25326-25706_06-11-1919_07-07-1919• - - 1tlYH0 X531 N UnI063tl Ad000tl01n - ,' saavaNvls d0 nvmne 1vK011vN .. d 9 • I VIII . �- �•illlll SZ•IIIIII >. � NZ z������� � `� I • I ����� tl tl,hin � w . � ZZIIIII s, E�i�ii :�o II s:zlNll ezlllll 071 full - 1 � m m � >o r 2 - A .. .. a :... ..-•.. 1tltlN0 :531 HOLLf1 om "000N- _ S08VONVIS d0 nV38nG 1VN011VN _. s•t���� i�•iIIIII �Z•illlll _ , S.TIIIII A S.ZIIIN .6.ZIIIII 0.•I O 0o 7�0 a ay �Ak VO ASlk �i r/ ;s I Nk SVT Serial, 44o. of Roll �5,9 w' Department. Office! --- ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION .. LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed If limited Date Microfilm jk "e/ -[HGF PONTENTS Number or name of first'document of regular contents A By'Od Operator Operator —^ — By'TW Supervisor 25326 teed+a�*r�'�iia....................... m . _ :............. FINAL ORDER In the Matter oi.....ConstrUct a cement tile sidewall , six feet wide-, on the ..... .................. West side of South Robert Street from Geor'Le Stireet to Concord St.- ........................ ....._............ ............................. ...................._............ .._.................................. _............................ except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist.. ............... :........................ _.... ........__...... ..... ........................... ....... .........._........_...................................-.:... ...................... ............................. ..................... ........................... ................... ............................................................... ..- .... .............: 6'. ............................... :............. . under Preliminary Order..................----..24720 ........-- c z sIlnrovedApril 11, 1919...............:.................... F atl_�J ai Azta!'yd4` Intermediary Order ........... . n................ ........................ W a abs is lou ,^42to� A public hearing having been had upon th t`nzQt s att °ptne6nCs°epfBthAeaY+a .•,.d the Council having tfoir u5idvyug���� •sae , heard all pereo3lQ, objections and recommends tahl aQt�lnaer�reap-19 rjiilly considered the same; therefore, be it n FmA4vma kee;! Asa: RESOLVED,- By the Council of the Cityy of St Pi Ya,tip"1"stent and kind of improve- r t:. ment to lie made by the said City .lct...a-ceuient._`i ......s idewzl.c_x-.six-•feet w id s ........-- --- ... , ................ otl...tbe.,°:est_.side.._of.._South Robert Street from George Strcet to Cnncorfl_.Str..e.t- e.xc.e.pt...v:PIe.r.f Z.0.0-a u4d...si ................ exfs.t................ .......... ............... ....... ............. .:.. _:._......_.... .......... ._.............. .........................._.._....._.. ................... .. _............. ............... .,.....:..... ....... _......_...................................................-.................................-..... _............................................-...........__._.................................._,._........................_......... .................-_........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner.of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authgrized and directed to proceed with the.making of said improvement in accordance therewith. tl 1919 Adopted by the Council. - - . JUN.... ............ _.0 .... .....:... .................. City Clerk. JUN tl 1919 Approved................ ........._.............._...........,....... �` ` ..----•-`._.................................... Mayor. h, Councilman oss Councilm Clancy �ell'yl Councihn " Beller Conne' n McColl Coune' an Wunderlieh� May x 1-lod�,�on � • - � � - - Form S. A. 8.7. a. � C , 25326,j ...................... FINAL .ORDER In the Matter of....-:Construct' a cement tile side�&alkry six feet wide, on the ................... .......... rJest side of South Robert Street from, George -Street to Concord S't. .........................•-------..........--........-: _.._..---.......----"-:------•-.................-...•---•-----`--.......-------------------------..............-------......--- exceot we good Uufficient ws now ex-ist. _,........her_............._._...-.......nd s.......:.....-........ .._.side .........-.... -._..alk...-............-...........--........._..............-:..........._ ......_.......................................................................................................- ....................----................................. -- ..................- - - - ........--............. .... ..... - ..,....-.........................-----------. ---------- -- --- under Pre' 24720 April 11, 1919 Preliminary Order nuroved Intermediary Order .......... lue UnWrt ...... .. ........ .�. tIT rat�' 1011- heard t: ......... .._..._st a '0nt' RobroA public hearing having been had upon th �� ijk et �4ancgc ; ',_d the Council having l+d'Se¢�call persons, objections and recommendat et,ndeta nlly considered the same; ako as znmv is "-- therefore, be it ffb+l t�{nu 2avt @ iawuaxem�p p /' = BCpuaban Lp d; -/ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pty, l pat*'3hel ne. •stent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...9gh tract."•a._cement: _ Ile--_5.ldewa1ic-. s ix "f- et.._w id e, :.......,..on..t e-_C.esa._side- of......9u44. Robert Street from George Strcet to, ... ............. (r.QAC-ol'.LL..'c''tr''--e.t-----Exc.e.pt...v,:k:e.r..�... ............................................................... ... .. ......`................:__:....-... ......................... ........... _..................... ................ ....--.. _...,...... _.._.........:... ........... -_......... ....-. __......--ut........... :................... ............ .-------------'-... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and iabereby instructed and directed to, prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed•to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecordanin therewith. #1 1919 Adopted by the Council ,i.:-.Uti._- - .._..... . ....... 1 .... �- 9 /......... 1�� . � City . � AN 11 1919 Clerk Approved......... _. .. ............... ..... _ - V � th ­1_4 ayor. Conneilman ons Conncihn Clancy Councilor Keller Coupe' n McColl - Coune' :Tei 10 May x Hodgson 'Form S. A. &7. CITY OR, BT: PAUL DEPART`Y�p - FINANCE c '.REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of ..Construpt, a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide; on the ?lost side of South Robert Street from George Street to Concord Street. under Preliminary Order approved _ ? To the Council of the City of St. Paul: e The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the alfove improvement is $ .� r The estimated cost pei�foot or the above improvement is $ 9� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or ' parcel as' last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: R N ` 1 xa-T T DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 1� o VALUATION J. ��.. 12 Vollmers Rearrangement t - 3.1 do X00 o f 74 do 2 I. 16 j. 6,41 - do. - 152150 62501 - if ,. I _ I i j d .I _._. _.... _. •� _.. .. J I--I--I TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits thfforegoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said'matter by the Commissioner of, Public Works. Dated 191 ` _ / , Commissioner of Fi Anee. ` ` A kt �a B.B. Ia in 41 St. Paul, Yinn L` �'.1919.. To the Honorable, The Counoil, City o` St. Paul, Minn. CIOC410OGOSS �L(cwc Gentlemeh: T7e; t;e undersigned property c�ners, hereby petition yokr Honorable Body to caas� the foiloering improvement tom made: . 3.." .........................P St. Ave. om St. l ............ ie. to ...... fro^7 St h�.BLOCK V mss. 1 \ o � x ..tJ�:U:-•ter-•(• X i4 .. o. A 1, Fri ' ✓ Office of the Corn&issloner ofPublic 'W�rkPEC'8IVg'*r-t-' R N 10 -A gF A Report to Commissioner of Finance CI 7 ONE I 0i APR ,17 1919 ......... ..... .............. Tothe Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration the preliminary order of Conn. cif, known as Council File No.24720 ........ ... a pprovet.Apr.i....l.. 1.1....t....h.... -? ............... ..191.9...., relative to ................. ......... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west . .. . ......................................... . ..... ..... . . ......................................................................................... . .......... . . . . ..... . ............... .......... .... - .............................. .............. ..... ............... ................... side of South Robert Street from George Street to Concord Street. ................ . ... . ........... ............................. . .................................................................................... ................ ......................... ........................................... . ........................ .............. ............. . ................................ . .................. ...................... . .................. . . ......... ................. ...................................................... \ ... .... . . .. . ................. .. .. .... ... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement. is .............. ... necessary and (or) desirable. '70� per lineal, foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $........._........................, and the total cost thereof is $......._.......................:__........... and I the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows- ............... .......................... .................... ............................. t 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto'attached and made a part hereof. 4.' .. .................................. .; ................... .. . .. . .................. ........................... ...... ........... . .................................................................................. . ............................. ...... ..... . 5. Said improvement ia. ...................................asked for upon petition of,three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .... .. ................ .................. ........ . .. .. ... ........................ ............. ...... ..... ............... ramissioner of u.'ic Works, e , T tea 2532' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....ConstructinE a ce!f:ent tile sidewalk, six feet e!ide=...on both sides of Eleanor Street, from Hamline venu to rdEecu be 7oadr .................-----..............................-----..............-•-----...------....................-------......... .................... ...... except where Eood and s4ricient sidewalks not'+ exist. G. TJo 88337 a _. .... ...... .... _. ... .. .... Ih tie- matt r aC conetr_uci{n a aemEE.. .................. .. ........ . ... .............."HIe 3ldawe:{k atx, feet $WIUU n. bolt¢ eldea"of PI{ear6c 8tt'ee. ;rDm: ....... ........... ... _....... ..... ,:8amllae'-&gba�ia to &d�eaambe it 6s ' -' --expepDwbera go'gd anal: au�cYent etde- - ... ... ............ .. ............................................... u,A Pn61t�c hearinr`s'4a e' ... ..... 24059 Apr l /; 3i�eF underPreliminary Order ................................. ...............approved...................... .................................... --..... _........... Intermediary' Order ...................... ......- _......_...._........approved................................._.. ....--............................--- A public hearing having been had upon tb,,e above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard allpersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent apd kind of improve- Construct- w cement the sidewalk six feet :•Nide` mentto be made by the said City is.................................... ..................................................... '.......................................... ' k—t'', sides...of-._Eleanor-._Itrect. from_F-aryline-- venue-_t-g-.--_f;f1$eS-u hR.:.2o.ad, except...vlhere... nnd..and--- uf.fic.i.en.t---ald.ewtaiks.....................'......................... ...... ...................................... y................................-- �.................. .................... y>: �r .................................... ....................._.........._..::....................:.._..._...._................... .... ........ .....---------- .. and the Cc cil hereby orders said improvement to be made.- , RESOLVED TI ER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and tecifications for said. improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that . upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith - N 4 1919 Adopted by the Council.......... ..... ... ........, City Clerk.; , ApZan ... Ju:� Y ...... ' /►,alta%a or: Cornsworth Cohs CollerExhtmClancy CollerCoCollQounderlich _ate Fo . S. A. 8-7. CITY �' s—rA ouL Y REPORT OF COMM1SSIONE�IF= -'F INANCE .- - ON- PRELIMINARYgORL�ER - - - - In the Matter ofonstructin-a__cement:_tile_si:cewalk� six fPotid�_son___bo_th___________ sides-Qf Eleanor-StrFFt, from iiL-mline <"-venue to Edi ebur be Road. - s -----------------------------------F^-----------------------•�---------------------------------------------------------- -==-------------------------- - under Preliminary Order approved -- ------ ---------------------------------- -----=---------------------------- -- ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: - Y' The Commissioner of Finance lxgcx' ' fy reports as follows: - r The total estimated amount of the ;assessment for the above improvement is_ - - $--------------------- e oois .70 $ foT the above improvement proveent The estimated cost pe h v - - - - - - - - --=. The lots or parcels ofnd tbat map be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by tlae Assessor, ar as follows: D E S C R I P T I CO N L T BLOCK A O O ( T I O N - ASSESSEO VALUATION South n2 ree;t/' 16-7 -7 18 8 Lexington" ?ark 1'14t 11 525 / 19 a 'o 200 20 8 do 200 21 8 Ci C) 200 22 8 do 200 _ 23 8 do 200 24 8 Cao 20C, 25 8 do 200 28 8 clo 200' 27 8 do 1050 DEP A TM T OF FINANCE .I REPORT OF CO MI'SSIONER OF FINANCE Q RELIMINARY ;ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. 'ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION o- 27 /8 >Lexin€,ton Park Plat 11 1 200 28 do 200 29 ,•8do 200 308 do 450 ' 16 7a do 201)' 17 7 do 700 ( a 18 do 200 19 '7 do 450 20 7 do P200 21 7 do 200 2, 7 do 200 23 7do 200 �.4 7 do 200 0 25 7 d•o 200 26 7 ,:. do 200 27 7 do 200 28 7 do 200 29 T' do *`d00 30 7 do 200 11 6 do 200 10 6 do 200 9 6 do 200 8 6 do 200 7 6 do 275 15 8 Woodford Park 350 14 8 do 200 13. 8 do 200. TOTAL. - CITY 'v ST.,PAut_ ■- •, OEPARgM T OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONEF2 O*= FINANCE. ON PRELIMINARY OFiOEF2 - ' " DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - A O OI T I p N ASSESSED VALUATION 12 8 Woodi'orcl Park 200 11 8 do e 200 10 8 do 200 9 8 do 200 8 8 do 200 7 8 do 200 6 6 do 200 5 8 do . 200 4 8 do 200 3 8 doo 900 2 8 do 1150 1 8 do 200 15 7 ) do 600 14 7 ) do ( 13 7 do - 500 ( 12 7, d'o 11 7 do 450 1C 7 do 200 9 7 do 20:: 8 7 do 200 7 7 do 200 6 7 do 300 5 7 do 200 —� 4 7 do 200 3 7 do 200 2 7 do 200 1__ _7 do---- ' TOTAL, " ronin e.e.w.ese - ,.. —._ - -. -<. - -.il ;--_-•: e- ,.. _ r � v � , a , St, Paul, Minn., ......,.....19]... To the Honorable, The Council, city of St. Paul„ Minn. Gentlemen: !"Ie,'tre unjered-ned property owners, hereby petition '�.. a6.. yur 11ororzble 3nf.y to cause the following ii•provement, to be made: C. from ....... Ave. to i+AP2'Y2 .....St. Ave. la A It F LOT 113LOOK .� 40 .111 11Y1r1 r�l,,l, r 1 11111�1111 r �- �J,yyJrll / y e 'I / /,!,��,r'11� I y Irr I , J 'r I V���I IMI iII 1 11 IIlrli$ II111IIII 1111 I'IIIlr1�IY1'1'1 !���r' 1�IrlIrI,111111 1M11I IY I Y i ni�i,rs�y ' ..............i....r....., • r r r r r . . r . . . r . r . r r r . . . r r . . . . r . y r • r . . 1 . r . . r . r . . r . . r r y.. . r r . . r • r v • r . • . . . r r r /, • r Y. FnA v • r • • r • r r . r • . ..... ..... .p:........ ........... i..... ..................... :..........:......... .. 1..... MD -N 1�1 —I APR 1919 �J . sr , e ?r FINAL ORDER 7 I J ' In the Matter of......Cr.ons,trust,iri...a....Ge?.e.n.t....t..4Iean:...., .........................sde of Ros"SetfromFl.ndruu ... .e. .,' except where Eo,,d and sufficient sidewalks now exist. �....................................................................................................................................... ......................... ...............................,................................. O.,:Y' Nq 3632-�I i7tttl ' it igelek Tn`tlte mg,tte(���t Cbl l + , tldrtlal'+IA'd�sr�f �'I I, ���� � 1 � , ................................ .... ............................................................... � under Preliminary Order ............ .�J L3.........................approved..................... P1.12....2.9,..:.1319._...................... Intermediary Order..._.............. approved ..................... I........................................................ ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notices and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendatiops relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment tobemade bythe said City is..Construct a cement tile; sidevialk s.ix feet.,yja.g., on the north side of Ross Street from Kandrau Street to ltennurd Street, ............................... ......................... ..................................... ................................. ........................................................................... except where food and sufficient �sidev,,,J;{s now, exist, ........................................................................................................................................................... VIII IIIUIII II glllllllelllalllpllllllllellllltlll4 elillgOpllU❑Itln�uu111un W p,11 ni nigra nl��unpnuupol111Utl1111p0 b11tltlllepllU 111UUIpI111Ulll pl1111111111111 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ...................................................................._............. .................... ............................................................................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city Aials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aecordt therewith. Adopted by the Council........ j„ CI y ' City Clerk. I Approved........... rx.:.....:............191... _x .. ono ayor, Councilman I, nswolb Councilman oss ' / Couneilm Clancy �p ) Lound ►Keller Coune' a1�Co11 Co lman underlich Fo B. S. A. B i. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT C1.r FIONCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, (D) Construct a CeTlent tile sld(.��alk six feet wide on the north In the Matter of ........................................... . ................................................ .......... .... .............. ........................... ............................................................... ... side of Ross Street from Flondrau 6trcet to Kennard Street. �11....................-I.I. I ........................... 1 1. - ............ ...................................................... 1. . ...... 1 11 1 ................ I .......................................... ...................................................................... ................... . . ..... ...... ................... .................................... ..................... . ............................ ....... .. .. .... ............. ..... I.:.. . ................................................................................................ ............... . ... ...... . . ..... .. .................... ....... . ..................................... ............. ............................. ....................... ............ ... ..... ........ ................ ................... . ..... .................. ................. .......... .................... . .......... ..................... ............. .. . ...... .. ....... ............... ................. . .... ................................ .............. . ............ ................. ...................................................................... ......................... . ............ . ............ . . ........... .... ........... ............... I .................................... ............................... ................................... . ... .. .. .. .......... .............. - ................. ......... .................... ...... .... .............................................. ..... .................................................... . ..... .................................................... ..................... .......... . ........... ... .................... . ..... . ...... ............................. ...... . ............................................................ . underPreliminary Order approvd . ............. .. .... .......... . ...... .... .. ......... ... ... ... ... . ..... ....... ... .................. ........ .... ................................................... .......... To the Council of the City of St, Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is . . . $ ............................... . ...... lineal The estimated cost pe cot for the above improvement is . . . . . . . . $ ............. ..... ......... . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION II -- -------- 30 1 J. N. RoLers 4th iidd.ition. 19 h 75 "9 J do 250 28 '1 do 250 27 1 do 2000 26 1 do 250 25 1 do 1050 24 1 do "50 .3 I do X50 I. 22 1 do 650 21 1 do 250 East of (2 0 1 do Ii fest of, (20 1 do 125 do 2375 '18 do a 50 17 1 do 750 16 1 do 275 TOTAL, The Commiosionei of Finance eLfUlther reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the.Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, Dated.... ]9 ................................................... . ....... Commissioner of Finance. ror6i B. B. 13 , /v y .... u I - u , , 1 , I „ , 'A, FkF `DRi St. Paul, Minn., .....; b e ouaoil �.. I To the Honorable, The e C City of 6t. Peul; Minn, lyly M�IS610N�IIc)F�► GFntl�r�en; r�► is t E un,iereigned property onere, hereby PO*Wn your Honorable' Dotj to cause thA f ollowin; ill, Werlent to be made: ° .St. from to .%'.`f4� .................St. 41". b 44..00 SOT BOCK / 1' ! " { 4 •i 1 ............. ....... . ... ..... .... ..�...�...... .. i.... ,I, ......... .......... ...... .......................... j( .. ........ �� ... .. ....... ................d �. .����..�........��... ..� ...........�'.. .............. .............. ....� �..... ...... , ........._................ ... .... .............. ........................... ....�...... Y ... L . . i� iJ�1ri1� . 1 , 1i 1 i i p �' ) i Trifhn Matter of................................................................................. Reconstruct, relay , ilc repair cezent tile side,,tialks ,t the following locations; Syca:,iore Strut, S uth side, si% feet ,uiue, froom dice Street thence eL:st to Park venue. Humboldt'Aenue, Er,st'side,,portions in need of construction or,re-construction`from Page Street U_,Tyler Street. Pine Street, 4?est',4de, 14 feet wide portions requiring reconstructib to aonforal to'..change of grade,," from `7th. thence,pbuth to All Dale<.Street East side,.six. ,feet,wide•, from Fron't'Street to -Mar ylnd Streat= Rice. Street, both sides; 8 feet wide,. from,Sycamore Stre t tthence':south ,to Great Northern Bridge,;. WV basha.• Street,,' west 'nide, 12 feet. wide, from .Third Street thence south._to the Bridge, approximately 52 feet. Tlird;Street, solzth side, lOo .feet. wide; from wabasha Street the�ice lies 40 feet a :d from o6 feet farther west: thence west 150 feet. Minn'eso'ta Street, E4st' side, ten feet wide, from 50.f.eet North, of Fifth Street, thence North 1,06' feet; and. from a point 92 feet North of Sixty Street, thence North to 7th. Street. Bedford, Street, west side, 6-fee.t wide, from 75 feet North of Collins StZ'tflt, thence North 40 feet. .foacalester :`.ve6ue, ,'hest side, 4112 feet wide, from '91 feet South of Lincoln >veruP, thence south 18 feet. under Preliminary Order .........244,16 ..............._.. ..approved .......... Apr, _ o[ t//tiecgnetructlhge etdrelay dring egment. g ' Intermediary Order .........._.... ....... .._approved . n oomgtocettoza .... - h nide elx feet . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due .nutice„nd-tn: Ef* Whaving rano heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and Wn 'Itully°'�'onai •turd the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- . ment to be made by the said City is ..................... .... " Reconstruct, relay tend repair cement the sidewalks at the following .locationsa ' Sycamore Street, South _si+de six feet wide., :,Rice.Street theme eastto Park Av.enU6.. HumbGldt Avenue, Eesi ,side, por..t ons in need of construction or rsrcon truction from age. Street to Tyler Street. Pin e': St re et"Irest-side;.14 feet-wid;e portions requiring reoonstruetion to conform :`to chaiige,.of gads,` from 7th thence South' to Alley.; D81e 8treet`East side, si.s feet wide, from Front -Street to�Maryland Street .: . Rias street;, both sides, 8 feet wide,, from Sycamore Streit thence south- to Great NorthernBri*-,e: Wabasha Street, west side, 12 feet wide, from .Third Street thence soutih to .tihe Bridge, approximitel> 52 feet. 'PhtrH Street , -South •side., 10 ,-fest wide, frpdt WaIbasha Street thence "'est 40 feet a d frorn 56 feet farther wee 'ahence'°.west 150 feet. Minnelsota Street, -East side, teh feet widf,, from 50 feet lorth'of Fiftri' Street, thetics North 1Qe, feet, and—froma point 92 feet N th of th Street, thence North'to 7th4 Street. Bedford Street, hest aide; 6 feet V97 ides 75 feet -North of Collins Street, thence North 40 feet. ,macalester Avenue, 1test side, 4E feet wide, from 291 feet South of Lincoln :venue, thence south 18 feet. __....._..........._._........................... ._........... ...... ...... ....... ........................ .................................. .._............................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed aiid directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, Adoptedby the Council........ :.::r..... .................. 191......_ 0 Approved....... u.,.....1�1.9..._.... nq ................:...... :.,ley. ..., 191........ e ............... J ....................... .... Mayon, AUL - pEP G�TY FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI`S_--J®NER OF FFNANCE _ - - - _ C)" _==r­F2EL1Mi"^RY ORDER - Inte=e 3\,Satter of ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_. Reconstruct, relc,y -nu re x_ = r ce ment the sideWL,11ks L_t ti^e _ ^1lowin5 locati•-ns: Sycanore otreet, .Sou-th side s i_ i r_et wide, from lice t, ;ence ea_t t o Par'_{ .--venue. F. u..^boldt=_vE.nue, East side, ��c rti ns 11 :need ,,f c :nctracrecon- ; trt.ction from ?a Le StrFr.t = o -",,"i_er ..t; e: t. ?ine ct, hc:'t side, 14 f'r'et - ide, ,)ort t;.,ns reciuirir:L_ :r,- �cor.struction to coni orm to chane of a , £ro 7th thence ' :,uth to -_ a- -1 F_y _ Tele Street, F,a.st sine, six = e Ride, fro- 'Pont, St.r "e tj � � ' xrylcsld Street. T_?Ice Street, both si("es,, E3 — P t ide, from S c_.1^..ore Sr t t 1o—ice South -t;o Greut 'ice the:rn nricte. - `Iiai,. sha Str, et, e:°t side, �_ f-E�et wide, from Third scwth t,o the -1-idle, approxi..; telt' feet- - T2hird Strcect, Sout}: s ide, 1 ^ --- i ee t wide, from "L- shL. tr = t trence ':lest 40 feet na from 56 feet f`L�� t,i:Er west thence wPe;t 150 T•?inresota Street, F, et side t� n f et hide, from 50 fee=t t-iz of Fifth Street, thence. north lOG fF t , rad from a p t 9:? £=et L -J or t! --I of Si):tai S treet , thence North to 7tY_ tr- E t . �ed£or•d ``.treet, "'i-st side, f <et_ ;, ide, frc;m 75 f, et r^tl^ o :ff- Ce7-1 in; Str,-et, thence North 40 fee -7:t-- _ ctester __venue, '•;c r + siclo 4� t'cet wide, from S 1 £eet ��t 1= o£ Lincoln -A-venue , thence South 18 fee Baelz Sot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, re as follows: ASSESSED DES C R I R T 1 O N LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N VALUATION 2 1_ Greens Addition to the 2000 --i-est, 25 feet of 21 to 18 1 City of St. Paul- 125 ',,;est 25 fe.et) f to 3- 2 do G25 _ 12 2 u0 200 1__S 2 do lz Oao 1 2 do 200" 3 S 2 do °' 200 do 2250' d 3- 146 vest St. Paul Proper- 100 2 146 do 750 146) do _- - - TOTAL. - AMR - _ _ UEPARTM FINANCE - REPORT.OP QF FINANCE cinl. RR EI_t NI'INARY ORDER a under Prelimiaary Order approved----------------------------- --------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ----------------- SOON The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is -,. - - $ _ _--_____-___---_-_____--_ The estimated cost per.t�foot for the above improvemeat is - - - - _ _ $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed beaefits for such improvement, and the assessed . valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: O E S C,R I P T I O N - - �Ass EssE� LOT BLocK A D D IST 1 0 N VALUATION 2 1 Greer — Agci it io i to e 2000 'Jest r5 feet of 21 to 18 1 City of Wit. Paul. 125 (Exce_ t 'dost 2-5 f(::et) 21 tole 1 do 225 ` 12 2 :io 200 13 2 do GOO 14 42 do 200 15 2 do 200 1 2 do a 1250 ._ 1 146 '4Pst St _ Paul Proper. 100 2 146 do 750 3 146) do TOTAL, .�0. Ci �Y Off" DEPAR�MEt FINANCE .. -,REPORT OF C011�7 M�SSiONER OF FINANCE z - " ON PF2 I�LifA it�tARY4 OR.MER -� ASSE LOT Br-�CK ADD D E s C R I P T 1 0 N ADDITION . _ VALUATION = L;est. 100 feet of 4- 5 lam g est, St. Ps1U]. 2ro-)er. 775 1-1ittsons :.d(Iition 36100 10 1 do 775, 9 i Q do 500 g 4 do _ 450 _ g do 2400 5 4 } do 3 4100 _ - 4 .4 do 3 4 do 400 2 4 d✓ 4_12 5 1. 4 do a 425 - 11 --3-3 do 1150 10 23 do 3250 9 Z3 do 8 3-3 do 350 7 13 do 350 6 13 do 350 5 3-3 do 350 4 1.3 do 350 3 1 3 do 350 2 13 do 350 1 _5 do 350 4do 6425- 15 to 3 3- do 11 75 2 do 275 1 12 do 325 TOTAL, l "OEP/�RTMEPINANGE REPOF-2T ' OF COMMISSIONER O'F FINANCE - ON PRELIIfI1fvARY� ORDER _ ti (B) �a ASSESSED ,O E S C R.1 P T 1 0 N- LOT aLOGK A O O I T I O N VALUATION 15'7 Como Prospect _. :addition 325 clo 300 14 7 3 7 (d C), 500 12 7 CIO 1200 11 7 do 300 10 7 do 300 9 7 do 300 8 .7 do 275 7 7 do 275 6 7 do - 275 do 375 5 7 4 7 do 375 3 7 CIO 1,50 ?i 2 7 do 250 Ci 0 , 250 1 .7 15 6 _ do 200 14 6 C.c- C^ 12 6 do 200 11 6 do 200 10 ( y c1 200 9 6 do 200 t. do 200 • 7 6 do 200 6 6 ci0 } 200 5 (3 do 200 ?. f do 200 -- ronin TOTAL. - CITY OF UL ' DEPART.,MANCE REPORT OF COMMIES NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY4 ORDER ti (B) - ASSESSED , DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK A D D.I T I O N VALUATION 3 6 Coso 2rospect _ddition 200 2 6 do 200 1 6 .do 202 « 34 2 do 75 29 1 do 150 28 1 do 200 27 1 do 2700 26 1 do 200 ., 25 1 do 200 24 1 do 200 27, 1 do 200 22 1 do 200 21 l do 1600 20 1 do 2600 - 19 1 do 400 18 1 do 600 (2 1 Greens Addition to the Cit.,, (•f ( 2000 (3 1 St. Paul. 4 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 6 1 do 300 7 1 do 300 8 1 do 300 9 1 do 350 10 1 do 350 11 1 do 400 1 2 do 425 TOTAL. ' CITY OFUa_ - - DEPARTME NANCEREPORT OF COMMISl,,$�IF. NER OF FINANCE - r ON PRELIA� ARY? ORDER ' (B) y- --_ D E SC'R I PT I ON - LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION- 2 2 Greens Addition to the City 350. 3 2 of St. Paul. 350 4 .2 do 350 5 2 do 550 ReginninL at the S. ". corner of Sycamore and Mice St. St. 5:`3 04/100 thence West on the F-uth line of Sycamore f9et thence south parallel to '!lest line of Rice St. 15750 319 60100 feet thence E.st 533 01/100 feet to "'est, line of RicF St. thence Nort2_ on said `Rest line 319 14/100 feet to beLinnfng Part of S.E. of S. 25 T. 29. R. 23- Th ,t part 1 yin( North of the C • N. RRi£ht of Way and Scute. of a line 25 feet south of ,: nd p.:rallel to the 2.0317 center line of neer St. exteciued of the S. E. of S. E. 1 of S. E. ; of s. 25 T. 29. R. F.3. 1 ,auditors Subdivision No. 2r 44250 1 do 44250 Q 3 do � 50700 ( 4 do 5 do 10 11 St. Ful. Proper 53200 9 11 do 54600 a 11 do 70000 10 4 do 193200 9 4 do 7600 8 4 do 76500 7 4 do 89000 E:: c't 45 'f'cet of S,-,ath 11 feet of 6 Irvines Addition of Out Lots. 6025 The follcv ing described do 1550 part of 6 Com. 110 ft. I•]. of S. E. cor. of said Lot thence !Test 82 50/100 100 ft. thence 'Hest 42 50100 ft. thence North ft. thence North 5 50 342 ft. thence E. 125 ft. t:.ence S. 40 ft. to }��, SRL OF A--, UL �ERAF2-AMEN IN.4NGE O REPORT F COl� i MiS NE:R OF FINANCE ON PRIE— AL-IMIW F2Y4OROER (C) D IS 5 C R 1 PTI ON LOT = C 6L- K; A O O 1 T 1 O N A S S E rs S E O V:4 LU Air ON South 50 feet of .6 Mac alester Park. 2650 The Commissioner of Finance further re worts that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report tlaar onto the Council, together with the report made to him irl reference to said matter by the Comrnissior>< of Public Works - Dated.. ----------1 9 1 Commissioner of Finance_ Form B. B. 12 ' ff _� �, a- j• ; r `� �- ,, a ��--�:r , e-, - � 9- fir" . ,�,-� v Office of the ComodsAblier of Public WbrkSRECEIVED 0 `- s 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance;a' '4 APR 9 1919 April 8th'..........._ ............. 19 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coma - 24616 April 2nd, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..... _.............................. approved ........... ............................. ................................... 191.......... relative to........................,.... Reconstruct., relay L�.nd reps-ir.cer:ient the si Ievi-.1I,: t the Lollov,inL,- locations: Sycamore St., S.S., six feet '�ai`de, from :ice 3t. thence east to Park ive. Humboldt _ve., L.J., portions in need of construction or reconstruction from Pa --e ';t. to Tyler 3t. Pine dt., ,7.4., lq feet wide, portions requirin- reconstruction to conform to change of grade from 7th 31;., thence south to alley. Dale St..? ".:i., Six feet viide, from 'Tont 3t. to P::aryland 3t. Rice 3t., B.S., 8 feet vide, from 'ycamore 3t., thence south to Great JSortherrn Brid--e. 71abashe St., "" •S., 12 feet wide, from Third :1t., thence south to the bride, approxi�nutely 52 feet. Third 3t.., S.S., 102 feet wide, from ;labasha 3t., thence crest 10 feet and from 56 feet farther west thence west 150 feet. PEinne: ota t., 6., ten feet wide, from 50 feet north of 5th 3t., thence north 106�feet, and from a point 92 feet north of :;izth thence north to 7th St. Bedford 3t., 6 .feet 'aide, from 75 feet north of Collins St., f ar thence north 40 feet. Macalester .ve., .;.5., 4j' fuet '.'r de, "rom 291 feet south of Lincoln Ave., thence outh 13 feet .±^�tr:�, 4. not 5 Said improvement is ....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ............ ..._.......... ..... ....... ...... ............ .... .............. ...... ........ Commissioner of Public Works. " and having investikated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..._....._.... _...necessary and (or) desirable. .08¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ............... .... _............. and the total cost thereof is $................................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ......... ... ..___............... ........... ............ ........... ._....................... ..._..._..... ............_..............._............................_...............__.._................................._._......_............................................._.............._......__.... ............... ................... ................... ...... ............ ..._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. not 5. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm�ssionerof Public Works. i u Office of the Comdfi Abner of Public Work?ECEIVEn V 9- Commissioner, Finance Report to of APR 9 tgl9 S.r1 „bt9s .F" Y zip Kzi } r 6 3t 4�qi,— April 8th-' _ 9 J R and having investikated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_..._....._.... _...necessary and (or) desirable. .08¢ per square foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ............... .... _............. and the total cost thereof is $................................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ ......... ... ..___............... ........... ............ ........... ._....................... ..._..._..... ............_..............._............................_...............__.._................................._._......_............................................._.............._......__.... ............... ................... ................... ...... ............ ..._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. not 5. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comm�ssionerof Public Works. i u L I _ .CITY F ST. PAUL t .,. • COUNCIL RE L TION -GENERAL FORM+ ` y OUN-L ooWW r Date resented,. ....... ....... ............. _ Vz Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he ie hereby authorized and direct to issue a license to Geo. A. Blewett, to conduct a Motion Picture Theatre at 917 Grand Avenue. That said Geo. A.Blewett pay into the City Treasury a license fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) which is the customary amount for said license for said Motion Picture Theatre for a period of one year e from the issuance of said license. That maid license shall not be issued or bee me effective until building has become fully completed and until. said Goo. A. Blewett has procured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his certificate that the said building and all the apparatus to be used in connection with the exhibitions to be given therein are inall respects in compliance with the Building Code of the City of St. Paul and has filed the certificate with the City Clerk. 7tj, 2-1 Yeas(✓) Co ncilmen (✓) Nays - Adopted by the Council .............................121,..:.. Clancy h arnsworth •�C.�dO s - ..............In favor Approved........... ........................ ................. 191VG ..... { eller (, j✓' McColl V [../.. Against....................................... . Wunderlich / ( V ��/ MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson / V i"ORM C. A•'9, 3M QmIG I. 0-0 6kate. of Miltursuta, a COUNTY Or RAMS' CITY OF ST. PAM jjj Ile /J.,), Tesxd g t ...................................... to - a .............. ....._.___.............. ......... ........ ........... . __--....... _....... eing duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a resident of the'State of Minnesota, and is over twenty-one years of age, at he has hada gity of St. Paul License which authorizes him to carry on the.. .... ._. ............ .......... _........ ........... .. .. ....._..._....._.._--- .............. _business up to the_:! . day o�..._191..7{._. at...... ..1---- ...........:.._._..---..... .....----........._...... ._.... _......_.... .......... ......... and that he now desires a . license for said business, at said place, for the year ending_ ..... .................. ......... ..../.. . Sworn, to an"s bscribed before me this ...... d of ....... ......_._. _._........ ... . ......_...... — ..... _............ Lice a speetor—N Publio, �_ n�Ramsey Coun Minnesota. t v Adopted by the Council .................. YEAS. NAYS, 0 MR1 �CL CY RNSWORTH SS ....1918 NAYS. KELLER / McCOLL Vel WUNDERLICH MR. PRESIDENT (H(1dGSON) CITY OF ST_ PAU L COUNCIL RESOLUTION-4C3.-EN—F2AL- FORM Subject =--=----- .. COUNCIL FiLENo:...................................--. --------------------- Date Presented..... -....... -------._....__.... _ Resolved � . That the CityClerk .be and a 2z6rabyI� Curs ac3 to issue a e t '_orize to cs vQ��act a � �iI/�, • Gr/ ay into the C MF- -_10 r sa sury a ense fee of arhi, ch is tlis ers_stomary amount for said llcerise Por sa 3d- for a period_ o£ oae ysar from the issuance of said ac6nse. That said license siaa.21 sot be issued or become of- :r un$il buildingrume fu21y coaapleted and until said '� �� - has procured from the Coama3=TL s' oner of Public Buildings his cert if irate that the said build- all the apparatus to be used is 4-_o=3eet ion with the exhibi- t ioas to be given therein are in a21 resects in compliance with the 33js-2_3c5Lixzg Code of the: City of St-. Pay.1 asci was ailed the certificate VWitM=L t=ie City Clerk. Si yL Peas (✓i C Nay. A....... dopted by the Council..._._----- ...........In favor - .........191 ....... .... - .-dy`�geller Approved .._ . ...191. ........... Against - ------ _. 'f7Pazad -- is M............ .......................................`---....................MAYOR Adopted by t/�Council------------------1915 YEAS.iYAYS. ORTH'tb Mute of Iffinneauta, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, CITY OF ST. PAUL . ............... ............. ... ...... .... .. ............. ... .......... .......................... ........ ... .... ... .... ...... ............... esiding at .......................... ................................... .. ............. ...... .................. being duly sworn, deposes an says, tkat &e, is a 'inn RAM _PAU __ ------ enty-0 age, hat he haste had a, City of ,ynt of the State of Minnesota, and is over tw St. P44 License which authorizes him to carry an the j . . ................... ............. ..... ---------------------- ................. (� . ............................ .business up to th.day of --- ------ ----'---- ------ 191. . ........ ......... ......... ..... and that Saenowsires a ............... .......... license, for said"bu�iness' at said place, for the year end ......... Sworn to an s bscribed before me this ...... ..... ....... ... .... ........ ------ ......................... ... .... .. ................. . .... .............. icense In for—Notary Pwbio B ey'oountyMi:sotW 1 l _ , �. rzD L HENRY MCCOLL cOHHPoEionER YYM. J. TROY. L...... h+erECTdR JOHN T. MCCOLL O.—TI coNr+icE�oRER'� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BUREAU OF POLICE May 20, 1919. TonThe Honorable the Council of the City of St -Paul. Gentlemen: AttaLahad application of George a. Blerwatt for a license to conduct a theatre at 917 Grand ays.is for a new location. y R Ova at y, Lio Z o 2� _ 'ermA A�i,lM 7-16 - IA FILE �'-••-� B},A.:'nTnW`Pl"l;,(IaEPmtr df' vy`hf�,. '�����yBPLujenbucg clf6b6� '""w�=Fa`Fr.. opxe8 b� xpel CoYInoII Jurie, � "tb�tt ' ��l�., tiroVed ilne � 4g19 !• j�x,, nI ^'oT� p 5 r,4Junei7 4918) I'I .. PEa.......... .......................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of•4he _ persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( VZer Councilmen ncilman ( V ) Nays Adopted by the Council. JUN -4 1819 S ........ —4" ins ll Appro ed II IN 4 .9 9 a..�. _._ _..... _ _. .. _.._ ��.(�..�.y�QfAYOR ;s "Z'2M2!1°, S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 3,802.68 fin nn7a 'R S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 11.,104.8.. .1aZW E. C. Sohulenburg, 50.30 a A 11"%L14 957.56 =u . "�,A .:4i".a�„ct .F 'iWhe#aea $er'ei J r8e,ban �COmOdnY�f .C�` P � 39141 EtCe'Rhopt�4 S Into �ev Contr. do b t fkroAv rrDD,, rts Son sen 1vftTh.E4e AdkY bCBG��it7 dnSea on C tt.�, wherein s`nd w}ierebrd 01 the fi�e_Ch ComDetry ngreafl i �9 J (�: the 7aFior'ArtFi met �In • he ei•eCkidn of En nunAF... .. ....: (j ...: .. ....... C...... � rdLLbefl.K FILE �....... - ....... �' 'd>f` - I,�Sw6ed............................................�1y,L... 4ft"O ee, WI7REAS, Heretofore, on March 7th, 1914, the Thomas J. Steen Company, a corporation, entered into a contract with the City of St. Paul, dated on that day, wherein and whereby the said Thos. J. Steen Company agreed to furnish the labor and material necessary for the erection of the superstructure of the St. Paul Public Library Build- inE in accordance with certain plans and specifications adopted therefor; and WHEREAS, After the completion of said building, certain de- fects were discovered in the roof thereof attributable to improper materials and defective workmanship furnished by said contractor, which were repaired and made good by the City at a cost and expense of 41776.76, for which amount the said City holds a claim against said contractor, and upon which claim the said City has brought suit; and WHEREAS, The said contractor in said suit, and previously thereto, has asserted a claim in its favor and against said City for the sum of 44334.30 for heat furnished by said contractor during the course of construction of said building, which claim has been denied and disputed by said City; and WHEREAS, The Fidelity & Deposit Company, of Maryland, the surety on the bond of said contractor and the assignee of the claim of said contractor against the City, proposes to settle, compromise and release said claim in consideration of the City also releasing•ite claim against both said contractor and said surety for expenses in- curred in making repairs upon said roof; now therefore, upon recommend- ation of the Corporation Counsel, it is hereby RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counselacting on behalf of the City, is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to enter into a stipulation and agreement with the Fidelity & Deposit Company of Mary- land, as surety on the bond of said contractor and assignee of said contractor's claims, settling and compromising the mutual claims of the City and said contractor and surety company upon the basis afore- said. Yeas (I1 Councilme (V) Nays Lunderhoh on F MC A.9 9M 6 -ie ' Adopted by the Council,_.. Approved _...._._. JUN .-4 1.919 _ __......._._....._....__._..LCL,. IUN -4 1919 ..................................... ReVartwvtt of I:= CITY OF ST. tP/�AUL O. F7. O'NEILL - - JOHN A. BURNSMi .noaxars WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H. MASEK June 3rd, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen:- 25OW2- After the payment of the final estimate of the Thomas J. Steen Company, contractor for the construction of the superstructure of the Library Building, certain defects in the roof of the building were discovered, which were claimed by the City to be due to im- proper materials and defective workmanship, and that it was, there- fore, the duty of the contractor to make good and repair said de- fects at its owm cost and expense. The contractor refused so to do and therefore the City proceeded to make the repairs at a cost of 01776.76. Upon suit being brought by the City against the contractor and its surety to recover this money, the surety, as assignee of the contractor, counterclaimed and demanded judgment against the City w for the sum'of X4334.30 for temporary heat furnished.during the course of construction. This claim was allowed by the supervising. architect but payment withheld on the advice of "this department. The Surety Company now offers to release its claim if the City will do likewise with its claim for repairs made on the roof. After a careful investigation of the law and facts, I am of the opinion that it would be for the best interests of the City to make a settlement and compromise on the basis sug;ested, and I herewith transmit a resolution authorizingsuch settlement in case you are of the opinion that the matter should be so adjusted. Yours very t uly, Corporation Counsel. xb 3dasg sy x gen* ,iteab�id + Test I CourfC l ;& � alta - in;the iYeao pluknd6Han ot; tue,CbntraoN ,GptNm��.fpe g¢,n,qnifbraEy'reibpta blade ##8 �y� pblv0d tat tq¢1.bonetir�t4Hopf aC itorm' ORM COU A puv W9tbr ekWe�mH FaUCCI w've. rr4m Pohlnnd Auen11� t s eb !n H14pk T D tho 6 �'ith$Y'M dditMn, and ou Ithb`:. S eat. .•••••--- ot.eelyy sqeya.Drodtt4ed to<whbeier qpOe (yy�)• .... ....__ .._. nnethaPog4%n'y�heglea ve to Baht —..-•- T\ -- /1 n mit AVpn(te ian 8j4eriub tr6� - wu� ..•+�1J7�� 0,^k 1 1 1 �` oh�Ma alba pwE d3 k �,`a�tt0'om; E4?4.AWif'.. 1� NO. - ................. .... .. ......-----.- -`_ `/\ ` Y p (;-s bide cWere iin-a>roesea o24h¢ tlglaeiie i. i� AyAdopti:d by tpe CovnpH�Sune 4 ta19,� Drbued T1tne A la1H � F, (Juno 7� 11a19j w � r Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bicb received for the construction of a storm water sewer on Fairview Avenue, from Portland Avenue to alley in Block 7, 2gbert9 Handyctis Addition and on line of said alley produced to' Wheeler Avenue, thence on wheeler Avenue to Summit Avenue; on Summit Avenue from Wheeler Avenue to hemline Avenue; on Macalester Avenue from Summit Avenue to,,Lincoln Avenue; on Snelling Avenue from Sunit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; on Pascal Avenue from Summit Avenue to Lincoln Avenue; as bids were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate. F.B. #1950. Yeas (✓) C ncil en (✓) Nays PIN —c} 1q19 Adopted by the Council ..... ........ ....... ....... ................e6i11...• n ar worth I�I� 151 Approved ..............:....::..:........- 4........ _9..........494'.'. . Ct60 /l apt K ler cColl ........... _........ _-_ _ _ _ _- POI_-__ underlich n �. C .<. FORM C A. 9 3M 12-1e �' -C 'e:i o;vadSg Y ti cot'—;...p itEfke�tman�bhecebAy�r'oiWctad tef k§k4d1A§ alloy I itdr rySlOols-8 Par Bekees ddo Cka B. k�n� �et K M s e0tlxllaxe Fr H kd x989 ..._ b -tx,o Connoll June 4 251 4 DPfOd aouuCIL provesAuuo X xaxs flli NO. _.__._....._ .... J11ne Z 1918) . ...._._ ._....... Da III/La ......191. Resolved,That the- Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for grading alley in Block 9, Merriam Park Second Addition, as bid received was in excess of the Engineerls Estimate. F.B. #1933. 411 Yeas Z�F'Ocl lmen (✓) Nays �'Ii� worth .........Q----------'=�'erlich 07 FO C. A. 9 3M 12.1e Adopted by the Council---:-:----•-.-L�.--.y .9••.---!!!'.." mu -4 9 Approved.................................................. :......... 14i..• ........... h - v A,,tlVA1QR --ou 5 COUNCIL ?25`33, FILE.NA.................................:....... Resolved, That a warrant be drawn on the City Treasurer in favor of 0. L. Keller, Commissioner of Public Utilities for $16.37, balance of the expenses of the Mississippi Valley Hater *nays.4bsociation meeting, as per attached statement, same to be made payable out of the City officers Convention Fond. 1 S conneo Resolu0 .I, Yeas ( V) unc' men ( V) Nays 1 �'� -T '! Adopted by the Council,.....,___,_ ...... .............'.....1'43+�''� �"lan - —4 !919 �,F` sworth Go s,...........-irfrrsa _ Approved (J (^ Her Il cColl lk�wel• ' _. V iWunderlich ASU110 oA A.9 3M 8-13 Reebl1s� bad per01(ebjbp tde4ebd fi'ereba^ fsrited, the '.sSL@ Tblbpbi 8c i a t+ �.'NA a id�ller 4@n@e08S'Y efQ6dp,{t»nhYZC@Rdnlfa �? COU 4h0oeeeafp' t1flrntlol0e ton '� 3eiytroudd'?'.�e@rvfc@ ioit; the ,1oll4W: lamede{rE@LB ddu G`=E "� =�IDo la,Y andadi�, dq. �!. elan �Cn ii@taaen oro{in A`Yenu@ � adak iu Soule lira';>ilaU follr�wko aaraYd '' CT8 D�Lt_,�3 a nC e t Alle 0 dtve B@1.lavSrd , aYPb � 3. .3. .::. Resolved, that permission be and is hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone �c Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavation, lay oonduite and build the necessary manholes for underground service on the following named streets: To lay oonduit on St. Clair St. between Cretin and River Blvd., also four manholes. 1 To pat 2 dant oonduit across Mt. 0urve Bltd. opposite alley$ between rairmont and St. Clair Sts.; 199 ft. 2 duct oonduit on east bide of alley between Goodrich and St. Clair across Princeton Ave. �_ F> work to be done ander the direction and to the satisfaction of,the Commissioner of Public Works, the Telephone Company to pay the coat of inspection, engineering and publication. Yeas (✓) Co `c ]men (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council .............. .•19l*� p (a a sworth i'„ ......... APProved....... ..... .... .... ............................:..._....... lAileel G s �y .dair>o� eller } CColl ............ AVad.1AYOR 4, underlichJ LA ----------------- V s FORM IA.9 3M 12-I8 -- ` Ape eta p A'vaO;Caiitb ddh.�. L.c�to `f4 toq,}ewo W.d�ide. L FORM g'#ejirdme�ndee. by l a'�t r dra•} unQM wsa yyf 6 #,fi 16°366ZBB.s, SS,�7�1936� eouNc�� (� Q ♦ R ai µ tA,?iccf tid $db Ke Fr. 338 tndttek� Hd dk h +K..ys ,4 sh dy1 FgehgPu�e an ut d a�d3 Pdlnddd�hyYt ri No - ,nu l;�Fgedkpge,�k4q ids mact�t-use n wAdd ted rth�und�upar�����5 E' _ .RWIWesea In the matter of "changing the ;grade of F(t quier Street from- Nokomis.Avenue to Pedersen Avenue to conform to the red line on,tthereto attached and°made apart thereof, the present gradebeing represented by the :blue, line thereon,"un- der Preliminary Order 25368 approved May 38,.1919, Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (J) C Nays AIN g 14 69 men { ✓ Na s Adopted by the Council li1i.... ,orth _w.ia*il�er Approved 1j1 .......... '` 1.9......to+ Her.. . . on underliclt in nr�a op°. ?. 3M 12-18 RESOLVED; That the Comnussiones,of Public Works be. and he u Iterehy oraerea ana aveccea: In the Matter of tile of LO.&D �X-99-� :LjRj 9.Q--�!A4 �.?.A pp the north si e o 12 ......................... !I r 5.01. -Y &YQ.XkIA0 under- Preliminary Order ........ . ....... �i�Zi ..................... approved ........................ ..................... — The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded -with. 2. That the.nature of the improvement *hich the Council recommends is Cone.t.r.uct c.e.me.n.t. .. .. .... .. .. .. .... ... .. tile sidewalk, six feet wide, in front of lots Nos. 19, 20 and 22, . .............. . ............... ................. ........................... .......................................................................... . ........ . . . . ................... . ......... on.—the—no-r-th kade ex",pt—where good -and -sufficient s-td8WaI-ks.--nQW exist .................................... .......... .......................................................................................... ................ ................. ------------------- . ...................... .............................................................................. .... I ..................................... ........................................ with- no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $0..70—Aer front foot. Resol*ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................. 2nd.......,�..'day of ............. J114 .......... ...................... 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Cha 4'bio , the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. n Adopted by the Council 7.4-.J� .................. ............ . —4 I'q 19 .......... ........... .... Approved.......... ..... ........... . ......... ........... ... ..... ............... ........ Councilman Finsworth Councilman oss tluunuumau A Clancy Coundlin Keller -o Councilm McColl Cl Councilm Keller "m McColl Counc, council Wunderlich n Form B. S. 8-6 13 In the Matter of--.....C.Q-estructing-_a-- cement --_tile-- sidewalk: -_six feet wider on under Preliminary Order ......... _ ..... 24949 -.--_ ................approved ..:-...-...May 22 1919.... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.- XonsIrug-t---a---Cement t.� e--s-idewalk, six feet wide, onthe North side of Seventh Street from _ .. ........ ........................................... ........................................................ -.................. Fsqu.16r'..at-reet_.to Earl Street, except where good and sufficient side- „ . _......... ................... .. ..................................................:............ wa,hks--now-...exist-.... .......................--......._.._...-....-...... ...................._..-...... :.....7777._......... ............-_.......... ............... _........................ _._._.__ ...._............... .......... .................... ......... .......... ......... _ . ....-........._..........:...-..- ........................................................... ....._.......... ..............._...... ......................-:-...............:......_:.._............ ....._......._...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._ 0.77.0_,Per.. front .foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ ....... 2Ad............. day of July 191._9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated:,- Adopted by the Council....-.. - _.., 1911... y ... 'ApprovedJ. 191 . A�C .. -xo' Ma orr.t.....�- •,. Councilman an nsworth Councilman oss Councilman Clancy Councilm Keller s` 7 Council McColl L'vi3l�lu�.r•� Council an Wunderlich Form B. $. A. 8-6 25342 COU NG >i rro By.............. - - - -------....... • INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Constructing cement lila sidewalks six feet gide on both .................... sides•-.of-IvleKinley Avenue from Lake Como Phalen Avenue to Frankson Avenue 4..........._.._-........ ................ ......_._.._-. —A nn hnt.h tides of Frankson Avenue from McKinlev Avenue to Hamlin Ave. ...... ... ......... ... k'Or$gt kpalYi`�'9�PRaYB{.f' ............. .............................. under Preliminary Order......... 5011 approved... 7, 1919. ...-- ................ ......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commiasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which theCoun I't recommends is! ...C.S?AS.tS13Ct...C.�RL�TIk....ile _...sidewalks ...p-j,x._feet_ .,.ide on both sides f M.X nley Avenue from Lake _...PhalenAvenue to Frankson Avenue and on both sides of-Frankson _. .... .... .__....._ .......................... ........................................... Ayenue,..from !Nollinley Avenue to Hamlin Avenue# except where good and _ .._.................. ........... ............... ..................... sufficient sidewalks now exist. ._.........._... .........._..................... _ _................. ............... _...... _._ _............................... _ ............................ :........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......0.70 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the............ 2.nd.................day of --Tuly............................................. 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the .City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nattire of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ................................................. ................ ..........................1JL'...... Cit Clerk. worth AwsUnOlayor. Councilma Iy3 Clancy Council Keller Counei an McColl Coune' man Wunderlich Form B. . A. 8-6 7 C, T7 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..............._Constructing a cement tile sidewalk,^six feet wide, Qn the...We.st._s.ide__of--Matilda Avenu Qliver Street to Geranium Street. Araasaa ...... ................. _ .... ......'Mat S �matwfeL t .. ��a Up$g�sAb�ira�nh om£ ...................................... .............................n, .. e oit�e}�'�t to durena m��etieaie'u'. under Preliminary order...... --_24924 ..............................approved ............... aY.._1.:.._1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 3. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Construet a cement ............... tile . -_sidewalk. six feet wide, on the West side of Matilda Avenue from ..................................................................... •............—._...........................--- .0liver....Street. to...Geranium Street, except where good and sufficient .....................................�........ sidewalks...now ...ex s.t-.....__...._.............................. _....... .... ..... .._.................................... .............. ...... .._........ _........._..................-- - .._ ...... .................. _ ...... — ........... :_.._......... ................... ........:....... _................................. ......................... ........... .... ...... .... ....._._.....__................_..................................... _......... ... ............ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is..0.70.._pep. front foot. Resolved Further, That a public 'hearing be had on said improvement on the._... _......2nd.... .......... day of ......-_.July 191.....9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council................'IUN —4 1919 PP ved................... ........ ...... gJi'�".. is k. ..._._................_.i.`.� ....... ........ Councilmanarnaworth b a�wsunpM yor. Councilman oss t Coun Keller Claney Cotmcilm %eller Conn ' n McColl Councilylsan Wunderlich Form B. 1f. A. 8-6 PUBI.ISF� — t By.... �- INTERMEDIARY ORIIER 37 25344 IQ� In the Matter of tile tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the ......................._...._......_......... 1Hflst...s.jde...of.-Montrose Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Laurel /Avenue ..................................................................................._------------................_........... •and...on....the ...easl.._sid,e..Of--_Montrose-Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Laurel ...................... •---..._.........-- AvPnna_ and on East side of oti,e-Ave. from Marshall Ave. to Laurel Ave. 'xvbn�ay'7 3, 1919. under Preliminary Order ----....-•---•--•24970 2rn,.q u aW rahav;a rA ew: ndet The Council of the City of St. Paul having tecett ott'� P3, 4t6 ea; ue Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,tKq°a?eofves: P 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....C.onatruc.t...came.nt....tile sidewalk.,...six feet wide, on west side of Montrose Avenue from Marshall ............................................................................................................._................................. AYenue-_,-to..Laurel Avenue and on the east side of Montrose Avenue from ---------- _------------- I ........ ............ -....-........................................................ D"ton.Avenus to Laurel Avenue, and on the east side of Otis Avenue _.from...Marahall...A.v.e,_to_..Laurel Ave. except where good and sufficient ....................... __......_.. _..........-........ ...... .. ........ ..I...... sl.deo?a.lke...no. w... exist _.................... - :; - ..... ............ _.._...... .... -- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__0..10...p.er..-front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said. improvement on the........._ 2nd..: ............... day of ------------------ ----- july­_ ........... -, 191.9._.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ........... ...iU.N --. ..... ^ 'il Q M Approved ..................:.......-..a... �,..1 .........., i9i'�.l: Councilman .Conncilm Closs Coune"ma )W Clancy LConncilm Keller > ;✓ Council an McColl Cound an Wunderlich Ma bon Form B. . A. 8-6 ......... . .... ................. C' erk. At..Ma r. PUBLISIIED -"— x E � 'a 25345 N.................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .......... Paving-.Fairfield..Ave ...... from•. Robert St. , to, Slate .St.,_ State-_St-..-.from.Fillmore Ave. to St. Lawrence St., and Indiana Ave. from ..............................................................................•'--------............................... Robtrt...$t.__to_.State. St., including rs an sewewater d gas connections f-rom.--s.tr-eat..mains...to...Rr.w.erti...lines-. complete.,._•where._got-_already-_made•-• 1.s.Q....iltclud.ing..paving of alley and driveway approaches and the con- ........................... .............................................. ................................_----------- struction of c.uqrbAng where necessary. ...................................................................... `r ..............................., ander Preliminary Order............24604 .....approved............ 1,h 1919.__,._ I ............................ The Council of the City of St. Pa'1101 Comtt✓ii an upon the above improvement, and having eonEE�$ F q 'N"I ` 'nP W1. That the said M v report be and -U� ,' 4, opted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded withr°e Pei Elav ' �N a"A 'yr' tr'Slma �" (utltn���}v�:• 2. That the nature of the impr�` Icer{ YTnh frQmRobert St. to State v�rapatreeommendsis Pave,.Fairfield__Ave.. >e - ......._... t ,� cat. from Fillmore Ave to St awxonce...St...,. and Indiana Ave. ''gym Robert St. to State St., including .......................-........................._.....-........................ ............................ .......... sewer,....w.a.ter... asl.d..gai.$...conpections--_from street mains to property linea c.ompletfl.,..Where._.no-t already made, also including paving of alley and ....... ..._.........I ...... ..... I ......... ._.._...._......_ .............. ...... ............ - driyeway approaches and the construction of curbing where necessary. ............................._...........-..........__...._...........................__............. .._............. - .I......... ...... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....55.,6.3Q_0Q- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..._.......... 3r4 ............ day of ..............duly--------.---.=.-.--....._..--.. , 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......:........:'.............................!'i93.r... - 9 ... :.... ......A Proved ................. ,- ........ -... Councilman Fsworth Councilman ss ouunemm"n Clancy Council. Beller CouncilA McColl /4l Conn ' an Wunderlich Form 1/S. A. 8-6 i% L, ctil.r%r , ........... Ci k ............................ .................. . E�attn84ayo PUBLISFI) D 7-7—r— 2536 v RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING E9SMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN COND TION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of. ... aaademning--. and ... tis%ingIand ..neeessary fgr._slopes-,--for-- cuts -__and.. fills ---in--radin._Carroll--, �venue-,_from,. Syndicate Hve.nue-IC._Gr199.6 $trget................................. ....................... under Preliminary Order......24310 approved ._Feb. --_26-,.„_1919 Intermediary Order........24717, approved ---A-ox.11..-1.1-+----1� 19 • .� g"Mmi � �� • ��v os czri ar*nov . The Commissioner of Finance having sub 1uA4%38 lepord"in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land, or �asements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having sub�nitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it s °w Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That apublic hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirms - tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits-, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the......._........-7111...............day of _July ................. _______191....9., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............. '_ :.i o, Approvess-•............................................... 191.....,.. Councilman F sworth Councilman Q as Councilman Clancy Councilman eller Councilor McColl Counc, Wunderliel n a ............................... City Clerk. -----------......---•-....... .. .........-AatiII ..... ....... yor... RESOLUTION 'OF COUNCILAP` TIME OF HEARING IN C1 C ,0 2534' !SMENT AND FIXING PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of.donde=AAl...40d...yAU199.•_An•,easement- in the land neceasau. fnr..-..slnpes,....tor .--aAt.&.._and-.fills--_in.--grading filbert Avenue from Lake Como - _._._ and...Phalen-Aven'le .ts?..FZ9Y.t._?+nenue,--, and Nebraska Avenue from Albert Avenue to ---Hamlin... Avenue ............. ..................... -.............. ............................... ........................................................... under Preliminary Order .......`22.42-0.7............ approved Eeb.11.,-9.19......., Intermediary Order 94.757 approved -------A ri1...14 9 • s�soiu[ai� `" o bYrCI 11 a.-•- - • �- mag» 4 The Commissioner of Finance having 6 ort in'the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of Baid improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ................ 7th ................. day of ................ l ly_..................1919.--.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Co>iimissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. _:i Adopted by the Council _.)� ..-----1- 19!9 ........----------..., 191,.... . ............... ..�..... —:y !919 City Clerk. Approve(................................................. 191....-.-. /. �ayor. Councilman F worth Councilman as Councilman Clancy il�A Conncilm $eller Conncihn McColl Coune' Wunderliel NABo Mg IT 4 }+E'� "7f �o�NGI: NO. A .......... �IJVvN, councti nyeNO .............................................. WHEREAS, J. M. Thornton and M. E. Thornton, oo=partners as Thornton Brothers, have completed and made satisfactory adjustments of all matters pertaining thereto on the curbing in St. Anthony Park (North and Proper) to -wit, Doswell Avenue from Como Avenue West to Cleveland Avenue, �X Carter Avenue from Gordon Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, Commonwealth Avenue from Keeton Avenue (South side of Park) to Cleveland Avenue. Langford Avenue from Commonwealth Avenue to Como Avenue,West. Knapp Street from Country Road to Raymond Avenue. Scudder Avenue from Blake Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. Gordon Avenue from from Langford Park Place to Como Avenue West. Raymond Avenue from the Great Northern Bridge to Dudloy Avenue. Cleveland Avenue from Commonwealth Avenue to Dudley Avenue. Como Avenue West from Carter Avenue to RaymondAvenue Keston Street from Commonwealth Avenue to Doswell Avenue. Bourne Avenue from Keston Street to a poini,600 feet west. Chelmsford Street from Knapp Street to Carter Avenue. 'Atty Street from Scudder Street to Raymond Avenue. WHEREAS, The Qpecifioations and contract for said work require that the 'sum of Five Hundred Dollars -($500.00) be withheldLrom the final estimate for a period of six months, and WHEREAS, The Council is of the opinion that it is not fair or just that the contractor shouldbe kept out of said reserve fund of Five Hundred Dollars (500.00), THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to allow and audit the full amoulit of the final esti- mate including said reserve of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). PROVIDED, However, that before payment thereof the surety Company on the bond of said Thornton Brothers consent to a mod- ification of the specifications and contract as per above in writ,.- ing and file such consent with the City Comptroller. Yeas ( ✓) Cpuncil*n U) Nays /,tc.11 .............40i., Mr. PresiQent, Hodgson FORM C. , 9 3M 12.19 ii! _r'q19 Adopted by the Council ...................... .....::...........29i.•••.• �'.y .- 1r Approv...........................................................I'9y.... ....l.. .!... .. ..... ...... .... MAYOR PMUSTED i \�I_rl 3 25353 COUNCIL LE No. Resolved, That the Commissioner of public works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Weet'Color o Street,b.etween Hall Avenue and 'Stryker Avenue Yeas (✓) Y Co P cil eu (✓) Nays "" 1919 �1 — Adopted by the Council .__:.:-:'_...._L�...'. VK>}n ..'.fir m orth APProv.._............. os y'9.t.... w os—I�+Faerer �i� 1y�A ......._..... ai t '•- MAYOR `( nd ich Z odgson POR. C. A 9 3M 12-18 _� d 0.F Tto $6864-8 'Xe6rg DScCotl COASReeolvea Ticargarepte License IQoPbRM - 89 which bxpIm Auguef 12th 4, .now In the -name bt Ab ram tlltman.9$1`, Grove BCCeek be on�7 th9 eame+he[eby S •tet , ,-,,, , , ,,,,, ......... ie traaeterred to MrB Jean�e 'BeCmate 237 Or ve 8treet + s Y UNGL C� Adopted by 5354 thg �+outicit rase 8 181 nLe ........................................... ADBCovodJunO 6 1818 tl tt - e,�Juae i4i 1818) .i .... . . erese a ....................... .._._.. r, ..._....�O 5 1 Resolved, That Cigarette Lioense No. 89, which expires August 12th,1920, now in the name of Abram Gilman, 237 Grove Street, be and the same hereby iso transferred to jLrs...Jeilniec$erman, 237 Grove Strerbt. Yeas (✓) Coun men (✓) Nays AN t Adopted,by the Council .......... - ...._......... _........ .... 191... Cla _ '419 nsworth '. Approv ..........1.. Oss V.........•...•............................ McColl .............. A atnst............................................ MAYOR 'Vnnderl., Mr. eside"nt, Hodgson FO C. A. 9 3M 12-18 sr Dated this 5th....... -.day the Councliftile No ............ �11 . ............ . of 0V Km by the City of St. Paul, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER. C I 1 - - '((A IS 1 45" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning -and -taking an easement in the land-namessary for al0pea JPX Q.Wto aA(j_.f.jjjja in grading B-Ims Bt -rest f.r0m ..O.Y.Pre.as kv.enus to ................ Fore.s.t Av.@Aue . ......................................................................................... ................................................................................... - .................. I ............................................................. ......................... ...................................................................................................................... Councilman 0)1-0-5 ... ....................... ..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by .3 therefore, be it That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and -directed: I. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveltigate the nature, extent and eftimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;..... ....... ............... .... ... ... .. ................................ .................................................................................... ......................... .......................................... .................................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. D Adopted by the council .................... ................... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth Gas Approved .............:.......................................191-.... . . U 0 u derlich ... ........ .......... .. '......... Mayor ka;0r. F.- C A 13 (5M 4-17) f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER i) ac cna c The undersigned hereby proposes the making,;:als o °ad nd, he o"bl prove] ��Drodle,;,pt inL:anlA-... Council File No ..........................: 25.3 56 by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Dated this.... .5th ....... day of.....J.u71ej.... 191......... // Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade...Sime....Street...Yxom...Cypress ...Avenue- to...Foreot...Avenus,.......... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .......... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..... �..S S..... . .. . -- .. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eEtimated cost of said improvement, and the total coEt thereof. 3. To furnish.a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................:.. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.........:;:::::.._:..::................................1 Yeas: Nays: Councilman F orth Go Approved ......... ............ ..... '...-....................... 6-1 ccoll Wunderlich.......................................................................................... M or hso- Mayor. Form c A Is (am 4 ) _444le T .. ................... .. .......... .. 0. ............ .................... . .............................................................. ........................................................................................ Dated this .......... 5th. --day of .......... Jxm—��- ....................... ............................ .............l"""""1... .......................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. C t T A 0, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thefollowingimprovement. viz.: QP lle....Slclem k ..... six fe both ides of F.4j;VMQ.Unt Air.etime f-rom Syndioate Stme.et...t.0 Griggs street .. .................................... ............................... I ................................................. ................................................. - .................................................. ..................................... ........... . . ......................... . ..... . . ...... . .. ....... ... ..... .. .............. .......... ...................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and citimated coot of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......................................................... .............................. .................................... .................................................. I ........................ .............................. I ................................................ 5. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .........: ..... ............. Yeas: Nays: Councilmen Farris rth Ferns Goss M U u u 11 6 M nderlih Mayor Form CA 19 (JIM 4.17) Council File No ................. ......... PROPOS4!, rPff,.,BWROVEMENT 253f57 Petition +e Counetl of the. City of 3[ A"A /yth. et ! gb.d� hez,eby en The undersigned hereby pro pq,6—the —..I I kIN tn(k dIr_0q!edaaa, tie to ;", lo"ProVen" City of St. Paul, viz-: T .. ................... .. .......... .. 0. ............ .................... . .............................................................. ........................................................................................ Dated this .......... 5th. --day of .......... Jxm—��- ....................... ............................ .............l"""""1... .......................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. C t T A 0, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thefollowingimprovement. viz.: QP lle....Slclem k ..... six fe both ides of F.4j;VMQ.Unt Air.etime f-rom Syndioate Stme.et...t.0 Griggs street .. .................................... ............................... I ................................................. ................................................. - .................................................. ..................................... ........... . . ......................... . ..... . . ...... . .. ....... ... ..... .. .............. .......... ...................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ........ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and citimated coot of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......................................................... .............................. .................................... .................................................. I ........................ .............................. I ................................................ 5. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .........: ..... ............. Yeas: Nays: Councilmen Farris rth Ferns Goss M U u u 11 6 M nderlih Mayor Form CA 19 (JIM 4.17) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of L ide)q-in.L qg 11aymand Lv-enuP­.L-..a.. th of sixty -sir f -ef..tc.r o s s .. . . . a.. .. ........... te r --- ......... 