25707-26294_07-07-1919_08-20-1919.s START SerialNo, of Roll S Depart tn;ry 0 ice ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed If limited Date Microfilm CONTENTS o u nPli �%eC eo�fv,g C 4 Number or name of first document of regular contents ByBB Operator Operator By � V d- Supervisor (:ITY O eT. PAUL i. OFFICE OFT E COMPTROLLER nclUDITED CL RESOLUTION FORM FILEC1L 4Irl - ^ AUED .. ---... .... ........ ........ TY IPTROLLER -- ' PER--............................. -------------- ---------- ---------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persona, firms or corporations for the amounts se[ opposite their respective names as specifie0ff [ following detailed statement Yeea-f-*-jr nc m n ays Adopted by a ouncil....-.-:......��� Clancy .� Farnsworth=—s.rior p ved... Goss -,.A }pst _ ....._.......... - - - - ...... -MAYOR'. aer lf�h Mr. P. tdent� Hodgson P I 'q'y . , ti • '�v4A ifba �awan �nttarAZI Otfr; vor t.a �Det:�ea�taa a� 21PApy9Ipt`PetL :a6tiq t uneli T'hi9�r. z glor#.e nt hi,79y9,v�Y-. 19}9'yi i m 0&4+ S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'ir. of Finance 162JOB31.00 of Ind. 1918 Issue 52;S99�p0 Interest Spec. As Bond & Xnt d-Red Seo A s ass L23 Keough Brothers, ..,,, `rte g arltonand Stevens Street 2,975.00 6 'f s. • y0 , 0 y c y+ - c;y 01 8rZL OFFICE OFT COMPTROLLER -AUDITED` *=RES�OLUTION FORM COUNCIL FILE .... ............ ............... .................................. TRO ER. AUDITED . . ....... .. ... ...... ... ........ ........ R................ ........ .. ..... V. ........ -------- TITLE Resolved that w4rrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specifi t '�Wn �Ihp following detailed, statement: Nays Adopted the Co cil- ............ 7�1-1§2 . ....... opted the Co cil Clancy ve..._............._......._....._'........191.:._ .... . .. .. ..... 191.1— ;Farnswor . . . ........... Goss ss ---- --- . .. ....... ...... ..... ......... ........ .......... underlich Mr. Presidents Hodgson - T? MOM 19,34A S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF TROLLER tP . _,�gy� AUDITED ('i... ANION FORM FILE COUNCIL NO��.�............ ..+.. 1036 _ r..... ...........................................- - A ITE�_�fTT .tP TROL7.ER ' __ ..... .._. _ .._. ..... t ........ ! L R..................................................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereina pecified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as sp ed the following detailed statement: Y f ail V )Nays Adopted y: Coon cil..................1i L. A121 .._.1... Clancy . r Farnswoov ............. ....._... ...�_......., +._...........Y_.............. -- _ Goss .._........_........................_............. ..:......_._:........ _..._........ .......,_ _ _ MAYOR w u erlich Mr. P ide , Hodgson A .39S4Qt F. w . 011erenahaw, P-•-B4tizsl To" 1 F CYTY10F�ST: CourrcA_ eso upon - enera storm a Council File No..A� 9-4-1---V .e By Y1 � • S � RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas L1.1A Compn.y is hereby ordered and directed to extend ile electrical lines by erecting pelas and euhnd.a what thereon for the uses of of eleclrmty on and In the following alleys and .treses of said City: Install duct line with necessary manholes and services in Fourth Street from Cedar Street to Broqdway Street. This line to consist of eight holes from Cedar Street to Minnesota Street and twelve holes thence to Broadway Street. This line to replace the old Edison tube system on this street. The Rdison tube cannot be depended upon in the future and should be re- placed by a duct and cable system to insure .reliable service. Ia F. No. 26710—BY M. N. Goes— Resolved. That the S4 Paul Gae Light red to extend life eand dir.eted lect lcallines by erecting .. poles and atringinog free thereon N., tha trensmleston f electricity on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: - a Install duct line with necessary holes and rv1, In Fourth Street, from Cedar street to sreaawaY street. This Ilne to consist f eight holes fro. Cear fro -and twelve holes[ thencen to BroadwaY Street. lace the Old Edison This line to FF tube system this street The Edlaon . tube cannot obs depended Pon In [he to [fare rad hould be replaced by duct end cable sYstem toInsure reliable service. All t h extensions, opole6 and, wires shall ee retied and c nstructed der the direction. and supervision of l .the Commissioner of Public UUllties All of each mtevelona, poles and I,- .-I be ere end in all things eublect to the prov i- .:Litel tv the pro.lelova of ONivnvice No. 2424. and of.elone f Ordinance No, 2424, and of allif of P u� ommisstever of Public Udlitim and iv all [hinge All poles should he set Iv each ]amtiov la said allq other lawful ordinances and and till de.i¢nam, and ehnll 6e of each h<I¢ht nod character ae 6r .hall des[ ""and approve. and any and all each pot of th'e City o[ 6t. Paul• teed uudernound, whedever the Council shall deem that the ;gut l.c ivt<resteo require., and wM1en it.hall so order. All poles should be set to such lots - 'tion in said alleys and treat. ag the 1Commisefoner o[ Public Utlltties•ehall� Adopted by the Council a Bignate and shall b of ench height I�, and char et r as hti shalt deelgnate and - jappDro and any and all such Doles, ehall 6e taken down a d removed, nd' Yeas ( ) (�ptlnC. ;such thewires Dlnc d and raBre. t when- 1 Nays ever the Council shall deem t, w the / FAR1�Bhau BOntorden 90 requires, End when It Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919.19 Approved July 7. 19. GOSS (July 12. U ERLIC9 HY AND Mr. President, RVIN m COUNCtL-RAL- FORMM . N' *' '*­­* *­...................... ...... .W--- . C",N CIL. I.L. No...... ......... ... ....... ............ . .......... ........... ........................................................ ........ ............... . ....... Dat lIU3 X 7 That the Commissioner of Public Vurks be and he ie with hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle water or oil Vandalia Street f roll, University Avenue to Wabash% A-1 r --o V -N CJ -7 Clancy Farnswort I Na 0""C" eZ Clancy Farnswort Goss ...... ... underlich Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson ,,RAqp. A. 9 3M 12-18 �iC. F. No. 25711—By M. N. Goss— Resolved. That the Connnulasl—r of Public Work" " he "' r. - th.ri..d ad' directed' to' ,rinklb.'wj'th water or oil VandaliaStreet, from varsity Avenue t,e We bash A Y., season of 1919. Adopted b, the(� "nell July 7' 1919' Approved fyl, u l, 919? i2"1919) as R 0 Adopted by the Council .--.-.lql Appr . ..... 191 t Resolved, That the Commissioner: of Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Bellows Street from Delos Street to Winifred Street._, C. F. No, 26712—By M. N. Cioae— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and he Is hereby an- thorized and directed to sprinkle with ., water or oil Bellows Street, from Delos Street to Winifred Street, during season �o[ 1919. Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919. rove ADPd July 7, . 19i (July lz, lslsi I , Clancy Farnswo Goss /l ....,....I."i r-fwmr Wunderlich r. resident, Hodgson IRM QA. 9 aM 12-Ia "I Adopted by the Con '1..... ...-.: ;........ 191•..... Appr V .._......_.... ....._.........191.../.. MAYQR Y p c - u CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM - nj t:........._..._.... _:.........._...:................__....__........................_............................................. COU -1 o . - FILE A NO. .................... . _.. .....................................................:.................. ............. :... Y ._........_......_.._ _ ate resentedn.....U...y...7.,_l 1919,..........191..... t Resolved, That the Commissioner: of Public Works be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Bellows Street from Delos Street to Winifred Street._, C. F. No, 26712—By M. N. Cioae— Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be, and he Is hereby an- thorized and directed to sprinkle with ., water or oil Bellows Street, from Delos Street to Winifred Street, during season �o[ 1919. Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919. rove ADPd July 7, . 19i (July lz, lslsi I , Clancy Farnswo Goss /l ....,....I."i r-fwmr Wunderlich r. resident, Hodgson IRM QA. 9 aM 12-Ia "I Adopted by the Con '1..... ...-.: ;........ 191•..... Appr V .._......_.... ....._.........191.../.. MAYQR Y p Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works: be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil East Fifth Street from Maria Street to a point 300 feet West of Maria Street. yeas -6 1-) Clancy X C'Reaolved6 ThatBthe Commlesioner 0 Public Works be ed he is hereby u- ith thoCel*ed,rs' dDastorifthd to o Street, from' Maria 9treot to'a Point 300 feet West on o[ 1019. of Marla street, during sena Adoptedd Jul 7C791911 July 1. 1919. Approve (Ju1Y 12, 1919) I t Adoee � . ti by the Counc.-191...... "APprov ........._.._. r_c......_.:...._.1:,_........191..... MAYOR Resolved, That the time speoified for the performance of a certain .-. contract dated December 3, 1917, between O'Neil & Preston, and the City of St. Paul for the Otto Niles Sewer System, be -and the same is hereby extended to the seventh day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolu— tion shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file suoh consent in writing with the City Comptroller. (✓ J Goss `3n-6w4Pti underlich Mr. esident, Hodgson A Adopted by the Council ......r' ....... a.....�..�:,..191...... Approved......._��! ..-.,:.�._.�17...... .__.._..191..... ........__...._....__ ................ Oq St. Paul, Minn., TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C, I T Y. ri Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- ---Sem.e_�-=5'ys.��rir✓----------------- to be extended ,to - - - - - Owing to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within t-he--time specified, hence desire to ask that the tiri.e for completing same be made as hereinbefore stc7L.ted. Yours very truly, d� V Contractor.• There is no objection to having the b time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is con e APPROVED f Construction & Repairs Co io er of Public v,orks. Chief Engineer. ComR_ RAU o G-�Z F COUNC1LB�cn�� F/P 1"I 25 " No. 26716-8 - Y, Albert Wuader- ed,. That the Council o[e st. Peal has.-duly canvnsaed ha jy ee�,. �`na of the votes teat at the 9pec7al ¢ O'- ,.__�....... held in the City o[ &t. Paut, _,.., "'"" '" �esota, on the fi Ct day ot- July, - upon the ratiflcatlon or rejectlgn .amendment to theClty Charter e An B on the b llof as am h-ft" submitted to the electors o[ Baldeni¢ 11 A'or radfleatlon r rejection. ... ............ ...... ie Whereas. It aDpeare from Bald and the canvas thereof, that '[r-eiz thousand two hundred t such a lection andothat wenty, � ds twos hundred [our (20,204' "-led In favor f the ratlfir, d mendm.nt and that ' hundred forty-.four (6.; U tte three Htthe (2%e Resolved, That the Council of the City of ti,= io°eNor�,;•;"..:`uly canvassed the re— turns of the votes cast at the Special V.ation held in the City of St. „f, Paul, Minnesota on the first day of July '1919, upon the ratification or rejection of an amendment to the City Charter, appearing on the ballot as amendment No. 1, submitted to the electors of said city for ratifica tion or rejection, AND WHEW:AS, It appears from said returns and the canvass thereof, that twenty six thousand two hundred twenty two (26,222) electors lawfully .voted at such election and that twenty thousand two hundred four (20,204) electors voted in favor of the ratification of said amendment and that five thousand six hundred forty four (5,644) voted against the ratification and approval and that three fifths (3/5) of those lawfully voting at such election having declared in favor of said amendment, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the amendment to Section 201 of the City Charter, is hereby declared to be ratified and adopted,by the electors of the City of St. Paul, as required by thp, laws of the City of St. Paul, and the constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota. Teas me Nays te Adopted by the Council_..._:191OrthA rov...........PP � ...._........ ainst ✓d :........�rlich MAYOR dgsone_ Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for combined curb and gutter on Osceola Avenue from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street to the Standard Stone Company for the sum of $883.00, engineer's estimate being $1,081.00. F.B. #1993. e C. F. No. 26716—By M. N. Gose— Resolved, That the Council concurs In the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the con- tract for combined curb and gutter on Osceola Avenue, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, to the Standard Stone Company for the sum of $683.00, engineer's estimate being $1,081.00. F. B. No. 1993. Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919. Approved July 7, 1919. (July 12, 1919) i Yeas (XGKnncilwen ( ✓Mays Adopted by the Counci ........�.�a.l.i..Tyi;:i:..' e cy y rnswo i Approve ............ ............ 191 Goss _.......`fe�fee6�• r ....................................................... AYOR M underlich , Mr. esident, Hodgson ` I. M G. A, g eM ,2 -fie Cl I T UP RIA ... ....... ......................................... ......................................... . ........ 21�; ':i.17 FNo . ................... ........................................ .......................................... Date Presented JU1.Y.- T, 191-9 :191 >0000, Resolved, That the Council concurs inthe recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for combined curb and gutter on both sides of Linwood Place, from Milton Street to Victoria Street to the Standard Stone Company for the sum of $693.00, en`9"ineer*s estimate being $1,148.00. F.B. #1994., 2y -M. N. Goes— R, solved,5717—BThat the Council u..e.rs In the r-commendatinn of the C..tr.et Commi tt�e 11bl.11:deby "-.rd �Ihe e..- 1 tract fol e.m e.rb and utter on .- both slides of Linwood Place. from Mil- ton . .treat to Vict-te. Street, to the Standard Stone Company for the sum eetlma,tu being Adopted by the C .... 11 July Approved JI'IY 7, 1919. (July 12, 1919) yeas )Councilmen V) N s Adopted by the Council JIUL 191 C Y e a /—s(7—) N Councilmen � C "cy rl n a w Appro ............ .......... 191 Gos s T. f,vn; .......................... ............... SSSS . MAYOR Wunder W,underlich resident, Hodgson A. Resolve, That the Co ncil hereby awards the contract to Thornton Bros. for paving Concord street from Annapolis street to Ada Street, / in accord nee with plans, specifications and Formal Bid No.1972, as modified by their communications under dates of June 3rd and v/ June 21st, attnehed hereto, for the lump sum bid of $71,400.00. Thd's contract is awarded with the understanding that the work shall not be started until arrangements are made for the paving and reconstruction of the space covered by the street car tracks for the width of 19 feel, or until the Commissioner of Public Works issues orders to proceed with the paving under this contract. Resolved further that Council File #25366, approved June 6,1919, is hereby rescinded. EngpEst $72,793.00. F.B,1972. C. F. No. 26718 -By M. N. Goss-- - Resolred. That the Councfl hereby award. the contract to Thornton Bros. +� aptY� for paving Concord Street. from Annap- Y • oil. Street to Ada street, In accord- ei'�ed ab07 once with plana, pecific rtona and ��C With ' Formal Bid No. 1972, as modified by their communications under date. of 00ection (ln June rd and Jnne 21st, ttached utl On • f hereto. for the lump um of 977.40000. Rea This contract ie awarded with the derstanding that the work shall not be tamed a til arrangementa.are made for the pavingd' reconstruction of the pace covered an the street car track. for the width of 19 feet, or un- til the Commissioner of Public Works 0 l.sues rders ;o proceed with the pav- Sng under thta contract. Resolved further. that Council File No. 20266, ➢Droved June 6, 1919, is hereby resclnd•d. - En 197E. gineeYs estimate E72,793.00. F. B. Adopted by the Councfl July 7, 1919. Approved July 7 1919. (July iE, 1919) 1 Yea - ✓) COnnC11m (✓) Nays _ , Adopted by the Council .... ...r.._d.. -..1.:........191...... ' nsworth APProv ..........................t.....�.�......._.191..... '' 0SS .......... _ .............. Ads._ ....... ........ ...... ........................ .... MAYOR Wnnderlich Mr. President/Hodgson n• rORM C. A. 9 3M 12.19 Resolved, -hat the ap,=licatien of the fol1cwi- perso'ra .for a license to conduct. lccations r.esrectively inriieated be and t:e earns otsl9 or Te at the and the city clerk is authorized anti directed to issue hereby, required are granted, such ceases to said :eraono upon the payment o3- the _fee -as -by_las+.. --- --------------------------------- 1TA:`.F 0!' A_pPLICA--TT. ---rF,w r T F HOTEL Q. FP, r.^A-. '.Al. LGCA`.iTO:'.. µrestaurant, i 1059 :La6tings Ave, Henry C.auex, bash.Street Mrs. Allen TaBella. Restaurant, 1664 , 154 Concord St., rs, Anna Hanson, Restaurant, 389 ,'ial:asha� J. A. 3ihitcomb, Restaurant, 1554 8e1b5 Ave., =rs, Itlioe La-. .elle, Restaurant 151 F. 5th :;t„ Chas, F. %andst-.'04' ? estaurant, Res+out ant ,= 408 Jackson St., q. 0. ams, C. A. Facsch, ,,�zel Fark�.:otel ' 1896 P.mes; Ave. 17 F_. 5th:"t., S, L, l`ieiser, J �1ote1 :?el, 120 Sth :t., "Merman Johnson, Fairmont :otel, 455 St. peter St., Adoll:h Gabrielson, 7indsor Hotel, 387 Selby --Ave„ Carl_ F. Fritz, Festaurant, 134 e:. 6th St„ :lower, 7eatausant , - C. F. No. 36719—Bv HenrYY� McColl- Resolved. That the aDD''eation or the e following persons tar a license to con- duct Hotels or Reataurante at the lots- un''dl1erlich ., '6Aenry C. Sauer, Restaurant, 1069 Hsstinga Avenue. Mrs. Anna Hanson, Restaurant, 164 Concord Street. J. A. Whitcomb, Restaurant, 389 Wa- bash.Street Mrs. Allen TaBella. Restaurant, 1664 , Selby Avenue. Chas. F. l.e.ndstrom, Restaurant,. i6t E. 6th Street W. C. Williams, Reataura> 408 ion Street C. A. Bloach, Hhael Park Hotel, 1896 Ames Avenso. '. e. I: Weiser, Hotel Jewel, ,17 E. 6th BtreJ Hermsn Johnson Falrmoat;Hotal, 340 �( h , unct men ✓ a a yeas Y 8th etre t. Adolph Geb treat. , Windsor Hotel. ' a66 Se. Peterstaet d b the Council _. &L-7-7.-.�:. Y I Carl R. Fritz, Reatsurant 387 SelbyF Avenge. R. H. BlaeeesRestauraaG 134 W. C19nCYGth July 7, 1919. ..arnawo �f Goss Adopted by the Coune'I v — e 9' 191 ADDroYea Jwy 7, 1919. Appr .......... _....-..._._._.... .�............. (July 1E, 1919) f , - ----.gee„®.. .\\✓ .Aeal3lst ..0.._..... MAYOR ✓ .. un''dl1erlich In esideny Hodgson .. RMC A. ]M 6-te - Council File No.......................... i PRELIMINARY ORDERS. �NT C. F% No, 25720— Abstract. Petition Whereas, A written proposal.for the 'making of the following 1 nprovement.1� j. "'donet-1, a cemebt til. sidewalk, N. feet wide, on the -North side df'. The undersigned here zopose5 tl 0YaMendotat Street r na4dttgr Dean to etl .shred td t� e. Council oY [he cur of LIP, vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: "' "'""'a' -a� c'nul by onncilmaa Gose, therefore; ...............C9nat.r ct....B..D.e-t'i.oe It Reaolved, That the commissioner otet.-.wide., _ on. _.tha--north...- -- Public Works be and he is hereby or- Bide of Hyacint.,h Jered and direoted: neeesait forst to Mendota Street. ................................................................ 1. To investigate the Y ........................ �r desirabili[Y oY the making of said ...........................................C.. ;improvement nature, ext¢ny ....................................................... ..... 2. To Investigate i3te and estimated cost of said Improve--..................._.---------- .---- ...................................1..... ment, and the total cost thereof. ' & To furnish a plan, proala or ..._........ y enld ImPro VemenL Dated this..... z........da of........'akeecn of _ ....................................................... ` 4. To state whether or not Bald tm . 7 Prove Me at 1. .eked for on [he petition, ,I three or mora owners.; ............ ... _.., 0. To ptlrt upon ally-oY tha [are- re ;Ding waiters to the Commisafoner of Mr-re". Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919. ............................... .. APProved (in Y71219 1019) Councilman. PREL CC A� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... Const.ruc.t.,..a....c.errient.... tile ....aideWelk,...SIX ...feet ...Wide, Qn..the_.ncrt.h.........:_ ............... side of Hyacinth__. Street... from ...Fo.rest.,,.Street...tO.-. Mend_ot a__, Street. ............... .............................. :._................................... ...._.._......... ..................................... ..._........................................ ........................................... ... ..J..................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.............(.- .-. ........................ __ .......... . . - ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and e9timated wdt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... ;'.....................................................,.......................... 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three of more owners. 6. to report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.............. v:� .....................I I........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn orth Gos Approved................. ..................................191........ H and SWunderlich ....................................... .................................................. M or Iwio� Mayor. Farm C A 13 (6M 17) Council File No ..:.........:.............: / C. F. No. 25721 -Abstract. P...Whereas, written proposal for the, ROI nking of thh e following t pro a ent. ' Cost wide, a cement Ill sidewalk. et ;treet,I fromnPrlorNAvenue ato Fairvltew u •� Svenue, having been pp aented to 'u1b1 Pet i ri' - I Council ch the Clty of 6LePau] by Coun-' ,:Ilman Goes, therefore, be It Resolved, That the CommiaeI ner of lereldc do ire be and he is hereby or-. The undersigned hereby p sea the flj a 1. To Investigate the ecossl1, for -ment by the City of St. Paul, viz.: or To of the making of said .m rovement. ate the nature, estentNidB on the north ponstr4i t a Ge441 nRt. ana To Investtg o a......_...... .................................. ................ .^- • - "" &.. "" estimated cost f said Improve- " "" Bide of Palaoe Street ' rent, and the total coat thereof. . To furnish a plan; profile or i� ..irView AVenile. ............................................................................... sketch of said improvement...................................................................... 4, To state whether or nat snit im- provement Is asked fOr on the Petition ............................................_............�1..-.-........ of three or more owners...................................................-............... S. To report upon all m the fore 44o Ing matters to the Commissioner of ............................. ...................... ........_.................. Finance. ........... ........................................... ' ,.r Adopted by the Council July 7, 1919. Approved Jn1Y 7. 1919. Dated this..��'��h�........day of._....._J.... (July 12. 1919) 191 .....:.. `�� vwU Councilman. PRELIMI A Y ORF)ER. C 'ADIza • 2 S �% Z,' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz.: Q.ons.txuc..t a...oe-cent....t.il.e...s.idex�.alk,....e.ix.:f.ee.t...w.i.de.,...o.m._tk�.e...z�o.xth_......._.. Bide of Palace Street from Prior Avenue to Fairview Avenue,. .........................................._............_..........................................._......................__.......... ........................... ................ ............ ............. ................................................... ..................................................... :.............................................. �✓ " ........... ...... ......---- ..._..._..... ............ ...._......... .................... .............. ........ ....................... ..................J........_. ............. ....................... ..........__._ having been'presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............1.../.-...J........................................ . . . . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and eEtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;..........................................._............ .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5, To hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............... E...... �............. 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss Approved ..............._..., ....... .....a._ �. .....191........ Hylan I underlich_................ ........................................................._............... or ice. Mayor. I_ CA 131 4.171 ..................................................•.......................---- . c•i�'Ylo zS722 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.Q-QF#Aa=.UZ._4X&A.4k.1nS...&Xlth9---1LiLlS3..S181I�S9Axyt for.:.clones-,-.-for..cut..-_and- f ... G.Qmn and Phalen Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, and Nebraska Avenue from Albert Avenue ...............................................---------.... ..............................-------.................--....................................--:............_._....._ under Preliminary Order --.-..24207..........., app roved.EBba..2W,._ 19.1.y9Intermediary Order ...... 2425.4---_.., approved. --ADT' it A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, nomtherefore be it Resolved, That the taking -and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners.of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the'same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ae it-YIISThC[ Iteseirod, tbat.il�oid q q.. BAt� be 0;1d be uavable in. ' Adopted by the Council---------....-------- -•-----------> 9 -----• ..�_ ................................... '.... 191 t Councilman F)f naw rth Councilman oss Councilm Clancy er ` Cou U Co an underlich MajT Hodgson V c �VFINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter oLaondemning an& taking An e'."'famazlt-An U10 lxad np.q.q--smo-r-y for S-14DP48 . .... f -0-r =t& axid --- f -111a in grad.ing,..Alber-t..Avien#eL--frianL..Lake Jaono— and !iQYt.AYeM&qj PR4 ........................... . ------------------- ----- A* WA%2w ��Vf .i;' and' NepFae under Preliminary Order.. -_2.42.9.4..........,.. a� �VfO7�9i- "-2';'!1A"ediary Order - .......... . approved.AP.r.1.1 111,v 19-12.1 r. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: Condemn and n @j2R@AL fj?r cuts and fills in ................................... _hjqn1at..from Lake Como azid Phalen Avenue to Hoyt Aveni4e, and ......................... . .................. .............. ................................................ Hoyt .................................. . ............. ----- - --------------------------------------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro-, priated find condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: the...lAnd abUtllng- the poiat.0 ... afarea.%14 t.Q the -nt ... shown UP.Q.n.A)aQ skp.ull of i� the matter dated Ilan the 15th, 1919 . ...................... ............ ................. ........................... . ........................... . ....................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council------------------ 1"� . ................ 191 r(—)— .................... . ............... .. ............ . ....... l �.� . ..... ..... City Clerk... . . Approved IXt......... 191 ........----.-...- ........... ...........e4eGoidayor. CouncilmanFensworth 'i C.Im 'lm.. s C Coxmcilma� C Jan9y Co Wunderlich dZ1 Co 0 co �5—Coun an Wunderlich /Ma Hodgson .................................................... 7 ------ - ------------ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of candemning aad-taking an aas.empnt Ln tba lami..neaezaary out a ona.1.111.0 In plra.dlng 4RPIIIXe.t.9 qrlgm ---.......................... ....... ................. .............................................................. . ..... . . 6 AFD ................... ................................ ........................ ------------ - - --------------------------- --------- - 17 ;g-- -v ..................................................... ,ii- d1%, W- 1 ............................... ............................................. 'o under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor ar d City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respectAzatified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is.hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the ................. City Approved............--- ........................................... 191 A �F — " . -/ � , V'ayor. Councilman Go Councilman YZA" Clancy C:u man Wunderlich Hodgson 7 I FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of djondemning and tBJUng an aaaement—An.—tha-3-and .. naaaaaaxty f.or slapez,.for cuts, and-fill.s....in-grading under Preliminary Order------ �?i3qg approved F9bt 9Po.;Pq�? Intermediary Order approved APr-il Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be,.de, viz: c-gncQltn;�and. take an .......................e...a... s...e..m...e..nt ...in...the ...l...a..n...d.....n.e...c.. e.s...s.. ryq.Rjq PjdfiIls in grading,.Qar.r.Q11-..'A-VAnUe smiom Sqndlaate AvwwA to—Gr4ggs &twaet -------------------- - - ............................ ............................... .... --- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- pristid and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: -thQ 1A4A ... 9K1?Ut-t1P9-- up.Q.n C.8=011-4wvme ta-GrIggE. Stnaet.,.AQ --- the extent—shown up=--the.-.zke:Lah at.tache&..:La the ---- tLe— GOMMU-S-10ne'r Q,f ... W,-Q.r.k.s In the m-a-tt.ex ...... cla-tad may 1.51h 1.019 . . .................................................. . (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council---------------- .................. 191 ................... ............ City Clerk. d ..... ----- ------------- --- Approve .1M —7 -1-0 ------------ 191— .......................... .......................... Councilman Fa sworth PUB 4' -i Councilman as Councilman ouncilman Clancy t�—Go an 370.oanci an Wunderlich irl Ho May Approved Hodgson 0 L OFFICE OF T;;'�)ZP IKOLLER 00, COUNCIL No AUDITED C"[MS—R LUTION FORM FILE ra Mt'TROLLER '. -AUDITED ;W ­r --k ........... 191 PE ........................... 2- --------_--- TITLE specified funds and in favor. of Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter thti persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective nafies as specified in tj*.1-ollowing detailed statement: Nays Adopted by the C il.� Clancy Ap led ............ .. .......... ....... . ......... . . ....... . by In Farnswor Goss ...... . .. .................. I . ........ ................. . ........ .. .............. . ........ ..................... .. .. MAYOR M oll underlich Mr. P ident, Hodgson Savor re;r the De on oma miaprpora tr, BL L+ituT F9te'�gpartmORtaenaY Ad :t4m C Me AD ray@dNvt 1918 kcal 100,00 %ggGa St.Paul Fire DepAssoeiationartment Relief 19 its Totel�_e9A .. CITY OF T. P:IUL F TH COMPTROLLER OFFICE O I UUYCIL - (f •V� AUDITED C RESOLUTION FORM FILE ]�4+iSr _ .............................. f� MI,TRO ER AUDIT ... L- L 13.._.. ... .. PER............. ....... ............. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and inavor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Y�y ( Nays . Adopted by the Councila_._ ��t� , - - -• l r?ed4 Clancy�^, {-......__... Farnsworth _-GossKelle _._........A&WO it _..._ ......._ _._._ _.... nlarox oil ' underlich Mr. ident, Hodgson -Via r ''c�.Redolvea�th�'aAt`d�r�ar�dat'nt§i roe's,-hr$}va. ., inpnn t,n Gtt 7ti�9-„.payabl6 O(II�,pG :th9 ,hetP BRice a 6.1 g f n@d” anc- i 'ti P§ Soi h4sani4}�lnt�`aMpot�"cflrth T�' - 're°§pCeuvC amea£.ae xaldetAe'e�6a.ct11B., _reA t R �A�+'edi^�Patero�tt J, - siiaingg at�ayiar I;tea000 r, . ':�trtet aOb$edq ;R{I$Ee p^ �Aj�Dfeeq,8cb t�$� 1 19' 'nulYg $��191si II "388'99"^ Fielding & Shepley, 14,620.00 urel /'ngLLr , , Sypdioate 3,400.rom Hastings 1,7 .00- ixth and 800,00 n GTtrist Johnson, 641.20 e a OFFIC LLER COUNCIL FILE 4N.p� AUDI sN F010I _-/ _ ty19 u,l .............. AUDIT D - IT �1P OL_LER EE .....t��.�.s, ...... ..... PER . . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and -favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following -detailed -statement: Ye�4'( �'-� 6ouneilmetr`#^v ays Adopted by the Cou F Clancy <: Farnsworth...........!M ft'"I Appr ed .. -- � jr 1}]��.............._.1 Goss M oll MAYOR underlfch r Mr. P ident, Hodgson e GI•'Eskio I�781�" i i ��s ��`' `1 t (: - { i. � sty .�s�taa�.I y� .� • _.. Yteeoy4gd-t lliati sysrranta a.lf � of ' - `u o hg Yri e'aanky,�.paYkb drolit-q8 - tht�-�+�eFelba BdP�pe #�.3r4 Sav4e oL the,„p rAR� ��ryara,, tl4nsfLor:.t4e q 62yt•l _0 Lo�°1 w.ln�w �eEat ��enh�� ��� $-W ND. -Alb�9l88�r �� (rqqh�p� ggdeee - i8tlb6tF dP',cPt71�47t1tY �1 s s e}r� asr� s t ne°§bi �IbU7$°7 �uSy 4tn' fRaXStmaY .$ Wn. � MB I ., wifutsn.�8.o8en�'(SoM yyyyyy^^^^a " Ad =' 9646 Fred G. Albrecht, 924.88 �wPiis Fs 8 flit yizEeS a Ltght Zo 6e 3YS �td6ate� I•Connn(�Tgti at�ss. 39.93 John D. Anderson,(�urs'�e}� 3°4'P Bilbow Candy Company, 343.30 X..Bths 15 0 park" 124 40 203 90 30 43 8 T.' L. Blood & CompaiV., 287.21^ Pv%�BP-.T►. Alarm 3 50 51SlICOI13' 182 53 ` !=--Hitiga. Revl. 101 18 ',�9 Farwell, Ozmtan, Kirk & Company, 157.98 ce 1 45 Fir 6 60 R 8 05 " 17 O8 n 3 08 n 11 53 " 1 50 n 4 65 P &,tF. Alarm 3 50 18 03 Q antine 3 83 i'c. Gar. Renl. 18 00 42 25 a n n tr 18 43 r. •. v uo 1006 `. ,_ • Mu1 ;` Gar. Revl. Sew r C. &. R. .? oeawalka 6.0 ' 45 26 `.0 Milt Ro en &Com any 12�m ' St.Paul Battery. Company, ; rust Rept. 128"S6`St.P.aul Book & Stationery,omp 1,048.18 `224TT St.Paul Gas Light 523: 12 3D68` A. L. Snyder, 9'34'.25 Lfi7iFi9' II.S. Bedding ComP►Y, 74.48 a ..: 4j,74p.55 s j Jl _w WEI OFFICE-0E-?Kfl1e0ffrMLLER AUCOUNCIL ULTE4���SULUTTUTN'TORM FILE C -7n ...... .............. .......... .............. . ...... TRO LER PER.... .... ............................ ......................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the,. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the folldwing detailed statement: Y""(—�0uricifmen Nays Adopted by the C Clancy Farnswo ... ......SRI" Ap ved.. . ...... .. . ...... ......... . . . .. . ........... Goss ...._..........ate ....... . ... .. . . ... ....... ....... .. . ......... . . .. oll MAYOR underlich Mr. sident, Hodgson —J1V0901,S. A. Farnsworth, Gomer. of Finance GWPV Me@ 6 ascaugazu ISM S. A. Farnsworth, Gom1r. of Finance P"YWOWN&S c, 0 By. NAL ORDER In the Matter of..P.aving...{lshland--.ffvQnue.---from---5.0.e121x18--- Avenue .._ta.-PaaGal....... _--Avenue-,-- including-.�ewer,._water-_and--gas_- connections-_f�.gm__Qtx-e-et...Maine _to---property._lines.- comppletewhere-_not...already-_made,.__.a so--_inc- ud ag.--- _nus.hin�g--and...Pay.1z18-aiisY---axla.. dr. veruay.. aPPFQ.&C a .,..-whex e---neo:essary...... IntermediaryOrder...- .................................................... approved _--_--_----- ------------------------------------------------------ - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, lie it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_.Pave-_Ashland-_Avenue-_Prom.--Sg-a-i�-lXlg._4X.®Aue Ln..Pascal.. xenue-•---includ3ng--.semen.-_wat,ar....and...gas...c-onneations...frnm..---- etreet--_mains._to---property--_lines-_ complete,.-_wl}ere-_not--_already--_made,.--also includ.ing..aurbl??8.-ana. Paving s� lPY- anddriveway _appxaaCkze.s.,._Wklers..._.. and the Council hereby orders said improvchent to be made. V I RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby, authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said " prove iccordance therevith. Adopted by the Council .......... ......... .... %.,....... ....... 1 ..-. - ........... ... (,7 GYA.l City Clerk. H ( Approved---------..'. , -i ` ... . ......... ....... .... ..... ........--..... ..............- - Mayor. Councilor sworth ry Councilor PUBLISF3ED Z,1 Coun ' ancy ,l f� Counc' cColi V 6 - . co Form A S. A. 8-7 PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Pave Ashland AV including sewer, water and gas'oonnootions irom street mains to prop-8!—tY--- lines complete, where not already WAS, also including ourbing and paving—=_ alley and driveway ��ppr aahes. where necessary. ....... ............... .................. .................... ............... . under Preliminary Order approved --M&Y-9-th-s-1 919 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 2251 ft. Street 66 ft. Front Length ,1845 Pt. W, i Roadwy 32ft- Pav-Area 4686 sq. Yds. br.6oiotbli 'B 3� 99, B A :8.24 ?42 7 22 :-Asphal- t 6herete 2.76 16,2.6'0:00.:. 12 933.00 5:74 Ajpj�jjt 0 10 and the assessed valuation Of for improvement, The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits such as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: each lot or parcel 5 do ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION (Except East 55 feet) 6— 7 aural Addition, 375 fast of 6 7 do Fast 55 do 375 9 do 375 5 do 375 do 375 do 625 do 400 28 do TOTAL. 3625 The West 255.36 ft -of that tract bounded by Snelling Ave. Ashland Ave.and Rattermans 2nd Addition and Summit Ave.Addition part of the S.W.1/4 of the N.W. yl of Sea. 3 Town 28 .. R.23. 10500 5T. PAUL DEPA T SOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM STONER OF FINANCE 614 PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) DitSCRLPTION LOT. BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) .. 3625. West 8.14 feet of 26 Laurel Addition 350 (Except West 8.14 feet of 26 do, Summit Ave.Second Addition 4575 .14 to St. Paul, Minn.. West 19 feet of .15 do 450 West 21 ft.of East 22 ft -of .15 do 450 C• East 1 foot of .15 . do 450 _•1 16 . do 4725 West 21.36 teat oY 17: do 475 East 21.40 feet of 17 'do 475 Except East 10 feet 18 do 1175 .;i East 10 feet of 18 do 19 do 545o 20 do 4500 _ 21 do 4125 22 do 4125 23 do 3575 24 do 3475 ` 2 �5 do 4750 26 do 4975 27 do 4850 The West 255.36 ft -of that tract bounded by Snelling Ave. Ashland Ave.and Rattermans 2nd Addition and Summit Ave.Addition part of the S.W.1/4 of the N.W. yl of Sea. 3 Town 28 .. R.23. 10500 i• CI STj PAUL J REPORT OF DEPAR I FINANCE OOMMI SIONER OF FINANOE " „ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) � DA'SCRIPTION LOT 'LOCK! ADDITION ASSESSED ' VALUATION (brought forward) .67075 The.Westj of Brimh411 Ave Vacated and adjoining lots summit Avenue Second 6 to 10- Rattermans 2nd Add., Addition to St.Paul,Minn.. 900 The West 20:66 ft. 10-9-6 . the East J of Brimhall Ave. Vacated and adjoining. 7 1 Rattermann's Second u Addition to St. Paul 3375 The East 40ft.of the Peat of 10- 9 6 1 do 1000 The East J of 10- 9 and the West J of vacated alley 5675 adjoining 6 1 do (Except West 20.66 ft.) The W.J of Alley vacated and _I adjoining. 7 1 do 350 West 60 feet of 1-2-3- and East J of vacated Alley 4 1 do 6175 adjoining same. (Except Fest 60 feet) 1- 2 1 do 15050 (Except West 60 feet) 3- 4 1 do 1 Campbells Rearrangement 10625 2 do 4000 3 do 3900 4 do 3900 5 do 4500 6 do 3625 h TOTAL. �5� CIT ST. PAUL - DEPAR GF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION - , ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 13255 16 3 ;Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St.Paul lobo. 15 3 do X25 14 3 do 650. 13. 3 do s . 575 . West 40 feet of 1-2- 3 3 do 800 West 40 feet. of the North 30 feet of 4' 3 •, do (Except West 40feet) 1-2- 3, 3 do 1850 (Exoeptwest 40 f0e011.30ft.of 4, 3 do 400 South 10 feet of 4 3 do 700 Total Amount 139350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his .report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�f� --191. -��L 1.... Commissioner of Finance. tuna as.w. s -a c Office''of the Commissioner Of Public Works I/ " � R RECEIVED �PFtNS4(0 Report to Commissioner of Finance'`, y 10. - "ay May 16th MAY 17 1919 9 .......................... .................. 191_ ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- May 9th 9 cil, known as Council File No......._2bO2O _..approved ......._ ................_�...............................191........., relative to.............................. l paving Ashland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Paeoal Avenue ............... _.... _............................. _.._.._..... ........... ..................... ..._....... ....._........................_........::............................................_......._......_.................a_............................................. r ... ................ ....................... ......._...... __................... ............. _.............. _..... .......................... ............................................................. ........................ .................... .................. _.................. .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ;_..necessary and (or) desirable.' XX3= XX= . 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_........................... _... and the total cost thereof is $....... .. .................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....._......_................._..........................._.........._..........................._.._....._....__........ .........._..........................._...__....................__._........................_..........._......................._.........._.......__............_......... _................ ................. 3. A p profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part heredf. 4........... .................. ....................... _............... _.............. _........ _....... _............. _........................... ............... _............................ :.... _...... _........... _.......... ............................. ..... _.._ 5: Said i✓ovement is. ._..... ................. ::_._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comml.io of Public Work.. i , L..A (lug. of 61. Vau1 c' S... cXi.. .,X[.. 31eperiment of i6lu Hlorks J. M C RROLL, 51". .n. M. N. 60SS. COMMISSIONER - ci N. w. R. T: GOURLEY. OCRNTT AL JACKSON. S..t ub N. W. OORLING R. S..Y. M: S. =1. RYT X.RROLD,O.... l....... St. Paul, Minnesota. May 15, 1919•. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 l d i ng. Dear Sir, I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of paving Ashland Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, there necessary, in accordance with Council File No. 35030, approved May 9, 1919; Street 66 ft. Front 2251 Ft. Length 1245 ft. Width Roadwy 32 ft. Pay.Area 4686 Sq. Yds. Where not made, add $60.00 for sewer connection and $33,00 -gor eater connection to each lot. Add 65¢ per front foot for ourbing, where necessary. 0 0 oe Kind of Paving per per Sq.Yd. Estimate Fnt.Ft. 3* 1n.Creosoted Block, $4.33 $20,290.00 09.00 Brick 3.96 18,556.00 8.24 Asphalt 3.47 16.260.00 7.22 Asphalt concrete 2.76 12,983.00 5.74 Yours very truly, Ol, tia -�, WES/C Chief Engineer. J' A 1 St. Paul, Minn. , 1771..191 .• . To the Honorable, The Council, j'414 11'S y U M City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: s t -� We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ................ U .....�E Avo. f Tom�c:, ��2• ;< <, ......... !W: Ave. to ...................8t ✓!!a= ucil/. �{/ .................. �! .................... !�(F/. �••?y r, ........................ a. ................ I.... .... .... ..................... �h ' 2.v.. .......................... Yi wI.nY f! .......Vic. Q.. ... ..... /. °rst 7 ....... DUREAU Cr �.1-�..... .......... ...... ....... ....... ................... t- �•. y °� •F��..... ...... . E , 0 0 COU By............'...._ ........::...:.. _. FINAL ORDER A_ 9579 - In the Matter of...S.R. struc.i.fnE._a_..C.Qment,...tile_..siUA.4L1X„,_.FJX...i:e.et.... wide 011. south.. side._ of --.Jefferson Avenue from Macalester Avenue--.to_Underwood----. Ayenlde.,....ezCCBB.t,..where._.gogd:-and.. suf f is ient__s idewaUp_..aoy{-..azi,S.t...................... <... 7: � .................................................................................................... arc ,.SBBr:'.Arn, n-. eh.73cs:ia - f — under Preliminary Order ............. 24996...--._ ............... approved.........MaY..-6thx--_1919.......----....----------...... IntermediaryOrder . .......................................................... approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By 'the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ConBtTUCt-_a-:: Cemglyt---t.l.] e...la� fee.t..wide,--_on.-south-_side.._of--Jefferson Avenue--_from-_Macalester--avenue- to--Underwood-Avenue, except where good and suffic_ient.._sidewalks-..now exist. .... .....................................................---------------------------.... .............................................._............................................:. ............................... ........... -.....................................--------------------------- .--------------------------------... --- - - ......................................................... --. ............. ------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works'be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon. said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed ' to proceed with the making of sajd,improvement in accordance t1B ewith. .11L1 .3 19..9 Adopted by the Council - .............................................., 1.... s>' .......................... ........ ............- --v..- .......... -..... Clerk. Approved-------•: �--+W-�:. .�--t,�.:.....:...... F..... -” ----------------------- -------- - Mayor. Councilman rns Orth . PUBL1 dN;) f/ Councilman " ss Councihnan x�Clancy Councilman' cColl Councilma underlich Mayor H gson Form B. . A. 8-7 • 914PAUL �r.gF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of—'—�OriBt''1Ot nemwnt._t-ila-s1daW-0- k,--91X- feet Avenue from Macaleets3�Avenue to Underwood Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved --- -:t-- 6t1�__g19---------- ------ ------------------------- ------- -------------------- -- --- --- --- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—------- The estimated cost pei^%ott for the above improvement is - - - - - $The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and" the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION - 1 2 Elmwood 150 28 2 do 400 27 2. do 325 26 2 do 325 �5 2 do 325 24 2 do 325 23 2 do 325 22 2 do 325 2-50D TOTAL, -• II - - �z I � I tl i -i i � it-. - TY OF ST. PAUL b ME4 7F:FINANCE REPORT OF COMM'&&:1bNER OF •FINANICE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •D E 5 I P T 1 O N LOT BLOCK ADN �o � ., ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 2500 21. 2 -Elmwood 325 20 2 do 325 19. 2 do 325 18 2 de 400 - Total Amount. 3875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made -to him in reference to said matter//by the Commissioner of Public Works. -------------------- -_ Commissioner of Finance. rows e.a.w. e•e - St. Paul, Minn., A...� �b..,...191. , To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minna Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause th fo in improvement to be m ...... .. .......... . ....... .....St. Ave. from ':' `.....�� '..... 4k. Ave. to .... YI...... . ..................... — Ave. .......................... ... ................. ... . .................... . .. ............................... ........... I. .......... .... ..................... I...... .............................�.....I ... �.....i ......................... ..................... ..... ........................ .......�.......................... �...... . ,, �. [ ,,79REAU o �a'iUttVEE ;�:�, �.......................... 1 .......................... x ... .................... i— .................. �c 2-3 ;�,� Office of the Commissioner of Public WotFks RteEtvEQ Report to gommissioner of Finance o = 4 MIAY� 19 lost May 19th, 9 ..........191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the'Coun- 24996 May 6th, 9 cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved...................._....................................................191........., relative to .............................. constructing a cement tile sidewalk, sig feet wide, on south aide of Jefferson Avenue from Maoaleater Avenue to Underwood Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _.._...... necessary and (or) desirable. 7oV per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._._ ........................... . and the total cost thereof is $............... � ................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............... ........ ........... ..... .......... ............ ........... .............................. ............. _......._-_...._.......:...... ....................... ................ ........ ...._............ ..-.._........... ...................... ........ 5. Said improvement is_ ......... .......... _............ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Com �issio er of Public Works. 14 25`32 CoU F ........................ By.......... ...... ,/ ..............................%1 ........... . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...i ecor;atructing,----relaying- and-_repairinE..cement_ tile.. Side— t►alk,...s.iac...ieet..-glide-,-. side of Mounds Boulevard Street to Street. u..... - under Preliminary Order...... 24923 ....................... approved......MaY. -t....1919• .............................. IntermediaryOrder............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councillf the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City ir0cone.i♦.i'.U,Cl.}...re.lal-..jtlld...r.o.paix!---aemerit••-tile sidaraalk,...a.ix...f- eat ...xida,....on...the ...we81....s.id.e Qf_&. ndja Boul.evard....frnm... u�tson..Street..to.._Plum-Street.._,....... ............................. ........-----.............-•-----.-----.................... ------------------------------_..........--...........-----.........----- ...-........... -----.........._........--............ ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,' That the Commissioner of Public Works be. and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..- ..............qi........., 11bil....... ` g FRk. Approved....:. '1 l ................ f9 ........ ... .................................... .................................... p„ Mayor. Councihnan F sworth' Councilman ss �Ul3LISiiED �a _� j� Councilma Clancy Coun ' n McColl Coune' an Wunderlich Mayo odgson Form . S. A. til to fdt Lodi 01 4f 611Y 01 �1. Lit The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Uprovement is - - 5...... ....... -.......... . ............... -. «u i� The estimated cost per.�,{t, foot for the above improvement is ..... --- -- -- - --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, areas follows' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ` Lyman Daytons Addition 16000 TOTAL. 16000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_..... .. ......... /_..lam_...... -.191-.. -.191--. �G...U?�I�•%a� .. ..__.. Commissioner of Finance. roar B. �. �. B•e 3 XVII , `.' 14a 7 Of�ice of � e <, �Yls rssio_ner of Pubhc rk E R N s E� 0 6'. F�eport to Commissioner of .,Finance MAY 19 1919 May 19th, 9 ............ ........... ............ .......... _................. ......._................. 191....... To the Commissioner of Finaace o tie City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of had under consideration the preliminary�brder of the Coun- 24923 May let, 9 oil, known as Council File No----=------------- -- - – $PProved.. -.................................... _................... ............ 191.......... relative to. .... ......... ....._....... reconatructing, aincl repairing the cement tile sidewalk, ._ .............-_..._...._..--.....- - -- -- -- - ------- --- — - - --......._.........__..............................................................._......__........................................... six feet wide, oa 'WW'e St side of I@unda Boulevard .from Hudson Otreet to Plum Street and having investigated tlbLe a.xx3 things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i _–_–___– –_—_–necessary and (or) desirable. C? W S7- per square foot 2. The estimated cost zs $--_______________________, and the total cost thereof is $ .................................... _........... and thenature and extent of, eeJ d is as follows: ...... _......... .._......_.... ................ ....... .............. ....------- .................--- - --- --------- ......_........__.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketcl3 of s Icl improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..................... – –----------------- ------------ – -- --........................:........................................ ...................................... ..................................... ..... 5. Said improvement iis–________–______--__–asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said iproveer3t_ C misai er of Public Works. r By..... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... Qcgnst u ting,....Fe dying._and-..7.epa_1x.ing...r-ement._LiLe...sid.e— _calks...�t~...Lhe... ol�arl.l rik...Stxee.t......w es t...s.ide.,...s.ias..isst. fe.e..t...l ..th Q.f.._Iglehart... ree.L.,.._t�hence...nnr.S,h_.62....... e.at.R............................................................... ....--............................................. ---------------- 19WppgReggec YY qpy p a v egt,y fhanceNor es tee"F�1'919. under Preliminary Order .......... 2497.1.......... ;, *Wga��i, nP . ....................................... t .• "" u tav IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved: ,r1,................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- cred the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of tmprowmal' 1 It 19...�BCp>1�truCt�•I•r�1���I,I�nd111rB��i�I;IC9mQ,�t,,;1�1�18 to be made by the sa d C y M (■� 1111111ru�■1l,11���1�1�11111�1[�1�I1111111 1111 �I�1�111�I{QJA1�1'�11*1L1111 11�1w1114 1111111�lm:�.ilk �� IIIIM111I11I'111111111111 1��1�1111w111�1111111 � II 1d111�11 � 111 I /11 111 'x feet wide, baginnin 10 feet north of Iglehart„Street,,, thence north .......62...f e.e.t............................................................................................................................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............�{� =--- 1' . Approved_..__.:.,::,.. _. 1 ...... Councilman Farnsworth Councibn� Clancy Coun ' an McColl Coun ' an Wunderlich Form B`S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTIVIIII'Wr OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Reconat.ruat, .-.x6j&y­aUd r-4SP61t 04111,64t t-ils--sAdewalks at.. th,@ ................. ..... ... . ......... .................. . .. . . .. . . . ......... ..... .... ............... .. .. ............ .......... ... . .... . ...... . . ........ . ...... - eat., 4eat..-Side.j.. six feet. -xide, --beginuing-..10.1441 T=th1.,J0f ... ........ . ............ . ..... ___.j&jebP_rt..Zt.reat, thence_= ....... ........ ........................ . ....... . . . .. ........... ....... . .......... .......... ....... ..... ........ _­.... . .. . .. ...... ................ .. ............ ...... ................ .. ....... ....... .......... . .... ............... I ....... .................... . ... ............ .. ... . . . ....... . ......... . ........... . ........ - ........ ........ ...... ....... ...... ........ ..... .. . .............................. ............. ........... ... ............... ....... ................ . . ........ --- ------ . . ........... . .... ....... .......... .............. ...... . . . ......... ............... .. ............ ...... . .... ....... .. . ... ................ . .... ...... ..... ...... ......... .......... . ... ........... . ........ ............ ........... ... . ......... .. ........... . Under Preliminary Order approved ....... ........ .. . ... ...... .. . . .... .. ............... ...... To the Council of the Cil of St. Paull I I C Mmiaiwr of Fluor h(f6y apth a 1011OWN The tocol mimatti Amount of the wont for the AM ImPoyWat IS . ............ .. .... .... . The athatd costtr ;10,01t1for the above improvement Is $ 1.9.7 0 ............. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed tentf itt for such improvement and the UOW valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are u followx ASSESSED IDESCRIPTION LOT SLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 18 3 Edwin Deans Subdivision 3775 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he his investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reooft thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. e D ...........—..1917%1< .ftdv� Commissioner �.iF 9� �o 3 Y Office of the Commissioner of Public Worl s CEI Fa w Report to. Commissioner of Finance .. � MAY 19 1919 14 May 19th, 9 ........ .......................... ................................. .......... _......... 191_ .... : - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24971 May 3rd, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..................................... approved ....... ...... - ....... ...... --.._........._.....................191........., relative to .................... ... ..... . reconstructing, relaying and -repairing. of cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: ------------- .. .... ................. ---............................. _._.... .... .......... .................... --- . Fisk Street, W S., six feet wide, beginning 10 feet north of •-Zgl-char--t .street...i.._th8IIO8 ne-rth---8`2-.... feet ----------- ............. ....................... _........................... .............. .........._......................_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........................ necessary and (or) desirable. .07V per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-._............................ and the total cost thereof is $ .................. ............ ..... ........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... ..... ..... .... ......................... _.................................. _.................-..._..................._...... RAL FORMF:jrsni LLTAgam—GONS LJNC--]L ..... sGs c . .........2......5 ou .....Y..A..... I . .4 . ....... F . . .......................... ............................ ------------------ j I C11 0- ........... . . .1 Resolved, 2hthe Commissioner Of PUblio Works be and he 18 IxeD::3=- -mm�-by aaa.-blao=Ized and direoted to sprinkle with wes-It- --mmEEft= or c>:L]L Bidwell Street between Morton Street ax2-.-% page B-t=00't. jov '02-N-4.'ea- emmv.d' That the Commissioner bU--TW0kka be and he ie hereby su-. t4orlIzed, 4,directed :-to I- with ZO-t9g;�qOt -3 611 'Bfd�en S r ,I between '*t reet and Page Stt eea.- so Adopted db� 'a Council- 1 1 Ak* A rol.dbUl $I (in Y 12 1819 ) Yeas (%() Council— e Nays Clancy Farns, Qrt:lh& Goss --------- --jm-&W r C-11 4r,= -------------- - Cil File No ------------- - • - - F- No 2673 A street. Whereas "A� written DriDn fee t. menE,� R4M gtML AEMe St Of malcius or the senowin6 e - Coaetruct�.a ce!t ; -Itile aiWCIIth k six 4 C• ATTOZ.acaota a WeBc"aidet<;� _ . b¢r¢tio attac)�ed. Lrom Pa.Ba • . Waseca m Stree _ - Bellows Street. ..on. e Eadsi8e ;[clgef Page gtreet -L 8ydne�. - - The deralgrlOd l�reby proj)OEGi �puacil hor" theb City%Doi 6i PatU�. - Couaollman,��' therefore, be it , 1mprOVCRlCnY lsy the City of St. Paul. viz: y gesolV¢d.:'That the'Co mher.Ser --- rka ba and he s hereby r et 1 Wo, ______________-_._----------- "dire. ______... ._____________---..___-_ necessit9n_ - _._ -'\ r¢d and n. esN68L� the %CO�'�W oY 'aQ ed, O the WBBt hs cZ� --------rov¢maa -tr---taE3_ _iy E'�-r*ey'ieatlBote the nau, - _3• estimated 'scat oL saki 1mDr 1 -"---- -------- -- - -----' - -----' '.� = Bad the total;:Co rlatn 'Pp Oael .--B�Cie -- -- f T02Ci p�e-- ------------- "------------ --- ►� M Z $ �i �r Op�i�. a To �: -1v fll irt.D�, ent' F z. o eg .. ----"------------------------------- ------------------------------- ---•C-o state wtie 'cv ---rI171y__,*r915-'----..._._.__... Dated this---------���.------may �- ............... 191--------- ncilman. PRELIIVIINA Y RDER. • / l O- 2-67736 WHEREAS, A wlr�tten proposal for the arcking of the ollowing improvement; viz.: ----------------•-----••-----DoT-isict a cement iile..sidewalk,...s3z...ies aide,- in ----------------------- - accq=�s. sdanc6 with letter hereto attached, on the Weat -- _---•-------•------•_------ sd�vg 8633ow8 Street; grpm 'P Stseet to Sgdaeq 8..: S-br a et , and on Waseca: Street, East Side_, _f rom Pale -------------- y ---------------------------- _� 0----OY Y street �j ------------------------------------- - -- - - -------------- - --- ----- ----- �l -------------------------------- ------------------ ------- -- -------- C having bees pr ---IL to the Coallaeiil of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......-----. t2- -mac-- ------------' -- thecfhre, be it RESOLVED. "1-23maswt the Colamissaaner of Public Works be and he is Hereby ordered and dired": 1. To inv a.veww>f� the n essiity for or desirability of the making of said improvement_ 2. Toin the nature. extent and eitimated•cott of said improvement. and the total ooAt thereof - 3. ... - 3. " To-furnis>bt a plan. profile oz skcetch of said 'improvement. 4. To fuciaia&a i0knbam followirla other data and information relative to said improvement�--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ =-------- - ------_----- _---•-------------------•-------•--•-----•---- - S. To Rate- or not •maid isnpres tis asked for on the petition of three or more owners 6. To report: of the foretEing rui'ters to the Commissions of Finanoe. ni Adopted by the co'-��-__---� - - 191 ..... -Yeas:_ Nay.: Approved....... I # -------- 191 191-----_ --- underlcvh -------------- F— ---- -- r«C s 13 ts11 4-19j LISii7s"D I L 111R7.ti7rd 11 25'736 11SOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV.I ING ASSESSMENT. Resolution of Council -Approving fr N`matter or 'the asse.v In the matter of the assessment of boric -Fits ) os'1-J a. i� 0S for il till 1'O«Ak *#,agoolablo "0110,0 tl 0$ Ij t Namllgf', yM.i� I .�{�� pyyya�`pMy¢ 800,11�ttO O p ��4s� �����; �t� ��a� goad f ��9 Ixl!�Q gqM�MfNMf� i7tNN� �Ml MYMq# pqM�p g� ��y f{ f dni' i 4/'A lrG i�e4gg � i, Oo-o-ryy I f�140)iudrgd 4pA i UW Y�Ci r� pYt�,�^e .;. Vast Q �4 t a � p+e� ivot �'gtwr Out t �lpy����}Q�+�f6 �(y�ty��ty d� "��ty �y p�1 Zip�'`JO IO , !+ 04 i4 ,11:i47# �i1�J 4h 814101 11 � �� A4 �1AN �'iYN A104 �� 0 West � I ,:10 rwt4 4 2w, i".'�'a 0 east o f �' � Q 0 'woo carom U0 �� Cn I'm 4cmowefath ,.,,,,,9 s to `1 q,�: 4 1,40 " Wt � • f i f 41U�4 „ t, L� 4*pii � t':��i9 to ard�0N 2", c��1 an '�+ho out oido t�#� mi'vol � ""Se�or %t/ th 56 foot to cowot ���p�twowownstmWvote .0e mug p;wo.-d rt zit $If, Gldo, trw QmT2tb=Oto to flytho '1 'C &�4 a 137:�l qMf 3 ► t; a to �Lw to .W. � "`' .OL C9 '•V m 9 Fi 7 u° a .Aon E•74�;'%` T�I�?.'� Qt �'33LttAZI =SVG. ghewo i^.4fit 100 rte. !.Go GMA -UyF— —pc.? kin,- uide t1E0 Ste 0oaLhoe t .ay ;40 ,�,gyjpp•�--�11�� twia3S100 South 30 10010 �/ / '; �'� • i�V3K-_3 ��b 6.,�'e. (! L'i •t:,l,w INw tl lil?l. r.iw��d �`'R,j . foot neuth 6f ¢�'.�'Xr'-'� .��f howo 2 � jjo ,voo p €3C�itb #�1do t'UWA .VGn : �re wrA 'i s'd �t3 ! to 14200ki 1"VO4 to VO4 to tiNl� 0 d"Il �Ibi nes t LAonoo W m 121...1006fit' t'tl 00 rxxw �a Q� i`.V00 # 717" 'i11 $idol %aE;.� mLw at',�,� �i�#p �� loot 54, foot*, Z o�ttl MIX D Ui.1:' 0'vGA�+.. �,.A %A'VOitSa p" w'} atwa �a�'�W�:3 y 'r"L'f3Btt�.ki a�yUe��T.y�Lp��tib AT,iifQa�r�f 7�Eaf�vtw f' ,to.,Mn ti-io aide ory94g11ram 9N■olwn'd •Vtia a:-zil 016W 0b'3'qilft of 2wYnow i101rM 3 Go Vk-Q aw—mot gloso AVeatmi ' tod t'a'co 3W�'fl» . vo a I:dP 'U�3 Jit Sp i NE1. t ait 3i. svo to awiille to to - t. CIZIM 17000 350nL% ,'.VOay wast 0:140, V4, 'BQ and on Vw =th side cad' `,=XIUQs vie to WOW -�g n : v!)fo, h<rlftC 4.'$ -. s p xa '. v� 't o :.1'Y12i-01 "VEIe _ -DO 1POS_. for and in connection with The assessment of `' r the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, .-,I the Council having consideredoame and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, he It RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the -n- i- hereby in..dl rr spm is approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_ _._...jt.h..____.._._day of __1;i'11S.'t.__ _-- - 19 L_cJ._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court I -louse and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and plane of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. , — Adopted by the Council 191 t e _ Gity Clerk. . -... _.............. _.........or. Approved ....... ... 191 . _............ ........_;11.f1...._y_�l,...f13'�. Councilman Farnsworth ; Goss ; Porm B. & 16 X 4d Cies cy " Mc oll underlich/ Mayo J; a t "• ryt„p� pj COUNCIL 1 " DIIPIU VLt1 M' FILE Al el _ ....Ik ........ s , ` Y IPTROLLER , AU I ED ........ .._ ER ........ ..... .. .. ... "�"-"- ....._ TITLE `i Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the' persons, firms or co orations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: �04n Adopted by the Council........... .Jr.. .... .r_..y,�,��.._..:._._191____. A rov JUL 79,ft 191.._....__ Farorth ..........fir^' pp..................._.._.................,....__.........._........ .._......... ............._.._................ ...._........... 1-...._......._................ AY....!UR ........_.„_ 10 ccoll Wunderlich M Tw 41 F NQ ,6981—i »t ,a titbUbhuye' na 8ebr � p�cl A Y. p'the, ' 01 Owtni QOtO51,101ia4 9 A'1�erpAulbl►h�GQlh'k 41B'�n�Jcei: t8 B�8$ij..��,r� ' •nom ”, � : j 4� ; .' s t � ,gyp �E�r�naAi�rth; Cq>Xt'r'O�II'lnanc$,�: ��Mn�Brb��9A�t1}Il�bm'k ¢t'&���►ca;, S. A, Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 3,84237 t-eale WW 3. A. Farnsworth; 0om1r, of Finance 3,588:58 3lMZ S. A. FarnSWOrth, Gomt'r. of Finanae a 1. 29856.39 C TO ROLLER COUN�TM FILE CIL U...0-1 c .................................................}}..:.... r CI MPT OLLEH 4-- R..................................................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in fgVor of the. names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council ............._ J-1_......r5....1F912.........._191_.._ Approved ................ . .............. ..........._.............._..._........... .....................__.....,........ . !...:....._.. .-/����.MAYOR Ytin4 .1230 American Insurance Agenoy, ,.Q+&P. 4237- American Supply Company, we ter )66jr Badger Meter Mfg. Oompany, we"r JQN* J, A, Bayne & C, A, All wow 14W Geo, C, Binder Company) w M. Burg & Sona, yam, It"kt J. W. Casein & oor�v° Works ,. mn Coohran•Sargent Company, jaW Ellis & Ford Mfg. Company, HNIFA Farwell, 02mun, Kirk & Company, I water-- 0 12. 0 5. 5 f1.0 17 1 281.05 22.20 405.00 3,40 1 1,80 267.95 28.00 21,38 7.20 220.92 Northwestern mamp vlorna.,GOr GIs 3. 5 Mater • 5 m.w.r� 2 5 c Tie, �_�va ah C>P- ST. PAUL F2w=��L-_LJ-r10tJ—GENER.AL FORM ................ ------------- --------------_------- Da That the time epec:L:f:1ieIc-L =Iff-- the performance of a contract dated March 3, 1919 bets a @a Christ Johnson and the C=:I_t;'Y' of saint Paul for the grading <>:C C=oese Avenue from White 1B4ezLv Avenue to Hanel Avenue be a -mc -L t 3 c i3ame is hereby extundeteL to -blaqs eighth day of July,, 1919, eaxc5L proper city officers 8L.—f-- author ized V execute an ameneat to said contract in e,ccordaace here-- --tthat this resolution aha-L:IL x -L<> -b Nevevwe any with, provided, how4avte�_1c, f oioe and effect xin3.43; 93 906 --kx 6 sureties on the oont = aLr-- -t, <>:v 7 93 1Dc>xxcL consent thereto and :E i 3- A—.-- ia-tiola consent in writing "vir:L-t;3a -t;la4e City Comptrol.ler. for t �C. ce n con at, is between 19 h: It I foci eu C olue, from A, -.e U. -t I �j 0 e. -06-0 In h re, 9 ton 6 to 45A July, aad the t or - I tV ara mendment a , a I -1= ! �0'.Co* no. hpprewlth, _ 1._. to, t effect r' I tea' anr�'tles on 6 --cont ran k. 1. 8.0 :con- writing- .with thej CltsrComp-. taz i�; �t" � Con n�cll'July 1; 1919. 9.1 V) Councilmen Nays . Adopted by the -------- - L --- Farnswo Councilmen Far-.wo h Approved-------------` --- (Aq .... ..... .... 191 Goss ---------- - M -_--_------ ......... .. .. ... ------- ---- - --------- Wu derlich 9 3M 12-18 b St. Paul, Minn. TO THE ARABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. GentlemtR a = would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body e ca e tYze lrne of completing contract for the to be exp ��ded to J,- - - - - - - -f = - _ Owing to it was raQ t possible for to finish this contract -%r!;r:ffLthin the time specif Ji- e hence desire to ask that the tir e for completing sa=e be madam - s hereinbefore stated. Yours very t ly, , Contract There is no objectiorz to having the _ time extended as requested, as far as the require encs of i s office is oonc e -9!%- PROVED t ruc n & Repairs COT MAL �licorks. Chief H: x-1- z rieer. COUNCIL R1.1L, Ik -L FORM .S ............................... ..................................... ............................co.... .......................... ct:. .... . NO. . ........................ ........... ---1 ................... ................... . ...... 4 " ...... & . .......... ....... ............................... ; ....... . .............................. 0- 70, Resolved, In the matter of grading Carroll Avenue between Syndicate Avenue and Griggs Streety under Preliminary Order 124309, and Final Order #25054, approved May 13, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Wor1iB for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. IIAho nuttier 01, din cer"ll A nue, between gyp eate Avenue ae.t . end, under Piel 2R'Inal�Orde `Na{ 606{-;tt43RVtrt0ed MXY.18 1919. �ReeIt Iilone 6and 'T - named lit d 11 � the, 'to t .r wovehereby Received all vapors ent 0, aamtr Ith above DrovedI, ADDrDved July 9 1919.=�ul 9, c0nne"-ct Adopted JR Yeas (V) Council n (%I) Nays 0 - u' n or IL Gos ... .......... In c cCol I .............. Nifain-st tinderlich n FORM C.. A. 9 3M -I2-41`, Adopted by the Council JUL.- :n9 JA..19 I. - Approved o ...... .. ...... .. ... ............. - �- I (i R:i No %748--83' 11i- kL.•Gosa-� - L-k— •. - Ia She. matter of ¢rb.dlaK JliiteL Street,.: " � fipm: Und woodd A esus' Lo SaeYling. "Avenue Pntace Htreet;•:Srom -�a+7ar _ wOod Avenue;•' So Snell�nq AYOnua;. t GOUNCI James Street Iirvat Unr1 rwood ave M t- nue'to 8nelal� Avenge, and, 'Mac ateate Avenue; ram zRa241-1pla-�.gLre`@t - 't Te arson venue unpder pre,iimt $n ---t ___ _ __-----28t1i�. 1818r nd'Flna.l OedervNo ,227.02 r.—d Mar 9th 1919 .�e NO_ ---------- e PI 6 --- --eeoiveThat tfie ,Pins speci9oa ' p> fioae :and estimated gQvantltias sub --_. ______ ________ -----------______ _________ ______ __ ___ _ - __ _if._� _. - �tuittedby the-Gombaiealoner oL,,-Publfc;F ' Works for the • e.bove aamedt' improve .� 7, m 7}t be and the same era berebs >;P ! f - DrADD owed (du Y�121 19 Adopted br' the eounetl Jn1ssa: 1919 jented..._JL11�___ 9 t33� '__...:..... 1919._. Resolved, '�3se matter of grading'�Juliet Street �kroln ` Uxicloat i-wo oc3 Avenue to Snelling Avenue ; Ps.lace Street from Un-cZ@rwo act Avenue to Snelling Avenue ; .TayneS Street fr©332 Uac"ierwo cos Avenue to Snelling Avenu.e, »d Macalester Ave3rxu6 from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, u3OL8er Pre33mia$ry Order #20803, approved Els-roh 28th, 1918 _, snd P13m:&3' a me-dU r�. #22702, '`pproved May 9th v 1919. -F�OLVM, That the plans, speoificatione and es'G3-m8-t e d gnsntit ies submitted by the Commissioner o f P7,ibl2c Wor 3cB for the above named improvement be and -C he wase ar@ 3xeraby approved. rC:f` S_ 'No_ 2_�a742 Bs MN Gose .._ 111><e �s-tier -oY . nlr Juliet Street, 2rom �SaHerw enue'to &nelltng., ••r "�" .. .- - .. � A'vesae�_ Palace :$treat, "from IIadei•: - vQooa �y-veaue. to • `Snp,IlinR• :Avenue.•- a=CaE a1.1 T�*'f . Sasa¢s._ �'C-meet Szeoin Under)vood .Ave-: . sae Lo Sae213aS = Avanpe v,,nd C 07i1'l �ti'�- >�' OTS i, ,Les Ler Aveaae� 2pt� RattQdlDh 8t eat Jetrersoa AvOnveands Prellmi-. IR-O $ -= r-s1�Lo 2QS03'+ rKrAved ]K-Ofi' 'tit; f, SPProv-e.8 Flrtat f)r er No 22702, M 1959, ResoYvec3� _ t .: a Plane aDeol�ca- tions saH.-egLBmg, rrti-t..Cet3 b� "Wd �.var[kitlea eub-^------ 9 '� Coaaaxis ones at Public. - � __-_--- .or>ecs ' Zoe fixe above named 4mDrove.. - - eaY ibe_ sad 'the same are '3ieFebY ap-, rABopted by:L7ae Covnotl. Tulp 9, 1919.: Approve@_:'Sals 9:1919. Yeas (✓) Council>mea Naps o Adopted by the Council ------------- _- ... ..191...... Farns o- *IhL t Approved...........:... jx t7---L7.3.7.........--... 191..... .. Goss-----------ill► M oil --- ---- ----.......---.:.._.. ._f..-.._. .. __________.... - MAYOR nnder2idtz a�� ' Mr. .FORM C. A. 3M-is2-16 - _-�I—r♦1+_ - - - CITY l-30UNCIL Fwsc AF- .,V-0� F T. PAUL - I ON—GENERAL FORM cour+c,� Date r ----- m m - Resolves. 'i3Miatthe P-Lx=clza.sing' Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to pzir 4=2aase 3vit1a the consent of the Comptroller, one Ford Roadster :r'ra3n W. H— ScYimelzel Company. to cost $531.70, without asking far compgtitiv@ bids, as this is a patented article and no a <3L—%x--mLntmge could be gained thereby. Charge Bureau of Light ing— iTe-Qw- Equipment Yeas (✓) lmene✓ F orth G V �t��ii -- Mr. ) Nays Adopted by the Council ........ JUL ---7- -9--- --- ---- —191 Approved ................ . �:._-� ��------- --- 191----- V- - - - ---------- M OR CIT OF `• . - - GENE RP.L FORM �'� OUNCIL RESOL _ - _._..--- ---)CoDUL- k ------- _ J eEt: n couNCIL ------- ---------- - PILE Nom.......1..........._ ................................. C Date Presented.......... 191.._. a Resolved, TYist.PDXZMi sa S3on and authority are herebg granted to the Superior Refining Comp063c=g to establish and ma:Lnta.irn two 16000 -gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline, on the property oP tl_e Chicago Great Western Railroad ComP���' between the railroad traclK-a and Starkey street, in the sigth ward Q =V, said City, and in the Rrea.r of No. 43 East Water street; said t T=gra to be installed in ,8600or3,0.xn0e with the ordinanoes of the City of �t _ Faul, and under the direction and to the satis- faction of w_-- oxnxnissioner of Public Safety . Yeas 43m 1T� Sys Adopted by the Council_-_..i,F� �..9..-.-.--191_... Approved..__ .: f�..{��-__..___...191. avo -- �ii%��--�, 17. - _. - ..._._.. .. _...... _._....� - .................. MAYO . Mr. FORM A. - JOHN 1. FARICY (Offirr of Ti#1J 49terk JAS. J. MINER .IT, CLERK A9SY. CITY CLERK July 8th, 1919. Mr. O- H_ C3 • �Tei11, Ccrporatn Counsel. Dear Sir = Attached please find application of the Superior RAe�:r' —z3ing Company to erect tanks for storage of gaso- line oxm t'_3e property of the Chicago, Great Wsstern Railway Co., adj acem- t t o --#-- lze it tracks in Ward Six, etc. , wl-ach was referred to you by t M-3LB Council this morning, for the proper form of reso- lution, zzg said application. Yours truly, enc. CITY CLERK. HENRY CEVLIIV FIRE CHIEF b MYLES McNALLY ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER _ BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION July 7th 1919, Hon. Hearer tic Co11, .. C omr . of dub 2 i c Safety, St. Pau1, 3�iiaxr' Dear Si ==i regard to the applioation of the Superior Refining Co _ asking for permission to instal two 16000 gallon c f gasoline'in the rear of 43 E. Water Str., between and Chioago Great western Railroad Traoks. Both tara-,L-as to toe above ground set up on concrete base inside of 1iae. =a regard to fire hazard would state building belonging t o the Pure 011 Co. a one story briok building Is about . from tanks, outside building of the St. Paul White Lead gazo ci Oil Co. about 60 ft. from tanks. Would re- commend tial t permit be granted and this off ioe be notified for reizispectian. Respectfully yours, _ a�;-C_I;g 'roz�_ ACTING FIRE MARSHAL. p - SUPERIOfi`.REFINING COMPANY r - - 1 bitroit'guiiding.; .'." _ _ - St . Paul; Mim►:, July�:3, .1919: , _;:: City Council -- —:. St Paub, ,r ._ .., $t --- 'Lily -,Z&L nn. Gentlement hereby make applicati'on.to erect and maintain tanks for the. storage off" gsiaoline and 'oils, on.the property o_ Chicago Great Western Rail _ _ Comggny, adjacent to trsc�s, of said ,:company ;in ward six ofy _ this city; o>i --Sr.}xe wvast side of tracks, close to the river, storage therein not to exceed --=S9=,000 gallons of gasoline in two separate tanks. - -s above to be so constructed'to meet with the city rules and .. regulations. =-aaa-biag that your early approval will be granted, beg to remain, Very truly yours, SUPERIOR REFINING COMPANY, _ (Signed) W. E. Haag; General Manager. i _ � CITY OF C--C)�UN<--1L- Rgs C3N — C--E:NE:RAL FORM - - - - - -- --------- ------------------------------------------- - ----------- -------- -- --------------- --------U-- A3 CONCIL FILE� NO ..... �4 -- ------------ --------- ------------- - - -- ------ - ------ ---- Resolved, That the 4^!-czvnynleeloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he I m authorized and d1reoted to issue a permit to the Thompson wards, Inc. to establish and maintain and operate a lumber yard o=—= the property bounded by Emerald, University, Wabash ,and Myrtle and 133 feet east of Curfew avenue from Myrtle avenue to WaL-k=3-='tL avenue, as shown -upon the plat attached hereto. Y Resolved, '..LtBfrC In Yeas (O Councilmen fV> M.C.1/ FOR. C A.9 3M 6-18 '"'jzd.'Pt.d by iho C—i-11 7U13 S. 1919. pvmv.d XW9.1919. (July , 32. Adopted by the Council.. Jj- 7191 Approved 191, . ...... ... — J. E.-CORCORAN. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER JAMES M. CLANCY, COMMISSIONER - 11141IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUURM\1<tE--#s-s all Q11111111M11N1111111111111111111111111�IIIIu1111111111111I111111114kUllllllit11111111111111111111111111111111111111' CITY OF ST. PAUL �� rimettt of larks' f laugOunbs anh public Suilhings OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER 43 COURT HOUSE �y 48 July 8, 1919. The Homrabl6 and City Counoll o the City of St. Paul, Court House City Gentlemen: - cordance with the communication referred to the Department • o:r Buildings for investigation relative to the establishmerit X lumber yards and the ereotion of builditkgs on property bou3=L3 -wmmmmmt�d by Emerald Ave., University Ave., Wabash, Myrtle and one huracLr emand thirty-tw? feet east of Curfew from Myrtle to Wabash Ave � _ as shown by the plat submitted by the applicant. This property is situated so that it will not interfere with any residences -_-_10;_�_ropertles nor is it contiguous to any other build- ings, I would wherefore, recommend that permission be granted Thompson Yard Inc. , the applioants for the establishing of this industry -on the above described premises. ThLe -=MLplans of the buildings and their locatioh to be approved by S Department of Public Buildings. Yours respectfully ���oM�s►orf ���ns,IrTc. cmw— 77, MIN T%I: AY C--31. -W--= S June 11, 1919. C its C otaac it of St. Paul, SL 3L=18 -%.x1 , Minnesota. . Hoor3osr ab 2e Gentlemen: With the Weyerhaeuser T amber Company, of Tac vetas Washington, we wish to make application for perswz :X -s s ion to establish retail As -z c1 wholesale distrib- ut ixmg 2wnl3er yards and suitable -swsrehousee for same, oa t2ie property described on the sstteohed blue print. In addition to the warehouses necessary to C-- srr-y azz this business, our compsriy proposes to erect gam= er81 offices on this site , �E'scc Sag on University Av�ziB It is hard to estimate Jvast now the amount off- ss3K-vaeg we will spend in the and warehouse bu -IN M--cf-IL #sags , but it will possibly b a in the neighbor- lzoo-K�L 0:C *100,000.00. This is merely a pr-eDL A-=1mary application, 11z asrd-er that you may know what we wish to do, and to gs2ra your permission so that we may proceed with oisr paws . If you need any further information, we will b 6 v Sry glad to give you say sad s11 data that you may rec;zi are 0� PT = EIYD C 0 v 4 '(. 4 Your s very truly, THOfK-!� �NYARDS, Inc . fila L_.���► a /� �j 14 I—="MRAL FORM ......... ... No. - ........................ .... ...... ............ .... X, .......... Da Resolved, That the O'9gLWe'tb4M Wc;,.53 wIx:J-oh expires April . 4th.1921now in the name of I Grofmsm 830 PO'mI30 aL=cl the waxne hereby is transfered to William J.GrandUaitre 820 Rondo S-b— -"Jut.AdoQteg �y the Couacil July 9, 1918: Yeas (,I) Councilmen Nays Councilmen Farnsw th Goss --------- M M 0l 11 ------------- Mr. Pr..i 12. Hodgson }ORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 I Adopted by the Council_.... . .. ......... Approved . 191 A�9MAV ORX ........ . . .. E. L—- CITY -• PAUL - MC--IL RESOLUT101. =V ,411 FORM Sublept.: --------- — —-------- --------------------------- r•--- - cour.{�k NO.��� Date Presen ted- - Resolved,' That the ap�llcation of the lmericl�a Theatre Co.for a license to conduct a motion p:*- tzars theatre at 931 Wewb 7Zh.8t.be and the same hereby is granted aacSL- the City Clerk is -to issue such license upon the payment irs -'t.- --nnim=s, the City Treasury of t]me customary fee fifty dollars (50.00 iG •F No 56747—BY s3enrY ldccoll= lved. That the apDlltstl n of -tIIe to Amortcan ;Thoatee Co.. Sor -a: ltc¢psa - ydotlen picture tLaatre si aEi condunt a .W Eat• Seventh Btetd. snd the Cit? G�erlc � �.tiareby 'te '.�rsn - -instructed to'lssne auchifc¢as¢-- [anoa .. !s �tbw payment Into [he Cit>' Traasufry oL tea• -ratty dollsra �Y8 1919. . th¢customar7 �.--AdoDted b fife Council �n1Y. s.-- A,Dproved Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) rW �s 'Cf!'RIT� Farnsworth Goss O -------------In "" e�die!✓r McColl �,..----------- FO- --------"FORM C.' A. o 3M 12-1e JIJI' =9 f �9 Adopted by the Council191 Approved.-:...._...J:::.._�...�yir..-...._1191,.... �� MA OR 6068..... d �M,8 URM:FIER 1407.08.0 -.-ft ............. .. . �1 By... ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..laving.11.ithfk.5phalt..concrete the north side of Summit Avenue frnla..Snel�iixg..rY@nuQ-_-to_.. Sheeler..Avenuea...includiriaewer� water.and .as ..co�n�ctinns.:.fr.om..acre.et...rr>�ix1,9...to...9roR�x't.3i-..,l.�:xle..s... complete.,.._vrhere_;not.._. ��xeady.made.,.-.also.-including curbing and driveway approaches, where i16ceSSSL'Sj+......................................6 ................6 ......6 ...6. (xmavi itenui;: "3ni„om'. ' } ............................. air Prelbnin4Nlll mhe Couno;l 04 the Cit of h Poul having moo' iho roport o� � ,,�� fl���';';.;§111i) 04 �nanoa upon tho Y. above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: A I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....PRY.@...With ...WhAlti... ooncrate...tlie...no;tn..oide of swirdl4 ticenue from Snelling Avenue to Wheeler .-lwanue.,including..s.eivisr.,_water..arld_.gas..connections from street mains to .................................................. _.......... ..property...lines..-complote,_rrhere._not..already.madeI also including curbing. ..and... dri.vvyray_.approaches, where necessary. ...... ......6.66.6 .......... .. ...................6.....6...66................ ............................................................................;,.,i..........................:..................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is x....10.,7.46-00. Rebolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........... Sth..................day of .:. .... 191....9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court; House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finanoe give notice of esid-meeting to the persom; and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing; the nature.of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...........�' Ta 1 �.......... 191..__.-. .............................. . t Approved......: siifl . *9 f :... ..�.. ........, 191.._.. ' r ��J 66_66_ __ ._ ........... �..�...... ...�. i 6666 6666.. Councilman Farnew b b t►� r, h yor. Councilman Goss ecoll Wunderliep Form B. VA, 8-6 , �V c ��� 1 0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C.OnatMUC.Ung...dr V..FV.4.yd............... ............Limitoris...St..,...east...sida.,...6...ft....srida.,...fxow..106..ft.....Uut..h...Q ...i3 lad.-... ............ :yv"...theme...anuth...9...ft,..,... 91.ehart... ve..,... Orth...s.i..d.p ..... G.—fI...... )Xidw., .._. ............from..36 ft,....aast,...flf....ox ord...S .....the c.er....Pr.{ Pt...lkIJ.i 4 ............................................. w 1 �d -1111111111......111111..... 11M., 11111111111111 11111111111111 IMMMIMMMMMMMUMM under Preliminary Order..............2�8.9.....lt�llml h���r.,9 `r The Couneil of the City of St. Paul having received the reporV`df the y, ; Mier of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves;. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...aons.truai:...drivawayB t...side........ ft...rides :.....irora.lQ6..ft... SzUth_of_Ha us..Ave.#...thence.,_aouth..J•,.ft.,. T�;lehart.�ye., ............ north ...s.ide.a...6...fl,.. tiyi de.,., fr 4 36. ft east...gf. O:do.rd.• St. thence east. .................................................................................................................................................................. With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ._....2.Q....pe ....S.q. ft. Resoled Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 6.th....................day of --...--.....AUIF�U5t ..............................1 191.....9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided ty the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,' and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........... ........... 191..._.. lPa,,.. .........��................Approv.. . ...t4.rz............ 191............. .............CouncilthCouncil Councilm McColl Couueilm Wunderii o Form B. VA. 8-6 1 11 C.......... By........................................................................................ , �V c ��� 1 0 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...C.OnatMUC.Ung...dr V..FV.4.yd............... ............Limitoris...St..,...east...sida.,...6...ft....srida.,...fxow..106..ft.....Uut..h...Q ...i3 lad.-... ............ :yv"...theme...anuth...9...ft,..,... 91.ehart... ve..,... Orth...s.i..d.p ..... G.—fI...... )Xidw., .._. ............from..36 ft,....aast,...flf....ox ord...S .....the c.er....Pr.{ Pt...lkIJ.i 4 ............................................. w 1 �d -1111111111......111111..... 11M., 11111111111111 11111111111111 IMMMIMMMMMMMUMM under Preliminary Order..............2�8.9.....lt�llml h���r.,9 `r The Couneil of the City of St. Paul having received the reporV`df the y, ; Mier of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves;. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...aons.truai:...drivawayB t...side........ ft...rides :.....irora.lQ6..ft... SzUth_of_Ha us..Ave.#...thence.,_aouth..J•,.ft.,. T�;lehart.�ye., ............ north ...s.ide.a...6...fl,.. tiyi de.,., fr 4 36. ft east...gf. O:do.rd.• St. thence east. .................................................................................................................................................................. With no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ._....2.Q....pe ....S.q. ft. Resoled Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......... 6.th....................day of --...--.....AUIF�U5t ..............................1 191.....9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided ty the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement,' and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council........... ........... 191..._.. lPa,,.. .........��................Approv.. . ...t4.rz............ 191............. .............CouncilthCouncil Councilm McColl Couueilm Wunderii o Form B. VA. 8-6 C 25 70 . ......................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER -V on the In the Matter of a-QXM1r1A-QAi idea ........... ajouil sida d GIMI'l 0.8 5-tX'Q-Q1 fnfl 21AIUTI.GJV=U@ !.g.lry atmtm I .. .......... ......................... I ..................... ................ ...... .... ... ......... ... �:tLv 1 6,0V odor Preliminary Order ........... 25146 ...... ppru...D.'0_19190 . ................... ............ The Council 4e City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Pinance upon the abpve improvemeii,- and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..jeonstruct a aement.. ......... .. ti1e on the south bide of Charles StreLet ........... ................................................................................ . ........... ....... Q%Q.Q.P.t ..... I .. ..ient .. . ............ sidewalks .. ...... .... ................................ ........................................ * ............................................ ........................................... .............................................................. ................................................... ................................................................................................... ................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....7,0 par front foot. Resolved Further, Tat a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 6th ..................day of ..................1144' s.t ......................... 1 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Pahl. , That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated, toed by lb colifidl ............. 4,,,,,, 0 A Approved....#P. 191 Councilman Fa swortb Councilman U ss McColl Wunderlie) Form 3/8. A. 8-6 V 0 By.. .................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER, In the Matter otre.c.orL5:l<me.ting.}..x'.elraj1.in;..AXI.d..1.P.P.41riKig...5i.dx2gl�4...#.lc...ths3...�ollow- ing locations: Broadway, gest side, 122, ft. gide from 8th St. to 9th St., 9th St. y southside 72 ... ft. w-ide.i....f xom. Brtoadway., thenee, ... west 1G ft-ry fir lel...St. east side, 6 ft. wide, from Charles St. thence south to alley; Charles St., north s -i -de., 6 ft.. wide; from ArundErl••-St: �thenoe"'e'as't 40'•'ft: 9 CQUOIN CuUNI CIL, CITY OF ST, PAUL; n ST. PAUL, MI10SOTA, 41 g6,iihe t, An ordinance authorizing the Minnesota TransfJ* Railway Company to`construct, maintain and operate a spur track with necessary switches over, across and upon Cobbonwood Avenue and Fairview Avenue in the City of St. Paul. t� j Qii , I Authority end permission are hereby granted unto the Minnesota Transfer Railway Company and unto"VJallser' D,,,. Hines, Director Genere.l z•' I' �' a lJA" Reil oadtj, and hie successor iri ° '''!' RftiIither or both, to Con- ,; vv, ni e e qu w•h 1�,irte V,11(1%1. structl maintain and Wrote t jjWlthuneeeeI II 5w4t), 'necessary switches more p Fair ipw Avenueoin Ln rQ11 pclrticually deaeribed ae folio POO n • AA opened' Counoll of the City of 8t, ' t to Board Filb.14016• A reilwe starting.1 startin ,'aordaln. SDCTION I. `onwood Avenue in uthority auntond permission are heft the exieting Railway Track 0f;'nted Compatheny andnesoo w ELI ra f fer Reilway. Colnpany at r r,07 es, Director General Railroads, , successor in office and to erithfor a distance of approximately reh,a° epurtrtrackaiwIth necess�.�' from the Westerly witches more particulpdy deserlbed line of Fairview Avenue and11 railwaY track starting at a pt'h a 17 degree curve 1 Cottonwood Avenue, as opened ri t r and pursuant to railway i Il ek South Baoterly along Cottoxero' 18 ii the ex rang r fth line of lot 14 Milt a°slat nceefof apP ox ma" q!''1 feet Westerly from the V ,1 Of Fairview Avenue and � out lots f �� and Merrier's out lots, continuing th' hence With a 17 degree c # rmrly along Cottonwood "r.North line of lot No, . l r .,, s No. utnNg ih� line of -the treok to Fairview Avenue to a point Ouch f' o tAvenue,to°- 1. line of then, of the W shall be 8 feet East of the westervi,.1ii 9�arainview Avenue and thence r parallel with the said Westerly line of FaarQiew Avenue at an elevate" the same as the center line of the road way of Fairview Avenue a distance of approximately 315 Feet. Said track is shown by yellow lines upon attached blue print of the property upon which it is to be located. See. 2 - The aforesaid peaeission and authority are hereby granted upon and expressly subject to the following conditions to wit; -- The said track shall be laid in such a manner as not to interfere with any public travel upon said streets, and said work is to be done under the supervision and to the aatisfactiow of the Commistioner of Public Works. The said Minnesota Transfer `Etailway Company shall upon demand of the said Commissioner of Public works, at any time, plank any Street Crossing that may, in the future, be established across said spur track. The work involved in the construction of said spur track shh11 be done by the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company et its own expense and in .and by its acceptIlbee of this ordinance, it agrees q./ o2r�, that it will indemnify and save harmless said City of St, Paul from any and all damages, claims, coats and expenses whatsoever, and in any manner arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation or removal of said track at the place aforesaid. i Said track shall be taken up and removed from said Streets and the same restored to its original condition whenever the Common Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. Seo. 3 - This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after itspassage. approval and publication; provided that the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall, within thirty days after being notified of the passage, approval and publication of this ordinanol file 1t1 WMtiBn a0ooptlm there Qf With the 11ty Clerk of Bsid City, aW such acceptance is not filed within the time aforesaid, NA thi8 ordinance shall be Null and Void. s* Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Farnsworth v'Goss ` _ In favor VKeller /McColl Against ✓Wunderlich hk' P—&id6% u,.i4wn FORM C. A, 9 3M 12.18 Adopted by the CouncilZ4 .. 1919 ..L_. ._ ....._........191...... Approved_.... _ __ ..... .... ... 191..... MAYOR 0 ` - Jas1J 4t�a, 1929• - ]Eoa� �ass� � 1�b13a wbr�k- f!ldiayaac. �. d8'l39* asstfaeri:iag '� �/is sxmst•- VALIUMV COUWM U► fo eon**ZUOt wad opsla!• a *V=S* *WUSU ons a aaro•w �sd s as Qatfomoa3 w.raatiu Mad Ps3rs tis Agra.,, %V" laid oVsr to ,iwo3� IBtla, aaa rst.rraa se 'oar dwopax-tmaat. �o�os.a h*s4w ritla glaase lSad *.tam mbcmo gxdS-xm%WGw- ?OU" *3*"3r, JOHN I_ FA AMF=z;&ac-r (Offire of Mitlu. MLL-rh JAS.J_ MINER - CITY CLE CITY CLERK - (nt# of �ttYt taut ...T. July 9th, 1919. Hoa_ 3si. 114_ Goes, / 31-J Coar o:r Public 11Porsk. Dear— j Ordinance'No . P-5752; aLi-thoriz ing the Minnesota Tra=-= � :r e r- I?8.ilvray Company to construc't11 �'at�, s�perate a spur track over acrd s artc1 upon Cottonwood Avenue and Ave., was laid over to_ —1y 36th, and referred to your department. Enc ed ew:L p16893e find the above ordinance. Yours -truly, enc CITY CLERK. Y Y • �. Gtr- ��. OFFICE,II R aift l•OC�lA6 No.. .::. .. ............:.:....... 4a. AUDITED _ FO FILE BY............ . ................................... Fes" A ITE ..............................• ............... , CITY IPTROLLER 191 .. ... ........PER.........................:.. LE... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund's and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the follring detailed'statement: { Adopted by the Council..._...............191...:.__ y�Iancy �nsworth — — C ,F: Ido wta`-- Ahatract. �ss Resolved thit,,waraante: U. drawn upon tht{ EttY TeeaeurY nayabte out o[ the heretnafter`;speoifled funds apd in f$vpr, of the pprgona >Artbs-oa tions for the attloun�det octrpora ahe to the iCC0Il reoec1 40 fol1Wllh e 1g10 i�t61dx l4hg wo �i p hp0,S�d�` )r�p�110Q1 (ill rhcil ' �;� �� ��nnOWOr,�b�, dQ►b'�,�,�� ��q�1�D�a it OV Optod byAli coon�il dUly 10" Olk a_ Approved Jully 10 10 0, r ' Ou y 1f 3919) -16664a S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 1QA" S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 13,4 .49 SewerC. & 2,32 .90 S, & S, ng. 1021 #50 Bridge B & R; 31 A G,F,PCr owal,ks 766 40 4rii q hV11, 69 A Docks, harves eto, 8 425 Paving rior Ave. 3 160 Pavin E. 4th & Johns Parkway 64 50 Pavin Como Ave. vilest 2,869 50 Tree summit & Lex. 1,04880 Eng Bering & Insp. 1 478 35 12438- Christ Johnson, zel 16OW Merchants National Bank, +.o::T�t �+MCfl of Ind. 1918 Issue. 9,000.00 Misc. & Unforse 25.43 Interest 25,402.50 Spec. A s. Bond & , In Bon nt, Acct. 30.00 Tot .............. 11,25 33,389.44 2,163.00 1p044.457,93 11,25 33,389.44 2,163.00 1p044.457,93 om r mA Y r 2 7S' �j OFFI 4iMMMOLLER AITDT�t FORM FILE C,� T 0 Resolved that warrants be dr' persons, firms or corporations for &$ Ke�u • Clancy Farnsworth Goss e,Qpt,ot •• pp.<;1n l;thelr: C ' Coll OLLER ln� �h9 9filp�fi .. 61lp8tl�' TITLE 94898 'J out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the ogv,1[le; names as specified in the following detailed statement: I I roved................ .Ft�.�—.... +!.:.. I .................. $14 .79 Ke NorthRweetern Hlaugae Company, au a6 ; ccoll Photo Art Shop 89.40 j Pftf6urg Plate Giass Oompany Wunderlich 861A ea, ,Tgme9 Re�etnossen, 1E000 Rgymer Hardware Company, $89 49, r, President, Hodgson W R, Rice, $299,40; gt,Paul Book & $tatlonery Company. Into, Paul Buildera;MaGerlal Company, �t� n�ul Habr@w Igglit111a �1G0,00, h Pal Harald, �209,fi8, S9aburr & Cofnpdriy, 849,28, Sherwl>!•Wllliama 0,0111090, $1601, Superior Printing rmmianv,11164.60, Waterous Englna' Worke, 18020, v Adopted by the CounellJuly 10, 1919.1 Approved July 10, 1919, (Julys 12, 1919) Y!*Ie@- American Sales Book Company, Cpm+ae�y�lGfiarks . Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, eu,eR• Cita ` . Burns Lumbar company, NU4&, Cochran—Sargent Company, P� s Revl. I 6 Crane & Ordway Company, Spk*aing n de Revl. ,. o Finch, Van Slyk & McConville, Juo" :a Quarantine 20 7. 301 4 21J2 Zo 20 4, 0 6, 19. 55 1137 16 26 74`97 3 2 11.01 397.88 63,1 66.78 65.33 78.49 - Rei-•�'"� � a y �' S % s � . t%* R. T, Gourley,� 64, 0 grs 34 5 St. C, 14 5 Sewer , & R. 8 20 S. & CTng. 7 50 }94-* - A, P. Herschler, 255.00 hs 31. 6 Par 223, 4 .0 Nti Prof. N. L. Huff, 175.00 'Geo, C. knispel, 29.20 P R&tba A. Lindquist, 92;15 W, M. MoOlintick, AM . M6107 Paper Comp0Y, 26 �1 Tes bs, 76 A. F. Morton, Supt., 52.85 •-�c&l+bari�n, 344aZ_ Nicola, Dean & Gregg, 38.49 6 St. C & R. 8 7 rinklin lig 7 1 9 *q Northern Insulating Company, 67.30 P 12448, North Star State Tobacco Company, 34.79 lfft Northwestern Blaugas Oompany,;; 11,25 *W Photo Art Shop, 9000 Pittsburgh Plats Glass Company, 518,09 AlArantine .75 P. a 1 .88 St. C R. X25 Sc is 42 75 A seum 1 86 Parks 67 60 I 20.00 124WJames Rasmussen L Ofl lvwv Riw1 Min Raymer Hardware Companno .r'" c.e 11.10 Pal. arm 1.55 6.24 Qaaran no 2.50' Spri ing 2.90 Sc ho s .75 Lib ary 1.50 P s 2.25 1.40 orestry Revl. 2.75 Water 5.30 1.25 A W. R. Rice, 296.49 St.Paul Book &''Stationery Company, 734.09 rr 3, 5 99 91 f 14 50, 99 49 t r 5 50 n 99 66 " 99 76 it 9 .76 18496 St.Paul Builderg Material Company, 87.08 s 30.40 30.00 4.68 rd or 9.00 n 13.00 8 lE' St..Paul Hebrew Institute, 150.00 X468 St.Paul Herald, 297`:53 p<py"��tiona MW Seabury & Company, 43.26: VVe�se l'9W Sherwin-Williams company, 166.31 *3431. Superior Printing Uompony, 154.50 . & Unf. . ?8. 0om'r Works Par 39,40 1'8466- V+aterous Engine Works, ' _ 6 Foeat--- C--06NCIL as SU - - - ---------------- -------- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ..................................................................... --------- -- *-07M ------ --- ---------- ............................. .................... .............. ------ Date Presented ---------- Resolved, Ir 3=L -tiae, plat of St. Clair Heights as recommended by the Y, 3- CQZnYn:IBBion and approved by the Commleeloner of Public Wc:> -7lb— 23 be and the same is hereby accepted. 25765 -El M' N. Gl.-g� C. "e*.Xv'.d, Thmt thendule-d' b'Yf th . e'PI-t eigh"s as rec— rom_ 'I'P--d be and d tb� 1 -toner of Publie Worlce,d. hereby aee,'V'Vli J.1s, 10. 3919. ted by the Ad., p­ved J, P 1919) Yeas (/) C n c i b m�x� Ways urns 'ncy CrI]z Gos - --------- r cColl ---- U exlx=�_ Mr. esidenHodgsv P R. C. A, 9 3M 12-1a Adopted by the Council ... . ......... 191 Approve - - -- -- -- ------- .... ......... 1911.- ---- .. ............... ...... r ------- CITY OF ST. AUL C �,d ��—�cnl I, ppl r_o41i FORM --' .....- ---- 516 M PILECOUNCIL N 0 - �V � ...... ......... r Resolved, That permission and authority are hereby given to A. P. Hadammek to install, erect and maintain a gasoline filling station at 683 Randolph street, in said City, to consist of 600 -gallon capacity storage tank, to be buried underground inside the property line; said tank to be installed in. -accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the Satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. G F. leo. 26766—Ry Henry MCCoII— !+hR esolved, Thnt permiaslon and au - y are Riven t. A. p. 8adammek to 9111 na¢l stations t 6 3 nd iRanido oti 9 rest: In said Crry' to .conelat Y B00 -Ballon apaclty storese ,tnnk. to bs buried n i --round inalde'#h'eproperty line: Bala nk to'be inetalred in ccordancit h the ordinances of the It of 8t. pvul end �undor the directio pubn nd to the li acfonfety. of the, Commissioner of public _ ' Adopted apted by the n j cil July 30, 1919. Approved Jury in 979, i, (July 32, 1818) ' Yeas (1V)) C/�uncilnlen ') Nays Clancy //Fatnsw rt oss _ _ _..-irr'hd7M coil v ..-_....._...fit underlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson F MG A.9 3M 6-18 f? Adopted by the Council_--"_��I'- Appro 191 J�1L_.. tt-CsM MAYOR J Oji N 1. FA RIC Y (Offirr of Tity T erk .July 9th, 1919. Mr. O. H_ © 3Z1� Corporat �_ Coeinsal. Dear Sir= JAS. J. MINER Tina application of A. P. Hadanlmek, for a permit to instx�-ll me and oil filling station at 683 'Randolph St. _. was grsnte4=3 -® tYas Council this morning and referred to you for proper form Gs ordinance. P1aase find above application enclosed herewith. Yours truly, enc. CITY CL SIPAUL MI,NN., JULV 3. 1919. CITY CLERiG 94 E) CI TV COUNCIL, STPAUL MINN.,, GEN TLEIAE11% S i FfE F;te B V W i SH TO MAKE APPL I CA T 1 ODS FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL A GASOLINE AND r it- FILLING STATION�_ON MV OWN PF20PERTV AT SIX EIGHTY THREE ((egg) RANDOL.PEH<c S W BEET- WOULD LIKE TO HAVE THl S MATTER COME UP BEFORE THE NEXT MEETING E3 IF COUNCIL. THANKING VOU !lit ADVANCE I REMA I N VCU-IIWS TRULV `QJ t o HENRY DEVLIN FIRE CHIEF. _ - MYLE,S MCNALLY ASST CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PA U 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLtG 9 A F ETY - HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTEG-F'ION July 8th 1919. Hon. H� T�y McColl, Com= _ oAff, public Safety, St. Pare 7_ M nn. Dear S --'s z — Tn regard to the application of A.P.Hadammek damming f-cr permission to erect and. ma ixztain a gasoline fill:L— station at 683 Randolph to aoasist of 600 gallon capac :5- -may storage tank to be buried urlcig r ground inside of proper -*--y line. Dill say that I have made inspection of the prem3L --� 4E� s and would reoorxnend that permit be granted and that this o :!rLEe be notified before tanks *3�c3 pipes are covered for aspection. Respectfully yours, ACTING FIRE MARSHAL. CITY OF �47COUNCIL RESOLUTION—('�FNFopL FORM —' ......... ..... ............. ................ ..................... ................... COO CIL N. . ....... ...... .... ............. ....... ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----- ID Resolved, That the, lloenseNo.34 which expires Feb.26,1921 now in the name of Joe.pc>smem— -1zoemilm 627 Canada qt.be and the same hereby is transf ered to AIGx-i3.Coropo:r:C —87 CmunaLda, St. U 7"' 25767. � 4 Ta, 7 W;� e Ih t Yeas (V') unc I iimen ncy Yeas arns rth a ' u n r c n c s - t y Men rth am s /Goss j s - -------- Gos -Coll Wunderlich Mr.. esident, Hodgson Ir. M C. A, 9 3M /12 -IB 4� �.t J_f ai) t91 Adopted by the Council JUL Appro . . ....... ....... ..... .. 191, ............... .. .... .... .. ......... ..... . . MAYOR I F'N •_ ------------- — — — ------------ ------------- -- -- --------------- ------------------- ------------------------------ >1 Pr ented ... .... ----------------- - ----- ............ 191.... .......... Resolved, That tl-.Lt--- eL,:r->X>M:IcaLtion of Diother & List doing business as Commercial Service with offioss. at 1509-3.0 Merchants Nat'.1 Bank Bldg.be and the eam4ew 3:3omr4s-by is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such XJLc —==nwx-xvw4m -upon the filing of the 'bc>ImcL and the payment into the City 4=o:ff the fee ()no hundred fifty one dollars (151.00). 4—_ 3E�__U­".Iv.d. We. 25ZTh-t tb- rg--'8y Henry of List. doing line .488 as �. .1naeat jdk.. be 4.r-hnts Nat B -nit , be by l."grastissue W.ob cieri: to InstfunteO 11 eu the filinor tb ond lute theg City ; rebssury oL the ps.9m fee, one hundred fifty-one dollars f-:!P3S-hDfiL) lig Adopted i;d by the Coun,.,c I July 10, 1919. Approved jully'lh, 9 W 1919) Yeas (%f) Council ea IC Clanc Far worth s----------- ccoll - - --------- Wunderlic-13L Mr. Pr sident, Hodgisc*a —.. C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB Adopted by the Cou- cil 191 Approv dUL 10 MAR . ......... 191 ..........................................------- MAYOR No. 25169-3By - Albert Wunder-; - C I Aeeolvea. That- tYze Zs roper city officers C O are hereby aut'k its 'I rto -ter into ant F i a Bement- itli. Havaaa .Frazier,. pro- BBr w viding far. the paymeaL of comBensatton _ `- her at the rate —:r Si0_00 per week �= --- -- -- - ---- ---- --- ----- '-"' during the time Haat-..-sine -was totally" disabled by res oa oL -lzijtariea received iuI t"j �y �-i- by her while la t12�-emp3oy of the ne-. N 6 ------- --------- \- r partment oY EdsscaL4on of Lha cityof __ __ _____ _____ ____ [�-..... - ..:.. ♦.. .. t. Paul�'oa Che '19_tia-da9 oS nae,c1919. J Be it ftlrthar resolved. that ia'scord- ace with said agreameat,' tha proper - to city office s'=are hereby ass thogized Y v pay to,the said 8avaa Fr- Ier, out of _ - the Workmen's:–r, _ 3p_ ]ff do i Account 10,- •1919. Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into aim a.greemerit with Havana Frazier, provicL:Lx3 for the payment of com- pensatioz� to her at the rate of $$10.00 per Weep during the time that she was tota,3ly disabled by reason of inj cries received by her while in the ex3p3oy of the Department of Educat ioxz of the City of 8t. Paul on "the 19th clay, of June, 1919. Be it further resolved, that is 8.aco=dance with said agree- mexit , the groper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the saki HavRT-s Frazier, out of the Worlkmeri l e3 Compensation Account of the General c3, the sum of Eight. Dollars axzcl Thirty Cents ($$8.30) in final sett 3exnez?t of her claim, in accorcia,nc e with the aforesaid afire emexzt � - - �F- Yeas (L i Courseilm V� Nays Farns ortY>< Goss .............. r.. �.,..__ Coll underlid->< Mr. Pr idem, Hodgson PORM A_ 9 3M 6 -18 ;I hereby rec o* -n exzd the for passaEZe . Gomxrniget +s Adop�e3 by the resolution of Education. incil ----.a !.....�-f.i...�7iQ1..191._.. 7l f4lyt, Resolution of Council App` ovrSGLC TION OF COUNCIL ING ASSESShIEYT. `rI•riOY.l In the matter of the assessment of 1)Cne its 1 costs U',eomatterr of the assessment for o cr its andexpenses for l laclnG s'rs j ':,n l . �.-.a' ,�.l��i`'�t�.fl�f�D .,.��1GUa .t `VY >✓ If » ,.� a 3. a, 1. I1� :.'(i i�C{ �01. ,�iy n> � -t.A0800u E,011— rr99 / RR��o t m sho o out 54 ggfoot� 1 6 t r�, o* w9am, j,,ws s woof a���i9,�',walf�i trmdm'' 00 .foot sodic �f�o l"t�iP M 11'704n t1�l�,w couch to llt woo 1.5ti q�,� b l V Y to rsu d t ivory south Woo Ut4rgIMIL+9 4A, Nt Mt O AM 11 011 Thmq 00at 296 rooto Palo* 192M rroe,-t ste, wont sida, beei=ing at ?WUAM AVOo thW100 804h SW foot. ,t��.�q.. 02n F.0. 1'7003 1=11ing -,vo. 0 v`+ost 9140, f r= lith P -We to ix'�*Uh Ste and on tho acm-4,h aid© Of iar4olpla '?ts ft= SaG 9@. tO 00stOvly tarz4a= of =.wnt € ilo s-S.dw aMc at W rxw i3az1>SUM �VO- z7. 0. o.z .0. #.)I= pluj Lr ount ;:via., nwth side, WSLmInG at Maington .1aAo these weat 220 foot. -.0, 21709 V. ".a6Y each i+t.y north Cjt:ZE3, _,1r R Owida `:t• ft0 J43MMW 1V09 �yRI9tt,�t3lt fad �y7tf y ,)too !`. rort l t(vT�o Git3�i�i aY�o to ci®$' C921r.tkl�di[ll q.V4Ysg s g (t W �1 �+•.th 1� d �eo I�:i�M16�Ky w1�4�S93,n :g"Vo,o ��f rM gV.'y�.yP0�.MWy�i�f(�ii�rtt♦� to >;7.q.�yi 3:IV /V�s»t h M7� 's � �,y "f7,o 4 jjj both QS�A.7ooS fMM VYJA for AVO' to St. Clair ti oil the amith Dido of IVAc �'I:t r sial u IAOM �1,vo# to aoliil Vot '�yytp'ry, 1 � tldM�f�� t3ol 11I0dIU olI+UA�ainr Nt u11^it NNM��wn�M i��1� 1 tj' Jj ""its al�1r 1 ��, rr�LLe.,,,R ccs -,O-A „„�biy210@@,�g+ldov . tic's (v ,4th 1pbilt:10 11�01TWO �/.a+� tC Js rU..t.s. tJ1J .N�:.LL—i:af�l3;t�t i�:'�,es p =VU oidep bot ,�..YrAl at I=Inat i f.10 MO:4V"ri/ �yyy ��[[�� i-1t.�E}.d�pi��•t,..�y,^,N^, .C�p,1+0� foot`* ,meq. p �} ,�,y��ry aa .+r �q�y�., utiles :✓�",b2:IFbLY.6.1. +:eta. south%1('vu p9•e�i°es, fvw ai4%$'k't3rson wo. to A. G'ulr 9' z'. (7. X24 ;. ataGa ..Vo, srm° :,joj orga'2 -.V4. to i'da3. Ge Sts and can the nth c ido, of i'x3ia e Sl* f' -M-1 Sa? -to s wee, to CUQ12 tl r ,`.va. 217 F. :sca3. 5 M,to req 3r. 3.$`:lO t:i7"Ct. to Elbert asst. a'»0e 17000:323f�3.3.g s'>C, eivf9., ti6,ut 31der. jfva a 1,.1,1002.7,'3 woo to 't4t1oo1., -: `to 2 a on the north side of : a Ylolph a=t. f'1,'on ;;,a€lll, .:,, We to oaattAYW�4 tE6 `mis of sidom.i.'s at 47-,-Zla^ !M11no d<!3't3► Cc's C �Cg _ for and in connection with The assessment of the above improvement having been subnulted to the 1 ���n;, il, r..! t'.c Couu, it having considered same, and i found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respeets approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ___12th ---day of u 191 Q.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. in the Council Chamber of the Court he City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of House and City Hall Building, in t iin said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council AI 14) .191 City Clerk. Approved .__._.....wl� ......i.)... gl..._...._...............191.._..... ao y r . Councilman Farnsviorth PUBLISHED " Gosa' 7 ii�� 'ul&A t lcx,cy Wunderlich M or buix, _'od~son f Ibrm B. B. 36 JJv , i PAUL 0WMU,j&WA0LLER AUDITEDJQ W.WoRESOLUTION FORM Form A IN I toiffi Not A. .............. ...................................... JU L 11 r= . I -SER Y Ir AULD ......... .................... ............... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of t4i hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names 44-ified in the fol I lowing detailed statement: ys Ado p a by the Council........ ..... —L-111 �.2 Clancy Farnsworth roved .......... . Goss Aga ........... . ..... . . ........... ....... .... ........ ....... .. . NUYOR oll underlich, Mr. resident, Hodgson AbLotrUt -j9j6jjed, that warrants be &AAt LWO Or oil- pla, 01 q Clancy Farnsworth C' r cy/ Fa n -w Goss oll u defli h t Hodgson M, r. resident, n H on qq p�IVI� �k P p� �9'. h I� � �s� o� rel oil WaNd sidemo B 00 ;> fothelk Lu h o! company, lat, ar t 266;o tt 1 0 ant, dov op the'Cou 01 July 11" 1910. Pin! I I I . , - (July ib,:1919) 98,00 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, en 255,00 —ig 6 Peter Dickson, etc 50000 1"jr Otto Edstrom, Agent ORMALTO CIT1 0Lt.A Ii f�,;, Offft '"iMMR 0 LER couaClr, N4'�'` AUDI RESOLUTION FORM FILE ,f � Iva— � q ICOM PTROLLER A IT �,,.....L. .. .... ...........1911 - Il G PER....................._ .................... .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in following detailed statement: t Yeas V CoNays Adopted by th o cil..... .......... 6 ............. 1912 , Clancy I�I� 191 Farnswo Mqr oved.............................................I..................:........... ........... Goss �l.........................................................:...................................................... MAYOR cColl Wunderlich M resident, Hodgson , C• F. No. 26762 - upon the City'xreasu y, p yg91n vul qy the hereinafter, epic fed We and In: feiVor.of the persope, firme'or,corpora. tlona for the amoante aet o poglte thIr I. Auto Engine Works, rdsppective naln8a �as apeolfled In t10 followng detailed statement, mot loan , aFranca Fire Finglne 10, (,5 Company, $d,28, American all a' Xpreei CompanVj it Amerlean ltoee 0010 y, 12,00• Art Dngraying Company,.'i6,61. Auto Be no VVor4s, $87.26• '9aidwin Transfer CompanY, $9.67, r 17.0 Fill P480.t10,00. Ule R •rtr1dge„$6.36• Baldwin Transfer Company, 9.67 American LaFranee lire Engine Company, X28 JQA” - Will Bass, ,IS, American Railway Express Company, 5.18 American Rose Society, 2,00 7 Art Engraving "Ompany, 4, 1 6,51 Stas y4wary 2 0 He&l-th 9725 I. Auto Engine Works, lif&l. 10, (,5 it 68. 0 MuG.:,,evl, 17.0 Baldwin Transfer Company, 9.67 SohooleRA1 JQA” - Will Bass, 10.00 ..5 Bazille & Partridge, I . 53.28 Bebbe Laboratories, 2.00 He&l-th ';. Albert Bonnier Publishing House, 34.52, , Li�na�r, Ree-�je"-Page #2 �� �� �►' , iOUT Brioschi & Minuti, N44&—Brown, Blodgett & 8perr7 Company, 109.90 ON444aui.ce 5. 0 P�9e and blanks 21. 5 11 H�°�A;S.Library 83. 5 1 0 ZM Buffalo Springfield Roller Company, 8.64 Wm. R. Burkhard, 1:60 John W. Cadby, 1.58 zibaaw— JgujZZ Capital City Ice Company, •6400 %Eahae"' JgA53 Carnegie Dock & Fuel Company, 1,063.28 4tv4v-a R. 470 27 218 55 ,ase 216.68 ,e 15 .78 1, • Carol Cox Book Company, 29.15 '1245'' Central Garage, Y'LgE Central Scientific Company, 3.90 • A 4 7,ihYary C Chicago Civil Service College, 2.00 Chicago Great Western Railway Company, 1.62 g- Citizen's Ice & Fuel Companylj� 165.00 �s ,iso- C. H. Congdon, 61.58 Sa- 1- F. G. Coover`, 5.00 T2gbT'- J. M. Copeland, 112.00 1«3- Corning -Donohue Brick Company, 129.75, Ra ks 1 Crist Book Shop, 3.50 - Cycle Sales Company, 15.20 " Mullig Gar. Revl. 186 Adam Decker Hardware Companyy, .15 59.59 7ili Works .75 R. .95 4 15 Cing. 2 25 ng 4 5 1:046 Page Page #3 S - ?i J % SehoQls 7 41 5. 0 Park n. Adm. 5 P g �8 .1 1.8 Dore -Redpath & Compiny, 19.18 L. F. Dow Company, 23 65 45.20 7Sehools 5 1 50,LUbr, L5 60 3 50 WW W, J, Dyer 8c Brother, 37005',, 32 60 / b P-- .. Eisenmenger Meat Company, 16.80 Electric Blue Print Company, 27.66 . e 10. 0 P. ga. W er 7. 6 9. �9 Field, Schlick & Company,`�orks 13.25 G 11. 5 240 . Finch, Van Slyck & McConville, 7.10 3. 2 y5� 3. 8 Electric Manufacturing Company, 6.12 iia.-a*A* Revl. *24n"- Elite Laundry Company, '�LKieC�9• 34.73 A, D, B118WOrth, 2347 M iy YR T• VY 2.00 ri �" ��'� Essanell Eleotr�,a , 84,94d ,company e 4 0/4 4, 5 Muni . Gar. Revl, . 0 a it u 51 60. 1 12 Fairbanks, Morse & Company, 16.50 P-- Page,4 �•-�6,�'' 49+- Farquahar & Company, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, nforseen 12.5 7Parks 18. 3, 68 096 0 12 0 56 7 Revl. 23 8 7 :95 473.35 6.00 15.00 3.30 2.00 31.4 2.00 15;9 X12,10 15.08 8.00 101.00 20.25. 81.40 " 4 0 n10.45 " 4. etc. 2.0 3*55 }egg. The Fleischmann Company,, 1 Foster Brothers, MISS`` Friedmann Brothers, 1966- H. B. Fuller, E 1-94e4, Gamewell Fire Alarm Company, Fail -& P'm 1*4%- C. W. Gaskell, 4dL. Gaylord Brothers, "''- Gopher Lime & Cement Company, R. 6 0 94 00 Wate 58 75 y Ce S.Bldg.(Bond) 58. 5 2 144JU, Gray Motor Company, 12nVT— Grossman Instrument Works$ Bure"-"tZineere lr- Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 2 Pa� .70 Part 7 .00 .30 1 .00 1*04-.. Hackney Investment Oompany, Sew R. 12ADio—M. A. Hanna Coal & Dook Company, e s sono 0 240 0 0 :95 473.35 6.00 15.00 3.30 2.00 31.4 2.00 15;9 X12,10 15.08 8.00 101.00 20.25. 81.40 Page #5 N1242&- Hatoren Publishing Association, 4.95 Chas. Hauck Candy Company, D vacs i_�n 16.00 x .,IDS L . 36"S Hickory Gas Mantle Company, 9ei�ee3� 6.25 j Q A QQ J. D. Higgins, 60.40 re Play ds 58. 0 1'. 0 1,2,5pG.- Home Broom Company., 24;00 M Gar. Revl. 8. 0 Pa�� 16 0 .00 .. Holmes & Hallowell Company, 419.42 . Pounds 4 .80 37 .62 2'M` Holm & Olson, 14.35 5 per, ln�rd Howard, Farwell &Company, 6.00 Pla*gas .1"N H. W. Hruby, 7.03' ; IINJM'- G. P. Humphrey, 0 1.58_ •i66994 International Harvester Company, 67,62- i�66C'F- Irvine Sales Compan , . 3377- i9640— P. W. Jackson Company, 6.00_ C. H. Jarvis, 5.50 Pleyogmda�, � ^ &0ft9t"" Johnson Service Company, 9e�eoie.o,, 12.06 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 24.02 3.15 1/10 ]M . ar. Revl. 19F.77 . 02 1000— Kamman Art Printing Company, 27:50 . Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, P'arkeo 3.00 3• }.. C. C. Klimenhagen, 1.48 jefff5- L. E. Knott Apparatus Company, 8.67 ^ase®wbrary �RWwqumP9#6' Page #6 S' ? no- .12.91&--, Koehler & Hinrichs, 0 1267"' F. C. Kohnke, B,■�R y. 124 O-, W. 0. Larson & Sons, Pnl 3253A8— Linde Air Products Company, JiXA.- jZ52D-" McClain & Hedman Company, S ools 4. 0 3. 0 " 16. 5 2. 0 " 7. 5 2. 0 ' 3. 5 Li rary 5. 0 11. 5 n . 0 s �F 11. 5 " 0 Par s 1. 5 ' 3. 0 ". Ligh I 0 VI '. 125'ZT McDevitt-Itilson, 2gW'69..b McGill-:Ffarner Company, (,F _ _M, ;� Unf. . 65. 0 Prod. for and blanks j 0 n n u 0Fire 0 Au um 6 6 1 Madison Book Store, ,Library.._ 12524 Maendler Brothers, 44. 4 1 . 38,625_ E. C. Ma in, 11202 Meyer En' awing CoMdjrbrt�Office 9 00 Rnhnn 7 00 1*521f- Micha Brothers, Inc., j S�itipQls JQ6" 0. R. .ickelsen, S 12529 C. E. `Miller, i Scrf"616 i 9.50 20.40. 2.00 9.24 76.10 6.28 536.-66 1.50 108.74 3.00 104.00 26.08 8.85 22.71 40040. , Pilgrim Press,. 1 044-- The Pioneer Company, & Unf. . chool n 385 . 0 5. 0 1 . 3.20 4 25 34 IAR 3.50 1 00, "25 12. 0 56. 0 34. 0 116. L5* 30 00 10.00 9.00 2.50 35.00 3.29 65.2J 10.45 32.33 145.23, 22.71 34.45 .. 3.87. 4.50 2.00 116.45 .61 119.00 ,ripi6 Page #7 Miller & Holmes, Minnehaha Dry Cleaning Company, d Minnesota Union Advocate, "'5 John W. Mitchell, Agent Unforseen 426@4 -.Dow Morrison, Braid 2-9- & R. i*839- National Steam Laundry Company, 1�686�. North Star State Tobacco Company, FVN-, 1 WPWi6- N. W. Copper & Brass Company, Gar. Revl. u if ols i �zn Northwestern Fuel Company, 6br6�,8a,`R. 12� N. W. Tire Company, .�al,.Wa� �.R.evl. D. A. Odell Motor Car Company, ],Q1.n J. E. Olen Company, Munic. Revl. NNI • A. N. Palmer & Company., r Schools .y,. . Park Machine Works, rm Telg. 4eVff" V. E. Patnamde, State Boiler Insp.,, . A*W H. Peltz & Son, Comptroller Cv ice h�lif. g Lie. Ce al H.S.Library ,S L Water 40040. , Pilgrim Press,. 1 044-- The Pioneer Company, & Unf. . chool n 385 . 0 5. 0 1 . 3.20 4 25 34 IAR 3.50 1 00, "25 12. 0 56. 0 34. 0 116. L5* 30 00 10.00 9.00 2.50 35.00 3.29 65.2J 10.45 32.33 145.23, 22.71 34.45 .. 3.87. 4.50 2.00 116.45 .61 119.00 Page #8 y S b PLS c12,548.., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 270,.22 Fire Pol. & Alarm J123.9 Muni Gar. Revl. Sc ols P. `i•P9t9- R. L. Polk & Company, r 8.00 4-i �255A-- Prendergast Brothers, - masa-- r 125^ Prest-O-Lite Co. Inc., .ami r�e..�.,...- 4.16- William H. Rau, 8.82 12�` Robinson, Cary & Sands, 357.12 ' & R. 1 21 4 86 S. & S ng. 22 75 Spri ing 87. 5 Sc ols 31. 0 Water 209. 5. .2 •3w)&4— Otto W. Rohland Company, 17.98 12660— Russell Grader Mfg. Company, 1.80 14ee'C—St.Paul Auto Top Works, 26.15 �Mwvk ww-9&r..,•. Revl . T255'Y` St.Paul Book Exchange, 14.00• 1,9� St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 642.17 ools 75 00 ++ 11 03 • 1 13 Cent 1 H.S.Library 73 25 + n g 262 60 + n ft 24 43 . Humb+ ldt H.,�.Libnary 3 00, 113 67. + x n 36 90 Teach s Training School 2 47' Mech. A 6 H.S.Libr. 21 47 Water 16 40 .82 6 .17 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 14.23 amine .70 So .53 omfort Station .00 St.Paul Electro Plating Works, 6.80 12.Vair •-- St.Paul Envelope Company, 12.00 700,99 12562 St.Paul Gas bight Company, , police. 367.23 133 3 r! 152. 0 Aud orium 20. 4 P s 24. 9 " 2. 0 0. �? St.Paul Glass Company,88 4.86 Park 2 0 2 6 > 12 St.Paul House Furnishing Company, Pe 15.00 1$Fi6�r-- St.Paul Letter company, 1.95 C#*-5 Ing Commission St.Paul Motor (Car Company, 27.49 F 60 _ar. Revl. 26. 9 .724ff-- Schulenburg=McKay Company, 5.29 Ste. 8 Carl W. Schulz, 10.69 12584- Seabury & Company, - 122.40 IQZ*ew^ Seagrave Company, 3.60 yam~ Shotwell-Johnson Company, 2.34 125W H. W. Slack, 2.50 C. J. Smith & Company# 22.69 -125"• 11 55 - sonic ar. Revl. 3 52 " n n - 50 ` 7. 2 . 9 1*V?T' G. Sommers & Company, 434-95 13. 0 Com, Ir. inance 10. 2 S Cing. 15. 0 Vda er 6. 3 126W.&-- Standard Book Comparq, 8.70 1.5? G. E. Stechert Company, 92.50 ,,,, W. E. Stephens company, 6.59 128'i8—Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corporation, 7.39 Page #10 7. 12� 579 J. C. Stuhlmann 12� C. W. Swansen, ce 1$7. Tire Service Company, 3?59&— Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, Mayorls Office 11. 0 C lerk 3. 0 Civil ice 3. 0 Pol & F. lam 6. 5 Com r. P Works 15 0 Bureau Engrs. "� 20 St. C & R. 4 20 " " 2 00 " " 3 30 P -Gen. Adm. 11 30 - Parks 1 25 Markets 5 00 C. H. Turner, Twin City motor Car Company, : Q-Q-A..'R Vl. Valley Iron Workk.�'sy,$-_ 1--• J. C. Vander Bie, i�b88^- C. J. Van Houten & Zoon, P 41M� Washington Foundry Company, jQ@gV "•Waterous Fire Engine Company, Fire S. 1ng•, 7. r5 H. E. WedelstaedtdtCompaany, Works 36. 0 School3. 0 L ry 2. 0 t2e92"- Welsbach Company, P7a�g�^.��a .1251 Western Display Company, 125.14.•. Western Union Telegraph Company, 14. 5 ce Purc 3. 4 ,A 16,38 55,00 78.00 33.00" 45.00 26.00 20.95 41.50 3,58 85.00 18.79 wjw� SSXp:R*M Page #11 76 2., 8.00 -"tW Jams T. White & company, 32504— Wright, Barrett & -Stilwell Company, 57.90, ationery 45 0 a 1 1 1 70 Perke-gen. Adm. 1. 0 Parks 9. 0 ,IZA=, R. Wrigley, 3.00 12,6c�a_ Vim-. Yungbauer, 4.80 aao@e--- Zimmerman Brothers, 1080 -X-Sfew' Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for sewer on Bayard Avenue from Hamline Avenue to a point 200 feet east of theeast line of Syndicate Avenue and on Hamlin Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Watson Avenue, to E. T. Webster, for the sum of $5,486.60, engineerls estimate being $5,487.00. F. B. #2001. C 11No. 26763 -By M N. 6oea— Resolved Th t the. Couhoil concurs In the recommendation f the Contract Committee and hereby awards the We - tract forsewer on Bayard Avenue,. from Hamlin. Avenue. to a Point 206 fee, '.East of the. East line of Syndicate 'Avenue, and on Hamlin Avenue, fro— Bayard Avenue'.to Watson Avenue, to. 'E. T. Webster, Por the .sum o1 sj6; 486.66.- engineer's eatinuatebeing i6, i ArFbBy tNe Council July 11, 1919. Approved Jul% 11 1919. (Ju y 1919) Yeas (✓) CouncilmA U) Nays /A. s � .... oll .............. 6gatt 9L_ derlich IKr. Hodgson FOR 12.18 I Adopted by the Con, '1.... �. ...1..19..........191..._. Appro........................... 19.. ..... ......... . 191..... MAYOR Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for grading and relaying sidewalk on Fourteenth Street from L'Orient Street to Fourteenth Street, running East and West to John A. Sandquist for the sum of $498.00, engineer's estimate being $282.00. F. B. #1978. Yeas (Ji1aunnccY1j17) Nays T erlich Mr. P esident, Hodgsoa IO C. A. 9 3M 12-18 C• F.• No. 26784—By M: N. Goes— Resolved,otheh reco a 0ou cl hereby the Contract Commfttea and-owarde cos .tract for grading and relaying side- L'Orlowalk on Fourteenth Street, from rMmI at Street' to Fourteenth Street, :run,/ngg East and ..West, to Sohn. A. Sandqufet for the sum of 1498.00 en- Veer's'-estimate being' -$282.00: 'F.'B.. NN : 1878:. Adopted by the Council July 11, 1919. Approved July 11; 19I9. (July 19, 1919) i Adopted by the Council -....s_-.. �..1...��}�.......191...... Approve _..........,i�,�. ....�...Y.I............... 191..... 011 ................................. ................................. ...... MAYOR 1 .. COUNCIL RcWn1�ENERAL FORM - ..__----....... --. .....__. ._'.................................................... :...."�---....._ ......................575 meNo . -.... ...................:..._...........--- llai#R.sces.Mod _, . 7��1 �r_.q.l..__._}.19.....191 STI Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for storm water sewer on Fai&iew Avenue from Portland Avenue to alley in Block 7 Egbert= Randy's Addition and on line of said alley produc d to Wheeler Avenue,thence on Wheeler Avenue to Summit Avenue; on Summit Avenue from Wheeler Avenue to Hemline Avenue;, on Macalester Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; on Snelling Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; on Pascal Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue, to O'Neill & Preston for the sum of $88,400.00, engineer's estimate being $93,357.00. F.B. #1999• Yeas (✓) councilplen (V)'Nays _ (Ill, Adopted by the C n ' ... J._�..._......-.19L.... //,(fClancy rnsworth Appr �'jI :. I 7a ed....................... ................... 191 .................. Goss ............. cColl..................................._................. fpi/ .."" '-- MAYOR Wunderlich Ms, President1Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOL N—GENERAL FORM .............:................................................................................................ - Su i - 25 GOUNG Date T of 19t. Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for sewer on Griggs Street from Carroll Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to the Feyen°Construction Company for the sum of 01,300.00, engineer's estimate being $1,320.00. F. B. #2000. C. F. No. 26766-13yGoss— . Resolved, That that Council concurs lu the reeommendatton Of the Contract Committee and hereby awal'd, the con- tract for sewar. on; Grigg@ 9treet,irom- Carroll'Avenue;.to-191 hart Avenue, to the Veyen Construction Company for ' theteun ,8,.20..0. „F• .. 0sti- mae hotng$130nB.No. 200. Adopted by the Council July 11, 1919: Jul, 1919) Approved 17 1919. ul 1� Yeas (✓) Councilmen ✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth /.ident, ............I1112V er-- .............. Aga,aoai- rlich Mr.dgson FOR8 Adopted by the Cou �J _.. 191 A— Annrov ..,l" ................._.................191...:. MAYOR r �f7 OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RES06U'JQW-14-ENERAL FORM _ ................................................................................................................ N� S 6 S COUNCIL 15 rocNO . .......................... .......................... en ed ........... .....111...191 ..191..... Resolved, That.the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for sewer on Juno Street from View Street to a point 410 feet East of the East line of View Street to Feyen Construction Company for the Bum of 12,100.00, engineer's estimate being $1,911.00. F. 3; #2005. G. F. No. 26787—os By M. N. Gs— Resolved. That the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of the_. Contract Committee and awards the 'cohtract forsewer on Tuno Street, from 7urio 'Street - to Vlew Street to a pp int 410 test East of the East line of Vtew 9treep'to FeYeh Construction Company for the'eum of 52,100.00,--- n lneer's es ti Adopted by thYyelCouncll,Jy 11, 1919. gpPI. roved Juul I. t6 11919) Yeas (J) Conncilmen ✓) Nays money Krnsw rth Goss .........".".,p JjK `oil � .............. Ageissr.., ` nnderlich Mr. Pres' entiHodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e - Adopted by the Counc'........ ...:.._t..d.... x..`_.191...... 0���, 11 Isla Approved.. .................�........ ........... _......... 191..... MAYOR CITY OF S PAUL COUNCIL RESOLD —GENERAL FORM �y �+ �aQ s .......... ................................A...: bbbddd •P-b,?:7 C7 i- ....................... ' COUNLIL Date Presented--..-..--u1X-..-la..�.... - --:...191..... Resolved, That the Opuncil�,concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for sewer on Dudley Avenue from Hythe Street to a point 50 feet West of the west line of Reymond Avenue, to the Feyeri Construction Compar> for#2003 the sum of $825.00, engineer's estimate being $720.00. .y. !C. F. No.That t M. N. gose— ReeolVed, That the Council concurs din the ecommendatton of the Contract -Committee and hereby award. the con- tract for e. or on Dudley Avenue from tat, th Street to a point 50 feel .West of the West line. of Raymond Avenue, to the Feyen Construction 'Company for the sum of $825.00 en- gglneer'2003. s.estlmate being $7,20.00. .. B. .No. Adopted by: the Counell July Il, 1919. APproved Suly 11 1919.. i (July 1�, 1919) - Yeas (✓) Cpuncilm n (✓) Nays //Clancy //.Far worth iGo s ............. ccoll------------ fid: •. Far/ Mr. P esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I9 JIT y 1 1 13 Adopted by the Coun ' --191...... A , r o 191..... i� MAYOR c:ccry nv at PAUL - COUNCIL RES LUTION ENERAL FORM COUNCIL i e...... 1..... i Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bids were received for extending sewer on Como Avenue West from terminus of sewer, approximately 73'7 feet northerly of the center of Grantham Street toa27oint 15 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 2, Block St. Anthony Park North, the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re -advertise for new bids, in accordance with the provision of the Charter. F. B. #2002. i of hereby the o bldg nuson of Southerly line' -or rt a• •• -- Anthony Park North the Purchaetn6' Agent, a Aerobysu i�orized to re -ad-' vertlee for new Otlde. 1n accordance with the^ roviefon'of the Charter. F. 13. No. 2892. 1 Adopted by the Copno, July 11, 1918. ApprovedJuly 71.'1918: (July 19, 19181 Yeas (J) 11onncilmen ✓) Nays ,Glancy Farnsw rth Goss �1K oil Aaa1 VVV nnderlich Mr. Pres' eat, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the _j.U!::.. Ulm 191 11.190 1913 191 f MAYOR CITY O ST. PAUL -� 4 ,, COUNCIL RESON— ENERAL FORM ' - Sn ct ...._.......... ...._........... .......... ....... ....................... ......................... (�(%��j, �LL(�f 17® COUNCIL fVt •. me NO . ............ :...:......... ...__........................... Date -Pr ....... . ..... .r....TtW.191..... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bid received for sewer on Rose Street from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, and a temporary connecting sewer for sanitary drainage only on Kennard Street, from Ross Street to Fast Seventh Street, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F, B. #2004. No. 2577 [6e Co ncl hereby 1n tha Fecommendatlon o[ t-. Contract eewemr 'tou Roes rSt? ek bIromeBKe hail' Street Yo SIandran Street, and a tem- yyorary ebnnecting Sewer forSanitary drainage -only on KenearB .Streaq from Roee Street to Eaet Seventh';BVeek ae Did recaivefl was In excess of. the ert- glueer'e estimate. F. 8, Noi2994. AfloD[ed by the Cnone1 Jyly ll, -1919,- APDto,ed JulY 11 1919.' i(Ju1Y 1�, 19193 Yeas (✓) Counciim (✓) Nays 4�elaucy Far worth 1G s.._.....`.*risdwegm /McColl ............. A�et�l— (Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 aM 12.16 1..9'Ado ted b the Council.........191...... Appro ...... ..... _.... 191..... ..i ._..................// b ................................ MAYOR Resolved, FORM -------------- --- - - ------f - 2�`7 FILECOUNCIL �[1..:..Y..L ' .............�.......................................... -.... FILE 0. Date rresen[ea -3i� « rya 191.9. That the proper City Officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw I% warrantSin favor of F. J. Romer and H. C. Struchen in the sum of $75,00 each, in full payment for services rendered in the matter of appraising damages to buildings in the matter of opening,widening and extending Fifth Street, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unfqrseen Account of the General Fund. Yeas (4')C ncs Adopted by the Council 191_.-. arnsAPprov��� .�1_ fQ.......191J�Iancy/ Coll Agci a"— underlich MAYOR Mr. P sident, Hodgson - FO C A.19 9M B -IB _CITY OF ST._ PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 v .............._....... ..... ............. ...................... ................................................... .C....UNCIL ..... 2 5772 O "Y\ o �S Resolved, In the matter of constructing curbing on both sides of Syndicate Avenue from :.1arshall Avenue to Carroll Avenue, Carroll Avenue from Syhdioate Avenue to Griggs Street, and Griggs. Street from Carroll Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, under Preliminary Order #24311, approved February 26th, 1919, Final Order #25056, approved May 13th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. IC. F. No. 26772—By N. N. Goes -~ ,In .the matter of constructing curbin8�, on both aides of Syndicate Aveuve. �Srom 'Marshall Avenue; to Carroll itaten Avenu oto art uge 8treetS,y snB g,pCT$ �12 'GHgg9ggLe Streak Sr Gr RCarroll Avenue' � 9'j'1 p to Anthony Noe ue9, paDProve� 1�� X17 Wit1'1 �bg4e Adopted by; the Couacll_July fl, 1919 "ADDroveil July, 11 1919: -(July I�, 1919) " Yea/3M12-18 men ( Nays i l 19'{ff......191...... Adopted by the Cou il....��.`.- .---- th �I,JY. Zi IIg ................. 191 Approv......_..._.. .........._....:..._....... 1--`--- _.. -_.....--'- Oil ............ ................... AYOR rlichMr.odgsonPOR18 Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR UAPROVEMEW I?etiti&n and PRELIMINARY ORDE The undersigned by proposes the making of the follow* ulific improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............... Uat a ant tile a1daw I six feet the XCLIth ... . ........ ............... BAde Af J..Ame 's SI;r ..eAW.0 . QleVol and.. A.Meaue itidZenn.e.th Amanue ...... ............................ ......................................... : ................ ................ .................. I ...................................................... .................................... ............................................................................ I ..................................... ­:. ............ .. .................................................................................. Dated this q%1 - t ' h..'.day . ..... ;AUY ..... ......... ........................... .. ......... ...... .......... ..... ................. ..... ..... Councilma, PRELIMIZN&IRLY ORRD 0 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: a oament tile aidewalk.,....aix feet.-WIde . . .... on the North Bide of James Street between Cleveland Avenue and Kenneth Avenue. .................................................................................... ..................................... ..... .............. _ ....................... ......................... - ............ - ........... ................................. ................................................................. ................. .. ................................................................... ................. PRI04LIMINARY ORDIDELS. . . ..... ... ..... ... .......... - ............ .............................................. ............ i � — � a F. No. having been presented to the Council ' Whereas, A written proposal for the ........................................ makingo a followingimprovement, therefore, be it vIC. onstruct 6 Ce ant tile sidewalk. six � lost wide, on the or aide of James. RESOLVED,, Thiftthe Commies, Stree bet een Cleveland Avenue and y ordered and directed: to ennoth venue, having been presented the Council of the City of St Paul 1. To inveltigate the necessity by,Couuallms,!hX Gose, therefore, it of ed, ' Co ,. no of �nprov rn n ftbAltRe o �ka hat and he is hereby or- �ent, and the total coft thereof. 2. To invelfigate the nature Ids Isu and di—ted: To investigate the 3. To furnish a plan, profile or r as blI of he ...Ma oL said .r. i..r, ente nature, e�Etant , 0 j 4. To furnish the following oth -1 0 , I tfimte the improvement; ................................. .... .. ... . and estimated. ... t ofl's.ld improve- amant, and the^lotal.00st thereof. . I To furnish a .plan, profile or ................................................................... e -telt of id. improvement. .......................... .............. ................ 1, To at to whether or not aid im- 5. To Efate whether or not said provement ­u.kad for on the petition i of three or more owners. of three or ore owners. 6. To report upon all of the for going the _,,=fatIm rural in&nM 1� it t aiguar ,t6db� the July 11, �1919. council .......... III 4po'91' 1919) Adopted by the Yeas: ways: Councilman Farnswo It GOB, Coss ................. :4 191 Approved .................. .... . . U nounderlich ........... ............................................ Mayo Mayor. ayo .7) Form C A 13 (6M �17) Council File N.I. PROPOSAL FOR ID4PROVEME ?3'4 9 and'014 `Petiti PRELIMINARY ER. The undersigned hereby proposes making of the owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: .............................._Gons-trnnt....a...aema t e....aids>Balk.,..-ais...Ya.e.1~...xeide.....:.................._............. Griggs on the North sideo les Street from Gri s Street -------•........................................................... to Edgeaumbe-._R .-.,_. ............................. A ........................................................ _.................. :....................... ............................................................... ........................... Dated ... ....... d of.......J?a�Xr a..14�.................................. ............. 191....'.... Councilman. PRELIM OR R. C YL - %'s % 1 WHEREAS, A written proposal for thr;7 gking o t e o owing pr ement, viz.: r,. case. + ..........................Gax>,atxuo.�....a...��,truattila...aide.�raJ.k,..sl,�...f.e.at....wi. a.,....................................... vide, bR X :NilP;P,, treet from Gri..ggg._............................................. .j from Gt:..:........'I ...r ..��:,.. ............. on the Nor , a. - .........................rya Rond. Street t0 E d m the co ncu sf the t. ,....................................... '-+4u1 by Councilman Gose.•........................................................ i.................................................................... ..e it - oner the lved. That, and hems hereby - i ... ... ... ...... .... .... .. WorXa he ...... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .... ... ... .. -a.qd - directed; ... ......................... necessity fo 0 Inve tlgate the .rabilltY of the making of sal ...0.. S ...... .... ... .. ......:... ........ lAl1 ....... ... having been presented to the Council of emenc �b IgvOstlgats th0 not, eXtent thereEOKtt+I��"'aT d coat of sntd�tnDrove- and the totalcost thereof. L'o 'tu nish• a Plan, Droale or gF$Oj VED, ThattheCommiaslo .h oofasaaid iamfi ihar o nt'ot said tm- eby ordered and direEted: mso, 1s asked for on the petltlon d improvement. j �y At �.�1, jTO II1VeStlgate the necessity tl �� }eDortauv n sii of the.fore- 1 matters to'the Commtsale. bf ement, and the total mEt thereof. 2. To investigate the natur ` t laanse. 19 Adopted by the Council July 11, 1919. 3. To furnish a plan, pro Approved (Ju1Y11911919) 4. To furnish the Eollo ' . ,,, improvement.... ................................. ............. . ............................................................................................................................................ 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ........ �9................ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnswo ( �^ Goss Approved.....................................................191........ v cColl underlich'M................................... ayor. Me r %x t 6 `� Bur. C e 18 (6M ) CITY OF T. PAUL OFFICE OFT COMPTROLLER A ( v'*• COUNCIL I� : AUDITED CLAI RESOLUTION FORM FILE PormAA 1048 III o A tT � , (, LIT JM PTRULLEH Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed staRement: Yeas ( v ) Can. men (� )Nays Adopted by th ouncll.............._.......�:. _........._...._............._.191 — Clancy Farns orth ( ,rO°edgy .. _.........._ .�_.._4.`1....�.9.�.�.... ....... _191__...._ Goss 6.......................... ..._...._MAYOR • .- M oll underlich Mr. Pres' ent, Hodgson C 'T- tS 26775' d Abstract , Qafee*'" Brooks Brother 112"e*- Cast Stone Companys .rte 42'ee& Cochran -Sargent Company, c P" 12449860 6 "Oft Adam Decker Hardware Company, 29eeY A. P. Herschlers e,P:illNkAp- 1VV6S " Home For the Friendless, MW Radium Brand Sanitary Spray Mfg. Company, -WRG&*4._ 9� Raymer Hardware Company, �e '391 St..Paul Athletic Club, PferYtarr^a x9939®° St.Paul Builders Material Company, Wfth__ - - 25.24 590.16 14.58 44.76 70.56 6.26 73.50 3:52 17''.62 472.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER J' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM E LE cIL Y9 Y.. ....---- ... .. ................ - �C�ULLER UDI D _..... ...... ..... .. .... ... y PER..._................................._....... .......... r.......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Nays , � Y Adopted by the Council. ..........._��;�!,_._1.�_..:Q_�a........... _191.. ---- Clancy Farnsw ..........,mjO.fiyrr roved. ............_�'-.q.f ... ....... .._..........191___.._. Gos .................. Ist .. _.... ......................................................... ..._"........" MAYOR. cC011 Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 42Ci1i.+ Leslie Donahower Company, 1`AOTT Roth Hotel Company, '&!�Olir�Pioe —4 . s ion 18.7 'fffgTg J. L. Shiely Company, 'g20G. Broes Van Dort# F �TOtal 9 inn ec__ C. F. Ido.. 26776 eharaet uu: Iz, isrs: 83.30 34.80 1,615.00 414.75 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _................ . :. . ...... ..... ................................................................... .............................. ,L � b , A w / / :° NO . ................7............ 1 That the grade of alley Block 1, Ridgewood Park and Carpenter's Re. from Benhill Road to the west line of Ridgewood Park, in so- cordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C S. No. 26777 �-By M. N. Gose— deaolYed, That the gradeoP ""y in I !Block 1,' Ridgewood Pgrk and ""y i- ter's Re., from Bephlll .Road to the West Ilse of Ridgewood Park, 'in ac- cordance with: the rad grade line. on the nccompanYing .profile ano. as recom-, mended by the Commiealoner of Public! Works,- be .and the same fe-h'ereby; adopted ae tflcmeatebllshed Adopted by the Coundgrade. l July 121 1919.; i Approved Jolly 12, 1919. (Suly 19, 1919) _ � Yeas (✓) Counci�men (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council. ��':....T.2_.91g...........191...... Apprroo d..�_...:...... f :.. -$Z._l�:'i%.t./..��.. 19V1...� MAYOR w v �lan %/Far worth GOS Coll ID .............. &9AkW t underlich Mr. Pre Sint, Hodgson FORM C. 9 3M12 -le Adopted by the Council. ��':....T.2_.91g...........191...... Apprroo d..�_...:...... f :.. -$Z._l�:'i%.t./..��.. 19V1...� MAYOR w CITY OFST. �PifOL"a F-COUNC� RESOLUTIONGENERAL FORM $__.... .. ....................................... _ .......................0 ........._ . . _ n. w*o P "7"a 8 NO....... ...:.................. ........ .. /..............:................... 191.....:. Resolved, That the Hotel license of Stephen Horvath, 409 Minnesota Street be and the same is hereby revoked on the grounds that liquor has been sold illegally in said hotel. C. F. No. 26778—BYHenry McColl— He.olved, That the hotel ltcenee of Stephen Horvath, 409 Minnesota Street. be .and the eeme to hereby revoked on the grounds that liquor has been a01d illegally in said -hotel. Adopted by the Council July 12, 1919 'l, '9. Approved July 12, 11919) (July 19. Yeas (J) CounFil en (✓) Nays /A9 orth .......,r�irfjg�, r G� ....._....hni,Q�� rlich Mrdgson POe Adopted by the Council......:lli_...1'2..-15A.1_'::..191...... Approv............111:....1t2...41 ..............191..... ... ...............................:........ ...................... MAYOR Council F' No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO NT Petition, and 1 677B PRELIMINAR ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th ollo ................ Q al...lighting....on..bo. ..nidi from Eiohenw Far1uE _/° public improvement by the City of St.' Paul, viz: Dated thia.......... 13t h....day of......... July -1 ...1.9.19.. ............................................. 11 191......... ................................................... ..... ................................ Councilman. PRELIMI�N RY ORD" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of th'e follo�ment, viz.: ..............O.rnemental...light.ing....an...both ... aid.$ a...of....Eaat...Samenth....St re.e.t.............................. from_Eiahenwald Street.._to.,.Farquer Street. ... ......... ................................................................... C. F. No. 26779—..........................•....................................................... Abstract. Whereas. A writtenDyoral for the ..................................................................i making of the following'mprovement........................._.........._........._................................. Ornamental lighting on both sides therefore. 6G It. ox East Seventh Street. from "havi n-................................................................................... having been presented t0 the COUnCII bald Street to Fauquler &treat, having been pre�entedGG to the Counbn of the in CIl. a dire lgateGfSta.F12kttherefore, be it ethe ngce991tYrfori Public Works be and he le hereby or- y ordered and dirceted: RESOLVED, That the Commias� aerea arta-arra tea: '� 1. To inveftigate the necessity or aeetranll1l�,rr of. the ranking of said k provement. 1 nLpro�veom,,in' a 2. To inveEtigate the nature a a d4ifmat au �o.I t mala riinyeove� fnent, and the total blit thereof. m et, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a lan, rofile or 3. o turnlah a plan, • profile or P P sketch of 7ald Improvement' 4. To state whether or not said Im- 4. To furnish the following oth provement I9 asked for on the petition tlnprovement:......................................................... of S. To ee report more owners. port all If the tore - going matters [o the Commissioner of Finance................................................................................... ouncil 5, To Mate whether or not said App oved J ly 12, 1110. July 12, 1819. of three Or more OWRC(a. (July 19, 1919) 6. To report upon all of the fo b —----- mance. Adopted by the "council..... JU�..-.3*,'2 "N�..................191...._.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fea aworth . G \ Approved...............................� yland 1 GMcColl �/ Wunderlich......... ./......�....................................................................... or Irvin Mayor. D Porm C A to ISM 4 7) ' .^:.. ; 2.5 7�d -- . osnlNeNaa. ' F.' N0: E6780--0Fdlnmoe No. 6186— n J � gY k N. G000— ,_ndlnan00" ggrantfngg to W. It s - dran ppeermlaetOA' to tattoo in lfr a iifnem salon et, do !n front UovtSt. e: Invine'. / ♦/`Y'-lf H . city awn Paul An ordinance granting to W. B. Flandrau Wission to establish a curb gasoline -filling station in front of Lot 3, Block 78,.Dayton & Irvine's Addition, in the City of Si. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted. to W. B. Flandrau to establish and maintain a curb gasoline -filling station in front of Lot 3, Block 78, Dayton & Irvine's Add4tion, on the south side of Dayton avenue, between Western and Virginia avenues, In said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Publio Morks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the establish- ment of said filling station, upon his compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Piiblic Works a plan or specification of said station and location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said filling station shall be installed under thel supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said lioehsee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (410,000.00), conditioned to save the CAty of St.'Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expens@ that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling station, and the said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said station remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have sureties satisfact- ory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JUL 28 1919 Yeas C o 2.1n Boils Farnsworth Goes , MaCall uwff,a S— Mr. President (Hodgson) Appro Attest City Clerk/ !U11- 2,S,,iM Mayor /g St. Panl,Minn. June 30thr'1919. City Council, City of St. Paul, o/o J. I. Faricy,City Clerk, St. Pail, Minn. Dear Sirs: - I have just made application for a permit for the construction of a foundation for a garage on Lot 3, in Block 78, Dayton & Irvine's Addition to the City of St. Paul, on the South side of Dayton Ave., between Western and Virginia. Also for a permit to construct an areaway in front of the garage and have filed a copy of the plan. I desire that permit be granted me to put in a gasoline filling station on the curb in front of the said build- ing, and would greatly appreciate it if you would arrange to pass an Ordinance granting me this privilege with the requirements usual in such cases, which I will, of course, gladly carry out. Yours truly, .v W. B. Flandrau. CITY OF ST. PAUL r OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER - COUNCIL F.- AAIB,TN 7-78 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE eY---- 1..... .. j�L(-7/- ----- - AUDITED ..��.L- .41919 l$1....._-.CU\iPTR ER 1051 �. PER.... .._ .... .._. G'S Resolved that warrants be drawn upon Vthe City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favorof.the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: -Yeas ( V ) C uncilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the C ....... 16&--] A --- –..-19L- Clanc Farms vorth .......... In favor App ved_._.. Goss _...._.....Against .... _. _ _.. _.... MCC I nrnsoR W erlich Mr. Presiders Hodgson 12628 Fred Q. Albreoht, Parke 12629 A. L. Snyder, Parka Qz 1`'`:'405.00 787,00 618,00 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL r ,` OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUN FILE CIL NQ, 2552. Form A A 46.2 M 7-18 1050 AUDITEDtJUL' � y�/IPTRO�LLER +L, r ER -1�. ....`....�`=-------- ......... ,. TITV Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter, specified funds and in favor of.the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statements Yeas ( jFsworth uncilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council............ �;:.._,�,_�.--. $p?___.___ -19L_ ° _.........In favor APPr _.............AgainstL erlich Mr. PreHodgson 11 12621 American Supply. Company, Solhoo3s 12622 Burns Lumber Company, Schools � 61'' CentralrH.S. Bldg.(Bond) 1 12623 John B. Darling, M.D., 12624 Goodyear Rubber Compatly, Sah s 12625 A. F. Morton, Auditof'ium 12626 Peoples Coal & Pae Compappn��y, 12627 Pittsburgh Plate Ola Company, Scl q6 s 31.36 225.$7 85.00 118.80 30.90 53.89 60.46 n auwn , CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE r ... FILE NO............ F.—A A 0,2N 1-18 I 1052 19 6V......._....:. . I `. ......�?Zr�-tom w ', r con TROLL AUDITED ....... .... ....... ../�� .....181........ /T __ ` IiV t /�/� PER ............................... TITL Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of theme persons, firms or corporations for the amounts se[ opposite their respective names as specified in thefollowingdetailed Slat ethent ; Yeas ( Councilmen ( ) Nays cC i �t 'C AdoptZAppre 1..:....... C cy F nsworth ........ ._In favor .....::'t'...1'R._..:.........._._.... G ss ..._........_..Against -------..-......._. ................ ._............ ............. - .... _ a*.: M Coll MAYOR, w,f, p W nderlich Mr. Preside t, Hodgson 12630 F. W. 011erensiix*# tal 354,00 V 2=-6p+* AREAS, Heretofore and on or about the 4th day of September, 1917, John L. Beecher, doing business as the Beecher Improvement Com- pany, duly submitted a formal bid for ourbing and graveling Capitol avenue from Aldine street to Fairview avenue, accompanied by bond of the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland, which bond is in the sum of x$1,000, in accordance with the Charter and ordinances of said City; and whereas, said bid was formally accepted by the City and said bidder notified to enter into a contract; and whereas, said bidder has wholly failed and refused to enter into the said contract or in any manner to perform said work; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bond filed by the said John L. Beecher with his formal bid be declared forfeited, and the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby instructed to proceed to enforce said forfeiture by Yeas (V� C,o cilmen (V) Nay: `/j sworth O Dl1 Oil / nderlich Mr. Presi nt, Hodgson FORM G A. B 9M 6-10 19L.- 191 ............. ,OR .Department of uaw CITY OF ST. PAUL - (� R O. X. O'NEILL 25`84 ,y�o HRN TO, E N..L JOHN A. BURNS •rroxr�.r. WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H. MASEK - July 14th, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen: - In re City of St. Paul vs. John L. Beecher and Fidelity & Deposit Company of Maryland. Under date of September 4th, 1917, John L. Beecher, doing business as the Beecher Improvement Company, rendered a formal bid in response to an advertisement by the City for ourbing and gravel- ing Capitol avenue from Aldine street to Fairview avenue, in accord- ance with plane and specifications. This bid was accepted, and the bidder notified to enter into formal contract, which he failed and refused to do. My understanding is.that the Purchasing Agent subsequently readvertised this job, but got no bids at all. The work has never been done by the City so far as this department has been advised. If it is the wish of the Council that suit be commenced against the Beecher Improvement Company and the Bonding Company, it will be necessary to declare the bond forfeited, and with this In view, I herewith enclose necessary form of resolution. Yours very truly, kSltorApoa ion Counsel JAB -M CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .................................................................... ........................... w ..... ......................... ..... ................ ................ 'IL 58co uN NO . ...... .......-275 .......... ..... ................. . ................... ............................................ .. . . . ........................................................................ ................... Date Presented Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Maryland Street from Duluth to Forest. pDlJllp Works De; and Db tn: Dereby au ;; It wsCOr. or pil Maryland 6tt@et; from Du -:1 _ I Adopted by the�Cpdncl� Silty 14 1919: a (SUly X19 1819) Yeas (%Vf) Co ilmen (V) Nays a C ' worth ou 1c a, r 'iw 'm Go c .1 od Is Go .......... In favor Mc 11 .............. Against �r Erlich Mr. Presides odgson FORM 0. A. 9 Adopted by the Council JU.L.J*Jk191 Approved ........... ................................................ t4A�rOR ;A;.; .................... Y �05 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'� 0 Subject....::.. _.............. ........................... ............... COUNCIL P1Le No _ ............._..'7r�86..-----...... ....._.,................ ............._.............................................................. � ......... r Date Presented --- .---- _----- ................. ....................._.191..... Resolved, That the cigarette license No.30 which expires Feb.23/1920 now in the name of A.A.Nolte 1135 Rioe St.be and the same hereby is tranefered to J.F.Makiska 1135 Rice St. C. No 26486—$YY $eFry McCo11-,'„ ^Reached That theciBarette license_ --- ------ --- - - TYv`90�'tvhiFh<explFae,�i0bruary 23 .1820.; nbw in the-:napne of A.u�A. Notts w 1136. $Lce,,Bkre t, �'�be and th '.same herebyytt�Iq ' 8 1Afe errp��to J F a6i teka, 1186.Rtae: street. .:doDted byy tbiB Couhaft �uty 14 1818.1 ^!Approved dnl 14 1819. "� (7hriy 19 181,8) Yeas (✓) Con men (✓) Nays +` JulI 1� a.rs. Adopted by the Councif t.. ..... 191...... Is \ a sworth Go AppZ��14iI5 t,� ....... 191 ..:....._......In favorM oil .............. Against -.................... . ...... _. ....... ..... 'MAYOR W derlich 'Preside , Hodgson 4� FORM C. A. 9 3M.12.18 #''lupe' _ilatm�r 25786 ` 1135She Strat 5T. PAUL. MINN. Au o --------------=------------ =--------- -- ------ - Council File No ._.__._. p ��\ 25 rSS CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of 5 light lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on Fifth Street from Sibley Street to Jackson Street. under Preliminary Order ........... 15.0.31 _......., Intermediary Order........._18011............... Final Order.......1. approved __ ......... S.aP.ii6r<lb0r.....19.--........... 191....._%.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.............i; .Equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. J •a r 1 ,% Adopted by the Council ..... �..._t�................. 191........... Approved ...... _.......... AKAI.A. ............. ..... 191......._ l/ -- 6 -........ _ ..... __.,._........ .. .. .....Mayor. Form B. B. 18 Council Floe No . ................. .....:..... ........ .. _._ l 09 CITY OF ST. PAUL& Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the erection of,ornamental electric light posts on both sides of Sixth Street from Jackson Street to Sibley Street and also the construction of conduits for the purpose of carrying the electric wires for said ornamental lights. under Preliminary Order ................ 68.70 Intermediary Order ................. Final Order. approved ....... Januar f...-8 .... ............ ......... _....191.....01..... -A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEjlt�RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..... ....._....._.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........... ......................191........... ... :.............. _ ..-...... _ rf .....f! City Clerk. Approved ....... _.... __....... uiil...._ 4. -._..-------- 191......._ --....__._.._.._._._._....._.._.._.. _.._....__._ .... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 ,..,,...,-------------- — ----- — ------ — Countil File No` CITY OF ST. PAUL. Respluti0n Ratifying Assessment. e 25790 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 1, J. J. Kenna's Rearrangement from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street. under Preliminary Order ..._.`2..1996 .... _......... , Intermediary Order _..........23288..........., Final Order.........`.°fs3 _._. approved .._ ....... D.P,.0.9MINX'.._.%3.;...:;.:...... ....... 191...._i... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it _ therefore RESOLVED,That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. B RTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ...... ... . _ ..__... in..._....... qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. J& A 1819 Adopted by the Council ...................... _....................... .......... Approved ............. _.... dJ-1.Aia....._....._...._...191._...._ Form B. B. 18 41, /1J/N( 191 V ,G -............ _......... _.... ..._...._ ...__....._._ ayor. wwr_- ---------- -- - ----"" Council File No . ..................... ......... _...____.. 2'791 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Cbarlton St. from West George St. to West Page St., and Stevens St. from Orleans St. to Ottawa Avenue. under Preliminary Order ....._!Q.0&. .......... _. Intermediary Order ...._?0528..._ ..... _....... Final Order......2(,)831-.-...__....... approved....._.....NOY.-00b.fi7:.'....`2+-0., ......... ......... 1918 .... _.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said amess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ......... .....CI�..R....�4ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. y JtaL 1. ly.h9 Adopted by the Council .......... ................................................... .- ............ 191 ._....__.... / .._v.......V.....�_t. fCity Clerk. JUL 14- idd Approved ......__....... _......... ..... ._.... .-- .... ....... ................. 191 _... ..._..__........ ... __ ...... ... _...... Mayor. Form B. B. 19 Council File Ro"7 ...................._.......__. 25792 By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading James St. from Fredericka Ave. to Underwood Ave. under Preliminary Order ..............22229......., Intermediary Order .......... __`Z..29.Q6........., Final Order..... 232.44.......__....... r approved .......... ... Q.c.tober......18..... ..... _.......... 191..1:}.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.....,.[%�iN d.......1.....equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. lk (9�g d9 Adopted by the Council .... .... ..." ^!- ......:..........._..._.191......: ........................... . .... . . . ........... Clerk.. Approved_....._._----- --- _._........