27126-27558_11-15-1919_12-10-1919sa6VONVIS Ao nV38ne 1VN011VN 9 . 9AIIIII �•illlll �'Z•tlllll e 8•IIIIII ��p =; • O-zlllll T • 1 VIII e Z•ZII. si�e������.6 .. =�BINy eZl���� 6p.j VIII e r S i i i `V ONe -rte START Serial No. of _Roll ,S1Cy4 Department c :rv-� alek L C Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP a _ /PERMANENT RETENTION LINITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed (Iflimited a Date Microfilm CONTENTS h Number or name of first/ document of regular contents By. - Operator J Q/ Operator BY Supervisor �n t : "mss N 401 MBY 61i,erR �VoaQ¢H�Ch' �� ,tt _ ' � 5'r.' orfltaaace^ta. 'd}ab�d brdta Y 1 �i / X066 approY.ed Jvlg Y3 .tB16,"e: 1 _9 C••. 1� 4�l6=• �[, f,• �,.,,aq oan na�cae• 8� r.; ¢ .R - OT'a inSna9 N©I... .. . . An ordinance to amend Ordinance llo. 4060, approved July 13,1918, entitled, "An ordinance authorizing the erection and construction of a school building in and for :the district bounded by Prior Av-&rue, Edgecumbe Road, Stewart Avenue and Morgan Street,,and the purcbW e of land therefor, and: appropriating moneys to meet the cost the2gof"._--- sag t THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY OF Sfi. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: �md .3 Section 1. That Se6tion 2 of the said Or,4�inance No. 4060 be and the same is.hereby amended;, by adding theretb'.the words and figures following; "And that the further sum of dinety thousand dollars (690,000.00), or so much thereof as may be ieoessarg to construct the said building is hereby' -appropriated out of School Oond fund No. 4002." Section 2. t> This ordinance shall talce effect and be in force immediately upon ::its passage,aag3provaT and,33i_catiiipA Yeas .Councilmen N Adopted by the Council Farnsworth oss iieiierW L Co i. NOY 15 1919 1919 Poviers Pdunderlich, Mr', Prest.(Hodgson) Approved ; NG.V 13 (918 1919 5 ATTEST,. JOHN 1, FARICY, City Cleric. c t., � r`"�,fifiw¢;.�'..>� �°c,"':�rY`' / 4•' t `�J�^.��� 4'f15;.�i k:��d:-�. f'tav 'TQ v J`� v v / I][ U 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No . ......... COUN —RESOLUTION FORM FILE C AUDITED CLAIMS F— AA46.2117-18 1278 ......... - -- - --------------- N b V 1 1919 -- -11 COX TMLLER AUDITED........... ............................. 91 PER. . ...................... ...... -- ---------- - --- ._..----- / TITLE - ----- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favorlof- the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: r I Yeas V ) CounciImen Nays Adopted by the Council .......... - ............. .. . ......._191 Clancy ; 1011 Farnsworth .PR.!OIV &�Yth A r K ..... . ..... ................. ............ . .......... .......... dh th4�C .4t pp�� Payable out of, Goss djui'for ;th Una veto 1 - t it; I'll$ .. e I � ;........... .. t ent., 'of FlnanceQ McColl .IXMk� 9 , -"R� Keller .. .. iv -' t fill Wunderlich 4112:98m 0 1 r Mr. President, Hod son 9 Yens' P Xv r 15156 S. A. Farnsworth, Com.'r. of Finance 19,218.45 Police 15157 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance -1,192,08 C.Pi5."Gen. Adm. 440.83 Munic.. Gar. Revl. 751.25 15158 S. A. Farnsworth, Com r,. of Finance 1,192.50 Pol. & F. Alarm F 15159 Jease Foot, Comptroller 1.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen Total 21,604.03 Form A A 49.2M 7-18 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2r-�l ioc' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION- FORM COUNCIL N ............ ...°..._.........._ 1277 ......................... AUDITED ........................ 6 MPT OL ER.. ............ . . -- ------------- -- ............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:. Yeas V ) Councilmen V N vs NIM — ' `1 Adopted by the Council ............... ... .. .... ........ ........... 191 Clancy Farnsworth 'th,1 w 01 'ga _.aaarifints Appro . ...... ......... Ury�;Pajabld.o `0 .......... - 191 Goss th.0 Otflod:rujjds� Aod' �t dons or . pereono� am, r.r t thft'amountaz or earvora:-.: Keller I ea -4ve narnex an et.of O.1talthefi P,aiggo ed 16- the4 ---- --- Owlug�detafle& m .......... . McColl !:,7CIara' Aamold;�—WidoW "Mo d. $40.00 I— I "I MAYOR Wunderlich camD1coirl"'w1ii��4iji,,j.-i j� �'�P!0-. $40,00. Mr. president, Hod. -son , J. L. BhlelY Cvmyanp,':;78860, Farnsworth F1 Y' 15.149'Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40*00 G.F.-Widows and orphans Pension 15150 Ann F. Campion, Widow of Daniel H. Campion '40.00 G.F.-Widows and orphans Pension 15151 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr, of Finance 1,243*67 Local Improvements 15152 Fielding & Shepley, 16,655.75 Paving & Water connections on Woodlawn- - Fairmount, etc. 15153 J4 L. Shiely Company, 796.50 Grading Berry, Uharles to University 15154 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty 200600 Public Charities 15155 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan, 20.00 G.F.-Widows and orphans Pension Total 18,995.92 Form A A46,t X 7-18 CITY OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 71 AUDITED CLAIRIS—RF�SOWTIONtFORM FILE O1 No... 2 1276 Cl RO�LLER AUDITED ....191. .. ER......:.. ...... _.:.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ) Councilmen Adopted by the Council 1 �n ........... 191— - ._ ...... _. Abetraot. VClancy lteaotved that warrante be ;drawn YJ�� r upon the City.Treaeury, Deyable out, of ved___. Nod /Farnsworth Ithe hereinafter apectned iunde;anfl fnI A ........... 19-- / tavot of the,persons, firmsWt tan or corpota-.! tf �.0� Lfone fif a amounts set oDpoette thelTl re'll.M ve haloes et epee ed �1n Lhe. f n acket detailed 9tat0 nt: L IG91•ICt 1 cI"'^�-s' Hackett f3atee, '.. Hurty Company.. - .__... ._...__ ...... . . ..... ....-. .— -. McColl fay ao. xaroR T W. Hu1me,Company 53348: 7I Walter T LetPom. 58 4 a -i vWunderlich / B• Mortpp 6u t Fos oz Nlcole;'Dean=c4°e�g ;ap811: ��"" T72llus Bohmahl; 8eoy of Bthte ;6:00. Mr. Presidenyittodgson J L 8mely COmpaIIY sa aQx.lo �9`hompee 'Yard& I a i4 300.08 Adopted by the Counall NoP., 1 1919: Approved Na *% , M1 1918) - 0 15141 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 34.30" Fire 15142 J. W. Hulme Company,. 13.4.8 Police 15143 Walter T. Lemon, 610095 St. C. & Repr. 15144 c A. F. Morton, Supt., 49.02 AuM torlum, 15145 Nicols,"Dean & Gregg, 1 308.11 M Fire 3.44 " 2.16 6.81 267.22 " 16.05 a St. C. & R. 4.80 S. & S. Cing. 5.30 Schools 1.84 Parks .49 15146 Julius Schmahl, Sooty. of State 5.00 . Munic. Gar. Revl. 15147 J. L. Shiely company, 3,302.10' St,, C. & Repr. 30.00 Paving Como -Rice to Gt.- Northern Bridge 3 2� 72: 3 ,302 15148 Thompeon Yards, Ind.9 4,109.06 Paving Como W. -Snelling Ave. to Raymond Total 8,423.02 gpi, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject.................................................................... ........................... ..... ................... ........................................ COU ­L FILE Iwo. ............ ............................................................................... ......................... ........... ............... ........ 7 ............................. Date Presented.....- ....... ....... ................. i ...............191 Resolved, That -the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement With Charles Reed, providing for the Payment Of compensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while . in theoexploy of the Department of Public Works Of ;r the City of St. Paul on the lath day of August, 1919. Beit further resolvedthat in accordance with said agmee— ment, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Charles Reed, out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of 01,20-00 in full settlement of his claim for the period of his disability up to October 14th, in ul accordance with the terms of said agreement. C. V NO !II— Eyy.'X. Gose Resolved, - cera �are hereby authprrI.P.`d`.`t'tytmtNr I hereby recommend the above into an agreement with Ch.rl.s3 Reed, providing f—the yment of comoen- resolution for passage• sation to,him at-therate of $16.00 per week Burin such time as he hall be 1! totally disabled by—asom-.Injuries received by him while Inth;Irem Joy ,of thc.:Dbpajttosfit of Publ. or of kh- CHY,.f St; Paul on the 12th day of 971ti il`arlibeir'resolved � that. In a.- cordance withsaid, agremn h 'an 1.1-1 are atUhtor. .t 'yot the COmm'r of Public Works. in:. n!d,Ch-los Reed, out 'of% the; Work C. 'b AcImn. 't of the GanbraPV.'.`dpt:sjt,'u'm' of ab$120,00 In ;full settlement-6filhis 0 no`forthe period off his disability up to October l4th,'An accordance with Yeas the, terms of said Adopted btbe,,Cou aIJ'X _ '02" Adopted by the Council.0 771 1819 ........... 191 0�0 r A�of Public Works. Approved Nov, 1� 1919. (Nov.:8;.1919), F rti­_ rnsWo Approved ........... 191..... Goss In favor ........ P'McColl Against ...... ----- ............... .................. ............ ................. .... I MA�QR L *underlich Mr. PresidentrHodggon FORM C. A_9 3M 12 -IB R CITY OF ST. PAUL u '.. FILEcouNcNO.... ... ... ......... .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM - PRESENTED BY i COMMISSIONER.............. ....................................................................................................... DATE...NGQ..-1.,.._l91' RESOLVED That Counoil•File No, 36900, approved Ootober 13, 1919, being a final order for the oonsbruction of a sewer on Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "from South Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue" and substi- tuting in lieu thereof the following: "from South Robert Street to appoint 100 feet west of the west line of Oakdale Avenue. toting- in lieu thereof the followl "from •8outh Robert. Street ton pc 100. Leaf Weat of the West, line of O dale AVOnne." Adopted byy the Council Nov.: 1,. 1' Approved NFO.. l81 19. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays i/ Clancy (/Farnsworth YGoss---In favor /McColl /Powers l / � "Against t' W underlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council _ ._ :. ---_ _....__._.........__..-...19... _ Approved....................._...__._...._................. 19-......_ P MAYOR Mug of St. Vau! OSCAR CLAu99eN. CHUF eN.iR[[[ NeVa Ymat of IlubitC 30orko „ a• C J e....RDU—....... M. N. GOss, COMMI931oNER ioN w PwiRa .a R. T. OOURLEY. DEPUTY .. ALFRED JACH9ON, 9U". H. W. OOCTLING6R, 9c PT. GRYTOAK.�GHaiN[[RoNa G. H. HERR—D. 011o11 ER11RICA u October 31, 1919. Mr. M. K. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: The attached amendment to Council File .fH6900 for sewer on Wyoming Street covers a recommendation made in our report on this improvement, but which was overlooked when the order was passed, as the letter covering the report was not read.. Yours very truly, Enclo Chief Engineer. ESS/C CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . I , ..I.L... .. 9 Subject:........ .......... . c0U."WL ........... NO. .................. ..... .. .... ........................ .... ...... ............. ........................ ............ ............... . . .... .......... .... ....... .............................. .. Date presented: .............. ............... . ....................... 191 Resolved, That the application of Paul Vaulgaridas for a license to oonduot'a Hotel at'390 'Nacouta Street, be and the I same hereb denied, `qame not having been approved by e�_ L Aaj_dtWE="' Gh!l.af E"E'ee�be� a Bwjgau of Fire Protection. Yeas (1) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth* Goss .............. In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich ,,Mr. President, Hodgson 4 FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 ,�aoj'v- 2762 Phut ed Tj;;t du�t V-01 1 4 the garldas jherWeb e It ti an -1.1 1, : . , to On. a In a 8 . '. 7 n. Bureau 10, r, Vj ADbroved fe t a nci 0 r' 91 Adopted by the Council ................................... . ... Approved ........191..... ;r ........ -, '_ MAYOR __ .......... WILLIAM BARRON CITY OF SAINT ' PAUL,. a �v, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER - - BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION October 29th , 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn., Dear Sir:- In regard to the applioation'of Paul Vaulgardias, asking for permission to conduct a Hotel at #390 Waoouta Street; will say that this is a three story frame building and 1e n a hazardous and dilapidated condition, is heated throughout b es and is a fire trap. The bAlding is not fit for use as a Hotel. ReSPOOtf UllYi yours, MAMMMinmm ' of the City of St. Paul: hereby certify as munwx proposes.......... street (avl-Qe 'in the City of St. Paul; that --------------- Tff"e said ai)plicant is` ity of St. inthe City of St Paul uu�dthis �—.""x"^ --'=—`''^------------- Applicant. ^� .v' ' ^ D�eo«exp�uuouof L�vou —_--_mx�x��-----c----------^�� ~�l m/� Date of � � / �. Pirc Pzotedlmu------------ ^Z/�--------- -- --- --- --------------- ------- ____ ' of Building ----- -------------------- --- -------------------------------- ----------------- � — ' ux�u�x�upro�umuo--���r��'--- --'--------------'---_' Beds and ocu,00mu -------- —.—_ —___ _.____________—______^. ^. �^�' Tvuc Rooms and pmmmoa`�/"=..^-------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------- � Kitchen and Utensils-----.-�n.. ---_---------.------_---_ -------- Refrigerator and Store Room —'Rofrigcratvrauummres0000--- ---- -------------------- ---------------------- _—_______ Buueuxu aouoouar---'- --~_------_-----------_--'—_----- � Bac .a. acorou000uitioucaProoises --------------------------------------- ------------- ------ --_.- ' � � Lmeoo . �----_—_-- . city Hotel and Restaurant Inspector.^_ .----- ------------ ----- e"almOfficer. ^ Approved: ---------------------- cuief of Police. ` Or : rI •� :,ffii tl 1 £,rur: buy CuN rl 5,1 t Council,} -.lege 27133 Ordirianc0 No. 030 wo", , An ord'inancaa�to amend administrative ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16,,,M90, entitled - "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments." The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16,A%19, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof the following words and figures: Attendant ............................................ $60.00 to 80.001/- $80.001/, Bookkeeper, General........ .......................... Bookkeeper, 105.00 to 125.00 Bridgeman.... ................................... 105.00 to 135.00` Calculator . . .................................... 105.00 to 135.00 q Chauffeur, General......... ... 9000 td 105.00 Clerk, Principal ..................................... 95.00 to 125.00 � - Clerk, Senior.... ............ ...... Clerk, Assessment ............................... 80.00 85.00 to to 105.00 125.00 f " .`Clerk, Stenographer, Senior ......................... 100.00 to 125.00, Clerk, Typist, Senior ................................ 80.00 to 105.00 Cook, Workhouse, including maintenance ............... 80.00 to 95.00'/ Draftsman, Junior, Architectural ..................... 105.00 to 135.00 V Draftsman, Senior, Architectural ..................... 125.00 to 150.00 Engineer, Designing... ................................ 135.00 to 175.00 i:ngineer, Assistant, Civil ........................... 135.00 to 175.00 Foreman, Crosswalks .................................. 95.00 to 125.00 Foreman, Ward ........................................ 80.00 to 100.00 / Foreman of Guards, Workhouse, includes maintenance... 80.00 to 100.00 Foreman, Flushing...; ................................... 105.00 to'135.00 Gardener,. Workhouse, includes maintenance............ Guard, Workhouse, includes maintenance ............... 80.00 75.00 to to 95.00 90.00 /✓ Inspector, Local Improvements ........................ 95.00 to 125.00 ✓ Inspector, Sanitation ................................. Inspector, Sewer 85.00 to 95.00 ..................................... Inspector, Street Sweeping ........................... 95.00 95.00 to to 125.00 115.00 ` Leveler .............................................. 85.00 to 95.00 Matron, Workhouse, includes maintenance.............. 50.00 to 65.00 �- Secretary=Stenographer................................ Stenographer, Junior 100.00 to 125.00 ................................. Stenographer, Principal .............................. 65.00 90.00 to to 80.00 115.00 V Stenographer, Senior ................................. 85.00 to 105.00 Sub Foreman...... ..................................... 95.00 to 125.00 ` Superintendent, Workhouse, Assistant, includes maintenance... 100.00 to 125.001/ Timekeeper, Chief ................ .......... , Junior 105.00 to 125.00 Typist, ............................. Senior.. 60.00 to 80..00 Typist, ..... • ............... 75.00 Utility man, Workhouse, includesmaintenance........... 70.00 Wheelwright ..:........ ..... .............. 85.00 to to to 90.00' 90.00 z 105.00 f Junior Clerk ............ ............ . 60.00 to 80.00 Telephone Operator....... ................ .. Checkers 55.00 to 75.00 (3) Street Car ..........:................... 85.00 Superintendent of Market......... ..........100:00 Weigher. .................. ... 70.00 to. to to 105.00 125.00 90.00 Head Clerk ...... ...... .......... ...... 125.00 to 150.00 Chief Clerk Water Bureau. ...................... 150.00 to 175.00 / a Chief (deter Inspector.... .................... 105.00 to 125.00 � (14) Meter Inspectors.... ..................... 85.00 to 105.00 Fixture & Rate Inspector ............................. 85.00 to 115.00 (6) Collectors......... ......................... 80.00 to 105.00 (1) Timekeeper ....................................... 80.00 to 100.00 aesisten•t TestingEngineer.......................... Testing 105.00 to 13 5. 00 Engineer.......... • ......... `.Junior Civil 135.00 to 150.00 ' Engineering Draftsman........ Cataloguer 95.00 to 125.00 ............................. .........• 80.00 to 100.00 Page 2. y _ • Chief of Branch Division......`............................$105.00 to $135.00 Chief of`Cat4dg Division ................................. 105.00 to 135.00 Chief of Circulation Division....... 105.00 to 135.00 ✓ Chief of Civic Division.. 105,0.0 to 135:00 / ;. Chief of Juvenile Dipiaion......... ..................... 105.00 t9 135.00"/ Chief of Order Division ............. 95.00 to 125.90'e Chief of Periodical Division........:.........95.00 to 125.00 ✓ Chief of Reference Division ............................... 105.00 to 135.00 Chiefof School Division .................................. 105.00 to 135.00 Chief of Technology Division .............................. 105.00 to 135.00 Division Chief, First Assistant to (Library)........... 85.00 to 115.00 Inspector, Heating Plants ................ ....... .......... 125.00 to 165.00 Snetructor of Training Class (Library) ......:............. 105.00 to 135.00 Janitor, Head................................... ........... 85.00 to 105.001/ Librarian, Assistant.......................................150.00 to 195.00 / Librarian, Junior Branch ................................. 0. 80.00 to 100.00 ✓✓ Librarian, Senior Branch.......... 95.00 to 125.00 ...................... Librarian, Children's ..................................... 80.00 to 100.00 Librar*an, Reference ..................................... 80.00 to 100.00 i Library, Senior Assistant ................................. 60.00 to 80.00`�j Mechanic's Helper ................................ . ... 80.00 to 100.00 ✓ Supt. of Library Buildings ...................... 125.00 to 17 5. 00 Supt. of School Buildings, Assistant) 150.00 to 185. 00 Truant Officer.................... 105.00 to 135.00✓ Dog Catcher..... 2180 to 3.60 per day C1erY,hdes-City Clerk •..................... ........... 150.00 to 175.00 ✓ and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: Attendant ................................. :............... $80.00 to $100.00 Bookkeeper, General ....................................... 120.00 to 140.00 Bridgeman ................................................. 115.00 to 135.00 Calculator ................................................. 120.00 to 140.00 Chauffeur, General ................. 100.00 to 120.00 Clark, Principal' ...... ..:.`......................120.00 to 140.00 Clerk, Senior...' .................. .... ............ 95.00 to 120.00 Clerk, Assessment ................ ....................120.00 to 140.00 Clerk, Stenographer, Senior...... .................... 100.00 to 125.00`/ Clerk, Typist, Senior ..................................... 95.00 to 120.00 f Cook, Workhouse, including maintenance .................... 85.00 to 100.00 ✓ Draftsman, Junior, Architectural .......................... 115.00 to 135.00 Draftsman, Senior, Architectural .......................... 135.00 to 150.00 ✓/ Engineer, Designing ....................................... 150.00 to 175.00 Engineer, Assistant, Civil ................................ 150.00 to 175.00-f Foreman; Crosswalks ......................................... 100.00 to 125.00 Foreman, Ward .................... 9040 to 110.00 ° Foreman Of Guards, Workhouse, includes maintenance ... 500 to 110.00 Foreman, Flushing ................................. ..... jilO.AO to 135.00 11, Gardener, Workhouse, includes maintenance ................ 85- to 100.00 Guard, Workhouse, includes maintenance ................... b:;00 to 100.00 Inspector, Local Improvements ............................ 10.00 to 125.00 Inspector, Sanitation ..................................... 85.00 to 100.00 Inspector, Sewer........................I.................. 100.00 to 125.00 J Inspector, Street Sweeping...............................100:00 to 125.00 Leveler .............. ..... ............................ 85.00 to. 100.00 Matron, Workhouse, includes maintenance ................... 60.00 to 75.00 Secretary -Stenographer .................................... 120.00 to 140.00 Stenographer, Junior ......................................, 80.00 to 95.00 Stenographer, Principal ................................... 110.00 to 125.00 Stenographer, Senior ............. ............... 100.00 to 120.00 Sub Foreman ............... ...... ................... 100.00 to 125. 00 Superintendent, Workhouse, Assistant includes maintenance 110.00 to 135.001, Timekeeper, Chief ............. I ........................... 120.00 to 140.00 ✓ lypiat,.Junior...................... :.. 75.00 to 90.00 tpiat, Senior... .......................................... 90.00 to 105.00 Ot1lity man,: Workhouse, includes maintenance ............... 85.00 to 100. do Wtieelvright..... ............. 90.00 to 105.00 V„ Page 3. J Junior Clerk ......................................... $75.00 to X90.00 Telephone Operator .................................... 65.00.to 80.00 (3) Street Car Checkers ........................ 95.00 to 115:00 Superintendent of Market ............................. 115.00 to 140.00 Weigher ............................................. 80.00 to 100.00 Head Clerk... .140.00 to165.00 Chief Clerk Water Bureau ............................. 165.00 to 190.00 / Chief Meter Inspector ................................ 120.00 to 140.00 ✓✓ !f� Q4) Meter Inspectors ................................. 95.00 to'115.00 ✓ Fixture & Rate Inspector ............................. 95.00 to 125.00 (6) Collectors ....................................... 95.00 to 115.00 ✓ (1) Timekeeper ....................................... 95.00 to 115.00 ✓ Assistant Testing Engineer.... ..... 135.00 to 150.00 Junior Civil Engineering Draftsman ................... 115.00 to 135.00 Cataloguer ........................................... 90.00 to -110.00 Chief of Branch Division ............................. 125.00 to 150.00 Chief of Catalog Division .......................4.... 150.00 to 175.00 Chief of Circulation Division ........................ 105.0.0 to 130.001/ Chief of Civic Division .............................. 125900 to 150.00 Chief of Juvenile Division ........................... 125.00 to 150.00 V11 I Chief of Order Division .............................. 125.00 to 150.00 Chief of Periodical Division..........................110..00 to 135:00 Chief of Reference Division .......................... 150.00 to 175 00 Chief of School Division .............................. 125.00 to 150.00 ✓ ` Chief of Technology Division: ....................... 125.00 to 150.00 First Assistant to Division Chief .................... 100.00 to 125.00 v/Inspector, Heating Plants ............................ 150.00 to 175.-00 ✓ Instructor of Training Class ......................... 150.00 to 175,00 Janitor, Head ........................................ 90.00 to 110.GO ✓ Librarian, Assistant .... :............................. 175.00 to 200.00 ✓' Librarian, Junior Branch ............................. 90.00 to 110.00 Librarian, Senior Branch ............................. 100.00 to 125.00 ✓ Librarian, Children's ................................ 90,00 to 110.00` Librarian, Reference ......................... 90.00 to 110.00 Library, Senior Assistant ............................ 70.00 to 90.00 ✓ Mechanic's Helper ............................. 90.00 to 110.00 Supt. of Library Buil;dingo ........................... 175.00 to 200.00 Supt. of School Buildings, Assistant.................175.00 to 195.00 Truant Officer ....................................... 125.00 to 150.00 Dog Catcher .......................................... 3.00 to 4.00 per day C1erk,Chie4T City Clerk .............................. 150.00 to 200.00 �.• and the said Section 1 be and the same is further amended by adding thereto the following words and figures: Janitor, Assistant, Library .......................... 80.00 to 90.00 Janitor, Branch Library .............................. 90.00 to 100.00 / Library Information Clerk ............................ 125.00 to 150.00 ✓ Section 2. tThis ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council NOV 20 toIc 1919 Farnsworth �r1919 Goss Approved �!i Il ' ! MCC611 _ s Powers Wsmiae3eah ayor. A TTEST: r JOHN 1. FARICY, City'Cleek. i s g Counoil File No._A Ordinance No,_ An Ordinance to amend administrative ordinance No. 5139, ap- proved August 16,: 1919, entitled - "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions -and am- p loymental The Council of thb-City of St. Paul does ordain: qq Section'',1. That.Seotion 1L6rdinanoe No. 5139, approved August,16, 1919, be and: de same is hereby amended by striking ou "'Section 1 there- „cf the following words and figures: 'Attendant. $60.00 to $80.00. Bookkeeper, General.............................105.00 to 125.00 - Bridgeman ....................... ••••••••••••.105.00 to 135.00. Calculator:..... .. ..... .105.00 to 135.00. Chauffumr,:General ............. ......... 90.00 to 105.00' Clark, Principal......... ...%......... ...... 95.00 to 125.00 Clerk, Senior,. .............................. 80.06 to 105.00- Clerk,`Assessment.................................. 85.00 to 125.00 - Clerk, Stenographer, Senior ........................ 100.00 to 19.5.00_ Clerk, Typist, Senior ...:...................... .. 80.00 to 105.00• Cook, Workhouse, inoluding maintainanoe......... 80.00 to 95.00 Draftsman,Ju , teotural..•...............105.00 to 135.00• Draftema#,Seniordatural .................125.00 to 150.00: :Engineer, Designia►g............ ............. ..135.00 to 175.00- Engineer, Assistant, Civil ......................135.00 to 175.00. - Foreman, Crosswalks ........................... 95.00 to 125.00. Foreman, Ward............ ..... .... ............ 80.00 'to 100.00 - Foreman of Guards, Workhouse, includes maintenan,80.00 to 100.00. Foreman, Flushing...... ....................... 5°.00 to 135.00• Gardener, Workhouse, includes maintenance....... 86'00 to 95.00• Guard, Workhouse, includes maintenance.......... 75.,00 to 90.00 Inspector, Local Improvements.. 95.00 to 135.00. Inspector, Sanitation ............................ rS5.00 to 95.00. Inspector, Server ...................... 95.00 to 125.00. Inspector, Street Sweeping ......................95.00 to 115:00.. Leveler.. .... ... .............. 85.00 to 95.00. Matron,.Workhouse, includes maintenance......... 50.00 to 65.00. Secretary Stenographer . ........................100.00 to 125,00. Stenographer, Junior.. .. 65.00 to 80..00, Stenogrep her, Principal........ ..`00.00 to 115.00• Stenographer, Senior,..•. .••..•••... 85.00 to, 105.00. �. Sub Foreman. 95.00 to,125.00- Superintendent,Workhcuse,Assistant, includes maintenanoe..100.00 to 125.00. Timekeeper, Chief,. ............ ..............,lO5.A0 to 135.00. Typist, Junior... 60.00.to 80.00. Typist, Senior .................................. 75.00 to 96.00: Utility man,Workhouse,includes maintenance ......70.00 to. 90 00._:. Wheelwright .......................... ........ 85.00 to 105,00.'--. a _.. 11�('�aLL � 'i. fr� ?Gb.. .. J;� �� 3 " `' "`„ �� /f� � -CJUw i and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures:ca Attendant.. ... " ...... .....�-to 9 0 00- Bookkeeper, 0Bookkeeper, General. ..............: :.120.00 to 14'0.00 Bridgeman,.,... ... ...................... :.115.00 to 135.00. Calculator. .120.00 to 140:00• Chauffeur; General........... .. .100.00 to 120.00. Clerk, Principal ..................:) ......... .120.00.to 140.00• Clerk, Senior.. 95.00 to 120.00 Clerk, Asseesment.....120.00 to 140.00• Clerk, Stenographer .........., Senior ...................:.100.00 to 125.00. Clerk, Typist, Senior .........................:. 95.00 to 120.00 Cook, Workhouse, including maintenance.......... 85,00 to 100.00• Draftsman, Junior, Architectural........ 115.00 to 135.00. Draftsman, Senior, Architectural..............: .135.00 to 150.00. Engineer, Designing...........................:.150.00 to 175.00. Engineer, Assistant, Civil ......................150.00 to 175.00 Foreman, Crosswalks......... .. ................:.100.00 to 125.00 Foreman, Ward ................................. 90.00 to 110.00 Foreman of Guards,Workhouse,includes malntenance,90.00 to 110.00'.• Gua; mJr aa,includes mainten _110.00 to T35.00. F us ng.... •. r Gardener, ooue@,lnoludee,maintena�oe rt 85 00, to lOO.QO, inoe. 85.'66 to l`OO.Ods Inspe, tor,ochl,I,mprbveyne�tt.a ........... :.x."100 b0 to 125.00 L Inapector'S Saniiation...k : ,. 85.00 to 100.00 I, sp �a��ctor, sewer.. .,lop 00 to 125.00 sp etgr:, tat�eeti Swe p�i.ng ... :.`10 00 oto 325s00 f �veler........... :.. ... .... �. 85.00 to 100.00 Matron, Workhouse, includes maintenance.... .. 60.00 to 75.00. Secretary-Stenographer...........................130.00 to 140.00. Stenographer, Junior.. 80.00 to 95.00• Stenographer, Principal .......................:.110.00 to 125.00• Stenographer, Senior ......................... 100.00 to 120.'00. Sub Foreman.. ... .............100.00 to 125.00. Superintendent,Workhouse,Assistant, includes malntenance:.110.00 to 135.00. Timekeeper, Chief............................:..laO.00 to 140.00- Typist, 40.00Typist, Junior..........., 75.00 to 90.00• Typist, Senior ................................... 90.00 to 105.00• Utility man,Workhouse,ineludea maintenance....:, 85.00 to 100.00. Wheelwright ................................... 90.00 to 105.00. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on its passage and publication. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council 1919 Clancy Farnsworth Gose Approved 1919 McColl _In favor. Powers Wnnderlioh Against. Mayor, Mr -President. 14 pROpOSED AMENRAENT TO COUNCIL FILE NO 27133. Being an ordinance introduced by Commissioner m. 14. Goss to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139. Tnat said proposed ordinance be amended by inserting anter the word "Wheelwrignt" wnere.it first occurs in said proposed ordi- nance, the following words and figures: Junior Clerk $ 60.00 to $ 80.00 Telephone Operator 55.00 to 75.00 (3) Street Car Cnecker8 85..00 to 105.00 Superintendent of Market 1oo.00 to 25.00 190.00 Weigher 70.00 to Head Clerk 125.00 to 150.00 Chief Clerk Water Bureau 150.00 to 175.00 Chief Meter Inspector 105.00 to 125.00 (14) Meter',:Inspectors 85.00 to 105.00 Fixture & Rate Inspector 85.00 to 115.00 Collectors 80.00 to 105.00 �6 1; Timekeeper 80.00 to 100.00 Assistant Testing Engineer 105.00 to 135.00 Tdsting Engineer 135.00 to 150.00 Junior Civil Engineering Drartsman 95.00 to 125.00 and inserting in said proposed ordinance, after the word "Wneel- wrl,gnt" where 1t now occurs for the second time in said ordinance, the following: Junior Clerk $ 75.00 to $ 90.00 Telephone Operator 65.00 to 80.00 ( 3 ) Street Car Cneckers 95.00 to 115.00 Superintendent of Maricet 115.00 to 140.00 Weigher 80.00 to 100.00 Head Clerk 140.00 to 165.00 Chief Clerk Water Bureau 165.00 to 190.00 Cnie$ Meter Inspector 120.00 to 140.00 (14' )'deter Inspectors 95.00 to 115.00 FixtureRate Inspector 95.00 to 125.00 .4 95.00 to 115.00 M.Collsotoxs Timekeeper 95.00 to 115.00 e Assistant Testing Engineer 135.00 to 150.00 Junior Civil Engineering Draftsman 115.0cr to 135.00 An'Ordiriance to amend administrative ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, entitled - "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments." The Council of the City of St.Paul does ordsin: SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof the following words and figures: cataloguer. ........................80.00 Chief Of Technology Division,....... to 6100.00 Chief Of Branch -Division ............ i05.00 to 135.00 Chief Of Catalog Division ............ 105.00 to 135.00 Chief Of Circulation Division ....... to 115,00 - Chief Of Civic Division ............. 105.00 to 135.00 Chief Of Juvenile Division .......... 105.00 to 135.00 Chief Of Order Division ............. 95.00 to 125.00 Chief Of Periodical Division,....... 95.00 to 125.00 Chief Of Reference Division ......... 105.00 to 135.00 Chief Of School Division ............ 105.00 to 135.00 Chief Of Technology Division ........ 105.00 to 135.00 Division Chief, First Assistant to ( Library)....... 85.00 to 115.00 Inspector, Heating Plants ........... 125.00 to 105.00 Instructor Of Training Class (Library) ........ 105.00 to 135.00 ' Janitor, Heads. ........ 85.00 to 105.00 Librarian, Assistant...............150.00 to 175.00 Librarian, Junior Branch ............. 80.00 to 100.00 Librarian, Senior Branch ............. 95.00 to' 125.00 Librarian, Children•'s............. 80.00 80.00 to to 100.00 100,00 Librarian, Reference,..:: ........... Library, Senior Assistant ...........60.00 to 80.00 Mechanic's Helper ................... 80.00 Supt. Of Library Buildings .......... 125.00 to to 100.00 175.00 Supt. Of School B1dgs.Assistant,....;150.00 to 185.00 Truant officers .....................105.00 to 135.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures; Cataloguer ........... .............$ 90.00 to $110.00 Chief Of Branch Division,......... 125.00 to 150,00 Chief of Oatalog Division, ........ 150.00 to 175.00 Chief Of Circulation Division,..... 105.00 to 130.00 Chief Of Civic Division,........... 125.00 to 150.00 Chief Of Juvenile Divison. ........ 125.00 Leo 150-00 50.00 Chief Of Order ivision,........ ; Chief Of Periodical Division,...... 110.00 to 135.001+ Chief. Of Reference Divison,........ 150.00 to 175.00 Chief Of School Division,.......... 125.00 to 150.00 Chief Of Technology Division,....... 125.00 to 150.00 First Assistant to`Division Chief,. 100.00 to 125.00 Inspector, Heating Plants,......... 150.00 to 115,00 - ,,Instructor Of Training Class,...... 150.00 to 175.00 Janitor, Head ...................... 90.00 to 110.00 Librarian, Assistant,.. 175.00 to 200.00 Librarian, Junior Branch,........ 90.00 to 110.00 �} Librarian, L -senior Branch,.......... 100.00 to 125.00 Page--2-- Librarian,, Children's.. ... 90.00 to ;p116.00 Librarian, Reference,..: .: ..................... 90.00 to 110.00 Library, Senior.AbsiStant,..................... 70.00 to 90.00, Mechanic's Helper, 90.00 to 110.00 Supt. Of Library Buildings,................... 175.00 to 200.00 Supt. 0£ Jchool B;ags,. Assistant . ............. 175.00 to 195.00 Truant Officer,._ .......................... 125.00 to 150.00. and the said Section 1 be and the same is further amended by adding thereto the following words and figures;. -/Janitor, Assistantfr� —`....`.e................... 80'.00 to �� 90.00 Janitor, Branch Libsrf... ,. ...................,p 90.00 to 100.00 Library, Information Clerk ..................... 125.00 to 150.00 Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately on its passage and publication. i Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council 1919 Farnsworth Goss Approved 1919 MOColl Powers Wunderlich Mr.President (Hodgson) Mayor. 1 0 By U.N. GOSS.sr Council File No.. 27133 Ordinance No. An ordinance to amend �aAainistrativs ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, entitled - -AnadmLol4trative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments-- The Council of-the City Of St. Paul does ordain. Section 1. That Section I of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919,,bo and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 thereof the following words and figures: Attendant-s .......... a .............................. $60.00 to $60.'00 Bookkeeper,. General .................................. 105.00 to. ap. do Bridgeman............................................ 105.00 to 135'.06 Calculatort .......................................... 105-00 to• 135'. 00 Chauffeur, General ................................... 90.00 to 1.05.'00 Clark. Principal.... I .......... 95, 125.00 ql�srk Senior, ........................................ 80.60 to 1dS.QO Clerk, Assessment. ........................... 85.00 +A 125.00 Clerk, Stenographer, Senior .......................... 100-00 tollg&.00 Clark. Typist, Senior ................................ SOidO to� 165-00 Cook, Workhouse, including maintenance ............... 80-60 to 94.- do =ftsman Junior, Architectural ..................... 105.60 to 135.60 Draftsman, Senior, Afrohitootural ..................... 125.00 to 15000 Engineer,Designing ......................... 135.00 to 175 Engineer, Assistant, Civil �; - 1'75-' . 00 .................... :.. Foreman, Crosswalks.... I ...... 135.00 toI 95:00 to 125.00 Fo roman, Ward. ... ......... So. 00 to- 1:00.00 �Foreman of Guards, Workhouse, includes maintenance- 130.00 to 100ri, 00 Forii4n, Flushing.................................... 105.001to 135.100 Gard6aori Workhouse, includow,maintenance ............ 80-00 to 95-00 *Ahouse,'includos maintenance ............... 75.00 to 90.00 ingpectdr lAcwl- Improvements .................... ... 915.00 to 125.00 actor, Sanitation ............................. :.. 85.00 to 96.00 pector. Sever ........................ o ............ 9&.00 to 125,00 Inspector, Street Sweeping ............................ 95.00 to 115.100 Leveler .............................................. 85.00 to 95.00 Matrou,'Ikrkhouse, includes maintenance .............. 50.00 to 65.;o0 Secretary-Stenographer ............................... 100.00 to 125.00 Stenographer, Junior ................................. 65.00 to 80400 St nograpikhr, Principal .............................. 90.00 to 115.00 Stenographer, Senior ............................. ... 85i00 to 105.00 Sub Foreman .................... ; ................ : ... 95.00 to 125.00 Superintendent, Workhouse, Assistant, includes maintenance..:..... loo. Oo, to 1.95.00 Timekeeper, Chief ................... : ................. 105.001to 125.00 Typist, Junior ....................................... 60.00 to 80.00 Typist, Senior. ........ ..... ............... 75.00 to 90.00 Utility man, Workhouse, Includes maintenance.......... 70.00 to '90.00 Wheelwright.......................................... 85.00 to 105.00 Junior Clerk.. ........................................ 60.00 to 80.00 Telephone one Operator ....................... I ........... 55.00-to .75�`00 0) Street Car Checkers.:....................... ..4'. 86.00 io�. i0i.00 Superintendent of.Harket ..............................100.00 to'125. 00 Wsighor .............................................. 70.00 to 90.,00 Head Clark ........................................... 126.00 to 150000 Chief Cleik,Water ....... 15i! 00 to 175.00 Chief hiof Motor Inspector ................................ 105.00` to 125.00 (14) Motor Inspectors ................................. 85.00 19 105.00- Fixture & Rate Inspector ..................... ..85. 1 00 -,to- US. 00 (6) Collectors ............................... '80.00 to 105.00 (1) Timekeeper........ 006`00 to 100.00 Assistant Testing Engineer........................... 105.'00 +o.135.00 Testing Engineer ..................................... 135.00'to 15().00 Junior Civil Engineering Draftsman..................... 95.00 to 125e00 oguor ........................................... 80.00 to loqoo._ Page 2. Chief of Branch Division .................................. fads. Go to 5135.00 Chief of Catalog Division ................... ..............'-1Q5.00.to 135.00 Chief of Circulation Division .................... to .135..00 Chief of Civic Division....... ........................:.... 105.00 to 135.00 Chief of Juvenile Division ..........................:..... 105.00 to •,.35.00 Chief of Order Division........ �.......................... 95:00 to 125.00 Chief of -Periodical Division .............................. 95.00 to 125.00 Chief of Reference Division ............................... 105:00 to 135. GO Chief of School Division .................................. 105.00 to 135.00 Chief of Technology Division .............................. 105.00 to. 135.00 Division Chief, First Assistant to (Library) .............. 85.00 to 115.00 Inspector, Heating Plante........ .......... 125.00 to 165.00 Snstructor of Training Claes (Library) .................... 105.00 to 135.00 Janitor; Bead:.... ,,:.. 85.00 to 105.00 ..................... ....150:00 to 175.00 Librarian, Assistant........... Librarian, Junior Branch ................................ 80.00 to 100.00 Librarian, Senior Branch..:.....s........................95.00 to 125.00 Librarian, Children's.. .................................... 80.00 to 100.00 LibrazIss, Reference ..........................,............ 80.00.to 100.00 Library, Senior Assistant ................................. 60.00 to 80.00 Mechanic's Helper.:..::..' .......................'.......... 80.00 to 300.00 Supt. of .Library Butildiits...................... :......... 125.00 to. 175100 Supt. of School Buildings, Assistant ...................... 150.00 to 185400 Truant Officer.... ...:.............................. 105.00 to 135:00 Dog°Catcher.............................................. 2.80 to 3.60 per day. ity Clark .................................... 150.00 to 17 5. 00 ing"An lieu thereof the following words and figures: Atte t: ............................................. $80.00 to $100.00 Bookkeeper. General ....................................... 120.00 to 140.00 Bridgeman .................................................. 115.00 to 135.00 Calculator ................................................ 120.00 to 140400 Chauffeur. General...... .................................... 100.00 to 120:00 --.- Clerk, Principal......... . ................................120.00 to 140,.00 Clerk, Senior. 96.60 to 12Q.00, Clerk, Assessment.::..... 120.00 to. 14Q.00 Clerk,-'Stenogrip ei- Senior ............................... 100.00 to: 125.00 Clark, Typist, or ..................................... 95.00 to 320.00 Cook, Workhouip including maintenanoe.................... 85.00 to 100.00_ Draftsman, Junior, Architsotural ....................... 315.00.to135.00 Draftsman, Senior, Architectural .......................... 135.00 to 150.00 Engineer, Designing ....................................... 150.00 to 175.00 Snginser, Assistant, Civil ................................ 150.00 to 175.00 'Foreman, Crosswalks ....................................... 100.00 to 125.00 Foreman, Hard ......° ..................................... 90.00 to 110.00 Foreman bt Guards, Workhouse, includes maintenance........ 90.00 to 110.00 Foreman, Flushing. 110.00 to 135.00 Gardener, Workhouse, • includes. maintenance.. 85.04 to 100.00 Gaard, Workhouse, includes maintenance.::.::.......: 85.00 to 100.00 Inspector, Local Dsprodements..................... .....100.00 to 125.00 Inspector, Sanitation ..................................... 85.00 to 10.w.Inspector., Sever. ............................ .......... 100.00 to 125.00 Inspector, Street., epi 279 ............................... 100.00 to °TZ5.00 Levfler... ....... ....:.........�..... 85.00 to_ 100.00 Matron, Workhouse, includes mai ntanance................... 60.00 to 75.00 Secretary -Stenographer .................................... 120.00 to 140.00 Stenographer, Junior .• 80.00 to 95000 aStenographer, Pridd pal ...........................:...... 110.00 to 125..00 Stenographer, .... 100.00 to 120.00 Sub Foreman... a. ... ... ... .,0 100.00 to 1250 Superinteadeat, Workhouse, Asaietant, includes maintenance 110.00 to 135:00 Timekeeper, Cgiei......... ...................... :... 120:00 to 140.00 Typist,.Junior................. .......................:....' 75.00 to 90.00 Typists Senior ..........:................................. 90.100 to 105.00 Utility man, Workhouse, includes maintenance .............. 85:00 to 100.00 Rheelwright....... ..................... 90.00 to 105.00 Page 3. Junior Clerk... ............... $75.00 to $90.00 Telephone Operator ..................................... 65.00 to 80.00 (3) Street Car Checkers .................. ••--•::...... 95.00 to 115.00 Superintendent of Market ............................. 115.00 to 140.00 Weigher ........................................... 80.00 to 100.00 Head Clerk ........................................... 140.00 to 165.00 Chief Clerk Water Bureau ............................. 165.00 to 190.00 Chief Meter Inspector ................................ 120.00 to 140.00 ;r Motor Inspectors... 95.00 to 115.00 �y Fixture a Bate Inspector...... 95.00 to 125.00 (6) Collector* ....................................... 95.00 to 115.00 (1).Timekeeper.....................................I...1 95.00 to 115.00 Assistant Testing Engineer ........................... 135.00 to 150.00 Junior Civil Engineering Draftsmen ....................115.00 to 135.00 Cataloguer ................:•.....•.................... 90.00 to. 110, 00 Chief of Branch Division.............................. 125.00 to 150.00 Chief of Catalog Ilivision ............................ 150.00 to 175.00 Chief of Circulation Division ........................ 105.00 to 13.0. 00 Chief of Civia Division...............................125:100 to 150.00 Chief of Juvenile Division ........................... 125;00 to 150.00 Chief of Order Division .............................. 125:00 to 150.00 chief of Periodical Division...........................110.00 to 135.00 Chief of Reterenos Division.................'.........150.00 to 175.00 Chief of School Division' ...................:.......::125.00 to 150.00 Chief of Technology Division .................:.....a. 125.00 to 150:00 First Assistant to Division Chief ...................... 100.00 to 125400 Inspector, -Heating Plants ............................ 150.00 to 175.00. Instructor of Training Class......................... 150.00 to 175.00 Janitor, Head....... .................................:. 900OA0, llo;-00 Librarian,:Assistant..................... :............ -175:!10'!0 200:00 Li4rar4w. Junior Branch ................ .......,...... 40.00 to -110:00 Libi"n,•Senior Branch ...... ......:................. X00.00 to 125.00 Librarian, Chia.dren's................................. .90.00 to 110.00 Librarian, Reference...........:......................... '.90.A0 to 110.00' Library,. SeniorAssistant............................... 70.00 to 90.00 Machania'e'Halper :.............. .................. 90.00 to 310x00 Supt. of -Library Buildings... ..... .................. 175.00 to 200.00 Supt. of School Buildings, Asaistaut.................. 175.00 to 195.00 Tenant Officer ...................... ......................... 125.00 to 150.00 Dcg"Cateher...................3.. 00 to 4.0 per day ¢ity Clerk.......... ...... ..... ....,150.00 to 200.00 and -the s_4dd.Seetion l be and the memo is furtdor amsnded by adding to there;the folkdwIng-words and figm."a., laniior•. Assistant, Library .....................• .... so 00 to 90.00 Janitor. Branch Library ......................... 9.0.00 to 100.00 Library Information.Clerk-.•......................... 125.00 to 150.00 Section 2. This ordinance shall take"effect and be in force immediately on its passage and publiaation. Yeas Councilmen , Hays. ��Sanpy Adopted by the Cn 919 ✓�TSsnawrth ' otiose Approve%_ t 919 vV McColl / /aware V d ! Wunderlich f r' Mayor. ATTEST! JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clado. J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMFILE No . ........ F- A A 49,2M 7-18 1279 ... ....... ER -- TITLE esolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specific([ fund., and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amouits set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I. V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by the Co1 NOV o rim .......___NOS_... 1 Clancy �rolve t rAbatra0 AI�e NOV —3 19'Q the it to eedon, A -oved _191 'Farnsworth oF the hr.t ft,r ".1, 1ri, favor Iol the Z.-. Goss ot,..s or the me IV. tux P,.t'v' thou 66""t th:'jrojioV, 'it I., d.t&I1 GKofler 'th 'Cochran -s_. d to MAYOR .eg nt re Tierney & coh .841ti", Adopted bT.,t e Wunderlich Approved (Nov. the 3 Mr. President, Hodgson 15160 Cochran -Sargent Company, 255.17 Bridge B. & Repr. 10.97 Water 244.20 15161 A. C. Jefferson, 189.55 Armory .92 St. 0,. & Repr. 29.77 Crosswalks 79.43 tr 79.43 189.55 15162 Tierney & Company, 824,32 Fire Total 1,269.04 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject; ............................................. .... ..... ------ .......... ............... ............ ................................. F- NO. ............ . .......... A .................................... ......................... . ... . .... ....................................................................... Date Presented ...................... ... ................ ........... 191. Resolved, That the applic, on of the Sinclair Refining Company for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station, on property bounded by Congress, Robert and Concord Streets, is here- by granted, and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said company to store gasoline on said -premises when the tanks and building therefor have been duly inspected and approved. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller 0 McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the CouncilNov ... -.3 ..... ... 41.9 191 ... Apvrove OV. -3 1�15........191 MAYOR JOHN IF FARICY (�ffirF nf. Tit (firrh JAS. J. MINER C,r.«e.K Cfi#y of *ttint pant ASST. CITY «E.K October 28th, 1919. j Hon. Henry McColl', v Com'r. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find application of the Sinclair Refining Company for permission to erect a service station and install four one thousand gallon undergvound tanke, on property bounded by Congress, Robert and Concord srl?ecT,r,_. Same was referred to you by the Council this datd, in regard to fire hazard. ,7 Yours truly, sac. CI CLERK. t [ t OMPANY SINCLAIR ,REFINING Chr t us •� d•xe U N ttr orz.9 REFINERS OF' PETROLEUM . ° °t PAINNESOTA7RANSFER MINN. I .:Ont. "27th, 1919. Kik 4 The Honorable;City-Coupail', r Gentlemen We, the Sinclair Refining Company ,hereby " make application to you for permit' to' erect and operate a service station to store gasoline and petroleum.,products and tossell same'; . - "IB propose ao,instalL Pour, (4)`one thous- and (>1,000),gallon underground tanks for gasoline storage. The property that`;tre propose to• do this on. s:, by- Congress; Robert an, 'oncord Sts., , St. Paul. Trusting you will give thin application your approval, we remain- ' Yours: v0�ry _:truly,. ,. WILLIAM BARRON ' 1 INBPEROR CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL, COMMISSIONER. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION Odtober 30th, 1919. b Hon. Henry MOColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Bear Sir :- In regard to the application of the Sinclair Refining Company asking permission to erect and operate a Gasoline filling station on the property bounded by Congress, Robert and Concord Streets. Will say that we have made an inspection of the above property and find it an ideal place for a filling station. We would recommend that tanks to be used be of the approved type and approved pumps be used for the withdrawal of liquid from tanks, tanks to be buried underground with the top of the tanks not less than three feet below the surface of the ground. We recommend that permit be granted and this office notified when tanks are ready for installation. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector. x; 75,35- n ordinap0e alttllpg 'the Otaimof /5 Mantle Duke agµipe4 W0 C,ty of,: f Conpcll of t" Clty Of St An ordinance settling the clail of Mattie Duke against the City of St, Paul. THE COUNCIL OF -THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN! Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to Thomas C. Daggett, as attorney for,Mattie Duke, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) in full settlement and satisfaction of her claim against the City, arising out of injuries sustained by her by reason of a full on an icy sidewalk on the south side of East Seventh street, in front of No. 1076, on the 2nd day of March, 1918. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid upon the execution and delivery by said claimant of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sus- tained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after -its passage and publication. '! Passed by the Council Yeas Co u.v%X-k'e'w`a v. NSTV ML- Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers Wunderlich 1 Approved -- ---- Jt1C Z. Mayor Attest /.--- City Clerk i i Department of K -am CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'NEILL ^„ JOHN A. BURNS WILLIAM GIB ERSON JAMES O. SWAN JOS. H. MASEK October 31st, 1919. To the Council, Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Mattie Duke against the City of St. Paul for the sum of Fifty Dollars. After a thorough investigation of said claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests.of said City. yours very truly, Ass('t Corporation Counsel. , f / �vcnf <oi C-1 d -, v -72(9�- CITY IIF ST. VAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMILE No..... .:;:r:: F'li.t Fo- A A 46,2 M 7-I8 1283 AUDITED ) �� I1 -LIjJSi -��A'/ PERTITLE Rrolved that warrants E be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons; firms or corporations for the amounts settopposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays I^`; ,.�I. lig, _ - Adopted by the Council ___.....___%.�L__._. ._.,.::..._.... ..191._....._ Clancy Farnsworth C. F. No. 27187Abstract. All ed DOSS Resoly, ved that warrants be drawn - upon the City TreasurPayable out of Lha herelnatter specified funds and 1n r Beller favor of the Persons, deme or elle their .._..... .......___ ...._......... .. _...__... ..._..... _......._ tions for the amounts seteoDfiDed Ia the MAYOR McColl respective names a P _ following detailed statement: Wunderlich S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, $280.00:of Flnnnce, . S. A Farnsworth. Com'r. _. - Mr. President, Hodgson $9,924.43• of Finance, 9. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. ($12,483.81. _ I F, T_ Webetet.,$2,924.00. Adopted bY'the CY91911 Nov. 4, 1919. Approved Nov.o4-it 1919) - Total 25,592.04 n II 9 15182 S. A. Farnsworth, Com(r. of Finance 280.00 I Interest .265.00 Spec. Assess. Bond &. Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acet. 15.00 15183 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 9,924.43 Parks 5,899.81 Forestry P.evl. 527,00 Playgrounds 700.32 P. Bldgs. Revl. 429.30 Park Const. 941.30 Great Northern Schools 119.55 Gaultier Schools (Bond)l 307 15 . 43 15184 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 12,463.61 Plater 15185 E. T. Webster, 2,924.00 Sewer on Page, Robert to Gorman Total 25,592.04 n Form A A 46, 2 M 3-18 I 15170 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Water 15171 Camera Art Company, Corp. Counsel 15172 H. W. Emerson, Civil Service 15173 ff. Gilbert, Armory 15174 Ed. Jacobs, State Boiler Insp., Munic. Gar. Revl. 15175 McGill -Warner Company, Oficial Pub.. 841.00 Printed forms and blks. 42.00 883.00 15176 Minnesota Broom Company, Armory Total 934.61 10.18 12.50 7.20 6.00 12.00 883.00 3.73 4'1'1'Y OF 8T. PAUL � T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE: IlL No..........[ ........... 1281 o e AUDITED TITLr /Abee•— 1upon Resohed that warrants drawn the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - Yeas ( v ) Councilmen i ( d ) Nays Adopted by the Counci ___. __........ 191....._._. Clancy a F. No. 27128— Abstract •A roe __ ...._...191._..__.. pp Farnsworth Goss ._._ uponsthe City Treasury. D Y ble ou of the herelnaLter BDBclfted funds, and. In or corpora - Keller favor of the persona.ftrms a their .,___. __ _ .......... ............... . ............ ___,,,,,,,__,_. .... tions foraha amounts Bet- H. 1 e names as sD_te: l:th211AYOR respective following detailed statements: McColl Brooks Brothers Lumber Cowpony, Wunderlich $10.12. Camera Art Company, 512.60. Emerson, 57.20. Mr. President, Hodgson 8. W. N• (31a $6:00. State Boller In$89 $12:00. -b Ed. Jacobs, Mc611]-Warner. Company. E883.00._' Broom Company, $2.72. - Minnesota Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1919. Approved 421 19. NNu. 1919 15170 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Water 15171 Camera Art Company, Corp. Counsel 15172 H. W. Emerson, Civil Service 15173 ff. Gilbert, Armory 15174 Ed. Jacobs, State Boiler Insp., Munic. Gar. Revl. 15175 McGill -Warner Company, Oficial Pub.. 841.00 Printed forms and blks. 42.00 883.00 15176 Minnesota Broom Company, Armory Total 934.61 10.18 12.50 7.20 6.00 12.00 883.00 3.73 Form A A 46,2 M 2-18 3` r {: a VITV OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER z AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM' °""° Na......:N-::::..k-s F'11.F: 1280, 71 tib fl/ AUDITED -....1 . ....... ..... ._. ///<^� J TIT LI: Resolved that warrants- be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I_ d I Councilmen 1 V ) Nays __ ---- _-.-----' In 4 Iq.I Adopted by theeCouncil .__. __._ ._. .....191. Clancy 0. F. N°' 27189AbetracU drawal,'': b-- �_Resolvea - Farnsworth _. _ .. than warrants - Appr ed_... _.y'._I��cy._......191 ...... L..1 Gloss 0f upon the City Treasury, Payable and or corp.r.- .� - Keller favoreoP�thetPer-Peso firms Hon. for the am�unte. est oPgoeite their ed i° .___.... .____..... .......... .. i _ _....__. ._._........__...._ MdYOR McColl respective' namee a. sDe. Agent, ,allowing detailed Purcbasing Ag Wunderlich g, W. Austin, $184.88. "ard'oP Water Commie., E1.229• 1,968.2: \Ir. resident, Hodgson Board of Water Commie., M. Clancy, Cosa rr• P Parke, Plygda. J. Board xnd P: Bldg$.. E1,0. @ `of Public Worka, , Com r. :011. Com'r. o, Public Safe - :011, Com'r. of Public Safe- : the Councll Nov. 4, 1919. Nov. 4, 1919. (Nov. 8, 1919) 15163 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent City Clerk Corp. Counsel Municipal Court Civil Service Purch. Dept. Police !Fire Health Quarantine Munic. Gar. Revl. Bureau of Engrs. Schools n Teachers Trg. School Library Prater Parks -Adm. Bureau of Parks P. Bldgs. 15164 Board of slater Commirs., Armory 2 G.F.-Charities Police Fire it Health P. Comfort Station Munic. Gar. Revl. St. C. & Repr. Sewer C. & Repr. S. & S. Cing. 1.34 2.38 4.17 1.34 12.64 1.44 2.43 2.16 5.23 .88 29.39 1.34 39.04 34.26 .95 14.40 11.18 9.36 5.43 4.67 T�.�'S 7.92 300.06 21.30 62.52 2.00 2.34 20.64 2.70 12.60 2.01 56.53 184.03 1,229.57 ias. 1280 Page #2 S. & S. Cing. Workhouse Sprinkling Revl. Schools 15165 Board of Water Commis., 475.92 { P 7.56 2.00 253.47 ,x$-.57 1,458.12 1,045.25 1,352.93 2,911.36 Library 25.06 it 77.00 Auditorium 8.00 Parks" 90.23 " .50 " 181.91 " 43.46 " 341.64 Playgrounds 47.00 75.00 " 53.16 Pa$k Const. 15.16 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 Test. Labs. 100.00 Lighting 25.00 Paving Ashland Ave. 198.00 Plater Connections on Como Ave. W. 152.00 15166 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Plygds. &F. Bldgs., Munio. Employment Bur. 35.98 Fire 781.92 Health 12.01 S. S. Cing. 10.00 Schools 9.80 Parks 61.50 " 26.25 Forestry Revl. 29.04 Playgrounds 15.00 Park Oonstruction 23.25 Gaultier School (Bond) 24.50 Grading, curbing and tree planting on Lexing- ton, Summit to ]�rtland 16.00 1,045.25 15167 M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public Works Armory 54.33 St. C. & Repr. 1,134.68 Water 37.63 It 126.29 1,352.93 15168 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety Com'r. of Finance 482.54 Comptroller 31.20 it 54.70 Police 472.99 Fire 26.67 Pol. & F. Alarm 385.33 Health 140.12 Bureau of Engrs. 180.89 St. C. & Repr. 24.61 Bureau of Engrs. and St. C. & Repr. 139.40= Sewer C. &"Rpr. 198.64 214.35 Sprinkling Revl. 1.05 Schools 362.09 " 102.97 Library 60.27 33.54 3� 1,458.12 1,045.25 1,352.93 2,911.36 Res. 1280 Page #8 15169 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public fety 1,883.18 Parke " 23.38 ° 24.61 " 279,09 " 42.36 Forestry Revl. 9.0 It 0 6.7 Playgrounds 45.96 P. Bldgs. Revl. 58.94 P. Bldgs. 277.11 Lighting 254.20 Water 282.63 " 295.38 Paving Como Ave. -Rice to Great Northern Bdg. 37.35 Paving Como Ave. W. 56.27 Paving Locust, 6th to 19th 39.26 Paving Prior, University to Minnehaha St. 18.56 iI-MU'.T8 Total 10,064.44 III__U')i U1, �J Res. 1280 Page #8 15169 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public fety 1,883.18 Parke " 23.38 ° 24.61 " 279,09 " 42.36 Forestry Revl. 9.0 It 0 6.7 Playgrounds 45.96 P. Bldgs. Revl. 58.94 P. Bldgs. 277.11 Lighting 254.20 Water 282.63 " 295.38 Paving Como Ave. -Rice to Great Northern Bdg. 37.35 Paving Como Ave. W. 56.27 Paving Locust, 6th to 19th 39.26 Paving Prior, University to Minnehaha St. 18.56 iI-MU'.T8 Total 10,064.44 / CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .......... .._�._ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ S COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER#t FORM PRESENTED BY ".w,j COMMISSIONER ................_........_.._............................_................_........._......:........_._...........__... DATE..NOS.._..4.a._.1919....... ..... RESOLVED That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated September 8,'1919, between the City of St. Paul and Peter Dickson, for the grading of Alley in Block 4, Sargent's Addition, be and the same is hereby extended to the third day of November, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to exectts an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent there- to and file euoh consent in writing with the City Comptroller.. Yes 1 ) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl - �`i Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FbRM 3M9-19 . 1n favor Against -1 Adopted by the Council NM -.�- 191,!? .,.-19 —,1 1912 Approved .... ... .._......._19_....... a MRYOR St. Paul, Mlinn. , -- - - `3- - - 19/9' TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for'th/e (�to be extended to - - - -_ -- - - - .- 19 /�- Owing to - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to a that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the. time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is con ne . APPROVEupt. of Construction & Repairs JLC Commissioner of Public corks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COGNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FQRM e ,t....... ........ ........ ... .. ... ... COWNCIL j PILE NO ...... Date Presented........................................................191..... .a.wi.eel, WHEREAS, It appears that heretofore a drain -layer's license has been issued to one F. J. Spriggs, and he has executed as a condition to said license a bond in the sum of $5,000.00 by the National Surety Company, under date of October'24thS; and WHEREAS, It appears that the said bond was executed so as to be continuous in form; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said bond may be and the same hereby is cancelled, provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as relieving said F. J. Spriggs or the said National Surety Company of any liability which may have heretofore aoorued. I C. F. No. 27141—By rle thatOhorelotore Whereas. It aypPe q� drain -layer's license has bsea'"has @IIto one F. S. SPrIBBa� @I u[ed as n condition to Bald ilcense Nattonaln9I let soComPanY a, at. t: of October 24th, 1,,I;thea the said Whereas. IC -PP,"" to be con - bond was, xecuted eo as ,• I d tt geeolin vedt That theeald�bobd maYtbe and the same hereby le cancelle h [din vlaad howover, that nothi¢B contained shall be Co ae rellev- jVJljvj, N ing eat8 F. J• SPrlgBe or the Bald Na- f tional Surety ComPanI of any liability tl,.� which may haus heroto[ore accrue3918. y. Adopted byy the Cou¢clI Nov. 9, ADPrpved NN .4.811819) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays<< ,. Adopted by the Council _..._RQ:V....;,..:.....:._.'.......191...... Clancy �' Farnsworth Approved -rl�� - 191 Goss Goss 0 --.-In favor Keller McColl Against �/ MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C- A, 9 3M 12-1e :r -IT OF ST. PAUL + o COUNAIL p!3E OLUTION—.GENERAL FORM GOUNGiL 's AJ` rile NO . .............. ............... "t« - 1' Date Presented ... ....... ............ .... ............ ....------------- 191....... F U fr Resol ed, Resolved that the application of Wolf Resnick for permission to 1 construct and maintain an addition to tho garage located at 264 Rondo \; Street, being described more particularly as on Lot 3, Block 7, Ninin- gar's Addition to the City of St. Paul, is hereby granted, and the 11 1 Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author- ized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. 27142—By 7. M. Clancy— Resolved, That the ppllcatlon oY Wolf Resnick for permission to con- truct and maintain an addition to the garnge located at 264 Rondo Street, being described more particularly on Lot 3. Block 7, Nininger's Addition to the City of St. Paul, ie hereby (ranted, and the Commiseloner of Parke, Playgrounds. d Public Bulld- Inge to hereby authorized and In- structed to Issue a permit therefor. Adopted by the Council Nov. 4, 1919. Approved Nov. 4, 19 19. (Nov. S. 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted, by the Council ....-..-... a ..-..191...... Clancy Farnsworth- AP ed ......_.i.'�._.-....:.._._....._.........191..... Goss In favor " Keller McColl � .............. Against l� %� G.................. �'/%Y��/........._...._......... Wunderlich / MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e CITY L ww h- 1 ! ! /Ow.b M. C d r Sir: o. fro 'to theme gar g l OAS ROp (!i f dein raga (Offire of (fit Turk J s+i-` OJ A.S. J M I N E R. �ttty of 'i tint ��ni � r �,ri�Leww !•I I: ' October 13th, 19�, ancy, Cop I i 10,9 ks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Enclosed please find application and blue Wolf Resnick for permit to construct an addition Is at 264 Rondo Street, on Lot 3, Block 7, Nininger's ,,5,p��,4a referred to you by the Council this approval of the plans. A IYours truly, CLERK. 4k� o.0 r Council File No . ............. ............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and • ` _ . `.:' Mr. D. C. Gayton. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conetruot_,.:_relay- and.:repair._cement-._tile_..sidewalk,...-.aiz.-.feet-_wi:de............. on -the west.. side . -_of Loouet Street betwehn. Si7[th. Stxeet , and. Sepenth-.. .........$t.xaot.a...y........................................: �.:i PRELIMINARY ORDRR:l-...... ....... .....-------- .---------------------------- ............... ......... .... ' .... .................. . No. 2714 etraot. 'tet......._...... ........ ...... ... ....... ................. .. .... .. .. ... ... V ... .... ...... .. ... s h ......ilnP( Dated this.30th....day of October-;..: nlowfg f ................--.... 191 ... . Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct, relay and repair cement tile sidew#lk✓..six feet wide, e._Re.at....side....s�i...•Lo.oust...8.x.r'eat._b�1tateen...sixth ...s.t.re.st....Emil Seve th- A7t.r a.Qet.a. ....:.............................................:........................................>.... ............................................................I............ .............. ....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invei Ligate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eEtimated cost of said improvement, and the total co8t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Ate._ T ..,. ,� ' lr dfE fOHea ie�edtmdeFe•and i�ofm n ••f •:• • r^ •': � : -• To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.............._N.Q:�r....-g..-J�J.J.�............191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland ` Keller U McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (6M 4-17) -� Approved........::. :......................................191........ ......................................................................................... Mayor. .y Council File No_: ............. ......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' Mr. D C. Gayton. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz:: Dated this..... NMI .a..._.day of...OQ..Uhaz.,....1918............................................... 19L........ F: No. 27194—.�iZ ...... .... ... ... ..... Ahetract i 'hereae, A written proyy0881 ! - ,ing of the following fmproxy COU n. " construct, relay and repair-�" idewalka at the follows ' PRELIMIN`k i'0"ER.,' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ReconstruoL, relay and repair oement the aidesalke at the fo114wing ............ locationa: lini7 "!ij of Street; "eolith aide; from"FinnStt'6 t to Ordt"In '1flte'iiti8; r Onn{• -4A.- (/ D11GiVLLi6ao A.o1 I — vu ,aawv, o r,: f3.t.zeet.,....t.henc.e.seat....14A .f.ae#...hy.....::Y,eat. .:..: hpving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e9timated colt of said improvement, and the total twAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ifeefflatioal . To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ,rTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finana, Adopted by the council ....................... y.!.�191........ Councilman Farnsworth Coss Hyland Keller Q McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form CA 13 (6M 417) 4Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Mr. D. C. Gayton. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by thep&y of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair cement the sidewalks at the following .............................. �." -- ..... - ..............................- ..........., - t----...................... _ :. IT. No. 27145- Abstract Dated this 3Q.th..day of .. QOtt whereas, w written propDosal V... 191 king of the following impr.r -- Deconstruct,, relay -and repair ��'U/`�..................... elde 'rust at the 'So epain, lq s:., ,eatnnt sac tiet slap Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ......... _l.a .- and re aroamenttile.._sidewalke...At_., the,..Yol. oliReconstructr•........... . .e..st chnutg$rQet0401.aid&,beginning .atMa hington.Stxeet.._.t enc.a ... north 75 feet by 13 feet; _ Hoffmanwe-st...eide,-from-:TI}ird- Street to Fourth Street- 6 -feet wide. ........................................................................ ;t having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paan................... ........ ..... ........ . ....... .................. therefore, be it xw RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total coR thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. efollowi....................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. t6 To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. q i q Adopted by the council ................. --�.....':....---...191........ Yeas: Nays: 0 Councilman Farnsworth )Mayor Goss Approved...........�,;^!!....-.�... ..x...............191Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich....._...:............_......................_....................._ Irvin Mayor. Boren C A 11 (,at 4191 - � / Council File No ................./......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Mr. D. C. Gayton. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reoonstruct, relay.. and repair gement the sidewalk at the follow-. ing,. 10 -aa T0ffffW...... _Payne.,.�vQ�_,eN.Qpt__si�le,from,,,�Qpk...8trxto...LaReon.._Str..,..13 iset wide;.,..._. Payne Ave.,East side,from Case Str.to Jenks St r., 14 feet. wide; Bkoanwaq west sidefbe6inning.at.l3th.etreet,thence north 60 feet, bq... --:tak wide......------ Dated this. ..._3Qth...... dgy of .......................................... 191 ..................... . C. E, No 21148A Abstract - Wheref, wrltten opal:, e('.ODUCIhnaM making of the following .:�W"i othe vlp.: .10 sidewalks.re)s f "= lle•Pi -, nP� A', . aI N:. ' .-..ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the folldWing improvement, viz.: Recoggetrrtt}}.QQt. ,..relay and repair gement t;le:---p$4Ralke-..at...the...iollow.-__. ........Roo TOCii.'CSO�g' .. Pane. -_Ape ,w®et .sldq,from..Jeake.:.S#?t..to. 9.0..0.t...Wide; _..... Payne Ave ,east side,from Ease Str,.to Jenks Str., 14 feet wide; ;--E3•ar-ro1l.-.A�rm; ; north- side-if-row--ft-as -as Stri to RavoUx Stri- -i 6- feet -,!rade; v Broadway,weet side,beginning at 13th.str.,thenoe north 60 ft.by 81 wide. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated coda of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement �iunprovement:............ ..................... ......................... rT..........................................:...............................or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. NGll.....=L-49.l.q.............191......_ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ................ �IQ.V. .......... 191 Hyland f9'i Kellar (� McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form CA 13 (SMr-iv) CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ................................ ..... ........ --------------- V ---_---------- -------- ........................ Subjed COUNCIL NO. I FILE -­----------- ........... ------------------ --------------------- ------ ----- ................... --- ------------- ..... Date Presented.........._...._._..._ 191.----- s IB solved, 91------ -olved, That the Commissioner of Parks, Playground a and Public Buildings. is hereby authorized to employ In the Bureau of Public Buildings, 111ortar Mixers at a compensation not to exceed 65� per hour. 27i,17M., Clancy— Resolved J'C.'Jsa1.y;Ter Of C'Rr.'.n`011--d, That thO Cr. Parks Playgrounds ,andaPublic i3ulld- 1;authors ' I-sd t. mploy In h "t h.r I ongsolortar i blic' Bai t t tn9s- is ere the Burea n Mjx�sun ;of V� asti. -no exceed Misers at a com n _8 � o �6' per hour. - 1, _nn X4 v 4, 1910, Adopts e ou. Approved P ro d by t '4 Ved Nov. 8 191 9 (Nov. Yeas (p).Councilrnen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss in favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgeson FORM C. A. 93M 6-18 Adopted by the Council AN !!4 1919 191 Approved... .191 ---------- --- MAYOR COIFNCILFFILE NO ................................. By..:.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the( following locations: Selby Avenue, North side, six feet wide, from 174 feet west of Oxford . Stre-et, thence West 12 feet. Wabasha Street,.Weat side, 10 feet wide, beginning 30 feet North of Tehth Street, thence North 14 feet. Arundel Street., West side, 6 feet wide, from 115 feet North of Marshall Avenue, thence north 16 feet. Selby Avenue, North side, 13 feet wide, from 160 feet East of Western Avenue, thence East 15 feet. Garroll.Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, from 32 feet East of Kent Street thence Eget '50 feet, znd from 76 feet farther East, thence East 15 feet, and on the South side of the Street from 84 feet $ast of Kent. Street, thenoe.East 130 feet by 6 feet. Carroll Avenue, North side, 6,:.feet wide, from197 feet Eaet of Arundel, Street, thence East 48 feet Selby Avenue, North side, 61 feet wide, from40 feet West of St. Albans Street, thence•Weet to Grotto Street. ` Grotto Street, East aide, 6 feet wide, from Selby Avenue, -thence South 'to alley. Selby Avenue, South side, 6 feet wide, from 66 feet West of Chatsworth Street,•thence West 24 feet, and from a point 54 f -et E^at of Arundel Street, then6e East 14 feet by 8 feet. and on the North side of the Street,,' from 160 feet West of Kent Street thence West 64 feet 6 fee4.2and feetrom 39 feet Ea t of Arundel Street thence , and farther East, thence East 45 feet by 6 feet. 25596 June 26, 1919. ......_approved . under Preliminary Order......... -. the -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_........_ ................... Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile side,,alks at the following locations: Selby Avenue,,Northside, six feet wide, from 174 feet West of Oxford thence West 12 feet. Street, Wabasha Street., West side, 10 feet wide, beginning 30 feet North of Tenth Street, thence North 14 feet. Marshall Arundel Street,�West side, 6 feet wide,'frorti 116 feet North of Avenue, thence north 16 feet. Selby. Avenue, North side, 13 feet wide, from 160 feet Ea: of Western Avenue, thence East 15 feet. e et wide, from 32 Peet East of Kent Street, Carroll Avdnue, North side, 6 f . thence East 50 feet, and from 76 feet farther East, thence East 15 feet, and on the ;south side of the street from 84 feet East of Kent Street., thence East. 130 feet by 6 feet. Carroll Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, from197 feet East of Arundel Street, thence East 48 feet Selby Avenue, North side, 61 feet wide, from40 feet West of St.Albane Street, thence West to Grotto Street.` thence South Grotto Street, East side, 6 feet wide, from Selby Avenue, to7leyy.- Selby Avenue, South eide, 6: -feet v¢dea from 66 feet,West of Chatsworth StreYt, thanes west 24 feet. and fsom'a'�Ont.54;.feet East of Arundel Street, thence East 14 f..% by a feet and on the north side of the Street, from 160 feet West of Kent Street thence west 64 feet by 6 feet, and Prom 39 feet East of Arµndel Str=et thence.Eaet 12 feet, ani from 3z feet far East,thethe®t 45 feet by 6 feet.__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.0 •07 _ Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile5th_.. __.. day of.. ._ _ ...__.. _..__ ... D.e.c-ember-.. . 191 9 , at the hour of 10 o•c!oeh :1, Ni., iu the Con ucil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ius, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated :Adopted by the Council - _x,1���!- -I 191 I - _. 191 W_---rApproved.. :..�.- _-1 ..` .�- 141 q Councilman Farnsworth ' Councilman (Joss - Cuuncilmau 7r6, AA Clancy v � J I Councilman Ygkigx Powere c.uncilman McColl F i - Cuuncilman Wunderlich r _ Mayor kximxx HodgPon 51 Furm B. S. A. is -G Mayor. t f y COUNCIL. FILE NO .... ..... ........_............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter o£._.... __...._..... _.._ -_ _._..............-------- Rde-OnsTructing, reiaping and repairing cement the sidewalks at the following locations* West Seventh Street, North side, 10?feJt wide, from Franklin Street to West Fifth Street. Cedar Stre t, East side, 10 feet wide, from East third Street thence North to alley, approxi ately 150 feet. Broadway, W-st side, 101 feet wide, from Fifth Street, thence South 50 feet. East Seventh Street, North side, 11 feet wide, from Wacouta Street., thence East 78 feet. Wacouta Street, West side, 10 feet wide, from ,Seventh Street thence south to alley. A Rice Stfeet. Como Avenue, South side, 8 feet wide, from Thomas to Iglehart, South side, 6 feet wide, from 46 feet West of St. Peter Streit, thence West 160 feet, and from 37 feet farther ,West, thence,. West 145 feet. Iglehart Street, North side, 6 fe_t wide, from Rice Street thence East 70 feet. Rice Stret, East side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Ague, thence to Iglehart'Street. Selby Agenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point 19 feet East of'the•Ea.st line of Nina Street, extended thence East 375 feet. 'iinnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street, thence North 12 feet. Ninth Street, North side, from Minnesota Street,' thence West 200".:, feet. i gfeet wide from 46 feet north of 7th Minnesota Street, East side, , St, thence North 88 feet, and on the West side of the street from Seventh Street thence North 195 feet by 10 feet. ` 25595 a roved June 26, 1919. under Preliminary Order.__. . _ _... ...._ ..approved .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..............._........._ Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidevalk:3 at the following locations: West Seventh Street, North side, 10 feet wide, fromFr°anklin Street to WestFifthStreet. Cedar Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Eat third Street thence North to alley, appru`Tately 150 feet, Broadway, West Sid-, 10z feet wide, from Fifth Street, thence South 50 feet. Fast Seventh Street, North side, 11 fe,t --ride, from Wacouta Street, thence East 78 feet. Wacouta Street,West side, 10 feet .vide, from Seventh Street thence South to alley. Como Avenue, south side, 8 feet wide, from Thomas tc Rice. I. Iglehart, South side, 6 feet wide, from 46 feet Pest of St. Peter Street, thence West 160 feet, and from 37 feet farther West, thence West 145 feet. Iglehart Street, North side, 6 feet wide, from Rice Street, thence East 70 feet. Rice Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Avenues thence to Iglehart Street. Selby Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point ;9 feet East of the Eaet line of Nina Street, extended, -thence East 375 feet., Minnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street thence North 12 feet. Ninth Stre^t, North side, from Minnesota Street, thence West 200 feet. Minnesota Street, East side, 921 feet wide, from 46 feet North of 7th ----- "-at:-.thence north 88 feet, and on the Westside of the street from °"­-Sementh-_Street thence North 195 feet by 10feet. With no alternatives, and Neat the estimated cost thereof is $ 0.07 per equar® foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .5t.h__ ___.day of .....-...---- ....Dezember ___ 1 191 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. i11., ill the Council Chamber of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- inH, the nature of the impaovement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Connell .r r Approved 141 i �13Councilman Farnsworth I Councilman (loss _ Councilman HyLnd ouncilman Keller Councilman McColl Couneilmau Wunderlic-ii hf6 I'nrm B. a. S S..A1.. ti -ti /.... _.. r/ \ 31ay-m•. COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter of... reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile_ side- walks at the following locations: Oakdale Avenue, west side 6 feet° -------------- ......._..._........................................_......................................__.......................---------......................................... wide, from the north line of Midway Ave., extended thence south' -85 _ _.._ _...__ .. __..._ _...... ... ............................................................................ feet; South Wabasha street, east side, 16 feet wide, from Fillmore Avenue .. thence ...aouth...5.0....f e et.;......S.tr.Yk.ex...Av.e.......west._.aide.,----&..3.eet... aide_,... from Laui.sa...St.....thenoe.. north ...95....f.e.et............................................... ........................................................... 25432 June 12, 1919. underPreliminary Order--- ............... .-----.........................approved................................ .................------...... ..... .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....reconatrunt,....relay and..xzpai.r.... cement ...t.i1e...side.,valks...at...the ...following ...locatians......................... Qakdale...Avenue.,....we.at....side.,...6...f.:.et... ade., fxom...thaa nQX111-.11-17ig-..41...R1.dway Ave., extended thenoe south 85 feet; South wabasha Street, east side, ................-..................._...-............._..........................._.............................._...... 16_ feet... wide.,.... 1.Fillmore Avenue thence south 50 feet; Stryker Ave,, . West....s-ide,-.6 feet--wida,.._from..1ouisa. St., .thence_noxth... 95_. fee.t...__ _ ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $_ .0,.0.7...per ..square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _.... ___.5th ..day of _.._---__..__December__ .--- 1R _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............. �� 4 1919 191. NI Approved .................... .'.......... 191 N � Jerk. � ayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss 7 Councilman Hoileb Clancy Councilman XNKX Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich lJ Mayor IXXXx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......1?ayi.ng...Falrmount...Avenue_._from_._Fairview,-_Avenue-•-t0PrlOT_ Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connectione from street mains _t,o...pr.o}pert-X ...... -ourb-inig and -•paving. ..alley_ and --drive-way...approache&,...whey.e...neceasaz r-........... under Preliminary Order............................. .2.6.7-19_. ..... .approved ...... .......___......._.......Sept.._22,_.1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. ave Ave. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...............Fairmount .................................. e from FairviewAvenue to Prior Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property ljnes complete, where not ...........................................................................................................................9........................................................................... ..already..made......s.eo,..,.including..curbin&--and paving alley and driveway e ..appr.o.ache.s,....where.. nec.e..s..gary, .........................__....... _...................... ................ _................ ...................... . _......._................... _.................._.......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost th of is *_21,297,6o Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........5th.................... day of December_. 191_9..-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted by the Council ___.....�IO.,.__...4I - _9.'I .9..._..... 191.. Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (joss Councilman HXj6ac{ Clancy Councilman 9F Powers Councilman McColl i . Councilman Wunderlicli Mayor bniA Hoageon Form B. S. A. 8-6 r r 191........ f � �� ...... City CI --- �1 _ As F. . ....................... / ..................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of sewer on Asbury' A ienue from j:).qjAt ............ ................... .................... .............. I ...................... jk sixty (.6Q) fe-at aout-11-0s ]Blalr ---- Street tjo ... Lafpnd Streat . . ....................................... ----------------------------------------- ................. ....... .................................... ................ ......................................... ............ — ....................... .......................... .................................... .......... ........ .. ........................ - ........................................... ...... ..... ............ ........... .......................... ........................................ 26572 Sept. 15, 1919. under Preliminary Order ......................................................approved .............. ........................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isL�qnatruot a 'sev?eX . .............................................. on Asbury.._ from a point sixty (60) feet south of Blair Street ---- ................ . .......................... . ................... point . ........ toL.af.o.n.d.-P-tre.e.t ............. ....................... ... ........................ - ..................................... ..................... ....................... ......................................... 1— ....................................................... ........................... .. .................................. .............. ................ — ............................................... ... ................................... ................. ............... ............... .................. ....... - ........ . .......................... ........ . ... ............... ..... ... -- ... ............ .. ... ....... .......... ........... . ............. . ; ....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....700.00-„ .. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... ..... 5.th ....... .... day of December ........................... . ......................... .... 1 1919..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191. tjrll! Approved ................... 791_....... .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (_foss Councilman Ifok" Clancy Councilman MW P-11-.111 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor INiAc Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNC I .. Tli}I+19-........................� _.� ....-- =................................................. . . INTERMEDIARY ORDER construct sewer on east side of Snelling Avenue from Inthe Matter of....................------......................_.......... Stre.. t....to..-a...p.o.int...t.hi.x.ty....(-S.0-)---.-fset...aar.lkl...of._n.prtla 1.1.ne.... of...... .Stanford .Avenue. ........... __.................................------......------------- ...................._... .'....-_............................................................................................------.................................._.............----- ...-........_............_...................... ............. .................. .................................................................................... 26835 Oct. 6, 1919. underPreliminary Order ........................... ........................approved .............. .................................................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......ConstDl Pt oil ..ea.st,-..$de...of--_Snelling..Avenue from St. Clair Street to a point thirty (30) ..1eet_.nor-th..of....north...Une..gf...Stanford.. Avenue..................---- ....................................._.._.........._............._......._ ................... _ ._- _.._ ............ ._..._............- - .........._ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _. 3765.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ._ 5th day of .....................December..-.___..___. 1919. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... ...:4.:...._.�.., "_�.__..., 191 i .. ., r�.�. Approved1...._....191. k ..........- Mayor. {Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman J93�®gi Clancy CouncilmanXlliMr Powe rig Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich0 Mayortti6 a: Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNN05,3 [LE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.... con0?ZR9t i ng -.-a -.A f �7P--_on._S�!ndi c st e_._A vete.. from .Bohn Street to University Avenue, for sanitary drainage only. --...................... -------------------..._..................._...-......._........ ......_.........- - -- ........... ............................ .... _ .... _.... _ _ ..... _ _.................................--- ........................ ....... ....._..................................................._............._....._.................. ...---.........--................................--------...... .....__... _............. .... ..... . ................ ............--_ .....§............ .. __..... ............ ---- ....................... ........ ............................ .-......--------------------------- - - under Preliminary Order .268-92 ..............O.c.t......_1..1....,..._..... ....._ .. --....................... ,The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved yhd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........aDnetruCt a BBweT On...SysidlCte.__ Ave_nue --.from Bohn Street to University Avenue, fot -- - ........_............... -- ........_.............-........._........ ............ aanit.arX.- drainage_ only.,......_.. -. - ..............._............................... . _....................... ............. . ................ _............. _... _........-. _.......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $- 3638....0.0 ................ Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the .. _ 5th day of ....._......................._Ilene.mb.er..._, 1919 _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couuml.........N,,.t__..4.-19.,.9... _..-..... 191...`��. Approved ...................................... ............ ., 191..._.... sty Clerk. f_..... ¢. .. .......... .................`.......... _ ./................... / Mayor. Councilman Farnsyrth Councilman Coss Councilman Hgd= C1anCy Councilman 429kFr Power a Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IrW Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------ ----- w .... COUNCIL FILE NO CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution, of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of befefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Mounds Boulevard (formerly H offman Ave.) from, Euclid St. to a point 300 feet east of River Street. 22555 23292 enderPreliminary Order ......_......-..... . ............................................. Intermediary Order ...................... _............. .................................. _._.........., Final Order .............. 23648 ..... ....... _.............-.......-.. approved .......................... 191....5._ The assessment of benefice damages,costa and experjQpgnd in connection with .................._....................,t............................ .................................................................. the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. 6th RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ................... __.... .......__.....day of Dec imber 1919........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. NOV —5 199Adopted by the Council ....._.................- ...-...:..-..-.._ 191__... CIr —5 4i Approved ....._.....—.�__.... �I� 9 Councilman Farnsworth Goss ITA,�,A Clancy K4-Zm Powers McColl Wunderlich Mayor? ftK Hodgeon Form B. B. 16 . � � : �1..1�_��... City Clerk. 191......... _ ................ ........................... ................ ._...... ..... _........... or. ------- ---- ---------------_--------------- -- ------ - �. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191- - In the matter of the assessment of benefit a, damages, COets & expenses for the changing the grade of Mounds Boulevard (formerly Hoffman Ave.) from Euclid Rt. to a point'' -300 feet east of River Street. 22 555 :. ... under Preliminary Order ....................._....._. _._. 4 2 3299...._......_......._._._......_.... , .............."..-..._--.. Intermediary Order _...__.........._....__ >,Deo_,...._4., Final Order .............?''3648.-........ ........ .... ........ ............. ..., 191.x_.._... approved _....... ._... ............_ :.............. To the Council of the City of St. Paul• The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - - - - - . ...... - - $""""""'-""'-�- 5.85 $ Cost of publishing notice - - ........................._......I.............. $._....._....... .................... Cost of postal cards Inspection fees -.. $............... ....... ...... .................... 12.75 ,Amount of court costs for - confirmation - - - - $...... ... ..... ............ .. . _. . «. Total expenditures - - - - $............ 3-2.0._......_... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_............................_2 3_'_80.." -"....-.._....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form 8. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ....... 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages costs and expenses, for changing the grade of Pierce Street, from St. Anthony Avenue to Shields Avenue, and of Sliielde Avenue from Pierce Street to Fry Street. 23735 24102 ender Preliminary Order .................... _..._................._._............_......_._, Intermediary Order ...........:_...;._._. Final Order ................. 2,4318 ............. ................ ., approved ._......__.._._........__Feb.......2fiT_._...._........... 191fi The assessment ofbenef it s., __damages eoet.s.._and_..__e xpe RAP9.2for and in connection with ........ the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the............._6th........—_.._day of D.ec.e.mb.er_................................1 1919.........., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the4 al cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .......... Approved r+ AI 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Goss H Clancy xl §1JWx Powers McColl Wunderlich Mayor lxgtmx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 .. V 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. P OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF -COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ---- In the matter of the assessment ofbenefits 3 damages costs and expenses, for the changing the grade of Pierce Street, from St. Anthony Avenue to Shields Avenue, and of Shields Avenue from Pierbe Street to Fry Street. d- under Preliminary Order ............ .2..37.152_.._ .................. ....__., Intermediary Order ..... .......... ...._........... _........ _........ ...... FinalOrder ... ........................... .d.43.18_ ......... ..... ........... approved ......... ......... ..F..eb.......2.6..,.... ........ ................. 191 ...... _..... ? To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to t�h`e"Cotmcil the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ ..................... - ....... _............ .... Cost of publishing notice 1.33 Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - - $:------......... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$....__..... .._..... ................ ._..... . Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $....... .......... -.2-85•- Total expenditures$....._......_..........5-32....... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._...................... §32 ......... ............... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the"said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finances. ,u3' ------------ COUNCIL FILE NO __ I I Wr L By.._._....._..._r�.__....... _....._.... _......_.... .. f CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the, assessment of benefits, damages, e(.bts & expenses for changing the grade of Wyoming ,treat, from Manomin Avenue to a point 356 feet east. , ander Preliminary Order194.6.4 ................. 24..__....._._.., Intermediary Order ....................._..10 3_ ............................................... Final Order ............. 24319 . ............................. bene,fite, damages costs & expenses t - The assessment of _:_.._........_. ..................._._.__ _...._......._......_ _.......:... .._....._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ....._.. 6_t31 ............ . . .... . . day of December ............. ......... 191.9......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City'Hall Building, ir'r the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 1 Adopted by the Council ..__.._... ..... ...i(. ...... .... .... `..._...._.........191...._.... ........ _.... _..... _............. .. ...._.:..._e_ a...a_ /.':'_:.' : �::> . City Clerk. Approved ....... _... .... .._................ 191 _.................... .. .............. ... ..._-- Councilman Farnsworth Goss 6tAtcM Cl aalo y Wee Powers McColl V Wunderlich Mayor IYa(x Hodgson Form B. B. 16 ------------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE f THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191.---- benefita, damages costs and expenses for the In the matter of the assessment of changing the grade of Wyoming street, from Manomin Avenue to a point 356 feet East, 194642 03 under Preliminary Order ............. ........_......_. _... Intermediary Order ................._.._........ ....- 41 ...._......._........__. _. .. Final Order ..................... 2.4319_. ....... ___ .......... ._...... approved ......_Yeh. 26.1 ............ ........................... 191....9..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making_ of the above improve- ment, viz: - Cost of construction - - - - - - -$............. ....... ........ ......_............ Cost of publishingffce - - - - - - -$._..... ...._..._........__._._... Cost. of postal cards $ ........ ....... ......._..... ....... 66... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - -$._..._....__........._......._..._....... Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - $.......... ......._....._1..._65... Total expenditures $......_..................... 3..,..1..x,... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..... ...... ._..... 3....1.1. ....... _............... _........... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed; and that hereto attached, -iden- oner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed tified by the signature of the said Commissi by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ._.............. _...... .... _._... ....... ....... _ -........... Form s. S. ry Com...mission of finance. De c . 6 , 1919 . S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, Court House, City. Dear Sir: - I am the owner of six lots, No. 7 to 12 in - elusive, of Block 2, of Sauer's Addition to St. Paul. I have received your notice of November 20th indicating that it is proposed to grade Wyoming Street from Woodbury Street to Brown Avenue, and from Woodbury Street to South Robert Street under Preliminary Order No. 25269. In response to such notice I desire to report to 'you that I am in favor of the proposed grading. Yours truly, �- "Agents of this Corporation must act within the scope of their kuthority, which is limited to the sale of our product and the collection of debts. All written contracts and other transactions require official ratification." LEONARD BINDER, Agent, 158,E. HASKELL STREET, 1 QST. 'PAUL, MINN., � FIs _<7 l S -eel ------ -------- COUN L FILE V ,�V CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 5, Underwood is 3rd Addition from a point - 120 feet East of Kenneth Avcneu to Prior Avenue. ander Preliminary Order ...2.42.7 .......................... Intermediary Order ... .2476.0 ............... .._........................ _.......... 25069 May 14, 9 approved... 191........ FinalOrder......_._.........-..........__._..__....._...._.............._...... The assessment of .....�2.9.�?£..-t-e.�...-Co_Qt .....and_,expen_6ee,_.................. ...._....for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory,. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.6Yt-kt_................... ........ day of December 19► -9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular towner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..... _..._............C.P......-.J... Q.1.... t a� MtirU —J I9I' .._........... 191_. Approved .. ._____._.._. Councilman Farnsworth Goss gA M Clancy ljlgrx Powers McColl ( ) " Wunderlich Mayor7lN1W- Hodgson ' Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OP THE. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT i_ __._._......._.__.... _.._....._z.._, 191.__._. In the matter of the assessment Of benefits, costs and expenses for the grading alley in Block 5, Underwood's 3rd Addition from a point 120 feet East of Kenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue. under Preliminary Order..............�­I' termediary Order..................._........25069.............._...._........_. rov_........_..._MaY..._14.r........__............ 191._9..... Final Order .........................._ ._ .. apP To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction _ _ $ .......... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - _ - $'""""" "1 40.......... 1.20 Cost of postal cards •-$......... ...._............................... _ 12.43. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..._....._..._........_.................... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $- ------3-' -0_0"--"" Total expenditures $.-..638.51.. _ ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 638 . 51...,...upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ ............ .........._................_..............._. benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of FinaHce. Form B. B. 17 ' a RESOLUTI`ON OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESWENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.._-..00ndemning and taking a eaeement in the land neceasary forslopes. for cuts and fills in grading that portion of ..........................._.......................................................... ........................ _... Ailnapol.s....St;ee �.-ly-ung--within-.-the-- cit.y._limite from- a point one _hundred' %tld._ftyManomin-_Avenue to ..................................Charlton Street. .Ilii OF OOUNO1L,. i'�PPI ....... tE898IDF'.1' y ARD B`17i ........... ...... ..... ........... .......... ..... ..................... . BHAHIF6FIIi OOFDAJA ......------------------ ............ 'ACaI®DIN6H S^- ' 25009May 7, liar 26472 under Preliminary Order.......... approved .....................................: Intermediary Order .............. approved.......... Sept..... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in.the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................... stl?.............. day of ........Dee ember .................1919....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. �I —P" 9i Adopted by the Council ....._.........f'_...........`.� . 9 i t •„ r f C.' p �. Approveo.-- '=='- .- ...:........._....,.191......-. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Safi= Clanoy Councilman YLxbrx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlicl Mayor I mbxx Hodgson wmw/ g ) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.____..-ogndemning._and__taking..-an--eager ent.-.in.- the --land-------------_. n ec e s sary---f or. -_elope s �-.,for---cuts---and-- f i 11 a--. i n.- Gr adi ng-_that--Qort ion -_of-------. AnAkkao-i,-e...Str.eet.--1yi>ag..wi.thj_n._ttae... c.istylimit.t.s-.-irnra---a--Folnt---one -..hundre8 and fifty (150) feet East of Manomin Avenue to Charlton Street. _............................ .............. ....._...._....__...._._....................-- ... --- --- ---- .....................--------......---------..... . under Preliminary Order.....25009._.._..-__ approved Intermediary Intermediary Order....Z6472..__._ approved ---------- S.eRt---3�....�-3.7 9-...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. .. T ............:. ....... RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSRENT AND FIXING TIMEOFHEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.......condemning ..and...tak-1ng...an-- eaeeme-nt-- n . the lend -------------- ----- _ ..neoaeaar.y...for- el -ale -ST for...sut-q--and... fi1.1.s.-#e• Grad#ng 9�3�ot�#ng-Street; from Woodbury.--Street.-_t.o..Brown._ArPnue,-- and from Street•-_to•,••_�--- South Robert Street. ` E90Lr1TIO�N OF OO;fHi I l Y;;4pi4 ................. ...... .................... .�{ INO-grIBI9MIDNT• .119IY iffiP OF'alffiASINt:`;iR OQNPHl,_.:i, N YSOOEaxDINOfl .......................... ..................._................................_.................... c, U _J: :tteY df Colirler ainQ �'..'J -------------------- under Preliminary Order....25269 pp ovA 28, 1919 Intermediary 602%3 a rov y Or er........................ July 29, 1919. approved.. ...................... .. ------ The Commissioner of Finance having "submitted his report in the abckve matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of, benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .........................6t4 day of ........... December 1919....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he t is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. irl•' —r Adopted by the Council- ... ..........�41 Q Approvea.. ... - 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman *1018 Clancy Councilman ZXRL* PoWera Councilman McColl / Councilman Wunderlict !sf Mayor Wk Hodgson Oity /! gg1B,,, ,..,_„ 1( / Mayor. I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of.......00ndemning... and ...t.a.king...au....eaaement...in._the...land .............._::... Hees-s.s3rY.._for-.,elopea, for . --cuts a.LAA_.#'11.] s...in..-Grading._Wgoming--.Sissat,--•-- from Woodbury-_Street---to.._Brown--Avenue-,_._and...from._4dpodb�ry...�t��.e-t.._ta... ...... ...South _Robert ---Street .................----........_.....--------........ -- .............................................................._......_...................... - - a -------------------- .......---------------------..........----------........................ .......... ------ ----....-----......._..-----------.......------....... 25269......a roved..._May 28, 1919Intermediary Order....Z602 .______.. under Preliminary Order_._. ................. pp July 29, 119. approved....................................... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and Y that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- " signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. e y~< November 3rd, 1919. To the Honorable Common Council of ji The City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I, the undersigned, do hereby make applica- tion for permission to construct and maintain a public garage on premises known as Lots 2 and 3, Block 7, Nininger's and Donnelly 'a Addition. Yours truly, y. pEP'7"',jSpECiIOPR: a ),t do- -a 174 T i t � � � i '' I p i i ,I I 1 � ! � ' � i ' ' 1 j ; ' i j i I � � � . i i i. Y� Issued by the A. B. C. Catalogue Co. - ,:opt right Nov. 105 W. Monroe St., Chicago, Ill. ig R19U . M R—,,,,,150 Nassau St., Nen• York, N. 1'. A Classified Directory of Reliable Firms in the Building Trades of Minneapolis and St. Paul Page 2 BONDS, LIABILITY AND ( CONCRETE REINFORCING Index to Headings—A to E. COMPENSATION INSURANCE. j BARS. Minneapolis insurance Agency, Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. (Securo Bar Support and ARCHITECTURAL SCULPTORS Tel. Main 4120, Auto. 32 667. Lemon, Walter T. - I Spm) Speers.Jevne, In (Plaster Decorations) 1204 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul. Bldg., Tei. Cedar Auto. a2 415 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Tel. Nic. 6800. Art Mfg. Co. Architectural Cedar 205 Cedar DIN BUILDING LOANS, . CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENTS. }- (Misers, Hoists, Derricks, in. Ave., Minneapolis. Tel: Main 6725. Bell, David C. Investment Co., glues, Pumps and Saw Rigs.) AWNINGS AND WATERPROOF 230 Security Bldg., Minneapolis. Tel. Mhin 766, Auto. 37 314. 1 Minneapolis Equipment Co., 801 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. COVERS. BUILDING MATERIALS Tel. Nic. Auto. 311 zaf. Ziegler, Wm.. HH., American Tent &Awning Co., (Brick, CemOIIt, Lime, piaster, ., 440 Temple Court Bldg., Mpls. 307-371 Wash. Av. N., Minneapolis Tel. Main 777, Auto. 37 777. Sewer Pipe, &c.) Shakopee Cement Lime Mfg. Co., Tel. Nic. 4t44; Auto. 32985. W. Third St., St. Paul, Tel. Cedar 1662, Auto. 220 Chestnut St., St. Paul. CONTRACTORS, GENERAL, ! Brown, Jas. H. Co., 22662. Tel. Cedar 2223, Auto. 22495. St. Paul Builders Material Co., 511 Third, St. S., Minneapolis. BAN%, OFFICE AND STORE Ryan Bldg., St. Paul. Auto. 33 002. FIXTURES. Tei. Cedar 4950, Auto. 24311. E,Teln,NJc Ernest Sts Fifth Ave. S. E., Minneapolis. Alexander, R. 197 E. Island Ave., Minneapolis. CABINET WORK. Tel. East 1825. Cheney, R. J. & Co., Tel. East 189, Auto. 41 434. (Built in Furniture and Futures, 716 11th Ave. S., Minneapolis. BILLIARD TABLES Colonnades and Bookcases.) Central Wood Turning Co., Tel. Auto. 32 107. Ellison, Geo. P., Successor to Heaton I AND BOWLING ALLEYS 610 Main St. N. E., Minneapolis. & Ellison, MANUFACTURERS. Tel. East 3114, Auto. 4t 180. I 1818 4th Ave. S., Res. 3032 Sth Schaaf Mfg. Co., CALKING, Ave. S., Minneapolis. Tei. South 65 t, Auto. 33 548, 320 Fourth St., Opp. Court House, Minneapolis. (Deer and Window Frames, I Res. South 328t. Grant, Geo. Tel. Main 6419, Auto. 36 756. Hennen's elastic CaWn g J. Constr. Co., 904 Exchange Bank Bldg., St. Paul. BLUE PRINTS AND DRAWING paste.) Weatherproof Calking Co., Tel. Cedar 5543, Auto. 25 889. Hegg, F. N. MATERIALS 757 Wash. Ave. N., Minneapolis. 2942 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Rogers & Co. Tel. Auto. 36 160. Tel. South 2977, Auto. 52 140. 5211 Marquette Ave., Minneapolis. Tels: Main 2230;Marquette Auto. 33 Minneapolis. CARPENTER CONTRACTORS, Leighton, H. N. Co., 127 Tenth St. S., Minneapolis. ALTERATIONS AND JOBBING. Tel. Main 1062, Auto. 34678. BOILERS, BREACHING, STACKS AND TANKS, Sonner, P. J. 700 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Min5o4 mo, Splady, Albee & Smith; Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Bros, Wm. Boder &Mfg. Co., Tel. Nic. Auto. 35 Wurtz, Adolph, Tel Nic, 2820, Auto. 33 047. ' Romer, P. J. Constr, Co., Nicollet Island, Minneapolis. Tel. East 757, Auto. 41359. 3509 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis. Tel. Colfax 35ti, Auto. 657944. 190 Ramsey St., St. Paul. Tel. Cedar 4622, Auto. 22617. Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co., Sonner, P. J., 423 E. Sixth St., St. Paul. Tel. Cedar 1067, Auto. 24 570. CEMENT BLOCKS, FOUNDA- TION SIDEWALKS, Eto. 700 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Tel. Nic. 250, Auto. 35 504. St. Paul Boiler &Mfg. Co., Welded Tanks, American Cement Stone Co., P. N. Net- on Co StanIlot Plymouth dard t Bldg., 11inneapolis. W. Water and Walter Sts., St. Paul. Tel: Roble 204; Auto. 23 555. son, Pres. (Mfg. of Cement Block Tampers.) Tel. Auto. 32415. Wurtz, Adolph, 2952 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Tel. Auto. 53 803. 3509 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis - Tei. Colfax 3311, Auto. 657944. BOILERS—HEATING "ARCO". Andrews Paving & ConstructlonCo., 3t0i " Ave. S., Minneapolis. CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS. Crane Company, 400 Third Ave. N., Minneapolis. Tel. Drexel 1565, Auto. 52 241. St. Paul Roofing, - g, Cornice and Orna- -- Tei. Nic. 6630, Auto. 34 657. COLUMNS. I, ment Co., South End of Wabasha St. Bridge BOILER SETTING. (Lally Patent Steel Shell Con- j CTete Columns.) St. Paul. Tel. Roble 800, Auto. 25 855. 1 (We Brick in BOLers, Build En- gine Foundations and Smoke Lally Column Co. of Chicago, I 4001 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Stremel Bros. Roofing & Cornice Co., 1300 to 1324 Third St. N., Mpis. Tel. Main Stacks,) Ill. Tel. Draver 5871. 1326, Auto. 45 079. ELECTRICAL MOTORS, Fire Brick Construction Co., CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT. GENERATORS AND REPAIRS. 502 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Tel. Nic. 4327, Auto. 36 827. Kalman, Paul J. Co., 514-24 Merch. Nat]. Bank Bidg., Olson-Boettiger Electric Mfg, Co. 413 Night Cali, Midway 43a7, I. Paul, Tal. Cedar 4327. St. Paul. Tel. Cedar 8714• Auto. 24 379. N. Franklin, St. Paul. Tels: Cedar 5719; Auto. 21941 2t 945. it S P F C I F I C A T I 0 T_? S P:7,, 1CI: `0`SF1L0C,- C.. "PT'F. I' 1..000RP14, I P',r'•: , .' F; E _ _ PL: F::I . . ':�:iiLl� , u L:,a� X 7J I ::1 to 1", -1117: 'G 0').i.l Gl rc}, GLe ,, -1;,:-e ouil(ilnf ?:. A _nd ot:e- to_ Y. �'C'_ iF im_,rovtd o, s, _ ,,':'-i.e.i will do tnt: wor:c nv ci_v 1rbo3.•. uainLz ra-maanh.n£ r S P E C I F I C A T I O N S OF CHANGES TO PRESENT CREAMY AND ICE HOUSEILOCATED ON SELBY AVE AND GROTTO ST:, OWNED BY MR. H. SCHROEDER, OF ST.PAUL, MINNESOTA. CHANGES TO BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS MADE BY ALFRED H.WHEELER', ARCHITECT,GLOBE BUILDING,ST.PAUL,MINN. OCTOBER 1919 The present Creamery is a -two-story brick building. The upper story to.be taken down, making the first story into a garage 5Q' x 701 with 121 ceiling. The other two buildings, one a frame building 32 it471 and the other of brick 40 x 371, are to be reduced down to a one-story with 121 ceiling, to be improved and made into paint shops, as per plans. The owner will do the work by day labor, using as much of the present material taken down as is serviceable. EXCAVATION Excavate for footings, carrying new piers and walls shown in garage to sizes indicated on plan. CONCRETE All concrete work to be 1-3-5 for footings, and walls slushed in between strong plank forms. BRICK rlOR% Put up brick work as per plan sections and details, all in bricklayers cement mortar 1-3, matching the present brick. COPI17G Cap the parapet walls with vitrified tile coping set in cement mortar. CEMENT FLOORS Patch out present, floor -of creamery where walls have been removed. Paint shops will have new cement floors, 4" of concrete base 1-3-5 with 3/4" finish coat 1-2, with cement hardner as a dust preventative. Each shop to have a floor drain connected to present sewer system. A slump pit built of hard brick in cement mortar built in the garage at re4r, with proper sewer connections to conform to the building ordinance of the city. -1- C A R P E N T R Y GARAGE Form trusses as per details for garage with a camber of 1-1/2" in center. Raise present ceiling joist 18" to make a clearance of 121- 0". Lower carefully the pres- ent flat roof covering the garage, with new,flashing around new parapet walls and adjoining buildings. Down spout to be changed to conform to the new conditions. The old windows and Bash can be utilized as far as they will go in the new work, supplying new ones as required. Build the Selby Avenue front as shown on elevation and details; also the West elevation, The large doors to have extra heavy ball bearing butt hinges with wrot iron straps 3 to a door, with approved garage door hardware. D. & M. Ceiling with tar felt underneath. All wood and iron to be painted two coats outside and in, except truss beams. Form and trim for skylight. PAINT SHOPS Roof of present buildings to be lowered and ceilings to be within 12' of floor. Roof of Paint Shop No. 1 to form a truss of rafters and ceiling joist 32"O.C. well braced and nailed together. Intermediate rafters between to carry roof boards. Shop No. 2 to be lowered and ceiling joist to be 12' from floor. Put in windows and doors as marked on plans. M. & D. ceilings. Sliding doors to have approved steel track and hangers, with proper fastenings. Posts and girders carrying the roof of Shop No. 2 are marked or. plan. New flashings, gutters and down spouts as required. Put old work in good repair, and paint all iron and wood work, new and old, two coats of paint, or as owner may direct. t -2- ff CITY OF ST. PAUL 2716� � Council Resolution—General Form Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 trauenRESOLVED. n'uo ui a .Dei luatitss d'lu th i ilowi , suer and streets of said.dynd directed to e.,eod its elelhic1l lines by a cline poles and atrlac:ne wires thereon for the Install One pole in the alley north of Cor1o, west of Ra;/riond Avenue. Three nol�ls on the county road south of Van Buren Street, east of Wheeler Avenue. Four poles on Carbon Street, between Hand Avenue and Matilda Allunue. One pole on Chgstq-^ Street, .out?: of Ke ay.c':y Street. 'Vjt,'_i necessary guys -.n(l anchors. )C. F. No 27162—By M. N. Gose— Lig Resolved, That the Ht. Paul Ga. directed to xy le It "by ordered and 1 directed to a tend rte ah.ctrlcnI Ilas. by erecting poles and stringing wir.s thereon for the transmission of elec- tricle on and In the following alleys t and treat. of eats city: Imetal, AvOenue gest of Rayi, allmondorth AvenueComo ! �, Three poles on the county road South Van Buren Street, Eaet o[ Wheeler Avenue. Four poles on Carbon Street, between Hand Avenue and Matilda Avenue. er ( One ole n ChestStreet, South of JKentualcn Street. i With necessary guys and anchor.. All of each eat ... loss. poles andwires .hall be to _L:pct the prorielone of Ordiaauce No. 2424. and All poles should be set in ouch location In .aid hr da 11 de.Ieaate sad approve, and say and .11 such interest so requires. and when it shall eo order. Adopted by the Council yha l�e e Adop' Yeas ( ) Councilmen ADPr. FARNSWORTH GOSS PP 11 McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLEK Mr. President, IRVIN isemoer of Public Utilities avd in dl thins. pd .hall be of such heiehtavd chancter as d, wh.o.... the Council shall deem that the council Nov. G, 1919. Nays s, 1919) Ap rove Mayor L Department o Bureau of W CITY OF ST. PAL Council Resolution ---General Form Co 11'File No. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, Thal the SL Yaul Gas LI¢ht Company is Imreby ordered avd directed to extend its electrical lives by erection polea avdetrivcin¢ w'mes thereon for the trivamueiov df electricty oo avd iv the followiv¢ alleys evd streets et said city: Install five poles in the alley we ct of Woodbridge Street, north of Ger- ani•.ui Street. Com:zercial lighting Install three poled on Annapolis Street, Nies. of Proven Avenue, and one polo on the northeast corns--, of Brown Avenue and Annapolis Street. City-high„_ng. With necessary guys and anchors. ie voles STlortheot 6 re an tum e Street. ;lal ]ightf,ova u Ann&Palls I three Pol n nue, nd 0sL of 'A" Ave n the N rtheasils Street. t Of o>.n and AnnaPo All of such ertedeiova, poles and wires sl su LjecI to Ne provielovs of Ordivanea No. 242 e .h.r 11 a :icnaza -d appy — avd nv«.tido 1 y avd aI 1_ii. interest so req h- and whey it shall s, Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Council m eublic Int( AAno dopted FARNS .l Approve GOSS - —�' McCOLL o WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN of Public Utilities and iv all thi.et 1 be of such height avd character as .ver the Couvc11 shall deem that the i nnaer • —•• - dhall eel that the requires, andhen it w CouneI Nov. 5, 1919. L Nays �- . g, 1919) Approve 191 Mayor 9 t 1'1" or "'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER —7 CUL NCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI LE farmA A4fi,YM ]-la A> . AUDITED � �..J1 _. ..... 191........ TITI.F. Resolved that warrants be drawn ul the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the:-:-< persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names fts specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by the Council .....191 Clancy C F' No. 2716 1 u Resolved Abatrac ' (_- ved_. ..... _.._......_-1191 . FarnsworthI iav herelnaiiar resew ante h° n°a for the geraopei dr�funds aad� J Coss tlo the "d out o res ectiv ante a or co folio ° nam ° eat oyyp ora- _ _- - NIAYOR Keller Wrn !ng aBaunetall a ePaclae°alta their McColl Man aatan leF [er. Qosgsae:d $ the �Pp 3' $558. Wunderlich S2Adopted Rubb r Affg CO$15�*50. pp ar APProve b1Pov°bC°uncll Nov. 5 PaaY, Mr. President, Hodgson d _ (Nov. .1911i'y) 15198 Wm. Baumeister Company, 558.22 C. H. & C. H. 15199 Eduard A. Knapp, Assignee Peter Dickson 157.50 Grading Alley Blk. 4, Sargent's Add. 15200 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Company, 226.38 Fire Total 942.10 { [0-1-0 a s owionw� •o � OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER f �5 1"nt]CILNo.........71: AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A 46,2 M 1-18—= 1284 ppe�rr,, 99�1f AUDITED...IYLIV..�._..1,71.�...._...... 191........ aY..::... .................... .�,.,.... ...... _........... _.......... 1�'I� I21JLI.Y:Ii , ER............._..............._._........ _.._... _.._. TITI.1: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund_` and In favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( `/ ) "` — Adopted e Co cd ,.�. � 191........_ C. R No. 27166— Clancy Abstract Y Resolved, That warrants be drawn w+�upon the Clty Treasurer, payable out Farnsworth of the hereinafter specified funds and _ a3 �r'ved __ �-- _.._..__191. _...... Goss In favorof the persons, firma or corp.. � rations. for the amounts.' set opp..Iie their respective. names as epee fled in ..... _...... Keller the followtng detailed etatemeat: Cochrane-barfent Company, $19.40. John B. Darl�ag, _ .. ....._. MAYOR McColl $40.00. James 6.. Donnelly, 82,00. J, F:: --.d=+�•�'� L Kain, Cashier, 886.77. - Wunderlich Natlonal Lead Company 96:83. Nicola, Dean Mr, PIesident, Hodgson &,[3reRg,�9�;62. N. W. Electrle Equipment Company, 517.68. Peoples Coal & Ice Company, $44.00. Albert Rehbein` $102.82. ' James Shlely, .327.31. - superior Refln11ng. Company: $44.78. Worthington Pump & Machinery Company, 5270.00. " Adopted by the Council Nov. 6, 1919. Approved Nov. 6, 1919. (Nov. 8, 1919) 3t i 15186 Cochran-Sargent Company, g 19.40 Water 15187 John B. Darling, 40.00 Corp. Counsel 2.00 15188 James fr. Donnolly, Water 15189 J. F. Kain, Cashier 85.77 Water 15190 National Lead Company, 45.33 Water 15191 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 31.52 Munic Gar. Revl. 15192 N. W. Electric Equlpment.Company, 17.63 Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.90 n n u 6.67 S. & S. Cing. 7.06 Sr7�i3 15193 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 44.00 Water 15194 Albert Rehbein, 102.82 Water 15195 James Shiely, 27.31 Water 15196 Superior Refining Company, 44.78 Water 15197 Worthington Pump & Machinery Company, 270.00 Water CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ................... ...................... ..... ............. . ......... ..---- --- ........... ............... ........... ....._..................... ... ...... ...... . a�+ i1 poueRcll. NO .... ........... 2.` .1.�i.+.�-... ..... ......... Date Presented 191..... Resolved, - That permission is hereby granted to H.L.Roberts,'to erect and maintain on Lot 10, Block 9, Baker's Addition to St. P-aul, a standard tank or tanks for the storage of twelve thousand (18,000) gallons of distillate or fuel oil, said tank or tanks to be erected above grommd and at a distance of at Jleast fifuy.(50) feet from any adjoining buildings, and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby directed to issue a permit for the storage of said mentioned quantity of dis- tillate or fuel oil, when tank or tanks have been inspected and approved. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss j Keller -7 McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council....._!.'.`.'__. .`x...:.._..::.....191...... Approved.... � ..: .:..............191..... _. _....:....In favor 0 Jam/ _..._ Against /-� ._..........................._..__....,................................... MAYOR _r WILLIAM BARRON IPFPFROP CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 2166 HENRY M4OLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION November 3rd, 1919. t Eon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - in regard to the application of H. L. Roberts asking for permission to install a 12,000 gallon tank for the storage of fuel oil to be used for heating five buildings. Will say that we have taken the matter up with the local representative of the National Board of Fire Underwriters who speak favorably of the installation of the tank as per plans and specifications enclosed herewith. This 1#9the first plant of its kind that has come to our attention and in recommending that permit be granted we are aoting according to a decision received from the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Enclosed find letter addressed to Mr. H. L. Roberts from the General Inspection Company to-getber with all papers relating to the installation of the plant. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. GENERAL INSPECTION COMPANY y FIRE INSURANCE ESTIMATES DISTRICT MANAGERS GENERAL OFFICES J. O. MOLERAN 1238.1263 F>• OO RDI—G. MI8rc8A G -S. MINN. 1 Loos DNA\,, 1746 - EDGAR PRITCHARDVT EDW. A. .ITT ST. PA H. I. HOWE St . Paul, Minn„ October 25, 1919. i Mr. H. L. Roberts, 737 Pelham St., St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - Replying to your inquiry regarding the heating of a flat building with fuel -oil furnace, will say that the present Dwelling & Flat Schedule provides for a 10,e charge per $100 of insurance where fuel oil is used for fuel in furnaces in heating build- ings. You are permitted to keep up to five barrels of fuel oil in a flat building without extra charge. Trusting this furnishes you the infor- mation desired, I remain Yours very truly, EDW. A. RITT, Dist. Mgr. CD BY (5a� rp }fit ^^JOHN 1. FARICY Mff rp of Tity Tler k JAS. J. MINER CITY C -RK ASST. CITY CI.SRK Cnt n %int f aut October 16th, 1919. Hon my Co �,� of t: Com'r. of ubc1Se[fet'�. ' "f Dear Sir:`�"�' Enclosed please find application of H. L. Roberts, for a permit to installone 12000 gallon, or two or three smaller tanks,.for the storage of fuel oil or distillate, onr, the northeast corner of Lot 10 Block 7, Baker's Addition. The same was referred to you by the Council I this date, in regard to the fire hazard. Yours truly, CITY CLERK. H and A,* $--h i, n 0- Gnat Mrdmau Dutch t • Rent fnoome. Pmaenu BousFe and Sold n ManapdxM a! Amofrolna�Once ROBERTS RENTAL 'CO. N. L. ROBERTS, Ag-( , 735 Pelham Street, Midway District ' ST. PAUL, MINN. - N. W. Th.- Mldsas 3l d3 St.NPau4 Minn, Oot. 15 To The Honorable Members of The St.Paul City Council. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I hereby respectfully p.etition you, the iiionorable Members of the St. Paul City �puncil, to grant me a pernit to place and maintain one (1) 12000 gal. or two or three smaller tanks whose a=_gregatd�capac- ity will not be more than 12000 gals., for the purpose of storing fuel oil or distillate, on the North-East.corner of Lot Ten (10) Block Seven (7) Baker's Addition. Said tank or tanks are to be above ground on a suitable timber founaation and will be placed in a horizontal�:position. Respectfully yours, 0 ST. PAUL. MINN ..-------- Qotobe-r--.2.2j-._li-9i: -191....... To the Honorable Members of the City Council of St. Paul. Care of the City Clerk,City Hall, St.Paul,minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, being either residents on Pelham St. betwe,n nos. 755:and 698, or on Myrtike St. near Pelham St., or owners of property in the near vicinity of Lot 10, Block -7, Baker's Addition to the 9ity of St. Paul, do hereby petition you to grant a permit to h.L.Roberts for the placing and maintainance of a 12000 gal. no. 10 guage oil tank for storage d of fuel oll on the N.E. corner of Lot 10, Block 7 Baker's Add. to the City of St.Paul. We also petition you to grant to h.L. Roberts the permit for the necessary handling of said oil from the tank car to the tank and from the tank to the basements of such buildings as it may be used in. We believe that the use of fuel oil in place of coal will make for a cleaner neighborhood, there will be no smoke, no unsightly ash piles, no dirty coal dust nor noisy unloading of coal. Therefore we respectfully petition you as above to grant said permit as applied for by H.L.Roberts under date of Oct. 15, 1919. Respectfully, am� Address 1..01'. 1. A�C� P.2ASignatures) Name" ST. PAUL, MINN ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 191 Address 'poll 74 112"r (Ate-", 'o - V 72-1 P.3 '(Signatures) Namc ST. PAUL, MINN ------ ----------------------------191.-..:.. Address. t a 1 xf+ �t J ��f.a �� V i 0. rtU0Zq Xej0 27167 Resolved Br .Henry 7 2W=tefee e 21 ale tj,;t-- and ot e. NoNoI� ft t. ere a] Yeas (V) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ............ In favor Keller 0 .. e er McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. Ai 9 3M 12-16 Adopted by the Counci.1 ....NOV-..51919 . ...... .. ......................._191 V Isis Approved...... . ... ... ............ I ..................... 191 Kl� ......... - - - - ........................................................ .... MAYOR >� ln'thi: t N �a�. ,:; re4, i Wh'[fro !' the ,aYing l IDebt SizEh� • - Stree[, from thg Haat.�egd tl1A-SIXth: 2' 168 Ot eon NCll - Stre0t brldga OVB[ the ratlwaY 48'Oks. FILE NO....... - CITY 'to .the Bouth tine Arcada Straet,'.and ............... . of Arcade ( Street,from the South,,line of. OFFICE OF EaeC Blzth Btreet to 'the South'Ilne'oE: fEsat B"'Oth BtraeK It:wae provided II11rrn COUNCIL RESOW!.ti pot cettnn t bcc1 in elteel and[cona - In[ore� to over trenches +: £ a'r`ty - PRESENTED BY �_` i°d psalm S. i_ to DATE..�Y.Q.9...... ,.. 1919. ............ COMMISSIONER.... .................. ............:.............................................. ......_. of Fte9caxeac WHEREAS, in the paving of East Sixth Street, from the east end of the Sixth Street bridge over the railway tracks to the south line of Arcade Street, and Arcade Street from the south line of Bast Sixth Street to the south line of East Seventh Street, it was pro- vided in the plans and speotfications for the doing of certain work in steel and concrete reinforcements over trenches in which house, sewer and,water service connections and also special sewer work was installed at a scale of prices therein fixed and in accordance with the said specifications, and WHEREAS, It was deemed advisable and necessary by the Commissioner of Public Works to have the contractors, Fielding & Shepley, perform - the said work more partidularly described as follows: 436 Rode 8 ft. long, 3408 feet, 73 " 16 ft. long, 1153 feet, Total.... 4560 f est -- .674 lbs. 3073 lbs. @ .06. $184.38 Extra Concrete 393"feet x 8 ft,. a .167 ft. �� 14.5 Cu.Yde. a $6.00....... $7.00 Extra Br""tiding 14.5 Cu.Yds. ® 650........ 8.43 $380.80 Re-inforoements over 16 dltohes. 730 Rods 7 ft. long, 5110 Ft. 138 Rods 16 ft. " 3408, rt. Total.:...... 7158 -feet, .674 Lbs. 4834 Lbs. 0 .06 ............................ $389.44 - Extra Concrete 16 ditches 17 ft. x 8 ft. x .167 ft. 14.85 ou.yde.6.00, 85.50 Extra grading....... .....14.35 ou.yde. .65, 9.36 384.30 Tot a1 . . P". In addition to the foregoing, it was deemed advisable and neoessary to use one tree, the expense thereof being $10.00, and WHEREAS, said work has been done and material furnished, as pro- vided for in the paving of said East Sixth Street and Arcade Street, made in accordance with the requirements of Council File #14576, ap- proved January 39, 1917, and Council File #35373, approved June 6, 1919, and the plane for which paving were approved by Council File #34916, approved May 1, 1919, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE SgL�E thhat 1 auQt a ou cuni hgreb �1low ffo all dthl gwork gas her�e[tin Yes (7) Couttrt"�PFf�1Vay�+uYRANTRt BW roo ar a ooAtilBai L�S "lr fat P.an SKing ed Clancy 9 Ldllopted'by the Council- - ... ... ...... -19 Farnsworthy b�9 r 14 1 Q Goss In favor d �• �� y Approved .. ...... I9........ McColl / J 4ece�ti yob `ny Powers.....C/.0 ...... .. . .......... ....... ........ . . _...--MPYO Wunderlich Mr. President .i" FORM 3M. -le - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No............................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 27169 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FVM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIGNER............ ............................................................................................................................. DATE ..107.5., 91.9.................... RESOLVED That the plans and specifications for the grading of Pierce Street from University Avenue to Carroll Avenue and from Iglehart Avenue to Marshall Avenue be and the same are hereby approved. C e 01v 3, That " Reeolved, That theplans'and eyyecld- cationa for the grading of P-ercegtreet. from ' Unlversl.y Avapu to ..Carroll Avenue and Iron Iglehart Avenue to MarRhall 'Avenue be and the same are j 1 he a Y dDroved I Adoptad by the Council Nov. 6 II ADDrOved Novi., 6, 1919. NP {ea �e ro° >ur m oio'� �\eo11 �1\ �O y0� �e e Yes ( V) CouncilNays men ( ) r r lL.._—`)._ LQ.!.e..._.........19 ....... Clancy Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss 1 ..............In favor Approved.........._ r._._......._._....._....iq........_ McColl Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making othefo lowing�impr� ent, viz.: Constraot oement tile- side walks, aix.;.feet wide.,. on._both. sides......._.._ 03` Sheldon Avenue from Frankaon'Avenu.0 to Como»Phalen Avenue. ......................................... having been presented to the Council of theGity of St. Paul by Councilmen _..,.._............................................................... therefore..be it _ •,... RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .:......._ .... ..... ...... ..._.... ...... ........ -........................................ state whether or not said improvement is asked Eor on the petition of three or more own ero. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -r Adopted by the council. ..........................................................`1919191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .......................' .....:..............:.:.......191........ Hyland Keller 0j-� Q McColl V Wunderlich- ............_................................ ?Mayor Irvin Mayor F on c e IS csm 4-17> v r Council File No...:. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT rry� 10r/ Petition. Land 2!2'' PRELIMINARY 0 tt The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following blit it by, the City of St. Paul, viz.: Con4t14i�}t,-.:aamalat...t.1la...B a>Ba1ke.,B feet... wide.,on..both..Aides of .............. Hawthorne„Street-fTO.InserJ).0 U. %h...Avenue................................................ W....._.._..................................... 5th Nove......_er,- .... ...: ...:. Dated thio..............!.........day of......... ... ..._. ..........,. 191......... ................................... .._��l 1 Councilman. C F No. 27172 Ahatraat. -- -- area,, A wgitten proDoen' ma ng of the 2onowing Imp, viz.• WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting o the fo owing improve ' ant, viz.: Conetruot oement the yidewalisgA ..Peet .wide, nn._both sides of ......... ......:... em Hawthorne. Street from.FranY.Street to I)ul>tth Avenue. .... .............. e of St Paul by Councilman-•- having been presented to the Council of the City ••••• therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and' he ie heteby ordered and directed: I. , To:iave5t9gnte thenuxesiU.foc.ot de�isobiUtY eE tie• nakin 8 of mid improvement ;:. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and edtimated co€t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. .......................................................... d i..........owners......................................... To Mate whether or not said is asked for on the petition of three or more To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fmence.y i Adopted by the council. ........................ NU-­57Lq4. ...191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman FarnsworthhO�l o Goss Approved:....... ....... .. .. .. 191......_ Hyland Keifer McColl f Wunderlich ................. .................:............_ Mayor. Mayor Irvin p_ C A is cam ctrl y — e Council File No... ...... PROPOSAL FOR ZWROVEMEN* �i.IyA Petition. and J PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned he�eby proposes the making of the following pub' gnprovement by the City of St. Paid, viz.: Construct.. a oement tile sidewalk, ori Beet wide, on east aide ..................................................................---..................................................................... _of..Otis Avenue.._from._Sommerville-.-Ave-..,e.._to...Marshall.-4ye-nue.._..,,._.__... ..... ...............................................--..................................... - ................. ................... .................................. ......... - - . ................ Dated this ......tkia......... day of.....I1ctXeml2flr,.... 19......... ...........-, 191......... .................................................................. Councikna . I S?5onatrufr'-.nt A: . tl, ,,l. �•. w WHEREAS, A written proposal for the zn-"m wing unpro Construot gement tile--.sideWrgk.•_.aia feet wide.,__on..-east. aide . -of_._...- .. .. Otis Avenue Prom Sorpmerville-_Avenue.-t.o Marshall -.. Ave nue................................. ...............................................:..................._..........::,......:................................4-•................................_.......................... ... ................,. . havmg`been 3t Paul by Councilman -••••: --:••• presented to the Council of the City of therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and d'ueEted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the roakittg of said improvement. 2. To inve€tigate the nature, extent and edtimated cost of said improvement, and the total wdt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ..... ...... ..... .......:..................................................................... . V.. oMate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the counaL ..........t'C1! 5 191.. .............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ............. .NtV...........Q 1..4............191........ Hyland a Keller McColl Wunderlich.......--...... ..................................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 15 cam 417) 27174 COUNCIL FILE NO ................. ............... By. ....................... .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..paving CarriallAvenue fxam-.-Dele Rtreat chatswDrth..." St b _rp ;�­ m _,.C.t iAC_jAdj n g _ tq..pj2p_qrt.yjAnee complete, where not already made, also curbing and ....... . .... -- -- -------- ..... . ..................... �­ ..................... ...................... ------ . ............. pAyl�qZ 4;kjp�y. _app .. .....e.s ... .. ................... ..................... _ . ..... ...... ......... .. ... . ............ ............. ...................... ... .. .... ..... ...... . .......... .............. .... .... .... ........................ under Preliminary Order.........$$5.7.0._.. approved Sept. 15, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the i5 above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i...P.a.v.P...C.ar.r.0.11 Avenue . . .. ..... .. .. .... from..D.%_j.e St.rftt t Q Ch teworth Street... .. ...i.n..cl...u...d...i.n.._s..eiwe .r.......wa.._t.e...r.........n...d...... a...8.. ..... where not connections from street mains to property lines complete, ............ .. ...... .... . ......................... ............ ........... ...................... already made, also curbing and ..cuand paving alley driveway approaches, .... ...... . ...... .. ...... .......... ..... ... . . . .. ................. ...... ............ ......... : ..................... wherene-ce.e.aV..y.... ... ................................................................... ............... .................................................................. ........................... ...................... .................... ............................ .................... I ............................ ................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ U.5.Kt4p 8th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. ................. . ......... .... day of Decenibsr Council Chamber of the .................. .... _ ........................ 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature, of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...........'..:.. ............. 191 .. ......... ...... ........... . .......... Approved Citv Clerk. ... ... ...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss ` www y CITY .41, )AUL i .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE s' REPORT OF COMM196ANER OF FINANCE y; e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of eluding sewer, crater and gas connections from street mains to property Knee --_complete, where not all-ey------------- and driveway approaches, where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved — --- - ------- September -_15th, 1918.-- --------- ---------------- ------------------- ------._.._------ ... _...--------_— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: " r p $trip north of and 8 1 Do 66Q Strip north of and 9 j 1 Do 600 __ Strip north of and 10 1- DD 600 TOTAL. ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: –771 Kind of-Pavilg; Total per Total Cost per _ 3q. Yard. Estimate Fnts Foot.' Intersections Out, 3jr."dreoeoted Blocks, $4.63 $54,309.90 63,588.42 X7.71 9.04 Intersections Out, 4. 48,327 60" 56,584.08 6.87 8.04 Brisk,: fntereeotlons Cut, 6.21 ` ,;44'10'4.80 Brisk Laid, Flat; 3.76 51,639.84 7.34 Intereeatione Out,-;:. 3.61 43345.30 49,579.74 6.02; Asphalt, 17.04' Int;ereections Out, 42,345.30 6:02 Asphalt'Concrete, 3.61 49,579.74 7.04 VInterseotions Out,, 33,430.50 4.75 porste2'.85 39,141.90: 5.56• 0Phere oilrb is not is add 65 cents per front foot for cement curb. - connections are not in add tecost'61 each lot:' Where'.house service For" house drain connections..'.........$70 00:` e2rvice,water connections, - 33.00...;_-_, _ ._.- I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation 'of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 1 Swifts Subdivision of 11000. Lots 10 and 11, Smith & 900 2 1 Lotts Out Lots I Strip north of and 1 1 Do .1600 Strip north of and 4 1 Do 600 Strip north of and 5 1 Do 600 i_ Strip north of and 6 1 Do 600 Bt i north of and 7 1 Do 600 r p $trip north of and 8 1 Do 66Q Strip north of and 9 j 1 Do 600 __ Strip north of and 10 1- DD 600 TOTAL. ' a CI. PAUL .. , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMWWAONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER F DESCRIPTION ,�, LOT BLocrc, ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Strip north of and 11 1 Swifts Subdivision of 6 0 Lots 10 and 11 Smith & f Strip no rth of and 12 1 Lott a Out Lots. �I�! of y 1 2 Do I 2 2 DD 53 �O I 3 2 Do 4 2 30 6j" b 2 Do 66#5 ii 6 2 Do 1 5 - _ 6$5� 7 2 Do I 8 2 Do_ r i , !.650 r 9 2 DD 6 10. 2 DO- 660 11 2 Do I 1 6I _ 12 2 Da i 16601 5 Merriam' a Rearrangement of the East 106.85 feet of 4 the East Third of Lot 9, 40i ' Smith and Lotts_ gut Lots Do 1 . 3. 1I0! Do 5pO 1. DG 16901 } Feet 1" 3 of Lotj 6 & ? / ,, Do4 ! 195'0, Do I 22001 West 2/3 of Lot 6. j I _ West -2/3 of Lot 7 Do i 28�5! 5I Do1 North "25 feet of- 9. Do I 19{i5j 28 51 8. 1 Clarke's Fourth A-ddition. j 7. 1. Do '2 0 �� row. �. .. 1 Bi� 1 Do TOTAL i._. i__..____ -. ... ...._. __._..-:.. _"`:::, --.-::.-.-�. �I....., �•�-Il _�. _:'.�s; - CIA., PAUL77 TF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIW&ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIOD 5 to Clarke'.s 4th. Addition to 2 0 - ,_1 St. Paul 1 _ De 12'0 1 Do I i2�O 14 2 1 Db 2 Do _ , 2 _.. i. DoI I ' � - 3 2 D o' 2 7 �i .i 4 2 Do i 5 2 Dc i I i2 7 Ex. South 26 feet 6 2 Dcf 2 5 i South 26 feet of 6 2 Do 13 � 3 2 Clarkes 3rd Addition to 2l2# ; - 4 2 the City of St. Paul, Ram- 2� .Bey County, Minnesota. -K-k 1 Vayhinger's Addition to Vayhinger's Subdivision .15054 2 of the West one-third of ! Smith and tte 3 to Saint Paul Ramsey Count y 360f� q Minn (Lotso5�6�7ua)yote Do ! 3500 ( Ex. South 60 feet) 5 Do lQ0 Do 8 _ Do 1656 1 Do 7 Do _ 1 342 Do S Do 1_ 1 ,Scribner, and Crittenden's Subdivision of Lot 8 and I 2 1 13 of Smith and Lott' s Out,;4 i _ Lots (Blks. 1 and 2) 04 1180 3 1 I _ _S:90 ft. of E. 30.40 ft.: 4 1 Do 1250 _ S.90_ ft. of W. 18 feet , of row s u' . 4, 1 _ Do - TOTAL I 7 , GI PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMWEAIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ..- - DESCRIPTION - 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ATN VALU19 South 90 feet of .10 7 Deans Second Addition I I I 112 5 I Ex. South 90 feet of _ 10 . 7 Do See. ..11 South 92.75 feet of 18 6 Do 4750 (Ex. go.. .92.75 feet of is, 6. Do 00 17 __6 DO 5 _ 16. 6 Do 15 . 6 D0 14. 6 Do 13 6 Do ; 13�50 12 6 Do .40I5Cj a 11 6 Do 2850 - 10 6 Do ' I37,7S - 18 5 Do 12 7 17 5 Do 27,7 _ 16 6 Do 15 5 Do �7 14 5 Do 297 13 5 Do 2�7 , 12 5 Do '1 7 11 . 