91 Of Ra r -.t h e r n ..cific Ra.ilw;Ky �Lh __�Jnnes _t Z 1 .......... ...... ...... f� . ......... 9­!� .36!2L.y G.o...t t.he­.Gr.ea:L .N.P.r.the.r.n. RA.1lW.4.y C -Q-1 a.a( U& a-ai-­*,:an.j-toba Ry-- Co from Raymond Place or Robbins Street to TL� inter � venue.,- St.-_ ,'�n tho r.ly ............. . ... .......... ­ .................. ...................... .............. --------------­----- ------ ------------------------ --------------- AXI....._....___ ....... .................................................................. ............ ................................... ........................... tinder Preliminary Order . ....�3924 .......... approveEiW1! Z U12., Intermediary Order......2.41a5......., JimsoLUTIorf G " approved...... --.February 8th, 1919. MAats: bV Dauia ................................. r matter '", ' oRW''%�ff Jnd�" A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemrr&��iiiy.qi.,i4mds or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upio;lNhe assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duty considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. f1trther- .................... Adotedby the Council .......... ....... ........ 191T. ---------- ............. C' City Cler Approved I r 191 ... . ............................. i / Mayor. Councilman 11sworth Councilman ose Councilman Y4 XClancy e6tmcft Councilm ecoll Councilm7n underlich Mayor IV ixx �lodgscn M 11 1 11 :f t ttill I 1 .111 11 11 11 fil "►- !. " Y1 253519 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter j E. ja a.-. A. _ta a W_jd th O..f sixly.-AU (.6.6) Q -f YlaL-y Of t he- S t. Fa-ull­& Mcir-thern FacIf.i-c Railviay i:.Q_ thP_...Ajinneqota ... T_rai:izf.e_r...JRaA1W-0,Y ce—, th-e - ai ..ern- l.w.ay �;.o ano the 1vii=P-E.PaLls and l�a nLtc_bz_ay_ L;o from R_Ekymo.nd_.Plarle ar R.ahb.:U_,s c.tr.f, -e-t tjQ Tai_r Park. s .................... .................. ........................ .................................................... under Preliminary Order ... ....... 23924 ------ .............. approved ------ Intermediary Order --......E_4.1.8.5.•...., approved Eebruaxy 8., I �q. 1_9. is 25969 T natter - -and'. Resolved: 11V Raymond Av nue to a rt ric (66) 1eetaero9s' (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby orAei;e `%'EieMadeviz: 4 , -w.iden and extend Ray.mo.n. d .venue to a w_J._d..t.h Of S_i.x..t.Y.-_S.i.x (.6.6.) .... feet a cL2 ...... ss the .. Raymond I .. .. ... .... ..... .. . .. . . right of way cf the St. Paul & Northern PacificRailway .................................................................................................... ..................................... tj:,e ............. A(,innesota Transfer Railway Co., the Great Northern Railway Uo., and .... ..... . .. .. ..... .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. e St. Paul, 11 1 n n e a p o 1 1 s and %;a r i t o b a Ry. Co. from Ra mond Place or Ratbins.--7Strse.t t-U-Tt:'frfteT7 �1"T6YRYb ------------------------------------------------- — (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- _priatcd_ and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: .. ............................................... All that part of Lot K, St. ;,nthor4 Park, ilinnescla, lyinE easterly of a �,�trairht line drawn. from the southwest corner of Block 34, St. .-Anthony Park, i%,Jinnesota, to the northwest corner. of Lot 14, Block 2 Rearrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 6.8 and All,that part of Lot I Of Block- 75,:5t. Anthonyarjc. Lot I , , St. Anthony -Park, ��Ajnpesota, lying within a strip 66 feet in width the easterly line of:.said 66 foot strip being a straight line. drawn from the scuthweit,-�66� "B1ock-34, St. Anthony Pail 'earner of rx,44-innesota to the Northwest,a9rh T corner 6 - Lot- 14; Block 2, Rearrangement` 62 67 across Of Bloc �62, 67', 68 and -Lot I of _BAnthony 66 , t strip .1o,.ok75,* St. n, hPark. t i, ip 't strip across the Tollowl- 'descr 'Of land --A strip 100 feet.wi nE -ibed piece 'Of e I y ing, south of and ad� in the southw _ 1 -JPin11!8I,,j1odk 63 St . Anthony Park e ly , 1/4 of the northeast 1f4 . i S o ea. e On -29, Towm2q R3nge 23, the easterly' e of said �66:foot. strip being a-stral' ght from the southwesteri., f , line drawn: to the nortbWesV6 _1� 1� per of 0 lock , �Bk 34,. -,St. Anthony Park, Minnesota. Block Lot 1 14 , Block 2 _ , 's't , 62, 67 68 and Lot 1 of Block 75 m4hony 0, Rearrangement of Blocks.,, A 66 foo t strip across Block Park. -.- 63- St - Anthon­Y_ P easterly line bf�said 66 foot strap'beinjL a straight the line drawn from the southwesterlycorner of Block 34X�7 St;:. Anthory. L ', northwesterly corner of Lot 14, 131 Ot . k 2 Rea � POLrk to the I . 2 rrangement of Blocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot 1 of Block 75, St. Anthony Park, A 66 foot strip across the Right., of Way of the St. Paul, lWinneapolis and t1,anitoba,.1Ry,. Co. said right of way beinf- a strip of land- 150 feet. wide being 75 feet on either side of original center the northeast 1/4 of Section 29, T - - Town. 29, Range 23 . The easterly line of said 66 foot strip being a straight line drawn from the southwesterly corner cf Block 34, St, Anthony Park, 'Vinnesota, to the northwesterly corner of Lot 14, Block 2, Rearrangement of Plocks 62, 67, 68 and Lot I of Block 75, St. Anthony Park. (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. .. Adopted by the Council .............................. ....... 1...................., 19 Approved --------------- N, - ----- Councilman Farnsforth Goss Councilman G Councilman He X Clancy Councilman Me oll Councilman W nderlicho , lio(� 1fnyor brkk IiOdgson op- .............. Cit ier .......... ............ ........... ... .. .................... Mayor. 2536€ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter oi._.G.Q.CSI.P71 1. rh...?,P-. t.&kiI19,..Y.-1...Pa ems.n.L....in. ._t P..land...n.eces�axy for_. iopes, for cuts_ and fills in d r�..a],ley.._in31ock..-�,•---SaS�enL-.'.s Add±tion, from All-ert Street to Hamline Avenue. ...... _.......................................................-----'-............--'........._---•-------....-------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ....................................................,4nr,sFAsyo8�Mm1R6 ae'm6El; AaNannII8C„OANg I66 ...... - - .. _.xTsxiAM... ............................................. ........... ------------------------.... ,bN3�26 et lend "Tni��seaeardant in}�;,_h -v Spr.elap0e for onfi under Preliminary.Order.._24085------------- approved.s.L.P.4..2.7.,.�..7.9., Intermediary Order...... 2441;.5........, approved A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, And the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. rtheralved ^ttiist the said assessmeat 3�o aad it °is -heY sbq dZib33filtl�be Ypayable in ... �eRta,as-t u:lil-Pace-laaddeaeribed-tttereih. Adopted by the Council.....------- aL...'rJ...'9].9--- ti qi Approved.......: ; �-:..------�---:....g............_.......-., City Clerk. f Mayor. Councilman Fa orth - Councilman Go Conneihnan Clancy Conncilma McColl Council Wunderlich Mayor W. Hodgson C' F 'i�0 - 25361 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of._4o a..mxi.i,zlt.-4xid---.taklrA&--axl---ag-u eiit...in._L a...l.antl...nAae.sLarg for sloped for cuts and fills in rad in , alley in block Add ition,from',lhertStreet to Hamline Avenue. _.- .-• ander Preliminary Order....24685............. approvedOrder..._2a .�.`�...._..., approved ArC �.Q.....� ? Q .....--• mtf�iXv onnsn,irj coxn�eneamadv -`r pRoSJ�ntxcs � �`� Resolved: Tn thfl )nattep of CtindemaJng and talc sng as ea9emept dh tae Sand Hetes; condemn and (1) That the following improvemeylt,^f, efot a foray qu n-ered to be made, viz: take,_an- ... Hetes a..r ...hoz...s.1.a.P.e.S—.S.or...rluta and...fill xxl...lvx ad zng..alle3z-••-ixl..HlociA---4,._S�x eia.V.s---=.dilitior BBI' lizxe...Ave11ua....................... _........ ._.......... ._...............-......-------............................................................ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: !zpon--2re--_G11eY tha...po.inta...afore- +p-_the-_extentshown--upon._the--_gR.eiGjl._a.tt.phQ-d---Z-o--_t1'M---repor.t---af.._the Ll)?11o.._W.ax if s...aSi...tk1e...A1s,.t...£....,....dra.t_d.a ...LPr. 17 t o (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council... UV..-� i ---y - 1 ... t - - --�i__ � . c_._ 919 Ct Clerk. Approved --5 ..�.� i` Mayor. Councilman t-41" sworth, Councilman 4 ss Councilman /C1aa1ncy �L T Councilor eColl 1 f!nnnnil an dbPnnderlirh Mayor/'!1MiRx P0,13son K` civa ��°at�� tt' ,%` o"` LM ��r�'`fia iu; O tavor oR e,yetaona y rma> .wao -; 25` 60 ttoga for tda aidbuata gbt`onpoeite ttelaF, . c�7 AU F a% �tvg0 n °�a�tlmb @d ,1n�i e[V1t�PdlfiM {yam IL .. ..._. ur�.�P'ard o'rtdt�a3dil��bf F,th§gce :! 8kt8 46 ,T p'doptgtl. f/y Se Gpuaclt dpae B !@}9;, _ �. di ,iune B 7818 ............... .. -........ TY \"... R ... - ....., fS4. ...... PER:.: ... � TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and infavorof the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council.. ........... ...._ Clancy Farnsworth -_..__..._ roved .._.... ^................. Goss S;Ecker v _...... ................. .. ................. __...... `' -..1 Meco MAYOR W derlich _I S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,636.40 { Tnt �itlt(i�.ri219R_ Aaaeaa� - Ann� J cti*M S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 75.50 12r�o e„` 253+6 ` No._........................................................... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5065, to appoint one teacher clerk at the Mechanic Arts High School for one month in addition to the usual school year at a salary not to exceed $110.00 for the said month. Yeas (✓) Cqnnc' en (✓) Nays Adopted by y the Council_'0...................................... �Fa sworth rG ss ............ie,f" W al Appro .......................................... O ccoll .............. Arkw"— Wunderlich MAYOR M son ' eaelvea e"j— _ W '+?tA�iveLUe fal�R+eMd yYoeo�ad�l�3 eNeby. °eieb�'a f{ggi'Pm yY aSh�t A:eiyen118s!g 'f - Publ1 Y °T8e°�fa . �a $tree i maceFi yRYYe ca tain�u w°°'u!t+� t4Au RM F°eoa .wcowrfyi�yyo;ctyes a,�? pt -. �A}*, .................. RUA zz Vale • e a4B a COYNCLL qnr ifi loie�i, ,.1 1234. na - r Resolved, That the Council hereby rejects bids received for paving Prior Avenue from University avenue to north line of Minne- haha street and hereby eiders the Cd=Aosioner of Public Works to procure the necessary materials and do the work by City Force.Account as provided by the Charter. F.B.1956 YeasJG n ✓) Nays - Adopted by the Council .. ;0 3......1...... CY th �ia.feeeN' APPr \ - j-..�� s.........191..... O_�e........_........................chMr. PsonFORM-__- 41tg of 6i. Paul �urcilasing ,�e}+actment �JyK�Ayc R. W. AU.TIK. PY111..iwu A— N IJ�J64 K. L. PI...L.R. O.P.iv P.Re11A.IK, Al— June 5,1919 To the Honorable Mayor & Council, City of St.Paul. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee respectfully recommends that the following contracts be awarded to the lowest bidders: Paving Concord Street, from Annapolis Street to Ada Street to Thornton Bros. for the lump sum bid of $71,400.00, In accordance with their Formal Bid No.1972 and their letter reducing their original bid of $71,900.00, which is hereto attached: Engineer's estimate $72,793.00. Paving East Sixth street from east end of Sixth street bridge to west line of Arcade street and from south line of East Sixth street to south line of East Seventh street to Fielding & Shepley for the lump sum bid of $48,245.00. Eng. estimate $50,000.00. paving The Committee also recommends that/Prior Avenue from University avenue to north line of Minnehaha street be done by City Force account. These contracts should be let with the understanding that no work is to be started until arrangements have been made with the Street Railway Company to take care of the street car tracks. Respectful3ry submitted, THE CONTRACT COMMITTEE I � 4 B' Nq.`26886 �Y S iM tCta}.4g9-�—}J I • i}mu�10 matter dE lsrsafhgg and imytov ing^ ottadg BonldvalW Stop}' Clbr . modk�E?Oet tp n4 at�eet. ' �•«. - -2tpep}fit �paf4 a lana apd e0eo1$ C t battvaq d baEtSnte G(nanttttOµ aub kt FORM t J �-mlttdfl �*�,O C tniiltbatoker pf�Pnbliq �^itJ iWorke Eqr _£he �bovp named_fmDrbvO - mOnt be and the Fame afa eteb ay y. rr S b}eit^' t � , _ cn� p� I V� { praveY '1 ndopteaNy tne7CptiaOti Tune 6,. 191a J tp.... 6 t F� n OOUNC L �k PILE iV o ......... .. .... ..... p-. - e• J Resolved, In the matter of grading and improving Mounds Boulevard from Clermont Street to Mound Street. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public forks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Received all papers IS connection with above Resolutio . Yeas (0ouncilm n (V) Nays 1 — c lq l q 193M Adopted by the Council,..__, th ..........__._.... �. `� Approve .. 1. (v -tom ich � MAYOR .Mr. dgson FORM' - _ ........ .. . .._:........... .. �CSF x6 2sssa—syk9>t rri f6d v x�I ,.X. OLVede tx1.YUe."4b9upt} .h9le Y; award Lhe 4abi(tna,otv,4ok roan$' Grin cord� rBak} A5i31hgo1 a 8tce6Y Ko:l Ads4s eeGl%a7Rtahao" thLjliaab'* COU Deafg LnE ana �olcudd1r11laYrre 19,7$ RPA Th'b�Dh ifsoe ran e�ib�D pu Qx 0 71 i09P - aM atBRedN }t t1Te r gIte - ........_. atetp attactle *sadvW the"1'q }bi ...�_ . 1'�.'h1a coapLraot 25366 ....... SP.wa#$MdkithvLjne�.pgpMCII Ieiraaisa urPitibarraaaemba haYanmad .rua No. .._ ... ......... .__ ...... ., • - gmate 27EF193A0F-a Aaonted bythe Counci} une 6� 919~j _ AgDroved.7aneJB 1919 �i rt+l C.tune i9; 1919) x Resolved, That the Council hereby awards the contract for paving Concord street, from Annapolis street to Ada street, in accordance with plans, specifications and Formal Bid No. 1972 to Thornton Bros. for the lump sum bid of $71,400.00, as stated in their letter, hereto attached, reducing their bid. This contract 1s awarded with the understanding that the work shall not be started until arrangements are made for the paving and re-construotion of the space covered by the street car tracks for the width of 19 feet, or until, the Commissioner of Public Works issues orders to pr.00ged with the paving under this contract. Engineer's estimate $72,793.00. F.B.1972 7: Coll V Coll Mr. Pres ent, l j6dgsoa FORM C. :'9 3M IZ•18' Received all p&pRre it connection with s�boae% Resolution. to -6 1919 - Adopted by the Council._`.........._.............................i9•.,.. Appro d ............. �JUX....-.6...19.1.x............ 111..... .................. .......... MAYOR -------------- /0 C, Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, conte and expenses for -grading La Crosse Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. REM7177tlN !,' II YrtilG lBSITYB *�� ci6i f; r Ia iho =matters o(�4nd txpen.be 'S+ 11 heaeflta CogTa ,, 6.ttd '' e�@ena8n 'y �ggradlna 7.ac (:1'Otlbel Avenue vPhtte Bre1i1AWsry Ofdek 207t ! i undox`• Preltmtn4ry Ardet^ 20th' I�termedtary Order. 82388 Flnd under Preliminary Order. �s2; npproved aentemna e T 22692 �%�15r._...., Intermed y j,;, mF.,_m# havm�'*__._..., Final Order..._._......__._.......—...._.. approvedt.Y...... _......... 191.8......_ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satilfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED. That the said assesbment be and'the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distribt,i Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said!,a9 `} ent be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-,_., ... J,e(,./�qual installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ........_............ _.:..__...._._..._.............:....................191............ (/ �! ...._........ .............. ...1.✓V`:..�1....1...il`t..S'�. City Clerk. ....._........ _..... 191......_ Form B.. B. Is Mayor. .....----=--- ... ----------- - - - - -- .-....-. .-- - - - - -- -- ------ -- �- ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191 _..__. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the grading of La Crosse Ave. from White Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave. under Preliminary Order .............20.72 ..__------ --- ........_.., Intermediary Order_....223.6B............ ....__......... ......._._............, Final Order ._22692 ..... ......._......... ......... ..................-, approved ._.._.....Sfpt.emb.ar.....7th .............. 191_8_... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- . ment, viz: Cost of construction $..._3.,.18fi.A0 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - - $..... ................. lao......... Cost of postal cards $................ ..... 3.60 Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $..........__..._63.3,.9-6......... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $...-- ......... .9-r-00 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $___._..._.._3s.z78-.is.... _...... ... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Counc4 for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of mance. ........ ............ .... ....... - By qr Resolution Ratifying Assessment. �7 In the matter,of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing cement Under Contract 2981 B,.for ,season A public hearing having been had upon '9#.9'i-,`_vement, and said assess - 0, 25a . ......... finally satisfactory, be it ment having been further considered by the therefore cba UMNS, A a id Ir edaaga q. li `4fid thd I respect ratified, RESOLVED, That the said assessment 8 and the strew' same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Couia�„a of Ramsey for confirmation. BEI FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in. V�_"4(..equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Council ............. . . ... . ............................................................I 91 ........... Approved Form B. B. IS N -P,, 1919 (—o 191 y Clerk. Mayor. Constructing, relaying and repairing of Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Under Contract 2981 C. for season of 1918 (St. Paul Cement Works Contractors) --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 19982 Minnesota St., west side, beginning 71 feet north of Fifth Ste thence north 20 feet to alley. F.O. 19286 Fauquier St., both sides, between Flandreau St. and White Bear Ave. F.O. 19289 Ross Ste south side, from Kennard St. to Flandreau St. F.O. 20872 Fauguier St., north side, from Atlantis St. to the eaat line of Lot 9 of Haas A Vachenheimere Addition. F.O. 11721 Mounds Boulevard from Seventh St. t west line of Clermont 8t. F.O. 20873 Hoffman Ave., east side, beginning at Euclid Ste thence north - 125 feet, beginning at Plum thence north 104 feet and the north aide of Plum St. beginning at Hoffman Ave. thence east 192 .feet. F.O. 20447 Hoffman Ave. west side, beginning at Euclid St. thence north 336 feet. F.O. 20458 Broadway, east side, beginning at Seventh St. thence South to Alley. F.O. 20444 Broadway, east side, beginning 68 feet south of Sixth St. thence south 10 feet. f F.O. 20459 Broadway, east side, between Fourth St. and Fifth Ste F.O. 20445 East Fourth Ste, north side, between Broadway and Pine St. F.O. 20521 Fairfield Ave., north side, from S. Robert St. thence west 120 feet. F.O. 20512 Indiana Ave., north side, from State St. thence west to Robertson St. F.O. 19290 South Wabasha St., east side, beginning at the north line of Chicago Ave. and 10 feet west of the east line of South Wabasha St. thence north 50 feet. F.O. 20096 South Wabasha Ste, east side, beginning at Plato Ste thence north 100 feet. F.O. 20082 Wabasha St,, east side, between Plato Ste and Channell St. F.O. 20140 South Robert Ste, east side, beginning 96 feet south of Delos St. thence south 28 feet. F.O. 20829 Wyoming Ste, south side, from South Robert St. to Gorman St. F.O. 19983 Humboldt Ave eat side, beginning 76 feet south of Lohisa St. thence south 14 feet. F.O. 20467 Goodhue St., south side, from West Seventh Ste thence west 192 feet and from Ann St. thence east 128 feet. . --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 20459 Broadway, east side, between Fourth St. and Fifth St. ,.Q a," 4_ ^_m Coy n h CT' 10 west line of ]ermont St. F.O. 20447 Hoffman 've•� E , ncc iivc . 336 feet. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__'......:......_.._..__::....6equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. . �r RE.SOLi1TION RATIFYING' ASSESS- C F. No. En36$— §--.•� - -- to the matter of the assessment bmeflts, coats and expenses f, constructtng nt r' A ,, k.,g . a . �f cement aideival ke, Estimate ' 253,99 ii V • L. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits[ cost:.' , ui exjenses fnr Constructing, relaying and repairing of Cement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 1, Under Contract 2981 C. for season of 1918 (St. Paul Cement Works Contractors) --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 19982 Minnesota St., west side, beginning 71 feet north of Fifth Ste thence north 20 feet to alley. F.O. 19286 Fauquier St., both sides, between Flandreau St. and White Bear Ave. F.O. 19289 Ross Ste south side, from Kennard St. to Flandreau St. F.O. 20872 Fauguier St., north side, from Atlantis St. to the eaat line of Lot 9 of Haas A Vachenheimere Addition. F.O. 11721 Mounds Boulevard from Seventh St. t west line of Clermont 8t. F.O. 20873 Hoffman Ave., east side, beginning at Euclid Ste thence north - 125 feet, beginning at Plum thence north 104 feet and the north aide of Plum St. beginning at Hoffman Ave. thence east 192 .feet. F.O. 20447 Hoffman Ave. west side, beginning at Euclid St. thence north 336 feet. F.O. 20458 Broadway, east side, beginning at Seventh St. thence South to Alley. F.O. 20444 Broadway, east side, beginning 68 feet south of Sixth St. thence south 10 feet. f F.O. 20459 Broadway, east side, between Fourth St. and Fifth Ste F.O. 20445 East Fourth Ste, north side, between Broadway and Pine St. F.O. 20521 Fairfield Ave., north side, from S. Robert St. thence west 120 feet. F.O. 20512 Indiana Ave., north side, from State St. thence west to Robertson St. F.O. 19290 South Wabasha St., east side, beginning at the north line of Chicago Ave. and 10 feet west of the east line of South Wabasha St. thence north 50 feet. F.O. 20096 South Wabasha Ste, east side, beginning at Plato Ste thence north 100 feet. F.O. 20082 Wabasha St,, east side, between Plato Ste and Channell St. F.O. 20140 South Robert Ste, east side, beginning 96 feet south of Delos St. thence south 28 feet. F.O. 20829 Wyoming Ste, south side, from South Robert St. to Gorman St. F.O. 19983 Humboldt Ave eat side, beginning 76 feet south of Lohisa St. thence south 14 feet. F.O. 20467 Goodhue St., south side, from West Seventh Ste thence west 192 feet and from Ann St. thence east 128 feet. . --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 20459 Broadway, east side, between Fourth St. and Fifth St. ,.Q a," 4_ ^_m Coy n h CT' 10 west line of ]ermont St. F.O. 20447 Hoffman 've•� E , ncc iivc . 336 feet. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in__'......:......_.._..__::....6equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the -Regal nn�� V orth fo,a1 _ �... .................. co ya�tiob tl AVP j D Resolved,. That the applioation of the Twin City Amusement Trust Estate for a license to conduct a Theatre at 4.79 Wabasha Street, be and the same'herehy is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon. thea payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. nIN, -P3 1919 Adopted by the orth Appro ...: _,,;�..�., j ---.........n+".. ..rlichdgson8_ nIN, -P3 1919 traneresren'tb w � ream""r"5te `b �� �; even�C'anlan,�281� e(br CO f,b yi ♦� n t^ hit %+ s+" 5Mr pRM �i pA{11p'�geµ.Jud6Qs °taitlsu ��yna�yA�T�ais I_ / $ POeNCIL, IVO. ROM ................. e ` Date _. ............. Resolved, That Cigarette License No. 59, whidh expires April 10,1921, now in the name of C.O. Williamson, 283 Selby Ave., be and the same hereby is transferred to W.A. Scanlan,.287 Selby Avenue. Yeas (J) Councilme (✓) Nays r/ Adopted by the Council-... ...... ............. y ancy erns orth Appr ................. -..':: ����g .........'N . (f G § .............. i::,ccoll O ........... _/' Wunderlich MAYOR, M .P a de t Hodgson: . j ice` ..............:. _.._ .... y ..._..: ... _ _ ..._ ` 'g t. 16T f VI .e'h1IdW° Bc�,9ha t /J a ' an3r. 'id � NO. .....i5[ 2. ..L,.._. °AdoPi0e�gg4;U�A�yy 9the Cotifncal it \lv Dµgot Resolved,' That the Council hereby awards the contract for paving East Sixth street from east end of Sixth street bridge to west line of Arcade street and from south line of East Sixth street to south line of East Seventh street, in accordance with plane, specifications and Formal Bid No.1976, to Fielding 90 Shepley, for the lump sum bid of $48,245.00. Engineer's estimate $64,000.00.` F.B.1976 W Eeceived all papere its connection with above' Resolution. ` Yeas/93M V9U mea (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council... .l.[,Z�.n. °tl....�_.191-•� ortL Approve J ..� .....-•. 191 �? j/ -�TrIe-hese VD ..........._.................................... r.,-...•.•--•--....•--•.. .•.•..... MAYOR rlich Mr. PdgsonFORM18. 16 � Lha hate gaffer apealltad tUU .,—n 'V non 2531A rr� z1vi Now . ........... .. .................... AUDITt, FORM 973 a.is --------------- ... ............... .......... AUD .......... Y TRO �1-31t PER............................ TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the ,City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: I men Adopted by th o cil ... ........ ...... ........ .................... —19L.— ;opted by th Clane TS roved e Farn orth !�.10 I too"! 1 roved. .............. . ............ . ......... .... . ........... ............. 191 -------- y Goa K er Ke --------- *0- . . . ... ........... ... ......... .... . ......... ..... ..................... ........ i��ioi Coll underlich Mr, Pres ent, Hodgson t�A f, +10944 A. F. Morton,, Supto, 90095 1135. James Rasmussen 20*00 11990 Mrs. C. Siverson, 6.02 NO. Lillian G. Swan, 66-18,:, TOW! —JIM _4 1; 7 T �4 aeoi'ed'�$f,Rl$t24 ,ab k�^rfRgi i 7 4df�r� C d P£�dINjRb1111 2tSKittt3t.s1�ehlSe�mAl'1blwe�eloasaeilwn1a�i6d�0ptttbbtY1A�ptth4tyYroe8t8abdtt6dad I B5314 � iag ttva poled aq Jackaoa t£eAG 'f bettPean.}'Nl tb, and- �'eRtbN Btreete ° r ? "� ar'iasCAt�nAiXt41g ohsT�ntbx$Lt'eetyr,�laat a.�• p Ca �9ffp0@,tye1Y 2 ARAt�"heed9R' rYY%i6f*fti' pwi -7 i ilei jFlz�ii �QGoiayelesrtttlCpa LS"euQtyi'legp#..tetfill I4yyblee,iRni# lice itlbtsp ABtaFoY'Cfl b11cYVdll1 s g dd;it,all thfti&,eµppi@bt to tke9 provl 81�tYe oT°i7Y'dlagnadnTio 248ir'aiid o{{ aA he 7,afrt4lyrdfnnuce6 ggat�tr@A,jli�tit@Ad of th;@ttR'ibf @t .iraulv"v Burl ttoaanSlaaia'hekl°i y&pvhT re��� t°abe n .iCo m�fo enrpt°P 1s}jrt IItl}litPd ?a hall T4LVED. - dutg�tl1'e'f5 titndl ah�a1 - o- agL.,eug height �Yfd Dhe:���tA� ttA+he a�$11'deglSgl@tA.hnd ayypi01,$n any 'agd�gR aat �9D}eq t� .halt b"A` taken-¢gVriti hllq"�'mdvdd and J 3 Buab- Wl;ee plp.a q u¢dd outtd, wheat o. ever the CoUbel aba�l}i Ata t3at"Fith&' .putrLa iHt@'rept eo+r'etlpira�r atld. tpb0h S4. el#� i efi ora r l r i+A} o LAd >fY'�thd� Cbtindf ? +�0 7�191F Se P vi Gm Ltebt Company eu a54treiiea=eo snditrelLtteiral'iirta by crccdn¢ pates and etriv¢me whu thtteau [ar the d In dre folia in7 ...d. o(said rty. "gyp ii 1 ta11one�popoles o leonTenthkson Street Streeteaetof Canada Street. Wi bnTehnecessary Streets. guys and anchors. For Commercial Distribution. �e Ail of rh ten Imo, polo and robes b 116 led and mmtrueted order the dtrecuon aed supenb1.-gtthe Cemmleeiever of Public Udlitim and in nil ihtn¢a subleet to the pr .lei s of Ordloance No. 7414 and of .11 ether lawful ordlvagcee and reeoludms of the Clty f . Paul. - Allpol W ,Id=t eat in aneh loath t Id alloys avd streets as the Commbsloner of Public Utill ebali deelevate, oad eball be of such beleht and character m be shall dgt ate and appmva and myand all ouch poles shall be takes down and removed, and eu<6 wim placed uvdereromd, whenever the Council shall deem that the wblk leterat so repuiree, a.d when it aball o order._ ;Uyy;9 Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Council n FAR ORTH GO LOLL UNDER t. Approve 9 ^191 KELLER c �'y v t r. Pr ideal; Tlld Mayor F +€ wi a, Form nen ba or Haas " u onx ttfectio AE's at�in�' c mmf alou��p ber iLapuylld tlEinft?at apifa rel ihin§s `a iaSeor to Ihe=Drovleloaa pLL.+.pFe. atnAReo"No .€1S{taA{1 0; atl •othgr[ �l'stp . fAl opolniyAcea 8qq resQluX{otr6 qthe � . Ctfr oL tlt.'�pul s,i, Dep" W1YRIa+}IH k$ItCH elle ye&o oi! tn7bdgh' 1oca.' �o�tnleatru r Pa streets ;8a jn$, .. A �dF'VeAbIIo 'CUtttfea shall, +.��wayas+m aDnd'clh48 ci cag paeleh6lRLLpeiiefratnh�,.'hel8�tit B apalloba.tak@A�.ayawb an44droampvEnrol; av14n ww1['P.a D] Oed adder And ;eAnd ofPilOn eiertthe�CnutfiCllatiail egae"tb`tN - DuaItC41At"era8t all a Fvtl sk,"i �an /n) §hsP oYdd� ; ^ --- -'t i rid ,. 3 AeoDted,Ab# thA Cuuno �une�"fi%h t.the St. Paul [ollowiloa alley svdleante of e.id ctand directed to eztend its elutrital linin br ercctia¢ Holm and etriv¢in¢ wires thercov for the Install. one pole in the alley east of Western Avenue, north of Van Buren street. 6etodero ail distribution. With,necessary guys and anchors. All of eoc6 mtemtava, poln and w'un atoll 6e erected inti comtructed vvdv the diradov and evpenialon of the Co,-,,,,*,- of Public Utilities and iv ail things suchha n No. 2474. and of dl athv lawful ordivanem anti rewlusiom of the City o/ !a. Paul. astan lof , be such bright and characty as ruLiect to the r All the ehodd be eat tv inch lomdon is avid alleys evd streets m the commissioner o(Publte be taken dowv and removed. UIIlitim shall deet¢nnte, and shall of esti each wine plamd under¢roavd, waevevv the Council shall deem that the shill eolua ordv�ly shall so requires. andr �� evd w6l say vu Ll:ell designers 191 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilme (� FARNS ORTH GOSS y Mc C L WU DERLICH LLER Mr. President i1iI�i+ D. That St. ,Paul Cu Licht Company fi ¢Qpl�.:tY08xpld;ce"lfadbr 14'.agR�Ctb$t' cove polo end aMo¢in¢ vhes thmesu for the f elm -Wets and iv the fallowiv¢ illera und street eudb' L.b byl `phaA eB�a �ypatlsl lI� nhaR°!Io °r1i� t, ted bs' the Qounoil quba *� 1919,' Inst 1 Two poles in the alley north of Curtis Street, between Andrew and Brown Streets. Two poles on Dale.St., near Hatch Street. One pole on Virginia Avenue, between Edmund and Thomas Streets. One pole in the alley south of Armstrong Avenue, west of Warsaw Street. One pole on Book Street at the alley south of Brand Avenue. Two poles in the alley south of Marshall Avenue, west of Cretin Avenue. Commercial distribution. With necessary guys and anchors. t All of such eltevelues, polo and wile &hall be erected and coutrneted under the direetion and avpenidov of the I-sel-daner of Public Utilities end in ail thine& n WIct to the Provislova of Otdiv&ne No. 2171. sod of all ,1hedlawful "llnavices and rnolofiov& of the n of (k. Paul. All pole &hold be ut Iv uc6 loetiov In mid allure end a=u the Co.er1aa v of Public Ufiiitin shall duafavate, and shill be of &uch hei¢ht and chanmv u he .hall dniemta and approve, and any avd all each pole bell be taken doom and removed, and such wires placed underaroond, who the Coovcil shall deem thatthe panic Interest se r lrea. and wben it &ball so older. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) Council en ( )� FAR WORTH GOS Mc OL L WNDERLICH KELLER Mr. Preside Dg# -fiX rs�,ar�yx ttP �Y / f oaCtet�.Pdie, ko09mud4 tis ttteasan,. pafjuc wtw,, ttd�fYom ID CO CO�9y.vrllbtre1eqqdQ Bh(J'xs�unve�£7CfoY�tuT�isoalltfs)a ut+�ave7nEji, .u�FYp .dYtd NO i.717-�"' .2._. - - _.._ ....... _ ........ _........ ... ......_.......... ......... 3'+►'9.191..... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the reoommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for constructing a sewer on Arcade street from Margaret street . to a point 90 feet north of Sixth street to Christ Johnson for the Lump sum bid of $661.20. Engineer's estimate $680.00 F.B.1977 fit.' ltecelved. all PSPere coilnectiorj. with above Resolution_ Yeas (J) Ccil n (✓) Nays v%o Adopted by the n I U?w i9 19 n 9n worth JUN:. ;:...919...191..... APP Uer McColl/v::..:..`.. MAYOR �fNnnderlich - esident, Hodgson r P • C.A,9 8412.19 ..253'78 COUNCIL PILENo ............................................. Resolved, That the proposition Of Jacob Leuthold and wife and August Spangenberg to convey certain easements, as evidenced by the instru- ments bearing date May 39th, 1919, be accepted, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to cause the said ease- ment to.be placed upon record. Received connection with above Resolution.AD V Adopted by the Council_ _..:'._._. x_..!9.!.9__..191..... -7 i919 APPv .............. ............. ............ ....... 191. ......................... MAYOR Yeas (6�/ouncil n (l') Nay lancy a worth o ( ler � ycColl Wunderlich Hodgson Mr. esident, P MC A.9 3M'8.18 Received connection with above Resolution.AD V Adopted by the Council_ _..:'._._. x_..!9.!.9__..191..... -7 i919 APPv .............. ............. ............ ....... 191. ......................... MAYOR �.... sts°$r"'ii tse RM co Ke�mea tmprgpeys�tp a �a)t7"a T7 aYB itebebY,� htl� uPci1; 3$Rg,l1� ?.45 sAdbPt4 P+1( YDS PILE NO............................... .. t rlf.DY�@dtuktCe7i�#.1853 j._`�x .. ......: .... ......... ......... «i3 u 7-ta'#- 4S.x.k: .. .... - Date�ireae. e + rn. . /in the matter of the 8ummit�-Pasoal Sewer System, under Prelim- nary Order #6671, Final Order #14138, approved December 23, 1917; Resolved, That the modified plans, speoifioations and estimates, as amend- ed, submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvements, be and the same are hereby approved. 11eceived all papers In connection with above R s lut'on. • .e k njh�<9t >Ln RM - .z� 25380 That the application of H. J. Goodman for a license to -conduct a Pawnshop at 156 E. 7th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and contract and thepayment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, 0100.00. /Yeasnci en (✓) Nays �9 Adopted by the Couacll 191...ysworth Appro .......�......... .191er.... OlI •....... ....-���+•••^•—AYORderlich , Hodgson 12-18 ' bri p a pD dA $L oo n 61 tt t1tR loch , � daCb9 ac'4nd 4iit�ced s�nrtte a�f a�irebe�ea R M d erao i9aue a yyfeppe9i gqtOl ed }rns _ -I uvq 1p04",pt�rngedt, dt5 pe te0r ea ra i s�Q 19.'Y n. 9uired biawr 1=� B� - g _ ........ �R7C7� .,._ . .... ._..... ...ep ybgu Iia tgerspty' 2 t &Y. .t-d CI e ? �Y l 5:','^+- COUNCIL aaar�49 day 3R09tnurant r98 8! me N O .....:.. .... ..... .... Obs eyl'eq h .V { ....... ..... ........ ..:...... Taalec w,�R A, iMaP9 oFOt. 48 6q..............+, -_ '4Y' 2gtiF ��e 0ti 4 .. s•PaNn, �t99tai<rantr Aesysc pa ., dr $erase+ roi - � r S aaSk� 49SgQga F Cbtens We9FIioSgl q ....... � Win: :$0h0en�al9,��liatn4eY �gCel` §i�iF - �pn,.t6tAaet6 A10, -q }9 CounalT T�inu 7 ],,y19+ u1DD X0� �O 0 � lq•39 t t ,�j4 Sgn0gi4�193@> t + r Resolved, That the application of the.following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby granted, and the city clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NAME OF APPLICANT' HOTEL OR RESTAURANT LOCATION; Chas.Sobmalzbauer, Restaurant 20 E. Isabel, A. J. Ma�de�,-��t/ Restaurant) 222-24 Chesnut St., James D. Long, Evans Hotel, 48+50 17. 10th St., George John, Restaurant, 468 St. Peteb 5t' Mrs. Viggo F. Carsten, West Hotel, 6 E. 9th St,, Im.- Sohoenhals, Ramsey Hotel, 384 Jaokeo* St., Yeas (6) Councilm (V) Nays Adapted by the Council JUN--_-71919.__ 191..._ Clancy Farns orth App ve : _JUN —7 1919 .191_.:. Goss lePAtOC!'�................................ Ke er Coll V ............. ..._. „I+rtVg1ffjg: underlich .......... ....... .!/----....... YOR r. P sident, Hodgson _. FON C. A.9 9M 6-I9 'T File No.---. .... Pf, " is �` eriSa rt3 %0�1[i'MENT v as tone 25382 Petition 18y sbfg�so ie rrfuti� t' its iff Pahlt afbt�;bezi4y��,xilee en rua - �0- ` uYv�sh�� ner,aa¢�br�n& ua�o��,gnr4 _ C 6brpd+`ar d% et§�iy'n�t aat4 - dersigned hereby proposenr`imrovProvement by the Crsty of St. Paul vsz : de tha...aentre....of...IlP. aTif3-.- ................ AAMI.. a..:satva t, �, � s�� ... Y . eti as z los„ ......:.......:. .................._ ......... ............... tQ.B. tl p -0.:Y ....... _.......... ..................... .............:........................................_ .............................................------:................ Dated thia...�.1Fll............ day of .lule.r...1919 191......... Councilmen. PRELibY ORDER. C WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............... t..r,,..........._....... Streetto&..p...eetnorth............................,. _........................:..........:... ......_ ....................... _......_.............................................................................................................................................................................................. .................. .........................._..........:..:....................... .. ............................................... _ ......................................................:.............:,. ' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman............................................................ therefore, be.it RESOLVEfl� bat the -Cori u iond- A Public VPorka be a`ndrtie is hereby ordued'and diredted: 1. To inveidgate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and ebtimated colt of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement .......................................... .......:............ -...................................... .............. .. .... ... 5, To !tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MIN 7 1919 191 Adopted; by the council .................................................. Yeasrr Nays; Councilman Farrisrth . [ Approved ......... 191 underlich.... ................................................. .. Mayo Mayor. � , ram CA 0(SM 4M - - ry Gro1„�,��,�...� fr � ��,_ E 3q7 M Clana�—t§i r •,';i�msrl� 2 L.0 .vl , � � 1 F ✓l,iv "L '/ J 0 n'hn.Zf 1 ��fi�1 i C � � ' `����ry . y f; An ordinance to amend a*ninistra ye Ordinance No. -32502 �• a approved August , 1914, and amendments thereto', 'entitled; "An admii}is na ive-, inance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the Vi y of St. Paul, V prpvifi 4 and adopting rules k. td regulations :,t"refor.'l%'- This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, x r k he4lth and safety. h ' T:as' COUNCIL OF Tlu3 CITY OF ST. PAUL DOTS ORDAIN: i Section 1. That Section 20, of Rule 2, of Ordinance No. 325021 approved August 20, 1914s as amended, be and the same is .hereby amdnded by striping out in said section the following work and figures §' "Steam Fitter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75� an - our, "Steam Fitter's Helper . . . . . . . . . .45� an hour." and inserting in lieu thereof the following words and figures: "Steam Fitter . . . . .Not to excedd .872 an hour,-,+ "Steam F'itter's Helper, Not to exceed. .50� an hour." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and approval. f Yeas (✓ Councilmen (✓� Adopted by the Council . 1 f �lancy !� r 2 ..191 arasworth pproved j :... _Goss .... nr..-�.�r ....1. 1 . Keller .c* ............QVAPIftt y7q# dtnc�}t lit w e s ", \.%V�/ tl ------ MWi._t tkIft"t °a, i _ _... SssaAdHt`r�tl�� `'e` e' ..... ROLL A DTE .. .......................... 1........ PER..` .. ... ......... ......_........ ........... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of•=the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of'tlib;' persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Nays , "I ' Adopted by the i ....... Ju'i 191 `? Clancy Farnswor T^ -J -W oved ..... ._.._. Goss Kell (� ' M oll xnrox underlich Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson •`�iZii.r Peter Diokson, , 20.00 912T.28 MY719 ue 11362� H. W. Ooetzinger, 13.00 v�trtISIeeee•� 113Ga-% R. T. Gourley, 53.45 6.4 R. 4.1 J,xsg • 7. Cis 7,40 IZ3139- N. W. Psleetrio Equipment Company, 1,955.92- ..Iaiin Gos e Ke r ._._...._.....101.41W oll W d M drlich Mr. President, Hodgson ,aiosb S. A. Farnsworth, Comxr. of Finance SMP -07-11114. -4afinao . i7oekaa, etc. d Pk aSOW" " ington 20 s95 Tota�8 32,794.84 � tdgd a axe �re atna !' �'J� �'�bdtPpyet° ° xt6t19°H.S a,Bb reePe4Ztg9y �taalas lt�p o wta tie ._. O25385 RM. ........... ....... r 18;24 Y 8 ct A �&b �j�"t�tiuncaY'na r �1�Cc r A rn8dlt. 10. � j. Ail ...... AffOnTb T7 UPTROLLER TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Ye"SCEflmen ays Clanc Adopted by the C '1....._...... ........�U .. 191-- ��' = ,y'g Farn orth ._.............. Tn favor A oved ................. _.191— _ . Gos e Ke r ._._...._.....101.41W oll W d M drlich Mr. President, Hodgson ,aiosb S. A. Farnsworth, Comxr. of Finance SMP -07-11114. -4afinao . i7oekaa, etc. d Pk aSOW" " ington 20 s95 Tota�8 32,794.84 Council File No.... 15 NT ,. _ C,,'.'1?Piyid.il,re,cE i ref vre 25386It gttHDM qa +h�Petition � ere � h0"9�oub�'�➢,B P?= v p}e4 r t ax�R�}ra six R. The undersigned hereby p as the making of the following public impr ant by the City of St Paul,:, viz.: cf .curbing..bot.... �d�rs..0 J.I��C:..S.�.x.xa»a..�xrx.'.Sxa.et._.. +, .....::... to PagnB.Avenue..... ....................................•.:.. ...... ...... ........... .............................. ............... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. C. ! C C) WI IEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ............................... w.b.ing._both...ei&e.a....of...lanks....Stre.et...from..H.urr....P.t.reat............... ...... to -.Payne- Avenue. ........................... . ........ ' ....................... .............. :............................................................................................................................. ................................................... ........_..................... having; been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. .................. therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and eAtimated wit of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... .... ..................................................... ..............................._................................................................................... 5 's '(o dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .........Ax �9 19.............._191..._... Yeas:• Nays: Conaw Coxa Approved....................JUN ..... ..._�i9.:.....191......:. Hyl Kell 7.7a)yor M11 W derlich_.._.......................-----................ ...-----.......or,............MI nia3 ��.G ff o _ 2 5 U f V ` ORDINANCES C. F. No. 26388—Ordinance No Slll— + 1yI � A Farnsworth— / 7 `�/ O/ �dinance a thorizfng a d Drovld P the isauTnce, and of o ' ����� ` u 'Hvndred �+oueand Doll:n ,n An ordinance authorizing,and providing for the issuance and sale of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.00) par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, for the purpose of refunding $250,000 sewer construction bonds, and $50,000 hospital building bonds, falling due on August let, 1919. WHEREAS, The City of St. Paul heretofore, under and by virtue of the authority conferred by an act of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, entitled "An act to authorize the City of St. Paul to issue bonds to increase the sewerage fund of the City of St. Paul, and for other purposes," approved January 31, 1887, and also under an act entitled "An act to authorize the City of St. Paul to issue bonds to increase the sewerage fund," etc., approved April 3, 1889,. did duly issue and sell the bonds of said City to the amount of $250,000, fall- ing due August 1, 1919, and also under an act of the Legislature of the State of Minnesota, entitled "An act to authorize the City of St. Paul.to issue bonds for the erection of additional buildings, heating plant, eto. for hospital purposes," approved February 26, 1889, did duly issue and sell the bonds of said 01ty tothe amount of $50,000, falling due August 1, 1919; and WHEREAS, All.of said bonds amounting in the aggregate to $300,000 are still outstanding, and there is not in the Sinking Fund, or in any other fund of said City any moneys applicable to the payment of said outstanding bonds or any part thereof, and the Sinking Fund Committee of said City has recommended that all of said bonds so fall- ing due be refunded by the issuance of bonds bearing a rate of inter- est not to exceed 4-43% per annum, and falling due thirty years from the date thereof; therefore THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sectional. That by virtue of the authority conferred by Section 217 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul and other provisions thereof applicable, the proper city officers of said City are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to issue, execute, sell and deliver h as, Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000.0.0) par value in and of the bonds of the City of St. Paul for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of the bonds of said City issued as aforesaid, and naturing August let, 1919. Said bonds shall be executed in the form of coupon bonds, under the direction of the Sinking Fund Committee of said City In denominations of One Hundred Dollars or any multiple thereof, not exceeding One Thousand Dollars each, as the Sinking Fund Committee may direct, shall bear date August let, 1919, and bear interest at a rate not to exceed four and three-quarters per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually, and become due and payable thirty ye4rs after date thereof. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable at the office of the Finanolal Agency of the City of St. Paxil, in , New York City, New York. Section 2. Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor, counter- signed by the Comptroller, and have thereto attached the corporate seal of the City of St. Pahl, attested by the City Clerk, and shall be in such form as may be determined by the Sinking Fund Committee with the advice of the Corporation Counsel, and shall be sold upon such notice } and in such manner as the Sinking Fund Committee may determine, for not less than par and accrued interest, and to the highest responsible f bidder or bidders. Section 3. The faith and credit of the Oity is hereby pledged irrevocably for the prompt,and faithful payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, as in the bonds provided. Section 4. i*.:,c*dinanca1;shali_tako effeot�and;tap is force thirty days after itrpassage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss Feller Bs46" Wunderlioh Mr. President (Hodgson) Appr d or City Clerk Ctv of Saint Paul (domptrollet's Office nesse coot, eor.rr.oucg „ eeoenT. oeru.r eor+q+nouen Honorable 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: - 25338 June 6th, 1919. Herewith please find a copy of the minutes of meeting of the Sinking Fund Committee held this day re- lating to the $250,000 4% Construction of Sewer Bonus maturing Aug. 1, 1919 and the $50,000 4% Hospital Build- ing Bonds maturing Aug. 1, 1919. Will you kindly draw up the usual Ordinance for the early consideration q, the Council and oblige. Very tl y s udg Flo Ol �V -V-L, b1 w * I` Q 89—.prd; '6' An ordinanoe'to provide for the payment of a pin ion to Ann F. Campion, widow of Daniel H. Campion, deceased. WHEREAS, One Ann F. Campion, widow of Daniel H. Campion, de- ceased, has filed with the Council a verified application for a pen- sion, Getting forth that said Daniel H. Campion was, on the 9th day of March, 1919, and for several months prior thereto had been, a fire- man in the Bureau of Fire Protection of the Department of._Pnblio Safety of the City of St. Paul, and that while in the performance of his duties as such fireman, the said Daniel H. Campion sustained in- juries as a result of which he died; that the said Daniel H. Campion left surviving him as heirs, the following: Ann F. Campion, his widow, 811 Carroll avenue, St. Paul; and Daniel Francis Campion, a son, aged four years, born July 23, 1914. That the said Ann F. Campion and Daniel Francis Campion were wholly dependent upon said Daniel H. Campion for their support, and WHEREAS, Henry McColl, Comm "ioner of Public Safety of said City, has recommended that a pension in a sum not exceeding Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month be paid to the said Ann F. Campion in a000rdanogywith the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul; now therefore, for the purpose of providing such pension, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That a pension in the sum of Forty Dolla-te ($40.00) per month be and the same hereby is authorized and allowed to be paid to the said Ann F. Campion while she remains unmarried and a resident of the State of Minnedota, and until her Child attains the.age of sixteen years, and thereafter a similar pension in the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) per month so long as she remains unmarried and a resident of the said State, unless sooner modified, altered or revoked. Section 2. That said payments be made in monthly instalments on the first secular day of each month, so that the amount to be paid for each month shall be paid on the first secular day of the next suo- ceeding month thereafter. Section 3. That the provisions of this ordinance shall operate to provide a pension in accordance with the terms hereof so that the payments shall start from the 9th day of )larch, 1919. That before, any payments under this ordinance are made to the said Ann F. Campion, she shall execute and deliver to the City of St. Paul a good and suf- fioient release discharging the City from any and all liability on account of the death of said Daniel H. Campion, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Att Passed by the Council 2'; !?!9 Teas Nays Mr. Clancy Farnsworth Goss Beller Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. I, Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety in and for the City of St. Paul, have investigated the facts set forth in the petition of Ann F. Campion hereto attached, and after such investi- gation, I do hereby recommend that the Council of the City of St. Paul authorize and allow a pension to the said Ann F. Campion, widow of Daniel H. Campion, deceased, in a sum not exceeding Forty Dollars ($40.00) per month, to be effective from the 9th day of March, 1919. That before any payments are made to the said Ann F. Campion, she shall cause to be executed a good and1suffioient release in a form to be approved by the Corpora% on Counsel, releasing the City from any and all claims due or wUioh might be due because of the death of said Daniel H.ion' Dated this Za day of June, 1919. Commissioner of Publi Safety. 1� 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, CITY OF ST. PAUL. In the matter of the application for pension of Ann F. Campion, widow of Daniel H. Campion. To the Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, and to the Council of the City of St. Paul: The applicant herein, Ann F. F. Campion, respect- fully sate forth the following facts as an application for pension under the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1913. That one Daniel H. Campion was appointed a fireman in the Fire Department of the City of St. Paul on or about the day of 11 1918, and thereafter and up to the time of his death was a member of the Bureau of Fire Protection of the Department of Public Safety of said City. That on or about the 8th day of March, 1919, the said Daniel H. Campion, while in the performance of his duties as a fireman, sus- tained injures from which he died on the 9th day of March, 1919. That at the time of the death of said Daniel H. Campion, he left surviving him the following named persons, who are his sole and only heirs at law and next of kin, to -wit: This applicant, Ann F. Campion, his widow, and Daniel Francis Campion, a son, aged four years, born July 33rd, 1914. That at the time of the death of said Daniel H. Campion, this applicant, his widow, and said son were wholly dependent upon the said Daniel H. Campion for their support. That the widow of said Daniel H. Campion has not married since hie death, and she is still a resident of the State of Minnesota. WHEREFORE, Said applicant prays that a pension be authorized and allowed her by the Council of the City of St. Paul, to be paid to her in accordance with the provisions of said Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Dated this day of Jame, 1919. Applicant, 811 Carroll Ave., at. Paul, Minn. Fa STATE OF MINNESOTA, BS. County of Ramsey. Ann F. Campion, being first duly sworn, Says that she ie the applicant named in the foregoing application, and widow of Daniel H. Campion, deceased, therein referred to. That she has read and knows the contents of the foregoing application, and that the same is true of her own knowledge. a i Subscribed and sworn to before me s this 16th day of Jule, 1919. 7_ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires C. 1 1qqA "- 11N �t Ck A -t c. a�„_.� ., C�� J V 4 � � ..:. v—s IV c3"9E- J. A. Bayne & C. A. Ahl, Ip h F �t a 0727Mle�StMER 3�6T3 Fixture Equipment Company, �uDod �h. !r'ity +rrea§ury�ppyahta OJdt' d'h-t and Ifo rrga ;haFetnat—ors ' revf `^ l YO \/ ATT V L usTA , Sayor ilk P0[BonI, ftrm8`ot dartlota", tion& }o $e Qunta 80C ppn0atLa �,tletii M�peCi(e a ea s9 9DeO, d 31% the. RM COUNCIL No �Alrl FILE -_ X75- Wm. B. Joyce & Company, ta1IDA�hg"'dDlalled .t�LomenLe 'JS= $aayne!andr0 gyp, Aht° 13460 c F.lxiko'/xE9ulPmeRt- Co'tJl3ianY ` ,1.80", :Chea O" om.op 1960 it A� B JOYce& ComDeRY iii 80 MaeitAh-MSQ ComPaRYh 33D DA Power. ,, . i! ....- A DITED 27orther t3tSte. .mPanY- iI:Z7984c;0 Catf SMthLPae; S50D - &radar Mi Cofitppan,v iZ8 32' •--- -- ---- --- TROLLER - ,Rn.aeli 1 Standard Dil Com�inY �¢DZ ..... _. 1 P13". Carl Rothfuss, X9$'.60 TI.T>;...... T.L 9hiety CompanYiI1880 • Resolved that warrants I A:P 9tnith Jt116 Cogt aay Adopted br tRD Co tno�i Spee 10 1'181 able out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the 1{ DZ P persons, firms or corporations ,gpyypyea;3nt[e l0 ->, ;Y :rrvitn-]4`,7.9191: for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: i`taa-f-- ct men ) s Adopted by the Council.... ............ ............._. - Clancy JU$I .919 I 0 1 Farnsworth �.�Feves� pproved..............................................._.....__...........1�1,.._..._. Goss Kepg'i Ke...... ..... ���`�r ___ ua R cCoil Wunderlich 112.50 President, Hodgson c3"9E- J. A. Bayne & C. A. Ahl, 3.00 3�6T3 Fixture Equipment Company, rj.'�=4 Chas. 0. Johnson, - -. 9.50 -_ X75- Wm. B. Joyce & Company, JP&O 6- H. Mueller Mfg. Company, w.,*,,,�,�,,. <., 430.04 .jaw Northern States Power Company, 1,379.64 1 P13". Carl Rothfuss, 5.00 s 'T23791 Russell Grader Mfg. Company, Gib- 9 29.32 X80- Standard 011 Company, 6.02 # T238T`"' St.Paul Builders Material Company, Walk -au, 295.50 TT002J. L. Shiely Company, 112.50 liS9Fr A. P. Smith Mfg. Company, 194.20 J. I 1 J0 U C F Y% o - 25391 Daf�,ysase�� Iva ... .............. ........ .... .... .._.._ _......_... Resolved, That the grade of alleys in block 8 Phalen Heights Park from Maryland Street to Hawthorne Street and from North and South Alley to Frank Street in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recom- mended -by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (✓) CGn ( ✓) Nays Clancy Farn orth o sc K er underlich Mr. Pre dent, Hodgson FORM A. 9 3M 12-,6 ,SUN 10 1819 Adopted by the.Council ...........__._...................`tQi...... dUh 10 Appr ..... -. .......__.�...._ �'SL1..... MAYOR Resolved, FORM .......... 9P, COUNCIL 2 s3 FILENO . .................................... Date.... ,,.:.... That the application of Joseph Friedman for a license to conduct a Motion -Picture Theatre at 1595 Selby Ace., be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $50-00- 50.00. 4- .r Yeas Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays vClanc /Far sworth (G s--Fir'f'dCflr- �� eller fCCOII .............. Wunderlich Mr. P sident, Hodgson FOR C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 Adopted by the Council JUN ....10 1519 Approv....._..0A.-...y.'..,.,v�''9�t..... .... ....__.._ .... ................. .... MAYOR 7W CARP9'�d�Ro3luveE�AlIVl 99-Eg" Wvndertloh 'r '17a}ucat(oa idr Ii,r �t1 lnAlhe>rt C eatz8a.i tne�sti? ana_tne �hme,l;kr< we 4�tyy eterk�le;n ljeenae.' aMA� .......................................... •,;- - � .. tesue.-eSch into -.the-,'.Clt� ,Tre Resolved, MM COUNCIL FILE NO. - V& 25393 That the application of Albert Wunderlich, Commissioner of Education for a license to conduct a Theatre at the St.Paul Auditorium, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the payment.into the City Treasury of the fee, a-100.00. Yeas (J) Coyuc' men (✓) Nays /AA. y sworth l fs 4a� erg r / 1 Wunderlich M Hodgson P2-19 1(► iyl9 Adopted by the CouncilApp ....:........ _......... ................�..... uN 1t� ibi9 ..�...........................��if�.�........... fir-. MATOR Resolveallereb tentltorize�Gtd& � NI' dtiCo-� 6n a8re0P1Oat ��( aY1me��"iPLt �` p}ltott �rovlali 8' her at t�e nate �f' ,.. lenOatton,__.oa3a 9o). pec wee v.!xats-:�_ ------------------------FILE Nl.....f45394— ................ COUNCIL Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Grace N. Elliott, providing for the payment of compensation to her at the rate of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per Reek during the time that she was totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by her while in the employ of the Department of Edu- cation of the City of St. Paul on the 12th day of April, 1918. - Be it further resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Grace N. Elliott, out of the workmen's Compensation Account of the General Pond, the sum of $358.25, made up of the following items: $158.25 for compensation, $59.00 for doctor bills, and $41.00 for medicine and nurse; in final settlement of her claim in accordance with the aforesaid agreement. I hereby re c end a above resolution for paeslge. _ „_ Yea/93M (,a en (I') Nays rth lich Mr.odgson r FOR6 Adopted by the Council__..,tun 1�I .______,. 1y 19____ _... ....TS)1_.. Appr ....._...._JUN...I0 1`J19 ----___19'i MA1. YOR PetitiorT, The undersigned hereby 0bnatruct aci Dated this ....101h. ....... day until File No .......................... EENT 25395 improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 1440 q.n.... the... West 4.1 -de ............. ;.o...laurel ...Avenu e.. ................................ M Councilman. LIMINARY ORDER. r` d 2-5 39S WHEREAS, A written proposal Po2 i making of the following improvement, viz.: _._Construct_.a..cement...t .l.e...e.�,d.ewalk_ six ...f.eet...wid.e...on-the_.W.e.e.t...ai.de......... _.. 014.._Marlboro...Av..erae...... trom...DAYA0.ta...Avenu.e ..to_.7aaur.el..Avenue..........._.................... ................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eltimated coat of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... 5, To hate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. _ Adopted by the council...............JUN (1 !919 Yens: Nays: Councilman Far orth lU�l j (I 1y19 GoaApproved...................................................... ler ccoll �A�^ Wunderlich.. ..................... ........------ -........ ...../..5`..'�.'.......\ Ma or h*F Mayor. Fotm CA Is (aM 4-1 , Council File No ............._.......... . PROPOSAL FOR ]WROWWW `Q5390 and peti`t\i\on,,, s. PRELIMINARY ORDER, a aeaRZ ed �Thatl tha nacls The undersigned hereby p pMirk, g°aired°°reafl na tha .r, alto` Ing p c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: T�� nilivtio1 tsne ma; .. .......... Grade -:..a111 i�� stieosC�ot a3.ut. f.ield...&yndioate.:.Additiun.1. z « t &teff .s coat .TP -At _ .............. .... ........ XdayofTte�..:1�1y�.............................................. Dated this-. -.-lOt Councilman. ppUCT1IINARY ORDER. C, 'F7 ► `v 1 2- T 3 / b WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _...........................Grade....alley...in..310.0.k...4.,...B.utt.e.rf.ield...S.Yndio.at-e....Additi an...#� .,........ _f x m-..Avon...Street... t4 ........... ...Fisk...Street�....................:::........................................................ . .............................................................................................. .................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. - — ............ .... ... ... ... * . ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... .:......................... ..... ................................................................................ ............ ...... .......... . 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JON 10 1919 Adopted b/Councilhnn-ann the council........................................................... Nays: Yeas: h Approved............) N....1m...............fWundhlyo�\ // Council File No.......... ................ PRELIMINARY ORDER. ► ` !i 2 S 3 % WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following'; improvement, viz.: / e.&e�iae.>�t...in...the ....land ...ne c.0.5.0.aX............... for elopes for cuts and fills in �radinr, alley in Block .................................. 4.,..;But,terf.i..eld...S.3'F?dic_ate.:.Addie..4.4.n...],...f.xaua..AvQx1...Btre.et.................... ................................ o.:.:Fisk...Street.,........................... ....................................................................................... ............................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invebtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated coat of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .................................. ........................ .........---- 5, To Atat e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council....... jUi1 1.f.�....1y.19 ..................1 ....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnswo h Goss Kell M U W derlich Mayor Form C A 13 (aM 4-17) JUN Approved..............................1 ..................... ... ......... I ........................................... Mayor. Peti The undersigned`heCeby proposes of Dated PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELI CRY ORDER. c9men improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: Council File No . ................ ..... ..... `5398 191......... U r Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ' .2 J 3 5 O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: Qnn.st"at...s...cement ....tac le...Iad0W&3, ,.....sis...f.eet -wide ,-...on....the...*&at....................... ei de.._of..- Haml inQ._Av..enue......fr.Q)4...R.A.U49lpkA...$-UA.et....to....0.tto...,Av.enue,........................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................... .......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner bf Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... 5. To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' It ,j:9 � Adopted by the council........................................................19T ...... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far sworth i jV Ig 19 eller 0 / McColl Wunderlich M orirwhP Furor CA tB (SM Approved........:jUh....... ............................. I....... ..... ................................................. Mayor. F' �D ............... ?011 / o INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....payin-g-Ashland--Avenue from Snelling -_Avenue -_to Pascal•_------• Ayeaue_,_..including_-sewer, water and gas connections fro..m street mains .................................... tQ ... property.._lines_..complete, where not already made, also .including _. curbing..and...pavin.g..All-Q.Y .And.._dr.i..veway_-_approaches-,-._where-- . _._..._... _ . _...... _..... __....... .................... ... .............. ........... ................... ................................ -............................ .-...... under Prelimina Order ......................... 25020 ... ..................approved ..May...9.,...J.91......... ........................................ ....... The Council of the City of St. Paul having_ ottiians r of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rept r• xa 25390_ ttle matter of-' ev�ng Aelkland ,grye - - 1. That the said report be and the same is hereVW6; �° iSnallPns?Mee uaw8ie ga aAs said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. `af°rtygiinessDple°iewheze made, slelo fycluding curLtn, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council f.rj-Sne111ngAincluding sewer, water and gas venue to Pascal Avenue, ............................................. Fonnections from street mains to -.......... property lines complete, where not ....................... already...made-, ... also_..includinf, curbing and paving alley and driveway ... ................. aggroackles.,,.where„necessary with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 2.0.,.299...00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._.. _._....8th ............. day of ..........July ............. _........... __ ....., 1919_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C'ouncil__-._.' UN 40 1919 Approved..._. 6 -_.,=. [�9,t Councilman Councilman Councihna Clancy Councilm Keller y Council an McColl �y!) Counc• man Wunderlich hfay )lEmdxx Hodgson Form S. A. 6-6 ...... ......... Mayor. C' INTERMEDIARY ORDER 25400 In the Matterof....coHstruc-t.ing_.a cement the -sidewalk. six feet- wide, on s.Q..utkl...s.ide-.-of-_.Jefferson Avenue from PAacalester Avenue to Underwood ....... ......... . Avenue....... .............. _...... _.....I.................. ......................... _ _... _.. .......... ...... ................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order................. 24996. ..................... approved .....944V 6t1?.r....1919. ................................... .. The Council of the City of St. Paul ha = 3#6a rpnort._of the Ccgltlmissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered a,F No 2s4q$— - p g Zn.�.the raattevlof ognetrnctln4g � eemetttif lite aI eWn sIs Yeetlwld4 :4j�'th8;, 1. That the said report be and the a soattdalae 7e¢ers4A *76n-ei off. p ant Seater.; nveaue to uttai'90j,, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Av nue , unagr pfenminerr orP -24999 apgMyla-24a9 bth 19}$ - Aa !aE Fecei tlie s�D tt oR tie ,C 2. That the nature of the im roveme>z yy--.--.Q.Ql3truQ-7 a cem@nt p mfeeioner of afl nTQ 3ng conel3 .impr4Wement a ,.evolves• ' 6Y art. ki1.e...e. dewalkx-._six-_feet ...idEt on the s.... side of Jefferson Avenue ...from.-Raaale-ster....Avenue,.. to .. -Underwood Avenue. except where good and suffic.l.ent...S.tdewalka._novr exist. ................._.................................... ....-...................... ............................. ..................................... __......._....._....._..._.._..:......................................... _...-.--.............. ..- ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__.,70.--Be-r front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................. _ 8th_...._. day of _.....July .................. ............... ....._, 191 _9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingto the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereas estimated. Adopted by the Council ... ._,1UN jib 1y�9 1 iu�l �.iZ- 1019 . __..._.._... .. . ........... ..._............ Approved ........... ..........__.....-.._......._....., ]. -- �.j..........City Clerk. . . ......... _ o" Mayor. Couneihnan arneworth � Counciima Qoss C/S.F. Ipyx Clancy CBeller CMcColl may„ tee" CWunderlich Mx Hodgson Form -6 Co 0-� 2540:L . ................. .......... BY................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. rePAUUXI&s&Amal Ule jaldp.- AA1kq_.a.t t -.he f_o_l.1..o._wAn.glocationsF.i-s.k Sl.r.e.el w _.e. r.. t s.i.ds . ..... s. ix f Q wida beginnlag 1.0 Iglehart noxtdi 62 feet...... . .... . ............................................. . ...................................... d In the er-Af, reoojjjtjajin h9', ffad"r6otl 1 Bement, 1 II xglsy ............. .... ................... . ...... -tb"i !%` jill., ......... ........................................ t 0- . ...................... . . at ...... ..... --------- over under Preliminary Order.............24971..........., C�unwi, r ih,%V havillk x6cel%me Cflet ............................................ she The Council of the City of St. Paul having Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby rdIdWes: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. Me.ans.truct....r.alay. and repairing---locationsFlu Street,. west ... sidessix feet wide, beginning 10 f.e.e..t no.r.th of .... I.g.lehart .. .. .. ..... . .. .. .. .......... Straet,..Ahenoe 0.0r-th..-C Pa­rqjP1.9. ......... ....... I ................................................................... ............ ........... ........................ . ..... ........... ................ .......... ............ ... .. ---- .................. .......... .... . .. ...... . _ ................ ..... . ...... .... ........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. ...07 -pen Square foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tile .. - - -a-th .............. day of ............. 2NlY ..... ........ I... .., 191 V, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council JUN UN I I - 91,9 _ Approved ............ ....... . .............. .......... City Cl ......... .... Councilman arn8worth Mayor. Councilma Goss Approvedp 0. Co. pr v o Councilman ed nc� J_a or. -w C Cou 0: nci n H;zk"x Clancy C Cou.c. an ou:"�`l olinci an KellerCoun man McColl Co oilman Wunderlich yor NriK Hodgson Por B, S. A. 8-6 A 25402 -wcru�.NVM FIbE .. . ......................... ---------- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter fe.pt Wift - ---- Q.U.-!bQ W_PA1...r5Ad,0 of MQ.Und-a BoLule.vard friom..-Hudson Street ...................................................-----...---• ... .............................ilp k" Iffg. .................................................... walk gn,q .................... -----_----------_---_---- ... .......... ............ ..................... I .................................................... !god under Preliminary Order .................... approvet'.'.94i 1 19.lk.. ........................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is recons.truct relay. and pppalr c.e.me.n.t t.i.l.e. . s._i.d.ewa.14,. b.i.x. fe.e.� .... W.ids, o.n th!�..Y_QAI ala.Q of . .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. . ... .. .... .. .. .... MQ .nadg...Boulevard from Hudson Street to Plum Street. ............... ........ ..... _1 ........ ......... . .. .............. ­_ ............ ........................................................... ........................... . ­ ­­­ . ................ ­ ­­..................... ­­_ I I ­ .................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $07 Per.. sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8-th day of ................. July ............. ­ I � 1 191. .9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved........... ................. ............. Councilman /Counci H1k*Jtx Clancy CouneCount' "', an Keller ( C ", -hnan McColl 'on C neilmau Wunderlich C _c -1m ay.,r FrXW Hodgson , . B. S. RIA -6 F m B. S. A. Yt � An ordinance amending administrative Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled, "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor." TRS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the said Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 30, Y 1914, and amendments thereto, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out all of Sections 1 to 18 inclusive of Rule II of said ordinance No. 3250, as amended, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Section 1. Grades and Salary Limits. --All offices and places of employment in the classified service as defined in Rule I hereof are hereby class- ' j ified by grade and title. Compensation limits shall conform to the classification and provisions as given in this rule. Section 2. Fixing Salary Limits. --The Council shall have the sole power, without the previous recom- / mandation of the Civil Service Commissioner, to change fL any and all of the compensation limits fixed in Rule II 1 ' of this ordinance; provided, however, that for positions in Grades B and C, there shall always be prescribed both a minimum and a maximum compeneation limit. Nothing con- tained in this section, however, except ap specifically J mentioned, shall be construed as authority to classify or reclassify any titles of positions, or to make any other changes whatsoever in these rules, without the recommendation of the Civil Service Commissioner. Section. 3. Appointments. --Except as otherwise provided in Section 1 of Rule X, anncintmsnts to any place of employment 'in Grade C shall be made at the minimum compensation rate preectibed for such employ- ment. Appointments to any employment in Grade B (Common Labor Service), may be made at any rate of compensation not less than the minimum nor more than the maximum limit. Section 4. Advancement. --Advancement in salary may be made in any position in Grade @, in the discretion of the appointing officer, for meritorious service and seniority i:i ."-'.e position, but no advancement 1n salary shall be made beyond the maximum salary limit prescribed for such position. For each six months of actual service in the position there may be allowed as advancement an increase in salary equal to $5 a month. f l r Section 5. Daily and Hourly Compensation Rates.-- • For the purpose of computing the compensation on a daily or hourly basis for any position in Grade 0, the monthly limit of compensation allowable shall be divided by the average number of days or hours, as the case may be, which the regular full-time employe in such employment serves in a month of thirty days. - SECTION II. The said ordinance No. 3250-, as amended, is hereby further a.•nended by adding to Section 22 (Grade C) of Rule II the following positions and salary limits: Pooi.ion Monthly compensation limits, -nimum Maximum Pid7k-afp Boy . . . . . . . . . . . #25.00 $35.00 Bindery Assistant . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 70.00 Laundress . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 70.00 Rgfrashment nyLgye 50.00 70.0r) Attendant , . . 60.00 80.00 Cashier --Ref usshmenta . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Cook -.-Pavilion . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 8 � rf9eRD Elevator Operator . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 Janitress . . . . . Lamp Lighter 60.00 1 80.00 8&eoeSCC er Matron--:7orkhouse (Includes maintenance},�5- 7,=80.00 Weigher . . . . . . . . 60.00 80.00 ) So. o o Sn . , o Boatman• • . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Car staker,General. . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Chainman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.')0 90.00 Collector. . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Conductor-- SightseeingCar . . . . . 70.00 90.00 ;{G Cook--:Yorkhouee (Includes maintenance) �0 �bY 95.00 Dance Floor Manager. . . . . 75.00 75.00 Gardene r--Viorkhouse (Azcludes maintenance) % Guard--Workhouee (Includes maintsnance)7s" 90wft- 90.00 Junior Playground Instructor . . . . 70.00p - 90.00 Lamp Washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . � (� 0 993*8 A� e,; - Laundryman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Rodman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Sodaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Tracer . . . . 70.00 90.00 Utilityman--Workhouse (Includes maintenance) . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Auto Washer . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Claim Investigator• . . . 80.00 100.00 Foreman of Guards--WorkWouse(In- cludes maintenance) 80.00 100.00 Golf Instructor . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 School Janitor . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 h ` � k' � R Keeper of Reservoir . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Poundkeeper . . . . . . . . . . . 80.00 100.000 Road Oiler Operator . . . . . . 80.00 100.00 senior PltLyground Instructor . . . . . 80.00 100.00 Tire Repairman . . . . 80.00 100.00 District Utility Inspector . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Fixture -Rate Inspector . . . . ... . . 85.00 115.00 Head Janitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Leveler• . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Life Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Meter Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 105.00 Pipelayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Platform Officer . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Sanitation Inspector . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 School Nurse. . . . . 85.00 105.00 Street Car Checker . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Utilityman-- Public Works . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Wheelwright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 105.00 Assessment Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 /-z FM Candymaker . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Chief Meter Inspector• 85.00 115.00 Distribution Superintendent (Water Bureau) 85.00 115.00 Hotel Inspector . . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Lighting Inspector . . . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Smoke Inspector . .. . . . . . . . . 85.00 115.00 Street Car Inspector. . . . . 9s- iz.5 � Superintendent of CityMarket 85.00 115.00 Assistant Superintendent of Mechanical Equipment (Water Bureau) . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Cement Teeter . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Chief Timekeeper . . . ./00 _OF on 125.00 District Meter Superintendent . . . 95.00 125.00 District Superintendent of Service CoOnections (Water Bureau) . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Elevator Inspector . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Gardener. . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Junior Chemist . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Junior Civil Engineer• . . ... 95.00 125.00 Junior Civil EngineeringDraftsman . . 95.00 125.00 Park Foreman . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 /3s=' Plumbing Inspector . . . . . . . . /�9500/So Second Assistant Building Inspector . . 95.00 125.00 Sever Dataftsman . . . . . . . 95.00 125.60 Sign and General Inspector . . . . . . 4'.00 125.00 Storekeeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 125.00 Tree Trimmer . . . . . . . . . . ./00°f9 125.00 Assistant Superintendent of Workhouse (Includes maintenance) . . . . . . . 100.00 125.00 Assistant Testing Engineer . . . . ... 105.00 135.00 Asphalt Chemist . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 (1 V Calculator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 135,00 Calker . . . . . . . . . 105.00 IZ5.J0 Foreman (17atar Bureev.) . . . . . 105.00 135.00 Gas Meter Inspector . . 105.00 135.00 Junior Architectural Draftsman 105.00 1^15,01) Senior Chemist. . 105.00 Superintendent of•Act ivities-:':',4;(� 135.00 135.00 135.00 Transitman . . . . . . . /zs°°i Yga Tuent Officer • . . . X/_...�o 105.00 135.00 Assistant Civir Engineer . . . 125.00 150.00 Assistant Examiner--Civil Service . 125.00 150.00 Assistant Superintendent of Parke . 125.00 150.00 Cashier--Water Bureau . . . . ... . 125.00 150.00 Chief Chemist ... . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Chief Clerk--Receipts and Disbursements 125.00 J40 Chief Mechanical Engineer (Parke) . . 125.00 150.00 Designing Engineer . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 First Assistant Building Inspector . . 125.00 150.00 Head Clerk . . . . . . 125.00 150.00 Inspector of Heating Plants. 125.00 150.00 Inspector' of Supplies 125.00 150.00 Senior Architectural Draftsman 125.00 150.00 Senior Civil Engineering Draftsman 125.00 150.00 Second Assistant Superisstendent of Sanitation 125.00 150.00 Sidewalk Engineer . . 125.00 150.00 Superintendent of Municipal Gari4ge 0 • . • Testing Engineer125.00 150.00 Veterinarian Health• Department . . . . 125.00 150.00 Assistant Superintendent of School Buildings . 150.00 175.00 Cashier--Finance . . . . . . . . . . � ��-Iffam 175.00 Chief Clerk-»Water Bureau . . . . . . 150.00 Chief Plumbing inspector . . . . . . . 150.00 175.00 City Forester150.00 175.00 First Assistant• Superintendent of� Sanitation 150.00 150.00 175.00 175.00 Refreshment Manager Senior Civil Service Examiner . . . . 150.96 200.00 Superintendent of Bridges . . . . . . 150.00 175.00 Superintendent of Construction . . . . 150.00 175.00 175.00 200.00 Chief Building Inspector Chief Clerk--Spevial Assessments Regietrar--Water Bureau . . . . . . 175.00 200.00 S(]�pe/rintendent of Li`ghti/ng } . . . -.✓i d l ,, 175.00 Zo O. e o 200.00 22..5. o ° .CJ-.Ti.4�/-c. y Assistant Super int, andeht of Construc- tion and Repair . . . . . . . . . Chief Accountant (Water,Bureau). . _ • 200.00 250.00 Examiner--Comptroller's Department 200.00 250.00 General Superintendent of Building Construction 200.00 250.00 Office Engineer . . 200.00 250.00 Principal Assistant Civil Engineer 200.00 250.00 Senior Accountant 200.00 250.00 \ Superintendent of j3:echanicalEquip: x mcnt--grater Bureau • 200.00 250.00 Sueerinterdent of Pl�,ygrounde end Public Recreation• . . 200.00 250.00 Superintendent of SchoolEu.ildings 208.33 208.33 Superintendent of Workhouse (In- cludes rairtenance) . . . . . . 2CC,CC, 250.00 Bridge Engineer . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 300.00 Chief Civil Service Examiner . . . 94b4061Cc" 3608.4 Director of School Hygiene . . . . 250.00 300.00 Director of Testing Laboratory . . 250.00 300.00 General Superintendent (Water Bureau) 300.00 Position Special Compeneation Limits ,Sir.imum maximum Usher . . . . A porformance $ .50 $ .50 Ticket Seller . . 4.00 4.00 Carriage Caller " Y.50 1.50 Door Tender . . . . . " " (Afternoon) $1.00 1.00 (Evening) 1.50 1.50 Maid• • • • ° 1.00 1.00 d Head Usher . . " " 2.00 2.00 i�0t Cook --parttime service .(Per day) 1.50 1.50 � And by striking out of said Section 22 of Rule II the title and words "Picture 0 Uachine Operator, $2.50 a performance; $2.50 extra allowance for setting up S and taking down machine," and adding said title and words to Section 20 (Grade A) of said Rule IIf SECTION III. o The said Ordinance No. 32502i as amended, is hereby further amended �t by striking out the Section numbers ae follows: "Sec. 20," "Sec. 21" end S$ "Sec. 22" where they occur in Rule II of said ordinance, and inserting in lieu of such numbers the following numbers respectively: "Sec. 6," 7" and "Sec. 8; n and by striking out all of the following: �g d (a) Section 2 of Rule I. (b) The title and words "Building Laborer . . . $2.80 to $3.60 a day" where they occur in Section 21 (Grade B) of Rule II. r• � i y (o) The phrase "whose average in the special subject or the sub jest of "Duties" is less than 60 per cent or" where such phrase occurs in Section 3 of Rule IV. (d) The sentence "$o -person shall be certified fr#m a promotion list who has been separated permanently from the service of the city" where such sentence occurs in the first paragraph of Section 3 of Rule V. (e) The last srrtonce (beginning with "Any tem- porary advancement" and ending with "advancement was made.")in Section 5 of Rule IX. (f) Subdivision 17 (being Regulation No. 17) of Section 4 of Rule XIII. (g) The words "Public Safety" where they occur in the title "Janitor --Public Safety" in Section 22 (Grade C) of Rule II. And the said Ordinance No. 3250*, as emended, is hereby further amended by striking out subdivision (a) of Section 2 of Rule VII, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following; (a) Except as otherwise specified in subdivisions (b) and (c) of this Section, any person in the service of the city, exeapt tem- porary, provisional, or emergency appointees, or any person on approved leave of absence or eligible for reinstatement, shall be eligible as a promotion candidate in any examination, provided the position held by such person in the city service is in the next lower rank in the same line of employment and of the same character of work as the position to which pro- motion is sought and the duties of which are such as would naturally and properly fit him to perform the duties of the position to which he seeks promotion; and provided further that the acceptance of such person as a promotion appli- cant shall be subject to the requirements as prescribed in the official notice of the exam- ination. And by striking out all of Section 1 of Rule V, and inserting in lieu thereof the following; Section 1. Vacancies and Requisitions.— Whenever a vacancy in the classified service occurs, the appointing officer or body shall make requisition for certification, and such requisi- tion shall be on the form prescribed by the Com- missioner. Unless specified in the requisition and accompanied by a written statement satisfactory to the Commissioner, or ubleae determined by charter, r • statute, or ordinance, sex shall be disregarded in certification. Upon receipt of the requisi- tion, the Commissioner shall, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reinstatement, transfer, or reduction under the provisions of the rules, cer- tify to the appointing officer the names of the c,. three persons standing highest on the list in the order of their standing on the register of elisiblee most nearly appropriate to the duties of the posi- tion to be filled, except as otherwise provided in this section. From those certified the appoint- ing officer or body shall fill the vacancy. If two or more vacancies are to be filled, then two more than the required number of persons to be appointed shall be certified. If 'one or more of the eligibles on such register are promotion eligibles in accordance with Rule VII of this ordinance, then the name or names of such promo- tion eligibles shall be given preference in cer- tification, and no original entrant, or non -promotion eligible, on such list shall be certified while there are any promotion eligibles available for certifica- tion. Any person who resigns from the city service shall not, during such separation, be certified from any eligible list as a promotion eligible, but may, if such separation is without fault or delinquency on his part, be granted the rights of an original entrant on such list. and by striking out all of Section 6 of Rule IV, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 6. Scope of Subjects. --The Com- missioner may include in an examination any sub- jects that in his judgment will serve to deter- mine the relative merits of the different candi- dates to perform the duties of the position for which the examination is given. Under the subject termed "Training and Experience," the candidate shall be required tq, m hie age, education, training, and a concise statement of hie experi- ence, with the names of former employers, dates of service, salary received, and a description of the work performed. For this subject the candi- date may be rated as to his age, ed,.xcation, prac- tical experience, and as to his personal fitness, so far as that can be determined through the ex- amination given. Under the subject *armed "Physical" the candidate may be examined as -to his physique, bodily condition, health, muscular strength, and agility. If "Personality" is included as a teat, it shall not be given a greater weight than one- tenth of the total weights assigned for the whole examination. a and .by striking out all of Section 8 of Rule IV, and inserting in lieu thereof .the following: Sec. 8. Schedules of Subjects and Weights. -- The subjects and respective weights in original en- trance examinations for any poettion or employment shall be fixed by the Commissioner prior to the ex- amination and shall be published in the official an- nouncement of such examination; provided, however, that the weight assigned to the subject of "Training and Experience" shall not be less than three tenths in any examination. SECTION IV. The said Ordinance No. 3250zi as amended, is hereby further emended by striking out the word "grade" wherever it occurs in Section 1 of Rule X, and inserting _in lieu f e ch. rd the ori "pitiDn;` �h out the last sentence (beginning with "Proportional advances" and ending with the words "in accordance with this section.") in Section 1 of Rule X; And by striking out the sentence, "In the case of employee transferred from one position to another, seniority, for the purpose of determining order of lay-off or reinstatement, shall be computed from the time of certification and appointment to the position from which such transfer was made" where such sentence occurs in Section 5 of Rule VIII, and by adding said sentence to the end of Section 3 of Rule IX; And by striking out all of Section 5 of Rule V, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: Sec. 5. yailure to Report and Waivers. -- Persons certified or tendered reinstatement must report to the department or officer indicated on the notice of certification within five days from the time of certification; in case of failure to report or refusal to accept appointment, their names shall be removed from the eligible register, except as otherwise provided in this section. The Civil Service Commissioner may, for a satisfactory reason, permit an eligible to wgive certification or reinstatement if such waiver is tendered before such person is actually cat'- tified for appointment or reinstatement. After certification has been duly made no waiver shall be permitted except in the following cases: (a) If the employment tendered on such cer- tification is temporary or part-time only; (b) If the certification is made too-a posi- tion other than that for which the eligible was specifically examined; (c) If, because of sickness, physical dis- ability, or otherwise, the eligible at the time of receiving such certification is not reasonably able to report; (d) If the failure to report or to accept appointment is caused by circumstances over which the eligible has no control and which in the judg- ment of the Cbmmiseioner are deemed sufficient to keep the name of the eligible on the list; (e) If the eligible can give satisfactory evidence in writing that it would be to his dis- advantage to accept the appointment. "The name of an eligible removed from a list in accordance with this section may be restored to ouch list at any time during the life of the list for any reason for which a waiver after cer- tification would be received, and provided a sat- isfactory reason is given why the eligible did not file a waiver before his name was removed." and the said Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after Section 8 of Rule XII the following: "Sec. 9. Any laborer's reinstatement card issued to any person who registers as a non-resident or non -citizen at any time during which the citizen- ship or residence requirements are waived by the Council in accordance with Section 2 of Rule III, shall be valid for employment in the city service during the year only in which such card was issued, and said card shall not be renewable except upon a new registration and upon qualifying under the provisions of the rules in force at the time of such new registration." and the said Ordinance No. 3250, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after Section 8 of Rule V the following: "If any eligible on an appropriate list has filed a request for temporary employment, then such eligible shall, in the discretion of the Com- missioner, be given preference in appointment to such temporary employment. The acceptance of such temporary employment shall not affect the rightswhich such eligible has to certifications _under Section 1 of Rule V." P 0 4, `V and by adding to Section 1 of Rule XIII the following: J "The terms 'regular appointee' or 'regular appointment' shall mean any appointee, appointment, oT reinstatement in the classified service other than temporary, provisional, or emergency appoint - Ment e." and by inserting the words "Grade B" in lieu of the phrase "Class K" and by inserting the words "Grade A" in lieu of the phrase "Claes J", respectively, wherever these phrases were stricken out by virtue of Section 3 of the amending Ordinance No. 5078 passed by the Council April 24, 1919; and by striking out subdivision (q) of Section 3 of Rule VIII, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(q) Has directly or indirectly solicited or received or been in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving assessment, subscription, or contribution for any political party or purpose whatsoever; or has solicited, orally or by letter, or been in any manner concerned in soliciting any assessment, siabscription, or contribution from any person holding a position in the classified ser- vice for any political party or purpose whatsoever." SECTION IV. This ordinance ehall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. Yeas (%,') Councilmen (J) Nays qJ Adopted by the Council __ '. _. ..191..... Clancy Farnsworth Goss In favor v _.._ .._..__.�i�J Approd jr, ...-% _ 191..... - Keller 1 McColl .. .__.._ Against _ ... ... _. /.. _... f ._ MA _.. .. .YY OR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 .� I hereby recommend for passage by the Council the above-eentioned amembnents to the Civil Service Ordinance. /7 1 �^ �� •S�n At the request of the Commissioners the following additional changes were made to the Civil Service amendment now before the Council: The limits for the following positions wore changed as shown below: Position / Cook Pavilion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ✓ Lamp Lighter . . . . Park Foremen . . Street Car Inspector . I/ Chief Timekeeper VV Trse Trimmer ... . . , . . . f/Plumbing Inspector . . . . . . . . . . . . . V� Utilityman--tater Bureau . y,Superintendsnt of municipal, Garage . tron-..11brkhouas (Includes maintenance) ardsner-Workhouse (Includes maintenance) . V Guard- Workbouse (Inobudes maintenance) . . 6Traneitma.. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . V./ Assessment. Clark . . . . . . . . . /,Chief Clerlw-8eoeipts and Disbursements . . ✓Csshier+-Finsnee . • . . . . . . . • . Chief Morkr-Special Assessments . . . . . . /The following additional titles were added: v�8sa Lamp Lighter (Part-time service) . . � Brimming Instructor . . . . . j/ Supervisor of Life Guards . . . . . . . . . J Dentist (Part-time service) ., . (Water Boy (Labor service) . . Other changed monthly compensation limits Minimum maximum 60.00 70600- f 80.00 40rm 95.00 135.00 95.00 125.00 div. 100.00 125.00 100.00 125.00 125.00 150.00 50¢ an hour 60$ an hour 137.50 16000 50.00 45.00 80.00 95.00 75.00 90.00 125.00 150.00 85.00 125.00 125.00 166.66 175.00 200.00 250.00/ 700.00 40.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 125.00 50.00 50.00 $1.50 a day $2.00 a day The salary rate for District Fire Chief was changed from �/ $160.00 to $175.00. The,salary limits for Superintendent of Apparatus were changed V from $166.61-6200.00 to =200.00--4225.00. The title "Superintendent of Activities" was changed to read *Superintendent of Activities --Harriet Island." By adding to the and of the first paragraph of BUTIOH IV of the amendment the following words: "and also by striking out the words *in which the position is classified' where such words occur in the first sentence of said Section 1." By striking out on Page 6 the eentsnceI NUnloss specified in the requisition and, accompanied by a written statement satisfactory to the Commie sioner or unless determined by charter, statute, or ordlnanos, ex shall to disregarded in certificetp�A. ��Pp ivil Service Commissioner. Depurtutent of Eaw CITY OF ST. PAUL attention —tothe provisions o� thy-CYtarter-zo -nu ca=cv, -- amendments to the rules may be made by the Civil Service Commis- sioner with the consent of the Council, and contends that this provision does not authorize the Council to make changes in the rules without his recommendation. Admitting that the contention of the Commissioner as to the manner in which the Civil Service Rules may be amended is correct, I am of the opinion that the ordinance under con- sideration not only amends the Rules, but also fixes salaries. This is clearly shown by the language in Section 2, which pro- vides: "The Council shall have the sole power, without the pre- vious recommendation of the Civil Service Commissioner, to change any and all of the compensation limits fixed in Rule 2 of this ordinance." If these compensation limits were not in the proposed ordinance for the purpose of determining the salaries that may be paid the employes in the classified service, it would be without the jurisdiction of the Council to make any changes in them. The fact that the Civil Service Commissioner drafted and submitted the ordinance in this form is a clear indication that he felt the ordinance fixed salaries, which is a function ex- clusively within the jurisdiction of the Council, and that there- fore, that body should have the right to change that portion of the Rules in reference to compensation limits or salaries without the consent or recommendation of the Commissioner. It cannot be argued that these compensation limits are used as bases for classification alone, as was the case with the original Civil Service Rules, and when the salaries of the differ- ent employes in the classified service were specifically fixed and limited by administrative ordinances. The purpose of this proposed ordinance is to simplify the procedure and eliminate that portion of the administrative Departtuent of I[= f CITY OF ST. PAUL • O. H.O' EILL JOHN A. BUR NS wno�u�ra WILLIAM J. OIBERSOH JAMES O. BWAN JOS. H. MABEK July 22nd, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen: - The communication of the Civil Service Commissioner to your Honorable Body, under date of the 18th inst., raises the question whether or not you have authority to amend the ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules proposed by the Civil Service Commissioner, without his consent or recommendation. He calls attention to the provisions of the Charter to the effect that amendments to the rules may be made by the Civil Service Commis- sioner with the consent of the Council, and contends that this provision does not authorize the Council to make changes in the rules without his recommendation. Admitting that the contention of the Commissioner as to the manner in which the Civil Service Rules may be amended is correct, I am of the opinion that the ordinance under con- sideration not only amends the Rules, but also fixes salaries. This is clearly shown by the language in Section 2, which pro- vides: "The Council shall have the sole power, without the pre- vious recommendation of the Civil Service Commissioner, to change any and all of the compensation limits fixed in Rule 2 of this ordinance." If these compensation limits were not in the proposed ordinance for the purpose of determining the salaries that may be paid the employee in the classified service, it would be without the jurisdiction of the Council to make any changes in them. The fact that the Civil Service Commissioner drafted and submitted the ordinance in this form is a clear indication that he felt the ordinance fixed salaries, which is a function ex- clusively within the jurisdiction of the Council, and that there- fore, that body should have the right to change that portion of the Rules in reference to compensation limits or salaries without the consent or recommendation of the Commissioner. It cannot be argued that these compensation limits are used as bases for classification alone, as was the case with the original Civil Service Rules, and when the salaries of the differ- ent employes in the classified service were specifically fixed and limited by administrative ordinances. The purpose of this proposed ordinance is to simplify the procedure and eliminate that portion of the administrative Department of Caw CITY OF ST. PAUL JOHN A. BURNSNf wrra nN. WILLIAM J. OIBERSON JAMEs D. SWAN JOS. H. MASEK ordinances fixing salaries. Several ordinances are now in existence providing generally that the employes in the department shall be paid salaries in accordance with the compensation limits fixed by the Civil Service Rules. Under such ordinances, it is clear that the Civil Service Rules fix the salaries. It appears beyond question from the terms of the ordinance under consideration that in case the Council adopts this ordinance verbatim, as submitted by the Commissioner, it could immediately by the appropriate ordinance change and revise all the compensation limits contained therein. If it can do this immediately after it has carried out the wishes of the Commissioner, it seems reasonable that it has the same power over salaries while the ordinance is pending it before be o done conveniently, whatitomightedoyaftafterwards d at a whencan considerable inconvenience and delay. It follows from the foregoing that the Council was within its rights in making the changes it did in the compensation limits of the proposed ordinance, that is, the portion of the ordinance which, by its terms, is left to the jurisdiction of the Council. The other ely the CommissionerI,sand the Council of the Rules rhas nnorright itoimake econtrol f amendments thereto. Under this construction, the powers conferred by the Charter respectively upon the Commissioner in reference to the Rules, and upon the Council in reference to salaries and compensation, are preserved and sustained. Respectfully yours, Corporation Counsel. (MU of Saint i3aul Cva ptrcller's Offcrc �EssE wool. co.•rwo«cw q .L. E00[wT. CE•1l11 E.-11 Ol July 23, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: With reference to the Civil Service amendment now before you I hereby approve the change in the salary limits for the Chief Civil Service Examiner, namely, to allow the entrance salary to remain at $250.00, as fixed by the Council in 1914, and to allow the maximum limit to remain at $300.00. I am giving my approval to this change merely for the purpose of taking the personal element out of the controversy so that if a court action becomes necessary, the discussion can be confined solely to the real principle involved. I refuse to approve the Council's change in the sal- ary limits for the position of General Superintendent of Water Bureau or any other changes that the Council might make with out my written recommendation. If the Council adopts this amendment with any unauthorized changes, it will force me to adopt one of two alternative's, either (1) to consider it an ordinance passed in violation of the provisions of the charter and therefore void, or (2) to allow the ordinance to stand and to introduce another amendment striking out from the Civil Service ordinance all compensation rates and limits, and rec- ommend that these be fixed by the Council in an ordinance of its own or by separate administrative ordinances as in the past. In either case I feel that I will be acting in strict conformity with the several written opinions of the Corporation Counsel. I also desire to call to the attention of the Council a letter sent to the Council by the Civil Service Bureau on November 4, 191811 ihich shows that a similar controversy took place in connection with the Civil Service amendment then be- fore the Council. In that letter you will find that I took the same position with respect to the Council making changes in Civil Service amendments that I am taking now, and my posi- tion was sustained by Mr. O'Neill at the Council meeting. Very respectfully, i Comptroller and Civil Service Commissioner p. S. Copies of the legal opinions and the letter of November 4, referred to above, are attached herewith. J. F. O DFebruary 4th, 1919. Mr. J. B. Probst, Civil Service Examiner., Dear Sir:_. In answer to your letter of January 31st, in which you ask whether or not you are authorized to check the pay --:roll of the Department of Public Safety allowing an increase in salary to certain employes of that department before your civil service amendment changing the classification of certain employes in .. that department becomes effective, it is my opinion that this inprease cannot be alloyed until the civil service ordirnnce is amended so as to permit of this increase. Yours very truly, (Signed) }q. J. Giberson. WJG-M Asst. Corporation. Counsel. MT October 7, 1918. Yr. Henry ueCou, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: - in answer to your letter of September 24th, with rotor- once eferencs to the salary of certain firemen, 1 understand the facts to be as follows: ordinance No. 4078, the administrative ordinance of your department, whioh booms effective on September let, provides for an increase in the salary for certain "see of firemen. Prior to that time, the Civil Service ordinance, which became effective February let, 1918, fixed the salaries of fireman at a lower rate than was provided for in your administrative ordinance. While the administrative ordinance was pending, a Civil Service ordinance was introduced, which booms effective on the 4th day of September, which provided for the cams schedule of salaries as was provided torAn your administrative ordinance. Therefore. the question is, which ordinenoe governed the period from September lot to September 4th. The last sentence of Par. A. of Seo. 8 of the Civil Service ordinance which booms effective February let, contains the following words: "Each appointing officer shall by administrative ordinance fix the maximum limits for the different chases of employment under his jurisdiction, in accordance with the relative value and importance of such different employ- ments, and as may be doomed reasonable by the Council, ex- cept that no maximum limit so fixed shall exceed the maximum prescribed below, in which the employment is graded." Under the to=me of this provision, the Council has bound itself not to exceed the limits prescribed in the Civil Service ordinance. Therefore. it is my opinion that although the admini- strative ordinance authorised an increase in salary after September lot, this increase could not take effect until the Civil Service ordinance was so emended se to authorise the increase. Yours very truly, (Signed) A. J. Oiberson. Ass't. Corporation Counsel. . 1P November 4, 1418. TO " 1ffiiNMA21,fi CITY COUNCIL. Commissioner Uundxrlich recently presented to the Council a dm. tai lod tabulation of figures attempting to show that the civil service amend - cent now Dufore you would inerewuo the salary oxpendituros for engineers and janieorc "16.500 a year. That tabulation was wrong. Mr. Gerlach, who compiled it, admittad that it was based wholly on a miseonasption of the effect of the amendment. Neither is the statement In Mr. Gerlach's letter correct that the aacndmunt. is "basad on an eight-hour day with no extra pay for ovvrtia!6." Not a single word'in the omondnent refers to overtime service or to an eight- hour day. The matter of hours of employment and overtime work and comoenrutiott therefor is fixed by the charter. Nothing whatcoever in thio amendment will muke it naossear� for any appointing officer to increase any salary. Nor is that all. ?5stahliehinr n maximum limit and making salary increases partly dependent upon lozy;t9 of service will rosult not in higher expenditures but In a more equitable Load more coouamical distribution of cabs. At a conference in Ur. Wundsrlioh's office a tow days ago I agreed to have a recommendation meds for two additional grades for janitor service, and 'Lhasa. if adopted, will provide a range of oompeneation for janitors from q60 to 0105 a month. Mr. Wunderlich. howsver. also requested that a grade for Janitors be established having an ontrance salary of $50 a month. but I argued against it and pointed out that at a meeting of department representatives it was suggested that the minimum wage for men be fixed at 9,70 a month. or 38y6 an hour. As a compromise 1 told lir. Gunderlich that I would sok to have the 00 grade of janitor recommended if a majority of the Council deemed it advisable to add such grade. The Comptroller, hovever, did not think it fair to pose on the question to the Council for its dsterminstion. and stated that he would re- fues to recommend a salary Of $50 a month for the services of any man wlio is trequired to eerk full time. According to the records at present. there are only five full-time school janitors receiving less than #80 a mouth. One of these receives only 455 s month. but Mr. Gerlach raises the point that this janitor has not suffi- cient work to keep him busy during the full time that he is required to serve. This is undoubtedly true. but the same point might well be raised as to other Glass@$ of employee, not only in the city service but in private employmont as well. There are, for instance, senior clerks in some city departments who do only a fraction of the amount of work done by senior clerks in other departments, yet all of them receive at least the same minimum salary. It to not generally the employe's fault that there in not sufficient work for him to do. To these employes is applicable the old saying. "they also servacwho only stand and wnit." #2. 11-4-18 I admit that there is much to be said in flavor of Nr. cerlach's plan it paying janitors on the basic of the number of rooms in the buildingo but he still can carry out substantially the same plan under the proposed amendment. Neverthe- less. there is also something to be said against the room -basis plan. You are doubtlessly familiar with the conditions of certain aged eight -room school build- ings that would be worth about tvics an much to keep clean as would certain other eight -room school buildings. Standardisation of salaries is believed by some to be nothing sore than a cold, arbitrary fixing of wages based on the amount of labor that can be squeezed out of the human machine for the lowest possible pay. On the contrary. the con- ditions that must be considered In establishing en equitable rate of pay for labor �7' are so nujVrous and to little understood that I feel justified in mentioning one-- t but only one --se an illustration, to -wit: It is the opinion of the medical profession that the infarct mortality rate is the most sensitive index of the social welfare of a community. As the living conditions improve, this mortality rate deoreasse. The earnings of the father constitute one of the moot significant factors affecting this infant mortality rate. The statistics show that the infant mortality rate for those families where the father's earnings are ;450 or lose per annum is 248 per 1000. and than as the earnings inureass the--rate--goes-down until with earnings of 41250 or more per an- num the mortality areps to 58 per 1000,--a decrease of over 75%. Does it not seem Inconsistent. for the city to send out school nurses, field nurses, and medical in- apectora, and to have baby welfare leagues and other governmental and civic bodies to urge improving the living conditions of children in the home when at the same time the city itself offers a wage scale that makes it physically impossible to improve those conditions? I apologize for bringing in this rather detailed illustration, but I merely desire to place clearly before you the feet that there is a human -interest side to this business of standardisation of wagess and that the employer has a duty in this respect beyond the more measuring in cold cash what he can have cer- tain work done for. The city should be looked upon as the model employer. but 450 a month cannot be regarded as a fair compensation by a model employer --even the 460 • month minimum will not provide proper living conditions. In conolusion, when all is said and donee we shall find that there is no perfect system of compensating labor, - -there can be no absolute justice when it comes to paying for human effort in dollars and cents. The amendment now before you nevertheless is an honest endeavor to bring about greater fairness and economy in the employment conditions of the city and to eliminate the friction and discon- tent that generally exists when employee in different departments are paid widely different and arbitrary rates for substantially the same kind of work. It is true that this amendment, if passed, will not 90v44to effect until January first, but there is considerable work to be dons by the 911il Service Bureau in connection with it before that time, so I ask that the Council to -day approve the amendment as to form. very respectfully. Chief Examiner. VNIFI air, hinSe;;R,E' v �u b l c�� f h��Olt' Qufre:a�v1:o�F'�`-J ahe�p Q BOARS A WATER COMMISSIONERS t .OSCAR FARM ER, Presitlen� �% S.A FAR OOSS H / Y M'" USE, \ /V/ POARRETT O. HOUSE, Gehl.Supt. 7/23/19. To the Honorable, THE COUNCIL, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. - You are hereby requested to authorize the fol- lowing change to be made in the Civil Service Ordinance now pend- ing before your body for reclassification and adjustment of salaries. Superintendent of ISechanical equipment, Bureau of Water, salary now reading $95.00 to $125.00 t0 be changed to read $125.00 to $150.00. Very trulyyourstUtilities. Commis JOHN 1. FARICY `"jrp of Tt_t�lerkJAS. J. MINER CITY&LERK ASST. CITY CLERK July 18th, 1919. Mr. 0. H. 0, Neill, Corporation Counsel, Court House. Dear Sir: Attached please find letter from Jesse Foot, Comptroller and Civl Service Commissioner, protesting against the passage of the amendment of the civil service:rules, without his recommendations, etc., which was read at the meeting of the Council this morning, and'referred to you by that body. Very truly yours, v•� one. CITSC CLERK. Citu of Saint Paul Comptroller's Office ns¢ roor. eawrma«a - A. L. COO[ . O[run (r'pIrTAOLI[w July 18, 1919. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL: The minutes of the Council meeting of July 17 show that the civil service amendment now before you for adoption was changed in some particulars without my recommendation. The only changes that I have approved or authorized are those that were requested by the different commissioners as shown on the sheet that is signed by me personally. The charter "authorizes arid empowers" the civil ser- vice commissioner to, frame civil service rules for adoption by the Council. It also provides that eAendments to the rules may be made by the civil service commissioner "with the con- sent,of the Council", but it does not authorize the Council to make changes without his recommendation. I believe this is the correct interpretation of the law, as there are several opinions on file from the office of the corporation counsel upholding this view of the charter. If the Council does not approve of the civil service amendments submitted by me, it has the adequate remedy of refusing to pass them. I hereby protest against the passage of the amendment referred to unless it is passed according to my recommendations. Furthermore, the original salary limits in the amendment for the positions of General Superintendent of the Water Bureau and chief civil service examiner are not direct present sal- ary increases, but merely a change in the possible limits. The maximum amounts proposed could not, in either case, be paid at the present time even if it were desired to do so; the holders of these positions would have to render twelve and eight years' service respectively in their positions be- fore they could reach the maximum salary. When the city secures workers that are giving the taxpayers efficient and honest service, I am in favor of mak- ing it worth their while to remain in the service. Certainly the city ought to be as eager and as able as any private em- ployer to retain officials who are conscientiously performing a real service to our taxpayers. Very respectfully, Comptroller and Civil �" Service Commissioner. rrn t Cy 254®,. /• r *%lh.Ar81 CQ tP�`tot�te Qhe,+iike '+ .5.',;, 4 i 06' B curb*..,r " '� • Ilily� ttd,lynt No: ¢OB -Hoath fl�^• V..V, , tGe corner r - t 4* i & OlWr Xd tttonock' AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING AND REGULitC -`f('. Lhp. c tr..c LIMIT THAT ANY AUTOMOBILE OR OTHER VEHICLE MAY BE ._.t;',iD TO RE- MAIN STATIONARY ON ANY OF THE STREETS OF THE CONGESTED DIS- TRICT OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, ANr THE STANDING OF VEHICLES WITHIN A CERTAIN DISTANCE OF FIRE HYDRANTS." 'THIS IS AN EM- ERGENCY ORDINANCE RENDERED NECESSARY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, AND SAFETY. And repealing Ordinance #3784. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION I. Except on Sundays and legal holidays, no owner or driver of any vehicle in the City of St -Paul, shall between the hours of eight-A.M. and six P.M., permit the same to remain standing for a longer period of time than thirty (30) minutes, on any of the following streets within the limits herein named: On Fourth Street, between Market and Sibley Streets: On Fifth Street, between Market and Sibley Streets: On Sixth Street Street between its intersection with -West Seventh/and Sibley Streets: On Seventh Street from the Seven Corners to Broadway: On Eighth Street between Wabasha and Jackson Streets: On Sibley Street between Third and Eighth Streets: On Jackson Street between Third and Eighth Streets: On Robert Street, between Third and Eighth Streets: On Minnesota Street between Fourth and Eighth Streets; On Cedar Street between Fifth and Eighth Streets: On wabasha Street between Third and Tenth Streets: On St. Peter Street, between Fourth and Ninth Streets; except at public Hack or Cab Stands that may be provided for by Ordinance, -provided that in case of breakdown from accident or otherwia or engine trouble, a reasonable time may be allowed for the removal of the machine so disabled, but in no case sha11. tnis exceed a'period of one (1) - hour after the accident or after the engine trouble develops. And no vehicle shall be allowed to stand for any length of time within fifteen (15) feet of any fire hydrant in any part of the 'City of St. Paul. nor within Thirty '(34) feet of any street intersection. SECTION II.. r Any motor vehicle parked at any time in any part of the City of St Paul, must be parked at such an angle that the front, right hand wheel rests against the curb, and the rear,right hand wheel is not more than five (5) feet from the curb. SECTION III. v Ordinance No. 3754, approved October 13th, 1916, and any other ordinance or part thereof inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed. SECTION IV. Any person violating this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than Fifty ($50.00) dollars or by imprison- ment for not more than sixty (60)idays. SECTION V. This Ordinance is declared an Emergency Ordinance, ren- dered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately after its passage and publication. Yeas (%I) Councilmen Na'T" Adopted by the Council--..t..J-._ p. .191... + " Clancy FarnsworthAppr _......_....._ __0.-. 191. Goss ..............iii / 7ieYl6 McColl .............. A�� �7 ..._.. ................ �, f MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson Jew 1. F cY, `A FORM G. A �' S.� El�r clerk, r C� 74 i,e_ ►� d�r�,,o /fit-.�.. o v a 1 i OVA.( l oV�n r/ �•�'\ w c�- L o 1 C✓ f v v 4. , . •L�ti-,� -..�........e...�„_.�+<:r...>.....c,w,.-•r...W..aaa-..+.�.•..,:,-s.;.r,.�rc..ma,.taua^wr �'nascm..zn x:r.:a.:<, pr. i ?�l i 33 I l i .Sieaulvedt Porm a 4, s n ,. Rer�ha,.�vt.lornbtsn,3lr r. taeolorYrrrer4itE'�etntv 1a$t��Deltrybi�¢7�nia n@actt n8atapi 5m'oe0t teo lentn eit }aomtjf.r G 254Q5sa�_ ................................ -1eN 7 _ '?Bit7D ;;2lbhna: on EEs. Btr !Paul 8otier & .Dd[g Qomyany.• ' E#60.00 Quy: gtoneatreet i3 60 Adopted bry tp¢ pouncll Sune 13 1838•' ADDroveUD JONd Sane 11 1919 , /j1\y[Sone., 14, 1918),: ' ... ........... ._. '� \ A/......'1•�}� •IOMP ROLLER PER ......................... TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter, specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays 11INI i 1 !91g Adopted by the Council .____.....__.....__................._.._...._...._......--- tsident, j win ' O!!'19Rir Approved __ 19L.-........ r / / Yp _... (._._�...�.. MAYOR Air. on 1142A. Leopold Bruenner, 120.00 MtmTcIpaIone s 33426 Louis F. Dow Company, 82.00 1*.4e6 Genevieve Fitzgerald, 25.00 ' to Paul D. Richardson, 6.55 3IA28 St.Paul Boiler & Mfg. Company, 450.00 e"Is 11409 Guy Stonestreet, 3.50 L4bT It T U C�radso 04 ^ G �teeol6ea ihez areagtb 6� i{ a ", ER "'//,.��, uppon th CltyTre�Httr*Y7^paga`ble oast the hgr�natter Hllgolaeafagaq alfd .tII, �JE L1Q taltor oG the,:Deradnd 9xniH or ,c�orDHca 1 u t; v C11. `$�gJ716 A9't1gnH Lor,taH ambuntpreUrpDPOHIie theirORM FILE NO.........' Form 0.A , Y M 7-18 're8?eCUVe; Slaacep'$ aH ':Hd001[LEgd _ olowinv�agtatted HiB,temenk ?. o 9apDl COtopanY n Mr& ^ anY 544:,5': .............. . .... _._._....._ N t 1�0 -'chO LP:R TITLP Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays p�� Adopted by the Council ........_u.,:L___.._.........__....:......._..._...19..-- rresident,Hodgson a n proled.............. M4YOR Mr. NA" American Supply Company, 1.00 11385 Badger Meter Mfg. Company, Uiat.Ar 440.00 ]1386 The Broderick Company, 200.75 Vhn bei+• 1r&W J. W. Cassin Company, 147.00 1688 Cochran -Sargent Company, 24.54 Phe►tar i4669 P!. S. Conrad Company, 19.10 11,0" Crane & Ordway Comin ny, 68.52 1369'i -Adam Decker Hardware Company, 26.75 PJe4e ' 1't3J2 Electric Blue Print Company, 20.01 1x89& Elk Linen Supply Company, W8�? , 2.27 11594 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk Company, Wim. 255.82 Page •.A�.6�8 #2, 2' 1440& Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 58.75 :} 1*rM Great Lakes Coal & Dock Compar7, 335.98 3.1697 Independent Oil Company, Weaier 40.50 ikM Jameson, Hevener & Company, Wet"T_ 1.75 14698^ W. A. Lang, Agent Waw 38.50 3.349'0 Leslie-Danahower Company, Weter 1.76 3,1493 Lindeke, Warner & Company, *agrer 2.48 lt*M McClain & Redman Company, wa;6" 55.55 44403 Melady Paper Company, dh a*"" - 13.25 14464 Miller-Davis Company, •�ieebdr .80 134"Nicols, Dean & Gregg, 1!a'ber 7.95 134w X. W. Electric Equipment Company, 307.24 We6arf It4iDT Peltz & Son, �FeYber 7.50 14r"& Perkins-Tracy & Company, Yia ber• 21.50 11469 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, -Vwartei' 27.85 13o"O Quality Printing Company, 13.50 Wat. 0 CiV erV"e JiiasihwRaymer Hardware Company, 10.30 Water 3].41L6 S. C. Ringwald, 50.00 4.14413 Robinson, Cary & Sands, •75 jj."d St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, ""a. 38.55 11441.5 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 9.00 W' 11"0 St.Paul Gas Light Company, 4fabe�a 116.28 4jq-- M Page ##3 14+13% St.Paul Roofing & Cornice Company, �iel�r 1isi8 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, WWASr Lid" Stearns Printing Company, JiiSAAW 2++42D Troy Laundry Company, W*#wr 13 ,1 Western Supply Company, WeAer jj4fe John J. Willinger Company, 'vvVUT" .j&4Q& Wright, Barrett & Stilwell, 'llseer Total 2,546.58 24.00 2.90 12.00 .73 120.45 17.50 3.50 ,. -' Akptract. R@solveai that 'Wal'ka�Itte ba BtaW�py U, the CItY '�.':@esarY paYaale @4L R tofffl tSGretnaltpr apeclflAd iytnda and ta, � ` 1aVdr o1'the persona Rrma or etlrpora , /( tloha for tha atnonttts Het op6oelte tAblr I"I, \CIL NO. 54( �......_ e N AUDI �^eFeeL�Qe.ae"taauea aisiemenied to thQ FORM E•t,.t .Approved Snne 11 •:¢ale I�B-11 ...................... ...... r __........_. U11 �: �,1\I I'1'RULL ER PER_ ......... .....__.__.._ TITLE. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( J ) Co ilmen ( V ) Nays - JUii �.�- 1919 Adopted by the Council._........._..._...._...____.......___................_ Clan ...._....... avor pproved .......__.. LyA......... G s;4 eller............___._.._............_...._. ...__ ........._......._...... ..._. __._--- �...\{.1YOR cCo11 Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson Jb4" Merchants National Bank, 5,050:03 T0401-88% 4798 of. -@woo p t. Tot— - s i+p:n' — W" y C. ReaolVed 407`tiatBytAeiic n eV )ieieY°-..'i fore' i sued to C T. V neon nd Mise' W.. Woodtern'to oonduat'_ the liotel'1 COUol(` Calit rola at 8$ d. t Flith Street,. is RAL FORM hereb9 tranaterred to said Mtea. -i Woodtern, theinYe est ot. eaid C..li..� ,l to iin q Wood ern. havtn6 been 1919 - -- -- ao eaid n s Woodtern. Adopted by,the Counall Jpne 11, COUNCIL 2.5,E Adpro ed June il. 21919) FILE N O -.....--. (dune 4 ,—Aa c®-2.-..m:CS ^ __......___. Resolved, That That the lioense heretofore issued to C. L. Venson and Mies W. Woodfern to oonduot the Hotel California, at 88 East Fifth street, is hereby transferred to said Mies W. Woodfern; the interest of said C. L. Venson in said hotel having been sold to said Mies Woodfern. Yeas (1') ounci en (P) Nays C11 y oss _ r eller McColl ,.,,Aye:. Wunderlich . President, Hodgson FORM A.9 3M 6-18 Adopted by the Council��'��{1_ �9 0 APP ved . 1 ...... ___. __MAYOR JOHN I. FARICY (Offirr of Titg (?�1erk JAS. J. MINER CITY «eak (pity of �ttint Pani .ssr CITY CLERK June 10th, 1919. Mr. 0. H. O',eill, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Attached please find request of C. L. Venson, to cancel his name from th6 license of the Hotel California, 88 East Fifth Street, and to leavelicense in the name of his partner, Miss W. Woodfern. The Council referred this matter to you for proper form of resolution, at its meeting this date. Very truly yours, CITY CLERK. v i z I /5&75� job its g ell 4. , 4004'3 c".77- ` � P riBrtrY e[ II— Fte9olved That t te aDl�llcat n of the: Ma�lllltattan Oil & Lueee4 CouiDan3y for, " ^ � { �. @'V`, �1v�' U' �! - a lioense to mafntal6 an 'O'll Ftlliag t;tat[dn at 899 :East Minn SI,T 9tr@nd be apd the same hereby is g ted and'. Clerk to hereby L FORM 1%d'i � - ! ,City al�thortzed. and `,Jnetruaed . to issue euoh l6o upon`the payment tnto the ,City Tfeae..' - SfelEct:.... .. .,. ........... ..... .......... ury de the fee, l .. .. Addpted by:the Council Jnne 1i 1918.`""' ' ...."" ADDroved June 11 7819. 254'V ., COUNCILNO. (June 14, 1819). .. i7 .. .... - - - - .. .... _ .. . ... ........... . ..... Dat -------- .......191..... Resolved, That the application of the Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company for a license to maintain an 011 Filling.Station at 899 E. Minnehaha Street, be and the same $ereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $'50.00. Yeas (✓) Gfiuncilgieil (✓) Nays „.i: 1.1. is n Adopted by the Council .........._ _......._._..... _......1Appr ...... MAYOR CJlancy tiro ._.....�.'.'_�.. 1✓//J� ler W underlich Mr. Pr FORM ident, Hodgson A. 9 3M 12-18 „.i: 1.1. is n Adopted by the Council .........._ _......._._..... _......1Appr ...... MAYOR Resolved, r SRM i 6 cou— L FILEFILE No . .......................................................... it 2fA#e resen a ........t91..... That the ap:_lication of the Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company for a license to maintain an Oil Filling Station at 900 E. 7th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the fee $50.00. Yeas (✓) Council n (✓) Nays Clancy /// Goss Ke 0 Coll .............�Q� j11�Yir Mr. President, Hodgson FORM CJA, 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ..............._. lye... Ap ed--...._.... i ........_.__..__..........._ ........ d`v Lam___:._......... MAYOR =0 :Subject:-------- _...._.. ..----....... ......... dune . .... _.. _- ....... -...-...... FE 1V O..-..... 25411 .. Presented. .........__.__._._.._.......__ ..191...-. Resolved, That the proper city off ioers are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Ills, Koerner, providing for the payment of compensa- tion to her at the rate of Twelve Dollars ($12.00) per week during the time that she was totally disabled by reason of injuries received by her while in the employ of the Department of Education of the City of St. Paul on the 9th day of January, 1919. Be it further resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to the said Illa Koerner, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) in final settlement of her claim in accordance with the aforesaid agreement. I recommend the dbove resolution for passage. !/ 9 ss oner--of Education. — 1 Yeas (V) Councilme V) Nays Adopted by the Council„ 1__0_••1% -. Clancy Approv Gos �re'['A'7U"" ler ccoll Wunderlich ------ MAYOR M resident, Hodgson FORM C A. 9 3M 6-18 s,mr�.^ nam 2541t-! Resolved, That the grade of alleys in Block 1 in Hemline Syndicate Addition No.3 in accordance with the red grade lines on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (d) Coancignen (✓) Nays G s /� Zia ller V cool] A�RI�S! Mr. Pr ldent, Hodgson I -ORM A. 9 3M 12-I0 111\1 i j !919 Adopted by the Council.: . .._ _....— Appr MAYOR P6412-8y'M.,N. .Reaol ed That the de OE alley. 1 In ;Hemline ndlcate Addle( tion No o. 3, in accordaace -w,tth the red ggrade Ilnes on the nocdmpanyld8 pp i � " ' C:( : flle': and as recommended -by the, C, i9ZTHm mlhatoaer pt Pub1to Works, be and ths. same le pereby, adopted as the estab- ed ggrade: . .......... AdoptOd by the Council Sune 11 191�:f `.--" Approved June '1919. '- it ourvclu No s,mr�.^ nam 2541t-! Resolved, That the grade of alleys in Block 1 in Hemline Syndicate Addition No.3 in accordance with the red grade lines on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (d) Coancignen (✓) Nays G s /� Zia ller V cool] A�RI�S! Mr. Pr ldent, Hodgson I -ORM A. 9 3M 12-I0 111\1 i j !919 Adopted by the Council.: . .._ _....— Appr MAYOR C. 4 No. 96439`=B M. N..C3o9e— Yieeolved,Tha.F the time'•pppeclfledCor; J ,the:DerFormance oCa-certatq CoatrapE 'dated on; Cor a 1814 between Th rn topp Bros Company. and the Clty oL 6t: Paul Co Cthe ' .` bin ot: e _and-. eta la . North 6t Anthony t be the 4L FORM same is hereby extended d to the8t1 day oC June 1818 and the ppropner city om .Ct•----- - / cera -are hereby authorFxed to execute. - 25 - J i� arC'gmetlfllnent to said contrast In ac """" L ^/ Corda'ace hardwlth,.provlded, however, courvcu. . ' that t is-,rasolution ahall'net have any. ripe No. --.- - -. -t- - .............. – "ADproved ,June il4919)d818. ,91._--- ;CJdne 1A. e – - G.� Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract dated October 13, 1914, between Thornton Bros.Company and the City of St. Paul for the Curbing of Streetsin North St.Anthony Park be and the same is hereby extended to the 9th.day of June, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any fored and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) C unc men (✓) Nays JU111 it 1 1919 Adopted by the Council ._.. _... _ ...............1.... 11a cy I Q 9 oss Appro G � eller i ,McColl �diiLSL ................. )Ounderlich MAYOR Mr. esident, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9,3M 12-16 25/1 St. Paul, Minn. , - - - - - - - - 19 - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your H n_orrablle' Body cause the time of completing contract for the C"v - - - - 9- to be extended to - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 Owing to``i-7 - - - - -P ----� --- - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly/✓Yvn"�. Contractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirer,.ents of this office is cc c r ed. APPROVED onstrnuotion & Repairs Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engineer. _.... 25414 FoLUI L e............. ..... ....�.. Resolved, In the matter of constructing a sewer on Griggs Street (vacated) from Carroll Avenue -to Iglehart Avenue (vacated) under Preliminary Order ,#28308, approved February 26th, 1919, and Final Order #25057, approved May 13th, 1919. RESOLVLT, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. 1 Yeas (✓) Cpunlmen (✓) Nays t0acyth - ... Vtunderlich Mr. esident, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12.18 - - ltaeeived all Papers !xt connection with above Resolution, JUN 1.1. !9.19 Adopted by the Council . ....... ....... ................1... Approv_...._.___s�U....�.:...!Q.�.9._.........1.... 1S -Ewer . /j40inst ....._._ .._ .................................._............................-... MAYOR - Ih th Splatter OY •constr cling &'sewer on Bayatd�,A,venuet from Siston... Avenue: tb JL Dotnt'20pp feef Nlast �ofy Avenue, Ayenuea`and on Ilamllne Ave u.,from •Bayard Ave ue to Wat M C 0 UL`LGI. son Avenue dndd .Pen nary Order—�-QR No 22574 npDroved August, 27th,. 1916, and Flnal"•Qrder Nq. 25089 ap' prOved•;May 22,-1919 ReeO(ved That. the piano, apeclftca " (� /�, tion 254' ^' a BLLb COUNCIL ' and estimated quantities Pubifc .I'ILn No. Tent be andhthebsumena es her by np -- ..-.1 �..-n:•..k .. .. ..... ..... ..... 'Loved. d. by. !the Commies coat oli 1918.'. C� AR10ptefl bY.theCo'tincil June }7, \ Approved.( June 14, 9 19 - 11171@-•�+....�.►-..•- (June i4, isis) .�.rase.' ted:-.....� ...... 191. - Resolved, In the matter of constructing a sewer on Bayard Avenue from Hemline Avenue to a point 200 feet east of Syndicate Avenue, and on Hemline Avenue from Bayard Avenue to Watson Avenue, under Preliminary Order Tft2574 approved August 27th, 1918, and Final Order A25089, approved May 22, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissidner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Y/Inlme V) Nays lerlichMHodgson P-16 8e.ceived all papers in Connection with above Re� o� l u ti'on. Adopted by the Council, 'h._ Q IV,- Appr a �I�`1 IQ L9 141 MAYOR .aim ...... ............... ........................ Al -A Av SS ancne ma cer n wer , "-ComO yver.a0 t om the /- of the " terminus of the rawer aDDroxiniately 7E% feat NortheMYY OL -the denser. 01. 16 teef. Grantham 13M to a olnt i Northerly oG:the SOutryyerly line o1.. 2 BI Antdony Park; FORM � Lot 2; Block Nortel, underPreliml4ary Oder No. 24199 approved FebNary 10th 1919 and Final Order No. 29988 apDFoveri �� �1 C - L� C) May bth 1918. i -- -: R...ivea, 'Chat, the. plane. sDeciaca-. Co Nal. ripe NO. --........... Resolved, In the matter of extending sewer on Como Avenue West, from the terminus of the sewer approximately 732 feet northerly of the center of Grantham Street to a point 15 feet northerly of the southerly line of Lot 2, Block 27, St. Anthony Park North, under Preliminary Order 4-24199, approved February 10th, 1919, and Final Order (249862 approved May 5th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (✓) CouncillXen ( ✓) Nays Clancy a 7G" Wunderlich Mr.,jyresident, Hodgson 0.- C. A. 9 3M 12.18 Received all Ampere In Connection with above Resol tion. i o'FF� Adopted by the Council.....�1LN....-:� 1919 1919 -APProv ........_............_...._......__....... _..._... 19\1 MAYOR [—.Pr,eone[r,uucinga�w on,% Dudley AvenUO troln 9tythe•9tr et to a potnf 69Leet West of>the•W�st- llne.oL Rayylnpad Avenue, whder Pre- ' -Ilminary Order' No. 24476 ePpro'ved; 'March 38t1 ,t 1919, and. Frinat order : L FORM No: -24996„ approved May) 6[h, 1819. Resolved, Tgat the plana,;speciftca- 254��1 U... a d eetlmated quatltltles submit- ,,,,_ [i ,.., ted by the C6mmin§loner of Publlc. " ' .................... """"' Works for the, above named Improve COUNCOL w� ... ILe No . .... .. .. ... .. menu be and the: same are her by np Proved. Adopted by theCo' 11, '1919, (June June 31, 1919.: -- .. ... Approved June - 11, x818. (June. 14, 1918) a June 11th � ,191 .9v r Resolved, In the. matter of constructing a sewer on Dudley Avenue from Hythe Street to a point 50 ft. west of the west line of Raymond Avenue, under Preliminary Order '24476, aproved 2hQm tk March 18th, 1919, and Final Order 24996, approved May 6th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. 1 Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays Clanc G /q eller ccoll .........._.. A sin Wunderlich Mr. P sident, Hodgson FOR C. A. 9 3M 12-18 - - - Received all ptpere in connection with pipers Resolution Adopted by the Council .--JUN_..1.1_.519_._1.. Approve _.. MAYOR FORM :2 5�, cou—'14' N, . .................. ...... ...... .... ............ FILE Ed 11, 1919:' ------ Al ed Tun li i9-09 June , Resolved, In the matter of constructing a sewer on Rose Street from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street, and a temporary connecting sewer for sanitary drainage only on Kennard Street from Ross Street to East Seventh Street, under Preliminary Order 124416, approved March 10th, 1919, and Final Order #25073, approved May 15th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (V) Counci en (V) Nays Cla y Yeas C Con 'a"c' e -ss Keller oss McColl Wunderlich M ir r resident, Hodgson F RM C. A. 9 3- 12 -IB Received all Papers in connection with above Resolution.. 191 9 11 q,q Adopted by the Council Approve/... - 'JUN 11- ol In the matter of to - COU on Juno. reet, Itno 64 &`X 610,; 3,2UN, . !"Un 'ap 'd' I'l U'r abject: rd v'1'4'4UK Order oPS P'joed.1" 5tOU ...... It@solved That the. '"'. 110,1 d ',tl-,td;Ji ou; No . .............ih ? o., ttt nd the 'same are hereby -P: proed.�,b, doitthe Council lune 11, 1919.' AppmVed 8918 esewad ---- - ..... . ..... .. Resolved, In the matter of constructing a dewer on Juno Street from View Street to a point 410 feet east of the east line of View Street, under Preliminary Order 422963, approved September 23rd, 1918, and Final Order #23898, approved May 15th, 1919, RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas e Council n Nays Council e Clan G Ss eller r ccoll Wunderlich Mr. P sident, Hodgson FORIC. /A.9 3M 12-18 . Rsceivea all Connouction with &boy, Itesol. 1 on . ............ !-,. . .. . ...... Adopted by the Council Approve FORM COUNCIL 2542® PILE N 0 ............... '.... .... ................ 1..... 1 WHEREAS, On February 18, 1915, a contract was entered into between the United States, represented by Major John F. Madden, Quartermaster Corps, United States Army, and the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, represented by Winn Powers, Mayor; R. C. Handy, Comptroller; John I. Farioy, City Clerk; and 0. E. Seller, Com- missioner of Public Utilities, stipulating that the City of St. Paul would pay one-half of the cost of renewals of globes and lamps, and make monthly payments for one-half of the electric current used in lighting the bridge over the Mississippi River connecting the Military Reservation of Fort Snelling with the City of St. Paul, att2�q,�r�ate of three (3) cents per Kilowatt hour as indicated by to be installed and maintained by the United States, and wherein Article 4 provides "that this contract may be renewed yearly, by mutual consent, so long as the needs of the public service require, not extending, how- ever, beyond the thirtieth day of June, 1950;" now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That it is desirable to continue said contract in effect, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to enter into a contract continuing in effect the said con- tract for the priod of one year, commencing the first day of July, 1919. ReveiTed all Dspers Is connection With abov ♦ alf;a u�t fop. Yeas ((') Council en(7)Nays 1.Z !9 ! 9 Adopted by the Council_ __ __ ____ 19 Clanc i.•, Approved.._ _.. _.. ...._....1� Go s I( Her ccoll ' Wunderlich MAroa Mr. resident; Hodgson L IF M C A. 9 3M 6 -18 r ; ',ouncil File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT '77, and _ 2W!J- C.<F No. Y61Y1, AMtraet. a. I Wharea�; A written. DroppMoaI forthe' etition mflUng of the following Imaparovement Onde f In ]3lask i Phaleh' The undenigri b proposes xe a dditioii oiinan�fihr°o°e �Ovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: - stators be 1t tt of 'Tait the 'Comminionfrrof tion. -- - .. . ...- -"' ""' ..........Gr$a Q.._!, :h .4... p".uu. lc k.. ba ion. he 1e nar.91 1 deraa and�dlrectea 1 ., To investigate 'the rieceeslt , or ..... eo}�Ilrae on .... ............ ......... ........ .,•......... r d h111tY . of the making o said o 1 veetliS'te the. naturd'eztaut ...... __., iva eat�dtafgd,<poet .of ealfl fmDrove: yaepE,Ssna the total cost thereof, To• fasnlatl u �'- 1 '$4Tprovement }roils. o.: ..............................................................ZOE "?rhejb r or not said 1- t on We Dete Dated this .a l tkla .%._....+7WWl1e.s...1919 sae �c°bio ......................... . 191 Lai Co +�o. ;r9 Councilman. PRELIMORD C O• 2 5 2, } WHEREAS, A written proposal fo%Che ma]ung of7AR�y fo ng I� N K nt, viz.: Grade.alle.e in block $ P en Height �Additiona ...... .. . ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... .............. :.......................................................................................... ............................. .................................................................................. 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.........................................................fit........ Yeas: Nays: Councilman ss Approved......___. :, ................................... f!t`...... eland eller McColl Wunderlich....................................................................................... yor Irvin s QMayor. Form CA 13 (s 19) now=! // Council ' e No— ............... PROPOS'* "n, ""'EN" the ]and neceeeary ng..�1.xV� Blo k 8 Phalen BHeI hgtat tfon,- havingg been greeeuted{ ~' Oouacll of thB.Clty of St.�pavl„public improvement by the City of St. Paul. viz.: The undersign d hereby proposer 'Oa spiv d,. T4at the commlesr Publl -nd dls be and he 19 her<'._-.tihe....a.d1aS�...n e09.a.e.ATy!...fo.1:....BSO.p.eH. OOndemni and to dares and directed nR,---, ---- 1: To lnveetlgate the'neceaett . .............................. -"--- r-dealrablllt movement. Y,'of the making-of�ey_e...in...hlo.ek...8..:Phalen..Heighte tnveatlgate the nature,. ------ ------ ” d- Of eald imp o Addi--ion ... ta1 cosUthereof. 1v p ♦ .... .. ... .. .. ..... �,•(,� 4. .... f1 leha plan. DroBle ......... .. .... .. "9ment. _ hethan. on bo .. ....... ......................... ............... ............ ........... ............... _............ _. ................................................ ...... ............ ..................... ............. ............ fa r Dated this... ...—Ifthday of s..... .......... ................... 191...-.... ................................................................._._..................._....._ 7 Councilman. PREL71�i RDERI n D S Z Z WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of thAe following improvement. viz.: Condemning and takin8...an.,_eaeement .i..n... the ....]a..nd..ne.¢.esGary ....foT...c.lop.ees. .............................. A...... _for_cute-.And ._fid..1s....in..Brading.... the...alleys....in...block..8.-Phalen _Heights A44tion,................._...._..._......_................._..........._................._................ _ ........................ .................... ................................... ....... ...................................... ............ having been presented to the Council -of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.--. - -- -- -- - ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invenigate the nature, extent and e6timated coAt of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement .................................. ............................................................... .................................................. 5, To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance, Adopted by the counciL..._.JL i a.._ �.q.� 9....._....._.......49'1'....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman sa . Approved. .................................................... 4¢�..... eland j� 1J_,) Keller (/ McColl l Wunderlich Mayor, ayor Irvin Form C A 13 M 4•17) - tition _ The undersigned he rop Dated this......... 1) th.—day r' - J Council File No . ....... .... ............. .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 25423 ;ae Pie'as—UNARY ORDER. I .pe to West Se+ :pre ented to t: of 9t Paul thereCo. '.esoi a Th t--zbe Coi.. public rovement by the City of St. Paul. viz.: o7in'Worka be and 1s he ,wing 7`directed.. , ' T lnve :'Of, a the nec• ;'deeirabilitY'of Kbe making.• ...t0_. BHti--. SeYBllt�.t_.S tT 2e is. ...._....... pr ovement: , .P! To- 1nvestCBate' the nature: eao" Ied• cost of said in: ........ ... .. ...... and the total Coat theme .... .. To furnish n plan: pr 'tcljsoof tate _*, ether or .6f- _.. .. s hother or noi' " vereent. ta,. asked. for on, y, �„ hree or more. Owner? .. To report t tlpo 775... ...... - — ....... mattere'to t � ...................................................... 7ifC •n^.,.. tris .Co,. - 5 --- ........................................... 191... _... Councilman. PRELIM, AR ORD R. �� P WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making off the following improvement, viz.: Grade .pleaaant...AVenue_ from..O.tt.a..itv.enae._.ta....14.ee.t....S.ev.enth..8.tree.t................ .............................................................................................. .............................................................................................. ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ............................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated wit of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ................................. ........ ....... .__ ........................................................................................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council........-. -"'-` "'� "' ............................... Nays: Yens: Councilman 11C .........1,94 ... Go Approved...._...._....:c.'. �. 6 ler ccoll underlich May In Form C A 13 ONE 4.17f / - ........................................... ;w"; ................... ............ ... — ----------- - ............ . ............ - - ------- ---- - ----- -- - To state wt ether or all" Lor. on not said 1.1-� ' 191 Dated this,—Irl'th . ..... day of !11� or, "'0" Tj , . . � ................... IJU-Nr'.tto. -12o'corn a ............... ed Vefl -.tn�. C",n'i' —c Councilman. PREY ODDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemn, and ..0.0m.ent-in the land neoeseary for slopes. ................................ .. 9 PkZA e.4 or.-.Q.Ut.8 and filla in..,gr.adixW...Pl.easant..Av..enue from Otto Avenue -to. ........... f ........... W e. 0A aexeath Street ................ .......................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... .................................... ..................... ................. --- ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ........................... .................. ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated coft of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ............................................ ........................................................................................................................... ................... ............................................................................... 5. To ftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. jUN Al 19A Adopted by the council.......... .. ..... .......... .. Yeas: Nays: .Q.9 Councilman J han GApproved .................... .......... .. . .............. Im, .. eller ccoll Wunderlich.. .. ..... .............. ...................... ................................................ M or hwiW Mayor. F.— C A 13 OM 4171 7--7— Cii!n�, No .......................... Rq'� WNT 25424 tine land: n' ry fo jIi,-a and ftllngj!�,; ; M t �'Av=jejj Y proposes h a�jt t eet,�j n g b.—preo.. ted', - Ile undersigned hereby W _ _ 'rovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ........................................... ;w"; ................... ............ ... — ----------- - ............ . ............ - - ------- ---- - ----- -- - To state wt ether or all" Lor. on not said 1.1-� ' 191 Dated this,—Irl'th . ..... day of !11� or, "'0" Tj , . . � ................... IJU-Nr'.tto. -12o'corn a ............... ed Vefl -.tn�. C",n'i' —c Councilman. PREY ODDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemn, and ..0.0m.ent-in the land neoeseary for slopes. ................................ .. 9 PkZA e.4 or.-.Q.Ut.8 and filla in..,gr.adixW...Pl.easant..Av..enue from Otto Avenue -to. ........... f ........... W e. 0A aexeath Street ................ .......................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... .................................... ..................... ................. --- ................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ........................... .................. ................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveftigate the nature, extent and eftimated coft of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ............................................ ........................................................................................................................... ................... ............................................................................... 5. To ftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. jUN Al 19A Adopted by the council.......... .. ..... .......... .. Yeas: Nays: .Q.9 Councilman J han GApproved .................... .......... .. . .............. Im, .. eller ccoll Wunderlich.. .. ..... .............. ...................... ................................................ M or hwiW Mayor. F.— C A 13 OM 4171 7--7— Petition. The undersigned hereby proposes gt Ii Changing.. -.the., -grade-. si Street to conform to IV made---a--part heree-fthe blue line thereon, also t6 Iby- Street 'to the -;'id Str.0p.61-.apd...,1TWtho a- -.&t between aw, opwe tree Dated thi......—1,1tkl....-day of....... Council File No. the red I)nejon; loh d'and ado a. ee ni e.tabFiehed bY 'a bllPe line. Ing said Frank line WhenteatnU-improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: viand; Street and d,to -the prooeot twegn. xawthorne beed i3 treat tO....Haw.thorne-._._ having n re- .Vtue City o Fs.;�ile hereto attached and commleefoner'.of: i'h. 1. heretiY:'or- a"'b'Biag"- shown "'by"'a............ " the neceeelty fi?tree Maryland Stireet ec making of aef" e ma ablieiied be Maryland store ext r.esen.t•.. es.tabl.i s .grade - - of ept tti /mT 191 PRE i�I MIN R DER. C. `i 1 a. 2 S 2 S WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Chan¢ipg._ the...grade.., of.. Frank... Stre.A..from...Uryland....S.tre_et...to...Hawthorne ...__... Street to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached *nd made. -a-- Part, -bereof,th-& present established g'ra'de being shown by a blue line thereon,also grading said Frank Street from Maryland Streetto Ivy strest to the" said: red iirie When -established b-etween T"ryland Street.. and..-Hawthorn@..-Ur.eet...and...to....the:..pres.ent...es.tablished...grade.................... between Hawthorne Street and Ivy Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ ...... ............ ........... ......._.......__........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......... ...... . .. .... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, , To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. n 11. 1519 Adopted by the council.............JU...........................................194 Yeas: Nays: Councilma Goss Approv Hyla d Kel M Il underlich Mayo rvin Form C A 18 (8M 417) ' p9 � .. ? Council File i c F iaR� aze j Abetraci. IR II1`II'ROVEMENT t\�\\\ Wheteaof the L llOwinBLfml'ro 25496\ making a ems ee vis' .nein¢ and::�takln� e..-fo'' . ox x a —.- The undersigned hereby PUb110��Po=kBhbe,and ae Ss hereby or- a impro00ment by the City of St. Paul, viz: dared and directed: of said 4.� da> ai:t�B...f d tfble� L To Shveefigate the neceeeity for. _. ... -"--" ... or deetYabllity o: the making..nd..n.e,9_e$Sary.,.fpr,_elQPee. to Smyrovement -- CntB and fills 1II :a.To. fnvestigato the mature extent ...........................................................g....�d.-'estimated ,coat h said: SmPYov. ,...�„ ndthe'tot81 eost-theriofll,e....Maryland Street to Ivy street.turnleh a Plan, P ' mid SmProvement8;�, .................................................................. nether or not ser Dated thisa.....day of. .......T.Uns.. .1919.s ............................. I ................... , 191........ � Councilman. PRELMVI�NARIY ORDER. C t- I t D. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o the following improvement viz.: Condemning...and...talo.ng...an._.easemen.t....In...tile ..._land ...n.Qo.ee.d.ary...f.or..... aIoP.eA :f.Qr 0 u t a and.._fi11e.._i.n. grading.,. Frank._Street ...f..r.om...Maryland...S.tr..get....t.Q....Ivy........... Street. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direded: I. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and ebtimated coot of said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .... ' ....................... 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoin matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN it 151 Adopted b/17) the council ..................... ..................... 3aiir..... Yeas: Nays: Approved ......................:1... X91 q............/41�...... ch Mayor. a.rm C A S O, ORDINANCES. F. No. 26427 --Ordinance No. 5113 Jlly J. M. Clancy— ­IdlIIIII to -,ad old[ ... cc approved March 31 91d0 , tl. 25407 An ordinanceto amend ordinance No. 2902, approved j',.1arcl, 31, 1910, /— and amendments thereto, entitled "An ordin,nce providing for all matters concerning, relating too or affecting i the construction, alteration, repair, rerioval, or maintenance of all buildings or structures, or parts of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected aithin the City of St. Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THS COU11CI-L OL Ei_,; CITY Or 3T. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section IIl. That section 192 of ordinance No. 2902; approved Iuarch 31, 191.;, entitled, " An ordinance providing for all, matters concerning, relating to, or affecting the construction, alteration, repair, removano or maintenance of all buildings or structures, or parts of buildings or structures, erected or to be erected within the City of 6t. paul.11, be and the same is hereby amended by insert�ng immediately following the words, "Laundry to be run by , machinery", wherever they occur in said section, the follow- ing words: "Junk Yard, or Public Garage". Section r2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health andsafety. section #3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage, approval and publication. Yeas (V) CotVcilmen Nays Adopted by the Council I ­ L/�Iancy VirTarnsworth Approve otls Keller —TOR ,Wunderlich A Mr. President,00dgson O rmA d8 M -1 ' Av —WRM "-'al 1�� DEet7.�iyy th� CounnfF a �'1;8�, - s $ JUN 1 .. ............... ...... ........CI COMPTROLLER191,...... PER.............................................. .` 1 TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: YeIC cilmen ( V ) - ays II IN J 21919 Adopted by the Council.........." .... .. _...ath A prov................._.... ...l�i __.... � t— .......- MAYOR-clPMr.,--moo ..�c::' >afi -3!464- S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 106,305.90 ` 3CC„12Q0{O28 n .. ,h of s r k i O' CCUMC,L 25429 P1Le No.. ............................ a ........................................................ Resolved, That the judges of election at the Special Election to be held July lot, 1919, are hereby authorized and directed to appoint clerks for said election, in the mariner provided by law. Yeas (✓�)� nncilmen (,✓)Nays - Y Cl f Adopted by the council . JUN„ 1914 1 ___. cY h JUN 12 1919 oss..............Ifr^feevor Approv d.....................:....................................... .... Kell r v 1VJ d M oil Agginst - underlich --MAYOR• Mr. Pres' ent, Hodgson `-.' FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I0 `GRsc� �>3t'a 1 2dtao—�{ �.�Ineri� �aAaer- �� m�' r eeol'ved, That hlt , e6371edtioti t6 be ,h'eW..ln the, Clldi ,94�Pau1 111,,1 t 49-AlBLdotd of eBRi Clay at t4Ye { fN1oW AH DIACeS. AAblBtyi � t / tat P,CCCt(Ct..giavYthor (.r ................... . .......... '�ouRcn. F54430 ILENO ............ ................... DRCede :...:.:.................. _.......................... t94....... Resolved,' That the Special Election to be held in the City of St. Paul, July let, 1919, shall be held in the several election districts of said City at the following places, namely: Yeas (✓) Councilme ( ✓) Plays Clancy Farns orth Goss ..............Its, Ke er Coll underlich Mr. Pre dent, Hodgson FORM C:. A. 9 3M 12 -IB Adopted by the Council--.....J1J�.