_--- 191._...._ Y% corm B. B. 18 Mayor. Council File _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. ResOlution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Middleton Ave. from Vista St. to Rogers St., and Rogers St. from Otto Ave. to Race St. under Preliminary Order .............. Intermediary Order __22.7-67- ........... Final Order.23206.......... _.......... approved ............ flet.obe .._16............_ ------- -.191......8... - A public hearing having been had upon-the_assesament-for-.the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTH RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.......i/11—.._....._.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council JR 14 1919_ .............191._.._ ...... . ity Clerk. „... ._._ ...... Mayor. Approved......_.....4,1.,...1.41-J9.i9....... _....... _.... :.._..191._..._ Form B. B. 18 Council File Vo. ... _............. _............. :........ ..... 25793 By f1..%.,r.�-�,q� � � I1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL. q� , Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Topping Street, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. under Preliminary Order ...._` 22.47... ..... _.... _, Intermediary Order .__?35 .......... _....... Final Order ..._M94_ ........ _........ approved .....,_Jan 4 'Y ......... ............... _.... ....:.191......,4.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Toqual RTIR RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.._...installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. JUL 14 1919 ' f - Adopted-by--thc-Councal-..,.....T..m,..._.. --191 :.....1.. �// ....../lli� ...... Ci Clerk. Approved _...._ ......... _...... 1l:._._14._f9P --....._...191......_ Mayor. Form B. B. 1¢� Council File No . ................... .... _....... .__._.._ + - 1 25794 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses For grading White Bear Ave. from ldinnehaha St. -to Seventh Street.. under Preliminary Order.........1fz32.9 __.._, Intermediary Order ....199.6.1 ........ ........... Final Order ....20.259_ ......... _..._.. approved .............. January .....28_-.......---._...._191.....x.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT rFURESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........ ... .........al installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. / ik A 1919 5 1 Approved ...... _... .... A.... 1 .-Ja ...... ' -...__191......._ Form B, B. 18 �j /X /9 191.. _G ........... ity Clerk. _.__._-. ......._....__._... Mayor. Council File No .........................................,__._ <'-�_-- 5 By'..........................................._..._............_.-....._-.-- ,� l CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Berry Avenue from Charles Street to University Avenue. under Preliminary Order .........222.3.8._ ... ...... Intermediary Order........2..`5.6.9................ Final Order......_`z3 approved ..... ............ .a7.&nwoSST.....$,....... __._.._191.....x.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. Y BE IT FURTW RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in........... _....._........._...._.......equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 4- 191 Adopted by theJUL 1 Council .,..... ... _.. ........ 191 � _ �.�... l✓'`.....__ .._... Clerk. JU! 14- f319 Approved...... _...._..._........__. _.._. 191......_. ...... _.._...... ../.............. . _..... _... -- ._...... Mayor. Form B. B. 18 A it N5`; �96 i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.... on both sides'�,of Albany Street, from Snelling Avenue to Pascal ............. ....................................... ..................---------------------------------- .------------------:----......................---...........- ............................ _Street,.-._except-.where--.;ood and _sufficient. -_sidewalks -_now -_exist. --------.- 25100 May 16, 1919. underPreliminary Order .................................................. approved...................................... ......................................... IntermediaryOrder ............................. ................................ approved--... ....................... -------------------------------------- ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..C.onstruct...a...e-ement...tile-..Sidaws.1k.}...six ...-. ................ feat _..Wide ,....an- oth---s1aeft .of...Alb.OaW .Street.:...from ..Snelling -Avenue ...to Pascal Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now .............. ............... ....... ...---......... exist. ___.------------------------ t'. No.�2b796-2 e:. t. k .... ........... .................. ..... .................. _. and the Council hereby orders saichi`lce hat RESOLVED FURTHER, That tti as°i con and directed to prepare plans and spec ;o e cil for approval; that upon said approdJ',� to proceed with the making of said irP act Adopted by the Council ------- _..._----�...� �! Approved.. -- -..... ............. 191...._-. Council Farnsworth Counc' n Goss Council n Clancy Counc' n McColl Coup ' n Wunderlich Mayor dgson s Form B. S. . 8-7 Works be and is hereby instructed sent, and submit same to the Coun- are hereby authorized and directed ere .1 -N ---- `'----=� der Ci Clerk. Mayor. DEPAR' OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COM ISSIONER OF FINANCE n u, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Gf A�banV tread where Wa1k�f10�IIt_nni Axint, from ---- under Preliminary Order approved----�Ea-y � `�3--}'�---- ------------------------------------ - --------- -- -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----- O $ %n `~ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is y The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 6 Lake Park Addition 275 .25 6_, do _ 1650 26 6 do 2050 27 6 do 450; 26 6. do 450 29 6 do 450 16 5 . do 2700 17 5 do 450 18 5 do 2300 19 5 do 24 5- 0 . -- _ .. TOTAL, - 13225 FORM ..S.A. E -D CITY OFST ? DEPART P OF F. CE - REPORT OF COM , SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I� DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK, ADDITION ' ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 13225 .20 5 Lake Park Addition 3150 .21 : 5 do 650 22 5 do 450 23 5 . ado 2750 10 7 do 400 North 120 feet of 97 do 1550 do 8 : 7. do 550 " do7 7 . do 925 do 6 7 do 550 d0 5 7 do 550 do 4 7 do 550 do 3 7 do 550 do 2 7 do 550 do 1 7 do 4150 6 Cernys Rearrangement 700 - 5 do 450 4 do 450 3 do 450 1 50 10 1850 7 8 Lake Park Addition 43525 8 do 0 0 - 12w-ept_SOuth_12Q_ieat-)-----..--------- 0 do 1 8 do Total ..7940 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter bythe Commissioner of Publics Works. Dated.-- - Z�//`---191...-- FORM U.S.A. 6-0 C Commissioner of Finance. fly 17 /P /9 ?o H s2 23 7Jf 24 ZI, Y7 3e _ Ll _ ._ _ - - .� .3 St. Paul, Minn., ...............19]8.. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St, Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: rlp,, the umiersigned.property owners, hereby petition your honorable Bccq to cause �th'e following improvement to be made: 6..tt s ldew,alk . —u... 4. Q ... ............:...... vv .. .Alban9 ,� �. 'xh`� ........... St. Ave. from .. sne.11?r�g .............-)M. Ave. to .I�aaaal................... .....................St. Ave. & I-F F_ i LOT J-SLOCK .?3.... ................. .� .....¢?�'..'". ......................... .... , .... I .. ........ . .. n».................... . } . iF^`.i • �w• y . .............. J r ......................... ...�: p��� - •�' - - J( Y.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. % . . . . . Yx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 'y]Y . . . . . . Yi .. . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . . .... .. .. „q) 1+.. .. . .. Y .. .. ... p .. . .... . .. .. . . . . . . .. '. .'..........:�.... ................... pp g ....9. .. ....... ............ ........... MAYA 9191 i x;. BUREAU OF EiiGdlf$ER.S. h �s i 2579'7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. BY'�z=Zii� -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of Construct ipg. _sewer..on -Palace.--Street--_from-_a--poi nt................. opiosite the Hest line of Lot 10 Block 4,--Lexington_Park...Plat-..-,-..- No. 6, to Lexington Avenue, and on Lexington Avenue fro* Palace ............ - --........ ..... ....................-- . --..................... -- ---- ..............................---........................--................. Street to James Street to be used for sanitary drainage only. under Preliminary Order.................24922.................. approved ----------------.---]oay..1,....1913............ ............. IntermediaryOrder............................................................. approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..._C9natrug-t,.-.s@wex...OJt]t_Eibme...Streat...from. ................ ttke...West...lilae...of--. Lot ....1-0 Black--A.,..-Lex xigton..Park.. --Plat---NO'--6___to._Lexin...... 4venue,... and...Gn_.T�ex�x1gt9x1..A�.ex>ua...from .....-.... ----------------- P.e lace._4yeet...to....J.ames... Str-eet--tQ...be...0 sed, f or.--sanitary---drainage.... ..............._only•-- ........... ........A....._...................----------------...-------...-------------------------.....---------------- - --------_...---.._----- --------------- --'-' ..... -- .......----------- ----- ---------------.... --- ----- -------------- and the Council hereby orders said��;`A-I'BkQtWTark, mP 1. a sire qtr .o.a pant p sewer one: the est Ilna of J.ot 30 ^:Blogk RESOLVED FURTHER, That gnie euaet s mee ks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and spI erBeG to ea need ror eanitary grain- and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said appq 9nap ee°'mdt as having8,tieen hag- hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said upon the above imprdvement>vpon due: e til , i ll g notlee'and the ,Couaotl having heard all Dereois obJRCtfoae $nd reco¢1�ea J�tdattone relative stherato aqd havl4g.:- ' Adopted by the Council. ...._ 19 1., ebn staerea,,fhe,tnerefare, Resolved, n"the, smdil of"the Clty ex 9C"andJ that. Lthe predlse' nature extent' -end kind of. imyyrovement 'to be""""""" "" ""' """" ' -"-- made by the eaiH Clty it, 'aonatruak. Clerk. Bawer on Palace' Street from a din - opposlte the West line of rot 10 Block 4 Lexth9ton Park+plat No 'B, -to Laz Approved... .. ........................... ington Avenue and. on Lexla ta¢ Ave nue, .from Palace. St set .o James. Street, to b used for suit�r9d in ge, *an duly,ndth `Cov¢dilherebyorH eBald shed Furth tobe made. ' ^stone[1ofa Publaer.Wob sthbeCBad ligsworth hereby tnatructed anedlrectea to pre- pare :plane and sped dirons to saiimprovement,' anS ec 11 t samer the. Council' forapprvatfie proer y Ity odialata-are hetdlrected-t0 pr ceed'wlth thakiBald/mprovemeat 1a accrdance thereWith.11 Adopted b thCouncilderlich I Apyroyea Tui s�i�191 Mayordgson Form B. S. . 8-7 PAUL • DEP%F FINANCE-- �� REPORT 'OF COM IONER OF FINANCE ON PREL tIlINARY ORDER In the Matter of �jOnetTLO t a9waT_-9Il�.a18A�$ resat Prom a 130"t nnnpgj te.--- —.— the grit line of Lot 10 Black 4� Lexington Park Plat Wo.k; ___.–to–ILexjIl�ton Avem�e� wand on Lexin_oot_nn Avenue from __fAflfl...Stze.a-'L....to.-.bA Uaa& for Ranitary drainage nnly..— under Preliminary Order approved---M$V2.4--19-19----------------------- --------------------------- ----- ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: w The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 9 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 1' - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 4 Lexington Park Plat 6 250 _ 9 4 __do 250 9 4 do 250 7 do 250 6 4 do 250 5 4 do 325 26 1 Lexington., Park Plat 7 225 �9 1 do 225 30 1 do 225 _ 2025 TOTAL. =JL.RORM O! A. l.D A CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTgENT_?F FINANCE REPORT OF COMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI NARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKi ADDITION (brought forward) .31 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 32 , 1 do 1 1 do 1 1 : do 2 1 do 3 . 1 do 1 do 5 1 do 20 Washington Heights 19 do 18 do 17 do 16 do 15 do ASSESSED VALUATION 2025 1650 325 325 275 275 275 325 250 250 225 225 200 250 total 6875 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dat e ------ /----191.��...-- Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 8- C Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ',:'° RECEIVEb � FARNsIy � Report to Commissioner of Finance lo< 9` =3 to ma -v 12th, VAr, i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Ma 1st 9 cil, known as Council File No..._24922...... ... ... approved ..................�.._._.........._........._..................... 191 ......... , relative to._ .................... r_ -r._ constructing•a sewer on Palace Street from a point opposite the ..-.._......................................................................:............_..................................__......................................................................................................................................................................... west -line of Lot 10, Block 4, Lexington Park Plat No. 6 to .......... ............................... __............................................. ............................ ........ _.......... ........... ......... ........ ................. ...................... _............. ............ ......................................... .................. ..... Lexington Avenue, dnd on Lexington Ave. from Palace Street to ................ .............................. .......... ............................................................................... .............. _........................ ..................................... -............ ........... _............. ................................. James Street to be used for sanitary drainage only and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.90 per front foot 1968.00 1. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .............. ...... ............ and the total cost thereof is $:......... .................. ....... ............ and Assessable frontage 1038 ft. Excess inspection $80.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............._.......... ........ .-.......................................... .......................... .................. .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .......... .... ........................................................................................ .. ..... ............................................................................................................................. ...................... o. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. /......................................................... ..... .... ...._. ...... .... ommiasiouer of ublic Works. 71 OSCAR CLAU9SCN, CHIe1 lvolNe¢R J. CARROLL, 9uvrv¢¢Re AL�RlD JACHSON, g crloH wv0 RePwI¢s H. W. G-INGER. SUP, GRYTSAH1! nec I va G. H. NCRROLD•Oi11 Ce lvOiv sen } (llttg of 01. Paul Bepartuteut of publir Marko M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY O ' St, Paul, Minnesota. May 13, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing sewer on Palace Street from a point apposite the west line of Lot 10 Block 4, Lexington Park Plat No.6 to Lexington Avenue, and on Lexington Avenue from Palace Street to James Street to be used for sanitary drainage only, in accordance with Council File No. 34933, approved May 1, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $1968.00 Cost per front foot....... 1.90 Excess inspection necessary 80.00 Assessable frontage........ 1038.feet. These sewers will drain temporarily into the sewer on James Street. It will be necessary at a later period to extend the sewer on Palmae Street eastward from Lexington Avenue in order to provide a proper outlbt, but to do so before -he street is graded would entail such deep excavatibne that it is proposed to use the James Street sewer as a temporary outlet and exclude the surface water until such time as the }roper outlet on Palace Street can be provided. Yours (�very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. t 4 COUNCIL FILE NO .............------........ FINAL ORDER 25 798 In the Matter ofConS.tl'.l Q rg...8.evaer---on.-Palace--Street--,from-.Edgecumbe.--Road. t.o-. L-QxinEton--.l�yenue-. under Preliminary Order.......... 24.ry.95......................... approved _.......Apr-il-..24,...1919--_---------..---.---- .-- IntermediaryOrder---- ............................................... ........... approved ------------------------------------------- ....------------------....---.------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.CDnstruai....s.e.wieT'...on..2alaCe...Stneet..frAm..... ---- F4geaumbe...Road- t.0...a.--po.i7nt...npp5?.a.i.t e....tl?e.--ple st....11ne....a.-Lot--1Q'----Block------ -..4._LexSxzF_ton ......."-""""""........._...... .................... .............................. .......... ...... I C. F. No. 26798— 1..............-................ ........................... ... and the Council hereby orders said RESOLVED FURTHER, That and directed to prepare plans and sl cil for approval; that upon said app to proceed with the malting of sail Adopted by the Council --.-.____I Approved..... - ......_._............... Councilmanarnsworth Councilman ass Councilma lancy Councilor McColl Councilor Wunderlich Mayor H gson Form B. S. 8-7 3a the same; }sere:ore, Us be and is hereby instructed tea Council of the city;l and submit same to the Coun- hetthe precise nature;' .d-oe. improvement to be hereby authorized and directed ;eald::City'Is construct Glee "-Street, frmn Edger *with. a point' oppoafte the of 10, Elock 4 Eezingtoh'� o. 0, and the' Council said 9mprovem6nt to. be ' rther, Tat the�Comm lI blit - w rke be and id �- tnd eubmit same pre- .. .............:..i .._.................. ted and directs Clerk. d apeciticaUoga �, for said e the pr e proper P • a �[ t trizedand But in .cord.. , -e of e Here Y autbo Geed with the m 6e there- � r he Council Julys 19, 1919. !/ lY 19. 1919. .------ / ...... ......�:. ............. 4 19, 1919) Mayor. CITY OT. PAUL DEPARTA INANCE REPORT OF COMMIS NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of----Oonstruot_-sell ex--oxs-P-s-Jas&-Sheat-€1'o-te--Edgeaambe Road ------ ------------- ---- -_--- __ ___ to L�xin�ton Avenue under Preliminary Order approved-----&:..__tt1,.l�1,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: / The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The es i4ated cost per foot for the above improvement is - _ _ _ _ _ $_ The to or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pa el as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Except Edgecumbe Road 17 4 Lexington Park Plat 6 325 16 4 do 200 15 4 do 200 14 4 do 200 13 4 do 250 12 4 do 250 11 4 do 250 Except Edgecumbe Road 21 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 300 22 1 do 425 FORM,- S.A. a -a A TOTAL, 2325 CITY1 OF4ST. PAUL - DEPARTt INANCE - REPORT OF COMIVAIS ER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION A Total 5350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---(.:ua;.._/ �/-.__._.._ 191.. "��.... ...-`� C. -..r-.. ...----------------_------------"----------.. _--- IOHM B.9.A. 9�9�y' Commissioner of Finance. (brought forward) 2325 23 1 Lexington Park Plat 7 175 24 1 do 175 25 1 do 2225 26 1 do 225 27 1 do 225 A Total 5350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated---(.:ua;.._/ �/-.__._.._ 191.. "��.... ...-`� C. -..r-.. ...----------------_------------"----------.. _--- IOHM B.9.A. 9�9�y' Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. . /.-./? . . To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 'we. the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body t0 use the following improvement tope made: from. .♦. .. .• � 'St.`Ave, to•. .— ..St.'Av�. . . . . . . . . . Ave. I ADDITION______ APR 25 UCREAU fir" ilUliiEE,: t. Office of athe Commissioner of Public Works �; RgpIVEii pR 0 Report -to Commissioner of Finance 1a' _3 .,n MAY 13 1919 ....... ...... .191.9... To the Commi3sioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No. ....24795 a............Apr... pprovedil 24th 191....9., relative to........_.._ .............. constructing a sewer on Palace Street from Edgecumbe Road to ._.. ....._..... ................. ..............._....... ...................... on Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........._...._......necessary and (or) desirable. $1.88 per front foot 2524 1 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ .................................... and the total cost thereof is $.._......._..._..............___........, and Assessable frontage 672 ft. Excess inspection $50.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.__....__..._....____..._..._._._......._..._................ ................. ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. IN ___ w, a. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ......................... r_............................._..........._......................................... _... Com issioner of Public Wor Qlitg of Oot. haul OSCAR CLAUS9EH. CHI.. ENou.... Ueparlwrut of Vuhltr marks J. a CRR R0LL, 9urrN 66nacoHa_U.'... R c M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER au.U.-u rib. L R. T. GOUREY. DEPUTY on H. W. G0ef21NGEn, 9u.rloN N. c. n. . . RR­D. G..u. e..1R... St. Paul, MinE sota. May 12, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public works, Bu11ding., Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Palace Street from Edgeoumbe Road to Lexington Avenue, in accordance- with Council File -}24795, approved April 24, 1919: Approximate estimate ....... $1,252.00 Cost per front foot........ 1.88 Excess inspection necessary, 10.00 Assessable Frontage........ 672.feet. The Final Order on this project should be changed to read "Sewer on Palaoe Street from Edgeeumbe Road to a point opposite the west line of Lot 10 Block 4 Lexing- ton Park Plat #6". The remainder of the sewer is taken care of by Preliminary Order Council File No.2492a, approved May 1, 1919. The reason for separating these orders is that the sewers lay in different sewer districts and have dif- ferent outlets. Yours verytruly, / Tom. 10C a• g 2� ESS/0 Chief Engineer. L) 25'7q9 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofcement...tile- sidewalk, ---six feet--.wide-,--..on.-: ...............south .--side ...of Rondo ...Street ---from ..ChatsworthS..- -_j ! ..ttXt, ---------------- exaep t...13'kleX'e..gQQa and...Gufflcient..-sldewalIts -.no.w -------------------------------- ----------- I ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order .._.....2.5218 .......................... . approved ............ .......Ka -7..2S,....1919, ....................... . Intermediary Order........ ...... .._..-........................ approved ................................. _..._... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Construct cement,. tile...s.idewalk__six--feet, wide on south side of Rondo Street from Chatsworth Street to ......._............................................_....._..................._.........................._._............._..--......__...._.........--..._...._.... _..._...-...Oxford Streets except where good and sufficient sidewalks now .. .. ..... ....._..... exist. --------------------------------------------------------- -- - - .... - .......:.....----------- ------------------------------------------------ -- ---------------- ......... -----------------....._.. I - .. -- ..............---.............................. _--....... - ........ -- ------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders c. he m. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tl nsouthid and directed to prepare plans an except sidewa: cil for approval; that upon said liminar 26-1911 to proceed with the making of upon °he' notice, a all perso Adopted by the Council._..- .aabmns ,. _' 9 9 Approved......... - now orders Form B. $l/A. 8-7 _.....---------------------------------------------------- nstructing a cement _ ix feet wme, on the Works be and is hereby instructed Rondo Street,ifrom Y yet to Oxford Street, good amiss°'" j ment, and submit same to the Coun- Pre H218, approved may s are hereby authorized and directed tg having been had , therewith. , unclltntlaV1 hears itons and recommen- tgereto, and having the same; therefore, e council of the City -+. - ,. a I 1Z- he precise nature, .X-........_................................................ ....._.,,, imprmvement m be City Clerk. Councilm `Farnsworth - Council Goss Council Clancy Counci n McColl Counc' an Wunderlich Form B. $l/A. 8-7 _.....---------------------------------------------------- nstructing a cement _ ix feet wme, on the Works be and is hereby instructed Rondo Street,ifrom Y yet to Oxford Street, good amiss°'" j ment, and submit same to the Coun- Pre H218, approved may s are hereby authorized and directed tg having been had , therewith. , unclltntlaV1 hears itons and recommen- tgereto, and having the same; therefore, e council of the City -+. - ,. a I 1Z- he precise nature, .X-........_................................................ ....._.,,, imprmvement m be City Clerk. I Clty is construct a slk, six feet wide, on - Rondo. Street, from �t to Oxford Street, d and a...len, side- [, and the Council I. Improvement u be VThat the cnmmts- and .erre Ma or. Y dire to I directed to prepare p submit for said e submit same to int oval; that upon said per city Rlclals are and directed to P' king of said Improve. `e tllerewiin. Counci July }4, 1919. 14, 1919. 19, 1919) b, - CITY' PAUL DEPARTM F FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMI SIGNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lf+J an-afluthaide In the Matter of—�nBtZ�—�g�flnt---tile—E�dfl7BBlk'�-9.�L- eget .....- --_ of Rondo §treet_frOW-011�rQ+rar h_ reet Qxf^rd 4 •rest,----------- ------- --------- ------- 2b. 1 1 ---------------------------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved--�3�--- r--- 9� ---------- -------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - ----------------------- ------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $---a—,� '------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 2 Varnes Subdivision 3000 6 2 do 400 7 2 do 400 B 2 do 1700 1 2 Cummins Addition 1550 2 2 do 1770 3 2 do 225 4 2 do 2450 5 2 do 1700 TOTAL. 13195 eK e.a.w. a -a w dTYC S PAUL DEPARTM F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI STONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (brought forward) 6 2 Cummins Addition 7 2 do g 2 do o � ASSESSED VALUATION 13195 2175 1675 175 Total 17795 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ Dated - /k- L 191 .- - ..........1�--- ---------- - - - / Commissioner of Finance. F0— B.S.A. S.S c 111 St. Paul, Minn. . . . . ;\.\�Nx... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. V Gentlemen,- ioO W6, the undersigned property owners hereby petiti4n, your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: a^4, e-14u ?. �{.L .�j. fpu�Cd, a�'. . . .- . . St. Avo . from . :C/�ll:QsdO�� ... ..'. .•St. Ave. to St. Ave. �al�b1L �[IwC�GLvCi! ace%iv/� ---—NIxIi—____-- Q LOT '� BLOCK_ADDITION _`1 -_e SUV 10. ...............0).j........... d 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . �I6j�j� I�i9 r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is IaAl A -4 111 � • � T q 4Y ! . . . . . . �. .......i.r..-i............. o�ti t REC9(VED Office of the Commissioner of Public Works p R ^ ,4 Report to Commissioner of Finance ,; of J U N 6 1919 June 4th, 9 _._._.......191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the, preliminary order of the Coun- 26218 May 26th, 9 cil, known as Council File No... .................................. approved ................................................................... 191 .......... relative to ....................... .... . constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on south side of ....................... ................................................ ................._........................................................... ........................................ .............. ._............ ......... ................ .......................................... ... .. Rondo Street from Chatsworth Street to oxford Street, where walk does not now exist- .............. ................................. I ......................... .............................. ........... ... ....................... . . ............ ......... ..... ................ . ............. ............ .................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 70V per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................. ._........ ..., and the total coat thereof is F....._...._..._............ _................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ._.....__............_..........__ .. ........ .... ...__...... ................. .......... ......................... _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is .................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissi ier of Public Works. 25 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..........Conatructing.-a.-cement--tiie.._s ...........: on the east_._side._of---Bellevue._Avenue-_from--Qventh--S{ rQet---t�Q--Fiat d . ---------- ......... 25120 May 19, 1919. under Preliminary Order----- --- ---.......-- ... ..-- .... approved ---- ..-----.....--------- ............................................. Intermediary Order ---- ...............................--_----------------. approved.... ............................ public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of struct a cement tile sidewalk improvement to be made by the said City is....... Con---------......--..... ------......----................................ .. .................... four feet wide on the east side of Bellevue Avenue from Seventh ............................................................... .----......................._............................---......--------..... ----- --........_..-------------.... Street to Field Avenue, except where good and sufficient. -_side ------ walks now exist. - ---------------- . ..-- . .._.........-...................... ..------...........................--.......................... ......................------------- I..................... ........_....-------------- . --- .----......----.......----------................---.......... ................ and the Council hereby orders said RESOLVED FURTHER, That t and directed to prepare plans and spi cil for approval; that upon said apps to proceed with the making of said Adopted by the Council ......... ��L. JU' i1?- !M Councilma arnsworth Councilma ss Councihn Clan eller Counc, McColl Counc' n Wunderlich Form B. SVA. 8-7 be and is hereby instructed d submit same to the Coun- rttehhb��y authorized and directed REPORT OF COMMIAIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of!q0AA_ruat__a._Dem%Rt_..t_#.le.sidewalk .._ four_._ feet.._ wide__on;,__the, east ............ ...._........._._side._of_Bellevue_._pv..snow,:.from_.. genth..... treet-...to_Field__,pvenus.__,__..__,-___ ... ................. ..................... '.._.......... _..... _... ..... .__............... ........... ._._......................... _.............. _.... ......................... .......__..... ..... -....... _................ _......................................... _..... __— under Preliminary Order approved _...... uay._19th.,.....1919....... _............ ...........___._._...........__.._......._......_.._............._-...........__.._....._.....—._.._._.._.-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$............... ..........._..,,v//_��.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $......__.._ - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT IaLOCKI ADDITION 11!ALUATION 7_ , 5 Hotne.oraf_t_ i 13 4- - dO - - 250 112__ 4 _i do. 13 1 do.._ _ _ u 250 ! __ 12 11 __ _ __ do I 200 L 1 i i I r iTOTAL, T�- :1700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........_ ...............................191.%..............................._ Form B. B. s Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._Conatructing .a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide on ..................... ......................................................................................... _1) tk}...aides--.of-.P lace.. Street, from Griggs Street to Edgecumbe Road. .--...-_e=apt.-_WhaTB..g.R.4.a._and...gufficient.-piljp ralks-_now--_exist.---------------- --- under Preliminary Order .......... 25098 ......................... approved ..................... May 161 -1919._-__---....... IntermediaryOrder... ............................ ........ - ........... approved..........-- ........................ ---------..............-- ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is....Construct ..-.a_cement.-_tile ..-6.ide itA� k,....B�X... fast...wide,....4n.both._sdes---of-._PalaceStreet,---from-_Griggs Street to .............. Edgecumbe Road, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now .. ....... ................ -- ....----................---...........----------- -----............... .............. and the Council hereby orders RESOLVED FURTHER, T and directed to prepare plans al cif for approval; that upon said to proceed with the malting of Adopted by the Council is be and is hereby instructed and submit same to the Coun- hereby authorized and directed ,.40, ) Clerk. Mayor. �,,_ 1'd �9�J madeY w qr sa ,�mprovemeacJ to ,be Approved..... ..... - - - -- the Coiamis= = Resolved Further "TV, 'loser of aPubttal :Wrka be and ' 1e hereby tnaSqueted sad ;dlrectbt�•to,p;e- IFpare'plane -end apect8aatfone for ,said imyrovement„and, submit same,to .the :CGuncll, Councilman arnSWOrth Ior approval.- that upoa`eald pproVal, the proper^Ctty ofacial§ are hereby autnorized and'dfrected to pro- C011IICilmaIl 09s ceed�wlth.the maktafBLof Bald improve- mAdopted CoIIIICllma lancy by the Council 7¢ly 14;1919. Apflroved. Jm 14, 1919. r -(Suyy 18;1919)' uno Keller Counci ma McColl Councilm Wunderlich Mayor H gson Form B. S. , g_y is be and is hereby instructed and submit same to the Coun- hereby authorized and directed ,.40, ) Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM�IItS��S�IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMHY & ORDER (D) _ – ti In the Matter of...'.....oanatruot__a....cement.....tile-side alk,.... e1x..3.est_..aide..,.....on...bo.tbL--------._.._.�..._ ...........aides-Of.....Palaos....Stree.t.,....from -Griggs....Street _...tn.....Edgenumbe_-Boal......------ underPreliminary Order approved...............majt.__ 6-th.s.....1..9.19 _...... .._................._.................._...._..............................__......_.....-.................._.--..._.._....--- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $...._.__ ....................__ ��.. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - - $........... __... __V'-:�� • a The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 1 — VALSED UATCON N — t— Ij DESCRIPTION LOT BLoe1c'j ADDITION -- --II44IIFF-- _ Lexington Park Plat 6 9 3 g 2 25 _ i ff ' S ; 3 do P� 200 i do 200 6'' 3 do 35Q_ _. 5' 3 i 325 10i 2 L®xington Park Plat 7 ; -7. J, i� it 2 - do 1050 I I. 12 2 do 200 13i. 2 do 200 !' 1 1 2 i do 325 —r- —�-- TOTAL4 3350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the.report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.......... _c:12 �..�f ..._..........191....:.....C._...........__..........._..._ _..... _. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13- i 6 i V - i Y"-- ] :f I r l-, t l i i ! 1! I i i 1 f i i � l I I �i f; 11 � f !�•: St. Paul, Minn., L To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Pe.ul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, t1u undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Boat' to cause the foiloring im rovemen to be made: .............. ........... St. A1114h. ` from ....... St. A -$e. to .UQ:C�.�. ........... .........St. Ave. NAME LOT BOCK ... ......... .................... .. .... ...:. ......................... ........................... .......... ......................... ... ...... .......................... ... ..... ........ I ......... I....... ........................... ... ...... ....I.................... .. - .. ....... ..... 1 ................... ............... ................................. ....... .......................... ............................ .... .................... .......... MAY 191919 K BUREAU °OF E1�01AvEEP ��� CiftNO / .... By AGI �- �'-- --- _4802 INTERMEDIARY .ORDER hnthe Matter of. ..... 'ayingt grading, changing aligrmeht,,together with_ necessary walls, fills, bridges, :.oulverts'and any improvement s .. ............................ •------....---..... ---------.............--......._.............::.-----....----....::--....--•-------........_............--..................----_.....--.... incidental thereto on Mississippi, River Boulevard from the end of the Present asphalt ooncrete pavement at ,Cretin avenne'FLna.,Yortlim ave- p�odiicea t67"wi -t 7tTi -st- eevs r ............................... ........ .......... .........:...........`.:....._............................:..:.._._....__.................... ::........... __..........-...... ........................... under Preliminary Order .............. ....23.7.36 ..................... approved ....:;DeC..l-2,1918....._................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the .Commissioner of Finaaoe upon the above improvement, and' having considered said report, �y resolves �, - 1. That the said report be and;the-same is -hereby approved and adapted, az:pd-tlfd-ssid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsr..:$ma-0. .:................. change alignment together with necessary wal g y ls fills bridges, culgert.e--and !knvimprovements incidental -thereto on Mississippi River Boullevard from -the; and of the present apphalt concrete - r peve>Beat at Gretna---aysnQe--'•sfld..P OP-t-land-•ave:..p-rodueed -#o Wao-t•'.trh•.S •re et, with no alternatives, and' that the estimated cost thereof is $AW P.4PP.QSt. y Resolved Farther; That a public hearing be had on said improvement on theI ;�'' ,�� `�� = ---..day of .-...................... ,p,uggd---•--•--_•-•• 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber: of'the '..' Court House and City Hall Building in theXity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance glue -notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the.total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilO191......-..., ......... �? g n, iM ..........:..... .................. ....._......................... 7(TX--....Approved......................_..._.-......-....... .... 191Clerk.......................___- ........ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland man e er �/�^ Councilmen McColl _'1`{— ! 7_ Councilman Wunderli Mayor Irvin l?• 'k Form i3. S. A. 8-6 U- Co ................ By.....�.:. f.t. =!�sr� v. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 25303 In the Matter of....Openin.9A 14 .44 from eouth Robert Street to._Aaryard------St_,to, a,_nldlh---p,�,,,,60_1Act...„_,_,_,_,,,• .. . ....................................:................................................................................................................................................•........... ................. I ....................... :...-................................. .. _ ........... ..... ........................................................ .. _...... ...... _.._................................................... _....................................................... under Preliminary Order 45M.0 .................................approved .... May ... 26JU19................ ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._QP-949L R1Ag31ALAd._extend Wyoming street from South Robert street to Harvard street to a ..................... ................... ............................ ............................................................... ............. _.................... _........... width of 60 feet, ......... ............ ................. _._......................... . _... ._..............................------------------.........------................ ----------- .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......... .............. __... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... .....//..r-15.....day of ....... -................. AY A ................... 191... .at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the'improvementi and the 9tQtal cost thereof as estimated. JUL 1Q• Adopted by the Council ................................................. A91 ....... s City.....erk..... Approved .............................................. ....., 791.:....... � Cit Clerk. Councilman Far- Worth Mayor. Councilman Coss / Councilman Hyland / an 1?;cller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form- B. S. A. 8-6 ,25804 CO tiN �E ................ /J .` B Ci = .1 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....... 0X1&tTIiCL1.i18..5:...R.91?.e.£---Q.n...pho..r. Q4....olTe9.1....frA1A..1�...D-Q.�7gt......... 135 feet west of Snelling avenue to Fry Street. .......................... .........._........_._......._........ _... ................ ........... ............................................. .......... ......... ....................... . under Preliminary Order---.... 26445 pproved .. J M.e 13' 1A19 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ................. ........ ......... sower_on.,.Chaalee_.-street from a point 135 Peet westof - .......-........................-------................_......... . Snelling avenue to Fry Street, _...._........... .................... ... ........ .................................. ..... .................................................. I .................... -------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..._............day of ....................Aug . 191._9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give.notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place bihear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......... ���...1:r�:.. ��.��. 4 .........., 191......... i iU1. 1.4 1919_ ...................... — c_ . 0,- .......... Approved............................................_...., 191......... ity Clerk. _............ ..... / Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman (loss Councilman Hyland c£ Kcller�• Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. S. A. B-6 'M ! 25805 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of...._COnd•Qmning,•and-.coking-.an•..AAAMQp„•••••••„ ......_... necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills',in grading Orange -- .....------ ....-................._...........---- .............................................. -........... .............. ........................... _..... _ _... Street from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne street from ........... . Foreit Strict to ziH Street aad'Cypreei §treat from Orange ' 'M ._..-_____Street. to -_Marland -_Street ............................................................ .- -- under Preliminary Order ........... 24455approved .- March 14, 1919�termediary O1der....25154 approved..._MSy_ 92r_1919___ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, T"f h public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ........... Nth .................:.day of ..................:Augti at 191...9.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. JUL 1.4 1919 Adopted by the Council ------------------ --_...- ----------- •----------•----------1 19 :...... A City Clerk. PProves--------------L� --- . x.:..'$19 � "-t-........., 191 ........ �/)/. Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman4lFM Clancy Councilman Beller Councilman McColl Councilman Wnnderliek Mayor X Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of..Csndemnang--..-a-rsl-..taking... an...eaaement...i-n..t•he.-land........................ necessary for slopes, for cute and fills in grading Orange ............... ....................•----....----.....---•--•--...................I.................................................. _..._.............._ .. Street from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne Street from ----------- ores t fiit t o ar treet and Cypress Street from Orange _ t eet...t.Q..3iarylsnd -Stzest,........................................................................................... .......__._........ under Preliminary Order .... 24.4.�.`-------------- approved ....Manch.-14.-18,1 itermediary Order --.,25154.......... approved.. KAY.._22►.I919............... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. covty 25g0g Bc�����y�� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefit s, cods and expenses for Constructing cement curb, with radius corner and necessary driveway returns at the following locations: On the north side of George St. from Humboldt ave. thence east 150 feet and on the East side of Humboldt ave. from George Street thence north 100 feet, under Preliminary Order ..... ........ .......... 2.1...1.9 ........................ Intermediary Order .......... _....... ..._`03.z2_..._._ ...... ........ , FinalOrder _............_23_680......__ ..............................I approved ............ ....._DeC..!.....7...... ............. ............... ............ 191--g.- The 918._ The assessment of _...._ ..... .......Benef_i_tp..,..-:...¢.Q..t}.t.8....&.iad....-.e P....nAC.11..............for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...... 1.2i._ ............ —_day of .......... 191.._9 _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as regpired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to Wh6ro the notice is directed. JUL 1A 1919 191 ............ Adoptedby the Council ..... _...... _... _................... _...................... _.... _............ Approved .._._._ _ in 14. 1919 . ..... Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 City Clerk. _........ .._._..... _......__._..._. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION Or ASSESSMENT _.__.._....._._�._...._. 191.__ In the matter of the assessment of Benefi to c cat s and expenses for the Constructing eemwAt curb, with radius corner and necessary driveway returns at the following locations: On the north side of'George St. from Humboldt Ave. thence East 150 feet and on the East side of Humboldt ave. from George Street thence north 100 feet, under Preliminary Order ............. .... Z1UJ9............... ... _.., Intermediary Order _._..._-:233.g2-- ----- _.------_-------._-------- - Final Order _.... _.............. 23.580..._ ....... _...................... _. approved _._.......................... ....... ...Ilac..7._...._... To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction - $-----19.4.00........... Cost of publishing notice $ ........ _._........... �1_.......... Coat of postal tarda -$...._.-..-..._...... _... ................ . Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $_........ Amount of court coats for confirmation - - - -$........... _.... _._tiJQ......... _. Total expenditures $_......... 1.88.a_Ag_........ _ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.._188.32 __.___...__upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ ........... ` -. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ECOUNCI-,�IL _ . /14Q 25807 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for Curbing and boulevarding Jenks Street from Westminster Street to Burr Street, under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order ................ .................... . . . ...... . ....... Final Order16038..-1 .................................._.........I 19 ............... .... . ........................................ .......... .1 approved........... The assessment of ..................... .f}On-efit -.e Co-sts and emp.en.nes for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council . having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ............ -.1-2 ........ . . ..... day of Au uet.................... 191..._9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ .......... . ................................ . . ____.........1 Approved JUL 14 1919.._..._.__.____...._191_...... Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16 Clerk. Mayor. -��=-. ------ - ---- -- --- - - -- ---- -- -. ----r----- ------- - - CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE, OF THE COMMISSIONER OFA- FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of Bendit s,. costs and expenses for the curbing and boulevarding Jenks Street from Westminster Street to Burr Street, Intermediary Order_...._....._..1550..._..._.,,....._...... _.......... __.__.._._..., under Preliminary Order ..._13854_,.._.__.___ ............ __._,.,7 FinalOrder ...... _....... 1-6.0-5 ...... _ ....... _........................ approved _.......... _._...AP -r_. M.........__......._....._..... 191... (_.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $........ _.2.5.5T...119.__.. Cost of publishing notice - - . - - - - $........ _._.._..... .s_69_...... Cost of postal cards $............. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $ ..............._ 51.14 ...................._......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $.......... _...._l�_:.05 Additional Bi.P.W.5-27-19. 9.49 Total expenditures $"".."'Z836 �P Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_._...._...ed.S35-'.1.9_........ _..__.._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto a ached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considere pro er. _............. Worm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finan7. Co uric 26808 By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing cement curbing on both sides of Thomas Street from Albert Street to Hamline Avenue, ender Preliminary Order ..... ..... 2182.4.,,.....,--- , Intermediary Order ............... 2'r',.6.5.7....._....._ ................... _-_...._..., Final Order ................._23078......_............. ............... .., approved ......_......-0..c.t........2_....-............................ ............ 191_6_ The assessment of ...... _......._B8I1_.0111.¢....... rzod ..._..and...�axp.e.nse.s. ................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.......--12th._____..day of August_...__.._., 191 9__..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. JUL 14 191 Adopted b the Council ...._...... ..... 9 f _ Approvedn ;9�9 Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Form B. B. 16' h..__ .. ....... _' . :City Clerk. 191......._ / _.:.:......................_.._._............_..._....._........_.. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ._................:....................... 191 In the matter of the assessment of Berr[fits, costs and expenses for the Constructincement curbing on both sides of Thomas Street from Albert Street to Hamline Avenue, under Preliminary Order ._ __ .................. ._2.1&2.4..... ................. . Intermediary Order . ............ ............ .... ..._.... .... ............. . Final Order.................._25Q.T5..._.._...._.._..................., approved...... ............. 191..._..x.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - $--524"Q-------- Cost of publishing notice $ 2 17 _............ _........ _..... Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $..._.__1_Q..•_54....._......._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - _ _ $ .............._4. 65 Total expenditures $...__5.43...88 ................ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, 543.98 tained, to -wit: the sum of $.:._._.__'.....` ......_..._._ ................................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed,'and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. _ .................................................... .....:....._. rorm B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. - -- - ----- - - --- ---------- ---------------- ---------- - ---------------r..... - F�E f� ! COUNCIL NO. _ ... 1 ` 25809 - _ 1 t B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, cost s and expenses for Grading of J#ffereon avenue from Cleveland avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order .........2246_!1< ........................................... Intermediary Order.........................W.,112........................ _....... . FinalOrder_......23.41.0 ................. ............. ....._._........... approved ................. _.._..N.oY..w.4...-- ................. _.......... 191.8=_ The assessment of._B&Refit..@,.......c.H..t.@....and ...exp..enseB for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the................ _.. 1.2 ...... _...... day of Atg List 1919 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the'time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. / J 4.41191 Adopted b the Council.....................JC,I.....c-.....,......._........ ..........._._.._..._...._ ..-....`._._........ _.............. /City Clark. Approved .._._JU` 1!- iQ�9 191......._ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth " Gose Hyland Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin �' Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191._. - In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs and expenses for the Grading of Jefferson avenue from Cleveland avenue to Cretin avenue, 4' 23112 under Preliminary Order....................2.._2.......64................................._...._., Intermediary Order ..............................._......._... FinalOrder .........._23410.................................................. approved ........._....... ..... ............_NOV..r.._4....................... 191._6....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $...._.._39.49.,..60,,,,,.,_ Cost of publishing notice - - - $..... .... .--........ 3.-x_57......... ...._...._......._3.0 6 Cost of postal tarda - - - - - $. Inspection fees - - - - - - _ - ' $........ _ ......7.8 9 8........ Amount of court costs for confirmation $_................. Total expenditures $ -- 40 4_9_051 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.. . . . ...... Q.Age.V upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. ` � � d r �. t+ / � �F NO 26811—OrdluaiVre No 6186u6Y _ t }A(r �,rz �r ordinance eettl�h `the ala+ -: �. �f'� - � � /t"/,���[� , �' � ret .farce •aes�nat me. try !'.`�,i�. �.' � •"'� '�0.� � '.11 ;1'l :its 4ltl `,� tit, e An ordinance settling 1hexclaim of Margaret Joyce against s the City -df St. Paul. THE1`00UNCIL OF THE .CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:, Section 1'. 'That the proper city officers tare...' reby authorized to pay, out of the Compromise Aceount of the General Fund, to Margaret Joyce, the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising out of damages to her clothing and personal injuries caus6d.by the defect- . ive condition of the sidewalk on the north aide of East Fourth street, tbout.:100 feet west of Rosabel street, on the 14th day of April, 1919. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claam4nt upon her execution and delivery of a release in full to the Uty, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council ---- r —" s Yeas Now 3Eik Clancy Farnsworth Goes Eo-�3var fo. w vv� McColl Wunderlich _l p Mr. President (Hodgson) ?App r d Attest Mayor — -- PUBLISMD :Z City Cie rk fturtment of Caw r CITY OF 8T• PAUL ' o o. o.rroa.ar. _ .IlL 2 811 JOHN A. 1� RNB T WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN ^ JOS. X. MASEK July 11th , 1919. To the Council. Gentlevn:- ` Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Margaret Joyce against the City for Forty Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. g Yours truly, U//As 't Corporation Counsel. 'CITY OF! sw;-PAUL, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUN AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM F,.- A A 45,2 9 7-18 1053 . .. .................. .......... ........................ PTRO LER:.?. AUDITED k. _R ... .... .. .. ... ..... .......................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor perso a,0corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:', Yeas 1fi n1,.r0r 0 .i,,men V Nays Adopted by the Council__ J UL 15 18 19 491-- CIany Farnmorth .__....._In favor A ed ...... ....... JUL 15 1819 . . ........................... . ............ . . . Lp Goss ---------- Against . ............ . .... . 12631 John Copeland, e 12632 —Northw6stern Blaugas Company, Parke 12633 Reed Motor Supply Company, Fire- 12634 ix e12634 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, BLne- 12635 W. H. Schmelzel Company, Munic. Gar. Revl. 100.96 j I 18,94 53636 37.40 enl CITY OF Sr. PAUL 25813 Council. Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of Coundil. File o. Date Presented 191 RE L t St. Cu I.k G y ie hereby ordered end —,1 1* -,,,d Ib electrial lives by 11-8polo avd striv¢in[ wires thereon for the tmwmWt of a 9 ov and N tollowiv¢ alley. etreab of said cib: Install t�tenty-nine poles on Cleveland Avenue. between Villard Meet and River Boulevard. City lighting. With neoeseary guys and anchors. Yeas ( ) Counen ( ) Nays FARWORTH VV Mc W1 H5 KE Mr/President, IR' LICH A roved JUL.'15 FM 191 PP c .Mayo CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of a Council File No. Date Presented 191 .. n . , n , tnn.mRiu oCo ui el�eetrictf`un ava in�t6Goiko�toa alters. nA:ireeb ui `edd Citi; a aremw m rsmuo.n c.c.ru..w..., �.......s w.............................--- •-• — Install two poles on Peroe-Street between Dayton and Selby Avenuesy with necessary guys and anchors. r' IC. zFtneo7yn2IM abet t4°�a5ai .-a d e at ram dee rAgitt ComPen$� fe peteby ordered end dlrtl'eted, to eat0n► Ste elentt`lcel ]Iae6 by erenU; fag Dpblea,egd, OtrJuging wiretl thereon �tor the'i tretlemf¢91on of elenttlnity ion' I end d>f the [olfoyring,�a�l0ye�and. streets- � S Ail f each ezuo.i solea add wind dna 6e - 4d and eovteneted oaderdeei¢the'dhecdonmd-tuperrldonroEthe Commwtener ox rupem uwtnn ma tmu+.mon- eubjed w the prorlaio t (Srdina N tlr�. and tall Ner iawf 1 ordln e d rwolatlona of the Ciq of 9t. Pad. All pot hold b tin veh 1 tlon en said dere and et -te fhe C tutoner of Publk "In" ".hail n.....d.hdl b. of each hekht —d ehat.eler as he .h.11 dnian.0 and apprors, and an) dad all doth polo shall be taken down and removed, and eneh wiry placed mduaroavd, whennm the Council shall dam that the tmCl;c It—t w reautrae, and whm It It ao cater. Adopted by the Council JUL 15 L9 191 Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH GOS Mc LL WU DERLICH Approved— JUL 15 IS19191 HY ND pp KEL ER i p Mr,: President, IRV Q Mayfor Cdui►cil File No. Date Presented 191 By triosm RESOLVE of clD, That the east iv the su Liiitnt allcyprsavd. h.. o[ red cordereesti; d directed to extend hr electrical lives by ertetint pole and -i-int whey thereon for the ssion Install one pole in alley south of Forb6e Avenue, west of Seventh Street. Install two pol®e in all"ey south of'Narehall Avenue, west of wheeler Avenue and on6 in tame a21ey`eaet of Wheeler Avenue. with necessary guys and anchors. I.r'r:wr ., a'; LJ�'M N• aaetr- 'yt`: „ a ; t c c CommWione f Publl utilities and in all things ....:, ..-..- All 6f."ch oriel pof 7 desire-shatl lue lRl dfAtriwtctkdvvpm - subiet to the Prmisi vs f Ordi No. 24YA and of all other]awful Min m d . 1 ti m o[ th Ciry [ 9t Paul. Alt pot should b t I h lomNon In said all II and screen a Ih G 4d oEPublic Uti11N 1u11 desit...... N rhail b [ h he1¢ht.,.,dd.heedv as puat HblicJnt�ereltt so reyvito rand and whey rrit d :clsuchouds W to mall be taken donne and removed. and such wine Placed uvdertrouad, wheaevu the Council shaxm that the Addpted by the Council l!'L 15 1519 191 Yeas ( ) Coun ildhen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH GOSS McC L WUN ERLICH i!!_ 1� 1.99 191 HYL D Approved KELL R M Mr. President, IRVI �nno you j� CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---G neral Form 25616 Department of Bureau of e Council File No. Date Presented 191 By ' ' kwmfulon of elatrictston o d tv tlia fatlowite¢ alley aodl•trcab ofo� i�od dGected to nteod ib deetrinl lion br ueciiv¢ voiw and •triv¢iv¢ rirc+ thereon (or khv Install one pole in the alley north of St.Clair Street, corner of Baldwin Street. Ikertall one pole in the alley north of Lincoln Ave., between Grotto Street 'and St.Albans Street. Install one pole in the alley vest of Arkwright 8 Vet, between Maryland Street and Rose Street. With necessary guys and anchors. 1W ... r of foblle MUM. and to all thin¢• dnd shall be of •veb h2ht avd chaeaete. u , wh...ver the Coun e1u11 dam that the .n¢ ) Nays ERLICH A roved JUL .f.5 1919 191 1D PP R QWm*: Mayor .f 167 Council File No.-....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Petition F 251'7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. r L The undersigned hereby proposes the making of owing Public ' en y the City of nisi, viz Paye alley in Block 85 of 1 s Re _° a4.._t4.._a _.. P- ....... Ilevvey Avenue to Howell A ue ........................... ...... .................. ........... ......... ............. ........... ... ... .. ..... ......................... ' ...... I... .... .......... ... ........-. e .............. Dated this. ..A. ....day oE....-ly. -. ............................. ................ 191:......// t .... .......................... ............ Counci PRELIMINARY ORDER: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, viz.: Pave alley in block 25...0f••Merriamte .Rq.t gf.-31ook3 a4.-..tC...a..9 f.XQJA................ .......I......... Dewey Avenue to Rowell Avenue.:.. .... ....................... IC E No. 26817 ::........................................................ Abeteact- .................. ... ............... ._................... ................................................ Whereas A Wrltted ¢royoeal for the ' '' makm6p1 the f0110Wia8 )mkrovement.'. _ having been presented to the v)pave alley 1n Slook 26 oL �ierrAm e- rllman................ ............................................................... iLe. of -6 ks 21 ',apd 29 Froin D@rosy. - - therefore, be it �vehueco irowell'Ay@nne pavins' been pprea@nYmd Lo the Council oL the a}ty Of 't St. Paul; to@rotore;� pe It ..,. - _RESOLVED, That the xeso}Jea That ,the SJommle9lo 9r of is hereby ordered and d'vetRed: Pupllc, Worke;:he.and hg la 'hereby o1' `l. To invebtigate thea Berea' aaa alrectedc 1 Tp itiveetlgate t�le neceeslty Sor: f said improvement. oride@liability oL, �;tjie making of said;. 2. To inve6tignte then i+°roT minveettoafe the astyee esfent Provemmt, and the total colt' thereof. ' '- and eeLlmated cost o; �atd.�lmDrove- 3.,- To furnish a plan, P rdeat @aa the t@tat cost thereox furalshi Rti clan ¢}'odte or , +�To furnish the folio @keteh:ot sale sm¢rovemegt said Improvement:................................................._ 3d erste whetner of not said im . ¢ro eg�gg@at 1s asked for on the D@titloa;� - ., .......- oCtit'aeaor more oWa@rs - ♦ __. _ 8 20 r@Phrt upon sll of ,tne lore -_ „ ..... .......-.-- ._............. oTrtg-plattars-o fine Commteslodet-pL. j1' To ate whether or °$°ce clition of three or more owners: s, AdoDC@d bytne -Council July 16 Y939 P A.DDroired Ju}y6 1819 �To reporkupon,all of tJwy is 1p�s> er oEFinuia r . .. ... . : � Adopted by the council.'.::..: ... ...-..:a. Yeas!' Nays: Collin ' an amaworth eDaApproved.;jPL 1.5 ............... 191 yland. eller cCall - Mayor I e Mayo' Form CA Is (rM 4l7) _ t s `n _3 lid i Council File No PROPOSAL FOR.IIMPROVEMENT Mr. E., S. Spencer, and Account Pavins: " -Raindolph StredtpRELDIINARY ORDER, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the o public imp anent the City of S Paul, viz: Construct a sews; on ph St t fro Edge cad<" £o'V10 oria St"res w3f • Zater oonrieo ons to I1ort I'll' ............................... line.:..of...atsaet.... _thy:. rater. ione.af..- andol ...fi mat.... . Edgeoumbe Ro and C tewo Street and so ewer: n -Vicivr .n.. e....� J f3treet...a :pan pig- res . ..................-•--............................... - ... . S da of.........`7....:Y1- ....._19.5........_.......:. ... ........... 191...... Dated this ................. y Councilman PRELUMINARY ORDER. Wf3EREAS, A written proposal for the making -of the following unproveroent v1z ,Qonatruot a sews.; on•,Randolph-Sirest. 8rom,Edgecumbe._Road......_.. ..."" to Victoria Street, with lateral oonneotione to the North line---oi••.f3tx®at at • ha intaresoti-0naog....Raz►dalph- Streat...wltlx.... Edgeoumbe Road b,z6s1drth Street, and also seller on ..................... "iTtctnria'StrtYethjrereae A wltt . B street tCt Ra7idolph 'str'eat: PlA6 of the folio 1r,1 w u,q................ ---.................... ..................................�$,k •'FYy .............................. ..... ' "'- x tract a sewer an RAS - trot; HdBeCtrmba ,Road lta ian ::. .... having been presented to the Council of therth i1n"ethi stir ei Cosi' teat Int p£Aan�plphtiStrept teitdfHdg therefore, be it F. 'Road and ' at4Wprth '�8tree , eo seers; on Vlbtoris Street ordered and directed: ed: Sfz'eet to ;Randolph-Sires haV RESOLVED, That the Co s been .preeent�a to. the govnott of the, ci�r oi,SC:32xv1 �he5hiore, be tee. provement, - - 1. To invedtigate the necessif Rosalvea 2hQ! thertt77oom,nleatgner of PabIIc Works be-and`hrg a hereby or=. 2. To invedtigate the nature cared an9,alFgatad r a, ant, and the total wilt thereof. and ee fnvestlgate 'yhc necesetty ror Lr deeiratitpt, ty than mak(n� of Bala. 3. To furaiah a plan. profile or, hdprpvement °� ; a Tp' tnYeatlgatb th�B, nature �;e�teat ttmated aoat,:of n.",, frnProVe-.lmprOVGinEnt:......................................................... J}�p.fYlfaff['ihEf6 g ment and. thite totai ;e,,oet th- gpf. Z 8 To �3hrNsh aplan prOdl or - �: ek@;ph efle6id imprepgment. � ........ ..... ..... ....... --••- 4 To stp.Fe WhethBr or not seta fmm "" ....--••---• proremepj >e as$ed 1!or on the„p,@tlQipn _... .-. at threl7-or-mode pggnp;e oftbmor.mOLO OWI1Gra. 31'0 prate whether or not said r 6 To report ulYon all of the Sora AA�xx'Pa ttesd' toy th8 Qomm1}pnarr of mance, . y",,,� To report upon all of the fo as r w _ e(Fe a'gyp Cpurtoil Jui26 1918 O'pgrbYdd}JulYtr X838 �r -. , Adopted by'the wuncit...........:. I Amy Is > > a con, F Werra JUL 1& 1919 G s Approved........ ................191........ H land ccoll uaderlich v f wmayorl 'n Aman May ..Herm e`e Ig tsix a•tvf f t x :� Date Presented 191 Resolved, ,That the time specified for, the performance of a certain contract dated April 1, 1919, between the Standard Stone Company and the City of Saint Paul, for curbing on Thomas Street from Snelling Avenue to Aldine Street be and the same is hereby extended to the 14th, day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith,provided,however,that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond con- sent thereto 'and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. (✓) Nays �M CPae ' son FORM C. A. 9 `3M: -19'.. ..............In favor ............. Against Adopted by the Council ......JUL ...LJr...1$ig..:-191....:. Approved .......... ....... ���....1rJ_..19 9......._.-.191..... ��ddMATOR • St. Paul, Minn. , �� - - - 19 /�- TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- - to be extended to - - - _ - - ' `L - - - - - - - 19 /1- , Owing to - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is co APPROVED. Jpq 4f Constr ion & Repairs is Works. Chief Engineer. COUNCIL ILEZ-=,;; NO............................. ��/�- By.. - "Qr --- ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._Reconstruating,--.relaying-_and. repairing--_cQm@ �--_t;J1e........... ............... lde.Ralkss....at...tlaa...f allszaing-.loc atinna.... ri ellealeg...A¢enue,...south.......... .............. side,--._sis-_Peet-_wide,.---frc.m Cleveland._A.veno@,-..theX!Q.e w..@.at.._to...alley.. Saratoga Avenue, west side, six feet wide, from 202 feet south •..........................................................................................................A......-...`------•........---•-------------.............................. of St. Clair Street, thence south 16 feet. - ---.................................... •-----•---.......--------- -----------------......------...._.............._........------.....................- -............. under Preliminary Order ........... ................ 25213......... approved ....-.................... MAY ---2,6-,~---x.919. .......... ------ Intermediary Order ---... ....................................-- - . approved.... ------- --...----..........................:. .................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it No aaaa`s RESOLVED, By the Councilng7sna eDiiin° tt1 that the precise nature, extent and kind of :+�"°'' �31deWulkB ai tNe follow[nB W6neele9 *AvenUA^A youth y�y improvement to be made by the seet .eiae7:frgm L^lavelana a:ct,-..relay..and_repair. Cement and the Council hereby orders RESOLVED FURTHER, TI and directed to prepare plans an cil for approval; that upon said to proceed with the making of Adopted by the Council....... Coun' nlCoss Conacilulm Clancy CounciIJOPMccoll Coun anyWunderlich d Form B. S.. &7 Works be and is hereby instructed ent, and submit same to the Coun- are hereby authorized and directed therewith. /to esr�tna � PUMLISHM ........... .......... ................... ........ ..... 2582 COUNCIL ILEZ-=,;; NO............................. ��/�- By.. - "Qr --- ----- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...._Reconstruating,--.relaying-_and. repairing--_cQm@ �--_t;J1e........... ............... lde.Ralkss....at...tlaa...f allszaing-.loc atinna.... ri ellealeg...A¢enue,...south.......... .............. side,--._sis-_Peet-_wide,.---frc.m Cleveland._A.veno@,-..theX!Q.e w..@.at.._to...alley.. Saratoga Avenue, west side, six feet wide, from 202 feet south •..........................................................................................................A......-...`------•........---•-------------.............................. of St. Clair Street, thence south 16 feet. - ---.................................... •-----•---.......--------- -----------------......------...._.............._........------.....................- -............. under Preliminary Order ........... ................ 25213......... approved ....-.................... MAY ---2,6-,~---x.919. .......... ------ Intermediary Order ---... ....................................-- - . approved.... ------- --...----..........................:. .................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it No aaaa`s RESOLVED, By the Councilng7sna eDiiin° tt1 that the precise nature, extent and kind of :+�"°'' �31deWulkB ai tNe follow[nB W6neele9 *AvenUA^A youth y�y improvement to be made by the seet .eiae7:frgm L^lavelana a:ct,-..relay..and_repair. Cement and the Council hereby orders RESOLVED FURTHER, TI and directed to prepare plans an cil for approval; that upon said to proceed with the making of Adopted by the Council....... Coun' nlCoss Conacilulm Clancy CounciIJOPMccoll Coun anyWunderlich d Form B. S.. &7 Works be and is hereby instructed ent, and submit same to the Coun- are hereby authorized and directed therewith. /to esr�tna � PUMLISHM CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved...............26Lh.a.._14.19.......... ... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -$._............_.......... .... _,__ .. The estimated cost pe^�r the above improvement is $. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION iLOT BLOCK j ADDITION .i ASSESSED I, VALUATION p S2. 1 1 Hoo ea Park 20 j,__ Sylvan Park. 350 _ I I , , I r i I ;I TOTAL. --- _—_ 1175 5 - II The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submit& the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.. ..-2�191 .. �1. ... _...._.._._._—_.. - Commissioner of Finance. turn. s. II. 13 ............................................................................................ ......................... 25821 COU=NC t& . . ................. By.......................................................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of P!?pqtruct a ceme ti1e,.,13.JA0 I ........................ At ........... _f.0.Q.t-,-wJda,. on..the ------------- aoutli-sideL-of Bourne—Avenue from -550 f,"t West 40-f KAsten Gtre t -y theneq w.eA&..9Q.Q—,DP.At Qxutp.t whare good and-suffiaient sidewalks.. ......................... ........... I ................................................................................................................................................... ................................=............... ............... 1.11 .......................................... ................................................................... under Preliminary Ort er .................... approved -A47 2" 1.9.39 . ........................................... IntermediaryOrder......------......-----...... ---....... - ----.. approved ............................................................ ................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it t ak =tareutctWng RESOLVED, By the Council of the, precise nature, extent and kind of j 76s improvement to be made by the -C emeut tila a I A wa-13m, six - feet wide, on the -s . -7 'w"abv-r P ' . -' Avenue from 550 feet West ;�. ft YTINIWIV� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------ f coke ti UIQ4 ==-2L"�Y =toj�;ip --AMP -------------- o............................ -------......t. Keston Srs-'Me ... good 9xid. .......... RO .............. su.ff.i.c.i.ent sld.e.N�k-! led 'Z��Ahd---cotmetFlof-t a41""----------------------------------- --------------- ..... ..... . .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. ------------------- and the Council hereby orders RESOLVED FURTHER, T and directed to prepare plans in cil for approval; that upon said to proceed with the making of Adopted by the Council Approved -jt�L 1-5 6A .............. 191 Councilma Farnsworth CouncillnJaGoss Councilm Cla6oy Form B. S. A. Works be and is hereby instructed nent, and submit same to the Coun- i are hereby authorized and directed mmm-mm�m .......... _... -........ ................... _......... ..._................................ ..........................__............................. _..__..... _......_................ ......._................. ............. _..... _.................... .._.......... - - - - _ under Preliminary Order approved ............. ..... .... ............_......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $._......... _.._.._____ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - _ $_..._._.._._. Q The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 1 LOT �I.00KI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 'i u $t.-Aath4ny Park North. 3 _ �2 i 0_j do 75 13 401 do 525 X14 ! 40do 7.5 _ _ 11 - j u ,- li j TOTAL. iI 524 I --- - --- - -i -------_ ---- -F - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated.............lC/.1911GG.....:.. C...G� .._..._____.........-___ _ .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. H. 1 G� aril nate, — 33y/ /v7 u�/u✓L'd 3 _ ��( •ytF%j' � ���� �-3%� � dpi � �-- �- P St Paul , Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. P2ul, Minn. � �) Gentlemen: We. thu undersigned. property cwnsra, hereby petition your HonoTable 3 icy to cause the follonin;3jprovement to be made: A........ Cli b. Ave. fr.m o?d.DG �j�. .... . ........St. *ue. be ... .. ....` ...... St. N g .F LOT E BLOCK — . ........ .moo. 1�' i�! :. Cf........... ..................... ....�...... ........................ .................................. ....... .......................... .......... .`............... .... ..... ................ ..... .... ......... .... ....... .......................... ................................ a .......... BORF.aI7. Uk s�u1I�EER9. ..:.. ....... ......... . ............... . ............. ................. ....... ............. ............ ............................ ..... ....... .. ............................ ....... .......................... ...................................... .................... ........................... .......i.......................... VKVVV 25825 COUNC ILE .bM— .................... / ....cc%i—C .. ✓-: By..- ........ ......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....._Conatruct a cement tile sidewalk. six feet wide, on ............. the...south .. si de...o x...Ohsx le s...Stxe at--.ln-.frcAt.-.Qf...L.0.5._a.._and...iQ-}-----........ ---------------Hlock-- 28,..-1ncaLed--heLviceen..Alher-L.-.and..P.as<al,---Sgndirats..9dditian _ ............ ...lio..*--5.,....exa.ept.-.abere---goo.d...and now._exist.•.--......... M 16, 1919. underPreliminary Order ------------- 2 ............................... approved--------_----------------------------------------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder— ............. .......-................... ................. approved --------------------- ............................. ----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is,...... Construct -.-a cement-_tile--_sidewalk_-,_six -- -feet wide, on the south side of Charles Street in front of Lots ...-----.......... .............................- ..........._.v-.- ------------....................... -......................................................... -------------- 8 and 10, Block 28., located between Albert and Pascal, Syndicate ........_................--------.......------..............................................-....------------.....................-----.......-_...------...._...............------ -.. Add_it.ion No 5 c s assts-� E sufficient sidewalks now ..................... -..... ....-- ....................-------- ........................... In the matteY o'i;`eQnetFuc{jn & aefne�nt .,va..a �wttte stdgwal"tk Ft:,t�°Q.�{�#l°IIl��.. and the Council hereby orde -order ss�es+a D+o dTns iBi�"+ ?A phbuc 'hedr�nl;altt g been fiad� , RESOLVED FURTHER upon the 'ab tmDrnveapen unan;aue�c Works band is he instructed notice, the ,u Coun1l fiev�ng fie6sd: and directed to prepare plans DeBonai omeottQae:ena �oowman Bement, and submit same to the Coun- 'd'atio re -u tbe[alII S'aaid having=, cil for approval; that upon s tie iY cQnaiderea the ,ee}me tfierQzbret lals are hereby authorized and directed raBesoived We Conanti o[ We City to proceed with the making o1 S4 Paul Lhat the D;eoWe nafnee .es iCC thea th, tint and kind ot6t DF,ovbIDent-to bq_ made Dy tib chid. Y7ttyfe �onetruotSB' /> nient .tie sldegAnc ela 1Qet wldoTon=� /% Adopted by the Council 'e�ie so5ttfi iolde of char oe 8SSt:eet,=.i uea$.' eiHa'a Adtreeti�ePadc'Sd�A3'� e ....- . Form B. S. JUL 15 Goss Clancy ftrffer- McColl Wunderlich t=.tenet Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM "OR`PINANCE REPORT OF COMMONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINAE_- ORDER — In the Matter of ...._............ 4.0n..111-truol....a.._o.exent.....tile- s1devalk,--six....f.slat.._.Aide....... on.....the-----•---- .oath.....a.oda.....Q:.....C.hurles....Street.....in._front.....of...Iata_.5.........and ....10.,._.Blaak..2 ............ 1.0 Alb.ert..._and...P11.aQal,.....Syndioate..... Addition _.......... _._._..... ........... ....._.................. .._........_... ..... ................ _ ......._............... ........ _.............. ..__- under Preliminary Order approved __._May.....1.6_t13.,.....l9.ls...._..__..._..__............_..... .... _...._...... ..................._._.__..................._........_...._..------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $--....... ....... ---------- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $------�= — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or , parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �_---_ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK' ADDITION it VALUATION Syndicate Addition No. 5 -- � 2s ! sy 7 5 , �I 10' 28: do 575 �. t_ 'i it � __ -- ...___—•--�--t'— I — TOTAL, 1159 it The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........... ........ .....� ...... 191......._. ... ...... .��--....._..__.._..._.._._.._.....___._- ......._. _. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 18 p St. Paul, Minn.', .4..........191. V To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen - We, the unxersigned property c-mnsrs, hereby petition yoi r:�iionora��t~ c�'a9e _t e ng improvement_ to AK - LOT Y BLOCK ........................ .:.. ..... ......................... ..... ...._. ... :...... ......... I............ ....... ........... . :..l F. .... �re ........... . ,�......-... .. ............ .. . ... ...... ..... . ..- ....... .... � . .... � .. ....... ........... g........:..T....................... MAY 19191 BUREAU OF EIIGiNEERS, Resolved, That upon the recommendation of the Dep"tment of Public Safety, Bureau of Health, and with the consent of the contractor and the surety upon his bond, the contract heretofore entered into under date of May 39th, 1919, between F. W. 011erenshaw and the City of St. Paul, is hereby modified so as to provide that the music for dancing at Harriet Island, between July 14th and August 30th, both incl>gsive,_ona,l Turn shed by a band of ten men for two and one- half hours d themeeavenings of e4oh week day, at an additional compensation of $33.00 per week, or a total of Two Hundred Thirty- one Dollars ($331.00). Yeas (jidt, V)) Councilmen ( V) Nays orth `7✓'In favor ._........Against rlich Mr. Prodgson FORMC 18 Adopted by the Council. ..JUL 15 1919 191..-.-. Approved ...._—JUL :....15. 19.1.9._..........- 191 or _.--..._...- .. t MAYOR CITY or s'P. PAUL ..... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL P.rmAA1{,lM 748 '\, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION, FORM , FILE 1056 ... .................... ....... .... -------------------- JUL , AUDITED i� I y T MPT LER ._...... ...... ........ 79 ....... - PER.-------- .... ..............._......._............_....._.._ -t,a TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms o corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) C mcilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council....__��_...._1....199.___...._.._.191.._ Clan JUL .fib mg � Fara orth ............_..In favor roved ...... ... ............. ................... Goss Kell r.....Against ............... ....".......... ........ .................. _... .... ............ _..__...._ (; MCC Il MAYOR Won edich Mr. President, odgson 268x7 12721 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 3,667.57 Mayor's Office 182.58 i Corp. Counsel 40 City Clerk 0 G.F.-Mist. & Unforsee Election Expense .00 Com'r. of Finan - Bureau of As s. 8.33 Com'r. of ance- Recpta. isb. 61.66 Partic Certs. 72.50 U om oller 820.83 9411 Service 447.50 'Armory 150.00 Purchasing Depit. 501.67 3, 6977.9 7 12722 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 5,944.45 Workhouse 696. C.P.W.-Gen. dm. 4 Bureau of gs. 1 7 8 St. C. & x,257 65 Sewer C. R. 1 .50 S. & S. g. 0.00 Bridge & R. 87.50 G.F.-Cr sswalks 62.50 Spr ink g Re 848.12 Burea of neers 47.55 Pani Co Avenue 75.00 P*=� ,F. xington and t Avenue 100.00 5,944.45 a i Res. 1456 Page #2 12723 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance / Schools 4, 34 Library_,3;�1 .28 Audit 12724 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, Parks -Gen. Adm. L267 Bureau of Parks Playgrounds P. Bldgs. Election 12725 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance C.P.U.-Gen. Adm. 3 7 " -Test. Labs 2 50 ° -Markets 13 .00 " :Markets 8 .40 .5 2 ?-A 46.2M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUN FILE oIL No•... -2' 1059y v ... ..............._... G 3, AUDITED ..J U..- --- --- - ----------- 1........ TY_n_ l' LLER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( v ) Nays JUL 16 1919 Adopted by the Council..... ................................... . . ....... . ....... Clancy ouncil........................................_._......_.......Clancy JUL 16 1919 Farnsworth ................In favor proved......._....... ............ .,:............ 191_,`._ Goss............................... Keller Against.............................._.......J?'`.�.....�:..._ McColl MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson ffJi✓' �fy`� 12741 Standard Stone Company, Curbing T]20mas Buell 113a to LId4 e— o a , 1,124.80 Form A A 19.1 N 7-10 . ,,,� CITY OF 9T. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F:.E°,L Na......�..'�.�`�� 1054 AUDITED .J.0 L.. 1..... ...... .............7 ... ... _.7 �1 :Ul1 PTRUI.LF.H PER ............................................�.. _........ ........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (V) Councilmen ( V) Nays JUL 16 1919 Adopted by the Council..... .......... . ............ - ....... ............ . . . ..... -- Clancy JUL 16 1919 Farnsworth..............In favor proved ............. __... .._.._...._... ....... - .......... .................... 191. Goss - KellerA ins[ _._ ......._.... ............ ....._._........... ._._._...... _........... McColljj ,' MAYORWunderlich] s� 7,pr.sident, Hodgson 12636 American Linen Supply Company; 12637 T. L. Blood & Company, 12638 Board of WaterCommissioners, '12639 J. M. Clancy, Comtr. of Parka 12640 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 12641 Elk Laundry Company, 12642 Field, Schlick & Company, 12643 Frost Paint & Oil Company, 12644 Haskins Brothers & Company, 12645 E. A. Hulett, 12646 J. T. Kenny & Company, 12647 M. F. Kerwin Paper Company, 24.00 17.89 26.28 ., 250.00 auntaad.-TJul the Cuunoll July 16 ;1919. 14.40 pgrove16 "1919 _ — 8.10 2.82 4.38 5.00 3.38 12.87 11.88 Res.'1054 Page #2top 12648 Maendler-Brothers, 5.13 12649 Melady Paper Company, C 12650 Peoples Coal & Ice Company," 42,19' 12651 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 1.25 12652 Prendergast Brothers, 86.44 12653 J. F. Ptacek & Son,' 1.28 12654 James H. Rhodes & Company, 6:75 12655 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 822,70 12656 St.Paul Machine Works, .58 12657 Tri-State Telephone--& Telg.',Company, 1.75 12658 R. B. Whitacre &'Company;$14T 12659 Wm. Yungbauer, 5x75 Tbtal 1,404,46 e CITY OF, 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER KK 2 COUNCIL 25830 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na........... ; 1060 ....� BY / .... .... AUDITED ........�..�..�. �. 9.. //� Y .. I.ER TITLE - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the { persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) ouncilmen ( V ) Nays �L111- 6 �Q19 Adopted by the Council ............ C ncy F rnsworth T... In favor A ved._.:..._:..... ....._.... .... .>`%..... ..�..�._............191— -- as ! Her ..._ .............Against _..... _... ....... ...._..._......... ........... _............... y_. ./.'-- .. MAYO COIL underlich Mr. Presid III, Hodgson } 12742 W. J. Hoy Company, 175.00 and levees. 00k 5 + CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE O1L No•_�� • �? -•- ■.-.A A 46.:.1&7-18 1055 7[� AUDITED.JL-i..l-.(J..1,7-1.,7.............. SIT,')\iP O_LLER -....... PER. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and, in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by t uncil._..._�L......._I_.�J..._f...1..._............. 191_�.— Clanc 16 is ; 9 Farn orth In favor Approved . .......... ..... ................ _................ 191.-.-...._ Cross '-- KellAgainst ... ... ............. __........ ......._...._._..._._._......_..... ...... ................. .............. ....... ....... ... MAYOR Mc 11 W derlich Mr. Preside , Hodgson 12660 Belvidere Cast Stone Compare , Library 12661 Board of Water Commissioners, St. C. & R. C.P.U.-Gen: Adm. Test. Labs. Lighting Water Connec ons E. Sixth L 14 Water Cd tion Earl at. 10' Water C ec ns Arcade 1 Wate C0 ecti6ns Sew mo Ave; L Wa Connections Laurel L 1013 Water Connectio Laurel L 1.013 12662 H. C. Boyeson Company, Fir He lth 12663 C. J. Buell, / 12664 Capital Envelope Company, Elecision on on on 1.38 25'- 25 64.00 735.00 33.00 363:00 8:10 :95 90 22.43 1,890.38 9.05 e 3.75 37.00 Res. 1055 Page #2 _L 12665 Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway 00-j- Fi re 1 3 Sprinkling 3 •00 12666 Chicago, St.Pau l, Mpls. & Omaha Railway bompanY, Fire 2.05 Munic. Gar. Revl. AMO Paving Depr.9.12 12667 CouOperative League of America, LAY 12668 Cudahy Packing L,Company., 12669 Department of Co -Operative Research, 12670 Divine Brothers, Sehoels-. 12671 Dodge Brothers Moto �ComPaanY, Fol. 12672 Fast Side Grocery Company, Schools 12673 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R,F., 0.0 May 's Of Po l ce 4: Sch,o 0' 0 Pa 4 .88.: :00 12674 Farwell, Ozmun,FKirk & Company, i;eY�.q u St. . & R. Soho is Lib ary PasLi t. ving Depr. 12675 Gamewell Fire Alarm Company,` Pol 12676 H. W. HrnbY, .u.9 hools 12577 W. H. Kane, 12678 Kerwin Paper Company.- ompany,12679 12679 C. C. Klimenhagen, 12680 F. C. Kohnke, evPerlwk�....- 12682 Liberty Laundry, Schools Res . 1055 rage ,7;5" 12682 Linde Air Products Company.. , 12683 Lindeke, Warner & Sons, ? '. 12684 A. Linder, WQiiQl38 a- . 12685 McClain & Hedman, Erinted forms and blks. - 0 . Counsel .00 -01, .90 Misc. Stationery 19:00 Police 22 Munic. Gar. R Comer. p."W s :80 12.9 21 6' 0 .95 " '20 12686 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company, Fire " 82 S. & .S. ;Clog. '40 SFr inkling 11:52 Parka 46' ". :90 Playg ds 3:90 12687 F. A. Marko, 12688 National Gas Governor Company, 12689 National Tax Association, 12690 Mrs. Christine Ness, 12691 New York Tea Company, XI 9 50 8 .00 12692 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, 12693 Northwestern Fuel Company, L Play ds 109 6 12694 Northwestern Motor Supply Company, 12695 Oxford University -Press, 12696 A. N. Palmer Company, 12697 V. E. Patnaude °Si ate Boiler Inspector 8.80 51.08. ' 4.00 72.78 696.60 50.00- J 8.00 4.50 94.50 3.12 109.76 46293 47.17 8.90 3.00 Res. 1055 Page #4''� 12698 Patterson Dental Com any, 4..20 00 12699 .Perkins-Traoy Printing Company, 1-0 69.'00 G.F.-Miso. & Uhf:Munic. Gar. Revl. Com'r. P. Work Schools Market 12700 M. Perkins, 65:00 ' 12701 D. A. W. Pfaff, 29.91 12702 Pioneer Cone Company, 12703 J. F. Ptacek & Son, 37.75 Mayorts 0 ce .5 Fire 33;0 Par 4. 12704 John A. Raschick, 4.60 12705 Milton Rosen & Company, 138:09 Fire ~ 21 ' 09 a 1 .00 1.75 Tree planting; Thomas and Lafond St. 13.25 Tree planting Hyacinth .50 Tree pi ing Grand and le 26r.50 IM 12706 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 340688 Soho la 38' 8 Libra 9 58 Y'y 9 ;87 9' P1 ounds .00 12707 St.Paul Electric Company, 57.45 Pol. & F Ala 27 b Workhou 28' 5 P. Bid '40 12708 St.Paul Gas Light/ Company, 156.21 Workhouse 6 Library ArtMix ``' 15 0 Pla ound 5 05 1 12709 Schmidt Brewing Co, 17.00 Y��ynpr,*m'�.•�+'ew!co+a�mnrstt+nc!r�++!var !x-.:..,...... , Res. 1055 Page-#5' 12710 A. W. Shaw ComPanY, / 3.2J 12711 A. G. Spalding p&�Brothers, 27.38 t - s 12712 Strickland & Doolittle Company, 41.25 PR14M , 12713 Swift .& Company, 137.13 Fire 7 P, 8 .6 o o e . 16: P ' 42 ' 8 1 12714 S. P. Townsend & Company, 9.46 12715 Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company, P�lioe 14.00 Pol. & E. A Health Qiiar ne aths 12716 Underwood & Underwood, 2.28 • . L�raTy""" • 12717 Mrs. F. C. Wagner, 2.25 SChads 12718 Western Electric"'Company;; 82.15 12719 Westfi�blishing CoraPsnY, 700 "a 12720 Albert Wunderlioh, Com'r. of Edueation, 6.00 ce { To . s Form A A 46,2M 7-18 * Y 1057 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORINT AUDITED JL-L..I.A.M.9:a.... FILE L No.......25? FILE Fy +�'f t. _ --------- ........---------- .--- --- ........._-............_.......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Ad., —4 6., rh. C.,,,,,..a JLL 16 - 101 Clancy Farnsworth Goss Keller McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson 12726 , Capital City Lumber Company, Water 12727 J. W. Carlson, 12728 W. E. Chidester, 12729 H. H. Dance, -Libparr- 12730 J. C. Flanagan, C.A.,. 2731 Lamprey Products Company, --ffatop 12732 Mrs. C. F. Mahler, Ata�ex+-. 12733 Manhattan Oil Company, wft" ._.. 12734 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, WW ate" 12735 James Shiely, -*a-herr 1 - r- 129.85 45.00 210.10 13.50 92.16 I 3.91 20.66 201.50 1.64 59.83 Rea. 1057 Page #2 12736 South Park Foundry & Maehine Company, 12737 Tierney & Company, -F3p4)-- 12738 J. G. Zeimet, Total , Ae83 2,849.67 <r 489.18 ` t% 3.83 1�' COUNCILLE NO .........................._. F �C� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of........Osznstract...a..-cement... tile... sidsNelk,—six..-f-eet...uzide,---on...-- the south side of Buford Avenue, beginning at Keston Street, thence west one hundred (100) feet, except where good and sufficient side— ....................-----......... walks now exist. ......-----........-......................-............----- .............................• ---------........------ ..................... under Preliminary Order -------------25214 ..................---. approved ----------------------------- MY -_$6'. -IMP ........... ... Intermediary Order ......... . .............. ..... - ..-........ approved. - .............................-------.....................j• ... --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ------ Ci.Q.nstrLlOt-.-a-- Cement---ti.le....eidem lk,....six. feet wide, on the south side of Buford Avenue, beginning at Keeton -----.........-------------------------......------------------------.... ........................................................................... ......----.............. Street,.- _thence west one hundred (100)---feet..,except..where-.-good and..----_ au.fiicie.nt sidewalks now exist ...................................................................................................... ... and the Council hereby orders si,:; RESOLVED FURTHER, Th and directed to prepare plans and;`, cil for approval; that upon said q., to proceed with the making of ;e fu fu Adopted by the Council......._a` Form B. S. JUL 16 19 136nsworth ��G9 ss Clancy Rr -m McColl WMMIeallch G X Works be and is hereby instructed lent, and submit same to the Coun- are hereby authorized and directed therewith. City Clerk. �f 110 In the Matter of........Osznstract...a..-cement... tile... sidsNelk,—six..-f-eet...uzide,---on...-- the south side of Buford Avenue, beginning at Keston Street, thence west one hundred (100) feet, except where good and sufficient side— ....................-----......... walks now exist. ......-----........-......................-............----- .............................• ---------........------ ..................... under Preliminary Order -------------25214 ..................---. approved ----------------------------- MY -_$6'. -IMP ........... ... Intermediary Order ......... . .............. ..... - ..-........ approved. - .............................-------.....................j• ... --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is ------ Ci.Q.nstrLlOt-.-a-- Cement---ti.le....eidem lk,....six. feet wide, on the south side of Buford Avenue, beginning at Keeton -----.........-------------------------......------------------------.... ........................................................................... ......----.............. Street,.- _thence west one hundred (100)---feet..,except..where-.-good and..----_ au.fiicie.nt sidewalks now exist ...................................................................................................... ... and the Council hereby orders si,:; RESOLVED FURTHER, Th and directed to prepare plans and;`, cil for approval; that upon said q., to proceed with the making of ;e fu fu Adopted by the Council......._a` Form B. S. JUL 16 19 136nsworth ��G9 ss Clancy Rr -m McColl WMMIeallch G X Works be and is hereby instructed lent, and submit same to the Coun- are hereby authorized and directed therewith. City Clerk. CITY SAUL DEPART FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of...-Constaluat_ .& ..cement fila­sideffa-lk, six.. f "t . wide,. -on - 6.0uth ai&a of Buf-o.rd Avenua.,....beginning at Xeston_8tzset,,...t"nc4& ------------- ---- --- ------------ _weat . ons....hmdr.sd (100)..._lee.t..­­­ . ..... .................. ..................... ........ ............................. ......... ... .................... ......... . ......... .... . ....... ­ ...... .... _ ................................... . ........ . ......... ............... I ..... ...... ....... ...................... . . . ... ........... under Preliminary Order approved X&Y 2$th _1919 ... . ...... .. . .. ............... ............ . . To the Council of the City, of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is . . . $ . . ........ ........ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ...................... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 23 St.Anthony Park North 1950 2 23 do 2425 7 TOTAL 4275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ _ V7 .I. 1. 13 i II i I \ 4YC/ Noun= STANTHORYPAR'K STATE BANIL CAPITAL S SURPLUS $ 30,000q -- July 14, 1919. To the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners of St. Anthony Park North, wish to t express our disapproval of a sidewalk being built by the City on Buford Avenue adjoining Block 23. As thAre is no building West of Lot 2, Block 23, and no one lives West of this lot, there is no need for a sidewalk at this time. Respectfully yours, Owner of Lots 4, 5, Block 23 St.Anthony Park North. "oxY - Owner of Lots 2 3, Block 23 St.Anthony Park North. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject:_._......_......_,�.......... _._............. _....._.... ................. _.....................................................:.....- .....:. _ - QQ s2F�`f COUNCIL j2(3'L �/ .....::\.:...,. Fl� NO. 4 .............._ _:.................... _........ _...... __........................... ..._...... Date Presented ............................... �. .............191 .. solved, eP017— A i /�� e f Yeas (J) SPa FORM C. A. 9 ( ✓) Nays an 3SOC ll t I� F`'No $68$B�HY$ ry 4 That tha 3'nrchseibk{r eaC}e hereby CayShorited tq� cauee,ioasprintgd'` (a_ pambhlett�l6r�t F}Ve Thp�banlL copipe, of SHHe"Tr mh-aila 8.p�'Ria Or881n8ngea Coat: to'be D@3d Yrrtm' i4a UIQoTal Rubll �jAdopte& b8otihyt¢ Codgn QllaTN y` 3 ✓�"1838�{ AR1iToveh �aTd�"�a�.891@1 F, ai- � r Adopted by the Council ......_A 1f1--..19 l,,.191...... Approve ........... s._.9�.....---_....191...., ......... .....................:............. T.____. _____ MAYOR I ............In favor ._�.. Against CITY *OF ST. PAUL \ '. N S LUTI —GENERAL FORM Subyeft: ------- ---- COUNCIL 25��z5 PILEN 0 ......................................... . Date Presented.........04.191.... . ................................. &*solved' WHEREAS, The State of Minnesota, by the Board of Regents of the University, has requested of the Bureau of Lighting of the City of St. paul that it make the necessary arrangements for the maintenance of two electric street lights to be installed at the Eustis street crossing of the inter-oampue trolley line; and where- as, the said Bureau of Lighting has reported that the cost of main- taining the two lights above referred to would be $45.00 per light s 1 per year, and that such maintenance can be conveniently provided by said Bureau of Lighting; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Bureau of Lighting be and it is hereby authorized to arrange for the maintenance of said two lights for the convenience of the said University of Minnesota; provided, however, that said University pay the cost of maintenance thereof, which is hereby ftlxed at the sum of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00) per light per year,..� y�p r2683b�BY O H ICallei', f �%'w„)18read 1bRekanftl OL�the ase q' litneetea �ot tne�$uresu it's �L16ila :.oxl,pticltr-oL B,l zravt sant tt make ,t�e' n6e6 en1'q," bTraaannn&amegte Lor, tae meSntenanoe pane 01e Lb y{g� ltBfittl 'ko{Ias tp6$9le gdt7nterecamDpnylj. IB 61 9 d o60iuf6 tli0 eates"Hd .. Sro1IIeY i1ri0: bndaa lierrap ty &cold! 9nt0¢Cn�th�f"tport°g��e;j retarrddx "' � suG ma�teueuad JUL 16 1919 Yeas (4� Co cilmen (V) Nays poAen y88pOpP ni #9 hpdcavErtdn seLare. 1' d by the Council..... .... ..- _..._.191.__. p (Buri ­czt"OL 21611 �i"` ya'k fight=7� ttgeuoiam IV, x t �ufqux fl to. W( �arQran4aeSnrta.;ti4"tenaieage palft'; JUL 16 1919 .. 1lB t6'Lor fit�je vnp9b �bie0! rite. .. ..........._.... .. b rout ea ppro .... 191 In f�sala'Up�v6daltfr iiLtS6tnn��,Y b s.p9 . ... h pvavet #hot tlahtd R� Iod{,, At7Rbaatgnl np anuf oi'810�rtXSYe el T OA ) pollacbii}6Qo� Ftghttttbt 9 �S8( �/�� (1VIc otl (�/....Aga Aaoptea h t e• etnon �u1YQlp _...._ ! -..- ppraV`03Jy89r 18181, r} ....... . MAYOR W derlich ; •�' � a� ✓„,F, u r G �+ ° Mr. PresidS t, Hodgson " FORM G A. B 3 6-16 Tot Intutrikan lit l9Aumfit". PURCHASING DEPARTMENT -'-DiC_Y. oi' -S' -Paul - -- k�: t=--.31TA10 L1iE-htftlk -Pslxl; .. Make quotations on. this sheet only. AIL -bids by-,-- Minneapobs...---.�l�::l__�..---..-..1919., QUANTITY .I ARTICLES THIS IS NOT AN ORDER IN REFERRING TO "IS INQUIRY GIVE INQUIRY NO__--__ REQ. No ............. QUOTE PRICES F.O.B. DESTINATION Addraio PURCHASING DEPT., UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA CAN YOU FURNISH FROM STOCKS........... PLEASE QUOTE ON OPERATION AND MAINTAINANCE OF ELECTRIC STREET LIGHT INSTALLED AT ETES ST. CROSSING OF INTER CAMPUS TROLLEY LINE. SECOND REQUEST Please quote your lowest net unit bid on the ba FE 'NelP.O. B. Unk Price PO1 Poi., Univ. on such articles named above as you can furnish. The University can entertain nft unit -ices only. All others will be returned or rejected. - Cash discount._...........__.-___ OFFICE (�P THE COMPTROLLER alar Inturrnitig of 19iunranta - ���� June 17th, 1919 258? 5 City of Ste Paul$ Department of Public Utilities, State Capitol, St. Paul, Uinn. Dear Sirs Attention: Mr. H. C. Streloh. Replying to yours of June 9th with reference to electric light at the intersection of Eustis and Inter Campus car line, please furnish us with quotation on two lights as stated in your letter. Yours very truly, AM/g Purchasing Agent. Resolved, That the plane and speoifioations for the paving of Grove Street from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Avenue and Olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue, be and the same are hereby ap- proved. to eDeoltl- '' 8,',, C oroy ayyetto 4"! Approved Jul 18 1919 - eon�ec Yeas uucilmeu (V) Nays CY Ir/ nsworth G s In favor ler oll Against derlich Mr. Preside Hodgson Adopted by the Council .......... J -UL 16 Appr0 d JUL191 .. Y ....................................... ..... ... . . .......... .OR Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by theXity Charter, for all the material necessary to pave Grove Street from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Avenue, and Olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue, Final Order #25461, ap— proved June 14, 1919; RESOLVED, Further, that the plans, specifications and estimates sub— mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be, and the same are hereby approved. Yeas ( ✓) C ncilmen (V) Nays ucy Irnsworth ass In favor eller ccollAgainst ............. underlich Mr. president. Hodgson papers 1IR Connection with j'bQV4 JUL16 1919 Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... JUL 16 1919 Approved................................ ::� ......................... nwYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ---------- . ....... . . ...... . ................. . . . ........ ......... .......................... . . ................... .............. . . ............ ............ nLe No. ... . ...................................... . ...... ... .... . ..... ................... ....... . .......... ..... . ..... . ............. . .. . ..... ........... ...... Date Presoted -1917 15-s 1.919 191 Resol),04, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract committee and awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Mounds Boulevard from Clermont Street to Mound Street to D. W. Moore for the sum of $2,987.00, engineer's estimate being $3,890.00. F. B. #2006. Yeas (/) Vj - ler on oder Mr. Preside /Hot FORM C. A. 913 12-18 19,001,,d all Vapero in 60tWqotj,n with abov* (i) Nays Adopted by the Council .JUL 16 JS 19_191 ........ .... ..... ......... Approve ............In favor 11 16 IRIS ...:.........191..... Against MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , Subject:_ ..........................................................................................................................................'.... t NO............ ._......... .... Date Presented .............. .J.uly...15..,.. 1. 91.991..... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards contract for paving woodlawn Avenue from St. Clair Street to Goodrich Avenue; Fairmount Avenue from woodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue; Princeton. Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard;(Sargent Avenue from Cretin Avenue to woodlawn Avenue; Goodrich Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard;4St. Clair Street from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Avenue to St. Clair Street as follows: For furnishing labor and material necessary to do the work of paving, exclusive of sewer and water connections, to Fielding & Shepley for the sum of $83,200, engineer's estimate being $85,986.00, and For furnishing labor and material necessary to do the work of putting in place all the necessary water connections to Fielding Shepley for the sum of $6,000.00, engineer's estimate being $7,829.00. - F. B. #1995. Yeas (✓) Con cilmen (✓) Nay Cy nsworth r� sg lien D ccoll nn/dertich Mr. Presid nt,1 odgson FORM C. A. 9 M 12-18 hereby of theI s cos-' \Venue, It Ave- "-pe Ve- e<5 titi 42} 04 e Boulevard; St. Clalr street,rom 9 Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River. �0�yi r Ni�r Boulevard ;._,Mount Curve Boulevard, O from Fairmount Avenue to St. Clair ' Sheet, as oows: j I . t,.rn,a¢do labor d material necessary to da the work of ponne- excluslv. Vi sewer anti water r �w tions, [e j.uo, ng 5. Shepley POrnbe- sum P $SJ.0 UU, a,ginoer'e estimate be - lug rfu nis and l e. furnishing L work and m .g in j necessary io u ,ue work oY put,ing In ; plane a,l u1e �eceasury wn[er omec- c tions o Flu, ing a engineers estimate for the sum P $s,000.U1 B. NO.e19 estimate being g $7Ali, 0. b B. No. 1996. y Adop.ed by ute i;ouncu TuIY 1G, 1910.- S� IQ�(� Apyroyed Jwy19, 1919. by the Council_..'..`:.-......_�....�..............191...... (July 19, 1919) I Approv... .............. ........�... s 191..... .. .........In favor .... Against .........................._.................._.........._.......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM % Subject: ............................�j -- .................................I..I.L..!.... COUNCIL� 2� 6 41NO.................................. .. .................. Date Presented--J.uly--..15.,-..1919.---..191..... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for furnis.,hing labor and material necessary to do the work of putting in place all the necessary sewer connections on Woodlawn Avenue from St. Clair Street to Goodrich Avenue; Fairmount Avenue from Woodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue; Princeton Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard. Sargent Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue; Goodrich Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; St. Clair Street from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount AvenuO to St. Clair Street to Thornton Bros. Co. for the sum of $15,700.00, engineer's estimate being $16,185.00. F. B. #1995. C. S. No. 25841—BY M. N. Gces— Re6olved, hat the l:ounell 11.rebY e in the r me daUon f the Coniract COmmltlee and awards the terlul c[ for tuynls� writ f o 1 [uer workmoC gnejp sV;nce all the necea6nrY sewer c eco ns on Woodlawn Ai.h nue, from l Dt. Clair Street to , ,trees Avenue;l invell t Avenue, en el Woodlawrt Aveuue fromCretitln Avenue Prfnce.on Avenue, Lre Or an, to M1ss,aelNP� itiver )3oulevard; Avenue,n t'luoodrl Its Avenue,WPron lewn_Avenue', a. to M1ssIsalPPi Rlve. Yea (✓JA. Co nci ren (✓) Nays �sworth ..............In favor er I oll ..._.-. Against derlich Mr. PreHodgson ORM C. 12-1a Curve 411ou eYurd, from Fair - 0' to tet. Clair street, [Q j Urus. l:o. to, the s f $16, --, n _o.er a e —Mate mate Delnf, $18.' is R'. N < nuvell July 1G, 1919. 1p S� �4rooD4e A All Adopted by the Council ..._`_....` ...........................191...... Appro............_.....__..........—�.��:._::..._::_.... 191..... /' MAYOR C1tY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � c -y Subject: ......................................................... _...... ---......... ..._...........,...._...._....._.................. 258.4 2 COUNCIL _.___------------- �.. NO. ......_.._....._......................_....................................................... rile ____ Date Presented .....July._ ...... 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to employ a Superintendent of Construction and Repair at a salary not to exceed Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars (4350.00) per month, C. F. No. 25842—BY h¢thel Commissianer of Re w-0, ' Pubiio Works b1 and heerinteutlen tui thorlaed to emP oY P s lar;' Co—ruction and 1lePnir c a _ t to ell ad 'yore¢ riundred and NittY' "Ito (4� B.uu) Per munch. 1919. AtloVted by Ins .0 1 Jul}' 16 , APProved (JUL191 Y 1 1919) Yeas (✓) C naacil n (✓) Nays 'C a�cn orth s In favor I//1Le11 'i p acc 11 .... Against /Wn erlich r. Presiden , odgson FORM C. A. 9 3M -I8 aI Adopted by the Council ...._)=.......:`. .......... 191...... Apr191t..... MAYOR d OSCAR "A. . en0 ween. olH.ew J, ARROLL, SUPT. ALPRlO JACRSONo9u PTuei�oN wNo n[Pwin[ H. GOET2INGER. 9uwr'on ' N. S. ORYTBAK•lNo�Heenlo ' G. N. MERROLO'Orrooe lnoiw[[n (lit!; of St. Taut Erputauut of Vubttr Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. Dl - 25,6 4 12 St. Paul, Liinnesota. July 16, 1919. TO THE COUNCIL, City of St. Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I beg to advise that I have this day re- appointed Dir. James E. Carroll Superintendent of Construction and Repair, at a salary not to exceed P350.00 per month, and ask that the arpointn:ent be confirmed. Youre very truly, F.TG/C Cou::.issioner of blic Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............................................................._...-............_._......................_...... Subject: ...........................................o FILe NO. ................. Date Presented --...j!4y__16, _1919...191....: That the reappointment of James E. Carroll as Superintendent of Construction and Repair, in the Department of Public Works be and the same is hereby approved and confirmed. C. r. No. 25843—BY M. N. Goes— t of ,iiat James E. Carroll s Superintendent of Con-rue.�uu a ttepa�r, use Do- porimen[ t Puolle WorKe be d the same is hereby approved and don- flrmed. Adopted by the Council Jo1Y 16, 1919. Approved July 10, 1919. (July 19, 1919) Yeas (r�A cilmen (✓) Nays c Vr1 Y F nsworth VG as In favor / s Coll Coll �_ Against nderlich r. Presid t, Hodgson �; Adopted by the Council-Ju`-.1..�. - --J_-_1 191...... I Approved CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............ ................................. ........... ­­ ............. . ........ 4% NO. ....... Date Presented JUI.Y 16, 1919.. - 191 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is - hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Hatoh Street from Churchill Street to Oxford Street. C. F. No. 25844—BY M. N. GOSSF Re5olVed, That tne C-- ber 0 Publie h- h--1 thorized anU WorkH dire—b8—d I -d to PIi-koYProm ,1 Hatch Ar Water0Street Adopted by the C—olA July 16, 1919. Approved (UIY 11 6 ' 9 9 uly 9,1 1919) Yeas (V) Coujilmen (V) Nays la cy Fa swo rth (F � I ler T4 oll r. In favor Against 31nderlich Mr. Presi Hodgson ­Rm C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the CouncilJ L' L i 1911t91 d Approve191 Approved MAV R Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2561 j 5 Petition and PRELIMINARY 70. t .1 -'th City of St ul- '&e Xtbe ne0o, Pa viz.; The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t o owi public imp r_' rwi A, e r9m eqW Construot a sewer op ........... .... .................. ........................ ...... ........................................ PR9.T ?,P to Germain Stre V' .... ....... ........... ...... ............. .............................................................................. e .......................... ........... ... ...... .............. / .......... ............................................ ... ................... 7., .............. A 0 �U Y/ 91 16t -1 Dated this . ............ ........day of .................. ...... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Qqxwitrupt4 svwox—on HaAe.2M.0-94 AVOW10 to Germain Street. ...................................... ...................... ............ .................. ............... ................... .......... .......... - ........... ..................... ...................... C. F. No. 25li­45- ................ ............ Imaking whereas, A �AA'tlr' .1ropo I, for the V1 Ik ,, of the following 1-5Provsznent - ----- — having been presented to the Council —, ,,Construct a sewer on Kerwin Street, H� 11 00 an", to G-m.t. therefore, be it Council having of h. . reported h fit u St. Paul, to RESOLVE That the 01., blued, I re- y ordered and direded: 110It the 0 "i"site necessity .it, Public Works a .nd '"'T"'I — oflprovement* 1. To inv, Ire and, lr.°ta ; a Is hereby or - 0 T , as .1 is the ne easily for ment, and the total coft thereof. .v�ermlb 2. To inveftigate the nature, a. �ili f the 'making of said ant. restl is I nature, extent 3. To fun or te-tl teacost I so, rl to a - total cost t e... furnish 1. profile improvement .................................. ... .................... aa, i am I r V, or, sketch f ve t 4. state a t er or n•ot set i provemenoP t seked for n the etitl.n; .... .............................................................. ................ r a a t or r, owners. .... . ...... . ...... report uponcommissioner 111f the I . t r to the .mfore-.' on of three or more owners. To dtate whether or not said n . e. mission a Adopted b5 the COU -all July 16, 1919.Finance. To report upon all of the fox Approved July 16, 1919, (July 1s. 1919) Adopted by the council ... ........ . ...... .. ...... .......... — Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fpr fir sworth oved ............ �J G Appr .... ............ 191 Hy nd K er M U Wderlich ... ...... .. ........................................ I ... .................................... V F.— CA, 3 /(a M 4M17a, Mayor lin Mayor. Form A A 18,19 7-18 j CITY OF ST. PAUL � o.5 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER «l f � �ci � AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM E No••--....... 1061AL C / i AUDITED , -. igy TY ktPTltuL t ER.... ..... ..... . ----- .. ..... z TITLE Ar Resolved that warrants be -drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: as ( V )Councilmen ( V )Nays Adopted by the Council..... VU�_ 1 Q_...19.�.9...._ 19L--- __ 1_ _......�..�_�............_............_191---- F itsworth _JUL .............._In favor Ap ove.................__............. ler..................Against ......... _. _ _.. ......... . ...... ... _ Coll W nderlich r1. No"25848- ll.9oly •d Abstract .^ e that warraate b draws _I ,{rayon the -City Treseurv- 'Adoptad bY„ the 64.'N'il July 19,'I918..I Ayproaed Jul 17, 1819: E. Chidester, <_ Adam Decker Hardware Company, Berke----- Melady Paper Company, W. J. Miller, ._Schools— - Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, ----Parka- St.Paul Electric Company, ParMF_ Seabury & Company, -poinm _ Tierney & Company, s e,•r�e J. C. Vander.Bie, 872.64 44.88 70.56 39.00 17.21 17.03 112.92 37.98 396.00 F— A A 48, f It 7-18 PITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FOA COUNCIL 062 JUL 1 Ibi s TY TRO ER AUDITED .................... ..................... ........ E TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the ms, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: (tle men ( V )Nays ��L 1 Adopted by the Council................................................................... _191....-- In favor Approved ..........._._...... .._�..y....I ........................... 191_.._.... S ... ... ,_.. ...................................... ......_... Against ........... Ao tj MAYOR - O. Ft No 126847=a �..a Abstract. 8eebivbt{ 'ChaE lda;rants be drawn: ppOp {bggt__yTrea66aury, payable•.nt'of ' 2avoi• aittbetDersorie.d8rmeor CO pore afar.the ambvnte�..t oDDP, Ite'tbelr icnp eativa es `ea eDecided .In .tbe fol�dwing,detalled Statement. rletopber -Bergg, ,�Adopte{I�byy�tbe4Coun�aR Suly 17 '1919:' .'App oved Jtily 1T, 1919' 12752 Christopher Berg; 78.10 P.I.R.F.-0ng, widening and exleP44frE Sims St., 12753 Otto Carlson, 45.21 P.I.R.R.-Openin Bening and extending S St. etc. To a Council File No .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE 2g Petition and %nom PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby Prop—$ the making of the folio ' pubG rovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Oonstruct ng....& oelnQnt -a1$, iX.... set. Wide., .. e..._N..o.xth- ...:. m Lex -. ap Avenu •....... ...... side of Central Avenue, .. ...... ton Avenue...................... .. �e#�" S Dated... . .. ...." ay ot ........................... ._ �, ,, ......... 4. ............................... .e- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHF.RF.AS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 0onetruciLng.. a., 0ement...iiia....s dewalk,__.six.._fe.Qt.. wide.,. pn the .North ............ .sideof-.Centra]...py.Q.nus.,.-. .xom...L.e.7siAgtoxt..Ayon,ua...t.A...1�unlaP...AVAMUO........... ..._ I0.F. No. 26i48— ...................................... ......... ..... ...... ....... ....... ....... .... Abstract. Whereas, A wrlttan propoaal .for the ............................................. ..................................................... making of the, following improvement, """ """"""""............. .. viz.• ,:,y' Comstruc6in.g a cement the sidewaik- having been Presented to the Council six feet ' wide, on the North Bide f - - • -. --. ......... -- •""""' """ """" ..... ' ."' Central Avenue. from .Lexington Ave,. nue to Dunlap Avenue. having bean re-' therefore, be it sented to the Council of the City'. 6t. Paul, therefore, be it- PXMLVM, That the CO i 8eaolved, That the Commissioner of ordered and directed: F bite Werke be and he Is hereby or rL" dared and directed: VemepL. 1. TO investigate the necessity 1. To Investigate 'the necessity for Pro or, desirability of the making of said 2. To inveltigate the nature, e{ i rovemenl, ent, and the total colt thereof. 2. To investgate the nature, extent. r and estimated oat of void. Improve - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or meet, and the total coat thereof. S.' -To furnish a plan, Profile or sketchof said improvement. 4.�- To state whethar,or not' -said Im- PiOVement:.--------"""""' proveinBut la asked for on the petition - of three or more .owner& gg 6. To. report upon all of ,the fore ......... • FInAPP owed (July ...................................... .................... - ...................................... pin matters to the Commpslomer of, ltate Whether or not nal Adopted by the Council July Y7,:,1919 n of three or more owners. 1919. To report upon all of the f e, leis) mans. " Adopted y the council JUL .Nays: Coon G Approved ............... 191.._.... H d er H derlich .......... .. .......t..' U` ............ ... Mayor I n Mayor. Perm C A Is is M11 4.17) - .-.a r Council File No........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and E.G.Brigge, PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the wing Gc improvement by C' of St. Paul, viz.: RQ�.o.>ast.x�xa_t.,....zal.a zap s.._...aidevr ,....11....-at...w.ide.,... la:..... the North aid _ f East venth St fro the Ea© Y ......................the..-SbWfit...... ib. t....B.... ge, the Eaet..,.......Eaet....-irna ..................lacldwar. .. uenus............ ................................................. ..................... .-------------- . ... . ....... .......... ............... _............ .............. ............... ............ ................................................................ ..... ..._..... Dated this...... 17th...... day of....... ly..,. 9......................... .. 191........ _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _....._.................1IQ.Q.9melruo.t......re l.ay...and...rep.air... sidewalk 11 f s.e.t....wide.,....on............ the North Bide of East Seventh Street Bridge from the ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... East end of the Seventh Street... Bridge.,-.._thenae,..East__-to_..............._.._ ..................•..................... ........ East line of Woodward Avenue. ............................................................................................. ...... ................................................................................................................ having been presented to the Council d c F No. 25849 Abstract. therefore. be It Whereas,'A written proposal for the making of t e follow) g improveme t RESOLVED, That the Commissi vlgeconatruct, relay ad repair afae- o eyed and direfted: alk, it feet wide, on the North aide of 1. To inveEti ate the necessity nest 9g4enth street Bridge, from ske Provement g y East-epd of the Seventh Street Bridge, thence J set to .at use. eC:Woodward ant, and the total wdt thereof. 2. TO 1nVedtlg8te the nature, er Avenue, having been p'reeented to the plan, Council o[ the City of St. Paul, there- 3. To famish as to e. be la Resalvod, That the-Commfssloner o1 do 10 Work. be sad he is hereby or-' tiered and `erected. - III1preVClneM:......................... ......... ......... 18 c e fOIIOWIR 1 To ,investigate the nece.elty for deslrabilttyoY the making of said mptovament. ......... .. .......... .... a 2. To Investigate the nature........................................................... .... ....... and estimated coat. of extent seld Improv of three or more owners. ate whether or not sale went, atotal Dost-thereof. 2. To saidfurnish 's plan profile or ketoh of said improvement. • mance, rrfToport upon all of the fo 4. To state wh." or no.provement Washed for nth. D0t1__.---_--. _. - - .x Shrea,ne:more-.ov¢nere. _. JUL 6.' To report u — Adopted by the wand........ Don au oY the. tore- gotgg matters to the CommI tie er of Finance. Yeas: Adopted by th'e Counetl July 17,1918 Apprgved Jaly 17, 1919 - Councilman F sworth {July x9, isl9> G. du-L 17 1919 Approved............... ..........................191..... H d K or u fid.. Mayor I ayor. Pond C A 18 (6M 4.17) IT " 0= PAUL 0 y T OF I COUNCIL R Subject: !....11.ur.chame af :Lands ................................... I ................ ............................... ...... co' 25860----� NO- - --------------- - ----------- ----- --- .1 .......... Date qksented ----ff-1117-1-7-th .............. 1919 Rsev_lved, 'r That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on bbAalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5072 and 5073, as additional ground for the Smith School,Lot j3 of Schneider, Young and Morrisette's SVbdlvision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St. Paul North Outlots for a sum of Two Hundred twenty five (225) Dollars and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in '.Pa*or of the owner of said land when the proper deed conv V Ae-the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered.to� the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to Public School Fund, Real Estate Item, No. 41.8 C. F. No. 25860-13y Albert WoUde . r - _h— I – - --ttle on Lance on 1,.h and P, end o- SrUtth YOM five (Z officert power, pur.ht of "Y", 1-0 liver., 'coat o 141.8. APD Yeas (V) Cou+lmen (V) Nays I hY 17,U 1919 Ju1Y 17. 1919.e (JULY Adopted by the Council .....JUL 17- 99'9 ......191...... Approved ....... ...... s J.U... L 1 1-9.13 ........... 191 0 ..........In favor 111 Ke er M oil �7- �'gainst cp— n�ynC // WAAYOR W -derlich We od son MiRM C. A. 9 12-'. �) ����ttz�kmr�tt ff� i��1it�Ytin�z ALBERT WUNDERLiEn Connissio uEa n. F. DREN ER, Dcvury Con nissiou�v July 16, 1919. To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands desires to report thohe premises ordered to be acquired under Ordinance No. 5072 and 5073 have been viewed with the re- sult that all lots, with the exception of Lot 13 of Schneider, Young and Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St. Paul North Outlots, have not as yet been quoted at a reasonable price. Your Committee recommends that Lot 13 of Schneider„ Young and Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St. Paul North Outlots be purchased at a price of Two Hundred twenty five (225) Dollars and the negotiations on the remaining lots bq continued with a view of purchasing the same at a reasonable price before proceeding with condemnation. Respect COI AITTEE ( ( ( ( ( ( Purchasing Agent CITY OF ST. PA COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G N RA ORM - Subject:..................Pur,.caa s;.ng....of...Land '.................................... .......................................... i FOENGL NO. .......... ........................ Date Pres&tea....................Suyy....l7.th-....191...9 Resolved, That the Committee on Lands is hereby "authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 5043, for Public School purposes, Lots 17, 18, and 19 in Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition to the City of St. Paul.for the sum of One Thousand (1000) Dollars each. Resolved, further that the Committee on Lands is her" authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, 'fo"r the vc. purposes herein named, Lot 201n Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce'ts Enlargement of Summit Park Addition to the City of St. Paul for the sum of One Thousand (1000) 'Dollars, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the pur- chase price in favor of the owner of the said land when proper deecb conveying the same are approved by -the Corporation Counsel which have been delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land ($4000.) to be chargf ���i No.n „° ohool Fund, Real Estate +' 1 puriosW41L W 11, 1, a' - ,i0a L of Samuel B. bares: Item, NO. 41.8 nt of . Paul, Yarh sul Of'� ;i Jt^]ty: of St. Paul, for t. au oY fh uxand (1,o U) floltara each. ,.eaolved, Further, That the rized t- • �Po n f e.ude is Herebe air ofy authorized of t. I. ouohasey he purposes her inynamed, 'Lot x01h BW.W'L of Samuel B. Plerce's nlargement of Summit or Addition to the t:t,.y of St. Paul, for the sum Ot 'Oae Thousand (1,000)-Doltars, and the. , Yeas ✓ Co ucilmen ✓ Nays proper t9ty onlcerx are heresy -author- ( y iza Viand empoweredt0. draw a warrant 1919 ,for thepurcnase price in favor of the JUL 1 owner of the .said land when proper d by the Council .--- ....................................191.-.... CI cy deeds conveying the same are approved by the Corporatlon Counsel which have b n delivered. to the Comptrller. The of maid " land ($4,000. 0 0) to be .. SWOith charged to Public School Fuad, Beal �(;�-..(_„�y�9 G Estate item, N0: 41.8. PProved----.. .._. .s ._-.... ........._......... 191..... ""'-""""1n Adopted by Nth Council July 17, 1919. Approved duly 17, 1919. ler (duly 19, 1919) fM 11 ..............Against ...._................. .. ... .... ... .... ....... .. 1 1 n [tvrli[It �palrQ MAYOR Mr. President, \ CORM C. A. 9 3M Q;gij irf faint Pant -1yarhurnt uFC' uiatiijit iB"T WUNDERii eH, co„��ss�o H. F..R IR,DEv Coin Hissio 16 July 16, 1919. To the Honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands for the purpose of acquiring property for school purposes desires to report that the premises referred to in Ordinance No. 5043, being Lots Ten (10) to Nineteen (19) in Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce's En- largement of Summit Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, have been viewed with the following result: Vie recommend the purchase of Lots Seventeen (17), Eighteen (18) and iiineteen (19) at the price of One Thousand (1000) Dollars each, this being considered a reasonable price. We further recommend the purchase of Lot Twenty (20) at the price of One Thousand (1000) Dollars as it will be absolutely necessary to have this lot for the purpose of providing an alley for the convenience of the residents in this block. This is for the reason that the existing alley will have to be vacated as soon as all of this property is acquired. As to the remaining lots in this block your Committee recommends that negotiations be continued with a view to obtaining the property at a reasonable price before proceeding with condemnation. COMMITTEE Purchasing Agent. hat the application of Charles H.Couplin for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 180 East 7th,St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $100.00. C. F. No. 25862—BY Henry McColl— i Chnries Ha�CouDlln for a li,ceneetto cont , duct a pawnehOB t 180 East Seventh Street, ue d the same herby le granted and the Clty Clerk is insteructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond nod contract and the payment Snto the Clty Treasury Of the customary fee,E100.09. Adopted by the Council 7uly 17, 191 B. Approved ul 17, 19 (July 19. (Ju19, 1919) Yeas (V') Councilmen ( V) Nays - '*i 1519 / Adopted by the Council_... J-U..L 1 _-191.__ Far sworth Approved......JUL 1 / 1919 191 _.......... ......... ___._....___.-- .. _. Gos __ _.......In favor n Kell r Mc oil _......__..Against Wu iderlich x4u�( AN-atinc. MAro FORM O. A. 9 3M 6 •18 C Ylv. 25853 i 7 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5046,- "An Ordinance relating the Department of Public Safety', its officers"„andlzti employes, `their qualifications, appointment, compensation, power and duties. ThJa is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary 1 for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. j, THE COUNCIL OF, THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; - kx SECTION I. I G F.'Kax58888—Ordinance No i; - Sr Henry McCol } - _ ¢n 'orQlnance ameoding.OrBlnao-” 88'48:'. M ordinaaee relatlu8 lstrative That Ordinance No, 5046, DeD$rtment oL.$ublin'8arety:., Cori: and emDioyO0ee,, thele t , tloue: aP }�tntment, comjtt-- it$ Of- DONer anrtbtlee Ttiie,Ji Ordinance relating to the Department fenny nr a :enaeR , , or,?the Hon of N 2? Deace.Y fioers and employes, their qualifica b `�, .appoii{i int, opmpen- sation, power and duties", be and the game is hereby amended by striking out in Section Five (5), Su"9" of said Ordin- ance, the words and figures, "Ten (10) Battalion or District Chiefis each at an annual salary of 01920:00", and inserting in lieu thereof, <(-the words and figures, "Ten (14)' Battalion or -District Chiefs, each y 3 at an annual salary of X2100.00." And by further striking out in Seotion B`tv`e (5) Bubdivision "A", of saidjOrdinance, the words and figures, "One (1) Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary j, of from $2000.00 to $2400.00, ", and inserting in lieu thereof, the at words and -figures, "One (1) Superintendent of Apparatus at an annual salary of from $2400.00 to $2700.00-" SECTION II. This is an Emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, 'Health and Safety, and shall take " effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and pub ii cation. ye" ( ✓) Councilmen ( ✓).jq Adopted by the Council /V.. 19 1 Clancy Farnsworth _ Approve _"' l/--/-- 191...% Goss V/ McColl ........... illgi�it 1 ........ ... .. .... ..... ....... MAYOR _ Wnn`�'er iel�ch� `f _ t i Mr. President; Hodgson _ o� 1 F C. F. No. s. Ordinance No. �� Z F. No. 86861 -=Ordinance No. 6128— I) ' sy t a oMtrtence aPProDrlatfa the OD{ght ' T a'01 -Td O e Hundred L y late ({8,100.D0} to meet the cteOt , v + bloelue of paving int....tione con 0, from Ada Street •-- An ordinance appropriava pew -loo of Eight Thousand One Hundred '1 Dollars ($8,100.00) to mea ` t ditional expenee of paving with creosoted blooks,, at'' a i ereectione on Concord Street, from Ada Street to' An .".1�le tgyet. The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1. There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund the sum of Eight Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($8,100.00) to cover the additional coat of paving street intersections on Concord Street from Ada Street to Annapolis Street, all in accor- dance with the final order f r such improvement passed by the Council and approved - / 7 TION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) ire' Clancy Farnsworth Adopted by the Council CLI n541-1919. Goes >•r�.�- l Approved McColl kanioN 0 W G4� Wunderlich Mayor. Mr.President,Hodgson. ���777 { Pubii—,IZD� /n Y� AJOHN 1. FARIQY, City Clerk. 1 C. F.vNo. t ce No. 6129E 1j F. Na 86866—OrdlAeJq� 4inance appropriating the aur \ i_,r. Y-aiE 7n� Hiator meet at h'`j 1�uC1i>" l tntr An ordinan/` ce aj� K :`..'sating the sum of Twenty-seven Hundred Thirty-nine Dollars ($29739.00) to meet the additional expense of paving with Brick and Asphalt, street intersections on Sixth Street from�the Bridge to Arcade Street, and Arcade Street, from Sixth Street to Seventh Street. The Council of the City of St. Paul Does Ordain: SECTION 1. There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund the sum of Twenty-seven Hundred Thirty-nine ($20739.00) Dollars to cover the additional cost of paving street intersections on Sixth Street, from the Bridge to Arcade Street, and Arcade Street, from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, all in accordance with the fin9A order for such improvement passed by the Council and approved ,Z -i/i 199. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) WWjw Clancy Farnsworth Adoptee Goes Imporsona Ap] iGe.l,],it McColl *WAN" (a o w tniq Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson. `% PUBLISHED _&_' A., W r. FARICJDhIN 1. city Clark. C,. F. No. 258 '66 Z / Ordinance No. S 1 3 o r o. P. No. 86866—ord1nance No. 6730—', ,o By INC N. Go.— An ordinance osa—Anordinance appropriating the eum o Five Hundred Dollare (11600.00). A: meet the additional xp... q of pret0awl �. e 1�S_wlRfi a•ohaltic co rete et•� on Earl 'Str 4trIt � . ht, j'. , •i �. . An ordinance approi' sting she sum of. Five Hundred Dollars (;500 00) q, to most the additnal expense of paving with asphaltic concrete, street interebetio a on'Earl Street, from Hastings Avenue to Thorne Street.; The Council of the City of St. Paul Dose Ordain: SPC TI ON 1. There is hereby set aside and appropriated out of the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund the sum of Five Hundred (#500.00) Dollars to cover the additional cost of paving street intersections on Earl Street, from Hastings Avenue to Thorne Street, all in accordance with the final�rder for such. improve- ment passed by the Council and approved/9/ This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty day after its passage and publication. Yeas ( ) councilmen ( �+ Clancy Farnsworth Gose mmemea *W%"r McColl �, P 0 W wci Wunderlich Adopt Mr.President, Hodgson. PUBLISFIEIJ� ATI68T: y JONII 1. FARICY, j t �dh city Clerk. /_; �/ � / z�/�///' � �� . Y 'W+� � - i ,. rt ��.. Porm A A 18,2 N 7-18 IL H { rte11111 CITY a1_.*#.*�PAULL' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCILFILE Q• •`•^^�.7 BY AUDITED /TY 1011 TROLLER ......_ _..... .. .. .......1 _.. 1/�// 1064 PER.... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of tht persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V :Councilmen ( V ) Nays t ;' .. Adopted by the Council..._..._..:..:.........._......._._........_.........._191..._ Fa sworth `.- _......__In favor Approved....._..............._....................._..................................191--- Go ^ Keer __()..Against �.............._.....____..._.._...... �._.__._........._ .. MA ...R.._ Me oll W derlich e o I RESOLUTIONS. C. F. No: 86867- 12759 Brooke Brot; 12760 Clarence C. 12761 A. P• Hersc: 12762 Christ Johnson Per. I • v Gradin • ran & Hazelwood. 12763 Dawson Johnston Publ e-3ibrary 12764 Leslie Donshower Company �i .h• blic Baths 12765 Manhattan 011 Company Wat Fir S. S. Cleaning 12766 No. West. Else. Equip. Co. Schools Polis Park Pol & Fire Alm. 12767 O'Neil & Preston Per. Imp. Aevo Otto Nile Sewer Systema 68 7 08 9• 13.03 483.00 99.64 1,976.00 25.35 73.28 696.41 2,326-00 Rase #1064 12768 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company S•91 s Pub. Bids -R-e '8Tt, R a 3 12769 Albert A. Rene Agent 170.00 ; Unpialgal ployment 12770 Royal Typewriter Company 54.10 Comp4reller • 12771 St. Paul Book & Staty. Company 649.65 Niblia QLary 12772 Superior Printing Company 227.25 Carr 9. 0 3 25 Bi 23 75 Sc 15 ,00Pks •2 12773 Tierney and Company 7*25 30.00'. vat-e—r Form A A 98,E M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER :cE (pq dCj COUNCIL .` .8. g AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No..... ...................-•--' 1063 e ....................... .. ---/ .�e -/--1 L AUDITED .................. 191IT11PTROER t. _ ----------- .... .-....... ....... --------------------- --------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V )'Councilmen ( V )Nays..:!.._......._..._191_...._._ Adopted by the Council_..........:..-..` ................_ .... _,; 4ss ....._......In favor Approved. ..............__........_......._._........__. .._...__...._.....191 .... ..... _ ._.Against _ j MA OR IC. F. No. 26868= .�: Farnsworth, Co¢i'r, of Flnaom,. 110,862.43. .. S. A. Farnsworth,' Com'r. of Flnanee,- 518,833.87. = 0. Farnsworth,'. Com'r, or Flaa¢ce, 30,92474 .43. ,. - 8. A. Farnsworth, Com'r.-of Flna—, - 11,296.33. 8. 48A8.90. 1 Farnsworth, Com'r:. of Finance, 19, - r Adopted by the Councii July 18, 1919. Approved dUly.18, 1199. 12754 auly 26, 1919) S. A. zmrna9,o=V-0 inane �Paeter 10,852.43 12755 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 18,833.97 ice 12756 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 30,974.43 12757 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance t 1,296.3 12758 " S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance. 4,496.40 C.P.S. -w General-Adminia. 210.00-- Mun. Gar. Revolv. 75770 Health Adm. Vital Statistics / 175 0 Food & Dairy 4 .50 Sanitation Inspe7.50 Tuberoulosis Div 472.50 Dale Street I y. 86.25 Laboratory , 152.5 Public a 1,04 Pum mfort Sta. 2. 0 ,49 .40 Tot-al---.--66jAr3r-56----_ ._ C. E. H ncil Fll 1919, b Subject:r ..........................................'mmd — u n i............_ 2iJp�� /ii GOUNClL . ........... .. ..!............. ........_.. ....................... _'Y slid 11 mItBylt d. Preltm n'. t Order• PILE NO................ ... .......� ........ ... •......oeta 8nd lamps, wire6 and under 1 ther th j •.748; approved%June.6 1917: !public hearine having been had I ,the above improvement upon due resented ....................... ....�.... 191 and the Council having heard -- ons obtectlone nnd-recomMenl. a Entire'theretp, ead'']iapla�. considered the Same; thereflo ivad, B the Council of the C3 'Pant that the Dreclee' nature, e'• - :ad kind f improvement .to y the said Clty !e to furnlah ; - an ornamental ]lghting syr u of one -light lamp posts, vgree and. underground con. Resolved, That Oounoil File No. t'eying eleecrle enrrent cnrlJy 10th 1919 be amended other necessary nppllancea; l ". t for ald system onUr. 'mus, ftom lice stree, 1- ]Itsita, add. the R, to read as. ,follows 1 Tv� •a liner° "In the matter of,furnishing-wad installing an ornamental lighting system consisting of one -light lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appli- ances and equipment for said system, on University ave- nue from Rice street to the west city limits, under Preliminary Order 16648, approved June 5, 1917. A public hearing having been had upon the above I - provement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto,, and.having fully considered the same; therefore be it hh Cp tt that t eo ie0 eyna�e eztin�fandekindyo$fimpiovement to be made by the said City is furnish and install an ornamental lighting system consisting of one -light lamp poets and lamps, wires and underground conduits for con- veying electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and equipment for said system on University avenue from Rice street to the west city limits, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. Resolved further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and sub- mit the same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improve- ment in accordance therewith." Yeas (✓) Con i men (J) Nays a Adopted by the Council..`J�'.`_:�.�._.'`.'.:.�......--191...... ... /far orth -...r.�..R�'......�... j,/ Gos ............In favor Approved ...................... ......... 191..... Kett cC1 ............. Against :u11L1. / ........... ........ ... . ......... .... IL a6 " MAYOR WII nc�h Mr: on wPRM C Aa:6 BM 72-1e 090AR OLAU9S... CHI.......... J. E. CARR. LL. 9uwrl.[[wf ALIR.. JACR9ONo9u'Tuciio. w.o n[Iwlw. M. W. G011ZINOlR. 9uli'oH - M. wrreAw,�e.e .[[nl� f G. H. HCRROLD. 011lc[ lHol...n (Aug of St. Paul 13rpartauut of puditr Norho M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. 0 PUTY July 15, 1919. Department of Public Utilities, Saint Paul, Ir, inn. Attention mr. Streich. Gentlemen: Please note enclosed copy of Final Order for the furnishing and installation of ornamental lighting system On University Avenue from Rice Street to the Test City limits. Will you please prepare the necessary plane and specifications and submit them to this office. Yours very truly, OC/C Chief Engineer. Enclo CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .............. ............ ..... %1 ......... ........................................................... ......... �NGIL NO. DatePresented........................................................191..... '1 WHEREAS, The Committee on Lands, consisting in this oase of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Public Utilities, at the request of the ,has recom- mended that the following described real estate, to -wit: All that portion or parcel of land lying within or bounded by the following line: Beginning at a point 255.68 feet west of the southwest corner of the intersection of White Bear aventtis and Maryland street, thence south 156.19 feet, thence west 4 .0 feet, thence north 156.19 feet, thence east 40 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.143 sores, more or less, situated 1 the northeast quarter of the north- east quarter of Section 27, To ship 29 N., Range 22 West, in the County of Ramsey, State of Mi rota; be purchased by the City for the use of the Board of Water ommiesionera for the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($ 25.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the pr er city officers be and they are hereby directed to aoquire'the aid property, and that the same be paid for out of the Water Depar ment Fund, upon the approval of the title by the Corporation Oounse . Yeas (✓) Cou 'cilmen (✓) Nay: Fa sworth s Ke Ke ler M oil W derlich Mr FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 . Against by the Council ......Allis, !Oil ......- .............:::.!..:......191...... ,proved ............ ..... 111:.. 1 S, PUBLISHED MAY R ICITY OF ST. PAUL IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ......... ..................... ..... .- - ..... .... ............................................................. . ...... COUNCIL • ILE Date Presented ..................................................191---.. � r ��r C. - Resolved, WHEREAS, The Committee on Lands, consisting in.this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent, and Commissioner. of Pub sic Utilities, at the request of the has reoom- mended that the following described real estate, to -wit: All that portion -or parcel of land lying within or:bounded by the following line: Beginning at a point on the south line of the property of Cleophas Bernhardt, 347.2 feet west of stone monument at the south- east corner of said property, thence westerly 72,8 feet to the - right of way of the Soo Line Railway thence northeasterly along said Soo Line right of way to a point 163 feet northerly from the Point of beginning, containing 0.135 acres, more or less, all situ- ated in Block 6 of Eisenmenger and Zaspel's Lake Park Addition, in the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 18, Town- ship 29 N., Range 22 W., in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota; be purchased by the City for the use of the Board of Water Commission- ers for the sum of Seventy-five DoIXare ($75.00);therefore, be it S 1-8y O. M. Knlla� RESOLVED, Thgt ,this°emaemaltor the city officers be and they are hereby directed to aogi 7ranatthe4;or area€t°ct�?roperty, and that the same be paid for out of the upon the approval of the title by the COrpOral�oiianaiving wltnin'or bolnnhel ollowing ling: Beginning at lthe Sou[hline orthepropert :ins Bernhardt, 547.3 feet Wel( monument at the Southeae! P. Bald property, thence West feet. to the right-of-way iso I.Ine-ttailway. thenco•Noi[h d`rly along said 800 Lk a rleht-of' i1 to a Dint 188 feet, NortheAy fro•.f point of beglpnag, ontafnta 0.136 scree, more or lcee, all situates Sn Block.8 of Hieenmengor ndo Ze.epel Addition, In the. uthr quarter oY the Southwest quart r ' 3epSion 18 Township 39 N; -Range nF W In the County of: Rams y, St to Clot Min esota be Durohased by the City tolr th8 use of the Board ofWater Com- . �mlesionoF por theaum of Seventy-five ($7b.001 therefore,. be it• ROeolltied,.That a proper city. o8lcere be and they are Hereby dlrec at to Me b :the said property an that the pp�ame hepald Tor'.oh of fhe WDDater De - the -"Tet by the CorporattonpCounsel.o - �" Adopted by the Cgouncil �Tuly18, 1818. Yeas (J) Cou cilmen (✓) Nays App=ova (aurlyd3'61i918) - JLC 1"" Iq J J Adopted by the Council - ....t ... 191...... Fat asworth ._.....`.I -......F. Go `���//// Approved.......... —.....__...._..:__.191..... ...... ....In favor Ke er (q"�J Mcoll `'Against ........_ .......................................... ......... .... ... MAYOR .S: W derlich ,y Mr. P son ,, ,j•ORM C: A... 9. aM 12e18 OF ST. PAUL ;L .UTION—GENERAL FORM ....................................................... 250e2 COON L PNo................................- :� ..........191..... / i-64WIW 1488011A WHEREAS, The Committee on Lands, consists in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of b110 Utilities, at the request of the has recom- mended that the following described real estate, to -wit: All that portion or parcel of land lying in the Mehsikomer Garden Lots, situ- ated in the southwest quarter of Section 23, Township 29 N., Range 22 W., in the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and more particularly described and defined as containing 0.762 acres, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a point marked by an iron hub on the south line of Helen street extended,. and 559.6 feet east of the southwest corner of the intersection of Ruth avenue and Helen street, and thence east along the south line of Helen street extended 123.41 feet to a point marked by an iron hub, thence south 268.97 feet to the north line of Prospect street extended to a point marked by an iron hub, thence west along the north line of Prospect street extended, 123.46 feet to a point marked by an iron hub, thence north 268.93 feet to point of beginning; be purchased by the City for the use of the Board of Water Commissioners for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00); therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby directed to aoauire th§_Aaid »ronert and that the same be paid for out of the U. F. - 26862—BY O. E. Xeller— pon the approval of the title by the Corporatl Whereas, The Committee on Landa, coneleting in this case of the MaYorp Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays aV rnsworth /�Goss Keller 1. 1)'Iccoll /Wunderlich Mr. — c. A. s .. ,z -ie 1111 by the -Council .... _._.... _ ................_.__....191 _.... Ipproved............ �(! j S. P 0 .......... 191..... I ......:...._. .. ....................... C�...�...........�..... MAYOR y CITY OF ST. PAULk fs COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i iid t \ _ COUNCIL 25SE3 FILE 1V C7.................. :................... Date Presented 191 Resolved, mhat the application of Henry S.Krieger for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 304 Chamber of Commerce Building be and the same hereby Is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenan upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee one hundred dollars (100.00). Yeas (✓) Counc mea (✓) Nays Farns 6vorth Goss ... r� ....-.In favor Kellei McCoMcC - : � r ...-.. ,� - .....Against C. F. No. 26868—By Henry McColl— Aesolved, That the ppllent)on of 'Henry S. Xrleaens r for a licee to con- duct a ,pa ru .DD at 309 Chamber of Commerce - l3widing be and the same hereby ie granted andthe Atty Clerk fe Inetructedto feaue euch llpense upon the patyme t Into the City Trenaury of the customary fee, Ono Hundred Dollars ,(*100:00). Adopted by the Connell July 18; 1919. .Approved July 18; 1919. (July 29, 1919) Adopted by the Council...............................`...........191...... - JUL 18 nf9 Approved......................................... _............ 191..... ...... _.... .... -._.............. .........__--.-...-...-.. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL V COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... ................................ .......................... _........ ................................. P'tQ)#_; coU NI C - FILENo ...................... ......... ...... r.5 Date Presenfilil.y._18,__.1919................... 191..... 01t, n the matter of paving Lincoln Avenue from Snelli,g Avenue Bridge over C. M. & St. P. tracks with necessary water and sewer connections under Final Order No. 35359: Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications, showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street, are hereby adopted and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install the sewer and water connections in such plans and specifica- tions provided for, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, all as provided by Ordinance.No. 3793, approved October 37, 1916, C. P. xu. In the m Received a.11 papers in tion with above ;onnec I'solution. j Adopted by the Couucll July 18, 1919. Approved July 18, 1919. (July 28, 1819) Nays Adopted by the Council - '��"- � . ` � � ---191...... .,L_ Is ".x........._._..191..... 13 _.................__......._..... . ..........._In favor Approved . . r.Against ...._ ._....._.. .... _. ... ..... MAYOR . . .. . CITY OF ST. PAUL ~ v,Age OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....................................... ........ ................................. ...... .............._ 71� 5 .............................................. 2' COUNCIL 2 PILENo . ......... ....... .......:....... .. .................. VY Date Presented_-_.._jlllj!..._18,,,,.__Z9],-,4__ 191..... + In the matter of paving Lincoln Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Bridge over C. M. & St. P. Tracks, with necessary gas connections under Fjnal Order No. 25259: Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made on Lincoln Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Bridge over C. N. & St, P. Tracks are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Porks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said Final Order and of said plane upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. Q. F. In thee a n nue, tr over C Yeas (✓) Cou ilmen (✓) Nays a Far sworth r (Jl Gos .........In favor II_ Kel r Mc ol] .�. Against W derlich I plena and:: a9-oonneo-' �.0 on LInebIn .(IpYS '.e to bridge are hereDv. 1 a,'�jOge cefl sna,__ 'fiB�e+i on Wltb . )d by�the .Coune 1 July .18. 1919' led', JIW :18; 3919: = - JUL IS 1219 Adopted by the Council .._ .......................................191...... Approved ...... .._.__..._.�"I` d y_.'.n.j,�..__.-. 191..... .......................... InAY O CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ....................... ......................... ............ ............... ......_............._..................._....._._................. :- 0 . CouRClt ,58(-6 FILENo ................................ .................... f Date presented .....-July__1$.,_._119.,..191..... In the matter of paving Goodrich Avenue from Snelling Avenue `J to Hamline Avenue with necessary water and sewer connections under Final Order No. 25362: Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications, showing sewer and water connections necessary to be made upon said street, are hereby adopted and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install the sewer and water connections in such plans and speoifica.- tions provided for, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, all as provided for by Ordinance No. 3793, approved October 27, 1916. C. F. No. 26866—By M. N. Goes= In the atter of mv,lagg Goodrich Ave- n ue, from Snelling Avenue to Haig line Avenue, with necessary water and sewer connections, under Final b•� Q® . Order No. 26262: . 4 ro0 �N R esolved, That the annexed plane and epeBlHcatiome, showing. sewer and water. a connections necessary to be made upon are and qP, QIP' proved, and he Cbf Pubted ic ommissions Public p,GP' tj.00 Works is hereby ordered anri dlrected to construct. and Install the sewer and' -.water connection In such plana mad' �(� tri pe CO '1S speclflcatione provided for, the cost 'cost thereof.to be paid out of. the Per- tinent Improvement Revolvfng Fund. �g�O all an provided for by Ordinance No. 3793, approved October 27, 1916. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1919. Approved July. 18, 1919. (July 26,.1919) i Yeas (✓) Col Cilmen (✓) Nays �— Adopted by the Council ..JL� ...,a.-(�.l.g......-:-191•-•- Far sworthJUL APProved..........."�._ �...�v./..x.................191..... ................... Goa ..............In favor Kell r MCC 11 _.... _ ._. . ........ Against MAYOR er tc Mr. President, odgson, FORM C. A, 9 3M to CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sniyect................................................................................................................................... Q�[- r` ................_-----_.�uNUL 2581.,7 1 / PILE NO . .................. _...__... ...... ._... ! l � �N Date Presented ...._July... .. _19..... 91..... In the matter of paving Goodrich Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue with necessary gas connections under Final Order No. 35363: Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be male upon Goodrich Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby exdered and directed t® serve a copy of said Final Order and of said Plans upon the'St. Paul. Gas Light Company, �Q® C. av F. No, er 26867—By M. N. Goes= 0y 09 In the mattof ing�Goodrich Ave-, ue, from enel>atag Avenue to Ham- 'line Avenue,. with neceply- gas con- nections, under._ Final Order No• Q 1} Resolved, That the annexed place and (%p a eclflcatlone efiowing the gee connec- 9'- IIXX .tons neneseary to be made uyyon Good- I rich Avenue, from snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue, sre her approved, and the Commlestoner of Pubil. Work. 1s hereby ordered and directed toeerve 'a copy.of said Final Order and of said plane upon the st Paul Gas Light Com- pany. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1919. Approved July 18. 1919. (July 26, 1919) Yeas (✓) Cou4cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council..._ �� ._...�9�9...,.191...... Far worth - I! it L_ Goss .._........ nfavor Approved..---.................._......................__......... 191..... Kell MCC 1 .....r�.... Against ....... 1` MAYOR Mr. President, dgson POR" C. A. g 3M 12- 8 Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated may 5, 1919, between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul, dor the sewer connections on Concord Street from Annapolis Street to Ada Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 19th.day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers axe hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect until the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptrolln. r. Yeas (✓) (✓) Nays ,_r - ..............In favor D Against in 1-9 1919 Adopted by the Council `� .-.-.`.__191...... �� Approved...... ._...... `........`.:.9....._.. 191..... ...... .................... ....... ...---_.----- --- h MAYOR 25803 St. Paul, Minn., -x - - 7 - - 19j j- . TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the to be extended to - - - - -19/x- Owing to _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. & Yours very truly,�j"" `*cJ Contractor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the equi ernents of this office is cont APPROVED S. of Construction & Repairs Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........................................... ...................... ...................... ......._4 ''`) .................................COUNCIL M1Y��l. ♦ p P�Le No....._. ........ . .._...... ......... ....._. Date Presented .......-.-Jul.y--.18.,..._1919.491..... That the time specified for the performance of a certain Resolved, contract dated May •5, 1919, between O'Neil & Preston and the City of St. Paul for the sewer connections on East Sixth Street from Bridge to Arcade, and Arcade Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 19th.day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect until the sureties on the contractom'•s bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) FORM C. A, 9 (✓) Nays ....In favor D... Against ..._4.._...... ...... Adopted by the Council... J ..IS `19 .19f Approved ������.. �.�� _........u�-........�t....191..... t� MAYOR v / I 25oW-) r�• St. Paul, Minn., TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the �5esy�� C�on�cfion s to be extended to - - - - - 7= Owing to --tr�ofL'22c�i'.o�s- - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours ve�`'ry�jtruly ,�, 1/L'�/Contractor. � There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is con nedd G APPROVED Supt, of Construction & eepairs'> Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL '`���V���/` j��� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - %OF . ............................................... .............................................. 256 70 Snbject:_._...........................'..'............................ ..........coaQcm Date Presented .......-July ....1$ .........................1919.-- Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller one Ideal power lawn mower with two cutting unite, width of cutting blade 30", diameter of roller 14f1, weight 550 pounds, from H. E. Erickson & Co., to cost 0400.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, without asking for competitive bids, as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks- Oper. & IMntce. C. Yeas (J) Mr. President, FORM C. A. 9 3M (V) Nays t./ ..............In favor _0. Against No. 26270-13y Albert Wunder- 11,, lved, That the Purchasing Agent I he IS hereby. authorized toCpar, with the consent of the --P; one Ideal power lawn mower wo cutting units,. width of cuttingq 20 inches diameter of roller I4 Weight 660 pounds from H.. 10. ion & Co., to cost id00.00 f. o. b. al, without asking for competitive 0 thin article le ppatented and no eagParkuId bes—CP ratlonnsand�Main- ce. pied by -the Council July 18, 1919. cued July 19, 1919. (Ju 9 20, 191 1919) it Adopted by the Council ..... JUL 1.8 •.. 9 191...... Approved..........._......