26295-26623_09-04-1919_09-18-1919r �� 11 �}. �' r �� 11 �}. )rkmanlike job the contractor:bhalI famish such mate Sal and do-7chrk to the. extent tba workmanlike lob will be had. B.: DEFINITION OF TERMS. ACTOR: ,Whgnever}the'term ``Contractor""is used m these;speeifioations it refers to the part kto have ,entered into contract: -with thel City of St. Paul, Minnesota, to •perform;the work speeifie �. -- --- _-- ------ - ..........,..,.00 ...uy.uc u,reccea n na W—m— _U Lou Cenul4lun ul Gue' ground will permit. PAYED STREETS. In the .case of paved or macadamized streets the refilling: must be tamped or rammed in twelve inch layers 'and thoroughly compacted, ' If so ordered b , the Commissioner the trennh''ahall be flushed with water' to eonsolidate the filling. - Macadam shall tie replaced with the,surfachig material that was removed in- excavating the ditch so afar as this may be suitable, and -all deficiencies shall be supplied by the contractor* at I his, expense. ' All pave- ments shall be relaid with materials of as good a:quality as. were used in their construction, and the pave - meat must:be restored to as good a condition as before it was disturbed, according'to the judgment of the Commissaoner.` SURPLUS EARTH. ,wmg;plpe,or speclat,without chipping whatsoever of, either -;and also: to, leave a<space of -ample around for the cement mortar joint. Pipes"and specials,wliieh cannot be thus -freely fitted into. ` r shall be rejected. , shall be'Object to inspection and appro-,aI or. rejection by the Commissioner, and s�+all be -,of itz. as, measured by the, highest standard of the trade. PIPE LAYING stakes given'hnn by the.Commissioner, and at no time shall `any sewer be laid, ;unless grade boards have been set no over three consecutive grade stakes and their alignment" c ticked by sighting. The pipes used must be fitted together and matched hefore being owered into the trench and care must be taken that there is no sagging of the spigot, end in t e hub and that a true surface'is given to the invertthroughout the Entire length of the'aewer: No chip6ingof either socket, hub or spigot will b@ allowed.. ' The space,between the spigot; and, hub end of the'pipe shall be entirely filled with' a mortar composed of ' one part Portland cement mixed with one part sand;�the cement and sand, to be as hereinafter specified, All joints must be made as nearly water tight as'Fpossible, and whenever it is deemed necessary in the jZdgment of..the Commissioner, _the joints *shall be made with a gasket of hemp. or _jute soaked in, a thick ' grout of neat Portland cement and calked into the be -11 of each pipe, and the joint finished off with a collar - - 5 thVi cement mortar above specifiedo g Furthermore before any pipe,or speeial ie put into place, a smallexcavation moat be made at the bottom ` oethe previously graded trench to'reeeive'the projecting part'of the hub or socket, so that each:_pipe"will have a: firm and "uniform Mebringupon the ;graded bottom over virtually its entire length All 'adjustmeht .•of;the"pipes to line and grade -must be done`by scraping;away or filling the earth ifnd'er'the'.body;o£ the Pipe, and not by blocking or wedgmg•up the,apigot,pr the hub or socket. Whenever ground water is encountered in the, excavation,. the Joints shall be,proteeted'from the action of :the water°until the.:cement;has hardened' Whenever ground water`" "is present,' in such, At' ti to prevent the proper sealing of the joints the ebntractor' shall''`furnish sufficient, pumping', pWW� and: shell provide and mamtam; at iva own expense: eatiefaetory 'drainage All'dirt"cementAridsuperfluousmaterialofany'description shall .be oleaned'from'the"ffiterior of the pipes when laid, and the sewer kept clean until the completion of the we Each point mast be wiped clean of;moitat'on,the inside before another length of piliwis laid: 'All joints in pipes of Winch'diameter, or:larger mZbe'repointed from:the inside after they, ate laid'and jointed. When the 'joint is''egmp]ete'care mnet.be takenjnot to disturb the pipes. = ' SLANTS AND JUNCTIONS. "In all large sewers'; of brick, concrete or other. eonstruetion, si4nvh atants, and in -pipe sewers six-inch Y branches;for house connections shall be built in atlintervals of -,`twenty feet on' each ;aide'. of the::'sewer along ;the property.frontage, end such other slants or. Y branches as may be "necessary for connecting lateral , sewers, catch basins, or,for•other purpose, aha11 be built At snnh° heights and Angles'as may be determined by the Commissioner; their inner 'endo meet `be set flush' with the sewer. and the "outer endo closed by ,cement cap_.ma& to fit the socket end of the pipe or' by'such'otber cover as maybe approved by'the commissioner Where the sidewall9 of the sewer are of such thickness that. it requires' more,,.than the ordinary length of slant, the same shall"be extended;to a point less than four'(4) inchea`beyond the outer-edge`oI•wall with - but any extra' expense to the city.e.. CEMEW- All • cement shall be the beat"quality, American Portland, Cement and shall fulfill the requirements of the Standard Specifioations' for Portland Cement on file; in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. It, shell.withatand a tensile strain of at least 500 lbs. per square inch when tested after; being in water, ' aeven'days: 'The cement must be delivered on the work in the original packages with the :name of 'brand andimanufacturer plainly-marked.thereon;,at least three days= "before it is required for user The Commis-. -:.::.::..« ..i...11.l-:.-•.,«+:+los'%+.. +eUe'�cc.....lae f.:ri:., nn..ti-':.n'nbo nn F... +oe+:«:..'..«.7 «.. �:...,...;a..1.'.:n 1., ...�.1.-..-:a<� 2 n na W—m— _U Lou Cenul4lun ul Gue' ground will permit. PAYED STREETS. In the .case of paved or macadamized streets the refilling: must be tamped or rammed in twelve inch layers 'and thoroughly compacted, ' If so ordered b , the Commissioner the trennh''ahall be flushed with water' to eonsolidate the filling. - Macadam shall tie replaced with the,surfachig material that was removed in- excavating the ditch so afar as this may be suitable, and -all deficiencies shall be supplied by the contractor* at I his, expense. ' All pave- ments shall be relaid with materials of as good a:quality as. were used in their construction, and the pave - meat must:be restored to as good a condition as before it was disturbed, according'to the judgment of the Commissaoner.` SURPLUS EARTH. ,wmg;plpe,or speclat,without chipping whatsoever of, either -;and also: to, leave a<space of -ample around for the cement mortar joint. Pipes"and specials,wliieh cannot be thus -freely fitted into. ` r shall be rejected. , shall be'Object to inspection and appro-,aI or. rejection by the Commissioner, and s�+all be -,of itz. as, measured by the, highest standard of the trade. PIPE LAYING stakes given'hnn by the.Commissioner, and at no time shall `any sewer be laid, ;unless grade boards have been set no over three consecutive grade stakes and their alignment" c ticked by sighting. The pipes used must be fitted together and matched hefore being owered into the trench and care must be taken that there is no sagging of the spigot, end in t e hub and that a true surface'is given to the invertthroughout the Entire length of the'aewer: No chip6ingof either socket, hub or spigot will b@ allowed.. ' The space,between the spigot; and, hub end of the'pipe shall be entirely filled with' a mortar composed of ' one part Portland cement mixed with one part sand;�the cement and sand, to be as hereinafter specified, All joints must be made as nearly water tight as'Fpossible, and whenever it is deemed necessary in the jZdgment of..the Commissioner, _the joints *shall be made with a gasket of hemp. or _jute soaked in, a thick ' grout of neat Portland cement and calked into the be -11 of each pipe, and the joint finished off with a collar - - 5 thVi cement mortar above specifiedo g Furthermore before any pipe,or speeial ie put into place, a smallexcavation moat be made at the bottom ` oethe previously graded trench to'reeeive'the projecting part'of the hub or socket, so that each:_pipe"will have a: firm and "uniform Mebringupon the ;graded bottom over virtually its entire length All 'adjustmeht .•of;the"pipes to line and grade -must be done`by scraping;away or filling the earth ifnd'er'the'.body;o£ the Pipe, and not by blocking or wedgmg•up the,apigot,pr the hub or socket. Whenever ground water is encountered in the, excavation,. the Joints shall be,proteeted'from the action of :the water°until the.:cement;has hardened' Whenever ground water`" "is present,' in such, At' ti to prevent the proper sealing of the joints the ebntractor' shall''`furnish sufficient, pumping', pWW� and: shell provide and mamtam; at iva own expense: eatiefaetory 'drainage All'dirt"cementAridsuperfluousmaterialofany'description shall .be oleaned'from'the"ffiterior of the pipes when laid, and the sewer kept clean until the completion of the we Each point mast be wiped clean of;moitat'on,the inside before another length of piliwis laid: 'All joints in pipes of Winch'diameter, or:larger mZbe'repointed from:the inside after they, ate laid'and jointed. When the 'joint is''egmp]ete'care mnet.be takenjnot to disturb the pipes. = ' SLANTS AND JUNCTIONS. "In all large sewers'; of brick, concrete or other. eonstruetion, si4nvh atants, and in -pipe sewers six-inch Y branches;for house connections shall be built in atlintervals of -,`twenty feet on' each ;aide'. of the::'sewer along ;the property.frontage, end such other slants or. Y branches as may be "necessary for connecting lateral , sewers, catch basins, or,for•other purpose, aha11 be built At snnh° heights and Angles'as may be determined by the Commissioner; their inner 'endo meet `be set flush' with the sewer. and the "outer endo closed by ,cement cap_.ma& to fit the socket end of the pipe or' by'such'otber cover as maybe approved by'the commissioner Where the sidewall9 of the sewer are of such thickness that. it requires' more,,.than the ordinary length of slant, the same shall"be extended;to a point less than four'(4) inchea`beyond the outer-edge`oI•wall with - but any extra' expense to the city.e.. CEMEW- All • cement shall be the beat"quality, American Portland, Cement and shall fulfill the requirements of the Standard Specifioations' for Portland Cement on file; in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works. It, shell.withatand a tensile strain of at least 500 lbs. per square inch when tested after; being in water, ' aeven'days: 'The cement must be delivered on the work in the original packages with the :name of 'brand andimanufacturer plainly-marked.thereon;,at least three days= "before it is required for user The Commis-. -:.::.::..« ..i...11.l-:.-•.,«+:+los'%+.. +eUe'�cc.....lae f.:ri:., nn..ti-':.n'nbo nn F... +oe+:«:..'..«.7 «.. �:...,...;a..1.'.:n 1., ...�.1.-..-:a<� 9 7/s 27 21/4 . 15 1'/s 30 33 258 18 G. 11/2 36 0/4 20 1°/s All hubs or sockets must be of sufficient diameter to receive to their full depth the spigot end of the next following pipe or'speeial without chipping whatsoevorof' either and also to, leave a space of ample width all,,around for the cement mortar joint, Pipes and specials"whic'h cannot be thus freely fitted into each other shall be:,rejected, All pipe shall lie `abject to'inspeetion and appro"nl or rejection'by the Commissioner, and shall be of best quality'as measured; by the highest standard of the trade, PIPE LAYINQ. All_pipes and specials shall be laid to the" lines a'ulgrades given by the Commissioner and n sewer will be accepted where the whole diameter of;the pipe cannot be seen from one manhole to the next. Th6grade of the pipe shall be obtained by tho us3-of grade boards' and linea set exactly parallel with and ve>~Illy, above the Trade and line of the sewer, and from Well the grade and line "of each andel y pipe shah be o eeke� by`using a unable grade i'od ani plinab line, The contractor shall bo responsible z, ., fo�;correetl��aettingup, and maintainin�,the gxade bo�rda and, linos an�,laying out his work fromthe� grade ,. stakes given°;him by the l;om;inni�aionor, "ani at >xo brae shall itny sewei+; ba laid,'l�lese grade'boardg hate" f tenon +4a+.nn nvaa.4hrua aan'AAnu4.lnA arABA sdakAA' and .4hetr `alimiment aheeked by sluhtina, ' Concrete"shall be'made of cement, Band and broken atone or"gravel-Mixed, 11118 ronowmg proporpons where nototherwise @pacified:, For foundations of manholes and catch basins,.one part cement; three parts sand and ek parts broken stone. "For concrete sewers and all reinforced concrete one. part cement, two parts sand and "four,parts broken stone. One part of cement ;shall be taken to- mea&J80 lbs. net, and one I otsand or broken stone shall be taken to"mean three and one-half (3y2) enbio feet, packed or.shaken down. A' Concrete shall be machine mixed in "a, manner satisfactory to the "Commissioner wherever the volume of work" will=justify the` expense: of installing the. plant. Machine mixed concrete shallbe mixed to the'`desired consistency by an approved batch mixer of such size and design as willenable the Commissioner, contractor,. or parties interested,to conveniently and correctly determine that the required proportions o`f cement, sand And broken;stone or giavel are being placed in the resulting concrete. The mixing 'shall continue until the cement•is uniformly distributed�and the conerete.is uniform in Color and homogeneous• No;eontinuous mixer (so•called) shalL.6e used• P�d��l�'�t�q!s�.�y Pf0(GI mei y1 7 i rig, •� In i°�'.� II��V�ll�ll�ll� {�1 �I14 siruolr,, 'hey 1 bo E�u� 111 p1,M 4 Commisoioner;� PAVING r�G BRIOX O i q � R B if od by the pons or Sp Aad to N 1101 �ha11 bo` Flo, ro p r vitrifled, thorbugllly annmled, toi gh and durable repilar in Rize aiid'ahapo, and! ev0nly batt Whon blokon the brick shall show a dense, stone-like body, uniform of color inside, free from'lime, air pockets, cracks or marked laminations, Paving brick shall measure itjipNoximately 21/2x4x81/�l inches, paving block shall meas- ure approximately 31/; x4x8l/2 inches, and all brick or blocks of any one mn(nufaetnrer shall rein uniform in size. A suf eknt number of sample brick, at least 36,..shall be submitted by the contractor to'the Commig sinner to be subject to the standard rattler test as specified .by the Association for Standardizing Paving. specifications, using the new style rattler, and spherical shot. Under this test the lose for a single"brick' must not exceed 30 per cent. and the average loss for the entire charge shall not exeeed 23 per cent. -Aft bricks are to be culled before laying, and all rejected brick thrown out and immediately removed from the work. `The culling is to be done at the expense of the contractor who shall -furnish men, for this and similar" purposes when required," e M Cg WORK. AllbrFek,--work shall be laid with brick and mortar of the"quaHtq above described for the kinds specified dt''rttquFrod lit the plans ;Z , ,_ lit'' F.,,_.6oa ae o„*`„r lnnnraa er as shall be otherwise specially 'directed. C he mortar joints on the inside of the aex'er,below the center line are to be carefully struck when.aid be joints 'above shall be scraped smooth with`.the brick immediately after the centers`are struck The mortar ie to be scraped from and entirely.remo ved from the sewer before it has had time to harden irior surface of the arch shall'be'co�red'with a coating of mortar not less than one-half O inch except when otherwise specially mentioned. STONE MASONRY. dl cut at shall be of the kind shown on the plana or -described' in the specifications and free from ahAtraa nr -other flaws..' The dimensions of the atone shall correspond with those shown on the, draw nsi MANHOLES.> idly as the construction” of "the sewer will permit At he places orm" and dim .nsions shown on the detailed'dr awings. The brick cover and.frame and fitted with ladder irons of"the i sane .pattern• as shown on,the detail'drawffigs. /'RS R d CTTYC i der irons, 2.04 lbs. per foot. be approved bythe,Commuoner ox runue tide fades. For: eaettng-details neo: Standaril'E'lana'Nb. -1415$1 J V Ages will ne permntea only at approved places dAhs sanitary=eonditiow of -,W 'grounds%in. and at such shanties"or other etrnetures must at all times be maintain4in a.satWactory manlier. The contractor shall provide suitable,privy conveniences for4e use of workmen and their use. is made obligatory. Immediately after the use o£iaprivy:in any one place is discontinued it. shall be removed and the ground and aurronndin�s cleaned:and _made'sanitary; . The contractor'shall'serve a written notice tothe authorities having control of all hydrants, stop cocks or boxes, all°gas and gasoline lamp posts, and fire' alarm, telegraph or.telephone poles, water •find: gas ;mains, e�ectr�e and steam conduitsilhat will interfere with:bnilding of.catch basins or golly drains:` The contractor shall protect, `and prevent injury'.po, allelectric and steam condni ,water mains ant] pipes,.gas mains and pipes; water hydrants, service pipes, gates and stop cocks,; gas co ections and any otherAnstrnmentalities in' or on the street, in •any way affected or likely to be affected the doing of the work, Arid shall eustain'same by timbers cud. chains"where necessary, and use all othe needful appliances andlake all gnecessary precaut;ons to prevent injury or' damage thereto. lihe 'contractor" shalh carefully replace'the earth or soil'under and around and about the same, if removed, and shall thoroughly tamp and pack the filling and shall be, liable and responsible for all. damage or, injury to the aforesaid instrumentalities or any thereof arising on growing out of the performance of the work or the"`,manner in whieh'it;is done whether said injury or damage arises or is discoverc�during- the perform- ance of the contract or whether it. subseauently arises or is diseoverad_ The contractor shall furnish a,surety-company bond ;for 'the _W-1_of the contract price for ;the faithfal performance of the contract and- to indemnify'ano save harmless the -City of.St. Paul from' -all suits `arisetions-of any name or deseg�ptions brought, against.the said City; for or on'aceonnt of injuries or dam - I' arising'ont of the' esecntiQa of his wink or'on'account of action rof' the elements, or on aeconfif,of cla7ms'for"royaIiies or infi3nge'ment of patent ngfits,;eit}ier'on"material, process, instruments'or machinery; or o7 accoant of claims for material'and laborfurmshe'd, or on account of damages of,aoy kind.' It I As,mutnally understood liy tho contracting parties that ;the following documents are;essential'portio`ns of the complete contract:. The"advertisement, the instrulctious, to bidders, the proposal, all drawings, maps and plans; fieretoattaehed or herein described, the apecificatione, specific contract ,and the contractor's bond. The contractor,shall not suiblet any part of the work to be'done under this contract without the consent ....,. _ `7.T......7...:c.,t..e..t he77 .nli>on'fl.w' .mntranfnv nF Ih7a lidbiliiiea and'obliaationa under ---�ivyer oiruvnc yr vans. - The.whole "of the work under thio oontract,ia to be' doneat the, contractor's risk, and he is"to assume all' reaponailiility for damage"to"the work or property on the 'line of said` Work, Which 1.maybe occasioned by ficods,, back -water, caving of the"atreet _or by settling of the foundation of buildings or from any other cause whatever. The eontractor,sball not.unneeessarilytor"unreasonably interfere with hinder or"abstnict the Water De- partment of the City St. Paul in the execution of anv work by it, or`any. public service corporation having rights in the streets in"the prasectttion o£ any work authorized by the franchises of such corporation or any work antherizedby the City'Couneil to be performed in the streets, and in case of any conflict between the , eontiactorfand tbe:Water Department,or the Public Service Corporation or other persona authorized by the C tk Couuoil'to"perform work in' or "use the streets, the contractor shall abide by the directions of ,the Com-,' niissioner of.Publie Works in pespeet thereto. 4' -high degree of Bare has been exercised by the Bureau of Engineering in arriving at the approximate estimates forming'a part of these; specifications, but the City does not guarantee the correctness of ac§,rd esti- mates,-andferrors or.miscalculations therein will not entitle the contractor to any additional comiZation. Bidders are therefore specifically, notified that the'said approximate estimates are merely for their informs tion, "and guidance in checking;up their' own estimates. and :are not inserted in the specifications for the pur pose "of basing bids thereon. The bidders should examine the final order, plans and specifications, _the loca ;ti,on, nature and extent of the: proposed work,. the:nabire of the soil, any other matters necessary or proper, to :be considered to enable thein to, intelligently bidupon the said work with a full` understanding of- what fwhat theyare undertaking, - — The, price bid will be the sole compensation, and the total amount which will be paid -to the contractor, and no allowance will be"made for mistakes or,errors of bidders or by failure on::their part. to, the "nature, character or extent of the, work.'The;City, however, ,reserves the right to make such reasonable changes in the plan; and epecifieations sa may be necessary to meet the "exigencies'of partieniar situations orto overcame engineering difficulties in which ease or cases; if such changes' entail an addrt�onal expense upon the-contrac-, for an allowance'will`be made therefor and if ouch change or'efianges reduce the amount of work, labor or material which would otherwise be necessary under flee contract, a"corresponding abatement will be "ma3e from "thg contract price, the allowance or abatement in either case is to be`determined by the Commissioner of Pubic Works, and' -his determination thereou shall be, finale' Sueh determination shall, :however, as far as practicable;'be based`upon the'_estimates''for the same or aimilar.wark in these specifications. ` No bills or claims for any additional work or labor beyond the contract price will be allowed;: by the Council, unless ordered in writing by the Commissioner* of Public Works.' In case of any, dispute as to the natnre"of :the work or the requirements of the specifications, the contractor must within twenty-four, hours, file with the Commissioner of Public Wogks-,a written statement of his claimy""or no compensation will be al- AN l- - lowed by the "said Council mi account of any delay,trouble or additional work. quired;to sign a certate on said estimate to the effect that' he'will'acceptthe same a9 a,'settIementu full for allclaims against the City of St. Paul -on account of work done or material furnished in the construction ofthe sewer, together'with the necessary;manholes, catch basins an& appurtenenees. thereto; on the street or streets mentioned in he title -of these specifications: The -successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract with the city for doing the work or furnishing of the material aforesand within ten -days after notice by the -Coiporation;Counsel has been given that the'contract and bond are ready for execution. Pailure .or neglect of the %acceasful bidder to enter into a written contract and"furnish such bond within =>' tfie time aforesaid wilt be considered a refusal of the contract and the; check or, bidder"'s "bond deposited by ; the aucceasfnl bidder may be"foifeited by, the Purchasing,Cemmittee or City.Conncil as the;case maybe, and the'contract. awarded at the election of said Pure'hasing Committee of -City Councii t tfie next lowest: bidder.. The,awe of ths,6ontract•to the lowest bidder shall mot be' deemed wrejection.of the other` bids unless and until the "suecessful bidder: has actually signed and delivered a contract and bland and in case of failure or,refasal;of "the successful bidder to execute,the contract and bond within the time aforesaid, the City may, at its option _a , rd the contract to the nest lowest bidder. -In submittbig his bid; the contractor is'requestedto state hie ad ass, and apotice by mail by'the Corporation Counsel to said address will be a, sufficient notice im ertthes pecificatwns that the• contract and bond are ready'for execution. Is case the contractorfails to furnish' address, the notice Will be'mailed to tbi last address"of the contractor; known to or ascertained'by th'e Co, ration,Counsel - , Trine-la.:an essential,eondition of: the specifications and the entire improvement required by the plane and 'Sp ecificatiens to be made hereunder shallbe Snishe cow leted Ito' en ire 'satisfaction and `acceptance , of tho Commissioner of Public W( Jig on or before-- •� —days from the date of ' countersigning of the; contract, by the City Comptroller an lfor each; and edery.day that'the improvement as' cram specrSed; or`any p'artthereof rams , cow tete ane annmenea anter cue �, c the eontraetor shall pay the City lie sum of dollars per day, which is hereby fixed as, ttie'lignidated damages, .over and above the amount own on;the assessment roll for the work,' whfeh dam- :agesjwduld:be suffered and sustained bythe lity-by reason of failure 'and' delay in completing the work withm.the:time specified, and in:'-additmathereto, the coat' of ;engineering and inspection, and allother- ex- penses necessarily incurred after the above limited :time ,has expired, and the. contractor,in submitting "his prgposal or;.bid agrees that the: amount of such damages; costof engineering and inspection When certified by the Commissioner of Public Works, shall -be deducted from the final estimate due or that may become due . No work shall be done Until the contract has been countersigned, by the City Comptroller, and a copy of,the contract delivered'to the contractor,. . All of the work to be commenced and carried- on at such time, place and manner as the Commissioner of Public- Works shall direct. No work will be weepted if finished in freezing weather, acid no final estimate ah�l be'made on work completed afterNov. 15 until t9ra work is thoroughly repaired in the spring to the satisfaction o£ the Com- ' missioner of Public:Works. It ui..unde'-stood and the party or parties presenting proposals thereby agree `that, the same are offered aablect to these terms,, conditionsand limitatipns hereinbefore, specified.' The City reserves'the"right, in case of improper construction or improper materials usedin making said any time; to arder the entire reconstruction o improvement to suspend work thereon "at f said work rf im- properly done, or to,aunul'this;contract:and re-letesaid work; or if in the opinion of the Commissioner the a work does not proceed with.sueh diligence as to insure its completion within the time hereinbefore limited for the, completion thereof, the s City may employ labor, buy material and do and perform the work herein required to be done,'and charge the expense thereofto the contractor, and that any expense se incurred shall be- deducted from any, moneythen due or to become due to the contractor; under the terms hereof, or inky be collected from him oralre sureties upon the, bond to be "given for the faithful performance ,of this h suspension of such work or the: re -letting thereof, or ;the performance thereof by contract, nor shall any ouc the City, work a remission or forfeiture of the fixed a0 liquidated damages hereinbefore agreed upon by the parties hereto for the`•nonewnpletion of said work within the time hereinbefore specified. liiddera will' "take ,notice that all moneys payable hereunder are by the"provisions of -the Charter of the party -of the second -part, payable solely out of the Peowanent Improvement Revolving Rind when there shall be moneys in said fund., -applicable to that purpose, and that out of said fund, but not otherwise, nor from any other fund, the 45ty will pay to the contractor the contract price for said work,, and that the City shall not be liable for. intereeton moneys becoming <du or payable under such contract, unless said City Lae ciao l -0 1111A diliience to:make.andcollect assessments for said improvements, and sell local improvement Council, unless ordered in writing by the Commissioner of Public Works. rn case of any dispute as to the nature of the work orthe.requirements of -the specifications, the contractor must witbin twenty-four hours, file with the Commissioner of Public Works a written statement of his claim, or no compensation will be-al lowed -by the said Council on account of any delay, trouble oradditionalwork. Before any final estimate shall .be allowed by the Commissioner of Public Works, the contractor will be re- quired to sign a certificate on said estimate to the effeetthat'he will accept the same, as a settlement in full for all claims against the City of St. Paul on account of work done or material furnished in^the construction of the sewer, together with the necessarymanholes, catch hasins and appurtenances tbereto, on the street or streets mentioned in the title of these specifications. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a written contract with the city for doing the work or furnishing of the material aforesaid within ten days after notice by the Corporation Counsel has been given that the contract and bond are ready for execution. Failure or neglect of the successful bidder to enter into a written contract and furnish such bond within the time aforesaid will be considered a refusal of the contract and, the cheek or'bidder's bond deposited by. the "successful'bidder may be forfeited by the Purchasing Committee or City Council, as the case maybe, and the: contract awarded at the election of said Purchasing Committee of City gouneil.to the neat lowest bidder.. The award of the contract to the lowest bidder shall not be deemed a rejection of the other bids unless- and until the'successful bidder has actually signed and delivered a contract and bond, and in case of failure or Irefusal of the successful bidder to execute the contract and bond within the:time aforesaid, the City may, at option award the contra to the nextlowestbidder. 'in submitting his bid, the contractor is requested to state his address, and anotiee by mail by;the'Corporation Counsel to said address will be a sufficient notice under these specifications that the contract and bond `are ready ,for "execution. Iu ease the eontractor;faill to furnish an address, the notice will be mailed to the, laat address of the contractor; known to oraseertained by ,; theCorporation .Connsel. 'd k Any, too Wall OVA 4, nn�.rn n.�nw MANHOLE Ek CATCH --BASIN -VI= 1114" me 4xx al aw 7' DETAILS. ar-v'shown on ' manhale &0. STANOARO..� The h*1�11 Z17// manholes, the size mains, 06 Z,4,0,OZR MOW 0/ 7-1: 0/70' -'1017"'R ST.PAUL MINN. one mav-12;11616. lattelval to 1916. a Cll�,Ilh A -F hthose-& shown ov? V17/ -onaR/ Na 1419.3. Ccasl1w9s.�dncf PLAN NO. 14306. /9 o" provided, srbndPiPe_ op, shn// be the some size as xsW laveml Asa Ikefbvin • de Cut colwel, L=int on dolled lows. In 17717,IhOkff Na A?0-R A2110m qp to cost- he d w11h Ycome 01FIRSIOW F -A: -E411 ff, A9AN11OZ-04' *WNNOZF No. 3. 11 yr e fOEIP 19 6 1916 aa�ODo ao1-21 o aaaoo�00000 naoaoiooao� c %�U e; detail dimensions -- �I- H astings Gond Bare shown on a❑❑❑❑❑❑o -V o1 1, 0 a❑❑ ❑❑❑❑n D D n❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑o D ❑OOpOI00❑Op0 Cosfir✓gsB• CPFOYme L --Li l sfio// be /elleced as 4� The numemtsho// be �t 17 r that of the current year i _ cosy/mss MANHOLE _.CATCH-BASIN�s XX`/4/Si CASTINGS. Aug/o/9�6 DETAILS.' o� STANDARD ST. PAUL MINN. 1 Isis. ,4 PLAN NO. 141S3.FS, i /. ----.S•-ry�'F-- - -- �------- 1 -✓$'ice--9'--�,1' 'a�r---/7�'-�' - i 3tlar" /� v I I I . viorkli�gn:�e °. . ::: ,, .:. 8 4 Q �I I -IR Ana tea. %Vh reitp`avenue. 3T. =PAUL DOES . ORDAIN;; ahoxr► upon the"11M ildiis:h �muaement True oanditona_ nd 4rootion 01 said aoWl .y the ,onat `,a ifgpeot�on,`` to .eane� the city of $t.': P. �nt�nte, �ute; aoete, ober Rn'8x, and,t�e'aaid lioane®e bQ�lars,(�5,Ob0b0�; �aondit 4 r,t A t..„ CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM $u§lect........... .... ............. ............................._...... .:. - 26316 PILENO ......................... .. ... ......... ...... ::' .r --:....Z . ....................... ... ..: ...... �:........................................................................ ........_. - Date Presente &Wg- a. ..:$x.,....1919-,191....... Resolved, That the grade of Alley in Block 1, Oak Knoll Addition, from Cretin Avenue to Finn Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. ' � II ' nE80Lt1TION9. � I 1!C F No: 2681--HN`d IResolved. That 'Y'e da- of 'Wok Block 1 Dox Knolldfatlgn, jtip ve'aue to Flnn Age 11niV on theae- Ian,. with the Ted � i0 m- - COmPoppYlnB PY08 a and se Imended bY;t),eq o ai came tet.h rdbbo . Adopted DY l e APprov@d to , 256,19 n , 4 Year.(J�vl�nSiltncn(.d)-Neys� Clancy ' Farnswortl} Goss ...._:..e•fwws� Kell l M oil underlich - Mr.`Pr)rtrid ffT, f 3'ou PORP', C, A. 9 3M 12-1e ^' Adopted by the Council Approved ............ P Resolved, That the grade of Sime Street from Forest Street to Cypress . Street, in a000rdanoe with.the red grads line on the ao- oompanying profile and as regommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F No.28317By M. it 65 strepttl frogo ForeathfilreeL to oCypremae I- �street, is accordance wfth the red ' Dade 11na ons the -accomppanying pprb- iflle and ea-recommenda d,,by the Ctim= �, - .mlesloner ;ot publio WoYke, beandtLU., �eame 1a 'herehy 'adpptefl '-ae. the eatab-:.i ' llahed -111 ed by�the Council Aug. 22, 1919: ;Approved Aug. 2E 1919. ;..sb,,1419) i Y _ uucilmen (✓) Nays t `3 -? • Adopted by the Council ........._ Ali ,..:. - ...............::.,:..191...... Clancy Farnswo h A.I I'; �3'S iq 9 Approved ................... ...... _... 191..... ................................ Goss. --.... - n favor u^ / K er _.._ cColl _........ A pst o.................................._ .......... .... MAY R Wunderlich Mr. iidoakFFvd on, FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-10- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THECOMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OOUNCIL LE FILE Na •-• Por. A A 48, 111 7-t,8 - s.i 1134 Y.. _.................... �± t t'CO TROLLER AUDITED ....MGi4..::...1.9.i9......... ........ . PER........... ......... ............ .............. , TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: - 5 ( V j�ounciTmen �yays Adopted by the GAtncil............... , . Clancy/J G- F No: 36318 Abstra" . .. i., ....191 Resolved �wacanAV.. ._......rrl - / Goss t non the Ctty Treasurer payaffie ou of D tae bar.inaIter epectded funds and In ' favor of the persQus 6rma_or.corpora _ ei D 110ne Ler the ameunLs aet Opposite theif " "'................................""' MAYOR__— .. 4 re§DeatCva names as epeeldad lu. the Lol cColl lvwing defined statement American 8v ply i`om any, j98�90 'I 9Vund¢rlich AW P:=a°beIdea gleer,'"11 of F Mrs.%bIary; Boran;-83840 I. President, Hodgson Eam:;xeuman iss7a Western BuDPpSy,`ComDanY 31147 ,Adopted by the Aounat Ang.:;2 1818 APPrbved Aug $2 3839 _(AVB•;b 19187 40*e4 American Supply Company, 98.00 ..],3� W. E. Chidester, 280.12 Perks A. P. Herschler, a 15-6.01 1 - P 10989 Mrs, Mary Horan, 29.40. P.asl�.0e 18- Edw. Neuman, 66.78 pvi4 se_ 1�9 Western Supply Company, 11.47 9 I Fnrm A A 48,2 M 7;,18 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL N AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1135 I e AUDITED ... ....... ... .... ..1 .. TITLE:. " pon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn iu persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement, GI I. - 211. r. G.. -�" Adopted by the Council . .... ..... ..... 7Farnsworth Abstra_-rrae. drdwn !on the CityTreasurer Approved ... _...: . ..191.___.eYteeeclde Payable out of ''-- •`}" P tunda `and .n favor of ilia persoae,-5rma or'oorpors[Iona for the amounts pet op oelto-thetrrespective' names as sP.atdc4tathlR9 A Farns(� ;7s 40o Is sud McKaSd 8ohants xaonAapptea'Dy the counau Aug 2203sApproved'Aug 22 1035son (Aug sb; 3exa) 13710 S. A. Farnsworth, Com Ir. of Finance 1 881.00 Interest , Red. Tax Levy Certs. of Ind. 1918 Issue 20500.00 Red. of Bonds 1919 69,000.00 Spec. Assess,. Bond & Int. Fund—Spec. Assess. > Bond Iht. Acct. 19:16 'T3�Fb�1Z 13711 Miss Maud McKay, Water 13712 Merchants National Bank, 14.08 G.F.-Mise. & Unf. Red. of Bonds 1919 228;000.00 Interest 12,092.50 Perm. Imp. Revl. Fund -Int. Acct. 10'310.00, Total ' 323,856.74 73,400.16 40.00 250,416.58 cfty• OF PAUL 60UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM .... ...... .............. ................. . ...... . . ..... Subject; ............ ........ .......... .................. COUNCIL 'flX NO . . .................... . ...... ... . ........................ ............ .... ........... ................ .... . .......... ............... .......... ........... . .... .......... Date Presented AUA9.1119.19 ......... 191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authottzed to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ford truck chassis for the sum of $637.26, without asking for compe- titive bids as it is a patented articlepand no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Forestry Revolving -b3 J. ic cl.ney- C' &s`Q�19�ed That t a aP�`i1jc.`r1sq1%g Agan be..and he'is. her�bl in Vu en.ont of coa 6, a . ,a or & Zh6a-, with th'a?'tr-e %or trotter' one Vo2r6l itbout asking .q. Zf' $61;1-d as it is a Vst..iadj8xa b, 1&a.tsko e.a d be ee, tiele and noh&,g6,1,or.str5r Rave 1� thereby _ a 41-11N-prt -Zd�s bY Aug.22 191 (Aug. $6 3919) Ye"_L'/_)_CWWciIMen-(- ys AL': 2,2' �I SO Adopted by the Council ............. ..................... 191 lancy s h q Approved....-..... 7 h . ..... .................. 191 /11 G::n McColl . .......... ,Wu'd.rlich FORM G. A. 9 3M 12-0 �L3ss $rNv Milt 1 .. � - �r�H�..�Y..e..,,,na�uk:M3. CounulPik l4o ✓ ••• • - -FOR Il1iPROVEMEINT �. PREF INIINARX` ORDER. 2e' ndusisned'heisr — - - the melong' of the' following' Pub unprovunen �by the City of 5t Paul viz Ldsui_e t $lMotesket.-. 7. rs maacir,s taxa y;oPnwf a"c f'4 r l thio . BrZiCZ� —'y of ty 1919. -. - PRELIlKINmw AE -��_•S'�!�-?F6Css.'s-!� :S#�.Y.,�lf1�,. mrprovement viz ad6 _A1- --_ _—_ - - anal for the mal�a8-of th�e folio _4,..---- dd:L iQs,. -- r te Araa3e Street- t0 lfdndotO,Stroet.' _, ----- —_— — _ - - ... en present«f Leo t� - �'--uneil of the City of St. Paul by Counulman -.:: -' .. OLVED, 'That, t?mc mmiasioner. of Public Works be and he is hvebyioidered and,direfted:- ToW ` y for or desirability of - the making of said improvement To;inveEtigate, extend e9trmateil=4odt of said improvement, and the total w6t thereof., To furnish a gig=•-= _ Icor sketch .0 -Sami:rnprovement To furnish aF�e fo other data and.infurmation relative to said ;unprovement ...... �, hate wheeti-3er _ AC=Wr sard-improveuie xt is asked for on the petition of three or: more owners' To; report'upoa:_A'Lm- matters to the commiebionerofFinana by. ;the' --! . `gyp - Jn_f AL1'�'� .,.--- Approved 191 _ �_c AUDIZ AUDITED :d that warrants be d (RY PER ..:. ..... .�..... T E . •. i upon the City Treasury, payable out of the_hereinafter specified fun CITY 0)PBT. ,PAUL OFFICE OF HtCOMPTROLLER ' I persons, firms or corporations fonahe amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following. detail( Yeas (� ). Councilmen (,� .) Nays RUG 2 Adopted by " C cil:. 'AUG. _.... vn g. 2( dancy Farnsworth: - - Z�OUh[CIL RESOL'1 t Jt .I r Gf oI. Paul,? epor�' ofhe,ormnis on of S�'7nahce ori i're— ark order 2 20�, approved'stay i� 't tiyi Sir lFFS C nq 'ari�sworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich — + VEAL FORM. " _ _ _ - r�La 1Kr: Prssadent froagson: s ' a COUNCIL ILEN .Y.....•...........•......., FINAL ! ORDER In the Matter of .......... Gana.txuctJ1jg.. cement ....t.i].e...ni.de.w.alk,:...air...feat-2—idey..:....... at the following locations: On:.Pie-st... e...o f...Unge wood...Protn...st.,•...01.air...st..,...t,o... jo f.hex=.�...,,,V .�...,�1' 6i walk do, not noti'r exist,; on South side of UerN,avy Ave, from Und°rwood, s d t enCe"�Jpet 'to"'pie'et"'PreR'n't iionst'rucred"' i'', �' "approximat'ely' �,4d "deo �'; on South side „of ,rtanford Ave, iiet",l�een Und.;r,';o0d and �rederioka, .in„front of -lot 2, Block 9, � acalester Villas; on south nide, of '"ellesley Avo, .of....Iia:t...�9....eek...10,........................ . Llaoalester Villas, u ....... t ................................ ......................... 24866i�k k,t April 26 1919 Wider Prelimmary Order .........,gypp �, g �r fie. rr >, �` ..... �. tl($`rtYq e pnu�r,f�Ltdg 17 7; aIntermedia Order ..:..:......... ...., � � a� o,t ri e► $ eL Vitae n4tiu t d� 7� L[on A public hearing having been had 15b14 ,'«`.;improvement upon due notice,; and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsid- ered the same; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City, of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of p yis .,Constru�t.genient file s�de�ralk, six,, improvement etQ etdet t at thee follo dnCitlocataane; df ' On:.1110.4::81de...of underwood-fX0ti...St.«.::tel.sir...St..ta..:Js. fax.e...uu,..:,ti^aha �e............... widewans do not now exist,; on 001ith side of Berkeley Ave, From. ops- C�n&-Twdthfial •....,.....I�e��...��.,•>naQ�.•.p,r�aa�t t-uot�d.••waa approxi tltely r...: � 0� feeton South oils o Stanf�xd betwe�r� hdar�Wood and Froderioka, in front:.,af�oIint.2�:..Sd�nk•..�...aonlester...�1; err.sou..h...�2d..•o..;.ae?.easy A'vpnut bet'}wn Under,,r,,00d and Fredericka in front of.hot 10 Blook 10, Inaoale't'ex' ViTlad............... r ................ and the Council. hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cH for approval; that upon said approval; the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sa xo ent in accordance therewith. l' Adopted by the Council ......................... !... ....................... 191:....... t L. � City Clerk, ApproAppr................191....., r � ved........................ . :..........� •y y Na or. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy P[JBLI Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Foim B. S. A, 8.7 n, ance o£'the pity, of St__ Paul e -The Commissioner of Public Works, having hnau rider eoasideration the preliminary orcZer of : t2ze 24868 ��srz1 26Yyh � 9 cil, Down as Conncii'>+ile No.._ _� _._approved ooatiucstiag cement -tile aidevval7sa sd$ -:meet w3 de, 'st the �o31.Q;iag; west -aids �c�f o IIader�¢os_ii_� �ge s where siciev+ra�,Iss' -d-not - now egi$t ,South .side of .Berkoleg `eve from Uxtcsrveoad: Ave. thence west. to " meewa1'k_ --- �- - - 7-7 4-1 I a 1 — _ _ I _ k -- t - i-- - - - - -- _ - - - t — i t 4 a _ --_ 4 IT 77 i- i 1 COUNCIL FILE NO ...............'..... /' / - , Bzr.............. FINAL ORDER C�pnstruoting a oeraent tile sidev+alk, six Ifeet wide,on theMatter o................................................................................................. both sides of Jan�ee treet from Fredericka Street to UnderwoodStreet, exgp t iiex'e good and sufficient eide,rraiko no..r exist, ................ Iii,. g � p'a�4 `Oi .•..•.................. x tis �tN� til l al a�ss d�d�` `,4 t,g lit$J'i (4`.............................................................. . .... ­610*���tstA U 4M1 a4. a7Qew,CCB.............................................................. ................................. 8 June 2 , 1919. �a wed ................ .................. under Preliminary Order.........................7a 1 ° a•.^•� 11l Intermediary Order.............................................................. a pproved ........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the -same; therefore; be'i# . RESOLVED, By the,Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and- kind of improvement to be made;by the said City ls... ..COnraelexicka.��x!�rt fnat...�u��..orl.:�.�t�i����i�r�e.��•:e�.,.Jll��.s..,��:xnrt...f�•am.n...,• �., .,.. nom exist, Under,�ood St �Qt,...ex013-ot Where good ana auffici�nt .oide.�ralkg t- ... ................................................................ and the Council hereby orders.said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner. of Public Works, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare Flans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Conn- proval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed cil for approval; that upon said ap to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ' Adopted by the Council.....................................................191........ f ..................... City Clerk, Approved....................................................... 191........h—v. `I Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson SA8 7 `I GiTY O7� ST PALL ' -' OEPARTN(EiT SOF, INANCE f - k Ai o = i i 3-0 v OEPARTM_EI�iT-�! FINANCE REPORT OF COMIONER OF FINANCE PREL!>n�lEl�iAF -r ORCER ., J IE SGR I PT ION _LOCK ADDITION - _ s -s : i :%✓�_��•-ter � � _ __ _ _ �_ � it itIt r ; it t It j 3 4._- - 2- -2-- i f I AX J- r- r__. it 1 � J , i t 1-110 - it "£h.e Commissioner of Finance further reports f7+zt he has, investigated all of the aforesaid. -matters, aL3=Lc]L sssbmits the foregoing as his report t7zereoa to the Council, together with the report made to lain is r¢fereace to said matter by the Commissioaer of 'Pnblic Works. mated',- r r COiJNCIL�� N ...:......... da.. �. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...........,Conottuot, , roent tale sidewalk six feet wide, on west �' urs Ivo to. hbll 'Ild �ve�We, ocIA rPPlllrllplllllllllllllq lllplgppllpllrlll lllll UI1111141rllrlllrrprlOplllrlpllrlplrulp1111,4111P,11111r1111111IIIIIIIIr IIIIIIIIr1111111111r I11Ullllllllllllllllllplllllllll 11 ll1111 i w ex �j�1, o(l aid �uf�1cifit 01dO���Dow, .......nN.......uum..u......u...umuuuruu...nu...n..u.. r.ru� ..rumnrrrr.r.um.1,uu.yrrrrruurrlunurn.uunrnr..uur k .............. ... f�ltpi4�v1� td�ttl�jlpr� � ......................... ..... .. ........ ............................ t ,��ttn .. ......... ml y ........ ........ 25558-..4:1A� isHtoaeatr June 20, 1919 0 under Preliminary Order - aot[eil,uz - -...: . .... ..... IntermediaryOrder ............. ........................... i........::.. approved................................ .... A public hearing'having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the .City of St l?aul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 1 1 Gon�truc�ixi a 00mont till oidowalr) llalprove d to be �lntade �y the sold Clly l8 IUOr.,.. nr , .....r............ eix feel: wide on �v est ofl of yn icat�e Avenue from I'mel Avenue to .................................................................................................................. Ah7:.�nd Av .nue.: .... I................................... ........... ......... .............. :....................... ................................. r --- -..::. ----- - -------:.:..::_ --------------------- ----- --... ` . ---.................. -----•- .............. and the Council' hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- c�l for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of d 'rip menu in accordance therewith. Alt 0 1 Adopted by the Council ........................... ,191.......- �'.��/\� Fa4 (C ' ..•.f••.r••••r•••••••.. .............. City Clerk. AUG 2� 1919 Approved. ........... ......................... 191.....:.. ... ........ �}a ,or. Councilman Farnsworth` Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy , Councilman Keller Councilman McColl r Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B, S, A. 8.7 IWO lov 'r COUNCIL FILE NO............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......:.Canat.rn.et...a...cement...tile....ai18Walk,.... six ...re.e.t...�cide,....on.... , both aidee of Tyler Stteet from Stryker Avhnue to "inelorn Avenue, except where good andsufficient sidewalks n0W exist. .................................... . a ........ ...... . . } ....... . , t. �t t ............:. ............... ................................................... .... W�1-� ``d �� June 4. 1919, under Preliminary Order ......... .°a9;►���,kfy,t . u�JJt�h Intermediary Order................ ........ approve .'............ . ! ... A public. hearing having been had upon the above improvement; upon due :notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of 4he,City of St; Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... Constxucting a cement the sidewalks oix feet wide on both sides of T,,,rler Street frorii Stryker Avenue to �.. ............................. 16inslow Avenue except here good"ani sufficient sidewalks nolo exist, ... .... . ..._...... --- :...........------------------------------ .::... ........................................ ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed ll � lo proceed with ills .m�kiil of said improvemenI in accordance ihorewiih, GU6 25 1919 Adopted by the Council.................................................. lot........ d City Clerl Approved ..._aUG 25 !919 .---... 191........' .. .................... ---� Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy'" Councilman Heller ° Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson n . '�9 axe, n�� ;obliged to tvai P.iveblocka ,$o a., f�ic . _= .=- - , v 06351 COUNCIL FILE NO............................. By FINAL ORDER In the Matterof..:.ConstruatinE cemen................................................... thsidewalk pix feet u�de•,•,••-••,. ... on the south gide of Jefferson Avenue from Pr1or. Av°nue to Fairv¢w ....................... ..........�.................. hanus.rlolat...Wva1k.a...W,,.B48-t.................. .......... ............................n, .o...n �}`�1�}iY I................m.n.n.........no...o............w .n ith M' tib- gnal�ita fla @I 1,tlte�'r� datinu0, trrA bout q@, ........................................................"Prior 1pv � d g�Y1tsW ,Aven a...................................... a lamwans&,atat uhamr �� June 27 1919. under PreliminaryOrder.-... m ^^v or��? �sss nvp�a�enub"ved ......: .'.:..... ...... Intermediary, Order ........................ ........ approved.::....: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St; Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is... Con3truct a- •Cement the sidev aik•,-; ••-•-• six'feet ,side, on the south side of Jefferson Avenue, froin Prior Ave. .. ..... _............... to Fairview Avenue except where pod and sufficient aide- al.ks now exist. ............................. .... ... .... •---.......... .....,..... ... ........: ....... ....._.................................................................................... a ............. ... :-.. .....::... ..:...... ... ......:.........................-•---..--...----........----... .............. ........:..........---.............-----------........-----.... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. n RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said impro_ye t m* accordance therewith. AUG 20f " Adopted by the Council .................................................... 191 c City. Clerk. ; Approved...........................` AUG 25 I9.9 ............ 191.. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Heller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson i i ON'pRELIINNARY ORDER u r - _ � _ -- - _- - _ _ _ "Krv;3 - -_ _ - �'; rpt E, t , q L� � O�t., MAY AN JUN ice, I � i t/e/jlarson f'r�." _�_�..�p!wb�i.�Me• �ew�icbloned r� COUNCIL FILE NO. loe FINAL ORDER xorn Gortflan qorping Street f Construoting �a sewer on T inthe Matter of ....................................J .................................... .............................................................. ........... Avenue to South Robert S�.r.c,.e.t ............................................................................................... ..................... ............. ........................................ ................................... ............................................ 409 4, ............................................ ...................................................... ............ .................................. .......... .121 ................ ........... ....................... :3 ....................................................... ............... . .......... ............................... June 20, 1 - 529 ...... .... . t ­ approved ................................................. ................ under Preliminary Order ........................... .............. appr ................. Intermediary Order..:.................................... approved ............................ A public hearing having b I een had I d upon the above improvement 'upon due notice; and the Council having. heard all persons, objections and recommenaations. relative thereto,, and having fully consid ered the same; therefore, be it. t the precise nature, extent and, kind of - RESOLVED,, By. the Council of the.',tity- of, St. Paul Aha Construo ­'ta Bel- _et on ,yoming Strebt improvement to be made by the, said City is ........ ............... ....................... ...................................................... from Gorman Avenue to South,Robert Street. ............................................................. ............................. ................................ ................. ........................ ............................................................................... .................................. *11*111*11..; ............ ......... ................ ...... ......................... ....................................... .......... ...................................... ................... ........................................ ........................... ................................................. .............. .............................. ..................... ................................... .......... ..... . .......................... ................................... .................................... and the Council, hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED VED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and I directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the,Coun- cn'f6r approval; that I upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to'proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance t erewith, 191 ........................ accordance t emwitl. gnu �J X919 Adopted by the Council...... ...................... I ............... ............ City Cler OG 25 1,919 Approved....., ..................... I ............................191 �/j/•.owl -A F8ffiD�82ag L SAY�1iD ".. / �' � 86T SLZ� iS6S BARRY �_ D L ✓✓-_/�// - ` BAYARI, DEUEL 8z GO. �V►_L\` <�� AND IN6IIHANOID - ST. PATM, MINN_,—moi$ 2 1919 REAL ESTATE " - � - SOUGHT� ..d CARED -FOR - TO the Ron. City. Council, TAXEs..PAID - ...:City of St. Paul, LEASES MAD£ R®ferenae is had to the proposed as8688meat" RENTS -COLLECTED - No- I PUBLIC for the purpose of constructing a sewer •a Wyoming 3-t_• - CONVEYANCZNG x from Gorman Ave. to South Robert St., as the ownsr o:r INSURANCE FIRE Lots 7 to 12 inc- Bk. 2 and Lots 4,5 3 of TIO-IEFT DO Hornsby's Re-arrangement of Sot 7 of Biclweell* s, wO ciesfre BU RG LA RY AU.TOMOSILE to protest against the the said improFaneat. LIABILITY _ SURETY soxns- ..These lots.lie 10 to 15 feet above tlas present gx's.ds IN BEST AM. CO'Sac - - MORTGAGE LOANS of Wyoming St., and Cannot be Sold OT tib@d t0-adY8at8gs MADE PROMPTLY as residence lots.- - The Assessor last yss.r valn_scL th#8s MORTGAGES and CONTRACTS nine lOtB at Sia hundred Dollars, assessing them EL - TR.UST FIINDS The proposed assessment would at your estimated cost - 'INFESTED WITFZ - CA RE sadFIDELITY amount to about X875. which is much more than.._ the pressxi'b — cash value of these 3 ots, and we think mors than the lots could be. sold for after the said sewer aLm& paid for. The land is rough and br6ken and suitable only fOx s chicken ranch or some kindred use.- A-sidewa.2r s.sssssmeat has just been 14Lvied on some of these 3-OGS, and with as order pending before your honorable. body locilrring 'to ths, grading of Wyoming St. to a full widtla, th.e order for the sewer will be a virtual confiscation Of the lats 3.3a clnastion. Respectfully submitted Estate_ Charles Fantle. By sats CSF ST. PAEiL - DElPA -r 400F' t=tlVAIVCE - - REPORT OF COM ISSIONEFV OF FJNANCE - - - ON PRECIMIMACt4Y 4=F2OER - `r In the Matter of C'or efi.r�v t n9' a gnrrn" nYt .--ZXn - Ti� C t Y+P Pi' f -o om rgnT-innii ^TT A r :Robert street ander Order approved June 20th 1919 To the C:oiLm -w+ciil t]a¢ City of St panl: The - Go��+�"�sioner of Finance hereby reports as follows- The total -estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is T7r71 On cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ -moi S The Mots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tlae assessed valuation of each lot or e2 as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows= i 1=1- E SCRIPTION - - - j LOT BLOC AOOIT ION - ASS ESSEO i. VALUATION .i 4 1 raucZi-I- <Dir T s Sub`it o.' 21 St.' Pa17i 1.11rMesota i 100 !f 00 :_ ,:. i 3 1s Do _ . 1200 1100__.. _ i 2 i 1 Do - 1200 tl00 1 3-1 Do 7 1 L900' _900 '00 4 '.; 2i yO 100 1!00 a 5 2 Do _j 1200 �u Oa=- 2 2: Do 2200 foo_ 1 1 2I Do110 O 1;00 yi._ - '7100 00 l . _ xcZd3 tiori to S$•r a sr_ ps►u REPORT OF COMMiSSIC>"F— OF FINANCE ON RRELAMINAftY aRGER O C-5 G R/ ! T I O N VALUATION. t, - 7 >____ ____e____—__'---_-_-__ .:_. _`X ._2_ _8t.._P3ez•re___and__La tons s _ _-. _ 11'X5 !00` ____ -_-._.,_. D o _ - 125 . �b�._ - - -- -- _ 12: 33orxssbg T s ---.Sub:- of - Low - ?5 .> - i.-11 - 21Biclwe1.1s_,_xad to:_"v St: _ 50 00-- Pa.'ti1 a_.na-tisat, part oP B1oc3� - O lDQ 5 — 5teas ropers pP 1 --- _9 50 _ �BeZ�ic'Lere s��eet '' 8! 2 775 TOO. - - - - -- DQ __ f - :._ _ '7 0 1 -4 6 -. 'Or. _£2_ ._25.1_ i __ uc� i _or s. s . _ Susr. _ _ i70__ ,t 'F13L,e Commissioner of Finance further reports that he b.a.s investigated all of the aforesaid matters, aad hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Gonncil, together with the report made to }*; is i eference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pnblie Warks. ��✓ ��Lt f�� mated �--9�- f _ _. .... - _ Coirinussioaer of Fiaaace. Y tr ' C C �:1 • �•'. • ! • '� 1' 1 ► /1 Y " , � Y I.r � 1. 1� � ; A 1 .1 1 '1 1 ,•1 1 + / . / 1 1:, 1, - r �.1 I '1 1(� �'' 1 � � i 1 1 1. 1( 1 i` 1� 1 1�, 1 1 1 1.; A ��� 1 .•,:�' 1 1 1 .� „1 '-�uwc+.uo:rco.as�neuetww�wewv�u. - R. T. .CiQURLCY..aOYTT _ -' M S"v"RYTa/YC� Es.�s. y Ow• _ - . St Paul, Minnesota. July 3nb. , 1919. Mr. M. X. Goes, Commissioner of Public Wc>=3cs _B u i l :d i n g. = DearSir: I transmit herewith pral3miaary estimate of the cost for oonstructing a mewmmr' oa Wyoming `Street from Gorman Avenue to South _nobert M=eet, in accordance Frith Counoil File No. 25530, provecl June- 30, 1919:- Approzimat e E at iF,t 6 . _ _ .. _ ... $2,771.00 _coat ;per 'front moot - - - - - -- - - - 3.65 Exoess inepect3o3a 3s4scesse.ry.... 100.00 Assessable froa-ta�.e;8_ - - -..._ ...... 1,045. feet. _ Yours very truly, ESS/0 Chief Engineer. - 26353 c8 By::.....................................�........... j FINAL ORDER � att of Reconatruoting,,'relaying and repairing cement tile ei�'e �l�e �t ,t1ie"••fb110�riiii •1oCa�t•S•atfe�. �lito'rn...�ive.;.; ..�ast...s.id.e;...�i.X.... r......��.. feet ','ode, from vQ, thenoe South 45 feet, Exchange St,, ... Otil................................... .,., .,t,�,..........................a... ,, o�u St, thenoe sot 100 felt, Minnesota St,, N"t side, 9j deet 151 f j'..$,}•,ct�....t~o..9th.:5t~.....u11ex...Aye..,....Soutk�...qdl;.,....6...f�13eet West of Farrington Ave., thence fest 22 feet. Temperance 00t., best sid^ }.1 .fe�t....E�ide from 1G.., 4 feet soi�tl� of Gn-va st..r....thenae...South..l4..i�et�.. P+innipeg Ave., North side, � �t Ovide, from 310 feet ,eat of Rica St,, then„n...W,8t...lU©...feet: # y f '4792 a s ito:aaa�i w ` April 24, 1919. ' j under Preliminary Order E in iatna gjaant(eN na re�gpatru�tinB ....... 5ing rd.. epa(r ng roe ent l vaaiWdeWalg AQ"(�4 oliowl igoab ry 1 a an tq'}¢ 14bM� tiAng a$ e?� .....:. i........ t 1 .1, e�Pan e, ,Eq6 Intermedia Order....::. �v�$eyYromai' aaant Aanµb^a j A public hearing having been had upojF1' crtp� s����'4pon due notice, and the Council having heard'all persons,'obiections and recommeniq�+ ivelereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City x.epaix.lxJ01,Al...t.1-1e aideWalkeat the following locationo: G�eetarn Ave:, haat a da, i�c Feat iide �ix��eet wide, from feetoauth of Ea1� St, thence 80th to n �. �L.auth aide.; 0t...widei ftv����nT�d�ota Cfiest'nut �t; ” P'� thence Eat 100>fet t Minneaota St East side, 92 feet 1"Fide, from Eh Vit, to ''��th 2t;;:; I'tilrer�'Ave.) "10u1 """w'"ti"feed nli'de, from 0 feet . ton =Aye. , :theme deet 22:feet .Temperance St ;eat side, 11 feet vide, 'from 10 feet aovth of Orgve St thence south I'4 Wiest ....11 *�,i a .. us: eek rade, from_. 1.,o feet cre a.t of j. -�'I gee anW1 C��1ciT Ii�re�y� oregers "sai� improvement- to be made RESOLVED F19 HER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cilfor approval; that upon said approval, the,proper city o8tciale are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sai v t to accordance Werewlth. t Adopted by the Council............ ,191 ....City Clerk, I GUG i`II`1 r Approved... 2� ..,181 ..� k Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth :Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy s Councilman Heller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson, i Form B. S. A. 8.7 is is crr-r oFr_s►ut_ _ ._� . ash _.r. .. �_.:�; , �_,. ,..�:. �:, � � � �..1:►-__:�:� ,I_.:�:� _ ;� µ•ii_ !� ' ; �� 1�t?�. �.�_. �� ►�;,��IIIiI ►I1�►�IIIr'i((�.i,., I..�,.1 ► a. �. 71 14 !_.� _ �.� 'j'� f J�"� �aj''Sttt-__Y�--� i �--� •--F��_J_a.._ �_l`t... t it 11 II I �., iia 1.. � � ,,�,! � � .,I:� , .•,. d►� , 1 I _ f ,, 4v I , I i r i id— �id JAll r f�f1 IT - �.., , `1 1 `f� � � � �..j J� ::tti�.I 111 'Pik �_.C'�_ ��"C��'�-'-1..► � 1 -1'_I � ,..- — ",: •:.�-�-i -}-' 4- �-1-r-k-� 1 I ' j- }-, I ,- I � r - -� 1 � � } I I-t I '_�.-�- �� LH—_ l F(� 11 1 ^al j •, � �.'�'.:I , I_I1 iii iia"a7,r i 'IM I � I,..W. I; '"' CITY Off' ST. PAUL Council Resolution----Cseneral..:porm - De=partr�or�t of "'Bureau of Couacil File: 'No.--- DatePresented 191 - ROLVHDs"ES. Thai the sPaul Gu Mehl ComPe■y is bvab7 order.dl _a direet.d m _t—.a in electrical linea br emeHa■ pole ■ad :trisaiae in follo-I.. ellen ..a st—w A of said - ty = waiazs t6a>Ro: 'far tha - trsasmiasiiem of eiac[riety on a■d th. =nsL�31_ Siwe° poles on thesouth. side of the alley north of . Razidol�aYs of Underwood Street. -- _ C_ F--nt 2flss6—sy M: -x cio■s=-- IWitlrs riec6ssr}ry- guy's 'dz,hQrs. 1 ResolveA That the St. Paul bas LtRht f Lhereby "dtrecied ' Company Q dtdered and to ¢*te_d tt■, eleetileal:ktnee by,ereCYlnF' mC thereon for wir.8 the ({(tiia Lhta SQ Itb#f-i[n iUeFi pandtit'eits or-. -. _ _ i �tlnst �7r po7en oti the .Booth nide: i t tna sII�.lforta of ;Raafde1�1+1c,. 8treeY.. West 'bt IInderwooit'Stree4 i. ' - . -. _ _ _ "� '_`. _ `--1Cw -- - - - _ - - - -aaiY'ehail ...and:cnaracter. " - , necessary guys and'dnchor■. ,Altof .such , ezteaetoa4• poles sad wires:-ahalld_be erected tnUconstruMed uad¢r� the' direction :naaupervla3oa oZ. l2mhlaaer■i�b]tset tot the-- NO di' zdinP vea Eand resolution 1 ;o the itY oL-'S a l,:•, _. should' be'"aet fa such Iom `._ tiara in said _. alleys and streets ,as the Commissioper of Pabllc Utilities shall' Ge - .lgb et8ht; as.he sha}3 $eslgbate apps6v¢T and.; any. 'and all. euch pokes ,dovvn;der round;-,- 'wares( _ .a _ `- - - - - - xauch -placed underground: when-' - - - - evea':th¢. Couacil '91ia11 deem'1h .lateresi 'so'raeute$, aad:;sehen.. IT _ 1ldapt¢d tie--thB' Covn411 but. ,$S Y929?. - - •dDDroved Aug: S6 1919_ _ All oY h .azfe■a{ons, volt and iru shall be crewed asd emtroeted nad.r the directlos a■d suyersision of the Commissi.ner of Asblie xy en1*S�a and is all thin— u�..et saa the ssro�i■ioaa of prdinsnu N 2424, and of all ether hawfnl ordkaances and r.solncions l the Citr of 9t R 1. , All poles ahonld be sac in such locauon in aid alleys and str.eb >vti tb.e Commiavaioaer of Pnblie Utilities shall de i■nate, anal he b. of su lr Leisrae sad h. taY® down a removed. and such wiraa Dlaotd voder■rovad..eh.ns..r tL. Ca®eil a.2.a11 deem shat the - h. ull asitaste >ad avveors, end ao7 d ail such voles aball �u l.e iattsrst sw-reaoisas. and when it .ball w order.- r's� ogtet3 bythe Council Yeas( ) Councilmen ( ) "Nays . FARNSWORTH _ GOSS McCOLL Approved AL1' `3 _ 1 HYLAND. KELLER _Mayor Mr. "Presidents IRVIN - _ _ - _ __ ,:. _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Re`sOlution-__General Form `-' �De artmeat o` � xe zsssT-��� u n, ease 1 p=.i4eeolvod; That t eSt. Paul Ga. - - - �� CO$Dany fe hereby ordered and d.� _ to Boa:tead.,&n d atNelectrical lineraes til.' by ureau Of i i;a� Doler annBing wi'11 •. - ,. - :Lor the .tranamlploa ot-'eleetrfCity- an '"Id I [he'follotllai3 eli.ya'.spd-aRa - Znwt$7t1 - ''Two Doled la the elle Not+thwe•"- 191 8a.yal� w ei`na°' 6outhweat,,pr Date Presented A veno Council File ;Co$tnl'eTclal ughtta _ ;� Avaeauei FA8! qle HoaE2l„• By 1Q FCOZ.VlED. Z•leat the SZ Pa Ll G Lirbt Comu yany baeeby dared and directed to .a:tand its electrical lues by ereetina poles and stringing wires tbereoa for the traaamisaioa aadE ei�ts'ic'ty oa sad in the followbq. allera sed ate..b'of.aid city _ Tvsa p _->Z e s in the alley northwest of Raynond Avenue, southwest of CO=c> �vsu a 'fie st. Cvrerczal Lighting. T?va poZ es :In the alley south of Mol.ean Avenue, east of Hurl Street. v 04c),:nr-ie3¢ ia.1 lighting. Tvro p Q3_ e s In the alley west o:r Ptarri.ngt on Avenue, north of Blair Str+e e t _ Coz-ase rc iaT lighting. One poZ ga on the southtveat corner of l.ai•ont Street and Dunlap Street Oxxe po.3_e'on Asbury,Avenue, north of iaglehart Avenue. ^..ity Zi���-t3nF• Or2e -_pioZe on the, southweut corner of Asbury Avenue anti Lglehart Av.e.nuear Oaz� pa3_e on Iglehart Av ue, beiweenAsbury and PascaAvenues. ^.i :Zr 33 r�hzing. One pole on the southwest corner of P.asca.l and Xgle! eTt Avenue s. City ytg� Ozze p,oZe on P"Bcal Avenue, north of Iglehart Avenue. City Ltg MTd.xs_e poles on:Pascal Avenue,„bet-ween Selby "nd Ashland Asenues..City Ztjo OaB pole" -on Sa►ith Avenue, vest oP._ S72errzan .Street. Coiizaercial htg. Osse po3-4a on Indiana.Averius, "betvreen --Iv” zinc Robertson Streets.Corir erciaZ 3'✓i�� : 3z��� zt - IA x vi am I. _ _ - _ _.ons. Doles and whoa .hall be aree[a i sad eeptrnet-a —ad— tba dLsetion sad anvaryia:on of t6a Comvaiaieaer eE Public Utilities and is all sh'.aas taLx� ao tebe parvw;aiovas of Ordinaaa No. lti4. sad of all etber barrfnl oediaaac-aa sad molndona of tbeCitr of fit. Peal. - AZI poles sLeaZd be not ia: h'l.=!: !v said allera avd _."d treata as the Commipioaer of Pablic i7tili b— shall deaip�ate- and .ball be of sae6 hei[ht and' �M�'�—� tse �P_all daaai=a:t: anad DDro.a. and avr and all each Dolor -= be t.kaa Bowra and ramared. and aneh. wim Dlaced.underaromd. trLea•er the Cooacil atoll deem >iLas tine: s'-aaa_l_= a iaaaQess aro —r-1 +a. and whin it aball ao ander. r�doptCd by the Council AUG 2� i5c l Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTFi GOSS McCOLL_ AUG3 _ HYLAND Approved KELLER , Mr_ President, IRVIN- IEJ.I>•% /�_ }ajor i _ _ 7 ow=, Id- p No Bassa—ss ams ba:lsid'- ENERAL rFORM ING YVAT Reeotve : ��alstr ets t tv, in the'followlnSQ; 9LFae ___.___ .... ... ..Yictorts StroaL.. ironic .........— Graeo Street: a enue-.......- .—_... _._.. _ lames.�tr:Qet, from .C`leQ e1'�d Aqz&_ V L _________ _________ �. to Cretin. Avenue `-..Yegelaad Avenue' - .. FSLE � j�j Q= ,-_____ - ` `t0 Cretin'. Avsnue. , . _ --------------------------------_____r_ Sand �1lvanu0,': froaz .Gersaiuza,. Street ao•Rosa.Streat_ :`from--ggg,vpnbe�iioad'; ♦. - - - 'to Davern A[re c-r=o:�. swenzi.,_ jute Presented--__—'--- _ to Siewert Az+anue .StTBeE: - Stewart. 1Av7enue. tro-ai 'Ssdtaon.' ' to Ranlcia SLrae!_ ,Y6, 1819:- . - - ;Adopted by -. the_ CouILS - ILIW APVr _ =_AADSSg 30 ILS Resolved that water mains be laid iri the following streets= Victoria St. from Juliet St. to Grace- St. , James St. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. Palace St. Prom Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ate _ Hand Ave. from Geraaium-St. to Rose St., Field Ave. from ydgcumbe Rd. to Davern Ave_ , Madison St. from W4' st Seventh St, to Stewart Ave Stewart Ave. Prom ZSadison St, to Rankin St. V 3;� T; aEr`h rtZ W, Zt ,o� iib sc� i�h �'I h ise�s .P F: U rviceau v r' oaf BOARS OF w4TER COMMISSIONERS r� 5_4_FL>,R NS WORTH T o t.Yie Honorable, THM. CO=- CII„ C =----X- OF SAINT PAUL, -3t- Paul. Minn. e 2631r5a FRANK L POWERS. PR6elOENT JOHN W. KELSEY. Q.N SUPT.. August 25, £ieTitlemen.- The Board of *ate= Commissioners, at the meet- ing Yield this date, unanimous]..y adopted the following reso- 3u�.ion: "Resolved, that ttie Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby i s requested to authorize the laying oS v-ater mains in the, following streets. Victoria St, from Juliet St _ to Grace St. , James St. from Clevelarad Ave__ to Cretin Ave_, Palace St., from Cleveland to Cretin Ave.. Hand Ave. from Geranium St _ to Rose St. , Field Ave. from Edgcuabe Fid_ to Davern Ave., Madbon St. from GTestSeve ztti St- to Stewart Ave. , Stewart Ave. from rladi son St _ to Rankin St-" Yours truly, incl. Secretary. Resolved, TYss_t the plane and specifications for tha followdng: PuraisYziz*.r,installing, equipping, maintaining, lighting, extinguishing, cleaning and keeping in repair of incandescent gas lamps and cozsriactians to gas msinie for certain of the streets, alleys and pxx —:Lc places wlthi.n t]Is City, for 1920; 1�urais%3ag gas, posts and connectiorss of posts to gas mains for lighting certain o S the streets, alleys and public grounds for 1920; as-pra-sBatP od by the Commissioner of ublic Utilitisey be gpprovsdand that tae Purchasing, Agent be and he is hereby authorized to advertise for bids for the doing of the work called for by said plans and specifics_ f .Yeas (✓) Coaaczlmea J) Nays ClSLacp Farnsworth - Reaeived all papers -iia - connects abows Res0 ut on Adopted by the Council -------AU_– __�__-�_ Approved--- ------------ ----- ---- --- ---- a--------- ---- -------------------------- --------- - Goss ______________In favor IKdlcr \� McCoI2 �J V ______________ Against Reaeived all papers -iia - connects abows Res0 ut on Adopted by the Council -------AU_– __�__-�_ Approved--- ------------ ----- ---- --- ---- a--------- ---- -------------------------- --------- - 6360 COUNCIL ILE tL. FINAL ORDER In the Matter oi::...Q . txl �:t.i r.a1.e i ;�r�d..ra ir�.>1 aament;.,,..til ........... sideviaalh at the following 100ationv. (� yT 0 Ad1/V y t Pine Street.; Fit,ht Strct,...harth Bide, ton fn t ;,�ide� f���in ra Aray„„► t' v , nort.h...8i..�.. 85 a t�1elloe Rep r, t 0�� i � �� , u er�x I'arrinton Rvenue thence eo:et 300 feet,; Farrington Ave, darticie S ft, tide, frot�l ler St., thence north 28 feet,; Rice fit., ?eat pile, 3..::fsnk:. �:ide.,:..ad . cent:..ta...curs...fr.o..'3'ay.zata...t.he:z�ce..:.aouth ?7.,.fut.................. . t ','' 1 M.. ti ....... ....... ..... ..... ...... .... ........ 249a zt�x k °sir°inQcEu°ien[ btay 3, 1919 under Prelimmary 0 der...:..:..artmi°yag i°uat�.............................................. �h Boutai� p e U1111-14- .. ry Intermediary Order..........................�'� nW s i+ 9 �'fr,ra 1 ; A public'hearing having been had upon the`.ar t�¢tnent-upon due notice, and the Council � �� nonrf• 11 having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative hereto, and having fully consid- k~ - ered the same; therefore, be it i� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.1e.c.gXl.aWlat.#•.. y... tile eide�valke t' the follm� ing looation�, vide �roI Dx0ad'�a to••.P r � il;<e. ��t ' ' .Dant••9th::.�t.,,.,....�auth...ei•de.r .7:�.:.f�et...� i ,... y:.,. ��....:...� 8th Street north side, 10 feet wide, from 8roedtiraq thence ��`est u4 feet,p i�'�19ar 6t ;�Eo t1 side; 6 feet i e #rom t+'arri to-n Aqe -1 thecae ee:at-- f 300 feet.; Farrngton.Ave.,east side, 6 feet wide, prom Fu'_ler St. thence' n-ortir.*n—.-��eet.:�..:.R�i'ce st;r'e'et-, m t....s-kdu* 3...feet.. f rte.�:.:a�tja ent...�.e...cuxb from Wayzata thence south 27 feet ---... ..........:........... ...................................................... ............................................................... -- a....