-..y.`�...���........ `f`1.. 12 ...I9 Approve........... . ..............9.................... IIKI... ....... ...... MAYOR let Free. Auditorium (Fourth St. side) lot Free. 2nd " Mun.Lmp.Buroau (343 Minnesota) 2nd " 3rd " No. 8 Fire Station 3rd 4th " Madison School 4th 5th " Building 40 West Tenth St. 5th " 6th " Armory, taxahsMe at. Entrance) 6th A 7th " No. 1 Fire Station 7th 8th " FIFTH WARD. 9th " lot Pros. 2nd " 3rd " 4th " 5th " 6th " 7th " 8th " 9th " loth " lith " 12th " 10th " Office 202 West Seventh. filth " �NM�37ire ferson School .�y 12th " 13th " Etat oa. o0 Office, Toronto A West seventh Davis School let Free. Adams School 2nd " Store (Nd. 25 Upper Levee) RLSCTION DId2RIM FOR SPECIAL ZLKCTION, JULY let, 1919. 4th FIRST WARD. Randolph Heights School SIXTH (am. lot Free. 7th Hawthorne School 1st Proo. No. 15 Fire Station. 2nd " Lincoln School 204 " store, Vanslor & Morton Ste. 3rd " Store Whita21 & Burr Its. 3rd " Store, 192 Haat Fairfield St. 4th. " Garage, Hear of 1016 Zdgerton. 4th " Lafayette School 5th " Phalen Park School 5th " Douglass School 6th " No. I7 Tiro Station 6th " Crowley School 9th " Cleveland school 7th " No. 6 Fire Station 8th " Building, 1044 Forest St. 8th " Hendricks School 9th " Harrison School 9th " Store, Winslow & Winifred Sts. loth " grickson School 10th " Garage, rear of 692 Cherokee Av. 11th " " Grant School 11th 12th " Humboldt High School " Pumping Station (Page & State St.) 22th, Mission, 1463 Payne Ave. 13th " Store, 243 Concord St. SSCOND WARD.. S&7SN4H tlfARD. Tat Prep. 2nd h7ound Park School Van Buren School let Free. Carpenter Shop,301 Selby Av. 3rd " No. 29 Fire statics 2A8 " Plying Shop, 376 Dayton Av. 4th " " Store, 792 Margaret St. 3rd 4th " Neill School " Garage, Dale bet. Grand & Summit. 5th 6th " Hargarot Police Station btots, Fourth & Cypress 5th " Store, 96 No. Dale St. I . 7th " Nasstsat No. 7 Fire Station 6th " Garage, Dale bet. Iglebart & Garr*: 8th " Office 1198 Sunt Seventh St. 7th store, 671 Selby Av. 9th " No. 24 fire Station. 8th " Store, 736 Selby Av. 10th " " Taylor School 9th loth " Irving School " Linwood School (Oxford & Oeaeola) lith 12th " Building, 867 Convey St. Deane School lith " No. 16 Fire Station 12th Central High School THIRD WD. 13th " Hill School 14th `° Store, 1255 Summit Ave. let Pro*. No. 12 Fire Station 15th " Garage, Grand & Victoria 2nd " Washington School 16th " Store, Milton & Selby 3rd " Franklin School 17th " Webster School FOURTH . �IGHTH @LARD. let Free. Auditorium (Fourth St. side) lot Free. 2nd " Mun.Lmp.Buroau (343 Minnesota) 2nd " 3rd " No. 8 Fire Station 3rd 4th " Madison School 4th 5th " Building 40 West Tenth St. 5th " 6th " Armory, taxahsMe at. Entrance) 6th A 7th " No. 1 Fire Station 7th 8th " FIFTH WARD. 9th " lot Pros. 2nd " 3rd " 4th " 5th " 6th " 7th " 8th " 9th " loth " lith " 12th " 10th " Office 202 West Seventh. filth " �NM�37ire ferson School .�y 12th " 13th " Etat oa. o0 Office, Toronto A West seventh Davis School let Free. Adams School 2nd " Store (Nd. 25 Upper Levee) 3rd Riverview School 4th Booth (Randolph A Chatsworth) 5th a Randolph Heights School 6th " 7th 8th " 9th " 10th " Store, 204 Carroll Ave. Store, 233 Carroll Ave. NaKinley School Church, Uackubin k Autora Building 473 Jay St. Store, 267 University Ave.Jackson School Store, 582 Kent St. Schaffer Schoolstore, Kent & Blair Whittler school Hall, Rose & Albemarle Ste. Garage, 607 Como Ave. near Dale.M Soh 1 NIN:H WARD. Dale - Tilton & 9hbsoba St. Mechanics Art High School Store, 643 Canada St. Jackson & Valley Ste. Smith School Office, 167 Capitol Heights. Plumbing Shop, 514 Rice St. Store, $56 Rios St. Mice School Store, 980 Courtland St. I . a IBrriRi WARD. lot Proc. Gaultior School I 2nd " Office, 512 Snelling Ave. 3rd " Baker School 4th " Hurray School 5th " Tatum School 8th " Tilden School 4th " Garage, rear of 1242 Minnehahe 8th " Hancock School 9th " Library (Carter & Como) 1Dth " Garage, Holton bet. Capitol & Minnohaha Moventh Ward. lot Pre*. Building, 2482 University Ave. 2nd " Prior Ave. Police Station 3t4.... " Gordon School " Garage, _nth 5th Longfellow School 6th " Garage, rear of 1699 Sahland Ave. 7th " No. 20 Fire Station 8th Garage hoar of 1918 Portland 9th " No. 14 Fire Station 10th " Groveland Park School lith " Ramsey school 12th " Garage, Pascal bet. Summit & Grand 13th " Mattocks School 14th " Homocroft School TWSi"I WARD. lot Preo. Pa:field School End " Store, 819 Rondo St. 3rd " Store, 331 Chatsworth St. 4th " No. 18 Fire Station 8th " Drew School (New Unit) 6th " Store, 922 Edmund St. 9th " Building, 673 Blair St. 8th " boClellon School 9th " Como Park School ORM CCOENCFJLfL NO. M1.�V `✓_ ', L3 ` .. ... Resolved, That the grade of alley in Block 29 Gotziants Re -a- of Sigel's Addition and its prolongation through miscellaneous tract from Gotzian Street to Griffith Street in accordance With the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same 1e hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (✓) Councilmen ) Nays Clancy 7 191..... Adopted by the Council ..._..,,JUN .......I .... ... ..... ...1..... h Approv�- G oss .............Hn.Lavor 4. Kell r 1 Moil �f ..........._. Against.._..._.._............._............._...................._..........._.......... MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. Pres�3ent, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-19 Council File FOR U"ROWMENT rust relay .,a, velke'a the E.G.Briggs. - Tite undersigned hereby al tope -_-- extended thence south 85 qhs w -j -de -,-f -rem 141-jw-re:Av -e—tl ' t, wr"a Bj B��A' 6 feet wide, from L a] .................................................tie Dated this 12th... -day of improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 95 f A.AX&V U..k , ,east side,16 feet BlINA,AY ORDER. C— f WHEREAS. A written proposal for g, -. of the following improvement, viz. Reconstruct, relay and � Xkcement tile sidewalks at the following ............................................. ................ ........... ........................... .................. — ............................ O.a.kda.1.0 ... AY1W.u.e..xe.a.t pl.de.g.6 f e.e-t Vide.,.f.r.om thS. north -lins..o-f Midway Aye. ... .. ......... . . elVed t--u601h 85 fta Souththat$Bft pr j.tt :rt side 18 f et wider rom--o. X O.Ut ..as :.j..AYenu,1aside, feet wide from Louis&Btreet, thence north 95 feet. ...................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ... ...... ....... .... . ....... . ..... ...... . ... ... ... . ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveMgate the nature, extent and eltimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .......... : ......................... ..................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council. .............. ..... ............ .............. ..... -1,94 Yesa: / " I Nays: Councilman F worth G s Approved..._ ..... _:........_...1"94 yland Keller McColl Wunderlich ............ ... .............. �-. ......................... Irvin ayor i Mayor. Fo- C A is (SM;4-17) 7 I Council File No ........................... ✓ PROPOSAL FOR Il4II'ROVEMNT �� andJ epalr c8 nent j 110Wln IOCa 6T E. G. Bj_?Uga. Set t oM1n ef' PRELIMINARY 1 et hest slue NMI 0e Ie t 8auth of6lxth �% t south to a Dint 24 1¢et . The undersi ed herebyof 4ii& 6a eet; wal asha dtreet R8 rietril�Ct Telproand TB�loi'++13iathe8tpede tNenCebNorthwement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; ca�ione s feat East 6eventh streetl;North calks at the following lo - j2 Leet wide from Ntjill Street,- nrr west 62 feet: Seventh treat Zest T it 'Strs'et� South 13 h Aida to full Width of rtalk; ¢or 26""tPeet""W@8t e1'" Rnbeirt StT@8 t en a Weqt t _III ri r4auiring retonetrU tion and an Sti W B d ¢ g �}.L1 to 1 ce Aame In good re alt . .l." ---pr. -, i + $@ fide. i...+e8,b,...b,•0�'['G0 B�(2�1`��yileg#n �rwabaeha '.and St-,I�Cter. �t�0 a p0}{C11� '�.4.s.2�-88T, �OTtYI a fi,y, y�yie aWaaffthe Clty of 8t Paul thih mid . aro 0�1 @@ r of O U i' tlj TII•+ to ha Ing been Pneee ted to ff ff rt ♦yyy. g�od '{is�`r jt172 1t; - �trse�;3lor.kr-Bi"3e"y�2••�e13t- w+.►� rom 1i�r 111 tT t eralvbd That the�Commisafoner 0 e@t 1VOT�♦tIl 6id8 ._t ". 11x.1-".wills-rypkt...Qf... QT9te8.nd he h; hat. Qt ana--T.Cllewln8. to p16 8 same In T8 tlg9te the neceesltl X1� Ler :qtr 8St• nDated this---...12hb.----day of_..Sun6 t 191gat'; at oL,) >�y:'i th totai;.coa Aaid2lmpro± Iata;Ef""Wh� Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.:S--- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: R construetlrelay and repair cement the Sidewalks at the following loca- tione: st-3Td:S't }south•- sid ,,1 fe t ,rid@,front 26 fell weal or R65er Sty @nce w t o ��qqiin a a S .• k on 3t. W st a@ 9 fe t w d r �i0 encs. a a poln�'_24 . no2 1� o l�b '.� Wabasha_St..east sidet10_feet wide.from_58_feet north of 6th.St..thenzie having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................'................_.......................:...................--.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direcRed,; I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e6timated wit of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. - 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;...._ ....................................... ...........................................................................................................................:............................................."........................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore goiattera to the Commissioner of Finance. iIYY Adopted by the council......................................................... .I�1•�....... Yeas: Nays: Coun ' arnsworth Goss Approved ............JUP .: `2 I9I9 Hyland`...... ,., Keller J v McColl Wunderlich Mayor Irvin Mayor. e.rm c 5cam 4•,9) EUBLISFEll_ �� PROPOSAL FOR E14PROVEMENT E. G. Briggs. PRET The undersigned hereby proposes the making Reconstruct, relay, and repair Iocati"one:""""" Dale---S.tre.et.... to Blair Street. Ammand vvt...olda,",..a' University Avenue, thenoe,C13 "; i Inves 12th Sul!a iaai Dated thia..................� ----day of...............:. ORDER. Council File No ........................... 254.34 the City of St. Paul, viz.: :e at the following .......................................... PRELIMINARY ORDER. � � / i 0 � �� ]l WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, ....relay.and .repair.. the cement... tile... sidewalks_. at.. the.. following DTocge iotrrie "t"" aa'' L'b�Si Tr g`7lt a Lat...Aide ...... t3.i,x...feet ..:wl.de,..._f ro.m...L.9do.a.4._.Str.e.et,.....theTlc.e...Ngrth gnd. Avenue,....Weet..ede, eix.fe .tt w.td,....fr9m..a...pontSouth..of n vereity Avenue. thence South 10 fee . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e6timated co9t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fiance. Adopted by the wuncd ..........................................................12 ... .. ....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Goss JUN 12 9 i 9 Hyld Approved ................................. ................. foi-I . 1 K er ' fv^ eColl p�y� underlich /v I ` May Irvin a`yo/Jr. Form C A 19 OM 4-17 Petition The undersigned hereby props Council File No .......................... n A„+IPROVEMENT /�/.r. . 254-9 to A�OAO y... 11 improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Dated thu ......_s -day of -..........a t Z.;mo..................... 191 unou ......... sun t ne r ossa PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: l ._ to Avenue, xet.._the .._ _. .... ._. _ .nupteePavendoStreetfromWeaternAvenuetoIexi .........1nt. Bee.Noxi...Qf...4.i.fl...$tx_set.s.:..i.nciµding....e!e..r,.._orate..r...and...gae...connections _from.._street..mains_..t0...property.__lines...complete,,ahere..not.._alreac�y._made al— so...inalud»g...curbing...and...paving_ alley.._and...8rivewey...approachee__where rieoeeeery. .�.��..� - having been presented to the Council of the &Y of St. Paul by Councilman.. ......... ............... ........... therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inve6tigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and e6timated cost of said improvement, and the total wit thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN 12 ISIS Adopted by the council........................................................'K.-..... Yeas: I Nays: CouncilmanGoaa JUN 12 1515 Approved..................................... .................... Kell M ll U nderlich ........................... Mayor Mayor. Foto, CA 13 (aM 4-19) 0B„INANCE9. C. F. No. 26436-0[dinance No. 6121-'l (I By He=y McColl,.— AN ORDINANCE REGI e[atnance [eguladng and °oa- TRAFFIC; RIDING, DRIVING AND TRAVEL `tn. 'tr `e of dt- QLtr CITY OF ST. PAUL, au'rnul pro YlfLng.punlenment f`�HEREOF, AND REPEAL- PROVIDING PUNISH4dE too v�wat�on uie.eot, and repeal!¢, REPEAL- ING ALL -INCONSISTI Ca eme[gencV O[dillflul0� re �doftS AN EMERGENCY OR- DINANCE RENDERED Nam"CCe""a[y.f°[ , i,r,tl °-r°"_`.;ERVATION OF THE b 3 2,3 PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH AND'-bAFETY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: - SECTION" I• The operator, driver, owner or p"Bison in charge of any vehicle, propelled, used or driven over or upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, must observe the following rules and regulations, upon all streets, alleys, avenues and public places in t the City. SECTION II. DEFINITIONS. DEFINITIONS: The word "Vehicle", shall include e- questrians, horses that are being led, and everything on wheels or runners, except baby buggies and streetars. F The word "Horse", shall include all domestic animals. The word ^Driver", shall include the rider or driver of a horse, the riders of wheels, and the operators of vehicles, motor- otcles or street oars. The term "Congested District", as used in this Ordinance shall include all that portion of the City lying within and 1OJOJt4 bounded by the follmwing streets: Beginning at the intersection of Ramsey Street with West Seventh Street; Ramsey Street to Pleasant Avenue; Pleasant Avenue to West Sixtyh Street; West Sixth Street to Main Avenue; Main Ave- nue to West Tenth Street; West Tenth Street to Wabasha Street; Wabasha Street to Eighth Street; Eighth Street to Broadway Street; Broadway Street to Third Street; Third Street to the Seven Corners; then West on West Seventh Street to the iAnterseotion of Ramsey. All streets mentioned as boundaries, shall be included in the said"Congested District." SECTION 'III. PEDESTRIANS: Roadbeds of streets and avenues are intended primarily for vehicles, bytt pedestrians have the right to, in safety cross them, and all dribers of vehicles shall exercise proper care not to injure ped- estrians. Pedestrians, when crossing a streeshall not carelessly or maliciously interfere with the passage of vehicles. PedeStrians Crossing any street at the intersection thereof with another street, within the congested district, shall cross over such portion of the street as is included Within the lines of the sidewalk projected, and not diagonally. SECTION IV. SIGNALS; The driver or any person in control of a vehicle in slowing or stopping, shall signal those in the rear by raising the hand or whip vertically. No vehicle shall be turned unless a signal shallpreviously-, be given by raising hand or whip, or by -making some other clear, visible signal that indicates the direction in which the turn is to be made. No person in control of a vehicle shall back the same without having given ample warning, and while backing, care must be exercised not to injure those in the rear. SECTION V. e RIGHT OF WAY: The apparatus or vehfl�es of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Police, Fire Patrol and Ambulances shall have right of way on any street when responding to an alarm or an emergency call. Every per- son in charge of a vehicle shall pull over to the right side of the street or road when signaled from a vehicle behind desiring to pass. A vehicle approaching a street intersection, shall have the right of way over vehicles ap%roaching on its left. SECTION VI - STREET CARS: The motorman or driver of a street car shall stop his car immediately and keep it stationary as long as necessary upon the arrival of any fire apparatus. Street cars shall have the right of way between cross streets over other vehicles. The driver or person in control of any vehicle proceeding upon a street car track in front of a street car, shall turn out immediately upon being given the signal .VV the motorman or driver of the street car. Every person in charge of any vehicle approaching any street car, which has stopped or is about to °3" stop for the purpose of discharging or taking on ps<sengers, must not approach nearer than ten (10) feet to such street car, except where there is•a properly designated zone of safety, until such car shall have dis- charged or taken on its passengers, and until the gates of such street car are closed. No street car or other vehicle shall so occupy any street as to interfere with or interrupt the passage of other cars or vehicles. Street cars and vehicles must not stop on crosswalks so as to interfere with the use thereof by pedestrians. No street car shall be allowed to park or lie over on any street in the City of St. Paul in such a way as to interfere with the proper move- ment of travel upon such street. SECTION YII. KEEPING TO THE RIGHT: TURNING: PASSING: CROSSING AND STOPPING: Vehicles must be carefully driven and dvith due regard for the safety and conven- ience of pedestrians and other vehicles. Every driver of any vehicle oII any street in the City of St. Paul, shall ride, drive or operate such vehicle on the portion of the street to the right of the center..' Every vehicle, except when passing another ahead, must constantly keep as near to the right hand curb as possible. Slow moving vehicles must keep close to the curb on the right, al- lowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage on their left. A vehicle meeting another must pass on the right. A vehicle overtaking any other vehicle, except a street car, must N.T pass on the left side of the vehicle overtaken, and must pull over to the right until entirely clear of it, but no vehicle shall pass on the left of a street car. A vehicle turning into another street to the right, must turn the corners Y01XXJ/ as near to the right hand curb as possible. A vehicle when turning to the left to enter an intersecting street, must not turn until it shall have passed beyond the center of the inter- secting street. Any driver of a vehicle,dBsiingto cross from one side of the street to the other with such vehicle, ryust proceed to a street intersection, and do so by turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the non street traffic. No vehicle shall be left parked or standing upon any street or alley'of the City of St. Paul, in any other place than at the side of such street or alley, and in case of a motor vkicle, the same must stand or be parked with the night front wheel to the curb of such street e or ally, and the rear wheel at a distance of not more than five (5) feet from the curb,. No vehicle shall sto-p with its left side to the curb. No vehicle, unless in an emergency, or to allow another vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path, shall stop in the street except near the right hand curb thereof, and so as not to obstruct a street crossing. On all streets or avenues divided by walk, parkway or viaduct, vehicles must keep to the right of such division. SECTION VIII. VEHICLES; No vehicle shall be left standing in front of or within twenty- five (25) feet of either side of the entrance to any Depot, Theatre, or Hotel, except when taking on or discharging freight or passengers, and then only for such length of time as is reasonably necessary for such pur- pose. No vehicle shall stand within the intersection of any street in the congested district or within/ thirty (30) feet of the intersecting roadway. No vehicle, except apparatus and vehicles of the Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Police, Hospital ambulances or united States Mail vehicles, shall be driven through a procession, except with the per- mission of a Police Officer. At theatres or public gatherings or under unusual -circumstances, vehicles must move or stand as directed by Police Officers. Vehicles must not stand or travel two or more abreast in any street, except when JVJJJ calling for or delivering passengers or mer- chandise when access to the curb is blocked by other vehicles at the place of delivery. No person shall leave a motor vehicle unattended on any street with the engine running. No horse shall be left jWJJJJ00 unattended, unless securely fastened. "5" No horse shall be unbitted unless secured by a halter. No person shall ride or jum* on any vehicle without the consent of the driver and no person, when riding, shall allow any part of the body to project beyond the limits of the vehio s, nor shall any person hang on to any vehicle. No vehicle shall be left standing in a street or alley at night without a light or lights so displayed as to be:visible from the rear of such vehicle. A vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb, only long enough to be loaded or unloaded. Horses, when attached to vehicles, and the shafts of unhitched vehicles when backed to the curb, shall be turned at right angle to the vehicle or as near?} to this angle as possible.:. When taking on or discharging freight or bassengers, vehicles within the congested district, shall be headed in the direction of traffic on the right of the roadway; sofar as practicable, freight, coal and ice vehicles, and other heavy commodities, shall be unloaded from the right side and not from the end of the vehicle, and shall be drawn in close to the curb. No personoperating a motor vehicle shall permit the motor of same to operate in such a manner as to emit an unreasonable amount of steam, smoke or other products of combustijn from exhaust pipes or openings. Upon the approach of any fire apparatus, police patrol or ambulance, every vehicle shall draw as near to the right curb of the street as pos- sible, and remain standing until such apparatus, patrol or ambulance thall have passed. SECTION IX. MUFFLERS: Every motor vehicle, using gasoline or other explosive mixture for motive power shall use a "muffler", which shall be sufficient to deaden the sound of the explosion, and such "muffler", shall not be dis- connected or out out while such motor vehicle is being operated upon any of the streets or avenues of the City of St.Paul. SECTION X. RATES OF SPEED. No person shall drive a motor vehicle, upon any public k#ighway at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the highway, or so as to endanger the life or n(n limb or injure the property of any, perpon. If the rate of speed of any motor vehicle, operated upon any public highway in this State „where the same passes through the closely built up portio? of the City, or where the traffic is more or less congested, exceeds ten (10) miles an hour for the distance of one-tenth(1/10) of a mile, or if the rate of speed of any motor vehicle, operated on any public highway of this State, where the same passes through the residence pdrtion of this City, exceeds fifteen (15) miles an hour, for a distance of one/tenth (1/10) of a mile, or if the rate of speed of any motor vehicle operated on any public highway in this State, outside the closely built up business portion, and the resi- dence portion of the city, exceeds twenty-five (25) miles an hour for a distance of one-quarter (4) of a mile, such rates of speed shall be prima- facie evidence that the person operating such motor vehicle is running at a rate of speed greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the way, or so as to en4anger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If the rate of speed of a motor vehicle,operated on any publt highway in this State in going around a corner or curve in a highway, where the operator's view of the road traffic is obstructed, exceeds six (b) miles per hour, such rate of speed shall be prima facie evidence, that the person operating such motor vehicle is running at a rate of speed W4 greater than is reasonable and proper, having regard to the traffic and use of the way, or so as to endanger the life or limb or injure the property of any person. If a licensed physician shall have his motor vehicle stopped for expeeding the speed limit while he is in the act of responding to an em- ergency call, the registration number of the vehicle, and the drivers li- cense number may be inspected and noticed, and the physician shall then be allowed to proceed in the vehicle to his destination, and subsequently such proceedings shall be taken as would have been proper, had the person violating the provisions as to speed not been a physician SECTION XI. COM ERCIAL VEHICLES FROM OUT OF THE STATE: Vehicles licensed to carry passengers, baggage and freight, in another city or State, may freely carry, same to any point within the City of St.Paul, and may receive same for carriage to Cities where so licensed. F SECTION XII. ' USING IFARNING DEVICE: Every person, driving a1 motor vehicle, from an alley, lane, garage or store room, across any sidewalk in this City, or shall sound a bell, horn,/other device in such a manner as to give notice and warning of the approach of the vehicle. No person shall hereafter place, or use upon any motor vehicle within the City of St -Paul, any siren horn, or any red light at either side in front thereof, save upon such vehicles iss.t are used by the City for Fire Prevention, Police Protection or Hospital purposes, in- cluding the apparatus of the Insurance Patrol, and no such siren shall be sounded except when responding to an emergency call. SECTION XIII. No person shall at any time, leave any motor vehicle standing upon any street of the City of St -Paul, in the congested district, with the wheels so chained, locked or fastened that such motor vehicle can- not be easily moved in case of fire or other emergency; locking of a permit motor vehicle, so as to JJJ¢jg the vehicle to be moved by hand shall be allowed. SECTION XIV. SAFETY ZONE: Safety Zones may be established at any corner where street cars are usually stopped for the purpose of taking on or dis- charging passengers, Such zones, when so established, shall be marked by portable standards, with the words "Safety Zone" printed on them, and no parking shall be permitted along the curb adjoining such safety zones. SECTION XV. ENFORCEMENT: It shall be the duty of the Bureaii'of Police of the City of St. Paul, to enforce all the terms and provisions of this Ordinance, and every pedestrian and every person driving, operating, or propelling any vehicle, shall stop the same immediately when requested or signaled by a police officer so to do, such signal to be given by the officer by raising his hand, club, or bylwhistle or semaphore. P The Chief of Poli0e or any police officer of the City of St.Paul, in 7oase of necessity or emergency or of congestion of traffic, may make such special orders to ladestrians or to drivers of vehicles, as in his judgment may be necessary to meet the emergency or relieve the congestion. a elf? I • � SECTION XVI. ' PENALTIES: Any person who shall violate any of the p ovis1011s._4f this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and�t?Pon con- viction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding` -One Hundred -($100.00) dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety (90) days. SECTION XVII. ^) s REPEALS: All Oi'dir_ances or parts of Ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION XVIII. This Ordinance isereby declared an Emergency Ordinance ` d rendered neces,sarq,.,for"the Publice'Pee"'. Health and Safety, and`shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council AIL 19, 12!9 Mr Clancy Farnsworth ^In Favor. Coss Approved p ge lldr Mccoll, (/ Against. Wunderli-hh. :Mir. President (Hodgson). 16 Mayor. V / «W OFFICBRS PRaB H. M.— - - - - - Prrfid-, Wm. M. Bu— - £i,,, £ire Prrfidrn, Louis P. Dow S ...d Fisr Prrfiden, GII.BBRT A. W000 - TAird Fill Pr jdrn, TBe000ve M. J..> - - I- Srrr<,.ry W,u.um B. Ga - - - - - Tr<afursr OFFICE OF SECRETARY SAINT PAUL HOTEL P..,-: N. W. CBBAR 9149 'Ta15TATa 23970 TAUSTEBS (O., Yrar) i P. S. W_ - - .- . G.A. M.— H. ­ 'P. K­ AI(T- Y<arf) Lows W. Ho.,. Wm. P. Toew ADFISORY BOARD Jo L. SucBw - - - Hama¢ P. CLA Jo E. BUR® - WARRM W. H— RauBarr WAR"aR . - J-- W. W.._. Hon. Henry McColl, Com. Department of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Pear Sir:- j TNS CLUB HOUSE LABS SAORE, WAITB BEAR LABS T.1 -S-- 7 _ 9—PR-1. IDccaA"ce P-- L... 21147; N. W. 130 JUNE 26 p 1919 In compliance with your letter of the 12th to the Secretary of the St. Paul Automobile Club expressing your desire that same be submitted to the Officers of the Club for suggestione,changes, eto. permit its to say that the proposed ordinance, copy of which you enclosed, has been carefully gone over. It is our opinion that if this ordinance when enacted is taken in the proper spirit and likewise obeyed by all interested in carrying out its provisions that it will fully safeguard and protect the interests of all our citizens. It appears to the writer that the best and in fact only way to obtain satisfactory results is with the co-operation of all concerned rather than by reliance on prosechtion of offenders. Offenders in all instances must of necessity be brought to book but the facts nevertheless are that it is only infrequently that the flagrant offender is actually caught in the act by the authorities, hence a wide publication of the ordinance when passed and a provision if possible that all drivers must provide themselves with a copy of the ordinance and fully familiarize themselves with all its conditions would be desirable. I am setting forth below a few suggestions: - SECTION III - Insert after the word "street" - 4th line - i the words "Shall use due and reasonable care ✓/ for their own safety and" SECTION IV - Underscore or print in bold type the words "Previously"- third line last word. It is important that due notice be given to following traffic and not wait to signal after commencing to turn, especially is this necessary when slow traffic is turning. SPECIAL - Would it be possible to provide that every driver of any vehicle shall provide himself with a copy of this ordinance and familiarize himself with all its provisions? They might be published bg the department and sold at cost if necessary. Hon. Henry McColl — 2 6/26/19 If agreeable to you I should like very much to be advised when your Honorable Body will take this ordinance up for discussion and passage. Respectfully submitted AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF ST. PAUL PRES. An ordjaano� settling fho otaim o{I �/� (Dvnn aSalnat the City of 3t, pe' C ,'� , 2 5 41` 7 �i The Coftnetl vof the3t J I( doB9 ;-ordalh qty of .. J}' 1 0, -' 6tECTION 1. �� � i Tha[ he proper ctty bigcers are ^ authorized o pay out of the 1 \ 'nine Acoount of th'e l'en.".1 f""'4T�Vna, the suth of An ordinance settling the claim of Louis Dunn against the City of St. Paul. I THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES AIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General bund, to Louis Dunn, the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) in full settle- ment and saiisfaction.of his.. tm against the City, arising out of injuries sustained by him on„� ��'ber 4th and 7th, 1918, by reason of tripping on a defective sidewalk on the Aabasha street bridge. Section B. Said sum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for in- juries sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council 9 Teas , says Mr. V lanoy ✓p�arnaworth Beller Goss Tunderlioh Hr. President (Hodgson),, Approv ^'Y\ A,10 D Attef Department of Kaw 254 CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 H. O'NEILaeew 4 000. C Mr canon H.ra JOHN A. BURNS WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H. MASSK June 10th, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Louis Dunn against the City for the sum of One Hundred Dollars. --------- — After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the beet interests of the City. Yours very truly, se' Corporation Counsel. p, 2 S �} 3 a F Nu' 2658—Ordtdene4 xo': sii Yt 0• .n ardtnance t0 �yruvide 2or Ene h ,teat 0[ comDeneation to Joh•,' 'Ihe. *hereas John W. Rowan h. sx� the Counotl a •et ' %. menti n .that is An ordinanoe to provide for the paymAnt of compensation to John W. Rowan. WHERWAS, John W. Rowan has filed with the Council a verified application for reimbursement of salary, setting forth that he was, on -the 35th day of February, 1919, and for several years prior thereto had been, a member of the Bureau of police and Fire Alarm Telegraph of the City of St. Paul, and that while in the performance of his duties as such, he sustained injuries, as a result of which he was Incapacitated up to March 36th, 1919; and WEEREAS, The Commissioner of Public Safety of said City has recommended that said John W. Rowan be compensated 1: the sum of One Hundred Thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) for such loss of time, as above set forth, in accordance with the provisions of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul; now therefore THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to pay, out of the Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph Joint Account of the 8ablic Safety Fund, the sum of one Hundred Thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) in full settlement Of his claim for reimbursement for lose of'time by reason of the injuries.sue.tained by him on the 85th day of February, 1919. Section 8.. Said sum of money shall be paid to•said John W. Rowan upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 2 - Passed by the Council �1 Yeas Hays Yr. Clancy Farnsworth ,Keller Go� ' Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Attest,'` / City Mir= r p STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF ST. PAUL. In the matter of the application for compensation of John IV. Rowan. To the Honorable Henry McColl, Co::- issioner of Public Safety, and to the Council of the City of St.Paul: The applicant, John W. Rowan, respectfully sets forth the following facts as an application for compensation under the provision of Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul for the year 1912. That he was appointed a Member of the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telg. of the City of St.Paul, on or about the 1st day of January 1906, and thereafter and up to February 25th, 1919, was a member of the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph of said City. That on February 25th,1919, the said John W. Rowan, while in the 16erformance of hie duties as a member of the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm Telegraph, sustained injuries from which he was incapacitated to March 26th,1919. WHEREFORE, Said applicant prays that he be re-imbursed the sum of One Hundred Thirty-five and 00/100 ($135.00) dollars, for said period by the Council of the City of St.Paul, to be paid to him in accordance with the provisions of said Section 355 of the Charter of the City of St.Paul. Dated this1_ ay of 19191 Applicant. STATE OF '.MINNESOTA as COUNTY OF RAMSEY JOHN W. ROWAN, being first duly sworn, says that he is the applicant named in the foregoing application, and that he has read and knows the contents of the foregoing ap!:lication, and that the same is true of his own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn tp before me this /1— day of'� ----L-<- 919. ry!Public,Ramsey C7/-" ty,Minnesota. mniission Expires ti -1''--c ;,:7D e I, Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, of the City of St. itul, have investigated the facts set forth in the application of John W. Rowan hereto attached, and after such investigation, I do hereby recommend that the Council of the City of St. Paul compensate said John W. Rowan in the sum of One Hundrbd Thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) for lose of time as a result of injuries received by him on the 35th day of February, 1919. That before any payment is made to said John W. Rowan, he shall execute a good and sufficient release, in a form to be approved by'the Corporation Counsel, releasing the City from any and all claims he may have against said City arising out of the facts above noted. Dated this 13th day of June, 1919. • Commissio er of Public Saty. :31 Z: bv,.il 11;sq o biro .1. s1,z ---nZ to L jw-I V7 fi s i,icT �c l f-F..o— L4� Ck Fo.. ............ Al( + A..� /// v U ---a ----------- 'C. P. No. :5439-0rdinance NO. 514S— By Henry \1c Coll— 'An ordinance to preserve the Publl.' r Heai th by reguluting the production c - .tnd dls tributlon of milk and or..- offered e moffered for sale within the City of St. Paul,and Pr ovlding penalties for the 'lot I— thereof. .�f The Council of the City of St. Paul • -• Uoee Ord.ln: ' � SHCTION 1. i., Definition of Terms. Definition of Lerma as used 10 this ordl... cc-The word "person' 1 Include any and all IndlVldual;�. associations and co" ' o"t'- word "milk" h �c rea Intgn' ilko n I— SECTION c fcr tli�, SECTION I.................Definition of Torme. SECTION S.•••..••••.•••.•*Definition of Inspection. SECTION a*................Definition of Milk. SECTION t........ #...•••••Classification of Milk. SECTION b.................Classificatsion of Dairies and Dealers. SEOTION 6.................Regulating the Sale of Milk. SECTION 7.... •...••••••...Rsquirements of Retail Producore. SECTION 8.................Requiramente of Wholesale Producers. SECTION Do.... •••••.•••••.Requirements of Milk Distributors. SECTION 1000 .............. *Requirements of Milk Depots and Vendors. SECTION 11.... a............ Recp1rements of Grocers, Confootioners, 4606 SECTION 22....•••••.••••.•.Penalty for Violation. SECTION 13..................Revocation of Permit. SECTION 14.................Repeal of former Ordinances. SECTION 15o ............ 0000ftte of enforcement. y N.,. I Ka m r un q�Vf1.a :uu #i7#- {�v:�i�lftiA!'i' * �` -'�11'�t�#:. X51".#It�S �he�#� ''t'::c� Y m W: too x $*s r- _ M R �iCi�i:+'i#'iii #�'@: @klli DY iIBEf�G�. div 81t[R1$♦ t... .. .._,.... .., . ... � .. ._. St, PELUI, Minn., August 11th, 1919. Hon, L. C. Mdns0n, Mayor, OIL. -f St- P'U" Yr"r Cry: 1 LW ppc intod iter Q. Pja in w or ftj.f a milk Oram,: Ce awl 1 wiL 3-:t L L, u .of St.P"! ro- jjL40 r . T' Cm - 1 Ltn t— W"M LL V_ -rvl f01-iny Sun -,o OJLM! tin A. v r:; a 3en :, n�ia I L�- - �Iiru XOP -3 cs�in b— n u.x,A, Q uel.nnu. �_ ­ sn�j_ njrl-a on M -M Olt "n ISSUry UWA- 1 0":, to 410- I-TUt tvil I- Plim"Ily u van'" m "Je' al n- rr'to A, ;- into!%, the 11 to , 1 aL m ..,.:rere t i 0; 1 � r! nh6 lar :n �t at an W " "Wn Orn' In "t rf 17MISMAnn Owu ­L'j 'y U30 M, stl� MmU Uo Ion u nn 4i MKOP I i ul: : � 1 - nn - tj r h- - n-oll hi '-W yuL cut - . n i :in Lac Sty t t t HoalLn Offisi%is On-!! to un—St "Y , tLv Lhe 1 A 11 �n h v tny, A t :on u-, r, ON& . . 7 t I— ,,, in c njon , A n, In"n r i riv 4-nt- .M t 01 MIK foll t rrf111,If 0- R il , Ln rail- W �n: M I , p W : {r "" � L �_� ry : 0 , , or i. � p qt" L i. a mill M S Won �rr . n,v .C.0 1 1 !W. -I d L, LN Q �­Wm n L. 01tY Sta, U , K "I U, ". , a . t � . I : y un. "WA - 1 1 . I ,U, rVjqj-L,Avux- 14 1W . n i"yz 1: irr P L—, Mr iL p i r !nL. I . Th. L tv, - ny c, al -n,;c I L "' 'I'- ...... ... j, ,, 111 aX in tn, jUa n-nL Vj LBO ri _Iu� 1" 7110 01:1n L� on' Is, 0 to :w wo-rity 1� Sim 1 wa VI' 1. u5nn. St. Paul, Minn., August 11th, 1919. Hon. L. C. Dcdpson, Mnyor. OIL rf St. PM. Yrur MKOLLw pFcInVa Mr LL y1a . Q in vq ;r UK; of a mlip Drain -nue wn.w an'K w. acqL ,,..1L ; to U. -f St. M0 Kr. a K r2 - A it : LO r ' -rt: T's Cr% -IMP mot )IMptly m" OXK ..in a; hLl : L sbn&,., Of L. 0-imiLz. '0 n I L S V- full-j4y S11;.-vo:YILW mw%tn a. F v, ry rry o - Ion ". la I . Wrw pro! :0 cx..l:. n.0 . , b— n u.x,: " , 1 y ac Lnua, 1 . ="n4n , .. L 0 " r It Sc� l . - :-r tLU L W to yo no. V M . t v! Y. nqro a an JUL711n Wt �n ta, ....:in Mw:._ U if, Win - Y04', LQ sit: - I Abut to i„ I - primoril y A LcZ Lt m . ..ry , w al n- od to plotect -nA prow4a, 50 for I. �-nwljln, the Wnl= of Lne uAtI, Yf ?t, PA., mrrc jtijnl�rj,, 06 &Vlarnn nnn t at Un Yor, -0 In U"n of �10Wntrntinn 0�_u m", -Y 01, M, wO'.1 1 5'. Ion: , u nn 5 muLia1y.1 I UT: R.Ti-t no wz, no - Lt w no, .nll hi qL , , mo"!. UL cut i ain-nwc ut r. 1 or nt t HOULn of f lwl�! q sh-12 nu � , "LV 1 ity to , in: at W t PPI 1,1L tna car V "f Vc i To W K nil - 1, w n v ow n W anif > I �1 it 1110;-! t pt www'l. -ill ,-re- al, L , t if, xc�.- In �1 12-1 7 atro;ni - V n t n 1A"R *nj_.T i rav V-nt. ..0z 11 Lill m2n s3:, r f L: rnf,r, if Q In N vnnO L ii frr:, rol 1, 1 1 'n V! --v j nil, qt" li--a > L -0 ticn �t- . , ...,v. � .2-0 n. V L:,W-: i L. city ot r, u 0 V L i n 7 1 y Un �WW. 1-. 1 SU: rVIO-Z, 0r in w nt: r m. 4n u �rv- N L -Ur - i4 tin. m ln% 1. frr: al Ln it n ., n !Lt. 1. Th.L Me - ny mmi: ily jl no nxwt St' W In- wi;nr t2., in 4., will ax , in tn, jun n hL nj th; Lo t W 'UU7 ' I MY IL Ln' 0..�niw 1 oa 1 f 1 5 rl V!, 1 UIPL. , OP C4, u_. r ':i 1' t.`.. Cc' :'.i tt It :; _. t? c a<;:, t: 't ;t c1 ;.: t - ' ;, ;-rot, ct v ry .i r• itl t i:".tt r t. 1 . r_t I - — Benjamine F. Simon R. W. Archibald ...................... James Sorenson ......................... L S1 v i D Mrs. W. A. % ttbe?ker......... ' Mrs. T. H. Johnson ..................... C. Whit Pfeiffer ........................ it. P ,:.nr c1.. RXXXXXXXXXXAXXXXXXXXXXXX. Gustave Rufenacht.... I ........................ :.. W. C.R:edel....................................... F. W. Dames .................................. Ci'. _'i]' Fred Gak.3tettcr...........I................. Cl a R. M. Washburn..... ........................ 7t. i ± C. _tt.e. The SOLDIERS' and SAILORS' CIM RELIEF ACT EVERY point of LAW that MUST Bte Judge: Justice Of theE KNOWN by EVERY MunicipaluD y Attorney; Attorney General;City, State peace: ad County Audit-, and co is contdned in our new Digest of the ACT, which includes the WAR DEPARTMENT'S EXPLANATION 1 it, together with leading Decisions and LEGAL OPINIONS per- taining to the ACT. All of the I -ATE DECISIONS on the 1940 Act, together with EARLIER DECISIONS are included. UP TO DATEI TY and COUNTY OI(icials with respect Procedure to follow by COURTS and STATE. CIrsons i Military Servi to their actions as to pece a II should . STAYS hick be granted such persons s to EVICTIONS, MORTGAGE FORECLOSURES, CONDI- - SALES CONTRACTS REPOSSESSIONS and LAWSUITS of every nature, is TI fully set forth. arson who has to do with the adminis- This Digest should be in the hands of every,r tratian of law with respect to persona in military service or their dependents. $3.50 POSTPAID Indexed and cross-indexed. �G.E BUREAU NATIONAL SER MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Suite 209-5, 500 South Sixth Street a 254 An ordinance to provide for the inspection of milk and cream ,wit the City of St. Paul, and of dairies and dairy herds kept for the production of milk and cream, and of plants where such mirk and cream are bottled or pasteurised, and to preserve the public health by preventing fraud in the sale of milk or cream, ., y and to regulate the sale and disposition of milk and cream in said City, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Definition of terms as used in this ordinance; The word "person" shall include any and all individuals, firms, associations and corporations. The word "milk" shall include milk and cream intended for human consumption as milk or cream, but shall not include condensed milk in hermetically sealed cans or milk or cream intended for the manufacture of butter or ice cream. The word °sell," "sale," and "sold" shall incl'de all transactions of a merc4ntile character, viz: to sell, or exchange, or expose or offer for sale or exchange. The abbreviation "c. c." shall mean and stand for °cubic centimeter." SECTION II. Definition of Inspection. Part 1. DUTIES OF HEALTH OFFICER: It shall be the duty of the Health Officer to cause to be inspected all dairies, pasteurising plants and other places where milk intended for sale in the City of St. Paul is produced or handled, for the purpose of determining whether such places are equipped and operated in a proper manner for producing or handling milk. Refusal to permit such inspection on the part of the owner or person in charge shall be sufficient cause for excluding from sale in the City of St. Paul, milk produced or handled from such places. Part 2. DUTIES OF INSPECTORS: It shall be the duty of the inspectors to at alltimes give advice and assistance to dairymen and deal- ers in milk, in the matter of improving the conditions of their dairies. The inspectors shall have authority, and it shall be their duty, to enter and have full access to all places where milk is produced, stored, or offered for sale, and to all vehicles used in the delivery of milk in the city of St. Paul. Part 3. AUTHORITY TO TAKE SAMPLES: The inspectors shall have authority to take samples of milk from any vehicle used in transporting milk or from any place where milk intended for sale in the City of St. Paul is produced or handled, and every person selling milk in the City of St. Paul, shall upon request furnish free of charge to said inspectors, all such necessary saLples of milk for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this ordinance. 0 r 0 SECTION III. Definition -of Milk. Part 1. LEGAL MILK: All milk sold in the City of St. Paul, shall be ttte fresh, clean, normal lacteal product from healthy cows, outside the period of fifteen (15) days before and five (5) days after calving. It shall be free from visible dirt, pathogenic bacteria, objectionable odor, flavor or color, and shall contain not more than two-tenths per cent (.2%) acidity..'It shall contain not less natural butter fat, not less milk solids tkax aa4x7k-aitxbyx `3 *--T,[�xan�xtx¢* �xmact� r�x�er_! mkirkfl tnot fat nor less total milk solids than re- quired by the State Law, and not more water than permitted by the State Law, Its specific gravity shall be not less than 1,030 at 600 Fahrenheit, it shall contain no added substances except normal equally pure milk or cream, the mixing or blending of different lots of milk, cream, or skim milk which conforms to the standards establishes by this ordinance for the purpose of standardising the butter fat content is not prohibited. Part 2. ADULTERATED MILK: No milk which is adulterated shall be sold in the City of S t. Paul. The terms "Adulterated Milk" as used in this ordinance mean: 1. Milk containing more water or fkuids than permitted by the State Law . 2. Milk containing less total milk solids than required by the State Law. 3. Milk containing less fats than required by the State Law, excepting milk sold as "Skim Milk", d, Milk drawn from cows within fifteen (15) days before or five (5) days after calving. 5. Milk drawn from cows fed on any substance in the state of fermentation, putrefication, or any unwholesome food, 6. Milk drawn from cows kept in a crowded or unhealthy condition. 7. Milk draws from cows suffering from tuberculosis or any " other disease. 8. Milk which has been diluted with water, or to which a preservatitem coloring or thickening matter has been adde or into which has been introduced any foreign substance whatever, 9. Milk the temperature of which is higher than 500 Fahren- heit, raw milk which contains more than 200,000 bacteria per C.0 when delivered to the consumer or pasteurized milk which contained more than 2,000,000 bacjteria per c.c, before pasteurization and contains more than 50,000 bacteria per c.c, after pasteurization when delivered to the consumer. 10. Cream the temperature of which is higher than 500 Fahren- heit, raw cream which contains more than 1,000,000 bac- teria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer or past- eurized cream which contains more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer. SECTION 'IV. Classi-fication of Milk. CLASSES OF ]SILK: All milk sold in the City of St. Paul shall be one of the following classes viz., Certified Milk, Raw Milk or Pasteurized Milk. Part 1. CERTIFIED MILK shall be milk produced and handled in accordance with the regulations of the State Board of Health and shall answer all the requirements of this ordinance concerning raw milk, it shalt in addition, come from dairies scoring not less than 90 points, 35 on equipment and 55 on methods as required by the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Health. Part 2. RAW MILK shall be from tuberculin #ested and non -react- ing cows. It shall not contain more than 200,000 bacteria per c.c„ when delivered to the consumer. It shall come from dairies or bottling plants scoring not less than 60 points, 20 on equipment, and 40 on methods, as required by the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Health. It shall conform to the requirements of Section III. Part 1, and all other regulations on milk production and handling contained in this ordinance excepting that of pasteurization. Part 3. PASTEURIZED MILK shall be milk containing not more than 2,000,000 bacteria per c.c. before pasteurization and after pasteurization the count shall not exceed 50,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer. It shall be pasteurized according to the provisions of this ordinance and shall come from pasteurizing plants scoring not less than 60 points, 20 on equipment, and 40 on methods, as required by the Milk Plant Score card of the Bureau of Health. The milk shall come from clean dairies, scoring not less than 50 points, 20 on equipment, and 30 on methods, as required by the Daily Score card of the Bureau of Health. It shall conform to the requirements of Section III. Part 1, and to all other regulations on production, handling and pasteurization contained in this ordinance. Part 4. CREAM is hereby defined as that portion of milk which, rich in natural milk fat, rises to the surface or is removed by centrifu r.l force. If it is to be sold as "Raw Cream" it shall have been produced by tuberculin tested and non -reacting cows and contain not more than 1,000,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer. If sold as "Pasteurised Cream" it shall have been pasteurized according to the provisions of this ordinance and contain not more than 500,000bacteria per o.c„ when delivered -to the consumer. Raw and Pasteurized Cream shall not contain less natural butter fat than required by the State Law. �aPart 5 WHIPPIy3 CREAM: Cream of higher fat content offered for saler must c .form to the requirements of the preceding part, and shall not contain less than thirty per cent (30j,) natural butter fat. 9 SECTION V. Classification of Dairies and Dealers, CLASSES AND GRADES OF 111ILK PRODUCERS AND DEALERS as required by this ordinance are as follows: Part 1, (CLASS I - RETAIL PRODUCERS): A11 milk producers who bottle, sell and deliver to the consumer, raw milk produced at his own dairy are graded as follows: (GRADE Al DAIRIES) -- Consist of all dairies whose milk contains not less than four"per cent (4%) butter fat and not more than 100,600 bacteria per c,c„ and whose cream contains not more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer and scoring not less than 90 points, 35 on equipment, and 55 on methods, as required by the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Health, Certified Dairies are also classified under this grade, (GRADE A DAIRIES) -- Consists of all dairies whose milk contains not less than three and five -tenths (5,5%) butter fat and not more than 150,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose cream contains not more than 750,000 bacteria per c.c.when delivered to the con- sumer and scoring not less than 75 points, 25 on equipment, and 50 on methods, as required by the Dairy Score cird of the Bureau of Health, (GRADE B DAIRIES) -- Consists of all dairies whose milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law and not more than 200,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose cream contains not more than 1,000,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer and scoring not less than 60 points, 20 on equipment, and 40 on methods, as required by the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Health. Milk from dairies scoring below 60 points can be sold to past- eurizing planta only. In scoring dairies in this class who buy part of their milk supply from other dairies, the score of the dairies from which they receive their supply, will be averaged with the score of the dairy distributing the milk. Part 2, (CLASS 2 - WHOLESALE PRODUCERS): All milk producers who sell and deliver to pasteurizing plants only, raw milk produced at his own dairy are graded as follows: (GRADE A DAIRIES) -- Consists of all dairies whose milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law and not more than 2,000,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the past- eurizing plant and scoring not less than 70 points, 25 on equipment, and 45 on methods, as requiredby the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Health, (GRADE B DAIRIES) -- Consists of all dairies whose milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law andnot more than 2,000,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the pasteurizing plant and scoring not less than 50 points, 20 on equipment and 30 on methods, as required by the Dairy Score card of the Bureau of Heglth. Part 3. (CLASS 3 -'MILK DISTRIBUTORS): All dealers who operate pasteurizing plants who bottle and sell milk to the consumers are graded as follows: (GRADE A DAIRIES) -- Consists of all pasteurizing planta whose milk contains not less ithan three and five -tenths (3.5/) butter fat and not more than 50,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose cream contains not more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c. when delivered to the consumer and scoring not less than 75 points, 25 on equipment and 50 on methods, as required by the Milk Plant Score card of the Bureau of Health. (GRADE B DAIRIES) -- Consists of all pasteurizing plants whose milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law and not more than 50,000 bacteria per c.c.,and whose cream contains not more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c., when delivered to the consumer and scoring not less than 60 points, 20 on equipment and 40 on methods, as required by the Milk Plant Score card of the Bureau of Health., Part 4. (CLASS 4 - MILK DEPOTS AND VENDERS): Consists of all dealers who bottle, sell and deliver to the consumer milk produced by other persons. (GRADE A DAIRIES) -- Consists of all Milk Depots and'Venders whose raw milk contains not less than three and five -tenths per cent (3.5/) butter fat and not more than 150,000 bacteri per c.c., and whose cream contains not more than 750,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose pasteurized milk contains not less than three and five -tenths per cent (3.5%) butter fat and not more than 50,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose oreapa contains not more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c., when y/ delivered to the consumer and scoring not less than 75 points, 25 on equipment and 50 on methods as required by the Milk Plant soore card of the Bureau of Health. Dealers in this class must obtain their milk supply from dealers in Classes 1 or 3, of this Section. (GRADE B DAIRIES) -- Consistw of all. Milk Plants and Venders whose raw milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law and not more than 200,000 bacteria per c.c. and whose cream contains not more than 1,000,000 bacteria per c.c. and whose pasteurized milk contains not less butter fat than required by the State Law and not more than 50,000 bacteria per c.c., and whose cream contains not more than 500,000 bacteria per c.c., and scoring not less than 60 points, 20 on equipment and 40 on methods as required by the Milk Plant Score card of the Bureau of Health. Deal- ers in this class must o� ain their milk supply from deal- ers in Classes 13, o this Section. Part 5. (CLASS 5 - STOREKEEPERS): Consists of all dealers who sell and deliver to the consumer milk bottled by dealers in classes 1, 3 and 4, of this Section. 4 • 0 SECTION -VI. Regulating the Sale of Milk. Part 1. PERMIT REQUIRED: No person shall sell milk to consumers or dealers or for manufacturing purposes excepting butter and ice cream within the City of St. Paul, without first obtaining a permit therefor, as herein pro9ided. Any person holding a City license to conduct a bar room, restaurant, hotel or public eating house, shall conform to the requirements of this ordinance in the obtaining., handling and dispensing of milk, but shall not be required to take out a permit. Part 2. APPLICATION FOR PER;dIT: Any person desiring a permit to sell milk in the City of St. Paul, shall file with the Health Officer a written application for such permit on the form provided therefor. The application shall state in full as follows: (a) Name, place of business and postoffice address of the applicant, together with the number of vehicles to be used in delivering milk. t (b) Name of the owner and location of each dairy, dairy herd and pasteurising plant from which milk is to be obtained. (c) Class of milk to be sold viz., CERTIFIED MILK, RAV/ MILK, PASTEURIZED MILK. (d) Nature of business to be conducted as classified below: (CLASS I -RETAIL PRODUCER): A 1HILK producer who bottles, sell and delivers to the consumer, raw milk produced at his own dairy. (CLASS 2-VITHOLESALF PRODUCER): A milk producer who sells, and delivers to a pasteurizing plant only, raw milk produced at his own dairy. (CLASS 3-14ILK DISTRI3UTOR): A milk dealer who operates a pasteurizing plant, and bottles and sells milk to the consumer. (CLASS 4 -,SILK DEPOTS AND VENDERS): A milk dealer who bottles sells and delivers to the consumer milk produced by othe, persons. (CLASS 5-STOREKE-EPERS,ETC.): A dealer who sells and delivers to the consumer milk bottles by dealers in Classes 1,3, and 4. LI 0 Part 3. GRANTING OF PERLIT: Being satisfied that the applicant has complied with the requirements of this ordinance, and is a fit and proper person to receive a permit, the Health Officer shall issue without charge to the applicant a permit to sell milk. The permit shall state the name and.place of business of the applicant, the class of milk td be sold and the nature of business to be conducted together with the permit niunber and Grade of Dairy. All permits issued under this ordinance shall be for not more than one year and shall expire June 30th, unless sooner revoked. No permit shall be sold or transferred. Part 4. METAL TATS FOR VEHICLES: The Health Officer shall furnish to such person (who delivers by vehicle) to whom a permit is granted, two metal tags for each vehicle used for the delivery of milk to the consumer, stating the name of the City, grade of dairy and permit number. The milk dealer shall at all times keep the two metal tags on each vehicle, one on each outer side, these tags remain the property of the Bureau of Health and are not transferable. The permit must also be posted in a consp&cuous place at each place of business. 0 • Y r SECTION VII. Requirements of Class 1 (Retail Producers). Part 1. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT, TEST REQUIRED:'Every applicant under this class shall submit his application for a permit to the Health Officer with a record of test showing that all his dairy herd or herds over six months of age have been given the tuberculin test within nine months by a graduate Veterinarian approved by the.State Live Stock Sanitary Board and the Bureau of Health, and according to the regulations for that test prescribed by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry. After such inspection, examination and test of such cattle, and dairy herds as herein provided, every animal so examined and tested and found free from Tuberculosis shall be tagged in the right ear or n8 to said test shall be tagged in the left ear by the and those approved by the State Live Stock Sanitary Board person making such test with a tag^4uly numbered and of such character as to afford a permanent record of such test. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove or tamper with any tag placed in any such condemned animal, ,/ CONDEMNED A`TIMALS: All animals which have been comdemned by the Veterinar- ian making the test, shall be removed from the herd at once and shall be taken from the premises, for slaughter within three (3) days, such animals shall be dis do for a g termly, and t only such places as designated by the lth, ter the removal of any tubercular animal from a dairy the stable shall be renovated in a manner approved by the Bureau of Health. It shall be unlawful for any person to add any cows to his herd until they have been tested for tuberculosis and found to be free from it. Part 2. THE COWS shall be kept clean at all times. Before milking the teats, udders, and flanks shall be carefully cleaned. It shall be the duty of any person having charge of any dairy at which cows are kept to isolate any cow or cows affected by a communicable disease or which he may have reason to believe are so affected, and to exercise such other pre- cautions as may be directed by the Bureau of Health. All animals with re- tained afterbirth or mastitis (milk fever) shall be removed from the dairy herd until such time as they have made a complete recovery. A Part 3. THE FEED: Only feed of good quality and free from dirt, mold, or fermentation shall be used. The inspector shall, within his jurisdiction condemn any impure food kept for the purpose of feeding cows. The well or other water supply must be pure and so located, arranged or construeted that it cannot become contaminated by drainage from any source. Part 4. THE EILKERS: No milkere with a communicable disease, in - eluding tuberculosis, venereal diseases, and acute tonsilitis, and no persons properly diagnosed as "Disease Carriers" shall handle or come in contact in any way with the milk or milk utensils. The existence of any communicable disease or suspected communicable disease among the persona at any dairy, or other place where milk is handled shall be reported to the Bureau of Health, by the person in charge. All persons engaged in handling milk who have been in recent contact with a case of communicable disease shall not continue work until they have received the permission of the Bureau of Health or the State Board of Health. Part 5. THE i..ILKING: All persons while milking or handling milk shall wear clean washable outer garments. The use of tobacco, snuff, or intoxicants during the process of milking or handling milk is prohibited, the hands of the milkers must be thoroughly washed with soap and water and dried with a clean dry towel. The hands and teats shall be kept dry duang milking or a milking machine which has been sterilized may be used. the first streams from each teat should be rejected as the fore milk contains more bacteria than the rest of the milk. Receptacles into which milk is drawn from the cows shall have small tops so as to exclude dirt and foreig substance from the milk. Milk as soon as it is draws shall be removed immediately from the barn and strained from the pail and cooled at once to a temperature below 500 Fahrenheit. Part 6. THE STABLE: Cow stables should be on high ground with good natural drainage, no building shall be used to stable cows in for the production of milk to be sold in the City of St. Paul, unless it is in good repair. THE FLOORS AND GUTTERS shall be water -tight and so graded as to per mit prompt drainage to one or more points of discharge. THE WALLS, CEILING AND LEDGES must be as dust -proof au possible and at all times kept free from dirt and cob webs, the walls and ceilings shall be white washed once each year or oftener unless the construction renders it unnecessary, THE AIR SPACE, VENTILATION AND LIGHT shall be required as follows: cow barns shall contain not less than 400 cubic feet of a$r space for each cow, and shall be provided with some adequate means of ventilation by,the construction of sufficient air flues, extending from the inside of the stable to the outside air so as to keep the air fresh and pure and the cows comfortable without exposing them to injurious drafts. Cow stables shall contain not less than 2 square feet of window area to each cow, evenly distributed, windows shall be #inged at the bottom and swing in, and must be kept clean, STALL TIES, cow stables shall be provided with swinging stanchions, THE FEED ALLEY must be well lighted and kept clean at all times, THE MANURE shall be removed from the stable twice daily but not immediately before milking, it must not be thrown out through windows but removed through the doors to a distance not less than fifty (50) feet from the barn, sufficient clean beddinF shall be provided, part 7. THE BARNYARD shall be well drained and kept in such condition that the cows' udders, teats or flanks cannot become defiled, Privies, poultry houses, hog pens, manure piles or surroundings which pollute the air and furnish breeding places for flies must not be near the covetable. part 8, THE MILK HOUSE: Each dairy from which milk is sold at retail in the City of St. Paul must have a milkhouse of sufficient size, according to the number of cows, which has no connection with any stable or dwelling room, and which shall be used only for the cooling, separating, bottling and storing of milk, and the operation incident thereto. It shall be on level ground convenient to the barn, and so placed as to be free fron dust and stable odors, it shall be provided with sufficient light and ventilation and in winter with sufficient artificial light and heat. THE WALLS AND CEILING shall be of smooth surface and painted unless the construction renders it unnecessary. THE FLr'ORS shall be of cement or other material impervious to water and so graded as to permit prompt drain@ age to one or more points of discharge. 0 • • SCREENS: The milkhouse shall be thofou7hly screened from May 1, to November 1, and kept free from flies, dogs, cats and poultry, screen doors shall be provided with self-closing devices and open out. THE HANDLING OF 'MILK: The milkhouse should be divided into two rooms, the one to Ve used exclusively for the cooling, storing, separating and bott- ling of milk. This room shall contain a covered cooling tank which shall be provided with an ample supply of clean water and drained and cleaned one a week or oftener. Surface coolers unless located in this room, shall be protected by a suitable metal cover. No milk shall be bottled at the dairy e xcept in the milk room. The other room must be used for the clean- ing and storing of utensils only and must not be used as a laundry, store- room or for any other purpose except that pertaining to the handling of milk. It must be provided with proper equipment for the washing and care 1 of bottles, cans, pails etc., vij., a washingtank, can rack and a sufficie. supply of hot and cold water. Wash basin, soap and towel shall be provided for the use of milkers before and durikg milking. Privies, poultry houses, hog pens, manure piles or surroundings which pollute the air or furnish breeding places for flies must not be near the milk house. Outside prQvies must be thoroughly screened from May 1, to November 1, Part 9. THE UTENSILS: All pails, strainers, bottles, cans, and apparatus used in handling or bottling milk must be washed immediately after using in hot water and some proper alkaline washing solution, rinsed with clean boiling water or live steam, aired and storied in such a manner as to remain clean until used. The washing of utensils must be done by competent help and not be children. No milk cans or other milk containers which are rusty within or are so constructed as to be difficult to keep clean shall be used, such containers shall be condemned by the Bureau of Health. Part 10. THE BOTTLING: All raw milk intended to be sold direct to the consumer shall be bottled at the dairy except in cases of consumers receiving 2-'1 gallons or more at one delivery, in which case it may be put in cans, which must be sated at the dairy. -THE APPARATUS used in bottling milk shall comply with the requirements of the Bureau of Health and must be Thoroughly cleaned after each usage, Part 11. CAPS AND LABIaS: -Each bottle of milk_ shall be labeled on the cap so as to show the kind of milk i.e., Milk, Cream, (Whipping Cream with 'nutter fat content), givingthe name of the producer or distrmbutor together with the classification of milk i.e., Certified, Raw, or Pasteurised. All other containers used in delivering milk to consumer shall be labeled on a tag as prescribed above. Bottle caps must be kept in a clean covered receptacle. Part 12. THE DELIVERY: Each vehicle used for the delivery of mili'to the consumer shall have the name of the dairy or owner thereof painted on each outer side, in letters large enough to be seen at a distant of 100 feet, together with the permit tags provided by the Bureau of Health In cases of change of ownership, the names on the vehicles must be changed within sixty (60) days. All milk delivery vehicles shall be neatly painted and kept clean and must have a top or be provided with a suitable clean canvas cover to protect the milk from the weather and dirt. No waste matter shall be hauled in any vehicle used for the delivery of milk. Milk which is to be delivered to consumers shall be kept at a temperature below 500 Fahr3nheit from the time it is bottled or put in cans until it is delivered. Milk shall not be bottled or changed from its containers at any place other than the milkhouse at the dairy, no driver on the route shall have in his possession any caps for milk bottles. In delivering milk to a house where a contagious or infectious disease exists, the milk man shall not enter, neither shall he permit any bf his bottles or cans to be taken into such house, but shall pour such milk as each family ;nay re- quire into vessels furnishes by therp, if bottles have been previously left, they must remain until quarantine has been released, then sterilized before being accepted. Milk tickets shall be used but once. Part 13. DIRTY BOTTLES: AND CANS: Milk bottles or other recept acles for milk shall not be used by milk dealers or consumers for any dither purpose than containing milk, milk bottles and cans shall be thoroughly rinsed by consumers, with clean water immediately after being emptied, it shall be unlawful to return dirty or unwashed bottles or cans to the deliveryman or store, and deliverymen and storekeepers are forbidden to receive any dirty milk bottles or cans. SECTION VIII. Requirerients of Class 2 (Wholesale Producers). Part 1. APPLICATION FOR PEREIT, HEALTHY CATTLE: Every applicant under this class shall submit his application for a permit to the Health Officer with the assurance that all clws from which his milk supply is produced, is in a healthy condition. Part 2. THE COINS: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 2. Part 3. THE FEED: Shall conform with Section VII, part 3. Part 4. THE MIZLCERS: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 4, Part 5. THE P'ILKING: Shall conform with Section VII. Part 5. part 6, THE STABLE: Shall -conform with Section VII. Part 6. Part 7. THE BAR1?YARD: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 7, Part B. THE COOLING TAINK: Each wholesale producer must be equipped with a cooling tank so that the milk can be properly cooled, this tank must be kept in a suitable place and be properly covered so as to protect the milk from flies and dirt, and provided with an a.nple supply of clean water, it crust be drained andcleaned once a week or oftener, cooling tanks must not be kept in the barn. Part 9. THE UTENSILS: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 9. Part 10. T?'1E DELIVERY: All cans used for delivering milk to pasteurizing plants must have the name and address of the Producer stamped on a metal to,,, said tag to be affixed to each can, Producers whose milk is left to be picked up for delivery by vehicle shall provide a proper platform at place of collection. Ea -,h vehicle used for the delivery of milk in cans to distributors must be provided with a suitable clean canvas, cover to protect the cans from the weather and dirt. Milk which is to be delivered to distributors shall be kept at a temperature belmw 600 Fahren- heit, froi:i the tiiae it is first cooled -.tn it it is delivered. Transportation carnpanies bringing milk into the City oi- St. Paul, must maintain at the receivin= pcint, suitable strictures to protect the iilk from the weather. All raw milk delivered to distributors by vehicle or rail must be in cans sealed at the dairy. s • • SECTION IX-. REQUIREla,`7S OF CLASS 3 (Milk Distributors). Part 1. APPLICATION r,OR PERI'IT: Every applicant under this class shall submit his application for a perir.,it to the Health Officer, with a complete list of the source of his milk supply and shall furnish the Bureau of Health with such a list, at any time requested. Part 2. THE MILK SUPPLY to be=, asteurized may be received from any producer in Classes 1 and 2, whos a permit to sell milt, in the City of St. Paul, or from any reputable creamery within a reasonable distance, providing that the milk is kept at a temperatmre below 600 Fahrenheit. The milk supply, to be sold raw, must comply with the requirements of Section VII of this ordinance. Part 3. THE PASTEURIZING PLANT: All pasteurizing plants shall be constructed so that all rooms in which milk is handled or in which milk apparatus and utensils are washed shall have dust, proof walls and ceiling THE WALLS AND CEILING: Unless constructed of concrete, smooth brick or tile, shall be kept sufficiently painted a light color. THA FLOORS shall b water -tight and so graded that all drainage will flow to one or more point of disch:�.rge. All drains shall be properly tra^ped and when not discharged into the City sewer.must be drained into cess -pools or septic tanks situated at least fifty (50) feet from the builging. All rooms in which milk is handled and in which milk a:paratus and utensils are washed shall be adequately lighted and be provided with sufficient ventilation. SCREENS: The windows and doors must be screened from May 1, to November 1, and all rooms in which milk is handled must be kept free from flies, dogs, and cats. Screen doors shall be provided with self-closing devices. TOILETS: Suitable toilet facilities must be provided fvr the use of employees. Locker rooms or toilets shall not open directly into any room in which milk or milk utensils are handles. The rooms in which milk is handles and the surrounding premises shall be maititained in a cle n and sanitary condition. Rooms used for pasteurizing, cooling, bottlin or storing milk shall not be used for other purposes.P11 meigh cans, storage vats, mixing vats and other apparatus shall be constructed of tinned copper or other suitable material and all angle joints shall be smoothly soldered All vats shallbe provided with closely fitting metal covers. All milk pipes and pumps shall be of sanitary construction and so arranged that they may be easily opened of taken apart for cleaning. The use of tightly closed elbow joints is prohibited, water and steam pipes shall be kept clean and free from dirt and rust. Surfact.coolers unless located in a room'used only for cooling milk shall be protected by a suitable metal or glass cover. Suitable facilities shall be provided for washing and sterilizing all apparatus, bottles, cans and utensils and they shall be cleaned and sterilized with live steam before each use. An adequate supply of pure water shall be provided at all time's/ Pasteurizing apparatus shall be sterilized immediately before the process is begun. All persons while handling milk shall wear clean washable outer garments. The use of tobacco, snuff and intoxicants where milk is handled is prohibited. Carts in which milk is delivered to pasteurizing plants shall be thoroughly washed, sterilized, dried and closed for transit to be returned to the shipper or producer. Part 4. PASTEURIZATION is hereby defined as a process by which milk is rapidly sated to a temperature baiza 14Q2 a a 1450 Fahrenheit, Then maintained fo not less than thsty (30) minutes, and then cooled ismnediately to a to perature of or below 45° Fahrenheit. (Each pasteurizing plant shall be equip ed with an automatic recording thermometer and contro- ller which shall regul to and register the temperature of the milk as it is pasteurized. The recor shall be mailed to the Bureau of Health, on Mondy of each week. No milk sha be pasteurized a second time. Part 5. THE UTENSILS: Shall conform with Section VII Part 9. Part 6. THE BOTTLING: All milk intended to be sold direct to the consumer shall be bottled at the pasteurizing plant except in cases of comsumers receiving 2J gallons or more at one deliver, in which case it may be put in cans, which must be sealed at the pasteurizing plant. THE APPARATUS used in bottling milk shall comply with the requirements of the Bureau of Health, and must be thoroughly cleaned after each usage. Part 7. CAPS AND LABELS: Shall comform with Section VII part 11. Part 8. THE DELIVERY: Shall conform with Section VII,Part 12. Part 9. DIRTY BOTTLES: AND CANS: Shall conform with Section VII Part. 13. • • SECTION X. Requirements of Clals 4. ( Milk Depots and Vendors Who Bottle Milk) E Part 1, APPLICATION FOR PEffiSIT: Every applicant under this class shall submit his application for a permit to the Health Officer with a complete list of the source of his milk supply and shall\furnish the Bureau of Health with such a list at any time requested. Part 2. THE MILK SUPPLY: shall be received only from dealers granted a permit to sell milk in the City of St. Paul, excepting dealers in Class 2, of this ordinance. Part 3. THE BOTTLING PLANT: All storekeepers and venders who buy and bottle bulk milk to be sold to the consumer must provide suitable room which do not connect with any dwelling room, to be used exclusively for I' the handling and storing of milk. These rooms must be provided with sufficient light and ventilation and kept clean at all times. THE FJALLS AND CEILING shall be of smooth surfact and painted unless the construction renders it unnecessary. THE FLOORS shall be of cement or other material impervious to water and so graded as to permit prompt drainage to one or more points of dischar"ge and shall be properly trapped and emptjc into the City sewer when practicable. SCREENS: These rooms shall be thoroughly screened from May 1, to November 1, and shall be kept free from flies, doge and cats, the screen doors shall be provided with self-closing devices. The 'a 'room in which milk is handled shall contain a covered cooling tank rhich shall be provided with an ample supply of clean water and drained and cleat. ed once a week or oftener. A separate room should be provided together with proper equipment and a sufficient supply of hot and cold water, for the washing and storing of utensils only. No milk shall be bottles at any place except in the milk room. THE S ELLING OF DIPPED MILK IS HEREBY PROHIBITED. Part 4. THE UTENSILS: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 9. Part 6. THE BOTTLING: Shall confonn with Section VII, Part 10. Part 6. CAPS AND LABELS: Shall confonn with Section VII, Part 11. Part 7. THE DELIVERY: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 12. Part 8. DIRTY BOTTLES AND CANS: Shall conform with Section VII, Part 13. 