. We will appreciate it if you will see that we are advised when this matter will ccme on for hearing. Thnnking you for your courtesy and with kindest. personal regards, remain Yours, very truly, X00RF,0PPE1q'ZR & PFTFRSOi:, Enclosure. (�B WHO -j -1r�yt� c. t`, NOJ 27887—Ordinance No. g �/ /7� 7 BY .Nlbert R'untleedu. t - e'��dfinance ZdO. _ C . F . N o . 2 f lJ An ordtnance apptovin the subd acquiring 7.N 8,0 Bloch 1, Auditor's I'll, fir Public 60, of the Cloy of St. Paul, for public zchooY Durpoeea, or, r daring the acpulsition o.Y the on by purchase or condemnation, Lot 2 BlOCI{ 1 iiud It OTi9 providing funds therefor. 1 , An ordinance approving t , Subdivision 1110. 50 0, The s or j.: : the city of st. s, for public school purpos@�,, , does ordain: ordering the acquisit'_._. {arch se or condemnation, and, -S)�CTTON i providinC funds therefore. n.- TH—L COIIidCL, .. CI'PY OF-:.Il'IT PAUL DOES nDD,�IN: Si;CTI014 1 The Coi::r,issioner of Education having reoortcd to the Council that Lot 2, Block 1, .uditor's Subdivision No. 50, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, !'•i-:mesota, is required for public school purposes, and that the estimated value thereof is the sura of One Thousand , Six Hundred Dollars (3'1,600.00), and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the Cit -%, for the acquisition of the said lot, t e Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for school purpoces, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Eayor, Purchasing Agent and Commisssioner of education, if the same can be sh procured at a reasonable price, and in case said committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so. report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedins be instituted under the novisions of the Charter of the City to secure said lot, and that the cost and expense of acquiring sa=ne, vihether by -u-rchase or ,con- denmation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the item in the Public School Fund appropriated.for Real Estate, and so much of said funds as'may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. S_'CTION 2 This o_dinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen 11'ays ✓ Clancy Farnsworth v' Viccoll /'Povrers V'-�;underlich ,,•3,'r. Pres. (Hodgson) rdopted b= the Council :nproved I hereby certify that there is 2.i ilab in the of the Public School fund the money 'r_ ic^ted in Date °2�� Z J411 23 Wo All 23 19 0 1920. —v�"°�, Yvta7Q�,�:' Orttlays(Land ) item / foregoing ordnance. C omptro)/7 ei y �trorreh � ; .. �:, �:� d �' ! r� y` � �' --���,,. ,�� `' t r j r-..r,..,�- �• ��// �M� ' I `� ' � 16 v � z: � �' � Wit} �� .. �,w .� f `""x =�.:> �.� � S �� '� 'y'c. ,�,%-� ,. . �. � ..# �� �� �f ^fie: '•---....l..u.�.n.,.,.s�.iaia�!�'e�1v+Arr.»�ra�f�a67�.x6*rnwria9W.m'ia+�7si+letteK+'.dHS�7Fa�gwo6+,�pOF�X�Rt�Y+,.f�.p� / °"�--�*'�3 �,r7 �TMi�?""g'a,�?,�, j t .�H�n,kexav;x�xn:;�. CITY OF ST. PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 27839 , coLvcll. DjO................ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILL. x 7-18 JAN `I I �3 i, .-��.. 1,-.. 1. JLLEEt AUDITED . .. ...._. 791 .:'.. /�"/-7 PE TITLE nts be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warra t opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations for the amounts se Yeas (�) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council... ......... _.191.._....._ I1S1901,11T10119, Clancy Approve r; _ .. --19L Farnsworth C. F Na: 27838— Abstract Goss Resolveil that warrants be drawn ._ ,f rol,^ upon the Cita Treseura Datable Out MAYOR +"' - T,the hereinafter apecit�ed funds and McColl in favor of,he pereone, iirL DPpQaite: e0,,t,,,, for the amoun(g'sC Wunderlich heir respective name9' a ape a,;- in ;ollowlnb' betatled atatomeat iet Johnson, $1.700.09. , . r. President, Hodgson adovlea Pr %t l.'ouna� 14098..9, -1920. Approved Jan. 9. 1920. - (Jan. 17-1920) 1,700.00 ill Christ Johnson, Sewer on Oseeola, Snelling to Pascal 28,440.00 112 O'Neil & Preston, Summit Pascal Sever System Total 30,140.00 A4$,214 7-ta - y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Q AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na 23 /�* AUDITED .................. _.......:................ I 1' ........ // //..TyTR//;eL.F, R TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nay C. F. No. 27839— Adopted by the Council ......:._....__.........._.__..._....__... _......... 191 Abstract. Resolved that warrants be drawn Clancy upon the City Treasury, payable out of / the hereinafter specified funds and in ` JQM t� Farnsworth favor of the persons, firme or corpora- Approv L 79 110 191..___ _ ti -9-- for the amounts set opposltn1 DOSS their respective names as menifled InII P t r liow(ng detailed statement: 1�v Add cant & S Com,env, $7.05. . Geo. Bens &Son, $360.00. ....._.. ._._..__. _ ..... .._ Brooka Bros. Lumber Company, MAYOR McColl : $61.25. Wm. R. Burkhard, $37.50. Wunderlich ^Ger- t cam. $60.50 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telg. Co. Mr. President, Hodgson $192.41. g e a Publishing Society for the Blind, $57.60. R. W. Hruby, $15.35. Johnson Service Company, $67.04. Minnesota Union Advocate, $14.40.' Pratte Express, $1.00. Alexander Rice. $5.74. D. W. Stevens, $17,08. Adopted by the Council Jan. 9, 1919. Approved Jan. 9, 1919. (Jan. 17-1920) 98 Addressograph Company, 7905 Water 99 Geo. Benz & Son, 350900 Polio e 100 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 61925 Fire 101 Wm. R. Burkhard, 37950 P. Baths 102 Denoyer-Geppert Company, 60.50 Central H.S. Library 103 Gemewell Fire Alarm Telg, Company, 192.71 Pol. & F. Alarm Telg9 104 Howe Publishing Society for the Blind, 57.00 Special Day Schools 105 R. W. Hruby, 15935 • Schools 106 Johnson Service Company, 57.04 Schools 107 Minnesota Union Advocate, 14.40 Civil ServIc e _.__ a.....� -_ �. 6. 'z N®r, P the ..I fim— J ttdifig.bythe� co" M 2 Tr P `2-840 166, No, ... i2t27-1 rj eat titled Mul e or thle SJ paol I... A ising 0 T 'City lwa . to construct: .equip, e a way lines ttd operate e[ eet 6.89 � C 0,,\ pk,,t,X f pp—d he t. -ty P.-1 2Ma it, l.... the An ordinance amending Ordinance lTo,., _1227, entitled "An ordinance authorizing the St. Paul City Railway Company to construct, equip, maintain and operate street railv;ay lines in the City of St. Paul", approved September 20th, 1889. TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN' Section 1. That Section 13 of Ordinance No.1227, entitled IlAn ordinance authorizing the St. Paul City Railway Company to construct, equip, maintain and operate street railway lines in the City of St -Paul", 1889, be and the same is hereby amended to approved September 20th, read as follows: "Section 13. The Council of the City shall have the right, power and authority to regulate, fix and control reasonable rates of fare to be charged by said grantee for carrying passengers on any of its lines within said City; provided that the Council shall not have the right to fix, nor the said St.Paul City Railway Company the right to receive, a rate of fare in excess of seven cents (7¢) for each passenger, with his ordinary baggage, traveling on any of said lines, and-upor. the payment of his fare, such passenger shall be.entitled to a transfer as provided in Section 14 hereof; and provided further that in no event shall the said grantee be entitled to receive 9 rate of fare in excess of the present five -cent fare, uhtil said grantee has built and put in service sufficient cars to furnish, and is actually furnishing, the service prescribed by the ordinances of said City; and provided further that no fare shall be required for a child under five years of age while traveling that when the of an older person; and in the care person; same car travels over two or more streets or lines, there shall be out one fare for the whole distance so travel6d." Section 2. This ordinance shall not be effective for any purpose unless the said grantee shall accept the same, in writing, within thirty days from the passage and publication thereof, nor unless within said time said grantee shall also agree, in writing, that the franchise and privileges conferred by said Ordinance 170. 1227, together with any modifications thereof., including the foregoing amendment,' shall be held and used subject to all the conditions and limitations in the City Charter prescribed. In view of the fact, however, that said grantee does not now pay any gross earninf-,s tax, and because such 9 1 ross M earnings tax tends to increase fares, and therefore must be paid by pertons using• the lines of said. grantee, the grantee, its successors and assigns, are hereby specifically relieved from the payment of five per cent. of the gross earnings -of said grantee. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, and the acceptance thereof by the grantee and the filing by said grantee in the office of the City Clerk of the agree_ient aforesaid, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel of said City, and after the same shall have been approved at a general or special election by an affirmative majority of the qualified electors of said City of St. Paul voting thereon. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Isar. Clancy 0 Farnsworth 0 +s Goss McColl r Powers o Wunderlich Hr. President (Fodgson)o Approve C� Mayor Aet t e st rt ►n ' City Clerk —rA2 F l A ,. .� �� ''"(�� w �4 /� ., .1( - ! F': � `.. .,� t,.` LYJ"1.'�a�i6n?,fir„�. ----�' � ,:: n j fi ��` G' �{..�'ti�'IIl.�-":`- :..-b..- J C n".....1.,,. .� `t t. l..F.:1 `:'.• �1�.+ .rn� &'�`f.�"i�'Y� ., / 4`' ./�� iRt.��..f..1 4'�V �� t ��.�� ... , .mak �,j�.'L�.: .L - 4 ' tea' /f Y V � � i � _ � 5 r rp � , . J 0 a' ,lea � 1 s ' � �, , G.� "n j ' y F ., �� t � .�-� � �'� ��. p ^W'�vwv-1 wFwarxn'eu�uswnrmq /yam) I �-� �, w� .,, �. 8"ti"�'1 `�"` '�f f., � +� 4 � _ � � - M, � .: � �iti.� R„ vd ��,<•�•., p - !i e4; '�_ �� w: .� r. F � ..,f 1 .. 1 � r �' 4,e � �' "� .,... r' - �—+ �,t� f �{J ' N! I i___.,.....� r�. �, >� r ..r ,��, _�E,,- �,,v � j°cn,n,� cam,,, �o D � ,: C iM DJ COI.. �G/n -1. Y Q'YYV1tiVL �o v' , "r d � :,.. CITY OF ST. PAUL ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....... �.C.... r COUNCIL 0 FILE NO.... ... ........... DATE.. ja1nl Bary, 8_,,...V)Z().. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two 411 compound ;ilo ',.Vater '.eters complete with flange and connections, from l the Union 11ater meter Company, at a price of x494.00 each, without asking for competitive bids, ,as these articles are patented and no advantaue could be gained thereby. Charge 17ater Department. yes i ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9'19 C. F. No. 2Resol7841—gy Frank L powers— Agent be aandT ea is hereby authorized to purchase, with the coneent of the Comptroller', two 4" compound Nilo Water Meters complete with diange and Heenan., from the Union Wa- st Company, at a price of 5494.00 R.ch, without asking for com- ented bide, as these articles are pat- ented and o advantage could be gained thereby, - Chargp Water De- partment. Adopted by theCouncll Jan. 9, 1920. Approved Jan: 9, 1920. (Jan. 17-1920) Adopted by the Council JAM -. "wo _.__ 19 � -g 1520 Approved__ i9 In favor -11—� Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F -ORM Subjea: --------- ---- ----- ------ - -- - ---------- . .. . .. ......... .. ............................ COUNCIL 27 8 4 2 FILE NO . ........ Date Presented 191 Resolved, That the application of O.A.Wicker for- a license to maintain an oil filling station at 743 No.Snelling Ave.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clark is instructed to "I-asue such licens a upon the ftymant into th& City treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50-00). t Yeas (1) Councilmen( I') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss favor Keller MCColl(D Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C A.9 3M a-13 Adopted by the Council, Jfln...79. 1,12.0 Approved _-9 )1U 191 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: ----- __----- ----- ---- --- (, 1 FILE L FILEN 0 .....................:................... Date Presented .._._._._..._......._.._._._....._.191.._. Resolved, That the application of the Manhattan oil Co.for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 899 Fast Minnehaha St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the, payment into the City Treasury of the fee fifty dollars (450.00). Yeas (V') Councilmen (17) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller / McColl �.-/ .Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM G. A.9 3M 6-19 T.Ycc9u— C. F. Nhe o. 27Th t Bthe appllga llicenaose t to geso1v station t 999 Tianhattan oil co gr the same malnMin a be and Clerk is East N1lnnehaha St. herobY la granWano ted and .h l Icenee uyon ,net ructe0 t Into the CU00 roean, oY the 9aY dollars (590.00). 1920. the fee. dttY [hl n.1. Jan. 9• App.oved Jan. 9. 1920. (Jan. 1T-1920) Adopted by the Council__._.�.Q�1...- 10 191 Approved -9 x;,10'9' x;,10 _.. - ...._.. ___._..__...._......_..___.191 MAYOR Subject: - 0- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............................... ...................................PILE No. / / COUNCIL �.lri �44 Date Presented..............._____...._........_...191..... Resolved, That the application of the Bartles oil Co.for a license to maintain an oil filling station at ;oo7 Payne ave. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such -license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars (150.00). C. F. ho, 2784427844 11TocI,u—oT, That the PpIlie t to Resolved, oil Co.Tor a 1007 the Bart ll fl11inS station herEhY aintaln an be and the erne sa gra Ave t d and the city license 1 upon tructed to Issue such •rreaeut" the p.Yment dollhrs C(560.00). 1820. of the Tee' the C- e" Snn. 9• Adopted by, n. 9. 1920. App'o (San. 17-1920). Yeas (1')Councilmen (11) Nays Clancy Farnsworth l-� Goss _..In favor Keller I ! McColl (J ...........__Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Council_ �u11 —� .191 .... Approved...._.—�.f — 191 _...._� ����MAYO. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subje4t: _.............. —....... _..... _....._.._..._.........._.._.-.-_._,_.....—..-..._.......... COUNCIL l A� FILE NO...............MMM �.-... ...---..-. Date Presented...................._.__.__.._.__...191..... Resolved, That the application of the Bartles Oil Co.for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 811 815 Fast 7th St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50,00). C.Reao __ laantlea! pd•Co at the 'enrg I nntedh st• be ena st j'en e4t n or the ent tto o to° -UQh eend the "tjl Cl d the a he8 p 896 X,y� he A VI-Iedhlanhe. Coeu cll rY °Pje t[he ee, (Tan. 1719201 Tan. 9. 7926. Yeas W) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss _ In favor Keller / l Mcco)A / Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-I8 Adopted by the Council _.......... JV -9_fa29,__191.... Approved.. __...... 191 . MAYOR Subjed1t: CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM ............."-....................... .......... - ...........COUNCIL N 97846 FILE NO .... .... Date Presented....__......_..............................191..... Resolved, That the' application of 0. A.wiaker for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 304 Bates Ave,be and the same hereby is grantbd and the Cit City Clerk is instructed to issue such licdnse upon the payment into the City treasury of the fee fifty dollars ($50.00). Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( 11) Nays Clancy Farnsworth ^� Goss 1 Keller l McColl (_�f Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-19 C. F. No. 27846—BY Henry Mccon— O. As WlekerTort alhe icen- to application n 011 filling station at 204 Bate. Ave. be and the same hereby Is granted and the City Clerk Is Instructed to I.sue -.eh li-ree upon the payment Into the City treasury of the fee, fifty dol - lots (§60 oo). Adopted by the Correll Jan. 9, 1920. Approved Jan. 9, 1920. (Jan. 17-1920) Adopted by the Council,_ JAM =9 MLA_..._. _191... JAM -9 IM In favor Approved .. . ....... ...... _ __ 191 Against ------__........._ ._._... ..._.._ _.. _..... _.. MAYOR 17 PRESENTEDArY COMMISSIONER... RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COFILUNCIL NO.......N Y � F.. .... DATE....J.an.. 9. - In the matter of grading Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue and Hart- ford Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard under Preliminary Order No. 17817, ap- proved June 83, 1917, and Final Order No. 18909, approved October 10, 1917, RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby,canoelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. C. F. No. 27847—By dl 6 Cretin Ave - In tho matter of gra nue from Randol➢b Street Avenue Lord Avenue a d Har t rd from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard under v 3 elinin ary OrNo. 17217, aO,r 1917.der and Final Order No. 18909, aD- lpreved October 10. 1917. Resolved. That all orders to the .be'. matterhereby ancellede annulledaand rescind ed and all proceedings In such matter +._ntlnuel she Council ]an. 9. 1920- Yes Councilmer. Nays Adopted by the Council JAM —9 19 Clancy Farnsworth �) Goss In favor APProved_ -9 �N _ 19 McColl Powers Against A , MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 2M9 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUr�c4t-7RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 2(8148 FILE No....._.... _............. DATE. J4..._. 9., ._19$0. ... .......... In the matter of grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street to a point 600 ft. south under Preliminary Order No. 16306, ap- proved May 7, 1917, and Final Order No. 17944, approved August 8, 1917, RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the*same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. u•Adopted u Approxed Jan. 9, (Jan. 17-1920) C. F. No. 27848—By 111. N. Goss— In the matter or grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Randolph Street to a point 600 it. south under Prelim- inary Order No. 16306, approved May 7, 1917, andFinal Order No. 17944. Resolved prThat August d.�r. gust9 in the above matter be and the aamo are hereby cancelled, annulled and I aclnded and all proceedings 1. such Fe discontinued. Adopted by the Council1920. Approved Jan. 9, 1920 (Jan. 17-1920) Yes ( ) Councilmen (, ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss /McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President Adopted by the Council Al—9.1�J2a _ 19 —9 1520 _ In favor Approved ly _._ 19.._. Against -os • PRF.LI]1IN ARl" onnlrfrs. r� ` /1 Council File N..........�.�. (_ , Petition c. F. No. 27843— `1N T r Abstract. ai fol, the akiN M Whereat, the follow ng pnprovement, ming u viE.: Chan6'tng the. grade of ivlount Curve o levard from Jefferson Avenue to ` Berkeley Avenve, Stanford Avenp•�, Prom Mount Curve I3oule nvenuP C:C. and tt'ellesley' o proposes Ninon, 0un[ormo nether e The undersigned hereby ro oses thecae 1p `hereto attaer..ing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: not, the Changing the grade of Mount Curve Boulevard from Jefferson Avenue to Berkeley Avenue, Stanford Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and Wellesley Avenue from Mount durve Boulevard to Cretin,Ayenue to„copform to 1 the red lines on the profiles hereto attachB'd'and made a, part hereof, the present established grade being shown byf blue lines thereon; also, grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Hartford Avenue to St. Clair Street,—Hartford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cleveland Avenue,"Cre- tin Avenue from Hartford Avenue to St. Clair Street, Mont- rose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street and Jef- ferson Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. t Jefferson Avenue to Berkeley Avenue, Stanfoid'Avenue~zrom-mou:ro Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and Wellesley Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue lines thereon; also,,grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Hartford Avenue to St. Clair Street, Hartford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cleveland Avenue, Cretin Avenue from Hartford Avenue to St. r' Clair Street Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph t Street and Jefferson Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. s 3 ti .-. _ ... .:..:: Adopted bx the council .... .........J.91173131 ...0 ..... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ........... 191._. _. Hyland Keller 7 McColl Wunderlich ........................................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 13 (bM 4-17) • :. ;ieJ17b cl TPC a "� ' c; I2 T. r z T ao F c o1 z <;5 Lr r.;A�1zc; :`�OfU Mf•{ _)Z�.1 trt !i`I 'v, L\41� t �.`rl � Jtt, \ nt . 7t ids Pe s 7 ........................................ ........... ...................... .............. ..._............... __........_............ ............ _.._,..........._...._....__..................................._ Dated this. ...day of..............................JM.l1-- . ..................... ........._, 19$x.... PRE^A�RI�, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of Mount Curve Boulevard from Jefferson Avenue to Berkeley Avenue, Stanford Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue and Wellesley Avenue from Mount Curve Boulevard to Cretin Avenue to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue lines thereon; also, 'grading Mount Curve Boulevard from Hartford Avenue to St. Clair Street, Hartford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cleveland Avenue, Cretin Avenue from Hartford Avenue to St. Clair Street, Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street and Jefferson Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cretin Avenue. Adopted by the counca........ JA!1..79 1310 191...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hylhnd Approved..._....._...���i...- ` .............191_..._. Keller ' McColl 7m ' Wunderlich ..._.............. ayor Irvin ...._...... ._................ ....................... . Mayor. F.— C A 13 (6M 4-17) 9 G 4- 7 A V 0 A i i r.- Trc r L"nl 71 (�P y.r, M -;I' Ly N� PT, A 11irr 1; 4 .................................................. ............... V t' T zC)W L.F i G Uf"' G T. J1 T. i t 1, G ;j;- G 7.. F T 2 AS T. eonTGAc4 T -V A :3 UP G T. G 9 3 J! G G -r,:I:; G Ij ^y P 0 G 9 9'0 LG' T ;jf) G 11 Gj G L�3 n Yj •V A G Uf- G -'—P 1�9 TQ 21 y A G�j f, IL 0 T-:�! I V ............ .......... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. therefore, be it I RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cosi thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement 3 1., 6,.i.6 r6,. F lowi^v othri-SLILt4,and kr-kf9=iLtionsciative—id-iniprovement ..... State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all f the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.... - JAH 7915.2.0 ........... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved. '..._.__...191.._ ...... Hyland Keller McColl . ..... ..... . . ..... Wunderlich .... .................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. F— C A 13 (5M 4-17) FRUJINum ml 1 17 Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Hart-- ford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Randolph Street and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street to Hart- ford Avenue; -'Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to St. Clair Street; Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street; aneJefferson Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cre- tin Avenue. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cute and fills in grading Hart- ford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Randolph Street and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street to Hart- ford Avenue; Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to St. Clair Street; Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street; and Jefferson Avenu6 from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cre- tin Avenue. 3—TS Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...........�{in._-..4..� ?t�................ _191.._... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl v Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Fo C A 13 (SM 4-17) Approved Al y....... ............. 191 _. ...... Mayor. Council File No........!:•1.c�� . Arittrack. Whereas.. A written vroPPoeal dor the NT 4etition making of the following''mP ruvement. viz.: Condemning and taking an eneereent -for in the land.ecessary for elopes, and fills In grading Hartford ave- y 'cuts e m froMississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and frorn" Avenue to Cleveland AVer..'.• Curve Boulevard .from 9t., Mount Street to Randolph 8[reet and 1 endo,-.,- ,Or,tll tt. south of The undersigned hereby proposes tpooint fiH �tOOtord venue: crew, public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: fry: mdolph Street tp - .[rose Lane tri .' 'Randol ph ' Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Hart-- ford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Randolph Street and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street to Hart- ford Avenue; -'Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to St. Clair Street; Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street; aneJefferson Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cre- tin Avenue. Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for cute and fills in grading Hart- ford Avenue from Mississippi River Boulevard to Mount Curve Boulevard and from Cretin Avenue to Cleveland Avenue; Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Randolph Street and from a point 600 ft. south of Randolph Street to Hart- ford Avenue; Cretin Avenue from Randolph Street to St. Clair Street; Montrose Lane from Hartford Avenue to Randolph Street; and Jefferson Avenu6 from Mississippi River Boulevard to Cre- tin Avenue. 3—TS Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...........�{in._-..4..� ?t�................ _191.._... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl v Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Fo C A 13 (SM 4-17) Approved Al y....... ............. 191 _. ...... Mayor. COUNCII„FILE \Q..........._ ................ By. .:...:................ ............. ........................ _ _ ..:.... FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of ............ _.__ ......_........ -.... - ....._.._ ....... Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Como Avenue, south side, from Rice Street thence east 120 feet. Park Avenue, east side, beginning 130 feet south of Wabasha Street, thence south 65 afeet. Park Avenue, west eide, beginning 192 feet south of Wabasha Street; ;. thence south 50 feet. Edmund -Street, south side, from Gaultier Street thence west 110 it Nelson .Avenue, south side, beginning 72 feet westof Faxwington;,;Ave. thence west 10 feet. Rondo Street, south side, from Louie Street,thence west 326 feet,. Capitol 'Heights, east side,, beginning 560 fret_ south of Valley St., thence south 96 feet. Capitol Height e, west side, fromViola'8treet, thence south 20 feet. Simaoe'Street, east' aide,,,beginning at'1fulford Street, thence south 11.0,feet• — -- - ........:... ... :.....:—.. — FINAL ORDERS. ........................................................................................................................................ 26457. C F. N.. 27951—B S. A. Farnsworth—le t. 2 191^ under Preliminary Order ............. . In the Matter of reoonstructng. rela>'-...P.._..._...x._........__�............___.. 1—hand repal ring c ent the W-, em, at the (ollowing locutior'' Intermediary Order. ......... .... ._..._. Como avenue, south side. from street thence................................................................... ""”"--" east nth fee[. A public hearing having been had 13o ieetaso in' east 11.nao. 1.lent upon due notice, and the Council thence south 65 feet. having heard all persons, objections ai rar]< a s 'e= ns relative thereto, and having fully consid- 192 feet t esouth ttn ered the same; therefore, be it hence south so is, . „d str, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City'or at. ?aul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.._..._... _ ____- Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Qomo"A7anue, .south side, from Riae Street then9s,-east 140. feet. Par 0.4tmio, ' aata da,M-bngianiag 130 feet ecra�. of;Wabaoha Street- 7 , thecae `:eot�th ;85 afeet. Park Ave.ntxp, west side, beginning 182 feet south of iPabaehs 9traety then," aotath 50 feet. Edatnnd' $txeet,`,soutio eide, from Gaultier Street .thenad west 110 ft. 3ielson >Aventaa south aidq, beginning 72.- feet wast of Fa�rf'ngton Aire.,: thenaa wegt .lo feet. Rsndo8treet, south side, from Louis Street,thenoe west 32$ feet... fl apitol'sighte, eaWeida, beginning -560 teat south' of Valley St., thenoe south 96 feet. Capitol' Selghts, west side, fsomYiola Strait, ,-:thenos south 20 feet. Simaos.Street,' east side, begian eg`at..MiAtcrd Street, thenoe south' _110 teems -- " - ... ............... _.__........................................_........_._...._....._.. __..... - . _...-------_ .................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �a!i' •-; I':^ 191._.. Adopted by the Council.......... _ .... ......_`1..,...c0.. r--- City Cl Approved........... ....................... ... _., 191......_ Mayor. Councilman Councilman Farnsworth _r4 Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Powere Councilman �1 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliyhti - Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 / ris, .c REPORT OF COMM ON PRELI (A) t t. PAUL OF FINANCE �ifJNER OF FINANCE:", A,RY ORDER In the Matter ofReconstruct.ing, -relaying and repairing cement sideualks at the ------------------------------ -----------......------------------------------- --- ----------------------------------- - ------ _____follot ing 1------ ns. - _ Como avenue, S.S. from Rice street thence east 120 feet. ---- ------- --- ------1?-ark--.uenue--1•-S-•.....b gin.aing---130----f&ett_-s-Qilth c=`Lbaeha. _str -,et thence - ---------------------- south 65 feet. ..................... Pa3,ra.avenue,_-est%_ la_bash_a_street thence --------------- south 50 feet, --.. Edmund.-.S.tr.cet-,-____math_- J de.,...f-r-0:n.-_G�ul t iex _s_t_rQet--- tnence�✓e-st 110 feet. ------------ ----------------------------- I+elson avenue, S.S. beginning 72 feet +rest of Farmington avenue, thence _- fes-t....10.....f.e et...__......._-...__........ __..........- _. __ _-... ......... .------------------------------------------------ -------------- -------------- Rondo street, south side, from Louis street thence ,rest 326 feet. -------------- --it-a1----Iieibhts....... e.as.t.._side........ Q_ein^-zxlg---560__feet south of Valley street, ------------------- _..... thence south 96 feet. ---Y. Qla-street,-_-_then, ce--south 20 feet. ---------------- ---- Simcoe street, east -ide, be, -inning at TGilford St. thence S. 110 feet. under Preliminary Order approved --- ------- ;iflt.eIIl'Q.e.r._.I-r.(+-_`1�-9-'—.___--------------------- ._.... ....... .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---- __---------- ._..___-------------- _..- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $-------.---- -------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6:, 3 Whitney's Subdivision 13400 A tract bounded by Wabasha Central avenue W. & Park 52750 rLvenue. 22 10 Ewing & Chute's Add. 2800 21 10 Do 4450 12 12 ) Robertson & Van Etten Add. 11 12 Do 104675 10 12 Do 2 81 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 3200 1 1 Bailey .kddition 5000 .ORM B.B.A. B 5 A TOTAL, ,17525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ` / Dated -__. `f ..191`"�""'�... Commissioner of finance. roHM O.S.A. S -S C CITY OpF PAUL DEPARTME:h" F FINANCE i. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM AARA ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 5 1 Bailey .addition 5125 East 31 feet of 6 1 Do 625 `,"lest 5 feet of 6 1 Do 4800 East 35 feet of 7 1 Do 'Nest 1 foot of 7 1 Do 3750 8 1 Do 1 7 Yininger's ,addition 3025 2 7 Do 1375 6 Bass..Re-ar— of I Ashtonr& . 3400 Sherbarnes Addition 5 Do 2300 9 4 Dawson -Smiths Enlargement 3625 90 feet of 16, 17 18 2 L:cKenty Out :ots 1975 90 f eet of 19 ::nd 20 2 Do 1550 ,17525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ` / Dated -__. `f ..191`"�""'�... Commissioner of finance. roHM O.S.A. S -S C S tiry F3ECEi Office of the Commissioner of Public W� rk FPR, s In —ot g; Report to Commissioner of Finance''sa'�6 0 �` SEF 9 1919 September 8th, -----191- 9 --------------------- -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26457 Sept. 2nd , 191_9_, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.______aonroved________________ reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Como Ave., S. S., from Rice St., thence east 120 ft. Park Ave., E. S., beginning 130' south of Wabasha, thence south 65 ft. Park Ave., W. Be. beginning 192 ft. south of Wabasha, " " 50 ft. Edmund St., S. S•, from Gaultier St., thence west 110 ft. Nelson Ave., a. S., beginning 72' we at of FFar*ington Ave,, thence west 10 ft. -Rondo St., 3. S., from Louie St., thence west 326 ft. Capitol Heights, E. S•, beginning 560 ' south of Valley St., thence south 96 ft. Capitol Heights, W. S., from Viola St., thence south 20 ft. Simcoe St, E• S•, Beginning at Mulford St, thence south 110 ft* and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis ion of Pubc rl s Office of the .CommisslotV& of Public V or�C PR , s wo 09 ' c4 Report to Commissioner of Finance �Jt SEP 9 1919 September 8th, ,n, 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------- -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. .07¢ per square 3bot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. -------------------------- -3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- - - - -Z_- o ---- Commis ion of Publ Works. -tom*. -s COf NCIL FILE NO ................... ............ ............................... -....._.....—................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....grading...a1lay....in.Ko.ck...1-.o-Fr.ont_..Street, Addition ........... .. Front..Street__Second Addition and Courtland Addition from_Farr-ington Av.enue...ta_. the ---west....line ...oi_.Frant... Strae.t... S-e.cond...Additian------------------------------ C. F. a 27862r o" 5. A. Farneworth— IIn the Matter of grading a71eY in .................................................... --- -- Block 1 oP Front Street Addition Front Street Second Addition fln� Courtland Addition from Farrington .......................................................................... Avenue to the west if.. of Fromm. -- ! Secgnd Addition under PF' -dar 26086- app,n d Au ---------------------------------------------- , 26086Aug. 2, 1919. under Preliminary Order.._......._._..... ... - .....-_...... approved ._........................ ..............................................-- Intermediary Order .............. ................ approved .......... .... ............... ------ -----------..........._...- A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul the i e , grade- Alley _--in_ .lock _l. o.fFront_Str...et Add.i.ti.on,--.-F.r.ont._St.re.e.t...Se c.o.nd....Ass�,iti on ---and ...Q our.t.l.and---Add.i.t.i.ou...f.r.om rington...A9enue....t.a.._the.we.a.t....Iiue...Q..f Fro. nt...St.r.eet...Se.c.Q..ad....Add.i.t.i.on. G L�2CG Ziz c «_.......__� f.-.C�/_ s ':.`............1...._.......... .......... .......... Cc: c C t f ....................... ...... .................-- ._...... - ...... -- -... ...-......._................................ .--------------....... ............ and the Council hereby orders jy��aid improv4ent to be made. / RESOLVED FURTHER,Xhat the Cotfimissioner of Pub c Works e and her y in ructed and directed to prepare plans and specifi ^,(ions for said imp ovement, nd sub t san tote Coun- cilfor approval; that upon laid approv, the proper city icials ar hereby utho ed a d directed to proceed with the mal/iig of said uhprovement in ae ordance erewith 15z1 Adopted by the Council_ -- .::L.__ . ............_ __.._.......-.-, 191----.... ------------------------------------------------------------- City Clerk. Approved.- Pp �9 AL �....._ .. -... 191........ _.:............ --------------- ....•................ ........ _.._........._.... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Kldrec Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Y Form B. S. A. 8-7 i 0 ETZINO ER M. N. 0069 A. J. AMREN9 # CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Jan. 6, 1920. Acr.. Goss, Cc.:_r. Public works, St.. Paul, "inn. Pear Sir: Some time ago, at tha regoes; Lf .e_,�:rcr, I si.nh a ret.iticu for the grading of an alley in the rear of r:y pre:.:- ises. on -'runt street. I now wish to withdraw my name from the petition. The signatnres to the petition were procured by two per- sons who own automobiles, and the a radinE of t _ nlle7 will coiler on then a benefit at the expense of others who own pruperty a I tt.in on the alley. I have Uraded the alleg in the rear of LT property to render convenient the delivery of coal and other articles to the Promises, and further radia; is unnecessar^ for wy use. In these dave of MCI cost of living the assessr.ent neces- sar- to do the proposed Eradinn will prove burdensome. Probable no other persons than the two mentioned will be _, benefited , tho proposed grading, and the assessment for the `I rinse All !rove egrally burdenscne to then, and even acre sc to soc.,e. I therefore : ost respectful]7 enter objection to,the ; radir_d of the alle7, which is covered b7 preliminary order }-c. 2608o, e,,W on which a hearing will be held Jan.. 9. I nib t add Oat it will be quite inconvenient for me and other wor--_inC Igen Kin own prclertn to be affected to be present at 09 hearinz. Respectfully, 334 Front. St. 1siPXII,7-- zle� CITY OF BT. PAUL 9�l DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE6,MINIkRY ORDER In the matter of Grading alley in Block 1, of Front Street Addition, Front Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition from Farrington avenue to- the West line of Front street Second Addition under Preliminary Order approved A ugust 2nd, 1919. _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g �• i 0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - S- '`// The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Courtland, an Addition to 525 2 1 Et. Paul, Minn. 700 3 1 Do 4000 1 1 Front St. Addition to the 1325 2 1 City of St.Paul, Ramsey 1275; 3 1 Co. Minn. 1525 4 1 Do 1125 1 1 Front Street Second Addition 325 2 1 to St. Paul, Blinn 325 3 1 Do 325 4 1 325 Total $11775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �" 191E Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 . , Office of the Comidissibner of Public Works REC` Report to Commissioner of Finance 3' / NOV 1 1919 r November let, -----191- 9 ----------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 26086 pproved--August 2nd, 1919 -, relative to --- a grading alley in Block 1 of Front Street Addition, Front Street ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition. from Farrington ----------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---- Ave. - to - the west line of Front Street Second -Addition ------------------- -------------------------------------- and Navin_ Investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 46V per front foot 333.10 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, Assessable frontage 723.71 ft. Excess inspection $8.47. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. li 1. OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C"" ENOIN[[n iR e[R. J. E. CARROLL. SUE77......... r iON .Mo noAi`. ALFRED JACKSON. SUPiuc H. W. D.—I... R. 9UPiI.eH N. O RYTSAK• 11119[n0.1 G. H. HEPPOLO•O roc• EN.1M[[n '(DIR 4f Ot. Haut gtputmeat of 11uhttr Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONCR R. T. GOURLEY. DEPU ootober 29, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sirt Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading alley in Block 1 of Front Street Addi- tion, front Street Second Addition and Court- land Addition from Farrington Avenue to the west line of Front Street Second Addition, in accordance with Council File #26086, approved August 2, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $333.10 Cost per front foot....... .46 Excess inspection necessary, 8.47 Assessable frontage ....... 723.71 feet. Yours very truly, ®, ��I.` ESS/C Chief Engineer. k Tri-State Phone: 2072 ' h t CHAS. S. SCHILLER. s PLUMBING AND HEATING Gas and Plumbing Fixtures D 5� 93S•RICE STREET N. W. Phone: Ceder 696 St. Pau/, Minn., City of Saint Paul Oj Engineers Dept, Gentlemen; -- We the undersigned, property owners of Pront St, Add,, kindly request your department to have alley graded entering from Farrington Ave., between Front. and Stinson Sts., this being very necessary to take care of heavy rains and drain same into Farrincton Ave., and also to keep water from damaging garden property south of Front St, Trusting ,,ou will live this your immediate attention, we remain Respectfull,,, �,t/ - ;-r ,.. moi,:.--• � .. �-f �,F. -� _ i 77 1 ! . FILECOUNCIL �CI7Q� OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........ ................ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYI �� Jan. 9, 1980. ' COMMISSIONPR.................................... ........................ .......................... ............................. ...................... DATE ......... _................._. RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 1, Front Street Addition; Front Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition,iunder Preliminary Order 260872 approved August 2, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27520, approved December 8, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having sub- mitted his report and sketch i the a ove matter, be it r, L{G!• f>id%�•_.-�iu._ �..�..7 -1 rte•--� EI_..,� RESOLVED, That see determines thecunt of nd to b taken r--thie above named improv ent as a easemen for_ s3 pe , fo cuts and fills in and upon•t land all g upo a fly 1 Blook 1, Front S set Addi on Street and ditio and Cour and Addi o , o extent shown on th k teh a shed to re or of the Commissioner.of b c W k�,s n the er dateF4�January 9,.1920, which sket and z(eport ar ere y referred to and made a part hereof. C. F rlo. 27852— In thcondemning and gas: Ithe. n matter oof f a In the lend ink sary for Aslonee for cuts and tills in gr ding alloy in Bloelc 1, Fro.t St. Addition; Front .Street second: Addi- tion and -Courtin.& Addition, under Preliminary Order 20097;"'approved Avgu.t 2, 1919, and 'Intermedfnry Qr- der 27520, approyed December s, 1919. The Cormal-loner of` Public Work. having submitted his report , gad sketch In. the above matter,.bn it That Resolved, all's. niatters pertsiin- Ing to same be annulled: and disuon- tinued.-- Adopted by the Connell Jan: 5, 1921. ^pproyed Jan. 6, 1921. (Jan. 0-1921) I Yes (7) Councilmen ( Na'ys Adopted by the Council 'JM19 Clancy - Farnsworth Goss ( _. In favor APP Jail c.