5 Do ;20;7 10 5 Do i 2 II q 1 1 Edwin Dea.W s Sub. of Part, i i2�70 .: of Smith and Lott Is 2 1 North 65 feet of 3 1 Do 30501 _.: No. 70 ft. -of - 4- 1 - _Do _ _ 621 CI. PAUL - t �# DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMVVJJONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT• BLOCK ADDITION VALUATED '--- S. 90 ft. of E.12.85 ft. 5 1 Scribner & Crittenden's I--- II - Subdivision of Lots 81 & S.'90 ft. of W. 33.7 fe of 5 1 13 of a Out andel Lo2, I 251 7 (Smith N. 30 ft. of S. 1201t. of 4 5 1 Do I N. 30 ft. of 4 and 5 1 Do r I 2L 1 2 Do _ 2 2. Do j ; 3550 f 3 2 DO I .0I5� 4 2 Do 27 p ;'_ 5 .2 Do 65 East 3 feet of 1 Do0� W. 40 ft. of E. 43 ft. of 1 .4 4 Do (Ex.. East 43 feet of 1 4 ) Do i 3800 _ 2 4 Do 3 4 Do 3201 4 4 Do �4�01 .5 4 Do 427 9I _ 1 3 Do i 30, 01 i2 3' Do 28 _ ,3 3 Do I 7! I East } of 4 .3 Do I ! I — West of .4 3) Do I I I (Ex. W. 35ft of) 5 3 )) Do 28051 I ..West 35 feet .of:5 3 Do 13 7 Dean's Second Addition - 3.700 12 7' Do 600 Ex. No. 40 -feet of 11 7 Do_ -_. ___North .4Q_feet_of 11 7. _ Do- ' TOTAL i_700I dl � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE.. REPORT OF, COMMISSJONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B� - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSES D VAL�1fgi17NSNy' Ex. No. 65 ft. of 3, 1 Edwin Deana Sub. of.�265� i , I Ex.No. 70 feet of 4 1 _ Do. No.- 72 ft. of 1 and ,2 2 Do I-2025 it.1 . Do 2 So. 0 ft.. of 1 and 22 2 - '. 1 3 2 Do 182 4 2 Do 626 5 2 Do 22 6 2 Do 7 2 Do ;-210? i 8 2 Do 32710 9 2 Do 190q 1�5Q E.32ft. of N.80 ft. 1 3 Do, W.Bft.Of N.80 ft. 1 3 Do -; 1 190 E.20 ft. of N.80 ft. West 20 ft. of No. 2 80' 2 3 3 Do Do 1800 E. 10 ft.. of N.80 ft.. 3 3 Do XI( 80 of W. 30 ft. of 3 3 DD 1800 So. 52.25 ft. of 1,2 & 3 3 Do 3450 4 3 Do 1 1252b1 5 3 Do -- % 252�i !-62� 7- - 3 Do 302¢ _ 8 3 Do 52� 9 3 Do 14 2 Stone &-Roger's Addition; ;. 750 to St. Paul, Minn. j 2 TOTAL I CI PAUL, - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE!. REPORT OF COMM16S14DNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATJ,f� - 12 ._2 Stone.&'-Roge.r'0 Addition .1 j -12 0 --- to St. Paul, Minn.�: I I 10-, 2 Do I_2 g 2 Do i 275. - _ 8 2 Do 2 00 IS7Ib p l 3 Io 2 3 Do 3t 3_ 3 Do 285P Do 60p : - _ 4 3 � 00 _ b 3 -r 6 3 Dc 600 , 7 3 Do 60 `p 9 J. W. Fallihee(s Re -arrange -i I ; - ment of Blk. 2, Roger's 2nd _ 10 addition to St. Paul, Minn* ; 5 � 11 Do 21.J5 j 12 Do ; 1525 13 Do i i30 5, - 14 Doi b 15 Do 545 16 Do 14'5 '12 3d.0 The Southeast of NW of 83. } of SW of Section 35, Town 29, Range 23 (Ex. Streets) ' 16 2 Donnelley's Add to St. .--2250 . Paul. � � } EI� - I4 o- 14 Do- - 15 2 D 0 1 2 I 0_ i t4 j.. _ 13 2 Do 12 2 - Dc , r i 4 �i0�I 1_Q0 TOTAL �,:_ OIl PAUL r�r 4& , DEPARTMENT CF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSOONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I� TION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASS ESSED VALU . '' 2 Donnelly 11 's Addition to 7 1-13 _ - St. Paul.�_. 10 2 Do �2 - 9 2_ Do ! I 1 Fairbank's Addition to,; ,3q0 j2 - the City of St.Paul . DO_ . 2 l ` ... _.- � i -, 1 1 1 310_ -- 3 1 _ Do_ 4 1 DO i ,Jso _ 5 : 1_ . Do �-3QLC 8 1 DO i l 12 - , ,O 7 1 Do? I 13, 2* 1 L. S. Stoney s Addition. to the City of St. -- 2 Paul. ! :-75 3 Do 15 4. Do 3p ! 5, Do ' 3 � i 1 6 Do j; tip- 7,Do 1 '1 _ 8 . Do 12 b� - 9. Do 131�0 _ 10 Do 2 0�. _ 11' Do j .12(�- _ 12 _ DO j 31 _ 13— _ -Do I V -a3,25( c,� - At.__ 14 Do 212 _ lb DO 1260 1 1 _� - - TOTAL , - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated -all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to 'said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance.' - Farm B. 8.13 . r St, Paul, Minn.,/��� To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ? Gentlemen: } We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your' Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be maiie: . .......... �...Y...�....St. Ave. to ... ......... :> from ....... ..... ...............St. Ave. �F1 � • D F A M E LOT BLOCK yD—k—OII ^ --_ 7,9s ... . 2✓� �' ...... ....... ... 70 yXy -c Cry . q' EALI OF I' ................. %.a . ...... ... .......� ...... ..... .. .. ......................... 71r 6s � ... ...... ............�. 2 �/.... ...�. ........ i�� ,.` ..... .................... . ...... . ........... ....................... ................... ............�......................... St. Paul, Minn., .................... ly- - To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body o cause e th following improvement to be mad6' � .......... ...... . ........................ .................... .............. ........... from ......................... St.'Ave. to ...... ........ St. Ave R, A M E I LOT ..I -.BLOCK %,ems.;.... 4-4-7........... ........X11"7.....-1/ 57-- n VAM 4 ....... . ...... ..... ....... ..... . .... ......... .......... .... ........... ... 1 7Y . . .... . go ....... ......................... I!6V7 F ....... .................. CJ . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . �F Ltj 311-D' �zEP OF RiGIIINURL, Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ECESv oD Report to Commissioner of Finance .i o< " SEP 25 1919 September 23rd, 191.9__ ---------------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -2-Q610 ----- approved__Septe2nber_15tha191_9_, relative to paving Carroll Avenue from Dale Street to Chatsworth Street. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ --- ----------------------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. XXX 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__-_ -- -- _, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement` T Commissioner of Public Works. A II ' 27175 I COT NQS.. ............. .... By__ ............._ ----- ----- ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........grading Sime qtr - et from Cypreee.-.A'?_.nue... t.o.._Forest--,Aye. .. ................. ....................... 25356 June 5, 1919. under Preliminary Order .........................._....... ............approved .. ......._.__.._...._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. n That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._.gT.ade--_Sime--S.`Tzet., from_. Cypre-s-s___Avenue.tc.-Forest Ave. .................................................. ..................................................... _... _ ...._.. _ . __ ..... ...... __ . ._........ _......... _. _ ..... ........ _......._ __....... _._...-_.. _... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8 6H4, 63 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ ........ A.th.._.....day of ..._.............--- ...Dea-ember , 191 o at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the iml,mvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adouted by the Council _..... 191 . ...... .............. Ietr. Approved .......... .. 191..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss CuuncilmanAjMigl Clancy Councilman Imm. Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich % Mayor bxiwc Hodgson 4✓ Form B. S. A. 8-6 271?6 COUNCIT,,YfLE NO_-.... .......................... By. .................... .................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .......... zandemning and.. tak ing- -an-eaae.manI In the land ...................... nezesaary—fQx aloye_s c,o.r cuts and fills in grading Sims Str?et from .................................... ......... grading —.1 ............................................... ......Cypreas.—Avenue to.-F.Q.ree.` &-ye.n.u.e.. c. F. No. 27176— In the matter of condemning and ta.k .. .... ....... I tg Ing an casement n t e:land. necez, eery ' ,c slope,, 1*1 111, ImIC11,11 o .......... .................... ......graSt.. Street from y r_,. to Forest Avenue, under 11mi—Y Order 25356. approved IT- S, 1919. The Council of the City of St. - ------ -- hamming received dvethur"pOpt"f' hmac and.... . . ... ... . ... .. . ........ and I er Preliminary Order.......-25355approved . June- 5, 1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and—take.-an easement in the land necessaryfor slopes for cuts and fills in ............. ............................................... grading Sime, Street from SYPTe-sl-ATeDqs to TQTAstin ..................... accordance with -blue pri r -t hexeto.aata:-ha.d Uld MPAP A..PArt .the J hatabed p-oxt.4,OL e.b.97,jAghe �cute and the shaded portion shozing ............ ........ .............. .. ................... ......... .................................... t- he f ills -_- ............ - . .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....__... day of ......... DeDaMb.eT 1-1- 1 191., -9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impi-nvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouneiL . ......I - 191..... Approved Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Loss Councilman 111&= Clancy Councilman ICjtlkgx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor bndxx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 z ....... ....... (,X' y Cleric. Mayor. L �7177 ' Ordinance No., 6196— By Jri . 61iie 1n ordinance to ---n4 A.-IM.1-11vo / =Ordinance No. 6138, �.�'Proved August -gee enemergency oe dere1919. d --e ... . poq 27177 L W.--ord 'ance to amend administrative ordinance No. 5139, approved t Jlg,.t 16, 1919. This is an emeraenc� ordinance rendered Vice ary f6 Uthe preservation oC the public peace, health *9SQ sa fety. 'M, COUNCIL Ott' 1� T 7 CITY Or 3T. FAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Rection 1, of Ordinance No. 5159, approved Aum.)st 16, 1919, be and the same is herebv amended bq strikinp, out in said ..Sectio, the following words and figures: Plasterer's Tender -50-" an .... r 4, and i.-serting in lieu thereof the follo'-. words and fi7ures- "Plasterer's Ten - Not to exceed 65� an hour." 6. "i. and that said Seaion of Ordinance No. 5139, approved Au-, stl6, tree1919, be and tree sa:-ie is hereby further ame�ded by adding to said section the following words and figures: Mortar Mixers . . . .Not to exceed W an hour". Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be 1-,2 force,,irnmediately upon its pass3,ge, approval and publication. Yes (') Councilmen ("! t12= Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers 5 Adopted by the Council ti 19 Approved 19 -r- —W, PUBLTSBED CRY Ul.", tA 0 V.1 -L 04 C. Ti. No. 27118—Ordi..... No. 6195 An ordleFee, Waldorf 'I ore - Paper Products to the Nin a Company, a Co tion, p at ompe ad Mi 'i on to ere • taro a 'Veye r over the sldewalv, r 'n Na Avenue 2717,1 the City of St, I • "UA An ordinance granting to the Waldorf Plapex,4Prqduqts Com-' pany, a corporation, permission to erect and mainta conveyer over.the sidewalk, on Hampden avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Waldorf Paper Products Company, a corporation, to erect and construct a conveyer or overhead loading deftoe on the Hampden avenue side of the building occupied by said Company, said conveyer to have a water -proof roofing over It. Section 2. The Commissioner of p0j*j Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a Permit to sail Waldorf Paper Products Company for the erection of said conveyer, upon said Company's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said conveyer or loading device shall be con- structed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and in accordance with plans and specifications approved by said Commissioner; and said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, If any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), condition- ed to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construe - tion, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said conveyer; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said conveyer remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approv- ed by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the city Comptroller. (3) Said conveyer shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Cakporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty .days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas 0 . Nays Uft Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Fowers Approved &sung, Mayor Attest ' G� Cit erk. Y`iYYw•� uL; /r M.ICLANCY,II COMMISSIONEAxnlxnxlxllullllllllxnlxllxlllllxlllunxlll IIIIII IIIIxlixlllxlxlllllllll IxxIIIIIIIIIIIlllxllllnxxxl CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of-Oarki, Otago dub Oub tir Bnitbingll OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE � t `% e*(( V-&WrW October 28, 1919 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner, Office. Dear Sir: J. E. CORCORAN. DEPl1TY CQM(A1991 Ixmllmm�xxwnnnnxnnnllnnuunnullllxnuu_ 5lmmlmmm uuuuzj v Communication from the Waldorf Paper rroducts Co. for a over -head conveyer over the sidewalk and extending into the boulevard 18 inches, attached to their manufacturing building, which was referred to me, I find that it consists of a conveyer with a platform on either side with sages of about 2 inches between the roof members. Should this be constructed in this manner it would no doubt cause con- siderable trouble from ice and snow gathering on the same and causing t>sRzOas icicles to hang down within the height that would interfere with pedestrians, as this plakform is only seven feet over the sidewalk level. Also the structural parts are insufficient, as an 8 ft. door opens onto the plat- form and I feel that there is no question that some time or other and probably often, workmen will be out on this platform so that should the Council give permission for the constructing of the same, I would advise that roofing be placed over the platform and the water be drained so as not to fall upon the sidewalk or to make it possible for the rainwater to run in the direction of the sidewalk, and then in granting the permission it be understood that the platform be constructed as approved JAMES M. CLANCY, C---'....... .......................... iiJ.ECOORAN, D .....................................l,...........„........ o,,,nn....... ... mmm.uvuveu.r..uumrnr. CITY OF ST. PAUL Department of Parks, ?Plaggrounds anb puhlituilding� OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE t' by tills department, allowing. for a 50 lb. live load. Yours vary tri?17, t7 rcYii act M v 1 ("'16X16 PIER ' (` lipllb PIER 1 t I I 16X14 PIER 1. I I i 11 I 4 DEEP LOA IN( CONVEYOR WALDORF PAPER PRODUCTS CO. DRAWR ID- 1- 1,119 CHEMED SCALE � , IFOOT a - I 1 8 AD MANUFACTURERS CORRUGATED AND SQLID FIBRE SHIPPING CONTAINERS, M.w.wALOORr, P—Id.m PAUL N. MVCR9,VIC, P...I. - FOLDING CARTONS, LABELS SKIPPING POINT DOUGLAS PUTNAM,S.Cy-11. MINNCSKIP ING POINT INN 8usAT�G f dot • 25) 1919 The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: (Attention City Clerk), tie beg to make formal application for permit to use and to construct an overhead loading device for use on the Hampden Avenue side of our building, Our building sets flush with the side walk and our loading floor is approximately six feet aoove the sidewalk. This makes it neo- essary for us to 'have this loading device between \ the trucks and our building over the sidewalk. '.Ye enclose here,fcith a sectional drav,ving and specifications. Thanking you in advance for your attention to this, we are f Yours very truly, '7ALD .F T&ER PRODUCTS CO. B0 D VI N. M er. CGIA : F„ rALDORF PAPER PRODUCTS COMPANY. F I SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONVEYOR. FOUNDATION The foundation pens to be constructed of concrete (2) parts gravel (1) Part Sharp building sand (1) part Portland Cement, deep. 166 x lb" square, 4 feet COLUMNS The colvans to be of unrought iron, 4 inch pipe set In 4 foot concrete foundation with cast iron cap. BEAUS The arose beams to be structural stee 3" ohwmel'fastihqd to each column with x li bolt beam 120t to wall fastened with ix lk,41. bolt and washer through well. The -above beams to carry steel conveyor* CONVEYOR The conveyor to be oqnstr�iotsd of structural lt bolts to oroGs steel fastened with I a beams. Built by the Minnesota Conveyor Co., of North St. Paul. PLATHOW The pliktf o rm to b a oonst:j;uoted of 2 x 6 x #1 pins, a. 1 a. on 'eaoji'sjde of conveyor fasVerred to beam on-o6lumn and wal3i with 3/8 x 2t bolt for proteoti6n, that bundles may not.dtop to sidewalk, also to be used for gangiray may become congested 'whenever-bundlai on conveyor. The above material $o be put up in,best workmanlike manner. '77"M- WALDORF PAPER PRODIUCTS COMPANY. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONVEYOR. FOUNDATION The foundation pens to be oonstructed of op GM@ (9) Parts gravel (1) part sharp building sand (1) part Portland cement* square, 4 feet deep. COMM The colume to be of unsought Irn"4 Such pipe got In 4 foot oonorsto foundation on with cast Iron cap. The Gross beams 10 be structural Btee;, 39 channel fastened to each column with I x 1* boltboam next to wall fastened wlthi� ]KA, bolt and washer through wall. The above bons to oarry steel gonveyox. CONVEYOR The conveyor to be ognstripled of structural steel fastened with I x ltbolts to cross booms. Built by thOltinnesota Conveyor Co., Of North St. Paul, PLATFOFU2WWO r '*wft b e op� of 2 x 6 x a, 02VXG�ml�b #1 Plus, a. I a. on MA side f as nod 0 am an t 0 I t �rb"O***IxIlion, that bun as may, la no P to to be used for gangs oftCefor bundles may become congested on oodyeyor. The above material to be put up In bAst workmanlike manner* VAT TIOI (1) SOVII'l., al 0,5 Ga fid au."00 ;:foll.5llfjjOstmorloo tool � al tee eql",; .qpo vo%l tc-f.-C e Le.TP-z;c,^Va Oc( C."fiWOO' a o c,.;,T J 311 C7r ca Od 4P� Oz $ot1 .2axavZO76 Lsa:a r.,UO Ot Od 0.- •om la k�,� 0(. ov c.. AVVI l 0) Vf, t 0 (illy OF DT. PAUL 96 . t �, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (, 1 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F FILE CILNo.......- .7..9 1288 y Ciqq�.............T NOV / v........:... ............ \7I" )LEER . .. ..................... AUDITED e� TITLP Resolved that.,rants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the 'ng detailed statement: persons, Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the ' unci . ............... 191..— Clancy Farnsworth C F, No.27179drewn proved_... .. ...:.. Abawarcont&Yg le -out of Goss Resotiha CitYYrgeadrri p au . - :. ... ..191 �penhereltia4terepeoifled.4unde orae tlrme oositeptheir ...... ',f M���I��`� _ ........ fn 'the .. .. _.. ___ .. ..... Keller ob-the person& favor eoyydod fitvah nefai MAYOR done jig7mnee �¢ t:. Finance, - --McColl respep detslled Dom r, of fol owA1arnawoith, Wunderlich 6$ Adopted b O 1919t1 Nov. 6, 1919.-- the YN1°tpvs's, . Mr. President, Hodgson Approved 1s1s) 15210 S. A. Farnsworth,-Comfr. of Finance Playgrounds Total 28.00 28.00 1 EM CITY OF ST. P.tUL °aa Form A A 46,2 M 7-18 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER j AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR1f FILE AUDITED `, N........2718.0 ' 1286 `� . .- ----- .. ................ ._ ...._ CTK, Lr:K AUDITED.-}�liY_-Cl-.....�.7.�.J............. 19 ...... �t �� PER .......... ....... _.............._. ..................... TITI.F. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the for the. set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations amounts Yeas I V ) Councilmen I V ) F. No 27180 __ AlAbetrect. Adopted by the oun ,,,, ,; ...... ............. 191 �c. Resolved, that ,warrants bo drawn upon the Clty Treasuryy„payable out _ Clancy of the heretaafter spec lded funds and In _favor of the pereons,,t1rms and cor-, oved.... .......... ............191___...... Farnsworth potations for the amounts set opposite their "respect... names as spec. .d in GO55 the following detotled statement: F C. , Austin Company, Inc., $10,- Keller 836 68. _... Lien. Benz Soa$360.00. (creat bakess Coall & Dock '.Company, .................... ..........._ KtY�R McColl $918.43.' ✓,�,/ Wunderlich Ed. _Jacobs, -Dist. State Bolter In - Spector EE1.90. foxMYg. Kee Company, Northern Pao(da Railway Company, X47. President, Hodgson E197.68. '. St. Paul Electric Company,: $11.95. Adopted by the: Council Nov, 6, 1919. Approved Nov. 6, 1918. (Nov..8, 1919) 15201 F. C. Austin Company, Inc., 10,835.68 Plater 15202 Geo. Benz & Sons, 350.00 Police 15203 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company,. 918.43 Police 12.00 Water 906.43 15204 Ed. Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 21.00 V, Fire 15205 Kee Lox Mfg. Company, 1087 Fire 15206 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 197.58 Paving Como Avenue W. 15207 St.Paul Electric Company, 11,95 Lighting Total 12,336.51 A: Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 cri, OF ST. VAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2718 t dl'Ut\I;IL AUDITED CLAIMS— � RESOLUTION FORM FILE No•........... -•-'•'--............ 1287 J C S !)li 'f K�JLL7:H AUDITED _._t ---- - NOV.�gr9 __ - ...... ... ... ...._........._......._--- - PER. TITLF. specified funds and Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spec' m favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the wing detailed statement: Yeas ( `/ ) Councilmen ( `/ ) Nays Adopted by the on ' "......... _..... Clancy - '- FarnsworthL`.. ____---- r Td.__ _.__...... ................................191.._...... Goss ® SIC. t No. 27191 Abstract. r - lteeotved that ws:rrantae able out o2 . ........ -- upon the CItY TreaeurY. D Y .. ..... __. ......--. ..._. ..�. . Keller Yd iunda and Ila MAYOR rthe hereinafter sp.a6 McColl 'favor of the, persoae, 8rrasDooDr corpora- , tions for the amouu� •epeclaeditI- the Wunderlich resppective names," etaten'r t: Com'r. of-Flaance, s: A. Farnsworth, Mr. President, Hodgson j496.70. srasworth,- coli. of riIumce, B. A- r . j6A99 pt y 6, 1919: Approved- 4ov9,819 9ll Nov., o (Nov. 9, 1919) 15208 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 485.70 Local Improvement 15209 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 5,337.94 Schools 5,872.44 Great Northern Schools 33.00 Auditorium 9.70 Central H.S.Bldg.(Bond) 288_0 Total 5,823.64 �n..J........Q.._ CITY ,OF ST. PAUL - F.......... 0 1O�¢'' a. fFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO COUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY I COMMISSIONER...................._............._......................._.._...._......._......._..............................._..._.-........ DATE..NOv_.....5.,..-.1.919............. RESOLVED hat the grade of Prospect. Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue, Helen Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue, Furness Avenue from Autumn Street to Helen Street, and Curve Avenue from Autumn Street to Helen Street, in accordance with the red grade lines on the accompanying profiles and as recommended by the Com- missioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council -19 __ _ Farnsworth c Goss In favor Approved 19..._-_ McColl ✓ Powers Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 ' JV` Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ignotz Pepera, providing for the payment of compensation to him at -the rate of $10.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, on the 85th day of September, 1919; be it . Further resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Ignotz Pepera, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) in full settle- ment of his claim for the period of disability up to October 13th, 1919. !C. F. No. 27183—By lam- N. Goea— Resolved, That tha proper city oto f cere are hereby authorized —t' In up to October 13th, 1919. AP. Yeas Nove 6C 19i9t1Nov. 6, 1919. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays - - - F "'.1 p Iy I c Adopted by the Council 191...... Clancy Farnsworth Approv_. _.__......._..:..___............_.191..... Goss ..............In favor Keller O ..... ......... _............. ........ McColl .............. Against � MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 U CITY OF ST. PAUL - FaeCONCIL NO......... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � 0 � ���•(�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VV PRESENTEDBY COMMISSIONER........................................................................................................................................... DA RESOLVED That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St.Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 50721 for Public School purposes, Lots, One (1), Two (2), and Nine (9), in Schneider, Young and l,iorrissette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St.Paul North Outlots, for the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars($225.00) per lot, amounting to a total of Six Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars (;675.00) and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of the said land when proper deed or deeds conveying the same, t approved by the Corporation Counsel shall have been delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land ($j675.00) to be charged to Public School Fund, Seal Estate Item, No. 41.8. C. F. No. 21184—BY Albert . Wundor-'. lien-. _ , — nemmittee on Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Power s Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9'le ana p V thorized ana mnowered-to draw a war- nt for the purchase price In favor of the owner of the Bald land when proper deed r deeds conveying the same,p- troved by the Corporation Counsel shall have been delivered to the Comptroller. The coat of Bald; land ($646.00): to be harged to. Public School Fund, Real ' Estate Item No. 41.8. , Adopted b 0 the Council Nov. 6, 1916: Approvedoo 6 1919 (Nov. 8, 191 19i 9) _. yted by the In favor Against flr� r t��r 19 . 19_......_ That Cigarette License No. 42, now in the name of Mrs. Margaret Nnnings, 678 Rordo Street, which expires March 12th, 1931, be and the same hereby is transferred to Fred Engelbert, 678 Rondo Street. �C,�F No. 27 Th6aLRCISar tt Li enee No. g Solved, hl0h x- 42,�.noW.in the name oC. Mre Margaret 7ennmge, 678 Rondo 8bo Ibert. 6 d. the same 1 pMarch 12th 1921, 'herefree by fe troneterredto Fred 16pge1- I 678 Rondo Street. _Adopted by th0 Council N9. ov. 6. 1919.` I Approved (ov 911 6, 181 (Nov. 8, 19) �I �y Z Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by................191...... MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller %�l McColl --- Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.10' Adopted by................191...... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - i¢.e L NO........ ... .. ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER............. ....................................... ................ ................................................... ..... ............ DATE ......N.9Y..a......rJ.,____ .g. 9.r.... RESOLVED MUTEAS, the Committee on Lands has reported to the Council that they are able to procure Lots 1, 2, and 9, in Schneider, Young & Pdorrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St.Paul North Out Lots, by purchase in the open market, and, tIS, thecal, by resolution known as C.F.N0�adopte4RIE � r, haS authorized the said Commit eLands ase he sa premises and has directed and authorized the proper City officers to complete the said transaction, and, TiIEREllS, their report was made subsequent to the adoption of preliminary order No. 268.11, approved October 4th.119191 which order provides for the condemnation and appropriation of the afore- said lots. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Lots 1, 2, and 9, in Schneider, Young & iviorrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St.Paul North Out Lots, be and the same are hereby withdrawn and eliminated from the aforesaid condemnation proceedings. C, I:'. No. 27186—Ry Albert Wunder- 1h,h— the Committee Lord. Whereas, has ported to the Council that they are vele to P ocure Lots 1, 2, nd 9, In ghnelder, Young & Morrtssette's 9ub- Nt 1. ott Lot., �b9ltlook pitchaso tin Pthe ! Yes (\') Councilmen ( � Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 7 McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 --' In favor Against to by the Council NOV- 6, 1919' Nov. 6, 1919. (NOV. 8, 1919) -, R 1410 Adopted by the Counci -- 19 MAYOR COUNCIL ILS 'Nib ......_ ._ L—� /27'187 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of 111LUTION OF COUNCIL APP INO ASSESSMENT. ender Preliminary Order_..._ ..:.'Zw _.__.. ... '`:. ........... .. ._...........• ' No. 27187— matter or the,aeae oats ao, xwp=e'n rm Final Order approved � _191.. _ _.. ..uey m The assessment of ..._ =1.:. _ - ` -' -- --.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._._.......__ .:... .............day of 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvemept, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed aga�nst the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom,the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .__ .... _ _..__ _...191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goss HYWYd- 7. McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin,,: --- ,.:;0.1 Form B. B. 16 191 Clerk. Mayor. �� �t �a ���. � � �-��'�r�� a-�-- a��.=�-- ems.-.., ,��, Two �Gr� �--•� �, � �� ��, ��.. ��u � -2 � 3 s� �ydo ttsalest�s �alle� �� , G� � 5'0 �, � tom.. �- J�� � � � ��� �� �� � � . FJ ,Smrulm$S (Evilegv � �� M LSI �-L/�l Lc vys�c o— i1�L1¢-�•� �G. Z` rYJ2 Ga�/4 '�-vy�c.�' ,,,e ^ t=lvg= (l vatge ^ J P-4 Ail- Gv c.cl`� '• �c�c. �.-� �J�7�LLc.� mac. �-z�t- 'v � 1- - � ion-,�G Ar- CITY OF ST. PAUL. o OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI LETION OF ASSESSMENT 191......_: In the matter of the assessment of . benefits, costs and expenses for t}a-, constructing a storm 'nater se'i1e_ on _'a11'Viel7 ii.Venue fro'n Portland � COUNCIL ILEA r -'— 2'7188 y CITY OF ST. PAUL ' Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of oo-r1 ;_:'its r Costs and e;apensos for grading icy £illin[. in stu"=icient, to rota=- I the _idecr­.11r on t7,0 -north side of act ?ourt?,_ 4J.. be_irni c.t the -.rest line o£ Johns - on Parls,ay, thence east 120 feet. F uLuiNt� os vovxm 7 4 A98ID99M�N ;f 1, ?7 r n>! the n;' ender Preliminary Order ..... _._......... °�,.1.`.-:J......___....................... Intermediary Order ._.._.2.2.0 _......._....._. ---------- ------ Final Order ............. .......... _............... ._.......... approved ........... 1111,9V.S1......19111—..... ...... ............... 191__.8 The assessment of beef] ; .,..... a.Q.S_ ...�i1C�....G. .?? 5........._.__._...__for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... of ..... _.... D.ezmalaar................... 191...3_...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council .._ .................................................. _..r...__..._.._.........191............ Approved __.. -----:----'- ----.........I 91 ---- Councilman Farnsworth Goss beak cia,lcy �•Rj x: tYer. Por7e1,s McColl Wunderlich Mayor.lrvin: Form H. 13. 16 ,lerk. layor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits r CO3t3 and e7_penses for tbexx Zrading by filling in sufficient to retain tine side-:ialk on the north side of East Fourth 2t. beginnin; at tho west line of Johnson Parl-7ay, thence east 120 feet. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order .....__.22.0 ..______._..._.._..._.._...., 22'_ .c approved_._.._ ?$ug-L__�..L.h_...:.__:..__.... 191.....a_ Final Order ._..._._..._-s _—._.._...----._.._...._._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - -$... _................... Cost of postal cards $_......_.._-------- _..-------------- _ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - -$.... ........ ........ ...0$.......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $---------• �`�------ Total expenditures $...._--_25.2...7_: _......_ . Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$__._._25.9...74._._.._.__.......__..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. B. 17 Commieaione of Finance. XTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXiNti- TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PIS 'CEEDINGS. 27 t �� v a � ... -:',0zaI In the matter of.o.olcic==-> ,.�, _ - _..- r ,,1..t.-e.e.L.._....GLL.«>II7.1t.Yl• -• .. ...� .. ...................._..... .- ,cb t :St_2eet t 0 Oi, 1 ..V l :_3_ i 0. e -...,..... TIOPt'OF DO'ONCIL A7 ............................ AS91C68DfEN'1` ASiDp, .................................. 1 OP`8®AnIFG YN ,9 pIC00$1EDffiG :, 27189-" 1, . .......................................................................... .................................. .. tt s ,at xvndem, ;, �ev�C t � • �...�... f .................. Intermediary Order. under Preliminary Order..-...._: 2'l�•..-- approved ....2Erc •---, approved......iee.i.4-° The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public bearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirms= tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ..-......Q.tk! ........................ of D�ac-i�eY 191.9-...., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Wo Adopted by the Council - -........!:.r ... ......:..: r m10 Approve( ,....... ... ........... ......................... . 191....... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss 7 Councilman HYUKT..C1CY?C Councilman x3ffa "0,1020 CouncilmanMcColl Councilman Wunderlict Mayor Irina._ o("; --0-1 REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of "�..--._. ' -... _:.:...'._ __ ...:.__,. - .:_:.: -1._..... under Preliminary Order. _.:,:. approved ,- .:.. Intermediary Order. approved..-.__ _.,. .,....-_.. _-..-.-... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Phe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable: that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. -0-0 ` 2'7190 AhT.11A�11. - ru.e NO..........._........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL4fORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSiONER.............................. .............__................._..............._–....................:.................................. DATE..Oot-obe3'_..3.1...}. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one hundred Empire New Style Portable Chair Desks, from Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, to cost X873.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are patented and no advantaGe could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Education- New Equipment - Old Buildings. Yes (") Councilmen (1) Nays Clancy i Farnsworth Goss 7 McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President RM' -9— Adopted by the -until IX Il I gig 19 .....In favor _._ ___...._i•,-.5.._.....�_..'::..:.r._..._19..._..._ Against .................. . MAYOR 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL 3 - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE O1 No . 1291 �� 1 AUDITED Nov - C( R ....... ................. t .. .. 0 .......................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter d funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specifiin the lowing detailed statement_ Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted I the ncil............. ._...._:_191 ......... ........... Clancy" . .Farnsworth __...__...In favor pro ....._ _. ....... ......... .:........191 Goss' Keller .........Against . _.... .__ _. _..... ` .......................... MAAYOR ..Y61 McColl "—=— Wunderlich C F No $7141 AbBtract: Reaotved ';that warrants be `drawn' Mr. President, Hodgson uusm,the.Ctty �reseunyaDaY��eq"nna in i 15232 Lee & Hoff Mfg. Uompany, C. H. & C. H. Total 105.93 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER §. 27192 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F �E °'L No. ....................••••..... Form A A48,i M 7-18 /s. 1290 . p7 AUDITED ..-NQY1' ..:1.....�37�...........1 .._..... {` PER ............... G........_......_... ----..------ TITLE Resolved that warrantsbedrawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays 1"" " '.f'" -- Adopted by the Council ... ..........._�.:..,....._............... ................... 191.... Clancy c N.'27132- Abstract _Iarnsworth Resolved that warranty be drawn Approved ._........ _.. ..... ..... ........._191._ ....... Igoe, the Ctty.Treasury, payable qut ot. Goss tha �heretnatter npecided -fund. and 1q the Deraona: at'me or corpora - Keller �,.J 'trona for the amou¢ts Met gDPoette their. respectivq=names `.as,ePec ed is tha, _....__ _ ......... ..___..._._._. -. ._........ ..__..._..__ rg110W,1n6 .detailed' Statement MAYOR 7 McColl 5;�A, Faraeyeorth Com'r. `oR Finslice,_, $36,774 38 Wunderlich Merchants National Bnnk $7778868. Adopted b thfl C unct7 1:�ov 7 181x.1 Mr. President, Hodgson Appro edtov: 7 iyis J (Nov 16 1818);: 15230 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 25,774.36 St. C. & R. 3;905.10 Sewer C. & R. 2;425:50 S & S. Cing. 9,243.90 Bridge B. & R. 420;05 Crosswalks 597;20 Sprinkling Revd.. 657.20 Docks, wharves; etc. 201.60 St. Intersections '405;15 Paving Como AveIt it. E. 4.495.58 W. 1,033.18 Curbing, tree planting Lex. & Summit 28.00 Paving Ashland Ave. 956.90 Paving Prior Ave. 2.00 Engineering Insp. 10336 15231 Merchants National Bank, 17,793.58 Red. of Bonds 1919 14'000.00 Interest 3,769.00 G.F.-Mist. & Unf. . 24.58 Total 43,567.94 Form A A 48,1 X 7-18 CITY OF 3T. PAUL OFFICE QF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM kms `ILE 1L Nu• ............... _•.••••_ 1289 ..... AUDITED TED AnV_.y. 1.91.9............ 191 ...._ �Y \I[TtULL-F.. R .. .. ER TITLE 'Xi Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V ) NaC F. xo 271�sAtetracL Resolved Da drawn' Adopted by the Council_. ...... ..._....191. y-Tre Clancynoon the hsft Treasury, the hereinafter �eD;ootded.. Bury; pa,y payable out,ot funds andin- tavorof;thCpoisons,�drmsbrcorpora- tion get;; than: Approved........ ._..._'.:. ._........ .........191 _.._. -Farnsworth .forhhe aMounta respective, names / Goss �1 toll owing•detatled: 6,J AmertgawHuDD17 PcosRe as specided Sn the statement: Compenv -$4091 KellerMrgginnd LUmbef - 'Cocdran-gargepi ComDanYr E87 24 COmDeny ;538 69 _____. ... ...........................__ MAYOR McCollcrane ordtvay Adam Deoker i2o27s -. :Hardware ,'Company,` j88. Nunderlich DUD1ez Broom Flneh Van Comvany i23 so Siyck Mr. President, Hodgson §4di2n3vear,7tntear•comnnnv; •McConvllIe,. . 15211 American Supply Qompany, Schools water If 15212 Berglund Lumber company, Schools 15213 Cochran -Sargent I`ompany, Fire Lighting Docks, wharves, etc. 15214 Crane & Ordway, Fire it St. C. & Repr. Parks 15215 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Pol. & F. Alarm Schools If 11 Docks, wharves, etc. Paving Depr. 35.2L 2.60 3.10 4=. 4.50 6.75 7.25 23.02 1.44 .35 177.92 70-T.= 1.20 29.90 20.78 9.82 .68 4.35 40.91 37,24 18.50 202.73 66.73 Res, 1289 Page #2 15216 Duplex Broom Company, 7 27193 23,50 Schools 15217 Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, 41.20 Schools 15218 Goodyear Rubber Company, 140.19 t Wm khouse 15219 R. T. Gourley, 102.35 Bureau of mgrs. 51.95 St. C. & Repr. 8.15 Sewer C. & R. 8.90 Bridge B. & Repr. 1.25 S. & S. Cing. 8.90 Crosswalks 7.45 Workhouse 15.75 5 15220 A. Guthrie & Company, 250.00 Parks 15221 Lamprey Products Company, 39.20 Police 15222 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company., 463.72 Munic. Gar. Revl. 84.48 St. C. & Repr. 24.50 Parks 66.74 Docks, wharves, etc. 6.62 Water 49.70 0 13.92 n 4.17 n 195.19 Paving Como F. 10.56 n n t+ 7.84 463.72 15223 Melady Paper Company, 744.52 Com+r. of Finance 3.80 Schools 735.00 ++ 5.72 15224 Niools, Dean & Gregg, 79.98 Fire 31.75 n 2.08 ++ --.70 ++ 6.75 n 7.20 n 1.18 S. & S. Cing. 6.65 Sprinkling 23.67 79M 15225 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 83.34 Armory 2.18 Police= 16.34 St. C. & Repr. 3.47 Schools 47.52: Library 2.50 P. Bldgs. Revl. 4.80 Water 3.03 n 1.30 �+ 2.20 837a 15226 J. L. Shiely Company, 551.25 St C & Repr. 1289 Page #3 15227 Stewart Product Service Garage, 27193 4.35 Fire ell 013—.15 YAmic. Gar. Rev1. .35 n n n .85 15228 Weed, Parker & Company, 39.00 Forestry Revl. 15229 Western Supply Company, 24.94 Schools m �( Y" COUNCIL l L� t,' ;'�i f ) ��I1-�7�r CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE No ........ ........... G (` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ij It l COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Aav COMMISSIONER.-........................._........................._....._._......_.... �. ...._.....T..,._.1.919.._._. RESOLVED That the .plans and specifications for the constructionof a sewer on Broadway from Fourth Street to the Mississippi River be and the same are hereby referred.back to the Commissioner of publio Works for the purpose of making changes in same that are necessary for the purpose of receiving new bids. Yes () Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth I/ Goss y McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3.9.19 i,c:''F. No. 27194—%'M. ,N: Goes-- 1- Besolved, That t s plans and specld- cationsfor the construetton of a sewer.! on'Brdadway. from Fourth Street tothe.; Mississippi. River., be and: the same are (hereby referred be.ek to the Commie ,siquer of Puldle works for the purpoe@' of making changes'ln same that are'. necessary for. the purpos@ of reeelvin8 new bide. :Adopted by- the Council Nov. 7, 1919. Approved Nov 7; 1919, (Nov 16, 1819) .......In favor Against Ix M A\ft e CaOUNCIL 195 ., TV CITY OF ST. PAUL re . N`Z®O........_...................._..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKi n A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL *ORM PRESENTED BYDATE_NO.v..__.T_,_..1919.a .......—.- COMMISSIONER......................................................................_................................ ..-.-------- ................. j� In the matter of constructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west side of Locust Street between ,Sixth Street and Seventh Street, under Prelim- inary Order Council File J27143, approved November 4, 1919, d the e are RESOLVED C,,heby cancelledall , annulled and rescinded in the above matter be and all proceedings ch matter discontinued. Yu Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlic Mr. President %.RM 3M9-19 eilm 9av nth tB�reeq(' nada ePrinsrY Order Connell r File No. 27143, aD- oved November 9 1919. Resolved, Thator . ell dera to the Wabove matter be and, the came- are ,hereby .cancelled, annulled .and rescindedandall vyroceedinge to �such matter dleeonttq 'Adopted byy thh e C Council Nov. 7, 1918. .'Approved No; 1919. (Nov. 16; 1989) Adopted by t Cou it _ ::.._'..'.:. _ _ . 19 ved 19 -- In favor Against ! CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 COUNCIL 2'7196 FILE NO .......... ..._...................... PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER... ................... :................................................................ ._............. ......._............... DATE..1.1L��1.9.... VX W RESOLVED That all bidsreceived for constructing a sewer on Charlton street from Page street to a point 160 feet south of Page street be and the same are hereby rejected as all bids received were in excess of the Engineer's estimate and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise for bids, r.B.2073 Yqs (t') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 4. Goss In favor McColl l Powers J Against ? Wunderlich Mr. President 3Me-19 ___ 777777 GB. Nu 27198=BY'� N• wee= Resolved Thsst • ewera�oneOee t118t.�' ■ conetructln8 be; and the Stree out of aPa88�'e t�'s P R blde- ieei S erebY ,rejected ae. a esmN are h , ezoese of aha .E1rS' r¢elceived were = n Agent fe hereb9 authorized tour¢ 8vt0ri. 1.0 for b1de. the Counotl Nov. 7; 1818.' Adopted byyov., ;7 81 . 1919. Approved N 19) (NoV..16. Ad( 9 __ 19. - MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL coseca 27197 . ■ FILE NO ................................. lltl�t/�fl= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK +yji COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY j l' ." DATE!;,/7A9 ............. _..........._. RESOLVED /hat bid. received for installing house sewer connections on Grand avenue from Oakland Avenue to Milton street be and the same, are hereby rejected, being in excess of the Engineer's estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readvertise this work. F. -B.2067 ii., (foes III. ed That bldg received Yor fn- lstalling .hones sewer 'conne0tlona on 6rand Avenue, Yrom'OaklatI&Avehue to Milton- 8treat. 1be and• the. Same are hereby zeleated, belug Iri a eese'of the p]nglnear 's eatlmate,:, and the Purchs' In Agan I le herepy authorized to read - vett fee ihfa'worlr. Adpted byy the on all Nuvc7, Appr ooved Nov:',7. 1919; Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss --- In favor McColl Powers Against 7 Wunderlich Mr. President S FORM 3.9-19 Adopted by the Coun ' • _ _..:.._:..._ ..__....._ 19 . 19 _........___ _.,/r .__......_.._._... _. MAYOR lee, COUNCIL e 2�1��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........_......_....._!._...._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B�Yp(/���A COMMISSIONED.{.....b .... ....... ........................._..........._..................................._......._............._....... DATE......11/.7./14--__....._.�._....... RESOLVED of" That the bids received for the construction of a sewer on Broadway and on the line of Broadway produced from Fourth Street as laid out on the westerly side of Broadway to the Mississippi River be, and the same are hereby rejected and the plans and specifications shall be returned to the De- partment of Public Works for revision. F.B.2071 Yes l %') Councilmen ! :) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7/ Goss In favor McColl U Powers -Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9'19 Adopted by the Cou d ":'_' .--....... ... .19 Ap ved i / ...-_. _..19_....._ mr.voa COUNCIL � 199 CITY OF ST. PAUL � I Fee NO .......... ._....................... 4 j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' - " COMMISSIONER. .............................................._..:................._.................................................._........... DATE<..11.,L7./_1.8---__.................. RESOLVED That the contract for constructing a�sewer on Hersey avenue from the center of Wycliff street to a point 250 feet north be and the same is hereby awarded to Christ Johnson for the sum of $521.00, he being the lowest responsible bidder. Said work to be done in accordance with the plans, specifi- cations and his bid, hereto attached. Engineer's estimate - $547.00. Charge Per.Inp.Rev.Fund. F.B.2074 Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth ,op Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM I 3.9-19 ' Received e.11 panf�rs in connPq..ion With above Regp� tion. Adopted by the Counei ~ 19 Q- 19 irlJ _ QIS --.. In favor Appro 19. Against j MAYOR COUNCIL 27200 CITY OF ST. PAUL I V FILE NO ...... ............................ FICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ �` •" OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FWm PRESENTED BY `F, CO,"TAISSIONER............. ... �E� t...............__....._..........................................._....................... DATE..11/-7 _l9_.......:........_.......... .....1.... RESOLVED That the contract for constructing a sewer on Agate street from Case street to a point 60 feet south of Jenks street be and the same is hereby awarded to Christ Johnson, being the lowest 'responsible bidder, for the sum of $548.00. Engineer's estimate $662.00. Charge rermanent Improvement Rev€ilving Fund. F.B.2072. Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 It9E��ve� 8.1`]. paper'>g �`h Connection with above Resol tion. Adopted by the Coun ' --° - .-. 19- . In favor APPr v Against _ MAYON ' COUNCIL 27201 CITY OF ST. PAUL I FILE NO..................................... J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONER........k":%./_........:................................................... DATE..7,.j„/7-�1.8.......__...._............. RESOUVED That contract for installing house sewer connections on Gtodrich avenue from Snelling avenue to Hamllbne .venue be, and the s«me is hereby awarded to O'Neil & Preston for the sum of $2646.00, they being the lowest responsible bidders. Said work to be done in accordance with plans, specifications and their bid hereto attached. Engineer's estimate $3510.00 Charge Per,Imp.Rev.Fund. F.B.2069 Yes l ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl T� Powers �•6 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3MR-1R . In favor Against `deceived a7.1 panert; Connection with above Rem tion. r 0 Adopted by the Council 19 Aooro L_ 19.. ..... _ MAYOR COUNCIL 27202 202 CITY OF ST. PAUL. . FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9 N ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t �' DATE...1.�,F-��/.�..�.._.._........._.......... V RESOLVED Thatontract for installing house sewer connections on. Cleveland avenue from University avenue to Marshall avenue be and, the same is hereby awarded to John A. Sandquist for the sum of 41045,00, he being the lowest responsible bidder. Said Mork to be done in accordance with plans, specifications and their bid hereto attached. Engineer's estimate - $1400.00 Charge Per.Imp.Rev.Fund; F.B.2070 yes (x') Councilmen (%') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers V Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 -I a ltbD®lved all pA.nera in tbnnectinn with Wi;ovg gbsolution. fe Adopted by the Co cil I9 I�- roved _._ _ _..19._.....- ..................... _ In favor �\ Against ......... MeroN._ CITY OF ST. PAUL `J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1j UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Vp���tl PRESENTED BY f 'AN 1� ...................._........._ COUNCIL FILE ND..........2 ........................ f M()3 DATE RESOLVED That contract for installing, house sewer coWections on Lincoln averiue from Snelling avenue to bfidge over C.M. & St.P. Tracks be and the same is hereby awarded to O'Neil & Preston for '%he sum of $2058900, they being the lowest re- sponsible bidder. Said work to be done in accordance with plans, specifications and their bid hereto attached. En- t Charge Per.Imp.Rev. un . 4 neer s estimate $2730.00. F.B.#2068 yes ( ) Councilmen (") Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss lvlccon Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 9M9-19 _.. _ In favor Against Ato6lvea all papet b It Connection with above Resol tion. c 19 Adopted by the Cosine' - i iq_......_ 1 File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE T 4 2 ! 204 Petition. and PRELIM NARY O ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folio ung public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade Pros _eot- Aw®nue .from Fu --,eee Avenue ............................................................to Ruth Avenue ........................ ......... .. P . - ai►d-_Ftirnese- Avenue om--Pro- egt.Avenue to, ............... ................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................... . 6th. Nove er; -191 .........................................191......... Datedthis ..........................day of.......,.-...........-.... - .............................................. .... ....: trsli"*r PILDN rns. Councilman. G p' No.; 37204 AbetrdaG WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making e o lowingim ro ement, viz.: Grade Prosect Avenue,..from Furness„Avenue_..to„_Ruth _Avenue ...............and Furn-e.aa...Avenus...Y.rom...Praspeo.t....Av.enua....tn...Autumn...S.treet............................. .................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................. ... .................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve9tigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total codt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ........�...i.......................................................................................................................................... "1'o hate whether or -not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 'rreport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. o��J.. �� j IJu Adopted Y ted b the council. .a • .......191.-...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goa a Approved ............. : ...... :.:............191------ Hyland 91..._..Hyland Keller McCoyWunder wh......................................-. 2y.r Irvin Ma Form C A is (5M 417) // P , Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT * 27205 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the Eollow��i,/public improvement by the City of, St. Paul, viz : _._...Oondemning_._antaki d_ ng.._an.._eas_eme991 in.- the.._land.neaeseesy-: Yor.................... Furness Avenue to Ruth ven and Furness AvQnue from Prospect Avenueto Autumn... treet.......................................................................................................................... ........................................................... 6th. N tuber,.. -.......19. ..................................191......... Datedthis..........................day oE................................ . .... ........ ....... ....... ..... v.. ov9a6 I Councilman, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the in 6g of the following improvement, vaz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ........................... ....................................................... elopes.._for.._cut9..snd...f.1.11.a....In...Srcld ng..Pr.9.4p8.C.t....A4.enue..from........................._ _Furne_sp..,Avenue... to,..Ruth._.Avenue_...and..Furnea.Q.._Avenue.._f rom._Proapeot........_... A4enue...t9....A011>?....Stre.8t.......................................................................................................... .........................:. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....... ... ---- ..--- -----.........""'-"" _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works'be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. w 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for nn the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1nl.°i t ..........191Adopted b the council .....................................::...::......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth _ 'Cle Goaa APP _......... ........ :'.:.'."............. 191_...... Hyland Keller �\ McColl Wunderlich........................................... ................................................ ayor Irvin, Mayor. Form C A 19 (6M 417) PMLtst �J� po Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR MPROVEMIWT 27206 Mr. D. C. Gayton.and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Reoonstruct.relay._and.._repair cement the sidewalk on_west side., Of ..:............... _:............................................................... ............. ....... ........................ ................. Dated thu........7.#kl........day of......UPY.embe, ...........................;, 191 Councilman. i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the Reconstruct. relay and... repair..a.ement.,.the.":bid'�tl ak.._on..west_..s.ide.,.of.................. .............................. R9.Qaiel...Olt ee.t_,beginning...at...S.ixth...Stre.et..,...thence.: sauth...to...alley.,..................... ten_feet...wide....................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............................................_................_....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ............... -- ................. 4.4"Tto whether or not amid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. tory _^ Adopted by the counciL...---...._:." ti..............`.......................191...... Yea$: ays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa"; Approved ..........— .....:.:.::........ 191........ Hyland Keller McCol Wunderlich ...................... ................ 2,or Irvin - eyor. Porn CA 13 (aM 4.17) Council File No........'.'��� PROPOSZRRMENT p Mr. D. C. Gayton. PREER. The undersigned hereby proposes the maks blic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Re—oonstruot, relay and„repaisidewalk, on the South side. ....of Winifrwd Street from Belloence west to Charlton Street_ Dated this.. M;.............day of......bIQ.A.amb.e.r }...1915.. ...................................... 191........, c. et Nu arzo7= Councih an. Abstract. . vohwreas. A'mrltten arotiosal for tLe vn�.c.•n .a.ree,ro WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making'ol :ne follo»r�a'ic :L ement, viz.: Re—eonstruot, relay -__and___ repair_. cement tile sidewalk__on..the...South._side_-_- ............... ..................... o.f.-_Winifred-.-Strest...f.rom.-Bellows Stree.t.,.. Ahence west.. .to Charlton._ Stxeet- esx....tiSet.w1da....................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. s 2. To investigate the nature, extent and setimnted wet of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4,"-To-iurnian ".o.l�;.,� other d__��d.ixfn -•: ) t •, •^ ^;d :•epr^•,.,.,...cam __— h ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... - o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. • To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. n,i _ ;QjQ Adopted by the council ................. ...:...........................__......191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ... .............� '.:!...... ...,5.1 ........191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunder............................................ ................................................... Mayor Irvin ` Mayor. I'18I iSii4 �J Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) '� Mr.D.0.Gayton. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER/ Council File No... --272 V V r. The dersi ed hereby proposes the making of the followin He improvement b the City of St. Paul viz.: Re-oonelruo�,relay and repair,oement ti sidewalks o>� Pierae„Street, w.e.at...aide..beginning...at,...Selb.y....A.yanue.,: ae....eouth...115...f.ee.t.,b.y...Bix...F.e.e�...: ................ ........................ Dated this...........? th..._day of.........._NG.... 191......... Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Tollowai-1nprovemenu viz.: Rpftnetruottreley _cement tile .................... ___.lkson PieraeStre.et..___....__ .. �... west„_side, beginning...at....�e. by....Avonuo..... th.Q.nce...aauth....] .............................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveedgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and citimated wit of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. .3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ................................................................................................................................................................ Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ';. A”! 10101 Adopted by the council. Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Gose Hyland Kellerp � McCoIY Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form CA IS (6M {47) F Council File No ............. P— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Mr.D.C.Gayton. and PRELIMEI AfQ'RY ORDER. {,, t� ( E G Re-Qa�l PQQTi P`eT�y o tTr$ � e>?T�riLIO au r� `�t aL 1hihwiAt Pf�t)A-1one: Water Street,north side,beginning at So h 4labasha_gtreet,thene casst 160 f6A b** eix feet;"Rfoe et'reet';esst s e,from Atwater Street to Lyton Elan"e",eight...fe.at... a;--..Edmund.."Stree. ,south...aida,fxom..Western...Av.enua...to- Virginia, six feat w Edmund a eet,south side,beginning at Virginia Street;"tbeenee-east-108-" -"by-- -f"eet; Smith--Avenue-;east`` si"de"rb"eginning at Fifth Street{thenoe" nort " _ _deet by.._ei_ght fest wide.. ............................... Dated this......7.th.......... day of..Move er-,...191 .......................... 191......... ......... . .... ........ .................. ... AbetraaL pCouncilman.m yVbareo[ the folowing 1mDrov m6nL� WH�R EAS, pp writ roposa for the eking of the f llo ' improv ant, v Re-conetruet,rekra§ an�. reps r aemen� �)�le ei�ewalke at following locations: 1Pater.._Stra.a.ta gxth....olde..b.eginni.ng....&t....Sou.i.}a...Wabaeba_.S.tr.e.at.,.tkaena.e....east....160 feet,by six feet; Rioe Stree.t,west side,from Atwater Street to Lyton Place, eight """"feet ""w#fief Edmund-Stree"tysouth aide ifrom Western Avenue to Virginia, six feet wide; Edmund Street,south side,beginning at Virginia Street,thence ea:et" "102 ""feet""Troin eix feet;" SmitihAvenue,east side beginning i "Fifth S_t north _.6.O...f set... by....eight ...feet ....wide ...... ................. .................._......_......__................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1.. To inveeigate the necessity for or desirability of the malting of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e/timated colt of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. t7ftirt�ffitf1711'Teent................................. .... ..................... ......................................... .. rbtate wbe- her or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r�: js!s _.:....:191........ Adopted by the council ..........:......................... ............ _ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved.._.......—`....�..I5191......_ n .......................... Hyland Ker Keller (J McColl Wunderlich.......... ..... ............... .:..................... ......... ............:................. Mayor Irvin Mayor. Form c A Is (am 4417) CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION ORM FILE CIL No..• 2,7210• Farm A A 4f,t X 7 -Ta ,1292" BY..._........_..._....._..._...................._............ NOi pp 191........ Y ' 1[TROLLER AUDITED il. a! ` ..... sYt .! PER...... :... ...... TITLE Resolved that warr nts be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in t e following detailed statement: � Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays _ ._ .Adopted by until _..___... ....._..._ ............._..............__.._.191........_.. Clancy ! C F. No. 27f19 — AbstracK t Farnsworth Resolved, that warrants be dr an proved. _ `'� __ upon tha.Clty Treasury psyyabl0 flout A roved 19 . Goss oL the herelnattet apecrl}ed lu}tde and r in favor, oL.We persona ,arms or cox•' potations tok'the amounts Bet op�ositq. Kellet thele respectiva names. as sped ed In ._.. ..._. .. ... ._.._ ......_ ..._... _...._ the tollowlna detalledstatambnt: MAYOR McColl American., linen supply, Company,' 634.36. 'T. 14 Blood 0 COmpaTIC 140.37." .- Wunderlich Board >ot, Wster Commleaioneis,! 88 Mr. President, Hodgson E32H. c. Boy asoa Company 1373: _ d.�. comnanv. f23�1Fi. .. 15233 America C. H. & C. H. 15234 T. L. Blood & Company, C. H. & C. H. 15235 Board of Water CoTmnissioners,. C. H. & C. H. 15236 H. C. Boyeson Company, C. H. & C. H. 15237 Dafly Hardware Company, C. H. & C. H. 15238 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, C. H. & C. H. 1.5239 Chester W. Gaskell, C. H. & C. H. 15240 John Hahn, C. H. & C. H. 15241 J. W. Hulme Company, C. H. & C. H. 15242 J. T. Kerny & Company, C. H. & C. H. 15243 Melady Paper Company, C. H. & C. H. i 34.25 40.67 32.85 8.75 23.15 12.50 28.75 5.13 9.00 15.00 Res.. 1292 Page #2 r 15244 N. W. Electric Equipment Company,) �✓. C. H. & C. H. 15245 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 2- C. H. & C. H. \ ;5246 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, A, C. H. & C. H. 15247 Prendergast Brothers, C. H. & C. H. 15248 St.Paul Gas Light Company, C.1I.&C. H. 15249 Twin City Iron & Wire Company, C. H. & C. H. 15250 U. S. Rubber Company, C. H. & C. H. 15251 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, C. H. & C. H. 15252 Wallblom Furniture & Carpet Company, C. H. & C. H. 15253 Western Union Telegraph Company, C. H. & C. H. B. Whitacre & VCompany, 15254 R. C. H. & C. H. 15255 William Yungbauer, C. H. & C. H. 'lbtal 789.14 103.13 43.13 8.58 11.18 238.12 8.80 35.97 25.46 71.25 7.50 5.69 5.50 CITY AF ST PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAS=RESOLUTION FORM F LEO17 IMNo•...27,2 mAA46.2117-11a - 1293 _ By...: ------------------ -797,,,----- C'/! ER%�E C TY iP'rROI.LER AUDITED N..1!.8...... - X .------ P......... .. ... .....: ......... a ... .. -...- - TITLE at. Resolved warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V) Councilmen ( V Nays-8�}n Adopted by the F r ; b:J Clancy k� 7G' N7 ,yL"b�ea- r Farnsworth is 3 pn°t ety tiauR rov......._ .... ._ ._ ........ _ Goss ta° peeetaaf c b c $ ;patle and 4a 13arosr-oTt Iagrmk o 0al[EPAxfi° eir: none fuc a9. toa rnbDeFttYata �jaB _. _ .... _.__...._..._.._.. _ .�� Keller f 1 MAYOR O�+'?4.�a4akek �t�a��yla rz t 's Wunderlich R ",7e'gar.r 4AUs r. firm's -T. mr4 93830ri Mr. President, Hodgson-� or t G ,Js Q.k �agg & x s4i 8i a r alt ;dfi i ! b7i� p a�ve�be�A�M1' xssshsd =�.t �� .`� y4•"gf�"c't�FF,ipt�P�tna��{�umv�4}"�. s � t AGO We b F� ll"'N'Uv x1W 3 ` , 15256 0. P. Anacker, 12.00 Workhouse 15257 Geo. C. Binder Company, 3,60 Water 15258 C. A. Bloomquist, City Treasurer .11.00 Water 15259 Anna T. Corcoran, 6.40 Schools 15260 Otto Edstrom, .Agent" 50.00 Playgrounds 15261 Great Lakes Coal& Dock Company, 1,861.81 St. C. & Repr. 670;25 Schools 1;35 n 1 ' 19�_ 15262 Dr. Alfred Hoff, 10.00 Corp. Counsel 15263 Frank 0. Huebener, 262.20 Schools 261:50 Water 15264 A. F. Morton, Supt., 104.39 Auditorium i o S CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No . 27; FILE 4y L Farm A A 46,2 117-18 1294Cl l •• TROLLER- AUDITED ROLLER AUDITED ..��f_ Y. .................... 197........ ER TITLE ✓f"{\ S r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statemept Yeas ( V ).Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by th uncil _191 Clancy Farnsworth C ' i48 27i2= t 7 ' r x+ pproved........ ._ ....... �Atn#raot �1 ,"' `�wastatfe �drsw�s — .Goss8g481ved 3thh tsz-yabie'iSnto • By6��dT � 8 11h anfl #h� _ th43]tQzeihC'is9s} a4ae 'L'OzDO __....... Keller Y., otst1 lthv oilttb. the r ___. _ , ._—.._ . _ __ ..._...._ ._� � .__ tt r t tp� =Sa B.toadv�0 mt atnrox res Bdttrid yliTs =Axt a Wunderlich$orapeb a esgat2gfi6 Mr. President, Hodgson pprveIvog**C fY f ff a 15270 Fielding & Shepley, 2,129.65 Paving E. 6th and Areade TV - Total Total 2,129.65 z Resolved persons for a license to conduct That the application of the following p indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at C. F, No 27218 `8y 8enryy McCoh ,I R6,olyed That theat pllcatlon the P A U L of following neraona for a Ilcense to con• avct hotels or reataur... GENERAL FORM t t ahe loca Ir tiona_reapectivety tndlcated'ba and tti• • same are, hereby; granted 8nd the. C Clerk la auphoslzett and directed - 1=1. - -- _ ' Subje(R: - -- - nue such. Il tC> it. said Dereonfi n the UN IL No payment of tha, fee pa rep, - law. .. ,.. "LE ....._..-�.----- . W.: A.f3ilbart,ReztautaPA'i.8> .......... ................_..... _.... =74 nrlek X:berg Iieethui 1 HSL JhNll@s, Restaurant;-tf' NO �.._7.,.. 4AA I Ave.. Date Presented _..... .._..191_9 Resolved persons for a license to conduct That the application of the following p indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively ie and directed to same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk authorized ofired issue such licenses to said persons upon the payor ent by lave. \NAME OF APPLICANT HOTEL OR RESTAURANT`.' LOCATION;' V. H. Gilbert, Restaurant, 8 E. 5th St., 104 E. S { Erick M. Ekbergh, Restaurant, Restaurant, .th 0 894 Payne Ave., B. J'. Niles, Mrs. E, J. Bailey, Restaurant, 3089 Carter Ave., 117 7th, Frank Thompson, Restaurant, Restaurant, 173 Concord, C B. Lehmann, .; •ekwnee-�F, Smith3o.N- a.^� Restaurant, 389 Robert, 110 Endicott Bldg., J'. H. Tyrell, Matean & Gianaris, Restaurant', Restaurant, 163 E. 3rd, 880 E. 7th, Adam Lang, s. ]�. M.Canon, Restaurant, savoy Hotel, 500 St` Peter, 360 E.'6th, -7 ifamlgian, Mrs', Anna Quinn, Denmark Hotel, Aldine Hotel, 136 N. 6th, 381 Michigan Ste, ey Mirovsky, Mrs. F. A. Greta, Restaurant, Boardinghouse, 51 Jefferson Ave., Peter St., 499 Peter Louis Spelios, Felix Maroellino, Restaurants Restaurant, 449 rE. . 5th 9t., Hugh McMahon, Florence Hotel, Restaurant, 88 E. 147 W, 3rd St., A. gras, Mrs`, Vintale Andreotti, Restaurant, 327 E, 6th St., 242 W. 4th St., Roger T. Maxson, Restaurant, W. C'. Kregel, as Oapita4 Drug 06.1 Restaurant, 481 Rios St., 1575 Grand Ave., Louie Weidl, John Tuttee, Restaurant, Restaurant, 189 R, 8th, 516 Jackson St., Frank Skweres, Peter Pierre, Restaurant, Restaurant, 949 E'. 7th St„ Yeas ( OCouncilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the CouncilA v� "'��') ISE. 191..... Clancy Farnsworth Goss_+ In favor"- Keller U APprov ._---......_ Ir..:...-_..._ �. - .._._..191.. . McColl ..._.—Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6.19 Por -A A<6.SN 1-16 D F Ho E11 1v . R 0edc CITY OF ST. PAUL f ` g. the Cl', VVV tee ° re at, OF THE COMPTROLLER tallea COUNCIL 2-7214. �r b 9 ao apn,- IMS=RE90LUTION FORM FtL� No........... ,.74nen,-�. L ............ 191lay......__....................dITY ..........GJAt .... P.T.....ROLLE._ L-E.K....... AUDIT D ................ 1295 PER ........................ .. ._..._..............-._...._ TITLF. Resol ed Iat warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ! ;rc Yeas( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays �. Adopted by the Council. ___._... .... :........ :._ .............................. Clancy Farnsworth ..______..In favor proved..... _ ._..:.:..... ...........191 ..— Goss Keller Against MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. president, Hodgson - 15271 Addressograph Company Water 15272 American Linen Supply Company Armory 6.50 2.35 Police 3.40 Fire 2.80 Mun. Gar. Revol. 1 . 0 15273 American Multigraph Sales Company Library 15274 American Rail y Express Company Schools 9.34 Library .46 " .30 " .47 fl 3.87 n .72 Paving Depr. 8.24 n If .48 15275 G. V. Anderson Library 15276 Architectural Book Pub. Company Library 15277 Architectural Service Corporation Public Bldgs. 3.5278 Barrett Battery Company Fire 4.69 -18.80 . 1.45 . 26.27 4.18 16.50 1.00 2.25 Res. #1295. Page #2 ✓ w � 15279 J. A. Bayne & C. A. Ahl �1. 300 Water Y 15280 C. A. Bloomquist, City Treas. 90.00 Schools w 15281 H. C. Boyeson & Company 93.40 City Clerk 10.00 Comptroller 12.00 Bureau of Engrs. 22.50 Schools 4.50 N .90 7.50 4.50 a 1. 0 9• 15282 Brandtjen Motor Car Company + 23.76 Fire 15283 Brioschi Minuti Company 1.80 Schools 15284 Burns Lumber Company 45.91 Parks 15285 Burroughs Adding Machine Company 6.95 Bureau of Engrs. 5.20 Water 1.7 .�j 15286 Capital Envelope Company 9.20 Civil Service 15287 P. P. Caproni & Brother 18.00 Schools 15288 J. W. Cassin & Company 56.25 Purch. Deptt. 12.50 Prtd. Forms & Blanks 21.25 Fire 9.50 Schools 1 .00 .2 15289 Central Garage, Inc. 4.53 Fire 15290 Central Scientific Company 114.26 117.16 Central H.S.Libre Hum. H.S.Libr. 2.90 15291 Ohicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul By. 3a8 24.28 Sprinkling 3.58 Library Water 8:76 24M 15292 Chicago, St. Paul,Mpls.& Omaha Ry. 50.00 St. C. & Repro 15293 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company 15.00 Fire 15294 Clemems Implement Company 5.00 Parks 15295 Clymer & Huelater 14'00 Health - Adm. r Res- 4295 Page #3- 15296 Corrugated Bar Company 33.15 Tire 15297 Crane & Ordway Company 121.25 Schools 15298 Daytonts Bluff Printing Company 19.50 Civil Service 15299 Dennison Mfg.`Company 64.00. - Schools 15300 East Side Grocery Company 27.93. Schools 15301 Electrical World 5.00 Lighting 15302 Electric Blue Print Company 77.32 Fire 4.70 Bureau of Engrs. 20.25 « « 21. 6o P. Bldgs. 15.96 Water 11.71 « 4.60 • 2 15303 Elk Linen Supply Company 86.75 Police 19.90 Pol. & F. Alm. 2.09 P. Baths 18.74 a 3.40 P. Comfort Sta. 26.00 P]Wgrounde 4.70 Water 1.12 « 5. 3 « « . 1 4.46 15304 A. D. Ellsworth 20.42 Schools 15305 Essanell Electric Company 59.92 Fire 39.E a le 0 Mun. Gar. Revol. 186 9.9 15306 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 66.50 232*54 Election Qua0antine .96 Bu3Vau of Engrs. 4.75 a a 4.35 St. C. & Repr. 11.69 S. & S. Cing. 2.85 Bdg• B. & Repro 20.38 Schools 9.66 « 3.19 a 4.00 a 52.48 Parks 4.40 P. Bldgs. R vl• 10.56 Ligh ting a 4.32 Paving Depr. 3.50 Pay. Alley Blk.4 St.Paul Proper 28. 2 4 - 4, #1295 Page #4. V `� -Res. 15307 -: Vr We ..Faxon, -Company tit Library - 153o8 T. Finn Schools _ 15309 Fire & Water Engineering '* Water 15310 The Fleischmann Company Workhouse 15311 Flour State Bailing Ckosmpany ar 15312 J. D. Forbes, Sales Agent Schools 15313 Gaylord Brothers Library 15314 Gleason Piano Company Schools 15315 Great Northern Railway Company Sprinkling 15316 Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company Water 15317 Hackney Investment Company Paving Depr. 15318 Ha.ndlon & Company Workhouse 15319 Wm.Harris & Company Bridge B. & Repr. 15320 John D. Higgins Company Library 15321 Henry Holt & Company Johnson H.S.Library 15322 Howard, Farwkll Company Schools 9.75 Playgrounds 12.50 15323 R. W. Hruby Schools 15324 Illuminating Engineering Sooi6ty Lighting 15325 International Harvester Company Parks 15326 W. H. jEane Schools 15327 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company Police 18.75 Water 22e20 40. 95 w, 81.05; r 64.00 3.00 6.00 3-36 6.84 3.67 a 3000 6.00 1206 40.00 60,30 33.70 3.00 114.69 . 22.25 20.23 5.00 5.85 40.11 40.95 K Page' #5 . . . ... . 1 ... .. I U 15328 Kenny Boiler Works 0% 137.75 Fire 1.50 Sewex, C. & R. 96..00 Water 40.25 137.75 '329 Keystone Lubricating Company 3.50 School 330 The Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co., 6000 Corpi Cqunsel 331 Liberty Printing Co., 58.75 Civil Service 0 4.50 Dairy 9.75 Health 30.00 Water 14.50 58.75 332 Library Bureau 98.17 School 12,00 Hum. H. So Lib. 9,85 69,35 7.17 1-7 333 Library of Congress 65.02 Central H. S. Ilib. 1.77 Library 63.25 65.02 334 Linde Air Products Co., 4.65 Mun. Garage Rev. 335 Lindeke Warner & Co. 20000 School 336 A. C. McClurg & Coos 447.11 Library 337- Manual Arts Press 9.60 Library 338 F. A.Marko 33.00 Fire 29�. 00 Water 4.00 33:00 339 H. C. Marsh Co., 15.00 School 340 Miller & Holmes 15,00 Workhouse 341 Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie 107010 Water 342 tach Auto Company 14.80' S. & So Clng. 343 National Association of Employment Managers 2.00 Library 344- National Bank of Commerce, Assignee J L. Schwab Co. 76.44 School 345 National Civil Service Reform League 1000 Library m not 1895 Page #8 ` G 18348 Rational Gas Oevernao Company, V Workhouse U IBM wationai Laundry aamlpazw', police 18548 Rational rood Renovating GOItPany, &ols 18349 Northern Coal & Dock COMPU7, ewer C, & Repro 12?a83 Pater 9E 9.96 t 18580 No w, Copper 6 Brass corks, Fire 10.80 PO Bldgs. Reel. 10040 Prater 2 15"1 36 H. Olen Companyy,Fire .87 mania, Garr Real• 4045' 27,65 a n n late? 9 90Mw 16652 Oriental L*und COMPKIWo '= 16356 mt P6 Patterson Dental Supply* Schools ,F 152554 lit Pelts & Son, Part* Certs,+� �,� n 9000 Bureau of angles 48000 Sprinkling 2,25 Forestry Revit 18000 eater 115355 At hi. Peterson $ AMOly c. 18368 Posner Plant mngineering, eater 18367 Public School Pub* Company. Schools 15368 Red ging Union Stoneware Company, Schools 15359 Reed motor Supply� Comtpany, Five 18360 Reliance Dwo n & WIre works, eater GmPw 152501 Remington TypewriterClawtWo r 1696 ''8ohools 1605 16610 rater 1125 1*50 3oGO 80.00 99701,8 24.:6 81094 MAI COO 170.35 4310 1025 40,35 123.50 185*00 19,88 Res. 1295 Page #7 15362 Review Publishing (�ompany, � V- 80.50 Official Pub. 15363 Rochester Germicide Company, 9.25 Schools - 15364 Otto W. Robldnd, 17.19` Schools 1 15365 St.Paul Blue Print Oompany, 1.05 Great Northern Schools 15366 St.Paul Cement Works, 27.00 Schools 15367 St.Paul Electric Company, - - 157,96 Schools 126.64 Mech. Arts H.S.Libr. 3332. 15368 St.Paul Electro Plating Works, ry 31.01 Fire 15369 St.Paul Foundry, 162.98 Parks' 20.00 C.H.S. Bldg.(Bond) 120;00 6 Paving Depr. 22.98 15370 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 939.47 Armory 51.26 Police 173-95 Fire 116:47" Pol. & F. Alarm 22;65 Health 16.42 Comfort Station ;43 Garage 47:57 St; C; & R. 380:00 Museum seum 1500 Water 1115.72 15371 St.Paul Glass Company, 22.49 Armory 8.49 Garage 14.'00 15372 St.Paul Letter Company, 2.25 Mayor's Officek 15373 St.Paul Machine Wcmks, 36.38 Fire 21.25 Water 2:75 " 12:38' 15374 St.Paul Motor Car Company, 31.59 Fire :42 Garage `, 31:17 -3%59 15375 St.Paul Roofing & Cornice Company, 24.75 Water 15376 St.Paul Stove Repair, 3.50 Water U Res. 1295 Page #8 15377 St.Paul Fielding Company, Garage it Sprinkling . Schools Lighting itIt 15378 St.Paul White Company, Fire n Garage it It n n 15379 St.Paul White Lead & Oil Company, Bridge B. & R. 15380 Jacob Schmidt Company, P. Bathe 15381 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, Armory Fire Health u P. Baths u. tr Parks Water if 15382 The School Arts Magazino, School 15383 C. W. Schulz, School 15386 Schuneman & Evans, Civil Service Quarantine n Schools Library Parks 15385 Sherwood Company, Library 15386 Singer Sewing Machine Company, Schools 15387 C. J. Smith & Company, Garage Test. Labs. 7.00 8.00 1.00 .50 12100 3:50 1505 1:68 .55 ;78 4164 9.07 1:52 3:52 8.16 68:00 17.00 9"0 1:10 1'00 2.15 3:20 2:00 17:10 2:40 192.65 165:25 205.42 7:50 1.40 1:40 6026_ .83 3.24 1.00 4.00 4.56 4.40 19—.03- 19.12 1.25 2a.� 8.10 85.00 1 002.6'7 1.00 23.74 18.03 139.82 3.00 20.37 Res. 1295 Page #9 ^ c o' 19.75 ' 15388 L. C. Smith & Brothers, 11 5 Com'r. of Finance 10+ Police 18�� J 15389 R. C. Smith auto Uompany, 14.25 Garage ' 15390 G. Sommers & OGa 16.00 28.66 Gararagege Schools .93 4 4.98 ' Playgrounds p Water 5.75 15391 A. G. Spalding & Brother, 3,82 Playgrounds 15392 G. E. Stechert Company, 8.67 Library 15393 Studebaker Corp. of America, 31.69 S. & S. Cing. 15394 Superior Printing Company, 109.50 Schools 15395 Swift & Company,177.65 19.50 Workhouse u .' 24.40 n 128.75 Water 5.00 T77-75 33.63 15396 Teachers College, Schools 67.70 15397 Tire Service Comic ny, Fire 15398 Company, Waldorf BinderLibrary� 118000 96.00 15399 A. J. Wampler, Fire 15400 Western Electric Co&paany 13:28 olF. Alarm 9.90 Water 3.38 15401 West Publishing Comparw,� 6.00 Corp. Counsel 1.21.-. 15402 The Womans' Press, Library 15463 World Book Company, 432.00 Schools Total $ 7,813.37 COUNCIL „[..twt� CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE NO............ Fwf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - - COMMISSIONER.......:............................... ..._........... .......... .._....._........ ........................... ........- ............ ..... ...... DATE.._1304_..._lOth...,1s RESOLVED That the Commissioner Of Education, Cr-*mlissioner of Parks, Playgrounds, & Public Bldgs., Sup4rintendent 0£ Schools, and City.Architeet, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make a trip of inspection to the northern part of Minnesota for the purpose of examining school buildings and obtaining data as to modern school o house construction, and, ,� qK That the sum Of ull_ J Dollars, or so much thereo as may be necessary, is hereby d1r-ected to be paid out of Public School Funds, Sundry Expense Item, 41.7? to cover the expenses of the said trip. Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 1VkCo11 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FOP 3M9 9 Adopted by the Council "` ' =' 19 -- - In favor Appr Against _. MAYOR PRESENTED' BY COMMISSIONER ............................................ COUNCIL s �� p_�J CITY OF ST. PAUL rue NO ................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM: DATE._l.]✓.1.0/.1.V_._ _ _...:......... RESOLVED That the 'Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Neaps to the amount of $$161.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge DepartmeA of Education- N. A. H. S. Library Account. P 9 Yes (') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss o 1 Power Powers Wunderlich FORM --9 NIr. President o .., �Il Icic Adopted by the Council -- --- 1919 - -. - In favor Approve Against MAYOR COUNCIL / CITY OF ST. PAUL /'"y FILE NO....................... :7o-�-�-e�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY�,` Nov. 10th 1919. .........._A............_...... _. .. _.—... ................. ....... DATE. COMMISSIONER........ ! .. .. . RESOLVED In the matter of the construction of a sewer on Broadway, and on the line of Broadway produced, from Fourth Street as laid out on the westerly side of Broadway t,o the Mississippi River, under Preliminary Order (17144, approved June 21st, 1917, end Final Order #21525, approved September 6th, 1918, RESOLVED, That the amended plans, specifications and estimated quantities s13fitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the abFve named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. t Bry'adwd.6d dfrobi Fourth'. away -Produced, a i:he Westeprlpy laid. out on, >10 e SrO8aWay 'to th0 0 fl9t'NU . t o -4 'ndor'Prell pproved Juneo 21- 31st 1917 and,, No.. E1636 o.DDroved bep , 1 49 rder dh ghst. the. amended?. Plann,', � � Y "N •. lone andeetlamted.quantfttes: of Pub-. 1 by tha Cgmmisetoner. e fPr Ith'e, above named Im- t be and the same are :hereby, fy4 J'/t d by the C.ounefl Nov.10, 1939.,1 ed Nov. sup Yes I 1 Councilmen 1 I Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss o 1VIcCo11 Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9 In favor Against Adopted by the OSCAR CLAUSSCN, C11— .'t RI[nwon UPT, [nf REO JACKSON, SUnTVc M. W. GOETIIHGCR, 9u11IOR n. ORYTBAK•CRO..[..... c. N. NeRROLo, onm[ e,..w[[n Ging of St. Haul ftwomtnt of Pubiiir Worhe M M. N. GOSS, POMI.IISSIONER Ili R. T. OOURL f -Y. DEPUTY November 10th, 1919. TO THE COUNCIL; III In accordance with Section 349a of City Charter, I transmit herewith Amended plans and specifications for the construction of a sewer on Broadway, and on the line of Broadway produced, from Fourth Street as laid out on the westerly side of Broadway to the dississippi River, together with proper form of resolution. Yours truly, b, / Commisa on of Public VI s. L-.70%.2,112.1,7 — of the construction of a ^ sewer. on Broadway,';and on the line 1 Broadway produced, from Fourth 9lost ae laid out on the Westerly ►►►VVV((( V side of Broadway -to the Miseleefppyyi River, under Prellmin ry Order No. 17144 approved June 21st, 1917, Rod Final Order No. 21626 approvedSep- 'y tember:6th 1918. Resolved That ,,the amended plans, epeci6cattone and sellmated 'quantities Submitted by the Commleeloner of Pub - Ile Works for the 'above named, lm provement be and the Sante are hereby' ..F,anwtswn Farm A A 46, t N 7-I8 0177' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL O1L No......•;2•• `I V- 191 _ ......... ... . G—Ti � L C )\1 TRS LER 1 AUDITED............ ...............................191.. tf ..... iV F W 1297.�................................. TITLE -J Resolved that be warrants upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons,,firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement.. Yeas ( V ) Councilmen Adopted by the C c r f C F No.', 3721 Abstract. pResolved ,t Rttesav Da9ible:.oue ot�i oved - Farnsworth u on the'CliF: avot•. reinhetPeteone�Hnaiisvor cerCorea Goss ;Rvo tort ..mounts set oDDosite thetr "� ,e t ecttve nalnea -as aDaclOed ; ttt LLe. ... ....... ...._ .. ... _... Keller U owtnrc detaAed statement. MAYOR Brooks Broe. =Lnmbsr Ca . 5389 61 McColl Fred, -R. CuRR4197 fio SYunde Iiehpsiooker, S6 oU Repub}iC CYeoeottnl� Dla '3Conrt: N„"(i� itobineon. Mr. President, HodgsonS3os.fio. � Adopted §F the Cauacil Nov 12 1919. '. .ADDroved oy 13.^1919. (pIoV 16 1919); •. � 15410 Brooke Bros. --Lumber Co.239.51 4 Street C. & R. } 47.04 S rinkling 39.20 Total 1,538.82 Pray. Depr. 6* 27 Pay. Como Ave. Rice 147,00 to Bridge 23 9-81 411 Fred R. Curtis 197.50 Street C. & R. 117,52 Pay. Como L-1000 58.14 n 1-688 40-- 197 5.00 412 WM. H. DeJonker Civil Services 413 Republic Creototing Co., 888.21 Street C. & R. 414 N. C. Robinson Clk. Die: Court I 32.70 208.50 Misc. Unf. P. I. R. F.«Court Costs 5 8 208,50 Total 1,538.82 Farm A A 46, f X 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL � OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER • "" m CoU\CIL' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Nu........._ ........ .............. 1298 _ (t ( IT I' 111'T OLLER 11 AUDITED .....1YCv.....:. ------.'..........191...... _.� R......... ... .. .......................................... �yI TITLF Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the —persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in t ollowing detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen ( J 1 Adopted by the o 1 ..`.:.:. _. _._. ........191 ......... FaAbstrad rnsworth the hereiCR iter r a Beaute be dr'pwn' -...191 ... . Y i Resolved That.warr funds j out in d Surds aad In favor of the persona, firmsspoor corpoil.-: (loss rearpetlyw i Tame nae 'aDeorce; tint tbe'. .. .. .._ .. . B- ...... .. _ ifollo wing detailed state e t .; ------ - ----- - �Kellei Board Of, Control 116.10.1i! 9 ..I,1YOn Brooks Brothers A7on1D�9.. McColl x2 318 67 AdOpt6&t1y the'CouKcit Nov 1l ;Sill.`. Wunderlich ayyrovea3roo liali9ii) Mr. President, Hodgson y ' 16,009.89 15415 Board of control, of Control 15416 Brooks boothers Llu~.heComr PanYr 2,318.57 Nater Total 18,328.46 s i CITI' OF ST. P UL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 2 AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE Ferro A A 46.2 N 7-18 1299 ` '— N0V 12 1919 LEx AUDITED ............. '\ J d E ..._... ....... ... ...... _.._.. ...TITL._..E Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations. for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in ollowing detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) rNays Adopted by th nciL_......__:__......__:..............._......_..........191......_.... 191 . Abahaet. = I roved ..._ ..._.. ..._... Resolved Yhat warra¢ts be drawn, I - Farnsworth upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of i S - Goss the herotnnft@r apecived 1. ul pnd in favor of, the pAtacne, :firms cr corpora 'j ticns;fortbe amount set oDDoeltetbelr - ""'"-"' �1AYOR Keller /� res ecttve;`, names as'. specived , 1p t v fol owing detatled� etatarn McColl Geo GlaAt Construction Company.: f4s ala s4:�: Wunderlich Adoptsa`bY the covneu Nov, ias 1a1s. y -Approved Nov 12.1919 } 1, (Nov 161181e) 1 Mr. President, Hodgson Construction Company, 44,012.94 15417 Geo. J. Grant water that water mains be laid in the following streets; Third street from Gotzian street to Johnson Parkway, Jefferson Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Farnsworth Goss Keller 0 J McColl ydl Mr. President, Hodgson I Or AOs4 0, 7��1--By InT" ollorvlaha, wnternk y power :I JohJejnson Prn tgPro Ota: mnias ba "I di ori C' t OnuA Yrozfnn �treep.t d� App ° edld bNove °uucll'm CInVInnd fNoV,.11611928) 'V-12, 191 D. 8 s Adopted by the C cl ___...... A ro `. _..... _:. _. 191..... ..............In favor / Against r✓ .......,. MAYOR November a¢ 16, To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at the meeting held this date, adopted thecfollowing resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; ,, Third street from Gotzian street to Johnson Parkway, Jefferson Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave." Yours truly, Encl. Secretary. peparhmvnhvf VUb11VVh 11hIF5 1?1u reav v f \a her BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS S. A FAR WORTH FRANK L. POWERS, PRESIDENT N.GosS JOHN W. KELSEY, GENL SUPT. November a¢ 16, To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at the meeting held this date, adopted thecfollowing resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; ,, Third street from Gotzian street to Johnson Parkway, Jefferson Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave." Yours truly, Encl. Secretary. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME. OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. . 1 In the matter of . C 9 ; 1�=;.:.;.,:; :. L' .. ,....-_1. L:iC.. 4_7c....aC.C. _:.:.:.'.^ j* 1ncL _ o_ to-�„__o.,.....4��..................._._ _--...:..----- ��__,:...._.._.-..,.. .-..�._..,_., .,-•-- -- --an -,TT .. , .o.:.. 1,.,..ila'Y.S u...: >^..C.:�... ..°:Z 1...: aLrcO= d..atis#...pf ase.lor ::ve.u .. ........................... under Preliminary Order .-....210:'.1........... approved �:a='....' .5.�.:.1J1 �, Intermediary Order2:c,2-15_........, approved !TING �a n��r,•. T[Rta• os°Re uuxtiIlv, coxID.,, TION PRUORRLnVGa: The Commissioner of Finance having submitieZeaim mta° �b-the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of a said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ------------- O.t1a.................... day of ............. Du-QihlbeP-------------191..._9., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............. :.....:... ::..._.:_: Approved........ ......................... - 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilma'n Goss Councilman Kesler_._ _ _��. Councilman McColl Mayor2vyjm� ro_.draon REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of C Q 4 .: 0 ^"t1;7Cl.Ct1.C'_1C'. 1SCC� .A'_�IILiS.. C:.'G.C.i. .1.�'.i--:aL. e i ,,,, _...-w , a r� .ro. ---- .... ----- --- ----- -- --- .._............-- - ..._................ - - under Preliminary Order.41 91...........-...japproved--_"Intermediary Order.-_. .2.7: z......., approved...,_Q_pt...... � TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 27223 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. fa �a. ..1•n ary ..... ............ .......c.... In the matter of :.s V, '0_1.ell- .to ................ ..................................................................... ........................ ... ..................................................................................................... . O ................... ......................................................................................... ­­ ........................................................... ................... ................... under Preliminary Order.........nrapproved Intermediary Order :ag.5108 A_� approved A ....... 1C i1s]3:01ME GIrk- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his fo ove matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the-. -Ah ....................day of Djajaa,..1u_cl? ------ _._------191..9...at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is ber6y directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ................... .......... .............. Approver-- ............. ........ .. ' ---_----_------ -- 191 -Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman &r1WP Councilman McColl Mayor liaat-,: 1,odrso-,- PUBLISHED _EZ/�/ REPORT_ OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS _ r 1. 'f.' ilk ..... ..._� In the matter of >c :- .. 1s a 11 tl]_.tai.:'�i..0 --------------------------------------------- .............. ....... .................. -.... ....----.._..._...............------- -"----"" under Preliminary Order.._....: -6-=22.3.._.---, approved.<.-. :•......-.-.�.:..--_ ...., Intermediary Order---:..:.: �.vo.........., approved...SC. ).7 ......� :.�....!-.' 1.., - TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. e ------------------- ----........................ --... Commissioner of Finance. ' - , �4 :� �• N oIo iia �.-d'.i_ RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIMI; OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. t In the matter ofos..ary '=Lp - .. Lbrl :J ion o cc._ 16 `�...c 'moo: o " lla.. i Or O c:z under Preliminary Order ------------approved , X,,,7..._2,1',, 1`Q_...., Intermediary order...._2ja6LIa..., l - n sUI17TLON `oF:COIINCYI approved....8Ep1......lU 3M Ir4rNGl-E ASfiE89MENT AN7 ;.,,,, OS' n®A81RQ•IN loN' PHOOEEIIINOB. ...,.. No 27324 " - . ofnt na Fi The Commissioner of nance having submitted his,-rept;--'-'7, is,rept amabove matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.' Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......... . a;.h.......................day , of ....-_Daap ab.1r1'.................. 191...`3..-, at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council........... ............ ...... ............................ Approvea------------------------- ................. 191........ Councilman F=sworth Councilman Goss ?'oF1ers Councilman McColl--k,d gone i Mayor l ifi TjTr, s Olri city 3layor. P,3,TBLdSI�L?_,� /Lt re -lit 43 -1-7- A6�je;,- 1ya (f J l� .:e ,fi'Y�a-� r3 t�% ., r r 9>-'• . � � ,ice /..:<-; _,�l�:fcL_l_L:�-1 .-^i-- -t'=—t-- /f f d L LL --- r l .: 7 r u -i 9 / 9 r%v REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of....._'K.S?i.?ci�.i:ii]:'_o.laa,.. ;2e.cP-ss3l'� r <.i �+ ., i' al=c _-' n4�'••f.�.._ 1 lil .¢ pion �.n�_.....,. ,,c , i i->..._.._..�,.-�. ._:^tee- --•-- - r q 7U OC 1., .'-G..T......, O1-iQ ,,ll }._„- ��lli.aC:1'.7..-.:�i1'.B.G.i....:GA...:'u^..t.Cil_S3..c.G.i........ under Preliminary Order........ 23iC25........, approved- ll,:;. -..2i- 101.9 Intermediary Order... ............ r ir approved— ..;' .1:?.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Phe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 9 : d 279.),_1 , COUNCIL FILE NO - dn �F . _-. CITY OF, ST. PAUL Resolution of Council kppro'ving Assessment. I In the matter of the assessment of Uo iefi - CO:^,',. __ . � ._. .. ., for Coils tl'UCt... �', l �- _ ?Cl 'C Tai. __l,` Co".L lv ,�-_�l C'.=l' S, .S' .. _.O. timer ;oz�tract i-oi= 'cason of 1_01'2. F.. O. 21528 Levee St., north side,, from Shc.:;an St. to Chestnut es t. to F O: 21771.E ?East Fourth`'St. beginning at CoLtilercial St., the wrest. : John St, P:0, 21800 Sli-th St.;Bridge approach, east -side, beginning at FOUrtn St. thence.,north 316 feet. F_.0 2I 368 ,'Bast Iourtli St., north side, beginning at 'Corv:78rcial St. thence wrest to°east line of approach to Sixth St. Bridge F.0 21706 Fourth St.",, north side; from Sixtli St. Bridge.approach';ta Cormnorcial ;and on east side of Commereial St, from Third St, to Fourth S 1. F.O., 21329 East Third St.,.:north"side, from Cor;nnercial St. to,,fioffTgan eve. °.21779 East Sixth St. ; north side,..'begin_ning 117 'feet wrest. of, hope. thence crest 8 feet. F . 21777.11argaret St., south side, beginning at Terry St;"thexice east` 260 feet F.0..2]358 Bast Si.tth St. - soutl'i ,side, between Atlantic St.'and G;otzian St 23677 East Sixth St., north side, from _tlanti6 St. to 06tzia_n and.'on the rest side of 6�tlantic St. from P.,iargaret St'.' `to Fourth St.r .?.IdenS sessable Roll itE60LUTION OFCDIINCIL APPi INGA99ESSMENT FO: 21558 Bast Si�tlz St:, s a.otlantac St. and Gotzian:St, { No.. -2i225— 0. 21677 as Sil_th St., nox,. matter or th• o.I '.t" it e t. to ot.ian ^t. d on the ..est side ` of a�'t �4i3t. _'ro,n a_ ct t. to _ou:°ta 5t. The assessment of ........... :yw :'.5.,....C..os.ta-". ?L'+and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ................. 11l ....... _..... day of '..G.1?.1J.C1'...................... 191._9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature B of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............................. j Approved_._........_..._.__......_.......... _..._................... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Gods �� Porters 1 McColl Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 rk. or. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 for Vie, In the matter of the assessment of - ConstmotiMs. mlaying and rQA1riUG GW(Mt 51"WAUSS �WtimtO r100 2, Md&r i,;=U%43t 2i1€1 C, 'Or Soason Of 1018* Out NOW Abu t F.f?* gj= rA8t Sixth St., a"iz sit , bet AtUnt,10 Sto annul Gotol*n Ste P.O. 21677 Pmt Sixth fit., north sides t ctatzian St. and t* ism tSL - t" St O i`cAUrt" A* to the TaoSt 'Adie of A To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - Cost of publishing notice $..................... .. Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - -$....................... Inspection fees - - - - - - - $.....__....._.....uii..FiG.._. Amount of court costa For confirmation - - - $......... ... ... ....... ._.: .._u:J...... Total expenditures - on __L - - - - - - - - - - - - r =- 5--• `�— Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the sum of $....-..--' -�' '11 • '— ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE, NO �3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of -Cohncil Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bellefits, costs a -.,-id o;:?.>enses for CGnstructinC;, _ ei ay* n,7 and _ ena . ^i g Co,.je_^.t Sidc.iallcs, ­stL: late :?o. 3, , Under Co :tract 2081 C for Season of 191 --�asessable 3t _loll -- to 3. 2463 Suburban :.ve. , both sides, iraa :lester . -art :,t. .0. 22256 akefield ;_vo., south side, fror,- =:ester '3t. to "_'arl 5t. 0. 22339 -ast Seve ah St. , cout i ids, cre=_ z„ I 21 set rcr't of ;a;;le 3t. thenco :rest 13 feet and froln a -)o' _rt �- feet fa'the est thence The assessment of ...... _.......... .b.c:'le'_1tE..,._._Cila tS.._............. Jor and in connection with RR9OCUTIOt1`OS 6U1VC1I. APPROV- the above improvement having bee INS ASSESSMENT. pe Council having considered same and 1'C. 1 . No. 3722A— ' Ia the matter of tae asaessmeat found the said assessment satiafactoi, aeae0ts, costs aad ezpenees for ec,: tructitlg� - relayyln$e � .• 1i -...era : id0n. M1i�C RESOLVED, That the said assessiIf ,:, -4iia we same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... 9.t11......___..day of Deee:;tb.e. 191..__9_, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ...._........_.... _........ ''............. ....................... ... ............ 1......... [� _.....__.../.11lL...1...t.._C��...._ City Clerk. Approved............. _......... .... _._.......1—.._.:.__.. ----- _---------- 191_.._... L� _.......................................... .__._ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss PUBLISHED 7- " McColl Mayor lrvWX PIodgson Form B. B. 16 CITY Of` ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191......._ for, In the matter of the assessment of 11011 _ .. J , ='� �•� e-�-' Z e s Construct?..ng, rela7ing -nd repairing Ceiaent Side-,ra-.'.s, _atiriate -.-1o. 5, tinder Contract 2981 C for season of 1913. --'ssessable 3011-- _.0. 22468 Suburban :ve., bot''❑ sides, frog _este-r St. to =Carl St. P.O. 22256 YJakefield ,-ve., south side, from ::ester 3t. to P.O. 22_i39 East 3eve.,th t., south side, berilming 102 feet -nest of i'anle t. t2:e'-1ce 10 foot ald fro:. u. _)oia 34 ,., t farther .'est tho.ice ....st 130 ot. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - $....1.,5.12..75.......... Cost of publishing notice - - - Cost of postal cards - - - Inspection fees, - Amount of court costs for confirmation - $....... . _...... _.......... .......... Total expenditures $ "... s........ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.........? _r•::a5.5.....t:.:...........................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ��li _...... ............................................................. Commissioner of mance. Form B. B. 17 courr SIL .. ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER radi 1 leas sit .ve*Zue f ^o:: Otto renue,,,to----_;Q-�t-._hvgnth In the Matter of ....... ..............F................................._....................... ........ ..t.........................._.._._............_........ .........----.....................------- ..... _. .......... _..... _. - _.................. ..._......... ........ ............... .............. ............... ....................................................... . ..........................................................._........................................_...................................-----.............. -- ................. ........... ................................................................................................................................ __ ............................................ .:...... 25423 June 11, 1919. underPreliminary Order. .................... ....................approved ........................ ...................... ............................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......g.......................................... ade sat .ye. frun Otto =_venue to :lest Seventh Strl3et. . ................... .......... .................... ......................... .............-- -........................................ ........... .-................................. ......... ... .... . _....................._....._........_._..........__........__........_......._...................................._................................. _...._..._ ........... .._._ _. _ . ......... - ... ................... _ ........... ................._.......... .......__.._.. .. _..... _ .._..._ _ __. .._ ....__ ...._....... .... _..... ... _ ....._ .. _...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is. 9,700.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_...__ 10th ._...... .day of .D Ger Y ar.... .............1 191..9. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... .... - .......____.._._. 191...._._ ............ ... ........ .................... v......".v.:..:..... Approved._ .............. :._.......:-..................... , 191......... City Clerk ..._.......................................... ....... Mayor. Co Gilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss an 01anc Councilman Keller Pore s�' Councilman McColl Mayor IrVWC lodUso:i Form B. S. A. 8-6 COux ,ale ------------- moi By................. I .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter donstau.at.img a s.ewex or1._P1,eas_ant...A_venue fx=Qt-t,o kVP_nUe._t0 Albion Avenue. I ................. __ ................... .. ........ . ........ . .......................... .............. ............... .................................. ................................ ......................................................................... ................ ........................ ................ --------------- ............ . ..... ......... .... .......... ............... : .............................. .................... ............................ .. ....... ........ ­­. _­ I.. ­ _........................ ... -.1 ­ ............. ­­ ............ ... ........ .... .. .. .. ..... ... ........... .................. under Preliminary Order ..............263.55 ................ approved.. Aug. 25, 1919. ........ I - ­. - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is sewer _ .............. nn.kle4sant. A7epuq f.r=..,0.#.P Avenue_t.o Albion Avenue. ....................... ............................................................................ ......................... .... .................... ................. ................ ...................... ........ . ................................. ..................................... .............................................................. ...................... I ............ ................. ........ : ........................................... ................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....B621..0.0......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.-. ...................day of ............... b.Ox ................ 1 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of Cmmcihvement,prand the total cost thereof as esti te Adoptedby the............ i ......... ............ Approved.........._... : ............... : ___ 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss e...xH_-"ssPft Councilman Kam Povrers Councilman McColl Mayor lm�= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 r COUNCgeVJTXE NA.----------------------------- D_ moi, ._ - -- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of._.....construct a sewer on Pleasant Avenue from Montreal .................................................................................... .............................. avenue to Albion Avenue; on Albion Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to - ..................................__..............._........................ ...._.._..................----.........................---.......---......_......---- RaC.e....t_re-gi-,.---nd_..on-Rage.. Street -..from- alb.i.on,.ayenue-._t-o-.-Al.eka...:4venue. _... __._ ..._ .._ _.. _._..........__......................................... under Preliminary Order.......... .......26304......................approved _.......................Aug....21.....1919............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......----- On9t,Tugt...3...6.ew05 an..Plea$g._nt...Avenue_._from Montreal Avenue to Albion Avenue- on Albion ..... ..... ...................................................................................._.L.._............................. Avenue -_from. Pleasant Avenue to Race Street, ind on Race Street from ............................................................................................................................................... -Alb i-on-..A,ve.nue...to-...Alaska..Amenua..............................._.................................. ............................................. ....................................................................._._.._......................_................._......_.........._._......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.... Resolved Further, That a public hegring be had on said improvement on the.-.... _10.tli day of December 191........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Counbil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place. of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .... i.. Adopted by the Council ...............:...... - _..__... 191........ F � J .... .... ...... Approved ........... 191...__. Cleric. ...._.... ..... _..Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss 66ncilman ick4wx Powers Councilman McColl _ Mayor hodU Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 By----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ................ C.RXI&.t.xl?e .._&...C. ment._,.t_ile, a dewalk,_.aix-_feet._wiL... _ n I-- hath ...0.id.ee.-..Qf__ iddl.eton..Apenue_,.fran.;•Roge_ra Street_.to.?lista Avenue.............. ................................................................................................................. . 25820July 15, 1919. under Preliminary Order -_:........... ............ ...............approved ........ .. - ........._......................... .... ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....ConBt root a cement .tile.. -sidewalk. six feet I.wide, on both sides of Middleton Avenue from ... .. ....... .......................................................................• Ro#ers Street to Vista Avenue. except we> C gCgd-._and.-.sufficient„sidewalks --now...exi.sto.............. _..__........................... ..._._............. ..........._................................. ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......0.79 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........lOth.................. day of ._.__......_D j e fr; 191 9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the. Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. o Adopted by the Council ......................................... ...., 191........ '7� Approved..................................................... 191......... Cit le Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman KeXMC c Powers P.ouncilman McColl S('mmpnMon Wimdprlioh Mayor kj&bc Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNOM FILE NO ............................... , Bll .r�� C%byrfr . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....-.zacDxlsrut.,.,.relay-_and re��ir cement .tile sidewalk, ��x--feet.. wide: on the south side of Thomas Street beginning at We stern .............................................................................................................................._....... „--Avenue,..--thence West 80 feet. ................................................ _.......... _... _.......... _. _....................... _.....................................................................I.......... under Preliminary Order ..2$959.... ....................... approved ....._.. 2_ 5, 1919 ...... ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon'the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......... recpnst? uq t1...IT !lay repair cement tile sidewalk,, six feet wide, on the south side of _......._..........................................................................................-------............................. Thomas Street beginning at Western Avenue, thence west 80 feet. ............-..................................... ................... ... .-..._............................................................................................................ ............................................ ......................_....._......................................_......-----......--..................•--......:_........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ per square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................... 1Rth.-..-.day of ............... Dep.erpbeT......-.....__...--__ A........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...................... ............................ 191......... Ctn f Com. 1 Approved ............... ................. ....__.. 191.._..... City Cle . .........................._..�......� ................... ... , Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Coss Councilman 1 Powers Councilman McColl 0 Mayor Inc Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 a, Vj CO OM � R= ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ........................................................ .................... ....... .... ........_. f PavinC_ the follo-;rin„ streets: Lincoln ;_venue fear:j : acalester :-_venue to -Fai_^view Avenue, 'F,'0I711,lherst I:venue to ? airvie3v rvenue, 2/1,21,12 including server, watier aiiu Guo - lines complete, .vhere not already made„ also including curbing and paving alley and Sri✓enay approachos, :.here necessary. under Preliminary Order.. 2.G.O.fi1.............................approved ...... aatl t_-31.,...19.19.,.....----......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............. ,......................................... . - Pave the folio,in-; streets: Lincoln Avenue from ?.acalester ..venue to ��airviev Avenue, Goodrich Avenue from rinherst Avenue to airvieu rvenue, -- Fw _., , �e+A„ aram a to. Fairy e;f_. ;-venue . �'`�,�$S.r'�geii`� ��'G #'x'om"8�.d�sn Fve�ie to Ps.arviev~T Avenue, " .V �+,-��+ zz A� Pa,i7oetolz 4veriug , o jSt Cla.t1 �ts'eet, _ "including sezrer, �vat'er and -gas conneotions fi�o�K street +�a�izs`to `*�rbpariy lines complete, 4rhere not already -wade, also including curbing and paving '.. alley and drive.=ray anproaches,tivhere necessary. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......10 ll....................day of ...................... 191_Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof a stimated. Adopted by the Council . ..... .......... N.... 191.... C .. . Approved ..................... .. '.----- ...,........... 191._.._ . City C .... Mayor. �. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Co _. councilman �&Rgv-. Po:': e r s ouncilman McColl - C Mayor tai x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 A in 3 N, S i �'`�,�$S.r'�geii`� ��'G #'x'om"8�.d�sn Fve�ie to Ps.arviev~T Avenue, " .V �+,-��+ zz A� Pa,i7oetolz 4veriug , o jSt Cla.t1 �ts'eet, _ "including sezrer, �vat'er and -gas conneotions fi�o�K street +�a�izs`to `*�rbpariy lines complete, 4rhere not already -wade, also including curbing and paving '.. alley and drive.=ray anproaches,tivhere necessary. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......10 ll....................day of ...................... 191_Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof a stimated. Adopted by the Council . ..... .......... N.... 191.... C .. . Approved ..................... .. '.----- ...,........... 191._.._ . City C .... Mayor. �. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Co _. councilman �&Rgv-. Po:': e r s ouncilman McColl - C Mayor tai x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 A in 3 k 1 E 2x933 . COux FZL 77r v INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...............QV de?]lnlyz---and...taking...an._eaa.ement...ia_-the.-.land.-_.._-..--_-- necessa for slopes for cuts and fills in radin _zY-......-.-.. k...........................................•------------........g.-•-------....Z..Pleesan:�. rlyen>:le._from ..Q.t.tn... venue..-to...we-et...5.a vent h...2tre.et .......................... 'tbKfi`an t o man 3.:: ........ „,t ................_...... ��'"YAggd$rry$tiedB?l)nPie�iet1YR1mleW1wqddt,66vtiaO►WJrle�an+x,r...[.- ...... ................ ................. .................................. ............................................................... �c ;. .tproYsd Tndalvt ...................... ...._..................----......._.--...............-........................._.......::._...-----......__.......................----............................... - under Preliminary Order.--- ...25424 ..........approved .......... 1u1@ .11,....7 9� .9.,.................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_..cond BZ and --•take -•an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cute and fills in grading ......... - - ----------................ .....................................•.._.....-.-............................_......-......................................................._.......... Pleasant Avenue from Otto Avenue to west Seventh Street.-in accordance .............................................. ..............--... ....... ........ ....--...-- ...................---------...........-- with-_blue.-print hereto attached and made a..part-_hereof... the hatched.: portion showing thecuts and the shaded pDvtion showing the fills. .............. _...-............_... _._......... .............. ............ ............ ................ ...................................................................... . ............_........................................................................................................................................................ ................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--...50.00............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............. ............ 10thday of nBSnPn?�?.ex.............. 191....9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......! .. :i.. .............. 191.... . Approved .................... ........ 191....... . Ci y Cl.....t, ....... . . . .. ..... ... ............. ...... .. e Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss /'Coounciimaa3j Councilman Councilman McColl ' C271n�u,., n w,,,,rlerlic , Mayor Im-kK Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNOM PLE . . . ........................ .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 27234 In the Matter of ajRpKn . 2 school . ... ................. ................................................................................................ purpos.ez _13 and 14'..Block 2 Saiauel B. Piercers Enlarge raO oaZ..Stuiimit Park Addition, as per Council File No. 26272, Approved ........... I .......................... ... . . ... ................................................................................ ........................ j..ugquat la,--ina....... ......................................................................... ................................... .................................. ............................... ............. Agan- MW* V,b ................... .... ................ .oanotir .. ..................... ........................................... 6, I. under Preliminary NS0- .. ........ ct.. 4,..1919............... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received ffie report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That ihe nature of the improvement which- the Council recommends is c.onde-=4 take arA.. q,.p.px!pp Atp..for_p��blic school Purposes Lots 10, 11. 12, 13 and 14 11 . ............ ................ Purposes ..................................... ......... . .......... : ......... . ....................... ......... Block 2...Bamlaal. B . . .... aw, 1 P.er flounail._Flle 19 1.91.9 ............................................................... .. . ............. ........................... .. ................................ ......................... ............... ............................................... ..................... .................................. I ........................................... ..................... .................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated to�tAhereof is $ 5.,oaa..0_0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 10th ...................day of ............................. 191...9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....................... .. 191 ........................ I 191......._ if v .. ..... ... . ..... Approved --------------- 191......... -- --- -- CitvA;_rk. ... . ..... . yor. Councilman Farnsworth Uncilman Goss ✓ Councilman K611DW-K P0170rS Councilman McColl ODuneilmair-W-uniferlich Mayor: mba 110d9s on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL ENO... ............... BY ....... a. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of................aondeuming, taking and _apti propriang for •publio •.•.-•._ School purposes Lots 1, 2, 3,_4,.---5._and (b in._Miohaud1s.Subc�j:y.-je;.An_-, .. . ..St...Paul...North...Out-lots..8nd..L.Q.0 �-,--.2-,...3.', 4.& 5....6.-.7+ 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Schneider, Young & liorrisette's_. Subdvision-_off,-._ . ...................................................................... __Lot-4._Block 2 St. Paul ,-.North._Out 10..,-,as.-per.-.OAuno.�1...File..No.....261. approved August 9, 191 r^ �— ..... - ----------- _ . ............. in`' 4 'r$85=..' ,&y S i €t ztr ...... ...... ..--------. ..... 2681 au coe 1 £ s%lit. o aanao 0 ander Preliminary Order ........................ ct.....4.,..19.9....................... �s7taoda.f3`d#nms�.ip(iSFH%c °�'2�N " The Council of the City of St Pa ho., v dNa! xo f°itbrc°anr ''Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered Beat y uhatartie9ttea� L, 1. That the said report be and the same ie heiliy approved "std adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. condemn, take and 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ appropriate for Public School purposes Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in -.......... _......................................._...............................................------..............................._........--............-----..........._........ Michaud's Subdivision, Lot 5 Block 2 St. Paul North Out -lots, and Lots __ ........................_............_.............................................._..................-----------................................ .........•-_....... 3, 4; 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12 of Schneider, Young & Morriset6's Sub- ........................ -.........------....----...........................................................••............................................... division of Lot 4 Block 2 St. Paul North Out -lots. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is s..3U5 t00 10th �. Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......................................day of Deoember- 191....-9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- . ing, the nature 4f the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - 11) 1919 Adopted by the Council ..........:.: :.:........ '........... .._..... 191....._. Approved ............ _.....- ....., 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss ., 1X;;M x (ll nn ny Councilman 4• PO'VerS Councilman McColl Couseilm Mayor &-x Hodgzon Form B. S. A. 8-6 City Clem ............. ......... ... . yer. ✓ " r 2723 A ROTII,F<Nb By...... ......................... :.... ............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._ceratruct-i-•rte- relief• .sever on _Ohio Street from-Sydne-y--..•- Strt__ac..;Anna> ta.!.e...S.uxe.e.t................................................................-............,......_-_......----._------------_-------.._. -- -- .............................. ..•------ - -..... ..-•-----...... -- ._-................... ....---•--------............................. 25315 June 3, 1919. under Preliminary Order ........................................ .... approved - .............................................................. Intermediary Order- ..................-----'...... --......------- approved .... ........ ......----- ---- -----------•------- A public hearing having been-had updk the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council havi ' heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully coni ered'the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that th,,e .precise nature extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City Is.-_-....Const�tf r lief 42 eT ... Ohio. Street f-ro -_..Zydne3r.--Street.---t.o._ nnas•.c1is---3isae SLS . P -------------- - -c--• - .. a r 0.............. ..m - / -- ��- l'c s xo �7sac sr a A Fa;;aewnalh— I Ia pf�hn Matter of aonsjroop{ngg rffiiei . --.. edwei3,pp, ohlo8t, Srotrys$y6he to ........ ..... .... • . io AnnaDolta 8k Uadew• >'�,,.. 'Orgot 86816, sDDrOvefl Jnrie'19Y . p.A. pobtfo=A arlryg Ifapla� ten ........................ ... a Don i m................................ . pog the shove fm en£ n -,•t and the Council hereby order said improvem t to bc�""`idc �:e. �ierBto. RESOLVED ° FURTHE That the Co ssioner of P lit Wor :e , pnd ' ereby strut d and directed to prepare p as and specifics ns for said proveme and-sub ` same the C - cil for approval; that on said approv , the proper ty official are her uthorizz and ' ected to proceed with the aking of said provemeni accordan therewitjt� Adopted by the Council....... -------------------- .......- -: Ci y Approved----....... -/ ............... - `--..../........................ ..... -..................... . Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Coune" an ] I Py�tcere Councilman McColl Couneilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Y )0" m B. S. A. 87 leyka%'d, t CITY O£ S�T��.� PAUL - DEPART�"'ENToF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMi$44IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIjJARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved ''-1----�--� L To the Council of the City of St. P The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ?X b The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-6,-f — 0.93 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, qnd the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: a ASSESSED 'I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION t2G2ceif �..�. 3 7'6 i a""t-zz I I 77 — - DORM —i TOTAL .Y. O l.A. e•0 A + _—>� = 1' I it f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART��++EI�T�OF FINANCE REPORT, OF COMIMI3pIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION ASSESSED II DESCRIPTION LOT LCCK i Ij V ALUA7[ON _ ,1 I I , , p j.� at� a, 3, y,F�7 6 �G y ' 3-6d 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR�Tff''ENT)OF FINANCE ' REPORT -OF COM{HIS$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9 LOT LOCK) ADDITION �VAWATION DESCRIPTION - I I I . TOTAL. CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPART,ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO' ISJIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- — — -- --ASSESSED LOT LOeK ADDITION - I VALUATION I DESCRIPTION - -- 6-0 I wo .9. G 5 .0 012 5.- I 75 i; � OG 275 do 500 .Po. 42 oP10. 95 it. o _ do_ _ 31U0 N, 95 ft, of lits 5-5- 1, 7 3c $ - 30- I. ._ 3000 . 10 do 2 p _... _ I 30 200 12 !. I i 7c 13 f _ do 200 114 do 300' S+reeney's Addition to P1est1, St. Paul. 2,675.. do 3 5 do 300:.. -. 4. 5 do 225- - 5 5 , _ _ - d0 1200 s, - (C)ASSESSED - REPORT OF CITY OF'ST. PAUL DEPARTtLNTT_,dF' FINANCE COMMISWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - — DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION h 7 5 Sweeneys Addition to We1 t VALUATION - � 9 — e 9 5 Sc I 10 5 do i I 225 I' 1 8 do % 00 2 ° I do 300 i 3 1 8 I do it d l l l �25 ! 4-1 8 do 75Q i li 5 8 do 8 do :I 1501 I 7 8 do , 25 u 1 I8 1 8 i 30 II p 9 1 8 do 125 10 8 do n50 j o (Ex. So. 50 ft, of N. 100 ftj ) i 11-13 }15 si do ;� 350 I12 8 i do 450 II (N0. 1/3 .ofX `14 ; 8 do 1700 : (So, z of ,do, 2/3 of) I14 8 do 300 jl ii ( (So. 1/3 of ) ' X14 8 i do t $25 �( 144 j Banning• and 0] iv=re Addi'ltic,n to900 1 'fest St. Paul, 2 144 �0Q : I I! 3 144 do 350 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART^^''��E�'jlfT (1F FINANCE REPORT OF COMN1JSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - 4 (I� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION i LOT IeLooK ADDITION VALUATION + I o, z of No. 2/3 of) 4-5- 44 Banning and Olivers Additicn 17 5! (No. 50 ft. oL ) 4 -5- - 144 I to 'fest St. Paul. 1750e _ �So. 1/3 of ) .4 - 5 144 i do 375 r No. 4,� ft. ) of 7 44 ; do X300 tEx. No. 40 ft. ) of X 44 do 1950,; j(No. 30 ft. ) of 44 ! do HEx. No. 30 ft. ) of 8 44 do 1525 ti(No. 25 ft.) :f i9 144)! do l (Ex. No. 25 ft. of ) _ '144 144 do 162511 110 do 100'' j 11 44 do 00 I l� it y I 12 44' do oppl r q ji The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. FORM N.S.A. a•e c Commissioner of Finance. Vi 2 as rilIFIA AM Vi ra Vi OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CK1.1 EKo�Ke.n J. E. CARPOLL, 9u fiN e.na � ALPPED JACKSON. Su.^ucYi.K 110 -A... w� y aw N. W. G,.Zll GEP, Sufi c N. S. GRYTSANrCNc�K[[P1.nf G. N. NEPPO LO•Orriee fnoiN •an CuAf alt. f aut Bepurtthtnt of Vuhttr Warks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. June 17, 1919* mr. m. Y. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construction of relief sewer on Ohio Street from Sydney Street to Annapolis Street, in accordance with Council File No. 25315, approved June 3, 1919: Approximate estimate ..... $5,598.00 Cost per front'foot...... -.93 Excess inspection necessary,200.00 Assessable frontage...... 6,030.feet. District map to accompany report. The existing sewers are shown on this map by yellow lines. Cost per front foot is based on a uni- form assessment over the drainage area. Yours very �truly, Enclo Chief Engineer. ESS/C Office of the Comeissi r of Public CEIVED p..g 100.•` .d ': "s3 Report to Commissioner of Finance: ;4 z JUN 17 19191 June 17th; 191._9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the•preliuiinary order of the Coun- 25316 June 3rd, 191._9., relative to ..................._.__.... cil, known as Council File No .... ........ ._........__......_ -approved ._.............. ............ _ ..... the construction of a relief sewer on Ohio Street from Sydney Street to Annapolis Street .... .......................... 1. _................. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 4 1. Said improvement is ............. ...._....necessary and (or) desirable. 93¢ per front foot 5,598.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ........................._......... . and the total cost thereof is $ ............... .........._.............:....., and Assessable frontage 6,030 ft. Excess inspection $200.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................___........... _-..... .................. _........._............ - ......... ..... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is .................. not .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Conuuissi ner of Public orks. COUN!qIJ, .................. 2d 231 By............ . .................... FINAL ORDER etin Avenue fron, Janes In the Matter of .............. p�onstrljcting a serer on r ........................................... .............. .... . .......................................................... I Street to Palace Street. ........................................................................ ................ ......................................... : .................................................................... ........... ................................................... ........................... ...... ........... ................ ................................ I ................................ )FINAL 0"EiLS.' ........................................... .... . ......................................... ....................................................... Cune .................................. 4. 'th.. t .................. I .................................. .............................. I ............... att4r of oar c ...................... I .................................................................................. ----------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ...............23211..-.............---. approved ------------------_- --_------------- IntermediaryOrder ............................................................. approved ................. ..............................---......---........--- A ............. .........A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is c!pT,.pt-ru ct a s -e --!__ex o.n Cretin Avenue -from JwaP - s �01.r s- f_ -t t.Q Pa;L?�qg streel-, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------ .......... - --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ................................... -1 ------------------------------ .................... ..................... ..................... ........... .......... .......... ........................................... ............... ......................................... I.....------------...... ---- .................................................................... ..---........................................................................ . ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. V" 19! .1-1 Adopted by the Council N ..................... ...... ........... 191 ........................... ... .. ..... .......... '1_r 191 City<'er. Approved ............. ............ ------ - -------------- ---------------- -- --------------------------------- Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. —CounAlman Goss HOP Councilman WkN& ' Ow e r 8 L) Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 PAUL REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDS In the matter of constructing a server on Cretin Ave. Palace Street. Aug. 14, lcl9. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1,280.Q0 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 3.07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 1 - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION perpetual easement A 1 Mississippi .riew being 1 Auditors Subdivision No. 59, tit 1 St. Paul, ?jinn. 200 21 1 do 1501 I 20. 1 do 1501 19 1 do 160 18. 1 do 15o 17 1 do ' 16 1 do 1�0� 15. 1 ae 150; ` 16 4 G. G. hitney's Riverton Place. 150 ' 15 4 TOTAL.'' 155 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works._ Dated-- ro,nnd.a,rz,er bf Ginanee. Form a. If. 1:i St. Paul, Linn. , ...... June. 19 ....... i919. . To, -the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: The,Constrhction,of a. sewer. on.Cretin,Avenue ............................................ ............... Sty-Au4. from ...palace................St. Ave, to ..J=(e$................... .....................St. A.Ve. �:.. ;.Zo. �. �4.C. fes% ..,ez�z ... ....... ........................ ............. ................... .......x.......................... ......�... . g x x UC, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . A .. A7( . . . . y. . . ..igct .Lr?'�_ .. ............................ y.....y.......yxq........................... ............................�.....y....... 7.......................... � q x ....... .................. ............................ ...................... I............. .................................... ........... ........... ................ .......... 4,• ,4. ..4....................., ............................. ....... o............ . . ....... ............... ... ...4. ,.4, ...0.. Worl�E��' L" Office of the Commissioner of Public ct t� c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance _i AUG cS9 919 Angust EBth„ --------- 191-9- To 91.8_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council He No._Q6Q3-1---- approved __A-Ug-Ust 14th ---- 191_ 9, relative to constructing a sewer on Cretin Avenue from James Street to ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Palace Street. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improveme t is__________necessar and (or) desirable. 13.07 per front loot 1280.00 2. The estima ed cgst thereof is $______________, and the total cst the eof i��-a0 , Assessable frontage 417 feet Excess inspection and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commission -f Public Works. 4n � Uy � OSCAR cLAu—N. c.— eNoiN[[[ J. e. CARROQL:9� TiN[[[s ALIR[O JACN901 =e -'-wr.o .[. wi[• N. w. lull, NoeR, so.r.os N. s. cnrreAn,e..oiN[[.lo�• NeRROLo1-1— [—..[.. (Iliig of Si. haul $r}�artut�nt nP�uhlir �nran M. NlGOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOUMEY. DEPUTY August 27, 1919. a U Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of coat of the construction of a Bawer on Cretin Avenue from James Street to Palace Street, in accordance with Council File No. 36211, approved August 14, 1919: Approximate estimate...... $1,280.00 Cost per front foot....... 3.07 Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 417 feet. Yours very trul(/y,,//] ESS/C Chief Engineer. ow COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. B FINAL ORDER constructir_g a seer en Dudlev r.':en"e Prcl Ci_el::elord Inthe Matter of .................... .... ..... ..........._......... ........ ................. .........------ - - _+ ...._....-4-tr-ee.t....t-o...................................... G F:. No. 27237— I -the' matter bf constructing ..... per, Dudley Avenue, irom r'. �" to Gragt6am.'*' ^-,y.'Order.: " 6' -- Au s', 14 - under Preliminary Order.... "'--------------------------------------approved ...... ..........�..... -...x............................. IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved --------------------------------------- .- ------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Construct . acrer Cr, ru'iley Avenue _iron Chelnis'ord Street to Cranths.r: ctr-et. ................................. ------ ----------------- -......................................_._.......... ..I......................----- -------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.191- .................. ........ City k. Approved ------------------------ - PGV -13..191-9., 191 ..._ - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss CouncilmaueKdinrx po'; er� / Councilman McColl Eovrit<9linan "Vf�itii'tl�i`t'IZzti Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTN CPtT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM IS,$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). cr.etructinJ e, serrei or, D �lev Av.�yj. frcl, ^i7elr+,ford carr -at Inthe Matter of —-------------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------- ................-2� Stn -t. `�� Aa 14, 1'71 underPreliminary Order approved-------------------------------------------------------- ----....-------------- -- --- --------------- --- ......--------- ------- ----- ------------------------- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is1O'�J--��---------- 2.37 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Fast 12E-28 7/1 'iG f"t of eat 5<'),370/1c•ic f==+., cf t: e 't" v Cf acati:as.3t Cf 'crt:,e.st of 3000 Sec. 20, Tc::^n �� L'e -3, ( .:r .t ;.,,ath _, f>>t f'.r , eni.z, 7,11i1.,. V'y Ave. , The feat 12-9.66-5/10,Y) fe^t of Idcrth v cf eouthea;�t cf Norti.el �t 26c0 Of S.eC. 2 iC'An 79 n?nE,e .-1 (rxc. cc-,.th 3c fejt fcr nudley Ayre.) TOTAL. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL .- DEPARTMEN]'.OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COM*ISSJONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 lC?__,__ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 5 Rt. Anthony Park T'crth 875 14 5 do 11.75 13 5 do 2075 1: 5 do 1175 11 5 -1c 375 10 5 30 875 1 4 JC 3650 20 4 1750 L5 1150 2,4 ,1 io 3100 4 i550 4 i0 2775 1 30 8= 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits I - foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-----(CO-4' J----------------1911K-�\ _.......... ..._..... Commissioner of Finance. �OBM B.S.A. S -S C 4UG 13191 y�'s1�7lSstC4'•Es St. Paul, Minn. .191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of 3t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - *We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . . . . . . . . . ... . _ Avo. .�J "' "�•ll St. Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . St. LOT BLOCK p ADDITION . . . . . . . . � . . ..............d.p.d_............ 4 4 ...............d.p.d............. 4 4 4 ...............44.p............. ................DD............. ............ . O,r. ....... . p 4 F . .. add. . Office of the Commissioner of Public Wxks�ECE;�d '3' 4p'P�cU�O L,l w 9 Y 23 Report to Commissioner of Finance .. s �IJG x91919 August 28th,------- 191- 9 ---------------- -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 26212----approved__Auguet 14th, -1919 _, relative to __?.FT'a sewer on Dudley Avenue from Chelmsford street to ---------------------------------------------------- --Grantham-Street------------------------------ . - ---------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__________necessary and (or) desirable. E.37 per front foot 2,156.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $_______-----, Assessable frontage 909 feet Excess inspection $75.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ I_____-- -------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petit of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------- :z:Z= - - -- - ---- -- commission of Public Works. OSCM p: u or exp<th'anf J. E. CARfroLL,R9u.r. �px wxo R[.w�Rs auf[wu o coxarfucr ALFRED JACKSON, Su— N. W.00EiZIKOER, Eunr'px N. RYTaM,•E 11"R::11— R O. H. "RROLO!Orrx:e Exaix[[n Tity of 6t. rain Sapartawnt of Puklir Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY August 27, 1919 Mr. Mf N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Bu11ding. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Dudley Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Grantham Street, in accordance with Council File #26212, approved August 14, 1919: Approximate estimate...... $2,156,00 Cost per front foot....... 2.37 Excess inspection necessary, 75.00 Assessable frontage....... 909 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. \�q COIUV 4, FILENO............................. B.i....:.:.- :.........:..` .............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ............ cqr)" 11Z,- - c- ,...4i.:?-es...af... TQz .wr_nor...-A.uezru.s.-..fr- ori .... ?-a-s-3a1..... A¢=_Le t.o 91bert tr�et-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- n C. F. Nq.i 27238— 8, .e ...... ..... ... _ the matter of curb;i a al. ideof --------_.............................. In (n ---- - ------ --JeBereon Avenue, Irom 'FaecAave nue tv Albert Street, underP-11v nary , ................................. Isis: rder 26896,- approved.�July ---- . A Dutinc hearing; having bee _ , under Preliminary Order.- .....2.5$x$ ......................... approved ------------------------- July 22...... .............. IntermediaryOrder _----------------- --------------------------------. approved ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City ls.........................curb both zi'ee of e'"erscr_ A. e::c'e ................-..............._.............. - ................. ----------- pas n . Ue....`.4...1.%bert...I;tr--".t.r. - - ........ .... ..... ............... -- ------------ -------------...................... __ .............. .......................... --------------------------------------------------- .................................. ....._......... ........ ........ .._.............................................__.....__..... ....................................................................... - ------------­---------- . .........................._..._.... _...._.. ...._- ..__......._.........-............................................................................. - - ................ --- - . -------- .... - -- - ...._... ........ ...................._...... .........--------......-.................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ......_NIEV_1.3..1919--...- Approved : 191. ._. (JUS . !j _5.�9.....- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hd1 ' c" ere . el - Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 - - a COIUV 4, FILENO............................. B.i....:.:.- :.........:..` .............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ............ cqr)" 11Z,- - c- ,...4i.:?-es...af... TQz .wr_nor...-A.uezru.s.-..fr- ori .... ?-a-s-3a1..... A¢=_Le t.o 91bert tr�et-- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- n C. F. Nq.i 27238— 8, .e ...... ..... ... _ the matter of curb;i a al. ideof --------_.............................. In (n ---- - ------ --JeBereon Avenue, Irom 'FaecAave nue tv Albert Street, underP-11v nary , ................................. Isis: rder 26896,- approved.�July ---- . A Dutinc hearing; having bee _ , under Preliminary Order.- .....2.5$x$ ......................... approved ------------------------- July 22...... .............. IntermediaryOrder _----------------- --------------------------------. approved ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City ls.........................curb both zi'ee of e'"erscr_ A. e::c'e ................-..............._.............. - ................. ----------- pas n . Ue....`.4...1.%bert...I;tr--".t.r. - - ........ .... ..... ............... -- ------------ -------------...................... __ .............. .......................... --------------------------------------------------- .................................. ....._......... ........ ........ .._.............................................__.....__..... ....................................................................... - ------------­---------- . .........................._..._.... _...._.. ...._- ..__......._.........-............................................................................. - - ................ --- - . -------- .... - -- - ...._... ........ ...................._...... .........--------......-.................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ......_NIEV_1.3..1919--...- Approved : 191. ._. (JUS . !j _5.�9.....- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hd1 ' c" ere . el - Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY � AUL DEPART N;�yNJq.E ��Q�6, REPORT OF COMM aS ONER OF FINANCE Oo ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)_ : * m ?� a wrr'_in oc � i sides J of e' -. -rF,,cn A v"n e frc... seal A nue Inthe Metter of —=- --------------------------------- ---------------------.-.................... -...---------------- to 1-.-, .)art ,. reet. July 21, 1' 1s. underPreliminary Order approved -- ---------------- ....----------------------- —--- ----- -- --- ------------------------------- ------ ----------- ----------------------- --- ----- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--------------- 0.67 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lane_ .'anor, St. Paul, :Circ. 3'=,5 14 13 io 700 1" do 1800 11 d0 1500 10 U 10 18^0 JC 1800 8 ., Jo 1900 7 2 'c 1700 6 ? 10 1q�0 MRM U.S.A. B L A TOTAL. CITY O AUL� DEPARTM - NANCE REPORT OF COMAMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 2 Lanee -ancr, :'t. F;tui, :!inn. 1800 4 17 ,0 1700 4 3 3 do 1900 2 2 C 1 '� 1 �o 2075 16 7 eff-erecn -ar'- Aiditi•n to 4CC 17 7 the City of Saint =r), R�nr;ey 375 19 7 Cc-nty 'innedota. 375 19 7 10 3375 20 7 :c 373, 21 7 do 2 37 5 02 7 do 375 3 7 do ::375 4 7 j.c 375 - 13 7 is 375 U6 7 do 375 %7 7 do 28 7 .io w 375 Z9 7 ;,C 375 30 7 10 2275 �a ysv The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in referencetosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---191��� - --. .. ------.... Commissioner, of Finance. ronM e.a.w. a -a c _ O _ d r all 1 Tt7 F S 9 N 9.�F },i -XiYb N..s''riydiii 02, Y S L l S ;• d 4y 3 .j C wn WAVY J PS x B�, DO v��i^ t '~ � Sri f1 � 4 L ) � 1 � L i � § S �iT Y�' � � f" �� � �Yf �eiSe1� 7� Mj � U Gjt �t � wl J✓ !� � � fret. - . f 4 St, Paul, Minn., To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . ............. ..................... C i *� .Ave.. ........... ". 4 r. .%.V) q. ... ............ from ..........St. Ja" to ............... ...... GO t. A, T nm A-1 C -c ..... ..... —er- .1o. .... ... ....... ................... ......................... .......... ....... t< ........ ( ....... ......... . ......................... ................ ............ .............. ............. L11-1 % ....... ...... ........... -2— .1 U L 2 5 v4: Office of the Commissioner of Public Worksf ecEwF-o F'n12c1'G,,^ P. u lam' y a 3 • P; Report to Commissioner of Finance io pUG 11 1919 August..._8_t.....1819.............. .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.... .......... approved. _Ju.1Y -2.11.....19.1.9_......._.....191 ......... , relative to__............_._........ of.....J_effe_r_-9n....AY094e.._f_rgm,._p"gsl,..,gv..qpu.q to..._Albert,..._str. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......... ._......._necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is X6...0....63._..._._....., and the total cost thereof is{....$.06..9.$.._..._......._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......__. ____..._.__ _...... ............. _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. Said improvement is. ... _............ ................ asked for upon petition of three or iuore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �� Con miss�oner of Pub c Works. August 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir* Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of curbing both sides of Jefferson Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Albert Street, in accordance with Council File No.35896, approved July 21, 1919: Approximate estimate........ $806.98 Cost per front foot......... -.67 Excess inspection neoeseary, 15.82 Assessable frontage ......... 1,201.feet. EFS/C Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. (Attu of of- f aul o9CAR CLAUSSEN. GNI[. ENGIN[[. Nepartment of f uhlir 10orkg [w. Z M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. E. CARLL. -1. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY —.V.. A.. —All. ALP REO lACRSON, Ev. t M. GOCRINOER, 9upT M. S. GRYTBAN'E oRiN[[T.— August 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir* Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of curbing both sides of Jefferson Avenue from Pascal Avenue to Albert Street, in accordance with Council File No.35896, approved July 21, 1919: Approximate estimate........ $806.98 Cost per front foot......... -.67 Excess inspection neoeseary, 15.82 Assessable frontage ......... 1,201.feet. EFS/C Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. ------------------ COUNC,1L-'F.ILE `XO...................... �: By.........................-- ....-................................................ FINAL ORDER oavir- ^tz `roro - m-e Av=rae ........... Arcade Etre^t. iT7ciL..1rA =e... . =`eT :nj..._ .. ...�c' e .....----........... ----.......... ,•• � �i rs zTor: e�r -e llF ;` :C` ,, '-r' f: r•t i. 33P '1?C ZT_CaU— •r , l r<_p v a . - - .. o _. a,L. Y... , . -. ,. .- T..., . r a A J..e:J 'tr.� :Lr. i.t-;.�::T.C.i. . _� .:..(i.T.....v w.8 :x., T ................................................................................. C. F. No. 27239— - and Inthe matter of Caase Street, fromaV.vinY a Avenueing' Arcade ;Street„lncluding sewer: .- I................................................. ter and 'geAconnectione from c -, 1 mems to property 1'nes under Preliminary Order ............. :..:.:.................._. a" ' uppruvad::...._,^, a iY IntermediaryOrder ................. ............_.............._....... approved... ----- - ------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that I p nattire,o and c4r s to Ai de rest i :_01u is s=- r c f------------- -- ,. ^c -T.., --�::Y.eC . i�: r:9 0.tx t...,::. i_:.: s.G._l:.rs•?_er ....1.=. -.e s...0 ..,_. J. �=...not __ e , : e - a re - Yy„ .. <.n3 -- . . .... ......... ............... --------- .. .. `lrf.. .. , ............ and the Council hereby orde said imp ems o be m 0 FURTH That �CgFttm' sion'of c b ad her instr/ncted) t and i ted prepare a �iffcatiefns said pro ens�ub'm 44 to t)1 c' p val; tha sai rov props malty o eia dre Qreny aitth9tized o p o with aking o said improvement in a drd ce tl t'wit]a ` Adopted by the Council ... ...___...��1_191-9.__........ 191........ �— City Cler Approved ....._ {�� 19 9...., 191_ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth i� D ~� Councilman Goss Councilman KellW ' '= • � � e P( Councilman McColl •601AW"� Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 To the Hon. Lawrence C. Hodgson as Mayor of the City of St. Paul, and to the City of St. Paul and its Council and Governing Body, and to John I. Faricy, City Clerk of said City: To the above named John I. Faricy, as CitySClerrkk of the City ot.You are hereby requested to place before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at its next. meeting, to-ait, the 13th day of November A. D. 1919, this Notice, together with the hereto attached petition of remonstrance. Respectfully yours, Attorney for Petitioners. 