0 SECTION XI. Requirements of Class 5 (Grocers, Confectioners Etc., Who Buy & Sell Milk) Part 1. APPLICATION FOR PERIVIT: Every applicant under this class shall submit his application for a permit to the Health Officer, with the names of'all dealers furnishing him with milk, which must be obtained already bottles, if any change is to be made in the source of supply, he must notify the Bureau of Health at once. Part 2. THE MILK SUPPLY SHALL be received only from dealers granted a permit to sell milk in the City of St. Paul, excepting dealers in Class 2, of this ordinance. Part 3. THE KEEPING OF MILK: All storekeepers who buy and sell bottled milk must be equipped with a refrigerator properly iced and kept clean where the milk can be kept below 500 Fahrenheit, separate from other goods. Milk tickets shall be used but once. THE SELLING OF DIFPED MILK IS HEREBY PROHIBITED. 4.4 Part 4. DIRTY '?OTTLES^ Milk bottles or other receptacles for milk shll not be used by milk dealers or consumers for any purpose other than containing milk, milk bottles and cans shall be thoroughly rinsed by consomers with cle m water immediately after being emptied, it shall be unlawful to return dirty or unwashed bottles or cans to the delivery man or store, and delivery men and storekeepers are forbidden to receive dirty bottles or cans. 0 0 9 SECTION XII. , "SKIM P1ILK" and "BUTTER HILK" Part 1. MILK SOLD AS "SKIM 'ILK" shall have been produced by removal of fat from milk of one the classes listed in SECTION LV. Parts 2 and 3. It shall contain not less than 8.25% of solids not fat, if sold as "Raw gkfm Milk" it shall have been produced by tuberculin tested and non -reacting cows, and if sold as "Pasteurized Skim Milk" it shall have been pasteurized according to the provisions of this ordinance. It is hereby provided that any person offering "Skim 1• ;ilk" for sale shall have the cans or containers plainly labeled with the work "Skim Milk". "Skim Milk" intended for human consumption must be handled in a clean manner and not put into dirty or rusty receptacles. Part 2. "BUTTER VILK" AND "FERMENTED MILK_" whether sold as "Butter Milk" or under a t3tade name, shall contain not less than eight per cent (8%) of milk solids. "Butter Milk" intended for human consumption must be handled in a clean manner and not put into dirty or rusty recep- tacles. 1 0 M Of d° Section 13. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions or requirements of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, except that any person who shall bottle milk anywhere except in a dairy or pasteuriging plant shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than.ninety days. Section 14. All permits granted under this ordinance shall be subject to'revocation by the Council. Section 15. Ordinance No. 2653, approved January 23, 1907, entitled "An ordinance to provide for the inspection of milk, dairies and dairy�erds and to license and regulate the sale and disposition of milk in the City of St. Paul," as amended bysOrdinanoe No. 2810, approved January 25, 1909, and Ordinance No. 3156, approved August 27, 1913, entitled "An ordinance regulating the;`sale of milk and oream," as amended by Ordinance No. 3178, approved December 8, 1913, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances relating to the pro- duction or disposition of milk, or inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed. Section 16. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. T-" 1 � � � ; � ,. f � � { � 1 � � s s 4 i � j i 1 � �� '� { � 1 °i 1 � � 1 � i � V � ... ,. {xm"e �� ,Abdtri'it.e ^7gS 4,?.�r3�f /►% =it t@@ et�tat 8r it �gt�ad a4 #n n byara,a,p�' }tyy�e tt Sor tNd 41114 tMZad s t a#r ciiii PL'Yt© A'[�DITE ^tom , euve -,as�4e�sr� °d�`�°i � , $M • k'�B Ctpb r 31ete C parry,; >e3B�.4� ,� �. Jogeph 7.oS,h 8 b as4�_ ,� r ad t4A iH-¢,C�notttaRRo �>< taY9�- �2' .- . ( UDITED - k s:J-u'irt�.rltri pec,:; 4! t y Cj�Y CO}t-�2ROLLER < PER ... ...... ... .. .1 �.....[.�. �.����\ .....? ! E I ( ` Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the; ' persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Y o Adopted by the Council .............. JUN is 1919 Clancy..._JUN 1a 1919 -Fsrnstv8l'tir _.....r•,,,,..]�yr. 1�L__:: • Goss MAYOR M/Wunderlich re,Mr resident, Hodgson 1343E John B. Darling,>M.D., 50.00 "t +�erpr-�imttse�l Pittsburg Meter Company, 384.24 ..Xat,er al4&j• James Shiely, 122.52• VtBt>°li"°° -1143&• Joseph Zoeh, 32.85 •Mister u PA L C. .. ... ..................... .. I ....... ........... .................................. . . .................. y ORM cou..11^ 25441- FILE" No . ....................... . .... ........... ........... D Resolved, That the grade of alley in Ahlf & Jente Addition and Daniel's Subdivision No.1 from Syndisate Avenue to Griggs street In accordance with the red grAde line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the'same is hereby adopted as the established.grade. Yeas (%I) Council en Nays Clanc Council el 0 46 ............... Wunderlich Mr.. esident, Hodgson P eSiF FO /C. A. 9 3M12-18 Adopted by the Council ... .. ................ : ............. JUN is 1919 Approve .. ..... .................. . ................................................................................ MAYOR City of 8L' Pnnl Mlnn6eota her0totorq � �1L,�y`/,lV1,l l l M/`Hiw' I _"" I \ entered into an 8.greemant with the — I Commlaeloner of E7ducrytign for the re - � , _ Cal of fhe-.AudltO 1Um YOr th0 BVBnIng;�FR�I FnRM _....... COUNCIL 25442 ane NO . ... .............. ..... ......... ............................ Datt:"PrE9e'ct+•�—esu na 1.4t.h ......191...9 Appro4ed aU aa21, "9 � can l; xslal � `I Resolved, That, whereas R. J. Horgan, of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, heretofore -entered into an agreement with the Commissioner of Education for the rental of the Auditorium for the eveni}ig of Friday, May 23rd, 1919, in earnest of which the said R. J. Horgan pAid a deposit of Seventy (70) Dollars which has been remitted to the Commissioner of Finance, and Whereas the said agreement has now been cancelled, with the consent of the Commissioner of Education, because of the sudden . illness of the lecturer and the City has been put to no expense and has suffered no loss, therefore Be it resolved that the said deposit of Seventy (70) Dollars be refunded to the said R. J. Horgan, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in payment of the same, charging the same fund to which the said deposit was heretofore credited. Yeas (✓) Council n (✓) Nay: VC:lan G s WC nnd�rli h Mr. esident/Hodgson 26443. --Dr Albert Wunder lith.—'-.r • - `EIzdId aaUnde. de�lriTpphoat the 9CohmetmebleyeYl'aonssethr oor .w1bureuanered, to' 0r - di n e 150. 6996, to;aDPolat one'teachor� c18rk; at? taehlD;umboldt Hl h; School for_'ORM 7 Aeldpptoed%by the Cou etluaed 13 1919.--- - - 2C. [� .... ............. 't.d —...•.... -•• J t ac ooi yeas sisal -moot ,— to 43 1 ez eed ved June 1S; 1918 eourvee� Lhe peas (June 21. 1919) " rae NO . ............... .... -- ._ ----------- .l...ll.�n,/I.....-..........t.........__..............._............................................................................ j/�/ (�/t ' • Pl�4�l� Lt�H� Dae resented--....... ............. .�. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be and he is hereby authorized and empowered, pursuant to Ordinance No. 5065, to appoint one teacher clerk at the Humboldt High School for not to exceed one month in addition to the usual school year at a salary not to exceed $110.00 for the said month. Yeas (J) CC9tSn ci en (✓) Nays Y Cla G Wunderlich Mr. P esident; Hodgson r A. PO i Adopted by the Council.............in ........ -1-3 is ............. s .........1....... Approved...1.3...1g4 �...._.... T�._.. MAYOR d Ir [io Syttt M �N 609 f� q yy ComDanY �� ,Whereas The W T oE. 6t pgul, on g the CItY the sum ok balance of gccount 1n rolhtr', /^ COl�y+8009 to .the uae oi.the rogdl "DO. belon6ln& to the CItY M 8t U 118rNM _ Dgrtmettt oE,PuhlTic orke and. �h'gr g HoY- ComDgnY - .ge tke'edid W gyeble Ont of 2544 IM Oln th9 CItY. D ��, a .......... .......... .'"'"I ;�,� ...... .. ....... Ci8L.1. aR hgTV09. Bnd 1�,�'he JV ' Yp at F lnA 1 COUNCIL .._ FILE 0......-.. n rn.t. prg—tn A.--- -.---_....__.._.._._..........191_._ awwwed, WHEREAS, The W. J. Hoy Company is indebted to the City of St. Paul on a balance of account in the sum of $480.00 for the use of the road -roller belonging to the City of St. Paul, Department of Public , Works; and whereas, the said W. J. Hoy Company has a claim against the City, payable out of the Docks, Wharves and Levees Account of the General Fund in the sum of $175.00 as the rent of a hoisting engine from December 19, 1918, to February 36, 1919; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to retain and apply said sum of $175 upon the indebtedness of said W. J. Hoy Company to the City as aforesaid, and to transfer the said sum of $175.00 from the Docks, Wharves and Levees Account of the General Fund, to the Paving Depreciation Fund, giving the said W. J. Hoy Company oredlt therefor on its said indebtedness to the City. allPeb On wi h; bo • Yeas (I') Counci en(II)Nays ' Adopted by the Council____JUN i;_��.;_�._.___,1 ... Clan Approved. ss r S14000&L- V Against Wunderlich MAYOR Mr. resident, Hodgson F MC A.0 3M a-te „ p. �C E+ rio26445 AbafrpcF '�. Council Fi No......................... i c � Whereas; A' writFen� Pr 1Plfnlpiot� ' maKln4 of the followln6 PR(Ivi- 25445 Cortatr otnt 136 fee[ Weetao[e 9rte�11t�T maD nue to: Fry. Street, of t,h f beekl yr "'. fo'the Couaclt of the,CitY of 9t:- eretore be lt; ' fed That Lhe:i z;i e[4ner of etition. PREL�7nrka ba and�he }e hereby or _ ddirebt0a:' billtYtio4 ttke makin6 sot aslq The undersign eby proposes the making �''aaaaaaleailinat�ea nasi �eaid !m ement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ' assd-tfie •LOFa1 coat thereot,: Construct, $ _Q Q+,}5.�7turntah a>Pfan. Proflia rtr pQAnt x,3.5 f.e.e.�---w.ea.�...oi ................. ..... saifl fmprpYemeat. Mate whektier or not eatd Lm. :9 asked for on the Petttl0n ... ...... .. Snelling _AVeriU_Q.._ O F . ore•ownora. ---- .....-- ....... ...... ugoa att of. thd' Lore- . •..-Sithe COmmleefoner of .............................. �cll June 1�J 1938. ' 919: 919) ........... ...... ... ....... .... ......... ..... ................. ............................ 1 13 Dated thin........... ............ of................._Juaae,�..._1919.�..................................... 1191......... . s Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS,DA written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct a sewer An Charles Street.._£rom,..a.._point...13S...feet...weet...of .................................................................. . SnellingAvenue..,to....F'r...Street.e....._................._.............. ...........__................_.........._......._................. ................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................-..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direded: 1. To inveltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature. extent and dtimated co6t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ...................................................................................................................:.-............--........................................ 5. To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the fore o' qtr era to the Commissioner of Finance. JUN iei Adopted by the counciL......................................................•„Z....-... Yeas: Nays: Councilman q PP JUN I eS 1” G a Approved .................................. ........................... McCaw � Wunderlich..................................................... ..._ ayorjauin ' Mayor. Potm CA 13 ( 447) Council File No...... ......... . � S•. No 26448- PROPOS' Abstract j VRBT0a9 A wrlttOR Dr0 bBal�. / I � , IlkfnB of'the folio-, FmDTOv4 25446 Construct a cement file ei hl Ohara +-M1 Yet :wld . on,ther a uth aide. r0et, from "'."Ton ing AVonae tok Petition eet having, l0en 'ppre&entad to t P�'`utoti of the City Ot 9L Raul that• 't, be, it he.f the ComnitasloROr oi- -.solved, T - lIC Worke be and he 1p hef0by of The undersigned hereby proposes the making ed and direoted „•Po tnvastigate the neaeaeotyeaid int by the City of St. Paul, viz.; elrabllitYof the making tt �+A.?�8tr-rltgte- g ant tail-�. 81deY anent ........ ----- --• •--------- •- '.o investigate the nature .eXtbn4 -. OIl--ti,1e s utI1 side fmated•� cost Of, said tmDrove l the,totml coat thereof. sg.'.Sreet-.._.--. Bne� g rnlsh a •D1ep, PToftle i�iToQtx...... it-tq�proVement. other or Rot satd�-' ................................................... .......... ................... - owners::.;. .......... ............. ..... .. .. ... .... ---.. Dated this...],3tha.:.....day o ..:.J11xtE,....1.919.................................................... 191......... .,:.. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. C Y) O Zs 4 VC WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improve iint., viz.: Construct--_a---Gement..-.tile._.ai-dewralk,.., 8ix...fe.Qti...#de,...on...th,.s4uth,.,s.de... Charles Street from_..Snelling..,Avenue,_.to. Fry...Street............................................................ .................. .................................. ._,............................... ........... ............ ................................................................................................................................ ... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:-- .................................. .... ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ................... .. 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................ N.... . .191.9... 1., ...... Yeas:", Nays: Councilman JLN 13 !919 G ss Approved........._ ............... v Wundulich...................................................... May r kwiw— Mayor. Form C A 18 (aM 4-17 re ,� Utteapts � 4 w.'� t GR� AU°' meo3rpe�se k. PT FORM No.... yai n b: g "�' .term � �s, s n 7-18 7tosg¢g� 6 411 - :povepnn' 44y 984 - `s JUN f�i -�--1 �r�- CITY COMPTROLLER aD aJ.0 [V 9 ........191........ _ PER.. . ............ . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawnuponthe City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Tler ' Ys Adopted by th cil.__......_.. I� �_. 11 IU iQ...vor Proved .. ._.. <; Zs....ly.'..9 ....._. _-..h(, .. ains ........ _..... ... ... . ............. .. _..._.. ._......_ son I T. W. onerenshaw, 324;75 L o a �Offi � � I A Fom A A 49.2 K 7-18 983 Ali T IrYt.s�payable TITLEResolved thate drawn upon the City Treasury, pp ayable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detaile(d1 statement: 'on nc' Adopted by t ouncil...... J ._...._._....___.1__ . Clancy N' 1-1 !9i9 Farnsworth =�+nie.. p ved .. ... ...... ................._._.:� Goss Kelle......... _._.. ............._..._.........._..........._...—/�`�/ ---.._....._ ..............BtAYOR oll underlich Mr. esident, Hodgson S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance 3,420.81 MayerLs-efAice G,nP. loin of Eon --^'�ur�esu of Assess. �,5,� 561.66 antic. Certs. `797.6-6- e-62 }gr- Qivil S,g v�.00 v83 -A&7.5.0 Deptt. 499.99 114 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 5,888.07 AlrOuse Bureau}8ra • 1a & R. 2 9swer" e: SE"`R. �rO6 00 � S r-jng--Revl. 2 coma Ave. 1` 2�0 vi�ng„„)"J.�, a -Z}.4"- S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 9,399;80 5 kt G.yy W386.77 Atoxtum _?1 Council File No . ........ ..... PROPOS" v_�T�--"ROVEMENT 2t� 49 x25419str Abact., al for'�e4. p� of' the tolloasnro 6 rmpcoveme#" Petition. Plrtract as w ron CbomtIt z °i6 ttfeet Pa F.g tinct of the CltYnot St:" ih ° r s pvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersignedherebypro xa they Re p endo 'r mea it %ha henle hereby ort .7e._a....�.:�r...... Public �nveattaata the nacasaot asie,B-..`5'reet..to.. orred anddlreot d: meklnB 1'dael sbtlitY of the 0xtent ovemeat nature, .--...... ............. 160 .f.e.8te. Ayt 5�... k A mus stlaace of eats lm `........ .. ...{.. the ..kms.?. ...... .... _a ,,:,aro' 1PY _.... .oC said _.� thArevf•_ are Sere'. ..T am ie aekedfor .. .... .... .... .... ...... ................................................................................ .. or more own. prs tto ha Commissioner all of the Dated thia..._14th.,,.,. day of .... J11T1ex,.. ...1 nett Jane 19 Isis" i,..., 191......... Councllma PRE ARY ORDER. C. S O WHEREAS, A written proposal for them a following improvement, viz.: Construct..a sewer.-on"Charlton Street_..from Page"Street to a point ..160.._S_ee#e...South...of..Pa,.v�_.Str.�et.�............ ........._... _._............_. ................... .....__...._................_.......... ..... ........................................................................................................................... ............................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.................................................................................... therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveEtigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; . ..... ........ . ..... .... ... . .... .......................................................................................................................... 5. To dtate whether. or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ............ ...:i.! t ..'.. ..................... ....._............ I'M, . Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farms orth Goss Approved.... Hy d 0 ler underlich May 4vgW Form C A Is (OM MI Council File No.......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVF*ENT �7 e,.<tnd st'elde I 25V: St et t'teed Petition PREL avingse I[ the Clty O 9L Papl ts. AThat .the Comml,eloner of Works be a d he is hereby or- The undersigned hereby proposes the meking u din ee[iaape the neaeastty for Hent by the City of St. Paul, viz.: • .Irabltlty.. of the making of amid Conetr c• a cem n "'e"e"c. .............................!..-.Y.--._._...........e__te....te....P�,./.yTo lnveetlgate the nature. eaten! Si,e,....oA_..the....eaEt {dk and the totaltcoat theof dreotmprova- - ............ I��.Ae....Qf...Rarre.tt...S.treet. To satdi imPsh goveme¢tproale, or .C1'Iard...S.tr$$.ts•.. ....... tch of 4... To. atate'vrhether or not said im- .......................................................................................::o hied-O more o n r on..the petition .three or more owners. ` .._._. .......... .. ........... . To report upon all of the more- �g' ,matters to the Comm— .. e.................. ....... _........... Dated this...14.th,,........day of.. .. I3.e,....19J,@.,.................................... . 191._..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. C , I— yj WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conetruat..a._.cement._ti1e,...eidewalk.,__.six,,.fee-t_..wid.e.,...on...�he_..eae.t...... _......... ... ............ ... . Ri4e....9.f....Aarr.ett....3.tr..e.e.t.. from... Front.. S.tree.t.-to...Orchard...S.tr.eet........... .......... ............................................ --............................... ........................................ ......... a....... ...................................................................................... ............................... ................. ............._............... ............................................. .._....... ............... ............... _--- _.................._................_........ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and edtimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................. 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the counciL............................................... .................. i o Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far 'worth C land Approved..............' UN...... . '._9.............yQ1........ eller /b Wunderlich Ma r 4+ifr— Mayor. Form C A Is Ism ! l M •N.: Gose.—; C F olv,d 401 BY - � aappReeolvod Thdt the CounctV:herebY ' in awarding contract to the YUT -. Committee - Camden P t oleum: Company Lor cement to be ' ' COUNCIL ue di° 320 tone aephnittc or street repatra eb nprtce oY'!'"p"pR M ..__ ! $19.00 pertan making tFy, totat amo nth -- - - - "" of contra t 50080.00 h tge:'Publlc -"- B.'1982 COUNCIL Works -Street C •ax8 R r File N 0.... Conn 11 June 14 1919 J" A (� i . Adopted by the Approved June,14,1919 .. ..- .e ........... ... -_.-_ f7una_2L' 1014)::_:._ I Resolved, That the council hereby aproves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the CAZDRN PYTROLF,UM CCMPANY for furnishing 320 tons asphaltic cement to be used for street repairs at a price of $19.00 per ton, making the total amount of contract $6080.00. Charge Public Works -Street C & R. F.B.1982 Yeas (I') Councilmo (V) Nays Clancy V' Farns orth ss %� Kell r j underlich Mr. Pre dtnt, Hodgson FORM G A.9 3M a-te Adopted by the Co- ru A ved _ "t MAYOR �ai.I.SH�.I i C. F.�No 26467r-8�N Coss- Reaol ed: Thak the Council concurs /�tn the recolOmendatlon at the Contract'_ PI tC,roactnfor tt+e dcomtructloaTot ah seWor.lL FORM 1074 on Edgecumbe. Road (a`ent-Side), A.M. palace Street to a oint 80 Leet North lect....... ............. of James Street, to the eumn [oi97B.00 ........... tion Com➢anY: for the. 664.00.F• eounut .... 51! w/'tneer'e oatimate being i -`^! 1984. r Adoptedby the Cbuncfl'June 14. 191@:. ..... ......... ...................... ....... ........ 'APProved'.June 14. 1939. (June 21.-.1919) _ Date I ffsEnfed.... .S .... .. .......191..... Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Edgecumbe Road (West Side) from Pala*oe Street to a point 80 feet North of James Street to the Feyen Construction Company, for the sum of $473.00, engineer's estimate being $554.00. F. B. #1984. Yeas (✓) �,Ualncy neilm (✓) Nay /Earns orth / Goss /K -e er underlich Mr. Pre dent,,Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-I8 d all papers aonrt44ft,0>1 wktir &boys Resolu on: qq I �h , S.4 ALN 1-1 Adopted by the Council .._.::....__..._._.. ............1..... Approv �N.... ��....:.'.9.................... ............. 1sdarus's ............. MAYOR HEll �! 10 Ramne� o• m - pj of the' Ch1 gamse) Street. .. ,Paul "at1w.y. WilktnkS Kno n me' s j Seventh Street t° ar: Pndblad t°r th 1 OWNC�L .....,,_„ and u r. 10 ul I..11 ..... ..... .. .. ,L_._�Elm upu S764469.uenBino u estimate •ILe A. NO. ... B.:No. sum 38b.00. r' unci) � beAd9Pted by the. 14, 1919. '; pyproved,�June 21, 1919) Date resen a ........ ..;. .,.... .--19----- v Resolved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the curbing of Wilkin Stbeet from Ramsey Street to the Right of Way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway; Ramsey Street from Seventh Street to Wilkin Street, -and around the triangular park known as Elm Square, to Gust Lindblad for the sum of $1,544.60., engineer's estimate being $1,380.00. F. B. #1985. goo Yeas (✓) Council me (✓) Nays Clancy Fara orth Kler a ' Mr. President, Hodgson rOR..y A. 9 3M 12-10 Adopted by the Council .._._ �._. .....:.9..._.1•••.- Approved............ V .......... ............../.......................................... ...".....'\ MAYOR no"UH13 InUINUU11111111 El .......................................................................................................................... 25454 COUN �( E —........._-... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.C_onatructing..a _cement__. tile__ sidewalk. six feet. wide.' on both sides of Palace Street, from Griggs Street to Edgecumbe Road, ._......................... .................. ...—........................................................----------................................------ --------................ ._...... .... ._.........__ ._...._._.._...........__._..........._.._..__................................. ............................ ................ under Preliminary Order .......25098 pp May 16..1'..19.1.9 . _...........a roved .......__..._... ....................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommendsis_C�nBtruCt._.6.-Cement:.. t.ile...sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides of Palace Street, ............................._... ................ _............ .............. from __Griggs_ .Street to Edgecumbe Road. except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. .............................................................................. ........ ........ .....-.................. ........................................ ............................ ................................................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...Pe7Q-..Per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....14t4 ...................... day of .................!Nly................................ 191...9..; at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and ,City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to'the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature. of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the councilJ.U.-N .IIA319....-.-._......, 1 .............. .... ......:.J... .u.. it sig C .. ..... Approved...._...........,.�•............................. �_..... City C _ .......... - ...-............ ....... Mayor. Councilman Far sworth Councilman (lo s Councihnan ewdllaney Councilman eller G Coucilm 'underMayo gson orm B. S. : 8-6 WI W, k_—] ......................................................................................................................... - , 1 25455 C�Wcm FILE NO ......................... ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... Construetinu a cement tile sidewalks four feet wide on ..--------............................_--...--......................................... ................ the...east...side. ...gf... pellevue..xvenue._from_.S�venth._Stre.et _..to__Field Ave. ....................................:-...__............................................ ...... --._....._......._-..................................................................... ..........___ - _ ......_. _ ---- --- - . __._._................... _......._.._................ ............. .._............ ............ 25120 i(lay 19� 1919. underPreliminary Order.............._...................................._approved._.._................................_................... _........_.._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_COnstruCt...a_. Cement.., tile...a CIP:99iks r9ur...feet wide ._on the. east side of Bellevue Avenue from__Seventh Street to Field Avenue. ..............................................................................................................................----...---- ...................................................................................................................................................................................:............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....0..46...per ...frdnt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the- ........... 14tkt............. day of --....•--..July........---- 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof. as estimated. I N 1 g 1919 Adopted by the Council....__:'.' :.................................. N... 4A.8 Far ortb (lo =dxx Clancy eller Wunderlich D Hodgson Form -6 _ .......... ...... ��,..J.�r.: ................... City _.....'...........Cl . _.......... . _ _ Mayor. i ............................................................................................................................ y2 5 Cl-" _,--_-------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER _ In the Matter of....Qonstructing sewer on Palace Street from Edgecumbe Road .......I ........ toLexington Aq.enue. ................................... ................... .................... I_................._............................................................................_................----, ............................................................... _......... _..... ........ ....... ..................... .............................................................................. ................. .... ...... _............. _........... .............. . ........ .......... ..... ..... ...-.................................. ...._................_._................. .... .................. ...... ... _.. _................. _............._......._................ .................................................................................... under PreliminaryOrder......._ 24795 April 24, 1919. ................................... ................................................................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner—oii Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..0anstruct sewer..on ............................ . palac.e...Stee-t...from,.Edgecumbe Road toLexington Avenue. -- ._._.-......._.._........__................ ............ _............_....:........ _................................ .-........................................................... ..................... ........................................................... _............ ........... ........................................ _.................................................... .................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_. _. 1252.00 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........14th day of t ...-,7L11y-19�-------------------!...., 191..9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice oP said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AN il NIS Adopted by the Council ..._........... ...... .,.......... 1�L... . to' _......... ...................... .. ............ Approved.. ................JUN..?.=`-..�9.J.9...... � ..... ty Clerk. _...__......_ _ ......... _ ..................... 1 Mayor. Councilman Far sworth Councilman !3 s Councilman kR*Claney Councilman eller Cou Council n Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. . A. B-6 •.................................................................................................. ...................... 'P PAP 2515,37 COUNCILE Nom :...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....Constructin g cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on ---------'--......................................... south side of Rondo Stre,.L from Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, wh,ere._wal k-: do e -.s -- not-_now._exi s t . under Preliminary Order-.---25218..................................approved ......May 26,_ 1919. __. ......... .......... ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct cement ................................. _...._tile.. s.idextalk.,...s�x..i_eet---pride, on south side of Rondo Street from ................................................._......................_.....-- Chatsworth Street to Oxford Street, except where good and sufficient _.._.. ...__ ........................_............. ........................................................ __._.-..._sidewa.. sidewalks now exist. .......................... _.. _............................ _....._..........._..............._...................................................... ..................................... .__.............. ..............................._................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.... 0.70..per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ..........14th ............... day of ............... Zuly. ....... -............ .........., 191...9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..._........JI:N...? =..19.13......., unf -54 fain Approved ............................. ' ...... ........, 1�.... City Clerk Mayo Councilman Far&worth Councilman Cfees Councilma;(IjXityti)Jx Clancy Council/ -Keller 7B. lman Wunderlich X"M Hodgson F. A. 8-6 .............................................................................................. . . ..Fqq......... COiTNCI��L �� N ......................... � By...`riF/,...K..a. "`f� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .... Conatruct.ing_ s wer_ on Palace .Street from s -.-point-. opposite .............. the-_What..-line-..of_--Lot.-_10,_Block .4, Lexington..Park.. Plat-_No..._6--_to. _- ..............l exington--,4venue,----and on Lexi_ngton..Avenue.._ from Palace.. Street.. to _-James Street to be used for sanitary drainage only. _............ ........__............. .............. _....................................................... ................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ............. .......................... approved....May 1,1919' _........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ConstruCt._.ggweS'-.-on.. Palace Street from a point opposite the West line of Lot 10, _._... .._.__....._._ ...........__._............ .......... ............ ... ................................................... ..._................................. Block 4, Lexington Park Plat No. 6 to Lexington Avenue, and on - _....._.._..... - _..._........._ ...... ......._ ............. ............. --... .... --- ...--------- .............__...... ......... _Lexington Avenue from Palace Street to James Street to be used _. .._.........._......... .. ............. ............... for...san.... ..drainage onl$�..........._..._...... .......... .._....._..................................................... _. ......._................... ..... ........_.- ..............___...._....._.-_..............---....._ ...._...................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......19.8-� 00..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 14th day of wy................................ 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ 1y�9..._...., 1�1..._.. II Iii i ,! Approved .............. ._..... ._............. .... -=1 A1.-. City Cie . \ ..... .......... _..... ..... ..................... ...... Mayor. Councilman Far worth Councilman ( ss Councilman Clancy Couneilm Keller O Cou lman Wunderlich M or IrYr&x Hodgson For B. S. A. 8-6 ;1—,9+ E3 i [ M E NINA IBM .................................................................................r.. .. ................... .. w 25159 f COITNCIL P B ----. -te `- a e..� .........Y' ! :.....------ ...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._Conatructl 1&.ja cement•, tile-_sidewalk...-six.feet•_wide ............ on -both --.sides ...of.. Albany -.Street,...frnm..Ssie111ng..Asenue.. to Paacal-Street. ---------------................................................................................................................_.---------------:...--............................. ...._.. ---.............................................................................................................................................................................._........._......... ..................._----........................................................................................................................... ....................................... - .... ... under Preliminary Order .............25100.......................approved......................Nlay...16.t...1919. ... ........... ............ a The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered:to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... COnatT uCta-. Cement tile...sidewalk,_ six feet vride� on both sides of Albany Streets _from Snelling Avenue to Pascal Street, except where good and sufficient ... _ .................................................. _......-...----- sidewalks now exist. ......................... _......------------............... __........_._......__._... _.................. __........_..........._.._.........._..............._................................--- ........... ..... ....._...........__ ................ .................... ....__....-_..... ............................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is 70 pe7 front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the................14th day of ........... July 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .......JUN... ...19-12 .............. N�......... Approved................4 ...7 919..........1 Councilman Fa sworth CouncilmL Councilmlancy rCo.mcilm l Counc' as Wunderlich May AW*1 Hodgson Form . S. A. 8-6 ............ t _�✓.. tri_ 4 Cit Clerk. _..........-.._......... ......._....._............ .............................. Afayor. .......................................................................................................................... COIINCII, Nom...----• ............. �% INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...._ConstructIn a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the south side of Buford Avenue,'begimning at Keston Street, thence _ ........ -• -- ............................... ............................................................................................. ....-•--------......----................._........... west on ---- e (100) hundred feet. - ................. .-.................--......._.............................._...... .... - -- --- .......--...--.........---.................... ......... ....... ..................... ............................................I.................... under Preliminary Order.. -25214 ........... .................... approved ._..._... _ _..Mfl9. 26s....1919........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be -proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 0040 UCt..-a-..cement the sidewalk. six feet wide, on the south side of Buford Avenue, ' _...............----------- ----... ------------......... beginning at Keston Street, thence west one hundred (100) feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. ........ -..................... ......................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ................. ...................................................................... I.............................. _.............. -................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.......0.70 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........... 15th day of ...........J.U13t....:...................... 191.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ............ JON ...1.4...J�.f.g........, �..._ . Approved......................I�...�'9...191......., 1N�...._.. Councilman Lswo'Clancy th CouncilmanCouncihnah �Councilm Heller Coun man Wunderlich M ori Hodgson Fo B. S. A. 8-6 ! ........ ... ........ ..... ... ....!+1.. City Clerk. ....................... ....-........ ...........- Mayor. or. ............................................................................................................................., COII CIL $y... 1.. Z �/, ..1 ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Constructing acement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on ....................................................... -•--......................._. ...__ the south side of Charles Street in front of Lots 8 and 10, Block 28, - ......................... -- ...-- .......--.............._....---....._.......................................-•-------------------------.............._....................... located between Albert and Pascal, Syndicate Addition No. 5. . .......-- ----------... ...........----.................................... ....................... . -- ................. ---....................................... _.._.......... ..........__........_............................_............................................ under Preliminary Order .............. 5099_.. -_...-._....,._...-.approved... __. May 16, 1919. ................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Ceon tM. ot...A...cvmeI1?i _-.__...ti ........... six feet wide, on the south side of Charles Street .................................................................._................................. .......... ..in...front ...af_L.otA...$.. ?d.._10.,.._Block_ 28a -.,.located_ between_Albert__and_____ Pascal,....Syndicate...Addition..No. 5.,_.except.-.�4here good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. __............... ..........................._ _..... .................................... _.._...................... :................ ............................................ - ....................................................................................................................................................... ............................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....0.3..0....per ...front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............. lblh............. day of ...................... ......_ l ly..____...... , 191..9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Half Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and th tal cost thereof as estimated. UN 14 �9�� Adopted by the Council ........._....._.............._..............,..__. AN14 191 .......... .......................... ...��� `...... Approved..................................................... 7 . Mayor. Councilman Fa sworth Councilman ss Councibnan C lanoy Councilm Kcller 7. - man Wunderlich a, Hodgson ForA. 8-6 .ITT ........................................................................................................................... 25462 py� By................../wv��rt, ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the Inthe Matter of.......----- ........ ...........---.......---------------------...... ......................................_...----- ................_._ ....__ South side of Bourne Avenue from 550 feet West of Keston Street, ....................................... _...........................................................................--------...-----...........-----.......----.................................. .thence-.-test.--200 feet. .............................................................. .................. ........--..................._........................... ►1 under Preliminary Order ........................ 4948..-- ............ approved ....-...._ May. 2x...1919. ...... ....... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.. COnet2 tlCt__ a_ Cement ............... feet wide, on the south side of Bourne Avenue, from 550 feet Wd st of Keston Street, thence Rest 200 feet. -......._......._...................P_._................................................................_..................................................................... goodand _ ................. ...-..........................................................................._......- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ............ 15th..............day of ................7Uly 191.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. juiV 14 IM Adopted by the Council ........... ............ ......................... 14 Approved.....................::.x.........91.9...., 1......... ......... ............. :. ty Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Zarworth Councilman Councilman Cleney Councilm Keller o Coun man Wunderlich Ma r lin Hodgann Form . S. A. 8-6 ......... ............. :. ty Clerk. Mayor. INTERMEDIARY ORDER J:+ In the Matter of.Recoll,&lmo.t.it7,g.,...re.11ey ng-_ancl—napalr xg...aement...tile.. siffam walks at the following locations: Wellesley Avenue, south. side, six._ feet--.wide_,.-_from-.Cleveland__Avenue_,_..thence-„west.._to,--alley..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Saratoga-..Avenue-,--.weat_.,side,_._ aix..-t... southof .......................................... .,,_, St. Clair Street, thence south 16 feet. .... ................... ...................... ...._..... ...... ... ........._......... _... .............. _......................... ....... .................................... __...- ....... ... ......... .. _........ ....... ......_.._...._.................... ......... _ _............... .................._.................. ..................... under Preliminary Order_25.213....................................approved .......... MAY.. 26.s ..19.19. ....... .............. _. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...... R8CO..... Cta,., relay and repair cement the sidewalks at following locations: _.._._.............................. ..........................................---------..............--..._....---- Wellesley Avenue, south side, six feet wide, from Cleveland Avenue _ ................. -........_...................................._...................... .......... .............................................................................................. thence west to alley. Saratoga Avenue, west side, six feet fide, ........ ._.................... ................ ............ ..._........... ................................. .............. ......................................... .............................. from 202 feet south of St. Clair Street, thence south 16 feet, ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ...........- .................................. ............_._.................................._.........................................._............................---....................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..0. 07. -.per_ square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. . ..... .... 1-5.t.h ..day of ......................Jelly.........................., 191..9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. A 14 19!9 Adopted by the Council ............ .._....................... ......, hk _.. "N 14 1919 _._.........._ �::...................�..........���a.,r Approved.........._.....` ............................._..., 1 1......... ity Cler \ .......... _............... Mayo Councilman F worth Councilman ss Councilma Clancy Counci Keller 11 0 TB.S. erlich gson RESOLUTION OF .TIME OF H ON, z R t"$ SESSMENT AND FIXING onp. ;'ION PROCEEDINGS. 2511154 In the matter pf......O1?.fiiSl. xia a....ald.ening...ama...Q.�C.t.�XlSd 11g..Ia& ftyfl�i#r ., f�VB17111@.�..: I QTn ..........the...Soo...Bridge ... in..Sna.-Ilx ,e...P.lat...Idca.....4... tro...Orave...Striaet. .......................... __ under Preliminary Order.....1&3J4............. approvedIntermediary Order....2�k92'1....., approvedAWY---1a....l919.a---•--- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon nthhee said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the.. fy!!�h................_.day of ....._:......aluay ..................191.9....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner/of Finance bei�and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearingas prescribed by the Charter. JUNt.....� Adopted by the Council ........................... 1. JUN 14 19[9�� Approve( ..... ................ ............................. ................--- ... > NQ ....... 90"MMD jl�l9 Y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS fn the matter of --- pening,,..widenin$--and--extendin•-Lafayette-_Avenuea•-_from ..the---Soo-.-ii�rldge...in-.-Son...Line...Plat..-S,-o-.----2--.to---Orave---9txeat-•----.....---•..................__.-.._-. - --- - ---------............ .................................... ...--- .... ...._... ----- ....-- - under Preliminary Order_ 6354._...... approvedSePt J.1J 1 -!T, Intermediary Order.....24927•-----, approved .-.Me$.-..J..a-19-1.9..-------_---- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof v respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed—eIId determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. r Commissioner of Finance. ICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION _ PROCEEDINGS In the matter of c76iC�dId�CStd'dCXa�ciiRaii%C8ffi1t8it:?:K7[bf@Cj9$3t�9EM�9N�yC�6Y2C617G7GX�6xR1�t76�L� #4Ye�G�FxX�>�ityg....o.paning.,.__widen.ing._.and....extending ....Lafayet.t e.._kvenue,.....fmom.._ihe.... Soo ....Bridge. ..in...Soo _Line. ....P.1.at.....No. ......'7.. to Grove ..Street.. ..............._. ..... ............. ........... ....................... .... ......_.................................. ........._..._.... .......... ............. _...._._............... ..._...__............_.__...._...._.__.....__......_............... ...................... .................................. --.................... under Preliminary Order....1.f%$..5 ....., approved_..5.81�.t.a ....1.`�t.,..�.�.� X., Intermediary Order .......... `x49.2..% ................. .., approved ...May .._1.. ..... 19.19........... TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will b e had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the ................/W. it$............___....__..._.._. day of J.uly[................................. _., 191.9........, at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards are payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to property from the making of said im- provecnent. Objections to the taking of�such lands or easements therein or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. r Dated....... .. _.............. 191......... i Commissioner of Finance the Honorable Mayor Minneapolis, Minn. and July 10th, 1919 Common Council of the City of St. Paul In the matter of the opening, widening and extending of Lafayette Avenue from the "Soo" Bridge in Soo Line Plat No. 7, to Grove Street, to a width of Eighty (80) feet by taking and condemning a strip of land Fourteen (14) feet in width along the Westerly side thereof, under Preliminary Order 18354, approved September 15th, 1917 and Intermediary Order 24927, approved May 1st, 1919, PLEAS$ TAKE NOTICE: That the undersigned Tri-State Land Company, a corporation of the State of Minnesota, as the owner of record of all the property fronting on the Westerly side of Lafayette Avenue between the points designated in said Orders, from which property it is proposed to take and condemn said strip of land Fourteen (14) feet in width, PROTESTS against and OBJECTS to such action for the following reasons: 1st: That the property so to be taken, was with othe� lands, purchased by the undersigned at great cost for the purpose of industrial development which would be seriously impeded and hampered by the appropriation of the Easterly Fourteen (14) feet thereof. 2nd: That improvements now located on said property will be greatly damaged and the value thereof wholly destroyed. 3rd: That the present width of Lafayette Avenue is sufficient for all present and future purposes and the necessity for widening the same to the proposed width of Eighty 80) feet does not exist. TRCOMP Attest: �� Its esident , Secretary July 11th, 1919. . a. ,S'. goatlike, maht of way Agora accuse, Minneapolis, Minnedots. Dear Sirs I am in rscoipt of your protect on the pert of the Tri-State Land Ooapany against taking the easterly 14 ?oet of Its property for the purposo of making Wuyotto Avenue eiably feet Viae from Soo Bridge to Grove Otroot. � When We tatter comes up on July 14th, I will be pleased to call the Council's attention to your protest. Very '.respectfully yours, CITY OLMM. ..... , ,ter,_- ,•� UNITED`STATES RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION,, J -DIRECTOR GENERAL OF RAtLROADS, PMINNEAPOLIS.ST.PAUL & SAULT SAINTE MARIE 00 RAILWAY COMPANY INE RIGHT OF WAY DEPARTMENT MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA July 10, 1919. REFER TO FILE Hon. J. I. Farioy, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Enclosed find protest on the part of the Tri-State Land Company against the proposed taking of the Easterly 14 feet of its property for the purpose of making Lafayette Avenue 80 feet wide from our viaduct orossing said avenue to Grove Street. Will you please acknova edge receipt in the enclosed stamped envelope? Yours truly, jew-h Right of Way Agent. cc - Mr. J. J. Watson, Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. REGISTERED t. S; MAIL RETURN RECEIPT DEMANDED. rWIM M k ash �- EY6aa�frt�f�di[ lad"` i 1f r $x07 4iv. -. ,N,b� COUN mgae°'BIcRmC�tba}v'�BAii' o SE TRAN Aayni4d tv #tiuC a ne i 1 n 3� COUNCIL ... . r, �1 Fd�`�65 wP4'r�w• _�_ _ .d ;=s kx {7 2•x8 x A peke �:ee�abed RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to -sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to. applications duly made therefor. No, From (Name and Address) No. 183 Joeeph N.Herold 575 R1oe St. To (Name and Address) Helen Arnold 983 TO.Dale St._ -- No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Nom Y No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 25467 . _ o FINAL ORDER } In the Matter p£....Pay_kl lr...C:rGy ..-5:.r-�.G-t... z.pW.. !.issis� ppi._wtre.e.t...tcL Laf.:.:j.stte, -11 and Olive Str e from Grove Street•_to-•-!';oodvi?rd-_Amfnlie•.....jualudin�& ................._....... sewer, water s.nO ,ras connections from street mains tc proper -...........................................................ty lines .......................•-----•--........-•---............................. comulete, v*here not already made, <lso, including curbing, and coving ....................................................'--"---- -...................................... .................................. alley and driveway approaches where necessary.. --....--.....'.................................................. o �F t3_+-7X' aaatO�yfpe�evr� . ........... ................................................ �,f,o,y Yc. k Cdt4 s1 lud 3 ac� may 3, 1919 1 under Preliminary Order ................... e ,�Trd p8ad�s .,-. n0 oA ItxRNrt, poi.:.. , •. Intermediary Order ...................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- menttobemadebythesaidCityis...-Pave Grove St. from 'J!ississip)i St. to Lafayette' and Olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward :,venue, including sever- water • and F;as ecnnections from street mains to-_property-_lir.kes--,p.g.mp.ete,,;.i ............................................................................... not-_already -_made-,--also,--_including---curbing-.-lld g,via;...�11a, necess r e driveway y approaches where fi+• 1 d ...... approaches ........ re +'.... � • tF�r...... ti l'� k`:...Y1ri.... l t Com`( .... 'i_ d&t c.; �:,t a r :.. r.t E,�?! :..._ ..................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...........i .... .............., 1 .._.. 4 .................... ......... .t.d...... .-..-.. •••• .. .. City Clerk Approved.................. 1.9 .............. 1........ ........ ........... ................................. .... .. ..........'...'."' Mayor. Councilman n ort Councilman � Councilman dd Taney Councilm eller Counc' derlich Mayo odEson Form . S. A. 8-7. CITY OP JL DEPARTME INANCE- ` REPORT OF COM'NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Paving Grove Street' from no.Nsissippi Street to Lafayette, In the Matter of and Olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue, including eewer,.; water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, _where not__already made. also. including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches where necessary. I under Preliminary Order approved -- ------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: per front,, foot.: -- - The lots or parcels of land -that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed +tion of—, f each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: E DESCRIPTION 1'LOT pLOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED;qI � II VALUATION f 3 ( Auditors Subdivision No '23 27000 2 St. Paul Minn. 12425 I; I 1 i do i 12300 u , 4.1 do 999,25, do i fAlley vacated & adj. and 1 2 ; Kitteons Addition to StPaul � . . j. .. _ 2 2 do i I Grove St. Vac and Adj . 1 6 do I h 6:b6:400 ,I 3 i 6 do U 21 6 — -- -- — ------ —D— — _— TOTAL, IIF- St. Pauli 1dinn., June - 9th, 1919 I noratlo -ayor & City Council. �1 Gentleman:. 'fie the undersigned property owners on Grove 3t. between ytississippi and lafay©tte ave. object to the paving of said Grove St. this yetir, for the following reasons:— lst: The high cost of labor and Material this year. 2nd: We would.like to see the Great northern and Soo railroads got busy and live up to their,agre^monts with the City and property ovrners in regard to $hA v;idening of Sth 3t., Locust t., and 14th "t., before asking us to lave Grove St. 3rd: Fie admit the Street needs paving and gill not object to :.axing it done next fear providing the railroads liva up to their ag--o mor_t. Respectfully, c Vie. cam,. VIM/- . St. Paul, Minn. June 9th, 1919 Honorable Mayor & City Council. Gentlemen: We the undersigned property owners on Grove St. between Mississippi and Lafayette Ave. object to the paving of said Grove St. this year, for the following reasons:_ let: The high cost of Labor and Material this year. 2nd: 3rd: We admit the Street--aeeds paving and will not object to having it done nest year providing the railro-ade live up to their agreement. Respectfully, -- TOTAL. - CITY OF•4 - DEPARTMEDINANCE REPORT OF COMMt�NER OF FINANCE,. n ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) •_— r __: - - LOT BL061(, ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION DESCRIPTION _ ;_ z y 3 7 Kitt sons Addition to St: Paul. 2 7 do ' do 7 do 56350 5 7 do j! North of 10th St. of 9 do 48000 10 5 Daytona Addition. 9500 L 9 5 do` 4000 i 5 . do - ._ �... 19200 'i 12 5 do 15 5 do 5000 14 5 do 3750 South of 4 3Patersons Addition to the.. 5000 West 50 feet of south Town of St. Paul. 100 feet of 5 3 do 5600 East of 5 3 do 3500 6 :3 do 4 4 do 5000 West 25 feet of south 5 4 do X750 150 feet of East 25 feet of West 50 feet j- south 150 feet of 5 4 do 4050 South 100 feet of East J,of5.4 do 7250. West } of south j of 6 .4 do 6800 East of south of 6 4 do 8800 -- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. I- 1":' REPORT OF COMMISNAER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. • LOT LocKj ADDITION A S555150 IAL..T--- DESCRIPT1011 S I churmeipre Subdivision of Bass �o tAdditionll� of o 7 aut -Lots to -St 9 --do --jo d o � void 11 do 12 do Fatterzons Addi-t-i-on- to 10000 4 Town. of St, Paul - L J. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .... .... ..... e� ............ Z.- ... ....... Dated.... ..................... 19L. . Commissioner of Finance. rorm B. B. 12 y Office of the Commissionerf=Public Works . R;ECEIVE13 ` �p,RN31L 1 0 Report to Commissioner of Finance 3� MAY 9 1919 May 9th, ]919 _. ... .............. --- ........... ................. ...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of'the Coun- cil, known as Council File No...._24972.......... approved _........._..._3rd?....._......_.............191.9...., relative to................_._.. paving Grove Street from Mississippi Street to Lafayette, and olive Street from Grove Street to Woodward Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _ .............I and the total cost thereof is $s ............. .._$ ..._.._..., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .................__........ _...___.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .............. ._........._........._..__......................... ......... .............................. ..............._............._.......... .............._.........................._.......................... ..... _,............... ._.... ._...... . __.. 5. Said improvement is.................................... asked p for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said imp v eyt. o ' nuu sinner of Publi Works. (8ttg of xpttul a OSCAR—AUSSEHDepartment of uhlit darks J. cAR oLL, su vrn eeRa a M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER ` u Yion v.ina R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY WL o JACHSOH, Svvr.0 �, IU"IAI 11 M. 9. Ga1YTBANVE n rio na St. Paul, Minnesota. May 7, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. i Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Grove Street from Mississippi Street to Lafayette, and Olive Street from Grove Street to Wood- ward Avenue,inoluding sewer,water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaohes,where necessary, in accordance with Council File #84972, approved May 3,1919: Length 1269 Ft.: W1d 60 & 50 Front 2491 Ft.Pv.Area 6646 SgYd. x wy40 & 34 Add $60.00 for sewer connection and J32.00 for P water con- nection to each lot where necessary. Total T o t a 1 C o a t Bind of Paving. per per Sq.Yd. Estimate. Fnt.Foot 3j In.Creosoted Block, $4.77 $31,701.00 $12.72 Brick ................. 4.39 29,176.00 11.71 Note: Where curbing is in to line and_grade, deduct $1.30 per front foot. Yours very truly, ©. _ee PA -3 -0 ^ WES/C Chief Engineer. Enolo ' � 1 GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT R. BUDD, VICE P-1 ... T. ST. PAUL. MINN. May 2, 1919. Hon. M. N. Gose, Commissione-r of Public Works, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir! As you know the Ramer Candy Company is building a large factory and warehouse on the corner of Grove and Olive Streets in Lower Town. Before arranging for this site the Candy people took up with me the matter of having Grove Street paved and inasmuch as the Great Northern Railway Company and its subsidiary, the Dakota & Great Northern Townsite Company, own most of the property along Grove Street I told the Ramer people that I did not -think there would be any trouble about getting this improvement put in and that we would be willing to join in making the request anis I am now do- ing. I think Grove Street should be paved from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Avenue. The Candy Company also wants Olive Street paved - from Grove to Woodward. _ Kindly put this matter in line for early action and oblige. I� 1 O' 1 Yours truly, MAY 3 - WNDIJ DUREAIJ ---l-I' El �ER0FPIOS0Rn 1-s .................. .............. 25448 .................. . ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of 1.a:Ylr L :L cL Tenth a Se -V- P- 2. 1 -t 1, Z 7. P- C., t� i x I -t, & r- & E? o t I o ?-i j ting and reeetti-L, of necess rj curbiiE, Q.gX1nP..Q.1i("ns ................................................................... ............ — ................ from street m,-,-Jns to propert;,' li-,es co,-,plete, vhere not already (fe,...,,-1so ............. I ............................................. ......................... .................................................. ........................... . ....... the pzvinE of elle nd drivers appro• chee !-ifcre n .. ... ...................... ................................................. ...............t- ............. ........ ......................... ............ -. ..... . ... ..... ... ..... . . .... ------ -------- ---- Sept. 14, 1�117 . under Preliminary' 4.r ........................ the1)',i;.ner, �Qf,�� ....................................... ....................... of LbbuMStreet, ,CenthIntermediary Order .............. .......... ....... ............... ........... ...... Fer and Bea t due no ce ' , and the Council having A public hearing having been had upo'-Wlj ef 711A heard all persons, objections and recommendations having ty considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of incle- ment to be made by the said City is Pa.,ving., L..,n-d--re.PaKin6 !?f.. Street to Tenth Street, e-cept, tl-.e Seventh Stree,, intersection —-................................................. ............................... ........... ................................... . ...........................J.................. includinL se luinF, 'ind reset.ti.,L1of necessary curbing, also sev.eE ....... w z....t e r ...................................... ...................... -------------------- . .......... I . . ..................................... :.nd Eas connections froi-. street rpu�i - ns to property lines ............... ......................................... I ....................... ... . .. .......................... ................. aQ1 �.L. e,; r- d %,1 -ere nece spry ............... ....................... .............................................. ........ Iv,1L ..- � 1 �4 and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. "Y RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for Approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with . the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............. .............. . . .. .............. I ...... Approved .............. Councilman nsworth Councilman Councilman bss X CoMilunF'ibnn 0 .Jm ci m Councilor igy-x C 1 E; n c eller Council an uAderlich Mayor Aodoson 7B.. Form A. 8-7* ............... .. ........ . ........................ Gity Clerk. ----------------- ----- ------------------------ Maycr. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT � OF� FINANCE REPORT OF COMMAaONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER g repaving —ly _—e of Locust St. -from In the Matter of ---- —------------ --- -- -- -------------------------------- -------____ Regrading and re avin of the wester aid Seventh St. to Tentp St., also resetting of curb, on account of the proposed widening of Locust St. to a width of 80 f et 3.nd the ---------------------------------------------- - laying of tracks by the St. Paul City Railway Co., including sewer, -----------------------------.....-..-.--:`.......----�- -------..-..------------------.-..----.-....------ ---- --- water and as connections from stre-tt mains to property lines complete, ---------- ..-------------------- - ------ --- --------------- ---------------------------------- -- — where not already made, also the paving of alley and driveway approaches ---------------------------------- --- where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: U The totaL estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $4 ��/'- e • D 3- The estimated cost per foot for. the above improvement is . . - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 33 Kittsons Addition to St. Paul ( 20775 6 33 do 4 33 do 16600 3 33 do 12900 5 24 do 20 500 6 24 do 19400 4 24 do 11175 3 24 do 16500 South of alley vac and add. and 5 18 do South j of alley vac. 195750 - and add . and 6 18 do TOTAL. CI�Y OF ST. PAUL ; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF `COMM MONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT �� BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - • VALUATION North of alley vac.- & adj. and 4 18 Kitteons Addition to St. Paul. 9825 North of alley vac. & adj . and 3 18 do 6750 ( 5 9 ` do 6 9 do 48000 ( 4 9 do ( 3 9 do 8 32 do. 12525 7 32 do 11150 1 32 do 12000 2 5 32 do 10000 8 25 do 22500 1 7 25 do 110700 Easterly of 1 1 25 do 5700 Westerly of 1 25 do 6750 Easterly 7 feet of 2 25 do • W"sterly 43 feet of 2 25 do 7050 @ 8 17 1 do 9375 7 j7 do 8350 1 17- do 31125 2 17 do 8 10 do 7 ]D do 33750 1 10 do 15300 2 10 do 11050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits`'the �regoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the1Commissioner of Public Works. Dated_....._..AlL.................._..�.!_......19,1��..._ ..... l<... ..,............ .........-........ .... .. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 (6itg of Ot. Paul ` Uppartmpnt of Pubitr Ourks OSCAR CLAUSSEN, C [n eNaiReen e... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER .......... sous u r,oR wnO nerw,ns R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALIREO JACKSON, 9urr,C R. W. GOETZINGER, 9uer1ou N. S. CAY M. E.1111.. nac , na e. H. NERROLDro.nee ex RiNecn St. Paul, Minnesota. May 6, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of from Sixth for paving and re-pavingLocust Street to Tenth Street, in accordance with Council File No.18520, approved 917* Street80 ft. Frontage 1620 ft. Length 1013 ft. Width Roadwy.50 ft. 2420 Sq.Yds.New Brick .................... $9,317.00 600 Sq.Yds.Relay Brick .................. 1,800.00 6468 Sq.Ft.Sidewalk take out & stack..... 128.\00 1200 Ft.Street Curb reset ................ 480.00 20 Ft.RadiusCutb reset ................ 10.00 428 Ft -New St. Stone Curb ................ 535.00 100 Ft.New Radius Stone Curb ........150.00 Drainage ........................... 600.00 133020.00 _ Per Front Foot.......... 8.03 Add $80.00 for sewer copection to each lot where neees- sexy . Add $37.00 for f" Water connections to each lot where necessary. Yours very truly, WES/C Chief Engineer. Office of the Gominissioner of Public W :ks ✓ J ak:,; $ECEIVED Report to Commissioner of Finance 1 r� a Oi MAY 7 1919 ..........._.:...._May.. 6t4.z.......... ....... ................... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works,-haying had wider consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 18520 September 4th 7 eil, known as. Council File No......approved ............... 1$ r-lative to............................. and repaving Locust Street from Sixth Street to T.e th— Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, 4creby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.................necessary and (or) desirable. xxx8 xxxx `l. The estimated cost thereof is $_.................._..._. ....... and the total coat thereof is $. ............ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......................... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvementis hereto attached and made a part hereof. ... ........ _..................................................................._................................ ............. _................ .... _. 5. Said improvement is_... ......:.................... _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. p;•. , ................._..........-_. ...... ......... ....... .....,-... _...... _ ................ ........tib_........ ... Co ission r of Public Wor " " „ No $6!8&-0rdinsnc9'Not 6jt » ��dln,AddACce 8r¢ttting to .F're! ,M. ..-w�.�R'oS IfAd bP4lRead 661. 4 - - A o ea Combony piml.eiJ� sil e. oll�no tank to nE the �r iy h/��G JULLOn fo {('"���5469 COUNCIL'-fi-LE No.2 5 'A 9' ORD}MANCE No.- l An ordinance granting to Fred.C. Wroge, doing business as the Wroge Motor Sales CbmpazV, permission to install a gasoline tank in the boulevard on Oxford Street near Grand Avenue. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: �$ECTIOIQ I. That permission and authority are hereby Dratted to Fred. C. Wroge. doing business as the Wroge Motor Sales Company, to install a gasoline. tank in the boulevard on Oxford Street, thirty+five feet north from Grand Avenue, and adjacent to Lots 27 and 28, Block 34, Summit Park Addition, said City. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensees for the installs-, - tio4of said tank, upon their compliance with the eollow- ing conditions: - (1) The said licensees shall. file with the Commissioner of Public Works a plan or specification of said tjnk, which shall be subject to the approval of 'said -Commis- sioner. (2) The said tank shalla installed under the super- vision and direction of saCommissioner,_,.and the said licensees shall pay the cost inspection, if any. (3) The said licensees shall furnish a bondto the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten'Thousand Dollars ($10,,000..) conditioned to save the City harmless from any and'all liability, judgments, suits, 'costs, charges, damages and expense,.that may accrue to persons or property on account of the construction, installation, maintenance, operation, _ use, presence or removal of said tank, the said-5ond to remain in force and effect as long as said tank shall re- main. The said bond shall be in such form as may be ap- proved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, and shall be filed with the Comptroller of said City. (4) Said tank shall be removed by said licensees when- ever the Council shall so order. -- (5) The said licensees shall pay any license fee or tax t4at may be r6tjuired by any ordnance or law of -the City of at* Paul. 0 #2. ,.:,:=wars ✓ a , (6) Said licensees X11, within ten days after the " passage .of this ordinance, file-awritten acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Cdunsel. SECTION 3. i This ordinance shall take effect and be-in force ✓ thirty days after its passage and publication. f Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( )- Adopted by the Council: rneworth 1919. Goes Approved: Keller. 1919. 4underlich r � ✓�� Mayor. Mr. PrQ i�dleennti- Hodgson (! ATT66T: BONN 1. Fcity C1ak. 6v 10� -4Q PPPPr #2• (6) Said licensees shall, within ten days after' the passage .of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after• its passage and publication. ;0,, Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Adopted by the Council: rnsworth i1919* Goss ,Wer Approved: Keller. �! 1919. Zunod',rli oh C '�li✓�i Mayor. Mr. PrWident, Hodgson 1i° AT TBT JOHN 1. FARICY, Clly Chek. &lf ., � PER ........ ........ ... .... ........, TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon- the City Treasury, �ayable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the. u iaapftai a3ty-Lumber, Camay► 1s- PgsMnd 4 1F1 -6 fl i6+e' ,COciiran 3axgea4 CompasXy 74.4' 1�7 86 ay ! A i 66 . raev7: 20; 67. Adam Deoker Hardriare CompaAq 171.3 ''6165 3 20 41 sta. 'e 80 - go G' F C seallte 62 2s.5 4 34 4= ?n1 'E'^ L• B• D0w_deCompto, ..0moM Law11 1.' i....—,� - 4. 40 \ yissr.�lraty. ° eto• 1, ;90 . Put& to ' •15 Adm: •15. iisi�.i Aevi• cam. r. P. Yorks • 60 1' 00 • » T g 40,. a ,rears of :igrs. ,50. eek"T N41•00' 3►Szo 6 ` .ir16$ .Dyer de BrotHor �' 377.3€ S • d .50 , vi sys fl 1 ffi9otri0 Slue Print-, COmpasi�q i►1,4E S© ��lssieer'�� 3 63. ii 25 60 . 06 " - '� 30 00 Pha en:a0mtort Sta•. - 18 rv3 :� Slk iatindry company = .: 64.36..; oil* 2 22.. ,.Alarm P 4 4s atioa ''i4' 1 M w « ,. .' ..."�w 1 0 1 0. I` Sairbanks,, Horse �a Company 35.87.< i4"".0 PI ,grounds 3. 5 • 0 y I r Farwell, 0$mnn, Kirk Compatiy Zunid Garage.Revoly 4. « « « 12. Ddg S,', de Aspr• 3: 3 Soh a 1 5 w 4, 0 N 4a 9 « 2•:3 • 34 7 « 31.2 «" o 8t. Northern 8chdol; 92.5 " an 1 H.B.,-Zibri 2G . iib ry 1 J� , • par � - 12.0 - :," •Play rounds '. 21. 2 ',Do -e . `wharves and- levees `� 25 " Pia undo 9. arigge,' Cooper ds Company . 197.43; Ho. Smp2,""Bureau 3_` 3.. Fir 115 0" ant ne'' 1(o 11 oouss , 8` 0 ` « .. 5 c ti H• R. m6tag Gompsny 278.41; s 1rl'�Senny_Boiler Nfg; _Qompany 1•$1 Po ice . Mn o:- Qar. Recolr ," 12 1_ fl r :8t. C.::� R• 40• 5"• . . �" - Pi grounds .- ..•." 75•; �. Dop e, wharves and levees 7 Pa 1)epr. 22- is 7 s Lesiie Doaahower;Company: 7191 u 2 M ' .. 12, antftis ftr• P•.. Works 2. 0 st 474 0 Bo 6115.. 4. b E45• Geral H• : 8. Libra' 392. _ P Do' "� a�tlSrveS an levees 4. Jm • IVW� Xocl&ia & Hedman 123• j' Cit ,Clerk `1 15 cor • Couneel 1 25 Co " 'troller 1 fl0' Ci Berri 'Pure `. -Dept, ; 3 "Bire ' 17 8 Coal �, P•.,Works 22 1 �.2. 4 « «r 1 20 Bpri' ling ', 14 fj0 Pack.. �3 8 `. Playg oande 5,. « 22. 0 ' c. Mccinrg 861 company jobattan Oil &Linseed company 13382• Po ae 168 $2 « - d3 ]F'i.r 413 49b ,. Man :,Guar• 8ev1• � « « r X92 6 « . \ 9;2. 6 '9Z 6 &oho 2 j « ' 102. 0 b. 1 «.:. 2 1� i Pit Burvsi 50 t ... 8p inklf Page Raymer Hardware company " Muni, Smpl' Sur.:; $0 41 Poli a . 0 ::. . e i 4 3 ar Hgbtltua 25 , P a: 23 7 y Seri klieg ;8 9 Soho s .' 1 0 ,w 13 0. Libre 72 3 ; Parks Playg bunds 30Q Sores my aevie 9. 0 . Plagg oanfls. 1. 13�Robimson, Cary fiSands 30 60. ittki ng ix 3 ' Be z. 1o. 3 B .eatry Revi. a - -4. P. 81dge 3 :: 3. 0 Te ' Sabo. J. i10 ke, Mshives and levees 1 . Pa . ig Depr'• ;1• N.A` bo i33:3a a17487e`: St. Patti Battery Company. Fi e` 1 13 . . 1 10 34 39 K1 3 8p inklf 1 00 Ifo 'oust $0 41 Li ,ary 42 11 Au tbrium 20, ar Hgbtltua P a: 23 7 T 7 Pl g V=O 47 6 ,w 2. 9 777 - r-✓. u - - r Trf .State TelaPrione & Teleg. Coa�Par►Y �� •00 or'e Ottioe ♦50 o My ciMrk C 3m,Connsal .00 •00 e i'csi 261.1"Court •00 C vil-Servide •50 .80 �."C troller„ chasing:Degt• "�� " . 0 P ks Adm. eau of Parka" • 25, «00 " Pi ygrounds .fl0 Parks - Adm. .Western ,�Tnion Telg• Compa�Y its Office 1 • , Cc ,counsel Pg ' H lth dols t _ �9w36 i. 1'00 moo. v. �'„ 1`85 �� r; r �}pYiQViO 7 3i8'i9 Cropley Phip9 Company, 38x4 i 6E0� Cudahy:,Ptokin5 Company,~; I5.4 Lite 'Cyole Sales Company, _ 7.9 rh,ni RAY10,. l �. Denoyer Leppert Company, 557.0 = v4 rotineon ibr. n. 24 16 14 .00. 00' .00 . H.S. il323 The Depreei Chemicaany, 247,.5 .3iGB4 D6U6ative Publi'sbing.Company,. 3.0 1368G_° Chas. H. Deutsch; 5.t Reyholds Compaijy, �SeLaaa.q "$:3 1i6E54 Philip R. 12iillon Coaipatiy; 2•( 11GOB, 8leotric , Conatriiction Company', 353.( �s'' 7,j5flB� FervFell, Ozmun, %irk & Compares, 219E S s 19 8 " 21.,0' a h 0 14:; 2 3- 63. 5• 6.. 3 Lib ary-. 4 i J. 0 - au.of Parks' 8. 0 0 0 For $tryRevl. 21. P ;. l , s. , Revl • , . 17. 0 . ; Tea .. ��abs. , ...: _: 2• a Doa, s; Wharves -eto iT5 8 Fi W. Faxon Com e�ny, , 54�! L i'breer� 21663F.,ensitermaoher Aiata Supply Corrpany, iii Hall & McOre ss, 82` 1`; 4i :. 11Q .` i`t�3 Line`, A Time MYg.; anyl; ,. r 26• 2tS3` McCiain & Redman' jr t ' OfYiee 2.05 � ,4omptr ler 24 50= Schoo s .' 400'00 " Z 5 n 4 7 � Aqe' VYest . 