�.,19"Z McColl y, Powers Against / MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President ,npM 3M9'19 (6ttg of St. Pnol Department of Fablir Works ^� J. E. GnRROLL,9urrl •'s M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER coNSrRucrion wno S«Ainst R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL -0 JACKSON, 9LRr. orIiw M. W..G. U .... NO . I9upiioN N. S.....B StrEHo7 RiOK. H.RR.LO,Orrrce ¢—.... -REPORT TO THF COU17('IL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in dock 1, Front street Addition, Front street Second I.ddition and Courtland Addition, under Preliminary Order $26087, approved August 2nd, 1919, and Inter- mediary Order .'27520, approved Lec., 8th, 1919. To the Council of tiie City of St Faul: Tne Con.mis_ioner of Public Luorks hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, snowing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be wade on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plar_. CommisF sioner of / ublic Works Luted _ �� ;.. C�iFJ:-� Office 9f' the Commissioner of Public Plork 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance NfiV 1 1919 November let, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under+ consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 6087__ -_-approved---- Aug. 2nd, __191_ 9, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, --- -=---- --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- --- for- outs_and- fills in _gradin alley__ g_B1oFk-1-sLf_Fry}1t_.iztree ------- Addition, Front Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition, from ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Farrington Ave. to the west line of Front Street Second Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ SxXB ------- and the total cost thereof is $--- $�_---, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. r. CITY OF ST. PAUL - �' DEPARTMENT FINANCE>� I_ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the. tterof .Condemning and taking an easement in'the land necessary for ti, 5tock.1, of F.Lont SUM I, or cu s an Addition, Front Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition, Pom Farrington avenue August 2nd, 1919. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 75.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or. parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or' parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - I' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -� to J 1 1, Courtland, an additon �2 1 St._Paul. Minn. 7p 3 1 Do 4000 1 1I St. Addition to the i ! i 73- ' 2-. 1 .City of St. Paul, Ramsey j1P715 —_ 15 5� 3 1 County, Minn* I - _ 4 1 Do 1 1 Front Itreet Addition to I !35 2 1 the City of St. Paul, ' 13F5 ... _ _ 1 ! -Minn. i 3ifi I I ,I_-• L. - Total $11775 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public, Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Farm a. R. 13 �'✓ o 27854 COUNCIL FILE 90 . . By.... ..r.... FINAL ORDER - In the Matter of......grad!Ag ...011-yy.-..in-.-$tin$on!.e._.BuUdiyi. i.pn.-.Q-f-_HlQ.0.1c..8.3.......... Lyman Dayton's Addition, from Arcade Street to Mendota Street. ............................................. .........- ..._ ................................................... ................... ..............t.... ---- ---- --- -- Pg1dAIr.ORDRRB. .................... .......... ....... ..... .................... ......_......................................................� - -- .....-..........-......---------------------------- (?. F. No. 27864—BY S•ra�.d'1 BrnleY hln Eneon's ttSubdlv/elon o[ B1ocK� P ........'.................................................................................... ......... Dayton's Add(tlon. comes ................ St. to Eiendota7St.•. under_;` 'Jl_.Order 28324A'. ......................................... .------------- ...................... ..................»:_.... 26384 Aug. 22, 1919. under Preliminary Order-------------------- ........................approved ------------------------------------ ..----------------- ........... ............ IntermediaryOrder ........ ......... .......................................... approved....-. --'........ -- .......... --------......----- ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pauull�/th"Ie precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....PT.adi. Willey-- in.-Stineon1_9-- 3ubdivi91on._of B19 83 Lyman Dayton Addition, from Arcade Street to Is`en doa St., Dayton's (/It �- �Gc Z 72....x_ 071 C. G. cr . .................................................. ............................ ........................................................... and the Council hereby orders said ' provem t to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th he Co issioner Public W rks be d i�hee y ins ctedand directed to prepare plans a speci8 ons for improve ent, an submito th Council for approval; that upon s • approv ,the prop city offic' is are reby au a direc d to proceed with the ma g of said improveme t in actor nee the with. Adopted by the Council ....._I{Ffi...�� =� .........., 191.... t .APR 23 il0 APProved..........._........................._.r.. Councilman Goss Councilmen Clancy 6 Councilmah MEN= Po -8P e Counc' ', McColl Count Wunderlich an Mayne,1)41j.on Form B. S. A. 8-7 IVB-'`A,v '. CITY OF !4L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE'' REPORT OF COAMJ"ONER OF FINANCE , ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ._tom -In the Matter of Daytoql s Addition from Arcade utre_�_to �s�ota str-eek__-- __---- _------_-.._---.--. under Preliminary Order approved ---Aug uat_-22nd,--.1919...------------------------------------------------------------- ------- - - - --- - - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: '_':= :7 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 83 Stinson's Subdivision of 500 Block 83. of Lyman Dayton's 1475 13 83 Addition. 12 83 Do 2875 11 83 Do 2000 10 83 Da 3175 9 83 Do 1675. 8 83 DO 2175 7 83 Do 1975 6 83 Do 1275 5 ._ 83 DD _. . _ -.425- .425-TOTAL, TOTAL, CZ OF � V DEPARTME T FINANCE , REPORT OF cof?^SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �B) _-.. "'---- --- ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUATION 4 83 Stinson's Subidivison of 425 ! - Block 83, of Lyman Dayton's 3 83 Addition. 1276' 2 83 . Do 475: 1 83. Do 5550', 15 83 Do 5251- - 16 83 Do 450, 17 83 Do 2150 1 18 83 Do 450`. - l9. 83 Do 2650! 20 83 Do 2250; 21 83 Do 1350. - 22 83 Do 3450 23 83 D o 1150' 24 83c Do 120{ 25 83 Do 450 26 83 D o 4050; 27 83) Do 25751 28 83 no matters, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worrks. Dated---"/-/�---7-------------191" f..... -- ------ ----� -- � --...---------------------; --- ---- -- ' Commissioner FORM O.S.A. 6.5 O of Finance. r i :i�a xf }"1,r' "°s.. '''".n^G,.'•b,%p ����/r�,,n^�4x"�,r` k. ` n.�. ��� � � St Paul,Minn January'3 1920. The undersigned property owners of `Sttilsons Sub: of Blk 83 Lyman Dayton' -Is Add, do not want alley in that blook as in proposed und.gr Preliminary order no 26,325 approved August 22 1919, Signed. \ Name Address. In 70 Id ��� ✓ f J . �k,'a`r� :.' '"t ��:_ a'�> ,�.�.2�-' " Yip-' w U • St. paul, Finn., i/��r.......1915.. To the Honorable, The Council, 1, city of St. paul, Yinn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby pet, your Honorable Body to cause the follo:^in� improvement to be Sade: ... p ...... . ................ . St. A*4&---- from• 4. L•G'�x.............St. +*-e. to St. Ave. ... ::.. AC�G6......................... ................. ...... ..3 i.t ... %....... .................................. .X....... .......... . . . I . . . . . . . . ... .. ....^. ........................ v Y Y 010 of,ft Taut Otpartottut of 11uhltr Works Ivicena M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER, nu r... +vo n.vnin. R. T. GOURLEY. OEPUTY qu OP90No 9unr.e r. GOETZING EP. 9u aa1ON a rn. oP116A1rE n ria Na 11. IRROLD. 011— October 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83 Lyman Day- ton's Addition, from Arcade Street to Mendota Street, in accordance with Council File No. 36324, approved August 224 1919: ESS/C Estimated cost.. .......$424.27 Cost per front foot........ .38 Excess inspection necessary, 8.32 Assessable frontage ........ 1,1,38.feet. Yours very truly, 0. Chief Engineer. R E C'Ci','H> . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 291909 October 28th, 191___ 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26324 August 22nd,9 the Council, known as Council File No.___ -_-______approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to gre.ding alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, Lymanik Dayton's - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Addition, from Arcade Street to Mendota Street. ----------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and .things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 38¢ per front foot 424.27 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, Assessable frontage 1,128 ft. hxcess inspection $8.32 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------- - - �-%- Commissioner o Public Works. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENC1L NOA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan. 9, 1920. ............ ._..... ........__....... DATE...._ - _. _.....____... In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman Dayton's Addition, under 2reliminary Order 26325, approved August 22, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27515, approved December 8, 1919 " The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter.) be it RESOLVED, That the. City,o/f Ste. Paul fixes and, determines tte amount of/land'to bo taken for the aVove named improvement-/ae aft easement -for .slopes, x`or outs and fills in and`upon/the alley, in Stinson's. Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman Dayton's Rdd`ition, to the extent shown by the sketo]3' att6ohed to the report of the Commissioner' of Publio'Works in the matter dated January 9 1920,E which sketch and report are ;hereby referred; o and made a part hereof. A G7 .r Yes l Councilmen Nays Clancy Goss ` @ McColl 2 C. F. No. 57865— yt FORM In the —tter of Condemning and tak- ing an easement in the land necea ry V for slopes, for outs end fill. is grading the alley in Rtineon's 191:bdlvfston of Block 83. Lytnttn -DaytonAddition. under Preliminary Order I 28325, ap- f K — proleed Aug.. y�, 1918, d Intetmed7nry Order No. '.7751 , approved Dec. 8,19A. The Comm7"T r of Public Works / hn ing bmit. 'id1. port and sketch % fik4ter. it y7 1n the above be ' Revolved, `!'hot ell matter pertaining i �. to a be dlacontinacd. Adopted by the Couna{I Apr. 23, 1920.-�' - .� l• Approved Apr. 23. 1920. < i G7 .r Yes l Councilmen Nays - In favor AZainst (WR Lys I""A Adopted by the Council - 19 Appp v 19 MAYOR Clancy Goss McColl 2 Powers Wunderlich FORM Mr. President -9-19 - In favor AZainst (WR Lys I""A Adopted by the Council - 19 Appp v 19 MAYOR Mug of *t. Paul orpartment of Publir Wads M. M GMM COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -F_EFOFT TO TV CO-rM - Ir. the natter of condemning and taking ar easemert ir, the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in "tinson's Rub. ,of -look 63, Lyman Layton's Addition, und,r Freliminary Order J363U, ap- proved August 4and, 1915, and . r.termeciary Order x,'97515, aA rovva Lea'' ti t c, , 1915. To toe Council of the City of "t.Faul: The Commissioner of Fublic ' orks t.ereby submits and makes a part of this r_is rerort, a r:lan of the atove inprovement, ai:o•n:ir.g by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, ann ty the Latched portion., the cuts to be n ade on ; rivate property, and ti.e extent of toe easement to be taken, by the figures opposite suci: Maded ana natched parts of such plan. — -�Tr�_s7 ercfli 1 CITYOC AUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE k' REPORT OF COMMIBSIONER.OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - f� In the Matter of Condemningend-_t king_ n--easement-_in--_the land necessary for -_slo-De-s---___ or cuts and fills in grading alley in Stinson's Subdivision of Block 83, -------------------------------- --- --- Lyman Deytonls Addition from Arcade street to Mendota street, 19 9- i--- ----------- ----------------------- under Preliminary Order approved-----aiLlF;43-i�-t--.���..1'!.-'-------.--'----_ -- .------.------.-------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_ — --- 00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $---- --------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 83 Stinson's Subdivision of 500 Block 83, of Lyman Dayton's 13 83 Addition. 1475 12 83 Do 2875 11 83 Do 2000 10 83 Do 3175 9 83 Do 1675 8 83 Do 2175 7 83 Do 1975 6 83 Do 1275 5 83 Do 4225 TOTAL. ronin s.s.�. es w CITY Or° r AUL ' DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Condemniand takingan_-easement in_ the land necessary__for._slopee,_ for cuts and rills in gradin�yti 7 in Stinsonts Subdivision of Block 83, Lyman Dayton's Addition ftom Arcade street to Mendota street, under Preliminary Order approved —Ald$Illi-t--!Y>1Gj.._.-,9�9�_------------------------------------- ----- --.--------- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--�--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �.I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1: 14 83 Stinson's Subdivision of 500 Block 83, of Lyman Dayton',s i, 13 ,83 Addition. 1475 12 83 Do 2875 11 .83 I Do 2000 �i 10 .83 Do 4 3175 9 83 Do 1675. ; 8 !83 Do 2175 I 7 , 83 Do 1975 8 '. 83 i Do 127 b �i TOTAL IjJ Q I .mss -aa..+_..... rL ..-.�_ .---c - .r _-� � I. i •. I I ,-- � CITY OP AUL DEPARTMEA FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS IQNER OF FINANCEa ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT a�oeK: ADDITION VALUATION 4 83';Stinson's Subdivision of 425 Block 83, of Lyman Dayton?;e 4 3 83 , Addition. 1275 ji 2 t83 Do 475. - u 1 83 Do 5550 15 .83 Do 525 — �6 83 Do 450 I. 17 ,: 83 Do 2150. ij 18 83 Do 450. 1. l9 83 Do 2650 20 .83 : Do 2250. ji 21 83 DD 1350: 22.. 83. Do 1450 X23 83 Do 1150 25 83'; Do 450 y X24 83 Do 12.50 il' 26 83 Do 40,50 - 27 83 .Do 2575 28 83 j The Commissioner of Finance further reports that h%has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ............._.------ . Dated— f ----- --191 - - - - - --Commissioner Commissioner of FORM B.S.A. 5.5 C Finance. OC7 23 ,319 October 28th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under. consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 26325--approved_t 22nd3---- 1919 -, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- __£ar_�uta_and �i11A _ia_gx sl i)l�„_thQ �1J.�Y_ in _$tir�sen's_ Su ------inion of Blk. 83, iymand Dayton's Addition, from Arcade St. to Mendota St. - - ------------------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ------- and the total cost thereof is $_____ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ------------------ I ----------------------------- ________________________________ -----------------=----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. `1. ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three .9r. more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------ -L- ------- -----------,------- Commiss' ner of PubWE orks. ------------- ---- - COurrc�e -.- .................... FINAL ORDER :) In the Matter of..-...grading--DeSoto.--.Street.-.Prom---Bzaivar$.-Avenue--to• Ivy--------- - Street. ...... --------'-- -----................-•----... ---- "-- ...........-:........-......... ------ - -- "----..........------..--------...---............ ................ ............... -----'........................'-------.......----,-.-..._..----....-.......-........-------...-..-..-...--'-----... -------........-----..-......-----------.....-..----•--'....---- p - - •-'..-...'-'--------..t------------ ----------- .. ---'------' --------•------------------------------------------ 26680 under Preliminary Order---.......- ._-i� -•ed. —.Sept 25............,...... 1919............................. FINAL ORDF7ne. IntermediaryOrder ......................................... C _ ....................................... _. A public hearing having been had uQ, Farna due notice, and the Council F. No. °Matte of 33rgrad g Desoto st. to, and havingfull consid-. having heard all persons, objections and "Yr° a.srar era aoe: o iw st., ade : y Bred the same; therefor be it r,°trm,5,_ , .or•_:zssao: apy;'a—d' _ e Peet 26, 1919 7 blit hearIng- -RESOLVED, By the Council of the Citi the above Im � as pies? ad the ;' ' n °}veSo o Street from Bra Ave., ....................................... - - -.zj ............................................. to vp Street. /�..IGGI-�....�.. ......................... 1......... ._ ...<.:.....-- ✓ cz� �e✓" ............ ............................ ..................''' ..................................................................... .............. ...................................... ....................... .....................................j ----------- ... -..................................... ....._....-- - - -'- --- - ...................................... ................................. .-'----------------------- .....--------------•----•---'_...--------......------------............................................ '.....-.......•------- .................................................... and the Council hereby order said i ovement to,)* made. RESOLVED FURTIiE ,That a Commissio r of Public W s be dish y in c d and directed to prepare ans and ecifications' r said improve t, and mit me 4o a un til for approval; that prepare/ sat pproval, th roper city oftici s are h _ eby au orize nd ected to proceed with making f said impr can in accor - ce th with. Adopted by the Council......... GCI .._d 1920 ......... 191. . ....-----...-... City Clerk. 8 1920 (, Approved . .---- .................... 191 WPUBLISIMD Councilman Farnsworth /p Councilman Goss - V �� Councilman. Clancy Councilman ldkz 'Dowe Councilman McColl,., Councilman Wunderlich i Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 .r �� PG t REPORT OF C., ON CITYPAULe RTM&N& FINANCEONER OF FINANCEIRELIY ORDER 9 In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved Se�teIribeT--_25thL 1919.-____--..___.._---____--------__-____ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 7'78y1'/;• 92 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ OQ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ';LOT SLOCK� ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 3 Stone & Morton's 2nd Add. 250 21 3 to the City of St. Paul, 100 22 3 Ramsey Co., Minnesota. 1275 23 3 Do 127B 24, 3 Do 175 W 3 Do 1375 26 3 Do 975 27, 3 Do 675 28; 3! Do 175 29_ 3 Do.- 202-5_-. — ronM e.a.w. 0-e A TOTAL CITY PAUL - - DE'.... � . F FINANCE . REPORT OF COMS,,IONER OF FINANCE ON PREL ]i A.Y ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 30 3 Stone & morton's 2nd Add. 175" 31 3 to the City of St. Paul, _ 175 32 3 Ramsey Co., Minnesota. 1175 33 3 ` Do 150 34 . 3 Do 150 35 3 Do 150 36 l 3 Do 300 That -tract bounded on the east, by De Seta street, on the south by Brainard avenue, on the north and west by Lots 1500 7 and 14, J. W. Bass' Acre;Lots, being shown as School Lot on Plat of said J. W. Bass',' Ac'Te Bots. 14 J. W. Base' Acre Lots 350 4 1 Jaggard's Addition to 100 3 1 the City of St. Paul 50 2 1 Do 50 1 1 Do 50 22 j. W. Base' A ere Lots 2350 23 a Do 30 Do 700 31 Do 700 •_. 16425,...=- __ ._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- — -------/- -------- -------------.....-......- - -- - g Finance. // /ORM B.D.A. 0.5 O Commissioner of Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor�ECE sv oD 8. =3 Deport to Commissioner of Finance 4, "'s OCT 241919 October 23rd, -___191___9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 26680 approved September 25, --191-9--, relative to ----a grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Street. ----------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ------ ---------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 04.80 per front foot T,781.92 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____-____-__, Assessable frontage 1,621.6 ft Exoess inspection $152.59 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 --- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. e// ------ -- ------=--=--Jt�xiblicZZI�. Commissioner (Attu of Ot. Pont of OSCAR CLAUSSEN,CM—Excix[.. .. '1'^^^ 11611' Morkir AY OI [M.IN[[w) J E GANPOLL. lupi M. N. T. GOU LEY. DE COMMISSIONER iwN wx0 w R. T, OOUNLHY. DEPYiY ALFRED JACKSON SuwiYO 1U11AU .1 H. W. OORZINOEREYP110N ' M. 9. OwYTEANrlx.IN[[w'.x) O.N. HERROLO•O..oc[ EMOINt)q , , October 17, 1919. Mr. M. N. GOSS, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Street, in accordance with Council File $86680, approved September 85, 1919: Estimate cost............ $7,781.98 Cost per front foot...... 4.80 Excess inspection........ 158.59 Assessable frontage...... 1,681.6 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/0 Chief Engineer. 27857 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ......................... ....... .... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEC PYt Jan. 9, 1920. COMMISSIX)MER........... ................. .......... .....:::.....__......_.__.......... .... ........ .....__.......... .... ....................... .... DATE ................. .....__......... _..._... ........... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Street, under Preliminary Order 26681, approved Sept. 26, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27517, approved Dec, 8, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and ,sketch in the ab ve matter bB it RESOLVED, That th-e--fifty=af St. laful fixeS__ d determines the amount of land to be taken 4o -r the abo-ve.' named mprovement as an easement for slams, for,ctits,, and fills-; in and upon the land abut-fing upoi—D'esotoAtreet, between the, points afore;" to the -extent shown upon the sketch attached_to�-the report of the Commissioner of Public yFks'"n the .matter dated Januasy 9, 120, which ketch and _Veiort are hereby referred to end made a�he r- f ncafink� NO' tterlot condema�a n e a rY C: F. as menu the- .Illi, in grad In thea s° eT is and pve.� Yor slloep Soto St: from BroinerdOr6nd tug gpr-, undor, y7 1G. 1 PProved to edlary °Order rice Inter a 1919. r of F rep. rtt op 1 ec. ne The itbt Yem b .i[t n sketeh Cn uhO n of all ter, pdisco4- t mn n d Iled tlnued. to mb9 Lbe Council Oct. B, 1920. �, APP owed O(Oct81G 19201 / °l� w Yes I 0 Councilmen (. 1 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council CIC I 1920- --- ....-.19 Farnsworth ON --111920 Goss ....__.. In favor APProv .... _. _ ______19/ McColl Powers Against Wunderlich6 MAYOR Mr. President FORM --s Tug of 4t. Paul grpartgtcat of Public Marks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY 1 -REFOFT TO THE COUNCIL- 27 OUNCIL- 2 8 5 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Le Soto street, from Brainerd avenue to Ivy street, under Freliminary Order ,W26661, af.l.roved Selt., 26th, 1919, and Intermediary Order W27517, approved Lec.,6 1515. To the Council of the City of St.Faul: The Cemn,issioner of Public 'V6orks herebysubmits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded por- tion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. _m_ sn� Commissioer o_f ublic Works p Lated _�/ . CIT�l . TUL �a .. . DEPARTMEQF.PAFINANCE REPORT OF COmmg, 19NER OF FINANCEb; ON PRELIM ARY ORDER � 1� In the Matter of —Conde' ---- n nZ and taking an_easement in the land necessary for slopes, ----'--------"------' - --'------ for cuts and fills in grading DeSoto street from Brainard avenue to' Ivy. street, under Preliminary Order approved ..... -................ -------------- -------- ---.----- — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 25.00 — The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION .20 3 Stone & Morton's 2nd Add., 250 21 '3 to the City of. St. Paul, 190 22 3 Ramsey Co., Minnesota. 127$ 23 3 1 Do 127D 24 3 Do 175 26 3 Do 1375 26 3 Do 976. 27 3 Do 676 I 28 3- Do 175 _ 29 3 __ Do- -- 2026 _ TOTAL 8300 .- CIT -6 Ol*- PAUL Awl DEPARTMEW OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI(?14FR OF FINANCE ON PREL13NARY ORDER - (C) : LOT i� DE SCR I PT [ON BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION A 30', 3 ,Stone & Morton's 2nd Add. 1`3$ 'i 31 3 to the City of St. Paul, 175 82I 3 Ramsey Co., Minnesota. 1175 33, 3 Do- 150 34 3 Do 150 35 3 Do 150. 36, 3 Do 300 ,I That tract bounded on the;east by De Sota street, on the �: on no and west by Lota 1500 south by Braina9d avenue ,the �� 1 e o, being shown as School 7 and 14, J. �J Bas a Ac r, * u . ,Lots, Lot on Plat of said J. W.' A cre Loth 14 J. VJ. Bass' A ore Lots. 350 4 1 Jaggard's Addition to 100 the City of St. Paul. I 3 1' 50 u . 2 1 . Do i 50- 0.Do Do 50 !i 22 J. W. Base' Acre Lots - y 23. Do s 30' Do 700 _ 31 Do 700 I� 17 ,i the aforesaid mItters, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to . him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �J -'...------............._----------------------------------- ------ Dated -� _--------.-191.-(`Commissioner - --- - LOAM 9.8.A. 8-0 C of Finance. October - 23rd,___ 191-- 9 - - ---------------- ------- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26681----approved__Sept. 25th, -_1919_, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. _ .. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes ----------------------------------------------- for cute and fills in grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- to Ivy Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --------- _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $___-___-____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. •.CITY OF .ST. PAUL, COUNCIL• RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM publication of seven hundred (700) copies of the 1919 annual report of the Civil Service Commissioner, for distribution free of charge to the general public, the necessary cost thereof to be paid out -of the Official Publications Sub -Fund of the General Fund. :Yeas (✓)Councilmen (V) Nays - •' n•• n Adopted by the Council ......... •�SLQ-191•;.•, Clancy Farnsworth Approved............... Q...:.....191,.... Goss ......... .In favor. Keller McColl .........Against •--•• - R Wunderlich :/'ORM C. A. 9 3M t2 -le Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller the following manual training equipment: one Barnes Friction Drill One Steptoe Shaper Twelve South Bend Lathes One Oesterlein Universal Grinder One Browne & Sharpe Milling Machine at a cost not to exceed $6767.08, on informal competitive bide, w thbuteadveitisement,:_:aB^ t&eeeuaxttiacles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Schools. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Vy Keller _. } McColl --•--------Against '•. POFM C.: A. Wunderlich D :3M-IY-,a -:.. - C. 'H' No R7gfi9-ftiYzBenry MaCOII Reeelved Tbat Che aV➢llagSlart of L71e �OtohU6el , _ .- SndLeaaetnaeda e -,'COUNCIL UO.1 rVFais. noPORYeY4g=--;. .O R M -. tswnehana4s; sPaerrea'IIeMrem1Y 7Gty Gar& la-.;antIIaFigad antld d3reN Subjedl: ---:---............ ... ----.. - t :ieeue auebi]lconeea to Bald D= ..... ---- ti LIDO yayment oT the T00 >� ^ ai'i _ .. -' V J , COISNCIL 2 PILE N 0 ............. . ............. . - - ........ T. lleoh ..Aeafaupant• :4 - ... .. • SS .:...... ............ . , - t '. .... ., ......_. ..r:...... •;�a ReatantanL . /. r i . "I 31ner fid` Jan. Date Presented ...................._ Q f............191a Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct hotels or restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be and the same are hereby granted, and the C#ty Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licensee to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT'` LOCATION. Frantz & Olson, Restaurant,. 635 University. Ave., Bernick Broe. Restaurant,' 515 Wabasho, St. Georgge A. Miner,' Restaurants 408 Jackson St: !" 01e A�%�Hab berstad, Restaurant, 894 Payne Ave., A. so}megal, Restaurant, 1319 F(rest, Enfield & Hellwig,' Restaurant, 388 Jackson St., Lura E. Marshall, Restaurant,1441 No: Cleveland, Joseph�Poidinger,• Restaurant,, 599 Nc Dale, Aurelio & Scandal, Restaurant,, 536 Decatur St., John'Jeonapolis,.. .;.Restaurants 193 E. 6th St., Louis Lucchesi, _ Seville Hotel, 77 E. 3rd St,; .4. Ford, Astoria Hotel., 374 Wabasha St., Salih Mahmood,, Liberty Hotel", 414 Jaokson, Math Hartl, Restaurant, 719 No Daae St., John a Swanson, Restaurant, 104 E. 5th 'St., <1_ George Georgopolos, Restaurant, 449 Jackson St John Tuttee, Restaurant, 327 E.,7th St'., Andrew Ledin,' Restaurant, 241 E. 7th St., UM7 Lepeche,, Restaurant, 459 No Snelling, Yeas Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council .Clancy Farnsworth Approved _......_ ..._�An .�1 Q..��2(N ..... 91 /` Goss Keller In favor McColl .----...., ..................................... „Against -- . I Wunderlich M nLT9IiED i AsaJn� Rearing. to bs set April,$. 1920, to ooinoide wild•gi ing order. _ -� PR'{t" Nu Fso60 i� {'sNbateea, A, Wrxx�rat�i dD�topobalator the 111lmalclag of ibe to11oW1¢g 1mDroPeme¢t, ` su � Cp¢etrugttgn pt, a sewer oxr'',Ue$oto at`r0et trtlm Stalnatd Avgnue ^to Ivy, erseet htiving begn'yreaentQa:_,to, the 4 +�cititit�lbe Cttiy�_ot St. Py ,;-• � ,¢^. The undersigned hereby proposes the making o`5 r _t • r<U,ra1 rmltc oven - `UO .......:.....A venli8... Dated thisday of W4A =, � Council File No. a,, �jQ F• •fit -7.60 11 ........ eTffiLLlBryf ..:.. 191ao... PRELIMINARY JUDEW. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making oft a following improvement viz.: Construotion.Of .,a...seWer...on DeBoto $treat.,•. from Bra3it0* .............. QatEaue-•-t4:..lgy.:. Stsoet................... ....................................... ........... .......... .................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_....................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works.be and he is hereby ordered and direded: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inved4gate the nature, extent and e6timated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..... , . ......... :: ..... ........ ......... ............................................ To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners rTTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . Adopted by the council......... �Ah . Q IS20 .......:.......191 .:. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth cola Approved..........................19t....... Hyland c/ Keller Q p McColl Wunderlich ................:.......0 ....... Mayor.' y eo.m c w 13 cam 4-17) PMLISI�L�••�4�� ' 217861 COLTNC TALE;I4V .............................. .0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of . ...x. .........I ............... .a......------• n j - , .., .....................................:......._.......... _... ............ ..................................................................................................................... __..__..... _-. .......... __......_............_..................._..._......... .................. under Preliminary Order .......................:.:.>:::--:.......... .......approved ..........1. C )..- _ ::.�.... :'-.::..'................ -......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..........` .............:::'............................ .. -0061 t .......................................................................................................................................-.............................................................. ().'1 -, � , - _.� 'o -'i,. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ ........:...._......._... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... .......................... day of .................. " ..•---- .......... 19$%Q..... at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the — y..? ....:.:....:. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAP 10..1.5lo.191 Adopted by the Council._....._ ..... .......... i JAN io 1520 Approved ........... ........................... _..., 191......... Cit lerk.- t. ....:.. - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Cross Councilman B&j@mtj -- �. Councilman 3S -o r`c.: ., V Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich %L Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCII�F9LE NO ........................ s Bye:... ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ............ .:.................................................................................................................................. .-...._ c ici' ..o c t r under Preliminary Order............ approved Q The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._G.;.:; -' .iS .i... _.................... .................. c. c> ............: ....o ........---------- :.: ................................................... ........................ ......................... .......................................................................... ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....: '_................... C ............da .;t,_t Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ ............- .,....... y of F.::::'..... s... .......... 194'.'x...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as esti-r.ated. Adopted by the Council............ JU[i� (5Cf1...._.-_.. 191......... 0 1-920 ... __, .... ....._..._. .._ Approved .....................`.�..._.......... ...... r k. _....._...... ............. 111 V.r. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman, Hyland iv__::_c'; Councilman KeJlp.j: �'c, c_•�; }� Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 U tr (7 COUNCIL 1I>+E NO.: .................. By` .......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER co t. , c: In the Matter of .............................:.. ......... . ---....... ...... j.................................................... .. .........._._................__..._.-..........-............ __....._ _.__.......... _........................ ...-....................... .................. .......... ... __ _......._ ......__.._._.......................... ._.._................. ....... ..... ._................. I............................ under Preliminary Order_.. '. :7 .. ... ............approved ... _ _ _.... _ _----........_ - ...... .-. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._c ^.:_ c ct cc :^at Ei - •'�--i_a :.,-.0-.—O- - -' 4,1 .::...... :.... ., :.. �_.... .................... ................... 0 701 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ................................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........day of -.- 19� 9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. X10 1K0 Adopted by the Council ............................................... 191........ AN 10 1,iM� Approved..................................................... 191....... 401 k. . Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hy{aird ;11:'.ncy Councilman Kellen: 'G';�y Councilman McColl (v) Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 � k,�, d Aw� COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. /! INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of _o ; ----..-... on Ule o..:; t r 3 -Cie 0_'.. '.. .......' ,il :�:.. .,� !:0...'0011 . = CL . ,., , 1 under Preliminary Order ---......----• ==✓`:.1 ............. ...approved ........................ ��.t.r...........z...-..1..r................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..........:..........."..............".................. v ...................... o^ ;.-iC .->.. _aC of C:_ -._......:'0'-a"..__ ....................... bet:;ce _ o .t ._.a tc oe , o c oc : ,,� ....._ G17= c7.6'1"lt - =1o:' ;t .._.................._............. ..... _...___._.. ... ................. .... __.._... -_......... ............. ................... ._.._-_..... _....._..... ............. _..........._... ..................... I.. ....... _............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...._..`...7�?...�i:-'o='a Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................IV..' -.h ----------- day of U�=''-' .... 1940 ....... Court House and City Hall. Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 011 10 1520 Adopted by the Couneil................. ................_......... 191...._.-. ate" AN 40 1520 Approved..................................................... 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman Hy1ald: Councilman Yeller. ; o : s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 e �,r C' er. Alay r. 27865 COUNCIL MF NO ................................. B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-' ..: ....... .._...... :.::...:.: .::. ..... - .. .................ti .......................... ..de: cats :'o :.o,:_ loc -,_as. .................. ......... -- .......'........ :`::. ............. ... ......•----•--.............. ......._.. -------._.................. ......... ._.....-_. cot ou. th t_��<_.,eL...z2�<>};..,,..�;,._._'-,��-��--..,,��..:;.....,f;...}� __.r._;..y _c.,,.:";"' __-•`t%... J__ .,t.�.. y��..,..r�j_�e-.�_.. ora adr to :.osc.bel A 10 = t _cis., 'oc.d Via, :est--___•.Cte.,.... ........... s .:t .ov:_ 1th .;t lo_ c south 100 _ of 10 , a ;ride.; ......'- .......................................................................................................................----••-........--......:--•.................................... .liC.o, C; I fit _'ii t;1 ""i., t .:C:. ., .uu l GO :t. UJ .. .... ."........................................................................................................................................................................ VV ' under Preliminary Order.............uu' � ...................approved .............:' T:......�.1.. 7'=: 1 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. %'CCC-<1�'v_'L:Ct = el a ,,r 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...`............................._t.................. .n_i _0')ai-' C. :.ea 11., _.le .,'. ciOl:,:.11at ".0 :_'Ol_O -"r' IGC::a j_G_'_S: .............. 71. �hc.;�ee- leo,._-tli,..e..-t.ca..,.y.._1:5.._;eL_lz;;_ 9;.; ..:...:c�,.,.j ._ ..,:,�....�1_.....�_ �.. -r..�:�i: ._ .,y.,��-r--• load. - t0.O^-. 'el ;t, _0 _ ,__iC•j i0 .: , .•]t `de, begin_ ,at .,e,i._.,,', :��." t .�.�c.: .,,..t.11 100 1., at '- 10 =�.at _... _..-......'`::.__ ....._. _ . ...................... ._........--__...................._........__........-r.....................-......-........ d0. j .�i'O C1llQ �', -'e3ti -ao, )o_ _ _ ^.t ..'i _;',;, Cl "ti' Ut, .-.`CC Sotltil ._:..............................._.............. _.._..-......_................. .-.......-.._.._....._.._................... _._............ ....... ....---- .-.--- _ ......._............... 00 t b_" '0;_ poet . 0.07 aor s c: 'G -'or with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ............................:... 10th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......................................day of ..................................`'.11:.:'-.'t'........_... 19-k Pat the hour of 10 o'clock A. IM., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting totbe persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .................._. Adopted by the Council ........................ Jun 10 1JLo191. Al10 ISLO.....................,i��=-�.F'��:�::..:Y.....tS..._:.:......_�.......... Approved..................................................... 191......... i ! rk. .......................... ..... .__ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HyTKWd Clancy Councilman :K€lle@' r O.: o "s' Councilman McColl J Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 27866 d ... ..::.:.....:..:::....r.........................- ------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....`: . . ....... ............ ---- - -- . ......... - - ----------- ....... ........... ....... .............. ..... ....... --- - --- - .............................. ................ ................. ............. 7 _.T ................... ...................................................................................................... - . ._ . ............ .. . ..... . ... ......... .. .- .. - . . ..... ...................... under Preliminary Order... ......... .....approved 7 . ......... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... L_.Y. t .. ...... .......... - "r .................. ............................ I .................. .................................. 7 o a 0 of 37 .................................. I ................................................. ............ L............... .................................................................... ................................................... ............. ................... ................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ !-14....: "'' 'oc)t - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............... a:.::............day of ...............................:'4.b 19U...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hay Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council iffitIOLIKO .............. 191 AN io 1920 .. ........... ..... Approved.................................. .................. 191 114 yor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman gy!Akii Councilman Kellet Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 0 Form B. S. A. 8-6 ,— ............... ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. .. ....... .. ......... A�Wt ............. I . .. . ..... .................... 1=72 ...... t1a ._n:..... S _'C:. -.1 T, tC ,"_'0-�', f,t. ............... Jac "n-tu'r 17-t�tf-= t be, t o 'C C LC --n 6t, t ---------- cc T - - ------------ . . .. ......... - - ---- 2 ........ ......... ...... ..... C ....................................................................................... ............. ................ . ......... under Preliminary Order : (' '-�3 pct. D L ...................... approved . ....................... _., ..... ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ,That the nature of the.improvement which the Copp! recommends isz_� - -- - ----------------------------------------- �. _VU. __�t to .................... ................. :; .............. ............. . . ....... ........ 0 ................ ....... ....... . . .... � d,�; _....'?..............1: - - -- ----------- t c r e �:_s t 01-d ..... ..... ................ ............................ ............ ... ................... .. ....... ..... ............................... ........ .......... ') �) 7 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ ".-. 7 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............10:i.'1 1 day of 2.2 11 r a_-_ 9T.0 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the .............................. ... ��. . , I Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JAU.10J'J2Q 191- ee .................. .. - :,a ............ Approved. ..................... 191 .. . .... ........ . . . ........ ..... ..... Clerld . .......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hybmdc Councflman-jkeller- Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich __on Form R. S. A. 8-6 27868 (yw,- 0,.\, IT, I � , COTJNC N _ . ....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ......._'.............................. ..:..........................:............ ........................ ......•_--..-....... -------- _.__------ . ,...e :0110.:---�� loc: " - n.:�. ............. 0.?J't....., CL"i , �1...;._...�n...._..........�....i D t,. v - - - -- - , I. ....... - ... .. .: .. - -- ........ ,,,,= _.......... ........... ....................................................................................... .............................. ........................................ 77 Oct. 2,�, 19 '9. under Preliminary Order.._ ........................................... approved........................-----...._..............------......................_.