�1 _...1._1F..�.......... 191..... MAYOR f 'v CITY OF ST. PAUL . Council Resolution --- Genewal. Form Ddpartment Bureau of_ Council tF '1�0 � Date Presented 191 �� of eEl 1 titov a div the lollow'iv¢ aller.aavd i. .vicet. of eaidtcd yvd directed to extend it. electrical liven br <rcctina vola and atriv¢iva wire. th<rcon for the stall eight poles on Pleasant Avenue, between Vista and Albion Streets. Install five poles on Albion Avenue, east of Pleasant Avenue. City Lighting. Install one pole in the alley north of Grove Street, west of John Street. Commercial distribution. With necessary guys and anchors. C. F. No. 25871-13y Id. N. Goes— All wlres under the < et 1 one other Q�A11 All of each. I,odon"Isions of. vole. and whee.Cp&, e Ai— ttoth,volehonld bo .eft vl.uch '—I'd*' ou . 21 desig Le •lull de.i..atn and.pvrove, and any and I b Pry Iml.l�c Interv,t.o re uim. nod when it.hall i e9sll each, Adopted by the Counci eeapi Adl Yeas ( 1 I Avl FAI GO' n.on Pleasant Ave - and Albion Street,. on Albion Avenue, ,enue. t the alley North of ii apaii'$eeCn: i&ai"ilia ' � � f^ � j io reQulrea,and wtien it .e Council sjuly 18, 1919. 1 12,'3919: 17 29, 1939> ( ) Nays )RTH o/ Public Utilities avd In ail Ili,,, 1 be of each hIl.ht a.d character .. .vcr the Covadl eh.11 deem that tb. Mc LL W U DERLICH Approved JLIL° 191 HY AND pPr KE1 LER Mr. President, IRV N A Mayor Department o Bureau of— Council File By AA CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution-AGeneral Form Date Presente `lox c 72 the SL Paul Gas Llaht Company is hereby ordered end directed to extend its electrical linea by erectina poles and strinchm, wires /hereon for the o. and In the followin¢ alleys and streets of said city: pnstall three poles in the alley north of Maryland Street east of Hazel Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Coun lmen FAR SWORTH VTGOSS MCC(- LL WUN ERLICH HYL ND Mr. President, IR soj e; iW.nof the Commi.alener of Publie Utilities and in all thi..a she City of &. Paul. hall ad hall of ueh Wahl ,lm, placedunde ...dwhosever d the C-11 ahalldeem that t the jn I's !gig 191 ( ) Nays Approved d ! 9 191 May6 t Department Bureau of Co}I 1 I e Byl t CITY OF ST. PAUL °r'6 �3 Council Resolution ---General Form o Date Presented 191 vemiWun o(elacaictssonand iv the follawive alleys and ami. of said city: Install one pole on Raymond Avenue, south of Dudley Street. Install five poles in the alley south of Stanford Street, between Kenneth Street and prior Avenue. Commervial distribution. Install ten poles on 14noan Street, south of Como and Phalen Avenue. City lighting. With necessary guys and anchors. C. F. No. 25873—BY M. N. doseRes— LlghtaCpmyanyais heby re[ la directed to extend its electrical rical linnd' ea by creating poles and stringing wires thereon for the tranamleatan oY lea tricitay on and In the following alleys; a d [recta of std city: Install one Pole n lIaYmond Avenue. 'South Y Dudley Street. Install five poles in the alley uth So of Stanford Street, yetween Kenneth Streetand clal ldistribution. Install ten poles on Duncan Street. South of Como and Phalen Avenue. Ctty, lighting. o e„vs and anchor.. - ttoo Inv old slleya and street% tm Commis%toner of Public Dtfllties %hail designate, and shall be oY aucti height 'and chartacter tm he ehgnld dalilgeuch All of such eatevaiov, polo and wires scull and approve, and any kn{eiov of the Commissioner of Public Uulidee and iv •11 thin¢. s::,.. All pµala should be set 1, such location iv�ai moved e enfl such W lbe r a tak�d'alaced Counc under- 1311 In'Cti of St. Paul. Ica -Fall dairvte end somans, and my and •11 evl ggrround. Whenev0i the Council shall Ilia V a° call deer¢..., and ..hall be of such heiI and chancier ae �lic Wtere..t eo rcqulrce, and when h %lull,I ord deers that the yublio Interest eo r6- res i d uvder¢rouvd, whavever the Council shall deem that the 4nAdopted by the Counit cil July Is,ll so r1919. n 1 J Adapted by the Council— Approved (aniylaslisis) �" 191 Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH GOS MCC LL WU DERLICH Approved -` ' 191 HYL ND KEL ER Mr. President, IRV May 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2� o 7 1 Council Resolution ---General Form Department of -- Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Cas Light Com Pao, is hereby ordered and directed to extend Its electrical lives by erecting poles and stringing wire, thereon for the tr jsslov of ele,tricty Ov old Iv the following alleys and street, of said cfty+ Install one pole in the alley north of Minnehaha Street, west of Fairview Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. All of each extevsiove, poles and wires shall be erected and constructed -der the direction and supervbfoo of the Comminieoer of Public Utilities -ed in all thing. .ubiect to the prov(.ione o[ Ordlpance No. R4Y4, and of all other lawful ordinance, and raolutione of the City of fft Paul.ht he ehallldeeit..te avd be 'It =od any avd.11 ucth pole,­shal Abe tek o down ane removed,a d each f P.bM wire,[pl... d vnd,r olund, h..ud ...r the Council ,hallddeem Chet the public inlete,t so mquiree, and when it shall so order. JAL 18 1919 Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Cox ncilmen ( ) Nays FA NSWORTH GO iS Mc OLL W NDERLICH H AND K LER Mr. President, I IN Approved 0' S !a i 191 Mayor Department Bureau of CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form 25L 11:5 No. Date Presented 191 By , R SOLVED, That the St. Pen] Gas Light Company is botchy ordered end directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting pole* and .triv¢ive wires thereon for the travem]mion of ekculcrr on and In the loilewivH alley. and streets of said city: Install one pole on Jackson Street north of railway tracks south of Third Street. Install one pole in alley west of Macalester Avenue, south of Jefferson Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. �I C. R. No. 25876-13y hL N. Ile— . .... . Allof each ezone, pole* and wire. hall bt Ion subject to the proyisove of Ordivnvca No. 6434. and All polm *hould be set iv each lecatit. 1. said he *hail dnI.... end approve, and any and ali such public interest so reeuiree, and when it shall so order Adopted by the Council— Yeas ( ) Cou FAI GO; Mc( WU HY] KEI Mr. President, IR` Due allwnyttracics,Junk- South ofStreet, one pole in alley Weet of Avenue, South of Jefferson and In alone , other 1 of the All i ler the Ibltc Interest slo T gaulre8, —dhitt whohe it tall so order. Adopted by the Council July 18, 1919. i Apptoved July 18, 1919. (July 26, 1919) iiav of the Commivaiev<r of Public Utilities and iv all things oNer lawful ordfuavicee avdie—.1Iutione of the line o[ all Paul. and a e taken as the and cao—d. ad such Utilities.0 *hall de,,g,,u, and shall be of each height and chancier ae �ehall be taken down and «moved, and such wires placed uvdererouvd, whmevu the Council shall deem that the JUL IS 19!9 191 nen ( ) Nays WORTH DERLICH Approved JUL 13 19!9 191 kN D .ER V Maor ORDiNANCR. 26878ance No. s— aF' JJ N. Goo— or oe ordinnce to hmend— Ordin ..or, nano. d' Februa i a An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 5051, approved February 10th, 1919, entitled "An olinandj authorizing the employment of persons for service '1n the Department of Public Works,, and fixing their duties and compensation. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace,, health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered aeoessdry;fox the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE C0UN01L OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section lr.That Ordinance No. 5051; approved February 10th, s 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out from Section, 1 thereof the words and figures: "one Superintendent of Construction and Repairs, at $3600.00 per year," and inserting in place thereof the following: "One Superintendent of Construction and Repair, at $4200.00 per year." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the �r public peave, health and safety. Section 3., This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Passed by the Council Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss pow wo McColl° Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgeon)� Approve AUG '-;.'. 1919 _ i Attest City Clerk r`ri r� Form A A 48.2117-18 CITY OF 9T. PAUL G.3 e9-14-ao' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FFILF.LIL No..._..Z....rJ...�� 9 ...........� % Y Pt LE�t AUDITED ....L .... ....................... _... .... ._ 1065 EFt........................................ ....... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set%pposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V Councilmen ( V ) Nays O Adopted by the Council_..._. ...191......— F rnsworth —11...........In favor Approved ......._._. _ �.. t�jl..___ .. G ss K ]ler Against M Coll �stla �J nderlich M 9 C. F. No. 25877— i Abatat RelledracG ( uD nethe C1tyhTreaeury, paYahis out of the hereinafter .pe.1 ed fund. and In favor of the person., firms or corpora - $1 Thos y Adam Decker �Hdw. Co6m6pany, =13.37: Crane & Ordway Company, $118.60. Flandlon & Companyy §167.63. - Manhattan Oil & Lin.eed Company, $749.21. Seabury & Company,:$14.36. 9t. Paul Ilk Company, 527.12. 12774 The Barrett Co Shiely, J. I., & Company, 51,132.70. �a AppAdoroved Julted by hyye19�19191 July 19, 1919. Per. [July 26, 1919) Lexing —' Summit Al bet. 813-1 & Po land. 12775 Brooks Bros. Lumber Company Gen.•Crosswalk0.�;I`4 PeiRB• Comorom Snelling 72.23 153.86 100.94 22.22 1 • . 12776 Thos. Davis & Son 12777 Adam Decker Hdw. Company Bridge B ep. 12778 Crane & Ordway Company Srtng- 12779 Handlon & Company or o 12780 Manhattan Oil &Linseed Company Police 203.42 St.Constr. ep• 82.69 S.& 8 a ing 46 - 10 - 9.21 12781 Seabury & Company ou 12782 St. Paul Milk Company 12783 Shiely, J.L. & Company Striw--Cvnstr„ _&_RaRT•__ TO 25.00 13.37 118.60 157.53 749.21 14-36 27.12 1,132.70 CITY OF !T. PAUL "r"" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 71- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1L No•..2.......8..�g .... - FormAA16,YX7-18 ...... .................. ... ..... .... AUDITED .....1..... .. /...!......_._......... .. fl' [TKO P:H PER ............ ..... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms 'r corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Councilmen l V ) Nays„ 7 Adopted by the Council..._.....__....191.--- ,C4 y C Farnsworth__._...In favor Approved _. ...._. 191 .... Goss Kell4/._Against _. . MCC 11 A Wn MAYOR Rau erlich 0 on T 18,781.41 C. F. No. 26878— In I / Com're or Finance, Cone'r. of Finance, Corer, or Finance, Core', or Finance, oocil Tuly 19, 1919. 12784 S.A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 14,347.70 park Dept Pay-ro?1 12785 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 38.40 12786 S.A. Farnsworth, Comsr. of 3eheo3a-_ Fianoe 3.419,41 12787 S.A. Farnsworth, Comer. of Finance 975.90 Sch . B_9nd--dr�sd-- T 18,781.41 C. F. No. 26878— In I / Com're or Finance, Cone'r. of Finance, Corer, or Finance, Core', or Finance, oocil Tuly 19, 1919. Subject: ................................................................. FORM No . ............... 2567 J [te Presented .._Tuly.._19►191_9............ 191..... Resolved; That, the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the payor, the Purchasing Agent and the Commissioner of Public Safety, having investigated the advisibility of purchasing the following described lands,the westerly Sixty (60) feet of the southerly 150 feet of Lot 66, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, for the use of the De- partment of Public Safety for the erection of a F ire Station, and having secured an option thereon from the Owner, James B.Hewitt, and having recommended the pur- chasing thereof; Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officials be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to purchase the above described real estate &tl the price of $9500,00, pro- vided, however, that before payment shall be made abstract Of title to the said property shall be submitted to the Corporation Counsel for his examination and the conveyance by him pprove deed shall be a d/before payment is made, Yea J/ Mr. FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 ays Adopted by the Council ......1 __..1. +. 191...... _' :. ..............In favor Approved ........_ ....... ......................._ ......... .. 191..... 117) . Against MAYOR 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL h Council Resolution ---General Form Department o Bureau of — Council A �KNo. Date Presented 191 �ESOLVED. That the St. Paul Can Licht C.mpaay is hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lives by erecting poles aad stringing wires there.. for the Iranemivion of electricty on and in the followiug alleys and streets of said city: Install one pole in the alley north of Minnehaha Street , west of Fair- view Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. C. F. No. 26680—By M. PIA Gosa— Resolved, That the St. Pani Gae Light Company1s hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by erecting poles and stringing wires thereon for the tranernhu,on of electricity on and In the following alleys and streets of said city: Install one pole in the alley North of Minnehaha Street, West of Fairview Avenue. With necessary guys and anchora. All oP such extensions. poles and over the Council shall ife.m that the public interest so requires, and when 1t hall a order. Adopted by the Council July 19, 1919. Approved July 19, 199. 1 (July 26, 1919) All of such eat ... loss. poles and wires shall be erected and constructed .oder the direction aad ,upervisi.n of the Commisai... r of Public Utilities aad in all thi.as subject to the provisions of Ordinance No. 2424. and of .1, other lawful ordinances end reeohniovs of the City of �. Paul. All poles should be set iv such location iv said alleys and atreeb as the Commu,iover of Public Utilities shall designate, ad shall be of such height and character as he shall desi¢vale ad approve, a.d any a.d all such pole, shall be taken down and removed, aad such wire, placed uvder¢rou.d, whenever the Council shall deem that the public fnterat so require,, and when it shall so order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays FAR SWORTH GOSS McC LL WU ERLICH HYL ND KELL R Mr. President, IRVI Approved - - —191 ti AWnc Mayor -x Department Bureau of - Council By CITY OF ST. PAULk L Council olution... General Form of o Date Presente 191 t the Sd in thePool [ollowii a C. �' oa: he'� al s=e Ci .,d directed to extevd its electlicil linea by erecti.9 Wee end enicej., wire. thereon for the on Inetall four pole$ in alley north of Montana Avenue, west of Greenbrier Avenue. Install one pole on Greenbrier Avenue, north of Montana Avenue. With necessary guy$ and anchors. tCommercial Distribution. C. C, Ir (M All of soch.—eiove, pole$ and wire$ shall be erected' such wires p a�:l.;act to the tnovbiove of Grilles a No. Y144. end of all o ever the COU All ,elee should be set in eueh location In said alleys a public Interee he •!tall deelavate and approve, avd any avd ill eueh polo eh shall BO Orde nu L!..: ivtereet eo require., end whey it :hall .o ord.r. y Approved J Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Cou cilmen FA NSWORTH GO S Mc OLL W NDERLICH H AND K LER Mr. President, IR IN f['hogl— wires thereon; loealon of ei.otrlclty of wing alleys and street, poles in alley North of us. west of Greenbrler Mla on lana Avenure. Ave - .halle bUdlttiee shall'. shall be of such hese to he 'halldesignate and ny and all of such pole, down and removed, nP ,he Commiseiener of Public Uulitie. avd io all thine$ ced nderground, when 1 oil shall deem t6st thr and when i innate, end shell be of ...h hei¢ht avd chancier as eo regnlies, d..Urouvd, ebe—er the Council shell deem that the he Council July 19. 1919. ly 19, 1916. sly E8, 1919) I^ _191 Nays Approved 191 sseclnp Mayor 6y" Department Bureau of_ No. CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Date Prese 1 ByV — RESOLVED, That the St. Pool One Light Company ie hereby ordered and directed to extend its electrical lines by er-Iia, Doles and eui-iv wine thereon for the transmission of eleotricty an and In the fall -wing alley, and ,treete of said city: Install one pole on the south west corner of Minnetonka and St. Lawrence Streets and one pole on St. Lawrence Street east of Minnetonka Street. With necessary guys and anchors. C. r. No. 25882—By M. N. Goss— Resolved. That the St. Paul Gas Llghi Company 10 hereby ordered and directed to extend Its electrical- lines by erect. Ing poles and tringingg Wlrea thereo for the transmission of electricity o� d a In the following alleys and streets of said city. Install one pole on the Southwest corner of Minnetonka and St. Lawrence Streets and oneVole o St. Lawrence Street. East of Minnetonka Street. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such extensions, poles and wires shelf be erected and constructed under the direction and supervision .ad 1n 11 thin re e. bject to the proyt .Ione f Ordinance No. 2424, and of all other lawful ordinances and resolutions of the City of St, Paul. All poles should be set inch soca tion In aid alleys d streets as the Commlaeloner of Public Utilities shall designate, and shall be of such height and character as he shall designate and approve, and any and all of such pole= shall be taken down and -moved, and such wires placed underground, when ever the Council sharea, andll deem that th, public Interest so requlwhen It shall a der: All of each ex[enelone, poles and wires shall be ores Adoptedbythe Council July 19, 1919. sabre[ [o the provlelove *!21. f Ordivnca No. 242a. and of Approved July 19, 1919. All poles should be set Iv each loesdov 1. Bald aIle' (Tiny 26, 1919) hr •hall desl.vateavd aDprova, avd avy and alt each poi I nbl:< I..—, an revof. avd when it shall eo order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Co ncilmen F NSWORTH JIHLAND S OLL NDERLICH LER Mr. President, IN dever of Public Utilities and 1. .11 thin.. d shall be of such hef tht and character as whenever the Council shall deem that the ) Nays Approved_ - —191 /�� ^ r CITY OF ST. PAUL L+ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sbject:......._......................... .......................'............................................._+ ry-n............_.............. 10 COUNCIL 'Le rt)� No.............:........_........._.....__........_. .................. ..:....................... ... _.......... .......... ... ........ .................................................... ......------------------...... Date Presented._._.-J.u1g...19...... 1919-191..... t Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the construction of a sewer on James Street from Underwood Avenue to a point 185 feet west of Snelling Avenue, Juliet Street fron. Underwood Avenue to a point 185 feet west of Snell- ing Avenue, and N(acalester Avenue from Jefferson Avenue to a point 75 feet north of Juliet Avenue, and from Juliet Avenue to a point 75 feet north of Palace Stret, and from Palace Street to a point 75 feet north of James Street and from James Street to a point 75 feet north of Randolph Street, be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 26883—Ry M. N. Goes— �catRlone [orr the at ne[rucHon f e eectfl- on James Street. from Underwood Aver e to a oint g 136 feet Weaf of 9naliin 'Avenue; Juliet Street, from Underwood 6nelltng tAvenue,lnt and S5 feet Macales ere Ave- ue, Yrom Jettereon Avenue to a point 7fi feet North oY 7ullet Avenue, and from 7ullet Avenue to a point 76 feet No [h [ Palace Street, nd Prom; Palace SVeet to a point 76 feet North e�l► of James street, and t t Tam as Street efy to a yolnt 76 feet No th of Randolph iretj On $11 proved,be and the eam are hereby I h Adopted by the Council July 19, 1919. 7 ��� 1 th �b ere' t - I Approved July 19, 1919. (July 26, 1919) / Yeas (J) Court men (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council.__�1.�'-...:�.�.._.`.'__...._.191...... /far sworth ' o ......... .._In favor Approved.......__.:.............._191 _......._.. _..........._... ..... Ke er JMc oil ._...o Against Wu derlich ng MAY R Mr. FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF ST. PA6L ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN=wARfN----- �J� Ject:..................................._....................,._._.........?._C.OU. ....................................................................................NCIL .. 25884 C saeNO. ----.........._......_. _...-- _._......:.. Date Presented------------------------ July -."19th.-191...9 Resolved, That whereas it is necessary to immediately construct four cottage schools by force account, to provide additional rooln for the accommodation of the large enrollment of pupils in the public schools, before the fall sessions begin, and Whereas an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent, with"the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase, without advertisement and competitive bids, such materials and supplies, requisitioned by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings with the approval of the Commissioner of Education, as may be necessary in order to construct and complete before the opening of the fall term said four cottage schools, in accordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved. C. F. No. 26684—BY Albert Wunder- ]Sch— Resolved, That whereas 1t 1e neces-'� leery to tmmediatelY conafruct four cot to schools by force account, to pro dotiondof the larBBoe enrollment of Bthe pile- inth ne begin, sond le, before the fall , Whereas an emergency exlsta here J t the city rthe Purchalal gork Agent, the with the consent of the Mayor to and Cam troller, is hereby authorized competitive Ib 8e teucho ma is lois and Yeas (✓)f1ler (✓) Nays suDPlies, reaulettioned by the Commis - stoner , Parks, P1aYgrounde and Pub- lic Buildings with the approval of the neeessenoy in of du Cotlon, ae may be led b the Council. i. I C 191...... construct and Y l�_-'ai'- u'•'o"""'h lete before the open chooletifnclersntd r It. a 'cordancitlsaadecfdcattona In eretofore approved. " 191Aaoeby the.ncu Jmr ls, 1919. Approved ... - ..-. _... roved July 19, 1919.(July 26,1919) ...__....... Against ..... _....... ........... ..II9 ..... MAYOR FOR. C. A. 9 3M 12-1e CITY OF. ST. PAUL - - _- - -- --- COUNCIL RESOLUTI04 Gl`NERAL FORM .\ Subject:..........................................................._.............. r ...... ....... _.......__...__.._..................................................J 1 Wnct1 NO. ... .......................... .............................. .................. .... ............... _.......... ...... ................ ..................................... ........... ...... Date Presented -..----....July....19.th.....-.191...9 Resolved, That the annexed plans and specifications and estimates of cost for the construction of one two -room and three one -room cottage schools, prepared by the city architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pilolic Buildings, and herewith submitted to the Council, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education; and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of said four cottage schools on the basis of force or cost account to the extent of not to exceed ;'1;14,000. for the four buildings, in accordance with alternate shown on sheet Pio. 2 of the said plans; the pgZt of the said work to be charged to the Great 1 �:) toneamurrbe 7!! s 'lie Bull s �f ✓ L1, t I e u"e u 1 force or I��U' It ( tTrot to 6 ho to toost the G ,L �_ ff!• ' tton Fut PY Adopt ADAro I Yeas (✓) Co4ilmen (✓) Nays - -. VFa sworth (Is __........_In favor ler /%f) Coll .(,/.... Against FORM C. A, 9 AM 12.16 struction Fund. cot Co - truc- July 19, 1919. Adopted by the Council-:_ _.119 .!'.!.9._._...191...... Approved...... A4*JnSi MAYOR Resolved, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to transfer One Thousand Six Hundred ($1,600.00) Dollars from the Public Utilities Dooke Wharve9 & Levees Expense Fund to the Expense Fund of the Public Utilities Public Markets Fund; said transfer being necessary in order to avoid an otherwise unavoidable deficiency in the Fund to which the transfer is made, and leaving sufficient funds in the item from.which the money is transferred to carry out the purposes for which the money was appropriated. Nays f U� Adopted hp the council ____. J•, .`� I` . _.__. 191 ...... ...........In favor Approved........_..___ __..... .. _.. ......__.. ..I91....... Against ............... ....... ....... .................... .. I F' (� ---------------------------------------------------------------- " :SOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESS- , �r 11IENT. .Y Council File No. ......... ._.............. ..... .F. No. 25887 i the matter of the assessment of reneftts, coetfl and expenses for con- ng.relaying aad repairing sidewalks, estimate No. 4, By •.coder Contract 2983A for season of 918. 5 Assessable Roll. O. 21770 Jeseamiae Btreet, Sout' hegiaNng Mrs", _l 140 feet Core set, thence East 80 feet. Ms t•tga Avenue. West + C. Sir— then r� Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In th€matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing,, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Noe 4, Under Contract 2981 A for season of 1918. --Assessable Roll -- r. .21770 Jessamine St., south side, beginning 140 feet east of Cortland St. thence east 80 feet. F.O. 21724 Matilda Ave., west side, beginning at Carbon St. thence to Maryland St. F.O. 22291 Maryland St., north s;de, beginning 102 feet west of Woodbridge thence west 8 feet. F.O. 22319 Woodbridge St., west side, from Carbon St. to South St. F.O. 22325 Marion St., west side from Wayzata St. thence south 128 feet and from a point 120 feet farther south thence south 74 feet. F.O. 22868 Fuller St., north side, from Rice St. thence west 146 feet `and on west side of RICO St. from Fuller St. thence north 1 116 feet. 22867 Main Ave. easterly side, beginning 32 feet south of Sixth St. thence south 124 feet. F.O. 23165 Fourth St., north side, from Smith Ave. thence east 140 feet. F.O :'22326 Marlon St., west side, from Wayzata St. thence south 128 feet and from a point 120 feet farther south thence south 74 feet. F.O. 22766 Rest Fourth St., beginning 78 feet west of Pleasant Ave. thence west 200 feet. F.O. 23119 College Ave., south side, beginning 93 feet west of Sixth St. thenoo vest to Fourth St. F.O. 23123 Pleasant Ave., east side, be;,inning 268 feet south of west Fourth St. thence south 60 feet. F.O. 22782 Wabasha St., west side, beginning 48 feet north of Ninth St. thence north 61 feet, beginning 110 feet north of Iglehart Ave. thence north 54 feet. F.O. 22708 Wabasha St., east side, from Exchange It. thence south 146 feet. F.O. 22428 Wabasha St., east side, from College A+ e. to Twelfth St., also on west side from College Ave. thence north 145 feet and from a _point 24 feet farther north thence north 114 feet. P.O. 22357 it"lnth St. begirininL at Hobert St. thence east 115 feet. ie.0. 22729 East -Seventh st. beginning 88 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 190 feet. v F.o. 22728 Eighth St., south side, beginning 75 feet west Of Sibley St. •*um" west to Jackson St. F.O. 21788 East seventh St., north side, between Rosabel St. and Broadway. F.O. 21789 Rosabel 5t., east side, between Seventh St. and Eighth St. F.O. 21787 Broadway, west side, from Seventh St. thence north 138 feet and.: on east side Broadway from :seventh St. thence north to Alley. F.0.:22869 E. Eighth St., north side, beginning at Broadway thence east to Pine St. F.O. 23154 Main St., east side, from 1k. Tenth nt. thence south 208 feet. F.O. 23167 college Ave., south oide, fro-, a. Tenth St. thence west 170 feet and On the north side of ',"est Tenth St. from College Ave, thence east 90 feet.. F.O. 22819 University Ave., south side, bef,inning at Rice S.t. thence west 350 feet. F.O. 22781 Sherburne Ave., north side, from Marion St' thence east 300 feet. --Eon-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21.724 Matilda Ave., west side, beginning at Carbon St. thence to Maryland St. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .__.. ._:..._.... _.._..._......19I Approved .._._..__....._.::....:' Foch, B. B. 18 ___..____191...._....... , V Mayor. r pTTTtT.TSTTEM—�G—�c//�/ w Resolved, That the application of the folloviing persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are, hereby granted, and the City.Clerk is authorize3 and.directed to issue such liceneep to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law, NAIIE OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. Hugo Benson, Boarding House, 2225 T,Tniversity, :Mathias Hoben, Lunch Room 560 University, James P. Zeiler, Restaurant, 749 iiississippi, Irs. A. J. Curry, Lunch Room, 668 Central Park P1. John Gardner Lunch Room 1087 Payne Ave., A. D. Lemoine, hotel, 2 T1. 3rd St., :.ire. H. 'dillette, Paltie Hotel, 24 YI. Exchange, A, L. narrow, Eoarding House, 636 Vandalia, Boucher & Dotty, Restaurant, 201 T. 4th, rs. Bessie Olive, Restaurant, 149 F;. 7th, S. S. Kresge Co. Restaurant, 57-59 E. 7th, James J. 011aalley, Restaurant, 304 Rice St., John J, Brennan Rest—r^"t 492 Rioe St., Carl- Rakohwarter, 'oa. ea't, 1611 Fiee St., F. C. Ullrich, 4i� e$''aoaailotel, 378 Jackson, _ -- -lex to—gold - ..ant of the fee .. _ A�FysjS' v . Uu +l+enuHoara)ng Houee.•.2z..,,- blat tae Hob—, Lunch Room, 660 Univejafty Avenue. Jades F. Zeiler, Restaurant, 749 We- slsglpDl.;Street. Mrs. A. S. Curry,, : Lunch Room, 868. Central ParkGardner, John venue.,, Y1nch. Room, 1087 Payne Avenue,. A, R• Lemoine, Hotel 2 W. 3rd Street. Mrs.. ge Street, Hotel, 2¢ W. Exchahge 8freet A. T.' Farrow, : Bo6rding,9:iouae, 838 Vandnlla $treat �Boucl4er &Dotty, Regfaurant,..201 W. - 4th street:. Mrs. Be Olive, Restaurant,. 149 W. 7th Street... S. B Rresge Co Restaurant, 67-69 E. 7th Street James J. OM ]ley, Restaurant, $04 r Yeas (tler (V) Na Ria street. JUL 13 �9 John J. Bren a1,.lteete.urant, 492 Rice led by the Council ..... ... . ..... .... .._191.._... Street' - C 1 Roachwarter, Restaurant, 1611 Rice Street. — F C Ulrich, Superior Hotel, 378 Jack- uUL 1 9 1919 Q street. 191.... Adopted by the 26,1913 Julr ls, 1s1s., Approved--,... .., ...................................... sApproved July 19, 1919. (July 26, 1939) ............Against ......................... - MAYO IISsolr' FORM C. A.8 8M 6-18 - I _ '.N6. 36889—Ordinance No. 613',: dl$dLdCe it tboriaing tyle-ap. - emb"IPrment M�S';Ekywj �p y ' Z( An ordinance authorizing the appointment and employment by the Commissioner of,Public Works of one male secretary -stenographer: This is an'emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1., That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to appoint and employ one male secretary - stenographer, who-*s"paid a salary out„of the funds of said department, within the limits fixed and provided in Administrative Ordinance No. 32502, approved August 20th, 1914, and amendments which have heretofore been made thereto or may hereafter be made thereto. Section 2. Said male secretary -stenographer shall perform such duties as said Commissioner of Public Works shall direct. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Councils Yeas Nay Mr. Clancy Farnsworth I'!”-Powtn„o Goes 1400011 Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) 7 Attest CITY OF ST. PAUL ') OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER SL �..' fit. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FI�g°1L No.:': F.—A AI8, 2 7.18 cz— BV.....__..... .... ..�..... . ._. .... / C TROLLER AUDITED.....7...................... ...........191........ 1067 PER .......... .... .. .��.-,.`[nvft......... _ TITLE D Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified -funds and in favor of persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: JL Yeas ( V ) uncilmen ( )Nays Nil. �9 9 Adopted by the Council__,.._._.....`.......-.._........_ .............. ............. 191-- Fa worth In favor Approved....._..._ -- 21. ... 191.- Kelr ..................Against .................. ........................_ .......... ......... Me OR W derlich M Ab'6traak �iReaoleva that.' warrants ;be draa7l J! unea� the Clty. TLegaarer payaDlo Opt Sf '.� 12788 Bred G. Albrec t s A:.G.'SP%WI n1 Adopted by: �pproVed (� 12789 S.A. Barneworth, Co Red•Tax Levy C 1918 Issue Interest Spec.A Be. B P•I . Int. 12790 A.P. Herschler 12791 T.J. McGrath, Atty. for John J. Markley QAer;al '�R1 12792 Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company Parke-Activ.& Ref. -----•– B.& S. Cleanin un. Gar v M N N N N ,oby,50 99110.00 x22.50 95.30 102.74 116.66 787.00 13,864.00 75.74 45.25 712.90 U 12793 B.C. Norlander 170.00 12794 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company 755.05 Pub. Bldg. Rev 43*53-1 Lighting _ 32 ,"ing- .08 Re441067. s :fir•.` "h x 19795 B. W. 011erenshaw 387.00 HVftT'EA"+�ubUc Baths 12796 O'Neil 8c Preston 2r 282.60`; Sewer Con tion Sixth & ade 418.60 Sewe on eta on onoor 1 64.00 r' 2.00 12797 W.H.Sohmelzel Company+ 186" 12798 A. L. -Snyder, Director, Minnesota State Band 6186- ;2799 A• G. Spalding Broth r 11.03` P& grounds 12$00 Western Supply.Company ,ffr 28.. k` k{ t i Department Bureau of CITY OF ST. PAUL �� 25491 Council Resolution---Generil Form o. Date Presented 191 t lbs Sd,inNol G. the following t allele¢ d street¢ of said ed and dittoed to eate.d he electrical Uvea by erectin¢ role. and atria¢ta¢ wl— thereon for Ih. Install two poles on Van Buren Streets east of Snelling Avenue. Install one pole in the elle north oY Seventh Street$ between B1eabor and Scheffer Streets. With neoessary guys and anchors. Teas ( J ounc meu i �aRyn FAR SWORTH LOSS McC LL WU DERLICH HY AND KE LER Mr. .President, IR IN lic UNitlee and in all thine ...h bd¢bt and character as Coanil shall deem that the 191 Approved - �1 1. IF, ' BOO 'R 191 M yor Department Bureau of _ CITY OF ST. PAU 25i '::92 M1dyr+i�t, �d Council Resolution ---General Form o. Date Presented 191 kESOLVED. That the St. Paul Oae Light Company is hereby ordered and directed in extend its electrical linte by erecting poles and stringing wbea them,, for the transmission of electricty on and in the following alleya and—et. of eaid elm: Ustall one pole on South Exchange Street South Side, one hundred and forty (140) feet northeast of Chestnut Street, with necessary guys and anchors. For Commercial Lighting. Ii. Utilities and In all thing, t h height and character as C....11 shall deem that the Adopted by the Council t 191 Yeas ( ) Courilmen ( ) Nays FA NSWORTH GO S M OLL W NDERLICH H LAND Approved - — —191 K LLER 'WCxzzz Mr. President, I VIN Mayo Department Bureau of Council FiA CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form Date Presented 191 v ra iqo of eElecv tovbe St. sod to the se Liiing slleye nd streets of sada ed -d di—Ird to extend ifs electrical If... by erec"a poll sod stringing wire thereon for the Install one pole on the northwest corner of Maryland and De Bots Streets. IAstall three poles on Harr street just north of Un7land Street. •tth necessary guys and =*hors. city lighting. All of each .:tensions, pole. and wftea uWll b< erec4d and eon.tructed onder Qm dtrecdon and euttnislon of Sha t:ommiselev.r of rum- uunnu son rn ut .mope soL;cct to Ne provision. of Ordinaaea No. 2484. end of ill elhu lawful erdioavco sed n.olutlona of the City of St. Peoi. All pole .hould ba set In each l—.On in said ll,% snd.trents - the Commissions of Public Uri .ball &..;ate, sod.b.11 be of .vch height and c —der ae h. •ball daigvam nod approve• and asy and all each polo shill be mk- down sed removed, end such wine placed underaound, whenever the Council shall deem that the pu Llic intemt so revuirs, and whoa it Ull so order. 1 211 9 Adopted by the Council "! 191 Yeas ( ) Counyllmen ( ) Nays FAR14SWORTH GO M cOLL WU DERLICH HY AND Approved 191 KE ER Mr. President, IR N Mayo u CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Form 2588E Department of Bureau of Council File No By a Date Presented 191 P%I Gere Light Company Is hereby ordered -d directed t. --d Its electrical Iives by ­ti.,poles avd strivgi.¢ wires there.. for the is Ne following alleys avd streets of Bald city: rV n 1 ten poles in the alley west of Montrose Aventq g south of Mar - 1 Avenue. stall two poles on Temperance Street north of Grove Street. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Counc ]men FAR SWOR'TH GOSS McC LL WU DERLICH HY ND KEL ER Mr. President, IRV 91 ( ) Nays I Approved � 191 May r' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ......................... . ............ .........- ....... ................I............................................._. _ COCR_ 25895 r11.e NO............................................................. —n Resolved, Date Presented That, with the approval of the Mayor, and the consent of the Comptroller, there is hereby transferred from the Building Item of the Bureau of Fire Protection Fund, to the Land Item of the same Fund, the sum of Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) dollars, thereby preventing an unavoid— able deficiency in the last named Item, C F No 25296—By Henry McColl— Reeolved,-,:That. with the approval of :the Mayor, and the< coneont of t11'e Comptroller, there A, hereby trans-. ferred from the Building Item of the Bureau of Fire 'Protection Fung � to:'the Land Item of the same Fund, t 0,aum of Fifteen Hundred (=1600.00 do)lare, thereby' preventing•., an unayolable defi- ciency In tfie last named item. Adopted by the Council July 21, 19,19. Approved July 21;1919. (July. 26, 1919) - -`— Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (✓) Nays ,VFar worth ' ..............In favor Kell r ,r McCI ..............Against VWit rlich Mr. P ii 'PORM'C. A. 9'3M r) I 12- ' 191..... Ado ted by the Council .... ...... ........... ................... 191...... Approved............ ........................................ 191..... v1 MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th 0 public i pro mp 0 'unn" Z in ............. Qu.r.hilar. b.o.th 6.1dA.8 ox j Xz.o-M . iymmue— .stn.. to Albert Street. ZA Council File N ......................... 1 the City Of Syllat viz.: d, Dated tis....... . day of Councilman. PRE DER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............. C u r b i w -both sidv.0Q .f J.ef f exq'on nixg Ave.trom PA.0.0.a'l Avenixa .. ......................... to Albert Street, ........ ...................................................................... Abstract. Wh —8. A Written l for the rook. or hig 09,theiroupwi . ...................................................... ................................................................... ........... vi—;i. r , -"- - ................................................................................... ....... . Council of th0 Clty oY 9k Paul there= having been presented to the Council of the the. 6&ounlssiono!-af ....................................................................... I therefore. be it ''LN To, lave gate the 'nooessI7,f for or Wairabuity - or the making ol, attA- RESOLVED, That the Commissioner f!?r#vabqanU,,,e investigate Pn atnr.extent red and direeted: d,rOstlzq led ar add at 1 V�7�'ve- to ement. a L'AO(V 6, 't thereat 1. To invenigate the necessity for or 8", To- o "o, PlanI F800A, I I aid I rave. lob, -'e' . or oi P, 9 h �� a ate: etar or n aid the total coft thereof. 2. To inveftiigate the nature, extent a nt 10 ad, 0 atitib rov in on 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch oft =e,*or more owners. o', report .. a I!, I ow�alk,' f: e� i In matters tot be 0 iial ", Of-"'qf'rerde jTo furnish the following other data nanbO.,- I , r. I I - __ - 1 11 i— 1,. — - nt; ........................ ....................... pR0 ted b tbq'Couno I joly .21. oved �j 21" jqjq'�j�,t. Y 26,1919' ` ... .................................................................. . ............... ..................... .... ..... ................... . . To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on Ge petition o red or more owners. To report upon all of tfie- foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council, 2:i ................. 191 Yeas: Nays: Court F worth r. d Approved . . ............................... .................... 191 er U er' d U nderlich ............................. ...... ...... ..... �iiayor. Court n Fo— C A 13 (SM 4-171 t 9-0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER Grading Margaret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Inthe Matter of ................................................... --..----..----......-----------...............................................I............... Avenue, White Bear Avenue from MarLaret Street to Minnehaha Street, ------------------ .................-- -- ----- .. ....... ..............._........... ---................ . --.............................................. and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Str et toMinnehaha Street. -----------------------•........................................ --- .......... ............................................................ ......................................... 24869 April 20, 1919. under Preliminary Order.....approved ............ --.- - ............... IntermediaryOrder ............................................................. approved ..................-----..............................----- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isGrade MarLaret Street from White Bear ............._....-.................. ................-- ----------------------------- ................ Avenue to Ruth Avenue, White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to ....................................... ........----- -- ... - - .-........-- .............. -- ....._........... -- ..... ----- - .................... Minnehaha Street and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha -------------- Street. .............................................. uTg-aa-rrl ....................................... -. and the Council hereby orders so RESOLVED FURTHER, Th< and directed to prepare plans and cil for approval; that upon said a to proceed with the making of s Adopted by the Council 1111 4>1 inn Approved. ....................... is be and is hereby instructed and submit same to the Coun- hereby authorized and directed ;with; Mi,yor. PUBLIS,1JED1�-==----�y� . s i t 9-0 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER Grading Margaret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Inthe Matter of ................................................... --..----..----......-----------...............................................I............... Avenue, White Bear Avenue from MarLaret Street to Minnehaha Street, ------------------ .................-- -- ----- .. ....... ..............._........... ---................ . --.............................................. and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Str et toMinnehaha Street. -----------------------•........................................ --- .......... ............................................................ ......................................... 24869 April 20, 1919. under Preliminary Order.....approved ............ --.- - ............... IntermediaryOrder ............................................................. approved ..................-----..............................----- ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isGrade MarLaret Street from White Bear ............._....-.................. ................-- ----------------------------- ................ Avenue to Ruth Avenue, White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to ....................................... ........----- -- ... - - .-........-- .............. -- ....._........... -- ..... ----- - .................... Minnehaha Street and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha -------------- Street. .............................................. uTg-aa-rrl ....................................... -. and the Council hereby orders so RESOLVED FURTHER, Th< and directed to prepare plans and cil for approval; that upon said a to proceed with the making of s Adopted by the Council 1111 4>1 inn Approved. ....................... is be and is hereby instructed and submit same to the Coun- hereby authorized and directed ;with; Mi,yor. PUBLIS,1JED1�-==----�y� . f r1 , clrr o uL l! DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE n� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �- u In the Matter of Grade Margaret Street from Thite Beat' Avenue to Ruth Avenue, —'- --------------- -- ------------ - ---------- ---.------ ----- -- - �Chite Bear Avenues from Margaret Street to hfinnehaha .$street and Hazel Avenue ------ from Mar Pare_Street_-to _M1nnehaha Stre• t. under Preliminary Order approved --------------- ---------------------------- ----- --- ---- -------------------------------- ------------------------- --------- ---------- -------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—/� ---�� frpnt 2,e13 The estimated cost per cot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26 2 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Hei ht s. 175 I 27 2 do 425 28 - I do 150 I 29 2 do 150 fi 30 2 do 650 31 2 do 150 !i U 32 2 30 150 I 33 w do 150 0 !I 34 2 �I do 175 75 2 do 175 1� d C r roam Bs.w. e•n w , TOTAL, Cin dCJ&WAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 36 2 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights :175 37 2 do 025 38 2 do 275 39 2 do 175 40 2 do 1975 41 2 do 175 42 do ( 2150 43 2 do , 44 2 do 175 45 2 do 175 46 2 do 1E,25 47 2 do 175 48 2 90 175 49 2 do 175 50 do 200 26 1 do 1225 27 1 -'o 200 28 1 do 700 29 1 do 200 30 1 do 900 31 1 do 200 32 1 do 1800 33 1 3o 1200 34 1 do 1200 35 1 CID 1200 36 1 do 200 (.Except East 18.89 feet) 37 1 do 325 TOTAL .. ..-. .:..F1y. 4 CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 'LOT DESCRIPTION BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION East 18.89 feet of 37 1 Robert L. Fare's Eastern Heights. 475 38 1 do 39' 1 do 1100 40 1 do 200 41 1 do 150 42 1 do 100 43 1 do 100 44 1 do 100 . 45 1 do 75 46 1 do 50 47 1 do 50 48 1 'c 50 49 1 do 100 50 1 do 1 5 13 3 do 450 12 3 do 250 11 3 do 200 10 3 do 200 9 3 do 175 8 3 _ do _ 140.0 7 3 do 17r? 6 3 do 3300 West of 5 3 do 950 East of �5 3 do 450 4 3 do 3 3 do 800 2 3 do 300 TOTAL • CITY 6 tT.�#UL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ` DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 3 Robert L. Tare's Eastern Heights 900 13 4 do 2900 12 4 do 300 11 4 do 300 10 4 do 300 P 4 do 300 B 4 do 500 7� 4 do 100 6 4 do 25 5 4 do 25 4 4 do 25 3 4 do 25 2 4 do "5 1 4 do 50 26 2 do 175 <^5 do 1450 30 3 G. V. Bacon's Addition 100 1 3 do 1C0 30 2 do 100 _ 1 2 .. _ do 350 50 2 Robert L. 77a.re'a Eastern Heights 200 j 1 2 do 625 2 25- _1 do/wS.�. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afo4iaHimatters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him is reference /ttJoAsaid matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. —191//��;— DatedliLL- ..1 _.C�/=--/w--cL_... Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public orkk6IVED G O 9 - Report to Commissioner of Finance a JUW 11D 1919 • June 9th, .......... 191.9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24869 April 26th, 131.... 9 .., relative to oil, kuowu as Council File No ................ ........_.._._..approved_.............. ....... _....... .... ................................................................ adin Mar aret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White _$' ................_g............ g_......................._........... ...................................... . Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, and Hazel Avenue ......... _..... _....... _.... _... from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street ................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .......................necessary and (or) desirable. X2.13 per front foot 15426.68 .................._�............._.............., and `L. The estimated coat thereof is $............_......... ........... and the total cost. thereof is $ Assessable frontage 7,238 ft. Excess inspection $302.48 ........: ................. _........._.............. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._.._.........._. .................-- ................ ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is_.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comuiisst6uer of Public Works,` St. : 0 0 y+ # i St. Paul, Yinn .. ....................... 191— To.the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: An. the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 3ouy to cause the folloTing ingrovement to be made: ............................................... .......... ....................... ........................ St. Ave. from.........................St. Ave. to .......................... ...................... St. Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota, May 83, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary extimate of cost for grading Margaret. Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, in accordenoe-with Council File ¢84869 approved April 86, 1919: Approximate estimate..... 416,"6,68 Cost per front foot...... 8.13 Excess inspection necessary 308.48 Assessable frontage...... 7,838.feet. Yours very truly, eePI -4-d., 4e�, ESS/C Chief Engineer. � r Titu of £►i. Paul OSCAR CLAU99EN, CHIe. ERolHeen V c.YaN.IH E"f J. E. CARROLL, S -.E 33Ppurtw ut of Puhlir. Marko M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER IDR nno .ernln• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALPR.../1I.GN90N, 9u.TucT H. W. COETLINDeR, 9u PT.oH - M. 9. ORYTEAH,eRo wa[n o H..R.LD. ..... C....... St. Paul, Minnesota, May 83, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary extimate of cost for grading Margaret. Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, in accordenoe-with Council File ¢84869 approved April 86, 1919: Approximate estimate..... 416,"6,68 Cost per front foot...... 8.13 Excess inspection necessary 308.48 Assessable frontage...... 7,838.feet. Yours very truly, eePI -4-d., 4e�, ESS/C Chief Engineer. i - r CITY OF ST. 4 -AUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 r - Subject;.._..........................................................................................................................................._....r............._ ����� FENGIL N(]. I ................................................_..............................._....................... ............................... July 21OVY 9 Date Presented........................................................191..... r Resolved, Yeas (✓) r F n Mr. reside FORM C. A. 9 In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Margaret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street, under Preliminary Order #24870, approved April 26th, 1919, and Intermediary Order X25591, approved June 26th, 1919.. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted hie report and. sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken fox, the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Margaret Street, White Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue, between the point aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 21st, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. ItC. F. No. 2at68980 a the mter [ —d—i— — .— (✓) Nays Against by the Council JUL....ZI 191...... H! 21. 19! proved........... _............................................... 191..... MAYOR • piny of Ot. Paul OSCwR CLAUSSEN. C—. e.oiN[[K Orpartmeitt of Fafnir Works N..N[ [R[ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E. CAR R0S,L!9... ion ANo neFAin• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY R baFi�SQ ALFRED JACKSON. Suvi.oi W. OOETZINOER, 9uFi'oH M. S. GRYTEAK re ooiN[[n oK• G. H. HERROLD'O 11P.noiue[n -- REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Margaret Street from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue; White Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Yinnehaha Street, and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Yinnehaha Street, under Preliminary Order ;#24870, approved April 26th, 1919, and Intermediary Order !25591, approved June 26th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public {Yorks hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above Amprovement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property., and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Comm ssione blip 1V0ri� Dated % ,a c i y��-. il'�� Gt�.�ie ;7�^„ �-� � .i ��J/'y'�." .<.'� ��Ti'/i /1 /l l//C/i�4 �7✓�. �.��/�L'� .��i3/l� i c •� ct . `�- ..��: BUREAU o .�'N�'f�J. - � _ �. ,r.. -i, -ii�c. .�,��. r: J�-�%ti.•i. s `� .�fJ. , f� .TT. �i�i�f . %/NiY. 47-A S T ERN' H7 - k �t- Itl" OC ! �1 i I N u u v t vj N \ V .y - O y .� H C. c � ¢'' V h V r Ij Ij i Ir?,E 3 k �t- Itl" OC ! �1 i 111.1 /A /.3'977. Ott, tM, ViT !M -1 W Al 0 Z-3 :5 7 7- 7— zj - ---- - - ------ ------- ----- 9 Jo EIC-j H 7---' i. Ile Lrs J5 Ott, tM, ViT !M -1 W Al 0 Z-3 :5 7 - ---- - - ------ ------- ----- EIC-j H 7---' elrY or DEPARTMENT F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of end-mn n'.nd t-ki_a_n-_-eaeement inthe lands ne.,-eaeary__-for-_-_-_ Street from ",hate__. elo es for cuts and fills in radin Mar aret _-.._-- ---- .. Scar Actinue to Ruth Avenue Ph_�__—ite._sear Avenue from Margaret_Street_ *et Stre�i�_to - - - --io Bfinnehaha,.�t.X.aa.t...ansl..FlazPl_A�yn� rrrn r - Mi nn eh ah a Street .------------------- __---_. under Preliminary Order approved{" ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed lot or as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: each parcel ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION __--.__---- — - ---- ----- Ware's Fastern Heights, 175 fl6 2 Robert L. do 425 27 2 150 21 2 do 150 24 2 do 1 do 650 30 II do: 150 31 w II 150 r, 32 2 do 150 d 33 2 do 175 34 2 do 35 2 do 175 -T— _-..-- TOTAL. x=- CITYAYL DEPARTME T OF•�INANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF_ FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ...... DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED :. VALUATION Y 36 2 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Heights'. 145 37 2 do 625 .38 2 to 275 39 J do 1 175 40 2 do 1915. 41 2 do 175 !' 42 2 do X10 43 -. 2 do 44 2 do 175 . .. ........ 45 2 d0 175 1885. 46 2 _ do 47 2 do 175 48 2 d0 175 49 2 do 175 50 2 do 200 26 1 do 1235 27 1 do 200 28 1 do 700 39 1 3o 200 i. 30 1 do 900 31 1 do 200 32 1 do 1800 33 1 do 1200 _ 34 1 do 1200 35 1 do 12, 00 . 36 1 do 200 TOTAL j OAUL DEPARTMITYE OF 6)NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) I� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION VALUATION _(Except East 18.89 feet) 37 1 Robert L. Fares Eastern Heighte.,3y5j East 18.82 feet of 7 1 do 475 38 1 do X39 l 1 do 1100 -,j 40 1 do 200 41 1 � o 150 42 1 do lop 43 1 do 100 - - 44 1 do 100 45 1 do 75 46 1 do 50 47 1 do 50', _ 46 1 do 50 49 1 do 100 50 1 do 125 13 3 do 450 12 3 do 250 11 3 do 200 110 3 do 175 9 3 do 1400 8 do 176 ,I_ 7 3 do 175 6 3 do 3 300 West z of 5 3 do 950 East "a of 5 3 do i - ( 450 4 3 do �I I011rt TOTAL CITY OF L DEPARTMENT F FIIIIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION 1; LOT IaLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION _- �_3 Robert L Ware's Eastern'Heights. 800 • 2 do ;. .300 1 3 do 900 ' 'i d3 i 4 do 2900 12 ! 4 do 300. 11 4 do 300 10 4 do 300 a 4 do 300 8 4 do 500 7 4 i do 100 r .. . 6 4 do -25 5 4 ' do 25 - 4 4 { do 25 '3 i 4 do p 25 12 4 do 25 1 4 do 650 X26 ' 90 175 25 ! 2 do 1450 30 3 G. V. Bacons Addition 100 i 1 3 do 100 30 2 j do 100 1 2 do 350 i0T22—!Robe —dD Ware's Eastern HeightRA00 26 1 do 1225 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together.with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.a.w. s•a C v I i t � Office of the Commissioner of Public W �0q .. Report to Commissioner of Finance Fi 1UN is 1919 June 9th, _ .......................1919.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Colin - 24870 April26th2 191....._9 relative to ............................. cil, known as Council File No ....... ............ .................. approved _.... ._............ I ....... .......... . condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary f..or .alopes...., ....................................... _.... for cuts and .fills...._in.....grading_5t ....Dpargar;et....r,pgt..._f�Cozq....W .hit..e....B.ear.....Ave.nue.. ........................................ to Ruth Avenue, White -Bear Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha St., ............._..._......._......_..........................................................................................................................................................................._...... and Hazel Avenue from Margaret Street to Minnehaha Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. XXX XXX `l. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ........ ....................... _. and the total cost thereof is $................................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................................. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................. ......... Commissioner of Public Works. 'FA b" No 26888—d�dtaariae I�o.`�`� By Aibett Wunc�etllCfi— u /yt An dlnance aat"tikin the 1 C. F. No..... • • Y addltlppn to th@ g+aulat Ordinance No.. / _'add u iRv: atR aDpyyroprlat of 1 Tbpu9anfl N'lt 'L', th•e to meat '!1 i , 25899 An ordinance sr r Le' ^ins, the erer_ cticof an addition to the Galtier. School Building, and appropriating the sum dK„Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred (44,500) Dollars to meet the, cost,;-therof. T:11s is an l� emergency ordinance rendered necessary f::, the preservation of public peace, health and safety. Whereas, the Commissioner of Education has recommended to the Council the erection of an addition to the Galtier School Building, and has reported an estimate of the cost of such improveme.nt,together with sketch, plangraend other data giving in full detail the nature of such improve- ment,,'together with a statement certified by the Comptroller of the funds available in the city treasury for such purpose, which proposed improvement meets with the,,approval of the Council; therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI14T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That the erection of the said addition to the Galtier School Building at a cost not to exceed Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($44,500.00) in the manner provided in and by the City Charter, is here- by approved and authorized. Section 2 That there is hereby appropriated out of the School Bond Fund, the sum of Forty Four Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($44,500.00), or se much thereof as may be necessary to meet the cost of said improvement. Section 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the public peace, health and safety. Section 4 V,is ordinance Shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmenion ApppWa by the Council ; s ..r Clancy S - I 1919 Farnsworth Goss Ka i' �ow U\iJ McColl c if 3 Wunderlich1919 Mr. Prest (Hodgson) J ATTEST, I hereby terrify that the funds mentioned in the foregoing ordina e�� a � isr _._ �-; available as of this date. , Dated July 21, 1919 �74 C omp$roller BY 6 9f r oomatrotf x )•.. NO. 26906– Ordinand4 No sia+ /-dinance granting t6 Fred der doing business as the M r �omDany, Darmieatl to ee •sir i a tank fb tha tools - j ' ) C 2 1 (� An ordinance granting to Fred Messenger, doing business as the Milton Auto Company, permission to establish a gasoline tank in the boulevard in front of 926 Selby avenue. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Fred. Messenger, doing business as the Milton Auto Company, to in- stall and maintain a gasoline tank or gasoline filling station in the boulevard in front of 926 Selby avenue, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is -hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said filling station, upon his compliance with the following con- ditions.: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Publio Works a specification of said station and location, which shall -`' be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The ^said filling station shall be installed under the supervision and direction.of said 006Assioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul, in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on aocount';R or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, opervr ion, use, presence or removal of said tank or station, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said station remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, with surety satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said tank or filling station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. f, �1 (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax 'that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul, (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Att Passed by the Council _ Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Cross Pow t—c, McColl Wunderlich �7 g - Mr. President (Hodgson)/ Approved r ���,� ✓,,►_ 9 JOHN 1. FARICY (Offirr of (pity (11erk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK ., (ftty of t§tttri# t1anI ♦eHT. CITY CLERK July 19th 1919. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The application of the Milton Auto Company, for permit to maintain a gasoline tank at 926 Selby Avenue, was granted by the Council this date, and referred to you for the proper form of ordinance. Please find above application attached herewith. Very truly yours, , c one. CITY CLERK. BOTH PHONES. . FRED WASENGER CEA. A. WALLENTW MILTON AUTO CO. RENTING REPAIRING .� OVERHAULING STORING AND ALL ACCESSORIES ON SALE 926 Selby Avenue Cm. Milro Saint Paul, Minn., 41� 0. s T-9 CITY OF ST. PAUL tt� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER :. �#COUNCIL No. ..�......- ..J4 enc,:■,-t� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE x=7-_ / X it .. ........ ...... .... .. r; AUDITED �. ...... .. ............ ... .. PER.................... .. ] c .1068 TITLE Regolvgd that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the pexepns firms Qr'corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: :. Yeas t, V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council191...... .... ., ..._........... . A roved.. • h - worth - ... favor P ......................_.. .......... .191----'- 8: ._..... ...... .. ..................._._ $ ller .Against r'�NatAY.....os .. a Coll i er xo'�:zssoi- ADetwrnet. ¢^.. ,golved that ary, a be', drawn', _ theClty, Treasury Da9ablo out oft hereinafter specified fundb and 1n.! r of the persons, firma or corpora v for'the amounts set oodoelteSheira l;eetive astaes as, aPec7lfi�ed line task wiu6 detafled.`atatemeut: sl arfcan supply Company' Sl? 78., r Blood & ComPanY 51888. Bks Brothers. Lumber CDmDanY Decker Hardware .61oPam- _ 1 rt { I "urrY. j4 006 00: ` 44 _ 12801 American Supply Company 17s78, rseikeel 12802 fi. L. Blood & Cem'g>ay-•- 18,,82 1 12803 Brooks. Brothers Lumber Company 19r"~0 - Bridge t 12804 Adam Decker Hardware Company 19.54 j12805 Joseph T. Curry 4,000.00 12806 L. I,. Everly, Dir. Research 26.34 _-Ba-keo1a 12807 Goodhousekeeping Institute 681 r ?� 12808 S. 0. Hartwell, Supt. 29.39 12809 Kenney Boiler 8c Mnfg. Company 100.00 273.39 12810 w. J. Miller `-3ciiee3.el. A Aes.'#1068 12811 A. F. Morton, Supt. ;2.86 ®ud-1� um e 12812 Northwestern Electric Equip. Company 74.23 RUbIIU-LrOrezI3v 12813 Pittsburgh Plate G assCompany 104.64 12814 St. Paul Gas Light Company �Sch,oclo- 288.78 12$15 St. Paul Sanitation Company Vis- 152.80 % 12816 St. Paul Suburban Sani-tation Company 210. -setwo2B- 12811 Seabury & Company 24.01 aths 1281$ Sherwin Williams Company 45.34 Sah*utT— v 12819 Villaume Box Lumber Company a 20.00 $ealtk-i�exi th 12820 W. G. Watson 17.00 Fire Anarm Jt, 12821 Albert Wunderlich, Commissioner 33.04 sabAMAO- Tottt---5,650.07 I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ... .......... ......._.LAYIN.G.._WATER. MAlrrs_.'.._........ ............. _........... .-------------- -...... ........_... 25902 / COUNCIL w� FILE IVO ......................:....................... ............................. ........... ... ............................................................................... ...:................ _. _.------------------- Date -----...._.._...._Date Presen4d....... _............. _....... :................ ..... 191....— Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets: In Macalester Ave., from Wensley to Jefferson Ave., C. F. No. 25902—Ey O. E. Keller— Reeolved, That water mxlns be laid In the followlne etreets: g, Avenue, from Wellealey Avenue to Jef- ferson Avenue. j Adopted by the Cnnnetl July 22, 1919. 1 Approved J��ly Z2, 1919. (July 20, 1919) ye..(✓) //u(Uncilmen (✓) Nnys Adopted by the Council_. _._ �. 1�agsworth Gos ........In favor ., /1 r nd ? ' Ke er Approved...._ .__ ... __ .._..__... _191......_. -+, tM nll ......._.. Against w derlieh s- tder ,Irvin _.... ... ._ ................. ....... ...... _a. .... .... ...... .......... DRQ MAYOR asr' •8 6-17 2M ....--- __- — peparhmeahvf Fub11VVh 11hVs BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS Qureaw of Waher OSCAR E.NELLER.Pl-d- 7/21/19. 5.4 WORTH N GOSS GARRETT O MOUSE. G- Supr To the Honorable, THE COU.XIL, CIT -t OF SAhiT PAUL, St. Paul, 111inn. Gentlemen;- Tne 3oard of `Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this date, unanimously adoptdd the followinf; resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets;. Macalester Ave., from Wa lsley to Jefferson Ave., Very truly yours, ~> // Secretary, F.S. • CITY OF ST. PAUL 7 �" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_.................................................................. ................................. .............. ..........._..... ........... . ........ .......... 2596C3p toa No . ...... ........... ............. ........ .........---------- - . w . Date Presented ......duly 2,a.y 19}.9.....191..... That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 36 complete Street Signs and 2 Danger Signs complete, from the Lyle Corrugated Culvert Co., to cost $465.40, without asking for competitive bids, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Forks_ Street Construction & Repair. C. P. No. 25903—Bv M. N. Gosa— Reeolved, That the Purchasing Agent'' be, and he is hereby authorized to pur- n , t of the Comp- hnae, Ith the e h'oller. f, complete street signs and 2 - Danger signs omplete, frem the Lyle Corrugated Calvert Co., to et $465.40,' without asking for eompetitive bide, as these articles are patented and no ad- ntage ld be gal ned thereby. Charge Publle Work. —street Conatruc- tlon and Rspale. Adopted by the Covncll July 22, 1919. Approved July 22, 1919. (July 26, 1919) t Yeas (✓) Conljcilmen (✓) Nays oss---........In favor / Belle _....... Against A. 9 3M .... ---.....191...... Adopted by the Council .......�.-_......... I Approved.........._.....:...... -.._c .:.:;...:..-/.:.:......... 191..... &OUng MAYOR l CITY OF ST. PAUL e-3-1 -3 �1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � 4S i t...................................... ............. ............... ........ .............. ........._..........._..._....._............._COU..................O-U-NCH_ f . 25� I IFILE NO . ..... ............ ............': ....... Date Presented Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a -certain contract dated April 1, 1919, between the Standard Stone Cou;pany and the City of St. Paul for the curbing on Sher- burne Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue be and the safe is hereby extended to the 21st, day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 26904—By M. N. Goss— Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 1, 1919, between the Stand - rd Stone Company and the City of St. Paul for the curbing on Sherburne Ave - e, from Grlees Street to Syndicate !Avon.., be and the same Is hereby ex- tended to the 21st day of July, 1919, and theproper city officers are hereby au- thorized to execute an amendment to said ontrack fn accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect un- �leee the sureties on the contractor's bond-codsent thereto and file Such con- sent In writing with the City Comp- troller. Adopted by the Council July 22, 1919. Approved July 22, 1919. (July 29, 1919) Yeas (✓) Counci men (✓) Nays /Barns orth ' JGoss--.._....In favor ((,Keller J�/ ,Keller ........1✓Against un Mr. P odil l _ -FORM ---- PORM C. A, 9 3M 12-1e Adopted by the Council...._.>:r.,__c-..:.._..............191...... Approved ........._..._...._..:.::....' �:.:._.:_._.�_....._ 191..... ^/ ®e'1 MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., 7 - - -o:?-l- - - - 19/9 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the to be extended to - - _ /� - 2�i- - - - - - - - 19 /�- Owing to it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made a's"hereinbefore stated. Your�sj very trgulpy�io`�h�'� l� (� Contrac o�r.�"' There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the equirernen of this office is APPROVEDSupt, of Cons�tJructtiion & Rep�1, GGa�� - - 4- -, 1". ks. Chief Commissioner of Pub ioEngineer. Council File No .......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and P 25Gr5 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following -15-619 improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.: Avenue to Pascal Aveliue. ........... Z-11 .................. ...... Dated thi....."na /day of J -U -L7 L-U.I,* . ...................... .............. --J*r .; - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Curbing both sides of ....... - Roblyn.Avenue,to Snelling ........... I ..... Avenue to Pascal Avenue. .......................................................................... ......... . ................................... .............. ................................... — ......... — ............................ — ................................. ..................... ........... ............ ...... ........................................ ................. 111 .................. .................. having been presented to the Council of the City A St. P; ul, JP C;', Inrian'. ............................ - ................... .......... - ............ therefore, be it �,'Robly,, RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pu' e"n" Av­f to Pae, �i ordered and direeted: having 'been Proseiited to tb ( 1. To investigate the necessity for or d, A, 0 City Of St- Paul. tb - provement. -01v.d, That the C�ojornj..Ioo. 1, 2. To investigate the nature, extent anct (do Works be and heat- hereby ?.t, and the total coot thereof. lk.21ud•dlreoted Vo,invesuir 3. To furnish a' plan, profile or sketch _tir leStrability OF. the ...... ity J�. the hooking of a, owing other data aa4 tvtlo.t. ..toh. ..t Trovement ................. — ............. 0. of I Of saidt, end ! a to Vvt� ....... ......... ................... ........... ...... 'rFq! to e,satdl3v, ,aa nbn........... . .. . ................. .. . . .. . . ............ I 'd6 three or more owners. To hate whether or not said improvernew i of report upon all of the foregoing mat f F Adopted by the council. .......... ................. . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth na' Go, Approved ............. I ...... .................... 191 Hy d Kel r M 11 Wu derlich ........................... ... ....... M ayor Irvi ij Mayor. Form CA 13 (61A 417) couN �f..._ ........_ y V 25 t�fi u �f• dam, a�. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs anti ey; )onses for constructing a se-.7er on _rcade street, fro;a '.ar;,aret atreet to a point 90 feet 1:orth of ti -ie intersection of the center of :arcade Street and the liort'nerly line of si.cth Street yr-oduced fro=m the ..est. under Preliminary Order _ 24.302, _ Intermediary Order .........24108....__.... _.___................... Final Order _24JO..Q..9_ , approved._.__ __pril 9th._. 191.......9. The assessment of ....._b.enC.f-i.ts,- Gost_s--and ex_Jensos ._ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said. assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. _.....__18.t11._ .......... day of __ l,,, 1.3_'t._.._...__.__., 191........9_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _.__..191 _............... `ti .....::__._._.:..._. _.._.......... _........................... .: City Clerk. Approved....................................... _....... _............. ..................... 191......... _.... __. .._..... ....... -...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss bUlmd:= Clancy Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor buj;ux ltod?son Form B. B. 16 By.............................................t�3 Iy CfrY OF S PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing- and installing an ornaiiental li titin,, system consisting; of 5 lir;ht lamp posts and lamps, .-,ires and Linde r5i°ound conduits for con- veyinG electric current 4icreto and all otlaor necessary appliances and equip -..lent for said syste.a, on Sibley St. from Bonrth St. to :;i;rhth ;" t, under Preliminary Order......iaL5..a5 ....__. __._. , Intermediary Order . _�71�'.0 Final Order ...... 17G6.0..--..-1 approved Jul,-,- 2 Oth _ __ . _._....... ... 191 .._7.. lld C';.W�E:1v�.... ....... for and in connection with The assessment of ...._..}J 5:.11e.fivs,.. _.CO 4S .......... the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the-, ............. 10.t.b_...._.._day of -1 i'uat_.___..._.._.__.., 191......9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. a Adopted by the Council _ __..... 191 1� .......... __...,.:.......__.........._`.::.......:.................. City Clerk. Approved............................... ............... _.......... ......_............... 191..._.... __.... ..._. _......... ......._.._.._...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss xJhaml:x Clancy Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor baRx Hod,^son Form B. B. 16 ---- -- --- ---------------------- CtL CITY OPAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of UC'_1Ci its, costs and (3:._)enses fu. ni.shin and ''- nstallin(° a_. o'rnal:;ental li'htinC; afster.: consisting; of 1 ht J 1% ' o ao_ a'd 1Auer^Jround co.idtu:s rLcs la? eL.ct_,ic crsrent tl.crcto, and allother :.ecessar a^, lzances and eaui.;;,ent "o_ tiid s jsI 0:1 On:'Crsth t. o: h1C ' :=t . to jac -SOY, r � Intermediary Order.._._...�..�`�a.�.._....._...._.._................._...._...., under Preliminary Order ......._ __._..._1:a0"L -- Final Order l 7_-�-......__.... __... __ , approved. 3c- to 11�C:,_10th--._..._. 191..7.... .. ..._.lU.i..'_leS.1:�.5.,.. �.11a.._...�.:1C�.for and in connection with The assessment of Council, and the Council having considered same and the above improvement having been submitted to the found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _. _...1ut11......_..day of ........ ......-1,LUst____-- 191.._x_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council 191, i -.._. City. Clerk. • r� Approved ............._.............._....._.191.__._ .._........._............................. ' c_���e......_........_._.._...... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hxj4ml- (,'lane -j Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor bbytiV: :IO ";"u Form B. B. 16 ........� COUNCIL FILE NO ............... .... .... ` 2E� L , CITY OF ST. PAUL'V Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of I)enef It^, , costs a, -id wvPcnses for cu: bin- a .d bouleva. di_ .ail S,ticct venue to 'morn 14.Q:z0...__ Intermediary Order ..._L2.0'.......__..__..._. under Preliminary Order - Final Order ... ...__ 127 J6approved... C C iU '_.% _t ._....__ _, 191- ......................... . The assessment,. of .. _..be-_101i.ta.., _. C.Q.3.t3... a-nd', .PG -13 e.3...-- -.--__.for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _........ _lgt.h.__,._....day of ........... 1._ _L_,.._. 191....x.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r „ Adopted by the Council .._ _. 19 L__ L Cify i {lerk. .............._-_...,....:............._..._ ..__..........._._............ i Approved.__ .......................... ................ _....... _...................... ...191......... �/?��..... !.............. Mayon Councilman Farnsworth Goss .. :: gJK!Y Clancy Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor JrxinX lIocrza on Form B. B. 16 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.......0.pridetillli.Tl�..an.S ...j"3a{ .I1 ..aI1...@&S• m-�n-t<---1.D.._tYl --- ?li?----[l C4r.9.sAry f.or...slope.s.,.-.fnr....c.ut.s.._�:...f.i.��hlley-._in..-dock-_5 ...... ncierwood! s Third Addition from a point 120 feet east of Kenneth Avenue to Prior - -... ----- ---- ------- --- ------- .................................--- Avenue. ---------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ---....2.42.7..5..........., approved.1eb.--_201--_191pintermediary Order....._'4761--_--- approveda -�Pri1 141 -1919. 4 vTao 1ainr u". T {.i�iu-.q"- ..- _�t, A public hearing having been had for the above improvement, and the awj therefor, and the Council having duly cc Resolved, That the taking and c - identified by the signatures of the Mayox to the owners of such lands respectively roll, be and the same is hereby in all res] Resolved further, that the said as and the same is hereby ordered to be s' tion of the lands or easements therein, also upon the assessment of benefits mrc; it in the annexed assessment roll, -eof, and the awards of damages as set forth in said assessment As is hereby in all respects ratified, confirmation. Be it further Resolved, that the sai is ro' ti`be af- . s q Eereby determined to be. payable in t tlolve•� Ya; , .................equal installments as to ea= b int land desefibed therein. Adopted by the Council. .............. :-...r:............. .............................. , 191 --------------------------T.... City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------- ----------------------- 191.... or. Councilman sworth P—Councilman ss uncilman Couneller `J y Councilman eColl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS r In the matter of..con3emnirih..a;?d__.t. _f.in�..an--easement__in---t�}g...laild..-n�.�,�-�dzy for --elopes ...... or-- c utsanafills in diE.lein,_Blcct ............... y ._5,,,. iTnderwogd! s Third-_Addit_ion__froT.-.a_-_poigt..-120.. Peet-_-east.-_-of...I�enreth_-gvelluetp._prl Avenue. under Preliminary Order....... 427.5....._.., approvedFOt.-.20...... 1,91. Intermediary Order........247.6.1,...., approved APni.1...14x..191.9.r.... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. COUNC J --- -------------------- .. b5'�-t_ 1 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......._Grade-. all eyc--.in.. Bl ookll---Mexxiam--Park..-Saco.nd - ............... Add t-i.on.. ............. ........... .................. under Preliminary Order .............. 2419.0 approved ............. Pri1--z4+ ---- 9.,9 ........................... IntermediaryOrder .................................... ------------------------- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by We "said City is,G-ade...aadwpaz!e-..alley....in-..Black ..11 .................... Merriam r ------Merr .Pa k_Ze-cAndt;a tion::-.................................................- --- - ........................ Id ey c� 24k�1Y 4 S ........................ .....-........... :_............. ... ._- tubl. .... .. .. ..... ..... ..........................................................a Lary le Grade --- 756 ---------.. . .... -*---- --- : Me�ria.ui^ ... Nr $e-rlo 4' -" and the Council hereby orders ;�,; v�roe cduunnf, y 7 ..:�? made. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th' r la 6'G "loof Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and §lN giiw 10- '1br;mid improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said appfoval, the proper, city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvpmeni in accordance there Adopted by the Council.....__.._lLw...K'. 'i. 191-..... ,, is ---------------- ------. .- ............. ity erk. Approved ................ ..:.:............ 191_.-.... ............ ...... .... ----------- --- — -- .... Leting yor. 'I F th nc4 man arnswor Councilman Goss GetimeHmmT'Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl r•••daei'a`av xx7 rt .�'ais A4aYoa"Fled�'efi"' Form B. S. A. 8.7 CIT OST. PAUL i /] • DEPAFfT T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIFISSION R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OPER a�>, 1 In the Matter of ---------Grade and -ave -alley- in Block 11---Merriaal_ Park _................ - ....... _-_-_-----_-___— Second Addition. _------ ------. under Preliminary Order approved ------ ------------------ ---- ---- ------------ .------------------ ------------------ --- --- ------- ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: GG�1 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— /-C/.-�- ryry J_ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $– The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Merriam Park Second Addition to the City of 1 11 St. Paul, Minn. 6600 2 11 do 1500 3 11 do 7000 4 11 do 6250 4700 5 11 do 6 11 do 1500 7 11 do 3750 8 11 do 5500 9 11 do 3100 FORK e.n.A. a -e w TOTAL. - 39900 _ - I CITY �r ST. PAUL DEPARTj�I9-* OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OFIDER t • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 39900 Merriam Park S%ond Add. to the City of StPaul, 2650 10 11 Minn. 11 11 do 11300 12 11 do 6250 13 11 do 5350 14 11 do 4450 15 11 do 4750 16 11 do 4950 �7 .11 do 5350 16 11 do 5250 19 11 do 4600 20 11 do 3600 Total -9.600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ . - - -��- �//�4- !G --- -_ ----- Commissioner of Finance. ronK e.e.w. e•a ry gyp, office of the Commissioner ,of Public E RNgvtNs g7,a` Fp� O 9= =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance 39$-4 'ss . JUN 2 1919 May 27th, 1919 191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No 24'796 approved..._gpril 24th . ........ ............ 191 relative to.............................. grading and paving. alley .in Block ll, Merriam Pack. Second ............................... Addition................ _.............._............ ................. _....................... .............................................. ........................ ...................................... ......... ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. L. The estimated cost thereof is$_...._$...... and the total east thereof is $........_x7Cx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ....... ........ .......... ......_.............. ......... .......... ............ .......... .......... ........................._.................................................................................................................................._................. 5. Said improvement is.. ................................. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ................................ ........... ...... ..... -....... Cmnmissio er of Public orks. St. Paul, Minn .. ..................... To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Aa Gentlemen: &WIL Wt , th�; unlersigned property owners, hereby pe yoi4 Honorable to owase the following improvement to be made: .............. St. Ave. ..... ............ from.........................St. Ave. to .......................... .............. I ...... St. Ave. LIII Orr ............... ......... . ........ j-'!; AU (jiLjjGjNEEqq odcAR cuuaaEN, c oIN.lR J. CARROLL'9uPYH,6p' wu ............ .....lwlN. ALPR bu JAGItSON, 9uPY. T H. G-INGER, s"'. N M. 9. ORYTEAK,�ENo N...ION. G. H. HlRROLO!O..De. lNOIN.e. Mug of St. ramd Ocpartment of Vubltr Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minne rota. May 21, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading and paving alley in Block 11 Merriam Park Second Addition, in accordance with Council File No. 24796, approved April 24, 1919: en th 499.8 feet. Width Str. 20 ft. Front 1,000 ft. g Rwy. 20 ft. Pay.Ar6a 1,083 Sq.Yds. Kind of Paving. Total T o t a l Cost per per Sq.Yd. Estimate Fnt.Ft. 3j in.Creosoted Block.... $4.71 $5,100.93 $5.10 Brick .. ................. 4.11 4,451.13 4.45 Asphalt .................. 3.61 3,909.63 3.91 Asphalt Concrete......... 2.91 3.151.53 3.15 Concrete ................. 2.71 3,934.93 2.93 Yours very truly, WE34C Chief Engineer. IM In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 11, Merriam Park Second Addition, under Preliminary Order 424797, approved April 24th, 1919, and Intermediary Order 025530, approved June 20th, 1919. -The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Block 11, Merriam Park Second Addition, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public WorkB in the matter dated Julyy gQnd,1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. FORM C- A. 9 3M 12.18' F. xo.`2 918 -Hy_. -4& T —roleeloner of Public Worke hm ltted his reportand sketch ,ove m,1,r, be 11 ed. That the City of. St. Paul nereo{. Adopted by the 2 1919t July 22 1818. Approved (Jul 22 1818. - Nays (July 2s, 1s1s) ��,� n1y I";9 by the Council .. ... 191...... ........__.191..... Approved................:...._...cX.:_......�.:_.. ..__....._.In favor c.Kfa .... .... Against ... ............. g MAYOR OSCAR CLAUSSlN. CNI[F CNolx[[x J. 1. CARROLL, �9u� Ix[[Ra ALFRlO JACHSON. Supi ciloN wx0 R[Fwlnf pent of awxli�.ilOx H. W. d0lTZINOlR, SUFI. M. GRYTBAR rlNORiN[[Rloxa e. H. HeRpOLO!O� Ice F.x OIH[[p (IIttu of $t. Paul Department of Fuhhr Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY - REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an eaereent in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Alley in Block 11, P&erriam Park Second Addition, under Preliminary Order 124797, approved April 24, 1919, and Intermediary Order x#25530, approved June 20th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the cuts to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 7 Dated Commissioner is Works. DEPAR F PRJANCE REPORT OF CO TONER OF FINANCE ON PRIELYMNARY ORDER �l In the Matte .of Qondemnina and taking an easement in the land neoessar�__^ for slopes for outs and fille in grading alley in Blook 11 Merriam Park Seoond Addition. _-- under Preliminary Order approved --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: To The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $�— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK'' ADD 1 T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION Merriam Park Seoond Addition to the City 1 11 of St. Paul, Minn. 6600 2 11 do 1500 3 11 do 7000 4 11 do 6250 5 11. do 4700 6 11. do 1500 d 7 11 do i 3750 TOTAL. 31300 •ORM M.S.A. e -e w �! .�.- CITY OR ST. PA _ - DEPARTMENT JkA ANCE REPORT OF COMIWJONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI ARY ORDER i —� �! "---- _-- -- DESCRIPTION , LOT BLOCK] ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 31300 Merriam Park 2nd Addition to the city of St -Paul, :Sinn. -5500. 9!11, do 3100. to 11 do 2850 11; 11 do 11300 ii 12 11 do 6250. . j13 li do 5350 14 �, 11 do 4450 15 11 i do 4750. —- i. 16 11 I do 4950 �7 11 do 5350 -I ii 18 11 '. do 5250. _ !� 19 11 do 4600. . 20.11 do 3800 r ij n ----------------- Total , 95800 s The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --- -- �C----191-- Dated-�- -.....................---- - - Finance. Commissioner of . MRM O.S.A. a -a c - r � P 25-16313 COUNCIL r p� ..� %.moi & Gly% %.- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... Ganwtruati-ng- sewer ---4n-o."eela-•-Avenue---f-rom r-nel1-12W............. Av.on e...to...Parr:A-1...Avenua-----------.........._. ...- under Preliminary Orde 4997 -- ........................... approved .......... Y.... 6.�.._9.9..................................... approved ...... --------------- Intermediary Order ............................. .................................PP -- - -- ---- - -- ----------...--- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and.having fully consid ered the same; therefore, be it,_ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..Cah9trUct.-..$.Qw4>'.-.fITJ...Q.9CStD1a---Avenue.................. from Snelling..Av enue to Pascal...A .enue.---- ....-- ................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said - RESOLVED FURTHER, That I and directed to prepare plans and sp cil for approval; that upon said alp. to proceed withfth`e making of t� Adopted by the Council..' -.._r__ M Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss C Councilman Heller Councilman McColl T,r _ 1-rnae—" Form B. S. A. 8-7 > . rn,tHe Works be and is hereby instructed ,.: iprovement, and submit same to the Coun- officials are hereby authorized and directed � P 25-16313 COUNCIL r p� ..� %.moi & Gly% %.- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of .... Ganwtruati-ng- sewer ---4n-o."eela-•-Avenue---f-rom r-nel1-12W............. Av.on e...to...Parr:A-1...Avenua-----------.........._. ...- under Preliminary Orde 4997 -- ........................... approved .......... Y.... 6.�.._9.9..................................... approved ...... --------------- Intermediary Order ............................. .................................PP -- - -- ---- - -- ----------...--- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and.having fully consid ered the same; therefore, be it,_ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..Cah9trUct.-..$.Qw4>'.-.fITJ...Q.9CStD1a---Avenue.................. from Snelling..Av enue to Pascal...A .enue.---- ....-- ................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said - RESOLVED FURTHER, That I and directed to prepare plans and sp cil for approval; that upon said alp. to proceed withfth`e making of t� Adopted by the Council..' -.._r__ M Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss C Councilman Heller Councilman McColl T,r _ 1-rnae—" Form B. S. A. 8-7 > . rn,tHe Works be and is hereby instructed ,.: iprovement, and submit same to the Coun- officials are hereby authorized and directed CITY OF ST. PAUL V7 DEP; T OF FINANCE v OREPORT OF COM T ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ;• T n e F cti. e 1 i ., In the Matter of under Preliminary Order approved+------- "-------"""""""' "-""-- —'" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: O Z� The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ y The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION i 17 r: -3 J.N.Rogere'Addition. 675 18 3 do 400 19 3 do 400 20 3 do 400 '; 400 21 3 do l� 22 3 do 400 ' 23 3 '; do 400 IIII 24 3 do 400 II 25 3 ! do t 400 TOTAL3975, IST. PAUL DEPAF T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO� SIONER OF FINANCE ON FRELHAINAIRY ORDER I iBLO� ADDITION VALUATION Ij p9SCRIPTIONLOT (brought forward) 3875_ Except E. 89 feet, 27 & 26 3 J.N. Rogers_' Addition. East. 86._ft.of__26,27 & 29' 3 1 do 1400. West _ 1/3 of 16, 17 &. _ 18. 4 do 700 i o... Middle 1/3 of _16, 17 & _ 1S :_ .4 J . do East 1/3 of 16, 17 & la: 4 do 550 19: 4 do 525 20: 4 j do 525 ,i 211 4 i do 525 22' 4 do 525 23 i 4 do 525 .241 4 do 525. � 5 Osoeola Pascal Addition. —575,- -- _ 5.75 do 575 ii 2 _ do do EX.Sargent & Osoeola Ave. 9 Reserve Garden Lots _ 13100 w _ _ Ex. Sargent. Saratoga & QsoeQla 10 ', do '13100. _ 15 ' , Walton s' Sunny-_SIARe., 575' li 14 '. 1 St. Paul, Minn. do -- 525. 131 do X525 I 12:1; _ do 525. _-do_ _ _ 525.. . _ 10 i. I_ do525... _ - -9 .1. 1 -do 525> . Ii g 1 do 525 TOTAL, G PST. PAUL DEPAR' T OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO KSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRET-1014AetY ORDER LOT BLOCK'ADDITION i DESCRIPTION (brought forward) 7 j 1 Waltona' Sunny Slope, St.Paul, Minn. 6 'i 1 do 5 1 do 4 1 do 3 1 do 2 do do --------- Total. 50050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .... ........ -........ --- - Commissioner of Finance. FOAM ..S.A. 0.0 C - Mug of £et. Paul OSCAR c4ius8¢M, cni.r -011-1Departwcut of f uhltr Marks u LoVR.M¢ana M. N. GOSS. CO6IMISSIONER .1.. ' J. e. GRRO. .0 nano o coR.TnucT ioR wwo n.rwi.a R. T. GOURLEY, D¢PBTY ALrR¢D.IACKSON, Suri. M. 9. ORYiBAR, O. M. M¢RROLD, St. Paul, Minnesota. may 12, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing a sewer on Osceola Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, in accord- ance with Council File #24997, approved May 6, 1919: Approximate estimate....... 04495.00 Cost per front foot........ 2.05 Excess inspection necessary, 150.00 Assessable frontage........ 3166 -feet. Yours very truly, SO ggS/C Chief Engineer. www By_!•• FINAL ORDER Inthe Matter of-_ ................ - ----------------------------- ---- - --------------------------------- raaying and.repairing e4ment ti] *14malke &t itht- app d 114Y_A.1919k .............................................. under Pr­el�-ary Order. .................. rove Intermediary Order...-_--------_------- ........................ . ........ ... ved .............. ............. --------------------------- ------ A public hearing having been had . . . . . rovement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections 4 relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of tl q t the precise nature, extent and kind of prqvement to be made by the-slau ­­­­ -­----­- 7- - - - - - - ---------- Y ................. ............................................. kM . .................................. ................................................... and the Council hereby orders said impr 4ment tae made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and. directed to proceed with the making of said improvement provement in accordaneme therel 'JUL 22 IN9 Adopted by the Council......--- ........... . ............... 191 Cc�V, ............................ .... .. .... ................... ............ City lerk. 2") 1,9 Approved------. --- ......... ............................... 191 .................. ....... .... .. . . . . . . . --- ...... ... ......... .. ... Councilm.,�F, rnsworth j�,q Mayor Councilman ss CouncilmadVelIer Councilman McColl Form B. S. A. 8.7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �( REPORT OF COM S1C*%HR OF FINANCE (\° ON PRE ORDER In the Matter of , and-tC�e 1�[8-ftt-t�Ie followin�r locations• BB. er Sti+aet grn�airi_o.,Tgii 4wwt v¢ 7uaoinnina loll faai --_. east of Charlton Street, thence east 18 feet. Strvlrer Avenue-, went nide- hgginuipg thence South 12 feet. Paoific...Straat.,.-..south-..side-r- nix -Seat -W444, from CYPrQ8 thence west 300 feet and from 40 feet East Of Earl Steet, thence - - - - --- - east &O. meet.. ---------- Cypress Street, east side, six feet wide, from Rastigs Ave.thenoe _ ---- __north.-_tq lleyy-.._approx mately 2 fit, a^d from Conus Strset _--- thence South 1� feet and from ,feet farther south thence south 44 feet Hutson Avenue_, south side six feet wide, beginning 40 feet East of Maria Avenue thence east 22 feet. under Preliminary Order approved —tiny- 3-r4i-,-191.- ------------'"---------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pertfdbt for the above improvement is - - $ n 7 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: � ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK; ADDITION VALUATION Baker inniSt.So th side 6 ft.wid,13 15i Nelson Stevens Kings Add.' 950 �I beg ng 1 ft. E. of jl Charlton St.thence E.19 ft.. Stzyker Ave.West Side begin.; 12, 46 ft.So.of Page St.thenoe South 12 feet. Pacific St.So.Side 6 ft.wid 11,from Cypress St.thence W-30�, ft. & from 40 ft. E.of Farl St. thence East 80 ft.' (west of Cypress) 2; 3! LL'. MRM ..S.A.... A Smiths Martins Rearrange 150 men . 61 McLean's Reservation 33825 6, do 6j do 6' Kendricks Rearrangement 400 TOTAL. 35325 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIIWSIQN9R OF FINANCE ON PREL RY ORDER D CSCR I PTION LOT,'IBLOCKI ADDITION a� i r (brought forward) 5' 61 gendrioks Rearrangement 61 6' do (East of FArl St.) 14j 81 Drakes Rearrangement 13 8 do Cypress St. East side 6 ft.', 16! 71! Soottens Subdivision wide from Hastings Ave.then0a No. to alley approx.126 ft.& from Conway St. thence south 16 ft. & from 68 ft. fartheV south 44 ft. Hastings North. .- (Conway St. South) 15; 79; Stinsons Subdivision Hudson Ave. So.Side 6 ft. 15, 57 Willius Sub.of Block 57,:< aide beg. 40 ft. of Maria Ave. Lyman Deytons Addition. thence East 22 feet. j ii 'I ASSESSED VALUATION Ili I 353:25 3000, 2400 2700 8950 2950 . 61.25 . Total. 61850. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. i Dated--- -- ----- Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.s.A. 5-$ C _ _.. is _ : 4-4 r S Tell ._ - - b 1 I r' 1,4 qOUNC........................... u'o .......................................... FINAL ORDER 251A5 -e-et tram.-Geoxge Stre-et-etAnnapolis In the Matter of ........... PA-Ving Ohio...Str ..................... 5t.reeJ4...A.n!4RdA.n9 s. e-weT n.tAr-Azid gwe q.Qnn&0.tA.QJ1a from-alnegit'. .... .. .. .. . .. . .. ..... mains t wh.e.r.e-n.q.t--- ..... . ... .. ................................... .... and d.r.i.mMy Aypr.o&dkLeij whar.e.-neaftas &TY. ..................... %1zo.-=.bAir4 N.. ................. .............................. .................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... under Preliminary Ordel2Ag......... approved-----...... ......... ..... - -------------.. - ......... Intermediary Order ................ ........................... ........... approvecL. ............ . 9 the Council Apublic hearing having been had upon the above unpro ba:vinglheard all persons, objections and recommendations r , felly consid 'ered thesame; therefore, he it RESOLVED By the Council of the City of St. Paul that e p t and kind ofimprovement to be made by the said City is PALVeJW,. ...Street to, . ...................... An?luqlA@ AtKeAtp q.q AtIms from street mains to property lines complete, wh .6 .... .e.r.e no t #!A:A§�4y .................. ............. ........................................................ : ................................. . ..... .. .. ..... .. .. .. . ........... o. curbIng-and-all-ey and dr.1Y.e.Way..&ppT.0&2hB.& where ... ............. ............ :7 .................................................. .......... and the gbundVhereb orders 'vement d imp F HER, at the and ct to pr are pl s and s sp tion4or8' or a rov ; at u n said a rova 1, proper p d ' the g of id impzmentfi Adopted by the Counl;p, ------- ---- ----- Approved... .......... C6unciman I Farnsworth ................................... . ............ ....... ............... . be ma r of lic W rks be dis cry' trued dd i prov nt, an s . e the - ty offic' are r y th . an a ed i actor nee the e Hh. city �- .................... ... ......... ........ 1 mayor. I -Ir EIPUSBED —P40; -71 'Councilplan Goss Council nail Clancy V4 0 VN- Coun6i i Beller� , CHW Councilman McColl Councilmdn'Wumdeffiffi- 0 -Mayor Hodgson i" Form B. A. 8-7 1 mayor. I -Ir EIPUSBED —P40; -71 nc Tj TT n.. 117' o.-'en•iamn n`^c 2 l� yam_ Te the Counoil of the ^itv of Ct.Taul t e+. i Gentleren: r Te, the uniersi nel T,rcperty aavner tt. on Ohio street from Geor e street to annas street and subject to an asseejc^ert for benefits, are strerueualy cppcaed to the pavi :r, of seid ^hic street o,3treen the points afcrese.id as proposed by ?relicTirary Order 25032, approved _.ay 12, T, )T mT,n^.n A7rT7Tn,. Al > Ir FA if I D ( �a�r-ruuy $��v�c.. ; .�� ..i�itaLvsl- . 3/.Z • %% ti`w�ZoK : f .t `ri 17 3 3Gz7 16-0 / - - �s a a/� Em M� i 'fY97'- If Acc e,, n^TT e 0 a ��County cf ?ar aev, 1 29. - being first duly scorn on oath disposes and sa.ye that he is one of the aJove siders, and he has read sarce, and that the me 2cntaine3 ther=eon are true ani-=r.e,t tc/&14 be st kr.C" e iZe _-T3 Cubseribe9. e.r.d s:k(crn ._fere roe ccf'- 1S1�• U .0coary Pucli,- "y Co^mi asicn expires PETITIONN OF REMONSTRANCE .. so TO the Council of the City of St - Paul - Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners abutting on Ohio street from George street to Annapolis street and subject to an assess- ment for benefits, are strenuously opposed to the paving of said Ohio street between the points aforesaid as proposed by Preliminary Order 250320 approved 1Nay 12, 1919, LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAVX RESIDENCE FRONTAGE , , a!�ow4r a 0 t !r�'b `., gi1 A i� � • . 3 `t . .....a. ... j/' -� .... .............1:.. .l. �. ... !........./. .. gam/ • �. /q� /1 ` p/,� /� ZOO. j# �5 'i �. .�� . • . • d.�A+".'f �dJ 4 4....i�..*i,. 7r S:i`..4e�.:'. L,r/�/�' d 1 . A L. � ....��........ - . - AFFAV4vIT �- STATE OF MINNESOTA, - X. C f ams,) ,••.. ....being first duly sworn on oath disposes�_nd 23 that .. is one of the above signers and ...Jhe has reads rle, a that the state ents contained thereon rQe and norr ct to best knowitdge and belielg. Subscribed and sworn befoire we this day of , • •.1919,. Notary Publi0 ��}�� R�1 commission expiree.�?N"Y 4. 4f I a �~ , ,rye - � Ct 4. 4f I a PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE t To the Council of the City of St.Paul. Gentlemen; We, the undersikxed property owners abutting on Ohio street from George street to Annapolis street and subject to.an assess - went for benefits, are strenuously opposed to the paving of said Ohio street between the points aforesaid as proposed by Preliminary Order 25032, approved May 12, 1919. IAT BLOCK ADDITIONf AriE r RESIDENCE FROiiT&GE z' . �b:. ......... ........ �..IFLG ...... / ....... ..J.O � • • •_°�#.�� • . • . • • • 7.. • ... • . • it'L l�fiai� • • .... (�...... • • �i .K Jai � � • • • ✓ .................. �'� ���%8'`• 7 � i . ..d . � • moi • PI 310 MW t. J�. �D. ✓ .. � ......... � ams- . a,�. .c�a ..... .................. ......... ............... ...... Al+k ADA V I T STATE OF MIANESOTA, ) ss. rthatt R`�y•) , ::i.....being. first duly sworn on oath disposes fl he>ne of the above signer and he ha§ reada •g:he 'tat ants contained thereon jrug end Correct o best knowledge and belled. ll/.. .......... Subscribed and sworn before me this /� .— ."day of ......1919. t 1ty Commission expires i To the Council of the City of 1A.PUU1. Gentlemen; 'fie, the undersikpod property owners abuttinL on Ohio street from George street to nMWPolis street and subject to an assess - meet for benefits, are strenuously opdosed to the proving of said Ohio street between the points aforesaid a4 pruposed by Preliminary order 250310, approveu >ay 1G, 1919. LOT [xJ.OGx: ;d a I'A Iut+ ... ;. 7L .... .. . . ... .fer � 6� �0� ..... • • . ... ... .................. ............ ................ ...... ... ..... .................. .. .............. ............... ...... ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ...... ... ..... .................. ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ...... ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ....... ... .... .................. .. .......... ............... ...... ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ...... ... ...... .................. .............. ............... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ...... i.54 IT Coun of L'ar7sey, ) , ��....beint; first duU sworn on oath disyorses and eaye that ... he it one of the above sidaers, "I'd ... he has read ov.9p and that tree btaterente eontufined Utcreon ar�rue and. eorMeat to �A. beet ;=w.L ete and belief . T.ubseribed afte, sworn before A0 this ...... o M• �• .. •p• •�18�19. �No �ubilo ,y Commission To the Council Of the City Of "ti.PKal. Gentlem-ent rye, the uneeralLned property owners abuttirlL On Ohio street from Ggor&s street to ..,at polis street snd subject to an assess - intuit for benefOti , are stranuouely opposed to the IMVLYV, of said Ohio street botVeen the points at'Oi6&,tL1d us b;!, preliminary Order 25032, apprOVW !a&J 12, 1919. LOT BIsfiU A i T c�.i 7+`.� . RM M* Vl C,s': lei lip. .:. Cho .Y. .:R .. .................. • iJ `, LT,�'�; JPO ... ..... .................. .. ...... ................ .............. ............... ....... ... ... .................. .............. ............... ....., ..... .................. ............ ............... ...... ............... ................ ...... ... ..... .................. .............. ............... ...... DAVIT *STATE OF YIN %:..OTA as. County .. ll�; :..�. ; ;�/• �• •,�; ....... beim, first Maly' swam on mth disposes and. says that ... he iC one of tine above slLnerap and ... he. s rea tame, still tk t tine It"Les,ente contained 'thereon are to best knowledge and belief. , • • . + ...... • • • Subscribed and sworn before mor this . ?. �...d►� of�« .........I...1619. ��ry : ubiic :'y to,-missLon expires/. PFTITTn" nr nrWIa*amnA" Cr To the Ceun,P il of the City of t.aul. Centlemen: ,"e, the undersitned property owners -abutting on Ohio street from George etr^ot to Annapolis street and subiect to an assessrr.ent for here"its, are stranuoucly oppose: tc the caving; of said Ohio street between the points aforesaid as ,rcposel by Preliminary Order 25032, approved "ay 12, 1813. r Ft.rnnn ArrTT1na. orc7r--.-^r ro a.mA 7r 70 .�.9 -moo-- O��e' ur -Pd / J 14 - 77 � %f a , � Y,�; 1-1/Y 941 11 iL/D6 T,- 5 J 5 fF AFFAPA.17IT � oTATr nr Ircn T " '"*^ am � S.S. r .: _ Co my of F�msey, being first duly s orr. on oath disposes and says that he is one of the a.cve signers, and he has read sar,.a, ar_d that the at=terrente contained thereon are true and ocrreot to best Lnorledge and belief. .ubscribed and sworn before me t 3 f- 1819. Y —PIC Ay commission expires _+ 1 St. Paul, J°inn. , April .15th ............ 1919.. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: '4e, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follorirg improvement to be made: ........................................I ........paving.Ohlo......................................... Ave. from .........George.......... St. Ave. to ..Annapolis ............... St. Ave. 17.. ....-KnisPala. sub.-divisdon.... a /`y... „ _ In n a 7� .. � ....... . `� . ... ....�x,...- kms. ..:' ....... Yp �....................... ..............yy...................................... ......; ............... .. ....Y.......................... -n ......... ................. ...... MAY 131419 ...................• T'?? OSCAR CLAUSSEN, c aINmR 1. CARROu,'Sv.rN[.R[ AL NSONo 9a —1. wuo R[rwiR• H. W, GOCTLINGCR, 9N.i.oN OAYTA..1...... uN. O.N. HERROLO•Or.De[ ENGIN [EN t. I (a ttg of St. Paul Department sf pulhllr Earks M. N.GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. May 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commiesioner.of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving Ohio Street from George Street to Annapolis Street, including sewer,water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete,where not alreaAy installed, also,ourbing and alley and driveway approaches where neoes- sexy; in accordance with Council File #25032, approved May 12, 1919: Street 60 ft. Front 5958 feQt. Length 3536 ft. Width Roadwy 30 ft. Pay.area 12,797 Sq.Yde. Where not in add $60.00 for sewer connection, and $32.00 for water connection to each lot. Add 650 for cement or $1.30 for stone curb, where necessary. Kind of Paving: Total Total Cost pr. Pr.Sci.Yd. Estimtte Front Ft. Brick, $3.98 650,53a.00 $8.54 Brick laid flat, 3.75 47,989.00 8.05 Brick Laid Flat on grades; Asphalt on other portion. George to 851 South of Stevens 4% .......... Brick to Kin 2% .......... Asphalt Con. to 190 North of Page 3.4%........ it " to Sydney 1.5%........ " " to 901 North of Winona 5% .........Brick to Annapolis.... 1% .......... Asphalt Con. 8888 Sq.Yds.Asphalt Concrete ® $2.75....... $24,442.00 3909 " " Brick Laid Flat q $4.00........ 15 636.00 T tal....... 40,078.00 Per Front Foot.... $6.7 Before the street is paved, the existing sewers from George Street to Baker Street, and from Sydney Street to Annapolis Street should be enlarged. The Preliminary Order for sewer should also include a new outlet not yet determined. Yours very truly, (X , zC1 WES/C Chief Engineer a DEPARTNf I`AtSCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Pave Ohio _sS reed frsm_ra w6v, wate;- and gas mains to property l tnr a complete�_whape net _installed, --_also _ curbing- atld__aa and driveway apnrnanhes under Preliminary Order approved ------ –''– ----- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— Y The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION No. 25 7/12 ft.of 1 10 Dawson's Addition' to 3600 i St.Paul. So.25 5/12 feet of 1 10. do 7300 I 2 10, do i it 3 10' do 1700. i I 16 10', do 14001 15 l0l do 2050' I G I, 4 10! do 1900 5 10, do 4075 6 10; do 7 10' TOTAL. -- 23875 T' (B) (brought forward) 23875 Dawsdn's Addition to 8 10, St. Paul. 1350 1 11' do 2350 2 11 do 2750 3 11 do 2950 16 .11 do 1100 15 11 do 1100 4 11 do 1650 5 11 do 1650 6 11 do 2100 7 11 do 2600 8 11 do 1900 1 14 do 2250 2 14 do 2200 3 14 do 2250 16 14. do 1600 15 14 do 1800 4 14 . do 550 5 14 do 550 6 1 14 do 600 7 14. do 2600 8 14 do 2550 1 15 do 3275 2 15 do 1725 3 15 . do 1525 16 15. do 3100 . 15 15 do 3100 TOTAL. 75050 CITY OF! REPORT OF COMMIS f4kR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DiSCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 75050 Dawson's Addition to 525 5 15 do 525 6 15 do 550 7 15. do 150 8 15 do 175 1 17 do 3100 500 2 17 do 3 17, do 8510 .16 17. do 1800 4 17 do 2600 5 17, do 3200 6 17 do 3750 7 17 do 350 8 17 do 3850 4 9, do 1225 5 9, do 1425 6 9 do 1800 do 1850 East 5zfeet of 8 do Except East 5 feet of 8 do 1325 5300 1425 1375 CITY Or st. UL DEPARTIONT INANCE REPORT OF COMMIS okR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 114425 16. 9 Dawson's Addition to St. Paul 1525 15; 9 do 1750 14 9t do 550 G_ 4,12 ! do 575 5.12 do 775 6 12 do 3125 it c 7 12 do 1900 p East 5 feet of 8 12 do j Except East 5 ft. 8 12 do 450 i� { 9 12 do 2050 1 .12 do 2050 2 .12 do 1575 j: 3 .12 do 1775 l 16 12 do 500 Ii East 1/2 of 15 .12do 1450 fy west 1/2 of 15 12 do 1450 _ j14 12 do 500 4 13do 575 5 13 do 5n 6 .13 do 625 q 7 ..13 do 2425 _. I' i 8 .13 do 1375 U 9 ,13 do 2825 1 13 do 625 2.13 do- 57b i TOTAL. 145450 CITY OF ST. UL DEPARTIKVI FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS I4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKS ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 145450 Dawson's Addition to 3.13 St. Paul. 1175 16 13 do 2025 15 13 do 4025 14 13 do 2525 4 16 do 1500 5 16 do 10050 6 16 . do So. 2 feet of 7 16 do 25 Except South 2 ft. 7 16 do 2250 II East 2 feet of 8 _ 16 do {; Except East 2 feet 8 16 do 2300 9 '16 do 2225 .l 1 16 do 1600 2 16 do 1425 i {I 3 _ 16 do 2525 41 16 16: do 1800 it 15 16 do 300 14 16 : do 300 1 Knispels' Subdivision 3850 --i 2 do 2600 3 do 425 1� 4 do 425 t 5 do 2675 14 do 350 . I 15 do 350 It . _ ...._.. TOTAL, 192075 CITYOF UL - - " - DEPARTi4 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIIQER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DHSCRIPTION - LOT LBLoeK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 192075 16; &nispels' Subdivision 26.50 . 17 do 325 -iI 18, do 325 19. do 325, 8. Sydney St.Add.to St -Paul 425 Minn. 7 do 425 6. do 2675 ;. 5. 30 2675 _. 4 • do 425 d 9 do 475 _ 10 do 328 p 12 do 300 Sweeney's Addition to 1. 2 West St. Paul 275 2. 2 do 150 II' i; East 30 feet of 3. 2 do 750 West 1/2 of 4 2 do -r j Except East 30 ft. 3 2 do 25 East 1/2 of 4. 2 do 690 7 6 do 300 M 8; 6 do 200 E.7 do 2.00, h it 8 7 do 250 it 3 1 do 225 4 1 do 225 5, 1 do 325 TOTAL. 207040 - CITY OF ST. UL + DEPART T FINANCE OILIER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS .. ON PRELIMINAPY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK; ADDITION VALUATION (brought forward) 207040 Sweeney's Addition to a 6 1 West St. Paul. 225 7 1 do 225 8 1 do 275 - 5 5 do 1200 � 6 5 do 225 7- 5 do 300 8 5 do 1725 _ j 9 5 do 650 10 5 do 1225 . 4 I1 5 8 do 1225 6 8do 1150 7 8 do 225 6 8 do 1650. 9 8 do 225 . 4 10. 8 do 250 (Except SO.50 ft.of No.100ft.) ll. 8 do 400 -4 12. 8 do 250 (Ex.So.50 ft.of No.100ft.) 13 8 do North 1/3rd of 14, 8 do 1700 North 1/3rd of 16. 8 do Ij So.1/2 of No.2/3 of 14 8 do 300 I So. 1/2 of No. 2/3rds of 16 8 ' do a So. 1/3rd of 14. 8 do 325 South 1/3 rd of 16. 8 ; do So.50ft.of No.100ft. of 11. 8 do -i So 50 ft.of No. 100ft.of So. 50 ft.o �01�03�� of_— 13 8 ._..15_.5. -- do _ _ __ -- do - TOTAL. _2650 �_-1-- ,.... CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTUF%Za FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISWOMER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED OkSCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION TOTAL, 26194 (brought forward) 223440 Mines. & Wedges Rearrange- ment of Block 3 Sweeneys Addition to West St .Paul..: 3250 2 do 2800 3 do 3050 4 do 3350 5 do 350 6 do 550 7 do 3000 Ij 8 do 275 17 do 1025 Sweeney's Rearrangement of lots numbered 1,2,3,4 5,6,in block numbered 6, Sweeney's -ddition to West St. Paul. 3550 2 do 000 3 3 do 2550 4 do 2560 ii 5 do 2400 6 do 3425 1. Bauers Rearvangement 400 do 350 2 3 do 350 A, do 350 do 2125 .6 do TOTAL, 26194 CITY F ST. PAUL RTt�y;: T .MIS OIbE TOTAL. DEPA FINANCE REPORT OF COM R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) T— - -_ DJESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) 261940 6 Banning & Olivers Add. No. 1/3 of 19 2 and 3 101' to West St. Paul. 550 So. 1/3 of 1. 2 and 3 .101, do 2250 No. 1/2 of So. 2/3 of 1,2 & 3 ,101; do 500 4 .101. do 950 5 '101, do 800 6 .101. do 1250 . 9 101, do 425 10 101 do 425 11 101, do 1725 No. 1/3 of 12, 13 & 14 101 do 3500 So. 2/3 of 12, 13 and 14 101 do 3950 No. 1112 of 1. i 2 and 3 98, do 800 _.j: South 1/2 of 1, a and 3 98. do 675 4 98, do 2650 5 98. do 2400 6 98, do 2400 - 9 98 do 650 10 98 do 1100 r 11 98, do 2100 j 12 98 do 1400 j, 13. 98. do 1650 14, 98, do No. 2/3 of 1. 2 and 3 97 do 3050 . u r�South 1/3 of 1, 2 and 3 97. do 3000 4 97: do 475 TOTAL. . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTt;M FINANCE REPORT OF COMMOAER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • (brou ht ;orward) ; 300615 Banning & Ol ver s Add. East 45 feet of 5 97 to West St. Paul. 275.0 _... West 5 ft. of 5 and all of 6 97 do 3500 " South 1/2 of 8, 9 and 10 97 do 200, North 1/2 of 8, 9 and 10 97 do 110 0 11 97 . do 150 12 97 do 150. - r North 1/2 of 13 and 14 97 do 350. . South 1/2 of 13 and c 14 97 . do 2350 --- k E.R. Br ants Rearrange- 400 i1 ment of Block 4 of Sweeneys Addition to West St.Paul ": a I! 2 do 350 3 do 1100 ii 4 do 1100 5 do 2250 6 do 350 7 do 400 8 do 275 9 do 275 l 10 do 1975 tl, 11 do 2575. _ 1. 18 do 325 'i 19 19 do 32.5 . 20 do 1100 21 do 325 324290 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTtfDiWi16jgf FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ DESCRIPTION LOT LOCI( ADDITION j ASSESSED VALUATION (brought forward) ,3?�4 9Q 1 MorBing Rearrangement II 50) _ j 2 do 406 I - 3 do 250 4 t do 2 150 5 do '285Q i 6 do 2900 it i ti --- u i i j I i I I ii II � i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- - -------------------------- - - Commissioner of Finance. FOAM B.B.A. 0.0 C `25�A6 h COUNCIL` ILEA/NOS...... By.'........ - . ............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ......Suxfa.ci ng---Wi-th...graval.-..Carrall-•--Avsnu,* f-rom------U411-i-ng•----- Avf=tlue....tA...P&seal...Avenu a. ........ ...........- ......-------...........--................................. ............... I................ under Preliminary Order.:.284.6.8........................... .. approved.._----------- ----MAy............... IntermediaryOrder._.. - ..................................................... approved ............................................ ------------------------ ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it`tp. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that "a kind of. k• O'� 6 " Yz i�rx v 4 - a a RESOLVED FURTHER;{: o and directed to prepare plans a ;� x cil for approval; that upon said° to proceed with the m r e Frda�n�c Adopted by a Council ... 191........ Approved------------------------ --------- -------- ---------- 191 - Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Heller Councilman McColl C3uue-r is Form B. S. A. 8-7 CAU _ ---- _-_---_------__-_-__-_-_ DERA' FINANCE To the Council of the City of St. Paul: REPORT OF CO NERL OF FINANCE ON INARY ORDER PR L M ��� In the Matter of R1""falle with vra.vwiW}f:Ferrnll Avenue from Snell•1n9-4VFend - to Pannal AvH under Preliminary Order approved _ ---- _-_---_------__-_-__-_-_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is V The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ji 12 2 ! Snelling Park to St.Paul, 4050' Minn. 13 2 ! j., do -1975 J 14 2 do 47.5 1� 2 do 2625 j16 2 do 1225 17 2 do 1500 u 6 3 do 6450 5 3 do 450 { 4 3 ! do 450. 3 3 do 450 I! MRM..s.A. a -e w TOTAL, Or ST. PAUL - • DEPA M� T OF FINANCE' REPORT OFC SSLONER OF FINANCE ON PRFdPMINARY ORDER DESfCRIPTION t ,i L'OT �LOOKI ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l _ _(brought forward) _ _ . 1.9650 2. 3-_! 1 Snelling Park, to_SMinPanul'. I _.459- _ 1 3 ! do 5.00 ;G-- East 1/2 of 12 1 ! Adams Addition to the City 28 0 5. ` of St.Paul,Ramsey Co.M nn*t if West 1/2 of 12 1 .!_ do 3-75 11 1 do 450 10 1 do 450 9 1 do y _ : _1 do 3250 -. 7 1 do 2650 �i l 2 do !! 725 if I! 2 2 _ do 450 3 2 do 450 1; 4 2 2 do do 450_ . 5 _ _ _.. 450 - -- 6 2 do 450 ._ '._.._. 14 2 Maoalester View Add.to __. 3550 i _ the City of St.Paul. :15 2 do 2020 - �' 16 2 do 400. .17 . a do 400 18 2 _ da 400 do _ 400 II 20 2 do _ 400.. i. do 40o. _ if 122 j- 2 I _ do _ 650 123 .2 i_ do _-57.5_ 24 2 0 ---------- ---- - -ao— — — - — 63490 TOTAL. :. 'L_ -- • GI OR 5T. PAUL DEPAR ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COR 8!gMVER OF FINANCE -0N P INARY ORDER (C) — --- — - - - .i " --- - - - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION AAL`ATIO I (brought forward);. •63490 I -- J 25 12 Macalester View Addition' 525 to the City of St-Paul '. West 1/2 of 26 2 do .475. East 1/2 of 26 12 do 450 13 '; 3 dd 12 13 do 2200 ° - 11 3 do .550 .10 3 do .400 9 3 do 400 _. i g 3 ! do 550 7 3 do 400 6 3 do 400 53 do 400 4 3 do 1250 3 ; 3 i do 400 2 i 3 i do 400. - 1 3 do i 'i 600. i, i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. v �a Datedg / ------------ ------- - ---- ----- - ----- ---------- /-- -- ---- Commissioner of Finance. POPM B.O.A. O.O O .( tot, St. Paul, Jinn., . /... 1,3 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body t cause the following improvement to be made: ir-c-.lr ............................. I ....... .. .....................................St. Ave. x from St. Ave. to ..V• •mac owCi........... . ..... St. Ave. v/ . 111Y I; .. / .. /Sa9 Corvo// .. ... ... .... i .'........ t. ......... ........... .- .. .... .... :.. ��.....p .�:..`....�:�......... ..... . f..... .: 3 ...%......... Y-404 CW, 41. :::. ..... .. L Lu MAY 151919 ry �Y r. �.. ... .....A Or g Mom- rj. �� �k Office of the Commissioner of Public W �?ECEliib 4pRNS�' Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 19 1919 May 19th, 9 ............. _.............191..... _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Count - 25068 May 14th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ......................... ........... approved. ........_..................... _........_................... ...........191........, relative to_........._........_..... surfacing with gravel Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue gnd having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ................._....necessary and (or) desirable. $3.03 per front foot 1,001.59 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............._..................... . and the total cost thereof is $.- ............... ._.._........... ...... ..., slid Assessable frontage 2310 feet Excess inspection $137.29 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ...........__......._....................... ................. ........................... .... ....... ..._.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. mmissio a of Public Works. St. Paul Minnesota. May 17, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the surfacing with gravel Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, In accordance with Council File #25068, approv— ed May 14, 1919: Approximate estimate .... $7,001.59 Cost per front foot..... 3.03 Excess inspection necessary.. 137.39 Assessable frontage..... 3310.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/0 Chief Engineer. (Rttg 1114t" %nul Department of Fabltr Works �X1e a„G,„,¢„ M. N. GO S. COMMISSIONER prGc inu rreH N„o Ray.ins R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY jov s wrr „ H.W.¢ LING M. YT9AN,ENar„e¢nroXs G. H. XERRGL G......... ¢ea St. Paul Minnesota. May 17, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the surfacing with gravel Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, In accordance with Council File #25068, approv— ed May 14, 1919: Approximate estimate .... $7,001.59 Cost per front foot..... 3.03 Excess inspection necessary.. 137.39 Assessable frontage..... 3310.feet. Yours very truly, ESS/0 Chief Engineer. � A"1'1 A �b afid�i�tojcenet uC n F' - �? pe 0 two ratl i anl� nCTOBF r near the Int G AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING TEE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE TWO RAILWAY SPUR TRACKS OVER AND ACROSS GAULTIER STREET, AT OR NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF LARCH STREET, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER. OF THE SOUTHEAST`QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY-FIVE, EAST OF GAULTIER STREET, IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Great Northern Railway Company, a corporation, to con- �.-,r stract, maintain and operate two spur tracks over and across Gaultier Street, at or near the intersection bf Larch Street, in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-five, East of Gaultier Street, in the City of Saint Paul, as shown by the red line on the accompanying plat of the property affected, for the purpose of furnishing trackage to the plant of W. H. Schmelzel Company. Section II. Said permission is granted upon and subject to the following conditions: (1) Said tracks shall be laid and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when ordered by said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient theeeou, and shall at no time allow cars to stand or remain upon the said streets so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (2) That said licensee shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the building, operation, maintenance, presence or removal of said spur track. (3) Said tracks shall be taken up and removed and the roadway and alley restored to their original condition at the cost and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall file with the. City Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in _thirty days after its passage and publication. %Yea3'fCdtlnt,en ¢S s yy- 191...... Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth -12 " .........191..... Goss .. .,..dn.favpr liT............................ �,,:II.t...._........................... MCCOII .... .Y ... '� ....... MAYOR WunderlicV PLIBLISTIED A TTE$T ` Mr.-President,Hodgson 17 _ - 10W)q 1. FARCY, City Clerk. /FORM C. A, 9 3 0 ��a aivt c��b S r 3,S y.<wmv �tlbn, to .conatro n `-73 Perste-�twe r 11 r and acroer „ r sea in Int• In thr ky r' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, A MINNESOTA CORPORATION, TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE TWO RAILWAY SPUR TRACKS OVER AND ACROSS GAULTIER STREET, AT OR NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF LARCH STREET, IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER: OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY-FIVE, EAST OF GAULTIER STREET, IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Great Northern Railway Company, a corporation, to con- etract, maintain and operate two'spur tracks over and across Gaultier Street, at or near the intersection of Larch Street, in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-five, East of Gaultier Street, in the City of•Saint Paul, as shown by the red line on the accompanying plat of the: property affected, for the purpose of furnishing trackage to the plant of W. H. Schmelzel Company. Section II. Said permission is granted upon and subject to the following conditions: (1) Said tracks shall be laid and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when ordered by said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient thereon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain upon the said streets so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (2) That said licensee shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs. charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the building, operation, maintenance, presence or removal of said spur track. W Said tracks shall be taken up and removed and the roadway and alley restored to their original condition at the cost and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall file with the City Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance. Section III. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. `'Yeis (%`.Corta2,Tmen ✓?� , -v - ,•_ Adopted by the Council _' ...'_ 191...... Clancy Farnsworth Approv d- - V -_ ---191..... Goss .. _._..-�_.In favor - McColl aincf"" MAYOR �� Ao Wunderlich PUBLISHED / ATTEST; Mr. President, Hodgson 17 JOW)q I. FARICY. City CIork. FORM C. A..91 3M'R'1a 0 AN :)RDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GREAT NORTHERN RAII,WAY COMPANY, A MINNESOT,. CORPOHr-TVN, TO C'1NSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND OPERATE TFTO RLILWAY SPUR T.R; CKS �)VY:R AYD ACROSS GAULHER STP.EET, AT OR NE: R TH;' INTERSEOTTON OF T.ARCH CTREET, IF THE SOUTTMAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUIRTER OF SECTION TWENTY-FIVE, EAST OF G"ULTIJIR 'Ti.N:ET, IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. THP CITY COUNCIL OF TAE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. Permission and authority are hereby granted to the Great Northern Railway Company, a corporation, to con- strnct, maintain and operate two spur tracks over end across Gaultier Street# at or near the intersection Of Larch Street, in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty-five, East of Gaultier Street, in the City of Saint Paul, as shown by the red line on the accompanying plat of the property affected. for the purpose of furnishing trackn?e to the nlant of W. H. Sehmelzel Company. Section II. Said permission Is granted upon and subject to the following conditions: (1) Seid tracks shall be ]air? and constructed under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and when ordered by said Commissioner, the said licensee shall plank and replank the crossings so as to render travel safe and convenient theveon, and shall at no time allow oars to stand or remain upon the s. -id streets so as to interrupt or interfere with public travel. (2) That said licensee shall save the City of Saint Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the building, operation, maintenance, presenoe,or removal of said spur track. (3) Said tracks shall be taken up and removed and the roadway and alley restored to their original condition at the cost and expense of said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) The said licensee shall file with the City Clerk its acceptance in writing of this ordinance, within ten days after the publication of this ordinance. Section III. This ordinance shall,take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and Publication. -a— ---------- cl, VA R 10 U S I NIDU5TRIF_� -1 5'T. PA L Mi I N N -a— SPUR cl, VA R 10 U S I NIDU5TRIF_� -1 5'T. PA L Mi I N N L A P H <D C= CITIZENS ICE AMD FUEL CO. PITTSBURG CO[%*" CO. y A R 1) m 90' SYCAlrAl OR E COAL p F. 01, L E AND 10E '0 N', "n Ild c--] 0 L 30,20 C AP i T ") L. C T Y 1 L I ' G CO. SPUR SERVING VA R 10 U S I NIDU5TRIF_� -1 5'T. PA L Mi I N N TO THE HONORABLE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINITESOTA: The undersigned, W. H. SCHMELZEL COMPiNY, a Minnesota corpora- tion,,respectfully petitions Your Honorable Body to grant to AT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, its successors and/assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate two (2) spur tracks over and across Gaultier Street, at or near the intersection of Larch Street in the southeast quarter of the aoutheast quarter (SE4 SE4) of section twenty-five (25), east of Gaultier Street, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, One of said tracks is now located and constructed as shown in solid red line on the print hereto attached; the other track, which will be #� constructed in the future,.is shown in dotted red line on said print. W. H. SC MPANY. By �„1 30- q.7 74 A -)-q j Fera B A 41.2 M 7-19 14 CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 3 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL 11 BY... ........v......_ ............... CITY APTRO AUDITED -------------------------------------------- 191 i PE....................... `......... ............... Res* #1070 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the h einafter specified funds and in favor of the, persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays / Adopted `by the Council ....................... ----- Fain ._ 191 ; / Farn worth In favor Approved ........_.. ............._.../'_( :........._ '....,._._1 _ ` s? Ci08a Q .._.....Agams[ MAYO A.tlaq Mc 11 Wu erlich C. F_ No. 26918— Abetreat Itee.1yefl that -warrents Nb e drawn uD0. the'.Ctty Treasury, payables out-. of K e;hereinafter aDecleed Nods. and to 8.62 15.44 28.16 34.58 950010 �i 2,119.45 20.08 136.20 10.56 172.06 �Amerlcan 8uDply k3ompeny, ;8:6Er Brooks- Hrothers::Lumher- Company, $16.99'.x_ - $28.18. Mr. XaryCHorsn,.$3968ny' Kettle: River ComQa.! 5960.10:' Koehrinftf. Moohlne Co., a -o Thor. W. Rosholt .'52,11 "- . I.eetle Donahower. Company, $20.08. T. J. M.Grath;'�Atty. , for John.J. Ma -Manhattan 011 ,$c Linseed, Qomyany,, $10.68.., Edward $17E.08. Mrs. Mlpnie, M., Newman, $35.97. No'rtbern States Power, ompaay, $1,- 603.19. --. Pioneer Cone Company, $178.12. Alexander Rlc&� $16.88, St. Paol'Eti or. Materiel -Company, 12824 Amdrioan Supply $ 12.30. Sea.bury'&Company, $89.94. , -Mrs. Nice SparscbuM $7.70.- W. C.;Saulree.;$9.80. . Adopted by.the. Council July, 25, 1919. APDrovedTnly 23;1919. 12825 Brooks Bro there (July 28, 1919) 12826 Crane &Ordway Comp 12827 Mrs. Mary Horan Tom_ 12828 Settle River Comppany g?r or Ave. M�aha/St. niv. to w 12829 Koehring Machine Co., % Thor. W. Rosholt, 12830 Leslie Donahoeer Company W. Avea• l��0Ave. li o pymond 12831 T. J. McGrath, Atty. 'for John J. Markley 12832 Manhattan Oil &Linseed Company P.I.A.$ P Como Aye.,W. 'Sing to y%ond Asea. 12833 Edward Newman 8.62 15.44 28.16 34.58 950010 �i 2,119.45 20.08 136.20 10.56 172.06 Ree. #1070 12834 Mrs. Minnie M. Newman Trust - T er T njgg Library Gco 12835Northern States Power Company �---:ter---, 12836 Pioneer Cone Company 12837 Alexander Rice 12838 St. St. Paul Builders Material Company �en��Crosewalke 12839 Seabury & Company 12840 Mrs. Alice Sparechutz 12841 W. C. .Squires Total 5 543.45 I y 1 35.97 1:503.19 178.12 15.68 213.30 1 84.44 7.70 9.80 777 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub;eft_.� %�rG%� -- - -�OUNCIL 25913 ✓��� FILE N 0 ................................. �� Date Presented..._ty...2*�..1.................191.9• Resolved, That whereas disbursement warrant #7696 issued Novembler 15, 1918 to the Forman Ford Company in the sum of $10.17 has been reported lost, and whereas the Forman Ford Company has furnished a bond in the sum of $20.34 approved by Judge Hugo 0. Hauftj the pro- per city officials are hereby authorized to issue a duplicate warrant in the sum of $10.17 to said Forman.Ford Company. I C. F. No. 25919—By S. A. Farnsworth Resplved, That where.. disbursement warrant No. 7090, Issued November 18, 1918, to the Forma. Ford Company In the sum of $10.17 has been' reported I ost, and whereas the Forman For Ba Company has furnished a bond in thb sum of $20.34, approved by Judge Hugo C, Hahn, the proper ally officials are.., hereby authorized to Issue duplia.0 warrant In the sum of $10.17 to said Forman Ford Compyany. j Adopted bthe Co all July 23, 1919. i Approved ly 23, 1919. (July 20, 1919). I hereby chrtify that he ab a/resolution was ad¢pt�.eti- oy the CC�j Council and appy ed b he Mayor July. 191.9: Yeas ( Vj Councijm (V) Nays In favor Against Adopted by the Council ............. c.!.�.._..191.... Approved...... 191.. . ............... .. .. ...... .9 .... .... MAYOR � Farris or Goss r MCC 1 Wun rli FORM 0. A.9 8M 6-18 (V) Nays In favor Against Adopted by the Council ............. c.!.�.._..191.... Approved...... 191.. . ............... .. .. ...... .9 .... .... MAYOR � C- CITY OF, ST. PAUL . - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - •........................— P`..... COUNCIL ...................... 090 DatePresented ................. ..... .................................. 191""' R""bOed' WHEREAS, John L. Beecher, doing business as the Beecher Improvement Company, has wholly failed to enter into formal con- traot for the curbing and graveling of Capitol avenue from Aldine street to Fairview avenue, in accordance with his bid of September 4th, 1917; and WHERIEAS, The Council has heretofore by resolution, Council File No. 35784, declared the bond of said John L. Beecher forfeited; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and he hereby is authorized and directed to advertise for bids for the doing of said work in accordance with the plane and specifications therefor. N FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-1e C. F. No. 25920—BY I N. Cie88— _ r Wherette, Tohn L Beecher, --I-- business ol-- l Coempany,e hash Whollhe, efailed ooeot6r into formal contract for the cutbin§ d gravelln of CSDitol Avenue, from Aldine Sires to FalrvieW Avenue. la accordance with his bid of September �dllng Of eats r •--••- -�- the Dlane and apeci8catiena therefoi. Adopted by the Council'SuIy 23, 1019. Approved 'JulI22, 1919. (Suy 29, 1919) NaysAdopted b the Council "' ` p Y ......W.'.�.�.�........191...... .-....... ..... :f.. 2i, �. Approved......... .- ...__......_............_...191..... ..............In favor i^1 ..... ........�t1Ay .... Against t Ai; CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General 174m Department of Bureau .of Council, Hik/-Vo. 11W4 Date Presented 191 That the St. Pavl Gaa Licht Co.— ie hereby ordered and directed to extend 11, electrical linea by erecting pole and etriv¢iv¢ wire, thereon for the ricty on and iv the following alleys and street, of said city: Install one pole on Van 83ryke Avenue north of Horton Street. Install three poles in alley north of Reaney Street between Kennard , and Hazelwood Streets. yInstall three poles on Milford Street east of Marion Street. )t Install three poles in alley east of Marion Street south of Milfbrd-cet w Street. With necessary guys and anchors. - C. F. No. 25921—By M. N. Goes— Resolved; Tkat the SG Paul Gae L1ght Company 1s hereby ordered and' dlree.ed to extend Its-0ltringlal ]foes by erect- /� In poles and atringfng wires thereon V )� for the tlartsmission of .1 't on and to the following alleys and Streets of Said .1ty: 1 Install one pole' on Van Slyke Ave- nue, North of Horton Street. Install three poles In alley North of Reaney_9�raet_ between Kennard and All of each eat ... In.,. pole and.Ge, shall be erected and constructed uvi .ubiect to the woyt. — of Ordinance No. 2444. and of all other lawful -11...All Dol. should be set In ouch location In said alley. and —.a, the Co heshall d.al-1e and approve, and any and .11.uole shall be taken down a ch p public lntere t so requires. and when it .hall eo order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Cou Imen FA SWORTH GO Mc LL W D9RLICH HY ND KE ER Mr. President, fR N necessary guy. and anchors. placements. of epch eat ... lons, poles and .hal?be erected- and constructed the direction and euuppervlsfon"of court, tonez of Publlc Utilities ;y .11 11'thingbleat to the —I- of aallo.2474,dOrdof all lawful ordinances and resolutions City of St. Paul. pole. should be set 1. each loca- eaid alley. and etreebe as the lssion r of Pupae IIUlitlea shall gate, and Shall be( of such height ta.ra.ter as he Shall deslgsets andI Public Utilities and in all Ihinge e, and any and all of such Do]e. be tgkes down aad removed, and e f ,uch height and ch—c- as Ylre9' DlaCed adetground, when- i*ter the Council shall deem tbut the :he' Council eanll deem that the 9 interest eo rettuit... and when It as order. Pled by the Council- July 22, 1919. 191 roved Julyl2, 1919. (July 26, 1919) Approved. � 191 Mgyor Department l Bureau of CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ---General Rrm Date Pre 25;P2 91 the St. Paul Use Light Company in hereby ordered and directed to extend its 0,.1-1 lines by erecting P.I. and stringing wires thereon for the ...ad in the following alleys avd streets of said city: y Install two poles on"Jessamine Street Bridge. Install fifteen poles on Hatch Street, between Grotto and Victoria Streets. Install eight poles on Orchard Street, between Grotto and Victoria Streets. Install one pole on Barrett Avenue and YoKenty Street. Install one pole on Como Place and YoKenty Street. Install three poles on Orchard Street, between Churchill and Argyle Streets. Install ten poles on_#%tch Street, between Church and Chatsworth Streets. With necessary guys and anchors. For street lighting. All of each eatevelons, poles avd wiles -hall be erected and ctt -abject to the pr_ on. of Ordivance No. 2424. and of all other la All palm should be set In such locative Iv said alleys and atr he -hall deal .. a.d apmove, end soy and all each poles shall be public latenst so require-, and whey It shall -o order. ti Adopted by the Council aj 0 Yeas ( ) Coun ilmel FAR SWIa GOS s e McC LL ! P WU DE HYL ND KEL ER Mr. President, IRV N poles on Jessamine Street on Como Mo. aPd e on Orchard Street, and Ar le Streets. on Hatch Street, be- mmind...r of Public lAilities and 1. .11 tbings Chatsworth Streets. ;o ryye and anchore. nate. whevlever the Council ehallht ddeemr t6tas et the tenetona, poles. and ground, :ted and constructed r and eupervlalon of iub eco tot the prlovl- 191 No. 2124, and of all [nese and leeolutlona Paul. be aet in euchloca- Nays - l and atreeta as the. aubho Utilities shall 11 be of suchhefrsat Council July 23, 1919. 23, 1919.' 26, 1919) 191 AG M yor RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APP OVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....oReilz ,.--^ d�nin�-_and._.extending..Locuet. Street to a tsidth..of...ai.ghty....i.B.Q.)....fR2t.,...frpn._Tpnth.-.5trpet.__to..-Sixth Street under Preliminary Order .......1, approved Sept -,_5,--.-1917 Intermediary Order..24Q84,-,.,- approved.---.--APxA2 .29" IRIq . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- #on of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 19th ........... ......day of...........Aufps..t -------------------- 191-..@..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice ot\said hearing as prescribed by the.Charter. Adoptedthe Council ............................................. � -- - ----------------- 191-- ---- -e.� Approvess........:.....--- :-:.....:... -- 191........ Asano Councilman Farnsworth Councilman doss Councilman Hsi Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlict MaY0r1rXiRx Hodgson Clerk. -------------------------- ......................... ------- ...----------------------- --- - COUNCI -" ' 1 CITY OF ST. PVA Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Thomas Street frau Snelling Ave. to Aldine St. ?.� 99 4 i ........... Intermediary Order .............__``Z.j>'JJ {a. —...._.._._. ender Preliminary Order ......._......... .. . Final Order .......... _22862..._ ..... _................................ approved ......epterlber..._1.�-. th........................ 191_$_. The assessment of........_......_haneiita.9......0...Oat.s....a.r1 --.QKn-n.ses_..,_-...........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........... of __A17to Lls.t......_......, 191..-8..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _._......._._' ......... _ _e......_....__...._....191....._.....: Approved Couficilman Farnsworth Goss .jAyhwak Clancy Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor bmbcx Hodgson Form B. B. 16 _.._..... _..__._...... ...._ :.._......__......_._� ity Clerk. 91 _.._..................... ....... ....... _..... _.......... _..... _._ Mayor. A -Ing COUNCIL FILE N Iv 251526 By _ CI4 ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of Lafond 3't. from Snelling .:ve. to 111dine St. and on both sides of Thomas St. from Snelling , Ave. to Aldine St. ender Preliminary Order ..... _..... .014.$ .......... _............................. Intermediary Order ........... 209ga._... _....... ____.__._—..__., FinalOrder _........ _.?1371. ........ ............. __............... approved ......isa$__2.?.nd......................... ...._........ ........... 191_.._$ The assessment of12e.'_lef1_t_s,r._._c-OStq___an.4 __e_;penS_eS _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _........... _..I Pt _...day of I'=u 113,t ............. _,__,-...... 191-9._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of.the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ .......... .....`........ ....... — ' .... 191 , Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goss A*w- xack Clancy Keller McColl Wunderlich ' Mayor icdtV.x Hodgson Form B. B. 16 " (' L L �-- City Clerk. ..._....._.G:_..Z..__..........._. 191._._._ _ .............. __....... _... _......... __._._ ...__........._. __— Mayor. Rett 4 f F COUNCIL FILE NOS...... .... 25�07 By............ rV CITY OF ST. PA\ Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. 10 In the matter of the assessment of -0 for xmdo-- Go&xaot Mal As ror LOW. —AsnessabU R011— P.O. 92M 502bv 'Wo. 0 nwthl 0 Ido , borAmdngroot regi;or Grotto SU thmico vast 0 foot. 1� 2Mg,, do, s5a-- foot met of Smistoga =t OMWI si 3 feet* r.O. 22333 anDlUnG live., ewt side, frora ixwel -."Ve. tbowo Gouth 44 feet ond frim to point 62 feet =411 Of '�OJW mro. thonao Wath 40 foot. -v2bvn ;�-Wuo 11,700 a Wvtu side , beGlml-% 73 f 00t v0at Of I thonao Vast 22 reete p.O. SIVW pejbw st., both sides, ifrm- wabash =Wa. to 0. L. Z-. St. Co. 4"MA of uiwj. F.O. MZ70 Goodri4l =ve.# a0tTtjj side, frost Gloveland ftvo. to YOW0th St. F.G. g0405 !.;t. ciall, It., south all -do, frm PAirvic ' W Ave- t0W1W AV0- P.O. SidID, fjM ?Via? -Vo* to josophIno ti't's. p.O. MM Llwcan il-ve., nwth aldc, Zxm 11T-� Avc- t* Qbovt St - r -1 .0. g02W WIMbaU clidoe, I -= jefforgoa Ave. to 02AIr L, . gVe. 9. , INAL r.O. 130= $Qom f-ve. , u0st aide, fran Joffamon fwe. to Lit St. .0. 19W4 jmne'tom It., j;tott"i sides, Pr -U w b3t. to 1kWaL1W we* ert we V.O. L92M paU00 .,t., souti, side, fmzi Abm%t iwo. to rson'Mm - see !' -1U1 aidO., fx�m 11MUM Wo. to t2bort St. and w.O. 2=0 Pal nac I - bwt (m both sides Of JU110t A- 2"M IkELIL120 We- to j)l p.o. IUMS A111LOt t-,, S �Ives , t,,, nm-Pth side bene a=111nO j�VO- and -4,1nd1040 - v. 0. 2irm Juao IM0 , s0zh aide, &,Wa ameiw we. to sseloato ,me. p. 0. 2r= N13jw 3t., not side, fma : In mil .1 no Ave. to QJTMO&W Ste p.o. 29M Osceola <, vo., nwth side, bogftaiM at Peaml Pffle, th=G oast to comoot with -we sont WMtMeted aWevallt approzlwwwly W foot e --n=—fionessablo F.O. 192W annez A., bovil 11dea, fran 'albwt Lit. t(i INMIlne swa. I g?.O. 19M paLwo c,�t., GmWrA silo, Xf,:Lbort wc. toBerll-Im Avoo Palace au., no%4,h ajdQ, i==m Ave. to 1.11jort :`t. wd an T)CrIt", 01 "On of J'al-lot "t. �t Ttamaino nva. to hIbwt :A. J%7.10 1-u 1,7:00 217M Hiles :t., nm-th side,r,-W, 11mellao �.VG. to The assessment of for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved, I RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment an the ..............day of 191._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. '2 1 Adopted by the Council 9 191 Approved .. .. ..................... I ........... . .............. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Howl& - Keller McColl Wunderlich Mayor lryin-: A .......................................City Clerk. 191 ............ Mayor. iia Form B. B. 16 f A A 4,2017-18 CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL BY......._..... ......_...................1.:.G...U.`-f--------- I AUDITED C PTRO R ............................................ 191CITY fIPER....................................`.�I=........ iE 1073 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out t;f the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement:. Yeas ( ) Councilmen'( ) Nays Adopted by the Council...__...._J.UL....r�_1.-_9.1_9............. 191...___ y .c�9 Fa worth In favor Approved ..........................._.._....._.........191..__.__. Go ..................Against .......... . .... ... .. ...._.. .................._._._....._.. _.. .. ...... .I:..B:tLb AYOR M 11•'- Abetrgoi lV detlich Resolved that warrant. be drawn upop'the City Treasury, payable'out of the, herelnatter eDealded-Sunda 'ana yn favor. ofJthe Dereone, firms or- 'afi'd . tion e for the`:lamovnfe 4et�-.oppoette 0.1 12844 Merchants National Bank Red. of Bonds Fd. 19 t. _34;00 00 " Tax Levy Cert 1 se 3,0 .00 Interest - 40, 6.25 PoI.R.F nterest oufft 6 .00 ,2 .2 12845 F. W. 011erenshaw 12846 Pioneer Cone Bakery aamka-1 12847 St. Paul Cement Works 12848 Sinking Fund Investment Committee Inter ty476 R K Ite7Tdsd:,1� -2� 41 1 Q 12849 Stelart Products Service Stattbn General Mun. Gar. Revolving. 85.256.25 11.00 71.25 13,021.31 41,137.76 6.82 Council File No ..... ........ ...... PROPOSAL FOR MPROVE14ENT .259129 Petition and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the, foil I pu c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: i ....................... eld&a Qf .. arje. ...Stre.e.t fxom Sne.3.1ing ................................ Avenue to Fry Stre 9 .................. ............................. Dated thisof91( ............................................. 1191 .................. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement viz.: .. ............................. .......... .................. Avenue to Fry Street.�" ............................ ....................................................... .. ............... I ........................................ — ......................... ................. .......................... ............................... ................................. .............. ........................... ...................................... ............................ .............................................. ........................ I ........... ................................ ........................................... lb n.� both sides "of 61h ' ,.M th o,8x011+ See 1149 Avenue " 'i [A having been presented to the Council of etv beenyresentod' to t ""I'w .... ...................................................... ................. 15Citx'. 0 gt.P&UV a to W �-Ioly. - Tht'the C I therefore. be it Ql--WqAi4 be and he ie herebyas0u"'of a- ' ; 0 'Invest.gate the nace Ity forior ordered and direded: �J RESOLVED, That the Commission"Tr j,;tbllity of the fsmear ; 1. To investigate the necessity or.qrTCt1Xivebt1 to. provement. gUma a Co.t of -4 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent 'r or a tn?'t ff ayroete r ent, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or illvit other -T rnish the following ... ............................. . . . ............. air . ...................................................................................................... ..... ........... ................. ....................................... ......................................................... --.ft.,-e--w�e--thcr or not said improvement i asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commitinnerof Finance. IL'211 IqM Adopted by the council ......................................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa sworth G H erd Approved... ......................... ...................... 191 K M 11 W d erlich ... ..... ............................. I f Mayor 1 AstingMayor. Form CA 19 (541 4-17) ; Council File No...... ....... .......... .... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Aaoount Grading 25GI Margaret f rola and White Bear Westerly. PRELIMINARY ORDER. . ,. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public impr nt by the City of St. Paul, 'viz.: DT.dl....day of...s7111X x....1919. ......... .............. ..................... . 191 r' ........................... ..... .......... ....... ....... . .......... '--'- -...................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gradin !3 Margaret Street ..............................rm White, -flexr Apenue...to..Hazelwood..Avenue - �............ ..................................................... . Abstracb .... ler— p ........................................'. lag Of tile ............ ad1aB Marga fell. t at pro to .................... ........ ... ................ R -r Avenue to Hazelwood Avee int been resented to the."o n ......... ......................................... ..'.... .._... ......................gg DD - C/ty of 6t.' Paul, :therefore, .Le,i:t teeolved. Ttiet the Coma�aloner having been resented to the Council of thdua Worka be and ba' is h.,o o ........................................................................... ... 1118 P d aad directed; To an-' , at. ahs a�teceeslty dor or therefore, be it rlrab1lM of them klag or said t,R -.- � ..out. RESOLVED. That the Commissioner,m TsyemaL a cost' oste to°im°�ruye mnG rdered and directed: a, ;rgtal Coe, the;eot r 1. To investigate the necessity for or dcl, rurol�b'a tan; groale or aket ;improvement. . ,ttaarovum. state.whA.fo or not ear 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and°t+nt is eelCear on tee,pF ement, and the total colt thereof. i��or moteroWtlere 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch s�Nwk�u ti F "si °suw� t1� To furnish the following other inf 19ti o aaz improvement;........... ......... :,..:::.: r.:'...:..................._....................,............................................................ ................................................................. ........ ............. b To hate whether or not said improvement u asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Al ).1 1919 Adopted by the council ..................... _.. . 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilmari�n Approved.........::.::.r........:................................191......_ Mayo AM-"�o Form C A� 13 (sM 417) Council File No...; ........... ...... Z PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT y and i PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of f lowing publi ovement by t ity of St. Paul, viz.: .Condemning._and.._takinb........._ea_ ._went..........t........l�n.. .... ace....ary..... ....._1 .............. slopes for outs and fi is n gr ing rg t Str t f m ..................................................................................................................... White Bear Avenue .......Hoz .w...._....Aven __... ............... � .............. Datedthis...... 33rd.....d JR. ..,....919.....4 .......................................... I .......:. ..................................................................................................... a Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking„an..e"spukent in the land_-necee_sesy...for................. slopes for outs and fills in grading Margaret Street from ......................................................................................... ................... . ....... ................... White Bear Avenue to Haxelw.ood.Ave.nue....................................................................................... .............................. AbaLrar,C .... ...... .. ........ ..... ...... ... ... ... .................... .. .... ....... ...... :one. A folio ffi9ro opal. for ent,-.._...... of trio folloWln6 mDYovemeat, -- _ having been presented to the Council of do In” ar d tauta�gr� as easement h ..................... ie •land- necessary fom� eloaaee, for therefore, bLAQ `' ,. .and elle in grading` Margaret s,u t, from Wh1t0 Bear Avenue: to 1lwoodAvenue, having beea�pre- RESOLVED, That the CommissionU, to the council of the city of (st kbyt ordered and directed: therefore be it . iesolved,:-Th. a the Commleeloher of 1. To invedtigate the necessity for 401- a rectea as a le herebq or improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, eateni,'20 in eatloi tgehmaking so sto, '.�ement, and the total wdt thereof. e eut 3. To furnish a plan. Profile or eket'm ieaicoset"tn a Bald rfa To fumis e follo ,the h la 11. ere said improvement:... ..- - .. ......... n1d imDroveme11 "' 69-'1+eiher��m p qlF oto: ......... ._................................._.......................................1--v ,.,...<..-11111...t.a.............. ................._...................._..................................._. ty , Wdm' " in t To dtate whether or not said improvement is d9ked fbr on tke petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. I'L 21 1919 ..........191........ Adopted by the council ...............`................................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman iaw.rth A ...................' Ppdrove................................191.-i........ and ler ll nderlich.. . .... .. r.6....... ... ... Mayor i in Mayor: Form C A 13 (aM 4-17) I CITY OF ST. PAUL I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORDS .............'---.............._....---.....................-----.............................................. ...........-..Pipe NO. ...... ..`_2. 0, lb' ...... ..... .._ r_ couRc,� Date Presented........................................................191..... Resolved, that the cigarette license ,,,0.87 which expires ppr.18,1931 now- in the name of John Breslin 588 Rice St.be and the same `hereby is transfered to Charles L Robinson 588 nice St. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays IC. F. No: 26952—By Henry McColl— Resolved, That the ofggarette .ltaense No. 87 which expires Apr 11 16, 1921, noW .In the- name of, Sohn Breslin, 688 Ries Street, be and�the same hereby 1s trans - 1 tarred to Charles. Robin -M.688 Rice 'Street. Adopted byahe Council July 24, 1919. - App -,.d Jult.24, 1919. (Jn y26, 1919) I ..............In favor Against ..--.......... " Adopted by the Council ..._ .....�-.....-. ..191...... ......... �v� tii I..IJ Approved........... 191..... CITY OF ST. PUL 4), COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. ................. .. .. ... ............... ................................................... I ..............I.--...................... ...5 '33 . cou -1 No . .............. 2 9, M. I ..... .. ....... . .......... Date Presented J.11 ly. 19 . . .... 191 -i "'WHEREAS, a petition has been filed and presented to the Council by the River Boulevard Realty Company, a corporation, proprietor of, and the Northwestern Trust Company, a corporation, owners of a mortgage on an Addition known as Valley View, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds, January 2, 1919, being a eubdi- R=*zcL vision of the Northeast Quarter (NEI,-) of the Northeast Quarter. (NEI), and the Easterly forty (40) acres of Government Lot No.1 Section Seventeen (17), Township Twenty-eight (28) North, Range Twefity-three (23) West, a COPY Of said plat being attached there- to, praying for the vacation of all the North and South streets and alleys, excepting Cleveland Avenue in said Addition, and WHEREAS, The Plat Commission have approved a new plat embracing all of the said Addition known as Valley View which is a re -ar- rangement of said Addition, and which plat dedicatee to public use in the opinion of the said Council land equivalent in area, value and usages to said streets and alleys sought to be vacated, Therefore, Be It RESOLVED: That the Council does hereby_accept said plat as recommended by the Plat Commission, and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, whioh.plat Is known and designated as Saint CatherineAddition, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That all the North and South Streets and Alleys in said plat of Valley View, excepting Cleveland Avenue,is he , ieby vacated without the payment of any money into the City Treasury. C. r0 E6923 -8r 3L,X­Gono--� lion h.. boo - Who no' Ai9d old 16 t Id 91" the TtIyW'Sou evoikd Realty =.g Dro- rlptor pf epQ rtbe Nortlawofftqrn "t 0 "0 tf—­­ jl,, short a ori' TRf.uwN'd'W to a WT,the"Ofteof toI SMUT 2-1919 ej t it zqVtho dr`_ t orthe_t tez,(, ­13%foity: 0) Q.`1 on eve en Yeas (V) Councilmen (V) Nays I sworth .............. In Iler Approvea jut ?d 1919. Hodgson 12-18 S -L 2 -- the the Council ............. .............................. 191 ved............... ...................................... 19j..., To the Hono?able, The Council 4 -City of Salt Paul. The undersigned being the owners of the Addition known as Valley View, aitiiated in the City of Saint Paul, ie hereby petition your Honorable Body to vacate all 115rth and South streets and alleys in said Aldo tion, excepting Cleveland Avenue, A copy of said Addition showing the streets and alleys to be vacated beirg attached and made a part hercof . This application for the vacation of the streets and alleys in this addition is based uron the ground that same has never been opened, graded or improved, and has not been traveled by the public; that the present owners thereof platted the same, but are now of the opinion that a regular form of platting will be more suitable for this territory and will provide a better arrangement of strests for the said City of Saint Paul; that the Plat Commission has approved the replatting of this tract of land subject to the action of this Council, ani that they have roplatted the same to be krnwn as St. Catherine's Addition, which plat dedicates to the public use, land equivalent in area and value to the premises sought to be vacated, and that the streets dedicated to the public use are more acceptable and co mre nient than the streets and alleys proposed to be vacated. T71EREFORE your petitioner prays the Comaor. Council that the_streeta and allays above described be vacated and that this Honora hle Body accept the naw plat and the streets thereon dedicated in lieu of the streets and alleys asked to be vacated. _ In pr®sence of;- RI%TR BOULEVARD I-'ALTT COYP,t7/1 , By :.tbRTtn itUST CO'.!PANY, Byr a - =0 TARY. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey. ) as, ' On this=J4 of July, A. D. 1919, before me personally appeared J. Norman Storr, to me well k mwn, and on being duly sworn, he did say that he in the Prseident of River Boulevard Realty Company, a corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of the said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and uealed in behalf of said corporation by the authority of its Board of Directors and that said J. Norman 9torr did ack3wWledge said instrument to be the free act and dead of the said River Boulevard Realty Company. iiotary public, Fiamssy C nty, 'Sinnescts, IGy commission expires �C I J— State of Minnesota, ) County of Ramsey, ) aa. Cn this 5116' of July, A. D. 1919, before mea Notary Publi -.,*- in and for said County, appeared E. P. Davis and Hugh W. Martin to me personally -known to be the »ereaa8 v�hos9 aero 8 etre+#t baerlbed to tbe, forogoivg instrument, who being by me severally duly sworn, did gay, sash for"'himself, that they are the Vice President and L�aarotsry rearactivoly of ti— 5o rthmostorn ^. rttet Compm= y, and that the seal gffixed to LB Foro�oi„g inet—ent i. ,... rpo .. __i „ia cort,c-a-. on, and that the said .r instrument was signed and sealedinbehalf of saidcorporationby authority of its Board eF irsatc_^s`,^sn+�tY.e aai d_i. .avi& ar.1 ::ugh ' , - instrument he t m tr-T act -and deed of said coVorrpporraalt/i�on.