222 ;het. Bank Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dated this Sth day of Nov. A. D. 1919. State of Minnesota County of Ramsey To the Hon. Lawrence C. Hodgson, as Mayor of the City of St. Paul, and to the City of St. Paul, and its Council and Governing Body: In the Matter of Paving and Curbing Case Street, from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, under Preliminary Order 125971, approved July 26, 1919. `We, the undersigned, petitioners herein, are the owners of the real estate hereinafter described. It is proposed by said Council and governing body under said Order 125971, to have Case Street paved from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, and the approximate es- timated cost thereof is as follows, to -wit: Creosote Blks. §30,412.17 at cost of 58.88 per front foot Brick 527.047.00 " " " 7.90 " " " Asphalt 23,683.23 " " " 6.92 n n n .Asphalt Concrete 21,638.16 " " " X6.32 " Concrete 18,669.51 " " 55.45 I Te aver that said Case Street is now in good repair and that the proposed paving of same is not a_public necessity. That the paving thereof at the present existing high and ob- normal cost of labor and material will involve an unreason- able and unnecessary assessment against our/property, which we shall be required to pay. Te constitute more than,eixty per cent of the resident owners of said property along said proposed line of improvement, and have hereunto subscribed our names to this petition of remonstrance. ?e own more than fifty per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of said proposed improvement, and all and each of us object to E to the proposed improvement being made upon the following grounds, to -wit: I. That said Case Street 'between said Payne Avenue and Arcade Street, is in good repair. II. That the paving 'thereof is not a public necessity. III. That we constitute more than sixty per cent of the resident owners of said property, and'own more than fifty per cent of the lineal frontage on the line of said pro- posed improvement. That we have hereunto subscribed our names and have set forth the numbers of our residences, together with the description of the property owned by us, and said petition of remonstrance is verified by us under oath and complies with all of the requirements of the Charter of the said City of St. Paul. IV. That no benefits would be derived from the paving of said Case Street because same is in good repair and the said proposed improvement, if made at the present existing high and abnormal cost of material and labor, would be unfair and would unnecessarily impose upon us an unreasonable assessment, not required, because the paving of said Street is not a public necessity. THEREFORE we, the undersigned, petitioners herein, do hereby remonstrate and ob;ect to the said proposed improve - went upon the grounds and for the reasons hereinbefore stated. 3. 19 17 " " " 40 __ 20 17 n n „ 40. 657 Caa eet 1 17 " " " 40 Case Street 22 17 n " " 40 7,665 Case 23 17 n n n 40 24 17 n IT n 40 675 Case Street 25 17 " ° n 40 26 17 it It n 40 State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey ) SS. h Being duly sworn deposes and says t at' a has signed the orego ng pe- tition of remonstrance, and that he is the. owner of,the real estate de- scribed opposite lois name, and that each of the other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence, an d that he knows said persons to be the resident owners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscriped and sworn to befiore me this/Q tday of Nov: 1919. d Notary ?colic, Ramsey Co Minn. My commission expires %� -7 �Z Name & Address Lot Block Arlington Hills Add. Lineal Feet. 16 17 " " " 40 17 17 n n n 40 �� 18 17 n n +t 40 19 17 " " " 40 __ 20 17 n n „ 40. 657 Caa eet 1 17 " " " 40 Case Street 22 17 n " " 40 7,665 Case 23 17 n n n 40 24 17 n IT n 40 675 Case Street 25 17 " ° n 40 26 17 it It n 40 State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey ) SS. h Being duly sworn deposes and says t at' a has signed the orego ng pe- tition of remonstrance, and that he is the. owner of,the real estate de- scribed opposite lois name, and that each of the other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence, an d that he knows said persons to be the resident owners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscriped and sworn to befiore me this/Q tday of Nov: 1919. d Notary ?colic, Ramsey Co Minn. My commission expires %� -7 �Z Name)&A/ddress Lot Block Arlington Hills Add. Lineal Ft. 27 17 n n n 40 28 17 " " " 40° 6&W Case Street 29 17 n n n 40 30 17 " n n 40 4'? 7 69, a,c� 10 18 " n n 40 11 18 " 40 12 118 " " ° n 40 13 18 " " " 40 / bL 14 18 ° " " 40 15 18 n n n 40 is 18 n n n 40 -- 17 18 n n n 40 . State of Minnesota County of Ramsey � ss. being duly sworn deposes,and says that he has signed the foregoing petition of remonstrance, and thatne is the owner of the real estate described op- posite his name and that each of the other persons whose name is subscribed. 'to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence, and that he knows said persona to be the resid�sLt cvn._re of the real estate described oppo- site their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to befor9 me this day of Nov. " D. 1919. r . y Notary ubl'c',gams �,3' ccm :legion e:c1 gree_ Zi6�.s_�-�-t'i ` } t Name &,Address Lot Block -Arlington. Hills Add. Lineal Feet is 18 " „ „ 40 7 �? �� 11 19 40 1 Ua�" 57 se 43?� 12 19 ° n u 40 _ 13 19 " n " 40 -749 Case Street 14 19 " " " 40 ' 753 -Oase Street 15 19 " n n 40 66111 gCase Street J c/� i�ic c c o(ov�i 16 19 " " " 40 761 Case S ree 1 �i�J7iGI.'vLt� 17 19 " " " 40 —733 Can street 18 19 " n " 40 ft 2i= 2kxNat 769 Case Street i'.i'/Pii/✓R�--19 19 n " n 40 U81, Sims Str e '--- --- 20 19 " " " 40 State of Minnesota County of Ramsey being duly sworn deposes and says that he has signed the foregoing petition of remonstrance, and that he is the owner of the real estate described op- posite his name, and -that each of, the other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing,petition, signed.same in his presence, and that he knows said persons to be the resident owners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information Pr_d belief, and that as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and s'�ror n to before -- me. this / O day of Nov. 1919. Noa Public, Ra r�sey'CoJIfinn. O .;y comrr:iesica e�rir�� Name & Address Lot Block Arlington Hills Add. Lineal Deet 10 20 it It n 40 7 Y�'/ L 20 It „ n 40 12 20 ac+l-���i-�a�"='��12�==��n n n 60 % Gl 13 20 n It n 40 jJl 14 20 ° It It 40 15 20 It n It 40 16 20 " It It 40 �G 7 17 zo It It n 40 18 80 815 Case Street - JT)- ------- 4.,* /0'0 `— 1 21 n n u 43 2 21 n n n 40 Cwca��� State of Minnesota County of Ramsey es. being duly sworn deposes and says tha e as aigne a or going pe t on of remonstrance, and that he is the o:mer of the real eestate described opposite his name, and that each of the other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition, signed same in his presence, and that he knows said persons to be the resident owners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true, except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those r.attere he believes it to be -.true. Subscribed and sworn to before me(%r� this - e) day of Nov. A.i.i919. b?otr,ry ?,,zblic,-aev minn . J 'y commission expires, % -__-- 6. M Name & Address Lot Blk. Arlington Hills Add. Lineal Ft.. aol- 3 21 n to n 40 4 21 " " " 40 5 21 " n ,r 40 rill K I l 6 21 " n „ 40 Z�l�`� 7 21 " " " 40 AlAill LV)41� r 8 21 " n n 40 _ 9 21 n „ n 40 �{, p YLtfw 1 22 " n n 40 —Cafse Stree " I —M6 Case Street 2 22 " n n 40 770 Case Xree 3 22 „ n n 40 4 22 " „ " 40 State of Minnesota County of Ramsey Be. `J//vees.aEd - being duly sworn says that he has signed the foregoing petition of remonstrance, and that he is the owner of the real estate described opposite his name, and that.each of the other persons whose name is subscribed appaxits to the foregoing petition, signed same in his presence, and that he knows said persons to be the resident owners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true, except a•s to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and thet as to those matters he believes it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me "this i�— //� day of Nov. A. r. 1919.. Iot�,z --ry u , c, Ramse o �in. !may commission ex iree.' 7. Name & Address Lot 31k. Arlington Hills Add. Lineal feet. 5 22 " " �+ 40 ` e Street 6 22 " " " 40 + 758 Case Stree 7 22 „ " n 40 754 ase Stree tLit,' 8 22 " n n 40 748 Case Street 9 22 " „ n 40 10 22 " " " 40 �y�Ad� vrr 1 23 n n n 40 736 Case Street /%�lfr/J�Pi A" 2 23 " n n 40 23 n n " 40 ,� 4 23 2 " " 40 724 Case reee —_ 5 23 " " " 40 15 case street LXA1, 6 23 " n n 40 State of Minnesota County of Ramsey being �SS. duly s170rn deposes and says that he fins signed theng petition of remonstrance, and that he is the owner of the real estate described oppo- site his name, and that each of the other persons -chose name ishsubscribed to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence and that said persons to be the resident oners of the real estate descri : bed oppo- site their names and that the foregoing petition is true, except as to those matters they-ein ststed on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believe: it to be true. Subscribed and sworn to " efore methis /U �Iay of Nov. A. D. 1919. Notary Public, Ramsey Co. Hinn. MY comm seidn moires' 9 24 n n n n n 40 �j 6 Case Street / 11-14 10 24 n n n n n 40 11 24 n u r n n 40 664Case et State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ) SS. _� being duly sworn deposejs and says that he has signed e foregoing pet t on of remon– strance, and: -.,that he is the owner of the sal estate described opposite his name, and that each oftthe other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition sigtgd same in his presence and that he knows said persons to be.`the resident=o�ners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it o bX.tr�}e r Subscribed and s-.-orn to before me t' -is �� day of Nov. A. D 1919. Notary Public, Rarrt;ay Co LUnn. uiy commission 6xpires Name & Addre�Js�s� Lot Block Arlington Hills Add. Lineal Feet. f�i, rV . 7 710 Case Street 23 " n n 40 8 23 „ n n 40 766 Uase S rte— 9 23 n n 40 eeet 7O�• 1 24 Jos.R.Weide's Subdivision of 120 Blk. 24, Arlington Hills Add. l L/� 24 n n n n n 40 4 24 n it n n n 40 VL 6 24 n u n n n 40 686 Case Street 7 24 n n n n If 40 8 24 „ „ „ „ „ 40 9 24 n n n n n 40 �j 6 Case Street / 11-14 10 24 n n n n n 40 11 24 n u r n n 40 664Case et State of Minnesota County of Ramsey ) SS. _� being duly sworn deposejs and says that he has signed e foregoing pet t on of remon– strance, and: -.,that he is the owner of the sal estate described opposite his name, and that each oftthe other persons whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition sigtgd same in his presence and that he knows said persons to be.`the resident=o�ners of the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and that as to those matters he believes it o bX.tr�}e r Subscribed and s-.-orn to before me t' -is �� day of Nov. A. D 1919. Notary Public, Rarrt;ay Co LUnn. uiy commission 6xpires State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey ) Be. being duly sworn deposes and says that he nae signed t e oregoing petition of remon- strance, and that he is the owner of the real estate described opposite his name, and that each of theother persons whose,name is subscribed to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence and that he knows said persons to be the resident owners -of -the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and th-..t as to those_ :natters he believes it to be .true. Subscribed and sworn to before me _ this day of Nov. A. B. 1919.�� Notary Public, !!-arieey- Ylinn. My commission expires 10. Name & Address Lot B1k. Jos.R.weide'e Subdivision of Lineal B1k;24, Arlington Hills Add. Feet. 12 660 Case street 24 n ° " 40 __13 658 Casee ree 24 n n n 40 ref . t la 24 n n n 40 15 24 " " " 120 State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey ) Be. being duly sworn deposes and says that he nae signed t e oregoing petition of remon- strance, and that he is the owner of the real estate described opposite his name, and that each of theother persons whose,name is subscribed to the foregoing petition signed same in his presence and that he knows said persons to be the resident owners -of -the real estate described opposite their names and that the foregoing petition is true except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and th-..t as to those_ :natters he believes it to be .true. Subscribed and sworn to before me _ this day of Nov. A. B. 1919.�� Notary Public, !!-arieey- Ylinn. My commission expires 10. 0 as MIN CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEtff OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIMMO+NER OF'FINANCE EF NA ON PRE CARDER ly" In the Matter of _�.,->.._<;:�x_;:.:x�_=.::,a.. "t::��-�---�.sL�,..-'�...,-e---��"-=ni'-'`---�.II—LTA_i;.-e----u..`_s'-�t-r---------- ,,,�-�,1�3 a t sr-e.:ir__�3=-T�.i-s-c,:�-„ , - �, r-„ T -rj ;,=�✓'• - �y------- --z.nd...3xiveL.r-y.._app:r.c.a::!has.,....::::=..r.�..=ae.eea.ry-_-__------ — under Preliminary Order approved -------------- --------u111 �y----aY.,- i -' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total per Total- Cost per Kind of Paving Sq. Yard. Estimate Fnt. Foot. Intersections out, 32 In. Creosoted Blocks, $4.61 ?26,631.97 $7.78 Kind of Paving Total per Total Cost per Sq. Yard. Estimate Fnt. Foot. Intersections out, {p $26,631.97 :7.78 3Q In. Creosoted Blocks, 4.61 30,412.17 8.88 Intersections out, 23,685.70 6.92 Brick, 4.10 27,047.70 7.90 Intersections out, 20,739.43 6.06 Asphalt, 3.59 23,683.23 6.92 Intersections out, 18,948.56 5.54 Asphalt Concrete, 3.28 21,638.16 6.32 Intersections out, 16,348.91 4.78 Concrete, 2.83 18,669.51 5.45 Where curb is not in, add 65 per front foot for cement curb. Assessable frontage- 3,423 feet. For 6" house drain connections each- ;70.00 For 4" water connections, 32.00 For gas, south side of street, 5.50 For gas, north side of street, 7.50 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South et c:' ..5 1.7 ar. 13 17 Ar11 etc, ?ills Aaiticr. 6700 15 17 to St. :.7 "400 ;ll 1 1.7 3-00' `17 �0 13�J ? 17 C 3200 4 17 J. 1150 . j R i 17 1C 2150 is 1.% o 1575 a- 27 17 do 1100 TOTAL. ..S.A. a -e w ., - t ` ^E 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL[ITNARY ORDER lBl ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD-DITION VALUATION ..?t �� 17 - rhT.l �;tc Addition .. 0 17 to ^t . lain . 81 7 3: 17 0 10 18 Ac \ 46°5 Tt cf 7' lE of lr 'c 330C rll Teat 30 faat cf li �° S'c'at cf 1.^ 1�' � C 3i3:'0 13 18 c 15 1is 1450 ITaet 3C ..-et cf 19 c v75 F--,3t 1C f .t cf 13 3:5C Pe 0* is - t cf 17 1._ Ac Eget 1C f'-t ,,f 17 lE � ^.378 Pe?t ., feet of f--t cf 13 1" Ic 1775 . "O 155:, l ' 4C 300 13 i� :ic 4C5C c 1550 1" 1� 1° do 165C 2400 ..50 JC 1c lc TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL34INARY ORDER (B) --,- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCN.' ADDITION VALUATION 1C 0 Arlt -ills "iai.1 ;i. i75 West cf ' z � t: `-tcicPaul. .',J75 F �•t z -� i1 �., is ?5 i? 1c 1475 1z is 1 ??5 1C?5 c 13? 5 16 c i? '10 i?CO 1LG. Seutn 1,C f et c° 1 iC 1?25 �A ,3 1c 1" ' ` '4:50 f.3 14:0 c _,..50 1 1c 5 1c 335C TOTAL CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE TOTAL. REPORT OF COm*I$6IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Bl _ _,. LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VUAION ALT DSCRIPTION E - _i8 k'.�,11t 1'. n tc `t 1. i5"0 152-3 1 c - 1 .r_ i do 1 �J0i ^1 "10 10 ,.. .. , 3: 4 `1 10 1,cr _ _ c ,0 3075 S: r+,ii z., i c f i 17 e p10 L 71^1C C_ S ^A? `,o 8 50 Ar ,4: f:n* A_)' t 163 14 moi„Ma 1, 1rn• loCO 13 �o 2050 1, is 2250 11 c 1450 3o 2500 c 3 7 50 7w 7 13-"0 T:eet 1J _.at of Lot 1 �n.l ali of Z `l- 9c °CGO Gout'n...rr � ..,., at "il a �..ii*.i_., �. �4. Of iu, 17 �:li_t i� ]" Ar7 9c 61 0 tv'orth TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI*8?ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI( NA0 ORDER (C) - ASSESSED LOT BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIvPTION . 1275 ccrth cf 0 19 Frlin tc; iiia Ai11 ti; r. - - :orth tis f et cf v0 ,,let cf 1, 2 and 7 1 do 1C&00 3cu.th 4c feet cf ncrt:...'y 55 ,e: '1 is 5 fe c f 1 r. d ;u0i1'JiAi n cf 11225 1. ?look 34, Ar;ir ilia Fa.ttir n 1^ *.c the City cf =t. Paul, Vinn. 5000 18 'c � 10500 1c 90 lc 152,5 4 io 14£5 as�7 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /////� — / - --- `r--------------------191 . —------- - - Dated ------ ------------ - Commissioner of Finance. IOHM B. S.A. 08 G J L, LL31LI j L. - i R)C ':2? OSS, St. Paul, Minn. A To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honor le Body to cai;,pe the f ilowing improvement to be made: v cA� ......... .. a,,. av-,' a-" St. Ave. from ............ ......... St. Ave, to .......................... ..................... St. Ave. 7 (4V4 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . v .. F ................... ........ Nit ..................... ....... ..... ................. .... ............ ... ...... .. .. ...... .... .. q a5! .... .... ..... . . ............. I .. ............ ....... ........... I ................ ....... .......................... ........... ...' .......... ................ . ........... ... ... ..................... ...................... .. .... ....... .... ......... .. .......................... ............. YY ......... ...... ........... ........................ ................................ I .......................... ................... ........ ..................... ....... ..... ................. Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance Ruc 9 1919 August 8th, 9 ......................... ................ ........191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved..........Ju....l ........ y 26t .. ..................h......,..........................191........., relative to.............................. paving and curbing Case Street from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._..................necessary and (or) desirable. i X=X xxxx 1. The estimated cost thereof is $__ . i::......:._pc�.......', and the total cost thereof is $............. ..__............. ... ....... ...., and wy ss the nature andgxtent of y is as follows: .......__..........._...........__ .......... ........................... ........... ....................... .............. _..... ................ ........... ................................... ..._,.:.,........... .................... ...................... .......... _._.................._._................ ................................ .... ................... .............. ................ .. 3. A plan, p&6Fg,,or, skBtFh, o,£ said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .. o. Said improvement is.................. .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._......._._ ............ ........... ...................................................i.:.. Commissioner of u orke. 'OSC$R CLAUS.... CHis� EMoiH¢en J. E. CARROLL •9. ni,Haans TntYltion Ax0 na.wina ALFRED JAC..... 5.. r. M. W. GOETZiNOER. 9.si1aH M. -Z: .....noxa O. H. HERROLD,Oer,c ee Exo,x ¢an ality aC 6t.0aul $cpartnirat of public forks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY August 7, 1919. ±. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving and curbing Case Street from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, in accordance with Council File No. 25971, approved July 26, 1919: Kind of Paving Total per Total Cost per Sq. Yard. Estimate Fnt. Foot. Intersections out, $26,631.97 $7.78 3j In.Creosoted Blocks, $4.61 30,412.17 8.88 Intersections out, 23,685.70 6.92 Brick, 4.10 27,047.70 7.90 Intersections out, 20,739.43 6.06 Asphalt, 3.59 23,683.23 6.92 Intersections out, 18,946.56 5.54 Asphalt Concrete, 3.28 21,638.16 6.32 Intersections out, 16,348.91 4.78 Concrete, 2.83 18,669.51 5.45 Where curb is not in, add 65¢ per front foot for cement curb. Assessable frontage e- 3,423 feet. For 61f house drain connections each — $70.00 For 4° water connections, 32.00 For gas, south side of street; 5.50 For gas, north side of street, 7.50 Yours very tru�l0y, VA— DL'44—� ESS/C Chief Engineer. ki m' COUNCL FILE 110 ............................ / FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....�:e.'Lir€... ie... tr_i,^t-"Tc:,. rc'�r*.•.. ®t'-'.eet tc i-aY +r,�ct-, ... . .............................................................. of 27240— In the matter Si pavlag Piae Street ........ underFourth'Fern Street r 8f,26 6treet ............................................ ........ ..... .... . under Prenmt 26, Order .26306, or Apub is ghUat earng hav A Public hearing aaVing 19. 1)een. ..... ........ ....... .. .................................................. ............. upon the'd 'th '1mProvemeat uDDn ........... . notice, and the Co tioaW I all yeteone,•oti7ectioae-.'n id- f ............................................................... n4tion9. rel.^' :n thr �.._......................................................... '1•Ilq .eon• req. 9 ..... . .� %� under Preliminary Order .........................------- O -..........- . approved............................ --- - ..........--...... --......._..... IntermediapyOrder ----------------- .---------------------------------- -....--- . approved ...........................----.......---------------------------. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of p v ...................................... � 2,: �...�eve..al.. -.....................................t iron Fcurth Street to improvement to be made b th Ci-:jis........__._.---� -�� ----- Sixt'r, S tre^t. ... _r`.e .................... - ......_.................... ......................._._......_.......................... ........ ......._............... .. ..........._. ..................................................--------------------------------- ---------------..------------- --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 1' Adopted by the Council ._....... N .. D_.._'` 1919___......., 1 Noll 13 19191s1........ Approved:..............-----------.--- ............ ..... , Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss SCouncilman$�r- Councilman McColl CncitmaD—W4yi),{a�rlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Vt / -1 CITY OST. PAUL DEPART OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIip{i BONER OF FIINANCE ON PRELIkNARY ORDER cave Pine. F'reet fron.•Fci rth Street tc -isth -treet. In the Matter of --------------- -- --- - --- -- -- -- ----- ---- --- pug. 20, 1°l�• --- under Preliminary Order approved —----------------------- — --------------------------------------------- -- - -- -- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - PARING 40 FOOT ROADWAY-* Total Total Cost pr. Sq. Yd• Estimate 'Frnt. Ft. Sandstone, :$5.91 $11,518.59 $14.22 32 In. Creosoted Blocks, 4.89 9,530.61 11.77 Brick, 4.38 89 536.62 10.54 Asphalt, 3.87 7,542.63 9.31 Asphalt Concrete, 3.87 7,542.63 9.31 Concrete, 3.11 6,061.39 7.49 If the full width of street, 66 feet, between Fifth Street and Sixth Street, is paved, the additional cost in this block is estimated as follows: Sandstone, y3,894.69 $9.64 31 In. Creosoted Blocks, 3,222.51 7.96 Brick, 2,886.42 7.15 Asphalt, 2,550.33 6.31 Asphalt Concrete, 2,550.33 6.31 Concrete, 2,049.49 5.07 Where curb is not in add to (Sandstone------- Q1.50 — the cost per front foot- (Cement----------- .65 No seweror water connections. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED v UATION 15 :it`.:cra pv ,--n tc :t. aul. 37;010- 1 4:5 do N D300 41 is 103500 1 44 �o 43500 5 46 3o 25600 4 46 do 34375 c �? do J6.�0. ,.a5terly 40 _Pet cf 4 .3 do 30500. TOTAL. IOPM B.S.A..-S A l� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby' submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in. reference to�said t mmaatter by the Commissioner of Public Works.—� Dated _..C!r - /--------------------- ----191. Commissioner of Finance. Foran —.A. 8.3 C CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPART"F FINANCE REPORT OF COM OF FINANCE ON PRELI INARY 1O1NER ORDER ^�{� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 45 Tn t`.gcna Addition to 8t. ?aul, 124500 U 45 10 20000 7 44 410 ... '.500 z 44 40 22500 4, 6 " 'o 20000 46 :0 26150 r -starly 10 f, -_,t (f 43 10. 16250 ..astarly 20 feet of 6 43 d 30 fe't of 6 43 fto 12350- E_>et-r.v Lxcant rsrth 6 feet) ) ) north 5 f-�t of 3.1t 3 fa:'t F6 47 io a^r 6 fe^t of 3 43 30 17500 (Fxe. R��r 6 feet) ;c The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby' submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in. reference to�said t mmaatter by the Commissioner of Public Works.—� Dated _..C!r - /--------------------- ----191. Commissioner of Finance. Foran —.A. 8.3 C Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksRECEIVEo F AR rq Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP ,S September 5th 9 ------------------- �-------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__36366 ___approved______1919 _, relative to __the_�eying_o3_P1ne Street from Fourth street- to_ Sixth Street ----------- ---------------------------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $____ $$ ___, and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Qom issioner of Pub�Works. OSCM CLAU99lN, CMItP CNOIXeen CAflROLL, 9u TIXltwa siwOciloX AHo w.nwln. ALPRlD IACX9OX. Sunr. H. W. GOlTZINOCR, 9unT1OX M. 9. GRYTSAK;lIiOlXttnlo.. G. H. MlRROL DrOrrrce P.wolX.en g4tg 0164t. Paul $epartuunt of Puhlir Ularkg M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R.T.GOURLEY,DEPUTY Mr. M. N. Goes, September 5, 1919. Commieeioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Pine Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street, in accordance with Council File J36365, approved August 26, 1919: PAVING 40 FOOT ROADWAY: If the full width of street, 66 feet, between Fifth Street and Sixth Street, is paved, the additional cost in this block is estimated as follows: Sandstone, Total Total Cost pr. 3,222.51 SQ.Yd Estimate Frnt.Ft. Sandstone, $5.91 $11,518.59 $14.22 32 In.Creosoted Blocks, 4.89 9,530.61 11.77 Brick, 4.38 8.536.62 10,54 Asphalt, 3.87 7,542.63 9.31 Asphalt,Concrete, 3.87 7,542.63 9,31 Concrete, 3.11 6,061.39 7.49 If the full width of street, 66 feet, between Fifth Street and Sixth Street, is paved, the additional cost in this block is estimated as follows: Sandstone, $3,894.69 $9.64 3g In. Creosoted Blocks, 3,222.51 7.98 Brick, 2,886.42 7.15 Asphalt, 2,550.33 6.31 Asphalt Concrete, 2,550.33 6.31 Concrete, 2,049.49 5.07 Where curb is not in add to Sandstone------ $1.50 the cost per front foot Cement--------- .65 No sewer or water connections. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. THE CUDAHY PACKING CO. Oft i ST. PAUL, MINN. "UNITED STATES 1000 AOM IN ISTNATION LICENSE N0. 6 30318" May 1st, 1919. City Council, St.Paul, Linn. Mr. M.N. Goes, Commissioner os public Works,_ Gentlemen: - We he following property owners do make applicatio to the CiEq Council for the paving of Pine Street from Fifth to Sixth Streets. There are only four property owners in this block, and the above have signed their request for the paving of this street to be put through at the earliest possible date. We trust you will have the work attended to this summer if it can possibly be done, as the street was in almost impassible condition for more than a month this spring, and we would like to have the work done as early as possible. This was -taken up by the City Engineers Department some years ago, and an order for paving I believe was put through then, but the order was sidetracked for some reason. The street has already been surveyed and grade level obtained and should not take long to pave this block. Yonrs truly, or`1�� 2241 C O�UNILFf , NO .............................. FINAL ORDER of...�rade alleys in Block 3 J. FAt Eieemmenger, e Adliticn from In the Matter ............................................ Laweon Street to Cock Street and from ark Avenue to ??crth and ................................. ........ _.......... ....... - - Intermediary Order----------------------------------------------------------- approved.... -- -- ..................... ........--...................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. _Paul that the precise nature, extent -andlcind-L__- Grade the east and west alley in Block im rovemerit to be made by the said City is..... 3, J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition from the north and south alley to Park Avenue, and that portion of the north and south alley in said Block 3, lying between the east and west alley and Cook Street. - -- .........................I........... -- .......----- .......................... .....----- -------- ----_-...-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... .} (;!....`�l.1.. iU 19_...-----.-_., 191.......: -. ................................... City M, , 00U,o Approved _------------------ -------- --- .................. 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Po ,era Councilman Ketl`e$ Councilman McColl MWJ__UQd98_ Form B. S. A. 8-7 hr CITYPPAUL - DEPARTMENT r FINANCE REPORT OF COM L f ATONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI {NARY ORDER - cA) grade allege in F,lcek 3 J_ j'. viaennengere Addition .from In the Matter of --- --- - --- ---------------`-------------------------._,--- - ---------------- vark ",\,--nue to `' rth and uth A71-ey. o ok t r e= t n 3 . r err - -- --------------------- Lawson Street tc �, __-- under Preliminary Order approved ------- - - - --------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—�2----"""""–"--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed, benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION s �F.x. ny 31 ft.) (Cly 3 ft. of TOTAL. ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 9 3 � . F. i.isenrr:er.g=-re Ai-iit,i r: to io, z do do 825 1 - do 700 .. li do 2700 12 v 700 13 3 °.c 200 14 3.c 14 i5 3 is TOTAL. CITYM S;. PAUL DEPARTME •-OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMNfflSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL - ,NARY ORDER IB) D E -S C R I P T I O N LOT a}OCK ADDITION D I T 10 N ASSESSED�� VALUATION (No. jj of ) 1 3 J. T.Fiee ;r:; . �r' a r--'.aiti, c .1325 2C. _ Gf ) 1 3 Ct. 2aul. 775 do 325 3 .90 1825 3 I 2425 5 do222,.71 6 do 1525 7 ;? 10 1&35 ^c. do 12--z d 9 .9C A 3 iC 20CC 17 3 do 350 18 I do 350 19 3 do 155C <e do 1350 21 3 do 3 do ICK No. 1/3 of ..-3- 4 do 145C So. 2/3 of 23 do 000 $o. X13 cl L4 3 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works- Dated—:—'— ---- 191x` - - - --- - IOPM 0.9.A. 8-9 C Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works . _ RECEIVED PRNsw Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 '3 r To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of i) Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...$..C.QRS............. approved .....AUgU-Otr .J.. ..... �.. k1.,......191 ......... . relative to....gZad1Ag alleye in Blook 3 J. F. Eisen .......... Cook Street. and__from..._ Park..._ Avenue..._to..._North.._&...._South....Alleyt.......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $.0,._6Q ............... and the total cost thereof is $.M..?2._..._........... .., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . ......... 5. Said improvement is.......:............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f P Commissioner oublic Wo August 13, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alleys in Block 3 J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition from Lawson Street to Cook Street and from Park Avenue to North and South Alley, in accordance with Council File {36088, ap- proved August 3, 1919: Approximate estimate......... $689.72 Cost per front foot...... -.60 Excess inspection necessary,, 13.53 Assessable frontage .......... 1,155.14 feet Yours very truly, ®8S/C Chief Engineer. Tug 0 Ott ?aul o Stpartlttent ,OSCM CLAUSSe N, CnIeF CN OInCCn of Vuhlir Rlorks J. C. CARROLL,FSOFt. ..n. M. N. GCSS, COMMISSIONER ion Ano ....... ALFRED JACKSON, SUFI Ci N. CER, SUAIIon N. S. GRYT9AK;C aninz. nlo.a R. T.,V.OURLEY, DEPUTY August 13, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alleys in Block 3 J. F. Eisenmenger's Addition from Lawson Street to Cook Street and from Park Avenue to North and South Alley, in accordance with Council File {36088, ap- proved August 3, 1919: Approximate estimate......... $689.72 Cost per front foot...... -.60 Excess inspection necessary,, 13.53 Assessable frontage .......... 1,155.14 feet Yours very truly, ®8S/C Chief Engineer. St. Paul, Minn. . . . . . . . .191v-1 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the f�ollowing9 improvement to be made: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D. . . . . St. Avo- from . . . . . . . . . . . .ff .,,St. Ave. to ./22�•/�er5.. . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. 6c Ct ee ''f (. NAPdE Q LOT BLOCK ° _ ADDITION_____ --�-- % .. . . N. .... .. . /F7 COUNCIL 2724 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO........_ 40 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIZ', • COUNCILRESOLUTION—GENERAL -FORM._ PRESENTEE BY Nov. 13th, 1919 DATE...... _............. _........ _ _ ........-............ ................. COMMISSIONER RESOLVED In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for. slopes, for outs and fills in 1 grading the, east and west alley in Blook 3, J. F«'Eisenmenger's Addition from the north and South,alley to Park Avenue and-ghat'portion of the ngrth and south alley in said Block.3 lying between the east and gest ajl,ey and Cook Street. yt� ����"1$;"Ma�s{�ro'ved October 11th"; 19iT� The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for, slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 3, J. F. Bisenmenger'B Addition, between the pointe aforeBaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Yorks in the matter, dated November 13th, 1919s which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. _ {y Cr.:th No. 27242-- T. 'f rnnd—1 and tnk-f yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 5 McColl. d Powers .%QRF1 3 M9' 19 or Public Works reort and sketch bpe it herAd pted,by the CouncilrNov. 20, 1919. ��� �i )(T J Approved Nov 20. 1919. - ; Council - -- -'19 -' (No 22, 1919) ._.__ In favor 19_ Approved._._.... _. m �..Against 'f// " � . . . Aly=7 MAYJiR AW L ��/e .� l u t,nrvt..rG�� �'^ V I ,',� � - � 3 - 0 v�-ti- , 'G • �: OS"R CLAD—N, CHia. eN.I.— ALF -D JAf—NO Syfiy<ii a[fwiRf H. OOSTLINGlR, 9ylT.. N. RTT9nN, e......R aN. G. H. HlRROLO, Oir�ea lHoiNffR (Iity of St. Faul Itpattmna of Vu61ts Warho M. N. GOSSA COMMISSIONER A. T, GOURLEY. ON- -FFPORT TO THE COUNCIL - 271 2 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 3, J. F. Eisenmibger's Addition, from Lawson street to Cook street, and from Park avenue to North and South alley, under Preliminary Order #26089, approved August 2nd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26875, ap- proved Oct., 11th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: 1 The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures oppoeite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. i 6 Commissioner Public o �f Lated �� CITT OF ST. PAUL - PEPART�14*iOF i NANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE g75 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER N In the Matter of -----. ri3A'.0 3'-� r+:y.. t_._t :�S�Lt--P u..--e_iss-y.._fns------------- elq es for--- at9 er_3 fill's in �radiryt' e_;al_ a in 3�-� _n frog`_�ar_4�;trPet-_to._Ccgk - ti:=e�s�iror ��rk�w=.y .e tcIortYi_3nt-:..__.. li -.In, under Preliminary Order approve . --------1-----`----- '---`-----------------------------------------------------_.---.......-------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---100.---------00 --�------------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $----------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Ex. Sly 3; ft.. filly 3"• ft. cf 'To , � of CORM B.S.A. B -S A 9 3 J. F. ; aenli.en era Pdiiti < 1' 25 16 3 to St. 30.1, GIG 13 ,, 0 635 11 do 70G 1 3 c 70S 13 3 in 700 14 3 do OG 14 -10 50'' 15 5 do 1s25 1 3 ?o 775 TOTAL, CI', CE - DEPART OF FINAN REPORT OF COMMIS'SIbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C. , ASSESSED �. DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION SC. ci 1 3 j. F. F.ieennengere Addition 23 ` ? to St. Paul. 2325 ? 3 do 1825 4 3 do ^ �^ 5 711 d0 2 25 8 i ,c 15',5 7 i to 14" 5 A 5 tc 1^^5 9 z do 1225 16 uo 2000 t �5v 17 18 3 Jo ,550 1 3 ;,c 1550 20 do 1350 �l K Vic' 1350 C5!, of do 1900 So. °i3 of :o 1450 Sc. ';13 Cf 1 3 3c $ 6 5 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to 6aid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- -- - ---�----.._ -.191- - Commissioner of Finance. FORM 0.S.A. S C c Office of the Commissiorier of Public Works a RECEIVED 0�- c{ 19;' T. Report to Commissioner of Finance '06G, t "^ 1.61919 AuF;ld.gt.....15.,..:...� 9.19.n.................lsl...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- oil, known as Council File No..._26089.........,, approved....._AuVAt .2,,....1919,,,,..191 ......... , relative to_ .................. .............. C.ondemning.... end .....taking .....an.....easement .....in....the .....land .... necessary ....f.o.r......s.10p ee... for outs and fills in...grading..._the,.__alleys .in_Block 3..._J....__F... Eisenmen- ..... ......... .. Addition ____f rom._ LAweon.._Street___to_._ Cook_.__ Street__snd.,_f rom.. Parka Avenue to North and South Alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._ ................................. and the total cost thereof is $................................................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .:..................................... ................................... ................. ......... ....... ........................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ................. ---------- .........._.__...---- .....------ ----- _----- _...................... .... ......... ..._........ .__....._........._........ ................ _............ ............... ............................... ............. ... ...' 5. Said improvement is_ .................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a / Commissioner of ublic Works. l / COUNCIL 27241 CITY OF ST. PAUL ae NO .............................:.:..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COINCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` A PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER ........................ .........._......'_....__...._......_.._.......... ......... ........ ................. $OV• 13th.t_.._1919. ....................... DATE.............-.-..... RESOLVED In the matter of condemning tflpr school purposes Block 31, West End Addition, under PrAliminary Order ,#25949, approved July 25, 1919, and Intermediary i Order 6874, approved October 11th, 1919. E7`� j�✓ - The Commiseloner of Public Works having submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be -as follows: Lots 8 to 16 inclusive, Block 31, West End Addition to the City of at. Paul. C. F.; No. 27243-33y Albert Wynder=' llch— In thematter of condemning for school!, Purposes Block .31, West End Addl tion, 'n der Prelimina{Y-<tled., We. `26949; npproved',Jplyy =26, 1919, ah��77"n termedla y tlrder .No. 26874; iiia ed• �Reaolved.- Thot t11e �Clty;''of- St. Paul; ¢zee(t and .determines the amount of, la¢d'�to be t taken: for th.'%�s,. ove ne.med tmpy ovement to'-be.as roll eg: Lois a to 16- lnclusive,.Block 31, West, End Addition to the City of St Paul, Adopted by the Councll Nov. 19, 1919- Approved Nov, 19, 1919, - (Nov, 29 1919) - -_-,-- Yes (4) Councilmen (,') Nays y ancy I�`rnsworth / 4ioss In favor jJPowerorw1 /ers (� -Against Wunderlich "-- eeidmt FeRM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved_._ _..._..._..._._._::._--..__..-_.19._....- lyL A MA OR TO THE COUNCIL OF THF CITY OF SAINT PAUL: )2��`L owner of one undivided one-ha1Y part of Lots numbered, respectively, eight �8.) to sixteen (16), in Block numbered.thirty-one (31), in West End, an addition to the City of St. Paul, objects to the taking and condemnation of said lotsforschool purposes, because, for the reasori�and'upon the giounde:- Fir at That the Council of the City of Saint Paul has now no power or authority to take or condemn the lots above mentioned for school purposes. Second: That it is neither necessary or proper for the Council of the City of Saint Paul to condemn the lots above mentioned for school purposes. And objects to the award of damages made for said lots, upon the ground and for the reason that the aggregate value of said lots is at least L�}�Crl/�` Dollars, Fespectfu1ly,,- �j�� r s f , f(J" 6 2, 5X4 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: ��il owner of cne undivided one-half part of Lots numbered, respectively, eight (8) to sixteen (16), in Block numbered thirty-one (31), in West End, an addition to the City of St. Paul, objects to the taking and condemnation of said lots for school purposes, because, for the reason and upon the grounds: - First: . That the Council of the City of Saint Paul has now no power or authority to take or v condemn the lots above mentioned for School purposes. Second: That it is neither neceseary'or proper for the Council of the City of Saint Paul to condemn the lots above mentioned for school purposes. And objects to the award of damages made for said lots, upon the ground and for the reason that the aggregate value of said lots is at least_,,_ 4 _ Dollars, Respectfully, OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Cnl[v ER 1...n .1. CARROLL r9uvrlu[[Ra ALPREO IACItSONonSs �rucrroR nRe c a wrrbR M. GOET2INGER. Suvr. N. CRYTRARrEHo nc[Rro a aug of Of. Paul Nipertmeut of Iludlir Worko 12 4 M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R.T. GOURLEY. DEgUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning for school purposes Block 31, West End Addition, under Preliminary Order #x25949, approved July 25th, 1919, and Intermediary Order X26874, approved Oct., 11th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to b taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particu- larly described as follows: Lots 8 to 16 inclusive, Block 31, West End Addition to the City of St.Paul Commieone�_P-bl CITYO . PAUL DEPARTIA F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS 1S1 FINANCE 26874 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Pai The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-- 2250.00 --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED'. VALUATION %O TOTAL. OITJ PAUL DEPARTME F ,FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS 16VER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER iI ASSESSED VALUATION GESCRIPTIdN LOT FLOCK ADDITION �o 76'i. /i a /w j3J oLo D 6 ii II I y The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated --191.. --— - ----....... Commfssioner of Finance. v FORM N.S.A. 9•k - _- PRESENTkD BY COMMISSIONER......... RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY 'CLERK CQUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM '! 0 COUNCIL FILE NO.... DA In the matter of opening widening and extending an alley,to a width of twelve (121 feet, from Stevens Street #$;,UBorge Street, between Smith Avenue and Ottawa Avenue, ander Preliminary Order #25503, approved June 19th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26893,approved Oot. 11th, 1919. The Commissioner of Pablio Works having submitted hie report and sketoh in the above mutter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Raul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The west six (6) feet of Lots 2 to 13 inolusive, Balme'e Addition, and the east six (6) feet of Lots 3, g,, b, 6 and 7, Blook 4, Langevin's Fourth Addition. Yes (d) Councilmen (v) Nays �Famsworth V Goss In favor J"'Mccoll r i Powers - - ---Against IVIf. President FOAM 3ms_1O 1 X. Adopted by the Council - ---NOV 3 1919, 19 Nov 13 Isis Approved....... _. __..._.._._.........._.._.......19......._ MAYOR OSOAR CLAUS9EH J. E: tARROLL, SUPT.iAUEiIOn wn0 RfPwIR. ALPREO JACHSOH. 9uPT. H. W. GOETIIN09R, M. 9. GRYTSAHrEH H?RROL.,, Oe (ttg of Ot. Faul (— Otpartmat of Fukltc Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the` matter of opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of twelve (12) feet, from Stevens street to George street, between Smith avenue and Ottawa avenue, under Preliminary Order #25503, approved June 19th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26873, approved Oct., 11th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: The west six (6) feet of Lots 2 to 13 inclusive, Balm6s Addition, and the , east six (6) feet of Lots 3, 4,5, 6 and 7, Block 4, Langevin's Fourth Ad- dition. o m i`o r of PL or s Date— - DEPART FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . Open, widen and -extend an alley to a width of twelve (12) feet, In the Matter of =--' - --' — — --— ------ --- -- -- --- ---- frorr c-,.tevens Street to George Street between Smith Avenue and Ottawa Avenue, by taking and condemiing the west six (6) feet, of Lots 2 to 13 inclusive, --- Balmels Additicna.nd the east .94x (6) feet of Lots 3,4,5,6 and 7, Block 4, ----------.......... ....................................... ......................................................... Langevin,s Fourth Addition. under Preliminary Order approved9-•--- ---------- —--------- ----------------_--...---------------- --'--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2 27 Balmes Addition to Vest 400 St. Paul. 3 27 do 2350' 4 27 do 2000 south 15 ft. of (5 27 do No. 10 ft. of 54 27 r. do 150 6 27 do 400 1 So. 12 ft. of 7 27 do 1775? 13 ft. of 7 27 do a 1G50 (8 27 do TOTAL, II DEPART' FINANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. e Dated - - -------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-0 C j DESCRIPTION LOT,BLOCKi I ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION ` 9' 2,7 Balrree Addition to Tient 3350 St. Faul. So. 15 ft. of lot 10 27 do No. 10 ft. of 10 37 do 150 11 27 do 400 So. 5 ft. of 12, 2,7 jo 1875 No. 5 ft, of So. 10 ft. of 12, 2,7 io 75. No. 15 `t. of 12 -7 do 250 13. 27 do 242,5 No. 65 €t. of 1-2- 3_ 4 Langevins 4th Addition to 200 Saint Paul. So: 65 ft, of 1-2- 3 4, do 3300 4 4 d0 2700 5 do 2600 .. 6 4 do 290.0 7 4 10 4275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. e Dated - - -------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. 8-0 C 0 • St. Paul., Minn .. .....................i91... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .........:..::'........... �......:...... ...... St. Ave. from .... .. ..S . Ave. to.... .. .. ...... .....................St. Ave.` R�......... ... . ....... ell) /�. . CkA....%- 1-�? oil!(t" c dr. f � � ....................... ..... ....... .......................... v. ....................�... .. .... .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M .........:............... I �Iv X. _ F _ IJIi �r ni.«Ti;` EitS,' .............. I ............. �............ x......... ,' 4 .... ............................ .................................... ............... ®I ` -Office of the Comir Wiloner of Public ,or y§ + ARNS�O , yY Report to Commissioner of Finance I� a !UL 151919 V July 14th ......................191.9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25508 June 19th. ......._........... 191 .. x.:_9., relative to... ....................... cil, known as Council File No.... .... _...........................approved................................... ........... opening, widening and extending an alley to a width of twelve (12 fe_et.,..__ .xa. !...,. t.Y.ez►e......S.tr.eet......t.a.....Geo.rge.....�t.r..e.e.t.,....b_e.t.we..en....Smith...9ve.nue........_...... and Ottawa Avenue, by taking and condemning the west six (6) feet of _....gots.....2.....t.o..._y3_... nolusi.v.e.7.....Balme.I.s.an.d.....L-.he.....ea.s.t....v.}x.....(.64.:.._£e_at__... of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Block 4, Langevins Fourth Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: e 1. Said improvement is......_ ................ necessary and (or) desirable. �.. x— xx ......... and 2. The estimated coat thereof �s.'...._.'r.:....'.:............... and the total cost thereof is:�s_.....-c.".._.........._....... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .c y ................ /. ".......... Cmnmissione of Publi 'W •ks. COUNCIL 2 /C� .t CITY OF ST. PAUL Yap FILE NO........... }..fir OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYXN- COMMISSIONER......_ ................._......._..... DATENRY.emb.er.. RESOLVED That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects all bids received for the con= struction of a sewer on Pierce Street from a point 137 feet north of St. Anthony Avenue to University Avenue and on the south side of University Avenue from Pierce Street to Aldine Street. F.B. No. 2063. Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays •Glafley— Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers 116 -WAUMI Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 C. F. No. 27246—By M.N. Gose-- p(� -Resolved; .That the Council coneure ° in the recommendation of the Coatract� Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for the construction of e. sewer on Pierce Street, from a point 127 feet Northof St. Anthony Avenue to Uni- versityn Avenue, and the South aide of University Avenue, from Pierce Street`to Aldine Street. F. B. No. .2063. Adopted by'the Council Nov. 19, 1919. Approved Nov: 13, 1919. $ (Nov. 16, 1919) Adopted by the Council ---NDU-13.-1919..-19 .. .. _-In favor Approved.... --{�n f._. 19 19 % V�� Against M �YOR COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. ..... .__... .. _..... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM x PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER................................................................................. _........._..._._........... � DATE.tlovemb.er._.1.0.,.1.91.9. RESOLVED That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bids received for paving alley in Block 30, Summit Park Addition with Portland Cement; Concrete. F. B. No. 2065. Yes (%') Councilmen (� ) Nays Farnsworth Goss Powero} wers McColl WAuld"I" Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 �..C. F: No. 272Tho$the.:C ahe C n ruct Reeolso-Von"ndatlon rejects' bids il 20'' Committee an vmg ebl eY A Bpot land in the ewedit perp, Addition'enNot 2005. 1919. Nrun Concrth Coun*A Nov 13, CeAAdopted bNov 13, 1919. Approved (vov. 15. 19191 Adopted by the Councila� APprved.._9.....__ _- In favor Against IwaroR - OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY"'� COMMISSIONER. ........... .... . ... ............................................... 4 ('r - LCOUNCIL', FILE No ...................... DATE—Nay.grnb.er... RESOLVED That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on iLyrtle Avenue from 1�ontComery Street to Cleveland r Avenue, to Feyen Construction Company, for the sum of $'1,192.75., engineer's estimate being 31,475.00. F.B. No. 2064. i C. -Y. No. 27247—By M. N. Goss- - Resolved, That the Covncll concurs h, therecommendation of the Contract Committee and :hereby awards the con- tract for the construction f a sewer on Myrtle Avenue from Montgomery Street to Cleveland Avenue, to I+eyen Conatruction Company. for the-eum of 51;47 i 1,192.76, englne r'a Watime 'hotng 6.09, F. B. No 2964 Adopted by ttie Covncl>, 17ov.`13. 3918. Approved Nora 1 (Nov. 36, 1 1 Yes (N') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy"— Farnsworth Goss J�P_ -_' el I' Powers V anM Mr. President FORM 3M9 a4-Yg i* iiee01-vea . b aboge 0{ZOYI pe Re �l tjlOp Adopted by the Council NOV" 13 1919 _19 I Approved In favor ...... _..N U_..3...19.Lg..._.....19_...._. Against _.... meroR _. COUNCIL _ CITY OF ST. PAUL - _, FILE � �������� f } tl / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 4� ._......._........._. :..... DATE.....1,1 .1.2..1.9__.__...... COMMISSIONER ✓1�G�Z-' RESOLVHD • That the Council herebyapproves the action of the Pur- chasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing 15OU wat-r meters to the Badger keter Company at a price of $8.40 each, total amount of contract $12,600.00, in accordance with Formal Bid No.2076. To be charged to the 'Rater Department. 1 i C. F No 27248—BYFrank L. Powers Resolved .That the Covaell hereby approves- re action f the Purchasing. Committee' Sn awarding contract -for furnieping,1.600 Water meters to itis .Badger McEer'CompanY at pried of 'y8.40 eneh,in accordancet 7th cFormal 12 600.00, be charged to the Bld No. 2076, TP 'W aterDepartmenh' :. AdoDted by the Council Nov. 13. 1919. ApprovadNov. 33, 1919. `.(Nov. ib, -7919) yes (%') Councilmen ( 1 Nays --6turte9�"�' Farnsworth Goss McColl ' l Powers �! ZWwnderfieh Mr. President FORM --9 Received all papers In connection with above Resolu ion. I J � Adopted by the Council�� -« t� 19 . In favor Approved ys� Ig'�..... _.19....._ ...._._.-., G Against �, —YoR � / Farm A A 46,2 M 7-18 r Ir•rY of s -r. racy. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM t ;`, °" No•-...-._�'" 1300 BV_:..'"_�/ `-�... IIII'TR !-LER AUDITED 191.. it R l .. _..... TITLE S Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followingdetailed statement: _M.V.!!w Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.... 13 19A-191 Farnsworth up n FIo. 2 , To, fla^�Y+-Abatrack Reaehe that -warrants be drawn App `) ..�9}� -. .191 ... ; the City Treasury, payable out . the hereinafter apecifled funds and t- l._ - CiOss � tavorf of the persona, drma or corpor Ir [Ione for the amounts asp-pfW6l.te their, Keller respective names ae apeclfled 1n the. ___.. _....... .__. _ ....... ... _ folow1ng detailed statement:- afAYOR V. W.,Babcock, $2400. McColl W. J Begbie, Abstract Clerk, $12.26. H.13, :26.20. "�IiEf7dCf14Cl'1 Carnegie Dock; & I Fuel company,, $24.87. Mr. President, Hodgson Clh1tASonMnwsutaee'& eG•2Pe.a1 Roll- 15418 au 15418 F. W. Babcock, Parks 15419 W. J. Bazille, Abstract Clerk Fire 15420 H. Busse, Playgrounds 15421 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company, Sprinkling 15422 Cast Stone Company, 76.00 St. C. & R. Crosswalks 250.20 326.20 15423 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, Sprinkling 15424 Goodyear Rubber Company, Water 15425 Great Lakes Coal & Dock company, Water 15426 Great Northern Railway Company, St. C. & R. 15427 Handlan & Company, Workhouse 24.00 12.25 26.30 24.87 326.20 731;47 147.61 937.36 131.32. 101.38- e Res. 1300 Page #2 15428 res,.. Harris Brothers, ` 7.91 Wate 15429 Joesting & Schill ng Company, 182.53 Me h. Arts High S.Library 15430 W. T. Lemon, 101.88 St. C. & Repr. 15431 F. A. Marko, 4.50 10.50 Workhouse Library 6.00 15432 John W. Mitchell, Agent 10.00 Schools 15433 llow Morrison, 35.00 Bridge B. & Repr 15434 C. Reiss Coal Company, 9.95 56.75 . St. C. & R. Schools 46.80 389.37 15435 James Shiely, Water 15436 The Studeba r Corporation, 122.10 Water 15437 Wallace & Tiernan Company, 850.00 water Total 4,228.80 Fora A A 96, t N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 'g 7 1p _ COI.'\CIL .....2.II..4ut... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM + FILE NQ 1301 -- ^ ,✓�� T-7 AUDITEOcn.V.A.:'.1.1.9..9....... ..... _.. ._..... ER......_�:.. .. TITLP Resolved tat walvrrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council .._........_NOU xei 1919 191......__ Reif 13 1919 Appr 1 1 Farnsworth �C E No. 2?a60 336bolved ihaih6wbareeata be ` dratva Goss uDD¢a the Cityy Trea.0 the h6ralnatter apaet9edDa9abte o¢t at MAYOR .._ ....... ...... . taad.•.a¢fl to ...... .... StA Keller tavo; brthbperpoae etmeypor aorpora- rea eCRiVe naameeu ae eDao111ed� inththe McColl rol�wth aetanea etateme¢t Wirideriieh auee $sett sas.aa ; =18820:00, rnsmorth;Ccalr of Ftaaace,; -. Mr. President, Hodgson anastseta 33or3arlFr._s7ann :. 15438 Gust A. Beck, Misc. & Unforseen 15439 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Water 15440 Anastasia Moriarity, G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen 15441 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, St. C. & R. Schools P. Bldge. Revl. Plater It 15442 St.Paul Herald, Official Publications Total 16,849.66 9.30 3.64 82.62 1.00 4.85 in=. a 38.28 16,320.00 15.'00 101.41 374.97 2725 CITY OF ST. PAUL couecii FILE NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK�p COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 7ORM Goss 13, 1919 ------------.....:.. Nov,..DATE.._.....__.._.._._ _....__........_....... ir+ ::Appro/v�e�/d (iNCv116, 1919) ✓ v Whereas, A. Weinholzer paid into the City Treaury the sum of One Hundred and Fifty (150) Dollars as advance payment for fifteen hundred (1500) cubic yards of waste earth which was to be taken from the" paving job on Como Ave. between Snelling Ave. and Raymond Ave.; and Whereas, Only seven hundred and ninety (790) cubic yards of the amount bargained for was actually delivered: Therefore, Be it resolved, That the proper City officers be, and they are hereby, directed and instructed to refund the sum of Seventy-one (71) Dollars to said A. Weinholzer upon presentation of the original receipt for said money so deposited. Yes Councilmen (�) Nays Adopted by the Council - NOV 1.3-- 919 ---19 - • an Farnsworth],3 19' 9 Approved._ __ _._ ...._.....-19......._ Goss --- -In favor , IJIcColl Powers Against MAYOR �f l Mr. President FORM ]M9 COUNCIL FILE NO,_ . .. i INTERMEDIARY ORDER M,, a-, „ In the Matter of...,.,x.�.tx:..................9....m,.,...:.:m-; ... ':Q ... -.. ..o ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ' ............................appr._...............under Preliminary Order ...- -S ..-.._...._... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is '--(.:.. ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _..i-dtt1..__........day of a 191 3. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the,total cost thereof as estimated. 11 191 . "I3 Adopted by the l'ouneiL_._ ._ NOV. _. 1.3__ _. _. Approved............ 191..... .Clerk Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman loss Council Councilman KMJ;ef-= : C c ' Councilman McColl !� .4'suueilman-W nderlich Mayor revid:, -_o Form B- S. A. 8-6 2, ,V COUNCM FILE NO ................................. r. By. . ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. . ........... . .............. .... ... . ........ .. .. ................................................................................................ ..................... .......... ... ..... . ........................................... .......... ..... ..... . ......... ­ ............ ­ .. .. ... ...... . .... ............ I ................ .. ........ under Preliminary Order.....'DZ,.L_`. ........... ... . . ...... approved_ ........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 0,2.. _La !'C, -Qt fl -p -j -t­_,�_, -% 1-- o,--ICu ­','. — . .............. r� ............ ............ . ........... ............... ..................................................... ................................... ­ ..... ... ......... I .......... .......... ........................................ .......... ...................................................... - ..................................... ....... ........... ..................................... ........................................................................... .......... .............. ........... ........................ ................................... ­ .............................................. .................................... ..... ....... ­­­ ............. ................. ... ..... ............ .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 15-th ................ day of .......................... . ...... 191 at the hour, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City.9f St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counei 1 191 Approved �19191. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss C"Mcilwarr Councilman Kedleu Councilman McColl (31otmoilmW.au—MIA—.9 Mayor DM&K ;TO._j­soj,. Form B. S. A. 8-6 r'� s 54; COUNCIL FILE NO ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER -_, _ In the Matter of..i�.G...u..,.:..,:.Y.Ut...,�,..,:'-._:: �...,:::::-.. - �-=--.o-.:.............:.:...:.a.:.:.:...-- .. :r...._ ............o under PreliminaryOrder.................a:>: G / approved .... _...-.,....—::.--:. �............. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..ti.:.::v.::'.::J...s...S:;z_::.1 ...'' c ,ec r M._......u....::..: :,.ter.,... .:. ....: .......:. ..... .................................. 77 --•---- -. ................... ....... .... {,. Cc- ............ ..:.. .:.....:. s.. ..... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. "" �) — ---" Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__._..... +a . ..............day of 191. . , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. K, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C'onneil__..... W -1 W -1a 1919 _ ..... 191 e' Approved 191_ _ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman uoss C- .. .,, 7 Councilman KEM-10_ 1`n f- Councilman McColl i Couneilarsn• un8"e�fl"' U Playor:trv7m: --- Form B. S. A. 8-6 ;7 r ff 1 � f 0"Y Clerk. Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO.,--._ ....................... ' v: j INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of 0 ° C. F. No. 2TE66- is tae matter of .,;ing-aa easemea _ .. ................... ........... ..:................................. .... ................. ......... ................. .......... . -'jary for: mopes-. ... .. _ gad'""F -Flelghtsjl*r. OV1; .......................... ........................................ .; ........ ..... ._.................... ................................ ...................... der under Preliminary Order...... ,:, ........................... npproved..........,;.u_-�....�:.r..._..._.:..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the -said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ml 0. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. __..= 'u;1._._..._......day of :di it._.........- ._.., 191._ .9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber of the Co u House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL._._._._f 4._ x..19.19 191- _ Approved ....:...:......................................... 191_..._ . itY )i.+ _ _ ... - ............... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss S;ouncilman 3;ptker:r_ .. /Councilman McColl IM"_l i-�Fnnderlic'h- Maycr:IrYah : Form B. S. A• 3-6 • ,.tit� �/ Y ;S .. �t INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ..- - 1 ..-. �... �'. ... ... ...4......x.5:.... n' -J:. .: L:......�.',..-1�.-. ..-; L_L...i... ..0 _.��.'1'.. .;11..... ��'liV u... l ........................... .......... ................ NO matter -- ,i nt eas emeant ,T).reet to Fl .. _. ....-. __. -. ..... _.. __ _.. .. _.. ..___.. .__......._ _..__.. ._....._- _.......... .... ....._.- _.... under Preliminary Order.-......_....1:.GLaa= ........ ....... approved1 1r.. ........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....c.o %M '' _ 11::....i.=_'_e....... .:....1. L`-;,.G.1G=1L..._1...;,_�... � u -......gid.... � .a..r..-... �. _''t . ''E.-.!:....:.Q..-...r:-1.s';A's`l..t;-. �.�.5'.':%��.-..f...: ?�1...._.--.-.-.- 'l r,n.,, _ ..,--C E. .: SY. �:1 "talc D'l'^ '�'1.1L....-:............. t,_�_.:Ct1C `......=G._...................._........................�=..n n- _, C with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-.':'..:QC.-....... _.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.............1 _`t.i1.............. day of ............. eGe:a).0 .....__ ._.., 191. .9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and. the -ytotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... ...... T� _ ...., 191_ Approved ......�` f f ... __ 191. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ('nnnnilman }Fr ....1,�._+�i•farag. Councilman 1'•0.: SCouncilman McColl 4:euaeilman-Wanderlick-• hlayor lr-vm:. '-c. o, Form B. S. A. 8-6 � ri CFtr1�.d Mayor. ML�>� 2 1 9 i f ti COUNNC , FILENO ......................... 1 By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....cc r5tructinp a se ,. e.r on Annaroli s.._Street ror.--oaa dale-- Ava.rue...t.n...a...y-,01at...far.ty...fe.et...eas.L....of.._th.e... e..-.t...line...oi...gco.d:b.ur.Y .Str.e.:-t........ under Preliminary Order................................................. approved ..... e---- ...-lcic.................. ................ IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cdnsid- ered the.same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is........... ec netrurt_.- - s ..Qr.. Ann.nn�aij,-@--.5tre;.et frotr. Oakdale Avenue to a. point forty feet east of the e -?.t line pf ....... ....... ...._._.........--_... .... ...... -- . ..... ......._............ - Woodbury Street. .... ....._....................... ... ...........:_..... .......-- ... -- ........ -- ......................._.............-............ -- - ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. �- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......: �......... ...... 191........ -- r City Clerk. Approved.._.....................................I............ 1191........ / i✓%iilA� Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman IMlizx P o l e r s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. ON q♦ VVV12j tlZf «,. f. �d i i tia aft. -+ tv C'. s+ tom\ CI . PAUL • DEPART OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM 'STONER OF FINANh^,rE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' -. ALJ. -..l_.. --------. under Preliminary Order approve � - ------ - -- ---- r -----------------------------------------....--------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $J-<---/--�--`-- Q--- The estimated cost;,for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of. each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT DDIITION BLOCtt ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /D G �-Z' TOTAL, DEPARTM F FINANCE REPORT OF COM TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK. ADDITION VALUATION /7a��0 �� G"z The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ' Dated - 4 � ------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.B.A. BD C J St. Paul, Minn. , ... /.A"....1912 To the Honorable, The Council, Gentlemen: City of St. Paul, Finn. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Boody to cause the following improvement to be made: ........................... . . . ............. ..............St. fie. Q...... ......... . Ave. to from Respectfully yours, Vim• ` ,B Q�•— %%%%%���� ,r"v ,Ft e /,�/ r1.. t�-C�p' j..u''.. �..s�,•l. f = c e`'i.,,,� ''�:i* � r ' Wtg 43jt. Paul Mepartment of V>DEPUTY ks M. N. GOSS, CO R. T. GOURLEY,, f October 6, 1919. Cdr. M. E. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for construction of a sewer on Annapolis Street from Oakdale Avenue to a point forty feet east of the east line of Woodbury Street, in accordance with Council File #26469, approved September 3, 1 19. Estimated cost.. .$4,398.00 Frontage,City of St.Paul only, 747.feet. Cost per front foot......... 5.88 The extension of the sewer on Annapolis Street east of Harvard Avenue, which is the BUMMit of the hill, would naturally, according to the topography of the ground, drain towards Brown Avenue (east). This, however, would necessitate the building of an outlet sewer on Brown Avenue for some five blocks north, and the property owners have repre- sented that there is no likelihood of a sewer on Brown Avenue being built for many years, and that the only hope of their obtaining immediate Sewerage is to have the existing sewer on Annapolis Street extend- ed at a sufficient depth to reach their property. It should be understood that while this can be done, the proposed sewer will not have a sufficient outlet to take any stormwater from the east side of the summit at Harvard Avenue, and all the property lying to the east of Harvard Avenue will be sub- jetted to an additional assessment for a main sewer on Brown Avenue, whenever that sewer is built, although it will not be necessary at that time to change any sewer that may be built now. If a sewer was to be built of Sufficient size and depth to take care of that portion between Oakdale and Harvard only, the estimate costto frontage between Oak- dale and Harvard would be, say $4.00, per front foot. Yours /vpp��ery/�t�ruly, ' lY. iX aA_L"'0_ ' ESS/C, Chief Engineer. 3ab Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Rc I 0 O�� 0 _0T 23 Repoit to Commissioner of Finance SEP '.2 1919 September 12th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26469 September ars 9 the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to oonstruoting a sever on Annapolis Street from Oakdale Avenue to a ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------- -point forty -(40) feet -east of the east line of lfoodbury-Street. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.66 per front foot 4,388.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $____________, Frontage 1,540 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis oner of Public Wor In the,matter of constucting a sewer on Annapolis street from Oakdale ave to a point 40 feet east of the east li-i}e of of Woodbury street TO THE C01,21ON CO"NDIL OF TUR CITY OF ST Paul: The undersigned owner of lots 13,14 and 15 in IcC' lungs Sub of Block cL,� 66 of Brom and Jackson's addition to )fest Ot Paul objects to the malting of . of the above improverient upon the ground that the smue is not a public nee- coolty and will coot more than 1/3 of the valuation of the property to be WOOL thordori 1110 cost poposod to bo cha vd .g(ihn t tho abovo lots is in excess if the actual value of said lots as fixed by the city assessor and more than they will sell for on the market. There are not more than two or three houses abutting upon said improvement,and Aie making of same Mould mean confiscation of the vacant lots. Dated at 3t Paul Nov 22. 1919 I N INS WARIEWIN ME STATE OF MINN880TA. BEFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 2 CITY OF ST.PAULo 3 COUNTY OR RAHSSY. 4 5 In the Hatter of Constructing a Bawer 6 on Annapolis street from Oakdale avenue to a point forty feet east of the east 1 line of Woodbury street. � 10 61 toundil. o! ih, &iy of liows 10 u The undereignedo Walter H4 Sanborn, who reoidee at 143 Virginia to arenue,in the city of Stshul,llinneeota, and Edward P, Sanborn, who red 13 sides at 505 Oakland avenue in said City, are the owners of Block C 14 of Brown and Jackson's Addition to fleet Ot.Yaul, which has a frontage of 3 180 lineal feet on Annapolis street between Oakdale avenue and a point 16 forty feet east of the east line of Woodbury street, and comprises 180 11 lineal feet of the property to be assessed for the purposes of the con- 19 struction of the sewer referred to in the matter above entitled, and they 19 object to and remonstrate against the construction of this sewer, and the 20 assessment therefor upon their said property on the grounds; 81 let; 22 That neither this property nor any property to be assessed for 23 the constructionofthis sewer can be benefitted to the extent of the cost of such construction# or to the extent of the proposed assessment 24 to be made thereon therefor. 25 2nd; 2e That in view of the present high cost of labor and material the 21 cost of the construction of this sewer will make the assessment therefor as amount practically to a confiscation of the property to be assessed. 2e 3rd; 30 That the Council has no authority or jurisdiction to make this 31 proposed alleged Improvement, or to 32 33 34 35 T %E i?7 !,,I T, IT I!T TV ' P G'r)nTi I (A', 5' 2 STA79 OF I(INMOTA* 3 COUNTY 02 RAMY. 4 MkAF6 P. SAYBORN' being first duly sworn do - 5 poses and says that he is the agen# of Walter H. Sanborn, and was duly a quthor ed by him to sign his name to the foregoing objections and re - i monstrance, and did sign the -same, and that this affiant also signed the same for himself in his own name. SUBSCRIBED and sworn to befoSe me this 18th day of November, 1919* —4 — — — — — — — — — — — — 10 11 !rdT-,AffrVutzI—C. MINN. ey My commission expires Tan.17.1925. 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 fi 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 —-------- - ____._------------- ---- r COUNC IL�Fyi�.................. Bvim ................................................................................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.........c�� et:;ucti.i, ._2_.. e::_;_r_Etr...et._fr-crn-.:knelling Avenue to fianline Avenue, and on ^nelling Avenue frorn nandJulph Street to ...................................................................................... ........_.................................................................................................. a mint 810 feet Sc,,, n cf R r ^tree Una a, 1n u591.x................. approved.......... J.........:.`......�....1r1.r.' under Preliminary Order................................................................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.c ,netruct a ee 'eT on Randolph �trest ................................................................................. from Snelling.venue to 'Hanline Avenue, .,+ , o.t. ....................... ...... ......--- ....... .... ........_.......... - - ---------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ................................................ Approved........................ ..:....:.._................1 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman 1�&rx U c yr e r s Councilman McColl r•� Councilman Wunderlich (t t Mayor Hodgson 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 Vfl/t S r. i u`� 1v a 'l E 1� �` E _ i 1{� -.T1FAST. PAUL /+ ) D OF FINANCE ' REPORT -OF"" Ll ' TONER QF FINANCE ON PR-, LIMINARY ORDER p (A) , �6-- 1 yl-_ -------- - -------------------___.-----.... under Preliminary Order approved—�--------�<��V _.---- -t--- --- - - To the Council of the City of St. Pa//ul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - 1 $-=--f--'3-�--�-Q'-- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - �'-l - $--a1J------'--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCn ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION /3 y�� �/3 �y /3 .0 a 13 16— 14 1 91 „FORM H.S.A. 8-e A TOTAL, CITY 09P T!PAUL DEPARTME w OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM ONER Or FINANCE ' ON PREU, (NARY ORDER' DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION /3 /G 6J /7 '/a2 6 /y//x� • �f • �91�''. y 6 /d yo 0 /7 7if- 7 5 �a 7 4 J 76- 6- 3 7 5_ 3 75- 576- 7 6- 7 J- 7 �l0 3 7 -5 - �� % A3 73- �9 % d 3 7 J- JTOTAL. T TAL, CITY F r)T. YAUL REPORT OF �EPARTM T�OF FINANCE COMM 5S30NER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELiL11NARY ORDER" (B) D E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK A C O I T 1 O N ASSESSED VALUATION 8 �� 6'6-O �o 02 6 6`U s- 75- Z /D 7 6- 9 �z76- 76- 7 6- / 7 56-76 / 71 -A� j TOTAL. CITY RF SST.*AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMWS&ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' IBI DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION /,4 9,r f ;t3. E/'G - , �� �� ��; All. zz v TOTAL. ASSESSED VALUATION -// J -a I/, � f'a 6 A U u o af.6— y CITY RF ST.'PAUL DEPARTMEN40F FINANCE REPORT OF COM WNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER' IBI ADDITION a VALUATION D DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK J,? f 76 8as)4 �a s -t 5- TOTAL. CITY gV ST. (PAUL DEPARTM T...OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM SIONER OF FINANCE - 01 PRELI XIRY ORDER, -I B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION /0 p o 0 ,y y 14 / oa The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated alf of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --.. [ L /` -- - - -._191. . ` %:..-- �1 ` — -- -- --- -., .- - - - Commissioner of Finance. FORM .-A. 0-0 C Office of the Cor;!tioner of Public -00 s - - ( )3� Report to Commissioner of Finance v Auget15..... .... 1919 ..............191....... -117' v the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- �3E -known as Council File No.95818........_.....approved ...... uly___15.J.._._1919.,_._....191........., relative to .............................. Seweron Randolph Street from Snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue and on Snelling Avenue from Randolph Street to a point 810 feet ..__....... ......... ............. ..... ...... _.... . ........................_.... south of Randolph Street. .... _.............._.......................................................................... .....-------............ . --...._.............................._......................................................_......................................._............................. cl having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1_ Said improvement is ... _ ...................necessary and (or) desirable. The estimated cost thereof is $._.................................. and the total cost thereof is $ sad -W=3Le nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ._................. .............. ........_..._........................... ._ _ _... 3- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ---------- _ .._._..............._........ ...__................_.._..........................................._..............................................-........-...._......_......_.........._..........._......._ ...... .. 5- Said improvement is_nOt.................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject 3. assessment for said improvement. i C��erblic Works. Office of the 4C,<>riiTriissioner of Public Works - ^+s _- Report to Commissioner of Finance _ 1. Auguet...._1.�.._..1919 - ---------- --isi - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public` Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order o£ the Coun- cil, known as Council File No x58-18_______-___,__approved......-j:gly...._25......:1929_.........191........., relative t --- on Randolph Strer4�V-b from Snelling Avenue to Hamlin6 Av4Eatra-u6 and on Snelling Avezziae f roj Randolph Street to a point 810 f set - --- .................................. ------ --- - - south of Randolph St reset ---......................................_..............-...__.........------ .... -----.... .......................................... ....... _...... ..._...........-..-.......................................... ------------------ - — - - - and having investigated the matters a.rnc3 things referred to therein, hereby reports: - 1. Said improvement is ---------- and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—_________________._.....__. and the total cost thereof is $.._25., 396_._00----., and the nature and extent of said improveme>Qt is as follows: ._......___ ..................... ........------------------------------------------------ --- ------------------- - - ------------ .................. ......................... - ................ ......- - - - - - --- .......--...._-......................................................_..._.....------------------------------------------- --------- --- .. - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof- - 4. . --.__ ...- ...................--... -- . .....-------- - - - - ---................. -............................ .................... - - - - - ---- o. Said improvement is.-nOt--------------------allied for upon petition of three or more owners of property-, subject t to assessment for said improvement_ / Comm -inner of Public Works_ i (9it!; .. Paul flx<.. GLAU99cN. mow............ BrVartmrnt of Publir Marko J_ C_ CARROLL.r9u�olNeswa M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER ' oor..rwue rl....... 1- R. T. COURLEY, DEPUTY ....Lf O JACKSON, 9uwr. H_ W OCT2INOER. 9uwr'ow August 14, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I beg to submit herewith report on Prelimin- ary Order Council File #25818, approved July 15, 1919, for sewer on Randolph Street from Snelling Avenue to Hamllne Avenue, and on Snelling Avenue from Handolph Street to a point 810 feet south of Randolph Street Approximate estimate of cost ............ $25,396.00 Frontage abutting sewer.. ... ..... 6,240.feet. Total area newer district, excluding streets and alleys.............. 1,412,870.Sq.Ft. Estimated cost of sewer of sufficient size to drain abutting frontage only. $17,176.00 A map of the sewer district is appended.' A Final Order has been passed by the Council for paving Randolph Street, and the sewer should be - built before the paving is done. Yours very truly, D` • 'lam ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo l� .. / 67 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution --- General*Fora+ 2 7 ,;),5 C..F.: No. 2T2b9-8 M. N'. Goss, j Department of Resolved. That the 9t Paul �Ligh olnpany is fiereby otderatd ati cis .extend its electrical 11na Yctt ing pole. anfl atrtnginfi 1-216-ssifiare•p Bureau of ,r the traaetnfsaton or elIesiir Id In the Lollow.ing alleys - :8a1d Clty. nstslt lne DOIe in the tilley Soutri o (}Cranium .9treet, Weat of M• - - ytit. 191 wo Dolee.in the A„ey8 -Y'CSellted Council File No. n. Anne. s. ,�;r By RESOLVED. That the St. Peul Cas Light Company is hereby orde ed and directed to extend its elnctrieai lines by eree i- Dole- and at ngiv¢ -ilea thereon for the trap -muni.. A eleetricb ov and in the following allege avd street- of avid city Install ranilun Street, hest of Mendota One pole in the alley south of #856 Ge Street. Two poles in the alleys east of FELrrin gton Avenue, south of Carbon Street. one pole in the alley north of University Avenue7 e ,st, tivest of Syndicate Avenue. Tree poles on Ftuof1ForesteStreetstnort?n oO1 Fauquie, �Street.and in tY res poles With necessary guys and anchors. All of Hoch exlennion-, vole. avd wires nhall be erected and constructed under the direction and nulaerrisiov of the Comminlover of Public Utilities and is ill 1hivgs rt:L;cct to the proyLiove o[ Ordivavice No. 24.4. avd of all ether lawful ordtnaneea and rnaolutiona of the City of 9t. Pnul. All vols should be eel iv such Ivtvlion 14 Bald alleyn and atreeb sa the Comrniaaron of P-blie Utilftdea obail duirnate, avd nhall be of Hoch height avd characty an Int -hall deei¢nam and approve'a d avy and all seta voles shall be taken down and removed. and such wire- Dlaced underground, whevever the Council shall deem lbat the interest so swim. and when it shall eo order. t �� 1919 Adopted by the Council C” 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL -KE'1:•LEft"' Mr. President, IiP4!' T �9U �� 1519 Approve 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General . Form 2'_�r�0 T, Department of- Bureau f Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas Lich[ Com Da-nY is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by.recti.¢ poles and etriaein airs thereon for the haysmusfo. of eleetricty on a.d in the followivr,- alleys and streets of said ci[ : Install two poles on Syndicate Street, south of Grace Street. With necessary guys and anchors_ All of ...h ertensfons, solea and cc to the Proriniove of Ordinance Z All pole. should be net in such I— J_ -h. 11 dea[enat. —dapmo.re, and — vutl:c interest so repuirea, and when it t Adopted by the Cou } oP�� - .Public Utilities hall ,, Commissioner r desii>nate, ..and sI,- I be ohall dY u h height : and character. -,as he esignate nrl approve;, and any and all Hoch > Poies-sha11- _ba-ta.lcan down ad re- s raoved� 'and aucri. wires .placed under- whev neer the.-'Councli shall i em that tri. publio interest so e- '( F quires. and when it sha31. o. order. $ Adopted by the Council Nov 14, 1919. Approved N v_ 14 19Is. � iupervlslon of the Commiseiover of Public UHlitiee and in al] thivLa 24 _ 11lLLLhhh Clty of 9L Paul. i siiii-aIZ�yaacav' Dtilltiea shall deli¢nate, and shall be of such hei¢ht and ch.—t- as d all each pole. shall be talc.. down are ne:move33atrsuc wfrcs placed under¢reuad, whenever the Couvcil shall deem that the If so order_ cil �y�V ��19 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARIST SW0RTH GOSS M cCOLL aw H 4 AA Mr. President, I e!_Nr ( ) Nays Mayor Bureau of f te� J Y Form Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLvV E,tD That t avd iv I as Light C.cu a, d.treeta of -d d...drand directed to extend its electrical line. by acetone ➢nits and au rosin¢ wires thereon for the e Install Two poles on Howard Avenue, between Burlington Avenue and Oakridge Street. (Hi;ghwood) One pole in the 0-Y ::o^ t' ofr4jmzeha'za Street, between %1 trop t:ncl. Peder- One son Street:. Two poles in the .11ey south r�- West Se rent'. Street bet':acen Canton Street and Victoria Street. One pole in the alley northwest of �9est Seventh Street, and couti-est of Otto Avenue. Onpole in the all.•• suut:: of Forbes Ave>:'_,e and west of I asci: Street One. ✓ com^lercial li�hti ng. Install Two poles on llcwarc, Avenue, south'sest of Oakridge Street.(Hig2.cood) Music' 1,;, -` rz :tin . With necessary guys and anchors. All of such extensions, pole¢ avd whes ¢hall be erected and coveWcled under the direction and supenisiov of the Commie.iever of Public Utilities and iv all things c:�l icct to the provis[one of Ordinance No. 1414. avd of all other lawful mdivavices and resolutions of the City o/ 9t. Paul. All Dnlce should beset In such location Iv enid alleYe and atmte as the Commbeloner of Public Utilities shall desl¢nnte, avd shall b< of such hei¢ht avd chancier he e -�nll ded¢vate and approve, and avY avd all each poles shall be taken down I'd removed, and such wires placed uuder¢rouod, whenever the Council .hail deem that the ..... ..._.......v ..vntrc.. and whey it shall eo order. Adopted by the Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL H Mr. President, IFeW+i" NOV :LL- ISIS ) Nays Approve NG1 191 zV ayor ' C. F. 1+70..27381-13y ;71{, x. Goes- , Resolved, Thsit 8t, Paul Gael Light Company lshereby ordered an! J \, d1' ectad to a tend its electrical lint by erecttn6 Doles aad atrtngla6 wiri there➢¢ for tha tranamieelon 'V trlclty on and In the [oilowing sl' and streets of Bald city: gyral Council Install Two lloles on Howard Avr•'t- tween Burlington itc..t (Hlglr 't " q; ;,qn«_ , '' epartment of Bureau of f te� J Y Form Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLvV E,tD That t avd iv I as Light C.cu a, d.treeta of -d d...drand directed to extend its electrical line. by acetone ➢nits and au rosin¢ wires thereon for the e Install Two poles on Howard Avenue, between Burlington Avenue and Oakridge Street. (Hi;ghwood) One pole in the 0-Y ::o^ t' ofr4jmzeha'za Street, between %1 trop t:ncl. Peder- One son Street:. Two poles in the .11ey south r�- West Se rent'. Street bet':acen Canton Street and Victoria Street. One pole in the alley northwest of �9est Seventh Street, and couti-est of Otto Avenue. Onpole in the all.•• suut:: of Forbes Ave>:'_,e and west of I asci: Street One. ✓ com^lercial li�hti ng. Install Two poles on llcwarc, Avenue, south'sest of Oakridge Street.(Hig2.cood) Music' 1,;, -` rz :tin . With necessary guys and anchors. All of such extensions, pole¢ avd whes ¢hall be erected and coveWcled under the direction and supenisiov of the Commie.iever of Public Utilities and iv all things c:�l icct to the provis[one of Ordinance No. 1414. avd of all other lawful mdivavices and resolutions of the City o/ 9t. Paul. All Dnlce should beset In such location Iv enid alleYe and atmte as the Commbeloner of Public Utilities shall desl¢nnte, avd shall b< of such hei¢ht avd chancier he e -�nll ded¢vate and approve, and avY avd all each poles shall be taken down I'd removed, and such wires placed uuder¢rouod, whenever the Council .hail deem that the ..... ..._.......v ..vntrc.. and whey it shall eo order. Adopted by the Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL H Mr. President, IFeW+i" NOV :LL- ISIS ) Nays Approve NG1 191 zV ayor i y yy i t•17'Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ��K! cut scm No. ..........:.:........::............ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION , F,LE Form A A 46,1 X 7-I8 1303 AUDITED �� '� i itnL i ^Y��.�_.� i, __.. 19t! i may.— PE._.—. .._. .... TtTLF Resolved that warrants he drawn u the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( `1 ) CouncilmenI REsoLumIONS. Adopted by the Council_..._.. f�i � 19... ...191... C. S'. No. 27262AbstracL Ap _.-' �_�-191 ... Farnsworth - Resolved that warrants be drawn upoh the City Treasury payable out of Coss the hereinafter specified funds and 'in favor of Lhe persona firms or corpora- tion. for the amounts; sat opposite ----� �_- -- �/f•_ �I 1Y0R McColl their respeattva names as specified is the 1.11 1.. detailed atatament: Wunderlich 1. !o d MnryBrue er,. 530.D0 :Mrs. H-Ior 23,10 EdwardNeuman 98.14 $397.12. N. W. Electrl Equ, .1 t company, J. J." O'Connor, Chief 'of Poll.., 546.08. - JamessRsatnC'al seeneE 0.0Cc 0aay, 5160.13., SL Paul Build— Materla)_ Oompany; 5343.00: J', Shiely Comppany, $770.00. _ Adapted.`bY theCouncil Nov. -14,.1910. Approved Nov. ],4, 1919. [Nov. 22. 1919) f 15550 Leopold Bruenner, 30.00 ' Parks f 15551 Mrs. Mary Horan, 23.14 Police 15552 Edward Neuman, 98.14 Police 15553 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 397.12 Police 92.39 Pol. & F. Alarm 35.99 if u 2.25 Library 209.39 Playgrounds 11.18 P. Bldgs. Revl. 13.43 if It 32.49 397.12 15554 J. J. Of Connor, Chief of Police 46.08 Police 15555 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 160.13 Parks 20. 00 15556 James Rasmussen, Library 15557 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 343.00• Parks 15558 J. L. Shiely Company, 770.00 Paving Ashland -Snelling to Pascal Total 1,887.57 J x , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI O1D Nn. 1302 1919 NUV 1.rf y Resolved that warrants be drat '° At ?ioeolyed ttint. on tha Crtyii'l persons, firms or corporations for the ar., r;i6l ttar; ,e 'or of the pare oe'tor th0a{no Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays ;peotfve namet Darns datum merrcan Iaw ` mkLaw q. " C AtAt kru4' Farnsworthito ,.h .. R.' nnstne_.V Goss K, Her— ..........Against McColl 441nk0ft Mr. President, Hodgson / >ER....... ............................... _........ - TITLE out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the _ dram' e and: -in. amps as specified in the following detailed statement: corpora (te theft to tris; dopted by the Council....... .... I �o' ......... .. e . �,.� .151_.._... _.........._..._............_......_..... ............ ......... .._,.:.._......_........_.. MAYOR . 15443 American Insurance Agency, 240,80 - Water 15444 American Law Book company, 5.00 Corp. Uounsel 15445 E. C. Atkins & Company, 11.70• St. C. & R: 15446 Auto Engine Works, 71.20- 1.20Garage Garage 15447 Bausch & Lomb Optical Company, 10.00 Library 15448 Beebe Laboratories, 2.00, Health 15449 Albert Bonnier, 18,28- 8.28Library Library 15450 S. Brand, 8.40 Schools 15451 Brentano's, 11.50 - Library 15452 F. J. Brings & Company, 1.25, Health 15453 Jos. H. Brinker, 3.00 Mech. A. H.S. Library Res. 1302 Page #2 63 15454 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, comptroller 1*50 narks .72 Water i 4.00 3.45 15455 Buckbee Mears Company, Library 15456 Wm. R. Burkhard, 3.00. Police 15457 Capitol City Lumber Company, 11.22. Park 5.73 School 5.49 15458 J. W. Cassin & Company, 45.00, C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 16.75 Schools 5.50 Pol. & F. Alarm 5.75 Water 17.00 15459 Central Garage, 552.60., Workhouse 15460 Central Scientific Company, 16A5:. Johnson H.S. Library 15461 Chicago Great Western Railway Company, 2.43 Schools 15462 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpls. & Omaha Railway Co., 240.29. Schools 8.97 42.00 Water 189.32- 240.29 15463 Corning & Donohue Company, 77,j50. Water 15464 Crescent Creamery Company, 42.45-:- P. Baths 5.25 Schools 37.20 42.45 15465 Day's Prest-O-Service Company, 28,56. Fire 21.26 Munie. Gar. Revl. 79 7.30 M 15466 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 321,37, Schools 1.07 It .60 Gt. Northern Schools 319.70 15467 Harrr Divine, 31.61, Schools 15468 Louis F. Dow Company, 15.05 Civil Service 3.00 Schools .75 Library 7.30 4.00 15.05 'Res. 1302 Page 43 15469 Drake Marble &Tile Company, �� �a �j 2.50 Schools �•' 15470 W. J. Dyer'& Brother, 394.28 Schools 345.110 u 2.00 Library 10.96 25.07 11.15 . 8 15471 The Eldridge Entertainment House, 1:65' Playgrounds 15472 Electric Blue Print 'ompany, Special War Classes 15473 Electric Mfg. Company, ',6.20_ Munic. Gar. Revl. 15474 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 373.60 Police 10.00 Workhouse .65 Schools 19.12 if 3.67 it 1.80 n 54.81 Great Northern Schools 233.30 Special War Classes 1.05 n it ° 7.96 Librafty " n 17.85 2.38 Lighting 1.17 Water 9.72 n 6.88 n 3.24 373Ta 15475 Fenstermacher Auto Supply company, 9.19 Munic. Gar. Revl. 15476 Field,;Schlick & Company, 108.5.4 Schools 7.26 n 11.00 Johnson H.S.Library 26.40 Special Day Schools 63.888 15477 Thomas Finn, 25.00 Schools 15478 Mhester W. Gaskell, 7.25 - Munic. Gar. Revl. .50 1.75 Playgrounds 5.00 15479 Gerber & Hausler, 26.35 Schools 25.50 Playgrounds .85 15480 Golden Rule, 16.32 Schools 12.00 Johnson H.S. Library 4.32 16 3� Res. 1303 Page ##4 15481 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Schools Paving Ashland, Snell. to Rascal *8.20 38.00 15482 Griggs, Cooper & Company, Fire 50.00 Schools 120.00 Johnson H.S. Library X3.70 .70 15483 Grossman Instrument Works, Bureau of .6ngineers 1.25 ^ 1.00 u " 18.50 it ^ 5.00 Forestry Revl. .40 P. Bldgs. 50 15484 Haag Roofing Company, Schools 15485 W. J. Haas Mfg. company, Muhio. Gar. Revl. 15486 Hackney Investment Company, Schools 15487 W. Harris & Company, Fire 15488 A. P: Herschler, P. Baths 15489 Highland Spring Company, givil Service 15490 Himebaugh & Brown, Library 15491 H. R. Huntting Company, Library 15492 Hurd & Johnson, Water 15493 Guy M. Jones Company, Library 15494 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, Police 4.13 Fire 27.24 Munic. Gar. Revl. 4,755 36.12 15495 Koshring Machine Company, Paving Depr. 15496 Library of Congress, 70.06 Library Meeh. A.H.S.Library 46.87 116.93 15497 Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company, Police ,66.20 173.70• 26.65 , 44.60. 13.05• 35.26 . 22.50.; 6.40 5.25. 43.26 7.20` 36.12 46.85 116.93 90.85- M 15498 Kahle Wagon Company, n� 7 Sprinkling 15499 W. H. Malone Company, t Paving Summit -Lexington, etc. 15500 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 136.82 If " n 30.89 If If n 108.08 Water 33.81 Gaulter Schools (Bond) X4_30 15501 Merriam Park Cash Grocery, Schools 15.502 H. A. Meybohm, Schools 15503 0. R. Mickelsen, Schools 15504 Minnesota Storage Battery Company, MtLnnic. Gar. Revl. 15505 Mitsch & Heck Wagon & Auto Company, Police Fire If It TV 15506 M. N. Moffatt, t Water 15507 New York Tea Company, Workhouse 15508 Northern Coal & Dock Company, Water 15509 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Workhouse Water Paving Como Ave. W. 15510 Northern States Power Company, Fire 11 Sewer C. & R. Art Museum Water 15511 Northwestern Fuel Company, Fire 15512 N. W. Stamp Works, City Clerk Schools Mech. A.H.S.Library Water n u 365.90 2.75 7.95 5.75 3.50 3855.85 78.33 65.91 4.00 148.24 1.98 72.14 5.05 159.08 846.89 8.75 .55 .65 1.20 .40 2.25 1.20 13: ba 25.83 100.00 3.97 20.22 385.85• 16.25• 12.50- . 82.50 148,24- 246.89' 15.00.• Res. 1302 Page #6 5.33.10- 15513 N. W Tire Company, 1 Munic. Gar. Revl. 15514 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 116.10 Police 11.70 Bureau of Engrs. 035 Workhoude 3.88 Sprinkling 10,75 Schools 6.70 2.10 4.19 3.50 1.70 Central H.S. Library 2.10 wech. A.H.s.bibrary 57.33 Humboldt H.S. 8.65 2.40 Playgrounds .75 0 15515 Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 165.35 Schools 5.90 134.00 Library 16.75 Water 8.70 TOM 15516 Pilot Printing Company, Schools 15517 Pittsburgh Coal Company' 254.55 Schools 82.55 -Library 172.00 15518 R L. Polk Company, 24.00, Coln'r. . of Finance 15519 Poorls Manual Company, 10.00. Library 15520 Quayle & Kelley, 5*40 Forestry Revl. 15521 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 100.50- Worichouse 16.00 Schools 80*90 Parks 3.60 100.50 15522 W. R. Rice, 57.1$ Munic. Gar. Revl. 15523 C. V. Ritter, 15.00 - Library 15524 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 63.66 Sprinkling 1.41 Schools 7,75 Test. Labs. 2.50 Docks, wharvesm etc 45.00 Water 7.00 15525 John Rogers, Jr., Agency 11.83. Water Res. 1302 Page #7 15526 NUton Rosen & Company, 2— 154.80 .1 Fire �► 15527 St.Paul Battery Company, 2.45 Fire 1.13 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1.32 2= 15528 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 88&.3'1• Schools 2.80 30.00 n 2.80 n 7.50 n 1.60 Meeh. Arts H.S. Library 5.04 u n n n 9;33 u e n 70.65 Johnson H.S. Library 13.50 Library 46.06 99.64 ++ 99.95 n 99.77 n 99.88 n 99.48 n 99.73 n 84.65 n 13.73 8:31 15529 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 208.]:0 Server C. & R. 12.00 n n 2.52 St: Intersections 151.58 Schools 42.00 15530 St -Paul Cement Wades, 25.50 Great Northern Schools 15531 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 389,42• _ Schools 306.24 Workhouse 50.67 Library 32,51 89 15532 St.Paul.Stamp Works, 22.15• Police 15533 W. H. Schmelzel Company, 36.85• Garage 15534 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 14.12 Playgrounds 15535 Stearns Printing Oompany, 24.50• Water 15536 C. H. Stoelting Company, '95 Humboldt H.S. Library 15537 Strickland -Doolittle Compary, 184.62, Parks 15538 B. F. Sturtevant Uompany, 30.00• - Library 15539 Sundstrand Adding Machine Qompany, 4.15 • Parks Res. 1302 Paged qN6_0* 15540 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 7 162,23N Pol. & F. Alarm 35*98 Quarantine 17.15 Schools 46.10 Playgrounds 12 .A0 Water 51000 Tuff -. n 15541 Victory Printing Company, 141.25 Printed forms & Blks. 54.25 35.25 Bureau of Engineers 9.00 Library 30.00 Water 12,75 141,2,5 15542 viijaume Box & Lumber Company, .80. Playgrounds 15543 Washington Foundry OOmPanYx 71.00, Water 15544 Western Machine Mfg. Company, 59*88 Fire 2.25 2.30 S. & S. Ulng. .40 U 18.98 Schools 19.70 Water 16.25 55s$8 15545 West Publishing Company, 6.00• Uorp. Counsel 15546 R. B. Whitacre & Company, 56.60- Fire 1.53 Sprinkling 13.16 Schools 41.91 15547 L. Wolff Manufacturing Company, 26.69 Schools 15548 M. E. York, 32.04- Library 15549 Zimmerman Brothers, 24.75 Police Total 8,846.53 CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:......_ ............................. ..... ....... ............... .......... ........... ._._...._.......................__.........- -------------- ..--------- .- e� 1. 'ILE CIL NO . ............... � i �1. ................... It Date Presented ...........NOV;,....1.9!......... ............ 191._. Resolved, That whereas Pity Warrant No. 12315 issued July 7th, 1919 to Swift & Company in the sum of $132.55 has been reported lost, and whereas Swift & Company has furnished a bond in the sum of $265.10, approved by William L. Kelly, District Judge; the proper officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $132.55 to said Swift & Company. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays -eta—,— Farnsworth Goss ...-.-..._...In favor McColl .............. Against Mr. President, Hodgson C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB C. F., No. 27264—BY S. A. rianew—th-1 Reeolved, That whereas Cl, War- rant"No. 12316, leaned July 7tH, 1819, to Swift & Company in the sum of $132.66 has been reported lost,and wh.e1.-r , Bwtft & ComPaay has 2u_,.hed a bond � in the aumot'$266.1q approved by'Wll- 11am.: L Kelly,. DlatrlcY Judge the proper oldclais ars hereby uuthortaed to pesue-a duplicate warrant Sn the aura of $132.65 to said Etwltt &Company, Adopted by the Cooneil'Nov 14, 1919._ Approved Nov: 14, 1918. (Nov. 23, 1918) Adopted by the Council. ..NOV 14 19. 9 . 191...._ Approve N.O..._-..__....4._199........ 191..... C MAYOR is CITY of e'r. P:tUL C OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t_1 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION ORM /`°`'NC1D FILE Na -••-- 1304 / v .r ll�.Y... A.. J..13�3.. ..... 19 ....... AUDITED ................. '-.. - .- Cochran -Sargent Company, ER .... ..... .. . ............... _ .. _. ..--- qq P. Bldgs. Revl. TITLE 15561 City, Treasury, out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resoled that warrants be drawn upo e payable persons, firms or corporation --'t" 6"7spective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V c, F No 27266AbetracL` Adopted by the ncil KIM[ 1 c1 1919 ..... .._191 'warrante beo1 �� � ::-geeolved that out . upon t e CItY TreasprY payable u or c rP r.; Farnsworth savor ottthetperor snn1'. rma )l -+q1� ......._191 proved_._ ... ..�... -- for tn8ni'71' e epeci8edptattha foie /// Goss' rwp aU'od re' rsent: ComPenl'� lows gidevroti, ateLu!nb - '; Armory Brooke, .................... ..-".' "'...AY ....._...._ .Cochran•Sar6ent Company' SI rop - MAYOR EQutPmenc Company,, McColl -: Mlnneeota.Road bggymer. Hardware ComAany 366,26: . creosoting : company'; 16- Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Republic Ate ander Rtae 5664 y �traP e1 sphreebu U , .046 26. Fire ' Ali SC wart : Products Secntce GaraBe,,_ 52so..16. 4 ,Adopted;bv, they, �01919 Nov. ,. 191st3 • _4 15559 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, :� V Firc 3.10 r Munic. Gar. P.evl. .00 26.46 10.82 528.50 55.25 15,099.57 8.54 85.36 5.04 3.90 Playgrounds 15560 Cochran -Sargent Company, P. Bldgs. Revl. 15561 Minnesota Road Equipment ''ompany, Paving Ashland -Snelling to Pascal 15562 Raymer Hardware Company, 2.25 Armory Police 38.10 Fire 4.65 St. C. & R. .45 Forestry Revl, 9.80 ss.''S' 15563 Republic Creosoting Company, Street Intersections 189.57 Paving Como Ave. H.— Snelling to Raymond 1414 910.00 a 099.57 15564 Alexander Rice, Police 15565 St.Paul Electric Company, Pol. & F. Alarm 55.48 11 n 8.57 Central H.S.Library 20.09 Playgrounds 1.22 85.36` 15566 Mrs. Alice Sparschuetz, Police 15567 a`e-artV Products Service Garage, :� V Firc 3.10 r Munic. Gar. P.evl. .00 26.46 10.82 528.50 55.25 15,099.57 8.54 85.36 5.04 3.90 F.- A A 46.2 N 7-18 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL °" No........ 15568 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Financd Mayor's Office City Clerk Bureau of Assessments P Recpts. & Disb. Partic. Certs. Uomptroller Civil Service Armory Purch. Dep t. 15569 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance Workhouse C.P. Works Bureau of Engineers. St. C. & R. Sower C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Bridge B. & Repr. Crosswalks Sprinkling Revl. Paving Como Ave. E. It R W. 15570 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools Library Auditorium 183.33 357.50 610.00 651.66 75.00 933.33 457.50 167.50 569.16 4,OZ-r.'-T 656.25 382.50 1,794.38 1,357450 97.50 937.50 312.50 62.50 165.62 75.00 100.00 5,496.64 3,815.97 447.06 ,759.6 4,004,98 5,941.25 9,759.67 11 i 9 i n Y _ r•r LLk. tt AUDITED � ... ':j.:.-.._......... 19 ...,... PER 1305 ... ........ ............. TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V r 9 ) Nays .._. Adopted by nml_.. KInh 1 (gl V ._.....191.....___ No. 37588 pb6traot. . drawn of f`�� ��� {ha; warrantsyabll t� y � Farnsworth Resolved aAI .A.... upon the:CttY' __rY, p Approved_.. 191......... stifled funds and 1n .. ... ..... ap pot Coss the haral-aft.r is; firmv1.�op ,car, t the favor of the p sat o in Keller v done for thnameenn&s specified respective of Fino.nce�: .._.._.__.._ ........... _._....... .. . .. __._...._-_ I followingadneworap8 COm r nC1 MAYOR McColl I$4 84;96,;- -th, 7�Comr., of Finance,. Wunderlich =5.94126: Comr• of ?rtAancs`,I Et. A.'Farnsworthr. `i Mr. President, Hodgson of Rlnance ys.76s.¢?. . g, AFarndwortti; Com r 15568 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Financd Mayor's Office City Clerk Bureau of Assessments P Recpts. & Disb. Partic. Certs. Uomptroller Civil Service Armory Purch. Dep t. 15569 S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance Workhouse C.P. Works Bureau of Engineers. St. C. & R. Sower C. & R. S. & S. Cing. Bridge B. & Repr. Crosswalks Sprinkling Revl. Paving Como Ave. E. It R W. 15570 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools Library Auditorium 183.33 357.50 610.00 651.66 75.00 933.33 457.50 167.50 569.16 4,OZ-r.'-T 656.25 382.50 1,794.38 1,357450 97.50 937.50 312.50 62.50 165.62 75.00 100.00 5,496.64 3,815.97 447.06 ,759.6 4,004,98 5,941.25 9,759.67 Rea. 1305 Page #2 r331 15571 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance( i 1,782.98 Pak -Gen. Adm. 331.66 Bureau of Parks 341.66 • Playgrounds 102.50 P. Bldgs .007 7 Xg- 15572 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,948.67 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 376.67 -Test. Labs. 419.50 " -Markets 160.00 " -Lighting 992.50 Total 23,437.55 Form A A 18, IN 7-18 �". clTx of sr. reuL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Null . 1. �7 FILE............ ....... .... _......... 130619 o� h a_...._.. - .IPT LLER AUDITED .......,...../.._r/........_......_.._..._. ...... 191.... . W� R ........... ............... ......... GTITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified,ythe following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Ne '-Q331cY-" Farnsworth Coss 'v^ Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 15573 Standard Stone Company, Cement Walks Total 3,215.01 3,215.01 PRESENTED BY ' COUNCIL 27268 CI PAUL FILE NO ..................................... 11-0.1 CITY CLERK s RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOA DA RESOLVED. what the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one car- load of calcium chloride at a price not to exceed $550.00, on informal bids without advertisement, as an emergency exists where any delay would work a hardhip tothe best interests of the city. Charge Public Works -Sprinkling. tereate Of 'The OILY. W -111-8p, 'It".9. Adopted b3y the Counetl NOV 16, 1819. Approved Nov 16, 1919 (Nov. 23,-1919) Yes (%') Councilmen Nays 5 Adopted by the Council-NC�--�--- 19 Farnsworth 15 1919 Goss In favor Approve 19_... McColl Powers � - Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President .FORM 3M9-19 --.... • COUNCIL �� '� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO .............'._,....._......... OFFICE OF TWE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REI9OLUON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ............... .../%6!,..:.../.....� -..- DATE NO.V.:14a198._......._...... RESOLVED That the ,specifications hereto attached for furnishing, installing, equipping, maintaining, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair of incandescent gas lamps and connections to gas mains for certain of the streets, alleys and public places within the city of St.raul, during the year 1920, be and the same are hereby approved, and the rurchasing Agent is authorized to advertise the letting of this contract as provided in the charter of the city of St. Paul. Yes (%') Councilmen (0 Nays Recei♦et! all papers itt connection gi.th ab°Q� Resolution. Adopted by the Council __- In favor Approved 19 Against MAYOR Farnsworth Goss 1VkCo11 O Powers Wunderlich FORM 3M9-19 Mr. President Recei♦et! all papers itt connection gi.th ab°Q� Resolution. Adopted by the Council __- In favor Approved 19 Against MAYOR o.ie.0 ro PITY.. OF ST. PAIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERCOUN_ 970 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ok /FILE Na• ---- "••"••-------- 1307 NOV 15 19197 ............... U Ii1�f['TRULL AUDITED............................................ 19 ....... l/ TITLC Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in flowing detailed statement: Yeas I d ) Councilmen ( V Adopted b C c11 . ....._. �V .. J....I51 �........191......... PteY -'Abstract NMI on the city that warrants he flraw¢. t% u�yyo¢ the Otty Treae-ifte yayaDte 9¢t o[ mon sDeclfled fu¢ds and da pprove ...... ._ _. ..19 ------- 06 Farnsworth faa.of th6 Derkona-flrme er eoryora-, es,tiofor the amouate set ovoostte,thelr: reepeetivetaamea a9 % n'ted 1¢ the fol Goss Iowing detailed�statemeat � � Nels O. (tranLer .::6.76 99 . ... _..............._..... _ B ... ..._ __. _ .._._. Keller O Approvedby,the Connell Nov 16; 1919 MAYOR ADDroved� oy 16, 1919 McColl -'1 (Nov. Ea,j1919) Wunderlich = _- Mr. President, Hodgson 15574 Nels 0. Granbergp Sohoola Total 675.00 675,00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:--- ......................... .........._....._............_......................._................_...............,-..--------------------cou-- IL �- — 2i1 FILE No. ........_............._..... .................... A Date Presented.......................................................191..... Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to draw and deliver city warrants in favor of L. C. Hodgson, Mayor, and James Pd. Clancy, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the sums of $49.55 and $37.67, respectively, pay- able out of the Contingent Fund, to reimburse said officers for expenses incurred by them in attending the Jefferson Highway Good Roads ion in Winnipeg, July 16th to 34th, 1919. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .. .... ..............................191...... Farnsworth Approve .........._ _. .�.e�"•, _��.�.�......... 191..... Goss _ - - -An favor Keller U �J McColl .............. Against ._........__..................._._........................ ................ MAYOR Wunderlich - Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.18 I " CITY OF ST. PAUL � � FILE NO ................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............................................... ................ _......... .............................. ....... ........... ............ ..... DATE.._h RESOLVED -That the Committee on Lands- is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the Cit;; Of St.Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5072 for Public `ochool purposes, Lot three (3), in Schneider, Yount x ir:orrissette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St.Paul North Outlots, for the sum of Two Hundred and Twenty-five Dollars (;;225.00), and the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of the said land when proper deed conveyin7 the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel shall have been delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land (,;;:225.00) to be charged to Public School Pltnd, Heal Estate Item, No. 41.8. Yes (�) Councilmen (d -Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 No. 27272-1 37 Albert Wunder. ApproVeQ Nov 16 3919. • (Nov 22,:1919) Adopted by the Council NOV NOVIn favor APprov �7J �9�q....__-.19_......_ ..................................... . Against MAYOR Lixix utcCi1TtiTiil Dr radmout of K-Dutatiml ALBERT WUNDERLICH,COHnis S:ON R H.R. DREHER, DIo TI C-1— Nov. 15th., 1919. To the Honorable the Council of the City Of 'paint Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands for the purpose of acquiring property for school purposes, under Ordinance No. 5072, desires to report that it is able to acquire Lot three (3), in Scbneider, Young & Morrissette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2 of St.Paul forth Outlots at a cost of Two Hundred and twenty-five dollars ((!;225.00). This being considered a reasonable price, we recommend that this lot be withdrawn from condemnation proceedings and purchased at a cost of Two Hundred and twenty-five dollars, ('1225.00). C01 MITTEE Re,spectfull'y-- submitted, (— �onn:iss' motion. ( ( Purchasing Agent. W. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ................................ / c CI CITY OF ST. PAU- - .... �..--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE......NoV ...... .._.._. RESOLVED 7.THERF'AS, the Committee on Lands has reported to the Council that they are able to procure Lot three (3), Schneider, '•=oung Polriorrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St.Faul tlortr Cutlots, by rurchase in the open market, and, IIF,REAS, the Council , by resolution known as C.P. No. 27272, adopted November 15, 1919 , bas authorized the said COi�tEee on Lan4s to purchase the said preriises and has directed and authorized the proper City Officers to com- plete the said transaction, and, ;'HERLAS, their report was made subsequent to the adoption of preliminary Order No. 26811, approved October 4th., 1919, which order provides for the condemnation and anpropri.a- tion of the aforesaid lot. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Lot three (3), in Schneider, Young Yc Horrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St.Paul North Outlots, be and the same is hereby withdrawn and eliminated from the aforesaid condemnation proceedings. No. '27278—$Y Albert Wpnde�� ,roped N0oV 15 1919 Yes (') Councilmen (,' ) Nays N0�l 15 1919 Adopted by the Council - 19 Clancy Farnsworth Approv NOV lel It I v ---19 Goss Infavor McColl Powers Against ..............MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President , FDRM 3M9-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedl: --........_....._._.--------- ----------- ------ -couNcIL FILE NO ....... .. .. ..�J..�!. �.'... .....-. Date Presented- 191 Resolved, That the applioat&on of the following persons for a license to conduct locations respectively indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the same are hereby, granted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed of the equired issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment by law. LTAME OF APPLICANT:' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION; J. w'. Bridges, Hotel, Restaurant, 379 Carroll, 623 Grand Ave'., Mrs'. M. Olsterberg, Posiff & Raholl, Restaurant, 267 R.,7th St., 118 So`.' Robert, Andrew J. Myers, Miller & Dideo, Restaurant, Boardinghouse, 108 SS;lby Ave., 1581 Selbq Ave., Lambros & Pi000lo, Restaurant, Restaurant, 61 E. 5th 3t., Gotz & Bowers, I C. S' No.l27274-8v, 1Rnry Mcce11 1 .T. w. Bridgge , Hotel, 379 Carron Ave. Mrs. M. Oleterberg, Restaurant, ,622 Grand Ave. - -Poeeift & Raholl, Restaurant, 267:F7. 7th St. Andrew J. Myers, Restaurant, 118 B". Robert SL. --Mfller &-Dideo, Boarding House, 108 30. Wabash—St. Lambros & Piccolo, Restaurant, 1681 Selby Ave. -- _ -Go", & Bowers, Restaurant, 61 E. 6th Adopted by the Council Nov 16,, 1919. Approved Nov. 16, 1919. {Nov.' 22;:1919) Yeas ( I) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council__.._...NOIl...1 -LfABcy Farnsworth APPr NQi...1.5-191.9 ... . .... .... 191 Goss ___..._....In favor Keller McColl _....-. _. _. Against - ...... __... MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 3M 6-18 Petition �i Council File No..................... ...... - � PPELIDfIN6RY ORDIDrtB• ��L —1�iT Abstract. C. ' � 'Whereas, A wrfttan pro oral-. !'� mnking Ot the L0110w1n8,�D.b�ER. vIS C netructnn e. cement tthhe siT� the �9ou:el The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv y the City of St. Paul, viz: ........................Conetruate .......dew alk.,....six..._------------------------------- f`s@outh--_eidee...o.�. ...do. nth....St.tee.t....f..F4m .............................. hlendota...Street.._t....: Farest. rest.................................................................................. ...................................... .. ................................................................. Dated thu...........5.t.h_....day of....... _........,-.Navemtz,................................_. 17 U-Councilma& PRELIM AR r �4RDE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following iinprovement, viz.: C.a.natXuo.t....a...o.em.ent....ti1e_..B-Diev¢a1k,.Six ...._......_.......... ........... ?..lde.,.....Q.D .eo.ut.kl....a.i.de.s....a.f. _H.y.ac.int.h...fitr.e.e.t...f.ro.m.............................. ................................... Mendot a...Stre.et...to....Fore.at....$t.r.e.et.,...................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch -of said improvement PLI......................... ...................................................... . 7,1�- ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Uov 15 1919 Adopted by the council...........................................................191...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved...............NOV ... ................ ......... 191........ A Wyknd `(o Keller i McColl Wunderlich....... .............. .....::.:.._.................. ............ ................... Mayor fiat Mayor. Burin C A 18 OM 417) �YIi�� An ordinance granting to Joseph Bru91s the privilege of occupying and using that portion of Eighth street commencing at Maria avenue and extending west therefrom one hundred feet. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the right and privilege of occupying and using that portion of Eighth street commencing at Maria avenue and extending west therefrom one hundred feet, is hereby granted to Joseph Bruels, subject to the following conditions: (1) That said Joseph Bruels shall save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from his occupancy and use of said portion of Eighth street. (2) That said Joseph Bruels shall surrender the privilege of using and occupying said street whenever the Council shall so order. (3) That said Joseph Bruels shall pay to the City of St. Paul, as the annual rent for the use and privilege of occupying said street, the sum of Twenty.Dollars ($20.00); said sum to be paid annually in advance, to the Commissioner of Finance of said City. (4) Said Joseph Bruels shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the Oity Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. I yes (k') Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council - -- - -- ---19 Clancy Farnsworth Approved 19_ _..._ Goss -----fn favor McColl _A¢ainst Powers Wunderlich Mr. President - FORM al f; �:� L 1 d An ordinance granting to Joseph Bru91s the privilege of occupying and using that portion of Eighth street commencing at Maria avenue and extending west therefrom one hundred feet. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the right and privilege of occupying and using that portion of Eighth street commencing at Maria avenue and extending west therefrom one hundred feet, is hereby granted to Joseph Bruels, subject to the following conditions: (1) That said Joseph Bruels shall save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from his occupancy and use of said portion of Eighth street. (2) That said Joseph Bruels shall surrender the privilege of using and occupying said street whenever the Council shall so order. (3) That said Joseph Bruels shall pay to the City of St. Paul, as the annual rent for the use and privilege of occupying said street, the sum of Twenty.Dollars ($20.00); said sum to be paid annually in advance, to the Commissioner of Finance of said City. (4) Said Joseph Bruels shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the Oity Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. I yes (k') Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council - -- - -- ---19 Clancy Farnsworth Approved 19_ _..._ Goss -----fn favor McColl _A¢ainst Powers Wunderlich Mr. President - FORM al f; �:� JOHN R. DONOHUE ATTORNEY AT AT LAW Sr oPn vi Mirvv • November 13th 1919. To the City Council of -St. Paul 2 b v c Court ' I Ious a --^- St. Paul, ::inn. �. Gentlemen: - I hereby make application to your ':onorable Body to lease from the City of St. Paul all the -t part of 8th Street lying West, of L:ria avenue, described as follows: That part of 8th Street conr:.oncing at Maria Avenue and extending ;lest therefrom 100 feet. In connection with this request will say:- That part of 8th Street lying Viest of Luria Avenue has never been used by the City as a street on account of the conditions thereof and is v:ry little probability that it ever will be so used. L.y residence is located on the abutting .roperty and knowing well th,.t if this un -used Street was not cared for it would become a dumping place and an eye sore. I therefore, took the liberty of enclosing a part oz the str^.et with my property and I have beautified the same which has injured no one, but has improved the appearance of the entire adjoining property and the street in ,;eneral. I desire to continue the occupation of this strip of ground until such time as the City may Grant it and I ask such permission from your body on such conditions as may be fair and just. In view of the conditions and situation I feat that I am rendering a service to the city in keeping this property in a nice condition and that a rental of $1.00 would be fair and just. Kindly take this matter un and I should be very glad to appear before you at any time in connection t1lerewith. Thanking you I loc., to rer,ain , Your., very tru7.y, 463 Marie Av<nue OaVtonz Muff Commercial Club 786 t. 772 East 15eventb Ztreet fit. Sept 23 1919. St.Paul City Couoil. St.Paul Minn. Gentlemen; It has come to our notice that a petition for the vacating of E. 8th street between Maria Ave & Phalan Creek has been presented. The Daytona Bluff Commercial Club emphatically opposes the granting of this petition. It will seriously conflict with the plans of the Park Departmenthould the proposed plan for the extendin_g of Mounds Boulevard across Seventh treet and around the east end of the bluff materialize. Trusting this matter will be given every consideration we are Truly Yours Daytona Bluff Commercial IDpear Sirs J�/ �✓ Hearing on the petition of Joseph Bruols and my O'0onror for the vacation of pert of Aghth utreat from Maria Avenueto the met lith of Lyman Dayton'a Addition, has on set for 6gtember 12th, 1819. Enelosed"herewith find petition and blue- )" pr3n oovoring the same. Yours truly, 2 eno� CITY LERK. r ,FA RICY (Office of Ti#J (birrk JAS. J. MINER JOHN I. -CITY .FACLERASST. CITY CLEEK Gull of t tbd Paul September 2nd, 1919. Hon. S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance. Dear Sir: Hearing on the petition of Joseph Bruels and Henry O'Connor for the vacation of part of Eighth Street from Maria Avenueto the west line of Lyman Dayton's Addition, has been set for September 12th, 1919. Enclosed herewith find petition and blue- print covering the same. Yours truly, P, 2 enc. CITY C a1m:: PE.TITIO,: FOR C:-IIOf; 0 T711.11 PART OF EIC.,.,, S REE T, rX .. D1?iG FR01i I.iARIA .';A M_;iuL TO TlT �MEST L!iX OF L)7 A.- DAYTO"'S ADDITIO:` ^_0 TiIE CITY OF Sri'. PAUL, 1INNESO A TO THE OOl?I.OIL OF _ 01-'Y OF 37. P% L, STATE OF i F_IcESOT.. The undersi;ncd netitior.ers, Josepli 5ruels and Henry O'Connor, respect- 1111 -Hull-" peta.il.one your 7o lorable bode and -rays for tl,n ;cation of "^hat lrrt of I Eighth Street extending from Naria Avenue to the ;Test Line of Ly -^-'an TBeyLon!s Addition- to the OJ_1,y .,f St. Pail, County of R_>soy, Stalle of i-iinnesota." That a true and correct plat sliovri�i-r that part of said EiL�ht71 Street of which a vacation is prayed, the sarin beim ;ndicateri in Red on plat, anti also showing Lyman Dayton's Addition in which f, e sa,:e is located, and also showing the adjacent streets and o a E r 171.t'.ers cr:rnectod ti o-rew 7th is hereto attac'led rift,hed "Exhibit A" and made a part of this neti'E - r ^1l,at. the said mart of EiChth Street of which a vacation is 'prayed, is she extreme West end of Ei:ght'; Street located in Ly^a n Dayton's Aldition betereen Block Three and Four and being Three. hundred ei ;"ty three Feet in lcn;;th. 7 -at said .Eighth Street''here it crosses l:iaiia Avenue and for about .e -e -=a-4- five Feet West thereof, is practical!!' on a grade with Liaria Avenue but at a point about : ve meet West of L;aria Avenue t-= - _ is a very steep abrupt e decline so that Eighth Street at the ties'. end is about One Hundred feet Ime, 56'nan the grade at traria !avenue. T'iat said Eir,'itli Street ends in i:he hollow adjacent to Phalen Creek ind T;'�ich 1175 unsuited for any ;;urilose whatsoever exce!'L Cor Railway yards. That in order to irake any use of this end of Eigi,ti, Stree it -r:on1d be necessary to rinke a seventy-five to One humlred foo': f'll for about Qmm hundred Feet and when this was done the street wouQ3 be useless for any rurpose for the reason said Eig'lth } S"rent. ends at +lie '.:est line o" L ­ .an DayT.'n's ;Ilddi_ ion and the -e is o 'tin. be-zond that for a;ich the street could be used. T',at t',e openin-- and i::prove :ent: of :7.775 end of Ei,rhth Street v{ould not only be iriprac'cicaole but well n1:;! is :ossiUle and if daze it would for all tiles be useless for any purpose. If t:nispmrt of Ei ht7+ Street is vacated the land embrgce l the -rein will at . once co on the tax roll and the city vrill deriae a benefit end revenue from e same. If it is not vacetcd rillrer<ain non -assessable and ioelcss to the ci ty or anyone CIS -9. your pcyl - t ioner 7-1,110 1,as iiorntofrro cr,c-',ca a vory Ih,.aifti_',uI resl�lence on 4 7-1 ocl, Tree and if t'A3 vaca"lion is -�rani ed said Bruels vill-I at nnce i -,Drov(, and bean4.iTV -Llie land embraced in .said EiZhth Strelt Pl)llttinT J.'s,eoeh IU y ris. Avorun an, I-eciair,t1je said 'tasted land thatnil' retrain a nuisanc(i and a discredit to utile cit". T" -,at. -Your said '.e-titiO-lOrG said :suets e.­ld O'Connors are the crun("rs in fee of all Mia, 'and alnuttinZ or part o':' said Ei 7,1,tli Street, the vacation of which I is lier0in prayocli for, excop�j, ;;Nat the. Siipl-.rior investment Oor.ipRn, own R sarin of ground -as is shown on tle t'c-aclicd plot, vjIlicli is '-ocatodl on the extrop-n ',17eri+ part of 132ook Three. TI -At said strip Of ,mound is Three liandrod oiji"y Feet in length and fronts on North Street 'Ellen extends South to t'..(- Nest, end of EiC�1.ILli Strcot, the same Navin- a fronta,_-,e of One Hundred -flOet on Z;orth Street and "lie P.am.o on Dirhth Street. That tIje logical and pra.cticai ingress and egress of this strip of ,,round is iron: said Nor+'..i Street and ilt is "The only one that can posl.3-bly be used and it is tl,c one that is now beinS 11-1. 'friat o." ,rnund all lies nre Via il One huLndred feat belol-, -raclo on L:aria Avenue and it would be next to 3, in- possibility to so -i -.,rove TL.,litl Street so os to -iv(, an mit-lot to t`is ..'trip of ground on said street. Reference -0 the plat Wil sl'07 '61iqt your -poti ',Oncrs ow-n'all ti,o ]and abuttil4,'. fpr Mq Llindrc,4 Eif Ay-Lhree :Peet. on one aide of Ei-ht', Street and al.1 the land on tho otl,or side of Ei,,l-_.V, Street and that boli`irIr__Iy believe vflvilr t'ley 'lip -e a vrill- be go6ting the title to Alp. land or',I)raced in vacated strI .16, I,ovrover, 1 1 vin:- ti is strip L) ­ tle same tine t;,e city and tl,�. public'rill L)e e 1191"" cilpfited by of ground ,ut on ',.I,e tax 'iswhercl7r i t mill orocluce a revenue for ',Ile city ti -A otber- viise viii' useless and 0_' no 'one -N to anyone and besidos tl e vacatiov"-11 ) -rmit - o waste ' a and it n d, �D Owners .hereof to reclaii�i and beautify t.,i.,3 strip o� �e if n6 onl-, r1roductivo.r r,.,_ ,o loo': a", i -r, .., r: n '= °:',-. nance, !_` t in CrIOG VRC nn ran':OLI, to abide 13Y a,,idl co_,.ply withtho terms and coli,litinna -fixod I)', t,lnp Council in Eran:,ing he -,aid vacation. Respectfully sifomitted Dated atWani !'inncroti. this Are L 0day o--' July 1919. )Ceti`-.- Jolin R. Donohue, Attorrie-y for Petitioners. IJ 910 Pioneer Bldg., St.Fau:L,. Ilion. b ST,NTE 0^ i..Ti! EZ;OTA ) SS COMM OR RhKSEY. ) j osenh Bruels and Henry O(Connor bein;r each duly sworn does each for hirsel.f depnso end Stu, he is om,e of t',o petitioners named in the foregoin. petition; tiiai he las read Mho £orcZoing petition and he. knows he cgn`..ents thereof and tl,.at the s i o is true of onn l_,owjc.,d;;c s^.ve as '.:o natters ,here- in stated on informicdon and bel.ief and as to said r.ma -ors he bnlievns it to be true. Sub-sorii i a}�sr orn to oer.orn :;,e da, of duly 1819. ?otar-y Pub l'c mo -e- Count;; t;inn. D, Commission e. !,'res October 14th 19'0. Appr ed as to f m and execution thfs.00.C.C�day —p .19 !.9 �....+••rK. s;p�q rf �orfinra/iu�i dllafAl� By........................................................................... ....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......constructin se:;_er,,.on-.hmne� .t....S.t .ceL..iro=—tha"--tZ.r,-,q:nus of the existin._...e _moi:: h....o£...... .---.Clair.---2t ee-t--t4a 1. 0--fee�-sem t -h --of Princeton ✓emu:':.,. - ... ..... ` xnr ORAER$ --------- ----- - ------- -- --- - ----------------- In {H N 27878- -' ------------- .................................................. ................................ ... ,.............. .................................................................................... 26167' under Preliminary Order ........................................ -- approved------- -----A 19.19. IntermediaryOrder ----------------- ---------------------------------- ---------- approved ------------------------------------------------ --------------------- -- ------ A ---------- ---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pa 4W that e- u a re, ee x n anTTm& o eto��e. --- .. ................................. and the Council hereby ordorg sa' un ment to be made. RESOLVED F R, tttT`e }said- of P Works b i hereb ' c. and directed to are pla spec' ns f sa ro me nd sub t s to 1" n- cil for appr ;that upo said app the cityo are hereby orized�dire to proce with the making of said improve cut in actor ante therewith. Adopted by the Council ....._:..::.:............ `..=-..._...--_..., 191......_ t- (.?.Clr.`a-t-e`- ----- City Cler Approved - ..........., 191.-..._ v. 'Mayo .. Councilman Farnsworth —i Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman-82&,� Po-aers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-7 RECEIVED Office of the Commispimer of Public Wotks O Report to Commissioner of Finance «i AUG25 1919 August 25th,--- 9 ----------------------I91- -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of ,Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26167 August 11th, 1919__, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. -____-_-__-_approved--------------------- -------- ---inns -Of --- ths Ao.I1fl.t17�Q�4A of a_ sewer on gpharat_ Street_ Yrom the termines oY the existing sewer north of St. Glair St. to 120 feet south o3 ----------------------------------------------------------- Princeton Avenue----------------------- ----------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --per front necessary and (or) desirable. 603.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is _ __-, and he tota st the f ' $----------- Assessable frontage 27� feet 15c0e8B InepefiTon �p9V.d� and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is_not ________asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coin issione Public Works. i August 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construo— tion of a sewer on Amherst Street from the terminus of the existing sewer north of St. Clair Street to 120 feet south of Princeton Avenue, in accordance with Council File 26167, approved August 11, 1919: Approximate estimate........... $603.00 Cost per front foot ............ 2.20 60.00 Excess inspection necessary.... Assessable frontage............ 270 feet. This sewer should be built before the proposed paving under Preliminary Order Council File 26061, approved July 31, 1919. ESS/C Enclo Yours very tnly, Lyle Chief Engineer. (IIity d4� SO Paul 09CAR CLAU95EN, cHi.n Eno,,.a.. - Erpartanot of Vu81ir Nork9 ........ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER LL. T. SUP a1-11- J. E. CARROO 11 off wHo R.n.ina ALINED JACN90N, —T �a -T. H. 1on .0—. N—R. lOni R. T. GOURLEY. OE—TY G. H. HCRROLC1�O.irca En a�n can . August 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construo— tion of a sewer on Amherst Street from the terminus of the existing sewer north of St. Clair Street to 120 feet south of Princeton Avenue, in accordance with Council File 26167, approved August 11, 1919: Approximate estimate........... $603.00 Cost per front foot ............ 2.20 60.00 Excess inspection necessary.... Assessable frontage............ 270 feet. This sewer should be built before the proposed paving under Preliminary Order Council File 26061, approved July 31, 1919. ESS/C Enclo Yours very tnly, Lyle Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of constructing server or, Amherst Street from the terminus of the i +trg sev1Ar north of St. Clair Street to 120 feetAu*.h of Princeton Av nue. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 11, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 003.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ frot The estimated cost per f of or the above improvement is S 2� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement,. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 9 Aracaleeter Park. Iii Ob 16 9 do j 10 (F.xc. East 100 feet.) 1'r— 18 ° do 5b2 iii j ! � �(Exc. westerly 85 ft.) 1 ' Phillipe ?day Place 1826 St. Paul, 1.;inn. I I(Exc. Northerlv 118 ft.) -The-Easterly 45 feet of Festerly 85 ft. of 1 do :t55 s(Exc. ryortherly 118 feet) The westerly 40 ft. of 1 do 8110 s .. TOTAL..The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ��191 - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B.13 '33 COUNC itILF1iVO ......................_... By.............................'--................................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.c_onstruct_iizg--serer__ on.-aldrri�-,.5-1-I It...x.R1U..Sizrcnii.-.-&.venue to. -SO.. feet -north.. of.._ Grand -- venue................... ........................................................................ ....... 1 V U ................... approves........._: . �s-. + u u.... _.. under Preliminary Order ...................GV... ,,, ..------.... mediary Irate A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement - .......ue e, - the Council --' tupon due notice, and the having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City 4 tiul that tim p of Smoo£ Grai3 Avery .4- .r y G F'-... J,aJ� t ..d - . . -. .... .. ................_._..... _.... -- - ............... - .......... ---- ...--- ------- ...-----.....---' -- . and the Council hereby orders said ` prove to bepide. a RESOLVED FURTHE�, thg A. " ss�oiier-oublic VYerlfs be `and is bereliy instr�yc.ed and directed to prepar a a 5rpe nes for vement Tadd subrt4it safetQ.#fe �C6n- cil for approval t u mid a . al, the p i y officials ire y au.$lYfi ' flan _ ct to proceed cing id improvement in accordance rewith. 4ir Adopted by the Council.......... I ? � .IS--- ........... 191......_ lf- r�,•j, . �._.., % City Clerk. f,'r'i y^ jglc { Approved.........'.: `...... -'- -- ......._......... 191.-...... `✓ — --------.... r mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy _ Councilman ZellE • Powers. 9� NU,� Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich ,.( ; , n �.- RG -iv 0 Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM11JAR ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing' sewer on Baldwin Street from Summit Avenue tc 80 feet nc•rth of grand Avenue. I rL� under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 11, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is � 935.00 The estimated cost font eyrfoot for the above improvement is S 3.14 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or -,parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT FLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION j. L I 1 2' vacaleeter Park 962 North 50 ft. of 9— 10 2 Elmer and Morri^ons Rearran�eme�t; of Part of Naoaleeter Rark, of North 100 ft. 0 I I i South 50 ft.-_� i of 10; 2 do i South 46 ft.of North 146 ft. of 9— 350 . .10 2i do i I I Rearrangement- of Block 3, Macaleeter Park. g 4 g 1 3' Elmer and ;fcrrieone Rear ran m.nt of part of-acalester Park, i 610 - i I I I i t LQ r TOTAL. i6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- 19 Commissioner o Fiance. Form B, B. 13 3y RECEI .ED Office of the Commissioner of Public V�lorks P � s w .2 S Report -to Commissioner of Finance r � � AUG25 190 August 25th, 9 ---------- --------- ------191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26166 August 11th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No._______ -----approved ---------------------- 191___, relative to the construction of a sewer on Baldwin Street from Summit Avenue ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ to 60 feet north of Grand Avenue. ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvem t ' necessafoa d (or) desirable. 3.J4perfront o 935.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------, Assessable frontage 298 feet.ibtoess inspecl8on 060.00. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------- not 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �--- -------- = ----- Comm' Toner of Public orks. i OSCAR CLAUSS CN. Cni[v ENaiN[[R J. C. CARROLL. sa rixtena O JACN90n, Su.i.ar�ON wxo n[.AiRa K. W. GO tNGER, 91111ON c.pxa m. GRYTONt,Lxa�x[en O. H. NeRROLO' Onr,c[ Cxa�xevn (attiy at<St. Fuul 18rpartmrnt of'Vuhhr Warks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY Mr. M. N. Gose, CommiseLoner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: August 23, 1919. Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construc— tion of a sewer on Baldwin Street from Summit Avenue to 80 feet north of Grand Avenue, in accordance with Council File 36166, approved August 11, 1919. Approximate estimate.......... $935.00 Cost per front foot.......... 3.14 Excess inspection necessary... 60.00 Assessable frontage........... 298 feet. It is proposed to build this sewer at this time on account of the proposed paving under Preliminary Order Council File 36061, approved July 31, 1919. There are several houses on the street draining into a temporary six. inch connection, which should preferably be replaced with a permanent sewer. Yours (very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo A C__.. v FINAL ORDER In the Matter o.oxistruct..su:;.er....on.-Baldrti n.. S. rsat.. lair ............... tQ 1QQ...@....S.OLl10...Q7....it.xet._.`L.@T1L1@..................- - ... ....... .......... under Pre immary uraer........................... Intermediary Order ----------- --------------------- -------------------_------approved------------ .u -p-....... u- ---.....i-c-e--- ---- -- .............. Council A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, an fu a consid having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having Y ered the same; therefore, be it f St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council of the City o improvement to be made by the said City is. Construct a sewer on Baldwin Street from Sargent Avenue to a point 1¢5 feet north of St. Clair Street. . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .... .._... ....................... ....._....---- 191........ ;t t ..... ' s1-- -- - ................................ City Clerk. Approved...._.................::..:....j ....:..........., 191..... f'.- ---------- Councilman Farnsworth 2 Councilman Goss W r Councilman Clancy" Councilman t otic e r s Councilman McColl j Councilman' Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF BT. PL ME DEPARTNT dF )FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER matter of under Preliminary Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is g 7 front 2.77 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION C i I o I 0', o o ��.a.1 � ,�s,! TOTAL. 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner. of Fin&nee. Farm B. B. 13 E1v ED {��rr Office . of the Commissioner of Public Work�Ec O IWi P ry y. -c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG25 1919 August 25th, 9 __191____ --------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26163 a roved___ --- August 11th -, _191__9, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.- _ _ _ _ .. PP - the oonstruction of a sewer on Baldwin Street from St. Clair Street ---------------------------------------------- ent Avenue ----------------------------- -'-------- -------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__ �ssoresirable, �277Fe Tont foot679.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------. and the total cost thereof is $_______-----, Assessable frontage 245 ft. Excess inspection $50.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is___ not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of lic Works. Tity of St. 11aul OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CHrt. ENOIHaan �epartatent ofuitlir �nrh8 _ J. S- CARROLL •S11 .. rN6 ' M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER eoAbr.............wln[ R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL.REO JACKSON, Su.T. wnr.A N. GOETZINGER. Su.iIOH M. RYTSAK rEN.IN[.nlowf G. M. H LO, Orrlce en olw [[n ' August 23, 1919. Mr. Y. F. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i .n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construc- tion of a sewer on Baldwin Street from St. Clair Street to 100 feet south of Sargent Avenue, in accordance with Council File -J26163, approved August 11, 1919. Approximate estimate........... $679.00 Cost per front foot............ 2.77 Excess inspection necessary.... 50.00 Assessable frontage............ 245.feet. It is proposed to build this sewer at this time on account of the proposed paving under Preliminary Order Council File 26061, approved July 31, 1919. The houses now existing have only temporary con- nections with the permanent sewers, and other houses will probably be built which will need proper sewer facilities. Yours very truly, 'lam 6LwQ�-eA-�_ ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo 4 I COUNCII., FILE._NO............................ Bye................ �......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......e-oxist2 uct... �1 re.ek .. fso ..LinC.oln..::te.11L1�.. Lo 100 feet south of Gi--rid i ,-enue. .................... .......... ..- .......... :.-:-:............................. ------------------------ ---------- under Preliminary Order ... ...........263/65approved--------------------.---------------- --- 4 U ....11.3-..1919. IntermediaryOrder----------------- ----------------------------------------- ..... approved -------_ - _------------------------ ----------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reemttinpndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City oT�'Si: +aul that - 2"io 00 feet south of Grand t_ve ---._ F .. z ------------ -------- - ...------ ................................................. .. ..... ..-...----- ...-.. and the Council e o said improvem Lent to be mad.e. RESOL'eThnt the Commissioner 'of, Wgrks b�and hereby instructed and direct r r `rns and specjflcation of said 'mprov@menu,-nsame the Coun- cilfor rYpon said apgroyal, Mope ty c als are h ed a ed to p teed wi ` making of said~improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted'by the Council... ....... .......^......" :::...._.._...., 191........ Approved_ .. .....:...........-- ....:....................1 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Ml%xr- Powers Councilman McColl 1 Councilman Wunderlich% Me Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerke. t ....................... . --------- ayor. 94 . CITY OF 9T. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRkLIWWARY ORDER (D) In the under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost p�foot for the above improvement is S J, G n The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: a DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED !!! VALUATION .116 I Y_ TOTAL. (J i /'� /i J �� The C(�—oner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Z �4191 T Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: AUr9,5 1919 August 25thp 9 --------- ---------- --191---- The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.- 26165 approved ---August 11th 191---, relative to constrnotion of sewer on Baldwin Street from Lincoln Avenue to -------------_--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 100 ------ --- -- 100 feet south of Grand Avenue. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. $3.00 per front foot 785.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $------------, Assessable frontage 261 feet E xoeee inspection $50.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is--- not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --- - - ----`-----__�y ` Commissioner of Public Works. dny of $t. Paul. Department of Fabitc Works .un.wu o. aNO�Ra a.a . M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY M. S. ORvi�AN, ENo O. N. SIE RROLO'OII August 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Bu 11ding. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of coat for construc- tion of sewer on Baldwin Street from Lincoln Avenue to 100 feet south of Grand Avenue, in accordance with Council File 26165, approved August 11, 1919: Approximate estimate............ $785.00 Coat per front foot ......... •••• 50.00 3.00 Excess inspection necessary ..... Assessable frontage ............. 261 feet. It 1s proposed to build this sewer at this time on account of the proposed paving under Preliminary Order Council File 26061, approved July 31, 1919. There is no sewer on this street, and indications are that a sewer will be needed in the future. Yours very truly, ESS/.0 Chief Engineer. Enclo 27282 C04'YCIL FILE NO ............................. B FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_...._cons txu t.j--Se1Jer....Dn...Camilii:id.Fe._.vanue-..ir-run---Swami t--A-ve. 26164 under Preliminary Order .......... ._..... approved ----------------- -11' 1J1�.. --................................rr. IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------------------------- approved....................................................... ----............... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct se�aer on Cambridge Avenue improvement to be.made by the said City is ............._. - £rorm Summit Avenue to Grand :.venue. - - -........._..... --- ..................... --------------- .................--...........--....... -.... . ---- ...........................-- ------ .----- .... ..... .................... _...... ............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted b the Council..__..._..::.:. 1 9 w P Y `..:....'.:':. - 191........ � ,,�"" Approved -------- -----------j �'....r.:.::....., 191 .... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman xdzgtx Pourers Councilman McColl i 1 Councilman Wunderlich MayuP on Form B. S. A. 8-7 i City Clerk. j/ 1 Mayor. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM158IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved ---(/--- _ --- ------ - `-`T--F----/--`---=---------------- .----------------------------- -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2220 00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---=--------- square Abutting---------- 3.60 The estimated cost per,foot for the above improvement is _Spr-ead- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: A�55ED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 0 0 /0 050 { Zs TOTAL, rORMB.S.A.S-SA CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOPJER OF FINANCE } 1, I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ .ASSESSED • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION G k { (� "Co ------ —�A A Wo 0 / o o. F -M TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISplOIJER OF FINANCE ► �' ►, I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - _. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION zoo -4 z' 3 7 � 5. 2 3 1 4 7sO TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWIQWER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION //60 fit r � 7s The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to s�aid� matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----((L.eJ.-_l-.f---- --- -------191._ Commissioner of Finance. . FORM B.S.A. - C (attg of fat. Paul P¢partuirnt of Fuhlir Nlorko M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY August 23, 1919. Lir. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public 'Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construct- ing a sewer on Cambridge Avenue from Summit Avenue to Grand Avenue, in accordance with Council File #26164, approved August 11, 1919. Approximate estimate of cost ........ $2,220.00 Tributary area of district .......... 124,260 Sq.Ft. Cost of sewer of sufficient size to drain abutting property only ..... $1,294.00 Assessable frontage abutting sewer.. 