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is::'.i9..9.': a:l.�....-'.a1u :-.- :01.70::_ loc ..................................................... ................... ----- -- . ..... nu ide, t _ c IL:: e _-et::encs .......... v moi'' .._...,.O.V ... .:.,... S ri1-•� `-'r8 ....... . .............' b L i v, cc a o et,, 10 . ti ... ,.. n Cc ........... {�_�. EL;:gy......................................... _................... .._........................ ........................... .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.. c .,a,,.-_-_ root. Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the .._.._...}C7,.iq._............. day of .......... .......................... ............._.__...., 19�_.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. hl., in the Council Chamber -of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAM 10 1920 Adopted by the Council .................... ........... 191....__. 1 t JAM Yo 1520 ............ .. ....v, ...r- _........._...-.:..r:�... Approved..................................................... 191......... Ci y Cler . .................... ........... ........_... ....�....L .-' '�° -..: - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman,Iyl�ad Councilman ]3O , i•o::o_ Councilman McColl O Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 2 869 X) CGUN, ........... ------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER C� .� �_ �.0 :. ,.. .? OY1 .....101.�0::.:1t_.. n., Lathe Matter of.......:....................:....:...........................--•-••------........_................--.-............�........................._.._ nortii o; t::o no_'t:1 _1.110 o _.., con 'St., '.o cool_ St. ................................................... ............................. ............ ........................... _..... .................................................................. 7;'-J ::ov. 17, 1J11. under Preliminary Order ......................... .............................approved ............. ..._.... ............. .......... .............................. ...._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -.._co ati'uot 'a er O" »Ci ;_;t. O} ^, 1)0�nt 25 :- t•...._:O'_'ta o_� '1;`I :1C1't 1 111':0 Of ..............-,...,�.:::...............�....-.-................................................. ................................ ... _._..........__..__.._....._,...__._........_._........................ ............................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......... :`.'. 00..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................ day of r.ebruai:fir......._.._...., 19i�._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......_ duh 10.1J2.0 ............... 191......... AN 10 Approved... ............................ ................... 191......... Ci Cie k. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hy -laid Councilman.I€eHer Q_,!003 - Councilman McColl Lfi/ Councilman Wunderlich eyor od`s n.. -Form B. S. A. 8-6 'A. 7o—$y s A. 7-fi.w;-;- Conde ins and m 3nB' an t In Z S., npl-and pa t 4j.., <6: BLlneoggnrr's subdlvl ion. . . . . . .Purese�,, under COUNCIL, ---- ------------ Z 1 1-1 .................. ............................... ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER �n .......... ..... _ .... ...... ... . ...... In the Matter of ......... __ ................. ........................... 0 0 ............. 0 -� 1, , 0 e -.:- - S___ f ................................... ............................. .............. .............. ........... .................. .................. ... t*.; C) o -_ I _� t, . (-I.-- , I -, :_'� i_, � �� �� C, " _, � - G 0 ` �,�_Ct -�Ic:_t ....o of ..................... .. ..... . . ....... .................................. ......................... . .......... .. . ..... .. ` ItZli) 0c, ........ . .... :3 . ............. ... . .. ...... ...... .......... ...... .... ............................. .......... ............................................................. .................................................................... ............................ ............. ....... ....... 2 Cot. 7, !CIO. under Preliminary Order.............••-•---..._.......-...-•----•--- ....... approved ...... ..... .. ................ ... . .. ...... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ I -, 0 -., 3 ,,, - , _; -. -_ -� 0-, �- )0s . .......... .................... ..................................... ...... ..................................................... . ................... ................................. t 6-n '116 cas, C- . . ....................................... ................... ........... ........ ... ........... .. ............ .................... ....... - ----- _.-.7 .................................... .... de ST .... ....... 100� ... ....... )111 ........................ 3 .............. on ....... .... ......................... 0 q, .. ........ �=... - - ,: . b u3 t 0- �0 -_St-,1LjC' -.-' L_ ,_� 1 Coj�( n �i' _h reof is 5 .00.. no a,- cost t 4 $ with r-_"'a�fcr e hi -6d 'd Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the...... day of ob—, -,� 0 AL, in the Council Chamber of the _: lotJ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ----------------- ........ ... Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JAM io Wo Adopted by the Council---....._........ - - 191- Approved_ 10 0 191.__ Cl rk. ............... ayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyi.11- Cl,-nc'lr OMM100, Councilman KeffW Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 !,.•C- C. P. No. 27871—Ordinance No. 5239—I " I;y J. \f. Clancy— t (((Klll fJ `j�JA,, ordlnnnce se ttllnF •l afms of cer train employes in the Department or Parka, Playgrounds and Public j liulldin Fs for Bala ries arned bs- ]f tween the 16th ad 31st, days of De- An ordinance settling claims of certain employes in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for salaries earned between the 16th And 31st days of December, 1917. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Judgment and Compromise Account of the General Fund, to the following named persons in the amount set opposite each of their names: Joseph Hubrecht $36.00 Frank Drassal 32.50 Elinor Giantvalley 35.00 C. R. Johnston 36.00 Leo Maloney 37.50 Victor Peterson 40.00 Ruth Smith 35.00 R. H. Vitt 40.00 W. G. Walsh 36.00 Said, gW.%,gte are ,Ln,.full settlement of the claim of each of the above named employes, arising by reason of unpaid salaries and wages. due them for services performed for the Department of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings between the 16th and 31st days of December, 1917. Section 2. Said sums of money shall be paid to the said claimants upon their execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for salaries and wages due them prior to the let day of January, 1918. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council , AN ;A Yeas _ JiJ(1 u4i_5�O Lir. C1-;z3y 40ele- th C ty C!Q rk McColl Powers _ Wunderlich ' C TY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PL YGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS PAY ROLL MONTH OFCi7K�fi(i �/� 191 SHEET No DISTRIBUTIO N P A R T I C U L A R 5 i PUBLIC PARKS FUND PUBLIC PUBLIC PLAYGROUND'",. BUILDING ACTIVITIES FUND FUND OUGHT FORWARD NUMBER lea 6684c�l000 668x; I d� too A. c,c� 6686 c �ao2 6687.. lea QC88 ,/ ADD �r�/ %D . a�cfGO :. 66910. Ar0 0 .: o ,/%/•alp .. two AOOO 6692- r3�ooa i a��rriil�t� �I �r Por- A A 46, 2 H 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No i3sB 26 --....... L. . r.. - Y TR AUDITED AUDITED .... ... ........... ....... PER ........... ......... .. ............... ............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council......__ _... ..... ...... 191 Clancy Farnsworth C F Sto. 24 i2 App _�._._._12 �y�Q............._. 191 Abstract Goss Resolved thah warrants 'be, d% "w ?upon the Clty Treasury, payab6 at of the her0lnatter speclair funds and 1n favor of the pemona, _firms Ot CotFora ._.. ..__. ...._. _.._..._..._ .....__... ... .._.._...__........_.. tions' -for the amounts 'set oppoelte MAYOR McColl their'reapectlye names es, apeclaed .in, . the following detailed statement:. - WunderlichANstract. Mldwa'; ume & Cement Company, Mr. President, Elect Hodgson isa 20. g Northwestern ric Equipment company.: $140.66. . Superior. RefinI Company ,1920, AdoptedLby the Council Jan. 12r 1920. l e.,,,revedJan.--12, 1820_._ 190 Midway Lime & Cement CompwWp Fire 191 Northwestern Electric. Equipment CompaEY, Police 55.19 Fire 46.22 Fol. & F. Alarm 4.52 B • .5X schools 34 lg$ superior Refining Company, Mumic . Oar. Reel„ Total 265.70 U 86.20 86,85 CITY OF ST. PALL `" r. -_ "" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r °°°'°`L No AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM NO- ........ -••-- FILE Fern -A A 40,2 N 7-18 25 JAN 1 -� 1920 AUDITED ............... Ho R ' _.... ... ... PER---------- -------------_. ................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the r787a— _ f the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Abat act. ed that warrants b drawn persons, firms or corporations for the amounts sel city T a rycdpayabte o�pud�t as specified in the following detailed statement: h Inaft rfie fq.d u1-. ' Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays f: the V= -fir as..p Delle s �• � n for, the am rea .ctfor,ve names m .peel ed In [ed by the Councll.........J l� Iowing-d tailed laity is Clancy i.e. Maer Company S27 b6 ".an supply Co., - `i Farnsworth ._.._..._In dEngtne Worts, #rb ab s Ap ��#...}�.�.�.. ._........191__— t Battery ComIn, 3L. Goss tueofii to -i T tioratortea Ioc.. - =•+mbar Co Against co Edo. _..... _.... .... ................ _. _.................... _. -, MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson E4 113 American Meter Company, Testing Labe. 114 American Supply Company, Workhouse Schools Playgrounds Water 115 Auto Engine Works, Fire 116 Barrett Battery Company, Fire 117 IT. Bartusoh, Health 118 Beebe Laboratories ., Heth 119 Berglund Lumber Company, Schools 9.80 10,00 2.25 5.50 27.155- 6.50 27.55 15.25 1.20 . 17.00 2:00 4,00 Res. 25 Paget 120 -Hi; C. Boyeson ComPauY, 30.15 City Clerk: 1400 Corp. Uounsel 6.50 }. Pel. &-F. Alam[ 1.60 Munio, tsar. Revl;, 5,650 Library 3000 Auditorium 145 Water:. ll$las 121 Central Garage, 10•82 Munio. Gar. Rev1. 122 Central Scientific Company, 1S•�' Central H.S.Library 16.32 Mech. Arts H.S. " R.31 'IT } "' 123 Chieago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, l•95 Library 124 The Christensen Engineering Company, 21*'90 Fire 125 Citizens Ice & Fuel ComP.aU7, 15;00 Sohools 126 Crescent Creamery. 004=7, 27.90 . n, Schools 127 Day's Prest•O+Servioe ComP&Y, Munic. tsar. Revl. .28 Diebold Safe Company, o $.50 3ehools 129. Louie F. Dow Comps.11 $ 54.25 Police 7:00 Fire 2,40 Health 185.00 s' Bureau of Engineers 4.55. 6.70` a.. 9.10 Schools- .SO 7.20 " 18.75 Special Day Schools 3.60 Water 2.15 F 130 Henry Dreer, .1©` Parks 131 W. J. Dyer & Brothers; 8:90 ' Schools 7.20 Humboldt H.S.Library 1g-7$Z°i- . 132 cast Side Meat Market, 4:75 00#0018 133 $leetrie Blue Print Company, 120.40 ' Bureau of Sigineers 14.20 10.20 n' 7200 Schools 2400 IHif:'�Ef Ree. 25 Page #3 134 Electric Manufacturing Company, .8o,< Munic. Gar. Revi. 135 The Fleischmann Yeast Company, Workhouse 136 The Golden Rule, 34438 Schools 137 "Gray Motor Car Company,17.60 .-' Munio. Gar. Revl. 138 Great Northern Railway Company, Paving Como Ave. 117.00 R. 139 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 49.25 Workhouse 47.45 Paving Como Ave. B. 1,80 140 W. J. Haas Manufacturing Company, �z 25:25 Munk. Gar. Revi. 141 Howard, Farwell-& Company, 1.00"'" Humboldt H.S. Library 142 J. W. Hw1me Company, 17.55 Schools 143 Joesting & Schilling, 8.80. "- Schools 1" Kaplan PrintingCompany,. 141.95 01*11 Service 4.75 Health 1500 1$"*7b 145 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 1.50 _ Water 146 S. J. Kimble, 2.00 Library 147 L. S. Knott Apparatus Company, Y,437 Mechanic Arts H.S. Library 148 MoClsin & Hefts-, 176.41 CQris Office 16.20 om.r. a! Finance ,.80 " 8.40 Comptroller 2,00 Civil Service 3400 Police- 6.61 Schools 6000 Johnson H.t. Library 132040 f 149 S. C..Martin _ 300' Police 150 Merrill-Greer & Chapman, 33:86 aorViouse 15.46 Special Day Schools 17,60 151 Metropolltan"Koofing & Cornice Works, 14.11 Water e Rea. 2S Page:#4.S. 152 Miami Conservancy District Library 153 Midway Lime & Cement Companya Fire 72.00 X154 Miller & Holmes iorkhouse 107A0 155 Minnesota.,Milk Company, 6.50 ,Schools 156 Mitaah & Hook Wagon Company, Fine School's36.20 8;,©0 water35'185 85 StfS86 157 Mullery Paper Boz .Uompax Bureau -or Aneneera 71.40 . 156 National Gas Governor Compa;q," Workhouse 076. 159 National Meter Qompaiv, water 14$.80 �{ 160 Newell ,Electric Compal, 'Doak*, wharves etc. 1.50 � Water. 1.59 161 New Fork Tea Company# Workhouse 162 Northern Pacilie Railway Compwgr, workhouse 36 1 107.98' Parka Wnater 187.96 67.34. 51••52. " .163. Northern States: Power Company, Manic. -lop• Bureau F#re' 30.60 15.12 P, Gomrort Station 68,78 snhoale, ai4" Art .Maseum 1:63 Water' 164 "North Star State, .Tobaoco,Company , 30.72 Workhouse. 165 N. W, Copper & Brass Works, 5.C8 Fire Tost. Labs. T, 93 . 166 N..%. Stamp Works* Munk.' sar. .Schools vlbrary •80 1_ Res. 28, 'Page$ 167 oy Giitler:, N eb Brothers, 120.80 Polio® 1'.50 Health 58*88 Ebt. of Dog Licenses .45. Qya;antine 1.8® 16.00 Sprinkling .45 Schools. t2Mi�tplt 8.5'a'rL'iry X11.00 Lighting 22.27 Mw 168 Perkins-Traoy Printing Company,. 173.25 Poi. do F. Alarm 136.25 13.50 Parks 23..50 169 Zgo Polish Daily. & Weekly, da 3..85 Library 170 Reed Motor SuPP3,4 ComPants . schools 8.5.9 Parke 6.00 171 Renstrom Brothers, 5 Parks 172 Milton, Rosen & HK 66 2r+90 Fire�s 173 St.Paul Auto TopWorks, .75 Fire 174 St.Paul Builders -Material Gompany, 141;85 " Fire 113_.80 Schools 2.35 P, Bldgs. Revl. - 25:60 .' T4T* 175 Sjr•"Paul Insurance Agency, Workhouse 176 G. Sohirmer Company 4.88, Library 177 R. 0. Smith ,& Company, !Ionic.` Gar. Revl. 178 G. Sommers & Ockpanyl Schools Playgrounds .94" _ -Water 179 Standard Book Company, 9188 Library 180 3uperior;:Printing 8ompaEY, 108:Tb City clerk 11.78 Dairy 7.00 Water 181 Thompson"Meter- pany, 3152 a Rea. 25 Page #6 182 Tri-State Telephone & Telg• Ocmpauy, 165.41. Comptroller 5.80 Oivil Service 4050 Municipal Court 13000 Munio. Emp• Bureau 16.41 Police 4,10 workhouse 4.20 Library 42.20 Parka 2`000 Park -Adm. 18.05 Playgrounds 1;60 P, Bldgs. 7'.50 Water 48.15 1 ,8i'�Y. 183 Union Library Association, 4+ Library Villaume Box & Lumber -Vompany, 4.35 ,-184 Manic. ',Gar. Revi• 185 Washington'Foundry Compal, Fire W Sewer 0. & R• 3000 Schools 32,00 186 Weed,,Parker & Company, - 5.00 Workhouse 187 Western Supply S+`'pmP�ys 53.36 ;' x Police 2.72 Workhouse .54 schools 15,50 Playgrounds 11.15 P. Bldgs. Revl. 8.67 Water 14;118._ s lea Weston Electrical Sriatrument"Gompar�q, 9.3@ .; Testing Labs. 189 W. J. Westphal Fire 35.00 78.75 * 20.00 n 19.25 S. & S. Oing. - -4� 5O PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ........................ RESOLVED 1 k4 ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r / VILE ICOUNCIL NO...... rA..L?.d..: ... DATE) @Aft .._13.,..._1930... ...... '. That the grade of Hewitt Avenue, from Oxford Street to Lexington Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (Y) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7 Goss McColl Powers t••/ Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3MO-19 Adopted by the Council............ In favor Approved ...........:::... ............... 1,9 Against _ MAYOR NO. an F dl 27876 Ordinance 41 .. to ConStruet andDe Com yi "Op't. Cound "Fl, "I., An ordinance granting permission to the St. Paul Union Depot Company to construct ard maintain for one year a temporary over -head concourse or approach to the new Union Depot, at the intersection of Third and Wacouta streets. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the application of the St. Paul Union Depot -Company for permission to construct a temporary overhead concourse or approach to the new Union Depot, across Third street near or at its I Intersection with Wacouta street, as indicated in Drawings No. 365, 366 and 367, submitted by said St. Paul Union Depot Company with its application for said permit, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the erection and maintenance of said concourse or approach, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said concourse or approach shall be constructed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction or maintenance of said approach. (3) That said licensee shall remove said concourse or approach within one year from the date of the publication -19f this ordinance, and shall restore the street to its previous condition. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City. in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Nays rncil AM ;471W0_ ., 19 yes Councilmen Clancy Farnsworth In favor -1 Powers Against Wunderlich r&. President FORM 3.9_19 Adopted by the ou Approved 19 ....-....MAYOR ATTEST' JOHN 1. FARICN, XUBLISBED r_jty clerk. %'' ' 4, 3 L MORRIS, SHEPARD & DOUGHERTY AND GEO. J. GRANT CONSTRUCTION CO. CONTRACTORS ST. PAUL UNION DEPOT W. R. POW RIE. .. _ SUPERINTENDENT ST. PAUL, MINN., Dec. 24, 1919. pEC ,Mri N. Goss, Commissioner Public Works, St. Paul, Minn. DQar Sir: We hereby make application to construct and main- tain from a period of about one year from date, an over head temporary concourse or approach tb the New Union Depot at the corner of third and Wacouta Streets, as indicated on drawing No. 365, 366, 367 submitted herewith. This structure will not materially interfere with traffic as the travel on thiw street will be very materially reduced as soon as the new station is put in service, which will be some time in the near future. Trusting our application may receive favorable consideration, we remain Very truly yours, Morris, Shepard & Dougherty and Geo. J. ant Construction Co. WRP.P. By THE ST. PAUL UNION DEPOT COMPANY • OFFICE OF CHIEF ENGINEER W. C. ARMSTRONG, ..- ENGINEER �r • ..� " ST. PAUL, MINN., I January Tenth Nine teen Twenty t1r. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Attorney, City Saint Paltl, P:linnesota. Dear. Sir: I wish to cake application for permit to construct a.nd rr;uintain for ap- proximately one year, t� temncrary passageway across Third Street for transferring people from the new headhouse to the present tracks -while the first stage of our construction south of Third Street is being completed. The pas- sageway will be twenty feet aride and located approximately on the center line of daccuta Street. Ample provision will be made for vehiclas to pass both along Third Street and Wacouta Street. The traffic on Third Street vrill be v°ry light after the old Waiting room is abandoned and the new headhouse turned into use. Vary truly yours, PCA -B. CITY OF ST. PAUL •pow a ro. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE CIL No........... ,+ Form A A 48, f M 7-18 E9 JAN 13 1920 ITY .iPT LLER AUDITED............................................ 19 ....... . ... ... ...... .. ........................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the''" persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays IT4Q Adopted by the C until.......... �Ah. 1c.._ _........_..._.......... 191_._._ rte' r�— �. r Farnsworth In favor_..........._.�...lt�._�.J.2�.............191.. _.... Goss _.. ..._....._........ ........_...... ... ..._._.......................... ......................... C. F. No. 27@76— MAYOR Abstract. ' V Resolved that warrants . �be drawn Upon the City Treasury paYabie out of Wunderlich he hereinafter specified funds and I. favor of the persona 9rma or corpora- Mr. President, Hodgson done for the amounts net opposite thelr respeettve n—a as specified in 'the following detailed atatem-at: 'Ds'GraR Wolff $919.00. Adopted by the Council Tan. 19 1920. Approved (Jan 117-1920) - 209 DeGraff Wolff Sewer on Alice Total 819.00 U 819.00 Pons A A 46, 8 X 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCILNo.. 3'. i AU DITE AfV '1 OM TftOLLF.ft ...... _3..19 Q ................... , ....... PER....... t. .P�✓.`...�................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C nc' �AI� �'3 �y2� _ __..........._.._...------......... _.191_.__._ IN Ing F rthov ............. ...:' ' 191------ GOSS � C. F. No. 27876— --J 144 Resolved that -warrants be .drawn MAYOR up n the city T=,.y-pp�yabla oat ;of the hereinafter epeciaedfund. and Lacor f the persona Arms or corpora- _ Wunderlich Lher,.r r thea names sas aveetfledlin Mr. President, Hodgson the fBroollowing ing Lumber CoaE36.28� r Crane & OrdwaY Co. 324.82• . E nrA Electric Co. 810.14. Fer[Su-on Candy Co. 818.15. Genevieve Fitzgerald 817.60. Manhattan -Oil & Linaeed COIDpanY. ,$427.60. _, ,,_ ..._..,.,...e.,t C.— $92.42. rice station. Jan. 13, 1320. 198 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Armory 199 Crane & Ordway Uompany; S. & S. Cing. Water Gaultier Sohool(Bond) 200 Essanell J�leotrio Company, Fire Munio. Gar. Ravi. 201 Ferguson Candy company, Parks 202 Genevi6ve Fitzgerald, Parks 203 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, Munio. nGar. Ravi. Sewer C. & Repr. S. & S. Ging. Parks 18.82 .55 5.15 2.94 7.20 Tff. n 107.02 112.32 100.55 23.23 42.24 42.24 427,60 35.28 24.52 10.14 1$.15 17,50 . 427.60. N Res. 28 Page #2 204 H. W. Electric Equipment Company, 92.42 O.F.-Miso. & Unforseen 8.42 Munio. Oar. Reel. 3.53 St. C. & Repr. 1.62 Workhouse 4.01 Parks -Adm. .72 Playgrounds 6.56 _ 14.43 P. Bldgs. 1.80 P. Bidngs. Revl. 19.02 32.31 _Z M 205 - Raths, Mills & Bell, Inc., 1#543.00-'' Parks 206 Scheffer & Rossum Company, 22.35. Munic. Oar. Revl. 207 A, L. Snyder, 100.700 Bureau of Parks 208 Stewart Products Service Station, 7.95 Munio. Oar. Revl. Total 2,298.91 o PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL is OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL ���.) ✓( FILENO ..................................... Jan. 13, 1920 DATE................................................. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with Chicago House Wreck- ing Company, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for the renting of the locomotive crane belonging to the Department of Public Utilities and now at the coal dook, for a period not exceeding sixty (60) days at a rental of Twenty-five (26) Dollars for each day, except Sundays, that said crane shall be in the possession of said Chicago House Wrecking Company. yes (J) Councilmen (0 Nays �T Farnsworth Goss Powers U Wunderlich M. President FORM 3M9•IB Adopted by the Council - " -U_- t3 IaCU 19- - An favor - Approve i -RM I.3 19Z� .Against MAYOR COUNCIL 2 V ® 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........_..........._�_.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJan. 12, 1930 COMMISSIONEt41(__11............................................................................................................. DATE.............................................. RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated November 22, 1919, between De Graff Wolff and the City of St. Paul for the con- struotion of & sewer on Alice Street, on the north and west sides of Alice Park, from the terminus of the present sewer north of Alice Park to the south side of Alice Park, be and the same is hereby extended to the 10th day of January, 1930, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith; provided, however, that this resolution Bhall not have any force and ef- t sot unless the sureties on the contractor's bond con- sent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yes (%') Councilmen (J ) Nays Adopted by the Court ' .414 I-Wa2.G._......19........ Farnsworth Goss ..............Infavor Ap ed............UI�_.t..�.. ............19........_ Ir po Against MAYOR Wunderlich W. President FORM 3,49-19 r St. Paul, Minn., TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the D2fJzeN��✓s%�le��/i_Cel'.�C�frglr,i�Cf�iining���ores�nfSgHie� � - to be extended to19- Owing to - - - �afa�c �oad. iQ�s-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, r r. ere is no objection �t. having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conee APPROV pt. of Construction & Repairs Commissioner f Public Torks. Chief Engineer. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............... W OKD A 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL2.78.7.9 FILE NO........... OFFICE OFL THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM In the matter of paving Goodrich Avenue, from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order No. 37801, approved January 6, 1930. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifica- tions showing sewer and water connections neces- sary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct.and in- stall said water connections in such plane and spe- cifioations provided for; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to ad- vertise for bids for the installing of the said sewer and house drain connections In such plane and specifications provided for; the cost of said e sewer and water connections to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund; all as pro- vided for by Ordinance No, 3793, approved October 37, 1916. Yes (d) Councilmen (d) Nays Farnsworth Goss Powers, v Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 31,19.19 Adopted by the Council _.....:__JAN 13-6.[0........19_..._. JAM 13 1920 .............In favor Appro.......... __........... ..........19........_ Against MAYOR 4 (� COUNCIL 27880 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED In the matter of paving Goodrich Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, with nebes- eery gas connections, under Final Order, Council File No. 87801, approved January 6, 1820. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas oonneotions, necessary to be made on Goodrich Avenue, from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. 27889—BY N. .dri.h Inrrtom mHemifo D Ave to Syndic to connect. Yes (17) Councilmen (J) Nays xww9' Farnsworth Goss Powers Wunderlich Mr. President • FORM 3M9-19 ppyroved Jan: 13 1999: 1 (Jgn..,17 3920) Recei.7ed all papers in 0nnecti0n with 1.11070 Meso ution. Adopted by the Council_.. . _. ]_.i ..�� (x...._19.._ _. ..............In favor APProv ......._............`�.�.`l..13 1920....._.I9........_ .Against MAYOR COUNCIL 278811 8811 FILE NO ..................................... FORM PRESENTED BY r3nm .. rnun�lcclnuca'_._.._......----.___.................................................................. DATE.................._......_._. Reewdew WHEREAS, One, Anthony Hackl, while employed by the Depart- ment of Wueation on the 17th day of October, 1919, received certain injuries to his right forefinger, which made it necessary to have an operation performed at the City Hospital to reduce a permanent lose of motion of aaid finger, and said operation hav- ing, been performed by Dr. Harry B. Zimmerman, at the request of Dr. A. B. Ancker, and the expenses of said operation amounted to $113.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay to the said Dr. Harry B. Zimmerman, out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of�One Hundred Twelve Dollars ($113.00) in full settlement of his claim against the City for said operation and medical attention for said Anthony Hackl. Yes (%7) Councilmen (� ) Nays .6kaer Farnsworth Goss McCol Power / \ Powers �J Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3MB-19 I recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner of Education. Adopted by the Council__�Afi 13..1120............_19_ __.. ....In favor APpr�v ......._-.4n..13 1J2g...............19....._._ Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: -- - ------------- ---------------- ---- ----------------------------- ---- --------- --- ----------------- ----------------------------------------- C - OU - NCIL FILE NO_ ............ Date Presented._...................................__....191.. Resolved, That the application of Lowell m' pierce for a license to conduct a male and female employment agency at 27 East 7th St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue such license - upon the filing Of the '- bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee one hundred fifty dollars ($151.0c). Yeas ( [)Councilmen ( V) Nays papers is h C""" -till" .11 Reso t' -1 Adopted by the Council, .......... lgl Appr- iN-191 43 JM- ............... .......... .... MAYOR Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller 0 McColl ...............Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 8.18 papers is h C""" -till" .11 Reso t' -1 Adopted by the Council, .......... lgl Appr- iN-191 43 JM- ............... .......... .... MAYOR Subjeft CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM couFILENCIL NO...........2.788191 ----------- Date ..4.CJ8191---..-.---- Date Presented..........:......_..._.........._......_..191.__ Resolved, That the cigarette lioenee No.24 whioh expires Feb.15,1921 now in the name' oP John Jiangenels 264 East 6th St.be an& the same hereby is trans• to jaoob Molkon 264 East 6th St. C; -F No E4683—BY Henr9. DYcColl-c._'� Resolved, That the cl6erett1921. no e. No.'24 which'ex pIrEe Feb: 16, in -.the name"e •John"Jfe.nBenete. E,6*.%. tat St.,be and tbe'eame 864 b".t transfJti red o>.Jacob Melkon at S Adopted Dy the COvncllaan S8, 1820..1 '.:ADN'oved Jan SE, 1BE9.` 17-18E8) t Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays _.,._-_-.JA.t1 13 1920 Adopted by the Council__..-... _ . .....................191.._. Farnsworth JAf1 �3 I'120 APProv .._-.._.-....- __..__..._._191 Goss In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 ]M 0-18 PRESENTED BY c�/,i/"W°"'O''"""........I.............__........ DATE............................ COMMISSIONE...................................................._._........._......................... ....__.......... i That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St.Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5073 , for public school purposes, Lots One(1) to Six (6) both inclusive in I,lichaudts Subdivision of Lot _ Five (5) , Block Two (2) of St.Paul North Outlets, amounting to a total of One Thou^and, Five _11undred and Forty ')ollars ($1540.00) and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant For the nurchr�se price in `'avgr of the o,°:rer or owners of t1le said land wren nroper deeds con- veyinF the same, approved by the Corpovatior CF,unsel, shall have been (lelivered to the Comptroller. ^he cost of the said land (fj?1540) to be charged to Public School Fund, Real S3state Reserve_._ COU CIL 27884 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- , COUNCIL RESOLUTlir-GENERAL FORM �. '/7_/) RESOLVED Yes (v) Councilmen (�) Nays -CLV- - Farnsworth Goss McColl PO W er5 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council -f5" i�w 19 Infavor App ...... JAn.....3..L�IG._....-19......_ Against ... MRYOR - n e �zrkrtts�tk hE ���u���tia�ti 27844 ALBERT WIINDERLICH,-.i-: - _F.ORENER=-Tv CONN145�O_ Jan. 12, 1920. To the Honorable the Council of the Citi* of Pt -Paul: Gentlemen:- your entlemen:- your Comnitteeon Lands for the purpose of acquiring property for school purposes, under Ordinance 110.5073, desires to report that it is able to acquire Lots One (1) to Six (6) both inclusive in ichaud's Subdivision of Lot Five (5), Block Two (2) of St.Paul Uorth Outlots, at, a cost of One Thousand , Five hundred and Forty Dollars (11540) This being; considered a reasonable price, we recommend that these lots be purchased at the total cost of $1540 and that condemnation proceedings now pending against the same be annulled. CODMITTEE T?esrectfulhr submitted, �� J CITY OF ST. PAUL !� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject ........ ....................................................... ........_..........._........................ ......... ..........._ r�_27885 OUNCN0. ............. Date Presented........................ ................................ 191 A11111111160-14- WHEREAS, the CommittAhe on Lands has reported to the Council - that they are able to procure Lots One(1) to Six(6) both inclusive in Michaud's Subdivision of Lot Five (5),Block Two (2) of St.Pa ul North Outlots, by purchase at a reasonable price and 2 WHEREAS, the Council, by res%iytion Imown as C. F. No. adopted January 10 — 1920, has authorized–EFe— said Com.iittee on an s o purchase the said land and has directed and empowered the proper city officers to complete the said transaction and WHEREAS, their report was made subsequent to the adoption., of final order No. 27572, approved Dec. 13,1919 which order provides for the taking of the afore- said lots for school purposes; now, therefore', be it RESOLVED, that Lots One..(1) to;.Six (6) both inclusive in Michaud's Subdivision of Lot Five (5), Block Two (2) of St.Paul North Otatlots be and the same are hereby withdrawn and eliminated from the aforesaid condemnation proceedings. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ('✓) Nays .Ghw-q Farnsworth Goss 0 ..............In. Keller �J McColl .............. Ag Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson PRESENTED BY RESOLVED' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i COUNCIL 1 FILE I�O............ n f l , ] That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance, out of the Contingent Fund for the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) and the actual cost of the use of the Auditorium for the Memorial Day ceremonies. C. F.'No. 27886 ' Resolved. Rat tho propar:clty otfl cera -aro hereby. authorised 30 .draw- sof ' of Finance.' Peau oft the Contingents Dollarso (3700.00/ anof d..the BaCtual cost'. of the use of the Auditorium for �the . Memorial Day ceremonies. Adopted by the. Council Jsa 33 19E0_.� Approved Jan..13. 1920. � (Jaw 17-1980) . Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays _x4ftffVr_% Adopted by the Council -........ JAM ...V3_ '.Vol . . ..... 19 Farnsworth 41 13 ly Goss ......... ..._In favor APpr .................... ........... 19........_ McColl r Powers �/ Against ....................... ..........._.............................................. Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3149-19 in `COUNCIL FILE NO--- -- ----- ------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....G.Q.?Ifl. L1Ct. AF...e._C.eme.Ilt.... t.i.]e....9ideVP.al.':.....iour...and...one-half. _.Sast...wi.de.,---an-- the ..-north ...eide.-.of---Thorne...Stree.t.,begi ming-.-at-.Earl.---.. ------._.Stxe.et......ihenae...w.e.et...ai.x..hnndr.ad...amd---twentX-five---faet...._exnep.t... where ----...gaud_.andsufiic3ent.sidewn-�_. lknn v...e.xist.------------------- - -------- - - i------------- --------------------- _ "------- ----- orne Street, oeglmmng at h'9se 26481 eet• thence west eta hundred and ept rJ t • ..... �:'1tY 1919. -Rve Peet, except where goer........._ ......................_.._...... under Preliminary Order.._-._-------------------------- of 1t nt aide -1111 new exr.: '' Preliminary Order X481 '. .......? iePt. 6. 1919. ...................................... Intermediary Order ...------...... . c Bearing having -""'"" " - above improvement u•upon due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the a d this t ons+an ave, lauve thereto,. athereto, and having fully consid- having heard all persons, objections and recomm:;dered the ear"- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....c:Pynatruct-�-- a-- castent-t-i-i-e s idew-2.1---k-s' - -' --'--___.-.our....and....ane-.ha 1...f.e.at.._w.ids,---on...the...north.--aide...nf..-Thoxna_.Str.eat,... _.haginl� ing.-at..E.es.1...St.ree.t.,.._ thence...w.e.at....eix..hundrad...and...twant�-five feet,-..-e.xcept...w.hexe--.goad..and--auffieient...side-walks--no x._exiat..._..--"---- -- --............ .- . ........_....."" and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 320. Adopted by the Council.___ _........pan.........i3 ..1...-. .. - .. ....... Approved .............. JA(1 ....... i ...... 3 1320 ............... 191. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss 4 Councilman lAtI}eR Po-vvere Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 9T. UL E���• �S' DEPARTMENT rINANCE REPORT OF COMMA I NR OF FINANCE llll ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof Constructing a cement tile sidewalk 4} feet wide on the North Aide of Thorne street beginning at Earl street thence west 625 feet, under Preliminary Order approved September 5bh. 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 8 The estimated cost per rot for the above improvement is 0.60 ro The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION ISI I Stly 75 feet. of 14. 26 Suburban Hills i 31715 13. g6 Do ;12'5 _ (Ex. E. 85 feet) 12 $6 Do i 1.3300 - i W.42} ft. of E.85 ft. 12. 26. Do 4 � I I E. 42* feet of 12. 26. Do I ` 45� I- 11 26. Do ilio); 10- 26- Do �2200_, (Ex. East 80 ft.) 9 26. Do �7 I I I I - TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. 0 RE IVE13 Office of the Commissio ier of Public -Works 1 ^R, `wo Report to Commissioner of Finance of SEP 12 1919 September 11th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26481 September bthi 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to constructing a cement tile sidewalk, four and one-half feet wide, on ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- the north side of Thorne Street, beginning at Earl Street, thence west ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- six_hundred- and- twenty-five feet ----------------------------------------------------- and___________________________________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 60¢ per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $_______-____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------ ==----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvers O --------------------- - ------ --------- Com issioner of Public kVorks. i 1� St. Paul, Hinn.,..........191 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following �improvement to be made: ............... .,wal�Ci.�..�! ::..! `.. �P..: •....... St. AMC. 27 from ... ..............St. A=. to .... ......... .....................St. 4. i NOW COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...................................... .............. .................... FINAL ORDER rt In the Matter ofr.econst_ruct1n9,- XelaY-ing..-Rnd...rep-ai-ting.z.;cement :slice- walks at the following locatio rB: East Fourth St -re -et -i south si-de-i begin-n-ing at--. 0-14Pdar StreetY the � east"._ 100 feet.; West Fourth Street, south side, beginning 0f Vit. . . .... . ...... . west s4de --Street tx Pete'r Streut'-th"encer-we-st ... to Market from Ea le Str''et to Chestnut Street.; Cho ;tn#7-'.St1,o'e, side, AvenA'e thsmo-o". ;-ea-si' eat-L�ZTrth Street, at Smiti? jvenuq=�`Jli_'. .48 feet., .......... beginning :�42 ,, , , ,_Bae f f '11h ... St. West Seventh ttr�_'et, south afae, ------ thence aast to Wfe_D-t $tr et. U;Kt.l e .1". side beginnixg I at the southeast corner of Market. St-., extended under Preliminary Order..... ..... 26459 .......... ; a v ....................... Intermediary Order_----.- ..... ........................................... 0'" A public hearing having been had up. 10 W Aue notice, and the Council t6loft L having heard all persons, objections and r gio, and having fully consid- '00-1.. eat" ered the same; therefore, be it 0 t ... - tkik� RESOLVED, By the Council of the G`" of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made bylowi the said �ity is -----reconstruct, relay and repair -cement tile ---------- -- ---- --- -------------------- ------------ ---- -** ------- --------------- ---- sidewalks at the fol'ocations: East Yourth Sireet--s-outh . gedar.Street., �4f�.nae east 100 feet., West Fourth Street, south side, beginning - . 120 . - f - e e Sf t west of '. Pet -e -r &treot,, thence -seat- to. -Market, Strjaet...; ------ ZxChalagO side, from Eagle Street to Chestnut Street.; Chestnut Street, south side, beginning 1B feet east of Smith Aven�ue-j--;thence--east--30---fes-t-.-;-----We-at-.-Fourth Street, south side, beginning at Smith avenue, thence east 48 feet.; West a-outh wi-de_'bergi-n-ntn-g- 42- -feet east of Fran -k -11-n-, `-St-;- thence eastto West Sixth Street.; West Third St., south side, beginning at the . I ... ------------- 175 fLwOt -------------------------- Je ras'r s aei S_ t- t d d th Yi east" SW '�-L"k, R' �%A' y6 Tor" " I Timpi4erx2neFfolge mag. Ce RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... J#0 ------------ ---- AM 13 1520 Approved.................. ................ ..... ... 191. Coun'cilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councihn.an.ZKOW powers Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 A V ------------- Mayor. PUBLISHED _91 �'_ 0 RITY OF L DEP�.RTM1NT- FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i lnthe Matter of Reconstructing,__e]y--inlr__aztd._r�pai-ai-llg_s€n-;LID— .s_.der.±.7kQ__.t_tk�e_ following locations; __-�Fot�rth St. S.S. be�inninT at-Cedara9��40—f_-,_v___..._..__..._....... W. n If S.S. beginning 320' west of 'St. Peter, thence west to Ylarket St. EX01221.E--fit-..._ea5_a_. S.91A_'c1�@_.�9.tSeet II._�11ef1-tIl� 9.r[ -ti w. Fourth St., S.S. beginning at Smith Ave., thence east 48 feet. _`-.------S---eAenth...St........S...S.....b.e8inuing.--42�.-----east_.sf _F _in st thence ,�a . tsl—I'.es - Sixth street. E[.._:_Thir-d....... _at..._the_s�the�s�_�orner_.Df__�arlcat _extended..---t-k�-e-nc east 175 feet. under Preliminary Order approved-----39-pt-+---2nd,-----1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: V The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----–-----–---------– The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is r - - - - - $— . �,7 --------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except alley 24 St. P.:.ul Proper 80650 Except ally west } of 5 24 Do 38000 except alley East of 5 24 Do 95400 (EX. Stly 1 foot) 1 19, Rice & Irvine's Add. 71000 East of 2 19 Do 22750' West of 2 19 Do 22725 3 19 Do 40 600 21 26 Do 4250 19 26 Do 2400 16 26 . Do 6250. TOTAL.,.`.,;.,:: G IOR .S.A. B -S A - The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /r ----1911._ / - Commissioner of Finance. rOPM B.9. A. .9 C FITY OF 5 AUL ` DEPP+RT.ME�NT rINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED D ESCR,I PT ION LOT ,BLOCK 'ADDITION VALUATION 17 26 Rice & Irvine's Addition 3400 S'ly 2/3 of lots 16 and .15 .26 Do 4150 1 52 Do 40 50 Lots 1, 2 and 3 H. L. Carver's Sub. of Lots 1 & 2, Block 53, 8250 Rice & Irvine's Addition. That part S'ly of 7th St. 6 7 Rice and Irvine's Add- 95000 (Except South 26 feet) That part �1'ly of 7th St. 7 ry Do 55000 8 20 Do 20000 18000 7 20 Do 6 20 Do 17500 The Commissioner Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /r ----1911._ / - Commissioner of Finance. rOPM B.9. A. .9 C a Office of the Commissioner of Public Works REcR IV . D 0 . ' s Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 9 1919 September 8th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 26459 approved__Sept. 2nd 9 2______191___, relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: E. Fourth at., S. S., beginning at Cedar St., thence east 100ft. W. " " S. S., " 120' west of St. Peter, thence west to Market St. Exchange St., W. S., from Eagle St. to Chestnut St. Chestnut St., S. S., beginning 18' east of Smith, thence east 30 ft. W. Fourth St., S. S., beginning at Smith Ave., thence east 48 ft. W. Seventh at., S. S., beginning 421 e4st of Franklin St., thence east to West Sixth at. W. Third St., S. S., beginning at the southeast corner of Market extended, thence east 175 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- 5. Said improvement is___ n-q_____asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner Public Works. ----- _----_- --_- ------------ ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is:07 penecessary e9 ssary f OOtand ). desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------- ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------ 5. ---------------------5. Said improvement is--- Aq -----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �(Commissionerublic Works. C - 7V COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By(��--� �. ............................. ........ — -------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter Of --r-ec-&n-str-uGt-1-ng-, relay -in -g- and- re.palring...cament t-ils.--alde- walks at the following locations: East Ni'Yitri Street, erduth side -1 from aedar-Streat; thence west t-o-N-abasha- -Street.; Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 feet north of Eighth St., then6"i iii5ifli-94 f E-�et NiJith St1'-6e`t""'80uth Stda-,* tFegin-rd-ng--at Cedar Strq.e:t, jhepce east 165 feet.; East Seventh Street, South side, beginning re th �r t P I at Kittson Street, thence east 50 Peet. Kittsdii Sty-&iyt d-ti:fn iad:a ................. from Seventh.-Streat-t-o 94 feet west of Cable Avenue, thence west 70 feet.; East Fifth Street, south elde-i b -e -ginning at Arcade Strset---the=-e swat 250 faet . . ........................... 2645E- Sept 2, 1919. under Preliminary Order ---------------------- 6. F. No. 27889 BY S. A. F.,,,n —��t ................ In the Matter of ins em 19,. -al Intermediary Order........ ............................. ing and repair ng eetoenit [lone oo ............ ..................... ........ walks at the follow, n '.. .1 g ' A public hearing having been had u East Ninth Street, outs Bidwe ., rr m to ba due notice, and Council re -t having heard all persons, objections and ]7eM69nJ'B'lI0 feet north f.�Elltkreto, and h fully consid- ered ,B..e north 64 feet; E"�' the same; therefore, be it south, side, begin 11 of the City of set, then,, =t - RESOLVED, By the Council !e.th Street. precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is rec.OAAtKA9trelay APA lmqpair cement ------------------- tile sidewalks at the following locations: East Ni-n-th side,--ftolia Cedar St-r-e-et,--thence.-We.at tp-Wab a a Street.; Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 feet north of Eighth Street ' ---thence- norrth 64- -fe-et-i , ---East Ninth Str-eet-, south sidem,...begimning- at Cedar Street, thence east 165 feet.; East Seventh Street, south side, begihHJig at "Kitte-6h M68t') thano-e east 50--f-est w K-ftt-son s1re'et . . ...... —a -Bt. side,.f37q.m .... Seventh Street to Sixth Street.; North Street, south side, .. - . .1 f- 'e'-' a R Ea eta beginning 94 e j� west of therY66 Street . ..... sQuth side . . .... b.e.ZiArinv at Arcade Street, thence east 250 feet. ........ . ................................................ . ....... ................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed .to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. UII A 191 Adopted by the Council... .......... . 'J - 2 . 0 'JA11 1-31�',20 Approved ............... ........ ... ....... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss eaundiman:Edinngh. Councilman KxFmr Polltl Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ------------------------- . .... ....................... City Clerk.'� ( ------------ ...... ... ... ------------------ - --------------------------------- -- -- -- Mayor. om JSiW'4> va CITY OF UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .!•-«� ' REPORT OF COMMICI ANER OF FINANOCI, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' In the Matter of—?econat-iuctin�-�_relyyin.�__r_d reirin�_cement tile-sidetva3-k at _ the following 1 ocat i ona • _—------- -------------------- F. Ninth St., S.S., from Cedar Str.et thence gest to VJabaaha street. min orth of Sth St. thence north 64 ft. ____ E. Ninth St., S.S., beginning at Cedar St., thence east 165 feet. x--._S-e1..z�th.-_St..-,-...u-:5.e.._be-ginning.._at-_Kittson St.. thence _east 50 feet___ Kittson St. E.S. from Seventh St. to Sixth street. S.S,--_be-ginning--941west_-of Cable avenue. thence_iv_est 90_ft. - E. Fifth St. S.S. be.ginning at Arcade Sti, thence east 250 feet. under Preliminary Order approved — ----- - Sept ember 2nd,- 1919------- - ----.---------------- ----- ------- -----------------��- --- ----------------------- - - _- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - ------------------------ 0.07 The estimated cost per`oot for the above improvement is— ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION North of 8th St. of 1 DO 2 Do 3 East 55 feet 4 (Excert East 35 feet) 4 5 6 ?:'ly 25 ft. of Self 25 feet of lots 8 and 9 Northerly 25 feet of 8 and 9 12 Bazil & Guerin's Add. 12 Do 12 j Do 12 Do 12 Do 12 Do 12 15 Robert's & &sndalls addition. 15 Do TOTAL, 126500 4500 121400 14500 CITY40 PAUy j 44 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Im !; REPORT OF COMINU94ONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELI 1NARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK + ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of lots 5,6, 7 15 Rob.ertle & randall's Add. :19250; lying S81y of a line 112.50 feet S'ly from and parallel to the S'1y line of 9th St., and lying Wily of a line 14 feet `,Illy of a lire 14 feet '.'.^ly from and parallel to Roberts :and Randall's Line. All that part of 2 � 3 Do 14009 lying Wily of the Elly line of Lot 3, extended to 9th St. also all of Lot 3. All that part of 2 13 Do 98000 lying betty, the Wily line of Lot 4, produced to 9th St. and a line 51 feet Wily from & parallel with the Elly line of said Lot 2, also all of 4-5. 4 36 Kittsonts Addition 13300 5 36 Do 11000 NE'ly 19.20ft.of S Wily 6 Lyman Dayton's Add. 155P 140 feet of Southwesterly 100 feet of -6 Do 3000 12 Stinson's Subdivision of 1900 Stock 96, of Lyman Dayton's 11 Addition. 300 10 Do 300 9 Do 425 8 Do 3150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon --to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----------- 191 . ....... � - Commissioner FORM ..S.A. 0-. 0 of Finance. 741 v� RE0E1 V ED Office of the COITimiSS oder of Public Wolfs P u,.,,! .I .,,, Report to Commi boner of Finance s tea 7 0< SEP 9 1919 September 8th, 9 ---------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under; consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No— 26458 .... approved ---- Sept _27aa...... 191_ 9, relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile ®idewalk at the following location; Be Ninth St., S. S., from Cedar St., thence west to Wabaeha St. Robert St., Be S., beginning 1101 north of 8th, thence north 64ft. Be Ninth St., S. S., beginning at Cedar St., thence east 165 ft.• Be Seventh St., Be S., beginning at Bitteon at., thence east 50 ft. gittson St., Re S., from Seventh St. to Sixth St. North Ste, 3. S. beginning 94' west of Cable Ave., thence weet 70 ft. Be Fifth St., Be a., beginning at Arcade St., thence east 260 ft. ----.-- — — - ----- -- is_________ necessary and(or)-"desirab"le. - _-- .07¢ per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $__________-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is____ not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. I J II�A[InII .A COUNCIL FILE NO........._ ............ By..__ ............ ---_------ ...... ... ... . FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of ............. ... ...................... ...................... ..... - _--------------------------- ............................ C-nc - 3t t Street, soutii Fide, rt _'Undcl "S t r:,!� t , tlhzlcc-.;o_,t 1 P n Street.1=^ feet; 26 oat fwest tlio-_ace,west to tlioncc east 120 'Oct. f 110storn LOo. el-st Side, 1,e=*n-, aty7l� tionce notil73 fe et'i A -,elb,r ;.ver" Saat-il sidci� bei --,,i 100,1'bot, -:rest o= St., tlience �t 34 feet. c s o Lit- 1i �3 i J e bo`i_-_nlnC 60 ea�,t of S,,_,Clicate --re' Seib,, t nonce nce ea.st" Is feet. Selby -77E). , souli side bo in ,in- at SICic!%te L. e. , t, ae_a0 e3 t 300 ft.; F -e o t s (, utla o7 Solby e. tlnence r 1, Street, er'st s_dc, beLin-1-ag '= soiltli 30 fl_et. -a:,:,iline :.vD. --ide, Coi.-.o-?Inalon A' j. , tln_nce nortin 80 be ;_'n i nG IDfeet f-artlior -.aort.,L then -_,i ce ortii 10 foet. Doviey e. s`,Ile, c. F. N� 27890—By S. A. F...wolth— Inthe atter of rec ..strutting. relay- 7 , ng and repairing cement the side- ... ....✓ walk. at the following location.: .......... ............. ...........Edmund Street,south side, begin- -- -- ------ under Preliminary Order-...- nine Arundel Street, thence west feet; 144 beginning 26 feet further ....................... ......... west thence west to Afackubn St. Intermediary Order ............ .............. et, north side, begP Avenue, thenoe �Poh due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above ' relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered heard all persons, objections and recommendations the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ;nvvmont in bp mndi, by fhe —ili Cifv i. A. I roJAW and repall st 4 _114", sod. then": WJ 0.4 th s140# beginpU0, at r0i t ftrt��;Wast -044, sift # bo inn UM At Us$ SM-'A#a� the Poe WootiWA, A1,44 i aagt.blde), `0 Fry -%4 t, A k6ato g at*o Avot two r s� -bo, 0 •ftode% 0ast $a. 4A be= SoWftWfe0t, -PhaUn A e* , hon" 31 94MdUtdi Avesi* gest :Ld t ap b0j1;*Ua .,Q* So reedbegiir-iMg '30 feet farther n6reth then ee north 40 feve-et. thende Dawe7 A e.s west side. beginning 206 feet south of FeVMIR A, aduth 14 feet. neli -hereby-orderg -gilid-IMPTOvernen t to be hiad6- ----------- aim tnel-Cou inner of PubE to the Coun- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner I same and dire -d-r— and speciiieati.ns for snid .-d submit ed and directed Etc o prepare plans a the proper city officials are hereby authorized ,ii for approval; that upon said approval, nt in accordimm therewith - to proceed with the making of said improveme 191 Adopted by the Council ---- ------------------ ----- -------------- Q�Ierk. Approved__ 191........ ............. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Keller' Councilman McColl ouncilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. CITY-OPP67 PAUL { �- DEPARTMENT. - ANCE `. IV REP�RT OF COMMIS R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA RDER (A) In the Matter of --23e-construct ing-__relay_irg_and reairi 1,j---cement---_til -e--_sidewalk.at _-...... ------------ - -------------t�€`.91aorr o c of 1 o ne `.----------- ---- --- cLaund Wit'---'' -be-inning at_Hrunde-3. 5t._th-nQe_�ae-ot-4_feetL beginning 26 feet farther west, thence west to is ac-ubin street. ............................. at Ve)sternSAve,T, S.t'-begbeginnin ,at �Edmund vSt. �tY.elYicenorth 7 Qfeet.etL --------- .-------..---Se1uy-=venue-.�.A_S....._einr-ing-1Q9- �eet_srest--0f-_Yry.._stre_et'- �;�en4e- viest 34 feet. _.......... .-..._Selby..Aye'-,---_5....5..._..Ueai:nn. n.g. _00 feet -e-wet -ef-- Yndic e-ayenu-@_._thence east 16 feet. - -- ----------------------.--Selby-_F.g-enue,----_5-'-S...beg ningat--S-yndicate_�venue�thence--_) est --30Q ft - -- ---ft Fry St. E.S. beginning 24 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south --- -- 9 - -e e - -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ---------- ------------- ---- ------ nin t o -P glen Ave. t en e orth8 ft 1 (� `?te'fari r fs;g n} WHA 4.Q �..D`ev;ey Ave.S;.S. �ep n th 206 under Preliminary r r approved -=-fie -� -�- -t33 --t-��HA-----r®-�°Frni-�s- U-.--ok��i�nG2--- +-.----5�-2-$-.---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—__----------- ----- ---_.-_----- -- .t, .; U.G. The estimated cost pei^.00t'fot the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ P The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 Geo. H. Schiesler's Add. 1125 n 7 Do 1500 6 Do 1500 5 Do 1500 4 Do 1500 3 Do 1700 2 Do 1500 1 Do 1900 28 10 Smith's Subdivision of 2100 Stinson's Division. 25 10 Do 245[0 TOTAL, /,(9 7 # CITY - OIG! PAUL 4r „•t DEPARTMENT 'T ANCE A REPORT OF COMMIS-- R OF FINANCE t .:. -ON PRELIMINA RDER� _-nd re airin cement_tile si_dewa Iathe Matter of' -�eQnstruetina,— __�1��i1 Qmir_g locations: _ -- —___-_ZAmund St. _3.S. beginning_at Arundel St. thence west 14_4_:CeP_t.._ beginning 26 feet farther west, thence nest to ISackubin street. ..----..............................EftlA ld-._ut-.--_&S-,.._bgg nn:ung--at---lY s -sx3lavenue- thence east i 2Q feet. Western Ave., 11I.S. beginning at Edmund St. thence north 78 feet. __---__SelhJ---w_v-_enue S. -St -__beginning 10fee west of_ west 34 feet. ------ ... ---- ----------------------- 541by_-Ave.---_S..S-,--bep_i_nning 6Q__fe_e guest- of 3yndic-ate a enu _thence---_ east 18 feet. at Syndicate avenue thence west 300 ft Fry St. E.S. beginning 24 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south 30 feet, -- --- ------------------------------ amli Q ve. e i nin t ohalen . t$en s o h 8Q ft under Preliminary e= approved oNta far gt c a ?-P De a Ave. W. S qe n n 0 6 nr rY PP �ff- -c ; { ' — e-� -n-i..Ave----tkle-n4e- Sy — -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— _ _ The estimated cost pernbtofior the above improvement is - - - _ _ _ $ 0.07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot. or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT aLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 Geo. H. Sehiekler's Add. 1125 7 Do 1500 6 Do 1500 �i 5 Do 1500, - 4 Do 1500 I' 3 Do 1700 j 2 Do 1500 I 1 Do 1900 28 . 10 Smith's Subdivision of 2100 Stinson's Division. I --- - ---- 28 -10 ---Do-- - -- - 2450 ronK e.a.�. e•a w TOTAL. GiTy-OF ST. PAUL ' $` DEPARTMEN FINANCE - ' REPORT OF COMMI OF FINANCE ON PREL"IMI A ORDER _• ,- ,. ,..-_...:. _ _.. -_.: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIy_N__ !.6 7 7_--5,- 2300 22 10-. SmithIs-Subdivision of Stinson's Division. Do 3578 ,. _.._ _19_. 10 DC 3800 ........ .. 18 10 Do •3500 I _ _ 17 10 Do 1500 - 16 10 Do 1770 South 75 feet of lots 4 5 8 Warren - Rice'e Addition 11864 .3. 8 Do 2� I North 59* feet of lots 4 5 8 Do. 90" 3 9 Kuhl's Addition 16850 ' - 4 9 Do 9776 13 11 Anna E. Rams ey' s Addition 2F00- 146, 5d 1 12 Do 370 2 12 Do 1375 3 12 Do s 4 12 Do 3800 5 12 Do 70(� 6 12 Do 37,00 I 7 12 Do 240Q 12_10 _ Kuhl 's Addition (Except Hamline & Albany street) That part of South the East. 330 0d of.. Alban of feet of the SE } Of SE of SW of. S.-22. T.29. R. 23. TOTAL I Y-� CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT IFI&NANCE REPORT OF COMMISER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 7:. - _ �- - ASSESSED it DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION I' R Hinkela 2nd Amendment to 5350 k Union Park, E i i H i' U -ii i fl l -- --- ---- - � 135100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- — -- 19-.....-- - Commissioner Of Finance. IO"M ..S.A. !•G C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works,,,,,, En . P. 1,2 -3 t 'Report to Commissioner of Finance %s „s,,. SEF 9 1919 Sept: 8th, 9 ----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. - o. 26455 approved_S!Agnd� ----------- 1918 _, relative to Reconstructing, relaying end repairing cement tile sidewalk at the following locations: Edmund St., S. S., beginning at Arundel St., th enoe west 144 ft; beginning 26 ft. farther west, thence west to Msokubin St. Edmund St., N. S., beginning at Western Ave., thence east 120 ft. Western Ave., E. Be. beginning at Edmund St., thence north 78 ft. Selby Ave., S. S., beginning 100 ft. west of Fry St., thence west 34 ft. Selby Ave., S. S., beginning 60 ft. east of Syndicate Ave., thence east"l8 ft. Selby Ave., S. S., beginning at Syndicate Ave., thence west 300 ft. Fry St., E. S., beginning 24 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south 30 ft. Hemline Ave., W. S., beginning at Como -Phalen Ave., thence north 80 ft; ' beginning 90 ft. farther north, thence north 40 ft. Dewey Ave., W. S., beginning 206 ft. south of Feronia Ave., thence south 14 ft. _ and t e --h nature and extentssal improvement �sas`-follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --not----------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ommy sinner . of Public Works Of%ce of the Commissioner of Public WorksRECEIVEo . - FAR rJSw O a \Vr/Vt Y 01"o Ani ad .-- J pNa�•�1Lr, fi?ham'SEP 9 1918 5i a----191---- �J Sl��• 8th -- 2 _ p. .r L FSS F I ' 6 C t�.'3' s L 6 S S ilii � ry 1, ryl; � :. y '" •. (� . ... 5:: Tp 'G vC` d' 4 $=' ' n t n ___________________________________________________________________________ - ----------------------------------------------- ______________________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. .07V per equare foot I The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $___-____-__-, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a 11 part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- no 5. Said improvement is_----- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ommsioner of Public or C:OUNCII. FILE XO.-..._._ ............... By t FINAL ORDER In the Mnitnr n£ Reconstructing, relayint,r and repairing Conant the sidocialiss at the follmine locations: Douglas S reQt, crest side, from Up'st Saventh to Sturgis gestt 13niversit 3enue south nide beginning 2et seat of Rent Street, thence east 8 feet*... Fairview A enue, east, tide, begiMiing 744sout'l of St. Anthony enue, Whoo south to the tra0k0* A.Anthony A ento south side, beginning 28 feet west of Avon Street* thence gest -A fol. KnappPlace, west side, begiming at Langford A'6nue, thence south 144 set. Hague Avenue south side, beginning 56 feet east Of Grotto Street, thence east U feet, begin--Jmg 44 feet farther east thence east to St. Albans Street. petunia Street, starting 40 feet west of east line of let 94 Union Park, thence nest and northerly 210 foot to a point on Lynhurst Avenue East* Aurora A enue, south side, beginning 360 foot west of Riots Street thence west t0 ftrion Street. cel—n> s A. FarnswOrth—� .tter of recons[ructinK', re]aY- ..d repalrinK cement file side- . ut the followin9 locations: _s It rest- west side, from West nth to SturKis Streets. - :it)' Avenue, south sitle. begin - 'i5 Cee, east '- of Kent Stree'-""-" under Preliminary rder.___._. - ____ __ ............... mast a feet. Intermediary order .... _ -..- - - - approved ............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it it of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, cstent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Comic intprovetnent to he made by the said Citv is asotrnstruet, relay and repair cement the sidewalks at the Pollossing :;oeationsi gest side, Pragn test Seventh to Sturgis Streets, Dans Street, Q7g fent east of Kent Street, University Aven,* south side, beginning theme east 8 fee . 74 fast south of St:,, Anthony g�3t!vie�r AV.e17us, vast nide+-beginning AV,enua., the'We sUtiril to the des be 2S feet west of Avon Street ► St. Anshan south sus T ' thence was,6fee at L gford A�sxU8,,,then0a south app .Place, nest side,, bats�6 149 fe0t't'..5G feet east Of Grotto Street, ague Av9stite: eauth=sides beE3n� set farther Of thence east to thenoie Saast 100 feet, begix::3ng at. Albans Street. on Peranle Str©et, starting 40 feet test et cera urst F m�e Park, thence deet and northerly 210 feat to a peint a¢i ZtS� 've zasto a nvemie, south side, 'bd91 Ang 3W Past nest of Rice Streets �turortmar A0 'cast to lAarion utreet* theno and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ali i3 �'_"(0 191. Adopted by the Council ___ - - - - --City Clerk. - L ._.. _5 __.... --....� .._Mayor. Approved__.._ ___ . Jill. i !J[-tl , 191_..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss r .CeaxCifmat<-eia�cs .,.� G Councilman Keller Councilmat n McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson 4 Form B. S. A. 8-7 I olrr Pain A �� DEPARTMENT = FINANCE REPORT OF COWWWO0191NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �3di1CCi��Zlt.--118._�J Sleiz- 1k3.-� ----- In the Matter of _—RecOrietructin�`relin}.d_� the following locations: — ---- - Douglas St., E.S. from W. Seventh St. to Sturgis street. Unive3 s&ijy Ave., beginning, 8761 i0ast of Kent St.. t},ence Fast 8 feet._.-_ _.S.S. Fairview avenue, E.S. beginning 74' south of St. Anthony Ave., thence South tothe tracks-'.................................................... .. --- ..... - - .......... ......y St. Ant ho.n Ave., S.S. beginning 281 west of Avon St., thence west 18 ft. 1.7 S.---_q�innin .._at-Langfota .�ve_•Ttrence 4outh�44-�s<4t.._ Street, thence -- east Hague Ave., south side, beginning 56' east of Grotto ". Eesti--_beginning_-44!.. farther -__east -_;hence � 9_�. s 1ha,-a-at-x-eet-�. ------- -----_- _100,- Feronia St., starting 40' west of east line of Lot 94, Union Park, thence west and northerly .___to--_a._poi_rt on L�nnhurst av east.-_._-----__..__-__ _Ave_.nue _--210_-ft Aurora ., S.S. beginning 360 ft. west of Rice St., thence west to Mar i on street-'------------- - --- - - --- ---- - - - - -- — ----- under Preliminary Order approved—.;ieptemb-eT--_2ndr-1.919+----------- —--- — ---- - To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assespment for the above improvement is - - $------------- The estimated cost pwpet'f<o'r the above improvement is - - - - - - $—___Q' 07 — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION E. 59J ft.of E.} of SE P?%VIly of 7th St. of 4 Leech's Out Lots 5600 9 3 yiackubin & Marshalls Addition 3400 g 3 Do 2300 jj 52 Howard Park 1650 l 52a Do 3200 53 Do 825 64 Do 4500 55 Do 5300 56 Do 1750 TOTAL I zs -. -,FORM B3A. 0.0A _ OI PAUL AWM DEPARTM -NT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO ��NER OF FINANCE ON P L 11NARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 57 - Howard Park X200' ..,._ .58 Do 3200; 59 Do 2300! 60 Do 4000• 61 DO, 22125' 22 4 Lovering's Addition to 2550 Union Park. 21 4 Do 1050; 20 4 Do 28251 19 4 Do 725' I 18 4 Do 2525', 17 4 Do 4625,. �6 4 Do 725. "I 15 4 Do 1275, i 14 4 Do 2750; 8 .1 Lovering Park 1175 (Except Sotlth 11 feet) 1 3 Edwin Dean's 2nd Add. 2600' Do 2 3 Do 3100', - 11 37 St. Anthony Park 5150 North 55 feet of 14 15 7 Holcombe's Addition 113©Oj 13 7 Do 10 300 - West 4 feet of 12 7) Do (Ex.W.4 ft.) & Ex.E.6ft. 12 7 Do 582511 East 6 feet of 12 7 Do 10150 11 7 10 7 Do 1000 9 7 Do 10000 TOTAL cjr�. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF C0A4hQAWNER OF FINANCE . ON P i=L (NARY ORDER DESCRIPr10N LOT BLOCK ADDITION - -. ASSESSED . VALUATION /.y1L100 Q -- 8 7 Holcombes Addition 1 14 -.. 7 7 _ Do _ 1000 , 6 7 Do 1000 5 7 Do 1000 ; i 4 7 Do ,1000 - _ 3 7_ Do .-280(} ...`. 2 - 7 Do :1000 i 1 7_ _ Do °; .120d 94 Union Park 1700 , 93. Do _.. (Es. North -86 -feet 92 Do 70800 - 4 _ Auditor's Sub.. Yo. 531650 --- 5 Do .7b 1 4 Florence Addition 7550 i 2. 4 Do 13450 , 3 # Do 4700 East *-Of _ 41 4. 4 Do 1800 West } -of 4. 4 Do _ 5 4 Do - 5156 6 4 Do 3000 i 7 4 Do :6450 8 4 Do 6200 9 4 Do 00 40 , 10- 4 Do 452A5 . L3 G'7 .D 'e The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated//=/r ---191/-----��- ---' - ------- Finance. Commissioner of Office of the Commissioner of Public gr1f EcE►V ED Q,FR N S lye 12 q 32 Report to Commissioner of finance y8,, 19191 September 8th, ----191- 9-- ----------------------- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -26466- -_approved___ S eptember_ 2n�p1_--9relative to Reconstructing relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations- Douglas St-, W. S. from W. Seventh St. to Sturgis Street. Fairview Ave4e,•E.SS.Sbeginning1ng 2761 741 southerst f oSt.Kent Anthony,Ave., e east thence 8ft. south to the trach. St. Anthony Ave., S. S., beginning 28' west of Avon St., thence west 18t't• Knapp Place, W. S. beginning at Langford Ave., thence south 144 ft. Hague Ave., south side, beginning 56' east of arottD St•, thence east 100 ft; beginning "' farther east, thence east to St. Albans St. Feronia St., starting 401 west of east line of Lot 94, Uaion Park, thence west and northerly 210 ft. to a point on Lynnhuret Ave. East. Aurora Ave. S. S., beginning 360 ft. west of Rios St., thence west to Marion St. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------ 5. Said improvement is_ not------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----- ------------- - - Commis loner ofPubr orks. Office of the Commissioner of Public 94ECEiVED. f W4 U 10 z -04 S3 S r g Report to Commissioner 'of Finance 1919 t r u4 T k nF r d - 5r r ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. .07� per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-____-_----_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ------ ----------------------------- b. Said improvement is_ -R(!t_______asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis wner of Publ' orks. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER:..._......:.. RESOLVED FILENCIL NO.._.....2.78 2, Jan. 13, 1920, ................................................... In the matter of opening, widening and extending South Street to a width of Sixty (60) feet, from Como Avenue north to Como Boulevard, under Preliminary Order 26818, approved October 4, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27526, approved December 8, 1919. The Commissioner of Public WorkB having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows; The South five (5) feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 32, and the South five (5) feet of Lot 4, Block 31, and of the vacated strip lying between said Blocks 32 and 31 - Como, and the South thirty (30) feet of a miscellaneous tract of land lying between Osage Avenue and Como Avenue North, the South line of said land being the East and West +, 4 Section line, and the. North line of South Street as dedicated in Como Heights. Yes (%) Councilmen (� ) Nays Farnsworth Goss NO Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the CouncilM�..•...�..G�.........19.yp In favor Approved...._ .q'1^.. L3 � f..._......._...19.`? Against MAYOR OSCAReLA or N. N;- tH....... J. e..unc,.Ou dr coHrirnucnoN A.o ALPR[D JACKSON, 9uPi. H. W. GOETLINOCR. SUIT. M. 9. ORYiBAK'HNo K.[RIOKf G. H. MERROLD;Oir C[ EH.iK[en (ttg of £fit. Paul appartment of Valtr Worka M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R.T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY Report to the Council In the matter of opening, widening and extending South Street to a width of Sixty (60) feet, from Como Avenue North to Como Boulevard, under Preliminary Order 26818, approved October 4, 1919, and Intermediary Order 27526, approved December 8, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul. The Commissioner of public Works hereby submits and mkke.�.part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is accurately described as follows; The south five (5) feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 32, and the South five (5) feet of Lot 4, Block 31, and of the vacated strip lying between said Blocks 32 and 31 - Como, and the South thirty (30) feet of a miscellaneous tract of land lying between Osage Avenue and Como Avenue North, the South line of said land being the one - one - East and West, quarter ; quarter section line, and the North line of South Street as dedicated in Como Heights. /j Commissioner of Public WOrxs. r rVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Works s FP 2 wo _3 o s ,4 w Report to Commissioner of, Finance OCT 9 1919 October 8th, 9 ----------------------------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the -City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._26818 _---approved_ _ootober 4th, ---- 1919 _, relative to opening, widening and extending South Street to a width of ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- sixty feet from Como Avenue North to Como Boul-evard.-------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---- and the total cost thereof is $----- xxxx_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 5. Said improvement isnot--------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- ---------------------------------: --- Commissioner of Public or V CITY OF UL DEPARTMEN INANCE REPORT OF COMMI ' NER OF FINANCE ,a ` ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of - Opening, i°: idenina._and extending, South Street to a 1^{idth-_of sixty (60) feet from Cono avenue North to ^tiro Boulevard Oc t once r 4th` 1919 -- ---- ------------ — -- - ---- under Preliminary Order approved ---------- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $---_-����- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION S. 198 ft. of N1v. j of 1800 N@/.4 of SE -- of Sr23. T.29 R. 23. 5 32 Como 300 (& vacated Quincy St.adj)6 32 Do 400 (Ex. Blvd & vacated Quincy St. adj.) 4 31 Do - 1 4 Como Heights Addition to 200 the City of Saint Paul 15 4 Do 200 34 5 Do 150 1 5 Do 1800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. —f---- - --191/------ �— - .. . Dated --------- - t(- / Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.9.A. 9-9 C CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . Snbj ............................................... _........... --............................................................................................ -;.U."" 27893 n1..e NO. •- ..............._...................._.................. Date Presented ..........Jana. 13.0 .................190. Resolved, That the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be appropriated out of the Contingent Fund to assist in paying the expenses in connection with the convention ofthe National Association of Comptrollers and Accounting Officers to be held in this City June 16th, 17th and 18th, 1920, and the proper City Officers be instructed to issue the necessary warrant therefore in favor I of Jes a Foot, City Comptroller. Vvv �O� 1 � 1 d Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays �� �• 4 Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... Clancy Farnsworth Approved............................................................. 19,1 Goss ... ..........In favor ..... Keller McColl.............. Against............................................................................................ MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -Ie .� re e ° '^• Form A A 46.2 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No.......i.Y.§ ' 30 - 920 ....... ......:.. ......OM.... Z ROLLER JAN ...... ..... ... 191. AUDITED.......................................... ......... ...... PER........... ... ..... .. ., ..,.r TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable. out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following JAIjl4 detailed statement: - M0Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council........ .. _ ._ ............. . ............ ---- - — 7 1920 r C.R F. No. 27894— a ante ovt of. prove Farnsworth Resotvea that warrants be drawn upon the C(tY: Tro , P Y ...191..._.._ �. _... .., GO58. � .the heretthe Pe soecl Orme or corpora favor oftha Pereone• osite ., tfone anam eYeaee Pecl4ed' in' _. ...... ... .. _.... ._... ..... ......_ spect ' .._._ ...... ...... ..� rf ve t the following detailed a St,ment: Co-., i 'Co., MAYOR McColl crane. &: OrdwaY Dock Great Lakes Coal & Wunderlich i6 u5„•72. Jac be, Diet. State Boiler .. Inapeotdr, $30.1Q. Mr. President, Hodgson 31aendler Bros.,;104.27. Load Co. 13,838.06. National C. A. Okdtod, $5.08. Tierney & Co.,..5340.55. Wfight. Barrett & Stilwell Com- aAdoPE d by the Conned Jan. ll. -p920 ADprovbd Won. 1711920) I x� 8_ Sc , 4 210 Crane & Ordway Company, 6.74 Paving Depr^�.� Lakes Coal &Dock company, 6,715.72 211 Great St. C. & Repr. 478.86 Sewer C. & Refr. 39.60 1iorkhouse 895.98 Schools 4,680.41 Parks 37.78 Playgrounds 70.46 Docks, wharves, eta. 38.83 Water 436.24 Gaultier School (Bond) 37,715.78 . 72 212 Edward Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 30.00 Water A. 104.27 213 Maendler Brothers, Sprinkling -- 214 National Lead Gompany,' 3,838.06 Water 215 C. A. Okstad, 6400 Water 340.55 216 Tierney & Company, Fire 4.- 217 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell company, 888'62 Schools Total 11,928.96 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COtl NCIL•� /.7895 FILEIVO ......... fff.���............ I............ DATE RESOLVED That the proper City Officers are authorized and directed to draw & warrant in favor of Benjamin Sommers, Chairman of Mayorts Committee for Fergus Falls Relief, in the amount of $15,000,00 chargeable to t?he Fergus Falls Cyclone Sufferers item of the General Fund. Yes (%') Councilmen (+ 1 Nays VFa�rnsworth Goss McColl l Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 If JAM 141920 19 Adopted by the Council _ _ __ . _ _.._._ .._.._............ JAM 1-4 1920 Appr ........ In favor Against �/ .. - ......-.- MAYOR . CITY OF!/.�4� COUNCIL RESOLUTIOYL—::N .. Subject:_._ .............. ---................................ ............. .................................... ...................................... cou 1p7�lp MENCIL NO. i t.:..�.5..v Date Presented Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education at his request and upon his recommendation, be and he is hereby, authorized dSto establish and maintain an Annex to the RandolphHeights chool in the Randolph Heights English Lutheran Church Building located at 1352 Lansing Street in the City of .Saint Paul, and for such purposes may provide proper room or rooms at said location at a rental not to exceed Twenty-five Dollars (°25.00) per month, payable each month upon request of the Commissioner of Education approved by the proper city officers during the . period when such accommodations shall be necessary for the purpose of an Annex jo the said Randolph Heights School but not to exceed one year from February 1, 1920. Resolved further that the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized to enter into said month to month arrangement with Rev". P. Otto, residing, at 1352 Lansing Street in this City, and that the said rental shall be payable out of the school fund Sundry item 41.6. -® 191..... Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays .X I4 NQ Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... Farnsworth APprov...... ..... ..........JAM ...J.'*F 42D...._-191..... Goss .......... In favor (.� Keller ............................... -� ................. .......•.. MCCOII .............. Against •...• MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 _ _ PRESENTED BY CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-%gENERAL FORM 3, r =A.a i COU CIL FILE No 27897 ago not James f.'5fapav'' t"1 kIFEi t ,an of the Cite ohavd brr titin by by pald.. Jsm,,, WEEREAS, An action was b?:�e �° ,gsi2j"' John Leier against James C. Brennan, police officer 'of the City of St. Paul, for an assault alleged -to have been committed on him by the said James C. Brennan; and whereas, said action was tried in the District Court of Ramsey County, and a verdict rendered by a jury in favor of said James C. Brennan, exonerating him from the charges made against him by the said John Leier, and the said James C. Brennan incurred expense to the amount of $33.10 in defending him- self in said suit; and whereas, the said assault was alleged to have been committed upon the said Leier by the said Brennan in the per- formance of hie duties as a police officer; and whereas, the said John Leier has filed a petition in voluntary bankruptcy with no assets, so that said expense is not collectable from the said Leier; therefore, be it RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said James C. Brennan, out of the i&iscellaneous and Unfore- seen Expense Account of the General Fund, the sum of 033.10 for the purpose of reimbursing him for the expense incurred by him under the circumstances above set forth. NecFi:e a.l.]. papers itt connncti. n with above Reso] � .-... QV MV�er Yu (7) Councilmen (') Nays Adopted by the Council- JAM 14 I.NQ.___..:..19_._.... Farnsworth JAM 14 19n— Goss In favor APProved....._...._.........._..._.................._...._.19..... McCol Power �+> Powers - ---Against Wunderlich MAYOR LiS Mr. President )� FORM 3M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL eORNCII 2I 898 FILENo ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................................................................................................... ....................... DATE...................................................:....... RESOLVED That the proper city officers be authorized to draw a warrant in favor of the Commissioner of Finance to cover the actual cost of the use of the Auditorium for the annual Spring Garden Meeting of the Men's Garden Club of Ramsey County, to be held the first week in April, 1920. Such amount to be paypble out of the Contingent Fund. Yes (J) Councilmen (;) Nays Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers �•/ Wunderlich W. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council ..__. JA[i.-111910.............19-........ ........In favor APProvi.' � C�.. �..4 I�E.o ...............19......... Against MAYOR Cen' �ar�en Club of RaMOP Cou* faint au[, Ann. 2789S OFFICERS uR. J. B. BEans, President Nat. Exchange Bank Bldg. D. L. MACII—osn, Vice -President Stillwater, Minn. 11. C. BAKER, Secretary las E. 4th Street S. L. S. TITUS, Treasurer Endicott Arcade Z. 11. 11Lm.As, Director 4th and Sibley Streets Fol C01*11MI'PI'EGS I'rogrmn mid Gntrrininmrnt— F. C. SIIEPIIERD PROF. R. S. MACKINTOSII L. Il. NEATnERDEE DR. C. A. UPTON F. L. L. BACON R, ZIESEMER A. F. Me BRIDE P. H. MCCAULEY Printing mid Publirity- 11. C. BAKER J. W. SEELY ELLIOrr HENSEL Prier and E.0,ibits— R. B. WARE PROF. LEROY CADY ALF. PERRIN. JAs, H. BURN. January 12,1920 To the Commiasioners City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: _ In accordance with your usual custom, the officers of the Men's garden Club of Ramsey County reppectfully request that you furnish the Auditorium for the use of the Club for their annual Spring garden Meeting, to be held the first week in April, 1920. As a basis for the above request, we will state that the meeting is' free, and solely for the benefit of the people of St.Patil. Respectfully/ /d C .G Secretary 'fie Men's Carden Club of Ramsey County is athliated with the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, and its members receive all the premiums given each year by the Horticultural Society without extra charge. Such premiums, however, are given only to the members whose dues are paid in advance from April of each year. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 Council Resolutionsass-General Form Department of Bureau of G� Council E'ro. Date Presented 191 ED^That the St Paul Cas Light Company is hereby ordered and dheeted to extend its electrical linea by erectin. pales and-in.ine Nbes themon to, the [etlettric4 on and 1. the toliowiv. alleys and street. of said city: Install two poles on Earl Street, north of Fremont Street. Install one pole in the alley north of Breda Street, and east of Winston Street. Install four poles in the alley east of South Robert Street and north of Fairfield Avenue. Commercial lighting. Install three poles on Clinton Avenue, south of Congress Street. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All of e eublettt to the provieiovelot O dive < N All Dolen ehovld be a<t to eo<h Ioc e shall deal ... I. aad approve, and any ,-,blie interest so requires• and when it sl :ldopted by the Cou Ycas ( ) McCOLL G WUNDERLICH �B KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN All 141910 Appro 0 191 i� Mayor Ok CITY OF Si. PAUL r c ormDeCouncil Resolution ---General Form- Department partment of 1 ,1 Bureau of .l it , ile No. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby .,d ... d and directed to eatevd its electrical lives by erecting poles, and suluviug wire. there.. for the tno,rrhai.n of eleiniety on and iv the following alley, xad street, of said eb,; Install One pole in the alley north of Agate Street, and east of Cortland Street, One pole on Duluth Avenue, north of Rawson Street. Commerciallighting, Fifteen poles on Valley Street, between Broadway and_....,Tackson Streets. Municipal lighting, With necessary guys and anchorsi C, A. No. 27900 -By M. 14. Gose Llghf Company 19 he ebYt'orae ea. aad (,,reeled toextend 1ta: electrieal ifnea by erecting .Dolas and 'atrfngI., Wirea� thereon for the:tranamlealon 'ofelec= ..d,.iy on and...lu the following alleys n.na,,:etreets ot:,..fd elty: JnatalV,l one Dole In the alley North of Agate f St. and Er at UCortIstud S.. Ona pole Son, U uth Avenue north of Law on StreeC + Commercial lighting All of such eatecelo.e, pole. and when .hall be erected and construct moved, subject to the W-lalon, of Ordinance No. 2424, and of all .,her lawful d 9 onnd, All poles should be set iv such,.cad.. iv .aid alleys and streets as t deem'; tt e hall de.ig..In and approve, ..d any gad ail such poles shall be take d qulr aj,', labile Interest so revuirav, sad when it shall an suds, Adopt, APDTO' - t1dopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH MCc M OLL W UNDERLICH KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN iTes •placed under-: t of Public Utilities and in all rhiv. the Connell shalt 11 be of such bright and character as, 11e .lnteraetr {i er the Council shall dttm that the ,hall so Order. unoll Jnn. 14, 1920. 1920. - 1920) ; 191 Nays Approv A'i A IKU 191 Mayor CITY OF 8T. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER -9 / 9 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No.._......:. _......_.... Form A A N,! M 7-18 '-'-'--' 32 JI~N 15 1920--------- -. -------- AUDITED ............................................. t Cl Olt R LLER �`- PER— .................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations r the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed: statement: ` Yeas (. V ) Councilmen ( V I --.• c; F *IZ,,N-97hat runts h drawn Adopted by the Council ............. ' on of ed that wa pon theInaft r' a y, pay bt and of: t�=arr'q" the he elna[ter' spe ifled funds and to if vo o[ th perS na fl ma o rA pore - Farnsworth ti na a ttI,e n to set ifled in, A ed -_, _ ❑❑t7�� (�`� th2ir can tine 0 as aPecifted In, --jRht -�R --.---.-191___-_- GOeg (J�the [ llowi details d state e t 'Ball E gl e Company, $60000 F.ng:i ri F C tract) g COm- panY $3 00. ..... ... ....... McColl F. 0., If & Co., $10.02. 11AYox y `.. `F. F. Afortoner pt..$60$. A. F. Sterton, Supt E66.60 Wunderlich 11. W- Tlce' Co $387$1. Peoples Auta Parte Co., $15.00. Mr. President, Hodgson Si. Rosea a Co, $149.66. . St. Paul Irald, $6.88. i - Adopted by the Council Jan 16, 192Q Approved Tan- 16, ,1820. (Jan. 17-1920) 219 Ball engine Uompariy, 500+00 Paving Depr. 220 Engineering & Oonjraoting Company, 3.00 Water 221 Handlan & Gomparw, 138.82 Workbouse 222 F. 0. Huebener, 50,00 Printed forms and blanks 223 A. F. Morton, Supt., Auditorium 224 N. W. Tire Company, _ n - _-, 387.11 ' 227 -rMunia. Gar. Revl. - Herald, 5686 Offioial Publioations Total 1,304.84 r ' sem' F CITY OF ST. PAUL c3 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER *7 27 902 .� COUNCIL No. ........... .............. _....... X18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 33 JAN t .......................... . -_ ...._.............. JAN 15 1920 / PT LLER AUDITED............_ .............................. 19 .... �� }� PER ......::.........:.............. .................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of—ithe hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council .....__.�An ltrl...iy2.Q.......... _191 ._.. ':Lf -' C. F. N 2799 _ .. Farnsworth Roeoived that wni ante be drawn A ed....... ..... 