^artin acknowledgo-1_.a_,nid to :votary Public, Ramsey t iSin.^ ^ so .s Uy commission expires r� G �� ���///t i OHDINANOIDB. ry 1 2S�3� 1 l• C. 91. 1(0. E6939—Ordinance No 6156— 1 /►\ `��"1 • / ' M ordinance amending o4thrdinance N•„ U . J C,J1 /`.J. 4089, apyroved Octoner , Moe �. titled Aa ordinance Providing the eatabllshmenq oDeratlon, 25. � ¢cement and maintenance of a (nl gearage. This Is an emer, rendered necessary Pc t1. he Public d safety." This ..rrdinance rendered t reeeerevatioa of ttr '` d safety. An ordinance amending Ordinance Ido. 4u& -,i, approved October 4th, 1918, entitled "An ordinance providing for the establishment, operation, management and maintenance of a municipal garage. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 4089, approved October 4th, 1918, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 2. That all automobiles and auto trucks owned by the City of St. Paul or any department th4e'reof, except those belonging to the Bureau of Police and the Bureau of Fire Protection, and the automobil@ used by the Superintendent of Buildings, Department of Educa- tion, the automobile used by the Superintendent of Parks, one one -ton, one and one-half ton and five -ton truck be- longing to the Commissioner of Public Works Department, one automobile for the City Forester belonging to the Departmpnt of Parks; Playgrounds and Public Buildings, one one -ton truck belonging to the Department of Educa- tion one one -and -one -half -ton White truck, one one -ton Ford truck; one two -ton truck, and one seven -passenger touring car used by the Superintendent of Mechanical Construction, Department of Public Utilities; and one one -ton Ford truck, and one 12 -ton White truck used by the Bureau of Water for the installation of service connections and emergency work, shall be stored and kept in saidr,Garage." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of .the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council AX Yeas e 0 m�""**W Mr. -- Farnsworth Goss o Wr'C�v4 McColl WunderlichG 8 1915 1 I4X President. (Hodgson) Ari rov Attest ._'.---------- '"",Jor City Clerk i i s��� ` �z d � �� r 'r �; (ofijrr of Titg Tier i J AS, J. MINER JOHN I. FARICY ASST. CITY CL K CIT h V '�' y i Of 19vaint Paul July 22nd, 1919. Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, , Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached please find resolution adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners recommending that the trucks used by the Bureau of Water for service connections and emer- gency work be kept in the garage at Hamlin and Carroll Avenues, .to. The Council referred to matter to you for proper form of ordinance. Very truly yourACIMUC. 2 one. Ito eipa r, `h n e•rtt o f P' htd 1111"eU`F 1 i;es BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OSCAR E.HELLER. Fr ,.d.A S. FARNSWORTH IA. N.G055 GARRETT O.HOU E. G..'S.Rr 7/21/19. To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - The Board of Water"Conbdissioners at a meeting held this date, unanimously adopted theesolution which you are kindly requested to approve. In connect n with this matter the intention of the Board is only to store the cars described in resolution at its store yards for convenience in the service of the department but it is their intention however, that any necessary re- pairs to these cars shall be done at the garage same as heretofore. Verytruly yours, r Assistan�e.ly- t �yacA 141 t-v;l* N NOS��� ra N 0 em•. e8ettn� p _ - %``7 'r 0 . » i�.�?Obis _} 0.n ordinance £ agprov in the p't dan�ritbcrts�ri sc Lots' One (1) and Two- (2) in Rice ,a�Ld !rvine�s addit c� s cxrori i ary Purposes, ordering the acquisition of the same esy n"r'k.x E� t5r condemnation, and provid- ing fundO,thereforG THE COUNCIL '0. F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Co si ner of Education, having reported to the Council that Ar " gg according to the.. lat there Lots l and 2 flt,'A ce and Irvine's Addition, g p ,zE of qn file and of record in the -office of the Register of: Deeds of Ramsey ose§ and that the County, Minnesota,.are required for public I,ibraiy pure s estimated value thereof is the 'sum of Twenty Eight' Thousand Two Hundred g` (28,200:) Dollars, and the Comptroller having certified that there is,k Y, money available.in the treasury of.•the City for the acquisition of i$ie. r; said lots, the Council hereby approves the project -of acquiring same Por Iibraaypurposes, and her"ebq orders and directs. that the same be acquired � `ss for said purposes by purchase by the."Committee on Lands, consisting in .4 _this case of the -Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, f the same. can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said: cslikLitee cannot procure said land ,at a reasonable price and shall so f report to the -Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders "and�irects that condemnation proceedings be �ngttuted under the pro- wisions;of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and e,'cpense'of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and tbe.,same,is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the iiia Public.Lilirary Fund , and as much of said w funds>as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said �• - T purpose. � '� Section 2 This 'ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication YeasCouncilmen. Zap Adopted by the Council • y�_ Farnsworth AUG �8 19J9 1919 . Gose y McCol Approved A ' 8 1919 =` 1919 R . Wunderlich G' Mr. Prest (Hodgson) 0 Kl'�RSRs ..JOHN;it a•� -- o ordinance. +bA 2L Date Dep 9 trotles' Ordinance No.S An ordinance approving the M ounell dt the City o1 8t Fee',ig_LOts One (1) and Two (2 ) in Rice and Irvine s Additi,,; SECTION 1. ary purposes, ordering - the acquisition of the same u,� naFR`E,, dr condemnation, and provid- ing funds therefor. THE COU14CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 The Comm ii_Qner_of Education having reported to the Council that Lots 1 and 2 iVTlc'e and Irvine's Addition, according to the plat there- of on file and of record in the office of the Registerof Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, are required for public Library pup , andestimated value thereof is the sum of Twenty Eight Thousand Two Hundred (28,200) Dollars, and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquisition of tfie said lots, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for library purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Crmnittee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereb;,- orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the pro- visions of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the i6NOUNNOWN0 Public Library Fund , and as much of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication Yeas Councilmen J1@ -W Adopted by the Council Farnsworth AUG 78 1919 1919 Goss McColl Approved AU -7:8 1919 1919 Wunderlich Mr. Prest (Hodgson) w Jay ft: FA{1{QY. ,i\ -CAT - O City Cbtk. n �rir dicated­-in- the -foregoi_ii,_ordinance. Date oZ - r.. , omptroll r °' t�roa' c, F No 86958 --Ordinance No 61ll8=�� #'�By Albert, Wundorlicl>�-; 1n,ordlnance authorfztn6 the aDDotnt- i r men2 and; aglDloy by the Com- %� (t / nglabtoner: of E dncati op oL thlrt9 male .�. „• n0 duAloe libraordiry eealstants. Thia 1san 3 et 00oY. nance rendered neCee-. aae,heaith-and�afety. 11 •1 of the City, of st. P is An ordinance authorizing the s►ppointment and employment by the Commissioner of Education of male junior library f sssistants. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the xeservation of the public peace, health and safety. `> THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 5� Section 1. That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized toappoint and employ _ male junior library assistants, who shall be paid salaries out of the funds of the Department of Education, within the limits fixed and provided in Administrative Ordinance No. 32502, approved Augu#t 20th, 1914, and a amendments heretofore or hereafter made thereto. Section 2. Said male junior library assistants shall per— {`. k the form such duties as the City Librarian, under the supervision -of < '1 Commissioner of Education, shall direct. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an. emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council WG ;8 1919 Yeas C D ww�4�vY��i✓1` A*. - Farnsworth Goss Ro-3�er P 0 VX^ --Q McColl G Wunderlich AUG -8 Igk9 Mr,. President (Hodgson) Approv d Attest r /fir Mayor a / City Cle .,7 r 4 r y 77 COUNOIL ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER on _iii ideni_ ..ane! e:.tendi_=F -,an-`in tweet to_a..._:kith Inthe Matter of..........'......:.>x...r................. .......----'---........ --...................-. ... �6...feet..b.eta.e.ez1...$etison_..and.,.I oc]e70od...=:venues..........................._................................... ..... ...... . .----------- - .... .... - -- - - -- - - in the matter of oyenStre extendlnN Rankin Street to a wid, o er _ .___"__________ _____________________". _..-_.. wood A�rte'IIve� under$ Preliminary der 24588, approved Marek' 29, """" The C...,Xj qT the Clty of 8t. F having received the report ofthe (' .... ....... �asloner of Finance upontonef::................................................................ .... ......... 1 ;•,vement, and av ng F , art, herebyy resolve.: ,be said report *e a ..... ......... ....... ,,-. apr"-................................................................. re under Preliminary Order ------��05..........__._..... .........approved ....__.i,.21'Qh.. �J� 1fJl ....... .:..... _._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. _,o, n -r--=: i.deta...a1]d ..e -wend anLiu..gtroe.....t.o...a..;.zratll..o%..� E_._feet bet,reen 3enson and ocic.lood ._venues. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 50.0.0_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _ 20th ..... ..-_day of 191 9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Conunissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated p Council...... _ _,.I > t; _!' ;.' _ ...., 191 .. /'' �%� (� I Adopted p the Couna _....... J/ , ....... ...... _ _... Approved.._ ... ........ ... 191_ Cit erk. Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman TOOT P0r1e-i'3 Councilman eColl /� Councilor Wunderlich" May Hodrson Fm m B. A. 8-6 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of .1 n the I - A; a : i - - - a e. caa a & rs for ................ Underwood's ��Jop.�s,.. for cuts and fills in grading...Al Alley in Block 5, . ..... ........................................................ -­ ............ . ...... .......... ...................... . .... Third A dition from..a �fj�-s.t o.f K.enn.Ath AD�niie tjQ PnIgr­ ---------- . . . _q ¢3iton., ... ............................................................................ :7 ------------- * ---------------------------------------- ----------•---- .. ................................. ...................... .................................................... ................................................................ . ............. .......... sad ter f k. -y Order under Preliminary Order24761 .............. a jo-. net termediar ,,for to no r approved... fills is AP T! 'I's It It nt 'feet v6 ue�!o, , 24276. ` It In �4276 .2 Resolved: "11 14, * 1919. 9' i the following t-09— ' the same b 1�wiPweprnebyn'd t%� ordered to be made, viz: (1) That the following improvement zle, viz.: 0 1. the land for cute and fine n.., k 1�01� , ... and ..... it s and ;�a the ... ;L- fr,no] & to 112 0 f � Prior Aver fills . -.in- .,kvenue "W V16 "!*od's Third Addition from a end --by ............... ............. -------------------------- (2) ---------------- (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: the Land abutting -qgon the All.ey In B.I.Q..CA the exte-at AM ;slmtcb ?A1 Qf I ho C.Q=.i5.a;LQn.e . .... . f . Public Works. in the matter, dated 1�183, l4th. 1919_.-------------------------------------_..............-_ ....._.............. ........ .. . ............... . .. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have ;r�ed and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ------------------- !".�. . ... ... C� 19, ... . ...... 1V, ............... Approved Z ------------..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman B*Ya)ldx Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kxbox Hodgson Mayor. X, •,l�.O` PITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER h ^/ .•000IL . N 259-............_....... 20 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE w - / BY U\IP �-E 1 AUDITED ................ 191/�R PER...... 1075 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following details statement: Yeas l V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council_..... _ `___..._................... 191_ Cla cy r d. ,L1 I�19 Far sworth ._In favor ......:.. ....__.. ... .191 .......... G Ga 1 Kel r Against ...... MAYOR.._.._ Me ll —' REBOLQTION& Wu erlich 36936— Mr. President, odgsonAbstract -iieeelved that• warrant. fie drav qq aftthe C1%Treasury payable out qa , ere lnafter eDecified Lunde and vor of the peraoge,>flrtne-or cr-�•,•y„�w__.J'L„-�7 n. r (,pB amount. set., St. rVJAtd3(,tl jj )% / omee a. -Pell,d d .tatement• 12851 0. Anderson 5.00 1 5.00 12852 A. W. Anderson 5.00 12853 0. G. Ainlee Electio 5.00 12854 L. Brochenier Electi 60.o0 12855 Leopold Bruenner Park Mun. Concert t 12856 J. P. Cannon ect on Elect 5.00 12857 F. Jj Camitsch Else ion 5.00 12858 John Cody Elea ion 263.00 12859 Thos. Davis & son Art use= 5.00 12860 Jas. E. Doran Elea ion 5.00 12861 Four Vlheel Drive Co. Elec ion 5.00 12862 Geo. N. Gerlach `--- Else ion 5•� 12863 J. B. Gerlach Election i� Hes. # 1075 12864 J. G• Hedberg, Agt. Elec 12865 A. P. HerscHer pack lor 12866 John H. Hoffman Elea ioi 12867 F. W. Index Elect o] 12868 Carl Johnson Elect 12869 Joy Brothers Fire I 12870 Henry Jurgenson Electio 12871 E.P. Kaper Eleatic 12872 John Kenna Electic 12873 W. T. Kenney Eleatic 12874 S.Laskar Electi 12875 Lacey Lauer Elect c 12876 B. McAndrews Elect ; 12877 Manhattan Oil Compaannyito. 12878 Minnesota Broom Company Park 12879 N. W. Electric Equipment Playgr 12880 A. Olson Elea i 12881 Quayle & Kelly Wat r 12882 St. Paul Motor Car 12883 A. M. Sharood P s 12884 N. Sandlierg Elect: 12885 Schultz Lumber Company v / W "'* 'n- F1'"`1 tZ- - 0 #2 5.00 450.00 5.00 5.00 5000 268.48 10.00 5.00 5.00 5000 5.00 5.00 5000 3.73 24.99 11.14 5.00 114.66 1,180.00 773.81 5000 5.00 5.00 Ree. #1075 12887 Raymer Hardware Company Gar ge 12888 Aug. A. Rolf Elec ion 12889 H.Weisenberg Elect on 12890 A Welter Electi n 12891 W. J. Westphal Electl0 12892 William Coal Company Electi 12893 Sam Windos Electi 12894 Young Brothers Garage Electi n - -3 330 10 —, — n # 0-01 10.29 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL "`"" OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Pam A 444,1 M 7-10 ---t _ ✓ a COUNCIL FILE NO.:.1°....�.....__ / { AUDITED .......... 7_i ....._..... ............. 191/...9 — PER...__......_ ... .... .. ..... TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas 1 ) Councilmen ( `/ ) Nays Adopted by the Council_..._...... ....__.___................................191.....:-- Cla y Far sworth ..�__....._In favor oved_.. .... ___.... _. .:.............191._......_ Gus Kel er Against IaYox Mc oil Wu derlich lr. Presiden Hodgson t1 X No, 26939-- -- - Reeofb ar11 ved that418 be drawn n the City Treasury, Dayable out or one hereinafter apeotfled funds and I4 e for the a=" e, flrma or corpora- AA'�eapepllve ne mea 9e apecl8edp1, the fo r iowing dela (led statement: B: A. 81987.09. Co'r. Of M..ee, 9,987,08. m A M. Sher ,ad. 4321.40. T. Webster, 46487.00• dopted by the Gf. 1911 _ Droved July 25 1919. duly E5, 1819. (Aug. }. 1929) 12898 Be A. Farnsworth, Com4r. Finance, 96 A. Me Sharood , —351 r-1 -_ 97 Be T. Webster ,Ot-.tsan St_ Seale Total $ 56f nnp Aa $29,987.09 321.40 5,487,00 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Date Presented .....J1.11y....25....... 19.19.....--191....... Resolved, That the annexed plans and specificatiAns and estimates of cost for the construction of a two story fire station prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and herewith submitted to the Council, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Public Safety;and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Bulldinas is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of the said fire station on the basis of force or cost account to the extent of not to exceed '37,000.00, The cost of the said work to be charged to the Fire mind Yeas (J) -Councilmen (✓) Nays /,4dopted ` by the C ncil ....__ ................._...........:....191...... J a p /J Fa sworth G s %In favor Approved......:.../:::�_..............._................._. 191J F K er / J i oll .............. Against # ? ........_. nderlich i1 j Mr. Preside , Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I6 f J o H N ,. FA R,CY (Offire of (pity (nlrrk C,.. CLERK (NIJ of §§aWt JJWA1 Mr. T. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. JAS. J. MINER ASST. CITY CLERK July 25th, 1919. Dear Sir: Attached please find resolution No. 25940, to approve.plans and specifications, etc. for the construction of a two story fire station, cost not to exceed $37,000.00. Same was referred to you for proper form of ���ordinance, by the Council at its m--" - -- —1- ''— Yo enc. / ' , 1 - I CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .25941 COUNCIL NO. Jul 25 19 Date Presented ..._---.......Y.............:....._....1.....x..191....... WHEREAS, Unforeseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order -#23076, approved October 7, 1918, described as the curhing of Sherburne Avenue from Griggs Street to Syndicate Street have arisen in putting in the following extra curbing - 10.4 feet of straight curbing $ 45¢, $4.68 R 12.60 " " radius curbing P 60¢, 7.56 One manhole cover,7.50 419 74 NOW THEREFORE PF IT RESOLVED Thatoucil ereby theers the supervisionaandrdire(ftionedone. of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the speci- fications therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of Nineteen Dollars and Seventy-four Cents 0'19.74) and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller Contract No.L-1009 for the making of the aforeeaid improvement, M. vision aird� dtrectlonof the Commla- a and etoner of. Public VVo 5catlone niherefor "" IEh the speQ u the oat thereof not to exceed the C ntenl%19.14 Doled to be allowadye0 an extra under the contract known as „m making of the aforesaid act Improv1,1009 e _ went. 'I Adopted by the Council July 26, 1919. Approved July 26� 1919. Aug.Yeas (J) ouoilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .__`.IUl` N5. IQ 19 ..191...... /la Cy _ �a sworth A ro �. .. PP...._. ..............._._.`_.........._..191..... o __. __...In favor e r c 11 ....... Against.............._.........._.__._........_.__..........._.........._. ........... MAYOR Wu erlich Mr. President, odgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 _ No. 26942—BY M. N. Gose— _ eolved�That Dermleelon be and t. States ( hereby n[ed the Northern he' Power �omg ant to erect poles and • to .[ring the necessary V/ me, ntl 1 wires thereon: �Syath side o[ Mlnne- ��� Set D Ie. • Naha Street, o[rom Seventh Street to alley West of Sev Onth Street" geld poles and wire. t0 be placed anfl dlrec- the work to be done under the "on and to the eatl.[actlon of the Com- missioner of Pabllc Work., said Com-- they to me the Costa fthepeet po esaViand Paul Minnesota St the en o nearing, a • , the wyylree to be removed_ when reaaeetetl July 15, 1919 SI peal, Chia permlasloin Is g"' *1 no s' not oar and pursuant to the term. and visions of t,rdinance 2646, approved December 26, 1906. Atloyted by the Council July 26, 1919. „ "➢Droved July 26, 1819. e (Aug. 2, 1919) 1 That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States Power ComparV to erect poles and cross - and to string the necessary wires thereon: arms, "Set poles on south side of Yinnehaha Street, from Seventh Street, to alley west of Seventh Street." Said poles and wires to be placed and the work to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, said ComparV to pay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under and pur- suant to the terms and provisions or Ordinance 2545, ap- proved Dec. 26, 1906. Yeas (✓) Coun ilmen (✓) Nays Clan y Fern worth Goss I .............. In favor Kell MCC 1 Against Wan rlich Mr. President, odgson FORM—_- _I Is AL 25 1919 Adopted by the Council _._......_....__ ......................191...... Appro/' .............�.,. 191..... / MAYOR Bureau Of ainan.es and r...hitione St. P. ,7% ]d be set In each loos- .11eys'and atreete ere the /r Of bile shall L_Y/Y d shall be off such such height V as he .hall designs[e les any and area nh pole. _191 COI1nCl� NO. down and tt ed, and t 11 ,ppttaergrot. ° whn- :Il reQuI deem: 'r the .Quire., _ •n It RESOLVED, That the St. Pxul Gas Light Company fs hereby ordered avd dif .ten I�. And its eleclrica116 p 6y erectivR Poles and strioaioe wires thereon for the travemisaiov of eleRricty ov xvd iv the following alleys avd streets of said city: Install thirteen poles on south side of St. Iawrence Street between Fenton and Missouri Streets. Install one pole in alley south of Fourth Street, east of Atlantic Street. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such utensions, poles avd wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction avd eupervisiov of the Commiasimuer of Public Utilities and iv all thio,,. subject to the provfefovs of Ordinance No. 2424. avd of all other lawful ordi...c avd resolutions of the UtY a( 9t. Paul. All poles should be set in such locative in said alleys avd atreete ere the Commiseiover of Public Utflities shall designate, sad .hall he of such height avd character xs he shall deaf¢nate and approve, and anY avd all ouch poles shall be taken down and removed, avd such wires Placed vvder¢rousd, whenever the Couacil shall deem [fiat the public Interest so requfree. avd whey it shall so order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Council 'en C ORTH GOSS McCO L Resolved6That Bthe St. Pout Gas Light ERLICH HYLA14D 1 'j C11 Company is hereby ordered and directed to extend Ile eleetrtcal Ilne. byerecting poles and tri nging wires th f P reon for the tranettnniesfon of electricity on and in the r' p9A follow) ng alleys and -etre.[. of said Ity:. Install thirteen poles South Council Rof aide 9c Lnwrence Btreeq between Fenton and. 2vIlseotlrl 9tr.ete. Form Install one pole In alley South f Lill "ourth Street, East of Atlantic Street ^tth n.......y ggaurs anq an nor.. such 0xt.nalon., poles nd Department ' tie erected and constructed etlon and'eupervt.t.n of - of r, nr caput-Ututtie., Bureau Of ainan.es and r...hitione St. P. ,7% ]d be set In each loos- .11eys'and atreete ere the /r Of bile shall L_Y/Y d shall be off such such height V as he .hall designs[e les any and area nh pole. _191 COI1nCl� NO. down and tt ed, and t 11 ,ppttaergrot. ° whn- :Il reQuI deem: 'r the .Quire., _ •n It RESOLVED, That the St. Pxul Gas Light Company fs hereby ordered avd dif .ten I�. And its eleclrica116 p 6y erectivR Poles and strioaioe wires thereon for the travemisaiov of eleRricty ov xvd iv the following alleys avd streets of said city: Install thirteen poles on south side of St. Iawrence Street between Fenton and Missouri Streets. Install one pole in alley south of Fourth Street, east of Atlantic Street. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such utensions, poles avd wires shall be erected and constructed under the direction avd eupervisiov of the Commiasimuer of Public Utilities and iv all thio,,. subject to the provfefovs of Ordinance No. 2424. avd of all other lawful ordi...c avd resolutions of the UtY a( 9t. Paul. All poles should be set in such locative in said alleys avd atreete ere the Commiseiover of Public Utflities shall designate, sad .hall he of such height avd character xs he shall deaf¢nate and approve, and anY avd all ouch poles shall be taken down and removed, avd such wires Placed vvder¢rousd, whenever the Couacil shall deem [fiat the public Interest so requfree. avd whey it shall so order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Council 'en FARN ORTH GOSS McCO L WUN ERLICH HYLA14D KELL ZIR Mr, President, IRVI ( ) Nays Approved � � 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ..................................._...................................................._..................................__._..: ......................... NO. Date Presented 25A-1 ........................... Resolved, That the contract heretofore entered into beWeen the City of St. Paul and Armour and Company for the leasing of locomotive crane, belonging to the Department of Public Utilities, be and the same is hereby extended for a period of sixty (60) days from July 30th, 1919. C. F. No. 269That the contract hereto' Resolved, city 0 tore entered tato betwea the ber gq, peal and Armour ative crane. the leasin6 f locomo q ppblle longing to the Depart nme s hereby UtU ti... be end the 60 Wy. [romndedy 30thp 19 �9. of til July 26. 1919. Adopted by the Counc Approved JuIY 26h 11919) (Aug• 191....... Adopted by the Council .......`... ............................191...... Approv ... ..........`...i ....'�.''~...Lr.............. 191..... .................................................... ................ MAYOR on ilmen (✓) Yeas (;//Ctan Nays y �ar worth 1 os Kell --.........In favor r IMc 11 ...-. Against Wu erlich d Mr. Presiden 4iodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 191....... Adopted by the Council .......`... ............................191...... Approv ... ..........`...i ....'�.''~...Lr.............. 191..... .................................................... ................ MAYOR El- 688 ARMU_R AND COMPANY GENERAL OFFICES: UNION STOCKYARDS :'CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 256q PLANT SOUTH ST. PAUL, MINN. July 21, 1919. Pair. J. 3. Stark, Deputy Commissioner of Public Utilities, St. Paul, Idinn. Dear Sir: Heplying to yours of the 12th in regard to the locomotive crane belonginpb>o the Department of Public Utilities, which we are using for construction purposes at this plant. I£ possi- ble we would like to have the agreement which expires July 30, 1919 extended for a period of sixty days. At the present time we have an order placed with Orton w Steinbrenner, manufacturers of this crane for repair parts which we intend to replace before the crane is turned back to your department. ;ie sincerely trust 'hat '..he above request for extension of sixty days will be granted. Yours truly, A.RP,4GL�? Td ' HIS -B By hrmour & Co., oouth 'It. Paul, Linn. Attention t'r. H. C. Schottler Gentlemen; Hep,arding our conversation several days ago with reference to the locomotive crane belonging to the Depart- Ynent of !'ublio Utilities, wrich is now at dour plant, under agreement which will terminate July 30, 1919, in our conver- sation you adviaed the writer that you would like to use it after the agreement expires. If you wish to use this crane, rill you kindly write a letter, addressed to the writer, advising the rpnroximate length of time you would require the use of it. 'Upon receipt i of same, I will present the letter to the e4ouncil and recce.mend that the agreement be ectended until such time as you will not hr,ve any further use for it. Yours very truly, Deputy Commissioner of Public Utilities. MEMORANDUM OF AGR=­MENT. The City of St- Paul, pursuant to resolution of the Council adopted July 30th, 1918, hereby rents and gives to Armour & Company, a corporation, the right to the possession and use of that certain locomotive crane belonging to the Department of Public Utilities, and now stationed at the coal levee at the foot of Market street, for such time as may be mutually satisfactory to said parties, not exceeding, however, one year from date hereof. The said crane is — — to -ire used -by said Armour & Company in constructing its new plant at South St. Paul, and is to be removed from its present location m to said plant and returned to its present location when the said. Armour & Company is through with the same, or upon demand by the City of St. Paul, without expense to said City. The said Armour & Company agrees to pay the City of St. Paul, on monthly bills rendered by the Commissioner of Public Utilities for the use of said crane, at the rate of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for each secular day that said crane shall be and remain in the possession of said Armour & Comps ny- It is understood and agreed that said crane is kept by the Cityfor the purpose of handling freight at the docks and wharves maintained by. said City, and in case the said City should at any time during the term of this lease need said crane, the said Armour & Company will, upon two days' notice, but at the expense of said City, ship and return said crane to the said coal dock for such temporary use as the City may desire, and after the City is through with the some, the said Armour & Company may, at its own cost and expense, re- take said crane, to be used under the terms of this lease. Said Armour & Company agrees that said crane is now in good order and condition, and that it will keep the same in such condition while sid crane remains in its charge, and when it returns the crane to the City of St. Paul, the said Armour & Company will put the same r in the same good order and condition as it is now, at its own coat and expense. The Chief Engineer of the City of St. Paul shall be the judge as to whether or not said crane has been placed in such good order and condition, and his judgment upon said matter shall be final. Witness our hands this 30th day of July, 1918. ` IN PRESENCE OF CITY OF ST. PAUL, By (Signed) L.C. Hodgson (Signed) J. B. Stark. Mayor (Signed) O.E. Keller_ Commissioner of Public Utilities. (Signed) —John I. Faricy. City Clerk. ARMOUR h C01.1PANY, By Approved: (Signed) H.C. Schottler (Signed) O.H. O'Neill, Corp. Counsel. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .................................................................................................................................... 0,25945 COUNCIL FILENO . ............................... .................... Date Presented .....................................................191..... Resolved, That they Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Police,the services of one (1) Physoian for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days to serve as Polios Surgeon during the @=Ull vacation ofNight:Surgeons,Bureau of Poliee,Department of Public Safety. Compensation for this service shall be at the rate of Eighty five $85. Dollars per month and the expense is to be charged to the Police Fund 26946—Hy Henry McColl— Re.olved, That the Commlealoaer of Puuuc 9atetY to hereby authorized to employ In tya nureau of Pdl(ce, the services of one (1) physician for a Derlod not exceeding thirty (30)' days rto servuale as Police Burgeon during the '.Bureau of Pollee, Dep er�men8 orf Pub- Icshallsafety. Cat the .tl.n for this aerv- 'Ice-shall be at the :rate of nighty-dve' (180.00 Dollars cer month and the ex- penes �e to be barged to the Police Fund. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1919.' Approved Jnly 26r 1919. Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Adopted by the fLl cy F' asworth Approved o.....r........In favor el r MCC 11 _O Against — (Wun erlich M President, dgson l ( l FORM C. A. 9 314 12 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL �� 3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2 et:. ........................................... ............._........_..........................__..............................................._....._.... IV4� OOl1NCIL I PILEO............................................................ L ...............:...........................................................................T.......... Date Presented.:......................................................191....• Resolved, That the application of P.D,Soannell doing business, as St.Paul Suburban Sanitation Cc. with offices_; at 507 Court Block for a license to engage in the eoavenger buainess,bel and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is here by instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and the payment into tb& City Treasury of the fee twenty five dollars($25.00.), Yeas (✓)��C ncilmen (✓) Nays Y/Cl ncy v J�F nsworth /Ins favor Ke er �WC oll ......Against u derlich Mr. President, odgson . FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-I6 „i� Adopted by the Coun ' .--... .. . . -1 . = -191...... ff Approve .... _ ..... __- .....UL ti............................. 191..... ....... ................... ............ ........... ....._.......... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL F ..................................... .................................. :.......-...........-...-..-_...._............---._.......--...... ' COUNCIL y 25647N A , 1( Date Presented ......-...XU. jT....23......................191-9.. Resolved, That the Conaaittee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of Wit. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 50{: , for Pub is School purnoses, Lots 15 and 16, Black 2 of Ll. Pic-rce's i,nlargeirent of Suilr-it Fant Addition to the City of wt. Paul for the cum of Two Thousand 'rive H-ndved (2500) Dollars, and the properCity officers are i-erob-,r authorized and empowered to (Law a vrarrant for the ,.urphaso price in favor of the o mer of the said land when ;•roper deods conveying the same are a; proved by the Cor -portion Counsel whieh 'lave i)een delivered to the Comrtrolle.r. Th,- cost of said land (.;2500) to be charged to Public mac: ool llkmd, Beal -::)tate Itc it, No. 41.8. ; C. F. No' 26947—By Albert Wunder -I Itch— Resolved, That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and Pursuant to Ordinance No. 6043, for Pursuant School purposes, Lots 16 and 16, Block 2 of para -1 ,B. Pierce'. Enlargement oI 9ummlt Park Addition) to the City of 8t. Paul, for the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred (52,600) Dollars, and the proper city,ofHcere are hereby authorized and empowered to. draw a warrant for the purchase price' In favor of the owner of the said land. when properdeeds conveying the same) are approved by the Corporation Coun- sel which have been delivered to the, Comptroller. The cost of said lands (;2,600) to be charged to Public] 8chooi Fund, Real Estate Item, No.l ' 41.9. Adopted by the Council July 26, 1919. Approved July 26 1919. (Aug. lE. 1819) - Yeas (✓) Co cilmen (✓) Nays Cla cy Fa sworth Gos ..... In favor Kell r MCC 11 -..... ..Against Wun erlich . President, odgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18, Adopted by the Con AL .a ....... 191.-.... Approve 191.....' ..........._...........................-...................--....--------........---' MAYOR Lint of faint �Jallt u. > q 7- ���t�rrkmr�it of Ruch, conn.ss,on[. N..R1.. D D REHEENER, D[aUry connissi or+[R July 24, 1919. To the honorable the Council of the City of St. Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands for the purpose of acquiring land for the Bureau of Schools, Department of -Education, pursuant to Ordinance P!o. 5043, be Rs leave to recomriend the purchase of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park AGdition to the City of St. Paul, as additional ground for public school p>>rposes, for the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred (2500) Dollars. Respectfu submitted, ( ( C1-MITTEE ( - C ormni s ( Purchasing agent CITY OF ST. PAU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G& ERAL FORM V 25c,08 y I�� Subject: .........................................._.............................. .......... .._... ............. ........ ..----- ..._.......__.............. .._...... 25 c,0 8 i COUNCIL PNO ................................ _......................... Date Presented 191..... .24601*06, AREAS, The Committee on Lands, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, has reported that it is unable to purchase Block 31, West End Addition, in the open market because the prices asked are exorbitant and unreasonable, and has recommended that the same be acquired by condemnation; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to acquire said Block 31, West End Addition, by condemnation proceedings. Yeas (✓) Coulcilmen (✓) Nays July 26, 1919. VCla.......� cy 111 a sworth ✓/Go In favor /ILel er / c oil ...... Against W�n derlich Mr. President Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council..... .. ..Z... '1. ........ Approved ..........s,.UL...:ZO.J.t). 11............... 1991..... ....................................................................................... MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and a^i 256.9 The undersigned hereby proposes the, making a follo . pub* improvement t City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemn and appropri a Bloc . 1{ YPest End d ion to the .............................. I.......................................... ity__of..St...._Pauh_.o.._echool...P.......Gsea,....t9_.. ......Pa .....for...out.._Qf ..................... tea!__EstA.......it.em:......t.he.-Rubl......Soha.Q:l.... d........ ............................... Dathin ........... ............day of................. fi _.J? Y. r.. ................... 191: ...., ............................... .... ......... --................. ................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................ Q.Q.Adezraa... and -appropriate ...B.1QQX...3.1.,....Wo.a.t-End...,A.ddit.i..on,...1-ox...pu 11c...... Q.hoo.1.. puxpQ-0-0A,-...t.o...be.., paid ...for- ...out...Q:.? . the...Reai„Est ate_.. item.. oYthe_....- P.Ubiio....School ...F nd,...........! PRELIMINARY ORDERS..................................................................... ................ ................... .......................................... { C. F. No. 25949-13Y Albert Wunder. _ F I llch— ha' been resented to the Council of th� Abet -et. ..... .......................................... ......... Ving p =jrheraae .^. wrltr�n probe -t for ., therefore, be it va a r r r RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: I. To inve6tigate the necessity for ordesimbility of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of add improvement, and the total codt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. A T ieh h Poll -- tive to said improvement :....... .......... ............... .......... ........_.__. .'.; o ante whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ` JU 2 f019 Adopted by the council ............. .................................._.........;191 ..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fa nsworth Gc s Approved...........�.� 1.:.. ��.- :.:.�- ...............191........ H' and Ki ler M 11 Wiaderlich ........................................................ Mayor In n Mayor. Form CA 13 (6M 4-19) _, 25650 COUNCIL ENO ................ - ...... B Gj _ INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing- cement tile side',:alk,six felt 'ide, at the Inhe M tter o ._..................................�........................---"-----------.................................... ......--•"--------..... follo•sting �0 ,j Ens. On".Fest""-side of "Under:'ood from St. Clair St. to Jefferson, ::here side— ;aalks do not no--" e,ci.st.; on Soiit 3e orB"erlr"ey _ryey ffd'r T7ri;Ser,sa7c ;" thence.--�"est...ta..me-e.t..�l.e.Qe.r;t-._constructe3_-.; ilk",-"aoproxiroa'ely _40 feet.; on South -ide of Stanford Ave. between Under cod aril Freierio a, in Front of i�flt 3; -E"look:..9y"""=4acal,vatar-.^a.��aa.;....os...U.cl t.h...si:e Qf elleslev A z_ue between Underwood and Fredericka in front of Lot 10, Block 10, "•acalester ------------- ----------- ------------ ----- _......--------------- ....----_------------ ....... ....._.... ........................ ....._............._..-.........._....................._ ..... -........._............................._................................................................_..........._..... 24868 April 26, 1812. underPreliminary Order ......... .........._ ---..........................approved ....._.... _. ............._ ......_._... ............. :................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. COn3tr4ct. ceme.....nt t.he ............................ sidewalks six flet ;ride, at the follo•ing locations; On.'",�st aide ­ of -Under; 0ed f-roc--&t-r--Clai.r_.St.....to...Je3.far.aQbl ._7;.he '----Z11e.-... walks do not now exist.; on South side of Berkeley Ave, from Underwood, thence Te§t to meet present donstructed-�,Ya3:k af- roxlfat€l"y Z4."-iE=t--i--- on..South.._aide of Stanford Ave. bet�.re-n Under^ood and Fredericka Ave. in front of Lot"u, "$lock, 7fiaoaTe"st"e" Vi1Ts ; On south ➢lock;lCl f acaleater Ave oet. ePn...Under.?o0d..and_FredPricka in front of Lot 10, .. Villas. .................... .... ..........._._...--._..-.. ....... _.... ..__ ._ _ ..._............._..._ _....._...._,..__ . _ _ ..__._..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is __._0-70...per.,.front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tlie..^5th". . . .day of .................. Aumtet. ........... _....., 191...9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and Glity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ................ J -...... 1::.:... .... 191 ...... d - t-- Approved ........................................::.::'- 191......... Cit Clerk. ... .. ...................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss ICouncilmagjyjW d C 1 anc y Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor ii,"x Hodgson rm B. S. A. 8-6 �J 255 COUNCIL E N9 ......................... �J INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... ..............�9Sl.�t.Xuctll;t„e,..cQ ,eat__t i1e-,side ti;al';-,__aix. fe�t.__Fiide, on_bcth.._sidee.._of James...Street frcia Fredericka Street to Unde`r,vcod St. ..... .. ... ..........._...-........................... ..................................................... --------------------- ........ _................_................................................................................................................. _. _.... .......... under Preliminary Order.......................................F..'.. pp June 28, 1 15. a roved ......_.........................._.....................__._....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C0TLS t.r.-V-Q-t...'...v.CAl.e-at tile sidewalk, six feet •ide, on `oth sides of James Street from _ _..... _...... ...................... . ..... _... _................. _..... .............................................. _.................................. ........................... Fredericka Street to Under-:ccd Stre=t. except where Food and sufficient ..... . - _....... _.. _ _ _......_... _._............ ......................................... sidewalks now exist. _...._. .... .......... ......_..........._...__ ................_...._........_ _............ _. _...... _......- ........ _ ..._.............. _.... __.. _.._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ C.7 ...._.___0 .....pe....r front foot..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... .............5."..... ........day of iiL' .......................................g...... --t..........., 191 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. bL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._..,...`_ `___......___.._.___...., 151._._.. Approved..............`......:................................, 191......... i' rZ/ Di !/G ` Y� -.v..... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss )Councilman Z+,IUdC1anCy v Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor IrSifix Aodgc,n Form B. S. A. 8-6 r COUNCII, �,E Nom ........................ By----------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet .,,,ide, Inthe Matter of..........................................................._.......--...-------_.........._...----------........_.........................__._......... on the -,!,Tat side of Synaicate Avenue, from Laurel Ave, to Ashland Ave. .............. I................................................................. ............._........---.......-•----..............-------•---.....-•-•--.....----..........................---... .... ....................................................................................................... _............................................... ............................------- �5558 June 20, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved ................ .................... ..... ..... .................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Construot acement .................. td-la---side.e�slk.,....six ..ieat ..:r:.ids,....on..��at....a.ida... af....SYladiu .to---AY.f.VAQ.� fX.p.%--.... Laurel Avenue to Ashland A-rem)e, except where good and sufficient side— walks noirexist. ......................... I.................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ...... with,no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-o70..'?e.r. lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .................. 5th day of Auua........... , 1919......, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost th Adopted y the Council ...._...........................:_.... . 191 Approved.................................................... 191......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Cosa Councilmauxil) W Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Wiil Ho J � son orm B. S. A. 8-6 y l 251 CO II�E. ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.�nstruct a -ant tile sidesalh, six feet .-ide, on _.......'crr ................_.._................--............--------•..................................••-•........................_.._.._ both aides of Tvler frost Stryker Avsnue to �insloa Avenue. .i............................................................................................................................................. _.._._._............ .................. .......................... ............................................... -- -- -5339 June 4, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved ...... ......... ............. ...................................... ............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Constructing a ceraent 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ............ .......................... ................. _x.j e_ -a- de_. 1.K...,six.._fe_et aide, on both aides cf T .ler Str ct from S s.y_er....AV. , ..t� .."..l.r.lo. Av nue.,....excert --here good and suffieient ............... .......... ..................... 9.1de;eai.k.s...P 2 ... exi 3t,................................................................................................ ...................... W .'C er lineal foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is �.............�..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ :.5th ..........,,.._,.,day of ............ ............ A.qZ -91?................., 191....*9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council - _'.__......., 191___ ............. ........ ...... .... ... Approved.... ............... ..... __._....._ ........._... ............................................ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss CouncihuEd a,11W Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Irtz Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 J COUNCIL FILE NO. s r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of............Ccnstructink a cement tile sidetivalk.- six, feet ,',,i de. ............................•------........................... on the south side of Jefferson Avenue, froni Prior !.venue to Fairvies Anu vee. - --........................................... -................ ...................................... -- ..............__.................-..._.......................................... .................... .......................... 25606 June 27, 1919, under Preliminary Order.............. approved .................. .................................................. .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. e:r 2. That the" nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..........Construct .. ce?*nent ........................................ tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the south aide of Jefferaon ......................................................... ..................................................................... ........... ............ _........ Avenue, from Prior Avenue to Figirview Avenue, except ,,here good .................................................................................... .... and sufficient sidewalks no�v exist. .........................................................................................................................._............_...... •................................................... ....................................................................................._..................... --.....------._........................................._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...�:70_._per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tem th................................day of ........................................ 191.....9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council :: _.._ ...., 191___ ......... . . Approved ................. ...... ................. ............ 191itv erb. ........ ..... ._................................ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Hylxx&x Clancv Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich MayorXa" Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCILNO ................................. By INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing a sewer on Tyoming Street froc. uorman Ave. Inthe Matter of................................._..............................---•-• ------...-•-------.............__...........-•----••-•-•-----•---......._.-------- toSouth Robert Street. ............................_....... -........................................................................._....._..__. ... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... •. -5520 June 20, 1919. underPreliminary Order ..................... ................................. approved ................................................................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be.proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.0_Q.n s t zi x.x••..a... aE..QX....RA _.._ goniinZ Str-e_-t.--`ram.._Gorman Avenue to South Robert Street. _ . ..................--............:----...................... ......................................... .. .............................. ... . ..............._....................................... _..... _................. _........ _...................... _... ................. with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is x.....27?1,00 .................. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.............._..:'th ............ day of Au. suet .................. 191.9 ..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- P y t, and the total cost thereof as estimated. hear- ing, nature of the improvement, g. P ...... .......! - ^ Council �-.... � , 191........ Adopted b the C } - ' APP roved.... ................._................, 191...__.. Councilman, Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Wl"dC1ancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayorn Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 ............ 1 251;56 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In Tcement the side- walks rue and.. repairing. walks at TM?.U,'­t.i-1-4 ern F - side, six eel iae, f x o m -Flu, aamt AvQ South fqct�j Y'L�st side ....... si� -,v i de, .�! ............ .... . ........... .....__feet f2"w�. from 50 'feet south of Fable St., thence South to Chestnut St.; Ea3t 8th St. out h.-side._.1.0 10.0 IUnx�ea o t a East aid,, 921 feet -ide, from 8th St. to 9th St. ; Fuller Ave., south side, fteffl Sa Ce e t -e -at, of F-a:r-i-netan-- Av-e-j theria-e :1e 94-2z fe&Z ir Temperance St., ",.t --t side, 11 feet vvride, frog: 10 feet South of grove St., - . I - h r- � --­i:de-; f -"t thence south -14- -fP;e­t-.--;- , -1,71ar-t- west of Rice St., thence ',at 120 fe-t. ......................................... ..... .......................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order 2 47 2 _2lkl.9 ..................... .......... approved ... . ............ 1. ..... ......4 ..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1i rTlA # -th % %�, th reconstruct, rely, rel, _"tTf f�f ngo eP -0-n-5 ..................... ................... � sj i and prFpt. hi !Tf V"8Kti Western Ave., East side, six feet -7.,ide, from Pleasant Ave., thence south _.1 .t .... §1MY nix fulat-070-ath .. ........ 45 S7t . , S of - Eagle St., thence south to Chestnut St.; Ea. t 8th St., south side, 10 feet et Y , , . ivide, 114*r­o"m i n' n" S ra:�t 61d:6, 921 fe.c.t °tb $1 . . .... feet. 'ide. . ...... SquAbl..s.i.d.e.� S ............... .......... from 50 feet weat of Farrington Ave., thence TeA­�.2 feet.; Tei,.:por�nce St. Test --slde-j -.11 fee -t. zide.,. from l0...fe_et_zou.t.h of ... &rove St ....... thenc.e s.c:ut.h 1.4 .... Ct Winnipeg Ave., North side, 6 feet -ide, from 310 feet .-est of Rice St-, thevaeTe- -! t 20 fee -t-.- .............................. ............ ..... . .... . ..... .. ......... . ...... .......... ........ .. . .... ....... ........ 0.07 per square foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ... ........ I . - .5th ResolResolved Further, That a public bearing be had on said improvement on the.. ....... ........................... day of ved Us 6 .. ............. ........... Council Chamber of the .................. .............. .. 191........,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191_ Approved....... ...:................... 1 191 Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss C:. -:.I -.n HeckClancy Councilman un .,1man Keller Councilman U-,McColl Councilman ,W-underlich Mayor kkik Bod;79on Form B. S. A. 8-6 ...... ... ... ............ .................. Cit Cle . ... .... --- - -- ---- --- ...... ... . ............... .... Mayor. 25 IW -57 COurlc y�e-- .................... c .G ...., INTERMEDIARY ORDER Peccnstructing, relavino and repairing cement tile In the Matter of ................... ....................................... •.................................................... _......................... - - ._.. sideszalks at the follo•ming locatirns: East"9tfi tre t; oath side eederi-arid Waif f 't'"'iae iroi Br'oaa'iv $%'to" Pine St.; Eight Street, north side, ten feet ids, from Broad;:ay, thence west 44 feet.; r�11er Etre t, north side, si,c-eet =ids, from Farrington Ave....tiaaaae....e.=st....30.0...faat.,.s...Fr.xx.z.ngto....9v.e......... laiat...side...._6....fe .t...:. ae.,....f.5-Qm Fuller St. thence north -8 feet.; Rice Bt., ^est aide, 3 feet snide, adjacent to curb...f.x.©a...Ta-y-aatq...t ;enoe...coati_.7.....£e.e-t-_........................................................................................ _-- -------- -- -- ............... ....._............................................................................ 24969 may 3, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved .......................................... ........................................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....ReArnatslict.,..... elay. and repair cement tile side:^alksat the following locati<ns: East 9 t Bt-r-eet•; e-ei-ith...ei-de.,...save-n...amci---h-:.l-f---fsa.t.•=:.ids,....f-rom--ux.a d ay._ta-•--• Pine St., Eight Street, north side, ten feet wide, fro-=rosd:•.av, thence west "4 fact-:; �u11�T Stre -north- eidc;;---- six -gee -t -wl-de; Ave. . thence ea -t 300 re^t.; Farrington Ave., Ea•t side, 6 feet -,ride, from Fuld St.--'tl;eiice north 78 feet Rice -St ;�,§t s3de� S f,e i3s� adj-auei:t--tc curb frcm .,a.yzata thence south 27 feet. ........ ................................................................. ......................................... ............... ........... ............................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...0 ..0 7 _per.., ague r e foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 2 t.h--- -- ...-•day of ..........AU; st--------------------- -, 1919....-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _............ ' _._..... -. 191.... % Approved..................................................... r91......... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Boss Councilman Hyl]DWC 0= ancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Ii4V Iiodgson Form B: S. A. 8-6 L..........: t City rk / —. Mayor. Y COTJNCIL ENO ............. ............. f/ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Q.anst.r ct.i..a....c.ement...t.i..1 e...ide.,._............. on both sides of Fairmount Avenue.,. -_from Syra.icate Street to ........ ....................._.............................................. ..................................................... GriFgs Street. ............................ ......_........................... ..._.._........._............................... .......... .................----................._..---.........--- __ .............. ..................................................... ........ .................. ............._......................................... -- ............... 75357 June 5, 1'19. underPreliminary Order ............. ................... ....................approved .............._.__........_.__....................... ......_.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. n That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isCgn9t u.ct-_-a._.cem.ent-.-. ........... from Svndi--ate_Street to Grig;;s Str.aet, except where good P.nd sufficient sidewalks noir exist. _. ..._.............. .......... .....-.....I....... .._ __ _ ... _ .._..... _ _... .............._ ... _._-_....._..... ........ __ ... __....._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $,.Q.'C....per-..lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..2.6.th.......................day of _............._.._AUgu!A..._......... 191-9- , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......' ... .a ...... .................. 191 ... ..... 2 .................. ....................y......... ... Approved .............. :191Cit ek _... ..................................... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Ibyi-dC,ancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor kxto Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT D. C. Gayton. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public im Reconstruct, relay and repair t a Al w a&: W6 ng Dated this....... day of �.. --U-Ly-j LVUr7l Council File No . ...................... by the City of St. Paid. viz.: :. °six feet,4tde', on. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followingiinProvement, viz.: relay and repair cement tile eideWaik, six feet wide, on fYie s6v beginning . . ..... t Reconstruct, tK of THdffji6 b6'gjnn ng aWestern mjpfft$.Q te-et . . .............................. . .. . ...................................................... .......................... ................................................................. X. 25951 .Abstract , - , , i)�the Wbereae A7o1 tha 71tten P�Qle 110*1fik 0361fr fjnomvemrkt, ................................................... I ................. ...................................... ............................... ... oz,. ofst. 'by Cou��.,45 nsa ................................................. ................... having been presented to the Council of the City, therefoty be it &WLVED, That -the Commissioner -of--Public Works be,ana-he.ii-hereby.ordeiid-aiicL-,dired.ed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of, said improvement: To z �-�er �aand7iilorrna ................................. ....................... ..................... ................... .......................................................... .. . ................ ...................................... ....... ................... .................... To hate whether or not said improvement :is,asksd.�r on the petition of three or more owners. I. TO � report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance — 15 Adopted by the council............`._..`.... .... .. ........ .......191 Nays: sys: Councilman F nsworth JU Approved ...................... G 'a . .... . .............. 191 H H land ler U Wderlich .... ................................ ......... .. ..................... M eyor ............... ayor I in F— CA is (5M 4-17) Council File No.' ....................... • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2590 D 0 Gayton. PRE AR ORDER. of f 11 ir f t following public The undersigned hereby proposes the of bli. i.A&,, � a City of S O'd, vi. - Atapd jo�A . ............ X �p Reoonst e .. f e Kvle-o L I,, .................. north to theAllay. Dated' iis 85th ....... day of JIIIY..s 1212 . ............ '191 ............ ... ............... 9, ............ 11 *"".."."",,.".,.".",.,....".*.".*.* ..................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct. relay and repair., cement tile sidewalk. six feet wide ........................................ ................. relay.. ................ cement.._ I ....... ........ I .................. .......................................... on the west side of Pine Street, beg�Ap�pg q� T!�p�4 thence ............................................... .................... : ................ ............................... ........................... north to the alley. -.. & , " �i . . . . ........................................................................... ................................................... .....................9Vhe... n ol-IA akin of thtl I In, rmpr&, 'n.r .. ............................ ......................................... .... .. ...................................................... ....... ............. having been presented to the Council Of ......................... .......................................... ............. beit dh— RESOLVED, That the CommisainiiWof'PulifiC WOrks'lWan a is hereby,ordered and directed: 1. To inveftfgate the necessity for 'or.de— lift t "' of the` Ain ' f t. a" n , �,, a "'Ain g o. sal improvemen 2. To inveitigate the nature, extent and e6timated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketchf &Zunprovement flowing other data and, to said improvement; .......................................................... . . ................. . .................. 7 ..... ...................... .......................... .. ..................... ........................................ ...................***.. To Ris ate whether or not sm 'improvement asked ,f6ruhthe petition of, three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing mattes ,t'o.'the"Co�mmimoniir:bf Finance. p ............... ,01 Adopted by the ,counciL ..JUL ..............25 119 .................................... 191:: Yea&: Nays: Councilman Far worth G Approved........ 191 Hy d K er M11 4 WVderfich . ... .................................... . .. ................................................. Mayor I n Mayor. Po- C A 19 (SM 4-17) PROPOSAL FOR RUPROVEMENT and D. C. Gayton. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu Iro, I Rec9Agtgl�plj x.@14Y 444 I A bAl i i _._aide on the West side of Cedar Streeteregi ing nj Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No . .......................... 256f--2 by the City of St. Paul, viz-: f eiejs-outhA;V WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ReoR and....r.epair o.ement. tile-aideValk., ...t.en f eet-wide on the w'est side of Cedar street, beginning ninety feet south of Ej-ght-h atre-&t-i thence south seventy.. feet W . .... .... ... .... .. ..... . .. ... .. ....... .. ... ... . ............ : ..................... .... .......... ....... . .... .... ...... ............................................................................................. ......... ....................................... ......................................... . ...... .. ... ............................... . ..... ... .... .... ................... .. ..... ....... ............. ................... . ..... . ...... ............ to the council 0! "'Lr having been presented therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th . at I the I C I omm . is a i ' oner of Public Works be and he is, hereby ordered and direded: 1. To invefdgate the necessity for'ordesirability of ile making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature. ea , jri .and eft mated colt of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. owng other data and information relative to a . aid improvement; ......... .............. . ... .... . ................... .......................... ............ ...................... ............ ....... To ....... ............... * 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for On the petition of three or more owners. T report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - Adopted by the council....._ ..-`..r-....... .................. .191 Yeas - Nays: Councilman Far, worth iii Go Approved .......... ::.:::.................191........ Hyl YI a H 'I d Kd r 4 M U ..................... .......... V. d Wu derlich .... ......... .. .... ........ ................ Mayor. Mayor I F.- C A 19 (511 417) Al _ Council File No PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEANT 25rsh�1' And PetitionPRELIMINARY O :1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of th o lowing He improvement by of St.. Paul, viz. C.4..nja.t' .a1...IL oement....tile ....ai alk,....a 3.e.et.-N. a ... n... th..side. l Juno Street Yiom Synd.ica. Street Hemline enue ................ .........................:. .................................... .....................--.._.......:..... ::..:....... ...._....I............... --- .__........._.. ........... .......... Dated / v Councilmsr/ -. C/ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: $iX...fO8t-,,.Wl-( a.,....ax�...T`taxtli...aide...a oement;..tl,l�e �s,idevaallc,..... Juno Street from�Syndioat,�street, to Hemline Avenue. ,} ..........................:............................................ y .......1 D'rNo ssAss— Abet;act: . i Whet�as A'wrltteU LiroGosal forhe. .... t�ldn6 oC tpa followla&� mDroi enfant,( ............................................. .......,onetru�i & cemef,t LIleelfleWaik sox ... ...... ....._ .. ....... Yt Sda o North side 41 Juho $treat • �� SYndldaja $tre4t - to iisttlltt0l.. ed ao 1' i having been presented to the Council of the ................................................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, fiat the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or des' Imbdlty of. tl a making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and"eEtimated wAL aE amd improvement; and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement _4__To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.................................................. . ... ... ............................ ....... .................. To Efate whether or not said improvement i} asked for on the petitionoE;thtee or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. loin - Adopted by the council......... 191..-..... r. Yeas: Nays: Councilman F` sworth JUL G Approved..........`.....`... :..... .........191........ H and K ler dalich...... ....... ._.. ..................................... .... Mayor I Mayor. Po_ CA4a (83A 4-17) ' 1-00 Council File No .....................✓.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 25E4 and Petition PRELIMINARY ORD " ed hereby proposes the making of the f wing pu c improvement by the C' o t. Paul, viz The undersign fide 7 Coriet_rugt....�...Q.�ment.._t.�.� e....� , �C.,....tli ...feetelan...�tiven-_Q, ...at � .. Jamee Street from Av us to eveland Avon Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v(z.: .G.41?.at. lto ....a...o.ement....t.ile....aider"r.alk.,.....six...f.e.et...wide,.._on...both..s.idee.:.of........_ James Street from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. ............... ............ . ................. .......... teat getilent tW sidewa .......................... .w1dB pn both aldea ha been resected to the Council of the 4, a ha41n been Street,t troHt Prier Aveane - to................ ns! :Aveda g.. ... having p Ce �ucll If the Ctty_ ofE`�; therefore. be it R_ ESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work's be. and he is hereby ordered and direEted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e8timated coot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. FnMsLtyC �gllo��er data and information relative to said improvement; .................... --- .... ........... r , To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition, of three or more owner5. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance lis N?: 191......_ Adopted by the council ......... _.......................................... Nays: Yeas: Councilman Far worth Cos Approved......................................................191........ Hyl nd Kel M ell ............. Wu derGdt .......I ................ Mayor. Mayor Irvi Farm C A /s (5U Ftr) 1 ' Council File No...... ...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �, 256C Petition. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undeieigaed hereby propos es the making of the following c impro ant by the City of St. Paul, viz: ides-... J.ths ...._ Coaatroat...a...aament....tile....eidewaIk x:.f-ae. on._the daoe is of. Lombar8 Street from Benhll oad to ington Ave , w3ere walks ziow exist; ...................... _...........5....................... ... of .......... uly..j...lt�......,.......... ............... _ 191......... Dated this..................... y .......... Councilman- PRELIMINARY ORDER. r the making of the following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written Proposal fo ..... C.onst.�JQ.t...a..oemexit:... tile....aideWfiak,....aiX.:f.set....wi.da.,....�n...t.k►e...�T.a.rtkr,...siwe...r of Lombard Street from Benhill Road to Lexington Avenue, except where ......_ .................... .................... exist. -- asses— rvlhe eaa. } 'treks). .............................................. .. .................................... s maYin6 of t o�toilswln�6 PmRree ...................:..... Present to the Council:........ having been p therefore. be it a RESOLVED, That the Comioissioner of Pobhc Worha'be' and hi is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or deaueblhty of tLe making of said improvement 2. To invedtigate the nature, eateni and edLlmnted'colt of said improvement. and the total w6t thereof. J '" ..-. 3. To furnish a-plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. er data and information relative to said improvement..............::..................................... ..................................._..................... , To State whether or not said improvement ,a asked for on the petition of;chree or more oPmera. ��To report upon all of the Foregomg matters to tke Cammiasioner of Finance NI ILII 275 h19 Adopted by the council .....191 ...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F sworth G s Approved: q _h L�...............191........ land K ler 11 W dafich ................ ayor............ Mayor I 'n From C A 13 (SU 4.17)4 Lite of c rnt Vain . ' ��- ,e�x�Yrkmeut a� i��uttttiur� .ALBERT WUNDERLICH,COHHIs 1-1 N. F. DREHER,D[FOTY ---- July 25, 1919 To the Honorable the Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: - The undersigned hereby reports that he re- quires the following described real estate as additional ground for the Cleveland School, viz: Lots Five (5) to Ten (10) inclusive in Block 12, Arlington Hills Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of RamseT County, telinnesota. That the estimated cost of acquiring said land is the sum of Fifty-six Hundred Twenty-five (5625) Dollars. Dated Z 5 1919: Cc _ ucat 0 —ii-1 I, Jesse Foot, City Comptroller, do hereby certify that there are funds in the treasury of the City available for the acquisition of the above described real estate under the Real Estate item of the Public Sc of Fund. Dated 1919 City Comptroller. �a � 1 i Resolved, By the Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul that the Corporation Attorney be and lie is hereby directed to enter into the following stipula- tion in the pending action of George B. Boyd against the City of St. Paul: TATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT 1 COUNTY -OF RAMSES SECOND JUDIOIAL DISTRICT George. B. Boyd. Plaintiff. -vs- - S T I P U b A T I 0 N City of Saint Paul, Defendant. Whereas it appears that the allegations of foot con- tained in the complaint in the above entitled action are true and whereas the plaintiff in order to secure prompt disposition of said cause. is willing to waive and has waived his costs herein and all interest on the prinalpal amount claimed; and whereas the Common Counoil of the City of St. Paul has duly authorised and directed the execution of this stipulation. Now, therefore, it is hereby stipa- lated by and between the said parties that judgment herein may be forthwith entered without notice in the aft of 01110.00 without in- terest or costs in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant. Dated Saint Paul. Minnesota 1918. t>:iza. Atgorney for Defendant. Provided that proper evidence be produced and recorded that said George B. Boyd was the true party in interest at the time of the condemnation of the property described in the complaint. Yeas (lGo ilmen (✓) NayCl y worthr -`fMc��ll W rx.nderlich Mr.,President iHodgson I.R. C. A. 9 3M 12-1B Adopted by the Council' Wu •'d tJ.iS..... 191 ...... ApproviIW.'.'-__..__11tt—. ;,iiIs7:..k7:(.%__..._.. 191..... . ..-...._-....In favor ............................................... .......... Against ........................Macon am rte. WAM W I :a W ., l 1a E _E >F 10 . 2 F,: No E5967 -8Y •R$tlolved i y the Common Cbvncl' he City of tit. 3'aul that jhe .CorDq� PAUL / on Attorney be,and he't6 hereti: ted to a ter into the te110 GENERAL FORM lon In tbe=pgndlvR :ecfi -.- 11 Boyd pgalaet the Ctt• Snbj..t:.........................s 8� IPIII:A a.' 7 � rm o>• MINNF n A avw�s _........................... ............ .. ...... ..coU—L - O PILE No. .. ........ ............ .. ni AePresented ............................ .........................191....... 1 i Resolved, By the Common Council ofthe City of St. Paul that the Corporation Attorney be and lie is hereby directed to enter into the following stipula- tion in the pending action of George B. Boyd against the City of St. Paul: TATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT 1 COUNTY -OF RAMSES SECOND JUDIOIAL DISTRICT George. B. Boyd. Plaintiff. -vs- - S T I P U b A T I 0 N City of Saint Paul, Defendant. Whereas it appears that the allegations of foot con- tained in the complaint in the above entitled action are true and whereas the plaintiff in order to secure prompt disposition of said cause. is willing to waive and has waived his costs herein and all interest on the prinalpal amount claimed; and whereas the Common Counoil of the City of St. Paul has duly authorised and directed the execution of this stipulation. Now, therefore, it is hereby stipa- lated by and between the said parties that judgment herein may be forthwith entered without notice in the aft of 01110.00 without in- terest or costs in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant. Dated Saint Paul. Minnesota 1918. t>:iza. Atgorney for Defendant. Provided that proper evidence be produced and recorded that said George B. Boyd was the true party in interest at the time of the condemnation of the property described in the complaint. Yeas (lGo ilmen (✓) NayCl y worthr -`fMc��ll W rx.nderlich Mr.,President iHodgson I.R. C. A. 9 3M 12-1B Adopted by the Council' Wu •'d tJ.iS..... 191 ...... ApproviIW.'.'-__..__11tt—. ;,iiIs7:..k7:(.%__..._.. 191..... . ..-...._-....In favor ............................................... .......... Against ........................Macon am rte. WAM W I :a W ., l 1a E _E >F 10 . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ....................................................................................................... ...._. COUN0IL 2508 ..":..... Date Presented 191..... r' ` Resolved, That is hereby elected to the office of Councilman to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Oscar E. Keller from said office. ' - Mcco11— C; Y+•; No. Btr' Henn g¢eulved.d, . That frank t. Pow y the m re, fill the tV.-. ®ei'eated by cil_ realgnatlon of Oscar D. Kellertrom, said o91ce. 1919. Adopted by the Council JuIY 26, APProved (Aug26�•11912) S Yeas ( JJ912.18 en ( ✓) Nays - Adopted by the Coyagil ...:. ........191.".... ICy �; / orth/,/ .......... ....... ............. ......... ....... .....191..... APP��...... �� ��- ......In favor ". Against "" """ "� -'��' .....................................MAy0...... oil ....""" n MAYOR rlich Mr. Preside. dgson FORM C. ' I AUDITED AUDITED 1077 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon persons, firms or corporations F Nod 26$88p Yeas ( V ) C ncilmen ( V Iteenipea ten' fnpon .the CItyvi Che perelna[ter,+. Clan favor of tee oe ,ttona�for tMe att Far worth reaµeett aeijileA )brrin6 td Of` fi0 e Hrvoke Hrde Me oll w >a cetaE v J 3A'na Aeveuue S$D0, W derlich Nlcota eat .,plttsbprsa;. Mr. Preside t, Hodgson :>3eabued :::: ved 1 P OF ST. PAUL /g THE COMPTROLLER Lr/yr/�R(�79 COUNCIL NU..(.R.bl.Y..••^-. •.••••..•..• 1S—RESOLUTION FOR FILE -� R � /J ;I P " Obi PT _..... 191........ PE ................ .. TITLE a, & Treasury, payable out of th reinafter specified funds and in,favor of the pective names as specified Yin the following detailed statement: ,,eta, aeermt oep`.opoeft4 tlr � JUL 211 1919 . .191........_.raea,�W,Council ........... .. raranpof Adopted by the v r pasfn affl a,unadsnphe�Q. s epeotM1ed to the Lot Approved._.- " -- yfeme Commleetoner44 �, 1 .... .. .. MAYOR umber Coi;f14.31 r i28o AS - do eetor of Interim � Y 6raR6 579:88 .. to 61aea Ca., 5883 77 '. \\ s�B so 4 Counof) Tµly 88 1918: \ 38 1818 II 12898 Board of Water Commissioners Hydrefflit 99 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co. y.,�1A.. 13e+ha 12900 W. E. Chidester Parke 12901 E. J. Lynch, Collector of Internal Revenue Audipri nm 2 Nico16, Deani&r��gg vp 3 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 13 7 2 4 Seabury &._��g° 4. To,tai l5fi.448.43 Nit ,Iry y 549600900 14.21 280.12 200,00 70.83 233.77 49.50 F _. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ------ ..................._L:----..................... _................._...... ............ 25970 COUNCIL Date Presented......................................................191....... Resolved, That the bond of Frank L. Powers, as Commissioner of Public Utilities in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, dated July 25th, 1919, with the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, as surety, is hereby accepted and approved, and the Clerk is hereby directed to file the same with the City Comptroller. j C. F. No. 9T9— Resolve�TC mmissioneof tfr Publlc Powers, Is the sum of Ten Thousand 1 Ut��l1l1iities, y / - United Htatee J1, dity`hand 'Guaranty Company, as surety. Is hereby hepead and approved and the e etiecppte8 to ,,d the some with the elty Cow pgopted bY. the Council JUIY 28, 1919. '; Approval (Au4.% 11919) /A ir Peceiv connec o ab 7o Reso t' — — Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays JUL 26 1919 / Adopted by the Council ..........................................191...... CIkn F�worth i!l! Appro..............�.�_.....:.t3..;....9...............191..... G /) .............In favor Vi.L ................ M 011 D ............ Against MAYOR W erlich Mr. Presider, HHodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.10 Council File No ..................... . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 25971, a and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDER. public improvement by , t e CEty of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby Proposes the making of the a Avenue tC 'Cr a Street..- .... -. Pave and curb Case Stree.. ....r° __....a.,..... ...._......... a aonneotions ATOM S.... eet Mai all .oZu3irig.. sewer, Prater g are ...not....y eleo 0 ...P.rob�e ......linas...n.oR Asia.,., and dri ay appro es, ere essary Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz•: e Avenue to Araede Street in _P ave...and...�urb...0e�e....street....from...p.&yn........................................................................... aliuiiing sewer, water and. gas connections frmadetree m nciud ng ...........pro}art}r-..linea..comPOL1 e.,....and d..not.._a1r&adroaches, where necessary. ........................................................................................... . curbing and Paving alley and driveway P , ....................................... ...... ........................................ ....................... .......... . �— having been Presented to the Council of the C. wher g 68A. w<<ien Proposer to making _ot the following Imps • therefore, be It meat. curb Cron - vl, ape to preade ta%iae ,deed and dueCted: Pave and RMLy$D, That the Commissioner of Psi�f,yn. a water and Ras j, To inveAtigate the necessity for or d llor�" ° r wprovement. .mated cost of said uoprovement, end the total wet thereof. 2. To inveedgate the nature, extent an v 3 To furnish a lan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �—owmz of er �.:.,e to said improvement; .... ...... ...... . ....... .. ......... . ate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owncra- /e foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finanw To report upon all of th iU 2�._�°.15............191_...... ............. Adopted by the council ...............- Nays: Yeas: Com,cihnan F nsworth 111, 26 15 ...._...........191._..... G a Approved ......................... . H land K ler il ............. Mayor. ....................................... . nderlich d Mayor I n �:- Form C A 15 (sst 4•17) -- Council File No............... ...._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 25972 0 and a Petition PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pu lmpro ent by t�6ii o '.? Paul, viz.: L, gave...Mas.gland---Stseat...frow Payne._ . snue.... erne ity._ A . nua....:1 oluding eewer, water and gas nneetio s fro street ins t .......... property ]iaea acmplate; w re not Sad ........ a in d g curbin and avin elle .....,-..d-.drive ..-..y...... .roaches., here,""._so. ,__sem .............................9..............P............ g.............. . .............................. .. ...... .. ...........� Dated this 26 h.....da July. 19 -• ...... .....................................1 19 ........ �' CouncilZ-> PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: 4 ue in- t ve n P av_e._xar"gland,..Street..__from...Psyne...,Rv..9nue....to... P.ro ep.e.ri...y...A..................�...... eluding sewer, water and -gas connections from street mains to ........... I"IrieH cYd4jete; where not a7 ready mad9; aleC, inoluding Curbing...gind...P:ave.z��;...a�..le.y....and...dr.iv.eway....aPDxa.aek>ea.,...w.t�axa....>aec.e.a.s.azY.... --- — ro oast for, C. F, No. 7:687a Abstract. having been presented to the Council of the City wi emas thwritten ollowinB fmvroven.............._....._................_.............................. malting from Y therefore, be it visave garylanp street, venue. Ino! RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubiregneaeweig Pwmok onto pcooio,"4—%ed and directed .. stree m t,. nag i 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability bt'the making of saiti-improvernent. 2. To invettigate the nature, extent and e6timated cat of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. "ming other data and information relative to said improvement:.--."".. ..... ..- ..... .......... --- .................:........................................................................................................................................................................ 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. nn 2 " Adopted by the council ..... ............... ........ ............................. 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goss ^ Approved .......... ,.lll.:..I�;.i.q.........._...191........ Hyland K"er- McColl Wunderlich.............................................................................................. ' Mayor Ervin Mayor. F.rm C A 13 (ant 4-17) �a �( I - i No 2;'Th&y ht. N, (lose— – Resolved That the proper city oHi- cera, are hereby atthor)aed city enter into an agreement w1Ah mh E -J:., AL FORM C`Keyes, proridlnr f,... _ _ o COU.......NCIL . 25c)73 Ob Presented 191...... ImenL . _ a.,..cnu,c agree Adapted by the Council July 26, 1919.'. Approved July 28 1919. - (Aug• ]l, 1919) Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Thomas J. Keyes, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per week, during the time he was totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works 1n the City of 8t. Paul, on the 13th day of June, 1919. Be it further resolved that in accordance with said agree- ment, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Thomas J. Keyes, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Eighty Dollars;, ($80.00) in final settle- ment of his claim by reason of being totally disabled for five weeks and two days, as a result of said injury, in accordance with thel aforesaid agreement. Yeas (✓) Coun lmen (✓) Nays Cla Far sworth Go s .__ .�.In favor �l M oil ......_P Against W nderlich Mr. Preside t, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 I hereby recommend the above resolution for passage. Commissioner df Public Works. JUI 20� In g Adopted by the Council ............ 191...... Approve �.� ..:......191..... ....���`�� t1�'1................. / MAYOR WBLISI- C. F. No. 26984—BY M. N. Resolved, That the tfine appeclfled tor, ' thedatperfo nr5' Of B. O.rt tween JaJ'RAL FORM . Connolly and the Clty of 8t. Paul. for ......... the newer eon IVY Street, from a Pointt............................ fey tbject:.._..................... 2.5-9..1..1. .146 feet. Beet of Edgerton Street to H 'Payne Avenue, be and the same fe p7ere- p�E NO. T of t919.extended and a he oP*oper 6eitYd ocare are _...........................- - """ hereby aother ized'to execute an amen .... _................... that thle merit to said. contract 1n error encs herewith. provided however, July. 26,_. 1919. 191 . reaolutlon shall noi. nava a on ftheecona- ---- -- - - -- _ re - unless it a avretiea ate Presented ---- .tr h or' * tdI C wrttfnghe ith the CIt9 Comptrot ler.1919: Adopted by t29 he'C6a�t91 July 1., APPtoved 7te1Ye 62, 1919) Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain oon tract dated February 5, 1918, between J. J. Connolly and the City of St. Paul for the sewer on Ivy Street from a point 145 fet east of ieeher by extended tto the e26th. day et to nOfAJuly, 1919verue be 1,dand ele the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amend- ment tin that this resolutionshallonotdhave any force ance herewith, provided, toweverhat the sureties on the contra--tor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller.,, Yeas (J) Co ilmen (✓) Nays C1 cy F nsworth G s .............In favor oll �V .... Against n derlich Mr. resid , Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 M 12-18 Adopted by the Council .......`...!.JL .. .:.i...�S....i.....191...... Approve '^.:-...ts,i...:,:..,:.1.._._.......191..... ............................................ . MAYOR i �y / 9 25f�74 St. Paul, Minn-, /= - - =22- - - 19/ -q - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: c;-' would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the T "P7arm%siv���¢seaata�grsf_�tti�l9 �=�L �✓_L� - to -t' extended to - - - -! y - -U- `o/.L- - - '-"9 Owing to - - it was not possible forte to finish this contract within the time specified, hence a desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. . 0 Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as fax as the requir@ments o this office is conce e ,,pt. of Confsstruucption & Repairs '!� • %� /tom-vYs-t .-s Chief Engineer. APPROVED Commissioner 01lic Torks. C, F:.No 26976-8y M. N. (iosa— �, Resolved Thatth PurchaslnR Agent ;.� beet d to advertlebyln U'e rmadn rA�du L FORM .w lharter. [o al oS ................ 25� 75 oour+CIL NO. FILE............................................................ i z6ass1ravn*ovad'Yune, 26th Presented .......... !71i�k1!............1.......... 191.9. 26, 1919. That -the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary to pave Berkeley Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; Stanford Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; Wellesley Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue, and PRacalester Avenue from the north line of Jefferson Avenue to St. Clair Street, under Final Order J26496, approved June 16th, 1919. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thhe plans, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be'and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (✓) CouUlmen (✓) Nays Cla 'y fir- Fa sworth Go P Mc oll i- Wu erlich Mr. President, odgson FORM C. A. 9 3M -I9 ...:..........In favor Against l a. Res 1 UL 213 1^!.........191...... Adopted by the Council ......._�: 1,....;..�i`._.";,.5......-_..._.....191..... Approv ........................\. MAYOR { CITY OF ST. PAUL �---• I ITION—GENERAL FORM 26976_ . Resolved 7• Sub'e mem- thea hereby aop- aRa Frankly ......... ............._couHCIL .....r .................:: and 'a the Board Dolnted '88 c ................. •- nezq "'""I w� 1 :.......................... Of QU811E8 10 PILE NQ. ........................................... man Oecrterm, 1. ace aft for the Adopted n theller r alRned. Council- ..... +iDDroved July 2Qouncll gne E6, ............................. ..........._..........................� 1919. 1919. (Aug. 2. 3BiB) . DaifeTresented .- ...................... .............................. Resolved, tj GG I, If Yeas (J) Con .mon (✓) Nays Cla Far wworth Go ......:.......In favor Ke Mc c 11 ............. Wu derlich Mr. President lodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M -1e _.. , Adopted by the Council ..._....��_.... .........3.....191...... Approve ........._.............. 191..... . ..�................... MAYOR - ^ITY OF ST, PAUL •I�/VY� C. F. No. 26977—BY L C. HodBeon— —GENERAL FORM j Resolved, That the lanae entered Into D and between P. J•dCasey and the, City"o[ 9t Paul under date of g o fl st ��� � ea: - - day of July. 1918, [or the f NO -g of the' ........ first floor and basement of No. 3A3-347 COUNCIL Minnesota 6tTeet, ae h¢a4Quarters for FILE NO . ...... ... ... the Free HmploYment Bureau. le here- ............................. -� bye-extendofl to December 31st. 1919: ............................ orovided'the_ slid lessor shall furnish F th APP winroved .TuAlY2 821191111 u1Y 28,x1419. Date Presentelk............................................191._... dows. Resolved, That the lease entered into by and between P. J. Casey and the City of St. Paul under date of the first day of July, 1918, for the leasing of the first floor and basement of No. 343-347 Minnesota street, as headquarters for the Free Employment Bureau, is hereby extended to December 31st, 1919; provided the said lessor shall furnish the necessary screens for the doors and windows. i Yeas ( V) Cqunklmen ( 17) Nays Cl Fa worth Go s i In favor Mc 11 ._...`Against W derlich r. Presid t, Hodgson PORMC A.9 8-18 Adopted by the Council_'_�_'�',�j..d--,... 191... Approved _ 191. _ �v V MAYOR Albert Wonder - C. F. �N.. Committee on itch— the C .1 1 That j'1`h;rebY auth.A.ed to Wlchad-cl FORM f tbo� City of St. Paul rutin on 1815, La beh-if .0 to Ordinance No. so i ou �25 6 7 on ............................. . d pursuant Subject:....... . ............................ for Public S-�-Jool :P"'Po"" L't-d 'Atoll' I Block, NO . ..... ...... ........ .... ........... inclu.1— in tion, he sum jo,ounjinir 0 u '%�iiars per let. 43001) of. Hundred D011orb'j- 4.- ................................ ............ :;..:,.0 ......................... ty officers fire he'- Y to" th'O,Pr d -P-r to. -draw to I Pj—d oth.1j..dtthe p .1d warrant t0hre o,ner 61 to .. same Presented favor. o dend. ecovey ng I t Presented . . ............ . J.u.l.,Y— 2 6th 191-9 when prope.T ri ny, the C r or"i OnCoon- ' on- ,pprove, %p h'( 2.1`37 sal u r. d1111- , to nd es. d h bj ,_jjc�. The d-o-tt. o,'.e ic out Real 011rtolt., No. 11.8- 1 26 1919-1 ReAmd Beta b tho'Council Ju y Approved July 26. 1919- (A,i;.2. ID19) Resolved, That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 546', for Public School purposes, Lots 1 to 7 inclusive in Block 31, '.lest End Addition for the sum Of Three Hundred (300) Dollars per lot, amounting to a total of Twenty 0//e Hundred Dollars, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the puri2hase price in favor of the` owner of the said land when proper deeds conveying thesame are approved by the Corporation Counsel wiftft have been delivered to the Comptroller. The cost of said land (!;;2100) to be Charged to Public School Fund, Real Estate Item, No. 41.8 Yeas (V) Coui c* men (V) Nays Clsi F. worth .:.i in favor -KV+ MCC11 Against W. erlich Mr. President, odgson FORM C. A. 9 3M -18 All 2 - `7 Adopted by the Council .......... : 7 . ........ 191 191 . .. . . ....... . ............ MAYOR �5itit of -,tint PnTL �. e�x�trktttr�Yt of 11-�Ur ttivtt LBERI WUNDE-ICH,--H�.sio rv[R N. F. DREHfft, D[cu*r cory rysiou[R July 26, 1919. To the Honorable the Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands for the purpose of acquiring property for school purposes, under Ordinance i:o. 5085, desires to report that it is able to acquire Lots 1 to 7 inclusive in Block 31, ',+est End Addition, at a cost of Three Hundred (300) Dollars per lot. This being considered a reasonable price vie recommend the purchase of these seven lots at a total cost of Twenty One Hundred (2100) Dollars. Respectfull s braitted, ( Mayor " X /17 x CO iPaITTEE-- � Cone uca ion ( PurchasingAge— T W i CITY OF ST. P�A�U/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GF.+�iERAL FORM' _t Subject:................. - ........:............ - ............................................................................................... .ryry �y COUNCIL IM Date Preselid..-.--•duly-...2F,t-r•••19.1.9 -.191..... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Comptroller, to have approximately 2,103 square feet of Blackboard in the Public Schools refinished by W. J. miller, approximate cost of same to be 1273.39, without asking for com- petitive bids, as it is impossible to obtain competitive bids on this work. Charge Department of Education- School Maintenance -•il h No. 25979 13 Albert Wunder- Reeoivbd,' That the purchaslag Aeent he consent of the Comptrollle a o haith PP roxlmatelY 2,183 .V are feet re tlaekboaid in the Public-Bchooet reof - nlehed by W. J. Miller, aps 00,mre- oet oI sAmeto be E273:89, without ask- 8elba fo obtain eonypetifile it1. on ! ate 1. work:. Chargg�e DDepartma t of Iducation—School Maintenance.. Adopted by at Council July 86, 1919. Approved July •26, 19 of fAug. 2, 1838) P.v Yeas (J) Couu men (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ....-= • - -••J-• • - - ---191_.... Clan r Far orth n Approv _ ............191..... Gos �-��-/f- ���-�In favor MCC)l L/.... Against ._...................................MAvoR..... Wux d Lich Mr. President, H dgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-19 CITY OF ST.. PAUL ^ yj . f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ......... - �yC J�Q COUNCIL 25vj S3 I.L. No.---........................................................ Date Presented ........ Ju1y.....25:r...•191.9•. X191..... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, four carloads of Sandstone Paving Blocks from the Kettle River Company, to cost approximately $2,205.00, without asking for competitive bids, as it is impossible to obtain similar blocks from any other source." _ Charge Public Works_ Street Construction & Repair. Yeas (✓) Connilmen (✓) Nays Clacy J Fa sworth G.........In favor r 7M / 11 _/Against W n erlich SHe odgson Adopted by the Council ..._5...2.P_2N.r......t91...... , Approve .........�...::�. nin ....., .. ��.................. 191..... .................................... ................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Subject: ..................... ................................................ ................................... .......................... CO ...............O -U-... Hct �r - nue NO ......................... .. ..v,......................... ly i. Date Preseated...::.�................- 26t -- h -�--......._9 .t91.:... Resolved, In the matter of paving Berkeley Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Frederick Avenue; Stanford Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue; Wellesley t Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericka Avenue, and Macalester Avenue from the north line of Jefferson Aveaui to St. Clair Street, under Preliminary Order #24095, approved April 30th, 1919, and Final Order #25495, approved June 16th, 1919, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Rorke for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. 25981— In the matter of Davina Berkeley Ave- ,,,, from the Welt 11ne of Snelling venue "to" the East line of Fred- . erleka Avon.. Stanford Stanford Avenue; .� from the West line of SneIll Ave- nue to the East It of Pre ferlcka eY5 Avenue: Wel{ elepp Avenue from the West Ilno of Sue 111 gk-Avenu to the ti 04East line of Fred -r"from Avenue, and al 7.b Macaleeter Ave ve from the North gC� It.. of Jettersort Av nud t St. Clair under .Prep inary :Order. No. e0e' •24095, apPro ed Apr11 80th„1819, and R O1 Ftnal Order No. 25486,,approved lune 19th, 1911. nesolved. Thal the plans, one and estimated qquantltles eub 'Re Itt.d,by the Commieefoner-of publlc Works: for the aboVe named improve- mentbe andthe sameare.hereby ap- proved. Adopted by the Council July 29, 1818. o 'Apprved July. 28, 1919. (Aug. 2, 1919) Yeas (✓) JGo ' men (✓) Nays wort In favor 11 ........ . Against A. 9 IM 12-1e III 111� Adopted by the Council .= `.-- :..---:..:.------ ......191...... Approve......._........_..... ...........................191..... _ ... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ✓' 1 �+ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM •�"` Subject%.............................................................................................._.............._................................................ a 'IL.NdL No.............-Z.....5.6..5.�.t2.t....._...... ....................................................... ..... Date Presented July 21th,.........:....t9t9.. r Resolved, In the matter of paving Berkeley Avenue from the west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Frederick. Avenue; Stanford Avenue from west line of Snelling Avenue to the e4st line of Fredericka Avenue; Wellesley Avenue from west line of Snelling Avenue to the east line of Fredericks Avenue, and Macalest.er Avenue from the north line of Jefferson dMU4 to St. Clair Street - with necessary gats connections under Final Order #25496, approved June 16th, 19199 RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Berkeley Ave., Standord Ave., Wellesley Ave., and Maoalester Ave., between the points aforesaid, are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said final order and of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. C. F. No.. 26982—BY M• N. Go— In the matter of ppe.vfnQQ Berkeley Ave - .in froth the W..t dine of Snelling .. f _ Avenue to the Plast ltneot Fredericka Avenue: Stanford Avenue, from Wes[t Iline of Snelling Avenue to the e .. ^ line f. Fredericka Ave ue, Welles Y A enu , from West lin of 9nelllne Avenue to the E." lin of Fred-. erl ka Avenue and M c lester.Ave n e from the }7orth dine of et, pith Avenue to SL C. S... ,under D' cessarY gas eilnectiopa; Final Order No. 26,4 ayproved June �aO�� 16th, 1919. - Reaolved, -That the annexeRRd plane a¢tionel necessary he tmsdes up n erkel17 Avenue,'- Stanford ellesleY Avenue and Macalestar Av0- ue,'between the potnte'e.toreeaid. are areb approved, - and ttie Commiaeloner [ Pa$Ilc Wotke to hereby. ordered and dirweted to serve a copy of the.�.eafca Approved July 281919 (AugYeas (V) (J) C cilmen (J) Nays u - -- - gaol C cy Fa sworth G .............In favor M o 1 ..0.. Against W d rlich Mr. Presiden H dgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 4�-18 ted by the Council........' .......... 191 Appro., _..,..:................_......... 191..... MAYOR "V. — No. 25983— ft,Albert Wu der R-u1 ­ That, ..rY to L.%.d,a.li construct.one,t*o ci teg.— ',=Iror. Win Idl—OA t, Central . U Yh bAb.. 19 and one, a.. - room - temporay, 1,011din9 adjacent V C the Hancock abaci to prQvde addl; ti ... 1 room. in order to . ­11.Va. tb —Kesuen, caused lamaa enrollment n_, t lou, _ the c 0 �esp��ct ye sob before tb� CO U NCIL 256 11L. NO . .. . .............. ,�Com rcll,',;ltj,6nt6rg,,bY.ra rn1t1d I Oat. Presented ................ T.UlY 2.6th ........... 1912. .0 gt competitive bide such material b aupplia.j.quialtl%m9d Y -the Co"" signer �Sducatlon as may b 1 order a " ru .1i ' Ild t. 18y" p=;1TtUl1'dJ1r re the.S Resolved, That, whereas it is necessary to immediately construct one,two— room temporary building adjacent to the Central High School and one one -room temporary building adjacent to the Hancock School to pro- vide additional room,in order to relieve the congestion caused by large enrollments in the respective schools,before the fall session begins, and Whereas, an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work injury to the City the Purchasing Agent, with the consent of the Mayor and Comptroller, is hereby authorized to purchase without advertisement and competitive bids such material and. supplies requisitioned by the Commissioner of Education as may be necessary in order to construct and complete said temporary build- ings before -the opening of the fall session at a cost not to exceed Seventy Five Hundred (7500) Dollars for the two buildings to be paid out of the Great Northern School Construction Fund. Yeas (V) Counkilmen (V) Nays )rth In favor Against Adopted by the Council _-11i, Approv .................. _ 191 ...... ........ ................. ...... ............ ..................... o)v 4W MAYOR Henn McCofl— 'F°F C I oto 26994-3 IvO, That t e a^PI cetton of tha' FORM i COUNCIL R E $Ing,Paeo. is^eLaurente at Uie to a - I - ,me are,fiare -' 2584 Subje6t: ------------------............. "" "7 W_ 7s eatbortzed and dlrea t :+e 9yCh ltceneea. to said yeraK `,COUNCIL � .ha a9ment;ot -the Fee ,ae V.. rae NO......_ ................_.._........_...-. .......` y 'aw. zseetaurant. '....................... a .... ... ... ........1.............................._............................ �tnehibauer, . ;reet.>Itg1nrant, 87 W,. . +`yDen rete Presented.... JU1.y...2S.1.................. 191..9 Resolved, Chat the application of the folirwing persona for an ap;, kation to duct--_otels or restaurants at the locations respectively indicated -e, and the sae are, hereby. .-Tantel, , and the City Clerk is authorizei and directed'to issue such "license- to aai-'_ ne—ors upon the payment of the fee as reciuixed by la<r, -- --- A:'' OF AP'_'LICA;T- Louis :uehlbauer, Cn\is :Tepper, Um. Lisch, C. J. =inor, Geo. F. Ventlaorth, Alain-:enson, 'tiliex & Joesting, Nicholas Angier, Horman & Johnson, Stapleton & Minters, Peter Kovardas, The Chicago CatexinZ ^o.Tnc. Joseph Konnad, -gin I, ; r^ nF LOCATIO'-. Festaarant , 319+F.obert, Restaurant, 67 ti+. 7th, California hotel, 88 F. 5th, 4th S- Eobert, lagee !Iots!) 420 :.innerota, Acme Hotel, 11oarding'House, 2225 University, restaurant, 439 Wahasha, 9th « Sriith, F.estaurant, estaurant, Arcade « Como &n Phalen Ave., Restaurant, 140-42 F. 4th, F'.estaurant, 192 F. 6th, 29-31 5th, Festaurant, 8 F. 9th .t., Restaurant, Yeas (V) unc men(V)Nays C n F s Orth „ . G s //C//J In favor Mc 11 �a.Against W derlich Mr. Presid n , Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3 6-+a Adopted by the Council, -__,1111 M J �^ ^.......... 191..._ Approv ............. 191, . .... ...... ........... MAYOR PUBLISHEI% g / CITY--OFY ST. .PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ) bit ........- ..................................................... COUNCIL TILENO .......................................................... • ............................. DatePres9sted_ ......................................................191..... Resolved, That the cigarette license N0.52 which expires June 30,1920 now in the name of James Knudeen 722 No.Hamline Ave.be and the same hereby is transfared to James Knudsen 719 NO.Hamline Ave. C. F. No. 26 Th Bthe ci6arOteolicenw geaolved, 722 No. n the na*ne ofX�nmCaiK udeen9a9, no. -- gamlln le transferred to Jamas line some', herabYA .8 here 719 No. Rhe �CRnn I11ulY 28, 1919." Approved YJ IY 26..}919. ' (AuB• 2e 1919). f Yeas (J) C un ilmen (✓) Nays W rn worth ss../_.In favor C Il Against Mr. PresideAt! Hodgson FORM - A. 9 12-18 Adopted by the Council .... ........ ...."....:....._..:.`...._191...... '_.... 191..... Approved.. �.....__.........................._.............. .... s ...................... MAYOR Form A A 48, IN 7-I8 l•17'Y OF S7`. PAUL E OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ii__ ll AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION F�IItM FILE °iL Na•........... -.......... -�' (� B .............................. .... _ .......':. ' AUDITEDJUL--2. &.47�p a�.......__....... 191 ..._ c,U 1101, H .. R......................................--'. 1078 ........................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of thd; persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement II ) Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays _I Adopted by the o cil........... 1 �. C 191 I C. F Np. 26988 Abe ppeat, o r ,,Blaney I Roeotked' that warsante bbr drawn ) �NDgv the C(t areae r pay�'.yWout,off 19 the 4eidlnafter. apt+ddffe'd funds }thd 7n': proved ........'y .... .... �. ,�`arnsworth Cavor p[ th'e pereons.''flrma oM�'corpora? - r; none for lhe.amoual� bet oyp����e dhefr reepeotltje names �B Y Goss ` lowfn¢ detailed etat'e{feClfled in th0 fdl cment r ' a� U Advance• 9choo7'BlQulpmenC ` Ca . .._... ... __..... ............ ... .. ..._. _.....?: f394 48 - i w. MAYOR Fred Q, Albrecht [578'700 4CC011 T L BIOed co is4.ip _ Brook.. Brod L ml'er Co 534785 J W n "'•� I' 3 i C6101. nnb�a ��'2dK 00 Mr. President) Hodgson R T d rin�54& 8UUD4 f18 94 y J T-,G,4i 57,4200 0 FW .-OI-leten!ha w(� 1387 00 " A L 8n" er SB)g�fOd. :.. Standard:<Stone Cd �'44i 14 - - Adopted by the COoaCi1 Sidi A-- , 18x9: ADprovW$ my 2B 3919 i 3919) -12905 Advance School Equipment Co. 'SZ�IIol "- Lied G. Albreclht ..Eaxks -4L T. L. Blood Co., 6Ch0.4- 4 Brooks Bros. Lumber Co., Sch=3 4- J. W. Carlson Ame y .14 J. J. Connolly ri4ey 11 H. W. Goetzinger, Supt. Wakhmil e -i2- R. T. Gourley 9-.-Pr--Wo rk e Saw*, ---•C. & R. Street a J. Norton � >pi an}inn -I4.,_ B. W. 011erenshaw Paths �6 A. L. Snyder PONW- M 'Standard Ston"e''�Co' Onaxb..,:.�harbu�n e 29 5 1 60 0 194.48 787.00 34.30 14.76 9.00 1,235.60 15.94 43.50 143.00 387.00 441.74 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ... 25987 OUNCIL e NO . .... .......... ............ ..... ...... ._... ....... .._,.. tl A1' t Date Presented...JUlY- a5..... �-�19........191....... d Resolved, That the grade of Pacific Street from Clarence Street to Barclay Street in accordance with the red grade line on the acoompanying profile and as recommended by the Com- missioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade, C. r. No. 25987x-B3•'M: N; Gose Resolved.. T1iat the grade of Pacific street, t�nm accordance Street o thered Street, credb.lfne�� mmended by athenComrmfe and as stoner of Publlo Works, be and the same fe hereby adopted as the eetab-i llehed gqTptead by ds. the. Co-"uncil July 28, 1819- Ado Approved �vAlug. ,11919) Yeas (J) Coun linen ( ✓) Nays II i1 0S i;IQ Adopted by the Council .......-`. 2. ... -...... ...........191 Clan Far worth Appro .............._LhIJ................... ._�..__........ 191..... Gos , 1 ..............fir U............ Mc oil .............. }lg�rot MAYOR Mr. Preside , Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 M 12-19 r Resolved, That the application oi$ the Provident Loan Society of St.Paul .Ino. for a license to engage in the loan business with offices at 380 Peoples Bank Bldg.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee twenty five dollars ($25.00)- C' F. No. 26988-8 HenrryY McColl— pesolved, That the nppllcatlon o[ the Provlden[.Loan 9ocietY ot'. SL Paul,' Jnc:, for a license to engaice fn the. loan bur aas with o9fces'at 320 Pe1p10e' Bank-Sldn., be and t c same.hcrcby� s granted' td' the City Clerk is In-' ,uted to. Issue S� h license upon the', yaymeat Into the City Treasury of the tee, twenty-five dollar. ($26.00). W ppted by the COnncll July 28, 1919. Approved July 28 1919. r (Aug: U1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays Clancy Farnsworth rGoss MM Colgro Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1B- LI—8 !S 19 Adopted by the Council .........`.�_ _ ..........................191...... Approved..............._........._................... ..... 191..... .2tr-Fa+�sr MAYOR CITY, OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: -- ---------- - .................................................... ................ ........... ................................... ........... . ............. Co . U. CIL 2598 11-8 NO. ............................. :�� -------------- ............----- .............. ........................................... ....................... .. . ..... ......................... . ................ . ........ ..... ............. . Date Presented J-U-Jy 25•,•---39-}9.....191..... Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendatial of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for changing grade of Chilcombe Avenue from Keston Street to Doswell Avenue; also con- structing a cement tile sidewalk and the necessary concrete steps to a width of six feet on the six foot strip left in the vaca I ion of said Chilcombe Avenue, between the I aforesaid limits; also con- qtructing a cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the North side of Doswell Avenue, from the above described sidewalk, thence East to the present established walk, to John A. Sandquist, for the sum of $488.00, engineer's estimate being $525.00. F. B. #2011. as i Resolved, That the Council .0 in the recornmendatt of t eContraq- compoluce and here ords e 11 r. , 11. tract lor4r.hmnll� . , 1'. �� act 9T.9 treet o as CT.6 ca t QC Avon V f Ayerac Wa- cont acting.0" 0 C. 0, Elle std walk and t necessary crate steps to a width of at I the at -foot atrip-le 0 41 'r ti,;A,, 611H.A.2. V hetese 4 -b,7-.— .t=Md 11MIM .1. Or ti 's lk It a t tile sid— of 0. 11 1 feet ,,on,tho ort III Icrl It 1 1-10 at t 1. a to tpresentbitfor , s n,, Wt t .1 ofwalk, $525,0 Adopt s y t .11 July 28� 1918! Approved 19*) Yeas (V) Councilmen Nays JUL 28 1919 Adopted by the Council - .........................................191...... Clancy 2S 1919 Farnsw th V) C Clancy Is r Councilmen n c c Ime n N FaSW th Ap.......................................................... . ..... 191 Goss ..............In favor -M oil .............. Against ...... ............. ............................................. MAYOR .A -Y........--. .0 Mr. Pres' ent, Hodgson FORM 0 . 9 3M 12-18 T- CITY OF ST. PAUL fir'\:✓ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t 25SiD P �e No ................. ......... .... ......... ....... ....... . Date Presented .:.._'JUly.$8. .1919' 191.....e - Resolved, . That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated July 24, 1917, the St. Paul Conerete.worke and the City of St. Paul, for the curbing of Tatum Avenue from Chelton Avenue to Tallula Avenue be and the same is hereby extended to the 26th. day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond aonsdnt thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Clancy Goss 1ZEtier .c'/ cC 1 Mr. Presi nt, Hodgson FORM A. 9 3M 12-18 s IRIS Adopted by the ounci ...........................................191 .... Aped....................__......_.:......._......�....... 191..... _2 t ........_ ............................ --.......................... -- MAYOR '2r�°a St. Paul, Minn., -7-- - - -1�4 - - 19/4�- . TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing ,contract for the to be extended to - - - - - 19 Owing to -4dy'= �o `_r�. `^ -/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tirr.e for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. e�ours v,�r truly, There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is con ned. • APPROVED Supt, of Constructio epairs Commissioner of Public l''or Chief EnIjineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ...fr ......................................--.......................................................:............................ V^ Pap No..........j........................ Date Presented -.dill,.y..--28Lth-,............... 191....9 , Resolved,. In the matter of grading alley Block 4, Douglas' Addition and Abbott & Anoker's Rearrangement, from Cypress Street to Earl Street, under Preliminary Order P2508, approved August 21st, 1919, and Final Order $23956, approved April 10th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. C. F. No. E6891—BY M. N. Gose— . In the matter of grading alley In Block 4,, Douglas' Addition *and Abbott & pocket's Rearrangement. from ay- press' street to -Flarl Stre^t.'un or Preliminary Order No. 22508;' -P- roved August 21st 1919, and Final �a�6O .r No. 28968, approved April 18th, 1 _ 1819... �1 Resolved. That the lane Bnd epeclb cations end eatimete gnantltiee sub matted by the Comm ssloper of Public 'D.4 work8 for the above named Improve- ment be and the same are hereby ap-I proved. eOCeGO Adgpted Eby yho`Councfl Sing; 28. 1919. +(` Approved duly 28 1819. (Ayg:. ll, 1918) 60 -. _.. ._ V -1a Adopted by the C cil._..., ._�........1�...-.191..-.-. Clancy n Farnswort - App r JUL -....---...._........... .191..... Goss ........ ✓ ti oll ........_.... Ar�siaist .............{...._.% `....................._.... 0 ! (_ ' MAYOR P ) Mr. President, Hodgson FORM.C. A. 9 3M 12-18 _ Coun ' de No..................0 ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �a 25GQ2 Petition pRELIMINARY O Thcundersignedhere roposes the making of the owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; Grad e ...P.ao............. Street ...:•_om,. Clarence_..Street to.__Baralay._. Street .._. ..---•-"-"""-•"'....................................................-'-.......... .......................................................... Dated this.......38t day of JulY.,....1919.........................:..... I I. ....... Councilman. PRELIMIN�R YtO. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.c, _.._.....,.,....Grade Stre.�.t..fr.om... C1.�r.an4e...Street-:to_. Ba.rol.@y....Street,. ................ I - ..... .... .............. ..................................................... ..C. F: .Ng: 26992— v 1 Abstract 1........................................................... ................... ..................... Whereas, A wrttt n ProDD��al fob ..... ' """""""" makln�_gt the [ollowing /mD oV vlat........................... ...,... Grade Paarcl Street fro C'j. .......................... ... ........ .... ... 8treef to Barclay Street,r� I rea�ntr t khe Co v L mow' having been presented to the Council of the City r:. oaf by ti :dllmab.....:...E..V..`S S ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eftimated coin of said improvement, and the total coAt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. y 3. To furnish the following other data and infomtation relative to said ptovnt:..................... .. ......... ............ ........................................ 5, To nate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of F'mance. JUL 28 In f ° Adopted by the wunciL ........................... ......................191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farns orth Gose Approved......... ....... ...2 ...[5.1 ......191.. -- L ar u u0 nderlich .............._.... ....... . ......... Mayor Mayor. Form C A 13 OM Council File No................ i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 25503 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follow public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: :...........................Gon �,z�g...t�z�....o.aaement....ix>......... ...t.he.._1.�d...z�.e.�.e.s.a.�xY....... for slopes for cute and fills in grading Pacific Street ........................................................................................................................................ from Clarence Street to Barclay Street. .................................................................................................................................. . ..... Dated thie..2 th:.........day of - --J:UY..>....19.19........... ............ ........ ..._.... ..... 191...._... Coun Iman, PRELIMINA Y RDE WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .............................. Condeuning...and...taking,,.an,..e_peenent...i.n...the-land ..nece.es.p .Y:.__........... for slopes for cuts and fills in grading Pacific Street ........................................................................................................................... from Clarence Street to Barclay Street. ................... .......... ...................................................................................................................................... .......................... ...................... .............. ..............................................................: 6993 No. 2— -...................................-.........-. Abetrac erase, A written propoaal f, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Cii'ng oY the fV11ow1ng F prow A - --- - - -- — ....... "idemning and taking an ea ; therefore, be it 'n .land, 11 C lAary fo�: elor:�' t ,.. aclfl18 RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he 1s hereby oraereu c;r,nlsy eded: 1. To inveEtig_ate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e9timated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish fhe following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... .......................................................................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JLJJ 1910 Adopted by the council... ......... .... ...... `... ........ ................ .........191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn orth j IM Go, Approved ........................ .........................191........ Hy dccol_ Ib undo ............... . z Mayor /QMayor. Form CA 15 (61d C ��a 2560-1 COUNCIL IL ............... ...:. ............ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of... C ons true t_--a...c eMe.ril -. tile__. s i dews-j,X_,.9.j,x..--f e. a t ------ --- - both sides of Como Phalen Avenue from Arcade Street to Forest Street. exe ept---whe re ---good.- and--- sufficient _._s sidewalks now -ex is t.. ......................... y, 17SAL OADE>td ............................. aessa— rntgco i aeSYalk f ac, uo e.1htwil. ori both ........ ..... .... . ..... ......... ...................'eldee, of 'Como Phalen.: Avenue,. rom..... ..................................... Arcade street to VDrot- street, tree ,ht elde- ...... .. w¢plke ntw eidatuP er P ellminar .... .. .... .............................................................. ...... ............ :.;Order 11.hb aPDrOv g''h.vAS h -.--- 24907 A p�pnsiove`mAcovem�aat April 30, 1919. under Preliminary Order... .... ---- +f+ 'rc°ai' •� _ ........... IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------------------------- approved ---._-----.....----------- .......... ..--------------------- ------------- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.......ConstruCt--a cement---tile-_s_idegAIX.............. sig feet .............................................wide, on both sides of Como Phalen Avenue from Arcade .......... ....... .... - ..- ....._.._......... ---- .....----- - -- ----- - _..Strae.t----tn..EQ.res.t...Str.ee.t..---exr.eB.t...W.klez e._to.Qa...an�l...stlfi.i cienL... si�lextalk>a - now ...exist- -------- --------------------------------.._-. ........... - ....__...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.��'.!P�� 191- ........., -........._....ji- 2) � 1 Approved..... > �::...:' S..._ ..:............. 191.. ... _f Couaeilman F"arnswo fli Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy 7For Councilman I�erpov-_Councilman "McColl Counc' an Wunderlich May Hodgson B. S. A. 8-7 PAUL V - DEPART T F FINANCE - �I REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE l0 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -� i (A) _ Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides of Inthe Matter of -- - - - -------------------------------------------------- -- --- - -- - - —------------------------------------ Como Phalen Avenue,from Arcade Street to Forest Street. i April 30, 1919. under Preliminary Order approved - --------------------------- ----------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----------------------------- linp •70 The estimated cost pertr oo for the above improvement - - - - - - $ -------------- I The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 12 2 11. 2 10 2 9 2 8 2 17 2 6 2 5 2 4 2 3 2 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lanes Phalen Grove Addition 350 do 275 do 250 do 250 do 275 do 275 do 300 do do 300 do 300 TOTAL, i CITY PAUL - DEPARTM ;$r FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — ASSESSED •DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION `2 2 Lanes Phalen Grove Addition 300 1 2 do 1700 17 1 do 875 16 1 do 325. 15 1 do 375 14 1 do 250 13 1 do 2575 12 1 do 425 11 1 do 225 10 1 do 225 �9 1 do 2825 West z of 8 1 do East 2 do of 8 1 1925 , 7 1) do 1 1 do 300 11 to 15 27 Phalen Park 11 to 15 26 do 15 to 20 25 do 10 to 15 24 do -! The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--' rlill�-e..-�- - -- --191-..�- -'---'`- - - - - - // Commissioner of Finance. ronM s.a.e. enUf _ � Y4 Y�YiY _ 17 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RECEIVED v F � Report to Commissioner of Finance =- 3 t 0� MAY 7 1919 May 6th, 9 ......... _... I ..................... _...... _ _........................191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24907 April 30th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..................... ................approved ....................... .................. ...................... ...........191........., relative to .............................. constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides ._ ... _............ _...................................... _......................................................................... _................................................................ .................. .............................. .................... ............................. of Como Phalen Avenue from Arcade Street to Forest Street. ............................................................... _.................................................................. .................. ............................. - ......................... .... ....................................... ..................... .............. ........ .... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ...................._. -r..:...., and the total cost thereof is $ ................................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4_ ... _................................................................. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Said improvement is .................................... asked for upon petition ofthree or more owners of propei3y_,su bject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. St. Paul, Kinn. , .. .. 0. ....191 . . To the Honorable, The Council, Gentlemen: City of St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followirg improvement to be made: ..�.. r? ��¢ �a a�� Ave. from ....... ... .............St. -gist. to �....... .....................St. Ave. A L^ t LV1 DLV�+ii . ...... �-Z $ ../.... ......... //� i '� ... I J761........ E� . .. .'...................... . t! rr . ..�u �....'..................:........... . ...........+........./.7.... .....I .......................... f.............. .......... ...$..2 ... .......................... . . . . . . . . .�. . . . • . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xV1 . . . . . ...............+.,........).�..I................................. ,y ..................... c ..:...........1!.... �(.. ....;..... +Q.... y..�. ............. ............................ X .... '................'�. ......� �.. .. .. . i iii' 0...........4............ 1. ...%....... .................................................................. r l � i p COUNCIL FI NO............................. FINAL ORDER Constructint a cement the sidewalk six feet wide on Inthe Matter of.................................................. ..................................... ............................................................ thewest side of Marlboro Avenue, from Dayton Avenue to Laurel Avenue, .............'. ........................ ...... ........ .........._.... ............................................... . 1 exc-ept___where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ....................................:..... In ibe matt ..................................................... ............................... .. ..... .. ... ........ C F No. 36996- - er of constructingg a cemer tna sidewalk, six Yeet w[do, on,tt ..... ......... ... Wedt alder. of Iferlboro Avenue; Ira. -................................................. """'""" "' excetpt where,90006 e�41 su blq sldWolks now exist y ,�nder P........ ............ . -.............-. ................ 11pInary.Order 26394.; y oved 9tr I"9' 2536 1919. rove...................................appJune 10,............. under Preliminary Order---------------------------- ------- Intermediary - -- IntermediaryOrder............................................................... approved ------------------------- --............----.....--------------------- .-------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a cement the sidewalk six feet improvement to be made by the said City is----------------....----......--------...............-.....-----......--.....----.....--------------- ------- wide on the west side of Marlboro Avenue, from Dayton Avenue to ... ........ - - ........... ........ ... -' ..................... - ....-' ..._...........----" ................ .... ' - ..... Laurel Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist --................................. --........... _...... _- ....................... .................... - ..... .... ........ - ........ .................-------........---- --.... ......--.._...... ._...- ..... ...-......_................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement tore made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said' improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. .. 2',S2',S 1519 r Adopted by the Council.._J ......._................................. .. 191........ �:..•'.k. j City Cler... Approved ------ -------Jill > --- .... s`._':`.!.° .............. 191..... .......----- ---- .............. ........ -' -- .. ......_......Mayor. _Councilmaff-Y6 nsworth Councilman Goss Councilman C-la_n'cyn Councilman -lCouncilmaMiteColl (/ )/Councilman Wunderlich May odgson Form B. S. A. 84 4 - i GI , T. PAUL DEPARTMdWF FINANCE e �� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -(A) .. Construct a cement the sidewalk six feet wide on the west In the Matter of ----- - --------------- - --- - - --- ----------------------------------------------- side of Marlboro Avenue, from Dayton Avenue toLaurel Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved .. JUne .10-'----1919_- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $----- ---- front '70 The estimated cost per,�foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK )AD DI T I ONASSESSED 'VALUATION 26 58 Desnoyer Park 3,750 25 58 do 1500 24 58 do 600 23 58 do 600 22 58 do 600 21 58 do 1500 20 58 do 600 19 58 do 600 18 58 do 2400 17 58 do 775 TOTAL, OI PAUL DEPART F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 58 DAencyer Park 2850 15 58 do 3350 14 58 do 600- 5013 1358 do 600 12 58 do 550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to 'the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the CCmmissioher of Public Works. Datel1G__�� —191 - -- Commissioner of Finance. roar+ e.a.A. 5 � � I i�' .1"'_ i ( .y L AUF�EL St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council,1 cry Coity of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:&I C0410� , &Wj$, We, the undersigned property owners, hereby F41,-- your. Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be 64. . ................ ............................ Ave. from ............. et. Ave. to .......................... ..................... St. Ave. M LOT.. — (Y% A A -4p -X (7 ......................... ....... * * * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . - - . . ! . . . . . . . Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor�ECEIvEu r S r•: g iT,O Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 114 t919 June 13th 9 191_.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration'the preliminary order of the Con"• 25395 June loth ...........191.relative to...... ... ......... ... cil, known as Council File No ............. ........................ approved ............... :.... .... .......�......._ ...... ....................., ......... .. . oonetruo_tin..._a..._aement the eidewelg� eig feet wide on the wee ............... ................................. ........................................ aide of ffisrlboro Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Laurel Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..-...-. _70¢ per essarlinealy and rfootdesirable, • ,and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_._..._ ......................_., and the total cost thereof is $.................................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiss• ner of P blie Works. tTIT (?, ;77 )'p , 2540-a COUNCIL F 10 .................... ...... /i t FINAL ORDER In the Matter of Changing the grade of Topping Street from Farrington .......................................... ......_...... ----- ..... ....... Avenue to Gaultier Street to conform to the red line on the profile ................... ...... -- -- --- ............_...--.......... ....... . .__...... hereto ...a.t.tache..d..anal..-.-made,-.a.--part--.hereof-,__.the.--present.-eStablfished--- 0e being shown by a blue line thereon; also building the necessary ..... -- ........ . .......................... .- ---......... - --...........----......-.................. ........... ....... catchbasins to provide for the proper drainage of said street. ........................... I................................ ....................................... ...................................................................................... ................... I .......................... a. ..... .. _.... ..--------------- .. --- -- a. $: xo n99 y. 24909 ;n .tbe mattergt cbanBing,he aae p[ under Preliminary Order.............................maPPtng gtreet lrem +-. ngion .... ........................ ------------ t tba`!ed-J1118 6ade0 rrPart Intermediary Order.... ----her to attaeriea qna „ ..... ... .. ....._. )rer f, tpe Preaeat atablfeh seas,. . . .------... A �ublic hearing having been had upon the 1➢,w e1n8'fio idrf��bFea b�n .�a� u du ,-iitice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommenda4lons rela -ve tJ--_ eto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is..:....Change..the grade-..of._.Topping._Street.. from Farrington Avenue to Gaultier Street to conform to the red line on the ......... _............ ................ -- -- ..--..............._... ........._-...._..._...... .............. profile. -hereto --attached and made a part her eojrthe.present established _Umd-a..ba1r._,..show.n--- by--.A...bl-'Aethe ...ne.c.ezra r_y catchbasins to provide for the proper drainage of said street. .......... ....... ....... . . .... --------------------_...-.................................. . ..................... ------ ----.........................................-..................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RES LVED F R, t the Co er 'c Works and ;i ere ruc and directe top pare pl and s if ions f d impr eme ,and st it same t e Coun cil for appro ; that on s id app th rope city offici s re it an dire to proceed making sai rovemeni in ord a erewith. Ad ted by the Council_...... =':: _. .:.------ _................. 191_.-.... r City Clerk.i Approved ....-----j-_- . r......,....._. ....... 191 - ( .. ' Mayor. ~Councilman Farnswbrili Councilman Goss Councilman QV Councilman- -� } Councilm McColl Coun ' an Wunderlich M7r Hodgson Fonn_B. S. A. 8-7 - - - OP SL Y .UL y r DEPA' N�IPIANCE 4l REPORT OF CO ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (,e,) Changing the grade of Topping Street from Farrington Avenue, In the Matte>w of =------------------------------ -- ------------------------------------ - ------------------------------- --------- --------- to Gau•1•tler Street.. ---- -----" "--" under Preliminary Order approved ----y-----4---------- _ ---------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 285.60 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -------- ----------'------- - front' - 24 - $---------------- The estimated cost pel�foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: '{ - - - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTIONLOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION - 7 1 Alabama Adcition No. 2, 1025 2300 8 1 St. Paul, .Minn. 9 1 d 0 1600 10 1 do 1200 11 1 do 300 12 1 do 1500 6 4 do 3v5 4 do 100 4 4 10 3 -4 do 300 TOTAL, CIT 7FUL 1 1 DEPART iN' INANCE REPORT OF CO STONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRI&TION . 2 4 Alab9ma Addition No. 2, 300 1 4 St. Paul, Minn. 300 16 1 do 1375 15. 1 do 1375 14 1 do 275 13 1 do 1375 12 1 4o 500 (11 1 do 10 1 do 250 9 1 do 875 1 2 do 250 2 2 do 250 3 2 do 250 4 2 do 1525 5 2 do 250 6 2 Atwater::Street Addition to 1175 tY,e City of St. Paul, Ramsey 1175 7 2 Co.Mindo 8 2 do 775 South 1/3 of 4-5- 6 1 Homestsad Addition to the 1875 City of St. Paul Ramsey Co.fHnn. North 2/3 of 3-2- 1 2 do 4025 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �-�--. Dated -- -- = _ ...-. -. . Commissioner of Finance. •ORM 3 Of&e of the Commissioner of Public .. i�ECEIVEp, �. •j' FARNS�. O Report to Commissioner of Finance _ 16- e '°" 'a s s NUY 271 9w May 27th, 9 _...._ ..........................191.. _ ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 9 ....._...approved........................................._............. _...........191........., relative to .........__............... cil, known as Council File No.... ........................... 09 May let, ......_ changing the grade of Topping Street from Farrington Avenue to ................................. ._.................... _.._...... -.............................. ............................ ..................................... Gaultier Street, and building the necessary catch -basins to provide) ....................... ..........._............................................ forthe ..... ................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............... necessary and (or) desirable. 24� per front foot 285.60 `L. The estimated coat thereof is $ .... ....... ----------+ and the total cost thereof is _....__.._.__....._ ........... and Assessable frontage 1186 ft. Excess inspection $5.60 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........................................................_......... ........................... _..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........... ............ ......... ..................... ........ ......... .........................................................................._......................................._....... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ... ................ ............................................_.. . Co.ssiouer of Public orks. 05CAR CI.AU—N. Cnisr E11.1— .R I. 11.1 E..RROLL•R n .rR�erio• .resin. —REO JAEN90N, Surr. M. 9. ORYTEAK, ewoi�..n o. N. McRRol.o•o.nede� (litg of £►t. Faul Iepartment of Fublu Ilorks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. May 26, 1919. Mr. M. N. Cross, _ Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of changing grade of Topping Street from Farrington Avenue to Gaultier Street and building the necessary catch -basins to provide for the proper drainage of said street, in accordance with Council File No.24909, approved May 1, 1919: Approximate estimate .......... $285.60 Cost per front foot........... .24 Excess inspection necessary... . 5.60 Assessable frontage........... 1186.feet. Topping Street was graded to the established grade in 1891. Since that time a peat marsh on which the street is founded has settled so that the various improvements along the street are now considerably below the original grade. The new grade proposed will fit these improvements as nearly as it is possible to do so, excepting a portion of cement sidewalk laid in front of Lot 9 Block 1 Atwater Street Addition. This"pieoe of sidewalk can be lowered to the new grade at a cost not to exceed $20.00. Yours very truly, ESS/C �� Chief Engineer. 6 v4 C1 7 Yel. 25-�,a7 COUN.0 FI . ......... ......... - .... FINAL ORDER Construct driveways at the followinE locations: Inthe Matter of .............................................................. Grove St. South side 72 ft. wide from 82 feet East of Jackson St., ............. ...............................................-........ ...._................_.. ...... ----................................ thence._.East...12_._ft..;--_East Fifth St..North sides 10 ft. wide.,___.from...--- 1.Q.0 ft..._East.__of...Jackson St. thence East 12 feet. cF NoX80997-----------------------------------.. . ..--------....._ in the matter of conatrn Ung d way9 at' the foll.V ;local Grove Btreet,' south aide .................... ..................... ................. .. .. ... wide, -from 92 feet Neat of t- Elrfth Street No th 61deE10 Laetet�--.....- ---. under Preliminary Order...... ------------_------------- 24788` n +qR Beet- 88ia 1. April 24, 1919 17 IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved.....--... ... ...... .............. .... ............. A public heaNing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City lsConstruct driveways at the following ............._.................................. locations: Grove St. S outh side 72 ft. wide from 82 feet East ............................................................... _....-....._................................ of Jackson St., thence East 12 feet.; East Fifth St., North side, .................................-- ... .....---...........__.....--...__............................- ........... 10 feet wide, from 100 feet Ea:t of Jackson St., thence East 12 feet. ......_......... -..........................................._..._.-.......... ._....- - ......................... -- -- ......----- ..--- ... ..... ..-- ..... ........................ ..- ...._....... ..-- ......... ...----------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council_.... __::_...,_.......:.l.r......._......., 191......_ n l ------------City Clerk. Approved.. ------ 21..:...::............ _. • 191........ ..... .. ............................. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth' Councilman Goss Councilman Clalyey J 1 Councilman ACCo'•l 0 L+ / Councllma 3�IcCo11 O / Counciin Wunderlich S. A. 8-7 CI I.M. PAUL { j DEPARTMENT"OF FINANCE `O REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Construct Driveways at the following locations: In the matter of Grove St. Aouth side 7E ft. wide from 82 feet East of Jackson St., thence I East 12 ft.; East Fiftih St., North side, 10 ft. wide, from 100 ft. East of Jackson St., thence East 12 feet. a 1 under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ square .20 The estimated cost per Oot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of and that may be assessed benefits for suc improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 Prince & Desnoyers Rearrangement 895Q 1 9 9 Whitney & Smiths Addition 950g0 'i i I TOTAL. � i 1 l ' •. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and here submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of PublicVorks. i Dated Form B. B. 13 (// t J�d C, 17, A/,, � � i t CEI�ED Office 4 the Commissioner of Public �i1or � PRIN S ^ '_3 s Report to Commissioner of Finance. MAY 7 1919 may 6th, 191... 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: b The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coon- cil, known a 24788 pp April 24th, 1919...., relative to ............ ........_._. sCouncil File No......._............................a roved......_....._................................................ constructing driveways at the following locations' Grove St., 3.5., ................................................._................_..........................................-.........................-...._.. 7' wide, from 82 ft. east of Jackson St., thence east 12 ft.; East .. .........- ................ nce from Y00.....ft... a est... of Jaok..eon 5t the , Fifih St., $.5., Y�._i't. e, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ......eT TB cessaryand (or) desirable. 29¢ p and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- _.._.-----.__.-.. and the total cost thereof is the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... _......._.................................. ....................... _..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................................................................. 4. ............................................................................................._...................... _. 5. Said improvement ia._...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessmeiit for said improvement. ............... ......................... .................. . ommis ioner of Public orka. 1 • COUNCIL FILE N --------- - ------ ----------- By. .... ...s.�:..ice ..— -,___77:;'X ...._....... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of a. ............................................................ent the idw=_- Bix--feet-__wide-,-. on --_the east side of Hamline Avenue, from Randolph Street to Otto Street. except f+here good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ............................................................ ...... ..... ... C. F. 26998—..................................... m .... ..... ....... .-... .... ... is itis SSo:atter of cQ%11 set agi�de, ifie eidewelk, 1 set 'de wl hh StfreAetstto,o tto . . .. ............- .. ,.---.. ........................... ..........................................................�$n$ sUf .............................oa June 10, 1919. underPreliminary Order------- ------------------------------ -- -- -- afi` ":ed... ----------- .--------- ....-------- -------------------------- IntermediaryOrder ---- -----------------_----------------------------- ----- approved ------------------------- ------- .------- ..---- .--------------------- _.... ..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six improvement to be made by the said City ls._----- ................_..........- . ..--....--......--... ......... feet wide, on the east side of Hamline Avenue, from Randolph Street to Otto Avenue. except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. _......... ..... ..................__............. .. .- --- .......... .. ---.............................................--------.._...----------------------- - ---------------------------------------------- _.----- --------------- — ...... .........._............................ -------------------- .............._.....------------------------------------------------------------------------._... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the. Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...... ---. LL._ :....:.-:._.._.-......., 191.....--- .. ' -_..... ....._... ... ....._. City Clerk. Approved ......... .... 191........ ..--.-........... ..................................... Mayor. C�uncil#fat3--Farns'ivorth- ` Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy. Councilman—I4eller#'u Councilman Mc�oll Councilmaw'W underlich Mayodgson Form B: S. A. 8-7 CITYL _ DEPARTMWFNANCE �- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER --- (A) In the Matter of---------------------ctin a --- cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west Constructing a - - .. - .. - - ---------------------------------------- side of Hamline Avenue from Randolph Street to Otto Avenue. Jun10, 1919----------------- -- ---- ------------------------ under Preliminary Order approved --- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------ ---------------------------------- ------- - ------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ---- ------------------ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - lineal $ .70 -------- The estimated cost pernoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - ----------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 3 Daverns rearrangement 2400 16 3 do 350 6 4 J. J. Kennas Addition 350 7 4 do 325 8 4 do 325 18 1 G. G. Whiteys Addition 2575 19 1 do 1825 20 1 do 350 4 G. G. Whitneys Addition 2025 Edward L. McAdam Addition. 650 15 1 FORM S.S.A. 8-3 A' TOTAL, r CIT � L DEPART M INANCE ,4 " OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 15 2 Edward L. McAdam Additioh. 200 16 2 do 200 12 3 Lexington Park Plat 1. 250 15 3 Edward L. McAdam Addition. 200 15 Hacketts Subdivision. 200 16 do 200 15 8 Lexington Park Plat 11. 200 (Except S.42 feet) 16-17- 18 8 do 695 feet of 16-17- 18 8 o South 42 d 525 15 8 Woodford Park 350 16 8 do 200 14375 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in feference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works: Dated �=�------- -------191-- ---- --------- ----- -- - u Commissioner of Finance. FORM e.e.A. a -e �T ro �/vo�o J /,V 13 s y of ,7 SuB. es ' - All; = i _ - - _ r✓ /✓ D T To 6:9 ✓G-� ff 9 �rFar4[o_ o 7t- 4 To the Honorable, The Council, City of 3t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- V, 1 �I CgMh1l5 f0 ,c 'FFUBUCW( S . .192... 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Hono�able Bodyto cause gthe following improvement to be mad •�Y"�'fl�/i(`�Y� .�.� . �-s��f51L�.�✓L�f-Y.�-L'\ �J"C'L'.- .0 I� /��. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from . (_v4f� G� . to N A M E_ _ _ _ _ _ d LOT d BLOCK d ADDITION .. .. .. J 1.3„r, .: . . . .. . .. .. . ..........Jd.1............. 4 d 0 ...............Jd.r.......... r d d ...............J.d.d............. 4 d 4 ...............J4 d ............. 4 d d ...........J4J............ 8 4 d ...............dJ.j........... 4 4 d JJ.Q........... 4 4 4 .........JJ.J.......... r d d d d J p.d.J... JJJ....... d F J y �F Office of the Commissioner of Public Works _ E►vED .24= =3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN ', k '919 June 13th, 9 ......... _.......................... ................................ .......... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan" The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 25398...........a roved.........._June...10th.° .....................1919....., relative to..............:............_. cil, known as Council File No......................._ pp constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the east =.__........................... ........... _..... ................................................................ _............................................ side of Hemline Avenue, from Randolph--street to Otto Avenue. ...................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..........._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per lineal foot Xxx 2. The estimated coat thereof is$_................................_. and the total coat thereof is$................................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..-- ..............-.- -- ............................................................................ ............................................. . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a paeL hereof. ............. ........................................................................................................................................................._.................................................... 5. Said improvement is_..................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .......... .......... .... ................. _.................. Com ' oner of P blit Works. t COUNCIL LE O-- ----- ---------_..----- By........' �� ` r:+ —oar---- t FINAL ORDER Constructing a cement the sidewalk, six feet wide, Inthe Matter of -Constructing ........................... ... ......._......................................................I................... -- on the north side of Edmund Street, froig Chatsworth Street to ........................................................................................ -- ........... ....... ... ... - i,�-Kington-.Avenue-.-_except where good and sufficient sidewalks .......... ...... good -- - ................. ............................ . .... .... nowexist. ............................................................ .................... ......... ......... ...... ... ...C. F. No. 26999— gg 1n the matterof 9� feet twldo o tub eWew-t .......... ......... ..... .... ........ .... .... North s1de otStree vu toBtr�................................................................... Chatsworth of a' -Avenue, excIyt'whe" stent etdeOea n 26216: _ aPP _ 1 .......................................................... ..... ............ ....... ..................................................... nmtnar9 26 191110 hearlr tav,^pn;"' Ma 26 1919. under Preliminary Order ................25215 y. .. :..-- IntermediaryOrder ---_............................---------......._.------. approved.... ......... ._.... ..._......- - ......_........: A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six improvement to be made by the said City is-...._._..._........_..................._......................... ...... ..--- feet.-wide. on the north side of Edmund Street, from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue. except where good and sufficient __........-----..- - ----- ...................... ...... . sidewalks now exist. ............. ...- .._.... ....... ............................................ ............. .-------------------------------- :...................... .--------------------- --- ................... ....... .- ----- -- ...... ------------------------ ------------ ,------------------------------------- --------------------------- ..---------------- ... ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... i Approvedt.................................---- ..--- -- -----, 191...... -Eotinc`"ilman Farns}vtirth Councilman Go Councilman ancy O (lnnnrilma KwllerP.. V anMc 'tan Wuodgson B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP - I DEPARTMENT OF P. ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north --- - - --- ------ -- ---.._.... - -- - - --- --- - -- ----------- side of Edmund Street, from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved __---- May 26, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $—------------ ------------ .---- _ lineal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 'i - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 C. C. Van Dykes Addition. 250 13 do 225 12 do 225 r 11 do 225 10 do 225 9 do 225 8 do 1425 18 1 Leffmann & Haas Addition 2250 -17- 1 do 300 16 1 do 300 FORM e.s.n. a -a w TOTAL, CITY OFSt L DEPARTMENT IhANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK-�DITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 1 Leffmann & Haas Addition 300 14 1 do 300 13 1 do 1800 - 12 1 do 300 11- 10 1 do 2150 16 Kellys Rearrangement of B1ock1750 1 Oxford Addition. 325 15 14 do 2300 13 do 2100 12 do 250 r . 11 do 250 10 do 1775 13 Hyde Park 14000 33250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -. --------- -- Commissioner of Finance. IORM B.9.A. 9-9`G J Ap _ Zz yS q G EBF/% r� Nnl ,,, y �17 I J 6 J i i St. Paul, Minn. , Ila ........1919. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. peal, Minn. Gentlemen: so, tj, undersigned property cwn;re, hereby petition your Honorable 3oay to cause the following in ovement to be made: ! ... .. . ..................St. � from .,.........St. [tee. to .......................... t<"-..........1..,�. Ave. p,t�g U,CT 1 x t% 4.c..z. ..... . . ;% ... �40_ ..........�..... .. � . `��!�CL . .... - . .. . .�. ............•.. ................ _BLOCK 0 .� -- y. ..:...`r:........ . .74..... i............. . 100 1610 KI A . y�..,&........... . r.......�.......................... f (....... .......................... .. ....�.......................... �....... .............. ............ V. I ....................... r Y Office of the Commissioner of Public WAtE�vE- 9 �N0qx 6 - "aK e3 Report to Commissioner of Finance o 8 ,.04 4,'SSGi�rR O�t\`T JUN 6 191% June 4th, 191..9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 26 25215 IdaY - � _........_....._....191..._. 9 ..., relative to_..._...........___.... ......._..._. _. cil, known as Council File No......._................_..._.....approved _...._. . constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north ....._....................................................._..................................................................._.... Bide of Edmund Street from Chatsworth Street to Lexington Avenue. __..._............._............_........_............_....._.....__......._..............., and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....................... necessary and (or) desirable. 70V per lineal foot xxx and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total coat thereof is ....._..._._........._.. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: `d: A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. }. ....._..._._._..._............................ .........._..._..................._....._........_................................_..............._..._._.._._..........._..... ............ 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. . n............ ...... ........... sioner . _. _...... _. _ of Public orks. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL T� ' IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:..-...--.. .............. 26600 r cFou oL July 28th, 4 9 Date Presented---------- ---- 191.....11 In the matter of opening, widening and extending Resolved, alley in Kalman's Division No. 1, to a width of G44 feet, from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street, and between / Front and Stinson Streets, under Preliminary Order #25019, approved May 9th, 1919, and Intermediary Order '125611, approved June 30th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows: The rearm) feet of Lots 1 to 30 inclusive Kalman's Division No - j" Q. F. No. 00o0— Tn ho. to r of openln¢. wlde.ntng and Ntel, to alley in of Efsht Olvlsinn O I, to a width of Et¢hteen (1R) /J c f -d from Leand tonbet Avenue to .,I dJ L f d Rtreat, d be?ween Front anA Cti—Im stress, ander Prellminnry _ Omer Nn, 2fie19. anmmoved May 9•h. V + 26011, and Tntermedls ry OMrr No. ppraved June 30th, 1819. I t The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch / f, In the above matter, be t ' dxee anRpaolvd determines the City So[ It. P nd to be taken for the above named Im- provement to be as follows: The r ar nine t9) feet of Lots 1 to j I30Adopt d in us by the-tiOUnclllsion Aug. 4� 1919. Approved _O9. . -8119 , e on�t men 1�� Adopted by the Council � .a.........�-..:.r..:...-.191...... ( Clancy Farnsworth Approved a _. r, ,...:..... 191..... n Goss Y' ' Kell -_................................. . k ' 011 .............. 'y,dN �°.� kV Wunderlich _ r, esident, Hodgson ; ORM,G. A. 9 3M 12.18 OSCAR CLAUSS . o,M¢ J. C. —IR OLL. 9UrT. ql OJMItSO ucTioH nMo :¢resin, M. W. GOETZINGSR. Su ntI auR ¢w0 or ConR[C Tiour M. S. GRYTBAIt, Enoiw sen G. M. NERROLOrOrroe¢ EMair�¢en (attg of Ot. Vain' 39epartwent of Publir Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL- 2ra(WD In the matter of opening, widening and extending alley in Kalman's Division No.l, to a width of twenty (20) feet, from Lexington avenue to Oxford street, and between Front and Stinson streets, under Prelim- inary Order #25019, approved May 9th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #25611, approved June 30th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this, his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: The rear ten (10) feet of Lots 1 to 30 inclusive Kalman's,Division No.l. pmmiesioner of FbUblio Worife Dated v 'M'N.'GOSSI cdoikiwo of flu" WrRh %f CITY OFfT. PAJJL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF CON*Ai,.-SIONEk OF FINANCE ON PRELWINARY ORDER a - Opev, ''-xiden and extend an east and ,':est alley to a- width Inthe Matter of — - -- -------- - -- - - ----- - -- - - - - -- - ------ -----..-.... -------------------------------- of twenty (2C) foet in Kalmai;'s Division No. 1., from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street and b-tween Front street and Stinsm Str-et. under Preliminary Order approved — ------- 'L --- `-*-----A.Y.t.J_t?---------------------------------------------------------------------------_---------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---------------------------- squa.re The estimated cost per400t for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel aslast reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i ASSESSED - VALUATION (Except West 7 feet to City) 14 Kalman I e Di visi(,n Pic . --ll, 100 Addition to the City of t. Paul, 13 Winn. 75 ly do 75 (Fxcept Alley; ll-- do 75 10 do 75 (Except Alley) 9 do 75 R do 75--- C. 7 do 75 6 do 75 5 do 75 TOTAL, CORM 9.9.A. B-9 A The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-1/!�(�- Commissioner of Finance. roKM aa.A•P. � CITY OF Bi. PAUL DEPARTMER'T OFPINANCI i REPORT OF CO%WSSiONER OF FINANCE . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 4ESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 4 Kalm an's Division ^o. 1, 75 Additicr to the City of 3 St, Paul, Vinr.. 75 2 3o 75 1 do 75 (Except Peet 7 feet to City)17 do 25 18 do 25 19 do Z5 20 do 25 21 do tis -2 do 50 do 50 (McClellan School) 24 do 50 ( do ) -5 do 50 ( do ) 26 do 50 ( do ) 27 do 50 ( de ) 28 do 50 ( do } ^9 do 50 ( do 0 30 do 51' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-1/!