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner .,of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for,said improvement, and submit same to the Conn. oil for approval; Ahat upon said approval, theL proper city officials are hereby authorizedtand directed to proceed with the making of said unprovemeni it accordance'there 't , Adopted by the Council•. ASG 1919 P • �.�. PHP r..larlr Y DEPAR'1�t Ole-.-FiIVANCE--- REPORT OFOF= FINANCIE .. ON PRELIM1lV/AE2Y. ORflEfZ� In the Matter of ons Cruet n , relayinf5 w e a r cerlent the slderra� Zs �t ,the -t-o atm ons Rant .h Rt-.. a- 1 - P fi- T•T-i.ei VT -ori Rroadrra-z -h C1 -P-1r-y sill Rt N-9- 10 r!cf'rt�rn RrQaA Js�a tO rraat 5>4- =r c i- ---'alde<rng;-i-.t.hAnnn a venue East side 6 :Veet- ice from -2Tiller streeir thence 'i ort1i 28 street crest side 3 feet -roc-.e adjacent to Curb, from -T a- to tY-a20.ce 27 feet. -under Prelims+++nary Order approved T'�Y 3rd, 193.9-�- To the COuacil of -tlze Citg of St. Paul: The Co�+++iissioaer of Finance hereby reports as follows= The total amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $O� cost per foot for the above improvemeat is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed 1b¢ae8ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —---r—=r---- — — --- �_____ ---- — It i - � :. i . - .. _ _ •. 1. � - i , -. Q E. S C R a P T 1 O N LOT BLOoK A E� O I T I O N '� ji ALLJATION �{ _ 4 11-4 T� s orr =iddltlon 3 14 Ajo 43250 s Do 1,14 Do {. I { { : _ 4.11.2 -�: oy-ts Hclaltion 5 <- j �{ 20 4 13<xn laei.mer and ! 6830 f _ 19 4 <�riz0lcis adaiti on ; --_ 3Q9 ,4. l is 1 4 1 Do :est X3/3 feet of 17 j 4 Do 25s75 ! �. ice zit ==des t 33 1/3feet i 17 1 4 ; Ido T i - � :. i . - .. _ _ •. 1. � - i , -. _ �.- =- - ry - f _ - _ �. _ _. :€. ; -- -- 4 i Q r COUN sy<. .. .......................... FINAL O6ER 4 In the Matter ofGonet13Acting._2. cement the aide.4alk� eix feet rider on ; both a des. of FairraoAnt Avenue, from Syndicate Street to Griggs St. except where good and sufficient eidewalka now exist, � ..nn,n, unnwwuumau . .nn. i, uu.p uuununu,.,,,pm.,,,,uuw m . uhoup................ i,���i��� ��� ���; � V� �� !IV IUNIp1U11U1n11�Iru11111111111111Un1ulOtl�llllllu�llln ,' 11111111111111111111��111111���11111��111111111�111111111111111111111111� 5��, � ������������ �� . �" ��'; ► ,� way `' '., ��'�� hal ����'' '! ..... a ' . ti1 ...................... 5?r .�......June 5, 1919, under Preliminary Order..........3 ....., �,l.w lr..�t r Intermediary Order.. approved ... .. A pubhe hearing having been hed upon the above improvement upon due notice,, and the Council" having heard all persons, objections. and reoommeidations"'relative thereto, and having fully coneid- eced' the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the .city of St: Paul that the "precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said Cit y.ls Conetruet :a..aemen.. tile. sidewalk, eix beth ,Qidea,gY.,,Faira;o.nt Avenug from Syndicate Street t0 Gx �� �tr88t 9XQ9 t wbPr9 OOd and outfioient eide�alke now IMIp111gUatlllllgl 1�n11111111q UP B.1111,�111Il,llgpall ll�III�IIIIII,�III�IIU�ppM,Itl01i1 �I111111111�1,11��11111NU.uAd VUgldlplOu11I1OP11Inrygqp,Jlultl111111111 exist,' k ....�.... ..... ... _...... ................ . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tbat. the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.....:.......:AUG 2f . sls 1Ilk (./ City Clerk. Approved ....... - UG: 2ti..`.i.2...... ................ ................................ -----.:.. ...-- -----� Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss J, Councilman Clancy Councilman Heller 1 Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 PAUL- ' DMIR I 'FINANCE - — - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A) � in the Matter f f—St•'r 101 j a e6rnnnt ti i e stdewalk six feet aide osi 0 7 �-3383 of Of 12f 1224.11,N011T1t n1TWOil- fY`QTI1 S;VnC1jASat,R n3ZSnl1A to r. -M grc atraat - - - - ander Preliminary Order approved' TLne Sth 1919 To the Council of the City of St. Panic The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is z 0 x'70 pc:I` fix The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tt`m. s��z-a valaation each lot or. parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION- _ - - - I►33C5ra i f. - VAGUATtOr4 - 9 .- 8;. Sties on a Boulevard _ t _ - 500i _ . 10 8±( _ Addition, ! - - - - 400f Do- - y 400--,_ Do : 400t 15 8� Do i 14 8- _ Do — - - - ; 400 Do Do - - - - 6�SE_ J i -Wilson!-a wooderer- r D s TOTAL._ eaoucea by the Con i att d6atx Hese ae l Enu� Heb 8 "OOUNGII otioa-l: d,to<Pay, to .BaT atoa,of 1 9at�te � oE�.Ea Citi :of St, Mctr+ nano . At god,: and. In his s `Wi'04.aoity:and in ret Ie� instituted" by :thy` eai,d Fred Hess "Againetthe '4 -k C R' iso 2$89 Ofi�ii �J M, Oig�noy ordince to amend Otd - \w an March 3l �j ' �} 'r .- l 3902,ae a ended 'C�{led Ah oCdinanco � + '�, • -A.11 mattera'concerning,.rel. -' �. � conetrpctlpns S,c i !�6 ' .I aftectingahe "`�.. epalt, remo � of r •� / .,`.' /6Lr fir :r9Ae ur ry �y /tr 4j 1 An ordinance to amend car i 'hce No. 2902, as amended b: R 01 rlarcl� 3l, 191 , entitled "An ordinance providing for all ' matters epncerning, relating to, oraifocting toe construction), alteration, Npair, reImpal oil 11aintonance of all bUild ings or structures, or parts of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected within the City of at. "Paul." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. TH7O(ThC� L Ute Tiii�, CITY" O? 5 ; F�.iII, iJU��15 �ROAIN. Section 1. That Ordinance Vo. 2102,,'approved j'aarch 3]: ,7 lglo0 as amended, be. amen by striping cut therefroml all of Sectlon.192 and substituting in dace thereof the follo��rng.. II 4Section 192. No livery, sale or boarding stable, as :defined in Section 66 of this Code, gas reserv^ir, black ; -' smith 'shop, foundry, plcl,;in� house, rendering plant, soap 'factory; tannery, brewery, distillery, junk stop, junk..-,} yard, 'public garage, or 'laundry to be,run :b machinery) shall be erected, located or constructed in any block ,. laid off in lots, if the lots fronting on the same street as the lot or lots on which suchbuildint; is to be 'locat=. ed; are occupied by residehces, or intended .for re de %e ; purposes, and' are ec,ual to or,exceed.one-hdlf�, the en= tire frontage of said block on'said street, unlesscon- sent if obtained from the owners of two:-thirds of 'the property, wi% in` a� dista;a:ce,�of ane hundred V on he sides, rear and front'ofthe lot or lots 'on wjjjoxr such building .is .to be looated,' or unless the, erection, con- struot'ioa bP' location of ' any of the said buildings' oil entexprizos on said lot or lots is authorized bya two- thirds vote of fine .Councils In: no case sllsll any such livery, sale or boardinm stable, gas reservoir,''bla.cksmith shop, foundry, packing house, rendering plant, soap factory, tannery, brewery, distillery,'junk shop or junkyard, public garage, or, -laundry to be run by machinery, be located, erected or constructed in the business district within f^rty ;(40) feet of any adjoining lot unless the owner of said ad- joining lot has consented tbereti) in writing, or permission has been procured for the e'recti,�n, construction, ;- 4, location or maintenance of said structure or business, by,a two-thirds vote of the Council, and nn, luildinF 5 alread;, tirholly or partially constructed in such location as to bring it within the:foreg:-inG provisi-ns of `,d3 Jecticai -.,:cull 'hereafter be converted to use as a livery, sale or boarding stable,'gas reservoir, blacksmith: shop) foundry, packing h,'use, rendering plant, soap factory, r k tannery brewery LAW ev, junk shoPor junk yard, Public garage, or laudnry to be run by maejiihery, tiithout � like consent of the owners and emission from the Council as hereinbefore provided, nor Shall any building already or hereafter constructed be removed and devoted toany of the1,aforesaid uses without like consent, or permission, ' tl when su h new location is within the application of t,rIis section." F , i O nPER// ............ .._............ ... .... _ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement; Yeas ( V ) CouncilmenAUG 27 1919 Adopted by the until.. _.... _........................ 191 ' Z.Ne 26341 Clancy trg nou AUG 2ReaoveWproved _.....-..__..-....Farnsworth Pa{nead n. the hereinar: D rDt7hW'P-e na flteitethleGoss flea,h 6 �9J9 '. /l ren active names en age Kellet f -RUM.LUmh0f C DDii 4 AYOS McCollyPge�ynor4n�000 M1 9k� T9V} Tannrv+2�,f'COS l ke Aa L• 81t9derY Mr. President, HodgsonyA=ove8`Ava $7oi918 `At'g 24 191. �, (}tYg 80 1919) CITY OF, ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO .....�. IMR° AUDITED CLAS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A'46.2 N 7-18 1144 BY......... .. ...... .._. ..... / Y .U3 AUDITED A191�r.�C PER....................................7..�..T..R..O.L.G.. ... d TITLE Resolved .that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of 'the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V Councilmen AUG 2~ Adopted by the uncil 4 1919 191 �C th Cit9 P Clancy Austraet ya drawn AUG `Z ! 1913 lies tve�t thnt�warrahta rite out ot, Farnsworth noon a reaasr9 o proved.._.:_._......... 191 eetfted aunds and to ..................... ilio_ heretnattgT aD r Coss ersn & flrme ,bb tto. t tlhDg fpr the afiounth eet',opvodit9 their, ✓ V; V resvecttde n4mAe a , S @.ot ted to the ) Keller V to7 n�pt g 4etbgg.,ncd �i' $ a 24 t: _ ............................ .._._... .......... .. ....... _ McColl $poX�G61dwee11 § e;�U AYOR D Aggynolds 1 Bt Paul fdTinerV 2 etc ) Mr. President, HodgsonPied by aouftdtt �u� $7, tsi� ikd ���eolted at>r� 2Q7Qp�19�9) � • :a iA LOW 001pany, � OW Knox Caldwell, MA$ 10000 ji, Cw��w�e+�el i 8 0s Js Reynolh, 4#45 } jjarv4 St.Paul Tannery, water 82.03 aiRt66 .James Shiely, 282.60 WR ft" ism A. L. Snyder, 773.00 • ti r i I x L� a COUNCIL F E No _. ;.✓ By..... / .�li...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter-of ...c.0nstrv.at-tng...a... c.ement...tile....s.idM= -k,---six--Se-et---amide-,••--M1. the Streat...from..Fs.Ont...Stseet---tsz...Drchar-d---StrsEt.,.:.excspt ..yrhera.. Saod..and...saufiiaient.sidamalks...noir...exis.t......................... •............................ -............ -......................---....--......................... _...................._................. 0,'F2Io 2687% - -� h the'rmatter OL conairucgn a ° n tile:. d66iFv0alk 'six fCei pil$de, » t......................................... ............................... "Ba eti";.Street ,East sfde of :-, s8 eyt £whe eee o3 a a elent�, ............................... i walks now exist uhder PTeltulf :.........,................. ... - (� �s¢ 26466 avp.. ved Tuve 14tk rhllC hearllrtng heVlrtkeit -........2�ImnT°minrinc,°v° d11ne....lath,---1919-•-------........ under Preliminary Order-....... IntermediaryOrder - -. ............. ..:..... ----- apgi e4ho T ....-----....--------------------------------------------------------- A •----....--------------------•---------- ' -- ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the saYme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St,_Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ._G.Ori9.trL1Ct ...A :..Cement ...t.il0...s.ideralL::..rsis feet...-u d.e.,---an...t.he---east._sa.de.:_of...Bair.eta---Str.G.0.t f2?am..Br.0X t.,.Htre-Q-t .t.a----• or-chard---Street-,-.-escept.-eller-e... sod-_stat---sufTIcIexi#.-.siclaualls••-nota--ezi t- ..........................+-------•---'----.........---.............. •......................... ........... .................................... ...••---......•----'............................... and the Comipil hereby.,prders said improvement to. be made. .....", _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ALIG zi I Adopted by the Council------- ..... . .............. 191........ --------"---'.................... ...................... city cl AUG2- IQ Approved......... .....---.h..................... 191. .. ....................... .....:........ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss / Councilman Clancy / Councilman lisdim Potters O Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 ,. _%'1TSA �Qt �101,).t _ - : Sr. PgUL. MtNN� `,To the Honorable Bosscl 01:C Commissioners, City o:f- Geritlemen: A 4 We , owners of property, interested, do petition , yv t�tr Horaorable bocly to have a cement stone sidewalk constructed on -t33e east adcle of Barvet.t Street from Front street to Orc3=L.-=L-3-d S -Greet Yours very resge c t;fZiiZs� Name of' o-naer = lot ` Block t add - ti c33m = Address t 4. f I f I x [MEMO WE 1 , t t = t t i JUN 17 9919` 1 BURF-&U OF ENGINEE37€. - CIT �� yi L.c DEPARTMEFI ! .FINANCE '• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L ,,;* a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,.a + a Tr iyersi ty eve ma In the Matter Of ->g�nS Pi Ps f32= I — - and under Preliminary Order approved May 14th-- 1919:' To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 5739.84 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ 7.51 " 0 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �- — DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION - I ASSESSED �I VALUATION e 1 � The *gest 280 feet of worth I 4 � i- 41 ------- east �"- II. -s of Southeast g of 'O ?---L ----- I a 25750 (except East 29 feet) S. 33. T. 29 R. 23 1 1 2 Excelsior Park tj i i I ;i ;3250 h I I 15 2 i7 0 675 .. _ 1 3 D4 '0 65- I' i12" j 3 i Do ., ( 500 n g ! 1 i Do l 3375 I North 79.'75 feetTof 5 1. 4 TOTAL. y TO THA ONORABLE ` CITY COUNCIL OF ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA. Your petitioners, property holders in the vicinity Of rest, St. Paul, respectfully show: OFp That Pierce street between Marshall avenue and Iglehart avenue is in very bad condition, due to the fact that the present grade of the street'is.too low for the surrounding topography, by reason of which.in wet,weather the street is so wet and muddy as to be practically impassable for team and other traffic, and that moreover there being no sidewalks on either side of said street walking thereon is so bad as to be well-nigh impossible in the spring and wet weather. Your petitioners further re- spectfullYi.draw attention to the fact that between Snelling and; Wheeler avenues, a distance of five blocks, there is at present no sidewalk connection between Marshall and Iglehart avenues, and feel that Pierce street is the logical point for such.im- provement, as it is in splendid condition so far as sidewalks are concerned,from Summit avenue to Marshall avenue. That: the situation could be easily cured and .at�a.com- paratively small expense if the street were graded properly . under the direction of the City Engineer, and sidewalks laid on both sides ,of said street through the block mentioned.. WHEREFORE your petitioners praythat'your honorable body direct that said block be graded and that sidewalks be laid .: Res�pec.tfu2ly submitted..-C L Dated: �M St.Paul,Minn. , April _�pdiAY 151 �A.D.1919 . y�Ll 1[7>pu LY ,i4tL7iivii`_�.�1 ". iii ll y W WIM ft f ]�...�....({Aitu ``of mogul ( _ 09CAR CUUJ59lN, CHltn.wolwte. ftarbRfl.M of pub+µ marks - uuAn tw.�wet.. M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER eTlow •wo .tn�l.. ft. T. 60URLEl', OE.YTY - _V.60JACH90N,91+ni. . - uU on lwwli�ilow - - . H. W. GOETZIN.ER, 9unT. - • CTlows ' M. 9. GRYTBAN,CNOIMt[n ... - G. H. HtRROLB,Oin e6 Cwolw[.. " � St. Paul, Minnesota. June 10, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, 8u 11 d'.ing.` Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading-6foPiefoe Street from - University Avenue to Carroll Avenue and from Iglehart Avenue to Marshall Avenue, in accord-_ anoe with Council File #25685, approved May 1¢, 1919. Approximate estimate ... $5739,684 Cost per front foot.... 1.51 Excess inspection - necessary... 112.55 Assessable frontage .... 3808.feet. Yours very truly, TV ESS/C Chief Engineer. :w . Guy of Ot. Paul' 'OSCARCLAUSSEN. CH SEEvoiNseR 19rpartturut of folic Warks ev« z J, e: CAR ROLL S M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER _ NwNOR R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALPfleDJA R N W BOLTZ NO R S M 5 O. H.HERRROLD vs �OLD, Oro,es EvoiNeeN --REPORT TO THECOUNCIL- i In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- eeary for slopes for cute and fills.in grading Pierce street, from Uni- versity avenue to Carroll avenue, and from Iglehart avenue to Marshall avenue, under Preliminary Order #25066, approved May 14th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26020, approved July 29th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St' Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a,plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property ,and byothe hatched portion, the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. ommissioner of u rks Dated. o� �L ys, ,Aa,)-pt , cd by ,the' Council LO: Maranail AVOU Te, W1Tn Tine ;Apl tioaa under Find1 Order '0diihoil : 77 �T C ' aWS OPS,maii,gqkri^°Lf .R'any A�Ctevels�n��pp —nft fC'VdA QnY41ta14�a�eCesaarY n88ttona ^ii pie�k� d �• !pr �a ander X�So� ��trint�rrggh�Qr et" Cnh�icfi;�f gyyNo ��a'p tb�edsy Ya t81'¢.TEt.F1 h 3td1♦ted .hThat'tha.K?tftex@q'laprand s eotflaaita�g H wn at�Hxirahha6hb4grt@ .dvguty@r'��ao� $anY6,}ria a �xi€9 aaµng�s�flel j@aCrnr1lgli �"n,LCn,yoa }Rtahahre�yr' he@bYQrQraoWo NOA�4ehst , ..' 'ngrgaHdk'�grPpS�9#A^ R$ua ;`t( lAxinM1,an9;�.a�e�ll@atfOn�a4Q a@oL �. Sh " Phpinan971'G ISP overpaRtk7 RaVokV[n tP'undtY ft 6�1e rode�.;AY.'dbl4pca,7�`� q♦.abef 2 Y$YB a . 279�aPXaVt i A�bPSod7bY ho Aaa rff .S,ti6 rh$7k9p _ � � eceitea ebc" ion with flb�i9�err r# covin (✓),Conncilmea (✓) Nays'. AUG 2' '"►dopted,bythe_Co Clancy cf , Farnsworth APProv Q�... ` it In favor -McColl "� Against ' ... k: a tb_ •°gss �sebs7 T;a ltoceirred a11.:paRers ressU� �gpp*, bblfn conn ion pritla a'bo�� kbteil ar$u IQs 263'�9 ` NQ ........ e, X75:00. �; C' eao �ea�g-B te 7�`sw sirs ¢jjtiiaedn bathetree£�beSen t, be anc >ayment into the City Treasury h b is granted- an'd:,'t] efe y, to 160le.such Iioense of the fee, t smotion piot ure 'ancl.- Avie, beand e ' same is :1Hereby d at. into th6 City Treasury "A FORM . .....SR� 33 W )7 'NC ..... .... . ......... Preseuled"7 .............. -- --------- 7' h b is granted- an'd:,'t] efe y, to 160le.such Iioense of the fee, t smotion piot ure 'ancl.- Avie, beand e ' same is :1Hereby d at. into th6 City Treasury "A CITY OF ST. PAUL -� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �* .. .�, • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM OO°"c'L Na• FILE Porro AA 16.2N T-ttto , 1146/ t . AUDITED ..AUG.2-8-.1919 ..._.....191....... T COQ OLLER _ .- ! - 2 TITLE Resolved at warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of'the persons, firms or corporations their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: CthReFgy'eNotraveeln'd2asY2 thbataP�eolr9ee.d.'1�aad0 €- AUG 28 IS1 3.191 9Yeas V Councilmen Y the ...... "' BeltAdo ted b 44.eth6tY3"Mr281919 Clancy - ratV,,- favor of LhgtDoraone Arme-Or ao{ - Farnsworth ii t Dl;C;oe1-Q:oo_A�iAsJAnv mniTOiY,Mrepnnlt90eijeaanL7h4§t{r^LntTtalrdYeoeeaa-c�kahntpniane ealIrlime8nLtdeelranxGnreO tamepipftckeKkB�o;*2nL e'7,Dt�Dgre9teeY P1PewYfl . pJJ.B__1..... ..i_J_.......... T ..:.___ etvN81tv IdItL -1nt0 IDAat r09s ___. ..__ Keller tDeAnd1er8oi t V M� A McColl so /Y1iJ9 O 1R �- Mr. President, Hodgson sF a 1'JM American Insurance �Agenoy, 110:50 Unf. 87,50 23.00 110.50 40"0 American Linen Supply Company, .25 137.97 .75 86 25 Sabois 1211.86 1 L7,S*ft John D. Andera'on, 272.98 1394E Architectural Book Publishing Company, 7.50= 4"65 Austin-Western Road .Machinery CompanY, 3.92' i J444M Auto Engi ne Works, 21.30 -i0"5 Banner Steam La mPanY, 15.28. 13266 J. A. Bayne & C. A. Ahl3.00 IisiC4 Beebe Laboratories, Inc., • -Ra Page3` H. R' Erickson, "VA41W 400.00 ` c� .. 13788 Farrell, Oan-4n, !irk &.Com paxq, •.. - 539.45 •' Fie 0 6. 0 30 ool's 29 0 `6 48 - 179 86- .32 . Pa ka 3 .00 ; 1 .10 Pi ygrounda 50. " P. Bldgs. Rqvl. 36 89 20 5:. Wa er 6. 0 115.40 :3:80 6.50 'SSS' i3'f8't F:. W. Faxon ComPMY, -ig7!96• Fire AppTianoe &I�n{�ep�eotion Company', 45.00,' 1f89 Goodspeed'a Book Shop,`' S�63 3990 Gopher Limo ,& Cement Company, Bond) 16493 M.:H.,Goss, Com'r. of Pnblio;Works, 339.93'. 3,3+Ig2- Grey No Car Company, 14 15 �I3783 Hasg Rooting' & CovniOe Ccmpany,, b '49.00 "` TJ"4 Hamm•Exelso Comps ,ths 119.01 50 P - .50 1 Hereahler, 450.00 137'96 -Hersey Manufaotnring Company, «�ierber� -- 1.20".. .13?�"L Httghson- & Whltaore,, . 57.50. W" -"nonny" Boiler & : Mf company, Gar, Revl..:." .50, 2 .`40 3378 F. C. $ohnke; 1398@l Walter Ti, Lemon y, 25.00 t AYA le'71'age, #4 Linde Air Produots, Company, 4.40 .3,3CGE : McClain & Hedman _ 126•b3 _xu x Mayoi!l, i Office 4. 5 unix. Court 2: 0 omnr: ofgPinance 7 21 0 Oo Rtr ller 2'r 5, 0" �igi.l rVice 4. q 6. 0 Pnroh 'Dep 1. 8'> Prtd. forms' and blke'. 6. 0 Polio 2. 5 Healt -Adm 3. 0 Bores, of -mgrs. 1. 0 :. Sahoo s" 14': 5 Libr 12. 0 Parks -2. 0 Play onnfls 1. 0 P. B ga. '7r 0 , orate ,. .• •, i 15r 0, 5. 5 ° 0 rE 1a3W A. C. MoClurg.& Company, 166.15 13800. Henry Ma.Coll'',' Cont r. of Public Safety 717.06 .' j,,3M6 MdGraa-Hill Book Company; j�gpB ManBattan'Oil-ComPMY: 1I-8k'1 P ioe 2 99, Fi 351 45 ffi "ic :, Gar. Revl. 166 76 Pa ks 42 24 W,e 277 11 1 . John iii Millett Q M•C.y 10.19 139EB MillevisOomp '!'ds09 Mpls..StPaul & Sault Ste. Marie Rsilsay Co., 128.66 ; '1�i8Z0 Miansaota` Broomf 0ompany,. 8.50 r1�383.1 Mitsch & Heck Qompamy,, 124.60 <~ s ic. aar�. Revl. 6 75 15 85 100 00_ wor Ouse 2 00` ` Narragansett Maohine Company, :90' ools R iile:'Page 5 �}��^ National Cash Register Gompan,}rr Z6Ai4> Nati6nlaSitety Counoil 35815 Neloon Brotherss� 80.58.. 18SSG" New York Uss'Com-any, B..�aphs !4 .00 *872 00. 00 lafiLl1, Nicols, Dean .& Gregg ComPang,' 8.23 Fire ools`' 1 65 4 03 n 53 Wat r 1 3 28dId� Northern CoilDock Oompax�y,; 421.91; ,A o 3,389. Northern States Power Company,. 137.39 39L9 North Star State.-Tobeceo Company, 36.30 ' Northwestern Stamp Yorke, 43.10 Polios 2 00... ic.ar. Regl. .00 A torium, .75 Play ovnde .00 P� A s. .35 " Noyes Brothers � Cutler, 4 50 . 29 53 8 40 18 .- \ate 5 00, 4ounds, 7 IO` 9 4. 9. .' 15886 A., -N Palmer.,Company, �' - '' •'15.60 '' 3S92+t- Patterson Dental Supply Company, 13825. Peoples 068: &ICA Company, 12.OQ 18th,"Perkine�Tracy Printing "Company, 3300` C .Service . Pii#e6" T�87— Quayle &%ally,Fury t54 Revl. - W -r _ #6 3382Sti C. %Reiss Coal C, !Ip y, 19.40` fi . 37 . pr. 138fi9� Reliance Iron"& Wire Works, flG4taac:,,. 26.85 - y$3G. Remington CompanY 13Bw., Roach Fowler, Publishing ComPanyp 450.00 7peM Robinson,. Cary, & Sanda GomPany's 72 00 737.8b ` re •, Sohoo 1 .85 St.Paul Auto Top Works, ieea St.Paul Bottling'Co*anys 78.00 P'AI&AIL . 1383E I'aul Crushed Stone<Compaxpr, 23.20 15PJ36 5t.Pau1, Electric' Company, _ 139i`"St.Paul Fouadry Company, Wh R''i n,. 26.00 •.. I' StPaul (Sas '.bigk►t Company, " Police; X8;86' e 88 68 ;H l die 4 42 antne . _ . 3 24, p; Baths . 80` 8' 87'53 P.' o�nfort Station 50 t�ar. " ., . �"•Rev" .68 WAte�,;_ 91 78,` St- pa bilk.ComPanYa lam,:• . .'. 458 51 3 StPaul Stamp Worka, 2.50 Comat T St.Paul Welding & pT, 48.57 : ,fig. Id in. (far. '$evl". 8 2 H B & R®Pr• 3 25 Yd ting 12 7 05 0 $6bmelael" Company 29.86 .. Sfo Products Can►Pvl. 74.68" Smith System Heat}$omPany, "1387, el COUNCIL, FILE NO..... ......... FINAL ORDER In the Mit of._....p.&.V1X1 ...Ptigndo_:Street-.-from-_ )estern Ave.. to _Lexington upa�ue,..exceMt.._thfl:.._.ixltersection.,of-_Dale Street} including s..._rer,. hater -- �nd..a••-connectinns...fsam..strset mains-..to,--property- es complete, ...here Sat--alreasy-:.suede.,...els.Q_..aX1G7uding.--curbingnd--pavi�g alleyand driveway a1� Xoaches.x where necessary. —-----•--•-•----•- ......................' C F No -toga r By.$ A FarneyVorth Is. the Matter of pa ndo-stre, - -- from,. Westera Ave ........................... ... ...... Ave. apt",the interaeoti 8Q irici¢ding sewer water - connections Zrom= etreett 2 919. _..... nut+ ` ----•� ------------------ under Prehminary Order.............25 35. Draperty apes eRmDlete, witei 'alt'esd31 made also Incltt�7t*� :nl_: - z an Daviag alle t , y Intermediary Order.. ................... ................. m„t, --•- - ---------------- A;public .hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations' relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered:the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St; Pagl tha thevMCM-nMMrTrMM M&*” e e y e pave 13 4 ,street from estern- avenue ........... . t9 �eaYinton..5venue,--,except-:the intersection of Dale Street, including _. i=vies, tater- and has connections from street mains to property lines nade also includ* bing and paving .c.onplete,_.vtherx n9.t, already-----., ,_ as sy:..an�._dcVerray-..,pproaches,- --_here necessary i� LGtivv GLGG_! jn� the Councilereb�orders said ' ovement t made RESOLVED FURTHE at a Co to of c or an s y andAirected to preps. ans an pe ' tions unpro ands same Co c for approval' t upon s ' proval, th per city s are her authoriz d cted t6 proceed th the m of said imp ement in a dance tiiCF, wl MAY 1819 . Adopted by the Council----...: ..... _..........._�.0.,...... , 191. City Clerk; Approved.,... .............:. 191 ' -:: : ............... ..�.. .......----- --- is.""""""""""' y�. Councilman Farnsworth S _ - 11Qa Councilman Goss T� �pL Councilman Clancy lCouncilman Kedkmx Powers t` Councilman McColl kI7 Co _ "r.--' •—tial. Mayor''Hodgson Ae For' B. S. A. 8-7 OSCAR CI.AUSSSN. CHI[I lHOIN[.. J. c..U..- OY t.N�-• ION... w... AI ED JACHSON............ OT SUIT. wV OI .AwiTATION GOGTLIMOCR. SUIT. . M.9. f(�YT.ANI ailgio0[['ONs D. H. 11.191- 12, OIIie[ CNOIN.[II *416duu t of f iktc works M. N. LOSS.COMMISSIONER R. T. OOURLSY. 0.P St. Paul,. Minnesota. June 19, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith prelim ndzZ estimate of the cost of paving Rondo 8treee from Western Avenue to Lexington Avenue, except the intersection of Dale Street, in accordance with Council File 25435, approved June 12, 1919: .J A relief sewer is necessary, on this street from Arundel Street h'o Macubin Street, including the interestionS. Also, cross-over sewers aft,;necessary at the intersections of Oxford; Victoria and Grotto Streets. qqgg Paving Area. Length 7793 feet. Width Street 40 ft. Front 14049 ft-Creok15607 S�Yde Add 76.00 for sewer connection and $37.00 for water connection. Add 1.50 per front foot for curbing. 40 FOOT AOAt7WAY Creosote Block withh Brio on Grades. Total Total Cost per Kind of Paving: per Front Sq.Yd. Estimate. Foot 3* In.Creosdted Blocks, $4.33 067,578.00 ------ Brick .................. 3.97 17.107.00 84,685. $6.02. *ALLBRICK 3.9.7 $79,066.00 $5.63 ........................................................... 46 FOOT ROADWAY. Street 76 fte Pavi AB4r, Length 7793 ft. Width Roadway46 ft. Front 14049 ft. fret 19j37§'q•Y§s Creosote Block..with Brick on Grades. 4.33 84,595.00 3.97 21'295.00 10,5,890.00 $7.53 ALL BRICK 3.97 X98,857.00 $7.03 Arundel to Macubin ...... 4.68% Macubin to Kent......... 2.63% Kent to Dale ........... .2.25% Grotto to Avon ......... 2y390 / Oxford to Lexington.....2.6 ?'/C,; Yours very truly, ChieY 3ngineer. fie $^ k i Sf 0 I f , z '4t` Paul,iRinn�August F Z9I9' � �n the.$ iiarab7.e t f- ayofi . ancL Ooruu r�sia3}ars bf the pity of rx St k'au] i Linn. 77 'We 3the,tinder sigued,1roeholders and owners or- �$ property f aain! upas Rondo sx ! in saiei o ity ar 3t Paul ;: , 3 x iel2 s°aic� street is. under ,pmpo,aal fo3r .P'av .at this .time,da hereby }setixlon i4ir : Hon Wins body to daer,t1ts paving at,this time lowing to..the. teat, that F; . u tYae increased cost of pav3rrg'cauple'd w•i.th the hi' x } est eir: living is such that; it= vmuld work an. -,extreme s liardsiiip -uan .us and;in sa-,ae cases krotild result :dri tYte ass o.r nmmes which ere: at .;the present time he8viiyr � s � , oneunbered: NAb�: STREET AND. NO. � 5G y 8a1nt Paul," Minnesota: August; 28th,-1919.'- notioe4-T, herebywish to notify you that I protest _ ' TOTAL. _ '.� k� 1 G F-No 26990—Hy �BLN dose= ' • Whereas. =In the DDeolMa o Laurel Aveave beEween the We t 9yan C atan;e Avenve $nd dexingtItno,of, on,nvenue L FORM - fl wed proviHec'� 1n lh glans and ,wor 1, Pt ns+tor; the dofnBB:oY cartsfn•work `y63i�O in etaeY `and coacrete:.Aj6toraementa �Y Subject: __...... var treaahes im•whicri 4ouee.'sewer '-"" • hhd wo,tec aervtce•connoctione and•aleo counclL _, N ... ':, cial eeWer,work'WaeInstalled aG s NO...................- -,•le op')Pme4s�thereln2Hxed and ia;;ar lanae,wfth the aatd'-etreeldcationa, ..:_ ... ....._ .......... ................ .. .. .._:................. .. -, d WbBrCP iwRR seemed; i ` n Date Presented -.--.---_..At vat.._25........... 191a., " fsolved,wFlEREASt In the -paving-.of Laurel avenue between the west line of Syndicate' avenus and.,Leltiington'avenue it was provided in "the plans and sp6Afioations for•the-doing of certain work in steel and concrete reinforcements overtrenches•'in whioh-house, sewer and water service,d6nneciions;and also special sewer work was Installed at a Goals of prices therein fixed and in accord- ance with the said, speoificatidns, , and WHEREASi Ii was deemed"edvisail6 and necessary by the Commissioner o£P'blic;'YPorks,to-1 aQe the contractors, Fielding & Shepley, perfo the Said work more particularly described as follows:- v 5747.3 steel reinforoing.rods set in place @,60 per lb. $345:20 5.82 cubic yards of extra earth excavated ® 450 pr ou yard 2.66 5.82 concrete set in place @$6.00 prcuyd 35 5$ Total for above work L 17383:38 and,WHEREAS: Said work has been done and material-furnished as provided for the paving of said Laurel avenue made in accordanoe With the requirements of 0. F. 14381 approved January lith, 1817, and 0. F 84919, approved May let, 1919, and the plans for which paving were:'approved`by-C. F. 24255, approved February 19th, 391911 NOW THEREFORE BE IT-RESOLVED: That the Council hereby allows for all of the work as herein stated the sum of #383.38 as.an extra under the Contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L.- 1019, for the making of the afore- said improvements. Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays AUG 20U �n Adopted by the Council ............ ..............191 Clancy Farnsworth Approv .-�_.. 191..... Goss ............In favor Keller ._.... �......... McColl ......._... Against. ........ . Mr. President, Hodgson / FORM C. A. 9. 3M 12-18 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r3p Subj'ect:_ . . ................................... ........................................ ............................ ............ CO . U . IIIE�CfL 7 ....................... ........... ...... ..... . . NO. . . . . .. .......................................... I ........ ....... ...................................................... .................... 2G% 7 "1 Date Presented .......................................................191..... Resolved, that cigarette license40 now in the name of John J. Cusick, 1220 W. Minnehaha St. be, and the same is hereby transferred to Edmund T. Burks, at the same addrese,said license expires March 10th, 1921. mccond That cigarette - "o. ,16 46 pow 4n tWnpohhhe� nainio,ll, iii gel, . beN?an11[ t1j0 66.ie Is hoteby 'trj.sr&r.d to Ed rouad' T. BuFk6' "at the ",setae addfesa, 'said 11-0--d b-Pliear6w h 10th 1921. 'Aaoptod by the Cpunoli,449.,28' 1819' .Approved Avg 28, 1919;"� Yeas (V) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays AIG 28 110 Adopted by the Council ....... .. ........ ..... ..... ...... Clancy Farnsworth Goss ........... 7.In favor Approve .. ................... kul— Keller McColl ..............Against 50 . V ............. ............................. .................... ... ... ........ Mr. President, Hodgson FORM P. A. 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF �ST. PAUL -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Q I ...:.: _....... Snblect ..:...._ ....... rile NO. COUNCIL ............................................ .......:............................... _ ....:_::: ..... .. c Date Presented ..:...Aug at....3$......19191e1..:.... Ok Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized Avenue fromrected TallulaoA sprinkle l or water Avenue to Pennock TatumStreet, I'C. F No. •28392—BY M.:N'6oQe— : ,1 Resolved,`That the Comniteetoner at ' Public `NbrHn be and he. ie hereby sU- thor}zed and directed enueri l'rom Tal Iola or r Tatum A rest. ;; 1919F. Lula opwatUe Afld ortod the CouriciT Aug•"23,., rove 1Y 28.:1919 APProveAAunkg..3b, 1919? - Year (.✓) Councilmen (✓)Nays hIn Adopted by the Council .--.-..-•---•••--• ----191•••••• Clancy FarnsworthAppr d............_.... Q�G... �. n....... 191..... Goss ---------..In favor Keller () McColl .............. Against............................................................. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 i Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 393 COUNCIL Date Presented--.AUgllBt_.:28.,.._....._.191.9. That -the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of Messrs. Harry H. Fletcher, Howard F. Ware and Luther S. Cushing in the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars each in full payment for services rendered in the matter of appraising the damages to the land for the acquisition of an alley in Block 15, Roberta and Randall's Addition, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Account of the General Fund. Yeas ( V) Councilmen( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss _ ....:.........In favor Keller 0 McColl Against iiiro3�41irrli Mr. President, Hodgson - FORMC A.8 3M 8-18 Adopted by the Council__-._.-..N,�:��...J.!.. Appro ...... 191 COUNCIL FILE NO • ••••••-- ••-................ By1-....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of H84Pt�hQ;!AQ-..AQ@71SSQ.. x'A9 MillbaA-..?nVe1,;lUe:--tQ. the._e&8G l--gram rs9-- line _of,-,�'hal n•_Heights-_Park--Addition...:............................................. _........................................ 8bai'a'' ,� mpi. -'---.---.._.---.- .- ...................................... .. .�� �, y, h tP'0."�10ieter :bD { A4eroa�' tt ven'ile Scomt��i�, ��titLL; '�` ...................................................... ....... ....... - �QO1t �YBt-yg,.=$�S� r 8683' t „r@° AS` i -..-.-_.......................................................... oiit r n xan8MWiii ......... ......... .. .1--.-.....................:. at to .. :--... .-...--.. ..................................... - ' ..- ..- under Preliminary O' der ...-25555............. ...... approved. ... T=A?.`I a 1919. ............................ • The Council of iffIe City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon-the above improvement, i nd having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the sai ,report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered.to be! proceeded with. 2. That the natitre of-theimprovement which the Council recommends is-4Pr&&6 -H®.t4tkl.Q=0 ,$,V.QnUe �rom.Dliluthl yebtlR--.t9.-the•_eastof_-.Phalen Heights gpr ..Addition. .................. .......... .............. ........................................................................................... ................... _..................... _........ ............... ....:.........................--- ---... .-...-•-•--...-...--•--..-. ..................................-:......-.................. i -.....- --..--...-.....- ........ ........ --...................... -•---....----.......-.-................ with no alternatives'and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Furthe , That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 25th ...... .........day of _....SSpt.@Hlbftr 191..'R at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Honse and Cit Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to th persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature,of tie improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.........................................1 191--...... G`1/1 1 Approved: �..-.--.. : , 191........: City Clerk. .......... .. .. .. ..... •r ---- - ------ -•---- ----- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Qos Councilman Clancy Councilman Powers Councilman Me oll - Mayor bG dix ftodgson Form B. S. A: 8-6 r r i 26-6 COIINCIL A- NO �y.:.. . r INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matte of--::.grading...Oraxlge.-AtZ.eQt .frVIA earl„Street ,to he east line of , Fhalon lid h� Park Addition ^ ..:. _- -• -t--..... ... ;�enam,°sc �s -......:........ ..................................... ... . .............. - .RYtfNH .H 8u.. ,a+mo .aaulnuH pu1fifto ad.10 .ala m.....' ......................:.:.... _..........................................................._........... ap'y;_. U5;iii --ila^.-..............-.........--....--..... under Preliminary Or er............ 2555.7 .................. ..approved..-......-.JUnO..:24.'...19h4............................ ..-.. The Council of tli 'City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the :above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be roeeeded with. Q 2. That the na a of the improvement which the Council recommends je---grade.--Orange...Str-eet frarn.arl.S. reet-•.to•-the -east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition. ..... .._ .................._......... ................--...... -•----..-:-.................... ............................ .... .-v........ ..................... .......................................................--......... - ............ ................................. - ..-................... I with no alternatives, md that the estimated cost thereof is $..._2,894.25 Resolved Further :That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -...:-25th....................day of .......... leX'-..-':.:..............:.. 191--..9:, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council -Chamber of the Court House and Cit Hal Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of th improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the onncll,-...... I I�..._E ...--, 191.....-... .......................... ................ -'�1 .... Approved.. 1 .._�,1�.-. 191....... City Clerk. - ....................................... i Mayor. Councilman Fern worth _ Councilman Goss) / Councilman Clanoy Councilman YJdk c Powers Councilman Mcclill �y i V Mayor $548 HO gsOn Form B. S. A 8-8 t � s 2,339 7 COUNOIL FILE NO -i'.>fi�alJl:.......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof oxtst uctirig .C6max>t.:.tile..aiden!alk, six..Yest.:.r¢ida, .va .. north..alde....o�.:.Juuna.:Street i`rnra Syndioata. Streat...tA._Hamline.: Avenue- •---. f ass® .....- -� .::. II A it Ito 401,00W .. s�eaacaa 2 s>k zq� s ib i{ Y Kf .......- ......:. ..... .: ......:: - ... ... +at a gtr ., 'r ..... ....... . , ...... ..... under Preliminary Or er ........259.63....... ..... approvedC........Julg..25.,...1919 ................................ The Council of th City of St. Paul having received the. report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, ai id having considered said report, hereby resolvesd 1. That the said! �report'be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be- roeeeded with. 2. That the nate a of the improvement which the Council recommends is....QOMtr=t...a..Cement ti18..:1dS1Q17-.5...#Q$t-,Rid¢, ,on ,north:,side_4f:..,I!lA♦:S�r@�:.:#�x'9ACt:_......... -Synd3 este---St est..:tu:.Aamline...Avenue.,...OXMagt:.uhsra..good...and..snff:La"nt ..... aideNslka..n...exist............... . .................................................. .......... .. ........ .... ....... , ........ i .................................... ..:---::. with no alternatives, End that estimated coat thereof is::...7D..par.:frOrit POOL• Resolved Further That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .._::.......25th .........day of ..:.........SsIamb. r. .............. .191...x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 114, in the :Council: Chamber of the 'Court House 'and City ;Rall Building in the City. of St. "Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and, place of bear- ing, the nature of th improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by..the onncil .... ........ ............... 191........ s.. .. -- ... ` .Approved. ....f.�.�� ..�..! ........, 191........ City Clerk Mayo . Councilman, Farn worth l% Councilman Goss, P�BI�Ii /j Councilman HXbL akx C C len y Councilman B Powers a Councilman MeC li Mayor badX HoIgson 1 orm B. S. A..8-6 In the matter of Constructing, re Contract 2881 A, ASSasssble Aol SM8 Arl2nd r^.0. 2=1 Unive P.o. =706 B moir 21074 Tax at Le i. y.ci, 224 Synth P.O. .91M KIM the t �-Fwoe 92M4 Fry �c - ------ -- .... -_.._ .. A { ............._................. _._.—,LUTION01,.0 �I c.1L A ING ASS t o.T 26400— G atter at .the aeeesam coat=els9lne and re - an of Cour��ia g1298;AatYor savin-*A ssessment. Hall. ' for assessment of benef8 and 8Xp8riSeS and repairing Cement Sidewalks, :.atimste No. 5, Under ,*son of 2918. � St., whet side;, from Selby Ave. to Daytoa Ave. ity Ave. , north aide, feet wide, beginning at Dale St. *'west $0 feet, It., both sides, b6fteW '"Lekirigtdn• and D laP St. St., -both sides from- 'Amino : Ave. to Oxford St. an Ave., east sides beteg a'L CE088 A"i, theme o feet and on the north -SIM of Crass a"*, beginning Mao than a to Chardbin st, to Ave.,, west side, from Thomas St, to WVeraity Ave. SU s vest aide, from a7r*hard Ste to Hatoh Ste and on th side qf' probard St. frean KUbv= Sts to Gbataworth St* west side, beginning at Hewitt AVB. thGnoo south to 4 the present eonstruetOd Y►ak, gPiiiilmstely 176 feet. s Ave. • east side,. frm Unliveii ra icy Ave. to St. the sauth side of Sherburne Ave. from Syrail,*lats NVO- a east to cameo[ present oonitruoted sidswalk. P.O. 21693 Pe�acei St. a both sides,. frailn Grig®a bt. to SyncliBaa�a St. and on Gri. ',>St. from James St. to Palace Ste F.A. mot Sa R ' Ave., asst side, from St. Clair St. to 3eff'eraen AVe. ...Ham—Assesasable P.O. s270 Mair P.U. 02492 W. 91 R.U. 228'4 L+ P.Q. 222" Fry aces P.D. 22467 S7n t. , both a ides# between L=100-001 Ave. and DUSlap St. Shaba St., both aides, from LeXlxtgttn Ave. to Word St. an Ave., east side,, begStmirg at grass Ave. thence north and on the north side of Cross Ave. beginning at an Ave. than** to GUwmb1l1 St. most side beginning at Hewitt Ave. thence south to the pras ooz>struoted walk, Aper 'telt' 275 feet. to Ave. , east side, from UAWerslty AVO—tO i'him fto St. the south side of Sherburne e1ve. from-Sioawte Ave. - east to oonneot present oonstruated la .— ,te Ave., west side. Pram Thomas St. to university Ave. The assessment of -benefits, -costs --and expenses ---- -----for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. i RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......-.2B.th.._............. day of i _.Se.gt.ember.._-...j_._.._-_, 191..9....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City HalliBuilding, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, .he total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the nl tice"ls directed. Adopted by the (Council .._..... ......... 191 tf vv .�.1�... City Clerk. ................................... ........ Approved...... -.......y_.........: ......... ......... _.... _.__....................... 191 V i Councilman F'Rrnsworth .' '2... 24.26 1, Pittsburgh Plate Qlass Corcpany, E Robinson, Cary &'Sands COupany 200.8b k Milton Rosen & Coamauy, 5t.Paul $lectric OMpemP, 76 469.43 St.Paul t�se LigZst..ComPan�s 9081 ' F Alarm Po & 87 168,129 51 Avdium 20 15 84 0076. Par eum 13 Test Labs. 8. `1. 0 Marke's 25.90 J. L. Shielg CQmPany, fu. • 5:18 �aterous 8ngine Worka, s� r }f To Mi S 3 .. •, {r S @L CITY. OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - �nc Subject: .....,_ _ ..:: _ ... ._ R��� 1 ........_ ...._... ...... . �..:.::. .-.....:. . ....... :...................................... gip ....... ................. Date Presented -:August....a.8.,.... 1919.,i91....._ lE3iXA In the matter of grading Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street, under Preliminary order Council File No. .3342, approved January 7, 1915, and also in the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes for outs and fills in grading Victoria Street Prom Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street, under. Preliminary order Council File 13001,., approved October 3, 1916; RESOL ED — That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. 28494 Inst eh ami tom Lao(pnaaeet " Ytotoria C: haha screepp Hader Prell'nlnsr Minne= Coanoll : File * No: :8842 , R.brder \�> arr �, I8I6 anb;al�o UM6 ed tor' bt cendea�nlag-'end 1n"the mat ;. easemenk-Ia the neceeeangda eloDea for tate and $ile !n tr "idr -�vpfatMlva"ehg .�O°I Ta=at ond�aNeBi u.,,"rY Ord� r 8tree{, u deYs'tlrlrg_ a�DUroved Council Ftle ",18p9I, " eaolve Ooto'bersa Y919 t ha�da, That be aonrders mIne -tahre.erob9 thereahiadednd linn119d alt dlAYbdeodingb tn,eveb matter''btb ed Dyioved Aube CoundfT Auk. 29: 4819. (8-411. 2911" D 3929j, A _ Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays - Clancy; Adopted by the Counnl.._AUG �� 1319 191 ••••• 'Farnsworth AUG 29 I'M 'Goss Approved ....... 191..... ........:In favor Keller v '� McColl _............ Against Mr•�Presidont;•Hodgson , �„ + (jitg of ot. Vaal osw cuussm,.c"I ENGIN.-- �P}19tt1UC!!t pf uhllt Oi1i8 ......... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. E. C —LL, BY.T. R. T. GOUPLEY. DEPUTY o...K OT .......-n, AL�PEO,IPCI490N, SU T. wY OI ewRITwTIOH H. W. OORZINOER. SUPT. M. Io S. ORYTBAH °EHUIH .. HERPOLOrOr— ........ II August 28, 1918. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: An old preliminary order for grading Victoria Street and condemnation of slopes in connection there - with is still on our records. No action was taken because it was found that a change of grade should be made and a new order would be required to cover this. I would recommend that the existing Preliminary Orders be rescinded and tAe matter allowed to rest until the property owners ile a petition for a change of grade. The original order was introduced by the Hemline Improvement League along with a number of ether streets, and the only inquiry we have ever received respecting it was from a property owner who requested a revision of the grades before any grading was done. Yours very truly, Enelo Chief Engineer. ESS/C Mr. President, Hodgson: �c}�ertment of tutrl t 3Enrlcn � r � � OSCAR .—Au'.... .. 0 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER j. E CARROLL, Suri: R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY wuM �oNatnucTiow ww0 nerwins ALFREDJAOHSOP. Suri. n c H. W. eun[A OF n s , GRYTSAK.E alHe[nOH - 1111A1 "III 'RS O. H. HERROLD. 01"cc EHoiNeeH --REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of opening Rankin street to a width of sixty-six (66) feet, from Benson street to Rockwood street, under Preliminary Order #24565, approved March 29, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26024,approved July 29, 1919. u, To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commiesioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more particu laxly described as follows: d in the southwest corner of the East one=third A triangular piece of groun (1/3) of the S.E.y of the S.w.yl, Section 15, Town 28, Range 23, lying within the linea of Rankin street as laid out in Xentuoky Terrace, pro- duced southerly to Palisade Addition. Commissioner of blie works Dated / rw FINONC_F f between. I ew on, an� Roeksrood avenues said matter by the Com issioner of Public Works. F rm B. B. 13 Wet Preliminary Order approved D%rch q hp 'I M 9 o the Council of the, City of St. aul: The Commissioner of.Fina ee hereby reports as follows: The total, estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost per fab, ;for the above improvement is ;;. - - - - The Ibis:or.parcels'of land at may be assessed` benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of eaC steel as last ieported by the Ass 'sor, are as follows: LOT 1LocK{ ADDITION O I ASSESSED VALUATION — DESCRIPTION: East I rDd of -S 'utheast }' . - of --Southwest $ -of- I .� _i4II0f Edgeeumbe.-Road- S: .� i - _ 1 5 - -Kentucky; Terrane.. _ p - i .., -' .- 9 _� 5. : Do 120-.:.4 -511-1-:-'I- i �Palifade Addition .to° St. f-- r' ! j - - - - —+--i _.. I I TOTAL,` I The Commissioner of Iyinance farther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as is report thereon to the Council, together with the, report made Whim in referenceto said matter by the Com issioner of Public Works. F rm B. B. 13 CITY OF -ST. PA UL fj�� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM, Subjedt ----? couNC 2 a4PS PILE No .............................. -.. Date Presented-Auguat.. 28.................. 141 Resolved, That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed. to issue and draw a warrant in favor of Messrs. A. Cathcart Maxfield, Wm. Elland and Wm. S. King in. the sum of Twenty-nine ($29.00) Dollars each in full payment for services rendered in the matter of appraising damages to the lands for Fuller'e Park, payable out of the Miscellan- eous and Unforseen Account of the General Fund. Mayor lj= Hodg$oA Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Lstimate No. 6, Under Contract 2c'Ql A, for Season of 19181. --Assessable Rolll- F.O. 20696 Cleveland Ave. from Cca=onwealth Ave. to Scudder St., on the north ido of Scudder 8t. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. I and onfiths east aide of Raymond Ave. from -Scudder St. thence north approximately 55 feet to co=ect present constructed walk. F.O. 22320 South ado of Wheeler Ave. and Raymond Ave. intersection, be 110 feat nest of Everett Court thence west 78 feet. F.O. 23261 BLtrges: St., south side, beginning83 feet west of Kent 3t. thence west 18 feet. F.O. 23200 Tuacar a Ave., g.auth side, beginning 118 feet east of Milton Sto t moa east 166 feet and from 56 feet farther east thence east 6feet. F.O. 22860 Como Ave., south side, beginning 56 feet west of Western Ave. thence west 96 feet- F.O. 22422 West B�lnnehaha St., both sides, frac Lexington Ave. to oxford St. F.O. 23133 Esmli Ave., both sides, from Thomas St. thence south to alley. F.O. 23216 She ne Ave., bath sides, from Bamiine Ave. to Albert St. F.O. 23218 Univer ity Ave., north side, from Snelling Ave. thence gest 50 fee . F.O. 18554 Chatsworth St., west side, beginner at Charles St. thence south 40 feet and on the east side of Chatsworth St. from Charles St. to Sherburne Ave. F.O. 23224 Fisk St., east side, between Dayton Ave. and Selby Ave. F.O. 23150 Inure Ave., south side, beginning 321 feet east of Victoria StreO thence 75 feet. F.O. 22814 Stew Ave., south side, from Bellevue Ave. to Fairview Ave- F.O. 23197 Bay St'., east side at the following locations: Beginning 51 feet south of Palace St. thenoe.south 8 feet and beginning s at s oint 219 Peet south of Palate St- thence south 8 feet.. _ F.O. 21693 Palaol St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. and on Gr ggs St. from James St. to Palace St. ---F.O. 23012 Rondo Ph St., north side, from Snelling Ave. to Macalester Ave. F.O. 23195 Snell AVC., west side, Prean Randolph St. to Jefferson Sto on so th side of Jefferson Ave, from Maealester Ave. to Snell Ave., on both sides of Juliet St. from Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of Palace St. frac Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of James St. frcmi jAcalestor Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 23221 Samin ry Ave., south side', from Griggs St. to Dunlap St- F.O. 23070 Jefferson Ave., north side, from Daly St. to Toronto St. and OIL the east side ofDaly St. from Jefferson Ave. thence north to allay. P.O. 23160 [trace St., south side, from Duke St. thence west 150 feet- F.O. 23066 feet t., eason thewestaide ofsDukeventh St. thence t St. from west Seventh S3 to Grace St- --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 18554 Chats>jrorth St., west side, beginning at Charles St. thence south 140 feet and on the east side of Chatsworth St. from Chad s St- to Sherburne, Ave F.O. 4...116 ho #?� om Grigga SSt. to S,rndicate. St. and Griggs BE: Yi�t7art. s St. to PslaCe St F.O. 23022 iisndo�Iphnorth side. rom Snelling AVO. to tdacalester ' a11d o„peryggg .for and in connection with The assessment of __._._.... thesabove improvement I awing been submitted to the Council, and th,' t:uu it ha.-ing considered same and found the said assessmertiit satisfactory, therefore, be it nt be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessme theday o RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on . J_... --- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice o er, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as requird by the Chart total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the p of the improvement, the articular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 ...... .. City Clerk. 191 Approved _ ........ t,, f t, .... Mayor. i, Councilman Farnsworth i Goss �{IJc1RA�C Clancy K�KUsx ;?curers McColl � �Y/�rrfirl' / Mayor b6dx 710<1E'SOn i ._ Form B. B. 16 � COUNCIL FILE Nps. -- RESOLUTION OF OOUNCII, APPROV- 1 ". ING ASSESSI[ENT. J 1111 11LLLA��SS��_S 2� n �L By .. .i.... 11 C. F. No. 26412 in the matter of the assessment o[ benefits. Costa and expenses for c ' structlnsg, relaylnR nd spair InR cement Iderval k. Estimate No. 6, un- Resolution of Cl p der Contract 2111A, for season f A..eswble A.11. assessment F. n. ealt Cleveland Avenue, from F. 0 C n onwe Avenue to Scudder . •t, on the North side f 9cuPd or the f0[ La the matter of the assessment of trt Ranmond Ayer.'^ .{ enses b, n , nd P I ,. ... .. !., Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Lstimate No. 6, Under Contract 2c'Ql A, for Season of 19181. --Assessable Rolll- F.O. 20696 Cleveland Ave. from Cca=onwealth Ave. to Scudder St., on the north ido of Scudder 8t. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland Ave. I and onfiths east aide of Raymond Ave. from -Scudder St. thence north approximately 55 feet to co=ect present constructed walk. F.O. 22320 South ado of Wheeler Ave. and Raymond Ave. intersection, be 110 feat nest of Everett Court thence west 78 feet. F.O. 23261 BLtrges: St., south side, beginning83 feet west of Kent 3t. thence west 18 feet. F.O. 23200 Tuacar a Ave., g.auth side, beginning 118 feet east of Milton Sto t moa east 166 feet and from 56 feet farther east thence east 6feet. F.O. 22860 Como Ave., south side, beginning 56 feet west of Western Ave. thence west 96 feet- F.O. 22422 West B�lnnehaha St., both sides, frac Lexington Ave. to oxford St. F.O. 23133 Esmli Ave., both sides, from Thomas St. thence south to alley. F.O. 23216 She ne Ave., bath sides, from Bamiine Ave. to Albert St. F.O. 23218 Univer ity Ave., north side, from Snelling Ave. thence gest 50 fee . F.O. 18554 Chatsworth St., west side, beginner at Charles St. thence south 40 feet and on the east side of Chatsworth St. from Charles St. to Sherburne Ave. F.O. 23224 Fisk St., east side, between Dayton Ave. and Selby Ave. F.O. 23150 Inure Ave., south side, beginning 321 feet east of Victoria StreO thence 75 feet. F.O. 22814 Stew Ave., south side, from Bellevue Ave. to Fairview Ave- F.O. 23197 Bay St'., east side at the following locations: Beginning 51 feet south of Palace St. thenoe.south 8 feet and beginning s at s oint 219 Peet south of Palate St- thence south 8 feet.. _ F.O. 21693 Palaol St., both sides, from Griggs St. to Syndicate St. and on Gr ggs St. from James St. to Palace St. ---F.O. 23012 Rondo Ph St., north side, from Snelling Ave. to Macalester Ave. F.O. 23195 Snell AVC., west side, Prean Randolph St. to Jefferson Sto on so th side of Jefferson Ave, from Maealester Ave. to Snell Ave., on both sides of Juliet St. from Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of Palace St. frac Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of James St. frcmi jAcalestor Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 23221 Samin ry Ave., south side', from Griggs St. to Dunlap St- F.O. 23070 Jefferson Ave., north side, from Daly St. to Toronto St. and OIL the east side ofDaly St. from Jefferson Ave. thence north to allay. P.O. 23160 [trace St., south side, from Duke St. thence west 150 feet- F.O. 23066 feet t., eason thewestaide ofsDukeventh St. thence t St. from west Seventh S3 to Grace St- --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 18554 Chats>jrorth St., west side, beginning at Charles St. thence south 140 feet and on the east side of Chatsworth St. from Chad s St- to Sherburne, Ave F.O. 4...116 ho #?� om Grigga SSt. to S,rndicate. St. and Griggs BE: Yi�t7art. s St. to PslaCe St F.O. 23022 iisndo�Iphnorth side. rom Snelling AVO. to tdacalester ' a11d o„peryggg .for and in connection with The assessment of __._._.... thesabove improvement I awing been submitted to the Council, and th,' t:uu it ha.-ing considered same and found the said assessmertiit satisfactory, therefore, be it nt be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED, That the said assessme theday o RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessment on . J_... --- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice o er, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as requird by the Chart total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the p of the improvement, the articular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191 ...... .. City Clerk. 191 Approved _ ........ t,, f t, .... Mayor. i, Councilman Farnsworth i Goss �{IJc1RA�C Clancy K�KUsx ;?curers McColl � �Y/�rrfirl' / Mayor b6dx 710<1E'SOn i ._ Form B. B. 16 ,by;the said Gift' is_._Ckx� �i�"�TMX'�.1��:5 a...a._paxnt..188 £est 9ndre == z00%i1e...kiez.etA---a��achecl.--axad--apace:; a sd_.�rads...heing...shovrn.b�._a .hlne..� i I(IatI1 1 rIII.J!;lI.i I �y�ilII?L'Il.)li l 111,� 1}r-!r11ti'. 1 i1.}'I+14tr�='''',II. :'l ';' "!'1 , .� `' +1jIt:I1i,1 I1 r1i1t �l I'I�'i!I lHIIl,ill,In!'.ItI;'I1!III I•I{�4l-II�'I[! 'ii'tl!1l!l1l� l1i1I 1 I IIIII rI.;1'. :II ,1�j tCI1 r 111,1I1 IrIt' rI' {r� InI1I :!i� 1 :; 1 Ih( I�Ir1 �F1�I!I! r I 1 1I I llI'. i.� I '�_''.. ;.�I111 �1I 1 4i { I,Iu1I ,I1!u u6l� 1IY"II r.*.-II1;[l;1~I'(I', l� 'i �li 1 i l rj;Il 1I}�1I,1'1 �V1 II I'II, I 1hr;:p1i!,t,l,..!; iI.l ,II"ljI,, 1ii:�rriiµr(1 IlrI' {1l, �1l1rI s1I�!1 xhI {1�it1. l I�1L•�. I;V.I j 6I 1 � q11 N1, 14- r 1 " 1 + L,- N t,r 11'{ 1 IiII1 I r T I,' h, I „ l�, l" I I+x ' II I I ` �' 1: I l IT 7 11111 �II, tilI!l 1 it I -I Ni,4' it �q, 66 I �j .111 j -mn 4- T wlt 1'', 11 II Iiial, IT J,� :LA.,SII .i II1t1TTTI:f1111Ij1Iii it "it liq tj TI 1II 1 ill 471"'ll it Rf.i titl li 11111,01, IFIT lki dil tioli J1 I �I i� l'i 1 H, Mal ..... ..... TITITT it J11 !ILI `i,,� ti Ll 7`1 1' jItid T-_ 14 T_ it li Tl lit i7 iIT" t- F l .11u 111'1A+ Poll ` 111 it 1 1 i'.II 'tI Ili: ij!i 1, I n1 l'il 1 u1! 111 .''Ii"_1.. , I.1 I' i1 1. 1 4U .,.I I;I Y 'I I I..i'.I1 1 '!.I I -,+n I_.. _>i l -1''::-r r' I 1 i Ill Itte! II i: lid; PT iiTilk kit I itil •L 0 Nit 111 AV s : 8IX4'q OF MIDI MOIA. BMIM THR CITY COUNCIL OF ' CovffiT).r OV -RAMay THI�'dITY of '!' pAVL " ° In the Dater of Changing the grade of- t Wyoming street om Woodbury. street to las Seat west of Andrew street. a And ulna grading W;/os°1n street from W4ddVdky 4t oe ,- 'o Brown avenue. Q, And oundemning, a d takA4 eriti a` i4"IlAuds ndceaala y for slopes for ante andFf321�s -lrs; g Wyolaitig'sfaG4es`'i,= n from 19ondbusty et eat to BrOwn UvowlueR and :17ao41�urar<atr 4t to,(,Pohth , bert ::;.. >z strait. At Ta t Amunoil of the City of supaulj» i+ The undersigned, 1TalterJB Sanborn, who re+aides,,st 14� Virginia av-eue,in tie,C$ty.a`.#4•l'aul,T[irineedta, ss S niiorn� repo xe dos nt,,?C$ _ D k]an4i ave rose"In said C.*ty, are the sr owners of Lots �.2,3, and 4, in -Block ei;tst'Brown and Taoksonrs Additionto Went t.BauB.4 which has a- frontage oP.A lineal foot 19. on Wyoming stre"t'betwta Vb#duiury t ett and dawn�aveAti�By��ind +xom • . m prises d0 'in 1 neat foot of. the property to be asseffow" oe the y s proposes,al,loged impxovemonto j4-- the; narrate above entitled be- 32 trews ; the trio . st "ere last named, and. they Object :to and remonstrate against the. pro goad change of grade in the matter above untitled, $4. co;i also -the gra ding of Wyoming street from Woodbury atreer to Brown 25 avenvB, and aloc the oondommtion and taking an'eaeement for. slopses'. cuts and, fills Ip this blook'on the grounds; 1et; That no ;.:pttspcsed xoperty to be aesesemd for any of. these28 alleged ildpilovex louts can., be benefitted to the extent -.o£ the damages prgpert. to be assessed, ..Std Ln anter .eACtBnt at. all 30 2nd; That in of the present high cost of labor the coot of n Tied these alleged i provements,wi11 make the assessments therefor .yg: amount practical ly to a confiscation of the property to be aeaesel�- 34 ed. as 10 IPX �-�T,10 2 3Td; these ed: tb That the Ounoll has z Kl by the _b1�Ue: lsne znarr;on, a..L�v b� a .�=acs - ..{ h - f coin z Iri red �ine�;he ea abs ed acid foodb treat ' �_$ to reign avanns t:o the to. South Robert street to the pr esent established grade:' ...... ..... ..................... ............................................... 8 under Preliminary Order approved MET 28th. 1919: - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 'the total estimated amount of the, assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ` $ Th lots or parcels of land that may be assessed Lbenefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation ,of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT,, LOCK ADDITION ASsEssED' VALUATION 4 61 Brown and Jacks, 1,s old S II `. _! I3 0. > 61 dit3 on to- hest St -..Paul ) 13,0 _.. I 13.y5 462 Do i Part West` of Blk." 79 Of 3-• 62 Do Synd3cato No. 2. ) � r6001f . (Except jaest 5 feet o£ Pio. A .- Do 120 feet). •... - ��. I I 1 lzj TOTAL, at :> v Y Qj{tjDf �'i.�Nits ' §rar'%j(mjif u`lµ Works 6SCAR CUSSENCHI.......n .LwtA j. z. CARROLZ, 8UPT. e N.r ...Tm.... Low '. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER .Pw)n. , R. T. GOURLEY. DEPu '.eUwewL 9w.ANITwTI.N. "- .. H. W. GOETLI M. SUPT. '.Y.[wujIP.COwPt TION. M. S. GRYTBAR. lUOiN[tw - .. - - O. H. HlwROLGPOPVOCt E...... St, Paul, Xinnesota. June 27, 1919. Mr. M. N. GO Bs, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 2 d i•n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the;grade'of Wyoming Street from Woodbury Street to a point 188 feet West of Andreae Street, also gradingrWyoming`Street from Woodbury Street to Brown Avenue, and from Wood - to South Robert Street to the Pres- ent:established grade; in accordance`with Council File No. 25267, approved allay 28, 1919: Approximate estimate.. x...$8,613.93' Cost per -front foot....... -1,92 Excess Inspection necessary- 168.90 Assessable frontage,.:..... 4,502.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. "r Date Presentea-......,: r - ski ++Ar of acmdemninR''ibd lii4ng aA eseement (IIitg of ot: Fald oscwq ev usseN e e Divartment Df.publir Morhs M. N, T. GOUR COMMISSIONER f 'p J e eAggOLI s 1,. ` R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY eons war U.1­ A op[ wwa , % ALPREDJACKSO •4uPT.l '.: pUaGu-ol N. SU H. W. GOETL NGC S 6wU Ap Oonp[eioxa M. 4. ORYT9AH - - O. H.HER..LD, O�.Ic¢exCixe¢n -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces essary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Wyoming street, from Woodbury street to Brown avenue and from Woodbury street to South Robert street, under Preliminary Order #25269, approved May 28th, 1918, and Intermediary Order #26023, approved July 29, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul' The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing "by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made 'on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easenpent to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Ker f Public Works Dated_ _/ Sept. 29th, 1919'. Hon. M. N. Ooss, Ooao'r.. of Publio Works. _ Dear Sirs r sass find Final Order No 26415 Iron Woodbury btrest •to a g the grsde #f ^Y�' -lrsot cin�l hang DoifCq-1Q4-•feet -wrt of 41ndt+� °$tree#, also grading said Wyohag Stns#" from Woodbury.. Street. to Brown .premie : sad iio - Oounoil Filo No. 2441b soveriipg-ilppuo for esus., which Wore -. laid over io Oclober 'a3t its 1919; and referred to. your dopar`tmsut _ is order t,oharr the 8pginses'oheok yp,the dsooriptioa. bye lfounoil this dgts: Also 'find enclosed all., other papers and blue prince covering the abovd matters. Yours ti alya, . ::CTRY m18HK: ' • '' ' CITY OF ST. F DEPARTMENT O ONCE REPORT OF COMMI891It OF FINANCE N PREMINARY 07RDER OLI (A) t.alrinrr eaaamavti- in i-hra l nnrl rtanag$gY+1�....f-0L"-.S1.11 6$-T In the Matter of cm-tdemni ng Rnd .r- for cuts and fills in tzrading 'alvomin� atree"t fr01n l"toodhn= street to Brown avenue-_' and from Ploodbury street to South Rohe + + + under Preliminary order approved ------ I+Iwy-26th- --��3$ ' — -----""' —'— ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $�—�---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ t - The lots or Parcels of Sen that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: }I vt ASSESSED- I LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION I N I VALUATION — . 4 61` Brown and Jacksons Additi�n , 3S0 I j 3 i 61 to gest St. Paul'. 3;00 - -- — ; 2-- -63-Do,— 500 1 61 � Do I . Except ',lest 5 feet of 11.120.f B Do feet.)... 0 Do 6n5' I 1� 1 Stuarts Rearrangement of '` Y& I, 2 i 61ock 68, of Brown and i '75 I 5 acka On t a Adco t i n11-t4—Wg—�- . St•' Paul -' TOTAL, clTr or s DEPAr.RTMENT DANCEMyµ"�aY' REPORT OF COMMIS R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY"O DER s=. DESQRIPTION LOT LOCK : ADWTION � VALUATION - -on_o_: II _-- i1`1' _. i- 1- Bi ocic 69 Brorrn ItL - ll�dditaon-- �'I I -_-122, , St,._ .- Paul,_ LIinnesot:e._.__j, - �7 40 i1525- 1'.T - .mxcs- t tr-ian lar piece--in-I 9 1 2-G-Belvidere--Park-Subdiv3s-o i-I100 � II I �L__.._:nor_throest._corner-f-or--.-alley)I----- -j - { of-__Lot 2, -of- Indwells--xd- i I 1 ' 3f Minnesota �L 1 10 3 110Q_. _: I ' • Do Be7va.dore__.Park_.Subdiu3siori 11 7 2.._!of S ot. 3 oi:.IIid�relL's .Ad- I y._1_8Q0; _ - __ _.11 101.0� __ 2 �ditson--to Heat--st.-�au1-- , I l 9 2o_ - - - �� it 6 i _ ii 100 U . 33- I-Do , j 1._1001 900 I � ------- ---- - Bidw.ell's-Addition- to I Horth 129.3 feet) St. aid State of TOTAL. t t2 as long as said station remains or exists. The saidbondshall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said tank.shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5.) Said licensee shall pay any tax or fee which may be required by any Ordinance or law of the City of St.Paul or of the State of Minnesota. (6) Said liognsee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such formas may be approved by the Cor- poration Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth .,... Keller f McColl k:•� Wunderlich �: Mr. L'reidsnt._(-I3odgson).`Appr %J Mayor Attest -- i City Clerk BARRON ' cran CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION DIVISION OF FIRE PREVENTION August 25th, 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Saftey, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of The Golden Rule asking for a permit To install a 550 gallon gasoline tank under the sidewalk in front of lot 10, block 7, PA*1 (Robert's Addition, located on the corner of Fillmore and Livingston A-renue, St. Paul, Minr_. Will say that I have made an inspection of the above described premises and find that tank and pump are of the approved type and that ordinance is complied with and recommend that permit be granted. R ectfully yours, Chief Inspector. s IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO STAAUL,MtKK, �,r. 25, 1910. Oily of it, Paul, Deonrt—ht f Public SaftY. pent;. ..:en: We hereby apply for a jermit.'' to install a 550 Gallon gasoline Tank Linder "he -idew-lk in front of Lot/aj 'clock 7, VjjJ:V;'P'-obert'�i AMition, his is located it tn, rornar of Fillmore uni hivinton Ave, 7, At, wn!. Yours very truly, ThE GOLMY RUTE. By K. W EISINGER, V— P—, S. W. DIrrl"N11O.-8 X- --filr GOILDIEN BLUILE SEVE NTH. b GNTH. ROBE RT AN 0 M I N N ESOTA SIRE ETS. IMPORTERS - JOBBERS DEPARTMENT STORE RETAILERS IN REPLY PLEASE REFER TO STAAUL,MtKK, �,r. 25, 1910. Oily of it, Paul, Deonrt—ht f Public SaftY. pent;. ..:en: We hereby apply for a jermit.'' to install a 550 Gallon gasoline Tank Linder "he -idew-lk in front of Lot/aj 'clock 7, VjjJ:V;'P'-obert'�i AMition, his is located it tn, rornar of Fillmore uni hivinton Ave, 7, At, wn!. Yours very truly, ThE GOLMY RUTE. By t r COUNCIL FILE IYD...... .......... ,i. B........:...... _......... ...... ........... ...... ..---- FINAL ORDER In the Matter oi.---Ca-pi. Lnl-. e: ue-,-...isi..i r -n t....o�c-_LcLt- 21, -. l�c'r--11-,............... ree�,�._&---._icoise r's._::ddivicn1...bet :een_ {anline ..venue...and._... i Zdicate _ver_ue. PIN" ORDERS . ......................................... ................................ ............. .. F. No. 26918-'. .. the matter o[ curbing North----------------------------------------------_------..--..-......._..- ween Iie.mn.d.,r Pr �v... - , t-yuL"..�,.1Venue,: unde_.......... ............. ... w .n: ;,:,�,,. e.:.ver.y ) 25576 .1June 25 , 1919. underPreliminary Order---- ----------------------------------. approved..-_--------------------------------------------------------------------- --- IntermediaryOrder----------------------------------------------. approved -------------------- ...------ -------- ---------------------- ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of CUrbinp, T;orth side of Ca'.)itol —venue, improvement to be made by the said City ts............'-...__......-........................................ .............. in front of lot 21, Block 11, Hersey 8__�;'oolsey's Addition, bet -..-leen -------------------------------------------------- .............................. ....-.......... Haraline ,-venue and Syndicate .'_venue. _.............................................. ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- _--- --------------------_- ------------.......'----------------------------------------......- ...... _=-- --------------------------•----------------- ------------- .------- ------------...- --- -- �d the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._._..__.....F::.. ... .......... ...... ---- ...--- .. 191...-.._ ------------------------------------- - - - ri City Clerk. Approved---- ...... ......................................., 191..-..... ------- ....................---------------------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth p I Councilman Goss O SHLII Councilman Clancy CouncilmanxNwlkr Potters Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 OSCAR CLAU99lH, CM FC....... ALPRIO—SON. sup, silo R[Mln[ ' .wN1TAT10N H. W..0-1 G-. 9u— M. S. ORYTlN(•lN R........ ' O. H. NlRPyLDr Orroee.CNOtN.[n (Atli; of Ot. rout atputiRrat of pubitr -300rko M. N. GO$$, COAMISSIONCR R. T. GOURLEY. DCPUTT St. Paul, Minnesota. July 8, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Siv I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for ourbing north side of Capitol Avenue, in front of Lot,31 Block 11, Hersey & Woolsey's Addition, between Hemline Avenue and Syndicate Avenue, in accordance with Council File #85576, approved June 25, 1919: Approximate estimate ......... $29.58 Cost per front foot......... .78 Excess inspection necessary) .58 Assessable frontage......... 38 feet. Yours very truly, -�� �it_.A-'-✓.�'a-sem`" G/C -Chisf,Engineer. - COUNCIL FILE NO ................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..-.Q.a Z 9&MPRt :U!e west side of Locust Street froya Sixth Street to Tenth Street, .......................... — ................................ ..... ............................. ........................................................ ............... A��g'gqitated throuF.1-i wideni� of Lucust Street between above named ....... .......... 11 ....................... . .......... ......... ...................................... ..................................................... ;here good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ................ airnfWaj ... ................. good ................. ......................... ........................................... —7 -------------------------- -------------------------------------- ................. .......... — ............................................. 