360 Lin. Ft. It is proposed to construct this sewer at this time on account of the proposed paving under Preliminary Order #26061, approved July 31, 1919. A sewer on this street is necessary for the abutting property, and in addition it is proposed to build it large enough to afford relief to the sewers on Grand Avenue by diverting the later at Cambridge Avenue to Summit Avenue. The drainage district is that marked "C" on the Mac- alester Park drainage map, and also shown on the drainage map of the Summit -Pascal District. On account of the high cost of the sewer it might be possible to assess the property abutting ori Grand Avenue from Cambridge Avenue to Fairview Avenue, in addition to the above, for the reason that if the project herein out- lined cannot be carried out it will be necessary to re- lieve the congested condition of the sewers on Grand Avenue in the vicinity of Cambridge AvenuA by a.relief sewer on Grand Avenue, from Cambridge Avenue to Fairview Avenue. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. {d C � RECEIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public W""0 �k4Vt NIS w J 0' c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance J % i AUG25 1919 S August 26th, 9 - - -- ------- --- --191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of Auguthe Council, known as Council File No -- E6164 ___a approved - 11th, 191__9 relative to oonstruotion of sewer -on Cambridge Avenue from Summit Avenue to ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Grand Avenue ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $__Qt220.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owrs of t property, subject to assessment for said improvement.. Commissioner of Public Works. 1. r UNCII FILE NO ........................... _✓ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....c.Onst_11ct.,...reh .f....S.:ie}:-.-on---:=a.4alester.,_,-v-e-,.._?roni...Lincoln _ v ...... ...fo:?airvi..rr P.? . to Cambridge .-:nt.-..L enue.; Goodrich -venue from Fairview Ave. to Bald in Street.; Princet -- - ------------------------------------...........---.................-...---...._..................------------------------------------------ .--..-.-.-.--.-. ------------------------- --- u.ejjUefroazvi_ei7_.--:we.--_to_-1 aldrrin--Street.-;__- ri =ceton _._venue from Amherst St. to Vernon Street; Amherst Street f.rom Pri...n. ceton -i:ve - . . to. - ---.... ..................... .-- --.... ....................... Lincoln ave. under Preliminary Order.... - ..... .26 62 .................. approved.................112...1919.-.... ............_ Intermediary Order.._..... ...._ �in + �a� tt r'4Kt6 .-------------------- .... ... . ...............---- �'T3u�eoin Avegtua=��,F�nce[ b .. . A public hearing having been had a Ltaedm 2vohNe trdm aatrvie 5�pon due notice, and the Council aG .t4 s�amtlstd Av" ue - ,•thereto, and having fully consid- 6; having heard all persons, objections and 7weaut frome floe^,a' ered the same; therefore, be it ff°s�1 �Pri RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cit}+Lelj.;°Piaul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .............--..__...------...... ..... ............................. construct, relief sewers on 1,acalester ---............. iew inceton--Yye._;--_Lincoln_Aye...from__Fairy..... Auer --.to--- Cambridge ...ave..;... Goodrich- >ve.....from.. -H.airVIQn.lkvz......to...Baldnin Street..;._Princeton.-Ave.... from Fairview rve. to Baldwin Ave.; Princeton kve-....-from-_tJnherst. St. to Vernon ver; Amherst St. from .Princeton Ave. to Lincoln Ave. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,and submit same to the Coun-.:. ter' cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official are hereby authorized and directed proceed with the making of said improvement in accordanee�herewith. Ric Adopted by the Council ......... :..... --------------------- 1 191........a- r?x: City Clerk. Approved---------------------- --------- -------- ............. 191........ - ---............ y ... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Ifa1I= POilers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-7 `.GITY'OF ST. PAUL DEPAif T OF FINANCE REPORT OF,CO 1' 8$` IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matterofgpnstructing relief_sewers on'.rtce.lesier A C. from Lincoln Ave. to Princeton Ave.,T iiico' n Avg fr^- rai rviPrr Ave. tc,iambri 3,re A ve Goodrich_ Ave from Fairvi4:v Fve. to Bald�rin St-,jPrinoetcr Ave. frore ^airvievr Ave. t.^_— t-,-----Pr_i.rcet9r---Av -'---fro!, Arherst_ t_tc Vernon Ave. Amherst 8t. fro_: P rc e t o n_Ave_--t ° -Lincoln .Y. ------------------ — ---- - c o under Preliminary Order approved-------------Au----11�- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 21. 180=00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $� a5 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ! r' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION I 'r --- -- ---- 1 2, Elmer 5nd ,rcr -i son' s !I J 2! Rearrange,r.ent Of `art of 5150 Vacalester Park. raoalester Square 275, do 100 t j ; do 400 IIdo 125 A 4 do 4475 I' �5 do do 4925 .I 7 do TOTAL. CITY OF.ST. PAUL DEPAITMEVT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS.^IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ADDITION D I T I O N I!, ASSESSlD !. LOT 9LOCK VALUATION g Square � T?aaalester 6q. 7b5 I ..0 9 30 75 _. 1 vacalester Park. 2000 ..tn.en 1:1 6 at a point on the line part :'" (Exc. the fo;lowing F twee LOt 1. i710^.k 1 F11Y?r orxi qoW a p� .,irr-ngeSnent and Lot 3 100 frcr 't line 1 7 5 et point cn the south of said 0/ 0 feet :`north _ ., a � hot l "54 feet rJe.t of the south east 'corner and o6 set southeasterly from the north west corner thence 'due ieast to a point cn the ea t line of "slid.'. Lot 3 thence southerly on said Fast line to south ea -t corner thence tothe point of begini.ing on line between the a'oresaid Lots 1 and 3 Eiock 7.) he followi rg part of 3 1 '.iaea.lester nark. 9350 cmf:enoing at a point on the Iits betiv9en Lot21 lfeet mer and ".orrisons ?earrangemervt and Lot 3 50010 No _ - ora a roint on th- south line cif Lot 1 ; 94 feet we9t of -the south, .st corner and 66 feet south eas=terly from the north �ieat corner 's hence due east to s, point on the tastiline of Lot 3 thence scutherly ,n said Ea;t lire to the south least corner thence n;7crth Teeterlv''to- he point of beginning on line blet­,,een'aforesaid Lcts 3 and 1, Rik. 1. All, that part of 1 - 1 Elmer ani 'Iorrisons Rearrahgelr,ent of Part of Macaleeter;Park' incl. in 3 6 do 925 East r of 4 6 do 475 71eat of .4 6 do _ 2475 . Fast 40 feet of 5 6 do 15250 (Fxc. Fast 40 feet) 5 6 do -1188 _ I � , 6 6 do l (F.xc. Nest 30 feet) 6 do 375 _._._ Nest 30 feet of 7 6 do 3550 LL 6 do 39?5 �I 9 6 _ do 11375 18 6 do 4150 3450 iI __�• _ __ _ _TOTAL.__---_�'__—`_— CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPAPTI. OF PINAN REPORT OF COM"Ir?r5IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT 6LOOKI ADDITION VALUATION _.- IL SII 16 ;_G F1mer ard_71�orrisons. 3e�rrangejient.3250 it of rant of ;!Rcg70eter park. j15 6 `. do 3550 14 6 do 3050 113 6 do 3250 12 ! 8 do .650 11 ' 6 9c E50 10 6 3c 1300 1 5 do - ( 19075 '2 5 do _ 3 5_, d . 6750 12 5 do 3450 13 5 de 1350 114 5 10 3450 28 5 4o 4600 27 5 do 3175 j 26 S do 3075 25 5 to 3375. 24 5 do 4625- ^3 5 do _ 470C 22 5 do 2375 East 3 zfeet of "1 5 do Eaet 32 ._fest) 21 5 I do 1025 .20 .: 5 ._ _ do _ 4300 - -. 19 i 5 c _3750. _ "i 18 5 I do 2700 _East 6 inche9 of _ .17 '. 5 _ do_ TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL i DEPART,MENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISS19NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIAINJIIhY ORDER _ J DESCRIPTION LOT PLOCKI ASSESSED ADDITION i_i VALUATION (rxc.__East 6 inches) 17 5 Elmer and Y'orrieons Rea.r�angernent 3575 of Part cf —acaleeter.-atk. 16 - 5 do -27?5 15 5 do 3725 Ij X30 4 do - 5150 29 4 do 3750 28 4 do 3150 I� r 2.7 I.4 do 4350; 2n 4 do 3100. 2:- i.4 do 3600 c'',4 4 30 3500 23 4 do 4500 22 4 do 4250 21 4 is 5300 20 4 do 3825 19 4 do 4100 18 4 do 3225 174 do 1025 t i 16 4 i do 21525 B Dyers Re rra.ngen.ent cf Part of 7650 4 14acalester Park, !I_. _.._ 1 4 4 so 42 5 I 5 4 do 4375 II_.... v 4 do 2625 _ II 4 de 2375 10 4 :moo 4875 i I� 9 4 do 49 0 :. TOTAL. - J� ' CITY Or ST.,PAUL - DEPAl OF FINANCE REPORTS OF COMIAISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR61CIM114ARY ORDER (B)' DESC RI POTIONADDITION �LOTLOCK] ASSESSED Imo. VALUATION ,East,100 tof i 1 ark 15 4 " �aoaleeter nk. &i aoo _ -it Exe.Sm�st/40 feet ��c. (52 E et I } Ir 25/100 flet) ,15 ii 4 do a�0 "`est 40 febt of 1.5 4 do 4425 East z of 16 4 do 4775 Test g of. 16 4 do do 4775 4275 _ East 45 feet of 17 4 do 1200 (Fxc. East 45 feet) 17 4 _ (Exe.--Easterly _47 feet) 1 11 do 1825 I' _Easterly 47 feet of 1 11i do 1675 u 11 do 2,,5 75 North 1/3 of 4 11 do 2700 South 2/3 of ,4 11 do 2700 L_.. 1 11 I Dyers Rearrangement of: Part 1050 of *:acaleatex ^ark. (Exc._South 20 feet) 2 111 do_ 475, South._20.f,aet of 'i a 11: do ( 4550 13 11 do ' o 725 5 111 do 3725 I 6 ill: dco 950 ! _ 11 i do_ IB 111 do ( 47.;5 East _ I of 911 1 do ..,_ - Fest of 9 11 do 080 _ 11 4 i l 10 1.l do _ 1 ', I 40c0' I: I TOTAL. CITY or ST. PAUL - DEPARIMEy T OF FINANCE ER OF FINANCE 71 REPORT OFoICO a aS O - ------ (B) - = =-= _— _---- - ASSESSPD -�_--- — _ --- L-- ADDIT40N' VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT pLOCK Ught.s and Williamsri Rearrnn,emen 12 35 5 12 I,. 1 yacalester .nark. 2970 CIO 2 75 i 10 1 do 575 1 do 575 8 1 dc 4375 7 1 do 575 That -part Of lying Westerly of aline draviq from the easterly conner of said let;to —north point on the southerly line thereof 4. feet �'.-from the south eastel ly ccrrsr of salve- - drawn fxo 1. do That part of. .oe the f ali_ lying easterly o ) _ t .ncrth4easterly conner of said lot to a, ) thereof 4 fset 37C0 point on the ecutherly line ,from the south easterly oorr.er.of same'. :5 : 1 do _ do 5 1 i 3175 4. l do 3775. _ ,3 1 30 575 _ 3675 1 do do 875_ 1 Calder-,vccde 6ubdivieicn Of t,ot 1 Block 13 M.aea'ester Park. 3150 do 3875 2 do 3475 3 °i13'. lester ark. 2 4G00 r 3 13' do 1550 i 4 13 do 3575 --- , * y 1 Phillipe Ga Place St. Pul ,,.n 5 .;. l n. 0c50 _ 2 "-- Westerly 85 f-�-t of IJortherl`s do 4150 118 fe-t ofit 1 ------ -- - - - -- - - - II TOTAL. 'II - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PIRELIMINIX. & ORDER - --ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION VALUATION --rt (Except :Northerly 118 feet) i I Phillipeips .'.ay Place, ,I , 3100 i _ _.. d mhe_--F;est4,rly..40 feet -of - ! 1 -st. Paul,- `inn. I I (Except Northerly 118 feet) I. �=aterly.8 feet he -masterly 45 feet of et 2550 �of 1 do (Except Westerly 85 feet) 1 do 1825 1 i Rudolph' -s Rearr. No. 2. (I?, 5450 _ East 4 of., do wast 2 -of ! 2 I __. . do 3 _ do 4900, _ ! 4. _� do 925 5 do ( 5400 East 2 of 6 do y;est 2_of 6) do 5400' I 7 do 1_..Tha.t...nn t . of . _ _ _ _ . __ _ < 3 10 yore- Rearrar ement of ➢ g Pari _ _ 3925. -- of ?Facalester Park. " 4-ying south._ of a lire dra.:^n from Is. point on the Zest line 50 fent from Itha--south-7fzat-corner thereof .;to..a! poi�t- iion the east line 48 feet from ;the isout7h IiEast . corner- thereof. 2 R. L. Robbins Addition.:' 7850 _._ l io 700Q - II ' ! ��. 12 1C : acalester_ ark. v 485. _ ° 11 �Q do 5025. _ That part c£. 10 .. do_ 7100 ing southerly of a li ne dray n' from pointonthe--Fast--line 48 faA from t:he 1iy.'.Bterly east cornPr tc a po ; nt ons the line -89. feet frorn the -north west - _rth orner of same. li I ii '• TOTAL. .i CITY 60 ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) -T-- - ASSESED LOT IpK _- - ADDITION - VALUATION -- DESCRIPTION - —_ T That part_ of 8 10. 7ra2ale :ter Park. 6500 �Sying northerly of a line drawn from !a point on the Fast line 46 fe t from .the north Fast corner to a point on the!Testerly line 89 -feet froi:. the_ north ,vest rl corner 04,`f same. (Except Northerly 49 .feet). :7 10! do _ 800 �crtherly 49 fest of 7101 do 5800 i 6 101 do 6200 5 10 do 1450 Fast z of w7_lev vacate4_ and adjoining and 14 10. d6 6450 �l 1 10. do 4850 lA11 that part of ,3 10 do lying 'h>sterly 6f a line drawn frdrn a! d eony 0 30/100 feet from the north west corhete r thereofntoha nsoui�hs point the, line of _Lot 1 �extsnied East 8 20/100 feet from the south east corner !I. thereof... All that past of 3 10 „acalester rack. 4750 �ying north of the south line of Lot 1' produced ,. nE.xo,,..a strip off the . - - -rest sidethereof 10 30/100 fe4t ori 1feet .rear rete �the alsoExcept n Fan8t2,62feetof no th 215 feet) i following_describedpart of 3; 10;_ _ I!i i do 5700 ' pp_The ommencing at the north Fat corner of bt._3 thence_eout.h al6n Fast 1nea 15 g- '� aht an _1 e 50 fec feet thence i'CPet at r angles at J hen^e_,north 18f fe°to. north line lof said r_ y c"t 3 .hence East 62 feet tobeinr,� ng also the et_..z of Vac. -Alley _adjoi_ni.ng. - - CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPAR';MENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CO1vJW4SIpNER OF FINANCE ON PREdIVIIN;khY ORDER IB ASSESSED r, VALUATION -- --_ --- j BLOCKI ADDITION , DESCRIPTION LOT — --_ _-- !The follo,ning described .part -.o)-2..b.-1, __ aealester „ark. 175 1- _ jICommencir.g_at the north-Test cornercf:I-Ot l thence along north line thereof and :its lext nsion to the Last line of. �of 13 thence -J aoutr, to a point 240 feet nort`i froth the south fast corner of Lot 3 Dyers Rear xanp,ement thence., Westerly to a point on the Test line of said Lot 1'250_feet_north from the south',we A corner of the 2foresaid Lot 3 of nyers-earr^.hgement .thence to ginning. The-following described part of 2--3 It 5425. ommencine at a point on the, l'el�t line of Lot 2 00_feet from the south cr.er':of hot_ 3 Dyers Rearran�r. :vest cx _ fc.� _.,.t to a ncin tithe nce north 50 on the ',TSGt line of Lot 3, the afores?13 Lot 3 of 40 _feet fro the south East corner; of Iyers Rearrangement thence south 48';feelt thence to beginning. i Fest 110 fe-t of 1- Q 6 F.lner and '�'orrisons Rearrangere.ent 4650 of part cf-ac, ter Park.. 'fest 3 feet of 1- u r 475 4 _ do 3600 �I,l_l that par. t of .. _ 8 do 5100 - �yin,x F .,t of a lint, commencin at F2otk y� 4 3C nn r ethence..south032nfeetfthence I' t_an feet thence south Easterl-y to a. poi Qoodrioh Ave, 95 feet Fa t fror thePast !corner of Lot 10-Block- 8 said ',R-' itionth 8 All that -art of 3 do , Ijlyi g Test of aline cnrier,c'; at the �soutn ,yeatccrner of Lot _2 Block B, Fast 30,60;100 !;thence south 32 feet thence +ile: ce 9oiztn_Fq.aterly to POi,nt !or. Goodrich 'IAve. 95 feet Fa,t from the .ouch Fa at L^,orner of 1 �ITot_1G_SIO ck_8_c,aid Additit I 4o 50 d.o _.. { 8 cio 4G00_. ;- itdo, 7 t� .. I _ 3700 B �e ;II 1275 a 8 do 4400 hn R—�--------'1Q------- loco it ----- — i - I� - TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARVAENj OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI§SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ASSESSED I, DESCRIPTION � ADDITION �'� VALUATION _ Test 80 feet of F I 3 7 ,1rrPr and'VorrisGns ra.ng6men300o Park A T 1 o..f. Part of acalester . ___.. (_Except 1'est 80 feet) _ _ , 3 _ . ! 7 .: _ do 7600 _ . 4 7 '. do 5250 5 _ I- 7 do 4650:_ I!l_ _South 1C faet)__.e.at 45 ft.--, 7 do 3175 --Fast 45 feet of :rest 20 feed cf2, 7 do 4250 -(t.xc,_-'^est °G feet) :2 7 i . do 5200 _ -All-.that part of 14 6 !_ Hacnlester park.. 5725 ging northerly of a I re drawnI from a i )ixt.on.the westerly line of said Let; 25/100 feet f.rot:r the soiith ''e Ht c�rne;r ne.reof to a point or_tha r _aterlv-line... J feet from .thp acuth Saateriyl corner I 1-eo--the.sot)th 10 .feet of the -Test 45 feet of at 2 Block 7 F )mer and ` orri ;bns ?earra.n err:ent f_ -Bart --of :�acalcater._park. _The.. foll0wia<g- part of _ _ _ - ! 14 6 ': do 5200 _ eginning at a point on the East line f.__sai4_. Let. 4C feet mor h frors the � cuth_ asterly corner thence Testerlyl to ja pgir_t n-the.West-1i-re_ 43..25.x:100.. feet -_north from _ he south Tr:steriv ^crn=r thence no rly lon the -Westerly line `0_feet'the ce tFastdrly S aforesaid rarthe eietrl from . southerly alore- .said o he thenceae ctsterly line 40 fe,-t to All that part of _ ._ 14 . 6 t�acaleater Park. 4375- ; .. yirg southerly of a line dra,.vnlfrom 25 Lfee.t: L_Faint--cn_.-the-W=esterly lire -_43 forthnrly from; the south T-st 1,orrajr tberecf to---a.noint.on the-n3.steriv line: -.40 (feet from _ he South Easterly corner also .the 'Vacated -I' Py oinin, + south, b F'— _. d c -North a 13 o , iCacalester_ nark. 5050 _ tr of 13 5000 I I South -4 -feet)- 12 6. da�a S$?5 cr2:1 scris P 7 Flmer- and - cr_�scrg F r Elmer- 1 nark Ij of rk . Part of Ili - ! TOTAL. - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPAR ' EN OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION 'I VALUATION LOT BASSESSED LOCK .�. DESCRIPTION ��—_ ---- mor and .�orr s°ns l 'Vorra1.8t er Par,_.npemgnt i_ of Part of _ k_. T a,,terly 44. feet of .U.ct.erly i . z�y0 170 35/100 feet of 1 7 that. 1 -so the 7,0.3t-erly 44 feet of 1?Irk art of Lot 4 Flcck 6 acalester uir.E; T"2sterly of a li e drawn,fror. a oint ` t '04a'p t from net r point on h north vasticerceretherec,aid :he southerly lire 38 fe�t frcr ,oath :est corner. 4g5G -Exe. 'aatsrly 17G 35/100 feet)l ! 7 do Lso that Part of Lct 4 Block 6 cf 5.caaeeter ?ark lying ;Testerly of -a ine fr°rr, a point on the worth line dra';:n f--said-T.ot 60 feet from the noxtrn E;estl corner the 44' feet ereof to a Pc_ nt or. southiline xoro-the south -T• —st cerne,r.. 4175 �I 4 _ i 6 _! . 7'acaL- ater ParY.. partOf_ _T -hat yinF Easterly of a line drawn from lin© 1^4 feet; s--Pnixt orthe northerly to a',point cr the norrer Iouth lire 88 feet fro«: the south west ;Oner rf e?ane. do 3725. 5 1750 j 7 6 do Fc,,th -80 feet) i 4600 it _ feet -of 7 6 I 30 south 30 6675 � ^ do c_._. That Tj 3.rt Of ... 18 -� - of aline drawn from a point ,North —V. FaFt line thereof 60 f2 et -on --the from the south eastcorner tc a Pint on sG feet -from e -sc �._the- ';,aat .lf.ne _ nth ii 4eat corner of same II That Part of ,!lying--eouthorly of- a- 11 ne d rativt, - rorr. a point on the Fast line 6C !�Oint othe wast line 4 feetr to .a feet--frnr the- south Fest- corre, from the - 1outh .Treat-- ower of aarre. 5925 `` 10 of a l' ly ,lyingno ePc line nnrthernorth vast103x75/�00° rnm the nor+,h est corner to a� p oi� m the €ra�ide rGh "aie"ne r , CITY OF ST. PAUL .w- DEP,%RT HENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS)SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRtLIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCK! ADDITION h,P_.following desofibed part cf 9 6 ! ., aealester (lark. ommencing at F. point on the '" sterl- jtine f_:hct 5 ,.14,75 feet from theorth st oxner thereof thence south alF.91 said westerly ine 4C...15 feet thence.easterl. paiallal to ortherly line of said Lot to Oarr,biidEf Ave. hence to the nc:r.t eaet_.corner of: sa.ia Lot hence along the north lineto ia point`,103 95/100 eet. Tort: the aforesaid North %.Vest: corner the outi westerly to beginning. bat ° 6 do 3050 - 'part in south oz a. linee drawn pa all Y g o a �• pl the north line taereof from! n the west line 55 feet from a rQint the north > ,est oorner of said Lot _1 i Exc. South 50 feet)_ Fast __ off' 11 6 ! f do �� _'-- -_ 38x5 south 50feet of aat a� of 11 6 ao 3800 Pranger 'Place. 8800 _ 7 acaleater nark phs,t part f_ 4500 o� a lire drawn, fro Lying 7'� y f it a point cn th,e north line of ebid I• Lot .:0 feet from the north ,Y-sconer' thyreof to a point or. the soutlife : 90 feet from the south Fast corner,. T rt 7 _ 0 3500 y-etgc er y lying Faqterl of a 1 ne drawn from� north line of algid a point on the nor dot thereof 5u feet the north neat co� er ..from to a point on +he south line 90 fect frorr the south, East corner. _Faster1Y.45 feet of_.-. i 1 7 do 4100 North_z_Of _ ___ ' _: 7 30 _ 5075 2 7 South of ... __ ! �o 5075 'T,'eat 75 feet of 7 do 4525 3 7 d° 3500 li 4 7 i do 2.525 17 7 aO �_ 542.5 5150 u �o�. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART ,'IENg OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS19NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- --- DESCRIPTION- acrces LOT Mack �� ADDITION � ASSESSED VALUATION �I (Exc. South 6C feet) 7 i16 7 ac alester ?ark ! 1500 South 60 feet of 16 7 do 4050 (F.xe. South 60 feet) _. 15 7 do 1550 South 60 feet of 15 '., 7 30 6025 North 125 95/100 feet of 11 7 do1750 (rxc. North 125 95/10C fe t ) 11 7 30 600 1 F. V. Kenners Rearrangement of 4550- _ Lots 12-13 and 14 Block racsle ter ,ark. 875 l(Except &ley) 3 � do 34'25 also all that part of Lot 7 lying 'North of the south line of Lot:3 -: produced East. 'I (That part of 4 do 200 dying test of a line drawn at right hangles to Frincetcr. Ave, fror, a, roirt i1thereon 94 feet Fast fro!%, sout. theh fest corner of same. I1(Exc, part to City and Fxce_nt 1 .00_ _ ) ,;the south 65 . ee � 4- 5 do ((Exc. Part fo City) South 65 do 3750 !feet of 4- - (g do I1Fo t L of (7 do 4725 a strip 20 ft. ^:ids acrces ialea the rear.._p' Lot 3. JjEast of (Exc. that part. 7 do !'lying north of the south line of iCLot_ 3 prpduced) l�(Exc East 1Q_fE;t)- II do llEast 10 feet of 8 do 900 do - 16-'' c tacalester Park. 11.00 1 do 21175 i, - - - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPPARTtVNT OF, FINANCE REPORT OF CONWIISfIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER —O E S C R I �T I O N --_ LOT LOCK I ADD 1 T I O N - ASSESSED VALUATION r �I II )Torth of 2 9 I Mtical fifer nail, youth �- Of g I _ ,.._. do ,3c00 I N 45 feet of 3 � q do _ _- _.. _ nc50 �rtherly - M �I(.xc, Ncr;Y,e� l 45 i =et � � 9 I; 3 do _ I _ 825 L� rt !Noh of 14 9 do 3350 f_ South L of. 4 1 9 do li 3750 'Test 60 feet of 16 B ,I do _ ) 4050 16 0 �ast 47 feet of T, -qt 107 feet8 30 !(Exe, "eat 10 fast) 16 8 do 2475 TIorth 2 of 15 it 8 _ do, _ x;850 ..;: 5'uth o2 15 8 1 _ d9 5300 14 8 do _47$51_I.i 13 & o d 4125 _.,. _ it u 4 7 dp u 25r^5 a! j5 7 __. do _ 1; (E:tr„ South 50 feet) !6 _ I 7 ! __.._ do -. _ $775 a I1 South 50 feet of 6 _ 7 do. _ li 2650 forth z of _._ 7 7 I _do_ , _ _ I :_5925 outh of 7 7 do5,5'5 I 118 7 : do 7075 1II : 19 7 i do Exc. North 12 feet) Wefit 50 ft 101 7 do Orth 50 ft, of Fast 172 ft. ar�d I _ . „__. _ f IL. �6 �. ortli 1N f - et of pyo at _ _... 7 00 feet of 10 j do 3100 jExe. ) North 50 feet East 17.2 _, I.. set of 110 7 do __. _ ._. 5700 _. _ .. , i II� Fxo North 50_ _East_6Q-_ _.. _ __ _ (' __. �.- -,feet) 111111 t of est 110. feet .of 110 17 I do 5275 • , TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARVMEIWT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t_ - .. ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION ILO LOCK I� feet.oaorth 12 feet) West 50 282o I 101 71 N,acale=ter P -ark. II6300 i (Exo. South E' of Fast 110 fe t)1 8, it -South , of East 110 feet of 1 8 do 3500 do 3500 h (Exo:-South 47 feet) 2 8i I 8, .4250 -do �I South 47 feet of 2 I� North � of 3 j 8i do 3350 {I South 1 of i 3 8 do 4750 North i of 1 4 81 do 5200 ' South of t 4 81 do 4750 ,• -I That part lying south of Grano Avje: -e 137175 �l of the ast '- of sec. 4 Town 8, tan 23. II SII I I ' i ----- ---- -- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the.aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � e� d -- -"—'--- Dated __llG 1 191 - Commissioner of Finance. " Tug of $t. Paul oscwR euussEN, cn.[r emm�[[[ Ntpartawnt of Vublir UlArlta J. C. CARIIOLL, 9uri~[[^' M. N. G053. COMMISSIONER eu.uu Or OON[iRucT ... w.. •ou.[ R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFRED J-011, Suri. H. W. OOERINDER. 9uri3O~ w• l � M. 9. ORYTBAn •ENa^.[ [n'o O. H. HERROLO'0.... .....[[. August 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construction of relief sewers on Macalester Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Princeton Avenue; Lincoln Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Cambridge Avenue; Goodrich Av- enue from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Street; Princeton Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Street; Prince- ton Avenue from Amherst Street to Vernon Avenue and Amt herst Street from Princeton Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, in aocordanoe with Council File (26162, approved August 11, 1919: It is proposed to build these sewers at this time on account of the proposed paving, under preliminary order Council File #26061, approved ,fitly 31, 1919. Total estimated cost ........ $21, 180.00 This amount may be divided as follows: For sewer on Macalester Avenue ........... 03,180.00 y Area tributary .................. 606,760. Sq.Ft. 5' Estimated cost for Lot 40' x 1501.......[ $31.45 This portion is an extension of the relief sewers known as the Summit -Pascal System. The balance of the sewers called for in this order are estimated to cost.......... .$18,000.00 Area t4butary.................. 1,706,850. S Ft. Estimated oost.for lot 401 x1501..... 63.28 The drainage district is shown on the accompanying map and it is assumed that a uniform assessment would be spread over the district except in'the area drained by the Macal- eeter Avenue sewer. Yours veryy truly, 01) Enclo Chief Engineer. ESS/0 Office of the Commissioner of public Wmk§IE�' V ED Par. i� 4 O --=3 c Report to Commissioner of Finance p.UG25 1919 August 26th, -----_-1919 --------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 6162 approved--- ----August 11th, 1919 relative to constructing relief sewers on Maoalester Ave. oln Ave. to _$vinoetcn_ ge.�;_Linooln_Ave._from Fairvlew Ave.t--aembridge ---- .; / - _" Goodrich Ave. from Fairview Ave. to Baldwin St.J Princeton Ave. from Bb2dwia"St:";-FYSScsetZin"gve-:'fro 'M-Am?ts Vernon Ave., and Amherst St. from Princeton Ave. to Lincoln Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. 21,180.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $--- -----_---, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is --not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvemen v Commission of Public Works. l:, r CITY.. OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form 2d';�t, i F No y7289—�ggcctm-`-� r�.9¢'^ Department of ReeolVaL That tpe �,G-E, rL1€ht'I P • pnitony to herbby nirdqe ana 6�troa bd' , a:reaC atavelpntrina"%Itned'by prnctigR. Bureap of es -erns etrtnatag wrrrew tbnrporiri + - trphe2ote btr b3 nlXbtrlolty on ' e Soll erg 611egb'--' 9n8 ptroe„ „ ' yoleb on Na6raekp. a `.t' m1inQ Avet}be j ; Council File No. mate l�cesented 191 a*of ED, hat the St. Paul Gas Ll¢ht Com ., is hereby ordered avd directed to entevd ]te electrical lives by erectln¢ poles and etriv¢ln¢ wires thereon for the leetricty ov avd Iv the fellowiv¢ alleys avd streets of said city Install Three poles on Nebraska Avenue, east of Hamline Avenue. One pole in the alley east of Huron Avenue, north of Nebranka Avenue. One pole in the alley south of Orange Street, east of Arcade Street. Two poles on Caurield Avenue, east of Bollevue Avenue. Three poles in the alley south of Osceola Avenue, east of Pascal Avenue. One pole in the alley north of Ifinnehaha Street, west of Weide Street. One pole in the alley north of Van Buren Street, west of Wheeler Avenue, Commercial lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such enemelon•, pole• and wires •ball be erected and cen•truned wader the dirtetion sed eupenietan of the Commleeiene, of Public Utilid.. avd iv all things rvLjact to the provLions of Ordivnnce No. 2424. and of all other lawful ardinavices and ra•olutlom of the Ctty of 9t. Paul. Al! polo ebould be set iv each lowtlon iv aald alleys and •trate as the Com.d. ion<r o[ Publie Utilitlee ,hail de•1¢nnte, and shall be o[ each hei¢ht cd chanac, as he,hall I poo ate and n e act I -and soy nod all such poles ahali be taken dowv and removed, and auch wins placed under round, whenever the Co...il shall deem that the pe clic ivterat eo rautres, and when it shall eo oder. - - Adopted by the Council Y ' 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND Approved � y�'/ 191 KELLER /f r A6L4n1� ayor the 5t. Paul Caa Li¢hl Compavy le hereby ordered and dirttted to extend It. elttnfcal linea by —tlna nolle and etrin¢in¢ a,1— thereon for lbe oa and Iv the followfv¢ alleys and atrcete of said city: Install, Three poles in the alley north of Fauquier Street, between Germain Street and Kennard Street. One pole on Clark Street, between Minnehaha Street and Fauquier Street. Commercial Lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such natensions, poles and wires shall be erected and voae ted uuder the dhection and supenieion of the Commlael-ne, of Public Uttlitiee and in all thfn¢e Mal No. 24>4. and of all other lawful ordlnencea and rnolutiom o[ the Clt> of &. Pant. deelrnate, and shall be of ouch bei¢M avd chancier an i of Utllidea'lull and such wires placed underground, whenever the Comcil shall p� iW s. irc aaas6 $y aT x a�nn— :) /� t TL Resolved Tttmt the 1, Patl --,)AUL COgtD%ny le hereby ordereg•nbd $ X (y V to'eatead itd electr40a111ned1ay 0 :.1 Phld wltee Lhert > y`"b {� (-5 `(1 4/ / (`l: f -J ..+ .. ' " • ��n/a Coun,.a Itrlagin p . t t e teanemfenlon'. o electrldlty :1" i t11e toilpwing alloys ane nt general 0dity ' Form 191 natal; Tlrtee poles. -1a the alley' • IS!lyler 9t eek betwe ,:"-. o, et and KeYlaard. 8tre d"• pole op: -.Clark P j�"" " {„fah fitr et ( ) Nays Department of �ad Bureau of GOSS Council F r t Date Presented 191 the 5t. Paul Caa Li¢hl Compavy le hereby ordered and dirttted to extend It. elttnfcal linea by —tlna nolle and etrin¢in¢ a,1— thereon for lbe oa and Iv the followfv¢ alleys and atrcete of said city: Install, Three poles in the alley north of Fauquier Street, between Germain Street and Kennard Street. One pole on Clark Street, between Minnehaha Street and Fauquier Street. Commercial Lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such natensions, poles and wires shall be erected and voae ted uuder the dhection and supenieion of the Commlael-ne, of Public Uttlitiee and in all thfn¢e Mal No. 24>4. and of all other lawful ordlnencea and rnolutiom o[ the Clt> of &. Pant. deelrnate, and shall be of ouch bei¢M avd chancier an aub�«t to the prov4lvvs o[ Ordinance All should be let in eveh location lv said alleys and etr«ta u the Comminfoner of Utllidea'lull and such wires placed underground, whenever the Comcil shall deem that the poles hr .lixll dnlanate avd approve, and any and all evc6 Dols shall be taken down and removed, and when It shall eo order. pu Llic fntereat so requlm. 1 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL 6� WUNDERLICH Approved 191 HYLAND KELLER Mayor Department Bureau of. CITY OF ST. PAUL '1 Resolution---GenAl Form C..6 Date Presented 191 No. mRESOLVED. That the St. Peal Ove Licht Comb n b—b, ,id �a _I dkected m cztead lu elecWcvl Bose by erectine Vol" a¢d etriv¢i etaa¢ wtree wercou ... •••. e Gniov of dectricb oa avd in the followiv¢ alleys o street between a and ally north of Ifinehaha Cl Intallaceone polestreets.inwithenecessary guysn nand anchors. Cor=ercialnlighting. Clarenren Install one pole on the southwest corner of St. Clair and Underwood ____, wa+ti, necessary guys and anchors. Uunicipal lighting. GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER ace Approved 191 ayor Form A A 411.2117-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE Or THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM co ONOIL Na. ....... .d..�...�.... FILE 1309 ' p / 97 BY .. .. ... ... ..... ....1�U.�V...t... .. 914 UDITE .... 191._...._�'�71 ....... R......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be 'drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N vsAdopted by the Council ...,: !... s.._.l� u ............ „i ee . Clancy Porathtleot1htR Lo tathtteersaetmaeaooupur8ntsfirDemestaa'o, opr eaositnbl •i .... ....A.... . _ '1/ . J/•'7A_-/.. ......1-9 1 Farnsworth o0on )e%ty TraP b -dr GOSS in LavOtofthe DesDacefundeaonudi MAYpRCor their CesDective jeppro^""' Keller theLAlgwing &edtlament McColl of"Fl aaca, , f € Keough $rotheeg,: {a199 36 ' Wunderlich .Adopted b thcounett x6v•'17 isle.' APDroved Noe.y 17.1819.., (Nov; 2$ 1918) 15582 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Interest 14,013.75 Perm. Imp. Revl. - Int. Acct. 4,295.00 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. Fund- Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 1. 293.85 — an 34,602.60 , 15583 Keough Brothers, 2,100.35 Grading Juliet—Palace, James & Macalester Total 36,702.95 Farm A A 45,2 M 7-18 U17'Y OF 8T. PAUL ,yp OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COU AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE C1L No'"' •• w 1308 BY.. ...'---.-._..._....._ L'..Y..-G-.- ... n j }p ('IT TROLLER AUDITED .LL18 .--....191---..... t ER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations r ` `' pective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V :C F NO 273s8abetraet.l�' t 4 Reesolv4d'.i th§t ,vgarraate ba drawn. Adopted by the Council -. ,y .... ........ v oa thkrTzeasapy payable{'.oat' ° Clancy of the 7teretmtttet: ap00i$efl >uhde,: and; ^ IT y Y in Savor+oW the ]Seteoas firma or -cor. _.yozatloaa�for tha'amouhta Agt;oppoette Approved__.._ ....... ......... 191 ___.. Farnsworth'iholr,'raspeat}Ye•.aamae'Sa�ADac fled Sn: dhe Solltlwlbgg datITC. =..tenant r = GOS5 AmeSicanBUpD1Y Company S2Q462 _ Brooks Brothers Lumbar Comp�nY: Keller f47ave !.vLC..'.A.lJ...... _.........� 4iaplt>41 City n9,4411¢': Cralie &'Ordway L`OmpanY 5236.93 McColl Aaam Hecker (Hardwara cumyann EROS s0 Wunderlich Nattonal;Furaitur0Btovd Company, 2 s W2.rleht Batreit & $tttwell =119.26, ausrrra.--^ r I: AdoDted>bY Che .CouD011 NDy 17 •',1918:; 15575 American Supply Uompany, 204.62 j Fire 1,13 Schools 195.67 Mater 7.82 204.62 15576 Brooks Brothers Lumber Uompany, 473.78 Schools 58.80 it 222.95 Gt. Northern Schools 192.03 473.78 15577 Capital City Lumber ComparW, 41.16 Schools 15578 Crane & Ordway Company, 236.93 Schools 58.45 Great Northern Schools 176.83 Mater 1.65 236.9 15579 Adam Decker Hardware Compaq , 268.80 Mtulic. Gar. evl. Schools .50 68.80 34.15 " 9.76 " 72.00 " 1.00 " 11.22 Gt. Northern Schools 70.17 Water 1.20 2gf3�� 0 Res. 1308 Page #2 oyr yw 15580 National btrniture Stove Company,82.32 j Schools ..r 15581 Wright, Barrett &Stilwell,- 119.25 Com'r. of Finance 17.00 Bureau of Pngrs. .85 Schools 17.00 it 44.10 it 14.05 Johnson H.S.Library. 26.25 lI$:zr Total 1,426.86 CITY OF ST. PAUL -� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - bject:............._.......................................................... ................................................................................ ....................... ro.e NO ............... I Date Presented...._ ............................._......._..... ----191..... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the Municipal Garage in addition to the empo*ees already authorized in that Bureau, the services of one Machinery Blacksmith at a salary not exceeding $115.00 per month C. P. No.-.27889—By Henry McColl— , Resolved. ,That the, Commissioner oft Public Sa[ety Is hereby authorized%L.to yyloy In the Municipal Garagg In ad dltton . to the, employees already, an thorized in that Bureau, the .."Icas of one Machinery Blacksmith ata salary not exceeding $118.08 p r mohth:- dopted'.b the Council Nov. 17, A . 1819, AyP owed N V 17, 1818 (Nov. 22, _1919) Yeas ( ✓)Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl PAd1 ............. Against Wunderlich Adopted by the Council ........... '_ _........ ..... __..191...... Approved.................. . ................. 191..... >y' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............... ............. ...................................... ................................................. ................................ ................... OU'CkL I No . ............... . . ................... ...................................... . ............ ............................................. .. ....................................................................................... Date Presented ............ ......... . ... ... I - That cigarette License NO. 56, 9hich expires April 7th, 1921, now in the name of H.J. Milne, 459 South Robert Street, be and the same hereby is trans- ferred to H.B. Anderson, 459 South Robert Street. 6. Re.N'W.d2.72TIZ, BYI -;'iy' license n the.. exV resc�yrll,.7th 1921, nO�W ,R 6 -.0 of IV, , WGO 458- south Robert Streot be ­& th ISOIle tra f k a e same hqreby I -U'th 1%'b'e'�Ot' 'to �� Anderson 468 1 �3orpct�,ed bthe,-- Z , I - 11 ye� Nov. (Nov.JZO1919. 7, 221 Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council 191 Clancy Farnsworth 7............ ..... .......... 191 Goss ...--_..-....In favor Approved ...1 Keller McColl77;16 Wunderlich Against FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 !7291 -83' -'Henry McC011 I That permigalori , be ;and.�LAL FORM COUNCIL �I )(3 ceefl Three Thoveanb (x.pu in - .•• three ,(8) tanka•iplaoed n er8rsund;. ..191..... theh PVro aLeBolnt e&Gou}smie YQne g a ate Presented ._ .............................................. inelde Droperty line an$ t e 1Cominle. atruotedto mus, s emit Lot' such: Puhlt¢-9aYety an$.,tw the erect conatrlictlon OY a-8ieyyfoot buillln and - o[ eafd'==.storage,-,tankq in, ,4acor�noq. with tTFe:otdlnanbEq and bulldfng'retsu- - }atlona bY'tne City; 6Y St, palil which. planaand-bbnetructlon shall; be ap yrovbdibY th0 Bufl$ing Department ba-�. Resolved, fore title reao1 tiDri becomes.,op rative: .Adopted'b tbeCovncil ADDroved j7ov.322111y12)`: That permission b riu`tine same is her'eTy granted to the Standard 011 Company, a Corporation of Indiana, to build , erect, construct . and m%intain tanks for the storage of gasoline on the property l i ted on the North Forty(40) feet of lot six(6) in block Sixty- three 63) Irvine's Enlargement of Rios & Irvines Addition, except that part taken by the City,and for the storage therein of not to exceed Three Thousand (3.000) gallons in three (3) tanks placed underground, inside property line, and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby instructed to issue a permit for such storage. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the ereotion and construction of a fireproof buildinnd of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. Yeas (J) Councilmen ( ✓) Naps Adopted by the Council ........ ................._....... _.......191...... Clancy Farnsworth t!V, ;q I Approved ........ ....._.....'. `...._........ 191...:. Goss -In favor � �������. ���.. ............. Keller i� ':. .. McColl .............. Against ...._-.-............:. . 'v.C... �..... Wunderlich MAYOR FORM C. A,.9 3M. 12-18 - CITY OF ST. -PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ry ibject:_:_......................................................... .... ............... :......................................... ............. :...... .._.. ............. COUNCIL .¢.e NO. .................................... .............--"'.... A" Date Presented.-- ................................................ 191 Resolved, - Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 0 ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich �n PORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 v j-, 191F, Adopted by the Council-_rl�.... _................ _A91 MI 1-4 1919 Approved.........................................J.......>........... 191..... MAYOR Petitidn _ s � The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Construct a sewe_V Dated this ........... l5.th.-day of Council File No ..................... X729, % improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Hand St.r.from a Point ............ 191._9.... PREL R RDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the ollowmg improvement.. viz.: C.Q.?lQt.211C.1....a...6.ewer...on...Aard._St_,......f.rQm...a.......................... --_. .................._point...a5...ft. north...of....the...north line o.f-_Law eon... St .... ............... ___.. ..................... ................................... t 9.._Cook....S.t.,................................................................................................ ..................................................... _ ................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ... . .............................. ...... ...... ..... ... .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direEted: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2, To inveaigate the nature, extent and eitirnated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. „ 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. r� Bal rOVem r:+F-n:................................................ btate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ....191........ � Adopted by the wuncil.......�..�...................................... .. Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth ��(j GossApproved.........................................................191........ Hyland Keller j0" McColl Wunderlich Q ............. �. Form C A 13 (AM {-lr) ,.T bgpu n�urinpa .53�5_-` r COUNCIL PAUL FILENO..................................... tQp/ OF pp .. CLERK COUNCIL ♦3i g�,GENEf2 FORM PRESENTgD BY //A�/ zI tE ✓ Ll COMMISSIONER....... Imo ............._........... DATENoyeIImber 17 19 9 RESOLI(ED oThat Formal Bid No. 2078 of the Review Publishing Company for r printing and publishing during the year beginni-t January 1, 1920, An the St. Paul Review, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the English language in the City of St. Paul, qualified under the laws of the Statd of Minnesota to publish legal advertisements and specified in the bid of said St. Paul Review, all orders, resolutions and other proceedings and matters required under the Charter or by the by-laws resolutions or ordinances of the .Council to be published in a public newspaper, for the sum of Twenty -Nine Cents per inch for each first insertion and one cent per inch for each subsequent insertion, be and the same is hereby accepted, and the St. Paul Review is hereby designated as the official paper of the City of St. Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1920, and until its successor shall be designated, in which all such publications for the year 1920 shall be made. Resolved, Further, that the contract for printing and binding in book form one hundred (100) copies of the proceedings of the Council for 1920 with index, be awarded to the St. Paul Review at ninety Cents per page. Yes 0') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss '17feP,eli Powers Wunderlich evident FORM 3M9 -I9 ReceiTed all papers ill connection with above Resolution. I( .. lira la a Adopted by the Council ,..._._._. 'j.... •.� ... .._ 19___... In favor Approved..._........_. IRI;L....�! .,c.... 19_...._. i'J!u Against MAYOR evsrisfJ ar/ x�/ ...,, F.. AA 46.2N 7-18 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ppptiO1b " Na•" FILE Y 1310 9 BY..... NO�J.. I � It A DITED .............. �'.:........... 191...._.. P...:........ ----------- .. ... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and 'in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) '° rev I—S 1919 Adopted by the Council ........ .............. _.__...... _......... _.._191__ ClancyF �O ETE96— 7 ved Goss tt neaa 6gtn ' or;s p a dq oabA In � ^ tit Abe p ll Farnsworth l7Don"Y11e'.1 Approv .... _ ...:._�l J .� _� tqe kers{fiaCipr a tap taYQF dt Ehyk 61'kp i°pQonats �. kpUt4 db R Keller iol'�w2vUtl�a p�+itea ad 2emenaaac�tte d ..._...... __ .... .. .._ ..- --...T 1 f19ta1"{pk"ateC A ) afaYOFt "B Kirullt7ttle�,-,�8ent Alerai` ;189�88�e11 5'Sfe.�laElp, T.Ig Col`np�rly 1 .�•�•� Wunderlich �S6 °hpr Ld ne Gohtiat Co(r zany An u • 7,._...t•..aa otaUesa �,9r¢ '�r`tpjc 'GbmYaay,;: 15584 B. K. Douglas,Agent 30.00 189.66• 154.30 108.42 606.53 110,00 20.59 210.91 81,58 Fire 15585 Gamewell Fire Alarm Telg. Company, Pol. & F. Alarm 15586 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, Great Northern Schools 102.20 Water 19.60 Central H.S. Bldg(Bond) 32.5500 15587 Jointless Fire Brick Company, Central H.S. Bldg. (Bond) 15588 H. W. Johns -Manville Company, Police 15589 Keasbey & Mattison Company, Schools 15590 Norther. Machinery Company, Schools 15591 Northorr- Pacific Railway Company, Parks 15592 N. W. electric Equipnont Company, Police 21.44 Schools 6.00 u 48.51 " 3.84 Humboldt H.S.Library 1$1 9 30.00 189.66• 154.30 108.42 606.53 110,00 20.59 210.91 81,58 Res. 1310 Pcgo 42 15593 Peoples: Coal & Ice Company, /`0 U 15.00 Schools PL -lie School Publishing ComPany, 127.2515594 School§ 15595 St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, 1,487.63 St. C. & R. A Street Intersections 186.75 - Paving Ashland -Snelling to Pascal 1 285.88 , 15596 St.Paul Electric Company, 17.72 Schools 14.16 P. Bidgs. Revl. 3. 15597 State School for Feeble Minded, 6.40 Special Day Schools 15598 Superintendent of Documents, ,50 11 Johnson H.S. Library 15599 Waterbury Button Company., 74.49 Police Form A A 46, i N 7-I8 y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM` F ;EO1L Nu. 2l;���:➢ 1311 r !/ ft UDITE ' LYa .1.5�..t.7.L?.............. 1 ...... Cr P �. ER..... ............................... ..C�_.��•' �/ l "'l./ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn up the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V _ pnv !S IuIL c p0 8486F— Adopted by the Council .....:-. ..... .... 191...— pb9tr°et Clancy geeotYe ghat wntiranto be'd!'awn qjf°� the Y Trea6u r�s9 DaY$�1dDnt Iygi '.. n Farnsworth � the h0tifn if er ¢ye6lflod 3nnrtn-$nd.f�n. tavbr °g;tbd.�yer°°bakdrmeDODr °oFPgp�+r _ Approv d...... .. .. Cross 414nue Sos tb4,ainoup aeDtd4°tne fic the �} fol OWE Idot�a tOA ata omept a Keller t / e• A sg ortb 4°m c of >atn�ytFe oR 4860 �' ............. .....� _� � a grapawoih�Cents of Ftnan°e (Tye MAY hiceell 81 4A8.',Sgr'aes¢orlhtiCQm Wunderlich m Flbapeg�� ••1 Mr �ws -,Ii_ n ; 2016T �+ 3 unaa°e .A. ort�h �sazasa;�c�uco�sasb9 �. .e• . : , 15600 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 42.5 Corp. Counsel 15601 S. A. Farnsworth, 0om'r. of Finance 18,642.2 Police 15602 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 31,946.08 Fire 15603 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r: of Finance 1,201.67 Pol. & F. Alarm 15604 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 3,728.77 C.P.S.-Gen; Adm. 212.'50 Health -Adm. 132..50 Vital Statistics 185:00 Food & Dairy '495:00 Quarantine 1,000.00 Tuberculosis Div. 451.33 Dale St- Infrmy. 8459 Laboratory 160:00 P. Baths 116:60 •P: Comfort Station 145:00 tunic. Gar. Revl. 746.25 15605 Julia Welke, 25.00 G.F.-miscellaneous & Unforseen Total 55,586.26 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEO COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM -E COUNCIL '27297 .. FILE No ..................................... DATE Nov. 18th, 1919. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Wiroming Street, from South Robert Street to Oakdale Avenue, under Preliminary Order # 26364, approved August 26, 1919, Final Order #26900, approved October 13th, 1919, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantitleB submitted by the. Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved4 Received all 1APe1s ig connection with abov* Resglw�ion. Yes (s) Councilmen (; ) Nays - hinl� -�y ICIQ Clancy Adopted by the Council - 19 -.-.- Farnsworth Goss ----In favor Approved...__ ... ._. _ . __......._......_..- 19....- �y�powers Against ! `r+ Ate. ............ Wunderlich Miro �1VIr-.�PzeSitfenb Fol. 3M9-19 E CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 COU' No �. 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. PRESENTED BY . Nov 18th, 1919 '. COMMISSIONER_........................................................................................................................................... DATE..................'...... ..... RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Ridgewood Avenue and Benhill Road, from Crescent Court to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order #26090, approved August 2nd, 1919, and Final Order #26671, approved October let, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (t) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Powers Wunderlich PAV Rreeideet FORM 3M9-19 Received all papers connection with abOvs ResolutIOP',? I Adopted by the Council )! y SAIF C._....19__ In favor Approved.. r .f _...SL..?.(�........19...._... Against (` � MAYOR 2 • a�9 �Y`ly, 1. L • t COUNCIL A 2Y CITY OF ST. PAUL ME NO ....... ......................... _... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By Nov. 18th, 1919. COMMISSIONER_........._............................................................................................................................ DAiF....................._....__...,._..... ....... ........ . :RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a Bewer on Fairview Avenue from Palace Street to a point 70 feet north of James Street, under Preliminary Order #262552 approved August 18, 1919, and Final Order #269271 approved October 16th,1919 RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received all paper's is conne,tiU ®ith above Resolj txg� �1yY yes ( ) Councilmen ( 1 Nays Moo is 1919 Clancy Adopted by the Council - -- - -- -- -19 - Farnsworth Pir i �n n Goss In favor Approved 19....._.. Powers -Against Wunderlich Aron �...Brwident CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL PRESENTED BY { - �COUNCIL FILENO ..................................... A - RESOLVED ' `That Council File No. 26938, approved October 153 1919, be and ' s the >a,me. is hereby amedded by striking out therefrom the following words and figures :*0ne Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) and inserting in place thereof the following words and figures; "Seventeen hundred and twenty Dollars ($1720.00) including care of building" Yes (d) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich t FORM 3M9-19 Adopted by the Council - - --1 ' l! ...:].a.:...1';.lr__.....19 In favor Approved..... 19..._. MAY R ®11 _— CITY OP ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER cot.Ncl AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM/1; FILE No..= t _........... 1317 ` y t B . ---"--...... ........ ................... ......... AUDITED ....::40V...A ......101... .. t• u� >TRl)LLER L Y � TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed sat went: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N , CII ', 1ai4' Adopted by the Council .. }_191. _ Clancy AhetragL e Farnsworth A I r ved_.. V $eQolved that warraate be rdrawn� I P -- 191 , . the city Treasurer Payabl�,' tt of , Goss thq hgretharter ePeoiBeV' toads andr& - ,* a£; 8,4 ai o I a- flRa9 ' dOr(wra _ Keller t ohyp� t the �amo�ua e�atnyD '4 the7r. .-- r�8egt q namas as gpeWfladl}I. t d b -i y[AYOR McColl Igw7n�tr 11 Sta 9" wog'Sq„43or ot'.I agef ..�.i J Wunderlich ! S4aaoyted br the ouael7 ZRiv r10391D !'. Mr,..�ttp,Sj�lonr„n i � APProved NNov �Yl 19) T ti. v,Ii 15620 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools 4,457:83 Central H.S.Bldg(Bond) ' 59.50 Total 4,517.33 PITY OF 9.1'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F—A A46.2R 7-18 % 'd 7 � �P COUNCIL FILE FILE No ............ .......'`_`id.. 15616 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Bureau of Parks 4,509.55 Forestry Revl. 469.00 Playgrounds 655.04 Gt. Northern Schools 6.00 P. Bldgs. Revl. '272.35 Park Construction 1,801.96 Gaultier School (Bond) '852:05 x;336 .�55 15617 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Water Total 20,395.84 8,565.95 11,829.89 1. 1:314 _......... 19i`..! AUDITED.F1iL.S....�-L..._......._........... 191 .. T ,I 'T LLER E ........................ _. . ...... _.. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, Yeas I `/ ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by the Council.._...:.:.`_'. ^......_......__ .............. Clancy C. F. No. 27302— Farnsworth Goss iiesolved thaAbstract t warrants be drawn Approved___ _.. ._._. ............191 .......-. uyoa the Clty Treasury,yayable out of the haref&Ito, specified fund. and 1. Keller fever of the persons, firms or - tlons for the amounts set o,,,,,tcotDo e tra,Yr 77.. _... _...... respective names as speclffed in the folr vl'vYCR (..�J McColl lowing datalla statement: A Farnsworth Com'r. of Finance, Wunderlich $8,686.96. .,: ,5 &:A Farnswortb, Com'r. of Finance; $1Adopte � ' _ Adopted by Nov19 1919 Nov. 19, 1919. 9, Approved V. 19, 1919. '(Nov. 22,,1919) 15616 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Bureau of Parks 4,509.55 Forestry Revl. 469.00 Playgrounds 655.04 Gt. Northern Schools 6.00 P. Bldgs. Revl. '272.35 Park Construction 1,801.96 Gaultier School (Bond) '852:05 x;336 .�55 15617 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Water Total 20,395.84 8,565.95 11,829.89 Form A A 46. t N 1-19 �4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLEROUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1315 _.. .. PT LEtI AUDIT .�D-... P; ,' .__............... _.._. 19 ._.... ER....... ... .. ........................... -__...... .... ..... TITLE d^ Resolved that warrants be drawn up the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ........... 19L.- C. F. No. 211"— Clancy AbetraCk Resolved- that warrants be drawn Approved ....__ IL J....:. :..._._..191 _........ Farnsworth upon, the Ctty Treasury, payable our of I p t. tae favor oft e pe epos, fir funds rpo Coss ionsof the persons, arms or oorpoiit are tions for the in" as; set oY yositi their Keller resDDecttve names t epe nt! in .the .. ..... .._...� . ..._............_ fonowinton. rot statement! � 1i 1YOR Thoratod Brothers Company„ $28'. McColl 119.00. Adopted by the Council Nov. 39, 1919 Apuroved Nov. 19, 1919- Wunderlich (Nov. 22. 19191 ^� idr�c•'a�^dam=on '- J 15618 Thornton Brothers Company, Paving Concord from Annapolis to Ada Total 28,118.00 28,118.00 Form A A 46,2 X 7-I8 I CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER T l COUscmNo................................. . AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1313 � !�. .................... ........ ........................... ...._. �1LLBR AUDITED .._ "... . ..._.......... 19 ....... >t ...... ........ __. ..... .....«in ... TITLE f"�. n 2730%— . t Abstract Resolved that warrants bo drawn Resolved that warrants I upon the ni, TreaeurY. payable out of ; out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the d he tierelnafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corpora- names as s ecified in the followin detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations f1d tions for the amounts set oFFVV-arta t the P g �f res active' names -ae .mon ed In the Fit In jr Peas V ) Councilmen ( V ) s fol%wing i3r.tied"stLUMtet:- 1 stooks Brothers Lumner Company. Adopted by the Council..-........ ..:. 191 ......... II $97'1% .. _. s Leopold FBruernei ndryOm$40.00 Clancy CentDr.ral Foundry CpanR $180.70. �- Dawson -& Wire on 521.26 _.'-.191- Farnsworth . ..191. .. .. Farnsworth a Reliance troy d: Wtre warke,'.,{763,13. Approved ._... .__. 1 dame%tew r $40.00;t. Int C 9 Stewart, Supt 5377 00. Cross 9 Superior RefintnRg: Company, 52872. Adopted by the 9. 1919. Nov: 19 19 9. APProVed Nov. 19. 1919. ...-.._-.... .- JJJ,,y. i .... _ ... (Nov. 22. 1919) Vwv� IIA R McColl Wunderlich 15608 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 97.10 P. Baths 16.66 Workhouse 2.04 P. Bldgs. Revl. 78.40 �7T6 15609 Leopold Bruenner, 40.00 Parks 15610 Central Foundry Company, 180.76 Water 15611 Dr. Dawson Johnston, 21.25 Library 16612 Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 753.13 Parks 15613 James Shiely, 40.00 Parks 15614 C. S. Stewart, Supt., 377.00 Quarantine 15615 Superior Refining Company, 86.72 Library 25.74 Water 11:04 49.94 Total 1,595.96 Form A A 15, 2 A 1-I8 - PITY OF s'r. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t COUNCIL NQ.....t_'..._ w, e AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1318 1� .................................... . PER............. �........ _.•....__.._. ,.... , ......................TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( `/ ) Councilmen ( ) Nays -- - % ry l — 1ted by the Council.................191........._ Clancy C. F. No. _27305 Abetracn Approved :'_�.__rt ............191 . Resolved that warrants be .drawn ... Farnsworth - upoa the Clty Tr 'dye, pfunble out I - Goss p '� theohere,the Par-0-it' r ePeclfle, . ore rpoand a- Goss� lgvor ot. the person& Orme or corpora ILtiA �. o tlon.•for.tbe amount get opoelte - reeyyective names etatemeat�la yUn, IN4YOR followlag detalied -. McColl O B �e tom& in- in erman, $6.95. �h Geo. ,.C. Binder, `$7.48. `Burg &Sone $129.60. Bertram Butler.'8.00. Mr. President-Iedgw& D. E Foley. E26.46. KennY61oap (`OmPBDY $127- 'Manhattan 011 & I.insee Company..' $1,130.11, ' Joseph Mats.' $33.00.' Nlcots,-:Dada &Greg, 2 gayle & Ke11eY,E47UU Roe. Valve Company $760,00. seahurY &'Comp nY 1564.Y�'$2.80. .Tierney &$121b 7. - Wrleht, Barrett.& 9t11weB Company, E56.36:',: 1919. Adopted by the. Council Nov. 20, APProved (Nov?x81191.9) _ 15621 Frank Allman, 64.00 6.95 7.48 129.60 8.00 25.46 12.87 1,130.11 Water 15622 Barrett & Zimmerman, Water 15623 Geo. C. Binder, Health -Adm. 5.68 yr at er 1.80 7.48 15624 Burg & Sons, Schools 15625 Bertram Butler, Water 15626 D. E. Foley, Slater 15627 Kenny Soap Company, Armory 15628 Manhattan 'Oil & Linseed Company, Police 153.33 Fire 11.42 Munic. Gar. Revl. - 84.48 `iorkhouse 4.02 Sewer C. & Repr. 85.59 S. &1tS. Cing. 27.46 258.72 Sprinkling 42.24 Schools 19.11 Auditorium 1.60 64.00 6.95 7.48 129.60 8.00 25.46 12.87 1,130.11 Res. 1318 Page #2 Z Parks 42.24 /3C, 7.84 Water ` 7.35 " 374.30 It 3.06 It 7.35 TI—fl- 15629 Joseph Matz, Water 15630 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Fire 1.76 IT 2.17 It, 1.03 Munic. Gar. Revl. 13.13 u it it 24.37 IT • it it 20.33 Street intersections 9.40 Schools 30.05 Special War Classes 14.99 Water 2.64 1I�8'f 15631 Quayle & Kelley, Water 15632 Ross Valve Company, Water 15633 Schaffer & Rossum Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 15634 Seabury & Companylf Workhouse 15635 Tierney & Company, P. Baths 15.36 Workhouse 11211 15636 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, Misc. Stationery & Supplies Total 2,549:95 33.00 119.87 70.25 750.00 2.80 5.64 127.57 56.35 Fa AA/9, 2M 7-78 t Ir CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM cot ll'l cL No.. 1319— s..... ...... .........../.._............_..- ......_.._.... AUDITED...._._.._ ........ ..._..._...__.......197... ... - ' ER....._ �::..... ......... ...... ........-` TITLF. �T C.� Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter pacified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) Nays Adopted by the Council Fin l ) " _....... ...191........., Clancy C. F.>No. 27309- � Approved Farnsworth tl6etract. ntheResolved that warrants .1 draout of Coss itis 6erefnati r veisea fuaaeea out .-r•�..o favor of th persona Po•maor corpora- _..__...... .. . •done:for the e.m unt set o poeite their ✓1 AsulLL� MAYOR McColl U'"Bo-tive names a pee ed in the \/ tollowing detailed t t meat: .7::F. Kula, '.Cashier. $110.77. '^ ThoFnton , Brother -m oCops Y: u�,�....11,,,,``,�,..,, 199.00. MC f rasideasr� -g rt Adopted byy the Council Nov 20, 1919. Approved Nov. 20. 1919. (Nov. 22,21919) 15637 J. F. Kain, Cashier Hater 15638 Thornton Brothers Company, Sewer on James -Juliet, Macalester Total 3,308.77 110.77 3,198.00 27'307 COUNCIL. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM BY ...................................... That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Style E Fumed Oak Elmbro Phonograph and twelve Plates fron the City Bank of St. Paul, for $225.00, without asking for conpe'citive bids, as these articles are patented, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Bureau of Health- Public Baths b F Ido. d, Tfi H9 PC,Z's C1 11 I " Resotvet That,t , author1z6&,O,pur tie an4<Vr is h reby authorized to �pur- ehsaa. w th'the ,consent o4 the ,CO tro one Btylp D' 1 Osgk'.hllmbr Phonograph',and twe1V0;Plate§ from tN- ':Clty Hank Of: f St. Paul,'for 226,00, with: t eskln .. for comp0t}t�ve, b18s;1, ese artle[ea are patented and no,nd- ,vantage uld be -gatned>"thereby ''Charge 9ureau o4 Hea1WPublic ` Adopted'tiyy the Counclt Nov 20;7919: AFpt'OVed�NOV 80'�}919 ,,. ,.. I . GV. 22,;-1910/ Yes (J) Councilmen (0 Nay: Clancy Farnsworth Goss mccollPowers wt p Mr,P ,esident FORM 3M9-19 011 Adopted by the Council_....._..___..._........................_...19_....... NOW wZ . - - In favor Approved .........__.....'`..'........ .......... .._................ .. i9........_ -Against COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO ................... .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—.GENERAL FORM 27008 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......... . .. ..... Z . ................................................................................................................ DATEN.Oxenbex 19-1-919 RESOLVED the Council hei7eby concurs in the recormnendatio.n of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Alice Street, on the North and West sides of Alice Park, from the terminus of the present sewer north of Alice Park to the south side of Alice Park to DeGraff Wolff for the sum of $839.00, engineer's estimate being $1,194.00. F.B. No. 2077. i ikeeelved all papers in connection wit"' "o" Re 1tion Yes (1) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council 19 Farnsworth NnDV Goss .............. In favor Approved ................ .......... ... ................... . t9 SMcColl -7 0 Powers Against YOR wsana FORM 3M9-19 v FO ENOIL .. CITY OF ST. PAUL �NO.271309 ------• -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK E o COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �//,� /j//) ldovember 19,1919 COMMISSIONER ..:.............:..................... DATE.......... - ........................... COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That'the Council hereby concurs in the action of the Contract Committee and hereby approves award of contract to the St. Paul Gas Light Company for furnishing gas, posts and connections of posts, to Gas Itains to the City of St. Paul, for lighting certain of the streets, alleys and public grounds for the year 1920, in accordance` with specifications, at a price of 110.50 per lamp' per year, without use of pilot light. Total amount of contract approximately $45,150.00. F. B. No. 2051. Yjs (>') Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss mccoll - Powers N1rMPret FORM 349-19 RSCOITed all papers in connection with above Reso ution. Adopted by the Council.- -_.._ .. c:.__ .............. 19 i j° Approved ... ...... .. ! .: ...19 . 19 -......_ - In favor .Against `.... JrJ A,/ELR(VMAYOR r■p COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL / S FILE No ...............:.:......::..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK* '+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............ DATE ................... ................................... �E99t:1FE$ AS, On November 6th, 1919, a resolution, Council File No. 27183; was passed authorizing the proper city officers to enter into an agreement with one Ignotz Pepera providing for the payment of compensation to him, and authorizing the proper city officers to pay to the said Pepera, out of the Workmen's Compenea- tion Account of the General Fund, the sum of $15 in full settle- ment of his claim against the City; and WHEREAS, Said Pepera has refused to accept said compensation and has refused to enter into an agreement with the City of St. Paul providing for compensation to him; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said resolution, Council File 27183, approved November 6th, 1919, be and the same is hereby repealed. Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays .�ancy arnsworth a Goss ............An favor McColl Powers U Against I<$r:�lCStdCtlt FORM 3M9•19 Adopted by the Council h I 19.._..... ��r1 191° Approved......_._.._........_.......................... ............ 19._---- A�ttt• "ro CITY OF ST. PAUL /�/j OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAUOFORM � �COONCIL 2 ^ 2, 1, r, FILE No._...........- DA In the matter of paving Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling d Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order No. 35534, ' RESOLVFD, That the annexed plans and specifioa- tions showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said final order and of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. RecelTed all papers Sri connection with above R s lution. rE � Yes (d) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Adopted by t e Council ........ '.r.`..`....._ ................._........19_..__ Farnsworth Goss In favor App oved.,.p .._.y:,.)..._{c.-q_.._....._..............._.19... McColl Powers Against.._.. _h ..........__._ MAYO Wanda if, A{41n4 -M. Prai'dCnt FORM.- 3MS-I. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .............. RESOLVED Ip\\\ .N11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL -/ FILE NO .............)}..`.................... 2rt3q2 DATE...._Nov. 19+ 1919 In the matter of opening, widening and extending Sinnen Street, from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, to a width of fifty -One (51) feet, under Preliminary Order No. 26125, ap- proved August 6, 1919, RESOLVED, i� That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled; annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. Tn the ° 2782 of o p 3k;N l;oee� st'. t to ter or opening tylaening � •' Street to '8even[h g�,pati-1�'om�8lfifh`I Yes (0 4Councilmen (1') Nays V%lancy Vmasworth V M.Col1 /Powers V �eRttierifelr �t FORM 3.9-19 Adopted by the Council _........._._._..._.... ...................... i9......... ........ ._..In favor Approved..._...... 12, .. ,� Against MAYOR CfTY OF ST. ;PAUL COUNCIL. RESOLUTION. -GENERAL FORMgub- jiCt...... ................................................................. ... .... ........ .... COUNCIL- ,- ,_,,, .... NO ................... -- Date Presented ........................................................ '..Resolved, WHEREAS, One Louie Kieger, a city employe in the Depart- ment of Public Safety, while in the performance of hie duties re- ceived injuries which resulted in his death on May 88th, 1919; and hie widow, Sophia Kieger, incurred and paid a bill for medical attention to said Louis K18ger, amounting to $75.00; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Sophia Sieger, out of the Workmen's Competea tion Account of the General F=d, the sum of $75.00 in full settlement of her claim against the City for medical attention for the said Louie Kieger. C F..IQo 97318E BY enrreBer °t,k efty� }vhereae "CRs sI:qu14 "K� em ore is ape negartaiept o ramie; I hereby reaommen8 the above resolution satetr4rhite 1m the verT4tmanCe o3•me' for passage. dntle4 eeCel>xed 1 urian wlttoh'hreeult4d. is h1tl A.RtH un 1Kay 88th 1919; 4nd,'hfe widoq -* BoyHi� R.fe6et Inohrrod 4nd'. aid'ablit �4r dlediraagt attention te'eaid IbnY�a .-:Kieger i+am Unting Lo 37600:: therefore He ILha gese}yedF Tt the proper -ifity o®� 4ete�'ete peteb}' eathorlRed 4o pa9to' theWoBNui7homayeKd4feaBtieerg oAu4i oT L,he. �mn`s ,Pub110 Safety. O the 6enesal Fuad.MYhe cum 41x37600 1n. full settlement oT-her elafm against the • ; CltyZor bdlrsl stteatlon Tor the ba}d' Adopted. btN Elle' ounoiT Nov. 80 3919 : - ADPs'OVed ov. -80 1819 i (Noy ,89 1918} Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ....191.:•d: Adopted by the Clancy ^ Farnsworth 191... Approved... Goss ......... In favor '< Keller McColl ........ _.... Against _.._... MovoR Wead"rlich = _� Mr. PreeidiaYri�on ;FORM C. A. 9L 3M 12.10 _. . COUNCIL MIA. !1. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No .............. ... .. . OFI=ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED 49 That, whereas it has been re ported that public library pay roll check No. 41, dated September 30, 1919, for $5.64, issued in favor of Margaret L. Smith covering her September salary as jutior assistant in the Public Tibrary, has been lost and Whereas the said L, a-rga.ret L. Smith has filed with the Comptro2aer an indemnifying bond, properly approved by a Judge of the District Court, i the sum of $12.00, therefore be it Resolved, that the rroper city officers are hereby directed and authorized to issue a duplicate of the check abovedascribed. Yes ( 7) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss 5 McColl Powers lwvnderfish M.u�- h"ftfEht FORM 3M9-19 -- -In favor ..•::. :....Against Received all Ta r n connection with ovs es on.� -y,- Adopted by the Couneil� t I-li - 191-2 Approved ...... _.._. } v.:v:.._....". .. .........19...i.. j A�(t=r1AYOR Wlt@rge°e .r"writtNa D;o L,fi�j, lnaklpg nt she itu]oWO Council File IVo. ChA nge he gradErn acautrg t., ads M ---- PR as �}r slopes er EMENT *t; tr�et'Nor�h27315 t.:r: In bL` �ent}'alt,„t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz Change the grades, acquire the necessary elopes, grade, pave,and_ilapxoYe Robert Street North from the southeasterly line of Avenue East to University Avenue west and University Avenue Voest from the extension of -Robert Street North, as afore- said, to the east line of Rice Street; also including similar 3limproveu,ente on intersecting streets`where deemed necessary. The improvements more specifically to ber ae.follows:. The building of retaining walls along and on the-e,idea of the street as opened and widened and on intersecting street`e where deemed necessary; the raising and lowering of water mains, stop boxes, hydrants, getea and,: other; waterworks appurtenances;; . the making of the neces's y-wate'r mai n' connections with intersect- - ing stre�ta,�,, the reuoval and .rebuilding of...;exiating eewera and houee"'draiii connegtions to saute,• the making of proper and adequate connections to existing sewers on intersecting streets, the build- ing of sewer and other appurtenarees thereto in those portions not already sew.e;rd, ,_the+ building of a, bridge„ansa abutments ,and the s a �.t_ _ _ .. ..1ti. A•, iw .. .. ...F A+in«%-"n4•!. including F where,.deema . the uig trig ho{age dai ac»ne�t��an ing ©2? ;a3read� +e paving, q, . �7C8 pBY+Fr ;x the a A ' eitis�siilwo p�opert �' 2;egm Otto inoltxd'in�'�; where d Otte{ o t .. scps rty lines he curbing of. ,.the sodding tc the improve t{.uc.ra.i p4 YUR ki!+P3uYGUtQiA 4,•. made; g"oYf o't e `the _ pc�TQvl) ar, P�'OGG rf:'T�Tcrq V lu OOUT350,iTO3';81:0 GYT 91-711P9I?J;T-fi" OU a p ;0 angle! T 7,7t'NTUr, OT Tj)G S,nSGp9! PPG IGPS 3 1 "22nq G �'G 17�_ 0 T.T the 3j.1 .0 Jc- 1.) e 7m a, T.0 7, T G -'r S. U T Ty T _r� T czr. a,, 1. l�l l T'9'' 01 PRIG 941TG"-,� Zra x4 ew. ' 4 01 T1. c 7, e q O.P T. 2 -PH -a e T 0 jj r r) 'm"p�7ijqrR, m 0 P G U� "OT3 T;Mb MO 4�G c SJ 7'3 L �� It'G 7� OU!:,G PO �7G Gt's-P TTUG 01 PAG Otry.csO 5TaO Si.I iJrrrTTJ�PTIT. �I , �Gurls-;x.PGUFTO". OT, j✓cp;'Tc :-qO-r'G- jj j-'jj '-AT'31 ill, P v 9.F! G T. T:� T_ Gs JIM Imorr r?ie ........................ . ...................... . ................................... .................... . ............................................................................. . .................................... Dated this ............. 19tll-day of............. ................ XQ:KM'!;LoXA .................. ..... 1919. ............ . ................................. .... ............ ................................. .......... Councilman. PRELUMNARY "RD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f.?.' ;�ng improvement, viz.: i. --Change the gr&Oap e9quire the neosseary 81OPe I sp., - grade .. .. '- pave fnid_� TovPk; , '�OA" �StIMOV-T!Qrth from. the. 00-utheasterl'i line r of �Ova`211*w to University Avenue West ar 4=4112AMW Ld UniverBiti, AvenV4:1b,atfrom the, extension of Robert Street North, as afore-. said, to the 'east line of - A 4.0p. Stxe,e,t,;also inoluding similar ink"re6fib where deemed neoessar y impoveinente more bPeaifioally to be as follows: the "bU'dialn'g of retaining wallp 419�Lg and on the aides Of ih6'4tk*'dt 'i'g" bj�6nsd 46id"ildWhid": and , on in . ioreepting streets othet'; *, ng' ' 0 "WEL dz-mains, �A. hydrants, And.,other waterworks in dl',Lia pro Qea V ;'off' not 7 JJu. 7y +.R'C .F 2? .): jJS T7nJ`L-:oIJP* �A ,t"TG? ,{,tE wl"yjl) e .t. CS,G'7. 1 S^Icln, ;',{.- G 7Zj, J -CT �s r LLQ. :.�'.�.: j.l �. f:,:44 l+�i ., Jt.. y� F. y:}Jf in,h l.H. qi 11���.:.�•. 7nP L2.it rYrc {SO y S tdk 21 { 1;::: )Jt t -?y^... r 7 .:fT7)'i Y� v_1- r.[ . l4 -1qG`-9 III -.-N' "S v � s, tl6' -S .'. E'=S. X IE• 0 - _I 't% .-Scor Nr,. A iD Y. --' CIO =t' _ 07, TUC o - 'd c fT':�G('v"' S.i 1i yY. 7,'- .. ...., .G,a,. }; iC:^o �'•_ }76 i .3.3rf rvJ,c n..GF-z, QI S !i 71:.." V C. or:.''3;. Ff�_ ,7 'a qa, f '=.-(£3) � � i-}Sv +.�i '� ` .1'T.ieb Oti.: ,�v4 .2�i':t �P) .L' A '" ,C, "F'y?7_�w' r@ i' {.> •! .. ......... .........................._:.....:...................................... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..._ ............... ..............................................:...-- therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and citimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish -a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ovement:...:..............._................................... .... ...... ........ ............................. To hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council _ s ' ......:....191........ Yen Nay$:: T" Councilman Farnsworth Goan d Approved ......... ........ ..........191..:..._ �~ McColt W�isaLch .................. Mayor;assin' Mayor. r" CA 13 (OM 4.17) �� 1�, � - i.�?�i tAi a a�' X }? ^� c� c Pet i i ?� h�rbdei yirl Gu pronuac slosi council File No..:..., ,r. 3113 'b St ag .p,� �b Yp1I44viag`SrtpmVeafgn�!� - 3a aintFnyY¢ xoteet Daae ;rege.NT P t6e�tntocia{k7 frte4�atiom�8V0agaet - �AYenno to "MO -fn o°ne� � 3 Serkel6ysh,Av A€^"Ycq ,p'�led�„ .'�veapo F 8a811J�.yyOA�L rf• 4R. �/nAVBane� �roJn Frei PREI:ini,:�itu� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fall public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; To plant., .protect, shade on the following streets avenues: �.. St. Clair Street, from redeticka,Ayenue to Snelling Avenue Berkeley Avenue, Stanford e Wellesley. Jefferson Macalister " " St. Clair Street to Jefferson Avenue Underwood ' Fredericka r%� c �` xktc is ver zg Vv$arepir wratfen Denyoast ro{ a �+VI of ?keMnarn tpa uaRrq p, Council File No.::. yrs negT �$�nai.'aad�✓ a;t%A8 LL77gieratd -� tgya 'width r• elzty glx x(66) PROPC,rg,,am+"SSatV44aY , Avantlr 1:0 vt 27317 r'J 6} 7 PRELINIINARY ORDS 1$e undersigned hereby proposes the making . of the following p liic improvement by the Cit -. of St. Paul, viz: .RP..en., .widen --and -tend Emerald...Avenue--t�-- ......... .................. a.._W. th...of ei—sty..-. ix- ..(.66.)...f.8:et....f.zQl>a,._Unly.e.xA..ty...A MPA4Q................. ..................................... S.outh...to...IMiS...slre . ' .....................:::...............................-•-----...---------.............>.........a....... ......................................................_............-.----...... �-•--- ---------•--.----......................................................... Dated this............19th.da..of............................. Nov : ..........................., 1919_.:. I .t Councilman. PRELDIINARY ORDER. Wf jEItm A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �P. .._41tA n...3 nd.:eztend...E �ra1d....Av..enue...ta........................ c,°rss� t �q �,aesas Ii re. boat�,{o1 W4!# as use tpnovrtne+�lov meati Council File No............... ....... r-Y11ia mP.1aoh,;�.atrttt,�,aEga*whd gxiohd I{ypeic vatteet Nnrtp, rrom,sae Hgata"d eaoYeY"Iina of _Contkal 1tiVnFW q"�aat *,ni, vgtvfrkelig veoge Wsak ncp Z tvaLN r a. 2.73 8 .PKNARY ORDS ne undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu 'c improvement by the City of St. P. viz: wit3sn,`stralghten.. eat end..Robest:.:.Stxs.el....Nnsih.........: from..the �puth l3 G.@r.Y::�lXll:...9 .0 S>t. 4�,..Axo)4'".4.0t.._t4.._b?.?}�.Y.Q1.��tY..:....... Y.exluo..:lPeat....eztd.tlnlxexei....Aven>ze... sat... "rom...tlie....est.ex�ainz>...Q........................ ito ext...St.rest...Nnxth,....as.sfo a1 ,....tv....the...east... line...of...Rime ...Straet._ Dated thin ......1.9111 day of................ ....: , .Y..Q.iG12AXO......... ......., 191..9..... .......................... J Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDPER.-.��q _ WFIERF.AS, A written proposal for the making of, the following Improvement viz.: Open, widen,-, At! aggH A?1 and._.extend Robert -_Street„ Igorth _from the - eouth9P4 �erly...1X!@....0±...C4h4xHl._Aq.@X4KQ :.Fi.RH....tQ...uiAY.Qt aity..�YprN@..:.St.._a..A41.......... tlnixersity...Annus._Aaat:_fxam..tha...aMtaseins..o.S...AslAort:..Stxset...Startla....ea... faraaelid...; ...... t9._the. east„line 'of-,Bice Street........................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.: _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direded: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve/tigate the nature. extent and edtimated co6t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement �miirrthe fsllaurafg�athrrafMA-arkf-infar+aats=a- l.r;�e to .aid improvement................................ ......._ .................................................... . .......- ............................................................... to whether or'aot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners - . To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance Adopted by the council .....:• �P11...� 7't� �... ..191 ....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ..:.............. ........: ..191........ �.`Beller i” McColl CFinaiich 'Eosin c e 15 roM +-tva 27,'319 COUNCg,rFTLE Nfi--........................... �- v INTERMEDIARY ORDER grade :_laska ,,.venue fror:; -,ace Street to Vista :eve. Inthe Matter of............................._......................--.......----...---,.......----------------......._..-.-.-..--..•-----.......-.-...............- ...............................................................---......................................... _........................................................................... under Preliminary Order .................. 26909 ... ................. approved .._.._..._ ........00t.... �.J.n....9�..0 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2- That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........ '.ad�..r laslra.__lenve _........ir..nn..i ac.e...S.-re.et...tn...uisia... _v.enue............................ .. _ ._ ... ---- ........................_.........._.....---------.....---- _... _ ....._ _......... ....._........... ._...... .__.. ......... . _._..... _ _.__ .._ . _..... ........_ .__. _.._. _ . - -------------- --- _ ...............__.._.. _.... _ ................ -.._........-........_.......__........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is... 1 008.15 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..............5th day of Januar ........... 19A.6-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... ............ ................ 191.. Approved .................. ::.:.:...........:.. - ...., 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Couneilmaq_g�ii d Clancy Councilman Bell& POWors ,, Councilman McColl licit �"h ALayop.:+I'g,"e3'b _n Form B. S. A. 8-G _.v Cit erk. _ ..._.................. ................... .. . ...... ... w,ut,.• I COUNCIL SLE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...._G'�...Co.:o ia_?_oe frcrl UnS. ion roet to oc'_:":t 75 _feet .....---•--.._............."----................._..........................-• scut j of tlu ' e..:.ti� !i .c of :.cl:e t :�i.rec ....................--...................................._.........._....._.._.............--......_......._............................._...........---.........................---•• .................................:................I............................................................................_............................................................. ....................................................................... .......................... .... ... _....._._........................... .............. ............ ................... _._................... ........._._....... I— .... _..... ..__...._......_._.........__............_....._........................__..........................-----........ 2r, A7 under Preliminary Order ......................... .......................approved _ IS_, m g _.............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '] 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......- ..:............ qac?e CoO-1-no .ace ........., ................ f_'Gi;l Union ,Dtrcot to a _)cfrt 75 foot SG ---`:1 Of tiie SOliti Bile Of -___......'........._................................................................. .................. .......................................................... ....................... .............. �... J'I,': 0t. t..:.... . ............................................................. .......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is g..._7.a... .e. �.`=. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................. ............day of .............J =??............................... 194.x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. l,nv nrl !C!^ Adopted by the Council ................... W.......::.: ............. ..... 1 191 ...... �( _... .. 1 ,..x.....1........:. r t Approved ............... _............. 191......... Cl k. /uttag Df or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilmaii'!Hylatid Glenn Councilmam,I el)M ?o-,lo—s Councilman \Ecco]] Coune�c'li _ Mayor IltpWe­4�1 Form B. S. A:..8-6 Co........................... -� �..�_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..]?avil:f l,ar:ndcn , : enue f_ c:r.; U:-iivorsity :'.v enue to the south- , .................r.............................................,,:e- ............................................................ . of 'Tabash::venue, S.-cludin,_ serol_, aat.er _z- _ con -:sections _................ ....................... .. from stroot rjains to pi,o_ c;z ty lines co:.:;.lete, TThere not ^.lready sale _, _.._...._ __.. __.. ........ ............................... . also, including ctu•binFz and �a..i:=i alley end dciverra;,- a proaci.es, -:chore _...................................-----.....................I..........--- necessary. .............. __.......I .............. ........ .................... .................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ....................... 2iaf 3.3.................approved............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a;:.nden : 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isDave H ......- ............... a -..:...................... :venue .... from University -'.venue to the south:; esterl- side of iab_.sh __venue, ......... ...._............:................... I....._...... ------------.............. _................................---...............--------------------------............ including se. or, Clat,or e,nd s Connections fro:; street ;gains to lrrolerty ........... ............... ..... ............. ............. __ .......... .......... ......................... ............................................................... lines coraulete, :There not ali•ead�- made, also, includir_g curbing and paving - - ..................----- -.................................................. ..........................._............................................_......................... e�lle.y and driverravaa>roac'nes, :r'oore necessasli. .................................... ....... ...Y... _... :>.__................................ .........................................._....._..............._............................._..... ............. ....... ................. .............. ........ .._ ....................... "` 19 764 36 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is �... t....... � ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... _5th day of January 19P . at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1!^u 11)1915 Adopted by the Council......... `......_....... .... ............ ....1 191._ _... NIT; Approved .................................... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman jkjggA Clancy l Councilman Kvitet io ier s A Councilman McColl --Eoum4tfffUr'Wu-6rerheh Mayor h*tl'*_11—�n Form B. S. A. 8-6 J i7 G.^ ...... 191......... ty C -- ................... ......../...`....................... Mayor. COUNCII�[rE I�i�-•.......... - ..._.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of const1,uctir ..a. ce:::e:,t the sider!al':s� t.. 'de,... ..................................................................................................................._ ..'..:..:.::..... :.. on the south S _de of Curtice Street, _ro:r: Oakdaleto-arvard :_venues. _.._..................................... _........................ .............................................. ........ ............... ...................... --... '-- _..._... _....._.................... ..........._..........................----......-------------------------- under Preliminary Order ................................. ".' n_ 6..1 .approved .__... ...,... 1919. .. ... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......-..Q.o1 the side•. aD:, si_c feet .:ide, n t':ie srna - ide of C :i'tice,StreC.t _ I .......................... ......... ....................................................................................................................... -...... _­­ .................. t....... fi'oni Oakdale to=iarvaidvve, ce: t .. _e good and su_sii2, Ci I .............................__.......__........................... _..._................................ ........................................... .......... ......-... riall=s noir exist. .------------------------------------------------ .-..._.......................... .._.....__...._..._............................................. .........._.._............... .............................._..............................._........................................................................................... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is__.0..74...;:<er...l "ent foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... ..day of JanuaryP-0 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the 1s Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... ...`._ ...k ............... 191 .... ., r� Approved .................. ---------- ....... :...:_...._, 191......... 'ty r . _. ......_....... ......... .. -. ... Aeon Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 213iaod Clancy Councilman mliei• ?o':7e2?s +� Councilman McColl 1 Gbeaeil!msn�FuaEleeglaah e' Mayor Ix4i ;*i � � - Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL E NQ;-- ..................... ............................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER J, I c, s do - In the Matter of io c ons t _,,c n,,r . ro 1, ....... ....... ......................................................................... .. ................................ ............................. ::..1'_..s z c t d o , a t t'nc 11- o �LL o-- �. -n lou a t i orl s ..................................... i .............. ...................... . . ................. . .......... .. oa-t z4ids, f, o::, do 2-'_-2oet to Carroll :_,,enue, .............................................. . ............ Carroll ::,ronucj no:2t- sl_,Ctc, l_)c,,:L-An­ at I-Lirton -:,o. thence east .............. ­ . �Tfeet' . 1J.c 11c"- 1- 1 -I Venue, Solit'si-de, heC`nning ai. n D-uice, - nenc i�leSt­ A, " lenco ocuta 108 Oct. , I-lea-t Str - t.,.south side, ....... ... = .......... ....................-...................'�...................................................................... fron 1­oo-re__veniie, tlaonco cast fot. underPreliminary Order.--...-.-_..- - 2` . ............ approved ........ .... ... . .. ....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is -rClay ................................... and re -pair cc ont t! � e sido-.­,,r�l,, ��j:: ;ide, at t1lo fol__O:JL-�!� ........... :� .... ........... .......................... ........... ................. ........................... ............ ................... ............... locate ons: 0a=-_`nL7ton e, iue., c.,.;st side, fro..i Zondo Street to ............... 6 6_11" ... .. ........... ...... ................. ........... ton a -,r Carroll 2�­onue, nor- I' CCI-. InE; ing at 7.7. 7th Street, thence .,rest 66 feet.; '.ru,jdol Street, s--7-de, ............................................... - ................................. I ............. ...................... - .. ........ ................ ...... . ........... bcE-7:., iing �bO f-ct 3o -ti! of TE;jP'ja-t St_�Clet, tl1G'!C0 OUtll 100 f:.Ct-; with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.07.........I)cr squ:-.i-e foot. ... 5 t11 Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the..._._ ........ .. ..........day of January ......................... ............................ 19*0 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... ........... 191 ...... ... ... . . ..1. � . .. t ................................ .1_- ._� euAgMay !., --it " ­� Approved... ....... ---- ------- ?-.Z_!-'. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HYIM41 Councilman Councilman McColl joenffean1wrWandet4ich 0 Mayorl� on Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCH, FILE INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ <rai c Good:2icn :v., -rue i °om....._a3.1.-' ..._.._._.e-.uo t°.5 .-_-ate 'Tai': -_'e n r. ........,i ja C.1..............._.y......:_i..C:.......,.1t......._.......GLL-.:.aC:.0 :.v � `»S...Si:D'� .�. .-...L ...;.S.o1lS to :)rc,iert-, 1 -.es co::leto, not ;rade, . is y l --...................................... _-_uli.lg ctuUing and pavi::� c.11oy a. --,d drJvo�;ay a,proac'nes, ;na_e recossaly. ......... ............................................ _........__- ........................ -................................................................. .. - - ............................ _.._.._........._......... ............... -- .......................................................................................... ----............ under Preliminary Order.... ................. =`�----------....approved ............._.-...._ c. ._�.1..... ..` �.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......._� f- -� � ' ,�-�-�•ae �o ,S-�ld_c•'-� en`ue 1,clud_ _ ;as._c.o elect i o;1 st e� -s tc.._ .�o)npjy ..l_i................. eo l te ..�r ._:. .. _:ot annr. .. ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ..............a., x,7.7.56 6ti1 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......................................day of . Ja _lua_' .' 19kQ. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. bmN '1E! ICI-^< - Adopted by the Council..... -i........:' ............................. 1191....... 0— ):1 Approved_...............1:........:.._....::.'."...., 191...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hyland Clacy G'ouncilman; Kollex Po -,-,,ors D Councilman McColl Coelr Mayor JF -q q &c -t Form B. S. A. 8-6 ................................ . ---- -J................. Citv Jerk _ _.... ._...,.._........._ .._. .. aBatUaa Mayot 27325 25 COUNCIL FILE NO .......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-_C.Q17v--4-:'':...:.:::::. .. .. i:' _.:........-:;. •..-.,..:.:,>:.: r -9X1 - ---L ae ^ oft : .---1-:. e 1' ih - n :.:.--:.--..: r c .......:............... .-...---... ... .... .. ....._--... ..--..-....-....--. r ississip ;i ',iver t3oulevard. ------------. -.......................................... . ...-.-._.-.-.._..:...x._... _...-..--..-_-...-... - ---.. ----...... - .-...--..--.. ............. .-....................... ..........................................- .._- -.-..............--..-..-...-........._ ..-.-...-........... -........-...--....-.....-..-..-.--....--......-. I UE;. l4,, 1919. under Preliminary Order. -- ......... 2C, 213 ....-- ----- ...........approved-.........._... --.--._..._...... ....................... ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. -._C ? }c . Cleveland .,,en:; o ':: e _s r ,u= ...........-- ... ........... ....._ _ ..... _---...... ----------- ----------------- ............................. ----_.. - ..--.....------------• ................................................... U with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........_._...-:_:-..,;:-... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......................:.:............day of 19"M ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .....................................:........... 191 Approved....................................................1 191.... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss --Councilman Hyland Councilman I£rjm Powers Councilman McColl Commihnan-W"rtivrlich 1lfayor�o , Form B. S. A. 8-6 ................................. _ .......'::. .............................. .... ...................... ...... ... .. .. .. .. .... ...... ... .--1...... !lAttn ,. Ala r. COUNCIL FELE NO ................................. -v INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....o11.b botii sides of Ja,,es_-St;_ et_£r oE ;;_-- t,,QQ.u.,-t9...LiJ.p,1,7 Stxeet.,...ptn.a..b?.Vi11...R4:tc'h lz4.a bloc -k. ...... -. "< ------------.......................................................... -............ ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................ .... 26917 ;ct. 14, 1919. under Preliminary Order .................... ................------...........approved ........_.._.._..._..._............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... CtLrb__bOtn-.sldes -,,,Of Jar.ms...Str..eet... r.olu...Ba :.. s.t .est...i.o...viae... StrQ;2.t _ �rrl..build.--.co:tcLh...b: si_1-_Lq the..oenta.e_Of.. tiie-b.locic,.._ ....................................................................... _ ............. _.................. . - ......... ...... .__.._....... _...._ -.. _ .......... -...__..... ._.............................. ... .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1.,&47-.;:,2._... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 6th...................day of ......................... January-..� lUR� , at the hourof10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of. the .................... Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 'inn �.. Adopted by the Council ................................. .........._..., 191.._ _ . Approved .............. ....... .........1 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman XyhytiClancy Councilman Kxliux Powers S ouncilman McColl %J Ma XrA r ,4.,a 011 Y.� Form B. S. A. 8-6 ��� Ela or. ..wrF-of Vv COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER constructi:.K: c ce': t tilt 1. si:� feet -. ide In the Matter of .............. - ......... -..u.....:.......................:.:__.., aide... i .......-------•---....I - on the nol'tli side o_''_'^ir7aount _--onue oo,,,inninC 50 feet eCust of Sne .ling ..................---................................................................. ..............----------------.............--•------.............................................. _.......... ent;e. thence east 330 feet. .......... .......................................................................... ...........................................................- 5335_ _f:'ag'. 15, 1919. n under Preliminary Order....................................... -----.......approved ....._..__... I............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Co st_9 Cg91 .-2....Ce:.7ETlt.. tile seder ale __ y ut -de on t!:e _:crt. . ide of - uir:::9unt _be�i.n.... 50. .fnet...e.as.t..of- S11G.11in :_1.ezlue,_.z1c�Ge...e. t... 2�... eto...c.... ..: ire... ood µ,,c siaff'_c_est- s-_Ao::alxs. nog-ey,.istz..._.. .. __ ........_....... ....... _...__....._.....__... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is g........0._7.Q.. p.er f% 0-',t foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had bn said improvement On the --- ................ Eth..:......day of .......................... Jail uuY';j...__ __, 192.6,, , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... ....... ....... ..._......_........, 191. __. . Approved ............... '.::..:... ". ..:::.'. '........... 191......... 'I Councilman Farnsworth Councilman tlas9 Councilman H}TAdCl.nc;j ,,—Councilman Wl&i`: _'oilers Councilman McColl Coufi�li Form B. S. A. 8-6 /i ................................... �= Cit lerk. .._.......................... _.... ....... Gait,,., Mayor. -- 112 f11ii } Ea�dIH,�` x ItlR1Cs �p'p1p,�8�t=' y COUNCIL FILE NO: ................................ :---------....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER condo:nnin" s_acl taIing a.l c: ser,u;nt = tiic_1?1d..-necossar,y r ............................... In the Matter of.....-----------•.............................. ........................•--- ----..._.._.... .. for slopes for cuts cnci fills in ;r.adia,, :=lasha J enue from _'aceStret ...............................................................................................---......--------.......'.------...........................:... t.o Vi.s.ta ... ........................................................................................................................... ......... ...... ...... ..............................................._.................. -............................................ ...................................... - Oct. under Preliminary Order.................2-66.91.....00 ------------------------approved ......__.. .15 1919. .......L............................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. condoms and tale an 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ easement in the land necessLr,y for lo,�eL; .fo'...cuts....md =ills..- ................................. .......... .. ...... %,lasl:a :.venue f_°om Race Street to Vista _:venue.a in accorda -ce :With - ......... . _ ..._ ..... _ __... .._..... .---- blue:..pri?3t._ hereto. _ ,attec:ied_ and _2n i t i1.e_ ao#.o .. u to ..h, ae.d...norta.on shawing--.the---- cut— and the -shaded portion fills ................ .................................................. .......... ...... .._...._.----- ------- ._.. _._.......__._............................ ._............ .......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..... 20.!. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ......5t11 day of Jamiary .. 19btb"., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of• said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AdoptedCQ..j_....X.91.9- by 191.. . ... .............. .......... ..!....^.............. t :leAPProvedv......... ,191.--C le .......... Councilman Farnsworth watuu . Councilman Coss Councilman iZyiagd Clancy o�¢� =_'- •� Councilman IDMU ?0,1e1'S �04� /�'1'ouneilman McColl 40 e_ lF Ma i _� n o �4 Form B. S. A. 8.6 ;_3i" CO .............. . . ........... 1371-1-371 .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ...... ....... ...... _ .... ............... .................... . ... ... ...... ................ .. ........ .............. ----------------- ­ ...................... . ....... ............ ................. ­­­ .......... .... ----------- I .............. ................................................ ..... .......... ........... ..... ............. ........................................... IN" . .. .. ... ........ .. .... ............................... ....... .......... . ...... .. ... ................. ...................... ....................... ­ .......... .............. . ...... .... ....... . ..... .... ........... ............... .............. ....... ................ 26238 -�ug. under Preliminary Order. ...................................... .............. approved . ........ .......... ............. ' j� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the _b above improvement, and having considered said rel I here y resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. T19t the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .........cc. ..... -.n =d t��',e_an ................................ caseni,_­Ljt fln t -o land nese. for slol)es fci c:t nci lis in ---- -- ----- - ----- --- --- --- --------- . ............ * ................................................. Co-ino 21aco 0— UnIcri '3t—cet to a -poi.nt '75 feet of Gradl _-ag ......................... ...._......................_....................I— . , ........................................................ souti 11no of ..c.-dnty Street, I.'ac.coid___co ::its n2�:t ierat O ............. .......... ............... _.__ ........................ ........................... . .......... ...................................... Olt hqi a� ':Inde a =_,t 'Ji_�i-oo .... .. c,od . _!�j ............. ­­ .............................. ........ ....... I ....... 0 ZIAr-aca L)n t. L' ('2. C) , - . ............................. ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _.2. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... .............5..ti,..... ....... ...... day of ,J ,......... rH.......... ................... I ... ............ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1 19!3 Adopted by the Council .........mu 191 ... ........... C Clerk. "o As%jft, Ma or. Approved..................... ...................... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman IWI=d Clanjacy Councilman,&pr -o g_ o Councilman McColl Con-neffma. Wandeth 11 Mayor Ian Form B. S. A. 8-6 _17 OPI'MA16 PROCEEDINGS, OF TBIOJ,. COXWOLL. UDINANCHS. An ordl-nance authorizing the a1opointTn6,nt­1'&nd amplpyrnpnt , of an .additional. gb�ookkeeDer in the Department of Finz.nce and fixing the -lary of said aam,&sem-bookkeeper. THE COUNCIL Q,P THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES, OHDAI7,: Section 1, That the Commissioner of in,nc be'iand he is hereby authorized'to appoint and employ" on44aegwl nook - keeper in addition to the. employes heretofore aut.horizrd by Mrn to be employed. Sa i (I bookkeeper shall be paid the Linual salary for said nosition,as fixed a etermined, by Ordinance No.,5139, approved August 16th 1919, and amendrents heretofore or hereafter rmtds_�hax,,et,o,.; shill tzAke,,ef,Cect amo-,,o%. in ,tl'dn 6— This nce s A N e and pu�l% pa iio n Passed by the Coun(,il-- Yeas Co avo, Nays *v- Clancy Farnsworth Goss "iccoll P over Wunderlich President (Hod9so.") 0 Anprov Mayor. Attest '18.z U City Clerk. OEM 0 C. F. No. 27331—Ordinance No. 519 An. ordinance granting to J. L. McKln- st,,, curb Jaa� to Ileny, P th A-..0?7 'e.% on .-I n R ..cy Garage. the City An ordinance granting to J. L. MoKirLfty, permission to install a curb gasoline pump on Smith avenue, in front of the Ramsey Garage. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to J. L. McKinney to install and maintain a gasoline pump on the curb in front of the Ramsey Garage, on Smith avenue. Section 3.,Ahe Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the instal- lation of said pump, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of *,Public Works a plan or specification of said pump and location, which shall be subject to the approval,of said Commissioner; and a - aid pump shall be installed under the eupervIslon and direction of said Commissioner, said licensee to pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of _St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), condition - ad to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the con- struotion, maintenance, operation, '.- use, presence or removal of said pump. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, with sureties satisfactory to the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof, with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Co Section 3. This ordinance 1. shall take effect and be in fO thirty days after its passage and publioation. Yes 1 0 Councilmen I '� Ne" Clancy Adopted by the Council QEG —.'B 1919 19 Farnsworth Goss A� 1, McColl Powers A, ma— MAYOR Mr. President FORM 3V-VO.'r O y7 a AUTOMATAUTOMAT CEI IC 23034 UNDER NEW MANAGEM[Ni 8.1. 1,1 RAM�E� ��RA�E CAPE. J. L. M,K14NKY. PROP. AND Maw. Storage, Expert Repairing, Painting, Washing and Supplies Cor. Smith Avenue and Beresey Street ST. PAUL, MINN. - Nov. 17- 1919. Council City of St. Paul, Court Rouse, City. Gentlemen: - I herewith make application to install curb gasoline pump at Ramsey Garage, facing Smith Ave. The gasoline tank is installed inside the garage and I Wish a permit to put in a curb pump and connect t o the present tank,wbich is already installed inside the garage. The above mentioned pump,to be installed on or about Jan.lst. 1920 Very Respectfully Yours, Ramsey Garage, McKi"Tilly,Prop. ® j o �r o a r 1 d� 2 O n C1 ,O C7 I � �, . NI �,�, � �� �r 1� �C, � v o 0 5 _S Department Bureau of_ CyouIle No. Date Presented 191 RESOLVED, That the St. Pad Gas Light Comyanr b hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting yule. and stringing wires thereon for the traosmleNon of eleetrioty on and in the following alleys sod etreeu of said oily: Install two poles on the east side of Holton Avenue south of Taylor Avenue. Two poles ieL the alley east of Matilda Avenue, north of Oliver Street. Two poles in the alley north of Wyoming Street, east of 1s*vt -nmt= Avenue. ��� + -x Commercial.lighting. •� With necessary guys and anchors. All of such extensions, solea and wine shall be erected and coustructed under the direction a.d ibmh a. of the Commheleoer of Pobllc Utilities and In dl thing. 4.rtLie All yo,ehovfees d be xtinisueh l=tlov to said alleys and.treet.24 lae he ConsmWio— of Public Uti1Ww .6.111 d aif¢nat.. ad bell be of auch belghe and ch—cW ae he •hall designate and apyrase, and any and all such poise shall be taken down and removed, and such wire placed underground, whenever the Council shall deem that the yntl'.c interest so requires. and when It shall so order, Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDE_RL(�,ICHD �Ir'r � 1 UYL-Amw% l Approved 191 �_+"1��'E�'I� Q� it �--•.- Mr./resident, I�tri�fi"'1e ;, Mayor j} i COU11C11 Department of Bureau of a Orm 2'"t'3 3 Council � — p �'+ Date Presented 191 By RESOLV ED. That the Se Paul Gas LI¢h[ Comwoy a broths ordered and directed to extend Its electrical linea by ertctin¢ vele• and "teo¢iv¢ sbes thereon for the n.mis•to. of eledri<b on and to the followlne nlleye and streets of acid city: Install two poles in alley north of Prospect Avenue, between Hazel and Van Dyke Avenues. Install one pole on Courtland Avenue atCase Street, alley no between ltre Street Install one pole in alley north of W. %t and Fairview Avenue. ate Avenue between St. Anthony and University Install seven poles on Syndic Avenues.and Snelling Avenues` Install one pole on the southeast corner of St. Anthony Install four poles in alley west of Snelling_ Avenue between Carroll and Iglehart Avenues. Install one pole in alley north of Cayuga Street between Agate and Liississippi Streets. With necessary guys and anchors. eul:ect All orovle un.r of ormdlvaoea N it hallll b o(rvl edtLerl=wf 1 ordnavee %od re plat, of the�City of 9tislou �Pavl.he ommt++d ha of Pobiic Utilities and iv all thtv¢e All toles ahold be set in •oohe No. 24 4. ¢std alleys and streetr .s the Commissioner of Pablic Utilities shall derienate, and shall ba of ..ch cote" and cba 'be' he Iw •hall 1 ,ol should nod be set I. sad any and 1 such Coln "hall be tnkev down and removal, and each wires tlaad undertRouvd, whenever the CovvcE ehnll deem chat the ,v 11c interest so reaahas. and whin u.han at order. 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICI�) W41.4,9D Mr. resident, IRV=as Approved —191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL 5 27336 Council Resolution- -General V orm Department of Bureau of Date Presented 191 Council File the se mina i ilo lune an i . 3':i``..'ai wld bis'°a dv.ct�a .a •_•�.� •w �.—_.--- -- - install three poles in the alley east of Marion Street between Mary- land and Carbon Streets, with necessary guys and anchors. Corarnerc.ial lighting. Public Utilities and in all th.. e t such helaht and duncte r a the Council shall deem that the 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLIC Approved t n,, 191 KELLER Mayor Mr. President, I'�^ - P LI8IMD__y„� 'form A A 16,2117-19 \ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L Y. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Nu•.- 6•t � - 1321 f co TROLLER AUDITED - t�...tJ-i IJ'1 �..... ....191...... _ R.......................................... ................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nay �a t� h =,,1 Adopted by the Co tlr 21 ' IQ' c n>ae I x i Clancy Ii t� ,ye+ a. a - !I� i 9.1. ,,t', IC A ed..._.... 191 FarnsworthP ..._.... ... ............._.._........... �• otv64 tbat" wASraaLe U . Goss. isPoodhe �aAD C0iae4�s 4 �//�ja,a?•yppprrBBTna dr cb ca ° _. _ _._ ....-- -..__..... ...._._._ T`^^-''U_.L1�1 ttgye�SpPr.°atr, �rR� iat 0...._. MAYOR.. Uoa0 McColl tov tL� mee°IIe�e ey Q tAetatled .}a.'r.meat ^� ' 'tsoo� �rother9 LamGer GomDdm! i Wunderlich r 6 a sxltu ,gmnepx4� Mr. President, Hodgson Fa'� 15640 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Schools 15641 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, Schools 15642 A. F. Morton, Supt., Auditorium 15643 N. W. Electric Equipm nt Company, Schools Dairy Schools t. 0 n u Auditorium Lighting n 1r Water u 15644 Patterson Street Lighting Company, Lighting 15645 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Police viorkhouse Schools j �sF 1 j 117.60 630.10 ' 142.10 718..04 16.23 1.20 17.07' 119.53 - 18.82 24.14 36.25 4.23 6.62 460.16 8.10 1.32 4.37 4,770.13 76.04 5.00 11.98 59.06 Res. 1321 Page #2 / 1209.,10- 15646 N. C. Robinson, Clerk oP the Dist. Court G.F.-Misc. &-Unf. y133 6:ri3;; 15647 Seabury & Company, Schools , 15648 A. G. Spalding & Brothers, 5.50 15.30 . Schools . Special Day Classes 19 - 15649 Saylor Realty Company, 50.0o Lighting 89.57 15650 Western SupP17 COMPa Quaranine Bridge B. & R. .55 .20 Schools 60.90 11.45 Parka . 4.85: 8.10 Playgrounds Par# Constructions 89 �:., •;: Barrett &Stilwell Company, 53.26 15651 Wright, Schools Total 6,877.87 �I�1[lI�III°f!I9C1`Ii11!I` CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER VO AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION—RESOLUTION FORM FILE A . .. ........ NOV 2i 1�1�sy-- 1 0 - NIP OLL - E - R • AUDITED ............................................191...... R....... .. .. . .............................................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement- Xeas V Councilmen V Nays Adopted by th uncil... .......... ..19__..._._191._ Clancy 'V, 21 . ......... ............. ------ oved... - R'. Farnsworth VWX Q4 11 4K P W ZVI. Goss MAYOR McColl 4 W.&O %0- Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 15652 S. A. Farnworth, Com'r. of Finance Municipal Court Expense Total 48.00 48.00 annRca � 2'740 TY OF S Fas NO FFI THE CITY CLERK OU a ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Al COMMISSION . ...................................... / ......................................,........................:..... DATE....�,a f�..a./.a..9.......... i RESOLV That the Commissioner of Park's, Playgrounds & Public Buildings have is hereby authorized to^the Raths Idills & Bell Company make moving pictures of various park and playground activities from time to time, at a total cost not to exceed $3500.00. and the rurchasing Agent is hereby authorized'to issue the necessary purchase orders in payment thereof. m �C S No 27990- p Resolvedy'. ThaC the Commtsatoner of llarke Plagrounds andbPe $gthj. lags (q hereby authortaed to ;Have the' Rath Mnik aCompa inaXe, P] 'movig; Dlcbbureaodff,, .varloua rk aqq; I1 Y✓.R11 ti Isom ata totrylgOasot to':exeged {860000' aaa- the i Y'1lrehaCias isenr le beteby autho iaad to 19aue tthhe aeC�as Y DYr ''•.. nhsae`CArQera In Davm6ct � :. Adovted 12Y the ColhiO !Novy 88p X3818 : • f� �. B.DgrovedNov E2 181 atNov 88 S&18) s Yes (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss --.._In favor McColl 0 Powers -- - ---Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 v NMI zz 1919 Adopted by the Council_....._ ............_._....._._ ............ .19 A rov 11 4 � PP r��. ,Z ..'..._..........._.19...._._ .................. .......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. YAUL� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L b{� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1323 Ll COMPTROLLER AUDIT D ... .... .. ........ ............. 191....... / (�Ty�/,n, - (- PER._....V.,...v..-�LC� - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the, persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays :- -t- Z2 191 - Adopted by the Council .............. --- Clancy Clancy t &Tito:a78t1' ' t IKV X22 919 a atakau: A 191 i Farnsworth °14oa =that¢aw.�'ba ) APProv ...__...... up a City ¢'r u' p ab 6 uuQ tl Goss �h°,hetelagtE4r dDA taad rsddi-fn tayiri or t4 rper*o °tum°�" °GA8.d�............. ......... .— yy +�,a„°.t° °°: sats. Lhafx � fLOl1u In t}�t� d tayoto.11t 3 i4' MAYOR McColl ' a ttlreort4r h',++aaa Wunderlich �a3k'`u`7ahT'b'o'4 S60'aD A tdY. lh@° cily a2 1.819 Mr. President, HodgsonD (poyZ88X8) r I.. I 15653 S. A. Farnsworth, 00M r. of Finance 19,151,66 St. C. & R. 2,584.03 Sewer C. & R. 2,461.13 S. & S. Cing. 6,436.20 Bridge B. & R. 343.00 Crosswalks 266.80 Dprinkling Revl. 518.70 oaks, wharves etc. 225.00 Engineering Insp. 1,136.15 raving Prior Ave. 27.00 if Como Ave. W. 2,863.27 u it ° E. 610.72 " Ashland Ave. 1,654.56 Curbing Capital Ave., Hamline, etc. 25.10 TT17ST - a 15654 Maggie M. Schurman, 50.00 G.F.-Mise. & Unforseen Form A A 48, L N 7-18 CITY- ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L r•y �� AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM F L O1D N�• •- ..-.. =. 1324 NOV 2 i BY ... .....------------------...... • ,nom /I//�'y)O)4PTROLLER AUDITED..........................._�).L✓.......... 797........ ��// E R.... ....///_ .... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays llnll )� .4 1 191opted bytheCouncil —_ �Ci o'fFuw oNtai2nY✓r)�$n ayuoauClancyk'a�faflemti a •a; Z APPrFarnsworth 191 'u Goss o p pp I7Il+-- ,uietrzreeRactl4e ameA 8a nPOotned hr ... ..... ......_ .. _ .... ... ........_ thtrSolFoWiclgqdeailed statempbL 1 MAYOR I{�T D8e1i@F f 188& M x McColl Aiber A xLeneiza s t �A oRtgd b -t�� nn 1-FYoY S� i�155� Wunderlich Aprove�Iop3 ast` ' Mr. President, Hodgson 15655 K. F. Dreher, 113.68 Schools 15656 Albert'A. Rene, 172.60 Munk . Employment Bureau Total 286.28 (0 CITY OF ST. PAUL „ C CIL -RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt: ------------ . ............. .....�.--------------- .--- .._:..---------------------- couMca n�¢ N ............. ....__.................. _.....................:....._ d 27'7143 ..............--.................. Date Presente 191 solved, that with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller, the sum of One Thousand and Twnety-seven Dollars and twenty-two cents ($1,027.22), be and the same is hereby transferred from the Instruction and Supervision Item (55.1) of the Bureau of Playgrounds Fund to the Oper- ating and Maintenance of Plant Item (55.2 ), of the same fund, as by so doing an unavoidable defeciency in the last mentioned item will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned item. 1) Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council--Irl�._.`ti�_.i��.`- ---.191..._ Farnsworth Goss In favor � � `• �. Keller O Approved........_.._ __..___...... _..__.....191.--.. McColl. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgeson MAroR FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-/3 CITY OF ST' PAUL OUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL 10 FORM .................. ............... COUNCIL NO - --- --- Si�bjedl: ---------------- --------------- ...... ............... FILE ............. ..................................... ..... . . ............... .... ......... .................. .......... ...... ............. Date Presented ........... 191 ...... tY Resolved, That with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller- the OmPtrollerthe sum Of Thirty ($30.0e) Dollars be, and the same hereby Opoerating & Maintenance Item (52.2) is transferred from the I - Fund to the Park Administration of the Bureau of Parks Item (52.1) of the same fund, as by so doing and un- avoid I able defecien 1 07 in the last mentioned item will be met without.hampering the moneys in the first mentioned item. X-- 1L" .W 71 ,ppptovOd ,Nov 23 t3919z Yeas (TI 22 1" 191 a. (I) c,Uncilmen (V) Nays N Adopted by the Council--._ --- ---- ----- --------- -- f3ancy Farnsworth In favor G Approve McColl Keller Against W05u"nderlih AYOR Mr. President, Hodge8on FoIiIIjI c: 3m 6,16 CITY OF ST. PAUL TUNCI �SOLUTION —G ENERAL'FORM79gSubject--------------- ---�f-- _--...:.....-:.--...-.-..---.-.._................. 2 -----------_- Date - -- 6 COUNCIL ��; L4 t FILE NO. -----..-----m--__ 4 l' . Date Presented .......................... .. .......191--- Resolved, that with the approval of the Mayor and the Comptroller the sum of Nine Hundred and Seventy -tyro Dollars and seventy- eight cents ($972.78), be and the same hereby is trans- ferred from the New Equipment Item (55.4) of the Bureau 0 of Playgrounds Fund to the Operating and Maintenance of Plant Item (55.2) of the same fund, as by so doing and an unavoidable defeciency in the last mentioned item will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned item. Yeas (I) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ......._._..In favor Keller McColl ...............Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgeson FORM C. A. 93M a-/9 11 NIT, Adopted , .Adopted by the Council....___...------.---_-----.. Approved............ _NOV ` ��ir.... ..^......... 191 MAYOR 21-,- 46 p 1 An Ordinance to amend administrative ordinance No.. 8139, approved August 16, 1919, entitled-""Ariadministrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments. The Council of the City -of St Paul does ordain C. S <No 3Rt48�'kdinand4No" 6X89+•. � Ap oiltnpnee tPq mead sd�olnletrntlYe. �/!�� oratnd nce xa 6189 BDbRo^a pn�; t ((jJ'/F1 �9 x`3418 entEtlgd T That Sect'ion 1 of Ordinanc� era;z aee dFlns • approved August 16, 1919, bo', and the :same is hereby u�mm+�'II striking out of Section 1 thereof the following z4ords aria i,ibrary�Junior Assistant . . .................. 140.00 to 060.00. s �serting inolieu thereofthe following words, and figures; o i Library Page, 40.00 to •'^60.00. L brary�Junior•Assistant, ,�b0.00 to $70.00. ! SFCT�ON 2. ? This 'Qrdiszo•'nce shall take effect and be in force iihediate4y on Its: passage and publication. YeasCouncilmen "-Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC -6 �ylg•,=191.9. Y Farnsworth Goss Approved EIEC - ' " 1919. Mccoll -- --- — ----- Powers e „ 11funderlieh ��' ✓ \_� Mn,., President (Hodgson) 7 1 o4 A 8T: PUBLISHED _3 JOHN L FAR1CY..._. City Clerk. - I CITY OF ST. PAUL l "`. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM , F, O1°" No . s V0. AA 96,2X 7-18 - 1326 nnqq s ... ......... I--------------- --- ------- --------- AUDITED .......:_4,.R...1-.�9.1.°..... 19 ....... S/tR/LLE / CO TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: 11-1-1 Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays .^ y opted by the Co .. ' .:_ Clancy a ? v r�z_at7tuflemaht U/"� ��y�QlyaAbpOp;�ty�F3lg�3a¢te`.vliot=oiLd4��Jk.9tt4 plodet9blPtCh�Le iitw'�rAbrn rgie°-y�b1Sts�-A �A t , A o ed ..... ' e JFarnsworth firawvportGoss amoant ffift[ , .._......r_.19.1. ars MAYOR rMcCoy x F, a z dgate Comyso Wunderlich x a rLlgy,✓i Stte(a pt7,Co }ii Mr. President, Hodgson ea 4t4%�'�Paelae Ls=,;• �����' 15748 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 27.67 Munic. Gar. Revl. 6.11 Workhouse 3.78 P. Bldgs. Revl. 13.57 Markets 1.20 Lighting .20 Plater 2.81 15749 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 2,256.25 Interest 1,554.25 Spec. Assess. Bond & Int. band -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acet. 702.00 15750 Mary Grode, 225.00 Schools 15751 Midwity Lime & Cement Company, 390464 Park const. 103.14 Gaultier School (Bond) 287.50 390, 15752 Northern Pacific Railway Oompany, 380.00 Plater// Are. 120.89 259.11 Paving Como, W. 39U'X0 Total 3,279.56 roan A A 16, 214 7-18 CITY OF 6T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE .COMPTROLLER QQ `{ a FILE Nu.... Gr D iS AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM e FILE 1325 �, F gpyI. ....__.__......... .... ......................LER.._.. AUDIT D ..._ ,�..2)............. ._'.. .:�f.7.....191�� / P R............ 1 /- TITLE 6j♦^ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays " 1 `t 1 � Adopted by the Council. ....... � _c: :..... 191 .. y In favrun n8e}em pt�tealt Approv 191 _...... Clancy am 'onYaU14�162 I Farnsworth t o WAR.agtag9 4 .111;, �VOR p1 '" (/ It Goss ..a,--,yftln�p a21Y� :aP WY ....._.. _.......... _ ....... ......./' _...... _...... .1...... .... _ --- Aga Bae a9. t&�3i6'60" � ' ;.j.......... MAYOR aturll£6 $.. W t ft .{ McColl tloueeynn5§s #8b �+n 9°ftil anY ,11080 .'!`. Wunderlich ll°s&Gh�6e x� ���pptanr;��sao9�` Mr. President, Hodgson re (Yomyai, 3b16b� 15657 y Baldwin Transfer Qompaay, - ScDools 15658 J. A. Bayne & C. A. Ahl, Wat er 15659 Beebe Laboratories, HealtY 15650 Berglund Lumber Company,""` Parks 15661 H. G . Boyeson Company, Municipal Court 2.80 tt ° 2.80 Schools 5.00 10.60 15662 Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Mater 15663 J. W. Cassin & Company, Health 27.50 Schools 22.50 50.00 15664 Chart & Record Company, Schools 15665 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, Water �V..,., 5.50 3.00 6.65 10.60 1.75 50.00 1.15 201.35 Ree. 1325 Paget 15666 citizens Ice & Fuel Company, Schools -15667 Clymer & Huelster, 14.00 ` Health 15668 Crist Book Store, 3. Library 15669 Daily News Publishing Company, .88 Civil Service -15670 Devoe & Raynolds'Company, _ 4.91 Schools , 15671 Louis F; Dow Company, 60.05 Comtr. of Finance.. 19.95 Comptroller 2.60 Mise, Stationery & S. 28.00 41 Schools 4.50 n 2.10 Park -Adm. 2.90 15672 Electric Blue Print Comparjq, 93.99 Bureau of Engineers 8.40 32.54 Sabools 39.00 1.80 Parks. 12.25 15673 Electric Magneto Company, 7.50 Fire 15674 Electric Mfg. "Company, 331 Munic. Gar. Revi. 15675 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 433.97 Quarantine 7.00 Munk; Gar. Real.. 40,63 - 0,63St.'C. St. C.& Repr. 5.55 Crosswalks 20;75 ` Sprinkling 10.71 Schools 241.17 to 45.18 n 3.13 Johnson H.S.Library 1.60 Special 'far Classes 1.09 Auditorium 8.18 Parka 28.98 Central H.S.B1dg.(Bond) 16.10 15676 Ginn '& Company, 11.52 Library 15677 Golden Rule, 11„99 Workhouse 2.28 Special Day School's 9,71 . 92 15678 Handlan & Company, 63.87 Workhouse 15679 John D. Higgins, 1.25 Library r Res. 1325 Pa Red. 15680 Henry Holt & Company, #- 15.36 H�lmboldt H.S. Library 15681 .0. M. Hopkins. Company, 100.00 Bureau of Engineers 15682 .Ideal Plating Works, 13.45 Munia. Gar. Revl. 15683 Illinois Steel Warehouse Company, 42.62 Sprinkling 15684 The Improvement Bulletin,- 17.70 Bureau of Engineers 1.T0 15685 0. I. JohnsonMfg. Company, Police 15686 F. C. Kohnke, 3.80 Parks •29.75 15687 S. S. Kresge Company, Schools 15688 Charles E. Louriat Company, 2.75 Library 15689 Lederle Antitoa.in Laboratories, 80.00 Quarantine - 15690 Leslie-Donahower Company, 3.78 Playgrounds 15691 Lewis, Institute, 3.94 Schools 15692C. B., Lyons & Brother, Plater 15693 McClain & Hedman, 226.72 CorV..Counsel 1.75 Com r. of Finance 27.60 comptroller 7.90 n 1.60 i� .6.; 54 Civii.Service 1.30 u �r 7.00 Purch. DeR t. 13.80 n 4.50 �r n 9.00 Misc. Stationery. 112400 Health -Adm.:;' < Bureau of En .50 00 ,. 5.90 "Schools 1.68 n 3.72 n 2.25. �r 12.38 a 2. so: - 0 ,50 50 15694 McGraw-Hill Book Uorvany,y, 15:00, Bureau of ngineers 15695 D. 0.`LicIntosh Publishing^Company, 60.33 Schools G.OQ 15696 F`. A. Marko, Health Res. 1325 Page #4 . 15697 E. C. Martin, 4.00 Police •15698 Mich. Maurus, 5.00 Water 15699 Capt. J. Middleton, Q.M.C., 10.94 1,ighting 15700 'filler & Holmes iorkhouse 16.00 15701 Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co., 64,96 Water 15702 Minneapolis & St.Louis Railway Company] 293.82 St. C. & Repr. 15703 ';Minnesota Broom Company, 9.84 P. Comfort Station 1.34 S. & S. Cing, 8.50 15704 Uallery Paper Box Compal, 258.00 'Schools 15705 Municipal Journal & Public Works, 5.86 " Bureau of-'%ngineers 15706 National Conference of Social Work, Library 15707 National Service, 4:00 . Library -15708 Northern States Power Cgmpany, 555.20 " p. Comfort�Station 52.05 Sewer C. & R. 73.93 Schools 13.40 Library 10.30 Auditorium 154.36 Water 2 15709 Northwestern Sehool Supply"Company, " .76 Special Day Schools 15710 Northwestern Stamp Works, 26.65 Fire 22.10 Health -Adm. 1.50 Bureau of Wngineers .25 library,80 7, 1.50 P. Bldgs. 2b.50 15711 N. W. Tire Company, 118.19 Munic. Gar. Revl. 15712 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 122.21 Police 20.94 Pol. & 11. Alarm 6.30 Health 43.00 Quarantine 1.85 3.30 n 1.00 n 2.97 n 1.05 n 4,50 n .25 Rea. 1325 Page #5 Workhouse' 420 Schools '11.47` Schools 7.90 Central H.S.Library 5.85 z'22.21 w 15713 Pioneer Decorating & Display Company, 25.00 Auditorium 15714 -Pioneer Printing Company, 207.50 Library 15715 Poet Lore CompanY, 28.80 Library 15716 Prest-O-Lite Company, Inc., 4.76 Fire 15717 P. & s. Auto Electric Company, 7,55 Fire 15718 "Reiss Coal Company, � 44.10 ;'. Spacial War. Classes 15719 Sb.Paul Au*o Radiator Mfg. Compa;ry, 1.75 Fire. 15720 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 579.43 Schools 36.55 103.49 n 1.50 . ^ 6.90 n 11.38 Johnson HS.Library 62.95 " Teachers Training School 19.47 Special Day:,Sehools 21.00 War Classes 61.20 Library 99.21 82.32 n 73.46 '3 1572.1 St .Paul -Brass Foundry Company, 5.60 Fire 2.00 Manic. Gar. Revl. 3.60 15722 St.Paul Foundry Company, 56.00 Bridge B. & Repair 12.00 Water 39,00 5.00 15723 Shotwell-Johnson Company, 5A2 10.45 Fire 4.15 Muni e. Gar. Revl, .68 l 15724 -Mrs. Mary C.'skinner, 36.00 Schools 15725 H. W. Slack,, 130.50 Central H.S.Library 4 15726 G. J. Smith Company, 69.37 Manic. Gar, Revl. Res. IN -5 Page #�6 15727 'Steaxna Printin Company, 49.50 om'r.`of Finance 7.50 Bureau of. Engineers 27.50 Schools 14.50 15728 E. Stechert & Company Company, P• 69-.48 69.48 Library 15729 H.. StOsltIng Company, 27.36 ,0 Mechanio Arta H.S.Library '15730 A. A. Steinberg, 9.18 Library .' 15731 ,Swift & Company, 25.35 Police 5.00 1 16orkhouse 17.45 2.90 15732,,,T _Square-Auto Supply company>` 2.23 Munic. Gar,. Revl. .15733 Transit Supply Yor4pany, 77000 Police 300.00 Pol. & F. Alarm 10.:00 Health 10.00 Special Day Schools 200.00 P. _Bldgs.. 50.00 Water 200.00 15734 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, 115' 4 CityrClerk . 4.50 Corp. Counsel 1:.00' . Comptroller 12:00 a. PurcYi. Dep t..... .- - 23' TO Munic. Gar. `=Reel. 2.10 St. C. & x. 4.79 S. & S. Cing. 5.80 Library 42.45 Auditorium 12.00 Markets 6.00 Water .89 ToTT' 15735 Underwood Typewriter Company,- 30.18 . Civil Service 4-.00 Schools 26.18 15736 Un ited Charities,. 35.00 Quarantine 15737 United States Rubber Company, 69.00 Water ` 15738 University of Chicago, 1.26 Library - 15739 Van Dyne -Moran Fixtures, X4.50 . Library 15740 Van %annel Revolving Door Company, 10.00 Auditorium Res age'' r') 15741 Victory Printing 0ompany, j 89 25 Pol: ale F. ''larm . 4.50 Dairy., 10.50 Schools ^ 34.75- 19•.50 i� 5.00 Water 15.00 15,742 Waldorf Bindery Company, 456.15 Library 442.40 n 7.00 Special Day'Schools 6,75 15748 Wallblom Furniture Company, 30.00 Police 15744 Western Electrio.Company, 430.80 Lighting 15745 Western Union TelegraphCompany, 47.86 Purch. Dep't. .85 Police 29.39 Schools 17.20 Lighting .42 15746 J. J. Willinger, 3.00 Munic. (far. Revl. 15747 A. R. Womrath, 30.6.5 Library Total 6,720.57' _ x#k ' COUNCIL FILE �.,....._------------------- - /f By FINAL ORDER 2t; 49 In the Matter of...C.OS19trllC.t.lxlg ..i...8.0k9@X ...4X3...?lX'1... keJC 08 �...Z 4??'m...s7.e.fi s ar(i f1@ -._Sheet t.o...tTOse...Street...:3d....4Xi...,IO..ia???r_je...treet.. ---i-ao .£ee.t..-eaet -4r tklPP. 4st...line--of.. Burr._street.-................................... ..............-- . IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------------------------- approved............................. -------- ----------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.0p3X4trUC:4...&---seFtez'...On._Bt1Y'I'-_Stz!eet...PrOm..--.. _..deasAmine...Stxeet...t.0 1102e,_5.treat... and...on...�eeSBmixle-.- Etre.et....to...e...pflmt_.12.Q...#eet.,else..of:.-the...east---line...of-_Burr___ ------....-----....... - ............. ...._..................... ....... - .........................----------------- ....... ..................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,. That the Commissioner., of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cityofficials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance theftwith. kir" 94 Q I o Adopted by the Council------.... .... ........ -- ., 191. (1- t .. `---- ................ .................... .V ............. - .. City Clerl ',ir, •24 Approved........................................................ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy `'Councilman Isx Powe e Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. CITYr. PAUL - DEPARTII OF7INANCE REPORT OF COMMIiuSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofStreet fromjespamine Streetto_Rose_Street and on Jessamine Street from Burr Street to a point 120 feet east of under Preliminary Order approved Au&uet___1_5,_19__19_____ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost peVT6RIor the above improvement is - - - - - - $ _-'/-07 _. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 8 Beaupre & Kelly's Addition 125 2 8 to St. Eaul, Ramsey Co, Minn. 125 1 9 do 75 2 ;9 do 75 North of 4 ;7 do ( 1400 South of 4 ;7 do 3 7 do 1600 4 10 do 75 3 10 do 125 TOTAL, MRM B.B.A. B-0 A CIT 14ST. PAUL Y DEPART OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM SSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ''�, LOT BLOCKADDITION VALUATION 4 Smith and Taylor's Subdivision- 325 3 of Lots 3 and 4 Block 15, 300 2 Beaupre and Kelly's Addition 300 1 to St. Paul. 300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated l 1 Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 6-5 C - St. Paul, LFinn. , ... �............. To the Honorable; The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. i��� Gentlemen: ii U � We, the undersigned property owners, herA9 M. h! � � w. . your Honorable Body, to cause the following i/m�i�A€ R(QQ6 Rk e' ....................St. Ave. 1 (¢iig gi•$f.��uul olcAR ­ A„!!.N• C......N...... Eepartment of Fublir Works or ..... M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E. C'ARROL or eo.a ioN wHO S.rwln.. R.T.000RLEY,DEPUTY ALIR.D JACKSON. Suri CT H. W. GORIINOER, luri'oH O. H. HERROLO!Orr R:. en 1-1 August 27, 1919. Mr. IF. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works., B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construction of a sewer on Burr Street from Jessamine Street to Rose Street, and on Jessamine Street from Burr Street to a point 120 feet east of the east line of Burr Street, in accordance with Council File #26227, approved August 15, 1919: Approximate estimate ... ...$3,902.00 *Cost per front foot....... 4.07* Excess inspeotion necessary, 60.00 Asseseable frontage....... 935 feet. * The cost of this sewer per front foot should be estimated and revised if _n necessary by the Bureau of Assessments, for the reason that the assessable prop— erty is nearly all large corner lots, and the amount of exemptions allowed �. will materially affect the frontage assessment. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Qffice of the Commissioner of Public W ormCEI Eo Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 291919 August 28th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26227 August 16th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No.____________approved ----------------------- 191___, relative to the construction of a sewer on Burr Street from Jessamine Street ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __to_Ross -Street _ and_on_Jessamine Street from Burr-Street---to--a - - - ------------------------ __pQiixt_190_ Yeet_eaet_of_the_ eeat_line_ of_ Burr_ AtKqgle______________________ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $4.07 per front foot 3 90E.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $___3____, Assessable frontage 936 feet Excess inspection necessary $60.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commission of Pubic or 1 Ak COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By...._ . ..:.......... - -- ----------- .: ......... FINAL ORDER colstructinI surer on _;jacinth_-. ^ et...fro-;;_.7pres.t..._ treet In the Matter of .......... ........... - - . to .ioide _-venue, end e, te;inorary so.,er o_: .-oide :.v—nue fromA raci.:?tiltraet ...-- .-.................................................--- ......:..........-----......._.....----.......---..............---...............--------------.............-............................ to Hawthorne :;t:•Let for sa:rite='J...S..' .:::: _; °nl ..... .......................................... ....... ................. ..............................................................- - -- c. r. xo: a72go— ....................................... ................................... .............................................. oct13eliminary 1$38okder 28778 approved ------------------------------------ alier Y A; bubTic healing having' been under PreliminaryOrder .. .. ��778 upon the above improvement upo b 2-,-.1.a.19. ............................. notice; ; and the ,Council haven �•Ls=nersone, ob3evtlon...1r, Intermediary Order_ ....................... .._ ... - --..a_.. agpowed...::"-------------------------- ...--- ---------------- ... .... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..const_ uct...a...se.,.er.gA .- ;yar_i tkT...StS.e_Q.t _... from Forest Str et to .:tide :,venue, and a te-iporary serer on ice ..venue ..................................... ...._._......_._.... ...... --- ......_.... ......_.--................... from : yaci?itii Street to . al'itliorne Strout for sanitary drai na;*e only. .... - ......... ...... --.......... .............................. ............. _...._........._.......................................:_..------- - ................. .._------------ ----------_------------- ........... .......... .........-:.- - .... - ... ..................... ----- ........-- . -- -- . .. .................... ........................ -....................................-.._...............__................. - ........ -------------­--------- ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. - _:_.. 191...:: e .... -, City Clee Approved.............. :.:. ---------- .....------ ......... ....... 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Kfitk Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ..................... ........................._.... . _....... ..Mayor. INK21M5 _t2 1A14 t CITY OF ST. P*UL. DEPARTMENT OF` A�%ICE REPORT OF OOMMtt(S�SIO ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER oonstruct a serer on Hyacinth S`reet from Forest Stbeet to In the Matter of ---- ------------------------------ --------------- Weide Avenue, and a temporary serer on Weide Avenue from Fyacinth Street to Hawthorne Street from sanitary draing-ge only. under Preliminary Order approved-T---l�i-- ---------- --- ----------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 11,120.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: --- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION - _._.__ _ 3 3 J. A & W. M, Stees Aidition 1025 No. of 1-2 and to St, Paul, T:ansey (b• 4 3 Minn. 100 5 3 do 125 6 3 do 1125 7 3 do 125 8 3 do 125 9 3 do 300 10 3 do 125 11 3 do 125 12 3 do 125 FORM B.S.A. E -S A TOTAL. ...:..... . ... .. ..: . .. CITY OF 5T. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF*IN,NCE REPORT OF COMMI1SSIO OF FINANCE ON PRELI INAR,4 ORDER. p ASSESSED 15 ESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION u 13 3 J. A. & W. M Stees Aidition 925 to mt. F9.ul, rpmeey OO., IAnn. (Exc. Orange St. & except Wacinth St. and except 550 Ivy St. ) the N. 655 ftl. of E. 101-50 ft. Of W. 769.50 ft. of S. W v Of S. W. ,Of Seo. 21, Tbwn. 29, mange 22. (1.53 Acres) (Exc. Orange St. ) and Exc pt Hyacinth St. ) (N. 655 ft. g W � 21, 2250 of W. 660 ft. of S. W. of S Town 29, Range 22.) (Exc. Strs ). (9 of Sac. acres) 18 6 Oak Dille nark 275 17 6 ( do 1450 16 6 do 15 6 do 1100 14 6 do 900 13 6 do 175 12 6 do 150 11 6 do 150 10 6 do 925 26 2 J. A. & w. )& Stees Addition 150 to St Paul, Ramsey Cb., ltnn. 25 2 do 100 24 2 do 100 23 2 do 100 22 2 do 125 21 2 do 125 20 2 do 125 19 2 do 325 16 2 do 125 17 2 do 125 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF IDICE REPORT OF COMMI SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELI INAR4' ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED - ADDITION VALUATION 16 2 J. A & W. M Stees Addition 425 15 2 to St. Paul 'Famsey 0,., N1 nn. 125 14 2 do 125 18 1 Oak Mlle park. 1000 17 1 do 75 16 1 fo 75 15 1 do 75 14 1 do 50 13 1 do 50 12 1 do 50 11 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 9 6 do 75 10 6 do 925 9 7 do 200 10 7 do 1250 1 5 do 150 20 5 do 200 1 8 do 200 20 8 do 1550 2 U of 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �� L-- Dated --------191. FORM B.S.A. B-! O ------ Commissioner of Finance. A St. Paul, Minn. Sept.. 15th,. . -191,9-- 26778 1919..26 78 To the Honorable, The Council, City Gf St. Paul, Minn- Gentlemen,- We. inn,Gentlemen,-We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .TQ BJE LAID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ON 9YAC;N.TH. . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ St. A from . . . FOPEPT. . . . . . . . . . St_ A•se•. to NEUDDTA . or ARCADE pTRETTS.. . . . . . .. at-, ¢vee NAKg____,__ 9 L®T d BLOCK d ADDITION _ 1919 - BUREAU bi j:;'j l 5.7;:pil� t ... d ............ d q.dq.............. d d d d ............da•gd .. ........qd.q ............. ............. d ...............Oq.d............. d d ............ d q. d r 4 ........... . d .............qd.q........... d d d .............1.�.q...,.... Y d d d 4 4 d d t 4 kk 4' i F191 uLJ ocr3 1919 - BUREAU bi j:;'j l 5.7;:pil� t RECEI'u"� Office of the Commissioner of Public W or S F fro c g .�4 Report ,to Commissioner of Finance OCT 0 1919 October 8th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pr iminary order of 26778 October 2nd 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191_-_, relative to the construction of a sewer on Hyacinth St. from Forest St. ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- to Weide Ave., and-- a temporary sewer on Weide Ave. from Hyacinth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. to Hawthorne St.� for sanitary drainage_only-------------------------- ---------------------- -- - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.56 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, d the total cost thereof is $11,120.00 ---------- Assessable fronts )f{e 3,122 ft. Excase inspection $200.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ------------- ------------ Commissio� blit Works. l « Tity tf Wfaul 05GM CLAU996H, �H,.. «Ho,H«.« arvarttoot of Fablir Works cMROLL,9 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER AL ..ZZ' er iow wHo a«.wi«.. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY H. GO CYLINDER, 9u�r'oN October 3, 1919. Mr. ir. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, St. Paul, Liinnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- struction of sewer on Hyacinth Street from Forest Street to reide Avenue, and a temporary sewer on Weide Avenue from Hyacinth Street to Hawthorne Street, for sanitary drainage only, in accordance with Council File #26778, approved October 2, 1919: Approximate estimate ......... $11,120.00 Cost per front foot.......... 3,56 Excess inspection necessary... 200.00 Assessable frontage.......... 3,122.feet. (Weide St.frontage not included in estimate) The proposed sewer on beide Avenue will be a small pipe sewer, large enough to take the sanitary drainage but no surface or storm water. This sewer will have to be replaced by a large trunk sewer at some time in the future. The permanent sewer planned for Weide Avenue cannot be built now, because the present dutlet is not deep• enough to drain it. A large district *511 be eventually drained to this point, and the existing main sewers will have to be enlarged for a distance of about one mile to the Phalen Creek Sew e along the N.P.Right of Way in order that adequate d inage may be provided. b The estimated cost of the t rary sewer on Weide Avenue is x',2,565.00; the remainder of the sewer proposed in this order being permanent construction. The property assessed for these sewers will be subject to additional assessments when the relief sewers are built and the temporary sewer replaced by a permanent one. FSS/C Yours very truly, lX _, tc Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE ND ... .......................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..r econstruct-:.._; el.::lr...a_nd._ '''--r---ee:,,4;it....G y...s.icl.e l s....at.- the folloiiinC locations: -_-ant Third :,treet, South cide, 10-� feet .ride, Prom ................. ..................�---�-------_e'r_----- -tr ----.......---............ _.. 26 fe.t `.:est of _iolJei't „L_eet, thence .rest to :.�innesota `'tr'oet.; �acicson side 9 feet +'ide frorl 51 fe ;t south- of :D 1l _:tr. ot.,.-_t1lence.. South St.z...:-est........ ...z..... z.. ...... ..... .. to a point 24 feet ;;oYittl of 5th 9treat.; b,.sha t. t side, 10 feet 7.,; ide.,_.f-r-cuu--5�--z- at--- or-tia...a£ S 12 feet _1e _-rorl ',pill L'treet, thence .;est 52 feet.; .i 2_de to iiiT2—.71dt: o-ocl-rne_>a-ter bev,een -. sUasna and St. Peter utrect• 25o.;,g approved............._�une .1....,..-1 19.-____----. under Preliminary Order............................... --"-" Intermedia Order.... a tis 1Qo zaaes=------------ -- - --- - -- ----------- ry ........ �In�h�a mattek nfseCoa9LYUDtin A public hearing having been had upon• "k-' hh&&atr'�ile V., Pwtn t 1pon due notice, and the Council -East ThcFd.�� ,tFeet seri'.-„ having heard all persons, objections and rectreet w�ae tram 2a.=lli'ereto, and having fully consid- ",'b'rt8di% t;': TtheacA ered the same; therefore, be it street _?acv, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St a"u tlat the precise nature, extent and kind of im rovewent to be made by tte said City is.._..reconstruct.,__re-l-cy-_a i...reu3 _i1;.--se,7eilt.. file pp , sidenalls at the Poll`rira locatioizs: c ?'hisd Street, South side, lO r.om �_i�-=v..... e>t-ai ^ - side 9 feet .:ide from 51 feet South Of Street,; JaCI{S Oil bt:Cc. el;, .remit ., , Sixth to a _moo°i_ tt 21 -'eei -:orth of 5t1:..Stre+;1,;;;.;. :'abasha St. last side, 10 fe t :,ide, fro,.: 55 fest ::orth of 6ti1 Street, thence ..-_ M �. r.. - ...... T nOr'tiTL t6 feet.; U. ?t1T-:=li°Ceti i:O to .ffI: , 1G feet :.:Ilde' _r0m !:e1Z? Street, ti1ellCe ..est 52 fe t.; •-eV 'lt'. _;tre C•t, i.Ortil 37_de -t0 f.Ull -.(11: '1- ... ...................................................................- OlpOr Oris re clliring reco-_—ic2u3-:ci On 7�t renel•'11Il t0 place ^i:le � in "ood repe.ir bet:reea ,.whas;la aad :.'.,..._i'etei.. .t CC��....................................................... ...... N and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in ace ante therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... i:.:_:...--:---- ..:......... -.... ., 19 .... _ _/� ......- ...... City CI ek. Approved----------------- ---- ------ -_......... ....._....., 191..... Form B. S. A. 8.7 rJuls-"4L44 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss t Councilman Clancy Councilman Kt1_4ek p0 -,;ars. Councilman McColl Councilman WunderlW Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 rJuls-"4L44 CITY REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREXINO}hy ORDER reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the In the Matter of ---- -------- -- -- --- — following locations : East `Third Street,eouth side, 10a feet wide, Prom 26 f8at—mat . ,---thl neB at—t6—SSCYli��sata SEi'�e—t-; CKsb>� ---- West side, 9 feet wide, from 51 feet south of Sixth Street thence south to a ----- 55 feet North of 6th Street, thence lbrth 46 feet.; Ehst 7th Street, North,hside - 12- Peet wi-da .-from- Net-Zl -Street, -thence %st_5_Z---Yz_ett- :; side to full width .of walk, pactions requiring reconstruction and renewing to -- plaos- game same 1� good r=gafz between �aba>�irs�tti-5t:tt�P-SCF"set.- ------ --- June 12, 1919. under Preliminary Order approved — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ — squ.are $ .07 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 S.ly 50 feet of Nlly loo ft. 1-2 12 Southerly 1/3 of 1- 2 12 IOR B.B.A. 8-B A ADDITION Auditors Sibdivision M. 18. do do do do do do do St. Paul Proper do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 21000 14500 13100 6650 5650 11500 14600 57500 88500 83500 CITY OF S AUL DEPARTMENT INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 777�so The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - Slc.L°i/..- -------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. B -S O ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Northerly 1/3 of 13- 14 12 St. Paul Proper 85500 Sly 1/3 of N.ly i of 13-14 12 do 32150 N.ly 25 ft. of S.ly 75 ft. of 35400 13-14 12 do S.ly 1/3 of 13- 14 12 do 104750 S.48 ft. of >prth 98 ft. of 87000 9 6 do S. 30 ft. of N. 50 ft. of 96800 g g do F. 8)o Line Plat 8. 19250 13 11 &a.zil and Gaerine Addition qty of St. Paul. 14 11 do 777�so The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - Slc.L°i/..- -------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. B -S O Ec�rvEn Office of the Commissioner of Public Works: R Oda Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 2419t9 'June 23rd, 9 _ .................................................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 25433 June 12th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ............ ................. _...... approved ...... ....................................................... ..............191.......... relative to............................. reconstructing relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations' E......TTiird....St.... .....�.. Minnesota St.;�.._...l twide....._fYO'ff...2.6..,....W.�.....o.f....Hob..e�,..... ....the -ma ....we'st.....to- Jackson St. WS, 9'wide�, from 51' so. of 6th St., thence ..30.......to....a..... point ..... 24.'..._north....of..... 5th ....St....;.....YJ.abasha.....St.. ... ..... ES.,...._I.Q'....w.a.,e ...._from ._55' North of 6th St., thence north 46'; E. 7th St., NS, 12' wide, from Neill St. thence._ west 521: St.., NSp_�_to full width of walk portions ........ ..................................................... r .. regirin reconstruction and renewing to place same in good repair between Wabasha and St. Peter Streets and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. .07V per square f cot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total cost thereof is $ .................. .......... ........ _... ......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ........ .......... ............................. ................ ............. ................... ....._.._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........................... ....................... ........................... ......................... _.......... ............... .... ................ ............ ........... ........... ........ ......__................................................ ........... ........... 5. Said improvement is_._nOt......._.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............. _................ ........... _......... ............. _.._.................. .................. ..... ...... Commissi ner of Public Works. ' : 1 ` �0 COU NC-FIL9-NO......... ........ ...._,....' • r Bim. G, . y FINAL ORDER �A In the Matter of..-.--hav_.,-i .--(;'ol�....:,.!enuc... �:::_-.= ale-..: = ..:...to.-: t_ce--.:tree- .- ;:; r et ;-lai_s to .'o:gert7 ----.-...---�-- ...............__....--......_P' t... �-=g. ic:x.._is d ' - �... ncluc: ..cu.":.?.......'azd....--. - ... z1s1...t3'.iYe.La-i-..u')D1'9........ °e-.: recess-fir: _........................ `• &A. Farnworth— . paving Carroll Ave................................................ ...---..... _............................................ ..... ........................ .. ........................... to Ric¢gi nne to c lone �; and- o ertY Knee ------ . .................. . `.. mains: Pk P made.-----------...... .. ...-. ...... ... ...... ......-- .......-....-..-.-....---........ where not 8lrgnaY pavin6 �ludinB curbi[iB approaches under Pre}._ arl�ewaY 1...... ...... approved..............................a@pt.. 7 ?�.._1�13.....-. �.. esearyi under Preltmi1919 - -""–' ! approved Sept'been had Intermedia ^armB na daB ve ImProvelnenf upon ave .................