�(�- Commissioner of Finance. roKM aa.A•P. � 4v^ Office of the Commissioner of Public `'I�ECEi E , ��-' 4 PRN kb � Lw 9= Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 17 1919 May 16th, 9 .............. .191 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pan]: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn, 25019May 9th, 9 cil, known as Council File No... ................... .............. approved. ..... ........................... ..................................... 191 relative to.. ............................ opening, widening and extending an east and west alley to a _.... _........ _...... _..............................................................................._..................._.............................._.........................................................................................................._................................ width of twenty (20) feet, in Kalman's Division No, 1, from ............................................... _........ _.............................................. _.......................................................... ...................................... ................................... ........_................................. ...... Lexington Avenue to oxford Street and Between Front & Stinson Streets. ......................................... ................................................................................................. _.......... .......... .................. .._._............................. .............. .............................. ........_...... _................. ....... %nd having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ...........I and the total cost thereof is$......_xxxx..._................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................._..........._....... ... ................................... ......_.......... _..__..._....._._..... ........................ ................_................... ............ ........................................ ...... ...._................................................................................................................ .................. ..... .......................... e mad3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and � iac a part hereof. 4......... ........................ .......... ..... ........_.............. __............................ ................. _............... ................. ..... ..._.................. .........................................._................_.................... 5. Said improvement is...................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. IComm' sio er of Public orks. Office of the - Commissioner of Publicp,.IOECE i E \ '' 1 H'0 • � y lo., s 9� Report to Commissioner of Finance $ =4 MAY 17 1919 May 16th, 9 ..._............................................ A 91....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25019 May 9th, 9 cil, known as Council File No......................... ............approved .._...... ...................... ............. ....._....._............. 191........., relative to............................ opening, widening and extending an east and west alley to a ........ _..... _...... _........... _.._........................................................... _................................................ ................ ................................ .............. ........... ................................ ....................................... width of twenty (20) feet, in Kalman's Division No. 1, from ............. ................ ........................................ _.............................................. -..._..... .................... .......... ........................... ..................................................................... .......-- ........................ ....... Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street and Between Front & Stinson streets. ................ .... ............ -............. ...................................................................................................... .......... -................. ....................... ....................... _................................ ......... ...... _..................... ud having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie......_.._......._...necessary and (or) desirable. 1. The estimated cost thereof is_$........... , and the total cost thereof is$......._XXX ........._..........., and ' the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. ...... ...................... .... .......... ................ ........... ._..._.................. ............___... .... ...... ............... ............................................... ................. ........ .................._................_..................................................................................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4............................... ................................... ................................... .................. .............. ....................... ............................... --.... .................................................. ..................... ...._ 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Cmnm' aio er of Public orke. FINAL 0 DER IN CONDEMNA�(ON PROCEEDINGS. 1'i -$ the matter of.099KIU9, KI 414a. _L a;c @t-Y_4.t..Q DER -----.......the... Son Bridge in 0-0 L PlEft Uo....3 to Gr.O.V. e Str.eWt - -------------_----­- ---- - - FINAL ORDERS IN CONDB31NATION PROCEEDINGS., .................................................... C. F. No. 26001— ............................................. ................................. ......................................... In the Matter of opening. Widening ind extending Lafayette Avenue IrOM th800 Brie 0 . ....... ..................................... Plot No.e 7 to Grove' Situ S to under ........................................ at nde r Preurel-ArY 11!d1i.r,,pprov1d Sept. .5 Older 18 1 1917. Intel. Order 21911� 1 '1 - __ ................. ......... ..... ............ ... ..................................................... % d M." 1 1919. . .tter'eon' concerning 'acne b. e and they are hereby delaton! tin.ed mediary Order 2.4027........., under Preliminary Order Adopted by the Countil J... 16, 1920. \PPr­d Jan. 15, 1920. approved MaY 4-1219 - ------------ (Jan. 17-1920) 7 ...................... ............ ­/ .......... . .. ;1 ........ ............. ..................... ................... ................ . .. ....... ................ ................................................ /or ease 'rein be and the same are hereby appro- ----------- (2 . ...... .... *the ----------------- I ----- - ------------- I follow' g e a at /the purp e of maldug thg(said improvements, viz: ....................... ........ priated a d condemned f ha erly 14 et of _'Outher 18 feetlof Lot/ H, 50� Li e P 3At N 7 rly .t0e;r1y/'1feet . Lot 7, DI k 2, Bolx�rer s A41ditio ly f sterly;: :rest o 'East 1/2 f BohrerOs vacati d joining d L -d s& ditfon; and L plo t vacated and, adjoining d t 1, All, t part ox, 0 gam parallel ly -of a line, -Blook , Bolin. ir. s ur ,t,l 11,ng,,.E t ��he W::t t:r r Ine 'of I and 14-fe, 311 ste'rily. C ne 'of andadjoin L Grey All,-th6t' part - t of -,Sass Co Of LO Addition or 'Out s;_ that dies and 14 t :line clargw 0 - 11 & fps East erly parallel , el to Westgri'y' et of e of--'LafLafaye aYetts`,?AVe- Easterly 14 ,� Lot 6;f Cobb's Sub. Pf.Lot 6, f BaesAddition t 6 o t of Dbts,45,, 3�`Ahd feet & %ib. of 2, Grey. B 1 6 1 8s -A- tion of �Cqt Lots; f rt 2of lestminis er.street 'OF ed and All that )f the Eat l/ aQ o i n Id LA' Ir Grey k Cobbs Sub. f Lot 6, o,,ass ;Addition ,g a; I I to i4 Peet of � Lots lying/6asterly of a line, awn'.parall �tl�e westerly line ette, Ave.3 11 Viest -17 of of Lafs' 'of L of the t Lece Of grou�d oft of the pterij en tt out dit n 4k� tt lar p' -o .6 deso dark sI Sub of �iot­�_Of.,%,ss,Ad W, r4isr, ofid: 1 t h0hd6, -torth.Eas do 0 o Ws: 309innitg-at the � along �� 14 � feet, thence'Nof�iweste6�O feet, khehcO east �P Lafayette AVente to point ofinni e ly s -L e v a, Easterly r 14 feet of Lot 2, Bass Addition of Out. -Lots; Distex�,lv 14 feet of Lots 13, 14, 1 and 12, Schur4eier SAb. of Lot I of,tBass Of Out Lots. and :? �rd am:;Zsfdo tali:Q�d apk.1,ri-.t �gth. �2�­­Tliat th been of/ co e( S, t-�Z above htpd�� Z��eth - eZhave �i till a d s JAn _15 1920 Adopted by the Council......---------- .. - . ......................... JAI) 1-5 1920 Approved . ........ .. 191-_ ---- - --------- Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Y Councilman Keller Councilman McColl cl) Councilman Wunderlich Mayor Jmkx Hodgson F—, 7, "4 J 10 I � � p .•d:J �1'��r CJ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matterext-Qnding,.110unt..-.L'>,Ir-va...B.ou29.Y.- -to a..;a.idth..o....o.ig�t.� Q.)...f-e..--btree_.a?zdo�ph__Streot._and._.Je£ferson_.rvenue, byextending-.said..oulevard_..as._, nolq___laid...out__acros.._The-__1ms.._t o_._co�nect_ ti^c9 th.s.ai d.. i3o112.�vard..a ...xloit... J 0.1d _omt... n..1Iaiathor Dg-'._loodx --..................................- ................... ...................... A880LIITION AATIII'.YniG� AND CO,....-..........-.........-...-.-.............................._ N'IAMING0 CONDEMNATION - A'. AWAAD9 OF DAMAO83 AND !� 9839lIENT TAEAEFOR I-------------- -- C. F. No. 2600 ` ^ Inez ndiater of opening, wldehlag IntermediaryOrder-------%2 under Preliminary Order..........2x5Bfi...._ g atoanc Curve u0aleva- ti a w1Qth of el'rhty (00)feet bee -'riaadol +fi Ft- t sad Jeftereou;.j .pe• - - •+sin-.�e ea1a;.,8oalev... approved.... E& Y..1.,...1918....... " A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ........................... ual c Adopted by the Council---------------- 1_ y �... Approved. -Co—u—nci5an Farnswortjz* Councilman Goss Z Councilman C lancdy Councilman o w c Councilma e1.11 0 Council n Wunderlich Mayon Hodgson , 191..:...- S'�fY 1 6j " 60sr e ( T.- ^40 26GC3 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of opening,..uidening and..ez:.tending--jlount Llarme Roulemar-d—to &L-xidth of eighty CBQ-) and J.eff -o. r. a on-AvAlwe bS o &t, anding—s. a JA. 3n Ul eYard O'B noyl lald mat a.mozz The F,2= t,.Q 0-0mQ-0-t laidAaad .............................. tinder Preliminary Order ............ approved MAr...2.9,19.1.9-, Intermediary Order approved ..... Yay . ............ -0 71r0.'260 Resolvedttet N (1) That the following improvement be taE." �40 yo!dered to be made, viz: QP.Q11j,-- w1dexi-and extand-RaUlLt C111=je BCLulje.var.&A.o a w-lAtb—oLf. e±ghty between Randolp)a yard aa..now laid oxit aar-ozz now— j&ja oUt.:.Jn..H&athorne Uoad - ------ - --------- - ----- - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- — (2), That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: -Zot K,-.1USsi-aa1ppi ViewYd -M, . ......................................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ................ :;�;"—.2 ............. 191...----- -- ------- -------- .... ............................ ....... - — --- ---- City Clerk. Approved ........... a .. ._MS......... -, 191 ..... . .... . ........ ... ......... ........... ..... ................. / I Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman mad lancy Councilman WA Councilman M oll Councilman underlich Mayor Hodgson 5 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of..QJlndemn7.ng...and.. taking ---an-..easamant,-.in...the...land--ne-cassaJXY £or-..s-lopes-,--.fOx...gutS.... xlIn..grading...the...narth..snd...aouth-Alley in Howard Park Addition. ..................................................... gHeOLIITIO�Y MTiF7CIR0. AND>C --.....-• r SIHMINO CONDH/INATION ....... ..............................................'1WAHD8 OF 'DADSABH& wN1li ......................................-.._..— !'ITT NT THEHIDFOH� -". ............. ...... -. . ........................................Fr T `� Ut 3 anaems � i f4{ t�e3 under Preliminary Order.... 216-U .............. approved4ril--2.,1918--, Intermediary Order .......2 9 y.__., approved----MiLy ........ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. t e" >iy "3eEe�t} to be payable in _.._____t .... eac pare. o an a herein. I N 1SIS Adopted by the Council............................. .. ....................................... City Approved------------- - J 191........ T - Mgyor. Councilman pose Councilman Councilman anCy �3SILED ` Councilman KvRer- '- ouncilman Mc Councilman . underlich MayorIHOdgSOri M 26695 R FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of..._aondemning...and .-taking .-.an...easenl=t..AxL--the--land--xieoessary .f.or....slapes,-.for...cuts and --•f.ills•--in--- grading. .. the.. nor-tkl.--and--$outh--alley-3,u .Howard Park--wild-1tion........................................................................... _.......------........................................... ............................. .............................................. _........ — .................... ...... ptaret. pnnans •'3x ooxuanueT rxga>o�nixas..> e Yr ; -T zsoc5=i N g In the mutfer .. B..ati daeED�e.,r ... ........... .... .--------------------------------- °ggts�raNnW ttiev. NoeYor ry et: ,9:_:�ne ........ 'Har'+G4zt t +o under Preliminary Order..24H15....... !Vt:nt.W rr �-i`�.%e0.j0]..Q Intermediary Order.....2flti9ad.---. approved May ..1.,...1919.............. Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: aandemn— .and...take ..-an ... eassment.- in...tha..land-.-neeeasa2'y-f-,Ort a-14pes•r--f-W...eut's-_aad—€-1.11s -in---grads n&.1110...north..an,&-aauth..alley--.in..Haaar-d.. Pant..lddition--------- _-----. _ (2) / That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: ..the...land ...abutting. upo11-_tklq...North..and...acuth-.a1ley.in Hosard..Park.6dciition7•--to---#ha_extent shown..upon th4q ie -pert o -t ie Gomm#ss or3er fl 3n.-tha..mattar,...datac1 June -..2,...1919.. ............ ........ ......... ................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. I 28 NS Adopted by the Council ........................ .L-------.--'-------. Approved........................ .........................1 191......... arnswo Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councihna eller AAll ouneil,06 McColl V ,kou4odman Wunderlich or IN= Hodgson Counci N ........ ...._..._.... _ �; By............. :........ .............. ....... .._..... _............ ._..._..-- 1 n® Resolution Ratifying Assessment. 2669® In the matter of the assessment of benefits C09t9 and expenses for the construction of Gravel Walks on Mounds Boulevard. between E. Seventh St. and Clermont St. I RMSOLUTIOF 1tATIFTIF46 Ass', MONT. C F No. 26006= In the matter or the ae9eeB �--bbt.e� neNft.1ta"• ,costs o.rfdenl0 nen "t, ovten, a . . .nL.A' .W .d under Preliminary Order............ 10.5..3.!%._._._- intermediary Order __.._,112Q.3.__........ Final Order .......11721 ......... _.... .. approved--._-....Jul1�...2.dtk1............._--._.__.191_Ei.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED; That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects 'iatified, and the same is hereby efed to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-1714,L—tt :equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ....... .............. _In_ .tet:...S1.5_. JCL `'4 19 19 191 Approved................_..._.^"._.... ... .......... ............. _. Form B. B. 18 i PUBLISpED a Council ile No. ..... _.... _......... _....... __..___.._ DBY ......... . ...... Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefite, costa and expenses for constructing Cement Steps on Mounds Boulevard between E. Seventh- St. . and Clermont St. 'WgpLrl Lzo pR ng=TrpF� �k 11,N 2 tee ,et tna y nea f'^ t stens ort N,, ; ' fMn* r,leeM1p under Preliminary Order .......... Intermediary Order .....112.0.3 .................... Final Order........_11721_..__,,,_., approved ._.._!:9.1,X.,._-$4.t,kl........................_._._191_ �.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT (FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in{.�WL_.} .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. I2 Adopted by the Council ........... ........_JUL........... ...._�.._�9_..9.......................191........_...IL Jul- '—)6 Isis Approved :-................... .... ....... ._.......... ..... ........... _......_._..19I......._ Form B. B. 38 v Clerk. f Mayor. - 1 tQ F. No. 28008—Ordinance, No. 8141 By Henry McColl— , 'n ordinance authorizing the comet .,on of a Are station on the V 'rty feet of the Southerly one 1 3 fifty feet of Lot 88, Hen' lots, Fl., Dlvielon;.,and a, ung moneys to meet the This is an emergeno•; rP.ndered necessaryy ftof the yuhllc v � u.t.Aliw o An ordinance authorizing the construction of a fire station on the west sixty feet of the southerly one hundred fifty feet of Lot 66, Hewitt's Outlots, First Division, and appropriating moneys to meet the cost thereof. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety.•, WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety has recommended to the Council the erection of a fire station building on the west sixty feet of the southerly one hundred fifty feet of Lot sixty—six (96), He 3ttts Outlots, First Division, and has reported an estimate of the eoat:of such..improvement, together with sketch -plana and other data. giv,3ng in full detail the nature of such improvement and a certified statement by the Comptroller of the funds available in the treasury for such purpose, and the said project meets with the approval of the Council; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to erect said fire station building, and that there is hereby appropriated, out of the Fire Fund, the sum of Thirty—seven.Thousand Dollars ($37,000.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary, to meet the cost of said improvement. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health:and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in Parc rimmed tsly upon its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas C o �M.�..&1 Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Gose 1100011 Powere Wunderlich-- � A;�nrove lYCys ki�yor Attest I hereby certify that there is in the Fire Fund, available for the.purpose specified in said ordinance, the moneys appropriated thereby. City Comptroller. CITY OF ST. PAUL47. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - ........... ............................................................................. - _. C26a................ OUNCIL ........ �/1........................... _ Ts..................................................................:....................I......FIL! (7. Date Presented ..........:T'.' ........... 191 Resolved, - In the matter• of• grading alley in Block 5, Underwood 's 3rd Addition, from a point 120 feet east of Kenneth Avenue,to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order #24274, approved February 20th, 1919,.and Final Order #25069, approved May 14th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Vorks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. ,q _ T5An—c men (✓) Nay/ � Adopted b; the Co il ........................................191...... Clancy / Farnsworth 1 ....191..... App v .......................... ........................... Goss ra PAvor % ,._„__ ..�.0.................:....................................................... C .............. 0 41' t MAYOR h Mr. Pres' ent, Hodgson : PORM C. A. 9' 3M 12.18 .. .. . F.I. A A 42, t M 7-18 43TY OF ST. PAUL , OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERiil'�1� AUDITED CLAIMS 'RESOLUTION FORM FILE°'L No.... .................._.........._ - BY:YA-a.._�"!............ ..................... 191f....%f.l, . ,ulf 1'TH()LLEft --1080 PER ..UU�...__............ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: F, go! aeo10— Adopted by the Council... ...... .. .191...... .upon the Clto 77eaeur$ payahte. out of Clancy the herelnafler apeelfled' funds an415,an _ ' Farn9W0[[ favor at tha person-. firm. or corpora• roved. fy [Ione roc th'e`emounta set onp o.ita their pproved.. ---191..--- respective aemee fie epecil7ed ,fay the % Goss tollowfa Aetalled et4l l�g Kell me 1 a A. Faraeworth, Cor. of Ffnaaoe,, Sa, 92dwa. --Erd Jacobs Dls. State Boiler in - MAYOR s,: .peetor , 2186.00. - PMlnpeaDalla selun Co., 249.98. '. /Wunderlich TBeo. nt.'Brace, $z9r, D{. DawAoa Johnston,:2166.80. - '1 Mr. P/eesident, Hodgson sL Paul Concrete Work., 2729.00. / standard stone Co.,.;124.94. Adopted. by the Council July 29, 1918: .Approved July 29 1919. j '(Aug., 1919) ,t 4-66A• S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. Finance, 4"e amt -_—, 9"""0 RPa. T�.Seerte. e 3,500 00 Spec. Assess. Bond 8p- I �.`' Acct. 1 .25 4,708.25 -$1• Edward Jacobs, Dis. State Boiler Inspector -Soh4a-l- 4L' Minneapolis Selling Co. zax3Ge -9,&_ Geo. M. Brace 69hee-1_ —94—Dr. Dawson Johnston .Qb--St. Paul Concrete Works Gin 94 --Standard Stone Co., Cement Walks 4, 708.25 19 5, 00 49.98 26.91 155.80 759,00 724.94 PITY OF ST. PAULy./ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCILNQ IJ..S JUL 2 AUDITED1919JT'tuL1. F'R - , 1079 `" PER................................................................. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: c. ' xo. 26031— Adopted by ounciL. ..._.......191_..—_ Rest a that warrants be ar.tva Upon the Clty Treasury, payabla ut or the hereinafter specified funds -and In Approve rote �{ Farnswor favor of-the,persoas, tirtae or corpora- - 1 P - ---- --- - .. __......_. .._191___..._ Lion. fyyr the amounts set oppPostta ttieIr Goss so eat names as eP.cltied -0p the oAdv.r SSdetalled statement: Kell. Advertleing Artiste, ;1 38 American insurance sea ;138:1 "'-" -'"'.. "". -" - - + -.. ........-- Amerlcan Lfaen SupyylY SI84.63. MAYOR Alc Il Amerleen Radiator Co 1880: F. mW! In 59:60, W nderlich Baker-Vawt- Co. ;10.80. a. as.r�ei� s^s.od. •• 14r. Presi nt, Hodgson egg°t" ., HaaatlsrrFn Sr a t 1`3QU4 Advertising Artists —Y&,, American Insurance Agency NKI 7j ig�, American Linen Supply fl N American Radiator Co., 8ekeed. `$1 F. W. Babcock AwbI14-,Baths parka, $ Baker-Vawter Co., G.. M. Beall \ Zohns_on._,is...S.. Lib. ?g Bergstedt Bros. Co., Pafil�#•e--�rth•e George C. Binder Givia•.-Sp rvi c e fir. ap T. -L. Blood f�.hee-i- 3 1.16 116.10 6210 54 00 4142. 184.63 6.80 9.50 7. 0 2 0 9. 0 10.80 35.00 28.60 40.80 40.40 7.65 No. 2 LjW Board of Water Commissioners r.28 Boy Scouts of America LAbr�erv' eq-•Brantenos .Ly,-,,,, -.3A., The Broderick Co., jinn. C„L.t .aX, G .Bross Van Dort Co. , -Sa, Brown, Biddgett & Sperry gi s ana as `IW,, M. Burg & Sons 44=2W --54.1 W. R. Burkhard . yiljy-is Burroughs Adding Machine Ca., �8 Wm. J. Campbell w Carnegie Fuel Co., ,��• & R. gg J. W. Cassin 'd@ Central Garage 46` Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. lea,..-:Rept The Christensen Engineering Co., TI`Ii 4110, John Clark Co., Clymer & Ruelster Cc-operative Photo'Supply Co., Corning-Donohue Brick Co., 'e:. Lib. % Crane & Ordway Co. Jaaaa x, Aev. Crescent Creamery Co., Christo A. Dako 49, Days Press O'Service 65. 8 6 316 13 a b 7.62 in 00 85.93 8.30 10.00 4.00 46.20 37.50 1.90 2.25 316.13 70.00 1.21 77.65 . 1.80 2.25 14.00 2.25 55.00 1.77 10.40 3.50 -7.20 No. 3 A,05 Adam Decker Bardware.C4.,, Sprinkli Publi athe Pol e z P ke a School Detective Publishing Co., EA Dispatch Publishing Co., vil Service Mayor fice Dore Redpath Parke b1 L. F. Dow Co., Wm. Dux 3fl W. J. Dyer & Bros., Educational Film Co., 8 Electric Blue Print Co., G- 9-.-Wprka, Elgin Street Sweeper Cob Stzeet..n&..8ewjar Cing. 6� Eli to Laundry Co., Sohoo � b'S" Elk Iaundry Co., Po�1-:: Fire Alarm Essanell Electric Co., Fairbanks Morse &.Co., 03!218 - 'AA S. A. Farnsworth, C. P. R. F, \ ,Gei el Cols Hance, 6�b Farwell, Ozmun Kirk & Co., Pe ce Fire P. Ba hs a Sch of N 8.50 1.10 1.0 4. 3 2.1 0 27.23 8400 3 00 10 30 97A30 19.5 1.4 5. 26. 9 21.44 6 6 128.04 4.00 7. 0 32. 0 2. 0 5. 0 56. 7 11.76 27.23 x:601 12.59 11.61 41.20 18.00 5.00 97.30 1.00 4.25 7.39 16.14 26.39 8.00 1.68 128.04 319.22 No.4 Libr ry Audi oriQm Armo Park Play rounds Wa to a rig., F. W. Faxon Co., ..§-` Feature Film Co., %-%T-lc Baths .A&- Fenstermacher Auto Supply Co., E. Ferries Field, Schlick & Co ' v21 Finch, Van Slyke McConville Chas. Friend & Son ..3'iis,6- 196,3 Emil Geist Golden Rule ,oller Play r d rary W. A. Gough Clarence C. Gray Griggs Cooper & Co., Quar tine P aths n age W, J, Haas Mnfg. Co. , l ?SIHackett Gates & H t�V a '8 Handlan & Co., Wm. Harris & Co., S+a.S.,Cing. 2.25:11 1.25 3.90 12.00 9 6.00 4.70 1.75, /► 5.13 10.80 46.92 9.2 1.2 4.2 319. 3.00 7.43 47.09 4.80 33.50 18.00 7.30 35.00 165.60 • .10. 1.85 3.75 36.51 1.0 10. 0 2. 0 5. 5 15&16 36. 1 _i 3.50 25.66 52.92 1.00 15 29 49 6 00 2 28 00 52.92 3.00 7.43 47.09 4.80 Np.b - TWa Highland Spring Co.,- 22.22 2601-1 .moi `B=Mice 1.75 w 1 1.75 w 1. 5 • �l 1. 7 M 1. 5 Comptroller-Bivil Service 1. 5 1 75 a 1 75 Comptroller 5 00 / 1 75 1 75 22.22 -0i., Home Broom Co., 8.00 AL� R. J. Horgan AnAi 70.00 -L51Hudson Book Co.,. 14.75 _afi_ H. R. Huntting Co., 645.80 ,&Z ._A. J. Huston 6.00 _AA, Industrial Managment 3.00 International Harvester Ca., 19.55- -90,, The Intbrstabe Machine Products Co. 5.00 -@4,,Walter L. Isaacs Co., 26.75 V%-..;. uis Jacobi 1.70 Juul Photo Studio 6.00 Kee Lox Mnfg. Co., 7.00 c e 4. 0 wpji 7. 0 Kennedy Bros. Arms Co., 158.50 �® 39. 0 p s 2. 0 51. 6.00 0 .�ayg�Q_nd 8 0 158.50 T. J. Kenny Soap Co., "'Pafti-., 5.00 %V1. Lamprey Products Co., 24.00 32.50 ,,,PA11oe Cing. 50 -"' 50 X98 Walter Lenon 5.00 'mac ..& Unf. ITo. 6 lxgg4 Leslie-Donahower Co., qu!rantine 413- 11 = 130 Library of Congress teary McClain & Hedman 1:. e 3.90 ool 3. 5 7. 0 rary 35. 0 1� 5 73. 0 A. C. McClurg & Co. ,wry 4 McGill Warner Co., XLaa,,,,,& Un f. McQuillan Bros., •3C Maendler Bros., 43. 8 • col 2gv.Depr# eum 4. 7 P.. 26. 7 77. 7 Manhattan Oil Co., on13. 3 Street & R. 86. 6 Se . & R. 82 95 8 1 4 50 54 72 N 9 00 25 36 Merriam park Cash Grocery Meyer Engraving Co.. Michaud Bros., Minnesota Bag Company e„ Minnesota Broom Co-, R. Minnesota News Co., 144, The Minnesota Union4Advocate Exp. Mitsch & Heck Wagon Co., F e Dept. 4 50 Po. Fire 16 25 N N .25 Mun. Garage 1 .15 Frar s 25 3 .40 17.42 2.601-1 162.93 73.10 2.27 19.50 4.80 77.27 251.36 17.68 11.00 2.32 4.80 8.25 27.76 23.65 38.40 No. 7 25ele- M. N. Moffat • --90 , Dow Morrison -$4g- Morrie Book Shop brary `Tet Iii Mueller g. Co., "3ii..,Mushkatin & Padwal COMFinance 9!Q Narrogansett Machine Co., .AGLOW ., %k National Laundry Co., P'dTTer, 2.New York Tea Co., P tbi 4hs Nicole, Dean & Gregg IAZVary 2.81 „83e, 6 13.77 The North Central Publishing Co., Northern States Power Co., Seho= 3. 8 61. 7 5. 6 6'omfost..:?tation 25. 1 103. 3 N. W. Electric Equipment Co., Schocw111 51. 0 AT'Wry- 41. 5 92. 5 Noyes Bros. & Cutler 17. 0 @tlrrasn tin a 9.21 2.00 " 12 00 • 9100 1 00 P "ths 5 52 1 80 80 9 75 6 50 " 8 10 " 34 11 " 24 36 • 11 00 P1@L ground 12 88 " 3 85 ry 1 35 Wt 76 • - 1 00 6.20 Ok 35.00 1.75 18.59 6.50 121.76 5.05 21.25 13.77 21.50 103.73 92.75 172.49 a 26-611 r e xo. e kee r J. E. Olen '04 'Deg ` 10.65 --e9Oriental Laundry 13.29 -60., Patterson Dental Supply Co., 36.16 .MI Peltz & Son 34,00 Ciri'L,�,ervic6 8.0 P 2,0 19.5 Cervica 4 b 34.0 •$,Perkins-Tracy Printing Co., 36.25 pay...Ugpt. 11. 5 0**7- 1%erk 8, 0 Cervice 38, 5 -,Pilot Printing Co. 33.15 4. 0 Qwnrantine 5. 0 {gs.ter 9. 5 N 12. 0 33. 5 " *- The Pioneer Co., 589960 d.. idAmasy Auto ^T.,P. & S. Electric Co., •76 %&ge Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., 25.80 f Street C. & R. 30 Sehngl 16 50 w 25 80 I Raymer Hardware Co., 58.50 & R. 0 P. Be 4. 4 Wat 3. 5 ptroller . 5 Sprinkling . 2 N 3. 0 Fi 11. 5 Libra y 3. b Stre t C. & R. 5. 1 Li ary . 5 S & S. Cing. 2, 5 olice 1. 0 orestry Rev. 6. 5 M . 0 Pa s 4. 0 Po . & Fire Alarm 1. 8 W ter . 0 3. 0 8. 0 -k'8, Reinhard Bros., ; 1«05 C. V. Ritter 9.00 33pap N. C. Robinson, Clk. District Court Cbvpeaw4ion Counsel P. I, F. Mi & Unf. -4i---Robinson, Cary & Sande, ling Water Fir S inkling drool -4t, Roe -James Glass Co., C—. -I .+ Works _Aa St. Paul Auto Top Works Ffit"" .44._ St. Paul Blue Print Co., B• �-8t. Paul Boots & Stationery Co., • n M • n Pol ce Lib ary Sc of Li rary M M Sc of Lib ry x?aery St. Paul Builders Material Co., LTV?WY 4" St. Paul Daily Vews CUji 3..Service St. Paul Foundry Co., St. Paul Letter Co., gl9er49 Office �St. Paul Machine Works, O Fire Alarm 1P St. Paul Welding '�g&�Mnfg. Co., onrintlin a 5A.-75 13 Ob 34 35 2 55 56 .717 . 47 124.02 121* 23 1 83 118.00 364.58 96;,86 99 84 73 11 59 87 68 93 20 38 8 20 79 97 1 26 94 50 59 3 65 2 50 154 32 99 34 9858 99.85 99. 4 14. 0 1.132.03 .74 1.40 0 . 54 1 88 4 07 65' 10 58 565.70 26MIL 364.68 .20 7.50 1,89 1,132.03 25.54 4e 00 16. 50 3.85 10.58 2.25 NO. 10 Lw Sanitary Food Co. PUt+je Baths 53� Schieffelin & Co., 4tweroAv"ne ¢, W. H. Schmelzel pipe- -*&--,Andrew ire--*&--Andrew Schoch Grocery Cc P. ^7 Health -G6_ Sesbury & Co., ..= _Sherwood Co., Aa- Shotwell-johnson Co., '— *Q- Sischo & Beard Sabo g.1,� A. G. Smolik -rmaiy -6Z, A. G. Spaulding & Bros., Pie- Baths l+B Specialty Pie Co., R-kka, iS- Standard 011 Co., put*"- AA.—Stearns Printing Co.. n Exp. Mayor a Office M Pa s H alth Com'r. Finance -ZM- Superior Printing Co., ary, Par P ground fib-- Transit Supply Co., e Po . Fire Alarm t1wa.l th 15.88 -- y 123.25 .50 •25 .50 .25 .25 320.00 .00 .00 120.00 1.05 33.12 15 45 38 9 3 12 5.70 8.38 1.00 6.20 I 3.30 17.25 1.50 4.97 107.75 73.0 3. 0 3. 0 1. 0 1. 0 2. 5 123.25 .50 •25 .50 .25 .25 320.00 .00 .00 No. 11 1;3uo'Tri-State Tel. & Teleg. Po., W ter F re L brary P r. Dept. S hoof N A ditorium P1yground Co poratiob Counsel Wo khouse bia 0r's Office P. ldg. Playgrounds w to- Troy Laundry Cc ate r 40- Twin City Institution Supply Co., P_ at'^ s _p Underwood Typewriter Co., C,-2,_14yks tel_ ego ,-. Bu�li�ag t4T•+e �Fty. -94 United States Rubber Co., WE bez'� "7Z'- D. Van Nostrand Co. , Libra '*M, Victor Animatograph Co., -75. Victor Printing Co., H alth Fi e Sc ool Li racy P ks P. Baths Co �r. Finance Po ice Cc troller He th r "7ri�, John Wanamaker btbi-py Washington Foundry Co., P s Bch 8 set C. & R. Waterbury Button Co., &"4,c e �'}Q West End Ice Co., "X41 West St. Paul Times "rinting Co., Skee#.ign SO 73 50 20 35 28 70 28 80 17 80 04 00 28 30 10 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 5, 90 7.96 5.20 16.25 15.00 3 40 11.40 00 100 110 00 175 75 25 .80 .00 -354.75 .60 2.25 1.00 2.60 31.28 4.00 1.56 91.65 7.95 103.80 79.90 66.00 17.10 26011. . NO. 12 %13081 Western Supply Co., Pnt e Pa. e ;tor --ee- Western UrUon Teleg Co., MAY a Office He th hoot -831 Williams & Wilkins Co., ,a+ H. Wilson Co., -so B. W. Woolworth Store 7P1&W =nd -86 Wm. J. Work FV+I" ea�s.o1 -87` Worlds Salesman Ship Congress retry R. Worthing Co. , $Q- Wright, Babrett Stilwell Service 3choo Stat. & 1. M e Office Total , 9. 6. 0 14. 9 31. 6 7. 8 3.0 12. 7 22.43 24. 0 4 5 48.75 13. 5 27. 0 9.10 ALM._ 54. 6 31.86 6611 22.43 5.00 4.50 .25 48.75 5.00 6.80 54.75 VMEREAS, the Committee on Lands has reported to the Council that they were able to procure Lots 1 to 7 inclusive in Block 31, 1Vest End Addition, by purchase in the open market, and, WHEREAS, the Council,by resolution mown as C• F. No. 25978, adopted July 26, 1919, has authorized the said Committee on Lands to purchase the said premises and has directed and authorized the proper City officers to complete the said transaction, and, 'iHEREAS, their repDrt was made subsequent to the adoption of preliminary order No. 25949, approved July 25, 1919, which order provides for the condemnation and appropriation of the aforesaid lots. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, in Block 31, Y,est End Addition, be and the same are hereby withdrawn and eliminated from the aforesaid condemnation proceedings.. Yea ouncilmen (✓) Clancy Farnsw th Goss Ke er cC Coll and Wunderlich Mr. Pr sident, Hodgson Fo C. A. 9 3M 12.10 Adopted by the Council.. _....... ........._----- .._.:.....191...... Appro _.__��' - .:�_�:_.iC � u.... ..... _.. 191..... ..........._SN t --or ............04 ................._..... - MAYOR A C.IF._No,, 29913—By.Albert .Wunder - '1919. U: 2601.3 ...................................... Date Presente ............ . ... .......... 191..... I Resolved, That the Committee on Lands is hereby authorized to purchase on behalf of the City of St. Paul, under and pursuant to.Ordinance No. 5072, as additional ground for public school purposes Lot 8 of Schneider, Young & Mo'rrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2 St. Paul North Outlots for the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five (225) Dollars and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant for the purchase price in favor of the owner of said land when the proper deed conveying the same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have been delivered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said land to be charged to Public School Fund, Real Estate"Item, No. 41.8 n ( ✓) Clancy K er jt ccoll v Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson Mr? M C. A. 9 3M 12-1e s III 9() 1010 Adopted by the Council -.........`.tar ...._`..•.x...191...... 1?n.�nt- Approve ....... ._._.__..... 191..... �a: _.\............_.... MAYOR "'� lc�.YtYrkniritt of �!'>?ur�Ytia�Y BERT WUNDERCiCN, Con.1-01cn M. i'. DRENER,D-11 C—.11.1— July 28, 1919. To the Honora"•ale the Council of the City of L-Iaint Paul: Gentlemen: - Your Committee on Lands for the )urpose of acquiring property for school purposes under Ordinance !Io. 5072 desires to re;,ort that it is able to acquire Lot 3 of Schneider, Young, &Morrisette's bubdivision of Lot 4, Blocl: 2, St. Paul Horth Outlets, at a cost of Two hundred Twenty-five (f'25) Dollars. This bein considered a reason- able -;rice we reco lsiend the purchase of said lot. !respectfully submitted, ( -4�� (-- .ia�*or 8-C. Toner_ ( � Purchasing :.gent ( COUNCI RAL FORM pT��- CHLORINE TREATIJENT APPARATUS. Subject :............. _ t .......... -...- .r .. ' I2ate,Pres ..................... 1... -- Resolved, that the Council of the City of St. Paul be and hereby is request ed to authorize and direct the Purchasing Agent of the City o$ St. Paul to purchase a duplicate Chlorine Treatment apparatus of the warlace & Tiernan Vanufacture, also one Toledo Self -reading Scale, at a cost not to exceed two thousand dollars. As these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Ye3s—T77-Councilmen(✓) ays III 90I Q! 4 Adopted by the Council ......•.- 191...... Clancy Farnsw rth---------------II!I ?Qi IS19..... 7 Approv v. ._....�...,_.... 191..... Goss�1 K ler�� . Against .................................... ...... . ..........:.................. ... ............ CCOl ----------'�. MAYOR Wunderlich r. P esident, Hodgson ro C. A. 9 3M 12-I9 av+Mw vat V �V^ubhlcUhu Thies Q apv;au ox f jvr BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OSCAR E.HELLER, PresiE S. A.FA RNSWORTH M. N.0055 GARRETT O.HOUSE, G­1 Supt 7/28/19. To the Honorable,TTIE COMTCIL. Igity of St. Paul, St. Paul, Tdinn. /Gentlemen: - The Board of Water Commissioners at a meeting held this day unanimously adopted the following resolution: "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be and hereby is requested to authorize and di- rect the Purchasing Agent of the citAr of St. Paul to pur- chase a duplicate Chlorine Treatment apparatus of the Wal- lace & Tiernen Manufacture, also one Toledo Self -reading acal.e, at a cost not to exceed two thousand dollars." Very truly, yours,:,. Assistant Secretary. v Resolved, Fo COUNCIL1;TENERAL FORM ---' ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNCIL 26ii5 /LT FILE r10 ........:..... ........................................ That the attached assignment of the government certificates to secure deposits made in the Metropol- itan 6tste Bank, approved by the Sinking Bund committee and the Corporation Council is hereby approved. Yeas ( 1) Councilm/n ( V) Na Nay. C• F. No E¢d16—By 9 A: e'arnewortk—•f Roeoived That: tide etteeliod aeelgn I meuttor the government o.'tho, tee to assure de.1p0. .p196e in'?the Metro �olltan state Bank npprpVpd by the i- Inking Fund Cdi= tea and the Cor ., OPMWOn Counsel:}e hetoby aDDroved Adopted by tqa Council July E9 19),9 ,Approved July S9 19, `J C? Adopted by the Council..._.`f........................ ill 919 _ .. ..........:...........191..... I0Ir, Approve........_..........._............_........_.....191... �in.Ls�OF _._......_t - -'... .... ......_.�................_...-.._....... MAYOR Clancy Films orth Gas d Mr. CColl underlich P sident, Hodgson PO G A.9 JM 8-18 C• F. No E¢d16—By 9 A: e'arnewortk—•f Roeoived That: tide etteeliod aeelgn I meuttor the government o.'tho, tee to assure de.1p0. .p196e in'?the Metro �olltan state Bank npprpVpd by the i- Inking Fund Cdi= tea and the Cor ., OPMWOn Counsel:}e hetoby aDDroved Adopted by tqa Council July E9 19),9 ,Approved July S9 19, `J C? Adopted by the Council..._.`f........................ ill 919 _ .. ..........:...........191..... I0Ir, Approve........_..........._............_........_.....191... �in.Ls�OF _._......_t - -'... .... ......_.�................_...-.._....... MAYOR CITY . OF ST. PAUL -76 C UNCIL Q&6Qi.UT4GN- —WER101LFORM. ................. ........................................................ 26 —N— No . ................. ................ 'ILE 02'11-1z4-4 . . ... . ................. qty............................. ....... . . Resolved, that water mains be laid in.the following streets; Margaret Street from Etna to Birminghalil, Sargent from Prior. to Kenneth, Prior Ave., from St. Clair to Sargent. CFF It4solladi"Tnk Powers hilt, Fra—t0r.at b. It lit, the, fo)loiwing Strad , Etna. 'toy �rfdrJto Kenneth.' ior Avenne rom Bt( Clalr to 90r enr AdoV Er. .Approved i'•18387 Clancy Farnswort Goss Keller 11 0 .......... AgWnst ode I-c� W nderlich Mr. P 7esi!ntnHodg.0- A. 9 3" 11-11 Adopted by the Council ..-.......J 2 1-1-119.11-191 Approved !.91.9 ................ 191 .................. . ....................... ....... 11 ............................ MAYOR A1�31NTr1%R�U4L, - ' D�e,Parhrre-,elrt9ha��� �^u�b�I�ii�c�Uh�i�lihi,ets BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OSCAR E.RELLER, Pl—d- 5.A.FARNSWORTH M. N.0055 GARRETT O. HOUSE, Geral S.pl 7/28/19. To the Honorable, THE COLPTCII.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. iaul, Minnr Gentlemen; - The Board of Fater Commissioners, at a meeting held this day unardmously adopted the following resolution. "RESOLVED, that the Council of the city of $t. Paul be and hereby is req.iested to authorize the laySng of water mains in the following streets; ijargaret Street from Etna to Birmingham, Sargent from Prior to Penneth, Prior Ave., from St. Clair to Sargent." Very truly y1ourp;,-�7 - — 2.:�7 Secretary. L M6- pp— r—OUNCIL RES NE ;4p.; r-LIAL FoRM Date Resolved, That Counoil File No. 36933) approved Ju3-y 24, 1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words "Saint Catherine's Addition" where they appear in said resolution, and by inserting in. lieu thereof the words "St. Oatlh,erine Park." v! eso `Yr�—easConncilmen NayClancyFarnsworthKellePr /!dent, Hodgson '-------'—� —' ; Adopted by the � � � 26618 COUNC FILE 0 ........::................. ,.---- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.G..QU8tx'11C:G1D9 a.. .0 ICI@S1t...t 1�...R�dH57aa1C�...S1X..F.e�t...Ylide.,. an.the -.east... side ....of_-Barrett.-.Stxeet...from..F.rnot...Straet,...to...Crcharrl ..S# rest..-_._....... under Preliminary Order.............2540------------.._.........approved ......---___.dllrle....1` th.+...1930.......... .............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the game is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....G.0=tr7.1C.t...a...&eMent. the s.idellalkC.,...s.7...# e.�.t.-.17 ae.,... on.._t.kle._ east..sde....o#..axx ett_.tz:eQ k...fr.t..Frant Street_ t4..41:c1 ai d.. Stre. et., except where.. o. od. anct-suii,ie.ient..-s- cTe1aIRA now --exis.t................._......-.._._,................. ...... ....._....... .......... ... . _....... _.......__._............ ._.:.... _ _ ...__.......................... ._ .._.... _ ....._.............._._............... -- _........................._...__._.._ ........_..._... _....._........_. . _......_...._...-------------- - ----- ----- with --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..-..7.4 _per.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........27%h....:............day of 11.1_ 3 $.t..........._. 191. 9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 'Al.in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted,by the 191... 9R hl ._.........l ra Approved ..................................................., 191C ity Cl ........._.............. ...---.------ ... .May Mayor. Coneihffg Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman 110M Pouters Councilman lecoll v Couneilmad Wunderlich Mayo Hodgson Form B. A. 8-6 Rol MW1__ _ �x I V0 2661-J By............... . ... ` EDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......PacLing...Pierae...Stx.Qt...frol-.ITnvernity,_Avemie-_to Crarroll gytye---��i--i; OrnIglehart.- �ivenue._to..l.: arshall__Avenu©. ...... aetam > - ahce v E- .. ........... .... ................... ander Preliminary Order -------25065---------_ 44nt.:. pproved...._......Ii2y...�4thr..-19_ ............................... i 19. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... rAdG'...P1.e1?.Q—Q St -r -O -WL --frorxi--Uni-ve-rsit. .11venue...t.o. -.Car.r.o.7.1-AVennoAvenue._tq... -lelar-shall--Avenue. _. _. _ _ ... ... ..... .._ .__._........_.. ._....._..................... ............................ .........................................................__............_. - ........_ _... ......... -........................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...-51.732-84— Resolved .51.732 -84...Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 2.7t11.............day of .............-..A� .........................., 191...9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncilJUL 2"1 !2!-, ._........... . : ....._...........__..., 191. .. Approved ............... .-... ....' .. ......... 191......... Orth_ Councilman Goss Councilman 1anay Councilman Powers Councilman Coll 1 MayoHodgson Form B/!;/4A76. 8- 26620, COIINCIL............................ L% By..................... ......! ----..................... -------r----.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..C.oYlC1QM) IM13,.andtl,.Q 1=1C1...na.U.aaar.Y•-for cllts...c4S)s—fi.11a....in..zr. di.3ag-..Piczea...8ta'.eet..fmon Univesa.ity..--- Av-e-nue.._to...Carvoll.-Axenlle--- and..fr-om---Ig1.ahart.-.W--anxe---to..:arshal.1 ;I-V€nue,. under Preliminary Order ........... 25_056 The Council of the City of St. Paul above improvement, and having conside. 1. That the said report be and the hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ...................... ave, the Commissioner of Finance upon the qi•: ,..bsolves 'ed and adopted, and the said improvement is 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....conde=_ and.- take an ._eaB.mont._in.. t he..land... ne c e s s ary_ £ or.,_slopes-,.-_for...cut s...aizd..s_i lls-.-in-,�rad— ing Pierce Street from University ILV.enue_.to..Garr.o11..2venue...and ..from.... Iglehart ._Avenue -..to_.1dal:shall..Avenue.,. in. -ace.ordane.e._rith..the_blue....print he.reto..attached_and made. a part.. hereof,. the hatched portions., snowing. the .... . cuts and. _the._ shaded ...por.tions ...sllowing_.t.he...fills.... .... ........._............. ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........ 25..00.....-.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 2.7th................day of ....................... Augu t_._.........._.., 191....9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUL?9 1919 Adopted by the Council__........`.__..._.._ .........__.... 191.___. Approved ................. -..., 191......._ Councilman Goss CouncilmClancy CouncilmPorters CouncilmCouncilcch Mayor gson Form7// R.b. A. 8- ---- . .. . ............ .... .- ---- City Merl ..........---- ...----------- --- Mayor. C � 7' 26621 By... ----:'...........:.........- ........ '- ...... - ...:...... INTERMEDIA)kY ORDER In the Matter of.......p3Y..� ?l .. on o.-.Street._.f1:on._., extern Avenue to Le.cington venue, Gionl nerseaf._Bala...S.traeM.,..-inC]Lt�l-.3e:'7e?a...?ae...gas ir.om ..tx.eat:.7;ia.. ns...t....L pert.--lines..-con..letez..r�here .not already ...made.,....also...�rltdig..cur..ng..anclavinr. alley and drive ray -........" ....... ................• lrp �e ...,�tl nao7ne'�RORdotFtl�! i .... -- .................... . --.................- ................... ti ale spreeu -� a bee Cenneetton�e tlbQ under Preliminary Order..............2543.5...........................:not eePeaeaaq�tao.lra2� ,1919. ................................ E a9�A!AD9 bbeN W�erB'°� .. -. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received Oder Preu- oraeft�miasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, k ati oc0 dr" .. •;rn�y„Sre-.._royort;tlt, v 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby appro ed �;i- P ' jted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...paV.a__.ondo...Str.e.Q.t...from --:;eat erxi..Av.enue...t..o...he ingtOY�_f:yenue.,_-eceet..the intersection of Bale Street,..-including...se,7e.r, . pra.ter_and-.- EM. _connections from street, mains t.c.preperty linos complete, where not already rade, also including curHinl;._a..nd paving_alley and driveway approaches, where necessary-. _ ........... ............................ ........... ...... .._..__.......... _... ._..-.........--_-........ ...... .... _................- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolvdd Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on- the......... 28th .................day of .................. .Aucywst....... ..... ._.__...1 191.. 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Bila 29 1919 Adopted by the Council. ................ I .......... -.-.............. 1 191 ...... Approved.................................................... 191........ Councilman Uoss Councilman Hych x Clancy Councilman lowers Councilman -Coll Couneilm Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. . A. 8-6 .. ....... ............ f..-..•-• ................... City Clerk. Z�Or✓......... Mayor. �`f✓ ---------- COUNOM 19KjE 0 ....................... ......... By- . -- . --- . ......... INTERMEDIARY cif V ORDER. � W 2662* - In the Matter of...changinr;..the. grade.. Of...';ig.Am�ng._��X ��t...�X Qil... 1QgclbW..y._Street to ...a..-DoIint ...7$a..feet..rrest._of--xnd.r.ow Street to conform to the red line on the profile.. here.t.a...attaC.hed rind. made a...nart-.,hereof,-.the---present--established _ Tadgby- a..blue...Une...there,An-,..als.oStreet _.fr.Qm-.;7oodbury--Street..tq Brown. Avenue to the said red line when established, �yld,from ;loodbvey street to South Robert Street to the present established grade. under Preliminary Orden. ................ 2526.'Z...--- -approved ..._.1.1ay. 28.,...19.19......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul havin@'3sioner of Finance upon the �. w,E8e22— Al�w �i'c above improvement, and having considered sa Ia th° dnnbr�f o7nsiWaF�+e a Dr Wy+pmin� street fmm� ccf`„�ab,i... 1. That the said report be and the same,a,00e LOg'°�d °l° op°rata t+ and the said improvement is h°r°to- hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ta°he4 sada masa psYt�ereo -'. IIseseA4 :��,e4t�blleiled � sraAe b ., t°srn tty c h74itthe h6r6ou 2. That the nature of the improvement htdn N " wti amrc etro°q �s-.-n}yange...t Yle....l* .aG14 ..Of Wyoming-.-Street...to...a....n.oint...16.8 fe.et...rtesb�'p>.i..' nareyr..Street_.to -_conform.to the. ...red line. On. ..tile .. Profile.. keret.R...attackied._and._made.. a --_part-. hereof, -_the.., _.pres.e.><xt...establishedgrade beim shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said _.i%yoming-.-Streetrom_.v"oodbury Street-.to.Brorrn_Evenued red _.to the said line when established, and from Woodbury Street to South Robert Street ...... _ _.................._:. _ .:.....__._..... - to the preserii._est�lSTi�sTled._grade:..._........ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _ S.,613.93 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvew.�nt on the... 29th ..............day of .......... .......... . _...,. 191..9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ifin the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- iug, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............„ `-tj< i � ......, 191...... . i.'. j Approved ................................. 191......... City Cl . _... Mayor:Councilman F wcNili-��� .oG'nctlman Goss Councilma:,F 'Clancy CouncilmaOt'ters Councilma ,ouncilman Nunderlicta Mayor7il>piacx Hodgson F rm B. S A. 8-6 (f. q.0 '26623 Co1)Tl C- By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_...c-oxld2IIu�>Slt ..a}d. taix}e_an_-eaernent--.i_?._the_-land- necessary for slopes..,_.€ oxtcuts.. and_i_=-lls_.in_. rading '_lyontir , Street ....f.. r...om ..00dbttry-Street t t . ut . Robei t Street. to-Brotm. Auenue., . and...from,.:,� oodbut y _Std e c..... -.._o.. So... -..h..-._........_' .............. .-----...---...------.. sic nc �;1 e h .-..1919 under Preliminary Order a526.9 ..............----------------- `s �F1�a5;r �y s --------------------------- t..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......condemn..and..- take --.an .easement ..ixl,..the-_land--necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading ............................. ............ ........................ y.omi-ng...Str.e.et_.f_r_QM;'loodbury Street__to Brown !venire, and from 'Joodbury ........................................... Scree.t...tn_-Sovtki..i3s�b.ext..Street.,.._in-ccoc .ardane .rith the blue print _hereto` attaahed..a?d-_.madea part hereof; the hatched portions showing the cuts .....-. _.. ....... ... and the shaded portions showing the fills- ....................... _I....:....._.......__ - ...... _.....I............ _ ._..._.._ ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....25.-0.0-..-. - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............29.th.............day of ............. August .................._, 191...9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. -.-.___.:SII �:.._�u`...;...! 191._.._.. Approved.._............_. _...,.:..v....::.., : 191........ Cit 6e ,�..y 7 Mayor. Councilor h ouncilman ooss Councilman Hyl#& Clancy Councilman Wbex Po'.fer8 icuma mecau cil an Wunderlici i Hodgson S. A. S-6 -12 Council File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEML Petition. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 28%25 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imp vement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Install ornamental lighting system on bot sides of Jackson Street Dated this_.......$9th,_day of._JU1Y,............... ........ ........ , 191 PRELIMIN R ORD R. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Inst all.. ornamental ...light.ing....system ...on...both ..side.a...of...J.aokBOn..S.tre.at....... Yrom-.-64TOAh...8treet...to...T.ep+1' Street.._. ^. F. No. 26026—........................................................................ ......................................................................................... Whereas, A AastracL w Itten akl P oDoeal g of the f L wifng Mvr ..--.. . . ""-'--..... ............ .......... ...... ....... ... _. ..... o [h 1 , � : ID tal llghtln .... _. having been presented to the Council of the City of „_`. Paui by you therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eltimated colt of said improvement,' and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .... . ... ...................... . .. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5, To !tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ilii !`)n Adopted by the council ..............`..... _..........":..'..x........._.....191........ Yeas: Nays: Cou.cilm - ernewort Goss :....1 .1 " ..............191........ Approved .............>:..... Hylan Kell M oll underlich........................ ....................................................... ....... /3M ayo rvin Mayor. Form C A L. PROPOSAL FOR ID Petition and PRELIMINARI The undersigned hereby proposes the making of C on Law 1� Council File No .. ... .... ..... ............: Z)VEIENT 26626 LDER. public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: t...wida.,...on...the....sou.th...side. ...of.....-.. Kent...8tre. et.t............... .................... ......................... .....:..:.......... .................. ._ ........... _........_.......... ..... .............................. ...................... ......................................................... . . ........................................................................................................................ Dated this._...._ -._..........day oE......_.......5!t................!..... ......... PRELIMINARY O D$ ER. , C' r YIO 2 �• O Z WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct.. a..cement.,. ttle.,._eidewalk,.._aiz...feet...wide_,....on_.the_.,eouth_eida._of_,..... .............. Lawson Street, from Dale Street to Kent Street. ......... ........................................................................................................ . ............................................................................ ................. _........... _.. _....... _............ _.. _.... _.................. _... _..'No. 26026_ hAb etracL .......... e—itte o� ........................... Emnrod:................._.._......__.............._..... ..._ ..._.... ement the eldew:r................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul `, , outb eld. or ,e t to c;.• therefore, be it n RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: l: To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coot of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:...... ..... .... — — .................................................................. ......................... .............. 5, To state whether or not said improvemel:t is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ')Q joIc Adopted by the council ..................... .-_..._............ ............... 191 .... Yeas: Nays: 717) Approved........._. ..::...::....:`.::..............._....191._.._. ................... ........................................... . Mayor. ��� so=, Porm C A713(SM r�6:F`2. f COUNCIL�IL NO._........._._........--- n Bis FINAL ORDER In the Matter of....C.ons.truo.t.ing..a...aem.ent. tile...s.id-emalk,...six-f-ee-L--wide,- - on east side of Saratoga Street from Jefferson--_Avenue.--to--.Rondo-; PI -1 -----..... .......... .... _.... ...... Street on south ..side of Jefferson Avenue from. Snelling_-Avenue...to.... Warwick Street except where food and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ....._.._...._.....- ..... ..........................._...----..........-- .............. . ............ ....... - ----- .......... ........ .... -- - iaewall°tr aLs i et tiovl ace c. xo. 26027— the g ................----------------------------------------------- ................ .ast side of Saratoga Street ................................................................... 25238 Hereon atreec to gandoiy May 27, 1919. ,d on! the' south aide of Jr envy -from Snelling Av -. under Preliminary Order....--------- rt6lek street. —Ft w •..........._...---.....-...._................_................ 9Uf � ant eld�a^ lk� ; IntermediaryOrder........ -... ............................. .-- - a Proved...-------------------------- -- ............ -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of , improvement to be made by the said City Is.Construct a cement tile sidewalk........--__...-.._.._..-.........-----------.._----------------.. .._.....- six _.. on.. eae t ---s_ ide.-. of-- Saratoga....a--treet,_from-- Jefferson---A.X.ezluQ.-.t.Q... Randolph Street and on south side of Jefferson Avenue from Snelling Ave: --.................. -- .......................................................__................................ ................. ...... to Warwick Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ......... - ..................-............--- - - . .... --- .......I........_... .... ............ ...- ..... .... ........... - ..... ...............-.._..............._...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._..........::::.-...rn..:.......... 191..------ .....................__.... ......... 1F�'+�.y.i..- - 8ty Clerk. Approved......._ ............ ... ...... 191........ -';�1.:".ice.. ✓.... "......... Mayor. r•,. •r�an Farnswl Councilman Goss CouncilmanClan Councilman Ke r Councilman cColl C o u n cilm a 4/ W un d e rl i ch Mayorgson Form B . A. 8 .7 MKZIIM t�/7- cITY4oAUFJLIANCE DEPARTMF REPORT OF COMMIS310NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Construct .a cement the .sidewalk six fee wide In the Matter of �s__—_--te,,_._on_ the „_eget____ side of Saratoga Street from Jefferson Avenue to 'Randolph Street and on the south side of Jefferson Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Warwick Street. May 27, 1919- under 919.under Preliminary Order approved -------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $----- in a •70$ The estimated cost' per, oo for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for . such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK: ADDITION VAALUATLUATIOONN 1 10 Sylvan Park Addition. 275 2 10 do 250. 3 .10 do 250 t!, 4 10 do 250: b 10 do 2250 �i 6 10 do 250 7 10 do 250 �I82500 {I 10 do i !'� 9 10 ! do 250. _ - - � =10 - - -- --do- -- 250._ 'il roRK..S.A.$-$A - �__ TOTAL, . ..... ctTv o(tl wA ' DEPARTMEN F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANQE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Q;E SCRIPTIONLOT 'eLOCKi ADDITION - ASSESSED VALUATION 11 10 ! Sylv4n Park Addition 250 .I� 12 10 do 250 13 10 do 250 14 10 do 1250 15 10 do 275 i 1 15 do 2 1G do 250 3 ! 15 do 250; 4 15 j do 250 5 15 ! do 350. 6 15 do 250 7 15 do 2150 8 15 do 250' 9 15 ! do 250 10 15 do 250 11 15 do 250 12 15 ! do 250 13 15 do 2925 14, 15 r do 1100 15 115 f do 400 1 12 I do 400 24 1 12 j do 2600 � u DEPARTMEN F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISWONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '[.E SC RI PT I ON 25175 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minnesota. ' April 26,1919. Tp The Honorable, The Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. ientlemen,, We the undersigned owners of property on the fo lowing described streetetrespectfully request that you cause sidewalk%Ito s laid on said staeetsi— that is on the East side of Saratoga Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph St. and on the South side of Jefferson Ave, from Snelling Ave. to Warwick Street. There is now a sidewalkon Jefferson Ave. from Warwick to Hemline Ave.and this will make the sidewalk complete from Snelling Ave. to Hemline Ave. and enable the children to get to and from school and the residents to get to and from the street car without being mired in the mud. Lot Block Addition __ q5 10 Sylvan Park Addition. U COUNCIL NO .............. ..._._..../% ................ FINAL ORDER Construct cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both Inthe Matter of ..................................... ......................... ................. ..".........--"-.....--'-""""- ........... ........"'.......... sides of Chatsworth Street, from Rondo Street . to Fuller Avenue, ................................. ............ ...... ........ .............._....._' ........' .......- .......- ' .... ... - ...._..... ..... except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ..... .......... ...... .... ceP4 wbero good and pnme}enc x� ............................................ aaei.O°° :�yrnvneflei�er`0tia 1i May 26, 1919. 25216 a rOVF��?'bavHn i-68en ol under Preliminary Order.... .... _...... PP m r upr .}Ontn•,; IntermediaryOrder _..................................... approved ---------------- .i"........................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct cement tile sidewalk, six improvement to be made by the said City is......... .--..... --... "' ..... ....................-..... .................... feet wide, on both sides of Chatsworth Street, from Rond- o Street .. -' .........._............................. ..................._..... ..... ............... .....-'-............._................... ........... to Fuller Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now ....... ....-"' - .... ............._..._........... ............-_...... '-- ......................... exist. .. ......-- ...................... .......... ........- .'.............._.....---...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._.__...... - :....:.....:............ 191....---- nn .. �.... ... �/..._�Yl..l ....... 8-1 City Clerk. .( . Approved ................. �n ..........191........ .. ...... --------- ... ......... M Gam."......---.-.. ayor. /A.8 -7 n Goss n Clan n Ke r n Coll underlich gson F8-7 ;. :�t►► 4 CITY OF BT. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE x ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Construct cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides of Chatsworth Street, from Rondo Street to Fullbr Avenue. A 1 under Preliminary Order approved May 26, 1919. To the, Council of the City of St. Paul: is the Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ lineal .70 The estimated cost pe4 foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or .' "parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT ; ADDITION ASSESSED '. VALUATION 12 ,`1 Varners Subdivision I50 1 1 do �7 5� ti 32 6 University Subdivision; f 5 5 f, .., 1 I 6 do i50� 32 5 d0 50I 1 ! 5 do i55 12;5 ;. 9 1 Uonnellys Addition I I S 1 do 3�0� ) i le Wagner & Gassers Addition! 775 -y ._._ 15, _ - do _ I 1. g 5 -, 16; 5 Milton Addition Block 5 5 0 4 - - - - -- - 15 L_. 5 -- dn - �. ID0 _ TOTAL The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby 1 submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated G 191 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 -, ' /f 3 2 / — /j- at d_a H O,nl.y . ._ . r - al 2 yu !l���%�� 0 _ St. Paul, Minne.1,4th'!, 1919 '•` N. Goes, Commissioner, �G ` Department of Public 67ark�, �`f7mUSy�S,`�.. y' City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- __ We,the undersigned,hereby respectfully petition the Department of Publi�dccurWor.ks of the City of St. Paul, for a cement sidewalk to be aid at the earliest possible date on both sidea of Chatsworth Street, between; Rondo Street and Fuller. Avenue, in accordance w-ith the City rules and regulations. }; S`pY1ay that our petition may receive the consideration we ask.'gig Very truly yours, Petitioner Pe ti ti onex'U 4-tt 46EL 6, R ., p&4 41 anlke_ ,.tet A/1 4112 1 q _r gra o 26629 - COUNCB.,FILE ....................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.......Re..c ons true t in g .... lay ing._and.. cepa it ing._ the.. c ement_._tile sidewalk ..1.o....full...w.id.th.._o#'-..present.walk__an4.. at.. locatione___requiring rec.Q ,FuGtipn••_tp_place.-_same--_at..-proper-..grade and.in good repair,•._at------ the following locations: Victoria Street, west side, from Lincoln, ....... Avenue, thence north to alley. Lincoln Avenue, north side, from =•• -- ....-------------------------•--:..--------- ..............---...---------•---...---...................................................... ............................. Victoria Street thence west 100 fee under Preliminary Order ... .................... Intermediary Order --------------------------------------------snXsw r to��rt ira 1 _1111encf----­---------- - - - --------------- I ... ...... A public hearing having been had upon °z� off$ apt"n� 8 a due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommc� ;'q =�oaon�� n Meto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it yp E RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precfBe nature, extent and kind of Reconstruct, relay and repair the cement improvement to be made by the said City is.....-- ---............. __...... ................... ............... .......................... tile sidewalk to full width of present walk and at locations requiring ... .......... -- ................... I................. ............................................. ..................................................• - ....I.......... - .... - reconstruction to place same at proper grade and in good repair, at the -.............-----..-........-- #ploy?ing..locationa-----_Victoria Streets west _side,- from ..Lincoln Avenue, _thence. -_north to alley.Lincoln Avenue, north side, from Victoria St. • ........._...._..- ------- thence west 100 feet. 1- ............. --••---------•---.......................---•- - - ........ -- ............-----.......-•-- ................I and the Council hereby orders said improvement(o be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....--.....—: ------------------------ --------- 191 Approved................: .... ..............................1 191........ E 7A.8 -7 n arnsw th Gosn C cyMcColl,n Wunderlich gson8-7 PMLBHM- �a CITY 0JJJ� ,yGUL . ._ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ---� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of--'6construct, relay and, repair the cement tile sidewalk to full width of present walk and at locations requiring reconstruction to place same at proper grade and in good repair, at the following locations: Victoria Street, west side, from Lincoln Avenue, thence north toalley. Lincoln Avenue, north side, from Victoria Street thence west 100 fe6t. under Preliminary Order approved May 27, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ square .07 The estimated cost pe� foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or,,- parcel r.-parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: c DESCRIPTION pLOCKi ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION j - - 28 23 I I Summit Park Ad on I 1 Ib 5-I 128 1 23 � do 27 i 231 i do 36 0 I� Ij{ I 1 TOTAL...... 542.1-...1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by t/hee" Commissioner of Public Works. llated GCommissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 13 =in -I r af 1 — — _� d'..-�G.. _ , r i r ... r , I N - ._j : I - r ; I , r � 1 - r L , � _.A of............ hi the Matter gonstructing a cement tile sidewalk, four and one .................. _half feet wide on the west side of Benhill_Road, fromSt. Clair ....------..x...- ....... .......... . Street on the north to the centre of the vacated alley lying and --------------------.....----...........-----------.......---..........-----...-----------------------•------------ except being between Lombard Avenue and Crescent - - Court on the south -- ......................... - - where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist_. 25236 May 27, 191 under Preliminary Order.......... .. annrnved a - ,'---- .......... .....------••--- .... �,n 00{dV.................... ... Intermediary Order......._ ..................... ,G4��" �e$�o ndtrd91tn�,� * °1aek f+�Ob�Ron due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had uC W r� havingheard all persons, objections and t rfle n°cu•rYos• whereto, and having fully consid- ered ore, be it RESOLVED, Bye same; the the Council of the City sF "� "` mat the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a cement the sidewalks four improvement to be made by the said City is.............-.._.------................................................................. andone _alf feet wide, on the west side of Benhill Road, from .............................._-----........................ ......_.. - - ..gt,-•.f:la�,r._..StreSt._on..the.-north_._to--_the._centre._of--_the-vacated alley.-._- laiing..and...bQin between Lombard Ayenue_:_and Crescent Court on the south, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now dxist- ................... ....... \ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordan a therewith. T JUL 29 1919 Adopted by the Council ------ --------- ---------------------- -------_... City Approved ................... _' --------------------- 191........ Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Cl Councilman er f Councihn cCollD Counc' Wunderlich Mayo odgson Fo . S. A. 8 7 cine e4.:MUL- A.. x ' DEPARTMENT �� FINANCE - - " ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER` OF FINNCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Construct a cement tile sidewalk, four and one half feet gide, on In'the matter'of the 'west side of Benhill Road, from St. Clair Street on the north to the centre of the vacated alley lying and being between Lombard Avenue and Crescent Court on the south. wader Preliminary Order approved May 27, 1919. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ lineal .45 The estimated cost per -foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each.lot or—,, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT IBLoe1S ADDITION I� VALUATION 12 I 1 1 Ridgewood Park 250 3 it Carpenters Rearrangementil 650 N. of Alley Vac. &5 2 do I 600p TOTAL. II- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /� Dated 191 lu /W Form B. B. 13 / TO THF, HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF T_IL: CITY OF ST. PAT,TL, MINNESOTA. your petitioners respectfully Petition and reouest that you order a four and one half foot wide cement block walk laid on the west side of Benhill Road. St. Paul, Liinnesots from St. Clair Street on the north to the center of the vacated alley lying and being between Lombard Avenue and Crescent Court, on the south. Your petitioners are the\ ers in fee simple of the property adjoining said walk. zc STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) COUIJTY OF RAMSEY. ) John A. Cameron, M. D., Dame before me personally and being duly sworn says that he is one.of the petitioners in the foregoing petition, that he has read the said petition and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true. Q Subscribed and Sworn to Before lie this Day of May, 199. rJ , n p 8 y q e, msey Dun �T, c: nn,c Commission Expires Jul 28 1922. �L5�L5� V 151.�� ��L ,�• JUN2 1999 MAY 211919 BUREAU -UF ENGINEEIPFAO ,�9a� l�. r i • . Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksRECE►vEn ps V _3 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance �'�•Ss "' " "°t,•"L JUN 6 1919 June 4th, 9 ._............191_ .... a To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 9 Coun- cil, known as Council File No ............ 26236 May .........................approved........................................27th......, ............................191........., relative to.............................. constructing a cement tile sidewalk, four and -one half feet wide, on --the--seest....s.f.ae.--- ot.....Benhi..11._.Road.,.....from...St........ Clair ..... 3.tre.e.tAg-rik._1o..... the centre of the vacated alley lying and being between Lombard ...Avenue..... and ......CxO.eQ.e.'At ._Qourt....on..._the..._e.outh................................................................................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 45¢ per lineal foot 'L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............. ............... and the total cost thereof is $ ...... ...... ........... ........... ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. 5. Said improvement is......_.._........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..................................._......... .... ._.....................................__. Col lissioner of ublie Works. -, , - "�, F," �l , 2 �� ,� G COLING �,a................ 1 By....... yr —.. ...... FINAL FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. ...Recons true tingg relaying and repairing cement tile_ side- walks at the following locat ons: Hampden Ave. West side, to a width o.t....6...fee-t.,.--fr_Q.M .Uniyers.ity..Ave_...-thence..-north._to._R Aiiroad---Right--.of-.Way, approximately 310 feet, frogi Charles St. thence north approximately 12,0 f-eat..-,.--and..,on....the ...so.uth-..side...nf..Hampden..Ave.....from..Bradf-aryl--Sir-eet, thence east 114 feet and from 30 feet farther east thence east 18 feet, --a-nd--€rom--a-... po-int--1Z& fead-East...of---Raymond-..Ave...... thenas east-...1.8---fea-t-r- \, and from approximately 220 feet west of Long Ave. thence west 50 fe t, and from 1 -00 -feet farther --west t-hene-e-wes-t-7.0 feet-:- BTadford Aver -- East side, 6 feet wide, from Hampden Ave., thence south to alley. - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- under Preliminary Order ............ 2. 1919 .. .L....................................................... ........... walks at 'tbe-2onowlag�loci - - Intermediary Order ..............._......._------- wiatk°dor ve.e: W dr--............._...----. --------- .._...------------------------------ A public hearing having been hE Aden°i of Wtllaeyh�oeDrrtozlmat ment upon due notice, and the Council resp'from taa:lee iltreetlative thereto, and having fully consid- having heard all persons, objections xorth ayyroxlmately iso ered the s,ime; therefore, be it °n the Id oath 8df d Btr • ane, from .ntadfofd la, haat 114 feet. .add f, RESOLVED, By the Council of from a mane aeOe ?: -'lat the precise nature, extent and kind of mons},t,vpnaei as tructing, relaying and repairing cem sad, •from p improvement to be made by the sal �ny.'of cor...._.---......-- .............................. - - ... ... ... tile sidewalks at the following locations: Hampden Ave. West side, to _.6...W-idth of 6 feet, from University -Ave. thence.. nor-th Vo RalTrtsaQ Right of Way, approximately 310 feet, fro:nCharles St. thence north approximat - ..... 120feet:; and ori th"e soutH side of iiampderi lyve"� irom Bradi'ord--Street, thence 114 feet and from 30 feet farther east thence east 18 feet, and from a point 168 feet east of Raymond Ave. thence east 18 f.e.e.t.,_.ana.. from ...a ppraac.�ma.t.e.7 X...229. -f ee.t-..w-�.Q t...o#'..LQng...A.v..e'weet. 50 feet, and from 100 feet farther west thence west 70 (meet. Bradford A:v-e-.-,--east--s-SdE.,....6 Xeet---wide.,-- from ..-1iampden...Aua_.,....thenee--south.-.to...a11ey. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed` with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..-- ................ ........... 191..:..._ .......-- .................._..l.J....... ...... �...r--City cl.-�°c•C--- .....-- lI C Approved.... 191........ Mayor. 7A.8-7 arnsw h n Goss n Cl cyn Her cColl n Wunderlich gson%1Fo8-7 (A) In the Matter of-..-._Reconstruct,_relay.and_repair cement _tile -_s-idewalks--_at---.the----------- followirrg locations: Hampden Ave. West side, to a width of 6 feet, from ---------------------------- - — University Ave, thence north � Railroad Hl�;ht of Way, approximately 310 -feet from -_Charles -._St -.thence north approximately_ -120 feet ---and on the south side of Hampden Ave. fromBradford Street. thence east 114 feet and from 30 feet gartitgr east -thence-ea-E.b...I&-€eet.--and----€-noxa---a----pei-n-t,-1-5&- 'eet east e H83`� Ave. thence east 18 feet. and from approximately 220 feet west of Long Ave• thence wes-t5a fee -t s-tjd--from-- 100 fee -t --farther arrest- thence--vres-t; 7@ -fe-t r ----------------- Bradford Ave. East side, 6 feet wide, from Hampden Ave., thence south to alley- ---------------------- ---- ­ lley.------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ivia,y 14, 1919 . under Preliminary Order approved ---.__--------------------------------------------------------....------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----------------y------------------------ The estimated cost per oot or the above improvement is - - - - $���--f-------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Oprovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK .PAUL ASSESSED VALUATION 59 D��hOF FINANCE Part West of Hampden Ave. of 26 do REPORT OF TONER OF FINANCE St. Anthony Park ORDg . do 21750 (A) In the Matter of-..-._Reconstruct,_relay.and_repair cement _tile -_s-idewalks--_at---.the----------- followirrg locations: Hampden Ave. West side, to a width of 6 feet, from ---------------------------- - — University Ave, thence north � Railroad Hl�;ht of Way, approximately 310 -feet from -_Charles -._St -.thence north approximately_ -120 feet ---and on the south side of Hampden Ave. fromBradford Street. thence east 114 feet and from 30 feet gartitgr east -thence-ea-E.b...I&-€eet.--and----€-noxa---a----pei-n-t,-1-5&- 'eet east e H83`� Ave. thence east 18 feet. and from approximately 220 feet west of Long Ave• thence wes-t5a fee -t s-tjd--from-- 100 fee -t --farther arrest- thence--vres-t; 7@ -fe-t r ----------------- Bradford Ave. East side, 6 feet wide, from Hampden Ave., thence south to alley- ---------------------- ---- ­ lley.------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ivia,y 14, 1919 . under Preliminary Order approved ---.__--------------------------------------------------------....------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $----------------y------------------------ The estimated cost per oot or the above improvement is - - - - $���--f-------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such Oprovement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 59 Hewitts Out Lots. 13000 Part West of Hampden Ave. of 26 do 29375 1 83 St. Anthony Park i 2 83 do 21750 t 3 83 do 4 83 do 5000 22 80 do 1400 15 83 do 900 14 83 do 3900 13 63 do 5900 FORM B.S.A. B -S A TOTAL, • , . PAUL- DE AUL DEPA OF FINANCE- REPORT OF CON. TONER OF FINANCE ., ON PRE ARY ORDER (C) --g ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION l I 12 ( 83 St. Anthony Park ii 1000 r i . 1 83 do � I i it dl­ IIi i , I� 1 � t I ' -- 82225 T The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matters by, the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— Commissioner of Finance. 5i..�: i.f Cf Pdnl .. ,. _ 0 COUNCIL ............................. 26032 IL 0 By- -- . . .......... FINAL ORDER Construct sewer on Myrtle Avenue from Montgomery Inthe Matter of...--------• ............................ ................................................... ............................................. .. ... ........ ......................... I ......................................................................... .......... ............................. ............................................. .................................... ........................ ........................ ....................... .... ....... ............. ............................... ................... ..................... ..................................... ................................................... .............................................................. ...................... .................. ........... ......................... ................................ ................ .................. ...............------......------......................---•- ................... ........ . ........ . . .................................. under, Preliminary Order ..........._....---25314....----25314.............. approved .................. -gi.,ang, ....................... ............... . ............ ........... . ............... ........... Intermediary Order ........................... ----------- M, A public hearing having been had u ife notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and' to, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the nature, extent and kind of Myrtle . ................ improvement to be made by the said City .......... from Montgomery Street to Cleveland. ...... Avenue ........................................... ....................... ................. .......... .................... ......................... .............................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said. improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.. Adopted by the Council .........JUL 2.9 19-1-9-- 191....--- --......•-•--- .. 91....................... .... ........... ------- ------- ------------- City CI Approved 191 ..... .. .................................... ... ........................... Mayor. C u= 'S une a. F orth Councilman s ti Councilman ncy Councilm Keller Coun ilman F 0' an s Councilman n Councilman Kell, C 0— an McColl Coun ' an an W Coun an Wunderlich .0_ Ma r Hodgson Fo B. S. A. 8-7 EEEIVLD " Office of the Commissioner of Public Aorl PV; Ng� Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 16 1919 June 13th, 9 .........191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25314 Jime 3rd, eil, known as Council File No.....................................approved.................................. .......................... 191 relative to.._...._.................... the construction of a sewer on Myrtle Avenue from Montgomery ........................ _.......... ......... .............. _.... ...... _................................................... ......................... . ............... Street to Clevelan& Avenue ................................. ................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ... _ ...................necessary and (or) desirable. $2.16 per front foot 1,300.00 ....... and 2. nd the The afrontage 600 ft. Excesst�inspection $50.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._................. ...._...._........................... ...... ........... ........................... _................ ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... ... ...................................................................................................................... 5. Saidnot property, subject improvement is....._........................._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of to assessment for said improvement. i ........................... ....._.............................. . . orke. Commis ier of Pub ' OSCAR CLAUSlEN, Co.[......... J. OARPOLL ,SU TiN[[wf co4lTwugTioN AKo w[rwu. A..... JACKSON. $.'T. N. W. GOETLINGER, SUPT. N �Y,lAK��wo�M.w O. 11. NER,rolO'OPr e[ EM.IN {.n c¢tty of 6t. foul atpartuaut of Vubur 111'rbo NI. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T, GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. June 123 19192 Mr. M. B. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of constructing a sewer on Myrtle Avenue from Montgomery Street to Cleveland Avenue, in accordance with Council File #25314, approved June 3, 1919: Approximate estimate..... M. 300.00 Cost per front foot...... 2.16 Excess inspection necessary, 50.00 Assessable frontage...... 600.feet. ESS/C Yours very truly, Chief Engineer. 0 PITY OF BT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .,.. ; �J r AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE I..A AA6,IM 7-18 '� \ Y TROL AUDITED _ UL.. ?-U .... ER ........................ ------------------------- .... .......... ' 1082 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: V 1 Councilmen ( V l Nays i s - Adopted by the Council._._..........:�'L....._....._.........._........_..... 191_ Clancy c F asoay ch{ 191----. Approved-.... �j. Farnsworth Reaotved Abetrset - Lw PP upon the Ctthnt warren Che 01"Ihe Y Treasuryy. Cwi Coss In favhpepfttheter aDee14. Ch1 Osteon&: Chi ..__... ...... .... .. . ... ... .. the, oag Stlr: the meugta Co MAYOR w.�Keller theiresyecttva a ea ae- col //J we is lowing aetat9',a gto c� Mc 1 it S7Tw canauw i'urah6e C., underlich a os water CommYeq : Ch Mr. P ideny Hod son $oars o;'- ypater Q •�. g ie@tao .. .. .., c.r A. 43ypp. H.`W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, Civil Ser ice Muni fou t Com r. nano0 Cori. C set Pur Dv ep , C. P. fety..Gen. Adm. Police Fire Healt P. Ba he Qatar tine Gar e C. P Works Par s -Gen. Adm. P. ldg. e P1 grounds Li racy jpl Bdbrd of Water Commissioners Cing. Street In Library M Parks M • E 6th St. Pay. 4. 0 2. 4 29. 5 . 1 8. 8 2. 7 12e 8 16. 4 9. 9 2. 6 . 1 . 8 19. 3 2. 5 3. 4, 6 4 3. 1 2., 81* 00 13 65 923 67 80 830 00 50 00 28.00 30-52 1, 321.80 135.77 1,321.20. #2 YMNImBoard of Water Commssioners WaterSup_ y 296.2 Po 14@ a 20.2 Fire 61.1 Health 2. " 12. 0 20. 8 Garag 3. 6 Stre C.& R. 16. 8 Sews " 1. 6 Wor Ouse �,6. 6 • Bch of 37 9 Lib ary 2.70 Au itO rium .8L 00 Pa ks 7:40 " 1L 0 Playground 24. 6 887. 0 . --4-ftVV J. M. Clancy, Comar. Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldg. Mi so. & Unf. 0 21. 0 " 18. 6 " 37. 7 Rea 4. 2 Fo stry Rev. 13 20 W er 76 36 278 80 M. N. Goss, Comtr. P. Work., It. 2KUA 1:p ,jr%"Q6 Henry McColl, COm'r. Public Safety Fin ce,.26 \Poltoe 1,40m 03 in re 17 29 Pal. & F e 294: 8 " 1,289: 4 Health 164; 9 C. P. arks 214. 4 Stre C.& R. 97.. 9 Sews " 237. 1 So of 174. Li ary 93. 3 L hting 361: 4 P i. R. F. 93. 7 3, 230. 3 , 0 CITY OF 81`. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER a cocNctL. N0. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Por -A Aii,2M 7-18 AUDITED...uA1....a-Q-MW..-----. JVi.-��\/IyPE .. .... ... ......................................... 1083 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations f r the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: �?It r,.�� • i a''F x° zoos Adopted by the Council........ x. .......... 191_..._ , Clancy [ ongth8 a th b W'ra <, p n y Noriore3 aftXeTri8eurynt*'V arapT,i` Approve.................... ...191__..._ y,..._... .._... .. Farnsworth to°.ne a°r the a ° n4. tirme°o °e°a°n°d jn %ji�i/ Goss 7 T u6e fI10 00 te �t meat 0H, 1a the l- ... ... ...... — .. ������-� btAYOA Ke ler A H X al' 8 a` 718 8$ •. M t V sag aor°n tsiss ai°sxaxi ze: '. underlich pill abu eCL LlahUnB �C. Vlcof Ta it Of 0 C 1229 B, - ,/Mr.. P tdent, Hodgson M..,�}• Is°ptnun c I ADD%V.anftya (g° 7819 y, zg 1919,- s .13106 A. Auge 10* 00 j4b.P—y T. L. Blood Co., A., aim 18.82 106 T. Kenny Soap Co. , 13. 36 `fie 4A9-- A. F. Morton, Supt. A,, r7 i114,n ri ntn 11.70 19- Patterson Street Lighting Co., Li n+s ng 4,829.20 *&3: Pillsbury Flour Mills Co,, �arYhauan 229.00 .138— J. W. Taylor 160.00 331- Victory Printing Co., 168.10 Cks, P Iag. 470 44c' Mrs. B. S. Wood, Seo. 16.00 Se3ieel Totals--" W4 3" 18 / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM OPP �...................-........................ ......... .. 26G�� NO Date Presented - --- 141y----`jam-9.a.-••191.9.....191..... That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the construction of a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from University Avenue to Myrtle Averue, and from Wabash Avenue, thence 360 feet south, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #2009. C. F. N. 28036—BY M. N '*.Ii so — Relved. That Y trial Contracts. In the r_o aunen b [ejecta bi80wer Commlttoe and hero Y from UnlvaraltY calved for the /e�ena I ctlon °and from n Cleveland ie Avenue: 'Avenue to MY .thane. 800 teat Routh, j W abaah a venue, as bid r calved was 1n excess of a the Council Suly 80, 1919. baa bid Ie eatlmate. Adopted by t 30 1919. Approved uly.. .. 1919)_ 7Hoodg*on ) N s JUL '3(1 1919 191...... Adopted by the Council ..._........ _....._........ . 191Approved ........ ...........................................D ...-------- atnst MAYOR n Aeeolvt !Company ' for the ,� and in tl bof seed c n Install corner t � - � Street.. !Yq. etween_ l .(111T1['l b. it Department o Bureau of _ Coss—iI,iBh Oa a 9t.. Pant dtrr rdei•ed and eef - (((yyy...'''``` f �'Y�$pp' ;in6l wlresth-T¢On. of etecfricity of n q alteye and streets on' the nd Orleans Street a on, ,(ie . Orleans °ern¢ an Form nB• ral sa pp, 14 tehttnB. y� V otteeccyo e 191 CounN1 a No. All -poles ehjjeyabgnatetreele se the we, flop in said aof Public .Tttilities shall ..... .w•.,..,.. A Commissioner - 1 deelgna[e, and shall be of such height t 0) end character as has d sll designate f eg1cAt poles'. approve, and any d removed.�an T shall be taken down de RESOLVED, Thal the St. Peal Gas Light Com each mires pl'eeed llnd¢ral'ovnd hvwthen- RIS ah' 'a lines by erection polo and stringing wire thereon far the travami,eto. of eleenicty as and In the following alley ever the Council shall. deem euI Internet so reaulres. and ge1919.1 hell so order. / ppppoved 7u1Ye 30o 19191 July 30, l (Aug. 2. 1919) j` Install one pole on t nortizreasti corner ox (Stevens St. and Orleans St. 7 Install six poles on George St.between Smith Ave. and Orleanq f Install four poles on ITorth St., west of the city limits. 4 -Install six poles on Frank St., between York Street and Case Install one pole in the alley east of Kilburn St., south of Hatch St.. With enceseary guys and anchors. All of each-nraioue, poke sad a,1—.1.11 be erected sed c...trneted under the direction sed eupeni.1o, of the Commiseloner of Public Utilities and in all thing. subject to the provision. of Ordinance No. 2414. and of all other lawful ordinances led roeolatione of the City of 9t. Paul. All poen should beset in each loeatiov iv said ,,eye and streets sa the Commheinner of Public UNlidee shall de.i¢nate. and shall be of such hd¢ht and character ae he'ball deshrr ate ad approve, and any and all such poi's .hall be taken down and removed, and -ch wires placed underground, whenever the Council shall deem that the public interest so require,, and when it shall eo order. JUL 2W IO.Ie Adopted by the Council 191 ounce men ( ) Nays /ARNTH CH JL 3Approved 191 7 Mr. PresidMayor �uncil File No................ f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2674!,7 PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv ent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing._both.._s;�,M*_.........I)e.Axtue._1 zom._Ba�...�._8t re.Qt... t9 ................... ._......... .Anne,polis.,..$traet................ .......................:......................... .............................................................................................. ......_.............-----:..........................................................-........,.....- 30th. Jul 19.18 ....191......... • Dated this ..........................day of.............p,................ �.......................................... ................................................ Councilman PRELIMINA Y DER C. % L O 3 WHEREAS. A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Cuxiziiag..b.AtIk aid,8A.flf...D.el»are...Ayenue...Y.rum..9 ke.r...G reet...ta................................ Annapolis Street. .................................................... ................ .............................. _......_......._I_O. F. No. 26097— ...................................................... Ahetracts, ......................................................................................................... .. Whereas. A wrtuen pro ..I fon, n king. of the fo8owtng approve ..– ..... ... '" ...... ..... ... .. ...... ,.. 4G ".................. "' " " Ubtn b +h aidesof Dai �e.Ufmwker St eet to. j ......... .... .... ... .... .... .. .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul bye oro e therefore. be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and. e6timated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. said improvement...................._..................................... �'('o furnish the following other data and the following other data and i� ............................................................................. .............................. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. — JL 3(► s II Adopted by the council ........... ................... ........._... .......... .._.191......_ Nays: -Councilman Farnsworth II Goss Approved......I .. ��-.................... ...............191........ /-17) l ................... .. ......... Mayor. Form C A I Council File No ...... .......... ....... i... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 266!7S and ^ PRELIMINARY ORD The underei ed propos a making of the followin public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Boulev ding both eid of Dels>R .-e Avenue from Baker Street ................. to Annapolis Street. ........................................................................................_.............................................................................. ........................ . 30th. JUl 1919. 191 Datedthis ..........................day of............................................................................ ............. .............................. ............ ................. _................... ._...._.......... Councilman. PRELIMIORDER. C F O. 6 3 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _..B.aulevarding.-.both._ sides...of. ..D6laXAre-Avenue..from.Baker.Street ...--- --- to Annapolis Street. .......... .................................................... _ i ...................................................... ......._............................................................................................. F. Ivo. t60S6Abatraet. Whereas, A written Proposal for 1....................................... ............................................... altfag of the [ollowfng mProvem ................... dulevarding both sides of Del. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. �- ,,HSY;y street to; + : ........................I._............................ ,pressr . therefore, be it 19' RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diredted: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eEtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9 yam' the and information relative to said improvement;..................................-............___... .............................................:................................. ..................................................... ......................... ...................................................... l9 To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. /(j_To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. iUl :3() 19!9 Adopted by the council ........ ....... ...�......... ......... ........... .......191 Yeas: Nays: Approved...... ��r�l:....•.. ��.�... Goss ......191........ Hyland Kell ll underlich .... ....................... Ma r Irvin 4 Mayor. e.,o, C e COvxc. .......................... By......-.Ll::.��=v %......... ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER 266V In the Matter of....q .................................................tof Capitol._ -:_ enue, in front of lot ._:: ools.ey`s 23uition...._k�et_;een Ha;.7lino :_venue and Syndicate :.venue. .. ..... ..... .._............ ............................ ..---------------- ............... -.._ _ ._......._._.....................................------------------------- _ - .-._...__.. ... . 25576 une 25, 1919. under Preliminary Order.... ..... .... ... approved ... ................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..CW'Pi-ti3.slde-_.of _..Capitol_.. ,venue, in front of Lot 21 Block 11, Hersey &- ';:ool sey's _........ ........ ...... ...... .............. Ld ition, bet,,oen Iamline venue and Syndicate ,,enue. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 2�r6 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. .. _30th day of _...:�ugust °......_........._ 1919 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Dl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. IUI ;yrl Adnnted by thr Council 191... ... Approved..... 191........ ounm man Farnaworth Councilman floss / Councilman Hylati�Clancy Councilman er Powers Councilman McColl ;1 Couneilind Wunderlich V Mayo Hodgson FormyS. A. 8-6 / Cle k. Mayor. CO'l CII. E NO, By....... IN�'ERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mattero g a ce* ent tile sidewalk, six feet :ride, in ............................................................... .. .................. -......................... .._.......... accordance crith letter hereto attached, on the west side of Bellows - -- . ---- .....----..._........... froriPa e Street to Sydney Street, and on ..Ylaseca Street, _............_.................................................................................... ................................................. East...side.,.. X-QrI..,l.aZe...Street.._tot............................................................---• _......_......._._.............__...........................................................................................................................................-------- --- 25735 �vl�y_ 8, 1919. under Preliminary Order .....................................................approved ....................................... ...............----..........------ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isConstruct a cement ............_.......................................... tile.-.sidevralk, six feet Wide, in accordance with letter hereto -........._......................._................................................................................ attached, on the crest side of Bellows Street, from Page Street to .............. .... _._.........--................_..... --....._..._.......---- --- ...... ........ . ................... ............................... .............. .... _-...Bydley._--street-,---and on %,aseca 3troet, east side, from Pale Street to .............................__....................................... ...-- -- Sydney.. treat,....excet..F',.ilexz-,.good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ..................... ..................... _.................. ......................................................................_..._...............__........................................... .._.........._............. . 0 70 ..per front foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...........r....._..�....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....jO !! ....................day of .......... AR!! .t 191 _._9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in them provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, tkuotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......................... _._....... .. .... ...l... Approved .................................................... 191......., ity Clerk. ............................................... A...... y Mayor. C en W=an Farnsworth / Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman K Powers Councilman cColl Councilor Wunderlich Mayor ' sHodgs on B. . A. --6 b ' 26641 COUNCM ................... By.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Q.0.US.t _''acting..a....carnent.._tila..sidsnal......afoiiv..i on the south side of RossStre-,t, in._front___of..lots___17„to_ 21_.and,,,�,Q�S--.- .................................. 25 and 26, between atlantic Street and Johnson Partria�........ ......................................... ........ .. ... ......._. 25624 ................a roved .......................Jl?ne 28,._,19.19.................... under Preliminary Order ................_................... PP The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..... ConStYttCt-.,a„.GeniQ-nt t -tile ....side.ralk.,.--f'_QUrfeet...'•:?.!Sle.>...on..tk1e...s.Qutkl..S.ids.---Qf....2oss...Str....eet.,_.in---. front of lots 17 to 21, and lots 25 and 26, between atlantic Street - ......................... and Johnson Parlcriay.,except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ..... ...._....._... ................................___...................................... ..........._.............._.........................................._......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0.42._Der.. front foot. Resolved Further, That aublic hearing be had on said improvement on the.__..... _..30th day of t J_, 191.9._-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_�' ..._.`) 20.IM 191_._ Approved._................191......... Councilman Far Councilman Councilman ancy ci n McColl man Wunderlicip it Ii%vl ilodgson S. A. S-6 ............................ Cy • _Clerk. ........_.... _ _ . ..............._.itt........ _ Mayor. 7 26642 COUNCIL ... ............... .............. By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of C-Qn-Q-t,=AUn9 jjr.j:Ke.Wy of9.jQM0qjt r.r.91P.0 MIX 12j.Q.C).4.jJj04LAtf 10 Lafond Street. thence south 18 feet..V ........... feet, and from 146 feet ............................... ........ . ...................... ........................ . ............ . . ......................................................................... farther smuth thOn.Q.0 MQU-th-.10 r.q Avenue,........... W f .noz,th sj(Le_...t.en_and hal.f f.e.et wAe.,. . f.r.mAN Ric.e stnmel, .thence _Ws s.t...10 ... fe.6t.,.................................................................. .................. I ...................................... 25217 May 26, 1919. under -Preliminary Order......................................................approved.................. I— . I ........... ...................... I ........... -lie Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: , .1. �—That the said report be and the.same.io.hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is JwAA byatiered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Cans.txunt. drixemy. Q.ro.0 ns R.i.ce St.reetA.. from 70 feet south of Lafond Stre6t, thence south 18_ -feet .... ..... ... .. .................................... ...... .... - ................................................................ .............. -by 10 fe.et,_and,1,.f r.9A..146 f.Aol fATIhAr DQUth -Ah-QTxQ-0 gi-m-AAh—le f A0 by .10 feet . . ...... Univ.erzity A.venue_.north ... side,.... t.en...andAmif foet Wid§.,__fT.QM. AN f.0.0.t ...... AeRt 19 feet. ............................ ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ..... 0.20 per square foot. Resolved Fumther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the A04 ..................day of Allgllst........................ 1919....,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the CAUrt 'Elones, �fnd City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. W"V) Mn Adopted by the Council........ . .................. ...................... . ........... . . ... Approved........ ..................................... 191 City Clerk. ............ ­ ...... ......... .. .. .......... ............... Mayor. Councilmen V.;1th Councilman Goss Councilman bOlancy Councilman (loss Columneillm McColl pplumnei an Wunderlich may krbt Hodgson orm /S�AS - 6 C-1, 26%4 3 COUNCM 1 .-'..... f ............. y By .................. -- `'............................................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.-._CQnst °uctin��. a., ce ent___tii...__side.rall..... si;t^£et , ride_ o= . north side of l;lair Street from Oxford Street to Lexin--ton ;-v c; v.e. .................... ........................ ............................................................................................... _............................ _............ ......................... ........................... ........ ............................................................. :............... — 25696 July 3, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved..................1.1........................................................ The Council of the City of St. Panl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .......Construct a cement _...ti -le ...siderr-alkk,_si:..fe.et...ri.de.,...oxx..xloxtkl::side _4f...Y�le r,Sti;eet.,from Oxford Street to Lexington e°:venue.exceut where rood and sufficient ......_ _ ....... ...._..... . .............. Aon_.exist.a.......................... ..__....-......................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $...... 0_.. 70. -_per.-. front foot. Resolved -Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...................30th day of ........... ..... Atag.Wtp............. :......... 191......9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. '.; •tf1 hi ...., 191......... Adapted by the Council ................ Y ' l Approved ....................... 191......... Cit Cie ............ ... ......................... .............. ....... . . . -- ......-- Mayor. CODUCIltHodgls CouncilClancy Council'rers Council Council Mavo on Form B/S. A. 8-6 2664-1 Court ................... v By........ .................................................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Gmmt2 >ua itag...a-. %em;:.es%r-"t _t.Q...s'1... Q.ix1t...764...feet...smouth._of...?arg._S.tn t......................----......._........................._.__...._.. ander Preliminary Order .................... 25�a9--•---..- Jt1t1e_.14, .1919........... . ..........approved .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a se;rHr on 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ Charlton Stioot from -aro Street to a point 160 feet south of Pale - - ........................... ..I............. -...................................... ............................................... _..... .................. ......... Street. .............. --........................_............__..................................._...._.............................................................................. .........----------- ------- — ........................... .- -...._ _ .......................... .................................. --..........................................................._............................................................................................_..._. with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is $... 4.65._00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... day of !!u Rn t 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Hall Build Court House and City ing in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 0 ISIS n Adopted by the Council.......JUL!.................................. 191......... ......` 191.....-... ........................................YYfCl .......... `............:..`......... APP roved. ................... ...... MY.-. iaC.y.lkeror. ... Vlancy an Farnew b en Qoss an H Clancj n etbertPowers McCollan WunderlichMx iiod,rson F. 8-6 �y � q J VN I INTERMEDIARY ORDER 26645 In the Matter of. ....... $econ�tructiiz,__relayin�,,anci reya �.i, . �� i S)t.._t�. lf......... ..................... ...... .. folloi. g locations: DelosStreets.......................ul,sir .-- ,,,,_;,side.�alksat _ feet wide, bel;J.iLainr6 at Clinton Street, thence east 150 feet. ..........-•.........................................................................._.........._..-----..........................................---......------....:..............-........... FilIxiore ..ve. south side, nine and 'Half feet aide, from 36 feet east ................................... ....................................................................... .............................................................................................. of Eduard Street, thence east to South ".,abasha Street.; Fairfield L_ve., _........... c ......................... soy §icTe';' si:c seat ii 1 r: & Ie$ deet east of Daniel ,street thence ea:;:t...t-a..i.:ose-s•..str.eat-,...... art -..Street-: Pacific Street, thence north to Alloy. under Preliminary Order .............. :.....•25v�1.2................... approved.........-_...............Ma;l...2&.,...1914............... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature oLthe improvement which the Council recommends is.. eco }stl uct,,_relay., -"-- and-re-pair-ceigent...ti-le..zid,e:ra_lkz..at...foll.oar-ial Do -14D& &t-reet south side, six feet wide, be,:ii-LinG at Clinton Street, thence east - ............. _-..._........................... ........_._..................._-._.-.............--.._------................................................... .---........ 150 feet.; Fillmore '_venue, south side, nine and half feet .ride, from 36 feet east ofdirard Streot, f lienee east to South ,;aUasha Street. _.Fa rfiold venua,--"s"autda...sz.d�.,-..s.i.};.... feet -..ai4d,9-y..fram..-10o.-f.a�ii:..oaat dt Daniel Street, thence eist to '"o£es Street. Earl Street crest side, ......................................................................................................................... ................................................................ six feet wide, from Pacific Street thence north to alley. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....0.07_2!p r.__square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 30th day of liuttst. , 191......9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.......... :.....:.. H............ 19i...:..... Approved .............. :....._'.:............. , 191......... / City Clerk � ....................................-----.......... Mayor. Councilman Ooas Councilman Clancv Councilman m6k Powers Xn Wunderliebb iis3dt Iiodgson A. S-6 GE.017NCII.7 --------------- z�r C, 1 • ' t, 26646 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...._Consti.ucting cement the _ sidewalks t six feet aide, on the --We—qt ---s1de-.-of...lvacust---St�es9t.,..ir ori ..Sixth .S.treet...i .o...Tenth..S txeet.,.. _.-_necessitated through widening of Locust Street bet.:r-een above named streets. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ -1 ............. ................................... ..................... :............................................................................................................................. ... 25021 laay 9, 1919. underPreliminary Order......................................................approved .........._._.........r.._._ ......................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ie:.....9.o truGt.•_cemox�t-,tile _.....sideFtalks.,...z3:c._..f..ee the -_crest -.-side of Locust-. Street from Sixth 6ure19t...ta teszth...Street-,.nezessitated.--theaugh..:.idaning...OT...LQC.Ust_.slrcet .......... Pzca at...ahem..smad..at3d.sufzieient...&a de- ..---. _ Yl alks...now...eXl s t.......... ........ _ .............I.............. _....._.... ...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 0.10 per.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ 30th .day of ........... August 191.9...-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............`............... ........ ............ , 191......... Approved............................................ Cou/XyUX& Farnsworth CouncilmanQ0a9 CouyUXii C o yCouversCouMeCouunderli -hMaHodgsonForm B6 ...................... ,.,r.... 191......... City Clerk _..................... ........................ .................. Mayor. NO. �.. . ....... V -- - ---........... Y .............. �� EDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......C==.trua: zW..a...se:,ertiaa-_e_a=tr-e. _.....4f...lycliff.._Street...to...a...P.oint..250 feet...nortlz......................... _............................... ............................................ •............................................................................................................................................. . 25382 June 7, 1919. underPreliminary Order ......................................................approved ........._..._...__...._._._...._....... ............................ ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........C.onstruct...a...satfer on Kersey Avenue from thecentre of dycliff Street to a point 250 ......................................................................... ..._.................... feet north. -------------------------....... ... ............. ................ ._.:...._..._.....-........ ............. .................... I .................................................. --.............. ........................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..........500,.00_,__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... 30th...............day of ................._ .......... 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total, cost thereof as estimated. , -i wiC Adopted by the Council ...% .....�.. .................1 191......... n., q n ') Approved......_..:.::....... ................... 191......... R�wo Councilman Goss Councilman dClancy Councibnen. Yr Powers lfouneilm' eColl eouneil WuuderlicL� May YaMk Hodgson. m . S. A. 8-6 ................................ ...........1.....J •-!1..�........ City Cler _.............. k Mayor. s J�-2664 8 COUNC0 ............................. G By......... ;..... - .... _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._Curb, both._s idea._o f ...... � � ug.. Auenufl to Saratoga Street. 24722 under Preliminary Order.................................................ons,y EAPri.. . 1919. IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------------------------- appro =' ---------_.........--................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement, upon &I' notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, aad having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Curb both sides of Dayton venue improvement to be made by the said City is ............._.........-.---- ......................... f.ro.m Snelling AVenue... t'.o -Saratoga Street.................................................................... .._----- ........ ............ .......----.............. ------- --- ---- --- -- .....------------------------------------...........----............. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------........................................................... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ 191..-..... .......................... ........... ........ `�' ..-�--V•- ' -City Cle' . Approved..----......�,.�._,........:.....�............., 191.------- ................................. - ............. ......---- ... - - Mayor. savor Councilman Goss Councilman Cla �+ouncilman er .l /Councihn ccoil 1/ Coun . Wunderlich S. A. &7 _ . CITY - DEPARTMENT F WANCE -yy` • REPORT OF, COMMIS VOMER OF FINANCE/ tp ' - ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER 1 In the Matter of oj,,rhi-Ap;--b-W:il---H-i.d8 at' Uzgt-on AvPniin -fxo�l 1 n c—Am-eM-ue_t-Q under Preliminary Order approved ----- Apr -i-1-1�-th-r— ���---------- ------ --- ---- ----- - ------- ----- --- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is ,£ront 53 The estimated cost pe,F//foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT PLOCKI., ADDITION ASSESSEVALUATION 6, Cardigan's Rearrangement 3725 13'. ;(BushnellIs Rearrangement ., 300 14,h of Block 3, Boulevard Addy. lE00 15. do ) 1 2850 Meat 1/2 of 16j do East 1/2 of 16 I do ) )� 2475 17: do 18 ! do 2450 19 do „ 2550 20 —.A.— w - TOTAL, _ CITY DEPARTMEN ..O.NCE REPORT OF COMMISSLONER/OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN I Y ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT HLOCKI ADDITION VALUATION ;I 21, BushnellIe Rearrangement ) 2425 221 do )) 23. do 200 q 24; do 175 25'' do 150 26'; do 100 27, do 75 28 ''do 575 . 19; 3 ii Boulevard Addition 15800 J I 13i F. Boulevard Additicn Block q,) 1100 )) 12 E F. & D, to t.Paul,Minn. 2350 do 2500 10 E do 3300 9, E do 7300 8', E do 3900 7 E do 2700 6'; E do 2.050 5 E do 3325 4': E ! do 2825 3; E do 625 2! E do 625 1 �--- 650 -----' --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated e ---- 191..- ---------- = romp s.e.w. e• Commissioner of Finance. oscAR cuuesEri, cmv en.IHt[w - J. e. URRrn.Lr eoN. [[w. Ion .nD Iw. ALPRtD JACHSON, -T.eT lo� H. W. GOCTLINGlR; M. 9. GRYTEAH;Crioin[[w ona D. H. HERROLD. Owrlo[ ln...... Qiity of £►t. Vx4 %pWav tit of Vuhltr Mrhe M. N. GOS9. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. May 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss", Commissoner of Public Works, B u i:l.d i n g. Dear Sir, I transmit herewith Preliminary Estimate of cost of curbing both sides of Dayton Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Street, roved— oordance with Council File No. 34782, app May 11, 1919: Approximate estimate ...... $603.77 Cost In front foot........ .53 Excess inspection neeessary11508feet. Assessable frontage....... Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. St.Paul, Minn., 4-1-19. Hon. I.A. N. Goes, Commissioner, Department of Public Works, T��i�i St.Paul, Minn. QnG Jig Dear Sir:--+v' Ve the undersigned property owners, ree on Dayton Avenue, St.Paul, between Snelling Avenue and Saratoga Street, do hereby petition you to have the curbing installed on this portion of Dayton Avenue. Respectfully, 2- �4 tv w APR 121919 1'DRGAU Ur' 1a— -- — 14-_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 24722 11th a....:_........:..........:191..9..., relative to _.............._ . oil, known as Council File No.. _._..._..._.._......_._approved .._....... ..... curbing both sides of Dayton Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports:' =` 1. Said improvement is.... _..... _....... necessary and (or) desirable. W per front foot 603.77 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_.__.... _._...__, and the total cost thereof is$...... ....... .......................... and Assessable frontage 1150 feet IXcese inspection $11,84 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...... _... _... _.................. _.............. ...... _.......... _._.......... .............. _....... ... ............. _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __..:.._ ...._. _._...._..._.._.___.__...._....._....._._...__...._............. _.... _........................_......._.._.............._.._:.: ................... 5. Said improvement is........_.... .......... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject toassessment for said improvement. ._.................... ...... _ ..... _..... ......._.. ... ._.. ... ................. _...... t/ Co miseioner of P iia Works. J I ?L � •, 26649 COUN�` By ........................... - - - - FINAL ORDER Changing the grade of alley in Zachrison's Addition. In the Matter of ... ............----...------...............................---- .4.......................................... .. - - _ -----...----..................... -- ..... •.. -- ...... ...... from Arkwright street to Clark Street to conform tothe red line on the ...... _............................ .....I ........... I ............................... I..........._............. ---...................-.......................•-------....................---- profile.hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established ......... _... _.............. ............................. ----..... --------... --..............----------....------......................................•----- ... grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading said alley to the - -- ................................................. said red linewhen established and grading Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street-'-- -- ` ---'_" L r h741�"j .......................................................... ......... f 170 ' 0 " 24750 '�eeoa°a,°m�Y April 14, 1919. under Preliminary Order ........... ga.ai4gAtea l rrx ace�t x .......................... dih 1LexT:%1 %hereto at d`i'me.,t a De t,eete3.yeq d 6{eX ..-- Intermediary Order .....................................� vm��'a mqe rine � .................... ..-----••----...........- -- A public hearing. having been had upon the'%gnRepon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommenEft A;re thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council.of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Chan in the rade of alle in Za_chrison'8 improvement to be made by the said City is ............._... --•------•-------g------•-------.....--• y Addition from Arkwright Street to Clark Street to conform to the red line ................................................. .....................- - on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof the present established ......... ..................... grade being shown by a blue line thereon; also grading said alley to the -- ............ .......................-.............--............................._....................... :.......................................... I .................... -- ... said ---red line when established and grading Clark Street from Rose Street ..........................................-- ...................................................................... -.............................. .......................... ...-... to Maryland Street. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the ro r city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said ' ro accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....--------;------- ---- ----------> 191..7-- n !l h le'", Councilman Go Councilman aney Councihn Heller Council an McColl Coun . an Wunderlich Ma r Hodgson B. S. A. 8-7 -lit I 9T. PAUL - DEPART ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CPMMISS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ofditiOn from _AiL,igigt�t_ Street to Clark Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto _........ attached and_ma3e apart hereof, th^ present established grate being ohoxn____ blue.._ling --_t o._.gra3.in .__eajd alley to the said red line when _ _._e_eta3lish�d an3---gra3in -_Clark_Street from Rose :street to Varyland street. under Preliminary Order approved--AlP.rl l -1.4&211..x. 19-L. �--------_-.--------.--.---.-----------------.---------- '------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 1.16 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION l 2achrison's Addition 200 2 do 400 3 do 200 I 4 do 200 5 do 200 lSouth 40 ft. of 6-- 7 do 1375 g do 2125 9 do 2035 10, do 1000 11' do 100 TOTAL iron plA. !-DA CIT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO14ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ LOT 'BLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION I - VALUATION Ij 12, Zachiison's Addition 100 I, 13: do 1825 I� 14 do 2025 14do 2025 1 do 200 The following described . part of 1. Plat of the Feet 1/2 of the 1000 commending at Rose, St. and N.T.1/4 of Section 29, and De Sota St. thence north 59 the S.F. 1/4 of the N.7.1,/4 i ft, thence 'fest 111.89 ft. thence of Section 30, of Town.29, North 78 ft, thence :vest 150 North, Range 22 Test, cf the ft. thence south 138.03 ft, to 4th Principal Meridian as ij Rose St. thence 261.89 ft.. to I Subdivided Commonly called place of beginning. Hoyts Out hots. I 7 Flisram's Addition 250 u 152.5.0. - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- - / -��(A - --3 --- 191 - ��ir........ ---- — Commissioner of Finance. FORM a -a -A. e- 09cAM cL�ua$-' CNI.n EN.1N..n e.ny.. o .... J. E. CA ROLL, SUPT. - ALFRED JACR90N. 9V iucTloR w.Io n.Pnl.. N. 'on W...—I...R. S.Pi CRYTEA.1 C ..... s D. M. NERROLD, 011— E..In.cn I I Tug of Ot Paul Orpartweui of Iluhlir'Rio rka M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. P�p�RI Minnesota. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing of grade of alley in Zachrison's Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street, also grading said alley, and grading Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street, in accordance with Council File #24750, approved April 14, 1919: Approximate estimate ....... $1,203.09 Coat per front foot........ 1.16 Excess Inspection necessary, 23.59 Assessable frontage........ 1,036.feet. Yours very truly, TJ/- P 0 ESS/C Chief Engineer. Office of the Commissioner of Public Y" cE[vSMr / Fp1N8 9 3, Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 9 1913 May 9th, _____.....191.9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 247b0 April 14th, 191 .......... relative to ............................. oil, known as Council File No.....................................approved............................:........... . changing the grade of alley in Zachrison's Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street, also grading said alley, and grading Clark ...................................... .... _........................ _... _.._.... _... ................................. .... _.......... _........ ........................................................... .... ........... ....................................... ..... .... ........ ..... ................ Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............ _.......... necessary and (or) desirable. $1.16 per front foot 1,203.09 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___.......... _........... . and the total cost thereof is $_ .......... . .. . ........ .......... ., and Assessable frontage 140361 Excess inspection $23,59 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ......... ........ ................. ........................................................................ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. EV 5. Said improvement is._ .............................. _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commia'a oner of Public Works. CITY OF ST. PAUL �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM t v Subject:... ...........:....... ...................... ...................................................._T--....................................... . i FILE L G FILE� NO . ............................... ............................ Date Presented -..1.lily...-X)th...............191.., Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading the alley in Zaohrison's Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street; also Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order #24968, approved May 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #26662, approved June 30th, 1919. The Commissioner of 8ablio Yorke having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of Ste Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for elopes, for ante and fills in and upon the land abutting upon the glley in Zaohrison's Addition and Clark Street, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the -matter, dated July 30th, 1919,. which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. r. No. 26050— n'the matter. of ,the sl afore on.4 s . n,.,.ro Of Public Works to ba itt and akfitch-f Cityof St. Paul the amount o([I the bnv..nemoh. - 'upon 'of cant anownl the "ketch attacheIt r Ofd to the report' Public .. July 30th h. ated - whtch sketch and report are hereby roaC ya 91919. Yeas (d) Con cilmea (✓) Na S IteA pa owed 3aland c Jude . Part nyrgpW39 9s p ul a Cl cy 119 (s.pt. s, 118) by the Council............._......G:..._....191.,� F nsworth Approved...........__......_ .............._................... / !,t .. 19x'{. G ss ..............I favor ller 'I ccoll .............. gainst.._...__................._.................... ._..................... .4.A.....YO.......... MR nnderlich `Mr. Presiden Hodgson "ORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 y _ In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Zaohrison's Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street; also Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary order #24968, approved May 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #256522 approved June 30th, 1919. To the Council of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. o se oner o 0 orks Date& (Bug of Ot. Paul ` OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C HN ........ • [N.INt�.t grpartmrnt of Publir 15ark9 M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E: CARPOLL. Suri. eNION ANO RtrAlna R. T. GOURLEt. DEPUTY ALr.EO JACR9ON.S.AT Sur i1 N. W. GOLTZINOER, M. 9. OPYTBwK,ENo Nt�nl C. N. OLO. 0-1 -1 - REPOR'P TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for outs and fills in grading the alley in Zaohrison's Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street; also Clark Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary order #24968, approved May 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order #256522 approved June 30th, 1919. To the Council of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion the outs to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. o se oner o 0 orks Date& CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION=GENERAL FORM ........................................._........ 26Ga ........................................................ . •............................................ councr� .. IILE, No ................. A. Date Presented Resolved, - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes for outs and fills in grading ' the alley in Zachrison'e Addition, from Arkwright Street to Clark Street, under Preliminary Order #24968, approved May 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order `25652, approved June 30th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and gills in and upon the land abutting upon the alley in Zachrison's Addition, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated July 30th, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made, a_.part hereof. IC. F. No. 260f0 -BY M. N. Gose a r approve. e „ - The Commissioner of Public works having submitted his report and sketch to the above matter, be It Resolved. That the City of St. Paul llxes and determines the amount or Impravementak as fpanth ea ement motor slopes, for ute d fill. In and upon the. lan Lnbutttn�.upon. AtM1e nilc,.rM>< - --- 11 as Councilmen ✓) ys �I�� 90 IN Adopted by the Council .._`.:....... _''_........ " .:__........191..._. Clancy Farnswo ......: 191..... Approved .............. .......................... _.... Goss _.........ISl1s�!! /sident, r l ............................................................... IL �..'-""""' � MAYOR derlich M .Hodgson FORMC. A. 9 3M 12.18 fgiig of Si. Faul 09GAR OLAU9EEN. elxeew _ 33rpartarent ofLVuhlir Works - - eWIl.0 or exolxeew.Ex 1 M. N. GOSS. 6OMAWIONER crlox nxo new.in• R. Y. GOURLEY, DEPUTY AL O JAGK90N, So iu H. W. GO INGER, $Ywx'Ox , RegTi xe N. S. GRYTBAH,exoMeew o . G. M. XERROLO!OwwOe!lxolxeew -REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading the alley in Zachrison's Addition, from Arkxright street to Clark street, under Preliminary Order {24968, approved May 3rd, 1919, and Intermediary Order $25652,approved June 30th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: .4he Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property,and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken,by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Commiseioner of Public Works Dated C5� _ CITY O UL r DEPARTMENT0OI 'INANCE �\ REPORT OF O.OMMISS NER OF FINANCE °] Y ON PRELIMINARY ORDER h� (A) a o } In the Matter of---Qeln�- ani_1cn_an.-_eat^rr.ent in_the lar3..neeeeaary.-for_elo��saL in ra3ir.4. a'. a�hrlaon'a AdciitiS�11 �LRn Arkr_ri�ht-.__ _ tar and f i 7,�s � . 3.3�-S=1A-� ^ ^ �, R o A "• t r L4 il, sr yl an3----------------- - -- . s-e-�t--t4 -u-1 zx]5 ' i r== }- 31 Via, - `: ar x ---t �. >s� under Preliminary Order approved ------=`� Q-X----'z-'---i-"`-'-'---------- -------------- -------- ---------------- ---- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $---------- - ---- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-------"--'— The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7..achriRon's Addition 200 2 do 400 3 do 200 4 do 200 5 do 200 South 10 ft. of 5-- 7 do 1373 g do 2125 u 9 do 10 Bio 1000 11 do -100- 00TOTAL, TOTAL, CITY OF UL DEPARTMENTt01 'INANCE REPORT OF COMMIS$1 NER OF FINANCE /ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A). a and a - T ^trent in the_1_a_r.3 - neceyaary_ or_ In the Matter of--41]:iel>1�.� ------:akin-a-- ` slopes, o r. I �itt_14.I1yi9.Ln �>�rr�ht_-.-- for cut a-'— -- - --- :C -t.-s;arylan3 under Preliminary Order approved ------'-=---------------- ---- ------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $--=—'-'—"-""'--"'— The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $— - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 7..achrison's Addition 200 2 do 400 3 do 200 4 do 200 5 do 200 7 do 1375 :?outh 10 ft. of 6-- g do 2125 9 do 2 10 do 1000 11 do - 100 - TOTAL, CITY OFr UL' DEPARTMEN NANCE h REP014T OF COMMISS�KNER OF FINANCE • - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - W .: • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • 12 Zachriaonla Addition 100 13. do 1825 14 do 3025 - 14 do 2025 1 do 200 The foil. Des. part of 1 Plat of the Tent 1/2 of 1000 con,mencin., at lose St. and N.T. 1/4 of Sec. 29, and the ^e Sota St. thence North 59 C.E. 1/4 of the Y.F.1/4 of ft. thenoe seat 11.1.99 ft, thence ^ection 30, of Toxnship 29, North Range 22 Test of 4th north 78 ft. thenoa -Nest 150 Principal ?•,ieridian aa Sub— . ft, thence south 138.03 ft. to Rose St. thence 261.89 ft. to divided Com.r,only --alled place of beginning 170yt, a Out Lots. 7 Fliera-mls addition 250 7.525.0. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..._....... _ v( /--..-..-_ - .......-.. - - - Commissioner of Finance. IVED Office of the Commissioner of Public VVorT sr REp, NS FpR� O Report to Commissioner of Finance +,`, 7 •,• �, U May 9th, ... ............... 19L . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 24968 May 3rd, 9 eil, known as Council File No ........ _.................... :......approved ..... _................................... _....._............... ...... 191........., relative to.__..... .................. . condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slo�ea for aut_a and fills in grading alley in Zach.............................................rison's Addition ..... ....................................... from Arkaright Street to Clark Street, also Clark Street, from .............................................._..... --.................... ............... _................ ........... _............. ...................... .-.......................................... .........._.................... ................... ............ .............._.... Rose Street to Maryland Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ...... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. gggg A$RA8 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...._ ................_......_.... . and the total cost thereof is $....._._..........__....._..._........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ""h J Coimni iouer of Public orKs. 41 CoBy - ............. " v A FINAL ORDER I theM tt of.. Reconstructing;, relayinC and repairinE- the cement tile sidewalks a erYe io11ow3Hg TOgt�t'i'On6; "sb'i th"s my C5-f'""P2ytzff iiie "9"feet' w13e-,_.beginning_.at a. point 150 feet west of the west line of Louis St.., . extended thence west 150 feet ; south si3e of St Anthony Aye 6 feet 'xide, frolr..ialrington.t?ye..,__thence-.-e rt _260.feet and from -.74 feet--_farther_._e.as.t-- thence east to Louis St. approximately 520 feet.; west side of Western Ave. ... -6 ---feet. w.ide...from._Van ...Bu.ren...St......-t ie.nr.e...sou.th..11B of Van Buren St. 6 feet wide, from 'Western eve., thence west 120 feet nortl; s -i -de ---a€ Jay---S-t--,....t_a'"ce-wa-s.:,.------ 235 feet and from 118 feet farther west, thence west 70 feet. ......------------------................................... ........ - :.....-- .... ........---..............------ ............... ................... 24,584 Tfar. 29, 1919. under Preliminary Order......... ..... xa aeosJ._ ---------- ------------------------------------ miatter wake,ra of meoon�+oct�Inmsnfy ......... Intermediary Order---- - ----- ------ !tb: yao of ionowfag loco -- --- A public hearing having been had upon the a.i o°�in"e° �e,n +uc�Bi rn due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recormat inRAft 'te°,—e .n„reto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it 'flet troy RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...Re-c ns.tract.,._relay-..a d._,epair..-- the ...ceate-nt tile sidewalks at the folliwing locations; south side of Dayton Ave. 9 feet-w-id-e-,-----be-€inf-id- E.-a.t...a_. point...150-fey:-L---V-es-t-..o€...t-h-e weat....i.ine_of Lurie -St., exterded thence west 150 feet., south side of St. Anthony ..ve. 6 feet wide, f00,M Farr in@tonhr�e. thence--es•st--260--feet; .. and from ?�-iest fartti--rea.st, thence east to Louis St. approximately 520 feet.; west side of Western .... tHeac'e' sotiiEFz"1III���ie'et'::"�soutH---s e Ave. 6fee�''siide';' it"o'in Vari"'Bure.. n St'; `"' of `JanBuren St. 6 feet wide from Viestern Ave., thence west 120feet.;.... north see of St. �ritl'iony nve. 6feet �i+ide from Jay St., thence wee feet-_arid--_from_.-118.-_fey;t_-farther--_west, _thence .wyest._70f.e.,_,t,........................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvemenVin accordance therewith. . ; Adopted by the Council......_ -. -------------------., 191........ City Clerk. Approved .................. - - ..._.::....:........., 191 - - --- --. . Mayor. ounce an Farnswort / Councilman Goss Councilman Cla Councilman ler A Couneilm9141cColl V Councils n Wunderlich MayoIr-41odgson Form -B. S. A. 8-7 x CITY. OF ST DEPARTMENT l r FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (P) In the Matter of recc;n_t_ruct� relay-_ na.._reair--_the cement_ tide----aidewaik@.-_at---_he-_.-__---_.__._. follcwir.g•locatiune: south s13e of Payton Ave. 9 ft . wide �eg1nnirg at a point 1EC ft rreot o. the set line of Louie St. extendP +hen e went 15Q-f_t_,.; —�--- - = ---' -- A —'-- eouth aide of St. Ant1,cny Ave, 6'ft. .vide, fror Farringtor, Ave. thence east 260 f -t -._-_and from 74 feet f arth__er east, thence_east to T oui s-_ct_._ �rT roximately_ 5 ^ < ft.; we at Bide of feet Ave. 6 ft, wide fron .'an Buren St., thence south 1-]Q-_.ee-t.,_-ecuth side of `•'an Buren ^t. 6 ft, ,*ride from TeiHtern Ave thence ... .... ------ -- _ nest 1w0 ft.; north side of St. AntYlcny Ave. 6 `,t, wide, free Jay St. thence west 235 ft, e.nd from 11S t, far,hcr ;:e.—�-th r=cf -sest- 71- feet---------------------- - A the under Preliminary Order approved ----------- 3:C.:.h-.<,.::.t<h,----1�'-1.�----------- --- ------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--------------------- -------------- 77ur ^ The estimated cost per�Noltafoer the above improvement is -------------------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 8 ^cl`y ck,^t. aul,'."innl 13 'CC 1 o tcing Aud. :'bb. `'o. 5 1 6650 11 do 1362.5 12 do 90375 i6 8 Ninir.F;er's .^,3.1' ticn 3125 15 8 do 14=0 L4 8 jc 1650 11 8 do 1150 lw 8 do 1450 11 8 30 TOTAL, C rYUL DEPARTME OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 'ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 10 8 hininger'a A:dition 3100 . 8 8 do 2200 7 8 do 3200 6 8 do 1800 5 8 do 2200 4 8 do 1950 3 8 do 2450 2 8 do 1150 1 8 do 20.50 4 Lewis Subdivision A 2450 3 do 2250 2 do 2850 5025 do 5 4 Rondos Addition 7975 31 Johnstons Sub. of Block 1) 33.00 32 Stinsons Division ) 725 33 do 1625 31 do 3300 11 4 Flfelt, Bernheimer and 3200 12 4 Arnolds Addition 4175 13 4 do 3000 1 Healey's Subdivision 2500 2 do 2500 3 do �MO 4 do 3350 Test 33 1/3 ft. of 18 10 Elfelt, Bernheimer & ) 2675 South 40 ft. of 19 10 Arnolds Addition )) 3275 "13400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated- �ll/%L✓-�`.1 1- % Commissioner of Finance. �onM e.e.w, ee c /vzs ao s'o r, �a bo eu �.� �FTF/FOR19 y- U Cr T ' f 6Al - 6 Z l,a-f 147, a --------- — ,r o p log Q, 3 cTof-fNSTON� � � EL GEF= 7,/ 3ERNr�'G-'//iilEl� ,' 7T 11;'1VT HON,y- " � � Geo 5 � � � C�•S / c s' •5,�. �o t ,\%N Office of the Commiss6n6r of Public Works a � RECEIVED `I 4PRZSwO Report to Commissioner of Finance f ic" -: y F 6= =3 April 10th SPR 1�3._�..�l�i_9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of -the Coun- 24584 March 29th, oil, known as Council File No...........:.......................approved..............................-............................... reconstructing, relaying and repairing the cement Ile aic�ewa at the following 100 set South side of Dayton Ave., 9 it. wide, o_ nt..._150..._fe_et...ofest..._Qf..._the..._a{.e_s......._1 ne.....4f..._Zonis..._ut..r...x.................... extended thence west 150 feet; south side of St Anthony Ave., six feet Farr nA gto.n ve. .....t.h.. ce eneast 260 feet? and from 74 ft. _.... .. 1. farther east, thence east to Louis St. approximately re e- et ; thence west side of "!astern five., six feet wide, from Van Buren St., T3aaren....St..............si.x..._f. et....vft. e........fr©.m.............V........... .n.outh ft's— soutts si�}e ££ - north side of S �lnthoi�y zlve. 6 was ern vs. thence vies t 1 D T�� 75 wide from jay St thence west 23u ft ,@q_ lereU farther fence .,..a �,...;,,o ;nvestieated the matters and things referredY 1. Said improvement is.... ....... ._.......... necessary and (or) desirable. .08,i per square foot 'L. The estimated coat thereof is $.... ........... .................... and the total coat thereof is $_...... ..... ..... ............. ..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..._......._.... .... ....... ............... ........._............... _....__...__ .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached sad made a part hereof. 4 . ...... ........... .........__...... .._..........:..........................................................................................................._.............._..__.....,..._......................................._..................... _........... o. Said improvement is.............not ............_.........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..... .............:..... .............................. _... _ y Commissio er of Public Works... ... 41, i F. No 26062-0idlnance No 6142—. '�I s 41 - (1 �li ordinance 9rantln6 to P. O Nsevlk, ., _..emir.tation io .2286 Como Avenue West. I Council of the City of St, as pain k ordala: ` 9 J'6 k• SECTION I. .... t.' F� °F 'V r and a An ordinance granting to P.' 0. Nasvik permission to r._ w establish a curb -filling station at`2286 Como rAvenue West THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DO S ORDAIN: 4i Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby s granted to P. 0. Nasvik to establish a gasoline curb filling -station under the boulevard in front of No. 2286 Como Avenue West, in said City. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is herebyxnlik authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the install -'-4 ation of said filling -station, upon his compliance with the follow- ing conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works'a plan or specification of said station and location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said filling -station shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspectftn, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars (x;10,000.00), conditioned r to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said filling- ' station, the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said station remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approv- ed by the Coxpotation Counsel, with surety satisfactory to the Mayor, 4 and be filed with the City Comptroller. (4) Said fillinb-station shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. C) v (8) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Atte 4 , L- Passed by the Council r LGr: Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich - ,, ) Approved --%" �o wunWayor 1 P; O. NASVIK c�� f CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER ' 1368 ASHLAND AVENUE (�C �, z/. `!�La� /a ✓lei 5-6-Z7 / r / i f I No. 26062—Ordinance No. 614 .ate j O'1 •dlnance granting �o Oeorg , f r l ermtasion to a tablleh l/ a d b pump In front of ' Avenue. -,cli of the city of St. Baur -• 'y r te+ ('r, F-. gECTION 1. I- end I An ordinance granting to George R. Holmes permission to establish a gas tank and curb pump in front of 1790 University.,/" THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to George R. Holmes to establish a gas tank and curb pump in front of 1790 University avenue, being at the corner of University avenue and Beacon street, and adjacent to Lots 40 and 41, Howard Park. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Yorks is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said George R. Holmes for the construction and maintenance of said tank and pump, upon his compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tank and location, which shall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The s -id tank and pump shall be installed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3), The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St, Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($io,OQ0.G0), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suite, costs, chargee, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said tank and pump; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said tank and pump remain. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, with sureties satisfactory to the Payor, and be filed with the Comptroller. (4) Said tank and pump shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) The said licensee shall pay any license fee or tax that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council V 'L Yeas 'Clancy Goss 'McColl Goes 'McColl JPowers ,Wunderlich Medetrbn}. AT), -roved At set ice"/.- 7 w wv,, oIayor City Clerk City-(", I - 511V_ SnIinS GEO. R. HOLMES -8, SON 379 ROBERT STREET ST PAUL MINN July is, 1919 - Gentlemen !- We request a permit to establish a Gas Tank and a Curb Pump at the Corner of University Ave. and Beacon St. - 1790 University Ave. Lots 40 and 41 - Howard Park - Tard 11 - Ramsey County. The property is in use as a Barrage - There is an outside tank there now, the pump being Inside, and, as the building is none too large, an Outside pump would releiV8 some Of the congestion. Very truly, YWH G x JC.--�j 3 (� � y�"`ti";a-, Cts„ �' � ,' � i CJ �� `0 � � 2 f / i c L / �� r ' _ � � L.. J ci„ , � � , ��� � i r ' (�, �/ , .,r r O� /� � . � � � {- ti Z,-+ � .. � ,� L.. � � G � j , t-' � � �� � �.�'� � __ 't-�_ � �-> � r- � - �-- �` _ � :` Yeas (✓) Con pcilmen (✓) Nays VClancy //Farnsworth , Goss ifeil'LY .Wunderlich mmemewdenim" 69— FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1es)\ n Adopted by the Council 19, -�`^��I�/�.-p/�•191•�� APP roved._.__.' MAYOR I ATTEST: —� JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clerk. CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU ROOM B3. COURT Mouse J. B. PROBST M... CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA July 28, 1919. TO THE HONORABLF CITY COUNCIL: The Civil Servico Burea:l submits herewith t•no ordinances; one is a Civil Service amendment which aims to strike out from the rules all. compensation rates; the other is an ordinance prepared for the Cwincil and w'nich ai,ns to re-enact in a strictly administrative ordinance the Couneil all the salary rates aid '_ic:. for 11 pos'_ti-ns now included in the Ci71! Sorvico classificaotion end _._ _.cordr.:ce .._t'. tVic re es r;w 4 n 6ffcc`,. T`:o pur, ,ce of theoc ordinances a: (1) To take out of the Civil Service ordirnnce all. ccmpcnoatinn rates, because to allow them to remain in the rules under the prosent interpretation. of .he law will result in considerable mieunderstardira and ar:noyanco, and at best it will only be misleading, to the public and to the employes to have the rales encumbered with a lot cf meanin - less compensation limits. T!, -is was precisely the effect in 1914 and 1915 when, the Civil Servic^ „rdinenco "ntai.,ed a clause that t o salary limits were merely pat into the Ci:il Servioe rules `or the express pa^po,:,n .�' ^:akin., one of the bssns �f classification". (2) The Civil Servic., chapter of the charter con- tains the following provision: "Ary advan"ment i:: rcr;: or any inrreasr in Salary beyond the limits fixed by tl.e riles shall cc st tate a promction" Thie yr3v1sion seems to indicate that it ie the :Ment rf the charter thst the Civil Service rules shell cnnt-=n sumo sort of wit'n respect to SRIFriea. Hans -,=;:r, in view of the otter,. p-Q,,isi o -c of cher`_er rr rd` ne the . _sing of salaries it _e deemed advisel'lc tc omit from.: the Civil Servico rales all salary limits :x.ntil such I as a basis of co:npensati;r limits c -u: be worked .._'hut nil' •ct conflict :�r_:h t::e specific salary -fixing powar which vppeers to be vested by the charter in the Council exclusively. #2. (3) Whatever has been accomplished so far in the way of securing uniformity of salary rates for similar employmerts, or in attaining a simplified procedure with respect to administrative crdinences relatln_to titles and salaries, will ro`, be affected in the least if the Council passes the tv,o prcpooed ordinances. The Council of -nurse hFi.s the power tr fix its compensation rates by separate administrative Ordinances, but if it desires to continue the plan of having a single salary ordinance apply to all departments, it may enact such an ordinance die;inct from the Civil Service rules. Assumir� that it is the desire cf the Ccuncil to adopt this latter plan, the Civil Service R'ureau has prepared ti:e %oarcil ordinance in +r.:„ way, and submits it ?ierewith. Re spa ctfull.y, Chief Examiner. Approved: Civil Service Cc miSsioner I* C • Z o �� " . iB CITY COUNCIL'S SALARY J , Yeo. S► 3 �j AND WAGE SCHEDULE. _ r. No. 2G,55-6rdinance N.. 5139 L11A1- 'A Ar}\rdivance filing compensation rates of certain city positions r and employments. ME CITY COU'. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8T. PAUL DUB MAIN: AND WAGE SECTION I. x.. 11" The following enumerated city employes may be paid, for services rendered to the city of St. Paul, salaries or wages in accordance with the compensation rates and limits fixed in the following schedule: Electrician . . . . • . ... . • . 81j0 an hour ELectricianls Hebper . . . . . . . 62jo an hour ;"W Q'at.. �firade Roller Engineer .. 800 an hour " Hoisting Engineer . . . . . . . . . 800 an hour Horseshoer . . . . . . .. . . .,. $110 a month Lather .. . . . 62*0Can hour Ganda A. --Salary limits: not to exceed the union 4 scale. This grade includes all such skilled labor and other employments as are governed by a union scale of wages. The rates of compensation for this grade, as provided below, are maximum limits of compensation. Payment for services in any positions in this grade shall not be in excess of the prevailing union scale, and in any event shall not be in excess of the maximum limits prescribed below. This grade includes tUo following employments& Position Maximum limit of Compensation Asphalt Roller Engineer . . . . . . 800 an hour Automobile Mechanic . . . . . . . . 6125 a month Blacksmith . . . . . . . . . $115 a month Block Roller Engineer . . . . . 800 an hour Bricklayer . . .. . . . . . . . . 811jo an hour Bricklayer Foreman . 920 an hour Carpenter . . . 800 an hour Foreman 920 an hour Carpenter Carriage Painter ... #&10 a month � Cement Finisher 650 an hour Cement Finisher Foreman . . .. 750 an hour..- .. . . `Cranema`n $3.50 a day :. ._ . . Electrician . . . . • . ... . • . 81j0 an hour ELectricianls Hebper . . . . . . . 62jo an hour ;"W Q'at.. �firade Roller Engineer .. 800 an hour " Hoisting Engineer . . . . . . . . . 800 an hour Horseshoer . . . . . . .. . . .,. $110 a month Lather .. . . . 62*0Can hour r� Machinist . . . . . . . . . $125 a month $132.50 a month Machinist Foreman . 750 an hour Marble Setter . . day Mixer Engineer (Gasoline) . . . . 700 an hour Mixer Engineer (Steam) . . . . . 700 a hour Stationary Engineer . . . . . . . 40yt arf hour P'sinter . . 750 an hour Painter`Foreman . .. . . Picture Machine Operator . . . . $2.50 a performance; 42.50 extra allowance for setting up and taking down machine. Plasterer . . . . . . . . . . . 90¢ an hour $1.00 an hour Plasterer Foremen . . . . ... 500 an hour Plasterer's Tender . . . . . . . 87*0 an hour Plliunber Property Man (Auditorium) . . . . $Jv a day •_` �'—::. Pumping Station Engineer . . . . 14.00 a day . 650 an hour Roofer . . . . . . . . . . . . Kitchen Help . • • • • • • . Sheet Metal Worker700 an hour Sheet Metal Worker Foreman• 80o an hour 114 .meeik, , .;�•- ; Stage Carpenter . . . . . . . . . day Btage Electrician Igo&. -e performance; Stage Employe jam`6¢ an hour for services at other times. Stationary Engineer . . . . . . . 700 an hour a month Stationary Fireman . . . . . . .X120 . . M an hour Steamfitter . . . . . . 8teamfitterse Helper . . . . . . 500 an hour Steam Shovel Engineer . . . . . . SO¢ an hour 80¢ an hour Structural Iron Setter . . . . . Structural Iron Setter Foreman 926 an hour 2.40 a day' 87 an hour Stone Mason . . . . . . . . . 3.60 a day Ta Worker . . • • • • • • • 650 an hour 6RO an hour Tileile Layer 2.80 to B. --(Common Labor Service.) This Grade the following employments' grade includes . . 14.00 to $5.00 a day Bedmaker . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 to 3.60 a day Bridge Laborer . . . . . . 840th • • • ' • • • 2.00 to 2.40 a day Cleaner• • • • • 2.00 to 2.40 a day' Dishwasher . . . • • 2.80 to 3.60 a day Dog Catcher• • • • • 2.80 to 3.60 a day Garden Laborer . . • • 2.80 to 4.00 a day Kettle Fireman . . • • ' • - 2.00 to 2.40 a day Kitchen Help . • • • • • • . 2.50 to 4.00 a day Laborer . . . • • . •' * 4.00 to 5.00 a day Paver . . . . • • • . • . 4.00 to 5.00 a day Raker . . . .2T�9 to _4a9®`a day Sand Rock Picker • • . . • r 1: Sewer Laborer . . . . . . . . . . . #2:80 to $4.00 a day Smoother . . . . . . . . . . .4.00 to .5.00 a day Street Sweeper . 2.25 to 2.50 a day Street Watchman . 2.50 to 2.75 a day ,} Sweeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 to 3.60 a day Temper . . 4.00 to 5.00 a day Tree Laborer . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 to 3.60 a day Water Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 to 2.00 a day Yardman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80 to 3.60 d day Grade C. --(Miscellaneous Service). This grade includes the following employments: Position Monthly compensation limits Minimum Maximum Acco"tt"i Chief (Water Bureau) ,200.00 $250.00 Accountant, Junior . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Accountant, Senior. • . . 200.00 250.00 Ambulance Surgeon, Police (Day) 105.00 120.00 Ambulance Surgeon, Police (Night) 85.00 100.00 Attendant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . .100.00 125.00 Auto Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Bacteriologist150.00 175.00 Bacteriologist, Aeeistant* . 95.00 125.00 Bindery Assistant 50.00 70.00 Blue Printer . . . 50.00 70.00 Boatman . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 /es Bookkeeper, General .100.99 125.00 Bookkeeper, Senior . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Bridgeman . . . . . . . .105.00 135.00 Buyer, First Assistant . . . . . 140.00 170.00 Buyer, Second Assistant 110.00 130.00 Calculator . . . . 105.00 135.00 Calker . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Candymaker . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Captain, Fire. . . . . 135.00 135.00 Captain of Detectives . . . . . . 185.00 185.00 Captain of Police . . . . . . 166.67 166.67 Captain of Police, Senior . . . . . 185.00 185.00 Caretaker, General . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Cashier, Boat100.00 100.00 Cashier --Finance . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 200.00 Cashier, ---Refreshments . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Cashier --Yater Bureau . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Cataloguer. . . . . . . . . . . _ 80.00 100.00 cement Tester . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Chauffeur, Fire 100.00 115.00 Chauffeur, General . Chauffeur, Police . . 95.00 110.00 Chemist, Asphalt . . . 105.00 135.00 Chemitt, Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Chemist, Junior . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 128.00 Chemist, Senior . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Branch Division . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Catalog Division. . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Circulation Division . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Civic Division• . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Fine Arte Division 105.00 135.00 Chief of Juvenile Division . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Order Division . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Chief of Periodical Division . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Chief of Reference Division . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of School Division . . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Technology Division . . . . 10 KOO 135.00 City Forester . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 175.00 Claim Investigator . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Clerk, Assessment . . . . . . . 85.00 125.00 Clerk, Chief --City Clerk 150.00 175.00 Clerk, Chief --Receipts and Disbursements 125.00 166.66 Clerk, Chief --Special Assessments . . 200.00 250.00 Clerk, Chief --Water Bureau . . . . . . 150.00 175.00 Clerk, Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Clerk, Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 ` ... ?C -T,-- Clark, Principal . 95.00 125.00 '�_�Clerk, Senior . . . . . . . . 80.00 105.00 L/ Collector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conductor, Sight-seeing Car 0.00 40.00 Cook --Pavilion 60.00 80.00 Cook --Workhouse (includes maintenance) 80.00 95.00 Court Officer . . . . . . . . . . . .135.00 135.00 Curb Setter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Dance Floor Manager• . . . . . 75.00 75.00 Dentist (Part time service) . . . 50.00 50.00 Detective . . . . . . . . 115.00 135.00 Detective, Bertillon . . . . . . . . .150.00 150.00 Detective, Asst. Bertillon . . . . . . 115.00 135.00 Fire Alarm Operator• . . 100.00 120.00 Fireman (Pipeman, Squadman,Truckman, Driver) . . . . . 100.00 115.00 Fireman-Harneesmaker . . . . . 100.00 115.00 Fire Marshall. . . . . . . 135.00 135.00 Fire Marshall, Assistant . . . . . . . . 120.00 120.00 Foreman, Bridge 125.00 150.00 Foreman, Concrete . 125.00 150.00 Director of,School Hygiene 4250.00 o0weei Director of Testing Laboratorg.s .250.00 Foreman, Crosswalks, . . . . . . . . . 300.00 District Fire Chief• . . . 160.00 175.00 Division Chief, First Assistant to Foreman, General (Public Works) . . 175.00 (Library) . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Draftsmen, Jr. Architectural . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Draftsman, Senior Architectural • . . 125.00 150.00 Draftsman, Junior Civil Engineering . . 95.00 125.00 Draftsman, Senior Civil Engineering . . 125.00 150.00 ".W /,-,/ .6 ' '''' _ Draftsman, Bower . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 135.00 .Drillmaster -Inspector . . . . . . . Electrician, Chief 130.00 130.00 Elevator Operator•'+ 60.00 80.00 Engineer, Architectural• 175.00 200.00 Engineer, Bridge250.00 ? 300.00 / Engineer, Assistant• Civil, ;: �K'�` Lam- / /. Engineer, Chief Mechanical (Parke) . 125.00 150.00 Engineer, Junior Civil . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Engineer, Designing . . . . . Engineer, Fire.. .. . . •Fir; 125.00 125.00 Engineer, Assistant . . . 120.00 120.00 Engineer, Office . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 250.00 Engineer, Principal Assistant Civil 200.00 - Engineer, Sidewalk . . . 125.00 150.00 Engineer, Testing . . . 125.00 150.00 Engineer, Assistant Testing . . . . 105.00 135.00 Examiner, Assistant Civil Service . . . 125.00 150.00 Examiner, Chief Civil Service . . . . . 250.00 300.00 Examiner, Senior Civil Service . . .. . 150.00 200.00 Examiner, Comptroller's Department . . . 200.00 250.00 Fire Alarm Operator• . . 100.00 120.00 Fireman (Pipeman, Squadman,Truckman, Driver) . . . . . 100.00 115.00 Fireman-Harneesmaker . . . . . 100.00 115.00 Fire Marshall. . . . . . . 135.00 135.00 Fire Marshall, Assistant . . . . . . . . 120.00 120.00 Foreman, Bridge 125.00 150.00 Foreman, Concrete . 125.00 150.00 Foreman, Concrete and Labor . . . . . . 115.00 125.00 Foreman, Crosswalks, . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Foreman, Flushing . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Foreman, General (Public Works) . . 