65 5 95 'LLbr n 36 75 4 `70 2 .00 - Park 30, Ro'aetty Reel. ,.. .30 4i :. 11Q .` 25 - :92�' 26• 46' 08 � Aqe' VYest . .17 127 a T, ;i y� �jsauc&T 4� OMP 7.1 60 '50' i -50 lec". -Motor wbria: riigiingettMachine, National AsIbelin b Civil �:SOX4 as onsi.,� _ s;, oci P omt . op; s Aa or XtM .Ti Womack. Goal '0ompsny, 259: 1i61? A'. R. Womrath, .' - 246: 1V&88 .Woodworkers Tool Works:, owaW 7.s, 2, H 9� Woria Boole Company; 4 lA. Wright, Barret t& .Stilwell, ll,1B1 _. 25 :Sts eery eta. 1 ;'.75 0oin� Works; S ols 30` 40 - 8 00 " 45 00 $0 5 00 w 4 74 " 15 00. _ -400: Revl. ` -5 30 2331 ,:,Zimmerman :Brothers, 23' :Tot , 7 t 4' � � � '/�. MAYOR 1. Vis; �� �. n+ ���: +*��1 ��c`'Sr �-'4''.S 3sp, �4".df 1`bExE �� i ii s��� • ' I I'I OUNCIL �*Oq n.e .NO ....... .....:. Approvedu El, MT`eyarr � ---- •-- -- 86 ___ 5I Resolution' of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for furnishing and installing an ornamental lighting system consisting oP 5 -light lamp posts and lamps, wires and underground conduits for conveying electric current thereto, and all •other necessa", appliances. and equipment for said system on Fifth Street from Sibley Street to Jackson Street. under Preliminary Order ._.._ ......... 15.Q'u6_........ _.......... ._.......... ., Intermediary Order 18011 Final Order ......... ,.._18378.._....._............_ .................. approved................Sept.embed.... ls........................ 191__rL The assessment of _.._bene.fit.s..,......C.Q3}t$.._a1?d._._expenaes.... .... ................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the _...._.. 14th _._—day of _ .......... _ ....... ul.._.___....._.___._.., 191.2.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted b the Council ..............':'L ..... u 1-2 ......... 1 11 _ �•••+ _....... �— .._. ! �w+rr.[. �/..EkLLL.... City Clerk. Approved _...._........... _.._..._..._.._..... ......... __......... _ Mayor. Councilman Famswo Goss Clancy. Ke r underlich Ma r itax Hodgson Form B. B. is CITY �0 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the erection of ornamental electric light posts on both sides of Sixth Street from Jackson Street to Sibley Street and also the construction of conduits for the purpose of carrying the electric wires for said ornamental lights. under Preliminary Order .... . ........ . .................... Intermediary Order . .......... ...... 8.294---- Final Order --.--.B.6.65...._..__._...._..._ ............. . ... approved ............ !782?u&Y'Y ............ ........... .......... The assessment of ---benefits-,-- 4O.S111-Md OX -P-0. es......_ ... _._.......for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... —11th—day of .................. 191-9., at the *hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .. . . .......... jLIN is 19!9 .................191 .................... . .................... ... Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goss ;Wfflk Clancy Keller M.Omr L9 Wunderlich Mayortn*K Hodgson Form B. B. 16 rk. ..... _--_ . . . . . . . . . _--__-__------------- ---7' . J L T 25 18, 8 B r D CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Block 1, J. J. Kennats Rearrangement from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth St. under Preliminary Order _'--_.....—`ZIP.9$......._............. _....... Intermediary Order ------ final Order _... `.+, �x�__—'--............... _........ approved......... —_...... 191_$ The assessment of and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ------- 14th _.._..day of 191.2..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. n Adopted by the Council ....... _..... _....... ............. _.... 1�.......... � f Approved __ Councilman Farnsworth Goss " *bbxk Clancy ,. Keller Wunderlich Mayor iad+yc Hodgson Form B. B. 16 y Clerk. Mayor. r ys i 4 CITY OF S.T. ,PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT REPORT .19:1 la the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs and" expense8 for the �:. grading of alley in Blook 1,..J. J. Kennats,Rearrangement from Cleveland >k Avenue to Kenneth St. , under Preliminary Order_—`�199fi Intermediary Order Fidel Order..__,`�..$�t ___.._ ____-. approved ._Q�I436fix $. ,._...__ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner: of Finance hereby reports to `the Council the following as a.atatement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and tole incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went. viz: > Coat of. construction $_._%40e�50, M _ r _ Cost of'publishing notice _ --- ----- Cost of postal cards $-__._.. ------ Inspection fees - $..__. 14...81__..__ Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $� 4,80 Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- 4aiaed, to -wit: the sum of $__._Z64 a` 7_ __.._ _upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed in by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot part or. parcel .of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, den- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made apart hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council,for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form s. s. tv Commissioner'of Fi ance. 71. ______ _.. _______________._...._._... _.......__....__.. / A.�� 25189 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and.expenses for grading Berry Avenue from Charles Street to University Avenue. under Preliminary Order _...._.. .............. ............._ .......... Intermediary Order Final Order ____... `89.6....__...._------ .._......._, approved...._._JRnUBX�f 191_x_ The assessment of _._-enafi.tfl.,..._c.Ll3.t3_ an1C1and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, -and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._.._.._3Atkt_.._..day of _...._Jv�g._.._.___�_, 191 L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. f Adopted by the Council .......... .... ..... ............ 191.......... City Clerk. Approved �..M.}•'�—Ff+9 l� ........ _. __ ..__....__.� _ ..____. _.....—_. Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss Clancy Kell r ^ 1 underlich u Mayo c Hodgson Form B. B. 16 _ F. ----------------------------------------------------- --•---------------- ---------------- �1liz; no By -Q1Z ^F ST PAUL ,/ J 1 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In, the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Charlton St. from Vest George St. to 1;est Page St., and Stevens St. from Orleans St. to Ottawa Avenue. k under Preliminary Order....__1�2'ti? _....... _..... Intermediary Order Final Order.---....__.2f)f337 __-. ._..---._--• approved.............. NoVember_.-20....................... The assessment of .___....._herief.$t8,.....coskS and ....expen$es-- ......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the__.._3At1.___day of ...... __....... htljT._.. _ _.___._, 191__ L., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement. the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 191_..... 7 Adopted by the Council .: _.._.. JUN it_ .0:_! .9_ VCitYApproved __ uN �� X919 —191_.._._. ..._.._ __.._._._._...._.._._ .. _.or. Councilman Farnsworth Goss AfAmak Clancy Keller Wunderlich Mayor Imo[ Hodgson Form B. B. 16 - - 7 ----------------- 11 ------------------------------ R 1 COUNCIL ILE By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading James St. from Fredericka Ave. to Underwood Ave. i, under Preliminary Order .....-22229 . .. . ...................... . Intermediary Order Final Order __..252A0 . . . .___._..._ .................. approved..... _0.01.07pe1'.191$—. The assessment of __ ...... I;]=efita.i.....4.o.sts_...and_...eSpflT1s.9.3._.___._.._for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. 14+.h of 191-9—.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A.,M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..... ...... _......_..._ JUN 16. 19! 9 .. 191 _...... 1 JUN 16 1919 - ........ �._ ...__ _ �___ .._ City Clerk. Approved _.._.........._..._..__..�...___.__.... _........ ._ _ _ Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Goss pgI aam C1 ancy •• Kelle G Wunderlich Mayor hrota. Hodgson Form B. B. 19 ------------------------------ ------ COUNCIL FILE NO.—_. B _ /'- _ _ d` 25,192 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution 'of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Middleton Ave. from Vista St. to Rogers St., and Rogers St. from Otto Ave. to Race St. under Preliminary Order_._...... 2.10.8.$_......... _...... _.............. Intermediary Order ._ 22767 Final Order __23206.__._.__.__._...... ...... ... approved ......._Q6tOber„_16_... _.................. _......... 191_8._ The assessment of eXpen888--- __---------- for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ........_-14!7$___day of ......... 191.9_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council... _.... _......... ....... __... __._....... ................... 191 ........ /� Approved 191.__.. e COUNCIL -FILE NO. By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Topping Street, from Oxford Street to Chatsworth Street. under Preliminary Order -----_.r2r.`ZrQ.i.7G_.................... Intermediary Order Final Order _ ................... . approved .._..___......... ... 191_x_ The assessment of _�D.65}ef.tii.}..._costs._and expenses _....... _ _ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it -- RESOLVED. That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ._........ __Uttb_.day of 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul: that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. r Adopted by the Council .._ __ _ _= AN . IJ19 ...... 191 Approved Councilman Farnsworth Goes " J**wA C lancy Keller Wunderlich Mayor k Hodgson Form B. B. 16 under Preliminary Order ._.__._10.9.2.0........._.................... Intermediary Order Final Order ..-------20259 .--...--- _ _ -........ approved........_._._. ITannal�._28_........___._._. 191_x_ The assessment of __benefit, .t.._.c.0 t.a._,BYI&...P..P.e 3I-00._..__._..._.....for and in connection with' the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the_._.__Ath.____.day of _. _._..... 191 9 .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in_ said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement the total cost thereof, and the. amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Jun 16 IJ19 Adopted by the Council ..._.._. _ - City. Clerk. JUN 16 1919 Approvedl_— _. ._....._ _..__.._ ___......___...._-- Mayor. Councilman F sworth as C fancy " Keller 0 Y Wunderlich ayor RM Hodgson Form B. B. 1 - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...Paving Berkeley Ave. from West .line of. 5nelling,,,X -. to East line of Frederinks 2_1!e.; Stani'ord _.ve. from West line of Snelling _sve. _........._.........:..........-........:........_...........T_.._..... to East line' of`redericka ewe.,7e5esley ..ve. fro A'est line of Snelling Ave.-:--t4...&Lat...Une....ofrom..NArtia.:.lin�..o€- Jefferson`Ave. to the south line of St.. Clair St., except the intersection of BerkeZ-ej= _4vP:, 5t-anfei­d...A-v�e.inelitd+_ng serer, ester ansa:.Z.ex..aAnne.cllans.... fram...street.:.mP.Anr..too....pr..oparty....1-in.es.:.comp1"e•wlla-pe•--not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaii..' oftim:.where n-eeeesa-ry................................... 2 pril 3.............................0, 1919 nnderPrelimmary Order........... ..... Intermediarg Order ....:: A public hearing having been ha .�' due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recomm , having folly considered the same; therefore, be•it - - BESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and Idnd of improoe. went to be made by the said City is.. Paye Berkelg..._Ave from. VJe<.. ;.1 in of - $neje-jlig.live . to East line of Fredericka 11ve a Stanford Ave from 'Nest__line of Sn,�l��pg " Ave. to East line of Fredericka Ave.;`!'iellesley Ave. from !"lest line" of" . ....::................._..._...._..................................................... .... _. Snelling Ave. to East line of Fredericka Ave.; liacalester .eve. from Nor-th line 1sY 7effersan r ve . to south .line of St : Cluiz*'Str Y± pt .tH6 intexse.C.t.kQiA:9.f:...R�:.raeley._eve...:,.::Stunford...:i,Y.e..... res:_iN.el1�:�1P.1!-..EY.Sre:...,...inc,Lud.ing• sewer, water and gas connections fromcludin�`stre t m ins to �property lines com- pl.et�.:_�'k1e�e-.not•.a read(-,made,_._also__in�urbjO,,.anSi.•-g¢pj,ng--alley;:.�.nd ` dra�4t���oinfiy"$ei�d��i$�mjoBrt� De a e. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public orks be and is hereby instructed and directed , to prepare. pians and specifications for said improvement, an submit same to the -Council for approval; that upon said-aapproval, the proper city officials are hereby an prized and directed to proceed with the making" of said improvement in ace' ante, therewith. Adopted by the Council ... .... .... ...:�.�- 1918... ........ --. ..... .. City Clerk. Approved....: . _�.i?..... 91... .. .......... ..... .. .. ......... ...: ,�,, Council nswx O J�`+�"� ;Lb Councilor o14641 Connellx lancy _ Csrune' elle 'fit c6 � Counc' an WnpderlichV May Tjbdgson Forme . S. A. 8-7. inder PreliminaryOrder approved ro the Council of the ;City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed' valuation, each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESGR.IPTION. LOT' _LOCK ADDITION.. P ASSESSED VALUATION, 16 1 Pdacaleeter Villas� j600 `1 , , - ! 15 1 do II _. _.. 475_ _ 114 1 do 32751 13 1 --- do " - rl i 27 1 12 1 do 45i ' ll 1 do .. -` 101 do ; l - - 9 1 do - f 2 do 475; I i ;4451. 1 do 1 I TOTAL. 7 ; I CITY OF ST'HAUL I `.. EP TME OF g�IANCE REPORT OF , Iyi7l, ER. ,OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 - ;CITY OF ST 0AUL' 1. .✓ r ' DEPARTMEti7V,,b♦F J�ANCJE REPORT OF CE'AJ IINI1%"j KER/OF FINANCE ON PRE6MINARY ORDER A (B) / y DESCRIPTION -. _ LOT Bt-OCN ADDITION -. :. ASSESSED VALUATION - 24 3 p4 calester Villas. 4 , 13 Of 23 3 do j 3Q0� 4 - - - — _ - 22 3 do �I 300 21 3 1 do 300 j 20 3 do 1 275i 19 3 do 1 2501 - - _--------- -- -- - l- --i do 4 250' _1_ 17 ..-_3 3 do II 250, li 161 3 do 2,50; _ - 17 6 do i 1 �� 60 0 -' --- 1 6 do 4,75 - I 2C 6 do 3�7� 22 6 do ; i 3475 1 22 r 2 6 do 2775 - 24 6 do f !34175 1 25 6 do j2p75 I 26 ... 6 do �- 1475 2 6 do �1 i 3�2 1 6 do it 11005 _1.._.. 2 -- 6 do 3925 6 do i;367 11 5 do 14450 21 5 do i....-, A. I 07� 1 3 5 do 3475 � � 1 TOTAL. CITY OF ST PAUL i DEPARTME DF g NAN , ' ^�^�.��,, as REPORT OF CL�AI�IIISSER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t ' t � I ASSESSED D ESCR IPT I ON LOT BLOCK A4DI TI ON - I VALUATION 3.. 14 4 Macalester Villa S5b -- - — — - - --15 - — do {7 i iF. 3 H I- 16� 6 do !� I 550 I I� 16i 6 do _. _ _. ___------------ 14 - ._14 6 do { fi I a59 � 13� 6 do �; 13056 i f 121 6 do 315�_� � f , 11 6 _ do 1456 1 1 6 do II ; 375 I 9 ( 6 do 8 6 do a 50 4 , j 7 8 do '456 ' __.- 6 6 do 5 I 6 do 9wt p g g I do 7k 3 6 do 3667 I I .v 5 5 do I f? ��..4 5 ( do i 3675 i 3 5 + do I l 370 { 6 I 5 do r 3525 (7 5 do (- { - I 5450 -. __ East 30 feet of (6 5 do I f West 10 feet of 8 ! 5 do f f 9 5 do -__ _ - _.: . _._... _ f � (10 do 3 I I — EFst 10 feet of I lI 5 do ............. _. TOTAL. OF ST. �PAUL (' , ..CITY ' MPARTME j'OF�FINANEE REPORT F C'6) 01IIS%IONER OF FINANCE i C ON PRELIMINARY 01iDM' .... .... _ = :; ^ (B) I t ASSESSED . DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCK 4 'ADDITION I- VALUATION I , Villas ! ! 208 i + I' West of 4 1 acalester _. i... ... _.. ._ .-. ..� f 23 1 do !! 400 _r -I --40 0 _.. -- --- do t.. a o1 40 400 —aO - — -- �91 do 400 il iF _ do --- } 1 4 ' it _. _ _� , - l7 1 do . 550 a 0 0 do 35 0 0 do 300 0 I 275 -_ 0 do !�275 _.. 0 do I� 275 I 0 -{ do -- 'ItI 275 ' -- - _... -- - 7 10 do 27 -275 - 0 do it 0 do M --- 10 0 do - 27 rp, h 0 t t -do 2 �0 - ! 275 �t t X17 5 ! - 3 0 do �I 4 do 275 - _ -- - - I 300 !I t, do ¢50 1 do 47 5 475 77— it it TOTAL, 11 47 ' roaNs.e.w:a-ae _ •.GTY OFS'14. PAU4 Tv,OF SII. PAUL% - - DEPARTMT•Of,fINANCE REPORT OF 6'bp (Mj8j3IONER OF FINANCE, - - ION PRELIMINARY-bRDEA ` ASSESSED DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION I VALUATION lI _ Villas I I1 ,f ISI 3475 3 5 Macalester .,._i I2 5 do --- 11651 - -- _-I __ ...__ I 1 5 do 4450 _ - 5 _ Ido- i 3525 7 ,5do - --. 5450 i�I --- East 30 feet of 18 15 do ...... West 10 feet of I do 8 5 ) ---52b 1 9a ) do Ib 2?. 1,5 do �(26 East -!-,of 5 do i West i of �6 5) do 25 5) I do- _. t--. 3425 - - - - - - _... 5 do 4625 - ._._-__ 5 2 I - do 1600 1 ---- - 1¢ I2 do ` 5006 1 ( i._ �3 2 do h 7 5 - 2 2 do �. --- 3775 ; -- i iI -- 11 2 do ------------ loop 1 _ �I �62do 6001 ' �l i 1_-._ -.__-_.._ _ ._ 7 2 do _ I Z175 �I East ti of - 44- 8 2 do --j'1 ;l 25'01 a West a of 1 8 12 I dp.:__ t ----- 4--725 _ 7F 9 12 do , i a do 12 900 -26 i 2 1 do !475 iL -- 25 2;2875 1 I do ; r 24 2 � 1 . I TOTAL. I I ') . ..': CITY SOP. STJ PAULA OEPARTM jpFqTi1NANUC; REPORTOF010NEROFFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY CIRDERI (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION. 5 112 j lvlac6ioster Villas i625) , -- - --------- _._ _ ,I i 1 I 450; 1i 14 14 1 do ---- ------ ------------ -------- -- 112 do :4 5i O�, 12 12 I do �450 i 112 do -do i 675 16 112 1 do 275' -7 12 275; 1 8 112 do `!.-.___-275' g 12 d o �2�51 G27 112 do I 390 2 6 12 do 1350! 125 12 do �350- i 4 112 do 27 5! 5 7 do sw � 14550 17 do 3 17 I do 15501 12 T1 �7_j do i.i550 1 17 I do 900 II 6 17 i do 2150 17 17 do '260 8 7 do 40 9 7 i do 46o 27 17 t do 1 � 1 425 26 I7 do ;4?5 25 7 do i4,51 - --- ------ 2 4 7 do 4!t5 TOTAL. CITY OP S* PAULI OEPARTTM Of FINANCE REPORT OF 0, 46MMI RSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM[ NART:bRDE14 (B) —_-- DESCRIPTION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION II i' ASS 1� VALUATIOATIO N 5 6 _ Macalester Villas ' _. I 97b .4 6 ' do II 675 6 do n_ 36'51 I_ m 2 I 6 do 35 + 1^ 60p0+ do ' 6 g I do 450 (� 7 ( 6 do F 450 r _ 8 6 1 a ° — _. 450 I {{ 9 6 do i 45 271 6 do 335 �- _.._ -. 281 6 1 do _ i; 4175 _� _ __ 251 6 do -- Ij h33475 267 5 _ i1 II _ 5 1 - do -- 1 1000 -- do4 15 3 � 1 I do � I ' 36251 i _ 1 2 1 do - _ _ . do_ SII l000� 6 1 do 3175 j 7 1 do 475 A.— i g 1 _ do ! 475 ------------ 1 do lf_-- 2 28 5 i i ---_-_------_. T- -- - - + II TOTAL. ionto B.a.w. a•e s — -� , I f -i--, 1—�j� j DEPARTMEi4I Or IP7NANCE . ` REPORT OFCbMMI5gS10f�ER SOF FINANCE AIRIMM INEIR-IREENEIR =Mai St, Paul, Minn. .. ....... !�//� ....... 194 To the Honorable, The Council, r I APR 29 1iIb City of St. paul, Minn- M.N., GS. Gentlemen: =WSW OS or FU" We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . .... ...... . ...... lq-715-:, .................. Qk ,. to -Ir .. �- in A -4_ N m LOT Y BLOCK .. 10Cv ............. ........... ............. I., 4.1 .. . ............ ................ ..... ......... .. ........ ................. .......................... . .. .. .. ...... .......... ..... I - ........... . ....... ... . .............. ..... .................. .... ............... .......... ...... ........... ...... .......... .. ......... ./ .. .. . . ......... .................. ........... /. 'v ... �. % ........ ..... er ..... .. . .... ....... .... .............. ............ A ........... A- - .................. .......... ... ....... JV C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .-.... . . . ..................... ......... 7. ..... .......... . ..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .......... ........... ....... ....... ............. . ... ........ .. ... ........... ............ ........ ....... .......................... .......... ly ........................ .......... I I ........... ........ ...... . . ........ ........... ....... ........... ................. .......... ...... .... �7. .............. 7.. .......... .......................... .............. ..... .................... . ......... ............. ........................ ............ ............ .................... ........................... 5�r . ... ...... ..... . ....... ... .................... ..... �� . ...................... ...... ..... ...... ................. ............ . ...... . ...... ............ .... ............. ... .. .... S ......................... . .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * • MOR ITZ R. W. pioneer fQullding, St. SPahl, - Kila BOTH PHONES N. W. Cedar 3322 Automatic 21782 I x rtt ngr Pans parr �Ixt$ltx�ixtz$ Bit lata Real f fate Blanage fatateB %allect Itt" Blake Blarfgage Moana 3jinance Vullbing (Operation April 29th 1919. ?sir. 1S. ,,I. Gose, Com. Public '";orks, D `� Court House, '9 hz)%'. City. ppR � _ Dear Sir:- �F Enclosed we hand you petition for paving with Asphaltic Concrete, the following avenues, in t,IACALFSTER VILLAS: Berkeley,from Snelling to Fredericka Stanford, from Snelling to Fredericka Wellesley, from Snelling to. Fredericka iAacalester, from St. Clair street to Jefferson. This petition is signed by fifty-five (55) property oimere. All, except two of these signers own and live in the houses in Macalester Villas. There are 63 houses on the avenues affected by this petition and we have called on all except two.of the property owners that live there. The few other houses are rented or have.just been sold and the new owners are not occupying the sane, so we could not have them sign. As you know, these streets are in terrible con- dition, especially in the spring and the people who signed are very anxious to have the paving done this year, so they do not have to live in the mud next spring. We trust you will be able to rush this work, as we feel there will be no opposition from any of the proper- ty owners. :1r. Abbott, who has charge of this addition, is for this paving. He owns the majority of the vacant lots that will be affected by the paving. �`sA•_ Q Yours truly, VF.F. � �— By � , OSCAR oLwus!!N, SNI l..I..[R 3rpaitmentnef Jubltr ]writs CARPOLL; 9..r. ci M. N. 6095, COMMISSIONER l.. w. wIR. R. T. GOURLEY. OzR At--SON, SU.T._ X. W. GOlTtINOlR, SUPTION M. S. GRYTSAK'l.a .[[Rio.. St. Paul, Minnesota. May 3, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works,, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Berkeley Avenue from west line of Snelling Ave.to East line of Fredericka Ave;Stanford Ave.from West line of Snelling Ave.to East line of Fredericka Ave.;Welleeley Ave.from West line of Snel- ling Ave.to East line of Fredericka`Ave.;Macalester Ave.from North line of Jefferson Ave.to South line of St.Olair Str,except the intersections of Berkeley Ave.,Stanford Ave.,and Wellesley Ave.,including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete,where not already made,also including curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, where neces.saxtrr in accordance with Council. File #34905, approved April 30, 1919: 44 tt 'Length 6776 Ft.,Width Street ft. Pay.lAraa.. 3438�Sq.Yds. Add 65 cents for cement curb or $1.35 for stone. Add $60.00 for sewer connections and.$33,00 for water connections for each lot where-neeeasaxy... Total Total Cost Kind of Paving per Esti- per Sq.Yd. mate. Front.Ft. 3} in.Creosoted B1ook..$4.33 $101,486.00 $8.03 Brick.. .................. 3.95 93,580.00 7.32 Asphalt.. .. ....... 3.31 77,579.00 6.13 Asphalt Concrete....... 3.70 63,383.00 5.00 Yours very truly, WES/C Chief Engineer. ! r AAAX!l 7-18 . . r I Resolved that warrants be persons, firms or corporations for Clancy Far � Kell/ Hodgson MIN y 3rb OR'..JQc��. w_------...._ . .... .... .. a .................. " OMPTROLLER ' ., ... g ......................................... ............... �jJ! - TITLE lr , out of the hereinafter specified funds and.in favor of the h 3 3 ` names as specified in the following detailed statement: YS .res Ae :..Fi �� �UN a� ;oig Adopted by th o oil . ....._._ . . _................ _ 1 !MW i American National Bank, Assignee IvRs-�ekes, Central Bank, Assignee P— T%iakaoil, . Per ZZW% Central Bank, Assignee CUR404-5em621 Fuhd "GOO ' Central Bank, -Assignee geou6h.R"fias ers Fund ]�.L6 9 Central Bank, Assignee 0'N - ton P d T111" Central Bank, Assignee " P Fund *&Oft Fielding & Shepley; Fund TTVW'-, Great Northern State Bank,L;Assignee P rm. R vnln_ Ta'77n{1 116a— Christ Johnson, Pernm" Bar 11 Reve—am— K4-7-5�� MAYOR - AUITN� ' n pq OR FILE CFAyi O'JiPTROLLER . " U 1 ......... ......... ..... .781Jt ... PER ................................ ...............T ----- TITLE .. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and% in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: y y }iia s Adopted by th o cil......_........................... j F.-AA4$,2X7-t8 y r a � 4� 4 3 t Yl 17 4 • ,SKU .. * •.. ... ._: ....• c .............. .... ............................. - �$�.- 8� ro� �' �."84♦r CITY COMPTROLLER V. ........... ... ....... ......................... . TITLE 1 Resolved that warrants be draw GR yni�j of the hereinafter specified Funds and in favor of -the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposi a eIr respec I es as specified in the following detailed statement: Y�eer{-+ftf Nays Adopted by, ncil........ auli.._10 19119.: Clancy d, Farnswo.Thl ftt+e— proved ...._s.:. A.. ._ tl \_.- ..'- JUN"' � 19, r. r� Goss _..... ._._........ ... __.......__— er__ ...... _..__._..........._.._....._.._...__._. MAYOR 11 Wunderlich President, Hodgson i4e" Wm. Baumeister` Company, 11320.62 4}.669t Mollie Finberg & Henry Aldea 2,554.00 ' gayly—n nd 1'M2 Great Lakes Coal & Doak Company, 6,731.16 'P"ii�O 67 3' :13 656.47 _A4W W. H. Malone Comp 1B7 00' 9!i66¢ Albert J. Mason, �p 75.00 � "SW Mutual Mfg. & Lumber Company, 198.75 ]ia" Nels Olson,. 1� 495.00 romo T"1• 1 / TrM? Russell Grader MPg. Campeny, 965.40' i16F8 St.Paul Motor Car'Compeny, 110;40 vl. tt n n +�13 o` in W �ONiaNAt ro9A9npY Ic geteeflk Q Elld 11 dl N� A syr FormAA16,lNhl9 ,t�'{h"A�yjj�Iy1'lnttA�� d` f; -7'77, CITY COMPTROLLER PER..................................................................... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds, and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statements 1,1,1112 it t Nays Adopted by cil...._ Clancy - Farnswo _ ....mar-ia.ari proved... .....r... T� ....... - �.. Goss er- ....._:.hgMwF p (//^✓-� ........ ........................... '' _' " -'�" "_""'..._.........._._._.__ �. MAYOR 11 Wunderlich President, Hodgson r�660. Wm. Baumeister Company, 1,320.62 e 9V -Ks H. 4.14fra Mollie Finberg & Henry Aides 2,564.00 d 1Z' (treat Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 6,731.16 ` 67"' gays 3, :13 rr 656.47 e W. H. Malone Corap y / 197 00` 1466+k Albert J. Mason, 75.00 1,t6iB Mutual Bfg. & LWaber Company, 198".75 3NiG66 Nels Olson, / 1`i495.00 1'1'63T Russell Grader Mfg. ' Comp&1y, 965.40 j�668 St.Paul Motor Car'Company, T 181 40 alarm,---�°°y. vl. n n n .�.1 '.13 'irk- 2,724400 0� S� Stewart, Supt;, *NW Tierney & 0omp�an�y, 1,114,97 41 93 i► 47 ':01 -�- e 1 00 A h jS0 -z mise n 5 :05 3 '88 n 00 it 6 25 SA 3 35 .. 11§alAndrew Tiling, Pe 2M*W 3 ro ; OFFIei�� nyppE� Bt 3rp 2n S t ',Io CoUVCIL No.. AUDIT �°�st„�� FILE .... . A4,f5fi 40i,"-Fn�t' 'Wos"`c BY {/� //. ........ ................... 0� iL� CO ROLL DITE .................. ...................... . � TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: y,,r -#—y ounct men.,(' V ) Nays Adopted by the Council....... Clancy I i� I�19 ., A oved......... ..... ...... ........ _.....— Farnswor Goss , �� —. aIwYOKell Against R .. underlich 4 Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson II Q 1711 Acme Tent & AwniinngMOomPf►YT 2 Geo. Benz & Sons, 3 Louis Betz, a4,,,P7.ann2YtB1L88 ion BilbdkCandY CompanY,, 1320& Brings & CcmpalYy Z3'P' - Burns Lumber ComparV, 1 00 e Srks 1,117 12 181;00 P '27 55 '. 67 7 Carnegie PeelCom , rfft Carson PetroleuM Com�P : 1 449 T..W. Cassin & Company, P. Works 11;5 tl n n 7; 0 Schoo 23; 5 Libr 13; 0 . 56.40 ?60.00 18.61 307.20 350.00 1,b7167, 823.41 3p635.99 56.50 44#80'" City Bank of St.Paul, Assignee G ps Library �1Qi•� F. B. Doran Comb 1IW.. Otto Pdstrom, Agent g 22 50 " 2 :50 Play .00 00 1*W* J. C. Flanagan, G.A., PFe�er-� • M. A. -Hanna Coal & Dock Company, 73 68 ,'. .%_, W. H. Hart, . P i8 ,. Hart & Murpby, Park's 13 e 2 Par 2j/4 pg4g4-.- Guy Wilfried Hayler, aQ11Z.1janning Commission .:..,'A. P. Hersehler� _. ks106: 0 16 • 0 6.40 n 2 00 Pla grounds 1 0 1Z7fflr"" Frank J. Bing, Geo. C. Wspel, a3� Buhles & Stock Company, P Baths 34: 3 15 16 IVP92—° Lawyers Co -Operative Publishing Company, Mechanical Service Company, mow. W. L. Miller Seed Company, 1%"5, National Lead AMR ' St.- R. 2,. 0 '38 1 John Nolen, ,m.,,,.� city Pl� 8omkssion 193.41 'G..Y, aigBb_+City Bank of St.Paul, Assignee 616.00 wAs Library 1 3i.iO3r� F. B. Doran Company, K 286.64 134489r, Otto Edstrom, Agent 145.00 > 9CliC0 20 2. '.50 Playgrounds .00 —'�- 00 13+796` J. G. Flanagan, G.A., 448.23. Ww6er— rrR M. A. -Hama Coal & Dock Company, 772.18 as 0' 0 73 68 442JU-_ W. H. Hart, 14.32 PA9421 .. Hart & Murphy, 18E�,03 Parks 139:3 _. s 2 Par 2 4 jqqe*_ Guy Wilft-ied Hayler, Woo- Commission C�tv canning A. P. Hersehler, 454.80 ks 106: 0 16' 0 6'40 0 2 00 Pla grounds - 1 0 li'lW- Frank J. Sing, 760'64 fir. Geo. C. Knispel, 29.60 ;24q%93n-•- Suhles & Stock Gompanys a 191.89 P Baths 34.175 15 16 kk"2-4 Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company., 10..00 . el amww- Mechanical Service Company, 71925 .3.1 •. W. L. Miller Seed Company, 13.7.00 P?• National Lead31.58 St. . "R. 2 0 4le�ee�a... :38 1111 John Nolen, 193.41 City P�lann _ nS Commission 1j842 B. F. Sturtevant y, 1,241'062, 41.97 780.05 123.75 516.80 553.97 . 857.86 31.00 ,60.00 15,614".28, 20.00 6.65 88,50 6.00 31.73 33.00 _rY!wi6" Northern Coal & Doak Comp , 108;39 798. Play ounds 27' 3 .25 ..i 11 N. W. Electric Equipment Company, s liIg- N. W. Fuel Company, 114;2 St. , & R. ools 51 0 551: 0 Library 63'83 —780 05 liGG+G• Pioneer Cone Bakery, Pa» oojum- Pittsburgh Coal Company, 1i69S-- Pure Oil Company, iseb3$'" Milton Rosen Tire Company, 4, re 110: 5 24. 5 Gar. . Maninnn 187: 0c nn nnn 1803: 189' 1 280 5 %&Oj Mrs. S. Roycroft, �'�„_. St.Paul Boiler & Mfg. Company, a St.Paul Gas Light Sanford & Company, "`" Singer Sewing Maehine.Company, -rfgI 3:4 Spey Schools 312 1018e9—, Stearns Printing Co. -Assignee, Qua-111.7-2zi„ .ina Company, Lary -rjM Dr. H. E. Stieg, 9!3814= C. H. Stoelting Company; tts ,A,S.Library Meeh. H.S. 26'23 5'50 1j842 B. F. Sturtevant y, 1,241'062, 41.97 780.05 123.75 516.80 553.97 . 857.86 31.00 ,60.00 15,614".28, 20.00 6.65 88,50 6.00 31.73 33.00 United Lead Company, 11818 R.. B. Whitacre & Company, inston-Harper Fisher Company, M"I Hese 4 p' 13r8i3. C. W. Swanson, Q 16.00 3 emp Taylor Realty Companyg` 1 50.00 • k1816 Tel. & Telg. Company, '70 66.90 ,t .Tri-State Works 14 14'50 �Engrs. 340 3.30 5t. C& R. 00 :00om.10 :70 '10 S. &S: Clog. :10 WoYteB ,. .00 n '00 jlln i'` Tuchelt Cigar Company, 77,10 1 .47 P'9. 2 :37 :9R United Lead Company, 11818 R.. B. Whitacre & Company, inston-Harper Fisher Company, M"I hY� xl , s lE i ONIONAL TO CITY Ol[NX FILL CIL K No ........... ....... formAA46,!N �'"' �. ,P°{ fit �� 8 Cpm gaPY �g 086 y n�'itl}�a1�kY'1 aY . • 'Lakd� $"a &, dd d 81tee , e +r1 tnpap& fid!@l998 I '+rpitbAi aw anynea )7k,a kYI,Y Monp1 B"k ' RPok Cb B.dS nQr ,Q1���d+�� ik y6lgG' G IPTROLLER AU 1TED rR��T"{ewtM�tlGdm� Dr f ` , Q Nk,� ul 6r d} %88 9 Ya a lds n Ca�.G.... .............................. .......... ............... TITLE U "�a9p��rk't4��o�hdtlJa��ti,e19,le out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be {pbrd>+e p�► �tAqel� > i I , persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set op}te rey'ive names as specified in the following detailed statement; Yeas(��jr ounct m'�n (`�"" �iVays Adopted by theo Cil...... ................... 1�:.._ Clancy Farnswor _"1nty! p roved.. .. ...... ......... .... ..... __...._.__........_.......... .... ..._.1 Goss Kel�.__A ainst...... ..... ..\._............. .................. _.yt...AYOR ...._. _ underlich Mr. P ident, Hodgson is it i .188& Wm. Baumeister Company, 33.49 Q..• H. Ag?a— First National Bank, Assignee Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company, 8,096.81 38 .10 11 20 .20 Poli e 6 .06 Fir 26 .22 11 21 .27 St. C. & R. 4 .98 Sch ols .47 1,3 .65 " 1,7 1.00 " 1,5 6.60 2 3 3.26 , I,$2R-.., First National Bank, Assignee 9,947:90 Greater Dock Company, Sc ris 118W Birst National Bank, Assignee Great Lakes CQ&1 & Dock Company, 5,983.42 Scho s 3,397 51 ' 122 00 2,085 89 Lib y 130 97 Par a 43. 0 36. 0 Pla rounds 40. 0 109. 5 Doc s, wharves, etc: 18. 0 1 1 1183o The Wallblom ftniture & Carpet Company, 41 t} 1 4�i i,!'t For�AA 6, M .t p,,� AUDIS ova;,.:, FORM COUNCIL Nu l FILL E .... ...........� . ................. fi4' MZOT .......... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement; Yeas j"'ti�" j'�?ntttt a s y � j;��, -� �'� lylq ZAroved al................:::....'.'......-...........................1 ......... Clancy (919 Farnsworth a,ja.La�{' ...... �"..............GossKelier 0Against 0 MAYOR nderlich Mr. Pre ent, Hodgson n -M@W S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 147,745.50 1,682 50 Perm. Imp. vl.-Red. of Bonds 140,00 00 - Perm. Im Revl.- Int. Ac unt 6,00 .00 Spec. ssess. Bond & In ."Fund -Spec. Ass s. Bond Int. Acct. .00 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finanee 40.00 •�4yu.»�,pl 1 8 _ S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finance 5,869.54 S. A. Farnsworth, Gom1r, of Finance 91913',15 11080— O'Neil & Preston, 665.00 Sane" -Griggs �� IF M sr. � ♦ 5. a �"__ i.,.. - }' _ MPT LLFR p� .. UDI. ........... ... ......... _ ......... ....... ........................... TITLE e , Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persona, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: . 7F� aysAdopted byouncil.... .1.,�ti?s�avor prove ............. __..... ainst r MAYOR t 12.00 r Mr.' 7•50 r Hodgson - Miss Clara Alexander, 4iorkhouspe j+W—,American Law Hook Company, g�e�risel °u American Library Association, 11969r"' American Linen Supply Compar>y, If Pol ce I Fi e sic. Gar. Revl. American Multigraph Sales Company, '9 4&0 ,o American Railway Express"CompanY, QvArA tine Spr ling Schoo s Libra,y It u , n a n n t tt �1 n n 12.00 r 7•50 ..mai 6.26. 28.13 3427 1. 1 2. 5 2. 5 1. 5. 15. 0 3. 0 9.00 137.58 ;."' American Su G�J Supply Paia r St. & R. • 8 _11670. Arbogast Meat Company, Architectural Book PubliEhing Compaxy, T i br- 7 Armour & Company, Workhouse •; "T11175 Bsl 1 Engine Works, Ravintt_ Deem. laA WBazille & Partridge, s P. clgs. Revl. 1.82 2.80 1 .33 9'59 5 2@ 95. 0 1. 7 4. _0 115 F6 133. 0 18. 0 492. 6 17. 0 23, 5 M. 0 122. 0 584. 0 32. 5 1-60.00 .20 5 253 0 753.95 20420 22.08 t2. 0 26.60- 12.50 , 39.71 286.70 21.95 3.00 115.46 v; 1,608.76 15:75 253.95' 44.68 1.87 M77— Beebe Laboratories, Health 11877'- T. L. Blood & Company, L AudW�'i 110?9""•^ Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, -iso. & Unf.. St. C. "` R. G.F.- osswalks "or Ouse Sc 0113 P. ldgs. RevT. Pha en Golf Station n rr Dock , wharves etc. Pav Como Ave. West Snell to Raymond H. J. Caulkins & Company, MAN* -'Central Garage, F e I Munc: Gar. Revl. j= Sew M. & R. Ix 1'i'6'M--, Central Scientific Comps ny, Gentfta% H.S.Libr. r Thomas Charles Co, School 1.82 2.80 1 .33 9'59 5 2@ 95. 0 1. 7 4. _0 115 F6 133. 0 18. 0 492. 6 17. 0 23, 5 M. 0 122. 0 584. 0 32. 5 1-60.00 .20 5 253 0 753.95 20420 22.08 t2. 0 26.60- 12.50 , 39.71 286.70 21.95 3.00 115.46 v; 1,608.76 15:75 253.95' 44.68 1.87 U k1169" Electric Blue Print ompany, _ ka .20 T 75 8. 5 Bure "of Engrw. 56. 6 ole 3. 0 2. 5 Everwear Mfg, Company, 44*5-- Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & ComtarVp Com1r. of P. Works .80 Bur au of Engra. 4.35 St. C. & R. 13. 2 n n 15. 2 n n 19. 0 n n - 8 0 15 53 14 41 46 55 Sewer C. & R. 52 50 S. & Cing. 62 65 u u 3 84 n n 61 57 4�or�ho �a 2 26 Paving Depr, 17,69 First National Bank, Assignee ,e Globe Register Company, mr & .-G& r Revl. ;jg ., Golden Rule, ' Alarm 18 Schools. 1.4 " s 7.3 1.6 1.8 1. Goodyear Rubber Company, P. Baths 10. 0 St. C. & R. 5. 4 w8r ouse 18. 5 Par 18. 0 . 9&-: R. L. Gould & Company, use 61 25 " 17. 5 Lib ry p 50 .75 86 05 Trott- S. J. Groves & Comp. ny, Revl. W. J. Haas Mfg. Company, Fire 2. 5 1. 5 " 3. 0 Mun c. Gar. Revl. 7. 0 18. 0 73.11 61.00 388.36 882.70 54.30 13.11 52.19 86.05 15.00 32.10 HandW & Companbge 1.5 3. 0 1. 5 5. 0 4. 0 1. 5 1. 5 3. 5 3, 5 37, 2 24 0 16 31 13 4 -2 •r .40 .38 .25 .50 .45 .40 .M .97 .33 67 22.45 113.50 272`.00 68.92 68.49 25.00 40.38 139.97 30.70 348.82 P. R. L.;Hardenbergh & Company, Wm. Harris & company, inn 1 George J. Heck, S. & S. Cing. p4QrqP Highland Spring oomp+a ny, Mayor a Office Corp Counsel n n Comptroller n civil Service PurGIL. Depot. Com' P. Works n n a Howard Farwell Company.- ompany,Sc So0018 n Pla grounds r 170 Wm. B. Joyce &ComtMri Aiun Ps Joy Brothers Motor CarCompany, P0 ice M Gar. Revl.. ric. n n r n n 11709 See Lox Mfg. Company, C�ptroller Mi c. Stationeey r Uo 'r. of P. Works 11710 Kennedy Bros. Arm Poli eompany, Wor ouse Pla rounds 11=17 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. C mR ny, Stn C. n Spri ling Pav g Depr. Rad s Curb 1.5 3. 0 1. 5 5. 0 4. 0 1. 5 1. 5 3. 5 3, 5 37, 2 24 0 16 31 13 4 -2 •r .40 .38 .25 .50 .45 .40 .M .97 .33 67 22.45 113.50 272`.00 68.92 68.49 25.00 40.38 139.97 30.70 348.82 Keystone View ipany 1 Liberty Printing Company, J640 Firerks Libdm, 4.20 Y 22,64 7;75 59.41 192.25 653.42 40.00 192.22 31.50 75.85 tS?iV Chas. T. Lutby, Wohool Libr. �� y.*I6+ McClain & Hecb ► GomPOYP rks 50 n �0 n W" 28. 0 n 4. 6 Parks- n. Adm. • 5 Park 3. 0 PL grounds • 0 P. Bldgs. 1. 0 9, 0 0 3. 0 7,50 �T'1i4 Maendler Brothers, 17. 0 re S..& S. Cing. 94. 0 Sa ols Lib 37. 4 32. 0 Dock , wharves, etc. 10. 1 lg- Manhattan Oil & Linseed Company, 93. 1 unic. Gar. Revl. n n �► 116. 6 Bur au of Engre. 4. 2 St. & R, 43. 0 Sewer C. & R. 110, 9 School 83. 0 n 27, 5 n 8. 0 54. 2 Pav g Como Ave. & West Stilling to Raymond 12, O. Marchal & Mart ler, Sp nkling jjjftq�Melady Paper Company, Comr . of Finance 3 52 Sch ols 2 70 35, 0 n 15, 0 n 135 00 kyFeo.,, John Millunohick, Lilrary ly- Minnesota Battery\ Company, 1. 0 3 Polic mml Gar. Revl. 44. 5 r 4.20 Y 22,64 7;75 59.41 192.25 653.42 40.00 192.22 31.50 75.85 JIM f � �y Minnesota Boiler CompoundMpa , E. A. Moeller, N. F. Morrison, A 7_ Multiplex Display Fixture Company, iyp National Municipal Review, �,i,Qil„.service National Railway Publication Co., QLW— 1 i 7 •R Nicols, Dean & Gregg', Art, 6.3 M ic. Gar. Revl. 5.7 89. 3 StC.& R. 81. 0S. Cing. 0ols 12 5 ” 3 59 Nielsen Brothers, Ste, Norman, Remington Company, T.i hrnry ld• Northern Coal & Dock Company, F e 16 .00 Sc ools 40 .25 Li rary 3 .09 P1 ygrounds 2 .75 6 1 Northern States Power Company, F e 24.39 Sc 0018 10 09 " 5 93 Li rary 1,046 31 ' 9 81 Ar Museum 238 34 Li ting 200.00 ' .. N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Dry 18 66 Po ice 95 37 3 56 ' 16 74 Po & F. Alarm 19 77 n n u 0 Mi c. Gar. Revl. 33 7 au a En S. 7 " 7 St. C. & R. 6. 3 S. S. Cing. 2. 9 W or Ouse 1. C Sch ole 2. 5 n 12. C P. dgs. Revl. 10. 1 Test ng Labs. 38. 2880 10,00 11.46 .60 5.00 24.25 199.00 15,00 4.98 627.09 1,534087- 282.04 ,534.87282.04 R*rrag� Tmf— Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 155.43 34 02 Fire 9 26 W ntine 1 00 12� " 0 u 15 200 9 60 ri 4 23 Library 12 40. John .9. ° 12 88 P grounds 37 65 67 Tea ba. 11: 5 1ZTM' Oxford University Press, _-- 223.88 � Fir ra g M. F. Patterson Dental Supply Co�pany, 15.10 1Z'r3i H: Peitz & Son, 119.75 Prted forms an blanks 14,75 Pol 00 He& th 20 0 Sch ols 124 0 Lib dry 37. 0 Mee . Arts H:S.Libr. 18. 5 Tea ing Labs. 21. 0 1104a., Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 158.48 Po ce 9.75 Mum1c. Gar: Revl. 5.'0 St. C. & R. 34: 8 n n 1.0 �i a 9.100 Sc ols 10:3 i 12A ' 1:3 :5 Spe ial Day Schools 13.9 Lib ary 3:5 PIs ounds 2.5 Phal n Golf Station 52:2 Mark is 1:5 x149'9" Raymer Hardware Company, 131.43. St. & R. I n ° Sew r C. & R. Bdg B. & R. S. S. Cing. n ° Sch ols Spe ial Day Schools Lib ary Par s Pla groundsLi ing W40; Reed Motor Supply Compare ) � rT Me 287.93 2. S.,-&°" Oing. or, :30 darks 3:76 :50 G. F....Reifsneider, 7.25 rljq.4�. eWorks, Reliance Iron &Wfalha 141.11P. 240 Sohls23: 0 Doc, wharves etc. t 84. 1 u u 10: 0 . Robinson, Cary &�Sarida 195.85 t. C. & R. 6,85 rankling 1"" 11 67. 4 Sc ools 4, o 38: 6 3. 5 Park 60. ]rLr4", Robinson Plumbing Supply Company, .85 „5 Rockfeller Institute, 5.0.0 Heath :.. St.Paul Boiler & Mfg. Company, 227.78 C. & R. 1ioo Spr ling 4. St.Paul Book &LStationery Companys 600178 . 4.70 . lin_ St.Paul Electric Companry, 17 40 _ 205.36 ire S ools Lib y 143 58 44 38 6 l%jjV- St.Paul Gas Light Company, 696.58 P & F. Alarm Wor ouse 11 52 77 76 Schoo 607 30 M6 E3 k375'l'1" St.Paul WeldingCompany, 35,50 Fi Pol. & F. Alarm 6.50, '50 Light g 2 050 St.Paul White Company, 21.81 141.55 re 344 Mu Gar. Revl. 60 82 15 It It 7 18 It It If 3 20 if it it 60 If It 6 6 it It It 8 0 It It n 2 1 it o n 5. 0 141.5 V �s pw Res. 997 PageO la4ftl " Schuneman & Evans, QQ 21.15 Tiumfi�t= u y Libr. Lr. -y .15 P,lay ounds 9.3 '.. A. G. Spalding & Oompany, 7173 y1r� Standard Statistics.Co. Inc., 5.00 12JAk Stevens Art Store, 3%50 geutMJ� H.S:Library 16; 0 ,Humboldt H.S.Libr. 21. 0 Times Square Auto Supply Company, 9.56 m a -n++ Revl. 117�., Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company, 74.99 �r &�rF. Alarm 1.65 If 1.36 _ n u if 25:8 It n n 5 He lth 7;0 antine 13:5. Pr Baths 4:0 4;0 ic. Gar. Revl. 3:0 r ° ° 3:0 r " d 3:0 " n 3:0 u ITrr 2.10 1375$ ` Turn Verein "St -.-Paul", 400.00 M fiL i,..RLl Concert - U. S. Bedding Companyl 12.00 ' Sa1`e L12601 U. U. S. Bureau of Information, `4.50 1t461U. S. Rubber CompaiV, 64.15 lice 1:7 Se r C. & R. 41. 0 N Spri ling 20.10 -, Villaume Box & Lumber Company, 135.25 P\,yo 5, 0 S 65: 0 2. 0 Punda 9: 0Ptd, 34: 22. 1 .. tl'753`+ A. J. Wampler, 39.60 re , 117M— Waterous Engine Works, 23.67 Fire V c I 1 , �' rQ 8.03 j-tt=;, Weisbach Company s ]yii6QsWestern Machine Mfg. Company, 53.60 4.25 R. 15 s DOORS, " bs eta. u 1rgF,y- Western Motor Supply Company, 5.20 R. B. Whitacre & CompanY, 44.06 S�hee'1 tt__ yam_ H. W. Wilson Company, 23.55 boldt H.S.Libr. 4 50 Li ary 1 30 n :15 u .00 p- Wisconsin Archeological Society, 18.50 gyp -r- L3Viaa"� , Total 19,656 9.83 r . Council File No...: ........... ....... PROPOSAL FOR 0-1 fl - Jr-- trom 8uc 2550w FS, tncludlS- ieOttOAtl•1ieA� , Petition ttn0s complete. PRELUAIN .de,- also tnc ng„ alley and � 7rre , nece in dted `to the:,C00 1 am by council -y ement b the Cit of St._Paul,. viz The undersigned hereby pr s the making of e , 1t Y Y 'heti the Com f0 !'rmni__ .-. ar-t Str.eet......includng.:.... Pu Ia;�Werka be aqd he ie he sewer water and a9 cder@d and treated mains- to_-property---linea .........................g_-.-.--.-. 1 To;,lnsey gate the neceaslty for or detliiA fts�o[ the making>ot satd I�proVi ,a„ - j, curbs and a4i complete where not_ a� ......=?g_..- ng.. -...-.. ... 1 ................................. ... tllrate the nature, ext . F �y"anfli stun d coat -of said impre total boat Cheroot. a 9ley -and drive ap� rLlsh a Dlan Drn .d......-. !......................... ... ..... ..................._.... ... rid' fmpravement. ... 4c`; teambetHor o nn/ Te 4 asked for on. t Y ----�' ......................... 191 Datedthia--a.%; -..-- da of bt more�omne a r nt 1d'b{Irh. Councilman: P <" r Y ORDER. Y10, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting improvement viz.: Cs � Pave --Sixth Street Su ��A'f�ex�lie,to_..Tgle4art.Street., including �er�er, water, and baa-connectone from street mains to property lines t � complete, wherg'�tlat,: alleady.. made., also_.-,including...cu ..and paring _a11eY.... and... drlveway...approaches,... where...necee eary.-.................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman. ......-D..-S......................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:------------------ ---------...............--..... .. ......................... .............................................................................. . .......................... ............................................... .......................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - ,! Adopted by the council.: . -...-....`ill . ''....=..`:.. y ............ Yens: Nays: Councilman Farms or Goss Approved..................:......................-............. ' �..- Kell W nderGeh/ ..... ........ ayor Mayor. Form C A 18 (SM {-17) PETITIOPT - .Sa:ict ox tn4 fouowfQ inyt t Co.1�4c' 'File No........................... ` ��s' widel( aaa 4extena a�. - width [ tW�l a C7 ) Leet L um / /. StT t4 60 x (V tvn.��/� �Otta�9va Avenukween I 2W 93 demnlnr Ehe west six (6) Leat of 7+o Zo,� Eaatletxyts)B ee1t of eta- dltion �s d 7 giocK e t angevtn's Iz;; 4 6 e lne beeh.p;eaonked. ��yReaolved,`. Pdbllo Worat, s e - The undersigned tis=raby proposes the';el dTodtncTes of u e deetrjbI.WY an: .To.tugeat �- estimated a$fl the t en6 6t YCC-t ------ - �_O__ -— of t . , stateate w. ltaa ae] t.akin�nc?vze�.10 Y,' �,L - _...th.e.Lan�evinIE-- 1,- i+ion Dated this----- � _T_ J -day of ..June tHBotP Baia ovement by the City of St. Paul, viz re, e#4nt improve---t.v-e.1.v..e.._12).....f.eet-,I.-orn---Stev- eof r' proftle a ;eet-..off °.Dots --a to -...}.3 ;-�-.lueiv.e, .e -t ... a_'..--Lats....3.,- ....................................... - 1919-... 191.9...... Councilman. PRELIMXJWR r. C • 7F7. o jt** ,jf' D,3 WHEREAS, A wr%tteza proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: O.nen...... wi.daX' -- �,a--- tE�--xte.nd-an...a.1.1.e.y....t.o...a_Ymia.th..of e.nseorge....street.._ .et w.e.e.n Prr.ith_. avenue ._.a.n�i...Otta�^;.w....aver_ue.,.5.y. taking.--anti---c-c>- �� ring._th.e.._x!est ... six.�.E.)_I.eet....o.f Late ....2..:.t.o....i3.._Lna.lu.e.iye,..... B.a.Jzae..:..s....Ada:L :t� --j- _o_za_..-a- d...th.e-e.ae..t....e-i.x.ic.;.f.e.e.t....o.i....... K....?., IQPk._ 4., Lan-evr.1 s --F-o r Addition. having%een presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... . -1/0.s .- ............... .... .....................___._..... . therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direEted: I. To investigate t%><e necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate mature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement :................................. ...................... ............................. .. ....---------------................................................................................... ..... ................. -............................................................ 5, To state whetl->!er c r riot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council-----------------:-' . .............. l Yeas: Nays: Councilrnaa Farrisw rth Goss Approved _^. ............................................. &!!P I=..... K = W derlich Mayor - / / Mayor. Form C A 19 (6M 4-17) 4/s1 f // C_ F 2�T _ 2SSO4 "iffy R:e ivec� T2aaL ��onS2as AddiLf oa. ase iYae - L_ �o�za iss3oa . \ t1ie.Cozaz�issioaer_ oi� 7 ,-�" aad ttie sazae tis -3aerat Adopter; �S' 't2>, -e -Coon ......y. 29, 1' 21, ] ;i . o1 'dmmendedot y: by_ .�RM 7 ItS ;WorlcH," be I e Ptd _. i 25904 Jun 19 1919 ........ �� I COUN CfL NO. ....................................................... FILE DatP"Qie Resolved, That t138 pBat o:C Po JIsm-ft Douglas Addition, as recommended by the Plat 0om=zLiss3-o3rs sad approved by the Commissioner of Pub1i c Wo ams-, b e a xx<X the same is hereby accepted. Yeas (d) Councilmen( ✓) Naps Clancy / r K ler nnderlich Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson FORM A, 9 3M 12.18 _ Adopted by the Council -WIN 1n" 1919 .......19),x..... roved :..� . . iii ............ ....�_..................r...... ... .. j.............. ..................... _........... MAYOR By )LIArand -tirnat.d i , flea Vtt.d by the C.—Al n' ublic n.r f P jl.k.-f.r the P-P-tr­U.- A COUNCI —� L'16-1- 'nue f. RM A—fine t.aIM YrtIT and Ir.n`I Wabash u., the._360 feet! sabijeet: .. ... --. ..... ........................ ..................... ....... ... ' he same' are hereby ftppro�%h, d 2�Z " 1.61el by the le.,Jcjj June 19, 9 oved June 191925505.' Appr I . ,(June 2i, 1919) --- -- -- ----- - - -- - ------ - -- ... - No. St�h ..............._......----:_....::------191...9 Resolved, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the construction of a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from University Avenue to Myrtle Avenue and from Wabash Avenue thence 360 feet south, be and the same are hereby approved. Yeas (V) CLouncilmen V) Nays � lancy Farnsworth /GOSS im a V Keller Wunderlich Mr. F.resident, Hodgson PORM C. A. 9 3M 12-16 con =OI:rwits ab*ve AIN 1 19 i 9 'Y Adopted by the Co cil :3: 9 Appr . .. . ........ .......................... .. Date Presented JUnA. 1-9-o- 1919.. 191 ..... In the matter of the construction of a sewer on Concord Street from Annapolis Street to Lucy Street, and on Annapolis Street from Concord Street to the Mississippi River, under Preliminary Order #25119, approved May 19, 1919; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all pro- ceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (V) Councilm n (V) Nays Clancy .) Farns orth C Clancy n ne cy it /Farn s or� Goss .......... . Tff� Kel r 0 rg a, -n. t underlich Mr. Pre'i cut, Hodgson -FORM C. 4-3MI2-IB Adopted by the u cil A ppr pp d ........................ .. MAYOR "t ord'St '1 1, Yezpii C::O ...W FORM er .......................... rof<tt................... .... e he ana 0 c . . 11 cancelled.epclnded and25 soI NO . .... . ... ........ ... — ---- ------ - ---------------- Date Presented JUnA. 1-9-o- 1919.. 191 ..... In the matter of the construction of a sewer on Concord Street from Annapolis Street to Lucy Street, and on Annapolis Street from Concord Street to the Mississippi River, under Preliminary Order #25119, approved May 19, 1919; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all pro- ceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (V) Councilm n (V) Nays Clancy .) Farns orth C Clancy n ne cy it /Farn s or� Goss .......... . Tff� Kel r 0 rg a, -n. t underlich Mr. Pre'i cut, Hodgson -FORM C. 4-3MI2-IB Adopted by the u cil A ppr pp d ........................ .. MAYOR (9itg �f ot. Paul rt DSDAR DuussEN. �n,e. Eno..[[. vrpamrat of 1161tr Marks J. cAP..11'oin sena Su.M. N. 6053. COMMISSIONER on2rR n nnD n[PAin• R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON, 9UPiuei NI�AT�. H. GOETZIMOER, 9uPi. n cgRRec iiona N. 9. OPYTEIAH•Enoin[eP c. H. HERROLD, OEEIee En.�n[[n St• Paul, Minnesota. June 18, 1919. Mr. M. N. (foes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: Referring to letter under date of June 10 from City Clerk Faricy to you, in regard to sewer on Concord Street from Annapolis Street to Lucy Street, and on Annapolis Street from Concord Street to Mis- sissippi River. Beg to state that under the circumstances, of course, the sewer cannot be put in, and it appears that the only thing to dols to cancel the orders. While it will be a cumbersome matter to install this sewer after the paving is in, if it is ever constructed, it can be done without taking up the paving, although the cost will be increased very material3,v over what it would cost to put it in before thepmving 1s constructed. However, there is nothing else that we can d9 as far as I can see, so I beg that you present the following - "Resolution"-- Resolsed.4 That all matters and orders in the construction of a sewer on Concord -Street from Annapolis Street to Lucy Street, and on Annapo- lis Street from Concord Street to Mississippi Rl*- er be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued". Yours very truly, Enclo Chief Engineer. OC/C JOHN I. FARIGY CITY CLERK Hon. M. N. Goes, (Offirp of Tit# (nlrrk JAS. J. MINER UtH of Ifttnd ��tnt ..s. �,r.� eA� June 10th, 1919. Comr. of Public Works. Dear Sir: Re. Sewer on Concord St. from Annapolis St. to Lucy St. and on Annapolis St. from Concord St. to the Mississippi River, P.O. 25119. The report of the Commissioner of Finance, covering the above matter was read at the Council meeting this morning, and referred to your department. Attached herewith please find above report and blue print. Yours truly, CITY 4 nrpartmrnt of :'Finana S. A. FARNSWORTH. GemmaS=— JOHN T. HAGLUND. D-1 Gon n is s�o n ca June 9, 1919. City of St. Paul Department of Finance. REPORT OF COTINISSIONER OF FINANCE. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Concord St. from Annapolis St. to Lucy St., and on Annapolis St, from Concord St, to the Mississippi River, including lateral connections to the the southwesterly line of Concord Street at its intersections with Lucy Street, Wyoming St. at Annapolis St., under Preliminary Order 25119, approved May 19, 1919. To the Council of the City of St, Paul: Gentlemen: I have investigated the possibilities of fing,i.ng pro- perty benefited to defray the cost of the above propoelft improve- ment, and report that the total estimated cost thereof is $9388.00 the estimated cost for sewers of sufficient size to drain. is 86832.00 necessitating an assessment of $7.00 per front foot on the property abutting and capable of being served thereby. The total full assessed valuation as shorn by the County Assessor, of the entire district INCLUDING ALL IMPROVEMF'NTS THEREON is $19,475.00 nontdining 104 parcels of land, ranging in valuation from $25.00 to $150.00 for the unimproved lots. The sewer on Annapolis Street east of the C. &. R. I. & P. R. R. Right of Way will be submerged by the river at high water and in consideration of the low-lying nature of the adjacent lands and its adaptability for improvements, I Em of the opinion that no benefits inure to the property abutting on Annspclis St. from Versailles Ave, to the Mississippi River, being the outlet for the proposed sewers. This accounts for the exceedingly high cost for the sewer on the balance of the property. In consideration of the character of the property subject to assessment and its present value, I am of the opinion that property cannot be found benefited to the extent of the estimated coat and that all proceedings in the above entitled matter be discontinued. With this object in view, I have prepared and annexed hereto an Intermediary Order discontinuing all further action on same. Respectfully submitted, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. _ GTY,OF AUL. „ DEPARTME(1T4 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE.. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (A) In the Matter of—OOn8tTLlOt--_e OG::^.ar--cnCorecr--_`3tra�--�Y_rPn_A zz&FQ s.....3t-r-t3a-t---------- ------- ---- to _.Lucy treet, and on �nnyoolis_Street_ from Concord Strome --.__-------..- tothe Mississippi Rivers including! lateral connections to --------- _--------------- the southwesterly line of Concord- _Street at its inter sooti�>�-__--_--__-. with Lucy Street, 1+'yolning Street at Annapolis. -._Street,-_-------__ . 9- S under Preliminary Order approved ---14Qr----19 'll+---'1919------_.----------------------------------------------------------._.-.----------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows:.. Estate and Improvement �}G, The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-----–-"-0–--- The foot for improvement is 25 estimated cost per the above 39 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 39 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION The Eve et St . Paul Real Estate and Improvement 12 39 Syndicate Addition No.2 25 11 39 do 50 10 39 do 100 9 , 39 do 775 39 do 125 7 39 do 125 6 39 do 125 5 39 do 125 4 39 do 125 FORM B.9.A. a-9 A TOTAL, - 1575 CITY OF ST. AUL DEPARTMENT FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS I NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION (brought forward) The West St.Paul Real Estate and Improvement 3 39 Syndicate Addition No.2 9 39 do 8 38 do 7 38 do 6 38 do 5 39 do 4 38 do 3 38 do 2 38 do 9 40 do 8 40 do 7 40 do 6 40 do 5 40 do 4 40 do 3 40 do 2 40 do 1 40 do 9 41 do 8 41 do 7 41 do 6 41 do 5 41 do 4 41 do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 1575 100 25 100 150 150 150 1400 1650 150. 250 100 100 125 125 150 150 125 150 150 125 125 125 1025 125 8400 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT.0 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI!SS ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARI ORQER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION (brought forward) Zhe Pleat St.Paul Real 3 1}1 state un Improvement Syndicate Addition No.2 2 41 do 1 41 do 23 45 The West St Paul Real Estate an Improvement Syndicate Addition No -3 24 45 do 25 45 do 26 45 do 27 45 do 28 45 do 29 45 do 3o 45 do 31 45 do 32 45 do 33 45 do 34 45 do 35 45 do 36 45 do 37 45 do 38 45 do 15 46 do 16 46 do 17 46 do 18 46 do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 8400 1725 125 150 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 10906 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT " ' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS ONER OF FINANCE • OIJ PRELI MINARX ORDER (B) ASSESSED _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION _ VALUATION (brought forward) 10900 19 46 The West St.paul Real 25 Estate ad Improvement Syndioate Addition N8.3 20 46 do 25 21 46 do 25 22 46 do �5 23 46 t do 25 1 46 do �5 �3 44 do 550 12 44 do 11 44 do 20 45 do 25 21 45 do 25 22 45 do 25 13 39 The Vilest 't Paul Real Estate ani Improvement �5 ;yndica:te Addition No. 2 14 39 do 59 15 39 do 1250 16 39 do 17 39 do 75 18 39 do 75 19 39 do 75 20 39 do 75 P1 3o do 75 22 39 do 75 23 39 do 75 - 135�5 TOTAL, FORM B.S.A. 8-5 B - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT O FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISONER OF FINANCE •. ON PRELIMINARI ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (brought formttrd) 13525 24 39 The West St.Paul Real 75 Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 2 25 39 do 75 28 39 do 75 29 39 do 75 30 39 do 75 31 39 do 75 32 39 do 75 33 39 do 625 34 39 do 150 1 39 do 25 2 39 do 75 1 38 do 125 10 38 do 50 11 38 do 675 12 38 do 75 13 38 do 75 14 38 do 75 15 38 do 75 16 38 do 75 TOTAL, 16150 FORM B.S.A. S-3 B CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN&R& FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY%ORD&R (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .. VALUATION ( brought forward) 16150 19 38 The west St.Paul Real 775 Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition No.2 20 38 do 575 21 38 do 75 22 38 do 100 8 37 do 100 9 37 do �5 (Except No.41 feet,12-11 & 10 S7 do 400 North 41 ft. 9f 12; 11 & 10 37 do 1275 Total Amount 19475 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - /--------------191 1QC t.' ----------- --------------- C Commissioner of Finance. FORM U.S.A. 9.5 C St. Paul, Einn., To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. 1 ��� ����I�`��� AY 15 1919 Gentlemen: NJ Goss. 'We, the undersigned property owners, he"jW%WsI*aMUCWOR.0 your Honorable Body, to cause the following improvement to be made: .................................... ......... .......... St. ........... .......... from .... ....... .. St. to St. 'k-V'e- .......... N A if E ............... ............ ...... ............... . . . . . . . -b. ...........I ................ ....... ......................... ................ I ...... ............... ....... ............................ ....... ................. I ........ ......................... ....... .......................... ............................. ....... ......................... Office of . the Comm'ssioVer ,of Public Works • RECEIVED FARNS� P N„,12 1 0,1,E Report to Commissioner of Finance 3 y May 29th, MAY 291919 9 ... ........... .._191..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 25119 May 19th, 9 cil, known as Council File No... ............................ approved . .... ....... ........I.- ........... .......... ........ _.............191._....., relative to_. .......... .............. . constructing a sewer on Concord St. from Annapolis St. to Lucy St., and on Annapolis St. from Concord Street to the Kississippi River. ....... .... .............. _.__. ... ........._... .._.............. . . ........... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is....._._..__._.....necessary and (or) desirable. 9,388.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ............. ................ and the total cost thereof is �..___._....-.................._........., and Area of district served 363,900 sq. ft. the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __... ...__..___ .. _._....... _ _.._._. ._............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........................ ............_................ .................... ............ ............ ..... ................................._.._.............:_......._....._........._.....__.........._.........._........................_.............__._.... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public WorlgV COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. By..........._..- - .-......------------- ----------- --------------------- -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.... ..on&.t-Pu.Qtilzg,. a--.sews_r„on- Concord--Street.jr.gm,.,F,,Onapoi_ipStreet __..t a_L=y_..Str.e.et.,.. &nd...frQm...C.O.nc.4x-d--.St-re.e.t...tn---the--- Mississippi.. River, including. lateral. _connections .... o.,.the----southwesterly __.11ne..Of..Concord Street at its intersections with Lucy Street, .. ............ .. ...... ......... .......... ......... .. Wyoming_Street and Annapolis Street. - ...... -._......................................................... under Preliminary Order-.-......--2`�J7.7.9.............................approved ....May ................. ----------- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be }i�3¢D wkx discontinued. Adopted by the Council ...._ _........._ ...... _.... 191 ......_.-........._.__.-._..-....._.__..... ...... ....... ............ __........._. . Approved........._..._ ................. _........... ., 191._.._ . City Clerk. ..._ ........__................ - .... Mayor. Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Goss Councilman X)d=k Clancy Councilman Keller Councilman McColl Councilman Wunderlich Mayor rMN Hodgson Form B. S. A. R -G wa '61'bone 4nd; lAO� u ......... . ..re :S U 2 . ...... ............... 5567 ................. ... .... .... . .... .......... oury No. ........... .......... . . ............. Date Presented --.—Tune...19-9. In the matter of construction of a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to University Avenue, and on Myrtle Avenue fromCleveland Avenue to Hampden Avenue, under Preliminary. Order #24798, approved April 24, 1919; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are h8r6- by cancelled, annulled and rescinded, and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (V) Council,,,4 (V) Nays �ar/.rth S, eller .............. Avains 'Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson ro C. A. 9 3IM412-18 Adopted by the Council - j IAN 1.9 Approe ............................................................... .. . ............. ...................... ..... . - --------- - ................. Mug of £►t. Fain OSCAR CLAU9.CN. CHICF ENGIN... - 13tpa lwat of PAbtu 30urks CARROLL,.U�T'.... -M. N. GOSS, cOMMISS10N6R CD5 +C'. 3J 07 R. T. GOURLIM DR - ALFRED LFRCO JACON,SU.TUCT Ag. NS[Nwln. H. W. GOCTZINOCA, _Tlo or <onryeT f ' M. S. ORYT.UAR. CNOIN[[n ON n[,.0 RROLO'O hoc[ C....... St. Paul, Minnesota. June 18, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B U I L D I N G. Dear Sir: Referring to the matter of the sewer on Cleve- land Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to -;University Ave., also, t6 the letter from City Clerk Faricy addressed to.yourself, under date of May 26: Beg to state that we expect to put in a temporary sewer on Cleveland Avenue, which will take care of the drainage of the pavement proper, but not of any other drainage territory in that vioil4 ty- R I have consulted Mr. OtHeill, and ise advises that it is feasable and legal to include this temporary sewer in the pies and specifications for the paving. This will takev8`ihe matter in question, and there- fore I would ask that you introduce the following resolution: "Resolved - That all mattere,and orders in the con- struction of a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to University Avenue and on Myrtle Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Hampden Avenue, be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued." Yours very Qtruly, .a Enclo Chief Engineer. OC/C 09CAR OLAU9![N, r..NItE EMOIMC.n J. C. CARPOLL'lOPTN.tRa ALPR%0 J -50N, 9'YP1. CION nNo ntn�ln• N. W. GOETLINGER, 94nrION M. 9. OR ueu oYE t�OOE.nIONf O. N. NERRO}O._ 011111 Z.11.... (attg of OL f aut Departarent of 11uhttr Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONCR R. T. GOURLEY, OEPUTY St. Paul, Minneso,¢a. May 28, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works_ B u i l d i n g. Dear Sirs Referring to the attached.letter,dated May 26,from the City Clerk addressed to yourself. In the matter of the sewer on Cleveland Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to University Avenue, etc., beg to state that after looking into this matter, I find that by constructing a temporary sewer for a short distance on Cleveland Avenue, we can haz3dle the surface water on the street so as to prevent the water standing on the street, at a low spot. This would of course only be a temporary affair and would not be a sewer that could be used for the drainage of the district,in that vicinity but would allow us to construct the paving. I intend to have this small power built in connection with the paving of Cleve- land Avenue and am preparing estimates for same. Before we do anything definite in regard to this temporary sewer, I will talk with the Corporation Attorney and ascertain if this temporary sewer can be handled as a paxt of the paving of Cleveland Avenue. Yours very truly, p Enclo Chief Engineer. OC/C JOHN 1. FARICY (Off a of Ttty (91prk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK of Taint 1ttn� ASSY. CITY CLERK Cnt May 26th, 1919. Horl. M. N. Goes, Comr. of Public Works. Dear Sir: In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cleveland Ave. from Roblyn Ave. to Univer- sity Ave., at al,under P.O. 24798. Enclosed please find papers covering the above im- provement, which was seferred:to you by the Council at its meet- ing held this date. Ved�y truly you CITY CLERK. I � IT111 01", S A.FARNSWd RT H. Comm saioN[w \' J0 HN T.HAGLUNO, 0-11 Comm11s1— May 17, 1919. City of St. Paul Department of Finance REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE. In the matter of constructing a sewer on Cleveland Avenue .from Roblyn Avenue to University Avenue and on Myrtle Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Hampden Avenue, under Pre- liminary reliminary Order #24798, approved April 24, 1919. To the Council of the City of St.S Paul: I have investigated the possibility of finding property benefited to defray the cost of the above improve- ment,and respectfully report that the total estimated cost thereof is $38,046.00, the estimated cost of a sewer of sufficient size to drain abutting property only is $32 247.00, and the estimated assessment per front foot is 67.25. +he territory that the proposed sewer is to serve is now severed, and this Preliminary Order was instituted in order to expedite the paving of Cleveland and University Avenues, the Final Orders for which were approved by the Mayor, May 10, 1919. The existing sewers would be inadequate in the event that the street was paved. In consideration of the nature of the improvement and the estimated cost of $7.25 per front foot on the abutting property, I am of the opinion that property can not be found benefited to the extent of the T estimated -nit thereof. Respectfully submitted, fllitQ-mtaut oscwgcuusslN, c"',E..ol..as Depadivent of Vubttt BlpCks J... cARROLL, er. su.. W N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER rioN wN wins R. T. GbURLEY, 13—TY C{ ALIR.O JASON, Suilr, c OOETZINOER, Suli,on• M. S..... ...lR'ona N..ROy.•01,.. ......• St. Paul, Minnesota. May 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sirs I beg to submit herewith report on Council File No. 34798, approved April 34, 1919, for sewer on Cleveland Avenue from Roblyn Avenue to Univer- sity Avenue and on Myrtle Avenue from Cleveland 4 Avenue to Hampden Avenue, as follows* Estimated cost of sewer................$38,046.00 Estimated cost of a sewer of sufficient size to drain abutting property only.. ..32,247.00 Abutting Frontage on Cleveland and Myrtle Avenues., ...................... 4,475.00 Drainage area ................... 1,374,300 square feet. NOTE, As Myrtle Avenue between Hampden Avenue and Montgomery Avenue already is provided with adequate sewer this frontage and area is not included in above figures. The Minnesota Transfer property is assumed to be assessable. A drainage map of the sewer district acoompanies this report. 0 0 Yours very truly, Enolo Chief Engineer. ESS/C office the coi3timissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance l May 16th, 9 ............................................791...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24798April 24th, 791__9.., relative to...... .............. .._..... cil, known as Council File No....................................apProved....,......._............._........ ...... the construction of a sewer on Cleveland Avenue from Roblya Avenue to University Avenue, and on Myrtle Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Hampden Avenue. -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .._...necessary and (or) desirable.. .............._. 38,046.00 and the total cost thereof is......... .......................I and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._...-...--------.---- 32 247.00 For drainage puPposes only , ..._......._..................................................._........_.........._........_ .......................... the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..... ........ ....... _................................................... _......... ........... _.... _...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...... .._..... .._..... ._.......................... is_........ _.... _..........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject 5. Said improvement to assessment for said improvement. _.............._............................_..._.......__ :... ' Commissio er of Public Works. 1 Ogg WdrI-Ybh'�iP,u� k .gxl„,� es1n A-0�n�l is 0 Vie'T" '4'0rl Oyubees Yhetaone6br�d[l Gimp li8r 'sAh .%Pbyt��a7 rSpoltr. I. N; d1Gimp pymt 40t uuct tb 4415:8671' RM . bpl�eif�,q �e1q 9�111ae1t•'v�f••'i`--.'..��. �y �aoptOYEitL$4�tn� n40,�ibh619:........ ........... �� s ved und-18 81 z•✓,'�. t' E eouNet� ; ..__ ... ... ._..._ .... DW r Resolved, That the purchasing agent be and he is hereby authorized to purchase,.with the consent of the Comptroller, special publica- tions and out-of-print books amounting to 0425.85, from G.Broes Van Dort, without asking for oompetitive bidlip.as no other firm can 'bid on these volumes. Charge Public Library- Req. 7884 Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays Adopted by the Connell ••• •• ••• U • ...`..... .... 1 Y' "Wop len 1 oar sworth yppro. JUN 19 1519 1 eller �. - ........» MAYOR 4underlich' Mr. es dent Hodgson aM iz48' ti bppro Ohq t g s� h ���k �4tY�Y'F�4G� }� tltGh y1 GOUN ' Yi�aPk,1u" z� he' `iou' RM n O tx ste �'. a1ei pliln5 6 erlfl�S,a ryc1� NO, .. ..... ... - .... _------ .ten 4,�ercpi�'f [nuNo �esh84'tQ'➢hP W r � r N dSnroW� P� a 1§..�ei6 ..:..f .5_. ._ .� _.. -• yts,t�proveaa�ai�ct�F�3�,.My�_ ...7, en T; .....: Resolved, 7hat the Council hereby approves the 'reoommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract to the Electric Construction Company for installing'five-light ornamental lighting system on Sibley street, from north line of Fourth street:to south line of Eighth street, in accordance with plans, speoificatiosas and Formal Hid No.1287, for the sum of 07480.00. Zng.Eet. $6764.00.0 eY. t'tax �yS(,1an Er{%b o t ° Gbntra°�0 3X+�+'l�ti°fir ve uebt. _ ' - to °sti�rs1$,tnrCm t(iff Foprth` , , COUNCI It n..Ce . } utt4 '^-RYa t�'4T' �` 85S�Kc M tt 1n./Al:� . y�LYeP b-�T.s°}�g.�,t41K�:9giiccB�e i t�O uID of �'yC °4.44I 11/A i 4 MGL NO- ------------- -------------- --------------..-._. . - AF „k+°Y'�d'7aiz�%S'1pw1 1Y3u yr `i rc; Y :Y Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the recommendation of the ContrSot Committee and hereby awards the contract to the Electric Construction Company for installing five -light ornamental lighting system on Fourth street, from west line of Sibley street to east line of Jackson street, in accord- ance with plans, specifications and Formal Bid No1988, for the "sum of $2036.00, F.ng.Bst. $1789.0(L htioeE! lith tlDowe Yeas (✓) Councilmen (✓) Nays JUN 19 1919 Adopted by the Council ......... ........... . ....-•1 Clancy Farnsworth APPr e........ :......N....i �...Ig4.9 ..-...._. (Goss ----....----'°'�.• Keller. V .......��+ ... ................................................ c i ..MAYOR Wunderlich - - Mr. President, Hodgson a;AQ94U0R� Ob Sub' 1hpa'� e ................ _. .. a .cour+cf� FILE - :..:....: 191::... Resolved, That the application of-L.W.-Merrill for a lioense to oonduot a Male and Female• Employment Agenoy at 24 East 4th Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue suoh license upon the giling'of the bond and the payment into the City Treasury.of the fee, $151.00. Yeas 01) Councilmen ✓) Nays - jow 19 h � 9 ' Adopted by the Council :..-..:.................... ......_1 1...... Clancy .Fara§ rth Approv .........,�,� /I Gos JUN '� - - ler /`� - ................................ MAYOR ......... ...---- MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson I Ig 'A :, � Er Oj1��;1.i8.iT�1 � � 0 }. eY �YTl�pi,�' ti:: �✓ M to low ...................................... °ftl� F a 34 4k............................................ tmtdeiggt�t`":Yj9�°rs�� drx,�or'°��t�fi.� [m� 4 �gnYc�biit is t*9P qs�,� ayid0 Imp ��; �y{ �ag6tPg 3dppta� 4 °�y�.�6 ga3PKVCd n$ 'Nr h0 "Y�; ia,FF� <.,:".a :.....Y�•a By.....................1.. ............ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....ccnst.ructi. se'r'e^ =1 ................Cleveland Avenue from RoblY n ...................................._._.._.............-...._. _..._.. Asanv.e....x.Q.._U11�Y.re,i•ty_-_Ayenu...............................d on myrtle Avenve from C].evelan.? Uvenue . ............0 e.............. toHa Mader..lvan>de.................................................................------..............------------------...............-------------*.............. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................:............................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................ ............ and r Preliminary Order........._2A7.26............. .._...........approved.........tri.l._24tr:.,...1.919.r....... ............... .... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the a ova improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is he by ordered to be pF7id'eZ�eYt%amu discontinued Adopted by the Council...1,.. 191.... \... Approved........11.. {. 191 ..... City Clerk. j ' ................ ................... ((( Mayor. Counc/Uma ortb Counc CoweClancy CouncCounclich Myogson Form B. S . z AU U �. COUNCIL 2551... 8FRM FILE No .... �`urg ��warttr t °Tarclrmtp n e OMP/TjtOLLER drp° u s t a • �7nn�ce :..................................... 'tK TITLE " 36k���aoQ Arall4� CPunZR Teptbt ., , Resolved that warrants be 3 a u1at�oouuaa 2b I3' a out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for}� t °p arl ttr�p ' e names as specified in the following detailed statement: yr ` ays ^� Adopted by uncil...._...... 1 Clancy Farris rth _.._�, ,'` y prove _....... _..... ........ ;_'�l�Ilt__ Gu K er ............__Against _ MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. P ident, Hodgson S. A. Farnsworth 'CoM'r. of Finsiide 2,243,41. S19 S. A. Farnsworth, of Finanoe 468.94 S. A. Farnsworth, COM'r. of Finance 633.00 i�r+ww+v ". S. A. Farnsworth, CoM'r. of Finance 386.17 . ]r1CA5i S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. Of Finance 12,480.00 Synaai 'af'yorks p�A4- s 1,301: P. R Revl. -584:97 ,. -3 11" S. A. Farnsworth,'Comtr. of Finance - 1 38.40 .. 9+�i�•BS�k,@ts -11099 M. J. OlMalley�,+-County Treasurer-51,'778.90 y.1l.j%1 masonGN0041906b m_ e.wbaeha T� a e L •etxe % moi' un,�c` rm W ori raeatt�er �• a$ , it 25519 ������ avM detan d titeYeme �T *,� x k £ metre +irallws Eka 1, . FORMJO FILE CIL Nu �d CAU S{{ t ar [ii$catde�'¢P1aad` 5 F. A e. .R geY iIffi60 L s r — 'agin@�W6oJE 9... T C ROLLER TITLE . Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of .the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Y aYS Adopted by the Council....... - 204 191.__ Clancy Farnsworth 04-.,191___. :..+� /�. Goss 1 Keller W derlich i Mr. Pres' ent, Hodgson 13686-• American Railway Express Company, 18.84 ar. Revl. 59 Scho 40 s` 15 40 L na 2 45 TS(84 s1�8Tt° Architectural Record",Company3;00 3JAJSS" Joe Auger, - 18.00 )!&@a@ Auto Engine Works, 202'.Oa re 6' 0 36. 0 69: 0 M c. Gar. Revl.• 72' 0 u- n rr 18 3 • 08 The Barrett Company, 4.81 .75 •3.1r84&, E. A. Baskerville, Will Bass, 12.04 33n�� Borreson Mfg. Company, 7..00 Gray; oTjor• tiowyau+, -J°- . Griggs, Cooper & CompsY, "Health J 1'15 • n 6 , 61 SO s .. 8 '50 55' 76 3:00 n 6= 5 P ks 15. Z ,yy6pga." Geo.:; Haag, _Halpern, g 1�9@ Wra. -Harris "& Com �. Hebrew Publishing OomPa?Y, . ' Theo'. 4G Helle, 2 00 re Sc ols 122'= 9 ' H iR. Hrisbg, ja vK Hubbard Eleetric+0ompany, i3893Z°: Frarik 0 Huebenext braxy L S. `W Hulme OomBan9e gay - Independent Oil ',Company, cy Gar. Revl. S 2 .00 .. P1a ou ds, .40 11 International g60v68tei' Corapauq, S Cing 3 65 67.6 'R% ialmge� #T, tSgl A. C Library -iTrtt— McGill-Warner COMPanYj- 152:30 457,50 Certd., ficial Pub: 2500 Pr ted forma and b 1 anNs 28'0100 Z57 50 Mahle Wagon Company,' S -OlnS. ng 200 00 ti 0 212.00 - Pr-A -O 8. 0 21MOO W. H. Malone Colftpan7j, 33.75 , pj�jR.F.-L 949 Manhattan Oil & Lin seed Company, - 1,209`.29 lice 3.,12 90 ,3 Fir Fir 7 3M 49'• 00 P., aths- 2 50 Mun c. Gar. Revl. �92 16 .26, 46 Dg .16 9b 16 2 St R. 2� 46 P 6 9 Sew -R. e C. & Se;e 1. 0 00 9 S. & S. S & 84 77 8 4 384'77 8 8 68 tf 12-.25 Mannheimer Brothers, 0- E. a.. Martin$ M prriam �ark Cash "Gr6cery Company.. 82.36 B8`15 Michaud Brothers, 0 jt� :M icke sen'j, C Midway Lime & C emompany, 0 1"Mm— Miday Lodge,No,. 