-----------. approved .....-.-..-..._..--------......--`-------------------....---------------- - �:he �Covncll.fiavinB heard A public ti]ectlone and recommen- thereto: nd having ;ad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having helyd•,o d cpe:s '� °hQTe[ore. ;and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ;, he Coiicll oephCartloll ered the same PRi es5t, m Ina RESOLVED Ae 88 na°rRa lt°"ea the City of St, Paul tW the precise Mtme, navel : 011-•vonue iron Dale Str::et i nalsui mains to ronert-i ij:,�^ co;:rolote rtiZere not a!- .ead.y _adez-..oas.q.,............... --.._, z_......................................... ... - - k -- i_zcludin- curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, :"here - ............................................................. _. ne s G(� �ZLlL --o � - - ---- } ..-. �r l ..................... ---------------------------------- ------ ----------------------- -- ---- -------------------- and the Council hereby orders��ld improveme to be made. ,' > RESOLVED FURTHER chat the Com ssioner of Public N orks be a d is her ins y Cited and directed to prepare p ��s and specifics Ons for said improvement, and Amit a to the�Coun- cil for approval; that on said appmv , the proper city �cials are hp eby auf�zed an directed to proceed with the"making of saidimprovement in accordance ther6with. Adopted by the Council...191.----- p V ... � .J/yLfv ^.gib'•` ----------- City City Clerk. Approved----------------- N-AY 12 -- ..-.._..192-0 .... ... - • 191...-- ------- - ........................... ... .........--........................... .. y'w Mayor. ��- ( an " ouncilman Clancy J Councilman Kelk% Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 `§rw. _ - To The Hoatr"bls Mpyor "a City Commissioners of St. Paul; We the undersigned propertycowYers between Western avonus ane Dale etrett hereby respectfully protest against the paving and curbing of Carroll wTenus on which our property abuts as said proposed improvementis not necessary and, is jisw of the h`gh cost of living, increased general taxes, shortage of labor for necessary industries an -d hit>h cost of labor and materials for such an ict- proTement, this improvement should be delayod until such time as the country has assumed a normal basis. With slight repairs and the oiling 'of this arrag each yearr# we are certain that it can be kept in fr•ood condition fothe trdf- fie that passes over it. Name of Owner .scriptinu of tiro p ty a! t C/7 6—t Y Cam, VG�.Y� To The Honorable m0yor and City Commissioners Of St. 'Paul; We The undersigned property owners between Western avenue and Dale sire et rby respectfully protestthe paving and curbing of Carroll avenueron g aainst and, which our, property abuts as said proposed improvement is Not necessary view of the 09h cost Of living, increased general taxes, shortage of labor in d materials for such an f;r necessary industries and high. cost of labor an the country vement, this improvement 8 -t 0 should be delayed until such time as y has assumed a normal basis. With slight repairs and the oiling Of this street each year, we are certain that it can be kept in . good condition for the traf `:fie That passes over it. Name ,of Owner eso r iption of pro art y O T -T-' ,ot�s 16,17 and W. L/4 Of 18,b.17 Macubin and Marshalls Ad. Z Z/ ,I CAII we, the undersigned citizens and property owners of the City 'of St, Paul, Minnesota,.,,reaiding or holdYng property on Carroll Avenue; between �t rr ; and Rice BtrPet, in the City of St. Paul, liinneeota; d6 hereby petition the n Honorable Mayor and Commissioners of said City, that we oppose any pavement improvements that are now being 3 proposed- by the City of St. Paul, on said Carroll Avenue. W# hereby affix our signatures to this petition and pssy *„ that same proposed pavement improvements to Carrolle, Avenue-; be now laid on the table.° Respectfully submitted, 5. v 0 o�Zj 8 i. ILI Al VV// f Vim, �'.� `�- �).� � � r %�"%�"��' L / �/ � •� l 3 � �uy�1,� \ �/ ,� %,� ;:r mac' f `�� ,-j' `L, .., ,. _, .. ., r_ ,� �. - �. r rr �;.. �1 1 v - .. %, � �Q �r' �/ - /� r „�° � 1 ,- i���^"`tl_ /f /aD sTt 1.�.,>.�-� �cG.�r`)..:;�.�dt�'l�*L. � � ° f K� I �--� �•1..�-zn� o� 1 �., _, , � �� � � � � � .' �l' L JS� �.� ' ,.�.W.�.. �.._ - - / � �!/ � �!G�Gi^Y_ — c% � �.J � � / r er � v� CUGUUv r, s %J / <` C -i K ., ,. �, _ � ;: rJ tJ l C✓� { �. 7 � Y C.I Y°�••,�otl. �J .r* -f ��t..�� ih! � J fe. / t� G`f r" 41.. iri , Qri�f4'/id Yet% G ?!yf 7o -r 2,2,0--2 Y�2 - 0 f- 4-6 �y /'��7 // 141.4-.2. !h /C1d1 yet St. Paul, Minn. �QV( 1 _1919 Office of the mattComer of Pa in Finance AVP„ frc),- Da-leSt. Q Ri.Ce. In the matter of Paving Cetrr011. - _..-- - - - 9EF7I' Sept. 15, 1919._ Order. approved,- - under Preliminary b oses to make the above im- You are hereby notified that the laity of Of L s jn: provement; that the total estimated cost thereot Is as follows: _ - -- -APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE cOST PER FRONT FOOT KING OF PAVEMENT --�----- Granite j - Sandstone -. 52 I_y 9.04 3j Creosote Blks. - 79, 473.59 �_ _8.04 Brick - _.--- - 691659.66 7.05 Asphalt-- — - - ------—r 7.0- 5-- — Asphalt Concrete_ 69,659..6-- — AsphaltMaeadam_-- tri ck laid flat I 72-546.11 Concrete 55 034.98 5,06 That a public hearing Ill he held n said i� th menta thf NQVI Il Chambe 1919 the Court House and City Hall Building, on the._._ 4 ---- y ° in the City of St. Paul, at In o'clock a. m. 17S. A. FARNSWORTH. C­6i,­ of Finan FRANK H. EWING ATTORNEY AT LAW 630 GLOBE BUILOING ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA i ?.'r. John I. Clerk, ri`y of St. Paul,, Dear Sir: The enclosed nctice liven to ri dascribe; a piece of proierty frcnting on Fice Street and it is not ncr any y,,art of il zrithin one- hulf block of Carroll Avenue, therefor::, I an not interested in the r.ut`_ -r of pavir6, . q "Lix: truly, CIT" ST. PAUL ` DEPAR OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI&SIGNER OF FINANCE ON PRELI 11 Aft ORDER paving Carroll Av=nue frons IAle ctreet to Fice Street, In the Matter of -- ----- ----- — -- ----- —------------- ------- —........ --- ,I: including se..=r, •. ,ter and gas cons eot,-? ne,;;from street me.ins to prperty lines ccMp-ete, ,.here not already made, also, including cursing and paving alley and driveway approaches, -,-here necessary. under Preliminary Order approved1-p--r--/7—L�--....-...--------------------------_----------- - --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total per Total Cost per Kind of Paving: Sq. 'lard. Estimate. Fnt. Foot. Intersections Out. - ;75,432.48 '7.64 3v"' Creosoted Blocks, $4.64 89,287.52 9.04 Intersections Out, 67,141.41 6.80 Brick, 4.13 79,473.59 8.04 Intersections,Out, 61,288.89 6.,,20 Brick laid flat, 3.77 72,546.11 7.34 Intersections Out, 58,850.34 5.96 Asphalt, 3.62 69,659.66 7.05 Intersections Out, 58,850.34 5.96 Asphalt Concrete, 3.62 69,659.66 7.05 Intersections Out, 46,495.02 4.71 Concrete, 2.86 55,034.98 5.06 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 24 t&.ckubin end '11arahalls Iddition 925 17 24 to mint Paul. 6050 18 34 do 800 (Esc. Street) 19 24 do 4000. 20 4 00 / 5200 21 24 do 3150 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTj0F FINANCE REPORT, OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREuMIIWARYQeRDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED i VALUATION 26 24 , „ackubIn and lhrehalls A, diti•on 5056 27 o �4 � to faint Fbul. 4000 `. 28 24 . do 800: 7100 y 29 24' do 30 24 do 4675; > 15 _5 do 7075: 0 14 � 25 do 2575 i (cc. Shot 5 .ft. & 13 25 do 1750 Eco. ILley ) I I!' Ehet5 ft. (Exc. plley) 13 25' do ' ..t (ExO ; ALley ) 12 25 do 11 25 do 3225' 10 25 do 2325 Ii 9 25 do 4 .25 �. 8 25 do 3025, 7 254 do 3825 ai 6 25 do 725 5 251 do 2925, 4 25 do 2525 ." �. li 3 25 , do 1500 . _ Exo. South 62Z ft. of _ Ibrth 125 ft. ! 25 0 265Q Ii ' of 1 and j South 622 ft. of Pbrth 125 ft. !!II of 1 and 2 25' ;: do 3250 46 17'' 10 i! ( 17 17 do 8400 V9e st 2 Q------ ---- 18 •'!.__.. i. TOTAL. ',; (B) _ <CITY OF ST. PAUL` .. - DEPART 7,1N+IOF FINANCE. - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI/rARY�OROER a DESCRIPTION i LOT ASSESSED IBILOCK ADDITION VALUATION East e of 18 17 thokabin and L'bsshalls ;gidition . exempt 19 17 ' to saint Paul. do 20 .17 do do 21 17 do do 22 17 do do e3 17 do 700 z4 17 do 5700, 25 17 do 1900;' ae .L•r uo tL+50' . 9 1800 a7 Ay 110 rad ••r CIO 3000, ay 17 do 25010 30 17, do 3075' 16 18 do 1950, 17 18 do 14751 18 18 do 675; 19 ! 18 do 675; 20 18 do 1875 21 18 do 1675' A, ._ 22 18 do X23 2575; 18 ! do 2075 I: i 12418 do 2275 9bet 361 ft. of i25 18 do 2325 Mo. West 361 ft.) 25 18I do ) 270Q. _ (FXo. 14st 2 feet) 26 18 do Met 2 feet of (26 181 do 2625 127 18; do I ' TOTAL CITY OF ST. RAUL DEPART ENTiOF FINANCE REPORT OF CC . iSSION.ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI/f•ARYAORDER (B) it -- 'i DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION jl !; 28 �', 18'; M;akubin and Marshall$ Adition2375 (Exc. East 10 feet) 29 1 181 to 8Lint Taul. 1200 �I Baat 10 feet of :_ ��39 18! do 2950 30 18 do �.. 15 ', 20, do 2175 I 14 20 do 3209 �i13 ! 20' do 3100 12 20'' do 3100 �! 11 20 do 2000 II . 10 20' do 2300 f 9 20 do 2000 8 I 20 do 4106 !� -u (7 20'; do 2700 11 West of 6 201 do _ �i East of 8 20 ) do 2356 5 20; do -. _I i'- �I 4 20, do 4075 (3 20'• do 3875 j (EXo. East 30 feet) _ 2 20' do East 30 feet of 2 20,) do 3656 1 20'. do North 631/3 f t . of 13,14 & 15 , 15, do 9525 (Exo. Dbrth 631/3 ft. )13,14, j 15 19j do 4900 i. 12 ! 19! do 2375 11 19 do 3375 i� 10 19 do----- -- — - — - -- 3975 -------- - i -- -- TOTAL - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART NTyOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM(SSIONFER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ,pRDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK -- ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 19 maand Varehalle Addition 1575 i 8 IIS ! to Wnt Paul. is 2175 r _ iI 7 19 � do 2775 r 4 6 lfl do 1875 it 5 19 do 2075( 4 19 do 1575 I�2025 �L (Exc. South 40 feet) 3 19 do �i North 92.25 feet of 2 19 do 2625 .i North 92.25 fe t of 1 119 do 2750 i! Ii South 40 feet of Lots 1,2 & 3 191 do 2025 l 15 2 ialson (s learran ement of a part 5850 �I 16 2 of Marshall Is Sabdivisicn of ffiock 27, Mackubin & Marshall lddition 3250 17 2 to at. Paul. 3850".__. 18 5 do Test 40 feet of 19 2 do 3250 East 40 feet of 19 ;2 do 5850 20 2 do 43751, u �I �21',2 do 335011 22 2 do 3650 23 2 i do 255011 (Fxo. Alley) 3 2. I ` Aialtore Subdivision 4b';. 31. 3150 (Exc.- Alley) 2 2 do .850 if do 41500 " 5 :3 do 3300'j i I' 4 3 do 6200 ''. (L 1 13 do 8001 n _ — 2 ' 3 � —do — -- � TOTAL --36-7- — II .` `CITY OF 6T. PAUL . DEPART ENT, OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON .PRELIM►NARyj ORDER _ (B)-- -- -- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION --- ASSESSED VALUATION 3 3 Auditors g>.bdlvieion No.ry 31,. 4475 . amtherl 91 feet of 9 a 2 (;rape is Addition to 5t Paul. 8525 II (_Exo, lbrth 31 feet and exc. 1700 South 91 feet) 9 2 do North 31 feet f 9 and 10 .2 do i. mouth 100 f eet of 10 2 do 2475 (Exo. North 31 feet and Etc. 1700 j 3�uth 100 feet of 10 '2 do do j, 5900 12 2 do !I- 13 do r 2750 14 �2 do 750 15 2 do 7 50 16 2 do 2850 South 110 feet of it ( Exo. 9buth 110 f eet) 16 2 do 1375 p; j 2900 i I 16 3 do i5 2325 j 1i 3 do �I 4 3 do 2375,1 �i 3 3 do 4875 !, 625 2 3 do Ij 1 3 do 800 (Exo. Street) 2 t�nnger ta piditlon to Paul. 0 �l 10 !2 I do 700 I 8704 'I all 2 do 12 2 do 2200' 13 2 do 700 ?� -!i 14 2 1 do 3500,; _ TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIrOARYPRDER (B) — I DESCRIPTION LOT el oCKl ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 2 ; laninger so Aidition to 8t;. Paul,_ 20514 16 ' 2 ; do 1850 q :17 ! 7 do 4725 V 18 ' 7 ! do 2450 II- •19 7 do 2050 �. .20 7 do r: 2250 _ h .21 7 do 3950 i,- �22 7 i do 1950 j _ 23 7 i do .3350i 24 7 do 4750 _ ;25 7 do 2856 j .26 7 do 4156 ii _ 27 7 do 3656 28 7 do 3150 I 29 7 do 1306 . 30 7 do 2050___ 131 17 do .2250 1i32 i 7 i do 2600 (Exo. South 40 feet and Exo. Street) 8 3 do ) 5625 ii North 112 feet of 7 3 do it South 40 feet of ( Exc. _.i _ Street) 8 3 d0 _..... 132 (Exo. North 112 feet) 7 ! 3 !, do j; 6 3 - do 600 5 3 do 5600 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART FNTtOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIINARY.RRDER M DESCRIPTION (MCC. qDuth 60 feet) SOuth 60 feet of (EKO. South 50 feet) SDuth 50 feet Of LOT HLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION it 4 3 Kninger Is k9dition to Paul'. 1950 3 li 3 do 600 2 1 3 do 1800 1 3 CLO 3956 1 3 do 1 5pp 16 1 6 do 1778 6 do 2.17.+616 15 6 do 305E 14 6 d - 2450 13 6 do 190 12 6 do 3250 I 11 6 do 1450 10 61 do 23091 9 6. do 3050 2700 8 6 do 7 6 do 160,0 3000 6 do 5 6 do 170,p 2660 4 6 do 3 6 do l8q'0 2200 do 'iO 160 do 9 1 Bailey is A:Idition to $t Paul. 2925 10 1 do 267,1T5 do 227,5 do 2645 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTME,NT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER - (B) ��— DESCRIPTION - i-- LOT BLOCKI ADDITION - ASSESSED � VALUATION _ 15 1 Bailey a Aidition to St. Paul. 1775 14 1 do 875 13 ', 1 ', do 3075 8 2 do 2075 �I 7 : 2 do 2525 11 6 2 do 2925 5 2 do 2725 'i 1 2 do 16425 2 2 do _ I; 3 2 do 2225 4 2 do 2725 l 10 Rihna Sibdivision of ELock 5, 11750 SII 9 Fbndo 's Aiditi on toSt . Ehul ., 2650 8 do 2250 �i 11 do 4800 12 do 2700 -ii South 2/3 of 13 and 14 do 4250 h u North 1/3 of 13 and 14 do 2900 Wast 60 feet of 4 6 do 7375 East 40 feet of West 100 r feet of 4 6 do 2835 Wast 50 feet of 1het 100 feet of 4 i 6 do 2800 jj 101121t 50 feet of .4 6 :, do 1950 South 100 feet of 3 6 do 2150 South 50 feet of 2 6 do 2600 _South 66_ /3 of 1 6 do 1050 Q TOTAL. _ ji. : CITY OF STa PAUL - - DEPART�"ENT OF FINANCE - - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMMAFNPRDER "(r � DESCRIPTION LOT BLoCKI ADDITION ..ASSESSED VALUATION j' ��We 7 and 8 7 fbndo Is Addition to the of 4150 - LL j FRst 2 Of 7 and 8 7 City of St. Paul. 4 5400,. N We 2 of lot 6 and a etri P 2 feet in width and 200 feet in: length lying west of and ' i adjoining said Int 6 of 7 do 5400_ II East 2 of 6 7 do 2900, South 150 feet of vat 2 of 7 do 3500 .._.__ _ Blot 2 of 9 ! 7 do 3800 If %at 50 feet of 10 7 do ;i ,4800 _- - { Ehat 125 feet of South 140 4204 it I feet of 10 7 do 1 North 60 feet (Fxc. nest 50 '5000- -Jj 14 feet of '10 7 do _.. We at 60 feet of 7 and 8, 8 do 4125it 1 _ East 40 feet of *pest 100 - 3800 'I ,•I feet of 7 and 8 8 do Fast 50 feet of 7,8 and 9; :8 do 6900 _ We at 100 feet of 9 8 do 7050 We at 25 feet of 5 and 6 '8 do 1550 ' Eaet 125 feet of 5 and 6 :8 ! do 17600 4 ;8 do 1900 - 7. 9 do 5075 ._ .._ 9 do3800 it I� N. 9 do 6700 rest 56 feet of 5 and f 19 do 2825 BY�st 562 Yeet of g do do 4125 I•brth 100 feet 9 TOTAL, i CITY OF ST. PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE SSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM ON PRELIMIPARYRROER (B) _ASSESSED r - ADDITION — — VALUATION z DESCRIPTION i LOT BLOCK]s_ �— — �� 2E25 9i�}th 40 feet of F1� t 5 9 fbndo s Iddition to the „ 56 feet .of . city of read: !, 1000 „prth- of 4j . ,9 1600 do 8buth of 4 j -- 3, ?� irvine is Aidition to b't, Pdul, 11600.. 5600 (ESO. Street 4 do North of Wroll Ave. Lots' ! do 2 9600 5 and 6 _ Z,, d do 17ra,00.. do .. _. at a point IExcept the followingpart • commenc ng 16 feet on Northerly like of Iglehart Ave., IDt , estherlygl easterly from thsouthweeterly sterly _along N,o � ne of �- 14000` -ffioek 2, thence I`once! Norj hwesterly at lehast Ave., 137 feet Parallel eouhwesterly p tan ley line feet the�nie, a7 fej t, thence southerly rightg lenoe to Northerly line of Iglehartd 11, part rt of Jots 9,10 anMock to Place of lots 9 and 10, 2 nesIbeginning.n8 ffioek 2 Irvines Addition to; St• I FiauY• T _ Alar shalllB rest Side annex of Lot 8a okubin.875; I S.ibdivision of Illock 27, ,a t 2' and Marshalls Aldi on, 2800 250 1 3j do 1L D �raitingIs 81bdivision of raxt of 80�'. i10t 8, ffioek 27, M•ckubin and 45Q0 M,rehalls Addition. do 3800 4 3j do B00 8§0 do do , 34 9 0 ,i V , TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTWNTITbF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIAARYeORDER cB) _ —� ASSESSED �I DESCRIPTION LOT 19LOCKADDITION VALUATION h Beginning on South line of ICrroll Are., 340 feet. rest -from East line of; Md,tion 36, Town 29, Range 23, thence south 140 ;feet, tT}ence'west 60 4701 d .---. ---feet., -thence _ 4brth .140 feet , tYenc ,__East_. 60 feet to :. ii beginning. Part of Southeast y of crction 36, Town } _ 29 pangs. 23. _.-Beginningon sot lineroll -Ave. g g 290 feet pest 50 tt on 6, Tbwn;th Range 23, thence r -- 50 feet souih 0 feeto then0eenest thence ffirth 140 "feet, thence Fast 50 feet to beginning. Part of southeast 4 of _ -Section 36; Town 29, range '23, r Beginning on Sauth line of droll Ave. 250 feet,,.r' Vlest --from-Ea;at--lime-of -caction 36, Tbwn 29, Range 23, thence south 140 feet, thence West 40 fleet,{thence rbrth 140 feet, 2150 --thence---;,ast-40-feet to beginning-. `Part of Ss,theast_ 4 of - Section 36, Town 29, Range 213. Beginnin on south line of*roil Rue. 210 feet Nest from Fast line of -Section 36, 7!bwn a5, range 23, thence south 2600 140 feet, thence West 40 feet, !thence Dbrth 14 feet,thenoe East 40 -feet to beginning. Part o Southeast of 'Section 36 Town 29, Range 23. Beginning on South line of': Car 'ol Are. 180 feet est -; from East line of Section 36 T3Wn 140 feet, thence West 30 feet, t�enc{e'Dbrth ,9 Range 23, thence south 14 feet, thence 300 -Fust 30- feet to beginning. lPart; of !southeast 4 of Motion 36, Town 29, Range 23. i Beginning on south line of Carroll Ave. 150 feet Test from East— line" of s ection 36, Tbwn 29., ram south 140 1400 feet thence West 30 feet thence lb' th 140 (encs !rth 140 eet,thence Fb.et 30 ---feet to beginning. Part of igrutheas`,t 4 of Saetion-36, Tbwn 29 Fangs 23. 4 on s south of Carroll 120 feet West from Ea nnllne lineMotion venue. -- ofTown 26, a 23 tbence S)uth 140 feet, thence West 30 feet, thence lbrth 140 feet, thence Eaetj30 2.650 feet to beginning. Part ofteoutheast 4 of Section 36, Tbwn 29. ,i Range. 23. Beginnorth 140 feettosouth line,of Carrollcorner Are., thenceEast to 120 west from vision, then ce � rite;seotipn; ! with northerly line of Iglehart Ave.; thenoe south.westerly along',said rbrth-i, erly line to a point 1472 feet north asterly from southwesterly corner of;TW 11 Block 2 rvines Aidit"on,ithe oe northwesterly 26 right- ;;angles 80 feet;, thenoe southwesterly parallel with lehart Ave. 137 feet, thence at right Ylestetosbethnniterl B�ininte�r! teoi line of S�utheae�koc !+s � b. -thence � g Y gig p _ 4 4 g c. 36 T. , 39, ge 23, an e O i r , O y �, i0- RhT-11--Elk : Try nes T hart Of TOTAL. 0 n ti G-7 4 k St. Paul, Minn. .......... .. l.�•-.191. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to caaee the following improvement to be made: .. ..r.... .......vim... J St. Ave. from ...... ...............St. Ave, to .................St. Ave. 1k E �_ LOT BLOCK yDIPI011 spa.. ....... .............. .......... J"t. ... ..... ......................... X1"23 / .. � ..... ..... ...... . qac. , ..... ..... . .�� .... ....... ....................... . I�v , .... if f....� ....... .......................... ....�.......................... "� r .......x........................ . °.. ` . . �.`.. ........�. . .......x .......................... .ate ° �. ....... ................... . v ... ..... ....... .......................... St. Paul, Minn .. .....................191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ........................ ............... I .................. . ............. ........ .................. I ...... I ....... St. Ave. f Tom ......... I ........ St. Ave. to ... .............. .....................St. Ave. 3s 4 , r/ ECEIVED Office of the Commis oner of Public World �F�, w 0 —o-1 c3 Report to Co missioner of Finance ',,,` "'6' t r „ W S t p 25 1919 September 23rd, 191__9_ ---------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26571 September 15th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No._________---approved----------------------191_-_, relative to avir of CarrollAvenue from Dale Street to Rice Street. -------- p '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- - - - - - ----------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. �tx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--$------- and the total cost thereof is $__-__--___-_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ---------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ----------- -- ----- -- -------------------- - Commissioner of Public Works. Mt Y ,,. J. M. cwR(ou o: SoTs 6 .ion A.. n....in, ALIRED JACKSON. 5.11. Ow M. W. OOETiiNG�R. Sin.. N. S. O ne ria w. � A Mug of 61. Paul Nepartmcut of Public Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R.T.000RLEY.—PUTY September 22, 1919 .Air. Y. Gose, Commissioner of Public works, P u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Carroll Avenue from Dale Street to Rice Street, including sewer, water and gas cotlnections from street mains,to property lines complete where not already rude, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary, in accordance with Ccunoil File 26571, approved September 15, 1919: Total per Total Cost per Eind of Paving: Sq. Yard. Estimate Fnt.Foot. Intersections Out, 9'75,432.48 .7.64 3-21"Creosoted Blocks, P4.64 89,287.52 9.04 Intersections Out, 67,141.41 6.8c Brick, 4.13 79,473.59 8.04 Intersections Out, 61,288.89 6.20 Brick laid flat, 3.77 72,546.11 7.34 Intersections Out, 58,850.34 5.96 Asphalt, 3,62 69,659.66 7.05 Intersecticns Out, 58,850.34 5.96 Asphalt Concrete, 3.62 69,659.66 7.05 Intersections Out, 46,495.02 4.71 Concrete, 2.86 55,034.98 5.06 Vhere the curb is not in add 65 cents per front foot for cement curb. There hcusMZ�H ctions are not in add to cost of each lot: For 6n House Drain Connections: 601 and 661 streets ....... $70.00 501 streets ............... 60.00 W at r For yt, House Servicel�onnections: 661 Street ............... $33.00 601 " ................ 32.00 501 " ................ 28.00 Frontage 9,879 feet - Paving Area 19,243 Sq.Yds. Yours very truly, � ESS/C Chief Engineer. Por. A A.6, 2M 7-I8 15767 _.. CIT7' OF ST. PAUL 261.7 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Schools 104.37 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FAL Na ......B 1329 144.75 AUDITED ..... 191,.:FER. CO. TRO GR , -�._.. �� TITLF.-1, " Reso d that warrants be drawn upon 'the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ays— TAdopted Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )�!J'm't` by the ncll_. ...... ........191__._._Clancy lved that ;Warrants ab19 "' " ptuhds ut of T7'e4— aad Farnsworth tpe iheieln ter,epeatda4 a ortcoipora favor o;;¢he persons; Bim et oDPCalte . , Goss I i Uons to 'A's aatounts 7-.4%"p,tn aaIDea 9 1n'. roved ._ _..... 19 thUeiB. - lv! re5uBCtiVe emen : tollowtng dajlIyad 7,aamebet t Company: CaPikaS -_ _. .._ _... _.... .... .. -N MAYOR McColl=2& 7F �Dreh r, E7.48 B. Heeht, 36 78. 17 s i 82 T Wunderlich IampFCy pre acts ComPae— $L peal Hyebre Ins):1tVCe f16p Mr. President, Hodgson pypeoevded NovC,18191 IQov ,B6 (Diov 89 1918) ; OA 1919: Schools 15767 Capital City Lumber Company, 261.7 Schools 104.37 Library- 144.75 Bureau of Parks 3.84 'P. Bldgs. Revl. 3.77 261.73 15768 K. F. Dreher, 7.48 Schools 15769 J. B. Hecht, 6.75 Library 15770 Lamprey Products company, 17.82 P. Uomfort Station 8.82 S. & S. Cing. 9.00 } 15771 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, 150.00 Schools Total 443.78 Form A/A /9,t M 7-18 I PITY ON ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ ... AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM `OCC1 Na• '- ^° FILE _ 1328".. �� , a ) _�_... .........1 AUDITED ._.... ..__...... _- I ]U OCA LI 712.1 TITLF. P Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen 1 V ) Nays C. F. No 27264 Abniract. Adopted by the unc11 .............. Clancy tbai warrants be: drawn _ geeolYed Farnsworth upDon tbs Clty, TreaeurY the'the aitteT 85br , Goss favor,of the peredne firms tions for tae amounts ecffied r F-� respective Hato a as aD lowingg-detaned 1tt 11tne A.:=W A otin.'�'PurChaelag' payable out, ot. rO\� _ ,._,...... _ ..191...__. taade. and to - 'or corpora... Os the fe r _ - _ t. - ___ .__.... _......._. ......__.._-. ..-_._. ....... .- Aunt,, �[AYOR McColl Board of Water Commleaiouere Wunderlich 974.91.•- -' J. AL_Clancy Com'r of $922279 - Pars, 1?lyBda. ' and P. Bldgs Mr. President, Hodgson e M uF el°Com''r.�of Pub,, 15760 H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent Mayor's Office City Clerk Corv. Counsel Com r. of Finance Comptroller Civil Service Purch. Dept. C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. Police Pol. & Fire Alarm Health -Adm. Dairy Munic. Gar. Revl. Bureau of Engineers Schools Park -Palm. Bureau of Parks C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. Water 15761 Board of Water Commissioners, Armory Public U'harities Police Health It It P. Comfort Station Munk. Gar. Revl. St. C. & Repr. Sprinkling It 2.10 1.09 .71 26.30 2.14 1.00 11.88 2.05 6.2.3 9.39 7.93 .60 2.25 25.23 9.47 7.73 1.50 2.06 13.36 133.02 6.96 253.62 18.54 2.00 35.04 71.10 20.70 4.44 13.02 3.06 18.96 20.46 133.02 1,674.91 41 N.. Sprinkling 15 48 2.16 + A/ Schools 2.00 J r n 4310 Auditorium 8. 8.00 M Parks 2.50 " 257.88 " 20.18 132.36 Playgrounds 78.32 C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 25.00 Test. Labs. 100.00 Markets 21.60 Lighting 25.00 Paving Locust St. 82.43 15762 J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 922.76 . Munic. Employment Bureau 10.50 If n n 112.31 Police 494,35 p. Comfort Station 7.00 " It 55.90 Sewer C. & R. 1.40 Sprinkling 79.61 Schools .18.00 Park Construction 125.00 Lighting 18.69 15763 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., 346.22 Mayor's Office 10.00 Com'r. of Finance 215.60 Civil Service 40.00 Quarantine 43.12 Health 15.00 Library 10.00 Park -Adm. 2.50 Bureau of Parks 1�1�00 15764 M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public Works 7,202.71 Sprinkling 9.50 Ligbting 18.58 Water 293.22 Paving Como Ave.E 422.50 " n 168.75 Paving Como Ave.W. 201.55 Curbing 6wmnit & Lex. 101.40 Paving Locust 374.05 11 1 3,356.59 Paving Ashland'Ave. 1,900.85 n n n 293.82 n it a 32.00 Curbing North side of Capital Avenue 202.90 71 15765 Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety 3,239.89 Com'r. of Finance 122.92 Comptroller 73.75 Fire 20.26 Police 681.87 Pol. & F. Alarm 281.49 Health 89.75 Bureau of Engineers 166.80 St. C. & R. 2.16 Sewer C. & R. 118.10 Schools 336.63 Library 54.09 Bureau of Parks 35.22 Res. 1328 Page #3 VI Bureau of Parks 46.98 Forestry Revl. 24.97 ' Playgrounds 34:71 P. Bldgs. y 264.70' " 143.44 rF' Water 125.00 " 571.45 Paving Como Ave. E. 45.60 3, 15766 Albert Wunderlich, Com'r. of Education 142.65 . Bureau of Parks Total 13,662.16 0 <�rr <u�y- Farm A A 46. EN 7-18 f. UI'rY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1330 Cot NCIL Nr�f jl § o........c r .................<.. FILEr/ J TRI LFRAUDITE ... '� " 1.2 t�31=�.i........... }97 ��4ow PER ................................ _ ...__........ TITLl: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( `/ ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by t unci) ......191._..-_ — 1 Clancy 1' 1 r Farnsworth G F Na t7s6�ayslranta .ties draw proved._.---- e�''''�/ Goss 1//��J rayon °tha C1fYTrOaeciAedpiundeean /"/"�' the herafnstt4et9ona 9tme °rae theta:/d/// +u?•+„_�<.! favor'.oY the`p nate sato 9 tha--- .._..... ._ _._. _. ..__ don° -tor. th8 am0 y 0 to.,. MAYOR e tfve detailed s�ete>ne°tt d t McColl Lultowtn�arnsworth com r. pi'gtnan ts:; Wunderlich ric iilABaoP °d bTtovO E o 19191 Nov. s6 Mr. President, Hodgson Approved 7Nov.:12s 1916) _ 15772 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Schools 115,651.30. Special Day Schools 2 7277.13 Total 118,378.43 118,378.43 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_ ............. RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M. N.Goss COUNCIL ;d .. )r FILENO ..................................... oft DATE.._._ Nov. 25,__.19,19...... That the plat of Peck'a Addition, as recor::. ended by the Plat Colcmission and ap- proved by the Comn.issicner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. yes (%-) Councilmen ( ) Nays C. V N. 21116-- ' 1st of Peok•9 Ado Reeolved;That ttie.$ the Plat dttlan, :es }end ' oved by the Com+. Commieefpe a be and the egiBne�le kierebYuacceP aka, 1919.; Adopted %' 25t Counci) Nov. 26. ADDreYed'Tiov. 26 29, , 1819) (Nov. , Adopted by the Council 19 In favor Approv .. __........_..._qg._...._ ... _. _. ..Against _.... ..... MAYOR YClancy ,.T-rnsworth ?Cions 7,Powers %ccoll J`1 0 Wunderlich FORM T. President 3M9-19 C. V N. 21116-- ' 1st of Peok•9 Ado Reeolved;That ttie.$ the Plat dttlan, :es }end ' oved by the Com+. Commieefpe a be and the egiBne�le kierebYuacceP aka, 1919.; Adopted %' 25t Counci) Nov. 26. ADDreYed'Tiov. 26 29, , 1819) (Nov. , Adopted by the Council 19 In favor Approv .. __........_..._qg._...._ ... _. _. ..Against _.... ..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL f' FIL ourcu NO ....... ..... .._......._i..:. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY = COMMISSIONER. ............_._................_..........._........._......_._._..............................:..................................... DATE.ILQY... rJ..,.199...__............. RESOLVED That the `urchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized to have the blackboards in the Irving and Scheffer Schools refinished at a total cost of not to exceed $700.00, by W.J.I.iller, without asking for competitive bide, as this is a special process upon which it is impossible to obtain competition. Charge Schools -Maintenance. Yes (%*) Councilmen (") Nays /Nancy ✓ Farnsworth Coss McColl Powers f. Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -_19 I C. F: No. 27867-8Y Albert Wunder- 11 ch— Resolved, The,t the Purchaaing Agent be and he, is hereby,9 authorized to bave the blackboards- In the rvin9,.' ad SchOfter tlehoola raflnished' at a tal. coot: of not to exceed $700.00 by J. Miller, without asking for ..compe Rive bide, se this is a, sppeelaI 'process upon whlek It fa fiapoeslble to btatn cotq- I (potltlon. Charge Schools-Malntenanc0. Adopted by the Council Nov. 26, 1919. Approved (1In'V 25 1910). Adopted by the Council 19 .. - In favor APpro- 19_....._ Against • MAYOR COUNCIL 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL Y, FILE NO ..... .- +: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y Nov. 24, 1919 MaN. GOB. ......................._......... DATE.._..__._._.._........ ._. _..._............... COMMISSIONER... ....................... .............................. RESOLVED V� That the plana and specifications for the construction of a sewer on Somerville Avenue from the Mississippi River to a point 1420 feet northeasterly be and the save are hereby referred back to the Co)11missioner of public Torks for the purpose of making changes in same that are neces- sary for the purpose of receiving new bide. Yes ( 1 councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ✓ McColl Powers dWunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M . C. F No. 273fi8—BY �• N• Goes— geeOlved. The the plane and epeclfl- catlons for the conatructlon of a eewer on S--'rv"Rippl River to a�Polnt 1,42 SeatIn the Northfroi- eastereyd b e o tt a Comms her of PUDIfappcWcorks tqr' :tem he purpoe0: of mak- tr.ihlpurDOeetot recelvinE; new eblde Adopted by.�ttiO Council Nov.._Yfi. 1919' Approved (ja'y22911919). Adopted by the Council - - 19 In favor Approv _.... _._..._........19.:_._ Against MAYOR c N L 1:111711 � ol CI NO. _-' . FILE............................ COUNCIL RE"y In'L""y. 'y -"0' ,nanco of tv?o tf.p d.o-,oae 1n f' Iof the e,�Oth street, and otic premieee known ae 266; -'- .PRESENTED BY �"`Femi. known, ns I. Y6 724, COMMISSIONER............ .................. tl'%el..�Faad DATE.._....... ........ Pat pf -.id .1j, -tkQu bond th REsoLVED WHEREAS, Heretofore, under date of October 7th, 1918, the Theo. Hamm Brewing Company, as principal, and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company, as surety, caused to be executed a certain surety bond to indemnify the City by reason of the maintenance of two trap -doors, one in front of the premises known as 255 East Seventh street, and one in front of the premises known as 13-15 West Ninth street; and WHEREAS, It appears that since the execution of said bond, the Hamm Brewing Company has parted with the title to the property at 13-15 West Ninth street, and desires to substitute in lace of the bond heretofore referred to, a bond in the sum of WOOO to cover the trap-door at 255 East Seventh street; and WHEREAS, Joe S. Yep has executed a bond in the sum of $5,000 because of the maintenance of the trap-door in front of 13-15 West Ninth street, upon both of which bonds the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company is surety, which bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel; now therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the said Theo. Hamm Brewing Company and the Hartford Accident & Indemnity Company be released from any further liability on account of the bond heretofore filed under date of October 7th, 1918, upon the filing with the Comptroller of the two last above named bonds; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed as releasing the said Theo. Hamm Brewing Company from any liability which may have heretofore accrued. Yes (') Councilmen (�') Nays Clancy Farnsworth �M-ss 'Coli Wunderlich Mf. President FORM 3.9-19 Received all -papers ilk Att c 'tion bove Re t Adopted by the Councl ........... 19 In favor Appro 19 Against MAYOR Resolved, yn. CITY OF ST. PAUL c COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM y �r courca NO. PILE................................... Date Presented ............_._...__........ ......_.... .......... :191..... That the application of the Bartles Oil Company for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station on the premises described as Lots 28,29 and 30, of Block 29, Srydicate Addition, #5, same being corner of University and Albert Avenues, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said Company to store gasoline on said premises when the tanks and building therefor have been duly inspected and approved. Yeas ( J) Councilmen (✓) Nay! Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson rORM C. A, g ',., 12-18 .... _.-_...In favor Adopted by the Coun ......_..............__...._................._... 191..... - .........................MAYOR..... WILLIAM BARRON i—ruoc CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF PUBLIC SAFETY d HENRY McCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION November 17th, 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Battles 011 Company asking $or permission to move their Station and equipment now serving as a gasoline filling station on the corner of University and Syndicate Avenue to LOTS 28, 29,and 30 of Block 29 Syndicate addition, number 5 and being on the corner of University Avenue and Albert Street. Will say that we have made an inspection of the above premises and find that above mentioned transfer would not create a fire hazaard and recommend that permit be granted, this office to be notified when they are ready for installation of Btation at new location. Respectfully yours Chief Inspector. V// 10HN 1. FARICV (Offirr of Tity (nlrrk JAS. J. MINER C,r. CLERK ASST, of Iftint pang �.sr �,.. CLERK November 13th, 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Enclosed please find the application of the Bartles Oil Company for permit to erect a gasoline ser- vice station on Lots 28, 29 and 30 of Block 29, Syndicate Addition, on the corner oe University Avenue and Albert Streot, which was referred to your department in regard to fire hazard, by the Council this date. Yours truly, i �r CITY CLERK. one. THE BARTLES OIL,COMPANY SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA Ilovember 12th, 191q Honorable City 001u.0il, City of S', Paul, St. Paul, l,inn. Gentlemen: We propose and it is our intention to erect a Gasoline Service Station on the premises described as Lots 28,29 and 30 of block 29 Syndicate addition, number F on the corner or Univer6ity and Albert. -- The station '.jousa proper is Co be located on Lot i:o. 29 with approaching drive from Universit ,venue across lots 28 and\ 30. The buildii��o or station to occupy these premixes is that building not✓ serving us as a Service Station on University Avenue at the intersection o Syndicate, it beim the intention to move this entre station and equipment, as in use here, to the above described location. Phe purpose of t;;is cor�nunication is to lay tl:.ose plans before you, and beg your earnest conrsi?eration and a; „ro,-al to these _olans. Please be good enough to favor us '.with your earnest consideration and advise. Yours very truly, /;:E r':yi` is OIL C01, 11111U; BY C. G. Allenbach:D �a COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....:_co_isi? uc i 7,-_a__ se; or on . dri_l'--Str-o�.t_-_ftOPt-__=11.;....-_S.treet. to Vista Str9et, ....................... _1.................................................................................. ---. -- .....1- ................................................................ 2 777 - - .... .approved....... ..... Oct. under ----_-----J------ under Preliminary Order....... IntermediaryOrder .......................................................... approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ............. Elcra� Street. to Vista Street. -------------------------.....-----------.....-------...---------------------------.._._------ ....------ --------------------------- ------------ ------------------ - .......... ................... -- ---- -- ....--- ....... - ............_.. --..............._..................... --•-........ -------......._............. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --------------------------------- ---- ----1 191 ..... �. Approved_-------------------------- --.......... _. ....... 191...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman f'lancy 7 Councilman IfellerPoaers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 s City / Mayor. CITY O ;AUL . DEPARTMEN�FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI84IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELII,,IjkkRY ORDER construct se.,er on jdrian. Street fromElway Pcreet to Vista St. In the Matter of ------------------------------ -- — --- ---------------- --.1---- 1919. under Preliminary Order approved -- –'–. — – - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-3s-7-•-Q- 3.92----- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 30 Pest 1hd. 150, 9 30 do 150 8 ')U ao 150: 7 30: do 150.. Ij 6 30. do 150.. 14 33 ao 1450 13 33 do 1485 IG J3 do 1150 11 33 do 150 10 33. _ do ., -1350. TOTAL, 'I, rOPM O.S.A. !-D A CITY OP_jT. PAUL —REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PR"IMIPARY ORDER 11 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Y 9 33 West fid. 1400 8 35 ao 175 14 39 do 1175 13 39 do 200 j 12 39 do 950 11 .5U ao 800 10 0� ao 1700 9 39 do 200 8 39 do 225 16 31 do 200 1 31 do 150 2 31 do 150 3 31 ao 154 4 31 do 150 1 32 do 175 2 32 do 150 3 32 do 150 4 32 do 150 5 32 do 150 6 32 do 150 7 32 t do 175 CITY OFT. PAUL DEPARTMENtFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMJNARY ORDER - -- - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2-)0 1 40 % t Md. 150 2 40 do n 150 3 40 do 150 4 40 do 150 5 43 do 150 6 40 do 175 7 40 do iGa,SG,; The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --- �----------191- ------ ______ _��r.-.--- ------------------------ DatedCommissioner of Finance. �ONM B.B.M. 88 C t�e (llliy of $l: Maui OSOAIQ CLAUS4lN. CnI[P!..Ween Repartmeth a h1k Works J. !. ~"^s M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER .-I" 9uwr ION ANo w [ R. T. GOURLEY.. DEPUTY-111 01 - - ALwRlDJACKSON.SUPr.<r • P H. W. OOlTLINOCR, 9u PrION M. S. OPYTSANrlNo^x[[glowf NERROLOrOrrlce lNalNeew .. October 8, 1919. Mr. M. Ne Goss, commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir:. Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- struction of a sewer on Adrian Street from Elway Street to Vista Street, in accordance with Coun- oil File #26777, approved October 2, 1919: Approximate estimate....... $7,487.00 Cost per front foot........ 3,88 Excess inspection........ 60.00 Assessable frontage........ 1,910.260t Yours very /truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enolo e OSCNI CLABSSLN. CNi [i lNOIN[[n J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. AL-D JACHBON. SUT ciioN wH0 ""A'"' [wU Oi .wNITwTION H. W. GOCTLINOlR, 9ulr. M. 9. GRYTBAN rlHO^H[[n'OH[ uP[pU Oi Bnlo.[[ G. H. HERROLD. Oii.c[ GOINC.n laull of£►i: Fau[ Vrpartamu� a Itr Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY Ootober 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 l d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- struction of a sewer on Adrian Street from Elway Street to Vista Street, in accordance with Coun- cil File #26777, approved October 2, 1919: Approximate estimate....... $7,487.00 Cost per front foot ........3,92 Excess inspection......... bo. 00 Assessable frontage...... ... 1,910.€eat Yours very Qtruly, � ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enclo Office of the Com �i: ioner of Public WcAs 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance sot OCT 9 1919 October 8th, 9 _191____ To the Commissionerof Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26777 October 2nd, the Council, known as Council File No. _______----- approved --- ---------- _----- ___191___, relative to the construction of a sewer on Adrian Street from Elway Street - to Vista Street. ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.92 per front foot 7,487.00 2, The estimated cost thereof is $------------- and the total cost thereof is $------------- Assessable frontage 1,910 ft. Excess inspection $60.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------------------- -------------- ------ ------------------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 - -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. --------------------- - -- Com ' sione of Public rks. Vf A COUNCIL ; , LE NO.._ �. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ............f O--e.._A 19a ... in-.-Nloclt-_4.._L ne ts_, t h len•_C ode...; aaition. 71, ........................................ ..................... j a > xvo avad� ` T.............•-----...._..........---�...........-- ma4fei`oY�'adfnB Block. - 3 Iane's Ph;laq 4Nve Ad�ltfon Pn - -" er `Preltminar]?' 9rder , 26694 a bved. Jul 8 •' -. .............. .......................................................................... y �putt]1c hes' � -�nB``+tieet , .. `-'the abn•� at.uDonl :. .............................. - ...................................................................... ..... ............................... ....................................................----------------------------------------------------------- .....-......------------------------------ _.................................................................. 25694 Jul;�._3. e.._1919..... -•---_................_ under Preliminary Order. .................................... approved.-- IntermediaryOrder .................................................. ........... approved ...................... ------- .....------------------------------ A --•---- --•--- ----••- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto;•and having fully consid- ered the safne; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that..* -recise nature, extent and kind of � improvement to be made by the said City is a.1 le loch 4,2_ Lan 7.. Phalen Grove Addition.- .................. ...... ........ ..................................... 'Onriie'i:mdi.. � raU�Y�at 7f10CLL',- •......_...... .---'..... ......... b_T=,a Pmien �6xave - - e15m1nerY DrdeT No. ffi684, �•aPD ed. .. `,Tuly:B; 7819 be'hnd Lue`pame•"1s. hY Cpeeied, cancelled: end anaur. i _.... .................. ' .... . . ..........................AduDted by N,B; Oouaca 'Apr. 2b 19Z0. . ...... Ayyroved A�" I=. - .Y 1.788% :.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed" and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed' ,. to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 191.Adopted by the Council..... .. ...... ` - .. - ......... ... _.5 City Clerk. r ,. Approved.........................................191........ ....... ... -- -- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss �I Councilman Clancy us," Councilman lir Poraors WB Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlicho Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. &7 09CAR CLAU996N, CNICw lxo�,�a[n [u116A Ra J. E. CARRGLL. 9uPilx[ ALFRED JACR90No, 91f4.0Tlox ANo R[FAIRa ow Aix H. W. OOCTZI-R. 9u 1. GRYTA..1C..... n10 a G. H. HCRROLO'Orwlc[ EHolxa[R • (Attu of (3t. Ilaut Otputmmt of fluhitc Blorho M. N. GOSS. COMMMSIONIR R. T. SOURLET. OCPUW December 9, 191.9 Mr. M. A. Gose, Commissioner of P blic Works, Building. Dear Sir: Referring to letter under date of Yovember 35 from City Clerk Paricy to your- self with regard to the grading of alley in Block 4, Lanese Phalen Grove Addition, beg to state that I have investigated this matter and recommend that no changes be made from the oon- ditions as shown on the accompanying elope map. Very truly yours, P_ez - Chief Engineer oc-b I St.Paul, Minn., April h,\1j919 APP, N,1 lo� Goss" s s" To Department of Publio Works, ��pp�g�p(rER4EE'UUUGWORM Dear Mr. Goes: We, the undersigned present this petition E � W, ✓a d �A' ,rsp,,. to have alley- blook four, at the earliest possible oonvenienoe. Oblige us with this request as it is very pi, neoeseary�that it he opened and graded from Forest Street d, t �u�c Street. Signaturres: 711—' j Representative Representative of Above Petition ' Signature: UL� BUREAU CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS61ONER OF FINANCE �. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - - -- (A)- — In the Matter of ---Grading- the-- - ........... --'---------- under Preliminary Order approved 'T111.i%—`—_1--3.91.®--------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— improvement is $—��-�— The estimated cost per foot for the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION i' 1 4 Lanes Phelan grave Add. 200 I3 4 Str Paula Ximo 3i'i0 3 .4 DO 300 g, DO rl1 o 86100 5 4 n DO 8 4 DO 376 1 7 14 h Do 160 0$ 4 DO g 4 Do ]fib TOTAL ronin a - 0.3 w ' + GTY OF. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ., ., REPORT OF COMMIS01O;VER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DES GRI PT ION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 104 isnea phalen Grove Add: 3.00 31 4 St. Paul, >dim� 12 4 Do x.78 113 4 Do 550 . 4 Do 15 4 .. Do 025 . 16 .4 Do 375: 17 .4 Do 2900 18 4 Do a. 2275 19 4 Do 750 20 4 Do 225 .21 4 Do 225 22 4 DO 675 ;. 23 4 Do 225 24 4 Do 225 25 4 DO 200 !: .26 .4 Do 550 '... 27 .4 Do 2225 :. 28 4 Do 200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in references tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatedXML. �r----- --191 -. ...... --- --- -------.----_------- ----------------- Commissioner FORM B.S.A. a -a c of Finance. Emil y Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED ✓0 Report to Commissioner of Finan4� o '°` =3 AUG 11 1919 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: the Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File N.25S294................ approved ......._l11..l.Y...-3..r.....1..9.19.•.......... 191.......... relative to.._... ............. ........ .. �.xadlog.al. eX-...11a....bIsz.G.k..._4.....L.an,�..'_.R.-Th.a-0-rk.._Qxo.ee....Add,l.t.i.op............._.......... ................................... ....... ..................... _........ _.... ............... ................... .......................... ......._._.......................... ..._....................................... ..._...... _............................. slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.: .......... _......... necessary and (or) desirable. 0.43 and the total cost thereof is $.._J ...7...:_8 .....__........., , and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..................... .............. ..................... .... .......................................... .... _........... ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. August 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alley in Block 4 Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, in accordance with Council File No. 85694, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate.... J567.83 Cost par front foot,.... .48 Excess inspection necessary... 11.13 Assessable frontage..... 1,358.3 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. (Qitg ofRS,f. ilaut 0- DLAD.....OHI.......... Nepartaaent of Itubtir Narks . e .... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. E. CAR Te R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY .v9 o ION .No wevwlne ALFRED JAOH90N. 90vT H. GOLTLINGER, 9uviloN owe - M. S. GR ZU •ENOINe G. H. H[RRGL0•0 rice Ewole sen August 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of grading alley in Block 4 Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, in accordance with Council File No. 85694, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate.... J567.83 Cost par front foot,.... .48 Excess inspection necessary... 11.13 Assessable frontage..... 1,358.3 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. � 4COIL IL CITY OF ST PAUL FILE NO ..............._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. PRESENTED -. -7C NOV. 2A 1919. RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cute and fills -in grading the alley in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, under Preliminary Order #25695, approved July 5, 19191 and Intermediary Order #27047, approved October 27, 1919. The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be `it RESOLVED, That the.City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Additiott, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public works ii,the matter dated November 25, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes ( ) Councilmen (d) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McCollPowers Powwers Wunderlich Mr. President FO,PM 3.9-19 - ........ .. In favor Against 1-1_ai.... ... Adopted by the Council - -- -- - - �- ----- 19 - - DEC -0 19 i �, APPro......__..._--........... MAYOR I, (WH of Ot. 11aut 39epartment of Fuhttr Marko `n` M. N. GO55. COMMISSIONER J. E. CARROLL. S-1. Trow Ano n�FAinf R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFREDJACMSON.SYFiuc '3/ "3 R. w. coerzwoeR, su.r an i� n. s. cnrrewnFeNai..en1ONf c. N. RERRoIo!o..iea eu n -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- essary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Block 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, under Preliminary Order #25695,approved July 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27047, approved Oct.,27, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such Plan- 4 lan. Commissione of Pub is Works Dated Office of the- Commissioner of Public WorksREcE.'w D Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 11 1919 Augu.et..._8.,....-l.9.19........._.._.._..MI. _ _. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Woks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File ............ approved J111y 3� 1919..• ............... 191.._....., relative to.. ........................... C etudemni.ng....and ..._taking ....an....a_aaament.... i.n..._the....land. ._.ne.o.e.s.a.arY...-f.oz._a.10PO.s...._...... for outs and fills in grading alley in Blook 4 Lane's Phalen Grove --......._.......__ .............. .. . Addition. ............... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...._........ ... ._..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............ ................ ....., and the total cost thereof is .___....__..._..._.. ....... ........ ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .........._........_... ._........ .... ...... _....___........... ._......_..__............. ......_........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. a. Said improvement is... - - - - - - ................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. n ..... ........_ _ .. ;! Commissioner mer of Pu he Works. F, - CITY OF :-T. PAUL? DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) . In the Matter of Condemning-and_talcingan easement Yvh the land necessary_ for___slopop-__ for cuts and fills ingrading alley in Bloch 4, _lrles Pb�]Qli_SiY'Qye_ditissl___.. under Preliminary Order approved _1w-�_._3-rd . 1919 _ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finagce hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - _ $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 4 Lanes Phalen Grove Add. 2 4 St. Paula Minn. 3 4 Do 4 4 Do 5 4 DO 6 4 Do 7 4 Do 28 4 Do 8 4 Do 9 4 yo FORM B.S.A. 33 A TOTAL, A55ESSED VALUATION 250 300 300 1750 2500 375 150 200 125 100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTI8F FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITI ON, ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 Lanes Phalen Grove Add. 100 11 4 St. Paul, 141", 150 12 4 Do 175 13 4 ) Do 550 14 4 3 Do 15 4 Do 325 16 4 Do 375 17 4 Do 2900 18 4 Do 2275 19 4 Do 750 20 4 Do 225 21 4 Do 225 22 4 Do 675 23 4 Do 225 24 4 Do 225 25 4 Do 200 26 4 Do 550 27 4 Do 2225 28 4 Do 200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --d- ---- -------191 .F. ��---...... Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..9.A. 6.5 C ft COUNC FILE,-AHS.By 4 l/'C./ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...const rttct� .,,..a.. Vie... .....an---�olh.ar .e...S.tr.act,---ir.o�...Id.Son. ........Ly.enue..-.tn...Plas_sada._Str.c�t...and....ozz._.C�sc -L::olUorne..-a reet........... ............................ FINAL ORDER& th— .........._........._............... C. F. No.: 27, cons ructinnea sewer�.............._........_....................................... In the -Matter of constructing effe on Colborne St: from 7ettereon Ave. ......-.... Loom vakdee'sSt 8t.t and on under ........................................ roved...........................--............................-...-.. tali rY Order x26237, approved ,� .r. "..^ism d:Ovek ".i -r 7 � C under Pr iminary Order........--2''-`=�7...... . ......... approved,::._::::�,,,....�,.2s _.x.19-....--- --•-•-............ --- IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------------------------- approved,.-------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.G Qi?S.f x.IdG.t._a.z�il.e �...an...IIn1b.o Cal-. iti.e et...f r.olll Jefferson .•i'enue to Cascade Street and on Cascade Street iron.: Du'_e Street - -- . -- ......... — ....... ...............................................................-_...... to Colborne Stro:,t. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications:'foi said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....MAY..IJ.IaU............. Approved .......... MAY �----�2�.........., 191 ..... �' cilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ncilman Clancy Councilman IAI= D orors 0Councilman McColl y1 counccouncilman Wunderlich ilman Hodgson 0 Form B. S. A. 8-7 0-1 A o .�=�- ��-��-�•�.�.c.sa�- ��'��o-mow .�z.' `� ..ice` --qf- zzIze �L CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMET OF�fFINANCE REPORT OF COMM 5-5I' OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - Iathe Matter of_tznatmnoting-a--ae17LT'---W1frnir .TaflrarBDn--_.a7T911716_-:)i.0-.-- CasCa$� +�Pt ^nd on C'a�r.tade-et.reet i'rrnn l�nlrP ti Bet to clolhon-rne Street - 2 Zth .1919 -- ------------------------------------------ ----------------- under Preliminary Order approved ��- a--- -- - ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 5, D53A 00 $ 4.95 - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - I'I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i25 3 Stinson and Ralnseyls Sub. North a of 725 00 South 2 of 25 3 of the ','est half of !.look 575 00. it g¢, g Si::teen of Stinson, Brovfn , 1125 '00 23 3411d !2amseyls r_ddition to 725 '00 22 3 St. Pa'll_l.. 1325 :,00 ;j North 26 2/3feet of 21 3 Do 875 !':00 South 13 1/3 feet of 21 3 Do )----- 975 ,00 North 13 1/3 feet of 20, 3 Do South 26 2/3 feet of 20. 3 Do 875 100 1025 _19, 3 Do_ _ -_!•`00 TOTAL, ORMB.S.A. BOA p CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1_451ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDt.R IBI_ --- - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED AUATION i. VL llorth 2 of 18 . 3.Stinson and Ransey's Sub. 725 00 17 . 3 -of the '.!ost half of Block 2425 0,0 16 3 Sixteen of Stinson Brovn 925 .01 and Ramsey's Addition to 6t. Paul Cormencing at the southeast .corner of Lot 162 Li lock 3, Stinson, & Ramsej's Sub.' of the ';.est of Block 16) Stinson, Brown and Ramseys addition, thence south on the ,;est line of Uolbourne Vit. to the north line of Cascade 695© 00 street, thence :jest on said north line to the southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 3, of the aforesaid suj:, thence East 65 foot, thence north 80 feet to the soutli line of ) the aforesaid Lot 16, thence rsast to berinning.(Part of Block 16, Stinson, Brown. and Ramsey's addition) A triangular piece of land bounded on the .lest by Colbourne ) St., on the north by Cullon Plaee, on the 5ou.theasterly } 725 00 side by the northwesterly line of the C. St. P.14- &: 0. Rv. CO - Right of 'klay (being part of Block 16 ) Commencing at intersection of -ast line of Colbourne St., .. with Sout h line of Jefferson we., thence South on -last line of Colbourn, street 150 feet, thence _ast parallel with south line of Jefferson avenue 290 feet, more or less to center line of :iicluiond :straot produced, thence south 50 feet, ryore or less to Right, of ,lay of C.St.P.1d.&0. Ry. Co., the _ _-northeasterly ng__�no_-of said _: xtht. of :lay_ 250 _ nce along 99Y5� 00 TOTAL I I CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ComMj�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI_ ASSESSED DESCR I IPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ,AL , VALUATION 00 foot more less, to 3outb, line of Jefferson avenue, thence Vest 4000 on last named line 460 feet, more or less to bogi-m-i-Ings (Part of ':ast z Of 3lock 16, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition) 'iGI-It of .iay 100 foot Ade across East of Except 1,.R.) 'Except ".R. 9 Cullen Place Boo 3 Do 1075 'i Do 275 5 Do 825 6 Do BOO 7 Do 950 8 Do 1150 16 Do 20. 28 Subdivision of Blocks 28 19, 28 and 29 in Stinson, ?rovin is B8 a-nd ,-dCtitiol'l to 17 28 St. Paul 16 28 Do 15, 28, Do 15 3. ,3tins on and --',amse7's . 'Sub. of the .,cst 2 of Blk 16, of .,til-ison, Brown and I�ar.,�seyl s i.ddition to St. Paul 14800 1600 250 125 50 525 925 461,25 00 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE �� REPORT OF COMMI SI 4INER OF FINANCE 10, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) _- - - ASSESSED D ES�RIPTION ADDITION VALUATION LOT BLOCK ._... -. ... -.: -. 48125 00 Co-mnencing at the Southeast corner of lot 181 Block ) Is Sub. o£ ':lost � of Block 16, Stinson, 3, Stinson & icamsey) Brown and amseys , ddition, thence Southonthe '.lest line ) of Colbourn street to the north line of Cascade street, thence ;lest on said north line to the Southeast corner of cc - Lot Lot 15, plocl; 3, of the aforesaid Sub., thence north to ) the Southeast corner of Lot 12, Block 3, said Subdivision - ) thence -ast 6.5 foot, thence Esst 65 feet, thence 1?orth 80 ) feet to south line of the aforesaid Lot 16, thence ast to ) beginning, (Part of Block 16, Stinson, brolan and Tiamsey's Addition). 48125 01 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the .Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --� - - ----- ------ Dated- - — – - – – - ... Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.l.A..-. C (14 of SLPaul OSCAR CLAUSSGN lNoiN[.n $tperbaeat of Pubuir 300rks ' J. e. CAIIROLL, 9u�r::`6 M. N. GOSS. CGMMISSIONSR .0 wNo �n. neA. o.....rnuar - ...A R. T. OOURLM:DCPU ALFRED JACKSON- nGY 'H W 00lTiINji[RS - N, s.—WISAR. o. H. HeRRo�ororne. enm..�R e . St. Paul, Mi sots. June 16, 19 Mr. ' M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: a transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the coat for the construction of a'sewer.on Colburne Street from Jefferson Avenue to; Cascade street and on Cascade Street from Duke Street to Colborne Street, in accordance with Council Tile No. 25237, approved May 27, 1919,' Approximate estimate ....... $6,053.00 Cost.per front',foot...... 4.95 Excess inspection necessary, 150.00 Assessable frontage......... 1,225.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/CChief Engineers P.S.: The high cost oc this sewer is because it has to be ez- cavated in rock. `CITYSIR UL - DEPARTM42 INANCE REPORT OF COMNER OF FINANCE : - ON PRE12ORDER 3 open, widen and extend Colborne street by extending the lines of the In the Matter of street as now laid out, in Stinson and`-Ramsey'e,Subdivision of Block 16, Right of may line of the Chicago, St. Paul, and ullen Place southerly to the Minneapolis and omaha Ry.,at Cascade Street. under Preliminary Order approved -- --- --- "--`— — — To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 500.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— The), estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ,1 DESCRIPTION - LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION j Y �i! triangular piece of al and ti c 'Stinson BtooT.StaPauan»e 'sl Addition I ounded bn the west by Colbornq S ., orth b Cullen Place and on t e e uth _ � a,sterly side by the northwest rlyIlinq of he do 72bj nicagoSt. Paul, _Mp e, and 0ahaIRy. Co's j right of way; being Part of Blo k 1(�. f , orgmeu�i. a t the Southeast c rrex o I f lot 1S, Block a, Stinsot, cL, t? sey Is do 6 5Q lubdivisi�n ci;6116 nueL tot_ 33 c. k to, � naon ssrown and R -nsey' z` Atid itis t encs outh on_the_west.line_of Colbgrne jStr et. to (i) he north lire of Cascade. Str _t then e west on aid north line.to the south e4st_4orn,r,of Lot I% I , 5y Block 3, of the aforesaid corn 45, o lot 12 .saii) lock 3, ,d sub., ;thence eas ...65 feet ,_thence orth 80 feet to the .south lir, ofthe aforesaid 1�—then r m^.in Part TOTAL. 1 urr oR `^Au. DEPARTME FINANCE Mayor Hodgson "�. Form B: 5. A. &7 ` of OL punt under Preliminary Order approved ---- --- -- ' -"'— – To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 3,118.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $- 3.35 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION g ASSESSED �. 1[ VALUATION I I 'f 21 i 23i Yet Fhd 225 I L. pI 122 231 do i 175 f �23 j 23 do_ Ij 175 �j 24 1 231 do 1700 CLO j � i 1 'z6 a 5 ao i 175 E it 7 1 231 do G 1 15 I 17,5 do _ I i i 156 ao I _ 32 231 do TOTAL, liII I I '175 I MRM M.B.A. 8.6A .- r 26771 St. Paul, P111nn. '�.�•197�A.. To the -Honorable, The Council, City Qf St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honox�B�to cause the followifnA improvement to be made. .Y. all r! Y�; t ��L .'� • �G: V. St. A4e from . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Aye. to . . . . . . . . . . . St. eve. NAME d.D d.......... d 4 � n�� + a r ,ca �; „(',Fpm..,,! r, e, r eA RECEIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ' OCT 9 1919 ---October Bth.---_---__1919__ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26779 approved Ootober 2nd _1919 _,relative to the Council, known as Council File No._________ the aOns truction of a sewer on ----- Alaska Avenue from Rae Street --------------------------------------------- ------------------ ----- -Vi --- to sta Atenue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.35 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------- and the total cost thereof is $___3A118.00 Assessable frontage 930 ft. Ezoess inspection $60.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Com ssion of Public Wor OSCAR CLAUSSEN. —A CNoiNEAI .Ri CARROLL, SUk. eiioN ANo RE. -R. ALFRED JACKSON.Eu.i CTLINOeR.....H. HERIOLD. 011— oK (mg of 01. Fact grpartuunt of Yublir marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY October 8, 1919. IAX. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Alaska Avenue from Race Street to Vista Avenue, in accordance with with Council File No. 26779, approved October 2, 1919: ESS/C Enclo Approximate estimate .......... $3,11800 . Cost per front foot ........... 35 60.00 Excess inspection necessary... Assessable frontage........... 930 feet. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. i 2 ; Is ate" VV C. P. No. 27367—Ordfnanca No. 6203-I �,� '•••" AooadCeatisve ordinance 888zein rioatotthe fegtP%thre r /'J^ J s ae Counotl of the City of 8L ^•:.- An administrative ordinanoe fixing the salaries to be paid to the assistants to the Corporation Counsel. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectiop..1. That from and after January lst, 1920, the i assistants to the corporation Counsel shall be paid the following annual salaries: First Assistant, not lose than $2700, nor more than $3300 Second Assistant, " " n $2100, a n " $2640 Third Assistant, " " " $1800, n n n $1980 Fourth Assistant, " " " $1800, " " " $1980 Seotion 2. Soh salaries shall be paid in equal monthly instalments. Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inoon! sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from andaf°ter--its passage. Passed by the Council �' U Yeas. C 0"",4"& .Olanop Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich ~� Mr. President (Hodgson) 0"t".) �> mayor Attest City. rk To the Council. Gentlemen: - I herewith submit for your consideration an ordinance fixing the salaries to be paid to the Assistants of the Corpor- ation Counsel. The effect of this ordinance is to increase the present maximum salaries ten per cent., the result being that the four Assistants may receive the following: First Assistant, $3300; Second Assistant, $2640; Third and Fourth Assistants, $1980 each. Provision has been made in the estimate of expenditures for the year 1920 made by the Comptroller, sufficient to take care of the proposed increase. Hoping that this ordinance will meet with favorable oon- sideration at your hands, I am, Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Department of Euw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILL r JOHN A. BURNS ~ •f WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H. MAYEK November 24th, 1919 To the Council. Gentlemen: - I herewith submit for your consideration an ordinance fixing the salaries to be paid to the Assistants of the Corpor- ation Counsel. The effect of this ordinance is to increase the present maximum salaries ten per cent., the result being that the four Assistants may receive the following: First Assistant, $3300; Second Assistant, $2640; Third and Fourth Assistants, $1980 each. Provision has been made in the estimate of expenditures for the year 1920 made by the Comptroller, sufficient to take care of the proposed increase. Hoping that this ordinance will meet with favorable oon- sideration at your hands, I am, Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. 2, 0, CY Department' Bureau, of Council By Date Presented 191 the t In the f 11 Light Cl , d etreeh oordered ece ed nod directed to ezlend tb electrical Inca by .reals¢ poles and .Magi.¢ vl— thereon for the and Install two poles on Duluth Avenue between 'Cook and Magnolia Streets. Install three poles on Atlantic Street between Lawson and Magnolia Streets. Install ten poles in alley north of Cook Street between Frank and Atlantic Streets. Install eight poles on yustis Street, north ofComo AveneW. With necessary guys and anchors. Lighting. J vv Install one pole on Oxford Street, south of Fuller Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. Commercial Lighting. All of each eztenetone, pola and wilts shall be erected and constructed under the direct[,,, and nupervbiov of the Commieeiover of Public Utilities and in ail thin¢. e,L,ect to the prorialovs of Ordinance No. 2424. and If ell other lawful ordinances end reeolutivm of the City of 9t. Pn,,l. All poles should be ut in wch location Iv said alley. nod ettteb ne the Commieeiover of Public Ulilitiee shall desitmate, and shall be of each 6ei¢ht and character ea I.r •hall dens¢nate and approve, and a., and all such polu shall b< taken down nod removed, and such wires placed under¢rouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the interest an requires, and when it .hall ao order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLIC HYLAN D KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approv� / 191 Mayor 3r % Council Department of Bureau of C94 i , e o. f ,mlbine oUnf t«vie6stov 'he St i Iloeiv¢ Ile qZ Form Pole. and etrtnaive wire, theteon fm the Install One pole on the southeast corner of Delaware Avenue and Page Street, and one pole on Page Street, between Delaware Avenue and Chippewa Avenue with necessary guys and anchors. Commercial lighting. All of each eatenefove. pole. and wires shall be erected and cav,weted under the direction add nupeni.lon of the Covmi,siener of P.blic Utilities and in all thins rc Ljr<t to the proylslooe of Ordinance No. R4Re. and of all other lawful erdivavices and resvlutlova of the City o[ 9t. Paul. he ,All onles.ho.h e— I. and :ny and .n ev�h ;If.,. sod he a4 n ahe C.. moved oa 3 nucn whn. yIa d ands Round, b -the couvIII ehailddeem that the 11 i•uol:c interest so mqutree. and when It shalt ,o order. Adopted by the Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approve 191 Mayor 2711�3) 11 1) No. t 0 0 e e tasl .Aterms e.ted �...zvrembe.r 20... .......... 19t ON camber -; pdoDtefl by t 61, 28, 1 - Approved Nov 28 1919 76 That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States I?ower Company to erect poles and cross arms, and to string the necessary wires thereon: "Set four poles on Pine Street between Sixth and Eight Streets and one pole in alley between Seventh and Eight Street, Pine and Broadvigy." Said poles and -wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of�the Commissioner of Public Works, said Company, to pay the cost -of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Co=On Council of the City of St. Paul; this permission is granted under and pursuant to the terms and provisiors or Ordiance 2545, approved Dec. 26, 1906. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss C) .-In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Jfto];�rp#tdent, Hodgson Adopted by the Counci .................... 191 Approv..................... : .......... .................. 191 7 .. .............. . .................... . .... ........................................ Porn A A 16, t a 7-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE.OF THE COMPTROLLER V Coli A'UILNQ•' 47 .1 AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM FILE / F BY.. .......... ...... ........ . 0161TRULLEH AUDITED .... ...........191...... ®@ . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V 1 Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the one .. Clancy ......._._191___ Abptraat. '. proved........ Farnsworth Itesolyed that WnRraaie ba i draws: - non the Ci Treasury gayabAe out of Goss the herefnafteq egeolfled Sanda.and'Ip. favorb"'txa personas!Irma or curpota nenb eotiv na�mas nae. eceatol tInOWe - ......... _.. ......_ _. .. ... .. ............. ...... ....._. diAYOR McColl fu o lag 40 � atgt...at ` ° ny MS so Bro Srgthe;s LWaber Coinpany l�underlich -2871 Bertr m Butler{ 11i-00 r. President, Hodgson R` .'BY d t2o o4 R .. Crane��8 Ordway. ri2B 60 . 15773 Brings & Company; Fire 'Park Construction 15774 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Schools 15775 Bertram Butler, Comptroller 15776 W. H. Byrnes, Schools 15777 Crane & Ordway, Sprinkling 15778 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Police Library 15779 A. D. Ellsworth, Schools 15780 Morris Fink, Plater 15781 R. W. Hruby, Schools 15782 Michaud Brothers, Schools 435.00 3.60 Z3z3: G'6 10.14 1.00 I=. 438.60 38.71 11.00. 30.04 2.6.60 11.14 33.91 27._01 14,62 39,40 Res. 1331 Page #2 15783 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Police F;re 1 Pol. & F. Alarm Sewer C. & Repr. Library Playgrounds 15784 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Fire Sir inkling Water 15785 Raymer Hardware Company, Quarantine Bureau of Engineers Schools n Parks Playgrounds 158.78 17.07 45 4.2.�� 15.70 9.93 13.72 52.26 158.78 11.29 189.98 15.84 .35 .20 13.99 1.40 20.54 .40 1.50 58.38 151786 Otto W. Rohland, Schools 15787 Sherwin-Williams Compaxjr, Sprinkling 15788 Stearns Printin# Company, Police 19.25 Pol. & F. Alarm 4.50 Health 1.50 Dairy 17.50 Vital Statistics 12.00 Library 1.50 P. Bldgs. 7.75 Water 34.00 98.00 15789 Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, Police 120.42 Quarantine 17.15 Health 12.00 P. Baths 3.00 Parks -Gen. Adm. 15.55 n " n 15.25 Bureau of Parks 1.50 Playgrounds 1.50 1.50 8.00 P. Bldgs. 7.50 " 7.50 70797 Total 1,418.71 217.11 38.38 18.34 6.14 98.00 210.87 Pam A La. 111 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL 'ILE No. ......... ........ : .... ..... 1332 Ry. .. ........................ AUDITED C1 ROLLER P ......... -A TITLE` Resolved that warrants be drawn upail"the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favorof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed stat4'ent: Yeas I v ) Councilmen I Nays Adopted by the C c ...........:..:.'.:.:..._....._:..............191......_ ................ Clancy G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen Farnsworthroved Goss . kt """ra"ti' 21 bd dtaVm the Gf'01 Nil, ilr V CL 41&9, = 4,_ZW,b 'o d In & .... ...... - ........... ..... .. McColl fgrlthl U*41,, =,'qu to I MAYOR Wunderlich St. C. & R. Mr. President, Hodgson IT Goarl.y iib $6 as A.. Total 2,325.19 15790 The Barrett uompany, 1,728.07 Paving Uomo Ave. W. -Snell. to Raymond 15791 Charles H. Bronson, 110000 G.F.-Misc. & Unforseen 15792 R. T. Gourley, 36.25 Bureau of 6ngineers 21.40 St. C. & R. 3.75 Sower C. & R. 11.10 Mm 15793 Union Stone Company, 450,87 Paving Como Ave. -Rice to Gt.Morthern Bridge Total 2,325.19 Form A A 48, f X 1-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER )) AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °`° NQ•— , #Yc 1333 /o—o 1 / sv .......... .. .... . .... • No l �� I1 . \I LF. AUDITED ._ 191::.. .... ... ER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn' upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts _set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the on - 1 .. 191_._' 191 -- Goss u Qntv4d kWacetraat pe drawn ove 191._ Clancy ; yayy�� C �TreaQnrYfrrade and I ,�J/ ...... .. ...... O R°e°tQ Cte4 tQs cld�tio§. or 'wt i/�� ..._._.... ...... I r� o ttxeY°of Shf gQxQOP'p{eet appyyorlt8:. ].iii � 'VJ lff^ 1bt 6 far'LhQ Bm 4 epealaQd SD:; ... _...... �1 Ot&E, rl eCt1,f Dam88 Ae AYOR McColl ine J'� ss ziy Qiaiem$s 1§� W L0e Canncll Noc 1 .� Wunderlich paoace ea YNaY g6 1918 ADDioY ,Noy 28 19193; ,. Mr. President, Hodgson t- 15794 W. J. Miller, Schools Total 357.14 357814 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _PRESENTED BY ;P I ,c OU N CIL . fC FILE No_ ............................ �.. ,i DATE ................. ............. _. _.........__._....... RESOLVED Tit the proper city off ioerB are hereby authorized to pay to Ben, in Goldberg, out of the Workments Compensation Account of theGeneral Fund, the sum of $7.50 in full Bettlement of his c m for injuries received by him while in the employ of the D artment of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 13th day of August, 1919. Yes (J) Councilmen (Y) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl wers Powers O Wunderlich FORM --1. Mr. President I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. 01/ Commissioner of Parks, Play grounds and Public Buildings Adopted by the Council _. 19._.__ Infavor Approv........._......._........::...: f .....................19......._ Against _ /_. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL; ... COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM Subject: ......... _.._.................................................... ........................ _.............................. G................................ ..eouncu / .. nye NO. .. A..'��................... 46 ..-......................................................:....... Date. 1 Presented.---------- 1 �/- - ..... � .. ...........191.:... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with -the consent of the Comptroller, 250 gas lamps, lampheads, including globe, dome and ventilator cap from the Union Motor Supply Company at a cost of $3750.00, without asking forcompetitive bids, as these are patented and no ad- vantage could be gained thereby. Charge'Lighting Bureau. Yeas 01) Councilmen (✓) Nays I Adopted by the Council ..........: `........" ..............._...191...... Clancy ... Farnsworth .................................................. Approve : ........191..... Goss ..............In favor Zq,__L McColl .............. Against ... .............. ...............................MAYOR..... Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ` ....... ........................................................................................ z l.3 76 COUNCIL PILE -No. ............................._.......:.......... .... DatePresented._............................. ..... .._........_.....191_.... That there is hereby appropriated from the Equipment Item of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Budget Account, the sum of Two Hundred ($200.00) dollars, or So much thereof as may be needed to defray the necessary expew es of Victor H. Rohreich, City Chemist, while inspecting the construction of Ten Thousand (10,000) feet of Fire Hose to be manufactured by .the United States Rubber Company at Now York. Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss� In favor- McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson ♦ORM C. A. 9 - 12-18 Adopted by the Counci '..:..:..... ........................191...... Approv...............:.::.:.:........t....i...:..:_......_.191..... ...................................................................................... MAYOR Council File No ........................ 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ) r and 2 e:) PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public irftprovement by the City of St. Paul,. viz.: To widen West Seventh Street from Seven Corners to ... ......... ......... .• ........... ............................... .............. .. .. . Ramsey Street by oondemnin and taking a strip of land Itwentyy fromSegen Corners to Rmey rest.. ._............. ........................_......................... + .................................................. ................. C F. No. 27377—A.,:.......................................................... ........................ bstract. Whereof A wrtlow pro oer 191 ,9 Dated this ......�.6x17....day of ...... making of tae emrovring Pmr:...................... vta : ,%, widen Weat Seventh S: Hevan'. Coraera ,to ltnnieaY:, .. .. ........... .... .... ........................ domnlng and taking s -r • , YQ1 ,feet .wide s,�, Councilman. PRELIM INA Y ORD R. 6- DCJ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the giakmg of the following improvement, viz.: Tn..widen...Want...Seepnth..Stxae.eY............ _ _............... F3ameay...Streat...by...e.Qn.dHmniAg . ettd..t ak ing ..a.. a trP... f... land__ twe nt.Y....t 2 ��................................... feet__wide.__adj.oining..the.._south line of West Seventh Street from Seven .............................................................................._........................... .............. Q...fiameeY..Streot......... `. having been presented to the Council of the. City of St.' Paul by Councilman...................................................................._............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Workste and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e9timated colt of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said 'improvement. pteyamsaiuc................................ ..... .................. rTo Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fulance. �To Adopted by the council ............ ...........................................191........ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss LQ WykApproved .................:..::.:.. ..............191........ Ndiff 0� Mecon Wunderlich.............................................. ............................. .............. ayor It"MN . c tv, Mayor. I Form C A 13 (6M 417) PUBLIUITD Council File No... AS undersigned hereby prOP03e3 the making of the following -public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: '.To condemn for public purposes; for streets, parks, parkways, boulevards and public places; All that certain tract of; land lying between the northwesterly line of Sibley Street,, the northeasterly line of Eagle Street, the southerly line of..Third Street, and the following described line, viz: The e6uthexly line of Spring Street exterding easterly from Eagle Street to its intersec.r tion with the foot of the Bluff, so-called, thence following the foot of the so-called Bluff in Block 20, Rice and Irvine's Addition, in Auditor's Pub4ivisIon No.,25, and in Blocks 35 and 36 of St. Paul Proper - according to the plate thereof now on fileand of record in the. office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota - to the southerly line of Second Street, thence easterly along said south line of Second Street to the northeasterly corner of Block 39, said St. Paul - Proper, thence northeasterly to the angle in the southerly line of Lot 9, Auditorl,e.Subdivision No. 35 7 accordingto the plat thexe6f now, on file and of record in the office' othe Register 16f Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota - thence easterly along the eoutherly.line of said Lot 9, Auditor's'Subdivision No. 35, and the extension of'the " same et6rly.ioeasterly 1-ilie, of Jackson Street thence I northeasterly on.th6 northerly right of way"'line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. ''Paul, Railisy 06mpink to Sibley St., except Lot,b, said Auditor's 8ubdiVision .36,qf_,.8t.. Paul PTOPDX 41j aQ9Qx9L',jtO the plate, thereof how on file and of reobrd in the office 6 the Registerof Deeds In and for Ramsey County, MinnOBOtA.-I.to the southerly line of .,sedon street _estOrl I I said south line of Second to'ithdaitd`ily 'do`r'nze`x­'.'o'f"Blbok 59 said "'fit. Paul J c the " . , ,, 8' 't6L t , thbn6b northtjtisterly' he 1Wgle, In the southerly line of Lot 9, Auditor's giibdivision No. 316 - according to the pldt fhdjjbt`iow on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Rama*y,Cbunty,;,9jniieBote, - thence easterly along..Ahe, southerly line of. se1d, Lot 9. Auditor's SubdivIision t No. 35, and the, extension of he same easterly to the easterle, noe'hoitheasterly on the northerlY DI , ilwof Jaakson Street, thence right of w4j, line, of the Chicago, Milwaukee ,,& St. Paul Railway Company to I Sibley St., except Lot 8, said Auditor's subdivision 35. "V 18 (SM 4471 73 TI T, G C., F 0 r --G I,0r T C Ij q4Tr c.lj Tu ?gig Tie ,-u loo- q-- qo-c::y- B27"T I c c G 2 -rrIT T, 0 JTQV C, T .0 Gj ,C) M-Tq -ppiG. TX 3 Yj j ".3 . 7 0 1� 1! . 7 11 Tj P, 07r T Datedthis .......... 2,51.3a day of ................................................................. ...................... ....... . ........ ... . ........... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: To condemn for public Purposes; for streets, parks, parkways, boulevards and public places; All that certain traqt.of land lying between the n( 1. rth , w 1- 0 1 at . erly line of Sibley 6io.Eit",'the northeasterly line of tagie'Street the southerly line,of Third Street, and the foIl6wing,d6edribed line, viz Tib SoUtherly- .1i,nq- of Spring stxaet,axtendiAg easterly from X§6JIP`,atraet -tto�h'tBe fotj*jrw6jng ­jj�h the foot of the bluff, ,so-called, tion, in tlook� 20 Rios '6*1TVI-te's thb'f`66�t bf the Bluff Addit-lobi An AudItorl's �Subdi�vietog No.: 25, 6d in 11160W - 30 and 36of .8t. Paul Proper aaoRxd�,T :,tj�ko, plate thereof flow On file and of'record in the6ftiod of t �'1,6 Register - plate._. 11 I of Deeds in y County, Minnesota - to the southerly line Of and for Ramse. or. _!qj4g 1- 3.0 of Second Street thence ,east ly� V. said south line a 'at. Paul I " h,northeasterly.........-ddrner.0f,'BlO0k 39, said xae to the prctoj�� thence uOrthiiitarly, to the � angle in the southerly line of Lot 9,. Auditor's SubdivisionIqO- accordini to the platt L her . 6 6:11 A now on file and of rebordn-the office 0 the Register of Deeds JA and for Ramsey COUWbyt�,MitileaOta - thence easterly , aloAg,,tha southerly line ofebsd tct!0; Au, Ia Subdivision Auditor's No. 45, and the extension of . the same' easterly - to the easterly no�theastery�&on the northorlY, alivxe.jf Jackson Street, the,noe St . Paul Railway . t of w ' line of the Chicago'. Milwaukee righ 4Y except Lot 8, said Audltor'a SubdivisiOU 004any to Sibley St., No. 35. Poem C A 18 (OM 4-17) � rL7!; 3tt ale y, [' �?;'p X}."ffw�v T,1 11 'p �.i`�•� t"�,•F `;�y 4..,.. rr '•j' � :; _�'3'' _ Y�,._i,,� 'r f 4:r'.IS IeC -:j �J"t'�.�•fO:c. ,'G-'7 T r•cJo. 7�1 --ru7 7C: cCf1 •0)'` 7 .^T GT ) 4, r^( i 4' ^ rl C- 9, r.a' na ^Tll ^, c rut 53. .f J0ArT o r '.y7 7"Cil n. rt T n"rGq A79-T0.3.7. 7LAr r -� �' •rr+ r c -1 WIT TI GO'OT �7Cz� n rdlaT �n T' �o z u.FSLas — 7 � z.uT �(t �. 'S ... ':S?f?%i -:::' .:: .; •�.'- :;;7.1. 'i y� �.;; .'S,I _ "F170U _ .. t ,; ;. I n- ;r { i l 7 6 ti ........................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1 • To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and edtimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. Y i3imatlon rela ve o saz unprovemen:..:....................................................... ................................................................................................................................................. To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the. Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........ ................ ::..'. ... ....................191........ Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth 191........ Goes Approved.........._........:., :......:........... F1!'{and McColl xe1t� eU Wunderlich Mayorirdas�" F.- C A 13 (eM 4.17) �' - Council File No ......:..... ......... w nekeab � A Wtltten D*ocobst for' maklag of the tollowing i'mDrovov' �To condemn. 4oe public'Dutpoees NT - f epeete, Dnrka, pnrkWsye, boule�', , sttd bubllc: places: 0.11 ;,tfi =ollowa8i .gk to�Witan LoLar1 Block �4 lYng fNorther' 4 alneo aped I,otb . bet -. 14x16 Ucd �B . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz., To condemn for public purposee; for streets, parks, parkways, boulevards and public places; All the several lots and parcels of land as follows, to wit: Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 14, Aying northerly of Seventh St. as opened; Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 54, Lot 4, Block 15; all that part of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 53, ly- ing easterly of a curved line having a radius of one hundred and eighty (180) feet drawn tangent�to the southerly line of Fourth Street and the westerly line of Seventh Street; and also all that paxt of Lots,l, 2, 3 and 6-; Block 26, lying northerly of a curved lire having a radius of one hundred and fifty (150) feet drawn tangent to the easterly line of Seventh Street and the southerly line of Eagle Street; all of which lot:; and parcels of land are in Rice & Irvine's` Addition to the City of St. Paul, according to the plats thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of ,Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota; there being attached hereto a drawing show- ing more specifically the location and extent of the proposed opening as hereinbefore described.r. ing easterly of a curved line, having a raaius z, and eighty (18b) feet dxatffi tangent to` the 'sou h8r lixie of Fourth,Street end.the westerly, line of Seventb Street; ,and also ,811 that. p&rt ,of, trots 1,. 3,e3, and;6.,, .Bl4ok, 26, lying northerly of `a curved line having a radius of one hundred and fifty (154).feet drawn tangent to the easterly line of Seventh . street:,,and the southerly.line of,,Eagle: Street; all, which lots and parcels of lazed axe in Rice, :.& Irvine's Addition to the City of St ''Datil, according to the p.1atH I'tbereo' now on file and of regard ,in ,the office of. the Register of Deeds in and for R&msey, "G�Gunty, Minnesota; there being attache ,,hereto a drawing etiowr' Ing more specifically the location'end-extent of the proposed opening-," here.inbef,ore described. j. Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form C A.19 (4M 4-14) ............ Mayor. T T r� . Q 'Vri' Tl I T T 2 " r T `;Pj 1 r7 7. 7 20 4 T, E" 4 Tj,� 1: 131 7, J I r o C: c -P T:1 T T. TT�JG 0 .,p G T ""Jj G Q T " !,-5AT7F,' 7- T"(Tyll-'?OS C oq ro BTOCII� 7�1 I - -P 'T 21 S 7., ;�11, PU �7 C T, 's 7 A T, o rCMS ... .. .................. ........................................................................................................... ........................................ . Dated theaday of............................... ................. ...... ... .. . ................ .............. .......... .. .. ...... ........ ... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: To condown for Public purposes; for streets, parks, parkways, boulevards and public Places; % All the several lots and parcels Of land as f1*11ows, to tit: Lots,7-, 8, 9 and 10, Block 14 lying northerly pY Setenth St. as Opened; Lots 6-0 1 7, a ank go B106k 54-j tot -, ly B-Ioo�,� 1-5$ 'all that par,t. of Lots l+, An4-Xal lalook 53 - d e 1:4gqapterly Of a Curved line heaving radius of one hundr ing a 'southerly I I - 111 - -61-11 1 and 41.ghtl (1f30)f . eat drawn tangent to the 0�1`theily.lin- . of fourth: -Street 'and the westerly line Of Seventb' Street, and aliw,jallthat part of Lots. 6 "Bl,op 26, - lying. north6il I y of a curvedlinelsavinR a radius one hundred and firty (150). feet drawn tangent to the easterly 'line Of Seventh of Fggle 5trget; all.,,o which lots $t;aiat and .i.he southerly line ilia city and parcels I , Of lax' in Rice & Irvine' a Addition c — ,d are � f L d of Of St. `Paul, ;according to the Plate "thereo now on file, an I office of, the Rqgister',of Deeds in and for Ramsey record in the Bota; there"bei ' - �&�bjrato a drawing show-, 0,6uniy,'kinne� ng attachc ing more specifically the location and extant of the proposed opening,," hereinbefore described. Keller MCCOU ......................... Wunderlich ........ ................... ....................... Mayor. Mayor Irvin C A is (SM 417) T 7 E.-, 'v'V V 4. OoT 7 -T ILA '3"C 7 T T po �.,:G c. 0. r2c) T, --, . I X. ]'1 OT S -,f, T.j. •0 G OT, 11110.pp T T?o T. r C pT ) T, mv. jj FUZ F.G,._p ;-.,G TTIJG 0Z �61S:is SQ 0 7: 3n L�z r) - - - T -t r o-T- LST L 1 T rq TP 1a:a :Ln Jr t, T 7 A Zr" 4 -0 J; y L 7 1 .................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .... ..... ............. ....... ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ng �oer *rov.�ment* ... ...... ....... ....... .... ........................................................................................................................................................................................... To hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 'foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 6. To report upon all of the 1919 Adopted by the council ................... .... . ..... . ........................ 191 Yeas: Nays' Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin F— C A 18 (SM M17) -�G Approved............. ........... ............. 19L ....... .. .. ................................ .... .......................... Mayor. c. r No, aysso-ray, n�. Reaolvad, ,That the Counall concuze. C the recommendation of itis Contract lj COUNCIL nI, p Committee and hereby awards the con- I FILE No. 27380 .. .... ...... tract for the const uetlon of the sewer I on Broadway and on.the,11ne of BroaA told produced, .from Fourth told out on-theWestecly aide of B t wny, h the M(esfaelp➢1 River, t . AL FO M e CS �1e^r 6heCard &;Dougherty ,r �e 7. Grnrt Conetrl�•', ,, - PRESENTED BYDATE I. .. COMMISSIONER....._N....... G488.:_..........._........_........................................... ............ .........__.._..._...__.... RESOLVED That the. Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction Of the sewer on Broadway and on the line of Broadway p to the om Fourth street as laid out on the westerly side of Broadway, Niseiseippi River, to Norris, Shepard& Dougherty and the George J. Grant Construction Company, as Item l: That Riverszdianof pointh427ork feet southeofbtheeen southelinesofsippi Third street, produced from the west, including filling the old sewer between the same limits, for the lump sum "A" price of $25,780.00, which said sum, however, is to be paid direct to said contractors by the St. Paul Union Depot Company, and said contractors are to agree that they shall not look to the City of St. Paul for the pay- ment of any Part thereof. Item 2: That portion of the work .lying between two points 224 and 427 feet, respectively, south of the south line of Third street produced from the west, including filling "B" the old sum price of $208000.00, oof,whishh suame m, however, twentfor the y -seven and one-half per cent. (270) is to be paid direct to said contractors by the St. Paul Unio4 Depot Company, and said contractors will agree not to"l.00k to the City for more than 72 0 thereof. Item 3: That portion of the work lying between a point 224 feet south of the south line of Third street produced from the west to and including the manhole in the center of Third street, including filling in that portion of the old sewer left in place between the same limits, for the lump sum price of $21,500.00. And the remainder of the work from the northerly limit of Item 3 to Fourth street, epecethenlnmrded p bid as eof4t158456a00, to Thornton Brothers Company for Engineer's total estimate being $74,496.00. Formal Bid No. 2086. sum price yes (�) Councilmen () Nays --.19 -- Adopted by the Council - Clancy n 1 Farnsworth APpro ed f 19" Goss - --1n favor McColl Powers .Against _... _......_....__.MAYOR... Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 JOHN 1. FARICY Offire of Tity (girrh JAS. J. MINER CITY«.aK Titil of la � � .asr. CITY 111141If � � bpf 26th, 1919, Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. ) Dear Sir: The Council I t a meed Id this date, r fe d to you Council File 27380, c erinE the contrec or nstruction of sewer on �r-aad�y and on the line _ road pro ed, from Fourth Street to the Mississ- ipp' ver. Please find above resolution and other apers i e matter, enclosed herewith. Yours truly, encs. CITY CLERK. //r C. F. Irjp , My Henry AeC Or— L _4ji�jnne�' �ordh 'TE T.W /read. trawel'i- thin treats AN ORDINANCE AMENDING.ORDINANOE NO. 5121, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND CONTROLLING TRAFFIC: RID- ING? DRIVING AND TRAVEL IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, PROVIDING PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION THERE- OF, AND REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRES- ERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE,HEALTH AND SAFETY". THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC P.EACE,HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION I. that Ordinance No. 9121, entitled "An Ordinance regulating and controlling traffic; riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of St.Pault providing pun- ishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all incon- sistent ordinances. This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the 7Publio Peace, Health 41 and Safety,", approved July 16t1r 19190 is hereby amended by adding to the end of.- . Seb-tion. Six -of said Ord-inanoe, the following words; "The Motorman, driver or other person controlling, operating or driving any street ear in the City of St.Paul, shall obey all orders, signals or directions of Police Officers, relating to the starting and stopping of said street cars at street intersections.!! SECTION II. This is an Emergency Ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public, Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage and publication. Yes f 1 Councilmen Adopted by the Council 19 Clancy Approv 19 Goss In favor McColl Powers Against, mAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President ATTEST' ARIC jojj� 1. FY, ­ City Clork. FOR. 3M9 W ,3 CA, 0 v a. a 'W-wN, QJ 4 Vk. K-11- ;Ok fo. 1y AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 5121, ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING M D CONTROLLING TRAFFIC:RID- ING, DRIVING AND TRAVEL IN THE STREETS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, PROVIDING PUNISHMENT FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF, AND REPEALING ALL INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE,HEALTH AND SAFETY." THIS IS AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND SAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 5121, entitled "An Ordinance regulating and controlling traffic; riding, driving and travel in the streets of the City of St. Paul, providing punishment for the violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinances. This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety," approved July 16th, 1919, is hereby amended by adding tb the end of Section Six (6) of said Ordinance, the following words," The motorman, driver or other person controlling or driving any streetcar in the City of St. Paul shall obey all orders or directions of Traffic Officers." SECTION II. This is an Emergency Ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Pegce, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage and pixblication. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r RESOLVED COUNCIL 2 (38-L FILE NO...................... s Nov. 26, 1919. DATE...................... ..........I......... That the amended plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the construction of a sewer on Somerville Avenue from the Missislippi River to a point 1420 feet north- easterly, be and the same are hereby approved. Yes (w) Councilmen (+) Nays Y�% ancy Y r rnsworth OSS t rl- Owers 1 underlich Mr. President 1 FORM 3M9.19 ,11,0 110 Adopted by the Council - -- -�-1--�b--IN L-19 -- In favor Approved ..... ........._..._ _......_............__....._._ 19..._... .Against �Q MAYOR Res. 13,331 Page ¢#3 Company, 357.7$ y 15814 St.Paul Gas Light F. Alarm 2 3 �" s Yol.-& 4 1. � Health Quarantine - T2 56 Health F 3 74 P. �omYort Statio 7'99 St. C. & R. 4 73 Sewer C. & R. 1 61 Sprinkling .10 Library 3 .15 PRESENTED BY. M. N RESOLVED That, in accordance with Ordinance No. 3818, approved January 2, 1917, the Com- missioner of Public Works is hereby directed to issue a permit to the Western Union Telegraph Company in accordance with their application of November 25, 1919, to install one creosote wood conduit and cable underground across East Fifth Street approximately one hundred feet easterly of the easterly line of Jackson Street. ,p COUNCIL 273( CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FILE NO.. .•... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Yes ( ) Ci en (•') Nays y worth ls erlich resident FORM 3MB-IB rp.,� 1,-.,' Adopted by the Council ":....::.. 19....__ ` In favor Approved .. _. 19......._ _....a `.._ � J ..Against l ' MAYOR 2738: Council ne No ...::...: ......... Petition PROPOSAL FOR DIPROVE7NT and, ' PRELINIINARY ORDER.' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Paul, viz Pave- East Fairfield Avenue from the easterly ...It-ne of youth Vabsxhg: Street to the'w876"r2y line of the right ' of .way_.oY.•ahe Chia.ago-.Greet.-Western._Railway..Company,-• including •' sewer, water and gas connections from street mains d property linea...00mplsta•,...whexs...not...alzeady...made.}....alrav-,....inaI ing...curbing_ . and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. ..................................................................................................................................... !J 36th..... day of .............. November., ....... .......191...9._ Dated this .......... ... ...._ /J. r rniir rurxenx oxoEna. IC. F. No. 87384 I COuncflman. Abstract 'Whereof: A ,fc tlo a t,TObOfal for tha' makln6 Of t,]ia foilOWing=Improvement,. Pave East �Falruth enue,: U6.om Cho EafteTly line o£ 1 Tguuth� Wabasha etre" � t rhe- WeeterlY ° Ino or the rlghk f of :the Chicago Great Wes „- :.. C •• nAy ; � l dins: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tha foftowingti. ,, pavement,viz Pave East :Fairfield AvenuI. e from the easterly "''Ti"rie"'Of"3outh Wali as)3a''Street�toythe Weet­T.lyrninpnv including.... sewex, water and gas Gonne $lsa; inoludtng--curbing .:...............:1• nes•:Oflmp'1Bt.e.i...where... no'C...'61re'ady...mSde,...... and paving alley and driveway approaehes,`where necessary Of the City of St. Paul by- Councilman ......... _ ............................... ....... having been presented to the Council._.. , tharefoie, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveWgate the necessity for or desirability of'the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;... -••-----•-.---•r ....... .............. ..... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foreee'¢¢¢�oing matters to the Commissioner of Finana. Adopted by the council .......:........ :....... 191 . Yeas: Nays: Cou" ' an arnswort6 r .�...?.. 1 .....191 ossa. Approved :...... ............... yland f unduGch L l' Mayo .... s Mayor 1 ' i G Form A A 46, 2 K 7-18 -CITY OF ST.. _PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No.... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1337 z B.. .. ........................ . ......... .... ............... T ONI LL AUDITED R............. . ........... ..................... ............... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor -of,the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statements' Yeas V ) Co ncilmen V Nays Adopted;p by��Ihc cil— J'rt . _19L�' e 'anc 191 C proved... Earns rth Goss o's WW, R Upon .1 M oll thMO...g..u Pere ra- one, ed Sunda and •in ttono'a erre Mr. Presidt, Hodgson Meeohan �. compa 7Job0 et.ndardStoae'01AdoVt%,�ff'nB,1N0 Am'j o,29. 15836 Board of Contro 4,126,40- 15837 Merchants National Banks 643,796*50 Interest 68.75 Red. of Bonds 19 00 '000.00 P Imp. R orm, Perm. P. Int.m im It. Ae 3 14 - 75 14 *75 Spe sess. Bo �'s & & ;cBo Fund -Spec. s ss. Bond Int. Acct 279.00 64,796.50 15838 John A. Sandquist, 563000- Saratoga 15839 standard Stone Company, 2.-567*93. CITY OF ST. PAUL ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT COUNO. COUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM I I 41 33 AUDITED I" ER--- — * Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance as specified in the following detailed`> statement: Yeas ( J) Cou cilmen ( J) Nays Adopted by the il_ I91— Far sworth Cos_ oved — --191— Hyl ad F, No 27386— r Kell r V Abetraoi MAYOR - lieaolve That'�:warrauta -De drawn' Mc 11 upon the-,`d'ICy Treasury. payable out of the berelna;ter _apeo!df d funds and In wll erlich ;avor'oRthe pa;Hone, dtme oPcorpora- tfoas:;ot the amounts set oI'p pelta their Mr. President n reapectme nafnes as apecided to the fol-: lowing detailed .tatement: - -Derarttment oY�; ?nudbail;c11w;9or.k% 930.2: -Y ill,•' DOppgrtment of Educatfon, ;19, 977.68.:- .. .. -.__ •__...-.__.._ ,. .. 15825 Miscellaneous Funds 11,937.34 City Officers 30084.32 Mayor's Office x#'3.3 City Clerk 373. 6 Corp. Uounsel 1,32 16 Municipal Court 1,7 .39 Bureau of Ass menta 6 0.00 " Recpts Disb. 51.66 Partic. ts. 75.00 Uomptr er 933.33 Civ Service 457.50 C & C. H. 1,342.70 rmory 191.50 Purch. Dept. 837.49' Art Museum 125.00 11,957,34 15826 Department of Public Works, 11,936.24 Workhouse 656.25--,i C.P.Work—Gen. Adm. 690,:33 Bureau of Engineers 2-128.5 ,936.24 St. C. & R. �r 707. Sewer C. & Repr. 97 0 & S. Uing. 5,567 50 ridge B. & r. 3 .50 Drosswalks 2.50 Sprinkl g 30.62 Favi omo Ave. E. 175.00 0. Res. 1335 Page #2�, 10,977.88 15829 Department of Educat on%, „- 6,8 0 Au .37 TO)77.88 15828 Department of Parks, Plygds. & P. Bldgs., 34.00 15829 Department of Public Utilities 1,959.16• O.P.U.-Gen. Adm. V.5 -Test. Labs. -Market n -Li 9 1, 36,844.62—" Farm A A.6, f N 7-10 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ () COUNCIL Ntl......._) EMq- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1 1336 y. o itUN 'r COMPTROLLER '6AUDITED .....................191 ER------------------------- .........--- ...._..._..._........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Cou-J.:................191.__ _............_._............................. y Clan A oved..___ ' 191--- Farn worth jSp 27387 ,yy 'riOSS ° ` Aba s,xry , be drt'n • Resolved that warren a bte ovi of f%WU d �!r„�.. upon ttla CttY Treseufs.' Ya ...._._- _._._..___ _..._ .... .. ....... ... ......._..� the -hereinafter eP89tfldei _ I',ms or oorp ra MAYOR MCC, l favor of the i P°r°ona, ttona for they. amePnte net 9TPoelte the reapective -.nam°° es °Pec fled In =she Won rlich following detat ed atatemente , F.,.11A no 26.08. •om➢an q� 568.38. • Mr. President, odgson Oro ntns�� 9tatlonerY com . �;yanY . X86.` r EqulPment Com ganYC 15830 E. Billings, Armory 15831 Crane & Ordway Company”, Parks 15832 Farnham Printing & Stationery Company, Water 15833 N. W. Electric Equipment Uompany, Fire Schools Parks 15834 Milton Rosen Tire Company, Fire Munic. Gar. Revl. 15835 West Publishing Company, Corp. Lounsel Total 376.89 59.72 16.22 22.57 48.05 140.00 I8970 25.00 ' 56.38 4.95 98.51 188.05 4.00- Subjedt: • 4m yc@@[si .:.OWI DruBB�omyan and.e.,aha4r." ...... � .. �.. .:.. .......... ........ s�q,o.'QhnlaR.; Regte .plii.r: y _Y PAUL -GENERAL FORM .....................FILE NO.. �i \`K COUNCIL ..... .... _...1r Nov. 29 9 Date Presented.... ..-_-.... - - -191._.. Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such lidenses to said persons upon the payment of the.fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT;' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. Geo. Karom, Restaurant, Owl Drug Go; Restaurant, Geo. Chilean, Restaurant, Einer,Johneon, Restaurant, Char]ie Neumann, Restaurant, Joe Potty, Restaurant, Arthur Hullander, Restaurant, Metzger—Sahulder Co. Restaurant, Robert R. Nordman, Restaurant, Chas. E. Hawkins, Restaurant, Andrew $ianos, Restaurant, E. A. Elmgren, a ant, United Sanitary Lodging Co *0t0e n n n nl, John Chylik, Restaurant, Bowlin & Lunkenheimer, Restaurant, Geo. Kugler, Restaurant, G, 0. McDonald, Restaurant, Kirechling & Merrill, Restaurant, Geo. Dlonisoepoulos, Restaurant, LOCATION." 79 W. 7th, 7th & Robert, 327 Robert, - 14 W. Esohange, 35 W. 3rd, 188 E. 3rd, 624 Wabasha, 442-6 Wabasha, 1583 University, 438 Broadway, 154 E. ,3rd, 611 University, 312 Robert, 321 Robert, 2144 University, 486 aaokson, 97 E. 4th, 503 St Anthony, 291 Sibley, 391 E. 7th St., Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council_._ ...:.:.:....... .'_ .............. 191 Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor P'PProved. -. __...... - 191.... Keller McColl ...............Against Wunderlich - _ MAr0R Mr. President, Hodgson iMi1BLIS�rI D FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-18 C. F. NO. %� F An ordinance appropriating the sum of Seven Thousand Dol- `' lata ($7,000.00) of the Bridge Building and Repair Fund for the purpose of reconstructing the aidewa11c4 of the rabasha Street Bridge crossing the misoissippi River. This is an ei;ergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sua, of Seven Thous�.rd Dollars (,07,000.00) out of the Bridge Building and Repair Fund for the purpose of reconstructing the, sidewalkoof the Wabasta Street Bridge crossing the Mis- sissippi River. SECTIOTT 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to`be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately upon its passage and publication. 1':: Adopted by the Council DE" 15 19 1919 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers ri.rderlich _YV: -0 0 0 Approved _nEr 15 1919 1919 Mayo / ATTEST: JOHN 1. FARICY, 244U_Latirl} �� /y City Clerk v 3 ( G 27390-01dinance No. H17— G ees— r .1r ive Nee pproprlaa., the sum 0f' •y` '�'�b b�❑ve Thousand DOM— (M.- p"t}j heretofore set apart aS a 1i .h^"❑(u o�vtng Fund, for the Dur- s rgency onstructioPa an -0f •' m ,�y .dl lioil9 f_allfrond tracks to, be ae 'y f:1; idw : ull- �• Th1e is ,rffill, - fo611 = rendered of` C. G. No.� ! 3 Ordinance No. �2 An ordinance aprropriating the sur., of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars 0 35,000.00), heretofore uet apart as a Bridge Revolving Fund, for the purpose of emergency constrilc- tion of bridges over railroad tracks to be maintained by railroad companies, as well as other city bridges. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTIO"' 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Thirty- five Thousand Dollars (t,35,OCO.00), heretofore set apart as a Bridge Revolving Fund, for the purpose of emergency construction of bridges over railroad tracks to be main- tained by railroad companies, as well as other city bridges. SECTION 2. This or3inanc'e is hereby declared to be an, emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of -the public peace, health and safety. SECTIO"" 3• This ordinance shall take effect and be in force ira- mediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council n- 1:1 1919 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers lrunderlich Ar r, roved I 1919 0 malyor ATTEST: JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. yy 4 F. No: ;27301=-0rdinance -No 0218 'f. spry By itN. 1 An ordinance appropriating the cum of Forty Thousand Dallas ($40,000.00) from the gewer,Conatru-ti onHe- ' [hersommecns vlll- Sower Outlek u.tIon%de - -� necessary on account of the conatr,c.- `Ion by the Unitad -states Gov': U !nt of the Hlgh Uam h.twne ' N C. F. No. 2 737 I Ordina. ,.�. �..�nne +>�' BY M. N. Goes 1� An ordinance appropriating the sum of Forty Thousand Dol- lars 40,000.00) from the Sewer Construction and Repair Fund for the reconstruction of the Soiumerville Sewer Outlet, made necessary on account of the construction by the United States Government of the Figh Dam between St. Paul and Minneapolis. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars (#40,000.00) out of the Sewer Construc- tion and Repair Fund for the reconstruction of the Som- merville Sewer Outlet, made necessary on account of the construction by the United States Government of the nigh Dam between St. Paul and Minneapolis. SECTION 2. - This ordinance ie'hereby declared to be an emergency o.rainance rendered neceasary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTIOPT 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force imme- diate'.1y upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Council •=- i0 1919 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers Tunderlich Approved PF 1 , jc o 1919 Mayor PVJALjstIfi>J ATTEST: JOHN 1. FAR10Y, CRY Clerk, Awe CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL ' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM-- FILE l97-18 DEC 1 1919 ..... . O OL R AUDITED ........ .-.191.._ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V ) N Bbatra7 Adopted by the C c DEC 1 191.. ClancyItee 0 vifl ste�-that end 1a .. _ _ .. _ _......_... DEC 1 1919 r apLh'the��c.t�' ',Tr049urpY payable out.of. Ap ...... ............._1 _ Farnsworth vdr lb hKp`perl o7)¢, Hrnie or corpora' '`! oaa fef. She amaanta sat oDdoelte their;91.. _. Goss repA8qt1Ye a es ; as spec ed. in tbe- ,p [o1loNtn lietgrled etatemeaSar C _ UU Da'1Sfe 9on4...._._.._._. _.._..v_.__.._. 1'lta.n`c,�.� 8reat 7..irbY Gopl& i)oc$ ComRanY� MAYOR McColl isNsr'p-'3te C—pant, a Wunderlich Y:. 1 L. 8h1.ty COM&pI" i} 488.78 Wostgfk IIWolt ryelegraph Comp¢aYl _ E88Aaopted bty th0 Council Dee�1 3919: AppraVe$ Dec. 1 1819 _ (Dbq 8 1819) - 15840 Davis & Sons, 20,00 Auditorium 16841 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 375.88 Fire 24.00 Workhouse 221.55 Sprinkling 52.64 Playgrounds 77.69 375.88 15842 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 91.05 Police 19.90 - Quarantine 2.20 Schools 22.28 Parks 4.02 13.00 u .21.48 1e, 7.52 11 .65 15843 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 24.25 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5.84 P. -Bldgs. Revl. 18.41 15844 J. L. Shiely Company, 1,438,78 - paving Como Ave. W. 1,289.60 Paving Ashland -Snelling etc, 149.18. 1438.78 15845 Western Union Telegraph Company, 33.04 Mayor's Office - Total 1,983.00 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEO1 No.......... .((. T f 1339 G AUDITED .... eYClr... j. -.----!.J I- ........-.19 R.........-f.......................................... ............-.-- .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays p Q Adopted by the ncil.............. u�......1:.._19 ... Clancy up n khq CtE9�T Dettaaf. �. �9 9 ............._._ ....._ - Farnsworth aeeotv4a khat ;Wartanfa ba arpWn pr 191 y epaurF PaFpbie oat to - Goss t7sa i�?t'alnatAt apecl9ed tupde and, in -T or the pet6gne firm§ DrAlte;h fir; D$un'vPfaowpyp .___.................... .._..... .. _ ... ......_.... ..__.._.. t tivp names as pDeCQaed Sa the: _ .—MAYOR diag 8gtafi afgtementa McColl Ana' ton Widow ofiD9ate1„A- Wunderlich Ga.ppigp nR n -•,t 1 &dA FatnBWorth Comr qi Finance od cn ;1:81Lt& oo.0 F tgCthp Prevenxion o[ Crnelt9r� ['SB;AO Sulllva l 30. W;dowJ oL Mtahae ,�dop dbyy the Co oil Dec 1 189..! .Approved Deo.;1 1919 15846 Clara Agmold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40.00 G.F.-Widows & Orphans Pensions 15847 Ann F. Campion, Widow of Daniel H. Campion G.F.-Widows & Orphans. Pensions 15848 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,812.18 Parks -'-Gen. Adm. 402.84 Bureau of Parks 341.67 Playgrounds 102.50 P. Bldgs. 965.17 1,812.18 15849 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, 200.00 G.F.-Charities Acct. 15850 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan 30.00 G.F.-Widows & Orphans Pensions Total 2,122.18 Council File No. .... .................. ..._.... ....... U / 'a Z,BY 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for curbing tl-e intersection of tddine 5t. Frith 'Laurel i.ve. and i=aFuei_ve., pith the necessary sewer inlets for drainage. under Preliminary Order.......... 2.4Q�m4........... Intermediary Order ..........218.87 ...... _....... Final Order......22.i25 approved .....—..Auj Aat.....12.th------..---.........191......8... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT/F'fU�RTHER LVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable' in......._..._� °....._......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 4 C . Adopted by the ouncil.....................GFC...........:.............:....._...._.._......191............. Approved Form B. B. 18 QFC —1. 191° 191 y Clerk. Mayar. --------------------- V Council File No . ................ ..... ........... ._..:-------- .-- -ByB . ...... __:... _.._._....f... .................. _....... ------- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment: In the matter of the assessment of benefits e costs and e::penses curbing past Fift'a Street from i::endota Street to b'o^est Street. for under Preliminary Order....:....._2.2.845........... Intermediary Order.......�Z.f?..N.................. Final Order ............. approved.._J3Y1U&^y:....Q.tb,..........._...........---191........;3.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. T THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.. equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. S' Adopted by the Council..................._FC..........:1:..._I9.IS............. .............191............. Approved ......... ..... ...... ....G....E......_.............._.................. .......... 191 Form B. B. 18 �. Council- File No ............................................... Y7 By -- y CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bc'_7C is c costs a -,.d expenses for constructing curbing or. _,airvlevi .`.ve. bet -,'leen Six.malt l!vc, and Grand 1ve. under Preliminary Order.......... ZU-7.7.,,,,.._., Intermediary Order ..........22101 .............. Final Order ............. _22.Q1. approved .................tit1 us t....2.0_th....... ........ 191...8_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. /BEFURT RESOLVED, That the said assessmentbe and it is hereby determined to be payable . equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adontedby the Council....................._Q.�.................. ....... ....... ......_......... .191............. _� Approved ......_........._...__�F�_._..J. ..15__I ........... _.... 191 Form B. B. 18 y Clerk. Mayor. Council File No. _...._.......... , _............ Z G (, 1� FdL•a, , 1• By - CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ex-penses for constructing combined curb and cutter o= Osceola _.venue, from i:ilton Street to Cnats,.vortil " treet. under Preliminary Order 2.L.' 2 73 ........ _... Intermediary Order Z4.616 ............ Final Order ..... ..... __...... approved .___:.:L2.y..._12.[.1,1........_......_....... .... .._....... 191.9...._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered- finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is he eby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 4. fh4 ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. n Adopted by the Council ........._....AGL...... �_.]S_L...._.......................191............. City Clerk. Approved..... ........ ...... ........,..............191......... Mayor. _ ...................--------- ... . Form B. B. 18 Council File No. .'._.................. ................._...---- S" "f_: f'i " r B y _... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and expenses for paving Earl St. from Hastings t:ve. to Thorne St., including sewer, water and gas connections where necessary, from street mains to property lines complete and where not already made. t'.lso paving of alley and driveway approaches and st_eet intersections, and also cement concrete curbing where not alroady in, excepting between Hastings :ve. and the alley nidway between Hastings Ave. and Pacific St., on wlil:ch portion sandstone curbing sliall be installed. under Preliminary Order ......_!2�86............ Intermediary Order .......141.41 ................. Final Order........ 14512...__._... approved._._.J.anuary......?a.rd............ .......19 1.7._ . A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F THER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable .........equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adoptedby the Council .......... ................................. ......... _......._._...._............191..........:... Approved .......... ........ ..._QFC__. !,....M`.1 ........... _..191......... Farm B. B. 18 Coungil_File. No....._ ........... ......__..:......... _... ..... r By .........._ _....._..:.......__....__._..__:: _. v...:..:, ; .rte CITY�OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e penses for paving Laurel ixe. frog: the -,rest line of Syndicate ;;ve. to Le.ci ngton :ve. , including sewer, nater and „as connections fror:i street :::airs to property lines cormlete, where not already made, also paving of alley and driveway approacines and street inte_,sectio-:s, and also curbing nhere not already in. under Preliminary Order...._._......113.6.1....., Intermediary Order ...........1 0.18___.._..., Final Order ................ 14381..__. approved ..... ........... JanU. ° r..._�._lth............191...7_.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B T FUR R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ...... .... .._.._...-------- / ......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. — Adopted by the Council.........._�11:�.:.C(` 1_ �. ........................................ ... ._...............191..... ,..... DEC Approved.._.._...._...._........._..._.._....._._..._..........................191......_ Form B. B. 19 y Clerk. Mayor. Council -File No. _ ........ ............ . B - CITY OF ST. PAUL. - Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits , COStS :1ft Oi:?0i1SGS repavinf; alley in n1wi, 4 3t. iaul I_,opor s;=.th bric?;. for under Preliminary Order...._.... 2.17.16.........., Intermediary Order....... _....2.2414_..._.., Final Order...._.._ 2.26RQ........... . approved ......__ 1t e!:iL!Cr.....7..t.11....._..........191..: 8... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B / FURT ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..... ....1.... .... -.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .. ............... ........_E�....... .. ............. DEC -1- Approved...... . .......... ............. ...._........ ............._.......... ...... .......191 Form B. B. 18 � Y Courwil.File No .. ........... ............................... _....... . Z!, By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assesament of bonelits , costs a --id c..pe-:ises for mrading the elle; in Block «, Bart'e_:tts r.ddi.tiori, froin ,lbert _-street to 3aml:i.ne _.ve-nue. under Preliminary Order.......24-D& .............. Intermediary Order ...........2n 9 .._........., Final Order .........._$.4720 .......... .. approved :4 ..1'1_t C1._.._..........._ ............. 191._....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same iV ereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. GO R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.....qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... OEC ISI C QEC Approved .................. ........ ......................... ........... Form B. B. is 191......._ lol City Clerk. Mayor. -------------------------------- Council. File No. _ . .............. ._.... ..... .......... _.... f ' CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Ui;'_1e=its COS'-� ;'-'-d 0,:"en3@S for c*radinc l',ay :Ivenuc front .:est seventh 3irc_st to 1:.3ica treet. under Preliminary Order ........ .Cz.9_V...._......... Intermediary Order ...__� `. J_��9....__.....__, Final Order -15073 r 5......_._....... approved...... .......i ss.h._=S.:U..._............... ..........191_."/....... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. „„_.._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .................... OF ........... :......_.........__.._...--__...191 .......... . Approved 191..._.... ............................._...__........................_.........._.. Form B. B.IS // /�11(J v Clerk. Council File No. _ By .......C ✓ CCC /',�_' is it CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. ` In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and 07:nenses for raCti_nc St. i',lbans St, frori ..ar;,land tit, to .:heelocl- .RATIFYING i•88RBSdIIDt'1'r9 .,,, 1 r T4No. 87403=By 9. ILFarnsworth— ho matter :of the aexpe sea ot� ,enedte,. coete� ::and ezpelt6e9 for . 7n 8t. 18o WheelocRtParkwsy. ^ prolimtnary Orde :*18001 w ^y Order'. 18991;-Finat November;? under Preliminary Order .... _......... `lintermediary Order ....._lM�„;................... Final Order .......... ..._. approved......_..._.._ .Q.Y.. U��.y.x.....atYz.:.... ...... 1d1_.....7.. A public hearing having been had upon the as for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be a same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distnc K%�ourt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ._ ............./............/equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein JRfi It 1320 ......... _ 191 ....... . ..:::1 Adopted by the Council .........__ .... ............ ._.._........._....._.._....._. r^'" 1 Coultcll-File No.......... ..... _.......... _.__ ' By_.... .._.. _..a......___.. ^f> CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and C:CUonses for ,rradinC and relaying sidewalk on Fourteenth Street as opened under Final Order :Io. 25264, approved October 21st, 1IJ18, From LtOriont Street to 1.0ourteenth :treat, _•unninr East and under Preliminary Order ..... _233.75........... Intermediary Order ......2j 10 Q ..............-., Final Order........ approved.........._L'abr.uar.y....2.6.t11.._........191....._Q.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- 1 ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in...... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. L. . Adopted by the Council ...._._........__..'...:::.r. _.......:.........._. _...._191...... / 1 1... ..-4'"!.::1-!.5,. . City Clerk. prr, —1. IM Approved _ ... _ ........................................._................_.............191......... / //_� //_ Mayor. Form B. B. 19 ------------------------------ Council-'File No . ................ ....... ............... _........... BY i L CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of beneC_ts, cla?7a F,os, costs c.: e:: _)enses for cl-ian4.i-n7 tl,c ^rade of Olt ..venueroiii �'ndicate . -ve nue to :street, and ,dicate _.ve_ tie, ^o::; lrle'na-_�t _.venue to Carroll also gi; ado said Carroll ..vonue, betrreon S--clicato _.venue an,d Gri';cs `t i'eet. under Preliminary Order._..._._ 2113_Q9 ........... Intermediary Order _2:121.8 Final Order ....._25.8541_............... approved':a-,I...._LZth....._....................._........... ..:..191....9...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in... J....°+`.le.'.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. nc- —1. 1919 Adopted by the Council...__.........__.._............................_......._...__..._191...= ....... Approved form B. B. 16 �.._...:::......_y_:.:............... 191......... y Clerk. ayor. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Council File No. ...................................... ......_ B CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bonef its , da;..,a?Of , costs c] expenses for changing the grade of CIYilCellbe .':venue, from Loston _;treot to Doswell ::venue, also constructinE a cm.ient the sido:ral'-_ and the necessary Concrete steps to a Yiidth ofy._ foot on the sin foot strip left in the vacation of said Chi lcanbe: venue, between the of o^esaid limits; also constructi, conont tile sidewalk to a width of sin foot on the north side of Doswell :venue, from above described sidewalk, t'aence east to presort ostablisned ..al'.:. under Preliminary Order ....___.._:Y: 2!a.Q.3......., Intermediary Order......__.".; .6ZA_..........., Final Order ............. Ga9.u3....... ... approved .... .........._J.^:}:;u. ,' Z.....0.t.11....-............191.......Q... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.__........_.6.... ...................equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. r Adopted by the Council ............ 191.-N.__._. City Clerk. 0 - -'.. 191' Approved....__..................._......._......-......__................ ......... .191......._ Form A K 18 Counail File No . . .... ....... ........................ By� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e::pensos for extendinZ se:ror on Gorno )tvenue ..est, frothe tennf-nus of the se,,rer approxi,:.ately 75 feet '_Tortiierly of tno center of Grart',iar.i Street to a point 15 fejt ::ort'..orly of the 3out _erl� 11--:e o= mot 2, -lock 27, St. __nthony 'ark :orth. under Preliminary Order.......2`',10.9 ............. Intermediary Order-21I.&G.D ............ Final Order.._... 2.42BG.._._....... ... approved .... ........ L-' t!Y. _5th..........._.... ... ..._........._.191........9.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT AFUER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._...._......_J......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. D 1E= i^ _ 1 i, Adopted by the Council ...................... .........'" �" ................... Approved _...._.......... _--1'-_1_'.:I-- .......................191 Form B. B. 18 191- Council File No. ... ..._... .............................. ,y ........By ,,� W y cz; 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and epenses for ti constructinC a sewer on James ,street, frorr, tinder•„ood Avenue to a point 185 fe„t •,est of bncllinC :_venue; on Julict street,, ror Undcrs;ocd l.venuo to point 185 feet +'est of Snellir_venue, c .d on y,:aea .cster .venue, fror! Jefferson :,venue to 75 feet. 'forth of Juliet -t 'et, arca. fro:,; Juliet Street to 75 .,ct ?o'rth of Palace trcct, a ncl fro.n Palace Strce,t to 75 feet _:Orth of Ja::cs street, and _ °o::! -alles Street to 75 feet ,orth of Randolp'n Strut. under Preliminary Order_......_. G.G13.Q........, Intermediary Order ..x..:2517.8.._..._..._..., Final Order 25.578 approved........._...........JLuae_..2.5th........... ......... 191....cJ...... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable LL �sa in .J..., .:.qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 191 _......_... Adopted by the Council ..........._......... t.l....__...:::_....u._.... Approved ....... ............. ...---- _....._....:................................ ........191. ......... Form b', B. 18 Council FilONo........................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs -and e,--Denses construct n,; a sewer on Osceola :=venue, iron sxtellin_c ;:venue to Pascal «venues. for under Preliminary Orden ..._.....2499.7._........, Intermediary Order ....25526...... --. Final Order...25; T � r Council File eNNo.......... ....... ..------------ By Acm. Ery s CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e7Cpenscs for constructing a sewer, on loss Street, from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, and a te;,npo-rary connecting sewer for sanitary drainage only on Kennard Street, from oss Street to east Seventh Street. under Preliminary Order..._...2.aa.l&......._._. Intermediary Order 2A.75.8 Final Order ...._.. 25-07.3.—_..._. approved.... ......... ...._:........ ....... _... 191._fl_... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. - IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .._.. .__equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. LEC — 1. 1919 Adoptedby the Council _ ... _........ _..._........................_._.........._..................191.....\. Approved Farm B. B. 18 y Clerk. YNIS or. ................................................................. rSOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of----QP£n; ia.._ -.. �� r s. l 1'cot;..axl.,._�.xo1.7.. �z n af: ett�e avenue. to 1uidth,_of._Si.atl...{uO....Leet............................................................ .... . ' RO,..ASSESSDtENTB' IK CON i. ------------------------ ---_ ......... .. .. ATIFnN PROCEEDINGS �...-.......... .....------------ ,DEMNAT[ON. .:-.... ..._ ... ......... -- "' C. FNo. E7411—r opentg8 wi strtnf�;" ,in dhe mntfer °t Fourteenth .. nraextendinC .yeateriS �� in>:an easterl9 St. to�Lat yid_..... _ 3;{{o`n Crom Plne. 601-�'6C -------- -------------------------- <:, fo o rrtdt6 AY`r'd. U9gnniBlr avgr°F q`� l nl 2 Intermediary Order---•-.--. "under Preliminary Order ...------1.7.aI ..... �, appio:� ,1 > approved.-..u� r A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefori,�'ud also upon the assessment of beneffte ` therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, ` identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owned of such lands respectively forssaid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respeets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. d Beit further Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. LJai 1FD 1320 ]91 Adopted by the Council ................. .................................... t -d City Approved............. �3 Ui3- .................. 191 •.................__........- ................ .. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Kom ?ozrers — eUlisf~ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich MayorlggM r2odg9o11 ,;,x...... 41 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS.. � In the matter _....:an:.saserlY---and._�featarly.--dare�t�.anr.-G.Qrn 601ee. ............................ Avenue, I1Sa the it after o[ o ----"•-' and�ezFtieunedln Fourteenth Street to • - an. eaeterly�;and wester] dlr0cti n -! _ p9ningi, widening g'' 3treat to raY vette eve .{. •"------•--•- wfdth of ad (99) 'feet unde ...................................._ "'" tinarq Order 17910:: apprdved- ,r • ..-_ . -' - 18 1917 : IntermedlarY Order •----•— ved Aug 1919,,. '-'"--'--- -..._............................................ .........s followtri8 2 lmpro ;- "267_•_, ander Preliminary Order­.... .. ..... ....... approved. rit} ,ai °e(iy ne`wty'ermediary Order 17910 !,street, tr �K. approved..:. Resolved: (1) the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: -- aPDX4 That the following improvement be and-••-- -��d@x�._aa. ete�la.-'Qurteenth..test.,._n._ai?.._eu-tex---a7ic3.-llesterl; _ %r orl _pine--itr-aei._t o...Lafa:yatte..-y-venue-, __.t o -.a.-:airltb.-nf ••------•--.... _ .................................................... ..................................- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the game are hereby taken, apprtr priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz eet Of" Ttie,-no�th.._sl :t x....(60) -.set . -of the .aou, h2sa id�3, Block�2,f Patter onto Lots 1, 2 and 3, 131oc1 1, and Lots 1, d and the port �tdtj.oy�he Qut 6 ra ae oz a 1� r� tar s Ayton oft 4t 2a.7et :0o 6 �C.F a3id. k f r § $''e's� t, Adct_t 6t3 Qtfii lCtsSt Eu1s� a2lc ail ,;]khat •ttb> Di Lox 4, 5, 6 and 7, Gre-� E: CobbYs Sub3ivision of Lot 6 in Bast .__Addition Of 0Utlots t;a_ �t... Paul,. that lies tin t.r{o_..poutharalli lines sixty feet (60) apart, said lines being the north and south lines of the extension of said �,ourteenth Street, fro)n-'ane -Street. - - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed fi 51910.................. 191. - Adopted by the Connell..................A-1-AIM - - •f , JA(1 X51920 Ci Clerk. Approved ...--..... 191. .-s Councilman Farnsworth i Councilman Goss Councilman Wlax Polaers I �� Conitcilman McColl s Councilman V�undeilich Mayor Jzdu Rodgson To the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: - Your petitioner, the undersigned Tri-State Land Company, respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to grant relief in the following matters, to -wit: 1. In the matter of the opening, widening and extending Four- teenth Street from Pine Street to Lafayette Avenue, under Council Final Order #22599, adopted May 299 1919, your petitioner represents that under said order grave injustice and great loss is irrposed upon your petitioner and your petitioner requests that your Honorable Body will rescind said order and abate all proceedings thereunder. 2. In the matter of the widening of Lafayette 4vsnue to a width of 80,feet frrom the viaduct to Grove Street, ordered by your Honorable Body under 6' # `"r 7A4D adopted�� y /9A your petioner respectfully represents that under said order and 7eubsequent pro- ceedings under same, grave injustice and great lose is imposed upon your petitioner in that all of the land required for the undertaking is taken from the Westerly side of said Avenue, the property of your petitioner and the entire burden of the coats thereof is inequitably, unjustly and unlawfully imposed upon your petitioner and your petitioner therefore petitions your Honorable Bod$ to rescind and annul all proceedings under c, - said order. 3. In the matter of the extension of Locust Street from Grove Street to John StreeA�,, over and across Lots 5, 6,7,8 and 9 of Schurmeier's Sub -division under (lipyjrZ.rxtJ adopted 2 ,/ i your petitioner respectfully represents that 'no public ne s ity'demands such extension of Locust Street as proposed to be made, and that the taking of the land of your petitioner for such extension of Locust Street is unjust, inequitable and unlawful and your petitioner respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to rescind and annul any and all orders therefore adopted in relation thereto. To the Uayor and Common Council of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: - WM_WOWS d fkS��9� MWMM �Mzffm=m Your petitioner, the undersigned Tri-State Land Company, respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to grant relief in the following matters, to -wit: 1. In the matter of the opening, widening and extending Four- teenth Street from Pine Street to Lafayette Avenue, under Council Final Order #22599, adopted 11my 290 1919, your petitioner represents that under said order grave injustive and great loss is imposed upon your petitioner and your petitioner requests that your Honorable Body will rescind said order and abate all proceedings'thereunder. 2. In the matter of the widening of Lafayette avenue to a width of 80,feet from the viaduct to Grove Street, ordered by your Honorable Body under 6� #Jf7A4o adopted 4� 7,//47, your petioner respectfully represents that under said order and bhe subsequent pro- ceedings under same, grave injustice and great lose is imposed upon your petitioner in that all of the land required for the undertaking is taken from the Westerly side of said Avenue, the property of your petitioner V and the entire burden of the costs thereof is inequitably, unjustly and unlawfully imposed upon your petitioner and your petitioner therefore petitions your Honorable Bodj to rescind and annul all proceedings under said order. 3. In the matter of the extension of Locust Street from Grove Street to John Streei, over and across Lots 5, 6.7,8 and 9 of Schurmsior's Sub -division u er under adopted/// your 7 petitioner respectfully represents that no public necessity demands such extension of Locust Street as proposed to be made, and that the taking of the land of your petitioner for such extension of Locust Street is unjust, inequitable and unlawful and your petitioner respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to rescind and annul any and all orders therefore adopted in relation thereto. WM_WOWS d fkS��9� MWMM �Mzffm=m -2- 4. Your petitioner respectfully submits for the consideration of your Honorable Body, that if any occasion of public necessity now exists for either of the measures above referred to, that the plan it herewith presents will beet serve the public interest without working injustice or injury to any. A. To widen Lafayette Avenue to a width of 80 feet from the viaduct to Grove Street; your petitioner will dedicate a strip of land 14 feet in width over and across Lot B of Soo Line Plat No. 8. Your petitioner will contribute one half (J) to the costs to acquire a strip of land 14' feet in width over and across Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of J. W. Boss' Sub-dividion from South line of Bruno Street to the Northerly line of Partridge Street. B. Waverly Place: Your petitioner will contribute its proper proportion of the costs incurred for widening of said Waverly Place from Lafayette Avenue to John Street wd to a width of 60 feet and of any extensions of said Waverly Place from John Street in a westerly direction to intersection of Fourteenth Street and the intersection of Pine and Fourteenth Streets. Your petitioner respectfully represents that at great cost it has acquired title to nearly the entire area of land bounded on the North by the Southerly line of Lot 5, Block 1, Warren & Winslow's Addition, on the East by the right of way of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway and Lafayette Avenue, on the South by Grove Street and on the West by John Street, with the intention and purpose of developing an industrial center with trackage from the Terminal yards of the Minneapolis, St Paul & Sault Ste Martie Railway, an enterprise greatly to be desired to be carried out in the best interests of the future prosperity of the City of St. Paul; that an impairment or abridgement of its plane will not only impose great financial lose upon your petitioner but will be prej- udicial to the best interests of the community at large. TRI-STATE,LA5D COMPANY President. cca.n CITY OF JT. PAUL �+ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER A A 46,214 7-18 ry FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL No. `' 1341 AUDITED J.... �1C..... ...._,997_ Y .IPT11 LLER ' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of .the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council ........ DEC ....._. 1919 Clancy Farnsworth G F: xo t741 Abgtraa - App �I 1519 .................... .. .. ... _ Aegblved that, warrants be drawn 191 (`loss uFone tti. Ctar'te.eaearor; D99able oui t of the beret¢at4gt'gp9atBgd rugds and: 1'+ r !a faroF of the pet'eoaU. 16Hna or ceMOW- ratlgga:-fqr the alpougW aet..oppoelte: ... .. __. _....... McColl �' — MAYOR Wunderlich khetr senpeptiv. namgaeasAem9ed' be f6IlOw1¢g detaNed atz}temeat S 6., afagwartti L'omr nft;py¢s¢i Mr. President, Hodgson _ +�0gg, d--Faip9wortht Y;omr of `BYnan� ' �'sl9B'�r�Woefh t`omr pf _Flnanm. w�" c�- 8. eY.;Sargawbr�t, Codr ot,Finaaci ai l4 649 80 /y nhWl t[ ��� AdOpiod l�,gD+t1�b �ODec 2 181st l t 15855Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 19,081.48 Police: _{ 15856`S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 32,442,92 Fire 15857 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,202.50 - Pole .& Fire Alarm Telg. 41, 15858 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance , 4,649.90 $ C.P.S.-GPn. Adm. 466.33 Health -Adm, 678.67 Vital Statistics 203.00 Food & Dairy 495.00 Quarantine 957.50 Tuberculosis 487.00 Dale St. Infirmary 86.25 Laboratory 160.00 P. Baths 113.40 P. Comfort Station 145.00 Enforcement Dog Licenses 40.00 Munic. Oar. Revl. 817,75 "-W x Total 57,376.80 CO ENCIL No 2f 4�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL +,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONER .... .........t.... .... ....... ....... ..---- .............. ........ DATE..................._.............._..........:......... RESOLVED at the application of the-TexasCofor permission to construct, maintain and operate a public garage on the east side of Cromwell avenue between Wabash and Myrtle avenues, on Lots 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17, Block 16, Baker's Addition, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. et Adopted byy tth Yo .-permit therefor. E Adopthe Cou LL Dec. 2, 3918. Approved D 1919. (pea 6, 181D) yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council DEC —2 IJ -- l J 19 Y Clancy Farnsworth _2 19 q './ Approved ............ ..... _....._._._......_....._......_..19........_ y Goss..........In favor Mck oll Powers Against ...................... MAYOR Wunderlich M. President FORM 3M9-19 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTIO"ENERAL FORM jj 'aQ Snb. ......... _.................. ............._............................ f� � 1 .... ......................................................... COUNCIL NO. _, TILE ................ . Date Presented 191..... Resolved, that the applioation of the Young Women's Christian Aasooiation for a lioense to oonduot a female employment agency at 123 West 5th.8t.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenae upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee $78.00. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay, Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C, A. 9 3M 12-18 I nncro`vea bec" s; 8,, 191 '1 819) ..............In favor .............. Against DEC -.2...19Lu.191...... Adopted by the Council ......................... HI C _? IM, Approved......................................................... 191... ' MAYOR - Council File No ....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT /�r� 1 n l and /'' PRELIMINARYORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fo owing public improvement by the City -ofSt. Paul, viz.: Condemning an taking an easement in the land . ............................... ec'as's'ary fn.r.shop.e's f. ...-cut.g...and: ..fi-1.1-a in grading...al-Teys....... ............... ;.,.A,3 4-,5-,_6- --..,_8.,9,.10.,11-__and 12., Mao aleeter._Vill.ae., ............................................ ............ ................................... ........................... Dated............ 29th.Aay of...................................Nogembe ...................._. 19L.9.... ...........:.......................... ........................ ............... ... ............ 0 Coun n. C. F. No 87418 Ati�track ' Whateae A W,Itten Pro ppotlsl dor the making of the tollowing, Imyrovement:. vis : ' Condemning and tak !T nn easemforl to the land necessary for elo ea, eu to and 2fl81e4y'6 8 7d8 }0 lice andJ. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the inors, :uito� tot rice cltr er,^ Condemning-,, and'aki-iYg"'an'-easement in the ............ land rieoeei3ary.for"'slope'e , r cute arida fi'TTe its gr. ng....al,eilf...���G�A...1:,�,.3.,4:,$,6.,7.,..e.....9.,.10.,11...:........ ...... and 13, Macaleeter'Villas.. ..:;,r ...: ..::i:............... i.................................................................. ..:C ....... ...:.:.................................................................: ... having.been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by, Councilman ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby odered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability oft e( mg of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ea o Imp o .................. ........... ...... _ _...................... ..................................................................... State whether or not said improvement 1s asked for on the petition of three or more owners. STo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _191J Adopted by the counci ..............`...........Z .........................191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa Approved.................R �."`2�.<...19.�.Y..........191......_ Hyland Keller !t< McColl Wunderlich : Mayor Irvin a M or Poem C A 18 (aM 41,4) _ V. r Council File No . ................ ..... .... Petition PROPOSAL FOR DWROVEMENT 27 4.1. and PRELIMINARY O ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foil g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz Change the grade of alleys Blocks 2,6,7 and 8 of Macalester Villas, •••in•••aaaor-danae•--With••-t-he--r-ed-.:1.1. e-..o4--Profile-=No .:-:643: �.4....platee.) hsseto attached and made a pa j—hr er th present established grades being shown by b2ti1e...79YT813 Cnereori; efi13c grads ...',al.I....cf...the a:1:3:eya. J -n B•lnaeka 7,8,9•,10•,11,-.-_and-:13.,_._Macalester, .._ill---..,..:the.,-elle.ys--.in._eaid._Blooks_..a.,6._t.... and 8 to be graded in accordance w h the d lines on the accompanying profile when...est•abl sl}ed., and the -_ram i-nJ:.n-g...al.}.e....t©...tha...pxaaant...4atabl.i-shed--grades. Dated this ........... 39th -.day of..: ............................... .I Iay..9mb.e.................. ._.. -- • 191...9.... C. F. No 3741 I v Councilman. Abstraet ....a.wrltten proposal tor the.I " Dart hereof the prr lovement, vi..: "- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maa�. a s po1oI eh Change the grade of all .,sl $locks 3,6,7 and 8 of Macalester Villas-im-accordancs with -the red l-thes me pT.0ji-le-Na- 640 (4 plates} hereto attached_ and made a part hereof, the resent established grades being shown by bliss Hili thereon; also grading . a .l. of th'e all.ys in Blocka and...12.,-.-Macale-atex V..illas,...:the..alleya.:in. ...aaid..Riook_s. a.,B.,.2...:and 8 t be graded in accordanoe with the red lines on ,the accompanying profile e-etab-ls-shed wham-eStab33shed, and the, remaining al}eys to...the present-- having been presented to the Council_ of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ...............I........ ................... ........` therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work's be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eEtimated colt of said improvement. and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �... erlfata-arat}7rifCTt�tlOrlY . i o state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of F'manim ,5 PT -.r _' G i n Adopted by the council._.... - ' ` ......_......1.. ..................191...:.._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth consDEC 12 Approved.............._............. .....................191 Hyland Keller { McColl Wunderlich.................------........................................ Mayor Irvin Mayor. m l7) C A is (6M 4 . G7 li`/ PUIlLY�•� A :TION OF COUNCIL APPROV- ING A..S11_=MGNT. ' . .._74IR— ..