191. upon:.I City Tena ty payebl out t "---"- the herein ft ape Ide¢ funds and fl i GO&4 f r tit P. Fao H [ne': oY O D re -i tf for theam a to net PP lto; 4FCI+eII_/�•-...L'Lo th c.P ep etiv tna en a .p toed-tn .......... ... :.... .......... _........ ..... ...._.......... ...__ the Poll wins detail d atatem nY. I MAYOR McColl S. A. Farnsworth,Co r. of Flna.r $4.462.24. WunderlichS A Fa na w orth Com r. of VInance. $6.396 22 S,A Fyt ❑ orth Com r: of F1 epee. j Mr. President, Hodgson 412:898.92.2of Finance. S. A Farnsworth, Cr am . $2,077.411:.. 'Cpin'r. ofFinance, S. A Farnsworth, - $1,963.33. Adopted. by the Cau poll Jan 16, 1929. App v.d Inn: 16, 1920. - 17-1929)- 228 S. A. Farnsworth Com'r. of Finance Mayor's Office City Clerk Election Bureau of Assessments Reopts. & Disb.. Partic. Certs. Uorp. Uounsel 1,0mptroller Ilivil Service Purah. Department Armory 229 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance "orkhouse C.P.W.-Oen. Adm. Bureau of ngineers St, C. & Repr. Sewer C. & R. S. &'IS. Ging. n Bridge B. & Repr. New Crosswalks Sprinkling Fund 2C3.33 395.00 48.00 625.00 716.66 90.00 105.00 1,042.93 479.66 539.16 207.50 , 713.75 579.17 1,743.30 1,657,50 202.50 250.00 70.00 620.00 312.50 62.50 • 185.00 —8,396.20 4,452,24 6,396.22 Res. 33 Page #2 230 S. A. Farnsworth, cam r. of Finance 12 898,92 n Library 4,032.93 Auditorium 517.81 S cools 8 348.18 „ 231 S. A. Farnsworth, 00m1r�. of Finance - 2,077,48 r: Park-Adm. 221y66 Bureau of Parks 254.16 87.50 Playgrounds 115.00 P. Bldgs. 859.16 540.00 232 S. A. Farnsworth, ComIr. of Finance 1,963,,3*". C.P.U.-Oen. Adm. 394.17 ° -Testa Labs. 387.50 ' " -Markets 17740 • -Lighting 1 004.16 Total 27,788.19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER):� 913 Form AA46,YN 7-16 All, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM File °`L No ............ ..............f........^- 34 pfi1 5 ,� ...,�H„1...-i-.-`... �:,L �''.......---.. ....-.-. -.---- --.-_ AUDITED PER ................ .==_ .:.... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays JAH 15 I'm Adopted by the Council .............. ..._.-_........ _..._......._..........._.-.191 ........ :._ clan" JAN 15 1920 Farnsworth In favor Approv ............__..........._........._..........._......._..............191. ' = Goss r_...._...__._Against ____._.._._... .:_......_....-..._.....�........__._.__..._........ ...................................... .........._ MAYOR McColl Wunderlich C. F. No 27903— Mr. President, Hodgson Resolved, tfia[ warrants be drawn upon the. Clty Treasury.. payable out of the.. hereinafter specified fund. and in favor of the Persons. firms or cor. porattona for the amounts set opposite .their. respective names as 'specified to _ the following detailed statement:- S. A. Farnsworth, com''r. of, Finance, ;36.190.60 Adopted by the Council Jan 16, 1920. Approved Jan:. -16 1920 (Jan. 17-1920) 233 S. A. Farnsworth, Com`r. of Finance Red. of Bonds 1920 27,000.00 Interest 7,264.50 Perm. Imp. Revi. Fund - Int. Acot. 1,890.00 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Ftutd-Speo. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 36.00 �ST$3.-5a Total 36,190.50 36,190.50: n COUNCIL NO........... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY IA— Io0n RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 1, Wann's Addition, from Hamline Avenue to Al- bert Avenue, in accordance with red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (V) Councilmen (+) Nays �sm9" Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3149-19 C. V. -No. 27904—BY M. N. Goseof Ally Resolved, That the grade e in Block 1. 'Warm's Addition. from 14Amline Avent[O t? Albert accordance a• thred grade I1. I a on the aceompanying prodle <dT an.. "Com-. nded._by the Commisloner or Public Work.; _ be and the same. Is. hereby adopted' as tke atablished 'grade.- Adoptqd by the Council. Jan 16. 1920. Approved, Jan. 16..1920:.' j (Jan.. 11-1920) Adopted by the Council-----An.15 1920. ---19 - - O......-..._..In favor Approved....... Ler3.. 2V......._ ...............19..... .Against MAYOR Petition NO, erB06 � areae. a'..:.Abetraet.' the making of the PRELIMINARY CI Council File No.... .4.1.. R 5 at by the City of St. Paul, viz.: a...fset--------- .------ Street... Y rom........................... ................................................................ ............................................................. 191SQ..., - / Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the of owing improv "hien[, biz.: Conetruotion... 99...a.. oentent...tile... aidewelk...six................................. feet._wide...on.,th.e... outh...si..de...oY..,Eaet-,.Seventh...Street ........................... .................................... from ...J ohnaon.-Parkw.ay..t o...Birmingham..AV enUe.,...................................................... A3., ................................................................. .............................. ............................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...... ........ .............................. ...... ................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveHtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ?To ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ... dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Jan 1.5 1920 Adopted by the council.................. ................ ........ ..... ........ 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ..................... . . ..1.92D........191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 11 (IM 1-141 t O CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM Subject: .S.� G .... -......................................... .- 27906 --------------- ML-e L PILENo ............................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................ - Date Presented...................... ........................ 191-..._ Resolved, '['aY. i ,_;;i o' 3)'J. 30 i.,e a�),)io•,rlai'od ota: -_' p _lpc -.-1:. C�nr_Lun or / s 0 t_ ;(2 2 0 :oL: _c -7 'i'ect; all e :ce aiu l to -sono_' Cn,,-,lit %see. C' FNo: 27906-- na worth— 1 Re IVcd That the sum of S6UO,dU"be appropriated out of the Contingent i Fu d for thepurpose of aiding, in he 11 Fourth - .of July Celebrat7on; alsoth¢[. 1 the sum:of $1200.00 be set a; -1.0dn ut.of tfe Paying Por the n. use o[�the pudeI t riun; for public pyrposea a[ such{ tlmea..nsi the Council m¢y direct. sll, warrants Prom the .:.Con;ingent U. to 4e drawn In. favor. oY the.Commie- . aor u ,d_ef Finnpce :;and by assures by the Counvll 7ant 16, 3920. ApproZed Jan. 15 ,1920. (Jan. 15-1920) Yeas ( O Councilmen (1') Nays Farnsworth / Goss 1 Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-19 Adopted by the Council,_.-..._�An In favor APProv d. ...... jQ...�.JrS..iL��}.............191. .—Against -- ------------------------ ............ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER " COU\CIL .......22.907 .. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE ��• F.- A A N, S X 1-18 35 j ------------- -------------------- I - .. _C TRO ER0 AUDITEDJAN2.......... PER..._::. .............................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for onnosite their resp]„five names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N T ., JQn...............................6 1020 r c p xo. 2vs97 v Adopted by the Council....... _.... PI..._ that JAN 16 1520 J R solved -that a rants y drawn Upon-.1,th'e Ctty Te ury, Payable .out othe herein iter epeclfled fonds and A ed; .. Farnsworth p favor of, 1- A ya�sohe, arms or�cor- pb atlona for the utits seopposite _ ,theirrespective nails state s eDaelfled'.i' Goss,the to lidot tied et Lament: ,� George ; B c §d . 8 61: _...:. ............. _ . _ ...... _. M a Alice,Gr enwo d:. '9.37. MAYOR MaendlerB os, '35.63. McColl . ' x. W. B1, atria Equlpment Company; Wunderlich E1T'J?O'Leary, '32.21. 1 0egood &. Blodgett Mfg. Company, Mr. President, Hodgson 51o9.7s. St., Paut�"Boolt & Stationery Com parry' E886.G7.., - -H W. Slag '451.60. . "Mrs. E.. J:. Stiefel, §1b.26. - ,Ylctory Printing Co., E4T 76 Waldorf,-AlndeYy Co:. §910 60 Adopted by the Coonefl Jan I6, 1920:� �:Approv�d. 3an.16, 1920 - (Jan. 24-1920) as 234 George M. Braoe, Schools 235 Mrs. Alioe Greenwood, Library 236 Maendler Brothers, Library 237 N. w. Electric Equipment Company, Schools Mach. Arts H.S.Libr. Library it Test. Labs. Lighting Water 238 T..1. O'Leary, Armory 239 osgood & Blodgett Mfg- Vompanys Election 240 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Library 3.96 17.62 101.00 37.68 3.43 4.70 5.63 174 07- 28.51 9.37 15.63 174.02 12.21 109x78 886,67 Res.35 Page #2 241 H. W. Slack, 451.60 Library 242 Mrs. F. J. Stisfel, 15.25 Library 243 Viotory Printing Company, 47.75 Corp. Uounsel 4.50 Comptroller 7.50 Health 12.75 Workhouse 7.50 Sprinkling 15.50 244 -Waldorf Bindery Company, 910a50 Library Total 2,661.27 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIOI COUNCIL �r✓� lrlf /` FILENO....................Q............... DATE.--_J..nuary 15,1920 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the i. Contract Committee and rejects bid received for sewer on Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to a point 100 feet. West of the West Line of Oakdale Avenue, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. P.B. #2107. Yes (\') Councilmen ( ) Nays 9.11e, Farnsworth Goss McColl y+� Powers l,a Wunderlich Mr. President FORM.., 9M9.19 tell Jan. is. 1980:` 80. 98(l) Adopted by the Council-- Jpn.lE1..Ya. .........iq.___. Jan 16 1920 Approved ........ .... _..-_ _ .................................19.... ---- -...... - In favor Against .._.. M�VOR CITY OF ST. PAUL --QOUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: C OUNCIL FILE Nom - ................... .... .......... ... ............ ......... . - Resolved, Date Presented JP DV'RXZI ThL,t & Nvelrfp,nt be dr&N", or, the City TreL sure in favor or tile Co-,n:.issioner of 2imince, in the sura of Thref, Hundred 1)011urs to help defray the CO , St of tele tenth annur,l 1', tournarnent of the Union Printer's —Ltionpal 13asebFill League. • S - Far"e"o't=. F. No h,r..t be dl-W.f j�J79"I" sy ;, A f Resolved.. W;t - cli� T,.... on thCe.ennissioner -Q0)' I the of ThrdeetI�Ine'dred ($30D .the the,coat ot. the Union the to hl' tourntnellt j:;egu 11=7 , t .. no '13. tPIrt'j-'. National. j 16. 1920-! AI.pt.a W(t"*1j' o . 1920. Approved 2j-1920) Yeas I) Councilmen(V) Nays Adopted by the Council JR11 16 Ma -191-- ........ . ... 61wTer— Al A WU Farnsworth Approved 191 Goss_In favor I Keller 0 104�� McColl -Against ............ . ...... --- MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C A.9 3M 6 -18 109 17 Council File No....... 2.. Mr. Goes PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARYORDE ---_ - The undersigned herebr�s the making of the following ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.: Dated thi........... 151b...day 1960.... Councilman. PRELDRNA Y DEQ°°- f° WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thr of Ilowing improvement, viz.: ............Grad......ing.. of... Foust a enth.._8t rg et.,,,, Y.rom.. Pine ........................................................ _.Strest....ta...Laf y.e .............................. wrtirrsanr`"onnens. _1 ...... ................. 1910— .: Abstract. A written ProPoeal for J........................................................................................ - the'. fbnowlnB ImDroVgrF having been presented to the Council of the City 4'of Fourteenth Streete, van .................................. ... to Lafayette AVenu . therefore, be It ' eented tb theet.' Coun I'"gat thet"" m" "n� F_ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of P611. v be and is hr, is hereby ordered and direfted: ted: - .. . 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirabiIrty t ttl;e h naA�g. of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and eitimateyate .ha, npd improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improSement. ...... .. ..........................................................................::............................................. ............... ................................................................ 0 6tat'e wheth.er..or..not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 71A. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance Adopted by the council...............JA.....�6..1520............_.191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .... ............ >J.Af.. . 20 ............. 191.._.... igll' Keller d McColl Wunderlich....................................... Mayor lana Mayor. Form C A la (SM 4.17) Abstrnet. has a. acuten proposaf for the I Council File No.... a of }he following 1mprodement 2 a•1 Mr. Goes aaing and taking a ease11iEIVT �4/Jl/ UUII A! P the Innd nece��ary'for elope and ails 1n g nding Four 42Feet from Plne Straei to Ira Avanve, having been p�e9 nted ouncil'ot the CItY•of 3t Paul, be lt. ed That the Commie loner of o ke be and he as h raby or- idirected -`" eetikate the neceeslty fr The undersigned hereby proposes the makiye t the making oL sal bBe imp vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; 'he aature;.e' ld it .........l.anGemning.. caking..: saeement....in----the.................. .................................... lsnd...naoe as . . ;or: •alopea -for,• ute....�nd,..f 1116 in .............................. ' _•... Brading Fou?.tr.A6}� tseet.,... om...P.ine._at.rest-...to................... ..................._........_.Lafagett.$._Ac i?13Q...:.....:._........_.......:._._........................-_......................................................... Datedthia........ .1,5.th.....day of. ........................... J r. ..................................... Imo...... Councilman. PRELR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making oft a fo lowing improvement, viz.: ......................................................................Condemning... and. .t.ak.ing.. en...saaament....i.n...................... .......... ................................. the...:land.. nQ9gee..ary...for ...slopes .. f.ar....outs...and ...fi.lie....... .......................... .......................... -AA ...&radinf3..Fourt.eenth...$t.a ett.-f.rom..P..ine...Stzeet......................................... to...LaYagett6._Avenue........................................................................................................................ ....................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e9timated co€t of said improvement, and the total coil thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o ma e o owing other data an orma ion r................................................ '............................Y................................................................................................................................................................................ `6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. B6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth ,Ah 16 1920 Goss Approved ............. ............... ...... ................... 191........ Keller (� McColl Wunderlich........................................................................................ Mayor hoist Mayor. Moro, CA is cent a -ml Degartmentof Publi ' G F xo zislz—r` ' CouncilFile No....... . Ab . ' stract >: � - Whereael A wriEten $ropoeat ((or;thej masking; of the foilowing fmp=odement,. ]\lT IOpL•n .widen -and extend I,atsyette. $.Ydnue to a -width o[',elghty (80) feet from drov, jha So. northerly to .the ;Brkige eve rthe 800:r ine, GreaCNorCh=. 'ern n ,an cthern•Paciflc Rallwaye :by ,Yak(ng and condemn eLCIP of .land - seven (9) f et In aldth Yr m each side - thereof having ben Areae ted to the r� ' Ire, bj of the City .a SL Paul there OR..m ed,. That the cgtnmisaloner'':e improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned herebypropo ae to work. be ane .1 ,1. ne eroy •� rd and directed. ..r or;`(" , Tp lnveetlgnte, the eceasltyk'Q....a..xei.dth..o.f...ei t (B.Qj....f.eet 0 en widen and ext estrabilf;y of the making of Y F-.-... A...-'"-•• ..... ............ Improvemeat� ,l .3 To l,lveetlgat the na[ur•Ld e:--os.er. the...S.00-..Line......GTaet.-.N.Or- from,-Grg-y-e....9tX.eet }',and a timated oat 4 raaia g --- •--•• , meet and the tot ' i " tF �1t 3 To -furnish .there t ?d._Z?4rther>i ..'�t k;teTo �raidw , aha, -.by-,..taking... and... c_Qndemnin.g...a..s.t.rig of 7 fee f three or'mo,,1rQXQ.. �A.-:f�:3 CdQ.._tkl there -01. ..7.� r, ..... ........................... _land--_eenen.....i....1... ,-To "P., KV Dated thi...-...16.th..... day of.�''S.° JanllaT:y..-..... ti 19,30.... s Councilman. PRELIMR�Y WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following nzentt:viz.: 0pen,wi.c}..n....an.d..ext.e.>�d...Laf.ayette....auenue....to....a...width ..,of....eigh.t.y (80)..:is.et :from„Grove•-.->�tr�e.t�, n4?t.?�e.x.lY...to....th.a..Rridge....ov.ex..th.e...Moe...Li.i here d Nor-them..:.P&Q.IfIc...Railw.aya.,...b}r....taking...anri._a andemning...a..atrip of _._.. l;and.. sev-e�?.. (-7..) ..f.e.et : in WA. h:::ff_xszm...aiac ..ai.da,.:thar.e-of.. ...................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........................... ............ ....................... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said, improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and edtimated cot of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish'a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. A T ytftialr-Rla .uuO1/Nlg Eti data and information relative to said imDiOvement1.-......,--- ........................ ...-- ...... ....... f .. . ............................. .. ... ...................... .............................................................................................:........................................ ...... 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the fore oin, matters to the Commissioner of Finance. jun A 1920 Adopted by the council...........................................................191.-...:.. Yeas; 'Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goaa Approved ............. JAn -.. ZII...........191...._.. Keller V. McColl Wunderlich..................... • Mayor. Mayor h011 Form C A is (aM 4.17) ^ ' C[ X. PROCEEDINGS OF THE (� , / /� Y - -1913 ! tip\ OOCNCIL. ) V "INANCES. r An ordinance regulating the use of the streets of the City of St. Paul by self-propelled auto cars carrying. passengers for hire, providing for the licensing of such vehicles, and requiring. the operators of such business to carry liability insurance. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. An auto car, within the meaning of this ordi- nance, is hereby defined to be a (self-propelled motor vehicle other than a street car, with a capacity for carrying seven passengers or less; used for carrying passengers for hire, Section 2. No person, firm or corporation shall hereafter use, operate or control any such auto car or auto car line over or upon any public highway or street in the City of St. Paul unless such person, firm or corporation shall first pay the license fee herein prescribed and secure -a license from the Council of the City of St. Paul 90 to: do, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance; and the driver, operator or chauffeur of such auto car shall be at( east eighteen years of age, and shall be duly licensed as a chauffeur under the laws of the State of Minne- sota, and the ordinances of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. The application for the operation of an auto car shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk of the _ City of St. Paul, and shall state the type and name, the horse -power) factory number, state license number, seating,,papacity thereof, and the name of the owner or licensee, and such application shall be duly sworn to by the person or officer of the company applying for same. Section 4. No such license, shall be issued for the oper- ation of any auto car on any public street or highway in the City of St. Paul until the applicant shall obtain a policy of liability insurance in an insurance company authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Minnesota.! The liability or indemnity insurance for each auto car carrying passengers as in this ordinance specified, shall be Five Thousand Dollars ($5,00C.00) for injuries to person or persons,Cand the"`-.�,olicy shall provide for and be made to cover all injuries to property 'tw--may be caused by such auto car, not to exceed One Thousand -D'ollars'("1,COO. 00).) Such policy shall be in such form that it shall provide for the /payment of any judgment obtained against the insured therein, to the extent of the liability therein provided, by any person injured in person(O-r property) by reason of any act of the owner, driver, chauffeur_ manager or other person in the operation of said vehicle, and for the payment of any judgment obtained against the insured therein by the representative of any person killed or injured by such act. Such policy shall have a condition that it cannot be cancelled after loss, or without written notice to the City of St. Paul, and in case of any cancellation, the license herein provided for, issued to the person whose policy is so cancelled, shall become by virtue of such cancellation inoperative and void unless another policy is forthwith issued, approved and filed in lieu of said cancelled policy. The Council of the City may require the said licensee to replace said policy of insurance if said Council shall deem said policy un- satisfactory or insufficient for any reason, and the default or re- fusal of said licensee to comply with any such order of the Council shall be ground for the revocation of the license of the person, firm or corporation so offending. Said policy, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, shall be filed 'grit'- the City Comptroller. Section 5. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to run or operate an auto car for carrying- passengers as a common carrier for hire.,shall first appoint, in writing, the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, and his successor in office, to be the true and lawful attorney of said applicant, upon whom all legal process in any action or proceeding against said applicant, arising out of the operation of such auto car, shall be served, and in such writing shall agree that any legal process against the applicant, which is served upon such attorney shall be of the same legal force and validity as if i S (g) y served upon said person, firm or corporation, and that the said authority shall continue in force so long as any liability remains outstandin, arising out of the operation of said auto car or by reason of or under the license herein contemplated; and said written appointment shall be filed in the office of said City Clerk. The City Clerk shall issue a license to the applicant in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, together with a tag bearing the same number as the license, which tab the applicant shall display in a conspicuous place on the outside of his auto car near the front right-hand side thereof. Section 6. The annual license fee for such license is hereby fixel at Twenty-five/.Dollars (?25.00) for each auto car, which license fee shall be paid by the applicant to the Commission- er of Finance of said City 6f St. Paul, and a receipt for such pay- ment shall be presented to the City Clerk before the issuance of any license. The applicant shall also present to the City Clerk before said license shall be issued, a receipt from the City Comptroller showing that the insurance policy required under.thie ordinance has been duly approved and filed with the Comptroller. All licenses granted under this ordinance shall, unless revoked, continue in force for one year from the date of issuance. Section 7. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not ex- ceedinS ninety days. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passa;;e and publication Passed by the Council_ Jv .'Si 44 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes 1•dcColl Powers Wunderlich MY'7�1 esident (Hodgson) At t e s t � ��Z_�'1r`= r ; { -, X ..k_ ,..s�°'"'°""°°�•-.n-- f ,/ � 1. °� I q, / � ,rte - � "'g'.,.. �' r_,.?e�a}•,.,.cnsusa•:swsvcaw ''M1 `1 _l' r; a g f. therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOS ORDAIN: Section 1. No person, firm, corporation or association shall, within the limits of the City of.St, Paul, conduct what is ti commonly known as a carnival or fair or any other form of amusement or entertainment similar thereto, without a license or permit there- for as hereinafter provided,. Section 2. Every person, firm, corporation or association desiring to obtain a license to conduct a carnival or fair or any other form of amusement or entertainment similar thereto, shall apply in writing for the same to the Council Of said City. The application shall state the proposed location of said carnival and the length of time said carnival or fair shall be conducted. Such application shall be filed with the City Clerk and by him referred to the Council. Section 3. The Council, upon receiving the application hereinbefore desbri4, ,a6d may. authorjz6'�and direct ,the City Clerk to issue to the applicant a license to -conduct a carnival or fair at the place and for the time designated in.sa'id application. N Section 4. Such applicant shall, before obtaining the license applied for, pay to the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul the sum of Fifty Dollars ($52.00) for each day said carn- ival or fair is to be held. Section 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not ex- ceeding ninety days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yes Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth I Goss Y McColl Powers Wunderlich A&. President rl jj Adopted by the Council AH 'A 1J20 19 Approved In favor 19 Against PUBLISMMW it idAyoR A EST,, n „~ � n� ate_ /✓o , 52� 3 An ordinance relating to baseball parks, and providing for license therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIF: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the limits of the City of St. Paul, maintain, operate or conduct a park or place where exhibitions of baseball are given for which there shall be any fee for admission charged, either by the sale of tickets or by any other device by which money or other thing of value shall be received or paid for admission, without obtain- ing a license or permit therefor as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The applicant for such license shall apply in writing to the Council of said City. The application shall state the location of said park and the seating capacity thereof. Such application shall be filed with the City Clerk and by him referred to the Council. Section 3. The Council upon receiving said application may authorize and direct the City Clerk to issue to the applicant a license to maintain a baseball park, as hereinbefore described, at the place designated in the application. Section 4. Such applicant ! shall, before obtaining the license applied for, pay to the Commissioner of Finance of said City the fee for said license as follows: For a baseball park having a seating capacity of 2,000 or more persons, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per ye^r, and for one having a seating capacity of more than five hundred and less than two thousand persons, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (*25-.00) per year. Section 5. Any person violating the provisions Of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ,, No. 27916—Ordnance No. 6241-11 tobo' eba l rd+nance relating (/ ,.rka, and Droviding erefore. Ck. e Council of the City of St. 'gee ordain: ' SECTION I. son, firo e i+mm ltefe� n „~ � n� ate_ /✓o , 52� 3 An ordinance relating to baseball parks, and providing for license therefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIF: Section 1. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the limits of the City of St. Paul, maintain, operate or conduct a park or place where exhibitions of baseball are given for which there shall be any fee for admission charged, either by the sale of tickets or by any other device by which money or other thing of value shall be received or paid for admission, without obtain- ing a license or permit therefor as hereinafter provided. Section 2. The applicant for such license shall apply in writing to the Council of said City. The application shall state the location of said park and the seating capacity thereof. Such application shall be filed with the City Clerk and by him referred to the Council. Section 3. The Council upon receiving said application may authorize and direct the City Clerk to issue to the applicant a license to maintain a baseball park, as hereinbefore described, at the place designated in the application. Section 4. Such applicant ! shall, before obtaining the license applied for, pay to the Commissioner of Finance of said City the fee for said license as follows: For a baseball park having a seating capacity of 2,000 or more persons, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per ye^r, and for one having a seating capacity of more than five hundred and less than two thousand persons, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (*25-.00) per year. Section 5. Any person violating the provisions Of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays JO 61 U1 Mr. Clancy Farnsworth 7Goas /� McColl Powers Wunderlich ;Gr. President (Hodgson) Approved/ JU�1 ;f1 ly�i �6avor Attest C�hj C =rk ,i PUELI�,LLn i -'-Ordinance No. 5E44-2�� egulating the nmoun[ . 'Train licensee, and re • - o dilancea or parte of • / In cu}1siaten[ herewith. ♦ ,/y 1 of ti Cit,of St. Paul An ordinance regulating the amount of fees to be paid the City of St. Paul for certain licenses, and repealing all ordinances t or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith. THE COUNCIL OF TFE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That hereafter the following license fees shall be paid to the City of St. Paul for carrying on the business,. following the trades, occupations and professions, or using, .holding or exhibiting the articles hereinafter mentioned, in the City of St. Paul: For removing, transporting or hauling, by cart or otherwise, any dust, ashes, manure, grease, offal, rubbish or waste matter what- soever, except garbage and night soil, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per year. For maintaining or operating a billiard or pool table, not kept exclusively for family use in the family residence, the sum of Ten Dollars ($1C.00) for the first billiard or pool table, and Five Dollars ($5.00) for each additional billiard or pool table, per year. For maintaining or operating a bowling -alley, not kept ex- clusively for family use in t,,e family residence, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) for the first bowline --alley, and Five Dollars for each additional bowling -alley, per year. For dealing in or selling at retail, at any other place within the City of St. Paul than the public market, fresh or butcher's meat, poultry or.game, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per a�year. ✓� For every public dance hall, the area of which does not exceed 2500 square feet, the sura of Fifteen Dollars (515.00) per year; for every public lance hall exceeding 2500 square feet, and not exceeding 5,000 square feet, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per year; for every public dance hall exceeding 5,000 square feet, and not exceeding 6,500 square feet, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($3C.00) per year; and for every public dance hall, the area of which exceeds 6,500 square feet, the sum OZ Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per year. 5 For keeping, selling or giving away gun -powder or ;uncotton, in any quantity, the sum of Tv,enty-five Dollars (4$25.00) per year. -� For drivinS or opeiating a taxicab or motor vehicle used for carrying passengers for hire, the sum of Five Dpllare per=year. ii For keeping or operating a hotel of not exceeding fifty -rooms, the sum of Twenty-five Dollars (,25.00) per year, and if more than fifty rooms, then in addition to said license fee of $25.00, the sum of Fifty Cents ($.50) for each additional room. For maintaining or operating a merry-go-round, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) for each day or part of a day that said merry-gc-round is maintained or operated. For maintaining, operating or conducting a motion picture theater, where no theatrical or vaudeville exhibition is given, the sum of One Hundred Dollars (;$°100.00) per year; and for maintaining, operating or conducting a motion picture theater, where vaudeville exhibitions are given, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars (Yr200. 0) per year, and for all other theatres and opera houses, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per year. For the trade or business of a pawnbroker, the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($125.^O) per year. f For the trade or business of a second-hand dealer, except dealers in second-hand books, the sum of Fifty Dollars per year. A master or employing plumber shall pay a license Ede of Thirty-five Dollars 035.00) per year. For maintaining, or operating a restaurant or victualing house, the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year. Section 2. All- ordinances -or partfl-i�f.-ordinances incon— sistent herewith are hereof repealed. .-- "__ " Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirt- lays after itspassageand publication. Yes) i Councilmen ) ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss - P N McColl Powers Lj Wunderlieh" Mr. President In favor Against - -� Adopted by the Council JAH 31 1'�21 _ __ 19 AP -31 1i)C� 19 _ Approved PUP ,r) , rp m Yoa Pr 5 F J 1 �=y fit A, .--•. January 23, 1920 7�y John I. Farioy City Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Complying with your telephone request of this afternoon, we are sending you here- with copies of ordinances relating to the licensing of theaters in the City of Minne- apolis. Very truly yours, HENRY N. KNOTT City clerk By C yr HNK_P Department of Kaw CITY OF ST. PAUL , !r O H. O'N EILL JOHN A.�URNSJ,rr0-1. WILLIAM J.GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS H MASER January 16th, 1920. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Pursuant to your instructions, we have drafted and here- with transmit certain ordinances covering changes in license fees as to occupations and business now required to pay a license, and also separate ordinances providing for the licensing of certain occupations not now covered by any ordinance, to -wit: carnivals, regulating and licensing auto cars carrying passengers for hire, and baseball parks. Yours very truly, e7Yc)lz� Corporation Counsel. _..vx .�- 3 z ° 0 v.�u...^•*a""`..�e.. 1 „'w.2ce+iD^iit'turih� N T�yqu b 36 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL N.. ........... '1I..R..918 FILE ...... JBY................................................ ...................... CITY COMPTROLLER AUDITED . 797......_ PER ................................ ....... .......... ................... .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the . persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays.iAI� Adopted by the Council ........... ._.__.._......... 1. ,.Iansy iI Goss swortlt I eo helve City F Pe, r " 'bi n3 In' Appr ed.... .. �Ql�i .: _�SL.O_.._ ....- ..19d ---.=- G F,No..,27918— 'et Treas favor o4 the persons, firma or corpora ' ',,, .__ Keller tl na for; the amopnte set, oppoatte..............-- - - -..............- ""-'- '_"" their''„respective names ae apectaed in _ MAYOR McColl the f6nowInls detaued atatement Farnsworth,;-Com'r. of Finance Wunderlich 520882., & Farneworth Com r, of Finance, Mr. President, Hodgson WAN ,za. SA Far swarth, Com; of Finance. :1367.60. - 9 A: Farnsworth, Gom n of E7nance.i $4 Adopted b1� the Councet San ,1'7; 1920. Apptoi'ed17. 18$0 I 2j IS 245 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Police. 246 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Fire 247 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Pol. & F. Alarm 248 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Health -Adm. Vital Statistics Food Reg. & Insp. Sanitary Insp. Meroulosis Disp. Dale St. Hospital Workhouse Hospital Laboratory P. Baths P. Uomfort Station Enforcement Dog Lic. Munic. Gar. Real. Total 63,039.16 245;00 147.50 217.50 555.00 1,07.50 575.00 102.50 60.00 175,00 131.60 155.00 52.00 912.50 V eoUNeL ........ OFFICE OF, THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERA FORM PRESENTED BY DATE .._Jan:......15F.__1.�20......- RESOLVED That whereas payroll check No. 17551 issued January 15, 1920 by the Department of Parks, in the sum of $60.00 in favor of Arthur J. Shourt has-been reported lost and whereas Arthur J. Shourt has furnished a bond in the Bum of $120.00 approvgd'Judge Dickson the proper city- officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicPw check in the stem of $60.00 to said Arthur J. Shourt„ i _ ',,,< i i yes ( ) Councilmen (0 Nays . n.--* Farnsworth C Goss McColl G Powers Wunderlich Mr. President 'FORM. 3M9 -I9 Adopted by the Council - JAM 17.«.20..-----i9--- JG - 20 ��-_�---- In favor Approved_._ ...._....__. 19....._. Against . MAYOP PRESENTED BY RESOLVED ti CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 20 COU NO......_` 9. ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DJan. i18, 1980 :-----------------............................................ DATE ........................ ........ ...:...................... . That the grade of Brand Street, from Van Dyke Avenue to Hazel Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adop- ted as the established grade. Yes Councilmen (d) Nays .Ghwrf► Farnsworth Goss ,\......... .-.In favor McColl U Powers –Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -3M,•:19 - 15[0 Adopted by` the Council............._.JAM- ...... 11 _ 7 ................,..........i9...:.... JAn 1�71sco Approv................. 19 * . . ........................ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM '..:...._:......................... ........... ...... .............. ....................... .. 2`92.1 X - COUNCIL w� ,, , TPILE 1 •O . ............................... .„,........ Date Presented. .... J::aA-1&-,-1420..----i 191....-.- Whereas, under date of July 11,1919, a contract was duly entered fid' into between the W.H.Malone Compaky, and the pity of St.Paul, whereby the said W.H.Malone Company agreed, for a stipulated price to sell and deliver to said City seven hundred and twelve cubic yards (712) of gravel at $2.25 per cubic yard, to be used' in paving Prior avenue from University avenue to Minnehaha street, and, Whereas, on account of the city being unable to obtain sufficient labor and material this paving of Prior avenue from University avenue to Minnehaha street was not don8, and the gravel was not used for such paving, the Contractor..therefore asks that they be relieved from their contract, and the Council, being of the opinion, under all the circumstances, that such request is reason- able$ therefore be it RESOLVED, That the request of the W.H.Malone Company to be re- leased from the contract for furnishing the above mentioned quantity of gravel to be used in paving Prior avenue from University to Minnehaha is hereby granted and the said contract is in all things cancelled and annulled. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays ."WON” f Farnsworth Goss ..............In fay. Keller V McColl .............. Again! Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson RBF1M C. A, 0 ]M 18.10 IIgAVY TEAMINN. w• ALnwnv �, . •Tnc-Sna�'t xnno G: W. H. MNEONE CO. EXCAVATING AND GRADING CONTRACTORS ROOFING GRAVEL A SPECIALTY SCREENED SAND Ac GRAVEL1FOR ALE541 AVISNUB ST. PAUL, MIN JIa,ij 14 r 4*6, g .y lira� , �• �� � Q � �� �� � - mac_, �%G iy y0 IIEAVY TEAMING N. W. Mm. ++n W. H. MALONE COQ - r',XCAVATING AND GRADING CONTRACTORS SCREENED SAND & GRAVEL FOR SALE, ROOIa'ING GRAVEL A SPECIALTY 1695 ASHLAND AVENUE G/ST. PAUL, MINN., 191 .f�� ttir�� ��u/�. 4/ ��.c• O "hie . �n . �r. �"�'o�[ti[,� -'tic_c� � i7 �- /� 2�rx��-'� v✓ �v-c,(.G a�.0 T�e.�-.C�.z-6-� � e� ,� �G`�u/.�.� �y /,-7 � � Subject: Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ^y ........................................................... r � b COUNCIL 9 PILE N O.. Date Presented.. . .... ... 6 That the application of Roscoe H. Farwell for a license to sell live stock at auction at 1945 University Avenue,be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50.00. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays 'C1cN:Y'1 Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl 0 _....... ... .Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson . FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -19 No. 27922—BY Henry McColl— Reeolved. That tha aPP1lcatlon of �1Rivec stook at Coo aton 11946 V'eby i ' ' elty Avenu d the G1ty eClerk iehereliy, s ant d pSo ifi t ftlltG. otothe bohd and t=e the m= et I to the CItY Treaev Y . 4 $6D 00 y Adopted by th Cquneil San 1T 1920: I APProved flan 24119301 ' 00 - - _ fid' a® Qt�� CO ti ,g V Adopted by the Council,-.___�U.�..�.)�2{}.........19 i M 17 .. 192 191 Approv.__..._.. _. _............ ............................. MAYOR Subjedt: Resolved, - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -ey3 -........- COUNCIL FILENO ........................................... Date Presented ..............................................191..... That the application of The Na`ion`Yorthwest Motion Car Co., for a license to maintain an 011 Filling station at 346 Main Avenue, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the f iling of the Bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, #50.(40. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor /� Keller McColl .......... Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 8M 6 •19 ' Adopted by the Council, ... _...JQn 17 .5..0 191..... Approv I --- MAYOR 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --.._-------------------------- iii i Sub}edt:-------._.................--- FCODUNCI NO......_. .�. C.."r.`' .....-----'- .......................................................................... `-?�l/1 / Jan . 17, 20 Date Presented..............................................191....- Resolved, .. That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the and directed to same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the Yee as required by law. NAM OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION, Sam Chumas, Angus J. Cameron, Astor Hotel, Sherman Hotel, 16 8th St 4th & Sibley, Yee Pon, Restaurant, 420 Wabasha St., 108 So. Robert St., F. W. Ramaley, Restaurant Restaurant, 668 Grand Ave., Ebert & guesel, Restaurant, 937 E. 7th St., Federal System of Bakeries, Restaurant, 380 Wabasha, St., Y. FT. C. A. Restaurant, 123 t2. 5th St., 1200 Forest St., C. Delamater, Y=s. Marie Smith, Restaurant, Restaurant, 258 W. 7th St., Gus Mehos, Restaurant, 374 Jackson St., 61 E. 5th St., Peter Gieser,-&estaurant, Frank Bifulk, �- O estaurant., F. No. 27924—BY Henry McColl— the ' aPPlicatlon; 0 421 E. 7th St., the conduct location, the+s¢lne 1CI ' ;upon qulred"by Resolved, . That following P r .1e. ,tor a lice nse, to Hotels o • Restavranta t: the.' reepectively i ranteda and; tNe aro hereby Issue r u to h llcenseeZ to said. Roraona � the'- Payment Of, : the fee ae re-.. le. Astor Hotel, 16 6th St: 4U as, .SherMAn Hotel, 'J: Camflron, ti '.'4th ' I; St, ' ,. `nnd Sttilet Ste •, "•Yee Pan, Restaurant, '420 �Vnljaeh6- Jo Cphu•ant", 108So."Rolf- art SC Reetaurnnt; 668, ClrandnVe ' Restaurant, 937 E. Yeas (V� Councilmen( V) Nays �. EUert� ti raFCd980tWnba ha BB kerles„Reetau-, Reetaurnnt tz3 tv st,h St. 1200 For-. (� f1 ��� 17 1J ZU U191.. ed by the Council, ........................................... .