175.00 200.00 Foreman of Guards, Workhouse (Includes maintenance) . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Foreman, Park 95.00 135.00 Foreman, Paving ... ba&,'©i1 U�-.�. Foreman, Sewer .. . . . $125.00 4150.00 Foreman, Sidewalk and Curb*n& . . . 125.00 150.00 Foreman of Stone Crusher Plant . . . 105.00 135.00 Foreman of Street Repairs . . . . . 10&600J2fT /!r Foreman, Ward . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100:00 Foreman (Water Bureau) . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Gardener 95.00 125.00 Gardener -Workhouse (Includes Mainv ton -nee) .80.00 95.00 Guardr-'Jorkhouse (Includes madntenance) 75.00 90.00 Inspector, Chief Building 175.00 200.00 Inspector, Building, First Assistant 125.00 150.00 Inspector, Building, Second Assistant 95.00 125.00 Inspector, Chief (Public Works) . . is efiT/5'r" 20*m -_ Inspector, Creosote Block . . . . . Inspector, Dairy . . . . . . . . 115.00 115.00 Inspector, Chief Dairy . . . . . . . 145.00 145.00 Inspector, District Utility . . . . 85.00 105.00 Inspector, Electrical. . . . 120.00 120.00 Inspector, Chief Electrical . . . . 175.00 200.00 Inspector, Elevator . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Inspeotbr, Fire Prevention . . 100.00 120.00 Inspector, Chief Fire Prevention . . 125.00 150.00 Inspector, Fixture -Rate . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Inspector, Food . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 125.00 Inspector, Gan Meter 105.00 135.00 Inspector, General (Public Workal , 125.00 150.00 Inspector, Heating Plante . . . . . 125.00 i66vW /( r•=. Inspector, Hotel . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Inspector, House Drain . . . . . . . 95.00 115.00 Inspector, Assistant House Drain . . 75.00 95.00 Inspector, Lighting. . . . . . . 85.00 1b5.00 Inspector, Live Stock 135.00 135.00 Inspector, Local Improvement . .b. . 95.00 125.00 Inspector, Meat . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 125.00 Inspector, Medical (Part-time) . . . 105.00 125.00 Inspector, Meter . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Inspector, Chief Meter . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Inspector, Paving. . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Inspector, Pawnshop . . . . . . . . 150.00 150.00 Inspector, Plumbing . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Inspector, Chief Plumbing . . . . . 150.00 175.00 Inspector, Sanitary . . . . . . . . 100.00 115.00 Inspector, Chief Sanitary . . . . . 145.00 145.00 Inspector, Sanitation . . . . . . . 85.00 16642 � a:. Inspector, Sueri . . . . . . . 6 95.00 $12b.VV Inspector, Dign & General . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Inspector, Smoke . . . . 85.00 115.00 Inspector, Special Engineering . . . . X46�08 Of -L, / Inspector, Street . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Inspector, Street Car . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Inspector, Street Sweeping . . . . . . 95.00 115.00 Inspector of Supplies . . . . . . . . 125.00' 150.00 Instructor, Golf ,• . . . . 80.00 100.00 Instructor, Junior Playground ., 70.00 90.00 Instructor, Senior Playground 80.00 100.00 Instructor, Swimming 100.00 100.00 Instructor of Training Claes (Library) 105.00 135.00 Jailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 100.00 Janitor .. . . . . . . . . . . . as ce cf c %Vw- Janitor, Head. . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 ' Janitor, School . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Janitress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Keeper of Reservoir . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Laboratory Halper . . . . . . . . . . 40.00 50.00 Lamp Lighter ..• . . . ... 80.00 100.00 Lamp Lighter, Gas (Part-time service) 40.00 50.00 Lamp Washer .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Laundress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 70.00 Laundryman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Leveler 85.00 i6rssflfl� �; Librarian, Assistant . . . . . . . . . 150.00 175.00 Librarian, Junior Branch . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Librarian, Senior Branch . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Librarian, ChLldrenle . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Librarian, Reference• . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Library, Junior Assistant . . . . . . 40.00 60.00 Library, Senior Assistant . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Lieutenant, Fire . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 125.00 Lieutenant, Police . . . . . . . . . . 135.00 135.00 Life Guard . .1 . . . 85.00 105.00 Lineman, Police and FireAlarm. 100.00 120.00 Lineman, Assistant Police and Fire Alarm . . . . . . . ... . . 85.00 100.00 Matron• . . . . 60.00 70.00 Matron, Detention Hospital (Includes part maintdnance 50.00 62.50 Matron, Police (Include - ` 78:09" = `'-' rr Matron, Workhouse (Includes maintenance) 50.00 7ba9N'�D,Y"' -7- 1 . . Master Mechanic (Public Works) $125.00 $150.00 Mechanic's helper80.00 - x�t Patrol Conductor 100.00 Meseenger • 40.00 60.00 Messenger to Police Chief . . . . 75.00 75.00 Nurse, Chief . . . . 105.00 135.00 Nurse, Field ... . . 85.00 105.00 Nurse, Detention Hospital (includes 35.00 Physician --Health Department part maintenance) . . . . . 50.00 50.00 Nurse, School . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 105.00 Painter's Helper . . . . . • • . . 75.00 Park Policeman . . . . Park Policeman 4Motorcycle-gra av� �� 130.00 - x�t Patrol Conductor 85.00 Patrolman,Foot . . . . . . .. .. 100.00 Patrolmen, Motorcycle (Furnishes and 175.00 maintains own motorcycle) . . 130.00 Patrolman, Mounted (F%U i.Vhas.and 80.00 maintains own horse) . . . . . 130.00 Patrolman, Traffic 103.00 Pick-up Hoy . . . . . . 35.00 Physician --Health Department 105.00 Pipslayer ... . . 85.00 Platform Officer . . 85.00 Playground Director . . ... . . . . . 110.00 Police Alarm Opetator . . . . . . . 100.00 Policeman at Highwood . . . . . 70.00 Policewoman . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Poundkeeper . . . . . . 80.00 Powermower Operator . . . . . . 85.00 Refreshment Employs . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Refreshment Manager .• . • • 150.00 Refreshment Manager, Assistant . . . 125.00 Refreshment Manager, Local . . . .. 85.00 Registrar --Water Bureau . . . . . . . 175.00 Repairman . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 Repairman, Tire . . . . . . . . . 80.00 Road oiler Operator . . . . . . . . . 80.00 Rodman. . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 Roundsman, Foot . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 Roundsman, Motorcycle (Furnishes and maintains own motorcycle) . . Roundsman, mounted (Furnishes and maintains own Itorse) . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 145.00 100.00 115.00 145.00 145.00 118.00 85.00 125.00 105.00 105.00 125.00 115.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 105.00 70.00 175.00 125.00 105.00 200.00 115.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 120.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 ,► - 9- Screen Cleaner . . . . . . . . . # 70.00 90.00 Secretary -Stenographer . . . . . . . 100.00 125.00 Secretary to Police Chief . . . . . 150.00 150.00 Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 125.00 Sodaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Stenographer, Junior . . . . . . . . 65.00 80.00 Stenographer, Principal . . . . . . 90.00 115.00 Stenographer, Senior . . . . . . . . 95 0000 105..000 Gr Storekeeper -- oc Street Cgr Checker . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Sub-Foreman. 95.00 125.00 Superintendent of Activities (Harriet Island) . . . . 135.00 135.00 Superittendent of Apparatus 200.00 225.00 Superintendent of Appatatue, Assist8nt 137.50 160.00 Superintendent of Asphalt Plant . . 125.00 150.00 Superint,endent of Bridges 150.00 175.00 Superintendent of Building Construc- tiDn (General). 200.00 250.00 Superintendent of City Market . . . 85.00 115.00 Superintendent of Construction . . 150.00 175.00 Superintendbut of Construction and 200.00 f Repairs, Assistant . . . . . Superintendent of Detention Hospital (Includes lodging and fees) . 60.00 60.00 Superintendent,.,' Distribution (Water Bureau). . . . . 85.00 115.00 Superintendent, District Meter 95.00 125.00 Superintendent, General (Water Bureau) 300.00 375.00 Superintendent of Harriet Island . . 90.00 105.00 Superintendent of Library Buildings 125.00 - Superintendent of Lighting 175.00 200.00 Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment (Water Bureau) . . 200.00 250.00 Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment, Assistant (Water Bureau) . . . 95.00 125.00 Superintendent of Municipal Garage . 137.50 160.00 Superintendent of Parks, Assistant . 125.00 � < Superintendent of Playgrounds and Public Recreation• 200.00 250.00 Superintendent of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph . . 200.00 200.00 Superintendent of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, First Assietant 160.00 160.00 Superintendent of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, Second Assistant 135.00 135.00 Superintendent of Repairs --Fire Department 135.00 135.00 Superintendent of Sanitation, First Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 OS-:<!( =` - 9- veterinsrion+-Health Bureau . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Vstsrinarian--Fire Department . . . . . 83.33 83.33 Waitress60.00 60.00 r r 70.00 70.00 Superintendent of Sanitation, Second 85.00 95.00 Assistant. . . . $125.00 6150.00 Superintendent of School Buildings 208.33 208.33 Superintendent of School Buildinge., Assistant 150.00 Superintendent of Service Connections, District (Water Bureau) 125.00 Superintendent of Workhouse (Includes maintenance) . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 250.00 Superintendent of Workhouse Assistant - (Includes maintenance . . . . . 100.00 125.00 Supervisor of Life guards . . . . . . . SW& 64.48 T - 125.00 125.00' Telephone Operator . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 65.00 ' Timekeeper . . • 80.00 100.00 Timekeeper, Chief W6.60 /o--%25.00 Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Transitman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Tree Trimo r . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 125.00 Truant Officer . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Typist, Junior . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 Typist, Senior . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 90.00 Utilityman--Playgrounds . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Utilityman--Public Works . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Utilityman--Workhouse (Includes main- tenance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 veterinsrion+-Health Bureau . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Vstsrinarian--Fire Department . . . . . 83.33 83.33 Waitress60.00 60.00 Waitress, Head . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 70.00 Watchman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 95.00 Weigher• . . . . . . . . . X90 SO `-` fl6+160 e/d `^ Wheelwright . . 85.00 105.00 -/(17 - t r ( r 1 ► • CarriaZe Caller . . a performance Cook, part—time service . . per day Dc,or Tender (afternc:,r,) a porforsrrs­ Do)r Tender (evening) . a perfornance Maid . . . . . . . . . ^r`)=- .-c p'_a-:,;a,,d Scorer . . . . per ;erne Plryarnund U,::pire . . . . per game Ticket Seller . . . . . a performance Usi,er . . . . . . . a performance Usher, Head . . . . . . a perform ince Utilitvman--hater Bureau. , per hour Special Co:.lpanseion Limits Minimum M2xim-x—, 1.50 $ 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.^0 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.^C 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 .50 .50 2.00 2.00 .50 .60 >( SECTIC11 ii. All ordincr.cos or parts of ordinances or resolutions, in so far as they are inconsistent with t ordinance. $, ere her=by repealed. S7XTION III. All almi:istrativo ordinances contain_'ng blanket pro":dons for the '.-.icing of such �rployc= of sac.i coni onsation rates as are fixed by administrative ordinance No. 3250L shall. remain in force and ht. -,-a the of-mic effect as if ti:e reforence th, _-i, ..ad been ^ade to this ordinance so far as the authority to hire the w ious cia"seg of employe= a.'id paying ..sD'- SEC: iv. trm' . Thic orilnP,nce shall take effect snd be in force, +s passage, approval, rnd publication. Yeas f J1 Councilmen (��� Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss "' In favor 4C-Oler ,'lc 11 ......0.._ Against Wuncerlich g `Tr. Pres;dent,.Hodgson M C A. 9 3M 12-iP Adopted by the Council 6A. S 16 '_d ..191 .. �d l Approved...... /1 191. ATTEST: / JOHN 1. FARIQY, City CIprK. term A A 46, [ M 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE 7 [�(y/y�y/s� CUL\CIL 2600 `='" AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM .-------- ................ �g _.._..........__....__..._.....�}:. .::_........ .. QY AUDITEDJUL Y T ULLEK 1o84 T a P TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ounci men ( V ) ays _ Adopted by t until... „191 ...... _ _.. ........ ...--- Clancy C. F. No. 26066Abstrmet. Reaotved tbnt warrants be drawn Farnsworth 191"h the C1ty Treaeurv: pfund. Aad in proved -.... 191 the ett t?,. P. one, p mevncart Lholr yry/ident, favor o the .... _..... _ ry for the amounts eaetQ PBed In re vect"a �•namea at to ent: toilowinKaorthe Comdr• of Ftnsnce "_, " ... .._". FF ......... ............. .. .. radw 51A686.53. Com'r. of Finenca MAYOR is A. Farnsworth, ..4.736.6Farna orth, Com'r: of Finance, .,518,189.84. �ortri, Comr• of Finance. Mron $, .A*�' Sly 6p6,7pgrnaworth, Com'r, pf Finance . 831.54. 3; Ad.Ptedd Julys 311.o 19191 July 31, Approve, (AuB• 2• 1919) 131rF S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance rCom��ia�aaea,Bur. of *00esemenft B Die• �.�r•-8e�ee __. ep t. 19416 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance toms- F -Werks qg• a4•.X&&t G- & R• Salt_ . M S. 8Cngs o g �•ysC�, ,�T�dBa.�el& RIVZ 1 1 / —42 *O 2 11,665.53 24,736.67 Read o8a-� 2(o OS #2.> S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 11,199.84 Behoo 4"rary , . Aud l-&-Pium S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. Finance 1,626.67 x' ties!' N 2layor-Owtu— B ldgs. • 100*00 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Finance 1,811.54 • me r-k a" B Ferm A A /6.2 N 1-18 CITY OF 1'1'. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Cot\CIL N......... AUDITED CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM FILE G -D JUL..-07._...--......_......_............._.................. �"--i �_ if )_NIPT -)I.LER AUDITED _ _ ........... 1 ....... PER..... .................... ......_..........._...._..__..__...... 1085 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ;�a�= -T ays Adopted by the ' ncil . ................191.......:._ Clancy - Farnsworth C. F. No. 36867— rol ''--� ----- .191 ....... AbstraeL GO9S Resolved. that warrant. be drawn ' upon the Clty Trea.usy, D%Mable out of Kell. e hereinafter specified fund. and In MAYOR M OIl vor o2 [he pei.rne, Hrma or Corpora- hne for the amuunta set oppppr.n. their underlich epect ve names as Spec ted In the �llowing de�afled e[atem en[� Mr. P sident, Hodgson of Finance, unci, July 31, 1919. 1919. 1919) 13220" Board of Control -}fr^ Board of Control A. Farnsworth, ComFr. Finance, jatare t2V Pioneer Cone Co., s b14„ c Bathe PAXXA-. j.24---A&bert Rehbein -lQf- Scheffer & Rossum 5444Ms ,t2e- J, L. Shiely Co., A4x"_t R. Brid§s,-Bldg. ]aa_CeNo ...iaw" 1"750 - 'Y" Standard Stone Co., C@pAm' -Wa4ke kW DeGraff Wolff SWwer--B y%rd _bowlo0, • M6i a.1,.ton 36w90 800DA– To bai 669 ,2SC:'w 3,868.40 16,479.94 45,000.00 135.25 94.93 15.93 399.45 3,164.48 80.00 / CITY OF ST. PAUL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM courvc" FILENo . .... ....... ...... ._..... ... .... _.._.........._..._. Presented .......--Jul.y...311-191-9.191.....-- Resolved, That the grade of Vernon Place in J. P. Gribben's Rear "A " Alley from Forest Street to Cypress Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as reco samemisnhereby adopted asCommissioner theestablished grade, be and the Y b FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -Ie (;. F. No. 2c053—$Y 1M• N. Goss - 0. Resolved. That The t�rnde Rear. "A 0, Placefrom Fo eetb S[reetto hypreey P in accordnnca with the red Street, the aocompnnYlnP Dro- gradenainag on o e ded by the the filo Public Workae, be and nQiseioner oY adopted a the as me le hereby 1 19. IlsAdoPgrade. Leda Ju1Ye 310 1919. Juty 31, 9 Approve (An6 z 1919) Adopted by the Council ... iLj; .. ;.3.1.141. .-.......191...... Approved... .._..._.. __..__..__... 191..... ...................... ......�wia.L�Qr y. .... .... _.......__........... - ........... •=6��..� CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 4ir COUNCIL- RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E . .......... ........................................... ....... . Fae NO. ..._. ...... _........._....�...._.__............. Date Presented . ... . ... .....191..... Resolved, That the ethgarette license No. 379 which expires Nov 6,1919 now in the Wabaeha St. be and the same hereby is tranefered to name of Oscar Swoboda 476 Oscar Swoboda 467 Wabaeha St. C. F. No. 26 059h Henry McColl— Resolved, That the cigarette license No. 379.ow which in the Tres November 6, 9D of Oscar ' thee samand e herebyaia i snaee�� aia Oe - car Swoboda, 497 Wabash. Street. Adopted by the Council July 31, 1919. Approved July 31, 1919' (Aug. 2, 1919) .,ounce men✓} ays ;2t iglc. Adopted by the Council._ ''-__ _.. _..._._._....191...... Clancy Farnswo h Approved...... .. .._ .....'......191..... Goss Kell /� ��//�//��� �.i /.`�.. _......... M oll Mr!Pres'dent, Hodgson FORM A. 9 3M 12-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .... ... .. ....................... ................... ................. ............... .............. ................... ..... 1 yr NO. .. .. ........ Date Presented Resolved, That the Motion picture theatre license ro.25 which expires July let.1920 now in the Name of Ellsworth Cameron 536 University Ave.be and the same hereby is transfered to the Twin City amusement trust estate 536 University Ave. t 260 e t 0 e I ',-)I 11 ' ce e It, rt 0. ln.tNenry gh meat en. he 1638 ; 'hl -h P-tU,. e 0 6 the e�D,,,' rust . " TI"Me ,' e. Estate 'Ile "I ... it, 1� he t 'Wit, "-by 1a el "gll '41y St. 2, 191b) Adopted by the Council ClancClancy Farnswort Goss _""apr Approved.. 191 ss Kell M oll y MAYOR Me Pre#ent, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 C. F. No. 2aa61— ( /� (/ Abstract. octal'• Where&a. written Dro maklne of the e followlnR mDro f Council File No... ...... ................. - 'AvPave the following. streets: / Fairview f Avenu.; I.Goodcloh;t IMPROVEMENT V, from Amherst Avenue to Fair. .nue; Princetan Aveige, from f -Avenue to Fairview A�. it Street, from Snelling f_LLa i-at�ifl,�� t ,,.••f' w Avenue; hiacaleeb od roedw YCaTM rr :. :fVARY ORDER.. The undersigned hereby propoaea _the.anpking of_tlie,fallowingpublic improvement by the-City;::of St. Paul, viz.: Pave the following streets: to V�brp6ow, Lincoln Avenue from Maoester Avenue to F iew, al - Goodrich Avenue from Amherst AV" to 'iew, Princeton Avenue from Macalest,&? ,Ave e t air ew ✓, St. Clair Street from Sno11 BAve e t Fai 1e Macaleeter Avenue from pa d 6y itj enue t 'St,,��le1x Str. Cambridge Avenue from ed way it enue Princeto Ave. Baldwin Avenue from ed way t 'enue Lincoln e. Baldwin Avenue fro inoo' Avenu t 8t. C r eat.,/, Amherst Avenue f Lin n Ave e o St. C si treat.. Fairview Anu romp ed ro in Summi enue #to."5t, air Str. — Bax ant St from dwin AV us to Fairview Ave. ! Vernon Street from inoston to St. Clair Street, including sewer, water end gas connections from street mains to property linea complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Pate the Yollowing streets, Lincoln Avenue from Yaoslll setar Avenue to Fairview A Coodrioh Avenue from Amherst Avenue to FairvlovI6w Princeton Avenue from MsoalestoAveuueuttisirvlew Rv✓ St. Clair street from Snelling in SFairview'4 a to St.Clair etr.' Maoslestor avenue from paved roadway Cambride BaldwiagAo nuauPromopavad oadwayainissi summit Avenue it Avenue to tLincolnPrinceton Ave . Ave. Baldwin Avenue from Lincoln Avenue t St. Clair Street. Amherst Avenue from Lincoln Avenue In St-SumClair S' ;rest. Amherst Clair Str. Fairview Avenue from paved roadway Sargent Street from Baldwin Avenue to Fairview Ave. Vernon Street from Princeton to St. Clair Street, including sever, water and gas connections m �,sareotincluding >. property linea complete, where not slreadroaches, where necessary. curbing and paving alley and driveway aPp __.,.......�-----... tmeama'triiBYove mens is as or on the petition of three or more owners. S—To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 i1 ; t 14In Adopted by the council........_.. .`.....3:' :.....:.:.................191....:::. Yeas: Nays: C afmwart Coss Hyla Ke r Coll V underlich l ay Irvin Form C A 15 is 417 Approved.....__........ _ ........................191_..._.. ........................ ................... - ........... C. F. No. 28061— bstmet. whereas, ofthe following A written ng Council File No. r, v. the following streets: ' Avenue from Mucale-te't h ._r"';vA­n­' ' 'Fr.lrt IMPROVEMENT from Amherst nue- Princeton Avejue, froA, 'Avenue to FairviewI,, It ad Ir Street, from Sn.111-g ,Av-n..-.,M- I,? t' I camb 'VARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement' by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................................................................................ ­­ ................ . ....... . ........... .............. .................................................................. ...................... ........................ ........... ................ ............................................... ................................. .............. .. .................. ......................... ......... .. ..... ... p4tition att1whla .................. ........... .................... ................ 29th. U1 Y 1 - 9 - 1 - 9 ­ . . ....... ...................... . 191 Dated this day of ............. ............... .. .. . ... .............. ........... �uncilman. PRELIM WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: _ ................ ............ ........................ ............. ...... ... ...... ............ .......... ........... .......................... ............... .. ........ ...... ..... ........... ........ .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e9timated colt of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3--Tv4mmish-the-fbiluwing-other-data-and informationxglatixe-to- said imaiRvsmejg._ To 6tate whether or not' said *i m'p'r o v e m e n t- s , asked for on the *petition- * o- f th"r"e'e' -or rr'o­r'e' o'w­ne_r_s.**­ �o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............J.UL ..... .............. 191 Yeas: Nays: C4..0�1.F.-w=dly "I. G033 Approved ; .......... ................191...._.. Hyl e r Coll underlich . ........ .. . . ...................... ............... ay Irvin Mayor. M �17 F- C A 13 (6M 101 Council File No.... .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and►� ti PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Grade.--Yarnon--Plsos- 'n. -.J..... -P. .... Gribben!-e..-Re."O—f-rom..F.orsst...Street .._..._. to Cypress Street. Dated this . _ ...3lst.......day oE..... July .r...1fl18.................................................... 191 ....... _ 'row. Councilman. PRELIMIN R� 1 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: lar.MOX1.,..e....Re...'.e...fr..om... Forest. $troet...... ._ to Cypress Street. C. F. 26062— Abttract. ... Wh.r:*-, A written Pro➢osal for the ...................................................................................... lnaking of the following Improvement. . adqPtace T P ....''�bm...... ...-....... ......... ...... ... ... .... .... 1., ree0 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman . ..... .... therefore. be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature, extent and efRimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.' _3r-3,4,u,aisnzlle t tl th_ dar a�d� Fo t; =.l.c;ve_to-said-improvemeMt^............................... ......................... ........... ........................................................_............_- �—To !tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. roTo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 21 1419 Adopted by the council.......... JUL,, ..` .......................................191........ Ye": Nays: -Counu an arnawo Goaa Hyl er ccoll (� Wunderli /."17) yor Irvin Farm C A 13 (6 Approved..._.....191........ ..... _...... _..... �.............. / ....................... .......................... Mnyof," PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT�f¢ ; and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........... Condemning._and-..taking...an...eaaemant _in...the..load.naoes.eary...fnr------._.._......._ elopes and Pills in grading Vernon Place in J. P. Gribben's ..........................................................................................................:................................................................................................... 'Re."A" from Forest Street to Cypress Street. .................................... _.................................................................... ... _.... _............ _..... _... _............ _.. _... _..... _....._.. _...................... _. - Datedthi....... 31E.t.......day . .................................................. 191....._. ........... ....... ..... .. _.... ....................... Councilman. PRELIMIN CA RY O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t e following improvement, viz.: CondBau�i.x►g...1t<aid..t.ak�i�g...aa...e.��eme.nt_.im_.thy.._i..sad...neoe.e.sAry....f0r_...._ _....._ elopes and fills in grading.......Vernon Place in J. P. Gribbenle ......................................._ .... .._.. ._...._ Re. "A" from Forest Street to Cypress Street. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City. C F.easWhery 63wriiten Propo.nl for therefore, be it aking, of the following mprovom' viz.: " RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubin°the.lana nem a n*kt f ^nn, oL ,,red and diredted: fill. in Rr-drnr ' 1. To investigate the necessity for or desiraf rin er ,,,.t, slang of said "improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement_, and the total coil thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. •nffor atin^- mlatiys to said imorovement:..........__......................_............_..... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ?state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. , Adopted by the council ................ ............ 191 Yeas: Nays: C r rc Goss Approved _.......... 3:5:._.`.L...... _.. 191........ ................ H d eller McColl Wunderlich................................................................................................ ayor Irvin Mayor. T Form CA 13 (5 4-17) C. F. No. X26004- resolved, That the proper city ofa- cars are hereby uthorized to enter PAUL Into an agreement with C. O. Peter - n, providing [or the, paymemt ,f com_ ,GENERAL FORM FILEFa -a NO . ..................y...... �... _............_............ DatePresented .......... ..... ....... .................................191..... I dlsobled rer one week as a result of said Injuries. Adopted by the Council Aug. let, 1919. Approved Aug. 1st, 1919. (Aug. 2, 1919) Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with C. 0. Peterson, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of Twelve Dollars (018.00) per week during the time he was totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, on the 17th day of April, 1919; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said C. 0. Peterson, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twelve Dollars (5,18.00) in final settlement of his claim by reason of being totally disabled for oAe week as a result if of said injuries. I hereby recommend the above resol tion for passa2;e, Commissioner of Parks, P1 - grounds and Public ngs I4y�uncilmen-(-J) N,�ys Adopted by the Council ...__...... ..__.__ _.._......._.191...... Clancy Farusw.�I /�J APProv d. f 191 Goss favor ..... i Keller 7 McColl .__. .... Against MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson. FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 For, I A 46,2 N 7-I8 CITU OF ST. PAUL T OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L,lyy!���.{0{efy6[� CUt\l'IL ^VVV5 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No• ........ ............ ...... 1086 ............ ............................................... A, j AUDITED .. ......____.. `. �_.'.........__. 19 ....... PE ....... ..... .......................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council __..........C._.-''..:".:!.:.._I9I9 ...... ........191............ Clancy RESOLUTIONS. C. F. No. 26086— 1 A 'ed ^ ^ 1 I .191 Y � Farnsworth Abstract - - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the CltY.Treasury, yayable out of GOBS the hereinaPter'eDeclBed Lunde and In favor of the persons, firms or corpora _ Kell y tions for the amounts set oDyoaite their. " " """ "" " (/ reapeotive names a9 epect fled 4n the MAYOR f R 011 foGeo, ag Binder. 2.30 ntc 1J Gao. ov Binder; $22.30. h Approved Aug. 1; 1919. underl lc (Aug. 8. 1919) ,r Mr. esident, Hodgson - - ---�- Rev. Herman- Bergman. $6.00. Brooks Brothers Lurn r Company. §88.20. Adam' Decker 'Hardware Company. §43:6L' " S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. of Finance, $1,300.00: S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, $3;376,00: - Gopiier Lime & Cement Company, j §109:76. Rev. O.. H.Lealfad, $6.00. P. ft but'gh Plate Glass Company, F. H.' Pothen, $6.00. Society for .,the Prevention -of Cruelty,§200.00. "C. S. Stewart; 'Supt. cil Aug.. Adopted by -the Council A 1, X918. ADProved (Augi91191b) -13129 Rev. Herman Bergman, Blivettmr 5.00 13ise Geo. C. Binder, seheels 22.30 1313-1- Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, 88.20 sohooia- 1$138 Adam Decker Hardware Company, 43.51 35333 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,300.00 Po3,. 8c FI -pe A' arm 131-14 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 3,375.00 1313a Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 5049818. 109.75 13136 Rev. 0. H. Lealtad, F'l wr•t.ion 5.00 }d+7 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, �se7.s 33.46 _]3338 F. H. Pothen, B3ee-lr o 5.00 2il3Q Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, Ghap4Aj.Qa 200.00 13"0 C. S. Stewart, Supt., 703.00 ota- ----X84-=- Quawantine Tota-1-----0&Y4"-=-- ~ "�� r N PITS' OF ST. PAUL ^ ° •^^ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER,;> AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILEUtL- F—A A16, 1K 7-18 1087 N.,V ' \ . f _.!.� Q .............. 1 .._.._ ��AUDI ER.._�.:-_..... ._..... _...___. ..: ......_...__ TITLP•. City Treasury, out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the payable firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, y�-f -d- j^C84ilc' P[nen'TaYsf !." . 1 . - - Adopted by t ouncil_........�. �...._"-_t......:...................191._..._ J Clancy C. F. No. 26068— Abetrflet. Resolved that warrants be .drawn J J or �-� ..191.._. f'arnswor� upon the City Treasury, payable,0tu proved - - the hereinafter aped fled [undo find In d Gosh favorof the pergune, arms or corpora- I'"' for. the amount- set oppo��lt�. theit•� ri a- pe-ifled In Lhe ..- Ke r gpective.' names following et lip, stat ment: -- - '--- -` — Clara .Aamold, Wlaow of Hans MAYOR _ Aamold, $40.00 Michael cColl j Wunderlich Bell St lltvan, ,Wldow of Sulilvan, 520.00. Adopted by the Counell Aug.',,, .1918. �IAf esident, Hodgson ADprbved Aug. 1, 1819. tAug. e, 1919) 13++1 Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40.00 Pension 13142 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Michael Sullivan 20.00 (•„�_.�Vfi Arvuc R+_ Q -& -Pb 8n,a Pa.M. =J,,On CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s 264627 CsOENCIL No. ..................................... Date Presented... July '31,1819' _--191_..... WHEREAS, Unforeseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement under Final Order #24174, approved February 7, 1919, described ai the curbing of Carroll Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue have arisen in putting in the following extra curbing, 60.9 Straight Curb ® 45# ............... $37.41 Resolved, 35.302 Radius Curb ®60' ............... 15.12 43.53 Lasa 492 Straight Curb not roast ® 10. 37.93 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the Council hereby orders the extra curbing to be done. The work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in aow rdanoe with the epeei fixations therefor, the cost thereof not to exceed the sum of Thirty-seven dollars and sixty-=three cents ($37.83) and to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller Contract No. 3074 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. C Whereua 11117—By NGoes-_ Ptr'U vid ed for in the Don obstacles not aDPro ed tFe der Pinal Or�eroNo,h24174„ the cu binbruon ry 7. 1919, descrl beds Sneell "' In ue Cto -ll Avenn^, from hRv PIII"' Avenue, extra curbing; Putting In the following 25.20 Straight Curb at 46c..... Radius Curb a[ 6^c..,,,,•'•127. 41 16.12 Less Ag. Straight at 10c Curb not reset$42.69� 4.90 she Cw,- Therefore, Bo It Resolved ,$That nrbinou to hereby dere it- extra 1 ,i^e under thedsupervivlon and dtre e Worksf aid ino n'>nlsrloner of Public P'etoca [lone there[or.ahaoe with Dollaosexn^ed the shit there-( sand t be allo.vea -three Cents (E37.6a It k na extra under the . tract allo. n 'a Comptroller's Con- IaPAdoptd Imnr far the making of the ' Adopted by the C unci] Au Approved Ang. 1, 1919, g- 1, 1919. (Aug. 9, 1919), Adopted by the Council .__ _-__.,.J ................._.....191..... Clancy Farnswor 191..... Approve .._ ......:........._.. Goss_ .....In favor Kel r ' ) .....__......_...... .............__..._.. . . Coll-...��� �� AgainstMAYOR nnderlich Mr.,P 4ident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e CITY OF ST. PAUL 'k COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............... COUNCIL � • FILE NO ........................................................... Date Presented .-__AUgU9!t_._1.J.-..191.9..191_..... AI Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 33, 1919, between Keough Bros. and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Charlton Street from West George Street to West Page Street and Stevens Street f rom Orleans Street to Ottawa Avenue be and the same is hereby extended to the 31st.day of July, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, how- ever, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. IC•R No. 260x9_ N: Goes— eetalPeolfied for /31 � f tract '� ..I Paul, t o the set. from Wesr from a "le[ e. bei ereleohe ; ae to slat i i eroP'r city z d to axe- I Id ontract In ovirhow- - thatF not have s the soret1. onsent there - writing with Aug. 1, 1919. P „ 1 men Adopted by the Council' -----191...... Clancy " a ] Farnswort . ......... 191..... Approve..............._ .......__....:__.... Goss .....,,?In favor Kel, / .... A aIIIS g 1 MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Pr6sident, Hodgson 3 06i St. Paul, Minn. ,� - - - .i [ - - - 19/-9 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body c use the time of completing contras}, for the rrn. /�v.�a/L-(oti..c, Sf to Gv vl�• (/-a-s� .S�-u. �..�.� SSC` �,.c+-.•,/ _6�'L�i�..� .Lf�`-� �Ct = gyG_ to be extended to - - -- _Owing to --.°'-�- - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the ,time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, ✓-Con -actor There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conc d. Gv`z/a APPROVED Supt. of Co{/nsstruJgttion & Rep OO.issloner off Public Torks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL F COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FLENC1` NO. cif) ........................ Date Presented - 191..... Resolved, � That the Department of Public Safety is hereby authorixed to employaW at Harriet Island for a period 10 not exceeding fifteen rdpers at a cost not exceeding nine days, three `Seams and Sc dollars($y.00) each per day. This expense to be charged to the Public Bath account of the Health band. Clancy Farnsworth i Goss c� Kell /(1 Coll W underlich Mr. �Wesident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e C. P. No. 26099B,Nenry McColl Reeolvcd. That the D¢partment pt Public 6a tett' is hereby out horized to PloY t Ra rrl^t inland for a period t to metgax,eeA nq flttoe n days, three ePding inreido llersa (EA.00jstea¢h PA- 1 'ay. Th le rpen se to be hargod Pfo 1 u Public Rath account of the Aealth Fund. Adopted by the Coonoll Aug. 1, 1919. Approved Anq. I, 1A19 (Aug. 9, 1919) Adopted by the Council ._ .p..:.�'_....:1.....'....:._..191..,... Approve I:-''..._���:_...... .........191..... ......_In favor Against MAYOR _ CITY OF ST. PAUL n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERL FORM ................................................ .......................... _.......................... .......... ...... _..... ....... .............. .. 2 (' j� cour+ct� r- t ('yy meNO.... ---._ .............Q.. �............................ Date Pitsented _.'AuguBt•....�.r.}9}.8....191..... Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the Consent of the Comptroller, Hockaday Interior White Paint and Thinner to an amount not to exceed $635.00 F.O.B. St. Paul, from the Hockaday Company, without asking for competitive bids, as this is a special process made only by this Company, and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools- School Maintenance. Y �,paacu�en-t-v7-ra7A_,.?i', n I Adopted by the Council ...... ....-: .. In I r 191...... Clancy �% Farnsworth .._ ...............191..... Approve ......__ ......................_.... Goss ........r`...ln favor Kelle oil ....... Against ... .............. ............ ... ...... MAYOR Wunderlich . 8iesident, Hodgson / C. A. 9 3M 12.18 CITY OF ST. PAUL $ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............couNa,� 2,��.�7:$. PE No . ...... ........ .............._...... U U UV Date Presented..-Auguet_ 11--!M9._.191 In the matter of changing the grade of Brand Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, and Van Dyke Avenue from Kerwin Street to Keough Avenue, also grading Brand Street between the aforesaid limits and Kerwin Street from Flandrau Street to White Bear Avenue, under Preliminary Order #34910, approved April 30, 1919: Resolved, �1'hat all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby �0en0elled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such atter discontinued. C. F. No. 28071—BF �,1nC ahs grade _of 11 Aug. 1, 1919 eas 'iwea(-✓-)-Nays � Adopted by the Council ............'. -_............191...... Clancy Farnsworth ^ Approve Q.� ................_._ 191..... ...................................... . Goss .........:....I❑ favor Kell 011 Against .............._...............__.........._..1� y...'".. .. -... MAYOR `Wunderlich Mr. $resident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 'ELIMINARY ORDERS. Council File No ..... ..... ......_....__. ° PRO>a ssoiz bbatraea YEMENT rl tten Proposal ro•• - a.� tile' rollowing Im PTPV¢n. ya.+,� Petition the g de on Brand FO�k ar Avenue to. van PREUa, Dyke Avenue DER: ¢o Keough Ave ( ,red ltn es o ,ed and or estab The undersigned hereby ro oses the making of a6, *.+.,owin ublic improvement by tie C#c of St. Paul viz.: Changing the grade o� brand street from EI a Bear Avenue to vin Dyke hvenue and ..Yan...Dycka...AYSM's...from..K6rW-jm..Btxaet-...'tin Keough ..Avenue....to._C-0nfo.xau...to....the- red lines on the profiles hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the present estab-li-shed. graft -being shown- -byr--blue lines-thOreOn-j- also grading --said Brand Street between the aforesaid limits, to said red line when established, aldo St grading rerwii�► St -reef from � laridaau reet to 4an Dyke Avenue . Dated thi.......... ett._..day of....:....AVV.Ata._ K9x.............. .......................... ,191...__. .......... V W �C dulman. PRELIMI AR ORD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the lm r vement, viz.: Changing the grade on Brand Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue and -Van-Dyke Avenue from Kerwin Street to Keough Avenua to conform _ to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereon, the present estab2iehed grade..beleg shown by the blue lines thereon; also grading said Brans...St-;e8t..betwe.en...the....eforea.aid..limits._.to...said..,red-.,line_.,when__astablished, also grading Kerwin Street from Flandrau Street to Van Dyke Avenue. ................... ......_...._............ __.........._.......... ....... ..... ..................... ............. ..-..._....._.__._..._._...................__......_ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... _......_........_._. _..........._._. ..............._.._.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof: 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. &..---Tu-furRisti the following-otherdata-andirdormatibw-mtativetmsaid -improvement;..__. ............. ............ ................_._ ............................................................................................................................................................................................... To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ....... Adopted by the coun,.....__191....._. cil.....................: '................... Yeas: Nays: emrocihnari Fainewortih Goss r Hyland Ke(ier f l McColl Wunderlich M` or Irvin Form C A 13 (,St ,r 7) i C. F, NO- Who, o. Wheresa, q Abstract. king oe the followl ng _ Condemning and takir •;• the land necesea It "•a and tills In grndin PRO i'•:P�h;,t,Bg pA­<MPROVEMFINT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. V rS Council File No ..... ..............�..... 266723 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: enfllkrainBtteeslopes tBr cuts and is ingradgKerwinStreeefrm White Bear AenueoVan ...................................................................................................................................... Dated thia.....l.et...........day of August s....1. e9.a...... .................._..........., 191 __.. ......... .........................__............. .._..._....................'.............. Councilman. PRE INER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning .and taking an easement --in the landnecessaryfor -slopes for --- auto and fills in grading Kerwin Street from White Bear Avenue to Van Dyke... Avenue.. .................._ _....... .. _.... ..... _ .... ... .............................. ..........................................:........... ................... ................. ...................................... .......................................... ................. ... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._ ............. ..............___._...._..................._..- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;....._............................_......_............ ................ ........... ............... ........................ ......._._.......................................... ...................... ..-- ... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. !. I'S Adopted by the council .......... :n ..—.191 :...^- .'.`........._........_..191........ Yeas: Nays: Cpuncihctatrfarriew`orilt? /GossForm C A l9 (EM-1 Form A A 46,2 N 7-18 CITY OF !T. PAUL a ' - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ql(/ 4 q074 . COC]UII, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Na•"' -- 1090 AUDITED ...• `UU..�j< Cl •Y �' .IPTiti)LLF.It 4ER.. �.� TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts _et opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council- _ ..:...................191.........._ 74 Clancy �� C. Resolved fiotha gaverr. P.Yahis oat[ of Farnsworth,/ the nhereinat e*�specified, of eoeYocsn Ap rove fI the P•Tsons' ,,alta their Goss [Ivor of a ec ed In tke r don. for the ..oil t. set uD1R ` elh re. ecttve names as P . .._ .- .... ._......_ .. ..__... ... ...... ....... ......._.._ FarnsWoeth, Com'r. oL PM1nance.. YIdYOR foleoAn¢ detailed stateman li7ccoll s5:08.68. coun'r.. of Finance, f/ g A• Farnawortb� Wunderlich {91,799.?9. com'r of Finance. FarnaWorth• _ . j�resident, Hodgson E6097.8 Farnsworth, Com'r. of Ffnaaca, 6208096t. Pani (9a. ht C-cei"'Y, fR6,- 76. ZIS .. I ob9 the council Aug. & 1919.' 819.79Ad•pted 1919. i- APPTovedAue'•'a1819) Marge S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 19,372.5$ JeT5T S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 31,798.22 ire• %fttV S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance3 ' 5,097.84 C.P.S.-Gen. Adm. � 3 Health -Adm. A 4' 65 4 Vital Statistics / .00 Food & Dairy Insp ✓ 37.50 Sanitation Ins 929• Tuberculos iv. 4 .67 Dale St firmary 86.25 Labo cry 152. P aths 1,076' 0 P. Comfort Station 1 .5® funic. Gar. Revl. 6.75 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, of Finance 2,060.75 .Seheel St.Paul Gas Light Company, 25,319.79 Total9.18 onwn.i r. CITY OF ST. PAUL ... OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLA UN ISIS—R19SOLUTION FORM F01 1.11 CIL F—AA44,2N7-18 1088 7 .. ..... ................ q .... ........... AIPTHULLFn .u-. 17IrA..9&AUDITED .. 191 1R .......................................... .. .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter Specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followin'.- detailed statement: �=V C c V I- N... Adopted by the Council ....... ... Cla cy C. F. No. 26075� - , , -t0a, A 'rat" , warrants be drawn Fa sworth Resolved th� ry payable out Of d 1 91 on the c" a food. end in �. b.re,.N.r r.Xe-,d,`, Go S =.I*l 1b Persons fims or corpora- --ati-th or tb: at 'Mil - the resgetive names as t. K 'a Fa Go K I o*Inx dot-Illid S'$ -la, fojohn D. date , la c roperry. Coll Enlb A"n Hardware 0 $21 , M Adam Decker underlich 7. j 1�r.sar, $5.00. M)',"esid nt, Hodgson ari & Xurpb yr, Uflilh. A* P Herschle b - ."0. &r:t Pn','."� 02 ..a . . p.l. . N'-ny' "' rio;eer cone comp;�,Y- $187.6O. A. M.. Sharood; $682.9x. - A, S8 65. A- G- !�,alwd`jg cornpany. 4615,1,6- IsIta."gr-1 Electric coragany' 104.16. winston lRarlp6r via or C , -�iPapy, 11�11d4fl 1M, , �t.d by tbe C--oll Aug: 2. Approved _u �3�3 John D. Anderson, 161.16 -Ra32k.s- 10-144- Bilbow Candy Company, 151.80 Y. Bs 27 0- s 12 31 i Adam Decker Hardware Company, 21.85 J. B. Frazer, 5.00 _R91,75— cert & Murphy, !.';!A@ A. P. Herschler, -Parks 4"iS Kerwin Paper Company, -EA*4es Geo. C. Knispel, Na ss Pioneer Cone Company, PWfx9-- -16J-V- A. M. Sharood, Par 63.48 131.51 25.00 28.62 187.50 682.93 "x$88 Page #2 1114W A. G. Spalding & Brothers, PIwT%—M=d6, 35TM Standard Mills Company, g `�',ii$'S Western Electric Company, �33iaGi Winston Harper Fisher Company, Parj"--.� Total 2,747.00 8,65 65.86 1,104.16 109.48 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sub'e8t :.............................. ........................ rf `� ...................... ......__ ....__..._...... august 2, ........ Date Presented ----��- ���-�����--- 1919.. 191 7-7-A Resolved, That the gradie of alley in Bishop's Subdivision of Block 46 of Lake Como Villas from Orchard Street to Hatch Street in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying pro- file and as reoo=ended by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. as onncilmen (✓) Is" Clancy j Farns7At Go s // ler :1VI _Coll / Wunderlich resident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 C. F. No. 29078—B� M. N. G--- in That [ grade of al1eY on Blahop'a SubdI tat tromtOrBohard Street jlalC0 Como Villas. to Hatch Strew[. In ace e dancomPn2nYing red grade IinBe �ecomm ended by the profile and blit Worga be and Commlesloner of Ya the ams la hereby adopted a the ea- tabllahed grade. Adopted by the CO1919t1 AuB 2, 1919' Approved (Aug.281 1919) s Adopted by the Council ._ _...- .__ .........:.......191...... App: a ....._..__._r....::_. .. _ .... 191..... ._...... ... Itl _0_r OR Agan�.'d MAY CITY OF ST. PAUL c COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��yy�? ��`` Subject: ............................................................................................_...........---....._........................: .........;.... _.--COUN"OU'N. CIL « F.�66 7 A PILE NO ................................ .......... Date Presented AUgUet--$+.1919--.191....... Resolved, That the grade of alley in Block 1 of Front Street Addition Front Street Second Addition and Courtland Addition from Farrington Avenue to the west line of Front Street Second Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the so- eompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same Is hereby adopted as the es- tablished grade. ays Adopted by the Council .......'..... -........._.............. 7Kell Approve ----- 191..... ..................................... _-......�'It♦TdOpr /,/�� MAYOR underlich Mr. Pre/ident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 26678 ripe NO ................. ......._...... ...... Date Presented..AugUet a, .1919.'--191....... Resolved, That the grade of the alleys in Block 3 J. -F. Eisenmengerle Addition from Lawson Street to Cook Street and from Park Avenue to North and South Alley, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. I C. F. No. 26078—By M. N. Goes— Resolved. That the graAa of the sl- legs 1n Block 3, 7. F. Elsenm gBe. Addltlon, [[om Lawson Street to Co k street lad d Bough alley, naac da ce wlthothe red grade llne on the a mp¢ny the protlle d as rPublic Workended by the thm. a- aloe or Public Works, be and tablished gr de eby adopted as the es- AdoPled by rh� Cos ncll Aug. 2, 1919., APProvedul9 2 1919. 1919) -x-L-X5_7 r o¢nctlmen \ 7y. 1 1•,,� I Clancy Adopted by the Council 191...... Farnswol Approve191..... Goss �i s Keller 1!y, oil ......._.....ti�'dffTst...._.._...................:........._............ ..._._...................... MAYOR � Wunderlichch Mr. PrA(sident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 ®IN Ye2s (' -) ncilmep ( V) Nays 1 Clancy Farnsworth Goss / in favo Nic 011 � ............... Inst / nderlich Mr. P esi ant, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-19 No. 2."W., BY Henry McColl— eenlved. Thn[ the npplica[Inn of the '� hotels e r rest—rontato t the to lo'. s reepectively indicated be. and ca. re, otrtby. granted. and the Clt; k the la uthorizad and directed to Is-, such Iles naes to aid Demons pnn D4Yment of the fee as regtllred by hnS' WAnally, Restaurant, 213 rd Street. [ is .Marlon, Restaurant, tt. 163 H. 6th hn Darry, Restaurant, 401 E. 7th - �t. re Ra k S dthge, llestaurent, E.- S. Rob how. Restaurant, 2 W. 3rd R. nk LaHrle, Restaurant, 862 Rice bert Greer, Cozy Hotel, 409 Minna- S•ree[r Weatman Westman Hotel, 380-82 ion Street' ore & Maaa, Kenwood Hotel, 28 W. St—t. )pted by the Connell Aug. 2, 1919. )roved Aug. 2, 1919. (Aug. 9. 1919) Adopted by the Council ....�--........_-.._...191..... Approv ..__.._........_._....191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL Sub edt: _.-............................................................. -.......... ....--- ---. ...............�...........- COUNCIL f PILE N 0........ ---------------- ---- ................. ..... ................................................................................................................................................... / s Date Presented- Aug"uet 2., -- -� 191.._: Resolved, That the application of the following persona for a license to conduct respeotively indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the locations to is authorised and same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk .directed issue such license* to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION. John S. McAnally, Restaurant, 213 O. 3rd, 153 E. 6th' Louis Marion, John Darsy, Restaurant, Restaurant, 401 a 7th, Esohange Bank Bldg., Edward A. Luethge, Hr.Jk RaBries Restaurant, Restauraat, 2 A. 3rd St., Carrie, 852 Rice St., Restaurant, 409 Minnesota, Robert Robert Co Hotel 380-82 Jackson St., Restmaa Ho�ei, maxi, 0. 1lestman, Moore & Maass Kenwood Hotel, 28 W. 10th at., ®IN Ye2s (' -) ncilmep ( V) Nays 1 Clancy Farnsworth Goss / in favo Nic 011 � ............... Inst / nderlich Mr. P esi ant, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 6-19 No. 2."W., BY Henry McColl— eenlved. Thn[ the npplica[Inn of the '� hotels e r rest—rontato t the to lo'. s reepectively indicated be. and ca. re, otrtby. granted. and the Clt; k the la uthorizad and directed to Is-, such Iles naes to aid Demons pnn D4Yment of the fee as regtllred by hnS' WAnally, Restaurant, 213 rd Street. [ is .Marlon, Restaurant, tt. 163 H. 6th hn Darry, Restaurant, 401 E. 7th - �t. re Ra k S dthge, llestaurent, E.- S. Rob how. Restaurant, 2 W. 3rd R. nk LaHrle, Restaurant, 862 Rice bert Greer, Cozy Hotel, 409 Minna- S•ree[r Weatman Westman Hotel, 380-82 ion Street' ore & Maaa, Kenwood Hotel, 28 W. St—t. )pted by the Connell Aug. 2, 1919. )roved Aug. 2, 1919. (Aug. 9. 1919) Adopted by the Council ....�--........_-.._...191..... Approv ..__.._........_._....191 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL Y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:.............:................I#...........................................................1..................................................................-- -- IL CFa-e NO ..................................... Date Prt*nted.....-.AU-g.t&t----1-r 1.91-5--- 191:.... IT Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for sewer on Ross Street from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, and temporary connecting sewer for sanitary drainage only on Kennard Street from Ross Street to East Seventh Street, to the Feyen Construction Company, for the 9 sum of $2,400.00, engineer's estimate being $2,442.00. F.B. #2015. ✓) Nays Clancy n u-, r� cColl v Wunderlich Mr. Pr sident, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-1e C. F. No. 260.0—By M. N. GO— E R re olved. That the Cornell curer in the or the Contrnol Committee and her^bv a,varda then - ro Nenrd Rtrnfor aauto Flnndra on ROSS Street. ta^etf a A temporary ronne^tlne ^fuer Par not terry drainage �only on Kennard Street. from Rothe Feyen Constrnatinaoventh Com-. Street, for file s of E1.1 4,., , - ein er'e eatimateu being $2.442.OA. oN.. B. No 2016. Adopted by theConrit Aug. 2, 1919.. o Approved Aug. 2.,191 i.,1 eg of tteconnec Io�l w�t1Q >i utiptk Re Adopted by the Council -.;.......r::.:. .... ................. 191...... ApproveJ,57- ..........:.... _..`....:....:.`.._......191.... .............. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........... ., counc,l.��`� PieNo . ------ ..------ .....................--- .------ ............ Date Presented ..........._Aldill.4.t....I.F.............191%. Nays Clancy Ke r r cColl atnst Wunderlich Mr. Pr sident, Hodgson PORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 Adopted by the Council * _..___ `.......191.-.... Approve......_._.......... .....__ ................191..... ........................ ! MAYOR Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for extending ®ewer on Como Avenue West, from the terminus of the sewer approximately 73'J feet northerly of the center of Grantham Street to a point 15 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 2, Block 27, St. Anthory Park North, as bid received was in excess of the engineer's estimate. F.B. #2014. e... Goss o 091—B C. F• No-solvr26 That e C+ Lthe ContracItIOTt d. LehAlnaY ewterino alCt� mn the Co hmit���ee the cetvea ost. tro a term et .0h; W roxfmAet lvt th4T !tribe - er1Y int c16 Leet North�ri u 21 - F+. co„ih eni, lark la receved of rthe en8lneeI'e Bet'- t Y 1n ess F� Nitie po::nril AUB• 2, 191991. costs. b APPioved Av¢. 2.911919) CAnB. Nays Clancy Ke r r cColl atnst Wunderlich Mr. Pr sident, Hodgson PORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 Adopted by the Council * _..___ `.......191.-.... Approve......_._.......... .....__ ................191..... ........................ ! MAYOR CITY OF, ST. PAUL �' 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .......... (- COU1 w NCIL � Date Presented .....Au94et.._l.r..._1919.-.191.---• Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for grading alley in Block 4, Sargent's Addition from Albert Street to Hamline Avenue, as bid received was in excess of engineer's estimate. F.B. #2012 Yeas (✓) Co men (V) Nays Clancy Farnswoyth Goss /J .......__...I r -i /kKelllerlich Mr. Preodgson FORM C. -Ie C. F• r, 26n n Atipol n� —eI e enmmit`o rn P� n Alnerebr11 he co tml racA rn vo K*12- lAenglneer'anbfd recejRoarwnv. 'tAProvedbq the C�„nMl timate. g A. 8 (A,, 2 1919 9. 2. 1919. E S. U. 1919) Adopted by the Council ...-....-:...`::.. __......__......191,..... Approv._ ......__..ra...._..._...,:.......�../... ........... 191..... AN 1 MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL 0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENE R FORM Subject: .......... ................ . ............. __ ..................................._...................._........................_........._......_... c �? IILENCIL NO. . ...... . .. .. Resolved, Date Presented ...-....._Al? ('T? s 1.._2 .................191..9 That the Commissioner of ,ducation be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant to Ordinance 5065, to appoint one spacial director for one month at a salary of not to exceed 4150.00 for the said month, for the purpose of directing the work of adjusting and setting school desks in accordance with physical and hygienic standards � Albert t F po. 26089—$ a CommhYtO �th� -1 ow-Te. PPnthntto an tti Br Bald �tl^Pctor e�rrhoe $o P aond 8P thYatcalh nd wtth P S 1818. ,v>troti� �twndthe Z o"g1g1 AuB. AIPProeved, Apvs• 9119181 7yea��ucilmee✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ...,:, _. ........_..._19-1rth Approve ........__.._..at..........:.:...................191A ai MAYOR ichgson - FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... Gze Alley Aa..Bishopfe Subdivision of. Block -.46 Lake.0020 Villas from Orchard Street to Hatch Street. .............................. ............................................ .................................. ............ ............. .................. .............................. .................... .......... ............................................... .... ...... ........... ­ ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............. .......... ....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. TO furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3 To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.-.... ................. . . ... .. ... ......................... .......... ................ __ .............. ................................... ............................................................................... ............. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ,(�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........ •` .:................::...........................191 Yeas: Nays: Ccmncilr&an Farnsworth Goss Approved..;.._......'.::..' ... ........ . .................. 191__ Hyland Keller /McColl Wunderlich ................................. MayorIrvin ayor. Form CA 19 (511 41 V/ 0--I C. r 26os4— for the ­ttt— pr -f ..... Council File No .............. ............ ri�er,se . pr. 110 following king of' the PROP vft.! Subaivistoo ,,rad, an.,! In Lake Como V111a., rom Block 4 C',no 0, Hata"treet. 1-il *t 0,�bard Street '" -'-'T tthe ej Co. be it re re, been Presenptaud, Petition C%.0.1,8.ta, :r;_�.t ,he Is e '. ben, be b ebY,, FubII0 -WOrd'i and directed: he n-11 f" Kth. dared t the 1 T. - ­uge` the The undersigned hereby proposes e, 'destrabilittY 0 Mj City of Pa ,viz.: r"In' . t. the". To nve eet atd "Ist Of—' qX40 fallpy J.A.. 51 Ll -� - .............. e �1 from Orchard Scree 0 H roe ................................................................ .................... ........................... ................... ..................... .......................... ...................... __ .................... .......... ......... ..... ..................... ......... . ........ ........ _ ........... ...... ...... .............. ................................................. ................. ........... ..... ............. ................ ................. ......... ............... .... ...................... .................................. Datedd. o .......... ............... ...................... ................................. . 191 ... ....... ................... ............ ..... .............................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .......... Gze Alley Aa..Bishopfe Subdivision of. Block -.46 Lake.0020 Villas from Orchard Street to Hatch Street. .............................. ............................................ .................................. ............ ............. .................. .............................. .................... .......... ............................................... .... ...... ........... ­ ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............. .......... ....................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. TO furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3 To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.-.... ................. . . ... .. ... ......................... .......... ................ __ .............. ................................... ............................................................................... ............. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ,(�To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........ •` .:................::...........................191 Yeas: Nays: Ccmncilr&an Farnsworth Goss Approved..;.._......'.::..' ... ........ . .................. 191__ Hyland Keller /McColl Wunderlich ................................. MayorIrvin ayor. Form CA 19 (511 41 ° Council File No ............ PRC r FOR IMPROVEMENT 26685 Com' 26086— . A w intraet PRELIl1hf the foliowin rDDmsal for 8 DroVer� -•nning sad Lakin as ease ,md Isec1n 9-d ar 's P,,' nmvement the y of. St. Paul; v' ` The undersigned hereby proposes the making oF._ (iyVislen of 13101k s ° p .from Orchard `., j Condemning. an$.._t. k ng...&A...e....h°the City D',:.ae...l. y ' ...... nea.a ar ....f.o.r _. elopes for outs.and fil in g2.;n„v t; all in Bi op'e Subd.ivi on ......._...of Block -46 -bake--Como illae fr --Ora Q _3tree to. Ha 0 3tr et... ....................................................................................................................................... ................................................................... Dated this....._._......_... _.day of..._.................... ---------- ..... .._.........._.................. f....... , 91__ _. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ................... ..._...... ......... ................ ...._...................... ....._....._....... .............. ............................ ............ ........... ......_......... .....__.....-.__.......___..._._.........--._..... ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman._.._.._ ............................... _......_ _._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. J. To furnish the folio h data and information relative to said improvement;.. ...............__........_..........._............ ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Vo state whether or not as id improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. o report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. f, 3 Adopted by the council........_..........��..�.....�'� ....................191........ Yeas: Nays: n arnewort Goss Appi /y] a F.— C A 13 ( 41rj PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Grade Alley In Blook 1 of Front Street Addition, Front street . .. ... 8dd6fid-"X&diti&n and 06iiitlanii Addition from Farrington Avenue .............. to the West line of Fxont...Streat. Second -Addition.. .................... ........... - ......................... - .......... - ............. I ........... ............ ........... ................................. ............................. - I ................. .......... -- ........ ........ -- ........... ................ .......... ...... ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1-3o furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement. ..................................... - .................. 0 f :;.te whether - or ' not ' ' - said - improvement ' * ' ' is a ' a * k ' ed ' for on ' the * - - petition * ' * ' ' ' o ' f ' three ' * or more re - owners.' ' - ...... .. .. . -`T-0 report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A' �- " - ' Adopted by the council ............. . . ....... �. n-� 191-- -- Yeas: Nays: GeuneMi�a-n Karns,�rth Goss/ Approvec Hyland eller McColl Wunderlich syor Irvin For. CA 13 (5bi 4 17) Council File No ........................... PROP(104' �EMENT 266LJZ W tbl� ?Gtition. fasoas— U., VIM Court a'. tb- at t i" ond Acdo Ibe a ..0 The undersigned hereby proposes the rnO..' �' .. b impro St. viz. by the City qf "Pa .,I W th. Grade Alley in Blook 1,- 1 tb re tore, is", a d 10' t the C- 1 on, Fr Stre ....... ...... 8-666iiii Addition nd h- .6 ............. tdit AV - .............. to the went li t.. It ................................................... ................................ ............... ......... . . . ............ ........... .... .............. ..... ...... .... ................................. ....................................... ............ - ..................... . ................. ............ ................. Dated thi...-3nd . ...... daylof. 18.. ............... .... ....... . .. .... . ....... .... .................... ............ ........... ...... ..... . - .... .......... .. - ........... ............... Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Grade Alley In Blook 1 of Front Street Addition, Front street . .. ... 8dd6fid-"X&diti&n and 06iiitlanii Addition from Farrington Avenue .............. to the West line of Fxont...Streat. Second -Addition.. .................... ........... - ......................... - .......... - ............. I ........... ............ ........... ................................. ............................. - I ................. .......... -- ........ ........ -- ........... ................ .......... ...... ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 1-3o furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement. ..................................... - .................. 0 f :;.te whether - or ' not ' ' - said - improvement ' * ' ' is a ' a * k ' ed ' for on ' the * - - petition * ' * ' ' ' o ' f ' three ' * or more re - owners.' ' - ...... .. .. . -`T-0 report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A' �- " - ' Adopted by the council ............. . . ....... �. n-� 191-- -- Yeas: Nays: GeuneMi�a-n Karns,�rth Goss/ Approvec Hyland eller McColl Wunderlich syor Irvin For. CA 13 (5bi 4 17) PRELIMINARY ORDER. a WHEREAS,- A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. Condemning ...and...taking ..an. easement .in...tha._.land...neceaeary. for...._ _......_ slopes for outs and fills in grading alley in Block 1 of Front -- Stseet-Addition; Front Street Second AdditionandCourtland Addition from Farrington...AVenue__.to._ the ..west line of..Front Street Second Addltioa. .................. ......_..:.._........... _............ ._....._......_ ...................... having beeni Presented to the Council of the'City of St. Paul by Councilman.......__..._ ................ ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e8timated cost of said improvemebt, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. —57 o e ollo ' oth a an jofcrmatiorrrelative to said improvement; .......... _ .... . .... . . ... .................................................................. 4tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............._....__ ^ V] � - 2 P 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnswudh Goss ....:.... ...... 19L.__.. Hylan Kell � M 11 underlich..._...._..._.......... ....... ......... Mayor'lrvin -- Mayor. Form C A 19 (6M 4-17) YV�Jyl,". l ° Council File No......... ')'. No. 28087— Abstract. -Vhereas, A written proposal tjOWMENT king of the following Improy. demning and taking an*ea she land necessary [or slop'• Fv ,and Frofill. nt �S feetinAddition. ' '.t Second AFarritng[ondP�DRA set line of Front St ., lining been ores„ Clty F• _of The undersigned hereby proposes the m''akit.� e, t1,e y jojlowfng ublic improvemepb-b Xe City of St. Paul, v' Condemning--jEL13A taking g �i...eaaeme in.. -the.. d_. a.e.eaary_f- _....._......_ elopes for auto an ills in ing ey in look o ron -6treet Ai2dititvn ronb. Stxae Seaon dditio and ao land ... Addition fro arringtonAv nue t he wes .. ................... line Front rest ......... .............H666ibd Aa. .. .ori: . - Dated this ._...na•............ y of A14 t„ ............. PRELIMINARY ORDER. a WHEREAS,- A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............. Condemning ...and...taking ..an. easement .in...tha._.land...neceaeary. for...._ _......_ slopes for outs and fills in grading alley in Block 1 of Front -- Stseet-Addition; Front Street Second AdditionandCourtland Addition from Farrington...AVenue__.to._ the ..west line of..Front Street Second Addltioa. .................. ......_..:.._........... _............ ._....._......_ ...................... having beeni Presented to the Council of the'City of St. Paul by Councilman.......__..._ ................ ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e8timated cost of said improvemebt, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. —57 o e ollo ' oth a an jofcrmatiorrrelative to said improvement; .......... _ .... . .... . . ... .................................................................. 4tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............._....__ ^ V] � - 2 P 191........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnswudh Goss ....:.... ...... 19L.__.. Hylan Kell � M 11 underlich..._...._..._.......... ....... ......... Mayor'lrvin -- Mayor. Form C A 19 (6M 4-17) YV�Jyl,". l > N.. 2ae$S— Abetrnpt. j,., I reas, A written t rop...I 'NT PROPOSAL? of the following impro' Petition nneys fn Hlobk 3, J. F; t Addition, from Zawa Street and from Par,, and Bonthalley, ha: PRE LINi~leo the Council oft R eretore, be o ` r' '�� That uthe Comm aka be nd he 7 '-W The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t!i111Y t1g ' to ti - {,ubliic ' rove _(#alde..;k4"J............_ Lawson Street to Cook St t aid Y m Park A Dated this.....$" -.`.....day of `5O Council File No ........................... 266f�S t nt by the City. -of St. Paul, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: G.zade Alloys ...in..B.look...3...L....F...Eis.eamenge.r�s...Addition.from...__ __..._....... Lawson Street to Cook Street and from Park Avenue to North and ...South---Al1eyii .... _._ ........ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........... _....._.......... _......._........_.__....................__....._._........_...._..._.._............._._._......................_..........._..._..... having been presented to the Councl of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...........__ ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. �3: o m e following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.._ ........... ... '_.......191 _...... Yeas: Nsys: �} �rt Goss Approvt Hyland Keller Me 11 �/) W nderll'ch ayor Irvin Form CA 13 (6 M141 ' Council File No.-......... -- PROPOt — —VEVLNT Ab.:sows— 26 Gl 0 rittract•roposal 1 if the following 1mDrov,. PR.ne g andaa king stc DER. 'lis in Ern erngAddry it The underai ed hereby proposes the mnking atm° in e a s " lic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; undersigned to Nor n presentePavl� d to t• ,. et, °.......... Condamning...and...taking.sn ;uy_.in._.the Fcid . ec.e.eeary....fstx . elopes for outs and ilddi4 is gradina>Rs a rest-tn Bl k-- r8st E3-eertmenge $- -- and from Park enue to ort d south Y •........._ ................ ....................... ....... _ Dated this ...._..Z.Ad...... day of......Al>gUet..1919........... ......... ..................... , 191.... y PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an_eaeement in the land neoeeeary_for _ .... .... . slopes for outs and fills in grading alleys in Blook 3 J;- Et-senm"engerte Addition from Lawson Street to Cook Street and... from... Park, Avenue ..tO..NOrth...and...South._Al1e.Y�............................................................... ................................................................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.......""""""... -........--. .............................:.......................................................................... .................. ............... ................ ................. ................ ............... To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2 - Adopted by the council............_....%: = 191........ yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth �i _ Goss Approved......._. __..... ................19L....... Hyland' c- Kell f II underli .......................... i Ma or. y Irvin , Form C A 15 (6M -17 CVJ Council File No .......... ... y� o zeoall— ffp PROPOSAL F4 aem , . Ahatet- or tM1e followen lnrolOraeal for Ir C Provet -ruct a ewer on Ridge and B..d, from Petition PRELIM]oart eo M11thI1I, Roao" sltreet, h, +�rS. pg,itherorarrs, be Ift "•Workahbe and henle tp• �'' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of t"In-!'i "ie the "e., uprovement_,by—tfie City of St. Paul, viz.: Conetrrict a Sewer on Ri a7° Rp a"'And i Road i11ty of the m _............................................................................_.......... ......... nvpptl to t' .------------.,.._........................................................ .. ...... et e4 �• from Crasoent Court alto txsc t: ...................................C.......................... .......... ................. .....__........................... .........................................................................................._.................................._..............._..................:_.............................. _....._ Dated thisal ..... ..............day of.................t 1919....._.......... 191 fes. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a Sewer on Ridgewood Avenue and Henhill Road ................... ................................ ..................... from Crescent Court to Milton Street. ................ ............... ......... _ ................................_.._..........................._........._.............._...._....._._......._....._.................._...................._._......._._........__...._................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................ ........._._...._.__._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To inveAtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated coAt of said improvement, and the total colt[ thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. =t e following other data and information relative to said improvement:...._................................................ .... .... ................c........................................................................................................................................................................ � Jf'To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. TO report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. P .:......................................191........ Yeas: Nays: —Cg=dk=n E.arnaworth.� Goss Approved ........... ..... ',. r.:.:x._.....:..........191........ Hyland Keller M �i U y W derlich ....................... ......... .... a or ruin Mayor. Form C A 19 M 4-19) W h ".` -, C. Jr. No. 28091--Ordlnance No. 5145 3-f 0 j By Henry acce — U An ordinance. amondi!Ordinance :02,_ent"led or An o dinance , � r the lfcen- Stf An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3102, entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulation of auctioneers in the City of St. Paul," approved January 29th, 1913. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 3102, entitled "An ordinance providing for the licensing and regulation of auction- eers in the City of St. Paul," approved January 29th, 1913, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 5. Said applicant shall before obtain- ing the license applied for, pay to the City Treasurer of the City of St. Paul, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars (;200.00) as a fee for such license. Upon the payment by said applicant ,of said fee, and upon the authority of~the Commibi�%C uncil Gonferred, as hereinbefore pro- d ` vided, the Ci�ty`plerk shall issue to said applicant the license to.,a•o as"auc,tfko4.eer and to engage in business as such Such f`icenie eha�l' e�h�rilehe liceriee to he_. v1=1 a 'es b ianted for the term of one year rrom�i s 'da e, pyro ld.19d, however, that thg G uncil may at any time revokey license granted urade?this ordi- nance, for misconduct in the course of his occupation on the part of the licensee,yand,provided_further, that no auctioneer. shall -6,611, 6i attempt to Bell at public auction any silverware, jewelry, watches, clothing or other wearing apparel, or fur garments." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in 1 force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council O_ (y wa.�f t Yeas �ou�W a/)4 'fie •-iii. Clancy Farnsworth Goes MOQOK Powers Wunderlich %J�� I,=__ •^ • ,-_r.-_rv,�a�.onn) A;,proved—IL�LL�_ Attest G Mayor -- --- -- -City�Clerk o %i Olt- o ;�a VI, G` - f �- o- I,_ w Form A A 46, t M 7-18 1'1'1'1' Ilk` 1'1'. 1'.1LI. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER G / AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM "k'" "''° �o t 1092 o h ......... Y AUDITED �..� �y.�4. ......--191::-.._. PER. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury,. payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of tile. persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: as I V ounce m iT-T7. ' C. 28092 Abstract. Adopted by t Council ...._._....._.191........_.. Resolved That warrants be drawn Clancy upon the Clty Tre.. 1.y payable payable out 0i the hereln¢Lter specified (ands and In Farnsworth tavor or the Persons, acme oraiceii,eir pproced 191 _....... «ons for the mea es epe laed in the [ol- (ios9 reepectl Ve •- lowing detailed atatel6ant: ..... K e[ O FSra K. M. B000. $18.26. _ A. Casello, $- MAYOR Prof. N. I. moo $176.00. l ICCoII Fro. Peterson yd.oa6.00. Wunderlich Ino. Schmitt. 56.00. Adopted by the Council Aug. 4, 1919' Approved Aug. 4. 1919. Mr. President, Hodgson (Aug. 9, 1919) .14,1" Mrs. K. M. Beals, 16.25 i.�! 1,,rYB5 A. Casello, 5:00 r3T66 Prof. N. L. Huff, 175.00 N�etes' IM -67 Mrs. C. V!. Moore, .--5,00 -3'52-e$ F. 0. Peterson, 5.00 ,.Fyi n n t. i nn !a!69 Jno. Schmitt, 5.00 Ele"IQn Total- - --23T 25 J ('111'1' OF ST. PACT. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ¢p fill \'CIL.. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUT ON FORM FILE Nu......�d�J'•-3.•_. Form A A 48,2 M 7-18 // r ' - 7 1093 _ 1 1'Ii�II F 1; AUDITED .�5:. _.. :._J �,. .. _.1 ........ -- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City 'treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations I C. F. No. 26093— . ----, live names as specified in the following detailed statement:Abstract. - t--o�....11e4men-(..._y--) Resolved that warrant: be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out or Adopted by [ until the hereinafter specified funds and In favor of the persona, firms or corpora• Xs tions for the amounts set oy posit. then reapective names as specified in the roted to Fred K decreed statement: il}l� - -- - ---- -- -" Fred G. Albrecht, statement: G Goss S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, �, A 21S. A. 0. �'(///i� S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance, 7211,606.36. F. W. 011erenshaw, $387.00. N.1]UFi A L Snyder, $618.00. Adopted by the Council Aug. 4, 1910. �� 19 Approved Aug.Au 9911919) x" President, Hodgson i'3579 Fred G. Albrecht, gawks 787.00 1&343 S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. of Finance 1,017.00 iataawet 487�Q,9 Redr Tof T„r7 � ill O Te , S & Int. Fund„Sp&4,-1eeessl Bond ink: Aoeft— 1 1314> S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance -!ai o+- 11,595.35 r3,1 3 F. W. 011erenshaw, 387.00 P ---Heise 1.14*4 A. L. Snyder, 618.OQ CITY OF ST. PAUL f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1;; ! r; qq .4r; oo Enu� �No. ._.......... ..Q _....__ ............................. •;-..._ .............:...........r.. • ! I;li Date Presented._ ............ ................. ....._ .... . ...........191..... t Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to secure the publication of three thousand copies of the booklet containing the Civil Service rules, for distribution free of charge to the general public, the necessary cost thereof to be paid out of the Official Publications Sub—Fund of the General Fund. C. F. No. 26094-13Y J. M. Clancy—By Request—That the Proper cite Off" i author to ecure 1 Resolve hereby t con thous the tale ublicatton of tat 1 the P pf the bookle[for distrlbu[lon Cpies crit Public, lvn service Tulet gen tree charge cost thereof to be Pald the necessary t co1a1 Publication's road of of the General F Aug, q 1919. Rt Adopted by the COunc Approved 9) ug. " 1191 Aug. 9, A__. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays - Adopted by the Council.........:.. �_..:..... _....___._.191•..... , .Clancy V arnsworth - .... _.._ :._.....__..__._................... Approved..191.. �1oss ...._ t/' ovj _.....In favor Coll �... Against t Wunderlich / Mr. Preajd1l5nt, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I6 %. Resolution by Iw WHFRF.AS,the City and County Poard of Control is considerirg the advisability of abandoning khe Turberoulosis Sanatorium at Lake C•uasso,mmd Pe it resolved that the PC rd rf Control is Yl,�reby authorized to make suc'n arran¢ements in regard zo the future use of the property as it may deem beat for the protection of the property and the °^ ,," 6, of ri,o public ri hts in the property. C. F. No. 26096—By L C. Hodgson Ay' t..e Cit dna county B07. d of Control Iscons IderlIg the d 'Ity 1 abandonng the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Lake Owasao. Be it Resolved, that the Board 1 Control Is hereby out hurized to make. such Arran dements n regard 1e the future s f the prnPerty ns M" deem beat for the pro lection of the . Iprop rly and the safeguarding Of the public rights In the property. Adapted by the Conned Aug. 4, 1919. Approved lAu&4911919) Yeas (J) Conncy}Imen (✓) Nays ns k;, Z11�/Fgfnsworth Goss— -... _..In favor AICCOII ....:OAgainst 0--o-"A u/gderlich Mr. Presidedt, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e Adopted by the Council. .— ... ......................191...... Approve ...._ _ _ . ._....._.... 191..... MAYOR CITY OF ST.' PAUL h L � Council Resolution ---General 1eorm Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 ByRESOLVED, That the SL Paul Gas Liaht C—pavy is hereby ordered and directed to extend 1. electrical lines by erecliva poles sad etrivai.z wire. thereon for the havamhalon of electricty o° avd le the follewine alleys avd streets of said city: in Install one pole on the weti sen Eoweree of handest St,aAnthony Aneekwithf Welshons P1ace'Ad4ition b necessary guys and anchg C.11 No.26tl9fi- 9y Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas LIKt S to ext ndll se electricalrlines byand irectelset- Ing poles endtringing fires therso• for the transmission f electricity on and 1n the following alley. and street: f of s¢Iditoy. II{ Install ne pole on the West side of the West alley In Block 6 of We shon's Place Addition, between Poand necessary SL Anthony Avenue, with guAllaof a u ehnchorextensions, poles and ! wider thelidr ectionted d nd pe r atslonl of the Commissioner f Public Utllitiee and In 11 things s bled to the porovl- .tona f Ordinance No. 2424, and l al other lawful ordinances and resolutlons of the City of SL Pnul. All poles eaho itdu.abea9ete In esusch loa. th. designate, and shall be f s cn —, and haracter as he shall designate n approve, an d y and nil of ch polo' shall be taken down and rem ed, eh wires placed derground. when svsr the Council shall deem [hot In public Interest eo requires, and when It shalla rder' Adopted by the Council Aug. 4, 1919. 1 Approved AAu64.91191.9) jcctAll them ,.,...i vavice No. 242<. and of.11otI'dher Inwful ordioonms avd rvroluttion. of the City of Si! P-'I- ... uj °mmiesiover of Puhiic Utilities and in nil Chivas All poles should be set in such loutiov iv naid alleys avd streets u the Commie.iover of Public Utilities shall desienate. avd shall be of such helaht and character as 'gall l p,l,ig me avd approve, and avy ..Id .11 —1, poles -h- ,,,, be takev dowv and «moved, avd such wires placed uvderarouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the lie ivtere.t s° «glrbr sad when it nhall so order. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) GeeeaeiirrtEA� ( ) Nays FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL . WUND LICH�' HYL D Mr. Ficsident, //VIN Approved 191 +r Mayor "" Council File No................ ........ PROPOSAL FORT2'"' : A mAh-1traet Rten • Petition &rid opavepwingrjmDrV reltlop, eney � In 7 PRELIMINA1,,ellit'pi Lh cii eorpt� "ha .the the C. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follu Heli&nd he % h;rovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: • "- .. G . _............za�deaxl ....de<v ..pe....alley...in.-Ihook-a-Bryant:�.s,-.Addit.iQA--rQJA-_ Yicta.r..ia.... Street to Avon Street. _ .................................................................................................._...........__._..............._...................._..._......._..._......._ ............................ .. ............................._............... .......... . .................... ........... _........................... ................. ..................... ... Dated this..._4t.h.._.._..day of.........,fl1#LZUBt.i.......................................... . 191 ........ Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade- ..and ...Pave ....alley in. Blo.Rk .3_ Bry.ant..'s_ Addition, from Victoria... Street to_.Avon Street, _ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman........._.._ ....................._.........._ .........____ _...._-. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e4timated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .......-...... ........... - ... -- . - ........... ...................... _. _............... .... .......... ............ _....... _..... _....... _......... _............................. _............. .............. _. _........... _........................ 5, To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council._ ..................... ..:..... ............ 191....__ Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fates O �- Goaa Approved.. 191 _ Hyla - K r cColl (� Wunderlich or Irvin Mayor. ng. _ Count File No .............__.._.._. PROPOSAL FOR Fa- .IT ' w a hetrct. titter propose' $]tfha following Impr - 1 and taking an iel PRELIMINAP, ece- alns u I - ' Add itlon, r;om n street, hnvfns The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folare oven or the provement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 'That the Come Ks be and he 1 condemning...and.._ taking._a........................segIreetea: a land necessary Por .estigata the ................. _ "y er 'h slopes in Block 3 Bryantrs ..............slopes...f°r. cut e.._and...fills. in.. gxtaugnl•..: .............. Addition , from Vletoria..Street. _to Avon Street ___._____ Dated this_ ...4ths..__..day of__..,e U9.4.8li.i..... 4.1t.e..................................__..... 19t Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: C.o.Ademning.. and _taking_ an -easement in_ the.. land. necessary, for _ _ .- elopes for outs and fills in grading alley in Block 3 Bryantis ...... ... ...... . Addition, from .Street .to .Avon Street.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ __.._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement,. ............. ............. .............. ......... .............. ---- ................ ....................... ...... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...................__. _ _..._.__....___ 191........ Yeas: Nays: wo Goss Hylar Kell Il underlich May Irvin For. C A Isaf ado) Approved. ............... 191. .. ......................................................................................... Mayor. eilea.Isil�—���� ----------------------------- ---- ------ ----- - COUNCIL BILE B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ^-Os for a.GSoLUTION OF couNcir. APPnoV- ING A9 SUSSIICNT. No. 26099— to u,e marceis of the no�yess ro,n� benefits, c e<he wee' __. sc�. 08,. r ender Preliminary Order te'rr, ,ary Order X ."_.... Final Order approved.. i3_.. 191._..._C. .. :. _ :.;.. u _ ._ _ The assessment of �.:.a..�... .. _.�.r_? t_.:_... .........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __... ........... ;:::.':'... ................day of __..... ' 191...-'._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ___ 191 Approved.. .............. .............................................. -............ ........191......... Coun�tlmwf Wrnaworth--... _ Goss / ' � cColl " / ! Wunderlich Msyor Irvin _ O For B. B.'IG/l y Clerk. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF. ASSESSMENT ... ....... ... ... ..... ................................ ......., 191...... for the In the matter of the assessment of -- - under Preliminary ,Order __._ __ .::: ""-_ Intermediary Order ...__... %... .. ..._........... _...._ . ' ^ approved Final Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $ . ....... Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $ - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - --------- Total expenditures $ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_... _-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. torn, B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. COUNCIL FILE NO._.._ ... ........ __._ 011 �r;4 . r- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of 1. t.i_ " .'" J for 'J, cu:'b C-1 ..�.. O' ].0 >1 'O. TION OF COIINCII. APPRO ING ASSESSME. 26700—ot the assessmen nutters a d e penses for ' ent curb o bo�� ve Pror ander Preliminary Order ..... Intermediary Order 'S.'. > ............ Final Order ._ . _ :. :! ii. approved _ _ J s. 22: `°t ll _ 191. _`?... The assessment of ..: Q. t,. ...:l.i. _. ;.?.4 V. z ......... .......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the __._.a]1-1--- . .......... day of 191.._.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council _ __. __._ ___ ____.191.... w ter /16--1 oll (� nderlich n, -:o: ' --,nn Porm B. ---------------------------------------- ------------ ------ ----------------- ------- COUNCIL FILE NO . ......... op, n q CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council_ Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of for CG_IS �- 15:_1' ,... CZL.'b ^--1 int.'_ -.0:. O_' .•n. �._ � .,. _�, _ _�0:. -.. _ +. . ,I.N AFS ESS�IAti T.APPAO nniter of, the aeeesemen °staentdcurb ensebo Nr °ern, ander Preliminary Order '... Intermediary Order Final Order .. ',1i 071 i _ approved... tC lnb ' 7 1,L 191 _' ..... The assessment of �_.i. O.cl.t,.0 ... -..;%C _V.:i...... ........for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the..__.._.:..::.:.............._.....day of 191.._`?._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. \dopted by the Council _.. _ _ _ 191 r Approved •Geuncilman Farnsworth- " Goss terCollnderlich /ayor , ;-o,i' JO?7Form B. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ...... ........................................... ._....._, for the In the matter of the assessment of " - '- " of n h vl +. �Intermediary Order ..._..___ ? GC- -. under Preliminary Order _ _ _.... .1 �... Final Order approved ........_.... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing nonce - - - Cost of postal cards - - - - Inspection fees - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce'- tained, to -wit: the sum of $...__.__. _._ _.._.:I; .. _�.._._..__-.._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered per. G ......_.-... rorm B. n. to Commissioner off Finance. ` Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 4, Under Contract No. 8684 A for Season of 1918. —Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22426 Passside, beginning ietta point 132 feet s t Of Laurel Ave. thence west160feand from a pint 34 feet farther west thence west 50 feet. F.O. 22318 Osceola. Ave., south side, from Syndicate Ave. to Hamlin Ave. F.O. 21705 Juliet St., both sides, from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. F.O. 21768 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning 275 feet west of Cretin Ave. thence west 8 feet. F.O. 22423 Selby Ave., north side, from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave. fF.O. 21367 Temple Court, westerly side, from Roblyn Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 21369 Fry St., east side, from Marshall Ave• to Dayton Ave. _F.O. 21672 Carroll Ave., south side, from Pascal Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 21678 St. Anthony Ave., south side, from Pascal Ave. to Asbury Ave. --- F.O. 22317 LafOnd St., south side, from Asbury Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 21671 W. Minnehaha St., north side, beginning 72 feet west of Asbury Ave. thence west 8 Peet. F.O. 22289 Albert St., west side, from Charles St. thence south 45 feet. F.O. 22251 Michigan at., north side, beginning 28 feet west of Western thence west 62 feet. F.O. 21702 Lafond St-, south side, from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. F.O. 21691 Lafond St., south side, from Griggs St. to Syndicate St- F.O. 20697 Charles St., south side, between Dunlap St. and Griggs St, --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21802Finn Ave., east side, fron Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. F.O. 21367 Temple Court, westerly side, from Roblyn Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 21672 Carroll Ave., south side, from!, Pascal to Snelling Ave. F.O. 22317 Lafond St., south Bide, from Asbury Aves to Snelling �,..._-.: I,;.:Q,--21702 Lafond St. ,_south side, from LeX1�Fe.- tk�{ 9Y'_,.�„_ The assessment of _.. _._ . _ ----...--_-. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, ar,d the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ___..____ _____...._day of 191 _._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in .said notw e the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular tI,,- noti” is di ... t"I Adopted by the Council 191 ^'.r' }Y_�l.Y.v^ ' `_..�j. City Clerk. Approved _._........... ....... .. ........... 191__... v Q ......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland- . McColl J Wunderlich /// Mayor ITF]D Form B. B. 16 1 i COUNCIL FILE NO.._.._ ..................__ nEsouuTmn of Co NCII, nrrnov_ ]N('. ASSEiS.IENT. . �^ Y C F. No. 26101— in tha maotoeian [be ncsess enc r r , bon eFl (sfor stcu(IInKF �celav'Ir,g ntl r ➢aicl n( 'iclewalks, r:s�iNo. etlrr Contract :lo. 2""II a 115. Resolution o Cmg Assessment. „;3,eMs..,-,1 AvFaue n„nL In the matter of the assessment of - for • ` Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 4, Under Contract No. 8684 A for Season of 1918. —Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22426 Passside, beginning ietta point 132 feet s t Of Laurel Ave. thence west160feand from a pint 34 feet farther west thence west 50 feet. F.O. 22318 Osceola. Ave., south side, from Syndicate Ave. to Hamlin Ave. F.O. 21705 Juliet St., both sides, from Fairview Ave. to Fredericka Ave. F.O. 21768 Dayton Ave., north side, beginning 275 feet west of Cretin Ave. thence west 8 feet. F.O. 22423 Selby Ave., north side, from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave. fF.O. 21367 Temple Court, westerly side, from Roblyn Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 21369 Fry St., east side, from Marshall Ave• to Dayton Ave. _F.O. 21672 Carroll Ave., south side, from Pascal Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 21678 St. Anthony Ave., south side, from Pascal Ave. to Asbury Ave. --- F.O. 22317 LafOnd St., south side, from Asbury Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 21671 W. Minnehaha St., north side, beginning 72 feet west of Asbury Ave. thence west 8 Peet. F.O. 22289 Albert St., west side, from Charles St. thence south 45 feet. F.O. 22251 Michigan at., north side, beginning 28 feet west of Western thence west 62 feet. F.O. 21702 Lafond St-, south side, from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St. F.O. 21691 Lafond St., south side, from Griggs St. to Syndicate St- F.O. 20697 Charles St., south side, between Dunlap St. and Griggs St, --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21802Finn Ave., east side, fron Dayton Ave. to Marshall Ave. F.O. 21367 Temple Court, westerly side, from Roblyn Ave. to Finn Ave. F.O. 21672 Carroll Ave., south side, from!, Pascal to Snelling Ave. F.O. 22317 Lafond St., south Bide, from Asbury Aves to Snelling �,..._-.: I,;.:Q,--21702 Lafond St. ,_south side, from LeX1�Fe.- tk�{ 9Y'_,.�„_ The assessment of _.. _._ . _ ----...--_-. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, ar,d the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ___..____ _____...._day of 191 _._ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in .said notw e the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular tI,,- noti” is di ... t"I Adopted by the Council 191 ^'.r' }Y_�l.Y.v^ ' `_..�j. City Clerk. Approved _._........... ....... .. ........... 191__... v Q ......... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Hyland- . McColl J Wunderlich /// Mayor ITF]D Form B. B. 16 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THF, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 _._. In the matter of the assessment of for the Under + ,+�t� ��$'m Comm ar 19" ii is i'�3, F t.il tEt :alta `a! � `I8/ —Assaaaable Ron— V. 0* onV.0* 22496 YMMI AVG. r2lartl3 s=�, it�� st a feet wast cc "sem. 1wel t2; a VWt 1St! t t pent .34 1100t ftp West Vwwe asst 50 foot. °'.0. 22 =8 OBODOUAVG. s aoUth S$tt f'pm �tO AVC* to HwaUa AV*- '.t3. $17435 3U3s8t wt,., 'Z Bid=, ralrWIM AV*. to f3 1WM PM F.Q. 21768 i� . s aaa7 h cue, elat cexat of Cretin v+ro. t3 WCat i3 met. F.o. 29M ` tkv%, 3s rth side, itwer�a 113MAV'D* to Orutin i"* F*04 22367 Goupt, onterJ7 side, frm adb27A tit o. to n= AVO - 51.0,0 22M 3t. ♦ 13HR3t 83t1 fa � film i1an av9. to a� i ifl3w P.Ga 21678. �. iva., � aide, from � Am- � i3� Ave* F.6. MM -t, t=thjXW h-". a A h ulde, frw l A "* to Ambtsr7 A4'®. P.O, X8t 17 1A%fGWL ., G Vis, frm AsimV Ave. to ae13 im dive. F.O.St. 21r a ,,, . r.- n2Dissfsaa . , atwbh "ft s berAn 72 �t �r� Of Asa d A;o." tbam saxarst a foot. .0. 2g2W hjbert -St., saw t si G 9VW Gba-13=213 t of tt-ftot' .E3. tat b fe"o P.O. 917M T�sfGW St., SOUth ttIdDS fir'� u� Lto C 0 ut. F , O. 226M LarmA st. , Grath lido s fV= WigGD Sit. to :B,�3s1 IGStB s'.t r P.O.�2� 97 Ch&r2e --��t�t. s sc sit, bet �D St. Ort A* y�rr�}Novi tw000,m.�yb2a HOU E.W 21WW'1 i4 "Ore., +i"t 'z1ft, r. -M LT7Wn zwoo to rata Y,V*. y.o. 29317 ZAforad A. Qlauti't sift, . ;YsbuM Ave. to GOOMM PVo. z'.O► 217M lafand Su ssxxtix sJArta, frm jax netwt r:70. to Oxfox'd st. To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice - - - - $ Cost of postal cards - - - - - - - $.. Inspection fees - - - - - - $- - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $ -' - - Total expenditures- - - - - - $--- "` ~---- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above asce, tained, to -wit: the sum of $ I ' -.- upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 1 t i ................................................1 COUNCIL FILE NO.__ _ + 2640 Byry CITY OF ST. PAUL Y Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and e:.�,:)enses for cu-bin1,; '-atiun ..venue from Chelton -.ve. to 'rallul.a ..venue. -77 BE$OLII'PION AS F9IINOa' �F INLl A89Ee8MEA'!S� -� N F: No 26192-� ` tl e master �; of the saes �""� ry. .. cost9'snd expeua�., ender Preliminary Order ..._............1218..0.._..._.._...._.. ..... ............ Intermediary Order ................. 15-6.a5. ......... ............... __._._...., Final Order ........... --- .._........... fi2$$..........._.._......, approved..._:....! ay...3T'd......._._........_......_......._...._._., 191__.Z__ The assessment of __.._b.0 :=.1tS..}.__C.Qs..S.._u1al..._fl1Dfr—S.eS ............................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...... _.... _..'nd_..._—_.day of sentEmber.._......, 191.._.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ............ _........ ._i ..= .............. Approved -........ _......... 191 _....._ Covttefltnan F"amswo- rth Goss :ki�.!at C7anc;� i�,ifler : o,7ers oll Wunderlich yor$Mtx lIod,�:son Fo B. B. 1 191......._.. ;lark. nyor. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 19v......_. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exoenses for the curbing of Tatum .':v_„ue from Chelton :.ve. to Tallula °_venue. i 2 3_22_Q ....__........................_.... ......_....._. under Preliminary Order ..._- Intermediary Order _......18.ri. ._......_......_.................._....._. _. ..... Final Order ...... _............. 16.2..6f3_ .......... _.................... .._, approved.__...i;,a�z....:3r.d.... ........... .._.... ......... ......... . 191....7_..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.... 784...0.0 ................ Cost of publishing notice - - - $-----' Cost of postal cards $........_..._1._ 0 ................ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..._...._� `�..r._f 8 ............._.. Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...........__4._J5.._ ............. Total expenditures $ ........... 808...9.2 ......... _. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascei- twined, to -wit: the sum of $-------------- --.-8..0.8_22. ................. - ... ..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. 265193 COUNCIL FILE NO.... By- - ----- ................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER t .7 1 --------- ----------- . ....... .... In the Matter of. 1, c ��Clo ")-�i the Venu .t 3. ale of 37,ncli t�, -e 'i to s ni t ... . .... .......... ...... ...................... ....................................... N ....................... . . ....................... ........ .... ................................. 'T Ry 77ED ­�� �XA ORDERS. ........... I .......... .............................................................. . ............................................................... ter ,�hoeafdeWalk glxfeet.,] ............. I1de� �Sd_k" jd9I'mq eerS:itree',, r . ....-"-- ----- ---- ........................................ .I ..... ...................... `4 Avenue to - P4%11Z,et 6 .....JnMj... ......... ............................................ "Pert of V . , tt-_ ......... ...... ap* ii i- 'T'" a.­3.r.d., ... under Preliminaal ry Order ............. p ovAl, ....................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is the _j_� fo�t -.;Cst s;-clo of 1�y_ cat teat �1,01, _10 0, t,, ........... .......... . ..................... 0 -: _::C�I�d anc, sl to __VD!1UQ, ...................1:...'_..=..`.....C=1....................... ........ .... ....... . ........... ................ : ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .70. -f-lont -foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..._._..2-al ..............__.day of -� �b C r -Ot v ...:....... .... . .. 191.9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council . .. ................... 191.. j.. ..... ... Approved city ......... ........ ........ .. ...... ..... Mayor. Councilman jos s Councilman 4y7 Councilman E x Councilm lecol l or' CouncilWunderlich A av o Hodgson W Form E/S. A. 8-6 9P COUNCH, N91.*.-------:-------------- ByC7.l1!1�.............................................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....a1 i_ :;.�....;.. i 1::. 1^ w1C1-C::;t•.G.; Cl Z1 -- .G.� :_... '-......0 l;.G.F t'-4• =1...1....- Ith .................................................... ................................................ 77 No. ....................................... •tFkmatterBo Miley- wtdenl{tP atendtn8' eley • (ae) '-'Idth oL e1ztY: ;tee4%2Urrom,F erY Avenue te;:Fre raerk26166 '. ..................................................................._. A :..c Prenmt 1819 ,•. ........ .. ........._ .......... ............ f $a. _s,� ;•nc11 df4 the. CItY;o 'Bt. E ,.gid. ttie",.eu,• the qa ......................... .._�:, ,sc..,..�t ..v�: ::,Y under Preliminary Order .................. L ........................approved .......;:.<;7.. 2:'.s- 1''.. .,..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Y. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....CL]e.-IIy...:.iC1aii ^__ut.___ . _ ' with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...775..0.0......... . Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-.. --- ?d....................day of _ -''9.i t. i.b .'.. . .........._ , 191...�) at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.- .. ___. ..;.-...... ...... ..r...... 191 Approved...._.:. 191... Councilman Goss Councilman Hylan Councilman Ift_ o:': C Councilman cColl Council 1 Wunderlich Blavo rvin rm S. A. 8-6 r _.................. C\�.�.......... ... City Cle ............. ..._................ .......... ........ Mayor. LIST ED�_ 9 �%�. 10 COUNCIL RW& N* ....................... ........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ................................... ti 10 -loco-, ot-,,Ucti�-- a_-�,� -0 xl� /cc 1C_,nt1r-2*_dc)-_7,L-" I " tio , .1 - - — --- a t fo 1. 1 :,Tr or"I ,011.is St--c"Ut, sect side;, S�',c fort a,'_dv, from,66 feet south of Nelson Street� -.6, -1c e - nei feet. ja7-, ce. ��st-south, 40reet w6st side, eight feet ;ride, from, north line Arch Stm,6' tended thence' north to Great Northern Bridge, portions rdqiiiring recon-_ "to a �ood repair and proper grade. rztructllon. place same iz at east side, -nine and half feet =vide,, from, 11"Fest Hinth, Street St. Peter Street, to TExchange Street' portions reTuiring reconstruction to place same in - goo, rbpair 7 Hand Avenue, wests-ide, six feet wide, fxr,au 80 feet doiith of Cooly Stibe t ' t 66 south 22 The hen Da-A6n i.ve'nio, nopth ,,f_r5o, i, 11 i, deet J, c AV , e1--ft,,e t:-cncc oa;t 670 feet. GeraniiTi Street, rovt` side, si:: fec1l, .:.*,.;ie, oIossi­i7,. oodiand St,11cot vacated .............................................. . .............................................................. ............. .................... under Preliminary Order .............. 2Z211.. Z, . cUa6 rein . ..................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul h('. at tb6-,fdjj6wjog'j11_M11o1' Commissioner of Finance upon the : uui-,str.qt�rWo8t 84d., I.Neet above improvement, and having consider( ort be and the sam^� 1. That the said rep I— eoxo�ith:,iGo W. 4id adopted, and the said improvement is endfed�4honc'No6 North to t hereby ordered to be proceeded with. bridjr.; P-orlioni—J' to; 2. That the nature of the improvement whiaWiV6 Cllhikth'recommends is......... . ...... ................. ................ . tile --lay aid ­ci)al r ce�.ient/s! �Io�iail�s at �.,oli.o..ri loo It I - - - - - ,eco, st�, pct, Lo, -is "t-20ct, ,!03t !311(10, 3L, fcct -.:-ide, f.,00 , c)C, �-ODt c.a of .:clson Ctreot, tilonce South �-o -Rico Street,,west side, eigii-t foot ­Widw,-fr.ofr1'north lineofArch Street, ax�l Northern Bridge:;-..por 3 -ons requiring -: tonded,theft&e north to Great North t iring reQon `W stru6tioi-r to place same i O- dera_p_bir, 1' , � pr' bp� er grade. ISt.-Peter Stroet2 east s'%-dne and haIf fe6t,.7de2 fro' m, ?jest 1,ji,n th St reet chanSe Street,oortions rdqujr1ng,reoonttrlction topjRce same in good repair. _,:,Hand kvenue,'west side, six feet rode, fI0kBO feet south, of Cooj,Stset AheAce South 22 feet. n venneortli side, eiph aido Farrington Avenl e, thencer:., east 670 fo<;t. Gera. iiun Street, rl Oat 1-1 s.:ie, Ifeet I _� " ) c--,,oss4,n,,,. oodlaad _'t-_,­aOt VacatC6 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on'the- 221d .................. day of SentCmL,.e,_,!__ _ . .. " 191....2., at the hour Of 10 O'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City Of St. Paul. That the Commissioner ner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.. il ] -� ' - -7-. _ 191 Approved 191 Councilman . Cou1. , H 7— cl-lacy Councilman ear po�-Iers F4'al leCo o' : Councilor McColl COuDeiZan Wunderlich '.flay r JLZfix Hod,soaq i . S. A. 8-6 AAAA City Cler AAAA ........ .... .. . ........ ...... AAAA.AAAA W-4 26106 t RESOL_ L410N RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of ... apenin,9,.J11dflning..,%nd.ex e7atZ�z1 --="-•--- lftctl.. tr0Q1...�rAlll...... Leat..Fnurth...St._ta...F_Waaant--avanue---------------------_----_ - .... - ItE30L7mTION• RATQe7iiIQ6 A1PD:.............. .............. .....------- ------------ VMWNO` -CON D�lRNAAx ",.A -WARDS THER1LR0/4 LAM ', AND -BE93D1IDP8'P . .........................................................__� .......................... --------------------------------------------tl+n ytstt r of oaent ..w[daniag. ding W st Fttk atrnek. ; �t:F 01 St t to PleaeaOt' Y P "lite;9 Order ............................._ ....................... ................. . ..... .... ... s�'• t• Dyed P ...... .._._ under Preliminary Order .............., approved....O.C:�.. 26,19]5., Intermediary Order ---••---15.7.x .7..._.., approved...._ Apri-I.4.,---191"1. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be it fVther Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in 1Y Q _ -equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council...-- � 'lv"1 c -•v1 ....................--- ------- ..�..: - ..... C etk, Approved ............ .. •" ± 196/.... o - Mayor. ounci Csw6rltti>„ --'1_` 9� lman FarnetydrPUIRllSMD� � " Councilman GosB ' X Clancy Councilman p7✓� 3' Conncihnan/Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Magor��M�l"soYr REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS D In the matter of. ._opening.,...widening...ancl..e%tending--- ..... Fifth •• Surat f-r-om•-- 'Jest Fourth St. to Pleasant .;venue. ........................ - ............--....--.......................................----..........._ under Preliminary Order........'1.697.........., approved -Dat... -28y1915, Intermediary Order -.-....15714--....., approved ....Apr.].1....4_1 1917........ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. P, 26107 FINAL ORDER IN CONDWATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of....openjn&,--.widenJng...and..extendis9..-':.---- 4V- — - .................------- - under Preliminary Order7697_'_................ approved....0.Ot..2a.,1915., Intermediary Order_... _157.L7 approved..April..-r. L91.7--------_- 11 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, via:.--Oparl,,---- w.iclen...and..:extend_''..--•.Fi€th--St-.- €rear Vfi;-Potirtn-9t-; to---Plaasssit. PVemU (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: --all••-tha-t---}fax.t-•••of-- Lots 5 and 6, Block 63, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice & Irvine's addition to 9t�' f'au :-; 1ytrrg-nurt1r of 'a** -I i8"""3"Yd iron "a-`poiint' on••£iie Southwesterly de...lzf...Founth..S.traet_.U.13---feet --frGm-•the -north e-erner of said Bl-ock--65, to a point on the southerly side of Pleasant Avenue 55.11 feet from the -...•-••----....----•---•..................................... r rio"r£ki corneof said Block 63, said-- line...... be.ing the southerly line of Ft St,.x'ee:t­.Proau.oad..mssterly+------------- --------•------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- - (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratiifiiedd as d confirmed Adopted by the Council . -` -•--....., 191>.::.:, I City Clerk. Approved ...-/.�..... 191. ..-.. -- "Mayor. Councilman Farnswort C/ Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman gel er Councilman. McColl Councilman Wunderlich ,�?c, em ou.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER rar,,,te46.2147-18 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 1098 AUDITED AUG J ,y 1,i 191 3-i .-OU\CIL WILE Nu............ ...._. .... R.............. _. _............. _............ _..........----------- TITLE ..----^ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporatio s_forlhe amount—t �m�= t�'ti^ lespective names as specified in the following detailed statement: G F..J& Hi AtietracL ` Resolved, that warrants _ be drawn Adopted by the C cil_. 11 upon the City Tre9aern payable. out �; ..._. .__... __._191... 7/resident,Hodgson the herelnstter!-eDealtied . Lund and..1.. - favor'`of the Paso is drm°e'°poettr th i, dons jor 010-119"' ae4.p — _ resyecttva names as specitled In the. oved [ollowtnP detailed statemmlt; - ........... _... _ { 9 A. karnaworth Cemr of FI>�agce.. X4883.61 _— S A Farnsworth Com r of Finance .......... ................ _Farnsworth Com r o . MAYOR zh a3Ft4edg &azazas o0r.son .John gA.B89baQuiet;`>988.8,8 ,Adoptedeb aut¢e6C �918i1 Xa$ 81 x919. 43I92 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 3e-hee3s 4,833.51 1419:3 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 1,081.10 ond) 1319 S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 72.00 i -Library S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 15,425.55 P l a--a*gr=nd e Bau•anl�� parks 12,517.6 Far_aa4*y--Reel. 233 9 Peds 2,1 .83 �teUME ` 89.80 Revl . 217.56 G.Nv-Sdzool Const. 26,00 4&1" Fielding & Shepley, 24,225.00 udR:n& F rl St. from Thorn , 0 P"inga--t avin East 6th Cade 15 3 .00 24 2,5. 00 `f31197 Keough Brothers, 2,805.00 Stevens .11498 John A. Sandquis t, 933.63 qunbi---g- 4&=Q-j1,,.,,Sne Ung to Pascal Totter ---"`49,578:79'' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER u OUNCIL No ...... L49_. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE .. ................ . F.—AA46.1KII-18 1095 .......................... AUDI ------------ T ,ISR ER IED P PE .................... ----------- .... - ------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Y- Councilmen-(- Adopted by the C cil ....... .. .. ........ ... _^...._....191....__ . . 26189 en t, warrants 1).-ara, Clancy . ......... upon the CM Treasury. payc�ble, -'Cd :,n "re ' Iflid funds., an, Farnsworth the -herethaf Wept" firms, at corpo'p�- fnV6V,�,ot_ the Pers at; "t1h Goss VI Sa tjo.s for ihe --lu,.,,, -et;'afkdod 1i I -spee mf naMeelitmaePt., 1. � 14" ­ u .................. detailed t ............ ..... WjM MAYOR Keller . jt%t.g6�ld� Ae I 4I.JIFi,ng.,I)�0 a, R �) 1 siifi. , t 1 MC :'c.mpa-Y' Mc 11 "1-'Wm";M0Idvrra� TrIl., compa7, Nprthwestern,�- u IC Rny $568'68 - underlich 'a ' $085 ic I ident, Hodgson "0& P e, d /nHord, ao�26 raper company. 14 �}�$ J. J. Fitzgerald, Register of Deeds 2.00 68.0& T3T177 Vim. McMurray &Company, _FWrk_j_ 315.89 4,,ajj'&-Horthwestern Fuel Company, -SaLagiz—, 568.58 _1g Peoples Coal & Ice Company, s' 84.39 mum 12,.4n P arkj;.-- 2R6 .20 'T$S'gt.paul Bottling Company, 8 422.85 Pas 156.85 181.0- 298.49 Milk Company, _15I8I,St.paul ark 68.25 -jet827-Stearns Printing Company, 25 5 25 VdI4_.glerk 7$ Or_f-j0_:Lsa__R_nblications C .. 1'��qel *7 .QAjV._e&-Finance 3.75 2 5 26.5-, 12. 11 5 .25 R .25 6 iA3 Olaf Swedberg, baa 33184 W. G. Matson, Resolved, That the grade of Alley in Blook a, Bryant's Addition from Victoria Street to Avon Street, in aocordanos with the red grade line on the a000mpanying profile and as r000mmanded by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Go,,, Block 2 g That t'e �,ed toria Ad ljj.�e oto in one. 'J" to Avon a�..,,,. Street;; In lc- "'I accord-� �qn I'd grade fine mended bY t& P'oft'o end n.' Or' 0 - Vol' Fd.i`,,.'� be -. �."'-`doeer of Ad.pt�'d'blb. --Iabliej�,d- 1. hereby AppMved Y the C-�n,jj Aug A 9. 6, 1919. Yeas ( Clancy 6 1ler McCol l Wunderlich r. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council 4 191... Approve .......... 191 ................................... . . . .... .... ... ..... ... ........ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAU� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �- Snbject:....................... .................:........................................... 2. ` COUNCIL 6111 ,. "L. NO . .......................... ............ ...... ................ Date Presented......AUgaat....:. -. t ................1919.. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for an addition to the Galtier School, prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings, and Iherewith submitted to the Council, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids thereon in accordance with paragraph (c) of Section 304 of the City Charter. C Re eh_No. 26111—gy Albert Resolved, That [he ) wonder• catlonB for an. additlonato the s eelfl• 9chool,ty BepaVed. by the Cli Qaltler; ' llunder h direcrlon of y ATchttect. e nBulldin . 8, Pin grounds, Commie o. the C Be. and herewlth uti Tub - factor aDDroved, bttie mehe on altara 1, factory d [he C._,,-- a rent Fd ols' Herebtion; the P and dlrectea� uta ?F y authorized wltA epe tor'b)de thereon to accordance ' the Clntaraaraph- (c) of 8ectlon SBq �t� )t'CAarter. ADProvedbquthe Counoil1919; s 6 1819. � 1 /esident,Hodgson en, ✓ a AUGA Adopted by the Council... -- ............ .............. :..191 ------ ort ........................... /� a>r h K _ APpr ///a''' ....../.................... 191..... V.............. g � lichMAroR dgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 12.18 CITY OF ST.. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM bject: ........... .... ........ .... . ......... ............................................................................ .................... ... ........ C NCtL FILE...............................................H;26JIL2 COU NO .................... . .. z ........ .. ............... ................. .. . ................. .. .................. .............. ....... ...... Date Presented ................_.........-----........................191.... Resolved,That the application of D.M.Machinsky for a license to conduct a pawnshop at 194 East ?th,ot.be and the same hereby is Granted and the City Clark to instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fed one hundred dollars (1100.00). C. F. No. 2811 8Y rryy McColl= - a 11c... ti� street "'paWnNot, at 194 Plast "','�'uteh ad the sh!Una th.6 the lb�"',' be and �he the ',ft a=h,11cen-t .,d the Pay " '"" _1 .—tr.- f the --st ary City Treasury Wier. 191.9. onocll Aug the ,ppr.�ed Aug•5' 1.919-11 'Auk. 9, lot ye -.s-44) Adopted by the Co cilA.'. G 19, Clancy Farnsworth Appro 191 Goss Keller ........ ................. ............Mc I ...............A a�tct MAYOR underlich Pr ident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL `RM Subject: ............................................................................._................................................................................cour+c.a ... 26� 1J _ TILENQ. ................. ..............._.......................... ;e /^f Date Presented........................................................191..... .a.eehea- WHEREAS, Through a mistake and misunderstanding on the part of George Schudel, of 899 Woodbridge street, St. Paul, who was an honorably discharged soldier and had seen service in the late war, he asked for and received a license to peddle fruit and vegetables, for which he paid the sum of $51.00, and whereas, under the laws of this State, he is entitled to the issuance of a permit without charge; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby author- ized to refund to the said George Sohudel the said sum of Fifty-one Dollars, and be it further resolved that License No. 13 issued to the said George Sohudel be and the same is hereby cancelled. ..:e -do Ye ouucilmen (✓� N s +1pP+'uVed (Aa efi C191811AB3P 6, 3938, u jli f"10 .r,___ 8•, •8. ._..... .........191..... �jClancy V /yarns rth Go ............ 7Tlri'avor ✓//��-���� cColl ............. .... MAYOR • lc r. Presidelit, Hodgson \.. FORM C. A.9 3M 12.18 y— f Council File No. ION RATIFYING ASSESS TIENT. By 2f114— tte >tt-,�li'j7i matter of the assessment at a d expenses 'yctln�, IaylnR in repair sl,letvulka, Ea[I mate No 26 11 'ontraec asetn for seaso��UL ;3 AxxexxwUle nolt. 29 Marshall Avenu, Resolution West "Assn'Westng Assessment. for In the matter of the assessment of JC. '<1t.S r cos j w ot�elt��tustf°�,e ra1a�! ar>c1 roal,airiss; €5emont ti2dccral3si3, F.at9mst© k34. , iiittloE' CE3,1t2°ARt r 1f31 i, for sonsorn of 1,+x,3. ...e Et90�ab1a 1i011�+ -.o. WIM rahs11 Vo. a serene side bo,3t Anc no foot rJost of ° rl � -t. thenee Croat W foot. F.0. 204Wc4wloa :.st. s south sides be},iTST1�2 ' 110 foot oast of victoria A. tr�eglue Mot G foot i r_011 110 foot far -tiro- oast, thranGO east 42 foot[,� foot vest of P.O. � ,° 5 Ft�a°3 og, sout% slaos WrIm t'; at a Point 120 . �ILle gip. tI2f3wo vest a� c>s3rsfsvQ2y 154 er�t. f1. 1�ri 1 Z=13413,-, -,., vooast Giclo, is°on k;ww Eva. "lost thSW0 n0vt�z to 90606 V3past icv, f aCf l'3 rl&. to 3ldder rt.0o,= oaE /L.3♦ ?( i C1GvslEld >.%�fUld�' t. ��i4�o>£to 010vola"A on tho L -lar -ti f ,Ouddar :,t. then oo and on tbo east sido Of 'sc`dvgra north 55 feat to tze act gs'o>�emoacVtx><ustde3 Craik.[ Carter NVQ. {*.*0. X71; eAY.? '-w" ['East side, �'r foat.17.1 �o, be,—#=i thenao -=Ith G91 -a%9 mt017 gal root. F, O. OL,5. 3 Wford :at., aWt& sides, frw ir2'31ti1em 'St, to j�?tho A* P.O,. 23.3M nalbam St. , east side, ft C M 11OUdOn ateir�thO--Istan ev4M �tocaGlty t "'1Q2'QQ vQ., south sift, beg zrainc 100 foot. r 100 ft. south a� t.�ci3ay iit. i V40,. 20456 i'�t'•7mond Avo. , 0ast a��t, boguSt'L`�H]r"y `'I nm south v4 foot. 2WGx a vo• east side, bet innLIG °72 fact south of i3t�?L xian }ilrt . wonea, Se'9°lth 9 foot. F.O. 21331 Holly ,.e0• g goon', t ijo betwoaaa ,.vGa :t. c 1d iii toric 3t. ergs ; vo., :East side, i'rosa loo feet South Of aaeoola .?ver a©• 7iKIi tt .angry gw'st' ta9c3r3 Fg*o i 7,�lrtp103.n AJos to amidolp ._,t. and I .ti.;• WOO vts. tett aaster2g &I10 north aide Off.' pawal h "'t. Cram m ,, %Willa a tormimw of Walk at or now— Na= 4 n0 1%ve. iierseyilo1 .11% a., beR21 s2dt3o, = <>ata340fe etAve. stouth of F+shland "�T1Aa.Z' -C— :°'.tro. p Vogt side, boc :rte .ii.ve, thmoe C OUth 180 foot* of A1.1ilim :1%. the[-{9r•J '743s t '• ., L04W tau t iI.vo., south aides teGir.>n 64 root. csatat aide foot a i7o�rnoa 7ealtil AVe-b to "eusddor w©• r l€sv©3et i ,3�7E7♦, o a 1-1 iCJa• to . from ;t. , ot1 ttse �e)�T.3 side of `. oudd€'s Wit. flan I�ytaa C1Avo? €u�.d =,I on tik1�E�Q&tt Side of iicygs�osxl �°�� a{�agtS'tt>itEsc4 t�1t3nso -goAh 5 5 foot to 01MM0 3t VM sent so mord.1ar� t s9do `"c 100 footaoutf Os©orals t. 1"70",0 Q^3?g-L'1air 9t.13t fl3cia� from TA-woln > o. to a a '011'61 A. on --o. -- :-1 ulo of -_e_:c?J,;,7ii It.. from .'�.a11' ` .',Vt7. to ozz .° c o s 1:1ias 017 sral&s at or nev'Z' five• VCU. to ?,aStL"'ii�. v(3r A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the. District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ' equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. 1 Adopted by the Council _ _ _ 191 .... __...._. City Clerk. Approved... ...... ..... ...__..... _ :...._..________._...._191......... Fora, B. B. Is ' __..._._................. ........................_.......... _................... �. Mayor. Pum mm - % -/ /Y CITY OF ST. PAUL. ,t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '- REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT F �� t ............_.__......_..._... _...._......_...__, 191....... In the matter of the assessment of 1)0llo1; t,s, Cost; :.:'-?d 3:i.1DenS03 for the Constructin,G, relaying and repairing Gement Siderialks, 'stiniate Yio. 10 Under Contract 2981 _l for Season Of 1928• .-ngeessable 1011 z.O. 20129 Harehall cave., south side, beginning 116 foot west of Griggs St, thence crest 68 feet• va�� P.O. 20406 St. thence�eastuth 4f feetlandgfrroom 110 feeting 3-10 et east fartheroeast thence east 42 feet. at a point 120 foot nest oP P.O. 19293 3btd�jW parkway, south side, beginning Hadlino AVG* thenoo treat approximately 150 foot- P.O. 21354 Snelling :,ve., east aide, from Como Ave. west thence north to Albany St. F.O. 20696 Cleveland 6ve., wast side, from ComwrAvealth Ave. to Scudder St., on the north side of Scudder St. from RaZImamd Ave. to Cleveland Ave. and On the east side of F,aymond Ave. from Soudder St. thOU00 north 55 feet to connect present constructed whet Garter Ave. F.O. 20876 Raymond :vo., west side, 4� feet wide, beginning thence north approximately 251 feet- F.O. 23.369 Buford St., north side, from Grantham St. to Yiythe St. F.U. 21357 Fulham St east side, from Hendon �tve. thence North to Gity Liml. F.0. 21676 Pieroo qvo., south side, beginning et Y.estOn Ave. thence west 100 foot, F.O. 204544 `laymond Ave., east side, beginning 160 ft. south of uudley St. ti'henee south 30 feet. 72 feet south of Hampden F.O. 20363 iaymond Ave., east side, be; inn ing ,,vo. thence south 3 feet. ctoria St. F.O. 21331 holly a'tve. , south estdsida Av0a St- and stirCn 160 feet south iof 080001& AVO— F.O. 21356 Kington lave. , to at. Clair , St. s.0. 1493 Snellin nv::aide, from Linooln Ave. to. Ra ndolph St. and on the north- 'bide .of Randolph tat. from Snelling Ave. to easterly terminus of walk at or near Haml.ine Ave. 40 P.O. 20323 Herschel .kve., both sides, from Lahlan�dfeet AVO* so_uth Of Ashland`P.0. 20453 Snelling '•ve., west aide, beginning pveo thence south 120 fest. at Aldine St. thence west F.O. 20446 Laurel live., south side, beginning 54 feet. --Ydona-e_ssessable I1011— P. 0. coll--r.0. 20896 Cleveland .°;vo. , dost side, fr0tm c>wamonvealth Ave. to So dder St., on the north side of Scudder St. from Raymond Ave. to Cleveland ,,ve. and on the east side of Raymond Avo. from Scudder St. thence _north 55 foot to connect present constructed walk. F.O.21359 Buford St., north side, from Grantham St. to lt�t,hs St• 1=�.0. 21356 Lexington tjve., [,test side, from 160 feet south. of Osceola to St. Clair 3t. P.O. 17098 Snelling !.ve., west side, from Lincoln Ave. to Randolph St., and on tho north side of Randolph St.,. from Snelling Avg-.tAW eastorlJ tox-minus o2 �a7.k at or neai+ sIa�n]9nL9<•&vlti '� 'Horacho1 i of t .'. t3 1a _Xd r•vo, to 7.a""al i'co_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction i $ 1' J Cost of publishing notice $- _--- Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - $ _ . _, Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $---....-1-- Total expenditures $-���'1`----- ..0:7-. - - - - - - - - - ___=1. 30 'iotal - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5,3b7.34 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of $__ __ _ ,3,37_i3'? . ___upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, Iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed ' by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. roll„ B. B. IT 1 Commissioner of Finance. i a t S ti Abstract PROPOSAL FOR D rltt°° prnpnsal f° following Improve: Council File No........ ...... ............. 26115 grade of alley In and ?,rrison's Re-arran lcalester Park A 'Avenue to Bald, PRELIMINARY nee with the r ,tn attached a present I bluo Iln.r Veen the, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following, presenl orovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Changing the grade Of alley 1n blook0rc"_.smer & Moirisonla Re- ............ arrangement,- of ]Wt_ of Mao -s -ester'-Pa:- r, Addi-ttoni from"Fatrvie>�r Avenue to Baldwin Avenue, in a000rdanoe with the red line on the ...... ............idn.le hereto attached aria made a part hereof; t'he.present gi ......._..be.ing...shown.-.the.reon-.by...a.-b-lue.-.line,-:..also...gr-ading.-said_ alley between the aforesaid limits. .....................................................................................................................................i..-....-........-.....--.-..............._ .... 119..-._.. -'• �'#I' .......:..._, 191.. Dated tlus...__eJth........day oE....A-u8u.�.. s- - .......................... ........... ............ ............................ 1 Councilman. r PREG3��3� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of alley in blook 4 Elmer & Morrisonla Re -ar- rangement -of part of Maoalester Park Addition,_from Fairview Aire. to Baldwin Agenue.,....in,..s000rdanoe .with t_he. Tod -1140 on the..prof..i.le... hereto &"taohed and matin a part hereof, the present grade being shown - thereon-by...a..blue .-line.,. also,... grading.. -said alley. between -the. aforesaid limits. ......................... ................. ..................... ......_..._.................._..-.........._.....__._..__._......................._....._...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._....._......_._ ..............._._....___....._ ......_._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and eEtimated cost of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement ;......_......................... ..................-- ...................................................................................................................................................................................... . 5. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..._._......... A.,, -.:a.._ -Z....:. �...-.___191 Yeas: 7H, Por. C Nays: Approved__.._ll r_.. _....._'.?......._._.._.._191..__. ......................................................................... Mayor. SHED Council File No........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO\zsus_ 2611 84a Abstmet. `[ the fol ftlowing� m PRELIMINARY OR('na nec esn king ar. graatogfnile blaca'lester Rear) The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following put. -v be veo I' by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an eassmenL 'the st land neoeseary ..............................poi elopes iL'or cuts aria filLa in,, and na . alley in B oa _.........Elms.r...&..Marriaan�.a..Rearr�ngemant...._:'t....o.f....Uwals.et.er..._........ . Park Addition from pairview Avenue 6. adwin Avenue. ................................... .................. ._....._......................................... --- _........................._......._. .............................................._.........._............................_............................................................................_........................... Dated this_5.t.h..._--- -day of.. AUgtlat.r...1919............................................... . 191 _.... Councilman. PRELIMINARY/ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _. Condemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary . for elopes for outs and Yille in grading alley in Blook ......................... Elmax!.&_.Moxxlson.►a"Re- arrangement of..part _.of..Maa.alester_ Park Addition from Fairview Avenue to Baldwin Avenue. ............. .--- ........... .._......._.._........... _... .......... ...._........................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman...._ ....._ ................. ..... .. _.................._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated cost of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.._ ....................... ........ .......... __......_._.__..._..._........._........_................_....._...._..................._..........._..__.... 5, To Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. —' Adopted by the council .................--..._`..._�u .9 ............ _ 191........ Yeas: Coun man arnswo Goss H and eller McColl Wunderlich ayor Irvin Por. C A 19 ( M 1-14) Por. A A 1$, f M 1-18 VITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COLNCIL Nit - FILE 1100 hVl7. I� 77cc�� i- 01. WLLER AUDITED '1,7 ..............1 ...-.... � •. {i...-. ............_.- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out,of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: --y'Tas-1--d-- -CCouncilmen 1 te Ad 'V ) Nays Adopted b the Council ........_. .......... _..19L ......... - / - p r Clancy liEaol uTloxe. FarnswOGLtt C. F. No. 20117 Approv __ 191............ o Ab.t— rio55 Resolved that warrant. be drawn upon the City Treasurer, paY.bla out of . the hereinafter specified fund. and In K er favor or the amount firma or corpora- [lone for the amounts est oppoel th their o cCol I /' Wunderlich !tlr resident, Hodgson lowing respectivenames seta[emanted In L 0 R T. Cj.urtej. $72.-d..'9 St. Paul Builders Mateflal Company, $82.80. rJA'oL 9hiely Company, $1,642.10. App ved Aug• 0, 1919!1 Aug. Aug. 6, 1919. (Aug. 9. 1.19) 13268 Geo. W. Keys, I&EM R. T. Gourley, cgupea,u.-oY--bngrs . gewer �;-Ee R. S r -ng • Crosses 132U St.Paul Builders Material Company, Bridge-B—&--Repaa. 13932, J. L. Shiely Company, Repr. Eav#eg-8omo-Ave. W.- Suel.}--Ing---to--Retymond Total`' -X493•.94--+ _4 x..7.0 ,8: 30 5:.05 2:35 7.YZW 697.00 72.00 82.80 1,.642.10 Jnr c..w. CITY OF ST. PAIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Farm AAI6,SM 7-19 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM IL`CIL —_ff No....h...l./.... F'11.1: _ 1Q99 AUDITED -VU�,�7 P'1'HUatLL ....... PER...:.:."........ -- TITLE. Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: )"aysl dopled by the Council_.. ..191. C. F. Na. 26112Abatract. """ ............................ """ """"""- Clancy yResolved that warrants be drawn , J Farnsworth tpe 6erelCity ee-cjfie'dp[unde and in App 191. Goss favor of the persons, firm oaeltethelr stone [or the amounts set op respective names as specilla In the fol - K er lows.gg detaued statement: IL W. Bowe. 56.00. .... ...___ _ fCC011 7. M. Clsocy. Com'r. or Parks. Pay- MAYOR grounds and P. Bldgs. $?12.30. Wunderlich S. A. Farnsworth, Com r. of Finance, r 530.33. C. A.. $24.03. S. C. Flanagan, President, Hodgson N. Naga. 52.00 . .hler. 51,420.16. L pittelkow, 539.16. by the Council Aug. 6, 3939.' 19 :dyAAug. 6. 119 9) (Aug. 9, Total 2,410.99 'L'. -.-j T3i'99 H, F7. 11e T, 5.00 Election � 13299 J. 14. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds & P. Bldgs., 712.30 Tree planting Groveland Park X3891 S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 30.33 'dater 33295 J. C. Flanagan, C.A., 24.03 r; ater i�i9@9^ N. 0. Hage, 2.00 Water 13217t A. P. Herschler, 1,420.16 Parks 94264 Frank J. King & Company, 65.66 Parks 13.86 Leslie-Donahower Company, 29.89 Parks 1438 North Star State Tobacco Company, 103.47 Parks 1&£08 Henry H. Pittelkow, 18.15 Parks Total 2,410.99 Resolved, In the matter of eonstruetin� a sewer on Clifton Street From James Street to Palace Street, under Preliminary Order ,f24794, approved April 24th, 1919, and Final Order ,25665, approved July let, 1919. RESOUFT), That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public ;forks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Clancy Farnsworth Goss Kel r T, cColl V �/ Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM - A. 9 3M 12-1B C. F. No. 26119— s Bireet In the matter of co fromJ....9 n Clifton Street, under Preliminary to Paisee 'treet, yId April 24th, Order n 24794, appro 1919, d Final Order No. 26666, ap- proved July let, 1919. cl9ca- Reeolved, That the PgqianB• Pe dotted any the 1CommIBslonerltltBPub /c i jWorks for the above name hereby vP"�' ent be and the Bama are a `PT d. the Council Aog, 6, 1919. Adopted by R 1 Approved Aug 6911919) CO nec 11 Papers MOO I --h above G s Adopted by the Council.'_...:_................................191...... A'pproved._.... .... ..,.,_...... .�..._.. 191..... ....._....--......_... MAYOR 191..... Resolved, That permission and authority are hereby given to the Superior Refining Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain two 16,000 gallon tanks for the storage of gasoline, on Lot 11, and parts of Lots 4, 9 and 10, Block 7, Eaton & ldor2:isonts Addition; said tanks to be erected in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Safety. IC. Resolver, F. No. 2612T0— hat pegiven to e ru- ,thority re hereby given tthe - I to ereRefining Com a to ereny, a. oorporat�on, �ct and mamtaP two 16.000 gallon 'tanks .for the Cora a of ggasoline, on I.ot 11, and porta of Lois 4, 9 d 10, sad tankato be erected In' gdeosBance with the ordinnncon of the City of SL atiefaettion def Lthe iComectimfaeloner the of Public Safety - Adopted by the Covncll Aug. 6, 1919. ADDrovedAAu919. u66,911919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen ✓) Nays'l Qi✓ Clancy Farnsw �h Goss Keller McColl ........r�gai�= Wunderlich Mn Pr�ident, Hodgson /1 RORM/C. A. 9 3M 12-1e Adopted by the Council .__..... _. ...................191....., Approve 191..... MAYOR JOHN 1. FARICY (Offirt, of (ill Ttrri JAS.J. MINER CITY acne weer. carr gene of ��ttYtt �aitl August 5th, 1919. 26 ,, r� V Mr. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: The application of the Superior Refining Company for permission to erect two 16,000 gallon tanks for gasoline, on Lot 11, and parts of Lots 10, 9, and 4, Block 7, Eaton& Morrison's Addition, West Side, was granted by the Council at its meeting this morning, and referred to you for proper form of ordinance. Attached please find application, etc. Yours truly, / CITY CLERK. HENRY DEVLIrJ MYLES MCNALLY ,FIRE CHIEF SIr- �.S'- CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY HENRY McCOLL. COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION 5th, 1919. Hon. lienry Elc%11, Dear cir;- ,-I.r- App3j:6ation of the S I axior C 2 C 1, tic, I on the property of the Chiaae Block 7, Faton �Yorrison'6 Widition., "'eut "'le, c,f of Lt. _ e I • �ERIOR REFINING COMPANY { Robert & Ninth Sts St.Paul, Minn., July 29, 1919 Council of th City of St.Paul, St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: weihereby make application for permission to erect and maintain two 16,000 gallon tanks for the stara`e of Gaeoiine, an the property of the Chicago*Great western RY. Company, described as Lot 11, parts of Lot 10,9 and 4 of G a 7— Slock 7 Morrisons Addition, west Side, City of St— Paul-The above tanks to be so erected to comply with the rules and regulations of the City of St.Paul. Trusting that same will meet with your early approval, beg to remain, Very truly yours, SUPERIOR yMINING COMPANY P. S. This request is made necessary in view of the fact that locations covered by your President Resolution C.F. No. 25744 is found undesirable account trackage. �/ CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .................:............................................................................. ...................._......._...........0 .0 2612 ........................COUNCIL Date Presented 191..... Resolved, WHEREAS, One Anthony Rigoni heretofore deposited the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($85.00) with the Clerk of the Municipal Court as bail money to secure his appearance in said Court to answer a charge then pending against him, which bail money was forfeited by the order of the Court and turned into the city treasury; and whereas, afterwards said bail money was reinstated and said forfeit set aside, and the Hon. John W. Boerner, one of the Judges of said Court eo certifies and recommends that said bail money be returned to said Anthony Rigoni; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city. officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said Anthony Rigoni for said sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) payable out of the I — proper fund. Y ccoll underlich Mr. esideni, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e ............In favor .............. Against nthony RlBoni here- ) h the Clerkto )witf in as bait money to ,nce In Bald Colrt to then pending against money was forfeited he Court and turned a9ury; and whereas, ail money was rein- orfelt at aside, and Hoerner, one of the curt, eo certidee and 'said ball money be d Anthony Rigoni; the Droper city Tj ithorized.¢nd dlreoted L In favor of said An- sald sum of Twenty- .00) payable out of Y the Council .._....jii:,_...•.-.x...._..._....191...... %,1919.until Aug. 6, 1919. n Taxa) roved.........................._._.......__._......_.., 1.91..... / N /• MAYOR AwticipAl Court of Wit. Paul Tlcrk;o. (Office � l Ea , I N�=Dr.Al. . - 1 - Honorable Common Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: State of Minnesota, August 3, 1919 vs Anthony Rigoni, Deft. The above case was called in the Municipal Court on August 3, 1919. The defendant entered a plea of guilty to the charge of drunkenness, and the Court ordered the charges a- gainst him stricken. Clerk of Municipal Court. F. No. 28121— Whereas, One Anthony R1 ont here- tofore deposited the sum.of Twenty- i five Dollars ($26.00) with the Clerk Y (/Uu ge O C pa dour[ the Munlclpal Court as ball oney to . answe hla said Cog to a then p ewer hams then pending against char l him, which ball money we.forfeited ' the order oY the Court and turned a Into the city treasury; and whereas, afterwards said ball money was rein - elated and said forfeit set aside, and Hon. Sohn W. Hoerner, o e of the J Judges of said Court, eo artifles and attaCklB d, recommends that said bail money be turned to Anthony Rlgonl; Bald be It *a�Affjdavjt i therefore, Resolved, That the proper city otO- Y nre he,author ized and directed tordraw a warrant in favor of said An - 'bony Rlgonl for Bald sum of Twenty- five Dollars ($26.00) payable out of the Droper fund, s Adopted by th9 Council Aug. 6, 1919. • Approved Aug. 6,1919.6 y (Aug. 9, 1919) State of Minnesota Municipal Court. County of Ramsey. city Of St. Paul. State of Minnesota. Plaintiff.) vs. AFFIDAVIT AND NOTICE. AnthonL! Rigoril. (Defendant.) - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The above named defendant was arrested in the City Of St -Pauls on the 30th day of June, 1919, and char&ed with a disorderly conduct. He Put up a Twenty-five dollar, ($25.00) bail and the next morning the bail was forfeited because he had not appeared. At the time of his arrest there was an altercation in which the defendant was injured and hagLtO be attended by Dr. Mason Allan, 217 Lowry Lowry Building. The following morning after his arrest, he was confined to his bed and could not appear In the Police Courts nor did he have any way in which to communicate with anybody to Inform them that he could not appear, as soon as . he was able he took the matter up with Ron. J. W. Boerner, and had his ease re -instated although the bail money had already been turned over to the Commissioner of Finance. WHEREFORE, he asks that this council pass a resolution returning this money to the Clerk of Municipal Courts so that he may be given an OPPoiUnity to have his cane tried upon its merits Subscrived and sworn to before me this day Of July, '1919- Notary Public - Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires u: State of R`.innesota Municipal Court. County of Rarsey. City of St. Paul. State of Minnesota. Plaintiff.) VS. ) AFFIDAVIT AND NOTICE. Anthony R igoni.. Defen'lant. ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - q7e The atove named de`enda it was arrested the ;it" o` St.Paui, on the ',Oth day of June, 1919, and charIed with a disorderly conduct. ?ie put up a :'wenty-five dollar, (.;'25.00) mail and the oe::t ­^orn ng the bail ,,as forfeited because he had act appeared. At the time of his arrest there was an e J altercation in which the defendant was injured attd^ha6 to be attended L -y Dr. I:Iason Allan, 217 Lowry Building. The followinL morning after his =est, he was confined to his bed and could not appear in the Police Court, nor did he have any way in which to communicate with anybody to inform them that he could not appear, as soon as he was able he took the matter up with Hon. J. W. Boerner, and had his case re -instated although the bail mono;; had already been turned over to the Commissioneer of Finance. WHEREFORE, he asks that this council pass a resolution returning this money to the Clerk of Municipal Court, so that he may be given an opporbintty to have his cL.>o tried upon its merits Subscr'ved and sworn to before me this � day f uly, 1919. Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires &�X /D ` State of Minnesota County of Ramsey. Municipal Court. City of St. Paul. State of Minnesota. Plaintiff.) vs. ) AFFIDAVIT AND NOTICE. Anthon", Rigoni. Defendant.) The above ,ia!,ied defendatt wps arrested in the Cit;; of St.Paul, on the 30th day of June, 1919, and charted with a disorderly conduct. He put up a Twenty-five dollar, 025.00) bail and the next horning the bail was forfeited because he had not appeared. At the time of his arrest there was an altercation in which the defendant was in.jured and,,had-to be attended by Dr. Mason Allan, 217 Lowry Building. The following morning after his arrest, he was confined to his bed and could not appear in the Police Court, nor did he have any way in which to communicate with anybody to inform them that he could not appear, as soon as he was able he took the matter up with Hon. J. W. Boerner, and had his case re -instated although the bail money had already been turned over to the Commissioneer of Finance. WHEREFORE, he asks that this council pass a resolution returning this 'money to the Clerk of Municipal Court, so that he may be given an oppoibzntty to have his case tried upon its merits f •Subscrived and sworn to before me thi ;i� day f July, 1919. te o:t ry public, Ramsey CA. iy.,, Minn. 1 My commission expires e6l, /,I _I CITY OF ST. PAUL Ceuncil Resolution ---General Form WiV • Department of Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, Thal the St. Peal Ga, Light Com Pavy is hereby ordered and directed to extend It. electrical lines by erecting Pole- and s'ringin, wire. then.. for the lrav-muaiov of eleetricty on sad iv the following alley. and $trent- of said city: Install one pole in alley West of Como Avenue, West, south of Doswell Avenues Install one pole in alley south of Como Avenue, West, east of Winston Street. and two poles on Winston Street, south of Como Avenue West. With necessary guys and anchors. C. F. No. 26122—Sy M. N. Goes— Resolvetl, That the 8t. Paul Gas dlght Company is hereby orlon, .. n directed to extend its electrical Ilnea� by erecting points and tslringing wires thereon for the tranemlenlon of eI.- 'rc-I iclty on aad In the following allys and Streets of held city: (Install ova Vele Sn alley West o[ Como Avenue Weat. South of Doswell All of such extension$, Poles and wine shall subject to the provi.lov. of Ordinance No. 2424. a AI7 Pole+ should be set Iv each locative is sr eu pubhchall intereet eoerequireto and when it shall solort Adopted by the Council_ yeas;Ceaclsiluzery— FARNSWOR GOSS / M C COIeI✓, r�_ ,- WUNDERLA HYLAND KELLER Mr.resldtnt, IRVIN and shall be 01 Such Height ter as he sbell de.Ignate and - d y and ll Such poles 1 .kenadown an removed,and -feel ... r of P.I.I. lililid- and in all lhisga placed ndergroun ti when ,° �o et so requires,bull dtha�en he ate, and ehall be of such heighi and chxracter as and w ground, whsa.— the Council shall deem'hat the rest by the Council Aug. 6, 1919. d Aug. 6, 1919. (Aug. 9, 1919) 191 ( ) Nays Approved 191 Mayor � CITY OF ST. PAUL b� Council Resolution ---General FMorm D :trtment ofrof Council File No._ Date Presented 191 BYbeam. of eleDei cty an x , the Gell wioa le—I.cYs d she to o[ en a,d ynd di—ted m rxtend it. electrical linos by c—Ime roka and srrl.chs, vires mere.. Install two poles in alley west of Macalester Avenue, north of St. Clair Street. Install one pole on St. Clair Street at alley west of Macalester Avenue. Install one pole on Howard Street between Wyoming and Annapolis Streets. With necessary guys and anchors. C.y. No.v�6123n.By tb1e NSLuoL'auI Ga. st of Annue, Northf�sir� all of Ste v Clalr epole on St. Clair Street at t of Macalester Avenue. eno ole n Howard Annopolle Wyomingand ,cesaary Idesignate, and sh and character as approve, and .hall be taken edt All of such ex[evsione, pale avd wires shall bed such wires places subject to me provui.ne .( grdI...C. No. 2424, and of ev r the Council All Holes should be net iv each locntiov in enid al public Interest so he shall deai..ate avd approve, and soy and nil such p -eh all so order. public interest so requires, and when it shall so order. Adopted by the Approved Aug. (Au€ Adopted by the Council FARNSWORTH GOSS McCOLL' WUNi'�RLICH Y /AN HD ELLER Mr. President, IRVIN any. and anchor. Nn and remove , and f the Commissiever of Public Utilities and in all mince i... nd-g—und, hen- S�, P.O. deem that the shall designate, sad shall be of such height and character ea require., and when It cad undercrvu.d, whenever tha Council shall deem tbat the Council Aug. 6, 1919. 6, 1919. 9, 19191 191 Nays Approved 191 Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL. Council Resolution ---General Form Department of — Bureau of Council File No. Date Presented 191 By RESOLVED, That the St. Past Gas Light Com play is hereby ordered aad di ... tcd to exteed its electrical linea by crativg Vole. aad rtringixe wires thereov for the t .... mi.s,iov of eleetricty nv avd iv the fallowing alleys xad street. of raid city' Install three poles on the east side of Hamlin Avenue, south of University Avenue, With necessary guys and anch6re. Commercial Distribution. :. F. No. 26124—Hy M. N. Goee— Resolved, That the St. Paul Gas Light "om Dany Is hereby ordered and directed p lee extend and i stringing electrical wl res hereontif, he transmission of el ectricitey on and In the following alleys and treete of said city: Install three poles an the East side of Hemline Avenue, South of Urriver- sity Avenue. With ,cessary guys and anchors. �Ishall so orner. Adopted bV t All of such eateveiove, Doles, avd wirce shall 6s, erected avd covntructed and i'IIfS�v�lIf subject to the Drovieions of Ordivavice No. 2424. avd of all other lawful ordivavicee avd reeoluti A71 Doln should be set is such bcatiov iv said alley. and .treete as, the Commusiover of h. publiclivtcr et soer=up.pravd whev� t;hal.0 orderpolee shall h< mkev down end removed, m Adopted by the Council els — Contrcilrnerr--- FARNSWO H GOSS McC L W DERLICH YLAND KELLER Mr, Pres' ent, IRVIN tell Aug. 6, 1919. 1 19. amass of Public Utilities and is all things City of W. rev.. illib" .hall deei¢nate. avd shall be of such height aad character an ns,. Dlaced uvdercrouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the 191 Nays 7 Approved 191 G Mayor Department of Publio WO S. Council File No ........................... PROP�--:m�� iROVEMENT 26123 :125'betract. egal .:pe totlowln6 o9{e anstreete,o ADER. PRtdegnutb one ,tt ntedtere4 Ta d The undersigned hereby proposes the makiriR "aenu�d re is ". yublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz-: '1 d:snth. the nece oL.,e PeAs..._o?i.din.._»d.e.aex►..S�l�:;:'maktn6 w,x.om...Sixth...s.tree.t....to....B.e.T....... ... ..bx nat�..,. • _etr.eet..,tA0...a..Widtb....of...1iitY=ane..._1:;:..ieet....................................................................................... .. _....... _. _ ........... _.......... _ ............ ... _. Dated thia.....S.th...........day of ................... AU•gust........ .... .......... ............................. , 1919...... .................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: :ty140n.....sad...e.�c-mand...Sinuan...a r.a.ak,._fra ._Sixty...street.-tn....SRvp.r..+h........ a raeta..._t9...a..width...of....filtY.-.ouo....(..511....f.a.e.t.................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St, Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:......................................................... ........................................................................................ .................:......................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......... ................................................191........ Yeas: Nays: Counra an arnswo Goss Approved..........._._ !..` ^...........191........ /Hyldllerlich ..............................................................yo ............... Mayor.po C A is (6M -puLL D • �y r COUNCIL FILE NO...-. ........................ By-------------- .............. ­ .......................................... --- FINAL ORDER In the Matter at the fol owing locations:`Broadway, west side 12 ft. wide from 8th St. to 9th St., 9t -h --St:-, s-outh-s-ide -'7i ft,.w.-ide,----f-rorn-..Broadviay-,--thence-.:«vest-..14--ft.-.,...Arundel St. east side, 6 ft. aide, from Charles St. thence south to alley; Charles St: north side, 6"'ft-. -mid-e, from ivundei St: thence east 40 ft.; Frvndel S east side, 6 ft. aide, from Charles St. thence north to alley; Iglehart, soutYi -s d6 6 ftp ..fi fde'; frorf" 200"" its "e'ast"""of"" H011te11-" = Ve: tYtt rice ""asst -i ft. -;---Iyt..-_airy.-_St.-,.--north side, 6 ft, wide, from 54 ft. east ofYJackson St. thence east 42 ft.; Grove St., north side, 7z ft. wide, �`roiri t,ississ poi St­--thence...east 1Sz0..feat................................................................................................................... _.... ....... under Preliminary Order ------------ 246.2.5 ........................ approved ...:.A.Br'1..a.a---1919,. Intermediary Order------------------------------- ----- ..._._.... ..... . a] FINAL ORDERS ............ ..------- ---- .---- A public hearing having been had upon the abovt ae notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommend,26126— and having fully consid- Ater ofreconstructing. re; ered the same; therefore, be it ! repairing sidewalk!- at g legations:. Broadway, I RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Fs reeet wide. from s �i>s�lature, extent ands kind of at wide, from :.'BTr' west 10 feet; -Arundel improvement to be made by the said City is..re.Q.0= , 6 feet side, `7 .-and..repair...aidlevralks at outh the following locations: Broadway, westi-r., Nepth.,;; ft. wide from Sth St. to S St. 1-9-th St..,... south -side.,.".7z-ft..... wide, y frhrn:adway- ---- t-henee- wast-,l0--f-t-: , Arundel St., east side, 6 ft. wide, from Charles St. thence south to alley; Charles -Sty y north--s-ide-s 6 ft: wide, -,from Arusrde-1 St thence east 40 -ft.; Grundel St., east side, 6 £t. rride, from Charles St. thence north to alley; .. .. Iglehart;"""s'0utn"'side". 6' ft* *ride";'froiii'200ft "'east-oi..Iio7eII r_ve., tlierice east 100_ feet.? I b. Airy St., north _side, 6 ft-.-._gide,.._from--54..ft..;_..east-- of Jaclison St. thence east 42 ft.; Grove St., north side, 72ft. wide, from 6-t•-tkie"1c-e .eaat...3-6Q...fe.et............................................................. ...... ...------------........ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 7 Adopted by the Council......_ .... ..... ...:.._.....:__..__., 191....---- n n - - .... _....{.......... - C tr... % City Approved...... - ..._.............._.---------- ------ 191 Mayor. CouticihnaZ-Cey th Councilma° CouncilmaCouncilmai Councilman McColl Councilf lan Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson F B. S. A. 8-7 t# CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OP .. NCE REPORT OF COMMIssbUNI£R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) , In the Matter of—);L'C-unE3.tS1it�L1.Il„_-s1�L^.yln�----an.:3---r-:l:.airin-ru:i<" .-k. �,e`----- the __fo----o��-1 �•g---- 1 n Broads _ ,vest side. 1' f _-t "iie frolr 8t St to 'th St re t. } -- - 3cuth aide 71 °a_?t rile fror _n.ad_ay thence ,'eat 10 fe t., Arundel 6t.• ----------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --- - — e^._t gide C fejt .vide from Charles Ft, thence sc.t_l to "lley, C'harlr.n -------------------------..--....-_..-.. ......................................_...-------.-..-----.------------ -------------- "trcct North side 5 fe t `"e fro«, Atuniel—Ct-- thence e ---t 4C, - - -------------- -- ^ id frc ^'"r , c Ar,lr lei ,t e, at wile .:, e . ar e, ,� ,... ., .. .... . f t >a "t, t•^Are n�rt^ e . i-El-ehar.t_3fa.._ .i-de_...frnm = fen t =�.. t s i 1 -� :ei l A-- .... ., trY t e. e- c t ni9e, feet cide, from 4 fe t ea,, of east 1C0 f :°t.. ),t. ; ,y .t., nor -a--- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------- - -- -- - ,.^.c;r�F.- t;i3-'7-2 -Tet--.-j-T� -Jackson 6t. thence -e-t -13 feet . Crove Ct. ^ ^------------------------ - - -------------------------------------- A ------- --r----i---1------4---- , -1c 1 G' ---..--.... ------------------- -------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tots] estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -— ----- -----^ -------------------- The estimated cost per^foot for the above improvement is --------- ------ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Acvta Adiition -�C-5 ittacne Ada, sd+. 'and 4 -1-co C ic; 1 .io i:ittacna A. r, DLCO 1R ,••.;b, of lS .-tin:-on'o 7v -j0 `, 17131 Vin. f 31Co 31�C 5 le -3r of 7" a to 5' co or "erria.: P_fr - TOTAL. - (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PWACE ajl REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION of RJks �4 tr A-htor, 7Z5 11 u jo —Ry',,na Aiiiticl 3C 1^300 13 1C The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter' by the Commissioner of Public Works. - -------- - Dated ........ . Commissioner of Finance. T -T-- L?� E .1 C 1-lglj'L -,57 MY 1/ 7-- i`i 57 - Qt 1113137,33 Ik -� ���� �'i� �. � � �. �. �:, �,� , �. �� Office of . the Commissioner of Publi �Iv I �' N S W ce 10 s=3 y Report to Commissioner of Finance 8 , A w o� 6 APR' 1919 Apr, 9 _._...........il ...._................ 11th .................... ........... 791_ _.:. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24625 April 4th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ......... .... ...... ...._..... ...._approved..... _.........._ ... .... ..._.........................................191.......... relative to........................... reconstructing, relayin anfl��epairing sidewalks at the following locations: Boradway, 1`l•§.,12e wiide from 8th st. to 9th st.; 9t. St., S..S....... 7..J.!....ivid.e.,....from....Br.aadwa....th.ence....rwe.at.....1.01..�......Arand.e1....3t.,.r.....£...... .,.................... 6' wide, from Charles St.thence south to alley; Charles St., N.S. 6' wide, from Arundel St. thence east 40 ft; Arundel St., E.S. ...... ............. .......................... ......._.... .. 6..,.....wide,from Charles St., thence north to alley; Iglehart, S.S., 6' wide,from 200' east of Howell Ave.,thence east 100 ft.; '.4t. Aiiy, N..�.g:.....�.,.....wide from- ...5.4,......ea.s.t. of......Jauk'soa....St.�...thenc.e...._ea.4t.._.4.2.,...,..._ Grove............ St., N.S. 7z' vide, from xlississippi St. thence east 160 ft. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...._...._...._.....necessary and (or) desirable. .08y/ per square foot xxxs 1. The estimated cost thereof is $....... ............................. . and the total cost thereof is $..... ............... _.... ........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................._._......__..._................_.___............__..............._......_........... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............................................._........................:......... b. Said improvement is........._n�_t............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said, improvement. Commissioner of Public rks. 26W7 COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By............................................... ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...c.onstruc.t.ing...dr.ivertags...at...the ...f.ollnir.'» ..lncati.ons....:......_.. V.a Ct.9>^1a...t.,.,...east-_ ide-,...6-. ft.._. i7ide-,-. f ro?n_106-- ft- s.ide-,.-6--ft..---rride....... ;ct— .@.ast...of. -oxford._St...... hence_. east ................................................ ------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- ............................................................... �. F- No 26127— 1 ............ ..... ._.. ................................ ...... .._.. .... ............ .. In the matter of oonatruating drive- . +tori. eireei.fPasst sId9, a et W e ..1919 under Preliminary Order .. ... 247a9.. fl— 104"f` s°nth of 7dneue Aran,; """ "" " tbenee-anuth.9. featt lelehart Ave++ , Norffi: side, fi feet .w1de,Yrdm 36 Faat of O unde°.�gprallmlhence - ..-- "----' -- "-- Intermediary Order........ Iou feet, under Prellminary r 2arsa anProrea APrn aa, 19, ,-due notice, and the Council A public hearing having been had upon .hy v�+eu° neenlnu berm,+ + n the. above lmprovamer - having heard all persons, objections and recurs: ""e•.;one obieconi. lar ; neieto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it `•ive tt RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.c.o_Mistrttct...driverzays..ai.-.the..f.ollontinfr......... _.......1.ac.at.i.o.is Vic.t.o3?.ia...S.t..,...e.as.t...s1de.,...5_.ft.....;[ide.,_ir.oni..106...ft._..south o£_HaCue .--------- Ave. thence south 9 ft., Iglehart Ave., north side 6 ft. -A 1 .--- .....e. st...of..Oxf..... t.. thence east 10 -'..ft.. ....... .---------- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.__. __...i.....-- ..::._.:....__......., 191........ t /t Approved---------------- ..... ......_...._..._....., 191........ CouncilmanGoss Councilman Clancy councilman Kel ouncilman Coll Council Wunderlich City Clerk. Mayor. PUELISHED � � �G/'' is B. S. A. 8-7 os CITY OF ST, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONEfZ OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIAS RDER In the matterot_ ConfstrLjotina �rive,,ays rt the fvll0�i.ng lecatic,na: Victoria Street, East sid-, 3 feet aide, fro:;. 106 feet ^euth c` :ague Ave. thence south 9 feet,; Iglehart. Ave.. North side, six feet :,aide, from 36 feet East of Oxford Street, thence Fa -t 104. feet. under Preliminary Order approved AFri 1 24. 123 9 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S Pqu7re .20 The estimated cost per�foot for the above improvement is 3 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 9 10 Niningera & I)ornelly' a Ad3itic•n 1�'5 f_3 1 Currys Sabdivision 8700 ":est 5 fe `. of 22 1 do TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby suhmits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matLer by Lhe C.,o iseioner ulPuhlio ACork, Dated G�r� 191 Commissioner of Finance. r :.............. Farm B. B. 13 J T- �, t i 9 g h! a" 44 3 2 i /Vi 1_ 12, q O it I s z /,P,A� T Gj)7' "'T -Zi Office of the Commissio t of Public Works L RECEWD .• ... � v�Yp R1N R'wO�� Report to Commissioner of Finance "g= `>•�- =3y MAY 7 1919 may .....6.t.#t......__............. ._._...........191_ .9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 241189 oil, known as Council File No._.._._.............._.........approved._.........._April.....24th, 191..._9, relative to ...................... construoting,driveways at the following locations: Victoria St., . IS: 5..�_�.....�..�.....wi.de........3rom ID.B.....ft south.....of....gagv�8....Ade_:..,.....tFienoe.....solith ....9.ft..-..�........... and Iglehart Ave., H. S., 6' wide, from 361 east of Oxford St., thence east 10* feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is......._ ............. necessary and (or desirable. 96-� per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ..................................... and the total cost thereof is $.._.._.._ _. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.... ___.........__.......__............_...................._......._......_................._......._ _... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............................. ................_................ ........................... ............... __...................__......._... ....._._.._._...__......._._........................__....... 5. Said improvement is..._._ .......... ......... _...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........... ........... ............... .... ......._........,...._.................._...... ._ ._...._ _ C anis over of Public W s. ME PL COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By....... .......... .................................. ........ .........._......... FINAL ORDER 2611 2M In the Matter of..cons.tructin;_.s.-..o.er.2ent......on _the a.Q.1A'h_...'q da....4f....Char..J,.e.s....sGre..e.-t? rvaAue-..to..k y...Stre.et..eZeept trhere...g.00d...and s.Tzfflaient...sida rallce-*ion eziat. ............................................................ under Preliminary Order -`-.:.e-`.cak a, c•ha -..------ --------- -------------- --- It ..lebtlonr:. gu•t. •.� IntermediaryOrder - ......_............- - ghtoved............................................... - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is_._cnnstruc.t...a...cement...tile-.sideTTa h,---six.- feet...amide,....on..the..s.oizth..side...of_.Char-lez...Stre.at...ir. n...Snening.-&venue _..._t.o...Fry... Street.,...exce.pt._rthere... ;.00d..and..zuz"f is.ient...sidewalks..noH...exist. - - --- - .... ---- ... .... — . ...... ........ ...... --..._.._...._........................ .....---- -- -- .._ ......... ....... .......... ........--......................................... ...........-I------------......------------------------------------- — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._... ... ........... . 191X . -" -- -lf1.-!_�:.. � .....r .--,- -- - City Clerk. Approved........_.:------....... .... ..................... 191........ p� - .. ... ........ ..---- — ��+ Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman Clan Councilman r Councilor ccoll d Coun ' an Wunderlich M r Hodgson rm B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIPNE;R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the Matter of _-on truct__a_cele_nt t1 _eeidealtiai:c feet ride, on lbi�e south aide, of Ch�rlaa 7,treet frcm Cnelling Avenue to Fr Strcet. under Preliminary Order approved —___JuIl-P.,-„_13,..._1°.1°......_.- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-- — --- lineal 0 The estimated cost perAoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 4 Ftierle ..c %nvil:e an_l 7C0 :.7 4 S,E are %id:c�q X1 lit, ;r_ 450 38 4 30 450 27 4 do 450 ... (/ Fo aeA.e-aA TOTAL. J St. Paul, Minn., r -•.i91. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made:, . f rom .......�..... to .....................St. Office of the .Commissiontt'- f Public Works REcEtvED . 4 i o. • � 10' Report to Commissioner of Finance o ,..6„ pc JUN 241919 June 23rd, 1919 ...................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 26446 June 13th, 9 cil, known as Couned'Frle Nn._............ .................... approved .............:............................................................191........., relative to.............................. constructing a cement tile aidewk.., six fee.......t widev on the south ........ ....... ....... ... al . ................................... . aide of Charles Street from Snelling Avenue to Fry Street. ................ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is c desirable. 1 rf�.,/...p.�i oi�d a� t�8£�t Y 1. The estimated cost thereof is $ ...... ............ ....._...., and the total cost thereof is $.._........__.................... ........... , slid the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .................................................... Canuuise oner of Publie Works. /L' 26 t 20 COUNCIL FILE. NO............_ .... .......... By .................... ........ ... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of P&vi_nc1_11ith--azpha1t c.oncx!e:La t1ie n02!t11-.ZZLde---af Sumn i -t_ - Avenue frnim-Sne I I ing .2,v2-rAm t -D and- Sas =1ns t,,o pr-.opartty not q I ready 2:aade_,___a_1_s.o ime-luding curhing and drdveaay zppr.oaaiez.,_w.he.r-e .................................................................................................................................................................. ................. .......................... : ........................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order 2_49.9.5 ............................... approved ---.A ay.6t1l, 19.19 . .......... .......... ............ IntermediaryOrder ---------------- --------------------------------------------- approved.--------- ----------- ------- ... .............................. .. . .... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council, having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City isX_ v a ... with as-phalt--r.oncrete the nar-th-side of from Sne_11:L, &.V_enUQ imenue,-including. a ea ar., "7 at. 0.3? and. -gas 0.0--me-atlons fr-an-.3,treet-mains to pr_ape2aty 11ne s !q P np 19 t.e.- X.. lae. r e n cit....air ady P ..!qu driveway ........... ne-G-Q.Q.8ary . ......... . ......... ........ .............................................................................. -------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. —p Adopted by the Council.___.._._I - ) 6 City Clerk Approved ---- ......... . ..... 191 -- ----------- O ayor. porouncilman Goss b "Councilindii Farnsworth Councilman nay •w" Councilman RWJ­ 6,' Councilman McColl Councilmaw'Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7 r CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT** FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS14116R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ODER l _ Ps e 'iith=iaphnit concrete the north aide of Currr<:it --------- In the Matter of — - - ---- - ------------------- from -- ----'-----from ctelltrig Avenue to '"heeler A enue. qq------------------------ ------- --------------- ------ ------- ----------- under Preliminary Order approved-�--�0-'--�-y-�--+-�----------------'----'------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - - -- ---_ Coen Per Yard. Estimate Kind of Paving; Per r. Total Front Ft. _ Asphalt Concrete..... �,2.70 w10,746.00 $8.37 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 19 4 Thurntc-n ^-nd Lal tiea A.13itic n 5750 1R 4 tc fit. 730^v 1? 4 do 1 ^ 4 :0 75G 15 -i i O 1357-1Q 14 4 do 2750 1.'1 4 do 12950 LZ 4 do 2750 11 4 3o 8600 TOTAL, FORM.-A.8"8A _ ✓ I[wI[cT .[eu w,TT Tna IIw.T con.lo [w ATlon NOWAR.F. . iAR T.[wac... M00.TOAO6 LOANS P lTE0. J. SOH ULTE E. M. H. F. WARE REAL N�E w+ RlAL ESTATE MAROLO K. ..,.A. w piw.WNio l.w IwCAwlowwTio ta., MANAGEMENT awe�wa SAL! A PURCHASE PAUL O. MA waaT �acwavwwv APPRAISAL ST. PAUL, MINN., August 51 1919 F. Goss, Commissioner, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Representing the owner of the northwest corner of Summit and Snelling &venues, I desire to enter a protest against the proposition to pave a narrow roadway on the north side of Summit extending from Snelling to Fairview. our feeling is that this would be a disadvantage to the property supposed to be benefitted I,rather than an advantage as at present these parties living along the line of the pro- posed improvement are more comfortable and quiet because auto- mobiles are not running over this strip except where the drivers have business in the houses. The description of the property we represent is as follows: Lot 19, Block 4, Thurston & Lambies Addition to St -Paul - Yours very truly, P. M. & H. F. WARP, By President W/S !. G. Prest, 1713 summit Avenue, Saint Paul, Men. August 2. 1919 Yr. Y. 1. does, Commissioner of public worlm, Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Peferring to Preliminary order *4998: A few weeks ago I signed # pefi- tion to pave the north side of Summit Av*=O frog Snelling to 1hoeler. I have since con- sidered the matter farther, and think there are serious "Joetions to the paving of this street. and that it is entirely unnecessary. and I hereby withdraw my recommendation that the street be pawed. I expect to be out of the city on Wednesday. and therefore will not be able to attend the hearing called for August 6th. Tou2's_, f ri ly, CITY OF PAUL DEPARTMENT INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI(7W OF FINANCE ON P'RE;LIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • 4 3 Thur;ktor, end L-a:bic-2 A.laition t 11975 3 to It. Paul i,ainr,. 14 1 V. Drayere Addition to 35C 13 1 tt. Paul X200 ( 1 Z 1-�o „3GG F -I=t 31 feet c. 11 1 is (Fxcent Fa -t 31 feet) '1 1 do', (` 3900 10 1 do ^fe^t Fast^ c` 9 1 Jc ( 4'75 ectt 18 feet of (( 9 1 ?o t 8 1 do 14 17 Schroeders Ad litic,n to the 3000 'itv cf �'t. ?9u1. 17 io (13 785c (FXCCpt "'C.,t 10 feet) 17 do Test l0 feet. cf (12 17 do 'SC. 11. 17 do 1C 17 de 2200 P 17 do 1200 8 17 do 3000 F 18 do 17',75 5 18 do 2000 4 18 do 1C)70C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEfjT� FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISIMOF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR DER (C) " -- - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION . VALUATION 7 3 T-,anut grove ?t. Paul inr.. 2575 (g 3 do 3075 rn:-t 10 feet of 9 3 do (Excel'�t 7 -i=t 10 fePt) k1 3 do e000 'cet cf 10 3 a (Facept r•, t 1F. fP^t)1: 3 1 C i0 Fact _ Cf 'o f('et) 11 3) do 12025 ] 0 do 6 c, do do .550 4 2io 6C-0 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -- 1910{.. - .-- - -- Commissioner_of. Fi-nance. ronM e.a.w. aa c 11111,111 MAIN itb.l�BkL&7t COXiOJ�'ett8. St. Paul, IUnn. , 191.9. . To the Honorable, The Council, f�i�Y o' lyl r City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follorlir_g improvement to be matte: .......... To. pave, with .ApPh41,t. CpAcr.ee............. . ........... the. Noxth .S.i.de. of. ,S.uputi.t, .A?e...................... St. Ave. from ..... ,Srie1liFiB ........... Ave. to IVJLe.e1-es. Ave ............... St. Ave. I.....I....... . . . . . . . //.1 zt �?- . ... . .. ... .............. . ...7 .. . ............ �.. ....... ...........�r.. ........ ...... ..y ............. YIjj(��iu j�Q(... tj... X . .. V.. !� F i. /1 xM ...J.. . y .... �. ! ........... ! .`..... . ............................Y ....kx ......Xx ......................... -p.....A.......p. ............... ............M-.. .'. .. .......................... - x ... y 1�_i���4.:...................... ...MY ; ti�j ':........................ .......... ....................................... ......................... ............ ............ .................... ...................................... a Office of .the CommissoneMf Public Works Fo Report to Commissioner of Finance _ • 'flgi 1ht919 June llth, 9 191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- Ma 6th ..... p .....................191........., relative to............................. 24998..... proved...................:..............._....._� .... oil, known as Council File No .......................... u paving the north aide of Summit Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Wheeler Avenue ...._............................_............._............................................._..................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ....._...necessary and (or) desirable. SR8 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..... ..... ......... _...... ._., and the total cost thereof is $ ...... ....... ......_.............. _-......... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ ....................... ........................................ ........ ........... .............. ..__...... .._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made u part hereof. ............... ................................._._......_._..................................._....................._...— ............. ................ .... 5. Said improvement is ............ _... ......... ......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............... _....... _....................................... _.. _...... Commissioner f Public Works. St. Paul, Minnesota. June 10, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I tr4nsmit herewith a preliminary estimate of the cost of paving with asphalt concrete the north side of Summit Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #24998 approved May 6, 1919: Str et 20 Ft.Front.. 168 Ft. Length 1820 Ft. Width Roa�wy 17 Ft.Pay.Area 39 0 Sq.Yds. Add per front foot $1.50 for curbing. No sewer connections necessary. Add $32.00 for -j" water connection to each lot, where not in. Kind of paving: Per Sq. Total Cost per j Yard. Estimate Front Ft. Asphalt Concrete ... .$2.70 $10,746.00 $6.37 A relief sewer has been planned for this district a portion of which extends the full length of the paving and in the centre of the roadway. Bide were received on said sewer May 5, 1919, and were rejected. New bids are now being advertised for, and if a satisfactory bid is received the work will be proceeded with as Boon as possible thereafter. Yours very truly, b WES/C Chief Engineer. J (Ipg of Stmul $ipertmrxt of Vt bltr Marks agu a CLAUSECH. �H,.P EHOiR.[P ... M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. E. =T,0L .PSurt1N6 ioH ,.Ro P.P^ ^. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY r�LPREO JMCNSOH.-UP" ., M. W. GOCTZUNOOER�uPT. .eTI.M, m. GRYTBAI[, E..IH.CP or . O. H. HPRNOLD. 01"C. E ...... I St. Paul, Minnesota. June 10, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I tr4nsmit herewith a preliminary estimate of the cost of paving with asphalt concrete the north side of Summit Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Wheeler Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also, including curbing and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #24998 approved May 6, 1919: Str et 20 Ft.Front.. 168 Ft. Length 1820 Ft. Width Roa�wy 17 Ft.Pay.Area 39 0 Sq.Yds. Add per front foot $1.50 for curbing. No sewer connections necessary. Add $32.00 for -j" water connection to each lot, where not in. Kind of paving: Per Sq. Total Cost per j Yard. Estimate Front Ft. Asphalt Concrete ... .$2.70 $10,746.00 $6.37 A relief sewer has been planned for this district a portion of which extends the full length of the paving and in the centre of the roadway. Bide were received on said sewer May 5, 1919, and were rejected. New bids are now being advertised for, and if a satisfactory bid is received the work will be proceeded with as Boon as possible thereafter. Yours very truly, b WES/C Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL am town4 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I'UUNCIL AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM iLE ` Porm A A 46.2 A 7-13 r y'- 1101 pt�l _ c ............... T \1vP AUG• 191...... ..._ AUDITED .. .................................... ... � TITLE I specified funds and in favor o; Resolved that warrants b .drawn upon the City Treasury, payabve names as specified e out of the hereinaf inrthe following detailed statement:f �e t!Rigrampti persons, firms or corporations f o F Nq ss33o- "„r 1 ens Co( pbetracL Adopted b Council_... uncilmen Resolved that warrants ix drawn • • p Pon the City Tre Ury Datable out o. e hex Inaftep sDecni d-funds and 1,- A� Clancy �;'or qt the Derson9. flr e o torport - _nn.... top the amounts $ec.6pG odea tt A proved .7 ,I Farnswor true tutmes sa apecltlea in � ng detailed statement "waeeograpH Company; Y3.60. < - Goss I--� savvty c mIS„rw + 7s-- _ . _-r -, ._ ... ...... _ .. MAYOR Kell �✓ Be,laCom fir pany ithers ItambBr� COIDDf: McfColl v �� � 'ifltng l�3achine CamDaf 5 i �•'w , :3saei Mr. p esident, Hodgson ubttehfng do i - ;ardwaie-;Co-- mba 1.50 Addressograph -Company, 4.'X3 I&-A4 American SUPP17 Company, 7.70• J. A. Bayne & 0. A. Ahlo 1.80 -152 6 George C. Bindew�CComPany, 76.75 S. Brand, , 163.28 15Si$ Brooks Brothers LwIlber Company, 55.9D jq,,ye" Burroughs AddinMachine Company, 106.61 1-32Q' Crane & Ordway, - 6.40 goer Daily flews Publishing Company, 18.35 y22 Adam Decker Hardware Company, t 1&425— Jos. Dingle Boat Works, 0 i4 Dispatch Printing COMPafiY,* Na6er Min Electric Blue. Print Company, Wa6er. r= t, Elk Linen SUPPlY COMPanTs rarm Evinrude Motor, COMPanYs- wot" Farweil, ormun, Kirk & company., Utep Gopher Lime & Cement COMPsnY, AaLsr 7,32x 6 Griggs, & s 9 watQ4Company4 132+&I— Don Haynie, k,%"2 P. J. Kalman Company.. leeEla Walter T. Lemon COMPanYWeber x leeft McClain & Hedman. Maas Brothers, wat" *5g" The Matteson OoMpany; Wette 16"In Mpls. St.psul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway We0ber . JSQ" Minneapolis & St Louis Railway Company, r&M Nicola, Dean & Gregg, Northern States Power ComIRny, t5246 N. W. Electric Equipment 'roMPWY., -I;OM peoples Coal & lee Company,' W"er *5e43' Raymer Hardware Gompamy, W.t= 43g6j� Remington Typewriter COMPanYt Ut" 1'3243 Robinson,,Cary & Sands., WRA40 1,38*0- St.paul Gas Light Company, VOAQV- jil 50400 35*24 5.6& .66,- -�Q 18'.10 37.39 64037.0 @*00 22.80 52.00 40.04 2.50 99,00 24.50 3.901 16.31 133.71 .933.25 9100. 6,12 1.00 9.25 104.14 .gse-3QtdT Page #3 13 b 131.4 South park Foundry & Machinery CompaW, 404:.91 132A8, . Standard oil CompanyVI-, 16649 Striokland-Doolittttll=e�Company, 13.01 1,'w8 Superior Refining Company, Weer-+ 46:00 3:566x1 Tierney.& Company, 40.69 ,j,25Z U. S. Reclamation Service, Wim+ 2.65 153' Victory Printing Company, 10.50 j&%4 Villaume Boa & �r company, 809.80 13200 Welsbach Company, W" 6.31 ,3aw Western Machine Mfg. CompaIW, 8115 .ISOl3T Western Supply Comp I any, 5.28 - 139w Joseph Zooh, W,a4&s 26.55 F.- A A 46,1117-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER /�C/� AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL Na '- w�T 1102 AUG -1- int AUDITED ......NG.. .. .. IJTJ......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Ys Adopted by a ouncii..........._..._G-....__-_ .._ _191.....--- Clancy C. F. No E8381— ` proved ...:_191.._ .._ Ah'etraa� ......_.... Farnsworth , Reealvea that watTante be drawn npp. here CIttr Y, p"IFy payable ant in Goss the heielnal/er, apeclaed funds and In tavor.wl the pgreone, firma or corpora ' ..... .- Kel Hana tov the a ew-Jaa fiat oppotitte, l their PAYOR reepeative wam89'=:ee epecl9eA In the `. roito�lna detalted �etatem cc 11 I febinta Natiw¢a1 Bank is 8E90L Adopted b,74. Connell Ang: 7 '1919 Wunderlich Approved Ang' 711919 tApg. 9 1818) Mr resident, Hodgson NPW Merchants National Bank, 3,320.02 a 'E�'66G.Ot) 1��or�Se Unf =+a= Ia 1. . Field. p _ CITY OF ST. PAUL 9-1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t: ........................................................A^............:.------.................................. ......... .... ..... ..._......._.......... 0 ., r c.� ...... couwclL 1p� IG _ PILE NO . ----------------- f1r.���....... .............. . Date Presented..ARgU@A 7,--1918.,....191....... Resolved, That the grade of alley in Block 3 Lanet s Manor Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommend - ad by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Clancy Goss K er /1 cColI VV / Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 M. N. 8 tIM8 Adopted by :the Co—pli Ao@. 7, 1919. Approved Ahq. 7, 1919. (Aug. 9, 1919) S Adopted by the c i I --A_U I. -._,?.1_C.........191...... A/ ved........... ...... ........................................191..... ............. ........._.. ........... ........ ...... ..... .... .'....... ................ MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL f G COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' Subject:........................................................_..........-....................-...................................................-'--............cour+cll. c c 4 F �a No ...... .........r2,r. 13................ ...................................................................................... ........................................................._.................................. Date Presented _.August.._7, .1919......191....... Resolved, That the grade of alley in Block 3 Lane' a Manor Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommend- ed by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. say 01 Aug— 1919, .end the proper. efty.'Otticer. re herotiy'aother- lsed to Oxacute, en amendment to said contract in accordance herewith; pro- vided," however, that this, re9nlntloa hail of Ney eve anforce sad affect un - lees ttia sureties on the" contractor's bond ....nt thereto and. file each con- sent in wrlting. �wlth- the City cop - m roller. Adopted by the C0+1- 11 Aug. 7, 1919. Approved AIM 7. 1919. (Aug. 9, 1919) Y e.J-.L'.oneei}men•1-�-bays Adopted by the � cil ....:...:1...-r.._...�^.1.........191...... -... Clancy - / Farnswgrth �I!,� Goss A ved..............................._....__................. 191.....E McCollV ............. Ageing t _......................._......................................_......._..... Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson rORM C. A. a 3M 12- CITY OF ST. PAUL ( �' IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject:_.............................................................................................................................................. ............... 26133' COUNCIL ................................... /solved, Yeas Date Preaented..A11( �----7a�-.�.1.�-.-------191...._ That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated March 10, 1919, between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul for the construction of a sewer on Tyler Street from South Robert Street to a point 1008 west of South Robert Street and from Gorman Avenue to a point 758 east of Humboldt Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the sixth day of August, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized .to execute an amend- ment to said contract in accordance herewith provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. C. F. No. 29192—By M. N. (3oae-- Reeolved, That the. grade of alley in Rlock 9, Lane's Manor Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue. in accordance with the d grade lino on the accompanying profile and as recbm- Im nded by the Commfasioner of Public Works, be and the. ams- Is hereby adopted ea the ateblfebed g>•e Adopted by the Conn M1 Aug. 7. 1919. Approved Aug. 7, 1119: (Aug. 9, 1919) Clancy Goss r Kell hf Coll v—A'-�­ Mr.. P,Yesident, Hodgson rORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Cou ..........................................191...... Approv ........_......_1 _ '..: f.^'.......... 191..... ............... ............. ...................�"z%/ �............... 4, MAYOR St. Paul, Minn., - d� _ - -G - - - 191-7- . TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C IT Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the L'c/2ons�rfroY�loh/_O ttudf rjerirla/,`f!✓ef✓a�b�inr y fHnJba��/y Ave/ ei1� PL a/Znohe rr2 Sf to be extended to - - - - - X. - �_ - - - - - - 19 F-7- Owingto--- a�.z--cov, i;Ws•-------- it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Cont tor. APPROVED Comff,Public Torks. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conc;t. s of Construction & Repa.r Chief Engineer. • CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. � . _..........-..1 261.34 Rnhiect:..._..........:..`.................--'............................j..............._... . �L 1 rae NO. ...... ............. _.......... Date Presented ................................ .......................191..... t I� Re lved, That the lease for the First Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church of St. Paul, as a recreation center, under date of January 15th, 1919, and expiring July 15th, 1919, is hereby renewed and extended for the term of six months from said last mentioned date. C, F: No. 28t A4-Bv 7. M. CtanpY– - Thot the l,tAesfnr the Fret �� I Chu h of TL 00.1 ad. lecopaI qw 41ah'Methodlet.H 21^n o—tsr. ender .. 60 s rer^e^ g and Fsn1919 is 1419thereby re ewedlrand a`ily 18th, the t^ pf six 'months extended for sttloaed dale. from eat" last the Co^^^il Avg• 7, 1919. Adopted by SASH. Approved.(— 19, 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ✓) N s Adopted by the Con ...._�.......__.......................191...... Clancy n� !.. 191..... Farnsw th .._......_._......_.._.. Appro _........ Gos n avor eller .A.0...... .......................................................... . ................... McColl .............. MAYOR Aga' Wunderlich Mr President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-10 . J Luncil File No"............._ __ _.... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2w, �i5 Petition / PRELIMIN_ . AR��?"'7 8186— p written propoeat. n2 The undersigned hereby proposes the m:'the following imDrcw' public improvement by the City of ';ley in Block e. Lane from Yseoal Avenue t St. Paul, VIZ.:.. .... ... svin6 been DDresented............ the city of St. Paul Grad alley- in Bloo$..i, That: the cemmise�r id�tiCn ................ ..rke. be ana he fe ha ....- :directed: ..t, i. ;the nee., from._ Pas......--- Avenue._to''ity of, makin..ue,.--------------------------..-----------......_.....---------- - -- - -----------------------....... - ---------------------------- Dated this._.._5th...........day o:..:.Auguet e...l.... 9w _ 191__ _... ......... ........ ---------------- ------- _................................... Councilman. PRELI^MINAjtY ORDER. WIEAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: - - -Grade$-1S?._Q 3....baae..'_g__.i�laP9r....�dd t on. --------- from Pascal-_Avenue.._to..._Albert.._Avenue......___..-----------__------.-----_._------------ ---_...-._........----------------------------- --- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..___ _ ....__.. ____...._....__ ..... _ _............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.. .... . __.......... . . ._ ........_ ........ _ ........_. _ - ... _..- ............ _.._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ......... ......3.7.'....�q .q ___.......191__... q Yeas: Goss Ilyla f Yelre McCoCo /ll V Wunderlich 'Mayor Irvin Nays: ... Q � 9 Approved_ ._..__... 191......... ............ .............-... ....... et7$LI B Mayor. e . •.:86386-- } . ;aa• A wrl[!en yro oeS 4. Council File No ........ _._...... ot. the tollowing �mp' . PROPOSAL F6glaR and takl„g sa 14T necessary for at,, aalloy In -Block ', lbOn, from Pascal ;� py�g •11 "ofathe City eof 26 S 6?8 PRELIMINA]i a' the coca ba -ad ho..'+ "led:. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tbste ,tlowi public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:__....__..._.............. __.......... _.......... .......... ..... _._.......___........ ..... -..........--Aesseeeaxy...fol. ... apes .for uts sad fills_.in.----------------------------------------------------- -__---�.._...-grading ... llery.....in.---B. .3.__Leme.'..a..�fauo-r Addit -o------ _...__.._._ from Pascal Avenue o bent Avenue. Dated this .......... 5th....... -day of... A f..._._A gt.�... 9.,_. _........._.. _ ...._..__..... _ . 191. __ _. l------ -- ... — ._............. ........------------ .................................. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: --Condemning.._eud.._t_8 1. 8-... 1.._eAsem.Qnt in the. land._neoesearY..for------------- -_....... __..-cute_._and.._fi_11e_._n..-grading__e11ep__in_ Bloak.._3..._Lane.'_a-..Magor.-------..._--_..----._........- Addition from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ___ ...... ............ ......... .... .._. _.. _._.....- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and be is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability, of the making of said improvement. 2. To ilivestigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.___...__. ........... ......... ....._........ __.. .......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.......... `` -:.._........ Yeas: Nays: 011-F1lrII9WOFth-_.. _.� „v. f` IC Goss Approved - �1 .........._......_ 191 .......... Hyland Kell ll 11 ..............i �/ underlich Mayor Irvin c9 �y G Mayor. .aaM a a PUBLISHED omur4,NtlIDe C. F.:-Na..16137+Ardit�8neos�fo., bk/7 ; By Henry McColl— ameadln Ordlnsnce N, - ot GLLelne.. Mu. nance amending Ordinance No. 3979, entitled "An Ordinance Specifying certain kinds of business conducted in the City of St. Paul to be peddling, and fixing a license therefor, pro- viding for the carrying of badges and tags, and a penalty for the violation thereof," approved March 22nd, 1915./ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES M DAIN:- SECTION I. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 3979, entitled "An Ordinance specifying certain kindsof business conducted in the City of St. Paul to be peddling, and fixing a license therefor, pro- viding for the carrying of badges and tags, and a penalty for the giolation thereof," be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:- "Sed�ion II. That hereafter al'1 applicants for a 1 1 c nse� R^' to peddle within the City of St. Paul shall fileith�,� e " City Clerk a written application for such licende,'iri �iY�ich shall be correctly stated the commodity or article for which a license to peddle is desired, together with the full name;, age and place or places of residence of the applicant for the five years im- mediately preceding, and his previous occupations during the same period, and whether or not he has ever been arrested or-r-on6icted of any crime yr misLeem a�nor�,' nd if so, when and whera No application for licen e s" haS]! be granted until the moral character of the applicant has be'e% investigated by the Chidf of Police, and such application approved with tjae wi ten endorsement of that officer; provided tHat'nb licen a sha be gra, ted to peddle dry -goods, cloth, clothing, furs, weR ing appareh;,\eye-glasses-, umbrelle.s, medicines, watches, jewelry, plated or silverware SECTION II. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passaga and publication. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (430*w- Adopted by the Council` ` .... } �. ...191..8. Clancy d Farnsworth �{ �� 2. 1 Approved........'_. v_.`....._.... ._............_. 191.../ Goss ......._....*- '---- / `KeFflr 1K�t}Il� - ............._............... .............. nnderlich �'1 1 ATTEST: YUt3Lt +1y1� n JOHN 1. FIARIC/�Y, 1- FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I6 _ ..� Clty Clerk. 1 I,� Form A A 16, YM I -I8 ('11111' (IF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM uOUNCIL FILE 1104 t� '. BY - AUDITED ....................... _. ......,.1 ...:.... PER........_ ........................ ................__... _....., TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailestatement: persons, or corporations a�G �� Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council _._.._ 191 ....._ �.C6_01. Farnsworth $880LIITIOF& Appro w los Goss C. F. No. "P'77,b.tr..L be dra.17 t y�/--191 KellerReeolved th aeur'YnuaysDle)out Don, tt(e CItY: s�eclded funds and in' MAYOR ( McColl �- the herelnatter,, tavor of •the Pe ovate, Sett o�posita their Clone totthe HHed 1n ; the Wunderlich Pec resppective nanlea., Bp _ tottowttlt[ dotal t&te t'. V.- Mr. President, Hodgson g Charlotae DS".sbedloo.00. h8 the OUpet 1919. -15* T Charlotte M. Sanford, SGhGOIS 2,1.00. 00 2,100.00•• nAA cm cu.. Form A A 46, t X I -I8 II p 1.103 CITI' OF 1T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM t'OC\CIL �7 FILE l\0...... ..••.v•. • AUDITED ...A j_._..:...._.:.. _...._._........:,-- TITLL Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified Mndl; and inb-favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays --- Adopted by the Council._......._A�G__�.._19�.........191...... _._ ency C. F No 26729- Q Aliatract A r ^$._9��.._.......... 191____... Farnsworth Resolved that arra to h drawn upon the Clty Tre Y Datable out of• CiO55 the hereinafter aDecfded funds and in favor of the yeraone, firma or oorpora- tions for Sheamountaaet oppposite their _ _....._..... ..___.._ r 1 " Keller olg�ell—'names ae g -Tried 1. the ""'�'-- �-�---- MAYOR foliowing ;detailed gtatement: McCollAnderson & Johnson, ;91.61. Mrs. Maria B. - Bryadt, ;226.00. Wunderlich James B. Hewltt,.89.500.00. Hnl Insufatfng & D1fg: - Company, ;46.90., Dor. President, Hodgson Pioneer Cone Company, 192.76. Pltteburgh;. Plate Glees Compapy, Silrame• Raemveseh, ;20.00. --. St.. Paal Bulidera MatarJ.4 Compan9. 4367 80. 8tandard�D4i11aComDany f6686.•.�., Standard Ott Company. 1233 48 Albert Wunderlich; Com of F,duoa-. tfo 119.06. =A�oyted:bythe Couheil Aug8,-7819; ADDrovedL'( ; (A s.116191919) _ 4Z260 Anderson & Johnson, 'mss 91.61 13261 Mrs. Maria Be Bryant, 225.00 Sehoels 1;g-62 James B. Hewitt, F4 re 9,500.00 132,8,3 Hill Insulating & Mfg. Company, 46.90 S. & S. e1ng. 1-3264 Pioneer Cone Oompany, 93.75 finks 13285 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 31.95 f� Library play -grounds ;5266 James Rasmussen, 20.00 "bli-ar-y 13267 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 157.90 Sohr,01 18888 Standard Mille Company, 65.86 Library 13269 Standard 011 Company, 33.49 Scitoe�s 15270 Albert Wunderlich, Comfr. of Education 19.05 94 W 3 R rvice A5 P rHathe l I CITY OF ST. PAUL , /4_ . UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM- ,Vp L ....................................... COUNCIL Subject: ............................::. rileNO ....... .............._...._.... _:...... Date Presented 191..... Resolved, That the Mayor, on behalf of the City, is hereby authorized to enter into a lease for the 'easing and hiring of Roome 212 and 213 in the Guardian Life Building, as quarters for the Women's Employ- ment Bureau, maintained jointly by the State and City, for the term beginning July 1st, 1919 and ending December 31st, 1919, at a monthly rental of Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00) per month, pay- able in advance out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund. I as ) Councilmen✓ ays g Orth McColl :b3ehSs£� W underlich t. President, Hodgson )RM C. A. 9 3M 12-1B and ae the Collnell Aug. S, 1919. � g8 .io. 19i9) ..... Adopted by the Council ..__Affi: ....... _ ..�I. ..._..... 13k919 ..._._.... AN -8 @1g A........�............._._ 191..... .......................................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM u ect:...... .................................... ._ couRcu FSENo ....................... .....:........................ Resolved, Date Presented That the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ in the -Bureau of Police, the servi we of one (1) uatron for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days, to serve as Police 'Matron during the annual vacation of the Police Mai tron6, Bureau of Police, Department of Public Safety. Compensation for this service shall be at the rate of $60.00 per month, and the expense to be charged to the Police Fund. -� F. No. 261.1—Rv Henry MaColl— Resclved. T,ofthe Com uthortner of Public sin. the sRureauy otu Police, the 1,1e�m-ploy rvices of one (1)Matron tar a period not exreedirw thirty (30) days, to serve as Police Matron during the annual cation of the Pollee Matron., Bureau Iof Pollee, napartment of Public safety. Compensation for this aervfce .hall be at the rate of $60.00 per month- and the xpense to be charged to the Pollee Fund. ApprovedF Aug• S. Council9Aug. 8, 1919' I (Aug. 16, 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays tQaoa+_ -Farnsworth Goss . Keller 0 McColl Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 191..... Adopted by the Council.1..�.-8...��.::.191....., i Appr( ....QG.._S'...���.�� MAYOR Resolved, That the application of W.B.>+landrau for a license to maintain an oil filling station at 370 Payton ave.be and the same hereby is granted and the pity Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of ths,fee (50.00). ! �, F. No, 20142—RY IT McColl— Resolved, That the .11. to no of W. ' 13 lan ra.tillifor [silve r[ 270 Dayton oiler s 1 nted ani the Cit- le instructed ert toleeue such lic Treasury tof Lhern fee into the City, ($60.00). pa�eoved AvBeSi 191917 Aug. B, 1918. (Aug. �6. 1919) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays 0Farnsworths Goss _...___..`hfwor Keller McColl .............. A'gaMr Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson POR. C. A. 9 3. 12-1e Adopted by the Council Approv —.191•..•- �AUG ._r8...f8M t91..... ....__...... ........... _ .................... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........:........................�.....I............................... Ak .............. _...... ....... Date Presented .............. No.......... . ..f..-.-..... 191..... ,Rts„1Te4 ,WHEREAS, That triangular strip of land at the southerly ex- tremity of Lot 3, Braatz Place, described as follows, viz: Beginning at an iron monument at the intersection of the west line of Arcade street and a line parallel with and distant three feet northeasterly from the northeasterly side line of Sinnen street, thence north along the west tance of westerly aidistanceco£e14.58feet toet a ssaid line 83�feet enot, thence th- rtheasterly from and parallel with the northeasterly line of Sinnen street, thence southeasterly along the last described line a distance of 12.38 feet to the place of beginning; has been deeded to the City for street purposes by a,for hrimproving s inter- ecionbewnSixthand Arcadeeteets; therefrebe it RESOLVED, That the said property is hereby accepted by the City for the purpose for which the same is deeded. ROceived a11_papers in Connection with above Resolution. Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays — Farnsworth Goss Keller 8 191.,.. AUG -�'9 191. Adopted by the Council ��:�--_�-.----��-- -- Appro .AUG 70!8...1913._...191..... A- __._..........._.........___....._:._........... McColl ......._. MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB I E s:x4h 5f For, A A 46, 2 X 7-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER c AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE O U.N "I"i 1105 - ......... ­ - -------- --- - - ------ - -- J� )919 1 Y C(JN:� �IER AUDITED .................. ............... ......... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporation -.mints—unts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: AUG –9 919 rl�� men Adopted by the Council............... il P144 -lb'"" ... ...... . . ........ .. 191_ Reeolvad that ranl. , be drawn iclancy the' the Cit, Tr."' 0' h.r.T.ft.r .`aa`YjPj-u Clancy I pe I& Ynadbs1%11.`d` -.tavor 1 AUG –9 14arns h be eft the firm. art corpora Approved ... .......... OSIte their respective .—I'T, It 6 G Pee AGO- fol stat fa he American 0 f01 OWing 'detailed B106.. . .......................... M Iu�;�uer ikWater ,,1gjIWAY0R McColl 1. n6 Dally. P Wu u Wunderlich 11h, , , 7, . American Linen Supply Company ,1-32.23 T. L..Blood & Company U_ R, P.- E. 1322A Board of Vhter_Commissioners —tj Daily Hardware Company T52? Louis F. Dow & Company H. McQuillan Brothers H. QQq8 Peoples Coal & Ice Company 2" Prendergast Brothers IT,ft J. F. Ptacek & Son X.5zo St. Paul Decorating Company H. 14eO2 Weiskopf Paint Company 12261 R77H.- Whitacre & Company H. 'Tat -1-44w." 24.12 21.63 26.97 42.01 45.13 154-38 42-57 65.45 2.o8 6o.00 ,,,9.63 30-48 F—A A 19,2M 7-19 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL `5 No..._��d6 �.. 1106 AUDITED fi1GG;I�; ........191 . Pav -. W. .t..P..T......L.R PE R.....Y/./...../............ ,1328�i Wm. Harris & Company, –ap"A""g ITL. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas V )Councilmen.( g, No. 26145 Abat ct ..,.__ - 9 ...... .19 Adopted by the Council_... N�� ft ' L.--- that. warrants able out Clanc the C1tY_.?reseury D Y y upon speclfler funds and of fn the lherelnatter Farnsworth favor of the Pemo- t; set fir.-orcorpora-. tfone dot the ampunte Bet oVPoatta theft reB ective names ae spec ed ip Goss toti°owinq detaPed t, -t, Keller Brooke Brothers Lumber. Company.,, a1 Wm Iiarrle &;tiomOsoy. g*" -MAYOR CpPany A rof r .191__._ pp ...............Abr ,.(1__.,Isla-.._,._,. L t7 Isla* the 22: M oll . ID1nol. 8tee1Brldge 29e.o9 underlich Gee: w. Keys $20 Work., 1 11Ri 2s. fit•, Pavl Bott�ing 4T.1 SBaDurr Mr. esident, Hodgson 7:'L 8hfelY LhemCouncli Avg 29 1919: .. ildoPte_betiQ 9.1979:--.;_ - Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, P� .. Pav -. W. 44. 7 . 11j– ,1328�i Wm. Harris & Company, –ap"A""g .,18886 -m -Illinois Steel Bridge Company, 1328,.. Geo, W. Keys, Buraau--aL. a. 10288 St.Paul Bottling Works, –IA2H9 Seabury &,,Company, YJ egg„ 14QQ0, J. L. Shiely Company, t� pr. 2860.25 ?a:V.dg Blk 4 0 Pav-frg"1 mo, Sine t, Reymond 20 0 a Total--AV698;78"- 75.19 350.00 2,380.00 202.00 1,121.25 . 47.10, 3,207.25 Form A A 46,2 M 7-18 PITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COLIN AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE °'L No....t�6•••- 1107 BY-- .................. ............. 1 I- COMPTRO R AUDITED...i'yvcr.?,_..._�.j.t'�...._...... 191........�/"�[���� PER ................. .r... T 7 TI I.E ' Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fu s and in favor of the . persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the followin detailed statement: Yeas ( Y ) Councilmen I V - Adopted by the Council......... AUG _9 191.9 191...._ C. F. No. 261,40— ----cfarre Abstract. AUG 9 Resolved that . warrant. : be drawn' A�,ove 191..__.__ Farnsworth' noon the city Treasury, parame out of P - — - the ;hereinafter speclfled funds anj to _ Goss favor, of tha persons, flan. or corpora- �, tfona tar the amoaata eat o Dno4lte their K Ier respective names ae anecifled 1n the fouowine detailed eiofenfent• ........_ A ' .. , R 8: A. FaraeCrorth ComY. �.of Fiaanoe,; MAYOR McColl 386.74868.' Ado yted by the Caanoll An&5A{8 191,81, Wunderlich Approved -(Aug. 9181 1918)' 1t 1,pi4lonK.FICd�°sbn - S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 36,748.58 13, Sewer C. &' 2,654.50 n S. & S. 1,2 g, 11656.10 /G;Fg . & 606.25 ro swalks 874.8 , rues etc. 44.0 ing & Insp. 1,501.Como Ave. W. 3,855. 5lanting Groveland 3 00 Alley Blk. 4 52 .80Lex. & Summit 1 .10 Locust St. 11.40 Intersections 3.50ling Revl. 7 5.9036,748.58 Total -aeeet�eas WHEREAS, On the 10th day of July, 1919, a bond in the sum of $2,000.00, in which the National Surety Company is surety, and Roy Johnson, is principal, was executed and delivered to the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of indemnifying said City against all damages by reason of the acts of the said Roy Johnson as a house - mover; RESOLVED, That the bond in, which the said Surety Company was surety and the said Roy Johnson was principal, dated July 10th, 1917, is hereby cancelled, and the said Surety Company is released from all liability on the said bond dated July 10th, 1917 for all events occurring after July 10, 1919; said bond dated July 10, 1919 having been ;iven in place of the bond dated July 10th, 1917. a I �C. F. No. 28147—Ay M. N. day 6oea— i Whereas, On the 10th f Julym, which thenNatlonatheI 8 r� etv'CQmpan9 !la 0urety, and Roy 7ohneon Ce princlou, of St. Paul of r thedOurpohe of Indemntl inst .11 reason Wag of id hethe sof the said Royjob.- son johneon an a hop over; Resolved. That the bond 1n whldh and said a fd tRoy �I hnsnnWwea prlsuren copal, dated. July 10th. 1917, le herabj ncelled,-and the sold Surety Companv Is rel,ased fro a1l,,Iit 111ty on, the sail bond�� dated July 10th, 1917, for ell evld tbordcd ted jui 10 u19190`ha ins as been Wendt. place dt the bond dated e---- - � ,• jv1. 10th, 1917. - Yeas ✓� C IICilIDen � ✓ } ays Approveby d Auge9 19191 Aug. 9, 3919. AUG 1919) he Council .......... ....-'....19I9. 191...... Clancy - --- 'Farnswor Approved........_ .i���....-..�....��.�g. 191.;. Goss-..++wisfsaor M 011 P ........ ...._,A�htiest ........._....... .. /�-�....._. ...` ..... F underlich Mr. FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 . 1 solved, Yeas (✓) V V L t Mr. Paan CITY OF ST. PAUL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM _......._.........................._....................................... - COUNCIL rs.e NO. .................................. .............._..................................::......................... Date Presented ......Alit{..-..9.�.....},.9a.--......191....... That the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Public Buildings Roofer -Foremen at a compensation of 80� per hour. JC. F. No. 26148—BY J. M. C(anaCy Resolved. That the con, of Parke. Plarm'onnde end Pnbllo B.Ild- InRa is hereby authorized, to emaloy In he Bureau of Publlo Bulldinge Roofer- Poremen at a oompensatlon,of goo per hour. Adopted by the Connell Aug. 9, 1919, Approved Aug. 9, 1879. (Aug. 18; )" ncilmen (✓) Nays F Cllghcy k'arnswo t Goss is taper Kel r Coll Agai sst C. A. 9 3M 12-18 AUG -9 1919 Adopted by the Council ..........................................191...... AUG -9 1919 Approved............................................................ 191..... A��Q MAY R CITY OF ST. PAUL - Council Resolution-�-Geweral Form Department Bureau of _ File No. Date Presented 191 • By RESOLVED, That the SL pain Gas Li¢ht Company i1 hereby ordered avd dhected to extevd Its electrical lives by -11.. P.I. -dntriv¢iv¢ wire. thereov (or the to J..ion of -lea Vicly on and iv th< (ollowine alleys avd etrttn v[ aid city: Install eight poles on the north side of alley from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, Install two poles on the south side of Juno Street, west of Cleveland Avenue, Install one pole in the alley aeast ofAsbury Avenue, south of Van Buren Street. With necessary guy C. F. No. 261 ThatByttie NSIGO-F til t3as f Resolved, Light CompatRY to hereby dared and directed to tend Its electrical lines nV erecting poles and etringl no, wiree �thereon for the transmission O[ elec- trielty on and In the following alleys and treats of acid city: Install et4ht Goleo on the North aide of alis". from Prlor Avenue to Cleve- IleInetallntwo..polea on the south alde t Juno street, Weat of Cleveland A at 'it one pole In the alleY East of Asbury Avenue, South of Van Buren IStYeet. With necessary guys and tin hors. All of such extensions• poles' and wires sball he erected and constructed nder the direction and super Islon o � Commleeloner of PnIt Ip Utilities . anad"I.,. thin eublect to'trle,Drovf- slons 424. all other 1.Vullord ances2and'reeolutl na !ot the CItY of. Patti• 1 All note- -ho -band streets as the '1 tion in nld al "Public Utilities shall b (the Commneiener o[ Public Utilities and in all thine All o[ each exmvalovs, pole, avd wiree .hall be Commissioner hall be of such height {y1, peel. the prorlvione of Ordinance No. 242x. and destg ote, and he shall designate and ��Yhal1 de.i¢nate, avd ehnll be of each heieht and chancier as pll polo should be set in auc1, location iv Bald and ehnrneter gnd all euah poise aced onder ,til, whenever the Council shall deem chat the hr -hall dni¢vata and approve, avd any and all each approve, and ttY I:c interest so rmuhee, and when it 11,11111 order. such It, lreekpla d d and-rgrbuod ewhem aver the Covnnil:.ehall deem [hat -the IO 19 191 Adopted by the Council public interest eo re lulrgs, and when 1t 4—,� J J shall eo o,d r. the council .Rt uB• fl, 1919. Adopted by Approved Aug- 9161919. Nays Yeas ( _� y-r.Eo�t' [ FARNSW�3 TH /SS RLICH AUG =9 1919191 D Approved KELLER Mayor Mr. dn w.Q IxCITY OF ST.k4 _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ................................. .. ...................... . .......... ........................ ....... croErucl` No. �......... .- ... ..._... _....._._.. Date Presented 191:.... ,Y.aaeWed, WHEREAS, The Committee on Lands, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, has reported in writing to the Council that they have been unable to secure Lots 1 to 6 in Michaud's Subdivision of Lot 5, Block 2, St. Paul North Outlote, and Lots 1 to 7 both inclusive, and Lots 9 to 12, both in- clusive, of Schneider, Young & Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, St. Paul North Outlote, at a reasonable price; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That condemnation proceedings be instituted in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter to secure said lands. JC..F.r No. , 26160—By Albert Wunder -II Yeas (✓) I the Council le to secure Ibdivislon of irtb Outlots 2 e i Bcluelve, ani ,5ubdll tonne r.. ivlelon 't- Res d 4' eNorth Uther oration pro- iI accordance. City Charter- , Aug. 9, 1919 Adopted by the Council ...-...AUG--2..-19-IS-191-- Approved 9.IS-191.. Approved...............AUG .9.._19.1.9..........._.191..... MCCON .......::>�t15t AlitrlQ MAYO „Wunderlich C. A. 9 3M 12-16 2GI,5o TO THE COUNCIL. Gentlemen: - Whereas, by Ordinance No. 5073, approved March 29, 1919, �p aro roved March 29th and Ordinance No. 5072, , 1919, we, as a Com- mittee on Lands, were authorized to purchase Lots 1 to 6 in Michaud's Subdivision of Lot 5, Block 2, St. Paul North Outlots, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for public school purposes, and Lots 1 to 13 of Schneider, Young & Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St. Paul North Outlots, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County, for the same purpose; therefore, we herewith report that we have been unable to purchase at a reasonable price any of said lots, with the exception of Lots 8 and 13 of Schneider, Young & Morrisette's Subdivision of Lot 4, Block 2, of St. Paul North Outlots. Dated August 8th, 1919. Mayor Purchasing Agent J— s o en r of Education. C. F No 261io'-By Albert Wunder-� itch Whereas,, j Committee on Lane,. consisting ;of'.Mayor, Purchasing; Agent, and. Commissloner of Education has reported-tn writingRtbithe Council that tLey have been able to secure Lots 1 to Michaud'e Subdivision of Lot 6 Block' 9, 8t. Paaul North Outlots and Lots 1 to 7 bdth Inciuslve, an' Lots 9 to 12. both tnclneive, of 8chnel-, Qer Youngg & Morrleette'. uhd lelon, of 'Lot 1 Biock t St. Paui North 'lots ata ressonable price: therefore,. be IC Resolved, That conAej nego pros ,e00d(nss b9 ^ [nstituted 9a aocordance�, 'with the-proVleione of •the Clty Charter' to secure Bald lends 'Adopted"liy, the C➢nncil ADDroved Aug '9 1919: (A g. �6, 1919) 28161—By Henss MaCOIl— the r, f `�h IIII Rseolved, That the aD9I1C0tlon of for aIlcenee to' Con- 1 following Dereons ' (uct H.u...nu-51 urante at the- lova- C O U P'ona respectively• Indicated. be, and the RAL FORM Nettebyy .B ranted ad the UI.- ' .me or. directed to le - _ elk le,authorizell and licensee to-eald Demons upon. repulsed b) ..........:..-........-....... ............................._.............._.........such Subjedt--- a payment of the Cee as COUNCIL Wnname, AstorHotel. 18., 8th • FILE iV O.......... --------' �............... -•-����g,�las, Restaurant, 469 Wa- ............................. y, rum, Dartmouth Hotel •. eats street z1N1-., A 9 9 lag.�....._�........._....191.-..- i,Reetanrant, ,1ter, Restaurant• Date Presented-����������-�-�� *Restaurant. 660.E IR ,• Inrout, Vl, Resolved, That the application of the following Persons for a lioenee toand nthet Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respedt6uthoively indicated directed reto same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is authorized and fee as re ui issue such licensee to said persons upon the payment of the fee ae required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. M. Williams, Wm. gouvelas, Hannah Berrum, A. Voelker, E. C•. Hofmeister, Robert Milton, Osoar Swoboda, Rapp & Cross, Moy Hee, Mike Scioli, Mrs. Leonard Meeks A. W. Sorg, Taylor & Taylor, F. H. Thurston, Wm: F. limes Fliigeltaub L govardas, Ingham & Bennett, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT: Astor Hotel, Restaurant, Dartmouth Hotel Annex, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant, Van Dyke Hotel, LOCATION:. 16 8th St:, 469 Wabashay 48 St; Peter, 81 9th St., 481 Mississippi, 550 Wabash& St., 467 Wabash& St., 775 Wabash& St., 413 Robert St., 311 Sibley St., 767 Raymond Ave., 936 Raymond Ave*.- 12 ve.,18 W. 6th, 54 E. 6th, 449, St Peter, 345 Wabashe, St., 4411 St. Peter, 1 men V) ays Adopted by the Council,-. AUG... ©.-1919 191_... Clancy Farllswo Approved......__..Q. �1....-,�._191g......._._....191_.. Goss ."4�ygplTl i„ Kelle Mcunderlich oil V .0.i— , 6a�= rr /10 – Arq MAYO PUgLISiiED A.9 3M 6-18 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner provided by the City Charter, for bids for the sale of garbage to be collected by the City of St. Paul between September 1, 1919 and August 31, 1920. Resolved, Further, that the Specifications submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works relative to,the sale of said garbage be and the same are hereby approved. .� C. F. No. 2816?. -R9 M• N• 6oae— g Re.olved. That the Purcrize or. dio or be and he t. hereby authorizenner Pro' rected to dvertt.e, in the ma the sale tf 6arbagehtotbe collected iDY the City of St. Paul. b.tween 9eytem- ber 1, 1918, and AUB tthetiCommI etonar Reeolved .Further. on. .ubmitted 0...bYand the me are l of P•vblic WorkbeT01%Live to the .a10 Bid Re[baBo as 1819. hereby o r v [h 9 ogn.t1 Aug• APPioved YAu6• 16, 1919) Yea ouneilmen (71 Rhys Clancy j.. Farnsworth J Goss Ke;1K/ J McColl ..........+-• AgaiSOU Wunderlich C. A, 9 3M 12-18 Pe0,,e17e11 21-1 racers JD OCnnectil-•n with abDve Re r lu ion. -9 1919 Adopted by the Council .__ ...AU....... G ..........................191...... AUG -1J Approved19119 191._.. _ .............._..............._ .. MAYOR rKELITNA tY. ORDI pRop; tOVEMENT 26153— Abstract. 1s, A written prop o Petition f the following imp PIct e'sewer on Prost -I)ER. .n a polut los feet venpe to.Hall Ave i .from Prospect Tri / ,iliii .the-Northerl9 •, The undersigned hereby proposes the'!,4 P Oeye; ,d to tl - r U. Fher St. Paul, viz.:......._COIIBt_Tlt...t...8,..._BQWe4'._V: ,at. ahs nt east of Stryker Ave n e to Hali ..........--.......-....................- pect Terrace to oonnect ith --- eewerr_:: approximately-- 35 ,ee--.- eout: -- Dated this ....._ 9th. ........... of ........A!?et f 'YI Council File No...._.......... _ ..... v 26.x:53 improvement by the City of ,. and on Hall Avenue f romros- .-------- ortherly--terminus of the existing_ _4f.._Prospeot Terrace•........ ... ..... .. _'......_.............. _............._... 191 Councilman. PREMMIN 1R• WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _.Const eewe-F_on-_Prq-Qpet...T e_r�4.4_f rom8__f set.--_east.-_of--.__ Stryker Avenue to Hall Avenue,.._and on _Hall venue from _Prospect Ter- ------- .. race to --._connect_._ wit h -__the --_northerly... terminus--_of-._the_-__exi_stin_g_--_e ewer_,_ ........ - approximat_e1y 25.feet south of.P.rospegt..Terr...aoe,.. .... ........ _..._..... _....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .........................................._... ._....._......._.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;._ ............. .............. ........ ........... ........ ................................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �r Adopted by the council ......._......h`�`=..._-.7...._19 .9....._....._..191.._..... Yeas Nays: CouncTman Firnsworth AU6 -9 ,919 191.......... Goes j Approved.. ........................ Hyla A Ke r Coll underlich May Irvin �� _� (a pWnsMayor. FORM O 8.5 �'•+"1't�� Petition The undersigned -het ir`c St. Paul, viz.:..C.onatruo.t._.a. north side of Carro' ...............--------------_------................................_.. block 3 Macalester ' No. 26254— AhatraeL ZVENT PROP+,areae, A wrttten proposal ig of the following tmpro• t .cement Me aid—! n theNorth side of {lnnin at the East PREL? ook Macaleater T to Paaeal A—va ' to the C-14,11 "+erefore, be lses the making ul'�k_"",,.owing public iebant.. _t.ile_. s.idewalk., .s.ix..:a Avel:%te.be F, A,r Council File No. _ _..._ ... 26154- mprov at by the City of wide..---.oa. the.__........ t----------------- --------------------------- e -nue.. . .._.. --..... ,............ ..-------- - ----- — Dated this .._..9.th._....._.day of _August, _191 _.. 191 Councilman. PRELI INA YP_R. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the ................................. .....-...... ._....... - -------............- - ......._._....... ... - .._...__..... ........ -_........_ .... __.._...................... - _...._ north side of Carroll Avenue, beginning at the east line of. Lot ------ --------..._------------------------...............................__._...-. ........................ .. --..................................._....__._._..._.....__........... 15 Block 3 Maaalester view, thence east to Pascal Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement___ ...- ....— .... ....... - ......__. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council_. _.._ _ AUG ....-9.._t919_. ........191 ........ Yeas: Nays: Geunei4mall- trn`swocth Goss Approved ...... ...... AUG _-+4.19 19.. 191 . ........ Hyland Ke er Coll/% underlich. Mayo Irvin Pi, ti Petition The undersigned hereby proposes St. Paul, viz.:.Gonstr=i� Gem' ................................. south aide oY.... rington Avenue,., F. Nb: 2816 Abstract A written prOP0111 MENT whet as,tklnB f the 0110-1-g mipr, ..t a cement the:tde Mw tile_ Council File No. 26155 flowing public—W �r-ve-"t by the City of k. sielfeet, w1de,.-On the t s e d and sufficient -- .............................................. --.- ------------ - ... ...... .. Dated this . .. ........ day of,...AUgu.91-P l91sl 191 ............ PREL�Mfft.E.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........................... -side .... ... . I.-... -.-.-..-----.-.-.------ - -.- . .c . -- .-----.---- -- ------------------------ - ------------ - south ._ofIT!opiAg__-§1-tre-et from Geultier Street Far -- rington Avenue, except where good and -----lentsidewalks -------- ..... now eaiet... ... ...... .... .. ... ... .... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1919 Adopted by the council___.._...__...AUG 70 191 Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth AUG -9 NIS 191 Goss Approved H lZand �Y�r i ccoll 1.) underlich -Irvin I layer. �fV CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER' ` V AUDITED _ULAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM `FIL}.LE 48,29 7-I B No..Am ..._ 1109 e`AUDAUC i 191 �- -- - e ITED --- ......................197........ Tl y'1,IIIPT L.._.._._......_ ,R 1'-E ...__..........._...- ..._.......... ...._.... .. _... _. TLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fundsr9* in; Iavor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed -Wement: AUG Adopted by the Council.. .I ..... 191...:.– Clancy IC F No:.86166— Abstract. F1 U G 11 (9 I Q "drawn Farnswor Resotvea that warrants be A rote ._...._...._. ___.._..._... _. _."_.......191_._.._.. uDoa the Cttyy Treeau y pfuablem 10 pp„ 10 Goss ¢r � the herelsafter-eyaslfled fume, end favor of, the persons, (firma or•cerpora.. -✓%y tlone fprthe amsunte net opp6V thele reePectl�;e names 88 aDecDped � 11 .the -..... . ___............ .....i .. . ...........��.. ,R ._ following d6talledstatement ,, Fred• 6: A)brsyhA^;787.00. �haW, ¢Coll Wunderlich F. W1-0ilere . A. L:pnYder, ;818.00 Adopted by V64 ..011 Aagi:,11 1919. Approved AAvgug.�11r81919 (: 1: aZ. � Z33M Fred G. Albrecht, 787.00 *8@e5 F. W. 011ergnshaw, 387.00 . P Berths 1@006 A. L. Snyder, 618.00 -PRIqm Total A A 45,2117-18 if CITY OF JT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , 7y ' COUNCIL NQ ...... �I_.._, AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1108 By AUDITEDA11d.].._i..-�.7�.J-------------- 191........ � Y t'111PTx Sx .a PER .. ................._. ...... _. Resolved\that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations ,{j^^'1' --t. -,etouuosite their-resuective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ounm men IC, F -No 261.6;- 9 .191 ....... Abstract Adopted by the Council........ .... ..._ Resolved that i"'S' tae abble out of Glancy 1-11upon :the Cit9 TreaaurY. P Y favor oGtbe tDer4or one�a5rmeuor oor orax- Farnswort yV Approved _ .._......_.__.�ii�..,� Ln._...:...191 ...... tlons`LoT tha amounts aSpeolh dRin We respsetive natnee as 16816 Goss Loltowtng detbliod atatemepts "Best & Rne.el,Company x9&4U Ke r B11bDW CanaY Company i _... _ .... .. .. g=,. &•8toolr pany 8181.10 A ]IAYOR Menthe & MutIer 8 8U _Z I V.1 Blau_Rj Co.�om.�at BCompa. , Wunderlich silos D. >a OaonrieIt 86 90 CmyyanYy�8158888 5.00` 'Milton Rosen & Company, n ..9anfV Fod Mtsoth A. (9a Spati01a8 Brer& Wtaecke&,Doerr, 889.86: g Yl, 19t8�:• 91.40 It 11 it . Ail S9D eed A 8e 11 Y9191.AI (Aug. i6, 1919j R 11 n 43 10 46egE Best &.Russel Company, res.. 140 00 163.26 1-3M Bilbow. Candy Company, �rka- 100 Sanitary Food Company, 134.40 Ir,-v4 Kuhles & Stook ompany, 132.10 '1395 Manthe & Muller, RleeilCir- 5.00 N. W. Blau Gas Company, 67.50 152VT N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 37.03. vl. 3 59 Ss -h,.& u lig. 6 90 2 22 PATrff - 16 51 pis 1.91 u 5490 132aal-D. E. O'Connell 5.00` 'Milton Rosen & Company, 3915630.16 Revl. 91.40 It 11 it 81 90 , R 11 n 43 10 i1 I1 " 140 00 6 100 Sanitary Food Company, 153.88 Pa"rlks Res. 1108 Page ##2 ,j=97. Mrs. Ann Smith! ;3598 A. G. Spalding & Brothers JaW Wineake & Doerr, -_ �es-- To V - 10.00 A 16.17 80.85 Res. 1108 Page ##2 Mrs. Ann Smith 10.00, 1395 A. G. Spalding & Brothers A 16.17 3 iaae8 Wineeke & Doerr, 80.88 -Parke To CITY OF ST. PAUL Cttj - ' " COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Cour+clL FILENO . ... ............. ............... ....... ..................... Date Presdnted................ Augus.t....11th..1912.. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be, and he is, hereby authorized and empowered pursuant to ordinance No. 5065 to appoint one School Gardener for the month of September at a salary not to exceed Liao. 00 for the said month. IC. F, No. 26168-8Y Albert Wunder- lich— That the COW eke, "thor- 1 .solve ebe.,end he ts• her by au Education myowered Purseanc to shoo J..dcend 6.66 to appsnotoueptemb r Gardener for the monLd 36O.6c tor the at a sales., net to excae 11. 1919. saId Wontn• 11 APPravdd Au 6a COU -c" l g6Au6• e t'cs. 16, Yea7Goss AUG A. 1. itA Adopted by the Council -- 191...... Approved ....___.. _.....A.�.G...1_�.._ q.�.9........_. 191ieMer FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Resolved, in .the matter of opening Wyoming Street, from South Robert Street to Harvard Street to a width of sixty roved May)26th,,199119p an der Iliminary ntermediary order #26208 app Intermediary Order W803, approved July 14th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above latter, be it RESOLVED, That the City Of 6t. Paul fires and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows:. Lot 16, the south sixty (60) feet of Lots 14 and 13, Auditor's Sub -division No. 22. No. 26169— That the Clty of St. Paul and determines the amount be taken for the, above _ment to be an follows: Sout3 3, jiudlt.r'. ty ()bdl talon Su A the 1, n 8 Aug. 11. 1919. (Aug. 16!9l9- 8, 1919) AUG 11. 1919 Adopted by the Council ... ........................... 191...... AUG 17 ;" a Approved......_....._....... _........__...__.........__.:_ 191..... ....... ....... _:... C� MAYO Clan h arncsy w G4A.9 n No. 26169— That the Clty of St. Paul and determines the amount be taken for the, above _ment to be an follows: Sout3 3, jiudlt.r'. ty ()bdl talon Su A the 1, n 8 Aug. 11. 1919. (Aug. 16!9l9- 8, 1919) AUG 11. 1919 Adopted by the Council ... ........................... 191...... AUG 17 ;" a Approved......_....._....... _........__...__.........__.:_ 191..... ....... ....... _:... C� MAYO (DIV of £ef. Vain 09CAR CN�99EN. CRICIE �REeR 33rpartwrnt af•ruhlu Blorko V wu orcna,N [Rf CARR0��,9orr.c M. N. COMMISSIONER �. r,oN —VRcrA,Re R. T.. GOU GOURLEY, DEPUTY w� op .moo •..,af.. oN N. co9rz,nceR, soEr. - ' m. s. o++rienN•e � � I N3 � ► -REPORT TU T" CvUNCIL- opening Wyoming street, from South Robert street to Rarvard street to a width of 40L sixty (60) feet, under preliminary order #25206, approved May 26th, IVIV, and Intermediary order #25dO3, approved July 14, lw1N. To the Cuuncil of the uity of St.paul: The Commissioner of Public works hereby submits and makes a part of finis nis report, a plan of the auove impruvement,snuwing the land necessary lu be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan,waica land is more par- ticularly described as follows: Lot 16, the suuth sixty (6U) feet of Lots14 and 16, Auditor's Sub-divisiun au.22. uummisslune of public works Date // / q CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI NER OF FINANCE, ON PREF. Y ORDER �othe matte rof�ning, widening and extending Wyoming Street from s, RObs$t at to Harvard at to a.ticic�th of 60 feet, under Preliminary Order approved— May 26 1919 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION 16 Auditors Subdivision 25 14 No Z2 St -Paul Minn. 00` 13 150. 17 1525:. 15 W 5 ft of N 120 ft of B Brown &Jackson add. to 75. and all of L 12 Aud.Sub.#22 1375 West St .Paul (Fx.W 5 ft of n 120 ft) B ¢00 C 675. TOTAL. ;4?25, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. 13 r office of the Commi er of Public Wor RscEtv$p Report to Commissioner of Finance �ro�u 24 r� June 20th, 9 ...191.. _ ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Com+nissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 25208 may 26th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ............. .........._ .........approved....:........................................I...................._....191........., relative to ............ opening, widening and extending Wyoming Street from Sou th ..................._........_......................_................................... . Robert Street to Harvard Street, to .. a wid.....th of sixty (60) feet. --......................._... ........... ......... ........ .... . and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. x xxxx xxx L. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total cost thereof is $.............._........................_....., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..............._....._................... _........__.................................... .... _............................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ... . ..... .................. ........ ....... ......... ......... ....... ........ ..... ..........................................._..........._........_........................_............................................................ ............................ 5. Said improvement is .... ........................._...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject iQ assessment for said improvement. ....................................... IComa 'ssioner of Public Wo r a. J -� t CITY OF ST. PAUL I v COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �] P Fr�1F)ni act: ....................................... ....... .. ........ ... ..... . ... ...... . ....................... ­ ........_............... cou uL FILENo............................................................ } Date Presented 0,, That the Department of Public Safety is here- by authorized to employ at Harriet Island, for an additional not exceeding period of/fifteen (15) days, three teams and scrapers at a cost not exceeding nine dollars($9.00) abilars, eaeh,per day., This expense to be charged to the Public Baths Account of the Health Fund, C: F. No. 34100-a3rHoary EieColl— �I ReSolved, That the Department 01 Public 8afe8t}y,� Is hereby sauthorlwed to j dl- eouai peloy riod ofarrId notl exceeding fifteen j P) days, three teams and scrapers at cost not exceeding alae dollar (49.00), each per day. Thi. ezpena. to be charged to the Public ,&tba Ac- count of the Health Fund. Adopted by the Council Aug. 11, 1919- Approved. Auu%11,6`1919) Yea ounciTmen (J) ClancXFarnswor son FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 191..... 00, Adopted by the Council ._._.,ktlf...,.-t..•:(t,t�-..191...... Approved .............. _..AUG....1. t....a {.a.. 191..... _t""�"Ln.La:ICi ............................_.._........ ........_............. _,._.. ............. MAY R Resolved,. That the grade of Como Place from Mc$enty Street to Union Street, in acoordance with the red grade line on the acoom- panying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. C. F. No. 26161-13y M. N. Go— ReOGIyed, That .the Bads o; Como Plsoe, from M.Keh[y y4eet o UuSoa Street, In accordance wlth the - red and§se iecom ended bnapY,i48 Dr-flle stoner of Publlo Work., cbe (aoad mtti ams 19 hereby. adopted 6e' the eetaD- fished grad-. ApproJed Avg Council Aug, 11,'1818. U6 16, 1818). Yeas en Nays VIG 1_I_ Yw) Adopted,by the Council ...........................................191...... Clancy Farns orth AUG Approved..........................._.,....... __.............. 191..... Gos ...........�Is.L�ws / ler MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. on Po C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Counci�Yile No..._...._..._ __..... No. 261.62Abatract.roDoea7 Lor,t'f' PROPOS'ereae, A written D 1 rover', nr of Lie t9nowing mD �letruct rellet eowera oa A• Mr.E.B.Spencar. er pven te, hom Lincoln Avem ♦ (..i eton Avenve. Zincoln A'+/ PRS: Fairview, Avetiue,A.o ,.ini GoodTi.h AvBaldwin m ' ,'al wirt fitreetin Yrinceii The undersigned hereby,, proposes the ma)1'.4mheh rattst oer o public improvement by the City of st. Paul,-viz.:._,.Qe.oT1Ei_t pat.. 39 �f.aEe.Ffe�iB , vi av 6vetcaCBmbrid B aVIIQAlOO.. Tigh y ion kve.to Lincoln Ave. ---------_......_..._-.- ....................... .... . -'- ........ Dated this... ..... .q..tkla......_day of - &Ugua.t-.l9l9......... ---- - - Councilman. PRELIM NAR ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma mg of—the following improvement, viz.: Cons truct.-_relief-..aewers-._on-.Pdeg;eetar.._Av-xfrom.._L... ln--.6v._to- Fairview v.; Lincoln Av.from Vairview Av.to Cambridge Av.;Goodrich Av.from Fairview Av. t.n.-Baldwin...St..;Princaton-.Av.-frmm..Fairvi.ew ..A4-.-to._Baldys<in-..S.t..;.FrinaetQn---Av. from Amherst St.to Vernon im.;Amherst St.from Princeton Av.to Lincoln Av. ---------------------------------------...... _............... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .. .... ........_.____ ....... ................_....... ....... ... ............__ .__.._. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of tlui J IWregoi ng matters to the Commissioner of Finance. N - Adopted by the council _._... _..__..._.._....._ __ _ ._._..._191-..-- Nays: 1 i Yeas: p��p coluneirman Farnsword191.......... Goes Approved .._._.._._ Hyl d , K er cColl Wunderlich PFlitf.'" ED — (j Mayor. Council File No..... _...... PROPOSAL A,w-tou111een -;p - Pmwpro iE MENTr M.T. E. S. Spencer. Baldin;streetetben 3 PRELIM nb.Yinhge cit2616 is �`.p thn>ouimteeFo The undersigned hereby proposes the maki}i y'{, :e n ,- jowing public improvement by the City of ... __..... ......._._._......._ . Construct _e ewer,__on__Ba._-_. in.._Stres--_from...St..__Clar.-_Street_ t0-._100-1.-_feet south of Sargent Avenue. Dated this. -9111_.. --._....._da �/2 C ......... _------- Councilman. _ ---Councilman. PRMf WHEREAS, A written proposal for the the following improvement, viz.: C-4nat=Qt.-.B.estar---.on-Baldwin-.treat....from.-S-t...-.Claix--.S.tr-eat----to 100-1---feet....._-- south of Sargent Avenue. ... --- ........... ._.._......._._ ........_ _..... _.... _.. _.._ ..._ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.._.. _____._........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;__..._ ___._. ............... ....... ......._.... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG A l Adopted by the council_.__... _ _.._......._ _.---- 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: c1 p.lu 1. Goss r' Approved .- ..._._.._ _ 191......_. G fid ler MColl Wunderlich lich / JV�PUIILISIIEDMayor. 4 "'Wbet, not. Council File No...... written prof— IPL he following I P� PROPOS .4.er on C—bri IOVFMENT unimit Avenue V egaeon Pr4sente Mr. E. S. Spencer, .7 a City of ffi. rUI Account proposed PR4, -a.tAtib 66.1nIft t -I paving. ',. ate he (e h-1,D/ER. ;'O'N. the rweg"' ;ate the raskif The undersigned hereby proposes the makL 6, i- ­jf foll mg public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:- .......... x on Camb.'A a AYenud-from Summit Avvnum ........... . to Grand Avenue. ............. Dated this . ......... day of Augaet,....19.19. .. .... .... (L-Z"'t ..... . ... . ........................ Councilman. PRELVY[IN D R. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct _n C_ X.J_dg-e AI.ellu -5U. .11- . ........... ........... I . .... .... ..... - ............................ .............. ....... .......... .................. I ............. ... . I -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..... ......... ..... .................. ......... .................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;,.. .............. ... . ....... ..................... . . .................................................._.--_.........-__--_- 5. ...-- -5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the for ing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Ji I i �,, 117 ,n Adopted by the council_........_......_._.._..._....---.._ .. ...... .......... 191 .......... Yeas: Nays: Goes ff Approved ......... ......... . .. .... ... ... 191 Hy a Kellet Coll underlich Mayor. ... ........ . . .. PROZ ° 2s1s Ana�act ` , M. p written vrePmvT vemeni 1NT o! the lollow�ag {street. Mr, E. S. $peACBT. enct,e0wer on,-EataOUtPeet.8 - pv0nue to-l,been � The undersigned hereby / - St. Paul, viz.: ,i: ._ .. _. Construct sewer on south --of Gran& .AroeA Dated this .......... .Q.t.Yl....._day k - File No..... .......... V 26165 'nco.n hnving .. Avenue, -' the CounclL of �t1+9' Clty o ' r Mre, be+1t mlee! .Thbe snd h0�1eh^• .. uses the n it ,*•erallo ng public improvement by the City of grin Stree ro Lincoln Avenue to ]bO feet _..18.1.9..__.__.._....._ ._...�1_..._... _.__................ ........I....... .G -------- ---------------------------------- Councilman. --------------.- Councilman. PRELIMJNA,RiV WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma"kin the following improvement, viz.: Construct sewer_ on Bsldwin.Street from Lincoln Avenue to 100 feet - - - - __.........._.. - eoutli of--GTdH& Avenue. ............... _- ........... .......... ._.._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;... ............ . _. _._..... ....... .................._...... . 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ........ Q_ _ ....._.191.. _.._. Yeas: Nays: 07 4W.nderlich Approved_.....................il�.Itt .. ],..L._;,_: �.._ _........ ,11 Council File No....:. -.._.. e 26 16e6 PROP05Abstract - ' for " theeewing !{{ - Improvement. Y G# �j ,et act sews mon ]3ardwln ffireet;lD2w Mr. 8penaeT. Bummit.��en�� to 60 feet North :. nd Avenue,been p� PREt n ^�e Council or theCtty of r ore, be It That. the Cbmmlesloner :e be and he la -hereby; sated: The undersigned hereby proposes the makingul-tthaneeere 1palt:,. public improvement by the City of re St. Paul, viz.:.... nor Dated this...... 4.th............._day 191 PRE MIN R WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Councilman. Qonat-runt---.Bawer ._.On.-Baldwin---S-tr.eat....fx=-..ch—mi t....Axem, e_to ---.80 -feat.-...._ north of Grand Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _.. .._.... _.......... _._...___......_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.. .......................... ....... .....__.._._......__..... _.......... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 4 g Adopted by the council ........_. AUG 1.1 .__.........._ _..._. .............._....191....:..... Yeas: Nays: Gosswor Approved....__:.__...._. / Hyland' ( _ KVel s l eco Wunderlich �tp � � iVlayor. eual.lsl�IEn � saver On Mr. E. S. Spencer. The undersigned hereby p1 egejdie .: �.pk to St. Paul, viz.: ............................... ...................... . . . ... . rlsate coat Construct__eawer_on-_Amheret_;1 °re Sewer north of St. Clair Street' 129, qL Council File No - c ;a 1.16 casco, navina •. App noltto[.thot'�• Mmleatoner he le"herel9 eF r �ng public improvement by the City of the nee ........ . feet South of Princeton Avenue. -------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ..------ 9th. August, 1919. Datedthis ............................_da of............................................................................................... 19/1........... „P Councilman. PRELI IN YtB, P" — WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Q n.o-trunt....sewer_.nn-..Amherst..--8txsSt..from..tha...harminuS...o-f-_the .exiatIn-g----------- sewer north of St. Clair Street to 120 feet south of Princeton Avenue. ---------- . ..... .... ..........._....... .... .... ..... ............................................ ...................._....................._......................._......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman _ .... _._..___.._....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_...._.._ .................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ...I............. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............. 191.......... Yeas: Nays: ounci man arnswor A..U;, i. ! - Goss-- Approved........._...........................__.....................191.......... Hyl d d �$eer eColl underlich ........ _................. PUBLISIIFD Mayor. FORM C 6-5 COUN& FILES ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matte; of........Coristructing a sewer on Charles street from a point 135 feet west of Snelling avenue to Fry Street, ................. ....................................................................................................................... ................. ... ................... >Fuv Ai .oxnns . ............................ ... ...... ... . . . No. 21;14'- :ietterr -constructinga harles. Steett from W,pol ni---------------------------------..... ...... ......_- .... ........... ... ........ ..CWet'o.f'BnelfnB-Avenue t .et, under' Prellml�9^q he bs ri g' kd1 , ' ............................................................. • � he'aboye..Jmr •�•� g ,: e,.,t .. ..... . „n ..................................................................................._..._. .. u�ltC-----.......-_....................-................-........_............_............._.. 25445 June 13,1919 under Preliminary Order... ........._........... .......... - --.. approved................. ; IntermediaryOrder----- --- ----- ......... - ... ........... approved -------------------- --------- .----------- ------ .---------- ------------- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement a sewer on Charles street vementto be made by the sand City is.... ......----------------......._................................ .... ............... ................. from a point 135 feet west of Snelling avenue to Fry Street, _...... ....... .........__.... .... - -........... ......._..... ... ......... ............ ......._................. - - ......................... ... .....................................------............. ...... .................- -- ... ----.._.............................---- --- . - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun-. cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said Uimprovement ...i.n.._a., cc1o9r1d.-Ja.. nce th I with. Adopted by the Council__. L'._ ---- Approved ...... . -Approved._... .. - 191..... C Q \ --------- ��-..([.. ................ .. .... ............. rc. Mayor. T swor PUBLISHEDman Goss man Cla man erna cColl Council Wunderlich S. A. 8-7 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF INANICE N'EI OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS SI t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter ot?_........_.._�%on_1 t_ruc_t.i.8....-..-;.ew.ex_.�.n...CYIa.r.1.e.a:-.gsUat.-.f.ram._.a.._gainL....135..._......-_.-.......-....----.. feetwest_of.Snelling ave,,,__.to r'ry..etreet... . ..... _........ ............................. .......... . ............... _..._ ......_ _...... ._.._..._.... ..... ._. __........ _... under Preliminary Order approved ..____ a une__13,,,191.9.... -- --- - ---' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ i,% f j,-a-d..................... is - - - $---- *5 °. ...--"---`-" The estimated cost peillkoottfor the above improvement - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 4, LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION ASSESSED VALUATION —.._ 8 1 Stierle McConville and 450 Seeger'a midway Addition 450 9 1 10 1 450 11 1 450 12 1 450 13 1 450 14 1 450 15 1 450 16 1 450 17 1 _ - _— 450- - ---- TOTAL. 10000. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated ----- 6A4___ 191y� .. �-.. _.. /// Commissioner of Finance. ronM B -A. a-3 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT -OF,.00"-ISWONFR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION , 18 .1 Stierle McConville & Seeger's 500 29 4 midway Addition 450 26 4 450 27 4 450 26 4 450 25 4 450 24 4 450 23 4 450 22 4 450 21 4 450 20 4 450 19 4 S00 10000. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. - Dated ----- 6A4___ 191y� .. �-.. _.. /// Commissioner of Finance. ronM B -A. a-3 C 0 �. St. Paul, Minn., � .191. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition cause the followirg improvement to be made: your Honorable Body to / Ov', ........ .. F . -. ;t;L . , l � ........... Ave. to tzarJ.................. ................St. A E .........I zz I yy.... .6• e � '... � �• � Irl2 �S .. .........�zl......: ......................... ... .. c,............ ... u ...... RT S EG--...... STATE;•> lSr„� �. x O f- �....... .......................... .. ..... ....... .......... ....................... :.......: ... .. ....x .......................... ....... ....... �.......................... �....... ............. ..... ...... ........................... p............ .......................... ........... ..................................... ........... JUN 1 6 1919 BURF.0 OF ENGiiVELicS Office of the Commissioner of` Public V • Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 U N 271919 June 26th, 9 __............_191:. _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 26446 June 13th, ...... .... .... 191.._9., relative to ...... ................ ..... .. cil, known as Council File No.....................................approved......................_........... . the oonatruotion of a sewer on Charles Street from a point 135.feet west of Snelling Avenue to Fry Street. _......._..............................._......................_..............................._...................__............................................................. _... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $1.62 per front foot 1 288.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_............................... _. and the total cost thereof is $....... ............ ..6....._..........., and Assessable frontage 846 feet ESoess inspection 60.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ....................... .............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / ........... JCommissimier of Publie� W OSCAR CLAUSSEN, 411.1 EN11n..R J. E. CAPPOLL�9YTT. Eon Ano R. A—EO JACKSON. SUPT. —11AU 11 Ion N, w. GOETZINGM. SUPT Co�R. 1 na M. 5. OPYTSAK'Eno1n[[R o G. N. NERPOYO• Orr ......R Qtg of at. pant Mrpertmrnt of Pndttr Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. 0 - Ste Paul, ldinnesota. June 25, 1919. Mr. Ni. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost for construction of a sewer on Charles Street from is, point 135 feet west of Snelling Avenue to Fry treet, in ce with Council File #26446, approved June 13, 1919: Approximate estimate ..... $1,288.00 Cost per front foot ......1.52 Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 8&6.feet Yours very truly, -Po 0► �-.�0 ESS/C Chief Engineer. B ....... ....................... f .... .......-------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ..... grA4ng..changir . �g al.i.gn ..m . gpt necessary culverts and any, i ro eme a bridges, .. ....... .. .. .. .. # ............... ............ .......... incidental thereto or Mississippi River Boulevard from the end of the .............. .. i1prestnt asphalt concrete .............. ................................................. ......................................................................... ete pavement at Cretin avenue and Portland ave . .......................... ......................... ...................... ........................... ............................................ ................................ . produced to west Seventh Street, .............. ................... ........................................ // ................ ............ ............................................ ------- --------------------------- .......... ............ ...................................................................... . ........... ------- -------------------- 23736 xDec.12 1918 ... ............... v.................. ......... un(fir Preliminary Order ------------------------------------ grn— 7 ........ ng. t69 Vatter of Pa1v I .................................. ............. ---------------- ,imediry Order .................................................. .. . . . e''any improve - - A public hearing having been 4iad upon the emen t upon due notice, and the Council diving fiead all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of "j improvement to be made by the said city is .......... P de– ..changa alighmen-t ............ together with necessary walls, fills, bridges, culverts and .................................... .................... ....................................................... ............ . - ........................................ improvements incidental thereto on Mississippi River Boulevard ... ..... ..... fro-M-th-6 jyffd---iyf tUjy--pTjgjg6fft gcopuart: d-owd-flit-iF". p . av . emi�n t at ufetIh &v-mUe..and-.Port1imd.-av=.ue-- p.roduced tv West ---- 7-th Stree-t•................................. . ......... . ......... I ................... ................................................... ........ ............................................ ......................................... ..................................................................................................... ................................................................. ......................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and diActed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement,. a;nd' submit same to the Coun- nd for approval; that upon said approval, proper officials city oth. 0 n ....cials are -hereby authorized a directed to proceed with the making of saidP gme I in, accordance JWrewi ... ..... ...... 19 ...... ... ...... . ... ........ 1. r6LA&A City CC. PUBLI 191- Appr-gtt– . .............. ............ .......................................... ................... .... ....... .1..r_P =" 'toe— imm 10 i r Gilman IT -1. 1 77 F I T Mayor Hodgson ............ rm B. S. .8.7 ,� ��„fir'. lrfit .,.. _.-/i/ �` `�.�-!� %�•. j_.._.� mid..+^ C.J � �°'1� /, /��� '' , 4 �• W a_ GI JP ST. PAUL ,. DEPARIMNr OF TINANFr,E REPORTQ_F COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE j F ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of ....P:ay.ing.,_...gr.a: i.n.g.,._._changing alignmenti.._tngathex_._;:1lh.....ne_c.e.a.ear.y....... _.__.�_._.. .,._.._culyesas.....and_..a.ny....i.mpz.avAm.ents....inc.id.ent.4..............._...._..._........_. t.h.er.e..to._-cn is_ei.aipi>1 Ri.v.e.x._) _ou.la earl _.fx.or, ....L.he... and _01-- tlx .hr.e a.ent............................... .... _._ _._.._ aspral.i'.`c.anc.r.ete...F..e�.era.a.n1...._a.t..._S.r..e.t.in..a.v..e_.__anl�.....P.o.x_t.l_dna.._.ay.e._......PT-e duce i....._........_ .............-.. -.t.0jo7e.st...7th._StTeet.1..1-..._ -__ _._......__..._ { ....... . _...._ c .QIP. 11P� 1' 1 16 under �]?reliminary Order approved ...._......:_c..�.�.....�..�........._......._..__._..._._....._.._......._......_._.....__............ To the council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above Improvement is '�v� $__............... .... _....._�.f1.,-U-Q. - The estimated cost pe4toot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: -- --- ---- ASSE35ED DESCRIPTION .LOT ®LOCK ADDITION VALUATION -- - 7 Shadow Falas i'ark 15000. Additie.n to St,Paul,Aiinn. That part of Lot 3 Section 5 lying north of center lire of Lincoln ave. 35-2 produced went -to NSississippi I§.iver (Except Mississippi River Boulevard and except streets) 'That part of Lot 3,Section 5 Town, 28 Range 23, lying South of center line of Lincoln avcnue produced weet to 1,T10zli's61ppi River and north of the south line of ;the North 40 acres of eaid Lot 3 (Except l�iarisstgpi-i�fve�-E�iuTev r3 an3 ex^epG Ctreete� TOTAL. 348350 !Z- CITY or ST. PAUL - rl . 60ARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF FINANCE OFCOMMISSAIO ERY ON' (a) . DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 22 2 King's Maple Vood 190b 21 2 _ do 1700 20 3 do ,1700 19 2 do 1700 ; 18 2 do 1700 17 2 do 1700 16 3 do .1700 - • do 14 3 do 1700 13 2 do 1700 1 12 2 do 3400 22 7 do 3400 21 7 do 187�u 20 7 do 187$ 19 7 do T 18Y� 18. 7 ap 17 7 do 1878 16. 7 do 1875 15 7 do 1878 14 7 do 1875 13 7 do 1700 , 12. 7 do 1800 (except Boulevard) 1 2 St.John's Pood St.Paul" 1375 - 2 2 Ramsey do., Minn. 12,00 do 3 2 do 1150 do Crosby Place" 122300 _. ° Rawthorne Wood 1562 , TOTAL _ . -3 61TY'OR BT. PAUL DWARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 40, 3 ,Mississippi View Beim 39° 3 Auditor's Subdivision No.: 8501 59 St. Paul, Minn. 4 38 3 37. 3 8501 3g. 3 850 35 3 850! 34' 3 850: 33 3 850._ _ 32. 3 31 3 850, 30 3 850. '. 29 3 850. 28 3 850: 27 3 850: 26. 3 .850: 25 3 850: 24 3 850, 23 3 850 F 3 6 The Elms 3975 7 do 3800 26 3 Ryan place 975- 37 ' 3 do 1025 28 3 do, 1050 29 3 do 1075 30. 3 do 1075 31. 3 do TOTAL 1075 J_:.- - CI* OF YT. PAUL /Id D#,RTyENT OF FINANCE '7^ REPORT OF CoyMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSELSSED ' VAUATION 32 3 Ryan Place 1075 . 33 3 do 107` 34 3 do 1075 35.3 do 1075 36 3 do 1075 . 37 3 do 1075 38 3 do - ;107$ .� 39 3 do 1100 40 3 do 110Q 41 3 do .1100 42 3 do 1100 F 43 3 do 1100 44 3 do 1100 , 45 3 do 11.00 46. 3 do. 1100 47 3 do 1100 48 3 do 1100 49 3 do 1100 50 3 do 1100 1 .1 Edgecliffe Addition N0.2 550. 2 .1 do ;650• . 3 .1 do .650. 4 1 do 650., 5 1 do 650 6 1 do 650 7 1 do :600: . 8 1 do 600 TOTAL I � �. CITY OC /T. PAUL ( A` D'ART4MNT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COyMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION' ASSESSED VALUATION ' 9 1 Edgecliffe Addition No.2 600 10- 1 do 11 1 do 600 . 12 1 do 600 13 1 do 60Q 1 S do 850 2 2 do 625. 3 2 do- 625,. 4 . 2 _ do 650•, 5 2 do 6 .2 do 650, 7 2 do 650' 8 2 do 675. 2 do 675, 10 2 do 675 1 3 do 6751 2 3 do 675. 3 3 do 675 4 3 do 675: 5 3 do 675':, S. 3 do 675; i 7 . 3 do 8 3 do 650: 9 3 do 650 10 3 do 650 11 3 d0 12 3 do . '_.. TOTAL - 1 _% TY OF ST. PAUL �yg k--F% Dq01ARTIj1ENT OF FINANCEA� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON R1dELIMINARY ORpER (B) _.. DESCRIPTION LOT BLoeK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION is 13.3 'Edgeoliffe Addition No.2;'150', -- 14 3 do i 25d 15 3 do 350, • 16 3 do 17 3 do 18 3 do 625; 19. 3 do 20- 3- do 21 3 do_ 6,25 22 3 do 625 23 3 do 625 1 24 3 do 625. 25 3 do 625 26 3 do 635, The north &f S.W.-41 of East 40 .acres . . 3375 i of Lot.4,Sec.8,Town 2R,Range 23 lest 2/5 of South of S."'',4 of East 1375 40 acres of Lot 4,Sec.8,Town 28, Range 23 (Ex.S.33 ft for Otto ave,') 9 5 Valley View 325, 8 5 do 325 �. 7 5 do 325.- 6 5 do 325: N 3- of Lot 2 in 17-28-23 1.63.25 .. (Ex.Boulevard and 5 acres to U.S.A.) I r , N 2 of S of Lot 2 .Ex.BlI1d): 17-28-•23 3 of Lot 2 (Ex.Blvd).17-28-2:3 6700! 'r ., .. TOTAL p m _7r CITY OF 8, PAUL - *" DWRTIfENT OF FINANCE FINANCE REPORT OFCOM MLAO ORDER'OF � (B) A66E66ED LOT BLOCK ADDITION ATION W BE .. DESCRIPTION - 51 3 - Lane a MountCurve_525 425 50 3 do 49.3 do 4 2 5 .. 48.3 do 425', 47 3 do 425, '. 46 3 do - 42 5 42 5. 45 3 do_ do _. _ ', 425-1..:__. ..44..3 _ - do _ 4251 - - - 42" 3 do 41,3 do Q5; - 40.3 do 425, _. _. 38.3 do 425: _,... 38 3 do 425' . 37 3 do 425' 36 3 do 425' 35,3 do 425. 34 3 do 3 3 3 do 42 5', 425 32 3 do 31.3 do 425; 30 3 do _ _ _ 425. y 4251 29 3 do 283 do 425 27 3 do 404'. 26. 3 do 400' _. _ 400, 25 3 do _ .. .._ .. ....._._ - -. - TOTALmill i _. CITY OR sT. PAUL. a - DWR°f1fENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER F FINANCE OFCOM�. REPORT ON ILM ORDERR (s) -... DESCRIPTION ;LOT BLoeK-. ADDITION ASSESSED VALU ATION -__- 24 3 Lane's Mount Cnnve 4001 23 3 do ` 400, 22 3 do 400' , • 21 3 do 350 20 3 do 325 325! 19 3 do 1813 do 385' - .::_ . 17 3 do - 16.3 do 350. 1501, : - N 11 3 do 12 2 de 150 13 2 do 250, - 10000 N of N.E.y of S.E.y of17-28-23 N of 3.F,w of N.F.-4L of S.E.y of 17-28-23 2500, g of :.'". of N.E.yi of S.E. of 17-2823 !Fx.nlvd. & Ex.S.r of above1400 S of S of ^ " i of N.E.1, of �•.5,�' of7r28�23 1400 Hiaxatha Paxk Add.No.2 125, 35 3 St.Paul,Rarnsey Co.,'Ainn. 400 34.3 33 3 do 400 32 3 do 4p0 31 3 do 400, 30, 3 do 400 29 3 do 400, 8 3 do 400. 27 3 do 400. '. 36. 3 -, do _ 400 25 3 do 400; - TOTAL y _CITY OF 8T. PAUL 1.�.Cs'ddFyi- DqINkRT14ENT OF FINANCE - REPORTOFONCOf4MI SdIONIEDR OF FINANCE PRELIM ER _. -ADDITION ASSESSED DEStRtPTION LOT BLOCK. VALUATION 24 3 Hla+ratha Park Add.No.2- 400 23 3 to St.paul Ramsey Co. Minn. _ 400 ; 2U 3 do 400 • .21 3 do 400 ; ... 20 3 do 400 . .19 3 do _. 400 !. 18 3 do ,400 �*17 3 _ do 400..16 3 do, 400 15 3 do +i75 _. 11 8 do 450 ; .12 8 do 375 _ 13 8 do 375 14 8 do 375 15 8 do 378: 16 B do 375 17 8 do 375 18 do 300 .r _ ... 8 4 9/10 acres of Lot 4,17-28-23 (Ex.part taken for Mississippi- 4300 River Boulevard #2) Thatpart of Gov.Lt.1 Situated between Cleveland ave and Mississ- $3000-! River Boulevard No#2, and North of a line 1143.51 feet south . of and -parallel with the X line of lot I (Part of Seo.80,28,23 con- taining 8.41 acres) ._That part of lying south of a line 1143.51 ft south of and:200001 . parallel with the north line of Potion 20 and bounded by Qleveland Qv@ , ;and Mississippi River Boulevard No.2 Part of sec.20 Town 28 Range 23; _.;.containing 7.94 acres) TOTAL. CITY CL! ' K'6 OFFICE 31�?AU:.�.'mA. -y 30" MIt1N. St. Paul, Minnesota. PEO.'"';"' "'t'At6umnw, ,torr t.rur r,cyta,rr, April 19th, 1922. To -his Honor the Mayor and Members of the City CouiR.M, Saint 'Paul, Minnesota. ✓f Gakitlemen: - Your body is considering the paving of the River Boulevard from Cretin Avenue to West Seventh Street. Without intending any criticism as to the advisable of this job, we beg to call your attention to the fact that for most_,of that entire distance there are not more than three houses Qnd the boulevard has a -very hard surfaced road suitable for the pleasure of the autoists without causing the average citizen any great expense or ButVhy pave the River Boulevard when a attest like Hemline Avenue from Goodrieh',Avenue south, the only arterial street for supplying hundreds of homes`with,the fiecessities of life, is absolutely impassable. This street is the only means of access to the district between the short -line and Snel- ling Avenue:. Also cohsider Grand Avenue. This street for years has been nothing but a long muddy Taste of. pools of stagnant water during thelentire year, ex- -o`eptiiiife'rhapa during, the winter months and is almost impas�¢ble at all .1• otheiritimes. It is certainly a disgrace to St. Paul. r4g; : Also consider, gentlemen if the property owners of these thorough - fa �a have so little civic pride and object to the paving „of thesestree, a t1 '-'+t•.3yi"'�','r8n&-Avem.o nrid Ha -'tine 4 ->S fill i r� n i"' it prep- ent condition, has,' not Le pugi,.cnoo e ri-i: Ls 'w _ .. �:.c ai: a.. sa ndc of tenants, occupying the flats, paying the highest rents in the City also some 'I,' rights? These tenants face these stagnant pools of muddy water for nine months in the year. .w The undersigned man not claiming altogether to be property owners on,either of these streets', but as citizens who take an in in St. Paul have decided_to call, your attention to this condition and suggest before any more,spee'dways 'are laid through the outlying districts for the benefit of the _J'automobiale,.traff. that real arterial streets that are needed by the general J; put�1'ib eoeive-your,attaritj.on as being more worthy thgn any of the outlying 'have none 'of the necessary things such as sewer, water or gas. a-rkways.that. Respedtfully submitted, —Citizens of St. Paul 1S LM:N _ 10 -CITY YT. PAUL in OF w r - DEWRTtIENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSPIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L DESCRIPTION . LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 10 2 Arcadia 450; 11 2 do 12.2 do .850, 13 2 do 850! 14 2 do :850; - - 14 1 do 800' ; 15 1 do 650, _- _ 1B_1 do 17 1 do 700, 700; 18 1 do 19 1 do 700: - 20 1 do - 700 21.1 do 700: 22 1 do 700' 23.1 do 700,, 24 1 do 700' 25.1 do 700. t--(Ex.tSiasisaippi- River Flvd.j!2)29. Franklin Steel's Sub.. of Lct: 7800 --.- 2 Sec.21,Township 2S,Range 23,. Ramsey County) 7 2 St.John's T+ood St.Paul : 475: Ramsey Co.,'tiinn. 16"1 Hix.7atha Park Add.No.2 200: 9 8 St.Paul,Ramsey Co.,Minn. 250 10 8 do 175: TOTAL 772829 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to%said matter by the Commissioner of Public Dated--�C - 191.x/..... -- --- Works. l Commissioner of Finance. QIf�j°bf�t. haul - OSCAR CLAU9SEN,CH— E11—e1 Nepartnwot of faults Works , CAR..... SUPY htena M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER 1 ALPRED Jw944490N, SUPiuci ioH wno nePwint R. T, GOURLEY. DEPUTY " H. W. GOETZI BOER, Suri10H M GnYTBAN!EHeitetn'oHt obxewu or oRiocta O. H. H[RROLO,Orree ERotun St. Paul, Minnesota. March 4, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: I herewith transmit preliminary estimate of the cost of paving with asphaltic concrete, grading, ohang- ing alignment, together with necessary walks, fills, bridges, culverts, etc., on Mississippi River Boulevard from the end of the present pavement at Cretin Avenue and Portland Avenue produced to West Seventh Street; in accordance with Council File Noe23736, approved December 13, 1918: ° Approximate estimate, 0202,549.00 Frontage ............. 20,760.Lin.Feet. Respectfully submitted, �?. WES/C Chief Engineer: Enolo A loy _I4°-<. c ;Il ;a ' ' >MO �� _ b. f_... _ _ ;. ����, rte, R�I�,i• r� �. �! ���,��-� ,�� i' Fl��i' t�' t�T�' k� N fi +� ���_,j, tom, r�.1. �� �. �' i •, - I- G? ! _ �\ � jam/ , O k zr =� e ' �,+ >µ1�"� 4� T . James:;'I�i.; Clancy F. No. 26170-Ordinance No. slsv- G .. ' BY Tame¢ M. Cla-y— ?rdinance to amend administrati•e-1j]j'TCI:. FILD 26170 .di—es No. 6139¢pproved Aug r 1919. Thle Is an emergen •ndered cessar fri a of the pub lic �RDiN : _CE NO- t7/Pf An ordinance to amend administrative Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16, 1919, This is an emergence ordinance rendered necessar- for the preservaticn of the public peace,. health and safety. T Ci1UIrCIi Or TEE CITY OF ST. YnUL DO.:;S Oi:DAIt1: S ect.ion I. That Section I, of Ordinance No. 5139, approved August 16,'1919, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out in said section the following words and figures: "Roofer 65� an hour :fer our Ian Cement Finisher Foreman. 75� an hour "Cement. Finisher . . . . . . . 65 "Lather . • 62-,,sn hour "Bricklayer Foreman. 92Y�an hour "Structural Iron Setter Foreman 92z an hour "Structural Iron Setter . . . . 80� an hour and inserting is lieu thereof the follo:rina words and figures: "Roofer . . . 80� sn hour "Ce-Lent Finisher Foreman - 95� an hour "Cement Finibher . .. . . . 8550anehour "La t. her . . . . . . . . . . . . ti• P Y Bricklayer Horemar_ 1.00 an hour "Structural Iron Worker Foreman 4 00 an hour "Structural Iron `orker. 85� an hour and adding to said 6ecticn I, of Ordinance Ido. 5139, the following:' Roofer Foreman . . . . . . . . 80j an hour, 1`Roofer's1elper . . . . . ., 60V,ari.hour Section II. This ordinance shall take elect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval Y AS RAYS Clancy, JSP - �Q Farnsworth Adopted by the Council Goss, Powers, D; and .rlich 1 r. !'resident ( Iicd:gscn) Z'ti x,-• P avor�- ku Attest:vt Ci_ er J h 41 Li i -j yyllz� administrati'Ve Ordinance N 'M ordin e t's o'. r3roV, approvedQku a t kna atlTm -�6M, ns rules an21 This 11's -an emeggeqfy ordinance tendered necessary for the preset "'con of the public peace,health and safety. V' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. That Section of Ordinance No. approved August 29, IQJA, be and the same,is 1: hereby amended by striking out in said sectioli, the following' words and figures: "Roofer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65� an hour "Cement Finisher Foreman. . . . . 75� an hour "Cement Finisher . . . . . . . . 65 an hour "Lather . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62y� an hour "Bricklayer For 92-� an hour 61 "Structur- -rronrete an .929- - 4 an hour %i& "Structural Iron . 80� an hour and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: Roofer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 80� an hour "Cement Finisher Foreman . . . . 95� an hour "Cement Finisher . . . . . . . . 85� an hour "Lather . . . . . . . . . . ... . $6.50 per day -!q3x-jckl1a er For em 11.00 an hour t:_ ur 1� Fore n .1.00 an hour "Structural --n ? "Structural .l Iron 000� 85an hour (vc-rfa and adding to said of Ordinance No. 6@0622 - the following: "Roofer Foreman . . . . . . . . . 80� an hour Roofer's,Helper . . . . . . . . . 60-,1 an hour" Thi to q hey-eby do�car�et er _)�e an em , gency ordi nce ende d n e c,Zs-a i��f �th"e- 111, E& C t h, a' Sect icn This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval] *-�,,,44.-�--a-A- Yeas councilmen 0`001119 Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworth Approved.. Goss Wismar McColl.............................................. MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson ATTESTJOHN 1. FARICY, Clty Clerk. '14 �y - C V. No. 86171-0 dinan a No 6161— C. - 2b N ! B7 Sibert W C, F. No.. �- t1 ordlnanoe toe netist cit•, OY' ance o.. NOrdlnauce No. 6887, entitled. ! s .. I f:. ^ding •tCe tAR'laNnf 1 .. `p. ` .. An ordinance to amend Administrative Ordinance N:o.,,5St0 01 entitled, "An ordinance regulating the appointment of teAcherb,,pt{incipals, super- visors, physicians and nurses in the public schools of the City of Saint Pav:3 and prescribing theib duties," approved March 17, 1919.- This is an emergency ordinance r rendered necessary for the presevation'•° of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY -OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section"1 { That Section 4 of Ordinance No. 5067, entitled, "An ordinance regulating the appointment of teachers, principals, supervisors, physicians and nurses in the public schools of the City of Saint Paul and prescribing. their duties", approved March 179 1919s be and the same is hereby amended by striking out all that portion of said Section 4 immediately following the Word "Qualifications" and inserting in place thereof the following: Except that the provision for previous teaching experience may be waived upon proof satisfactory to the Superintendent of Schools that the applicant is in every other respect qualified to teach. j Section 2 That Section 10 of said Ordinance No. 5067 be and the same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the following: The salaries payable to such teachers shall in no case exceed the sum of $900.00 per year, payable in ten monthly installments. and inserting in place thereof the following: The salaries payable to such teachers shall in no case exceed the sum of $1000.00 per year, payable in ten monthly installments. Section 3 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. 'keas Councilmen Nz= Clancy Adopted by the Council: Farnsworth Goss McCo11 Powers Approved i�fifwfm.wv - Mr. Prest. (Hodgson) ATTEST. JOHN 1. FARICY, City Clark. r 1' "f. *b 86 337ih174—Ordinance No CC y Xer; Wunderlich— Ordinance No...Y. C. F An ard"es to .mend Admlr� pptdlnance No. 5006 entitled -' daavbe aathorliints the ea . of yyereoae.lor eE-Qt is W ent o[ Alducation and. umber• titles, duties 11 An Ord ties of � �e�P ate • Administrative Ordinance r1 o,. 5065 entitled An ordirjjs ,I � -:. Ling the employment of persons for service in the Depart- ment of Education and fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation " of the employes and officers connected with the Public Schools of the City , approved March 10, 1919.E This is an emer?ency ordinance rendered nece .nary for the preservation of the pulic peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 That Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5065, entitled, "An ordinance authorizing the employment of persons for service in the Department of Education and fixing the number, titles, duties and compensation of the em - Mar he 10, 1919, berand thected samewith hereby amended bySchools striking outytherefrom d the words and figures: 2 Assistant Supervisors at a salary not to exceed $1400.00 per annum each, payable in ten monthly installments. and inserting in place thereof the following words and figures: 4 Assistant Supervisors.Nat a salary not to exceed $1400.00 per annum each,' payable in ten monthly installments. and that said Section 5 be and the same is hereby further amended by insert- ing under the words "For the High Schools".the following words and figuresl 1 Assistant Principal in charge of Vocational Classes at a salary not to exceed $1700.00 per year. and by striking out the two sentences in the conclusion of said Section 5, reading as follows: For the Grade Schools not to exceed $3.50 pr day. For the High Schools not to exceed $5.00 per day. and inserting in place thereof the following two sentences: For the Grade Schools not to exceed $4.50 per day. For the High Schools not to exceed $5.50 per day. and by striking out therefrom the following: Supply Teachers, minimum $600.00, maximum $900.00 and inserting in place thereof the following: Supply Teachers not to exceed ;61000.00 per annum. Section 2 That 5action 6 of said ordinance No. 5065 be and the 'same is hereby amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures following: 1 Director of Hygiene at a salary not to exceed $300.00 per month., and inserting in place thereof the words and figures following: 1 Director of Hygiene at a salary not to exceed $350.00 per month. Section .3 That Section 7 of said Ordinance No. *D65,be and the same is here- by amended by striking out therefrom the words and figures following: 1 Supervisor at an annual salary not to exceed $1700.00. Not more than 20 teachers at salaries not to exceed $1300.00 per year. and by inserting in place thereof the words and figures following: 1 Sipervisor at an annual salary not to exceed $1900.00 ^7J Not more -than 20 teachers at salaries not to exceed-- $1400.00 per year each. i Section 4 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nam Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wandewasork- Mr. Prest. (Hodgson) -Y\, "IT _ 0 0 . Adopted by the Council y 19 u��r. •)w;� 1� Approved " '' lq'IQ'/ AT -I E51 : JOHN 1. ARICY, city t i OIli t" i \ C. F No 16173--CL'd s i�j!�3: By Albert ypmderltch— I � �P D An ordipesae tb amend Admtnl"At —_ . C. F amsn'ce°SeeCio nrovlae' entitled, eM tion of ,O.'gnyde.ryy lnduetrfnl c • r inanCe No..:. . +1f fhe o6. tK Hub een A -t nary �' �0 In. eheandt� end w An or`dinartc,y�wr'°,sa Administrative Ordinance No.; -5045, entitled, "An ordinance to pYdvide for the organization of se Wdary industrial classes in conformity with the requirem@nts of the Smith -Hughes Act and any amendments thereof; and fixing the number, titles and compensation of.' teachers, instructors and lecturers for service -in connection therewith", proved February 1, 1919 ♦ This.is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation=of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 ' That Section 2 of Administrative Ordinance No. 5045, entitled; "An ordinance'to provide for the organization of secondary industrial classes in conformity with the requirements of the Smith -Hughes Act and any amend- ments thereof; and fixing the number, titles and compensation of teachers, instructors and lecturers for service in connection therewith", approved February 1, 1,919 be and the same is hereby amended by inserting under the words "Section 2r' the following: The Commissioner of Education is hereby authorized to appoint 1 director who shall be in charge of such secondary industrial classes,under the direction and control of the Commissioner of Education and the Superintendent of Schools, who shall receive,& salary 3 not to exceed $500.00 per annum, payable in ten equal monthly installments. Section 2 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. ` Section 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen -?Jn-n Clancy Approved by the Council:q Farnsworth Goss ( 0 1 _ anr, McColl Powers Adopted 191 Ybr�ir�iio� Mr. Prest (Hodgson) � N 1. FA ICv. �� �� rd t✓ PUBLLSi3En %�I Clty Clerk C. r. No. 26174—ordinance No. 51' , . �• $ By J. A1. Clancy— .,+f • An ordinance am din adco"" ri • 11, 'L ordinance No. 32. nPro -ue[ 30, 1919, nd amendments ^nt1'led 'An admlhlstrath,- By to tno crou n P cit^ oi, etq r V /i. (J�/ r `-"`i"'�C(1 ��©. An ordinance am n ng administrative Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled "An admin- istrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor."�/' THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN., Section 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, be and the same is hereby further, amended by inserting after the first sentence of Section 1 of Rule V of said ordinance the following: "Sex shall be disregarded by the Commissioner in making certification%lnless satisfactory written reasons are given by the appointing officer that the vacancy is one which, because of the conditions of employment or the 6 nature of the service involved, can only be filled properly by the appointment of an eligible of the sex specified in the requisition." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force n from and after its passage and approval. i Yeas (d) Councilmen (✓.),iLgr ClancyAdopted by the Councily...'!ir- 71C...'.- _�-�- 11VI Farnsworth Approve Goss T� McColl _........ ....._.......[� ..Y.R ••.LGr4r4iwi:eh - Mr. President, Hodgson 6 PUI3LISi'IED 19HN: 1. FARICY, City Clock. C. Ir. No. 20144—Ordinance Ne sl ' BY J. Al. clanov—_ YM An ordinance amending adminlntn Ordlnene No. 3260'{x, "ruvod I et 30. M4 n a mendmenta� ^nutted 'An dm[nletry 1, o ala'he to tn� St. �� du'e illy oe sa I• ' � By: An ordinance am z 'ng administrative Ordinance No. 32501, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled An admin- istrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor.."....�/. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3250-, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, be and the same is hereby further, amended by inserting after the first sentence of Section 1 of Rule v of said ordinance the following: "Sex shall be disregarded by the Commissioner in making certificationjunlese satisfactory written reasons are given by the appointing officer that the vacanc}f ie one which, because of the conditions of employment or the ua Ylan per y-, nrdag bq ;q P, of en elibf the sex specified' „ Z hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Ordinance.--__��%���e July 28, 1919. CIVIL SERVICE COMISSIONER .P' n s CNV OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMOLO1 N F'1I.F: Farm A A 16, 211 7-18 --133469 Christ Johnson, 1,175.80, Se'wLl-oxr-`Py1er i347o Pioneer Cone Bakery, 18.75 F; *atifa Tota i–". �""""'T,'3�J4'•`,fi 1112 A}� i Iy! - = �aUDI... .. 197....... ED ...... ........ G TITLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the - persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fallowing ag�1i`�gtatement: iUu jj Yeas l V l Councilmen I V )Nays Adopted by the Council.. .... ..... _t_._)......... ....... ..............191— 1919 C. F. No. 26176— N u f Z Abst-dt. Resolved-that warrants be drew. uDon.the CItyyTreasurY, DaYsble out oC the herelnafter specifled-funds and -tn , Ap r ed .._...... ___. ..____.._ .._I ___ ,; favor of the -persona. fl—, or corpora- tions for the amounts set oDDDoalte their, - respective names as &t:,—ted In the -.,following detan d tat ant:�I.LYOR- /sident,Hodgson _. Chr[at, 7ohnao � y117680. .-" Ploneer.Cone leak ry, Adopted by nge C—ncil Aug. 19, 1919. Approved ..11611919) Mr. P f� --133469 Christ Johnson, 1,175.80, Se'wLl-oxr-`Py1er i347o Pioneer Cone Bakery, 18.75 F; *atifa Tota i–". �""""'T,'3�J4'•`,fi .. A r h�'c• s .111v OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER t' r,yy�e AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FG f M "' F'I I. F: 1111 / Z z2 C ..... .... .................. .. _........................... _.._ AU D TED6161 ........_�'_.....r..!!i/........_........ 1 ....... PER................. ..... ................ ..... , TITLE Resolved that warrants he drawn upon"llupoonthe City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: gas ( j Councilmen l Adopted by the Council __ .......__ .............191'......... AL17 12 1919 C. F. No. 26178— . Abstract �, �!U 1„ Resolved that warrants be drawn - uDon the Clty Treasury, payable out o[ __.191 Farnsworth the hereinafter eDecinea Iuads and !n A r ed ___... ....._. ._. __......... favor of the persons, 0rma or corpora - Goss Llan. for he amounts set opposite their v re9pecttve Hamas ae apecined In the following detailed statement: Kell Forman. Ford &Company, $44.10. F. Mat-liinget 18.011. ,f 1YUR t'.,II Melady P.Der_�ompanyi_Sa(.66. lerlichd. J. ' O'Connor, thief of Police, 168.47. Sanitary Food Mtgg Company, 1141L Hodgson Mrs. C. Bivereon. 52.66. Adopted by the Council Aug. 12, 1918. Approved p g. Council (Aug. 18, 1919) 1snT Forman, Ford & Company, 'r`ire -13+83 F. Matschinger, ,P W 18 13464 Melady Paper Company, _P_o-] i ce Health Sehools Parks --15V65 Nicols, Dean & Gregg, -Fire mun&e- -ftr—. Revl. n n n Repr. SprU*-I,ng X96 J. J. Of Connor, Chief of P01�08 -BQI .ee+ 446'7 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company, SSD •14468 Mrs. C. Siverson, pod&ele Total. --.---353-03 5:30 5 1ab0 20-.0 1:-43 9.00 22.93 ,3',Q;,38 ?R1=0 q -.2O 44.10 8.00 20.55 195.14 68.47 14.11 2.66 maw Form A A 46, 2M 7-18 -1 ' THE IIF F "'. 1'.1 u 1. OFFICE OF E COMPTROLLER AUDI -TED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM L4_0 FILL 1110 AUDITED 1919 C- PTROLLIUt R TITLE .26177— Resolved that warrants be drawn uon Abstract. I of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the �sd that warrants be drawn persons,' firms or corporations for the amounts ter. . funds and d P '�lq 1�1,qnent: T=fri"d'a"bl' out ?.frne, a, specified in the following I Year�-)–Cbancilruen Ys r It,: persons, corpora k_': 'r th est o t. the,; I'. name. 11 p,,Illld In 'i'llopted by the Council ............... 191 ;Ing c t.t.m. detailed nt: rican Law Book Compan $15.50 rI can Linea Par Supply Farnsworth rican, Railway Express Core Approved 19E . ......... 'arson -Hays Motor Com GOSS Keller Ashton "' CoRN:cay' rn Western ja$296.45. I no t��qr ors ker CornDnni XWnderlich C—P. Air. Pr dent, Hodgson American Law Book Company, 133US American Linen Supply Company, employment Bureau 3.25 Po+i'0e__ 2. 3 Ru�jz__Gar. Revl. 3. 0 3. 0 -13369-- American Railway Express Company, Puroh,Dep! t. Fire Pol. & re Alarm School Libra If to if 11 Anderson -Hays Motol*,,ompany, . Revl. j34tl­ G. A. Ashton & Company, 1 6 7.46 1.11 - 3.36 3 58 1:58 42 1 66 d47 42 15.50 11.48 26*54 4.95 9.22 Ras... JJ-L0a 1x3].2-. Austin-Western Road Machinery Company, C. & R. 25. 5 11. 0 1. 0 Spr ling 201. 5 56. 5 13933- Auto Engine Works, 5. 5 nre_._. , Mvnic. Revl. 49. 0 u '�' If 108.00 193=. ]+3.314 Beebe Laboratories, <Se&U13, }•- R. R. Bowker Company, -Lilb'T'aw 13316H. C. Boyeson &PCourmah.-Zep t. �gZ17 S. Brand, Schools 1331a. Brick Row Print & Book Shop, Library ,I3338-• Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, Parks,. 13320 Capital City Ice Company, -Parks- 13321 Capital City Lumber Company, Pan]ca--. tea• Capital Envelope Company, SebAG a 253Q5 J. W. Cassin Company, 25. 0 S'c s Park 3. 5 21. 0 P. ldgs. =94 Central Garage, Muu4 In., C�evl. 'Yu` Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company, S4.-.G...-&-R. "IMM- Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, , St-o-C.- & R. 14. 4 Schools• Dock wharves etc. 15. 0 "T98 ?- Arthur H. Clarke Company, Li�W. X28. Charles W. Clark Company, ... James B. Clow & Sons, haals Clymer & Huelster, Ro 01 th Paget 295.45 2C�'7 163.25 2.00 4.00 6.50 13.50 6.76 15.80 294.25 320.10 51.91 50.25. 35.33 669.90 33.86 ' 3.69 2.64 99.12 14.00, 0 it5t — C. H. Congdon, Se4wals 133.32, Daily News Publishing Company, Civil cars ^e 13333 Adam Decker Hardware Company, Pdl. &` ire Alarm St. C. R. Wor use it Lib ary Par n it R n P. Bldgs. Revl. 12�_ Dispatch Printing Company.- '13358 ompany, '3338 F. B. Doran, 199W Dore -Redpath Company, Werk4"se P&f'ks 13��7 L. F. Dow Company, a tic. Carta. Pol S ools -3333'8— Henry A. Dreer Company, 9ehavi-s X3389- Otto Edstrom, Agent Iu3i Electric Blue Print Company, comer. P. Works 13ZTr-- Electric Magneto Company, -- .13342, Elite Laundry Company, pertra 38843•_ Elk Laundry Company, "�a�iese- F. Alarm 18844 Emerson & Company, se nr hou. 13345. Essanell Electric Company, Fire 141uR'3'Z:�9a� Revl. ��J n n u n 3.00 2.0 1. 1.5 4.5 6 2jj 84712 60 54.81 1. 8 7. 6 1. 5 2 10 6 80 .00 .00 .10 'l 19 1 26 197 2 83 90 48 15 Page V ` 128.70 2M77 4.24 54.81 10.59 17.15 8.90 14.10 .75 22.50 18.20 13.35 361.46 21.03 49.50 78.85 0 �...:.^ 133&6- Farwell, omun, Kirk & Company, 3 Baths S. Cing. 70 St. In ersections 5 Soho a Pad 00 50 T t. Lab a. ving Depr. 33.34- E. S. Ferry & Son, Schools ISM Field, Schlick & Company, 3100 re P. Bms Li ing -33340- The Fleischmann Company, z�tir�„AA 1*&00 Flour State Baking Company, 18430 133.51, Charles Friend & Son, • jbMI-- R.Gar. Revl. 13568- Gamewell Fire Alarm Telg. Company, Alarm ,13.253 Gaylord Brothers, ,LibxAxy 4,,., The Golden Rule, , •fl.A c. & Unf. P. Ba s Play, ounds L, ting 13M3-- Goodyear Rubber Company, 31W.. lte5e- R. L. Gould & Company, NFose 'T3 -3P- Great Northern Railway, Sprpr ng `13658 Griggs, Cooper & Company,ZArIjU pus e P .rdW "T33E9^ W. J. Heal Mfg. Company, *R%aLa--C=. Revl. 2e36tY James Handlan &Company, 1,1461 M. A. Hanna Coal & Dock Company, 91=- 11. 3 7. 0 V.. 0 12. 6 1. 8 46. 9 5 5 40 5:4. . 0 . 0 8 page4 92.71 4, 377.50 58.08 6.00 15.92 3.15 71.92 4.00 52.50 311 65 3 75 2 70 5 40 9 00 50 7.25 4.25 68.59 65 59 3100 23.10 4,80 18430 7 24.15 111.87 300.00 U Page #5 neo 16962 Wm. Harris & Com�p� y, 26t- 6.39 14.30 15993 W. H. Hart Company, Eoulce la&er Highland Spring Company, 37.85 09alp Works n n 4.00 4.7 S$ 23.4 3.2 2.5 13385-- International Harvester Company, Perr�rs-- 14.40 121.10 L33gr.-- A. C. Jefferson, 2.5 }1'• Como Ave. ing Ave. to Raymond 416,5Pavi Sn 15.60 , 13S6�F• Kee Lox Mfg. Company-MtuTje3--court ,NK*& Kenny Boiler Mfg. Company, 40.50 Gradlaa&v 031 on 48.85 49060--F. C. Kohnke, 1434L6- The Lawyers Co-Operative Company, 7.50 152.62 Leslie-Donahower Company, 6 00 s 61 00 Pa 2 50" It 27 12 1 '52 62 94.75 McClain & Hedman, 4. 0 Clerk Cprp. -GOUT 91 3. 0 Civil Se ice 13. 5 Punch. cit 2. 0 It u 1 50 M so. Stationery &.S. 55 60 11 00 832.12, 1Fi5Td" A. C. McClurg & Company, L brar4 4.50 om McCullough Mfg.Company, p-' st R. 5.90 133Zb_ Maas Keefe Compann U 133u& Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 2.57 7Ubry ing. 31. 7 g 155. 2 1. 0 42. 4 42 24 ++ 11 14 2 100ff E. C.. Martin, PV++ee- Merrill, Greer & Chapman, 13,5.• Capt. John F. Miller, Q. M. C., 13380_.. Miller & Holmes, Workhouse Mpls. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Co., St.-6v- & R. S. Schools 0 19 6. 8 13382 Minnesota Sporting GP oods= Company, 1$3 E. A. Moeller Company, GergY-fie s e 1 1 .00 Health 6 00 ureau `of Engrs. 26 85 Lam... 5 00 13.14W— H. K. Mulford Company, iz National Biscuit Company, Park L—. 13386— National Gas Governor Company, W onkh nig as , 4=05e4• Nelson Brothers, PgXI;A.— H. Ness, ,zany _ New York Tea Company, RBi�Eb-- ;3394.,.. Nicols, Dean & Gregg, n +, M+ ic. Gar. Revl. St C. & R. u11 Sew r C. & R. Spr nkling Bch ols + favi g' Dbpr'. 51.20 5 68 753 5 82 48 55 21 97 10. 8 7 07 1. 6 7 55 23 47 .50 Page #6 286.28 4.00 32.40 23.58 40.00 14.97 15.00 52.85 62.35 22.76 .75 54.31 6.00 83.75 196.88 I Page ,#7 R82 -11IG- ,261-x7 1.19 14691: -14691: -North American Telg. Company, Police 15.29 1$332 Northern Machinery Company, w Revl. 759.49 1•�°,� Northern States Power Cpmpany MuvA,&, j;Mp • Bureau 19.20 Fire 4. 6 SC400ls 2.9 3. 0 u 20. 3 Lib ary 541. 5. 9 6 Ar Institute 159.28 Li 739-.49 21.26 1.594 N. W. Copper & Brass Works, 31*9.-. 115.21 T,TSZ-- N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 63460 5132 . 1 8.68 . ` N. W. Motor Supply Company, Revl. 36.10 13397 Northwestern Stamp Works, C.� try Clerk 17 50 �-� Polic 20 750 Com' P. Works 2 Li ary 2. 5 1. 0 9. 0 Company,364.14 Northwestern Ti--Revl. -70.60 13 North Star States Tobacco Company, 43. 0 W e 27. 0 oL+� 7 . 1.85 464@&", W. S. Nott Company, Fire 210.57 j.%AQt-' Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 28.77 P"61ice 14:17 Heal 37.£+ if 28.i P. B the 3. 56. 6 Qua ntine It 14. 0 Hea th Muo c. Gar. Revl. 12. 0 2. 1 S. S. Cing. 1 2. 0 +or Ouse 9. 5 n 2 2 v.Y M -ftSu-.-m-o 43463•-- Odell Motor Car Com -pang, i303_J. E. Olen Oompany6"-Revl. - Oriental Laundry Company, ane --jZT07- A. N. Palmer, 4D6 C. A. Pearson & Company, Parka -3'3vm H. Peltz & Son, al Court 134 Perkins -Tracy Company, 7vice LibarY .}grpg'"- Pilot Printing Company, bom Jorks n n � i.uin The Pioneer Company, �y3¢r�--Pittsburgh plate Glass Company, Police Fid,., Munic.,,,,Gar. Revi. Schgtlls oil P rks P g ounds T`Ayt...,�abs. -334.12.- R. L. Polk & Company, 13413 F. Ptacek & Son, ice 4Qa4"- Raymer Hardware Company, G� F.-Misc. & Unf. Fi e P. Baths M c. Gar. Revl. S. S. Cing. Bdg B. & Repr.. Sch is a n Play ,t ounds 21.25 2 .50 00 00 50 .15 .65 .15 .70 n .88 .05 .16 .04 .75 10 .80 .40 .00 50 00 .00 .30 .50 .25 .85 .80 .60 .80 .90 .60 58 .90 .08 Page #8 5.75 43.10 15.63 5.44 19.00 - 47.75 224.75 23.65 16.00 56.18 6.00 28.50 25.08 Rgs r-3��0 Page #9 Typewriter Company, 2.20 -Remington �17r -rY rvice y Y'Y 1. 1.00 Publishing Y�. Review Publishing Company, 7 12.75 13ITT"_ W. R. Rice, 35.23 Mmt}e,r- . Revl. _____ Robinson, Cary & Sands, 136.14 Fire•92 R. .24 32 41 'r ° 7 70 S S. Cing. S. 68 19 if 84 00 1 4 13A39-•- Rose Hill Nursery, 8.00 zUestry Revl. 136QQ- Joseph Rothwell, 79.00 d e B. & Repr. 22.00 Schon s' 1. 0 P 54 00 1150 7 leV2T-' Royal Typewriter company, Finance 41.00 ].3428- St.Paul Battery Company, 8.87 ._ 3.99 Mvmi,e-- Gar. Revl. 4 88 — St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 332.E2 L " " [.7 Ce tral H.S.Libr. H boldt " " brary 3 24 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 58.10 pQnlc-q 4.10 C Bond) 4.00 ,.134 St.Paul Electric Company, 51.00 .F. Atarm. 13426 St.Paul Foundry Company., 4.80 Pavin o60 mo Ave. W.-Snellin to and .20 Rea- 11.10 - Page #10 134YF- St.Paul Gas Light Company, 383.44 o 103. 8 Fire 105. 4 health3. 6 P. Co ort Station 5. 2 ` zuara tine 15. 0 IT3. 0 St. & R. 18 2 Sewe C.'& R. 124 34 S. S. Cing. 1 98 Spr nkling 1.00; .44 St.Paul Motor Car Company3 M9az : Revl. 11.74 1"" St.Paul TransferStorage Company, 46.44 r aikad 13'+180 St.Paul Welding Company, 17.25 M"%4e4-Gar. Revl. 1 25 Ligng 16400 17 5 's4°,rl Schroeder & Company, 1.80 c;c-hnnl s 13'432 Seagrave Company, 60.27 134Pi3 Shotwell-Johnson Company, 64.25 " Mtant%-.-'GbLr. Rev3. 24 354 C. J. Smith & Company, 62.03 Muvkow- 'ar. Revl. 1- .L. C. Smith & Brothers, 1.00 C 2--,Wo rk s '6 H. Smyth Printing company, 216.00 Cf,gA*j r1-+%Vacations 143,7_ G. Sommers & Comppany, G��F;= isc. � Unf. 41 35 154.99 Mun Gar. Revl. 98 64 S ools 4 00 arks 11 00 9 154,U. Standard Oil Company, 37.30 n Sd5bols 32 34 4 96 3 . 13439 Stewart Products Service Station, 2.77 Fir. IA440 Strickland-Doolittle Companyi, 58.30 Parks 1Aaai J. C. Stuhlman, 60.00 Li jinng 1qa42 Superior Baking Company, 86.62 Paok.& -- t•..- WA77 Page #11 l3443- Superior Printing Company, 142.75 ts. 90( 00 • 'ivil Se (11 e 6 50 Com' Works I Wrks 0 00 P a 25 C . P.U.-Bureau of Insp. 20 00 1�ff .79 15444- Superior Refining company, 20.00 5e4QQls LjjA5_ swift & Company, 296.29 VqVTv=u X'%e 24.35 1755 16,195 24 95 P. 4 88 3 .69 3 .81' if 10 .11 2 4 3 3 0 . 6 8 1 9 10446, Transit Supply Company, 3 0.00 520 . .00 poll-ce P � 11 . 31� Alarm 5.00 5 5 0 .00 Heal 0 .0 10,h�A. 0.00 Sop a ol;Adm. 1 0 .0 1 0.00 IAghting 100.00 J.144y United Charities of St.Paulp 35.00 QLLI—tine IZ"$ gander Bie lee dream Company, 5.00 1-5M Villaume Box & Lumber Companyy, 15.30 PolIr'Q .50 Po & Alarm .60 0 00 0 Lilrar 7 20 P:1 a, ounds 1 1 00 t530 Wallbloom Furniture Company, 6.00 P -.-,eemf.="tat i on 17,95-1 Warwick & York, 14.26 L1-- 1&45e Washburn-Crosby Company, 42.40 W Orkbau" 144&3 Weinhagen & Company, 25.00 F16611th JtM Western Machine Mfg. Company, 260.86 F4xA.._ 63 80 St. C.-I-Tp 7 95 157 36 3 7 57 3, 5 45 S. & Cing. 4 95 21 35 6 4e4M Western Supply Company, 77.01 M-un-TT7rWr. Revl. 5 Soho 76. 6 C Lj Page #12 247IL17. 3 7A 4 fib A Western Union Telegraph Company, 38.03 —Buzab—Dep't. pl�-I�' 0. B4paw&-of Engrs. 223 Lkn g .11 .0 -1&4437 W. J. Westphal, 90,50 �8 West PubliEhing Company, 4.50 -Da4avy- 14469 H. 71. Wilson Company, 155.70 IZ640 Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, 102.45 hii-so-.-Stationery & S. GOIWLr; P. Works 5 5 ;8- Schv'O-I S ?35 1 . 5 16+&1 Zimmerman Brothers, 32..53 'R.QIL" Totv±--�' �-28 a 't M CITY OF ST. PAUL ±� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- E ct:........................_...............---..................._......................._............:_....._._._..................._.........::.._............I i7 Fou NO. "t Date Presented.. A149u151..,12,,,,.. 1.9,19..191 _..... n Resolved, That the time specified for the performanoe of a certain contract dated July 31, 1918, between Peter Dickson and the City of Saint Paul, for the grading of Thorn Street from Earl Street to 640 feet west of Earl Street be and the same is hereby extended to the 15th, day of August, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution P' shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writ- ing with the City Comptroller, C, F.NO. 26]78— Resolved, That —By Mime ryyoes— the yctformance of rtn Fecefled for dated July 31, 191 K, cibetweeno peer Dickson and Ci[.In^� the grading a T_ �e sa!nt.Paui, eor , Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nay Farnsworth Goss ` Keller McColl Wunderlich • n FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Nopd consent reties on [11e con tractoYe see, in thereto and flle ch c troller. writing with the City Come_ At1oD[ed by the Council. Aug, 12, 1919, Approved Aug. 12, 19'19 (Aug. 16, 191.9) 5 auE 1,� INS Adopted by the Council ._ _....._ ........_._....._._.....191...... 1.9 ii' I n Approved................._..___.. _......_.._..... �_....... 191..... ...._.__s1a.Syggr D r 26178 St. Paul, Minn., .2 -/- - - - - - - 19 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen, would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the A- - to be extended to - - -, O_ - - Z'►T - - - - --- Owing Owing to - -'6'e c - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, PROVED eroConission rks. o*141w Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requiren.ents f this office is con i Supt. of Construction & Repa s Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ........... .............. .. X_ ubject:................................. 'F. Le Date Presented ..ALigUBt_... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sprinkle with water or oil the streets in the vicinity of the State Fair Grounds from August 30, 1919, to'September 6, 1919; the cost of same not to exceed Two Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, payable from the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Expense Account of the General Fund. lKller 4. Wunderlich Mr. FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 C. F. No. 30149 SY M. N. Goes. Resolved, Thut the Commissloner of Pubnc Works be and hs is hereby au- thorized and Instructed to siglukt1 with of or oil Stater the Grounds hfrom i Ah - "be' gust 30, 1919; too Selote 8;rW0 eh au oet of ble from dred (5200.00) Dollars, Data the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Ea - Dense Account of the General Fund: Atupcaved Auge 20 1919, Aug* 12, 1919. (Aug. 30, 1919) ,s AUG 19 It: io Adopted by the Council _. _..._ .._._.,.._....._..__..191...... u'JG 1 Approved..........._ ...__ 191..... MAYOR L4 -'Z' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 261 -Po ...._....................... ................ ................. ........... .._ _ ................_... ...................... t �..N-IL .............. ........................... /...._. ...................................................................................................................:.......FILE NO. Date Presented .__..A.ulV-st...-la.+....j.9.�,�91_..... 3n the matter of constructing cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west side of Bellows Street from Page Street to Sydney Street, and on Waseca Street, east side, from Page Street to Sydney Street, Council File #35735 approved July 8, 1919, Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas Nay Farnsw th Gos ler V cColl Wunderlich Mr. Prf:¢cideat;'I30[S$Ssn FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I6 C. It No. 26189 u B M. N. Gosa_ In the matter 1 oonatructing coement.. Weat /NZ"'k, lx tees wise, 'Page 6treet otlo Hellowa Street, fro' Waseca Street, sy'a, et Street, and n Street to S Fas[ Ids, rrom Pe e No, 26736, gpdney S[reeI, Council Flle 8eaolved, That veil duly 8, 1919. above matter be and deme me or.hereby cancealled the a ee ter and ll y annulled at diacon tlnued.rocaedinga In such Adopted by the CDuncll Aug, 12, 1910, APDrdved Aug. 12, 1919. (Aug, 16, 1919) .r Adopted by the Council ._ __..'itU-12 A.UG Approved...__.... _.__........__._fir.-....: ._..__ 191..... l ........... _�_ lyAY OR I Petition. PROPOSAL iii a°ncop�e Ittew g f owa, The undersigned hereb proposes the St. Paul, viz.: .... .. .... ... iz.:....:...................... _-_-Construot._--a.-oe ent_t 3\e Lafond Street, beginnigg east to Simpson-Strewfi ---_------.......... -- - --.... now exist. Dated this................_latLIIIay of ARD 5Council File No......::. `........... NT B public improvement by the ,City of eet eaettl1�f Asbury Street, thence \ir ere good and sufficient sidewalks 19.191........... ......_......... Councilman. PRELI�]NnC I" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the risking of the following improvement, viz.: -Construct .a -cement tile --_sidewalk, six feet wide, on south side of Lafond Street, beginning 100 feet east of Asbury Street, thence -- --...�........ -._.............. .................-- east to Simpson Street„exoept where good and sufficient- sidewalks now exist. ................................................................................................._......_._... -................__.............. -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................... ------------ .-.............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. `furnish a elan -Mfi a.aT.R�iPt h, _^'—�.+�ovegle�t. ' To furnish the following of a and information relative to said improvement;-..... ....................... . ............... q- .......... ............................... ---........... ........... ..................................................................................................-................... ...... _..... .......-... fib. o s.._tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. To aAdopted by the council ............. 1:_..u.c–''."!° .. __..... ..........191.......... Yeas: Nays: cnueeilmavaFatt wraith,° AUG i;, �, o GoesApproved. ................... .............. ............................. 191 Hyl r" J cColl Ls underlich YUISLLYiIrD 4oaft*'Iayor. roar a e -e Request O ecMCL lltdew�n1.ro1OR Lor ki Mr.C.F.Arrol ent tele eideyrallt PRF.1� eldeRr�ot WaDEI ey 8traek '4t � n mreeented The undersigned hereby proposes the mr y nz ac. raw the Comm2eel tna be 1+k e,'+ St. Paul, viz.:........:0.4netG...,,fL Street. __.-.._. Dated this........ 9t 9 --day bf......A 9U—@:.... 1919. ............. ........ Council File No I' public improvement by the City of 191........... Councilman. • PRELIMI ARY WHEREAS, A written proposal for the A -.9 ":f the following improvement, viz.: Waseoa Street from Sydney Street to George Street; -also on both _ sides of Be11oRs Street from _Sydney Street to Robie Street- -- ............................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................................. ---- ....---- ......_-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;_............................................. ..................... ......... -......................................... .... ....... ............................................... ...................................................................... b. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ............191.......... AUG _`'.._!c.�.° Adopted by the council ............................... Yeas: Nays: 7Goss Approved..._ ............._ ...... 191 .......... M<Mayor. FORM c e.e f ppry � , ,� Council'File No._ �.pJ PROI `Nv_ 2s3sa. ai Sa p wstttari pLOl'.socovep�sNT Mr. Gayton•Y IDe6tnatng°zsos+te'e %geV Ay PIa AYahvefegh00nfed.o.tlta Ce �'• X., it o�gt'Pavl th81'erpr^:1 i >d, Ttiat tt`w heple hgt 7 rlcs tie The undersigned here p es they makilS;*e^,1?, The 'l-ldfing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........... .......... ....... ........ . .................. ............ I .. ............. .................................................... -- ......... ........................... . Construct a_oQmo 111e walk• -PAZfeet of Ivy Street beginn x_350p5 feet west of Payne Avenue, thence_ west 58 feet. Dated this....lath ......._. day of.Augltat.,...1919.................................................... 191........... Councilman. PRELIM_ Ih}AB1�iq f�, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of–the fo owing improvement, viz.: Construct ----a_cement tile ._sidewalk ,----six _Peet wide. _eouth_..eide---------_ Of IVY Street-_._beginning---x50.5._feet.._west-_oP--_Paxne_ west58 feet. . --.._.........--....._.----------------- --....._..._ ................__............................................_..........................--.........._..........._.............................-_............__..........._..._.............._........._....--............ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. ........... therefore, be it _ __ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making*of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.-.. ................................. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 1,? !,i;9 Adoptedby the council ..................................... ...... .................... 191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes �7 Approved .................... ........ a..�.�...._ 191 .......... . Jam• Hyl er cColl Wunderlich PiT13I [S{p — ................... y y or Irvin roar c e -e VV A- �1. d, That resolution, C.P.No.25249, adopted by the Council an May 28th, rejecting bid received for the grading and improvement of May Avenue, from West Seventh street to Alaska street, be and the same is hereby rescinded and the Council hereby approves the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for doing the above work to Christ Johnson for the lump sum bid of $746.98, lin accordance with the petition of the property owners L and and letter of Mr.Johnson, hereto attached. Engineer's estimate $668.00. F.B.1962 Clancy .4 UMcColl .............. "..ippt Wunderlich S on Received allpapers Jr con ection with above P-ution. Adopted by the Council .......... A U -G 12-111.5. 191 Approved ................. MG ............ 191 .................. ....... . ....................................... . ....... A*O-OMAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "I Subject: - - - ------- . .. ......................... . ....... ............. . ....................... . ....... .............................. .......................... . . VK COUNCIL' NO. __ ..............I-.......:. . .................... ............. . . ..... ........ ................ ........................................... .............................. .. Date Presented A.U91161 13 . . .... 1.919 191 Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for grading and improve- ment of Carroll Avenue from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street, to Peter DicItson for the sum of $800.00, engineer's estimate being $842.00. F. B. #2017. C:F No. 26188 'a 0 1 e t the Councit'doncurs the recommendation of the, Contr*etr Cpm�lttoo� - . horeby awards the con- r.?l r I Impprovement of rr Ir It,o enus ,t t Street ,!tDickson for :00 00; . ee a eetlmglto 20 t t t thg 12, 1910; u 2 - 19, a. U '1611919Y, J Yeas Clancy Farnsworth /Goss Kelle 11 .............. underlich M1= lisceived al -I 3-apers 11,j connection witi, Resolutio'n. Adopted by the Council ........... Approved ....... .. ...... A -U -G Z.&J.2 .......... 191 17 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tibiect: ........... . .......... ...No ....... .......... .............. . ........................... . ........... .......................... ......... ...... coum- . . ....... 7- Date Presented AIA91k.9t ..6-4....1.91-9-_-191--.- Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract �4Committee and hereby1ards the contract for grading and improve - me rt of Juliet Street from Underwood to Snelling Avenue; Palaee Street from Underwood to Snelling Avenue; James Street from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue, and Macalester Avenue from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue, to Keough Brothers for the sum of $8,590.00 engineer's estimate being 67,855.00. F.B. #2016. n6,,!ej-ved ali c-l'-twotirpection with -j)ova Resol tib c. yeas (%') AN Adopted by the Council ......................_.........---.......191...... Clancy Farnswort Approved ...... .............. 191 Goss Ke r ­�­ . ,MAYOR c oil . C /Wunderlich Mr. :(esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 11 Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby WAIN - ,Vetted to transfer from the unexpended balance of the moneys previously set aside for special e'lection purposes ns sanctioned by C.F. #25291 and known ns the Special Llectim Expense item of the General Fund, the swn of $561.58 to the original source of the above mentioned item, namely the Miscellaneous & Unforseen Item of the same fund, there. by relieving an�'Onavoidable deficiency in the latter item. Clancy filer /'7 McColl (� Wunderlich ox •ORM C. A. 9 3M 12-1e ............. Against AUG 12 1919 Adopted by the Council ...........................................191...... Approved ...... .......... ......_1� 1y19.........191..... �AMt$y MAY z 0 That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby J, directed to issue an additional City Warrant in the sum of $561.58 in favor of Mayor L. C. H6dgson for the purpose of defraying expenses in connection with the erection and removal of various stands and the furn- ishings of music and other entertainment in connection with the 1919 Fourth of July celebration a -t Phalen Park under auspices of the Mayorts Committee, same to be charged to the Miscellaneous and Unforseen item df the General Fund. ... =iI... �U) Clancy X er. ccoll Wunderlich .;'FORM.C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ............. . ALI G ....... ......... ..y-191_••.• Approved ................ A, '1��G1, iso' 9 ..... . - - '4 .......... ... ........... h RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR.` 7n the matter of...Cond�nning-----_arui-_t eking__aa--_easement i -n -_ the -_land--•--- necessary for slopes, for cut s and fills in grading Orange S.cras.t..;rzom..kn reat...st ree..-t-o--. Earl ---atraet-►---Haax-LYn.rne---atree Forest street to Earl street and Cypress street from Orange under Preliminary Ord er......... 24455.------ approved .._Mrgh-_14I Intermediary Order ........... approved 22,191.9 ` A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coltst for confirmation. AUG 12 1919 Adopted by the Council-------------------- .......... 191.:...... AUG 12 1919 .................. 191City Cl........ Approved .... .......... c� Council man Gose `/ YUliL1 ii�D Councilman lancy Councihnan er Council McColl Y Conn ' an Wunderlich M r Irvin r E FINAL ORDER. .IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of......_!ondemting--and-.-talo-ng:_an.._eaeement- in__the• 1 -and,.__-_..._.. necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Orange ---st-rset from -Fa-rest- stree-t--ta—EMrl s"tre"et, -Hawthorne street-fraln- Forest street_to---Earl _Street and Cypress street. -.Prom. Orange-_street-�. to Maryland street, — - ............. .AL ORDER •n6 CONDE 1, ...... ..............................................................,..r ':PEOCEIDDINGS. f .r 'F..No. 86191 ......................................_............:. the matter' ot-condemi---------------------------------- t .... :ng aneaeement-n .b, ary toe"elope9 da: ......................................................... r,:..r�n6.:Ora�n6e �X1-.� ........�._ under Preliminary order ........... 24.455....., approved. .- OK.l.4pIng Intermediary Order... 251.5.4._.._.... approved. May 22,1819 -------------- Resolved : (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz:.Landema_ and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts --....----""----""-"--"--"................................_.............------..._.........-"---....----............................................... aid fills in grading Orange street from Forest "street ..........................to Earl street; ....... _ ._....__..........-_........_. - - ..................•.... Hawthome street from Forest street to Earl street and Cypress i3tTeet 'f,t. "Ora'rige'si"rest 0 7�ryZand etre'et; ...._..--"..............................._•....,........_ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: tilq",land-.abutting, upon Orange, Hawthorne and Cypress streets, between the pointe :— aforesaid! t-upre o the extent shown on the sketch attached to the port .. ............... ...•--......--- of the Commiesioner of Public Works in the matter dated June 27,1919 ....................................... .......................................................... _ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council --------------------- 1!G -.44? -"491....•""""" 191--•----_ 1 . ...... r- ---......: - city clerl( Approved .----- -------AUL - 91......., 191..... Uounemin—rwrnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman K er ouncilm ecoll Counci wunderli&' May rvin 0 i'UBLISKED �i i stfy Ma or. fou ja, ResolutionSRatifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benef it eL coet s-and_expensea __ _____for Grading of Jefferson avenue from Cleveland averue to Cretin avenue, under Preliminary Order 22484 , Intermediary Order2:%ll2 Final Order 23410 approved November 4 191. A public hearing having been had upon the ssoLnTro*ga, ertTrexnri•r improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the. Coun� = :� bnsidered finally satisfactory, be it No SB18R therefore "'e •.i assrei!ri+:'tx a ° +t � RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is'hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in _ _equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council-___ AUG -1 111IQ Approved ---- - - -- --1- Form B. S. A 8-10 f91___. 1 --City Clerk. _ Mayor. PUBLISHED 2��93 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefitst__coet8 and expenses for Constructing cement curbing on both el dee of Thomas street from Albert Street to Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order 21824 Intermediary Order 22667 Final Order 23075 approved,___Do_t.? ._ 19I 8 77777771— A public hearing having been had upon ih ti°me ar+ie above improvement, and said assess- ment havingbeen further considered by the Cou+-iEra°E � � nt �4'een considered finally satisfactory, be it '! °I Thomas- nt 20' gam , therefore x�ua�ry o RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be anitlie same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordeied to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_Iequal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council— _ _ uU_G_ __- _City Clerk. Approved Mayor. Form 8. S. A 8-10 PUBLISF��r i�` Council File No . .. .............. ................... CITV'erffl. PRO— Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of Benefits, costs anct expenses for Curbing and boulevarding Jenks Street from Westminster Street d':No 2ti OL Rha sect to Buir Street, trRotr old-, 1w UrV, rawbl' inalI TOWITW under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order............__1-550.7 ....... Final Order approved ........................-.---19 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHI�R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i. 164w,13e,qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described' therein. Adopted by the Council ---- -------- - - 191 Approved F- B. B. 18 AUG 12 191 Clerk. upd" Mayor. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessmentcoate_a.nd expenaea ____._for Constructing cement curb, with radius corner and necessary drivewpy returns at the following locations; On the north side of George St. from Humboldt ave. thence east 150 feet and on the East side of numboldt ave. from George street thence north 100 feet, under Preliminary Order 21319 , Intermediary Order___.23362 , Final Order_ 23660 approved Dec .7 _ 191 8 oinuer stgihe aagegs PP laffng caYrie�j �..aPrner gn3x �leo� kTutne at the atoT p3.L, A public hearing having been had upon the assdx.ryw}�aa-0i improvement, and said assess - a ment having been further considered by the Council,a3I3°A atat� Havonn`ue sidered finally satisfactory, be it �reg1F thAaad Nortdr'V thereforen�a2°s° RESOLVED, That the said assesssment be andtFA nd°1e +as`'taoe°e��,°e `y in all respects ratified, and the Cnen A cot)efd�tfic� same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District CQgr Rt tiier•[or7 of Ramsey for confirmation. a b iwT.s - BE IT FURTHF J JESOLVED, That the said assessme$t'i3e%Ad it is hereby determined to be payable in _ .___.equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council .-0 1'�) " n 191__.__. `.'._City Clerk. I` Approved _.._. __-- _ _ 191. r V Mayor. Form B. S. A 8-10 �y PTTRT,iD 7 i f I i �.✓ � ,._ F. No. 26196— as erne, - [he matter Ot the _.......__...._......_.......... �enedts, costa expenses - onat[uctin6, retayin6 ¢nd reP - _--, -- id �r tContrac[t2981A, far ae i �--- [or ens' e 7:—. A..e..nble ROIL - ". .... -.._ _ _... �,: ^'726 L¢urel Aver " - Idth of 7% fee' . , .12 •;l. the Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenSeS for Cer:ent Sidewalks, --stiMate ::o. 21 Cons tructir,1L, relaying- and repairing- Under t;ontract 2981 A, for season of 1918. --Assesaable Roll-- F.O. 21726 Laurel Ave., north side, to a width of 72 ft. beginning at vlackubin St. thence east 54 feet. F.O. 21689 Wilder Ave., west side, beginning 80 feet south of St. Anthony Ave. thence south to Power St. F.O. 20256 Summit Ave., south side, beginning 156 feet east of Finn Ave. Thence east 225 feet. F.O. 19288 Albert St., west side, beginning at Portland Ave. thence south igGa 200 feet. F.O. Snelling Ave., side, from Lincoln Ave. to Randolph St. and on the north side of Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. to easterly terminus of cement tile sidewalk at or near Hamline Ave. F.O. 21330 Fairmount Ave., north side, beginning at Lexington Ave. thence west 226 feet. F.O. 21799 W. Seventh St., north side, from One St. to Jefferson Ave., east side of Oneida St. from *+9. Seventh St. to Jefferson Ave., south side of Jefferson Ave. from Oneida St. to w. Seventh St. F.O. 20169 Br lave.,South, both sides, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St. F.0. 20024 Saratoga Ave., west side, from Jefferson Ave. to Palace St. and on the north side of Palace St. from Saratoga Ave. to Snelling Ave. F.O. 21704 Lansing St. from Hamline Ave. to Albert St. --llon-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 19288 Albert St., west side, beginning at Portland Ave. thence 7�b�o�� south 200 fe9t. F, 0, 3 Snelling; Ave., wV side, from Lincoln Ave. to Randolph St. and on the north side of Randolph St. from Snelling Ave. to easterly terminud of cement tile sidewalk tLt'or near Hamlin Avenue. F.O. 21330 Fairmount Ave., north side, beginning at Lexington Ave. thence -rest 226 feet. F.O. 20169 Brimhall :,ve. South, both sides, from Jefferson �;ve. to St. Clair St F.O. 20024 Saratoga Ave. from Jefferson .4ve, to Palace St. and on the north side of Palace St. from Saratoga Ave. to Snelling live. F.O. 21704 Lansing St. from H#mline side, e. tLincolntAe. to easterly St. to Randolph St. F.0. 13reg& Snelling Ave, , and on the north side of ttandolph St- from Snelling :,v 7 terminus of sidewalk at or near Hamlin Ave. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE T FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ��✓,irje....:_equal installments as to each and ,.very parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council _...._ __.._ _......__.191 ...._.... ...'City Clerk. n Approved.......... _...._..... ...__. ............._._....._..............191._.__. n f� Mayor. ... . Form B. B. g-8 ;i CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ........_._......_ ..............._..............., 191._:_. for the In the matter of the assessment of benof_ts Costs and expenses s � t i.0 Gr t'liks`rC! : `�c `i _ �:� x lour .''.`i.>«l:1{ at `f.' ,o 34 ,t`d.rut. F3,' do, b r,174'l:LIX, .+s 'Gitj'fi i. .irx'G Q� t•a of"Bt;A'ly' "0 to Gau �F e p+ r 9-�roA ,� !,�..+{'i foot(�'q'ei`'G ('M' .`�' .`. '.VO4 iot�' M ` bar ,a 9 :�£` at �`�».}lo' I-. "nL' —' 634 .'�"k°�%G3t� '.Zi'�„ vlom f'3:Zth i ay�a ' :v'�� .z 3r•a 5 is �tls:3p an :.,$,bwoln 'vo. to o. :u'401%,ya A. .",1''w`.'::.'.°. Mn'C' ...V'3. to oavt€7vl at , awaLlc :'v00 vu., nazovii C7 Ii t3 p ;4 36 Q at :. oal nef':1wn vu. 't W-nn'o o;ra ." `.::C1A, t. t -'o J0.1 O.' Gaza .70.,t "I,A ';1 fi3 OF *nira wa .'sit ..s ,'1QVWtAI .,gid t0 jmfEIY'wtr"t' V00 Ct Tk,t:3 n <,tl W jo::fCA oon.'Va.{."�&Y. (�C tt Et t. 1or3C.: .0 w :-'Dv ;. to mo 'i "-tXi'+."Fldp 15`.3'�ii C -Woz oz, W'L°cm-ci+affa vann .: vo. ` 0 40. `y+✓TOR. '.:C:::2to-^.3 'Jif.s :tJ 'limp 3.i$'F:'n :Jr..f.,.aG.io`y,-.' o. to s10a&CO '"t. Lux to :::k-Y�.�'� a'.t+"•', Sino 'koro to l sub;' ;%i , ' . at -M't.'6GS,-ya 'rr'a. ":I,t.3,naa .;' 5'!Nat 1110. p _;t rl4ioy :.'PXto ..e�..'."aclt,o,.::va £!s"a on -)Al a' is r? ' s Co)t' :,� ��Si�„moi 't. ti Sim -1 i�i.s.3..'fi '.c: :"`P.e to JC1.z�".fJv% to--al--am t 4-" i B 4D.A' •L ? o w9 iiyf "Ec:: tai, Sar . ka- °'i�".�.T'J' 4u 7Fliiflo VQ., --1,WE i3°em” ?3e�;r� a. � <.��* v �,C;,;>�.-:•:'°�,4�`3 .''r".,'a t.*X' 00 vo, 'ctv h' x?k-fb:fi."i,dw' f' eT' !M%°G4 + " :':.S o. .f3 : i a f I&L- '. + .:'.'•ra `L _,''.,:4Z. .w°`1S vt vo. 'i.o cr_:�.t o �'4.„.,€.3.ad an tl `nol @a _ ..io 1706 ..., l .:” s a4 a' !:':D : SPG. t;•o1in-- !h". .. aSa .' •'''twv i..J._.2. .� 'a p t33,Citii y ` a .. 4 <p,, w to dj;Poi .?i 't.o i7Go! w,-,' 4b:=.: ?r. al. '4 " tLt uwdo !.0x 'o?LTi-yl�.,lr3 +vv '*iCE.t .3`iv3 ;'-: vD. toa- __ y .,mss tierr3Arum.a'tz. Yom. '-YL' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of of publishing notice -- Cost of postal cards Inspection fees $..___.._.0.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $------_17,55 -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $_4,0.72' 3Q_ _ Iron-_-ssessable - - - - - - - - - - 269.45 YOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -4,942.04 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....___.4.9.42...04......._..............._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon be considered proper. Form s. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. n '�ij4ilfli!{1PF�ilkllkillll���' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT ........_._......_ ..............._..............., 191._:_. for the In the matter of the assessment of benof_ts Costs and expenses s � t i.0 Gr t'liks`rC! : `�c `i _ �:� x lour .''.`i.>«l:1{ at `f.' ,o 34 ,t`d.rut. F3,' do, b r,174'l:LIX, .+s 'Gitj'fi i. .irx'G Q� t•a of"Bt;A'ly' "0 to Gau �F e p+ r 9-�roA ,� !,�..+{'i foot(�'q'ei`'G ('M' .`�' .`. '.VO4 iot�' M ` bar ,a 9 :�£` at �`�».}lo' I-. "nL' —' 634 .'�"k°�%G3t� '.Zi'�„ vlom f'3:Zth i ay�a ' :v'�� .z 3r•a 5 is �tls:3p an :.,$,bwoln 'vo. to o. :u'401%,ya A. .",1''w`.'::.'.°. Mn'C' ...V'3. to oavt€7vl at , awaLlc :'v00 vu., nazovii C7 Ii t3 p ;4 36 Q at :. oal nef':1wn vu. 't W-nn'o o;ra ." `.::C1A, t. t -'o J0.1 O.' Gaza .70.,t "I,A ';1 fi3 OF *nira wa .'sit ..s ,'1QVWtAI .,gid t0 jmfEIY'wtr"t' V00 Ct Tk,t:3 n <,tl W jo::fCA oon.'Va.{."�&Y. (�C tt Et t. 1or3C.: .0 w :-'Dv ;. to mo 'i "-tXi'+."Fldp 15`.3'�ii C -Woz oz, W'L°cm-ci+affa vann .: vo. ` 0 40. `y+✓TOR. '.:C:::2to-^.3 'Jif.s :tJ 'limp 3.i$'F:'n :Jr..f.,.aG.io`y,-.' o. to s10a&CO '"t. Lux to :::k-Y�.�'� a'.t+"•', Sino 'koro to l sub;' ;%i , ' . at -M't.'6GS,-ya 'rr'a. ":I,t.3,naa .;' 5'!Nat 1110. p _;t rl4ioy :.'PXto ..e�..'."aclt,o,.::va £!s"a on -)Al a' is r? ' s Co)t' :,� ��Si�„moi 't. ti Sim -1 i�i.s.3..'fi '.c: :"`P.e to JC1.z�".fJv% to--al--am t 4-" i B 4D.A' •L ? o w9 iiyf "Ec:: tai, Sar . ka- °'i�".�.T'J' 4u 7Fliiflo VQ., --1,WE i3°em” ?3e�;r� a. � <.��* v �,C;,;>�.-:•:'°�,4�`3 .''r".,'a t.*X' 00 vo, 'ctv h' x?k-fb:fi."i,dw' f' eT' !M%°G4 + " :':.S o. .f3 : i a f I&L- '. + .:'.'•ra `L _,''.,:4Z. .w°`1S vt vo. 'i.o cr_:�.t o �'4.„.,€.3.ad an tl `nol @a _ ..io 1706 ..., l .:” s a4 a' !:':D : SPG. t;•o1in-- !h". .. aSa .' •'''twv i..J._.2. .� 'a p t33,Citii y ` a .. 4 <p,, w to dj;Poi .?i 't.o i7Go! w,-,' 4b:=.: ?r. al. '4 " tLt uwdo !.0x 'o?LTi-yl�.,lr3 +vv '*iCE.t .3`iv3 ;'-: vD. toa- __ y .,mss tierr3Arum.a'tz. Yom. '-YL' To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of of publishing notice -- Cost of postal cards Inspection fees $..___.._.0.._ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $------_17,55 -- Total expenditures - - - - - - - $_4,0.72' 3Q_ _ Iron-_-ssessable - - - - - - - - - - 269.45 YOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -4,942.04 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $....___.4.9.42...04......._..............._.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon be considered proper. Form s. s. 17 Commissioner of Finance. n CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v _...................... _..... ..................... _.................... ................ 26-M �o�R�,L ..PILE NO. . ...... . .. .. . ....... ............. ............................................................. .. ?- Date Date Presented-.AIAG, A3„i,.... _ ,,,...J, 9...191...-. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, without asking for competitive bids, one only Dodge Touring Car, in accordance with Requisition :o. 5249 on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from the St. Paul Lotor Car Co., for the sum of $1,180.00, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Charge Department of Public works- Engineers. C. F. No. 26108—Dy 111. N. Gnss— Itesolved, That the Pu rebasing Agent be, and he le hereby authorized to pur- chase, with the c ent of the Comp- , troller. without ,kine Por ompetltive Lida, ne only DodgeTouring ca in dunce with Requ 11ttion Nn. r62�9 aac �, In the [flee o[ the Purchasing Agent, from tha St. Paul Motor Car Co.. Por the s o[ $7,180.00, as thIn a patented article and n nd v.1 n[n ge pen be galned rby advertisement or o _ lt tivc bids. Charge Department of Publlc Works—I: ntel neer, Adopted by the Lo u ncll Aug. 13, 1019. An[,rogea Arg. ls.rlsls. m 10191 Yeas (✓) Councillnen,(.