—r of the ent oe fits.0 costs a it o<n�rsee eon nh, Iny1"9 and ,pairing ., sl di.wnik�, r"li mi:tr No. 4, CITY OF �'^Itrn� t >:Ixlr. nor —111 la or Resolution of •council bpP:" t" ti6sessment. Iu the matt,, of the assessment of for x'cic ,9.i ., x'ea3.r2� i;e e::t "c.e:tal;.7, .si .::;.ce ';,. -s Go:'.traet 2031 'i, for :,oacon of 1`J1' — :'>33o&etxi.lo F.0.23722 Host ,evonth it., aotstts aide, bQF;i ring 224 Stet ,est of V3ctcxria St. thence vest 40 foot. F.O. 23066 TjA*a St., east side, from ,test Seventh Ste thanoe south lW- feet and on tL crest side of Duke Ste fr(LI ;''test Seventh 'St. thence north to Grace St. F.O. 22437 .firm St., east side, beginning at test Sovonth St. thence north 30 feet. P.O. 22355 Smith rive.,. ,rest side j from Winona St. to Sydney Ste P.O. 23151 Vinona St. south side, beginning 60 feet east of Manomin St. thenao e;;t 26 feet. F.O. 2307 Ninora>rt, St., south side, beginning at Ohio St. thence east 58 feet, P.O. 23134 Ohio St., gest side, At the follOwiAg locations: Beginning 136 foot south of Sydney Site thence south 10 foot and s'rotn a point 32 feet Farther south thence south 10 feet„ F. 23085 Ohio St., rre»t side, beginning 55 feet south of xago Ste thence south 12 fent. p.0. 22790 Stovena St., south side, beginning 172 feet east of O11i.0 3t - thence east 20 feet, P.O. 23071 Ohio St., oast side, beginning 113 feet north of George St. thence north 8 feet. F.O. 22171 George St., north side, from Humboldt Ave. thence east 132 feet and an the east side of Humboldt Ave. from George St. thence north 100 feet inoluding one new brick drivewnir 12 feet snide, extending frora ;jroporty line to gutter, aPW0X11tat0ly 18 feet - P.0. 22292 Annapolis �t„ north side, begim-Ang 5241 feet east of South Robert Ste thence east 30 feet and on the north side of p-nnapolis St. boginning 62 feet .'rest of Oakdale We. `Whence crest 24 feet. F.O. 22335 Gates St., north side, from Brimm St. to isansas St. and on the south side of Gates St. from €sndrow St. to Kansas St- F.O. 22268 Congress St., north side, beginning 108 feet ,'fest of Dunedin Terrace thence Kest 12 feet. F.O. 22287 Congress St., south side, beginning 55 foot east of South Robert St. thence east 170 feet and on the :forth side Of the street from Concord Ste to South Robert Ste I.O. 23139 Isabel St., north side, from South Robert Ste thence Cant 114 feet - F'.0. 22454 South Robert at., wast side, begiIui.2ng 318 feet south of Plato St. thence south 438 feat. F.0. 22427 South Robert .3t., nest side, frost 1-111110-10 ::vo. tkxenee south 100 feet, P.O. 23083 South Robert 3t., crest side, beginning 66 feet north of Fillmore five, thence north 195 feet. P.O. 22453 south tiabasha St. , %~rest side, beginning 50 foot north of Chicago Ave. thence north 150 feet. F.O. 233.155 South Robert St., east side, beginning 90 feet south of Concord St. thence south 40 foot. F.0, 22707 Chestnut Ste , southerly aide, beginning 48 feet east of ?tost sovanth St. thence east 225 feet. P.O. 22332 East Seventh St., south side, beginning at a point 33 feet east of Jaokson St. thonoe east 831 feet and from a point 47 feet fart3asr east thonoe east 50 feat. F, 0. 23257 lattsion St., west side, from Seventh Ste thence South to Alley. Iii. Oe 223291 last %fifth Ste, south side, beginning 102 feet east of Cedar St. thence east 50 feet, _. . 13126 State St., %rest oido, beginning at 2,airfield tve. to the i:2veat WbStol-- :Arid e. --rion-,%ssessable Roll-- F.O. 2'4x"_57 Lail St., east side, begixusitst at Fest Seventh 5t. the:soe north 30 foot. P.O. 2 bt i South Robert pit. , gest side, beginning G6 feet north of 1-111nOro �. tLence north 195 f0dre F_Ar-'iel -,, The assessment of _ _ __. for and m connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Coun, it having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..............day of t9t __ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. i Adopted by the Council Approved Councilman Farnsworth t , " Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin form B. B. 16 191 _ 4i• /� ____ _ _ _ _. City Clerk. PSI>ISIIFD�1���_"`4l f r1 F e t• 7: r----------- CITY ,OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE WRT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _ 191 _. for the In the matter of the assessment of vt121:i:'UCk at38-,olayLn 'and vopfk$.t`'ing CE'= i32?€ :,idoyft21,lm, '3 t-.2_l.o .;9. y Tear .„' t:p •rEtCt a�.M1 t,, for -,o;F on of 1010. 231::,,°>°> t,,:Ost 11iovalltll A., nouth side, Uar;31XAlni 0211 1' t)C t �0. € Of VIJG'ttiria ��.q 'to tho-aeo root 40 foot. P. 0. 25OGG wk -3 A., cast side, fron, ;;Oat novent r t. €:aGlne e soul- . oul-Zih7 ]'f3L't f},'nd a333 the wont ®ido of 3`7179 St. t- CFI :;out 211 10ei?th : t. til4)22Q0 north to Graea "It. 1^.?• 2 7 .than 3t., oast aide, beginning at ',,ost ;seventh A. thence ::north 30 feet. P.0. 2=55 fkl th <:VE3. y Vest Side, S''7.�0fl� � S.alC✓rifa St. to sr.��yi 1WJ St. P.0. 231:31 .111+9'la .A., south 01 do, begilaan:i.laC, GO Peat east o_-4 -rnmr-n, ':t• thorwo oast 26 foot. s•'.0. 23037 -,Unorua St., south side 1)ogi ts�linC at Ohio St. €nonce east 58 foot. ,�,.O. 23134 Ohio ;$., Beat a;2�Q, �� the follow -_6 1ooaticxLs: Dogill' ng LSE foot south of Syclzzey ,;to t,=eo south 10 Prot and fr= a po'� at 32 feat farthor south tiaenoo Mouth 10 feet. . i. 2 )OW Cluo St. , L• o st a ide y IT SIM'lilig 65 foot 00,4th'of P F3�'a3 . t. tE1t311Qe south 12 fcmt. 1.0. 217J0 Stovom st,, south silo, boE;1:Irn zq,, 172 Feat etait of 0IAo St. ;,hence east 20 foot. .0. 2 3MI Ohio f3to , est sada, begilma.a?g 113 feet north of ;1001"gm 3t• thenaei north "i3 foot. 1°00. =171. George St., north side, fa oyj jD24bojdt j.vo. thanoo east 32 foot =1 on the dant Sides of lhaliboldt Wc- frcm C001'90 "t. tido)?ae no:.,th 100 foot inoludin?g m10 laoy, t ialc driveway 12 foot wido, e;zte ?cl3 ?g f �orl lxs°oy>os°t i3 zie to tnttor, vzpps9cf i :aat�Ay ?A foot. i%.0. X92 A',unapolisz 3t., nzorth side, bl ec z_ :a:i.la, 524 feat araat ai ^outh Aesbert St. thonoo east 10 foot and on tido north side of _x; pol°ia 3t. bogimeing 62 feet ;rest of 001aIR10 `.VO. th01WO wont 2n feet. P.O. 22335 Craztes St., :,orth sicia 11rom lirotra A. to ,;massa :.•t. a ad ea the south aide of Gatos ^�. fx�o� paiarow. 5t. to ;tansaas 3t. F.O. 222#3x3 Congress ,,t., north sielo, I3f3�'�',..s-11?l.ne 108 Pont Mst 0,' Du:nc:din ?rorra eo €1w2lee nest 12 root. .0. 2:2287 C= azo A. , south sides, r eSjjLj`2.1a(3 55 foot east of South Robert st. t1w aoo cast 170 Peet and mi the zo"th sided of tE>r• stzvet from Conoord St. to South Robort St. I'.0. 231:39 Isabel St., north side, freed South Robert S€. Lhezxce east 114 fest. l'.0. 224154 fi0uth Robert St.y hest ,Sick, bogPL-aUng 318 Pout south of Plato A. t1lo nee south 433€3 font. t., veatlm, tvo. tlanae south ,,.0.22427 South ",o',0ert r 3.00 foot. . 0. 23083 South 1 obolrt rt., nest sides begimring 66 foot nol°th of y;'i11su ro Ivo, t!us'r_Qe north 105 feet. GO '.0. SPAS3 South `,:aalisaiza it., most, side, beginning 50 feat 110rtil Of CIA044, p.)%ros ti9Anoe north 150 foot. >'.0. 23155 aouth pcg)ort vt., owt side, Io("--imiirZ 00 foot :3011th Df A2CU?'Er' A. tLwneo south 40 root. ;:'.0. 22707 Chest -nut St., southerly aide, boa;tneail-16 48 foot eaast Of :.est Ovo:nth :A. thaneo east °:.,M feet. _0. 2r�.3:32 ; est eve,1th St., south side, bag3.sr. IM, atzz poiazt• 33 foot eastof juolm(m St. thane OLLit 81 fact cu -4t fr(v.,l a poaait 47 foot farthm, east tIWnG0 Owt 50 fG'3t. X24 is 2i'th* .,saauthess�d lb4girfrzin �ltY2tfaot etaafn r,00 S uLil toodra ]gcy. Of 0 n _ ..>_... to the ,i't' Ut ,. uat,r Z'1 ;on- o-os<;ablo _ 011— i'. O. 2ue_,57Lem 13t., east side, oegila<aang at ,:oat :'evonth ::t. tllonao north .)0 feet. 0. 23003 South Tiobort :3t., cost aide, bogf Ing CC) feat north of 117111nore ,we. thane north 195 feet. C. 131't6 e [;t. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: �' • ' ' "'l `"C� The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the aboveimprove- ment, viz: ' Cost of construction - - - - Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $ - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asc— tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 1 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. cora. n, B. 17 G Commissioner of Finance. I ■ ----------•- ---- -------------. ----------_-... (/ ------- ---------- COU By --- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of _Ze i ",s I costs .'.,ci e::p0=.ses for curhinC the o_°th side of capitol .'_ve ue, ___ ;^o^t of Lot 21, aoc?c 11, Kersey E: lioolsey's _-::.dition, bet':reen_ ,r :1. _e vezZue 1.nn Sy zuicate ::venue. ender Preliminary Order _..----_25576_..._...___ Intermediary i,...9'2 -__.--------.-------, Intermedia Order ..._............ Final Order _......... __25'115_....._ ............................... approved._......_r`_U U. t. �0......._._._................ 191 _._a The assessment of _..._ ..........a25 _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the........_7_th...... --.day of aLlBrva ._._..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC -b 1919 Adopted by the Council ... ................... _... .......... _........._......._. DEC -2 19!Q Approved 191 Councilman Farnsworth Goya Hyhad Ci:_ncy Kelkevz McColl Wunderlich Mayor Indw: _Tod^son Form B. B. 16 .................................................. - - - - -- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191...._._ In the matter of the assessment of be-ne='_ts, ,Costs "_id Gxno`:Ses for>WX cu^birr tine _ ortlz side of Ca-:)itol venuo, in ro-zt of Lot 21, ,lock 11, Hersey & 'Joolseyt s..:'.d'_t_o::, bet ;een _=aY.ali_ e ..vonuo and,Syndicate _-ve lue. under Preliminary Order ............. _...... 2:i5_7F.............. _.._._.._-, Intermediary Order -..._ ---- ...------------ .._._._....__...:, Final Order ........ _.....2aao.......................... ...__...._.... approved ... .......... ... ti,13H.t....50.._...... ............ ., 191._..9._.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ 29--c-Q....... -""" - Cost of publishing notice $....... ...... ......0_'7.................. Cost of postal cards $.__._......._..Q3 .............. .._. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $............................._...............: Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $-------•� ------ - Total expenditures $......_3..0...17 .............. .... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_ ......... . . .. ... 30.15 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed .........._. ..................... benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. /� /�— .. ...._..................._. . ........... mance. Form D. B. 17 Commissioner of F ------------------- -------------- -------- ........... ....... ----------------------- ------------------- COON By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ben _- f—i ts , costs fa=d e::pensc;s for paving past Sixth t. _ ,o;:i the east en, of .,n.e Si:ftil t. rid, e to the ,:est line of .:rcad.e St.., and r_rcade 5t. from ti?e son; 'n line of East Sixth 3t. to the sduth line of East Sevelntl? St. , e:cce_�t ;?_ the intersection of Hoff_ian ",ve. _:•,d t:?e road;ay of ;.:oun,'..s Boulevard and t'_?e _)aved ortiol?s of the intersections of !:-_aria :.ve. and. -,atos .-ve. , includi cg server, .,ater andt connections f,°o i st:^cet :�:1ain's to pro-oerty li_,es complete, 'al ere netalready made, also -'.:clur'.ing pavin alley and drive - ay approacaes and pavinc- of ,t.,,set i_fteosections and constructing or resetting concrete cu: bin, ni?ere necessary. 1� 165 ender Preliminary Order ..................... -12,X11............ ............... .., Intermediary Order ...................... Final Order _....._111576..... approved._.-....._ _a_ u ..'.'.. 2P. .. .............. .-.........., 191_.7__ The assessment of ...._._ _C. el'.1.L...,..._G_O.S.t.S_._t-1 .....G::._]..'_A_ u......._...__..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......__ Lth__..____.day of JaYluai'Sr._,_. lq20.___.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the. amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. / fit!' —w .G o Adopted by the Council ....... .... ----r...`... - ......... _........... _........ ........ ..._._..191:._.x:."_ .'/1''`".1 ...._ City Clerk. Approved ...__ �G._ , 41 _.._---191 _...... Councilman Farnsworth i Goss Hybatk Clancy " We i= 1 o rers 4 McColl Wunderlich " Mayor tn'idfK to: Cs on Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT -.-._._..-.__.._.__.__..._- ........ _... In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and e ;pe'ae,. for thowxx paving East Sixth St. from the cast end of the Sixth 3t. Bride to the ;est line of Arcade St., and -rca6e St. from, the south line of East Sixth St. to the south line of East Seventh St., except._,, the intersection of Hoffman .vo. and the roadway of _,;ounAs Boulevard and t'ne'paved portions of the intersections of Livia Ave. and Bates Ave., including se.,er, eater and gas connections from street mains to property linus complete, where not already made, also includin3 paving alley and driveway approaches and pav- ing of street intersections and constructing or -resetting concrete curbing w4ere necessary. under Preliminary Order .._..7 2 ._.._........... ........ ...... — Intermediary Order ............... I�U6.5--- _.------__-------- _.._.._......., FinalOrder ......._. .`.:.7 ................................................... approved_._.....Ia: ,.............................................. 191._...7_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $-'--^' sewer Connections - -- - - - - - - 1,23QQQ Cost of publishing notice - - . - - $--------- ' ' -' MD.. Vater Connections - - - - - - - - 558.00 Cost of postal cards - -- - _- $---......__.....__12.._4-0_ Driveways (Brick) - - - - - - 157.81 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ ............ D,,; ;reways (_.sph lt) - - - - - - - 166.60 Amount of court costs for confirmation $-- ---- - -31..2D-. Curbing ------ - -- - -- -4,315.83 Total expenditures . - - . - - - $...-11',653-.ZG.- Less the sura of 7,239.00 appropriated r 44,444.36 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, ..upon each and eve lot, part or parcel of land deemed tamed, to -wit: the sum of $_._......-.-.e.`�..-..�.�-��---�------- n' benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Gl,._......_........_._._._... _'_.._._._...._..._. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of---.Q�?G.tlta],:;.s---;1.',.u'..:.1;1.: E....:'u...Q..i.t.Q-id:L:ag---- ai1:1:1---� 4f66feet e �. ... V; 0.Q........................................... ...........-........ .. ... .... _Q_. under Preliminary Order..._ 2:15-87._........, approved ^M s:.h._"'.a..!L1� Intermediary Order...26.02A=-...._..., approved ---&1111 -417 ...vQ.0._ we �.... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. in ....+!'^`. .yam Adopted by the Council— _.-..-...--- _ _., 191 City Clerk. Approved .............---- ._....... .................... 191-------- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman ftlMd Ci-.nC;* Councilman Helier- P o i e r C Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayon=I4dfyW: 41✓ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION .AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of---._CQ:1R.G:;!17x.::+G-Q17d.--G£t's.7.x.i:;...4h.'.1._C:Zal.n'ii✓_ut..-1_1._ti18...land..-O.CpaSSFLY f O.'Zk>St...?i.UQ...,7�.n..Zln�i-i-Ig ..K.11ee=-Jald I 9 S;,!ndicat.o..:,clds.t..o ...: o.. 7.....A.i.�r..?--i vo�..Sf �.e. t-4-F,.;u.1-.3."isaat..-----------------.............. under Preliminary Order .....25.3 -9Z.... -r approved..JUIle Intermediary Order.......2.628.7......., approved..Auous.t...20-,--L9>�°. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. a -r F - --- _,,,, .h r the- a>id . �mnsffi..Uen.a�e +is,diet'eb3�=deta��ued"`'tfy-.`} `°pay'able'�i&— �-Y-�• a er ter-."'- -----equ ins a vnts'asAtaeaeh�p rte... Adopted by the Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman $�tautkt Clancy Councilman ) Po tors Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kpdac Hodgson . .............................----- .......... 191.-_,, l ......�..... s:f - r -_s1 -- .... ..- -- ----- .._ .....� - City Clerk. ............ , 191. .... - -------------------------- - ....... Mayor. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND. AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of...4.Q.ZSl.�1?? 2? .. rCi... . i ...s: f S.0 ilf lt-..].:a—' 11£...�P.1 for slol....... .._...._...... iearrange_.ient of Bloelc 76, 3�,iuli.nf, Lc 01i, ergs .ddition._,...Uety;sen._----•---....... ............................................ ................................- Belmont and :iinona Streets. ---................................. -----.. .. ' under Preliminary OrderIntermediary Order.....=I18........, approved. =0eC.q 6.a A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth'in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be surthe: i2ee ' l l,at th d asseesm ' h� '" I '+ i� h�,wbv del�ernin d to be pa able in __,�_---.,__�.�qual i�tallments as�.ea h n *c 1 of Ipnd described therein �_W.!_�_ nr Adopted by the Council ................................................... ................... 191 4l. .....-.......... ........-. �. l.-s�^.n ...Sxa�..' ...-.['.."......... 1 City Clerk. 191......_ Approved.... '----................................................., ..... .................. ...----------.. - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hix Clancy Councilman Kelimcx PowOr S Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor l=ia. Hodr'S oIl RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CON AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND TION AND THEREFOR. In the matter of......o.oiidelmil�---=d--ta:r. -- F--.:a.-.-r a e,-t---'-n---t,='-©----1-er'�i--_1OOesssry f9-..IE;_.5.,...'A=''....C11tS... ^,-i't..=7.� 5...1:..-.tai.^u":-isacj--_'i-i-3e---:-7,�.Ey:_..=_.t?___ .7.pG2r,..L1.Y...��z:'k2-3'--- 2c siorrison's__:_ear;azgreit o---7�ia--°i...,.;seal.-stz'...J'.3?..Lsislizio�,--sari---••- ... ._...... �airvi-e.7 :',.venue to Ba1116- _.__ avenue. under Preliminary Order._......2..Fz? 1Cz..........I approved..__I;,h. iz.:u...3.12 211 cctutermediary Order ......._; z..:._D-.---., approved------------ 19 1 ;, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it Me �v+stallmeatsart6r g"If ib'dl' s '.............. ..------......-'--, 191..---- Adopted by the Council . ...................:::.:.._..... ...................... .......1.;::,� City Clerk. �^ Approved............... ....:.-...... -- ....................., 191--- - ' .................. .......-- -...................... ..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HXbanit Cl anc y Councilman K911M e,rer s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich MayorzrVlrLx Hodso RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. �. In the matter of...CAriCI.L;'_L-.?1�..�:.'7.Cl..k:..]_'�:;,`-;....;2...C:.:,£1s::1L..='-1---i.LG._LatL.--'—'E_C.G.S2.=y for SlOD09 fO- Cuts and, =ills,_;' -1 rrC:Cl i'� al iG-r i_7 Teff =T.S - ub(livis Ori --t.............—............................ . ' ......i .:..........._. _................_......7_...'......'...`(........................:......... of - r :_lditi O''.r.._fr°:'...', '7.............................................. t=1 Strict. lock 37 , iuil �� ; i o;l s ......................._............. ................................................... ............ Preliminary Order ......2U-02-------.---, approved...... ,'.-,r.sr-�� k'��-, Intermediary Order... 22. aOC-..........I approved.- ,1.4.'az.t . a.,... l C:1{%. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 6069- ed to be payable in of land described therein. Adopted by the 1 Approved ------------------------------- Councilman ................. .ir: --- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman lyd=d Clanc-Y Councilman ]Ss dW' odors Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor hxtwz Hodgson i� % City Clerk. 191...-...- ........................--..... Mayor. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ot...�c..i�._Llae'-12_-- C. Z2-2-17 -,o.n-..5�.9.Res..,..'.Qx....ctits...:z1c1._� lag. i'_a;:...iu..?12CL...12.,.-.ic r._ m_..Pariz _............................. ................... Z91 ---------------- approve approved.. $ntermediary. Order...... under Preliminary Order242.62i�-......., approved------1'�r* Uat.---2-0-a-•-'-219. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll; identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. en a and it is hereby determined to bepayable n ..... ,..e4tt al inarollmwnln.ae.SO,:eBvl3�pe�Eeladfk'IaHd�rtleaCa'i'wa�''-_ e�+`"• —3 l ......-- 19L ... Adopted by the Council ............................ t r^ --- ............. .... City Clerk Approved...... .................... .---....................., 191........ ............. .... ...... ......--- ------------------ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman3$tmA Clancy Councilman Ite M P ori e r s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor R%ta:i 110C1G9 011 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter or. concieinn__, r n„� u'r, ;F” ar_ Vu..,...: 1#:..='- 0. { -.. -i -� l i::i...1.tI - ':,';._ 1.1,.o S.. -i i1..i�1.OD..'_...6 i�}1D.1en ................ �...-.� ....0 Lt�S..- :. ?5:...>.t:.:,:. " '.C'.F:St...l i"- x..�i....r^a i 1-ieif hts.._P21 ]{... _gd i i.4? ...........--------------------------- under Preliminary Order ........2&422........-, approved...,11ue...21..,Ialq Intermediary Order _-...2&44-38......, approved..AIIZSVS..k...1-Q-•---a u Y' A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. 6 Readved-further that-th"vid'assdesmeniof benefits, be and the same is hereby in all reapeots ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. .. yt, as here �..in -------""........ `----eq scribed therein. Adopted by the Council-----' .....- .......: ..:...... .............. 191 - %1 City Clerk. Approved .............. -i ---------- .:..................... 191--- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman IfFaVd Cl. ncy Councilman IoRm Porre1 s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayorjy¢Wx Hod7son RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMI G CONDEMNATION AN AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of 9.cielnn'_._}� apci .:44:1;!,;F,---a-,x... .s. A.:e it... n.-. i e...land..receasu�;* f.oi:f.ar....c.0 :a..and..fi. lsi-a-i---1,3-0e1---&-,---Sai--tboi-1 t s _.ddition. ......... _........... _....... under Preliminary Order ........... approved.. J.13Ule...:1.r...101� Intermediary Order..2fi3.Q5........... approved ----------- ugys t-._21-..-_1011, A.public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. er eso ve , that the said assessment be and it is h re eby determined to be payable in ........................ ,canal iUsiallme Adopted by the Approved............ 191- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HYb&4, C l aric y CouncilmanxyE!Akr _a0-�Ie_^s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irmtxx 11odgs on City Clerk. ------- Mayoy-o-... r. l2< i2$ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter ot.....C9�:;.:�.:A_.:�,'=_;.4;Li._;.�.:?-�...-F..__...�.... f or..s_Qi: ...as...;::n�l...� � 11x..-=n--,1:ac�119. .. tz'sei ,.._lca1.._ :rI "nd. 12 ----------_ under Preliminary Order .............. approved ..dtlne...11 1219, Intermediary Order.......2B3LlR......., approved 210 f . A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor; and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. —. — ....a a An , . ,a ere v e ermined to a bIs in installments as to each parcel of land described therein. -- -, Adopted by the Council ............... ..........................- 191 y City Clerk t Approved............................................................, 191. - - k— Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman B�1a01[b Cla-cy Councilman IMMr rowers Councilman McColl. Councilman Wunderlich Mayor{ iiodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.._.00;14 F::i�i?_3c;._a.':?a...tui -rL '-�._�... 1'..e11t...in ti1G 1aI1c1.. :EC2ssa1 for slopes for andflllin iersclae1i-venue-fro7 ......... ..............._... ..._------...........------- .... ....I....... .................. i.arshall.. uanue....t.o—salby..._vanue............ under Preliminary Order......._2 ?`3.........., approvediArgh-_12-.19163 Intermediary Order........24.am ...., approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it v - Q aA ment be ano be payable in . ...............equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. fl, _,) 1c, ,, Adopted by the --------------- 191 ---------- 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman JYZdaXd ClanCY Councilman EMR Poviers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor DEM lzodgson t FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of----.--.saP-e.n.,_:::=canes fee t.� etz'1.e-aaan...�^ 3nc_L-0ad..'=vl;nne------------------------------------------------------------ ..................................................FIFAL ORDER iN .COl¢DEIt 2A ON ......... ........ ..................._ PROOREDDY08 G F. No. E7931 .. ....... .......... -- In thealattflr. of apeniaq,� widening_. , ............................... ..............._............------....:::......."......`.........-........-.........._..............-................................................................. under Preliminary Order ..._ 245555 .............. approved All C.112.9y1^19, Intermediary Order.UP2a ............. approved ..... 31x1;;.29.,---l8.lf.......... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ._R}7 e11i...i:1de11 a l�.E.et---t13e-ta;een Be -i om end ------- _----- Hocl�ood Avenue. --•---. .........................................................._.............. --.......... .................. ......_..........------.....------................. . (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:._ _-..t1':LanGu.2_a2 ..ayece of Fround in the South.;est corner of the ,act o_Ze-th_rcl j /-..--Q+...uhe......-. .. _n-... ...... .....•.............. .:.... ................... • - 5.�. 1/4 of the 5,., 114. oect on 1 ' Oj=11 2 � ltazl> 2�- -�� -- =tom ................................................... _ _.................- - -.he lines of anld.n erect as -i sl.-_aLi ...-n.. e= lil cls:._ ea=race-,--.jxV.QC1viG_&d ...... .......................... .........--- .............. ....... -- .... - SouthjQ, ly... t.Q __'Palisade ---...d dx-t on.•...................................................................................................... - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council_ ---------------- --------- ---------- -... ........ 191 Approved .......... --------- 191 ...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman XVMM Clancy Councihnan: eftm Posers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvjpgg Hodgson Al A.Y1i. Clerk. Mayor. - ' p ,A R �, a 1 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of......Q-0ndei',MinC-..andIn—the ...land..srenessary cuts...Mnd-f-i1s...io-:—rr.idLng alle:...in...}3locic...4.,..:iu-Iter•£-ic]dfs Syndagate...rrldltlon•--il[L...1r -fes-Dar.=,.uon...Sire.et...fn.. lisY..ri:L'x et................. - .............. — ............................................... .. *river osniri nv tmxn>sm x, ..... .. .. .. .......................... . ,PItOQID®DIlY69� ........................................ ........-. F'. �4 atter'ter'x' dt condemaln ................ _ .....:........... ..........._ --------------------- ..-----------------........................................ng the man easement 1n s - fns-s1oP� •ter' .' �` under Preliminary Order25.aZ .Q ................... approve - edim'y Order. approved... 1?0Aat.... Q-.� 11c', IQ...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: .._C o--MdQ;=a su-ope-s-r--ror cuts- aad— t? -lis in..Yi. ad ink; -_a i �,t<.;�--: ].z1...;3J. a� 1.:--`=-,--Huiieif:LeldS.S;�.ndi.�ate...,idcii tion---iv-e-.---1-r--.ir•.ori r .., -�---•-••---...___.._. ---..................---•-----------..............------......--------...........------.....— ruon...btree.t...to...n-?w z:---''�'s-¢-0• (2) That the following land, -lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, -appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ...tkl.@.--lc'117.d..abut-Ung. upon---Mize.alle;�-_in-_Llocl__�.,...J�u�te��a.e.l:�.'-a-..�zllaSl r_y on. --516.Q ttha...-<>ten-t...: horn..-uaa:!._tlu ...s'ae t ch ..af is c hed to tiie rer�oa°t oi---ttze...i o ;:.i �_gl .----q�---T-u12i-Q--:,;.ac "a...hn---t' a.._:iatte=.,...dated. .........---------....._...... . Se�tesber_.18th�.._1�J1��' - ----------------------••---- (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council --------------------------- ---------------------- 191. — _(_J-' �- •. _- :� � City Clerk. ("! , Approved...................................................... 191......... ................................. ........................ - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman U71aud Clancy Councilman Kgjer,:x po;re"rs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor 2vdM 11od STs on .► FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...GOYL::.e:;P1i n. ...ill'L'i_.2.3? Y!e--`7•'1---G;�SP :1 1t...1)1..:1.ile... land ?e.CEflSc'1r�% for slopes-,--.fot...cuts and *ills in-- rndinL__tiie--.Alley--.......i--Ja:;son.s .... ........ _ - .............. ..---..........------. - I. ,earranr erient of Block 76, Banning & Olivier?s :-.ddition, between .............-............................ ----.... npii-nn . a,ici-�iinona Streets. .........................— under Preliminary Order .....-...2._.71.7.---------- approved .......... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:....aonden= and-_ a]€e-_aiz--casy;ne t--_1n...tile,-.. ox.._Guts.... -:L(I ..-- iills.--_r�..�r.^t...cif ----uloa --76•r• ............. 4 San 1Yl ..�:...QILV1Qr'.a_s�C1di.'L ia., hI'.tvlCLei1..t5B->1 o: -Lt L1d---,1;,,nna..S.ts emits.............__ (2) That the following land, Tanda or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: upon_the-.alle_3.-,in--. arson_s-.iZee_l;^azWement--_of-.13 ocl--76-,-_3a:uzi7?g.- ...Olivier's a.,..-t.o...S1Le..0 ent.--shoran--u (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------------------191......... J - ' City Clerk. Approved--------------- ------ .................... ........ 191......... ..................... ........................................... ��� 6�� Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 1VAM& Clancy Councilman M?tRX Posters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Kirin%: iiodgs on FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. conde;:n _1 ' and talon a?i ease_ e:lt......a.. c ,e........ x,11 u ' _ ar-...cut,a--a=ac2..._ �_�.1s.-= �---�i='�<li_,m....i;,�e---.�-__e-„----===t---�_oE__--:...r...., 1� r ..:.. . �..1;nrris.ou...s...neat°rau;_c_�.eut---nf.--.part...o ..._.ace..ss.�a�...-..sal•..::. a-_ain:�.r..1�.a.L__ ,,'airvj-01:i...:xemue... ta...l al'luin. under Preliminary Order...2n11G--------- --- approvedts ........= LlL..t....G Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C_onuenn._ r ?...:a.11s in gradii._t�.':e.._a,�,e�'----�,x�..3?'.G.:..��.►...•:,�.,;i.i.---i,:...:.0i'.I'.-i SA�.S.....LB.�_.1::1 0i:le'1t---.0..._- »art of 7.iacalester_YarY.._ddition,�_. rom.._'a_.i°y.y}7-.-;ve,ue_-.to-- .��,;7`1-1..:Y. due. * ........... ..... _.......... ...._ (2) That the following land, lands.or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: tie ---land--. but -t — unnn...the ...allay in -}31 acY--�-r...,,.1x es ••- ..;,n_ �, ,s -ax _�az ^<�z:n o.;:e,?t o--,aao� os .er tlao ciLtant...sho.'nUy]W1af---••---- tha---a0=niaaioaiea=---Ai.-Zubli.0... ::arls...in... tiiw-- Ott.ter--4a-t-ee1-,.... 1-91a. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. _..-, 191 .. ......._ 1 s ' Adopted by the Council ................:........... .. Approved ....... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HyYWI Clancy Councilman KelLv-% i o':rer s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor ltdox HoCiEson ...................... ... ------- �.;�. ---- I City Clerk. 191......... -- - - :...- ------------------------ Mayor. �7i r - FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. �. u ...1 c.�s..a 1 In the matter of. ....CO lueM...... - a 1 .....y...... 1 .. 1...._a.SS:'; '.?1:k...711..-u�.e.... 1 y for...slapes.,...raz-..� o---3Zoc.1.._£1.7..,...Ya..�a�t.o'_s...eidciit ......... .... .... --------- ........ .... _ INeiL ORDER IN 1;OftDEMtI6TION: PRQCEEDIN08;- ... N .......... .. ..... ..... .. .... ..... .. b F; o 21436•- _ ...... _........._ _. i zhe >r aecarot Ona inning na t t' ng ao. ea¢ement f the ;hand nc ... .. .. ........ .................................. . .. ..,y toe elopeei& for c ta,.and �", a .----------------- .... .. .......................... . tal S WIeYn LeEmhn. t � L•1 0! Btock 87 LYmar under Preliminary Order ....21162 ....... approved---.4;j!,,',-,.Y"r y Jll ��mediary Order 22 9B -------- approved......:._ t1t uSi--72 r--1 S la. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C_ondei;lfl_._ and take an ease;:ient in tie land nocessar -_for to es -x.. -for_ cots. -_and_.___-_ ............................................------- - .....................-- -- —.... -.... fills_in uradin--_alle_..in...Leiz7ian'-s---Suhd-i_yis__on--_of.._Blocl;-_o7.,._L.y_aii..----•-•-- •; t::.e.e-t.------•.................................. -------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: Vill e-.--7..4=).111-- ab-Ut- ng.... yStu'_s._Subdiu.isinn---of. 31ar, .8'T.r-.�3-::aiI--Z)tants---------- .dditi on.x--_i o._the.._exte it s-Iz4'_? 1. u1lQ 'e -..s :t i &h -L ..al.t.ached--o....*.1t >s--.re.nor------- oi:---#.lae--..Cohn s-�r--of.-_gubl.;.c--- ;ot�?<�-iceP� -:;ia=UV°t�y elated Se_nter.2ljer-l±h (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. lr ^ .3 Adopted by the Council.---- -------------=--------------------------------------- 191....... n Approved ------------- --------------- -----------, 191 - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman lktid Clancy PTBLISFXDL/� Councilman Melted Powers/ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ir�.X Hodgson FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter oL ��21 2pTq-,inr a ta,:i "I p�n_2L ar _r -nd...,iecess y .:� ....... ..... .............. alley i s,, for cuts a -,,.,d fills in r�radiaL ........ ... 11 ............... ...... . .............. --- ------------------------- .... ...... ................... . ......... 11 � Int -4—d , Aermediary Order a0282 - under Preliminary Order .......... approv(:464.". P, r approved Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: acand-olm— and tadlce-a:a ezaz �;;Ila--? t -4-'a t Viand-- 4e-cQ� &a.-, - -%oma-a?-ac3e� r f- GP fi'lis Ln.. &- r. ali s_ - G - a I I ay � - j. -7a - B I C L a 1:_ - -12 , - - -1 - e-;;,. rn- - o a I'l 11' 4 2-114--' ddi-t-.'L-Qza .------------------- (2) ........11......... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: -.Te.1-19 upon.. the n ._11e-.. . ...... t -'Ie P-ajac-.t of tho GJX'T=Lszi.Q2aar of ......... in.. t lie.. ��,,a t t — .... ............... . .................... ...................... — (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above lana, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by e oun cil .. ................ 191 Approved ....... .... .......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss C0:e" 1 1Uxlmd Clancy Councilman K,3tb., Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IratK Hodgson ............... ....................... _ ---------- -- City Clerk. 1191 -------- ..................................... . ....... Mayor. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...C.Oxcle7itXli ...YX1d...tG k7nG...=:n..easerient_._in__ tdil.e _1and. __necessau S1.opaa.}..S.02_aut.Sil.tjZ..:t«E._al_lerrs...ril__D10C1._6.,...ihalon ..........................."................... under Preliminary Order. 2&122 ............... approved ,y Intermediary Order... 26aza.......... ,. Resolved: (1) . That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:Q.Q71 leS.117 _._ oues.r..for ..:cuts...and ......-- ills_ ii1_ radin�-_t he._alle. s.._in-_Dloclr._8:.._Flia1e 1--_ eiLjj .._?zi::=..<:•dd_ tion. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:.tl?�..-1ct)1t1.-.ubllt.tl'=7._ V11017.---th-Q 11QY $,...> 1ia� e�..1le_ ,h ..._?arl .. cictition.a...ao...... .--ca tent a:.ac} ed t e c i.rt of he Col➢n1SS]ozAr of--____. ah—Q.al:l...L11?.9Yl..ta�0...s_retcn -� L -°1 - - 0 -1-- ` °= ... :.. ne ....... . rublic.._:1orlts--_inti e... _;attzr._da..ed_....tobs...--,-..`'......l.............-----................ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. n: _<> Adopted by the Council .....-----•.. ......:......: ............., 191......._ q j t City Clerk. Approved ....... _..' :-;:..i :..:........ ..... 191....::... ------ ...................................... ................---� ... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Testi Clancy � G Councilman Reflu,. Pouters ?i135I � Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor bmicc Hodgson A. M. CARLSEN, 27/1 r '? R patent Attorney and Mechanical Expert, w+,.nesr 20(r2o1 .1 'Dispatch BIa¢.. St. Paa6 Mlm.: - St . Paul, Minn., _ MMAM ber..2Es-..191 :. . BOTH PHONES. To the Honorable the Oity 00unoil of St.Pau9., Xinn. fentlemen:—, In reply to Your notice of Wamber 121 1919 about grad- ing of A, lays in Blook a of Phalen Heights Park Addition,- I, the owner of the seven lots, Hos. 12 to 19, have the following objections to make: 1. That said grading is not necessary for a few years Yet, attd may therefore be postponed until the war pri.0e8for labor oame4 flown. S. The grade of the part of the alley faoing the rear ends of my said lots is such as to osuse me 04naiflerays2e damage, since it will leave most of the lots about for feet higher than the alley• I oonsider the proposed grade ea►'error, in that it makes the alley elope all the way from 'marylend street downto Hawthorne street, while U seems that a muoh more reasonable and less damaging grade would-be to have the alley r►ghest at the middle and slopixtg half way toward eaoh of said two streets. g, T suggest ,therefore,'that this grading question be postponed until .April or U87, 1920, when weather conditions will perait of a olo' ser eaaaainatil3y K the sard,Coo it can be reconsidered That the Pro'- per grade ought to be. Respeatf'ully submitted, St . Paul ,llinn . November 2 8 1919. TO THE COUNCIL OF 211 CITY OF ST.PAUL: In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the 1anl necessary for slopes a:ad cuts in the grading of alley in block iF8 Phalen '_eiC;hts lark Addition under p-rel•n:inary order 4umber 25422 approved June 11th, 1919,1 he o�•,n.er, Renry G.Blase, of lot 25 in said Block prays that damages to the .tent of :50.00 be anarded 'nim for slopes necessary in the grading of said alley, the said lot being above grade and thereby subject to condemnation and the taking of an easement. The above claim for damages is hereby filed zaith the City Clerk in the Court Houses in the C�i/ty� of st.,T.'aul,Ran?sey Co, idinn this qday Of ✓�' '`� 1919. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION. PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._condemni_Z_apcL-_tahinZ.. ; eas.z_ e__t.-_ii�...t'.ze---lan<1_.necessaly for..slopes-,._-for-..cuts and fills in radi.ii� the alle;j iii Blocl._...�..5...... fs d as ecldi.t .an........... ". �... TT. ... ----....... -• --- '.�._:..: rmA :.nc' aoxu�encem[ox �----------------------------------------------- under ----------- --------- ---------------------- under Preliminary Order......mU7............. approved......k Intermediary Order ..... Wsolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:....C-Oxidexal, and---talie...azi eazeme.tet-..12a :Lite-.laud...ae.cessay-auts---azid--._- f 1112 --�In.. gradirz Liae...a1la; :I.s... idtixay.- 4udditio_Vi.. ............... ..........::....---------................... ...............- ....._..........----•- ........ .. ................... ... - - - - - - (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: %lae--.laxed--ahtztta unosz...t1iQ...a�. � e in---51ag1 • S.a�11Zar ...s...:.'�s3c ad--.::, sit .Qn.. t.A...the amt.Qnt - l�oiaxl. upontichecl._tsa...tha-..r.aao ii...-Qf---t:ne---Cal'M "i Galnne-r Of......... 2113alic..."Loris---i-11 t11a.. at.tnr.-,.-datad._SenieinUec:..-?II#h,.--1910............ --............. ..........._-. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. �— _'S 1n Adopted by the Council .............................. ........ .....................191......._ .... Ci y Clerk. Approved------- ----------......................... .... 191........ --- -............................................--......----• Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth ouncilman Goss ouneilman 1�Fk Clancy Councilman l Powers q Councilman McColl ��;c r^'f f?� f" Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kxiw: Hodgson 0-7 s°) "' '19 I FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter oft-'.4,e---.1 an. cl---r E�Usarry ...e.uis_.z.,.c Qti.,aQ-t 2iaari--t-avy1.ar�1--tet_ e e t Fuer olan>aa ix coam>ndnvgrtox�.....•.......- .......................-.....— t.a..luy St rest. ................ ..'---.... ... PROCMDXxce in th0 matter of condema- 1181: d tak ---- --- .............................•..............................ing� an eaeetnent to the .land aecea-. essarrraay fo sl 6Ded•: FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of----01Si@rilllll ...c. d.-.:t.a]asa.wlei.t---fn...-Uj.e...la=c...uecfjzaany in--- a:adi t,..yiei:sahel - tu-e:aue.,---Bran----- --------. .... ..... ..... ....................................... - -.. - under Preliminary Order ......... approvedlc ar-CA...12:aJ J] Intermediary Order..._ 268.02......... . approved...: p...1.1...2L ,.... � :........ Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: .c.o-lidamn-- Q.nd...t11j�:C.:a_n...e.aaa ent--.ia-Lize...Iand..necessai--i.Ar-.s.1o_yes,-..ior----cu3s--.wzd._....._ -fi,lls....a.n:aren>"e. ............................................ ------- ........----------------------------•-------------------..-.-.......-------------------•----------------•- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ......tlae...land...ab11-ttim t1J.OS1..1+er1C.L10.1. yanue.,...frntl.. a �nrll-..:'.uenun.-_tA_.,e11)- --.nisei=ue-r..#o...t-h,�.-.Qxtent shorm-_unon;,thC--_ 3cet.C1�...att�C.lzeci--- n---Ua--aa ort...n_....the...Cn=iRsinner—.of.....~-- ----------------- -------------------------- - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. n; - - ..-<, Adopted by the Council........ ...................................191.... ....................City Clerk. Clerk Approved .............. 191......... ................................ --- --............................ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman ljpjn&i Clancy rv'' T v--mn Councilman Yeller Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich a Mayor laavnx Hodgson w r`It's" x, ...,"s COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER , o r. In the Matter of ..G O71 .k .11C. L >...::....i.C.;.CY'..._Q 1...1x74 . .. i� _..e t..._ 2.. t'. ... 'i. ..w.... -a to a pont C, ­_;1f e� _ west of _.Ail Street ------------------ 26721roved -...................... eft ��'-i X19' under Preliminary Order.... ....................................... app Intermediary Order ............... .......... approved ............................------..--------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct a on - improvement to be made by the said City is .............. -- . ---- .... -- ---.......I............................................... earl Sir: et - °..-r:...i�o: nt (........� 4...- �;3 ......: ri,...S zut............._................................... ............ ................ ---------------.................--.......------..............-........ ... ...... --.................................................................. ...................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. -RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ...-------------- --------------------------- 191........ Approved.................... ............................ 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss �oe) Councilman Clancy Councilman-jk.tier Po:: e_ Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 �j �L •• Lie .y j City C,1erk. .... Mayor. CITYCITY M,UL DEPARTMEr4MF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (.D) -_-_ In the matter of Constructing a sewer on Charlotte avenue from Tay -or avenueTte a point 20 feet south of the Great Northern Right of a" under Preliminary Order approved September 29th 1919 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1,166.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 2.47 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: j DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK� ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 12. 2 College Place Taylor's 257 13 2 Division 1026. 14 2 Do 325E 16 2 Do 2075, i' 1B 2 Do 326! 5 3 Do 31601 ' 4 3 Do 395 Do 20' 3� 3 25�. 2 3 Do 395 L. 1' 3 Do 925 _ r- t TOTAL. I 1401/ 6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i �fG/� Dated 191 ca�mss �r or F ...«. Form B. S. 13. Paul, Minn. .191 To the Honorable, The Council, City Gf St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- &Ss P Rep the undersigned property owners ,NP6% petition your H:111! lowing improvement to be made: . . . . . . . . . . L. . . . . .. from . . . . . . . . . . ..... t. Ave. to st^+--$YG_, I LOT p B12CLC ADDITION------ d DDITION------ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... . . ................ ............. ............... ............. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . d d d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b d d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EL �_i LtILL • Z�If� ui ijti2; . . . . . . . . . . . Ub M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RS6ciVEo .Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 11'1919 October 9th, 9 --- - --- ----- - - - - --191---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26720 September 29th, 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ---------------------- 191---, relative to constructing a sewer on Charlotte Avenue from Saylor Avenue ----------------------------------------------- ------- -- __ tg a_�oint_ 20_ feet_ south of the _Great Northern Right of Way. -------=--------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $2.47 per front foot 1166.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $'----------_-, Assessable frontgge 474 feet Excess inspection ,;$30.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.oe --------------------------------- ------------ Commissioner of P lic Works. October 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public P;orks, St. Paul, iviinnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- structing a sewer on Charlotte Avenue from Taylor - Avenue to a point 20 feet south of the Great Nor- thern Right of Way, in accordance with Council File -26720, approved September 29, 1919: Enclo ESS/0 Approximate estimate...... $1,166.00 Cost per front foot....... 2.47 Excess inspection necessary, 30.00 Assessable frontage. 474.feet. Yours very truly, P. & 8L -t -A-6 a_nL__4 Chief Engineer. otg DO-Sf 'Taut 18epartmeut of Fuhtir Morko O5CAR CLAUS-.. C o,H... ... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J CARROLL •SUFT. R.T.000RLCY.OEPUTY AL R.0JACR9ON. 3Onr.CT No n�wiR. H. W. OOERIN F I..9NnT"I October 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public P;orks, St. Paul, iviinnesota. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- structing a sewer on Charlotte Avenue from Taylor - Avenue to a point 20 feet south of the Great Nor- thern Right of Way, in accordance with Council File -26720, approved September 29, 1919: Enclo ESS/0 Approximate estimate...... $1,166.00 Cost per front foot....... 2.47 Excess inspection necessary, 30.00 Assessable frontage. 474.feet. Yours very truly, P. & 8L -t -A-6 a_nL__4 Chief Engineer. .. Council File No. ........... 741. *2 By ....... .... "�T%.2.7tt4 0 A, Contract 2 ' 9 Resolution Rafifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and e,''Denses for Constructing, relaying and repair -tag Cement Sidewalks, Estimate ITO. 6, Under Contract 2981 3, for Sees= of 1918- -PI., —iZlll W, fob ale the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess - A public hearing having been had upon ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable every parcel of land described therein. altl..e:cq��ual installments as to each and in..... 191� Adopted by the Council .... ..... ........ .... . Approved.................................191._.._.. F.— B. B. 11 "or VOWT - , Clerk. Mayor. Council File No. . . . . .............. By 17 I RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- upNT. r P. No. 27443— the matter of the sases... at of enetlts, costa and ..peneea for , nstructing, relaying and repel .-ant eldewalks, Estima N, Contract 298113 Cl - -UL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of I Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Ido. 5, Under Contract 2981 B, for Season of 1918. --Assessable Roll - - N F.O. 23235 E. Seventh St., north side, beginning at a point where Woodward St. would intersect 7th St. thence east to a point approximately 90 feet east of east line of Mounds Boulevard extended and on the south side of E. 7th St. from Mounds Boulevard thence west 460 feet. F.O. 23152 Hope St., west side, beginning 04 feet north of Seventh St. thence north 18.feet. F.O. 23162 Duluth Ave., west side, beginning at Maryland St. thence north to Orange St. F.O. 23163 Walsh Ave., east side, from Cook St. thence south to south side of alley. F.O. 23233 Jessamine St., south side, beginning at Greenbrier Ave. thence west 90 feet and on the west aide of Greenbrier Ave. from Jessamine St. thence south 120 feet and construct the necessary sidewalk approaches across the boulevard on both streets to connect the walk and steps leading to Library Building and construct driveway entrance with brick to width of present driveway from face of curb to sidewalk line. F.O. 22817 Hawthorne St., north side, from Payne Ave. thence west 48 feet and on the west side of Payne Ave. from Hawthorne St. thence north 30 feet. F.0.23223 Farrington Ave., west side, from Carbon St. to Maryland St. F.O. 23082 Albermarle St., west side, beginning at Oliver St. thence south 110 feet. F.O. 23164 Rice St., east side, beginning 81 feet north of Winnipeg Ave. thence north 48 feet and on the north side of Winnipeg Ave. from Rice St. thence east 310 feet. F.O. 23073 Topping St., north side, from Farrington Ave. to Gaultier St. F.O. 23256 Atwater St., north side, from Western Ave. thence east 362 feet. F.0.,22822 Van Buren St., north side, from Como Ave. to Farrington Ave. F.O. 22820 University Ave., south side, from Farrington Ave. thence east 52 feet. F.O. 22861 Aurora Ave., north side, beginning 90 feet west of Jay St. thence west to Farrington Ave. F.O. 21699 Valley St., southerly side, beginning at University Ave. thence west 182 feet. F.O. 23089 gest 10th St., south side, beginning 145 feet west of St. Peter St. thence west 12 feet. F.O. 23148 College Ave., south side, from Nest 10th St. thence east to $t. Peter St. F.O. 23167 College Ave., south side, from West 10th St. thence west 170 feet and on the north side of West 10th St. from College Ave. thence east 90 feet. F.O. 23120 College Ave., north side, beginning 92 feet west of Rice St. thence west 62 feet. F.O. 23118 Smith Ave., west side, beginning 50 feet north of best 9th St. thence north 40 feet. --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 23162 Duluth Ave., west side, beginning at Maryland St. thence north to Orange St. F.O. 23163 Walsh Ave., east side, from Cook St. thence south to south side of alley. F.O. 23164 Rice St., east side, beginning 81 feet north of Winnipeg Ave. thence north 48 feet and on the north side of Winnipeg Ave, fro., Rice St. thence east 310 feet. F.O. 23235 E. Seventh St., north side, beginning at a point where Woodward St. would intersect 7th St. thence east to a pa nt=afWvzimately 90 feet east of ,east line of Mounds Boulevard extended and Ont 19 0011th side of E. 7th St. , from ;Mounds Boulevard thence ::46b feet. ?. U. zoazz van Duron 3t• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above i-provtement, and said ass esst ment having been f,n<h,-r „n=,dared by the C'oun,.1. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE- URTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in Jeer-! �- ,_%_....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _ - --- -- - Approved ._...._.191.._.... roe ,, r,. u- is 191 city Clerk. May- 142141 ayor.4/141 V In the Abate, of. .................... - rceconstructing, re:t-ying ana rerairing cement following locations: tine siaewates at the West Third Street, North side, 10 feet wide, from St, Peter Street, thence east to alley, approximately 150 feet; and on the North side Of the street, 102 feet aide, from WabaTha Street, thence West 130 feet, on the South side of the stree point 80 fet 3� feet ride; beginning at a �=t East or Cedar Street, thence Ea.lt to Jinresota Street, Ramsey Street, South side, 9� fe-t bride, from Seventh Str=e West 'o Leech Street. t, thence East -Sixth Street, South side, l0 feet wide, froc, 98 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East 56 feet. West Fourth Stre t,South side 10 feet wide, from 102 feet East of St, Peter Stre=t, thence East 45 feet. La-fond Street, North side, 6 feet wide, from Gaultier Street, thence West 135 f et. East Sixth Street 6 feet ,tide, South side, from Mari East 250 feet, a Avenue, thence Lafond Str=et,.Scuth side, 6 feet wide, from Marion Street to Cr,o Ave. Como Avenue, south side, 8 fe-t ,fide, fron. Lafond Street to Claghorn. _... - under Prelininnr}' Order. U� S4 Jure 20 1.Ic Intermedian' Order--- - A public henring having been h;'- er °f reg°,far �tr„s �io, nt upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, abjections� �v.lo-ir�ti �e,,,e�t nt� 1 u�r ron�,�t` ioc.11 r live thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same: therefore, be it rn�ra SO' L, NZI1. r�a�. i" Ir, from SL P RESOLVED, By the Council of the C"'ot St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to he made by the said City is.. .................... ............ ... Reconstruct, relay and repair cement ti'le s dews Ae at yah zoiiv;winu locations: West Third Street, North side, 10feet .ride, from St. Peter Street, thence east to aley, approximately 150 feet; and on the North side of the Street, 101 feet wide, from Wabagha Street, thence West 130 feet; on the South side of the street 9t feet wide, beginning at a point 80 feet East of Cedestre-t, thence East to Minnesota Street. Ramsey Street, South side, cik feet wide, from Seventh Street, thence West to Leech Street. East Sixth Street, South side, 10J feet wide, from 98 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East 56 feet. West Fourth Stre t,South side, 10 feet wide, from 102 feet East of St. Peter Street, thence East 45 feet. La and Street, North side, 6 feet wide, fromGaultier Street,thence West 135 feet. East Sixth Street,6 feet wide, South side, from Maria Avenue, thence Esst 250 feet. Lafond Street, South side, 6 feet wide, from Marion Street to "omo A'e Como Avnue, south side, 8 feet wide, from Lafond Street to Creghora: nod the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public NVorks be and is hereby instructed find directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit snme to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approvnl, the proper city officials nre hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the malting of snid improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved _ Councilman Farnsworth 11layor. Councilmnn Goss C l Councilmnn Clancy Councilman JKTRgf-pc,^ e- a t' Councilman McColl } Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson V .. CITY OF ST. P AUL . DEPARTMENT O FINANCE " REPORT-OF-Q(MMI(SS NER OF FINANCE /1 M;' M ON PH AINARY ORDER 1 In.theMatterof �c-Qructing, ing.nd jls rgpairina cement the sidewalks at the following locations; West Third Street, North side, 10 feet wide, fromPeter St. street treethence east to alle approximately 150 feet and on the North..-. side of the street, 10 feet wide, from Wabasha street, thence West 130 feet- —onthe Sough side of the street 9* feet wide beginning at a point 80 feet Wast of Cedar street,, thence East to ILinnesota Street, Ramsey street $oyt}._eide,.----9}-.feet---wide,-...from-_Seventh street hence West to Leech street. East Sixth street, aouth side, 10}feet vride, from 98feet East of Cedar .......streets went Fourth street, south side, 10 feet wide, from 102 feet Bat of St. _.__._. Peter__street,_-_thence--_East----45---feet_.__.._---- --- --... Lafond street, North side, 6 feet wide, from Gaultier stjest, thence West 1 5 fees ._East Sicth._street,_-_6--_feet hide South se, idfrom Ma _ ria avenue, thenoeEast 250 feet. Lafond street, South side, 6 feet wide, from Mar�3n street to Como avenue. Como avenue, south side, 8 feet wide,,Afrom Lafond — street to Clagho mO. June under Preliminary Order approved26th,__-1919 --_ - _-._--_-- ----- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $--- square $ 0.07 The estimated cost perloot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 7 22 ----St. Paul Proper 432000 ----------- 8 22 Do Westerly 25.6 feet of 9. 22 Do 17500 The following part of 9 - 10, 22 Come at a pt. on the 'Ily line oflsaid lot 9, 25 ft. Wily from the S.E. corner thereof thence iJtLy to apt. to the illy lineof said lot 23.08 ft. Wily from the NE'ly corner!thereoof2thence thenoe along Ntly line of said Lot 9,-10,, Stly to a pt. on the Stly line.of said lot 10,29.34 ft. Elly from pt. of beginnings '11 ij 4 TOTAL, CITY C . PAUL DEPARTMENAF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMIIS*ONER. OF FINANCE r ' v ON --Rl M..AARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK" ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part _10 - 22 _St. Paul Proper _.. lying Eily of a line drawn from a point from -the S'ly line of said lot- 43.34 ft. E'1 from.theiNWIl corner thereof Y Y also all that art of the S 1 100 feet of 11 lying Wily ) of a line drawn from a pt. on the Sly line of said lot ) 25000 2 feet Elly from the SW'ly cor. thereof to a pt. on the ) -- N'ly line of said 100 feet - 1.15 ft. Elly from the N'ly line of said lot 11 West 2 ft. of S. 100 ft. of 11 22 St. Paul Proper The following. part of 11 22 Com. at a pt. on the S'ly line of said Lot 25.25 ft. 17'Ly from the S.E. corner thereof thence N'ly parallel to the N'ly -- line of said lot 100 ft.. thence N'ly parallelto3rd st. to -r--3 $590: a pt. 1.50 ft. E' from the N'ly line of said lot thence S'ly P on the Slly line of said lot 2 ft. Elly from SWIly ) ` corner thereof thence Elly to beg. Elly 25.25 ft. of S'ly 100ft-11 22 St. Paul Proper 13100 - Sily 100 feet of 12 22 Do 29500 All that part of 2 33 lying Wily of a line par'l ) 40090 with Minn. St. & 106 ft.. d istant therefrom )� Easterly 106 feet of Block 33, being part of Lot 2 76750 and all of Lot 3, Block 33, St: Paul Proper. 2 1 Ewing & Chute's Subdiv- 8200 ision of Lots 6 -7, Blk.l North of 7th St. of 1 1 Lots 4 - 5, Blk. 2 in 1$325 Leech's Addition to St. Paul 1 H. L. Carver's Subdiv- 725Q0 ision of part of Blk. 10,; St. Paul proper West } of 4 10 St. Paul Proper 82100 Wast of 4 10 Do West of N. 2/3 of 3 10 Do - TOTAL ro.r ii /y'7 (�(65�3/j50 .. CITY OF ST. P UL - - DEPARTMENT OF frINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ♦�" ON PRELIMINARY ORDER "_- DES RIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION 4 ASSESS VAL UATED }�VZ� -f- :_..-,..._ 4 22 5t. Paul Proper 43600 9 81 Dawson's 3rd Addition 2025 8 21 Do .1575 7 21 Do 3575 6 21 Do 3475 Westerly 90 ft.16 19 Lyman Dayton's Addition,. 63,00, Easterly 30 ft.l6 19 Do 1175 17 19 Do 2150 18, 19. Do 2700 V 19 19 Do 3200 Westerly of 20 19, Do 1200 7 30 Dawson's 3rd Addition .. 6 30 Do 5 30 Do 4 30 Do PA0 3.30') Do 2 . 30 Do 1.30. Do 9 56100. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / ` ------------- ------------------ / --------- ------Dated-- - -- - --1 ---- �� - Commissioner FORK B.S.A. 6-0 C of Finance. Right of Way of the 'Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, between Whitall Street and Fauquier Street, under Preliminary Order #26333, approved August 30, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27119, approved October 310t, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as._follows A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width across the Right of Way of the C. St. P. M. & O. Rillway extending from tie north line of Fauquier Street to the south line of Lot 16, Block 4, Stinson'e Addition produced east across Burr Street, in the SE* of the St42, Section 29, Town 29, Range 22.. IC FeNo 2t 446 roy nine, w1dantn6 anit�`.., .. _ .... Yes Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9-19 In favor _.__Against -2� lc! Adopted by the Council 19_._._ - n , Appro 19 MAYOR .... . �+r-�� CITY OF ST: PAU,Ji / FOO NCIL •� FILE No .................. _... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM dPRESENTED.BY COMMISSIONER!..._.,.....__ .:....................'. DATE._DeO ..........:.......... RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending feat BaStreet to a width of sixty-six (66) rr over the Right of Way of the 'Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, between Whitall Street and Fauquier Street, under Preliminary Order #26333, approved August 30, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27119, approved October 310t, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as._follows A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width across the Right of Way of the C. St. P. M. & O. Rillway extending from tie north line of Fauquier Street to the south line of Lot 16, Block 4, Stinson'e Addition produced east across Burr Street, in the SE* of the St42, Section 29, Town 29, Range 22.. IC FeNo 2t 446 roy nine, w1dantn6 anit�`.., .. _ .... Yes Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -9-19 In favor _.__Against -2� lc! Adopted by the Council 19_._._ - n , Appro 19 MAYOR u ctg of *t. Paul osuReLnusscN, cHielc....... 19P}lartumut Of Public Works v�F J. E. OMRDLL'9UIi MEE^• • M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER __.___._.. ..._....... R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY H. W. GOETLINGER. SUIT N. 9. GRYTSNt,ENo NEEi O. H. HERROLD, O..H:c -REPORT TO THE CO17VCIL- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Burr street to a width o W sixty-six (66) feet over the Right of way of the Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway, between whitall street and Fau- quier street, under Preliminary Order #26433, approved Aug.30th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27119, approved Oot.31st, 1919. To the Council of the City of St.Paul! The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor,by the shaded part of said plan,which land is more particu- larly described as follows: A_ strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width across the Fight of way of the Chicago, St.Paul, Minneapolis I Omaha Railway, extending from the nortli line of Fauquier street to the south line of Lot 16, Block 4, Stirson's Addition produced east across Burr street in the SEW of the Swy Section 29, Town 29, Range 22. Commissioner of Public worke y Dated ___— under Preliminary "Order approved �Q / To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT jBLocK ADDITION VALUATION 1 it � rornL I b The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � I' ov C�/ Dated `'� 91 C�/�/J' Commissioner of Fipance. i Foem B. B. 13 f ,' ti' e €' .RECEIVED office of the Commissioner of Public Ww© 0 a Report to Commissioner of Finance i S, ,SIP 0 I'M �- September 60th, ------ 191-- I ---------------------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of, 26433 Av$uet 30th 1919 _, relative to the Council, known as Council File No.______ ------approved ----- ----------------- - -Sixt - - openin$z_Widening and es----- Barr Street ---------------- to a width o3 Iinneapoli® (66) feet over the Right of Way of the Chioago, St. Paul, --------- ---IW----- e-1l-Bfiie�-eat-Fsnquier-Sfreet--------- --and Omaha Railwgyr ---------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. XXX= and the total cost thereof is $___-------- 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. ------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is__ -not -----asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to .assessment for said improvement. --------------------------- - Commission r Public Works. Y COUNCIL �� /[�^,T CITY OF ST. PAUL :, FILE No ............ ...�..... ...PPP. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER............ .................................................... ........._........... ................................ .................. ►DATE...... Dec......_. 3.,.-_191.9.,... RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Arcade Street, to a width of sixty (60) feet over the Right of stay of the Chicago, at. Paul, .Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, under rreliminary Order #26434, approved August 30, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27118, approved October 31st, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works havine submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows; A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width extending from the north line of Block 63, Allington Hills Addition, across the Right of 'Nay of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, 200 feet more or less, and the Right of 'Say of the St. Pqul & Duluth Railway 100 feet more or less, the center line of said strip being the Section line between Section.28 and Section 29_ own 29, Range 22. �IC. F. No. 27446—By�6oea— �estending Aren&.1t• B,,t a width : of sixty X60 *eet St. thPg R1K Anne_ of Works sketch 1. i tlen linabetween efecc•�•• ••� -- -'- - Rnnge 22. 1919. e3 C1919.11 Dec. 2, Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays APPio ed Dec � _ _ ( .• �- - Adopted by the CounciL I9 Clancy Farnsworth 7 Coss McColl In favor Approv ___ __I9__..._ rPowers Against 1tYOR Wunderlich FORM 3M9.19 Mr. President OSCM CLAUSSEN, C-1 lHOiHaen J. C. CARROLLISueixa[Rf ALPRBO JACN90N. Suet ei wx0 naew�n• H. W. GOETLINOEP, Suei'c a N. 9. GRYTBAN•Cxo xe[n,Oxa O. N. HeggOLO,Orrrce ExO,Hean (frog of $t. Paul gcpartount of Vublir Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO TIrE COUYCLrL- In the matter of opeing, widening and extending Arcade street, to a width of sixty (60) feet over Right of Way of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway, under Preliminary Order #26434,approved Aug.30th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27116, approved Oct.,31st, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report,& plan of the above improvement, showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more partic- ularly described as follows: A strip of land sixty (60) feet in width extending from the north line of Block 53, Arlington Hills Addition, across the Right of Way of the Chicago, St. Paul, 'Minneapolis & Omaha Railway 200 feet more or less and the Right of Way of the St Paul u Duluth Railway 100 feet more or less,the center line of said strip being the Section linelDtweE'g®etion 28, and Section 29, Town 29, Range 22. Corunissioner of Public Vorks rued Office of the Commissioner of Public, Woe" Report to Commissioner of Finance s SEP S 1919 September _bthi-__-_1919 __ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 26434 approved August- 30th, -191.9_, relative to ___a opening, widening and extending Arcade Street to a width of Sixty ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (60) feet over the Right of Way of the Chloago.-St._Paul.-Minneapolis and Omaha Rye, and the Northern Pacific Railway, between Wells Street --------------------------------------------------------------------------- and Fauquier Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $__ FF� ------ and the total cost thereof is $ ------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is__ not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co missione of Public Workg. - CITY %'AUL - - DEPARTMt 1F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI, IONER OF FINANCE_ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) o enin _widening_and_e, endinP icede Street to-.g of In the Matter of ---- sixty (60 ) feet over the Rigltit of GVay of the Minneapolis & Omaha Ry.. and the Northern Railway between 'Hells Street and Fauquier Street, Aurust 30 ----------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved-----L-------••-----�------�""-"—""-"""'"""""-"""'---------------" To the. Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 50.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-------------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is . . - - - - 'I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That part of 'Nest of 'Heat 'g, of S.E.J of Section 28, Town 29, 'Range 22, lying North of Hill's Addition and Southerly of the Southerly Right of "gay of St, Paul and Duluth Ry. 30000 d That strip of land lying Southerly of a line 50 feet Northerly from and parallel with the original line of L. S. & Id., now Northern Pacific Ry. Co, and Northerly of.Northerly Right of'I"Jay line of C. St, P, Ir. 0. Ry. Co,, over and across the South- west j of Section 28, T. 29, R. 22. 25825 A strip of lend 100 feet in width extending from East line of Right of W::.y of Northern Pacific Ry, to East line of Section - TOTAL, 5 582 5 •-_- CITY P,aUL - DEPARTMEP •FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS, ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .• ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ' 29 and being '44 feet on North side and 56 feet on South side,. of line of Railroad, part of Southeast 4 of Section 29, Town 10600 29, Range 22. Commencing at a point on the, Easterly line of Block 41, Arling.- ton Hills, 100 feet Northerly at right angles from the North- erly line of the C. St, p. Ni, & 0. R. R. Right of Way, thence Easterly parallel with said right of way to a point 286.70 feet 'Nest at ri6ht angles from tiie East line of Section 29, thence North to the Southerly line of the Northern Pacific R.R. Right of 'Nay, thence Easterly, along ,said right of way to the West line of Arcade Street, thence South along said West line to the aforesaid Northerly line of the C. St. p. L4. & 0. R. R.. Right of 'Nay, thence Westerly &long said Right of Way to the Southeast corner of the aforesaid Block 41, thence Nort:ierly to beginning. Being in the Southeast j of Southeast j of 19050 Section 29, Town 29, hinge 22. A strip of land 100 feet in width, lying North of the C. St.P. W, k 0, Ry. right of way in the Sou.'_ieast n of Southeast of 27500 Section 29, Town 29, Range 22. T otal 112975 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference/ to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works., (flQi�cgl -- --- -----------191. - Dated---------- ------ Commissioner of Finance. FO— 13-A. em c 7y CITY OF ST. PAUL ' / P COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub. .................... . :..-.-...._.................................................... ............................ COUN OIL ' PILE NO . ....... ..... .... ............. .. ... ..: Y: Date Presented. ........................ 191...-. Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorizedand directed to transfer Seven Hundred ($700) Dollars from the Public Utilities Salary Fund, (61) to the Salary Fund of the Public Utilities Inspection Fund (65); said trelsfer being necessary in order to avoid an otherwise unavoidable deficiency in the Fund to which the transfer is made, and leaving sufficient funds in the item from which the money was transferred to carry out the purposes for which the money was appropriated. C. r. No. 27447-13y Frank L. Powers— Revolved, That the roper It -om coals are hereby author�zad nd-dCrected to transfer Seven,Hundred.(37OU) ::DOI- lars from the Public Utilities Salary Fuhd'(11;i to the, Salary Fund of the, Public Uttlitlee Inspection Fund (6b); said t11 ransfer beippg, necessary In order to avoid• n otherwlea unavoldable fleftaloncy. In the: fund to. which tha i tranaYer: is made, and leaving a. elect' - funde in the Item from wMch the'money: was transferred to .carry .out;. the: pur- poses for which. the moneywas:.appro prlated. Adopted by the Council Dec..3, 1919. Approved Dec, 3, 1919. (Dec, 8, 1919) Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss. -.........In favor I& II Pvwfeyt McColl .............. Against Wunderlich IAr. President, Hodgson FGRM C. A, 9 3M 12-19 Adopted by the Council .... ...... _......_........... ........ .... 191. .._L:........._-.191..... ...................................................................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - XV.- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ' 2 i4CO 'j AUDITED CLAIMS—RESQItUTION FORM FI°`o1L No.... y LE Form A A 46, 2 m 1-18 ' t' 1342 - DEC3 Nig C Al LLER AUDITED ....... ... ............191 .. .. � PER............................... ................. . ,. TITLE Resolved that'warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( a F No x{44 batraet Adopted by the o - 'Reeolved thSt wnrranta ba drawn .Dcn the City Treasury •payable. out;ot. Clancy 1pe'herelnaftOr>apeclfled'fuada aad An: favor of the persona, drms'orcorpora-'. Farnsworth tlona.tor tu, amount'sot oppPo'Ite their roved__._.. ._..... resDDective' name' se 'pee51 !n Chef Goss 'fol lowlna detailed statement - �',' Ceo• C. Binder ;11.36 `` CRY, Bank. of St Paul, 8x86 00 _......... ._. lk:Coohran-sarg ant ComDSPY-8146.54• _... ....... _ ... .. .................._.._.. ..__..� Sohn B. DarllaB 166.00.': ilfAYOR McColl Adam Decker hardware Compas9i ;86.88. .. Wunderlich !General Auto Sales Company, 8767.90. (}teat kalcea�Coal & Dacx ComPany,: Mr. President, Hodgson 81568 74. g J T. e�yi�bui,'Coi$P V 821.86: •`A.•F. Mortoa 8't 4.90.,'-..: ' Puttsburgh;reCoComDanY 86888. Raymer, Rsad Motor 8uDP1yCompany 8268.77. St. Paul BIti9 Print Companq 581.00. 8L Paul bas Light Company 818:..-, 819:48 " IIulius Sctimabl 9eeretaty of Btate, i 886aa9mmee Shiely 18964: .Adopted by the Couaeil'Dec 9 3019. Approved Deo 8 3019. (Dec 3919). r 15859 Geo. C. Binder, 11.36 Prater 15860 City Bank of St.Paul, 225.00 P. Baths 15861 Cochran-Sargent Company, 146.54 St. C. & Repr. 3.86 Playgrounds 1.80 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.06 Plater. 116.69 it 23.13 146.54 15862 John B. Darling 65.00 Lorp. Uounsel 15863 Adam Decker Hardware Comppy, 66,82 Bureau of ngineers .60 P. Bldgs. Revl. 1.30 Markets 3.30 Plater 61.62 66.82 15864 General Auto Sales Company, 757 Dairy 750.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 7.00 757.00 15865 Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 1553. Docks, wharves etc. 72.17,' Prater 1 481.57 x. 1:553.74 1`+ 'a RRW iin Res. 1342 Page #2 15866 J. F. Kain, Cashier 26.76i Water 15867 J. T. Kenny Soap ComP&ny, Police 7.00 21.85 P. Comfort Station 14,85 M—M 15868 A. F. Morton, 74.90 Auditorium — 15869 Pittsburgh Coal Company, 530*56,, Water 15870 Raymer Hardware Compa%.. Mqic. Revl. 41.45 59*68 2.60 Ljbrary 10.78 4.00 85 15871 Reed Motor Supply Company, 952*77 Munic. Gar. Revi. 188.62 Parks 64.15 M .77 15872 St.Paul Blue Print Company, 91.00 Homecroft School (Bond) 19873 st.Paul Gas Light Company,. 16i919`49 Lighting 15874 Julius Schmahl Secretary of State 3.950 Munic. Gar. Revi. 15875 James Shiely, 39.44 Water iin Form A A I6,2M 9-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,�'7 "JJ^ COUNCIL No.. .' d AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1343 jr/ DEC `; 1919 F.. .......... : .. AUDITED .... ... ..�R�ER ..... .. ... �� TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn up the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts _et opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the 11..........__.................. .:.. .. 191..._.__ Clancy Farnsworth C'F•.No. 2749 pbataot roved...... genatved that ,Warrants be,drarin ..... DOSS upon Lbe Citsy Treaeurt. Datable out In' the here/nafter spflol8ed fLL4de 4 tions t i the amouaU aetoCCD�Del�e thele ....... ree eeor ttive names �aB eveelled In the MAYOR ant - McColl foll9w(ngg detatted etatem. g. •6.- b�arneWortti,, Com r of Ftaan,, Wunderlich ;9896.97 ` , Com'r..oLFtnance, FarBsaoitti, Mr. President, Hod ;a 90o.9q g li A, barneWorti, Comr ofFlnencei son 15876 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. of Finance Schools 15877 S. A. Farnsworth, COM Or. of Finance Water 15878 S. A. Farnsworth, Comlr. of Finance Water Total 24,,205.73 3,836.37 9,000.00 11,369.36 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. RESOLVED 40 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 4ORM M. 11. Goes COUNCIL FILENO .......................... ......... 2f - Dec. 3, 1919 DATE. _....................:..... _........................... In the matter of paving Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Iglehart Avenue with neces- sary gas connections under Final Order, CoLncil File No. 26660, approved September 23, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans anc. specifica- tions showing the gas connections necessary to be n.ade on Sixth Street from Summit Avenue to Iglehart AvenLe are hereby arrroved and the Commissioner of Public Wor s s hereby ordered and.directed to serve a copy of this order, to- gether with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. - I, Avenue, '1 ouneil B'lle tions, under Final Orde No 266601approved 9eptemtier 23; 'I Mpg in .. 1919' g1�1- pa'P Resolved, That the annexed plans and 9OBiy68. yvith s ecldcatlone showing the gas con ec- j [Pon e. necessary to be made on Sixth- L� street from ummlt Aveaue'to Igl - rigctiO hart Ivenue, are hereby ayyproved and CO the Comtniseianer ul Uhl lc Works is hereby. ordered an di to serve a copy of this order, together With'aft ! plans, .uDon the st. Paul Oae Light Com- iPand Aaol3ted AY the Council i)-3, 1919:I Approved Dec. 3,8; 1919, (Dec. 1919) Yes Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council _......___.._....19___ . Clancy Farnsworth U; �°+ppro __.........._................ 19 Goss ...In favor ........(�/ 1VIcColl Powers Against L%.... _._. M AYOfl Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 PRESENTED`BY COMMISSIONER.......... RESOLVED _ 4 y A CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE NO........ DATE...n.e. c. a ..... J..,....19.�:..�............... In the matter of paving Iglehart Avenue f ron. Dale Street to Lexington Avenue with necessary gas connections under Final Order, Council File No. 35679, arrroved July 3, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plane and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made on Iglehart Avenue 'row Dale Street to Lexington Avenue are herebya17 roved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the St. Paul Gae Light Company. Yes (d) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3Ma-1a necnona- a• - hart Avenue Brom Dale'stree. o all p8p�rs 1 inG ton_Avenu �aeloner of Public Works IiBC®�7eQ a'nd.tha Com ,to serve wits► abOY'3 is herob 1 thle orde ra �1ether 'iWth Bald a espy connection plane, .Upon, Lhe.. St. Yaul .Gas i.i6ht. $eS luti.On• Company. 1919. - � Adopted by [he ;Council Doc. 3, � ;Approved DDec a�613919) Adopted by the Council - --!- 19 -- - In favor Approv -. ........ 19------ ...Against 9.. _.. Against MRYOfl uxca -55 NOCITY OF ST. PAUL co2 4 FILE.........................:........... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Dec 2 ................ DATE 1919..__.._ COMMISSIONER.........:.................................................................................................... ........................................ , RESOLVED That the lease heretofore entered into betvieen the Citi*of St. Poul, i,iinnesota and ?:,r. James 7asmussen, dated Oct. 9,1918 for the rental of the premises at 696 'mellin.g :.venue for a Branch Library pursuant to C. r. To. ?112, approved Oct. 9, 7'J18, be and the same is hereby continued and renewed for the further period of one year froli Oct. 9,1919 at a monthly rental of twenty-five dollars (,25.00), to be paid out of the Public Library F"und. Yes (v) Councilmen (.') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 Receive all papers in cRono io wItH above CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a, T-01 Subject: ................. .......................... ................................................................. o u Rcl � PILE No . ................. ....... --- - ---- .... . . ... . ....................... ... .. I ------------------------ .. ............ . ... ... ............................... ... . .............. .. .... . . Date Presented ..... ..... m ...... ....... ........... mw .......... 191 Resolved, That the application Of the Twin city Amusement Trust Estate for & license to conduct a theatre at 19 West Seventh Street be and the, same hereby I J& granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the few one hundred dollars ($100-00). C. Resolved,p Io. ,,hT,% Henry, McColl That t , . application of the Twin Ity Ao,,.,_Bat Trust Estate for "ca ' Be do t a. theatre at, 19 a.r.t te ..t tan At `erk- Is lnetcuctad to I ---c such IIco Be upon the DaYment into t TreasuryIN1ty o t hundred liars100.00). 0 C oneII Dec. 3;:1919. ADDraved Dec. 3, 1919. Be 1919) Yeas (V) Councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson B'ORM 0. A. 9 3M t2-18 1 V Council File No... Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT cy'j and 4a; rr'74f5-1 r PRELIbIINARX.ORDER. The underaigned.hereby proposes the making of the following pu c improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.: Changing the grade of alley in B ock 3, Summit Park Addition, i xom DaZ11 - -Street to- -fat: r Strue- in" ac -c -o rdanae with the r.ed.......... line on Profile No. _. at_t hed.,-and-_fade.-a.-.part.._hereoP.,.-..the.- .. g ....... erade bein wn thereon by 'a blue line; also gxading...and..}�aoing...said--alley---i -ac- xdance...w.i.th-...t.he-..said...red...11ne........ when established. :.. .. .... ..... ........................... ........... Decemb�er _.•.- •------- 1919...... Dated t►lis........`3d ........... day of ......... � w1aB or the rollo., .... ....... 'F 3�o 2F464 Atietraoi �........... ank j Nheress. A written proppoeat for w)nH 1�Dlovem _ COU11CIlmflR. j ,: hanging the grads alley"tn B Park Additition• —� t to 9t � Alb�ae Street �.in ar t to y^61th the xed-.une on as b -d and m^ PREL !v<. i ac1.3E WHEREAS, A written proposal for the o the o owing improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of.,--e,11ey in Block 3, Summit Park Addition, from iTtt1e Street .to St �f„'„>d Street, iYl aCCO��YaY1Ce with the Teid: line on rProf_ile.,.No.. 701, h.- veto at ached and `made.. a_ -.part.. hereof.,., the.. present'establiehed grade tieing_Bhot.n thereon by a blue line; also gr.Wu g._and.._pa-ving..-said eAleg i ..4coozdanpe wj th....the...&aid-I red.._lin-a . when established. .... ...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul' by Councilman..-.... _ ............................... ... therefore, be it :RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ofPu Wor .and he is her ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desira}i g of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and a said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ement>.......................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6iate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ..-..:...�'i::.:...:::.:: _:.................191. Adopted by the council... ....._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved._......`;.r ;.....r ............................. 191 Nyland Keller McColl Wunderlich �............... ............................. Mayor. Mayor Irvin )F—A9 (aDl 4.17) _ Council File No............ ............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT rd R5 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. T7ie'undereign4 hereby proposes the making of the following public imp vement by the City of St. Paul, viY Gondeanni�lg and•...taking. a-n aasealent- in.,he--Iand. neoe-scary-. f:o-r..-..•.-... Su gioBe for cutg....ant4...t.1.I.2.. Iirig.._6T ..Y....1..B1ock..:S.I....mt iC...-Park......... .................................................................... ........................................................................................... e Street. Addition�..._Trom.Dale Street to...St. Al ...................................................................................................... Dated this....... 2.d .........day of.............................IIB h8 . ........................ 191.9..... _. ... Councilman '+-yWhereae, A written t-rogee,l for the tirlg,oL the Lollowtng improvement" ln6 and ,taklngan ess'n' PRELIM a -sarY roc atopeP i y? WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the followik unprovement, viz.: ....................... -and-Asking---aIn Vasemen#.•_in._the land neoeesary-f-or....... ... ... ......... ._e-i'Gp8's--"gi5r--'outd"-anii"f'iTls iri•'•grading� alley--in••Blocli' 8, Summit. 'ark. .-. _:-.......................................... ...... Addition; from Dale Street to St. Albans Street ................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........... ... ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e4timated*go of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement herdata'actl ovement:.......................................................... rma on re a ve o , ..................................... !J�Tyjklite whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .-....... G rr. 191....-._ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth I n ! Cosa Approved.......... .... :.....191......- Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich..............................................-.....-....-......-..-.ayo....--r. ...-..........-. M Mayor Irvin A Form C (sad .... -Form A A I6,2 N 7-18. CITY Of' 'ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CI AUDITED CLAIMS— FILE RESOLUTION FORM FL FILE Q. ........... .......... C� 1344 � 7L ' x. 19 CITT IP oY.LEl AUDITED .. .... ....... -. t ER .:. ----------------- TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the''4 persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folloff}ng detailed statement: _i7 Iq n Yeas (V )Councilmen ( )Nays Adopted by the C il............_......_................ _..__...............191__x" Clancy �c F No E7968— AbatMt. - A roved.............. .:.... ...........191 _�_ Farnsworth Resolved that warrants be prawn' upon the, Vi Treasury-, payable out 1. GOSS the her Vier, epeclfled funds and in. favor o-inhe Persons; firms or coTporar: '��.„.,�� tions tor: the aomUnte;set opposite the r fled tho _ ._.... — MAYOR resnyactive, names se- epeo ,In [oitowing 'detelled-statement: - McColl g. A. -Farnsworth, Corer.,ot Finance; =sAdopt: Wunderlich Adopted by the CooncR Dec. 3, 7919: DDec., Approved 0. 9) Mr. President, Hodgson 15879 S. A. Farnsworth, C63h1r. of Finance Bureau of Parks 4,140.22 Forestry Revl. 457.00 Playgrounds 595.30 P. Bldgs. Revl. 166;05 Park Const. 1,370.71 Great Northern Schools 684.90 Gaultier Schools Bond 1 431;65 8,845. Total 8,845.83 8,845.83 �, V � CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Council Filektb,t. Date Presented 191 By RE V ban Lieut Compan> le herehy orderd and dSrected /o extend Ste elttical lines by erectiv¢ires thereon for the tnmmim?[a •chne followin¢. alleys avd streets of Haid city: I ��I Install Two poles in the alley north of Blair Street, and east of Simpson Avenue.. Allpf auch a eemione, whet and wire hall be erected and co�_ .. w 'ted euperv'ulov of the Commiedonnr of Public UtfliGee and in all thin¢a rebjt:<[ (b the lrro>feiove o[ Ordivvnee No. Z/14. and of all other lawful ordinanc and resolutions of the City of 8t. Paul. fill polm should be aet to Hochatactera- ch lontion in said alleys and atmtr u the Commimioner of Puhit. Utilltlm efiall devi¢nrte, nod henever the Council ehallddmm that the be •livll.dpi¢m[e aad approve, aad soy and all eucb Holm ahnll be talten down and removed, and each wires placed undertrouvd, w ::.blle iat.tat eo mvutree, avd when it shall eo order. Adopted by the Council y 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS M cCOLL WUNDERL CH HYLAND Appro 191 KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution---Gneral Form 27 4-S Department of Bureau of Council File No.: By Date Presented 191 Company ie hereby ordered aad directed to extend its electrical linea by.reeling pole. and ,tringin¢ wire. them.. for the .iley. and atreele of said city; InstAll Two poles on East University Avenue. East of Canada Street. One pole in the alley north of Beronia Avenue, east of Dynnhuret Avenue, west. Wuth necessary guys and anchors. C. r. No. 27458—BK s.4. x dasa- t Commercial li tin Resolved, That tha fdt. Paul due Light Co pang Is hereby oidered and !treated All of such I.• ,hall de.lgnate aad approve, and any and all soca p010 .natt oe taaev a.—.vs. remnvep public intere.t so reauirea, and whey it .hall eo order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McC WUMntRLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Jniverelty Ave - t. MyNorth of of Lynfahurat and anchors. aTdeC. 1 by .the Cod 9.9) c. 4, 1919. ed..il Dec. , 19: Dec. 6; 1919) ( ) Nays and in all thing, a d character as dl deem that the Approve 191 Mayor !1 �1a . CITY OF ST. PAUL • Council Resolution ---General Form"�.p;�E Department of Bureau of Council File,/a4-L- Date Presented 191 the t lain f imw` t sleet as dietreete et said ed rand die led to extend he electrical line. by erectile¢ pole. and etda¢io¢ -Ives thereon for the Ril%Boles on Oliver Street, east of Oliver Court. One pole in the alley north of Hastings Avenue, east .of Maple Street. Three poles on Houlton Avenue, south of Como Avenue West. twelve poles on Larpenteur Avenue east of Lake Phalen and six poles on Phalen Avenue, south of Iarpenteur Avenue. Commercial lighting. Three poles on Syndicate Street from Jefferson Avenue north to alley and one pole in the alley west of Syndicate Street , south of Lansing Street, Municipal lighting. ._ With necessary guys and anchors. fte oY .aid city: .... rvllver StresG East of All of each a Wes on., pole, and -'vee shall be erected gl�pvenue 1 1�ghNng i tt 1 t f the Co b,.lener of Public MUM. and in n11 titin¢. ect to the provielons of lhdlnnvice No. 2464. and of all th ipwCommerolee`on �YnPPic%ta' S C b t 9t Paul. All polea .hould be set in sad It avent> avd all n eh pole..hall 6f takeo'3oti .Avenue Ndvrtve3t';, liter Placed vde!¢round�wheo Iver th< Couvcil .hallddeethat the f.v =hall ded¢vnte and apmove, an ile:in tthe allay �.,,bllc Interest ao require., and when It .hall eo order. gouth oY Lansing 6 _ 1ciPal-lighting Imo'^f,o.191 ,Adopted by the Council ouo qrY toj n,', t such eate - hall tie ere• terms :.•n ulesfnn�.' Yeas ( ) Councilmen r:4 rid ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH='- GOSS McCOLL WUNDE CH HYLAND Approved 191 KELLER 'r-� Mayor Mr. President, IRVIN L/1_' That permission be and is hereby granted the Resolved, Northern States Power Compa4y to erect poles and cross - arms, and to string the necessary wires thereon} "Set poles—on Jessamine Street between Edgerton and Greenbrier, and one pole in alley between Payne & Green- brier south of Jessamine." Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, said Company to pay thecost ofinspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under and pur- suant to the terms and provisions or Ordinance 2545, ap- proved Dec. 26, 1906. C. F No 27460—By �M� N. Goss- - R olved, That permission be d is - hereby granted the Northern States Power Company to ere t yy�ie� nod neces- Common council, og the-ulcy of acna this permission granted oo pursuant to the terms prvietns of Ordinance 2545,''appr.v.d-December 126 1996. Adopted byy the Council Dec. 4, 1919. ;.Approved 1(Dec 6181819) Yeas ( J) Councilmen (✓) Naysw, —j - Adopted j -Adopted by the Council..........r..`.:Y............... ....191-.. Clancy Farnsworth APP�E. — .5rov _.............................. 191..-.. Goss -------------In favor Keller f McColl --•-•--------- Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A,9 3M 12-18 - �✓' COUNCIL FILE NO........... B FINAL ORDER uo: st_,uct�_n,, a ^. �'.,...rlot e venue fro .--_.a "la^... In the Matter of.... 0 ..........................-•-..... ...e_: o,: t .. , .. I:venue to a )o-JI—It 20 ect south o e C ori.'.er ................. -.-:_P-;,,...... .................---...........11......... J ................................ ............. ................ .................................................................. .. under Preliminary Order ........U-7.2.0 ........................... approved ------------------------------ 12-19 ..... ......... IntermediaryOrder ............ ._...---....................--- ... approved .............. ..--------- ...------ .-._....-------------------------------...-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct-------�.�F " ....o.., Cha.rlo:.:o....i�YenUe...... improvement to be made by the said City is ............._..-_..... .. h - fron iullor a _- t `� _ Vit.._ cuth...o .-r......-ci:c.ra-.._:.or..i,.h rn -ght num o ; h J.' ------------------------------------------.........------------------.._...__-- ......................................... -----------------. ............ .............----- ---------- ............................................................................. ... - -- .......... ....... ......... - ......._.......................------ -- ........ ............................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopte&by the Council.._.._ .......:.:.:...... .:-- 191........ Approved-......_...._..... ............................. ...... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy 4f 11 Councilman K#M r o r o z Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor. Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. �{ Mayor. . .. CITY OF ST. PAUL 01N DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE \� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �t\ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Constructing a s-e_v�er_on------ orn-_street–froln-_earl street-._to--_a_gq�lt.—_ In the Matter of ----------- --- -- 632 feet west of Earl street -------------- -- Se tember._29th1 1919------------------------------..........----------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved ----------p- - - _ -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2,204.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $---- 3.52 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ ----- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 24) Suburban Hills 12000 4 24, )) Do 5 24 Do 7 24 Do 500 8 24 Do East 80 ft. of 9 26 Do 475 10 26,, Do 2200 11 26 Do 1100 1V. 42J ft. of E. 85 ft. 12 26 D(f 450 E. ft. of 12 26. _ D0 1450 _�.1 _42* TOTAL, ron saw e•ew _ -... _ _ -. I - -.. < r _•' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONMI§SIONER OF FINANCE ON PF't LIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATI N " /7'3-.r (Ex. E. 85 ft. of) 12 26, Suburban Hills 300, 13 26 Do 1250 Southerly 75 ft. of 14 26 Do 3675 4 _ 22 00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Publics Works. Dated -- - -- ------ - - issi- Finance. oner of Comm C f ------------- CORM B.9.A. B-9 C w. St. Paul, IrAnn .. .....................191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition following improvement to be made: your Honorable Body to cause 'e ................... ........... St. *'o from ............ St. to . '' — j ..............St. :kFq. N A M E OT BLOCK _DDITIOD . 07" 4.,.,.^ 'f'6a ...... ....... ......... ......................... ................ ... ..... ....... ............................ .... ....... ................... ...... .................. ...... ....... ...... ................... ............................ ....... .......................... ............. ............................ .............. ........... ... ............ A .. .... .......................... ............................ .... .. ....... .................. .................. ............. ............................ .................. I ........ ........................ ...................... Lk ................. �: ...... ........... ........ It fi)� S CT - .......................... ............................ 94 �NJREAU U� i�li Office of the Comhssioner of Public Works P�II„12 i4U'a -A c 8 Report to Commissioner of Finance s �s oCT s 1919 October 8th, 9 ---- --- -- - - -- ------ 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26721September 29, 9 the Council, known as Council File No ------------- approved ------------------ ---- 191-__, relative to the--oonstruotion --of -a -sewer -on- Thorn -Street- from -Earl- Street to ------------------------------------------------------ -- a point 632 feet west of Earl Street. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. $3.62 per front foot 2,204.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-__ ___-___, Excess inspection $60.90 Assessable frontage 627 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------ 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- ------------ ------ ----------------- % C mission of Public Works. 09CAR CLAU.1 .. ..... ENaIN[en i.e. CAPROLL. SUPT K[[R[ eTioN AND ALFRED JACKSON. 9111.n[Awlna H. GOETLINGER. 9uA,loK ORYTEAK,ENOR..... ora PROLD'Or.lc. ewairy sen Tog a? Ot. Faul Bepartmeut of Puhlir Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY October 8, 1919. Mr. 11. IT. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Thorn Street, from,Earl Street to a point 632 feet west of Earl Street, in accordance with Council File Yo. 26721, approved September 29, 1919: ESS/C Enclo Approximate estimate ........ $2,204.00 Cost per front foot......... 3,52 Excess inspection necessary. 50.00 Assessable frontage......... 627.feet. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. r COUNCIL FILE NO .... :.............. By..-----.... - . ..._----- ---------------------- I FINAL ------ ----------- FINAL ORDER f changing the grade of Brand Street from White Bear Ave. Inthu'Matter of------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .--------------- to.............................................. _....................................................................................................... Avenue to conform to the red linea on the profiles hereto attached •.................................----....----.I...................................-........................................ ................. . and made a -cart hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue linea thereon.......a.l...s...o grading eaid-Brand St Uetreen-tlie 'a ores --seid l#-mi-te-,-t-& sai.d...red ..li.ne-..when-..eatahliah.ed,..-alao.---gradiag..verwin $trr et---from...Flandrau---Street a°..V...... ke Avenue. ---------.. 26072 Aug.. 1, 1919. under Preliminary Order ..................... - ........ ...... approved ------------- -------------------------------------...... , --------- Intermediary Order----------------------------------- FINAL ORDERS................................................................ A public hearing having been ha r — apon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections c. F. No. 27462m- thereto, and havin# fully consid- In the Matter of r+-�'�v t'��• ered the same; therefore, be it to Van dD ;. f RESOLVED, By the Council of th A, , s rof St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is......Change the grade of Brand Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue and Van Dyke Avenue from Kerwin .............................................- ..... ----- -- ....... .............. -- . ----- -- ...-- ----..... -- -- Street to Keough Avenue to conform to the red lines on the pro fi]ee -----------hereto attached and made a -p-art hereof._,; the pre-esnt---e-atabliahed---grade _lising-.shown.-hy.--blu.e...11neQ-_thereon,,---also_...grading said Brand Street between the aforesaid limits, to said red line when established, .......................................- ....... also grading Kerwin Street from Flandrau Street to Van Dyke Avenue. .................................- ................ -- .................................................................. .... -- . -- ........------- ................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. JAN i6 1520 Adopted by the Council...... .........................---...... 191... JAM ib 1920 Approved.... ------------------------------- 191. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss 0 Councilman Hese Powe Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 December 4th, 1919. Hon, M. N. Cos$, i Oom'r. of Public Works. Bear Sirs Re. Changing the graft of Brand Street from Nhitt Beer Ave. to Van Dyke #00. and Van Dyke Ave. from Kerwin St. to Keough Ave, oto. The Council, at a melting held this date, laid over to January 16th, 1920 Final Order No. 27462, and resolutions 97463, 27464 covering the above improvement, and also referred the same to you. Please find the above matters attached herewith, together with all the other papers covering the same. Yours truly, ones. CMR OLRRK. ' December Bth, 1H 19. Ur. J. 71. Taylor, Pres. Taylor Realty Co., 206 Globe Building, 0 1 t Y. My dear Mr. Taylors Your former lottor in reference Ao the grading of Brand and Van Dyke Stroato in Hazel Park, Dividion No. 4, waa read before the Oouaeil, and I am also in receipt of your letter of Deomsber 5th in reference to the same matter. In reply, bog to a4y that this matter, when it came up on December 6th, was laid over by the Council - until January 16, 1920, and as an interestad property holder, I think you had better attend said meeting. Very respeatfulrly yours, - CITY CLMRK. rC9- � <JOHN 1.R1CY (Offirr of Ti Ij (nirrk JA S. . MINER T CLERK 1t Titlj of ��tin't Paul . (( December 8th, 1919. \` Mr. J. IN. Taylor, v Pres. Taylor Realty Co., 206 Globe Building, C i t Y. My dear Mr. Taylor: Your former letter in reference to the grading, of Brand and Van Dyke Streets in Hazel Park, Division 11o. 4, was read before the Council, and I am also in receipt of your letter of December 5th in reference to the same matter. In reply, beg to say that this matter, when it came up on December 4th, was laid over by the Council until January 16, 1920, and as an interested property holder, I think you had better attend said meeting. Of course you probab- ly know that the Council may cut down on a Final Order, but it has no power to enlarge one. Very espp/ectfu/l% y s, CITY CL2K. ESTABLISHED 1885 crones w 10 euno ca Naroiiegn� rwxiw Cn�Roli ` • o R[nT. COLL[ReO. APfpw�leM[ni. p„ONO MwOeN 1-Ownl.N[Otlin.Tm. EeTwT[D Mwnwoeo. ((► N. W. CF 332 - IxlWwxc[ PUCFO.CM[Of PLATE wlfeciwLTT REAUSTATE T. 3. AY 23012 MID RENTALS rarlor Aealtr. compari' 2 , 208-208 GLOBE BUILDING OEM'; ;ra°`'-- ST. PAUL, MINN. PR PHILIP` C. ALLEN December 511 1919. OFA ,y �o City Council of City of St. Paul, court House. Gentlemen: In regard to the grading of Brand and Van Dyke'S'treets in Hazel Park, Division No. 40 we asked you in a former communication to grade both streets through, as follows: Brand Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue and Van Dyke from E. 7th to Harvester Avenue. If in the opinion of your body it would be alright or better to grade only yv(^� 1jAa'r A&b VVan Dyke Brand Street from S�Eb Hazel Avenue leaving for a future order it will be perfectlY-SatAsfeatory to us. As we own and cont'°rol about all the lots subject to assessment for this wtlrk, we feel -that our wjs'hes should be considered. JVT/Vi. Yours vary tr,ilt, Pres. OSCAR CLAUSSEN. Cnl[w Ewo.naaw J. 9. CARROLL. 91Prlw[awa ALP11E0 JACKSON, 9UI.ruoiM R[PAIRf H. W. GOETZINO9RI 9uPrIOH ORYT9AKFEHOIK[ewlowS HERROLD•O=EHOINaan Mitg "df SL" 11ttul Eepertuuut of 1161tr BAsrks M. N. Goss, COMMISSIONCR R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes -for cuts and fills in grading Brand street, from White Bear avenue to Van Dyke avenue and on Kerwin street, from Flandreau street to White Bear avenue, under Preliminary Order #24911, approved April 30th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27116, approved Oct.,31st,1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works Dat CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE c REPORT OF COMMI8810;VER OF FINANCE I JYk WN ON PRELIMCXigt ORDER (A) - --_ In the Matter of for cui'.a a?1C; f"illa 9-� r,�,nm R-ranc 4t-^PPt f :7131tP Dyke avel?ue and Korrtin �tre�t !IQm-_via 4lYtiI_S1r P • to_ 1tP RP�r av nnenL_.-.— under Preliminary Order approved-ls'ts--1919�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $---b0'-ci�}----'--`- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed, benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - t • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hazel Park 'Division 4 75 17 3 Do 50 is 18 3 Do 50. i 19 3 Do 50 20 3,. Do 75 21 3 Do 100 22 3 Do 100 I� 23 3 Do 100 24 1 3, ll0 100 25 3 ',_ Do TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI$SI14NER OF FINANCE �R ON PRELIMINARY ORDER s -------•' DESCRIPTION,' LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 71,60 26 3 hazel Park Division 4 27 3 Do 100 28 3 Do 1750 29 3 Do 100 30 3 Do 100 15 6 Do 150 14 6 Do 100 13 . 6 Do 575 12 6 Do 75 11 6 Do 75 10 6 Do 75 9 6 Do 100 8 6 uo 100 7 . 6 Do 100 5 6 Do 100 4 6 Do 100 3 6 Do 100 2 6 Do 1100 1 6 Do 100 16 3 BlirninChams Park 350 17 3 Do 1400 18 3 Do 150. 19 3 Do 1650 20,3 Do 1150 21 3 Do 150 22 3 Do 1150 TOTAL. . ___ - -.:__ -.._- -__ � •.__ _ r49 it .'., - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI§SITER OF FINANCE Ott ON PRELIMINAR ORDER —..- -.:-- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ' ADDITION AssesseD VALUATION - 23 3 ?3irminghari's Paris: 150. 24 3 Do 150 25 3 Do 150 26 3 Do 150 27 3 Do 125 28 3 Do 100 29 3 Do 100 30, 3 Do 100 15 4 Do 175 14 4 Do 150 13 4 Do 150 12 4 Do 150 11 4 Do 150 <._., 10 4 Do 125 9. a Do 100 8 a Do 100 7 a . Do 100 G a Do 100 5 4 Do 100 A 4 Do 100 3 a Do 250 2 4 Do �------ 2525 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatterby the commissioner of Public Works. /n �'GI / :- 2 --- ------ --fes-- - ---------------- --- _------..191- ----- Dated - --- - --- - -- --- Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...... 4911. ......approved.... ...�'Y.._1.....t_� ......................191..._9, relative to........................ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for .-_ ........... _............... .................. _...... _.................... _............................................................ _............. ................... ......_............... slopes, for cuts and £ills in grading Brand St. from—Y�iite Bear Avenue .......... _.... _........... _... _.................... .............................._...._..................................................................................._........_........ to Van Dyke Avenue, and Kerwin St. from Flandrau St. to White Bear Ave. .........................._.........._..................._.-..............I..........._...............................................................I................ .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...................necessary and (or) desirable. Z. The estimated coat thereof is $-, and the total cost thereof is$.........._�� .__ ....................... ........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _.... _............. ... _.................................... --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ......................... _._...._..... ............ _......... ........:......... _...................................... .............................. _.............................. ....... 5. Said improvement is__... _... _................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .._..................... -..... ...._..._...__._._..._ ..._..._....... / Commissioner f Publi c Worke. BY A OMCE66 THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COUNCIL FILE No ............... ...`f�.(.iL�j' RESOLVED In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Brand Street, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, and on Kerwin Street from Flindreau Street to White Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order #24911, approved April 30, 1919, and Intermediary Order P27116, approved October 31, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted,, his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Brand and Kerwin Streete, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated December 4, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yes (%') Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted by the Council - ..AN �6 �y2�-- ---19 - JAM - 6 1520 ......... ..._In favor Approve- ... –.19_..._... Against MAYOR Farnsworth Goss j'�,•J McColl 31 Powers par;, Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3M9-19 - Adopted by the Council - ..AN �6 �y2�-- ---19 - JAM - 6 1520 ......... ..._In favor Approve- ... –.19_..._... Against MAYOR ESTABLISHED IBES PNxoWx. uCo" / IxCMAoxcM[R[PNurN­­. mu, .Da.ru'AFTTaYtl RMWATE TS. wu2 3012 NO PIaMNPIyw[cgNNiww[D�N[rTDT .. TtPA tiyJ /' / RENTALS _ apYOr �QtOl1i�lAtt� av J V p 206-BUILDING m[Nr wNDTLOR 1 �r "'^^�,,,,,, %'J r rye .✓ [' TR[A"'`n[" `� MIN PR PMI �i GC ALL M�+ November Common Council to City of St. Paul, Court House.R`� Gentlemen: We have received a notice asking for a change of grading of Brand Street from White Hear Avenue to Van Dyke and Van Dyke Avenue from Kerwin Street to Keough Ave. As we represent four-fifths of all property on these streets we would ask for a grading o4 grand Street from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue„ and van Dyke from Fast 7trto Harvester. — Avenue.. The improvement ycu propose to make only partially opens the streets, but doing this job, as we proposd_'i the cast will be greatly decreased and will,,give us an`oitlet for the rest of our property, which we now do not h4vo t will also enable us to get water from the city on these dif.,erent Streets. We will stand the extra cost for puting these; strlsts through according to the diagram; which we attach he+x;�to� 7 NitE2N�(Q�j- If;,.you will be kind enough to consider this proposition inlstea4 of the "`,ane you propose, on which ycu have yut heo;r iag on the 4th day of December. Yours truly, TAYLOR REALTY CO. °� x� �� Q �� G� U To the Honorable Mayor and comissioners of the 2746)� city of St.Paul. We the undersigned,ci�izens of the city of St.Paul would re speetfully pray that your honorable body,GtWiga the present grade on the corner of Brand and VanDyke Streets to three feet higher then the present survey. Dated this.day of— 1919 Name Residence To tyre Honorable Mayor and Commissioner of tha City of St. Paul: Greetings:— We-the undersigned, citizens of the city of St- Paul, would rdspectfully pray that your honorable_ body,grade and maintain for public use, all that part of Brand St ' . between Van Dyke and 'White Bear Ave. in Hazel Park Addition; No.4 to the city of St. Paul. Dated thili 1919. day of Residence. A-, o St. Paul, Minn., � •.191 . .'To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition yourHonorableody to cause the following improvement to be made: .�•y /..................................................... //•��iZ�T...... ...., .St. from�e��ZrZl�(j. Ave. to� • •.`% L� .....................St. Ave. . . .. . ��.. ....... .............I... ;'7....4' .... ......................... ....... ..................... ....... .................. ............................ . .. • fr ... ............. M ... 'I �. �.� ... x ..... p ... P........,/........: . . � �l. .!... .. ...�..............f�..... .. !/.... ......�`S. �. X....(/........ '.'.... .... .... yn�itVTii 3'�� i1�Ei..;. yx y ................ .. .. ...... . . .. ... ................IIL, .... ... ..... .... .. ................ ......................... Y ......... _............ OSCAR CLAUSSEN. CNi[r Exa.xteR CARPOLL'9u T.x[tSa*IOn .xo ttrn�Sa au tsAu or coxarnue ALP�1E0 JACKSON, 9urr. N. W. GOETZINOER. 9ur.'o„ M. 4. GRYTBAK•Ex o�x [tR oxa alitg of $t. Paul Separtment of Fuhlir Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY September 25, 1919. Mr. ..", N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, P. u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Eerewith preliminary estimate of cost of chang- i-r_ the grade of Bran 4+.reet from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue and Van Dyke Avenue. from Kerwin Street to Keough Avenue`fo con orm to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made apart here- on, the present established grade being shown by the blue lines thereon, also grading said Brand Street between the aforesaid limits to said red line when established, also grading Kerwin Street from Flandrau Street to Van Dyke Avenue, in accordance with Council File No. 26072, approved August 1, 1919: Approximate estimate ......... 0,11,342.48 Cost per front foot.......... 3.18. Excess inspection} necessary.. 222.40 Assessable frontage.......... 3,564.7 feet. Yours very tr'ulDy, ESS/C Chief Engineer. UM; C T 1 C E. To the Hon. Vivi�ln P. Irvin, as -7:aycr of the City of St. ppul, and to the City Of U St;p�Lul, exd the Council and Governing Body; and 0 ,Iqn I. Faricy, City Clerk of said. city: 1THF 'A-TEER of Petition for Gr�_dJna, -Kerwin Street 7 bet,.nreen Flf�ndrs­ Street and ;'rite Avenue. To the above named John I. Faricy, s City Clerk of 9,,;.id City: You -we hereby recuested to place before the Commion Council of the City Of St. p%ul at its next m.eeting, to—crit, the d�.y of April A. D. 1918, this petition. Rly yours, espectful 1725 Kerwin St.7� .St. pvuj, KinnesQtm. Dated April _Z// 1.918. -M w *IRI ........... . . . . . . . . ---- _:SFY 7-7y F A, STATE OF 1H, I H, -.'E S rj T A )Tj To the Hon. --j'viar. R. Irvin, ?s ­7L­vor of the City of St. Paul, a.d to. the City of St. Paul, and its Council %nd Governing : 'z-.ody: ;,.'A, TEF. of Petition for ',radinE Kerwin I -treet t,,,,- T' n a.n,_5 rau Street :s:d 711ite Bear Avenue. 10,1e, the o -,,mere of -,",-.e reai estate situa- tec on Ker'. -.,in Street between Flcaic_rau Street and ,e Bear Avenue, the description of each -c�.rcel of 1,-;nd beim set opposite each of our names, 1-o hereby petition end request th%.t Kerwin Street bet�-,een F13,n6rau Street and V-1ite Bear Avenue, be graded and that .9. proper sewe sYsteni-be in- stalled in saic Kerwin Street between Flandr%u Street and 77-.ite Bear Avenue. That a nuviber of the peticioners herein eerectedon their property and it is for t"le mutual benefit of all! the propert,'o^:c_ers to h%ve said pro- posed ir,rerovement made c..t �_r early date. �- :,711EF�,' F")Re Urr� '.ersi­ne�_ peu.tioners, do here- under ere- under subscribe our r.%Ires =nd i set op_r.csite each the descrip- tion of each parcel of 0';Vred by us. ::lock '-o arae Lot -70. .Eirr..2inhire Park Addition to St. P�'.ul 4 J Name Lot Block . Eirmin-;h%r,. P -,,rk Addition toy St. Paul. 7 -- IT if State "�f Ur neeotq. ' It County of Ramsey as. Oezrp�e A. PRindle, tion --ey %I'e tie peti- --.md testi t- dej�ose and say-,th,,-.t they si.--,ned the forerci--ar- owners of the real est-ste described opposite ej2: I-jame a ��.nd that - t their - read the forac-oinv petition and kLc-a, the conzents --_re ��s to ther-of _tbb thOSe tF on ted true except -watters Herein et + e e t, e h y belteve 1, t� : f ✓IIIECElV cD Office of the Commissioner of Public Works A:. s W0 =3 '___'Report to Commissioner of Finana 6 OCT 3 1919 October 3rd3, 9 _191_ --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of 26072August let, __191-9--, relative to the Council, known as Council File No. ---_-------_approved -------------------- changing the grade of Brand St. from White Bear Ave. to Van Dyke Ave., and -Vast -Dyke --Ave: -from-$erwi7r-S-t:-to-K•eough--Ave•r;--ui-uo-grude-Brr0d=--_,-- St. from White Bear Avenue to Van. -Dyke Ave. and Kerwin Street -from -- ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Flandrau St. to Van Dyke Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----------necessary and (or) desirable. $3.18 Per front foot 11 342.48 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------. and the total cost thereof is $--__- � -----, Assessable frontage 3,564.7 ft. Excess inspection $222.40 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is -------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ��,. ------K----------- ---------- -- ------ f/ ------ Commissioner of Public Works. CITY`v'fP PAUL, ye DEPARTML'N,F:F�INANCE . REPORT OF COMMI 31ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Than, ging-}jye grade n4f�------.- Van Dyke avenue and Van Dyke avenue from Kerwin street to Keough avenue In conform to the Tad i in R on .the frnfil aa --------- - part hereof, the present established grade being shown by blue lines -- thethRT9Dnon--.alfi-o--grE'ding--aaid Brandstreet 'hei-we" be af-------------- to said red lines when establish@d, also grading Kerwin street from rl---a-_-- ..1-.-.-2• ,- T,__ T..1— —,,o __-- C under Preliminary Order approved--AWLa-t_ZAt-..... i91A----- -----------------------------------.. _ -------------------- -- - ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of -Finance hereby reports as follows: 11,34-2.48 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isThe � yAIM estimated estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16. 3 , Hazel Park, Division 4 75 00, 17 . 3 Do 50 00 18 3 Do 50 00'! 18 : 3 i, Do 50 ;001�' 20 3 Do 75 '00,ii 21 3 Do 100 00 22 . 3 Do 100 00'< 23 3 Do 100 00 24 .3 Do 100 00. 27;5-DIQ;,-�=g. Do — TOTAL I�y Dat7f CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPART4 , F FII�INCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF -FINANCE � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) "DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 3 hazel Park Division 4 10A .00-, 27 3 Do 100 00. _ 28 3 Do 175,0 !00 29 3 Do .1010:00 _ 30 3 Do 100 00- 16 6 Do 150 «00- 14 6 Do 100 ,00 13 6 Do 51,,5 ,00 12 6 Do 7 5100- - 11 6 Do 75 ;00 10 6 Do 7,5'00. g 6 Do 100 8 6 Do 100:00 7 6 10,0 too 6 6 Do 100 00 6 g Do 10.0 100 4 6 Do 100 00 3 S Do 100', 00 2 g Do 1100! 00 _ 1 6 DO 100!00. 1b0 00 30 6 Do 1 '6 Do C 30 3 Do C 1 3 Do 1001;, 00_ -_ 16 6 Do 150; 00 .- 75 DO _.. 15 6 Do . 16 4 Do .. TOTAL'77 J 75 00,,..: Y�✓ %%f%,: --�._ CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPAThEN*F F14ANCE R REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 4 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIONS 15 4 Hazel Park Division 4 7$_00 15 4 Birmingham's Park 176 00 14 4 Do 150 00 13 4 Do 150 00 12 4 Do 150 00 11 4 Do 150 00 10 4 Do 125 00 9 4 Do 100 00 8 4 Do 100 00 7 4 Do 100 00 6 4 Do 100 00 5 4 Do 100 00- 4 4 Do 100 00 3 4 Do. 250 00_ 2 4 Do....... 2525 00 1 4 Do a 16 3 Do 350 00. 17 3 Do 1400 00--- 18 3 Do 150 DO 19 3 Do 1650 00 20 3 Do 1150 00- 21 3 Do 150 00.. 22 3 Do 1150 A0, . 23 3 DO 150 00 24 3 Do 150 00 25 3 Do 150 00' 26 3 150 00 CITY OF ST. PAUL - " DEPAIlT#jENjf bF 0l)-6CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE { ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) - - -- "- - - " ADDITION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED VALUSS Y*,[j� � , � DESCRIPTION _. _ ,I llama// —" Birmingham's Park 27 3 � 128 28 3 Do 100 00 2 9 3 Do 100 00 3 DO 3.00 00 15 7 Hazel Park Division 4 _ 14 7 ---- --- Do 5400 00 13 7 Do 12 7 Do 20004,00 11 7Do 150: 00 __. 10 7 DO 9 7 Do 00 8 7 Do 150 00 7 7 Do 150; 00 i " - 150 00 6 7 Do 5 7- — - 450 00 --------- 4 7 jjj Do 15d 00 50 3 7 Do ._._ 2 7 Do 35q 00 1 7 Do 150, 00 16 6 Do 100 00 _. 17 6 Do 100, 0 0 ! 18 6 Do 160Q 00 19 6 DO 100 00 20 6 Do 100 00 21 6 Do 100 00 22 6 Do 100 00 23 6 Do .... _ TOTAL 150- 00 , ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMO&T* Fj+--E - • - REPORT OF COMM.IS'SIONER OF FINANCE r { ON .PRELIMINARY ORDER D ESCRI PTJON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 2f 6 .Hazel Park Division 4 150 00' 25 6 Do 1350 00' 26 6 Do 150 00 .27 6 Do 150 00 28 6 Do 150 00 29 6 'i Do 2550 00- 30 6 }I Do c _i • i q ii it -- ---- ---------- 34150 .00 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - - -�f --------- -191..-:/...- IOflM B.e.A, p•0 C Commissioner of Finance. o COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENER4L FO'R'M'; 64 .. ................................ ' COUNCIL' FlLC NO.. ....--.. .:.....- Date Presented ... 4ie9-.-._:4.4 ....................191.::9 Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in the grading of Kerwin Street, from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, under Preliminary Order #26073, approved August 1, 1919, and Intermediary Order #k7117, approved October 31, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it Resolved, That the City of at. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement %a as an easement for slopes for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Kerwin Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter dateG December 4, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ' - 1by the Council .... �An y s 191 16 Ah 16 1920 )proved .. ............................................ 11-9_1..-.. �V 11ek8tch ln•the �Aeeolved; T1 ` Afitdo and "dot 118nd tti ;be i4.0 1nlprev8n�4t ' ;"'" � - th „18Rd atiutt 2be�ryveen•Phe';; - :�elctgnt ,:pphov,^n athched Phe: f b,Toed or+.Pub1 Ilecenre ,. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Ala S y 11114 ':and repprt';are ;Made a Pal`r!�lt - Adopts&,bgJ ApprovgdTa Farnsworth Gross In favor Keller McColl �fjj .............. Against Wunderlich Mr.`President, Hodgson FORM C. A"9 3M 12.1e - 1by the Council .... �An y s 191 16 Ah 16 1920 )proved .. ............................................ 11-9_1..-.. �V o OSCAR CLAUMN. CRlar Ennlnaan � e.O�awu or curl'sen nox wnonowlna ALFRCO'JACNSON, Sulr.c N. W. OOCRINGlA. SunrlOn M. 9. ORYTBAN'En0lnaaglOgf r O. N. M[RROLR Orroaa -1... 11itg of St. punt 39ttlW aount of 1161tr 30orks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. Of - ,97p --REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fill in grading Kerwin street, from White Bear avenue to Van Dyke avenue, under Preliminary Order #26073, approved August let, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27117, approved Oct.,31st,1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of Public Works Dated CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 DEPARTM4NT,gr FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f In the Matter of —Q-gnA..ekrii 1z- and_ ,aking._.an-__eae.P,mpnt__in_ th. P I a nd--n-eaEgs—T-_Xor__-_--__.— 6105es fAl!-cuts and fills in gradin�Kerwin Rtreet from t2n it TrE aT 14-6nue...-AL1_ under Preliminary Order approved----------.-Au®z@t_...lflt,3 91.9.----_--.---.---...--------__---------------------- -------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- - .5t) The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - . - - - - $_ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15. 7 Hazel Park Division 4 5400 14 7 Do 13. 7 Do 12, 7 ) Do 2000 11, 7 ji Do i 10' 7 ': Do i 150 f 9. 7 Do 150 8 7 Do 150 7 7 Do 150 --- - _ -6- _7 .. -DD- - 150- _... - - TOTAL, 'IErOHM B.H.A. H -H A '. CITY OF ST. PAUL + DEPARTMENT 0% FINANCE , -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C:) DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION D 5 7 Hazel Park Division 4 450 4 7 Do 3 7 Do 15. 0 2 7 Do 350 -1 7 Do 150 16 6 Do 17 6 Do 1800 .18 6 Do 19 6 Do 100 20 6 Do 100 21 6 Do 100 22 6 Do .100 23 6 Do 150 24 6 Do 150 25 6 Do 1350 • 26 6 Do 27 6 Do 150, 28 6 Do 150 29 6 Do 2550 30 6 Do 1150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, //— Dated-------- - ----- ---------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. 8-5 C Office of the Commissioner of Public . Deport to Commissioner of Finance OCT 3 1919 October 3rd, _191__9_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, 'having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 26078 approved let 191_9 , relative to oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary, for ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -a-U- t -s ---------------------------------------------- ants and fills in grading Kerwin Street from White - - ------------------------------------- ------- ---------- - Bear -Avenue--to- Van Dyke Avenue ------------------------------------------------ and ----------------------------and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------, and the total cost thereof is $-_-___-_____, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.^ Comm sioner o Public Works. Note: Slopes for Brand St. sent to Com'r Finance lane,26th, 1919. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL 27 4(i5 � FILE No .......... .......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK x - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....................................................................................................................................... DA RESOLVED. That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for installing house sewer connections on Grand Avenue, from Oakland Avenue to Milton Street, to the Feyen Construction Company for the stun of $1,999.00, engineer's estimate being; 11,680.00. F.B. #2088. Yes (Y) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM 3.9.19 IC. p:'No. d27466—ThatBy L7. N. Gose— jResolve, the Counen concurs In the rec3EnFq6nd.fl.n -o[ the Contract Committee andhereby nwarde the. con- tract .for insta111ng hones sewer ., .: nectlOne on Grand Avenue, tromp Oak- 'land Avenueto Mllton-6treet, to the !Feyen Constructlon Company for the um op 53,999.00, engineer's estlmI beln t;d$16b.00 F, B.. NO' 2p88. APPpted ti the Counbll. Dec. 4, 1919..1 Approved Dec. 4,1939. t Dec. -.6, 1918) , — P.eceiaed all. papers in connection with above R olutl or.. R / Adopted by the Council -- – `" - -- - - - - _19 -- In favor AppZ`� Against - MAYOR A A 46.214 7-1E t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No._.-��, FILE AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM r 1345 BY -tel. ......." - CI'r] V KULL4.R DEC ' ;�' . ..... t AUDITED .".._"_......:"_...... _�. it U. ."""....... _" "._........"".".. R ""....... TITLE u. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as spec�'Ified in the following detailed statement: d bteoun 191_ Yeas I V )Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted y the C -- - Clancy191_ Appro . ....... Farnsworth _... .In favor Goss_. _.... _. .. _...... ..".. ....... .3fAYOR Against r . McColl c F. No zt466 s' At waci Wunderlich Reeotved, That warr r,-'e';Y drawn - upon ;the City-Treaeurerp� suable out 31r. President, Hodgson In Lav r ofttie peraone, s for a. d. coa ratl0ne for then amoents at OF no to their. esDeaUve'n tree eaeDectfled In i the _full IQng adeZat3 d antat rvte t D`oca-. 159B0 Josiah H. Brinker,Sut' of Documents Library 15881 Capital City Lumber Company, Central H.S. Bldg. (Bond) 15882 Chicago, Milwaukee S Docths,wharves and Railway � vees 15883 Illinois Steel S rehou9e Company, ools 15884 Lamprey Products Company, Enforcement of Dog Lie. 15885 Manhattan Oil &icBeGCompany, Re 196.80 Schools 6:19 Park Construction 3:20 Lighting 28'74 Piater 45.08 Gaultier School Add(Bond) 4.835 15886 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, Munic. Gar. Revi. 2:92 it a It 45.43 Schools 151.48 n 17:29 tr 45:52 Lighting 2 Total 5,661.08 15.00 109.11 • 5.75- 4.41 .75-4.41 .284.36 ' 291.01 PRESENTED BY RESOLVED COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAULC�����"��VfYf r�cR No ................. ..... ._....... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' DATE WHEREAS, One Anthony Hackl, while employed by the Depart- ment of Education, on the 17th day of October, 1919, received certain injuries which have resulted in a permanent lose of motion of his right fore -finger, to the extent of ,fifty per cent., there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with the said Anthony Haokl, in ,,:accordance with the.provisions of Chapter 467 of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1913 and amendatory acts, providing for the pay- ment of compensation to the said Anthony Hackl at the rate of 013.10 per week for a period of 171 weeks; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with the aforesaid agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Anthony Hackl the Bum of $229.25 in full settle- ment of his claim against the City by reason of the injuries aforesaid.- No.27467-113' Albert Wunder -j Yes'(x') Council thong Hat week for be It Further �lClan pwpityhe T the N iz d Farnthe enm .of hie 11%/Goss of Ado It, Approvi `tt �i /Powers 'Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -.19 a kl, hill nt of Elu_ I hereby recommend the above reso- h, 1919, ,hl ti arhlchave Motion 'elution for passage. the extent be it 3r. City Oin oenter-into Id Anthony the provi- - the.6eneral 1913- and for the he pay ommi esioner of Education. I13 weekloper dI Adopted by the Council - - r--i-�ul -19 -- iac ordance ---- ---- ni tY by reneoh Approved_._-._......_..�C.C.._r � !-.._........j9......_- Dec. 4, 1919. ... +. .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL. RFISILUTION—GENERAL FORM 4S./ . ....... V 4 .......................... .......... ...................................... cw"N-11 140 . ............................... .... .. .................... ject; Date Presented .................191....- R solved, That the council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee that planting both sides of Lincoln Avenue from Macalester Avenue to Cretin Avenue with 155 American Bin trees be done by City Force account, no bids having been received for doing this work by contract. F.B.2083 c— V No: 27468—BY 3• oil creby t,�. of R�soivcd, Tht ti. the ..cue 1h I i '.ot Contract e Ir ot e 166 American Elm . 11; to trees by t. V1 ce.. 0 " . been received cl r ti r ue f- 01 t c .2 93* - U cl Dec. 4.1919 c" " 1919. I Approved ec. 6,191 Yeas ( ✓) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council ...... ...............191...... ........ Approved._ .. ........ ..................... ........... 19t Z. .............. ............ . - .... .. .... . .......................... MAYOR. . Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 1248 Adopted by the Council ...... ...............191...... ........ Approved._ .. ........ ..................... ........... 19t Z. .............. ............ . - .... .. .... . .......................... MAYOR. . I Council File No...... 1 0 0. Claussen PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT" and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the followitt public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz,: ........................................ ........ ................. of the.,paveme t at Maryland treat to the northerly City Limits, 'avhtah i -e ----the' ce e -r' of Lar zit -OUT lt�rentxe; inc3uding sewer, water _and---g�:e--.cpnnectip.--. -.--from-- rest._mair_e...to...prppe.rt_y lines... opnp_lete . where not already e; lso, including curbing and paving alley - - - - --and-dr-ivaw-a3�-ap-proao. :.w.htare r neossaar-y........_......................_..................... ................ Dated thi..........4th -.day of ......... Abstract ., 191..9.... c. F No. 27469 "king sn. A written proppo�st 20 l 'yn Wh.. of the r . tevint[.:#mRr 1 ":s;-,--,,,, ... ff ...:.. ....... .. ..... ....... from 9 4 a•ementk Cod WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makigiiif ' the following improvement,. viz.: ................................... ........gave Arcade .Street--f-rom the present terminus of the pavement at Maryland Street to the northerly City Limits, ........... ....W'I Ui h ie' t'iie dent -6f- df``Uaar;?ente-ur`Averiu.......... riclizding se—w r; watei and...gas .c.ozzneo.t.i.o.xaa fro; . st.x�..Q.t....Maix�a...t.o...grope.xty...1.i.ne.a...caxuplet.e, where not already made;'zlliior; including curbing and paving alley ...........and- dri$P,�;ay-'approaohes, �rY�B e-rteoessary, having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul by. Councilman .- ........... - ................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public %A. 6e and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of tfu`[itaking of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and e6timated co€t of 'said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ata•'and-informetiou•relative.to.said.improvement:..... ....................... ... ..... _ ......... To Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance, Adopted by the council ................ ::.:.'.._..................-.............191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossApproved ................. ................ ..................... 191..._... Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich-y ....................................................... . Mayor. Mayor Irvin Form C A 13 (SM 4.11) sow, 14"14 .� C'o p, 1 �,us4rpaross k 0J N0. J 0 O xa rxrrra--nra{na��4 xo 5x0e ti ,T' ,a$�Nrykid` dMnnue18:Y+ : __ 4 _ An administrative ordinance fixing, and authorizing the payment of, compensation for certain employees in the unclassified service connected with the public schools of the City, THE COUNCIL OF TI_T CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The following enumerated employees in the unclassified service connected with the public schools of the City may be paid, for services rendered to the City of St.Paul, salaries in accord- ance with the compensation rates and limits fixed in the follow- ing schedules, to be effective January 1, 1920. Provided, that the City shall not be liable for the salaries in any amount to exceed the sum provided in the budget for that purpose. Provided, further, that nothing herein con- tained shall be construed to authorize or permit the payment of the compensation fixed for a longer period than shall be designated in the respective sections, which period shall in no case extend beyond August 31, 1920. For Educational Administration: 1 Director of Educational Research,for eight months, at not to exceed $314.50 per month. 1 Assistant Superintendent, for eight months, at not to exceed y275.00 per month. 1 Assistant Superintendent, for eight months, at not to exceed h212.50 per month. 1 Director Of Attendance and Special activities, for six months, at not to exceed'x;,233.33 per month. 1 Supervisor of Primary Grades and Kindergartens, for six months, at not to exceed x314.00 per month. 1 Supervisor of Educational Requirements and Supplies, for eight months, at not to exceed $177.00 per month. For the Supervisory Force; at the following maximum limits: 3 Supervisors at $ 283.33 per month r 7 Page --2----- 1 Supervisor at $266.66 per month. 1 Supervisor at $256.66 per month. 1 Supervisor at $236.66 per month.' 1 Supervise for eight months at `per month. 1 Assistant Supervisor at 4198.33 per month. 1 Assistant Supervisor at i1?195.00 per month. 1 Assistant Supervisor at ;,188.33 per month. 1 Assistant Supervisor at $170.00 per month. 1 Assistant Supervisor, for eight months, at ��129.17 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor at +,:195.00 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor at $188.33 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor at *1178.33 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor at $168.33 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor, for eight months, at ?117.50 per month. 1 Assistant to Supervisor, for eight months, at 8'115.00 per month. For the High Schools, at following maximum limits: 1 Principal at .,;,408.33 per month. 1 Principal at x358.33 per month. 1 Principal at $343.33 per month. 1 Principal at $310.00 per month. 1 Assistant Principal at "291.66 per month. 1 Assistant Principal in charge of Vocational Classes at :,?245.00 per month. t 1 Teacher Clerk, for seven months, at .182.85 per month. 1 Teacher Clerk at;193.33 per month. 2 Teacher Clerks at $176.66 per month. 1 Teacher Clerk at Q140.00 per month. 1 Teacher Librarian at $178.33 per month. 1 Teacher Librarian at $171.66 per month. 1 Teacher Librarian at U121.66 per month. r. '-.J .k 1� Pkager--3---- Teachers in High Schools, except as hereinbefore stated, '4(6:-O shall receive a salary of not less than per month and not more than x;,265.00 per month. The salaries of High School Teachers, other than Principals and assistant Principals, shall be determined upon the basis of the number of years of actual teaching experience individually accredited and of record in the Office of the Commissioner of Education. Differentiation in individual salaries shall be computed upon a method of progression which shall be at the rate of ,„'50.00 per school year for each added year of teaching experience under qualificat�ons established by Ordinance No. 5067. Provided, however, that teachers of Special High School subjects, if any, who may not have completed the full academic requirements as established in Ordinance No. 5067, shall be accredited on the grade teacherst schedule, as hereinafter limited and defined, plus an allowance of :;;50.00 for each year of High School work, provided that in no case shall the salaries paid such special teachers be more than $p100.00 per month in excess of the salaries received by such teachers as of June 1919. 2 Critic Teachers at not to exceed ,11*160.00 per month. Principals in Graded Schools shall receive the following salaries; Buildings of 1 to 4 rooms inclusive,minimum 1`192.50 per month. maximum 200.83 per month. Buildings of 5 to 8 rooms inclusive,minimum ;205.83 per month. maximum 1223.33 per month. Buildings of 9 to 16 rooms inclusive,minimum y1230.00 per month. maximum y4255.83 per month. Building of more than 16 rooms, maximum ;Ii280.00 per month. Principals having more than one building on separate grounds shall -receive not to exceed ;;25.00 per month in addition to salaries herein limited for second buildings of not more than four rooms; if more than four rooms, not to exceed .;335.00 per north. I£ buildings of four or more rooms are placed ir_ charge of the principal of another building, a teacher in the small buildin` may be named as Issistant Principal and may receive compensation at the rite of not to exceed 12.50 per month in addition to her regular salary according to the schedule for grade teachers. v' Paee--4 --- r r Teachers in elementary schools, other than principals , shall receive salaries as hereinafter provided. Grade School Teachers, minirmim 100 per month. maximum ',e'200 per month. Grade i.=anual Trairin Teachers, minimum ;,135.00 per month. maxiimun `20,0.00 per month. Grade Domestic Science Teachersminimum. 120.00 per month. maxim= 3190.00 per month. Grade Fhb*sical Training Teachers for Platoon Plan, minimum 100.00 per month. *aximum •,::200.00 per month. Directing Teachers Of Physical Training in Grade Schools, minimum 120.00 per month. maximum '195.50 per month. Kindergarten Directors, minimum ;1:100.00 per month. maximum ,:200.00 per month. Kindergarten_ assistants,, mininnun y,; 90.00 per month. maximuu „155.00 per month. Supply Teachers, maximum „'.110.00 per month. ';!here not otherwise expressly stated, the foregoing salaries shall be payable, in equal monthly installments, for a -period of six school months next following January 1, 1920. The salaries of teachers in elementary* schools except supply teachers, within the limits fixed by designated minima find maxima, shall be determined upon the basis of the number of years of actual teaching experience individually accredited to respective teachers in accordance with records on file in the Office of the Commissioner of Education. Differentiations in individual salaries shall be com- puted upon a method of pro tress ion rahich shall be -4 ttie rate of .,:50.00 per school year for each added year of teaching experience under the qualifications established by Ordinance No. 5067,as amended. Substitute Teachers, who mey be needed from time to time, shall receive, For Grade School work, not to exceed .,5.50 per day. For High School work, not to exceed ;;5.50 per day. y E WTOE 2 Teachers in "Day Schools for special childron" established under and pursuant to chapter 194 L:innesota Laws 1915, and any amendments t'lereof, shall_ recalve not to exceed the fol3owinr maxirmm compensation: 1 Supervisor at 5210.0C per month 1 Teacher at ;181.66 per month 1 Teacher at $163.33 per month 3 Teachers at 115e.33 per month 1 Teacher at 0150.00 per month 1 Teacher at '"118.35 per month 2 Teachers at ,146.66 per month 2 Toec'ners at 0138.33 per month 3 Teachers at x;;135.00 per month 1 Teacher at „133.33 per month 1 Teacher at .131.66 per month 1 Teacher at `'1'123.33 per month 2 Teachers at .125.00 per onth 1 Teacher at 0;;123,3, per month 1 Teacher at 116.66 per month 1 Teacher at x;'105.00 per month 1 Teacher at AP103.33 per month All of the forejoinz salaries shall be payable in equal monthly installments, for a period of six months next followin` January 1,1920. SECTION 3 The provisions of the foreCoing sections, numbered 1 and 2, shall be applicable to all such persons jescribed as shall have been appointed and in service prior to January 1, 1920, nrd to such persons s only. 'ago' ---6---' SF;CT IODI 4 nor all such supervisors, assistants, principals and teachers as shall be originally appointed subsequent to .Tanuary 1., 1920, the following schedules shall be applied and salaries paid as hereinafter provided ; Supervisors Croup _', -not to exceed `.275.00 per month Supervisors Group B -not to exceed :240.00 per month Assistant Supervisors -not to exceed "180.00 per month Assistants to Supervisors, Group A -not to exceed.165.00 per month :assistants to Supervisors, Group B -not to exceed ;;.150.00 per month. Teacher Librarian in =_ -h Schools, -not to exceed , 160.00 per month. Teachers in High Sc',00ls . -iall receive the salary of not less than ,,'140.00 per month and not more than „210.00 per month. The salaries of Iiigh School Teachers within these Limits I:all be deteri:.ined upon the basis of the nurber of years of actual tcach_inr e;,perience individual- ly accredited in accordance with records to be 1-;ept on file in the Office of Commissioner Of education. The -'actor of computation shall be a differential of :,;50.00 for cath year of t rc'ing e.:rerience provided that the basic salary allowable for tyro yeirs of teachin ez_perience shall not exceed „160.00 per month. Principals and Pri-ciral `icac',crs in, G»aded Sc_:ools; Buildings of one room(Principal Teacher) I:?axir n 157.50 per month Buildin s of two rooms(Prircipal Tcacher) iaximum :160.00 per month Buildings of three roomC--rir.cipal Teacaer)I_aximum 1;162.50 per month Buildings of four rooms(7rincipal Teacher) Iviaximum ;,165.00 per month Bii i. ldin-s of 5 to 7 rooms(Principal or Principal Teacher) T;iaximtzm ,:,'180.00 per month :,3uildings of 8 to 11 rooms(Principal) IvIaximurn =210.00 per month BuildirZ,s of 12 to 15 rooms(Principal) i.?aximum230.00 per month Buildings of 16 rooms or over (Principal) claximam 260.00 per month Principals having more than one building on separate Vrounds may receive in addition to the foregoing respective salaries; For buildin*s having not :;ore than 4 rooms not to exceed '25.00 per Month. For buildin-s ',iving more than 4 rooms not to exceed $35.00 per :::on,h. __ Dulldin-n o^ 4. or ;more ;goo;,ic the Superintendent of Schools Fage--7--- .*nay assign a teacher who shall be named Assistant Principal, and shall receive not to exceed $12.50 per month in addition to regular salary allowed underthegrade teachers schedule. Teachers in elementary schools, other than principals or assistants, may receive the following salaries; A - Grade School Teachers, -r'inimum 0 90.00 per month -i:axi;rum 150.00 per month Grade i:anual Trainir_3 Teachers, -IGinirmzm S130.00 p6b month -13aximum 160.00 per month Grade Do::< ^tic Science Teachers, -I:iinizmzm 110.00 per month -IriaxiMum '160.00 per ,month A - Grade Physical. Training `Feathers,-I,'inimum 90.00 per month -I�iaxi.zmur, y,,150.00 per month Directing Physical Training Teachers (Grades) -?dinimzm12C.00 per month -T=izmun .160.00 per month A - Kindergarten Directors, -izininnun � 90.00 per mor_th -I:Iaximum ,150.00 per month Kindergarten Assistant, -L:inimum � 80.00 )er ,.onth -I:iaxizmun J?125..gO per month Supply Teachers, -,:axizum $110.00 per month The salaries of teachers in elementary schools/except Supply Teachers rithin the limits herein stated, shall be determined upon the basis of the number of years of actual teaching experience individually accredited, in accordance with records to be kept on file in the Office of the Cozrimissioner of =Education. The factor of computation shall be a differential of :,;50 for each year of teaching experience, provided that the basic salary allowable for two ;,rears of teaching e::perience shall not exceed 090.00 for Kinder arten Assistants and ;100.00 for teachers indicated by the letter "A". Salaries of remaining teachers above enumerated shall be subject to the same differential but the basic salary for the first year of experience , as to such, shall not exceed x,;130.00 per month. Teachers in "Day Schools for special children", may receive salaries of not less than ";100.00 per month, and not more than ,1160.00 per month. All of the foregoing salaries shall be payable in equal monthly installments for a period of six school months next following January 1, 1920o ., Ott Substitute Teachers, who xray be employed from time to time shall receive, For the Grade L':anual Training and nigh Schools, not to exceed ;,;5.50 per day For the Grade Schools, not to exceed $4.50 per day a SECTION 5 All ordinanc''IV or parts of ordinances, insofar as they shall be inconsistent 'herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION ; 6� This Ordinance sy�all take `effect and be in •ford i; mediately upon its patsage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen_ Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council Farnsworth Goss Powers DEC 19 1919 1919. Wunderlich DEC 19 1919 P.4r Prest. (Hodgson) 7 Approved 1919. ATTEST: JOHN 1, FARICY, City CiorM ob %rt- \4 �^ l �yC 41 r @1L 5e 0 11F+7"` 8earyt• Ttik adminlefr4tive orblaanCe retting' ` i� L j' � rkt Dep�nent of Publlc .a„ ,-- ! l I 0, S } Z54- SV o®zerx .r OkAN ADMINIST$ATIVE ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, ITS ORGANIZATION, ITS OFFI RS AND EMPLOYES, THEIR QUALIFICATIONS AND APPOINTMET, COM- PENSATION, POWERS AND DUTIES, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION I - In accordance with the terms of the Charter, the Department of Public Safety shall be composed of the following executive de- partments or•bureaus: Bureau of General Administration; Bureau of Police; Bureau of Health; Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph. SECTION II. BURFAU OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION. The Bureau of General Administration shall be composed of not to exceed the following numbers and classes of persons, and they shall receive not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes: A Chief Clerk, who also is hereby created Deputy Commissioner in the discharge of his duties as the head of the Administrative Department of Public Safety, who shall receive the annual salary of Twenty-eight Hundred ($2800.00) dollars. One (1) Princi al Clerk at an annual salary of from $1440.00 to $$1650.00. Three Senior:Clerks, each at an annual salary of from $1140,00 to 43440.00. One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of from $1440.00 to $1680.00. One (1) General Stenographer at an annual salary of from $200.00 to $1500.00 - And such other and additional permanent and temporary officers and employes at such compensation as the Council may authorize, either by resolution or by budget ordinance under the terms of Section 200 and'203 of the Charter. QUALIFICATIONS AND APPOINTMENT. The Ch�Sf Clerk>ohall possess such qualifications as may be satisfactory to the Commissioner and''shaii be appointed under the to 4f; Sections 383 and 100, Paragraph "c^ of the Charter. ata SECTION III.. BUREAU OF POLICE. ORGANIZATION: The Bureau of Police shall be compose& of not to exceed the following persons and classes of persons and they shall receive not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respec— tive classes: A SUPERVISION• A Chief of Police at an annual salary of $4,000.00. One (1) Senior Captain of Police at an annual salary of $2400.00. One (1) Captain of Detectives at an annual salary of $2400.00. Three (3) Captains of polios, each at an annual salapy of $2220.00. Five (5) Lieutenants of Police each at an annual salary of $1800.00. One (1) Drillmaster and Inspector at the following sehedule of salary: $1680.00 First Year of Service, 1720.00 Second Year of Service, Third Year of Service, 1800.00 Ten (10) Sergeants, each at an annual salary of $1680.00. B IOLICE F E• 1 Foot Patrol. Eighteen (18) Roundsmen, each at an annual salary of $1620.00. Two Hundred Fifty (250) Patrolmen, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, $ 115.00 per month.g Second Year of Service, 120.