'the e Stdewnlk%'� at. fast.-11t31411 "� .......................... ................ ................ ............. .... .................... ....... . ........................................... , eat 'aide of. Locust j;;,tth etreet, to, Tent. "t�d through* wido.." f ii, under Preliminary Order..... 25D.M,7,- between ............ Intermediary Order----- ................... d .......................................... . . .......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cOnsid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is .................... Sixth Street to" t Slr.e.e.t f.r.o.. t ........... sla.e of..Lo .. ..... . .. .. Tenth St,re�tbt. necessitated through widening of Locust Street between .., .................................... . ............ n ..................... ........................ — ........................ I ............................ ..................... . ...... sufficient sidewalks ........... .................. . ......... n...oy., .. e..xi !t................ ............ ...........I......----:..-- ............................................. ............................................. ........................................................... ................. ........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,. That the Conirrussioner. of Public Works be and --is, h&*j misiku,616'd— and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same. to the Coim- I i I I for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. AUG Adopted by the Council..--.......................... ---------- 1 191 ............................. ... City Clerk./ Approved..... ----- ................ ....... 191 ..................... .... . ..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman IM&K powers Councilman McColl C .h Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 �j 26420 s, col�rrcn ... - . � Gl: Ci=Vii:-�✓.�" �`�i -By .................................. ............. ...................... - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._Con tz uctil.C_a cernent-._tile sidewalk,._, c--_feat-_aide, _on nort.h...a.xde.. o ...Blair.. Str.._eet...frloxa...Qxf.ord.. atria -et f,0 T7 ingt-on...4esiue. except _whe.re good and sufficient. . . .- -- .....•.. -••--..... sidewalks novr exist. -- -....... -- ---- ----..- .------ -- -- --- ....... ....................... i 256 and the'CAvnctl. have n9 objectiav`.s'anh�ed,r0°otnm°TT� ,3 1919 under Prelimmary Order-- --- 7_0fLt end ha91[ - -- - - -- ^4:10 gt1V0 th0T0 0, ,therefOT. Intermediary Order.. - aP ,.ra nst ece A public hearing having been had upon the above im rovem ,!mt 't° due notice, and the Council P g g P P � este; ,.� having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relati.theieto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the Precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be mad Construct a Dement the sidevralk_..__six p e by the said City is..,, -- --_.....................................rtacm - ............. feet--rr.ide.,..'_an..north_.s.ide..nf..]31ir...Str��t..from._Cxford..Street.._t.o...--- -pen?- Ston-- u�nu�r--P:tent-cher--e---Baad---end-..s-uEf ei-�ni�--s dE ra-lks---noti7. exist.- -- ----------- ---------.........................................--......------- . --• .....................................I._..._..... =-......... ----........--....................... ------.....----.................... ............ .................................. -........................_......---•------......-----.... _ and the Council hereby orders said imkpvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare,plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. -i "{ ...19Adopted b the Council....... ...... f V f.i.r....... 191. Approved-----...- ---'---=�-----....................... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Rvlbxx Powers Councilman McColl Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. 0 v I under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. P The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S The estimated cost pe cot for the above improvement is S �� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last.reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ! VALUATION �. 7,3 'I 1 AY i1 2s,o _ 9 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G 191 7ZlibY/✓Y�[.'.a'Z`3y'�/1 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 I � l 41 L . I i I 1�1�1- 06�t , i 1-.- 1 St. Paul, Minn. May 214, 1919 To: the Honorable Board of Commissioners, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: we, owners of property interested, do petitio�nQ your Honorable body to have a cement atone sidewalk 6 cG�iu" constructed on the north side of Blair street from Oxford street to Lexington Avenue Yours respectfully, name of owner ' lot ' block -', addition ' address. ♦4i.YAN.pu�+L�.-(-.�Sf 1 ' ' ze 1 1 1. 2 1 1 1 JUL 3 1919 BUMU OF EiXfiiLERS, 4 6 COUNC FIL- B �I.Cj.��1ir ^ ........-. FINAL ORDER 26421 - In the Matter of ---_G ons truct ing-_2--cement--_t i-1_e•_s ides: alk,--_fourtl8........ Qn._tk�e--.s-Doth.-side-...of...l3nss...�tr. 1 n.-.front.-..of---lots---17--_t-0..2111-j4d JDts---- 25 and 26, between Atlantic --Street-_and-_Johhs_on-,Paris'ray-,--_s.'.0a -t--;daer-e-.:- good--and sufficient sidewalks noir exist- .......................... -......................... .....-----------.---...------- .............----.................. I -------- -----..... -..- C F Na 28481. ......................................................... under Preliminary Order r , , -----•------••----------- Ordernow 26824, Intermediary Order--•- ----------- -- ---- ------- `illi ilp aP..... .... .-.-...-..... A.public hearing having been had upon the above impl&pement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- erred the same; therefore, be it - ,:-- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise natureextent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ----...Construct-: a-- Cement -_ UIQ .--a� destalt�,--.fna r feet wide, on the--south--side--_of-_Ross--_Str::et-,---��--�.-Qx1t...s�.£..-Lots--.12-._tA...21, - ...-.....-------.. and lots 25 and 26, between Atlantic Street and Johnson Parlmay, except .-_..................................-- - .... ---.4-.. ------. -- -- --- ....... . erhereood arra-..suficie?it-si-del7ali�s-_noyt _e:L�a-t......................................-....- and the Council hereby!, orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. / Adopted by the Co>incil-.-.. ...-." J --- ----., 191.r ...- 1 1, ' i P r 11 'yr. Approved -------------==-1:T...'= ? -. --.-, 191.. Councilman Farnsworth pf16[I��y e", ' Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy, Councilman lCane . Powers (p Councilman McColl (� CUM h Magor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 li CITY OF{8T.' PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS `^NR OFFINANCE ON PRE DER (D) a In the matter of i under' Preliminary Order approved 1,71 To the Council of the City of St. P '1: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of -the assessment for the above improvement is improvement is. y� The estimated cost peeffoot for the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or " parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT GLOM i ADDITION j VALUATION II i3 � _ TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.—� U� Dated 191 Comm�ssionet of Financ�e. - ,. r. Form B. B. 13 . "191 - cd m.es�onernf Finance.- a;; �, e Matter of I _tr.: and ocati bns:, Delos, Street,. south.' ...... . . ............... 7 i Street, m: d -east iSo, fejt ............. .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . inkim _tr.: and ocati bns:, Delos, Street,. south.' ...... . . ............... 7 i Street, m: d -east iSo, fejt ............. .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7777-7-77777777777�o aide sir feet. arida ho 9rninm zl l Warn n4 l ocaT, ons Del od Stre6t; 4oi�th Clinton Street, thencereast 150 feet. Filhnore avenue, south side:, nine id half feet tivide;'.from.36 feet east of .Edward Street, thence east to '.South 'Fairfield s; ei..a9x 'r ^+ ari�e� from 7(1R Feet ihaa}•a Streit ASamla south sast of Daniel Streets a�.ellce east_ to trioses Street. Earl Street i7est side,'. six feet vticle, from Pacific Street thence north to alley. ler Preliminary, Order approved �4a� 26 '' 1919- ler the Conncil of the city of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as,follows: The -total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— square The estimated cost peroot for the above improvement is - $ 07 The lots or.parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement and, the ,assessed valuation i :h lot or.parcel as but reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 'Lo.. SOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED ,- �VALUATION,f I3 1 gO I I .2 456 I f estely, 86 0`, . 87., Robert&oS..Addition _ 4 ..12:09, .2/3...£eet asterly 43 1/3 feet of 19 0_ 81 , ,..... _._ do _.. : i. _. 4 4 93 Twines addition to rJest 4t y I t ti"lest 40 feet of (fmcept gest,,40 feet) 3 3" 93 93 do _dO �Z S-�-• { f 2 93 doF 1110 I,; rl►T A 7 . 11D i1L`D ®j �� � --- 'GomhBAvioriti£iof IhriiBeer .Perm H. B. 13 ic r ,....,...,�...�........... ....... --------- ---- 20,436 COUNCIL FffjE NO.....:.:. ' ......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.cenatxa01ing...a.:cement..t3la..sldeaa] 1�,..s3xw3.e�t side, on t}e south: side:.of Iyy, Street beginning.. 250, 5, feet ,wgst;;oY, FaXne _Agggue, thence west 58 feet.f .:. ................................... ...... ... ........ 1 YFY h LY6i .P T6 fro EBL4b—r, i - - the.watteE oY n�trpbtln : cea - ....................................................................._no h.", ia}lk if SVl oa ....... .........................................:(- ..... -i South ade of �* eek basin_- f60& eet SQe11�th`�it Ra•Ae Av[ . e- West .ga Yeats nPder .-. <_ : ...................._..... ' YiA'ri4 3erOz.s eerk._#b.4ze8'd6taijRnfiF�.-C. St>vghaEea �t ..-:......................................................... .......................... id ..:..._. ....:. ._ .... .:... .......... ...... ......: .. ........................................ ., under Preliminary Order .........263M... ......... pprov�3Kit...:.6ltgligt...12.t::.1919..::......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement ,and having considered said report, hereby, resolves:- 1. That the said rport be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be prceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Oonstr uet.-.a.•:aement tile 2.5Q,5_.foer_west: of ,Payne..Agenue� .thence. west 58 feet. exgept where; ........ good-ands-suffic.lent...aidewallm-now.:.exist....... ..................... ................................... ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....7.0---per:Cr.Ont f 00t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..:...lat .................day of petober, _.::;_•• 191...$., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the. Council Chamber of the Court House and City. Hall Building in the 'City of St. Paul., That the Commissioner of Finance give notice; of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- 3ng,>the nature of the improvement, and the total ;cost thereof as estimated. -'• Adopted by the Council .hi �•-r3 ! . ...... ..., 191.......:. PIIS�{ ....... ................ .... _ % ! ...... Approved.: ........ ......:.. 191....... City Cl k. .......... ......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth p Councilman LlStMD Goss Councilman X;dkMC Clanoy Councilman Nab= Powers Councilman McColl /1 MaworS HOdgsOA (/ Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNTN i By..: .,.ei �.. l✓r2r�� Ali INTERMEDIARY ORDER. In the Matter of.,grading..allay.S iXl...k119 .. .s...'k1a � <? , 8+�ght8 P x!k Addit3 ons cyr, o-asap t ...--- In,4 tbe� nsntl ,oF ," atgg auei+r sis - B 1 ntl$o 6 yb ger ' A 4 1 aDnM'4tred.1`8a+Ki e ......... •••... 1 ThQ Cp ��pp bRAW; of afa P �y �N vfng'te'b'6niveb is b o f%r�A - slonar,' of irlll�l @�, afa 9 .....:: or4 xmenr xy ;Ma Ta< 6Nt ua attQP ........ under Preliminary. Order .........25421.-.::....... ..... approved' ....JUne...11.i...] �.��a ..:::::.....-•-- • The. Council of the. City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That he said report be end the same is hereby approved and adopted, and'the said improvement is hereby ordered to be ilroceeded'with. 2. That the nature_ of the improvement which the Council recommends is..grade-alle'Y.S.An::.:...--•• block s Phalen..H�ights::.Pa>" ..Addy boli• .. ..... ......... .:... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-752c25........... : Resolved Further, That-a public hearing.be had on said improvement on the:::.::..1at:::.... ........day of ._....._.QctabQ. .... 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City; Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of.eaid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- mg, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............. 191-- .................. 91... Approved: ......l29 i �.:._, 191 ....... City Clerk .................... ayor. Councilman Farnsworth eu$ SHED Councilman Goss Councilman jhkmA Clancy Councilman 2] R&X POWSrS 6 Councilman McColl CCCJJJ cl m Mayor kxb= Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 w;; --------------- - - x COUNCME NO ..... .: ..... By ��: Y, INTERMEDIARYORDER In the Matter, of--:0-M&MVISig._AX34l:..t r. lx7p_ A._@ �QI4LQI)t:..�]0..t�h�A. X1d:]15.Gecraxmr POr'' _�_�oEe$a•,Por cuts,._and•,fills•.in..•grading the: allt3�s•_in block_8� Phalen_.__ '. Park Addition. C F No 9848&. 'k anc..................................................._ ... • ' in thematterot;condemaing;, f ;ng�an eaeemeat in the land f� .. ba din$ thoRalie9ar}an8locic 8 k en Hofghta Park 6dditlpu i -' 6L-PrenmfnprY tOrdeP ZF4a1j aDPl ...................................................................................... .... yy -: ' • a r. =r. h :itix rePorV of Rhe �'+ 3hlkt >-,�..r+ # t - r e u on •the -,,i . .... ..:-................. .. ... ...: av�nk cp .... -.:... ._...._. ......... -. under Preliminary Order. ..25-422.. ........................... ......apprbved ......J:URie-..11:,---1919..... .............. ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul -having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves ' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded. with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-4.0ndOMM--aricl takB.. &11 _easement.:3n..the..7.axld:nocessaxy..�.sir:_.alopt.a.,-..f.ar...c.�ata...�nd..Yills it�i..grsding w.its._tbevizdue_;pXint._.hereto:_attached._ancl made a__part__hereoP.,.th...... ed 1 OgITY OF' 5i PAUL COUNCIL RESOL UTION—GENERAL FORM ..... . CWNCIL 4 A ._------- -._ Date Prfsented-•••Pr••3ar1818...._._:141._.. Resolves, �Thatathe Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the COUNCIL, FILA NO In tnm �nlceY3ot as Uetduati at�y s . frrg aha rayalrlag`paameat'itm blae� .. wat els!1eP.fQ71ow a toc6tlo4e $y3. f^' �ian�e88etmetvatdi�tiialnet� 4"S6 feat.- o th o� a so "ta tdlae, troth'��GTt�na7lLa loi'A 1kns reAi+ - - 1 ezteadea tLenae North to Graetn, NoctanUr'fl t is i atetiCtloagm Pal`tloatr �e9Ufi1Ug �e ._ arig apyFn ta �anme an.� b7 ayicirt .. lhec 264 In the -Matter, of: tile F�eaanstruoting, relaying and, re paars.ng .cement/aide:walks , at follo ring .lova Louis Street, , de;, from G6. feet south of nelson St thenc$ south 40efeetide six feet pace Streot, ive t side, eight feet "rade, f,om no th line of lrcn Scxoet e Y atzcti sus i mood lc�p�;M ''i�exNa�� � z. Sir Pestertret east sidet3 e a�7af;'t�d� �r A 2t 7 Y � �. ..Q'tOcHYianget$E.t., 170L',.0'i'�Fk y Y� ar �p fir, aoc€� re ai c�puc3on tolac sam$ 3 5# '" x `z" AT W y s K foub Coad 'see f �6fGeS01r'i'ttil2weEt N ��.,�'.;�r 2-,y�az""," „�� �>�> ��xa.c�,�„��fl7if' + �Y-•ton Avenue;"`�thenCe Gerani}nn, Str©et,, youth. side., six. Se�t +ride, -cense i ng "Voodland Street: vacati under Preliminary lhder.... ..:85.2L1._............... - approve Intermediary Order- ....................... approved ... --- ....... A,pumic hearing having been had -upon the; above improvement upon due notice; and the Council having heard all persons, objections andsrecommendations relativt; thereto, and having fuIly const ered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By th'e' Couneil of the :City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of,' 4 mprovement:to be made by the satd City is pOC;dri8trLlCt, relay and ,::l eoair cement tl'6 s1d0t a]:Iis' at ''f O110C73.T1g lOCatien3�' Ogn Street, rsst side, six :feet ride, zi om G6 feet south of Itelson Stzee 'ec�souh 40 �8et. �'F t� F xo rine o A+cYtXF t n3 , ,t, vretzsi;ik�ef� dtA 1�� pct hs $rec Gz visa �eho GrYoleI3t, i 9 s � p� amey3ai gon rsp i acct at T B�adQs' sad I&itxth f�aaa eq ride, nae sndia �e�etie,61 x tW n evNF-St2 pnrt o is Y'eauir ng ecs7rtst e$� ofi o Zace �a>ttes i F , YJ te t { ,'�veures.<sid$<r szkfeet,<�ri. from.fl0eet,.south sf001�=#reet thence south 22 :feet.:` llayton Avenue, north side, eight feet +ride, from Farrington Avenue.;`thenco oast 670 feet. ,;ide crossing �toodland Street vacat G$ranium.Street, south side., six feet , ...a .,.,,,r,ioement to be made. , h1_F1g-. 241 - COUNCILS FILE NOin tnaattar otspn6trdsun neias- "¢ lig� tr`e ¢ 1'eA8ltoliowTIE 9}A01t tloneffla= u"8� re @ g By' � T stz�reok lvt�e, i pirt 6 eet of iPaiadn BtteeY' th Oe .0-01 Wid delro�'�*N "W89t 9146.`. e7$'ht •ikbt 1 ezten4ed A2W line OL-�ga0h ti9treat� _ e-*,_"Bfm1I , se lyorth.to:Great �7octh�; I ' ! atth6tfo44 p61i10a6 regntrtn ;eh - ' Iaa6 same tn'8o'B ,� 5a aeiPa� s �: 264.50 — _ Innthe Matter of.. Reconstructing, relayin and_:re. ing cemen-t/sidewalks_ at. follo,vi_ loeata Loiais Street,' West side, six '`fe the_zce south et- Pride, from 66 fent soutiz of idelson Street n0: feet. ;; Pica Syreet, reUt side; eight feet gide, frM north Iiize of jkrch S'tcree, ex encle@i�hence no17 to G�eatvox{iaa33r�dg, pon�xgnsequ,ang recfl sifuct�irs to �1e same ioodot ?pek g8&eµ> y �,'t.=`1'fl`ter Stret'a's tra'S1E'e '� 'r1,f e" f$� x t.. - r .: S Vrr c Via$ , zt,'gm t'st Idi tTx S e �`�� ��1��FI�`��pai'l� �y x •r t 'rst� r�, �" � b �'�,„ �`s��,�.-+ate-x'�F' �.�' r'�.' �� � � � �M3� �; fr.� r �.z, �? c �` �`eet < �'�` �� ;�,'+",.`�,v-if•,r�`'t � 4� ^W r ,,+ -•r. �r�r ;. 3 �s-r�-.��a.'�iY, i�ve33.ue,a north- s�c'Ce jn 4�;�'I>:��•�C��.'�,.,�r�.c�b r.�omn h'�a� �;iia=to�'�Aver_ue;''the'nc`s'� Gerariwr .Street,;. south rside.,: sik- feet 1Tide' - • , . ,- cr oss_ zg ,doodland "Street vacate under Preliminary Order..----25�1J .---.---: approved l7ay; 26a--1919 ...-..::- ...----•----- Intermediarg- Order __ ................. approved. ........ ......-. .._-... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council Having heard all persons, objections and.recommendations ,relative thereto, and having fully consld ered the "same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councfl of the City of, St Paui that the precise nature,, extent and lcmd> of , �: Improvement to h�made by.."the said Clty^is _ _ _ _ _ _ I�eco�struci , ,relay and !emir cement to le. side slits at folloWi*ig i ovations: six .feet :ride, ••from fib feet south of !Te Is Street NANCE . C? 125211 . Council File No .......... • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and - A11*onet. yp 4 ., WR96lWAX � � � i� �Pt t�9�a14s La�,,►aat: �ti- as...4asxRalson free. tru ° ;thif7�le :uta ate ._feat.... . 8#tfeeta!s.+�at_ e1de..sight fait_ .widefraas_ noxth.. � -off_. Arabi 0tfRRt,e?� me't�91��% forth t� @I=�et tZ1A»►:.A.r�QBIsB��li�etYla .F/lt�.��31$ :7GeSl.A7r- �ttru►btLen ta.ptsae .same !in-go0i1 rePal.r._.� n'� REr- Bre Sr.petar 13U. iendh.�1f feet..widll.from.llaet. A�neh.Street 4o Ratoh e..ilereet..pertione regaia4ng reaonstruoticn to..plsalo. aeme_..in od rep ` A Ir e1 t e dlE`Ou test iii �e.fsos BQ., feat ;A at1►it cook, Street thenoe eea"L, 8 feet. P: �sa►ttn. Aeael�il , rth side.elght feet wifie.from Torrington AYS"O.Ahenoe so 4 g ►ran 'fit O's. ruth 1pido,sis feet Ride.oroeeing. VOodland. Street vaoe� s4. VMERF AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: R000nstrlCtorel sad repeat cement the sidewelke at foilowing loeationei !eats StX06toWeel side,su feet wlde,from " feetsouthof Nelson street"'. theme south 40 feat. -M0e ;Strs*t,wsst side.eight feet W1,40ofrom north line of Aroh.Straetoom— tonded then** north t0 Grewt, ltl►rtbeae „lorldg� u�t one_ .requiac ng reoos etraotiaas to plass es" 'in gg000d arepaiat` Sala a`9 proper grade. Br.Pa r,8.t lt,east eide,nims and half, tea: wide from Test Ninth street tp Raw street-,pArtlons rec�iring, rssoaetrlaet en to 1+1+we same is ��uood fiend. Aweksne00 t 11140oSIt feet widi from fset eo�thauf, Qoox Btz#et rp�e>s0e s!anih. go ,fest. Ayton A+rGM0#noacth s do..ostght-feet,wlde,from Torrington Avenae,th*W0 04ot $70'feet. aorsnium-Strset�eouth side, six toot wide.osarsing IPoedland Street ♦aosted. g 5. To dtate whether or not said pc.:::.------ - R E C Ellj �� om matters to the Commissioner of Finance. O 6. To report upon all of the foreg Adopted by the council ...... ..........................191........ Yeas: Nsys: Councilman Farnsworth q a c Goss/ Approved...................................19 Hy nd - pc Kg11erB McColl 1319 .F. .. :.. ..... ...: :...ji + /undulich Crt Jerk Mayof Irvin f+MAY 2 7�r^� j911 /(yy Farm C A 18 (6M 417) ; , BUREAU u L` 14GWEEK �/ l% U4. -dtzror- :ZfG I ro'v'h . tj )40 Z6iF,i07o' 5Y'j 25241 Council File No.....-.......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELUAINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, VIZ.: ..................... . .............. ................ .................................... ................................................................................................... ................................ .................................................................................................................................................................... .................. Datedthis --------------"Intl" Of ............... .. ..... .... -- .......... . .................................................... . ....... ..... . . ..... .............. Councilman. .......................................................................... I ................ ...... ..................................... ........... ..................... I ......................................... ............................................................................... ............ .... .... ..... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman . ... .. ... ........ .. ...... ..... . ......... ........ ...... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1'+ 1. To, ihveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. - 2, To inveltigate the nature, extent and edtimated coltof said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ....................... ............... ............... ... ........... ........................................ ......................................................................... ........................... ............ 5, To ftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ................ ............. RECEIVIL'-L) 6. To report upon all of t I he foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance- N1 14, Adopted by the council .... ............................ .. ..................... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Z3 9' :A Goa Approved .... .................. ..... * V}iyPnd .111919 ��OM *.n .... ... .............. Cit I Maypi Irvinderli.h MAY 2 7 019 Form C A 19 (5M 4-17) BUREAU 0F.Ej4(jhqEEK PAY a _d/ Tn/ /V-�y,+ +=-]Y" _�1_ I f1 -� f , i �. r "_;G�.�.,� Cif.El'✓�i'� .,:� s t. r a HE 41 J 1 } i �7 [/r iia �f✓ 1 !/ I� {�a ji { !� i '=r r �_ { 1 _ice f�' �' n6rl { "AKYT 10 q ii �� j i i 7 _i 'I� .�� s, r Mw 17 KI d i I anv Pi 07- ,. MAO - i + i , I � %� ?-8�1 � 30 3! 3Y 33. 3�• �,r 3U 3� v'� ,� a�: 1 - 6I Tj 1TIM , Vol", AMIM pill r ;. T , +�,. wetter a .opening Berkeley:Avepns�to GL be s a le his rep©rt �and�'eketahabuse mattear,- g$gOyYB�Di 'lrhet the :QitrY-4,Y at. Yap i18ee 8111E agtermines the amannf of ]xinii ito ;De taken Yooc, the aboTs d inipravdnent' to ba as f oi] owfl 1 0 feet; 1a width aa>roee A strip of ienc� s3$ (6„ i e 23. the .the: ]Jf' Qftho. , aection8, . fowg g8,8 . n vedfTe o d � � �tl4uhtA�Y�1 �j9T and pvNn a ravedp.r er No 56168u'arusl'4d1s19 �Yod XU Cf.bi Yribiio e°xa�h aa1VfA$ eub�tt�tednlnsybpit t R-- , to the -above watt anehe a oufit Resoaina determtor the'sb'bva'nasrted t$4nd to be tb.Y� ba. N c eC?iLtort tXa 1� r saivl'21i pgbNo theaec ?4 qeo- —awl yAg6t6p9 CAnn18y11 SeDr-2 i819. t1Gd9bpved 8e4t�t,2-'g18'16i4� „per-• tsBP ' SEP 2 1919 i9l Yeas. ( V)'Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Clancy t'arnswarih. Approved ..... EP 2 1919 91 . In favor Goss '._"" Keller, .Ag8ln5t .. MAYO McColl t� t •' wfegt''from Fairview avenue to Fredericka avenue': finder Preliminary Order approved ida4 2�d' 7 97 Co the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is' $— 7 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The'lots orparcels of land that may be assessed benefits for 'such improvement,, and the assessed valva each lot or';parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as, follows: D ESC}i1PT10N LOT: BLOW ION AOOIT� ASSESSED ' VALUATION� rest of- Northwest , -2- tst 4_6f Section_ 9*,"- Township- LSt 8,-:) �r Jefferson avenue_and e:cent - ----- --� 12$'7 C - , r-eslerioka_. avenue) 20 acres -�- �oaM a.a.�. a•e � — � 3 i MW PRELMiNAI c Nes 9evonw etiee g iRD?✓ eef` t 1ka ,six tsat ncil of ;tha City I of st. Paul liy Councilman...:: 4�tiW7 0 on Re-oonstrudt, Te -lay and X c ant the following 100atiopp, 'XI I �"tjL'-s'I'de; �bletliin"� 'nt"M "Arundel Street, thence Edmund St 'e 'WWekt.'3o rest, s U thencd'; f eet, beginning 26 farther West Macublil Street -- — Edmund Street, nortW.1-stdes""b)dgix�iiiii,':tLt Western Avenue, thence east 120 feet. h 781. ing 1910.1 f t we t of Fry St.thenoe b 6ide,beginn Selby Ave.,Sout West 34 feet._ q- I 6 . 0 feet east I of Syndicate Ave., Selby Ave. south side, beginning at 18 feet. thence ea 6ginning at Syndicate Ave -thence West 30V - south, aide, b Selby Ave.' feet eolith of Selby Ave thence Fry St., east side beginning' -.P4 south 30 feet. f —Phalen Ave. thence north 'Hamline,Ave., West side, beginning at Como t -farther north, thence north 40 feet. ebt,*P be,ginn ng', -VO f so Dewey Ave„ West side, beginning 206 feet south of Feronia Ave., thence south 14 feet. PR2!'� A PIPLELINUN Y WHEREAS. -A written proposal for the making of the following improvement b* Jt74 e- � - - - - - ------------ 46aid DOW *'s" apog RU U15, ap,amwW -AU File No ... , Council File No,........_ ✓ ...._ .. PROPOSAL FO 6 PR MENT 294,57 and Mr. Gayton. P.econetFuct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Como Avenue, south side, from Rice Street thence east 120 feet. Park Avenue, east side, beginning 130 feet south of T abasha Street, thence south 65 feet. Park Avenue, west side, beginning 192 feet south of Wabasha Street, thence south 50 feet, Edmund Street, south side, from Gaultier Street thence west 110 feet. Nelson Avenue, south side, beginning 72 feet west of Farr— ington Avenue, thence west 10 feet. Ronda Street, south side, frorr: Louis Street, thence west 326 feet. Capitol Heights.; east side, beginning 560 feet south of Valley Street, thence south 96 feet, Capitol Heights, west side, frorr, Viola Street, thence south 2C feet. Sincoe Street, east side, beginning at Mulford Street, thence south_ 110 feet, WHEREAS. A wiitten proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Como Avenue, south side, from Rice Street thenos east 120 feet. Park Avenue, east side, beginning 130 feet anuth of Webasha Street, thence south 65 feet. Park Avenue, west side, beginning 192 feat south of Wsbasha Street, theno0outh 50 feet. Edmund Streets" iouth side, from Gaultier Street thence west 110 feet. f Nelson Avenue, south side, beginning 72 feet west of Farm- ington Avenue, thence west 10 feet. Ron",Btreet, south side, from Louis Street, thence west 326 feet. Capitol Heights.:, east side, beginning 560 feet south of Valley Street,'thence south 96 feet. Capitol Heights', west side, from Viola Street, thenos south 80 feet. Sincoe Street, east 'aide, beginning at Mulford Streat, thence south 110 feet. Q. To report upon all of thee foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council— Yeas: ouncil....Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss_' ..(....._.........191....... Nyland �V � Approved........._ :' � ...—`..... Kelw McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvitu Mayor. Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) v.: . ..:,a _... s,, :.� - .. .-„ _ _ .. .i �� ,8 C:'.Y`�I,� .%i<Y�<t...!!. r•, i''dk+S <. <,:.'.V Mr 7.. f!.?' - . .. .. j 'i �'.f •Y:7 0�l ','.af,°a ;l;.8,6 W 9 C)rf.:� ,J I:r.4L �� �,1 J`� �J^Cs, j✓ 1A .. ✓ J.1'. ; - i i .:.L 00'. „y:; , r .1 F. ��'J-rL < � v4'X j.7 1ca:>:v 6,t ti ts1� -1 :r t .%e f9Ci'T:::,�a4e'f3.1! JJ1y ±�1 w' J_. , �1 .' ... ..... �'.& _ tIAL£'T l.�.' "a J"• CG +�&':. 1 {'"i'3'1 nC+�„^,f C f Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FO PRC�VEMENT 247 and Mr. Gayton. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; .......-. .. ......... PRELIMINARI OR E . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Zr .............. ............ .......... }having been resented to the Council of the Cit of St. Paul b Councilman erefore, be it s t„ y RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: j ti :e 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. ' 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. :. i ''' `'• L ; r t .a ; "3r iof�msf* thG�oLLowju&9jher data and information relative..to s�4 iIDo. a r•.. _...._ ::i-�5.! I .�::Fi - ....... ........ .... ... a �jate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. = •-' *'� To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ........ ......... ..191........ Yeas: Nays: F: Councilman Farnsworth Goss �y Approved. ..191..... Keller C7, —1 / McColl (J Wunderlich MayorMayor. ............. Farm C A 13 (6M 4-17) Council File No........................... PROPOSAL FOR P O MENT Mr. Gayton. and Re—construct, re—lay and rerair cement tile sidewalk at the following locations: East Ninth Street, south side, from Cedar Street, thence.weet to Wabashafitreet. Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 feet north of Eighth Street, thence north 64 feet. East Ninth Street, south-side, beginp�ng at Cedar Street, thence east 165 feet. East Seventh Street, south side, b' inning at Kittson Street, thence east 50 feet. Kittson Street, east side, from Seventh Street to Sixth,=Street. North Street, south side, orbeg ming 94 feet west of Cable Avenue, thence west 70 feet. East Fifth Street, s..th ei s, beginning at Arcade Street, thence east 250 feet..} PRELIMIN R* RDER� fi,, WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Re-construct, re-lay and repair cement tile sidewalk at the following locations: East Ninth Street, south side, from Cedar Street, thence west- to estto wabashaatrset. Robert Street, east side, beginning 110 feet north of Eighth Street, thence north 64 feet. East, Ninth Street, south side, beginning at Cedar Street, thence east 165 feet. East Seventh Street, south side, beginning at Kittson Street, \s thence east 50 feet. KStteoA Street, mast side, from Seventh Street to Sixth Street. North Street, south side, beginning 94 feet west of Cable Avenue, thence west 70 feet. East Fifth Street, south side, beginning at Arcade Street, thence oast 350 feet. ............. .............................__._.........._._...._.._......_............:........_...................._..._.._........_......................._..... ?Po to whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.......__.:.`..__........._ ......_........_. 191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss ^t'p _c,. K.L, Q'I- .11, McColl ( % Wunderlich......................................................... Mayor irojip Mayor. Form C A 13 (5M 4-17) , a a t K w 4f ! rte All, PRELIMIN RY RDE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 111�1�5ng`a6hnl �ota.a r } .a t: ..._. ...... ..... ... __....... ?..1oport 'to whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_.__......-........_ `...... _....._......_. 191._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..._....... `i-.;__.... —: - ..:: ..r ............... 191 Kalkr 0 McColl Wunderlich Mayor fgip Mayor. Perm C A M (6M {-17) V1 _ "I + Council File No...._.....r........... PROPOSAL FOR lit O MENTO'- Mr. Gayton: and u'r- t` PRELINRN A RY ORDER. .z3 t r0Glt, i �.o�x nrtTa,` ,� et , f,4_iy r `Y�"'•: a;n. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ,.E _ �. sJa h uJ t _2 C. ry Jr� -. ,. ... P J.Ir _......... _._ ..................................................... .................................................. .. ......... ... ................. .... ..... .... _._ _ .. - ..- _......._ . ... ....... ... ... �tigj 7 b� $ y ..r 3 ,SS`iG ,y1' 9 i1'i'J`�3 ... ........ ......... .. _..... .... .... .._ - ._........ .- ..... .._.. ?sod G r� j J _ µo , �. Dated this..._2.9.th._...day of. ........Auglz.Btr .1919.... 191 _. 7t7 t �� �� ............ _....... ....._ Councilman. , a a t K w 4f ! rte All, PRELIMIN RY RDE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 111�1�5ng`a6hnl �ota.a r } .a t: ..._. ...... ..... ... __....... ?..1oport 'to whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_.__......-........_ `...... _....._......_. 191._..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved..._....... `i-.;__.... —: - ..:: ..r ............... 191 Kalkr 0 McColl Wunderlich Mayor fgip Mayor. Perm C A M (6M {-17) �- Council File No ............. t�" PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO�MENTW59 and Mr. Gayton PRELIMINARY ORDER. i The undersigned hereby proposes the making nf rt.. r u ..a__ _•. O- .- — Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: ''Eget Fourth Street, south side, beginning at Cedar Street, thence east 100 feet. .Test Fourth Street, south side, beginning 120 feet west of St. Peter Street, thence west to Market Street. Exchange Street, west side, frort. Eagle Street to Chestnut Str. Chestnut Street, south side, beginning 18 feet east of Smith Avenue, thence east 30 feet. West Fourth Street, south side, beginning at 10mith Avenue, thence east 48 feet. Pest Seventh Street, south side, beginning 42 feet east of Franklin Street thence east to West Sixth Street. Weet Third Street, south side, beginning at the southeast corner of market Street extended thence east 175 feet. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t e following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: East Fourth Street, south side, beginning at Cedar Street, thence east 100 feet. Vest Fourth Street, south side, beginning 130 feet west of St. Peter Street. thence west to Market Street. Esohange Street, crest side, from Eagle Street to Chestnut Str. Chestnut Street, south side, beginning 18 feet east of with Avenue, thence east 30 feet. West Fourth Street. sodth-side, beginning at Smith Avenue, thence east 48 feet. Wesx,B:eventh Street, south side, 60ginni.ng 43 foot east of Fraahlin Street thence seat to West Sixth Street, loot "Third Street, south side, beginning at the southeast corner of Market Street estended thence east 175 feet. To 4tat.e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 9*�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._ ........... �F.p.._-r!:q.I'S ......__.:...191-...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Coss I IglL r Keller Q McColl Wunderlich Mayor h4irr Form C A 13 (SM 4-17) Approved.................1.9..1................ .M....a.tyor.v........�....r.............................................. .....�... / The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ........................... . ....... .... .. . ....... . .......... .. .. ... . . .... ....... PRELI M��INRY�� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................................ .......... r"i .............................................. ...... .... �a .. ...................... .............................. ............. .................... 04 . ................. .............. -- .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: f 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. t' nl9h 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. nformatiorrrelative-tf"aid-intprovement, . ................... ................. ............. ........ I ...... . . . ...................... ..................................... ....................... ......... ..................... ...................................... 4,�— To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4*�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..........__. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor ["in - For. CA is (6M 4-t4) Approved..._ ........ ...... 9, Mayor. ........... ........................... .............................. c j PROPOSAL FOR ][MPROYEMENT and Mr. Gayton PRELIMINARY ORDER. a ZU V mq, J11 .0. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ........................... . ....... .... .. . ....... . .......... .. .. ... . . .... ....... PRELI M��INRY�� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................................ .......... r"i .............................................. ...... .... �a .. ...................... .............................. ............. .................... 04 . ................. .............. -- .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: f 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. t' nl9h 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. nformatiorrrelative-tf"aid-intprovement, . ................... ................. ............. ........ I ...... . . . ...................... ..................................... ....................... ......... ..................... ...................................... 4,�— To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4*�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..........__. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor ["in - For. CA is (6M 4-t4) Approved..._ ........ ...... 9, Mayor. ........... ........................... .............................. Council File No.........._.... PROPOSAL FOR ][MPROYEMENT and Mr. Gayton PRELIMINARY ORDER. a ZU mq, J11 .0. t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ........................... . ....... .... .. . ....... . .......... .. .. ... . . .... ....... PRELI M��INRY�� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................................ .......... r"i .............................................. ...... .... �a .. ...................... .............................. ............. .................... 04 . ................. .............. -- .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: f 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. t' nl9h 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. nformatiorrrelative-tf"aid-intprovement, . ................... ................. ............. ........ I ...... . . . ...................... ..................................... ....................... ......... ..................... ...................................... 4,�— To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4*�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..........__. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor ["in - For. CA is (6M 4-t4) Approved..._ ........ ...... 9, Mayor. ........... ........................... .............................. Council File No.........._.... PROPOSAL FOR ][MPROYEMENT and Mr. Gayton PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............. ........................... . ....... .... .. . ....... . .......... .. .. ... . . .... ....... PRELI M��INRY�� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................................ .......... r"i .............................................. ...... .... �a .. ...................... .............................. ............. .................... 04 . ................. .............. -- .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: f 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. t' nl9h 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. nformatiorrrelative-tf"aid-intprovement, . ................... ................. ............. ........ I ...... . . . ...................... ..................................... ....................... ......... ..................... ...................................... 4,�— To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 4*�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..........__. _191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor ["in - For. CA is (6M 4-t4) Approved..._ ........ ...... 9, Mayor. ........... ........................... .............................. -/S C �� Council File No..._........_.._....... —T a� Re-oonstruot, re-lay end repair cement the sidewalks at the followin locations!,/Isabel.Street,north side, beginning at South Wabasha Street the110e seat 164 feet:'` Isabel Street, south side, beginning 87 feet east of Clinton, Strgat; thence saot.,nins fest• _/Bidwell Street, south side, from MOrton f3treet to P e Street. ✓'Stryker Avenue, west side, beginning 68 feet north of Isabel Street, thence north 87 feet. Stryker Avenue, east side, beginning at Winifred Street, thence south 103 feet. .vj a Isabel Street, -beginning 110 feet east of Stryker Avenue, thence east eight feet. Robie.S$$reot, north side, beginning at Stryker Avenue, thence east 100 feet.Ourt_ WestiGeorge Stoe ieet,north srth ide �from Stryker Ave. nue twest �40of60t-i Winifred StFeet,00uth side,beginning 30 feet west of Hall Ave., ___.._-__.. - PRELIMIN Y=- WHEREAS, A written_ proposal for the making of thefo owin4r _i4_lrp�* N� Re -construct, re-lay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: Isabel Street,north side, beginning at South Wabasha Street thence east 164 feet. Isabel Street, south side, beginning 97 feet east of Clinton Street, thence east nine feet. Bidwell Street, south side, from Morton Street to Page Street. Stryker Avenue, weet side, beginning 69 feet north of Isabel Street, thence north 27 feet. Stryker Avenue, east side, beginning at Winifred Street, thence south 102 feet. S S o r -Isabel Street, beginning 110 feet east of Stryker Avenue, thence east eight feet. Robie Street, north aide, beginning at Stryker Avenue, thence east 100 feet. Curtice Street, north aide, from Oakdale Avenue to i✓t. Nope Str. West George Street,north side, from Stryker Ave. west 40 feet. Winifred Street,eouth .+ide,beginning 30 feet west of Hall Ave., thence west 72 feet. "- o riifafe whettiei oor not saidimprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP —�>'!to Adopted by the council ........................................`..............-191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GossC •' Hyland Approved ............... .`.......:..._::._`.............191........ Keller McColl Wunderlich ............................................................ Mayon{wity Mayor. Form C A 19 (6M 4-17) t PR POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY O�R. Council File No. W✓'ACO PRELIMINARY QPI�i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tKhe_'ffoil-owii3impro"vZenettt,, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....... ........... ............._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 3 TpFyraiah,ta Il .i �' ' a' r t — e ent• To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...................... ............ ...... ...... ..........191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa SCo —'> .I0 Approved.. ........... _...- "........... _'.:.:........... .191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayorksin Mayor. Form C A 13 (661 4-17) v4, .(.• -f t t T AIT 'I n F: � t,°�, t �:2 i :11*- 1 1'`i.: 1 E fil. r t t �3�' 3r, •.::1 f4 ..; S:, StYi "A..�:, PR POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY O�R. Council File No. W✓'ACO PRELIMINARY QPI�i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tKhe_'ffoil-owii3impro"vZenettt,, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....... ........... ............._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 3 TpFyraiah,ta Il .i �' ' a' r t — e ent• To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...................... ............ ...... ...... ..........191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa SCo —'> .I0 Approved.. ........... _...- "........... _'.:.:........... .191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayorksin Mayor. Form C A 13 (661 4-17) t T AIT 'I n F: t,°�, 1 E fil. r t t �3�' 3r, •.::1 f4 ..; S:, StYi "A..�:, rr 1. PR POSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY O�R. Council File No. W✓'ACO PRELIMINARY QPI�i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tKhe_'ffoil-owii3impro"vZenettt,, viz.: having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman....... ........... ............._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 3 TpFyraiah,ta Il .i �' ' a' r t — e ent• To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council...................... ............ ...... ...... ..........191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Cosa SCo —'> .I0 Approved.. ........... _...- "........... _'.:.:........... .191........ Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayorksin Mayor. Form C A 13 (661 4-17) q/ 'C Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO ENTr V and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDE . The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following �'c limprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ...............C.onstruct...a...oeme. ....t.ile...a"idek,....aix--.fee-t...wide.,...................-------------_ on the southe o Curtio Sreet, from Oakdale ..............................to Harvard, exceptwit e"' dewahka now- exist; ..... ............ .._.... ..... ............ ... ........_..............._........._........................,.................. :................... ................................................ ............_..... Dated this .__.3.o.t.h......day of......August.—.19.19............................................. 191._..... ........................ Councilman. PRELIMI".%ink WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thr ant, viz.: ............. ............C.ans.t.ruc.t....a.:cement._.tile_..aidawalk_aix..f.ee.t_W.ide.,._._ ...._ .. _._....._. on the south side of Curtice Street, from Oakdale ............................. to..-Har'trarE.; except Where eideWalke noir O:tiet: ................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_..............__...._.................___............_.......__ ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invenigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e8timated con of said improvement, and the total eon thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. 410 fW?lW. litea an 1 oRria on ,........_ .............._......................._...... ................................. ...._.............................. ... -To- ate whether or not said improvement-137"ked-f6r on the petition of three or more owners. J. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .................... ....... _...:`...::..:.............. .191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss y #Iylarld �� O Approved._.._.............. 19 -Kvller C- ,.v McColl fi WunderlichMayor hviiw Form C A 19 (6M 4-17) 4 ........�.- .............: � ....... �. Mayor. Farm A A 46,2111-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �� ] „^ COUNCIL .X AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No...•...••••.l ' 1157 fP/.c 11AUDITED SLt J ..I._._`:..._....1 ....._-._.... .......:.... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the --- °'r=msite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) NaysC. F. No. 26462— „SEP._. U....�J.I9__.__._..I9I_..__-_ Abstract Adopted by the Councilr Resolved that warrants be drawn CI i upon the City Treasury, payable out of jCP — I9 favor of lthe tPersspecified ns, fl msuor corpor8n ` ttonq for the amount. set opp Delta their Far SWO[th respective names. as sDecit�ad la the following detailed d statement: Go Adam Decker Hardware company, ........._.... Mrs. Ajj�ice Greenwood. 827.76. ...._........._................._..............__......._.................................................. Kell [ Slanhat4an Or Company, §b31.33. AiAFOR A. F. Morton. Supt.. $27.98. MCC 11 ! N.Uonnt Geographic Society, $18E.88. A. Ness, $35.00. Wan erlich nre ls, Dean g- Gregg, $85.93. ' J. E. Olen Company, $6.84. Mr. President, odgson Pitt.b.rghnPlateeiGlnss87Company, $9 G.46.. Purity Baking Company, $78.80. Raymer Hardware Compnny, $53.98. W. R.' Rice, $67.82. Swift g Company, $104.95. Stilton St. Rosen TheC oCompany, pany $333.76. Paul Battery m, Van Ornum Candy Compaay, E6.00. Victory Printing Compaay, §66.26. Mra. B. Kilmer, §5,00. Works, $b0.24. Adopted by the Co Hell Sept 3, 1919. Approved SepL 3, 1919. (Sept. 6, 1919) invy-Adam Decker Hardware Company, rks a . P3y o=ds -15957r Mrs. Aline Greenwood, Lam, 1595e Manhattan Oil Company, P lioe M c. Gar. Revl. if n n It n n rf n n r n Schools Parka P. dgs. F estry Revl. 159S5 A. F. Morton, SuptA -T39n-National Geographic Sooiety, Cehn� nla � 19936 H. Ness, .Pn+.Ln -3,293.6 Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 339851--J. E. Olen Company, 2. 84. 26. 84. 84. 84. 28. 50. 66. 11: 2. 4. 27.51.. 27.75 531.33 27.98 182.88 35.00 85.93 6.84 9 ' a I R �G� �2- G 18.75 33G3a.Pioneer Cone Bakery, -+&rk45-- �- ... X8939 -Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comparq, 46.46 1. ti X640 Purity Baking Company, 76.80 "1381 Raymer Hardware Company, 53.48 .F.-Misc. & Unf. 0 ic. Gar. Revl. 4'47 12 35 Bdg. & Repr. 3 22 Libra 50 Parks 1 13 Pnaygroun .29 .62 '13942•W. R. Rice, 67.82 -=94rmilton Rosen Tire Company, 333.75 —33944 St.Paul Battery Company, 5.86 -13946-Swift & Company, 104.9 chools 3 20 P ke 1 .80 U.63 .48 " 3 .84 1 23948 -'van Ornum Candy Company, 5.00 33947 -victory Printing Company, 66.25 e 3 .00 Fo try Revl. .00 P."B s. 1 �75 50 15948 Mrs. B. Wilmer, 5.00 I394 -Wm. J. Works, 50.24 a PITS OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ✓ ��-jA COUNCIL 26463AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Nn........._ ....................... F° AA46,YN 1-18 1158 A DITEDSE,' ...........`.�............................. 1 ....... TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays SEP —'3 1919 _ Adopted by the Council_............................._._...._....................._191......__ F. No. 26463— "'a"�7' Resolved that warrants ba drawn SEP t} Farnsworth upon the City Treasury, sayable out of Appr .... __. _..._..........._..._......_�.........................191.._........ the hereinafter specified funds and in ,or o -the the persona, firma or corpora- fioSS [lone for the amounts set opposite theft respective names as specified in the ✓/ Keller 0 fol lowingg detalled statement: ' ...................._.__.____.._..._....._.._...__._......._......... ........................... _........ ....... ..._.. a. A. Farnawortb, Com -T. of Finance, MAYOR McColl $, 323.73. A.. Faraeworth, Com'r. of Finance, Wunderlich $181A83Farneworth, Com'r. of Flnaace, $6,386.12. Mr. President, Hod. -son 8. A Farnsworth, Corn',oY Finance, ,$32,236.80. ,eohdentedn J. Lofgron, bythe iro ocoi Council Sept. 3, 1919. . S. A. Farnsworth, Oom'r. of Finance 19,323.73 Pe_� .et39&1. S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 1,315.83 -MON S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 5,386.12 .S.�Gen. Adm. 4 8.33 1th-Adm. kV*P.al 6 4.17 Statistics 1 0.00 Fond & Dairy Insp. 4 5.00 Qua antine 8 .83 Tube culosis Div. 4 .00 Labo tory 15 1050 P. Ba s 1,16 .29 P. Co ort Station 13 .50 manic. ar. Revl. 75 .25 Dale St Infrmy. 8 .25 5,386 12 '3MM S. A. Farnsworth, Oom$r. of Finance 32,235.80 agge4 John J.'Lofgren., 10.00 . :rases Toa I b58—,Z7r._48, C. F. No. And Whereas the money to be raised le to be used locally and expended In work p carried on In the ..unity where the money Is r ised. c Be It Resolved, That the City Coun- ;cll of St. Paul endorses this a._Use, alsgn as representing a moat worthy and pledgee Its support In every u Y o its 9t. Paul eek aeuccesstuI In I "going the result invthe the ther pyo a.'has ltiese of the .tate and tion. c mmun Adopted by the Council Sept 3, 1919. Approved Sept. 3, 1919. (Sept. 6, 1919) Yeas (J) Coun --ilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council....�....J`D Clan:y .....-2...IQ.. 9... 191...... Farr sworth-� Approved... Goss............_In favor PP__.._....._.........._;t_`._�......d....... 191..... McC1t 1 ..._....._.. Against.__..........._.._................_........_............_........_.............. Wun erlich MAYOR Mr. President, odgson PORM C. A, 9 3M 12-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL bf^ ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ✓ --- ,ubject:................................................ _.................. ...... ....._...._.................................... .2(!465 C Cl!�V5 COUNCILINO. ...._........_........'-'--........._..b'................. .......__................. ............... ............................................................................ Date Presented___..S.ep.t.embe.r....3..,._.1911sfl....... Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certci n contract dated November 5, 1917, between Peter Dickson and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of alley Block 3 Douglas Addition and Block 3 Forestdale Addition be and the same is hereby extended to the 2nd. day of September, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to execute an amendment to Said contract in ac- cordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contrac- tor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. r tles aa the cpn- rlththdlingwlh the City Council Sept. 3, 1919. 3, 1919. 6, 1919) Yeas (✓) C uncilmen (✓) Nays 1x1,9 Adopted by the Council ..._�:c:. _ __ .........191...... Cl ncy Fa nsworth FP _�. n,� Approved ...... .. �_.....___t.._.1,.._g_...._ 191..... Ke s .............. In favor Mc oil ......._..... Against ... ........................... �'..'V � ��; W derlich MAYOR 7r'residen , Hodgson -. FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 26465 St. Paul, Minn., TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. A Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the-Q��9-cY�'-���� G- - - - - - - - - - - tobe extended to - ------- - - - - -- 19--. Owing to - oG _ `y - C`�^�.� i-=`¢- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing dame be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours kery truly 'V Contrac or. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is ;Rrpns�l- APPROVE t. of /Construction &Repairs ne Chief Engineer. 2f,4'.70 a � CO By ....................... uz" ...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..Curhing...both..sides...of...Rohlyn_9.venue_Xr.Am..Znelling..kmenue ta..Pascal.-AR.enUQ............... ::; :,r "_„—....................................................................... C- F.No 26470= In the matter oY curbing both aides -...._........................................................... . Roblyn.. Avenue, from Snelling -A ..............-...................................................... nue to Pascal Avende, under IjminnrY Ordet.; :25905, proved ........ ..... .. .......... 2. 1919. ........_.......... .... he Council oL, the: City. a_[ ct. P ............................ havinF-recelv.d, t3nce PePoe 00.. . .................................................................... in, nr., ,_: •...i. u,�9.1 hv(n F................................ ee......,�,.�, .r:4F ..................... fv43 n'. r?•� t vv � ........................................................................`J �7...................... ? ..- under Preliminary Order ............ 25905approved ....._...___............. _July 22, 1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....CllrL' both - sides of -------... ................ . Rohlyn .Avenu..er,vMSnelling..Avenue to._Pascal_-Avenue...... .... _...... ... -- ................ .................................... _...._.__........_........_..__......__............__._......................................................... ........................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....1231.11_____. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... 3?'a..........:.............day of ..................... Ct•........... .................. 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ? . t 191 r Approved....... . 191.:_ . . C -it �✓Clerk i ..., ............... "i� Ilfayor.' Councilman F rnsworth Councilman ss PUBLISHED Counellman Clancy Councilman - Powers Councilman 1cCoI Councilman underlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8 29471 C� COUNCIL WU N/l.......................... J . By..........,,. ................................ ............----....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Gr#d;Ll?t;...> .11...t t.-.poxt onofAnnayolj �t�eQt�yil.. .within _the...city...limitsfronApont...one__hundredandfiy_east of ,..._.. ..._- Pdanomin Avenue to Charlton Street. .. ................................._............._.............................._....__,___..................-------................. ............................................................................................... C. F. No. 26471— ; In the'matter ;oL gr11116 all that D+ ............................................ tfon of AnnaDolie Street 191ng with ............................................................................................... .the city lh a't from a:Polnt ane hu dre{l and--aft9. (360) feet East ........................................... Mrth rmPreltm nar9 Atder!R6010.. .:._._......._..._................................... .. .a titay 7. 1919..,.. ;.. .............. _...................... �xs snx r.,•,f of the CitY'of at............... ......... _.................... repot. pn f *ae r` - under Preliminary Order.................2507:Q:..........-.--_......approved °.:.:'.'.,ds''•'".n :n'+ rIaj' 7t 1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of they Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Grading ...all -that ..... _poxtion.of.._Annap.olis._5treet lying within the city limits from.a _................ .......... point.one hundred and fifty (150) feet east of h1anomin Avenue to ._... ....... ......._.................................................. Charlton Street. .. _.........— _..._ _.................:..... _. ... _..........._....................... ......... .......................... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......10.3.5..1.5..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 3.rd...................day of Octo.be.r ........................... 191 . q -_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the ......... Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...............`.... .........................., 191 ....... Approved..................................................... 191 ..... C v Cleric J Councilman Farnsworth j Mayor. Councilman toss XiED Councilman EKSYL= Clancy PUSLi / CouucilmanX• Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor MV46K Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER x,472 In the Matter of ................. Candemning..an7.d.. takj,Xl -An-_easement.-. in -the.. land_,_. necessary Por slopes for cuts and fills in grading that portion of ...................................................................-----------....----................................. Annapolis -.-Street lying within the city limits from a point one hundred ...... . ..............................-......------••-- and fifty (150) feet east of 14anomin Avenue to Charlton Street. ..................... ................................................................................................................................................ ...................... .__......................... ........ Tn the hv; matter. o c................................................................. �ing'„O.n- eaeemeht !n the )and a aareY-fer'elopea, for cats and al -.-.._ -............_ .... ..... .............. grading that Dort,, of Anna f Street lYing within• the city 1' .. .. ..... ... ...... ......................... r h from a point one pndred and under Preliminary Order.....2b0A9 (160)' feet E..t oC Manomre AL t. Charlton Street, -under Preur- _ „---- , - 1$ay ,'%,..5919• ;Order'2 09, approved1' The Council of the City of St. Paul hal The COu en of the cuy of st kving �rece ved the reportCommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered s1 atone of Fi enc. apon th e_t ..d hetng cr . ehv rase ea. T. That the said report be and the sam � n , dopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Condemn-and ...take-= easement._in_the..land necessary_.for-.slopes for cuts and fills in grading that...porti.on...of_ Annapoli ...Street lying__grithin._the-_city-limits from a point one hundred and fifty feet (150) .'east of manomin Avenue to .. _ .. ....................---- .._....._..............................................................2............ Charlton.. Street_.... inaccordance with blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portion showing the cuts and the dhi06d pft't'on ........................ showing ills �fills;............................................................................................................................ ....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...........?5..00 ROesolved Ctoberrther, That a public heara2g be had on said improvement on the......... 3rd day of .......... ..............................1 191...-...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........`.:......... 191........ Approved.. ....... ........ 191..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman EX16164 Clancy Councilman Kxh%z Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieb Mayors Hodgson orm B. S. A. 8-6 + ......: _t e at -ark. ._ _........... .......__ ..........................._... Mayor. PUBLIL;! ILD 71 �l9 C. F. 26473. Aii"ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16th, 1919, entitled, "An administrative ordinance fixing the com- peneation rates of certain city positions and employments." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16th, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out from Section 1 thereof, the following words and figures: District Fire Chief $160.00 $175.00 Clearer, Stage, 1.50 a performance Operator, Light 2.00 a " Propety Man (Auditorium) 5.42 a day • Stage Carpenter, 35.00 per week Stage Electrician, 5.44 a day Dentists (Part time service) 50.00 50.00. Superintendent of Const. & Repro. (nest.) 200.00 275.00 Telephone Operator, 50.00 65.00 i Chemist, Chief 125.00 150.00 { Foreman (Water Bureau) 105.00 135.00 Inspector, Gas Meter 105.00 135.00 Inspector, Chief Meter 85.00 115.00 j Inspector, Smoke, 85.00 115.00 Registrar (Water Bureau) 175.00 200.-00 Superintendent of City Market 85.00 115.00 Superintendent, District Meter 95.00 125:00 Superintendent, Lighting, 175.00 200.00 Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment, Assistant (Water Bureau) 95.00 125.00 Weigher, 60.00 80.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: District Fire Chief 175.00 175.00 Clearer, Stage, $1.00 a performance and 500 per hr. overtime. Operator, Light 2.00 a performance and 500 per hr. overtime. ! Property Man (Auditorium) $5.83 per day.' i M C..F. No. Ordinance Na. . r . An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, and amendments:thereto, entitled, "An 'dministrative Ordinance fixing he compensation rates of certain city positions and employments'. THE COUNCIL OF THE..CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 -_ That Section 1 (Grade A) of Ordinance No. 5139,, approved August 16,`. 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section. " the following words and figures: Clearer, Stage, 01.50 a performance Operator, Light, $2.00 a performance Property Man (Auditorium), 05.42 a day Stage carpenter, $35.00 per week State Electrician,5'.44 a day and in serting in place thereof the following words and figures: Clearer, Stage, 1.00 a performance and 50/ per hour overtime. Operator, Light, $2.00 a performance and 50� per hour for overtime. Property Man (Auditorium) $5.83 per day Stage barpenter, $37.50 per week Stage Electrician, 65.83, per day and that said Section 1 (Grade A) be and the same is hereby further amended by adding thereto the following words and figures: Property Pian (Assistant) $3.75 er day Stage Electrician (Assistant), 4.66 per day Plumber's Helper, 60¢ per hour That Section 1 (Grade C) of the said Ordinance No. 5139 be and the -same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures: Dentists (Part time service) minimum $50.009 maximum X750.00 and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: Dentists:(Part time service) minimum 00.00, maximum $100.00 Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be .in force immediately upon its passage and approval. YeasCouncilmen " Nays Clancy Adopted by the:Council Farnsworth Goss Keller 1919 Powers Yunderlich Mr. Prest.(Hodgson) Approved 1919 6 t inordinance to amend Administrative:Ordinance No. 5139; approv- ed August 16th, 1919, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates. of:certein city positions and employments." TBE COUNCIL.,OE .Ta, CITY OF ST.' PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That 8eotion l ot?.Ordinanoe No. 5139, approved August 16th, 1919,.be and the same is hereby amended,,by.striking out ' from Seotion:one thereof, the followingwords and figures:`;, "Chemist, Chief 135.00 150.00 Foreman (Water Bureau) 105.00 " 135.00 Inspector, Gas Meter 105.00 135.00•'` Inspeotor,;Ohi6i:'deter 85.00. 115.00 Inspector, smoke '"" 85.00 115.00 Registrar fwatex Bureau) 175.00 300.00 Superintendent of Oity, Market 85.00 115.00" Superintendent, District Meter 95.00 12540 Superintendent,• Lighting ; 175.00" 300 00 „Superintendent of Meohanical•Equ p- ment,,Assistant'(Water Bureau 95.00 125.00 Weigher, 60.00 80 00" an c4 substituting iii; place thereof the 'following `words. end figures: "Chemist, Chief " 150.00 175.00 Foreman (Water.Bureau) 120•.;00 140.00• Inspector,`,Gas Meter 135.00 150:00 Tnspeotor; Chief Meter 105.00 125 00• ; IT1Bp8Qtor,"SIDOke ' 95.00 125.00 Registrar (Water Bur"eau): r :' . 17540 22b 00 Superintendent. 'of, City l[aiket 100":00 195.00 Superin endent District Meter 105.00 135:00 Superintendent, Lighting 200.00'' a35.OQ Superintendent of 14eohanica1E.quip- ment,'Aesistant (Water Bureau)• 125.00""' 150.00 Weigher, 70.00 90:00° Section 2. This ordinance` shall.take`ieffeot:and be in,foroe immediately upon,ite paesagea=4publ3oation. s Farm A A 48, 2 X 7-18 CIrTY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FLECIL 1159 — d -o- ne ..... . SLI �3�� ............... .. O AUDITED ......... .. 4.. .. .. .. ..........797 ..... TRLER PE............... .. .... ...... ------------------ ................ -` TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of -the:, persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detai?cam statement: -- Yeas ( V ) Councilmen V) --- a F. We. 26474— - Adopted by the Council... ....... 191 Rea0 Ved, That tWWananta ba drawn Clancy �uD a tha City Tr b.hry, p yabie obt of .th heretnatter .De feed �unfla ana 1n: APP...ed- ._..._ .. ..................................191__ Farnsworth ^ favor or the persona, grata or corpora- �� Ifo lowlnVeCentta, detallea to e6ehted 1n the. .... . _._ .. .................... .. ....... .......r. Keller 4 s A. 0 -n orth$ Com r. of Finance, � __ / Garage,' i MAYOR McColl fla zA. Fa DWWotih, Com'r. of Finance. Wunderlich E T, aourtey,.ieo.95. Edw, A. 73napD; Aeafgmee, $168.a8. Mr. President, Hodgson .standara Stone Company, a168.00.. g Tlerney &aompany,i469.66. 'Adopted y the C6unc11 9abt 9, 1819. ADProve 78eDt:'#, 1949. - -- 1.410 '13959 Edw. A. Knapp; Assignee N*e, Bkokson, 168.30 f:,^adin¢ AllevBlk. 3. Douglas Add. 1596& Standard Stone Company, 65BA00 � -Milton to Chatsworth. x598"1 Tierney & Company, 469.56 iu e-. - 1395'3 Central Garage, 532.60 3:3986 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 14,925.30, Bureau of Paris restry Revl. 11,454.64 3.27 f; B auorPlaggrounds 1,500.69 167.50 Gt. Nor ern: Schools '1,394.40 P. Bldgs. Revl. 404.80 ,$3:30 &3957 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance YFa�e�+ 12,200.90 .}$ R. T. Gourley, 80.95 esu of Isngrs. 54.90 St. C. & R. 3.90 k Sege C. & R. 14.90 Crosses s 7,255 '13959 Edw. A. Knapp; Assignee N*e, Bkokson, 168.30 f:,^adin¢ AllevBlk. 3. Douglas Add. 1596& Standard Stone Company, 65BA00 � -Milton to Chatsworth. x598"1 Tierney & Company, 469.56 iu e-. - Resolved, In the matter of paving alley in Block 30, Summit Park Addition, including all necessary incidentals, under Preliminary Order #24660, approved April 7th, 1919, and Final Order #26306, approved June End, 1919e RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of. Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are here roved. / 4 is $ sting ails tPc� yte. 6A16" 4a�t dgtUot��naet sovao. .. . \C• S;• a ta8�tt P In t ondaAb al O419S ca' _ _. ,,.io tb 9aP asarYaer 'Nna F ryna• e9net�yve" a,�taa" n,p t9�c� Cp aPgaaPtttot YTOYec AP,T3p6. eaptT tt�at \ae omad or. aP• / 4caolapa tb Co a ato D A 19'l9. �. t� i `oa tot 8 tbe.eC ac\\ 6ePt. V.01%. a .01 pa aD a ag19. 9T Ado4T eaYBg 4th 6_� APP SA �g0 t.0� 00ri�e0 Rgsp�' S Yeas ( J) Councilmen (✓) Nays J�✓P �Q 9 Adopted by the Council ......:......... 191.:.... Clancy Farnsworth U0 Approve ................. ... ...... ......... 191..... Goss ............An favor �- Keller McColl ..........__ Against ...... �._/V....... ....... ..... ..."-:-."....�....r MAYOR 7 Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson CITY OF ST. PAUL . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .........:� .............. ................. .................... -........... ..............I............................ ... ..... ................. COU.. 0,c476 ► Le No. __._........_..: .........................:..... Date Presented .......AUg-j-30-x-39-j...............191..... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the purchasing Committee in awarding contract to Mike Ranschnot for buying garbage collected by the City of St.Paul during the year from September 1,1919, to August 31,1920, in that portion of the City designated as District No3 as shown on attached map, at a price of $3.25 per ton. Total amount of this contract is approximately $5,000.00. F.B.2037 0 Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller O McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9.3M12-18. . SEP 19!9 Adopted by the Co un i1 .........:.................................191...... c: o _:2. I° 9 Appr...............`.............:`........................191..... .................... ..._ _,.... ............. MAYOR 7. { CITY OF ST.- PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM SubjectI . ......................... ._....... 26477 . ripe NO ..............._..............__. ........... y .' .:..:....::....... ....... :....._.... ...... _............................ ............. 401 ................................................................................... C Date Presented.-..AlAgs.39,19.19...............191..... f VVVC Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in gwarding contract for the sale of garbage col- lected by the City in District No..2, as shown on attached map, for the year ending august 31,1920, to Anton Weinholzer at a price of $3.60 per ton, total amount of the contract being approximately $5,000.00, in accordance with his bid and specifications hereto attached. P.B.2037 C. A No. 26477_—By-M. N. Coes— Bee6lved, That the Counoll het•eby approves ih0 aatl6n"of the Pilrchaeing Committee in —wardln t"aontreet in the sale' of garb. B a olle 0 t ct the ' for City' In District' IP'. 