37 -A O.U.W 100.06 30. 14-, E. Miller,,.. Sohn Capt, Joh. 27.56 36.50 Miller & HolrfteS' 11009 Minnesota Broom C ompany, 68,.00 P 'k-s- 1 .:50 5 j5.500 pa-ftwz Depr., 11954, Republic bredsoting'Compam, 460_.00 klk Otto W. Rohlan&'Compa y 35.34 :< �+�Yi9M Roller Motor COPYA " , 4.29 �7.riovl . ­777-777-7-777 St.Paul Book &Stationery COmpaz�y, '01.77 Civ Serviae 3;0 Bur au oY Engrs. 4;7 Seh ols 107: rr 37 8 1% Arts.'H.S Libr. 23 0 IT on H.S..Libr. 3 0 n, u• 48: 0 Humb ldt"HIR.Libnary 49. 7 fi; 0- 12x9" " " n 30; 379 . i St.Paul Builders=Material Company,. 77 02 St; C. & R. 5 00 _ Wo Iffi a 2' 22 j Sc oCIS 35.25 . _. ._ >" 140 P:; Ydga l 50 P. ldgs Revl. 28.80 ;...:,, Pha en Comfort �9 85 ' 17 959" St.Paul &as Lig�it"Company, "97.33 1,281:48 ry n ° 14 :91 P lice,50 79' pAlarmHh 23 Qmine 2 18 Pmfcrt`St raftM ;80 Gar. Revl. 19• n n m 21 .24 g rIft-O"� St,Paul Herald, - 2.50 . _ hools , .i&9sS' St.Paul Machine -Company, lice St. C. R. v' 2 25 43 65. Ty"2' St.Paul Pattern'`& Model, 9.70,• 'y- 1i9G6 St.Paul Tire Company, .- M� . any, Revl. •.- . -. i�66h St".Paul White LbAd' Company$ 2.52 �i6G5 Salisbury' Realty Company, Fsrks 144.00 1IT98 E. H. Sargent Company, 97•` H�unbaldt H.S.Libr. 1 Scheffer & Ross= Company, 5x09 Woritlip�ae 13flaG.. H. W Wedeletaedt Company; r�y� 88400 o0Za, Com P Works:.. Mech. H.S.Libr. 40.' R 14Q00 50 75 ,is Librar 1 75 3 00 - - Western-Motor Supply Company, 25.83 a Western Supp ly,-.ompany;` `' 265.14 ie. Gar. Rev]. 1.22 2 71; Yrb' khouse 10. 7 S:' �S 200:3 Parks= 188 Dooka, harve's etc. 2 �...Wm. J Work, Sc - ols, 3 4:. Li, nary' - s 16 13�JSS Wrig, Barrett `F`Stilwell; . ;' 66.50 Miso. StationeryA, S. 13;5 •n n 13:7 Com r".`,` P' Works 11:5 Sef ols 2 Lib ary<: - , 16 .6 5 Li ting; 5 gota3'"'"'58. a until File No..... m ga- RM, 25520 p Iefi; �s arovement by the City. of St Paul Of eK ..................... . .... ........................................ ...................................... I ..................... ............. ...................................................................... .............. .......... .............. ............ ...... all. PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO' w and Petition PRELIMINARY .fJd Ack _ a tract an 9[ eeL The nod e..i hereby proposes the making of a &.,a haaing ncll .tying g( C s Co cil File No ........................... CMENT 25 X5'9 Ii. c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ __...111__1_.. a::pa;�a hereoY.n.yfflth Street also.._ .............. .he',neces¢kty "010l 1¢klag cif said !m.let• -ne' w............................_................................._........... thenature. -a. vo:state wnetM1<; , ......row;nor. ............ ........, 191Dated t ' _20th day of.. : ......... _ Councilman. PRELIHl�A ORDER. 1 'P- I` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gradlr...alley... in.. Blo ck...29,... Go.t.(� en! e... Re.,,... and.. mi ec ellaneous_. tract........ -1111 lying.._west _thereof....from Gotzian Street. to Griffith Street,....._.._aleo ............. grading.-.an--gpProsoh...to...all.eq!...on-.q fPith..Street................................................................. ....................:.........._................_..................._....................._...............:.,,,........_......._......_........._............................................. ................_... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..J..... ......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To inveEtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and e6timated wet of said improvement, and the total wit thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ................................. ............. 5, To elate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .............: .. .ti ,1111, pq� ...................................... \1111.. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farris orth o Goa Approved ........... ...:.'.... . PP :.:..............19�...... eller /1 WundulicchhV............................/........................................ M or Gwwl Mayor. Form C A la (6M 4l ) Council File No ....................... . e. .t i PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT h� J and 4 ( w,T) PRELIMINAR , 8 f: m a�r s �� 9!+.101E; re0t, atso' 6 • 1 hereby proposes the making of tl t teBCnte°a° t°o` Lht 3- rove cut by the City of St. Paul, viz The unden�g p Clty'-oE St.. PAul-by Council Condenning nd._neaeseary! ..forslopes -. a Icing an a Cher fore be tt .............. ............................................... ceaolved Thee the Ile is her ober blic blocks be and h0 Is. here Y � a od and dtre ted:< .GD.tZian!..B..He..,-..end for•_;au.te..and__i��.;�.f� i Toclnvea=tghe �aktnBeotteaid tmr 8d' rabiut, a �twill�i...aa.tr.eet....ta...Griffith lament - nature, extent miBaellaneoue tTBCti-._I To Investigate the ............................... "'"'" """"""" eatlmated coat of Balfl tmpror z edp, i' - ..- the.•,total,coetther t ace or c� laf*-ittee...S.tx'.ee.x..................... . Str set a s8o rad $1. To furntah a plan n �.•• ,. ............ ...... Id�tmprovement. ^p state- whether ant is saxes,, ............................. . 191....... Dated this.....PO.th.. ay of...... Jun et...1)4 t, ficin e ,rt .......... .......... ... .....".'-" ........................ kR. Ct t'• Y10 '�-SS-2O WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz.: Coude>pr ng...and...taking...aiz..�ae.Qmerlt....�il....�k1e...l. id...n.ace0.1A.VL:ry...fo.r...11 Dp. ee._. __._for_. guts--.and•_flle._in..Bra..�l�,fig...a�..1.ey...i>n...�1a.o�S...28.....Gotz.ian!.B...Ra..,.and_.. _mi ec el laneoug...frac.t...lying -.-weat....thereof ....f ram ..Gatzi.an...Str.eet..-ta...Griff ith Strut....:also_..grading-..An-.apRroach.--t.Q....l y�.a3t...axr...Griffith..&tr.e.at...................... e City of St. Paul by Councilman...�.�?...5................................................. having been presented to the Council of th therefore, be it -' )!SOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement, ........--.----- -- 5, To Atat .e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council............ :..... .............. ................... .... .... Nays: Yeas: Councilman Ferns orth 9 '...l.0..2..........hf1(....... Goan Approved............_ .:.;t...;...' ler \ ............ �/� /y lyByer. ` May r Iwire 9 Form C A 13 (BU e -l7 •., C FINAL ORDER 14 j-, S � ": st Seventy. 1'treet to f. c ✓i � � na„ln tr t fr,) In the Muter of..... - "' ynelli..:.• Fnue, irclu �}z� ill nec ,.,o n t 1 c ..:........... _...................... .... ;... a i FYNAL ORDEItg ................. .............. ... ... ................ C' F No. 2bb$.3-- RandUlPh: ...... ............... ....... .. IT the m tt r of 6even h, Stzeet to .............f.-------------------------------- . StreOt, Szam alt neces Snelling Avenue ncl dlnK _. carr Incldenteis .'under telt in a ..... .. .... ..................... ... 1461 T, P ', ,ved APr11 4': I91- .. havlrrg' D^' _..... ... .......... h �_ 7 .......................... ml.n approve_1919.... ..........._...-. under Preliminary Order ........................_. Intermediary Order .._...._.__......_..._..... ...... approved ....._...._.............._.............................---------.---.....---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Conseil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve, ment to be made by the said City is.... Pave Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, inhere not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Material to be 3-,',,- inch yellow pine creosoted wood blocks in Portland cement concrete foundation except on that portion from 100 feet west of Chatsworth Street to a line 200 feet west of Syndicate Street which shall be vitrified brick blocks laid flat on Portland cement concrete foundation. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord, ce therewith.` 191..... Adopted by the Council .......... ..................... ..................... City Clerk. Approved .............. Vtie C Councilman //Erns rtb councilmMlzo§ C1rcy Councilmal> Councilman' eller ell Council an Wunderlich Mayo rvlr? odLson Form . S. A. 8-7. d0T. . ...................... By...... . ........ FINAL ORDER Sti'F^t fr= ;, t Sevent, ��trcet to ........... ........ ............ ......................................... r : . ......... .............In the 19 ................. ........... �Pl of-. SnelliiTE ...... . ................... _----_ ....................... ...... ................................. ................................................................... .............................. .................................... ................... . ............... .......... . ...... .. .......... ..... .......................................... ec street, 61 ary Ineld I I I es ,e ...fna ....... ....................................................... ............... ................................ 7 ELP ............. - 946 . ......................................... ... .. ........ ...... .. .. . ... ... . .. . .. ................... ..... ..... ........................................... 4r'7 .0ril 4, 191zl. under Preliminary Order ............................................approved . . ............ . ..... ... ..... ................. ........... Intermediary Order . ...... .... ............. approved ........... _ .. - -- - ... . ... .... .... .. .................. ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,,and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is vp T, no . ... .. t i,.a...&n e. 11 . ...... LZ...... . . .... .. ....... .. . . . ...... .. ................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accords Adopted by the Council. . . ..... ........................ ... . ..• ............ I ................. ''cityClerk.�- Approved_ Q. ' ' 1 1916 . . ..... ........... ..... . . . . ....... . ....... Mayor. Councilman'p6r'nsrth Councilman[To. Councilm Cl' ncs Councilman eller oil �a Coun an Wunderlich Mayo ✓Ix, C)CILF"'I Form . S. A. 8-7. RANDOLPH HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION J.D.Neville. 1328 Niles St. Secretary. ®5 June 6th 19 9 ST. PAUL, MINN. Mr.M.N.Goss, Commissioner Of Public Works. City Of St Paul. Dear Sir:- SU :Ennt FUBUG'NORKS Cl)S� is Enclosed herewith is a petition signed by thirty three property owners on Randolph Street between Lexington Ave. and Snelling Ave. and by nineteen property owners on Snelling Ave. between �andolph Street and St Clair Street requesting that paving be done as soon as possible as follows: RANDOLPH STREET FROM SEV.TNTH STREET TO SNELLING AVE - AND SNELLING AVENUE FROM RANDOLPH STREET TO GRAND AVE. AT WHICH POINT THE PAVEMENT NOW TERMINATES - The maority of these signers for Randolph Street want this a Through project as outlined above so as to make a through paved thoroughfare through this district to and from the midway district as well as down town. To have Rand- olph Street paved only to Snelling Ave. without the conneotiig paving on Snelling Ave. is not favored. It is our understanding that a petition has already been presented to the City Council by certain people resid- ing on lower Randolph Street between Lexington Ave. and Seventh street asking for paving on Randolph Street from Seventh Street to Snelling Ave..also that another petition has been presented fcr paving on Snelling Ave. from St Clair Street to Grand Ave. We respectful]y ask that this petit- ion enclosed herewith be joined with these two other petitio- ns and all considered together for the co lets project from Seventh Street to Grand Ave. via Randoli-h Street and Snelling Ave..thus making an artery through this district from Seventh Street to the midway district. You are of course aware of the fact that this district has gown rapidly in the last few years and is nowquite thickly built up. On account of the condition of the streets and no paved thoroughfare in this vicinity the progress of the community is being retarded and the residents are put to much inconvenience on account of inability to get deliveries from some dealers. At times during wet periods and in the spring coal and other bulky commodities cannot be delivered RANDOLPH HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION a -2- ST. PAUL, NUNN. 191 in this district for days at a time and on account of the difftoulty in making these deliveries our patronage is not desired nor a,rreciated by some merchants. Futhermore during the time the streets are in this almost impassable condition we cannot get proper and prompt fire protection or relief on account of the difficulty and delay in ening fire apparatus over the rough and maddy streets f such a distance they Neve to come. On several occasions where fires he ve en ely destroyed ebefo ertheed tdepartmentgwas8eb� eet to get on the ground. This condition of affairs existing in such a large and important area of the city is a blotch upon its fair name and should be remedied at once and would be remedied by having the paving asked for in our petition done,this commynity would then be a credit to the city instead of an eye sore as it is at the present time. We kindly ask you to submit our petition to the City Council for its consideration at bhe earliest possible date,also that the necessity for this work being done be outlined fully to that body. Trusting that you will put forth every effort in order that our request may be favorably acted upon and thanking in advance for your kindness in the matter as well as for past favors accorded us,we beg to remain Yours respectfully RAN WR HEIGHTS ASSOCIATION. By o'y. i L- . r• fM1UHU Ifll 111 NNII -11 W woumoz. \9 4 R01)01. UGHT3 i, Estimate cf cont of this paving from UltY Xnaineer 4;IAUBLRen Fzd Supt of Construction Smith. Palifig to be oreocote blockp with sandstone on the Fxxdol�"--Hill. Sandet, no eurbi loyfest estimate 13.00 por front •foot. High estimete 9.00 rer front foot. -Yssepsnent rill be aprer-d 150 feet e"h wafriom p1mdolpl, Street �Ad anenins ars ifitn � Ler the f xr paying be done as soon as possib2a and. by City force account,also that all water sewer and gas conneotlo, one be caused to be put In to the curb on vacant property and other '-k property wheXe such connections have not already been male before the paving is laid to avoid damagiag the paving later to make these conn ectione. This rapidly growing section of the Citfois badly handicapped because of the lack of an arteryfor traffic and from the Midway District and down town. Great ffioultj 1&,X, need in having 0 deliveries made and on account f the jjj14g* able condition of 4 the streets at times fire apparatus cannot respond promptly to calls and this is an ever impending menace.0 31GVz BY q=W Or PROPERTY //,;L 4,- C, 41 Av /* 11 r V 3 C713 7 6� aA4A11r-1 /4�r� s7 MAIM IL-- WWI St Paul Minn.March 17th 1919. To The Adnol-able Mayor And City Council. CityOf St raZ.Minnesota- Honorable Sirs:- We.the undersigned owners of real property fronting on Randolph Street and Snelling Ave.obetween West Seventh Street and Grand Ave* in the City of St ?iul.hereby petition your Honorable Body to take the necessary action to have Randolph Street paved from West Seventh Street to Snelling Aves,sud Seelling Ave. paved from Randolph Street to Grand Ave. at which point the pavement on Snelling Aveozkow terminates. IFO further petition that this paving be done as soon as possible 1 and by City force aocount,slso that all water,sewer and gas eo=eoti# one be caused to be put In to the curb on vacant property and other ''w I I I et �the property whawe such connections have not alre ve ady been U paving is laid to avoid damagiag the raving later to make these efore conn eotiona. I This rapidly growing section of the City. Is badly handicapped because of the lack of an artery for treffie to end from the Mi4way District and down town. Great difficultyoed in having 4' I deliveries -made and on account of the &Ibb ble condition of the streets at. times fire apparatus cannot respond promptly to calls and this is an: ever impending menace, 9MMr or ;PROPMRTr 31G= BY 4 F- te, C - ....... ... 3 6 10 -- - --- ----l Minn. Groh 17th 1919. - To the Honorable Meyor And City Council. 'City of St Paul.Minnesota.- Honorable Sire:., We.the undersigned owners of real property fronting on Randolph Street and Snelling Ave..between West Seventh Street and. Grand Ave.in the City of St Psul.hereby petition your Honorable Body t to take the necessary action to have Randolph Street paved from West �. from $►ao�,ph.,:.> 1HDOI1'H HEIGHTS ASSOCIATIOB. r Beft acre` of cost of this paving from City SUP t of Uonstruction Smith. r^engineer i laussen zn8 'PaTIMS to, be creosote blocks with sandstone on the Rando •' % Sandstone curbs�$ Lowest estimate $l� " Hill. 8.00 per front foot. High estimate 99.00 per front foot. AeSessment will be spread 150 feet each easy from Randolph Street and Snelling Ave.whioh wiil reduce the v abo T'aymente spread over a period of tea years w ��eres a e the first year. times tiro apparatus cannot respond promp — ever i nding menace. ��rc"� xxxxxxxx:,� OWnR OF PROPERTY 19901120 AS: ' ivy, L} �•�� �+i � � �sv 7- I'MMI NO at Paul larch 17th 1919. i To the, 'Honorable Mayor And City Council, `City of at au. 1. Minnesota. Honorable S:Lra:- 1177'1 Ws,the undersigned owners of real property fronting on Randolph Street and Snelling Ave..between West Seventh Street and Grand Ave.in the City of St 2SUl,hereby petition your Honorable Body to take the necessary action to have Randolph Street paved from West Seventh Street to Snelling Ave.,and Snelling Ave.paved-from Raudolph Street to Grand Ave. at which point the pavement on Snelling Ave.now terminates. We further petition that this paving be done as soon as possible and by City force a000unt.also that all water,sewer and gas connections be caused to be put in to the curb on vacant property and other prop- erty where such connections have not already been made before the paving is laid to avoid damaging theeving later to make these connections. This rap4ft growing section of the City is badly handicapped because of the lack of an artery for traffic to and from down town and the Midway District. Great difficulty is experienced in having deliveries made,and on account of the almost impassable condition of the streets at times fire apparatus cannot respond prompt3,v to calla and this is an ever i &�4 IpMIA5� g menace. am — XXXXn=XX AW OWMCR OF PROPERTY Q-4 7(F6 a CITY OF PAUL DEPARTMEN i"I"INANCE REPORT OF 0OM*j1*11ONER OF FINANOE ON PRELIMAARY ORDER Paving Randolph Street "from 1'iest Seventh Street to Snelling Ave In the Matter of --- - -"—' frontage 19,-771 feet '" , � � iSOTS� Rdd f"Qr stone Curb, ger frau foots 1150 . - rne >ots or parcets or iansT=-Unty be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: T DESCRIPTION LOT i ;BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDi VALUATION (24 32 ; 1.. Vance Rrovin's Subdivision of � ( i Stinson Brown and Ramseys.Lddition 5850 - (?3 +52 to St. Paul (""Jest 2 of Rjtor'{, 6 and all of Blocks 9-23-32-39)y 22 32 do 850' II 21 32 do 700 i' 20 132 do 2600 X19 i32 do 3700, 132 '18 do 2175 {i yl (17 32 do ( 3600 (16 32 do i v � 15 da. t (B) CITY OFT. PAUL , DEPARTMEN'OF NINANCE REPORT OF COMNI1$*IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT �i6LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 32 A. V-,nce Browns Subdivision of 2475' Stinson Frown :rd 1?amseys (iddition 13 32 to St. Paul (19est -i� of 9locks 6 aind 6825: 8 =11 of Blocks 9-23-32-39. 28 Kersts Subdivision of Block 33, .4050 of Stinson Brown _.nd Bamseys kddition 27 to Saint Paul. 3100 26 do 2300 25 do 3400 24 do 2675 23 do 2775 22 do 575 21 do 3075 20 do 3175 19 do 3075 18 do 2875 17 do 2675 16 do 575 15 do 3775 1 Skardas Subdivision 5000 5 do 800 2 do 1175 3 do 475 4 do 1125 3 Lemkes Subdivision 1975 4 do 2575 5 do 1575 TOTAL. CITYOP T. PAUL DEPARTMEN OF FFINANCE . REPORT OF COMK4I§JIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT'BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION All that part of 9 Lemlces Subdivision 9850 lying Testerly of line Comme6cin, at a point on 7 G7/100 feet E:st from the the North line of said Lot thereof thenbe at an anEle of 45 degrees j North W st corner to right 3 .feet to the North west ter. of L. Ayds 9rick Block 6f thence southee:sterly F.4 30/100 feet to the southwest corner said I:ot. I, 8 Lemke's Subdivision 7 do 725 is g do 3050 j2 2 Scheffers Addition to St.'Bau1 1850 ,I ( 3 2 1 do a 1' East 13 feet of (_ ( 4 2 do 2850 East 13 fec-t, of ( 0 2 do ?.est 27 fEc-t of 4 2 ) do East 26 feet of 5 2 ) do 3850 Nett 53 feet of E'..st 66 ft. 9 2 ) do 92 Nest 14 feet of (5 do 725 East, 37 18100 feet of (S 2 do a 'Fest 3 feet Of 6 2) do 1725- " (E: xcept 'Nest 2 ) feet) 7 2) do plest 2 fest of 7 do 25 9 2 do 775 ° l (Except East 6C feet) 9 d° 2300 2cJ 2 do 500 ;I 30 2 do 2700 $1 2 do 3P-00 32 2 d° 500 i. East of 1- 2 l do 1700 f TOTAL. CITY OFIr, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF RINANOE REPORT OF COMMIS#IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �._.. ----- - -- - - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 1 Scheffers Addition to 5t. Pa.ul. 12.00 vlest of 1- 3 1 do 1300 4 1 do 1200 1 1 Clem:;G !addition to the City 1900 of St. Paul. 3 i do E75 , (3 1 do 15000 ( (4 1 do 5 1 do 1050 no 2600 ii 7 1 do 2700 North of alley ve.osted c.n8d do adj. and 1 ) ) North of alley vacated &Q 1 do adj. and ) 32000 North of alley vac%ted and ) 2 adj. and 10 1 ) 1 do North 1 of alley vacated and ) do ad j . and (Fy_cept sc-.nth 30 feet )1- 2 2 do `9-700 South 30 feet of 1- 2 ? do 1475 3 2 do 3250 4 2 do 500 5 2 do 1,800 500 6 2 do µ 7 2 do 1125 8 2 do 3 500 9 2 do 2700 10 2 do 450 , — TOTAL._.-_`-_ �":.- CITY OP®�7. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS1IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN RY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT ',BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION ^i 12 2 Clerks Addition to the city 2500 of St. Paul. 13 2 do 2700 P: 14 2 do 1700 15 p do 25Q 16 2 do 1650 17 2 do 450 I l 18 2 do 1650 1.9 2 do 400 II 20 2 do 1300 it East 40 feet of south 111 80/100 '34 Stinson Brown and R Tse,S Ad6ition feet of to St. Paul. 4900 14 1 Rothschilds Subdivision of Part 2825 of Block 34 of Stinson Brown and " 13 1 Ramseys Addition to SE,int Paul. 425 12 1 do 925 11 1 do 1225 10 1 do 425 I, 9 1 do 400 ii.18 ;2 do 325 if 17 2 do 2850 !6 2 0 250 15 L do 250 'j 14 2 � do 250 13 2 do 250 12 2 do 350 11 2 do 375 4 Knov,ltons Subdivision of, part 350 of Block 34 of S,-inson Brovin and 5 Ramseys ldditinn_ zoc T—I — y TOTAL, I , CITY OF�p�T• PAUL DEPARTMENT OF fWINANCE REPORT OF COMMISRIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - i � ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT .BLOCK, ADDITION -; VALUATION (, ('6 Knowltons Subdivision of"Part (I of Block 35 Stinson Brown &nd 4150 ( 7 Rams,pys P.ddition. 'Nest 58 50100 feet of south Stinson Brown and Ramseys p d�.Ation 2450 '. 111 2�3 feet of 35 to St. Daul . 30 11 Michel e".n�. Robertsons AdditL n. 1550 " 29 11 do 1600 28 11 do 400 27 11 do 2Y50 26 11 do 7.600 l_ 25 11 do 1350 24 11 do 2100 23 11 do 400 n East 4 of 22 11 do 3200 22 11 do 2300 VJPst of 'I 21 11 do 400 20 11 do 400 it 19 11 do 400 18 11 do 3100 i; ( 17 3_1 (to 6950 " I ( 16 11 do 30 12 do 450 i 29 12 do 400 _. , 28 12 do 2000 27 12 do 400 26 12 d 400 24 12 do 850 I' - _-- -- TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF fjINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS,§;IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED : DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK.' ADDITION VALUATION 23 12 J^Uchel and nobertsons Addition 400 (22 12 do ( (21 2 do 2700 20 12. do 400 19 12 do 700 18 12 do 1700 17 -_12 do ,00 16 12. do 450 32 13 do 800 „1 13 do 2600 30 13 do 400 29 13 do 400 23 13 do 325 27 13 do 300 26 13 do 250 25 13 do 200 24 13 do 150 23 13 do 100 i Eget of � 28 13 do 50 'Pest ,'-, of 22 13 do 50 21 13 do 650 20 .13 ', do 100 . 19 13 do 550 18 13 do 75 17 13 do 100 24 14 do 75 TOTAL, l� - - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF 51NANCE REPORT OF COMMIS*IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER / _.---. - - ASSESSED ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCK::, VALUATION 23 14 Michel and ROhertEOns Addition., 200 L4 14 do 2075 7J 14 do 2075 19 14 do 225 18 14 do 650 17 14 do 3100 16 14 do 1100 15 14` do 1150 14 14 do 600 13 14 do 325 1 1 viatsgns Addition to St. Paul 725 'N4innesota. 2 1 do 450 sl 1 do 1750 4 1 do 1450 5 1 do 1650 6 1 do 450 7 1 do 1650 6 1 do 1550 9 l do 1125 10 '1 do %50 11 1 do 450 12 1 do 950 . 13 1 do 450 14 1 do 450 15 1 do 500. 1 6 0.0 550 iT T TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF .FINANCE ,. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) i - .: -.• ---. DESCRIPTION -=- _ �i LOT BLOCK _� ASD D I T 1 O N VALUATION _ _ 14 11 I Bry.,nts Randolph St. Addition 400 13 1 do 2350 12 1 do 425 11 1 do 1675 i! 10 1 do 2000 9 1 a 425 i 8 1 do 425 r �'. 7 1. do 2525 f 'i 6 1 do 450 (I 5 1 do 2450 4 1 do 4450 3 1 do 2450 2 1 do 1650 _ 1 1 do 500 _ i it 1 1 Watson's 2nd .addition to the 350 City of St. Paul "amsey Co. East 10 feet, of 2 1 Minnesota. 100 (Except East 10 feet) 2 1 do 150 (3 1 do 1050 (4 1 do ii 5 1 do 225 6 1 do 225 (1 1 Buckhouts Rear,•anLement of (` 2oore's 'addition to the City 1600 East 19 feet of (2 1 of St. Paul. West 6 feet of 2 1 ) do 350 u 3 1 do f East I of 4 1 do 475 .es z o TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF JINANCE REPORT OF COMMISTIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) = _ -� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION (5 1 Buckhouts Rearran8ement of ( ,mores Additon tc the City of 1550 East 6 feet of (6 1 St. Paul. Vlest 19 feet of 6 1( do 1550 7 1) do 0 1 do 2 00 1 1 Coles Randolph Street, and 200 Pleasant kvenue Addition to St. Paul. 2 1 do 200 3 1 do 200 4 1 do 1800 4 5 1 do 200 C 1 d,: 200 ( 7 1 do (. 750 ( 8 1 do 9 1 ) do 1500 10 1 ) cio 11 1 do 2;:0 12 1 do 200 13 1 do 200 14 1 do 300 (Fxcent Streets) B ;,exinLton Par.Plat 4 825 1 1 Eoward Greene Seco;d Addition 150 2 1 do 200 3 1 do 200 4 1 do 250 5 i do 2250 6 1 do 300 ---� = -de------ ----x(36-----4 ' TOTAL, 11 roam 8.3.A. s_e CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENIf OF '.INANCE REPORT OF CONWIS§TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -,:- •----- -- ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION_ 1 L B Howard Greene Second Addition .:500 1 9 7. do 325 2 LexinEton Park Plat 10 13250 i I j Howard Greene 6.ddition to St. 250 Paul JAnn . 2 do 950 3 do 250 i• 4 do 275 5 �0 275 6 do 300 7 do 550 i 8 do 325 (Except Edgecumbe Roads d 9 do 1400 - (Except EdEcumbe Road) 1 1 T)avern's RecrranEer,ent of Plock 775 4-5- and 6 of LexinEton Park p 2 1 Plat 10. 400 3 1 do 600 �I 4 1 do 2600 5 1 do 400 6 1 do 400 i 7 1 do 400 g 1 do 5475 1 2 do 500 I 2 2 do 750 3 2 do 450 4 2 do 450 i' 5 i2 do 1300 j 6 2 do 450 l TOTAL. I�ONM O.O.A. O.0 • �_-s=� --���--,�_«-{__ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEN.'f OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPAISIIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) -_ -- j DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK: ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 7 2 DL,veras RearranGement of Blocks 2250. . N 4-5 and 6 of LexinF..ton Park Plat ii 6 2 PTO • 10. ).350 9 a 2 do 1200 10 2 do 2950 11 2 do 1000 �C 12 2 do 450 ii 13 2 do 2850 _i 14 2 do 600 15 2 do 2500 1 3 do 450 2 3 do 2600 3 3 do 1200. 3 do (4 3000 (5 3 do 6 3 do 2550 7 3 do 400 �l 8 3 do 650 9 3 do 400 10 3 do 650 11 3 do 400 12 3 do 2800 13 3 do 1100 14 3 do 400 15 3 do 2400 2 SternberLs Addition St. Paul, 300 j 'v7in,i. ji do 175 >b i i TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENrT. OF FINANCE � REPORT OF COM�IIAISSIO1VER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK', ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION " i 3 SternberLs Addition St. Paul, vinn ., 3000'i 4 do 250 5 do 250 6 do 2050 7 do 2050 . n 8 do 2050 5 4 Lexington Park Plat 7. 250 6 4 do 250 7 4 do 250 - .I_ g 4 do 275 a 4 do 300 11. 4 do 250 11 4 0 1825 12 4 do 275 East 46 feet of 13-14- 15 4 Lex.inEton Park Plat 7. 2550 !hest 46 feet „ Er st 92 ft. 2200 j of 13-14- 15 4 do ":est 48 feet of 13-14- 15 '4 do 2325 (Except Ed€cumbe Road) (Except Edgcumbe Road) 5 3 do 600 (Except Ed€cumbe Ro"d ) 4 3 do 350 (Except EdLcumbe Road) 3 3 do i 325 . 6 3 do 425 .i 7 3 do ;455 g 3 do. 3425 9 3 do 4100 24 !4 LexinCton Park Plat 8 600 23 .4 1 do 3050 u u �� I TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT' OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMpAISISIOIVER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER TOTAL. ASSESSED '. DESCRIPTION LOT'9LQCK' - -A 9:R IT I,ON VALUATION'S 22 4 Lexington Park Plat S. 550 21 4 do 2450 20 4 do 195C 19 4 do 700 18 4 do V 2550 17 4 do 2550 16 4 ci o 550 15 4 do 2250 14 a do 550 _ 13 4 do 600 30 4 Chester PE.rk 1950 --29 4 do 2500 28 4 do 400 27 q do 1900 26 4 do 700 25 4 do 1000 24 4 do 400 23 4 do 2200 22 4 do 2150 21 4 do 600 20 4 do 600 19 4 do 400 _ 18 a do 400 17 4 do 400 16 4 do 6300 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMtAISISIOINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER, (B) i:BLOCK ASSESSED • , j DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION VALUATION _- 4 4 Sunnyside Plzt 2, St. Paul Minn.' 550 5 F4 do 5575 6 4 do 375 it 7 4 do 2875 4 do 2475 9 4 do 3275 l II ,0 4 do 375 , 11 4 do 2675 12 4 do 375 y c 13 4 do 375 10 8 Lanes ((anor St. Paul, h^inaesota 2550 9 8 dr' 2700 .'i do 2650 7 8 do 2550 I6 � 8 do 2600 , 30 7 do 2275 99 7 do 376 28 7 do 2375 27 7 do 375 _.. j . 26 7 do 375 I 25 7 do 375 24 7 do 375 t 23 7 do ?375 �..il 22 7 do 375 7 do 2375 II. 20 7 do 375 TOTAL, II I - CITY OF ST. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF INANCE REPORT OF COMtAISVOER OF FINANCE i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT '.BLOCK' ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 7 Lanes hdanor St. Paul 1Vinnesota. 375 17 7 io 375 16 !7 do 400 is 1.6 Sylvan Park,dditiorn to the 425 Cit„ of Saint Paul. 17 16 do 400 16 16 do 400 19 6 do 250 20 16 do 250 21 16 do 2050 22 16 do 250 23 16 do 250 15 16 do 400 14 16 do 400 I 13 16 do 425 12 1.6 do 275 11 16 do 275 10 16 do 275 9 16 do 275 i B 16 do 201 5 1B 15 do 425 17 15 do 2:750 16 15 do 400 !j 19 15 do 275 20 15 do 675 21 15 do 275 22 15 do 275 23 :15 do 275— — TOTAL. I I. _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENJ OF INANCE REPORT OF COMrAISSSIOER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . TOTAL. .� . -DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 15 15 Sylvan Park Addition to the 400 City of Saint Paul. 14 15 do 1100 13 15 do 2925 12 15 do 250 11 15 do 250 10 15 do 250 9 15 do 250 8 15 do 250 10 Prager end P_r'_lers .-ddition 400 St. Ps.ul, 1^inn. _. 1.1 do 425 12 do 425 13 do 425 14 do 425 15 do 400 9 do 250 8 do 250 7 do 250 6 do 250 5 do 50 16 do 225 17 do 225 18 do 225 19 do 25 PL do 225 E<<t 40 feet of 13- Sylvan Park Adaition to tre 14 13 ) City of St. Paul. East 40 feet of south ) 2200 7 feet of :15 13 ) do . TOTAL. .� . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTOFF} INANCE i REPORT OF COMQAISI%IONER OF FINANCE -� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ' LOT ADDITION VALUATION 1" 13- 14 13 1) Sylvan Park e.ddition to the (Except 'fest 40 ft. and ) City of St. Paul. ! Except Es-st 40 feet) ) 1275 _._.. South 7 feet of 15 13 ') do (Except...est 40 fe,t and ) except East 40 feet.) 'gest 40 feet of 13- 14 13 ) do . 2475 West 40 feet of south: 7ft.15 13 ) do i. (Except south 7 feet) 15 13 do 200 16 l3 do 250 17 13 do 250 1B 13 ' do 25e 19 13 00 250 12 13 do 3550 11 13 do 102 10 13 do 350 9 13 do 3^5 . 8 13 do 400 7 13 do 400 6 13 do 4100 ( The North "ast z of south west of Sec. 10 Town 26, Rant,e £3, ( (Except Famlire Ave) 46800 ( That pert East of Lot, 4, of the Psorth "test 5 of the south west of Sec. 10 Town 28, Ranig 3, beim the east 7 :.cres of theNorth 27 Acres. That na.rt of Lot 4, in Sec. 10 Town 2.8 R"s(_e 23, Described as follows: Bepinr.inE at e so..th line' of Lot -4, 162 67/100 feet 1Rest from the south east corner of s id Lot thence East to said corner thence Porth 650 along the East line 860 91'0 feet to the south line of Randolph St. thence, 'jest 40 feet thence south 739 17/100 feet thence Snuth'45^deE;rees 1:1!est 173 32/100 feet; to heGinninr. TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS4A01VER OF FINANCE i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .B VALUATION (Except West 40 feet of North 16,0 fe',et more or less �.nd 4150 i Except Randolph St.) That part of Lot 4 1,yinf;111'esterly of a line described as follows. BeiinninG at a point on the Fast and West, Section line 40 feet West of the' North East corner of said Lot` thence south parallel with the F.ist'line of Lot 4-11 79/100 Chains thence south 45 decrees West'2 626/1000 chains to a point on the south line of Lot 4, 2 4('5/1000 chains Pest of the south E st corner of Lot4 in Sec. 10 Town 28, Ran(e 23'. f (Except 'Landolph St.) T st 40 feet of Horth 160 feet more or less) of Lot 4 Sec. 10 Town f8, RanLe 23. s 1 West 57 feet of North 301 71100 feet of Lot 3 in Sec. 10 Town 28, RanCe23. i 1100 i (Except "lest 57 feet of North 301 71/100 feet) Lot 3 in Sec. 10, Town 28 RanEe 23. 2950 Northerly 2/3 of Lot 2 in Sec. 10 Town 28 Rr,r,Le 23. 1 Northerly 2/3 of Lot 1 in See. 10 Town <:8 R. nj_e 23. i r TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and i hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dow......... �4............a-1.. .__..._._.191: ._ :._.._.. ................_..._._._. ._...r..... roar o. s. w. rn o Commissioner of Finance. �i St. Paul, Minn. G ... /�~.......131,� . UTo the Honorable, The Councils (�JL�LtI�L J City of St. Paul, Minn. APR 2 - 1919 M. N. DOSS, Gentlemen: CO MISMER OF PUBLIC WORKS We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your, Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ........................ ,�.......St. from ...`!f/L�"." •�•.......St. Awe, to tee. Ave. 7123 Clt--- MRHVI Eli. APIT15 1919 U , ': BP R -� U C .1 St. Paul, Minn, , . �`5 ...... • • ..191 F/ . To the Honorable, The Counoil, City of. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: wei the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be mane: ......................... . .... ...St . from ........St. to ...........:W: Ave. Zell I d�v..... ........................ ............................. ........................ ..............I........ ... ..... .................... ......... ... ...... ......................... ....�..... ......................... ...................................................... .. ............. I........ ...:.......... ��1�RN!"............. ?r;4 ............. .......... ............. I* .... .............. �.....;....... .......................... CG....................... VINAL ORDER In the Matter of.....PAo�ng..X1@1J.1XlP...AQBAu.....f.XAZ[t...tb....d0.l3xkJ---17I1�....Q.F...P.�.IId.Ga31k3 Str 'At -•..t.9...the--•south-.Line.--of•_G....rand....Avenue,..-.includi_ng.,sewer,--,water._and--.gas ...... connect.i.on-a...i'.rom....elraet...using....t.a...RrcP.�r y...1.izltts...c.ozaPl.eta,....1�k�exe...nAt...already including--.curbi-ng._and., vavirg..alley.._and...d.rivewa-y..approaohee,.... wkl.ere...n.ea.e.ass.ry........................................................... ......... under Preliminary Order ....------ 2'i.9.10....... - ................approved _..AP.r l....W-th 1.91.9............................... Intermediary Order ............ ............................................................ 6 No,26626�— A public hearing having been had upon the to froom the savttii116 o41 due notice, and the Council having street to the 8oiltlx ins heard all persons, objections and recommendatiom:vehue, nntt having folly considered the same; gas oo nectfonsj ,, re therefore, be it nrorierb t+net corn�lexe 8hd , !n. a1h30 �' . anv o. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St ; Briar wher8 aeeeeear, ,:,tnre, extent and kind of improve- .. 24906, ment to be made by the said City is....Pave--.Snell ing•,Ayenu . ; rom..-the.--.south--,Line--_of-.-.-.., Randolph-_Stpeet-..t_o._the- south line of Grand Avenue, including sewers vaster outh.................f ......................... ........................._. and,_gae --- connections... from street mains to ,propertylinea complete, where not .._already -_made. also..includin� curbing and paving alley and drivevs,y approaches where necessary I �.n �1�_.f �P-,:.;\ e�:-.........�. pp ........ ....... .... ..... ......... .. ems......... .... ....... ................................... .......................... ......... ....... I .... .......... _.... ...... ........ ..-_......................._..................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvemen to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissi ner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said imp ovement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 191.... ryry ...... Adopted by the Council.......1<i✓i!!'' ,E_Q.. " 1 f , pit C erk. Approved.........V�)!`p�_i......, 191... .. _� Mayor. Councilman Ferns rth Councilman Gos Councilman CIancy Councilman eller Coune' Wunderlich t f Mayor x Hodgson ) U ,.i a{.�. .,_�v., r a ✓ ' Form S. A. &7. Ad n of sr PAFJj:•' DEP! {YAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OFC AiSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Y (A) In the Matter ofp�vi g anPl�-� -A_anue--frt ra the-^oux-l� n_ -o Lxolph...tree-t-ia t13E -- Rn14-h 2j.= n` Grand All-n"IR i r-1 nd i nv aamex a' P an 7 s rump t i rr a _fr-ol- IPtP h rP not alr a3� ^^i al an —__ n P. 9- • Ari t/P tS nn rnarhP.g 'a YArP nPruaaar'�T/.,,. ...........iuc.;.udiz>g---aur.'.�-ing...ani..}�a::.l.nz•---alley...-ani. ag under Preliminary Order approved-.Espr-1 1 �'Otl1-r--1—-------------------- --------------------- ---------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total T 0 T A L Cost Kind of_ Paving per per Sq. Yd. Estimate Front Ft. 3* In. Creosote Block $4.33 $79,239'.00 $9.59- Brick 3.95 72.28"5.00 8.7.5 Asphalt 3.31 60,573.00 7.33 Asphalt Concrete 2.70 46,419.00 5.61 NOTE;- 3.8% grade Randolph to South line of -James St. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 6 8 Rlm oc d 400 5 8 do 325 4 8 do 13?5 3 8 do 132, 3 8 do 1125 1 8 do 1':` 7 - do 1050 8 8 10 1050 9 8 do 250 10 do 250. TOTAL. rORM O.S.A. 8-0 A��- p_l-- OF 57. PAUL DEP MENT OF FINANCE OF C STONER OF FINANCE REPORT 'y1' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — ---- ---- --- ADDITION DESCRIPTION = is �. --- ASSESSED VALUATION I — I _-BLo i — 26 1 8, _Elmwood "25 8 do_ ._ 24 8. d0 1 l Q0_ ` .23 8 II dc- d0-._ `k 5 j . __. `` 5 5 i do - 32 5 II _ --. 4 ;_5.do � 3 }I 5 do , ;-.- - 2 , -5-r _ -do.- -- -- 9255. ;. _ --------- 1 5 Ido G 1125.. , if �' 7 !i 5 do 50 - - IF I . _ do _ 8 5 _. ',_. 50 fi - 5- rI do - - 50-: (�.-. _ _ _9 I. 110 5 ( 1_ 1 �0 do 1 ;50 I i 25 1-55 do _ _ 50 I- do _. 24 _ 1 5_.1.. _ _ 50 - u 23 i 5 do ' 1 �- do 75 325 -�I825 . do 5( do - 4 ' 1 !I _ _.do ail _ _ _ _ 325 �. 325 1� 1 do .32:5 I do _ � 8 1 Ac I . I TOTAL. 'TY OPT PAUL DEP° T * T OF FINANCE REPORT OF Cf�16AI lSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ' DESCRIPTION ! LOT!BLOCKI ADDITION II ASSESSED I VALUATION ! i Elmwood ,5Q 110 i_ 1 i - do.. -.. 50 i - , ,26 ! 1 do 200 - CIO 300 -- i !i 24 1 1 _ _ do _ _ ..2,00 4 r 3 1 "0 200 -- 12 ;13 Sylvan -Park Addi.tion to the City of Saint Paul. i 3550 , ! �' 11 13 I, do j 1025 ff _._ - 10 I13 do 350 ! ! ! 9 113 ;. do i 375 8 13 do 400 7 13 do 400 6 113 i do 4100 5 13 do II 21C0 4 13 do 2100 313 do 2100 ._ 2 13 do 550 1 13 -Teat do 1425 40 feet of 13 and14 113) j do _ _ . . 2475 h Fest 40 feet of south 7-ft}15 j13 40 fe^t_ and. except East 40 feet) 13 and 14 13 do 1275. 1� (Except WFst 40 feet and ! except East 40 ft. South 7 ft ofI 15 �3 do _.. East 40 feet of 13 and I P4 ! 131, i' d..__ East 40 feet of south 7 ft 15 1 _ f 13 do., 8200 T i f TOTAL, ' CITY OP ST. PAbL DEPA TMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF CWAr,4SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED ��- - DESCRIPTION- LOT BLOCK -ADDITION VALUATION I (Except Soutb,-7 feet) 15; 13 Sylvan Park Addition io 200 the City of, paint Paul. 1 !� 16i 13 do 250 171, 1 do 250 { 181 13, do 250 1Q, 1z� do 250 (Except North 10 feet) 20; 13 do 250. North 10 feet of 20, 13j do - South 30 feet of 21 131 do North 20 feet of 21i 13 do -150 Mj( South 20 feet of 221 131 do a 2001 �I North 30 feet of 22 131 do j 300 23! 131 do II 24' 13) do 12t 12 do 1375, 11;1 121 do 10 121 do 350• 91 121 do 350 81 121 30 375 p _ p _ r 7 12j do 2725 6 12; do y 375 5; 121 do 375 4 f 121 � do ii1 .-_ 375 31 12 do ;' 375 2i 12 do 375 121 do _ I 400 f --- 13; 12' do 250 121 '30 225 j ronM e.e.w e•n e _ _141 TOTAL. { �(ITY OF ST. PAUL DEPgrTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT.OF CGAN(r.SIONER/OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 7 --jam __— __..—._ ._---__-� – ---—� T— DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i VALUATION iI. '` ,•��i 151 121 Sylvan Park Addition to he; 225 City of ,paint _Paul. 11II 161 121 do 275 00 a� `I--- _.. _- _ -- i 181...12 do:2 It �(--- •_ .._..._.-- 191 12'' do 90ii iL 0 12. do 200 4. -- — 21; 121 _ do 200i �- — 22; 121 do 250 _ - 231, 1 at do 1; 300 I '._ 241 12C I - do --- — - 2600; 6 I 15! Evergreen Rearrangement g 75 - _ 141 do 350 131 do i 2350 12 do 350 -- i� 1 do 350 1 i �it 10( do 350 i -- 91 do 350 ' 8' do 1: 350 - _ 7; do 2450 do 3501 5�do : u " do 1525 21 10 - 350': i I � do i 375 ...... —r _ TOTAL. �� I i -. 1� ... CITY OP ST. PAUL .' DEPi' °AA�TMENT oplFINANCE REPORT OF CClflfltAMSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) (I DESCRIPTION LOT BOCK ASSESSED ADDITION, it VALUATION It j Vernpe Rearrangement ,of ;the 4 350 i15 i.4 East 'z of Block 4 Lota _"5.-�-1-7 . i I14 I4 J. 8-9 of of Dloak � i I sylvan P3rk2A diton3toatHe .aS.tdd Y 4 _ _ ! 13._x.4 I City of Paul._ _. -, 325 12. ;L 4 1 t _ _ do _ 325 do- do _ r _ $25 9- 14 i _do _ _ �__ 325 a._.._ dO 325 _--- — - i ?-.4 L _ do 32 5 {_ 6.t. 4._ i_ do.. 325 ' do _ 5.t4 i 1825 -�i 4 4 do _ 825 _ - 11 _3. _. 4.do do 2575_ If I 3025 1 i 4 do 3350 --:.: I 12 4. Sylvan Park Addition to the _ 550 City of Saint Paul. _ 11 4. do 500 -- j 10 4 I 1 do q 500 _ . ti - 11 9 4 do 500 -- it 8 1 4 it do 700 4 _ _ do_ 1300 � 6 4 do 500 :... � _. ' ' _ do I; 150p I 4 1 4 do ' 500 �I i i o _ 3 4 d 2500 _. 1� do 2 4 I �._ i 1100- � .. ,I 3��Q ,1 FORM e.3.A:'e-08 __ — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAj�TMENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF 0IIp44SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OR - z-_ __ --- _----- "__------ SSD �I DESCRIPTION SOT ISLOCKi ADDITION VALUATION J. 14 1 i Vernons Rearrangement of Ithel ;350 �) L I East a of Block 4 Lots 4L&_6 7-5-, 131 1 i 9-10-11-12 of Blo?k 3 East i of, 325ILI 6 r --Block_ 5 and West � of Blbak 12 1 ! Sylvan Park Addition to the City 2075 p I of St. Paul. 325 do 10 1 30 ? 325' 9 1 1 ; do 5 32 8 l do 1825 { - - 7.�_.1'- do 3025 6 ] i do 35'25 5 - i 1 do 3 _ 300 - 4 ! 1 do 300 a iI - ! 1 i 1 ' do � 500 f . _ 2 1 do 450 _ _... I 3 i 1 do 450 _.: 1s 12 i Maoalester Villas 275 i _I i 15 1 12 1 do ii 200 � '__, 4 14 12 i _ do 225 _._. - 13 12 -i do. 225 i {i 12 i 12 ! I. do 225 25011 I is ao _ i� I _ 300 ... le I 12 do 2 5 � f 19 ' 12 do ' 20 j 12 I do 250 �I 21 la I do 250 . 122112 I do _ 250 :. , 23 12 do i 250 I'ICpKOSAl DO I I I TOTAL. �I i 1 I ., ='. CITY OP ST. PAUL - DEP —T ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF 0l3M14ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ---_�__ _.. _ �j ASSESSED I DESCRIPTION - -� ' LOT eLOCK,ADDITION �140 16 7 Ma°aleeter Villas U VALUATION 0 , 1151 � I 7 40 i00 I _ , do 14 17 300 7- �. ;I. 13 7 1 II do +300 �I I 12 i I 7 , do _ _- 300 N 1 - . 11, 7 do 350 101 7 i do 400 _.. 17, 7 do 4 _ 525 t 18 } 7 1 _ do 400 ' a .. 19 7 _ do 425 -- I �I 20i 7 do a ,425 a j'.. 21 7_ I do :425 d 221 7 do 425 i 231 7 d° 425 1 _ 16 6 d& h, 550^ 15 16 J do 450 14, 6 do 450 131 6 do 1 3050 121 6 1 do 13050 _. 11 � I 6 I 1 do �� !I. 450 4 i .. 101 6 i do 3750 17 6 o 6 _.._ _. II 18 1 do i f 475 ..__ 19 - 6 do 475 201 6 do 3475 21! 6 �i dO L 3475 I 221 6 do ,3575 i� TOTAL. i I . - CITY OF ST. PAUL.. ,. .. ;. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF o4mropSIONER OF FINANCE - - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) — `I �-�-- -- DESCRIPTION LOC> ADDITION I ASSESSED VALUATION 1 ��- -- . c�` Villas $3 36 t Maalester as 2775 II ! 16 - 1 do r.. . 600 do 475 do 3275 13 1 ! do 2775 12 1 � do 475 ;i do � 5 297 _ -- 10-1 1 do.. 17 'l 1 ,I 60, it do i 40 5 l _ 19 1 do 450 20-i 1 do - 42.5 II i 1'i 2 1 L do ,, 425 } 1 22 do 450 d ! .23_ 1 ; _ do 450 , 1 That _par.t_lying south.of;Gra r�d_A�te.. of the Ea�t.�'-, of East of Sea. 14 Town 86 pangs 23. (Except Stye ts) 124675 i - the south That part of 9. I Reserve Garden Lots 6600 _. lying South of Sargent St. g (E�xdept Test 17 feet _Por�Snell.ini Ave .) ` T at part of. 9_ I do _. 6500 1 —lying North of Sargent St. (Eceptest 17 feet .for. . Ave. -- - - Snellin ola Ave.) North 33 feetPor Ose' i and Except II 17 3 i J. N. Rogers Addition Ili g 675 :- _ 16i 3 do 6715 �_._.--. _ 15' 3 d4_ 675. _I 1 _ j 18 3 _- do I '400 f I r. do 400 TOTAL, ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL .: .. - � DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF C.IVIWSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)- -- --- - - - - �- -- - - DESCRIPTION SLOT I13LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION 400 20, 3_I J. N. Rogers_ Addition I _.L._ _ 211 _ do 400 _ 141 3 do .675.. G I 3.1 do � x675. - I 12' 3 do __I 750. _ NI 11 3 do 550. II 10. 3 i _ _ do ;, 4400. _ - 91, 3 ; do 4400. I, 81 3 , .. do _._ _ . . " 600. . I� 81 Princeton Place ` 900.. I 9 do_ _ , _I 700 I - ` ` 10� a I o � I I 740_ .-- I---- I 11 do ,' , _ .700: I 12' do 700. _`. _13 do 700 I 141 do 700 7 i do 1000. I' 1 6 , do �i 1000: . do _ L e25 _..._. 4 do _ _ 800. 3100 do ; 1 _ _ do 850. .i Meat 50 feet of 14- 13� 6 1 Summit View 675. II I East 100 feet of 14- 1316_; do I 1225, 12; 6 II __ do _ I I' 3475 1 _ do I 3375 I { , 1 TOTAL, 1� f![iig'� St. �Bul oscAR eLAiisesN, CIN[•.wolN[en 39tvarlow"t of Ilubltr Worlds . [Un44 - M. N. GO55.COMMISSIONER J. E. CAPROLL 8 R. T. GOURLEY.-DSIUTY. - 5 AL•N.O IACkSON 8 YRGAY o• 1—ITATION' M. W. OO.jY,IN IM. SUIT. M S.ORYiEAK, ENO N [n / O. N. NERROLD O C[lxa1N[[. $t. Paul, Minnesotan Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner: pt Public 96orke, B;ui:Idiag. . Dear Sir: I trenemi-t. herewith preliminazy estimate of poet of. paging Snelling Avenue from eolith, lineof Randolph Stxeat to eouthr line .of Grand-Avenuex. in oluding Bawer, water and gas -eoaneations,from atxeet mains, to.pxopert.y lines complete ,:where,.not ,alresay mane, also including curbing,and-paving alley and driveway.; appsoaches,.where neoessary, in.accordance with Council File Ho.n24906:, approvedd Aprril 38055,9g1919: Length 4786 ft -Width Street 100 ft.Pev.Area 1830Nq.Yde. Add 1.25 per front foot for stone ourb; Add $43.00 for water connections -where neoeseary. No sew�r.00nneations (Sewer in Bv&a.)._ Total Total. Cosh Kind of Paving per. Esti- per Sq. Yd. mats, Front Ft. 3 3.85. 7B.In.Creosote-Bloak... 54.-33 $73,239.00- X9.59 B iok................., 385.00 8.75 Asphalt ..........:..... 3..31 6.0,573.00 7.33 Asphalt concrete....... a.70 46,410.00 5.81. NOTE:- 3.9% grade Randolph; to. Shutfia^UROL of Jams St. Youre very truly, 4JE6/; C Chief Engineer. i St. Paul, Minn., � _.....191./. To the Honorable, The Council, APR z 9 jyj:, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the folloe,'ing improvement to be made: �...... �........�(1..........St. Ave. from .......:.... ............ret'. Ave. to ...�• .....................St. A*8.- . ..... ...... �... �.......................... — ...............:.......d .......................... ...........-- ... .... 91-A� 11 JI_�I li �............ . . .......... ................. .................. p ....��.�i�i:nU .1;..e,nur r• ......... dY0 ..�. ' er of Public Wore Office of the Commissioner f;,., Pgil RNg�o , _ x Report to Commissioner of Finance s w S ���, s nt t •` MAY ., 1919 -P s May 3..r....d.. _ L.................................191.9 ....... ._ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- . 24906 April 30tYs 9 PP .........................191........, relative to ...................... eil; known as Council File No..................................a roved ............. the paving of to 8� line Snelling Ave. from S, line of Randolph St.. of..._Grand Ave...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....... _...... _............... ................................................ ............................................................................................................................. - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. %%%X% . 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_..... %X ... _........._............. and the total cost thereof is $.................. and ...... -• - the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ....................... ............................... ......................................... .......... _................... s s3t5-'l5 moo,... ................. t• iiy..-- r...---.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..P...ving,.S.}ei,i.i-ltg„A,yerlue,.frgm_,theRendolph.._, Street.-..t.o...tla-e a.oath...1.1me....o.f...GFa.i1d...A.Y.etaue.,....?.Z7.c.LWAng...e.ewer,....p�ter-,and...gae contaeC.t.x.Q.Zig _from ..street ---mains .--to._-property-.1_ines...complet e,. -.where --_not _already ma da_.al.sa...inrl.ud.ing...nurbing..a ad... pavi.ng...allay..and... dri.Y.eway...:apprioadhaa,..... wh.ere...nec.es.sary....... ..... ............ ......... ...... ... ..... ......................................................... .................................................. .............. ...-_— _......._...__.... ........ ............_................................._..._..........._..............._....................................... under Preliminary Order ............... 94.9Q6 ......................... approved .....:April -_30th.....:Uaxl-............................ The Council of the City of St. Paul ha Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having constderel ikk nA is tW ldf Pavingg 8?teulna :' }t,bef�3r9I4.t' tjulide"..bi Rant, 1. That the said report be and the san vAti nt�Ya n so"U mvgene�aaler�pted, and the said improvement' is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ��b°Oftl etreeWb�� �}-,�n4N compiAxei 2That the nature of the improvement which the Council re&Whends is...pay..e...Snall.ing...AXa71Lle from -the ..south ...Line ...o.f...Randol.ph. Street_-to.._the _south line of Grand Avenue, including_. -sewer water and gas connections from street mains to property ........_............................................................ .............. -...................... .......................... _... _........ li-r-e.>a--.pomplete,-_where. not already madet also including curbing and paving al.1.ey... find ....d..r.ipeway..apProachea.�...whereneceeeary........................................................................ .......... _....._..................................................... _....................................... ................ _... ......................... _ ........................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ...._...... ..29:th— .......... day of ............... ,T.0n.0.................................. 191_4.._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the' City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of avid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement; and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ......._::r ......... :.Y ........ .......... .... ,"i91.._...-. C2 ........ _............::........... 191....... . Councilor Farnsworth Co Counc' n �iaBd Clancy Counci an Keller Council an ,McColl Counci an Wunderlich Mayo Hodgson Form B. . A. 8-6 ..............----..... ...........`+J...Y............. . . City Clerk. ............. .... .... —.....__..........._............. -- Mayor. YtJBiiSi�„�I� OSCAR CLAUSSEN, CNi[P ENOIve[P [R. J. E. CARROLL. SUPT. ALFRED JAnS.0NOSUPT,cilov wvo RlPwIP. H. W. GOE-INGER, SurTlov M. 9..U.— HrEvo ...—.s G. N. HlRRO LO;OPPoc[ lvOiv een 0"b (8tig of Ot. Paul Bepartwent of Vuhltr Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. April 15, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Randolph Street from West Seventh Street to Snelling Avenue, in- oluding all necessary incidentals, in accordance with Council File #24,627, approved April 4, 1919: CREOSOTE,$LOC% WITH BRICx ON GRADES $ AND OVER, Kind: Rate: Total: PFoojt. Inter seOut: 16,533 Sq.Yd.Creosote Blk.$4.35 $70,365. $5.88 $5.42 8,749 " " Brick, 3.88 33,946. 5.88 5.42 BRICK: 35,282 Sq.Yd, 3.88 98,094. 5.58 5.09 Frontage - 17,771 feet. NOTE: Add for Stone Curb, per front foot 1.50 Add for Cement " " " " .65 Five per cent grade from 1001 West of Chatsworth to West line of Edgeoumbe Road, 2.5% from Edgeoumbe Road to 200 feet West of Syndicate. GIVER AND WATER CONNECTIONS: Seventh Street to Hemline Avenue: i" Sewer Conneo ions, eao ,,...... $66.00 " Water Connections, each........ 33.00 Hemline Avenue to Snellin Avenue: " Sewer Connec ions, each........ $80.00 " Water Connections, each........ 37.00 I The existing sewers on Randolph Street West of Hamline Avenue are inadequate, and a new sewer should be built in advance of the paving from Snelling Avenue to Hamlin Avenue, the estimated cost of which is $17,500. Also, on Randolph Street between Milton Street and Chatsworth Street, the existing sewer is in a bad state of repair on account of damages resulting from settlements in surrounding ground, and this portion of sewer will have to be rebuilt and enlarged, at an. estimated cost of $6,000.00. Yours very truly, WES/C Chief Engineer. 15' '} ® 25526 k 4* co.. ;. By�--•................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Construct sewer on Oeoeola_._Avenue _from,-_$.ULq ]--Axen»�.. _. under Preliminary Order 24997. -• ...............................approved ...........A4fly...................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct sewe r 2. That the nature of the improvement, which the Council recommends is ........................................................ on Osceola. Avenue from Snelling Avene to PascalAvenue. ..................- - ...............................................•-.....................•-.. _- .................------ _....... _.......... _..................... -......... ............ _ ------ ..... - _ ............. ................._... ..........._..........--------- ._......................._.............................. _ .__...............-............................................ ................ .................... - _ _. ... __.................._......_....... ..... .................................................................... ........._.._......::......._............_................... _...._..._...._..... . ............ ....................................... .... ................ 4495.00 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ................................ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.... _ Und ............ day of .................... j1dyp..........................., 191......9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House ana City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. ryf`. !^;n Adopted by the Council.._ .......:..:::....... ... ................. _..... . e Approved ...................:............................... 1'M .......... erk. ................. ........... a .......................... Eiyo.....r. Councilman Farnsw h Councilman Gloss r q Councilman Clancy PUBLISUM 4 �/( Councilman S er D K. o Councilm Wunderlich Mayor I • Hodgson Form .B. S A. B-6 25�_� ........................ .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.SU fA.CiX18..39.1.tk1...gramp ..._Caxr.Q11l AY..w.11.§ under Preliminary Order ......... _... `506$..........................approved ............ NY...14.....1919.*..................... ... ... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.......$grM-90 ,wit,kl--------------- ...grasel...Carr-oll...Avenue...from..Snell.i,ng...AQCX1>dQ4.Y_CDUA...................... ............. _......... ............. .. _ -----....... ...._...-............... ..................................... ......_........ _. .... __.. ........... x ....... ...................................... II........................ ....................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the . 22nd day of ---- -----------•July-....................... - --, 191...9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as esti Adopted by the Council....... ...._'...... ........................ �........ � . .............. .....\., .. ............ �%•.....C!�n...1.� Approved..................................................... \...._, i Clerk` _......_ .... ...... ...... .......... _................................ ... Mayor. Councilman Farnswo h Councilman Goss Councilman H Clancy ITBUSHED 4*11r Councilman eller ,4 U Q{ Cound an Wunderlieb Ma r Ips Hodgson For . S. A. S-6 � _ ...................... I...................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER _ _-- In the ' gttRLof........._...... Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidewalks at the following locations; Baker Street, south side, six feet wide, beginning 164 .feet east of Charlton _Street, thence east`18 feet. Stryker, Avenue, west side, beginning 46 .feet south of Page Street, thence south 12 feet. Pacific Street, south side, 'six feet wide,.from Cypress Street, thence west 300 feet and from 40 feet Fast, of Earl Street, thence east 80 feet, Cypress Street, east side, six feet wide, from Hastings Ave. thence north to _alley, approximately 126 feet, and from`Conmy Street thence south 16 feet and .from 68�feet farther. south thence south 44 feet. Hudgon Avenue, south aide;- six feet wtdq,beginning 40 feet Bast of Maria Avenue thence east 22 feet, under'Rreliminary Order::.:............_2.XV3..................;.,:7-?ved_:....._._May...3,.._1918._._......_.......... ............ Th@ Council of the City of St. Raul having recei) mottersof reconsiX the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rept -1 the fell.inives: d street,.: 1. That the said report be said the same is here; -hi -17K yyed'U1nd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby.i6rdered td be proceeded With. g. That the nature of the im¢rovement, whichithe Council recommends is -------- -..__......................... ._......._. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement tile sidexmlks at the 'following locations; Baker St., South Side 6:feet wide, beginning 164 feet of Charlton St., thence east 18 feete;,Stryker Ave. West Side beginning W feet South of�Page_Ste, thence south 12 feet.; Pacific St., South Side, 6 feet-wide,.fromCypress St thence west 300 feet and from 40 feet east of Eas1,8t., thence east 80 feet.; Cypress St., East side 6 feet wide,`fromlfastinga Ave., thence north to alley, approximately 126 feet, and from Conlay St., thence south 16 feet and from 68 feet farthe south, thence south 44 feet., Hudson Avenue, South Side, 6 feet `wide, beginning 40 feet east of Maria Ave., thence east 22 feet. with no a fe-rnalives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.__O.A.?._per ...square foot. Resolved Fprther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ....22nd: -..---- """....day of ........... ......jlily.......................... ......; 191........9at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. k4opted by.the Council.......'..:::...'- ......:.....:.............. 1 Approved ................ .:.............. _:.._::.._......., 1 .. / Clerk. /Mayor. Coimcilman Fares orth !i/ Councilman lion ONVARM Councilman Clancy ��gl >r k3tm Hodgson S. A. 9-6 L COUNCIL EN................................ ..... ....... .. INTERMEDIARYORDER In the Matter of ..................Grade a....n.d.. pjav ave. -alley I.V .i..n ..B...l.o...c...k ....1..1.........e...r. .r...i..a.m.....P...a...r...k. .. ---- Second A.d_d.i_t__i__o_.n ....... ...... - -- -- -- ------- �7 ............... .................................................... "7 t. jrdi.s, and_ .11.i' d I13N1=4 e I ---------------------- ................ ­­­ ....................... .d .1d. d— 2096 p P 11 24. - Th. Pne (:Its 1. -I ......... ........... .......... ............................................ ......................... ................................................ ... ... ..... .. .. ...... ............ ........... ............................................................................................................................... ...... ........... - ........................................ ­ ................. .................................................................................... ----- ---- - under Preliminary Order .................. 24796 ........................................ . ....................... April 2 - 4, 1918. . . .............----.................approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is G.ra.d.a and pa.me ---------- all.ey i n la.o.cX Add .11.i..on ... ............................................................. ................ ................................................ ..................... . ................ .................. ........ ................... ................ ............. ­ ....... ........ I ........... ... ..... ... ..... .... . .. ......... - .......................... 1 ­ ........... ...... ...... ......... ....... .... . .... .. ....... .... .... ....... . ..... .... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd ..day of ............... Tuly. . ..... . ., 191 .9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as ated. Adopted by the Council - ---- ..... . . ....... .. ....... .... ..... Approved..... Clerk. .. ................ .. ....... .......... !. Mayor. Councilman Farnswo Councilman Quss C l__ F -s 'On. Gr -wo Councilman Clancy Councilman eller Councilman an C.- c 0 ICoune' an Wunderlich c - l Ma rIMPHod9son .S. A. 8-6 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of e.a.s.ente.n.t...In the land ....... . . . ........ .. .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. ­ ..... ..... n.0.90.84RU fQT sl-qpe.q fq - cute.. and .... f 1. 1- -s in grading._Alley in Block 11 Merriam Park Second Addition. ... ............... ...................................... ­ ........................................ under Preliminary Order ................. ....................... approved ............. April 2.4 . ............. ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul havinq rp-ai-d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consider(Fc. V_N.. Ives: I j , 1. That the said report be and the a in, m thea,tter,lof'—d a( InTh'ell'and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with ear brl.p.cute 'giadingalley, �jn Block gark s.Load Xildftl--, .--I, nary order 24797,;apprq 2. That the nature of the improvem< gig. Co, reclo pmends is.. Zond-amn-and take ...... Em eazgment i)l gqj?.As ... for cuts and .fills in grgding Al -Ley in M-O.QX 11 Se.c.ond Addition, in ..................... .. . .. .. .. .. .... ce with blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof z........... .......... I ........ ... .................. ............. ....... ... . ... ­ .......... . .............. the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion showing .. .......... ........... - ... ........... ... ..................... .... ....... ... the fills. .................. ............. I .................................. I ........................... .. .. .... .... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 20,00... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 22nd day of ..... .. ..... Jul- 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved.............:...........I. .. ............... A, VU ............. E . B................................ ............................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of e.a.s.ente.n.t...In the land ....... . . . ........ .. .. .. ....... .. .. .... .. ­ ..... ..... n.0.90.84RU fQT sl-qpe.q fq - cute.. and .... f 1. 1- -s in grading._Alley in Block 11 Merriam Park Second Addition. ... ............... ...................................... ­ ........................................ under Preliminary Order ................. ....................... approved ............. April 2.4 . ............. ............ The Council of the City of St. Paul havinq rp-ai-d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having consider(Fc. V_N.. Ives: I j , 1. That the said report be and the a in, m thea,tter,lof'—d a( InTh'ell'and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with ear brl.p.cute 'giadingalley, �jn Block gark s.Load Xildftl--, .--I, nary order 24797,;apprq 2. That the nature of the improvem< gig. Co, reclo pmends is.. Zond-amn-and take ...... Em eazgment i)l gqj?.As ... for cuts and .fills in grgding Al -Ley in M-O.QX 11 Se.c.ond Addition, in ..................... .. . .. .. .. .. .... ce with blue print hereto attached and made a part hereof z........... .......... I ........ ... .................. ............. ....... ... . ... ­ .......... . .............. the hatched portion showing the cuts and the shaded portion showing .. .......... ........... - ... ........... ... ..................... .... ....... ... the fills. .................. ............. I .................................. I ........................... .. .. .... .... ... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 20,00... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. 22nd day of ..... .. ..... Jul- 191 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Approved.............:...........I. .. ............... it �ti; C ....... ........ . ....................... ........................ Mayor. PUBLMUED Councilman Farilswgith Councilman Councilman Goss Goss Councilman Clancy an Councilman Ker Councilman 0 Councilm Wunderlich Mayor Rodgson Form B. . A. 8-6 it �ti; C ....... ........ . ....................... ........................ Mayor. PUBLMUED 2P5m,-. p CO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ......Paying Ohio Street from George Street to Annapolis ..............................._-.......----...-....-......--....._--.-..--•-•---.....-.-.--.....-•---- Street.,__-includingsewerar and---gas- c-onnectione from street ............. ...Mains O.-property- Linea_ compl.ete,,.._where-_not--.al-re8dy--•installed, also.--curbing..and•-.al-l-ey--.and•--drivey?p-. approaches -where necessary, ................. _............................................................................................................... ........--------..........-..-......-----....I -----...........------- ...................................................................................................................................................................................• under Preliminary Order.....................25032 May 1-.z 1919. approved................................................ .. ........................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report. of tt,o n^*.^^tissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rep F No-zsssi= Abstract 1. That the said report be and the same is here tba ''matter of svms Ohio hereby ordered to be proceeded with. re t George' ling sewer— w '' and the said improvement is a connections from etree� .e,.•-- complett2. ... That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isPav.e....Ohio ...Stre.et......... from..G.p9Sge----Street---to---Annagolie-•.Street, including sewer, water and gas ...c.onn-entioas...-fx'ont...Qtre.e..t_ maine._t-o-.property linea c.o......mplete, ...... where not.--already installed, also curbing and alley and driveway .........-. ... approaches where necessary. ................._................................... .._..... __.._....... __...... __...._. __ - ............_ ......._... ....................... .............. ..... ....... ......_........... ............ _........_... _...... - p _..... _....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie.__�'� a �o' 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the Und - ........ ;day of --- -... dnly............_.__..__.._.__., 191. _9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. b in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Co missioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council......... . . 1 .... ... .:�.. f .. ` Approved..................................................... 1111k, ... i t e _ ....................._.........,............................... Councilman Farnswo h Mayor. Councilman floes Councilman H Clancy Councilman B er J1p Councilm Wunderlich Mayor vimxs Hodgson Form B. A. 8'6 COLT [he necessary " " [e ate a co 'a IV dthofslxLeetgnlettInvacatio��/t- 'Avenue, between the. aLpreeafd Itmlte.......... ............`_ll .. ....... also construeting cement the a[d walk to 'a width' of six feet on th unc1� - A 'North aide, of DoewNQ*-' '-.'..' '-- i ar ..... 8th 1419: Resolved: That the: Visas specidca- .............. `tionbone and. stimated - quantities sub - by..tha Commissioner. of Public Worlta for the above named Improv - and the.same are hereby ap proved. Adoptedby the Council June 20, 1919. Approved. (dune 28 -1919) - Resolved, - (dune 28,.1919) Resolved, In the matter of Changing the grade of Chilcombe Avenue from Keaton Street to Doswell Avenue; also constructing a cement tile sidewalk and the necessary concrete steps to a width of six feet on the six foot strip left in the vacation 6f said Chiloome Avenue, between the aforesaid limits; also constructin cement the sidewalk to a width of six feet on the north side of Doswell Avenue from the above described sidewalk, thence east to present established walk, under Preliminary Order #233032 approved October 23, 1918, and Final Order #23863, approved January 9th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are . j hereby approved. �pirs it Yeas (fWunderlich ays ed by the Council Appr a _............_...........1i`ttdrrit............................����'---""" AYOR -- MrIcesident; Hoc tr0 C. A, 9 3M 12-18 11 C F No:�.26633-8yy`bI N Acne- = - ' Reeolr ed Thai -the conira t�b ¢ring data 7Une 204q 1512 by antl tietWeen tqe Etlnitabe Aapbalt Malatenance'! FOR - COU L ompanYi a corpogfition of Kan6ae '��--.kitty, MjaeoaN, anflfl the Cltq oC Bt Panl hereln'andwhereby the ea1d A6ph 1 L. n vrmaany:leaeed and rented to Bald Cit ---- - ----- ��`1t� r a;- ,10d,of two'- yearn„ane. of Al J - - rfactng'maohlnea, ko be used- I A cou NCIL FILE N O. . ark oCie atrin - �---- ,A( .[y,`whleb contract hes been ;;bysa consent extended from tlm., t.. 11..' ..........-- Resolved, That the contract bearing date June "kth, 1912, by and between the Equitable Asphalt Maintenance Company, a corporation, of 'Kansas City, Missouri, and the City of St. Paul, wherein and whereby the said Asphalt Company leased and rented to said City for a period of two years, one of its surfacing machines, to be used in the work of repairing pavements in said City, which contract has been by mutual consent extended from time to time, the last of which extensions ex- pired June 19, 1919, be and the same is hereby further extended for a period of two years from said last mentioned date, on the same terms and conditions as the original contract, except that the total oom- peneation to be paid by the City for the period of said continuance or renewal shall be five cents per square yard for each and every square yard of work done by the City in which said machine is used, provided that the minimum amount that the City shall pay for the use thereof shall be $250.00 per year. Yeas (V) V i all poL"rz in T ��i� witII slow• 'tip, � l,�me E') TVaq Adopted by the Council,_,__.��� �'`'INN O r.. Wunderlich Mr residFnt, Hodgson ORMc A.9 3M 6.16 ^; 2! Arov.__.....__....____......_.__..._....----t MAYOR e. y J Yeas (✓) Councilmen (1040ops Clancy Adopted by the Council _. __`�uF "- 1,...�.. - --- Farnsworth Goss ......._. Approve mer , M%cmN —.011-101161110t ...................................... W undep)ich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson —""' (�' p'AR1(Z�!y FORM C. A. 9 3M� q.y / elty lvzrk. ;{ C 'B's No 956`9V4 rdlnance::�No . i+ (k' By J. k biancy s c to amm nd administrative prdt. r #4 J ty Ord nc No. 3260j¢,' apPro ed Aug- - ,�• O~ i �r / 20 1919, and amec:yir a th re- nst �1 �' toy a titled, A4i Adml.fitr tive A f ' ✓ Or�fppnnce relating C thitye C(vil 3 ,J7' 1 fce pv)fg of the ptin Pau . T epprov�ng . apd adopting rules ar therefor" Thla la - tegut tlo a V ( mer�e",y 6r tnaneo rendered a c ry Yoi thr.(. r etn o, the P. 'U An ordinance to amend admin S4 Ile °'a rdisy�l:9''`ety' 325, - approved Aur__ust 20, 1914, an& amend1lents thereto, entitled,-, °An Administrative urdinance Relating..to'the Civil Iervice Bureau of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting.rules and regulations therefor." .This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of.the public peace, health and safety. THE CvUNCIi 0 THP, CI1' FST. PAUAC3S GRDAIN: Section 1. T;at rection 20, of Rule 2,`of Ordinance No. 32.501, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be. and the=same is p, hereby amended by striking,,out in said section the followigg' , words an �af.„m i„Fireman.?�95�.00 n and inset 'ing in lieu thereof the follo�7`_ words andfigu �e!_aL month", St&t i eman . . . . . . UM W a Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary .for the preserva}tion of the blic peace, health' d safety. section 3. This ordinance shall take. effect and be iu force immediately upon its'passage and appregal. i i i y J Yeas (✓) Councilmen (1040ops Clancy Adopted by the Council _. __`�uF "- 1,...�.. - --- Farnsworth Goss ......._. Approve mer , M%cmN —.011-101161110t ...................................... W undep)ich MAYOR Mr. President, Hodgson —""' (�' p'AR1(Z�!y FORM C. A. 9 3M� q.y / elty lvzrk. A INTERNATIONAL UNION OF STEAM AND OPERATING GINEERS, Local Union No. 36. St. Paul, Minn. J e 12, 1919- Gentlemen: - This is to inform you that Stationary Local Union No. 36 of the International Union of Steam and Operat- ing Engineers, having jurisdiction over all Union Stationary Steam Engineers in the City of St. Paul, wish to inform you that on and after Tune 15, 19.19, the minimum scale of wages for all members of the aforesaid Union will be seventy (7050 ---cents per hour. The regular hours per day shall be eight... (8) hours. All time worked in any one day in excess of eight (8) hours shall be paid for at the rate of time and one-half. Our Committee will be pleased to meet with you at an early date to confer with you in regard to signing up for the ensuing year. Address all communications to F. A. Carr, 228 West Isabel St., St. Paul, Minn. Phone: Robie 2325. Yours respectfully, Committee. C" <c i j 'e N G r L.tmzG--^,f r pg,6�xlpIDa u sM 9,1; p ; i' No 5661--Urdlpavae NO Council File No. A� $, f Ordinance No. By . ��.�-.'a,,..�_y pAurto com�e�i+r"nto laetalh aC urb afr anidk ata on nt No.: 606 douth Bmith I. AV en ie fns =cont or $lock 168�ke- An,-ordinance granting to the $°° to install a curd iil- in station at No:'b06 Sout � t Y "L adciiv a srii- a�the corner of Cherokee Avenue in front of.Block 16, Bann n c'a Addition. The Council of the City of St. Paul dose ordain: SECTION 1.. That permission and authty are hereby given to .the CherO.," Auto COm- par{o to install a curT-illing station at.No.b06 South Smith Avenue, near the corner of Cherokee Avenue in front of Block 16, Banning & Oliver's Addition, in said City: SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the installation of said filling station uP- on its compliance with the following conditions;: (1) The said licensee sIM11 file with the Cormniesioner Qf Public works a plan.,Oj specification of said station, which hall be subject to the approval of said Commissioner, (2) Thesaid filling station shall be installed,under,'the supervision and direction of said Commieeioner., and the ea3id licenseeshallpay the cost of inspection, if any. Paul in AS) The said licensee hall furnish bond to the City of St. the stun of Ten Thousand Dollars (,10.,000.00)., conditioned to same the City,of:St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits,"'.cost's, charges, Arid expenses.that may accrue to pereons'or property on account'of,or arising from :the construction, installation, maintenance, .;operation,,uee, preBence`or removal of said fill#ng ata- tion : the .said bond to remain in force an, "I- be as long as said station remains or exists. TbA-iaid bnl'dshall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel;"and shall have such surety as may be approved by the Mayor, an shall be file, with,the Comptroller 11 of said City. (e4) Said filling station shall be removed by ddid.licensee whenever the. Council shall so order. (6) The said licensee shall pay ao .license fee or tax that may be re- quired by any ordinance or law-of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall within ten days: after the passage of this ordin- anoe file a written acceptancethereof with the City Clerk in such form as, may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall 'take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication.. Adopted by the Council�,f!� Yeas re ?�srs.varr,sworth — i r- 1 "�+N Goes �1fe9dXl Wunderlich. Clancy cS_ YLars Mr. President- r gayor. Approved a or. , �ciRy` Clerk. �� •• 2663@A'bahaat - v, Heeolvad that Wa;rant. be drawn CItY:Treasury Datable ouh R ; ixPonYtbe 1 thphorefnatter aPoolftod fanda and°In- thy p'erpona arms or oprpora ; th0[ln; ; TUU 1C1L RM t I �'� 'tlOne lDl2ha:¢mOan;p p0!'ODPOplta i'+i�iif ,.tyepeOttx4 natgoa se eyectfted fn the to .: FILE A ,s foW[ns detalled satement �_. Jaclteon' Plano Company ;200 00 dacar N yFolte Sl 000:00 ' � -Ated�Tu�hO 24� 79191uno 21 1919' � �%" PER........