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 125.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 130.00 per month. Five (5) Policewomen, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, $ 100.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 105.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 110.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 115.00 per monthl (2) Traffic Force. Fifty (50) Traffic Patrolmen, each at an increase of three ($3.00) dollars per month over the salary paid for Foot Patrol service, graduated according to years of service in the Bureau of Police. (3) Mounted Foroe, (Horsemen). One (1) Mounted Roundeman at an increase of $30.00 per month over the salary paid Foot 4oundsmen.' Twelve (12) Mounted Patrolmen, each at an inorease of $30.00 per month over thff salexy`paid for foot patrol service, graded according to years of service in the Bureau of Polioe. — 0311 (4) Mounted Foree, (Motor Cycle).' One (1) Motor Cycle Roundsman at E,n increase of $30.00 per month over the salary paid Foot Roundsmen. Thirty (30) Motor Cycle Patrolmen, each at an increase of $30.00 per month over the salary paid for foot patrol service graded according to years of service in the Bureau of Police. All the foregoing mounted and motor officers shall furnish and maintain horses, motorcycles, and allother equipment at their per— sonal expense, provided that the same shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety and in conformity with the rules and regulations. The Thirty ($30.00) dollars, monthly increase for motorcycle Roundsmen and motorcycle Patrolmen is to be paid only for the time said cycle officers are using their motorcycles. C. DETECTIVE SERVICE: One (1) Pawnshop Inspector at an annual salary of $1980.00 One Bertillon Detective'at an annual salary of $1980.00. Thirty-six (36) Detectives, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, 130.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 135.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 140.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 145.00 per month. Fifth Year of Service, 150.00 per month. Two (2) Assistant Bertillon Detectives at the same salary schedule as paid regular Detectives. One (1) Senior Clerk, Assistant to Bertillon Detective, at an annual salary of from $81140.00 to $1440.00. D. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICE: A Secretary to the Chief of Police at an annual salary of $1980.00. Ten Patrol Conductors, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, $ 100.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 105.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 110.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 115.00 per month. Three (3) Jailors, each at the following schedule of salary: FirstYear of Service, 100.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 105.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 110.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 115.00 per month. One (1) License Inspector at an annual salary of $2220.00. One (1) Clerk to the License Inspector at an annual salary of Prom $1140,00 to `-$1440:"00 ^4^ One (1) Senior Stenograiiher, Clerk to the Pawnshop AInspector at an. annual salary of from $1200.00 to 1440.00. One (1) Messenger to the Chief of Police at an annual salary of $1020.00 One (1) Court Officer at an annual salary of $1500.00. Two (2) Police Matrons, each at an annual salary of from $720.00 to $96o.00. One (1) Janitor, Central entralPolice Station at an annual salary of from o Eight.een'(16) Chauffeurs, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, 110.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 115.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 120.00 per month. F6urth Year of Service, 125.00 per month. E. AMBULANCE SERVICE: 0:(e (1) Day Surgeon Polio Ambulance Service, at an annual salary of from $140.00 to $1650.00. Two (2) Night Surgeons, Police Amublance Service, each at an annual salary of from $1200.00 to $14 0.00 Other additional permanent and temporary officers and employes may be employed in the Bureau of Police at such compensation as the Council may authorize by resolution or by budget ordinance under the terms of the Charter, Sections 200 and 203 of the Charter. It is the intention and understanding that the preceding sehedule of salaries shall not operate to reduce the salary of anyone now employed in the Bureau of Police, and any increases in salary shall be effective only when service has been continuous. All salaries herein specified shall be paid in equ&l semi- monthly installments. The Chief of Police is hereby authorized to detail any officer or employe of the Bureau of Police to any duty he may deem necessary. AAPPOINTMENT* CHIEF OF POLICE AND LICENSE INSPECTOR: The Chief of Police and License Inspector shall be appointed for a term of two years from and after their appointment and until their respective successor is chosen and has qualified, each with the approval of the Council.by resolution and each shall take'and hold office under the t@rms of Section 356 of -the' Charter. All Items of Uniform Clothing and Equipment ehall be eubjoct to the approval 0f the Commissioner. SECTION IV. BUREAU OF HEALTH. ORGANIZATION: The Bureau of Health shall be composed of not to exceed the following persons and classes of persons and they shall receive not to exceed the compensation act opposite their respective classes: A. SUPERVISION, A Health Officer at an annual salary of $4,000-00- A Deputy Health Officer at an annual salary of 02500-00- B. HEADOUARTFRS:_ One (1) Senior Clerk at an annual salary of $1140.00 to $1440.00. One (1) Bacteriologist and Chemist at an annual salary of $2100.00 to $2400.00. One (1) Asst. Bacteriologist at an annsal salary of $1500.00 to $1800.00. One (1) General Bookkeeper at an annual salary of $1440.00 to $1680.00. One Laboratory Helper at an annual salary of $600.00 to $720.00. One (1) Statistician (Sr.Clerk), at an annual salary of $1140.00 to 61440.00. Two Junior Clerk Typists, each at an annual salary of $900.00 to $1080.00. Three (30enior Steno raphers, each at an annual salary of 00.00 -- $140.00. One (1) Chauffeur at an annual salary of $100.00 to $1+.00. C. FIELD FORCE. Three Medical Inspectors, each at bhe an annual salary of $1440.00 to $1680.00. One (1) Chief Sanitary Inspector at an annual salary of $1920.00. Sixteen (16) Sanitary Inspeotors or Sanitary Police, each at the following schedule of salary. First Year of Service, $ 115.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 12o.00 per month. 7Uird Year of Service, 125.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 130.00 per month. Two (2) Italian salarySanitary paid Sanitary;Inspectorsthe orsame schedule SanitaryPolice. 32, DETENTION HOSPITAL: One (1) Superintendent of the Detention Hospital at an annual salary of $900.00. 20.00. One (1) Male Nurse, at an annual salary of �7 One (1) Matron at an annual salary of $840.00. E TUBERCULOSIS DIVISION: One (1) Chief Nurse at an annual salary of 01560.00 tj 4800.00. Eight (8) Visiting Nurses, each at an annual salary of $1260.00 to x;1500.00. One (1) Senior Clerk at an annual salary of 01140.00 to 01440.00. One (1) Janitor at an annual salary of $780.00 to $960.00. Three (3) Physicians, each at an annual salary of $1440.00 to $1680.00. E„"FOOD INGPEGTION DIVISION: One (1) Live Stook Inspector at an annual salary of 41800.00. One. (1) Chief Dairy Inspector at an annual salary of t1920.00. Four (4) Assistant Dairy Inspectors, each at an annual salary of C156o.o0. Three (3) Meat Inspectors, each at the following schedule of salary. First Year of Service, $1500.00. Second Year of Service, 1560.00- Third Year of Service, 1620.00. Fourth Year of Service, 1680.00. Three (3) Food Inspectors, each at the following schedule of salar; First Year of Service, $1440.00 Second Year of Service, 1500,00 Third Year of Service, 1560.00 Fourth Year of Service, 1620.00 Fifth Yeary of Service, 1680.00 G PUBT C BATHS:_ A Superintendent of Harriet Island, at an annual salary of $1260.00 to $1500.00. Two (2) Natchmen, each at an annual salary of 01080.00 t0 $1260.00 H. commSTATION! Two (2) Matrons, each at an annual salary of $780.00 to 5960.00. Two (2) Janitors, each at an annual salary of $960.00 to 4080.00. And such other additional permanent and temporary em- ployes in the Bureau of Health at such compensation as the Council may authorize either by resolution or by budget ordinance, under the terms of Sections 200 and 203 the Charter. All salaries hereinaspecified shall be paid in equal semi- monthly installments. It is the intention and understanding that the preceding schedule of salaries shall not operate to reduce the salary of anyone now employed in the Bureau of Health and any increase 1n salary sha l be effective only when service has been continuous. �1,,r��ai.form°'blothng and equipment shall be subjeo to the apc•roval of the Commissioner. SECTION V. BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION. ORGANIZATION: The Bureau of Fire Protection shall be composed of not to exceed the following persons and classes of persons and they shall receive ndt to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes: A. SUP VISION. A Fire Chief at an annual salary of $4,000.00. An Assistant Fire Chief at an annual salary of $3000.00. Ten (10) Battalion or District Chiefs, each at an annual salary of $2400.00. One (1) Fire Marshal at an annual salary of $1800.00. Two Assistant Fire Marshals, each at an annual salary of $1680.00. One (1) Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of $3000.00. One (1) Assistant Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of from $1800.00 to $2100.00. One (1) Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $2400.00 to $2700.00. Three (3) Assistant Electrical Inspectors, each at an annual salary of from $1620.00. One Senior Clerk at an annual salary of from $1140.00 to $1440.00. One Senior Clerk to the Electrical Inspector at an annual salary of from $1140.00 to $1440.00. B. FIRE FORCE: Three (3) Captains, Squad Wagons, each at an annual salary of $1800.00 Thirty-eight (38) Oaptains,e3ch at an annual salary of $1800.00. Three (3) Lieutenants, each at an annual salary of $1680.00. Forty (40) Lieutenttnts, each at an annual salary of $1680.00. Twenty-five (25) Zhgineers, Assistant, each at an annual salary of $1620.00. Twenty --five (25) Engineers, each at an annual salary of $1680.00. Four Hundred Thirty-five (435) Squadmen, Pipemen, Truckmen, Chauffeurs, and Drivers, each at the following schedule of salary: First Year of Service, $115.00 per month. Second Year of Service, 120.00 per month. Third Year of Service, 125.00 per month. Fourth Year of Service, 130.00 per month. C. FIRE PREVENTION SERVICE: One (1) Chief Inspector at an annual salary of from $1800.00 to $2100.00. One (1) Assistant Chief Inspector, at an annual salary of from $1500.00 to $1800.00. Eighteen (18) Inspectors, each at an annual salary of from $1320.00 to $1560.00. One (1) fD,fox Clerk Stenographer at an annual salary of $1200.to $1500.00 D. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES One (1) Department Veterinarian at a monthly salary of $83.33. Four (4) Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $144.00. Three (3) Automobile Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $144.00. Four (4) Mechanics's Helpers, each at a monthly salary of from $90.00 to $110.00. One (1) Electrician at a monthly salary of $140.00. Two (2) Blacksmiths, each at a monthly salary of $125.00. One (1) Horseshoer at a monthly salary of $125.00. One (1) Superintendent of Repairs at a monthly salary of $150.00. Two '(2) Carriage Painters, each at a monthly salary of $125.00. One (1) Painter's Helper at a monthly salary of from $90.00 to $100.00. One (1) Harness Maker, (Fireman) at the same scale of salary pro- vided for Pipemen in Section 5, Subdivision "B". One (1) Senior Stenographer, Clerk to the Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of from $1200.00 to $1440.00. All salaries herein specified shall be paid in equal semi— monthly installments. It is the intention and understanding that the preceding schedule of salaries shall not operate to reduce the salary of anyone now employed in the Bureau of Fire Protection and any increase in salary of anyone now employed in the Bureau of Fire Protection, shall only be effective when service has been continuous. Other additional permanent and temporary officers and employes may be employed in the Bureau of Fire Protection at such compensation as the Council may authorize by resolution or by budget ordinance under the terms of Sections 200 and 203 of the Charter. All items of uniform clothing and equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioner. SECTION VI. BUREAU OF POLICE AND FIRE -ALARM TELEGRAPH, DgQ;ANIZATION:= The Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph shall be composed of not to exceed the following persons and classes of persons and theyshall receive not to exceed the compensation set opposite their respective classes: A Superintendent of said Bureau at an annual salary of $2700.00. -One let Assistant Superintendent at an annual salary of $2100.00. One 2nd Assistant Superintendent at an annual salary of $1800.00, One (1) Chief Electrician at an annual salgry of $1744.00. Six (6). Linemen, each at the following schedule of salary:— First year of service, $ 115.00. per month. Second year of service, 120.00 per month. Third Year of service, 125.00 per month. Fourth Year of Serfice, 130.00 per month. Fifth year of service, 135.00 per month. Four (4) Fire Alarm Operators, each at the following schedule of salary* First year of service, $ 115.00 per month. Second year of service, 120.00 per month. Third year of service, 125.00 per month. Fourth year of service, 130.06 per month. Fifth year of service, 135.00 per month. Twelve (12) Police Alarm Operators, each at the followigg schedule of salary:— First Year of Service, 115.00 per monthl Second Year of Service, 120.00 Per month. TI)ird year of service, 125.00 per month. Fourth year of service, 130.00 per month. All salaries herein specified shall be paid in equal semi— monthly installment.s. It is the intention and understanding that the preceding schedule of salaries shall not operate to reduee the salaries of anyone now em— ployed in the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph and any increase in salary shall only be effective when service has been continuous. Qther permanent and temporary officers and employes may be em— plVyed in the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph at such oompen— sation &ad as the Council may aithorize by resolution or by budget ordinance under the term of Sections 200 and 203 of the Charter. SECTION VII. All appointments which require the consent or approval of the Council before they become final, shall be made by the Commissioner, sub— ject to such approval or consent, and such persons appointed hereunder shall take and hold office from and after their appointment and until such time as the Council by resolution shall refuse to approve and confArm such appointment or appointments, and when such resolution shall become final, such offices shall be deemed vacant and unoccupied. SECTION VIII. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinanceetinconsistent-herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IX. This Ordinance wball take effect and be in� foroe from and after �T�sit�ry4t,PO;-ollowirig-fits--passage, approval and publication. Yeas ( ) COUNCILMEN ( ) Nays. Adopted'- by the CounciliEC Clancy Farnsworth Approved �2EC 19 1919 n ti, Goes --- In Favor. McColl ---- Aga itis t . Powers wunderlioh. Mr. President,11odgson. 7 U 30F31! 1. FARICY, City Clark, � 13 4110A01HVA11 RHof �Z83,LIN 4 F' . `.0 F 2:01 E7442--0rfllnance No 6E06 Bq Hgnry'_71ScC. An LR dlnance fud g' the ealarJ', �':. Comyypp psl. Cq rt the BOWER Pta Pb SciPa} ;Court of the C1CY iTha �euas4'bF th CAtY, of 9t�, AN ORDLNANCE FIXING THE SALARY AND COMPENSATION OF THE BAILIFFS OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Council of t�e pity,of St.Paul does Ordain: - SECTION I. That the salary a,.&d compensation of each of the Bailiffs of the Municipal Court be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of One Hundred and Thirty ($130.00) dollars, per month. SECTION II. All Ordinances and parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after January 1st, 1920, following its passage, approval and publication. Yes (. ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Pow — Wunderlich Mr. President 7 FORM 3M919 I `�P � C) Adopted by the Council DEC 1.9...19.19 _ -- I9 C 19 1919 In fa, or Approved_..._.. _._.. ...._I9_..... AKainst ... ...... .. ............. MAYOR ATTEST: !l JOHN 1. FARICY, f Clty Clerk, Q ( AI L L Y'A Lt F J y q Ir t 510: AN ORDIN•A•N`CE'AMENDING ADMIKSTRATION ORDINANCE N0.37,17, Ex— TITLED "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT, MANAGE— MENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A MUNICIPAL GARAGE" AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION• I. . That Administrative Ordinance No. 3717, approved June 5th, 1916 and amendments thereto, is hereby amended as follows: By striking out in said Ordinance, all of Section Vi., and in— serting in lieu thereof the following: "SECTION VI." " Said Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to appoint the following assistants and employes at the salaries indi— cated, for the purpose of operating said Garage, and maintaining and caring for the automobiles and vehicles stored therein. One (1) Garage Superintendent at an annual salary of from $1900.00 ' to $2100.00. One (1) Senior Clerk at a m0Athjy:;0aWYTO 95ZQtL. .:QQ•�' / One Generl Bookkeeper at a gonthly=saTiry •d$ $120;-00 •tro' f�T0 6a 'J• One (1) Machinist Foreman at a monthly salary of $150.00. Four (4) Machinists, each at a monthly salary of $135.00. Four (4) Auto Mechanics, each at a monthly salary of $135.00- One(1) Machinery Blacksmith at a monthly salary of $125.00. Three (3) Mechanic's Helpers, each at a monthly salary of from $90.00 to $110.00. One (1) Tire Repair man at a monthly salary of $90.00 to -$110.00. Two (2) Auto Washers, each at a monthly salary of $90.00 to $110.00. The above salaries to be paid in equal semi—monthly installments." SECTION II. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in feroe on and after January let, 1920, following its passage, approval and publication. Yes Councilmen (� ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DEC 19-19.19-- i9 Farnsworth iUsLlsr;;�/ a GEC 19 1919 In favor ._._ .. _..I9__...._ Goss _ McColl Powers Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President ATTE t. JO N 1.C FORM 3M9 -i9 CityCity Clark. Y 5S 3 0 o vi pi, v F.- A 15891 F. C. Austin, Water 9.72 d �-a AhetracL �.d CITY OF ST. PAUL the Clt99 7 -oud 1. or ee Illod funds the "me corpora- 's -o" he persons 're'- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - lIt. 4" gru.ugg-s" tions f - ame. . .1.R. I- he CIL iC". 2"1 re. ect No . ....... ............. -- t 110 tol?� '0' ' 0. LAIMS—RESOLUTION FOR FILF owl de 0, 'statement. 17-o AUDITED C M American umne. 16.2 Company, Amertesa Supply a ny, $24.25. -rT.0 F.Feed C - j19 30 pany. DECC -5 Blodgett AUDITED ............ ............ ... ........ 191 V , Z - TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen Nays Adopted by t ouncil_..._...._.............. Clancy Farnsworth___....In favor roved.. .... ...... .... . . . . ........ - 191 Goss Jawr r. -D -._.._.........Against 7 ..... ....... MAYOR McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 7760— '15887 American Insurance Agency, 117.00 St. C. & Repr. 46! 00 Water 71.00 15888 American Linen Supply Company#, Armory 2 60 Police 3.._40 Fire 2.80 Munid. Gar. Revl.' 3.75 Schools 8.-77 15869 American Supply Company, 24.25 Auditorium 2.20 Schools 6.20 Parks 6.00 Water 7.% 74 =. 15890 Armour & Company, 41.75 P. Baths 8.75 !t 3.00 Workhouse 30.-00 41 .70 15891 F. C. Austin, Water 9.72 1346 Page #2 15892 I. N. Booth Fuel & Feed Company, 15896 Park Construction 11.50 Gaultier Schools Bond 7.80 15893 H. C. Boyeson Company, City Clerk 3 50 it 4:07 Com'r. of Finance 2.'70 Civil Service .95 15898 Quarantine 1 50 Schools 2:50 11 7.20 15899 Water 2.50 24.92 15894 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 15900 Comptroller 7.00 Spa inkling Water 55.15 Schools IT 3.50 Z= 15895 C. J. Buell, Library 15896 Wm. J. Campbell, Library 15897 J. W. Cassin & Company, Purch. Dept. 39.75 Dairy 3.75 Schools ' 4.50 Water 28.25 15898 Central Scientific Company, Mech. Arts H.S. Libr. 1 00 Johnson H.S. Library :43 15899 Thomas Charles Company, Schools 15900 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, Spa inkling 2.93 Schools '50 IT 7:5.3 Water 2.'00 Gaultier School (Bond) 2.00 15901 Chicago, St.Faul, MP1s- & o)naha Railway CompEny, Fire 3.'64 Sewer C. & Repr. 42.00 Library 11 .13 Parks 56.'14 102.91 15902 Citizens Joe & Fuel Company, Schools 45.00 15 00 15903 P. F. Collier & Son, Library 15904 Dispatch Printing Company, Civil Service IT 2.8E) 1.12 Library .85 Water 1.35 -77ff 19.30 24.92 65.65 1.00 5.00 76.25 1.43 69.08 14.96 Res. 1346 Page #3 15905 L. F. Dow Company, City Clerk 15.90 M:unicipal.Court 3.25 Misc. Stationery 37:40 Fire 13:90 Bureau of Engrs. 14 20 Schools 1:55 1.00 67.50 Library 6.20 Lighting 1*63 Water 24.60 T87=. 15906 Henry A. Dreer, Parke 15907 Vim. Dux, Parks �5908 W. J. Dyer & Brother, Schools 2.65 Library 2.55 Parks ' 9.00 Playgrounds 1.50 15909 Eldridge Entertainment House, Playgrounds 15910 Elite Laundry, Schools 15911 Elk Linen Supply Company, Police 18'64 P. Comfort Station 23'20 Schools 42"23 Water 4:05 4.15 =-.717 15912 Essanell Electric Company, Fire * 1'36 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.55 2'40 3:00 3,10 15915 Field, Schlick & Company, Schools 87.89 Auditorium 45.'00 Water 7-7 iT0.2 15914 The Fleischmann Companyp Workhouse 15915 Harry H. Fletcher, Playgrounds 15916 General Electric Cofmpany Test. Labs. 15917 Golden Rule, Schools 5*00 15.70 3.25 38.26 92.27 12.41 140.62 7.50 60.00 2.34 Res. 1346 rage #4 15918 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 56.20 Parks 50.62 P. Bldgs.•Revl. 5.58 76. � 15919 Gray Motor Car Company, 16.25 Manic. Gar. Revl. 15920 Griggs, Cooper & Company, 4 58.55 Workhouse 15921 F. o. Gustner, 6.26 Schools 15922 Handlan & Company, 65.42 Workhouse 15923 Highland Spring Company, 41.25 Mayor's Office 1:75 I:75 Corp. Counsel 1:75 1.75 comptroller 5:00 Civil Service 1.75 n. n 1:75 Purch. Dep t. 1.75 n-• a 1.75 Munic. Gar. Revi. 6:25 Bureau ofEngineers4:00 4:00 Schools 4.00 rr 4.00 15924 Hooker Electro Chemical Company, 248.00 Water 15925 Hughson & Whitacre, 40.25 Sprinkling 15926 Johnson High School Print Shop, 25.00 Schools 45.97 15927 W. H. Kane, Schools 15928 Kee Lox Mfg. Company, 60:00 Misc. Stationery 30.50, 15929 J. J. Kenna, Playgrounds 15930 Koehler & Hinrichs, 181:.88 Schools 17500 Playgrounds 6.88 15931 A. J. Krank, Bureau of Engineers .30 , 15932 W. A. Lang, Agent 18.00 Water 15933 Lanpher Skinner & Company, 8.00 Armory 15934 Library Bureau, 34.00 Library Res. 1346 Page #5 15935 C. B. Lyon & Brother,171.21 Sprinkling 15936 0. R. Mickelsen, . 19.23 ,Schools 32.96 15937 E. E. Miller, Schools 15938 Miller & Holmes, 16.25 Workhouse 15939 Minneapolis Directory Company, 20:00 30.00 Police Library 1p:00 'r8�0 15940 Mitsch &Heck Wagon & Auto Company, 236.75 Fire 42.00 Munic. Gar. Revl. 1.50 Forestry Revl. 193.25 15941 National Gas Governor Company, .75 Viorkhouse 15942 New Ycrk Tea Company, 38.00 Workhouse 6.75 15943 Nolan Brothers, Munic. Gar. Revl. . 121.38 15944 Northern Pacific Railway Company, " Workhouse 15945 Northwestern Cadillac Company, 5.25• Fire 15946 N. W. Copper & Brass Company, 7'75 Schools 15948 N. W. Cutting & Welding Company, 9.50 +' Lighting 23.95 . 15948 N. W. Stamp Works, Municipal Court 4.95 Comptroller .50 Purch. Dept. 2.00 Munic. Gar. I;evl. 25 3:50 Schools if ,40 It 2.00 Library .40 n 4:75 n 2.70 Pars 15949 W. S. Nott Company, 179.42 ` Fire Res. 1346 Page #6 15950 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 104.91 Dairy 1:20 f 15957 quarantine 2.56 43.00 " 6.72 " 8.02 15958 " 12.00 - 6.70 rt 7.50 " .67 39.97 15959 +r : 60 " 1:80 15960 ++ .35 24'95' rr 13.94 P. Baths :70 Munic. Gar. Revl. 3.28 Schools 37.82 +r 6.75 4.00 15961 Test. Labs. 1.00 �� 15951 D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, 15.19 Fire 15952 J. E. Olen Company, 10.21 Fire 4:06 rr 3:90 Munic. Gar. Revl. 2.25 Tb.7I 15953 Oriental Laundry, 15.86 , Quarantine 15954 H. Feltz & Son, 32.00 Comptroller .75 Civil Service 1.00 it 0 10.00 Bureau of Engrs. 20.25 �ba 15955 Pilot Printing Company, 25.45 Bureau cf Engineers 11.65 Schools 5.25 Library 5.40 rr 3.15 15956 Pioneer Decorating Company, 5.00 Parks 15957 R. L. Polk & Company, 43.00 Civil Service 8:00 Schools 35:00 15958 Red Vying Union Stoneware Company, - 6.70 Schools 39.97 15959 Reliance Iron CVorks, Schools 15960 Remington Typewriter Company, 24'95' City Clerk 18.40 Police 1:25 Schools 1.05 Library 4.25 4.00 15961 C. V. Ritter, Library Res. 1346 Page ##7 15962 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, Fire a Pol. & F.'Alarm Health Workhouse Schools 11 Parks 15963 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, Schools Central H.S.Libr. Mech. A.H.S. Johnson H.S.Libr. Library It u 15964 St.Paul Brass Foundry, Fire Munic. Gar. Revl. 15965 St.Paul Builders Material Company, Schools re Great Northern Schls. 15966 St.Paul Cement Works, Schools 15967 St.Paul Drug Company, Quarantine 15968 St.Paul Film Rental Agency, Schools 15969 St.Paul Gas Light Company, Armory Police Fire "workhouse Art Museum Test. Labs. Markets 15970 St.Paul Glass Company, Pol. & Fire Alarm Telg. 15971 St.Paul Machine Works, Schools Water 15972 St.Paul Iviotor Car Company, Fire Munic. Gar. Revl. n n tr 15973 St.raul Pattern & Model Works, Fire 15974 St.Paul Stamp Works, City Clerk 8:50 5:30 26: w .40 149.00 16.46 26.66 601.5.3 1,25 173.61 6.69 25:30 7,25 88.84 15.96 D=3 3.20 1.13 43"3 29:90 31.10 10.,05 7TH 72.88 466:98 174.26 57 :80 15:00 755 4:41 -'T98:88 117.12 7.50 1?4.6`2 1:33 13.62 .22 T: T'� 232.32 920.43 4.33 .71.05 9.50 1.75 1.50 798.88 1.16 124.62 15.17 20.20 19.75' Res. 1346 Page #8 15975 St.Paul Welding & Mfg. Company, Lighting Eater tr 15976 Scheffer & Rossum Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. Special Day Schools 15977 W. H. Schmelzel Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 15978 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, P. Baths Norrkhouse 15979 Carl W. Schultz, Schools 15980 Sherwood Company, Library 15981 L. C. Smith & Brothers, Com r. of Finance 15982 G. Sommers & Company, Schools 15983 Standard Oil Company, Water 15984 Stenographic Service Company, mayor's Office 15985 Sterling Grocery, Schools 15986 Stone & Forsyth Company, Quarantine 15987 Studebaker Corporation, Sprinkling 15988 Superior Printing Company Bureau of kngineers 15989 Swift & Company, Workhouse tt Schools 15990 Taylor Instrument Company; Test. Labs. 15991 Teachers College, Schools 15992 Thompson Yards, Inc., Sewer C. & Repr.A 18;60 1.00 2.75 2.90 18.65 50.00 7=. 71.90 E` 22.35 22.66 1.65 1.00 6.90 32.10 3.25 80.56 90.00 14.00 53.00 71.55 16.06 .25 94.42 ° 20.50 6.75 7;25 6.50 18.98 10:43 8.55 T97 79 18;60 1.00 2.75 2.90 18.65 50.00 7=. 71.90 E` 22.35 22.66 1.65 1.00 6.90 32.10 3.25 80.56 90.00 14.00 53.00 71.55 16.06 .25 94.42 Res. 1346 Page #9 15993 T i -State Telephone & Telg. Company., 1V 21.60, r Mayor!s Office 6 45 f Civil Service 4 50 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5:60 Workhouse 4'30 Parks .75 21.60-- 15994 Twin City Motor Car Company, 31.14 Mimic. Gar. Revl. 15995 Valley Iron Works, 5.40 Schools 15996 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 31.00 Bureau of 1'ngineers 15997 Western Badge & Novelty Company, 20.00 Schools - 15996 Western Electric Company, 103.03 Pol. & Fire Alarm 16!65 79:33 Sprinkling 7'05 15999 R. B. Whitacre, 1.44 Sprinkling - 16000 H. W. Wilson Company, 4.30 Library Total 6,529,56 CITY OF s -r. PAUL �Fj OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER iiiSSSR AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM IFI�E°'L No...................._ F—AA46,2M 7-18 _ 1348 - S.JL......... AUDITED ...1.!.61�_J... .�D1J.. ..191........ BY... . . ... CITT TRl)LLER i'. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the h e' r specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as sp died in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays by the7uncil......_Clancy LAdoptpd — ov Farnsworth abstractResolved Gns5 thatgarraata he drawn uAnn the CIts.Treasury, payable outot 7l ,td auod.and'1n favor of the.pereone,: flrms-or corpora- -..__ _............................ .... ..__. — ' r�(e-�:�. �.,, .[Ione fo! the-amonnie set oppUUosIte their MAYOR reagotive names' as- aped___ to t)ie McColl fol owdeWled statement: Wunderlich -�8. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, ;1,936.69. - 'Ado ted Brothers. $15.00. Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council Dec 6, 1919. ABPFoved Dec. 6, 1919. (Dee 13, 1919) - _71 16006 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. at' Finance 1,986.58 Interest 1,367.50 Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Fund -Spec. Assess. Bond Int. Acct. 619.08 16007 Garrick Brothers, 15.00 Grading Alley Blk. 5, Manson & Simonton's Add. Total 2,001.58 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER C )7476 I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM i.E `c'L No.... .. toren p 416 4 M ]-I B II 1347 BY S J/ .... _. - ........... IF t; Y ,0 TROLL} R LE wn aendayable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the el IS I .Elective names as specified in the following detailed statement: my. Adopted by the Council ................. _................ 191. 191 .......... 1819 '. �%{..l. 191 AUDITED .....,Q�l.....�..... ...... C. F. No. 2747 Abetrsct. Resolved that warrants Ilea thed t1]aTr Ben er Da9e uUon the City of the herein or epeelded-fn ernte'a 1n favor of -the ueregne, persons, firms or corporations therimonnte set Yeas ( J ) Councilmen rattoee..tor their: re6peotld8etailNd -tete' ( V ) tbNDN.hern LRtnseed CympanY Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Plttetiur6h .Plate- (41asa . Clancy y116.26., .. I Vat. T. not.__hacbttd, Agent; 71 Farnsworth Thompson Yards Ina 6346aG CItY FIard Wggd Lum Cross Twin ,pony, 5334, -' O Adopted by the Ctivncil Doi 6 1919 U - / APprovefl Dec McColl I -- Wunderlich 4.50 Mr. President, Hodgson .... _. - ........... IF t; Y ,0 TROLL} R LE wn aendayable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the el IS I .Elective names as specified in the following detailed statement: my. Adopted by the Council ................. _................ 191. 191 .......... 1819 '. Total 973.07 100.26 116.25 76.00 346.53 334.03 16001 Northern Linseed Company, Sprinkling 16002 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Bureau of Engineers 1.25 St. C. & R. 33.28 Sprinkling 4.50 Schools 77.22 16003 Val. J. Rothschild, Agent Munic. Employment Bureau 16004 Thompson Yards, Inc., Sewer C. & R. 16005 Twin City Hard Vlood Lumber Company, Sprinkling Total 973.07 100.26 116.25 76.00 346.53 334.03 Ubje Resolved, CITY OF, ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............................. ....................... ­­ ............ .................... 2747nue ? couRca No . . ... ...... . .. Date Presented That the application of F. P. O'Malley for a license to conduct a Motion picture Theatre at 108 Concord Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city Treasury Of the fee, $50-00- 7777 F' 1r ; 27477—By Henry 11,'n11.1Tx. Resolved, That'tlfte,atl 'I � conduct Al .Motion for C.noord, Street; 1hy'l, 8: be and the .same. her e& and the hereby, fnrstArtu'etbd--to tlssue, such liceeae clt�' cl., ths,vay.ent into 0- CRY, Y, of th 5. jlfio.00. " sig Vc'ipted by the 10ouricil-'13M J5,: P_ 'A Dec.App cued 6, 1918., (Dee. 12, 1919) Yeas 60 Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss .....In favor Keller McColl �) .............. Against Wunderc r. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-10 191 ..... Adopted by the Council .._ ....:...................._.........191. -Approved... COUNCIL. FILE NO ..............._........... B ...... ................ c. r. No z7a7s,— In the atter econstructing. laving And rep ""'� Cement t11e sldewalks t the following locntione: West Seventh Street. Nor[h side. ,^ feet wide, from Franklin Street to ' Fifth. Street; - ' cedar street, heal ^''11 from Cast Th'' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ...................._..-....._.- - Reconstructing, relaying and repairin,• cement tile sideTniki, at the following locations: West Seventh Street, Horth side, 10 feet wide, from Franklin Street to Weet.Fifth Street. Cedar Stre % East side, 10 feet wide, from East third,Street thence' Horth to allay, approxiately 150 feet. Broadway, 1-st aide, 101 feet wide, from Fifth Street, thence South 60 feet. East Seventh Street, Horth aide, 11 feet wide, from Wacouta Street, thence East 78 f9et. Wacouta Street, W et side, 10 feet wide, from Seventh Street thence south to alley. Como Avenue, South aide, B fact wide, from Thomas to Rioe Street. Iglehart; South Bide, 6 feet wide, from 46 feet Went of St. Peter Stre°tt,,: thence Ween 160 fe'ei, and from 37 feet farther We at,, thence Nest 14$ feet., Iglehart Street, Horth side:, 6 fe=t gide, from Rios Street.thence- East 70 feat, Rice Btrst, East side,- i0 feet wide, from Summit Avenue, thence to; Itlehart Street. Selby Avenue, North side, 6 teet'vide, beginning at a point'19 feet $alit ofl-the East line of Nina Street, extended thence East.:375.feet. Minnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street, thence North 13 feet. Ninth Street, North Side, from Minnesota Street, thence West 300 feet. Minnesota Street, East aide, 9J feet wide, from 46 feet north of 7th St. thence North 88 feet, and on the West Aide of the street from Seventh Street thence North 195 feet by 10 feet. 25595 June 26, 1919. underPreliminary Order_...... ......_............_......_ ..._.. approved._._ ..............._...._......._..._............. ........ .... IntermediaryOrder ...................... ._...._._................ approved ........_._...__...__...._......._.............------- ------ _ ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ;.»»r»vrn,rnt io be. made by the said City is. . ..._ I... 1 -1- . ..... ­ _- Reconstruct, relay and repair cement the Sidewalks at the following locations: West Seventh Street, North aide, 10 feet wide, fromFrankliu Street to West Fifth Street. Cedar Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Eget third Street thence Horth to alley, approxiately 150 feet. Broadway, rest Bid-, 101 feet wide, from 50 feet. East Seventh Street, North side, 11 fe-t wide, from >gaoouta Street, thence East 78 feet. Waeouts, Btrest,West side, 10 feet aside, from Seventh Street thence south to alley. Como'Avenue, south aide, 8 feet wide, from Thomas to Rios. Iglehart, South side, 6 feet wide, from 46 feet fest of St'. Pater Street, thence West 160 feet, and from 37 feet farther West, thence West 145 feet. de, 6 feet wide, from Rios Street, thence Iglehart Street, North si East 70 feet.thence Rios Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Avenuat to Iglehart Street. Selby Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point 19 feet East of the Eaet line of Nina Street, extended thence East 375 feet. Minnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide, from. Ninth Street thence Horth 13 feet. Ninth Stre°t, North side, from Minnesota Street, thence West 300 feat. Minnesota Street, East side, 9J feet wide, from 46 feet North of 7th. St. thence north 88 feet, and on the Westaide of the street from Seventh Street thence North 195 feet by tOfeet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to ne mane. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed mit same to the Coun- and directed to prepare plans and specifications corer eitl officials are herbya uthori ed and directed cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper Y to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council,,- - --- a.. .......... City Clerk. Approved....- _ -.._.. - - ._............. _......., 191....__ Ge _.......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy po.-ere Councilman KAYO Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliell L� / Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY AUL I'I DEPARTME f. F FINANCE d- �'� REPORT OF COMNA`,SSIONER OF FINANCE > ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IntheMatterof Rernnstructina relgyjrig-arid-mepalring--6-emimt--tile-s-ida alk --E. the following locations: W. 7th St. NS, 101 wide, fitom Franklin St: to W. Fifth 4t ('PdnrtiyidQ-r-from F.. :ird_St- . t1lence -Orth t0 approximately 15011' 15011 Broadway, WS, 10}1 wide, from Fifth St., thence South fi(ll..--T7S;_11.1%rnm-Warrnrt;L.. t..y thence a^Rt 7A1 war.p]1tH.--- St., wS, lot nide, from 7th St. thence south to alle61 sy. fCo�mo4�4eWPBSS^f8s#• wide,.---fr.OM--Thomas.._ tn...Rine_.....Iglehart.,-Aye-•, -SS, Peter St.,.thence West 1601, and from 371 farther west thence west 1451 -- ....... Iglehart_.AQe_ NSB.._.fi!----wide...irom---Rice st the nre east __W I - RICA �+ � 101 wide, from Summit Ave., thence to Iglehart Ave. Selby Ave., ITS., 61 wide, -beginning-- a--point...19�..._Bas.t.._of_-..the---.oa t-_1ina..n�.Ia na- St -e_.--sxt_ended therms_..... east .3751. Minnesota St., WS, 61 wide, from 9th St., thence north 121. +ti a meet 200 t Minnesets,_AS.t.�_E�.Ss-8}t —.Ninth -St ..... _SI.. wide, from 461 north of 7th St., thence north 881 and on the west side of the-6teet-from 7th St._. thence nmTth 19F1C-Wil.-------------------------- - --- .dune_2fith,-.-------------- -- under Preliminary Order approved — 1919` ---- --- - ---- - -- -- - - ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $— The estimated cost p,lfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION W.20.75 ft. N. of 7th St. l 6 Rice,& Irvine's Addition 16700 E. 39.25 ft. N. Of 7th St. 1 6 Do 34000 N'ly of 7th St. of 2 6 Do 39200 N11y of 7th St. of 11 6 Do 36275 Northerly of 7th St Of 10 6 Do East 40 ft. North of 7th 9 6 Do 24,850 ' West 1/3 of N. of 7th St. .9 6 DO 35000 8 6 Do 56000 7 6 Do 79075 724__ 3i/ /'0 d TOTAL, !I RCRM a .A. a.a w OF 8T. PAUL DEPA T OF FINANCEIt COIWMISISION'ER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - .. : DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _ Part of Kittaons Add.Adj.& 1 13 Whitney &Smith's Add. 1177 0,_ 34060 Do Do 2 13. Do , F 2t#6d0 N' ly 24. 42 ft. of 6 3 Do 249,O `r Elly 25.66 ft.ofW'ly 50.08' 6 3 Do 29925 Elly 251 ofW'ly 75.08 ft -Of 6 3 Do 2Q0 X50 Elly 25 ft. of N11y 100 ft. 6 3 Do Do �8g0g0 1 7 ) 2 7 )) West } of 9 1 1 (1 Magoffin & Breckenridges 7$0 East of 9 1) Addition 8 1 e0 X675'; ,725 7 1 Do 4 1 DO 25 '126 3 1 Do 2 1 Do CIO, 0 0480 ; 1 1 Do 1 5100;; North of 10 9 1 Ramsey's Addition North } of 8 1 Do DO �7Co 7 1 6 Do 900 ; , 5 1 Do4b0 50Q0 4 1 Do 3 1 Do 00?0 I I,, East of • 2 1 � Do West } of 2 1 ) D0Do' Except West 26} ft. of 1 1 4800- feet of West 26j- , 1 1 Do TOTAL Tr o ST. PAUL DEPARTPMRlkr OF FINANCE I . _ REPORT OF COIVVAHSSIONER OF FINANCE ' " ON PREL•IMI ARY ORDER (B) _ "-4 ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. - ASSESSED R VALUATION West 83.62 feet of 7 1 Irvine's Addition i 1 37p01 Ex. West 53.62 feet of 7 1 Doa 6000'. Southwesterly 75 ft. 8 6 4 Do 87001 6 4 Do 5100. 5 4 Do 4600' (Ex. East 1 foot) 4 4 Do 31bI0I, Do 3 4 Do 1x6751 13 Selby Block being Audit- !211601 or's Subdivision No. 5. 12 Do 190315i 11 Do, 1$615! 10 Do 40601 8 Do 13800' 7 Do 10 400 5 Da 3775! i The following described part of Lots 1 - 2, Block12 )' Roberts & Randall's Addition; Com. at a pt. on the Elly line ' of Lot 2 - 125.33 ft. S'ly from the N.E. cor. of said Lot 2, thence N'1y to N'Ly line of Lot 3 - to a pt. 119 ft. 831y from 26450! intersect. of said ST'ly line of Lot 3, with N'ly line of Lot 2, extended W'ly to W'ly line of 3, thence S'ly to N'ly line ) of 9th st. thence Elly to Minn. St. thence North to beg, The above described part of lots 1 - 2 Block 12, Robert's ) and Randall's Addition ) East 100 feet of 10 12 Roberts & Randall's Add. 23500 Ex. East 100 f eet 10 12 Do 60,70b 10 19 Do 2?.0b0I0 1 9 19 ) Do 103100 South } of 8 19 3 Do North } of 8 19 Do 1100 i 12 20 Do 680 i TOTAL CITY �F .SyT.�PAUL DEPARTMET�t7 FINANCE REPORT OF COMNVSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKi ADDITION 1 20- Roberts & Randall's Add. ASSESSED 68950. --- -- --_ 1692280 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. Dated----� ----- Commissioner of Finance. FO9M ..9.A. 89 C 13 1R Z .27 g Z_ EH 147 44 T--H / the Commissioner of Public work N Office of 4 PR wo �. . 9 ^uc 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance .S . 6 A et U L 7 1911 .............................191.. 9.. To the Commis 9s�oner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25595June 26th,...... ..._19]9.., relative to ... ................ A;... , known as Council File No. ....... _................... approved .................... ......... reoonstrLib'ting, relaying and repairing cement tile side^alks at the following locations 7th St., NS, 10' wide, from Franklin St. to CJ. Fifth St. Cedar St., ES, 10' wide, from Be 3rd Ste, thence north to alley, approximately 150'. Broadway, VIS, 10i-' wide, from Fifth St., thence south 50'. ✓E. 7th, NS, 11' wide, from Wacoute. St., thence east 781. Vlacouta St., WS, 10' wide, from 7th St. thence south to alley. Como Ave., SS, 8' wide, from Thomas to Rice. ✓Iglehart Ave, SS, 6' wide, from 46' west of St. Peter St., thence west 1601, and from 37' farther west, thence west 145'. ✓Iglehart Ave., N.S, 6' wide, from Rice St., thence east 701. ice St., ES, 10' wide, from Summit Ave., thence to Iglehart Ave. Selby Ave., N. S., 6' wide, beginning at a point 19' east of the east line of Nina St., extended thence east 375'. Minnesota St., WS, 6' wide, from 9th St., thence north 12' Ninth St., N.S., from ';innesota St., thence west 2001, Minnesota at, Be S., 94-' wide, from 46' north of 7th St., thence north 88', and on the west aide of the street from 7th ;�t., thence X. north 195' by 101. 3. A plan, proSle or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..... .... _...... ................... ...... ............... 5. Said improvement is n ................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject \. to assessment for said improvement. A ................................................._ ........................ 'Co iiss oner df Public World ,. Office of the Commissioner of Public Worl[,F C` t o "'OK 23 fr " J,tf L. '7 1939 and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._._ .... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. .07� per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is 4 .. ............................... and the total cost thereof is F............ J................. .._.._._....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... .......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....... _._._......................._..............._..........:........... _..._ . _........ _....... ............................... . ... 5. Said improvement is P:P................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject' >to assessment for said improvement. .............................. ................................................ Co lies Quer df Public Wor] in' Che X.. reCanatrueting, laying ?( aad renalringg cement the eltie wal1, at the following locations: x Selby Avenue, North side, slx feet le., Prom 174 feet West of Oxford thence West 12 feet; ^^tet \Vest side, 10 ' COUNCIL FILE NO .............. v .............. ............ _.... ............... . FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of ............... .......... .... ._..--- . ------ yo eu 0 -----yoeot Reoonstruoting, relaying end repairing cement the sidewalks at the following locations: Selby Avenue, North side, six feet wide, from 174 feet West of Oxford Street, thence West 12 feet. Wabaslta Street, West side, 10 feet ,tide, beginning 30 feet North of Tehth Street, thence North 14 feet. Arundel Street, West side, 6 feet nide, from 116 feet North of Marshall Avenue, thence north 16 feet. Selby Avenue, North side, 13 feet wide, from 160 feet East of Western Avenue, thence East 15 feet. Carroll Avenue, Northside, 6 feet Beide, from 32 feet East of Kent Street thence East 50 feet, znd from 78 feet farther East, thence East 15 feet, and on the South side of the Street from 84 feet gaet of Kent Street, thence East 130 feet by 6 feet, .Carroll.Avenus, North side, 6. feet aide, froml@7 feet East of Arundel Street thence East 48 feet 1 Selby Av,,Aue, North side, 6g feet aide, from40 feet West of St. Albans street, thence West to Grotto Street. Grotto Street, East side, 6 feet wide, from Sslbyr.Avenue,�thenoe South to alley. Sslby Avenue, Southside, 6 feet wide, from 66 `_'met gest of Chat- ' th Street, thence West 24 feet,,and from a point 54 f --8t R-st 94 Arundel Street, thence East 14 feet"bq 8 feet. and on the North side of the Street, from 160 feet We6t of Kent Street thence West 64 feet by 6 feet. and from 39 feet Ea -'t of Arundel Street thence. East. 18 feet, and from 4 2 feet f^rther F.aet, thence East 45 feet by 6 feet. under Preliminary Order__. -25596 June 26,1F19. approve._ .. . ... --- ... ............ IntermediaryOrder ....__........_ ................_._._.......... approved .......... _-------- --._....------------- ....---- ....------ --- ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of f 1� lie marl, by the said Citv is Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile eide:':alks at the follo�ing locations: Selby Avenue, Wortheids, six feet wide, from 174 feet West of Oxford Street, thence Weet 12 feet. Wabasha'Street, West aide, 10 feet wide, beginning 30 feet Nortb of Tenth Street, thence North 14 feet. Arundel Street, Test side, 6 feet wide, from 116.feet North of Marshall Avenue, thence north 16 feet. Selby Avenue, North side, 13 feet ide, from 160 f -et E= cf v'^teT Avenues thenBe East 15 feet. Carroll Avdnue, Northside, 6 feet :vide, from 32 feet East of Rent Street, thence East 50 feet, and from 76 feet farther ER I thence East 15 feet, and on the south side of the street from 84 feet East of Kent Street, thence East 130 feet by 6 feeet�eet \side, from197 Peet East of Arundel Carroll Avenue, North side, Street, thence Ea-�t 48 feet Selby Avenue, Worth side, 6J feet wide, Yrom40 feet $treat, thence West to Grotto Street. Street, East side, 6 feet wide, from Selby Avenue, thence South Grotto to alley. SelbetAvthenoeSWest 24dfee%.fand fromeet �afpoint654sfeatnEastfoYhArundel Street, thence East 14 feel by 8 feet and on the north aide Of the thence from 160 feet West of Kent Street thence West 89 fest d & feet, 39 feet East of Arundel Stret thence Eaet 12 feet, and from 32 feet Earths East thence Eget 45 to _k by 6- feet._ ................ _.................. _. _... _..... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed With the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.. _ _., _ ... .._, 191_-..... Approved._..- __......., 191.. ... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Pc +ers ICouncilman Int' Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Forth B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk. 1 vi .................. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 REPORT OF COMMIS610diR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a. In the Matter of Reeo.n-tx''le-t�g�-- 1`^.,y']•ng_an� ra--Ppiling—c-ement.-tjA-e-sldeAlalks--a.t—'th6 following locations; Selby avenue, F.S. six feet aide, from 174 feet West of i,.,�w� Q+ t1i_4_ — fee+ m�Au Oxford street, thence Wept i� fee+ �"^ —beg#ng`" 30 feet Porth .of Tenth Street, thence North 14 feet. Arundel St. W.S. 6 feet wide, from 116 th nce nortb fe=+_ cel by aya-_ ZT.S. 13 feet wide, from 160 feet East of Western avenue, thence East 15 feet. -CaTT011.._2Den.UQa.-_TT.r_ag0...te.Q..t....wide......fr.Q311._.3__rPet_F R+ of Ken+ a+r et thence ---- East 50 feet, and from 76 feet farther East, thence East 15 feet, and on the South_side__of---the,etree_t._frpgf_..@4 feet b - y 6 fest.Carroll avenue, PT.S., 6 ft. wide from 197 feet East of Arundel street.,---thence__Eaet..-_4$__fe.et.,-..---------8-slby...asen>le,st.S.fi�-i�et-.-xride,—Elam-40-fiat ---- Weet of St. Albans street, thence west to Grotto street. Grotto street, East side. 6 feet_wide,_from__S.ejby__ayentae�+henpe 4�I1th'+n Alleys —Selby a�entte S.S-- 6 feet wide from 66 feet West of Chatsworth street, thence West 24 feet, and from a point 54 feet East__Q"rundel tx_e�enra Ea R+ ia-feet.._by--B--f d on t e o th side of the t ee j, fr?m i16j f eedt Westt O j Dent St t�'Wf W. f set � � � �c� rom 3� ee fae o run Ei s res encs has u )2y, y'--arsd-from--4...i`set—Ya;xtrier--Ens'�.#....tYie"nc8-E:�45-it:---may B --its .under Preliminary Order approved June 26th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--�---------- The estimated cost peyjoot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of Mand that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 25 3 Rogers Addition 3200 24 3 Do 3250 i 12 2 Bazil & Guerin's Add. 74800 30 .2 Mackubin & Marshall's 1925 Addition .7 78 Dayton & Irvine's Add. 4750 16 2 Wilson's Re-arr. of part Of 5000 Marshall's Subdivision of B60 16 :2 Block 27, Mackubin and Mare - hall's Addition. 3250 I 17 i 2 Do 3850-- 18 -2 .-Do - .- TOTAL •ORM A .n„ i __-,.i -,_•: f � �i cITT OF ST. PAUL d' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI'SSIO'NER OF" FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)_ - DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION AS UESgED VALUATION I r I 1 West side Annex of Lot 8 97 6 of Marshall' Sub. of Blk. 27 of Mackubin & Marshall's Addition. 6 Whiting's Sub. of part of 800 Lot 8, Block 27, Mackubin 5 and Marshall's Addition. 4500 j 4 Do 3800 20 18 Mackubin & Marshall's 187511 21 18 Addition 1676 1 East 30 feet of 29 3 Holcombe's Add. 160Q West 10 feet of 29 3 Do 360 28 . 3 Do 6350 27 3 Do 1200 26 3 Do 6276 III 25 3 Do 4650 24 3 Do '..1450 1050 23 3 Do 22 .3 Do 1050 � I I 21 3 Do 4800 .I 20 3 Do 6200 19 3 Do 1200 j 18 3 Do 4D 17 3 Do I 5906 16 3 Da , 540 I 18 6 Do 2256 !I 2 5 Roger's Addition. 1350 (Ex. South 62 feet).13 ))) Cochrane Sub. of and Addition I g' to Block 11 Woodland Park (Ex.S.62 ft. of W.10ft.)14 ) Addition 161. TOTAL ,• � 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMIScAONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C) -- - - - - =T— --- — .—.- DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK,, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20 .3 Woodland Par$ Addition .. 5950 19 3 Do 9200 .18 .3 Do 5500 ,16 :2 ).. Keane Addition 8175 West 6 inches of 117 .2 )) Do (Ex. W. 6 inches) .17 .2 Do 4275 .18 .2 Do 3350 19 .2 Do 2200 20 ;2 Do 4100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- ...------- 191-.... -- -- Commissioner of Finance. ronin e.e.�. e•s c 9arTo i✓�`%y„Y� j------------------ 9arTo i✓�`%y„Y� Office of the Commmssicanex of Public Wq*SFIEcl:tvEn 10 } j- pRNS{t u lo' s Report to Commissioner of Finance 0� �•,. is • �; �.. JUL 7 1919 F July 3rd 9 191_ .... To the Counnissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 2b596 June 26th 9 ............approved._._......._...._...._...................2................_...191........, relative to.._........_......_...... cil, known as Council File No......._....._-..-.... _ Reconstruct, rley and repair cernent tile sidewalks at the following locations ✓ Selby Ave., U.S., 6' wide, from 174' west of Oxford St., thence west •12 ft. �Wabasha St., dS, 10' wide, beginning 30' N. of 10th, thence North 14 /Arundel St.,'NS, 6' wide, from 116' No. of Marshall, thence North 161. Aelby Ave .,PIS, 13' wide, from 160' east of @lestern r_ve., thence East 15'. Carroll Ave., ITS, 6' wide, from 32' east of Bent, thence east 501, and from 76' farther east, thence eest 15', and on the south side of the street from 84' east of Kent St., thence east 130' by 61. Carroll Ave,., ITS, 6' wide, from 197' east of I,.rundel, thence east 481. ✓Selby Ave., Pis, 6�' wide, from 40' west of St. Albans, thence west to Grotto Grotto St., ES, 6' wide, from Selby Ave., thence south to alley. ✓Selby Ave., SS, 6' wide, from 66' west of Chatsworth, thence west 241, and from a paint 54' east of Arundel St., thence east 14' by 81, and on the north side of the street, from 160' west of Kent, thence west 64' by 61, and from 39' east of Arundel St., thence east 1211, and from 42' feet farther east, thence east 45' by 61. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is......_no............. ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... ....._- ComnuaeioP er of Puibfe/N�' . 1; and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement_._neecessary an (ordesirable. 07 n Z. The estimated coat thereof is $..... ..............._........_..., and the total cost thereof is $.............. .... ............... ........, and ....._. _.............- .............. _... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._._.._._.._..._......._.... .......... _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made it part hereof. #. .................... ................ ............. ...... ...... .............. _........................ _..................... _... _...... _............................. _.......... _................. _ ...... _........... _. _ ......... _......... _........... _ _ ... _ 5. Said improvement is...:.._n0t................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ....... .. ....... .. _ ..... Comntissioper of PubjS��NT s• k - COUNCIL FILE NO....:"...................... By.- ..... _..................... .................... ............... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Te.c.czla.t .. ............. sidewalks at the following location..s: ..... --- ....----' ..................................................................... ....... . 03kdale___A_venue,.-.we.et--_sid.....__6 feet wide, from the north line of .Midway Ase..,....extended...thence-...soutYz...8.5... e.At;-.-....South-. abaQha-.-street-,.--.east.eide,.. 15 fee.t...a¢ide,...ixnm.. i.J.11>oxe...AY..enue._thence-..south---5�---:eat;_-_Stryker._-Aye,-, Louisa St. thence north _95 feet, under Preliminary Order .......... 25-41c. F. No. 27481 g 1?.,---.1....----.......- ln the matteroireconetmrent ti{e aide----"JuXIP""""" -- in and re➢airlaB locaHonr' walks at ¢he following Intermedia Order ................. _.... oax¢nie Avenue. bleat side s +' .............................................. wide, from.the Narth ltas of Mi ' A public hearing having been 1 Avenue extended, thence 9oyr le i'eetnwiidw a omaStreet E, ant upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objection. thanco so ,-+__ ,,-,tfuns .,elative thereto, and having fully consid- ,e ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.T800n8 truct.,---.relay-_and._Te-Pair.. Cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: ........ '--'. ..... ........... .. Oakdale Avenue, west side 6 fees, :vide, from the north line of Midway .........._......................_........................- -- . ..........--.....-................_...... - ....... - ...._...... ........ ......... Ave., extended thence south 85 feet; South W�abasha Street, east . ..... side .. . - , ........ - ...... ........ ---- ... -......._....... ......-....... ............................................................... .. 16 feetwide, from Fillmore Avenue thence south 50 feet; Stryker Ave., ................ ..... ............... ... . west.... side .,.... F---e�,_i.da.,--.frQm..Louiea..St.,.._thence...north.. 9.5 -feet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thelrewith. Adopted by the Council......_-.....---:._ .::.............. Approved ..----- ------ 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy CouncilmanXXOR) Powers(®er) Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 „Ntom_, % % CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMML,S.%PNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER d (D) ,• --fin �s�,.,, i under Preliminary Order approved z 9/ / - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is E '2`d --Ix The estimated cost pekfoot for the above improvement is e57 'Ze ,A The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION t -i 1,-13 TOTAL, f • /'OI �'��, �O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated—-.._ —191. —�-"� Commissioner of Finance. Fo— B. B. 13 } ���l�vR E �✓�;' pp f tip: �7R.��'E'�, Q / 3 h r7`-177 _ L D U ZS f9 Office of the f� V -1 p _ �'�--- YIEC�L��17 i ' Adner of Public WorS ARy N p 1 q_ �3 ```4 1! Report to Commissioner of Finance June .....2 3rd..'.................................191..9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. cil, known as Council File No 26432 approved. June 12th, 191_9..., relative to_..._ ................_.. .............................._..........._........................ . reconstructing! relaying and repairing cement the sidewalk at the ................................... ....................................................................... following locations: Oakdale Avenue, west side", 6feet wide, from the north line of Midway Avenue extended, thence south 85 feet; South Wabasha St., Fest Side, 16 feet wide, from Fillmore Avenue, thence south 50 feet; ............................. Stryker Ave., west side; fi feet wide; from Loui"ea 5t.; thence/ ritsrth 95 . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1. Said improvement is. ......._.............. necessar and (or) desirable. .07V per square cot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................................... . and the total cost thereof is $........_......_............_... _........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . ......................... ...:..__..._...._...:_.._....__.........................................................._._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is not .................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Coy uisaioner of Works. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ng a se -vier on Asbury ......................................... Avenue from a -.point.- .- ... _j2dyty (.6_0) fe.et Rl t.Q LsX-Q.Pd k9 t r e et ............................................ air jSt. -e.e-t- .................... ....................................................................... C. F. N.. 27481— -- -------------- --------- .......... .. .i I In the mattes 0 constructing . eg.r or, Abury A---, r-- . p.int a Xty t o1r, ............................................ feet SoUth dof 131el ............................................... .1 end Street, un "rdPSept..b.r 15, ............................................ - der, 26572,appro 19 . 9 —In publ, .... ................ .......................... ........................................................................... ................... ................................................................................................................................................................................... 26572 Sept. 15, 1919. underPreliminary Order-----------------------------------_.._------. approved ................................ ............................................... IntermediaryOrder.. ...................................................... ----- approved----.....----...........-------------------------------------------- -- ------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.... .p-.o.-n---s-.-t.-.--r--u----c--.-t.-.-.-.- -a ---B--e..w.er on....A.S-b..ur.y.. A .y-e-nu.e ....... .. - p ­fpet...south...of...Blai.r..Stre.et...t.o...LafondStreet....... ...................................... ------------------------- ........... ­ .......... . ............................. --------------------------------- .............................................................................................................. ------------- - ----- ----------..---.-..-----...- j --------- ---------- -- ----------- ----- ..................................................... ...................................... .................. ........................................................... ..................................................................... ................................................... ................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... - 191- --------------- -------------- City Cler Approved .......................... 191 -------------- .. ............................................ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Kellexx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CITU OF ST.. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) under Preliminary Order approved — -------- ��------- ��-----/- ------------------------ -------- the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 7B-f�D O The total estimated am��//////qq;,,,unt o the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-------------------------- The estimated cost perJfoot for the above improvement is9(J-------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A' cpa-1,6 G� a rL so /7 O FORM e.9.A. 9.3 A TOTAL, JcIF STA P UL DEPARTMENT' OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 3 -7 ',3 0O /8970 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - ------- of Finance. - Commissioner r FORM B.S.A. 0.3 C St. Paul, Minn. , ....O• • • X919 IUTo the Honorable, The Council, 'rP 13 1919 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: y !Ga}C ... n/ ............. <<t12�- ...................... . ... . -...�k . ..C��';Seg .......................... ....... .............St. Ave. N_A 2f E LOT L BLOCKS _DDITION iiz-� 29. u................ .......................... ............... ..............� ................................ .....�.......................... ................................. ...... .......................... ......�.......................... ............................................................ � � x ....... ............ ...:................ ..... .......d .......................... 230 3 SFr 16 Office of the Commissioner of Public WorkstECEIVEo -3�5 - Report to Commissioner of Finance SEP 19 1919 September 19th,191_,9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 2687E____-approved__September l5th,191_ — relative to h@_QoA6_ l�c±tiQn_ oY_ a_aeRer_ on_Aabury_Avenue Yrom a pointsixty -feet-- _ south -- of Blair Street_ to Lafond Street_ _______________________________________ ------------------------- - ----------------------------------------------- --------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_41�90 p8or Te52rontni00L desirable. 700.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $______________, and the total cost thereof is $-___-__--_-_, Assessable frontage 370 feet Excess inspection $50.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. ---------------------------- -3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------------- - -------------------- Cc ' ioner of Public Works. r 1 piitg of St. Faul OSCAR CL,,,,,,EN. „,., a„„„.., Mepartment of Vuhlir Works J. E. CARROLL •5111'r.t.Sf Y M.N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER O i.K A.. -.1- R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALO JACKSON. Su Rr R. o Re .1eR, Io„ September 18, 1919. N. Coss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of con- struction of a sewer on Asbury Avenue from a point sixty feet south of Blair Street to Lafond Street, in accordance with Council File +26572, approved September 15, 1919: ESS/C Approximate estimate......... f700.00 Cost per front foot.......... 1.90 Excess inspection necessary.. 50.00 Assessable frontage.......... 370 feet. Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE NO ........................... . By..... ..:_...:_ .................._.......... - _. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.........P.avi ng.._Fairmount Avenue._from Fairview Avenue to ................ nClu3.ing...sei^_water3_...gas--_connect ions.._from---street- me.ill.9....to... p_r.op.QX-t-Y--.11ne_Q._ ccrnplete,.._rhere._Mt .__alrsady.-made.,... eluding.. auz.tli_n.�...and..pay.in _alley_._and__.driveway...approaches,__ hsre............... Av..ue, Prom Fa C. F. No. 27482— '-"--."---._. nane.seary.+------- - -- "'"" I1n the matter of Paving Fairmount view A n -Prior 1ve onn sewer � - -------- --- and gasconnections a from - --- �--�--- " �---"""'-' ....... .. ....... ... .... ..... .... .. .. main. to ProPert.,. linden cc 1 here not ¶ under Preliminary Order .......... 2r5.?19 pprovea "F - .. Salt 23'x"'1 1'S.' a_................._..................""".... "-"-----...... "Intermediary Order..................... " ............. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of pave Fairmount Avenue from Fairview improvement to be made by the said City is ... ... ............... ............................................................................................ Avenue_to.._Prior Avenue, including as~er, water and gaa connections .. .n ...... .............................. from street mains to property lines complete, -Where not alreddy made, .. ..-. . ._ _. al.ay----inCludlII ourkilag...axl-d-..Paylag----alley...and__d_~ivep?.a.Y....aP.proach �h D w11-9-T6---nEG B�'y+' ,-�, ------------------- / ,.�/1 .................._....`...`...... .... ... lL%_'.`...-:.` _.............................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.. - -- ---..,....!...,....._......> 191........ _........... _.. City Clerk. Approved------------------- ------- ..._..._........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman XgIerpowers /Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ... - Mayor. ,i sr 1 J 1 Z_ CITY AUL DEPARTMEN OF FINANCE AL REPORT OF COMIWIS%ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIININARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of __Paving Fairmount -avenue _from -Fairview _venue to Prior _avenue, including sewer water and gas connections from street mains to _ property lines complete i.tere not already made,also including curbing_ and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary, September 29th, 1919 under Preliminary Order approved — ---- —----- ----------------------------------------------_..--- -------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Kind of Total Total Cost Paving: Per Esti— per S . yd. mate. Fnt. Ft. 3z Cresoted Blocks, 4.59 $21,297,60• $8.93 Intersections out, 4.59 '19,755.36 8.28 Brick, 4,08 18,931.20 7.94 Intersections out, 4.08 17,560.32 7.36 Brick Laid Flat, 3.72 17,260.80 7.24 Intersections out, 3.72 16,010.88 6:71 Asphalt, 3.57 16,564.80 6.95 Intersections out, 3.57 15,365.28 6.44 1 Asphalt Concrete, 3.57 16,564.80 6.9 Intersections out, 3.57 15.365.2$_ 6.4 Concrete, 2.81 13,038.40 5.47 Intersections out, 2.81 12,094.24 5.07 Where house service nonnectione are rot in add to 7C. C cost of each lot— For 6" house drain connections, " 32.00 For u" house service water The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 1 Underwoodts First Addition 3625 23 1 to the City of St. Paul 675 22 1 Ramsey Co. Minnesota. 3875 21 1 Do 675 20 1 Do 3975 19 1 Da 675 18 1 Do 4775 17 1 Do 675 16 1 Do 675 15 1 Do 675 FO"M ".l.A. B -S A TOTAL, �Q.3O d RNNnx Rornticell.n Vwl , ec x nwn i sw�. H. & VAL. J. ROTHSCHILD, ING. REAL. ESTATE, FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS. INSURANCE, CARE OF PROPERTY 300.303 GUARDIAN £.IFR BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. R. V. RoiO11—D (B) DESCRIPTION CIT)T. PAUL DEPARTM T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIE-j�;IONER OF FINANCE ON PREbUMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED IALUAT O 14 1 Unerwoodls First Addition 675, 13 1 to the City of St. Paul 47251 24 2 Ramsey County, Minnesota. 700! 23 2. Do 650': 22 2 Do 3550 21 2 Do 2960 20 2 Do 4250 19 2 Do 33501 18 2 Do 3200 17 2 Do 3160 16 2 Do 3300 15 2 Do 690 14 2 Do 650 13 2 Do 650 1 4 Do 7251 2 4 Do 4150, 3 4 Do 40 60 4 4 Do 600 5 4 Do, 60.0'! 6 4 Do 60,0 600 7 4 Do 8 4 Do 600 9 4 Do 600 10 4 Do 600 11 4 Do 600 I 12 4 Do 650 j 1 3 Do 700 , - TOTAL CITY OFT PAUL DEPARTMEN FINANCE REPORT OF COMMlSS QNER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- -- - - - ASSESSED m LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION VALUATION / 7-7>�' 2 3 Underwoods First Addition 3450 3 3 to to City of St. Paul, 900 4 3 Ramsey County, Minnesota 1550 5 3 Do 65o 6 3 Do 650 7 3 Do 650 8 3 Do 650 9 3 Do 650 10 3 Do 650 11 3 Do 650 12 3 Do 650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works !�� " - —191--.:L. _ `'-- -_--- ---- - - Dated------------------------ ----- - Commissioner of Finance. FORM ..S.A. E 0 C V, St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, z , City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Is' the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made ..................... ..St. Ave. ............................................ I ...... I ..... to...... .............. from ..... .... St. Ave. Ave. ............ . .............. .... ..... ........ .. P................ ........... . .... ...... ........ .............. ............... A ...... ............ ...... ).-I ... A...... ........... ....... .......................... ........... ........... .. .... ....... .......... ............ ....... ...... ................... ....... ................... ............ ... ............. ............ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works—EI V En =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 10.1,919 October 1, 9 ............. 6th ............ _. _.. _ .......... _. 191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council bile No....._26719..........approved_._September 29x..........._..191.9.:., relative to ......................._._. paving Fairmount Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._X .... ...._..... . and the total cost thereof is$....._.........._......x�........, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.........................................................................................................................................................................................................:......................................... ....:. 5. Said improvement is._....._ ......................::..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. (jitg 6f jh. Faut OSCAR CLAUS -N. Cl—ERoin.en 39tVamou!ut of Ilubitt 3Works. pRRo�l.,gUPr,ne.ns M. N. GOS$ COMMISSIONER ri11 .PAi.• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY A� R..'AC......_.c n H. eoETziNeeR^."." N. s. cnvTepnrEn.iRe[p .n. HERROLO•C=En.in.[p October 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Fairmount Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including Curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #26719, approved September 29, 1919: Bind of Total Total Cost Paving: Per Esti- per Sq;Yd. mate. Fnt.Ft. " CrInter sections ed so$4.59 , 297.60 $ out, 4.59 19755.36 8.28 Brick, 4.08 18,931.20 7.94 Intersections out, 4.08 17,560.32 7.36 Brick Laid Flat, 3.72 17,260.80 7.24 Intersections out, 3.72 16,010.88 6.71 Asphalt, 3.57 16,564.80 6.95 Intersections out, 3.57 15,365.28 6.44 Asphalt Concrete, 3.57 16,564.80 6.95 Intersections out, 3.57 15,365,28 6.44 Concrete, 2.81 13,058.40 5.47 Intersections out, 2.81 12,094.24 5.07 Where house service connections are not in add to cost of each lot - For 6" house drain connections, $70.00 For �" house service water " 32.00 Frontage - 2,386 feet. 'r ESS/C J Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. COUNCIL FILE 'NO .............. ...---- ...... ,9 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._....cQns-trUc-ting--.aaw-er....on...eaat.... aide ...cif ...8nelling..Au-enus from St. Clair Street to a point thirty feet f30)--.feet-_north.--o f--------------- ............. north line of Stanford Av=nue....................................................... ..... -- .... ....... ........ _............................... C. F. No. 21111— ' In the mattsr of constructing sewer .... ........................................... on Fast: side of Snelling Avenue, from .............................. St. Clair Street to a point thirty ;t30) feet North of North line of stanf9rd under Preliminary Ord!^-------- 'Avenue,............................................................. ................................I.. 26836, approved o9tober 6, 1 e1 A public hearing having been upon the above improvement up^ Oct. 6 t 19l 9 • -...- under Preliminary Order ................... notice, and the Council hry^'r . all persons,. objections da •' .... ..........-- - ...... ....- ........ ....---- Intermediary - IntermeuicOea _ _ ___ approved Apblin having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of construct sewer on east sideof Snelling improvement to be made by the said City is.._.. ..... ........_ - - _ -. ................. ............................. ................. Avenue from St. Clair Street toa point thirty feet (30) north of north .................-- - .._.........................-------- line...of _Stanford Avenue........ -........._._.....__._... --- ....---- .....--------- .........................----------....._....._....... ............... ---------­-------------------- ..... ....................... ............. .._.............. ......... ................................. ..................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._... _ _,.._---- -- 191........ c1 . _..._.._ ... City Clem J Approved........ --:._............... ................ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss e .-4 Councilman Clancy Councilman li*Ikyr PowIr s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 �cl► a f 7-77"' Mayor. 1 CITY OFF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMF—W4T OFIFINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ------------ - Preliminary Order approved ----------------------------------- --- ---- ------- ----9---'------'i-------..-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-=�------------------- -- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1-7 /7 7 TOTAL, FORM -.A. 8-I A -. / CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMEM� OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION %o O sow �o 0 "50 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference lto/ said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.-_._..'.` .._`.Z....._ ............ .8 ..... Commissioner of Finance. FORM B—A. e.s C V St. Paul, Minn., ..... ............ To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition yo Honorable Body to cause the follo-,71r.g iveiLont to be made: mprg.; ............ ......St. Avo. ..................... f rom .......... St. Ave. to ...... .................... St. Ave. LOT B oc a-DII110 0 .... ........... * ...... ................... ...... ........... ...... ..................... .... ............ .. . ............................ ....... ....................... .............................. ..... ...... ........... ..... ....... ................. ............................. ..... ........ .. .............. ............. ..... ....... I ........... ............. ..................... ....... ............... if ..................... .................. ...................... 1. .... .... ............................ .. .. .... �.(� .... ............ .................... ....... .......... ...................... ....... ......... I ................ ................... ....... ....... ..... .................... ........... ..... ....... .......................... .......... Commis Office of the ion�er of Public Warks R Er EQ pFr.W °'�,, . T � ^3 Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT l i 1999 October 10th, 791 ,9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26835 October 6th, 9 oil, known as Council File No......._.._.......................approved..........................................................................197,........, relative to. ....... ..... ....'..__.. ........................................._........................................ _ aide of Snelling Avenue from St. Clair constructing a sewer on east . ...... ......................................... Street to a point thirty feet north of north line of Stanford Avenue. --.._........................................_...._......_......_.......-.................._........._......................._... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. $4.72 per front foot 21765.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ........ ....... .... ....... ..... . and the total cost thereof is $.............................................., and Assessable frontage b86 ft. Excess inspection $85.00 ....... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ...................................... ... ....... .._...... ....................................... _... ..... _ rovement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said imp ..........................__._.......................................:................................................................. ........................... 5. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. + .................... Commissioner f Public Works. J� OSCM CLAUSSEN. C aIH[[R J. C. CARRDLL'9u iiK¢[na M ALP- JACKSON, Surma cYIOH wwo w¢�wi¢a H. W. GOETLINGER. =IOH M. 4. CRYT SAK/E op Ne[nloHa Ulitg of St. Paul Department of Vuhlir Warks M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY October 10, 1919. r. Coss, Commissioner of Public P,Torks, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of construction of server on east side of Snelling Avenue from St. Clair Street to a point thirty feet north of north line of Stanford Avenue, in accordance with Council File ;26835, a:proved October 6, 1919: Approximate estin.ate......... .'2,765.00 Cost per front foot......... 4,72 Excess inspection necessary.. 85.00 Assessable frontage.......... 586. feet. yours ve-ryQtruly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. 10� Ll� -NO .... -- By.................................' '................................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......-.eonstructing...a..ee.^er..-on..Syn3ic t_a_-Avenu _..fx.om...BQ.Ian..... Street to University Avenue for sanitary drainage only . ............. ....................................................... ....... . ............................................... e. F: N'— - In the %m&"atter94of constrticting a sewer on Syndicate Avenue, from Bohn .*'---'"" "."' ........... ........ """" "" '---"""" """" Street to UnivGr Uy Avenue, for sant- t¢ry :drainage only, under ,Peellml- nhry Order 26892, aDProved "..October.. •.............. ...... ....... .... .... _ ............. ........ ... ..... ........ 11,1919. .... ' A public - hearing. .upon a ¢hrtrn i^. ^ .. 26892octt. 11, 1919, underPreliminary Order.................................................. approved---- ...... ................... ...... ------ ....._.......... Intermediary Order ........... ..... .. approved .................................. .............................. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard 11persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the Same therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is._........const_ruct a_: sewer.. on-.-Synaioate--Avnue from Bohn Street__to__University Avenue, for sanitary drainage only. ....... ....... ----- --------- --------------------------­----------------------- --------- ---------.---------------- .......---------- .-------------------------- . ...-------------------- ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance,therewith. P, r l' , '1' Adopted by the Council ..._._........':..:-----.... - ...........1 191........ t City Clerk. Approved.., ...-- -- 191 - -- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss it Councilman Clancy Councilman X Po'^ s Counc'm eColl Counc' an Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of—Ca-n)B-t-r-uc-tlnZ---a_..6BIY.ex--9Il--S.ynaica.tH.-avenue-..from'.Ohn---st-reet---tA------------------ ----- under Preliminary Order approved—...q.@t O1J2r.._Zlt'1�_._Z9�.9--- --------------------------------------------------- --- - ------ ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assess ent for the above improvement is - - $— 3-� 3----- Q-�--- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 3 Midway Industrial Division 1075 C 3 Do 675 9 3 Do 21725 B: 3 Do 7115 8 3 Do 3175 7 3 Do 1250 All, 3 Do 675 3 4� Do 3900 2 4 Do 9150 B 4 Do . . . .900 TOTAL. Q CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF -FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Ex streets & except 8 Kittsondale being Auditor's part included in Mid - ,way Industrial Divi- Subdivision No. 27 17o525 sion St. Paul, Minn. 213825 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -----------191_-:/-.. 11 Commissioner of Finance. FORM 6.5.A: 6-5 C UN, of OIL Faut OSCAR CLAU96lN. CHi[. lNoiH[an %partuttat of lubl{i Warko �- M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. 1. AA—LL- SUP` R. T. GOURLEY. Dffl` orR ALMEOJACSON.SU.T H. W. OOCRINGER, SUITIOH GRYiSAR:lHOIHe[w1oHf HlRROLOrO..oC. l....... October 13, 1919. Mr, M. R. Goes, commieeloner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing a Sewer on Syndicate Avenue from Bohn SSattgreet to University Avenue, for sanitary Noa186893,�appin roved October U,with 1919: . File Approzimate estimate...... 13,638.00 00 cost per front toot....... Ezoess inspection necessary1100-00* ,300 -feet. Assessable frontags....... It is epaai=ally requested by the pstitioners for this improvement that the matter be acted upon Bary for athe eastlarg cssible factorydabout tb bethe e tablished.Or Is oee- Yours very truly, Q ESS/C Chief Engineer. Enolo Request of Department of Education. r - t485 Council File No....... ......,.. i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � -hoo" and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes a melting of the following p c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: xvi.dM..and....extend ...Sh .dan.-a#x ..... to..a.-w-idtIl oY..si-xty..:..eix-..(.66.)-.-..... -OM ...Edgoumhe...Road .._t_o....0 and... avenue..................................................:.. ........... ........................................................................._ PRRuarrA.UtX oRDHRB - { .............. Dated th1s.....5th.......... day .......... C f°- 2.toc 87486— �: n �bhtraat, a,,5c - ...- vahedeae,. 1� wplttga MA Deal [6t V " - _.......... ................ .... .. �maaktna fit.-{ 'e'2a>iowfaa'�1gar ivii .. Oaa. ivtdann,, „andl,,re:tah,� Councilman. t to, a xrJtlt6 orjilxn�N� 9d PRELIMIN RY RDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Open.,...Aid en.._and.._exten.¢...Sh�r.idan....atr.e.et.._to..:.a w.i.dth....of ..s.ity.-e.i.x..�.6.6.)....._ fe.et.o....f xam...Edgo.umkie....F..oad...to,..Gl:eseland...ay.enue........................ ... ............... ...... .. .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul by; ounctimari -• -- - • --- - – therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he 1e heie�iy ordered and direfted: 1. To invettigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement Z. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and edtimated Cott of said improvement, and the total cotT thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement .................................... _............._ J� ........... To hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted, by the Council ....:...: �r r _ �q { S 191 ....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved....-J ............ 191 Hyland 7 Keller McColl - ` • Wunderlich......................................... ....................... Mayor Irvin Ma or. Farm CA 15 (sM 4-17) /� �� i I � 5 t To. 27486—Ordinance No. _8ti ank 7.'.Power6-- hol ,lance'IN" datingg tha a•..,° !� F: t fr iY na nolttara .(il 0000.. \ 40 Market Fund for -,. conetTucting.: the..fo,'-:� ,.-: t*vbnty-ton. ear' _ • An ordinance appropriating the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) out of the City Market Fund for the purpose of con- structing the foundation for a new twenty -ton scale at the City Market. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and .safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIIT: Section 1. That there:is hereby appropriated the sura of One Thousand.Dollars ($1,000.00) out of the City Market Fund for the purpose of constructing the foundation for a new twenty -ton scale at the City Market. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Powers 'Wunderlich 3r. Hodgson, President 7 Approve UEC `01919 Mayor Attest City Clerk s✓' Vis- For, A A 46, Y 14 1-16 c 1 ! 1'1'1,V /1F a'1'. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No. .......: .................. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE - 1350 !� _. . toll ' AUDITED � 1, ... �`..._._.__.._. 79 ....... TITLE: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following, detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V - i919._...........f91 Adopted by the un ' _ _. - .....:. C. F. No. 27487— ClanC Abet tact. Clancy Resolved, that warrants be drawn I� ^ r lu C upon Ule City Treasecified neunda a°na oved _. _. _ _.0.191. Farnsworth f the hereinafter sp 0 In Pavor of the Perao0. flrme an cor- Go,, porations Por the amounts se[ opposite their respective names na specified In /) the following detailed statement: ,,... .., _._. ,... ,_.__ __.. .. ......._ 'b Chaska Brick & Tile Company, E3.- - MAYOR 288.00. McColl Otto Edstrom. Agent, $50.00. Forest Cemetery Association, $50.00. Wunderlich Gopher Lime & Cement Company, $1, 664.48.- Mr. President, Hodgson R. T. Gourley. $56.06. Me Indy Paper Company, Rathe, Mills &Bell, Ina. _$450e0 92 I$6',t" ro. St. "te Foundry Company, E1,, 191.1 Adopted by the Council Dec. 6. 1919 Approved Dec. 6, 1919. (Dec. 13, 1919) ,Aa _ 16030 Chaska Brick & Tile Company, 1,288.00 Gaultier School Addition (Bond) -- 16031 Otto Edstrom, Agent 50.00 Playgrounds 16032 Forest Cemetery Association, 50.00' S. & S. Cing. 16033 Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 1,654.46 GAultier School Add.Bond 31.60 Paving Ashland -Snell. to Pascal 1 1, 6�22.g6 a66 16034 R. T. Gourley, 56.65 Bureau of Engineers 38.30 St. C. & R. .75 Sewer C. & R. 3.50 S. & 5. Cing. 7.75 Bridge B. & R. 2.65 Croaswalks 3.70 16035 h''eiady Paper Compeny, 3.75 Civil Service 450.00. 16C33 Raths, ;,:ills & Bell, Inc., Parks Res. 1350 Page #2 � 45.27 16037 Raymer Hardware Company, ° Sprinkling 2.00 V Schools 10.82 ] Parks 3.17 / Forestry Revl. 3.15 -% Park Constriiation 8.23 Gaultier School Add.Bond 17.90 T577.7 16038 St.Paul Builders material Company, 5,573.10 Paving Como Ave, from Rice St. to Gt. Northern Bdg. 16039 St.Paul Fofindry Company, 1,854.30- St. ,854.30St. C. & R. 5.30 Park Construction 1 849.00 1,854.30 4 M Total 11,025.53 Form A A 46, 2 M 7-18 CITY or s,r. P.tui, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �Ilt\CIL No...........':...:.....':.....:� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1349 ' �� - AUDITED DLI, i. Idl.i?............1 .._ ��, PER..... ._.. . __.. i TITLIe. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the a,,.;r le.—ective*amen as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations for SEC "G 1919 leas 1 �' ) Councilmen t �� ) C. P. No. 27933 Abstract. I Y unci __ " -- ----" Adopted b the 1 Resolved that warrants be drawn' upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of Clans the hereinafter specified funds and in L�!� —G Ialg „_,._11)1 Y IBVOr of the person., firma or corpora- CU1'ed tions for the amounts set o7 ppoeite their Farnsworth folloell"wing nnmee as specified in the (/ r V foAmeric detailed statement: Goss O Americas Linen Supply Company, _ ............. ' §33.30. ......_.... i Wm. Baumeister Company, $361.10. MAYOR 7 `�^ "-' � T. r Blood &. Company, 53 issi McColl Board of Water Commissioners, §29.43. Diebold Safe & Lock Company, $6.00. Wunderlich y I{Iennr Company, or lEii.2s. Mr. President, Hodgson M..ndler Hrothe.. Ea.38. New Y.rk Tea Company, $2.23. Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, $37.42. Peoples Coal & Ice Company, E96.13. Pioneer Decorating & Display Com - Plate Glass Company. Brothers. $123.43. Gas Light Company. & Evans, $7.32. dr, $7.33. ler, $16.23. step & Telg. Com - ox & Lumber Company. ere & Company, $4.20. r, $2.60. the Council Dec. 6. 1919 38.80 16008 American Linen Suppply&CCmpaany, C.351.10 16009 `Nm. Baumeister Company, C. H. & C. H. 12.54 16010 T. L. Blood & Company, C. H. & C. H- 29.43 16011 Board of Water Commissioners, C. H. & C. H. 6.00 16012 Diebold Safe & LocC. k &Companes= 1.84 16013 J. FJ. Hulme Company, C. H. & C. H. 11.25 16014 J. T. Kenny & CCmpaanyp C. H. 3.38 . 16015 maendler Brothers, C. H. & C. H. 2.23 16016 New York Tea Company, C. I?. & C. H. 16017 Northwestern Electric Company, 37.42 &Equipment 46.13- 16018 'eoples Coal & Ice Company, C. H. & C. He Total 1,839.84 1. J Res. 1349 Page #2 16019 Pioneer Decorating & Display Company, 37.50 C. H. & C. H. 16020 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, n 34.08 C. H; & C. H. 16021 Prendergast Brothers, 123.43. C. H. & C. H. 16022 st.Paul Gas Light Company, 746.08,-_ C. H. & C. H. 16023 Schuneman & Evans, 7.32- C. H. & C. H. 16024 P. J. Springer,- 7.33. C. H. & C. H. 16095 John A. Stadler, 15.28- C. H. & C. H. 16026 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, 312.25 C. H. & C. H. 16027 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 9.75- & C. H. 16028 R. B. Whitacre & Company, 4.20, C. H. & C. H. 2.50� 16029 Wm. Yungbauer, C. H. C Total 1,839.84 1. C.• F. No. 27989— �.,t.. t that i had by . Cit r c Stn , here- •'~' f ` I Whereas, It has heen made to appear ,i ,� l OfO that a hao.d byt the C v CITY OFST. PAUL FOENcu NO........_ ..........:......_.... Rivere Soule and No 8 ukn'orWreso o[Poti FICE OF THE CITY CLERK of. the Park Board, aaoDpted January and ae°apand are by plots Noy121'21snd L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1213 In the office of the Commisslor PRESENTE.°P o,1b11c Works, and by plats cert- 10 1906, and recorded Au . COMMISSIONER . tl,e ft- of the Registe DATE ...... i. for Ramsey Count. .. ......... .. .... ..... ... ................... .._... .........._... '" plate, 1212 -0 list of _R�Q nk• WHEREAS, It has been made to appear that'in condemnation prooeedings heretofore had by the City of St. Paul to acquire property for the Mississippi River Boulevard No. 2, under resolu- tion of the Park Board, adopted January 2nd, 1906., and confirmed May 21, 1906, and ae appears by Plats No. 1212 afd 1213 in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, and by plate certified to August 10, 1906, and recorded Au,'ust 13, 1906, in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, in Book 2 of Park Plate, 1212 and 1213 respectively, a certain list of property to be condemned and taken for said improvement, dated August 13, 1906, included among the several parcels of land, Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, of Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2; and WHEREAS, It appears that in a subsequent certified list of the property to be taken, which said list was dated August 29, 1906, the said Lots 4 and 5 were not included, and that said last des- cribed parcels of property were not in fact intended to be condemned, and were not condemned by the City of St. Paul as a part of said improvement; and WHEREAS, It appears that by reason of the certification of said list among the records on file in the office of the Register of Deeds, the same constitutes a cloud upon and objection to the title of said last named lota and WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul has not now any interest in or claim to said lots, and in order to relieve the owner of said lots from any objection or cloud on said title because of said irregularity, be it RESOLVED, That said City of St. Paul disclaim all interest to the said Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be executed and delivered a quitclaim deed, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, quitclaiming the same to Nora W. Taylor, the present owner of said premises. , o sr �i Yes ! ) Councilmen ! ; ) Nays / r I / ,I. /.Y Clanc Y VL (J I V Adopted by the Council DEC —6.1919 19 , Farnsworth ) Goss 'i"4ft er i 1 Approved _ L,1.. 19_.__.. 1VIcCo11 Powers O A�diRSL— Wunderlich --- MAYOR Mr. President FORM --9 Deportment of Kow CITY OF ST. PAUL -O. H. O'NEILL AIIJOHN A. BURN 6wrv. w..o.Hc.s . WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS.H.MASEK Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance. November 19th, 1919. (Attention of Mr. Seamer.) Dear Sir: - Attached hereto I am handing you a letter recently received from Mr. Norton in respect to certain irregularities in the condemnation proceedings of the City under the old Charter, for acquiring property for Mississippi River Boulevard No. 3. It is not necessary to cite the purport of that letter as it will explain itself. As you have custody of the old reoorde, will you verify the statements made by Mr. Norton, or at your convenience, if you will call me up, I will be glad to go through these records with you. When replying, will you return this letter for our I files? Yours very truly, A Corporation Counsel. JAB -M / INSURANCE AND REAL EST, CE SUCCESSOR TO �Init1 mO TaLllar 48 EAST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL 70VC�Tnr j,151S. :1. O.T.Olneill, Wrpmaticn Attornez, St,7jvl,7 Ann. Doan -ir:- in wv"Cc W cm ccnv rmticl da7s d&:w &-c rs-ardizq a ClMd the title .c lots 0 and 5 in black 1 01" C rILC2 tKC foil OWiW 0X % h0f0rL 'Aavatba Part AWaltion �O. ter Y-ov zod act Or tc OWN ps as 7ill clear ul thC 1 Cirtain - rorert 1AR CON C "CA and "On �7 the Ciny ,-i piDoulevart 7o,2 7ndu rozolution of the parj� - .. card adooted as rgleara 1006, and confi.­- and j1213 in Koo cio lh=f�i mrls Occ, "d, �L OWN C Aug.10, , —, 1, JN 3 in Mae h3jiLt= Of We" Office in BOO!' u 1201 and rccor� 6 , ­�­ H 2" of ?;XY 1'lats,1213 and 1212. A list cf t�2 -c Or'-- so cCnnv_njd and tahcn,,;7,Ta ArC.0"lcon, l Tal c 7r4ified to bV W WcMtar: Oy j� c Tcard of Prblic �Wm Lad 7&s iccrard in the Of7me of SO Ryluar ):" Do -do on Arc 30" =05,yn Anolz •As list does N" of s not inclde the Wo lots �,,nticneiis still in d. V,c Orininal Of t� t, - - - 'L: S. j q1C anj!�, C, �ho as vLac, dc. 4cd &-n 13" , 1900,17ANK, Gn CO:' -:1_ :0 list of �rc_ d•,r111l je �mxnd to jo,a liK of LOW Or :=Kon vQ1a ts voc YlLts Ont — all of t1w loand nieces Too."•,r111. Th, , ho �KU =rc, oolcidc of t>c 1, W�Hfled jcUlpvcxd =6 Were n c .;?Cn for it. TOW list Was case S,,roro Ka- f the TOM nf �­Cljc as a true U0 of the 1 rOD- rc It (_,Lcee A:Xli do the two erty "condensed and fOX Zaicl Ou­l-:_Ir�� - tin Ani �e�- los mand W , vO__ --d C- rr IV J -d Q C — - 7:.0 H 73 H Of 7I.CC11LOCCUS, iotcr of Decd's oj�joc on W. mrze 141,etc. (­Icc�nnt 115 73) �.Vvnticn is Called to POV2 117 of this record. !he CH'tnal Cf his instrn ant camm1 : s 07nd Q - !to �e -0car of DInds. list ... ..... dca zzvont,an days T"I Will no Ac : V hKor, W r -cord nf 4-0 "rrcct list. it L- yourm cy--jent that the arror dc in 4�o carlier r,cord 700 Qc"17 "Covered E25 "m corm" list was KPnn roccracc, it acM :'�c'­ tvLt it is a carrrctad list - VC-rh Qat :10 ;Mve to n 411, Wontion. We prininalassessnem oil 02 Lunesm.onto Uvird and lcnefitc amarded An the �vhtr My", , v1­n&I-­4-r �,mrch,in the filea q of th, C, ,Knjcn:r of Tim­lcz. on & roll in th; 0fic Knucrvol onition and of the Yrlt rlurrj"� �jvzz rise to tho =T to ('C 0c tD, -ror tu hLQ VC7 vor t A, careful zmrcy vy t�: wo fail, to U1,clemy awl thipo"S the hind an 70n nnccrdcd. ,_.:or I jc not know. Fossil!: 2p� . Sal- in: Dm; 0"n :ill1C 0 :�it OIL!" died from tna City - - ,Lt t -:1c k�.Ladc to correct the error. lijanatt� ID. clau'Lor INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE -- I T. �1TCTtIT :Tilt} 48 EAST FOURTH STREET. SAINT P4UL -rccora_',lc of Si n c c cn 1�00 c,. d 'All tion in ..iil r,.'C C LL2 13 c n Department of Eaw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'NEILL JOHN A. SURNSnm n.+on�srs WILLIAM J. GISERSON _ JAMES D. SWAN JOS.H.MASEK December 5th, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen: - I hand you herewith form of resolution authorizing a quitclaim deed by the City to Nora W. Taylor, to Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, Hiawatha Park Addition No. 2. Attached to the resolution is a communication from inr. q. '-. Norton, representing Miss Taylor, addressed to '.r. 0INeill. We have had the sane referred to the Commissioner of Finance, where the information set forth in said letter has been checked and found to be substantially correct. &. It would appear that there is no objection to the Council passing this resolution. There are other parcels of property besides the one named herein involved, and it is probable that from time to time similar requests will be made. Yours very truly, A 't Corporation ae. JAr-'.t Resolved, That the application o"following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at cations respectively indicated be, sad the same are hereby granted, afd the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment. of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION' A. E. Buckner, Butler & Hogan, Geo A. Merrick, Kitzman & Kitzman, Sohuneman & Evans, A,. Klopka, F. 'C'. Ullrich, John Jiangiuilis, C'. Vadnais, James S. Hoy, Yeas ( t) Councilmen( V) Nays Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Hotel, Atlantic, Restaurant, Restaurant, Hotel, Hotel Sparta. Hotel, Restaurant, Clancy Farnsworth Goss .............In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 eM 8-18 441: Rondo, 118-14 W. 6th St., 145 R. 3rd St., 11j E. 7th, 6th & Wabasha, 1381 Rice St., 430 Wabasha, 864 6th, 91 So. 11abasha, 7 E, 6th St., Adopted by the Council .......... EE _6 V912 -._,,._........,__...191..... Approve ._.........EC------- 9�. ;., t i;...191_.. w; MAYOR �- �` 9rsoLr,.d. 96=�yy'9' [olio ntr -TrryyltsQ los duet. W.�ot+hedtyLr�a-to P A U L GENERAL FORM _ :et-ths'IttBs� ttgns �ASDeot[[ _,ItyllAht8d2zhoW �[hee�'aa a nre 9 a ere>ttte0 ab [1:. CItYkCt.rlc t.,Fegth.tit d arld�,dlreOIL-----------------------------------------------. . 27490 r"! 2 y 49 d Subjedt:...... .._... ...... td eo..eeh,llo6htaetot.n[d�yerr ep0 theyVmORt 4[th0 #!p. A8 j FILECOU aut ad b Wry , G it N O. .. ................ ... _.. .. ... ------ ................... ... .. ...... .. W s[rd. �nokner"Ita9MUranf•a�# _.._..... ...........� ..... ..... 1 dkfF' iteetal' 4ii11• .` Deo. 6, 9 Date Presented................................_.._.........191...,- Resolved, That the application o"following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at cations respectively indicated be, sad the same are hereby granted, afd the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment. of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION' A. E. Buckner, Butler & Hogan, Geo A. Merrick, Kitzman & Kitzman, Sohuneman & Evans, A,. Klopka, F. 'C'. Ullrich, John Jiangiuilis, C'. Vadnais, James S. Hoy, Yeas ( t) Councilmen( V) Nays Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Hotel, Atlantic, Restaurant, Restaurant, Hotel, Hotel Sparta. Hotel, Restaurant, Clancy Farnsworth Goss .............In favor Keller McColl Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 eM 8-18 441: Rondo, 118-14 W. 6th St., 145 R. 3rd St., 11j E. 7th, 6th & Wabasha, 1381 Rice St., 430 Wabasha, 864 6th, 91 So. 11abasha, 7 E, 6th St., Adopted by the Council .......... EE _6 V912 -._,,._........,__...191..... Approve ._.........EC------- 9�. ;., t i;...191_.. w; MAYOR �- -����---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------_--- �} Council Filq No. By.._..._..._.....__.....:'....._...................................._....._:_.: CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Mounds Boulevard (formerly Hoffman Ave.) from Euclid St, to a point 300 feet east of River Street. ata9os�v!rraas nA'+�Yunc+ wss�sf iygpg O F r ;87497. z Yo the ,ma#tet' (YOL the saeeseiA'ent di under PreliminaryOrder... x2555,_..., Interme bensflta 4a na$ea coats ait@ expaneegal Order ror obsn n the :grade yt.:?4ouad i Houlavar Orme;l Hartman Av;� Dec. 4, 1918, P ,itodcu�tnee�tiati b ° fi approved....AW_........_...................191............. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is here)Eordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Q asaeasment be and it is hereby determined to be _ in....._ ............... c DEC =s 1919 Adoptedby the Council........._.........__................__.._....................._._......191.........:.1 Approved...........................EC........S_.. MIS ...............191......_. Form H. B. IS AMLISBED V, Clerk. Mayor. Council File No. ........_ .................. ...... ........... ... By.................... ...........__...._....._... ' CITY OF ST.. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages costs and expenses, for changing the grade of Pierce Street, from St. Anthony Avenue to Sheilds Avenue, and of Shields Avenue from Pierce Street to Fry Street. � A89L18A 1 IRID50LIITION .>� NT T Y;NC: ,y i ha �>batter of„ih0 aetlessme�` _ '' 2 735 �vu.................... Final Order...24318 under Preliminary Order......._3. ............................... Intermeu,...y ..seer ...................... approved.... ...............F.e$......2.6.,............. ............ ....191.......:.5 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. a e say assessmen ,may to be ale 1o":`L5i<k described therein. Adopted by the Council ...._........ ..... QEG-. 6'.19_1.9..._.........._..._.19j .......... DEC ';-6 1919 Approved.....................- ....._..._..... .......:..................._....191 roan B. B. 18 V- Clerk. Mayor. ------------------------ CouncilFile No. ....._ ..........................._.............. By ............_ ............................. ......_........ .............._............. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 5, Urrierwood*s 3rd Addition from a point 120 feet East of Kenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue; ,YypRmto ssatmea-� ap,eoyvTcoxa 25069 2422.4. under Preliminary Order. .. i o:.F,'Ho a79B&- ..... Final Order.... ......... ......... ,s-.ttia matter,oS flte asseesmeats a$-� ep Eostis and -exgenaes tor:, 'a7aalle9an Bloc]c K<•S• poodt May 14, ........... a ... 19 approved ..................... ..trton.:;r nm - A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _.....L....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. DEC _6 1919 Adoptedby the Council........_.........._....._.....__......._.........._.._...__......_...191............. r Approved .......__......_..._QCs .__..._6_...._._................... 191 'IV form B. B. 19 Clerk. Mayor. Council File No ................ By....... ............ ............ ....J................ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages Costs and expenses, for changing the grade of Wyon!ing Street, from Manomin Avenue to a point 356 feet East. �ntaso�cu�rtox �x�xrac ass�sp=, r .o matter? of the as869einenZ o8 ibeneHte damagges Co9ts.and ezDepeeq: {or ohan6Fn8'the grade, ai 'rJ 4u ,.' 19464 24103 _ 24319 under Preliminary Order......... ..................... Int ermediary Order ............................................., Final Order........................................._.. approved........... ........................................191....._9... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. DEC _6 1919 Adopted by the Council..........._................................_.................. Approved .........._ ._....._...DE.G. _m-6.._ii).14 ..............191 Form B. B. 13 A. or. yL £rya 1 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..... QQ.1 d.0JIA 1X&._axld.-.t.8king---aTl...ease-me-at...in..the--- land ........... _-_ necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in Grading Wyoming St e.et-•-------� ........._..._......... ..... ............... .......... ..... - - _-....-.... -- - from Woodbury Street to Brown Avenue, and from Woodbury Street to .............................-- . ............................................................... --- -- ----- - -- -- ---- -- - South Robert Street. ................................. 252.69 Cze. -iFns °Ns a2e7a4e9ebm—ent°fn° n'e4 '- 2602iaavYediary Order-_- ............under Preliminary Order..........appr ry for slopra, tqr cute and- „ ung-W9omnn 8£reet,AoerL' approved --..._Jul 99_1_119.19 .i.:: - ,., A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it further Re en a an z ut ere y etermm to a pays e Adopted by the Council .......... .._tir-L.----_() +919 DEC 46 1919 Approved----------------------------------------------------------- 191..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman ]*A&& Clancy Councilman MOM Poore rs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayoriavnx Hodgson ( fp FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. ........ condemning --and ...t-aking---an easement --.in...ti-La-land..neceaEary .............fozfor...aut.s...and-fil.1.e.._g etreet� .from Wood- ? ............ :...bury .--St.ree-t t-a--Brown---A,jenue,...-and---fxom...Woodbur-y-..St-r-ee-t---to---South-- .... ..iN "CONDffi�INATI011t ........................-............ ..................................................................... rnocr9snlxos 7 \ _.. ....... .................. 85369 4A x7496 mediary CHeg ..------. -------- under Preliminary Order ......................... app .be matter qt conaemnlna ane tax -{ an: easement 1p We land neat elopes Stir cuts eud Wi %dins'WYom1nBStreat from-W� approved......-.,July..-�+-�-�---115- ,. ,btreet to BBrro wn AvenuP • �-Wooabur9�.� Atr. �� Resolved: condemn (1) That the following Improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, vlz:.................... __ and take an._easement in .the land-_necessary--for--_slopes for cute and fills in grading Wyoming Street, from Woodbury St. to Brown Avenue.. and from Woodbury Street to Soutk Robert Street. .............................. ....------......................_.--- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: -----•--•------- upon Wyoming Street, between the points aforesaid, to_the extent ......------..... . ........ .. - .. shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner .................................= ................ - ......------- .... ... _of...Publi-c 5Anrka..in._the..mattsr._daiad..Au t ath1-9.13.........----.........I...._ (3) That the assesaments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratifi< Adopted by the Council. QF�---;����----- DEC --6 ISIS Approved- ............ ....:..... ........................ 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goes Cougcilman II&Xt Clancy Councilman 4MM Power s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irlitx Hodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of._condemning-_and__taking._an...easement_--in- the-- land -_necessary for -..slape.e.,_far...cuts...an,d.--tills-..i-n--Gr-ading... that .--por-tl n..nf...,nn-apnlia_- Street lying within the city limits from a point one hundred and ..... ....... fifty (150) feet East of Manomin Avenue to Cha.rlton Street. .......................................... . ............................... --- ................................. ..... -. . - _.............. - .... - ..... ..... .. .. ...... ........ InE90LIITION IiA'rIP'YYN(S AND CON ................ ... F1 G CONDEMNATIol1T- A3VASl1a Olr D.MAGIDa AND Ae 26472 25009 ssssM THBREsoa edia Order ---------------------2 under Preliminary Order............. - --.--... a e F iio: av�ar ---- ah the matter of oohdemaing' ena talo 'an eaeement�7n the land nect I i;. oafs andA111r- approved ------------Sept-3'---1°].9. alone AnnmT A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. BEC -= ..S3f9. Adopted by the Council ............................. ................ DCC -;_6 1919 Approved........................... ................. ......... 191. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman RVSIM Malloy Councilman Imam *overs Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich O Mayor Imkpg Hodgson rein. I FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.........condemning and- taking an easement in the land Annapalis...Stxeet...lying ..jmithin---the.._ci ty....lim.its...fr om...a_.p o.izlt.._axie..-----...� hu6d-ad- and ----fifty--.4150-) feet: -..East .-.of_11anomin...Avenue ...t.o.... CZiaxlt0_U..gt... ............................. .._............................ • I�`INAG 'ORDER IN ,CONDEMNATION .......................... ...... ._...._ ... ..... ...... ... ... ................................... .... P,ROCEEDINGB. GFNo 27488— + ,....... .. .. .._... ....... .... ............. under Preliminary Order.............. a In the matter, of condamuing and pl ane %r1,asement in *tie land „ormediary Or&4A? :ha.rY far_that for, ..........------r ?Streat�-..l-natwptthin they' pp Se t..3, 1919'. Yrom f p tat_une bun approved P. of Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and.... take...ian easement--ia_tha.-land.. necessary.. fox... s1opes.I....f0.r cuta...and filla.-1n...gr adi ng-.-that.-pox do n.. of ...Annapolis...S treat---1-ying--.wi.thin._.tb e... alty..limits---fx.om..a..-uai.nt...one...lumdred..and-..fif-ty..---(15-0.)----fPet.- _____..anomin--_Ae nue--_t o_- Charlton St. - - .................................. ............................................ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .-..the ..-landAiutt.ing ugall-1ha:t ptart.i.Qn Q. f...AWULP.41i,e---Qtreet--_lying-_within-_the..-City limitsl _ala...a..po-lAt.---15,Q---.fQ t-..East-_oY-_Manomin-_Street-._to Charlton St, tothe ....... .. .... ••---......-- extend shewo up&n the -ske•teh --attaebed--to---the r-ej)ort---o-f---the....................... _Qammisaione>...o.f..Pub]ic....�P.Qp}�e...in_-the..,matter,--_dated-_Opt-.3rd, 1919. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. au 6 I9t9 Adopted by the Council.............7................................... 191... L1 .n DEC -=a +sis Approved.................................................. 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss CouncilmanxUyd Clancy Councilman KoMX powere Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor I Hodgson o a o CITY `OF 8T. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CPAIPTROLLER a / ✓ �j �� AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL, FILE. No... F rtf rV •••NNN•••M Porro A A 49, S N 7-18 . _ = ]351 P9*r� (� 22 ((�� s ....: ..................................._ AUDITED ..--.REG--Q 19H .......... 191. .... - - CO ROL TITLE I. Res ved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favorofthe persons, or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: = - Yeas ( V - Councilmen ( V ) Nays i Adopted by the Council .... ......... ..... ._191 r Clancy r llsstLVTTo cs. ; A ed........ ..._. .. _ .... 191 - Farnsworth - Goss C F. No 27499- '=.` Abstract. _._. _--- _ _ ..._........ _.. .... _.... __. Resolved that-yvarraats .be dtx-h MAYOR Uj the Ctty •TreasurySayable out or McColl tavoteoLtthatAorawefedtmn¢or xorpora ' Wunderlich trona 3ttvor the amounts setoRostte th0 - resnece names- ae epee! ed to the, - 11'Ir. President, Hodgson am un, detailed nt Lament: ,Faawegl Oun Birk&,;Company, 1. 134.81 > Great Takes Coal &Dock.ComDa 8nyi24 - d 11404:34 I - 13.11 _ .90 13.30 9.18 217.44 .19 14.00 3.89 10.88 11.86 69.76 39T.= 993.43 59.43 351.48 1,404.34 1.52 33.45 2.25 10.71 29.85 2.48 3.85 13.68 x'79 - (Whole • Steel Warehouse-Comphay,' Moyer Brothers brag Company 14 80. _ " Nlaols Dean 8: ' e Adopted by then ggCounrll Deg, 8 1939L1 .Approved Dea 8; 1919 : 1 c - (Dec 18 1919.) $ S !16949 Farwell, Ozmlln, rlc & Company, $e lth-Adm. St. & Repr. ,C. S. S. Clog. Spri ling Libra Audit iUM Parks P. Bldg Revl. Lightin - Paving D pr. -1604 Great Lakes Coal &Dock Company, Fire Sprinkling Parks _ 16042 Illinois Steel Warehouse Company, Fire 16043 Meyer Brothers Drug Uompany, Parks . 16044 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, Fire u n St. C. & Repr. Sprinkling n Central H.S.Libr. Water 13.11 _ .90 13.30 9.18 217.44 .19 14.00 3.89 10.88 11.86 69.76 39T.= 993.43 59.43 351.48 1,404.34 1.52 33.45 2.25 10.71 29.85 2.48 3.85 13.68 x'79 CITY OF 9T. PAUL r. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER J Y; ✓ �,t� t VtFx� P.M nt,c,PNI-,a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NO �L`/ DEC 8 1919 ........................ . ......_.........:....----- °° AUDITED............................................ 19 ....... �� R 1352 PER..................................................:....... ...k TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following d*led statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays e n Adopted by the Council........ t� Clancy Farnsworth G- E: No •27600= _ ..._r. Abstract ..... A _ ed"" - Goss O ;Resolved "that warrants , be drawn oD6n. the City Treasury, D.Yable out of the, hereinafteri epectaed toad. and. In.I favor.ot the peitons; arces,:or corpora- - ..... - - -....___.. .... .. .. _...... _........ _._._..- tions ,for the amounts eeL oppDeft& their MAYOR McColl re.nCact�ve name. a." ePecteed to the tollowing detailed statement Wunderlich "Cochran 9argenL C„:,,7893. Mr. President, Hodgson -A Farn.morth, Com'r "Flnanc'a, K i16,419.e3: Chrfa-Johnson SS 568..6: Pittsburgh -Piste Chess Co: 1881.80: ” Adopted by the Council Dew 8 1919. Approved Dec. > 8. 1919—' : =, (Dec. 13, 1939.t r7, ry 16045 American Supply Co., 13.82 School 46 Cochran Sargent Co., 78,93 School 47 Be A. Farnsworth, Com4r. Finance, 16419.93 # St. Const. & Rep. 2,740.05 Sewer " 328.00 6/& S. Cing. 8,169.80 _ Bridge Bldg. 308.73 Crosswalks 188,40 Docks, Wharves & Lev, 144.20 Sprinkling 579,50 Eng. & Insp/ 891.35 i Pay. Como• 2,510,65 Pay. Ashland 538.15 Pay. Locust 21,10 16,419.93 ...-- 48 Christ Johnson 3,356.65 Grad. Jefferson 49 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 831.60 School ✓Total 20,700.63 CITY.OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL j� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM M FILE �•O•••• * '. roan A A 48,2 N 7-1a y� - n= ........................ 1919 DEC 8 Y TROLLER t , m AUDITED .............. .. PER........... ... ....... .... ,-4i. s. 1352 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Naysr v :1S ._._._..1961 s Adopted by the Council............... . Clancy — A ed......... �L- C F. No 27600- ..._. _......................... 191 i. Farnsworth O Abstract I Goss Resolved that warrants , 60 draNn i _ 7,.-` upon the City Treasury, pa9abie outA (Y0. ^{-rho theherelnaTter�sDaclSed funds and. lnl _ ._ _._. .._... ..... ._ _...._.. ......_ ....... __. favor;o! the.pereobq 8rme, or, corpora- MAYOR tions for the amount. net opGos8athefr McColl reepecUve names _ as .pectded. rin the loA-'jng detailed statement: ' Wunderlich Avterf .5 eupp'ttCL 1181)11. Cochran 6arBenYCo 37883. B `A:� Farn.r�orlh Comr Finance, . :� Mr. President, Hodgson yls als;9a Chrtst Johnson• SS 368 11 i Adopt.d b Plate bo,coune C ..,,383 60 - Adopted by the CoLnGl-cli Deas. Approved Dec: 8. -1919 (Dec: 13 1815 L I American Supply Co., 13. b2 V' 18048 School 78.93 46 Cochran Sargent Co., School Ory S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance, 16,419.93 St. Const. & Rep. 2,740x05 Sewer " 328.00 S/& S. Cing. 8,169.80 Bridge Bldg. 308.73 Crosswalks 188,40 Docks, Wharves & Lev, 144.20 Sprinkling 579x50 �4 891.35 Eng. & Insp/ 2,510x85 Pay. Como. Pay. Ashland 538,15 Pay. Locust 21a10 18, 4„+• 93 3,356,65 48 Christ Johnson Grad. Jefferson 49 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 831.60 School - Total 20,700.63 \ CITY OF ST. PAUL 2750 � ��� . ,� COUNCIL NO ......................_._..:.. °.: <� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER- tlx v/ vv v ........................................ +.. RE&01VEO that t` -:e action pf the Contract Committee in rejecting alAids for the construction of t'r_e hone croft School it accorda-ce c:ith C. F. Eo. 27108„ except those for plumbing, heating, ventilating :nd electrical :fork, be and it it 'iereby approved; Resolved, further, that in tke opinion of tn.e Co-ncil pursuant to the recommendation of the COntract:Cemmittee, the construction of said school, eycept plumbing, heating, ventilating and electr:.cal work, can be more advantageously and economically Clone: by the city and the Commissioner of Parlcs, Play,roundg dnd Public Buildings Is hereby authorized and d6rected to hire the necessary labor and procure t11e necessary* material to construct said school by force account, provided_, that the cost of same shall not be in excess of the amount, set aside and appropriated for t? is purpose pursuant to Ordinance Ito. 4060 as amended. Re t or f �L,, Adopted by the Coancit`.. --�.-=:....�:a.;.�_._......lg _._... Approved ...... _ _`` . 19 �. w MAYOR Yes Councilmen (J) N Clancy , Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich N&. President Re t or f �L,, Adopted by the Coancit`.. --�.-=:....�:a.;.�_._......lg _._... Approved ...... _ _`` . 19 �. w MAYOR ' ��'�,TcTSklITPITt II� ��'11liLiTtTII7C �� nLetRT VNNDEAL Qona.dsaurR H. F. aREHER� D[oYi� EOn Mt95i T. Dec. 5, 1919. TO THE HONOR BUR COUNCIL CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Public Buildings has the honor to report that bids for the construction of the HMecroft School Buildirghave been considered and it is the opinion of the committee that this work can be best and :most advantageously done by city force account. Vie therefore, recommend that all bids received for the construction of the foundation and super -structure for the Homecroft School be, rejected and that the Corunissioner of Parks, Play -grounds and Public Buildings perform this work. P further recommend that the following bids be accepted and approved; Iir. IA. J. O'Neill, - Plumbing, heating and ventilating, for the net sum of$26,992. Electric Construction- `lectrical 'Material for the Company, sum of,. fi? 2,590. Ny Very truly yours, �f7o X7681 By Albert N�und�k s0]vetl !Ks# the aoilpard� the don t!'ao mmtttger fa xe a t�h a133 croft -gora b" ob tt�tqq�tiort otf�t0 �a� � o'pno{ 1tl'p eoi7YliYfco` nththo4 yrecrOtot 27 9@ gXc gt�tb,0ag for V attibiagi eat., — —' -' ¢ng'� aoatttattngaadolectEtoaf } -.be. COmptroll'en. atFd,Atla horebyL *porovad _ ufrtbot o rtr, tt}Lo1'atA 9n' "a roiin0a oo'Z mgt] tion 0LL..'=Kd0 Ca� ptra0�(,+bmmittee,• t o{ogett'aot[gn & q'14, hobs e:eg'p4 iumbiakk iiebtiuui�- _venphtms.-,:san I8ctk1aal, 'qo}�C, Csa'bbo'+,Moxo edvan.; ---- n 9ove) agQ6ebnpm1ca11y doaa by tbo COY ¢t ant ttto � Coa]mteeioAe� of 7?Orlte,� "t�Syy grOL5nd9 =n�{d� Pyblfax� Hnifdrak6x; le' '�i"faebY aitthdrlfved and dlreote "tb htce. I:WA net(fAAptY: labor sad}Drq Lee 'the - /f,�% niba tlarY toaterfal to ooa9irabt ;eA.fd� / abh�� byaLprbb seconn#`roVlded tb6,# t g coat ot: Aamp eball ng� be to ,ff7iceee; on�C``e�n�amoau�Abtfaeagaggr�yi Purchasing Agent. OUNCIL " CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE CNO.......... 27M.2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM) -`6 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER...-..............................:.................:..............:..................................._...........-............. DATE.......1%EB......6.,....1919« -- RESOLVED, That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct the new Iiomecroft School to provide additional room for the accommodation of pupils in this district, and Thereas, an emergency eyists where failure to act promptly. will work an injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent, with . the consent of the ;:Payor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase, without advertisement and competitive bids, such materials and supplies, requisitioned by the Commissioner of Parks', Flaygrounds and Public Buildings with the approval of the Co:mnissioner of Fsducation, as may be necessary to immediately construct and complete the said school in accord- ance with plans and specifications heretofore approved. CITY OF ST. PAUL i 2�) COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FOR Subject ._ ....... _..... ........................................_...................... ....... --' r'2�t T -_ couecu NO. r Resolved, TIgat the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to TC.J.01ITeil for the installation of plurrbing, heating and ventilating in the Holrecroft School for the sum of $26,992.60, in accordance with plans and specifications, on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and his bid and award of the contract by the Contract Committee, hereto . attached. F.B.2087 II S''.i1F� Nqi 3469rBX Albdrt Wunder I{gap1Ye11{ th$S th9'CoaaC11 Hereby apJ 'it6h W aotip]i, the Ceatract Com" mttteeTin qa ng�tha conkrack to M.' �q �� T Nell� Yiha Saat$llatiga pf lamb . - 17n��' treating and, vbptllatia�-r�a the: aaeees�:tCCC1d cnraauae tiv(C 1'aana'ana®I% 171��jPaAerg I apeci6aet+qua nn ptstia tris o ce nt the; 6 lbovg � PyrcS$etnag Agent:�r and hiQ -tbld and awardr eLthe �bntratt by the CdntraeC c mmitte0. haretp.attaehed L' -,B, 2087 7 Adoptedby the,Couapil Dec B 1818 1 - Approved Dea 8y 1918 h �.r..,,__. i Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays DEC —'; l.`7 i s Adopted by the Council ........... .............................191...... Clancy Farnsworth r —;; Goss ._,_..-._In favor APProved....._ .....` ............:........:...........191..... Keller McColl Against ����' ' �.✓� ............... ..... _.. T^ _ ••.MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson .� . RM C. A. 9.'.3M,12-16 X7504 - CO CIL d CITY OF ST., PAUL rue N0 ...................... ............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........................................................:...................,..................................... ......e.G...:...2.,....19i9....---.... RESOLVED That the lease heretofore entered into -between the City of St. Paul, Minnesota and Mir. James Rasmussen, dated Oct. 9, 1918 for the rental of the promises FatN6696?Snelling 'Venue for a Branch Library po ursuant , approved Oct. 9,1918, be and the same is hereby continued and renev'ied for the further tiod of one year from Oct. 15, 1919 at a monthly rental of twenty-five dollars (:j25.00), to be paid out of the Public Library Fund. Yes (0 Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy 4,: Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich it Mr. President -J Adopted by the Council_..........._..._._EC.._._.......��.�.Y9......... Q�� ill ..... Appro cd .In favor ...:%..................................................iq........_ Against MAYOR „CJ..CppNCIL ” it�.(�z5 CITY OF ST. PAUL �1/ FILE NO ...................:................. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.................................................................................................................. • ...................... DATE .......................... :._...__...................._ RESOL That Cigarette Lioense No. 34, which expires February 26th, 1921, now in the name of Alex B. Coropoff, 627 Canada Street, /be and the same hereby is transferred to H. Oglansky, 627 Canada Street. � d.8 No '2zs86y=8r xepM Mccott • 7,'pat�'Ctgarette 2$tx,A. NP 84 �v hloh' 4P1r@8 FabruBty,28th 1821;. nbW Ih'the:, at Pt AINk 13, "a he &27 1trAt. 8treot, pe Phd th­i ariP hereby le tre,ne f@tired to Ft3 _tlglhlleky '827 CPLadq; P 8kAdopted p"Y• Epe��ohn�Cll bec 8 118; '. . 'APProVed,D 4"8, 18}9 . ' (Deo 13 1818 )- Yes (d) Councilmen (0 Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor McColl 0 Powers Against Wunderlich Mr. President Adopted by the Council ----- DEC -..19 �.......19- - Approved...... i�..� l� ir; ........ 19...-- f __ MAYOR FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .......... Fadi ng Sims Street from Cypress Ae. te: to Forest Aueae .....................................................................----.......-----.........----..... 25356 dune o, ltilz7• underPreliminary Order - ....................................... approved ................................................................................ IntermediaryOrder----------------------- ......................... .... approvpd -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above. improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kjnd o ads Sime Street from Cypress . ue improvement to�jb��maddee by the said City is -----grad------------------....------.....------..... ----u to_Foraat.._ PCBi e.;.- ..................................................-----.........----...---........----- ..._..... .... - .....-... - --......-----.........•...........................................__.... -- ---- - - - - -.................- ....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- 61 for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... ...c ....- i = .......... 191... (' , , / City Ctet�. -------------------------------------- DEC Approved ........................... - - -... -.....:.. _-..- ......... ........... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy CouncilmanxK- dWPowers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 ;'� .. •. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM;NT OF FINANCE " - REPORT OF COMMt NER OF FINANCE ON PREL:IMI ORDER a D-- — — In the atter of under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. P The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Tl a total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ' $ 664.63 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S 2.62 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as.last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ii DESCRIPTION j LOT IBLocI? - ADDITION VALUATION 001 0I 0; ) u!3 . d %j 31`� I ' zO OI _ o A157- TOTAL, TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 Commissioner of Finance. �I For B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED 0 ;3 I/ Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 391919 October 28th, 9 ---------------------------- 191 ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 26366 approved__ June 6th; __191_9_, relative to grading Sims Street - from Cypress Avenue to Forest Avenue. ---------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (oj:} desirable. f$ie68 Per front foot 2 664.6 3 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_______________ and the total cost thereof is $___ 1___-_, Assessable frontage 1,017.4 ft. Excess inspection $52.25 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition 'of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. v Commissioner of Public Works. OSOAR CLAUSSEN. CNI.F ¢wm.... LL.—T. CARROlw¢.R. J. M. ow Aw¢ R.FwIR. ALFRED JACKSON, 3-1 eil H. W. OOET¢INO¢R. SUFTON M. S........1. O.... ..;I... O. N. M¢RROLO•O...c. Ewalx..R (ad -4 Dowaut 19epartment of Vuhtir Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R.T.000RLEY.DEPUTY October 4, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, B u i 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Sims Street from Cypress Avenue to Forest.Avenue, in accordance with Coun- cil File #k25356, approved June 5, 1919; Approximate estimate ....... $2,664.63 Cost per front foot........ 2.62 Excess inspection necessary, 52.25 Assessable frontage........ 1,017.4 feet. Yours very truly, ®- pr ERS/C Chief Engineer. ORCAR CLAU49EN, CNI[r Ewclw¢[w J• E. CARROLL,SDFT H¢[w[ ALFRED JACKSON, 3.11. cTlow wwv w[FAIw[ M. W. OOCTZINOER. SUFT'cH c Tlvws M. GRYTBAN;EHv¢iw ¢[w O. H. NERROL D•Or.lc¢ Ew vIH ¢[w Mag naftoreul D Mepartment of Fuhlir Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY October 4, 1919. Dix. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Sims Street from Cypress Avenue to Forest Avenue, in accordance with Coun- cil File #25356, approved June 5, 1919; Approximate estimate ....... $2,664.63 Cost per front foot........ 2.62 Excess inspection necessary, 52.25 Assessable frontage........ 1,017.4 feet, Yours very t�rully, PC EKS/C Chief Engineer. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cots and fills in grading Sims Street from Cypress Street to Forest Street, under Preliminary Order #253552 approved June 6, 1919, and Intermediary Order #27176, approved November 6, 1919. r Commissioner of Public Works having submitted ort and sketch in the above matter, be it OLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and nes the amount of land to be taken for the above mprovement as an easement £or slopes, for cuts ls in an upon the land abutting upon Sims Street the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, datedDecember 8, 19192 which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part herenf Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) N; Clancy Farnsworth Goss ///���---��� ..............In favor Keller 1 McColl v .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. president, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 t by the Council..-.� ........�....9.. 1........191...... -Approved ..............:.:...........::.................�...... 191..../. .......................................................................................... MAYOR (Qitg of Ot. f aul Department of Publir Works M. N.aOSS, CQMMISSIONeq W T. GOUFLLY. DCPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cute and fills in grading Sims street, from Cypress street to Forest street, under Preliminary Order -(25355, approved June 5th, 1919, and Intermediary Order -J27176, approved '.November 5th 1919. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. -7 Co missioner of Public Works Dated Mce of the Cores iissioner of Public Works REcEivEo FPRNS� 12 O Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 29'919 October 28th, 191-- 9 ----------------------- ----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ 2b3bb approved ------ une bth, __191__ 9 relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Sims Street from Cypress ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Avenue to Forest Avenue. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. xxx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ axxxX _____, and the total cost thereof is $____________, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ---------- -- ----- -- - ------ - - - / Commiss' er of ublic Works. REPORT OF' COMM ON PRELV T. PAUL OF FINANCE HONER OF FINANCE ARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approve To the Council of the City of St. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S O r The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: r DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ei _ 9 .�%lo , � % � ) 7 , � ,fez✓ %• 7 � �� � �i/'I ,v'f o I �I j TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. ;Force B. B. 13 COIINCHrFME NO.. ............................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...Cgnstructi.ng_a_._eerer -on Mount Curve Boulevard from .. . Randolph_ Street..to...Jefferson...Avenue._..............._..._.............................................................. t .......................................................... ............... ...... .... .... ........... ._...................... ..._................................................ ............................... ... .......... .. under Preliminary Order ...................................._ PP Oct.23 1919. �\ 6988 - .a roved - ........ ...................... 1...._ � The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvem$nt, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement l.. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the .nature of the improvement which the ConuCfrecommends is.C-0218tr11Ct a ............... on. M...................unt Curve Boulevard from Rando3ph Street to Jefferson Avenue. .....................-..........._...................._-.._.............. .......................................... ............................. ........... _....__ ....— _..... ....... .... .................. .. - ................ _.. __. ._... __ ... .. .. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _ 4, 805.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. $th. ..............day of ............J8nU2Ty__ ....._ __ ., 1$0 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191. ......._...... .U....:: Approved .... 191....... ' lerk. - _...... ..... ...... .. ........................ Mayor. Councilman rnsworth Councilman 'oss Councilman xLvAi Clancy (Councilor F OWK Powers Y'ouncilma McColl Councilma Wunderlich MayorsHodgson Form B. S. A,i 8-6 COUNCIL WbK NO.--.- BY....---- . ......... ...............:...:..:.....•--..._...-_.-- ..: - --------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER .................. . In the Matter of ..C.Qnat-r.Ucting a ejewar L.axie tum R?�zxd-qlp.h to a toint 600 feet south of Randolph Street. - .......... . ................. -.-- ............ . ......... ............ .............................. ................................................. .... ............. ....... ...................................................................................... . ..................... 26989 Oct. 23, 1919. under Preliminary Order .....................................................approved.......... - . ..... . .......... -- ---- - ------- -------------- ...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is onMontrose Lane from Randolph Street to a point 600 feet south of ..... ... .................................. ............................................................................. ........................... .................................. ............. RandolphSt.re.et ....... . ....... . . ...... .................... ................................................... - - .. ....... . ......___1 ........ ... . ........ - . - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2,330.00 Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of January ...... . .. ... jO it the hour of 10 o'clock IL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in themanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council:ff 191 k, Approved ............... ................ 191 ....... .... .................................... Mayor. Council m ua Farnsworth Council m in Goss Councilm in HyM&K Clang CouncilmuixTidbex Powers Uilm W McColl ..n,Cail± Wunderlich ayor # Flodgeon For} / B. S. 8-6 f ------ - ,,,. i , 49 r a , COUNC FILE �}O—--------- _........... . ---- B i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.................constructing a sewer on Mi-seigeippi River Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue.. ......-..............................- ..._.....--.--............................................_...................._........................................................ _....._.....__.... ... ..................................._._.....................................__.................................................._....................... . under Preliminary Order ............ 26990............................approved.................Oct....23.0....1°.1G.� .......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. construct a sewer _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ River_BoUl_evard_..fromRandolph_-_Str_e_et_..to..-Jef e.reon-.Ave.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .7 s O10.00 Resolved Further, That it publie hearing be had on said improvement oil the... __ .8th ............day of ......... ..... ..... .4 mud —Y.......___ ..— 140._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. J :I. Adopted by the Council._ ................ . _ ..._._ ...., 191___. . r_ Approved_ .............:.. .._.........._...... 191..... -. ark. _.............._..........................................:... Mayor. f!mmnilman Farnaavnrth CouncilmaGoss } Coune"in Hi�s�cCla.noy 1 Council i KeA]XX Powers Council an McColl Counc' man Wnnderlieh Mayo lxdm Hodgson Form B./IS. A. 8-6 8U COUNC FILE. 0 ............................. ]3 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.................Constructing a sewer on Miseipeippi River Boulevard from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue., ............................ .............. ..............................................--........................................................................--......... ___...-..._............. _....................... .-................ ................................................... ------....--------------•. ................. .................................................................................................................. ............... ............. ............ ................... ................................................................................................................... ........................................................................ .......... .................... .. ...._............--........ ..................._.............. .........._............... ..........._.................................... under Preliminary Order. - -269 0..... -....................app approved.. ......23.i.1...C• ........... ..........-- ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isconstruct a sewer ........................................................ pn..M.issiseippiRiver.-BoUlenard-..from-_Randolph--_Stre.et.._ to --.Jefferson.. Ave.. _ ..._ _.....__ ... ............... _ -- .._......................................................... _-._..._.................... _...._ .. _._....._................. _...._-.............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is )i 7.,.Oh0.00 - Resolved Further; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tbe..._ _...8th . ......... ..day of ...... ........... .........anuary....... .........., 1M.._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..................--------...............--.-, 191___._ r J7 Approveli......./................................... ...., 191..._..-. erk.; Mayor. Councilma Goss Councilm Hyt1v)&Clancy Council an Koilm powers Council an McColl Coune' man Wunderlich Mayo Id% Hodgson Form B;!S. A. 8-6 CourlC r -N0 ..:.. ....... ...... ...... .. Ey.::...................................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......construct_ing.-_a-.dement---t- le--_si_dewal - six -_feet -•.wide -,---_on .. ......... the...3orth....Qide-,_of.-_Sar.gezt..-Avenue...fro>v... Albert__Street--.to Pascal Avenue ..... ' _....--- _.... _ _ ..................-- .... -- ......_.. _....._..._--....._.------ ......---.._._.--------- ---.._..-------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order............ 26609 approved ........_. _. - _...SL'.I?t.....-- �.., 1919. ......---`-......----..........--a ---._- -- ...-- 9........... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner. of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......Constru-c:t a Cem..ent -....................... six,_feet._. i.de., on the north side ofSargent Avenue S from .Albert..Street ...to Paso.al .Avenue,-._ exc.ent.--where,..good...a.nd..sufficient _. walks_, now.. exist _. _.. .... _ __ _......._- ..... __........._. __... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....0.70 Per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. . _... e.th....._......... day of .......... ......January.. ........ __ _ , 1900. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time, and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_..._....` ......: " "" __ —.. 191 Approved..._....L.-.:.....`.':.:...i::..._............... 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman XXlxml Clancy Councilman Koftx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ix)t[x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 e9Kit `Cl k i Mayor. 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..... ..........................ading alley in block 6 Egbert G. Handyt a Addition ......... ................._............................. _......-- and Midget Addition from Fairview ;Avenue to Wheeler ;venue. ................................:...........................I......................................................... ............................................ ............ .................. .....................-k .........................................•.......--..........................--. .... ............................................-...................................................................................................................................... 26467 Sept 3, 1919. underPreliminary Order.......................................... ..........approved.........._......__._._.................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........gx de-.-al-1 ey...in....... Blgck--6..Egbert.._G.,.._-Handyts Addition and Midget _4ddition from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler Avenue. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 348...Q._._. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...__.._.........8.tb.......... day of ............... Janu,�.ry..._.__....._ _.., 19P..C_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 111., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .... _............... _...... ..... 191......._ Approved...........i, _._... , 191........ erk. ........... .......................................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss ouncilman J%1&A Clancy ouncilman KeNe49C POWers Councilman 11leColl A . Councilman Wunderlich Mayor MM Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COiE �............... ............. f. INit MEDIARY ORDER In the Matte% of. ....condemning,,an -_taking_aA-_easement•-.in___...... .wdng-ce.�Qa y for elopes for cute and fills in grading alley in Block 6 Egbert G. .................. . Handy's Addition and Midget, Addition from Fairview Avenue to Wheeler .......................................................-..._......--........................................- .....------ -----....................--------...........--............... ... Avenue. :..................... ............................ ........ .................................. ..................................... ................................... .................................. under Preliminary Order.................2646.......................approved .........S.apt...3,....1°1°.e.................... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received, c .F zisis--By s a Farnsr ortliFinance upon the 3nxth0 matter of:: condemning ata tak above improvement, and having considered said report, >tg ao eneement m tae 'tans aeoea Gary for slopes for cuts and fills [n'. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby a} i�om FaaiTv0. nnvenueago vAr3 d improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - Y P enue under Frelim19an�.. . J iI. 3 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recd4i* ,. �s••' Mn „_.. _an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ......................._.........._...._.....-......_.............._..I....__ ....................................................._....... -.... .............. grading. alley in. Block 6 Egbert_G. Handy's..Addition..and Midget Addition from Tairvlew---Avenue to. _whesle.r..Avenue..,..in accordanee...with .b.lue-print hereto..at.tashed_and made _.a.part ...hereof, the ha..tched.portion,.,sho}ging_,_ tbe._Guts and..,theshaded portion showing the fills. _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is.._.__ -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .... ....... St h._............day of ............ innuary.... _............. _ .., NBC- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time! and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total -cost thereof as estimated. rr Adopted by the Council .............. 191......... Approved ..................................................... 191......... City Clerk . .......... .i Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (joss Councilman JjVk4d Clancy Councilmangp• Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Imim Hodgson Forst B. S. A. 8-6 m 3 :-11. COUNCIL FILE NO .... ..._...._......._..._----•• ..... ............ ................... IN'TMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ......sding-_ alley.- in.--Stineon!_e.-.Subdivision _o Y__Blgck_,_83_......... Lyman .. Dayton's Addition from Arcade Str,et to Mendota Street. _ ........ ...........__ ............................................................._.... ...............-----.................................................................... _ ............. -......._............. -_ _.............__ .._ _..._.._................................ ...................................................................... ...........---------- ......-....................... ...._............... _...................... _.........._...................................................................... .......... _................. ...................................._............_....._....................--..............................------........... __._......_..._..... ...................... ._..........._..._........_.. .... ...........................-- ---•--......... 26324 ...............a roved ................Aug'...22...............................................1919. under Preliminary Order ..................................... pp The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. grade alley, in That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......................... . S..igpgn!.p--.tbdiyi ei _of__Block8.3.....-.Lyman._Dayton! e.._Addi.t ion,_._from_. Arcade Street to Mendota Street. ..................._............................ _........................ ....... ........... ................... _...................._............................................................ _.._.........................._..................._....._.._..................................._...._......................_.............................__...................... . _.... _ .._._ . .... .._..... _.__ . ......... __....._ ........ _................. ...._......... ... ......_............ ...__..__ _ ...... .-_..__.._.._.._............_....._......._........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 424.,97- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......9t.h.....................day of .......... ............. .__...., 1912Q_, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _._. _....... _ , 191_ J ... Approved................................ ... .__., 191 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hpi" Clancy Councilman KeL7lSrPOwers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich (� Mayor bE= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 . COUNC ISLE J30 — --------------------- By ....... ....... ........ .. --------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of a4q:- t AAS an easement Inth.e land ........................... . ... ..... .. ....... neca-ellax.y.for a 1 op. e. a'. far,�u. 21 B. . a la d f.111a I.T., gT iA ................... StinsonVB Subdivision o4 Block 83 Lyman Daytonfd Addition from .. .. . ...... .... . ..... .... ........ ...................................................................... ................. A4�_q�4q p:�;.pet to Mendota -st.r-eet; .......... ........................................... ............................................... ................................... .. ............ ........... ........................................................................................................... I ------ under Preliminary Order .......................2.6.325........._... -..approved .................Aug,---22......1919...........---------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having.