8, as shown on he �Augupet d81,, 19on-20,1 tyo Anton Welnhnlzer at a o1 fheiacontract0 being �apPro*Imat03y =6,000.00, In accordance with hls bld and 2ffiitdcatlons hereto. atffiahed. F. H; Adopted y the Council Sept. 4, 1919. Approved Sept. 4, 1919. J (Sept. 6, 1919) all papers its with above co icon �nn Res tion. U Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - p _ Adopted by the Council $E; � .q . 9 191...... Clancy Farnsworth SCp _,I !"q Goss .............. In favor Approve .................................... ..:.-....:...:.::...191..... Keller i\ McColll.J .............. Against ................................ ...... .... ................... ................... Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 CITY OF ST: PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR Snbject:................................................................................ _......_........_...........................:............................ couRclt PILE•...................................................:........ Date Presented- ------ AP itemb0r„ 3...-.....191 .. Resolved, e That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to "rdinance No. 5137, for Public Library purpo14 the easterly 54.85 feet of Lot 1, Block 22, Rice and Irvine's Addition, for the sum of $4113.75 and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of the said land when a proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to' the Comptroller. The cost of said land is to be charged to Public Library Fund No. 402 - 1918 Reserve. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller 0 McColl-.- Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson RORM C. A. 9 SM 12.18 C 11662o' 29448 --Hy RlAlbort Wunder Laude fe hereLyaguthorlsed remittee on andbehalt ot, the City of SL Paul ,nee for Publlc 7Abrto Ordihaaee under 9 and Irvlpe eat of TA I Block 22, l"t, are ihereb and that Pi;!) re tilts enm. of to draw a authorlaed and eM e>8eers pice 1afay9r arrant ter bowered and .when of the lownat ert'olpnicha tl Coune.1 eeha�jr olha aby thedCo or tion the Comptroller, The con dell, o Fund' No charged in - of said lgpd° I Adopted D 2`3938 Re9eilo L(brary Approveeet; d r the lo. Council Spt, B 4 1919. (Rapt. 8, 1918) poeety" all papers tel connection with abov% CCP _1 1919 Adopted by the Council ..,...- :.............................191...... q Appro d ... ............. .. SE°... ...............! .......f .9 ...........191..... ......_...............................::��. MAYOR a, CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 26�JI;yQ COUNCIL F. -A A.4i,fr 7-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—ASOLUTI'ON FORM„, FILE ,No. ........... ..... -......... r 116® SE C� 1919 ` ................. ...... .........."�-Lam...... . AU ITED ..1?4.P 5.....191.............1 ..... t OSiPTROLLER ��.�✓ PER .......... ......... .. .�--�.•.(C,/�.t.�. ✓,........_.. .' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their res ective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V RESOLVTIONS. SEP r C. F. No, 26479— ' Adopted by ouncil ....__.......-4z....I ` Clancy Abstract. SEP —5 1Q '- Y Resolved that Warrants ba drawn , upon the ty Treasurer, yayable out Iq ` - Et31aW4D{i2' o[ the hereinafter epeclfled fund.' and pprov d . .................. . ....... .._ ...... ...... ' in favor of the persona, Orme or corpo- '- GO55 ration. for the amounts a,, oDpoSlto O their respective names as apecifladin Keller the following detailed- atatemenG __, ,,.,,,_._ .._. ..._.............. _��,. ...., -.- t, rtcan 9nPpIY ComPa Y $44.47: City and County of Denv ,Colorado, MAYOR McColl $3.00 Great Lakes Coal Dock Company, Wunderlich $661.72, A. P; Horechler, $3121. ' Mr. President, Hod son ( Ea. aacobs, mat. state Boller In- �' epector, $9.00. Otto' Meh.lkomer, $600,00. Malady Paper Company $b'8.60. " ' National -Cast Iron Pipe Company, $15,662.41.....' .. -North Star .State -Tobacco Company, $34.79. - PloneerCone BakeFY. E18.7"0. Raymer Hardware Company,"$11.19: St: Paul Electric Com Dany� $17.31. L. -Schwab Company; $122.60. - Cha.: E: Smith, $1.26. Adopted' by 3ke Council Sept 5, 1919. Approved Sept. 6, 1919: (Sept. 13 1919) , 13962 American Supply Company, 44.47 13983' City & County of Denver, Colorado 3.00 I+itrs�ry� r` 15"t Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 561.72 F4 -re #.68 .04 Wa —139" A. P. Herschler, 31.21 P:�T�t1as . -13966 Ed. Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 9.00 Icy 15969 Otto Mehsikomer, 500.00 YFn, 169W Melady Paper Company, 56.50 tine 49. 0 P 7450 -.13969, National Cast Iron Pipe Company, 15,'662.41 1:59TEA North Star State Tobacco Company, 34.79 73971 Pioneer Cone Bakery, 18.75 1 a i CITY OF ST. PAUL} , 4 OFFI�E OF THE COMPTROLLER 264' rCOUNCIL NO........... ......... ti.. AUDITE�P_jCLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILA. 1161 �� a .. OSIPTROLLEIt L AU D D ......... J.. ...�.9.,a-..... 19---- 9 ..... ER . ...................-....... _.........---..... _ TITLE u1_ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set oppositet— h_ sir respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Teat ur9 pnyable oat ot,l Adopted by the ncil SEP e 191..._ C. F. No. 26480 drawn Clancy Resoly tnatteereons, .o ^ y Thet Warrants be upon the city cfaed Londe sna 1n' pproved .._ .JF.P . -Q} g ........191 ____.. the here arms t corpora- �� favor t rhthe amounts eat opp tions.. eclfled in Goss their reepectl detailed etatae nFttnance,� the following ...r�/ ..... ..__ ....... ._ ........... _. 1 Keller g, A. Farnsworth' Com r.. MAYOR McColl $6,664.87 s: A. Faraswortb, Coro of Finance, e Wunderlich i8,,ao. euv, Mr. President, Hodgson l ' 9ocietyJl inthe P` e2t on ,t Crq Adopted bSeph4 .council1919$opt. 6. 1919. =208119.. Approved W t_y% 1919] fie' S. A. Farnsworth., Com fr. of Finance teffq S. A. FErnsworth, Com'r. of Finance d) • 13,E Christ Johnson, orth 30@*@ Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, G. 5,554.87 WOO 12 ]12.00 200.00 Council File No.. ..........:.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' Petition: and IR 26481 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu c improvement by the City of St. Paul, yi; i Conetruot.._e ._gement t il:._edew. k,.._foux .. c4...9hQ�ha1f...f:e0t.._q? d@.,...Qi(i .tk4 ._... north...Q.I de....of....h 'rne....Stxa.......baginni at:::Marl ..:5.1<.x.apt.,.....Uk�ano.e...W.aa:t................. six._hundred- a..awenty�Yive.-fe......................._........................................_.........----........................................_ Dated this...5.th............ day of Sept aT.,....1919................ ......... 191......... ................ ..... ..... ..................... .............. rurILININAR1[' ORID301 t9. - unClhnalL C F No., 28481 A601.cack y U he;eoo4 tb wollowtn� tmt yrovam WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma(iuWM76il$,., L dement, viz.: Conatruat.._a..9.Qment..:t. le...�ide�P. k.;..f0u� ..a?3d...9�14 ha f...Y.�Pt_w;>..Sie,..._o.?�...thc.... north •..-side .._of._Thorne ._,$tr77 Q-�t-,.._beg.�.rl. six-_hundred.._ and...twenty..�f ve...Yeet:e......................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the Citrof St. Paul by Councilman.::............................................................ ....... therefore. be it, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To inveltigate the nature, extent and edlimated colt of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ............ ......................... ........... .......................................................................................................................................... btate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ?To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......-------$E................::.:9............191........ Yea$: Nays: Councilman PiIm"Ifw - 9 Goss � Approved ............... _'..:..._ v :............191......_ Hyland f Keller McColl Wunderlich_...... .. -----. ......................................... Mayor I� Mayyoo r. EUBLISFIED Form C A 13 (aM H7) _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n pp - Subject: .._------- -------- ............ ................................................... .: COU . ..._...-.-.-.-..-...................-...-...............-.NGL_ 26482 :.::-•...........:.................................... . .........._................. ..................... ........................... ................ .......................... _. Date Presented -._......... ........ .................. eso,ved, that with the approval of the �,Iayor and the Comptroller, the sum of One Thousand Fifty Seven Dollars be, and the same hereby is transferred fr,m the Purc?',ase of Land Item (55.3) of the Bureau of Play7r-und Account, to.'the Operating and Maintenance of Plant Item (55.2) of the same account, as by so doing an unavoidable defeciency in the last mentioned account will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned account. E •: smoneys In tha flreC`, i u[loned acco n4 AdoDtedby tho Counc/l Sept b;-Y818� Pproved Sept. 6 1919 (Sept. f3, 19Y8) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays —� �c�9 Adopted by,the Council ......SEP........x:....:.:.........191...... Clancy -Farnsworth. Ap ov ..................................................SEP _` �`.19 F. ... ......._..191.. Goss ........In favor Keller - - '� McColl .............. Against .•—.....•.-..••....-..-...........-..........._..... _ MAYOR Wunderlich `.Mr. President, Hodgson _ rORM O That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby author- ized and empowered, pursuant to ordinance 5065, to appoint one assistant Special Director at a salary not -to exceed %5.00 per day, for the purpose of supervising repairs to gymnasium apparatus in the public schools Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays ` Clancy Farnsworth' Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich 7'resident, Hodgson C.11F _No. 26488-13y Albert Wunder - R solved, That the Commissioner of Education bp.and he Is hereby author- iaed .and iilpoWered, purspuant to Or- dlbance'6086, to appoint one assistant $pedal nire CtOr-at a. salarynot. to e:= ceed {6.00 per. day, for the purpose o[ supervising repairs to 1ymnaslum 'ap "parptue. Inthe publio schools. Adopted by -the Council Sept. -6;, 1919, ADproVed Sept. B 1919. ($apt. 13. 1919).. Adopted by the Co it .....SEP....... t 1919 ..... App....................}!..............................191..... ....-......... ............................. ....-- ---. ............. M-A-..O...P .... MAY CITY .OF ST. PAUL -souneil Resolution ---General Form Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By .4.1.2 ui a mvi a tithe d u e1 e Gas Il wiine Caalla nA evert: of de [c �a d directed to extend its electrical lines by ereaun¢ poles and etrin¢ine wires thereon for the Install=one pole on the east side of Avon midway between Hague and Laurel Avenues, with necessary guys and anchors. All of eveb enteveione, poles and ,I,. hall be erected and constructed under the direction sed eu 1slon of the Commisniever of Public Utilities and iv all thins e �b:cct to the movlelove of Ordinaeee No. li' avd *11.1n1 aother lawful ordinauces avd resolutioaa of the Cib of &. Rules Ali poles should he s<t in ouch Is.tiov to Bald eland streets as the Commisniover of Public wires eluil desl¢vate, avd .hall be such hei¢ht and cturacter, m lie •bell d.t¢nate and approve, avd any avd all each pal. shall be taken down and removed, and such wires placed uvder¢rnuvd, whenever the Coundl shall deem that the pni.lie interest so requires. and when it shall so order. "Ig Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL V W UNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER President, IRVIN CFS - n Approved - —i 191 t Mayor J FmmAA45,2117-I8 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM •1165 SEP 6 1 y j_. AUDITED ......................................... COUNCIL FILE No ...... :..Y a - v ...........---- C �ROL ER TITLE ` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations fol .the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Councilmen ( V ) - - - -- SEP —6 1919. Yeas. V ) ( C. F. No. 26486— Adopted b the Council.... _.._.......__.._..._._... _.....V Abstract. P y Clancy Resolved that warrants be drawn y uyon the City Treasury, payable_ovt of the herelnattDr aDeclflermBno0 corpora I.P.Farnsworth favor bt the. eraons, Approv ........._.__ .. .._¢�"....f9.t1.. ------ 191 tions Yor the Bono net o Da I t t 0 (doss resUectly� names ae epecQfled Sn the folTlowing defalled statement: Keller Conhraa-Sargent Company. $8 loan 9: A. Farnsworth, Com r. of Fila loaner. ...... _ . _ ...__ .. _......._... _._.........._......... {89486MAYOR — McColl D xeough Broth p $8 660.60. Pittsburgh Plate (blase Counpssy. Wunderlich $269,26. . St. Paul Builders Material Company, Mr. President, Hodgson 387 z2. g Adopted by the Council Sept.: 6,. 1816• ApprovedSept: 0i6181919) i39M Cochran -Sargent Company, 254.46 GZ.Allt Northern..SOh0018 171M S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finanoe CI294"25 terst 188 0 f Pei . imp. Revl. Fund- % Int. ot. 05 15985 Keough Brothers, 20550.00 $e�py3„ p ndn 1 nh Otto -13M Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 269,25 Oro ools isqqe�St.Paul Builders Material liompany, 87.22 `R 4 .98 Con (Bond) .24 Tots3. II Form A A 48, I N 7-18 I a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM PILE N...... 1162 nY................._.............................................. AUDITED ........SEP li '�.. J.. _. 91........ T \IPTRULLER PER ....... ....... .............. ................................... �-, TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective, names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Cou t .................................... ' .._... ..... 191.._.. Clancy C. F. No. 26486Ab .. SEP _i 1 Abstract. - ........._......__J...IP 9 Farnsworth Resolved that warrants be drawn a ............ ...._..___........ 191 upon the City Treseury, payable out of Goss the hoc"' Stet pDeclded funds and. In - favor o1 the amount oat o or corpora- - / Keller r.l.fe t.1 the amounts. oat oppoeitIn the respectivenames epeelHed In the ................__._._.._............... ......._.................._........._......... .._...... ....... _................... .... _ following detailed statement. MAYOR McColl @"Fey P- lli3 r° i 's.93. Wunderlich A. A.$9.67. $9.67. Minuebaha Dry. Cleaning Company. 936. Mr. President, Hodgson 11Tatter satinBer,`E69.99. Twin edt Brick Company. E633..69. ' Adopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1919.. Approved Sept 6, 1919. (Sept. is, 191 9) . -14NO Quincy R. Hall, -M983 J. F. %ain, Caahter 00"2 A. A. McDonell, -�IFa+bes� 46983 Minnehaha Dry Cleaning Company, i l3Q84 Walter Salinger, (� en 19969 -Twin City Brick Company, vFe.. �. Tgta1,_ _ 50.16 35.93 9.6T 10,35 50.00 533:69 ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL 'COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......... _...................... __.................. _.......... ..... --............. .................................................. .....:......-:..... 26487 COUNGL -' Date Presented ---8-0-pt-...... y-19.1.8 ......... _.191.-... v That the Purchasing Resolved, B Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with - thecanself of the Comptroller; to have all, the piping in Boiler Room, room adjacent to boiler room, first basement, second basement and first floor consisting of jail room proper and offices in the Central Police Station covered with 8-plyt Asbestocil Pipe Covering by the H.W.Johns-Manville Company for the sum of $606.53, in accordance with their bid on file, without advertisement as said covering is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Polioe-22-2 Peas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller V McColl Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson PORM,CV. A. 9 3M t2-19 s Adopted by the Council ..-....SEP .....=6.J'-(.9.....191...... 1919 ..............In favor Appro -------------------•-- --- 191..... ............. Against ...........................-........................... _....... ................. ��-�- MAYOR ■ d CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOFiM Subject: ... . ......... . .......... % .......................... .......... : ..................................................... .................... CO . U . N Cn_ - I q&E No . ....................... . ..... .... ................... . . . . ................................................... . ................. ..... . ..... 7 .......... ... . ................................................. Date Presented Sep -t... 6. Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 22, 1919, between Gust Lindblad and the City of -Saint Paul, for the curbing of East Fifth Street from Mendota Street to Forest Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the Fifth day of September, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby author— ized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance here— with, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractorls bond con— sent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptrol— ler. 26488—B '.eifted for C. ' .1 M- N. Guam R'.OlVad, That _nt,net the to" " 'f a 1911'batv�- d.'agerA,1l1"22, on' Gust h Street, Lind ad ad til- Deet I to, tt ourbln% of Lt fend.X. treat to 1,reat Street, the aree is hereby extended - be and of September 1919, andl In' 11�?'7th dsY the or elty fn.ar. or. :1-;;bi st", dT.P.t to th.r I to execute a6nd=� herewith .old 'o.tr.et in see I ", I its. provided however. that th a role to shall nOi have say far.. and 'ff.. urj-� I h t ..t.e - a.. the Zr6tles On thsfl1i`,o.'-r.h Me - bond I'as t thereto "th - Cit, �o P:) ,sent . writing with , a �troller.Sept. 8, 1919. Adopted 1, the Connell 8 �'ppra,.d Jept. 6. 1919 - (Sept. 13'1919) Yeas (%') Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller 0 7 Mc__11 Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM o. 12-16 Adopted by the Counc .1 ........... SEP ......-F.1....`9I'......191...... .. ........... Approved.... .. ...... jo;q_ 191 ....... ....................... .......................... ........................ MAYOR L St. Paul, Minn. , f- - - -'� - - 191f - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- �Es�.sf�f}L�.S��i�ir. to be extended to - - - - °s19/�_ Owing to. - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly �Contractor. APPROVED Commissione ofPub Torks. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conc e Supt, of Construction & Repairs -tX_ �fiL a-•_�.-Q_a.��� Chief Engineer. COU SubjeCi:--- - ----- - ...... � ".1r� My. No. 26989—Ry 8enrsMecou .-. RAL,FORM - - ----- -- .... A of the e6 ae reQuired Dy COUNCIL (� Nfcolln, Restaurant, 36 M FILE N0..: M1m,jT `1 -------------- & Qo., Restaurant, 91 ao "............... ....... ecott, Restaurant,— Sept. 6, 9 ,n t Date Presented .............. .. .......... ....19L Yeas (V Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss, ..............In favor Keller /� McColl v ...............Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 aM 6-t6 SEP -r, 1219 Adopted by the Council ............. .......... .................191.-.... P i°S .......Appr ed....(.... 191. .............................. _.........._......................_.............. p MAYOR ^ JnLISHM 5 Resolved, That the application of the following per for a license to conduct indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively the City Clerk is authorized and directed to same are hereby, granted, issue such licenses to s8,id and persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law, NA?.IE OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Florian L. Nioolin, Restaurant, 35 th bert, So Ro, 91 So. Ro A. Biagi & Co. Restaurant, . 336 7th St. Dan B. Scott, Restaurant, 719 aymond, R R Elof Olson Bogrdinghouse, 33 E. 7th, C. W. Yenmah a Restaurant, 73 W. 3rd St., Frank Ballis, —Restaurant, S88 gent nth, Henry Pryor, Restaurant, 50 W. Aaron Fineberg, Restaurant, Restaurant, 453 Jaokson, John Iiehlinger, F, L. Schwartz, Hotel Oriental, 105 E. Bth, 153 E. 3rd, Louis P. Kanas, Lunch Room, 471 Wabash&, Sam Nikos, Restaurant, 1038 W. 7th, Joseph Vohralik, Restaurant, Snelling Hotel, 1586 University Ave. Claude L. Hill, f. J. Utley, Restaurant, 311 Wabash& St. 389 Robert, Wilson & Jones, Restaurant, 495 No, Dale, J. Holmes, Restauraxlt, 161 A. 7th, Gust Ales, Restaurant, 3381 W. 4th, Urs. Edna L. Kelley, Hotel, 493 Wabash& St., Sue Wah Jim, Restaurant, Yeas (V Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss, ..............In favor Keller /� McColl v ...............Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A.9 aM 6-t6 SEP -r, 1219 Adopted by the Council ............. .......... .................191.-.... P i°S .......Appr ed....(.... 191. .............................. _.........._......................_.............. p MAYOR ^ JnLISHM 5 Council File No ....................: ..... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMANT and 2 941 0 Petition. PRELIMINARY O ER. The undersigned hereby proposes the makin of the foll ' public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Curb both sides of Jessie Stree f om Maryland Street to Jessamine Street. ....................'------.........................................................................................................................----..........._....................................................... u Dated this ......6th .........day of......8.9P.?s embe.r.r...19.13,................................... 191......... .. ... ........................ ..... ................ .............. 3+ags- r.r„ :p)Councilman. ) e47 tp I7og WHEREAS, A written proposal fd viz.: ............................................................................................................................._..................._._.........-----.................................................._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve/tigate the nature, extent and eAtimated coAt of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. o Atate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by'che council ...................... EP.....-�, I .19.......191......_ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GoesSP Hyland /� Approved........ . .... .... ...................191........ Keller McColl ? Wunderlich - - --......................._.......................... Mayor Irvin Mayor. Barin C A IS S. 447) COUNCIL FILE NO.. ............ 25 bye ., i7 tic, � r By ''""�'' `'" - ^' "' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV- / ING ASSESSMENT. \ _ C. F. No. 26491—-- ` ` In the matter of the assessment of 1 benefits, Costs and espQ nses for c l etructint,, relaying repalrinR Resolution of Cement slflewalka, Fstlmate No. na Assessment. under Contract 2931 A, rnr se: 91r fn: the matter of the assessment of bt;n.fits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relajing and repairing Cement Sidewalks, estimate Ido. 7, Under Contract 2981 A, for season of 1918. --Assessable roll-- F.O. 23205 Rondo St., both sides, from Victoria St. to iriilton St. F.O. 23220 Capitol Ave., south side, from Syndicate St. to Griggs 5t. F.O. 23260 Sherburne Ave., south side, beginning 76 feet east of Asbury St. thence east 72 feet, and beginning 80 feet east of Pascal thence east 40 feet. F.O. 23204 Asbury St., west side, beginning at Lake Como &Phalen Ave. thence south 118 feet, on the east side of Capitol Ave. from lilinnehaha St. thence north 140 feet and on the north side of Ylinnehaha at. beginning at Capitol Ave. thence east 55 feet. ,--F.O. 23195 Snelling Ave., west side, from Randolph St. to Jefferson,Ave., on south side of Jefferson Ave. from i4acalester :,,ve. to Snelling 1 Ave., on both sides of Juliet St, from i,iacalester ve. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of Palace St. from maealester Ave. _1/ to Snelling Ave., andon both sides of James St. from Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 23203 Berkeley Ave., north side, from Fredericka Ave. to Underwood Ave. Ave. thence -�F.O. 23201 Cromwell Ave., east side, beginning at University . c_ north 135 feet. F.O. 23222 Fulton St., west side, from Palace St. to Jefferson Ave. F.O. 23081 Oneida St., east side, from St. Clair St, thence north to north end of alley crossing. F.O. 23199 Laurel Ave., south side, from Syndicate Ave. thence east 170 feet. F.O. 23258 Princeton Ave., south side, beginning 64 feet east of woodlawn Ave. thence east 40 feet. --Von*Assessable Roll-- F.O. 23195 Snelling Ave., west side, from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., on the south side of Jefferson Ave. from Idacalester Ave. to Snelling Nve., on both sides of Juliet St. from Idacalester Ave. to Snelling Ave., on both sides of Palace St. from Macalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. and on both sides of James St. from P„acalester Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 23201 Cromwell ave., east side, beginning at University Ave. thence north 135 feet. F.O. 23081 Oneida St., east side, from St. Clair St, thence north to north end of alley crossing. - The assessment of ...__._ benefits, _..costs .._and.._el.p2_nses , ..........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _ _4th ...... _.......... ..day of October- _ __.___....__...__, 19L_9.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council Approved............ .................... .:...:_ ......................................191......... Councilman Farnsworth Goss ijEkx tx Clancy KAItax Powers i McColl Wunderlich Mayor bmbt iiodgson 191 ...:............... _... _.. City Clerk. I..................................... Mayor. PUBLISFIEI7 '� 3 ` �j/ Form B. B. 1643 _ J, CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT - - In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for the Constructing, relaying cued repairing Cement Sidertallcs, ;,st3rcmto 110. 7, Under Contrast 2981 A, for Season of 1918- --Assessable roll-- P.O. 83205 Rondo St., both sides, €ran Victoria St- to ]Alton St- P.O. 23224 capitol Ave., south side, €ram Syndicate St. to QrieZa St. F.O. 23260 St, thence k�t 72 feet,dand beginni6 feet east of ng foot east of Pascal thence east 40 feet. F.O. 23204 Asbury St., east side, beginning at nuke Como & Phalen Ave. thence south 114 feet, an the east side of capitol Ave. from Minnehaha St. thence north 140 feet and on the north side of Llinnebahn St. beginning at capitol Ave- thence east 55 feet- P.o. 25195 Snelling Ave-, 'west side, from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., on south side of Jefferson Ave- from Mcal.ester PVe- to Snelling Ave., on both sides of Juliet St. from 1.Macaloster Ave. to Snelling Ave., an both sides of Palace St. from L%oalester Ave. to Snelling jive., andon both sides of James St. from 1104alester Ave. to Snelling Ave. P.O. 23303 Berkeley Ave., north aide, from Predetric3m Ave. to Underwood Ave. F.O. 25201 crowell Ave., east side, beginning at University Ave. thence north 135 feet. P.O. 23222 Fulton St., vest side, from Pa leae St. to Jefferson Ave. P.O. WOB1 Oneida St.,, east side, from St. Clair St. thence, north to north and of alley crossing. P.O. 23199 tawel Ave-, south side, from Syndicate Ave. thence east 170 feet* P.O. 23258 Princeton Ave., south side, beginning 64 Peet east of aoodlmm Ave. thence east 40 feet- PFonyAssessable Roll-- F.O. 23195 Snelling Ave-, west side, from Randolph St. to Jefferson Ave., on the south side -of Jefferson Ave. from Mcalester Ave. to Smelling Ave., on both sidea of Juliet St. from lMacalester Ave. to Snelling Ave.,, on both sides of Pal=s St- from Nacaloster Ave. to Snelling Awa- and on both sides of Jar•S St. €rem Nacaloster Ave. to Snelling eAve. thence P.0. 2,8201 Crowell :ve-, as�t'side, beginning t University north 135 feet. F.O. 23(381 Oneida St., east side, from Clair bt. thence north to north end of allay crosoing. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: TheCommissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice - - ..__.5..6.2...,_._ ' Cost of postal cards - - Inspection fees - - - - - _ 9 . 90 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $ ._ ................ NO _.. _ $...2120:-51..._...._.... Total expenditures — — 10.72 Non -Assessable - - - Total - - - ^ - - ,^22221.23 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 222 28 . .-.._..__.._..._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $._...._..... �+........_... benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment onas co propend. be by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action the as may Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 ORTM ............................................................................................... .. F 'RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. DT ION ,OF COIINANDA FII:CING , ..d88E88AtENT EAfNA- t .PBOOEEDIN08 COND - ..�ter. 4 conch•„Hing and tak*�i In the matter of..ContlBmniz�g..&md...t. .,.,ng a.Ti fpP �,],Qpes.,.--fQ�..-G.uts.--sad..fills-_-in-.gradin-g--Natson•-l�venue,•-.from-,Griggs...._ Street.. -to- Hamline.•Avenue................................................. ................................................................. _..... under Preliminary Order....... 22.05 ........... approved J.Ula:...12,.-.IM, Intermediary Order...... R07.er2..., approved--Apr31..B.,... 1918.... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the...........4tPt......................day of......0.0.t.obe .......................191...x.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council............. ....r. r ..... °- Approver....--- -- ....:.......... :........ 191...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman gxk tkx Clancy Councilman ZXM Powers (/t Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlict Mayor Intm Hodgson ...................................-- RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSE6SMENT AND FIXING ' TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..Openingr---m. 1dening...and---exte-ndl-ne..-an--�e-Y Lu"Bloak-A -r•-• .Roper.t...&.-Rand.all!.a...Addition-.t-o--the-..Cd tg- o •• t.---Yau}...................... ....... RESOLIITIONOF CO ._-_............. ...... TIME ASBESSBIEN TAND APPROVE ..... NATION PRxO �R 6 IN CONDXN ��DINOS. ............._.... ..... ... In F. Nmatter of 1 In. the extendla olientnb, wldenln R eboit. Rand8lPgYAddltlon�te [he. 1 ..................... ........................ Und ..................... ....................................................................� r y. ot. St Pauh una... m. under Preliminary Order....... 13-7.94-.......... approved PIAV...29., 1Ca......, Intermediary Order..-��'TC9......, approved.Fekl�..-fi.}..1917.._... The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .........4- th--------------------•••day of . 0.0taber---------- _.....------ 191..9..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council....---------- :......................... ....... - .. 19 j City C Approveo---------------------- LL. ... ...::.:..... 191... - Q �7 Oi Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth immLl _ C Councilman Goss PUBLT Councilman $sd�Clancy Couneibnan S@4 E Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderliel MayorlaziM Hodgson "M COUNCIL FILE 0 ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....C.ons.truc.ti ng..a...cement....t.il.e.... sidezalk..... ai x .iae --wi da,_ o ti_t he qg[_T.QPPi.nS...S.tre.et..f=S?.?q...Gdu].tis .... tre.st---t-o---Faxringto-n.--3�enve _.... ... INTERHIEDIAItY ORDERS. C. F. No. 26494—.._............................................................. .................................................................. aoe matter of conetructingg a cement... .1x feet wlde, on the ..,.,vos�r< •,.p(ng.eet. - from ................................................................................................... _:: ^n. .....:.a AV: -!....................................... .................. _.._..........................................................................;................................................................._................................. 26155 Aug. 9,1919. under Preliminary Order -................... ------_----.....-. --approved...---.._..............----......................_............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Construct-..a...9.emeA_ tile sidewalk, six feet wide,on the south side of Topping Street from .................................................... ._Gaultie-r Street to._Farrington Avenue,...excep.t--.yh_ere._..good.-and._.suP.ficient ..eidewalks......now- exist. I .............. _ .._._ __. _..... __..._......................................._...... ...... ... ..... ... ................. _........_..._ _ _........ ..__... ___....__-................. ..._........... -........ ...._..................._......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._ Q.._70...per...fo otl Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... k. 4....................day of _..- October191.....9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted by the Council..........�.-.:....—..s..'................... 191........ Approved ...................... 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman Hybaxdcx Clancy Councilman JEgdkt Powers /Councilman McColl /5 Councilman Wunderlich ( / Mayor-Tfvb c Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 l _.. .......... .........................- ... --.... PUBU D Mayo . 07q) 1349.5 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. !� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ......... C.axed=Ai..n.9...wad ...t.*. ;Ltlg 441 in...tha..la.nd_n-e.c&As.2.ry for.-_slopes.-for._cut,s-.and-.•fi.lis._in,_,gradi_ng,_A11ey-„in,_block--- 8,._,q,F,,,,,,,_, A!mj !.!s Addition, between Laurel--_and.Ashl_and_Avenues ... from -_Lexington Avenue to Du lap Street ---- .......--'---v..........--............................------ - ............................... In the matter of condemning and y.� ........................................................................... Sng an easement in the lana eery for slopes, for outs and;-:R.................................................................... grading alley In Block 18: A. E: - ...........sey'e Addition, between . J under Preliminary Order .....25313 ........................approved ........._....... ................._...............une 3. r 1919. ......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I: That the said report be and the game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is "aerQby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Condemn...and ._take .. an. easement in the gland necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ..._............................................................................... _............._................................................................................._............... grading alley in..block 18 A. E. Ramsey! a .addition, between.. Laurel---- and Ashland Avenues fmm Lexington Avenue to Dunlap Street, in _..-....._........._....... _ ..-......_. .........................._...-......_.... ..............._...._... _......... .....-.. acco.rdancd.with. blue print hereto attached_and.made, a pa.rt...hereof, the ._ha.Ckl.ed_.p0..rti.o.n..-..Owwi.n&_.the _cu.te__and.. tle sAde..4.,. port o.n._showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $......2.5.00 ............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......4th ..day of October 191 9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Grp _� Adopted by the Council..........`-......... _.:.....:..... ..... 191.... -.-. Approved ................. .......... ....._,-, - .., 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (Joss Councilman II$kRXft Cla nay Councilman Inc Powers 7 Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Nl x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............................ . ............._.........................:!_......._ - / Mayo . PUBLISHED -13- yy cou�vcll, lJ lao.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......Grade ..and ...p.aye... al -lay ..in.._Rlo.ck-..1flrlddition, ketw�.eXl...�,aurgl..-and --Aehland._Avernze.s. from_ Lexington__Avg nue•_to_-Dunlap-.-••. Street. _ ----......................................................----------------------------------------- C. - ............. C. F. No. 28498— In the matter of grading and paving alley in Block 18. A E. Ramsey's Ad.! ............. ......................... __.......................... ditlon, "'etween- Laurel and Ashl,� .......................... . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25312 June 3,1919. underPreliminary Order .............-_ ..................................... approved .......... ... ................ ................................... ............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......GTade_.-and.--pave-,;alley in Block 18 A. E. Ramsey's Addition, between Laurel and Ashland Avenuep, .................................................................................................................................................................-.............. ................... from Lexington Avenue to Durlap Street. _....._._._.._ _. ....._ .......... .__..._....................................... ........................--- ....................... ...._......._......__.._._....... ._..._._ ......... ._.... _. _._................................ ............................. ..................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ 5662.00 ............................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 4th ......................day of Qetobe.r. . 191 9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council............ - ......_ ...:................ 191......... i\ Approved...................0 .... ;:,.......:,,......., 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman I�j�v4Nk Clancy Councilman Yaftm Powers Councilman McColl C) Councilman Wunderlich Mayor 12m=x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ..................... .... .... i.t.' .,:....: .._. .. f ... - ..._......... ,it 1 .... . ............. %....j.. .............. ................. ................. .... ..... . May PUBL ��_/ 293497 CODNCH. FTLE NO ................................. .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Rac.4nQ.triacti.xlg,....r ~laying---and_repairing...the....cemenk...tile.. eidewalks at the following locations: Dale Street, East. side, six feet - ...............................---.......................................................-- . ............-......_.......... wide, from Lafond Street,thence north to Bl- -....... _....................air Street. -Raymond-_Avenue,- ................................................................................................................ 11 !a We,>st....%i.d,e,....six...f.eet....W. de,....#xQ.m..a...B.Q.1nt....3.2....i.eet...Sauth..of Unix2rai-ty Avenue, f thence south 130 feet. :..........._.. ................................................................................................................................................-......... - .............................................. ................ .................... ...:.'3No. 26497— .......................-------....................... -•Ic �e matter at reconstructing. relay- .vn ird. rep. rt the cement the under Preliminary Order ................. -e .-a =• me In Ing meattoaeo Juri1 12 1919 .__-.,.-, aiy .................etX feet Wlde�...............�.................. tt•,;,!hence North to. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the:rep Avenue,We9t missioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ieso> enm- 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Reoonstruet, relay and_.repe..ir__the..-cement__.til.e._sidewalks__.at._ the_-.following-.locations.:----,Dale-.- Street,._East..side, six feet wide, from Lafond...Street,.. thence North to _. ... - .... .......... ............_. Blair Street. Raymond Avenue, West side, six feet wide, from a point 32 ft. _ ...__.._... .... _.... SGuth. of_ Univers.ity_Avenue, thence.. South_ 130._.fset_._................... _.............._... _....... _ ...................... _.....-.-..._ ............ .._...--- .............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0,,..0.7...p er.__ squar a foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -...........4th ................ day of qct ober _._..._., 191..9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. arc Adopted by the Council .............::................:.............., 191..... Approved ................. _(, •r,,, .........I..........I............ , 191.....-... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hid Clancy CouncilmvxxIjo&rpowers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IRyiPCx Hodgson Form B. S.: A. 8-6 ev 1P '29498) COUNCIL FI,H,E NO .........-- ............. By- Le, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........Const.-ruc ting a, cement tile sidewal.k� six feet wide, on ..............---........ ............................ --....... the...North...side ...0-f Iomba,rd--St.T.eet.... xA.ma.flilklii�... aa..-to...IA�x ngto.n.._Aygnue-, _... _....... ......................................... .................................................... .................................................................C. F. i.'o. 26498-1. In the matte. of construct tile sidewalk. sinKK ................................................ ............................ x feet ........•.• Benhtll Road to Lexingier_. ......... ..... ......................................... d 'Preliminary . :® ya 1 Supt 26t the ity .............. .............. .................................................................. 25965 July25, 1919. under Preliminary Order — -................................approved.................................................... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.C9.T18.—rA4t...a...Q-0-MOAt..... wi4.e,---on the North side of Lombard Street fry Benhill Road to Lexington Avenue,except where ppod and sufficient side— ............ ._ ------- - _ ......................-- ...................__....... ............ _..... ------------------------............................................ . ------............. .........------- walks now exist. ................................... .... - ..__.........------.....-----........_.............._ .. ---- .....................---- ......._.. --- ... ......... _._.......I. ... ..... ........ ....--.. ... __... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is . 0 70 pe.rfzlant foot. Resolved Further, That a public. hearing be had on said improvement on the...... 6th day of ................Qat.ober..........._ _ _.._, 191__9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., iu the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...:..._. ............... : ......... _... 191_.._.. f'2 j y+ 1 j Approved. - . _.._.__: :_........'_...._...__..., 191......... y .................-� - 9/ ...... i Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth FUB ScIED Councilman Goss Councilman Hak Cl an oy Councilmanr Powers '�• Councilman McColl / Councilman Wunderlich Mayor3m= Hodgsoh Form B. S. A. 8-6 N. ct� GAP 29,C. 99 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofcement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on . ---....-•...................... south side of Lafond Street, beginning 100 feet east of Asbury Street, ............... ...................................................................................... . thence east to Simpson Street. I Ia C. F. No. 26499— the matter of constructing a cement ttfte sidewalk, six feet wide, on the ------•---••••-•----------------------------------------•--------------- Auth side of Lafond Street; begla- .cul. ,g 100 feet East of Aebu,Y Skrea[; ........................................................:.....:...... - . n,.= East to ast oion Street, under ............... ^,rder 26181. aDProved............................................. .......... li^.. -. -........"�..ai bl— i':Y of at P'^,'.,. .............................................................................. .[n, ,.. �.3�F.,., 1.,. .......:......................................................................... le, 26181 Aug 12,1919. underPreliminary Order ...................................................approved ................................. ............................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner, of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a cement 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ tile ,sidewalk. six feet wide, on sorsth side of Lafond Street, beginning ............................................................................................................ 10.0-_f..e.et..-east of,, Asbury Stre et, then a east to Simpson Stre et, except ... . ..._.. ...--............................................... whe.r.e...g).ad...and ...suffz.o.j ent._., si dealk.s .now..exi a t. _........ ......... _... .......... _.._.__. _.. ..........-.........__....-...._.-_ _........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $Q...70....p.er... ;front foot . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._......6th .................. day of October 191. _ 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. or, - m c Adopted by the Council ..........::. _......., 191.... Approved ..................... .`..-.:..... ........1 191......... ........................-....!.. ... `... C' I Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman X.Vi and Clancy CouncilmarvAe*rpo w ere Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich llfayorxbc)dx Hodgson Forty B. S. A. 8-6 ........................-....!.. ... `... C' I T • - ^ 26OD COUNCIL FILE No ............................. r -y By '� ---- �S1.-------------- -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.�y� Constructill, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalk, six- fe at wide; 9-n so -Lith ---aide.•&f...DayRto-n•-Avenu-ev•--begi-an-i-ng- 56•--f eet...tueat.--of Syndicate.-Aoenue thence west 22 feet. .............................................................._................--•------•-----------------......------....... --------- ............._.................------.......... ........................................ C. P. No. 28600— re]aY- .......................................................................... In the matter of reconetructlnB tng and ,r Pairing cement tgie stde-............................................................... walks - teat wlde,e °beg!nning 6 +.l.:u�S,a� ......................................................... - „:,L: '.'ndicnte • Avenue. ..............i .•..--..-....1� .... under-Pze................................................................ a,–•.cub yppr oved Au- nnderPreliminaryOrder.-----....._25303...........approveii.„sz?............. .... Aug 21, 1919. ........................ ......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report iof the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i4aon.s.trllct.,... relay....a.nd repai-r... oement...til.e--.sidewal.k,...six...f.eet...wid.a.,....nn...so.utn..ai.de....Q;r Hayt0n.......... Avenue,_.beginning_56_feet _west of Syndicate _venue, thence west 22 feet, ..... ................. except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. _._....._........._.._...-.........._.................... ............................__..... ...... ....................... ..............._......_..._. _.............. ........ _........_.... __... _ _ ................... .. _'__._.................. -... ... .._ ............ __......_..._....._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..Q..O7.--p.er-..square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 6th ....................day of ------------------ .............._.._, 191...9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..........._ :.........::...i.:.:.:........, 191.._.. ...................................... ... \ Approved ................ �....._..................., 191----..... ... .......... ...._...,r' ...-%....._. ..................................... .........._ l _��Councilman Farnsworth ayor.PU1tLISHED Councilman Goss Councilman 510ndClancy �! Councilman $yj*N powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kkm Hod goo n Form B. S. A. 6-6 sad 740CQ 2073F�ViT CQ COUNCILYMENO .................. ........... ------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....-Construct-ing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet _vide,_ on the north side of Carroll Avenue, beginning at the east line of lot 15, block .......................................... .................................................. -......-..-.....-................... .............................................................. 2thence... east--. to P a,-ec sal-_Avenue.-........-------------------------------------.-...--...... -------•--------------------------------------------------------------- No. 26601— --........-...--.....-.-.-..---.....----....-..-.-.-......----'--- la th Illee atter of conntrvcttn a cement s Idewalk, slx- Peet e, 'the .................................................................. North side oP Carroll Avenue. Sinning n110ct the East line oC L•}, "It 2, Wacalester Vlew, - ...........................................:... East to Pascal Avenue. .......................................... ........................... 'tnminarYr�ler 20164, a -_,+-y ...-..-----........ ................. 26154 „ta „. , , Aug under Preliminary Order%1pp ed ........... ........................................ ........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..:......COS1.at.r.UC-x...a.._"? Q11t ti.l-e.--s1dawalk......six,...f.eet..vt dg,----onthe--.north-_-side_ of Carroll Avenue, -beginning at the east line of Lot 15 Block 2, Macalester view, thence east to Pascal _ . ........... .... ._,...................................................... ........_-.....--....-.- Avenue_,____except where good and sufficient sidewalks,now exist. __...-...................... ....... ............. ......._ ............... ......_. ........ .... __........ . _ .... _......_....._-- ------ _ ---- ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_0, A 70 ................. . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......6th day of October _ 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. s: Adopted by the Council ............ 191..... . , ................. .. Approved... .................... 191......... ; I le - ............. ..... ................... �-.....-................ ... ............... Iayor. Councilman Farnsworth7 PUB —/ 3 Councilman Goss T Councilman :3gbad Cl anC y Councilman K:gM Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor X -VM Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 CORN • FILES ................. /. ....................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_Reconstructing+ relaying and rewiring cement talesidewalks six...fe.et...wi.de, an...the..me.sx....si.de...af..Pine...Street,.....begL.XW:Lng...at...TejaA...Stre et, thence north to the alley. ........................................................................... C. F. No. 26602— `.. g............................................................. str Ining anddttrepairinS nementt tieside9 ...........................................................................' mniks, six feet wide. on the West berlinning at............................................................. under Preliminary Order..............._25961 .."-:'a 'rode " July -..25,..- h919............._____.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Re.const.r.,lct;:::.rel.sy...and repair cement tile sidewalk, six feet aide, on the west side of Pine .............._..._............_................................_.._............................................................................................... --•---........--- Street, beginning at Tenth Street,_thence north to the alley. _ .. _ .. .. _._...................... ...............................................- _...... ...1..._ ................... ....__..._................. ..................... .._.._ _ _....................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... .0_.07-__ ersqu X e foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th6.th .............................day of ..... ........... ........Qatob.er-...___....1 191. 9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopled by the Council. ..... 191.___.. Approved ................:...........::...... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss CouncilmanxFlJ9aWd Clancy CoundilmanxBLeM Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich f�„1 Mayor Irvtm Hodgson Form B. -S. A. 8-6 _.., ........ ... f 191.1.Cl ..... ........... ......... PIJBLI — �y' ASayor. CV CO1 D .................. By........'.....`.'�':.=:..:<::................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Curbing both sides of Pascal Avenue from Hewitt Avenue Inthe Matter of .......................................................... ................... ----....-----............---...............--•-----............................... to Taylob Avenue. -" C. F. No.matter of In the l Avenue, rbin66'both sides e Pascal Avenue, from FIrB-IttPre Avenue to Taylor Avenue, under Preliminary'-'-"""'----------- ...'•""...... ----"'-" Order 20663 approved July 1, 1919. The Council of the Cityy of St. Paul ............................................................... having received the report'of the Com- .................................................... ............. ........ mMioner of Finance upon the -above Improvement, and having cone+".. - eeld report, hereb�e reaolvee. Thatthe said report be t,;!!................................................................................. .......................................................... s..�t, ,,erehy" . erOVed and.., '••' •-- anent is 1,� .......................................................... ._...,..� with _............_........_ ._.. ,,............................ ........._....._...._.....-.............................._. 25663 July 1, 1919'. underPreliminary Order ...................................... ............... approved ...... .. __...._- ..____.................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....... Curb...bo.t-h-sidea --af. __.Pascal_ Avenue from .,Hewitt Avenue, to ---Taylor_ avenue. ............... ................................. .... _......... _ _...... .......... .... _.......................... ............................................ .......... .................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0._..64 ................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be- had on said improvement on the.............:..6th day of October 191 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City ................Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... .......... ..............._.......... 191...__ . Approved ...............::.:.......... 191.......-. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman ooss 7rCouncilman X)dmak Clancy Councilman KFO)?Bilc Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich 11layor3WAN Ho dgs o n For- R. S. A. 8-6 .............. ........... .... .. .. ...?1....t l..t.. _ _..._.................._... \ ...._..__....._...'..... C ......._e .......... PUBLISHED �� ��/ � Mayor. � CIL COUNCIL FILE NIS* .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of............. Conatrunting...a...cement...t.ile_.sidews7k,....six..f-eet...wida,----on both sides -of Dearborn Street._from_.South__Robert.,.Street...tQ.-..�t3,tg.-,SG.F.eet-.- ....................................................._..... C. F. No. 26504— ............................... ..... 0504— .......... .. ................ ...... ........ ............. n, a 1 C receive.a i e repot I ne l:om------... ------ .. -..- 25336 i mtsston of Finan a upon the fi,-k i Au • 23 1919 . under Preliminary Order ............. 21,336 tmnrove eats a havtng onataere ....... .......... e...... satd repocte-hereby resolves d'the The Council of the City of St. Paul htj aameTs net uya nn u ea as°aa aaentecfimiesioner of Finance upon the abobe improvement, and having considers ana the sats .tmnrovemeht is he* ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the said report be and the et meat That k he n�ouro r _ :d, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. '! f ra °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......Constsu.ct....a....ceme.nt tile side e.�..-.on..both..-sides__of-_Dearborn.. Street.. from ._---------- So.uth_,_ Robert Street to State Street, exceipt where good and sufficient si'ddwalks now exi st . ... ......__.....-........................_. __ _..................._ _...._........... .... .................. ....._....._......... ...... .... ....... _.. _ _........ .......... ..._.....:....................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......C.. 74 .............. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement .on the............ 6th ..................day of --------....D.eto.bet.................._ ...... 191..9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adooted by the Council...... .... ............ ....._..._. -... 191...... Approved...........;:"' 191. ..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss 7 Councilman :Rkkgd Clancy /Councilman 3Lidjerpowere Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kxbmt Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 , ..................................... ...... ->)...r.5 it rk _..................................................................... Mayor. PUBLISHED In the Matter of .... Cary.atrztnting..&-oameat.._tile ...sidawalk,...six..faa-t .wide, --an the ...North...alle...of...Niles...Straet...from_.Grigg.a_Straat...-to...Edgenumhe-- Road- ,:---_ except...Ahe.=�L&Qod...ax,.d....euffia.i..ant...aidewalks.-- now ...exist, -------------------------------------- -........... C. F. No. 26605—c onstruotint n ce�menl- In the mn[ter of .wide. on the............................................................. .................................... ........ ............ .... ....� tife sidewalk. aix Yee[ ................................... North side of N11% Street, from Griggs Street to a son m sufficlent .............................. except where gopd andndar Pre- , idewalks now 25774 t under Su1Y �nrc ........................ ................. ................ ................. ......... --------- fug having been ha,y-------------------------------------------------------------- •c..• :,raVemr� 'Pon =_ under Preliminary Order .............?r?.77 ......_............. ....................... IntermediaryOrder . .......................................................... approved -........... ---............... -- ......... ---............------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered.the same; therefore, be it "-RESOLVED,-By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and "kind -of improvement to be made by the said City is---construct...Fi.. Dement...tile..-sidewta]k-,-•-Rix-- e.et---gide- o- .A.) e._North_.side---of Niles..-.Strket.._from...Gragge---Sere-ei.--to........... EdgecLrnbe-- Rcad,,--_exc apt-. where--.good-_and.. auf f is ierit-.--e and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............. - 191 City Clerk. /q Approved ----------- Ep-b..Jy! ............. . 191....-.-. - ...------ .-•----......- ........................................................ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PURT,T. Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Helms Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 under preliminary Order approved July 11th, 1919 To thek Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pe*foot or the above improvement is $ %D The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ;BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 : 1 J. J. Ike=a i s Add. _ 11 1 Do I i 145 12 1 , Do I5 Do ' _ 13 ; 1 I I �1�0 f -_ ' 4 15 1: ) ) Do16 1'0' I 1 Do _ 17 1. Do 25 k ¢ 18 ; 1. Do j I _! 35¢_,!. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby - submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to - said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 191 of Finance. Commissioner Form B. B. 13 1 � ! 26507 COUNCIL FILE•NO.............................. B . r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..:..laoul.everding..ktQ:Gh._sine.afr.Q.41 JAY Q.9 Street.-to,_9nna olis.:. tr�et.............__......... ............... ----........-----------•-•-------------------•----------------- -----.............................-................ --..................................__.....---- .-.....-------...........................---...............------................ ---------................... ----- ..............................----........--............_...----................................ -..................................................... under Preliminary Order .......... .260-}&....................... approved. July ...30.,-..1919.................................... Intermediary Order ---- ................_........ .................... apgj za e§an------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the abovetr5"�-�.,.,ti� ' y-'and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommend ar"�ytaL`o Isngmaft+mg fully consid- °oiri Eake�^Stree k �Yv9,Sn'e ,,y the same; therefore be it eagit�ty ora c eyed su s`ef' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pa�ahys�Qg�e gspnxtent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.b!Zv ...........lBp ttee'peT?toC1 Davt �yiela sale kna�ap ......... 'r Avensz�---YRQm-._13aj�zr..ktr e.--- tc..Fnnpkolie .Street ......- .... x' ... ........... .................................. .........--------.. .................... --------- ...------- . ........ ... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..--.......... , 191 n OCT -�.i / City Clerk E' Approved...::. g2.(........., 191---•--. - �p �, • a 0 - Councilman Farnsworth t Councilman Goss — Cozeilman Clancy Councilman P ers CounClim CCO ( 4 Councilman Wunderlich: Mayor Hodgson t Form B. S..A. &7 ;� a -..:a CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO ERMF FINANCE .(A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 2� 6 ' •[n the Matter ofRaker.. Street to lmnaoolis Street_ _anasw�y� under Preliminary Order approved ._!TUly:._3O.�.Z919 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ I -26 00. 49 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $___.__..__,_._.. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION V ASSESSED VALUATION !; -- -_ . 1. ! 72 Banning <.: Olivier's - :4350- 2 .72 t�ddition to .iest St _ 3600 3 .72 Paul 00 - _.. 4 72 5 72 2550. V 6 :72 3150._ ...__ _ 2 _73 a 3200-- :73 1 - ..I �. r00 1--- - ---- 4.73 — A�_.-_25!__,! I — ---- _ Form B. B. 10 ! TOTAL I CITY OF 8T. PAUL . ,, - • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSJONF—R OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY CFIRDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' .ADDITION - - ASSESSED ' VALUATION 5 73 Banning & Olivier's ,'-,dd. 250:: -- 6 .73 :to the City Of St.Paul. 3050: 1 .74 $500. .2 74 3000:. 3 74 2250. 4 7' 2150., . 5 74 24501 _ _ 6 74 - 29,75'' 1 75 3375 2 .75 450.- 3 75 2150 . 4 .75 5 75 2650. 6 75 34b0. 1 77 450 2 77 1325 3 77 425 4 77 425 5 77 425 6 77 2150 1 78 875: 2 78 3325_ 3 .78 1925 4 78 3325 5 78 ) 800. 6 78 ) fe•w .. .. I TOTAL -3- CITYOF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON. PRELIMIN RY 002DER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Davisons Rearrangement of u060: 2 block 76,Banning &- Olivier's 825;- 3 Addition to ':'est St. Paul'$ 2725. Minn. 4 375 5 12.75 . 6 . 3;75 7 12 Davison's jearrangement of 5750. 11 of Block 71,Banning Cz 10 Olivier's Add. to ';lest 4200 9 St.Paul, ilimz. 6b0 8 9650, 7 12 Davison's Beari,angement of 500.. 11 Block 68, Banning ec Olivier's 2550 10 ,ddition 1450 9 1700 8 450 7 500 .. 14 Damson's s?earrangement of 575 13, Block 67,Bannin & Olivier's 12Addition t. o ,;est. St. PaullAinn. , 375 11 1225 10 1475 9 875 8 2125 - TOTAL �.' CITY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN/1$Y ORDER . ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION '7 F'ulton's Rearrangement of. 550 8 Block 70,Banning & Olivier's g addition S00..- _ 10 500. r 11 1200- 200_12- 12- 1300, - 14 Nabersberg &_Ickler`s Sub'. 9.0.0__-- 13 of Block 69,Banning & Olivier's 3100._.-.. 12 Addition. 1050. ._. 11 100 10 00 -- 400--- 8 8 1625 - 1 P.R._,icDonnell's Rea_rangement 500 _ 2, 3P50 g 450 4, '1250- _. 5 1500,-...:. 6 500 16 Saclie's Rearrangement of 550 15 Block 65,of Banning ,: Oliver's_ 1d Addition to :;'est-St.Pau1...- 500_.__ 13 300 - 12 11 .30.0 10 9 1) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference too said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated-- �=�L---- 19` L'�' --- --- -- — Commissioner of Finance. : FORM B.B.A. 5.3 G Office of the Commissio&r"bf Public �,WV6E1VED yr•. �pRNSW e u In, Z Report to Commissioner of Finance o $ ', � AUG 5 1919 August 6th, 9 .................. ........ ...._.. ............... .......191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Comiiissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No..2.6038..... ..... approved......_iply_...39th-1_...................... 191......_9 relative to.............................. boulevardinz both,sides of Delaware Avenue from Baker Street to Annapolis Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie........_..............necessary and (or) desirable. .621 per front foot. 2,600.49 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $.._..- ............ .......... ..-, and the total cost thereof is $ .................................. _.._......, and Assessable frontage 4,186.4 ft. Excess inspection $50.99 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..... ............ ......................................................... ... ............._._...................... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ............... .......................................................................................................................................................................................__................._............_...._............. u. Said improvement is ................... ............... for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Wo •s. oSCARCUY99EN, Cwle. lwOlw[cn J. E. CARROLL •IN[[.a 9u T ALPREO JACH�40N, 9u.t chow wwo w[wwiwa H. W. G-INGER, E111low M. RTTBAH,9 •I wa 11ity of Ot. wul r Department of Public marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY August 5, 1919. Mr. M..N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of boulevarding both sides of Belaarare Avenue from Baker Street to Annapolis Street, in accordance with Council File No. 26038, approved July 30, 1919: Approximate estimate....... $2,600.49 Cost per front foot........ .621 Excess inspection necessary, 50.99 Assessable frontage........ 4,186.4 feet. Yours very //truly, f.0 A a ¢�- ESS/C Chief Engineer. 1 �a 10 St.Paul, Minn., June 30th, 1919. Mr. M.N. Goes, Commissioner Public Works. We, the undersigned owners of property described on Delaware Avenue, in the City of St Paul, hereby petition for the curbing and bonlevarding of said Delaware Avenue ,(to a roadway of thirty feet, such curbing and boulevarding to be done as early as possible: (Signed) Address Lot Block Addition JUL.) 0 191 �„1iliL.ERS, 10 St.Paul, Minn., June 30th, 1919. Mr. M.N. Goes, Commissioner Public Works. We, the undersigned owners of property described on Delaware Avenue, in the City of St Paul, hereby petition for the curbing and bonlevarding of said Delaware Avenue ,(to a roadway of thirty feet, such curbing and boulevarding to be done as early as possible: (Signed) Address Lot Block Addition JUL.) 0 191 �„1iliL.ERS, D ��� �� /, 3��`9 - _ _ BdR�'� �' To the Honorable Mayor and Councilmen, City of St. Paul. We, the undersigned, property owners residing on Delaware Avenue wish_t o call attention to the deplorable condition of said "'atreettduring,the•spring months and also very frequently in the summer when after even moderate rains it becomes impassible to vehicles. It has been stated by Mr. Jackson, Superintendent of the' Street Department, that Cherokee Avenue, running parallel to Delaware Avenue an<Y but one block distant would be.resuxfaced with crushed rock, etc, and that the old surface would be rgmoved and placed on adjoining streets. In view of this statement and also in view of the fact, that Delaware Avenue has been in a poorer condition than other streets in this vicinity, we beg that your honorable body take such action as will insure the placing thereon of the old sur- face taken from said Cherokee.Avenue. We respectfully call attention to the economy in doing this, owing to the close proximity of Delaware Avenue and also because of the fact that considerable filling is needed over the entire roadway. M To tho Honorable Mayor and Councilmen. City of St. Paul. We the undersigned, property owners residing on Delaware Avenue wish i o oail attention to the deplorable condition of said street dm3ng the spring months and also very frequently in the sumer when after even moderate rains it becomes impassible to vehicles. It has been stated by Mr. Jackson. Superintendent of, the Street Department, that Cherokee Avenue, running parallel to Delaware Avenue. an$ bat one bl ook distant would be resurfaced with erushed rock, eta. ani tbat the old surface would be removed and placed an adjoining streets, In view of this statement and also in view of the fact that Delaware Avenue has been in a poorer condition than other streets in this,vioinity, we beg that your honorable body take such notion as will insure the plaoing thereon of the old sur- face taken Brom said Cherokee Avenue, to respectfully call attention to the economy in doing* this, owing tp the close proximity of Delaware Avenue and also becauso of the ct that oon®iderable ding to needed over the entire roadway. i � n To the Honorable'Mayor and Councilmen, City of St . Paul. We, the undersigned, property owaers residing on Delaware %venue believe that the reduction of that roadway from -forty to thirty feet will make it more easy and economical of maintenance and in a better condition than now prevails; the reduction of the roadway to this extent will make available for boulevarding an additional five feet on each side of the street. Pie believe that the resultant widening of said boulevard will enhance the beauty of our respective premises w - d the neighborhood in general; also it will enable a comprehensive plan of tree planting to be put into effect. An order is now before your honorable body providing for curb and the re:�uction of said roadway. 8 tentative price of 60� per lineal foot has been given by the St. Paul Cement Company for the contract and the probabilities are that a somewhat lower figure may be obtained. We realize that it may be possible to secure.a lower figure by deferring action for several years and thus save perhaps five or six dollars per fifty foot lot, but believe that the satisfaction of having a better street and wider boulevard will be ample repayment. We therefore ask that favorable action be taken on the order for curbing and that the property owners be given one month in which to fill between the present boulevard and the curb; failing i in which we ask that the boulevarding be subject to order. t ,� i6 Fl �.rrt a c"&t4 'e,rteF f To,the Honoroble Mayor and. Councilmen, City of St. Paul• We, the undersigned, property omers residing on Delaware Avenue believe that the reduction of that roadway from forty to thirty *et will make it more easy and economical of maintenance and in a better condition than now prevails; the reduction of the roadway to this extent will make available for bouleverding an additional five feet on each side of the street. We believe that the resultant widening of said boulevard will enhance the beauty of our respective premises and the neighborhood in general; also it will enable a oomprehensibe plan of tree planting to be put itto effect. An order is.now before your honorable body providing for curb and the reduction of said roadway. A tentative price of 60¢ per lineal foot has been given by the St. Paul Cement 0ompau7 for the contract and the prebabilities are that a somewhat lower figure may be obtained. We realize that it may be possible to secure s lower figo" by deferring action for several years and thus save perhaps five or six doliara per fifty foot lot, but believe that the satisfaction of having a better street and wider boulevard will be ample repayment. we therefore ask that favorable action be taken on the order for curbing and that the property owners be given one month In which to 9111 between the present boulevard and the°ourb; failing In which we ask that the boulevarding be subject to order. 