> Farnsworth ” a Rb9tnurant. D'elnmstar, ,,hiss. 2.{a to Bmith,` Restaurant. 268 t4 7th,S{. f AHI I 11 ���� GOS9 - - -Ij SCGU Meil s. Restaurant. 274 Jseknon Resthurant 61 D 6th ,Approved .. -.-.-,.-_191 ,,, Keller BtP ter Glaser, Frank �I11[ulk Reste.ur¢nt 421 :R 7.th ' McColl _........_.. qt. Adopted by the Counolt Jah. 17 19zo. ---- ..... ..� ... ........... ..... Wunderlich Appr.Ved Jan„ 17. 1920 24-X920) MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 BM 6-I8 - Council File No.... ." Mrr Goss PROPOSAL FOR'IMpROVEMENT; and PRELJME-4ARY •ORDER. i; t+ nt to o A 1 t, anue. h6 • Dorsa to ahs connen of t mpro ent by the City,. of St. Paul Viz': , gned hereby proposes the �imdpThat L1 etCommleefoner of a°aite e:and he is hereby or;TOm.. V.an..Dyk_e-AvenAC-.... .... The undersigned ............................_.........................(iradind:. invesd"to the•'neceaetty ,fort to Hazel Avenue•'nbtlity of the maktng o[ Bald, Ment;............................................. _,,,.-... ..: InvOatisata the natnt0; aztent' .......................................... ............... .mat0d • poaC Pt ,e I rao 1ptov.. �:il the ;total:: c/ist ftlery+nf. �- .. .... .. .. ... .... ... ... . ...... �= fprrd.h . a- plan 'prpnle or Uf sdld,,h provement. f PP :State What or "n. L eatd I ... ent Washed on the :Detiti ree mare ow rs. .. fAo''I ogt up 4ill it Sao 16th tatt�a tp m .. ....day of.. ... Dated this.......... •at.. ............................ ............ Councilman. PRELIMINARY OR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......................... ..........._...fareding...of...Brand, ..Street ...from ...Van.-M.Yk.e...Avenue.._....... to Hazel Avenue. ................................................................................. ............................................ ................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan,. profile or sketch of said improvement. - ...:..:............................................ ...... ... ...... three or more owners ;f,,."To 6tate whether or not satt unProvkment to aked fqr on t e i To report upon all of the foregoing+mattersto tfte Gummieatoner o f Finance. st 5 y ? Adopted by the council . �i.17.192.....................191....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth% Goss Approved. .... �Q�i ....�0...... ........f91......_ Myles O G Keller McColl Wunderlich ... Mayyoror. Mayor lw*p Farm C A 18 (6M 4-17) Council File No ......... 2.d..e�92 Mr. Goes PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT -4 and PRELIBh NAA V #ER. n t Fn ease ces to.' sfid St The undersigned hereby proposes th eking a id,Haeat Avenue St' improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: s rated to. the Councll �ThaE t)ie Comnii-tonetto1 :................... Ci.4344i3O n"'A [a6e-me eke be and he 1e heretic ° I�OT" O in the lana- n" Goetilr�a{tedtn neceeatty for L _............................ai�EL..f•#�I9 -tat gF$tdutr osi thx�"makins ot. seta `.. m._Van......... ......... ........ ....... ; .......... Dyke Aventie tot HSesitgat the nater ext rat urnish a- vtan ' nroflte 'fsaid ImaYrgvanl rat._... .... ............. ................... ..........:.. ...... ..... . ........... ............_................ ........... ...... of ;, o e ate wke ,fo or not tyant asked for on they 19 Dated this .......lst}1.......day of.... off m re owners_ �Q r/;port upon sli of tar to the Co ✓ sr J - :�A '. Y the CoLLt ......... - .. ......... .. ......:- ..........t,:: ............_�.. .. Councilman. PRELIMINAR O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ ^ ...................................................................Condemning...and...taking.,.an- easement........._..........._. ......... ..._........... in the land necessary for slopes for outs ........._...............and...f-Me...In...grading... Brand, ..Strget;.._frtim Van ......... ._.... _..._.........._.............. Avenue...to... Haz.el__AYenue.......................................................... ............................................ ................................................................................_..........._...................................................................................._..............................._...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity. for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve4tigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... To State whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owner;. 6( j'1"o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' JAM 17 1920 Adopted by the council..........................................................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth /- JAM 17 -x Goss Approved ........................ ...... .......................191..:;:' Keller yy' ratcoll V Wunderlich................. ............:..................................... Mayor If -via, Mayor. Form C A 13 (6M 4-19) "Un Council File No ......... Mr. Goss PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT AbetracE. - - Street r-ta.-Ionil 11 DNk. A%.,,.d 160,S.N�ae,' Avenue, having been presented. to the oCouncil of the Cltyof St. Paul throI*r,,,,,.,o 't nprov t by the City of St. Paul, viz.: I"' ed;1IT at the Co. . b Thr, undersigned hereby loner of publ--31- N -IM- hall. h.r.by.— deredTand,dlreeted: I fZQM V4,n I)Y, ................................... In Investigate hkO'ns necessity far Qm VAn-Dyka ........ . ........................ or It"Itylof the realtipir .1 said.Avenue t0 ' nts,l..,, th I 0T.'Iav and est mated cost L.enature-aitpnt' ..................... .............. ... — ................. ........... ..... .... , so Ilpst'!�and fut . said linprove- h,,aot at r. h pig 'Itherein. a .................................................................. sketch of'saldplar" � pro or ................................................................ ................... improvement. 4.. To state, wh.tharrn.l�'Wd dre, for -on the. petitlen ................. ........................................................ '6 nVa ................................................................. :fothr- r1more . nor.'a, 5—ello report Upon all the X.- 9, p7 ng,noatters,to th Dated this l6t-h day of ounce. I . . -, C-1-10.er: of i .... ....... . 19120— Adopted b bqID n.11"J I an. 17. 1920 p . rev !d Vn o 1920 q n. 24-1920)l .......... .... ......... ....................... Councilman. PRELIMINARJY OPUPER--pt— WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................................. A ...... ......... .......... ng Qf K exV In.-St.reet fr= Van..Dyke .................... k.- Avenue to Hazel Avenue ................................... I ................................................ ................ -- .......... ................................. .......................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... ...................................... ............. .......................... ................................................................. ........... ..................... ............................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ... . .. . . ....... . ....... . . . ............ ....... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: I. To inveffigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated wit of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �** �'nt ........................................................... .... ......................................................................................................... ....................... ................... ........................................................... )�!. Itate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council J.P 191 Yeas: Nays:, Councilman Farnsworth im GossApproved ........ . . ..............................191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich.. .................................................. ........................................... Mayor Ir -'%v Mayor. F.— C A is (5M 4-17) 2'798 Council File No ................:.......... Mr. Goes PROPOS nherene,` Abet act., Zi A wrltten propoenl [or the Zi q of the following lmpa. f -r the r, Condemning npd [ak�aq nn egaemenrl i �� �n tha lantl n , houhaving kh venue oto A "nny1 I ncil bt the Cl tY otrBeaPaul tthaZ* y the City of St. Paul, viz.: q e be It The undersigned hereby proposes the making abII w.;'habbe andelonef of le er d and dlrectel: he, ie hereby o.................................................. " " "' ... ..... . .. 1 To Inveetl at$ the- eceeait IldleA'r ................... aQndetasti� dealrablll[Y of the making., Y .1t8 Provemeat.. q of .at,.. .. ............ ... ... in the d neaeset ..d atlmsteatlgate the nature, as+ -0m Van �a f� i�IIB gTQdtbnq totajt tot ea nano ,3 Toed the 41'+coat-t s lm n, l furni.h " a 1 DXk.�....AVenue..... .H +tOh- f ehiaTO :improve an„ .............................. t ste- whethe .... .. ....... . ... .............. "pent fie. aekea' .. ............................................................ drr.4n. t t 16th. anuasy .. ....19$D .. ' Dated this. ......................... day of _r f..........._............ Councilman. PRELIMINA Y 4 WHF.RF.AS,written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................. ............................... ................................................ ...............-Condemning...end....t.ak.ing...th easement................... in the... lsnd._neoeese:ry...fQ:r elope.e....for....outs....................................................... ani�fills in grading Kerwin Street, from Van ............. ................................D.yke...Av enue....to...Ilaze 1....A-venue................................................................................ .................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. u 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ......... . 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Jan :17 1.2...........191........ Adopted by the council ........................................ . Nays:. Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth 4c�2�..............191........ Goss Approved .... .... ......c} ...... . KeerF}ell, ] e �.f McColl V .. Wunderlich.....................................................................Mayor. Mayor In* t / Form C A is (aM 1-17) e27929— — + �4bstrnet. al for the A.A f[, scoVement, t tt �he (ollow Pto�v following, t+nD j � � /'• ^ e, in yand, Council File No _ F uctlon polnt f a eon the east ty. suisalPoP1 River Mr. Spencer PROPO:`on n np 'PR MENT e. and d PRELIMINARY DER. ti The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu is improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; Co etruct o of a s we i ndrock tun el f omp nt on the east sore of e I,iss�se pp� ever apxrox mate ql 0 � . south of the center line of Marshall Ave. to the intersection of Carroll Ave. and Cretin Ave., crossing Block 45, Desnoyer Park, and Lot A, Town & Country Place, on an easement to be obtained; thence on Carroll Ave. to Wilder Ave., thence across Merriam Ter- race to the intersection of Terrace Park Ave. and St. Anthony Ave.; thence on St. Anthony Ave. to Pascal Ave. Prior Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Feronia Ave. Fairview Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Wesley Ave. Fry St., from St. Anthony Ave. to Sherburne Ave.; and open out sewers on University Ave. (south side), from Pascal Ave. to Hemline Ave. Sherburne Ave., from Fry St. to Albert Ave. Pascal Ave., from Edmund St. to south side of University Ave. Wheeler Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Roblyn Ave. Shields Ave., from Fairview Ave. to Aldine St. St. Anthony Ave., from Asbury Ave. to Griggs St. Griggs St., from St. Anthony Ave. to Bohn St. Bohn St., from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. Bigelow St., from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St, Syndicate Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Bohn St. Hemline Ave., from Hague Ave. to the north line of Lot 2, Block 4, Midway Industrial District Albert Ave. (vacated), on an easement to be obtained, fron: Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. Pascal Ave., from Carroll Ave. to St. Anthony Ave. Roblyn Ave., from a point 485 ft, east of Asbury Ave. to the east line of J. F. Eisenmenger's 2d Addition. Carroll Ave., fron: a point 367 ft. east of Asbury Ave. to the east line of J. F. Eisenmenger's 2d Addition. Roblyn Ave., from Wheeler Ave. to Herschel Ave. On an easement to be obtained on Syndicate Ave. (vacated), from St, Anthony Ave. to Carroll Ave. and on Syndi- cate Ave. from Carroll Ave. to Iglehart Ave. Carroll Ave., from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St. Marshall Ave., from a point 600 ft. east of Asbury Ave. to Syndicate Ave. Dayton Ave., from Pasoal Ave. to Hamline Ave. Hague Ave., from the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul right of way to Syndicate Ave Scheunemann Ave., from Laurel Ive. to Hague Ave. Pusey Ave., from Tallula Ave, to Hilles Ave. Tatum Ave., from 142 ft, north of Tallula Ave. to Hilles Ave. Tatum Ave., from Minnehaha St. to Chelton Ave. Grace Place, from Clayland Ave. to Fairview Ave. Chelton Ave., from Prior Ave. to Clayland Ave. Clayland Ave., from Chelton Ave. to Hilles Ave. Tallula Ave., from a point 70 ft. east cf Pusey Ave, to Clay - land Ave. Tallula Ave., from a point 70 ft. east of Clayland Ave. to Fairview Ave. Fairview Ave., from Grace Place to Presley Ave. Fairview Ave,. . from Lafond St, to Minnehaha St. wheeler Ave., from reeley Ave. to a point 20 ft, south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Young St., frot! Taylor Ave. to a point 2C ft, south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Aldine St., from Taylor Ave, to a point 20 ft, south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Asbury Ave., from a point 75 ft. north of Hewitt Ave. to a point 20 ft, south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Simpson Ave., from Taylor Ave, to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Pascal Ave., from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Aldine 8t•Greatfrom N - �v 8 = op tsrask.: Y proper�q. aylor Ave. to a Point 20 ft south of Northern Railway,00.'s property. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Taylor Ave, to a point 20 ft. south Asbury Ave-, from fa ppoint 76 ft. northeat Northern ofHewittpAve. to.a pont Simpson Ave©,ffrom Taylor Abe. toSouth of Great �atpo point 2O ft. south hern Railway Co. a of oGreat• Pasoal Averthern fr4tp Taylor Ave. to a point a0 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property.' t�IY-F o;u, B?::STC. - a:'.0 tT B0j:L' G, • .,aL�n•� o ti. i - c ti. C7i� ..• ' % ! �' f i r- a ..GT •� -F T. c: .,....CST `TOC �- �L Holton Ave., from Capitol Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Raillor Ave .way Co.'s property. Sheldon Avet 20 ft Gresohoto a on rn Ra.ilWay Co.s tNorteProperty.south of Aldine St., from Wesley Ave. to Hewitt Ave. Aldine St., from van Buren St. to Minnehaha St. Fry St., from Sherburne Ave. to Hewitt Ave. Walker Ave., from Hewitt Ave. to Taylor Ave. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Hewitt Ave. to a point 50 ft. south of Taylor Ave. Snelling Ave. (east side), from j?innehaha St, to a point 5G ft. south of Hewitt Ave. Pascal Ave., from Wesley Ave. to a point 75 ft. south of Taylor Ave. Sheldon Ave., from Capitol Ave. to a point 120 ft. south of Hewitt Ave. Wesley Ave., from Simpson. Ave. to a point 120 ft. West of Pascal Ave. Wesley Ave., f rot Holton Ave. to a point 150 ft. west of Sheldon Ave. Wheeler Ave., from Capitol Ave. to Wesley Ave. Taylor Ave., from Wheeler Ave. to Asoury -- Taylor Ave., fromASi�son Ave. to a point 50 ft, west of Hemline Hewitt Ave., froze Charlotte Ave. to Snelling Ave. Hewitt Ave., from Pascal �ve. to Sheldon Ave. Wesley Ave., from Fairvie Ave. to Aldine St. VCapitol an BurenvSt.,ff romSnell 'AldinegSt. toton Ave. Fry St Blair St., from Aldine St. to Fry St. Blair dSt.St.,�f romfromSnelling Ave. to Si1Snelling Ave. peon Ave.Ave Thomas St., from Fairview Ave. to Aldine St. Edmund St., from Aldine St. to Fry St. Across Snelling Ave., from east to west side, about five feet more or less south of Minnehaha St. Aldine St., from St. Anthony Ave. to Roblyn Ave. Dewey Ave., from Feronia Ave. to existing manhole 450 ft. South of Feronia Ave. Waltham Ave., from Dewey Ave. to Prior Ave., and on Prior Ave. to Feronia Ave. Feronia Ave., from Lynnhurst Ave. east to Dewey Ave., lying north of Feronia Ave. ts the center Of Lynnhurst ALee;,S7ast from mionPa pointAddOPoneito Feronis,Ave- Iris Place, from Lynnhurst Ave., best to Lynnhurst Ave. East. qq�,.,,.�� a o ion ;nc lu ;vP- oink el's �11ev iri E f10n LynnhurE3t Ave. West �toYF airvi�w Ave. Wilder Ave., fron:Y.arehall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. Cleveland Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul right of Way, y St. Anthony Ave., from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave. \ Wilder Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Carroll Ave. (lying west of Wilder Ave.) y Carroll Ave., fron Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave. Power St., from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave. Terrace Park Ave., from Wilder Ave. to Moore Ave. Prior Ave., from Dayton Ave. to Selby Ave. Carroll Ave., from Prior Ave. to FEirview Ave. Payton Ave., from Moore Ave. to Fairview Ave. Moore Ave., from Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. Graaf Nhr'thern ReTZw4f - -(}a rS — . Aldine St., from Taylor Ave. toys property: (- point $0 ft. South of Great Northern Railway.Co.'s property. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. roert Asbury Ave., frommfaGPointeat N95tft. northhern ofHewittpAve. to.a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Simpson Ave., from Taylor Av®. to a point 26 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Pasoal Ave., from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway co.'s property. Howell Ave., from Iglehart Ave- to-OasroU Ave. Dewey Ave., from Carroll Ave., to Foblyn Ave. Fairview Ave., from Marshall Ave. to Carroll Ave. Moore Ave. ,from Carroll Ave. to Terrace Park Ave. Astoria Ave., from Milwaukee Ave. to St. Anthony Ave. St. Anthony Ave., fron. Prior Ave. to Howell Ave. The above to be known as the "gittsondale Sever System." Aldine St., from NTaylornAve. toya0point aopft. south of Great Northern Railway. Co. Ia property. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. rert Asbury Ave., fromofaGPoeintat N75tft. north ohern Y HewittpA e. to.a point 30'ft. south of.Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Simpson Ave., from Taylor Ave. to a point 28 ft. south of Great Pasoal Ave Northern from Taylor Railway se©oto aos 'point a0 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.is property. �". •- • f.". is �-f .. 1,. -. ,. , t' ^Ii :: 'p :.. r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORWER. ;;Z ,,... WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Co etruotio oY. awe 1 ndrock tun e1 f o p nt on the eae£ shore of Th 1yl�sslpssfPFF ��veT aF�rox�mate�yml�0 �t• south of therenter line of Marshall Ave. to the intersection of Carroll Av and Cretin Ave., crossing Block 45, Desnoyer Park, and Lot , Town & Country Place, on an easement t across eMerriameTer— thenoe n Carroll Ave. to Wilder Ave., race to the intersection of Terrace Park Ave. and St. Anthony Ave.; thence on St. Anthony Ave. to Pascal Ave. Prior Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Feronia Ave. eAve. Fairview Ave., from St. Anthony AvG^erburnto elAve.; Fry St., from St. Anthony Ave. to and open out sewers on University Ave. (south aide), from Pascal Ave. to Hamline Ave. Sherburne Ave., from Fry St, to Albert Ave. Pascal Ave., from Edmund St. to south side of University Ave. Wheeler Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Roblyn Ave. Shields Ave., from Fairview Ave. to Aldine St. St. Anthony Ave., from Asbury Ave. to Griggs St. Griggs St., from St. Anthony five'to Bohn St• eGriggs Bohn St., from Syndicate Ave. Bigelow St., fron; Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St - Syndicate Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Bohn St. Hamline Ave., from Hague Ave. to the north lire of Lot 2, Block 4, Midway Industrial District Albert Ave. (vacated), on an easement to be ootaired, from Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. Pascal Ave., from Carroll Ave. to St. Anthor_yft. east oAsbtiry Ave• Roblyn Av %: fx-atlrne nfint FSoEisenmengerfe 2d Additionto the Carroll Avthe sy Ave. to east lineiof Jnt 67F. Eisenaenger. east of Beu2d Addition. Roblyn Ave., fron-Wheeler Ave. to Herschel Ave. On an easemet St. to bAnthony nAve. toed on Carroll Ave. ndicate Ave. aoand Ave. from Carroll Ave. to lglel!art Ave. Carroll Ave., from Syndicate Ave. to Grid,.<_;e St. Marshall Ave., from a point 600 ft. east of Asbury Ave. to .:i dicate Ave. R.. I NO s.go, Lii lm „^.Kee & St. Pe_ul X1. t Of iv ayrio syndicate Ave. Ave. , fron. Laurel Ave. to `EL.Eue Ave. P,�aey r_te., frc:.. Tallula Ave. to Hillee.five. Tatum Ave., from 142 £t, north of Tallula Ave. to Villas Ave. Tatum Are., fron: Mir_nehaha St. to Cbel,.cr- 1ve. Grace Place, fron: Clayland Ave. to Fairview Ave. Chelt-r. Ave., fron. Prior Ave. to Cie.yla.r.a Ave. Clayle,,l Ave., _xozz Chelton Ave. to "illea Ave. Tallula Ave., frcn. a point 70 ft. e�ist of Pusey Ave. to Clay— land Ave. Tallula Ave., from a point 70 ft. east of Claylur_;- Ave, to Fairview Ave. Fa-'rview Ave., from orace Place to Wesley Ave. Fairview Ave., from Lafond St. to Bainnehaha St. Wheeler Ave., from Wesley Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Young St., from Taylor Ave. to point 20 ft, south of Great Northern Ra:ilwap. OC.,a property. Aldine St., from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern kallway.Co.'s property. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south Of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Asbury Ave., from a point 76 ft. north of Hewitt Ave. to a point 30 ft. south ofGreat Northern Railway Co.'s property. Simpson Ave., from Taylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s p;pparty. Pascal Ave., from Taylor Ave. to a point 30 ft. south of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property.' M Holton Ave., from Capitol Ave. to a point 2C ft. South of Great Northern Railway Co.'s property. Sheldon Ave., from Tc"ylor Ave. to a point 20 ft. south of Great Northern R�ilwa"y Co.'s property. Aldine St., fray, Wesley Ave. to 9e"Titt At'e. Aldine St., froa; Van Buren St. to Minnehaha St. Fry St., from Sberburne Ave- to F'es+itt Ave. Walker Ave., from. Eewitt Ave. to Taylor Ave. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Hevritt Ave. to a point 50 ft. south of Taylor Ave. Snelling Ave. (east side), from Iiinne,:aha St. to a point 5C ft. eouth of Hewitt Ave. Pa.;oE_1 Ave., fro": Wesley Ave. to a point 75 ft. soutb of Taylor Ave. Sheldon Ave., from Capitol Ave. to a point 12C ft. south of Hawitt Ave. Wesley Ave., from Si:"pson, Ave. to a point 120 ft. 'Hest of Pascal Ave. Wesley Ave., from Holton Ave. to a point 150 ft. -hest of Sheldon Ave. Wheeler Ave., fron. Capitol Ave. to '"ealey Ave. Taylor Ave., f rou. Wheeler Ave. to Asbury Ave. Taylor Ave., fron. Si::.pson Iva. to a pcirt 5C ft. seat of Hamlina Ave. Hewitt Ava., froa. "•..arlatte Ave. t- ^V, rv'a. Hewitt Ave., frur: pascal Ave. to = Q.Ion St. Wesley Iva. , f r_," airvizaw l five. to Aldine Capitol Ave., fron,Snell ng Ave. to Sheldon Ave. Van BLen St., fro": Aldine St, to Fry Sl. Blair St., from Aldine St. to Fry St. Laf.ond St., from Fry St. to east aide of Snelling Ave. Blair St., frog. Snelling Ave. to Sicpson Ave. Thomas St., from Fairview Ave. to Aldine St. Edmund St., from Alii^.a t. tc Fry Amore or ese South of minnehaha St• Aldine St., from St. Anthony Ave. to Foblyn Ave. Dewey Ave., fron, Feronia Ave. to existing M& hcle 45C ft. #outh of Feionia Ave. Waltl:ars, Ave., fro". Davey Ave. to Prior Ave. , ar_d on Prior Ave. to Feronia GVe. Feronia Ave., from Lynnhurot Ave. ea.at to Derey I:.v e., lying north of Feronia Ave. er of Lynnliurat ALot,east 87, UnionmParkoAddition, ito Fte h oniatfve- Iris Place, from Lynnhurst Ave., Vest to Lynnhurst Ave. Fast. Alley lying south of Lots 169 to 193, i•�oluyive, 7inkel's 3d Amendment to Union Park, from Lynnhurst Ave. West to Fairview Ave. Wilder Ave., from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. Cleve land Ave. .fromPauSt. Antht Way. e' to Chie�go, Milwau :ee St. Anthony Ave., from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave. Wilder Ave., from St. Anthony Ave. to Carroll Ave - of Wilder Ave.) Carroll Ave., from Cleveland Ave. to wilder Ave. Power St., from Cleveland Ave. to Wilder Ave. Terrace Park Ave., from Wilder Ave. to Moore Ave. Prior Ave., from Dayton Ave, to Selby Ave. Carroll Ave., from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. F Dayton Ave., from Moore Ave. to Fairview Ave. i Moore Ave., from Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. i Q E Howell Ave., from Iglehart Ave- to,F,oblynl Aje• ` Dewey Ave., from Carro7.1 Ave- , + Carroll Ave. F v-we i' w Ave., frou: yarshall Ale. ° a�_rk A.ve. Moore Ave. ,f roll' Carrel: fve• to Terxaoe Ave. Astoria Ave. , fromfrG�� Pukee Ave. to Ho,r;e ntA ey St. Anthony INe• The above to be known as the "Sittscn3sle Sa'.3er Systea.." I T 71 77 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman -- --- ------ --- --- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. s o owing of er ata an m ormatlon re ative o s ud"iffrp evewCpj,-.._------------ --- ----- - --- - L5;-- To state whether or not said improvement Is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. , To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ... _.... ..... ,j i._ f l..._ 191. — Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved __ _ _ JAIj . A F Kel}�lerf� G McColl Wunderlich .._........ .... _. ��j.v...:....\.. Mayor Iriw Mayor. Form C A Is (6\I i-17) /''l C. P. No. 27939— t Council File No .. ........2l...:.._.9130 °.... Whereas, A wr:ittenet. Petition PROP proposal for, tht J' - aKing or thavnl 'following troproeem, t LL�l:oneVuctlon a weer on AsUurt avenue, from Chariea Str et to a point III 11 sixty , Teat south of Edmund Street having been pt�esented to the Coune 1-Uie City of St. Paul therefore, be Rhe wo, That the Commissfoner Public Worlis be and he Is hereb, t by the City of St. Paul, VIZ.; The undersigned hereby roposes the j..: deled and anvlastlgate the nacea.. _ net ror dealrabil lty of the makln improvemen t. ,,-...A.a...uxX...Av.enue.,...................... ................. f drii Cfiarles .....reek. TO 1nve `po'Alhe nail y feet south of E.dmund...Street- ........................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Dated this..........1.6t.h....day of.....................................danuaT.y..........................., 19$0.... Councilman. PRELIF WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ConstructiQ.n of_..a .sever.. on..Asbury_.Avenue, _______ ......... from Charles Street to a point sixty feet south of ................ Edmund. ...Street, ..._. _.. ............. ......................... ........................... ..........._............................ ._...._......................._._.............. ................................................ _._.. ................. _...._................... _. _.._......_._.._..__........_........................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman._..__......._.._........._.._....__.._........_ ....... _.___..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........... ..............._......._.......:...._........... ................ .......................... ....._ .... _..._.................... ....................................... To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 'A—T. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by'the council........ J�1..j:rFlyG�......._..�.�_I91........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Jun 71' e Cross Approved .............._......._... ............._... 191.___. Keller McColl Wunderlich ........................................ Mayor Iss916_ Mayor. Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) WBIL � ' C. F. No, 27931—Ordinance No. 524p do ordinance granting to the Oxford . 4 Garage Motor Sales COnIDBDY par mission to Install and maintain a curb Oxford'. Qy`{' street. Dump at 46. South / S• �%. 2p/y.1 981 The Council of the CitY of St. Paul does ordain: An ordinanoe granting to the Oxford Garage Motor Sales Company permission to install and maintain a curb pump at 45 South Oxford street. THE COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant- ed to the Oxford Garage Motor Sales Company to install and maintain a curb pump at 45 South Oxford street, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized -lo issue a Permit,toLithe said licensee for the instal lation of said pump, upon said lioensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee -shall file with the Commissioner 'f of Public Works a plan or speoifioation of said pump and the lo- cation thereof, which shall be subjeot to the approval of said _, Commissioner. (2) The said curb pump ?shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the eum.of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), con- ditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or'property on aocount.of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, p nce or removal of said pump.. The said bond shell be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax thst'may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. i i $action 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council FEB —2 WO Yeas Nays =Farnsworth A✓ nwe.re Attest N. W. DALE 9763 TRI-STATE 81956 OXFORDGARAGE OR SALES CO. AGENTS 'FOR LEXINGTON SIX MOTOR CARS GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING ACSESSORIES, STORAGE. VULCANIZING, CARBON BURNING, BATTERY RECHARGING, OVERHAULING CORNER GRAND AVENUE AND OXFORD ST. ST. PAUL, MINN ............. 12 --- 19 . J c�GirI i —• 1� y G� � � � r ! Form A A 46. 2 N 7-18 1'1.1'1' IIF !'I`. P.AUI. I./ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ar ' � �., AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM N FILE i'.�`4. tv�{:........... 38 ,]- . ]. 'TR LLR AUDITED .-....`--:-...... ....... 197..PER f .... - ' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified, in the following detailed statement: iai1 i9 I: H Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the C nc' ____......._.._._ ...................191............ ClancyJA i9 IJ[0 / Farnsworth _.In favor A lgl ..,..... Goss f17 Keller O Against atAYOR 1Ne8e1� i Wunderlich Mr, President, Hodgson - 256 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Vinance 4,425.52 Schools 4,400,77 Great Northern Schools 24.77555 257 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 10,739.60 Water C. F. No. 2i932— Ab.t_n[e be drawn to ' Resolved that out O 1 the here) alfon the ter r pecifie'dpfundsaable and In favor of the persons, firms or •orpora- tlons for the amounts set opPel[e their iespectfve• n es as speciflat in the TOfottowine. de lied statement: S. A. Farnsworth, Com•r. of Finance, �' $1.421,5 ' S. A. Farnsworth, Cam'r. of Finance, $10,739.d 60. adopteby the Council San. 19, 3920. ,lpp roved Tan. 19, 1920. (San. 24-1920) Form A A 46,1 N 7-18 PITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 7 r �;3 4'OUNCIL No........... ...................... . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE. 37 v o� OLLER AUDITED .' . ......_.7 ........ 1 PER.. - ... �� . 4 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund; and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 V ) Councilmen ( V ) Naj - Adopted by the Counciljl�l{ 19 1�?o __..._....___...._.__.___..........................191.........._ Clancy C. F. No. 21933— warrants be drawn' Abstract. Farnsworth '4 Resolves th. out at Appy .. ,J f.y� f _____.. upon the Citl' Treasury. payable and /n Goss the hereinafter apeclade �fauonds favor oP the persons, -corpora- tlona for the amounts 8et ofledlte in -- Keller their reaps cove names as�- [he follow Ing detailed tatefent: hfAYOR it"@Vl"1 Geo. N. Gerlach, $33.15. L. H. Harnaberger. $5.00, Wunderlich Maeadler Bros., $13.54. 310.1 cipal Pu .los ng Company. Mr. President, Hodgson so centmes. sorrn coal F Roel: Company. $69.03. Pittsburgh Coal Co.. $fi.085.73. Frank Whitmore. $33.8-0. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1920. Approved Jan. 19, 1920 (Jan. 24-1920) n . 249 Geo. N. Gerlach, 33.15 Schools 250 L. H. Harnaberger, 5.00 „ Schools 251 Maendler Brothers, 13.54 Schools 252 Municipal Publishing Uompany, (190 Library 253 Northern Coal & Dock Company, 69.03 Police 40.83 Markets 28.20 254 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 6,085.73 Armory 190.42 Schools 5,269.66 Parka 625.65 255 Frank Whitmore, 33.80 Civil Service Total 6,241.15 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM LR: - - - - ...- .__.... _....._._..... _....._..._..... - -- .._... _ ------ ..... Subje COUNCIL yy^^ FILE Nom...-.....�.�.................... I ' t Date Presented. ......_.........._......_..._...__.._.191._-- Resolves, That the application of C.L.Graham for a license to conduct a motion wVVpicture theatre at 287 Maria Ave.be and the sate hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the U, City treasury of the fee( 0.00) fifty d'ollars-. C. F. No. 27934—By Henry McColl+ Resolved, .That the application of C. 1.. Graham for a license to -duct a motion pielure theatre at 287 Marla nve. be and the m hereby 1s grant - d and the City Clerk is Instructed to Issue such license upon the payment ". 'he City treasury of the fee. (EZoo) fifty dollars. Adopted by the Council Jan. 19, 1920. Approved Jan. 19, 1920. (Jan. 24-1920) Yeas ( V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council__._..- __JALI JL9 JJ .191__ Approved 191 Af�i[t) MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller joga,W1. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-19 Adopted by the Council__._..- __JALI JL9 JJ .191__ Approved 191 Af�i[t) MAYOR PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL _..,.r..rjc...i'.. FILE N0.^.....,� , DATE ....Jan ...... 17.,...192.0........ In the matter of paving Randolph Street, from Seventh Street.tq Snelling Avenue, with FinalnOrderaCouncilrFile and - NO-Bewe25524,1eapproveapproved d June 20, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and epeoificationB showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and ap- byeordeaed and directed torconsttruct'Public andWorks installere- said water connections in such plane and specifica- tions provided for; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the installing of the said sewer and house drain connections in su3h plans and specifications provided for; the cost of said sewer and water con- nections to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund; all as provided for by Ordinance No. 3793, approved October 27, 1916. C. F. No. 27936—I1s Ni. N. Oose— In the matter of paving Randolph Street, from Seventh Street to Snell- ing Avenuee with necessary water and sewer tions,der Flnai Order Council File No. 26624, ap- proved Sune 20. 1919. Resolved. That the annexe, plant and apeclticntlons showing sewer a o be water connections necessary hereby made upon said etreetII rc nnrreA d ed d the Com- missioner [ Public R'o rlts fs hereby ordered and direct d to conssrfnt and Install said wat ,,Jan.d thntd thes f1rht onitytrofticerssrare hereby authorized and dtrec t It ad - 'e ti , i , or airs ofor a d bouse dralfnngonr t ons In s "for Plana any 111 tiona provided for: the t Y aid d anter connectlons to be sewer nn JA11 i9 IGLU yes (i) Councilmen (t) Nays meat Revnivtng Fund;anllnusnvPcided 19____ for by ordinance No. 3793, ,e Council -- -"-- October 27. 1918. Clancy adopted by the Council at. 19. 1920. ('� apIroved dna. ]9. -19 JAiI Yv 1J20 Farnsworth (dan. 2a-1920) .... 19.---- oved ... An favor Goss Powers AgainstmaroR Wunderlich Mr. President t - t; – }'�.FORM JM9'19 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO..................s OFFICE OF THE CITY• CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE J.an....._17_,_..1920_......._. In the matter of paving Fairmount Avenue, from Fairview Avenue to, Prior Avenue, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final Order Council_FileNo. 27482, ap- proved December 5, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and Bpecifica- tione showing sewer and water connections neceB- eery to be made upon said street are hereby adop- ted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install said water connections in such plane and speoifioations provided for; and that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the installing of the said sewer and house drain connections in such plane and specifications provided for; the cost of said sewert�and water connections to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund; all as provided for by Ordinance No. 3793, approved October 27,1--'- C. 7,!"'"C. F. No. 27936-13y M. N. Goes— In the matter of paving Fairmount Avenue, from Fall -view Avenue to Prssarwater iors Avenue ewer ,nnectfonswith counder Final OrnN Cnuncll File No 27482, ap- proved- December 6, 1919. Resolved. That the annexed plans and eDeciflentione showingnewer and water connections necessary to be \ made upon said street r hereby adopted and approved and the CCom- missioner f Public works is herebyl C - ordered and directed to construct acrid ' xtx., water 1—m-tione In such i plana and lirriflestione provided for; andthat l\,: the proper city offtec,. are ti A hereby. uth riaed and directed to ad- mine Por bids for the Installing of ithetione sewer house drain con- rise Yes (N') Councilmen 1 J I Nays land such plans 0.ad specific. - tion' provided Por; the coat oY said sewer and water connec[inne to bel All 1:) S men out of the Permanent Improve- r Revolving Fund; .1l as provided by the Council - ----........19 Clancy far by Ordinance No. 3793, approved -.October 27• 1916. Farnsworth Adopted by the Council San. 19, 1920.., Approved Tan. 19, 1920. I'I' (T an. 24-1920) Approve ppp Goss .....t�_........J.HLL..l�_L�iLU_..........19_......_ ....,In favor Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich M. President IORM ,Ms- C. F. No. 27937--Ordinance No. 5247 An ephlW-hicktt alg.inet the CtY Sof SL Paul. ' The Council of the City of -St. F! , dues ordaln: SECTION 1. That the ➢roper city office,/'y Cone a Arecu to u Qi���/`t�l/Vt�C��- A7 Ft _ i An ordinance settling the claim of Joseph Washick against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to Joseph Washlck, the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars (,$150,00) in full settlement of his claim against she City, arising by reason of injuries sustained by him by reason of a fall on an icy walk on Isabel street, on December 22nd, 1919. Section 2. Said sum of money'%shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Ftb -3 I'20 Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl (� Powers Wunderlioh Mr. President (Hodgson) Approv -•`� 11�41 Mayor Attest City A—, — �--. �' . � Departine t of Kaw CITY OF 5T. PAUL ! '- • JOHN A BURNS WILLIAM J. C.IBERSON JAMES DSWAN JOSH MASER January 17th, 1920. To the Council. Gentlemen:— Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Joseph Washick against the City for the sum of One Hundred Fifty Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, As t Corporation Counsel. 4�rri� of sm. r:u r. "`.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM """` No..__.:r. ....:......._...... F'11.4: Fo AA46.2X1-18 AUDITED ...... ............ ...............191.. ._.. R__. _... 40 TtTI.F. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen ( V"'-"� _ _� Adopted by the Coun ll _...l_.......... c. F. No. 27936—' he drawn Abstract. out Clancysolved that warrants end Re Treasury Pa a 1)1 upon ther to Citotter sPecifte nef Ods por- A 7 .......�H)i...NSl... v�LU._. ...._...... Farnsworth oP the of the pe— . opposite / to t,,,n thc. amounts s ante. .. _...... _ .. _.._ pnrat5nns re, ae spec5fled respective names statement: / their deta5led Com r. : c 1�,. — Keller the follow'inF 20 1920. MAYOR 5 p, Farnsworth - McColl $t0pa paed by the cpniszodan Approved Inn. 20 0) Wunderlich l7an. 24-192 11r. Presideni., Hodgson 10,808.84 Total $10,808.84 263 S. A Farnekorth, Com'r. Finance, 10,808.84 52.1 A 1 1,342,50 A 3 2,823.53 52.2 A 2 187.[!5 53,1 A 1 352.50 53.2 A 1 57.50 53.2 A 3 1,301.17 55 546.48 G. N. School 26.10 tt 254.70 " 758.05 " 725.00 Ga.ltier &ch. 1,398.92 P. Bldg. Rev. 57 8. 7.00 " 14.00 " 42.00 " 7.00 " 7.ti0 " 957.64 10,808.84 Total $10,808.84 Fora A A 16,2 X 7-18 S111. 1'AUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Nu. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F'O1 11. F: `CSL ..........._ ' AUDITED...... . .......... 19 .... _. - T1TIA Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the j persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: I leas I. ) Councilmen t ) .' Adopted by the Co it Jill i _�Z H....._... , , ..191_......_ C. F. No. 27939— Clanc abstract �///7 y Resolved that warrants y drawn A17 ee�..lV ....... ail;..._,: �J�Q._.. 191.... Farnsworth span the City Treasury, payable out I i of the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persons, firma or trot- Ci055 In rfa or for the amounts set opposite J their respective names as s ifled In ---- Keller the [o flowing detailed statement --- \I:\]"lIR S A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance,' \ Mccoll 824.00. Gopher Lime &Cement Co., E316.00. Wunderlich Mr.. SSary Horan, $30.66. Nelady Paper Co. $198.64. ' away Ll as . Cement Co., $186.00. Mr. President, Hodgson St. Pats Flectrlc Co., $30.53. Sherwin William Co., $41.79. Adoptedby the Council Jan. 20, 1920. Approved Jan. 20, 1920. (Ja.. 24-1920) 264 S. A. Farnworth, Com$r. of Finance 24.00 Municipal Court 265 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 115.00 Parks 266 Mrs. Mary Horan, 30.66 Police 267 Melady Paper Company, 198.54 Schools 1.70 Parks 6.72 " 190.12 198.54 268 Midway Lime & Cement Company, 186.00 mire 59.50 Gaultier School(Bond) 126.50 I'S=.� 269 St.Paul Electric Company, 30.53 Pol. & r'. Alarm Telg. 270 Sherwin Williaffis Company, 41.79 P. Bldgs. Revl. Total 626.52 C CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of------- Bureau f_ —_Bureau of -- — Council File No.--_—__ Date Presented 191 By — — RESOLVED, That the St. Paul I;- Lieht Company is hereby ordered -d directed to extend it. electrical lives by,recline holes aad stri.O., wires III— v for the Iravamlmiov of electricty ll.and in the fall owiae alleys and streets of said city: . Install One pole on Lucy Street, west of Hall Avenue, v,ith n.ecess>ry guys and anchors. ! ('. F. No. 21940—BY bf. NIa . Goss - 1 Resolved. That the SLordeteld Gad M 1.i'; t Com Pan [end niteb lectrlcal in. I dlreeted to eIt and strinsing wires theteuntttor el r:tn smisslon o4 n11eYe it city and 1n the (allowing nd aU'ee is If sa ld c1t}': a ;nsL. Ii n l.uc ecesatrt' west of Jne Pole o y guys and y4 11a ll :\teen^e. ty'Ith n 1, t: hl t of ch I':t`en elan s• on1. es nd shall he --ted d c true[ 1 neer the direction all d Pervisfon of the l'om ml.sefuner I,'Iun it, Utilities and i all things s h]ect to the provl- ,Ionstof Ordinance No. 