-Aoner of Finance upon the C. above improvement, and having conaidered 8111'on-'h enceoKsat n&n Lnd.'takIx.as.nmn,a Iad-neces- -, 1. That the said report be and the same =sa,� for,sloppdefor cuts and. "l d the said improvement is KrAdnr 4 n' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. �of Blot 83'Lyxnaa, Ira Street Dayton's, 8t Pit -=Xde--�'St�ee , , r Frallininatyb a 1 appAngr 22 1919 2. That the nature of the improvement x`r 0, CO -011 -of the C � 7 the repot cuts and fills in an easement In the land nece6 7,_Or. ;::.4— , . ­- -------------- .................................... ............................ ........................... .. -f .. ................ _ ................ ............. grading. al1ey.. I I n StlnsQ42 a.Subdivi.s.io n..of ...B.lock ..83 Lyman Dayton's ........ ........... ....................... ­­ ................ .-Addi-tion frGm.-Awcade --.S.tree-t to MBalot-a. with.._..___ ..blue...pr int hereto attached and mad,� a part hereof, the hatched portion ................... .. .. ....... - ........ ..... cuts and the shaded portion showing the fills. ... .. ........ ....... .... . ..... � . 1. - .. . ............ 25.00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__--------- ---- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the... 9t . h . day of ............ .......... JaAmxu 19?0. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. if., it, the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the iniprovem 4 andjlla total cost thereol;iis- estimated. Adopted by the Council....----:._ ------ ----- __ ...... ..... it rf ........... L/ Approved ............. .............. 191_ ..... ....... ................ ........ ...... .................................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HpUdClanoy Councilman MV power a Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderoal Mayor *X% Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 In the Matter of... grAdi.ng PqgO 0 El_t.reet f r_o.m.B_r.aA.ne.r-d A.v!Uaqe t.9 ......................... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. jyyStpe-el ............. ­ ............. ...... ................... ...... ..................................................................-_................-•----------- ..........._......._........ _....... _ _ . _ ........... ................................ . ... .. ..... ­­­ ... ................................................................ ............. ...... . .... ........................ ............. ...................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... .. ......... ­........................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order ........... 26680 5 919. ............... approved.. ............... Sept...2. .? i ... ................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is F ad -e ... D.e-8010 ................. tre.e.t from Brainord Avenue to Ivy Street . .. ................................................................ ................................ ........................................... ............................. .. ....... . .................... . ............ ... ......................................... ­­ ..................................... ............... .................... ................ ....... .......... .......................... .......... . ........................... ...... . . ..... - ............. .. .. ........ ... ... ...... ­ - ...... .. . . ...... . .... ....... ... ....... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i.q$. 7,781.92 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. ath day of ................................ J_=Uax 100 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 191 Approved 191 r� ............ ....................... 14 Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman NxJxxd Clancy Councilman KA" Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor rMN Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 .2 ` ..................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.........condemning_.and._ taking._ an._easement.._inthQ,-_laid...............____.__._. necessary_..for elopes___for csut.a.__and_.fills_..__in.-gradi ng. _DeSoto ............... _....__..-__Street.-.from.._Brain,ard Avenue..to_Ivy_,$tr.e.et.'..:.................... _... ................ _ .......... ............. ...................... .... .................................................................................................... reliminary Order 26691 Sept 25, 191°............... under�................................ :................... app roved .................:................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received a6 i`eto'4 j„tb„e,,,QQ�nmiesioner of Finance upon the n above improvement, and having considered said reportit��heneby:$2�o1`t�e�'i;', �;.";',,•r' l � 1. That the said report be and the same is herebynro ap¢id�gj;'nt:;,dopt��;' add the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....condemm...,and...take ...an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ................................................................................................................................................................................................... grading DeSoto Street from Brainerd Avenue to Ivy Street. in .............................._........................................_.............._..-..................................._..........................................-..........-- accordance...... part -hereof, _................................_._....................................._......................................................._............... ......_. ......... the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion showing ..................... ... ._............... __..._.........._. .............. _._...... - ....._..........................._.._...__............................-- the...f11Q,...._................. _...._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $25..00..- --.-. -- Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on tile. _.9th day of _............._...._........Jaxlu.ar..y.. __., l�i�.... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. III., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, fhe nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... DEC---..::...�~ ..__....._., 191 r Approved ...... ... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman X]EM ddC Clancy Councilman jLq&7C powers Councilman McColl 7 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor bctx C Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 t. _... 191 ..._... Ctty Clerk ......_.. _...... ...... - .......................... Mayor. �7/� YNR11mi,11111111 IN - Bull 11111 ILI a By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ................................................... — 26457 Se t 2 lc;la underPreliminary Order.....................................................approved .................__.. .._.....z........... ----=..._----.....-.......-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and .adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. y;1' °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .... ............. ...-...... .............. ..-.......--.- tivitri'1io-atternatives,ana-rnatttreEstimaieilcost "thereUfi9"s. Oi(37 ... per 9i[t13re io0t. Resolved.k'u%th;e That a public I, swing be had on said improvement on the __.._. 9th day of ............................................._......____... 19,AO , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the M-�= Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. ...................... - 191__ _ - J ! ...... . .�...... Approved................ .....................................191. _ _....... . __..... ..........._......................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman GossVI Councilman 1�dR Clanoy Councilman E*XNX Powers Councilman McColl Councilman WunderliD Mayor M& Hodgson s , Form B. S. A. 8-e 91 FA Ill 0 WINLALRUI By. ...r......`..:...... - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of .................. ................................... -------- .----------- .----- .------ .--------------- .. ....... 110, fest. ................ 26457 ................a ro Set 2 1^1°............................. under Preliminary Order ...................................... pp ved......................]?.........�........: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and ;adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. y, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ......................... ........... r�H i raR V with-rio anernatives, anu tnat tne- esttmateo cost thereof is $.foot -- - - - C� !37 per s>ijuare . Resolved Fu to That a public L +firing be had on said improvement on the ...........9th .._..._......day of ................................ Y ___ __ 19&O , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Dl., ill the Cuuacil Chamber of the ----,+ . Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the natnre of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. B_] 9!0 Adopted by the Council ................... .... ._. ......... 191 r z - Approved ..............._ ..............................� 191......... <. C' Jerk. ..-----...._.......-_---- .... ......... ............ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman doss, Councilman H kKjldx Clanoy y* Councilman lotXxx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman wunderliD +t Mayor A*& Hodgson Form B. S. A. 9-6 COUNCIL -FILE ND-. ............................ ./ B---:...".::....- - ---........-- -.. ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Pr.aae alley in Block 1 of Front Street Addition, Front ..........................------........................---....................................... Stree.t.... .e.cCnd..Addi.tion,-.and---Courtland__Addi-t.ion-_Prom-_Farrington .--.-------- ..Avenue..to..the west line --of...Front_-Str_ne.t Se-cond..-Addition _....__..............._............................................................. -- ...................._.._---- - under Preliminary Order ................_...26086 \ pp Aug. 8, 191 ......................a roved...................................................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......;_ Block 1 of Front Street Addition, Front Street Second Addition __ _....... _...._........................................................................................_.................................... ---..............------..........-------- andCou...... ..................._.__---- __...... __............................................. ........._..........-..............._......-- Front Street Second Addition. _....-_ -- _._..._................ ..............._.._ ._............................. ......._............_..................................... ............ ............... .._....._..... ....-..-..._................... _....-.__.... _.__--- ................. ..__.......-.__...... ..... ... ._....._......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is.. 333...1.0.._. 9th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ...........................day of _....-_._.._... January_...__... ,. ___., 191_.,.9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ll., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Drp Adopted by the Council ----- -------- __. -._---_... 191 -- Approved ..... 91...... Approved----........................................ 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman doss Councilman 1 Clancy Councilman)FjdlAX Powpxa Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Wa Mayor IFAFX Hodgson 331 B. S. A. 8-E j Cit Clerk. ............................................... Mi ---........... ayor. 277i'-`) f � V COUNCIL FILE NO........_ ....................... ---- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ja... P- a sz."-- --7-n Bloc!. I Of :"U for slopes for C11, � S P�---.C, 4- IIS �11 11 o " .................................................... ....... .... ............................ ....................................................... ..................................... t: -, -- :.............................................................. .......... .. ......... ­ .. ............ ­.: . .......... Ct ...........o.. c. .... ......... . . ....... ............ .................................... ... .... .......... . .......... .............. ..... .................... ..................................... ....................... .. ........................................... C, rhoworth " U". In- the matter or conds, Farnsworth 0 under Preliminary Order ............ ............ %hitt; `.tt afn, -aaamOntl- i 8,1and 'ueces�" The Council of the City of St. Paul having recNasydi or h1j0PesjJ0r cuts an&'Ans in' �,�ga ng. atter ­Slook �foi - Front of Finance upon the _treat MR I above improvement, and having considered said ndj T ve a -to the west merest 1. That the said report be and the same is h 9 PdR�Addltlo9he said improvement is a t ­ or 2608V P - hereby ordered to be proceeded with. FA'4 Aujr,- 2; 1­.­�-,; 'n of the t[y, 4-, ­­- t::!:o a- 2. That the nature of the improvement which the'tbd.16—�ft�,Yeni- �ofst; PaA��i repo . ............................. .......... ... of the. 111s in ............. ..................... ....................................... ...................... .................... ............................... ............. .................. "n dock 1 Of 1--t St-­­Dt j.ol0 T ......................... ....... ................................. .............................. ........ ­­ .................. .......... ........................................................... soc r—d !.io- - -d --on f --,o-.-,, -��rrint�ton u to ....................................................... ..................................... ... .............................. ......................................................... 1Le o- t !_-,cc d ................. th .. ................... ­ ............. ­ .................. ...................................... blue p2i--,t I'13--loto Iacd and ::iidc a Lj� -;--,eof, i-_-at��,nod portion .......... I .......... ........... ­ ..................... .................. ................ ....... ....... ........... ------ . F S �1-jo-; IC I-jo c,,' s t with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._.__.------_ - - .............day of Jami: r; ........... ........................ ......... 19120-- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. Dl: - !S!" ­ ,: �. ...... 19L Approved ............ .......... 191. ­ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss' Councilman X:,%&Xd Clancv Councilman 3�14 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor lrtlh�: HOdFS on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ... ....... ............. tv Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... .. .......... . Mayor. COUNCIL E NOS ............................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ......... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, four and one- ...................................................................... .......... half feet wide, on the north aide of Thorne Street, beginning at _.............. .-.........-_......................._.................._....................._.................- ..- ............................. -- . ... thence..w.est...sx..hundr.e,d---and..-twenty ive.._feet..................: ..................................................................................................................... ...................................................................... ... under Preliminary Order -----.._26481 ............................. approved .............. .._.Sept...5.,....1919.............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..Q.AX1. ,tr}?Ct...a...00men.t... t.i1Q.-..Qidewalk,--.four... and.. one-hald feetwide, on the north side of ..Thar.ne._Street,.--be 1AniAg at. Eerl__$treet,__thence_.west e_ix hundred and .Qxcept.. where .--good_. and .sufficiesidewalks now exist. ................ nnt _........._........-.........n............xx . _..:............... .............. _... .... _..........._......__ ..............__ ...__ ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _ 0.60 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a.public hearing be had on said improvement on the...13th _______...... of Janu8 x......._...... , 1940 ._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. DE , Adopted by the Council ................ ....... '. 191........ LI.L�,:.._.__._..., ........ Approved....... .... .-............... �191. '''.' .. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HAMd Cl e1CY Counci1mantWW Power e Councilman McColl ((J Councilman Wunderlia(D Mayorlwim Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 _... - ------ _.... ➢layor. NO.= ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER reconstructing, relaying e laying and repairing cement tile......s...i...d...e.— heMIl�ol .... ..... .................... ............. -- wake . .&.,tte .1ng 10catTon_B: E. $tz"t . tAeRqe west to WabashaSb. Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 feet north of EfjEi thence—north 64 ..feet_.;....Zaat...Ninth..Str.eet.,...zout.h...side,—beginning..at._. Cedar Street, thence east 165 feet.; East Seventh Street, south side, beginning -at Kittson Stree-t-j then -Oe east 54-'f'e-q-t-i j Ki-tteen Gt-reety­ east si.de., frqm_Pe.venth Street to Sixth Street. ; North Street, south .......... side, beginning 94­fe'i:E W64:E 6Y70i1516 thencethencewff6t­*70` fWdt East..Fi.fth Stre.et . . .... south t 250 feet. under Preliminary Order -----......26x158 ............................ approved ............. . . ...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the ?proveg6eptayVch un�l -.r,-ds i reconstruct, relay e s, alle&e yr .................... ......... and repair cement the g Fast Ninta Straet.,_.._9.QUt.h s 13le xvm 9e 4a.,g jStKeet� to Wabasha Street.; Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 fe6f­no_r-th of--Eighth-Street,---thence... north 64 f -eat—..; E ast a-Q.1.1t.b ......... side, beginning at Cedar Street,thence east 165 feet. ; Eat Seventh -Street , -south- s-•-dei--beginning at- Ki-tteon Streeti- -thence e-ast. 50 . f eat.. - Kittson Street, east side, Prom Seventh Street to Sixth Street. North Str6et' south side ' -b-agin-ni7ag-94 feet wast of Cable Avenue -j* thence west 70 feet.; East Fifth Street, south side, beginning at Ar - o . a I d . e Street, . - —th6noe­ ' east 250f with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.07.per square foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the ..day of 19PO.. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. I .............._January -_._...-.-I L, in the Council Chamber of the , Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DL�1_ !�'I . . . ..... 191 lark. .............. Mayor. Approved. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman l�yaj(T Clancy CouncilmanXf Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor MP Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 •I as Ui 6-1wVL ANN - '147 F.. . . ....... ........................................... ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- - --------------- . -------------------------------------------- -0 C 01, S t -,U C L 0 0S t tfide :11,01n !7,t st" 5—Vent. .!`io sttw under Preliminary Order........ .. pp.........................a .......................... I .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2- That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ oca, ons -,*,-,-..-.. Doug -b Sureet, ,lest side, om gest Seventh to- Sulu zs streets. C1. -X"t5,2rjW feet east- of Kent" Z!, zence easy 8 Feet .4�z1�etix Avenue, est side, Ueg�uring 7� Feet south o St �nthpn� 2- a Teet 17e. of kvowltrpet -7 Gey Iaxp Place, xtet side, sag at Zangferd, 1 as de a ` 56 feet C-pbtt" b��, trp:et- -61:t,41r-efitte SC6 't e 1- tnerice C l00 deet,, -afi, be'a., gt St A -ans 5tieet p oV t Pirieof jot :9/� -Up.iori,-'- riz hence4S V t ot a iD 'hu aurora �venug, south s7.cie,rbe14 ng t t with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Os 07 0 S`U,'I'c foot. ResolvedFurther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._..._ ....... ....... .. day of ja 1, lu a "1 -01 1911r.o. ..................... ....................... .............. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the impi-nvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. 191 , Approved.. UC ..... ..... .. 191 Cle ik= ... . .... --- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman I-Vykl ud Clr.ncy Councilman I[e11W- Councilman McColl 7 Councilman Wurnii-li. Mayor IfOiv: Form B. S. A. 8-6 (?t'_ COUNCIL FILE No ................................. By-------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the matter .--walks at the following locations, FaGt--Vourth S-tr.eat,..--Bjaa-thL..aide,....haginning-..ELt Cedar Str-ae-t., lhemc.e east. 100 feet.; West Fourth Street, south side, beginning 120 *ieet west of St -.- Peter- Street;- --thence west- to---Ma-rket---St-reet-.-; Ex0han-g-0 StZee-t-y West sid6, from Eagle Street to Chestnut Street.; Chestnut Street, south d1d0)­"b,e gl . ii . il . in . g IB fact ernt of Stith *renue- th-e-n-ce---east 30 feetw; West Fourth Street, south side, beginning at Smith Avenue, thence east ee eveM I 48K­Stf��-e't sj5Vtji didt bs' g -1-n- ffin of south e east to West Sixth Street.; West Third St., St)ZA.Ot theLAq ........................ ................ ......... i afly6,ff side, beginning at the southeast corner of ik ' 66 east under Preliminary Order ............. 2164aa .......................... approved ............... SeptlRl9.t_ 175 feet - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.T-econstruct-; relay --and rgp.Atr...oement tile sidewalks at the following locations; East FouriE 461dih 4f&ij__ t1:e_ffd_6 iMet 100 feet.. _;_West Fourth Stre..et.,.. sout.h.., side -,--beginning... 120 feet west Of St. .. ................ . . .................................... Peter Street, thence west to Market Street.; Exchange Street, west side, from-Eagle--Street-to Chestnut. Street..;. ..Chestnut.-.S-tree.t.,,.-no.Uth beginning 18 feet east of Smith Avenue, thence east 30 feet.; West Fourth Street; --south- sidej- beginning--at-Smith Avnuej thsnoe-eaet--48 feet...; -West Seventh Street, south side, beginning 42 feet east of Franklin Street thine ­#abt td- West *Sixth Street-. ---West- Third St. - -south AAside beginning t extended thence east 175 feet. ofr,. e 7 MhtAe.lt9A1kq,t9V 8A FeeTst&1atd18MVtL,es.t 0.07 ger square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement an the. ... _13th _......day of ............................. ary ­­ I 19A0..._• at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and -the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........._..._...._._........... 191.. Approved ............... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman bbdxnd Clancy Councilman Kqtl= Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich mayoritimbx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ................. . .... 7 .. . . . ..... ..... .... _ ...............:..1........ .......................... Mayor. COUN F1T.E'.NO..._....... . ------. INTERMEDIARY ORDER Tn the Matt— nf_.._.............................. 3't beglnh 1; -.fit In -1-d"1 .y tlzence ?aortYl bo�nr ink 300 fest t,6 �t b St trie' Uel n 6.0 t e� �.,or CJTlC1 Cate 've - -- ,;r -- underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved ...................................................I.........................-- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the. improvement which the Council recommends is.___ grtiut21 7.� 1`ADt. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-.0. o7--30-£---GQl O 200t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._.. _... . ..............day of .............�.gpl}h:_Y r -r-..__.._....._......._-, 1910. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. DE �1.1IP, Adopted by the Council.- ....... __........_.... 191.._.. . �rO—......__.., 191....... z G City Clerk. '_............... Approved............... t Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilma ylgpi C; 1 czno f Councilman Keller P o-. i c, Councilman McColl /V) r Councilman Wunderlich Mayor 1"i;vis- .TOOL Soj1 T ! # Form B. S. A. 8-6 ------------- CoUNCIL ILE -------------------- - By. �­_._,__� .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M,�itter of opening, wideming..and of s_J�4y feetfrom Como Avenue North to Como Boulevard. ................ __ ....................................................................... ................................................ ................ .......................... ................. .. .. ... ............. I .......... ..................................................... ....................................... ...... ........... .......................... I ............................................................................................................. ---------- ......... ... ...... .... . .. ... .... ............ ........................................................... .................................................................. . .. ................................................. Oct. 4, 1519. h Street to e,; .............. ddt under Preliminary Order ............. ..... ........ ......................................... Nor :i UN i - 0, ;;," Ordi's, -26818 The Council of the City of St. Paul h., � ''. " 1 - i. of ' fh e Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered -esoko!s: d= r C, � or - , 1. That the said report be and the saj rM,1'PSr1Q0v-emeW' -.'ved a&,adopte'd, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eXt $.qqtA ee ptrt ...t.a wdith of sixty (60) feet from Como Avenue ............o ...... ................................................ ........... ........... ­­ .............. _1 .............. . . .. ...... North to Como Boulevard. ................ ............................................... ........................................................................... ............... .......................... .. ..................................... ..................................... ....................... .............. ........ - .... .............................. : ............................. ........... ........... . .. ....................... . . ......... .......... ......................... ....................... ...... ............ .. .. .................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 400.00...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....-:1....3th..... .... ............... day of .......... I -------------------- j anilax Y 191aQat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating. the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. OCC ldr�, Adopted by the Council...... 191 DEC —6 ........... it Clerk. Approved .................... ................ 191._ ...... ................ Alayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman FhjMd Clancy Councilman Keb= Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlie ArayoX119"' Hodgson Ly Form B. S. A. 8-6 _ \ / COUI�IL FILE NO_. ...................... 4 FINAL ORDER f avin Carroll Ave ue from Dale -Street to Chateworth._.--.- In the Matter ofl?... -...-g ..-.. f- --_St�•eet- including-.sewer. water and_;ae--_COnnectio4s-from ..street mains- _to•property linea- complete.,, where not _already* made. also curbing and p4ving-..ial.ey...ai7d.. .Y.ecray,_approache.e.,...where...necessary'------------ --............... C. F. 2:0. 27627 BY S. A:_F rnaworth—. .................................. ......... ....... ...... In the,Siatter,or paving, Carr,111 Ave: ;. I"re Dale St. to Chgts nd gas�coh ..... ................ cludfng sews water:;•4con- ..................... ............. ..... ...... .... .................. ....... ...... - nectlons Lrom street mates to Prop ert) 'lines>,'compte e,.;where not al • ready made also Curbing and paving under Preliminary Order...................2. ail and driveway al ,Poa'd .Sip.t 15,..1219 where necessary,, under Prellmin" - orper 26670r'approved.Sept. 16, In,111 Intermediary Ordea.................................. A pubitc'hearing baving been had __• ................. ..._- __-,--,............................ �1jpoR.ttte` above Improvement upon: due A public hearing having been ha( once, and the Connell having heard0pon due notice, and the Council all persons..-objeetlone and ecommen having heard all Bisons, objections iaatt°na retsu°° thereto a a hay Ymg y g P j (play coreldered the same thereL:: thereto, and ha full consid- ered the same therefore, be it t & �44oup°Ilt� RESOLVED By the Council of the Clty o St Pte. ._ °r Paveeoll 'Avenue from Dale Str et rj to �,hatav�flx�h:.��x._et-.�noluding.,,sewer,--vaster and .Cas conneetone• from- ": sheat:.mains tQ...Zxropezty.- Sles._C9mpYe..te,Y ~Are nct ,already made., q ga. �. paying: -alley„ and driveway approaahea�where neceesax� .. _ and the Councilhereby orders improv ent to be de. RESOLVED, FURTHER,- at the loner Public orks b and is }sebted and directed to prepare pi and,spe ' cations for d impro en a submit sam th un cil for approval; that u said a oval, the per city o eials ar erehy authorize and directed �v to;proceed with the alcing o said imp emeni in or nee erewith.- x .Adopted by ,the Council. ..��Y`Z•21:.......... ,191 - i t'. t Ctty� C erk s, rAPProved... ....:.....[:Y..�.�i.. ... ...., 191-'-:^_ r_A ........ . .. ..... .... .. ... . Mayor. { +S000TtIl S �' C•OUI1Clhnan Clancy Cowdc7man.Heilx Powere Councilman. McColl " 1 Councilman R'undenc�h fx Mayor. Hodgsonf "� : etty of fist. Paid Nepartment of pubitr Worko oscAR euusseN, eHi.r ¢ eRc.H.eR ... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. e. CARROu oFSeoN. ... ... ..Fwln• R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY ALFRED JACRSON, SIFT. -. OOeTZiNOER,nilon ` M. S. ORYTSZ.' ORIH.. H. H...OL.. 01— . ln... . _ September 22, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Herewith preliminary estimate of cost of Paving Carroll Avenue from Dale Street to Chatsworth Street, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to prop- erty lines complete, wherehot already made, also curbing and paving alley and drivewayeap roaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #26570, approved September 15, 1919: Kind of Paving: Total per Total Cost per Sq. Yard. Estimate Fnt.Foot. ID i[ Intersections Out, $54,309.90 147.71 32" Creosoted Blocks, $k4.63 63,588.42 9.04 Intersections Out, 48,327.60 6.67 Brick, 4.12 56,584.08 8.04 Intersections Out, 44,104.80 6,21 3.76 51,639.84 7.34 Brick Laid Flat, Intersections Out, 42,345.30 6.02 3.61 49,579.74 7.04 Asphalt, Intersections Out, 42,345.30 6,02 3.61 49,579.74 7.04 Asphalt Concrete, Intersections Out, 33,430.50 4.75 2.85 39,141.90 5.56 Concrete, Where curb is not in add 65 cents per front foot for cement curb. Where house service connections are ,not in add to cost of each lot: For �" house drain connections....... $70.00 For house service water conneetions4i33.00 „" The above estimate is for paving between DALE STREET and CHATSWORTH STREET ONLY. The remainder of the street from Chats- worth to Lexington is not in a condition to warrant paving, as it will require a large amount of filling to bring it to grade, and time must be allowed for this filling to consolidate, considerable before it would be safe to lay the paving. Yours very truly, , ESS/C. Chief Engineer. ?j'v 40. J °i 80norable Mayor and City Counoilmen: We the uac(Jtsigned')residente and property. owners' on Carrol All �# t� do hereby protest against,,r� ,exgposed poing,oi Oarrol AV-. from Dale to Chatsworth 5tr, a►l'�lnis unYavorar5le time because:- First-, The cost of -labor ana materials are abnormally high E' and unsettled, more so than ever before in the city's history. Secondly:-:Carrol AV. is not a -through street and said paving would not be ueea to reach any atreat Auon'aa wouln be pf import. r., LInCO. w Thiraly:- Carrol ay. is not used by traffic sunic ently'i'to ruars.ant paving unaer the present o uniavrable,conaition dna besidg6, {"Vrgl ay. is 111& xeasonable'gooa oonaitlon, and<the paving,oughx ' to'`os postponed until things nave aettied .aokn to amore nol - I basist. f 3 76 IO µ t IN a , , Q .4 5. qty �7 rt G- o Y Y do � r Po 1 r 67. 4j - - - - ---- — -- 40. Council File No........................... Petition PROPOSAL FOR IIVIPROVEME and PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned here b ores, the en of the folio public im rovement �iy the City of St. Paul, viz.; Furn1s11Lng and insta.. tion o an orn ntal l�ghting system consisting of lamp.._pcLai�e.::and:..lamps:,...vui an.d...unde i,:,rd...oonduit.a..iox...conmaying-..el)eotrie current thareto, and all other eas ,y appliances-and equipment for said sy rem••-athaxur� t"-Avenue'-from "the-w mine of Rioja Street to the east line of Mies..... i-Riner...Boulevard.............. ............................................................... ............ i abaLraol Y _ — 191 �... Dated this .......... 6th.....day of... ... w6erbes A vjrlttcn of i mlaklm8 ,oi tha lolIowln i �r(rilimh4 spa _�,.. ................. `plrpaPreht o,,:l$f . FOYi4 �v Db,• - ��'+ Councilman. I ARY O SER:-- pp.E "WI IEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Eo] owing improvement, viz.: Furnishing. and...3na`allation_,o.f sn.-ornamental... l.ighting._system...... -- consisting of lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits` raxi stinyiof 'edf acu t'" rrent retoa'n'd d aIT" of"her necessary e-Icep ricgs.,.and..eggj.P..Pnt.... 4x..aai.s..syatea�. on.S.0mn).i.t....Avenue...xou�..tk�.s .. ;..... west line of Rice Street to•,the east line of MiaBisaippi River ". Rou�leward,................. ....................... . ........ having been presented to the Council of the City of 5t. Paul by Councilman...... . ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To inve4tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve8tigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total w6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. t ............................. ....................... ................................................................................... ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the forcggiinng ISIS to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the wuncil....... DEC .................:.191....... . Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnswo Coss Approved DEC. 919................ 191........ 44yhnd Keller— McColl Wunderlich Mayor tar4+� Q'ivzf=�'4"/w Mayor. 4 78�/eL -� Form C A 23 (6M h17) J_ __ordjn"�e Me C F. No. 27630SY F --k I- F. TwavtY 0% A 5 - An ordinance appropriating the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for the purpose of meeting the expense of making a -vafu,ation and, investigation`of the properties of the St. Paul City Railway Company and the Telephone Company. This ib' an emerg ency..ozdinance,,rendered necessary for the preservation of - the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of T1,venty Thousand Dollars ($20;000.00) is hereby appropriated and set aside, out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the Genera dp for the purpose of making a valuation and investigation of,,t*e properties ofthe St. PaLl,City;Rdilway Company in connection with the proposed amendment to the prepent franchise off said company, and also making a valuation of the properties of the Telephone Companyan� the preparation of -'evidence bearing upon t I he question of reasonable telephone rates in this City. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage. Passed by the Council UEC 231919 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss MC70011 Powers Wunderlich 11r. President (Hodgson) Attest City!Clerk. Approved DEC I Mayor ATTEST, JOHN 1. FARICY, c1ty ciork. An administrative ordinance appropriating money out of the Operating and Maintenance Item (52.2) of the Bureau of Parks Fund, for the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing and installing air compressor equipment at Como Park Pumping Station. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Sixteen Thousand Dollars (616,000) be and hereby is appropriated out of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Operating and Maintenance Item (52.2), for the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing and installing air com- pressor equipmefit at Como Park Pumping Station. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. YEAS COUNCILMEN NAYS Clancy Farnsworth -- Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson j f•, �% lVl C. F. No. 27581 -ordinance No. 521 .y By J. Df. Clancy— Clancy— ?j Ann �An adm3linlatratnjvece ordinance app,' ))) l �. p'riating money ovt of th Operaf 1 alntenh a (5. 2) Boman of Parka Fund,Item fo2r ' at 1 I oosa of defrayln the coat + 1 ng. and lnatal�ing of V-A An administrative ordinance appropriating money out of the Operating and Maintenance Item (52.2) of the Bureau of Parks Fund, for the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing and installing air compressor equipment at Como Park Pumping Station. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Sixteen Thousand Dollars (616,000) be and hereby is appropriated out of the Bureau of Parks Fund, Operating and Maintenance Item (52.2), for the purpose of defraying the cost of purchasing and installing air com- pressor equipmefit at Como Park Pumping Station. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. YEAS COUNCILMEN NAYS Clancy Farnsworth -- Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson j Adopted by the Council j;Ff�ea�2 1ea�l jyjq Approved I9 P� o6�N �. F C" 6 r 51 J F. No. 27532 --Ordinance No. RY J. M. Clancy— tt�loordinance Y out 0.f [fie , o • 10 AJ111 lb An administrative ordinance appropriating money out of the Operating and Maintenance Item (52.2) of the Bureau of Parks Fund, for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing an addition to the Phalen Park Bath House, to be used as a section for boys. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES )RDAIN: Section 1. That the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred ($6,500) Dollars be and hereby is appropriated out of the Bureau of Parks Fund, operating and Maintenance Item (52.2), for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing an addition to -the Phalan Park Bath House, to be used as a section for boys. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. .Meas councilmen Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by the Council bFC Approved UEC 23 1919 May or —2 -7 1P i ArTEST, Y '0"N 1- PARI., City clow CITY OF ST. PAUL. y «... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM iO0NOIL NO...._"' ... _:.�....`..._ FOM A A 46, 2 11 1-18 FILE: AUDITED DECE9 1919 .................. �4, tyJ UT Tn LEFt ._ PER ......................... _....... _............___._... _.... 1254 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Et, persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statements Yeas ( V ) Councilmen 1 V ) Nays Adopted by the C cil l ......._191' ClanC C. F. No, 27533 -,.- y Abstract. - Resolved that warrants be drawn roved_._.........1 1 z Farnsworth upon the': C1ty.Tr;,' ;ry, yayable-out.of- the h efnafte specified funds and in Cross Lav r f the. per--, firma or coryora- [ton� f.4 . amounts set opvvoslt,. their respective. nameu as spoof ad to the ......._ __............... _... _._.. .._...._ .____._ following detailed statement: '- MAYOR 7. E. Corco;an. i.60. McColl .The 3loRman Llsghtln Co., $276.00. _ Wunderlich Moicbnair[s riaiionnl9Bnnk, $6,081:60. SL Paul EIera121, E270.89. Mr. President, Hodgson Adopted by ,the Co,,—U Dee 9, 1919. Approved Dec. 9, 1919 (Dee 1J.1319-) 16054 J. E. Uorcoran .50 Forestry Rev. 55 The Hoffman Lighting Co., 275,00 Central H. S. Bldg. 56 Gust Lundblad 799.85 Curb. Wilkin 57 Merchants National Bank 5,081.60 Miso. & Unf. 46.60 Interest 4,555.00 S. A. -bond Int..bund S A. Bond Int. Act* 30"00 P. I. R. Fund.. Interest 6,081.60 58 St. Paul Herold 270,89 Official Pub. 178.80 " 64.96 " 18.90 Purchasing Dept. 18.44 270.89 Total 6,427,84 CITY OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ..... Co .. UNCIL Na . ....... . ....... AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE ... F- A A 46.2 M 7- 8 .............. .... -z .......... AUDiTED I)IL! 1919 ER . .............. .................. TITS 1255 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) Councilmen V Nays" -"Adopted by t cil .S4 - Clancy zb.t,..L b c drl�u Farnsworth out roved 191 Resolved C the ereinatter sp.,IIL4d.111111 and Goss No. of-the� Pero... ' t ""I for the a""t' " Ps -Zled in the ............... .. d.t.li-- -atatement: MAYOR tot ow ng P, roperty Store, U. s, Army surplus MCCO' ... *"'led by the ,.Council Dec. 9, 3919. 9 Wunderlich X'dpopro,-ed Dcc� 9. 191919.) 7 (Do.. 13, 1 Mi. President, Hodgson 16059 U. S. Army Surplus Property Store 267.25 Workhouse Total $ 267.26 --r` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL< C .i FILE No.... ................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY,�/L ' COMMISSIONER ...... ...._............._....._sw.•.../8.,._..G©6.e............._.........................._..........._........._._ DATE RESOLVED o /1, That the grade of Emerald Avenue from Ellis Street to Myrtle Avenue, in accord- ance with the red grade lines on the accompany- ing profiles and as recommended by the Commis- ++ sioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. e VenU from at t rade of . Myrtld Avenue -from cBillr.treat to Myrtle A"venue. in." -accordance wlth., the red gado llnes,on the aecompanyIng pre,- ee and, as recommended by the m_ miseloner of PubUu: Works, be and the same Is. Lereb. adopted ae the.estab- Itshed, grade. Adopted by the Council Deo. 9, 1919: - ADDroved DeC. Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancyiv,5 Farnsworth GossO --- - In favor McColl Powers Against 7 Wunderlich Mr. President FORM JM919 C Fir i, Adopted by the Council 19 Approv '............ ....19.._._ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi Unca - . .. FLE NO........... �.�........ ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. ....................... . ................. ........................ ......................................... ...... DATE..... ........... RESOLVED � yv `1 S, In the construction of the proposenear Union Depot, it has bee ne necoseary to reconstruct a public sewer on Bsotvlway from Third street to the ',assissippi River, in accordance s` th plane and specifications prepared by the Department of Public Works and by the St. Paul Union Depot Company; and - "vJi4-F REAS, It has been proposed by the St. Paul Union Depot Company that it will pay direct to the contractors the entire con- tract _price and excess cost, if any, of that portion of said sewer marked "A" on the blue -print attached to sail plane and specifications, and 2790 of the entire contract price, and excess cost, if any, of that portion of said sewer marked Section "D" on said blue -print; and VILEREAS, Said City has accepted said proposition and has ad- vertised for bids for the doing of said work, and is prepared to enter into a formal contract therefor; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are here- by authorized and directed to enter into a formal a;_reement with the St. Paul Union Depot Company, in form to be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, embodying the terms of this resolution, the sa:ae to be executed 'before the execution by the City of the formal contracts for the doin;; of the work called for by said plans and specificationa. Yes ( ) Councilmen (.) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss In 1 1VIcCo11 Powers Ag Wunderlich Mr. President FORM WM9 9 VOR :7,53 6_ 771 Department of Eaw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILL JOHN A. X. NB .. ...onx.ve WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN M. MAYEK December 2nd, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Sir: - In re Broadway sewer. I hand you herewith proposed form of easement from the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company to the City of St. Paul, and proposed form of easement from the Union De- pot Company, making provision for the new sewer which is to be constructed by the City in lieu of the present sewer on Broadway between Third street and the Mississippi River. In the form submitted, the proposed easements, I believe, meet with all the suggestions which have been made at the conferences between representatives of your department and our office, together with the representatives of the respective roads, and if acceptable in form to your department, it would be proper for you to submit the same with the accom- panying resolution authorizing their execution, to the Council. We have additional copies which we are holding so that when the documents are formally executed, they may be all exe- cuted in triplicate. I am also sending you herewith proposed form of agreement be entered into between the St. Paul Union Depot Company and the City, together with blue -prints. This agreement provides for the method of paying for Sections A and B of the proposed sewer, and is in conformity with the suggestions made at conferences between your department and Mr. Armstrong, of the Depot Company. If this meets with your approval, it should be submitted to the Council with the resolution attached. I would suggest, however, that you hold the same for a day or two in order to let Mr. Armstrong get in touch with you, as we have made some slight change in the manner of payment since our last interview with him, and I an advising him of this change, and suggesting that he take the matter up with you if there is to be any further delay. Yours very truly, u Cs t Corporation Counsel. � A ,G G F X 87697 `s Whereas In the i<onetrh;the `� provpoeed new SIt tqn pepoQ [n h6 d t or 8t. Pant an 1n tho Pe-arrangerdent or the HeWHr on''33}'oadNaq from Thtrd' - BtreeF>ta the BSia Iea1DDi River made l� CJS/ / nOa4e9ary by fhe�plane fors tho eatd depot,tt has'b0oorae neeOese,y,Xor the'M' atty to ;aoanir9en 6sebment for thg'' e�rf •.conHErhmlon, matatenaaca=and overs- Hon of thH new newer, and.; WtiereaH,. The Company has e:gree�-tD cogvey aeement to�a,at�D ��tu-• WHEREAS, In the construction of the proposed new Union Depot in the City of St. Paul, and in the re -arrangement of the sewer on Broadway from Third street to the Mississippi River, made necessary by the plane for the said depot, it has become necessary for the City to'acquire an easement for the construction, maintenance and oper- ation of the new sewer; and WHEREAS, The St. Paul Union Depot Company has agreed to convey such an easement to a strip of land twenty feet in width across this property, the center line of which is described as follows: Com- mencing at a point on the center line of East Third street, in the City of St. Paul, 30 feet west of the east line of Broadway, thence easterly along said center line of East Third street a distance of 0.44 feet, thence at an angle of 89 degrees and 44 minutes to the right, a dis- tance of 79 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of the Union De- pot Company's property, being the point of beginning, thence continuing along the extension of the last described line to a point 175 feet from the center line of East Third street, thence curving to the left with a regular curve having a radius of thirty feet and a central angle of 42 degrees 50 minutes tangent to last described lire, a distance of 22.428 feet to point of reverse curve, thence curving -to the right on a regular curve having a radius of 30 feet and a central angle of 42 degrees, 50 minutes tangent to last described curve, a distance of 22.48 feet, thence on a tangent to the last described curve a dis- tance of 309 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of the Union Depot Company's property; and WHEREAS, The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company has agreed to convey such an easement to a strip of land twenty feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows: Commenc- ing at a point on the center line of East Third street thirty (30) feet west of the east line of Broadway, thence east along said center line of East Third street a distance of sixteen and forty-four one - hundredths (16.44) feet, thence at an angle to the right of 89 degrees 44 minutes, a distance of 525 feet, more or less, to the not-therly line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company's property, being the point of beginning, thence continuing southerly along the extension of the last described line, a distance of 205 feet, more or less, to the Mississippi River;- Yes ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council DE, -..19 -- Farnsworth Goss --- - In favor Approve .._ uC., —„` _...19.._..._ McColl I Powers O Against / MAYOR Wunderlich /� — / 2 Mr. President PUBL J •�----err FORM -_19 AND WHEREAS, it is a condition to the said easement that the City, upon the completion and acceptance of the proposed new sewer shall surrender its right to operate and maintain the sewer in its present location on Broadway, and that it shall cause to be filled so much of the present sewer as lies within the lines of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City accept the conditions of said proposed easement, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be entered into an agreement providing for the necessary easement with the said St. Paul Union Depot Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.. Paul Railway Company, in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, the same to be fully executed so that it may be placed on record with the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, prior to the execution by the City of the formal contracts for the con- struction of said proposed new sewer. f, Yes 0') Councilmen (,* ) Nays Clancy Adopted by the Council P 19 Farnsworth J Coss In favor Approve .. .......... _....19._..._ McColl Powers 0 A¢ainst ............ Wunderlich 2 MAYOR Mr. President PURL FORM 3M9 t: Council File No. ,r By _....... ......_.._.,......... _......_:. CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for _. G�; - V_ rAEBOLUTION TES NO under Preliminary Order. _. C. r. - No. atter— Final Order._ Inbe elite acoets. and CEtI¢THNAb , etocm'wo.tc- approved i_lc ...19 L A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �Y1 :...(,-�-equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. m Adopted by the Council . ___ 191.._._.. - :D ------------------------------------------------------------------ pp- Council File No. .... _ ................ /, x By •rte r .'v (/ CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1D CS ;_ ._t. for _ .,G X...1L Gi' ' 7u'9 7G S; j1 - nisovmtox Remi ,. MEtQT oo A public hearing haven been }}In theomatter`unes, the above improvement, and said assess - P 6 8 bene tin' coete nn�' exodnses etruettng, -.1k , and<- ment having been further considered cement sidewstlrs, Fattener `been considered finally satisfactory, be it i Under Contrect 3981 C for se. therefore 1919, RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable t� P inequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council 191 \ ti+.....9.. �. ........:......_.. City Clerk. Approved.... ..__._........_ . ._ _ ........................191....._.. Mayor. Form B. B. 18 % PUBLIBI"ID P Council File No. _..._............__.._._....._........_._ 01 By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for RES, C. F..No. 27540— under t matter of th under Preliminary Order.........._ ' Int ben ats, coats a a erne Final Order the byy Stling 1n a e no, the Fourth o the n al East Fourth Streetr begin _ 'west line nt Joti us n approved . 191 �.. ,..... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. ITI,FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. ...._..::.�.....N. i....�...equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ......... .___......._.._.._____......... 191n Approved.._..._._.._. ......... ................._........._.....__.......191 Form B. B. 18 y Clerk. Mayor. r Council File No. By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of Construeti'Zs relaying and repairing Coisient :�idevaalks, : stimate :;o. 2, Un der Gontraot 2981 C, for :ioason of l9]r'', RESOLUTION --Assessable Roll-- C. F. No. 27541 In the matter of the ' north sidQ bensrts, is d exp. 40 +rhostnut Ste F.O. 23,328 7,ev@@ St., 1 sernstfnge rsiarng t. 'hence 6Teat t0 F.O. 21771 Fast Fourth St. beginni a eat � :w k= ; r��ter con r_. _. John St. F.O. 2180() Sixth Ste Bridge approach, east side, beginning at Fourth Ste thence north 316 feet. F.O. 21368 Fast Fourth St., north side, beginning at Commercial St. thence groat to east line of approach to Sixth Ste Bridge. F.O. 211706 Fourth St., north side, from Sixth Ste Bridge approach to Connmeroial St. and on east side of Co nneroial. St. from 'Phird St. to Fourth Ste F.O. 23.329 Fast Third St., north side, frau Commercial St. to Hoffman Ave. F.O. 21779 East Sixth St., northtside, beginning 117 feet west of Hope thence west 8 feet. F.O. 21171 Mrgaret St., south side, beginning at Terry St. thence east 260 feet. F.O. 21358 Fast Sixth St. south aide, bet*een Atlantic St. and Gotzian St. F.O. 21677 Feast Sixth St., north side, from Atlantic St. to Gotzian and on the viest Bide of Atlantic St. from Rargaret St. to Fourth St. --Non—Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21358 East Sixth St., south aide, between Atlantic St. and Gotzian St. F.O. 21677 Feast Sixth at., north side, from Atlantic St. to GOtzian St. and on the .rest side of Atlantic St. from i;iargaret St. to Fourth St. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable sir in j%_ i'1�__..L__ equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 19 Adopted by the Council _. _.. 1 City Clerk. -Approved _ .. _.._ _ _ 191. -` ^tT. Mayor. Vnn U. B. 18 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. - In the matter of Q. Q2-.' ' , ,".... J..- ' ' ' ay i .. .>_��V.�J. _. Lam.... �:,t�v�•... :__. .r11.-.. �-.:n...�'�h..':::h n' _-..4s.....��I--.:��5-��.l�.l�...:.t...a.<l��'.:-:.� „<,.._c � o .o....;a_�':., =.. .:;1.='sial:i::'�.l-..;�.t�'-ise.t:.---ua..::.:..-------- .................. ........................................ - .......... RRSOLUTHIR RATTmc, .. ......................................... ....... FIRffiF ........ ............. ...-... a coxnenxe AWA or, 11F aAaraUs ` `SReSarHVIT THEREFOR. .. ....... .. ...... ... ..... .. ...... ^. ..fnr —No ofi—cor—d . _.... under Preliminary Order ............. approved.:l1,;..7..y..._2Intermedia ry ...... Order ----......'.Gaa, v ----, approved..:.y.�1=s:..... :.::.......:.....:.:.:. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Blit fuer eiermineoie�paya`ble in ..................'----'w"r.-�eQu + L��„�,aw as h,�erael e€ lsad�eserMd'Wgrein. Adopted by the Council............ ---- ...... ....... ---..............�.., 191. - J II Approved-------------------- --- ---------------- --- ....... ., 191.- Councilma Farnsworth Councilman Goss CouncilmaLn gAYUxlh� Councilman Kpllmx o.. Councilman McColl c Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Imbox _;oci`^on ........... G'tyClerk. / Mayor. / PUB /� / FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. - in (,G;4,u the matter of �- •�'�'---"` oa ..._o... ................................................................ _............. -....._.........................................._.......... - approved 1-1—.7 _.. . , G� Intermediary Order....2C�-----. under Preliminary dkder �'��-'`-«` approved.....: sut. '.J._i '-19 --• Resolved: _ (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, vita lJ��-LLey-I _ r ?g' .. ��.- d• . 1 x 0:., ....... c t e a------------------------------------------------------------...- ..- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby t ' en, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, via: --`= :--•"' X ^^j`'''"� o esu ., ' �.ua.._.u.Ncc_.�,.c„---i p...c.lao•-__,-a.-._� o -_---,.a,> �;__::.��_co-iv='---O....----.. ----------- award of damages for t he taking and appropriating the 3 That the assessments of benefits and above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council..... ., 191........ Approved....... ....... '.::........... .-'-................ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman $yk40 Councilman Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin: __c ,; c ` City Clett / � ..�...P. - -- Mayor. PUBLI9"- D �� -t RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. �;. In the matter of v..... ^` = ItESO 010N RATn"By 0 AND. FIRMING "CONDEMNATION --------- ...... -_--. ..-. ------------------ .---- .......................... .--------------------------------- __ �WADDS.- OF DAMAGES AN THEREFOR..'.- 14- . under Preliminary Order. ..:>.-.-..-, approved . t.k. _ d n. -, Intermediary Order._.:..:C:.� J:u........., approvedS,.�, i. x.. Jl:J. ------`-`- -4. --•--•--- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 13ger Resolved, that the aai aasesamen e a able in Adopted by the Council ................---_ - ---==--.:.:.:.= ' .. ....... Approved ------------------ :....- ,. ,.. .............. 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman H,7Md Councilman Nffim _ o.: Councilman McColl o'} Councilman Wunderlich (� MayorIMhK rpt City Mayor. LI9��•=� /x -��- .................................. I ....................................................... FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNAIrION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter t 1-I c ...... ...... .... ....... . ...... fGP 1 0 "no 0 U'; ............... ; ... . ....... .. Q ............ ............... ...... oiablmfl� 1N-' Po- ....................... .............................................. � --: ---- ------- .......... ............................ -------- -------------- -------- ------- --------------- ------------ C under Preliminary Order ---------- IiI9 .......... a inentln the iL-Intermediary Order.. —"nr V, approved Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: a -,ad tal-o cas,--. �,3! it f �' -' 1,:,, !L-,i�d � 101)-'s , -'0-' C-JIt-, a�-,Id L � ........................................................... : ................................................... ................. . ....... . ............. -.- . ................... La . ...................................... - .............................. S --Q- - - ----------------------------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements thervin be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: L" -'r 2-'=1 A e 2a. a: a... C ............ -a . ..... La'—t :a a _qhcd...t0-. ......... ------ 2'-a . .. . ..... ----------------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ... ................... 191 .. .... ...... ................ - ----- 6ji Approved ....... ..... .......... ......... ................ 191 City er �ayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Nyland Councilman - Keller 0 Councilman McC9 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor k4- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION' AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..' Q ":;�.:......................::.....::....:_.....f..--� ._s.,.....i,_:,.__:....i._.- "--��-----=--_1_...._..A .. ..:.....--- . 4C........,..—V..^,.1L�....L._i...._.......ilr....-._1-Q.»-..::......._-.....,.,��:..._._...4-'-.:i1F>i1�--- .. ........................... ...... RESOLUTION iRATn6'YING ANi7'COpI FIRMING: C N.WATION .AND' ................. AWAlt �)F DAMAGES AND AS -------------- -------- SE99MRN7 �9,'HEDES'OR. C. F. No. i!J546 In the mator of condemnlnir and 't k- ermedlary Order 7z Q ......... I under Preliminary Order..... _9 ......... _f..,r an easement fn -the land r �-, nr plopea,, Tor cuEs and*. , In Block 7 approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. -Itffifflillf men a as io eaoii parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .................... r" .......................... 191....... �. Approved....... ----- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 114=X ancY Councilman K 1'0 ;c='� x "��WWICouncilman McColl (> Councilman Wunderlich J MayorTrVM -'0`!7L o': k1t1 City Clerk. 191........ —�'2-- Mayor. PfniTfgr- � �/ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of al 'Z7 1:a 7 ..... 1.12 1 --a-d 1 L C. --------------- ---------- d a, cy o.zto. -�o C.: ........ ..... .......... ... .... -- ... ......... ........................... ................................................ -.1 - -- i ----------- "I'll, ------------------------------------------------- 'p,NAL ORDER IN CONDENNA' ... ..... PROCEEDINGS. ..................................................................... ................ ............................... under Preliminary Order 2!.M] . .............. a pprp'75i7Intermediary Order —'.-�.7.'_D..--------- N'- approved 30-lat ...... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: -ral�-CL.U--. P -0-S za- in ��.7 • lay -------- --- .......... ............................................ .................... .................. .............................................. - ............................ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated. and condemned for tho purpose of making the said improvements, viz: L11 —r' uao-'l ...... 1 01 S -L Ea f . ....... 2.V ................. . .. ....... ----------------- . ....... . ................... -La'at".-s- dalt.od Oc'upbei- !'�!— (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ................ .............. .......... .......... --------------- Approved----------------------------------------------------- 191 ...................... ---------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PLTBL Councilman - Goss Councilman 1W=A" Councilm4n Kellere: _'O:: �.,^ -C"Councilman . CouncilmanMcColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor JYMW` Hod_- ......................................................................................................1\ .......... RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of....:Y.4:a.4.,.,. ,. ;...._==s SS <:.:. ::_.s .._ ..,_a.u....v.. •` �-- = �.^ .4..f!..l;c .;.�:...... ..S.i,=r'.�Qt._ll —u.. �:Q"!:t-1....... ...---......................................... - ��REA9W0LAUTION':CFp.ATIFIIN B •••- DGTIO NA ....... ...... ... ...... FJDADA"EAD............. .......... ..... 9E9aMENT-THEBEFOH. �'F No. 27648- .... ...........................................................�.tY.:..mattet b[ condemning' and _......... ............... --------- under Preliminary Order -25-621 ------------ approved- -'.2.2-, Intermediary Order ._..2 :., C ..a-- approved.:.�Q_ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements thorein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �e�it-fvrtheritesoYn'c-d",`1Ti`a�"t a sai "'a"���sYA�t"tiL'snd'"it^•is^� .�+e:,pa3cA.111e in � g:.al..instedkmen+ka>as�to-eaeSx.:garcel-af.]and5deaaribzd�Sherein. Adopted by the Approved.....------- -------------------------- ------------------ 191._... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 1111=1' %1a -"C-- .. Councilman Keller- o- -2c Councilman McColl _ Councilman Wunderh MayorTkv:r7jc=-oC.e,soll 191...._.. --... ... ..:^�.roe.-•-=--------------------City Cl---�---._ ....� eike Mayor. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of , t..Q - ---------------------------------------------------- ............................ -- ........................................ . -- ---- i3iAL',o1LDl3ut IN CONDEMNATION...................................................... : , PROCEEDINGS., 'No., 2it49 ........... ..... .................. ............. ........ - ................... 1%'%te matter of condemning �d.d tak . .................................. ............. tag an. -easement in the ]an uses. - for Wyoming cu a and fills In under Preliminary Order . ...... 69-1 e diary 0 er ....... a,.:',.5so ....... ................ In. wY1mIn9t1tg1t arol dia rd Robert Street ires to . a� �A . - it. fall width, under Preltrtns� 41, Appro,qd �Riy approved Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same U hereby ordered to be made, viz: -a:ad ------ -Ccuj-j� ... t -Q -("top- ......... . ........ . ................................................................................................................. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..:Lae 1-12-2 d LILUU-in& 1,40 --------------- ...... Lat :Uag s7,..-S-t.Q.�i-.�t.�'.}.;Q."3.+1.d U LLI a nc).ac -i'-t jaf.Ule !,Lsz-zn= of .Ublicr'-s L ol.'2 . .............................................. ............................... . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. OrL, —9 1915 Adopted by the Council ---------------------- U --- -------------- ------------------- 1 191 .. ......................... ------- ------------ H, —9 City Clerk. Approved....... ......... . --------------- -------- .... 191 . ...... ..... ------.............. .... . ........... --- ------- ------- - Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman $g1 3t 9"D Ima- PUBLI 0.:'Zilman McColl ouncilman Wunderliclo Mayor lkm'ML,: H'0-1E;30!l FM? 7 -51 ia'+""� ani n aax Hance PTo. _ � a lstagLhS paymeak at e?,* - _i�7 Eh Dt A1fT�K n�'n i An Administrative Ordinance fixin?, and authorizin the pa?^.Hent: of, compensation for certain employ*ees connected vaith the public schools cf the city. MI+ COi7NCTT 0 T CITY 0-' ST.PliliL DOTS ORDAIN: Section_ 1 'PIIc followin^I employees ccrrected With the public schools of the city* main be paid, for services rendered to the Citi. of St -Paul, salaries or, wages in accordance with the comm nsation limits fixed it the following sections to be effective January 1, 1920, Section 2 Employees herein enu^ierated and anneinted pursuant to section 392 of the charter, shall receive morthly compensatt6n as follows; �K fi Hi;;h School En-ineers, holdir� Chief E rueers licenses, not to exceed +"150.00 per month. High School Firemen, h.oldinr7 first class licenses, not to exceed •:1,130.00 per month. Head Janitors i^ H°.rzh Schoo]$,not to exceed 125.00 per- month. ermonth. Janitor- En.rineer in charge, holdin_^ first class license, not to exceed =,1'0.00 nor month. Jars in Grade Schools having more than two rooms , and holding first or second class licen^es, not to exceed >i115.00 per month. Janitors in Grade Schools having one or two rooms-, and ° :holding; special license or no licen^e, not to exceed s;a70.00 -per month. Assistant School Janitors, holding special or no licenses, not to exceed ':110.00 ner month. School Janitresses not to exceed .1.90.00 per month. Cleanars, for part time only, rot to exceed ':;45.90 per month. The aforementioned provisions of this section shall be arplicab_le to all s%ch persons described as shall have been arnointed and in service prior to January 1, 1920, and to such .rersons only, provided t1 -at. the said rates of compensation shall be effective for a period of six months or -l- and shall be void after • Jusae 30, 1920. All emplo;*ccs cri-inall-,t appointed subseorent, to Jannary 1,1920, or contin,inC in service after Julie 3!1,1920, shall receive; drrinm the fiscal ,*Car 1-920, monthly compe.rsation as fol.loirs; i3i�h School ""n-ineers, hol.dir.^ chief engineers licenses, rot to exCeCd -:;140.00 rpr month. Tiirch School F!--,^-.m-en, holding first class licenses, not to exceed ;120.00 per month. Head Janitors in High ,schools, not to exceed ,5115.00 per MO -11th. ,Tani-tor-Tngineer in shares, holding- first, class license, not, to exceed 4120.00 per rcnth. Ianitors in Grade Schools having- more tha,-i two rooms and '^oldin^ first or second class licenes, not to exceed .'105.00 per month. ,Taritors in G,^ade Schools Navin, one or two rooms and 1,oldi•19 special or not licenses , not to exceed `'70.00 per month. Assistant School Janitors, holdin;- special or no licenses, not to exceed c,,100.00 ner month:. School Janitressos,motto exceed %:00.00 ^er morth. Cleaners, for part time only, not to exceed ;-40.00 ner month. Secticn 3 mployees of the Division Of FyEiene shall receive the follel°rind salaries. One Director Of School Hygiene, m,inimvm .;250.00 per month Maximum 350.00 per month One Chief School Fr -se, /Jo m ---t 59 per month r ilaxi.mum ''15C.00 per morth School Nurses, d/o =�7-iri mtu� per month L,tax imum .: +W I ) Priedical Inspectors, not to exceed ;,,12.00 per hour, provided the total paid such medical inspectors in any one month shall not exceed `125.00. Dentists, part time service, not to exceed 9100.00 per month. Pane---3--- Section 4. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, insofar as their are inconsistent herewith, are hereby* repealed. Sect;.or 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Na7Ts, Clancy-,.. i Farnsworth, adorted by,the Council ,,.. Keller, Powers, V,underlich, 'Mr. Pres. (Hodgson) Approved UEC 241919 aY°1- P ST: OHN I. FARICy, IGlE'— `_- Cltyclerk. J. ItCOR60RAN bsGu'g CoMMPs JAMES M CLANCY CoMrYi oNeR uuu ..... m,uuu i uu x nliuw� w Imuw m m uul Nnumfuu mnuy ile. mx n ii , i nummu nu u x i mm xm„ uu r au m . . CITY OF ST. ,PAUL ertntent of varka, PlaggronnT'C2 'x anb public j8nilMUPS OA OFFICEOF COMMISSIONER J 43 COURT HOUSE / /Drlecember 8, 1919 Tu Tal; Gentlemen; Cry , .�` ✓r'.�� tJ The undersizne/d, merabers of +be License Corml4ttee, submit for your ccnsideration fee ordinance, titled, "An ordinance providing for and establishing fees to be charged for p`r:;its issued by tne Bureau of fubl' B 'ldings, of ttie Cit ;aint�rau1. _ Yours t-61-,, 04 � r! `ey b.. 6 Department of Parkas Playgrounds & Public ldings J Btfi`eall f 9 d } L.,. City Of St. Paul.'; r An ordinance providin for and e§tablishing fees be charged for permits issued by the Public Bq4ddings of the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. t THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. The following named fees are hereby established and required and shall be collected by the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St'. Paul before' the issuance by the Commissioner of Parl.:s, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of any permits for which fees are required under the provisions of this ordinance and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, shall not issue any such permit for which the payment of a fee is required under the provisions of this ordinance until such fee shall have been paid to said Commissioner of Finance, excepting however, such permits as may be issued by him to the - City of St. Paul, the County of Ramsey, the State of Minnesota, or to the United A ates Government, without the payment of fee. Every person, persons, firm �t'or corporation at the time of applying to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings for any permit for which a fee 'is required to, be -paid under the provisions of this ordinance' shall rzy� make a statement in upon blanksand forma to be furnished by the Commissioner of Public Buildings for that purpose, which shall eon- tain 'information as to the location, nature, extent and cost of,the proposed structure, work, installation or othe prupose as well as other information, which the Commissioner of^Public Bui ?d s shell have the right to require under the charter and the 'Irilding ordinances of the city, and such statements shall be duly a%rooration rn to by the person r or persons or officer or agent of the firm., r coapplying for said permit Upon such statement being filed as above required and upon the payment to the Commissioner of Finance by the applicant for said permit of the \ �r FORM 3Ms•1[ 2f.' , bsn7 Pe>yox.s; T18 # aaneuce P2•fFe Comru#as#oueL-ob:bsLRa' bTg g?onuga suq,apsT7 Pe coTTeoFeg pa ppe 0.o=T8a#0IJGL Or, PTusuce ob VPQ'CTO' Ob Spe boTTOMTvE usweq bees sLe peLepd seVspT#apeq suq Ledn#Leq !,. E. k gec�#ou I• �� E '' E SEE CAnY1CIr Ob SEE CISH Ob 2S' LV11P D`)E2 OUDVlM V2 Borro&12: �i : bLeseyns ou OT, btrpT#c besce' pesT.'P svq asbe��• i bgnT SF#a 7a au sureL6euc21 0LgTZtsuce.LeugeLeq ueceasaLd boL ;pe Sou aLttr#Fa Teaneg Pa ,Fps o boPT#c Bn#T9#_$ ob Cps C#F� ob >. gu oi.g#usuce,: bLoa7q#A9 boL euq 900PTTaFi� bees o pe cFaL6eq X ' guibaPT#ci39'F DebsL;Ipeur ob BeLICS BI;iELonix4ir Sc bnP7ic BOTNTP8a required Yee for sqid permit, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounda and Public Ffuildings, shall issue such permit. section II. BUILDING PERMITS vEW BUILDINGS: For any new buildings fees shall be charged at the rate of 10� for 0Ver7 1000 cu. ft. or fractional part thereof, contained in the building, figured from tiro finished basement floor to tile iaverage roof height in peaked roofs or top; of average height of, parapet walls in the cage oP Plat roofs, the cubic space being measured atiall include all bay irindowa, oc>rn,Use and other pro,eetiors• Fees for foundations and footings below the basement floor small be charged at the rate of Z� per 100.cuft., actual contents of foundations and footings, but in no 011se shall any permit be issued for less than t�0, oxcept as hereinafter provided. ,jRED6 AND -SHELTdni: For one-story sheds, private garag®9 e fee built indepsnd�nt of dwellings, and open shsltos� s'1 oda, Charge skull be`made at tt7e ret of 50� forever^, tree '.aundred , Wo)aDq ft. of Plear area or fractional pert thereof, when such shed, garage or shelter, is not over 12 ft. in heir*t from the Jgrade to the point tvhexe,the under -side of roof rafters intersect with the outside of ,"call. 6kaere such shed, P;s.rage or shelter has a height, of more than 1121 %t., as hersinbefpre provided, a fee charge shall be made at the rite ]of $1.00 Of floor. area. or fractional part thereoFo s for 0 very�360 sq. ft - For alterations and repairs Ila n the reshin�y glia or.recovelning of or to any building other tha anybuilding a fee olirarge shall be made et the rate of 65 for every ;1,Oo0 or fractional part thereof proposed to be exp nded therefor. ro ascertain the cost of such alterp tK— — L'/j� he duty of the Commissioner of Public or repairs it shall be t FORM 3M9-19 �r FORM -,i- v Via•✓ r �l ! z Ii�?!� ' .. Buildings to determine the amount to be expended to the beat of his knowledge, after pare$iully estimating from the drawings, or other data submitted by the applicant+ gOU11DATI0i15, FOOTINGS, HTC. For foundations, footings and basement walls, the same rate s}:all be charged as for.new buildings, the cubic eontentia being figured from the top Of such foundation or basement mall to a height of 6 inches above the top of footings under foundation wall, and where no footing is ,required, to a height of 6 inches from bottom of said foundation wall. Footings shall be figured same as for new buildings. RNTAIYdING KALISL FOr retaining walls, fees shall be ? charged at the rate of 10� 1'or every 100 cu. ft. or fractional part thereof, contained in oa d wall, including footings. RESHIVGLING AND RrGOViRIFG: For reshingling or recovering of..any building or struotur,s or part thereof, a fee chargershsll be<made.at the rate of 50 cents for every 5000 sq. ft. of -area• or.fractional part thereof to be covered or reshingled. BUIJ.DInGS MOVZ): there any building, a trueture, shed, shelter or,,garage is moved or placed upon any lot or note, "Oe charge shall as made at the rate of one-third of the charge, made for new buildings* luny part or parts or addition thereto,; ingludIng foundations and basement thereunder, shall be figured saq►e as for new buildings, but in no.case:shall any permit be i8sued for leas than ;50X• SWR CKING: por,teariag downs or wrecking of any building, structure part thereof', a fee charge shall be made at the rate of 2 every 1000 ou• ft. or fractional part thereof, con- t.sined in. the said building or structure, including the base- ment, but not figured bialow the basement floor, but in no case shall a charge of.leas than 5,4 be made. FIRE FSGAPES: For the erection of fire escapes a fee charge.-shall.be made at the rate of 50y for every 15 ft. in height orf ractional pairt thereof, beim figured from a die- tai:^_e of 7 feet, from the grade at landing of fire escape. SECTION ,B. 44WAlORS: For the installation of passenger elevators fee charges shall be made at the rate of 50¢ for every ton cap- acity or fractions, part thereof, for ever7r 15 ft. or f0act4.onal part thlepeof oft travel distance. For tiXe installation of freight elevators fee charges shall be made at the rats of 50� for every 8000 lb. ee�paet'ity or fraction- al part, thereof, for every 13. f"t. or fractional part thereof of r tdistance. ravcFor the installation of e:1.evators or lifts in a public side - w ,a fee charge siiall be made of -�10.1i0 foreach such elevet.or 7 or lift. For the installation Of dumb -waiters, both ppwer or hand. power„ a fee charge of 25y shall be made fo eacn 15 ft.. Of travel 7 or gr4ictional part thereof where the Capi y doers not crossed 500 pounds. there capacity exceeds 500 ;pounds, ctnarge, a4a sou -as as for freight elevators shall be made. For the extension of elevators and dumb -waiters, a flae charge s shall: be slaws at, the rete charged for new elevators. Said charge to bo based on the number of feet of (mcteWian,. For alterations of elevators,, both freigkt and passenger and k t dumb -waiters, a Pee charge o>1.G3 small be mads for each and t every 050O.OQ or fractional part theraof, xpendedt� The estimated �a-//CSX ✓/`"' `��� cosh thereof to -be Trade by the CtYwA9310ner o]^ Publia� Buildings, based upon the information furnished by the appi.2oant. aenever,the electric motor or other electrical devices used E in oonnectioni-alth the Installation 0& an electrically driven alevator.;are so arranged as to form as component part of the ®levator macUinery„ the fee herein required io be paid for the permit for,the installation of the elevator shall also cover E the required electrla+1 permit for the installation of said motor and other electrical devices. Provided, however, that wiaere belt driven electric elevators are installed tue electric motor shall FORM 3MR-19 not by considered a component part of the elevator machinery, and the fee for the electric permit for installi" said motor shall be as provided in erection 5 his ordinance. Section 4. FLUMBING: d fee charge of 50¢ shall be made Por each plumbing permit, and an additional charge as hereinafter listed, shall be made. For eactrbwater closet, bathtub, wash -sink slop sink, bar - sink, urinal, foot bath, or shower bath installed or replaced a fee charge of 25� shall be made. For each kitchen sink, pantry sink, or set of two laundry trays, combined in one fixture, a fee elarge of 15¢ shall be made. For eaon independent laundry tray„ with single tub, drinking fountain, garage floor drain and cutch basis: connection a Pee charge of lo¢ shall be rade. For each refrigerator drain, bell trap or floor drain a fee charge of 5y shall be made. For each and every other fixture not specifically mentioned hereinbefore, a fee charge of 15� shall be made. For the purpose of this ordinance a plumbing fixture shall be taken to mean and include any of the above mentioned fixtures or any other plumbing device arranged to be connected with tine sewer or plumbing system and requiredbyordinance to be trapped,. /-, v _. GAS FITTINGz The{``Gommissioner of Public Bu 11 ings shall before issuing any per:�lit for the installation oil any gas piping or gas fixtures or device, require the payment by the applicant for such permit of fees to the amount hereinafter provided for and in the manm�r herein provided, to wit% For any permit for installing gas piping. providing for not to exceed 10 gas fixtures or gas devices, 50r. For any such permit providing for from 11 to 25 such fixtures or devices, 001.00. For any such permit providing for more than 25 such FORM 3.9-18 fixtures o� devices -1.50. For any permitfor inat.slling a gas stove,; gas water heater, gas range, gas log or gas mantel heater or device, 25¢. Where any such permit is issued for both gas piping and plumbing the application for such gas piping shall be made out on the plumbing application, and fes charge paid at the time fee charge is ,paid for plumbing. SECTION V. ELECTRICAL. (a) For each permit for new or additional electric light wiring, for the first ten (14 lighting outlets, or for any fraction thereof, if le s than ten (10) there Shall be a minirmnn fee of $1.00. t. And for each ten (10)�such outlets or fraction thereof, in excess of the first ten (10), there shall be an additional fee of 75�. Lighting Outlets shall be construed to mean any outlets installed for lighting fixtures, wall receptacles or floor receptacles where such receptacles are permitted on branch lighting circuits. Elvery such receptacle shall be considered a separate outlet. The outlet fee shall cover the installation of the wall receptacles or floor receptacles. Provided, however, that in the case of exposed knob and tube or cleat wiring, a lighting outlet shall be construed to mean any connection made to the circuit wiring for the purpose of attaching a lighting fixture. Provided further, that lighting outlets shall also be construed to mean any outlets installed for future connection for lighting purposes - For the purposes of this ordinance, each group of.lights i for window illumination, rigidly attached t^one another and made up and installed as one unit and said unit insulated from all grounded metal work in the manner provided by ord- inance for fixtures, shall be considered a°one outlet only, n L G 1 when estimating the fee for a wiring permit, and as fixture only when estimating the fee for a fixture permit. (b) For each permit for wiring for, installing and connectin electric motors, or other apparatus rated in horse- power (H.P.) there shall be a minimum fee for th9 first one (1) H. P., or fraction thereof, of X1.00. And for each additional horsepower (H.P., or fraction thereof, in excess of one (1) H.P., but not exceeding, two j hundred (200) G.P. 10 cents- V/ And for each ten (10) horsepower, or fraction Viereo£, in excess of two hundred (200) H.P.,, 10 cents. For each permit for wiring for, installing ,and connecting transformers for lighting or heat or power, generators, heating devices, rectifiers or other apparatus rated in watts, there shall be a minimum fee of,$1.00 for the first one (1) Kilo-volt-ampere i (K. V. A.) capacity or fraction thereof. jj For each Kilo-volt-ampere capacity, or fraction thereof ' in excess of one (1), but not exeeedinp, two hundred (200) KV.A. there shall be an additional fee of 10 centa And for euoh ten (lo) Kilo-volt-amperes capacity, or fraction thereof in excess o!' two hundred (200) K.V.A. there shall be an additional fee of 10 cents. In determining the amount of the fees in this subdivision (b), the units in each class of the apparatus enumerated in this subdivision shall be figured collectively but each class shall be figured independently of the other class. I'. In determing the amount of the fees in this subdivision, motor generators shall be rated according to the rated horse power of the motor only. i' (o) For each permit for the installation of .amp sockets or lamp receptacles for use on lighting fixtures and drop cords I� or attached direotl^r to the outlet the minimum fee shall be 75 cents for the first ten (10) socket$ or receptacles, or for any fraction thereof, if less than ten (10); 1 FORM, ­_19 _ 3 ",n d. Por eAcY ten (10) such sockets or receptacles, or traction thereof, in excess of the first ten (10), there shall be an additional fee of 50 cents. (d) Por each permit for t?re Wiring of each eomnlete outline lighting, marquise, stage border, stage footlight gr -up, stage prosoenium strip, or temporary lighting when permitted, the fee shall be 50 cents for the first ten (10) sockets, or receptacles, or for any fraction thereof, if less Man ten(10), including the installation of such sockets, or receptacles; And for the next twenty (20) sockets, or fraction thereof, 50 cents. And for the next thirty (30) sockets, or fraction thereof, 50 cents. And for any fifty (50) sockets, or fraction thereof, in excess of the first sixty (60) such sockets, or receptacles, 50 cents. Outline lighting shall be construed to mean that class of. lighting used on the outsidb of W ildings to mark the outlines thereof. (e) For each permit for the wiring of each complete electric sign for outdoor use, or of each complete billboard, of thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) watts capacity, or any fraction thereof, 50 cents. And for any additional capacity of any such sign or bill -board in excess of thirteen hundred and twenty (1320) watts, the fee for such permit shall be increased by 50 cents The words "wiring of", as used in this sub -division, shall be construed to include all electrical fittings and devices in or attached to the exterior of any sueh aim or bill -board, but not including sny supply wires thereto. (f)The fee for each permit for the alteration, rearrange - I ment or repairing of existing electrical equipment, or for other electrical work not included in the above, shall be 11.00 for each one hundred dollars ($'100.00) or fraction of each one hundred dollars ($100.00) in the estimated cost thereof. I E FORM 3149-19 � MAW" 9 here a combined pe Aw and fixtures, the fee to be charged for such Permit shall equal the combined Pees, as above set forth, for each such class of such work or installation. (h) For a permit for wiring for and installing a dtereoPticontlor stereoPticOns* whether a — receptacle Is used or not, for each complete stereoptice= or receptacle for one, installed thereunder, 75 cents. (I) For earn Permit for wiring for installing and connecting moving Picture machines,, for e I ach complete machine, $3.00 not including the rectifying apparatus, - (J) For each permit for wiring for installing and connecting a storage battery for each ten (1.0) Kilo -watt hours rated capacity, or fraction thereof, (k) For each permit for installing and connecting lampso other than those used in mercury vapor lamps or are moving pictures MaCLIines or stereopticons, the fee shall be in addition to the fee required by this ordinance for the permit for wiring for the outlets for same and shall be, for each ten (10) such lamps, or any fraction thereof, 50 . cents' Section 6. SIWAS, BILLBOARDS, MARQUISES AND AWNINGS: (a) For any permit -for asign not exceeding 50 square feet in area, placed flat on a building, a fee charge of 25 cents shall be made, and for any such sign exceeding 50 square feet in area an additional fee charge of 25 cents shall be made for each additional 50 squkire feet or fractional part thereof. (b) For any permit to erect a sign not e:Kceeding 590 snare feet In area, upon the roof Of a building or structure, a fee cnarge of $5.00 shall be made. For any such roof sign exceeding 590 square feet In area, a fee charge of MOO shall be made. ® M • 4 " P. For a sign projeetinR a� an angle from the Pace of a 4. v building or structure where d such 5 ;projection beyond the building feet a fee charga of X1.50 or structure does not excee shall be made for each 25 square :feet or fractional part thereof. For any such sign less than 5 sglxw a Peet in area and projecting not more than 2 feet, no fee charge shall be made. For any Buell sign projecting more t:ian 5 Peet a fee charge of $2.00 shall be made for each 25 square feet or fractional part thereof ry up to 200 seuare feet, andX1.00 :for each 25 square feet or fractional part thereof, more thpan,200 square feet in Brea. The said fee charges for signs shall include both illuminated and non -illuminated signs. Signs on marquises, canopies or fixed awnings ahail be considered same as independent slans, except in the case of I or part of the marquise, painted letters on a pane canopy or fixed awnings (o) Cloth �igns may be placed flat on buildings, or structures or on canopies, etc, for a period not exceeding 30 days without permit or fee charge. (d) For a permit for a billboard not exoeedine 600 square feet in area a Pee charge of x1.00 shall be made. For each such billboard exceeding 600 square feet in area, and not exceeding 12Uo square feet in area a Pee charge of 62.00 shall be made. Double -deck billboards shall be considered same as independent billboards. (e) The annual fee for the maintenance, of roof and pro- jecting signs shall be one-half of permit Pee and shall be annually 3 zi ORM FORM 3M9-19 4 -- --l" i between Januarn let and Febraary 1st of eaolu year, and eueh fee ;° a1 shall entitle the maintenanoe of such sign until the 31st day of December following* permit for marquise or fixed awning Construction i J For any p x pro, eating over any sidewalk, alley or public property, for each such marquise or fixed anning, this area of rbia• is not charge of , 10.00 shall be made, and wer 100 square feet a fee for each such mVquise or fixed awningp exceeding 100 sq- ft., an additional fee charge of "5.00 shall be made for each addii;ional sq. ft,, or fractional part theregf., section 7. TklvK& hflL �:;iULr�.T �� � i:IAa;�(m• �//��""" The �ov;,i=signer of `,Iblic HuilGi9nr. s. s:.sll ba fnre Issuing any permit for the erection of mater tanks on roofs or ,oWers, and 18010te3 chimneys or anmoke stacks, require th pEi7mEnt r'�' the applicant for sueh peranit o.t fees tc the snrunt nsro.Lnbelov+ provided for an in the manner provi=led, to brit: (a) nor water t::nks on roofs or t^tiger a PcE chs;^re of 5U shall oe �e for esc,, 50 bbl. capacity or .fractional part thereof. (b ) er isolated Ci i::.neys or s-T;er_e stac',ra, or cht'l-I'dYs 1 or smoke stacks - Itenii ar over 30 feet above t!,e roof of the building, ir. ath:'.Ch they are erected, a fee charge of 3r -gar ewer, foot or J'ractional part t:lereof i square Pt. ssuln •aiaht :• Isolatod cu?mna s shd.11 'be figured from the footing and ebi-meys in buil.dingS shall be, f4;ured f1•o1n t:;e hi;x:; at point from tre rO0f of the building. Section d. JShould any person, person, firm or eorporatirn begin_ :aork of any kind such as here abefor*, fort.:, pr for which a permit from G .7c� y , u • - orlinance,, the Commissioner of,,ilublic 13uildgre is required by witbout havingcured tppe- necesssr7 permit ttierefnr from the (/ il� d✓ Commissioner of ublic 5uild�s, either previous to, or during the day of the commencement of any such work, or on the next FORM succeeding day, *k,en such work is commenced on a Saturday a holiday afternoon, or on a Sunday or , he shall when sub- sequently aeeuring such permit, be required to pay doable the fees, hereinbefore provided for, for such permit, and shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this ordinance. Section 9. vIOLATIONS: The continued violation of any provision .of this ordinance, undQr this ordinance Shall be and constitute a separate offense for each and every day such violation shall continue. Section 10- PENAL'TIES'- Any person, persona, firm or corporation who shall violate any provisions of this ordinance or who shall make any false statement in the application, as required by this ordinance in con�}�cti yn w the aeovr`111�6 of any permit from the Commissioner ✓`G ; %L� upon conviction tberoof, of ,Rublic Buil? aha 11 be punished by //a fine of not leas than x'5.00 nor more than $100- for each offense, or by imprisonment not exceeding 90 days - Section 11. This ordinance is not intended to amend, Je/rr supersede any ordinance or ordinances heretofore pa11 ssed, or wbich may here- after be passed, relative to the constru4tion, alteration or re- pair�any building or strucutre of ghatedever kind or natuJr'�`; 154 Paul or the issuance of any license,^ ub t in the city of Saint , is only intended to regulate the amount of fees to be charged for the issuance of permits for buildings, for the construction, alterations or repair of buildings or any part thereof. Section 12. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessaryfbr the preservation of the public peace, health and safety- LoL oecU aug ener.a qe2 ancp ATOTOVTou ape) I vum+{u,.d- apeTT Pe Buq couor;rnfe a aebeLero OLLeuae nugeL rPTa oz.gTuaucs uU o su2 bLon a ou OL rPTa oLgTusuco' ,ige cour7u,aeq aio7erT � T r AI �I'VZIQN2 2sorTOu a. anplecr rO OTT ;pe beual bLOATaT�ua OL fKa oLgTue uCe' Lose' psLGTupeLo:as bLOATgeq LOL' LoL ancp beLwTr' eug ePETT P8 esdneur72L aecnLTuB ancp beLwTr' pe LecinTLeq ro boa qunP7e ;PO sLTealjooll' oL on a 2nnged OL a POr1Tgee' pe aPUTT MPeu anp- encoeegTra qga' xpeu ancp aOLIt TO dcwwsuoeq ou s 21EFFnL9e2L r"? Section 13. .. All ordinance or parts of ordinance inconsistent herewith are hereb° repealed. 6ection 14. This ordinance shall talae effect and be in force' itmnediately•upon its passage, approval and publication. Yes (%') Councilmen (,') Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President FORM -s-19 Adopted by the Council - ----- -----19 - In favor Approved __._.. _. __. ....__.. 19.....__ Against MAYOR _ � �.. _�. � k f1 ! f � � � � � I7 � � + � 1 r � ��:. I -.1 � t , d .I � � f f � a � G f I � 1 �� � { � j� r I I 111 ` i _ � �.. _�. 641 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 5, 1920. City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: On Tuesday, January 6, you will have before you the fee ordinance from the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. I wish to make the following statement regarding, and protest against this ordinance as it stands and Is .now drawn. The use to whicL permit fees are to be put is not stated. These fees should be used only for employment of inspect- ors for building inspection and their necessary expenses. If these fees are to be used by the Building Department for the s — nloyment of draftsmen by the City Architect with which to get out plans for schools and other public buildings, the Ordinance defeats its purpose and is unfair. It defeats its purpose because the public has no assurance that the money deTtled will be used to employ additional building inspectors of which we are in dire need. The ordinance is apparently for this, but no where does it so state o.r,rovide. p_ _ ' It would be unfair to ask the building public to pay for services of draftsman to do public building wozxk out of permit fees intended primarily to safeguard them and the general public thru adequate supervision of buildings under construction. If additional funds are necessary to employ draftsman to do the City Architect's work these funds should be a part of the appropriation for the building. If, for instance, three hundred thousand dollars is allowed for a school building there should be fees charged against thio amount from 1* to 2%.,for draftemans' overhead and architect's salary are eliminated, ( as they are in the city architect's office) Mr. Hausler gets a salary of four thousand dollars per year and his office rent and- --light free togetkrer with stenographic services. I do not favor they`re-shingling and re-covering} clause for the reason that for residences, inspection from the building department is not necessary, and in larger buildingethe employment of an Architect makes the inspection again unnecessary. In Section, number four of the ordinance, as 'an Architect I feel that permit fees or licenses from the plumb- ing firm should be sufficient to supply plumbing inspection as at present. I also think that a fee of twenty five cents for connecting a gas range will be hard to enforce and tend to make liars of Owners who would ordinarily connect their own range. Not only that, but it would actually work a hardship on most house Owners both because of the delay and because it will mean the employment of a plumber, and :rill mean an extra -expense of at least three or four dollars more. than at present. This applies of course more particularly to t -h-€ oonnections of gas ranges where people move from one house or apartment to another. If a man moves on September 1 he will have to arrange before hand to employ a plumber to take out a permit to connect his gas range, and in many cases this might mean serious delay. Section five is in the same class as Section four with this difference: that the fees are especially high. In figuring up an ordinary six or seven thousand dollar residence in this office upon the basis of the present Ordinance I find the fees as follows: Permit for the building $3.41 Permit for plumbing 3.00 Permit for electric outlets 5.50 In other words, for _elect rical inspection, which means not to exceed three inspections trips to the house, there is an inspection fee'almost equal to the building permit together with the plumb- ing fee. Total fee on a seven or eight thousand dollars residence would be ifrom nine to thirteen dollars, which on the basis of last year's residence permits would mean total fees for residences only rom seven to eleven thousand dollars. I believe that electrical permits should be handled the same as present plumbing permits, and by requiring each electrical firm to take out a license fee sufficient to cover the costs of wiring inspection. Under the present ordinance as outlined, when an individual wishes an extrareceptacle or outlet in his home it is going to cost him one dollar for the inspection fee besides the cost of installation. This will tend to a large amount of temporary wiring done by amateurs without permits and to lessen rather than increase public safety. Thruout the whole ordinance no mention is made as to the use to which permit fees are to be put, and it is my opinion that if a Wheelage tax should go entirely for the improvement of roads so these fees should go entirely for inspection services in the departments in which the fee for per- mits or licenses is issued. r As a Citizen and tax -payer I wish to formally protest the pa.eeage of the above ordinance as written until a clause is included, stating explicitly that the Pees obtained be used for employment of building inspectors only, together with the expenses incident thereto. Very truly yours, HAS:L H. A. Sullwold, Architect. Copy to St. Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press. FFi� RD I"A NOE Dept. of Parke Playgrounds: 8: Public ".B,rei uildis�("��/% Bureau of Public buildings j /�(( Q City of St.P8ul a i c¢, �5 /� o J-� �. An'ordAnanae providing for and establishing fees to be .,charged for pairmits issuedl by the Bureau of Public Buildings of the City of .St. Paul. TSS' COUNCIL Or T it3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DO &D IN AS FOLLOWS: Seeti n I. The following, named fees are berebv established and required and shall be col:leoted by the Commissiohdr of Finance of the City of 6t. Paul before the issuance by the Commission©r of Park, Playgrounds and 'Public Buildings of any pennits far which fees are required under the provisions of this ordinance and. the Commissioner of P6rks, Playgrounds and .--ublio. Buildings,, shall not issue any such permit for which the payment of a fee is b: req�ired under the provisions of this ordinance until such fee shall have been psid to said Commissioner of Finance, excepting however, such permits as may be issued by him to the City of St. Paul, the I County of l:artsey, tfie State of Minnesota, or to the united States GovernrAent, without the payment.of fee. Vrery parsons persons, Firm --dr oorporation at the time of applying, to the Co=issioner A• of `Paras, Fla ygroundsi and Public Buildiziga for, flny permit for gh3ch a Pae is required to be paid under the pro�isiot of this z ordlnanCo-shall lrcake # ht tement -in suiting upon':ii7.nnka ari& Forms to he fuish®8 the.CaTManissic>ner,or Puhlic;fiuldinge`>for that purp00 �Whic33 hall', contain informatibn as to the lacatinn; natui4, extent and cost .of the proposed structure, work,.Anstallation.or 01her purpose, as well. as other information, which the CommIsai,gn x of Public Building4i shall have'the right -.to s quire under :tno oT?&rter the- uil'dlz ordinanees. oP the city;land suc 'statementil shall be`duly, sworn to by, the pardon or persons or officdr..or "agent of s the firth or Borjporatiok►+ applying for saidiarmit. tlpori such state spent being filen as 'a qvo required,'and upon t�tae pa tsnt p Comaiiisioner of; Ffnance?`tir the apolcant'p�ai=c2 `prnit ,�� the y> r { FFi� RD I"A NOE Dept. of Parke Playgrounds: 8: Public ".B,rei uildis�("��/% Bureau of Public buildings j /�(( Q City of St.P8ul a i c¢, �5 /� o J-� �. An'ordAnanae providing for and establishing fees to be .,charged for pairmits issuedl by the Bureau of Public Buildings of the City of .St. Paul. TSS' COUNCIL Or T it3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DO &D IN AS FOLLOWS: Seeti n I. The following, named fees are berebv established and required and shall be col:leoted by the Commissiohdr of Finance of the City of 6t. Paul before the issuance by the Commission©r of Park, Playgrounds and 'Public Buildings of any pennits far which fees are required under the provisions of this ordinance and. the Commissioner of P6rks, Playgrounds and .--ublio. Buildings,, shall not issue any such permit for which the payment of a fee is b: req�ired under the provisions of this ordinance until such fee shall have been psid to said Commissioner of Finance, excepting however, such permits as may be issued by him to the City of St. Paul, the I County of l:artsey, tfie State of Minnesota, or to the united States GovernrAent, without the payment.of fee. Vrery parsons persons, Firm --dr oorporation at the time of applying, to the Co=issioner A• of `Paras, Fla ygroundsi and Public Buildiziga for, flny permit for gh3ch a Pae is required to be paid under the pro�isiot of this z ordlnanCo-shall lrcake # ht tement -in suiting upon':ii7.nnka ari& Forms to he fuish®8 the.CaTManissic>ner,or Puhlic;fiuldinge`>for that purp00 �Whic33 hall', contain informatibn as to the lacatinn; natui4, extent and cost .of the proposed structure, work,.Anstallation.or 01her purpose, as well. as other information, which the CommIsai,gn x of Public Building4i shall have'the right -.to s quire under :tno oT?&rter the- uil'dlz ordinanees. oP the city;land suc 'statementil shall be`duly, sworn to by, the pardon or persons or officdr..or "agent of s the firth or Borjporatiok►+ applying for saidiarmit. tlpori such state spent being filen as 'a qvo required,'and upon t�tae pa tsnt p Comaiiisioner of; Ffnance?`tir the apolcant'p�ai=c2 `prnit ,�� the y> W +1 sueeeading day, when suwork is corxnenced on a Setur lay afternoon, or on a sunda\y.or a holiday, he shall when sub- seq'uently securing such permit, be required to pay d -utile tine fees, hereinbefore provided for, for such permit, and shall be subject to all the penal provisions of this ordinance. rection 9. VI..irFli:i:,ii.;. The conti_nuad violation of 2Tr provision of this orlinance, shall be and constitute a separate offense under this ordinance for each and ev:3ry day s,tco violation shell continue. Section 1J. An, person, peg, icns, firm or corcorat s -n � ho .,`.:all violate anv provisions of this ordinance or w.ic small mace a_.,, false statem�:=nt in the ePplioaticn, as required t.A_; Gr in -:ace in connccti,ar with tc: securin. of an',' i,er,::it frcm ti:e ' O -I iSA-MOr of Public Brildinrzs, stall }e punished upor, ecrvictlon thereof, by a fine of not less tcan »5. nor ,more t mar . L , for �...,G e ;i'fense, or u. 17,;nisonment not exceedi-11,0' 90 dans. npr3'3 Ti'" -Vsha31 in, al,i..cases be 3 a. n dli.tion to the p�ymei;t.of t11e fees as Yiereih- before raouired:...._.. LA `� v E c ✓�v �.�,_ ate' rection Xn 13L This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from a nd after its pu lictaticn. C. F. No., / c� •CJ No. An Administrative Ordinance fixing, and authorizing the payment of, compensation for employees connected with the Auditorium of the city. THE COU11CIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PQUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The following employees connected with the Auditorium of the City and appointed pursuant to Section 413 of the charter may be paid, for services rendered to the City of St.Paul, salaries or wages in accordance with dompensation rates and limits fixed in the following schedule'. The rates of compensation as herein fixed are maximum i limits in each case `and sha11 be effective January 1, 19264 Superintendent, Engineer, Stage. -Carpenter, Watchman'. Janitors,' Deer-keepers; Head -usher, Ushers, Maids Carriage-cal]ers, Stage -hands,. Head Flyman, Grips Grips.. (overtime) Sta&electrician, Ass t stage -electrician, ProAerty-man, Asset property -man, Property cleaners, Property clearers, (overtime) Light operators Light operators (overtime) Section 2 $2,SOO.00Iper year. .70 cents per hour. 37.50 per week. 85.00 per month. .40 cents per.hour. TOO per performance. 1.50 per performance. 2.00 per perfoimnee. .50 per performance. 1.00 per performance. 2.00 per performance. 2.50 per performance. 2.25 pat performance, .75 cents per hour, 5':83 per day 4.66 per day 5.83 per day 3.75 per days 1.00 per do S£ " .50 cents peer hour 2.00 per performance. .50 cents per hour. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, insofar as they are inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Page---2----- Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage,' pproval and publication'. Yeas Cour�cilmen Nays, Clancy, Farnsworth, Goss.;- w Adopted by the Council. y Feller, fl Powers, C/ I (: i' 2d 1919 1919'. dnnderlich, Mr. Pres.(Hodgson) Approved_ DEC ?41919 � 1919./ PUB ATTEST: l JOHN !. FARICY, 1 City Clark. a a (Situ of Suint Paul Comptroller's (Ktre Less. I.— .—....... a. L. -ERT. —1- COMPTR OLL[P December 9, 1919. To the Honorable Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Since the completion of the Budget Estimates for the year 1920 by your Honorable Body, the authorized changes have been made and the budget ordinance is transmitted herewith. In accordance with Charter Section 203 appropriations shall be made in the fullest practicable detail designating the purpose of each expenditure as specifically as may be. With this end in view I have compiled the 1920 Budget under a standard classification by object a of expendit>>re as applied to each department, bureau or function which will give a uniform analysis Of the Budget for comparative purposes and will also permit a comparison with other cities which have adopted standard classifications very similar to the one found in this budget. The total budget appropriation is $10,588,866.85. The amount to be raisedamount byother than tax levy is $2,769 u 63-35, to be raised by tax levy collectible in 1921 of $7,819,003.50. Estimating the assessed valuation of real and personal property to be $138,000,000.00 the probable rate for 1920, for taxes collectible in 1921 will be $56.659 per $1000. for city pur- poses. Respectfully submitted, City Comptroller. r cAP� 1920 DuvazT ORDINANCE An Ordinance fixing the amount of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several Departments, Bureaus or Activities of the City Government in the City of St. Paul during the year 1920. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That the various amounts of the expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City.Government of the City of St. Paul during the fiscal year beginning January 1st, 1920, in accordance with Chapter 13 of the present Charter, are hereby fixed and determined by means of through appropriate funds as the same are in said charter .and defined as follows: h "The City Officerst Salary Fund" from which shall be paid the salaries of all officers of the City of St. Paul elected by the electors of St. Paul. Mayor ................. ..........11.40.. 5,000.00 Comptroller ..... ......................... 5,000.00 Commissioner of Finance.................. -x,500.00 Commissioner of Public Works .... ., ...... 4,500.00 Commissioner of Public Safety .. . ......... ..4,500.00 Commissioner of Education.............. . ;t,500.00 Commissioner of Parks, Plyde.:and Pub. Bldgs.. .*,500.00 Commissioner of Public Utilities .............. 4.,500.00 31',000-00 2. "Fund for salaries and expenses of the Mayorts Office" .............................. ;,685.00 3. "Fund for salaries and expenses -of the Corporation Counsels Office" ................ 22,055,00 4. "Fund for salaries and expenditures of the City Clerkts Office .......................... ll,;200.00 5. "Contingent Fund" ............................. 7s500400 -• 6. "Finance Commissioner's Fund", from which shall be paid all salaries and expenditures of the department ........................... 1111 36,460.00 7. "Police Fund" to meet all expenditures .....,..659,8,20.00 8. "Fire Fund" to meet a.11 fire bureau expend- itures ...... ..._. ... ....... ..... 11111,250,00 9, "Health Fund" to meet 9.11 health bureau expenditures ........... ..... 167,145.00 10,. "Commissioner of Public Works Fund" from which ;shall be paid all. the salailea•and expenditures of all except persons working, by the day or, hour who are employed uncle the;control of said cgmmissi:oner; also all expenditures in connection with his office ............................. 112,c15.00 ,_ J - 2 - 11. "A Street Consti7action ar.d,Repair Fund" to meet ail expdnditures for street Ir construction and repair charged to city revenue under the chaster ............... 285,000.CO 12, "A Sewer Construction and Repair Fund" to meet ali expenditures for sewer construction and repair charged to city revenue under this charter ............. 72,0 00 5 13. "A Street and Sewer Cleaning Fune" to meet all expenditures for street and sewer cleaning .......................... 299,700.0.0 14. "Bridge Building and Repair Fund" to meet all expenditures for the construction and repair of bridges charged to city revenue under this charter ................. 35,200.00 154, "A Public School Fund" to meet all school expenditures ....................... 2,365,060.00 16. "A Public Library Fund" to meet all public library expenditures and all expenditures for art gallaries and museums ............ 207,740.00 17. "An Auditorium Fund" to meet all expend- itures in connection with the Auditorium .. 38,509.35 18. "A Public Pars Fund" to meet all expend- itures for public parke:.and squares charged to city revenue under this charter ............. ............. a....... 433,048.00 i 19. "A Public Playgrounds Fund" to meet all expenditures for public playgrounds other than school playgrounds charged to city .revenue under this charter ............... 72,210.00 20. "A Public Building; Fund" to meet all expenditures in connection with the office of inspector of buildings ........ 46,305,00 ,. 21, " ommissioner of Public Utilities Fund" �a meet all expenditures in connection with the city business under the direction or< the control of said commissioner unless provided for by more specific funds ...... 30,310.00 22, "Public Lighting Fund" to meet all expend- itures for public lighting fiot rhargeable to a more specific fund .................. 335,945.00 230 "Water Department Fand" to meet all expend- itures of said water department charged to city revenue or the revenue of said! department ..............................1 1,160,'109.00 240 "Board of Control Fund" to meet the city's portion of board of control expenditures ........... ... ........ 258.600.00 25. "A City Hall and Court House Fund" to` meet the city's share of City Hall and Court House maintenance .............. 36,440.00 -.c A I w 3 26. "An Interest Find" to meet all current �- ii.nterest.payments due by said city within the fiscal year ................... 605,162.50 y 27. "A Sinking Fund" to provide additions to sinking fund for the payment of bonds at maturity ........................ 601,688.00 28. "A Redemption of Bonds Fund" to provide for paying the principal of any certifi- cates of indebtedness, whether against current, general or special assessments to mature within the year and which are not otherwise provided for and also paying the principal of any bonds to mature within the year which cannot be paid out of the sinking fund and which are not to be refunded or otherwise renewed ................................. 716,000.00 294 "A Judgment and Compromise Fund" to provide a fund for the payment of any docketed and unpaid final judg- ments against the c.ty and all dis- pnted claims which are compromised and settled before judgment .............. 11,000.00 30. "A Comptroller's Fuad" to meet all expenditures in connection with the Comptrollerts Office ......'............. 41,815.00 31. "A General Fund" which shall provide for - all necessary expenditures in connection with the government of the City of St. Paul or any of its departments, bureaus or activities, charged to city revenue and not provided for in the funds here- inbefore named .................4....... 767,735,00 (For detail see following) 10.588.$66.85 Municipal I Court 22,940.00 Purchasing Agent 9.320.00 Armory Maintenance '525.00 Firements Relief 13,400.00 Teachers Pensions li 400,00 26,800.00 Police Pensions Wid.ows and Orphans Pensions 2,500.00 Workmentj Compensation 10,000.00, Official Publication 10,000.00'. Printed Forms & Blanks 3,000.00 4:80000 Art Museum City officers Attending Conventions 3,000.00 Miscellaneous & Unforseen 22,000.-00 Street Intersections 115,000000 New Crosswalks 20,000.00 Local improvement Assessments 40,000.00 Deficiency Account 25,000.00 Election Expense 55,000000 Compromise on Certificates of Sale 30,000-00 Fire Hydrant Rental 54,950.00 Municipal Employment Bureau 5,000.00 Taxes on Property Seventh & Wabasha 32,000.00 City Planning Commission 25,000.00 Prevention of Cruelty 2,400.00 Water for Wilder Bathe 3,000.00 Forestry Revolving Fund 5,000.00 Minnesota War Records Association 51000.00 6,700-06 Health Employees Relief Association Fergus Falls Cyclone Sufferers 15,000000 165,000.00 Refund on Liquor Licenses 167,7 5.00 T 1, 1 SECTION 2.. That the various amounts of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several the City Government of the City of St. Paul, during the fisc4l year beginning January let, 19 Vr 203, of the present Charter kre hereby appropriated, fixed and classified under a stFndard (�c, by the City Comptroller, by Organization Units, Functional Divisions And Object of Expenditur, SUM]'dARY OF.1920 BUDGET APPROPRIATIOriS DETAILED BY TIM COMPTROLLF. SS. STANDARD CLASSIFICATIO] SHOWING TOTALS BY DART1,1ENTS Grand Public Total Comptroller Safety A 1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4,512,624.20 2050466.00 1,650.600.00 k 2 Salaries Temporary Positions 130,827.00 38,.550.00 8,000.00 3 Wages 671,943.00 -- -- : .B Contractual Services 713,608.50 127,2'75.00 83,54, C Materials 242,190.05 4,200.00 17,975.00 D Supplies 403,143.60 13,055.00 82,950.00 E Equipment 224,881.00 850.00 65,785.00 G r Contributions (Education and General Welfare Grants) 317,500.00 317,500.00 -7 Pensions and CompEnsations 72,800.00 72,800.00 K 2 Special Assessments 40,000.00 40,000.00 E 1 Taxes on City Property `, 32,000.00 32,000.00 r L Judgments and Compromise} 11,000.00 11,000.00 M Refunds and Repayments 165,000.09 165, 00.00 _ R Lands 234,750.006;1,0.00 -- S Buildings, Structures and Improvements 489,680.00 -- 29,320.00' T 1 Sinking Fund for Bonds 373,442.00 281,688.00 -- 1 Sinking Fun@ For Tax Levy Certificates 320,000.00 3201000.00 2 Payments to Local Improvement Funds 170,000.00 55,000.00 -- 5 P'?y^nents to Forestry Revolving Fund 5,000.00 -- --, 6 Appropriation for Summerville Sewer 25,000.00 -- -- W 1 Interest on General Bonds 376,310.00 376,310.00 2 Interest on Tax Levy Certificates 223,852.50 223,852.50 3 Interest on Water Department Bonds 112,315.00 -- \ 4 Interest on Miscellaneous 5,000,00 5,000.00 Y 1 Redemption of Bonds 711,000.00 711,000.00 2 Redemption of Temporary Loans y 51000.00 5,000.00 10.;588,866..85_ 3,011,V40.50 1,938,175.00 4� I I SECTION 2 that -nay be made by the ee er l Jen,-rt)-i-eritq, bureaus or activities of 1 year beginning Jrin,anry 1st, 1)20, in accordance;ith Chapter 13, section d classified under a of claGsifict_o ns arranged and prescribed visions and Object of E:xpenditure defined as follows: 320 BIIDsET APFZOY IIATIO'.S PRQLLEROY CLASSIFICATIONS TOTALS BY DEPAFV.U,!E1JTS Public Public Comptroller Safety Wo r k S Education Pab. Bld5q. Ut i 1-i-t-fe 2 205,}60.00 1, 650, 600.00 ?16,755.00 2,017,828.20 106,076.00 315,905.00 38,550.00 8,000.00 9,800.00 72,977-00 1,500-00 3r,'9,360.00 100,202.00 172,081.00 3100.00 127,275.00 93 5.n 17, 05.n 135,405.50 a8, 00 30C,590.00 4,200.00 1719751-00 76, r1?2- OC 37,570.3 15, 525.00 90"100.00 13,055.00 82,950.00 43,1w5.00 174t684.60 53,204.00 36,o95.00 I i 850.00 26,120.00 82,079-00 15,742.00 34,305A00 317,500-00 72,800.00 40,000.00 32,000.00 165, 000.00 6,000.00 -- -- 26,050.00 -- 202,500.00 29,320.00 20,000.00 32,290.00 67,070-00 341,000.00 2.01,00. oo -- -- -- 91,754.00 320,000.oO 55,000.00 115,000.00 -- 25,';00.00 376,310.00 223,852.'50 -- 112,315-00 tf "000.00 711,000.00 5,000.00 3,011a4A.10 1,-U8 _3 9 1 16 1,12.o 1� 563,00 1, �26. 644.00 a7 -2- -J J SECTION 2 that -nay be made by the ee er l Jen,-rt)-i-eritq, bureaus or activities of 1 year beginning Jrin,anry 1st, 1)20, in accordance;ith Chapter 13, section d classified under a of claGsifict_o ns arranged and prescribed visions and Object of E:xpenditure defined as follows: 320 BIIDsET APFZOY IIATIO'.S PRQLLEROY CLASSIFICATIONS TOTALS BY DEPAFV.U,!E1JTS Public Public Comptroller Safety Wo r k S Education Pab. Bld5q. Ut i 1-i-t-fe 2 205,}60.00 1, 650, 600.00 ?16,755.00 2,017,828.20 106,076.00 315,905.00 38,550.00 8,000.00 9,800.00 72,977-00 1,500-00 3r,'9,360.00 100,202.00 172,081.00 3100.00 127,275.00 93 5.n 17, 05.n 135,405.50 a8, 00 30C,590.00 4,200.00 1719751-00 76, r1?2- OC 37,570.3 15, 525.00 90"100.00 13,055.00 82,950.00 43,1w5.00 174t684.60 53,204.00 36,o95.00 I i 850.00 26,120.00 82,079-00 15,742.00 34,305A00 317,500-00 72,800.00 40,000.00 32,000.00 165, 000.00 6,000.00 -- -- 26,050.00 -- 202,500.00 29,320.00 20,000.00 32,290.00 67,070-00 341,000.00 2.01,00. oo -- -- -- 91,754.00 320,000.oO 55,000.00 115,000.00 -- 25,';00.00 376,310.00 223,852.'50 -- 112,315-00 tf "000.00 711,000.00 5,000.00 3,011a4A.10 1,-U8 _3 9 1 16 1,12.o 1� 563,00 1, �26. 644.00 a7 -2- DET:.ILED BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1520 I� a Classified by Organization Units, Functional Divisions and 0 ect of Expenditures, as prescribed by the Comptroller.. NO, 1 DEPARTIE.MT OF THF CITY COMPTROLLER 011.540, 0 A-2 B Salaries Temporary Positions Contractual Services 1,725.00 D 101 CITY OFFICERS SALARY 7,000,00' Equipment A -A Salaries Permanent Positions 37,000.00 102 MAYOW S OFFICE A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4,460.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 400,00 B Contractual Services D 4^rplies 275.00 103 CITY CLERI:1S _OFFICE 11,200.00- 1,200.00A-1 A -1Salaries Permanent Positions 9,60^.0^ B Cor.tractaal Services 1,250,00 D Supplies 350.00 104 COP.PORr.'"101I COUNS:MIS OFFICE 22,055.00• A -i Salaries Permanent Poe --'tions 18,380.00 B Contractual Services 3,325.00 D Supplies 100.00 E Equipment 250.00 105 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEIS OFFICE 35.,460.00 106.1 RECEIPTS a DISBURSM-ENTS 14 8_ 00 - A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 14,'380-00 B Contractual Services 250.00 D Supplies 250.00 105.2 SPECIAL ASSESSIUMTS 17,940.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 16 , 400 B Contractual Services 1,250.00 D Surnli es 250.00 105.3 PARTICIPATING CFERTIFICATER 3 640,.000' A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions "' Id 0.u0 B Contractual Services 460.00 106 COMPTROL-LERI S FUND _41j815.01) ' 106.1 COMPTROLLERIS OFFICE 27,000-00- A-1 'Salaries Permanent Positions 25,120.00 B Contractual Services 1,000.00 D Supplies 380.00 E Equipment 500.00 106.2 CIVIL SERVICE 14.815.00. 00 t I i z._. _ DET:.ILED BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR 1520 I� a Classified by Organization Units, Functional Divisions and 0 ect of Expenditures, as prescribed by the Comptroller.. A-1 NO, 1 DEPARTIE.MT OF THF CITY COMPTROLLER 011.540, 0 A-2 B Salaries Temporary Positions Contractual Services 1,725.00 D 101 CITY OFFICERS SALARY 7,000,00' Equipment A -A Salaries Permanent Positions 37,000.00 102 MAYOW S OFFICE A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4,460.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 400,00 B Contractual Services D 4^rplies 275.00 103 CITY CLERI:1S _OFFICE 11,200.00- 1,200.00A-1 A -1Salaries Permanent Positions 9,60^.0^ B Cor.tractaal Services 1,250,00 D Supplies 350.00 104 COP.PORr.'"101I COUNS:MIS OFFICE 22,055.00• A -i Salaries Permanent Poe --'tions 18,380.00 B Contractual Services 3,325.00 D Supplies 100.00 E Equipment 250.00 105 COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEIS OFFICE 35.,460.00 106.1 RECEIPTS a DISBURSM-ENTS 14 8_ 00 - A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 14,'380-00 B Contractual Services 250.00 D Supplies 250.00 105.2 SPECIAL ASSESSIUMTS 17,940.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 16 , 400 B Contractual Services 1,250.00 D Surnli es 250.00 105.3 PARTICIPATING CFERTIFICATER 3 640,.000' A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions "' Id 0.u0 B Contractual Services 460.00 106 COMPTROL-LERI S FUND _41j815.01) ' 106.1 COMPTROLLERIS OFFICE 27,000-00- A-1 'Salaries Permanent Positions 25,120.00 B Contractual Services 1,000.00 D Supplies 380.00 E Equipment 500.00 106.2 CIVIL SERVICE 14.815.00. 00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 150.00 A-2 B Salaries Temporary Positions Contractual Services 1,725.00 D Sgpplies- 300.00 E, Equipment 100.00 1 NO. 1 DEPARViENT OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER CONTINUED / � 1 107 PURCHASING AGFd1T 2,4,320.00- A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 21,980.00 B Contractual Services 740.00 D Supplies 600.00 108 MUNICIPAL COURT ii 22,940.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Posietions 21,440.00 B Contractual Services 1,450.00 D Supplies 50.00 109 CITY HALL & COURT HOUSE I6,440.00' A^1 Salaries Permanent Positions 15,440.00 B Contractual Services 15,000.00 `1 C Materials 3,000.00 D Supplies 3,000.00 r 110 BOARD OF CONTROL 2600.00' (City's Contribution -1/3) 110.1 GENERAL A-1XIIIIISTRATION 40.00' Salaries Permanent Positions 51940.00 110.2 CITY AND COUNTY HOSPITAL. 168 420.00 - Salaries Permanent Positions9-3 Other. ;Expense 95,290.67 New Children's Building 33,333.33 110.3 RAMSEY COUNTY HONE 52.573 % 4' Salaries Permanent Positions 9, 210.00 i Other Expense 23,333.34 Completion of New Cow Barn 16,666.66 Land 3,333.34 110.4 OUTDOOR AID �'1666.66 Other Expense 111 ARMORY MAINTENANCE A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4,000.00 B Contractual Services 2,325.00 C Materials 200.00 D Supplies 2,000.00 112 MUNICIPAL M,�PLOY1ENT BUREAU 000.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 1,jOO.00 B Contractual Services 3,000.00 D Supplies 500.00 . 113 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION 10,000.00 B Contractual Services 10,000.00 114 CITY OFFICERS ATTENDING CONVENTIONS 3,000.00• G Contribution (Edu.& Gen. _Welfare Gx",t , 3:,iJ00s0@ b PTO. 1 DEPART,MTT OF :^HE CITY COMPTROLLER CONTINUED T ' 115 �I CITY PLANNING COISU SSION \- s ?_ 000 0' G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 25,000.00 .116 ELEC^liON EXPENSE 55, 000.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 381000.00 B Contractual aprvices 12,000.00 C Materials 1,000.00 D Supplies 4,000.00 117` FIRN'S RELIEF 13,400.00' J Pensions and Compensations 13,400.00 118 POLICE PENSIONS 26,800.00• J Pensions and Compensations 26,800.00 119 TEACHERS PENSIONS 134400.00 J Pensions and Compensations 13,400.00 g 120 ,vIDOWS & ORPHANS PENSIONS 2 00.00' f t 2,500.00 121 HEALTH EMPLOYEES RELIEF ASSOCIATION 6L?00.00 i J Pensions and Compensations 6,700,00 122 WORh''MI S COMPENSATION 0,000.00i 10,000.00- i iPensions and Compensations 10,000.00 123 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS (CITY'S PORTION) 40,000.00 K-2 Special Assess. on Exempt Property 110,000.00 124 TAXES ON PROPERTY rH AND WABASHA 32,000.00 K-1 Taxes on City Property 32,000.00 q 125 DEFICIENCY ACCOUNT 25,000.�JO T-2 Appropriations for Local Imp. :Ainds 25,000.00 126 CONTINGENT F'_T'iD LLZio.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 5,500.00 1211 COMPROMISE ON CERTIFICAT�3 OF SALE 30,000.00 Held by City T-2 Appropriation for Local Imp. Fund.. 30,000.00 PTO. 1 DEPART,MTT OF :^HE CITY COMPTROLLER CONTINUED T ' 115 �I CITY PLANNING COISU SSION \- s ?_ 000 0' G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 25,000.00 .116 ELEC^liON EXPENSE 55, 000.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 381000.00 B Contractual aprvices 12,000.00 C Materials 1,000.00 D Supplies 4,000.00 117` FIRN'S RELIEF 13,400.00' J Pensions and Compensations 13,400.00 118 POLICE PENSIONS 26,800.00• J Pensions and Compensations 26,800.00 119 TEACHERS PENSIONS 134400.00 J Pensions and Compensations 13,400.00 g 120 ,vIDOWS & ORPHANS PENSIONS 2 00.00' f J Pensions and Compensations 2,500.00 121 HEALTH EMPLOYEES RELIEF ASSOCIATION 6L?00.00 i J Pensions and Compensations 6,700,00 122 WORh''MI S COMPENSATION 0,000.00i 10,000.00- iPensions and Compensations 10,000.00 123 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS (CITY'S PORTION) 40,000.00 K-2 Special Assess. on Exempt Property 110,000.00 124 TAXES ON PROPERTY rH AND WABASHA 32,000.00 K-1 Taxes on City Property 32,000.00 q 125 DEFICIENCY ACCOUNT 25,000.�JO T-2 Appropriations for Local Imp. :Ainds 25,000.00 126 CONTINGENT F'_T'iD LLZio.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 5,500.00 1211 COMPROMISE ON CERTIFICAT�3 OF SALE 30,000.00 Held by City T-2 Appropriation for Local Imp. Fund.. 30,000.00 q NO. 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY &CIEPTROLI�R CONTINUED 128 JUDGMENT & CUIMPROMISE 11,000.00 L Judgment & Compromise 11,000.00 129 MISCELLANEOUS & UNFORSEEN 22,000.00 B Contractual Services 15,000.00 D Supplies 1,000.00 R Real Estate 6,000.00 130 PRINTED FORMS & BLANKS 000.00 B Contra.ctva,l Services 3,000.00 " 131 FIRE HYDRANT RE9TAL 54.950.00 B Contractual Services 54,950.00 132 PREVENTION OF CRUELTY 2,400.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 2,400.00 133 WATER FOR WILDER BATHS 000.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants] 3,000.00 134 MINNESOTA WAR RECORDS ASSOCIATIOPd isf%00.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 5,000.00 135 FERGUS FALLS CYCLONE SUFFERERS 15,000.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 15,000.00 136 O -DS OF LIQUOR LICE14SES 155,000.00 M Refunds & Repayments 165,000.00 137 INTEREST 605,162.50 W-1 General Bonds 376 10.00 2 Tax Lev,; Certificates 223, 152.50 3 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 13$ SI!,-ING FUNDS 601 _6888.00 T-1 Sinking r^unds for General Bonds 281,698.00 T-1 SinkinP =Funds for Tax Levy Certificat•t;s 320,000.00 ,I— IT I i 5 l4 SI �}� 1• � � � i � ` { i N0. 1 DEP RTIENT-OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER CONTINUED J. 128 JUDGMENT & C01MR01,11SE 11,000.00 L Judgment & Compromise v� 1.1,000.00 129 MISCELLANEOUS & UNFORSEEN t 22,000.00 B Contractual Services 15,000.00 D Supplies 1,000.00 R Real Estate 6,000.00 130 PRINTED FORMS & BLANKS000.00 B Contractual Services 3,000.00 131 FIRE HYDRANT REfTAL 0.00 B Contractual Services 54,950.00 132 PREVENTION OF CRUELTY ` 2,400.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 2,400.00 133 WATER FOR WILDER BATHS 000.00 I G Contribution (Edu.& Gen,Welfare Grants] 3,000.00 134 IMM—WSOTA WAR RECORDS ASSOCIATION000.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.Welfare Grants) 5,000.00 135 FERG?JS FALLS CYCLONE SUFFERERS 1 000.00 G Contribution (Edu.& Gen.nlelfare Grants) 15,000.00' 136 REFr21DS ON LIQUOR\LICENSES155,000.00 2d Refunds & Repayments 165,000.00 137 INTEREST 60,162.50 W-1 General Bonds 376,�1o.00 2 Tarr. Levy Certificates 22''52.50 3 Miscellaneous 5,000.00 7,3-$ SI??I{ING FUNDS 601, 608.00 T-1 Sinking bunds for General Bonds 281,698.00 #{ T-1 Sinking Funds for Tax Levy Certificates 320,000.00 i T 1 +� L j ITO. 1 D=ART'.'.'T_NT OF THE CITY Cur YH0I1,ER - CONTINUED T 139 REDEMPTION CF 2ONDS 716,000.00 Y-1 Genoral Bonds Retired by Sinking Funds 911,000.00 2 Tempora+y Loan (Soldicre 1- Sailors Relief)5,000.00 140 REFUNDS & REPAYI'=,'3 M Refund of Miscellaneous Revenue or -- P �a;-ment of Deposits. NOTE: Transfers will be made from Miscellaneous Revenue to the above named appropriation item. as refunds are authorized. 4 NO. 2 DEPARTLWIT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1, 38,175.00 21 PUBLIC SAFETY ADT?INTSTRATIOPT 94120.00 A -i Salaries Permanent Positions 8,920„OO B Contractual Services 50.00” D Supplies 150.00 22 BUREAU OF POLICE 6 2 160.00 22.1 EXECUTIVE i 6 17000 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions ,920.00 D Supplies 250.00 22.2 SAFEGUARDING LIFE & PROPERTY 622 480.00 A-1 Sala, ies permanent Positions 572:660.06 B Contiactua.l Services 31,400.00 C Mate�-ials 750.0Q D Supplies 7,450.06 E Equipment 10,000.00 22.3 LICENSE INSPECTION 10.00 A«1 Salaries Pe-manent Positions J,3bU.UQ D Supplies 150.00 % 23 BUREAU OF FIRE 1,083,590.00 ` 23.1 EXECUTIVE 12,700.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 12,400.00 D Supplies 300.00 23.2 FIRE FIGHTING 1,040,510.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 87!S 66D.qob B Contractual Services 16,300.00 C Materials 15,600.00 D Supplies 56,050.00 E Equipment 50,000.00 S Buildings, Structures and Improvements 27,520.00 23.3 FIRE PREVENTION 21 00.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 20, 00.00 D Supplies 1,000.00 `. 23.4 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION 8'66o�00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions ,ti 460.00 D Supplies 200.00 24 BU3EAU OF POLICE & FIRE ALARM 491240.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 1 36,540.00 B Contractual Services 9,150.00 C Materials 250.00 D Supplies 300.00 E Equipment 3,000.00 i 1 A ff t .• { f F F t I � � i � i N06 2 DEPARV,[WT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CONTINUED T 25 BUREAU OF HEALTH164,065.00 25.1 ADTiINISTRATION 10 550.00 F.,-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 9-,j00.00 B Contractual Services 500.00 D Supplies 450.00 7s Equipment 100.00 25.2 VITAL STATISTICS 7,440.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4 .00 B Contractual Services 600.00 25.3 FOOD REGILATION & INSPECTION 23,155-00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 21, 40.00 B Uontractua.l Services 1,065.00 D Supplies 250.00 ' 25.4 SANITARY INWECTORB 30, 000.00 -77705-.0T`1• A-1 Salaiee Permanent Positions B Contractlal.Services 300.00 D Supplies 2,400.00 25.5 TUBERCULOSIS DISPEATSARY 21%90.00 :-1 Salaries Permanent :Positions 1-9,-3UO---00 lc B Contractual Services 1,150.00 D Supplies 1,300.00 F Equipment 60.00 25.6 DALE STREET HOSPITAL 15,985.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 2,460.00 B Contractual Services 11,175.00 D Supplies 1,350.00 E Equipment 1,000.00 25.7 1"ORIUTOUSV- HOSPITAL 6.4.OQ A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions, .0 B Contractual Services 2,400.00 C Materials 75.00 D Supplies 400.00 25.8 LABORATORY 6 12 .00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 4, 00.00' B Contractual Services 125.00 D Supplies 1,000.00 E Equipment 500.00 25.9 OTHER TREATIMIT OF COMEUNICABLE DISEASES 3 00400 D Supplies 25.10 PUBLIC BATHS '> 26.61o.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions ,2 0.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions \\9'000.00 B Contractual Services 7,550.00 C Materials 1, 250.00 D Supplies 5,225.0 0 E Equipment 25.00 S Buildings, S�ructuree and Improvements 00.00 A L�a A is � •, 1 � i � i j i No. 2 DEPART1iQTT OF PUDLIC SAFETY - CONTINUED T 25 BUREAU OF HEALTH CONTINUED 25.11 COMFORT STATION 6,075-00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions , .. B Contractual Services 1,400.00 C Matetials 25.00 D Supplies 850.00 25.12 ENFORC.Eh.TNT OF DOG LICENSES 6 126o.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions- 3,bbosoo B Contr$ctual Services 380.00 C Materials 25.00 D Supplies 375.00 E Equipment 600.00 S Buildings, Structures and Improvements 1,000.00 r A A-3 Wages 30,900.00 NO. 3 DEPARTlUT,T OF PUBLIC WORKS 939,815.00 C MP.terials 7,200.00 f 1,325.00 31 PUBLIC VORKS - A.DkINISTRATIO13 16,720.00 A-1 Salcrice Permanent Positions 13,720.00 , OF STREET & SEVIER CLEANING B Contractual Services 200.DO ADMINISTRATIONd9, D Supplies 2,800.00 32 BUREAU OF ENGINEERS 6 720.00 B Contractual Services 100.00 D Supplies A Salter As Ps anent Poeons 58,720.00 STREET CLEAFING B Contractual Services 1,400.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions C Materials 1,000.00 A-3 Wages D Supplies 1 2,600.00 I� 33 BUREAU OF STREET CONSTRUCTION AI\'D =AIR 255,000.00 C Materials 3,300.00 D Supplies A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 44,220.00 y Equipment Ara Wages 140,940.00 SEWER CLEAI:ING B Contractual Services 1 10,650.00 A-3 Wages C materials 49,590.00 B Contractual Services D Supplies 15 ,,600.00 C Materials E Equipment 24,000.00 34 BUREAU OF SEWER CONSTRUCTION & REPAIR 72,000.00 II A-1 Salarie0 Permanent Positions 51370.00 A-3 Wages 30,900.00 B Contractual Services 2,205.00 C MP.terials 7,200.00 D Supplies 1,325.00 T-5 Summerville Sewer 25,000.00 35 BUREAU OF STREET & SEVIER CLEANING 2 ,700.00 35.1 ADMINISTRATIONd9, 10,00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 9,2 0.00 B Contractual Services 100.00 D Supplies 100.00 35.2 STREET CLEAFING 1840'80.000 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions A-3 Wages 170,000.00 B Contractual Services 2,700.0C C Materials 3,300.00 D Supplies 5,180.00 y Equipment 2,120.00 35.3 SEWER CLEAI:ING 39,000.00 A-3 Wages ,000.00 B Contractual Services 350.00 C Materials 550.00 - D Supplies 100.00 35.4 GARBAGE COLLECTIONS 22,760.OQ A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 59,460.00 C Materials 300.00 /1 y I N0. 3 DEPnRTIJENT OF PUBLIC WORKS - CONTINUED 35 BUREAU OF STREET & SEWER CLEANING - CONTINUED 35.5 CITY DTT0S 6,050.00 A-3 Wages 51950 00 B Contractual Services 50.00 D Supplies 50.00 35.6 PUBLIC DRINYING FOUNTAINS 500.00 A-3 Wages TTOT 0 D Supplies 150.00 36 BUREAU OF BRIDGE BUILDIEG AND REPAIR ILLO0.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 6,goQ.00 A-3 Wages 13,22.0.00 C Materials 14,080.00 �D Supplies 1,000.00 37 BUREAU OF WORKHOUSE A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 17,175.00 B Contractual Services 250.00 C Materials 500.00 00 D Supplies 14,250.00 l 38 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS w 135,000.00 38.1 .. NTERSECTIONS 115,000.00 �:REE 1 ppropriation for Local Improvement Fds. - 38.2 NEW CROSSW..0 KS 2-0,000.00 S-3 Improvements V ii ti i. 1 u i � I NO. 4 DEPARTIONT OF EDUCATION 2,616,109.35 7r a- J. 41 41 BUREAU OF SCHOOLS 41.1 BUSINESS ADIaNISTRATION 15,10500 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 10, W0.00 B Contractual Services 2,900.00 D Supplies 1,525.00 41.2 EDUCATIOYAL ADMINISTRATION 33-,750-00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 22,U25-.UO A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 3,000,00 B Contractual Services 51250.00 D Supplies 2,675.00 41.3 INSTRUCTION 1 61t4x4 p.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 00 B Contractual Service.3 1,;50.00 D Supplies 36,296.00 41.4 OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANTS 11)>8�665.00 A 1 Salaries Permanent Positions 1tl2*640,00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 3,000.00 B Contractual Services \ 13,750. 00 D Supplies 112,275.00 41.5 MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANTS 177,482.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 9, 776-- To- 0A3 A-3Wages 100,202.00 B 1 Contractual Services 30,260.00 q C Materials 37,250.00 41.6 SUNDRY ACTIVITIES 102 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions __ ,1 0. 0 B Contractual Services 13)750.00 D Supplies 13,060.00 41.7 SCHOOL OUTLAYS` R\ Land S , Buildings, Structures and Improvements 32,290.00 E Equipment 50,829.00 42 BUREAU. OF LIBRARY 42.1 ADMINISTRATION 10380.00 P-_1 Salaries Permanent Positions 19, OF�i'.Oo 42.2 ACCESSION & READERS SERVICE 104 4�0 00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 91 p0.00 B Contractual Services 7,500.00 D Supplies 5,000.00 +,000,x6 42.3 BOOKS, PERIODICALS & BINDING B Contractual Services - Binding E Equipment - Books & Periodicals s , 42.4 CARE OF BUILDINGS & GROUNDS ,680.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 24,9 B Contractual Services 23,700.00 D Supplies 3,000.00 rf E Equipment 2,000.00 S w_ 1 u jj t NO. 4 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONTINUED 7� 43 BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM,509-35 A-1 Szlar4es Permanent Posit=ons 9,090„20 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 3,800.00 B Contractual Services 24,445.50 C Materials 320.05 D Supplies 853.60 44 ART MUSEUM 4180 ,:00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 2,800.00 B Contractual Services 2,000.00 N0. 5 DEPAP.TITENT OF PARY.S, PAAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS e r 516.563.00 51 P_9 9S , PLYGDS.. 8c PUB. BLDGS. - ADMINISTRATION 10.280.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 8,880.00 B Contractual Services 900.00 D Supplies 500.00 52 BUREAU OF PARKS 422,768.00_ 52.1 CARE APTD W-INTENANCE 346,46 .00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions , A-12 Sale.ries Police and Vhtel3men 27 070-00 . A-3 Wages (Laborers only) 150,736.00 V. B Contractual Services 36,325.00 C Materials 10,250.00 D Supplies 13,174.00 E Equipment 10,192.00 S Park Improvenments 60.,000.00 52.2 ACTIVITIES AND REFECTORIES 76,io5.oc A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions ,000.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 34,107.00 B Contractual Services 2,463.00 C Materials 275.00 D Sup_Dliee 35,700.00 E Equipment 760.00 (NOTE: All receipts received from the operation of Park activities, in excess of tie alove amount appro- priated shall be credited and added in addition thereto to the item for Activities and Refectories of the Park Fund.) 53 BUREAU OF PL.A: GP•.OUNDS 72.210.00 53.1 i INSTRUCTIGN 29. 69 .00 . -1 Sal_.ries Permanent Positions 14,40 00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 10,600,00 D Supplies 1,500.00 E Equipment 3,190.00 53.2 CARE AND MAINTENANCE 42 520.00 i A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions , 00.0 A-3 Wages 21,345.00 B Contractual Services 5,975.00 C Materials 5,000.00 D Supplies 1,6jC.00 S Improvements 7,070.00 54 BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDI, 0.00 46GS � r 54.1 DESIGNING & CONSTRUCTION 22 ?21.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent PosiL-'ons -- 600.00 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions A-2 925.00 B Contractual services 700.00 D Supplies E Equipment 500.00 54.2 INSPECTIOU OF BUILDINGS, ETC. 23,980.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions l9,9bO.O0 A-2 Salaries Temporary Positions 600.00 B Contractual Services 2,300.00 E Equipment 1,190.00 55 FORESTRY R:VOLVIIG FUND 5,000.00 i . .. V. 5,000.00 i v. £ i r, � i 111 NO. 6 DEPARTMMTT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 1,526,664.00 T 61 PUBLIC UTILITIES ADMINISTRATION 4,400.00 A-1 S.aft cries Permanent Positions 4,000.00 B Contractual Services 300.00 D Supplies 100.00 62 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL, TESTING LABORATORY" 1'2,440.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 10,200.00 B Contractual Services 1,g90.00 j-.. D Supplies 250.00. 63 BUREAU OF CITY MARKETS 4 3 O.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 3,300.00 A--3 wages 300.00 B Contractual Services 650.00 a 15-00 C Materiels \ D Supplies 105.00 64 BUREAU OF DOCKS, WHARVES & LEVEES 3,000,00 A«2 SalariesTemporary Positions 1,500.00 D Supplies 1,500.00 65 INVESTIGATING PUBLIC UTILITIES 61100.00 A-1 K cries Permanent Positions 6,000.00 B Contractual Services 100.00 66 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIGHTING D 5.945.00 A-1 Salaries Permanent Positions 21,660.00 B Contractual Services 252,085.00 C Materials 50,000.00 D Supplies 2,200.00 . E Equipment 10,000.00 67 BUREAU OF WATER 1,160i 09,00 BY OBJECT 1 160 40".00 A Personal Services 270,745.00 B Contractual Services 45,465.00 C Materials 46,385.00 D Supplies 31,940..00 Equipment A,24,505*00 1 R Land 202, 500.00 \ S Buildings, Structures -nd Iwnrovements 341,000000 7-1 Sinking Funds 91,754.00 j W-3 Interest 112,315.0 BY FUNCTIONS 1,1.6661409.00 231,7,9. General Administration water Supply Administration 22,755.00 x " Collection & Storage 430,380.00 Purification p - 6,58,0. 00 56,285,00 ping Distribution " x Testing 305, 8 00.00 Analyzing and Keter Setting,Test.& Reprs. 36,655,00 Water Revenue - Collections 4 69,490.00 v. £ i r, � i 111 1 f t� SECTION 3 That no department, bureau, activity, board or officers of said city shall have power or authority to expend any of public moneys or to incur any liability on beh if of the city in said fiscal year in exceas of the charter fund oreny item as fixed by the organi- zation units, funettonal divisions and objects of expenditures covered by this ordinance, except as in the charter otherwise provided. SECTION 4 That so much and no more of said several amounts so fixed and determined as may be necessary for any economical administration of the municipal affairs duringthe said year of 1920, shall be expended through the funds hereinbefore mentioned in accordance with the itemized estimates as the same appears in the ox-k®Iii- zation units, functional divisions and object of expenditure, ! as the same have been modified, itemized and finally approved by the Council. d r`I SECTION 5 .. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately s upon its passage, approval and publication. Adopted by the Council_ Approved Yeas Councilmen Nays Clancy c Farnsworth ✓% �� Goes ;flavor. % McColl Powers Munderlich Mr. President Hodgson. �. ATTEST: JOHN 1 FARICY, City Clark. r S ( 1 . t1-k,-', 1 i _ lto"lana " CITV OF ST. PA UL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER G+ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE No............ .. f.-A A 46.2M 7-18 z ��r 10 1919 )NIP, ZOLLER AUDITED ........... ... .............191 .... �' / ER....:�. �lF .......... ........ .. _...• ._._..... 1,+. 1258 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of th¢ yw persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fol, urin-1141 �h statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays-- -' i° 191 Adopted by the unci .... __..... - Clancy (barsacc . _ Y ,Resolved Liar warrants. b drawee oyt o7' - i: u on rho Ckty TreasprY, Payable Farnsworth tNo.hereinafter, epecifled lanae and in flrms'.oT corpora-_ r-.._... .....n. ....I . ..._...._191 - '.. = - %.. favor`of.thg persona, Goss tton, for the aimunte set q�,�osit. their respeetive names" aD-e - tollowing detailed statemented 1n the't "11R ,3..26 Clan.,. Com r Partes PIaY-_ ._ C1.. .. ..... _ .._._... ....... ...... .. _._.... ....._ 2f grounds E2 296.62 McColl - -N:: W Electric Eeuipm nt' Cot $39 83. Robert Rehbeln 5103.37. co -TOR • - WunderlichSt. Paul - Bnlldera Material .: Mr. President, Hodgson James 9hlel t 537 92 AdobY•.h Council Dec 30 3918: op ,pnproved Pe.G'Ifl 3919 1 s 16060 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. Parke, Playgrounds i & Pub. Buildings 3,295,52 Plice o 21.00 i- 7a . " 1,36422 Fire 15.77 v, " 12. 00 " 91.53' Health 227.72 Sprinklingt 1,493.18 School 10.00 Forestry Rev. 26.40 " 29. 70 C. P. U.-Markets 7.00 ;#<, .i 3,295.52 61 K. W. Electric Equipment Co., 39.83 School 3.92 " 12. 69 Bur. of Enginers 2.70 Sewer C. & R. 2.73 Sprinkling .45 17.3A 39.83 62 Aobert Rehbein 103,37 Water \ 63 St. Paul Builders Material Co., 578.23 Sewer C. & R. 542.50 Street " 22.00 School13s�' 41 578, 23 a 64 James Shiely 37.92 Water Total $ 4,054.87 �\ r I PITY OFC PAUL AUDITED CLAIMS—R SOLUTION FORM FI OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �y COUNCIL No..... d.15I F. -A A 46,2M 7-I8 n. .. ....................... _ 1919 C O ER - 1 AUDITED. ..0 L4._.... --- .. ..........1 ' PER ........... ... .... ..... 1257. TITLE m Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of iAe persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) c. F. No' zvs5e— Adopted b e u c l 191._ Ab@tract p Y P ` ...� rl -+"'"" Resolved that warrants Im drawn - Clancy upon the City Treasgqry, payable out qtt- Y the- heref¢arto' speclded-Sunda and fn favor of the persons firms or corpora- Approved.... .... Farnsworth done foC the flmonnte'9et opppoette th81r es active dames ea': specified to the Goss tol�owfnR detallad statement: W T. Hdra ou E96 lo. 1I Adopted -by the Council Dea 10 ._ ._._ .... .. ... .. ' App. Dec. 10, 1919 - MAYOR ' McColl tDee. ls, �isls>, Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 16065 Vim. T. Horsnell 96.00 Mism Unf. Total 96.00 o � CITY OF ST: PAUL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM Subject: ......................................... ............-........................................................._.........: 1 cou.— FILENO . .......................__...._............-........ U November 10, 191.9• Date Presented ................................................ Resolved, That the proper City Officers be, and they are hereby_ authorized to have printed in pamphlet form, 300 copies of the budget ordinance covering 1920 expenditures. ThA,-cost of same to be charged to the Official Publication item of the General Fund. C E .No 276�G-B� Albert Wunder geeolved Tant:,ttie proger: clty-oiR-' cera be,�and they are bare or vls to' Have.-Drinte&'1n •DnmDhla t,fjor}{l.,880 6ples o! the budget ordtt nnce cuvering X1980 Bappndlturee. he coat ofenltcme to be. c=hS.r6ed Ro.the`'OtH fol Pubntton• '�ltefn: of !the C neral•Fnnd. � - Adopted by the Coun ft bac. 10 1819.'. Apprn'ved Dec '18r 1818 • _I (Dec..1S 1818) Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth -, Goss –1 --- - In favor " Keller McColl ✓ ........... Against Wunderlich r[ Mr. President, Hodgson i COUNCIL Subject: ............... ........ I ......................... CITY OF PAUL RESOLUTION RM ............. ...........................................................♦ COUNCIL PILE No . .... .... ......... ........z�.5� ................................... Date Presented --Deg; -1-0i 1:9191 �191....... Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $4,000.00 from the State Liquor Tax Item of the General Fund to the Misc. & Unforseen item of the same Fund thereby relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the ;atter item. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller JPresideuctoHodgson Mll Wunderlich FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.16 s Gr_ i(t ISI Adopted by the Council ........................................191...... APprod ..............._ ...... ............An favor .......................... ..............Against MAYOR CITY OF ST, PAV'"'�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORt*k ubject:........_............:.........---....................................: . COUNc.� 2755R 11LENO. .... _..................__.............._.............. Date Presented. ...NAY s...10a ..........................191,.9! Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the Local Improvement Item of the General Bund to the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Item of the same fund, thereby relieving an unavoidable defficiency in the latter item. 1 C,F No, 37668 8Y AlbertWunder llch �.Reeolved, That tha, Comptroller' be aiuthortzed and:' -hate harebY dlreotod rte tranefat=the eum o2 SSO',000 0. fromti.tha Local Impprovement"Item 02 the lleneral ,rund to Lt10 Macellaneope and 17n;oro- :eeen Item dA; the lame 2und, thereby, :rellbimg au=unav0l$able dORcteuq the latter Item - - . ; Adopted tiY9 the Cuu5ofl bel 10. f918:. Approved`Dec 30 1919 J/,t./-•- .(Dec X8 1818) V ��1• Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy } Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 A g __ 1 Adopted by the Council .... ......... ...._......._..._..........191 Ift i ...... In favor APPro d .....____...._............... .......................191..... ............. ............ Against ...'...'"............................................................... MAYOR END MCROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by�ul;r ,�,� rv/!It` �'�=- in accordance with the standard and appr ved techni ues with a Recordak microfilm machine, i4odel/nk�TL of Eastman Kodak Company. /- ,. ,. 19 6_(4L_ by the 2, The roll of microfilm was made on 14 undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: C' o ✓h ryl e - e / 5. The t document photographed on said roll #microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said ro microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: 12 DatedL—? 13 �� Operator Cl U i1 iG nv3am 1vNo11vN 9 T�IIII TIIIII �$•TIIIII '_ o—zoil _ z zl si.ci' is VIII S.Za o.j Ilo yoga oti •