4,, COUNCIL 'I ..... .........._ _%%G By... ..................... _.....-._ ......._..- ........._.... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....c.c s.true.t.Lzg..a...ae. er....Qri Agat.a.._S.tsee.t....f.raiL_.G.a.s.e._SStr.ee.t._. Jerks ... S.tst,,e.t._------------- --- - ._ oon.trm't:ns a b `to ............................................. - C. T, No. 26605— Gtrrnt to .....................-................. In matter o4 Cabe South the to Street, from of the on point 60 feet glieett. under Pre- ........................................... .................. ....� line of 7enks apPmt.ed June .......-.............................. liminar,, Order '26'"" 25, 19bllc hearint5 hnving�t Upon been tae '..-- the above lmprov'Imhaving heard _ the Con nc and and common- . nb]ec ti'ret0; and having same: ti, e„etore, r ri�v under Preliminary Order.._ .. _.........7.7.7 ....... .. ....... 'Pproved.. -.---......_.-`t.._`5> __.........---..._......_._.... Intermediary Order........__......- ................ - - approved...... _...._......_._..._..._..........---.....------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.Gonstruc.t.-.Fi...3er7e.r....4T1...Aoa te...8ts.e.e.t...ix.4.u,.. Lase....S.tr.e0.t_.tc...e..io.int...6Q. feet ...south_c....the _sc.ulh. i.ne._Pf._Jenks.............. tr ` L ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement inaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._ 191......_ t j City Clerk Approved 191_...... f l Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss PUELIS7TED Councilman Clancy Councilman Kq&rz ?o„ ere Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 9T. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOI lEF�j OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of=01.13 t'__Ct.`'_1!'a sn_.;nr ,on �"tQ St,-.'Clei ^rnii tog iinint 60'_oct ^012th c' ie „th i'ne of 7n i,. c t •i Q under Preliminary Order approved ,Tnnn 25t n e 1 n1 P To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - _ _ g_.3-.80• Da__ The estimated cost pe4loot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 2 1}�'a l�zvision 375i 25 2 Do 1025 24 2 -)o 1175 3 2 Do ;675 2 2 Do 1325 10 1 De 850 9 1 Do 850 a 1 Do 250 7 1 Do 250 aca+e: 11_e i a i_ioi- -". _ d Dot C oo l T'lat _Au-iboi� 5 250, TOTAL, 7025 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1J1 �� �Q/Ly1/✓ _ Commi,si—r , Fi neuc.. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, minn., ................... ..191 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followirg improvement to be made: ................ I ............................. ......... ................ .............. St. *V.&— . from-c� .... ........ St. Ave. ....... ....... ................... Ile "0" ......... x x .................. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance June 30th, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25577 June 25th, 9 cil, known as Council File No.._..........._ ........ ...........approved_._ _ .............. ........ .... ...._........_...._........_....191......... relative to.. ................... constructinga sewer on Agate Street from Case Street to a .................................................................................._.............................................................................................. point 60 feet south of the south line of Jenks Street _ ---......... .........._.............. ............. .......... ............................................._ _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......................aiecessary and (or) desirable. '1.70 per front foot 580.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $......_ ...................... ....., and the total cost thereof is h.._........ --- ....._.............._._.., and Assessable frontage 340 feet Excess inspection $60.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. ......... _.....___............. -....... __.....__._......................._._.........._.__.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and umde a part hereof. 4 . ........... .................. .......... ............ ......... ............ .................... ...... ... ......... ......... ......_.... ..._........................._......................._.........__........................._......._............__............. 5. Said improvement is ................. ................. for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................... _....................ti........... ..... -.................... ........... ....................... ... ... . l,ouunissioner of Public Wor 5. St. Paul, Minnesota. June 28, 1919. Mr. M. 1T. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i d d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of constructing a sewer on Agate Street from Case Street to a point 60 feet South of the South line of Jenks Street, in accordance with Council File No. 25677, ap— proved June 25, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $580.00 Cost per front foot....... 1.70 Excess inspection necessary 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 340 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. (Iqg of fat. pal � - lepwammt of Pulflfr Bodo GSGR CLAUSSEN, x.r Ex.ix..n J. E. OMROL su•rl...n. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER o sT,ucilox wxo n.nwln. ALFi1E0JACI{SON�9xrT. It. T. GOURLEY. De- ` M. W. GOETZINdEP. SV.il.x ' COa1n. xi M. S. GRYTPARr Exelxe.nlo O. N. M[RPOLOrOr� C. ENOINi.n St. Paul, Minnesota. June 28, 1919. Mr. M. 1T. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i d d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of constructing a sewer on Agate Street from Case Street to a point 60 feet South of the South line of Jenks Street, in accordance with Council File No. 25677, ap— proved June 25, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $580.00 Cost per front foot....... 1.70 Excess inspection necessary 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 340 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. ,,.✓�4 '� - CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ,297-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL i. LE 17165 SEP1919 ---'- -' ... .................... .................. AUDITED .................................. Ig T NIPT OLLER R.... .................................. .i. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V ) Na; Adopted by the Council......._ SEP —.8 1919 ClancyC. F. No. 26609— ds and It s rortheamo ante I rt oppno9lte the n Resol ed that warrants be-. drawn. Farnsworth upon the City hereinafter speciry, payable out oC APPr f O a GO58 f or f the persons Orme por corpora respective -names as specified in the`: I Keller following detatied statement: _ _. .. ...._._..... — 1 Dakota & Creat Northern Toivnsit. MAYOR M�Edll Company. $2,303.96. Huff' $176.00., Wunderlich Min I. Smelting & 'Refining Com- pany. 31,266.68. C National Lead Company, 8497.40. M . President, Hodgson St. Paul White: Lead & Oil Company, SI28.03.. Adopted by the Council. Sept; e, 1939. Approved Sept. 8, 1919. - (Sept 13, 1919) 34865 Dakota & Great Northern Townsite Company, 3,303'0-96 Pergh s0 t4eeProf. N. L. Huff, 175.00 8A4C6 Ila.nois Smelting & Refining Company, 1;,265.62 iFwtwt 1*e@6 National Lead Company, 447.40 9iatotl 144W St.Paul white Lead & Oil Company, 128.03 . 00 WQA*2 1 - 03 1 i *351 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER a AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM + E ;°°`L NG.�50 Form A A 46.2 N 7-111 1164 - SEP 6 191y U DITED LIT OiSFT ULJ.ER ...... ......................... .. .. 1 ........ TITLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N SEP —� 1919 Adopted by the Council......_.........:....191_.- 1 No. 26510— r ^ 0 Clare Abstract. n JC t` Y Resolved that warrants be drawn Farnsworth _ Ap ed ........ . __.. _........... ......_........191..-_— ' upon the Clty Treasury, payable out to / - fioSS the hereinafter eDeclaed funds and i f 1/�/ 1. - 17favor of in' Doraone, arms or corpoia- 1�/ [tons for the amounts eet oP poelte, their -------- ---- - - --- 1` Beller esnnectfve names as epee f fn the MAYOR following detailed statement: _ McColl The Barrett company. s1sa4.zo. Wunderlich $446.67. Brooke Brothers Lumber Company, Chaska Brick & Tile Company, - Mr. President, Hodgson 5258.00. FIeIdIofg & Shepley 5607:70. Great I.akee Coal Dock Company, 51,062.76. Illinois Steel Bridge Company, $6,- 645.00. A. C. JeReraon, 5480.31. W. T. Lemon, 52014.00. Fred Medart Mfg. Company, $645.00. D. W. MPore, $121.87. N. W. Electric Equipment Company, ESRaymer Hardware Company, 521.66. Adopted by the Council Sept 8, 1919. Approved Sept. 8. 1919. - (Sept, l2, 1919) -18991 The Barrett Company, 1,644,20 488 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company$ 446.67 C. & R. 16. 0 S. S. Cing. 3. 0 Bdg. & R. 330. 0 GAF.-Dflia & Unf. 3. 7 Paving Depr. 74. 0 Paving Como W. - Snell to Raymond 20. 0 ni3aG2r Chaska Brick &Tile Comp , 258.00 18664n Fielding & Shepley, 607.70 —1AN5 Great Lakes Coat & Dock Company, 1,062.75 C. & R. 215. 8 159. 1 Bdg. & Repr. 8. 9 Sprink1 204. 2 ° Water 474. 5 1, 14868•Illinois Steel Bridge Company, 6,645.00 1:899A. C. Jefferson, Bhpa= Eagrs. 12 780.11 of St. C. Repr. .00 3 .36 Oro s .05 Walks .44 n J43.26 'S3�J98 W. T. Lemon, 2,014.00 P y. Ave. x&999 Fred Medart Mfg. Company.. 645.00 --aH 3.Libr. 4 0.00 HemboldtPB.Sbrary 21 .00 0 Ne00 D. W: Moore, 8ekeo1e 121.87 1400 H. W. Eleotric Equipment Company, 34.48 -80NOO o 3.70 cvftTTWr H.S. tftrIlry 13. Wnber. 45 ap"N' Raymer Hardware Qompany, 21.56_. ar5af-Fo—riN&Fff'M!h0ols 19\36 Te . . e11:56 Tota CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t� ........................................................ NO:.._......_'.^................. CONCIL Date Presented _-----.SdPt.- -- -- 191..9 Resolved, In the matter of grading Albert Avenue from I,aloe Como and Phalen Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, and Nebraska Avenue from Albert Avenue to Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order #24206, approved February 11th, 1919, and Final Order #2507A, approved Dray 75th, 1919. RESOLM, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. r: xb. zssu— In the matter. of eradf- Albert on. and aea'ungebdmaLRtlacsu- (tted by the Commissoner of Publle 'orke for the above namedlmprove- ent be and the same.are hereby sp- roved. Adopted by the Counoll Sept. 8, 1919. Approved- Sept 8. 1919. (Sept. is, 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay: Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich /...P.resident, Hodgson A. 9 3M 12-18 Received all apers in Co ecti a above Re olut 0t1 i Adopted by the Council... __...SEP._,,. --S„.19..9..191...... ..............In favor AppSEP — ...�9.�.9..........191..... ............. Against ......... MAYOR „- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r............:.. ---............_......_,._........................................:_......................................Snbje::......:..COUN...-L NO ............. .................. � rae DatePresented .... ........ ................. ....................... :...191...-. Resolved, That the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a ljoving Picture Theatre at 14-16 E. 7th Street, be and the same hereby -is granted; and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50-00- Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays C. r. No. 36612-1% Heynpry pY' ccoll— Resolved, Thatment ppllettEatate for Twin City Amu Tr a ttcenes to under t a Moving Picture Theatre t 14-16 East Seventh Street, the Ofty a.- els hQreby iis nstructed to Issue such 'license upon the payment ,.to the City Treasury of the Yee, , f6Q.96. Adopted by the Council Sspt. S. 1919.1 Approved Sept. 8. C. (Sopt. 13, 1919) Adopted by the Council.........SEP.....-. }........ .9..191...... —�3_, ___ 1919. ......_.. 191..... ....................... MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth Goss.............. In favor Keller /'may r7 McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM O. A. 9 3M 12.18 - C. r. No. 36612-1% Heynpry pY' ccoll— Resolved, Thatment ppllettEatate for Twin City Amu Tr a ttcenes to under t a Moving Picture Theatre t 14-16 East Seventh Street, the Ofty a.- els hQreby iis nstructed to Issue such 'license upon the payment ,.to the City Treasury of the Yee, , f6Q.96. Adopted by the Council Sspt. S. 1919.1 Approved Sept. 8. C. (Sopt. 13, 1919) Adopted by the Council.........SEP.....-. }........ .9..191...... —�3_, ___ 1919. ......_.. 191..... ....................... MAYOR O j - C F No: 28613—Ordlnana No 617- '7 71— 'VV - A ordinance granting p rmis i t'R _ n ic Go 0— �. '1(/'j D 2135 3 the Minnesota Tranate, .Railway -I Company, a co potation, to construct„ ++erste and -.I- al two spur r_" -I ' � d tracltf across- Carleton Street:' q� ' �� .^een Unl Braity AveIlue and lt',I/ I ^s Street, and along part Of r G y SL ¢aL IAn ordinance gran a me city of at. Panito the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, a corporation, to construct, operate and maintain two spur railroad tracks across Carleton Street, between University and Charles Streets, and along part of Charles Street. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company, a corporati,o;}, to construct, maintain and operate two spurzrailroad tracks::=n ning from the northerly or rear 30 feet of Lot 51, Hewittts out - lots, First Division, to the City of St.Paul, thence easterly across Carleton Street1to the rear 30 feet of Lot 52, Hewittts o'ttlots, First Division, to the City of St.Paul, thence across the rear.30 feet of said Lot 52 to the southerly line of Charles Street, thence'in an easterly directid�jal.ong`said Charles Street connecting with existing tracks oftheMinneipta Transfer Railway Comxany,-AW as' shown upon the blue -print hereto attached. Section 2. Said permis@i`,one granted upon and _,subject to the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall indemnify and save harm- less the City of St.Paul from all cost, damage and exper_se aris- ing or growing out of the building, operation, maintenance or re- moval of said spur tracks. (2) Said tracks shall be laid and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaetlon of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when prdered.by the said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow care to stand or remain upon the said streets so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. G ",t V -2- (3) Shall tracks shall be taken up and removed and the roadway and alley restored to their oriLinal condition at the cost and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall file with the City Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, within ten days from and after the publication of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Farnsworth mar- too w McColl Wunderlich Gr. President (Hodg8on)4rIAp,r PD / �%— Mayor Attest City Clerk' MOORE, OPPENHEIMER & PETERSON .......R ATTORNEY6 AT LAW ...... w.—T SUITE 1015 MERCHANTS NATIONAL 13ANK BUILDING RR.RR c.......R SAINT PAUL iy der - 2.11: Sw!'4 You will reuall fl:/ before. r;:."- 001111-icil with permi sion to run t.r-Lcks iLcru,;a C',,-,,, FI-reet. A- -h,;L- yju lAv.sed •�Iuu would bek:..id llnl�'-q-h to;�,, ordi:ioce in -.!- n-irie of lhc, !':InrlesoteL EFii1ro,d -..is i;itrcd zc;: s -.Y. -.t before *.he cou,icil. An -Si,i- -,ri-ts in - generu- WLR -'he -.i-(;pcsed Do Ippoau r ordi "rce will ciesl'�-11:-te tht s, --cis h=-Lcks, ',,i- f(i y,-ux -0 'dvlqe nearest JnLvers.i:y Avu-j,-ze mls b,- r.-,_vod bl'LCIC 80 -1,r,t IT,s so-herl,, ed;; e run feet of roperty dt-si-ry-i-ed <Ls owi,.ed by Ciev,-I-d Tlu-" 'cts Thc or -tr,,,,ck will be -,0 f uw,,, tr-tcks will c2.oss Carlton Strrtet so s .o ru,j if is ELqy or ,,,u desires, ki:Aly ;tdvisc, k,.ep as -dv.-Lsed is to Q MOORE, OPPENHEIMER & PETERSON . rooe. ATTORNEYS AT LAW s SUITE 1013 MERCHANTS NATION41_ BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL IS,ptember 5, 1919. Corporation A ttorney, Saint Paul&inaesota. DetLr Sir:- Its. SPUfI TRACH ?C?'.O £ CAP.? TO'r ST• Y,'.;r f .vor of the 4th received. The proposed spur tracks are Pm ehm, in yellow on the blue priwt� forwarded you, exceptl,L; that both tracks should cross Carleton Street so as to be upon W rear thirty feet of hot 51. The following description would probably answer yuur purpose: "IParmission is hereby &xanted to comtruct and operate two spur r,ilrond tracks run- ni 6 from the northerly or rear thirty (36) feet of Lot fifty-one (51) Ilewitt's cutlots, Firs- D_v siyn, to the City of Sint Paul, :hence e sterly across Carleton Street to the rear th rty (30) foet of Lit fifty-two (52), Hewitt's outlots, First Divisiun, to the cit;; of Saint Paul, `.hence across the rear thirty _ee of s:Lid hot fifty-t"'o Street, �y ace }n n _ direction aloe s Lid C.C: \..ate- .E Street c.onavct with existia6 O cks of the him-sota Transfer Ra11wELy company." If '.h.. above descri; *ion is not siffieient, kindly advise ._ud we will immediately secure an absolutely technical description. Aryth_.ro ,you c- n do to expedite this matter will be greatly ap Teciated. T unkinL y,u for y .'ur co,_,rtesy, rcrtain Yware very truly, IIW E , OP EMMUM11 & REV""", V.TIIO- j J'y IL --- -- ------ ---- ---- - ------------ Irk" A o V, dig to 26 1919 .nionu ro CITY OF ST. PAUL - cm cccnn OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LE °`L No...AL ..... ia.�. . Farm A A 46.2 N 7-18 1166 SQ BY .... ..... ......................... v..l... ' ........ AUDITED 191�( ...._....t.;.i.T.../ 11 I..P. ........... ................PER ._ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen lays SEP � — Adopted by the Council_....._....._....__ ............. ..191......_ C. F. No. 26614— Clancy Abstract SEP _9 I,9Is Resolved that warrants bebl. drawn Farnsworth "Pon .the City Treasury. Dfund.. out of Approved......._......__................ ...._..._._........._......................191..__..._. the hereinafter sDeclfled funfle .and In. favor of the persona, firms or corpora- �--- tion. for the amounts yet oDDPgslte their respective names as Spec, 1n the Keller tol�o singg detailed statement: ..... _ __.._..._. _.._..... _ .__._.... ........_ .�Edatrom, Agent, $22.60. AM� 'A1 YOR Library McColl Hureau, 8225.86. Peoples Coal & Ice Company, $396.53. Wunderlich Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 564.12..', Mr. President, Hodgson Mesh L. A�l Vik, Bell, OInc.�S100.00. Adopted' by the C" 'o Sept. 9, 1919. Approved Sept. 9131819. QAQG8, Otto Edstrom, Agent Schee 3:46@0 Library Bureau, binary 144" Peoples Coal & Ice Company, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company.. stw- v-*-Repr. Parke' 14Ci2 Raths, Mills & PBelll nvn Mrs. L. A. Vik, �hP h�etion .87 22.50 225.86 396.53 64.12 100.00 5900 l - CITY OF ST. PAUL � 00, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FIL,'L 1L Na•-•• F7t�1�. ••- Farm RS V, 214 7-I8 SEP y 1919 BY . ....... .. .. .._. atJ.. 4AD ITED Ij Ct Cul OLLr11 ......... 191................... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and -in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: _ Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) N s _t' ;c;,n . No. 2ssts— Adopted by the Council ............... ............ 191 Abstract, Reaolv¢d that waltants be drown Clancy upon the City Treasury, D¢Yable out of me r of tuatter speclded Nods and in Approved. ._.._._.._....._..SEP .......-0-1314Q .._........._191.._ -'.- Farnsworth tiones of ins amount, sets or corpora. Gess resD active amee ae eDeclNed In the following detailed statement; 8. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, .............._._..............___ N M --Keller =31,276.34. / Gust Llndbiad, E630.00. IlV"` ...19 McColl Merchants National Hauk, $4,069.67. Adopted by the Council 6ept. 9, 1918. Wunderlich ADD-vml sent. s, 191 s. (Sept. 13, 1919) Mr Pyr Heftson S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. Finance, 31,276,34 R. 1`Q`, Sewer �a 2,292+ 0 S. & S. ng. 9,680, 5 Bridge dg. & Rep. 605. 5 Cross lke 604 50 Spri ling 74 20 Doc Wharves & Levees En . & Insp/ 1,3M:8,01 P . Prior6.00 V. Como 2, 89.84 2 378,50 3 ,, "tb- Gust Lindblad 530,00 -&th-St. , -W Merchants National Bank, 4,069,57 Inte4Bp» r.�.QQ.Q 00 Zntere 1,947, Q MieC, Unf. 07 �" 10' !i -int. 1 s 00 4 -;Fd• E Form A& 46, t N 1-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °'L BV...........' ..... ..... ..... ...._.---- AUDITED S€R.......� ............... 191........ Y CU ROLLER - PER................... .....'...... ......_. .............. 1168 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) — - - SEP —5 I't C. F. No. 26516— Adopted by the Council_.._..._...._ ................ ............. ...._............... 191..__— Abstrapt. ClancyResolved that warrants be drawn upon the Clty Treasury, payable out of the h ielnaftar apecldea funds and in Approved ._......., r{; ..._. Il ..................... Farnsworth ffivor of the Parson,,, flrms or corpora--"'�9fJ tions for the amounts set opppointe thelr respective names as speclfled ln' the following detailed statement: Keller F. W. 011erenehaw, 3289.50. ..... . .... t._ i .-— x Adopted by the Counclt Sept 9, 1919. A MA MCCOII u Approved Sept. 9, (Sept. 13,, 191 1919) Wunderlich M z—Ecw4 crtr2%odgson 14017 F. W. 011erenehaa $269.50 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ..LAX UP-NAVA ....MAINS.................. c��? y/� .... .............................._...............-----------..............COUNCIL 51.0 FILENo. ..........................................: ............................... .......................... Date `Presented ...... _........_....._.......... ................. 191..... Resolved, thatvrater mains be laid in the following streets: St. Clair streerom Lexington Avenue to Oak Grove Place, Thorn street from Earl street to a point 625 feet west. of west line of Earl street. a n fa It eojyed17 266 9t a fail-q.That I AvenueCto/r jS eatreett r malas be - el Poi',fe 626Streat OruvePro+n Le 1 d / EAdSt'..' fIt W.Xt Z.') g� xlastoa r App pevedbY the Co P 1est 11tr.st to o Septi. i319iop l$eyt. g, 181g' Yeas (✓) Councibren (✓) Nuys Farnswor b Adopted by the Council_...... __......... .._._.._. . `._ ....... 191 ....... �• __...._.In favor /Afrno Appievea_.........._..... SEP -9 1919_... 191 ......... McColl .._...... Against W anderlich ' Mr. President. 5r'ie .............. ........_. .. ..... . . G � M VOR FORM C A-5 6-17 2M `� }ITg^Y'' OAF' S l341�1Y�T f�FI�UaL; 26517 • p'eparhm�eR,hv�.F (Vub�l'ic�f hiahi�e-s I Qu're.a v�(fahee BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS S.AFARNSWORTH _ FRANK L. POWERS. PRESIDENT M. N. LOSS JOHN W. KELSEY. --1 S -T. September 8, 1 9. 1 �. To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT CAUL. Gentlemen: - The Board of Water Commissioners,at the meeting held this day, adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be and is hereby requested to authorize the laying of grater mains in the following streets: St. Cleir street from Lexinr-,ton Avenue to Oak Grove Place, Thorn street from Earl street to a point 625 feet west of west line of Earl street." Yours truly, / (/ ,> r Secretary. i Encl. /� i • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �{ i� I* POENCIL No-......../:ofV'i5���.......................... .......:..... ..,............................................................................................................................................... Date Presented......Sep.t......8.,.....1$1....191....... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to grade, curb, lay sidewalks, pave and improve all that part of West Fifth Street from West Fourth Street to Pleasant Avenue which was opened, widened and extended across Lots 5 and 6 Block 63 Irvin's Enlargement by Council File #86107, approved August 18, 1919; the cost of same not to exceed the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dol- lars (,11,500.00), and to be charged to the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund, and to do said work by Force Account; Resolved - Further, that the City Comptroller be and he is hereby author- ized and directed to set aside the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) out of .the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund to pay for the cost of said work as hereinbefore stated. C. r of ar- rb e°aalll 1. en worn - nere- council sept. 0, 1919. 9f3, 1919. i 191 9) Yeas (d) Councilmen (✓) Nays ' Adopted by the Council.._.........SFp._. f)._j4.4Y91...... Clancy Farnsworth Approved............._SE p....-.q....�9.�.g............ 191..... Goss ..............Iu favor ,!5- ngww v McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson PORN! C. A, 9 3M I2-16 and Capitol All of.mcb-:tenuous, pole. vvd wire hall be eri deetEttna^. '•' -- of the Commlaeloner of Public Utilitiu and In all things sandd character a¢ he and all such Dotes i:ct to the provielans of Ordivnnu No, 3424, and of q roved, and anY removed, and Paul. All poles should be eat iv each Ipe¢ifov iv said vn8 ll be taken down an8 Quad when- Il designate, and shall be f e h height and character ae ne ,troll dal¢nate and apprve, and any and all each poi evch wire¢ ➢laced underBr tltat the d uvdararound, whenever the Couvc11 shall deem that the put I:c lvttreat to revuire and wheo It 46011 eo order. over the Council shall deem public tntereat eo regvl>•ee. and when It Adopted by the Council ahpdpntea b9rthe . 1,19.Y9ept. 9, 1919. 191 !1 APProved 99ept..13,21919):. Yeas ( ) Counc` _ 1 ) Nays FARNSWORTH OSS MCCOLL WUNDERLICH Approved �`? —� t,i� 191 HYLAND pp KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN A Aet,�,q Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL 295119 Council resolution---General Form Department of Bureau of Council a No. Date Presented 191 7',RESOLVED. That the St. Paul Gaa Li¢bt Company la hereby ordered and directed to cl—d its electrical livor (Irbvvemiselan of etectricty on and to the following alleys aodatreete of said eitr: by erecting poles and etrlvain¢ tabu thereon for the Install One pole in the alley north of Portland Avenue, east of Griggs St. Two poles in the alley south of Dayton Avenue, east of Cleveland Avenue.. One pole on Hoyt Avenue, east of Rice Street. Four poles on Pascal Avenue, between Van Buren Street and Capitol Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. ' C F• No. 26619—B M N• Goss— htl t II Reealvede Brea°Baa a) eoged by I'd If Compj�n , vlevtricaff Ilnea by erectlfe and Capitol All of.mcb-:tenuous, pole. vvd wire hall be eri deetEttna^. '•' -- of the Commlaeloner of Public Utilitiu and In all things sandd character a¢ he and all such Dotes i:ct to the provielans of Ordivnnu No, 3424, and of q roved, and anY removed, and Paul. All poles should be eat iv each Ipe¢ifov iv said vn8 ll be taken down an8 Quad when- Il designate, and shall be f e h height and character ae ne ,troll dal¢nate and apprve, and any and all each poi evch wire¢ ➢laced underBr tltat the d uvdararound, whenever the Couvc11 shall deem that the put I:c lvttreat to revuire and wheo It 46011 eo order. over the Council shall deem public tntereat eo regvl>•ee. and when It Adopted by the Council ahpdpntea b9rthe . 1,19.Y9ept. 9, 1919. 191 !1 APProved 99ept..13,21919):. Yeas ( ) Counc` _ 1 ) Nays FARNSWORTH OSS MCCOLL WUNDERLICH Approved �`? —� t,i� 191 HYLAND pp KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN A Aet,�,q Mayor v CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Date Presented 191 bRESOLVE, on of elec, That t din the e as Lii¢n¢ Co.i and se St*s is hereby of sada ed and dirleud to raised Its electrical lines by —etin6 poles and atria¢inQ wine thereon for tha [rannm Install Two poles in the alley _south of Laurel Avenue, west of Sne_'_ling Avenue. One pole on SnellinU Avenue, between Laurel and Ashland Avenues. With necessary guys.und anchors. C. F. No. 26520—By M. N. Goes— Resolved,.That the St. Paul GT. LSgh' "'P"'" hereby ordered and directed _ to extend its etootrlM hues by erect Ing poles and stringing wires thereon for the transmtasion of electricityon and to the following alleys and streets o[ Bald c1ty. Mstall Two poles In the 11" South of Laurel Avenue, West of Snelling Ave- .u ve- n One pole on Snelling Avenue,. bu- tween Laurel and Ashland Avenues. All of each-u-io.. poles cad wine shall be ;ece to Ne proviafons of Ordl..... No. 2424. and i Al, _I- should be ret in ouch location In said � hr +ha11 de.....is and apmove, and any and all each t i�u Ll;c interest eo rrouirs.. and when it shall so order. Adapted by the Council [ the Corenduloner of Public Utilities and in all thin¢. the Council Sept. 9, 1919. f 9t. Paul. +pt 9A 1)19. .hal] de.i¢ .te, and .ball be of each hei¢bt end character a. lept. 3, 1819) i ed uederaround, whenever the Council shall deem that the 1G1 Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Approved SZP v GHQ 191 .. Mdyor CITY OF ST. PAUL 2 535 :.1 Council Resolution ---General torm Department of Bureau of Council VNo.. Date Presented 191 ( " R SOLVED, That the St. Paul Caa Li¢ht Company Ia hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical linea by erecting poles and etd.zine wire. thereon for the trans Isaioa of elee.icty on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: Install one pole in alley south of Marshall Avenue, east of Wilder Avenue, Install twenty pole on Lower Afton Road, east of present lights. Install ten poles op Highwood Avenue, east of present city lights. ) Install four poles on Glenham Avenue, south of River Boulevard. With necessary guys and anchors, C. F- 10 That tthe St Pe.ul ane L16ht� COn,D¢ay fe hereby ordered and directed --�- rect- ole. cad atri.9 .,g wleetrlcltYeOn la "tadite electrical linea Y l or t tranemiselon of e Cor he alleye and t,roe0 ¢cad to the t. tollowtng 11eY e vole in jSouth o- of said city. t -tit Wlldor Ave- In.tall .Marshall Avenue. East - war Atton nue. li ht.lW oa T InatalElast ottrTeeeat 116. hwood .Ave - Road, oleo ort H fight.• Iaetall too, D .sent city nue_ E¢et tur Pole- nnn efla Ave 1 in C t tion 'tsslonaenra f r¢w•'at -such het4" 1 Comm ¢te an All of such.....huu. poles and wire. shall be erected and sna tris atter as hHn@d sa j o1 such p gni missi.— of Public Utilities aad in all thin.. • teeAb the v la should 6e neCt i�aieueh to zeiun tn• zid .ileye a`nd :iah&11 be Taken down a>si�emove when - J i 11 duigna. and approve, and ... and all such poles .ball be oun}.bat L. d.d shall be of such .Of and character ae n. :a fres placed un deem the F d, wh.never the Council .hall deem that the i.aLi.c fntereat so require.. and when it,h,ll an order, Is urer pe Connell .halt and when it I, b' drbYtth Coun 11•SeDt• 9, 1819. _ Adopted by the Council AyoTOQed sePi.9ia1919' 191 (SeP 1818) Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOIS Cc MOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND Approved �E? —9 191Q 191 KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN �, Mayo CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION7GrNERAL FORM Subject:.._.... . ......................................................... .................................................... COUNGL taeNO. ------------ - -- --- 26522 ............ Date Presented .............. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, the following fire apparatus from the sea I grave Company without advertisement as this apparatus is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby: One 900 -gallon gasoline pumping engine $11,j75.00 11,474.00 Twe 4 -wheel tractors for H. & L. Nos. 3 & 10 7,360.00 14,720.00 One Aerial H. Truck 14,120.00 Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 40,315.00 less discount of 3% on four or more pieces, making total t - . . tractl— - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39,105.55 amount of con Charge Vire Equipment. C.F.-No. , 26622—H � l—TR�s.lvsd.TtgaP.�h Purchasing Agent and he is hereby authorized to pun- ..chase,with the consent of'the Comp- troller, the following to apparatus .from the Seagrove Company withou t 'advertisement as this fire apparatus is patented and re advantage could be gained thereby: - no 900 Gasoline -FITractors PU. in in T 4 -wheel for IL Two &- 1� Nos. 3 and 10, at e-11 �,7 ................. 14,720.00 r �13.(I.Od 14,120.00 Us A. H. & 510,316.00 - Less dl.—nt of 3%, on four or more P111" malting total $39,1 .....t of -6, Zt 05.65 Charge Fire Equipmeni. Adopted bh � Council Sept, 1919. Approved Sept. 9 1919. (Sept. 13, MID, Yeas %1) CounCiIMCn Nays 19, Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth Appro;ved ............ Goes �... In favor Keller 5- McColl ............ Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 ■ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER�.AI_ FORM COUNCIL ILE No. I 26523 Date Presented .......... .............. ................. ..........191..... Resolved, / THAT THE CITY CLERY, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a license to Victor Ingemann to oonduct'a Motion picture'theatre at 340 Prior Ave That said Victor Ingemann pay into the City Treas- ury a lioensefee of Fifty dollars which is the cus- tomary amount for said license for said motion picture theatre for a period of one year from the issuance of said license. That said license shall not be issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said Victor Ingemann has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all respects in com- plience with the Building Code of the City of St.Paul, and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .........................................191...... Clancy Farnsworth Approved............................................................ 191..... Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against ...................... MAY R Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgsdn PORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 §Nate of fflinneauta,j. COUNTX,OF RAMSEY, CITYZUL ......................... ................................... ............ .......................... sidinff at ................. .................................... ................................... ... ..............being duly sworn; deposes and s a, thV,-Oe is a resident' of the State of Minnesota, and is over twenty years of4­'ffe, thattkc has hap. Ci St. Paul License which authorizes him to carry on the . .... ..... -- .. ... ........ ... ... .... ... . ............ .. . .. business up to thl.�4 t; 191..7 ............. at------ .... . ......... ................ .......................... ....... .......... c no; deppes a e ........... .... ........ ..... bn 6 license for said bus' ess, at said place, f V di . . ...... ... 'Led before 8 n to ands s e e ore, this gn -....._-d 0 191 .... .......... ............ ............. ....... ................... ...... .......................... ...... Licens or—Notar W, me county, . esota Sept. 4th, 1919. o Mr: Victor Ineemanii, _ ° 340 Prior Avenue, at. Paul, Kinn. Dear Sirs On aocaunt of objections to the Droposed location of a motion picture theatre at 340 Prior Avonue, I _ have been dirooted to notify you that there will be a hearing on your applioation for same, on Tuesday, September 9th, at 10 o'clook a.L. Yours truly, ° CITY CLERK. 0 HENRY McCOLL JOHN T. MCC O LL COM-6—NER DE11TY COMMISSION -- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY` wM. J.TRoY.`• BUREAU OF POLICE LICEN.E INSPECTOR Aug.19,1919. To The Honorable The Council of the City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: Attached application of Victor Ingemann for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 340 Prior ave.is for a new location. Respectfully Yours, License Inspector. 2 `T JOHN I. FARIC* (Offire of (pity (mark JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK I1EET. CITY CLERK TUB of '§�aint that August 21st, 1919. Honorable Henry McColl, Commissioner Public Safety, C I T Y. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Council hold August 20th, the application of Victor Ingemann for a Motion Picture Theatre, 340 Prior Avenue, was laid over one meek to August 27th. Enclosed please find application in case You should desire to look the matter up. Yours truly rG/� ty Clerk. St.Paul, Minn., September 9, 1919. To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of St.Peul: Gentlemen: The official board of Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of St.Paul, (Dewey and Marshall avenues) amts meeting last evening passed & resolution as follows and directed the secretary of the board to oommun- icate.its protest to the Council: The official board of Trinity Church protest against the build- Ing or maintaining of a moving-picture-show building as contemplated on Prior aTenue between Roblyn and Carroll avenues, so near the Longfellow School building at Prior and Iglehart avenues. Very respectfully, Secretary official board. f�, _ g . C 11 h No 28629 Ry Albert Wunfler Resolved - That, purauant to the FORM CO recomma�tlon oP. the. Coatraet Com n mlttee q bide reoelved Por. theegn . Construction Of tis struct�on Gan addition to the (;aldor • 6chooZ In• acotydance: with C:, 1,: n a Stlbjeet6.».....:.. ...................................................28111. be and the same are hereb re- eouathe 'lectod y. 24 NO. - .. rou. ............. .. Resolved: Further, what fn tha opinlou - of the Council, the conetructlon o&eald I addition can be done fiore, advgn ^ Sageovsly.. and economically by force - accoggt, sand• the Commissioner. of ' ngs le heore y euthtirl edPandi dlRreoted 191.•.... present�d - -- ••--- �to hire the-neceassryiabur and procure the aeessary mateYlai, and .construct Isatd addition to.eaidschool ,by; force - !a.ccount, providedthat "" .Commis-: +stoner shall ..not be authorited.to hour llabtI4 in-aace9a of 8orty-four thou- ,sand,.. ,V hundred dollgre (144,600), fWei t'he amount set aside ad, 'ap� ro= ppmated ovt.. of the School Bond Fund for fife Durpoae purauant to Ordinance No. 5134. - Adopted by the Council $apt. 10, 1819. Approved Sept. 10, 1918 ) Resolved, (sept. t.3, 1919) That, pumsuant to -'the -recommendation of -the Contract Committee, all bids received for the construction of an addition to the Galtier School, in accordance with C. F. No. 26111, be and the same are hereby rejected. Resolved, further, that in the opinion of the Council, the construct- ion-x91M of said addition can be done more advantageously and i economically by'force account, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds an& Public -6 ildings is hereby authorized knd directed to hire -the necessary labor and procure the necessary material, and construct said addition to said school by force account, provided that such Commissioner shall not be authorized to incur liabilities in excess of Forty-four thousand, five hundred Dollars ($440500) being the amount set aside and approriated,out of the School Bond Fund for this purpose\pursuant to Ordinance'o. 5134 5 Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays. LP 1O i f S Adopted by the Council .......... Clancy SEP 10 15 i 9 Farnsworth APproved......... .....191..::. Goss -...--.-.In favor Keller .........................._.......- .: O . ._.... McColl .............. Against ��, ' MAYYOR. Wunderlich Jp,esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-,i9 • C. F.: No. 86G86-�BY Albert Wunder- Ilch—:. itSeelved. That whereas. It fe-pedes COON eery toammediately ponetruct an addl RM tion to the. Galtier: dchool to provide additional room iior the accommodatign Snblect...................................................... of yttplls 1n Jill. district na Whereas, an emergency exists where _------. ���� ` tailore to Act promptly will work an coy+�ctc 5 Injury., tO the City the Pu ch.l.. I rice MO. ......................................... Agent; with the cogsent of the 11 ............................... and .-Comptroller., Ie:: hereby authorlaed. _ ..................... to perch,,,, without advertisement and-- - corcpstlltive bias such .materinls and suDplfes, requlsitloaed by the Cbnipda- stoner of Parks Pla gruupds. and Pubs uc sunamge witk-tie approval,ot the seated _....... 191..... Commissloaer.otcEducatlon, ae:may -be necessary to Immediately, conettuct and echufplt(gthe said.additon accordRnee, with tplehe as sud epee fications-heretofore sDproved.- - Adopted by the �Councll Bept. 18 1918: Approved 9epp.10 1919 �- (aepG':18 1918) Resolved, That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct an addition to the Galtier School to provide additional room for the accomm- odation of pupils in this dictrict, and Whereas, an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will wor# an injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchade, without advertisement and competitive bids, such materials and supplies, requisitioned by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings with the approval of the Commissioner of Education, as may be necessary to immediately construct and complete the said addition to the said school in accordance withl,plans and specifications heretofore approved Yeas U) Councilmen (✓) Nays SED U 19!9 Adopted by the Council............. .............................. 191...... Clancy ep 10 psis Farnsworth Goes In favor Appr ved ...:.. ............... .._................... .... 191..... ........_ Keller McColl............ Against .. _.............................................. .................... ......... Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson -FORM M A::9 3M 12-tB r • CITY OF ST. , PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ... ........................................................ E ............. .................... I .................... 2y� courvclL Nl7%�Q � PILEIVO . :......... .............................. ............. ........................ _....... ...._ ........ .................... ... ...'........... ................... ........................:..... ............................................ Date Presentedele91.elllb-Pz....8................ 191-9 v / Resolved,That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for paving Grove Street from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Avenue, and Olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue, including sewer,, water and. gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not alydady made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, to Fielding & Shepley for the sum; of $31,355.00, engineer's estimate being $32,000.00. F.B. #2023. c F Resolved, That thec Council coaours �1n the rec0mmendatl4a dt �tthe Ooatract - Aomml oi' and herebq aWaYds the epp tsa4tfoS;. yavla 6royb 8tre§ from Mi 6011ppl ekre4t to.:*ImfdyetatkA+Ldeaue, N6011 Olivs�'BtreeL from Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich President, Hodgson c. A. 9 3M 12 -Ie , Aw 00 lu'YOp' � .Re l SE° 10 1919 Adopted by the Council ...........................................191....:. ,,/;9EF 10 1919 Approved--........ F/ ........................................ 191..... MAYOR V Resolved, That .the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee andards he contrac for paving Berkeley Avenue from west line o nell ng venue to east line of Fredericka Avenue; Stanford Avenue from west line of Snelling Avenue to east line of Fredericka Avenue; Wellesley Avenue from west line of Snelling Avenue to east line of Fredericka Avenue, and Macalester Avenue from north line of Jefferson Avenue to St.Clair Street, as follows: Paving and sewer connections to Fielding & Shepley for the sum of. $79,315.00, engineer's estimate being $82,825.00, and Water connections to be put in by Force Account. F.B. #2035. . 1''a. F xo' ass2x gv art. AA aos ' I tea4lvok Alat .the: Council ereby.f Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. Pr sident; Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Received all papers ill connection with riboyo R,�y-/ -119 3 SE? 10 1919 Adopted by the :.- ncil ...........................................191:..... 10 1919 Approved................................................. 191..... ..............In favor ............ Against........................................................................................ MAYOR CITY_ OF ST. -PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL, FORM �+ QQ Subject: ................................................ ................... :__ _ .....................................................:..............................CO.Ury ..._ G1L 2Ve528 - vasNO.......... ..................... ............ ................. ................... _.......... ..... _._........... _................. .. ..... ..-.............-..............................:__............................_.....I............ ® Date Presented .._S.ept.emher....8.0............ 191.:9.. Resolved, That the Council 'hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bids were received for the con- struction of a sewer on Clifton Street from Tames Street to Palace Street, the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re-advertise for new bids, in accordance with the provision of the Charter, F. B. #2039. C. F. No.. 26628—By M. -N. hope Reeolved;I Thnt the'-Council hereby oacura in the recomendation of the Contrnct Comr�ittte1e1 :and ae no bide were ree0lve1i or tt;treete fromo•Thlne9 sewer on-Clttton 8 tho Porch" us 8treat tb Palace 8freet; Agent le heYeby authorlaed to re-ad- vertlse for-new btde,. rt accordance with the provlefon of the Gharten...F. $; N°• I 2089. Adoptadby the Coudcil BeDt 10, 1919.: it popr6ved BeDt. 10'1939. (B°Dt. 1�. 1919) • +I Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays SEP 10 1910 Clancy Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... Farnsworth GossApproved ........_....P....1��...��.��..........191..... ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against ...._...<................_................................... .. �.�YC............ �\ Wunderlich MAYOR Mr.]i esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form De artment of P Bureau of By No. Date Presented 191 St' P, m G- o live aliei a oai.vee : a -1—d IC od dlreaed to eaend ib elect cl Iives b> erc v¢ Do1ea avd etr v¢lu¢ wim @emav mr the Install Two poles in the alley wast of Matilda Street, betwen Olive and Cook Streets, One pole on Greenbrier Avenue, solxth of wells Street. 'Pith necessary guys and ;anchors. C. _F. Nojd,29T t .the h9t:o derreA_an II the, alley Weat of Ma- etween:.011ve and Cook I,_ - (}reenbrier- Avenue, All of such ss ension., Pole. and wim.ball be erect Cora>nsate��nnt s.b;ect to the pro>Ialons of Ordiao<e No. 24fa. and of all desi'n All poln should he set to ouch locaaon iv aid ahem 'and: charatiter hr :all dni¢nate od .➢Prove, and an> and all such Doles a prove, LgXe' r�l,l:c interest ao reQuirn. and when it shall so order. .shall be such 'wlree 01 ever She Cot Adopted by the Council ahg;, or Adopted 11) ,ped_� Yeas ( ) Council pprov FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN h. nea8�• t the Commis.lener of Public Utllitin od in dlfiiv¢s 'nate and Paul. ieh :Dole. d i¢nato, and shall be of each hei¢ht and ciuneter u Dyed, and td, when- uvdernound, whoever the Couocll elull deem that the thea tate d when ft (�. !C IQ t. 10, 1919. 191 Nays io !gl" Approved 191 i Mayor Department Bureau of, CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form No. Date Prese 91 That the SL Paul Gas Light Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend it, electrical linea by erecting Pole- sad-io¢in¢ wire, there.. for the cty o. and he the followi,g alley. and street, If said city: Install one pole in the alley east of Robert Street, north of East Fillmore Avenue. Ni th necessary guY s and tl. C. IT No. 26530—BY M. N. Ga..- Pole oes— P Nortli the alley njim.of ,I or All poles shOnld. be t In such ]...- tion in said alleyH and LTeete es the Commissloner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and character as he shall deal and of ah¢ll bei taken and d wndaad removedD Iles and suchfres placed underBround, when- ever- the Council shall deem that the _ public Interest so requires, and when It shall so order. 1 Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1919. J Approved Sept. 10, 1919. (Sept. 13, 1919) All of such exteveiove, pole- avd wire. shall be erected and covatructed under the direction avd aupervieiov of the Commieainner of Public Uthiliea sad 1. all things •:.1,'eet to the prorl.iov- of Otdivance No. 2424. avd of all other lawiul ordinavicea avd re-olutiova of the City of St. Paul. All poles should be set in such locatiov I. said alleYe avd ,treete as the Commiaeioner ,( Public Utilities shall deai¢nate, avd ,lull be of each height nod charvctcr a. 1,.'. mil dn-i¢vate avd approve. and any ad all each pole. shall be take. dowv and removed, and such wire. placed undcrgr.uvd, whenever the Council ,hall deem tfiat the u < <ivtereat.o require., and when it shall so order, 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH d GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER. Mr, President, IRVIN Apprpved 191 Mayor 00 CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL F—AA46,21117-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORH FILE N . ..... 1171 BY - J . CITY COM71OLLERS-11 FPAUDITED LP PER ...............0--. -4� TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen V Nays Adopted by the Council_..._.....:,.......1__...:..,._191 C. F. No. arnsworth 26531 Abstract. Approve—d .........191..-_. that warrants be drawn Resolved Goas u able out of the C.% T='Y'dpf.y.d. and I. GOSS the he here,. tar fl. ell favor of the persons, it,.. or corpora- Keller the set - [belt ��Kell tions for amounts Posit ..... ..... respective names as spec fled 1. the IAYOR in I] d &euUg McColl llowlnff deta le statement: McColl John B. Darling, $10.00. Wunderlich St. Paul Herald, $417-16. St, Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Co. - pan y, 3[.75. UnIlea Lead Company, $370.95. 4p"t'�`d'b'y'1h"e-` ACouncil Sept. 11, 1919. 1919. Approved Sept. 11. (Sept. 13, 1919) 3: John B. Darling, Q4W�P- gnilinge.1 3:4916 St.Paul Herald, Off icla+-Publ4eations NI547 St.Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Company, Bel , & 9!'-A1a42ffi-qLG-1g. 44048 United Lead Company, WR461-- 14e*9 H. Wolfson, wwter - 10.00 417.36 1.75 370,95 1*00 CITY OF ST. PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE o1L Na. 2 53 Form A A 46,2M 7-I8 1170 AUDITED ..._`�tr..l•_i...i3-1 `..�_........ 191.......JBY .... . .... . PEA.._....._..._...... ��......._.. _..... TLR Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor or, the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I J )Councilmen ( ) Nays_ 1 I r Adopted by the Counci] _ :.'..........._.__191.._...._. C F. No. 26532— R 6032— ` Clancy Abstract. Resolves that warranrs be arawn Approved '.__',. 1 .... . _........ c__ 191 1'al'tlaw0[[h upon [he Clty Treasury, payable out . the hereinafter sona, fid funds endrin Goss r oP the persona, atu f... [Ione for the amounts set oDPPosltet [hely respentog names a9 'peolded In the r Keller - -- Pollowing detailed statement: AottII�1• OR McColl Boa dBl%f & Company, $37.69. $24 78 aP Water Com 3lasioners, Wunderlich $200n prop, Blodgett & Sperry co., 11r. President, Hodgson Bumne'e Furniture canpany, i1o3.40. Cy. tel . Lime 8. Cement Com- pany, $3.22. J. M. Clanoy, C. -'r. or Parks, Play - Jos Haag Roofing &4440. Corniee Com- Dany 1237.23. Help' Carpet Cle..ing Works, $9.74. W. C. Hocking &Company, §12.00. Frank O. Hnnn"r.e,. 1AQ29 J. W. Hulme Company, C,A,_&.jr,.H. lA- J. T. Kenny & Company, C, E,. a C.H. 9.78 9.00 SL Paul Gas Light Company, . Tw n ron Clty I E4.0 & Wire Company, rVOTP' Western PIInlont Telg. Company$08t. $7.50. Wal[ers[orK Range Company, $3.97. T. L. Blc Wm. Yungbauer. $5.75. 37.6`9 Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1919. Approved Sept. 11, 1919. (Sept, 13, 1919) 111020 Board of Water vvt>n4� �_ 24.78 14.091 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Co., ,200.09 1*ft9 Business Furniture Company, 103.40 s 24683 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, G.S.r-iler9:H. 3.2.2 1*094 J. M. Clancy, Com$r. of Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldgs., 44.40 1-4695 Joseph Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 237.23 14696 Helps Carpet Cleaning Works, 9.74 1- W. C. Hocking & Company, 12.00 18028 Frank 0. Huebeber, 18.43 0'g'_".H. 1AQ29 J. W. Hulme Company, C,A,_&.jr,.H. lA- J. T. Kenny & Company, C, E,. a C.H. 9.78 9.00 Form A A 46, 2 M 7-I8 1'11111' or ST. VAUL /' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1170 (- J7�-�`[/ AUDIT-E+.tD_._`y tr..�.J_. 3._...._. 191......_ PER ...................... "(/L TLP•. Resolvedtha�nts be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas I V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council__.......- I .._�` ........... .....191._......... C. F. No. 26532— Clancy +...1 ''.L.c...__ _.191. Resolved thatbswarrsn App[Oved.- F'a1'nswo[Ih upon the City Treasube drawn - 1' the hereinafter s rfi Payable,ora ri,. L A OR Payor of the Pealfied funds Ind in ri0$s persons, firms or CorDCTB_ tone Cor the amounts set oDp -site their respective names. as apeet�ed In the 41LjII Keller [onowmg aetauad>e....re nr. McColl Hoa dB1 of &yater Pa Commissioners, az4.78. Wunderlich Brown, Blodgett Sperry Co., $2 Bra Mr. President, Hodgson Business City Furniture Company, SCom- pony, j3.22. J. na Clancy, Camgs' , of Parks, Play_ g 11 Jose" 7.23. a ng a&4Cornice Com- pany 7237.23. Helps Cnrp% Cleaning Works, $9.74. Fria k 'k 'g E18.43' 712.00. J• �. Hulme Company, 79.78. J. T. Kenny & Company, E9.00. M. F. Kerwrin Paper Company, 711.88. Al frw I4VM T. L. Blood & Company, 37.69 C: 14020 Board of Water Commissioners, 24.78 1409-1 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Co., 200.09 1*ei�8 Business Furniture Company, 103.40 1.4023 Capital City Lime & Cement Company, 3.2-2 14624 J. M. Clancy, ComEr. of Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldgs., 44.40 14995 Joseph Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 237.23 CA- &SII. 14886 Helps Carpet CleaningWor7aks, 9.74 y 1442;L W. C. Hocking & Company, 12.00 14p28 Frank 0. Huebeber, 18.43 C.Tj�.H. 14029 J. W. Hulme Company, 9.78 Cy—H. @ J. T. Kenny & Company, 9.00 C,$. •C.H. n -34CST M. F. Kerwin Paper Company, s Alfred J. Krank, t*eM Lambert & Company, H. 1AGo4 Lamprey Products Company, C. . 14638" Melady Paper Company, J&QW New York Tea Company, 14eff Peoples Coal & Ioe Company, J&M Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 14930. St.Paul Gas Light (>ompany, 14940r- Twin City Iron & wire Company, 9 9— —4'�&Xzo ^]A041- W4iskopf Paint Company, 1+4648- Western Union Telg. Company, 14043 Wolterstorff Range Company, TqM vim. Yungbauer, C+cHu�Be=�sH. - 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Gq 'ny COL,NC'IL 2953` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No. ........... ........... -......... F—AA46,tM7-18 1172 StiBY........_ _..... _...... .. .... ....... ... _.. AUDITED T ........................... .............. 791........ PER................. ..... _............ .. /.�...... _. . TITi, Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( I ' ---_ S' P 1 !:-9 Adopted by the Council_.._......_- .-........__....:.......................... 191....._-- C. F. No. 26533— - Clancy n Resotvea try Abstract. then the Waiter reasurva pa be arawa AVPro'ed...._._ ..................._._j._:..._ ,_1,..__.:_!.x_.._..191--....... Farnsworth r berer oft 'ree'ned fun b" Cross 'at 0 done: tive he Person, de maporgo and ianl 1 liS. nts to 1HP OR l /J/{/' In names ae enec to their Keller Roarag aetauea etatemenra to th. ....._.___..___.....___ ._....._.__ _....._. .._........ ........... of Con McColl s720 Fa eworthI COW 938. Aaontea by the Cau�cll Se or F'Inance, Wunderlich Annrovea sent II ISIS. °t' tl• rsts. Mr. President, Hodgson serve 13, I916I 14069, Board of Control, 20,199.38 Board _oL 49Nt sq' ti 1 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of k1nance 67.20 Council Sept. 11. 1919. , 11, 1919. 19, 1918 CITY OF ST. PAUL (COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'ILE e NO. 2q,5�35 ............. ............ Date Presented -...-aegt.erabar....10.r----- 191....9. Resolved, Th«t the Purchasin-g Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 5_passenger Dodge automobile from the St. Paul idotor Car Company, to cost $1,180.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .. ....._ ..:_... +.........__.. 191...... Clancy ' Farnsworth L I:: ., IS' --.. 191..... Approved ........ _......_.. _............._...... _....._.... Goss ._....__...I❑ favor Keller McColl......._.._.Against ........_. _....._..... .. ...._.......................... _..._ ._% Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 1,1Ll�)'-� CITY OF ST. PAUL - I 9Dt1"L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I a :.................°.:.::_.......... ......2655 ,. /l, COUNCIL Date Presented.Sep_t. 12.�._.:1919_�_...191_..... Resolved, That the grade of Kerwin Street from Germain Street to Flandrau Street in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. .s RE90L1JT10N9. C. F. No. (6636 M . N. Goss— ' Resolved. That the [[wsade, of Kerwin �2y--- Street from Germain 6tree4to Fland d. `u 18fne. onn11 cord ncean4 °t omm and, ahter"btI It ecomaiended 11Y the. mmiseloner'. or' Pubitc Works, be and .the same fs of U adopted as the established' grade. .Adopted by the Council Sept 12, 1919. Approved Sept 12 1919:' (9 pt 28, 19191 tlr Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss..............Io favor Keller McColl O- Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson RO C. A, 9 3M 12-1e CE•.P ... 1...j`i ' Adopted by the Council 191.-.... Approved..- ............... __ _................ __ 191...-. ................................................ .. ................................... MAYOR Form A A 18, 3M 7-18 CITY or ST. PAUL ���" •Y.. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE°`L No._....2 5 r�- 1174 B .... _.. �� SEN 1 P'1I`J T' ,O\IPTROLLER pUDITEP ..... ..... `91__.::.. .( ER........<. .._.__..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed Isttatement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nd Q[ �) 191......_.._ a = Adopted by th ouncil_ C F Na,:2663'lilbetrsaf. �" ' Clancy Re.otveH 'that 'warrants b ,'raves ) q n e heiein 1 c eDecifledpluod�bC dna to ppro�ed 191__....... Farnsworth t arms or d ra- ..... favor rof,thlr persons: Goss trona fo>::the amounts 41st oypss t� etr To.b .ttve detailed. sffi. rated Meller , LO1fY'WTa6_ BrtIn I f1009 ._.. ...._...._ _ ._... .. ...... .... .... ..._ V BrooksH8rother6. .f20926 b[AYOR McColl w fi a. lam i8'i8pompany a6H 91 Wunderlich Bdward Sacobs Dist State Bolter In- speotot -f 7H 00 Roas�Y � �i�oraenZ31160anY:- f8913. Mr. President, Hodgson Warrean �therR`f7008 nnv 1.4963 Dr. J. B. Brimhall, 10.00 _,vx-v 'rr-s 14064 Brooks Brothers, 0 5 209.26 "^ 13 .28 1 .50 _ytat-eg .53 1.4006 Commercial Paste Company, 68.91 Scheele- 1418516 W. S. Gilliam, 12.80 34669 Edward Jacobs, Dist. State Boiler Inspector 78.00 sells 14058 Keasbey & Mattison Company, 39.18 6sea.luothern Schls. 17. Library 21.12 --'9 Warren W. Morse, 311.50 -1*6ft Nielsen Brothers, 70.00 14e&l Perkins -Tracy Printing Company, 271.06 .2-3-01A I -Wo St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, 367.50 S Pr. Thtw IT46@v2-1 CITY OF 9T. PAUL.' ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1 "FIL"E °" I.,.AA18.2N]-18 1175 btr 1 1919............. .... - ...... AUDITED Pr ,u]IPT oLt,Rli .......................................... 191....... PER. ..... TITLE , /l.li lll"`✓✓✓//A��VVV444 �% M�.. �4��.��..JJSti .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller V McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 34^ra Walter J. Miller, 433.88 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .COUNN ....... 2665 3") CIL PILE NO............~` ...................... V Date Presented ...-..-.aspt....... 11,....1,919L91......,, In the matter of re -construction, re-laying and repairing cement. tile sidewalks at the following ldcations: Farrington Avenue,east side,from Rorido St, to Carroll Avenue, Carroll Ave,north side,beginning at Farrington Ave.,thence east 40 feet, Rondo Street,soutr side,from Louie Street thence west 285 feet, Michigan Avenue,sbuth side,beginning at West 7th. Street, thence west 66 Rmx a if feet, under Preliminary Order, Council File No. 26454, approved September 2md., 1919, RESOLVED - That all orders in the above matter be and the Same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth 7 Goss:._.._......In favor Keller O McColl .... Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson ­­ c n= s aM I.— Adopted by the Council ._.....CCP..._.,�J_..__c.:.r,..,191...... Approv...._..................... ....._�_.�...........:.....191..... .................................................................. ................ MAYOR , CITY OF ST. PAUL � f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............... ............................._.._..._............................ ................._...... .................... ........FLE.. NO. _../ ................. y�� /^J••figg • COUNCIL � .J.................. i Date Presente&......... ............ ......_............ .........-191.-•-- Resolved, That the cigarette license No.69 which expires Apr.21,1921 now in the name of Sam Nindoa 73 Selby Ave.be and the same hereby is transfered to O.P. Bertheuson 738 Selby Ave. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays QCD „�. �D 14 0 Clancy Adopted by the Council.. Farnsworth Approved J ' `� '`''Goss In favor ,.....�,,,..._..,...1....Keller.McCol] O .............. Against .....� / ................ Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR� r ' •..............................................._................................................._ .......................................... "LLEENCIL X NO. -----..........x...54-.$ �='� .......... .:..... ..... - Date Presented ............................ 7 _ ...................... _.191..... That Cigarette License iQ... 45, now in the name of S.Schmitt, 230 western Avenue, which expireb April 11,1920, he and the same hereby is transferred to Funk X.Young, 230 Western AvenrB . Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays r1 Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..........In favor Keller McColl 0 .............. Against Wunderlich Mr, President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.16 r r Adopted by the Council ....... C.r. �..._. ?...:_. Q....191...... Approv..................... .........................:.:'......191..... ..................... ......................................................... MAYOR Council File No.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a Petition , Ly,nrca Z. The undersigned hereby proposes thi, "s`­A�at-�act oeal for the Movement by the City of St. Paul, Yi wh6rea following Lexington AvenUe. Pave Carroll o................................. frov, lal ............... . . . .... . ........... ......................... ................................................ rroll Avenue. tLexington ', , ed the Paul t W . ........................... ....................... ....... . ............ .......... en ...................................................................... Ut. ty I I Repo ...............................c Works be ............................................ demd.. .. .................................. ................... __ ...................................................... 1. 0 4— .................................................................. : ...................... ....................................................................................... .................. Dated this . ....... day of --- 50,,Rt-0 . ........ ..... ................. . 191 ............... ....... ................................................ ............. ............ Councilman. PRELIMINA,RY QRDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t e foo lowing improvement, viz.: ...................... .................................................... ................. I ...... ......... ............. ..................................................... ................. ... ­­ ................................... ........................................................................................... .................. ­ ........... .................. ................. .......................... ............ ............. .......... ­­ ..................... ................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... .. ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated con of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .Tj................... . .............. . . .. .. 1 -To state,whether or n-o-t" sa,id, improvement i- -3 - asked for on the - petition , o" f* three-or"*more ,**ow*'n"e-,r-,s ... ....... ....... . Po report upon all of the foregoing matte I is to the Commissioner of Finance. . , - - 1 Q Adopted by the council.....................191........ ....... . - Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved 191 If Hyhnd McColl 7 Wunderlich .... ...................... Mayor loria Mayor. F- CA 13 (5M 4-17) 0. Council File No ...:....................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. AVenue The undersigned hereby proposes the makir, e ytr„ft ovIn citybeen bee o:�'lc improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Wei 12th. Dated thio day of of tt Too tenor°a uDor aTl of kt o ....................... 191. .... g to n motters"the Comm . ... .......:...:............ ........ ..... ...... .. Councilman. PRELIMIN Y OR ER� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _P_ave. Carroll...Avenue,,. from _. Dale..._ Street....,to...Aiae_..Street,......._._.. _..................................__.......:......_....._......................................._..._......_......................_.._. _..............................._..._........._..........._.................................._.........................._..._...._...................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invebtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveMgate the nature, extent and estimated coAt of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.9. To famr.rimmi—I ` "�'isaid'6trpTSQment:.................. ......... ...... ...................... ... To Efate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. C(p -1,i .-Ic Adopted by the council ............. ..........y ................................. 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ............ .;:...... .......................191........ Hyland Keller McColl U Wunderlich................................... ..................................... ........ Mayor Irvin Mayor. LI:A-llill — Porn C A 13 (611 447) 266 - PR1}s, .. . Mr. D. C. Gayton { is the -uklkR oca 'bet. The undersigned hereb proposes the mark Re—construct , re—ayand ret=a the....f o.1lnmting...lna.ai inns SDssou ; Farrin tan Avenue,eae,r�ag Te, C.ax o1. --Avenue., rth.- ' ,e ;`� Michikan Ave. sou h 61 dc.vu a R°aT Dated thi....... ll.th...... day Council File No ........ ...... _........... FOR IMPROVEMENT and rr "qRY ORDER. No n P> I ea >W��ollo ublic im rovement by the City. of it. Paul, viz.: t ple ei�ewa1 a,, six feet wide, at Rest p lehart ...................................................... 6ovth Stre jet to q Carroll Avenue ,sou at u gthgt? ented. to she --��,x n, i'r n.. ve., t.henca e��88t..-40�.f�eet, paul_there[o��i.e r. hence W88t (3E1 Be _._. or Y.md ............. ................ ( PRELIMI AR WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makin o e fo owingu�nprviz.: Re—construct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks, six feet wide, at the AC.at.1.9zl.s................................................................................................................................................................. Farrington Avenue, east Bide, from Rondo Street to Carroll Avenue Carro.l.I-.. Avenue ,-..-north ....Bide, ._ be..i.nn.i.ng...at...Farxin to..n Av.-thence... Lt..40--feet, Michigan Avenue,south side,beg nning at 77.7th.8 ,thence west 69 feet, Arundel-Street-,Weat eids,beg-inning 40 feet south -of --Iglehart-St-reet,-thence south 108 feet., Iglehart.-..Strezt-,.9ovth...side.,.from...Moo.r.e.-Ave.nue,.t.hence ... east+_60--.feet .... ............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it = RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invebtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invettigate the nature, extent and e9timated colt of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 93d Zrmatioq a5:4�kX$P B t �n.� . n, t:._ ...................... ..... .......... ........... ... ................................ ..................................................................................................................................... To 6Eate whether or not said Improvement la asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Po report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...................... .'....7_.1?....:::.;c......191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved .......... ............ 191 Hp4&nd- &eller McColl fff Wunderlich. -�- .......................................................................................... Mayor lorAw p Mayor. PUBLISHED Form C A 13 (6Ei 417) ��... � C. F. No. 26646—Ordinanco No. 61�� f Hy M. N. Goes— 1 l ' A ordinance graving to die ion+ t / ..air.-nand i trolley on the nthovy ntalndPer a Southerly Ids Of /� / ✓4�� {� alley In Hlock 82, 3t. AT The Council of the City of St. Pa ;`t, V /� ordain: /1 ..SECTION 1. ou 'n and ^Edlard on tr++r ,Ctz ordinance granting to=aaivard E. Johnson, IncorporatgA, (permission to construct and maintain a loading trolley on the south- y Bide of the alley in Block 83, $t. Anthony Park. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Edward E. Johnson, Incorporated, to construct and maintain a load- ing trolley five feet easterly of the westerly line of Lot 4, Blook 82, St. Anthony Park, said trolley to consist of an iron beam pro - jetting from the reinforced concrete manufacturing building owned and occupied by the licensee,and projecting ten feet in the alley at a height of twelve feet or more above the alley, this beam to be supported by two cables running back to the concrete building. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the erection and construction of said trolley, upon said licensee's compliance 1 with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said trolley, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said trolley shall be construoted under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (� The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of.Bt. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suite:, costs, charges, dame es and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said trolley; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said trolley remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corpor- ation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said trolley shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this.ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take .effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council �F; �'2 1919 Yeas flays Attest Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Gose McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) % 1919 Approv ___-- Mayor Vol' rx-t o rog P PLAN APPtIOVED C52 - Z9- J7-ANTH0�1/Y 7-A;pK / n s i " ff C52 - Z9- J7-ANTH0�1/Y 7-A;pK / n s i MEMO. An Ordinance granting permission to Edw. E. Johnson, Incorpo- rated, to construct and maintain a loading trolley on the southerly side of the alley Block 82, St Anthony Park. This loading trolley to consist of an iron beam projecting from the reinforced concrete manufacturing building owned and occupied by the pe— titioner, projecting ten (10) feet in the alley at a height of twelve (12) feet or more above the alley and to support this beam by two cables running back to the cc crete building. This trolley is to be located five (5) feet easterly of the westerly line of Lot 4, Block 82, St An- thony Park. The construction to be approved by the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works and the Commissioner of Parks, Play Grounds and Public Buildings. The petitioner to give five thousand ($5,000.00) dollar bond. Sketch attached. G H H St Paul, Minn Aug., 19, 1919 Vitt^ -lir -;- 3 rb 7f'f cl� W-� --- - I I 5'A C) - INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF 1 PREFERRED STOCK $450,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $ 900,00 StJARES$CIAO; E'A�H�y THE TERRITORY OF ARIZONA N rf;'• \ e zl } COMMON STOCK $450,000. ✓%/L//��P�GR/'t P.�7//?jfr/G ail/.P /'/r/rfi:l C�ZIZP r'�I'>/7�1I/L� fl/'7P%.f(�>C //"-1`/`.��ifih('/%/%/J !7e!'i rfer � ed S/nth• sfurl/ G r ea/il/eN /a diriclends cr! //rr rziJr al'sr.c• prr'crvr! /Jrr•unrr unr Armr <irurn/u/(r mdri%� rrrr) ell,frtrrrrhs rArr o<irtlarse( nsiclr /irr/inrrman .S/oc1t. All c�� sr o/'pze (errrrirrtUrlin of//ir brrsirrrs s ofsair/ (orrr/rrrrr J rr//Pirfer i•rr! • S'(ocR ou(aYuruling shrr// Irr prrrcf irr f(r!l orr( a/Y/re rrssr(s' a%Urc /iinrprarrf (ir/inr urrt/ perr/nrrrr/s/ea!/Grmni/c n/carr /wnnra/r S/ach Tlrr r ii(iirrfr i�/i/s a/ /ach9io%/cr[rslurll Germs/rc/ aalrf in Uir (mnirron .S%ork INWITNESSWHEREOF. ✓/ie.liici/ornirc✓i<vr /ie/eiirilec/✓/i%J1ei✓r rirNr ✓i fe digrrre'l 4y /W e�Le I "Iiir,r/'1e'eiidr'r-1 ";'i nr�nr"n✓r Jru�✓i %r ie✓t rr�: s cSPECIM EN SPECIMEN ' `. IM a h 7 �r a nk ! I � fir• F ry � ��". Farm A A 46, 2 M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL 111 { OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNC1L 1],.77 •, ;. ... ...... 1 ' 1919 ........ 19 ...... AUDIfi'ED ............. ............. ................. I CO) PY'ROLLDR F ........ ................... PER...... -. .. ... ------.. _ ......... �ITLE z Resolved tilt warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement- Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( �- ,.. Vr de '. SEP Adopted by the Council -- - is !� ! 0 f ._ .191 lAbstract,' 'Reaolvea that WafL'.d' ',bi drawn out -of Clancy u oa the Cit ,Treasury, P'f.Udia- D r: bpectded,.fuhds an ..., i _ _ '1 the lieremid Farnsworth tavor of the,D,eraon3, ttrma-.er corpora- tions for the amounts set:.0,9 att1 the . y .. Appro ...................................191T res stove naD10B 88 eD h Goss Kol�owtn6 aetatted statement Ianmber Company... F ,Rrooka Brothers Keller s17ss `v •BurnB 1Nmber ComPadY :S=filo$ F, �,. _. _._ ,tiIAY R McColl A::IY Bert.n;366. ig; W 6oetzinger Sid 78, : WunderlichR: T coar�ev ;z�66 ..Dr DawaoR, Johuetoa ;12.86 libller Comyound Ceba'' Mlnnaeota Mr. President, Hodgsonbane $2646-' .$�ab�typ &'.Company ;4486 J. Ix 8hlely-�ComDany 376186 1 AdJs op d 9mtth, §' il6 76: opted b the C§'#- ourm1 121 a fSepC. € . -t4H67 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, �ehaea.� 17064 14 60 8 Burns Lumber Company, 398.03 ase 16 1 Se>aaals- ll .58 1(< n 20.64 _AD69-A, L. Eggert, 3.56 'a G; F.—M�� A� IIn�_ forReen .14070 H. W. Goetzinger, 14.70 Warkfsousa' -1407.1 R. T. Gourley, 29.05 .B=em_of Pngrs. 17.0 Sew R. 3. .0 _u `14fR2,Dr. Dawson Johnston, 12.25 --&.1br&rT 140M Minnesota Boiler compound Company, 26.46 --4074 Seabntly & Company, 442,69 -ouse 629 ISI$ 58. 0 --Barks-304. 2 13 75 It V.47 -34e" J. L. Shiely Company, 761.25 - -1.4676- J. Magill Smith, 4,113.75 Library- Tota. -l.--•.5,813.38 v �, 1 CITY OF sT: PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rLVL\C1L Nu"........_ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A A 46.2 K 7-18 1178 StF _ v i, ..... Y .SP � nLLER ..;_ ....., ..... . AUDITED ........ .. ...:. .. _ ER..... ' - TITLE Resolved that be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council..._ ......... . ........................................ ___191.____ Clancy q; ;F No 28647hb¢tsact =r prove : ........... ................. ........... warrania b9 drawn, .. .. Farnsworth eeotved y'Tr a able ant of I upon the naT Treaea fl d tpnde and 7n .. .._ .. "" MAYOR �` the hereinafter aD r corpora favor o{ fhe.pereana. $rnla G .. ... ..- Keller ,tions fog 3e ailed p�{aten%nt }e Petr g p, Farnsworth. Com'r f Financer McColl 5�eaevieab"the Council sepr is leis I Wunderlichroved Sept' 13 19 9 — i'=App (sept 20 is?s) Mr. President, Hodgson A. Farnsworth, Com{r. of Finance Red. of Tax Levy Certs. ADS -Q9 of Ind. 1918 Issue 4;q $1.50 Interest SpecInt,�F,�nd—aSpeonAssess. --Snvao Bond Int. Acct. 1P 1 Tat;a3: - 11,2�50 11,267.50 CITY OF ST. PAUL;,.v'�i+�a' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'D Subject: _...._...........................,........................_.......................,. .................................. . courvd� Date Presented ...$apt......13....... 19.19.- 191........ Resolved, That the grade of Breda Street from Aldine Street to Snelling Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Ic s rro zss hs t. nose. . Street;,,from A dine Stree , to Baejjng: Av4nUe la accordande .with they: red gradq IIne�Rn.-the accompaaytpg p, req sad ae recomm Rded'by,ihe Commla eloaer oY Public W rke, b apd the' same ie hereby, adopted, a� the eetab;- Itebed ggrrads. Attoptdd by tbQ Council Sept, 33 1918.' Approved Sept 13 1919. (Sept 2b, 191. x. Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth ,Gpty„ ..............In favor Keller O ' McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr—President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-iS Adopted by the Council ....._CEp........9 Q ..191..:... Appro ed..�. �E°..11...... 1919 191.1... MAYOR Yeas OCouncilmen ( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr.'President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -18 s Adopted by the Council....... 191 Approved .. .......... . ... 191 In favor Against .. ............... ..... ----- .................. ------- ... .. .. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM Subje&: ------ - - --- ----------------------------- ............ .......... ----- - - ----- - - ----- ----- ----- - --------------------- .................................................. ----- ---------- COUNCIL FILE NO_ 2.6-5 Date Prese med Resolved, - That the appl'cation of the following persons for a.iicense to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at t-,ne locations res-j-.eCtiVely indicated be, and the same are, hereby granteft, ani the City Clerk is authorized and dire,-tei. to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. —1 7AOF P1I" ­ , - 1CA'T. HOTEL Op, Fr -JRA�; T T . S7A LOCATT O'T ^ruoe & ',-,ielBen, Restaurant, 396 Wabasha, John 1�,ostuch, Boarding house, 561 Van Buren, Paul 'Sufes, Poyeson Hotel, 500 St. Peter, '.:re. Grace L. Pollard, Restaurant, 1626 1!erchants Natl. Bank Building, Y. C. Campbell, Restaurant, 317j Wabasha, Gussman & Charbonneau, Restaurant, 6th & Robert, P. Ungaretti, Restaurant, 129 E. 5th, Yeas OCouncilmen ( V) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr.'President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6 -18 s Adopted by the Council....... 191 Approved .. .......... . ... 191 In favor Against .. ............... ..... ----- .................. ------- ... .. .. MAYOR 26550 St, Paul, Minnesota September 11, 1919, That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States Power Company to erect poles and cross - arms, and tosbaing the'neceseary wires thereon; #Set poles on north side of Lawson Street, from Hand Avenue to Gaultier Street. Said poles and wires to be placed and the work done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, said Company to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Colmuon Council of the City of St. Paul, this permiseion is granted under and pursuant"to the terms and provisions or Ordinance 2545, approved Dec, 26, 1906, Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 660 —BY be end o'is hereb Ti p1lsNorthorn States Powe 02reet tPeoCa and cross -arms•, hh necessary wires ring wson ou Nort wenn W Ganitler Hand A ..... and 29sei �•• t 13. the Con78 9Sep "Pt" 120. 1919) 1;PP ��-naopted by the Council......,��f ......._ �.:.. _......_._....191...... 1_ q � c Appro ed....... 191..... e MAYOR Clancy Farnsworth ., Goss ..-.._._....In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB 660 —BY be end o'is hereb Ti p1lsNorthorn States Powe 02reet tPeoCa and cross -arms•, hh necessary wires ring wson ou Nort wenn W Ganitler Hand A ..... and 29sei �•• t 13. the Con78 9Sep "Pt" 120. 1919) 1;PP ��-naopted by the Council......,��f ......._ �.:.. _......_._....191...... 1_ q � c Appro ed....... 191..... e MAYOR ORDINANOE. No. 26551—Ordinance No. 517 `) y 4 C. flx� Hodgson— an administrative ordince _, .lades at the deputies to tt 2M8rn` `lasloner of Educa eer tion, - �o[ Puh�ic Works. Cort = •erounda.. _ An administrative ordinanoe fixing the salaries of the deputies to the Commissioner of Education, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, '_` Co_ ission*r Of .Public Utilitisa..,and Commissioner of Public Safety,-?, THE 0 L Oir THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Commissioner of'Education, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, C mmo se ner of Public Utilities aad Commissioner of Public Safety are hereby audio zed appoint and employ deputies at an annual salary of Twenty-eight Hundred Dollars ($2800.00); said salaries to be paid out of the funds of their respeo%- ve de- partments in twelve equal monthly instalments. Section 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances incon- sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. A !- Passed by the Council SEP ?9 1919 Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goes MbColl Powers Wunderlich Dir. President (Hodgson) r — U SCP 1; �c le Approve Mayor PUBUI kMD 3'S 26562 COUNCIL FILE NQ sy.......... FINAL ORDER ;�� t e..s - l..aarl., In the Matter of.....C.4 .Ll ..u.1 n'Tt5 ;? C'.%',wnt...... � ti.�- � r' - ' `. t....:. Sj:e.,.:. on - ',..eet c• -coot bath--side.N-...of.:.Lafo-ad...; .t:. e: t.�...�' o{ D.Unlz_n... t_ eei. t° -U= ..............................— St.. ........................................_ -..--------------------------- under Preliminary Order ............ 2�r.,.7"f ........, " 'd .�... i - ... IntermediaryOrder---........................................................... approved--------------------------------------------------------------- •---- ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...C.Qnst'xl c{-._2 faai_ r.11.e.,...c�.. a.oth...s dcs_..- mak._Q.,..,?ti_cet.,....i;ofli__Du...... __Strcet...ta _.... St:^ect..._escent......... e rood and su iicier_t sidevialks noa e;tist. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upoh said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......_.....................•; - -- = - - ----------- 191----.... r - - •�,l -Cil"',l.rC.a. City Clerk. Approved..... ----.......1 ... --- :.------------- ......... 191 .............. ......... ............ - - ........... ........ . ---.......... PUBLISiIE Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth D1— / 6 Councilman Goss —� Councilman Clancy Councilman Iieiim 1-o-::ers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Q Form B. S. A. 8.7 . t CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FWANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ............. ---- ..... ................. ... __ .. _ .._....._ ...... _.......... .... ... ............... under Preliminary Order approved ........._....... ." / / To the Council of the City of St. Paul: IY� `x;34.. The Commisstonetgf Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am unt of the assessment for the above improvement is $ t timated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT 41LOCK ADDITION i ASSESSEDVALUATION 00 W � a a7 1,67 ''' Form_E:B 30 TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL. , i f •..1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMFISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRE "IMIN�.RY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 'ieLOCK. - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i8 C �7 /6 6 •3 fir-- o 9 7,6-- ,� �7 5- iosso The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ��✓ ' --r -Z(' - -191Gf Commissioner of ):'finance. FOPM l.9.n. 99 O St. Paul, Minn. , To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following i.mproveu�ent to be made: "......... from .....�......St. Ave. to .....`%� "+........... ...............St. Ave_ NSA H K V LOT U BLOCK /Q �DpITI,OII ... 1... � ............................ ...... ............................�. �. ......................... .... ................................... . .................................. ....... .......................... ............................ ............ �....... ................... .................................................................. .....................:.. ............... .......................... ..... ........................ .............................................................. .............................................................. ........... ................. f..-A.... -A.......................... ...................� ....�....... ........ .................................... ff, t UL �. r Office of the Commissioner of Public Work ruE(;EtVED NSw c* lOs ^3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 111 L 16 1919 July ................ 15, ..........I. 1919..... . ......_................ 19L. .. AIR To the Commissioner. of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.. ........... approved_1919.x.........191........., relative to ............................. Construct a cement tile-.sidswalk,six feet wide.on-both sides of Lafond Street from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street. ..... _.._................................................................................................._...._........._............_........................................................_.................._.................._..........._.........................._. ....... -.... _....... -.............. .............................. .................................. _......... .......... ...................... ............... _......... ..................... ..................................................... ............ _......... _.................. ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _... .......necessary and (or) desirable. lin.ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._0.70 per and the total cost thereof is $ .............................. ............ .._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ..................................... ................ ........_............. _............................ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 ....................................... ............................ ........_..... ....._------- .---- ...._......... ............ ...... _._................ .... .................... ...._...... .......... .......... ....... ........... ..................... ..._....._ 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........_L..._.._............... ............ .... .. .......-.... _... ........ .................. I........................... o nmissioner of is Works. 26553 COUNCIL FILE NQ__ .................... :.................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. nnn L�11C.li' ii;:._£....Ce:11�].a.._:.�,1.v...S.rad.,l.�s.].�:,.e-..�.y.:::.---- -. �...::: tae.,......- 03: �APC'3!.._t0 _.:�G'liCZOi:�i_=�.i.i.CCt., eSCUJr'-t"-.::..1CY'�...C::-OOC� a__ i 3li11^ C1oIIt C1Ciel';^1 :3 TLOC! ::1.. t:......._ ....................._...----------------- ... ......... .. .... ... No. tt. of Iv. the matte of eonatru6jlnag a oem0nt .......... .. ...... .... ..... .. North de W0.0 els feet. wide, o. the' --..._........ ------ ....._... .......... North -1. rldOt , Hyaeinth fltreet, from. .Forest Sreet o Mendota `Stregt,;•ez '.ueDt r?he;e-600d and �Au83efent aaide' ....... ............ ....... ....... ;walks now ,exlat,under PrellrdinaY9.. ..................................................... `Order 25700,,apDroVed'Jp1Y 7 1919;? •-..a `puhno. hearlp6 ila7lnB been ypov the slYuve improvement 0.- ......... .... .......................................................t .---------------------------------------------------- !W ------------- ----- .. ------ .....__--- �nothe' Covnell.:haY1n6. Yg: r,. tl na a,T Te^i �� under Preliminary Order ......_,..... °s........... ..... ---- -........ -- IntermediaryOrder -------------------------------------------------------------- approved ........................................... ................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of " improvement to be made by the said City is.....G.o zstiaic -_2.". ee,tic_Zt_..�:i....1. le. . _ ,de;t2.1';,__si c_-_ ---_ ort'n side of T:✓acintii Street ............................................................ iorost :i:i°cet to ............................... i 1 ^Ce. .y-., :;.C.2tJ_t"-.a...-ood...a_.d....siLLfficlent side ialks..no;-;...oxis.t.•... .%!...... _-------....._--------------------------- ------- ---- ---- -- . -- .............------------...------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------._. -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Goun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................... ---------- 191........ Approved... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman IURhK Po',ters Councilman McColl n Councilman Wunderlich V Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 X1..1... Clerk. 191........ 7� ...May . Mayor PUBLISFIED `7 X �•� � CITY OP ST. PAUL � , DEPARTMENT OF F� ANC6 REPORT OF COMMIS-VONR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Inthe Matter of_........_.._.......:............_..__....._......._._..............._._....... _..._ ..... ...._.._._....._........_......_........_...__._6 .. .__._ .......... -_........._........._..._..._...... .... .............. .._........................ ................_....._............_._.... V... v ...�......_...._..... .............................. ......... ...... . .. __ ...... . _ __._ .._ ..._............ ........._._ underPreliminary Order approved......_%...._.7...7......_._...._....._...._..................... ............................ .............. ......................... -.............. To the Coiuncil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $........._......_.___......_.........._......._.... The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $..Q� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION =,IDESCRIPTION V4LUATIION j A : TOTAL, Form E. B. 10 �:, 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT _BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION v 17 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---- - - - /l` - 191( . / - - - ..------------- 7 Commissioner of Finance. roBry e.e.w. e•e c __ c 17/ Jqq1 Th of 4FI/4-A, All 7 OV64,tA L 16 &14, tow 00 �/ -",If _,r � � t. 191. St. Paul, T"inn., .... a� ... To the Honorable, The Council, l' City of St. Paul, Minn. "`Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Y7 Ho ora/ble Body to ause the following impr) ement to b made: `%>..:.. •!.t.! ............ ....... .......... St. from C.... . St. a... to ;t .rc- • �c-. . .....................St.wr. N A M g LOT I BLOCK . ......................... .: ; . .. ;. . . y.....:::....................... .. ... .......................... ... ......................... �. ..........I......... ......:.............. JUL '... .. .... .......................... BLRFAIT F ENGI�EFB`<. ...................................,.. _................. � 6 � ........... ...........$.......................... �. : ......................... ...V...... ......:.... :............ Y .... ................ '�, �, 1 i Office of the Commissioner of Public W . ]RECEIVED FVtNS _3 Report to Commissioner of Finance:. 0 8, JUL 16 1919 Jul.Y.._15_,.....19.1.9.,........... . .....................i91....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of ul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No.._+57aO. ........... approved_Jtll.y..R..................191........., relative to ............. ........... ._. conQtr_}�tl_ct. on,...Q...._e_e ?.e nForest Street to Mendota Street. t_...t..�,.1.e......eidevr_a k.,.a�,3.....�.e.at.....�?.�da.,.az�....�,.Q t.k�_...a..lde_..-a1 Siyaainth Street from and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__.............._....necessary and (or) desirable. Lin.Foot, 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_p.t70 per and the total cost thereof is$1............. :.............. ....... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................................... .................. .................. .......__......._.................................. ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......... ....... ............ ..... .... ... ......... I ... ... .......... ................... ........................ i Conuni ion r of Public Work COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By.-.��..... 2651,4 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......,...a_1:::_� eat...:a.da,----on the... es.t s i1a....of..._1auern ..:_v.cnue.... -t-..t.'D ,........ under Preliminary Order .pc .neaered e4ing � ... .. efatte 'thoretn no reh ,the s''•+. ;'theietorel _ Intermediary Order ....... ... ...... <<:_pprove•: �.,,--.............................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvem6it upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...co.;lstruct-a..,ceae»----.tifeet �i?c?e en the west side of Have_ :_venae 'ron Crah;..�t eet.i- z..------... -- -- n.. - Q...aPt.11._ Streete cent rhere rootand suffic_ersce r l ..... .• .................• _... ... ............'----_ _t._ ........................... ........... ............................_.._............ ........ ....... ............................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... 191.------- a Approved..........----- -- ................................ 191 - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Clancy Councilman;gidbn•: 16-.16rs Coun6bnw MCGDIl., "(councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Mayor. PU$LISIlED����� JOHN 1. FARICY o (Offirr of Tity Cnlrrk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK _" ABET. CITY CLERK September 18th, 1919. Hon. M. N. Goes, Com'r. of Public Works. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Council held Sept. 15th, the enclosed Final Order No. 26554, to construct a sidewalk on the westside of Davern Avenue from Graham Street to Seventh Street, was laid over to October 15th, 1919. Yours truly, e enc. -�e7 CITSf CLEAK� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISPIOIPER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.._....__ C._X.'.Q._�c-c, ............. ... .__ - .__.......... ..... .... ........... .__----- --... .... _............ ....... _.. _... .._...__......._...... _...._....... ........ ... ... ............ ...... _.... .....-.--....... ....... ........... __.__................... ............... .._..- - ....... _...1i..`........... - _........ .. ........ .......... .._... .............. _ -... .............. -__.... ............... ............-_ ... .... - ......_....._.... ..... ....... ... _................. _................ ..__ _ _ _.......... _......... ......... .. under Preliminary Order approved.. ../ .,..... _.......... ........ ... ....... .......... .............. ...... ...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $............ --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is �.=-70...•.... v The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas, follows DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED • VALUATIOP 70 0. TOTAL... The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...��'�.. /�'...._... 191_`:_ ..._,..''2 ..... ._....�. --1 .'.. _!_tc'«t? ...... Commissioner of Finance. ;, roar e. e. A. e•e o �; c: v S— '/ 3 -� / `�o�27 - �14 aAf 12 I x), 10 e 1-3o-�3/ S— '/ 3 -� / `�o�27 - �14 aAf 12 I • St. Paul, I�iSn�i����l .•3�:.191�. JUL 1 To the Honorable, The Council, M. N1. Goss City of St. Paul, Minn. COMMONER OF PAZ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the If 41owing improvemeIt tom �:....... ........... St. Ave. from ........St. Ave. to .. .... ... .....................St. Ave. N A MF E LOT BLOCK DI1'IO1J �.... ............ .... .......................... ..... ........ .... ..... .....� ...... ......i ............. ..... . .................... ..... ....... ..............:.......... ...........:.......................... ........................ �.... .. ...... �.............. ..... .. �.......................... ... .. .................. .......�...........�...... . ............. I .............. L + .. .............. . ' ....................�..... -IUI bun 0 FiQG1N E�?S, IRECE Office of the Commissioner of Public WorK IVSD F �o n..,iz A 9s i3 Report to Commissioner of Finance J U L 16 1919 41Y...... i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 3..5.G.97................approved ........................July .....3 1.................9 cte.....9.f........... _.... Davern Avenue, from Graham Street to Seventh Street. ......................... _........... .............................. -..... _................................... ......... ............. .................................. ............. ............. ................................. ............. ............................. ............................. ........... .... .......... _............... ........................................................................... ............................... __--.............................. -.................................. ................................ ........................... ................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._.... ...... ._......necessary and (or) desirable. Lin.Foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_0_._70.... uBT and the total cost thereof is $ .................. ................. . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................................. .......................... .........._.................. ... _....................... .... ........... ...._................. _........ ............................................................. --................................._......._............._....................._...............................................__...._........._............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1 ................................... ......... :........_................... :............... .................... .......... _......... ............................ .............................. ....... .......................... __..... _ 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis' on of Public Works. COUNCIL F/E�N/fl .............._...... t 265"55 FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofec_: eni_.t:i� �...s de take.,.-s-ah--.=Ce;;t..:;;- JO -3, C'n the "t, i1 S{'�'...-l..aa..L.t.C..G'.._�?.1.�'.C.�°a....J..r.91:t..i'��..aS...1u.eilue... t.n.._''a.1.ry 1e:.-/-..>UB73L:P, e.ccent rtiZe1,e... ©od. a; ci sr ..... n......U..-deael. s...:a?«...e�, s... ........ ...... - ----------------­ -". ...... .. ........ ... "- ........ ................_. . I tP.he mallei of eonetrueting6 a o z the ................... .............. ..... lila h, piralk : a.foec wtde on, the. ................ ......... - �,. North, aide of Palace Street from Prlor' Avenue to' Fafrvle�d. Avenue - eagekkwSere good's, autHdleab sld .................._.................................................... r. ^� eclat, and FPrellminarY-.� .................... .......... a 77110"!7, Jul; 1919 under Preliminary Order ........... 2572. dpprov �-_ ul rr ...... ..... -- - .........- .... Imp f IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------------------- .--------- approved ----....---------.............------ ....--------------........----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul -that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....oo-ist_nRt...a...cenent..+_.-le.. axle a.7. -,... -}t—Peet ige,-_.or-_the---- o 'tA1... a.n.SS.e....9T.... �12.G.E _: r. - Q 1 ...I1'.OL1..2 Y Ll ..._ VBYtL C....L.O-..^2;Lr F.ZBrI s.v.eiZ!.;o..,--..ee�It s.ut'fi.c_.an.i...si. der_a1.ls-:w:.:....::.la.�--..-------- -....... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.--._ ......... ..... ------ ..........,...., 191........ j City Clerk. Approved.... .........:`..................................... 191.. - .-....._.------- -- _ - -------------------- ---."- - .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss PUisl'iSFiED , Councilman Clancy Councilman Kxller `o't o' Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINA REPORT OF COMMI OFINANCE ON PREL.IMIN, .c12 In the Matter of__.._-q--8/u_ �,_ .. ._ tit! ..� P r _`-�k zt......_.......— .. ........... ............ _.... -----................__..........._......-_...._.... _....._.....__.._.._._............ _.................._....._..........--._.............. ........ ..... _......... ...... _ __... _.._.. - ............_..._ _ ......__....._..................._...._............_._.................._...._.. /_.. .....?/........... ...............__._... --............ ...... ....- _..............._...----_............................_.__......_.__.._.............._......_...._...._...._....._._...�F•.•.--............__.............:.........— _..... - - --.._.._......_.._...........-_........ ._......... _.. ........ ........ ............ _.... ...... _.... .................... ....... ... .-- _ under Preliminary Order opproved. . .......7...../ . — _......._.... ---.......... .... ....... ..... ................. - ........ ...... ...... ._._ .. To the Council of the City of St. Pauls The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$...... ..... ....._.......__.........._._. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ =-70 � The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 0.. .7 TOTAL.' / %O The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / }�j Dated-....._��L(l.. �(�2..........._.191 �_ �.!,.....`.. �.:._._ ....... Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn., CA/ iG!!.......I91q. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sid 7t14x k..N.art/? . S!�?'. . ,• ?�� cxC'c' . 7`: Fl -o -m. f'r-ia r J4118.•..f o. FGt /./ .1/APE y��cc�y�9 from ..... ..... .St.! to ... !> .....................St. Ave. N A PF E LOT U BLOCK LDDITION ........... .1.+ ..... as p.. Cra • € ,a �� .......................�:............ ... ..... ........................�::. ................... .'............... ....... ......... .............. ... .......................... �....... - w r� •; r��� x�n7lxtf i�L-,RI( :............ m L�l Az - 16- flw" CAAr r_ 0 9 0 a� Office. of the Commissir-of Public Work s,GCEIVED .. PR N S 0 -23 y . Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 U t 16 1919 Ju1.Y.._15.r.._._1919_........................._ ...._....791_ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: / The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File approved. _,tLtly.,._7..,...._1....1............ .......... 191.......... relative to_...._ ..................... Construction cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the North ....._......... ............ ..giaei o..f ?al oe SC"reef f..rdm Prid Avenue t6 l• a t—Vid r AvanuA: and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ......... necessary and (or) desirable. Lin Foot `L. The estimated coat thereof is and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is.._ ......... .....................asked for upon petition of three or niore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............................................................................. ............. .......... c: ' nmi Toner of Public Wo a COUNCE N`.....: ___................ n FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....ao.t :c#.ins:;--w...e::,c=ay...t.,.lp...aidcsra? 7.:-r.. theso ah ^ '''e f ::a_ s'nnll ;sent c fi'.of_t.-i ;,'..2 :La—mc-mw ...to....� siss._ .::a......------ Jsor ;oii evarQ, oce -- _ .... . ..---.. : s .,-- c;_isz.1..... , A"--- ............... ..0 o o EMi Isf eatiwiansl!g d ........... .. ............ . ...._... ....... ..... ewcfWodenaf�u ald,of! x f'o - P111 I?tver under Preliminary Order...... - 25609 .............................. approved.....d1,1;L -. . . - ..._._....._.............. IntermediaryOrder........... ............... ._......._..--......... approved --------------------- _._------ ...------ .....--------------- ------- -- public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....Aoast,lS c.t...n...rla..l nt....t fe.at...'. .<1e_,....aa...the...>o:..�t�..side...a:..-r;a:�sl�.].�...,•.u�;_nue...�._�0.4:-:,==av=-t�___�erztte no:a c;:ist. _---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.._....__..__.._::.. Approved ------------ ..._.--- -- -- Form B. S. A. 8-7 . ....... 191....... 191........ ' Ciry Clerk. .................... -..... _....�......_..i Yui Mayor. \ �L7513ED��J G Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss e C7ouncilman Clancy Councilman Kelbwc F'o:;o_�s Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 . ....... 191....... 191........ ' Ciry Clerk. .................... -..... _....�......_..i Yui Mayor. \ �L7513ED��J G CITY OP ST. DEPARTMENT OF NCE REPORT OF COMMISM `R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ORDER under Preliminary Order approved .... /.._1�......_._. ......... ......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $__,-__.._..__.._.._._._.._........_.._ is $...:..���GJO The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION //o 1y�- Y1,2 Form B. B. 30 TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----��------�--- -- 191..L.....---"5�.�...---`-----. Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. 0.0 C 'CITY OF ST. DEPARTMENT O ANCE REPORT OF COM ' ER OF FINANCE ON PRELI ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 419�oa. All-I- ;I- ivzu • �. / !� la . �v Q p The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ----��------�--- -- 191..L.....---"5�.�...---`-----. Commissioner of Finance. FORM O.S.A. 0.0 C �� � �p�/,3 fro !.L / � .. .ol �� � �I •�� � � I I � � I � �� �, i i •�s��'"1 � V � Soar 4/ �—.�. � v � � �;7_ �d. _— 1 Y ' 7A .._. � .. i � �t�� / ,I, � I � ,�r r i Office of the Com r of Public Work�`1VEo uRNSW n `; a-3 y Report to Commissioner of Finance s %° 6 :lo JUL1� 1919 July.......5.,......0 1..9..,........._...................fsl_.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, L-nown as Council File No...a5M._......... approved ...._JULY...3.­.._1...919..............191.......... relative to ............... ............. Conetruc_t on..._oP__-. ament..._t_ll.e......a.l.dew. lk.,._e......._e.e.t.....w1.de.-g..zi....P.ou.'t.h.....side............. of Marshall Avenue flo m Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard. ................................ ........................................................... -....... ................. _..................... .................... ..................................................... ............... ...................... ................................. _..... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: l'n 1. Said improvement is......_ .............. and (or) desirable. per lin.foot, Z. The estimated cost thereof is $_0._70 ., and the total cost thereof is $............................ .....__.._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............................. ......................... ......................................................... ........... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - ............ ................... ...................... ....................... .............. ..............:............... ..................................... ... ............. .................. 5. Said improvement is........_n.t.............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. y ..............J�..............�.......... y.............-...............................................�../.—............ Co mis over of Public Wo \ 265 '7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................ By- ----------- FINAL y... - FINAL ORDER ^ - In the Matter of. � R:.1N " "' "" •-•�•w �- ...�. .:�....,.....�..:..:,, _...�-...C.0:.:J�1. ....�..__i... `:.a -dt.E;. C. F No'16507 - g a oeraent. In the matferkt'eSa Btru t ettwide oa,een -----------.---------------- - ..... ........ ........-.. .......... bon, the-------------------------------------------------------- tile ...-... the eldewel eth Ave Mete aad Avenue and tKenn et, au�cient ......................:.n e. eT�PPt.whei� Rlat, .eundor Pre ....... .. ....... _. .. ...--...-...---' ----' ----' ------. .. ---.---------- -, a order aPProved July, gtder r under Preliminary Order.-. =l t ...... _ ., appi ,,or rp:- th, .. i .......................... IntermediaryOrder ...................................... --------------- approved... ...`.-------------------------------------------- --....-------- ...-- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....ranus''�i'._X--- feet '.r1e, on ti'.o-io_'th side of Ja es St cet h t.ree;--_Ciovo1a-nd..:_vcnue...... ----......--- -.... --- anc. _�n,.etu . ve-:t.. e._... e ^e oed d sn':--c.-:...:.t...... r ... x..._ JSL...<..._ .t. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ` 191Ado ted by the Council.._...._......... .... � / /, '11' , _......... _......................... ..... ... -------------- Approved ........... --------, --- Approved..........- __.....-.., 191 ------- Councilman Farnsworth LISFIED7 0l a Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Keller 'O:7e-. Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich t Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. It 4_.;. LY DEPARTMENT GeF14^NCE T REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREWMINARY ORDER under Preliminary Order approved ...1 ... �1.J.... .7 �... _..._.._..__ _`..... .. To the Council of the City of St. Paul:: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $._.__..______...._.........._............_. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $.r.../.. . /v� l The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o. Yo o:, /k5 0. Iia . yo 9 .. TOTAL. I. H. B. CITY OF ST. CAUL - DEPARTMENT 'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'. ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION e) ao 0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated __-C lfl __��--------- ---------191.. Commissioner of Finance. �OPM !.l.A. G0 C vvv LL 1 r : Office of the Commissioner of Public Workj CEIVED 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance _a JUL16 1919 J, 1919 ........... ........uly ...........15 ...... ...... ....... ................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- ell, known as Cpnncil File No.._25..17.3............approved. July..11.,191.9..........................191........., relative to. .............. CoustKIA;ft.._ceu4el}t_.._t.J,le.,._eidew lk.�_six,...fe_et,.._w de,,,_on..north8ide..._of..................................... James Street between Cleveland. -Avenue and Kenneth Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. Lin.Ft. Z. The estimated cost thereof is C. 70J6T and the total cost thereof is:F.._... ............ .._........... ........ .., and the nature and extent of.said improvement is as follows: ............................................_............... ................... .._........ .... ...............__.. _................ _......._.......... ... ......_........................................................... ........... ........... ......... ........... ._...:.._.._.._............... .... .............. .... ._............................................. ..._..._....... _....... ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Said improvement ie......._._ .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Z z_ Commisa'rver of Public war �( i i Department Bureau of _ 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution -=-General Form �1 f� 'x' 15 , Council File No. Date Presented 191 By; RESOLVED. Tbai the St. Paul G. Licht Comvany %hereby ordered and directed to extend ite electrical ]ince by erecting voles and strioatoe woes thereon for the trannmtsaion of elecalcty on and to the followin¢ alley, and streets of ,aid it Install T7jp pole in the alien etLst of Ken;ah Street , between JTvziee and Rundolph Streets. Two polr:e in the alley west of. Buluwin Street, between Pa_ntwa:.t ;ind Goodri,.h Avenuas. Three ;doles on Underwood Avenue, north of Jiunes Stye =t. One pole on Wutson ANrerme and Syn.licate Street. One pole weet of t9ut50n Avenue on Syndicute Street. / HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN I Approved z 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution--seGeneral Form 200,5In Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Pani Caa LI¢ht,Comveny ie hereby ordered aad directed to extend its electrical linea by erecting valet and strinain¢ wird thereon for the traosmisalov of eleetricty ov and la Ne fallowin¢ alleys and streets of laid city: Install three poles north of Vista Street on Pleasant Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. All %sac6 extev.iays, Dolas and wires shalt be svL;eet to Ne vroylelons of lhdivance No. Y414. and All volsa should be vet In loch locatlov iv said he •'!all desilin't, aad ping- andany and all loch ...c interest so mquiree, aad when Itshall eo order. Adopted by the Council— Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL 0 WUNDERLICH — HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN ( ) Nays Of Public Utilities and in all thinva 11. ofsuch beiahl aad chancier as ever the Council shall deem be, the 191 Approved 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. RAUL Council Resolution ---General Forrh 20,,?f3 Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By trans RESOLV imio, of F13.elecc .,o'he, e 1 is the (Ilo cline alien and ntbreets aordered ea a iC ad directed to eztevd Its electrlcal lines by erecting Poles sad stinting aims there,, for the Install one pole in the alley south of St. Clair Street, east of Lexington Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. 1, Approved Sept. 15 1919. , (Sept. EL„ 1919) All of each aateasiove, poles and wiry shall be emcwd and coostmcted wader the dbectio. aad suaervisloa of the Commisaiener of Publle Utilities aad In all thiole Lirct to the provision* of Ordi.aace No. 2424. and of ill ether lawful ordinances and re.olutlove of the Cite of ] Paul. All Poln should be set Iv such l,catl„ 1. Bald alleys aad.treeb as the Commlesiover of Public UtillNee shall designate, and shall he of such height and character as he .ha 11 dnignate aad apPmve. and any and all such pole shall be asks. down and removed, and sub wires placed uvdergrouud, whenever the Council shall deem that the t•u hi., late—, ao reeuires. and when it shall an order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH Approved -j 191 Mayor GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. President, IRVIN Approved -j 191 Mayor Farm A A 46, 2 N 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCII,�:c7 FILE Nu........kfd..6 .6.......: � 1179 ......� d�,dinAWt9vy.'9°F..... T. _J .AUDITED 191.... �yz / TITLE - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor Of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V )I- - Adopted' by the Council .... n; e� Clancy b ht Farnsworth ip:h �19L. alf Appro�� 191__ th$aeertdeladat-tt,e mSed� Coss [avot qt 1I* persona ntme fnnds;aneds p; w�tdra :ttoaP YoY th6aa7ouatq sot Keller Feepp0criv9 nambe u 6peq tollIWing d6laited .taZem¢at q;�Dodgitj'tdetY tte a tho- 1.; ,. ✓ s°; y� MAYOR "Brooks sYother. L11mbeY McColl ;44180 � Cpgl6ans' , ,� ,Lap otd� itt9-0'8 Wunderlich auR Ne7iBnn ;ale uenner so Alpert A., Rene. Agggt. _ ;11¢9g� ' Mr. President, Hodgson Is000.raut atoto; Car.Coptpany - -:` AQODffid bg the CdurttifT Approved-8ept. 15 ,1919 "-CBgDi 28,•1919) EI �epL d6 19i9.� �,,{'.. , ,: - —114678 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, Leopold Bruenner, �Pe►pici�• 44690 Gust Nelson, ry ow, Grand 14691 Albert A. Rene, Agent au 4iT.1vr+ St.Paul Motor Car Compan7, 441.00, 60.00 318.80 175.96 1,180.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... .................... ............................... .._.............................................26562 / 1- COUMGL Date Presented Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby ordered and directed to draw EL warrant in favor of S. A. Farnsworth„ for the sum of Fifty Four Dollars and -ninety-three cents ($54.93) to cover the expense of delegates attending the League of Minnesota Municipalities in Rochester, June, 1919, out of the Officers' Attending Convention Fund of the General Fund, as per state- ment attached. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss V .............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 191..... Received all papers 1111 Connection with abov® Resolution. „-o 17 Adopted by the Council ....._ :.!_.._ .........:.. .....191...... Approved.... :?'`..,1.k_ ........ ..................191..... r � / MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GOUNC L RILE NO. A Date Presented 26563 ..................... I.................. there is hereby appropriated from the City Officers Attending Convention Item of the General Fund, the sum of One Hundred ($;00.00) dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed to aefray the necessary expenses of the Superintenaent of the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph while attending the annual convention of Municipal Electrians to be held in the City of Chicago, Illinois, September 23rd to 26th, both dates inclusive. Yeas U) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth moss ® ............An favor Keller McColl .............. Against Wunderlich ey Mr. President, Hodgson y� ,FORM C. A, 9 3M 12 -Ie 191..... �1 s J'-' ,,,.I Adopted by the Council .....:...... s .:..........._..._..191...... Approved....._.......�::.!:.._1..:............:`...p....�19911�...�. ........__._..........._........_ .......... ../.... V �.. MAYOR n _ v� Resolved, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��/ �♦� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEINERAL FORM cou nL 2656 Date Presented 191..... That Cigarette License W32, now in the name of Mary Richards, 472 So.Robert Sireet, which expires February 24th 1921, be and the same hereby is transferred to Sagl Drucker, 472 So.Robert Street. 26ThIt-$enry bfcColl- Reaolvop That Cigarette Llcense No: 22, now.lu the name of Mary,Rlchards 472 South Robert'S[reet, whlcp explros" Rebcua�y 24th, 3921, be and the same' �.3a transferred to salti'Druclter, i4?2 Soherebyuth RobertSMeet i Adopted bythe Caancil 9ept.,16. 1919,. !�PPs:oYed Sept. 16 1919. (Sept. 2b, 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ............An favor Keller - PIN j McColl (y„ .............. Against ( Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-1e Adopted by the Council..........,'._��....?.}......'....�..�...191...... 9 Approved..l..... '_.' ......._:.i,:...:.:.. ......Q. 11991y.�... MAYOR A 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..-'.........................._................................... . 1O.U . N .C1L . 26565 nyeNO . ............................... ...... Date Presented .......... .... ................191 9.. Resolved, That C. F.26140 approved 8/8/1919 be amended by inserting the following; "payable in advance out of the Municipal. hmployment // Bureau Item of the General Fund in lieu of payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Item of the General Fund. �C. F.:No.26666 BYL:C Hodgson— Resolved Th.t CO -In No 26146 aP- ��roved August 8 X19 be ended by erting ';tbe followtng 'PSYable Sn dv nce out of the Municipal HmPloy me t Bureau Itom of the , �e eral Fun n ifeu of "Payable out of the. Mtseellaneoue and r)fora een Item of �7_ e General F d" Ad pted by th Council 8apt. 16 1919. Approved .S.P 16•' 1919) [sent 26 Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.......,%::.....:......_....!............191.._.. Clancy Farnsworth Approved -- Goss ..........In favor :..._:.:...''.._1.....:• b:......' ............... 191..... _ ....– Keller Mc 0 .............. Against....................................................._........... .... Wunderlich -���. MAroR Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 11 l CITY;,, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjecft: /pJ 7 ` Y *NcIL 2965,_ 16 Date Presented........ _...._..__..... _._._. __ 191..... Resolved, That bids for Certificates for Local Improvements as reported to the Council by the Commissioner of Finanace, under date of September 15th, 1919, be and the same are hereby accepted, the same being considered satisfactory by the Commissioner of Finance. Yeas Councilmen ( V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss _.._, In favor aJ Keller McColl Against Wunderlich "',Mr. President, Hodgson C Reego ved66T att biS. d- fo a0e [ffcates for Meet ImProvetheenCommla lon r of the COupp��aao�P by 3419 nbe' nadar' deeame fret hereby bac �' 1919' b the same ,being' con.1 a od:�I .attisfactory by the Com`nlselonor of I Finance. th Appppte dy, t., 16,Coe 19981919. (septzb, 191s) Adopted by the Council _ ;;�'.'� 1 _�_ _ 191 Approve - _ ..,�:.:'...-�i. �..�. -.,. (. 1199111 ............ MAYOR C tk o ** V -Taxi; S.A.FARNSWORTH, Com mise ossa �'f� JOHN T.HAGLUN O. Dsnuir Comn mato nse September 15th, 1919. To the Honorable, The Mayor and City Council, Building. Gentlemen: -- I have the honor to report that at a sale of certificates for Local Improvements held on Saturday, September 13th, 1919, pursuant to the provisions of Section 207 of the Charter and in accordance with the requirements of Council File No. 4205 (Administrative Ordinance No. 3423), published April 10th, 1915, I received bids for the certificates offered for sale and advertised in the St. Paul Herald, September 6,1919, in the amounts noted in the margin of said advertisement in red ink, and specified in the attached list of bids, and deeming said bide sufficient, I hereby submit them to the Council for approval. 'jery truly yours, Commissioner of Finance.' RAMONr CO,. LOAN '& : TRUST CO. NO. 3. ' +•Lots 20-31-38-39-40-41. Bidder Certificates H. 2478, H.1468. H. 2574, H. 2573 H. 2593, H. 2571,.H.2567, H.25?5 --`$20.00 Burns MERRIAM PARK PIPTH ADDTIION Lot 7, Block 1, Lot 18, 'Block 2 Certificates H. 259$ - H.2579 ------------- -------- ¢0.00" Burns. NIXON'S AbDIT12N. Lite is and 2 Certificates H.2919 and H.1921----- ------ Burns -_- PIONLBR R.E & BLDG:50C. SUBDIQ. OF 3000K 36 STINSON BROA & RAS[ 'S ADD. Lot 24. Mock 36 Certi€ cStes G.2786 and G.6202 --------------- o---- 50.00 Burns, = WARDS SUBDIV, OP LOT 44 RESERVE GARDEN LOTS. Lots 5 and 6, Block 2 Certificates H. 1955 and H. 1956-------------=--- 70.00 Burnt THOMPSON'S ADDITION. Lots 1-2- aA -6, Block 48 certificates G.7498; G.7497 G`.7496, G.7495, G.7494 G. 7493=---------------------------- 40.00 Burns , ' SWIBTs sUBDIV. 0S LO ..10 and 21 StdIZ'ii AND LOM OUT L Lots 4-5-6-7-8-9-26:12.-12 Certificates-H.2557,,H. 2558, H. 2555, H- 2554, H. 2553, H. 2552 H. 2551, H 2550 H. 2549------------ ---=---------175.00 Burns JAGGAADS ADDITION Lots 4 and 13, Block 3 _ Csrtifkdats�9.6278-6279 H.25 & H.28------------- 10.00 Burns J. ,R. NRIDBS SECOND ADD. Lots -1-2-3-5-6,-8. Mock 2 Certificates 9.668,.8.6320, 8.9630, G.5438,G.5940 ) H.2451, H. 25131 9,665, E.6219.G.5449) G.°5939, F.670., 3.6218,G.5460 Gr5938 ) 9 F-671.2.6316. 6.5462, G.5936, H.2454)20.00 Burns 9.672, 5.6315,,G.;5463 G. 59;55,H.2456 ) F.673,3.6314 G.5464, G. 5934.H.2457 ) STONB AND VMTONS AGDITION. 'Lots k3 and 24. Block,4 Certificates 2.7813,Ge8363.14?814. 0.8634 -- 20.00 Burns _2� GOTLIIANS }iIMRAANGMWNT OF SIGHL'S ADD.. Ldt°6, Block 9, Certificate H.1797 ------ ---------:-.----- -------- $10.40 Buns ; J. R. UIDE' ADD. . jLots 13 & 14, Block 3 Certificates G.156 and G.157--------------------- 20.00' Burks OAKVILLE PARK. Lot 15, Block 8 Certificate G.2725 and G.5422-------------------- 20.00 Burns WILKIN AND HEYWARDS OUT LOTS Lot 60 Certifiopts &.6849------------------ ----------- 75.00 Burns HAGER-3 SUBDIVISION OF WALCOTTS ADD. Lots 7 and 8 Blook 5 Certificates G. W78 and G.3677..*:.++ ------ .----- 13.28 Burns SCHNBIDER YOUNG AND XORRISRMS ADD. Lots 1 - 2 - 5 and 7 certificates G.8705, 6.8704, 48703„G.8702 ----- 20.00 Hirns RANSOMS ADD. Lots 3,6,7 and 8, Mock 4 Certificates H.2515, H.2526, H.2517, H.2518 ---- 40..A0 Burns LEWIS ADD, Lot 1, Mock 4 Certificate 5.5890, G.4487, G.4807, G.5718, G.6152 H.2566 ------------------------------- 20.00 Burns :a. rRAKSS SECOND ADD. Lot 140".. Block 6 Cartificat• G.6140 --------------------- --------- 15.00 Burns BELVIDME PARK SUBDIV. OF LOT.2 BIDW8LL'S ADD. Lot 8, Block 3 CertificatesE. 7557, H: 412 H. 2478-------------- 40.00 Burns BRYANTS SUBDtV. OF -BLOCK 0-4. SWMNEY'S ADD. Lot 7 Certificates G.8772 H. 513, H.872, H.1665--------- 70.00 Burns WEST ST. PAUL R93, AND IMPR. SYBDICATS N0.1 Lots 3,4;5,6,7, Mo* 9 Certificates B.637, G.7121 G.9961 BAN, G.7120, G.9960 (over) _3 - WEST ST. PAUL R.E. ADD IMPR. SYNDICAT$ N0, 1, Lots 3,4,5,6,7, Blook 9, (cont'd) Certificates B.635, G.7109, G.9959, B.634. G.7108, G.9958, B.633, G.7107, G.9957.,w— ----- $25.00 Burns MM. RICE'S FOURTH ADDITION. Lot 25. Block 4 Certificates B.20086, D.7565, F.2297, $.3341 G.9400......... .................. 10.00 Burns DESNOMi PARK. Lot 1 Block 4. and Lot 1, Block S. Certificates Ii.2580 and 11.2582 ..................... 25.00 Burns ST, ANTHONY PARK. Lotl2.13,14f15,16, Block lb Certificates 8.18810, 8.18811, B.18812, B.18813. B.18814 .............................. 5.00 Burns SYNDICATE N0. 5. ADDITION Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Block 15. Certificates 11.2206, 11.2205, 11.2204, H.2203 11.2202 H.2201................ ................ 25,00 Burns DENSLOM SUBDIV. OF BLOCK 47, LAK1S COMM VILLAS. Lot 16, Certificate G.7451 ................................. 10.00 Burns .VINTER'S ADDITION Lot 5, Block 10, Certificate F.4728................................. 3.31 Burns SMITH & TAYLORS SUBDIV. OF LOTS 3 & 4 Block 15 BBAUPRB & KBLLYS ADDITIO r Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, Certificates B.1630, F.1455, H.45 X.1629. F.1456 H.44, 13.1621, F.1457, 11.43, 8.1327. F.1458, G.8368, 11.42 .................. 10.00 ?urns CLARK & IVILGUS ADDITION Lots 21 ,.nd 22, Block 1 Certificates G.6013, G.6014.......... .............. 10.00 Burne DI:CTIZANS SUBDIVISION. Lot 5 Certificates G.5457, 0.8166 and H.23............... 25.00 %- rns s _4- EASTVILLE HEIGHTS ADDITION. Lobs 16, 22; 23, 24, Block 2 _ Certificates F.791 5.8073, G.9074, F.795, 8.8076 G.9374, -F.796, E.8077,G.9072.F.797 X.8078, G.9071,1 ...................... ,$10.00- Bwms DOUGLAS ADDITION. Lots 5 and 6, Block 4 Certificates G.9602, 11.343, G.9601, 11.344......... 25.00 Burns JOS, R. WEIDE'S FOURTH ADD. Lot 19 and 20. Block 1 Certificates 3.9918, F.1272, E.9017, G.1641, G.9059. B.9917. F.1273, E.9016, G.1642, G.9060 ............... 106-00 Burns H. F. SCHTABE'S ADD, Lots 1, 2 & 29, Block 1, and lots 5 and 31. Block 2. Certificates F.3543. F.3544, F.3559, F.3561....... 5.00 Burns KUHLIIS ADD. Lots 8 and 9. Block 3, and Lots 3 and 4. Block 2. Certificates G.9241, G.9240, G.3807. G.6298. G.9937. G.6299 ............. 15.00 Burns AUERBACH AND HANDS ADD, Lot 8, Block 41 and Lot 9, Block 49 Certificates 6.8662. G.8655 ............ I.......... 5.00 Burns HAGER$ SUBDIVISION OF WALCOTT'S ADD. Lots 12. 13, 14, Block 12 Certificates X.5653, E.3656. E. 3555, E.5651 4.3654 5.00 Burns ASHTON AND SHERBURNE'S ADD, Lata 4 and 5. Block 20 and Lots 5 and 11, Block 8 Certificatda D.9172, E.3268, E.9282 G.8013, 6.7750 G.7924, H.1732. D.1789, D.9171.F.2429 10.3267, E.9283, G.8012, G.7749, G.7925. H.1731 F.3366,E.9283,G.8012,G.7749, G.7925, H.1731, F.3366, E.7604, F. 2369. -E.7606 .................................20.00 Burns WEST ST. PAUL R.E. & INPR. SYNDICATE N0.1. Lot 1. Block 11 and Lot 14, Block 12 Certificates G.5161, G.6050, 6.5160, G.6491........ 5.00 Burns NELSON, STFVENS AICD KINGS ADD. Lot 5, Block 11 Certificates H. 2051 .............................x.57.66 Bums -5. Bias LANGEVIN'S FOURTH ADD. Lots 22 and 24, Block 1 Certificates E.2010, 3.2011................... $5.00 B9es STINSON'S SUBDIV. OF BLOCK 83 LYV-4N DAYTONS Bias ADDITION. Lots 4 and 18 Certificates H.2395, 14.2393 ................... 15.22 Bias RIDGRWOOD PARK ADD, Lot 17, Block 11 Bias Certificates F.5286. G.8638, H.724............ 7.5.00 Rias CROX" & SMITH'S SUBDIV. OF HOYTS OUT LOTS Lots 2, 3 and 5. Block 2 Bias Certificates F.8137, H.987, 14.988 ............. 10.00 Bien FORESTDALE ADDITION. Lot 5, Block 4 Certificates G.9803, H.331 ................... 20.00 Bias BRYANTS SUBDIV. OF BLOCK 15 and 16 STI SONS FRANCIS STRFET ADDITION. Lots 21, 22. 23 Certificates F.3798, ?. 3799, H.3800 ....... 5.00 Bias WARD'S REARR. OR BLOCK 42 BROWN & JACKSONS ADDITION. Lots 18,20,21,22 & 23 Certificates G.7097. H.2350, H.2352, H.2353. H.2354. H. 2355 ................... 5.00 Bias EDM. RICES 4TH ADDITION Lot 2, Block 3, and Lot 1, Block 4 Certificates H.2151 H.2152 ...................... 50.00 Bias BROOKSIDE ADD. Lot 22, Block 1 Certificate D.4576. H. 2147,( ................... 5.00 Bies WOODBURY AND CASE'S ADD. Lot 2, Block 11 Certificate 8.18336. E.2364, G.937 G.6457,Bxk= ii. 1012 ............................ Ioo.on Bien h PfiUNG-11-A va SGBDIVIZION OF BLOM 33 anLINUT01i Jams Lots 12 and 15 Certificates F.1376, G.1668, H.790, H.791....... $10.00 Bise LAWON'S RE-ARR. OP BLOJXS 49 & "E"'" OF 'W—AST . ST. PAUL PROPER. Lot 1 Certificates G.3598, G.8727 ..................... 10.00 Biae A. VAI;CS HROWNIS SUBDIi OF of BLOCS 13. STINSON MOWN & RAISS S ADD. Lot 21. Block 13 Certificates G.185, G.1999 ....................:. 20.00 Brp DESNOYBR PARK. Lots 28, 29 & 30, Block 8 Certificates H.2588, H.2589, H.2581 ............. 75.00 F4r-mm ST. ANTHONY PARK NORTH. Lots 23, Block 30 Certificate G.2002 .............................. 38.99 Anna Stila, COLLEGE PLACE, WEST DIVISION The north 51 ft. of gest 40ft. of Lot 18, Block 5 North 40ft. of E. 20.60ft. of " 18 ° 5 South llft. of N. 51 ft. of E.20.60ft. of Lot 18. Block 5 South llft. of No.51 feet of Lot 19. Block 5 North 40 feet of Lot 20. Block 5 North 40 feet of " 19. " 5 South lift. of No. 51 feet of 1120. " 5 Certificates F.5412. F. 5471 . F. 5473. F. 5474 F.5475, F.5478, F.5479....;......... 19.82 Shogren DORR & STONE'S SUBDN. OF LOT 6 HOYTS OUT LO 3 Lot 18, Block 2 11 Certificates F.1501. G.9036 ..................... 10.00 Juenke JOS. R. WEIDE'S SECOND ADD, Lot 10. Block 1 Certificates 9.6321 5.9631 G.2217, G.5435 G.8210, I1. 2450 .................... 100.00 Charles STINSON'S SUBDIV. OF BLOCK 83 LYIUN DATYONS ADD TION. Lot 18 Certificate H.2393 ........................... 0.0 11.25 McDonald -7 - KINGS ABDITION Lot 1. Block 1 Certificate 0.7166 .........................$ 25.00 McDonald LARKIN'S SUBDIV. OF LOTS land 2 Block 30 i SUBURBAN HILLS. Lots 3.4.5 and 6 Certificates F.4077. 3.7208, 6.7207, G.7206. G.7205 ......................... 50.00 McDonald DENSLOWS REARR. OF LOIS 5 to 12 BLOCK 2, 9 to 19 BL -3.and ll BL 4 CRUIKSHANAS GARDEN LOTS. Lot 29 `Block 10 Certificates G.4017, and G.4018............ 22.76 Dion SUBURBAN HILLS Late 8 and O, Block 32 Certifivates 0.7220, G. 7221 .............. 100.00 Zehader H. F. SCHWADER_'S ADD. Lot S. Block 1 - Certificate G. 2420 ....................... 50.00 Otto Sol4nidt JOHNSTON'S SUBDIV. OF MK. 1, S NSONS BIV. Lot 4, Blook 1 Certificate G.6215..... .................. 32.66 R.J. Swkn Z190fox/ DRAKES SECOND ADD. Lot 18.'91'ack 3 Certificate B.6945..... ................ 49.68 G.B. Watson WEST ST. P PROPER. Lot 10. Block 150 Certificate 0. 8726...... ................ 45.00 Dakin PART OF GOV. LOT 7 ITa SECT. 5 TOWN R G 2 . Certificate H. 947 ....................... 10.00 Miahaud 'BEST ST. PAUL A.L. & MR. SYNDICAM NO..�. ADDITION Lot 13. Black 37 Certificate G.6745, 6.9619............... 31.25 Henning 1 C. B. LAWTONIS MRAMMAENT OF LOTS 1 & 9 AND N. It OFEEOCS . 0. BROWN AIM TACKSONS ADDITION. Lots 4 and 5 Certificates E.7831. G.7134 H.85, E.7832 G.7133 H.86......... ............... :100.00 Gutzman RUINBY'S RBAP.R. OF BLOCK At 145. WEST ST. PAUL,PRUFBK Lots 7 and 8, Mack 145 Certificates H.1814 & H.1815 ................... 111.00 Chapin WEST ST. PAUL PRORM Lot 8, Block 84 Certificates H.584, H.954_ ....................0 25.00 R.W.Morit� Lot 7, Block 125 Certificates E.2382. G.942 G.6461./............ 50.00 Yanish LAWTON'8 S . 15 WOODBURY & TBLOK IN Lot 21 Certificates G.8941, G.9353 .................... 50.00 Jamieson DOUGLAS ADDITION Lot 21, Block 4 Certificates G.2129, G.7538, 6.9925............ 15.00 Trask LAWTON'S RL+MR. OF BLOCK 23 BROWN & JACKSON'S ADDITION. Lot 12 Certificate G.7915 ............................. 29.90 Taylor KETTERXNG & CONSTANS ADD, Lot 9, 10. 11, Block 4 Certificate B.18301 ............................ 20.87 Taylor WSSTIaINSTER ADDS Lot 31. Block 3 Certificate G.943,1 ............................ 15.00 Urban Inv. DAWSON & SUITHS SUBDI1i.'OF BLOCK 11 STINSON. BROWN & RAMWYS ADDITION. Lots, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Muck 1 Certificates 1.5692, F.5693, F.5694, F,5695, H,698, H. 699, H.700. H.701 $73.85 Urban Inv, DAW50N'S SUBDIVISION OF U. 1& of BLOCK 8 STINSON �ON c RAISES .AIfDi d3�` Lots 1 to 16 inclusive Certificates F.5746, F. 5747, F. 5748, F.5749 F.5750. F.5751, F.5752, F.5753 F. 5754, F.5755. F,.5756, F.5758 F: 5757, F.5759, F,6760, F.5761..... 63.58 Urban Inv. BROWN & JACK_SON'S ADDITION Block 31--Southerly 40 ft, of Y. N. 400 ft, of IT. E. 120 ft. a Certificates C.4948, 0,1020, 8.12617., B.15997, .D.4974, D,2959, C,8182, 1.9762, E. 9403, E,42, E, 9784, E.5002, G,322, (,.7672, G.8917........... 76.00" GREVE'S SUBDIVISION "A" Lot 9, Black 2. Certificates r,,4876, E.9593........................... 10.00 Trask CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM d;ect:.............._..................... 2! 5TH COUNCIL FILENo ......................................... Date Presented .-.Szpt_......15r.._1919...,. 191....... Resolved, That the time specified for the p performance of a certain contract dated November 25, 1918, between the Standard Stone -Company and the City of St, Paul, for the curbing of Fairview Avenue from Summit Avenue to Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the ninth day of September, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contract- or's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (J) Councilmen (J) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller 0 McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e That the M. N. Goas— j ince the limo S��eclded far Iber 25 certain contract ane Company "b dwthe Clhe ty law S t trAvenue to aGrand e ninth ma le hereby x- dnY oZ September, sized to a city ofljcera are xeeI r, n r nd- ) ontrnet in cordance Ided, however, that this tl] not have any force and It con a enttliheretotandc Ne In w}Iting wl th the Cfty the Council Sept lb, 1919. apt. 16. 1919. - lept. 20, 1919) Adopted by the Council ....�.. 191...... i Approved191..... ..............In favor -- Against ............................................................................ MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., - - - - - - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. f^ Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- F�/r.�l'ewAverto be extended to - - - - -% _ - - -/- - - - - - Owing to - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours ver tru y, �bContractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is concerned APPROVED _ upt, of Constructtion & s Commissioner of Public V!o ks. Chief Engineer. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl O Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 12.19 Nays CFP 1„ I;ic Adopted by the Council 191...... �. �a. i^In Approved .........._............ 191..... ..............In favor ............ Against ..... ....................................................................... MAYOR - CITY OF ST., PAUL F� -COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............. . .................... . . ..... .. ...... .......... ................ .......................................................................... . .............. ... ................................ ........................................................ COON yL NO. ........... .............................. 7. ....... ........................ Date Presented In matter of paving Carroll Avenue from Dale Street to i Lexington Avenue, under preliminary order Oouncil File No. 26542, approved September 13, 1919; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter diso6ntinued. Yeas (J) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl 0 .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 �Ep 17 19 Adopted by the Council 17 . ....W ..... : 191 Approve .... ...... ........ ................. 191 ............ ...............-................... ................ . ..� _ Council File No .......................... _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4 2657L Petition Abattac4 Whereas A wrttten.preFiDosat ;or tfe a��kltlg or She lellowtng f�provemen � ..9:..QE47�Q p .->��..- cuibr tgC",rendrtionuer iropt a The undersigned hereby proposes the 1 et to Rfcq'(3treat Inalnam 'Ient by the City ofSt. Paul, viz ; eFand has eganeatfona ;trgm t smainB tq proy arty linea;. co poliY 1 p n wh.aa.q�atudttStreet including_...._._ag ani yt<vipllod .......ayavenbean.; preented ttF the celnah or tfmains- t0 property sewer, Water an as C1t Dist Panl3:.theretora qe tt ................. ......._ .............................".....""'"'.""" I oeolvad Tpat Lhe Coaamlaefone; lines complete, wh 3px'a°sad°dl=e ted"d to teiheraby so, inoluding ourb.ing ......... _.............•--------.............................. 1 To fnvestfl;gte the ' .. ......----- -.........- dairabulty,'°t toe ]akin B°Ity and paving alley and °vemenr; Where neoesssxy. .......................................... o InYeatfgate the nature natad .cast of safd )m n,..A «h.. 15th. A—.,f Se emb .t mle°ta1 21 th ffAL... 191...... ✓// Councilmam PRELIM ARY RIll� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making Othh1lowiiig improvement, viz.: _Page„_C,Erroll...lvenue,..Pro.m...pele....S.treet.,, to.._Rige.. St.reet,,.. including .._._._. sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property ................................................................ ...... .. ........ . lines_ complete.,.... where... not... already.._madeincluding curbing and paging_,alley_._and _driveway-._approaahee,.._where-._necessary `having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eftimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �To or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. t upon all of the foregoing matters to the C%mmissioner of Finance. aro 1 �,^,i0..........191........ Adopted by the council .. .................-......:.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth JEo y Goss Approval .................. .....: ....-------..191........ Hyland Killer r� - McColl 1./ Mayor Irvin Mayor. PUBLISFIED � Form C A 13 (6M {-17) a Codncil File No... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 26570 Abatraat Petition - where XwfYtten pronoaat for thec Inga or4t'tnA roliowlalg �fmprovamont,: .: fstro v8 Cas�rot>; AvenaB trwq:' Dale= -W.ttv4gLB�il�gstoq ,A,yenae lac�hdtnie., - 4treat � a gaP,Copho.floaa Lroi6na, plete mala6 t4 pro ertr 11aAtl� cam ovement b the Cit of ,St. Paul, `viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes ti' where act aleaar mead; atdo y y pr aa1e°-h-tv a c." qn"6' to Lexin ton Avenue Pave Carroll been presenteed to thp4 Ybunoll 'okatha ....... Clt ofl:8t. PeW �thBretora be fit ......... .......... neoolvep Tbattha.cammfeeloaeror tions from street , inol,,, ingsew dpre8a adlreciedaa�-he fitl 6ergpq oYJ """""""""'""'•tnveat' gtA th{ t -y ortid4glrayllttq or the maacmAu; for T8 not already made, mains to roPl t, rave Bpt B Aa1d ......................... . .... "."...� $ ,Ta gtleeti6af0 'the ha eatla)4 efl Ca9tr.or.sald 16provat veway approaohes, also OUrbiri� c sap-c�e total Codc tnareor.., ...................... .............. ................................. Luralaq a plan ... t�hBre' necessary ;qd e 1 proale n � mprovement l)+ Dated this.......151h...... da of...... fl t. ether or not aaia ....... Y h� 1191 .. on, ti,rt„r - ............... .. .... ._ . .. .................. Councilman. PRE'A ER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malung o the Eo owing improvement, viz.: Pave Carroll Avenue from Dale Street to._Lexington. Avenue, inelud ................................................... ing ,ewer, water and Rae...00nneotions from street mains to property lines complete.. where not., slreadymade.,... also..ourbing.,and_,paving.......... alley and driveway..., proaahee:�._where neoessary................................. ..............._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........................................................ ........................... € therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: L' To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature -tent and eltimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ee 11-wina pth F--d-at Annd.ittfo=Adoixxckti=Ao .sakLimp-men a t .......................................................... ......e..e.......................... .............................................. _...................... ................................................................. ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownlrs To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 1 t !°`!” Adopted by the council ............_............. _........191-....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth GoseApproved................FN... 6 . . ......... 191........ fdylsnd y `rte) McColl MayorJain, Ryon PUBLISLUO - y/ Fo- C A 18 (SM 417) - Counell.File No. ..:::... .....:' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 26572 Petition. Whereas, A birltten Dro oaµl for the'.. - mgaktng of tae 1fbllawing �mproyerdenC �, YrlarletFuaf a s9W°r dd AebttrY 8treeY ; [ropi` a. point sllEty (80; teat !160th oil alalr .ptreet so l;,atohd sires baving?vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; The undersigned hereby proposes the hese ;Dreeented to th°- Coanal� ,fit the ° CIt. y 0Y 8L Thai the I y b$ C G� /� Publfc1WOrkehat the Coalmtsgloner of �ofQ....a. point 92,�%?;•.3!....�:�.1.-..-..: i{0%lat11,it+....a�:..1dQl�dered:aad dlreotedna as Is kerebY or �.. feet so hof 1 T° Investlgat the neoe9si{Y for Street. or deslrabtiltx pr taegg makfpg of Bald-------..... ............... To . . improve enL r qt ealdE tin rove ................... s. Tomfnveahgete t a nature eztent and- eatlmated `abet D 1................ ment,. and the ;total ooet ther,8ot..........._.................... ..... ..........._ .................................................................... 9 1'o turnfeh+, a Dlan eketohW'8.1d 1rriDrovOment �Droftte or ......... 4 To eiate wheiher or. Tot sail! Im ............................ ........... ................... ..................................... .........._.._...... provement to asked for I .... ....... of tares or more'.ownersn tfie petltloa 6 -'1'o report upon nll of the tore Dated this......15.th.�day$ ggotng:mattera to tae Commlaetonar or. 191 Finance ---.--• 1 Adopted by the Counclt L;epL 16 191¢ NY! Approved 6e t,............ ......:........:................................... .... `76 ' t9�pt: FZO 1919 _ Councilman. PRELIMRDER� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................ Q..Q.nPAxtk t...a...aawax_.an...Aabury...Avenue...f.rom....a..'ppint....aizcty.....(fQ.).:...... ........._feet ..._south.._of,_Blair... Street...t0....LaY_ond...Street........................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_............................................................................ therefore, be it "WkMLVED;'That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ti'E ierh2reby ordefed-and direftedf 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or'sketch of said improvement ........... ...... ............ ............................................... ..................................................................................................................................._.......... To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I�I....... council Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth �_ F y a Goss Approved................. ...._ ... ........191........ ( NeW IEell� McColl Wunderlich ...... .................................. ...................... ................... ��� Mayor Irvin PUBLI Mayor. p' Form C A 13 (OM'4.19).. 25573 COUN E .................. INTERMEDI Y ORDER grade and pave alley in Block 2, Bryant's Addition, from inthe Matter of.. .............. ...................................... ...•--.......................------------......---•--........_.........................._._._...... Victoria Street to Avon Street. ..............................................................................................................................•-------..............-----.....------............................... _................ _ .............................. _.._.._..._......................................................................................... .................... ...............................................................................................................................................-..............................................------- ......................................._...............:..................................................................-----...............................---•-°............-••••-••....... ................... ............ ..................... ----..........................................---...-----...........------................................................................... under Preliminary Order -------------•---••-26097 ---•.............----...........approved ....................... Aug......- . --+., ....- -----1919.......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....gxad&--and- -pave--al-ley in..Block.-2..Bryante...- ddi.t.ion-,__._from,-Vi.cto.riz._,St.refit...t.:Q._.gyon--9t.ralt........... ............ ........ ...._-............._................. ............__................_............................................................................................... ....... _....................._..........................._........................... ............_...... ............. ................. ................... ................................... _ _ _ ...........__.._ _..__ ... _............ ..... _ _ ..._ _...... _ . _.........._ .- ...... .............. ............ _............... _..........__................ ............ ..-..._........_........... ... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 6182.28 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.........13tb ........day of .......................Q9.t. --------- ---- ..__._ ., 19191. , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. i1I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _...., 191_._...... n` Approved....... ................ .................... 191........ ; i Cl r .... ._---.... _ ... .... ... .................... ...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth +r Councilman (loss Councilman Mytad Cl gncy Councilman ijikx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor UEW,ixx Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 r: f 265'74 CO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..............condemning and taking an easement in the land ...........................................................................--- .................... _n.@ceseary.__fo_r._slopesfor cuts and fills in grading alley in Block 2_.EryL.ant's Addition, from Victoria Street to Avon Street. ....................................-...................._.-......... ................................................................... ................................_..................................................----..................................._................................... tinder Preliminary Order .................... 26098................. a approved ....................Aug � u. .....•............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the'Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Condemni.ng. and t-ajcjn.g-an-.easement. in ..the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills ........................................................................ in grading alley in Block 2 Bryant' s Addition, from Victoria Street ................................... ..._................. .............. ............._ _..............._.....................----......---...........................................-----...---- to-._Avon.-.Street in accordance with blue print hereto attached and .............................................................................................................................. made...a..part..._.. hereo.f...the..hat.ched port .o.n showing th.e c.0 .a and the Ahaded...Ilo.rt.i.azi... a hpAlpig .the _ fi 11 s .... _. _..._..._......_........ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__.550.,00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile... .. 13th.._. _............ of ................ O.c.t.o1?.er__......_._.......... 19R....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AT., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total co fir, i Adopted by the Council--.._.`.:::.....'.._.'.- ._.._..._... Approved.................................... 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Y,, 6adClahcy 7 Councilman i6tlJpf Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kJ&x Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 26575 cooly .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and takinp,, an easement- in the land necessary .. fc.x... E3.7..CP e s _.for,-. c ut. �... and... fi.><.i,.Q._i.l3...gr.e di..ng...V.e.rlaA.xl..P.i.aca...in..J.....P......Gribb.en' e -.Rearrangement... kA ii. from—To-r.es.t...Street. ..to Qyp.reas--st-r-eet.--_--------------------------•----- ............................................................................. .............................................................. ............................................ under Preliminary Order .......... 2.60.63..............................approved........................ ...J.uly:...31,-19.19.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the add report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is................condemn and take ........................................ an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills ,in.---.- ..gr.adip.g Varnon. Yl-ac.e_.i.n..J..P._.-Gri.bben�.e...Rearrnagement...".A".,_..f-#o.Ai...kR.re.st Ztr-eet- to -Cypxeee-.Street•,..-in...accardance- with .--blue--pri-nt. .. here -to --attached and ..m-ade a...part . hereof the- hatched Porti on._showi rg the o-uts--and- the . &Aded pert'foh nowf-ng--the fY1Ts._.......... .._...__.__............ .....__._...._..._........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _ _.._ .....13th_ ...,day of October 191..9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _.......... 191..,-_.. AApproved ....._ .... ........... PP ......`........._......, 191.....:._ it Clerk. ...... ........................... ... _ ............. ........................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman HF24 Clancy Councilman E6ff Powers Councilman McColl m, j Councilman Wunderlich (� Mayor ISS Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 2657115 CQ COUNCE N ..........� ....... /f p• j . :- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1 In the Matter of.....gr.ad.e._.V.erno.n...PIaC.e...iia._.I.....P....... Re.arsan9eme2lt_2 go from. Fore st...Stre t....t.o...Cypr.e.s.s...Street .................................................... ........................................... _ ......_....- .... .......... _..............................................................................................................._.........------------......-............---••-. ............................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... .1.......................................................... ................................... ...................................... .................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................ under Preliminary Order ........... 2.60.f 2.............................approved.............................. J.11l.y.....31,....1.919............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..-. grade Vernon Place ............................. ip J. P. Gribben's Rearrangement "A" from Forest Street to Cypress Street. ............................................. ...................... _.. _... ... _........ ....1.1 .................._ ._.. _ ................. .................................................................................... _........_.._.............._.. ...-...._.. ................._...... _ ..... ............... ..........:.......... ....._................... __......._..... _ ...... _.. .-...... _-_._... ... _...... ..... ._......__...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-_ 496.16 ............... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. _.13th .... ._ ............ day of October 1919...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 1I., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ' ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... '.....?;, _.:£,'.?.__.... 191.... ........................... .................. ..,. Approved..._ ................................ __........, 191......... .. _ ............... ..... 1.. ----- .............. .............. ........................... Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman I," Clancy 0uuci1nmnxUEU= Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlieli v Mayors 4odgson Form B. S. A.'8-6 29577 -7 COUNCIL F,jF�F�,Nq..=--..........._......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter of. ...... ixiatalling clue ter street lights on Selby Avenue from ..........................._... ............._........................_..._......._ FairviewAveme...t.o... Albert ... Av-an-ue.,.............................................................................................................. ........................._................... ......... ............................................................................................................................. ........... ............................... ........ ..................................... _....................--................_............... ............................................................ under Preliminary Order ............... 2.5Q9.$........................ approved ............. 14Y.. 7,....1919.................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvemgnt which the Council recommends is.......inst.all....cllAs.t.er...... st.r.e.et....7gk►te.-oxi,_Selby_.tivenue.-fxvm Fairview Avenue to Albert Avenae. ........................................ .................................................... ....................................... _.............._....... __ .. ....._.............- - ....__...__ . .._.......... ........ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._ 16317.00 Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .._. 13th ...day of ..._........................actot.e.r... _._.., 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber'of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Nr, Adopted.v the Council ncil.................. ....... -.... ....._..........., 191......--. .; ...................... ......... . ....... ............ Approved..............._.......�... ........lt............. -n -........, 191......... C' __.._._...- ........................................................... Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman bbjtmdx Clancy Councilmanr Power B Councilman McColl y� Councilman Wunderlich tfi) Mayorga Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 f 26578 may.• � � �"' OOUN4O N — y............ --- ' `. ._-------------------------- .........------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofpn-_Wyoming_-_S&r-g_et... frgm---$Loth_ Robert Street!. V...Q-akdale_ 4enua.......................... .......................................................................... _........... ,.......... _..._. _..._............................................ ......_........_................................. . --- ..--.......................------• under Preliminary Order ................... .6'a.fi4................... approved .................... Aug..26+....1919,.-.......................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. construct a sewer 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ q..iq_y9yoming,..Street__from._So_uth Robert Street to Oakdale avenue. .. ................................... .... .................................... ....... - r with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 130.86.00...... -..... Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on t.he._...__:...13t:h............ day of ............0.010ber.._.._.._...____.-.-1 191.9...-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council..._..._ r.c c c 191_..... ..+" >m0 moi+1 - Approved ..............:..::.... ;.:.,_:::-r---.__-, 191.__._.- .............................. - 1 ----._....._ ......... ............. ........ Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss - Councilman H2j@jMj Clan Cy Councilman Kxltec Powers ilman McColl7mcloaun'r oilman Wunderlichh k3t*i Hodgso n Form B. S. A. 8-6 T4 295'7 G r CO By . By ;� --•- ........................_.. INTERMEDIARY O DER In the Matter of- ..�rading Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to ....................._......... ........--......................------------................------.................... Gormanv�tue to its full width. ....._............ ............ ._..__..................................................................................................................... -.................................. _....._..................................................... ........ .......................................................... under Preliminary Order........25690 approved ................ July 3, 1919. ................................... ............................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. e That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....grade_.Wyoming.............. Street from South Robert Street to Gorman Avenue to its full width. .......... ............................. ........... _._...._.......__................_............__...........__............_.............................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3.___ ...30.01...32 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........: 13th day of _.._....._.October 1919 _-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adonted by the C.nneil S-�: ley !e i C 191 Approved ........... =:x.... ................ 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Coss Councilman 1jajqtkd Clancy Councilmanr Powers Gilman McColl Co Gilman Wunderlich it yor iRin Hodgson Fo B. S. A. 8-6 _.._....:... t ty Cler _.. - ........ ............ ... .. ........... ..... ......_ �.-........... Payor. i 21,35811)p�+q��, ' 7", COUNC FILE ................. .........� B Gf.0 . — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .... ........ _condemning and taking an easement in the land .............. ........................ _.....................--.................. ....._..........._.... - . necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Wyoming Street from ---------------------------------------------------- So.uth..Robert..Street. .tQ.Gorzuan..Avenu.e...to .i.ts....f.ull.._wi.4th,...................................... ........_ .................... .................................---._..............._............. ........_......----............ ------..... ----- 26691July 3, 1919. under Preliminary Order .....................................................approved.................................................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...........on..........................demn and take an ................... easement in the .land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ....................................................................................................................................................... ............................ ................... grading -Wyoming Street from South Robert Street to Gorman Aveme to its ............ ............................................................. ... ._-..._......._................................... ..............................................--................ full width. in accordance with blue print hereto attached and made .................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ _._a...part.-hsrg.gf..the_hat_ched portion shoe+ing the cuts_ and the shaded portion _showing.._the...fills. ....................._......_..............._........................_.................._........._............-........... .._......._........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..60.0.C........ ... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...... ........ 13th ............day of _i...f>e.to.ber ............:......._.-_...., 191... .9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof asitimated. Adopted by the Council CFp 15 . .... ��I...... ..... ..... 191...... ^ �y v..�.. .. ---- Approved....-------- cF._ !"i?...!' . :.:.'............. 191......... _ ��/% Sty e - ----- ............. .........._.._...7-74 -Mayor....... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hy Clancy Councilman K3ftx Powers ouncilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor berm Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 Hy An ordinance emending administrative Ordinance No. 3250-, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I. That the said Ordinance No. 3250}, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out all of Section 1 of Rule X of said ordinance, and by ineerting in lieu thereof the following: Section 1. Promotion Aonointments. Any employe who secures an appointment as the result of having passed an exam- ination on a promotional basis in accordance with Rule VII may, in the discretion of the appointing officer, be appointed and promoted to the new position at a rate of compensation $5.00 higher than the rate he is then receiving in the position from which the promotion appointment is made. Any employe in the service of the city who is certified from a non -promotion eli- gible list to some other position in the classified service, but who is not a promotion eligible within the meaning of Rule VII, may, in the discretion of the appointing officer, be gppointed to the new position at a rate of compensation equal to the rate he is receiving in the position held by him at the time of appointment to ouch new position. Nothing in this section, however, shall authorize any appointment at a salary rate in excess of the maximum rate established for the particular position to which such appointment is made. SECTION 2. And the said Ordinance No. 32508r as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out all of Section 4 of Rule II, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 4. Advancement. (a) Advancement in salary may be made in any position in Grade C, in the discretion of the appointing officer, for meritorious service and seniority in the position, but no advancement in salary shall be made be nd the maximum salary limit prescribed,., for such position except as provi3ed 3n subd'iy Bion (b) of thio eec£ion':j For �YSI �__ (each six months of actual service in the position thejj?? a may be allowed as advancement an increase in salary not to exceed 5% of'the minimum compensation rate fixed for the position, pro- vided, however, that where such 5% increase amounts to lees than $5.00, the increase allowable may be made at the rate of $5.00 for 4.ach six monthsf ea och actual service. �{ (b) In lieu of the 5. rue or a vancemen�a.�pro;id.d, in subdivision (e) of this section, the appointinemay / in his discretion, and irrespective of any salary limits now in force, grant increases in salary in such amounts as will make the compensation for the position 40% greater than the salary limits prescribed for such position in the Civil Service rJ Standardization Ordinance #3570, adopted by the Council September , 30, 1915; provided, however, that this rule shall not be applicable to any of the following classes of positions: (1) where at present either the minimum or the maximum salary limit for any position as fixed in the Council Salary ordinance #5139 is already at least 33}f, approximately, greater than the I minimum or the maximum limit respectively in or- dinance #3570, adopted September 30, 1915. I (2) where titles as shown in the Standardization ordinance #3570 are no longer in force. (3) where and when either the minimum or 1 the maximum salary limit for any position is hereafter established or changed by the Council in its own salary ordinance #5139 so as to result in an increase of at least 333% over the minimum or the maximum limit re- spectively for such position in Ordinance #3570. l SECTION 3. . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. In accordance with the request of several councilmen I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendments to the Civil Service otdinance. / ivil Service Commissioner. PUBLISMD CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU ' ROOD, ea, COURT r use J. B. PROeST er .x�rR.xn CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA September 15, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL. In explanation of the accompanying amendment it might be stated briefly that the effect of section 1 will be to make it possible for a city employe who passes an examination for another position in the city service to be appointed to the new position without a reduction in salary. Section 2 of the amendment changes the salary increase rule by placing it on a percentage basis. This will make the seniority of service required to reach the maximum limit sub- stantially the same for all employee. Subdivision (b) of section 2 apparently provides an alternate salary increase rule, but in reality it merely permits a readjustment of such salaries as have not yet been readjusted to present standards of compensation. According to the latest figures by government experts of the Department of Labor, the purchasing power of the dollar is today approximately 70 cents as compared with 100 cents in 1914 and 1915. Therefore the employe, who received $100 a month in 1915 ought to have $140 at present, --or a 409 increase, --in order that his real earnings will equal those he had in 1915. This is the purpose of sub division (b), namely, to allow a 40% adjustment over the stand- ardized salary rate established by the Council in 1915. A careful check shows that most of the city employee have already received increases amounting to at least 409 of this old 1915 rate --in fact, there are many who have received increases of from 75 to 1009 more, and some are even over 2009 higher than the rate received in 1914. There are, however, about 109, or lees, of the city employee aho have not yet received increases sufficient to give them this same purchasing power that they earned in 1915, and it is particularly the clerks in the city service who constitute the greater part of this small group of employee. This subdivision (b) is therefore added to the rules to enable the appointing officers to do justice in those cases which in their judgment are in greatest need of it. Respe ct f ulljyy, '�/ C ref Examiner. Appro74Civi�lSorvice CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU €h ROOM BS. COURT HOUSE J. S. PROBST ... CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA October 8, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: In an opinion just received from the Corporation Counsel it is held that the change in the Civil Service rules, as requested by Commissioners Goes and McColl, and embodied in Section 1 of the amendment now before the Council, is also in conflict with the spirit and intent of the Civil Service law. In view of the several rulings with regard to this amendment, I desire to withdraw it from the Council. The only part remaining in the amendment that appeare to be in harmony with the spirit and letter of the charter is the con- templated change in the salary increase provision, namely, to change the present 05.00 rule to a 5' increase for each six months of service. If the Council still wishes the present 05.00 increase rule changed, I shall be glad to re- ceive its suggestions for consideration in drawing up a new amendment. Very respectfully, JESSF FOOT, Civil Service Commissioner B�/ D �1 Chief Examiner JBP-B 'f CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU Roo' 83, COURT U— J. B. PROaST CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA October 2, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: Several days ago, upon request of the Council, a copy of Mr. OlNeill1s opinion relative to the Civil Service amendment before you was sent to me. Nothing in the letter intimated that a reply was expected, and from the opinion I assumed that the that matter had been brought to a close. It appears, , the Council does expect a further statement with reference to the amendment. I can only add that inasmuch as subdivision (b) of Section 2 hue been declared to violate a certain charter provision, Section 1 of the amendment and also subdivision (a) of Section 2 must likewise violate the same charter provision and for the same reason. Mr. 0,Naillle contention is that subdivision (b) of Section 2 modifies and repeals the administrative ordinance now fixing salary limits and that this car, not be done through a Civil Service rule. Section 1 of the amendment does the same thing, for it permits appointing officers to disregard rthe mini- mum cal ary limits fixed by the Council and pay ass of employes a higher entrance rate than that established by the Council for the position. It is true that payments under Section 1 are discretionary with the appointing officer, but the same is true of eubdivieion (b) of Section 2. Again, subdivision (a) of Section < provide" for making 5j increases in salary for each six months of service, and is de- si�r_ed to amend the present Civil Service rule thich permits in- creases of only X5.0for each eix months of service 0 . The 5°,5.00 increase rule new in force, as well as the submitted 5`4 amendment, must, in my judgment, also be considered in the same class as sub- division (b) of Section 2. In fact, subdivision (a) of Section 2 fixes salaries more clearly than subdivision (b) does. If, for example, the Council desired to fix the pay for patrolmer. at (5110.00 a month for the second six months of service, it could not be done under the present Ccun:il salary schedule even if the Council were unanimous in its opinion that it should be done. This x,5.00 increase rule, or subdivision (a) of Section 1, would not permit it. There- fore, the present w5.00 rule, or the one contemplated in subdivision (a) of the submitted amendment, deprive= the Council of p salary -fixing power. #2, City Council. Oct.- 2, 1919. Furthermore, without the consent of the Civil Service Commissioner there is no escape from this rule, while under the 409 ine provision of Section 2 there is a method of escape, for alb the Council need do is to change the present Council salary schedule with respect to those positions that come within the 40% rule by placing them in the 3339 exception to the rule, --and that would only be doing justice. This was precisely what the Council did with five positions when it passed a salary amendment on September 19 last, --in other words, among the changes made, five positions were increased eo as to bring either their minimum or maximum limits 33j9 higher than the old 1915 salary standardization. It must be remembered that Mr. O'Neill 'a opinion was requested, and given, only as to the validity of subdivision (b) of Section 2 and not as to the other amendments. However, in the light of his ruling with regard to that subdivision, it is my judgment that all the provisions for salary increases, as well as the special salary -fixing provioion contemplated by section 1 of the amendment, should be a part of the Council's own salary schedule and not a part of the Civil Service rules. In order to determine whether my views in this matter are correct, I have written to Mr. O'Neill asking for an opinion on the points touched upon in this letter. As soon ae I receive a reply from him I ehall be glad to recommend any no asseary change in the Civil Service rules that the Council agrees upon, so long as the change requested is one that will be fair to the employee and to the city, and one that will not tend to emasculate our Civil Service law. Very respectfully, JESSE FOOT, Civil Service Commissioner. By \� Chief Examiner. JBP—B Hon. Jesse Foot, Civil Service Comdesionsr, Court House. Dear Sirs Ltalosed please find copy of letter from 0._ H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, which vas read at the Ceunoil meeting held this morning and referred to you by said body. Yours truly, Ono. CITY GLIM. Department 'of Kaw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILL - JOHN A. BUN. Bw nr wrra amara ' WILLIAMGIBERSON JAMES MESEB D. SWAN September 26th, 191.. Sep JO3. H. MABEK C To the Council. Gentlemen: - Council File26581, an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 32508, known as the Civil Service ordinance, or rules, was re- ferred to this department for an opinion upon two points: 1. Has the Council authority to strike out Section 2 of the proposed ordinance, and pass it as amended? 2. Is Section 2 of the proposed ordinance in violation of the City Charter? 1. I am of the opinion that it is not within the power of the Council to amend the proposed ordnance without the con- sent of the Civil Service Commissioner, in view of the fact that the Charter empowers that officer to frame and submit the rules and regulations to the Council for its approval without any power of amendment. The Charter, in effect, makes the Civil Service Commissioner responsible for the form and substance of the rules, and to permit the Council to change them without his consent would in a large measure deprive him of his Charter powers. It is true that in the ordinance under discussion, Sec- tion l is in no way co -related to Section 2, except that both sections are combined in one ordinance, but as I view the law, this does not alter the rule of practical absolute control over the rules by the Commissioner. This officer can even withdraw rules which he has submitted to the Council at any time before they have been finally approved. His letter to your Honorable Body under date of the 25th inst, practically announces his de- sire to withdraw the ordinance unless the Council sees fit to enact it as submitted. 2. That part of the rule embraced in the ordinance under Section 2 as Subdivision B, provides for the increase of the salary limits of certain employes by the appointing officer "irrespective of any salary limits now in force." This has the effect of modify- ing and repealing the administrative ordinance now fixing salary limits, which is a power not conferred upon the Civil Service Commissioner through civil service rules or otherwise. The power of fixing salaries under the Charter is vested in the Council and not in the Civil Service Commissioner, and I am, therefore, of the opinion that Subdivision B violates this charter provision. Yours very o ration Counsel. . R I C Y tj JAS. J. MINER �✓ ��t r P C� tL l l . 101-h JOHN 1 F A l` � .. «EwK of aint ant �s9r 11" «EAK September 26th, 1919. PEr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Council held this date, the enclosed letter from Jesse Foot, Civil Service Commission- er, relating to certain amendments in Civil Service rules to be made in ordinance, C. F. 26581, was read and on motion of Commissioner Gose said ordinance was referred to you to see if Section one can be passed regardless of Section two; also whether Section two is constitutional. Please find the above ordinance, under Coun- cil File 26581 also enclosed herevrith. Yo rs ruly, �/,f�C7f�y 2 enc. CITY CLERK �. P, UP of Saint Paul Comptrilla's Offirr JE95E FOOT, C1.1-011. Hon. J. I. Faricy, nIity Clerk, Court House. Dear Sir: September 25, 1919. I respectfully return herewith Council File 26581, relating to certain amendments of the Civil Service rules. I do not wish to make any change in the amendment at present, but give my approval only as a whole. Very respectfully, 7z— /Comptroller and Civil Service Commissioner C. P. !To. 2(; 293592 / OrAn ..d:,..in_Jstrati,c ordinance to arggnd Ordinance --o. 5139, <<,proved Auf•ust 16, 1919, entitled "An ad:unistrative ordinance fixin;; the co:-n�i2n j rates ^f certain positior_s and, ermloirments" (p� 7 THE COM CIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL !SES ORDI]Jr: V Section 1. That Secti n 1, of ordinance 'o. 5139, ap)roved. August 16, 1919, be ,n(. the F -me is :iereby amended by striking, out of Grade C it Said sectdinn the c:orc an(! fiGures 11Janitor, School, nininiu:n $80.00, na. imum 0100.00, and `)y i::.e 'tin( i-. lieu t::ereof u_ -der Grade A of sc.ic; section 1 e VIOrds .-::d fiSure ; "Janitors, Sc'_ool, ?x100.00. / Secticm 2. J This, ordi:_a.nce s:_r11 tc_:e effect nd be it :force i;_-::edia.tcly upon its passage, a.p_ va1 and publics.' ion.. i Ad:pts.: t_e Council Cin ;31iu'`' 1919 ORDINANCE. Yeas c. r. No. 26582—Ordinance No. 5174.- C���yv �1 BY Albert Wunderlich— C1,-'n Cy An administrative dira.- tomend. Ordinance No. 5139, pproved August 16, 1919, entitled, 'An administrative - i -rli %';Orti1 ordinnnce fixing the co Pen»ation rates oP ecr[aln posI tions and employ- ments.. The Cou ncil of the City of 9t. Paul does Go-, s ordain: - SECTION I. : ccoll That Section 1, oP Ordinance No. 5139, same Is hereby amended by striking out of POl"er5and Grade C in Raid section the ora» figures 'Janitor, School, minimum I $80.00, maximum $1 0.00,^ artby In - sorting n lieu thereof under Grade A .. .. :'. 11 Ch - I of said Rection the ds and figures "Janitors, 7 School, $100.00." Pr e s' t (Hod SECTION 2.- ) 1 n ^ ^ Or f This ordinance shall take effect and tcct ] ] C and be In force from and after Its approval and publication. --- Adopted by the Cc ... it Sept. 30, 1919. Yoae—Councilmen Clancy, Tams- Gose, r 'I/y( CC44 worth, .McColl, Poers, Wunder- w llch, Mr. President (Hodgson) -7. Nays -0. Approved 9eDt. 011919. I., C. C. HODGSON, —_--' Or Attest: JOHN I. FARICY, M City Clerk. Mayor. PUBLISMDL�9 (Oct. 9, 19 9) C'tv-8htrh ::"7CQ►8�3'Tl�tlf) f C. P. !To. 2 An ndilnictrative ordinance to amend Ordinance 7o. 5139, e0proved lu[ust 16, 1919, entitled "An aNdnistrative ordinance fivin t:ze COY onspAwl j rates of certain positions and employ ments" (p�G� 7 !�— 1� air? THE COUYCIL OP THE CITY OP ST. PjAUL l)OEs ORl)Ila": r V Section 1.__—.. That Secti n 1, of ordinance :"o. 5139, apDroved. August 16, 1919, be an& the s -me in hereby emended by otrihing out of Grade C in ;aid ectinn the words and figures "Janitor,School, minimum $80.00, r-laximum $100.00, and by insertinS i:: lieu Wlereof ur der Grade A of said section the words and figures "Janitors, Sdiool, $100.00. I Section 2. J Thi : ordinance s`...rll take effect , nd be in force i=ndi�tely upon its passage, e.py- .al and publication. Yeas C0 u-'n,u,.jn�^ Cly.-ncy ,�.rr.sworth Go c.> 7!Coll Ad:p ti Ve Council OUDINANC19. T1� I-. No. 26682—prdinanee No. 6174.— y Albert Wunderllch— aamin(strative alnance [o mend .Ordinance No. 6129 moved 16, 1919: entitled, rAn ad.lnl.tr.1 , ord mance O�InnnoslUons and em Powers Lunderlich it.. Pres't(Hoda.^o^) 7 1` Q CI_u Mi Nis 1919 r» .,t ;a;a Approved � .. 1919 ayor ATTL . EPUBLI c±t�--fsll�rn'�ota�--r-ic�e r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 GCOUNOIL j� - 26583 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE �`Q »...... _ FarmAA0,1117-18 H 1181 2- _� v a li.. ............................ . --- ._. - CO- ROLL AUDITED........9.-.../.................... 79�. ER................ .............: ....._-------------- Y TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter splkified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follo,,vpW dEtailj� f atement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen `—'-- �Fv ? e C F Ko ;39b93 Adopted by the on l .. ...... Abstra;Ct. Clancy l;eaolved that warr tta be ,drawn puort jv' [tl TreasuxY aYabl@'ond in. Farnsworth the herelnalter, apep(8ed Sunda; & ora pproved .. `F9 _ q ... ...191___ / xapex". :the 9eraolta, firma d corp ...,._. A� Goss _ ttone Sox the amounts .at, ol�oeite flleir raeppectiv8 names ae' ai70c ea to . totlowing detaned rata ret Coin9anY,- Keller Adam Dec{Cer Hard3va .._ ............. ... ................... ................. ... .......... - — §io8 78 " Pla4e� C}lasa Com9anY,'.. MAYOR McColl Pltt burgh• =iggymer'HardwBre CompanyY ESSs i•1 WunderlichAde9CRd b9 the Counctl Dt 18 3919 AP9roved (BeD 32911819) - Mr. President, Hodgson 108.75 rkOeS Adam Decker Hardware Company, 2 15 mcry 8 40 Fre 2 25 P. Baths p. Comfort Sthtion 2 00 ic. Gar. Revl. 1. O Bdg B. & Repr. 12. 0 Wor Ouse 6. 1 Scho'ls 1. 8 �- 1. 4 1 1. 1 43. W, / ter 7• n 18.8 4e89 Pittsburgh Plate Glass CompanY, 7 57 S ools 7 P ks 00 104 75 Wa er 15 89 34090 Raymer Hardware Company, 6x26 Sch ols 5.122 n 11. n 7. 6 n 272. 0 n 24. 3 Wat r 2. 0 n . 0 n 1. 5 n 51 44 108.75 F. -A A18,EN 7-18 LITS' OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER • AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL NQ• -' 1180 4 BY................. AUDITED............................................ p ....�%1 Y L 'TRO LF.R ...........---- ..................---.....191....: / .................................. -' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City greasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followi-Oe[Olted rt�t�gment: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V No asce Adopted by th o cil. .......... `r' Abatractr Resolved, that warrants" bo drawn _ Clancy upon the City Treaaa payable oi7E: or tho hereinatfer apea�iaed=tn¢aa aaa d 191__ ]¢ ravor, of tho_.peraoas,n _ ... ...._ ... r ^...... . Farnsworth Dorattone tor. tbe. amotlata, egoor cor_ 1 their. respective names as 9 t DoalW, Goss the rolloptng detailed a(afem eentaeft $:'A. Farnsworth Com r'bt F as a__...... ..................... _............ Keller Ebosa as Q ; Frnswprfh� Gtomrr of $mance _ MAYOR McColl Es,ag9lt a 3. 'A. Farnawortht Com r of Finance; a9 00018 Wunderlich 3.a Faraewor2h t;omr d} Flad nat a17a9.99 Mr. P esident, Hodgson s l Faraewtiih comrt7Plnanef silsao.so I( Adopted by'thb nett�ept' IB ;9�1 j 'Approved Se t.Y I819 4AIS aS. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance �Mayorls Office 182.58 p. Counsel 14 .00y Clerk 35 .50c.;& Unf.)Election) 3 .00 B of Assessments 60 .00 11016Z". & Disb. 64 .16 Part c. Certs. 7 .50 Compt oiler 86 .83 Civil Service 45 .50 Armory 15 .00 Purch. ep't. 551. 17 , I 4,063.24 14e84 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 6,369.15 CP.W.-Gen. Adm. 457.50 Bneau of Engrs. 1,859.78 St.�C. & Repr. 1,440400 Seweit &. & Repr. 97 50 S. & Cing. 41500 Bridge . & Repr. 312 50 G.F.-Cro swalks 62 0 Sprinklin Revl. 898,0 2 Workhouse 651. 5 Paving W. C Ave. 75. 0 Paving Locus St. 100. 0 a c 1-4. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Sb0018 Ly Au inm .14086 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance. NBlldga . Parks _ Revl. ds 4e~ S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. cC Finance C.P.n aen..Adm. s. Labs. " -Ma is " -Lighting Tota----S3r0D&.46 4,914. 3,681. 404. 7-166b: t Resol ed, CITY O�r ST. PAUL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM VV ............................................................................ Fo.H�,� 26585 nyeNO............................................................. Date PresentA timt, :^i.t.h the: approval of t'rle �'Iayor and the Comptroller, tP,e. sum of One Thousand 3',x :.undred FOI't7-five Dollars and seventy. cents (81,645.70), be, and tiie same hereby is transferred from the Grass 'Cutting Revolving Fund (54) to the Forestry Revolving Fund (53), as by so doing an unavoidable defeciency in the last mentioned account will be met without hampering the moneys in the first mentioned account.. - Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay: Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.18 ..........In favor Against Adopted by the 191....... CFP y_ F3 1 ..................................191...... SFP i (I ............/ . ................... 191..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FILE 1Saie Resented NO.......... Fr_Ji......................... Resolved, That the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby endorses and urges the introduction and passage of that certain proposed law entitled "A bill for an mot entitled an act authorizing the City Council or other governing body of any city, now or hereafter hav- L' Ing a population of over fifty thousand inhabitants, to fix the salaries of all employee and officers of said city, except those elected by vote of the people." Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth 1 Gass Keller McColl Wunderlich /rpresident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M I2-18 191...._ HP in Adopted by the Counc' .......... ........-. ...... `CP t [oil Appro 191..... ..._.._.._.In favor Against5 /... ...... ............ ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL _ • 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f t: ............ ..� -.....----..........................._.......................................:'�...... C -.N. - A/ 87 POEN CIL NO . ...... ........ M1b��LJ i ................... Resolved, Date Presented I That the apilicati,jn of G. Gilbertson and L. Peterson for a license to maintain an Oil Filling Stati,)n at 50-52 12th Street, be and the sante hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, X50.00. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays CClanry Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. Iresident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 C. 1 F. No 26687=Hy Henry LSCCOIl— Resolved That the apDllcatlon of 0,.. 011bert.on and U' Peterson for a license so maintain an;011 Ftllingg . Station :a t' 60-62 12th Street, be and: tho same hereby.ls grantedand the Clty Cterk la' hereby-mstructed,.to Issue ,such Iicartae nDon the paymenttnto ,the `City Tceas-- ury of:'tha fee, ><6d:60. -:Adoptedby the�council Sept 16, 1919: APDFoved Sept. 16, 1919. (9eDt: 26, 1919) ' ..............In favor Against Adopted by the Council 191..... .1.P..........191...... .o• CITY OF ST. PAUL, COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FdRM ..................... ........................................................................................... COUNCiL I.L. No . .................. 2.6588 ............... Date Presented 191 Solved at the. �IXPPUOation of Henry W. Ley for Permission to construct, Main and operate a public garage on Lot 7, Block 57, Irvine's . I.argement, on Ninth street between Main and Smith:avenues, is he'xeby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and kic Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a po;mit therefor. ye s (V) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth s k Goss favor Keller McColl .............. Against bj Wunderlich M(. President, Hodgson �R4 C. A. 9 3. 12-18 Adopted by the Counc*..... . ..... .. .... FP Approv 191 ........... ..... ­ ...................... ........... MAYOR TO THE HODIURABLE CITY C(,UN,=. Gentlemen'.§' I herebn respectfully make application for the construction of a biu_ldinp, to be used for public garage purposes on Lot 7 Block 57, Irvines ?nl^rgement on Ninth Street bet�-ieen 1,da1n and Smith fives. RespectfullT, C _ J Subject CITY OF ST. PAUL? COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............. .............. ................... ....... ....................... .___ ...... _ ..... ..............sk c NfF COUNCIL PILE No. .......................... .... ..................................................................................................................................................... Date Presented -- 191..... Resolved, That the application of G. B. Padnais for permission to con- struct, maintain and operate a public garage on Lot 1, Block 8, Bazille & Robert's Addition, at the southwest corner of Fillmore and Eaton streets, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed tolssue a permit therefor. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss _.. _....__-In favor )Geller McColl ._.__...._ Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson PORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 C. F. No. 26659— Ilcatton of G. Besolved, That the pP 113 Vadnafe for perrnisslon to onstruet, malntain and operate B¢zllle �eRobr e on Lot 1, at the $outhweat orner t Addition . Fill t d and Eaton Streets, is hereby gran and the Commleslonet (- Parke, Playgrounds and Public Bufld- Ings " hereby authorfaed. and Is tnstraeied to fesue a or It therefor. Adapted bv. the Council Bept. 16, 1919. j Approved Sept. 120, 1919. 1919) 1 Adopted by the Counci ..� " �:..:... __.. _........._... 191...1.. Approv ./_/.../_ ...:-.._...:,.:.__..__._..._ ....._.. 191..... MAYOR . . p 6t. Paul, Kinn., Sept. 15, 1919 To the Honorable �W or and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby respectfully rer?est permission from your honorable body to construct a public parage building on Lot: 1, Block 8, Bazille & Robert's Addition S. T. corner of Fillnnre and Aton streets Agreein# to comply in all respects with the ordinance of the C A7 of St. Paul governing buildings of this kind. Yours ver- truly M 1 CKY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of - Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Paul One Light Company ie hereby ardned and directed to extend its electrical lines b, enctin¢ Nits and etrinch. •.ares thereon tar the tnvetvlseion of chcuicty on and In the lollowivg alley, and Itreele oI said city: Install" Two poles in the alley no_th of Lawson Streit, west of Forest Street. One pole on Van Buren Street, wird pole west of I>taria Avenue. Two poles on Hoyt Avenue, east of HanlineAvenue. Five poles on Cililcorab(� Street, betweel] Eustis and Brorlpton Avenues. Twelve poles on Brompton Street, between Chll.coribe unci Hendon Avenues. 7. F. No. 211. M. N. Gone- . alley North of Law - Forest Street. Buren Street, third Avenue. yt Avenue, East of All of' such exteneloae,. polcs'snd. wires shall he erected and constructed under the direction of 'athe Commin-l It once. of Public Mull It nd in Ilaelene Allo! each exteneiove, votes and wirce shall be erected end coned thltogs Subject to the Drovlsloas of Or- Iu L:ect to the prorbieoe of Ordinance No. 2424, avd of all other lawful dlaanee No. 2424, -and III other 1nW- vd eh All poles should beset iv ouch locatiov It said alleys avd etmU I ful Ordlnancee and: rseolutiona of th0. /d, be e •hall deahoate and apvrove, and goy I'd all Inch voles shall be mkv CIAll Lost: Paul. pabl:. ivtercat,o rcvu4es. and wbecilth.11 eo order, linep.leld�aluld ans BIn suet. ,sett•. Co.-miseloner of Public Utilities ,bulli Adopted by the Council designate, sad shall be of sash height and ohdr4cter aIt shall denighste and aDrove, and any and all of .oDee ei 11 be. taken down and removeuch d, ablnd Yeas ( ) Councilmen eu,h:wires placed, underground, when- ayS ever the Cout{c)1 .shall deem that Lhn FARNSWOi� public , order eo teQuires, and when If pub"halic it order. j,prroved by ept 16. 1916h. Council Sept. `l6, 1910:. , GOSS sept 20, 19191 McCOLL - ''� WUNDERLICH HYLAND Ap rove KELLER" Mr President, IRVIN vl Public Utilities and in all thivga i be of wch height and character as ., the Council shall deem that the -191 Mayor u CITY OF ST. PAUL ^�r 1 t♦ Council Resolution ---General Form Department of — Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas Licht Company to hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical line, by enctinc cola and arrineivc wire. there,, for the transmission of eleetricly on and in the follo.i,c alleys and .%rats of Haid cjty: Install one pole on Ste Clair Street, east of West Seventh Street. With necessary guys and anchors. , 1 C. F.: No. 26591„ By 111. N. .Gose— .Resolved, That the Bb Paul Gas Light to extend Its eglectriicalrifn and dl, ndl, ecta frigor the for-.thlea and stringing, wires thereon A tranantlellon of etectelclty'on and 1n the following a,, el and atreete of said city: Inst,', one Dote on $k 'Clair Street, East of -Wear f4eventh_ Street. With necessary jgoye'and anchors.. 1A o[ euchtenalone, yolea .and wlres.ahalt be. erected and conetrucped under the direction and au ol i the'. Commleeloner of Pnblfo ervlafon,IItllltfes IandAn all: things subject to the Dr bovl- elons of Ordinance No. 2924, and of 'all other 1nCltwfWordinancea and reaolutloas of tka y of ,St. Pani. Men111nosaid sll lyaband et suchseobe ICommieetoner;. Publfo.Utllitles,sha11 t :designate, And shall be of. such height and character its ho ehalldealgnate and approve, a" be .taken' A wa Bnd remo ed�a d each'.wirea �plecedunder rouad when- ever -the -.COUn0" shall deem t�lnt ,the While lnterest:so require,, and when It .harp se order.' ''- Adoptedbythe Council -Shap[. 16,.1919. Approved Sept 16. 1919. All of such extensions, pole. and wire. shall be erected and covatructed under the dhectio, and eupeni,lo . ut;.ct to the erorlelom of Ordinance No. 2424. and of all other lawful mdinavices and reeolutlo,s of the City oI All coin should be set in each location Iv said alloys and atmh sn the Comm(aaivner of Public Utihda el hr aha ll dnl¢nato and approve, and any and all such poly ,hall he taken down and removed, and such wires ph, ,. ;..i [!; interest so nouires, and when it shall so order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL WUNDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. P sident, IRVIN i..iener of Public Utilities and in all thi,c, an .hall be of such Web, sed character, a, d, wbeverer the Council shall deem that the 191 ) Nays Approv 191 Mayor 13 f. CITY OF ST. MAUL 1w COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM'w`=-�' COUNCIL 26592 ........... ...................... 111 if - . ...... 9 a� /-\ FILE No .................... �. I! Date Rresenlea...S.eptemb.e.r....13........... 191 9..: What the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for the sale of garbage collected by the City in District No. 1, as shown on attached map, for the year ending AuglVst 31, 1920, to the NORTHERN STOCK CUPA17Y, at a.price of 11.75 per ton, total amount of the contract being approximately ;5,000.00, in accordance with supplementary letter attached totheir bid and specifications hereto attached. F.B. 2037. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl .... Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 Eecei�ed all pspera iu connection with gbova Res luti0n. Adopted by the Coun .........................................191...... ;gin -i �.._,,, .In favor Ap �d......._.....__.. .....::....__..........._.... 191..... Against`_'.......�............... / MAYOR iCmmdl File No.. ... dt PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Request of Mr. R. G. O'Malley. PRELIl1IINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: et t9._.k.1.?.3 .$tree'................... ...............Gxada...ICexv¢in.:.Stx�.e.t...f.xam...G.e.x. ain .St.xe. C F No'tOfi80 Abstract: _. ......................................... oval for'the Wherea6, A written , tavre—mant, ..... ... ............... .... ..... making of the followfa1 ................................... ... .... ... ... .. ... ... .... vfa.: Grade Kerwin Street, from (}arty o Street to to th-au 94reet, havinRlt- ut I . ............ "' "' "' pr�e�sent d tothe.Counc't of theO gt:'Paul therefore, be It -- c � Resolved, That the Commtsstoner ot. 16ths ., day of.. public Works b0 and he is hereby or- L 191 Dated this- dared and Mreoted: 1. To Inv etigate the neosaeof Bald............................................. or deslrabni r'of the makingestant Ire rovement to the nature,. j estimated o feCo Councilman. Ment, ane tots' cogst t there. rove - sketch of said furndmpr vement prooror 4. To e,at, whether or not eaeUtto of threes elmo�e eown0ra•n`e p 6. Te report upon ail 'ot the Sore- KKolag matteraao the Conimteslnner of ! Flnaace. Lxlarpg w(l Fp$,p written proposal for th Ap0POVsB `B t. 6 26. 191...............Gr,ad.e._K.e.rwin_.Stree.t.$tr..eet.._............. ............................................ ...................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. therefore, be it d dived d: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby orderedan 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e4timated co9t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement Swhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more own To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance . ' ..:.:........191........ Adopted by the council .................... a,,:;:....:?,...:._.. 1 Yeas: Councilman Farnsworth Gose ppprc I-fyt-d Keller McColl Wunderlich ayor Irvin Form CA 13 (SM 4-17) 11 Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT anti i 265'K No Condom Ing In The undersigned hereby es the lit the and neneeaary,. o elopes, !tor .pent by the City of St. Paul, viz.; cuts an fills in grading Kerwin Street, from. flermafn Street to Ms. rau Condemning_ and tak.... street• baving,been'pre9 otad to t10 neceesar for .. ..... fore Teed ' lig tee them SL Paul. thele ... Y ......... .. ............ B10iJ e B f O T cuts 8 and Public Works be and he 1mf9etoner of -------•---- Council of the City, of 4 s as or Street, from dared and dtrecte8 necessity, for Germain .St_reet to Flf�or aeairabutty of the making of said 1> '' Im rovement- ' .- extent and estimated, cost tof aid rImprove- ...................................................., ............._ .-.inept. and the total coat thereof. ... .. .. ........ ......... 9. To furnish a Dlan, pruale or sketch of eafdimyrovement. c To elate whether or not said tm- , 191. .... 6 Dated this .....J.6.th da of $e t proveRlent: is asked for on the petition I of three ee or more owners. report to the Commlesion- of upon a11- 01 the fore- goingmatters -...................-........................... Finance. Adopted by th Council Sept. 16, 1919 Approved Sept 19. 1919. _ 1 GoUUCllmfln. - (Sept 20, 19191 – A R uy WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemns in -the ....lan.d...ne.c.e.as.azX..f_a.x..._............... elopes. for...cute...and_..fille_...in,.grading_. Kerwin..Street...f.rom ..............._..__....._._. .Germain Street....to...Flandrau...Street....................................................................................................... .............................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement - -1 To furnish the following other data and information relativeo. se,;idimproveu rn„ant:.------------------- -- ........................................................................................................................................................................ ?To ostate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owneroreport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. ................ ....................... 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved............................I;.l... r;:...:.:.:191........ Hyland _ . Keller McColl Wunderlich................................... '....................................... ayor Irvin Mayor. Form C A 13 (6M 17) LISHM r' Q tel✓ .rte i`Y(e - y y COUNC�IL/fLENO�.""".......................� ... ..-r By'. 2965-P55 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...: -t -o Doc]X1 -_' 3ad' ..-e;:.c-e-1at-..:c.aa...;11te2.144c.t_.on..n_^ ao�Lt:h_.�:.:_t.h.--Jena:o,. -i�.cl.ad::.�Y;....:-•.. y.....,...- ^ _• .,.- t-o..._s:! ce imvi'.:.... d :l'. �e".,,y apnroacizes ,;lie_'e 1ec y (7..'29596.—nY B. A. rirneworth- -..---1 _ r ---...e' ➢latter o Paving 3YdneY`.3t.: .... ...... """.".. - ---- ----- m ClfppPewa Ave. to Dodd Boraa; :P' 1F• Interaect,of South Includii.ii g eewer, wa- ----------------------- .................................._........-.-....-_--..........-.._--..."........----........-..__...._-------- from street under Preliminary Order -.-.._ 51577....--- ---_..-.. approved- Intermediary pproved Intermediary Order...._........ - - -- -- - approved--.......... ....._...... --1' -.... ----- ..".....__.....__....-... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...._;:-,__.___-r.1-;&-'(" ag the Cotulcil her ' orders aid improv ent to be ade. / RESOLVED F THER, hat the mmissioner f Public orks be nd is �reby struyad and directed to pr are pla and spec• cations for id imp�r�oment, a submi same the cil for approval• that up said app val, the pr er city otHcials are ereby thoriz and a to proceed R' the in of s d imp overnenI in ae rdance rewit Ado d by th Council_ ........_._....._-- 191.....- 1 f City Clerk. Approved ..... _....... . ..... 191......_ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth PUBLISH= 6 -- Councilman --Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Y Councilman Kellet: : • ' Councilman McColl i Councilman Wunderlich"`- Mayor Hodgson `.... i Form B. S. A. 8-7 - 1 ' j TAaVub,,16mot & C�.a. REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE LOANS CARE OF PROPERTIES 602 PIONEER BUILDING �'ttL'lct��c. September 15th. 1919. Mr. S. Ya. Farnsworth Commissioner of Finance St Paul, Minnesota. My near Sir: - Referring to the proposed paving of Sidney street, 1 beg to state that 1 am the o -mer of 200 feet of Sidney street frontage in block 60 of Banning & Olivier's add- litio+nd 33 feet frontage on Sidney street in block 47 of 3anning & Olivier's addition and wish to enter my earnest pro- -test against this proposed improvement as the need of paving Sidney street is not at all commensurate with the estimated cost of the work at this time of high cost of construction. 1 have been unable to find but one property owner on Sidney street who is in favor of paving at this time 1 beg to suggest therefore, twat the improvement be indefi- -nitely postponed. Very respectfully yours. ATTORNEYS AT LAW H EP CHANTS N TIONAL BANK OVI�DING September 15, 1919. Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: IN RE : PROPOSED PAVING OF SYDNEY .4T, I am the owner of an undivided one- third of the north third of lots five and six in block 47, Banning & Oliver's Addition. This property has 100' feet of frontage on Sydney Street. The owners of property on Sydney Street are people of very moderate circumstances. This street runs East and West and does not open up any new or shorter means of access towards the business center of the city. There are no circumstances which make it necessary or even advisable to pave Sydney Street, which do not apply to perhaps ninety per cent of the other unpaved streets of the city. To pave it at the present time and at the present high prices of labor and materials will impose a most extraordinary burden upon the property holders. I ]enol �f no_�iemaAd for the improvement. Not a single per oni o ng property fronting on Sydney Street wishes it paned at this period of high prices. When pav- ing of all the streets in the neighborhood is undertaken generally, at times of fair and reasonable prices of mater- ials and labor, I would not object to the contemplated improvement, but would favor it. The cost of the improvement would in many instances exceed the present value of the property fronting on Sydney Street, in my opinion; and certainly will almost equal it in most instances. Under all the circumstances I most earnestly and sincerely object to the proposed paving at this time. Yours respectfully, GC -MC �� ' ,.. • tj CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT, eF FINANCE REPORT OForCOE MI SIO oRo OF FINANCE In the Matter of ............................. ..... ...... .............-....._......................................_........_.........._........_--,. ...... under Preliminary Order approved ....._......_....._.. .. __ . __....._._...__........._....-........._. ................... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Street 60 ft. _^ont G316 feet. Len3th 3 713 feet. .iidth _tCr:; y,30 ft. _'=v..__ oa 134:36 sq. ties. edc G0. 00'cr .e.', ._id ;2.00 "or ..ato_ co-nnootio o cac'.i '.nt :izere ado. :=`:'_I n.c-' _.'ort foot 63 cones for ce.:!ent or ;1.30 for store _total "otal Cost =ird of Pavi.iC ncr ::sti- per ate _�nt. 3- ir. Creosoted 131ocic -x.53 58,264,00 9.22 _ iclr 3.94 53,017.00 8.39 -snliai: 3.31 44,539.00 7.05 ,'.s plialt Concrete 2.70 36,331,00 5.75 Chippo::a ;o Dola..w_.. G' to O'c,ta I 3 Oita -.;a to ,S':iith 3 ': ..,soca to Dodd :'oad 7� - -Iri cic on u;, and 7' Grades, Asp_nalt "onc,,etc on reraainde 2683 so. yds. brief_ laid fiat C_• .3.71 :9954.00 10773 " " s iia7.t conc-oto 71 .70 290.37.00 nota i 390.-1.00 �. :gel' Front loot...... .G.18 .. _. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I'.-ASSF35E�. !i DESCRIPTION ;LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION i 7-5 y .3 g -- TOTAL, Form -- a_ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , - REPORT OFCOM( fS$" NER OF FINANCE • ON PREL ,IWA Y ORDER .._. �B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED t VALUATION 65o 9.9� m °,0 0 0 3 tf7 9 �� y ;�Z7 /. -z /97 6 Asa o s mss- 97 r roes e. e. u TOTAL F;a . niTv or eT:rAUL --A, , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE'S REPORT OF COM JISSIOI4ER�F FINANCE � • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION X60 a� %l% 0/1 � Mfrs-- ._.. TOTAL .. . TOTAL .. , ro.. . 'IOR $1. PAUL • DARTMENT OF FINANCE EP REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 7 Az 6 Z '30 0 �aa X3.00 Z, /7 b �3 iso 0 a 23 30,o �s- i���-- . TOTAL .. , ro.. . CITY OP ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4SSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ADDITION.. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION /q o /� Joni sr� X, 14, 0 & .5.7Czz � �7 C Cop Y OF ST. PAUL• -'i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION _ i - a 7 Aa,, ,K_ o NTA _ O Ilk 11, 1311;' yfl- faQ�y9 /0 16 76 9 1-2—,,) ° - TOTAL ,•:,' .[ `4' CITY OF ST. PAUL �r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMF41SSkONER OF FINANCE 4 ON PREUMIMARY GO ORDER i - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK --- ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 40 �J s7�j z o -47 roe. a e. u 3 TOTAL ..... __ CITY OP eT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Cr REPORT OF COW41S$10NER OF FINANCE J ON PRELI , NARY ORDER _ (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION --�1670: C. �• �-�- fry-� G�.�2 J /O /9 -�Ce-f�--��-.1 Sz� 2�2r-`�' �=,o-o . _ •- 7 act quo 70TAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, - and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--.- - Commissionerer of Finance. rosM M.S.A. a -a c St. Paul, Yinn., .Apri1........ D To the Honorable, The Council, � vl- I0 City of St. Paul, Minn. WAY 1 J lyi; Gentlemen: M. N. GOS COMMMIONEi13 OF F���}ip 3 ,We, the undersigned property O'Nners, hereby Pe your Honorable Body to cause the follUring imProvement - be maria: ......................... .........paw.ing- F-y.dnev...................... I .......... . ..St. Ave. . ?tab.asha.................. fromChapp.e�++a• • • • • • • • • • • • • � • St. Ave. to St. Ave. .. ..:.�=....... . ....... .... .......... I/ All 5 .{�. /.�: .,. A.I. �-?. �r•......��. ........... ..... ....... ...... .................... ....�. .�.......................... �...:.... �..__. ......... ...........:C�n......... : �'.-':�:.�.......�..... fNAY'1, ..............SUR ............ ................V.....Il.......�..1.� ....... e . 4� Office of the Commissioner of Public V or�%cf Eo 4. 4PµNS110 �. S � W Report to Commissioner of Finance s t` )UN 6 }919 June 3rd, 199 1... •.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Connuissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 25157May 22nd... relative to..................._._.., cil, known as Council File No ............. ...:......._........_.approve _ _......_.._.... ._...... ..... . paving Sydney Street from Chippewa Avenue to DoBd Road, except ................... ........................................... __....... _....................................... ......... ..... .... .. interseotion of south Smith Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............._...._...necessary and (or)odesirable. Bxx%x %AY.xxx and 2. The estimated cost thereof is �_................................... and the total cost thereof is+....._....._............_..........._. the nature and extent of said icnprovemeut is as follows: ..._._.._..... ........... -... ........ ....._......_............._. .................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. J. Said improvement is...... ............................ .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessmeut for said improvement. Coi miasi ier of Public Works. 1 II pliig of « OSCAR CLAUS9EN. CHS.. tHO N..r arpartment of PubCu Nimbi ... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSION J. t. CARROLL•6 ER SU rrNioH SHO RenAiRa R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY ALIRCO JACH90N, 90eiuoT H. W. GO ETL�NGER, 90 P,ioH ' M. 9. Of1YTBAK'EHo�. sen oHa G. N. XERROLO•Orr ce EHRiHaan St, Paul, Minnesota. June 2, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Sydney Street from Chippewa Avenue to Dodd Road, except the intersection of South Smith Avenue, including Sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also includinu curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File No: 25157, approved May 22, 1919: Street 60 ft. Front 6316 Feet. Length 3713 Feet. Width Rdway, 30 ft. Pay.Area,13456 Sq.Yds. Add $60.00 for sewer, and $32.00 for water donnection to each lot where not already made. Add per front foot 65 cents for cement or $1.30 for stone curb. Total Total Cost Kind of Paving �- - per Esti- Per Sq.Yd. mate. Fnt.Foot. 32 _ Creosoted Block...... $4.33 $58,264.00 $p9.22 Brick... .................... 3.94 53,017.00 8.39 Asphalt ..................... 3.31 44,539.00 7.05 Asphalt Concrete............ 2.70 36,331.00 5.75 Chippewa to Delaware ................ 61Z Cherokee to Ottawa .................. 31 Ottawa to Smith ..................... 3VI0 Waseca to Dodd Road ................. 70 �} Brick on 6% and 7% grades, Asphalt Concrete on remainder. 2683 Sq.Yds.Briok Laid Flat q x"3.71...... $~p9954.00 10773 " " Asphalt Concrete ^s $2.70..... 29087.00 Total.. .... 39041.00 Per Front Foot............ X6.18. Yours very truly, wES/C Chief Engineer. U COUNCHYVILE NO .............. ..... ...... By....................................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbiug..both-s.idez of Qhqv. laa-51r.pag.t fr.ol-.1 Saelling &y-%aue to Fry Street. ......................................................................... ...................... ....... . ... . ...... ...... ....... .................. ...... ... . ........ ....... .......... I _............... .......... ..... under Preliminary Order ...... .... 2, ... .... . ..... ...... approved . ..... - . Jul;;..214..,--19-1.9 ...................... I .... .. .. . .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is _curb both sides of ........................................... ........ Charles street fror.i Snelling Avenue to Fry Street. -- .... .................. .................................... - ........................................................................................ - ................... .. .. ....... - .... ... .... ....... ...... .. ................... - .......... I.. . ..................... ............................................................................. ............... ............. ..... ...... .. - I ...................... ........ .... 11 .1-1. .1 ........... - ................ . .......... - ... ........... ............................ ... .......... I ........... ...... ...................................... ............. - ................ - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 748.30 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement oil the---l5.t4-. . . .... day of October .......... .. T, . ..... . 191. 9� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the ti e and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 1'01lacil. 191 K. - Approved . ........ 191 Mayor' Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Go4s Councilman Hv2aW Clancy Councilman&010- Powers Councilman McColl 7 Councilman Wunderlich Afayor IDC&% Hodgson Form B. S. A. t.-6 1 , �F�59- cotnacH r�I�J............__....-, . _ By...........'....................................... ................................ 4 INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing Sewer on Fairview Avenue fro:r. Palace Street Inthe Matter of.. _.... ......_........._._._......._........_..................._................................................................................... to _a point... 70 feet north of ........... ....................... _---- ...__ ............... _..__ _.__............_ ............... _....._._.._..... -.................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ......................... 6255............... approved ...... 1LK% ................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct sewer on 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ Fairview Avenue from Palace Street to a point 70 feet north of Jaraes Street. ............................_............................_......................--.._..._....................................................----......... ................. _......__...__.. _ .. ------------------ .................. ............ ..................... __.._.... _. ........ ..._...._.. _ .................. ._.................. ._. ......... .... __........ _.._...... ._ _.. _ _.._.__ _... -. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 755.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the _ ...._ 1.5th_._.._day of October 151 9 'It-thehour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in thel6ity Commissioner St. Paul. That the Conissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council ..._....._:.. _. _ 151 _ Approved... _..._. - , 151...... . it Clerk. / Mayor. - Councilman Farnsworth / Councilman Goss Couucilman83sj;:'X Clancy Councilman 40W: Powers Councilman McColl O Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IrWax Hodgson Form B..S. A. 8-6 all J9 8 �p COUNCIL YME NO.... F By. ... ........ ......................... . --......_.......... --- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C9nderinin-. Ax _.d..t.;kjn..an...easemQnt.-..lrl.._k.he.._.1AXI.d_.ne.Q.e.,,,saxg, .for._slope.s-for...c.uts_ And _.fel.ls...iA.. .6sdditifln...and..Princeton_ Place., fi on..5nellir _.:venue_.to..�arat.oga...i venue.-. ......-------------- - under Preliminary Order............26228 approved ._.