✓)-Nays Clancy V Farnsworth l'/Goss .........._*`'o^.T *4C ` .Mc oil------�esrs underlich on FORME A, 9 3M 12 -IB Adopted by the Council ___.._......A.U�.G.. ...�qi�....... Approved..._..._. aUU �'Z...� �.q.....191..... ......._ _..._........................ . MAYOR That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, twelve carloads of Sandstone Paving Blocks from the Kettle River Company at $2.45 per cubic yard, total cost approximately $6,615.00, for use in repairing streets paved with sandstone, without asking for competitive bids, as it is impossible to obtain similar blocks from any other source. Charge Public Yorks_ Bridge Building & Repair. C. FNo. 26199-13 M. N. Goss— Resolved.. That the 1' t, basing[o port be, and he Is hereby no[ the Comp- haee, with the consent troller, twelve s'loods f Snndstons Paving Blocks from the Kettle Rl ver PnYer cubic Yard, cetotal cost o ppproxlmatelY E6,61W.00, stoat repairin at on paved I[h ds[one, !thou[ skip nk� Lor com[idle bids, as IC Is impossible to obtain similar Pub is 1Work yB rid6e soBu lld inshannd Repair. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1919. Approved Aug 919 (Ag.1919) C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ..__...41Ili...112....,.........191...... Approved.._191..... MAYOR V Clancy V/arnsw th Goss .__.__.,ori+>rfa+sr G`� cColl .............. C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ..__...41Ili...112....,.........191...... Approved.._191..... MAYOR toren A A 46, 2 M 1-18 N CITI OF ST. P,tUL LIP - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NQ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLI(,TION FORM . ..... 99.00 —.14&74 ,1114 Y - AUG AUDITED — ....... ... V�ater ER. ..... .... ........ TIT1,11. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the for the set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations amounts 4 0 Yeas0 '' Nd Adopted by the Council 6 It No.'26200— 6 Clancy Ab.".." Resolved that warrants be drawn 4 Fams�orth' upon theCityTreasury. Payable out of •Al I h f the are no ter specified funds and in 6 Goss°" favor of the persons, firms or corpora• tions, for the amounts set opVDmitis their r' ' " names 11 -=.ad In the 0 2 to -'?0% in W d . 1.i 1.d late St.Paul Herald, eller John 13 Darll. $20.00. Marble' Drake hi a 'e. TiCOmpany, $99.00. - '011(/�j Northern papmc Railway company, $133.14. 61.75 Wunderlich N. W. - 1.56. Electric Equipment Company,Company,SL 7 President, Hodgson Paul Herald, $420.27, JI -11 ShIsly, 1%75 Adopted by thel, or, ell Aug. 13, 1919. Approved Ang13 1 1919. (Aug. 16, 1919) John B. Darling, .20.00 Drake Marble & Tile Company, 99.00 —.14&74 —ju4A!Z5 Northern Pacific Railway Company, 133.14 V�ater X7d- N. W. Electric Equipment Company, 217.56 93. 4 42. 6 It 3. 6 1. 4 P. Baths 58. 6 vier x 16. 0 2 St.Paul Herald, 420.27 Offlai"—Publl-eations - --1541fS James Shiely, 61.75 ra AA46,111J-16 1'1'1'1IIF` .IT. PAL1, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FARM 1 1'l,I \I;IL FILEIVa....,�.r�........ ...... jZ"4T9' Edw. A. Knapp, Assignee Peter�"o:on, 311.00 Gr��Igern,,..:�.,��Ca49�..�V�e�.�,,. of •� 26480 J. A. 0. Preus, State Auditor 4,000.00 ,Stat.e__Li4Uor- max 1.14&1 John A. Sandquist', 498.00 3t,@rfap_ +.a. F�,,,.te®nth Gr"� Total__ 1 1115_ AUDITED L,1 I ` I ........AU U_......v.�.�� R.. ._.. �.� _. .... ._..._._..___. _._._._..... TITLE V �.' V Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable � out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations , —K, Na -Xs 1 adopted by the Council..._.. `_. 191_._....... Clancy C. F. No. 262 A t bstrac - L, FernSworty Gloss th A Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasurer. payable Out of the hereinafter speclded fund, and in favor of the persona, arms at corpo- Approved _....191 pp -'�""" ��� � G K¢ r ration, for the amounts set opDoslte their respective names ae apeclded 1n the following' detailed statement: „ _._.... .... i:..t.._. ...._....._.. ....._.. MAYOR VV Edw. A' Knapp, Aselgnae. $311.00. eColl J. A. O. Preue; State Auditor, $4: Wunderlich 000.00. John A. Sendqulet, $498.00. . Aug. 13, 1919: Approved Aug01a, 191clot (Aug. 16, 1919) jZ"4T9' Edw. A. Knapp, Assignee Peter�"o:on, 311.00 Gr��Igern,,..:�.,��Ca49�..�V�e�.�,,. of •� 26480 J. A. 0. Preus, State Auditor 4,000.00 ,Stat.e__Li4Uor- max 1.14&1 John A. Sandquist', 498.00 3t,@rfap_ +.a. F�,,,.te®nth Gr"� Total__ 1 Resolved, That the application of Peter 0. Nasvik, for a licen.:e to maintain an Oil Filling Station at 2286 Como Avenue, '';est., be and the same hereby is granted and the, City Cl--Kk is hereby i=nstructed to issue such license upon the ray.ment of the fee, 150.00, into the CL,ty Treasury. __ -- C, F. No. 26202haBythe n aPP ieatlon Of Resolved, a license to maln- ,g,ar O. Nasvik, for O11 Flllla Station t 2286 Comoin nAvenue W�stbe and the me hereby le gn n Lod the Cityt Klerk is hereby It strucled to lesoue enae Pon the payment 1 the too• $69.90, Into the City Treasury. Adoptedy tile tlg. 13, o 1919. Aug. 13. 1919. I Approve (Aug. 16, 1919) Clancy WFarnswor JZ61aawr Ke r 9 3M 12-10 Adopted by the Council, --. --- —. - --191...... Approved._... _._ _....__. 191..... MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: ............. .... ...... ._.. 262c)3 o���lt Date Presented .._...AUguet 13, 1910.Q WHEREAS, Unforeseen obstacles not provided for in the making of the improvement, under Final Order #34983, Approved May 5, 1919, de- scribed as the curbing of Linwood Place from Milton Street to Victoria Street have arisen in putting in the following extra curb: 44.50 Straight Curb ® 45¢...... $30.06 Resolved, 50.40 Radius Curb @ 60¢........ 30.34 35.60 Sq.Yde.Concrete in driveway ® $1.75 63.30 Lees 81,(80 Ft. Straight 113.60 curb and gutter -a 85¢.69.53 T o t a 1........... 43.07..... F0W,THEREFOF.E,SE IT RESOLVED, That the Council hereby orders the extra ourbing to be done. The work to be done under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifi-- oations therefor, the cost thereof, not to exceed the sum of Forty-three dollars and seven cents ($43.07), to be allowed as an extra under the contract known as Comptroller Contract #L-1048, for the making of the aforesaid improvement. C, F. No. 26203—BY hi. N' b facies act Whereas. 'Jo are.. provided for In the kind� of the 1m- lnrovement, under Flnnl Or de No. 2438he' pproved�MaY, 5, "I described b in' &f Linwood Place, ha Lr Mcilton arisen Street in Inn the tourb ag rh' 44 putting 44.50 feet s[ralgh[ c rb, nt 46c. �$ 2'' 0'. 60.40 feet radios curb, at 60c.... 10.24 35.60 sq. Yds. ,ncrete In dr/ve- 62.30 c way. at $1.76 ................. $112.60 Less81.80 feet straight curb and 69.53 gutter, at 85e.....•.'.. 43.07 Total...... ... .......... ..$ Now, Therefore, be If P.esoivrd. Thn[ th bin Fu toc51be1r done. 11 ,,he.re the e trn c oulndtodl ection egd the er hCommis-I1 on stoner f Puhiic9O ��cnllo en(herefo r.l olth the Pe` to e' sed the s ll�e eeeet thereof, c ,( fcrty-thrco dollars and e-en to be allowed ns aCm iroller� der the tract known n `ice tr [o�eanldLlmPlr.eemetnL a In f ' do led by the Coun ell Aug. 13. 1919. ppprov ed Aug. 1111919) (Aug. Yeas (✓) (7--01..,... ! J11J__._ --- ., Cn.; I O ECIC Clancy Adopted by the Council _. _...... `:..' __......:1191...... 1 Farnsw h Y Goss _. _..._ Approvedp° f 10 -- _.. ..._.. .191..... ler cColl .........._... A>r ............... ,4 W underlichwnroa COUNCII, F .................:..... �� INTERMEDIARY ORDERS In the Matter oftale sidewalk, six fast wide, on .....................•-•----.........----------- -- ------....._.• . ---- e North side of Niles Street from Grij_xN;s Street to Road. ...................................................................................... ........................... ............................... �+°cul 11 1 1 under Preliminary Order ............ 2.55774 ........................ .:J; hived.....:............Y..........�.......9....�..•.........- .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance ffpon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Q.P.n8tx1:.Q.t...�4.. .9z1":';1.t. feet wide, on the North side of Niles Street from ......................................................................................................................... .Griggs.Street..to Ed ecumbe Road, saca,,t-'.;ers oocd and sufficient ................................... s.idewa7 k$...now .exist. .............. ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....7.Q._p.er.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........ ...Eith.................day off` ..Sept.emblar_..... ............. . 191..9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. A.0 G i •'* 1` Adopted by the Council...._._ ....-_.................. 191........ Approved_ ......... ....................... .................. 191........ Cit Cler .................................. ........... Mayo . wojrID — Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Co Councilman Powers rCouncilman eColl b lilo Council n Wunderlich. S. A. S-6 BY7................... 7 ......................... I -_� ........................................ ..... INTERMED X, Y ORDER 262.05 In the Matter of ourlaing both si-do.a.. AINDUA VM14--k4M -a 1�9 K.-li!L toAnnapolis. ...................... ...... .... ............................... ................................................. ................ ..................................................................................... . ......... .......................................... under Preliminary Order ..............2493.7-........................ p"proved 39-1 .............................. ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ...... QUrb.-b-0-th alAQ-9 Pf ..De.j.e,wfLre UA X.ft! ................. ...... . . ............ . ..... ........ .......................................................................... ......... . ............. ... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...3., 70 14 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................day of seplarADAr , 191..9...,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG V Iql" Adopted by the Council......._ ...... ........ .--.1 191_ AUG I Approved ......................... 191 arnswo arn CourZanso Goss Councilman Coun 'ilman 01 01anoy Councilman Powers w cjt. McColl 'Coll an 'jebouUnceilman Wunderlich r 1 i c I S. A. 8-6 ......... .. C'iClIe rZy . .................. ........... ......iayJ,. PUBLINN ........................................................ .................................... 26266 .......................... A BY....... . . ................ ....... _. -------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....D..elaw..a.r.e ..A...ve...n...u..e from Baker ......................................... StrAet_to A--nna o...l....i..s......S.t...r..e.e.t.. ..................................................---........... ---­------------- at - ------------------------------ ----------------- -- - In the Yunttet� of boulevardtatt ....... ........ ...................................... - ............................... `�A RE, ....................................................................... .... 1100 .................... ....................... ....................................................................................... . I rmA- _�'064!j-,f i ................................... ............ M'. eellj ................................ Alirm 4 ........................................................... .................................... ........... ye under Preliminary Order 2bQ3Z ........................ approved !!n4r_Ay ---.....19-7.g.•..................----..... ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is sidesqtjaware Avenue from LkLker Street to hnna-olie 2-tree— .................................................................... .................................... ­+:­ ......................................................... ................ . ... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.2,6CL . 49 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.......day . of 191_5._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. DI., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance. give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .. . . ...... _ . ........ 191_ S. A. 8-6 . ..... ....... Approved ... ............ .. ........ 191 il ��er ........ .......................... .... . ...... ..... -------- v. a o -Councilman-Varnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman W - 01 aa.cy Councilman P";.,6TS c Councilm ecoll Counci Wunderrlichlich S. A. 8-6 A QQ P7 B7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. peet from dase Street ; ................ —7. .............. to...& point G.Q fact zo.vlh Q.t lbA south Uqp of Simi ............................................................................................ ........................... . .......... ------------ ..... A ..................... I ............ under Preliminary Order ............... a5577 ... ............... ApproVT1 , .. .......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the rep'o'A of the Commissioner of Finance upon the -above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct a sewex on Abate -..Street from Case Street to F, point 60 feet south of the south ......................................................... .......................................................... ........................... .line of. Jenks StizQpt- .... .. .... -- --------- .......................... ............. ............. I I .. — — ..... .... ... ...... - .... - ----- .11 . ... .... .......... . ...... — ....... . . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -1.t-11 ............. day of' —. - --1 191 9- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... 191. .............. Approved .................... ............... 191 ...... .. i Cit Clerk. swortL Councilman Grnoss pmlma Councilman:fiot Councilman LCouncilmna C 'OU4 no ound an Wunderlich B B S 8 B. S. A. 8-6 Yeas (J) Councilmen Clancy Goss _ Wftr Kell oll t�. ,/) ............... wwt Adopted by the Council ............. ...... aU..G IIJ 49 Approved ......................... �....:?.... r.i_�... 191..... AethWAYOR r CR File No. .� __... ' ¢ F No"28218 Abstract. L � �,'.,' /,. f'wNareeb A gv itten Pfo Deal fpiMENT � - making n; the ;o11ow1�k �mlprogo lllf"���•____ v�Conetr ct fiewer oil Aiit6VA A' ;romp LR etanfl�Aveaua to the Petition s1pD4;Rls annneefeelppttlitver... Yard ;ro nandolph Street to F AVenae• 'E(t?"Cue'vo HoUIeV�:� a Dofn�'i 1 i7t �:8odth f {`b ,tlu,,reat;- ,i {�; The undersigned hereby proposes the making o following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:-.Conatruct.... er...=-Hartf. d..AvA.from...Cle.ve.land..AYe..to....the ........... . Mississippi River; on .Rive lvd.from Randolph St.to Hartford Ave. -and nt--347-£set-soastk+ of Randolph Str.ts--- Hartford Ave.,on Montrose L om a point 600 feet south of Randolph Bax: to-Hartford-Ave: ; v -C, 1' n' 9360-feet-avutb-of-Rsm= dolph Str. to Hartford Av us. Dated this....._14th...._.day of!...._Auguet,..._1919.•........................ ........ 191...:....... f��-- -- Cound man. PRELI,NARY ORD v� WHEREA§; It written proposal for the ma mg of the following improvement, viz.: Construct sewer on Hartford Ave.from Cleveland Ave.to the Mississippi -t#ver;-on-Mta-s:Rtvur Blvd from-Randoiph7-St- r.-to-Haxtford-Avenue;--on- Mt.Curve Blvd. from a point 347 feet south of Randolph Street to Hart- ''bnixe; ori -�orit"rose-�T-ane -f"rom a -point BO"O�ee'i aout�-"of��a�i�>;5h - Street to Hartford -Avenue: ,.._on Cretin Avenue from apoint 360 feet south o Randolph Street to Hartford Avenue. ....... ................. ......... ....... ..................... .............. _........................... _................ ......................................................... _................ -..................._....._........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................... -........... --....-_......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed - 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2, To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. r4-Tolurmah-the-tollowiug-othe"sta-end-information-relative-to•said4mprovement;................................ ............... Y To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 .8! To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council- ..._.._- 191.......... AU.--1p..Irrfl 3ieas: Nays: Councilman P-1--worth AUG 11 In o ,,,,'Goes Approved................. .......... ....... ...................... ........191........_ - Hyland Keller McColll ! /F Wunderlich...................................................... Y .................. f At a or. PUBLI M D Council File No ............... .......... Sbgetreep i0 CPB78'CO�f, �: 26fj j } Petition _.. _nn preae9ntea tth°ees°io a: The undersigned hereby proposes the make,"swa `s �%-g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Palace Str Dated this .............. 14thaday of .,.._ ...... . : .191........... Councilman. PRELI NART O� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CRaB.tea,sly_.a...ee�.er_..nrL.CrB.xin_.AAanue_..fxnm�amee....�ea_t_�.A_-P�fla_ ....... .......................... ......... ................... .... I............. ........................... . ............... .......................................................................... ---------------- having - - - ------...having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. ................... therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. is a i 1luwtrsg'other-data-ead-iaformati,m retativeto-9std-improvements_..................................... ... �4'^ To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Ti. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..................... AUG V 1°1"' ...._...........__........:..........191.......... Nays: Councilman Farnsworth a G i 1n 1 o GoshApproved._............................................................191......_.. L)eland +'' Keller McColl Wunderlich ..............tn.�l........._...... .... _ M.vnr i.vin n // �-�••�••�••— P[JBLI�D d' h�/tay r ' S� Council File No.. P$ r 7Jd. aBzt Abetrnct y1OVFMENT tinrentl h p+rliton P�Im➢'- Petition B; ore:^tlow,n6 ^ 262V tinct n eeWertY.eebp idaet3 �.telmbtord d. P avin6 beenoPrAeehq of the CitY<•,, The undersigned hereby proposes e rF?bbfngy� �t'¢amng public improvement by the City of veetiRa?= _ St. Paul,t..y. Avenue from Chelmsford Street .................. ........ _........ ..... .......... .... to Grantham Street. Dated this..--.--.14th.r_.day of.........AU..gu.. o.t.a....1a$19,......:................................... 191........ --- Councilman. PRELIM;NA WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetruot.-.-e.-eePfe. oil-Dud1B]t .AYsxaue---- 7cQra�he]t�f xst...-&tt �t _t4._ Gr nt2? _-,Str. ....... ........... ............... .... .... ................... .............................................. _................ ............. ............................................... ........................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................................. .... ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4.--T'eturmishAb clallnwing.other•data-and- iuformdtib"elativc'tosaid-improvement... ................................... _........ 14.- To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. SA! To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............ A14 .......... Yeas. _ Nays: Councilman Farnsworth Goes Approved .................... .......... L? .... .'....�°.;..'.191.. r jl�and V fi Keller McColl J Wunderlich may .... �.......:..... _Mayor Irvin AsMM reser c; de Ae;;yy petition P1 The undersigned hereby proposes the St. Paul, viz.:_ciQ.la@t. 11Q.�i.....&...Q.9lllent" north aide o nPa ML, Dated this .......3,',%1?I.I....-day Council File No.......:...... 26�1� public improvement by the City of Cleveland-__Avenue:.to _---------- -------- -- ----------------- --------------- -- ........._ ...........I . ... ....................... 191......---.. Councilman. PRELIMI A 3RD ( A WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conatruot-a.--oement._tile--_sidewalk.-_-gin Yeet wide,_on.thg--_north.---_---_--_ side oY _Randolph-.-_8treet--_Prom.,Cleveland--Ayenue_to._the.--MiseiselpPi -_ ------------ ---......--------- - -- ----- — - - -- -- ..................................._. ...... .......... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. .................................... . ....... -- --_-------------- — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of. said improvement. 4. T ..................................................................... -................. ................................... 4J' -.. A.' To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S.e To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ W 191 Nays: Councilman Farnsworth {,!J Gats' Approved .................... ..... ......... .........c._...........::191.......... Iiyland Keller ; McColl / / y .................. Wunderlich•.-.•.. - -....- A.S.9 Ma or. PUBLI9IMD ,1 Council File No.......... V.7?— ► �� .g Np zeal pbBtTaet.DroROVZMENT - yphere�e- A Wrttten.IDNP�''+ .�m�tng of„the followlnd fromp �'""�'�^', �vt�}r68e r'9out4 8btie t gtrnctt . Petition hire°ue eeented w the 9a+� a Ic�t� °isea inaa ena a � �� mlo ?!g jk`a The undersigned hereby pro»improvement by the City ofowing Public � St. Paul, viz.:.........Gsada...Ludy.:..vke-r... Avenue ....tD....S— u.t-h-ROIDOXI...S.txe+.bt. Dated this.....-.-_l4th,_day of......�i ,puet.,....4y1� r Councilman. PRELIMIN RI' r .�L.0 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Lu_ov 6tre�t__�3'QtA-_ti°a?.�Y-�fI-7:—Avenyt�5?—$.Q1�th�R bg�t $treat, ---------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................................... --------- --- ---- ...-..--.--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To -investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To fo at; ........... .....- ...................... ..............I ....... .......... - ........................... _............-................................................................................... .................................. ---- ..................- ................ — Y og'.” To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. oe To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG i I TT Adoptedby the council ........... - ............................. ................:...191.......... Yeas: Nays: Councilman F orthr .l Ic c GApproved .................... .............a..4..... -:....:._.J:._,..191.......-. land Keller McColl f Wunderlich............................................................................... - ........... ... ..... &mawivlayor. IORM C .•. , - iPUBLISMD d Council File No 12;'18 mh taQnB a0 11f he[ebyr�.�qg The undersigned hereby proposes the malung�'%inroy ?1�B Public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.:...Q.QnMC.MI2 11g....ana.._ti.as�u�... n.�o ..........---...._.__ elopes for�auts _--d-_Pills in ading Luo�Street--_f. --- to South Robert Str t ----------------- — — - -------------- Date -----_-_--___------------- Dated PRELIMIrkW WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning --_and t-1ng..-r9�9Qau�nt_-#n_thg_Qee;JL for--_eloQee_for cute and fil ---- gLu rading- au. -Street fr --_om--Stryker _Avenue--to_South_Robert Street.--------------- ------------- .................. .............. .... .... .......... ........ ............ . ................................. _ ........................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................. ........... ...... _ ---- ----- _----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. shyL s n nth _ A t. �„d-informati—,elative to'said improvement;........._ ... .---------- ....._- ................................-........ ........................... .................... ......................................................... ff!To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5 .iSr To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Uu _ ' Adopted by the council...................A..............._...I(............. ..... 191.......... .._Yeas:- _ . ,.__-._,_._ _ _ __ Nays: Councilman Farnsworth n n 191......._ (, e` Approved .................... ...... �LiC7.....t......};.._.,,... land eller % j McColl Id Wunderlich "' ""' "' ........................................... ws PUBI.19i� / �ay� IONM C B-0• a � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER U 9 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUFILE L No. FILE 1116 ............. ..... .. .... ..... ..... , AUDITED .11 A..:i...�.7.�.�1.... ....... 19 ........ PTR ER ER...... ........ .. .................... ' TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporation, for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: j _ __ a PIG 11 IG -) Councilmen (v )may Adopted by the Council........ _..._..._..... _. 191-- Cl 91 � as. Zn ? s # } as xa seals ahaua°���.3 llll a Reaolpea" Fhat awatfanta be dtawtr Approved........... _ _.._...... ... 191 eaeur9r ba'Yab1B 411t ° °ItPon th8^Gittyy..'.I'F .— ._. ... ..__.�/� -the der lnALteereo 4l�gryn9gr AD. _rV'•,'/=1J�OA t[avor at tde R c eaG oDPo lte, � }Close t r the amou4tg Ut _...._ _ ... .... _ _.. . a thein re DeeC(�d' nhntea aa' epee CA lm YOR J .tp.f ttotp}pg detaUeaetatementmR i8Pi�=urdtxets Il+mber Co?I>ahYt �Ot•g,.%StUoe�RPmDai1`r CBr. "azV6,1, 1 sln�grj 3! gC��pattlyBottll;nd^ .mPbs.ugi � 8t. Pyul "Buftdetta to � � �h CbmPPn� ^tanr fid 836.sBs ` "499- Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 1,307.26 St-. e:&-R. y 2094 154M BrooksBrothers Lumber Company, 16+68 Camden Petroleum Company, 1,202.15 1 Cast Stone Company, 377:48 Std; -& -R. 2 4 �. 'a„Et�at3lrrlks 'Trg;90 Crescent Creamery Company, 262.28 Pw- T H. W. (6oetzinger, 12{�b3 z Weae ZI B St.Paul Bottling Company, 184,90 13;M St.Paul Builders Material Company, 386.70 _1V9q_ R. 28:'f8 O,Vv-4remmalks 2Q50 P.Avke-- ., eIL60 M4Q0 J. L. Shiely ComPany, 282.50 A 4t__Q.••8a' R • 5 Webexr 5 MP*1 Webb Publishing Company, dbftestions 11315.35 Gam_ soloed, That the grade of Lucy Street from Stryker Avenue to South Robert Street in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profiles and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. a >r riy 49x17 s r x �P Resolved, That ` t}te Grade: a Lite _ gtreet from gtsykeF �.veaueiYd1,$O Robdri',9tra44t, h1:,acaordaac@rwSSttq the: rad .,glrs,d011 Re ie omiaegded Pb3w, the UMppg�odles ltn$ de , 9 M1eeloner' oi`V, blto Worhe th0 ee the4aidd l¢Eaht1 reby adaP- ,aa.::dd - P Adopt�.bllelkad bySthe'Couactl Aug y14� 1819 —Ad -td APProVed- _ Adopted by the Council....��f�_..�..._IQ.i.g.......191.....: Approved ................... A. �iG....R...�4.!.a.........19f.:... is ;Meni) Nays. { I I G 14 kL1 gAdopted;hy the Council ........... ......... ....191AUG 14 ■.. ssse.. Approved.......: ........ .... _......... ...191..,- ;rlich °u CITY OF 8T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 3 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM COUNCIL NQ k FILE C Fore AAR,IM7-18 ` 1116 AUG 15 1 s ... ............._-.......- ----.............. ROLLER .....-----... AUDITED .......................... ���.. .. ..�j.. - .... ...191- -.... PERI.................... ......... .....-_-.-....--...--- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the ` persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed` statement `, Ib r �,r., nmP-amu -Adopted by the CounciI9 c�9 �c »Itvat �i Clancy ge86rVar<�4111��&7'1' CFa lrnswo u p fi; Lae ea a nq� r Approved..._ 19I cessQDa G a on�wtntt as 1� er 1 sep%y1F� guy'��tilil4�tfi�%N cColl L t= aeG$>�s9 Wunderlich 9 �sg y�rbvH Ast " Yg r . ' r= - r " I �s JASI.F •S. A. Farnsworth, Co9m1r. of Finance 18 831:08 a Pei3laa. _ �� 43iiV,-- Standard Stone Company, 718,07 { 6®-VL4ltoria Thornton Brothere Company, 8iM50400 S. A. Farnsworth, Comor. of Finance 31,502:.42 r tF A c, t e t:` Form AA N,IM 7-18. CITY OF ST. PAUL f OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL \ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE No k 1118 1919 B ......... - UG �J CO3tP.. TROLLER AUDITED ......................... ..... .......................................—`---.................. +. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and fn favor pf the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following Adopted �f ffj��V" {� 7—.dD Adopted by the COIIIICItN.t�.l. 15 \.._ 191 Approved vIN_L V � 191 3 SAolim S. A. Farnsworth, Corti. of Finanee 18 831;08 Pet1344. ,. jj%6a ,— Standard Stone Ceinpany, 716,07 toria . 'Thornton Brothers Oompany, M404.0Q eta. S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 31,502.42 cifino. CITY OF 9T. PAUL' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE CIL No. _ V.—A A 49.2 M 7-I8 ... ;.. ......................................... AUDITED 191./.... T 4J1P OLLER IPER .................................. ........ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: — - -_ .q - Yeas 1 ) gy : Adopted by the Council. rS_:_191_ IC"i F'<Not 86" 4-Jbeftn �" �"� r Clanca4� i+e $ 11 Fa swo eau tao- Approved.....-._...S�vld.._ Y t� a n oAeOtpe�ClE�" rj7 of tnm,.hebbl fter ec a d.$A d tRi t dr o6 t e Ipe nir,.zE�i7¢ VMS Goss,,,'a 8tttl778�td>t9 e7npgnttf to tftwfapadtt e, a6 a� t: ---- - er1._%of"m�trBnDti�tmR- ........ .._ . _ .. .__...-_... � L � M YOR McColl Katt tial ° 9r Wunderlich ra��v,7.��+rY�{asx ods x 1"41W Amerioan Supply Company, 9i,r6+rdti�sP� 10495r B41bow Candy Company, 33464— Bingham & Norton, F—Laa+, 139M M. A. Burne, ZlaLa 96 W. S. Conrad Company, XM7 Genevieve Fitzgerald, r,%W W. H. Hart & Company, hi'm F. J. Kaar, lew Mrs.' Klos, IMM Malady Paper Company, 1.32 11�i 00 5'00, 6.00` 268.04 50.00 14.60 3j 5.00 5'.00 29.40 F Company, / X23;09 N. W. Electric Fsquipment G.F.-Miso. &'UnPorseen 16. 2 g • 8c 8. Cing. 7..6 rin�kling 3. 4 3 So cls 3. 0 Par 20` 1 n 40 92 n 1'7 68 Playgr ds 1 .02 Lighti .91 ,AY" A. G. Perkins, Sehool.� 25.00 .aa"4 Pioneer Cone Com 112'.50 5.00 X8666 H. Rosenberg, pA&"6 W. H. Sohmelzel &Com , 552.23 AeaM Seabury & CompanyPa9 88 10 t ]a'Yi64., Western GrocerCom', * 1 V• e CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 41 2 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE COUNCIL No...-.--..... •-_-_-_;-•-. 1117 B.. . ............ ........... .. .......... -5 C TROLLER AUDITED ............................. 191 R................................... ................. ----------------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaile;d statement: Adopted by the CounciL.—Y—M. 191/ Approved . /......._.....1.......:x!_..._191. .... .... ...... ... . ..... . ................. ..... 400891"S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. of Finance 3,942.94 ayorts Office 1 .58 a y 0 r f r'.Oe '20 1 1 Clerk 37 C t y Clerkr _k El tion- :00 1 tion` t 3 Cor *Counsel 10 :00 CorCounsel 0 Finance - Cbm r of Finance - Bureau f Assess. 60 .00 Bureau ar Com'r. Finance - Reopts'. Diab, 59 '16 .3 is a Ce s 7 Partic. Ce s. 7 50 C omp, r . 0 ler I o*p�rolldr 133 Civil Servic 45 00 Armory 15 '00 '17 Puroh. Dep't. 55 S. A. Farnsworth; 9o*1r. of FiziancO 4,848.119 P S . -Gen* Adm. 21 0 '00 th-Adm. 152 Vi 11 Statistics is'00 Foo & Dairy 49'00 Q-uar - tine 89 .50 Tuberc losis 47 o50 L'borat 15 .50 Dale St, nfrmy 8.25 P. Baths 35'03 . CID ort tation 13 .50 Manic. Oar. e9l & '71 *25 Petit n The undersigned hereby St. Paul; viz.:.GTadfd.._alle; Place from 7Council File No...��-.�Gi PROPOZRRROVEMENT .",. PORD)sesthea following public improvement by the City of �.Blat....Vie�[ Addit.l.oexin Saratoga Avenue. _ — Dated this.......- 15ths day of.....A.318UA8?';'4'`'� 1915 PREL MIN+�R. WHEREAS, A, written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ^ Gramme Aly_-it>`812sF1�?..,—it View Additgn--PAd Princeton...___ _ Plaoe_from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue..._...__.___...__._._..__. ....... ...... _... .............. .... .... .................. ............................................... _................ .......... I.............................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. .............................................. . .............. — therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 12 • ent;_. o state whether or not avid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........ - tamf 191?.._ Yeas: Nays: Cauncilme th Goss Approved...... % 1........19 ......... G Hyl d er ccoll Wunderlich ..... ...y .................. ruin !�Ma or. rear a e.e Pi7$I.f:�7 - / I Council File No ... _........... ._...... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT+ and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDS The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the f owing public improvement by the City of St Pant: viz• ..-._Q.onetrua epci.r.....Pn...Burr.-..,-, reat,,,from,_J,eseamine_Street ---- ---...-- - - - - ---- - - to Rose- eamine -_rest from Burr Street to aPoint-.-. fBurr Street. _.... ---- ------------- - --- 130 feet east of the east - _._- ._ ..- _ ----------------- -...--- •I making o; tUe rouowtn°g,�myrovem i........... 191 ....... Dated this._15 th.j......_day of +• y Councilman. PRELIMI AR WHEREAS, 1% written proposal for the maring of a following improvement, viz.: Construot_a-sewer on Burr__8treet_from Jessamine _Street to Rose Stree - — Stree _ — ------------- -------------- ----- - -- --- and on Jessamine -Street from Burr t to a point 130 feet east of the eastline -of Bur r__Stree._-___................ _____.___-..-_.....-.._. -- ....... ........... ........ ...... ......... ................... ........ I .......... .... .... .................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman .................... ....... ...... ....... ......._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessimprovement. ity for or desirability of the making of said , tal cost thereof. 2s To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the to 3. To furnish a plan, profile or oketch of said improvement. therde�� f� +• .otot:va oa d�imprewemehf;_...................... ....................... ............. .................................... ................................... _ . �"`So state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition oft res or more owners. . To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....................�tA. .._....191_ -Nays: - Yeas: VV Cn++ncilFarses mortb Approved.. .............. .191....._ Goe Hyland / Keller , l (rte/• Mc all v Mayor. 0 3 PUBLL9=1 - FORM a e -e Council File No .............._ ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2Fi2$ PRELIMINARY ORDERZ-9 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the folpublic improvement by the City of St. Paul; viz.:..Ct.4.I1d6mning...aII.a...7.Edsing._nu.._vauc v..w....�........._..... .. �... _._._.,._.....-..._.---_ pas r cute and fi a in grading Alley in Block 7 o r 's f07-- — _.............. ..._....--- --- Summit View Add i end rinoeton P ace from Snelling _ -- - --- - ---.. ---------------- -- - f Avenue to Saratb;o ._..- ......- ---- _ ._.. ._.------- ----------- Dated this .:..._15..tikt.■...... day 191........... Councilman. PREL�IA7RY R,1��1+�WHEREAS, A written proposal for the a ollowmg improvement, viz.: __..-T__Condemning a3�3c nd_ting _n e�eement in the land necess_ary._Yor.-_ doges ior-_outs_.__and fills in_grading._Alley_in-_Block 7_ Summit View Addition and Princeton from- Snelling_Avenue to ...__.--_ Sarato a Av®nue......................................... having been presentedto the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ..................................... _........... --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the sum' went .................... ..........._......_.... state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. .......... .... .-------- —.......... ............ ..... .... .................................. .... ... ............. ......... ............. ....................... ..._ ....-- -------------- ... .......... _.. �T o Q To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council:....-..�5. 191........ Yeas: Nays: Counci an Farnsworth / Goes APProved._... Hyland P eller U Coll Wu erlich ....... .............. Mayor. roar c e -e P(1BLI9MD CITY OF ST,WL Council Resolution ---General Form M "I . Department, of z Bureadof Council File No. Date Presented 191 J By RESOLVED. 1Tt t the St. Pau On Lf¢ht Compavr 1n ebr rde red god died to� d Iv electrical lines by -recti.¢ poles and-triv¢iv¢ wire. tbereon for the t2egmigioa of clKvlcry on 'Odin the following d etr��of e•icity: Install one pole on the south west corner of St. Clair Street and the Levee. ;With necess$ry guys and anchors. 4 � No 8E819h�Bha 9u�pnui � rdR�d; , mp nvQ$1Q •h@rchy ordQred and d1... r Pted tpf@><tepd tta elQdirtrpT111A��t s. erPbtl�§-.A41@9 anfl !,l�n41nR ihGHon {@r•,lhe trnA@rit vpf@n at P1P•@e:: Srt�Itdr on.amdl to the to11oW1A6 9 ere' . afaFTperM of field otT9 1 1vtltR .� _.»s.w.net All of each eavv-tove, poles and sim shall be ...,d and eonetrncted u.d.r the direction and-upenietaa of the Commlaslover of Public Utilities aad in all thitto 6ubj.et to Ue provhloee of thdivay.. No. t�Sa, end of ell otM1er lawful mdivances and rceoluno.e 11 the Ctry of 9t• P•vl. All poles should be xt in.uch lveativv 1. Bald alive •nd etre-. as the f:ommiesionv of Publiv Utiiides •lull deei¢vate, and •hall be of .uch b 1 ht aud.ebarnety as }ie shall d i¢oav avd approve, and am and •11—h poles -halt be taken dowm and removed, and evc6 wiry plead und<r¢romd, whevevv the Co d shall deem that the pvblie l.tere.tan reyaf es and wh- It shelf eo order. Adopted by the Council i 191 ( ) Nays FARNSWO TH G cc SS McCO W U DERLICH Approved —'� ' 191 AND _ ELLER 1 ayor Mr / 14-1" CITY OF ST. PAUL 24 ; u Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of ryo ncil Fil o. Date Presented 191 W uCn ui a ciThal dfaa o t In 'th. [ n Light Co. e c�a°u .heeu ut°fe- t "d "l—ted to a te,d its aechi«l linen by —tioa Pn10 aad °triagiae.lme dmaoo fv the m Aenu Install two poles in alley, west of bhiriView^vsough of Princeton Avevue. Install two poles on Power Avenue, east of Cleveland Avenue, and one in alley east of Cleveland Avenue, north Power Avenue. we Install two poles on Como -Phalen Avenue, west of Prospect Street. With necessaryfuys and anchors. RPpoT qfl, Thet the ACT -1 000 Lliiht GtSmhenv G'h?r hT erdarefl and AIreMPdr fo. extend' {ay, -elq tiq�ei if '41. -V - 1nk n lea end etrtn¢1ng.�irlCpe, theogpn; l far the trenamihelqu%oT.Nerfrtrlt, an- enfl 1n the tollowtng`ulleys and etrget, 3ueta1l two.': Doles ,in of e68tt be`�q au gown nnd�g,r¢teoVp6d }bnd C misat°av of P°blic Udine. and in all thin¢° All of avch entmdoas. vola avd wire •Lail be cted ever thgmCODltuatt� ghall rQgetpIt6Stbe, f¢o te, and shall be of .vch hei¢ht aad character as rul;;ect to the prmWovs of prdiaavn No. 2424. and [all >b h tt erarouad, whe°avv the Coua°II .hall dvm that the « All valn should b. set In avch london N ssld allot n ehgli s0-ord 0 90 keyp1k08( 04 'gtb6Y1 It h..uall avi2mte •od atro+ove, aha am a•a Vl.veh cot eh Adopted Dgrthe Counan u 19 BS9. 1w lic gate t to requires. and whoa it",... rder d>pDl048Q',AuB 38 1839 t ..cAy� 99 1P3911 191 Adopted by the Council r — y.—�---ouncilmen ( ) Nays FARNSW TH GOSS McC L 0 �j W DERLICH Approved A�! _ 191 LAND MELLER - Mayor r Resolved, That the Council concurs. in the recommendation of .the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for constructing curbing on both sides of Syndicate Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Carroll Avenue; Carroll Avenue from Syndicate Avenue to Griggs Street; and Griggs Street from Carroll Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue, to the Standard Stone Company, for the sum of $1,597.00, engineer's estimate being $1,768.00. F. B. #2022. 1e:��..p. Na 942ti , ..... .. ......... Fen-�J�-eoaacn Clancy Ke 1 011 OndCrlich on FORM C A"`3M-1249 Ubbivre& ail 2�apers �ti ttbDnection with abote 11e$94ution. u D � �•� , O u�vJ � Adopted by the Council ............A.��............ AUG 13 ISi° Approved........................................................... 191..... ...... .......'.1...4`-. MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .... .. ... ........ .......... : ............................. ................. Subiect: ... . ........ . ................... ..... .......... ..................... %91P COUNCIL PILENo . ......................... . ................................. .......... ....... . ..... ..................... ... ........ ....... ........................... ............................ ........... .......... ........................................ Date Presented Augur -16..---.1.919--191....... 44 ......... ... . .. ...... .................... - I rResolved, that the grade of Lakeview Avenue from Osage Avenue to,Lake gL Como BlVd., in accordance with the red grade line on the a .0 coompa4ying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Clancy Farnswort C' Fa Clancy n FernsS y Wort Goss ........... . 1111-116011" Kell 0 oil ch Wunderli F Mr. P esident, Hodgson I M 6. A. i /3KI12-18 09. i CITY OF ST. PAUL�� LL' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �7 ._.._..COUNCIL. 1\U.......r-- AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE 1119 C B.. ............. .. t. AUDITED .... AUG.1,_6,1�1, ........191 ..... C TRO ER ' s TITLE , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ays Adopted by the Council ......... ... _. AUG . __ AUG C Approved .._..._ ...... __ __ _ .. 191 Earns orth 111 Ah beaa�0 Go �o foal Er u d [upde App 7dl t[kvOr ok that rron ra1F�o�r IT lka,t K ero Po ba§lmm»`IY0.t11�6AISe the a I,`tbt bwlaRt talt,.W totam'tlt* # MAYOR .Co b i 40-Q11, 1y Wunderlichq`�°n' I}i�ajaaivis$9oUs 29620- W. E. Chidester,' 18683, Como Meat Market, Parks 14,682 Henderson-Ames.Company, SealUa-fin. 1,31= Joerns Bros. Mfg. Company, zaba"s left*, Dr. Dawson Johnston, Li 106e& G. A. Kees Domestic Engineering Company, i3x6 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, .ge}i,ree 665g0 }3527 Purity Bakery Company, xavims+ Y357B' St.Paul Foundry Company, Co'b4*t60 Weber *3'529 St.Paul Milk Company, 4aa1: ks- ySFSO E. E. Wright, 210.10 137.54 ' 33.30 489.00 14.62 69.81 70.69, 53.60 647.60 CITY OF ST. PAUL I """ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 'Wj� /r}��►� COUNCIL NU.tdE3r AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Farm A A 46.2 X 7-18 T • 1120 .. ... ... nn TROLLE ..1qq7 AUDITED....AW1_.........R ...... ---------------- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: rAUC !3 1pf� n� c-- —r---- y r " }i k Adopted by the Council ...... _191, x 5a �3 Orf- � 3 Abd {ACt. � ? ; Clancy fiat m�arr°T'iz a dPa� n A1)C 2 �� ( 191 Resole° bTetOnt dT-r Approved..... neon the b ' iessarY D ............................ . __. ..__"_ th@" hereinl}-� islAsd tnnd0 Yrtd 13t �i Farnsworth 5^D��7Ds - opr ° rybrnf tiaet:oer�coie}fvetJho2+etn-a`t�s�ONdpGoss e32P it.,Cs47mALils°Ye Kellet ......_._. McColl�nern H85 �'..CoiltidLYAuB Wunderlich�yytot7edAn8 x�83is�lal 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ........ .._._...__......_ ............. ..... ................................ ... ............: COUNCIL Date Presented ............ ugust...16.,....19M...... Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer from the unexpended balance of the moneys previously set aside for special election purposes as sanctioned by C. F. #25291 and known as the Special Election Expense item of the General Fund, the sum of $2,000.00 to the original source of the above mentioned item, namely the Miscellaneous & Unforseen Item of the same fund, there- by relieving an unavoidable deficiency in the latter item. 9-MjCouncilmen (✓) s Adopted by the Council ...........:...:..... -.1... .... :-:-- .191...... Clancy Farnswo Goss=ev-;s-•e,• Approved _......_........Q � ........... 191 191..... Ke r /'� ccoll (� .............. Against .... _. .... ........................... .............. ....... ..-........... Wunderlich - nroa O. A,-9'3 M 12-18 --- CITY OF. ST. PAUL l ,. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt:----------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ....................26296 1trIey ' jw FILMCOUNCIL IN ••..................... .. ._.._--........................................................................................................................................... - m Aug. 16, 9 ,^ Date Presented ............. .........._......_..........191 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locatiohe respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue each licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. L. M. Linden, Restaurant, 770 E. 7th, Joseph Crea, Restaurant, 421 E. 7th W, H. Gilbert, Restaurant, 383 Robert St., J. Lambros & Co, Inc. Restaurant, 434 Wabasha St., Clancy Farnsworth Goss in fauns Keller ILO MCC A.8 3M 6-18 ... a��e Adopted by the Council __-....__.__.....:-_-. Approved......_._.........:3.;n.. fa.. .. ....191... - ---------------------- -- -- _......................... MAY P PROPOSAL FOR IMP and Petition , PRELIMINARY 1 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the St. Paul, viz.:........Grading... Como ....Plw.e....from..I1, south of the south line of MoKenty SA/1e Dated thi....... 14k h t..._ -day 1 --1 Council File No ............................ 2623'7 public improvement by the City of G F No 28837 .._..._. AhR[raQC ._ ..... Wnereaef,.A wrltteq Pncaal tor. 11 'mth aking of e folloping ItnprovelN Oz 191. (fradto, Coln Place, Prom - 'street ll a !,poleg T8 cleat kouth 'sot�ty nee o[ ,,t" he-' oiincl ,,-r(-- �baen pree@nte8 t the ;council .,;--_--------------- -— C[ty of Bt. ,Pn i r.fore V i Councilman. PRELIMI��P llRD� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fo owing Improvement, viz:: G as��x��_Gnmo_P1soa._izom tInion...Btseet—to.—R.oint 75._.fent_-aoutk�-.szf._t e..._.._ south line of MoKenty Street. .............................................................................................................................................................--................._.------------------ ......... ................. ...... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ................................................... ._............... —_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed• 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. d m + I eQ otht r dataand dGr.mation-mbdive-to-said-improvement;._.._..._............_._................... ...'................ - ............................. -...................... ................ _............................. ..........................._........................................................................._ y�T/To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. & Toyeport upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..- ...................:�: � .._ ......1...-----------191.....:-... Yeas: Nays: Gouncifman-Farnsworth ....::........... ... .. Goss Approved .............._....... .........:.....'.. r............191 Hylan Kel Coll underlich Mayor.. lORM a a•e /' PUBLIC0 C59 a n f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following St. Paul, viz.:..._Srr. > A&,,—Pi3S1....#.&1f�.Ag....l ...d_ deiPff.(#.....11.1... Dated this ......_141h,.. -._day ' U Council File No................ ........:. improvement by the City of X191........... Councilman. PRELIMIN ER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ma ing of the following improvement, viz.: ...._...................................... _..........................._............................................ _.........I......_................................................. _. _. _...... _........ ..... having been presented to the Canncil of the City of St. Poul by Councilman ....... .... ................. ._....---- ...- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. '•T^ inrnish�ming_other-daisand -aforination relative to said improvement;................ ...................................... ,4 ..................... ......... ................ ........ .... ........................................... ...................................................................... _........................................ Po state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. IV -To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ..................... 191......._ Yeas: Nays: atnsworth Goes Approved...................................�}} ......:........., 191 ......__ Hyland Ke Coll underlich..........I ........ .............. ..... .. ......... _.... ....:............. Mayor: COUNCIL FILE NO .................. By.. -- INTMkMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of IM.v.—ing a3-3-ey 2.4 toa9 --!)P, ...... _ .............. ...................................... __­ ...................................... ............................................................. ................................................. under Preliminary Order KU5 ................................approved ........... ......... . I ....................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved, and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is D-1 v. e a_Ll.ey In..ZDI.oah: 25 ..... of pf. 31 10 q I- _nUl� 1,� ..,o,.-:_e..1.j !,Kejaue �4 to 20 frorn ............ ..... ................... .. .............. - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3 Ij.a&.-60 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. 17th. . ... ....... day of .....Se.pt.eriber . .... .. -.... 191. Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....- 191 - Approved ..................... e:.........._....: r:.^191..... - Councilman Goss Councilman 3pdkmk Clancy Councilmaw'KNME Poviers Count' an McColl C 'il Ima ci man Wunderlich B. S. A. 8-6 e r1k. .............................. . .... C ...... ... ....... Mayor. FUBLL%" COUNCIL FILE NO.__... ... By.... -fdfiy �L......._..... INTERMEDIAR17 ORDER In the Matter of.......e.o:clst.M.1c.tj C...pt..ceT.e lt_t ;lE-_side call;_,_-.si-_,: feei;_._!idc...... On sidos...of Laf.onc�._-Streot, fro;.; Dunlap Street to Cri;r• s Street. .. r y ......... ... -..... F No 964 ofscone#II iel ai .... ..... ... .. rti, awX k h ............................. .......... au ��eot� the aid �:slond Stiee �EkPm ,9tiled 6�S ......... ........ .. ...... .... ... ':`atieet.5 a t}tiga'sAatra4to NAd96 .........._...... ..... umt lyCder^�bT�, sD,l�ve.._ ��4«gats•�,?�' *t6atc�y 8c, t9 ......................................<v1nB s9041vadtUe tePi 8t'N s ................ ........... ... ......... ...... lnnssr.doi FtaspP" ......................_._.............---.........--'---..........................--........................_....................................---..._.........—............................ under Preliminary Order .............. ?.MK .......................... approved ... .Julv..1! ...... 19 Q.......... -'--................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: !" 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved alyd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....:.Onst.r..1.101--.2. _on-bo ts.ls.side?ta11.,.s.i:... eet..':!ila ...... t:.sides ........°f...Lafond-Street.....f. .............. ourllan...St.re.ot_t.o_.Y.:=.r s,,. treet,._ except _iliere food and sufficient s. -dc 12dLS._?OlZ..Q;:; ISt ............................... .........._...:......._.._..._..._........:............._............................................................. .............................. ...._............ ............................ ........_........_............................_............................................_ ... ............... ..............._.........._.............._.-- .__....-._ .....- ._...................... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..7.0_...-Q r i 'ont foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...........15tla ............ day of 191._9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _! ' 191...... Approved... ... .......... __:. . .......... _. 191....... ityCler . ... .... ........... .. .............. c D ayor. Councilmen FarnswortTi Councilman Goss PUBLIaid�ID _J13— Councilman l' Clancy r Councilman ?oviers tv^ Council McColl Co ilman Wunderlich B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE N/q,,��.........._..........._ 26Q.4-1 By.. y?J%�� ,�d�... ..... . . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of:...._.c.aws:�_vc.ti.� ;...a...G.GD?oat.... ; �.v'.... arS e:::a� t,-,--. : -._fart- tri ie.,....on t11e.. n.ortII..si'a0 of ,iI.,mc itil ti eat fro ere__t Street to .e?xlcte. St_^cot. ........ ............. ............. iiwO a r3oi.conel+uetln'� d,` cav .z.. S... under Preliminary Order .............. 2,5.7.24) ............ ............. approved ..............L;l� a. .. •.-..................... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...c.o-ns truct...a...is iderit.. .t...... o_�t.1} side of...=;;-acinth..5treet........ r.o.rest...Str.c.e.t...t.0 Lie,Jcteta-. Str, _e.t-,.. except -.-_here rood and stu ficient .........�................. ............................ deital: s...xlotY....c.; is t........_...._ ........... _............._ .._........___._..... ......... ...... ......... ........ ......_.......... ...... ....... .... ............. .........__...................................._ — I ........ ............ ......_....- ...... ................................................ ............................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.-_._..7.jQ par._£ront foot.. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..........-15th...............day of - Bepteraber.... 191. _9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Coubeil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ll— 1 _ 191. l Approved.... - . ....... ... ......... IN C1e, ... ........... illayor. -@e$acArifjn Faenew_o PLL` URD Councilman Goss Councilman Clancy Councilman Pot, ers Council McColl Co an Wunderlich V B. S. A. 8.6 V-41 COUNCIL FILE, ILE NO ....................... BYC44 ........................ r. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Q.Qnz_.tr.uQting.._a ... cemant Q.t to ............................................. ................ ............................................................. ... .... ............ 11 ............................................ ..................................................... ....................... .......... ............. ................. ............ ........................................................ 7V, under Preliminary Order 2L.G.Q.............................."'.approved . .............. J.UJ. -Y, 3:,--..1.J - -------------------------------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 0_D=±Ur.uat a...Qamellt fe e, t..,,-; i de -,..,.on -'the ;yest q�de of Dapyern ,Ivenue, from .. ............................ ......................................... .............. .............. ... ...... ................ .... ...... . . . ........ ............................................. ........... ...................... ............. .......................................................................... ..... . ................. ....................... ....... . ....... . ­ _ ............... ................................................ ............................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 70 per f.roxit foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... _15.t.11_ ........... day of 5.0.�_t_0mb_Q.r ........ .. .­. 1 191. Q., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvenp,,pt, and the total cost thereof as estimatedN Adopted by the Council....... 191 t, k. . ............ Approved..... ... 191._ . ImnFar;swort Councilman Goss ....... Councilman Cianc- Councilm 1 0-:orS Counci an McColl C/ocilman Wunderlich n orm B. S. A. B-6 COUNCM PILE NO ................................. By...G"r................_.... . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._0,01MtrliC. ..........a.4...N.4 aq: the --- north..side...of...Palac.....S.tr.e.et... z:. :t..n :.gr. ,V ilue---tg...,' :xY.. e 'venue.. ................................................. t G F':No Ea24S ........ -....__-_..... ...........................Fn ttie 3natter nl.c9natjnCttnaS e.m, .. ....... ..... ........... ..... t�,e atdawatk �s0t to t;wLte of ..... .. Qf9t,th atd8 ;9t *',Pa78ae atnee[ PrtOr XRAn,e:`Y�b+'3+'airvlew Av ............................................................end r prettmi�nitflzderp,�26�91 ........ ...._. ..... ..... ......... ..... .... rrg efl St3tY 7:. 1t �� C d ;oi �f'it.�,n, aie Cn na4 i d�� tk ,a•m recelaEB°rn zsnort 9L. knr ................. .. ­ --------...... ... _. .... ..... _..................................................... -........... under Preliminary Order ........ 2M.2 ................ ............... approved7..,....................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is .ride, on the ................................................. .orth side of Palace Street from - _.......................... a rY_iaIi.._`u.0niaL.............. s3.devalks..:aarr...ja cis.t.,........................................................................ '_............................. ................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. _.............. . ........_...__............_.......... ........ ._._.... ... ....... .... ........................ ................................................ ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....,.7.0 z?r;r...fr011t foot, Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........... l..5th.................day of ------------ ....................... 191.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. r „ Adopted by the .Council Approved. .... .... -..._.. _ P..'.:;2.::... _ :r: 191_i: Councilman Goss t Councilman 1jyt#L4x Geancy Councilman IfF3ia f`oviers Councilman M , oll V Form B. A. A. 8-6 191 1t i Cit Clerlc ..........__....................... _............... ........ .. t . . May r. PfJBT+I=�� I COUNCM F N1), . . . . ........ 20244 . . ..... ... ........................................ ................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of C. CLaS. LLcl - -a r. ex", Q -at, UIC) SaJ­d a-,".1. side of 1-ars'nall ;,vorlue flom Cretin ,:venue to '.ISSISSIQ-D�z ................................ ................... ............. .............................. .............................................................................. WAI xj,t ......................... ....................... >_.._- ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- nr ........ . ................................................... Y� F ........... ................ -wellnl e. -- --------- �'Tyr .._H� nx b-, .................................................................. ..............................----------------------------------- mu under Preliminary Order .......... 2,5.G29 ............ appr6eff ..' 4Tuly 3.s 12.10 . . .............. .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is aa_,js.t2=_t a ... c.anent :1 lide . . .... o:a t.1le from 4CPetj-n V. GnILIP and ....... szaf.f1cj.,3_nt s.:UoualLm..-rio-ii axi—S.t.... ............. .................................................................... . .... . ... ...... .......... ...... . ...... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 70 p.er.. front foot. Resolved Further, That it public hearing be had on said improvement on t11C., .- - 15t11.,.,__._.....day of Se.pt_ei'.Iho.r. . .­ . .1 191Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placwiof hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council . .... ....... 191. Approved 191 _ . Councilman Goss Conneilman=16 ancy Councilman P ors Councilman ZC.11 0 CounciWunderlich S. A. 8-6 ...... . .... . .... . t ............ ..... .. !.1 ... ....... .. ..........erk. Mayor. COUNCIL FEPE NO, ..........� By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...nnna.t?'uC{ in ..a...na:texit--_tilC...yi iG:.-aL' ,--.5 =..fe .t-.. id e., -...o -q the hoeen Cleves nc,---;,zre2�ilt...a?s1 .� Kl.-k V- 1t1P. F rze �ea�fi—yT_` het ` gg .............................................................. .............. tffe �ide�wte'a bibsiee4 vripe __ ... ....... ... .. Piprtli 614050 '3anAQa'8treet� -........ -----------------------------.... ..... ----.. ---- ClavelBnd A{�enue and Avmgyev qn $r. TetlnYiha-� 677$'i D ro �d 3u 1]tn .................................................................... ir. ,'.�,1tR. _.. <gt.i¢Q9 olt^... ............. .. ...... ...... ._.. 5 i« aaB!so 07 -OLY under Preliminary Order ..........Z-7--7-iz........................ .approved... 7 17.r...a.a.a:l"...1 0 9,--_------------------.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......C.or_stratc.i...r__.nw.:e_ t .vt...,;. a o n .Cleve land..__,,enila...and.. e _e.t11.`=`:vanuQ.,.. aza.e.p1:..:there...:;.a.Qd-.-ancl..-zuff:_C_LQ nt. \\ Zo........... .,............. ............. _................ ............._...................... ......_................._............... ......... ,' .._.........._`i.........._ ................ ......._._._._............._................. ._............ ......._........................ ......................... ............................ _..__ ..._ .._ .. _. .._ _.._. ..... ._,._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 70...r,Qr front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the. I15th day of _.......Selxt.efdhex:....... .. ..... 191. __.Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature or the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimat. Adopted by the Council _..._......... 191 .. ._. r Approved__.... ...... - 391 ._ � Cit Cler, k. ................................ ..... Afay r. Counei man arnewor PUBLI C5 Councilman Goss �j ) Councilman CianC• Councilman roue 'a CCouncil McColl Coun - an Wunderlich B. S. A. 8-6 --Rom 26 94j% COUNCIL F NO . - ......................... B arG/J �C/—U«...ter'// ✓'�'iir(� . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...)x�V1'{..:SiS1:.1e.;J...S.t•^.het...::7.Q:.i..s.'.il:_,).:.Q,.::$....SLilt15:...=u1z..�.otal...�ad�. o;:ce:r tiro i:.' e_ cectich of Srna'n ith : ve:n.o,..- ,? clucli.n .............. ................ .. q ... o t...:::�::s - ,, o ��.� on e:_�:Y.:,:...::_.:........_c4;,:+1? C.�.t.u.l;:1,:,...--,�.1....G:.Y.._a.;.0 ^y:_ ............ ......... ........ . ..... .. ................. .........................................._..... Fn. the,?bnatte[ p�FiFB $Y� %� ..... . --- ------ .. frdmC6tpifAWa Avenne rto ,,pad a ¢zcoAtr :tae iatBeseotl9? • 8oathmtt¢ Xvamno, inoF din8'ek ..1.19. ................................ under Preliminary Order .............: _5.7............... wste „ ena tsaaee cpnno hong akT49 fldnRc�a' AroC$t`tYdita The Council of the City of St. Paul having receiv t g p°tp�ttp` ,an v yi k -tioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, t}lvva up�doi ai erose n " Z, 1. That the said report be and the same is ere a t nvFdt,asR v m 'q �, and the said improvement is P Y P� wr�yir`��, P hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3-i; , •rig. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....pay.a...Sgarcy...3txe.ct. iro1�...;13int)ecr-a...aOV40zava .t.o!:at rs.e.c:Lia11 of._Soutlz..Smith .: Ve1le.. "'�'1.QalIL1. .:�:y..S .;�.0^.e...::.c,�e� u_ �. �,.:as cohii��ections...fro;}...s.t_'cet....ia ns...to �... �_ ...._ ,_ .---'....................'--"----' 1so.,....i.n0 di-1,..ct.rbi � and...l2au1._.d•:cyera .ss.?::-:1�..._....................._..... ___..__.._..... _..:......_.._......._..._..... _..._......_._........... ........._..... .............. __....._..... ....... ................. with no alternatitles, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 58,1.26�;, 00. Resolved Further; That a public lmaring be had on said improvement on th.e........._.16.t1i..............day of ...... _.._.., 191__Q, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ --- i)-'. 2... 191.---- - Approved ........... IU .:::........:.._:....__ 191.__.. Councilman Goss Councilman Imo•, Clancy Cmmcilmaa/jVXv kec: Porters Councilman McColl .� Qo ilman Wunderlich = s B. S. A. R -E °J , .. ... Cit Jerk .................... . . . ....... Ala or. PUBLiI 2624'7 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. B�r ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....c.ons.tri:ct_ng...s... sew er..-.OXL-.L-1LO.c...S.lire.ot....ar._tlle...l7or.th...a-lid...;: est sides....of...elice...iark..ir.om..tae....term .rlLls.._Qf... t17.e.._pr.es.elle---sE'v.er... Larth...Q.£...Alice Pam 1c...t-o...the... South..s1d_e....of...-li.c.e-_Earl ?;.............._ .._........................................ ...... ............ -- ......................................................... 989r�apDT , , e under Preliminary Order.--------..ea�x191✓. N,m`1#ul............................... The Council of the City of St. Paul hating'"received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. .2. That the nature of. the -improvement which the Council recommends is.....Q_ons.'4 r.uc.t a...s.e.vje3? ..on &li.ce_.Street, on the ;forth and ",'est sides of !lice Fark from the terminus ............................................................................. ..................... ........................... of. the.. present--s.eri.cr.._Uorth..of_. �,l.i.Ce.....P.Rr=...4.P...t1?e...S9tlt}?...si.de....of...:",lice--:-ark. _.. _ _ _. - ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...1048.. 0.0-. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... _l7th... ..........._.day of __...Se.pt.e_ller_......__....., 191...9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1 Adopted.by the Council.. . ...._::: .._ ... _. 191......... Approved .................. ...............-. '.._........, 191...... man Farnsworth -bouncilman Goss/ r .Councilman #Ahask Clancy Couneilm Po.'6s Council n h1eCo11 U Coune' an Wunderlieh d son Form . S. A. 8-6 Jl itCler ............................ V May r. x CITY or sT. PAUL �` .. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER . COUNCIL No ............. AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM FILE A Aµ, 2 7-18 , 1322 ` ........................... C Y COMPTROLLER AUDITED _Alla 1..�..�.7id............ ........ PER ... .. TITLE upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be drawn persons, firms or corporations or theamnunts 1 „t,r rive names as specified in the following detailed statement Y ------ncllmen_ ( c vF' ko pp�,._ < k jx 191 t 1 r ,, J� r f'Af+.trart :e" b4R drag Adopted b the Council... . . ft Re olve4 That vieF pasabl hut- P. Y / ° n9 �.i ett a*.ur.fl . filn8e alYd ... Clancy / oirott, 1C tttie=L reopa.aKma Y In:t or tb mouoka fat ol�.nnetre. APProv ...... FarnswortJi'� iMa§ ip to p 'iib to!"amyenx ._ fios5 stilpmDer"_ _......_.._. _ j MAYOR Ke ei Cp747s�9 6aS8 t,r i q A. C. 3ett9raoal �blp�eat Comv[rhYP, CJI. _ ecoll { 0 ; omyanYt. '>LanYtOtb bdStonr' Wunderlich ; ° olt Gotgv�Yr, =1b49�r�gPgtdtn6" i4fi 1H a �6, - 47.10 Berglund Lumber Comic ny, 60 G:F'=Mise. & Unforseen 24 50 Parks-- -. y353g 19.60 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, ,•, L>^ 5.00 ,-3656 J. C. Dahlquist,aleetftn 925.45 - },�g7 A. C. Jefferson, 814. 5 'Gr P,s��.7�ka Paving tomo Ave. W. 111. 0 Sngl1ing_,t9. Raymond 39.02 3 538 N. W. Fleotrla-Gq .0 Company. 4. 7 12. 5 -Fire - 1. 8 Library gaxks - 8 35 i n 12 57 285.65 .13O - St.Paul CrushedSStto0 .. iRepr. 1 .0� 31.p0 tr n 237.5 , Playgrounds 1 5 00 7985 ei5 157.94 1$540 St .Paul White Lead & 011 Compar>y, 70�' g6 Parka-'_-_"P..-Bldgs: Revl. 10698 kA `F} M GP - CITY OF 8T. PAUL _* _•_•• OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL FORM FILE NO - _ AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION Form A A 66.2 a 7-18- 1123 P;,, 1 81919 t - u .... ....G../..�.. � - AUDITED ............................. ......787...-...' JBY '. S...f ..... _ PER ............................�.. ..... ... ... ITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor, of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: v �LL.191 yggg V—} Gomicilmen E ` Adopted by the Council...(��jl/l Clancy Approve ...(i1Ll�-- ...... �.�.�......._ 2rotastDntRn, Farnsw u a "�•g Qit r-bygcideik `ty Bfi r , Ti ataaa o*yao ' e_. 2«^ (' t^ Go t nY Or a fir"4�^tl� _ t R9T7 t _... ....... eller ytAYOR... -, McColl, Fred G. Albrecht fe6r4Fr R. T. Gourley, �g8� $e R. }F,646 A. L. Snyder, °Retie" 4 787.06- 30.60 618.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subject: .......................... ......... ... ......................:................ ............ ................ ....... 2-9250 courvca w Date Presented -..A,uglz8t..18-:--1-S��.t91 ...... Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated April 1; 1919, between Christ Johnson and the City of St. Paul, for the grading of Middleton Avenue from Vista Avenue to Rogers Avenue and Rogers Avenue from Otto Avenue to Race Street, be and the same is hereby extended to the 16th. day of August, 1919, and the proper city officers are.hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties.on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writize with the City Comptroller. X.'(9ose— "'o time 9peelHea tot I YeAs (d) Council.n✓) Ndys Clancy t>os�g Ji�eller McColl Wunderlich Mr. Pr�yiAeal;�iodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12.19 the Council Aug. 19, 1919. ug. is, 1919. Ug. 23, 1919.) Adopted by the Council .a -AA ...--(... 191 • Approved ...v.1/v� UC%t/(...1...=/...191..-� MAYOR 418)1, 26213® St. Paul, Minn., - - 19 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body c use the time of comet ing contract for the � t�a.�-.�-"?-0o '1 Gi.� V as t-. i a.... -J /�o q - t. Q o z e _ �o -te'`'s'-'''�-------------------------- to be extended to - - - -� p-- �_ - - - /G - - - - 19/�- Owing to --0(a�-vy- -�J '`.�_._= - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be n;ade as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is cc d. APPROVED Supt, of �Construction & ep s ssion bf public Torks. Chief Engineer. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2695. _ ..................................-__............. ... -.......................................__.........:....._...._.......................... l) v pouNCH- NO. ............................:............................ ......-- .._.........._.......................:..._................_...._--.._.......__..._......................................... Date Presented.....AUgUBt....18...... 191.9191 ...... t OM Resolved, That the plane and specifications for the constructing of a sewer on Osceola Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Avenue, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas-( ✓) C-Wmalmen ( ✓),Nays Clancy Farnswmrth i Goss/ ......_'x^ia-favor a KjAl.r \ ,/McColl ._._.._.... Against / Wunderlich Mr, ePresident-Hudgs on FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-19 0' C. F. No. 26261—B M. N. l3oes— Reeolved, That the .lane and eP..w- catlons for the construct lnls of a -ewer on Osceola Ave- nue to Pascal Avenuelobe and lthe same are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council Aug. 16, 1919. Approved Aug. 18, 1919. (Aug. 28, 1919.) g o' in C10130 pti oto► ai I Adopted by the Council . ...1.&.191.%C...� dd /CG� Approved....... % 4..-.... 191... � S MAY R CITY OF' ST. PAU vv� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN RAL FORM Subject: ......... ........ ... ... ......... ...... ... . .. ­.._........_................. __.......... .......... .....__._...................._....... UN FI ENC;L NO... .26252..... i ............... _........................ ................................. . Date Resented___.August ...16.th.......... 191.9. Resolved, That the lease heretofore entered into between the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Hebrew Institute, dated August 10, 1918, for the rental of the premises located at 295 Kentucky Street, pursuant to C.F. 22346, be and the same is hereby con- tinued and renewed for the further period of one year from September 1, 1919 on the same terms. �G lr, No. 262 ert Wuadar-I 71ch� Z'het the lease CttY eott 9t. Pg l nd�nh St SPat,l HeT iNe genital Soi . e 16, 191 . d at 29F KantuchY dated uet 19, the Pl.=,savant to C•ontlnu8ed of oT e 7s here rtod Street, ee se for the mbter r1�1919, oa thel ngwedtrdm dap. 18, 1919. esme tied b9 the Couycll Aub• Adop • ADPTOVed (AU9 123 1919. 1919.) Yeas (V) Councilmen (✓) Nays - Adopted by the Council 191��� ..Clancy �_. ....._/_ Farnswgrth Approved..... 191.0 C Goss/ _ .is"fever Keller �.. tns ._._ _.. _ .._ ..................MAYOR . G 5 `McColl ...............��� ...�. Wunderlich d 11¢r. Prertident,.Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12 -IB 11'�.t;TTtlliMlt 11F ��'111IL'LTttAiT �� � E�EH.Canns=,onE. r n. F. DREH ER. Dc ou r. Con nes s�onEn August 15, 1919. To the Honorable the Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: - I have the honor to hand you here- with a communication received from the St. Paul Hebrew Institute offering to renew the lease under which we are occupying four rooms in the St. Paul Hebrew Institute for school purposes. ',7e shall require these premises at least another year and inasmuch as there has been no increase in the rental I recommend the continuation of this lease. Yours very truly, __-6ommtSsIoner of Education. C-111'. No. 26262 -By Albert Wunder- lich— entteredvfn� That lease eCity heretofore St ata Ad the 8110, 1919, orrt a renitalnoi the premises located at 299 Kentucky Street . pursuant to C. F 22946, beand - the Same le hereby continued and re- newed tor. to further period of one year from Septamber 1, 1919, on the Same terme. . AdoptE by the Council -Avg. 19, 1919. Approved_ Aug. 16,. 1919. � 1919,)'. .1 L "And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children." (Isaiah UV -13) Cor. Kentucky & Fenton Sts. INCORPORATED 5670-1910 vttul. FAinn..._...__.........._.Aug....-.._1 .,.._........_... 191 g , Dor. Wunderlich, Cotmsissioner of Education, Court House, City. Dear Sir: - Referring to the agreement entered into between the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul hebrevi Institute on August 10, 1918 for the rental of the premises located at 295 Kentucky Street for an annual rent of ;;1700.00, the St. Paul Hebrev; Institute woulrt be glad to renew this lease and grant you the use of the premises for F. further term of one year from September 1, 1919 on the same terms. Vere truly yours, ST. PAUL hEBRE I1;STITITIE. ��refl } CITY OF ST. PAUL 26253 ,r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM courac,L NO. 4011 ....................�-rte .... ---. .............................................. --..-...:..................... Date Presented ...-AU.gUB.t...15.s................191 Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Ford Roadster from the Central Garage, to cost $532.60 , without asking for competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Utilities - Slew Equipment. C Resolved, Tbat253 $th Pur Purchnk 4 asing Age + be, and he la hereby author sed to Dur-; chatrol se, with the consent of the Compp- Centre] Garagone er to oosasi632.Bd, wlfhE _ I asking for compet1tivo bids, as thl, coulPatented article and no advanta88, be gained thereby. Charge Pub- Ilo Utilities—New Equipment. Adopted by the Council Aug. 18, 1919 Approved} Aug. 18, 1919. (Aug. 93, 1919.) Yeas -(,1} Cvuucitmen (✓) Nags k-1c,lancy rnsworth ,_' McColl ...............Against V /W underlich Adopted by the Counnc��il....].9'U(. 191..J.. Approved -......!l V ..'. .......(6... 1191 ....... ........... MAYOR PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDEI/ Council File No ........................... 20254 The undersigned hereby propose he making of the followin ublic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: C.anetruct..-s...aemeni...ti.l si.dew .six...feet...wida.,....on... the...Xiarth...aide. _of __Fairmount_._Aveny- ' Acrinn 0_..feet._.east. of Snelling Avenue, theme east 320 feet.......-___.. C. F. No. 2625+— ........................................_... Abstract pp -.......................-.....-........ .., whereas thefollowingwritten ooa.l amen[ ............................................._. ...... vla.:................................. Construct a cement Lite a ew /'feet wide, on tIIe North efde or t�alr- Dated this......lf3.th......day ofl mouF «n e'en pvenuen thence EaetE32o .._............., 191_...... ,.[ That the COMM'Bolor h,+ Ad he is her, �7/ PRELIMIN �Y— r WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making ofInc ont, viz.: ........... 0a.natxuc.t....a..o.awent....ti.le.._si.dewalk, .six.... f.e.e.t._.wide.,._ o.n.. the,_north-side, of Fairmount Avenue...beginning..50.feet east of Snelling Avenue, ............ .. thenoe east...320...fe.et.......__.._................_. __............__._......._...._...................._.......... .._..............._._..._..... .......................................... ....................... _......................................... ............ .............. ...__._........_...._..._...__......._........._.................. ._...._ _..._ ....._..............._....-. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......___........_._.__.....__.......... .._. _ .__..........._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 3—�ofurni tnnrrdirtformati . . ta:.............................. ... ....._.___... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ To !tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fo report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..- ,-A&- YNsys: eas: l;oaa APProved.... _.�/. La.....191....-- H d eller /� McColl (� Wunderlich �Ma' r. Form C A 1 I (IM -17) PU �} _ / / / ` Council File No ..................:........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and rJ Petition PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the malting of the following public improveme y the City of St. Paul, viz.: C.onetsuat....e.earns....on_.Eair¢i.aw---Avsnue...frdm...P ane....Street—to..s_.._ point 70 feet noi` of Jamea Street. ..........._ .............................._.. C. B. No. 20255— ..................................................................... . Abstract ...... ...._. ..... Whereas. A written Pr000s, -...... the ....................... making of the followim ng Ip. nt' Dated this... 18th......... day of...Au ..j v% one.• �, or on P'alrvle .:...... a .. 191 ..... _.. from ; r. at tP Nor%- r. �• g*; ... ....... ..._.._.......... _... _............... ................. Councilman. PRELIMINA Y O IRS/ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... 0.one.t.ruat....eewes._on..Fair..vie>R...Av.enue...from. ..Pa wa...St.reet..t.o_.a...__ __.. poipt_ 70 ft north..of..J.Am_ea ..Street ._ _. ............................. ............._- .................. ............ ................ ......._.........._.._..............__............. .._..._.._........_.........__._..._......_.._.._......_.......... _._........__ ._ ._.._.... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......._......_...__.._ ............._...... _._ ....._._............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .3^. Ta4%unish-thrfollo relative-to-said-4mpmy-ement:........................._....... I ............................... .................. _......._....... ............. ...._.................... .................... .......... ................... ........__............... ................._. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Or—To report upon nnall ''of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council..1/ (y.......191...... Yeas: Nays: �puwe�hrl>Cn ITarnsw0 //�!�� Goss Approved__.. G.. (rt�.....191. .. eller McColl Wunderlich yor Mayor. Form C A 13 (eM 4-17) --------------- 8 CouncilFile No. .-.... ... ........................._......... ... By . _ ...... ............. " Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of i)2ttC1 its , COS :-S ^nd o719prises for furnislAin^ ansa _nstalli^„ all ornar.,ontal li,.lrt _n, sten co_ „_st7. Of 5 Tiros..nde„ ^o, ..'. on iui is 'oi cen- inE, elo ;Lr;.c cu_0:^cr_t .!ie_ otc, a d nil ctlie.r n^_.ce s^_ y a plie.aces and Ve edu:i �rieiit f oir said s' ste;a on lc r t,o Jacl..aon t. RESOLUTION R—,py N( LIENT. C. Ir. No. 26266— p in the matter a[ and assae, L ! ' % r benedta, costa Final Order..._._ £J...._......_......_.. under Preliminary Order__ .......1J.L��.1..._..., t 'urnlahing and Snatalttng ¢' mental lighting Yetem con, 1l I la -p pests ... ml . 9nt u approved ..__......_.;aC.a.t.G: _D.G_^......1...tA......19 L A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 'i // in .x�._aa.....�.... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i l // �j �� F i1 ._...191..... Adopted by the Council .lr`VN... �- Ile r,r_. -, .' : ; .. City Clerk. Approved .._ ..............191....,.. Fe[m B. B. 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 ........ In the matter of the assessment of bencf7.ts, COSts and e:[ enseS for tbx furnis'ninc' an or_aa;::ental li i,tin,; system consistin- of 5 light ia_-..p posts :and 12,2:ps, ^es and und.e'-7r0und concluits for con- vC-Ti_1r electric current thereto, and all other necessary appliances and oauir)Ment [,o, „�.iC, systow, o_1 _'or th >t., lie- > 1)l a, to Jac' -son l t. under Preliminary Order __..._...1.22.Q.J._..-........... Intermediary Order ......._...15010...."..... Final Order .. ....... approved... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: Cost of construction $ Cost of publishing notice $--- — • Qa. Cost of postal cards - $.. _ _-...._.._._.._..9..Q........ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.-___... 40..72. ...... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $--------..._2_20 Total expenditures, $_2,.0. 0_02.-......... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of$.............2-,.0f3.0-92........._......---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. . Form H. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. r Council File No.i .............. . By............. ... f CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of ban( -,fits r � OSt^, and oxgellsea for 'and boulevar<.i_�C i rcet fra'.': ;iastin��s :.venue to Thorn ^ t,reet. :gar_ ".'- - curbin?; RESOLUTION RATIFYING A ,. C. F. In thNo. a26267—�- e mtter_ of tb nes ser __ be fits• coat. and —3— curbing and boule—rdInl_ Street, from Host,AV b Thorn 11111 elntermed'a Y IOr" ^incl Order 12796, anPr._.,� �1918. Intermediary Orcle,....12.294...."... --• Final Orden- ........1.?7_9.x........ .. under Preliminary order...10.Q50......____.., approved ..... ....iC.U.t.Glib.e.r_21S.'`i.._....... 191.....6_.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in ual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted the Council :�:l;s'.V.VI,.".. ... �..._ 191.... City Clerk. Approved ..._.._..V..U.1 ...(d/ .._f-_._..191.. V \ {L...._� f� .�i� ._... Mayor. Form B. B. 16 PUBL SN" �' i %� j w CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _...._........................ 191......._ In the matter of the assessment of bcnof 1tS n COSt3 0-::d Ci:oe eg for the curbi?Z7 and bollevardin[ of ;arl street fra:,, :_act:_71'-;s ..venue to T'c'.Orn street. - under Preliminary Order ... ........ ............._......_........_...., Intermediary Order..._........._1.`2.%�..._ ........... ..._._.............._......_..... X2796....:....._....._.......__..__._._., approved..._.._.. Final Order ....._._._....-__......_ 191 6_._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $_....._2.,..B.Q._00._.. Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - $............_ ..._ _...2.5!D. Cost of postal cards - 2_,22.,.. Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - $----------_5_55- Total expenditures' - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $.............. 2.,!!37...9 -6.._............ ---upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thefeon as may be considered pro r. ..._ ................._............. ........ r— B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. J` �...,.....,------------------ --- Council File No ................ .........................`G''T/ ^'cs'-'C7 By.._...--_........................................................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL. • 'Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, 30^1.5 and 07:pe'_:SCS for furnis:lin, and instal.lin;; an li"Mint, syste;-:! consistin,c of o lirht ?a;.., posts and la,. ;as, wires and nnclerFround conduits for con- veyin,m clectric curl cnt thereto ._.d all other necessary ._ pliances and equipment for said system, on Sibley St. frori _Fourth St, to �]iF.hth St. (RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSX DIENT. , C. F. No. 26268— L the matter. or the aeseeam et n1,.a, costa and exPensee)rjde:......_.._176.6.Q._....._. under Preliminary Order._...._1S J35..._......., lntermediaryH e oL "R am mstsu n� • r approved ... ......_...�]_. r.....20th....._....._............. 191._....._7 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in.S/1/ e land described therein. equal installments to each and every parcel of Adopted by the Council _...1/4,/-Ul---'191./...x\1, _ �...i_L� . I _.`t...�✓�..._. City Clerk. Approved .. W....1..-....191. Form B. B. 18 ............ Mayor. J PUALI91:>T➢ �, � � � CJ OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191..._... 7 In the matter of the assessment of bonefits, COStS and for &H ftu nishinr- and install_nr, an of nar.Iental liC,hting system consisting of 5 li,¢ht lartip costs and lanns, '.Tires and ili-lfLer^rotimd conduits for con- veyi_-jg electric c': Trent thereto and all other r-ecessary a_)pliances and eauirnaont for said system, on Sibley St. from :i'ourtll t. to -:i^hth St. under Preliminary Order . ............. ... _.15S.v.5........... ...._............. Intermediary Order ._..._._..._171=0_.............__.._......._..._........., Final Order__.........__.170G.0.....__.......__..._....__, approved....Ju1vt..20.t11_...._....__........._...._.... 191.......7.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- tures necessarily ment, viz: $..._..i.�.aQ.`.Q.O........ Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice Coat of postal tarda - - - - - - la' Inspection fees - - - - - - - Amount of court costs for confirmation $- - -- " -•.95'... Total expenditures $ - x63.8..8.4...... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .............._..7..,.6.3.8....84.................. -.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action/ thermion as may be considere �oper. (v// .........._...._._._......._ ........................... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 Council Fi No ............................................ BY CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of bene: its, costs and expe=lSeS for constructing a sewer on ._rcade 'Street, fro : iarGarot ,Arect to a point 90 feet i:ort'a of the ilitersecti-on of the center of#-=-:rcade -2treet and the liortlierl" line of ai tii Street ,)roducQd fro; the .;est. - jRESOLUTION RATIFYING As MENT. C. F. No. 26269— In the matter of the asse6nmen1 benefits. costs and expenses 1 eetu fr rn Ma r , •i i 9 under Preliminary Order........._2=t3fi2....._, Interma.—C.' a .08 .f ..... Final Order ._......2.4690. _..__. approved ..._......._ .. pY 11....:J.th......__............._ 191...._.9.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assem- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and tate same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Jin 1 i+ qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. /r Adopte FD the Council _1. - --191.... _.... \ Clerk. C_p (. Approved ..__........... 191 form B. B. 18 Mayor- PUBLIMSIDd' ------------------------------------------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT _......................_............_....................... .., 191......_. In the matter of the assessment of 1)onefi.ts, costs and C_:penGCs for the const_'ucting of a se.rcr on .arcade 'itreet, from i_a-rraret Str Ct to a point 90 feet north of the intersection of tnc center of ..rcade : tr�et and the iortizarl:, line of i.cth `:t. .:et uroduced fror.: the .,'est. under Preliminary Order _....._...._ LO. ............ _.....__..._...._.., Intermediary Order .......... 2.110a ..............._._._.............. Final Order ._..._. -_2.16.29......__ ........... ... ......... ......__., approved_.._...____. al'.11__ .t$..__.._._._......., 191.._x..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - $" `vl'"25:.._......_....... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $ Cost of postal cards $___.....__..................._.... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $......_1.2..:2_....._...._ _ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $_...__..._l._O5. _.,.._ Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ 67.6-38 Said Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........_......G.7.G...Jf3..............................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. U . .... ..... ..--__.........._................ ..... ✓.....�yL.._...... Commissioner of Finance. corm B. B. 17 n 1 c ORDINANCES. No. 26260-- 6260 0rdlnance No I �^^v �� Y M. N G - o dins c grantl-, An ordinance granting to J. H. Alen & Company, a corpor- ation, permission to erect and maintain a raised concrete sidewalk on the northwesterly side of East Eighth street, in front of Lot. 5 and the southerly one-half of Lot 6, Block 17, Sittson's Addition. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to J. H. Allen & Company, a corporation, to erect and maintain a raised concrete sidewalk, approximately 100 feet in length and three feet nine inches in height, and ten feet wide, with stairway approach es at each end, on the northwesterly side of Past Eighth street, in front of Lot 5 and the southerly one-half of Lot 6, Block 17, Kitt - son's Addition. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the construction of said concrete sidewalk, upon said licensee's compliance with the +I following conditions: (1) The said licensee shall file with the Commissioner of Public Works a blue -print of said sidewalk and location, which 4,hall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said sidewalk shall be erected and constructed under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner, acid the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) The said licensee shall furnish a bond to,the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suite, costs, chargee, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising out of the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said sidewalk; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said sidewalk remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Cbuasel, with such surety as may be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller- _ (4) Said sidewalk shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas 'tis Mr. Clancy Farnsworth MoColl Goss Flowers Wunderlich �7 Mr. President (Hodgson) / Approve SEP -2 Mayor Attest PUBLISMO City Clerk �F- HISS An 0 inane antsiding administrative Ordinance No. 3254. approved Aug et 1914, and amendments thereto,' entitled, *An admir istrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving, and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAM DOES ORDAIN "Bection 1. That the said Ordinance No. 325C*, approvid August 30, 1914, and aniandments thereto, be and the same is hereby further amended.by striking out the clause, "one year of which must have' been as pipeman, truckman, or squadmam" there such clause, occurs In subdivision (9) of.Soction 2 of Rule VII of, said ordinance. Section 2. Thie ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. 6 - ------- Yeas (%I) Councilmen (V) Nays Clancy Farnsworth Goss X.In favor Keller 0 McColl .............. Against Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Mie -3 FORM C. A - August 15, 1919. Adopted by the Council S...E.P.72 1.919. 191 Approved oy ........ ....... .............................. ..... ........................ MAYOR ,6TTESTI JOHN 1. FARICY, i Fk f 01ty Clerk. iro- 4 By = x•. 'F,�.. �._.�' , c� "d('.'"�,�.ez yj o ys c sS`` Au o inanos amending administrative Ordinance No. 3250, approved Ang�st 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled, "An admin- istrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAM DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That the said Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 301 1914, and amendment's thereto, be and the same is hereby further amended.by striking out the clause, "one year of which must .b en. { - e e e ove-men oned amendment be recon - mended by the Civil Service Commissioner. �� Commiss,jonerfg Public Safety I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above- mentioned amendment to the Civil Service Ordinance. 7. Civil Service Commissioner August 15, 1919. dinance granting to Ambrose Pierce to construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to the building at the north- west oorner of Rice and University avenues.f// THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DORS ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Ambrose Pierce to construct and maintain a canopy over the en- tranoe to the building at the northwest oorner of Rice and University avenue/, to be occupied by the Capitol.Drug Company, as said oanopy is shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section S. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authori$ed'"to issue a permit to said Ambrose Pierce for the construction of said canopy, upon said Pierce's com- plianoe with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), oonditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons of property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy, and said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety or'sursties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any teat or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage i, No. 26262—Ordinance No. 6166— . Vy S. V. Clancy— AII ordinance granting to Ambrose Pierce to conathe and maintain VVy o N trance to the bding the 111 ull at Nortnw t corner Rice Street and University er- . Cftv � f B dinance granting to Ambrose Pierce to construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to the building at the north- west oorner of Rice and University avenues.f// THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DORS ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Ambrose Pierce to construct and maintain a canopy over the en- tranoe to the building at the northwest oorner of Rice and University avenue/, to be occupied by the Capitol.Drug Company, as said oanopy is shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section S. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authori$ed'"to issue a permit to said Ambrose Pierce for the construction of said canopy, upon said Pierce's com- plianoe with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), oonditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons of property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy, and said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety or'sursties as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any teat or license fee that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage 4� of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ic. Passed by the Council " Yeas - Nays Mr. Clancy Fanworth Goes McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgeon)7 Approve 9 cmayor Attest qtr -6' y Cler N—h-1... Ph— C.d- 1701 ..d 9384 T,; S— Ph... 26008 Drugs. 1. Eastman Kodah. Druggist*s SunJrIes, CAPITOL DRUG 00. and Supplies Toilet Articles, W. C. KREGEL Stationery, CJgars. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Ice Cream and Candies. C.r. R;—Sur— —d U.i—r.;ty A� ... Sod. Water til. Paid. ffilln., APPLICATION FOR PERMIT. To the Council Gf the City of ST.Peulf The undersigned - _ i hereby applies for a peradt to put a canopy over entrance of building On the corner Of Rios St. and University Ave., known an 481 Rice Street and hereby submits a plan Or sketch Of said Canopy IL 26063 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND ,i AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of.....apening,...aideaing...anal.-.e.xtending...La=at...Street ... to --- a._...... _vUdt}a...o.f....eigh:t~y..-(B-0).-..f.eet, ..1 zom ..Tenth...Stye.frltAa...BiXtll---1txeet-................. _ --------------------------------------------------------- - r0 t118 IDEt .[IIIA wR�% .5 e erter9 ,:Dana:tota•��• �-, . ...... J.......................................................................................................-------------..... under Preliminary Order -....... iaaa3........... approved...$ept.....5,....1c44Wntermediary Order...:--..?,4a..�......, approved. Apxl.l ??" 23-19- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e itfurtllher Resolved, that the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in V $.{ equal installments as to each parcel of land described therein. GG Adopted J)JJby the Couneil.:... �--��....--, 197. A-4 ---- .................\...i.....L�:::.::ar............ •-. .......-- .......... I City Clerk. �r Approv .._. --•------L // ..��.-�.., 191- ---- -" i Mayor. Ceuneilmes Faroaworrth Councilman Goss J �,5 -� Councilman Hpt6dxClancy -z Councilman$er Councilman eColl v Councilman Wunderlieh /FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of Loqus.t ............................. 11in . .............. Street to a cuh..ot P-i.ghty (.aa�.fep—t_.Inom T.eatb atx.Q.Q.t t.Q S.. LN1. rA ................_.--•--- I ................ .................. I ............................... 'k, ................................................................. . . . . . ......... . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ............. . . . .... .............. . . . . . . . . ............................................... ,.- C. -F .............................................. ................................. ............................ ........................... '..'oxte-n tir,"Nou t, 4 j W h apki ztd Ask, ----- ------- ............ .4&C�' .......... .......................... ............ . under Preliminary Order 36 approveIntermediary Order.....?o , approved Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ext.end ...... tg Qf r,.izh!Y (nC) -Tanth.l.tra—et t-0 . . ..... ........................................... ................................................ . ...... (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: 1110 eF--91QX)--,Y 14 fi 0-f..Lo.t E_.31azI 10-; ---- eaztex.1-y 1.4 feet of Lo:t L_-Blaak. 17..; F-aat.el-rIly ---- I.A.— feat of Lat 1,.--ELock za; eaa.tar1y-..1-4-.-f.ae.t af in Ira -n ---------------------------------------------- --- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and,,confirmed. I Adopted by the Council- ... ... ........ . . ......... 191....- J......... ...... ... ..................... I i I City Clerki,,f' Approved . .... 1191— ... .. . ..... .... ....... .... ..... ..... ------------ Councilffift-r—as Councilman Goss PUBLI� 3-- 'a" Councilman EjMtk,* ancy Councilman Belle Councilmaj it ,UouncilmaL u erHch Tx.-- T . ZWnq f'• Council File No. By...._ ..� _....................... 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing Thomas Street from Snelling __ve. to Aldine at. 6890LT1T10 8A'CIB'Y1FQ �9DE'S F TVo 2888 � neHteStfe OLS tha ;aeadYbt{t�,hG?.oi= T co$ggggti;,,ozDeneeg. r0'' Fna2}{otlas atregttrrom Ba 1e ttn' oda VVyhe .q�r89 nadarZPr.t 11 - under Preliminary Order ........__21994 _._ Intermediary, Order _.,......2231.$...__...., Final Order ......... _5�22� ._. approved-----------SB.7t.e-Mb.8.i_....1:4:1�7...---191_.__$. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in_._.. _ _ ..__... _...fit._... qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council19L.._..... .........._..................rn /-....."••..Y� 1 -1..... - ... City Clerk Approved .___....._ _.. ._ .._ _ ........ T9 L.- Mayor. Fotm B. B. 18 't CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191._..._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the curbing of Thomas Street from Snelling Ave. to Aldine St. under Preliminary Order ............ 994 Intermediary Order _...._..... Final Order....22862.......... _.... ............_........................I approved- .Sept elnb.er..._14.th.......... ... .... 191......... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - $..........1.,144...9.Q... Cost of publishing notice - - $....... _ ..................3..9.2... Cost. of postal cards $ ... ......._..... _.........s3.... Inspection fees 22.90... Amount of court costa for confirmation - - - - $---.------- . d �... Total expenditures $...........1.,183...48... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_._..........._1.�..83.� 48 -.-.._-.__..upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,. iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him,. and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. __fit, .......... -:..._.Fin._. _.._. Form B. B. 17 - Commissioner of ance. Council -File No . ..... ............................. ............. ._ i By CITY OF ST. PAUL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cos"s and expenses I for alantin.- and protecting shade trees on both sides of Lafond bt. from Snelling, i=ve. to :adir_o 5t. and on both sides of Thomas St. from Snelling we. to nldine St. a�anFaridrt � I O 1D'@ 'TG&ttOR pr � i 9�rR)3o,L O; ton@ets re ,5th �St4es,tot 7,at6nAl� A@[, 9r p � C Av4ttff@-°t�1; gialn4` e�a„ 213 under Preliminary Order... 2..0148._.._.._......, Intermediary Ot&t �,...- .............. Final Order......7 ... .....1 _._. approved....113jL.._22nd...__.._._._......................191....8.,.... A public hearing having been had,upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVE, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to .be payable in... ....... . �l.)equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described tj ereih. Adopted by the Council .lAX_ .... __ .. _....-..l 91.......E VI.(A%1_!.-. City Clerk. 7 ._........_ ...._. .......... q V Approved .._... .._....191..1.._ Mayor. L/%�bC 1..6rA C... .......................... Iorm B. B. 18 r. CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the assessment of benefits , costs and expenses for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of Lafond St. from Snelling -ve, to :.ldine 3t. and on both sides of Thomas St. from Snelling .;,.vs. to al.dine St. under Preliminary Order..........2Q148._..._._.__..._......__.__, Intermediary Order -..._2Q -....._._...._...,......._._. -------- -- - Final Order.... -..........._21'? 1..._......._ .......................... aPP rove#_.......Ea�f.._.22nd .................. _.._.... ....., 191-...._9. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $"" ..... Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - $.._._.........._'T.28... _...... Cost of postal cards $............ _...... 6..24........... Inspection fees - - - - _ - - - - -$...._........... ........... ._........ ...... ... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $----------- 1a..6.Q........... Total expenditures - - - - - - - $ 6.22.17 ............ ._. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_._------ ...------ .6. 7-3-7 ........... _...... __.upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. x tt 1" CeUmil .' /! ' p �_� .. 2 By ~--�!-✓-� RESOLUTION AA mlrrylNG A99899- - �- MEN7. C. F. No. 26267— [n the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and exoene^B tpr co atructi n, releying and repelring Ide,cement on tract lhs, 1, f., to Na S. -` der contract 2981A, for season of ist9. , A..o.+able Ron. F. O. 22298 Selby Avenue, N Resolutionh,eglnning 11 feet West ora j�ment. Street, th—e'm Ir. O. 2271 c hnr'nnin •� it In the matter of the assessment of 7"_t s for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, 1:stimato Uo. 3, Under Contract 2981 A, for season of 1918. --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 22293 Selby Ave., north side, beginning 41 feet west of Grotto St. thence west 9 feet. F.O. 22326 Selby Ave., south side, beginning 354 feet east of Saratoga thence east 8 feet. F.O. 22333 Snelling Ave., east side, from Laurel Ave. thence south 44 feet and from a point 62 feet south of Selby Ave. thence south 40 feet. F.O. Myrtle Ave., north side, beginning 78 feet west of Pelham St. thence west 12 feet. F.O. 21798 Pelham St., both sides, from Wabash Ave. 5to C. i,i. 8: St. P. Ry - Co. Right of 'lay. F.O. 21370 Goodrich Ave., south side, from Cleveland Ave. to Kenneth St. F.O. 20405 St. Clair St., south side, from Fairview Ave. to>�ior Ave. F.O. 21736 Stanford live., north side, from Prior Ave. to Josephine St. F.O. 21803 Lincoln Ave., north side, from Hemline Ave. to Albert St. F.O. 20169 BrTmhall Ave. S., both sides, from Jefferson Ave. to St. Clair St. F.O. 20024 Saratoga Ave., west side, from Jefferson five. to Palace St. F.O. 19284 James 3t., both sides, from Albert St. to Hemline Ave. --F.O. 19287 Palace St., south side, from Albert Ave. to Hamline Ave. F.O. 20139 Palace St., north side, from Hamlin Ave. to Albert St. and on both sides of Juliet St. from Hamlin Ave. to Albert St. F.O. 19285 Juliet St., north side, between Hamlin live. and Syndicate Ave. ---F.O. 21725 Juno St., south side, from Iiamline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. - F.O. 21703 Niles St., north side, from Hamlin Ave. to Syndicate St. F.O. 22341 Osceola Ave., north side, begl-ninning at Pascal Ave. thence east to connect with present constructed sidewalk approximately 83 feet: --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 19284 James St., both sides, from Albert St. .to Hamline Ave. F.O. 19287 Palace St., south side, from Albert Ave. to Hamlin Ave. F.O. 20139 Palace St., north side, from iiamline Ave. to Albert St. and on both sides of Juliet St. from Hemline Ave. to Albert St. F.O. 21725 Juno St., south side, from Hamlin Ave. to Syndicate Ave. 211 03 Hiles St., north side, from Ilamlina� Ave. to Syndicate. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore _..._...._u._....._..,. RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be ttnd it is hereby determined to be payable in .LCL .equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted'l y the Council 19�__ .. 1 j '. �.. _.�/.. ✓ �" ____r__._.. City Clerk. Approved � 1. � .�..... Mayor. Y,rrrr U. B. 19 J CITY OF ST. PAUL. 16 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191, for the In the matter of the assessment of ATP_� a "S 1C a IJIMS -,,Gtlmto :;Go —Aaaocoablo R co. xw—m, :Cizyj wo. F :Nwt- '121 foot ;106.0, CC 3W i -lot cxwt of, 2a= _,;0UV J, s0-,_e>t1 ='t if: on&. 3 fo(A. I ?'E301.vc� -U-1= va.th and fz�a.l a pe=t ( foot Evxntll of -<)llrj .,Va. thim cu=th o 06/o co, wOct , - a nm-� oidu, fout ,loot 00 I '70at 11, _'t I,ot*,l 0$ 1�,' ;-V t L; t,r e 2to 2= 0AW �:�_Wqt Iva '-V C, to U'l %ro G* IMX) ---,to G%rth Gtda, ": V 0 _­:,i(v , V0. to _RWQ1AL!_x,, to a. MJ Z-Anuokl -11allLm "Voo to -r-'evt W - to _ioir V0. L-1300 3en • Ira. t to P`uf to nuaL :vu-. to �,k�n �q, , _,V0. -r—law -11bazAt. -�t. VX -A -.0. 202Zso C-103, Ve. te an botx'l ularm cC AW104. i r f -ma vo. to, Zbort, -,t. .„art:! usfID J NAXoal Lmnl_ftlo - vo. am, � 7--j-doew -Vo. 've.r to or -to . V0. 121v as Jh= Ao* 00tth GI.N", Avo. =7W I'SI-O'! �1-. V0.0 dvtLlldo, -­ral Lt maao owt to Z)a'.0noct u -it", -tvacalt Vq?_QMt1.1fttC1Y foot* M=4 Awg f`-= 2 o to, smtla _�M­Ofin:) Vo. Jr low? 7 '�L-_lzr'c I (m =50 .11iluole U,1,,aus f�zd_l 3arlr_--�Cj �.Vo. to roel'A" to M:�d both o!'"'m ce J1.12 -lot to 1"a- , - 1z aLu) vo• to z 2bccrt to �' too MAZII -- v�. 2 117M� 211w t., 1= . To the Council of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - _15 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures $ J-- - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascel- -, _; : 1, i 12 , 1. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .11 1 1 � I ase of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in thw the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered p I roper. z. Commissioner of Finance. 11— B. B. 17 ..--------------------------- -------- - CITY OF ST. PAUL. 16 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191, for the In the matter of the assessment of ATP_� a "S 1C a IJIMS -,,Gtlmto :;Go —Aaaocoablo R co. xw—m, :Cizyj wo. F :Nwt- '121 foot ;106.0, CC 3W i -lot cxwt of, 2a= _,;0UV J, s0-,_e>t1 ='t if: on&. 3 fo(A. I ?'E301.vc� -U-1= va.th and fz�a.l a pe=t ( foot Evxntll of -<)llrj .,Va. thim cu=th o 06/o co, wOct , - a nm-� oidu, fout ,loot 00 I '70at 11, _'t I,ot*,l 0$ 1�,' ;-V t L; t,r e 2to 2= 0AW �:�_Wqt Iva '-V C, to U'l %ro G* IMX) ---,to G%rth Gtda, ": V 0 _­:,i(v , V0. to _RWQ1AL!_x,, to a. MJ Z-Anuokl -11allLm "Voo to -r-'evt W - to _ioir V0. L-1300 3en • Ira. t to P`uf to nuaL :vu-. to �,k�n �q, , _,V0. -r—law -11bazAt. -�t. VX -A -.0. 202Zso C-103, Ve. te an botx'l ularm cC AW104. i r f -ma vo. to, Zbort, -,t. .„art:! usfID J NAXoal Lmnl_ftlo - vo. am, � 7--j-doew -Vo. 've.r to or -to . V0. 121v as Jh= Ao* 00tth GI.N", Avo. =7W I'SI-O'! �1-. V0.0 dvtLlldo, -­ral Lt maao owt to Z)a'.0noct u -it", -tvacalt Vq?_QMt1.1fttC1Y foot* M=4 Awg f`-= 2 o to, smtla _�M­Ofin:) Vo. Jr low? 7 '�L-_lzr'c I (m =50 .11iluole U,1,,aus f�zd_l 3arlr_--�Cj �.Vo. to roel'A" to M:�d both o!'"'m ce J1.12 -lot to 1"a- , - 1z aLu) vo• to z 2bccrt to �' too MAZII -- v�. 2 117M� 211w t., 1= . To the Council of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice - - - - Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - _15 Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - Total expenditures $ J-- - - - - - - - - Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascel- -, _; : 1, i 12 , 1. upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ .11 1 1 � I ase of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with benefited by the said improvement, and in thw the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered p I roper. z. Commissioner of Finance. 11— B. B. 17 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM < Subject: MA ... .................... ........ ........ ............. . ................14 . ... . .... ......... COUNCIL - . FILENo . ......... .. ..... ..... ...... ...... . ................ <2&ea4vt'k, .. . . . . .......................... ....... Date Presented. -m— - - ----------- .. . . ........... . Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets: Charles street from Snelling Ave. to Pry street, Pascal Ave. from Juliet street to Jefferson Ave. 3.trer�041 b,ADDtl I 74optoed LAAu S 19191o I I-V 13 D'ep:arhrneR,hv� �Vublic'�f"hi"I`ih:ies 2�j68 )BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OJOAI It EE --' J. P., FA RNJWORIH FRANK L. POWERS, PRESIDENT M. N. DOSS JOHN W. KELSEY, GEN -L Suri. — "�fIFSFScsa=mom— - �- August 18, To the Honorable, The Council, CITY OF SAINT PAUL, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held this day, unanimously adopted the follow- ing resolution: "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is re- quedted to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets: Charles street from Snelling Ave.to Fry St., Pascal Ave. from Juliet street to Jefferson Ave." Yours very truly, r Encl. Secretary. E " CITY OF ST. PAUL `% l OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER (T 2669 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEO11 No •••••-- Form A A4., x■t-la : � . 1126. y p s ---- -.....�- ......... Ally ,�y7t 1�1� J, PTOLLER AUDITED ..1 ..... ... .... ............ ........ /y—`' '.. \ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of (he—inafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the (following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council.."- Clanc ltq•n ; hVvH Y r ,� /y"" Farnsworth,.risI AkWr +lat.$� APProved.......t/.utc�. ..191._ xns rel�,u.or d n Goss rtproYrot tttT °lu :{ltlilb forxtpna AQP'• pAe'p� ��prr ... ..._...... .........L,E_LL...._ ......._..__ .. .. ..:.._ Kellet rq.aeot�tyg5'4$1nedPA1[A, flPFI�`"•, MAYO I4f atdwln .x411.d� W}pfifisRk -^'^�'�=".Q• e denc�li Y P11.1��tY�� Chr $ iiR ni T } s Pa tare Y� i LAS., S. A. Farnsworth, Comer. of Finance 1149321 Mt'' 28Fielding & Shepley, 8,349.50 � ParYOii(� L si ^'"-s 81eAt.a t.n x. haft Christ Johnson, 1'974.80 3t8 M st.Paul Cement Workes 6.b0 Vd. i 1800T Standard Stone Company - 83000 r • .11� .NNN Fom A A 41, IN 7.10 CITY olr NT, I -A111, lei OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 7 I1uurtne AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM VII,M 1 ...... �/�..... , 1125 fl IR .........:�:�-s.l..... //�� `O 'TROLLER AUDITED..............�..........1................ 101..�l.... / ..... ..................................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed// statement: '�by the Council tpproved... .... ........ .................................... `...•. ............ �YOR•�........ 1664@ Amerioan Supply Company, 9Si6stib, -A ,, PgRyyg.�pr. 316640 Hawkeye Compound Company`, logo@, Frank 0. Huebener, z s J,N*! J. T. Kenny Soap Comppaany, SAUQQ Ldmprey Products Company, P A o." ASPAR11a 1-RVff- Louise N. Luttgen, Malady Paper Company, > F. W. 011erenshaw, P jafibem Perkins- Traoy Company, OiE - ions yg 188.38 182. 5169 19 M. 4. 0 34. 0 59 J29 47.03 309.00 476.94 98.49 225.00 37.49 387.00 82.81 es. gsOP Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comparo" 214:72 0 Repr. 5 }� J1762 52 Herman Schoberg, 2.00 .. 4.bi60.- C. L. Segren, Supt., 1.00 `- 33fi6A, C. S. Stewart, Supt., 357.00 Stone-Ordean-Wells�Company,. 14.70` i adw Western Supply Company, 36.46 wCe tral HA �nd� Tot 'Y Resolved, That the application of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a theatre at 37 Hast .7th.St.be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee.one hundred dollars (100.00). Adopted by the Council. .._..�r�-.Gr191.• A roved..- u M •` �•• LA1 .. 191.x% Goss W,'t PP / er MAYOR Wunderlich f M.C. A. 9. 3M.12.18... ... _. +� WHEREAS, The Committee on Lands, consisting of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, has reported in writing"to the Council that they have been unable to secure Lots ten (10) to -fourteen (14) both inclusive, in Block 8 of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition, at a reasonable price; therefore, be it RESOLVED, 4hat'oondemnation proceedings be instituted is accordance with the provisions of the City Charter to secure said lands. li Receiv CS-it4 % G' co Res e Yeas rlmea-('1) —ys"" Adopted by the Counci;V�� .C.191.r�.. fGlancy �/ X rnsworth ss Approved-. ..... :.....191.% ---.......fwe+rf / Melle O _. M oil ............. kdeiWAw- ........ MAYOR naderlich M n - r M C. A,'9 3M 12-18 1. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen: - Whereas, by Ordinance No. 5043, approved January 84th, 1919, we, as a Committee on Lands, were authorized to purchase Lots 10 to 10, both inclusive, in Block 8 of Samuel B. Pierce's e Enlargement of Summit Park Addition, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, for public school purposes; therefore, we herewith report that we have been unable to purchase, at a reasonable price, Lots 10 to 14 in said Block 8 of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition. Dated August 18th, 1919. Mayor Purchasing Agent Commissioner of Education. Litu of pact 1�,}Y�mh�tritt ��f �!'�ur�ttin�t ALBERT WUNOEPLiCN,Con nis so Rew k.F. __ ER.—I, c-1111— Hon. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Building. Aly dear Mr.O'Neill:- August 16, 1919. In connection with the acquisition of land for school purposes, authorized under C.F. No. C3 23fZ', Ordinance No. 5043, I shall be glad if you will prepare the necessary report and resolution to be pre- sented by the Committee on Lands necessary to continue condemnation proceedings on the following described property: Lots 10 to 14, both inclusive in Block 2 of Samuel B. Pierce's Enlargement of Summit Park Addition. We have acquired the remaining lots covered by this ordinance but it apcears that we cannot acquire the lots above described at what the Committee deems a reasonable price. Yours very truly, C (`Education.--� CITY OF ST. PAUL t ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM N�y •..................._.........._......_#................ ........................................................................................................... GWNCIL ...:.._—-..--------- nLeNO ................................. Date Presented -Au���'9+-1919........... 191..... Resolved, T hat the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one car of asphalt from Fielding & Shepley for the sum of $607,700 without asking for competitive bids, there being an emergency where failure to act quickly would work a hardship ConBt &to the best3in- terests of the city. C. F. No. 26273—BY MT N. Goas— Resolved, That the Porchasing Agent, b^, flad he le hereby suthortsod to pur- chase, with the consent of the Comp- , r troller, one ca f asphalt frnmFleld- �In & Shepley for the num of $807.70 ! without a,kingfor comDetttive bide, e there being an mergency here tfl11—e to act quickly would work a hardship Itothe beet Interests of the city. Cha ge Street Construction and Repair —33.3. Adopted Approved bthe y 1 01919,1ncil Aug. 19, 1919. (Aug. 23, 1919.) Clancy r Farnsworth Goss ......._...!Ie�!!b'1 Keller C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Adopted by the Council 04-.191••/• Approve1-04/' - 191 - MA OR CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "< ¢ouHCt� J Date Presented.......-...o+�-._(...../....................191. Resolved, Zt .Z4 MA00 ' C. F.No. 29274—BY Henry McColl— Renolved, Tha[ with the approval of C. A. 9 3M 12-19 tfie Mayor d the Consent of the (;omptrolle[ there to hereby traneter.Bd [rom the `Other Expense" ttem t the Rudget Fund for the Bureau t Fire the came fund tthe elNilm o[ TwelvetThout Band Dollars (312,000.00), thereby pre- venting an unavoidable defloie_j 1n the last namod tram o[ eafd fund. Adopted by the Council Aug. 39, 1919. Approved (Au6 IES 11919.) ounct men ays .. Adopted b the Council P y lildA.. .... _ ..'US... 191J.. Plancy arnswortOwe �'_. �j w......._...._ . 191Approved-aoss .�..����-.'-itr4tt0e! Kell oil..............��{iija ................... . .....�..%.L..---.......... ........ �� MAYO V underlich C. A. 9 3M 12-19 • C. F. No. 28270—Ordinance No. 5158 Ah OYflinance granting to the Amer1- b can Theater Company to construct and maintain a canopy over t'r eattance to the Venue Theater:11 sated t 1077 Payne Avenue, City or 9t. Paul. 4L/-/' *. � TCouncil of rhe, `^' N !�Of'( does de h... dC' as'. An ordinance granting to the American Theater Company to construct and maintain a canopy over the entrance to the Venus Theater, located at 1077 Payne avenue, in .tha City-of St. Paul. TAE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to the American Theater Company to construct and maintain a canopy on the building known as the Venus Theater, at 1077 Payne avenue, over the entrance to said building; said canopy to be constructed as shown upon the plan on file in the office of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said American Theater Company for the construction of said canopy, upon said licensee's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said oanopy, and said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said canopy is maintained. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and be filed with the City Comptroller. (3)Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Counoi \l-sball so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may s_ be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as~may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publidation. P Passed by the Council SFp -? Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss McColl Powers Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) : Q Approved `J Mayor Attest City 0196k �a /GEORGE' BLEWETT •YJJq// ARC. / eaS . PAUL. MINN.n ST. PRVL, INK, 26275 c �GGy�vc t -fit Ci �Gc N �y 7^ Gt ��u J tLld-r' t /, Lc t <i" XQ ' ! ' jiL/ ll I'- !/ 1. Resolved, CITY OF ST. PAUL (/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ................. .......... ........ ............._.......:.. __._....__ l7 c.Ury L 7 FILE NO.._.........._.......'"..-_..... Date Presented 191 _.... That the Commisai-ner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ one 1) Police Alara, Operator for twelve (12) days at a salary of not to exceed One Hundred W100.00) dollars per month, for special work at the lLinnesota Stage Fair. This Item to be paid oiat of the Salary Fund of the Bureau of ?olice and Fire Alarm Telegraph of the Department o f Public Safety. C McColl— Resolved, B That the Com miseloner of Public safety IS hereby aUtb.1t..d to mplay one (1) Police Alarm Operator (or twelve (12) days at a ealary of not to exceed Ong Hundred ({100.00) Dol- lar' per month for apeclai work at the Paid eIt, State Fair. This Item to be Paid out f the SnlarY Fund of the Bureau of Pollee and Fire Alurm Tele - Safety, of the Department of Public Adopted by the Council Aug. 20, 1919. Approved Aug. 20, 1919. (Aug. 22, 1919.) Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays —' Clancy y Farnsworth —Goss , Keifer` Wunderlich 3M t2-19 AUL, 2[1 ISIS Adopted by the Council _ ...... .. ___ ... ___191...... Approved191..... CITY OF ST. PAUL f� I COUNCIL RESOLUTION-TGENERAL FORM 7 tbjeat....................................... ............................_............................... _........................ _........:... _...................... COUICi �D FK_EL PILE NO . ......................................................... Resolved, Date Presented 191..... That the Commissi:,ner of Public Safety is hereby authorized to employ one (1) Police Alarm Operator for twelve -(12) days at'a salary of not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) dollars par month, for special work at the Minnesota State Fair. This Item to be paid cidt of the Salary Fund of the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph of the Department of Public Safety. C. F. No. 88878—By He McColl— Re80lved, That the Commissloner of Publlo Safety Is hereby nuthorlxed to employ one (1) Pollee Alarm Operator for twelve (18) days at a v,%rYY of not to exceed One'Hundred ($100. 0) Dol - Min month for special work at the fdinnes0ta State Fair. This Item to be paid out of the Salary Fund of the Bureau of Police and F re Alarm Tele- eraph of the Department of Public Safety. Adopted by the Council Aug. 20. 1919, Approved Aug. 20.1919. (Aug. 88, 1919.) Yeas (J) Councilmen (✓) Nays' Clancy Farnsworth —Gossr% __..... Kglter ;' J ,1l�7Wunderlich dgar�rt A: 9'.'3M 12-1e AUG 20 ISIS Adopted by the Council _ .... _ _......._ _... ...... 191..'.... Approved _.....__..__.-ALIIG-.2{}_.IN $....... 191..... F CITY OF ST. 1"'AUL .,277 Council Resolution ---General Form Department of Bureau of No. Date Presented— 191 UW T RESOLVED, That the St. Paul Gas Light t.Om PanY is hereby ordered and directed to eatend its.lectrical Hoes br erectie. Pole' sad strlogi.g wire, !hereon for the transmission of clegtrigty an and Iv the follo hee alleys and streets of ,gid c11Y: V Install one pole in alley west of Western Avenue, south of Van Buren Street. west of Icansas Streets Install two poles on Lust Robie Street, between Sixth Install thirteen poles on the west side of Locust Street, and Grove Streets. With necessary guys and ancl--"- C. F. No. 26277--T3Y M• 1`r• Gose— Reeolved, That threbyt ordered and 1,11 lht date Y Yyires directed to xtend Its electrical ne bY. erecting Doles and stringing al ea - thereon for the nt Te toliowtngf olec- (rrlcltY on andaid Weed of and A Install tonef Pale Ins Allay o Buren Weetarn Avonce, south o ISt eet. P� lee on Eeet Roble Instal oW of �{°anaal _St>_ he Weet All of such ealensiou'• Poles And wires shall be .[ ieet to the ai_bdons of Ordinance No. 2414. and [ All Pole' should, beet in suc'ni"'t""' io'ald [ e Bill d.lgoate and aDPtove.-Hedvy and all ouch I Ix inter..,. require., and who it shall so order. adopted by the Council Yeas ( e- Gi,eroner of Public Utilities and to all things tWe Councilme ( ) Nays FARNS ORTH GOSS I�Lx, NDERLICP A 211!:-- '' " 191 AND Approved LER —�— AAW" Mayor { ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution ... Generai Form -1A __ ! Department of C. F. No. a6ay8—DY 11L N. Gosa— Bureau Of Resolved, That the St. Paul 6ae Tight Company Is hereby ordered and directed to extend Its electrical lines' erecting poles and stringing wires 6—' "-:es'en�ted 191 Council I 1 0*'thereon for the transmission trinity*' and In the followin , d tr..te of said city: By nI sta11 two poles in the alt f Robly4l Avenue, West of That the SL Yaul Gaa Light Gompal n e' od its electrical lines by erecting Ooles and atrivgiv¢ v'ves thereon [or the ESOLVED, Install one pole on Warr, oaliLmiamw of eieetrkty uv and iv the followlvg alleys a:,ast of Capitol A rnue. Insall one pr'r, ai e� .. b Install two poles in the-i6.e;w- North of Roblyn Avenue, west of Cleveland Avenues Install one pole on Warren Street, east of Capitol Avenue, Install one pole in alley bast of Asbury Avenue, south Van Buren Street. n Install two poles in alley east of Idississippi Street, north of Cook Street. Install three poles in alley north of Dayton Avenue, east of Finn Avenue. Install two poles in alley west of Cleveland Avenue, south of Dayton Avenue. Install one pole in alley south of Margaret Street, west of Arcade Street. With necessary guys and anchors. _';e ..�L iectto the morinionst of Ordina ce No� 7414�avdeotralltother lawtulrordivancea and r.solutions of the City et 91� Paul.he ommiesiever If Public Ctilitiu and in all thivgas s All Poles should be set iv such location in said alleys as atreeb as the Commissioner of Public Uiilldes shall designate, avd heal. he of such height avd chancier he lir ,hall designate and approve, and any and all such Poles shall be taken down and removed. and such whes placed underground. whenever the Council shall deem that the u„ lic hu,n at so mquhe and when it shall so order. C 191 Adopted by the Council , Yeas ( ) FARN WORTH GOS 0 W NDERLICH ,,� YLAND KELLER Mr. ( ) Nays Approved ��191 w.gayMayor --------- -� C�/ �j ti CITY OF ST. PAUL 26279 Council Resolution ---General Form Department iof 7 Bureau o Coun4File No. Date Presfnted 191 the St. PaulCan Light Company is hereby ordeted and directed to extend iia electrical Yves by erectine pole- and atri.aina wi - thereon for the on and In the followi.. alley. and elreetl of aaid city: Install one pole in the alley west of Simpson Avenue, south of Lafond St. With necessary guys and anckl --� ^���(AVB•�88, •1819.) A71 of such exlen"ion., pole. and wires shall b<erected and covetrucled under the direction and euperviaion of the Commi"aiever of Public Utilitiea and in all thine r.�Ljcct to the D*ovGiovs of prdlvance No. 4414. and of all aIb,r lawful ordivavicea and raolutione of lbs City o[ 91. P.O. All pole" should be set to ouch iocation in aid alley- and.treeta as the Commiaaivver of Public Utilities shall de"lanate, and -hall 6e of ouch height and character a" I.e hall dealit"te and approve, and any and all aoch poles shall be take. down and removed, ad ouch wirer placed under4rouvd, whenever the Council shall deem that the I,! �! I® I.tere"t so revuire". and when it.h.li no older. A IJ" N, ,. } ',` 1 n. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Councilme�/ ( ) Nays FARNS0RTH GOSS � / V d.'J W NDERLICH 191 YLAND Approved KELLER A.ttnp Mayor CITY IIF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORMA Form A A 46.2 N 7-18 ' a II r FILEL FFILE No............ ........... _._..... 1130 AUDITED19 ...... .. CJ^ ER... ... TITLE TIT Resolved that Warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as wified in the following detailed statement: ys Adopted by the Council_.......AUG ,2 I 1- ...... .....191. C V. NO. 96280— Clancy trprrante be. Ar4RR Clancy t out' I� I C Resolved TreaeprY. QaYatilg Farnsworth /� u8on the City heralnafter sD0.1fie founds .rlp 9rms °yDeft Por �e Approved ...191 ._ the ereons. a., Ci o" Livor of the P Pfled IS, [lone for th ngmee nes eDec /Jj r.afoptivge detalied' statement: Kelleey [olgo gnFarnsvrorth Com r. of Finanoe I=4904.62.. . Com . of F}ndnce, ._.- ......_....... ..._. ...... __.__ L M YOR ` p, FarnaWorth, encs, underlich 68g4.A F'srnsW.io' Come of Fin Aug. 98, 1819. :16,689.96. the SU n}ny1l Adopted by 6 818,. ' - APProved 887 .. -I&Gee S. A. Farnsworth, Oomfr, of Finance %Ssbala A •10689 S. A. Faxnaworth,o�m'r., of Finance) %!&OM S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance rSchools 946 70 P 367 17 u+rn ezlka 11,825 70 Forever. 400 83 Vi41&t3S-Qt.%E`#zfg Revl. 21.12 P2eygl�8pnds 1.96 .43 Tots4 ---32;A 8 —"L 4,904.62 654.55 15,529.95 Fo AA/6,3X7-I8 ° CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLERCOI ��. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F LEC1L Na• ........... .................. -... 1129 � 1919 , Cl <,N)MP RIUA, 11 AUDITED ... .'...... ......__.._... .......... .... E�'11'... TI'rLF. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of die persons, firms or corporations for the auJ*ts set opposite their respective names as specified in the f�T'i,helgjo statement: eas oil ci men ( V ) ays Adopted by the Council_ ..................... Clancy C. F. No,..a62.. Abatraot. Resolved; that wal'fants be l: Approved ___.. y N. Farnsworth 191 ........ upon 'the Cfty Treapeur�doaai�oae end fias5 of the herefnattereleona, armed roel[e In Laver oi, the p Doratlone for'' the amouate set,- DP o th01r reeDectivenams sapeclftthe followingaetalled.staement ""4RCleephae Berahl`.d"x6.00. W.�psna6a- C. A:, X91.99. .Keller rlich- Cleo. I Grant Con.tructlon Company =8.674.17. �Ir, Northern Coal & Dock ComDanS. 86 366.00. Rorthwestern Hlectrlc F74utp7pent Company. ;131.10: Ncrthweetern shoE &LeadCompany, J, D. OIen.Compgag?n�y 520.00. ' Alea9hderoAi'ce. iT %8 X"#38:1°} _ .. , seBhuoAvC CamDanY, __71466: 86. 33666 CleophAs Bernhardt, _ 4aza 75.00 -3667 W. S. Conrad, °-PT"S�Tig• 41.65 }5666 J. C. Flanagan, C.A., 91.94 13669• Geo. J. grant Construction Company, 3,674.17 fir• teV7U'Northern',Coal & Dock Company, 5,366.00 Firs 5 306.63 Schools 0 t5VM Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, 131.10 Rk"Lae "'re 8 2 8. 7 year. Revl. 2. 5 11 11 7 73 2 89 1 4 ),3= Northwestern Shot & Lead Company, WataIrl— 33.57 jZelf3 J. E. Olen Company, 20.00 9. 6 Sprinkling 10. 4 0 IfM9 i Pioneer Cone Company, 28.13 $n..�aths R Page #2 26 3399".! Alexander Rice 7.28 Police i9A"rSeabury & Company, 71.27 Poli s F 4 25 P. B the 30 54 6 00 Wor Ouse 20 48 T6677 J. L. Shiely Company, 455.25 area Northern Schools- 117.75 Pavi g Como P1. -Snelling to R ymond 337.50 iMru Mrs. C. Siverson, �r 1.40J' Pa4r67S,Mrs. Alice Sparchuetz, 4.34 23484.Twin City Harness Company, Bluets,. 83.30 136W Yale & Towne Mfg. Company Canoe 11.00 4 _ Total 10,095.40 O z� •^ yEj f _s,., a, ?.-A A/6,1M 1-18 AbatYact. ` Resolved }hat werrants�'be OFFICupoa the etty Treaeary pdY.am�i'.R T the ,, of . lerOpeclfled fonds :. ' laYOr OC th0 peTbpntl,.l-l)t'NCIL AUDITED CaOre1,101 fha amgrenta set n pgtl1rV FORM FILE No.. .................__._.__..._ re�pFecfiye names 'fie' specQlled ` tpllowfng dejatled statement -1 Ahiberg $earlag Company: jF - Americah Ineurareca`AgenoY,"1 /y-- American Linen supply t. 1128 :6Amerlcan Railway Eei apr `f�a.a6. .....vim-- ............................. J`!! Badger Meter CompanY.' NIPTROLL AUDITED .....f3BloBen eaATG¢f ge„i}m>17, R.... IT - .u_ ER 'i': L �logd @t Com0sh no)v., .CgmDanyiF' ..... TITLE ane a {$ ft 1. r o :3prtngfl ld Roltel Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the oelewlaeompp��>�pble out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the -73a 68 persons, firms or corporations for the ount. pang set n, Implement Comp.r.�ive names as specified in the following detailed statement: Sargeht CompanY Ordway Compami. Yeas""}`N�5's nest a 8°rvtoe t,- Adopted by the Council....._ _... _ ....._..... ..._. .191. __ 1 // d: Evia" Compare Clancyen comp , �Ilr 2tl 61C favottaom°ieae Approved_ ............ ....... ........_....191.:....... Farnsworth d' Rrother a ” a`, Print aomp �PCioSS apply Compere' 'AUR Ktrk' J _.� B M _ _.. ... CO DarepY'p'YHH6AYOR _ bot% 1a il6 5. 0• underlich ; twey Comi y^, /G on J,%% 1. Ahlberg Bearing Company, 58.55. American Insurance Agency, 69.40 —160-2 R. 5:00 17.7 Il 46.6 1664&-- American Linen Supply Company, 97.86 Emp. Bureau 1. 0 Se ole 2 6 Pks 94 20 American Railway Express Company, Lary 12.45 Badger Meter Company, WW6e�xt•• 12.00 L. Blender, 9Rrke-. 15.36 ]35x7-' Bloch Publishing Company, Bey 25.85 3. -ARIA. &; L. Blood & Company, ,Pa,vks 125.15 ,ia6.79 Bowen's Art Store, ,4'97 SohQ018 1,3,WD. H. C. Boyeson Company, 24.50 Misay. upplies #2 aa"I Brentano f s, Llb"rr- 1"5M— Buffalo-Springfidld Roller Company, R. AA — Carnegie Fuel Company, OFF - 32584_ Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Paul Railway Company, per.... 3 3148 Clemens Implement Company, q n1nQ� - Cochran -Sargent Company, $pddge-Rvr& Repr. Peva P�1,iXu38°. Pw„�d3ge�evl. u u n n Crane & Ordway Company, Wo0"ePa s Fo atry Revl. Pa ng Depr. X8988 Days Prest-O-Service Company, -10M De Wolfe & Fiske Company, 81 . John Doeren, ,laical•Dore-Redpath Company, 1$682 Drewry & Sons, Pw.�eul�kse.... b3+B+98- W. J. Dyer & Brother, Rapke- 19694 Electric Blue Print Company,,` Bteass of s. 18090- Elk Linen Supply Company,, v ort !Station . s 1'96 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, n n n Peds P. "B gsRevl. Wa er 16 2 4. 0 5: 7 8: 9 19 : 0 ;62 1.52 2000 38'75 1 94 9 O0 27 :00 4 .41 1 :80 .70 .28 21.47 1.65 26282 8.21 2.34 77.52 32.66 27.05 55.62 6,98 1.75 1.85 107,60 19.80 62.80 171.00 30.52 60.69 1 673.77 ,Rov.-Tr 8-rage :#3 Wager ^ 12.88 5.75 3:90�,� ` 3.00 2.93 67;5.77 13597 Feature Film Company, 25.05 13&Q&, Field, Schlick & Company, 15.48 . ` -Gar. Revl. 2. 0 1 Eaka. 8: 8 n 4. 0 1 . wr,J9V-, Chas. Friend & Son, 10.75 @qeee- Harry E. George, 5.00 ,. I. Goodman, 44.72 T+y... ee,- Great Northern Railway Company, 165.41 sis,�ePr. 156W,, Geo. Haag,34.80. chools 15004=-- Hackett, Gates, Hurty Company, 279.28 Fi a 223. 3 St 0. & R. 6: 5 Se r C. & R. 50'00 Hamm Eselso Company, 34.00 .. n_�` -joeO*6- Handlan & Company, 87.15 jeeo 7 International Harvester Company of America, , 5.05 Cing. 1i6GB-Joesting & Schilling, 11.80 46ri$,_H.S. Library 4#0W- Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 145.47 Fre 71,82 M c. Gnr. Revl. 13 10 12,00 n n n T50 n n n 38,95 " n " .2 10 19 Chas. Kartak, 143.60 Parka 3S&i?... Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 195.09 17 .00 St,vaet-,ln ersections 2509 'Z36P7Keystone View Gom9 " 153.22 4AIivar #4 188i'P Lamprey�Produots Company, ine PStation & R. =664,4. Library Bureau, 1�s15 Library of Congress, .. Zig'+ d _j&U5_ Lyle Corrugated Culvert Company, 3,353: - McClain & Redman, olice alth antine Soho la tt tt n Libra it n n 428- McGill -Warner Company, rinted forms & Blks. n tt n ire S hools J.3919-- Maas Keefe Company, ftw -&— Mahle Wagon Company, 4&aA „„Gar. Revl. Spfjg�ling 49KIT, Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, \Snellin r. Revl. n R. & R. mo Ave. W. - to Raymond 1360&-, F. R. Mann, 340605 Do Morrison, Re pr. 13694National Country Life Association, Lr Y 4.50 ;9 2.8 8,5 4:3 23:5 :9 5.5 1:2 3:7 3.5 3.5 8:8 6:6 10.0 1.5 16.5 53:1 14.50- 1.50 .50 19400 l 152 5 14312 9.16 10 :98 8'.411 2 :81 1 11 94 \ 10 .68 1 .14 1'1.91 a 43.50 22.40 157.91- 696.22 1.05 35.00 1.50 n - 2628'�30. 09 14:25 7:84 8.00 186.35 i 75.97 4.55 159.40 4.50 ;9 2.8 8,5 4:3 23:5 :9 5.5 1:2 3:7 3.5 3.5 8:8 6:6 10.0 1.5 16.5 53:1 14.50- 1.50 .50 19400 l 152 5 14312 9.16 10 :98 8'.411 2 :81 1 11 94 \ 10 .68 1 .14 1'1.91 a 43.50 22.40 157.91- 696.22 1.05 35.00 1.50 26282 29.60 141.58 208.22 i 160.69 1.00 :.13.70 8.72 29.75, 342.00 6.00 73.98 5.00 5.00 1.75 785.82---- N. W. Stamp Works, 13:75 Manic. a'.. Revl. w n ++ 13:00 ba ° z ."/5 AK 1.50 rF.'20y .40 N. W. Tire Company, Revl. Noyes Brotiters & Cutler, 8� ntine Scho is 2. 1 Par s 1: 0 n 18. 5 + 23 40 13 19 + 10 :58 2 ;27 PI ounds :60 Oxford University Press, 'Y_. . 13629 Pratt's Express Company, @,,, Prest-O-Lite Company, Reinhard Brothers Company, Revl- .. Relianoe-Iron & wire Works, 63 Republic Creosoting Company, e+moo+- to reactions 4 - Resnick Auto Parts Company, k"ft- Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, 31: C. & R. 13. \b�ibary 24.15.6 3. F. J. Romer Construction Company, ci7 H. & Val T. Rothschild, at, Bureau 13 Russian InQprmation Bureau, 13 .. St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, 1658 chools brary 28 0 n 78. 0 99: 7 n 98: 9 l n 83. 5 n 46. 1 n 95. B 0 ++ 60.50 " 85.)4 - 7 . 26282 29.60 141.58 208.22 i 160.69 1.00 :.13.70 8.72 29.75, 342.00 6.00 73.98 5.00 5.00 1.75 785.82---- Rea 1728 Pace #6 t Paul Brass Foundry Company, •ir evl. St.Paul Electric Company, we C. & R. 14:40 So ols 102:20 P. BS. nevl. 8:49 2:97 1.50 26232 .,,,,_ ,r_ 178.06 St.Paul Eleotro Plating Company, St.Paul Gas Light Company, .3+aW.,- orkhouse 4' • 12 braxy 2105 Ar Institute 15 00 Par s 7: 9 \' 27: 3 64: 9 n 43.- 3: n 1. 1.8" P%grounds 77.1 Te Labs. 10:7 Mar is 2.0 ,1.3GAo - St.Paul Glass Coommrpkan�y, Andrew Schoch Grocery, 9 3. 5. JriG46 Schuneman & Evans, F. -Mise. & Unf. 9.7 amine _ 1. 0 _ P, the 11 1 Park 7 20 29 The Slocum-Bergren Company, .> L. C. Smith & Brothers, 2.52 P. Works : 0 R. C. Smith Auto Company, 7 'kMaG&®R GeV vl. ;&GSQ. G. Sommers & CQ�m an 1 ntYs (}fir. R�a�yl. . 4. E. Steohert & Company, 3QAU__ E. J. Stilwell Paper Company, Superior Printing Company, C t. C. & R. Pnr 6 00 35 50 36A25 36: 5 29.95 314.57' 4.40 5.25 29:.68 T50".15 -2.72 28.00 489.45 392.39 84.00 .173.00 d + 13ffg— Tierney & Company, 1050 26282 125.20 WhQuae 97.20 Parks ,. 17.50 �� 2l"w Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, cipal Court 0.00 21.20 Civi viee .60 MuRic. Gar. R„vl. 50 3: 0 low CA. Turner, Plaake- 68.10 'aw.ye J, C. Vander Bie, 18.40 13668• Joe Wagner, 26.00 1366 Waldorf Bindery Company, 426.50 rary Q, Matson Products Corpo^ 4ion, a 9.15 13661 _ Weed' Parker & Company, 37.50 U462 Western Display Company, 11a,a+A,d#n. 9.00 l F. D. Williams Coal Company, 51.66 ° Geo. Wittbold Com, 12.60 13666 Joseph Woltkerstorfer A 32.00 Total �? � d CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 262 Q J Subject:.._.........................................._...................................................._.......... .....:....... ..... ........... ......................... COUNCIL FILENo ................................ ................ Date PrXented-.August._- ©h ................1912'.. J ltd In the matter of paving Snelling Avenue from the south line of Grand Avenue to the south line tf Randolph Street, with necessary gas connections under Final Order #255251 approved June 20, 1919. RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Snelling Avenue from the south line of Grand Avenue to the south line of Randolph Street, are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public [Yorks is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the said final order and of said plans upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. L. F. No: 20283 s- -By T& N. Goa — In the matted of paving Snelling Ave-�, nue, from the South line of Grand Avenueto the South line of Randolph, Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Clancy Farnswo Goss Kel r �y ccoll /VJ Wunderlich F M G. A. S'• 3M 12-1e Street, with neoeseary ea. - M . .n under Final Urder No. 25525,1 approved June 20, 1919, Re'eglved, That the annexed plane an eyedftcuttOne showing the gas connec- t�ons 'Ile—Ary to ba made • uuon Snelling` Avenue, ;from the- South l(be of Grand Avenue to the South .line, Of Randolph Street, .are :. hereby aD- prgvedsnd the Commleeloner of Pubiic Works le heroby rdered and directed• to calve a copy-ot the enldflnal opdar and of said plana upgn tae St,,Paul nae i I:1B ht Company. '. Adoptedgg tha, Council Aug.,20,.1818.' .Approved Aug. '20, 1819. (Aug. 28,11819.) ltsceived nil papers in VV VV connecti n with oboe Rai�Olttti n. _ AL'S 2O ;I2) Adopted by the Council ..........................................191...... VIG 20 1M Approved_..._...__...................:..--.................... 191..... ............. .... ......... ..... ........ ...... ..... OF P. No. 2628�M-�BY H; ry Di.&11 Resolved That't a plan and epecld Couoatlone for the building to be known a - Fire Station No. 26 to be erected onl FORM the Weet 81sty (69) faeL of the Soutb Still)Oct:_............ .�...............................................erly-One: Hundred PIftY�(160) feet of� - ����� - Hewltt'e Outlote, First ' )'­i, ybhueted, under the tio_o--- -- .. - Lhe Cb)rtmleeloner"' of Parke, 'Play courvoL ground$.• and Publlo ]3u�ldingge and c— NO. .-.-.................. ,...... --• --•-....................... ',_...,_ recommended by th'e Co)nmieetoner efl .. 9 "Puphlio afety eTO-hereby, adopted and!,....... F}e itPurtlter: RedolVed. That they Cprpmfeeioner of P ke, ' Playgrovndb and ;'ubll&$uftdinge fe reby author- he ized and directed fo proceed at once resented....... .. ..... ._.. ..191..... with the cthetlr(eQ-S of eatd bulldlage, proour a the neceesarr labor and ma- ter1e1.44 tt a manner provid1d for in the CY ane er, it lretng the opinion of e. Cou d I that saki' buflding can `be more ae—ratealtyy and Advantageously cogqetructAd by OItyFot•.ce Account than talDugh advartfaing for 77ALLd9ptod by Aug .200 uu 9 Ahg. 29, 1919. �i1t Resolved, (Aug. That the plana and specificztions for the building to be known as Fire Station N0.25, to be erected on the West Sixty (60) feet of the Southerly One Hundred Fifty (150) feet of Lot 66, Hewitts Outlots, First Division, prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and recommended by the Commissioner of Public Safety, are hereby adopted egnd approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to proceed at once with the construction of said buildings, procurring the necessary labor and material in the manner provided for in the City Charter, it being the opinion.of the Council that said building can be more economically and advantageously constructed by City Force Account than through advertising for bias. ye, (✓1 t �uacilmea� ✓a.�ays All' 2o !'O! s lancy Adopted by the Council._._...... :..........191...... v JZ_._....... ,/,E2,rnswo AUG 9O h!o Goss lsvT- imwr Approved............ ... 191..... L�KeU hMAY on FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 CITY OF ST. PAUL gs COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM >t Subject:........... ..:::.....:........._.........................................._............_........._.................................... ............ _ _ ✓ COUNCIL ru.e NO . ... .... ............ ............_..... ................... .. ::...................................................................n...........T......I.....--.--............................................................................ % K. 1 Date Presented ...AU9.t..._1...9.th.�...................191 9.. 1 R�El�d, In the matter of paving Snelling Avenue from the south line of Grand Avenue to the south line of Randolph Street with necessary water connections under Final Order,#25526, approved June 20th, 1919, RESOLVED, That the annexed plans and specifications, showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, are hereby adopted and approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to construct and install the water connections in such plans and specifications provided for, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, all as piovided for by Ordinance #3793, approved October 272 1916. c, r,, No. SBE86—BppF M. N. G'11l; Ave- Ia We matterthe BOY tri line tot or. nue, from, Avenue to the South line of�e 28820. o 6 .. 0ei'Y water CO2652- Nays Yeas (✓) Councilm/th Clancy Farnsw Goss.__..-...... ni ravoil / Ke er bccoll .............. AI&Wat— Wunderlich on t RM O. A. 9 3M 12-16 ~ lt�ceived all papers is Connection with above Resol n• "AUG 20 Adopted by the Council ......... ._......_....:.:._'......191..-... Approved`..................A!....2;1...'.^..:x._....191..... A�tta�_ MAYOR Z.......................... ..rii INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....0 CL _11:11 I. J_';a: a V_ ad :aQ.Q_Q-.zaLa,Y Qr Z; lap -0. s -a. __.;.Qv.tJ1 ij ate IL -L 0ii.-_0 . ................................................ . .. 1...._.__..- - ... ..... ......... ....... .................. under Preliminary Order ............. 2.,17.0.7 .................... ...... approved L..............................:... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is tzl.a an an. aas.want Ln..111,Q l.aud... -1, Q..Q. 11Y...'. Qd,_ S 1 gpas, fol, cut ......... ------- i -I t aQ Iti-I ji-oIr j--, 7, ----nd! tate .-M .. .. ............ ... ........ .......a:.= -=Vie..... ......... �.n acco-_,�danc i t1i t - a ue o--, j_nt 1-io:-o t o attacl-lod and adv ...................................... .................... . ................................. ............................ ............ a �Dai,t i)o_,�tl on2, �1.10 cuts 1,C. ' �ic s iiadcd . . .............................. ......... .............. ........ . ......... I .............. . .................... f .............................. ................... t � onz ..... ............ . . .. ............... ................................ ... . ................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ......... ... jZt.i .......... -....day of ......... ... ....................... 191..`x...,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. U., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Uall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. All' ,!I riC, Adopted by the Council, 191. Approved 191, _Caua,&i1nmy1- Farnsworth Councilman (4oss Councilman ;Il u -1, a -,c y Councilman 1'0. ,, a ecoll Councilman , eColl Co *1 Vun lc�) Coun I m fi W derl* n �Vderuc� Form S. A. 8-6 City Clerk. AAunalhyor. k r By........... .......................................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....C.p 7ti..Gi:.,.:�.:_a.'at.._•w:.:.-:......::::. r n n 1, '7 oc e ^_ _elci ..�_,;11�:.v.�..k.L'....:.>5:...1.:.-�,O..i...:...,..a....::.:..5':......_s1.0A1..:�.:.�.,:.Q �...��.._:=.:...:.. ...::L'. .............................. under Preliminary Order.-- .. u:2 ............... ............approved .....,.T:u .................... ........... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impmovement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._ C,;: S.:':J ...and... a 1."e.,.an pct°'0"� �f. � t'J.t<' � ,1;, •t�G.^ ��r-r nn vi�.�2:..:.Qi'.....:a;.�.o....,.__....;..� �.5..._.._. - _.:i;i.i1� ali e !n 'i oc'- r^ c.: c J r :...:......i ..to _ t ..a.i�...fde !"S. q ' t o a iio. ..... .... _ . _......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_..2x..0.0. ...... ..._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. ___.13th. ............... day of _..........._,,.O.ptombe ............ _....., 191. 0.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as eatiTated. ,V'" 9 � 1110 Adopted by the Councilc_: 191 �. fl Approved ................... .-....:r.......: .......... ...., 191......... 1 City Clerk. Cb mcilman"Farhswortb Councilman Goss Councilman KYU04C Cla... , Councilman,]Krtkr: j o, Councilpaa McColl F,s Councilman Wunderlic -6 Asunti, ayo . U V,4- 0/�- Y7 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. r INTERMEDIARY ORDER 262,88 In ther„tea; i.J_Ci:...i:i._::.:?C' .. :......-...:-t. ,,ffic................................ ........ _.. _ .... .._._.. ..._. .... ............ ..... _.............. ............ ... - .... June i C .. ,.. , under Preliminary Order................2.5,39G......._..._.........approved_......_._.....--...........'....:`.Y.-.'.........._.................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance�pon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Y. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends moo„ .,t t.° .......... .. ....... P __......................_..._.........._..._.......__...... _.............................................. --.......... .-......-- ............................................................................................................................................................................................. .... 1 .................. .................................... ........ ............ ........... ....... .... ........ ....................... ........................ .........._.._........... ...... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-Z 20-47., . --- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... ..1%ath....._.........day of zf.?..Ci::)2L;'_..... ........ _., 19L.P..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 _ .. ...� �v n Approved __ 191. (St Cleric. C:dlSneiiman Farnsworth. Councilman Doss Councilman fid: ;"I CouncilmanAkUK -'°' o='o Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich hn _> a}:oron Form B. S. A. 8-6 n X289 COUNCIL NO. .� .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER ..-, In the Matter of....;3o;,S:9i.�.a ::::�7:z•L;...:il.>;::...----...._:::G:.;......i7.---...::.Q_.�s r• ......-:�......-....-...-.._.....:? i e ...f ......-A J-0-:1 .. _ _v..e n tl c.... ba -s—, i under PreHminBry Order ........... %7.2. ............................. approved .............:. + ............................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of.the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....c.o .c:e s>_ a ..:...1 ai 0 a �..-, , flit_ �. ...:z�:::'..'o' _ �....= �_._cu.:....a ... ills i .radii to :; "e ve .ue bet.ie_^n. 2ei,h . Jo_uo .and ,_,yton- V.ca-ac,..�'.l n .;lnc ?, l'1 cco:,d ',ition, uccc_ a cc :ritl: the hii;en1' nt .e_'ato ^'.c.cl a0_, a -,a't :.o_,00 , t c a c, , ,o tions v.;p - ^G. po_'t U_y_s .sac Ci._T.aC 1-.Lil5. ...... ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...Z0 ..... .... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeut on the..... 1ath...................day of alr_?t.N:;J�.G'.; .........._....1 191..9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adapted by the Council �f'...'' 191. -- .� «.ns_:... ... j ....t..., Approved .............. I— ...................... 191......... 'tyr z+ erk. A�neyor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman:w1bdW::_ Olu_ c'f Councilman 1DUac % Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Form B. S. A. 8-6 262,0 4 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------------------------- Z �— Y ' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter�y^c-'-'`• a.Q1:l..._.L.:.CS._3....-•------ .ve uc to De -.1o", . ve_iue bet:,'Con :,elby --ventre :.:d dn__tton ::v_,3-, all in .................. - -._.._ .-........_.................._.--............................. dock 12:......,i�aa .'a.� ..eco_:d ... on. _............ _.__..........__.._................ ................ ._ ..... I......... ... ......__...__..._......_._.............. ......................... _... under Preliminary Order..........2 7..Q............................approved ._ .__pr .l .4., 1.r.19......... ...... ._._...._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... el..alle_- c,...'q, 1;'Qri. 4.-..ntly {4 ,G:.;R,r..:V3.:lt•_.hCt,reei n1U.Z..._.vc=ue anu.-D0. t.on ._,vetn:e,. a1.1....r..: lcc.::_.i ., ,.. ..yw..,._,- ac a.a<1--::chil l -0r•- ... - __.._._ ..._.._ ...... _.._ ......_.... .......... ....... ... .......... . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. -.._....loth ............... day cV __...... .eot3..b.est_....._- 191.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. :.. ncil �'I- 191 v V Adoptedy � e cen /..:.,..�................../ ............�•�G--�'.......� Approved. ............................._ .._.........._, 191_.._ / ��ii{��%G� City Cler - i -- .......AMtLaVayor. ounciG� lman Farna--wor{h Councilman Toss / Councilman, x Clancy 0 Councilma, PO"e'S3 GCouncil n McColl C'oun man Wunderlich B. S. A, 8-6 COUN N9 :.— ................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER G urid ' � 1 o f JI-1. In the Matter of. .. ':_ .._....._ .ol't:l .,' out' _:_._ �'rnu3nf'' the � _.,>1'r.:"1?................................... .............................. ane _ .....- _.... ..... ...... ----- -- . _... .................... _ ....... ................ .......... _... ................ underCoal Preliminary Order ........... ............._...approved :'.=1...1. s_.:Jl The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of inance upon the above improvement, Ad having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i i ';loc1 1 'i,C c: _ „1_ >-:yndica',C ._ddltio? 3 .. ...... .................................------.............---.....--- _..._.._..._._................ _..........._.__......... - ...._.............................................................- ....................................... _ ................................................... ........... ..................................... :.............................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ..................... ........................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is..........1• b7 ................... i a Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... _..18 1 day pf .............._....., 19L_ 9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 191 �uG �1 x..._ f( :.... :\pproved.... 191 _ %�.. .. ..C�tti C f_..................... � Mayo ..- . Councilman Farnslc rth Councilman floss Co mcilmane_10*:_ Clc Councilman Kslli�x ?07O!'S Opuncilman McColl Councilman \underlie \fhyor Iavxht Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-6 m C '0' CIL FELE NO�� ------------ -- By.7— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Q.QUO.', iu.,­. _a ..vonue to Gannain .'t-2 ot ............................................................... ..................................... ......................................... n ................ ........................ ­ ................................... ---------- ..... ..... . ......... .......... ............................................................ ................. ..... . ...... ............ . .................... . . ........ ... .............................................................................. ..... ......... ............... .......... .................................... .. ......... ­­._ ................. ... ........ ...... . ........ .... ..... ........ .. under Preliminary Order il.5 . ... .... ........... approved 1�5-, 1 _ _.. . . . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 7 . 2. That the nature of the improvement_which the Council recommends is conatr.ucl a oil .............................................. ............. ................... . ................... .......................... .......... . ...................... I .............................. .......... ...... \ .. ...... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 3, 3.L1.3_00. Resolved Further, That a p-jiblie hearing be had on said improvement on the.... _ 2L.t1i .....-day of .......... . . 19t at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impi,nvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council... 191 Approved..... .` —Muncilman Fitrnswortli Councilman (logs Cuuncilman;ftqtaiNX JIancy Councilman o::crs Councilman ,cecoll Counei�au Wunderlich S. A. 8-6 .......... ty /10 wMisyhtayor. 26293 CO" CH' E By............... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ro r- znatamu t, iia,,_ f et'jd 0111-tho Ost sile of ��,;dac � loot, h ninoty . I ....................... ..................................... ­�� ............. ... ................. — foot South ltl of A- t;,O-,Ice ­Olftli .sove.nt-.", fe".t. ..................................... .......... .......... ... ....................... ......... ............. ................................ ................... .......... . .............. ........................................................................ ........... . .... .... .. . .. ..... ................. .. ... ...... . ................. ............. under Preliminary Order approved . . ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said 41-provernent is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsand is f ...�o�lai,._000t, A.qn t.0.0.t CIO, S c ... . . ....o...n.... :�:� ......... ................ ..................._t ... inE, ninoty '^ot -,Outl-. 0_'ct,I 110-1co s C- ent­ fo�,,+­ .. ........................................... ............... .................... .. - . . -1 . ­­ I , " . .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_. . 07 loc!' aq. --t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1.: .th ................day of ........ --- _ 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. hl., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..... ..... ... q ..... 191 . I Approved.. _2D .. .. , 191...... `Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Councilman Hydabil, :i ant=i Couneilman�"r -,I o-.in:„s Councilmafi McColl Councilman Wunderlieb Ar�7- . �rnmw—T_77 '0-1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. .......... ... City Clerl /10 &eaxkyayoi-. l 8 26°'4 COUNCIL FILE �S� �................ vv INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....1'.isC.O=ya.Y'.IIC.i.:,�:.�...r.C:.1t::�1._.':_:�':::�..::A:1a=i�Y1;:,..G��_...---i.W�.C---�......GCial k, sus _ eet_ _=o_i .a......eo.................................... :,'aa ...D=..._:ASC.---::. 1"'veae.,....C;.a�i�C.G'...C.•l�.L_.;a.uiL�'.i�:i..;i...i:2.et......---`..............._,..-----•--......... _ _.........._ ._...._........__..... _..... ..._..._...._ .. .. ........ ._. ..__ .. _ ..._........._ ........_.... _......................... under Preliminary Order 2.596_0 .................. . ..........approved .. _Stt'_; . 25.,. 1919.......:_ _.... _ ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: i 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends-'.ela;,**. and si:: fo^t . _.d: cn `.ho Louth side of -'ast ourth rens -r ce, ent, file s ser al':, ,................................. :_......_ ... _ ._....._................:........................................................ Streel 10 "ect 'as', of t.h ice -:o eve : ^et J ............... -__ ..__ .......... .......... .......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-.. _. 0.77... '_.-.,_�. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. -..._.11111.._ .._........dhy of SH_i1t 4_=1]�1:...._........_.._....._.., 191.9 ., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the %ature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted. by the Council...... ...4ut.... Lf._I;y..U. ..... 191. ".. -. Approved.._ ...........: .`... )fi....ylQ._... _., 191.... /A.8-6 n,Si'�uuswan flossan IIg .1arlc'yan Po.a feColln WunderlichF. 8-6 j .7 f. ....... . '�` Cit• C�lerl. END MICROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The rollof micro ilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by r✓' o�cm v /�1rc ro�'�in oy in accordance with the standard and appro ed techni ues on.th a Recordak microfilm machine, Modei,z ed � of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made onn 3o 19 !G - by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the- roll of microfilm is y /� 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 4. S7o 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: c o26 a9 u-gc-sr v !yi2 After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s)t it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Operator Dated _ is3, woumos3a eao�onom -, SONVONVIS 30 nV38ne 1VN011VN 9'1 i� i �Z•i��� REIM; Z.ZIIIII s,eru� -= U'I VIII S zllllf BZIIIII f 1 I � I s Od6 a Off, 6 r rs WO o 7 ' o m y � >o '101 rbti ' \\�\f NX NNSk I 1 E