'ti 24. • nd P all other lawful ordl,on L'u n rest, lu- tlons of the CW o uch loea- .\11 poles should be set in s Ilan In sold alleys Ind streeta as the Comntla`e. ner'tnfhI'llall bet of lint„ hall height rlrsigha nd nd character na he shall t desikte and spit �''y t'c• � an} and aRl nch poles shall he liken down ods re. yed, :tad such w'Ires PlaaS ced untler- giuund, ts'hn. ....'he l'.ouncll tshall deem than thheo 1[11 hall) to rest der re yuit es, n t tt the It 1", l San. t20, 1920. ,adopted b,' 1920. .\Vpror ed .lin. =0A-1920) - All of such extev,ivvs, polo avd wires shall be erected avd cov.tructed under the direction avd nu perviniov 1 be Cammisainver of Public ti til ilk in a7i thine, •ubjcet to the —i i... of Ordinance No. 2414. and of all other lawful ordhan— avd renalutione of the City of 9t Pa 1. All pole, should be ,et ;v au h location iv ,aid alleys and ntreetn an the Commis,iaver of Public Utilities nhall deslenate. nd ,hall be of such heieht . d haraeter e hall deaievate avd!approve, avd any and all such ,ok, ,hafl be take. down and removed, and such wires placed nvderervuvd, wh... er the C,-11 shall deem that the •ahlic interest ao reaulres, and whey it shall eo order. rAdopted by the Council— _J�l�l C) '� 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH McCOLL L% WUNDERLICH Approved 191 HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, I,RVIN ��� Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --.General Form Department of ------- Bureau of Council File No.__-- Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Paul (:as Light C mpaoy is hereby ordn d and directed to extend its electrical linea by creclive poles and 110-0-9 wires thereon for the ra' tn.misaiov of <lectricty ov and in tM1e following alleys and atreeu of said city Install One pole on channel St. Fast of Wabasha St. One pole on Minnehaha St. East of De Sota St. One pole on Fauquier St. West of Ruth Ave. One pole on Maple St. �+orth of Hudson Ave. Three doles in alley Lorth of .,an Buren St. and West of Wheeler Ave. Comnercial Light. Four poles on Elm between Si�cchange and L,ranklin Sts. Municipal Light. With neces ary guys and anchors - 11. No. 1,7941—ity %I. N. Gnss- 12esolved. That the St Paul .- 1, ght Compan )' Ix hereby ordered and direct ed to extend its electrical Ilnes the can tifopr Thee aand traataleslonl not clece [rl rity n nd In the to flowing alleys an, sl reg Lsao( said city: ain"I'll One note on t'hannel St. east of IVa- bnshn St. One pole on Ninnehaha Sl. east of ' De Sota St. One Pole on Fanquler St. hest of Ruth Ave. Onepole on 1lald, St. North of Hod- -ee. sOTh tree poles In alley North of Van {toren Sl and Nest of Wheeler Ave. Commercla7 Lignl. Four poles F.Im between Ex- change and Franklin Streets. "" ni "ecessn nl he Commissiaver of Public l: tilities I'd in all ihinga All of such extev.ious. {role. a ad wire. shall be erected W th Y guys and anchors. nd:aul. r.od_ to the vroviaiom of Ordiv.v l Ne. 2424. and of all of All f et h extenslons, Polesa iul-t, and shall be of such height sad chancier as All pole. should be set iv each location iv .aid alley. ai ai rea shall be a eet.d an con f ructed @ dererovnd, whenever the Gouvcil shall deem that the Ir shall de.ievate sad approve, and soy and all such polee sh ander lhx direction and s ile Utilities off �bli<interest so reaui......d whey it ah all av order, the l i not. andlthlnfisrst b)ec[of utolthelpriovl- slutns of Ordinance No. 2424, and of Il 191 .adopted by the Council other lawful ardina.eea and reaniP- � �I tions of the City of St Pnul. All poles hould be ae[ in such In— /'� tion In all 9 alleys t .ln.eis as the Yeas Council O"mgmistselonerlohnlbbee filum,height itte Nays and character n he shall deaignath FARNS na nd :q+proye, and any n au Poles .hall ne taken down a and re- m ox•ed. and such wires 1,1, aunder- �ee_mt+ d,hnwh he vpnnllcthe Inter yell so hall MCCO autres. a d wnen Il ah all o order. 20. A d°ptcd by the 0. 111 it Jan. 20, 1920. L Apprnvrd San. 20, ]920. WUND (San. 24"1920) 191 HYLAND Mayor Mr. President, ) CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --General Form Department of-- Bureau f —Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By — RESOLVED , That the St. Poul Ca. Light Company ie hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lives by erection Dole. and enl.oin wiree thereon for the Irane anb,e of electricty on ¢ad in the following alleys and street, of said city: Install Fifteen poles on Kennard Street, between Margaret and Third Streets, with necessary guys and anchors. Municipal�' • lighting. I F. No, %942—By Alf. N, Gnss— Res.1-d. That [he Ft. Paul Gas Llaht P.rol— y Is hereby oraerea Ind Iy ett,dlint; pales da d lringl lire ihrraon for the trn ntsmisel, of Wlec-� - trlrll�' on and In the following alleys uvl streets of sola city: I 1o6all Fifteen poles on Ken ' i Street, Io - tween Ahlrgn ret and .Third atreets. w'Ith necss a ncho, 1lfunicipal Llithtiing and n a. :\Il oftch ex tion a, poles and wires anall`b, erectedens nnad cpna[ru ct of u der the Ilrection na III, —Won , the Conran lasloner f Public ULIII[les and In all ibinKe albJect [o [he provi- s' of Ord Ina o"!I1 o, 2424, .rad of Il 'nl her Is'fui or Inantes an d esOlu- lions of the City f St. I'¢ul. tion In Inole.ld nlhld ohs set in such loca- .cnro,nixaioner oflleublbe Uf1 itica spall and gcha�acfor axalna eahnll ude�ignahe and n'o"nve, ana any an sal uch moven, anlI be d son"f wires en down nd Placed under - Ind, wv honeer the ('ouncil shall deem that the pu blit interest s - aul— and when It shall . o order. re Adopted by the Cnu sell Jan. 20, 7920. Ap p to yeti Jan, 20, 1020. flan. 24-7920) All of such..bo eia.e, panshal poles ad wire. l be erected and....trucled under the direction and eupenieion of the Cammieeiooer of Public Utilities and in all thine. r ;biect to the pro.ieion. of Ordinance No.4424. and of all other lawful ordinance. and rerolutione of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be net in such location to said a])eye and eoett, ne the Commie.iooer of Public Utilities shall d-ignate. and shall be of .uch heieht and character a e shall designate and approve, and any and all such vole. eh.11 be taken down and removed, and such wiree .laced nolenonond, whenever the Council shall deem that the blit interest vo reaoke., and when it shall ea order. Adopted by the Council------.-- _-i0jl 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Approv 191 Mayor FARNSWORTH ^v>allff' McCOLL �} WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Approv 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL 94, COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM SUbjedt:. _._ ....... -' --_. _..__ _. ......._ _ ....--.._ - COUNCIL C FILEN o .. .. . ...... . ........ ..... Date Presented-....._.._.._...... _....__.._191_... 'esolved, That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of John Steele Abbmtt, M.D., as Deputy Health Officer for the balance of the present term be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. Yeas ( F) Councilmen ( 1') Nays Clancy Farnsworth .� -Qw"W O _In favor Keller McColl __ .......Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson C. F. No. '7949—ny Henry M„C" the Commdi nslon- of e1 11, Sefrty of John 9taole Abbott. \t. IJ., ns Pepu[y 11—Ith Offlee for the bnl nnce u[ the present term be and the sa fs here -I b� rnnep t'r d In a 1 opfrc owed. Adopted by the Council Jan. 20, 1920. \PPrnv� d Jr 204 1920 920, ,j:— ) Adopted by the Council Approv ,.'.�._-l)'C�.... ...........191 JOHN T. M.COLL -Ry MCCOLL D111- CO C MM sS ONER 94' (�itp of t5aiut Paul DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY St Paul, Minn., Jany 20th 1920 To the Honorable the Council of the City of St Paul. Gentlemen; - Subject to your confirmation and approval � have this day appointed John Steele Abbott, M.D.,Deputy Health Officer, succeeding Robt. I Hubert, M.D., who has res6gned oweing to removal from the City. Yours truly, Commissioner of Public Safe Y. h Form A A 46, 2 M 7-I8 j„�„ rrrl- nF .•r. rwc4. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER """' IF Ll: AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMi-:..'.•`--•---- Nq.......... 44 o P_ AUDITED__..... ....-....... 197.. .... PER. l.7•- TITLE .... , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms for the amounts set opposite their respet•tice names as specified in the follouing detailed statement persons, or corporations 21 C� Yeas I ) Councilmen I ) NaysJrJi1 Adopted by the Council ....191........... Clancw favor A, cell J�ili.21 � 'd _.._. _...191Far.......... orth _ __..In Coss ` Keller a _ U Against A I:1TOR McColl All Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 27944— C. F. No. Ab"."'an A. be drawl Resolved that upon the City Treasury, payable [ of the here(na(ter speclfl fld �snds and Io favor of the persons, or c're porution, for the amounns Modet In na as [heir Pertive the following detailedstatement: S. Rerglund Lumber Co., $89.58. P.rool<s Rras. Lumber Co.. $8722. Pandy Company. $18.15. Ferguson 14ameweil Fire .alarm Telg. Co.. ; 92. 3 F. Kafn Cashier. E8u FF .1. . .1 N_ li•. Electric Equipment Co.. P $109.67. Albert ReH$54.11. ebr.,$159.00. - JfCoPaul .,1$474.6b.tute. L. 1h1cly Si Fo Products Co., E90.'57 arse z$364230 rRefining Superior CO-, Adopted Jan. 2l 92U, 1316.75. APDroved J(Jan. 2411920) 367 S. Berglund Lumber Company, 69.58 Schools 368 Brooks Brothers R=ber Company, 87.2 P. Bldg. Revl. 53.90 Water 33.32 . 369 Ferguson Candy Company, 18.15 Parks 370 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telg. Company, 328.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 371 J. F. Kain, Cashier 67.83 Water 372 N. W. Electric Equipment company, 109.67 Fire 14.81 P61. & F. Alarm Telg. 87.71 Dairy .95 .37 .P. Uomfort Station 5.83 07.97 54.71 373 Albert Rehbein, Water 'k 150.00 374 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, Schools - Rea. 44 Page #2 375 J. L. Shiely Company � Park Zonatruotion = 262.80 Yater 36.75 Gaultier School(Bond) 175.00 rR. T 376 Sf Fo Products Company, Great Northern Schools 377 Mrs. Alice Sparschuetz, Police 378 Superior Refining Company, Fire 379 victory Printing Company, Municipal Court 9,50 Com'r. of Finance 7.50 Civil Service 25.25 n 31.50 Water 34.00 n 8,00 1TSM Total 1,606.44 474,55 90.57 4.20 36.21 115,75 Form A A 46, 2 14 7-18 t4� BUBLLS+Ir,ti)—/� 271 American Electric Railway Association, 2.00 Library 272 American Linen Supply Uompany, 12.70 Police 3.40 Fire 2.80 Munic. Gar. Ravi. 3.75 - Schools 2.75 =.Td - 273 ('I'1'1" OF e'1'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - °` "" 9 .67 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No•.......2. -a- 4'11.4:/// 42 C. F. No. 27945— r 7 Abstract. �" y Resolved, that warrants be drawn 1.71 AUDITED upon the CityTreasury, payable out of Lila hereinafter specifled-funda and In �f \I PT 11 I I.it /- 1.98 (xvor of the persona, firma or corpora tjons (or [he amounts set oppslte their �especI 'e names as specified In the [ollo�ving detailed statement: Ad4erican Electric Railway Assocla- R ......... .... .. ... ...:1 ..-.. - - TITLE Resolved that tion. $2.00. American Line„ Supply Co., $12.70. Co„ I able out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the }' P warrants American Rn(lwny Express E11.89. $r persons, firms or corporations I nmerican Scandinavian Foundation, eclive names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I Councilmen I $2.oa V American sociological society, ;3.00. & Co, Jlilr{ 2J2 i i)[�I,_„_., E. C Atkins $7.00. \\'III Bass, $1.46. Ado ted 6 the Council._ 191..........-. P )� Clancy Geo. C. Binder, $1.80. T L Bloorl & Co., $12.22. II { 1I JNA I 21 I„LU Farnsworth R. R. Bowker Co.. $10.00. Blodget & Sperry Company, Al OL ed _... .._. 6055 $4 $4.30 �,/1 _ I Buckbee-:.her Co., 12.50. % V ureau oP Applied Economics. $3.0' •�L/� Burns Lumber ied Econ . Keller Burroughs Adding Machine C --- - -- McColl 80.90 \1AYOR C AV. Clark Co., $4.45. Wunderlich ".ehran-Sargent Co.. $13.44. , 'ker I'd Mr. President, Hodgson BUBLLS+Ir,ti)—/� 271 American Electric Railway Association, 2.00 Library 272 American Linen Supply Uompany, 12.70 Police 3.40 Fire 2.80 Munic. Gar. Ravi. 3.75 - Schools 2.75 =.Td - 273 American Railway Express CompanYlf 11.89 Munic. Gar. Ravi. .67 bridge B. & Repro 1.12 Schools 1.71 Library '' 1.98 1.26 ” 2.10 $r .75 " 1.58 Test. Labs. II 72 • 89 274 American Scandinavian koundation, 2.00 Library 275 American Sociologioal 'ociety, 3.00 Library 276 E. C. Atkins & Company, ?' 7.00 Schools 611 1.45 1.80 12,22 10.00 4.30 2.50 3.00 17.94 30.90 4.45 13.44 13.76 44.66 1.75 2.00 26.91 -,t t Res. 42 Page ¢#2 277 Will Bass, a, Schools 278 Geo. C. Binder, water 279 T. L. Blood & Company, Workhouse 280 R. R. Bowker Company, Library 281 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, Civil Service 1,05 Water 3.25 282 Buckbee-Mears company, Library 283 Bureau of Applied Economics Library 284 Burns Lumber Company, Workhouse 2.04 Central H.S.Library 5,90 Water 2.50 Paving Como Ave. E. 7,50 i7'.T 285 Burroughs Adding Machine Company*, Water 286 C. W. Clark Company, Library 287 Cochran -Sargent CompanYp P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.92 Gaultier School 11.52 1��F4 288 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. .25 " 1.05 Sprinkling 6.75 Schools 1.33 3.73 waterT5.49 289 Louis F. Dow Company, ayor s Office 1.48 City Clerk 2.25 Election 15.20 Corp. counsel ,85 e Municipal Court 10.80 Com'r. of Finance 3.60 Civil Service 10*48 290 Edward C. Downing, Library 291 Drama League of America, Libraiq 292 East Side Grocery Company, Schools 1.45 1.80 12,22 10.00 4.30 2.50 3.00 17.94 30.90 4.45 13.44 13.76 44.66 1.75 2.00 26.91 Res. 42 Page #3 293 Fenstermacher Auto Supply Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 294 Field, Schlick & Company, Workhouse Schools n 295 Chas. Friend & Son, St. C. & Repr, 296 General Drafting I-ompany, Library 297 Great Northern Railway Company, Workhouse 298 Howard, Farwell Company, Library 299 R. W. Hruby, Schools 300 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 301 Kaplan Printing company, "orkhouse Water n 302 Keasbey & Mattison Company, Paving Depreciation i 303 Kee Lox Manufacturing Company, Purch. Dept. Bureau of r'ngineers 304 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, Fire Schools 305 Library Bureau, Pur ah. Dept. Library 306 Merriam Park Cash Grocery, Schools 307 0. R. Mickelsen, Schools 308 C. E. Miller, Schools 309 Miller & Holmes, Workhouse 310 Minnesota Pattern Works, Fire 52.92 21.60 1.05 4.50 35.00 4.50 T4-; 6a 41.67 3.00 5.00 46.53 181.80 73'3:33 48.00 9.60 5T. -OT - 8.65 75.57 1.25 20.00 60.20 13.65 11.06 25.75 44.00 10.50 44.67 233.33 57.60 16.73 15.80 14.22 13.60 7.30 320 O'Connell Supply UOMParly, Schools 321 J. E. Olen UomPany, Fire Munic. Gar. Ravi. 322 oriental Laundry, Quarantine 323 oxford University Press, Library 324 Patterson Dental Supply UOMPanYs Schools 325 H. 1+ a Z z Son,Com'r. of Finance 6.50 Comptroller 62.75 Porice 49,75 Bureau of -ngineers 24.00 It 4.50 5.15 31.50 a(3.00 3 9.31 36*65 16*56 5.42 ,75 147.50 T • _j. Res. 311 42 Page #4 -age Battery Company, Minnesota Storage 60,65 Gar. 1 312 E. A. Moeller Company, 12,00 Health 313 D. W. Morrison, 35,00 St. C. & Repr. 314 National Association of Audubon Societies, 6.00 Library 315 National Education Association, 2.50 Library 316 National Meter Company,. 42.27 Water; 317 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 2.89 65,70 Fire It 4.50 Munic. Gar. Ravi. 22.80 8*53 4.88 Water 7.10 Paving Depr. 15.00 318 North American Telegraph Company, 1o56 Police .319 N. W. stamp Works, flity 241.20 319.99 - Clark Election 5.00 L;omIr. of Finance 11o50 Comptroller 4.25 Schools 43*04 Library 1625 12.50 1.25 Tr970 320 O'Connell Supply UOMParly, Schools 321 J. E. Olen UomPany, Fire Munic. Gar. Ravi. 322 oriental Laundry, Quarantine 323 oxford University Press, Library 324 Patterson Dental Supply UOMPanYs Schools 325 H. 1+ a Z z Son,Com'r. of Finance 6.50 Comptroller 62.75 Porice 49,75 Bureau of -ngineers 24.00 It 4.50 5.15 31.50 a(3.00 3 9.31 36*65 16*56 5.42 ,75 147.50 !i Res. 42 Page #5 326 Perkins -Tracy Printing Uompany, 169.20 ,Munic. Gar. Revl. 36.75 Schools 11.70 Library 24.75 " 17.75 " 20.75 Water 9.50 to 48.00 TS9� 327 D. A. W. Pfaff, 89.01 Schools 328 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 49.57 Armory 12.12 Munic. Gar. nevl. 7.49 Library 1.17 P. Bldga. Revl, 20.94 Water 4.25 " 3.60 X57 _ 329 J. F. Ptaaek & Son, .80 Pol. & Fire Alarm 330 Public Ownership League or America, 5.00 Library 331 Raymer Hardware Uompany, 77.70 Fire .40 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.59 " 1.65 " .45 Library 9.25 Auditorium 2.50 Playgrounds 1.16 Water 3.75 .30 " .65 Paving Ashland Ave. 55.00 777" 332 Remington Typewriter wompany, 20.35 Purch. Dept. 1.25 Schools 16.65 " 2.45 26..35 333 Robinson, Cary & Sands, 133.85 St. C. & Repr.,18.60 Bridge B. & Repr. 4.35 Library 7.65 Paving Depr. 99.18 West St.Anthony Pump H. 4.07 T'" $S 334 Otto W. Rohland Company, 20.10 Schools 335 St.Paul Auto Top Works, 10.75 Munic. Gar. Revl. 336 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 25.81 Munic. Gar. Revl. 337 St.Paul Fleatro Plating Works, 1.50 Fire Res. 42 Page #6 338 St.Paul Foundry Company, Dooke, wharves and levees 339 St.Paul Gas Light Company, i Munic. Emp. Bureau 28.76 Police 469.70 Pol. & Fire Alarm25.51 Munic. Gar. Revl. 338.27 Schools 3.00 Library 67.24 to 31.97 Art Museum 15.00 It 15.00 Parks 2.00 Test. Labs. 10.57 Water 120.13 179 340 St.Paul Glass Company, Pol& Fie Alarm 1.83 Muni.. Gar. Revl. 6.48 8:3f 341 St.Paul i+hite Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 342 Frank J. Schaaf & Company, Water 343 Scheffer & Rossum, Parks 344 W. H. Schmelzel Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 345 Carl W. Schulz, Schools 346 Schulte's Book Store, Library 347 Science Press, Library 348 Charles Scribner's Sons, Library 349 South Park Foundry Company, Water 350 Stearns Printing Uompany, Finance 3.50 om'r. of Controller 3.75 3.75 Health- dm. 3.50 Health 27,00 351 G. E. Stechert & Company, Library 352 Superior PrintiPg Company, rinted forms and bkks. 24.50 Civil Service 4.60 Bureau of -ngineers 46.50 Schools 12.00 17.20 1,127.15 8.31 43.40 2.50 9.50 42.19 12.20 13.70 5.25 352.00 73.50 41.50 139.41 87.60 Res. 42 Page #7 353 Swift & Compe117, Workhouse fi 354 Transit Supply Company, Park -Adm. Water 355 W. H. Ulmer, Sewer C. & Repr. 356 U. S. Rubber Company, Sewer C. & Repr. 357 G. Bross Van Dort Company, Library 358 D. Van Nostrand Company, Test. Labs. 359 H. E. Vdedelstaedt, Police Schools 360 Western Machine Mfg. Company, Fire Schools IfIt Paving Depr. 361 Western Supply Company, Fire Schools u Playgrounds Schools 362 E. Weyhe, Library 363 R. B. Whitacre, Sprinkling 364 H. W. wilson Company, Library 365 Arthur R. v'omrath, Inc., Libr ary Total 5,622.08 1.20 4.00 r=. 42.95 26.27 230.31 346.65 8.95 4.05 M1970 10.32 9.24 18.74 1.98 13.83 175.75 300.00 65.00 50.54 27.00 5.00 5.20 659.18 54.11 1.50 19.34 1.20 13.80 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: COUNCILW' FILE N.— Date ...Date Presented._............_............__.._.._.....191..... Resolved, That the application of Willis & Peterson doing business as.thaCapitol Garage to maintain an oil filling station at 50-52 12th.St.be and the.same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee fifty dollars (;; CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILr NO_:......,�...�_.!-'...�... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY, COMMISSIONER..._....._.... .._........ .._.._.... .... _..... ............................ ............ _._...__... DATEJallllC�_Y `.1..1.192(1_... RESOLVED That tp,e e'l;^ci:;;s_ itent 1.:c and he is here��y _authorized to have the ';lac:cbo ris _-. the 'Harrison and `P.-ittier �3C.-,Ouls re_ `i:Ashed Lit tot: i coot of : of to e -'--,(,ed w586.70, by '/. J. ..ruler, 'Xititoat _ 'or aet_ti e bidc,, this is a. e5eci<Ll � roceFs u_ -ich it is irr.,m^cible to cbtai n co�..y3e':'tion. Charlie Schools---aintenance. d Yes I t) Councilmen I,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss C McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (7. r. No. 279+7-131' A. wnnderllen— Resolved That the. I'vrchaaing Agent be an 1 he fs herebY u[horiz jd to haYel \shit [Ier—S choolsin finished bat ,on antal t It t to a ---ed $586-70 'y W. d. Miller 'It R. sl issk In pedal pro- c�esatluponbill. hich it Is un SClble to ob[uln c mpetltlon, Charge Sehools— Mamtennnee. lne enoru Jan. zt ts20. A domed b. ,Approved ('a 24-1920) Adopted by the Council )1 .uj !.110 - 19 In favor Approve _._ _... 19... Against' MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL,RESOLUTIO-N GENERAL FORM Subject:......- ..... - ' COUNCIL 1!) 4 FILE No .-...... ... �. -. -..... Date Presented Resolved, That the aprlication of G. J. Hargrave, doing business as G.J. Rargrave & Co., for a license to con- duct a Male and Female Employment Agency at 423-424 Merchants Bank Building, be qnd the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $151.00. Yeas W) Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7Goss �\ In favor Keller U McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FO PMO. A.. -.1. ro. 2:942—By Henry McColl— Reeolved Tbat the application 4 G. J. Hargrave doing business as G. J. Hargrave & Co. for a license to c duct a Male and rem le Employment Agency at 421-424 Merohnnts Bank Building be and the a hereby Is granted and the City sClerk ie hereby Instructed to issue such 11 cense upon then dlinto ofthe hCl tyo Treaeu an I rY the f pthe,. fee 5161.00. o Adopted by the Council Jan. 21 1920. Approved 920. (Jan?24an. 21 11920) connection with AbOY6 Resolution. Adopted by the Council. Jim Z�- �JL� 191 _. Approved lilfl 191 MAYOR COUNCIL 'j� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 949 CITY �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............ .:..._..... ............... _<........:..._........_..._.........................._................._........_.......... DATE._Jan....r21, RESOLVED k C. yv f aIn the matter of paving Como Avenue West,-f-rom Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, with necessary gas conrectione, under Final Order Council File No. 14308, approved Jan- uary 9, 1917, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing the gas conrectione necessary to be made on Como Avenue West, from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plane, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. A > In thea m 2tcrr 7949 cues ° 57nr1-0. 1in Prom Ha ng Como Aven[� nn tnllne CourtdI I.I enuNa 'th F � sears gas ✓arta Vry 9, 193 14308, nl Umerj J7ndResol ed Ithae xed Proved � r Perl lira[ one Cnmto °tions nec ho N'/be tho 1. r,.oPlnna' _ .lren ue tuen71Q h'ee r m 1 rnnr,c.e,i sneiii mn rte dT , d [he dvert ue, n e s [lino afrerted`torq ar lse Commission" together hFreby 'h IN rl 1 Pnul Gns I,lghta Id Plnns,°j t[hla Rod Ado Uted b)the Cou 1°n tl�e Sf. m Pan)'. '1PProre7i Jn n. 20. 1920 Jon. 21, 1920. (Jan. 24-1920) I Yes I ) Councilmen ( 1 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council Jlli1 �Z..! .00. _ ....__19 Farnsworth / Goss ._.__. _ln favor Approved_._ __,1i�.11 '�,�_..�1L1�..__._._._19_...... McColl _ Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3M9 L ._. . COUNCIL YY CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO...._..'_"_;:._G�.l. �.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL' RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. ............. .............. ._._............_...... .............................. ............................_._.... DATE...., RESOLVED-'� y In the matter of raving Como Avenue 'gest, from Raymond Avenue to Westerly City Limits, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order Council File No. 14308, approved January 9, 1917, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections necessary to be made on Como Avenue ?fest, from Raymond avenue to Westerly City Limits, are hereby ap- proved and the Commissioner of Publ orks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. Yes (%') Councilmen (1.) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss '- raecou Powers J Wunderlich Mr. President FORM --s P. No. 27950—lay At. N. Goss— , I 7n the matter of paving Como Avenur es R'es[, from Raymond Avenue [o. westerly City I.Imits.' with n h'ne con [lona, oder Final Grder (rancho No. 14306, approved January 9, 1017. Resolved That the xed pions and aped flea tions showing the gra connection, n oq o AvenueeC IV et, to 10tymond - Avenue to Westerly City Limits n hereby approved and the Commis - .loner of Public Works Is hereby or- e d directed to s copy oP this order together with 's Id plane, upon the St Paul Gas Light Company. Adopted by the Council San. 21, 1920. Approved ,Inn. 21, 1920. (Jon. 24-1920) , In favor Against All 21 111H Adopted by the Council 19 i Approved.._ _.... 111111 'j19 - COU CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L �° (q FILE ND............-:..-.__ OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Jar 21, 1920 COMMISSIONER. ............_.!"....................................._.__...:_..._.................._........__......._......................... DATE............-'_.__.........__............ RESOLVED � ! . In the natter of paving Como Avenue - West, from Raymond Averue to Westerly City Limits, with necessary water and.�er'connec- tions, under FSnelsOrder Council F I -e No. 14308, approved January 9, 1917, RESOLVED, That the annexed p1Fns and specifica- tions showing sewer and water connections neces- sary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to constrLct and inetall said water connections in--` such plans and specifications provided for; ,ata that the prover city officers are hereby,atthoriz- ed and direciei to advertise for bids f -or the in- stalling of the eajdr ei6w'6r and'house"drain connec- tions in such plane and specifications provided for; the cost of said sewer and water connectione to be paid oi-t of the Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund; all as provided for by Ordinance ,N No. 3793, approved October 27, 1916. ose— t"- } C. F. No, 27951—By AI. N. Goal— - In lnl`eslmfrter eme 1 omofRnymloadCOAve unill westerly City l.imifs, with eces- ` yO uary water and a wer ectlons. nder Final Order Council No. 14306, �"`t i A approved January 9, 1917. f ` Resolved, That thes.no-11 plane and epeci lien [lona aho wing sewer a rl , water connections necessary to be ade pon said streets are hereby C V do p lea and liproved a d the Com- mtssloner f Public works is hereby ordered and dlreted to construct and Install 'aid water connections In such plans d peciflcatlon. provided for: hnd that the proper city offices a rr ereby authorized and directed to ad- crtlas for bids for the installing of the as Rewerand housra edln c tions In such plans and .peclfleatlona prdvidedethe wat1[or. C n-tlohecast to lea ldtala out ofthe Permanent Improvement Re- volving Fund; all as provided for by . Ordinance ,0. 3793, approved October Yes (t) Councilmen (� l Nays 27. 1916. Adopted by the Council Jan. 21, 1920. +)� Approved Jan. 21, 1920. All F,. 'I ��4 Clancy (Jan. 24-1920) d by the Council 19 Farnsworth Goss In favor APProved_. McColl 3 Powers –Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President COUNCIL 2-e952 (-�52 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fu_r. FILE NO.........'.._....'..:... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M' COMMISSIONER. .... .._......_............................................. DATEJ,an.•....2'.1.,._.1920....... .... RESOLVED - In the matter of paving Como Avenue West, from Hamline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, with necessary water connections, under Final Order Council File No. 14308, apl,roved Janu- ary 9, 1917, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifica- tions showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street are hereby adopted and ap- proved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and in- stall said water connections in Buch plans and epeeifications provided for, the cost of said water connections to be paid out of the Perma- nent Improvement Revolving Fund, as provided for by Ordinanoe No. 3793, approved Ootcber 27, 1916. C. F.N°.z9s_Fc°:e�en"y 'C ¢ �� In th- mn-tt nt HnmliN west Avenue, Rn �rynµi aril ¢PProve arptern C n °File NoU 14298. c°u��111911-- (V 1;. der n µd d¢nu rYd the 'That ¢haNlnK moer e ds U noir I. ",9¢Pted n essni Y u¶dFub-�� e {loonseet a h-reh: loner d RI. IeeU`rin1il Rid ,,'a, 7th hl r�bY pn¢o¢L nd «orto trout n t nt ,� •... , -on 'e its a neucinn¢ m (or. the -Id t I \ , ne ,ions Denby �?,. .� 'V enc Ctit CRo..' cc U,`1 ��• ( ¢aid w'npermnnent ° et., le; Cetober 2i. o[ the Fund. Pro'vl vo1NnR No. 5993, ¢PP10vdon. 2l, 1920. din AnCC �i./'�✓ 19192il . ted by the C° 1 tl APP (dao?24-1920) Yes (0 Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council jX1 21 KJ '(U -- 19 Farnsworth J,`��, �j[IJ Goss In favor APProved .. 19_..... Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 1.9-19 1 '- 1'11111' OF ST. TACT. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1'IIt NC'IL N o...........`'.�.d._T.��.... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A 46.2 M 7-18 AUDITED TITI 1: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon [he Cite Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I. \' 1 Councilmen I v ) Nays Adopted by the unc' _ Ali__.. , __191.__....... Clancy o\ d J[O 191 Ll favor - �'A.. ........ eon— Against /�^✓- MAYOR 3fcColl —_- Wunderlich C. F. No. 27953 A Abstract. Mr. President, HodgsonResolved that warrants be draw', upon the City Treasury, payable out of the here; rafter specified funds and In y favor of the persona, firms or carper a- tios r the mounts s nfoet opposite thelr respective ¢n specttled In the [ a at lowing detailedstate slit: F. 1t. parnes, Camera :\r[ Cotn p¢ny. $10.50. Engineering News -Record, $5.00. Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company. $143.12. Great Ickes Coal & nock Company, - $1J 17.21. % Johnson High School Print Shop. $6 0. ;NJ,Cl1in & Hedman, $87.95. l:lancha E. Sic Kown, $6.50. \ort he rn Coal & C,ck company. $662.46. , falter Salinger, $1.00. AV, F. Smiley, $5.00. Tierney & Co.. $845.26.' Rensselaer Valve Ca., $79.80, - G. w". \Voo"Y' $1.00. Adopted by the Cauncfl .Ian. 22, 1120. A PP roved Jan. 22.1920. (Jan. 21-1920) 7.00 380 F. M. Barnes, Water 40.50 381 Camera Art Company, Corp. Counsel 382 Ebagineering News -Record, 5.00 Park -Adm. 383 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 143.12 Police 9.00 P. baths 3.80 Enf. of Dog Lic. 2.28 S. & S. �ing. 7.80 Schools 3.60 Central H.S.Library 94.50 Bureau of Parks .90 n 5.00 Water 1.95 +[ 14.29 12 384 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 1,117.24 Armory 264.34 Water 851.43 It 1.47 1, 7-.M M 4w Res. 45 Page #2 385 Johnson High School Print Shop, Schools 386 McClain & Hedman, Corp. Qounsel n Civil Service C.P.S,-Gen. Adm. Police Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. Johnson H.S.Library Library Park -Adm. it Water if 387 Blanche E. McKown, Civil Service 388 Northern Uoal & Dock Company, Schools Bureau of Parks 389 Walter Salinger, Schools 390 W. F. Smiley, Water 391 Tierney & Company, Fire 392 Rensselaer Valve Company, Water 393 G. W. Wooley, Health Total 3,066.83 2.50 2.25 6.00 1.50 5.90 14.90 13.30 18.00 20.00 1.20 1.50 .90 87 *95- 604.65 57.81 8888 65.00 87.95 6.50 662,46 1.00 5.00 845.26 79.80 1.00 l'PI'1IIF 1111. PAUL on cn •o •^^ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I rel NC'1L No.. ................................ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F -k. 46 AUDITED ............ ...... ........ 797.. -. G rlTl.l: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure',' payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corpor:Aions for the amounts set opposite their respeclive names as specified in the folh,ving detailed state4cm: - Yeas t. v" ) Councilmen t V ) Nays Adopted by the C '+�i_Z2 Clancy In favor ___.. __. fie- _... _.Against McColl Wunderlich C. F. No. 27954— Mr. President, Hodgson Abstract. b, drawn Resolved that warrantas,a b" out of the City Trneae Ic.dP frond¢ and 111 arcs firma¢ 000rPora- the 1,110—ft- rev do Ua oforh theQ{6 mounts a e peclfled Ito In • hle[ loweln te1tSy detoned etatef Finance. S a, Fxr....,th Com'r. o $ 35.035.32. d Jan 22. 1920. 2 1W APPr`ted by the Council Jan. 2 . _ .\dop (3-24-119920) r / . C. & R 15,035,32 394 S. A. Farnsworth, ��f Finance 1,770.30 Sewer C. & R. 833.69 S. & S. Cing. 7,566.78 2,297.30 It 266.00 Bridge B. & R. 293.85 Sprinkling Revl. 1,102.40 Docks, wharves, etc. 48.00 Engineering InsP. 8i7.00 5 85 Total 15,035.32 ePehe � �yy CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No..........).d...:a.e.�c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........._.._....._........:._......_............._...._....._........... DATE...._...._....____.._. _..........._..... RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the new Groveland Park Al School building, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of .the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are, hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise forbids thereon in accordance with paragraph "C" of Section 304 of the City Charter. x , _ N. 27956—B)' a. «'underllch7- C rt,a Ived, That the pia,us and spec ), ry 11 (or, the f w d b, be Clty School building' P'tePadirection ( tfie ( Parks, PIaY41 nda Lnd Publl B lIdirK d.bo an athe bes ra' ¢ here b, PProve f sstisfactory ;o the Cochasin Nir - I Education. at d the Purchasing TFent. Iis her¢bY authorized 1 directed to advertise (or bide the"C" If Sect' once '1lh Cit)- ra ' o $e4 L the Cit)- Charter . Ado Ptetl by the 2 11291 San. Y" - - APProved San. 22, 1 Llan.(�2i-1920) /r Q� yoty\ Yes Councilmen f : i Nays Adopted by the Cou d J.- �. ._____. 19 Clancy Farnsworth A ed -/ Juf ;e2 1jL0____ :. 19. Moss. In favor McColl J 'Powers AZainst Mir Wunderlich Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAU/� / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a ................_........__.............._......._......_..............._.............._ �;! t.�; 3�� Subject: ..................... ................................................ pouer+ctc NO. if Date Presented ...January. 22.4---"192D191..... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, ;°lith the consent of the 1layor and the Comntroiler, 11,906 feet of Pine and Fir, it a cost not to exceed ;653.61 or�<ormal competitive bids, without advertisement, as this lumber is to be used in repairing the Asphalt Plant and an emergency exists where any delay in making these repairs would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge Public Works_ :street Construction & Repair. C. F. No. 27956-11y A. wondcrllch— Resol,ed, That the Purehusing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to per hase �,11h the �nsent t the .Mayor and the Compro tller. 11.90fi fe..t t rme aad "'I` at a t"'t not o toe a $053.61 In[unnal o 111tl t"'e zblds, without adeertisementas th1s cumber plat bend sRd In ergenc'ypai,toge thsteAs herle t ny delay In em klog these 'epalrs n mould t uric a hardship [o the .best in- trres(s t of the City. Chsrge Publlr \Yorlts-5treu[ Construc•[Inu & Re- pair. Adopted by the Council dau. 2"_. 1920. Approved Jan. 22, 1920. (Jan. 2i- 39'l0) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Counc� if 1 4`�.2 ---'191.•-.. Clancy _Fs9asaw4D1r4h APprov .../.......�uG _>C ..� J:�.�..___ 191..... Goss._,_ ........__..In favor /j Keller- ............ ............_ Against / ................ 4 \MAY OR ' Wunderlich Mr7resident, Hodgson PORM C. A. 9 --'-- touNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rue NO......_____ .............. _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ..._........ DATEJ3X)?,ixy.. �`ti, _19.2.0.. RESOLVED That the-urchasin._ Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to ,jurchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, repair parts for Austin Road G jiders and Sprinklers frog the austin-'.lectern Ror=d machinery Company, to the amount of 4369.90, without askinC for competitive bids, as these article_ are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge -ubiic 'Sorks- Street Construction Fc Repair. Yes Councilmen (,! Nays Clancy .F- m W frth KGowq McColl Pow,"& Wunderlich Mr. President GOaM JM9'Is C. F. No. 27957—BY A. Wlladerlich— Resolved. That the Purchasing' Agent he, and he is hereby authorized rrh:tse. with the consent of the Conk ptroller, l epair parts for Austin Roarl e; rade r,and Sprinkler, from the (stern Road \tnchinery Com- pany, to the a Int of §209.911, with- [ aeking (orn�om Peti tivr bids, these articles a e, patented and n ad- vantake PI'llu 11r beorksinld thereby^ structlon & Rcpal r. "doPt ed by the I:ou nrll Jan. 22, 1920. Approved Jan. 22. 1920. (Jan. 24-1920) Adopted by the Council In favor Against — 1\ 'G2 BJH 19 11..c:2 i �.. --.19 -_._ Total 1,371.48 Form A A 48, 2 X 7-I8 "T up "T. t -AUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM No........_ 48 AUDITED ..„Cti .:.__..... ..... ._.....__..191_.... %/71(' PER"..'`1.... ...J _. ... .__... Resohed that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in o win: detailed statement: All N Yeas I j Councilmen Adopted �0 Adopted by th on I II . __ rrI_................191........... Fa. No. 27959—`. Clancy Resolved that bstract. 191 warrants be drawn I'arnsworth Pon the City Treasury, payable out of - hereinafter specified funds and In ...of the persons,firms or co�pora- ,.\ ions for the amount Be[ opposite U Heir respective names as specified in -- �e followin[IIiled g destatement:-NTAY�IR Kellerin" Nat'l Bank. $277,681.24. McColl Adoi.ted by the roaneu Jan. 21,1920. Approved Jan. 23. 1920. � Wunderlich Ilan. 21-1920) Mr. President, Hodgson -" - --I - - 401 Merchants National Bank, Red. of Bonds 1920 230,000.00 Interest 36,027.50 it 3,047.50 G.F.-Mist. & Unforseen 33.74 Perm. Imp. Revl. Fund - Int. Act. 8,572.50 27'1, bb.L';e$ Total 277,681.24 277,681.24 CITY OF ST. PAUL C�O�UI�.G-L.L- RESOLUTION G ERAL FORM Gl U `t ) / Subject:__. _... _.. .� L _. _. _ _ ... COUNCIL% � �i } FILE N O. Date Presented-- --- - -- 191..... r. so. zt96o—Ry s. A. rnrnaii„rt>'-I 12esolvedare , That the Proper c ° hereby authorized °mi ynt truct¢d to Issue an 1 draw I I rr I tarot f H. Greaves, 1743 Sl belnF enue. In the ..a, o[ $16.43, v erroneously Paid iding the �ura itYs Treasury for the r 11ru; 12. lointer etreat o I'o c"r9sahie to tuft Addition. ¢ Permanent Improvement Revoly- tq Fund. Improvement 763. �t Adapted by the Councn Jnn, 23. 1920. \!✓"}a\ Approved Jan. 23, 1920. (Jun. 31-1920) Yeas ( I') Councilmen( 1') Nays Clancy Farnsworth &m vKeller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson roRM c A. a aM a -le Adopted by the Council 191 In favor Approve 1. 191 Against MAYOR Form A A 46, 2 M I-18 fl'i't 1111 -'. I. 1 111 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER r— x No- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM o' im• - - F'i 1.k: ..... Charles \lichau d, Edward Ni ➢larks ind Nary Fisch beln, E1,5+0.00. Walter J. Ann—E336.70. North States Jf otors, Inc.E. $23.68. Northwestern Electric quipment Company, $21.70. Vit. Paul Gas Light CO., $19,341.0+. Victory Printing Co., $233.38. Adopted by the Couryil Jam 24, 1920. ,A PProved J 1920. J... 31-1920) 402 S. A. Farnsworth, r1920Ce 23,852.50 49 _ 23,000.00 � r lu,..i Ll.nit AUDITED ....._ ...........__ ........ 19 ......_ n 367.50 / TITLI: lieWlaed that warrant, be drawn upon the City Treason. parable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations Cor the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Teas I N, ) Councilmen I V I Nays Adopted by the Cowicil _ Jl�11 lJ((J __191....._.... A Clancy vP. ^- � F. .�ss.Abstract. t� . 011l� 4 � LTJ.. "-'.._.� 403 Farnsworth _\ /v'' . Von the CICY Treasury. payable out of e he relr that warrants be drawn he specified funds and oled _ ..._._ / r Feller aa. - of the firms or corpora- avor o[ the personshe Ifn _.... ...... McColl I.Per ara.. heir f sPectiv. name [s sss pec ified 200.00 404 H. A. Meybohm, Agent he following deL Iled statement. S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. nr Ftnance, ' n/unclerlich •23.852.550. 405 Charles Michaud, Edward W. Marks and Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, 1,540.00 )1r. President, Hodgson ;67.30. H A \Sevbohm Agent $2000. 336*70 Charles \lichau d, Edward Ni ➢larks ind Nary Fisch beln, E1,5+0.00. Walter J. Ann—E336.70. North States Jf otors, Inc.E. $23.68. Northwestern Electric quipment Company, $21.70. Vit. Paul Gas Light CO., $19,341.0+. Victory Printing Co., $233.38. Adopted by the Couryil Jam 24, 1920. ,A PProved J 1920. J... 31-1920) 402 S. A. Farnsworth, r1920Ce 23,852.50 ofrBonds 23,000.00 Interest 470.00 n 367.50 Spec. Assess.Bond t. Fund -Spec. Bond Int. 15.00 �0 A 67.30 403 Finch, Van SlycLightingnville, 200.00 404 H. A. Meybohm, Agent Schools 405 Charles Michaud, Edward W. Marks and Mary Fischbein, 1,540.00 Schools 336*70 406 Walter J. Miller, Schools 23.68 407 North States Motors, IGar. ftevl. 408 Northwestern 11-tomleotric Equipment pay, 4.96 21.70 Schools Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. .96 74 It 7.00 2= 409 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 19,341.04 Lighting 410 Victory Printing Company, 233.38 Schools CITY OF ST. PAUL CO NCIL No ,� •� �����`� ..x.,._,........ /..� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE No.......... ♦ PRESENTED BY - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-"GENtRAL FORM COMM—ISS IONER....._._V.//.4 0. e/%Iit/-/ DATE,Ianuary._.16.1920..... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Comudttee in awarding contract to the National Cast Iron Pipe Company for furnishing approximately 633 tons of Cast Iron Pipe to the water Department during the year 1920, for the sum of approximately $43,550.40, they being the lowest responsible bidder, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract with said company in accordance with specifications, their bid and award attached hereto. F.B. No, 2106. Yes t l Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM —t— - M9 I9 C. P`. No. 27962-11 mann L Do,vera— Res.lyed. That the Council hereby Clo mrmlttee hinacti on f the Parch rtaing the National cast I,m, Plpe to Company for `u rn leh Lng pproxlmat el-' G33 tune P Cast Iron Pipe to the water Ac- I",p.ro nt auring the )' r 1920, t' the I", of appr..im R,cIy $43,660.40, then being [he lowest ponaible bidder and the C.rporntionr Counsel is hereby a [horizetl to drnw up the proper form 00 Ontrart with Bala company In e dance ith pecffi—ti ons, their bid I2oa 21., and attached here(... r. R, Adoptedby the Council San. 24, 1920. Appror«d Jan.24, 1920. (Jun. 31-1920) --- In favor Against Received all pacers 1A COYITl ,C1-.1 r'.n PJZ f7{ ;'Jove Resol`-u�tL n. j Adopted by the Council AN ;e44 V0 -19 Approved AN w4 1�{[}... i9..__. MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......_::.�-•...._t�......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n COMMISSIONER � DATE!T nary 16.1920.,,,, .......... ,//���..�.. 1��(�.J ..�... ............ .. RESOLVED That the Council k}ereby approves the action of "the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the W. P. Taylor Company, for furnishing Cast Iron Gate Valve and Service Connection during the year 1920 Boxes to the Water Department%for the sum of approximately $12,045.25, they being the lowest responsible bidder, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract with said company in accordance with specifi- cations, their bid and award attached hereto. F.B. No. 2104. C. F. No. 27,903—By Frank 1. Powera— Beaolved. That the Connell hereby Comrmltteeoves the in ctlon of rdlnR thePurchasing C[ I to the N. P. Taylor Company. for Pur- nlshing Cas[ Iron Gate Valve anti Ser- vice Connection Boxes to the Water Department during the year 1920 for thesum of approximately $12045.25. they being the lowest responsible bid- der,nd the Corporation Counsel Is hereby authorized to draw up the the proper form of contract with said company In accordance wl th apecltica- tlons, their bid and award attached hereto. F. B, No. 2104. Adnp ted by the Council Jan. 24, 1920. Approved Jan. 24, 1920. (Jan. 31-1920) ' ReceiTPr; a -f l Pan�rs3 in connect .. . e • Resolutio^.. i'es Councilmen (,' ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council J{1�1 '� I yt(j - -- 19 Farnsworth A=,— _._.._.. In favor Approved ... % _'v'.�i. �JLO._ ...19 McColl Powers AEainst Wunderlich Nexae- Mr. President CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM SubjeEt:.. _ Fire sir NO. Date Presented-- "an -•-.24, __....191�P'Q 1 Resolved, That the a : 11ca' ion of the folio i� "'er ;ons fG .' to co''nduct 1 at ori . ' ct zl5 i , is +e"T",+- ' e, an.. the Hotels or Re �11ur ants : t the oc i reel e. iv ^to same are he -re' . c�rznted, anft the ie7 "'lerk is authorize >--- is uz uch li:^.e z to sai = rer: o:.a u�cn :�.ynent of the fee ass re wired Y lax". ,7,T -' - "FT, OR T_7,77 :i:'AT. LOChTT0 A:"? CPA C1._.T, Abdo 72-rkey, Restaurant, 452 r]i'oley St., 1Tic Thill, Restaurant, 159 7% 5th 2t., Fra*: "chley, Po axdin.:�-house, 2156 University, Roy CO. :tiller, Restaurant, 3,11 Jackson rt„ Tor_,r ha,rley, Restaurant, 104 State St., Sam T:'aeshechin;, 102 "Ogyne Ave., nen St., F.estaurant, 862 ' .,rs. Dan ''idman, Restaurant, _' + 264 I; 6th t„ Ja000 '-'elkon,Reataur: n�, ,e 5:alenciraY. Restzurant 693 'ieeissi.,_ i St„ reo , + 146 7th St., E. Pro',:n, R.ea aurant, 7th St H. :)eagle, Restaurant, 8� C. 'il— F. No. 27964—By Henry lien ion o[' / Resolved, That the spa the following persona for license to on Horeen or Restu;n`a' indits cated the be locations pectl vela' ted, and the same -are hereby gran dl .the City Clerk isp h authorized a "tud said ec[ed to Issu pas _C1,, of the fee as. peersons Pkaw: Abdo by Abdo I;arkey, Restaurnn[, 462 Bible)' StNic iilernth St Frank Sch, Bndi9 NV -S5 2156 Unlverai ty A—Restaurant, 341 Jack - Roy C. Miller, son St. Tony Charley, Restaurant, 104 Stale S snm Knesheshim. Restaernnt, 192 E. Gib St. IIestaurant, 862 Mrs. Dan Kidman, t Payne Ave. Restaurant. 264 E. Gth Jacobielko n. SLGeorge Knlenekuk, Restaurant, 693 Mlssleaippi St, . Ll, 191 _... Yeas (jr) Councilmen (I') Nays F.. Brown, Ftestnurant. 146 N1•. 7th SL i; J H. Bcugle, Restaurant, 82 W. 7th tthe Council sL dopted by n. 2Council Jfln. 24, 1920. Clancy A Approved (.1un 3111920) � Farnsworth 191 Sys \ In favor Keller 0 McColl Against _. _. _.. _ MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of .----- Bureau l 1 �dancil File No. By RESOLVED, That lh, St. Paul Gas l.ieht Company is hereby ordered xvd directed to extend its electrical lives by ....ti- Poles .ud etrinaine wires thereon for the travemieaiov at eleetriety ov and In the followlna alleys and .-et, of said city: Date Presente 1 Instal]. One pole on Toronto Street, south of St.Clair Street. One pole in the alley east of DeAlton Street, and north of IvanWay. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial li?hting. C. F. No. 27966—Hy -L N. Goes— Re.olved, That the St. Paul Gns Light Company Is hereby ordered and directed to extend Its electrlcnl lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the trsnami.slon of elec- trieity' o and In the following slleys and streets of said city: Install One pole on Toronto Street, South of S . Clair Street. One pole In the alley east of D¢.1- ton Street. and north of Ivan Nay. with necessary guys and anchors. Commercl at lighting. All f uch extensions, poles and. wires hall be erectedan d conetruc[edi u der the direction d a pervislon ed the Commissloner of Public Utilities and In 11 things s bJcet to the nrovl alone of Ordinance No. 2424, and [ 11 other lawful ordinances and resolu- IIons of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be Set in such I. - It on in aid alleys d Street. ae the Commissloner of Public U little. shall', designate, and Shallbe f such hetghb and churactor n It shaldesignate and approve, and nn) an it all such poles hall he taken down and ro- ved. and such wires placed under - bull deem ghat h[he vpublice lnteresti]- re - All of each ertensiovs, polo avd wires shall be erected xvd i quires, and when It .hall o order. re - the of Public Utilities and in Al throes =object to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2414, and of all other la Adopted by the Council 920. Jan. 26, G, 1920. Fom All pole should be set in such lovatiov iv said alleys avd air '4 VProved Jan. 26, 1920. (nfote nd shall be al such 1,1 he and ch—.ler as e shall deei¢vate avd approve. avd any avd all such pole. shall be fdan. 31-1920) kk ond, whenever the Council shall deem that the ;.vblI, bit erot e. requires, ,it when it.hall so order. :adopted by the Council------ Ail ;�, I'11[U 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH 0098 McCOLL } WUNDERl f3 HYLAND A roved tJiW ;G �J?d 191 pp KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL��;.;. Council Resolution ---General Form ,1 Decarlment Of --- o f f — of File No. __ --_-- Date Presented 191 ByRESOLVED, Thxt the St. Paul (:as Licht (' m avy is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electiiml lives by erectivc pole- and s arc ne wires thereon for the Iravnml-siov of cleeuicty on and in the follow ine alleys sad streets of said city: Install Two poles on StaLawrence Street, west of Missouri Street. Commercial lighting. One pole on the northeast corner of Broadway and Prince Streets. Municipal lighting. With necessary guys anianchors. C. F. No. 27966—Ry :1f. N. Onss— Resol, it. That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and 'directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and [ringing wires thereon for the suit of elec- tricity on and {n If) (o],owing alleys and streets of sat,, city: Install Two poles o St. Lawrence Street est of Dtissoor street. w Commercial lighting. One note n the north `casteast car - nor of Broadway and Prince Streets. M oni clpa I light ing. With guys and anchors.. All ofn such extenslons, poles And wires shall be erected and constructed thder the direction d supervision of, e Commissioner a Public Utilltlesl and ih all things subject bject to the provt- stons of Ordinance No. 2424, and of. all other lawful ordinances and resolu- of the coy of St. Paul tions � 11poles should be set In such loca- tion In said alleys and streets as the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall bComminsivner of Pubiic Utilities avd io all thi-a- All of such extevniaus, poles and wirers shall be erected designate, and shall be f such helgh[ _b)ect to the provision. of Ordivavice Na. 2424. avd of x11 of olid character u he shall designate .lanate. and shall be of such hcieht avd character as All poks.hoold be net in such location in said alleys a and approve, and :toy nd all such deserouad, whenever the Coovcil shall deem that the t•e shall denievateanlu n.ma ve, and any and all such poles sl poles shall be lateen down and re- „ublicivterestsore9aar andwheyit.hallsoorder. moved, and such wires placed-under- groand. whenever the Cannell shall �:!•[�� 191 deem that the p, bite interest so re Adopted by the Council_ n°.iaovl red by ine Council ,.."216"'1"0. Approved Jan, 26, 1926. Yeas ( ) Councih (Jan. 31-1920) ) Nays FARNSWORTH McCOLL WUNDERLICH 191 HYLAND Approve KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor -t CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of------ Bureau f ---- Bureau of —— 4 Cou�'cil File No.----- Date Presented 191 o; -- RESOLVED. eSO0( I<ir h,ton e t in b iii win¢ aliens and. hetet, Bata tynd d;teded to extend lee electrical lines by ereccv¢ Pvlee and etrin¢in¢ w' cs thereon 'o' 'be Install, One pole on Walnut Street, south of West Seventh Street. One pole in the alley north of Randolph Street and west of Lexington Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. No. 27967-6Y b1. 1C, 6oss— itesolved, That the SLo Pnul Gas Light Company Is hereby rdered andi directed to extend Its electrical lines! by erecting Voles and triaging wl—I thereon for the lransmiaslon of lec•- [rlcltY o tad In the following alley's' nd street[ at oC said city a Install Ono Pole on «'alms[ Street, south of \Vest Seventh St. One Pule In the alley no'tlt of Ran -I dolph St. and west of Lexington Ave: With n nt-y guys and anchors. Commercials lighting. All of such extensions, Poles and ad under the ]direction[a nd suPe-visloed and construnt of the Commissl..or of Public Utilities and In Il things subject to the govt- sions-of O'di ns nee 'a 2i'Li, ad f lI other lawful ordlnanees and [.sola-. tions of the city of Ste Paul. Al] Poles l[oa]d be tin such loca- tion i , said alleys and treels as the l;ommlesioner of Public Utit Rtes shall ] d-ii;nnte. and shall be P such height and character ne he shall designate I n e approve, and any rd a.I such Pole shall be taen down d r to ved, and such wires placed under - All of such eateneione, pole. and wires shall be erccteground, whenever the CoUneil so trite Commissioner of Public Utilities and in all thinea abject to the prvvieiovs of Ordi... he No. 2424. and of a 11 oaeem t1nt the Publise Interest s F'aal. All poles should be act iv suclocation iv .aid alley. s to�aoitt`eddhy Ithe CoUncll Jan. 26,x1920. i`t deeiusu,e and shall be of such hei¢ht and character as c hall deai¢vate and avp*ovq and any and all each poles sl �tpProved .Inn. 2G, 1920. Yt!d51rII¢rouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that etc -[blit interest so requires, and wbev it shall no order. (Jan. 31-1920) 1 V Adopted by the Council — 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays RNSWORTH GA69-- McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ,�iJi1 G1 I.1�0 Approv 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL council FILE No .......... °........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......................._......_.............._..........._. DATE........ __.. RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorized t center into an agreement with Pat Bohlin, a City employe injured in the co.:rse of his employment by the DePartident of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, on the 9th day of January, 1920, by reason Of beinO hit by an automobile which was the property of the Peoples Ice Company; said a;;reement to be drawn in accordance with the Workmen's Compensation Act; and to provide for the payment of com- penaation to said Pat Bohlin durin;; such time as he shall be totally disable 3, at the rate of 4615 per week; and be it FURTH'R RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to 'he said Pat Bohlin, Out of the Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ((;15,00) in partial settlement of his claim a;ainst the City, arisin, by reason of the accident aforesaid. F. No. 27968— Hesoiced, That the Proper city offi- ie ore hereby authorized to ter nto an agreement tYith Pat B.hli,,,l I hereby recommend the above o city employe Injured i„ the course) resolution for of his mplorinent by the nenartment pasaae, Of Public works of the City of St. Paul, on the 9th dny of January, 1920. - Ay P being hit bnm by ,a autoo- bile reason ox s the property of the Peoples Ice Com Pall Y; Old agreement to be drawn Ia accordance with the -- - ,% ,kir— Compensatloa Act. and to - _ - _ - - --- - - -- ---" Pro Ylde for the paymentp of c mensa- tlon to said Pat Bbu oa during ucn COm-111r Of Public Works. timye r s he. halt be totally disabled, at theate'of s16 per 1' 'k; and he It Further Resolved, That. tltc proper c•It>- officers are hereby authorizod to' - PaY to the said Pat Bohlin, out of the W.rknten•s Compensation .l ccou nt of the Gen eras Fund, the s oP p9 (teen Dollars 1$15.00) in Partial settlement P ren his clahn against the City, rtrising, liY son o[ the accident aforesaid. Adopted. b}' the Council .Tun. 2G, 1920. Yes (\ COUI, `t pproyed Jnn. 2G. 1920. Clancy Adopted by the Council �a�i SLG l'!Lu _..._.. Farnsworth -- In favor APPI'OV McColl - -1R Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President / MAYOR e, CITY OF ST. PAUL cou6ciL Far No........_____.__._........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COMMISSIONER. _...._... ..._.__...._ _... DATE Jan. 26, 1920 RESOLVED - w' In the matter of constructing a sewer on Burr Street from Jessamine Street to Hose Street, and on Jessamine Street from Burr Street to a point 120 feet East of the East line of Burr Street, under Preliminary Order #26227, approved August 15, 1919, and P'inal Order if27349, approved November 24, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. 279— In he on 'er hof c nstrueting a sewer n Burr Street from Jessamine St. to Rose St. and on Jessamine Street 'from Burr Street to a point 120 feet East of the East line of Burr Street, under Preliminary Order No. 26227, approved August 16. 1919, d nnal 'Ord or 27349, approved November 24. 1910. Resolved, That the plans, peciFlca- 110.3 anti estimated quantities sub. mitted by the Commissioner of Public works farthe above named im prove. ment be and the same are li ere by ap- proved. Adopted by the Council Jan. 25, 19A `'.Approved -Jan. 26,1920. (Jan. 31-1920) Rnre Lund All nan<rg Li0JUg4uLton. •rpt Yes I l i Councilmen I i Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council Ali 26 IJLO 19 Farnsworth - - Al! U In favor A pproved 19...... McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President roam a is t CITY OF ST. PAUL . _ FENat NO..... 2"iyf�C..�.�` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .._...._ ........._:. .._.._......._._.._ DATE .._.Jan. 26, 1920. RESOLVED In the matter of constructina a sewer on Annapolis Street, from Oakdale Avenue to a point forty feet East of the East line of Woodbury Street, under Preliminary Order 426469, approved Sept. 3, 1919, and Final Order (27257, approved November 24, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the- Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the sane are hereby approved. Yes (N) Councilmen I,) Nays Clancy Farnsworth McColl Powers Wunderlich roam 3M9 1 Mr. President c. F. No. 27T". In the matter of co nstructing a tewer t Annapolis St.from Oakdale Ave. to a point forty feet East of the East Ilne og l%.odbu, F, St. under Prelim- inary Order No. 26469, approved Sept. 3, 1919, a d Final Order No. 27257. approved Nov. 24, 1919. Resolved, That the plane, peclUc tlonn d stima[ed quanti tiee b- l\'orks a[unitted ort[he Ca omtis niametOf d Im Droblelc en[ be and the same are hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Council Jan. 26, 1920. .\pproverl Jun. 26, 1920. (Jan. 31-1920) Itecej4PA n.11 OerreQ $ea01u' ' I Adopted by the Council AN 26 1920. i9 __. In favor Approved /AH 26. t.[Q....19..._ � Against ��� Pi C ('t'1']" OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM l ot.%Ull, Foruppl6,YM 7-18 , ILE No. ................................... 51 rr 7 r� AUDITED �13 r>!._4. �'�19 It" LF lt TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: I Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth In favor o_., cd __ Ill .i � 27 Gomm Keller Against _.. ___...... _....... MAYOR �! Wunderlich2;979— �I 11r. President, Hodgson Rraolv¢a th AbatracL Ivarranta be dra upon the Ci[}' Twn r¢gsnr)', payable out f the herefrofter apecida funds and in favor of the parsons, fid s o porations for the tnounte t ppoefte their erpetl ve names n -1,111 Hed In the Pol lowing detailed statement: Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & 4.70. Company, l E1 Ed Jacobs, Dist. State Roiler In - erector. $66.00. Lawyers Co -Operative Publishing C.., $16.00. Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, $316.36. Albert Rene, $170.00. South Park Foundry & Manhmo Co., $119.31. Stearns PI'Inting Co., E37.76. Adopted by [he Council Jan. 27, 1920. \PDroved Jan. 'Co., 1920. (Jn n. 31-1920) 413 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 14.70 Test. Labs. 414 Ed. Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 66.00 Fire 415 Lawyers Co -Operative Publishing Company, 15,00 Corp. Counsel 416 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 316.36 Fire 67.85 ParkeIt 2.94 42,24 4ater 203.33 417 Albert Rene, Niunic. Employment Bureau 170.00 418 South Park Foundry & Machine Company, 119.31 Water 419 Stearns Printing Company, Com'r. of Finance 37.75 4.25 Purch. Dept. 3.75 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. 8.00 Schools 10.75 Specia?.,Day Schools 8.00 - narks -"n. Adm. 3.00 37.75 Perm A A 46, 2 M 7-18 ;V.— "'I" of s'r. Paca. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ? " AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM "" No...._ ............................. F'll.l•: 52 •rr a 1 T J-1,t:R AUDITED ....... ... .............�8'I�...... ." c,�v�- PER. ..._.......___.__......__....__........... _.. __.... TITLE. Resolved that wa-11L., be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective name= as specified in the following detailed statement: yeas l I Councilmen I V I Nays � I �J�LI� Adopted by the Council .."_.191_.. ...... , Clancy '1 ,�- i'�'[" F, F. so. 27971—"!....III Fanlsworth nb .,a wr Res. N"ea [hat warrants he d the CI[Y Treasury. Dayabl al of the favor of the[er epeciflefi mepd. or rr In -t.. or the persona, -�- etfeCIons [or the nmoun[s eat Dp IIr - - t_-er poral rifled Ir �•I�,�.�j-- their aDective n ae aDec [ollowln6 detaf led e[n[eme$ 6 R'unrlerlich Brooks Bros. Lumber c.., azs.as. P. R. I.. i-IardeN-gh & Company $75.66. Mr. President, Hodgson Putahursh Plate Glass Company - $60.44. Scheirer & Rossum Company, $17.59. Twin City Brick Co., $1,062.00. U. S. Radiator Corporation, $609.62. Adoptedd y the -Council J. 2,. 1920. Approve - (Jan. 31-1920) 420 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 25.48 Playgrounds 421 P. R. L. Hardenbergh & Company, 75.65 Munic. Gar. Revl. 422 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 80.44 Munic. Gar. Hevl. 25.99 Playgrounds 54.45 423 Scheffer & Rossum Company, 17.59 Special Day Schools 424 Twin City Brick Company, 1,062.00 Gaultier Schools (Bond) 425 U. S. Radiator Uorporation, 609.62 Gaultier Schools (Bond) Total 1,870.78 Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CWNClL....... ............. PILE N0 . ............. .......��..... �. . Date Presented... Jen.•27.,.1.92A.... ........... 191..... That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one hand stoker known as the "Cokal" stolodr.for use in the Ne:�t Side Pumping Station at a cost not to exceed $400. without asking for comms petitive bids, as this is patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Dept. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Keller _51"MCCoI1— Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 aM 12 -IB C. P. No, 27 toResolvedfl Thnt the Purchasing en[ be, nd he la hereby a thorizod Purchuae, -iet sent P the s. Com Ptroll er, hund co to lust known the Cokal" tolcer Por a In the \Vest Side s ping S[n Al nt a st not s •aceed $40Ua, without askingc(or . a,ti Oeetitive bids, this Ian Pnng fo -1 It therebo advun tags could be AdoPled b Y. Char„e �Vnter Debt. 4 Y the louncil Sn n. l7, 1920. �Pproled Jon. 27, 1920. clan. al_lszo� Adopted by the Council .-'j-0. � .L.�._.__..191•..-- Approved _...___...In favor Against CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ...... . ...... .............. ....... .... . ............ . . ...... ....... _.._.cati cu./yFE NO . .. ... .. . .... � ......!. .. ...-k �....... Date Presented -.....!lana -27 -s1 -92f1........191..... Resolved, Thatthe Purchasing agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ford Touring car at a cost not to exceed $658.83, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Bureau of Health Food Reg. & Inspection. t F. N', 27973— tha I'au rebasing Ices lve•d� Thnl thoorized ,\gent be, rd he fs hereons n[ u tlM1e Comptro ler. n'Ithc ord Touring r , t t- ti `roller•tn11'x ed $65g,g3, without asking fnr c mpetltivc bf�los, this fa cspa tented article and n advantage n ld o e gained thereby. Cha=e c - f Health Food Reg. 6 tion.Adopted,bY the Council Jan. 27, 1920. 92 Approved JJnn 23l 19201 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth ... ..._ In favor °� Keller wa .:..MeCcoM'•" ^'J .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council.._ �(1-_ti`�_L?ll ....._191...... Approve -d{ k)...:.X'-�rr��,.._ ......... 191.... MAYOR CITY 'OF ST. PAUL g Council Resolution ---General Form Department of— Bureau f Bureau of Council File No— By Date Present RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed Io eatead its electrical lines by crectinc voles and stringing vires thereon for the lraneou nioo of eleevictr an and in the following alleys and streets of said cit': Install one pole in alley north of University Avenge, east of P.sbury Avenue. Install one pole in alley east of Dgl.zth Avenue, south of the Or:a'ia Tracks. With necessary „urs and anchors. C Resolved 7�Thflt;ythe St'or"' d and Llght That Is hereby directed to extend ILS el0cirical 1'nooy! by erecting Poles and trlion `s"lec- thereon for Rn the the foll o'° lag alley a trici[y on sold city 04 and streets of `,nue in alley north UInstall ive rslfy nav east Asbury Avenue. ou In ¢1o1e5' a of I)n- ast Ins[aVl a - " e PS In f the Omahu lu[h is nue. with n .s )' buys and anchors. All fecesshr [sc r.nalons, oases xnd wires shell ube ere t-11 and c [rust ou nder the lien tion and new islon P the Com leah,ner f Public l tillll os •.` nd in all lnings st bjeat to th �P t vlll I cions of Ordlna0nce N0. :4248 d t.ssolu- nlher law[ul `do antes Iinny of sthe Cit; f t d t stn Duch lothe Po aid allei7 be streets l . s tit;'." i Utilurh shalt Commissions rd ofhnll net f 'h height dcsiy-mste, an he ahu 11 designate 2n[I en¢racter n nd s sin su e end nPg>rove, and any PoleaIr t,d hxll be Lateen down d r and such ss'1r0e is re so tun hull dC mra hn[hthe vPun11c0 interestdeo s0- ires, sv he i[ snxll 7. 1920. All of each ezteneiove, pole+avd wires dull be erected and constructed um 'I. uAdoP n d the Council Jts n. r2 0l Public l: tilities and in all things subject to the proviviona of Ordivavice No. 3444, and of all other lawful ardinancs ted b. 192. All poles should be set in such location in said Al- and atreeb m the t:no Approved Jan. 2 31 142U) a be of such height and character as e shall desi¢vate and approve, and any and all such poles shall be takev down as lJan. . ___.....,..., wnen ver the Council shall deem that the all, Interest an requires, and when it shall so order. .Adopted by the Council_—___-_____ �i1P1 � � (' � 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH WUNDERLICH KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ) Nays Ap ro — _191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department Bureau of -- — Council File No.-----.— Date Presented 191 By -- RESEL ED, Thatthe St. Paul Cas Licht Com pxvy is hereby ordered and directed h, e, -d its elertrical lives by erecting Pole, and stringing wires 11—t v for the travamuetov of eleeaiety ov led in the following alleys avd street, of said city: Install One pole on Sibley Street, south of Third street. one pole on Annapolis Street, east of Hall Avenue. Two poles on Arona Avenue, south of 'Jidway Parkway. With necessary guys and anchors. Coranercial lighting. --- 1 C. I.--. \o. 2.975-13Y Jf,. ti. ('+oss— t•na Resolved. That the der I.Igbt comVacn 3' fa herebSl order" eyed I directed in tend Its Iectrl' ` liar y hY erecting Poles and sjlie oftslv`- thereon fur int lite Rollo on¢K aIle; s [ci cttg' on Rof and ,rests said sit Y' e south of lTInstall ole n ASIh1Gynnaptil.. Ung ulix ast one St. o[ I n one Pule o oath of In,, Ave. , A'.." .lee.• s Two Pules of pchors. if ldwh ccce-Y• tad ¢ With r ArY Keys ,Vlnrnereiel„lgbt`e Ksion, rpolenctractnd I w' es shall ef he elect edtd an Pgrt9 sin o4 "i- the ,1 ' t ie u� Irubll llrL tpr'ov ll ('.nmmiseioner � rn csolu- t lova- s the R sh¢ll w.,rnh[ All of such extension,, poles and wire, shall be erect, ,abject to the provisions of thdiva No. 7424. avd of z11 e e.1c" dpole lc avd xPProrve, and xnY zed ell ev �h �Ilevasl t�.ablic interest,o require,. xnd when it shall so order. :adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilr FARNSWORTH --I eo= Cs WUNDERLICH K-Ef7t"Lllt Mr. President, NtM Keno t uch' f Pae; mnmissiaver of Public Utilities and in all ihivg, `n � e desigat ne. avd shall be of such rac height and chxter le P der de round, wbe—tr the C-61 shell deem that the I ¢hnell 4° dcr19:0. tl�i 191 ( ) Nays Ap 1� Mayor BY COMMISSI RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL' COU"CIL FILE NO..........2.. .79 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jan.i. 23, 1920 ......_..._............_...._...................._......_....................._._._ .. _ . DATE._.... _ ...... _ _ _ _.. _..........._..... That the grade of Alley in Block 3, Brightwood Park Adlition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying pro- file and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes (0. Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M919 (`. .I•. Nu. 27976-13 \I. N. I;lHiicek9eonl vdeedd , thhee gCrinm d`ohCie9fvioAdnle ers 111,That t i13righlwod PargradeAtt1e meardannwith the redlnn tg prnle nad na e'n tpnny hV � herreuby -11-111tedl1B a the e9t ahliyh ed he•�v grade. .Ad \11pra`ved `7. �h __11 0. 'lan. 27. 7920. (,lan. 11-1920) Adopted by the Council AM -4 /_.,'.L ._. 19 __-ln favor APProved/�J�li r l CU 19....._ Against � MAYOR COUNCIL F`V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .......... .............. OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 9 - Jan. 26, 1920. COMMISSIONER ._....__ _. __...__.......__... DATE... ._... _...__..._. RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hyacinth Street from Forest Street to Weide Avenue, and a temporary sewer on Weide Avenue from Hyacinth Street to Hawthorne Street, for sanitary drainage only, under Preliminary Order ,26778, approved October 2, 1919, and Final Order (27350, approved November 24, 1919. RI;SOLVL'D, That the plans, specifications end estimated quantities submitted by the'Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 279-77— In the matter of r o,trading u ewer n Hyacinth St. from Forest St. to Weide Acm and a temporary F n \l'e lde :\ve, from Hyacinthe St. to Hawthorne SL. for ..itary drainage only. under Preliminary Order No. 26778, approved October 2. 1918, and Final Order No. 27350, sp- pneed November 21, 1919. Resolved, That the plana, epeciflea- tione and estimated quantities s bmit- ted b)' the Commlesloner of Public works for the above named Improve - Ment be and the same are hereby ap, pr ed. Adopted by the Council Jan. 27, 1920. Approved .fan. 27. 1920. _ (Jun. 31-1920) Yes r t') Councilmen r t Nays Clancy , Farnsworth (—NieEoll Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 in CDS lrti, • V , Adopted by the CounciltlAl1 l JL� 19 In favor Approved 19 Against MAYOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO...... ._r .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ - DATE . Jan. 26_, .1920. COMMISSIONER._...._...._ _..._ _.. RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sevier on Thorn Street from earl Street to a point 632 feet West of Earl Street, under Preliminary Order (26721, approved September 29, 1919, and Final Order' !27441, approved December 3, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Wotks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. P. No. 27978— In the mn[ter f constructing a sewer Thorn St. from Earl St. to a point 632 feet West of Earl St., under Pre- liminary Order No, 26721, approved Fi September 29, 1919, and nal Order No. 27441,, approved December 3, 1919. Resolved, That the plans, specifica- tions and estimated quantities s bmit- 'ted by the Commissioner of Publle 1l'orlcs for the above named improve- ent be and the same are hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Council Jan. 27. 1920. Approved .tan. 27, 1920. (Jan. 31-1920) Yes I "I Councilmen I,', Nays Clancy Farnsworth McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 31..9 I9 �4 �1 �f Ge', - O(ArP�A?K. % ge5o ��,• Adopted by the Council `l 11 l '',r " J A- 19 In favor APpr oe�.j 19 Against L / MnroR CITY OF ST. PAUL �4COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ���///................................................. FILE N �.... +�.pp Subjeft:........_.................__-._..-_._..-..._.-... _...._-_......___---. _...... couNca -.2797 I _..... Date Presented___....__,...._.. _._....._........_ 191..... Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to E. J. Harbek to build, erect and maintain three (j) tanks for the storage of Gasolin§ on the property located at 1179 Rice St., and for the storage therein of not to exceed fifteen hundred (1500) gallons of gasoline; said tanks to be placed un:ierground, inside of property lines. This pera,isLiil,n is granted 6rtbject tc- the aLf:roval of the Com.,is- uner of Pu':'ic Safaty, In' to the erection ana construction of a fire proof buildin-: and of sail storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances ana building reg,.a ations of the City of St. Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Depart- ment before this resolution becomes operative. That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for the above storage. C. r. No. 27979—By Henry Mccoll— xeaolved. That permlealon be and the s e la hereby granted to EJ. Harbek to bull,, erect and maintain three (3) Lanka for the tore le of 'asbl In, on the property located at 1139 Rice St., and for the storage therein of not to exceed fifteen hun- dred (1500) gallons of gasoline.: said Janke to be placed underpop on In ) Yeas W)Couneilmen V Nays aide of property linea. J1111 4•7 Y Tli H permission is granted ruble't °ted by the Council _.. to the approval of the Com ml aeloner - of Public Safety, nd to the etlon construction f fire oofrbuild- Clancy _...... ins o a an J��li :1 �,7L� ,tna of gala storage tanks In aeAl - corderes with the ordinances /j Farnsworth huOding reguiatloaa of the city of and Approved . _. _ 191 Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Pullding De- partment before this rasolution be- Keller comes operative. That the Commissioner oP Public Safety is hereby authorized and direct,' ed in Issue a permit for the above // \\\ -"-- Wunderlich flior,g,, MAYOR Ad o ptod by the Counen Jan. 27, 1920. Mr. President, Hodgson Approved Jan. 27, 1920. (Jan. 31-1920) 11 0 HENRY DEVLIN _ MYLES McNALLY SS -T CHIEF FIRE CHIEF - CITY •OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ` HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION < <i • January 24th, Hon. Henry McCmll, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the applic_tion of E. J. Harbek, 1139 Rice Street, asking for permission to operate a Dry Cleaning Establishment. We have made an inspection of the above premises and find they wish to install three tanks , capacity of each tank to be 500 gallons, tanks to be buried underground, pump system, we recommend that permit be granted, Respectfully yours, r( Chief -Inspector. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED RESOLVED c01 "'L CITY OF ST. PAUL cue NO.......�N °..._............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE........ Jan... 261 In the matter of constructing a sewer on East side of Snelling Avenue, from St. Clair Street to a point thirty (30) feet North of the North line aof Stanford r. Avenue, under Preliminary Order oved December 6, 1919, and Final Order (27483, approved December 51 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Cormnissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 27980— In the nt atter of structing a sewer Feet side f Snelling Ave. from �r St. Clair Sf.� to point thirty (80) feet .Forth o[ the North line of Stan- ford Avenue, under Preliminary Or- e 6 der No. 26835. approved December 1 5. 1919, and Final Order No. 27483. approved December 5, 1919. Resolved, That the plane, speciflea- clone and ORquantitive submit- , ted by the Commis.loner of Public Works for the above m —1 Improve- T ..at be and the fame are hereby ap- proved. S Adoptedthe Jan. 27. 1020. ea onro .7nn.27.11920sell (Jan. 31-1920) 0 K^ eG QU x. Yes i 1 Councilmen I Nays Adopted by the Council ,Jim"'' [ 1'![u 19 Clancy Farnsworth ILO 1q In favor n^" APProved / -- Powers l� Against - G MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President �/ 1.11 •_ �_.�4 t_._ Il —..E -, Y11�_.� CITY CIFYING :1HSESSriEN1S. EZ,9al ment. 98 I Ru. Resolution matter -, the neeeeament ; kk. s, Coats and expenses fay 6� F ,.ns, relaYiing artrt,d rer ;r.. ' .SldeWalke, atimatr 41 I[} the matter of the assessment of ';•e EbX$B and expenses for Constructing, relaying and r;, ring Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 6, Under Contract 2981 C for Season of 1,318. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22381 East Third St., north side, beginning 20 feet east of Minnesota St. thence east to Robert St. F.O. 23259 Robert St., west side, beginning 98 feet north of Third St. thence north 52 feet. F.O. 23085 Minnesota St., east side, from Third St. to Second St. F.O. 23137 East Fourth St., south side, from Jackson St.thenoe west 52 feet. F.O. 22786 Fillmore Ave. at the following locations: Beginning at South Robert St. thence east 100 feet, beginning at Robertson St. thence east 138 feet, beginning at Robertson St. thence to Eva St. - F.O. 29727 Fairfield Ave., south side, beginning at Daniel St. thence west 140 feet, beginning 39 feetwest of Eaton St. thence west 81 feet, beginning 78 fesi east of Robertson St. thence east 75 ft. F.O. 22855 Indiana Ave., both sides, from Eva St. to Eaton Ave. F.O. 23237 Delos St., north side, beginning 138:faO.,weet of Robert St. thence west 14 feet. F.0, 23204 Gates St., north aide, between Woodbury St. and Brown Ave. F.b.,22356 Wabasha St., west side, from,SL%th .Str;oet thence south F.O. 23816 Fourth St., south side, 50 feet east of the east line of Seventh St. thence west to Segenth'St. thence south and easterly to Third St. thence east on north side,of Third St. 80 feet. 8.0. 23013.West Louisa St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to Bidwell St. F.O. x2961 We Wt Page St., both aides, from Stryker Ave. to Ohio St. F.O. 23238 Page St., south side, beginning 138 feet east of Cherokee Ave. thence east 14 feet. --Aon—Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22961 West Page St., both sides, from Stryker Ave. to Ohio St- F.O. 22855 Indiana Ave., both sides, from Eva St. to Eaton Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore { RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in %.__...::'::i __.. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 4 _ City Clerk. bill IJLu Approved _ _ __. ___...........19 L._.... 1 - I I:, 13. 11 COUNCIL FILE ISO ...................... ...._. By.... ......................-- ._............__.... - - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .:.....:...:...: ------- .. ..:_ -- i - -t. ..................................... ............................ ..............----............... ...................... _ _-------- ................ .... .. '.._:... ........ ........................ ....----............ .................................._................... _.........--....._._........................-------................._.------...............--..................... -__......................................------.....------........._...........----...... _.........-----....._....................................-------..........-----......_......... under Preliminary Order........ .............. _...... approved _......_...._............ ;_:.:.....:.----...1--1::- ......... . IntermediaryOrder ------------- ...............--._.-............._..-._. approved ..._.._.._...--...._...._..._._.......---------------------....._--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ......... ------- ...... ..............................__......._.. ........_... _.............. -z - ............... - _----...-------------.........---------.....------...... FINAL ORDERS. and the Council hereby orders said improvem' _ OL URTHE at th o aisgx-av s A Farnsworth— be is here tructed and dlreC t0 pre re any an S CIfIC8t10{'OMatter tte of changing the grade P P ` ,+ayard st. from Emerald Ave. to sub t s e to t �te Ave. and of Myrtle Ave. trocil for ppro 1; th on sa apj{Ioval, a Aye, to aerrr Ave. to -on2 rize d ���� the red tinea o the proflte - to proceed wit le ma ung of said roveuiy at�nehe ares �t Mode tabl� rt a41th. es being shown thereon by blue Adopted by the Council.. 00 i ! ,,,der Preliminary order zsaar __.tir. �... � heart Slhaving been I -. hove improvement upon the Council having f ..- �..:.................. ...:.................- / objections and r. n•!' City Clerk. 've thereat°, nndC°i - ed the ams: thf Ile Approved-_.....-_ _fili l..��,7..i;:-E. ;__....., 191.........,v the council of i n� the precise f-•. / of Imprm oveent V/% ' old City is, -bati.............................. (/ ................. ........... -. .rd St. from ... aveand of tit: Mayor. Ai to herr Councilman Farnsworth t tins or Councilman Clancy v 0 Q Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 JAL i uv s — — CITY OF ST. PAUL J DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEL REPORT OF COMMISFRIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Changing the ,'^ada of Bayard street from Emer,ld venue to Berry. avenue and of ;myrtle avenue from B'rnerald avenue to Berry avenue, to con- form to the red lines on the profiles hereto attsched and made a part here- of the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown thereon by the blue lines, under Preliminary Order approved November 21st, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for .such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 J. B. Warren's Re. 600 16 Do 475 15 w Do 475 14 Do 475 i3 Do 475 12 Do 600 (Er_. E.10 ft. for alley) 30 Wlarner's Prospect P:,.rk 400 Ac.diticn to St. Pul. ZEx. 411.10 ft. for alley 1 Do 400 (EX.E.10 ft. for alley) 16 Do 450 (Ex. W.10 ft, for alley) 15 Do 450 23 3 ITo'_lirshead's ANAL. 325 Berry Ave. Vac.FcAdj. and 1 3 Do-_ - -`-- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he h:u� invc t �uteiT all of the aforesaid matt—. and h` -11Y uL. il. 11- (n hi, r1 t1„..... b, tl C' ,ith Ih. said matter by the Commissioner of Public NVoiks. Dated 191 Coma,issouer o� t aAae. Form B. a.13 TiiompsON YARDS,INC. D IiP:'I'AIl. F, 1Zti OP` 1. L'�1131^. 12 JII\NEA POJAS Oct. 28, 1919. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Yaul, Minn. Gentlemen: Attention Mr. Robert E. Gourley. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause us to make the following improvements, as shown in the blue prints which we are mailing you under separate cover. We would like to have &iEHALD s,rhEET graded from University Ave. going south to the s. W. corner of warners Addition, or Myrtle Ave. Thr,ough your approval would like to have the grade of this street made the same as the Minneapolis side of Emerald. Ave., which to date has been graded, curbed, and sidewalk laid. In order not to have too steep a grade on our railroad tract from Wabash Ave, to Myrtle Ave. we ask your Honorable 13ody to permit us to change the grade of Myrtle Ave. from Emerald Ave. to Berry Ave. Myrtle Ave., as per your grade chart and survey, has a hump in the center of the block which we would like to straighten out to help us on our railroad track grade. You will note on sheet marked "Track and Grading" on our blue print that we have detailed this street showing the grade we would like to have. Bayard Ave. from Emerald to Berry, which runs through our property on both sides, comes a little too low to give us good trackage, so in order to have the railroad track level from Bayard to Ellis St. we would like to raise the grade of this street as shown on our blue print. Referring to the railroad tract from Wabash to Lot ##26 Aud, sub. Div. No. 9, we understand there has been an ordinance passed some time acro permitting this track to cross Myrtle Ave., Bayard Ave., and Ellis St., and would like an ordinance passed permitting us to crose the corner of Berry Ave. near Myrtle Ave. E� (2) Hoping that this request is made clear and that you will give this matter your prompt attention, we remain, Yours very truly, '1't-,Onar�Ul� , Inc. �j JiT. ru. By w Office of the Commissioner of Public WorV8---' -' • T Report to Commissioner of Finance , NO'1 nG -^19 November 25, _,..___....__19�.... To the. Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 27333 November 21, 9 cil, known as Council Nile No. ........ ........._.approved .._. ....... _. _. .,......_.......191.__...., relative to ................... changing the grade of Bayard Street from Emerald Avenue to Berry Avenue, and of Myrtle Avenue from Emerald Avenue to Berry Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemeut is necessary and (or) desirable. No.expense. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._---- .......... _, and the total cost thereof is __ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1. not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of suh'e ct v. Said improvement is.._..._.._......._. I l property, J" to assessment for said improvement. Com III ssiouer of �Idwll os JssEN. max,., Exa,x«n w x Tn JCTiox,wxo nc Pw,n• ALFRED JACKSON. Sint. K R, SEPT ox n,. RYTEAKrExo,xcew ox• ( ull of Sf. Ilaul 13rpurluauf of Fubllr 11nrkm M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY N',ven.ber 25, 1919 lv:r. m -T Gose, Commissioner of Public Dorris, Buildirg. Pear Sir, I transmit hercwith preliminary esti- mate of cost for changing the grade of Bayard Street from: Emerald Avenue to Berry Avenue and of myrtle Avenue from Fr.erald Avenue to Berry AvenL.e to confe,rn. to the red liras on the Prc- files hereto attacre'_,. and e.ade a art hereof, t. -.e present establi:,r_ed grades be -Jr.- shown thereon by blue lines. Approximate estimate _70tI- ng Cost her front f.cot " ExceEs insl.ectior. necessary 11 Assessable frontage Prone Very truly yo --r , Chief En.ireer EWD MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of 'microfilm described herein was made in the regular, course of business by ��r �n l` /— � in accordance with the standard and approved techniques with a Recordak microfilm machine, model MAe _ fc of,Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on IL, vg.,t 1966 by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C' e i'-11 a I Aho Cip?A - T' � o C f o2��s-� �eCec h.arlDr�`-!/9 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: -7 9 S2 Ta. to L -A / % m Q20 - After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated 19 •""� sa. � mosna .a000amn S02fVONV15 30 anV3VfF "WNOIIVN 9•illlll fi•IIIIII �Z•illlll o z����� s Eifl ;� j • T VIII ZIIIII s,E�u�� �~y S Zlllli 8=z �� 0.1 VIII a Q - HEIR • d � 2 � ,�� 6 /\ %ti