___ Aug. 16x_ 1919. .... ----- i .... _ . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Councili*commends is......c.Ondexnn...and-..ta-1..Q an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading ......_ ..... .._._...... alley.. in Block TS.urmlit..View. da.7.tion.and._Princeton-.,Place..from..Snelling avenue to Saratoga ;.venue. in accorda:.ce with blue print hereto attached ................................ _..........._........... ..-.._................................. ... .__.............__...................... ...... ... --- ......--- and made a part hereof the hatched portion sho,-iing the cuts and the _...........__........ ........ .._......_._....- ........... _....__......_.._................................ .......... I............................. shaded portion shorting the fills. _ .... ........ . ......_ ...... __.. ........ ._ _...._..... _...... . _ ........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is :x..25.0.0 ....................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day, of _.._..............Qc.t.ob.er.._ _ 1919 _ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the Citv of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimate , Adopted by the CouneiL__..__._.__... .. _ 191 Approved. a _...._. 191- / Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Cloys Councilman XXIag& Clarity CouncilmanXK.Mi- P OTT ers Councilman McColl couneilman Wunderlich \lavor.,lXkMX Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 a, N 5 COUNCIL E NO . ............................ �f INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....-..Grx de...alley...in.. Hlo.ck...7.,....S.tonnii...:+1 Qw...tidd3.ti�al--and--Pr-inceton P3aoe-..g-r-an-..Snel.}.ing.-;.v'9nue-.to -S-aratoga �:verife-:............................................ .......... ........................ ...._..._......._...................._........_........._ ..__.. _..._._...._........ ................................................................... i .... _............._... - _ .........._..... ................ tinder Preliminary Order .......... S622F+._.._._... _...._._..approved .. ar, 15, 1919. - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Grade._.I,11. e3 _fin_ BloCIC 7, Suunnit View Addition and Princeton..Place...fr.an..Snel ling..�Lver,ue-..to Saratoga Avenue. _.... . ................. ------------ _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x....__348..9.4._._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... ............... 1.5,Eh.........day of .................Oc.t.ober-.-. .-.-...., 191...... , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by theCouncil....____.............. ...�............191.... Approved.. - - .._...... 191Citv C erl. �- illayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman foss Comucilmau �t Clancy Councilman K4" Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor 1rXiLo Hodgson F�rm B. S. A. 6-6 \ tyd /2 6 iG�O 0 COUNCIL/PME $,U .. ...................... ' - . Get✓vG.✓.✓ -' By..................................................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary ----.......... ........... ............... -......... for slopes for cuts and fills in grading alley in Bishop's Subdivision ----- ........._......._.......... _...................._......................_......... ........................................------.........................----......-------- of-_Blook_46 _lake .Como Villas from.. orchard .Street,. to ii.gt.ch Street.-____..._.._.._.. ............ ..................................... ........................... I .......... -- . ....... -- ............... -..........------ under Preliminary Order.-- .........26.085...........................approved ..........................Aug.. -..2.x...1915.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.COndemnand take an ............................ ...... eas.ement.-.in... the ...land ..neaassary..for ...slopes...iar 0.11t.5 and alley in Bishap!-s...Subdivision-of ...Block ...46-.Sake..:Como...Villas...from Orahard Street to in...accordant.e _with..blue....print...hexeto...at.taahed... and made ,_apart..hereof the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded ...........__ ..................... _.._............ .......................................- . poX t.j.oX>..showi_ng..the.-fills............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .30.00.... _. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...__1 t`th_._.._.....-..day of October 191 9", at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-..._..._.. 191......-. Approved .......... ....:.:.............. : .... __._, 191......... �� �i/// _City Clerk. ! Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman #R�AClancy Councilman Mlexx Powers Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich AlayorADM Hodgs on Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. v�cr------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 2660i In the Matter of....grade.-alleY.-.in..Bis 10P10 Subdi.yl.­lon of.. Block 4..6...L ..Qqmo Villas from Orchard Street to hatch Street. ............................................. .................... ..........................................................................................:....................-- ...._....__.............................._.. _...- . _........._._.............._...... ................ ...................................................... __.. _.._._.... .......... _......................._................................ ....._..... under Preliminary Order ........... 26084....................:.......approved ...............Au�,...2.�...1919..::._... - - -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....grade.-.alley.-.3n........... Bishop's._ Subdivision of Block 46 Lake Como Villas, from Orchard Street to .................................................................................................... Hatch Street. ....... .................................. ................ ... ............. ............................................ ............... ---------------------------------------------------------- ......................................................................................................................................_............................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 344.05 ................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 5th................day of _.......Q.c.4ober_..___._..._,,.. 191...9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost '1•^_..,.c _ -' n , Adopted by the Council......'.. Approved .........::_... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Ii¢t1?4= Clancy CouncilmanA i• Powers Councilman McColl (� Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IXjUC Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 tl COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. v�cr------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER 2660i In the Matter of....grade.-alleY.-.in..Bis 10P10 Subdi.yl.­lon of.. Block 4..6...L ..Qqmo Villas from Orchard Street to hatch Street. ............................................. .................... ..........................................................................................:....................-- ...._....__.............................._.. _...- . _........._._.............._...... ................ ...................................................... __.. _.._._.... .......... _......................._................................ ....._..... under Preliminary Order ........... 26084....................:.......approved ...............Au�,...2.�...1919..::._... - - -- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....grade.-.alley.-.3n........... Bishop's._ Subdivision of Block 46 Lake Como Villas, from Orchard Street to .................................................................................................... Hatch Street. ....... .................................. ................ ... ............. ............................................ ............... ---------------------------------------------------------- ......................................................................................................................................_............................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 344.05 ................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 5th................day of _.......Q.c.4ober_..___._..._,,.. 191...9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost '1•^_..,.c _ -' n , Adopted by the Council......'.. Approved .........::_... 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Ii¢t1?4= Clancy CouncilmanA i• Powers Councilman McColl (� Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IXjUC Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 F, 26692 COUNCIL . I�.E NO.. .................... * `-- vc INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. _.condemning..and., taking an semen..,1x,-_the ...land...ne.c.ezaarV.. for slopes for cuts and fills grading_-alley-.in..Block-.3.-_�ane.!s-.,jtT , .Additinn_from-P.ascal-- Avenue,. to _Albert. Avenue._ _ .__......__.................._........................ .......... _... _.... -_.._......_ _......__...__ ..................__....__.......... .................. .... . ................... .._........._.................... ........... .......__..................... ----..• -- . ................. _.-.._....... . ........._..........._................................................ 26136 Aug. 7, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......... ......................................approved ._............. ..__..........._........------------ --. . The Council of the City o8 St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....._Cond-@mrd., and--, .AXe--, an easement in the Bland necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading .................... ........_.........I......... ....................--..........---........._--_--------... - .........--_.......------- Uley_in.. 5100C .3 Lane. t. s.. h4anor.-_Add, tion.. from. -Pascal_. Avenue.._to-. Albert-_Avenue, -in-..ac.cordanae...with ... blue... print...here-to_ att.ached...and..made...a..par-t...hereof, the._hatched.portion_.shovrirrg the cuts and. -the_ -shaded portion_shocving-:the fills. ........... ................................. ......:............_._._... _.... __....__..._.._......................__........ ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 25.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement o» the. 15th day of October 1919. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AI., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .adopted by the Council.... _ ..... _ ..... ....._.. ___., 191. Approved.. _ . _... ..... 191._ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman iH;tCi= Clancy Councilman Powers - Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich ID AfayorxTxviH Hodgson urm B. S. A. 8-6 le k. \ / Mayor. COU�NC LE�T9...-............................ �J ��1 fit" Cir•:,d:%t22....,i INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.......grada-alley... in..B1-ock..3...Lanels..1danor-..jLddi-tian...from...Pazzal .-Avenue_..t.o...Albest_. Avenue ...... .................... � .......................... ............ _..... - _ .._ .._....................................... ... _..... ........._............. ... .....__................................... ............................................ under Preliminary Order.....26135 ......approved ............ Aug. 7,_.1919. ........................:....... a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....x'ade alloy in Block ..................... 3 Lanele 14anor Ad(lition from Paocal Avenue to r lbort Avenue. 1 with no niternativue, and that the esUulated cost thereof la Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had ou sold improveincat on the . 1„�, 5—th ..day of ........ ..._.Oatob.or.... 191 9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M„ is the Council Chnmber of the Court Tlouse ttltd"C1ty•TThli-Minding lit the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the natnre of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ns estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved.. Quunnlhnnu b'nrnuworth Unllllulhlltlll Llnn� f,'I11111PIIIIIIIIIi�1�IlAlit7tl ,titlnoy Ibunl!Iluuul 1#2s Im t'avr0"M 1'uuuldlullul hlel'ull r"'i f'uuunliuulu Wuuderllldl k�J Mayer loft l -lo 101jon 1001'111 Lt, U, A. 8.0 / / Mayor, K. r 29 COUNC . lLE NU- ::....................�.... �C%«,I....--%teams .....;" INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....grading..aheldon. Avenue...£rm-a-hrankaon-Avanue• ••to•••Laka tomo and Phalen Avenue, and Albert Avenue from Frankson Avenue to "take ............._.._............................_........................._............................................................................................................ . Como and Phalen Avenue. _ . ................. _.............. ...... .... .... ... ........._.__............. _........._................ ............................................................... under Preliminary Order ............. 26384................ approved ............ AUU!...27 ,...1919.............. a .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the } Iabove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. F". Sheldon Avenue ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue, and Albe:ot _................_.................---........................--..........._..............................................................................- -............------ Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Lake Como and Phalen Avenue. ....... ..... ...._.._......... ...... .............. ....................__.............-........................._.................................................................. _................................ _..........._ _.............__ ...__ ._ .............__...._.......................... ........... __..... _ ......_...._... I ....... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is _. 35500,3.9. Resolved Further, That it publie hearing be.had on said improvement on the _ ...15th_...... ...... day of Oo .. .. t ober . . 191 9, at. the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the ......_........._ _...__ Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imprnvemen, Ind the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .._... .... . _ 191- Approved...... __ , 191..... _ fir,_ / C erl: Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman 1JE4E4;.Qlaney Councilman RjLlbr Porters Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irv&x Hodgs o'. _ Form B. S. A. 8-6 TROLLER Ag, Como W"W 6- A A 46. 2 X 7-18 FOUNCIL C AUDITED CLAWS—RESOLUTION FORM LE No ...... 1184 B .... ................................ ............ . ----- AUDITED . . ...... .......... 191 t T OLL R ER ----------- W --------- -- ...... TITLE Resolved that Sr�ran�bc �rawnupon�theCity Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter suwied funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporation ,fgr,the amauntc tnnsi!'f _711 spective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Councilmen Yeas V j Adopted by ncil ......... .. ............ ... ........ c 01 Clancy t I I fgvorcof tyd,a.mrereo-,,hi� ojt. t qj&ed tp Ir� tt6*—fqr'--t4 pproved... ............ ..... 191 ------- Farnsworth Lotlowln6 detatled stat meat Goss boa Dferia{cute pufont to 00 'bheVjey Keller j $7,284. C) . .............. . . . .. .......... —Home oq� ..06 . Ir to C� TiF 8. M. Neiiyon,'$4 3.05.' _MZC111 Wunderlich"D:W Me i1 T0000 9 -� Mr. Presider 17 APPPrapL -2k1IS 1409& J. R. Clements, Weber 140" Mrs. Maria Louise Dufour, 4&t,e,r 14-0" Fielding & Shepley, FAir=GVA#'r-Et0. 14998 Home Broom Company, W �ht ep 34099 J. P. Kain, Cashier, Water JA=O Geo. M. Kenyon, 141" D. W. ;Moore, Parke T-ta4---q-,-r�24 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM abject:.__ ................:..:.:.- ........................ _........... ............ <..:..............:.Sa...:_ 26606 COUNCIL nLeNO . ................... .................... ...------ __. ..... . . .................... . . .................. �N�k - l -Date Presented ..-.8.apt.e*.b ....a 2.�.�. 191..... A Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee @ad hereby awards the contract to Anton Weinholzer for buying all garbage collected in District No. 26 City of St.Paul during the year ending August31,1920, at a price of $2.60 per ton. Approximate amount of contract $5,000.04, i Q .1 C. F. No.. 26606 BY 1M- N Gose— 8e,11-11 That the Council Hereby concurs in, tha recommenastion of the Purchasing Committee and heretiy I awards 4he .contract to Anton W,etn- hoiaer toY Luyfng all'. g%rbfage colledorcted 1a Aletrlct No. 2, CSty oek Paul in Lhe Y@nr onding August 31, 1920;, at a pries or y2.80Fer ton..APproxt- mate amount of contract 56,000:00 Adopted by the.Couac11 Bepk 17, 1919.. ApPrOved 6ePt.:17 .:1919. (sept. �(t, 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller o - — = McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 A on w'l�b �e ,canre6 tion. ?TP CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 .r Subject: .............. . ................. COUNCIL 21'lrl .FILE NO . ..............._. ....................... .......................... ......... ...................................... _................... ... ............ _............................................................................ Date Presented3ep-tember....1.7.,...........191..9-. Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to Purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Courtis Cabinets of standard Practice Tests in Arithmetic and Students' Record and Practice Pads from the World Book Company, to the amount of 3432.00, without asking for competitive bids, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Schools- Instruction. Alb°rt W°pder .. 26607.s9 .,..rcbQei ngto Yut 4ed PL db.dgpt. 12611914~ Av9rO�ed..tgept. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss ..............In favor Keller McColl .............. Against =Wunderlich Mr. Preside - t Hvd�son Adopted by the u it .........:: L....: i.. ;....:::.I ::....191...... roved............. ....... _....... ........ ........... _ ...... 191...../ U MAYOR 1 49 CITY OF 99"FAUL - – - - _"_'/7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA . - 4 COUNCIL rileNO ........................................................... Date, Presented .S.ept.emher....1.7..,............1919.... Resolved, That �he Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, two Smith Sanitary Room Furnaces from the Smith System heating Company, to cost $278.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained e thereby. Charge Great northern School Construction Fund. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay: Clancy Farnsworth .P''�/ Goss f Keller (/ McColl p;,...x Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M ..............In favor Against Adopted by the Council ...._..�.:, �.........:.....��........ . i' Approv .............. ` . ....':..........:........... 191..... ............. ......• ......... .... _.... . . MAYOR 26609.. - . Tiaking,of". e Petition feet -ro iron eented Yo thea The undersigned hereby proposes the o I � ............Resolved;...... Tsorn`a&bI Construot a oement ti —-Q j.........................................................'u',Z of .Sar.ent...Avenue.:_ from i0r] good and sufficient wa ana'eanmaa .......... .................................................................................. t-4hraeor Dated this day d— -Z WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maJdngCAoYot(?e.?olowing improvement, viz.: .......... QgAipix �1 1A rwrol '.Q.t P.P.M.O.At tile Aldexalk,....e.13 f.e. st Wldfk., QXX t. be.. ........... 99 �ag;MzRt AX@AUP 5t.r 8 e t to. -Pa% �4 AVOA!4V . ..... mt WRIX.0 - AQW ex�.O.t .......... - ................... ..................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................... - ................................. ................................ ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......................................................... ..................... therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvellhent. 2. To invertigate the nature, extent and eftimated coft of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. ................................. .................. . ... .. ............ .... ... ............................................. ... .. .... ..... . ..... ... ........................................................................ ...... tState. ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......... -:....-..:.._:....:::..............191 Yeas: Nays: Councilmen'Farnsworth Goss Approved ............ ::..........191........ K41kr McColl Wunderlich Mayor rft* Mayor. F— C A 13 (5M "7) Council File No .............. ).out, 4. 266911 jr,41, aeeal uffi- n Flo. � o � St der of nant by the City of St. Paul, viz.: by or- r t, : ord� e o- n the north side '7 ......... .......... exten AVeA:Uf3' P;Xcppt where apro". .............................. ........................................... ............................... . ............................ ................ 11 191- -Z WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maJdngCAoYot(?e.?olowing improvement, viz.: .......... QgAipix �1 1A rwrol '.Q.t P.P.M.O.At tile Aldexalk,....e.13 f.e. st Wldfk., QXX t. be.. ........... 99 �ag;MzRt AX@AUP 5t.r 8 e t to. -Pa% �4 AVOA!4V . ..... mt WRIX.0 - AQW ex�.O.t .......... - ................... ..................................................................... ............................................................................... ............................................................... - ................................. ................................ ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ......................................................... ..................... therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvellhent. 2. To invertigate the nature, extent and eftimated coft of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan. profile or sketch of said improvement. ................................. .................. . ... .. ............ .... ... ............................................. ... .. .... ..... . ..... ... ........................................................................ ...... tState. ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .......... -:....-..:.._:....:::..............191 Yeas: Nays: Councilmen'Farnsworth Goss Approved ............ ::..........191........ K41kr McColl Wunderlich Mayor rft* Mayor. F— C A 13 (5M "7) Petition The undersigned hereby proposes Dated this ......1.71h, ....... day Council File No .......................:... 'OR IMPROVEMF I - f?6 19 t ecettaot following Smprlp yIagrl for the ;owovemeat, ,ement the eldew4rk'-elx - ' ao West aide ,of A- f ory herparne h ee, g to U e , e1F n.w where, good aPd sa:-, aow. erlst., pvmg ovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 191......... .+vvE (sent» zb; tsts):. , II Councilman. PRELBIWARYaQRDERi WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... Construct..-a-,ce»ient.-.t1le...s dewalk,.six.,.fget.._wide.,....on..West,..,side,.,of,.-..-.. ........... A.ebuxy-...A-venue...... f.tom..-Sh.exburne...Avenue ....to Univex.a.ity...Ay.enue.,....ex'c.e.p.t where....g94d...and... PUU..010.n-t....walk-e-...now._.exi.et................................................................................... ...-:-...................._..................................._._........................................................... ........................................................ ...__..._......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......_ .................... ......................... ................................ therefofg, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ebtimated wAt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement tus o er a on re a ve o sal unprovemen.......................................................... .......... ............... .... ................................................................................................................................................... Ta dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. .. p.._ �:. ...�c.............. Adopted by the council .............................. 191-.- . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss �....... Hyland Approved...._....... .................191........ Yceller McColl. O -- Wunderlich = .......................... o ..-.......... Mr . Perm CA IS OM 417) 0 COUNCIL FFILE NO...._....._........__.... BY7 �f /IL ............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofa.c::.er....o.n.._..lsZia ...:;;.:zeot...ota:,-14..-:;es sides es oz. --:°l -ce.. ^,::-..-.-.o;'...:yre- ter_ _ ,a o he...pi.ese�--...-.e e,---- o th....... lice .---- ......_ _.... - 1'. Nota,h- icle...oT:... l=ce...'..a''.......... ....... ..... .............................. ....... . .... ........... ...... ..... _......... ..._ u:, ' Id;''' P ce _;park f[oni:.- ',.., 3. TioI Pr? sn�uW - 1... r --- under Preliminary Order .-...._25.6.3.9. .._................... approv:::; �r j....3..,...1 1S.....-... - - ........ t IntermediaryOrder ------------------- :.......................................... approved ------------------------- ------------ .------------------------- _....... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.....o.o'_az.tlaiQt....3...S.�iTQ1'.-..0'1..�aiC.�...::i.1'.e£.t_..On._the _ r o1-. �.e...Par?:_fro:..._•..1e...teis_?-.'-21;...of-_t.he. th 4=...;:':'.�.�.-.'g.._';_io_.T,ile_-South... ide._�f_aice.-_`,`„t=•.....--------- ----------------- and - - - - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...... .... ....- ..................... 191........ City Clerk. Approved. ----- = - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Kt 9 Po?vers 7 Councilman McColl U Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 Mayor. IED CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELItAiNAOY ORDER (D) ....... .................... ......... _ .._ ..___..... ..__............ ........... under Preliminary Order approved- ...... moi........ .-9�._/...._.......__._........................_........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as followst .DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 00_ 7s. !<7 _zT z�zs t-- _. TOTAL,._ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. IOIIM !. e. A. G-0 O dd Office of the Commtsidner of Public r ECE►`r B r _3 Report to Commissioner of Finance f'4 JUL 15 1919. ..................Jlt7.y.._.�.�k k�a.,._... ....................... 191..9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, . 3rd ..... .... 1919......, relative to__ ..............._...... ol, known as Council File No..................................approved.._..._....�.................z......_............. the construction of a sewer on Alice 5t. olvthe north and west sides .............................................. ____..._................................ . of.Alice Park from the terminus of the present sewer north of _....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Alice Park to thesouth side of Alice Park. .............................................._...................................................................._..........................................................................._............... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemp13.38 per front footor) desirable. 1,048.00 `L. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ........ ..................... . and the total cost thereof is ....- ... ------ - - - --, slid Assessable fxontage 310 ft. Excess inspection $60.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............._.........__._._............. .......... ..____ .............. _......._..........._....._....._ :3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................ b. Said improvement is...... .......__................... asked for ippon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / Comm ... oner of.. ...... .................................................... f Public Works. J 0 0 OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C-- E—.- 1. E. CARROLL. SUIT.A. en. AL RCD JAFI[ 1. SunTucTi o ntnAin• H.W. GOETLINGER, SUPT'OH t�. __ANrlNoiNeen1OM' G. H. HERROLO•Oi.iee [-1nttn (Iftg of 'tot. $Out %purtauutofilubltr Warho M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. OERUTY July 11, 1919, Mr. M. N. Coss, Commissioner of Public WO rks, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for construction of a sewer on Alice Street on the North and 'fest sides of Alice Park from the terminus of the present sewer North of Alice Park to the South side of Alice Park, in accordance with Council File #25689, approved July 3, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... ",l,048.00 Cost per front foot....... 3.38 Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 310, feet. Yours very truly, BSS/C Chief Engineer. St - Paul, Minn. . . . , . . .191... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 37e, the undersiiyggnediproperty owners hereby bpetition your. H odrable BodI&A, to aus a& J21�vg`� v0 e'm ct6P�..� yde �`9Z�e QP ct Cir �` ��y^ �—�* yy .•GGYLtaa.� y. .�allN&,�l.. "a.Xt` from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION -r ----- r,. ....... ... ..... r ` -- — — —— s � �•' q' �. `.� =cam-/ -I g d 4 0 . ........9dl.... ...... ...............r.Q..r.... ...............r..e...r...... . . . . . 4 r r... 4 T . . - r.rr. �a� 2 C V2 COUNCIL F E NO .................... W. By ...................e......_. � T�1�%!/"7.........1/_........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....n zri_1----e:11e:�...in to 2 ii Dere �cnue to iio;;ell ;.ucrue. :._-_...................................... 1 - .. ........-.._...... ...._.. ..................::................... .................. ... ...'' ........... In he mattet3i2oL pavin alley 1n 2 ..........................6. of Merrfarn a Re o[ lnocka ................................................................. frompewey AveApe: M F i in.•�teilal tobe'.:IIee.i -e "A Prel-,41lmihas � .................................................. .. under Preliminary Order---......µFiC17 ............ ....._......... ajlpioved ... ......... ,itL.Y...i;;. _ 15)1�c -.-----._..-----I. --------- IntermediaryOrder .................... ....._............................. approved ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .._ ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the ,Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.:� u.e_1i ,:..._n .. 1.o�L'...` 5....oi- _nt- t.n_2�9 t.o._acIL1--wcnue...-----------_....--------------- :- ------- � ----------- ............ - ..---........ ................--- .... "'----'...............' ......-'---"' ...... ..........' - .... ...... ............... ..... .-' ... ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 191.....---. ,. ......................r .Z:..............,..................-- , J. ........................... City Clerk. % Approved ---------_---------- 191.. - -----..... ._... - ...I:..... i.i�lil:ll - .... ..... ......._... — �g/lJ' Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman" Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Rellm i' o:' e i°s b / Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7.R v ......_......................... --- under Preliminary Order approved 'c�5/` /��lJ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: hind of raving: Total nr. Total Cost ner so. yd. Esti?:1ate _'rit. _''OOt. 3=ti in. Creoscted Block, 54.50 ;4,878.00 ;x4.88 Brick, 4.00 4,336.00VvIuation Brick laid flat, 3.65 3,956.60 'sphalt, 3.20 3,=68.00 .snlzalt Concrete, 2.80 3,035.20 Concrete 2.G0 2,818.40 Assessable fro_:tage......... 1,000 feet. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the asses of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 6 y. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 DEPARTMENTIF FINANCE REPORT OF COIIMIPIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 6J LOT BLOOK'ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to , him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated— -- --191...-:(-- Commissioner of Finance. ronK B.S.A. a -a e St. Paul, lUnn.. .....................191.. To the Honorable, The Council,„ City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to caase the following improvement to be made: .........QQ.................................... St. Ave. from ....((. rSt.. Ave. to "rtj'C�l •............. fI Q St. Ave. 1�F.4.s •�9k �+-�`„ 2 ate+-oM�.wyG �i1�° a �f� •21, I T.nT W BLOCK V �j./Y. cr ....................... .r�........,.�.. zr............................ �. �cl�f�7.c�2 ..�.....�....... ......................... r....... ......... .`. :............ ....... ... .............. ... , ?-�^��-��.........1... z�.-. .......................... ✓ ....�....�..... ..� 4 2J^ .......................... ............x....5 ..........�......... y nPtl M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . x ............. ............... y.. .. Xy....... 7p(............. ................11RRp((.....jYYYy(......XXyXy. .........;... A St. Paul, Minnesota. May 14, 1919. Mr. E. W. Randall, President, Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co., Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: As per your request I am enclosing herewith a blank petition for paving your alley, which should be signed by the majority of the property owners in the block and returned to me. The paving should be either with concrete or brick and the estimated cost of paving the alley with concrete is $2.88 per front foot, and with brick $4.32 per front foot. Yours very truly, MNG/C Commissioner o Public Works. Enclo a � I, (Ritu sfir, taut 33epartweut of Vuhtt. Works CSAR OLAU96CN, cHl¢. a«.I«¢¢9 ~¢¢ M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONCR J. L GARRO LL,Ou.i ALPR.OI.�ACKSON. SUPiuei pox A«o n¢P Ain. R. Y. GOURLCX. DQPUTY H. W. GOCRINOER, 9u Hilo« M. 9. ORYTlAH; C«ol«¢¢nIo«a .also¢. HeRRcl.oronnc. exol«¢¢n St. Paul, Minnesota. May 14, 1919. Mr. E. W. Randall, President, Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Co., Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: As per your request I am enclosing herewith a blank petition for paving your alley, which should be signed by the majority of the property owners in the block and returned to me. The paving should be either with concrete or brick and the estimated cost of paving the alley with concrete is $2.88 per front foot, and with brick $4.32 per front foot. Yours very truly, MNG/C Commissioner o Public Works. Enclo a � I, (Qiig �t� haul Osc! C—.op.....Oo........ gr4lartuuut of Vuhlic Warks _V 'CC •"" M.N. GO55. COMM1651ONER J. C. cwRROLL,F Fr IDR Ano n.RAln. R.,7. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFREO JACkSO,. .UFT ei UltAU OF H. W. GOLTLINOEH. SUFTIon GRYT.A:F.-* H.- ERROLD, 011— F....... August 5, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate for the cost of paving alley in Block 25 Merriam's Re. of Blocks 24 to 29, from Dewey Avenue to Howell Avenue, in accordance with Council File No. 25817, approv- ed July 15, 1919: Kind of Paving: Total pr. Total Cost per Sq. Yard, Estimate Fnt.Foot. 3j In.Creosoted Block, $4.50 $4,878.00 $4.88 Brick, 4.00 4,336.00 4.34 Brick laid flat, 3.65 3,956.60 3.96 Asphalt, 3.20 3,468.80 3.47 A6phalt Concrete, 2.80 3,035.20 3.04 Concrete, 2.60a 818.40 2.82 Assessable frontage.....1,000.feet. Yours very truly, -L ESS/C Chief Engineer. 'G Y� Office of the Commiisssioner of Public Works g;ECE[`11'ED Report to Commissioner of Finance 1;„•, •..• + 9� L;w° s 9 '3 y r ...._August ..._7th ,......... 1881 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. 25817 approved_....._.....J ll'y 15thy .............. 191._9, relative to... ........................... the paving of alley in Block 25, Merriam's Rearrangement of ............... _...... _..................... ....... ............ __................... _..... ............ ..... ..................................... .................................................. ................. _.............................................................................. Blocks 24 to 29, from Dewey Avenue to Howell Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............. _........necessary and (or) desirable. Sx$x xxgx 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ............................ .... and the total cost thereof is $ ................................ :........_. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............. ......................... ............................ ............... -.......... ................................... - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 11 5. Said improvement is. ....................... ..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ” m zt;..................Pu bli c Works. 1 AMALGAMATED SHEET METAL WORKERS' EpSH[fi pq, ,.INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE LOCAL UNION No. 34 Cfne TWIN CITIES e o/fi": pho : N.W. Mid1157 1921 Uni-rei[r A—, ST. PAUL '4 ; way Auto 82 481 266 DateSeptember__9_th, _1912._ :Sr. K'. F. Prehar, Court House, St. P=.L.1, hlirr.esota. Dear Sir: -- At Conferences held between the Sheet i,ietal Contractors Association and Local x;'34, A.S. L.W.I.A. of the imtin Cities, the minimum rate of -:rages for Sheat :Metal ':"Workers was established at 80¢ per hour and Apprentices to receive 75% of the wage paid Journeymen. Foremen or :een in charge of job to receive a minimum of 10,E per hoLr more than Journeymen. Hoi ing you •Trill take care of this matter in regards to men employed by the City. Respectfully yours Busine s Representative, Local 1'34. FV:ap ![,_ S. 11. W. I. A. R �EIVF *r � •.2 tlro� =3 8 d4 7''� 5 9a 'ti� SEP 9 1919 Form A A 46,2117-18 1186 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS=RESQLUTION FORM 1 �Y" t cnl;.olL 26G FILENQ... ......................_....-' pe� AUDITED - SEP � : 11 9 9 0.........- ....:............... O .. R .......OL....L._......_... ....................1............... ..... C (/ 3 ER ........... .......... ...... .............................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for he amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( )NGF 89614— Adopted by the Council_ 191 ... — por. -. Farnsworthspent Clancy Re6olved, that wa uDoa the- het e r off . fund a ad, of App ._._... ....._ e heretnatter dad Lunde and !¢ rr'''yy favor of the Derapna 9rma oe corpara- Goss pone for 'tbe tuDount eat npp��oelfe xhetr _ .re�ccect11 names as•:aDeclaed ia: the . fol 11 datalled •etateme¢[ r ..... _ ...._ ...., .. -... _..... ............_ .. Keller l;oehra¢•$4 -ntil'oWpany $8' \ xwroR Iipo7taHaY Company E698 88 . McColl TamnreY.'Pro seta LFdmDany ttss Maendler 8rober Wunderlich>:dw Fevman riai6 zs4 Y '1 North tar 8iata Tdbacdo (:omDanv� - t81 96 i Mr. President, Hodgson x W .Electrtc"Qatyment. Comoanv. 14g4b Cochran -Sargent CompanY, Gt_ XQr1-ha-=Schools PJAYOU .,_;_.n� s 44946 Hockaday Company, 44E47 Lamprey Products ComPanYs Vant"e -14M Maendler Brothers, mars "s 14245 Edw. Neuman, `P 149" North Star State Tobacco CompanY, -148b1 N. We Electric Equipment CompanY, Rid!tse.s S -shoals 14258 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, Slahoole 2.7� 3.9 62. 0 12 63 37 62 5 33.73 628.65 7.84 ; " b 12.44 107.66 31.85 70.39 age #2 ,14289 Republic Creosote Company, 27,690.00. and a 3:4254 St.Paul Crushed Stone Company, t 130.00 14888-St.Paul electric Company, 24.01 Behrata 14966 C. S. Stewart, Supt., 20200 Qnwrmrttne— Total 28,988.82 Ferro A A 46,2M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FkLE No...... 1187 ................. : P 1 191 CU\ PTROLLER \ I� U DITE ...................... 191 ...... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter sp�cified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V Adopted by the Council. .................... 191 Farnsworth Treasuer. parabio- out of . �C ;F No 2ltafG 1. i Clancy .= ,.Abstract b ti rn Resolved that warrant.be drawn np9n-the i&4 Yo Ap ....... x..........191 ........ ,the heretnatte; gpeclded,Yupde and in Goss favor of the ygrgona 1>rme dr eorpar` �Apm for fhe amounts eetq ogite Lhe1r regnentivo Hama. ae eUged [n W(+ Keller taliowfngg defatted .tatemgnf ._._ ......... __ ... _..... .. ... ...... ............. ........... _......... _ 02'AFarngivorth Gom r: of F'{nance, MAYOR McColl tie's+�sa $: A. FaraBworttf, Com r of Ftaanpe,. Wunderlich ial,aeaea & A. FarneldOrth, Com'rr of Finance;: 11;339 4 - Mr. President, Hodgson .aSsA>,�Farnaw0rth o -'n' of Finance;; Z4?M S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Finance Ferlm 14M S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Finance v4pe- 1*W S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Finance p . Telg. 11M S. A; Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance NA -Gen. Adm. -Adm. Statistics Dairytine loci s Infrmy thsfor Statian Gar ReVl. d 3863 S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Finance Waiter 210 00 132 50 182 50 495 00 952 50 456 17 86 25 152 50 445 0 118 0 765 3:4960 D. W. Moore, , -germook-te-Ullula JA= John A. Sandquist, Stdewalke�,and-=steps- on---Chi44ombar-.Keston to-Deaw-ell Tot&1---qe-,528-.79 19,047.88 31,855.92 1,329.17 3,996.57 11,868.24 1,763.00 463.00 LLER .:-` 'tladoltC tLPep 'Let I•e;. G �iDO.alGlt1^T(Ap$p 4'ay$Lre,4ayahy nt➢��,IL' • Inrie Lere! itey�3tigf�dd ;tmdppati. CUurCIL Fo 17 AUD19 �Dersaas =firms d[ adtTION FORM FILE "••••' IF— A A 40,2 N 7-18 qC JI ar , BmPtiIIL. 9e; �Cpy:, tL +rc i'4bve ;names as spec F 1185 ... .AUDITED ....,ABTlcaq 1;a11way�F sprees Com.Y TRO...... ... /IComDaaY i890 r ......................_. 4�1'r Rtchard . •Aa�Ber i1 60 TITLE BOB In dY & Soa 52:00 � , H C-.BpyeBdoa¢,:& Cogt- ;7 46.' Resolved that warrants be wm R Bturktiara'"=e�7o0y'SZab.payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Captt(F1r»City °umher Corri7" persons, firms or corporations for $4e 412;Z. e" 5201pective names as specified in the following detailed statement: niComp& 86: L. I CasiarlY &, Compy ss98 2S, ` - l Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V ) NI cmca>;o --sc teat, `Aipls itc Cn ...... 19L ltxtiwaY t`o„ i7 s4 Adopted�byhe Cou ' ._ ...... Clancypat h-PUDltahf g C mp Y-7Farnsworth D R aD xh co a Y cued__ ............... L F Dow C p ny . E74 Go - Keller _ D k bra bl 6 TIMI :C m. / Keller D eiy $ s e IC3 SS .............� __..__. _............. .._. ..... ... .__ Wmlam ,21 x. 1600_.: MAYOR rV J. Dye 6; B[o er i McColl r 1. Bl a rant Cnmp natru tl.a:CDn Wunderlich n s ComDan_ ctrto Comp 9 Mr. President, Hodgson 7 an xlrk_t PUBLisHEn.�-:11/1 1h392 Wm. H. Allen, 5.72 141 The American City, 3.00 • P4a�rec�sda 143.44' The American Commerce Association, ° 78.40 1411 American Linen Supply Company, 16.91 4.?5 5. 5 Mun c. Gar. Revl. 3. 0 Sc oola 4. 1 1:41W American Railway Express Company, 34;08 STic. Gar. Revl. 6 . C. & Repr. 2. 3 Sc cola 9. 0 Li ary 2 1. 2 2. 7 n 8 If .5 Pavin Depr. 140 14*MAustin-Western Road Machine Company, 2.90 SE�-6. 1. 0 "A"99 Richard G.. Badger, 1;50 r.. 141M- Boeringer & Son, 2.00 afitvy- 7.Ar1ri� H. C. Bo7eson & Company, 7.45 Municipal Court 2. 5 nonery 3. 0 1160 jAaanl, Brown, Blodgett & 6perr7, 23.50 - Pimied-forms and blanks 'a.. Wm. R. Burkhard, 27.00 - Capital City Lumber Company, 49.41 Sa ools 3 75 Gt Northern Schools 11 6 Water 34. 0 �a Carnegie Fuel Company, 201,96, ink L. I. Casserly & CompanY, 48.13 Workhou" / Chicago, St.Paul, Mpis. & Omaha Railway Co., 7.54 S inkling 6. 9 Lib ry 5 . 1 4 C. W. Clark & Company, 6,75 L*bWx b„ Cleveland Osborn Mfg. Company, 9.87 3 Dispatch Pnblishing Company, 10.40 ],} .Dore -Redpath Company, 5.2.0 143£41 L. F. Dow Company, 74.35 Municipal Court 1. 0 C 'r. of Finance 43 0 Pi 21 30 Wat 2 60 5 00 25 141122,Drake Marbla-& ile Company, h"NAWy l4125=.. Henry A. Dreer, 14'x" Drewry & Sons, Inc., w.: 0 ' 2+t Eel-, William Dux, 5.00 1 W. J. Dyer & Brother, 32.40 L brary 0 " 5.10 Parks 9.00 °� 18. 0 37.40 7 Electric Blue Print Company, 188.18 eau of En,rs. 44 50 ° 2 25 " " 13 00 n it 66 75 P. B dgs. 2 40 13 38 water 30 90 It 9 00 " 6.00 SSS:Ig 16348, Electric Construction Company, Arnt I` 7.00 7,6&89•- X. C. Emerson & Company, 25.:60 workhouse• 14150 Essanell Electric Company, 54.17 e .57 . Gar. Revl. .75 u n " 3 60 n n n 41. 5 `i+fi$3 Farwell, 02mun, Kirk & Company, 190.13 Ire 13. 0 3. Po . & F. Alarm Qua amine ;^ 4. 0 5.34 u 70 P. Ba s 5 5 School 15. 0 " 3. 9 " 35. 0 " 1. 8 " 40. 3 G Northern Schools 3. 0 57. 4 2:41:52 Fenstermaoher auto Supply Company, 13.71 hh+n� n qyr_ .Ravi. 14TSS-, Field, Schlick & Compgny, 100.82 ' re 88 80 Scn ls o 10 40 � 1 62 1 14384- Fisk Rubber Company, 92.42 nkling 3A456.,Flour State Bakery Company, 24.88 P. Baths 1136 Forman, Ford & Company, 13.50 14T"' Chas. Friend & Son, 1.25 Mft*e--ftr. Revl. Rea. Yr a7 ITft5S8I S. B. Goodkind, err-, 2.50 16&N- B. F. Goodrich Company, 75.57 ;Revl. rs U149H Goodyear Rubber Company, "20.70 tdi 4.• C��3's �vl. 18.20 2:50 f0 i i tO64,& Gopher Unto & Cement Company, { 350,42 %Water 58 75 ntral H.S. Bldg.- 19 50 Pa g Prior, Univ. to Mi haha 65.52 Pani W. -Snell. to R'e and 206 65 2 Gray Motor Company, 90.18 ar. Revl• 3. 0' " 443. 2.3 S. & S. C 30.2 143` Great Northern Railroad, ,<a,,. 112.33 g�.�g,;,�•,;gA,e..�m��+1:`'�ve. to Minnehaha- St. 14t"- W. J. Haas Mfg. Company, J'ix'A ; 2:90 0 18.00 Mt_jAlo •;;Gar. ievl. 16. 0 1AaArk Handlan & Company, 172.09 Workhouse, Wm. Harris & Company, .30400 'tHart & Murphy, naau.e 15.00 ATM -A..D. Hags Motor Company, 17.90 kpgrs. 1g-William Helburn, 8.00_ -Theo. G. Hello & Company, 7.20 "-Harry E. Hershey, 2.32 I,�brar�y 24@6B-Howard-Farwell Company, 3 .9.30 R1 p=da 14&6&--.Independent Corporation, 5.00 Res�12�6 1*1".-,Toy Brothers Motor Car.. Company, 148.34 " lice • 24 00 Fi � 5 65 Munio. ar. Revl. 54 59 u n 13 25 n n u 27 00 n ° " 23. 5 -16"ri .a. %abatznick, 3.15 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 138.60 Pas 1 goehring Machinery Company, 3.30 Pawlug.�gpr. 3°F. C. Sohnke, 19.50 1 Lamprey Products Company, 36.25 Quarantine 1275 Comfort Station 9 00 Vlat 5 50 9 00 *6686- Leslie Donahower Company, 41.00 Neff—Linde, Warner & Sons, pnnird 143.75 w..-W. H. Lowdermilk & Company, s 7.40 14163—Lyle Corrugated Calvert Company, 538.85 . C. & Repr. 34 00 " 477 5 n n 24 0 Parks 2 0 7538 5 McClain & Hedman, 399.46 Ci y Clerk 69. 5 Of icial Pub. 3. 5 icipal Court 3. 0 Co 'r. of Finance -13. 0 Ci it Service 23 0 Mi c. Stationery 14 0 V " 3 5 C. .S.-Gen. Adm. 1 0 -. He lth-Adm. 2 0 C Rr. P. Works 11 5 n rn 3. 0 16. Bl B eau of Engrs . 5 -0018 2. 6 205. O 2. O +� 12. 5 L brary 2. 5 P rks-Adm. 4. W ter 3. R�_� �a y6 X16• Zilck Maendler Brothers, 7.50 1#666., Mahle Wagon Uompany, .19.41 ar. Revl. .99 " " .05 12,37 I&W Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 4 1,254.83 re 24 50 ic. Gar. Revl. 195 42 S . C. & Repr. 20 58 - S. & S. Cing. 343 07 110 5 52. 0 n n 178. 5 " " 2. 5 Bdg B. & RePr. 7. 5 Spr ling 171. 7 Lib ry 1. 8 , Par 42, 4 Wat 33. 1 Pavi g Locust from 6 th t 10th 10. 6 Pavi g Como Ave.- Sne ling to Ray. 21.12 Pavi Locust 18.16 Pavin Como 21.1 • 83 IAIS&-,F. A. Marko, 28.25 Mnnic.� Gar.,.Revl. , ,_ Medici Society, Ing., 99.75 Tt o 1 —eas Messing, 6.65 ch. Dept. 40 S Role 4. 5 Oq L racy a • 0 a4=1_Miller-Davie Printing Company, 12.00 4644a.- 1'4ZM2 Miller &Holmes 1:8.00 es�ira _ Minnesota 5porting Goods Company, 35.63 ds Tjjn'_. Mitsch & Heck Wagon Company, ` 42.71 Fore 13. 0 " 17. 0 " 4. 0 ic. Gar. Revl. 3 00 Pa ka 5 11 i JALM , Montana Meat Mrket, 2ii J. L. Mott Iron Works, lAbA%U,. 14WIL-National Foreign Trade Council, L� 0 98.17 27.96 2.00 e�-e #7 b4"— National Laundj ompany, , 1.A" New York Tea Company, 14iAiONicols, Dean & Gregg, Fre M ic. Gar. Revl. St C. & R. Se er C. & R. S. S. Cing. Soh ols 1*10t-- North American Telg. Company, k�pplioe Sbhools 14380, Northern States Power Company, F#re S wer C. & R. I it Sc ools n Li ary Au torium Art Museum IA&W North States Motors Inc., ;&jj8&, Northwestern Blaugas Company, 1,155.... Northwestern Fuel Company, 1""—N. W. Stamp Works, C tv Clerk r. of Finance (9'o, troller 1 Lib ry P. B gs. 34= Noyes Brothers & Cutler, Armory Comptroller Munc. Gar. Revl. St.c C. & Re pr. nF n Worhouse chools n Farce Watipr 14 5 6 5 3 70 1 72 . 5 2. 3 2U -.M 3.54 3. 40. 105.1 1. 4. 0 4. 2 8. 1 1. 8-5 5 10 00 1 25 3 5 10.75 ,, . 40 5 15 4.24 3101 61 .88 .05 6 .15 3 .00 11 .00 .00 4.36 21.97 13.50 28.00 23.50 253.24 141AL D. A. Odell Motor Car ComlYan_y, 2.23 .&Are" 1ffijjW-Osgood & Blodgett Mfg. Company, R 10.80 :=Otis Elevator Company, 117.00: 16i Oxford University Presq, 9 87 �y 2�=-Patterson-Gibbs Company, 1.00 IAJA& Peoples Coal & Ice Company, 1 20.78 140* Perkins-Tracy Printing Company, 94.85 $rtd. forms and blanks Lib a d34.Sling y 6- Pioneer Eleot:bic Company, 3.60 14N6° James Rasmussen, M- 20.00 3AI= Reliance Iron & Wire Works, 75.44 9 wer C. & R. Pa s 12 60 5640 Wat 6. 4 ida&&.. Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 1,252,56 S C. & R. 4 00 . B B. & Repr. 1 .71 Sp: nkling 1 .96 So ols 64 .00 Gt. Northern Schools 3 .50 n a 2 00 Pia rounds 34 19 ➢late 452 00 n $ 31 O , 1469 Roller Motor Company, 1.61 Ng&�St.Paul Blue Print Company, 3.90 Pan3r�::: 181-,,,St.Paul Boiler & Mfg. Company, 69.86 Rem . 24.00 Sas 411.86 67 142pa.. st,.Paul Book & Stationery Company, on 1,370.07 1 St.Paul Bottling Company, Rooks- 327.10 St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, 24.42 Reg: -i Fuge"Yet��r'l 7 142"w* St.Paul Builders Materompany, wer q. & R. B . B. & Repr. if Sc owls Cr't Northern Sohls. 9, ools n err 0t. Northern Schls. Wate' ] �Pt.Paul ,anent Works, i" Gr*jtJ wAUeRp Schools l"09, St.Paul Electro Plating Works, lA"8 St.Paul Foundry Company, Uter: ; 14209-St.Paul Herald, 0ft1cial-Publications 14210. St.Paul Letter Company, May,4r,10. -,,Office 1,•- St.Paul Stamp Works, Municipal Court u3mptroller Water 14?,.1$, Sanitary Food Company, ].. Savage & Winter Company, W. 7 Schmidt Brewing Company, 3;,44§,,, Scott, Foresman & Company, Spe.4a .A6ar,, Classes 14n& Scribner -Libby Company, Paving,.-Depr 142&QLJ. P. Simpson, W(r' khp.4ae 14MIR14 R. C. Smith Auto Company, nr„ni n nnr.-.. Fe91. 14019- South Park Foundry & Machine Company, Badge,,$ , e-Aepr. 1422=s Stearns Printing Company, City Clerk Co n roller Bur au of rngbns. n n Park -Adm. ■ 123.100 14,169 23. 0 11. 0 19. 0 319 3 42. 0 16, 38 10,00 106.00 40.00 16. 0 3. 0 20. 5.5 1. 0 3. 0 3. 5 8. 5 2.15 763.72 133.76 19.80. 171.00 11.00 4.90 `5.40 236.00 20.30 267.50 72.00 25.00 23.00 12.10 325.00 25.00 b;flees 19696 10 16223 Sterling Grocery Company, 6 G I 167.26 Ste, 1.6222. Superior Printing Company, 111.00 Prtd. forms and blanks 29.00 Nrantine 44.00 Parbe 49.00 TI .7 14223_ Superior Refinery Company, Piet�ralAv, 10.75 _ 14214 -'Swift & Company, 99.84 Ylt52whvase 20.90 1 .53 " .36 aAZ25... Carl D. Thompson,` 5.00 l4� Tire Service Company, 89.12 Xwrjmv-ftr: Revl. 142Q'x-..Transit Supply Company, 585.00 lice 300.00 He lth-Adm. 10., 0 Pla rounds 65. 0 Test Labs. 10. 0 Mater 200. 0 - 3A260 --,Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, 245.11 yor's Office 16.55 C ty Clerk 9 00 u Counsel 1 00 1 00 A ory 33. 0 7. 0 1 C. Emp. Bureau 5. 0 \ Co roller 11. C. S. -Gen.,, Adm. .9 Nat r 52.0 " 39.6 " 67.86 ' 14122T United States Rubber Company, 51.27 46210 University Publishing Company, 47.25 bib ram.. 1 J. C. Vander Bie, 4,034.75 ]Aga Victory Printing Company, 68.25 P td. forms and blanks 9025 �� n u n 22. 0 C. ,U.�-Gen. Adm. 3. 0 1V at r 15. 0 n 18 0 14609" Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 1.35 Mic. Gar. Revl. 5 P!a er C • Xs E' .VIaldorf Bindery Company, (� 601.00 NOW-.Washington Foundry Company, 105.00 00 W r 9 .00 3 H. E. Wedelstaedt, 6.00 B m-of Engrs. .80 Soras433e==. .20 .0 lq'f"^W. J. Westphal, 17.70 Fkx &-- It .00 3 50 *wU-- G� a Revl . 5. 0 Idgge . Western Badge & NovCompany., 6.50.is 44M Western Machine Mfg. Co••mpany, Sel 28.00 X46 West PublishinggCComsel 30.75 1404t---Geo. E. Winslow, 7'77 14248-^-A. R. Womrath, 22.40 1424Worthington Pump & Machinery Company, WRtrer'., 27.2D lam` Wrigley Directorieess., 10.00 E' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........ .... . ........................................ ........ .. COUNCIL PILE NO. A. .................................................................. Date Presented ....... -- � o 2661' .................. ........................... ` Q� Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Jacob hammer providing for the payment of compensa- tion to him at the rate of $10.08 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of tie Department of Public Works of the City__gf 8t_,_ Paul, on the 11th day of March, 1919; be it FURTHER RESOLVED That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Jacob Hammer, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $8.40 in full settlement of his claim for the period of his disability up to March 24th, 1919, in accordance with the aforesaid agreement. Yeas U) -s Farnsworth t Goss In favor Keller 10 Jj +w McColl .............. Against Wunderlich d Mr. President, Hodgson FORM O. A, 9 3M 12-1e I hereby recommend the above ution for passage.100, 1 Commissioner of Public Wase ��-P ! . .:'_....... Adopted by the Council __-. _- - ---..191.. Approved. • - ...__...�._........ 191..... .......................... ..................................................... MAYOR �. � CITY OF ST. PAUL `COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tv object:...................... .......11............../ ............................................................._.....__........ �; ............................... /p�� COUNCIL �\l6 ............................ .---. `f............... ......,<...................... ... ............................................................ .,...:..r..t............... Date Presented ........... ........... ......... ....... ...._..._---...191..... Resolveki, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John R. O'Neill, providing for the payment of oom- pensation to him at the rate of $15.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, on the 29th day of August, 1919. Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said John R. O'Neill, out of the Workmen'e Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) in partial settle- ment of his claim for the period of his disability up to September 18th, 1919, accordance with the aforesaid agreement. Yeas (✓) Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.19 Against I hereby recommend the above resolu- tion for passage. Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings. I .IS to Adopted by the Council ........... __.......__....._ _.._..191...... Approved............ �.,._.__�:,.'....... �.;�............... 191..... ......................................... ........ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .................................................................... .......................................................... .......................................... 266V 9 FILE No . ..... .......... . : - ... Date Presented. S-pt_...18 ...... 1919-191 Resolved, that the plat of SchorrtB Subdivision as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. B Goo' b C'mmisafo athblthe b.' th _PprthAdo'. .e , 1919) Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nay s cr. c JS 19 Adopted by the Council 191_ SE 1 A favor Appro -d . ........ . ..... .. 191 Against .... ....... ............. ...................... Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 .. 12-18 s cr. c JS 19 Adopted by the Council 191_ SE 1 A favor Appro -d . ........ . ..... .. 191 Against .... ....... ............. ...................... i !:� RE=SOLUTION— '1 VIP ...1A...t]�a.._m tter....s� ..ourbing....the... norxh._aide...-of....Capltol Ave. from Hamlin Ave. to Syndicate Ave. in P°e"=� NO . .... .........._.`...�'�2�'................. front of Lot 31 Block 11, Hersey & Woolsey!a Ate, r...... d----------------------------------- _..............�P9r.:.:.. Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the above named improve- ment, herewith submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, are hereby adopted and approved, and the said Commissioner is hereby authorized and directed to cauap the work of said improvement to be done by force account, without letting a contract therefor; it being the opinion of the Council that said work can be more economically and advantaged sly -.one by force account than by contract. In h �' 26820�gY M APProv9db$ePt the -,JS uncll Sept. 18, IQ19; :(Hapt 2d, 1818) Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nay: Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich fl Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB Received all papers i>d connection with abf�°s/° i Adopted by the Council .......... .. i;t_::....i..w....u._.d91...... Approv d.._. < ::�..._i. ._ O: q......... 191..... .._......._.In favor � Against .................. MAYOR COUNCIL By, ............... ........ . .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of !Nt'*&.Q.n_'�ei. b_y a B1nild - ------ ---------_--------------_-- ------------ - -------- ------- ------ . ..... - ---------- �.d it ................................. --- . h 91.1d.11.y­fr from Wi Avenue toPew 9AV1111I= ....... ........ . ....... and: . .... ........ ... . . ........ ----------- alt. ..................... ...................................... ' ; 'Pp,k Sec a,d AA do 80 toM=b 24. 191 . ......................................................... under Preliminary Order_ ................. approved.. . ............................ IntermediaryOrder ---._ ........ .............................._ approved --- ---------- ----------- ---------------- - -- -------_--_--- ---- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommcndations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of P improvement to be made by the said City is 7.r.a_do., _m-ld aui, 1:. 11th- =aval alla-y-fr-01-1 --t.0 I, e.y V.Paluo hct.*,-i.e,.a2a. �.a_!Ixy_.=enLLa and..-) -7., on---manue, °=-------------------------- -_ . -----------------------' --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ........................... ..... ............... ­_ ........................................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the m_*ing of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. 191_ Approved_..: ..... ............ 191 Councilman Farnsworth PUBLISi Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman KMJ� ' 0 .; 01's Councilman McColl , 0 Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 City Clerk Mayor. , ZZz" /- I CITY OF ST. PAUL CE DEPARTMENT OF 4FINAN"� NCE REPORT OF COMMISSI 0 FINANCE ON PRELIMINA ............. under Preliminary Order approved .......... To the Council of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT $LOCK ADDITION— ASSESSED 1, VALUATION oll 0 ci 0 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to p him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. = <�- Dated ---- - � - -- -191 ........ -- •� -- Commissioner of Finance. ronK e.e.^. — c CITY OF ST. PAUL 77 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' - REPORT OF COMMISSIO R Ok FINANCE ON PRELIMIN lC) IM — =-T •— -- — — — DESCRIPTION LOT (BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED. VALUATION j The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to p him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. = <�- Dated ---- - � - -- -191 ........ -- •� -- Commissioner of Finance. ronK e.e.^. — c • �4��" p r� 1 � S� vim/ � OEe St. Paul, Linn.���1/.�/,/.....191%. Totn�7Hgnti'c&-1e; The'C&Acil, ` City or St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: "Je, t,u u,,.n property cwners, hereby petition y ur Horiorable Hoay to cause the follo:ving improvement to be made: !✓� ...... `" .... ....... Ave. ...................St. Ave. n L! L LOT �B OCK — — .........1 % ...f..:......— �.�...............7% �� 3a-�..a� ra �^ 9 7 0 o PCA ... —A..... I.................... ..... A........ � ��%.Z- �....T.......!/ �...., ................,........ ....... ......... ......:........ ............................... .................. ....... .......................... .......�.. .... ...............I.......... :...................... ... ............APP '`{' ............ ...........r.. ...........�.......................... . `Vv � Office of the Commit 3f Public l' o CEIVE RnisW =3 y Report to. Commissioner of Finance ppr 1 •� _._........ _July... 30th_ 9 ......_............._.191...._ To the Cmmnissiouer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: Q The Conrauissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 24190 April 24th, 9 oil, known as Council File No... .......... approved._...__...._................_.............._......._..............191........., relative to......_.................... gradin and surfELUing with gravel, alley in Block 12, .... am ........................................................_..............._..............:............ .......................... ................................................... Park Second Addition, from ...........................:............._............................. _...... _............................. Fairview .Avenue to Dewey venue - .... between Selby Avenue and Dayton Avenue......................_.._.................................._....................................................... ..__................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. .......... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.00 per front foot 680.46 `L. The estimated coat thereof is $ .... ........ ................... . , and the total cost thereof is $__................................._.., and Assessable frontage 580.6 ft. Excess inspection p11.38 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._.._..____.._....... ..... .......................... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........_......._.............................._......._............................................_ 5. Said improvement is__........._.....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.. ..................... .... ................ Commissioner f Public Wor O9.AR U99EIt Noween, J. E. CARROLL,r9u.i. AL eO JACH90No9U'TuciioH wno n,nw�n• H. GOETZINOCR. 9uni'ON N. GRYTBAH!ENoiHeeR'cn' HlRROLO•Or.ice ENOINIan (11% of . 11epartment ofua `M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R+T, GOURLEY. DEPUTY July 19, 1919. Mr. L. IT. Goes, Commissioner of Public Torks, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir:Sy I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of grading and surfacing with gravel alley in Block 12, Merriam Park Second Addition, from Fairview Avenue to Dewey Avenue between Selby Avenue and Dayton Avenue, in ac- cordance with Council File No.24790, approved April 24, 1919. Approximate estimate ....... 8580.46 Cost per front foot........ 1.00 Excess inspection necessary 11.38 Assessable frontage ......... 580.6 feet. Yours very truly, G/C Chief Engineer. Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading alley in Block 12, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, under Preliminary Order #24791, approved April 24th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26289, approved August 20th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City, of St. Paul fixes and \ determines the amount of land to be taken for the above \` named improvement as an easement for slopes, for outs and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 12, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated September lath, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller 7 McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 q ......... ..An favor Against Adopted by the Council---___�-n) I�' �.�91...... �7l0 9 Approved......_ .. ._"......__t........ _....._....._. 191..... 6 ........... _............_.................... ..._.._...._. MAYOR eusLISHM 15; �aT/9ry OSC*R CLAUSSEN. CH ­—.1... J. E. CAPROLL PSu i'H[ coNai PUOiIOH ♦Ho atPn�Pt ALPReD JACM1tSON. SUPT. H. OOETLINGER. SUPT OH N. 5. 4•AYTBAH,�! ciHttRloHa HERROLD'OPPoc. EH1I1at1 rutty of St. Paul Iepnrtaunt of Pudlir Works — M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DCPUTy. -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- 1 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cute and fills in grading alley in Brock 12, Merriam Park 2nd Addition, under Preliminary Order #24791, approved April 24,1919, and Intermediary Order #26289, approved August 20th, 1919. To the Council of the city of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shade and hatched parts of such plan. Commissioner of PuBlic Works 0 Date r ... ................. ............. -..................._..................................._.........._......_..-.....__........_._......-................. _ ..................._._.._.__.. .__._.. under Preliminary Order approved ........._-..........._..x� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$.......3.Q....Q.Q..... ........ ........ ..... . The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - -$- .............. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: —r -- ID ESCRIPTION _LOT BLOCKi ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 6s 7 j FOrIa E. B. 10 TOTAL. sl CITY OF ST. PAUL °Z'• ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL#AN4Y ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT i:BLOCK' . ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , I i 6 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated '// ..�.Ca�z `�'.V....'. . Commissioner of Finance. FORM s.$.A. 6.3 C t ' RECEIVED Office of the Comrms mr of:-Pubhc W PRNS w6 � fie• .� M. ]G •{ o. "3 � o y of Finance Report to Commissioner c< AUG 1 '190 - July 30th, 9 ......... _ l l ....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24791 l APri24th� 1919_..., relative to............ ...... cil; known as Council File No.............................approved....... condemning and takingan easement i.n the land necessary for .._.. ..,• . slo-pes, for cuts and._filla in^grading alley...from„F airv_ie�Avenue............. . to Dewey Avenue, between Selby Avenue and Dayton Avenue, sll in ... _..... _.I...._.............. _......... ............ I.... _................................................... Block 12 Merriam Park Second Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is............ _........ necessary and (or) desirable. SX7 . 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_XX7cx and the .total cost thereof is $.......... . _.......... .. .......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ......................... _...................... _........... ............... ................. .......... . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............._. _.....................__..........._........................_. _.... _........................ 5. Said improvement is............ ....._..._......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. __................_.._.._.........................._ ..__._..... Commissioner of Pub 1 Works. E 2i`' ` •r COurrC_ILE NO ......�� wv\ FINAL ORDER In the Matterof.:.^.erg =.5.� ttct a'.'-.nt ..anci.-= end%-.?nr,.._cerleiZt...t..�.....V.C1Q.- alli, tela_;:.oet...ii.:.:a..,...S1i1.. .be...:ie t de_.of...Gec?ar...�t hc(inn1 F..: jig ty. feet...Sout.h..-of-.- ,chth..airc.et.,..,:uhencc... n tih.s.cu.caty...i.".t................................................... under Preliminary Order........ ........ ppm '+ - _.J.?adY i iJ s .. 'J ` ,...... --- - --- IntermediaryOrder.......... .................................................. approved- .----.... ---- . . ..................._.....----------- . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City ist _nd,_l__ana 5....e.o_, ient....tile sideaalk,...ten__f_oet...:. ide , on the j est side oY_ Cedar -Streets oe�imv_n _ inety ------ ---- .... feet south of Eir,hth str�,;et, thence South seventy feet,:............................................... ------- ---------------------- .. .. .. - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. CIa 14 Adopted by the Council.........,..::..... ...... <.........9.........._ 1 Approved------------------ 191........ Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss w Councilman Clancy Councilman ;f{C}I= i o': r e i Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAW ORDER Cal . in the Matter of___� ��- fes.-,`..:..`._-r!,v'^.... �.-P:i....__........_ _....�/ •i�2 y��..�Z — _�i=�1_ .:.✓cC� K ............. .............._........ �.../_..l%_... ... .... :.... ... ....... .... _ ..... o .... __...._:_....................................._.__ ...__I ----..... _....... ... _.... .............. ._........ -- • �9__....._-._........-........................................._........ ---I ....._....___._._........_....-- ...--............- _._._........... .... .............. ..... ... .... ._..._... -...... under Preliminary Order approved.. ........_............... . To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tbtaI estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - b ... .......... ......... ..-_..-. The estimated east per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $- •� p The lots or parcels of land that may he assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL,.t�- / , Q O D The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Doted._....�c ....1� ...... ._..191Y.__.. _ .....-�..:_......_=`G1' ......._......_..__._..._.. Commissioner of Finance. 1 S 7 '�e Plac• a Jit Seven <S� m • F -I d i To the-Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of oun- 25962 cil; known as Council File No........ _...... ._._...approved_....JU1.y.. 25th;7........................... 1919....., relative to........... reo.onstr.uoting� relaying and repair3ztg cement-tile sidewalk, ten feet ......_. ... ............... _............ ......_.................. _.._................ wi, .:, 4 the weet,,,eide of._._Cedar Street.,_._beginning ninety feet south o3.... Eighth .,...Stmeet.,.... them.e..._s-auth.....ae.ven.tx...fe O. :... ....................._......... ........................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_............._._..necessary and (or) desirable. .07V per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.................. _____, and the total cost thereof is $.............. .... ............... ...... _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... .......................... .. .................................................................. ............... _._.... _... ..... ..................................... ..........._.............__........._........._._._......................._........................._............_............_................................ _.._................................... _............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......... ............. ...... a........ _.............. .... _._....... ....:......... .._.............. _..... __..... _._............................................ ........ ............. _...... ............................................................. .......__ 5. Said improvement is_............ ... _......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Co iesioi er of Public Wor END tiICROtILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by T -„r o.'r-v—� -nry M��� /., A4.d r= - inaccordance with the standard and appro ed techniq es with a Recordak microfilm machine, ifodelMaC— of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on ly 19 _ by the '0 undersigned operator(s). % 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: ,05. The last dont photographed on said roll of microfilm is: After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on.said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated 0 TS' > 9•1 IIII �•TIIIII $Z•illlll S ZIIIII Bz=11111 0.111111 Rio x IL a Ai n 0 TS' > 9•1 IIII �•TIIIII $Z•illlll S ZIIIII Bz=11111 0.111111 Rio x IL a oma` a2 /\ Ory ------------- �2 p \ n yD 'V /� Ai ,a oma` a2 /\ Ory ------------- �2 p \ n yD 'V /