_. ._ .. .. ... .. .. ... .. TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, or Adopted by the Council......._:.._:...�...................................... _........191....` Clancy .' 2 •._ Fe:inn sworth proved .. .... , 191..__— ........ ............ ....... _� -.�p .rlArox /ident, M E vk*K& Jackson Piano Oompan9 200.00 8�i1N�4 Oscar N. Wolfe 1,000.00 dsk* 1 a a 1 1 Abstract " Reath. that werranta be drawn 0 "anon the Ctty Trahaury payable out aL ` the herefaatter apeolfied rands.. and fa' �, ' _ 1 tavor'ot.thaDereon& firma or d'orpprg.- `- trona furthe 8monats sat opppalt. Yhair--SRM FILE COUNCIL seapehtive names ea'sDepifted inttha 01 NUS L�i ldw ng detalied atgtement 18 A 1 Wjtq. R. RurkharA.' i8p4 00 John Doetan tligar Comyaq]r ; S66 47. _ t 1 53 ]G`'P Dreher 596 s6 7 0000 '1�;atnaWorth Comr o[ Finance;�j / _ jJ Yan Bl...............�r�e/ Finch yl.[e & DreConvltle IF, 9] A- $ Geieenheppet S[8 p8 aO\1PT OLLEN IT ,03f113tadlp SE6 1- {Drrt-DaerwBon Johtls`Ra =13 86 18g 7glhn Pac74p .•]raVW$y Company .(`"y ............................... NnMhem, 3tatee +PotceripomDa' TITLE E61[98� Electric E'gUipment Cpmpany ;out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the Resolved that warrants be dr pl0peerl,Cone Bakens 516000 Ar ander R1oe�3W8P persons, firms or corporations for thepet$ aeb�eaggeczaetttateiso'pD amen as specified in the following detailed statement: pit a31ceBu*�{ u :, ` " Y cI men V ayQx WPC.` dopted by the Council...... .. '2 1 ....._ ....191...._ Trf-43ACWYg T@L &' Talg Clancy ApDr pved Jpae 21 X3939Com„pany,y' 2' Farnswor OVed ............................. ...191..-__._ . Goss Kell _ MAYOR underlich Mr. Pre dent, Hodgson Wm. R. Burkhard, .}geft John Doeren Cigar Company, .1" K. F. Dreher, so"Gele, %OeM S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance Audikertum i*eV4 Finch, Van S;yke & McConville, Ste^ 1*01Z' A. H. Geisenheyner, Barka— Hill Studio, p nitent 1 1QQW Dr. Dawson Johnston, 13688 Northern Pacific Railway Company, Watt .12.68, Northern States Power Qompany, vtater-- 12e3G N. W. Electric Equipment Company, Pdyft" — 68.88 24.90 —079 86'4.00 55.47 96.50 100.00 21.91 48.02 26.50 13.88 9Z.78 1,396.23 51.98 �E 2551 7,. COUNCIL RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of. the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. 349 No.Waahington St. ' St.Paul Flk's Club Ino. _ - p Biagi it Co 438 Broadway St. 6 Yeas (✓) C cilmen (✓ ays F nsworth Gose-- ._In favor eller *cCol (...../:-.. Against i koWun Lich /i _ .� I Mr. President Jhig(JY Adopted by the Council_ 191.......... .... I!N2�!99Appove ...... :... .1. .....Y.._ ._._1._9...1................... .. ... .............. . MAYOR tom— - -- OUNCI DRM 0 'COUNCIL 2558 FILENO. ... ....................................... 9 Dat Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the same are herdby and locations respectively indicated the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue granted, such licenses to said persons upon the payment of.the fee as required by law. NAI,iE OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT, LOCATION, D, 0, Loe, Canada Hotel, 264 E. 6th, 387 Wabasha St., C. Sam & Co., Andrew Olson, 6taurant, nn6sota Home Hotel, 121�i!� -279 E. 3rd, Central Warehouse Co. t�aurant, 752 Vandalia , 435 Rosabel, Clarence J. Piemeisei, Rte •= atel, 412-14 Jackson, BT. W. I,Iagee, John Vierig,• Ho , Vig Hotel, 222 E. 7th, John Vierig, ex Hotel, 228 E.. 7th, 202 H. 7th, S. Lovekar, F. H. Snyder, St' Paul House, Frederic Hotel, 5th & Cedar Sts., C. J, "Steel, Restaurant, 894 Payne Ave., 11 W. 9th St., Thos. McCarthy, Restaurant, 67 W. 7th St., A. F. Clark, Joy Ling Low Co., Restaurant, Restaurant, 438-440 Wabasha, A. Johnson, Spalding Hotel, 474 Wabasha St-., 357 Wabasha St., Field Sohliok & Co., Restaurant, Yeas (b�jCouncil en (V) Nays SUN 21- 1919 j/ Adopted by the Council.............. `....... : ............191..... /%,Clea .. V/F aworth ppprov JUN 2.:.91.. f/J( ss � �.. ---- -191 _.. r / eller t�•~/ ' ./�� ' 3 Wunderlich / y MAyoN Mr. resident, Hodgson ""M C. A.0 3M 9-10 - t Resolution Rath ng Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for planting and protecting shade trees on both sides of A-4herst St. from Princeton to. St. C -lair St., and on both sides of St. Clair St. from Fairview Ave. to Cretin Ave --'r gS,yyraYiNG A88EQBMeNTB: �F No 25638— the ;r �hp._.mBttei o1,,t.ry,m under Preliminary Order .....2.Q_186.,_.._-------- Intermediary Order.....2.]..as%.x_._......_........ Final Order..._21778 approved. ........................._........191.8.._.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore Y RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Diattfict.Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said 'assnt be and it is hereby determined to be payable is installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. J ,ioN 21 1919 Adoptedby the Council................................................................. Approved .... _...._.._......._.`.r..",1_rZ.:�:.._1919............... 191._..._. Afttm — � /� ltl;l /_ Form A A R d -FORM FILE . FNo...5.6~..`4f�.. _ FILE 1b96• UDITE , 318a Itaihe 4'c 7,'eOhid6�i446 ... LE ..... IT J]1'iy` .�fe4 2 ...... .. Oi'0 i\lE S Olabc �c-nthe Council Sune 25.1919 II �'pdgioved ySune 98 2291,9) ` .. .... P :.(Sune 99r Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: y 1 m n ys Adopted by the Council.._ J 23 ;2'.9 Clancy Farnsworth. A vVV " Coss ` r • ti � ���� Keller t �� MAYOR W erlich Mr. Pres' nt, Hodgson 22em Cast Stone Company, 423.10 . R. Cros�a�ke � 1 41. 100&1 R. T. Gourley, Berea 1 of F'.rlgi's. .90 35.15 Std. 2. 5 Rbr�ing 3. 0 _ Ste-& R. 10 0 . 5 4202.9- The Kinney Mfg. Company, 7,481.32 `c�nrinir� l� i�ra,^9V1a 32.QQ& A. F. Morton, Supt., eA ,r�i�y 48.85 10964, Geo. B. Post & Sons, 100.00 QsIon zem Tierney & Compal, 290.57 ,1&026, Miss Dorothy Torrance eekee}.s 2.20 1~ Miss Katherine Tschida, S4. 4.45 24.45 12xw J. Clair Stone, City nepUinq QoLmni8sion ■ w'�� C p 1$0 86643Abe4T cG orrante be drawn eve-tb,C yV and to u oa tha C1tY Ttsaeuotrfle�plu- .-or- -able' °µt of v haretnatter p �oatte tpetr LQ FORM FILE cti y� AU or of the Deraona 9rme or corpora• ptt.E NO• ........_ .........._.......:.._ - ONAA * ttona for LbO;amRunta ecifte in the tol- es V �y low ttdeta lmd at�a'kement ,Q11�tenahaW ,1364.00 A4pprovo 7wa 280 �819I:Tune 23 Y819. (7ssno 88 1919) ;ITC'TRt)L ER ; AUDITED ...... ......_ - .. PER.............. ------------ .. ... . . i TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, Payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the: persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: YaarAdopted b P Y _ .�.�L.-)•� o the Council......__'_:::-.\...>ry s Clancy FarnsworthAp ed ................_........................................... Goss (/U �_...._..., Keller � ___....�- _....... _......_..ataroa underlich Mr. P ident, Hodgson ;y 4 I „3 F. W. 011erenehair, 354.00 n no+i,e To ig the ;bureau RRrli Gu%tda', ftsaS,ong S1U6 00' FORM -PIP PPTMN-�V— ... fi ............................. 'cout4c&L- 25544. NO. .......... ...... ... .. ...... .. ('June 28 IqL A: .... . ........... .. .... .... ..... .. ..... - ----- -------------- - cc D fi Resolved, That the commissioner of Parks, playgrounds and public Buildings is hereby authorized to employ in the Bureau of Parks, a supervisor of Life Guards at a compensation of $125-00 per month and a swimming Instructor at a compensation of $3.0().00 per month. Yeas C ilmcn (V) Nays cy ih Sworth 7 ' OSS .00 /eller I Wunderlich Mr President, Hodgeson Adopted by the Council -'ILA 28 IS.:! 9 APPv .......... ...... - ---------- --- ....... --------- - --------- MAYOR 75e,'ana n�hu;a cofi�BhL co t6nvettiiCc ja9eoae ��Io aAno 0 vBri�iOb Re¢ fair on �' CgY yin daC c 01 the Pur 4 Nq �U@ le in tho offi Paut ptdtol, 6 R M O U I' _ofiaetn� Agent Ltnvt-'too' 13 80 00•Vstita6@; ' Car C ete{tlted'.,Y+ititn. ofon#d no �a1d r da.:aD ned by adVertlsement�LTto b0-. _ ���� pnba 8rt t ot�t§&1d...._. .... etittve nldDe grtmenS•Cor PaTA Y6tilYcs COUNCIL cbnrged t0,:- F ono`. Bu4dtrtsH nLe NO......... .._. .... ....... ... oundeattvltond RareAtbrteo (b sT B.Hi Fuad,, tha Cenriclt Aune 88 3910 1 ' jj11 �' r n r Resolved, Teat the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase with the consent of the Comptroller,.without asking for competitive bids, one only Dodge Brothers Touring Car, in accordance with Requisition No. 4086 on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, from the St. Paul Motor Car Co. for the sum of $ 1,180.00, as this is a patented article and no advantage can be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. Cost of said car to be charged to Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs. Parks Fund, Activities and Refectories (52.3). F� r Yeas(6�Co cffmen.(V�Nays Clancy >: Farnswgrth d /C.A. � In favor /,..Against rlich"MM Hodgeson 18 Adopted by the Council.. JLIN ...` ..._ Ic iib Za 9 APprov 1 .. MAYOR Ql I T Q" S 1. PAUL AV r—OUNC .... ............................................................................. ................. 0-11 t 11- ................ ... . ..... ...................... ..... I .......... . ............. ...................... ............ a en Resolved, t * �the City ark be and he Is horoby authorized and d 4 �W/a a tMo YinkelatGiu & Ruben to Conduct a ThaiLtre at 1815 Selby Ave.on Lots 15 & 16 Blk*3 Ski re & aassidytelPaXk Addne That amid Finkelstein & Ruben Into the City Tweasury a license fee of One hundred dollars which IG the auato=LZY EMOUnt for said license for said Theatre for a period of one year from the inuumnaa of said Lloenac. Th=at said license shall bot be Issued or become effective until building has become fully completed and until said rinkelstein & Ruben h%e prowured from the Commissioner of Public Buildings his cartificato t-Imtt the said building and all the apparatus to be used in oonneation with the exhibitions to be given therein are in all roopecte in com— plianoe with the Building Code of the City of St.paul Aad has filed tho certificate witii the City Clcrk . /— Yeas (V) councilmen V) Nays Adopted by the Council ...-.•..-...--...........-.-.....-.--191•-••.• Clancy Farns orth Appro- ............... ...... 191- ounci'men Clancy Farns '/h Go ler •..................................................... ............... MAYOR Wunderlich -Mr. esident, Hodgson FO c. A•. 9OM 12.V9�::'- 3$tate of Mitutesota.1 COUNTY OFR 0 S _P .I ZFY' CITY 0 ST P ..... . ...... .. ..... .. ........... ... . .... ..... ------------ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ................................ .... ........ residing at s ...... . ................................... .... ....... ....b d Orn, eposes a 8 th e is a resident of the State of Minnesota, a i twenty -o & 8 e t had a City of ... .... . .. ............... _­ .......... St—Paul License which authorizekkim to carp o t . ............. sin u h d of-- ------------ - 4� ............... ... .............. ............. ....................................... ­ ... ?, --- ----- ----------- ----- ------------ .... . .... ; J_ .----------------------................and that 4&6- ow desire�a license, for said business, at aid place, o ye r, ............ ... ................... Sworn toand a cribedbe In ... ....... ...... .. . .............. L b c en s sp e c Or— Ota b i c e County, nnesota .255,115 a K'114v s - - __117 HENRY McCOLL C. --CN ew JOHN T. MCCOLL DE, UTY C01MIs-0— (fug of fttt# t1ttttl DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY June 11, 1919. To The Honorable The Council Of the City of St .Paul. Gentlemen: - Attached application of Finkelstein and Ruben for a license to conduct a Theatre at 1815 Selby Avenue, is for a new location. Respec7LVicen- you o . ;�dJG e' 1� pqrCoaff t e . " .._ . to sxs v maul itau t ,. 0 . Hawthorne 8[ ' � l 6treet to NT By _ N. Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs t3nd.expenees �onstruetinE, relny4 and _.pairing Cunt 51dewalke, estimate No. 3, Under Contract 2961 B, for :season of 1916 . for -an -P.O. 22170 Hawthorne ' t. sidel� from�Arcadesidefrom T -t1 torSt. Foreto st "t.rt. r F.O. 21786 Ivy - north , F.O. 21222 Orange -.t. north side, from Greenbrier eve. to Tsalsh Ave. F.O. 21675 Orange St-, south side, from Greenbrier Ave. to Walsh Ave. F.:;. 21`334 Payne ;',ve., east side, beginninL at Hyacinth Vit- thence north approximately 112 feet - )ad, 2E485 hit® Bear Road, both sides, from Payne Ave. to F.dierton St. ` F.O. 22255 Greenbrier .'ave., east aide, fres+elle St - to York St. P.O. 22250 Lafayette ;,vGa,pwesterly westerly lj side, b,i.Lning at Coa Lino funnel V.0. 22323 Decatur t-, north side, beginning 170 feet west of Edgerton St. thence west 12 feet. F.O. 22350 Jessamine .-t-, south side, from �aississippi t. thence zest to ?r. P. Bridq e, approximately 220 feet, s nd on the north side of Jessamine ..:t. beginnli'L at a point 170 feet east of :`:g/ste st. thence cast to N. P. Fridge. F.^. 22337 Eighth Et., north side, beginning 178 feet east of vabasha 7t. thence east 50 feet- F.O. 22351 C0116Ee .•ve., easterly side, beLinnini; at lest fourth :.t. thence northerly 242 feet. F.'?. 21801 ,.urora s;ve-, north side, from Jay t- to :Airion '-'t., on the north side of ,•urora -.vs. from 41arion St. thence east 200 feet and on the west side of Marion ",t. from <.urora _,ve. thence north to alley. F.O. 21700 Fuller `-',t., south side, beiinning, 116 feet west of Jay ''t - thence west 103 feet - i'.'',. 22486 Farrington Ave. east side, from 11urora rive. to University `.ve. and from Van -nuren "t. thence south to a point 1GO feet south of Blair !.t. and on the south side of Blair `',t. from Farrinfton Ave. thence east 215 feet- F.O. 22294 University ;Ne-, north side, bei inning 55� fact east of Western r,ve. thence east 10 feet and beginning 108 feet east of Western Ave. thence east 46 feet. F.O. 22487 Pica twest stfrom sr.vnC.o rth to and onthe east side of Picetfromluroravethence south 288 feet. � •.j:'.0. 22436 Charles :,t., south side, :beginning at Floe te thence west 80 feet. F.O. 22486 FarriuLtor.i_ve., cast side, from •.urora ,ve. to University .'ve. and from Van ?wren :::t., thence south to a point 160 feet south of Blair Et., and on the south side of Sluir St, from F"t,rrinj.ton ,'vo. thence east 215 feet. F.O. 22421 Como Ave-, south aide, beEizisLinL. 138 feet nVan of an r?urer. -t. thence{ west 12 feet- F.J. 22285 Como.ve-, north side, bei,inniaL 280 feet east of Clalhorn `.'t - thence east 14A feet. P.O. 22487 Rico "t-, VOs t side, from Laherburne thence north 170 feet and on the east side of Rice St. from Aurora •ve- thence south 288 feet. --pion-assessable doll-- F.O. 22170 Hawthorne Est-, south site, from i;brl ."t. to Frank '.t- F.O. 21786 Ivy 5t., north Bide, f.•ox .rcade •t. to Forest "t- F.O. 21355 = r� OFems` ed Ch t w cranta'.be bt. c,•• "[^^ 1 n the CIfY Tr s a9 out q tha h etnaite sP td d Lunde a a'. ,w, [ the:Pe e. ern ° 0 1Ya,ORM -ut ♦ut, t" AUI)IT.k.B-+'poiaitas, Fa.mA A46.2M )-IB thelerotlowingD YCVB - the � o Dteeorat{ g ComPanY..e _ Chieago Fla 5127.01. lona. $203.60. Drew rY & A. Farnsworth. Con'r. oC. Finance. - $6.00. C:leason Plano ComPanY. 512.00. ....91. ..... ..... AUDI ED J. T. V oY Soap Company41 . .60- 0- - -- Mahle Wagon ComPa Rand Mc Nall_ O nY. $1,133.00. Tel g. CmpanY. Ti'i-State Tel. 6. $3636.40. TIT J3.04. ohn J. 1Ngninger ComPanY. $• Adopted by the Council June 24. 1919. Approved Jun, 24,.1919- 1919- Resolved that warrants be Drawn q of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the as specifie(l in the following detailed statement: 'I unca men ( �% Nays Adopted by the Council '.' . ............._ 119.1.- _.... � Clancy ) Farnswort Goss 1 Re r MAYOR lunderlich Air. resident, Hodgson --12V310— Chicago Flag & Decorating Company, 127.01 I .1365'x" Drewry & Song, 263.50 R"Ok" -12 ae— S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 6.00 Sa'^ QLs- 3.00 Playsguealds 3 00 6 0 }E9Si Gleason Piano Company, 12.00 esti .+1 a 3. 0 " 6 0 Peds 3 00 0 .22.Q6+, J. T. Kenny Soap Company,64.91 8� 1 56. 0 1'2435 Mahle agon company, 410.00 _12 Z,6 Rand McNally company, 1,133.00 souls 3f366Y°- Tri-state Tel. & Telg. Company, 363.04 S 4.4 7er 15.00 25. 5 104. 0 129. 5 L27 80 M13 60 42. 0 1£959 John J. Allinger company, 36.40 g21—ls T 1. X6 . AO�4�that warrants be - drawn jastract. nt SER the City T=rydpfa.yable oU o r the 1—.—, firm. . 11 - r or ..... .......... for the amounts setropplonsit d AUDgepect'I'v, names as P -I the III- .1C.L t hereinafter no ads and In fave Ilbsir lion I" E RM I _I.. I. e Central tailed' statement: Bank, Assignee Peter Dick $127.50. Clyde W. Coffin. $12.00. 1 `4 G—gla. E. ET.b—, $25.00 Adopted by the Council June 24, 1919., L APP11111 June 11,. I'll - (June 28 1919) A D . .... E R TITIA'. I ii Resolved that warrants I)e drawn Upon the UIN• Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter-pecifie(l fjjjj& and in favor of the �A perSons, firms or corporations for the amounts ,et opposite their respective names a,specifier) in the follo,ing detailed statement: Adopted by �the,cil 1 Clancy z rtll C Farnsworth In frrm pro%e�l Goss Keller MAYOR riderlich 11r. P i(lenl, Hodson 1:2869 Central Bank, Assignee t)ickson, �torrlf t: Ear to 1T9: Clyde '',. Coffin, 8•-p�=6iiah R 1lnfnraoa.Q- 12941 Georgia E. Hobson, 127.50 12.00 25.00 V C 266E9—By "11, C C .. 1,..d il C Y City�` " o. �'B" the ie i. C t. "St hereby h enmay he �7 Ilnof the "n petition � ,,,d and .25560 city oe feet 'and Lthe city of Safn hocU ' W and,I Paul' I J. 24, 1919. Adopted by the Council APPY.ved June 24.,1919 6) (June 28, 191 0VED: By the City L Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proper officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign and execute a petition in suchai form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Paul, praying for the vacation of the northerly (nineteen (1 1 9) feet and the southerly nineteen (19) feet, of East Ninth Street, between willius Street and Locust Street, in the City of Saint Paul. Adopted by the Council N - Appro id;2 MAYOR Yeas (V) Counciliz Nays c CClanc la sw FFar s�orth Farr G ss eller /resident, Wunderlich Mir. Hodgson Adopted by the Council N - Appro id;2 MAYOR l I ` Albert Wunder^. /w" 25651 BY _ Reaolved. T and bee to poD t, not'. . -N.- on be, COI lzed and emPoWgred111p1oSEg for th of all �- b eC ..�. � :loWtti6'temD°r e, school ce us a ._. Fit.e 1L NO ._ 15151 ........ ...._.. ._.. _.... .. .. ..... .. _..... 1n� stx 5. children tns we9vir[he by egta ienp Man- ... ...... M e ed cou c °t �F-�..I� r V •: Y..yy aenernl 9tatutecomPens3atton o4d $100.00 ............... ....V":Y..... ....... ........ ... neaota. at the a ealarY ..-............_. One .Director Bt erVIBOCB at a 6a1arY per month. Seven oefn,eYeach- . of $5.60 Per gupervleors at a snlaT f!TCSCnI¢a Seven Office .......v............ 04 $5.60 Per daY each. at n ealarY ' Fort: daY eaaC�pie 1919. $2.60 Per the .24u19197une 24, I� Approved June 1919) (June 28. Resolved, That the Commissioner of Education be, and 'qe is hereby, authorized and empowered to appoint the following temporary employes for the purpose of taking a school census of all children between the ages of six and sixteen, as required by Section 2985, General Statutes of 1913, State of Minnesota, at the compensation indicated: One DirecbDr at a salary of $100.00 per month. Seven Field Supervisors at a salary of ;,-3.50 per day each. Seven O4ice Supervisors at a salary of '4p3.50 per e day each. For (rtnumerators at a salary of $2.50 per day each. �.d YlVa ilm ( ✓) Nays y worth rerlich Modgson F12-18 Adopted by the Council .... _:... __r . 1�1R; ••.. °7 Approv MAYOR Resolved, ? C. F. No. 25662 -BY 7G,,ose— / InAvenue nt1 um f Dton Phal neunder p'innl Orde12477, aP- proved9eptember 6:Re.olv.d. 17r ter. In ttheCOUabove matterbasame re herebr cancelled, d nd ch I ORM nlnded and all, Pr6. In each �i.. onAdopted by the otter d1scontinue, Cou a 24 1939 ii�y���(7,^.r roved ,Tun 24 2 2 COUNCIL No. ......................................_ .. ...... ..ter, ���...�.. .........................._. Vl" In the matter of grading Hawthorne Avenue from Duluth to Phalen under Final Order #12477, ap- proved September 15, 1916; That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescind- ed and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (d) Councilm n (✓) Nays Clancy Farns orth Goss Kel r \ nnderlich Mr. Presi eat, Hodgson FORM C. . 9 3M 12-I8 _.._ 21 Adopted by the Council ___.__...___......_ ................. Approve���' ...�r///`.. MAYOR • - C. F: No. 26663—$Y M. N.Goeswthorne I�Streeim troem Earlr Street Nto DuluthD Avenue, under Flnal Order No. 15298, d _ approved March 130 1917; ORM s /� d�, .., j,✓` v'\ COI .. atter be That theorame lnre 0l aeran ✓� e 0 a matter b0 annul) d and rescinded and !cane Cancelled {n such- matter dfecon all proceedfnge ___ tinueU. " ,. ���"""""'� 1��� ��� �� Adopted by the Council June 24, 1� • L claur+c � 1 - Approved (June 1919. Wile NO . ............................... ..................... (June 28. 1919) � UA_ ,_ N" DaiC•r T .l: ice. I'�SO _. �... In the matter of grading Hawthorne Street from Earl Street to Duluth Avenue, under Final Order 110. 15298, approved iflarch 13, 1917; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceed- ings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (✓) Couneil¢ien (V)Nays _...._.tt.iVI M118r" K ler I y� .......... Mr. Presj7dent, Hodgson OR.&0 M ,z -,e Adopted by the Counci:._ ......._._..._.._._.._1�4...... Approve __........................ . .V ....1.. ...... .: MAYOR oswe aAo4seN, cN�¢. ENc�n¢¢n J. ELL. 5-1 AL o JACH . N.......... ♦No w¢.w�n. N. GOETLINGER. 9�.Y'Ow (IItty of St. Paul 10r4tertuuut of'Ilubltt Iffisrhs M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, 'Minnesota. June 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: The grading of Hawthorne Avenue from Duluth to Phalen has been under consideration for some two years and we have asked for bids on same six times. While we did receive a bid on this grading job in April, 1917, which, under the circumstances, would have been a fair bid, it was not so considered at that time and was rejected. Since then we have received no more offers for doing the work. Property owners interested in this work desire that the Department should do something to achieve the grading. Inasmuch as the original estimate may be exceeded by 50%, it seems advisable to introduce a new preliminary order for a new hearing on this work. I submit hereto a new preliminary order and also a resolution cancelling the Final Order for this work. It appears that if this work goes through it would be advisable to grade at the same time Hawthorne Avenue from Earl to Duluth, and also Orange Street from Earl to the east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, plane arm specifications for which have been heretofore prepared and advertisements asked for. It appears that if these three bids can be let -together, there should be a pos- sibility of getting more favorable bids than if they were advertised for egparately and at different times, i. e., the idea is to keep these orders separate but to let con- tract for them at the same time. I am therefore also enclosing resolution to cancel orders, etc., for the grading of Hawthorne from Earl to Duluth and Orange from Earl to the east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, and also new preliminary orders. Enclo OC/C Yours very truly, 01), Chief Engineer. Ga.— C. F. No, 26664-8 gM- N. 6a. — ' infrom Earlr9tre t to the go _/{ 1 COUN Phalen weights Park Ag. rioved Ju1Y RM I1 Final Order No. 17677, PP, IS- solved, That all orders in the above `^1 A "'.�Jm tier be and the same are hereby """"_" // and a areded: and --��_. .. ' cancelled, annulled oul+clL 9 ali proceedings to such mutter discon tl pyo ted bY ( t"unea1une„9, 191'11 une 24, 1919 FILE NO. 3 i� Date Presented--41M--1-� a....._. ......191..... fjn the matter of grading Orange Street from Earl Street to the east line of Phalen Heights Park Addition, tinder Final Order No. 17677, approved July 16, 1917; Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. J' Yeas (✓) Councill(en (✓) Nays �•� Adopted by the Council-.-.!.'..�`:- - '----• Clancy Far sworth > APProv G s ” .ftwwe eller MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson �" `-'9.3M 12-19 UP f Council File No .......... _....._........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE;ENT 25r -?:r.5 ,:,Wrs}� and �^'✓ yo the: Counctt o= •••� �'- - - nprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned herbb{C propoAEs the maf Couneflman Goes, there ore, _ `"*'vad; That the Commissf i„”°1 .Qr dir►p Hawthorne AdBnPe f'wa xe be and he Is h�.l$ [po the east line of ....................................................................... =hd-di;ectad:..__..._................_...__...._. ........................ "•+_„ i.0. InveetlBt tthe hmakt , ppAp slrabllitY ,F. fAQ,FBht.� �F..$�i.P...A.MY tq. etaent.. ..............._._....__..._..._.._....._._....._......___....................._._.... nvetcOsof ttaatedt .i, the .total C0911 ....:............................... ........................................... ............. ................. Dated thia..th•....._., of.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. f A, 2 S S S WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gradi..ns-.xawt U:9 from Phar p71..HaiBh a...Par�C...Ad di.tion,...... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....._...... ....... _....._.._ ...............0 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............ - - ........... --- .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invebtigate the nature, extent and e€timated co8t of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:.........-- ..-----..._.....- --- --- ....................................................................................... 5, To State whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 2j-Adi AI '2j- Adopted opted by the council............:...........................................I�1>.... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farn orth GoApproved...._.._.._ 1._ ............._ .................. eller c 1nderli :.......................aYo nM' ...... yor PML 1--v a� /P Form C A 13 (bM 17) I, C, F. No. 26664—B'ad i gNOcenga Street. ' in the mattlrstr0 t ontlr Eaet lined of trom Ear add oved July RM .•/ COU _P Phalen 1leights p7677Aapprlo'r u Final Order No 19, 1917: That all orders 1n th jge,ebY I F geaolved, d rescinded and PD K matter be and the same are FO ERCIL NO F' - .- �cncelled, a nulled an .. .....-. ..................... all proceedings In such matter. dis o tl Adopted by the; Council June 24, 1919. r ......-':,.......... _.... Approved June 24. T—„---- (June 29. +a � from Earl to �/`� - ___ Date Presented_ ........................:......... jn fthe east the aline gradingtter of of PhalenHeights Parkge Addition, undereet Final Order No. 17577, approved July 16, 1917; e same are Resolved, hereby lcancelled, annulled l orders in the 9and rescindede matter be and h That andall proceedings in such matter discontinued. Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays 1. Adopted by the Council ' Clanc Far sworth Approv - ____ .... _... __ 19\.. ........ ....... eller .. . v..... �. . ........................................ .............. A�1�� ...MAYOR Wunderlich '\41', resident, Hodgson M' ` '9 3M 12-I9 PROPOSAL FOR U to iou and . PR[,�oar,srae o The undersigned hereby -proposes the me dingy.. Hawthorne A�`d:ata�.e._f�'. F� a><►.._� a �,Bht..e.....P.aask...A.s1si��e� ......................... _.................................. Dated thie..th�.._._.. Jam...... "as Council File No. nprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: 'hat theCommleef �;}^• os be and he Se h�' u „tLo.__}..... east_..1ine_._of_..._._..........._.. ectea: ' ... . ,.Ligate the 1 6kl, :y of the ............. isttgoet to .......... ............. en , d etotal oo.ll:.................................... ..............._................................ ...................................................... 191........ PRELIMINARY ORDER. ® WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gradi.>?s.. 'th9 '.e Avex1 .�.fr.ga Du�u.txi..Altax� a t.0._.t e. eset...l. n.a..cf _..._ .._..... PhaIVA...�e�1Bh��...Pa�k_..Ad .. u ,... .......... . .................................................................................. ........................................................................................ ................ .... .. .................... ............. .......................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman..__... _..._. �. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said emand the total wst thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... ................................................................................................................................ 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ...... ....... i.......... .............. ........1q1� .... Nays: Yeas: ^ I Councilman Far Approved............_... orth ! , Go eller c�................ Wunderlich Mayo yor W PUB.L :--D p_ C A Is (sM 17) Council File No.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE T r.m �P:: 6 and o vi� PREI FMTethorne etr et`DE • ,amu utth. Avenue, 1, to th Council Goor t,. ��nr councumanas,'ta.+• improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned roposes the meki-`Ived, Tehhat the Comml.on'. i*I f S�.�XlF3.. N��ti1rne _.._..... ad eTOclinvestigate Trovemedesirability' Of he nka B lYs f :-DIt111Lh A9®AY6._. _.._._................. ------ ant, and the total cost tl r p 3 To furnish. pI p _ .... -... .. at hot said tmpr em t '- 7 To late whet n - ment Is ke ._,.. , ... .. . terse oc More �t^'1r .. .. .... - . Datedthfa......... .....day of........ . ........ ........................................ , 191....._. Councilman, PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Gradir►_.Hawthorne.._Str eet...from .35ar1. _Street...t9._.D13111t?. _.................................._.._.........._..__....._.._........._._.._._......._..._- ... ............................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by .Councilman.-....-t�....�.. ---......'." therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direfted: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and e4timated colt of said improvement, and the total wit thereof. 3. To furnish a pl, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the ollowing other data and information relative to said improvement; .. ... .......................... ........................ ............................................................I .................................. 5, To Mate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the wuncil........... a...._...._...._I ....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Far worth c G Approved._........... -ii.... _i9t...... eller Macau � 7� Wunderlich ................................................M.ayor.............. Councilman/ :pda. /may Form C A 15 OM -17) �];L1w11Y.-•/ / Council File No........? ................. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT W tten , 256,: d - - ,,ie- tollowtn PPorange strllne 'ORDER. the East �l .'ark'Aa. counc; .. t .", -""^-+- ( to councilman}ooee, ther•'ri The undersigned hereby propfue` s"tl� ►f�!ved, That th tCi°emis hereb Jhe proVement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: r e S reet...fna a+ratter: BSIg........_t.....t mvestto�tthehmaxtnastCCthe ea6tline of Pha.--en_.._-.-.__ deslrabllltY p[Ovement. t a Yt♦ 8 Pails Addition.:'-tnveattkae tha nature, .. A.H.i.-g. 4. .r estimates stat of safa ant, a[Ydturhishtaent..................-------------- ac Pianhe pr( a. To rovem. ......... _.......................................... .............................:.etch ot.e tI I s or tic; . ............................................ strata whether • � .•.ement fa asked for on. ......._ .................._...._................... .....................:.. �...... mora ownearl;..... ........ .................... ................ �..._ _ ..;.fit .upon. Dated thia........ ��.Lha...day of-:....:::.:...................................... ._, I L..._... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: f3radi_ng_.Orange...Stree..t._from._Earl.. Street_.to_..the...east line_..oY Phalen__._... .................................................................................. ............. ..._..._ .. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman... ....�...:: /........_............_......._......_........_.... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coot of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement-,-.. ... ... .. ... ........................ ......................................................................................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 04 21' 9 Adopted by the council -- -- - Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farns Orth Goss Approved ................::':.::.:,.....:............. .... ..... ..19h...._. ler underlich... ......_................................_........... May . IwdaL Form C A is (aSt_M17 YO .�. Council File No .......................... PROPOSAjk,FOR BWROIMENT A-wrltt � - � i rduct n °wear tafde�`oY eSYndi t tion trom Lau el Avenu t Ash- ry Workehbet the Commfesioner fo ��- incl' of the'CItY o4 St. Paul by �•,,.., yuan Gos therefore, ben �P vement by the City of St. Paul, viz: The undersigned herby prop o G m:Ved, and he Se hereby or nod directed: OTtBtrttOti a agmant ti'T° lnveatig%te the king of enldrt= -�'-'� We 't'�"�'" Q' -O zeelrability _oY the ,making _ .......................:........................................ ..........._o ement:.. Eton:° investigate the nature extent L .............. ttma ed cost [said tmnrov::f�lk%alS�_.i�YfFL7Ji.P...............:....................... $l4ndiC&t e..-AVenLie d toe total °oet thereof. -----•• oale fatal !� a v meet. ......_.._.._.._..... idA'�ro a ............._..._...... ................ ornot . ............ ......................... ..................................... ........... ......._............ Dated this.. 2,0.th.......... da tulle, -...1919. ..................................................1 191......... Counci an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. � WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: PoAent....t,il.e, sidanalk,.. e.ix..f.est...w.ids,.._on...w.ast_ si.de._af_._... .......... Syndicate..Avenne,....f.7Ccan..Z+aure�_ Averau.a_.ta...l4aYHand..Aa.enus._...�. __..._.._._......_ ................................................... ........................................... . ......_................................. _.. _........ _. _.. _........................... ....... _.. _.. _.... _....._....................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.....::.'........... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: ltigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 1. To invenvetigate the nature, extent and estimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 2. To i 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement:....... . "---- ..................... ....:......................................................................... 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. fi 21 "13 Adopted b the council.._. ......�' Nays: Yeas: —.... Approved............. .. �................... ....:..................... .................................. Mayor. �6 Councilman eller �.) IV— Wunderlich vor Ir'dfP' Form C A 13 ............................. FINAL ORDER �j In the Matter of...0"netiLctir3 ce!i:ent tile. �ide a,r sndne1-f .. :_M.. ............ ........................................... feet in widtl: or. the west side of °avoux F-reet froo- Iglehart Street to . — ..........------ . --..............._.....................-----..............--..--.......----.......... ................ ......................................... .........---- Carroll Street, excert where -nodi and su ficient sider.alke._no!:: exist. ...................................... ............ ................. --- .................................. ................ ............._........................................._...... ander Preliminary Order .......................298 ...........approved..............p.FT.11...3�.,...1.=1°' ._................... Intermediary Order ......... .._................. ' 'F. No. 25669,f A public hearing having been had upon theon e the matter of ,*'k.` d n e a plme notice, and the Council having p g g p utile matter o tour_and oae.hn in. width, eti' the Weet.aide of -- heard all persons, objections and recommendatiisol—est ee�: ealev+rwherees having fully considered the same; therefore, be it nellroin e+dewaler naw e, 'reliminarY Order 29909, , ril'20, 1919. . -' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Sx: nouchhear+ns F.precise nature, extent and kind of improve- RESOLVED, a cement tile ei_lec:alk, four and mentto be made by the said City is.........._._ .---- ............. _...... ....._.........---- ..._.......----............._....... ......----............... ...... ... one-hp.-fee.t._.in_.Tidth or t.he-__ e, t. --.aide,. of 45veu.x Ftr,-gt fro^..Z iehrirt ^..r.r.o.'_ i...:tr.:= =.t.,...axnept....,here_. gocid...ax d-.auf._'.i.c.isnt...ai.der ai.k.s-... nowexist.__..............._........__....................._....... _. _....... ..........................._._..........._...................._ ......... . ......_.... ..............._............_..............................._—._..._....... ....... ....._......._...................... ............... . __......._..-....._ ..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ......... .... :.: -- --- ...:...--- - ------- > �h Wit - Approved ................. .............. lmJ ...... ¢7 / Councilman Mayo1' Irximx [?o'er',scn.. Form 1/S. A. 8-7. City Clerk . _. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTV OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,! (D) Iathe Mattuof-....,Constructing a cement the sidewalk, fcar and one_-h3.lf fe.=t_ ...,_- in width on the west side_of._Rayoux,._stre_et..._from_I�>-Q,yla t....Strs.t.S....t.Q............. Carro 11.....St_re.et ........ ......... -- . _....... ............. I ...... . . _.... ................... .......... ............_..... ...:. -............ ........................._ _..............,........... ...... ...... ...... ...._•....... ........ ........ ..... ........ ........ .............. _.._............ ........ ........... _........ ............ .......... ....... .. ........ .... ..... ........ --..... .--...... ..-.............. ...._........ __...................... ... .......... ......... ... ...... .... ........ ......__............................... _.. .. ........ _............ ..... — _....... ...... ............_... . ........ ..... I........... ........ ...................._.................. ........ ,...... ....... ........... ........... ...................... .......... -.-.... -.._......... ........... ......._....... -...... ....._............_._._......... ._........... .I ....... ...... - ......................__............. .... -....... ...... ............................ ........... _.._..........._.. - ........... ...... . .................. ............ ........... ............. ..................... ........... ......... ........_.......... ....... ...... _................ _....._... ...... _..... _... ....... ....... ._.......__..._......_.........................................................................._....._......_---................._...__._....__ undo Preliminary Order approved�` ....................................__...._ ................._ .__...... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $_.. lineal �R.S The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is •-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC( East z of 1- 2 9 3 9 South of 4 9 North of 4 9 East 56J feet of 5- 6 9 ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Rondos Addition 2875 do 3700 do 1800 ' do 1000 do 4125 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated. - .. _. _ ... 191 . �_...... ............. U_...._. ` .oah e. s... o•e o (J v Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, I!inn. , z/••91/-. To To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: 'We, the undersigned Property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . ....... from ......... St. A=r-e' to .............. ...... St. Ave. .......................... ....... .......... . ......................... pp ........................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Office of the Commissioner of Public Work!RECEI o �- c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance a' 4 UAY 7 191.9 May 6th,__...._...191 9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. 4908 April 30th, 9 2 eil, known as Council File No. .._...................._.... approved ___......._....____......_...__..........._........ .... 19L_......, relative tm_...._..........._.._.... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, 4-' wide, on the west side of ..........._..........._..._...... ..................... _.._._._.................._............ __.....__............... ........ .... .I ._..........__............._.._...........__......._.._ ._...................... ......... ..... ............ ............. _... Ravous Street from Iglehart Street to Carroll Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._.......__..._...neeessary and (or) desirable. 52.5V per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...... ....... .... --- ........... . and the total cost thereof is } _.._.__........._...., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _.... _ _.. _.._..._ _.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....__..........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. uuuiss' mer of Publi orks. "4,+ f. 4. COUNa FILE NO ............................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. .......Construc' ing a. cement ti'_e-._eide?gal �..sih feet- side,,on ...the...nnrth...aide ...of...Almond..S.txeet--Irorr....iiazr,.1 na--A-u$z1ue-..to._Paseal....A-va.......... except_-:, here good-- and___sufficient.-_ei eyralX.s now--_exi.Qt.-�.............................................. ...................................................... ............a. 24721 roved.............Apr?.1...11.x....1.°l�....................... under Preliminary Order .................................... approved _ r! xo sstEo—................................ ...... Intermediary Order ..........................................7n the matter M conetr6@iln a cement tae staewetx six rear w�3o on.the-pttce, and the Conn having A public hearing having been had upon 1 ¢xIamt7t wge°nYe toonPkeesi aren4�' egcept't�hmre gena ana,.m,m fent efrfallconsidered the same; heard all persons, objections and recommends -wa�xe nawi a c/at under preumtng y ' ^raer 24T2i aPP;Well i Prt it -: therefore, be it ounitc -:hes;f s pastas �ee emen^s RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise'nature, extent and kind of improve - Construct a cement tile sidewalk, six feet went. to be made by the said City is.............................................................. .........................._.. wide, on the north side of Almond Street _from__.H.amline.,.Avenue-.to........ .... .. ................... Pascal A --e. excert where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. - ................................... ........_.................---......................................_........--......--.--....----................................. ......... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .......... 11A 21 '- A Approved .................... u u 7 , c — , 1�J3�►... Councilman F rnsworth CionnCllman oss Councihn �ytitA Clancy Councilor Keller Coune' an Wunderlich Mayo Wktk Hodgson Form S. A. 8.7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMIENT'OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) - _— Constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the In the Matter of _..-....... .... ..................... . ....... ................. ......... ...... ..... ...... ........ .............. .... — eue_.t.n..Parc.al_.Au.e......__----.._._._....._.. _.._-north .fr..Qm..�aml.in.e...._.Avn under Preliminary Order approved ... ._ 1./..fi........... ........ ... _._...... .... .......... ...__............... .... ............ ............ .........,.... ...... ... ._... __. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: t The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $••..-.•••. -------- lineal - - $ 70•.- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - -•• -* -- ....... ----.__. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .VALUATION 24, Parkway Villa 2825. 21 do 450 20 do 450 19 do 2300 18. do 2200 17 do 3250 (16. do (15 do - 1050 14: do 550 13 do 450 The N. W. # of S.E. of S. W. of S. 22 T. 29, R. 23. 35550 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated........... L..._... .-_J�..__19-_ wL.�h ....... _....... _........... ...C�,........ -R. a. e. A. 0-o � Commissioner of Finance. Jy St. Paul, Minn., ... ...isl sro�0� B3N01s51VIW� tiSSTo the Honorable, The Council, r.4r,.1.0zNd City o` St. P2.u1; Minn. Gentlemen: !9e, the un ersigned -property o rnere, hereby petition your honorable 3rci to cease the follow in: ovement to be made; ....... C�t.c�i...C�• ... ...V:". �St. Ave. ..fit.. .. U from . Ave. to ..�.�,............. ...........fit. Ave. A 1R E LOT BLOCK G a �..�.............. � �W . ...::... �. :: ...... ...................... . x. ............. ........:..�.......................... .. .......... ............ <: .......................... Bt�R�[I ................ X ..................... ..... ....... ..... .......i......... _ Q�n1-01 Office of the ComAsioner of Public W, - rkhECEtvED + Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 17 1919 April 16th,191. 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Si. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24721 April llth, 9 cil, known as Council File 'No........ _.... _................approved..,.......................................................... _... 191.......... relative to ....................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the north of_ A.ILAMI...S:tr_e.et_..irom...Hemlina...AYenue--..to..._Pascal.....Avenue........................... ............. _..................................... _....... ......... ................... __..... ........................................ ............ ............................................... _....... ........._....................................... .................. ..... _.......... and'having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: r 1. Said improvement is ._..necessary and (or) desirable. 70, per lineal foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is $............... ... __.__...__, and the total cost thereof is $.......... .... ..................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .................. ................................. ............................................ _............................. _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. I 5. Said improvement ia__............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / iG .._... ......._.._.... __..............._.. .: Comnussio er of Public Works. 0.,,s I° CMNO ................. B FINAL ORDER 4 In the Matter o£....._Conetxuatin--,a..cement....ti1=.__si3e alk, eix f=.et-.ride,..on the-_ge_et„--side:_of-„ Snell,in-g„Avenue„_from--Qtto,. Street,_to,_Randclph-.StrFet . except where good and eufficient............eidewalke.........now . . exist. .............................................................. ...................................... under Preliminary Order .................. 9;6.1.3. ....................... approved ......................Apri.1 ....,... 919,,..................... Intermediary Order ............................ ........ nnnrnved A public hearing having been had upon the ale > 3p is s� } $ aottce, and the Council having '1*tt �aeter-' iionrue. 111 heard all persons, objections and recommendations weer etas oc suB 3tvepu)g fully considered the same; Otto„ litrgeC rs., therefore, be it cave mere soda aaa u�ete5 wai abut "Ist, under Peen end sssrs apy Q ea av�lr i; a extent and kind -of i n ve- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St �, pubt�c heath zasla� r .- , ° B�SCouncll�r c ment to be made by the said City is...........onn .tru.Qt.:.&..C.. 0 J, ttoeP 41!e...e .(iewalk...... 61.X...fe .£.x...... on t11,! TA st..-aide,..gf__.Snell_ing..Ayenue.._from... ntto.-_S+reet_..t.q.................... Randolph sireet except where good and eufficient sidewalks now exist. ..... ._. ..... .... ... ......................--------------...................... I .................................................... ................----..................................................................---.............................------..... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthozised_and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. I \\ `�\\ h Adopted by the Council ...........:....... �.........1 .................... ..c Approved ............ Councilman Uounenm ¢gel anCy Counei eller V 1 Coune man;Vunderlieh May Id4ibx Eodgaon Form B. S. A. 6-7. ......... .../. // Mayo 04/t"OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEPT O I FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMMSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �(/y under Preliminary Order approved — — _�2,-L 1. i =---------------------------------------------------------- -- -- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $-------------"-- The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Py4 �" GJ a 6-6--) ' / 6 -aa.; -:.,.TOTAL...,... The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, &Ad hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated .......... — -.._191 ` -- vG...--.........._... -- --...........---__.... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, IUnn. , iJ �• ..%.S!.......191% . To the Honorable, The Council, ; City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlermen: Pte, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition Zour Honorable dy to cause the follo/rung iriproveme to be made: Ave. te- ...................... ...St. Ave. \�.,., .Office of the Commissioner of PubliIvED " }. 0 _at _3 Report to Commissioner of Finan$e 8; %u 6 APR 9 '919 April 8th, 9 ...... ..............................:...........191....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24613Apri1...2nc'1� ...................191.9..., relative to.............. .... ..__.. cil, known as Council File No ................._......_.....approved....................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet aide, on the west . ......................... side of Snelling Avenue from Otto Street to Randolph Street. RS i ........ .. FINAL ORDER , In the Matter o£...._Constructing a cement tile side.alk six feet ride} on ............ ....... . both sides of rarvester Av rue frog Thite Bear Avenue to uazel Avenue, ................................................................--------•------................................... . excert---where...-good and.._ sufficient Bid! pwalk.e.._now exist- ------------------------------ .............. --------- --------.._................_. ....... ....-- ...................--------...---................................---..............----- ........................I ................ 2487 �f 1919. under Preliminary Order .................................. s April 24, _ F +iVA�' &ky682— 7 .P6 mngB a pemsehN ............................................ Intermediary Order .................................................fueU6' at£eu9icPRetrugU dewallr at7c reef v¢lee oSr Horn: dtde NCot S�Y�teefeY AvepNe lroff A public hearing having been had upon thGi ��nwnaere aoaa sn°a � ffio�teni aia'ftce, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and reeommendatf � rk afrs7� npxov a ayPrls ami° y considered the same; A Du�llh• nei led,Ap"., ^^. therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is......Const.ra-c.t .s. c.ement...t.i-le...aidew.21'=.,....aix..faflk...w.i.de oa_both.-_gide s.. of..-Hr�rve.et er___Av?nue.__frog.... Thi -te_..Eear_. Avenue._.to._,Hazel._.Ave.. except where good and et°ficient sidewalks nom exist. ................................................................... ....................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................._........... ............................................................................................................................................................................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby autho. d directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in aceorda' ce therewith. UN 24 1.19 Adopted by the Council ............."...-...............-........:......., 19 ....... 24 5 ................................ CouncilmaNO 71/ n sw�h Conncilm oss Couneilm Hyland lancy YB.S. an eller o an Wunderlich AX �lodgeon Fo. 8-7. City // Mayor. CITY OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIfi0ttSfbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of Constructing a_cement_tile_sidewalk six-- feet _-wi���.on_both sides__ of Harvester Avenue from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Avenue under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ° The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount the assessment for the above improvement is aaoff� The estimated cost pJlAq 0r the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 16 3 Hazel Park Div. 2. 250 17 3 do 225 18 3 do 200 19 3 do 1800 20 3 do 200 h 21 3 do 900 22 3 do 200 23 3 do 2300 !;24 3 do 200 I . _ 25 - 3 -. _ do 200. .. -. ironweawee I : I � TOTAL. _ .... I I� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COP#*I$SIpNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 26. 3 aazel rark Div. 2. 200 27. 3 do 200 y 28 3 do 200 29 3 do 1675 30 . 3 lio 1575 16 4 do 1525 17 . 4 do 200 18 4 do 200 19 . 4 do 800 20 4 do 200 21 4 do 1200 22 4 do 1600 23 4 do 150 24 4 do 150 25. 4 do 150 26 . 4 do 150 27 4 do 150 28 4 do 150 29 4 do 150 30 4 do 200 15 2 Haziel. Park Div. 4. 1900 14 2 do 2D0 13 2 do 200 12 2 do 2200 11 2 do 1200 10 _fl 2 do 200 ---- -----9._.. - - do—... - - 200 -200- TOTAL. TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _. ------- ASSESSED —_-__ASSESSED LOT ;BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 8 2 Hazel Park Div. 4. 200 7 2 do 200 6 2 do 800 8 2 do 200 4 2 do 600 3 2 do 200 2 2 do 200 1 2 do 1300 15 1 do 176 14 1 do 150 13 1 do 125 12 1 do 125 11 1 do 125 10 1 do 125 9 1 do 125 9 8 1 do 100 7 1 do 100 6 1 do 100 5 1 do 100 4 1 do lOQ 3 1 do 75 2 1 do 7 6 do nl50 I Y 1 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �//'/ [--V -� , — ----------------------..._C Date � _ -191L�/ ---//- - / Commissioner of Finance. — FORM B.9.A. 8-0 C I _ , .._.... . . ..... .. __ ... . -i--1 _Al' N , : Cb_ , , Saint Paul, Minnesota March 25. 1919 Commissioner Y.M.Goss. Department of Publio Works.. City of $t.paul. . Dear air: We,_the undersigned property owners. petition your honorable baft to have a; sidewalk of standard with Nom'` and construction put in place between White Hear Avenus and Relel Avenue on Harvester Avenue. Thanking you for your attention in this matter. we are. rase \\\ a.. urea w r �a baa �y ".'Iig atif Address gna ure Ki diess gna ur UU -J APR 2 J 1919 */} ^:AU Ur' LjiGINEER J Saint Paul, Minnesota March 25, 1919 Commissioner M.M.Goss, Department of Public Works., City of St.Paul. Dear Sir: We, the undersigned property owners petition your honorable body to have a sidewalk Iof standar width—&'kVUt' - and construction put in place between White Bear Avenue and Hazel Avenue on Harvester Avenue. Thanking you for your attention in this matter, we are, ;ri,B VsG2�-- ��S7 gnatur ?^A/ Q OF NGl P , Address Signature � d raT-1 Signa ur ddrees S natu , fi/• dress Signature Address (�p Office of the Commissioner of Public Work "'.1',V'g/D 0 Report to Commissioner of. Finance „6 r II�tiC MAY 7 1919 May 6th, 9 _......_...__ ..............791....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order, of the Colin - C, l h, 9 cif, known as Council File No_- ... 24787 .........._..............approved_.....__Apri..__........................24t...:........... ......... _....... 191........., relative to........_.._....._._..... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, 0Yl both sides of ..... .... ......... , Harvester Ave. from V7hite Bear Ave. to Hazel Ave., and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...._.._.............necessary and (or) desirable. 70¢ per lineal foot S. The estimated cost thereof is $.._.._..._..._ ................. . and the total cost thereof is q.._._......_............... _..__..._.._.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ....... ................. ........ ........ ............ ....... .._..............._.__......._............_._......_..__........__..__...............................__..._..._._._........_......_.......__............._.. _... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .............._................................................................................................... ........ Commiss' ner o Public Works. 25�.C-3 .... . ................. B.......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of !;! o D?tKRC�t Ilip afn'�.r. Q.7) B.@.-y.ard Elmf4 e -t -JX-QA' �y 99,Ae'll Amr— to University Ave. and enlar in or rebuilding the sewer on the South ....................... ........................................................... g 1.� .... . ............................... - ------------------- - --------------------------------- - -------- - side of University Avenue fror. Bayard Stre-t to the manhole 229 feet ........................................................... - ...................................... ............................................. ................................................. . ... PTl3j?f AYf'.P1AAA ............................................................................. ............................................ 48 under Preliminary Order ........... ..................... nnroved 28 .............................. AP-3�!A �il 77 Intermediary Order ............................................ In Ahe. Xb� 2rJ attevdf4a&ei --------------------------- ---- ------------------------- Bayardreeti-.';'-frozn- Z -r- - Y t A public hearing having been had upon nue" n1versi .� yenvi?;�4"A ue notice, and the Council having -0 i'knbUfl n �tbe,iew�' �slde,q a erifi.mU, - u ard,,* t G' 9 heard all persons, objections and recommen e avin fally considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. A ercot aff-ruhid of imple I - .a.._ ...................................... ... ..... . . ................ Ave. to University Ave. an enlarLing crebuildi .. .. .r ... .. ......... ng ................... e niver.e,1 ty Avenue and 229 ............ ...... ... ............ I ............. feet northwest e end of the existing sewer at Raymond Avenue. ............ .................................. ........... ............. ............ ................ ........................................ ........... ............ . ........... . ..... .................. -�X ..... ...................... .......... ---- ----- - ----------- ---- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications fo­r--sa-1-T7MP?""R"V4w upon said approval, the proper �cit In it said . r of�said im r ante therewith. 2�1is 1 Adopted by the Council .......... - Mayor. Councilman FiF nsworth Councilman oss s Councilm Amyd Clancy Councilm. Keller owl 1 k" t��. an Wunderlich _JA*,x Had—on Form/. S. A. 8-7. CITY OF s' UL - DEPARTME IN�INCE REPORT OF COM +. R OF FINANCE ON PRELI ...ARY ORDER �. (a) _ _ Constructing sewer on Bayard Street from Cromwell Avenue to Inthe Matte? of.. .._ _ ..._ ............ ..._................................. _..._... ... ............... ....... .......... ........ ....... .............. ... _ .......... _ _.Uni-vexakt-y---Ave_...and....en-l-arg.i..ng....©F—zebu-ilii-ag..-th®-43-ews.T . gn.._t he -south- ....64- de ---------- of University Avenue from Bayard Street to the manhole 229 feet north- fzom._the-end..-.af-...Lha..exi.s.Ling-.aex+cex...at. Raymo.nd...A.v.enue.......................... ........ _... __ under Preliminary Order approved.......-� -•.... ... ...... .... -_.._..............................__....................................- --_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 4.1 rQ.Q......... .............. front The estimated cost per foot for the above impro ent is - • Q O - """' - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:' --ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2 6 Bakers Addition to the City 3100 (T) of St. Paul Ramsey Co, Minn. ( 3 6 do )l 5600 4 6 do 5 6 do 92000 6 6 do 24 8 do 850 1 8 do 2800 4 7 do 4350 3 7 do 4300 2 7 do 4325 TOTAL. .UL DEPARTMEN REPORT OF COMMICITYOPSTINEt OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA Y ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED DE56RIPTION LOT 6LOCK�. VALUATION 1 .7 Bakers Addition to the City 4325 of St. Paul Ramsey Co, Minn. 29 Auditors Subdivision No. .4. 25000 St. Paul, Minn. 30 do 144500 h 0 _ _._.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. .... ................. - -o Dated........_�j- -....191.. ttCommissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the CommigSloner of Public Works RECEI'V'ED 09A E3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY i 194 April 30th, _.....19L...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24828 April 24th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..................................... approved ................._........._.............._.... ... ... ............... 191.......... relative te....._......_......._..... the construction of a sewer on Bayard Street from Oromwell ............ ........:............. ............................... ..................... ........ ..._... ............. ................. ....................... . . Avenue to University Avenue, and enlarging or rebuilding the sewer ........_.............................................. ..........-- ............................................._.................................__..._......._........................................ on south side of university Avenue from Bayard Street to the manhole ......................................................................._ ....._................. ... ..............-a......................t..............s........r- _.. 229�feet orthwesterly from the end of the existing sewer at ttaymond Areet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .....:.......... ........ necessar and (or) desirable. p §3.08 per froni� foot 2941.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is ._......_..._...... _............. and the total cost thereof is $....... ..... ...... ......._....................., and Assessable frontage 955 feet ExeessAinspection $120.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................... ...... .................... ................. ..... .._.._.............. ............ .._......__......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................... _................. . 5. Said improvement is .... .................... .._........asked for upon petition of three or snore owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Com arose • of Public Wor J (IIitg ��sul OSCAR CLAUS9001. CHI.. eR —.R Department of Puhlir darks pr J. E. CARROLL. Suveewa M. N. GOSS'COMMISSIONER . IVIT —.. wvO R.rnina R. T. GOURLEY. D—Y A-R_ JACKSON. S—T. N. ETLINGlR, S�rtlav M. 9. GRYTBAK rE Rec ovs G. H. _RR ROLO•O.. ca ........ St. Paul, Minnesota. April 28, 1919. Mr. M. N. Coss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of the construction of sewer on Bayard Street from Cromwell Avenue to University Avenue, and enlarging or rebuilding the sewer on South side of University Avenue from Bayard Street to the mankole 229 feet northwesterly from the end of the existing sewer at Raymond Street, in accordance with Council File No.24828, approved April 24, 1919: Approximate estimate........ $2,941.00 Cost per front foot......... 3.08 Excess inspection necessary. 120.00 Assessable frontage......... 955 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. J �� r. 0 .................. . .. B3. . . .......... .... ........... ­­ ............... ................. FINAL ORDER Constructin- a sewer on Pierce Street fror,) a point In the Matter of------------- -....................... -..... ...... .. ..... ... * .... ..... .. ­ .................. ­* ------------------------­ ­ 137 feet north of St. Anthony 'venue to University Avenue and cn the ........................................................... .......... ...........................................--•-----....-•------------------ .............. ........... south side of University Avenue from to Aldine Str,et. .............................................. ...... ...... AL ORD .......... I .... ................... . ....................................................... .......... ....... ..... ... ................... 265,64— ......... *,.. ........... matter oY ............................... ............................................. ......theI ,,bpw feet North',d �b I A ............... IIn(veralSSr ....................................................... . ............................ .. .......... ­ ........... ..... .. ­­_ ... ........ .. 5., 24661 April 7, 219. underPreliminary Order .................................................... approved ------------------------ ..... --- ---------------------------------------------- IntermediaryOrder_.-_------------------------_........--..approved .-.. ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St ' . . Paii1that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- frcr� a ment to be made by the said City is Constru ot a sewer on Pierce Street ......................... ­1 ........... ..... ........ ... .... . ................. ..... ...... _J.eet no'r-th of..St . . .... Antho.ny Avenue -.-to. 11.:1.lv.er.ait.y A.,,'..�mue :rmd. on t.ha amth a i.CLe of --- U.rii:verzity Avenue f r o vr. P i e r. a e . st r. ;?. e -t - - t G - - A -2 d i In e - - —'-t - r e e t - ............................................................ ....... ... ......... .. .............. .............. .......... ............... . ....... .. ............ . . ..... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted 6y, the CouA111 IMP 'q City' Ch­i, i Approved..... N ... oe . ............................. . ........... ...... .......... ...... . Mayor. Councilman F 'ns rth Councilman 'oss Councilman > 41c, an c y Councilman Coll C uncilm - underlich Mayor i x- Hod ,son Form B. A. 8-7. St,. Paul, Minn,. July 8, 1919., To the City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: In the Matter of the Sewer on Pierce St. for hearing June 24tS 1919. The owners of all the property affected on the west side of Pierce Stn, and 160 feet on the east side of that street; also of` all of the property on University Ave., affected by the improvement,objeoted to the improvement, and continue to object thereto. At the adjourned hearing, July 8th, 1919; These objections are still urged and the first signers of the petition. The Pente- costal Tabernacle requested that the order be put over till .the season of 192N Therefore the owners of more than half in number and amount of the property owners represented object to the order being made, and respectfully suggest that their judgment and in- terests be respected by this body of public off icialsp Respectfully , J,. F. George_, (For the owners of property above mentioned.) (fi }fit (� JOHN I. FARICY (Offirr of THU (firr i JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK (ftty of'aint Ijant ASST. CITY CLERK June 24th, 1919. Hon. M. N. Gose, Comr.. of Public Works. Dear Sir: Re. Sewer on Pierce St. from a point 139 feet north of St. Anthony Avenue to University Ave. The Final Order covering the above improvement, was laid over to July 8th. 1919 send referred to you -by the Council at its meeting held'this morning. Attached herewith find above Final Order No. 25564, together with blue print and other papers. Yours truly, 1 •' encs. �� CITY CLERK. St. Paul, Minn. June 210t. 1919. J. I. Farioy. City Clerk, Court Houses r gt. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In the matter of the sewer on Pierce Street, set for June -24th. 1919; I beg you suggest to the Council for me, that I represent three persons who own Two Hundred and Seventy feet frontage more than half, and who own three and one -hell times as much as the Petitioners and who respectfully object to this sewer for the present year. FIRST: because the Cost is too much at the present time. S3DCOND: There are only three small houses and one church to use the sewer. These have cess pools and can use them a little while longer. THIRM: because assessments against the property owned by the persons I represent to be assessed by this sewer amounts to more than four thousand dollars while this improvement will cost more than three thousand, being in all nearly 30% of an assessed valuation of $257.50. It could only be borne in a ten year installment plan. Respeotfully, J. F. George. ' � G} .191• St. Paul, Minn., . To the Honorable, Tha Council, A�F �i/fy D City o` St. Paul, hiinii. 4G� r:entler�en: S k? a^.iarsigned property c-gnere., hereby tion your Houorz-le 3',4y to cause the following ilprovement to be rratle: adit_ci7 �� t;.e. ita^ o�.St.• '�.::.,_, erce .. BY .. . �' ..� Sao%�.-•�'. .. � ��. ,�'-�c!u� .. ... . ... .': 7 ..... .................... ................... �.......................... ....... </ �.......................... ................ . . .......� .......................... .......................... ................... ..:..t....... I.......................... ............. ......... ..................... ..........................._.__..�..ea ................,iy....... ............. . x Y . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. X . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • CITY OP40MUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (P) In the Matter of _-_--_C onstructin-a_-_sev.'-er_on- Yi.erce Street frog___ fiat---_137----feet_._-_---__-._ ------nnnth of rt an cony venue to n-Lfr_v.i�I venu�ansi-ten C.� ------ of Ti iversity ;,venue frog ?ierce Street to ;,ldine ^treet. under Preliminary Order approved ,,.>;---=----------------------`----------------------------------------------------------...-------------------------------'------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 5 .00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ --- , -100 —' -------------------- front 2 G,7 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 18 3 a:ilha:.. Park .ansey Co. Linn. 325 19 3 do 400 20 3 do 400 21 3 do 400 g'; do 400 �3 3 do 550 24 3 do 400 <,5 3 do 400 26 3 do 400 est x of 27- 28 3 do 450 FORM 9A.8- _ TOTAL, . ------ �_-"' II CITY Or DEPARTMENT INANGE ' REPORT OF COMONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMIKARY ORDER (C) -� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT j LOCK ADDITION VAUATIO LN (Except East _52 feeto Horner H. Hoyt Co's_Ad3ition. 10 3 11 .3 do. 1925 12 .3 do _ 725 13 z do 425 14 .3 do 1925 15 3 do 1925 16 3 do 525 17 3 do - 425 18 i3 do I0056 The '+lest 181 44/100 feet 'of the Er,st 95.5 feet of the North 181 510 feet of the South T;ast 4 of Sec. 33, Town 29, 10475 RanEe 23, (Except University Ave.) The ?+'Fst 280 fc6t of the _North East of South E'L•st of 25750 Sec. 33 T wn 29 Ranke 23 )Except Streets and -venues) The Vlest 280 feet of the North East of South E_ st of Sec. 33, Town 29 Ranke 23 (Except Streets and .venues4) The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated__.�!L6..........._........-....191_..-.....-...-F%?...__.... ....._.__... _.. - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. 13.12 i ner of Public WorkicsIVEDOffice of the Commis o r („� 4p.RNgw Report to Commissioner of Finance .. - SSD�iER Ot tO APR 23 1919 April _... 22nd..r............... N To the C6mmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Cour- 24661April 7th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ......................... ..... ...... approved...................... ..................................... ............... 191 ......... , relative to............................. the construction of a sewer on Pierce Street from a point 137 feet _ ............................�;1...a"e.:........:....................................._............................ ........ .............. ...................... ... north of St. Anthony Avenues, and on the south side of university ........................ ............ _.. Avenue from Pierce Street to Aldine Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. ~ X2.6? per front foot 5,160 .00 `L. The estimated cost thereof is $ ................. ........... _..._.. and the total cost thereof is $.........................._..............., and Assessable frontage 1,930 feet. Excess inspection $150.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.........-.............._......__................_.........._..........._..................................._.......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ................ ...................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject / to assessment for said improvement. I Comm sioner of Public Wori OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C"41 ER oiN v¢R ¢vn¢ J. CARROLLI S—T. .......... AL oJACHSO. A.o RcaniRa H. coerzwceR, s�� eR I.I. 9. ORYTBN(Ie R¢c ,owa ' O. H. NERROLO'O..ocv lRciR e¢¢ (6ttg of Ot. Paul 33evartwent of Publtr Works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY 3t. Paul, Minnesota. April 22, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for construction of a sewer on Pierce Street from a point 137 feet North of St. Anthony Avenue to Uni- versity Avenue, and on the South side of University Avenue from Pierce Street to Aldine Street, in ao- cordance with Council File No.24,661, app April 7, 1919: Approximate estimate .... $5,160.00 Cost per front foot...... 2.67 Excess inspection necessary,150.00 Assessable frontage ....... 1,930.feet. Your$ very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. a t i 1 APR - ' St, Paul, Minn., ........ 1 1919 191.i • • .....\..�/ .. To the Honorable, The Council, � 9 R 3. 1 City of St. Paul, Minn. tiJ 919 coM • N. Gentlemen: RoGO'SS ^JN; tre un-iersi�ned property cwn3re, hereby petition �is yoir Honorable 3,7,cuy to cause the follorin; improvement to be made: .Se�rer.Qn.Pierce.�tr:et .�rr::.;inivc.•Uit; .4vei:ue.to.St..�=��=onY • • • • - St. Ave. from.............St. Ave. to .......................... ......St. Ave. .a dtea; eni CO 1 1cLUl=1"lic:. l:l /ti R By I` P' �l ......... .......... .�. V .......... I .................x..... St. Pau!, I irn. , April 3, 1919. The Ilonorable=-e2ebe-rs of The Council, City of St. Paul, l"inr:esota. Honorable Gentlerr.en: Herevrit:n present signed petition !'or nuttinr7 tizroumh the Sevier on Pierce St-r,c)t from University, to St. Anthony. Poi' your inforn—etion will s�,y tIl .t th'_s ir°provemont is absolutely necessar-1 'or sa.nit-ry rea::ons. on lot 18, block 3 Homer H. ioyt Addition is erected a lull, two stoD.,1,- tabernacle, vihere from three to Sive hundred people assemble every weep. fie noir nave cesspool in i'ront of the above place, ',owover, this cesspool is so unsanite.ry and rills up so often that it is ab- so?utely necessary to have this im-)rove-ont nut in as Soon as Dossible In behalf of t_re r*e:°gibers of tiie i=idvray Pentecostal Tabernacle and the trustees, 1 direct this :Otter to yo:7., trust- ing you eaili „ive it favorable consider-t-.on at once. Thanking yo;L , very truly yours, IffaAY PE'._ STAB T T" ?ACiL, I1TC. ;ec O)(b�dtlpd that�,l�t6akFa4 ayaAh .. . 1 '� it IrET 84ndt ry 2.5�� uqr°tpt�r,np A cou.orr. No , .11 row Q�IDIiFiSmtai>BFlaeia o°vatgaa�o°th ORM FILE .rm ► 8 V , r�. Sat14. 9amnN ad °°} �otitowsu�adtattea.aea r °>;"k��°a. Mercha6tet~hI� 4. 04 + + ..... ......_. `.. ........ Ju pdoAtOd A9 ttS° �C4t1 Trine $5 1819 C O t^ LLER A E 4lyproved dune 86 ,1919 TITL Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the s` persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ounctlme �� •, .. .�. i V ) Ys Adopted by the Counci ............ Clancy' Farnsworth ....fir Appr Goss Ke® MAYOR: ........ 1 7 Wunderlich President, Hodgson -124" S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 12, 9 29,409.59 Sewer C. R. 2,002. 0 S. & S. C ng. 9,325. 0 :I Bridge B & R. 406. 0 G.F.-Cr sswalks 797. 5 Sprink ing Revl. 628 10 Docks wharves etc. 89 25 Pay. omo PJ. from v Sne ing to Raymond 1,825 80 Tr s Groveland Park 26 00 Tr es both sides of 70 .20 L xington 1 31 .20 gr. Insp. s �2�85•' Merchants National Bank, 22,429.23 TT[da�»eat �' G.F.-Mise; f. a § SPec. Ass . Bond & Int. -Spec. Assess. .00 B Int. 49066 O'Neil & Preston, 2,924.00 1200, J. A. Sandquist, 179.00 Ctu•'bing..C,aorg$. �n.�-F— ""boldt 65.00 19.OGa Christ . Johnaon�din&`A1lyl B 2 0.00 Grading Mae n, etc. .00 Grading ey BU 4 1 .00 Grad Kent, Como etc. 30 00 s71 55, 006.82 r4@81& The Broderick Company, Ivat A r Z Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, `f u Y 32948- Crane & Ordway, P. Bid Revl. �+ at u 2—,Ogg Ed. Erickson, .Bchools qlaa c A. E. Ferriss, iti'eebe� I°Y Clarence Gray, "=2052 Hughson & Whitacre, Agts., t - Melady Paper uom, gel M. N. Moffatt, 1,. .01 .30 37 103 69 42.08 109.24 104.40 3.00 30.00 481.70 201.96 36.7 7.50 n <`•,• OFF F1 :uC(31PiPRR�OLIER J a 25566 jK.a,� ,.. �l AUD S; R No.... ............................... N FORM FILE COUNCIL P<rm A A 48, S Al 7-I9 err'-.. a- _ �rA 191......_ PER ............................(l I:IT,Y-6 I�IV OLLER , TITLE /��',._"' V `........J.......... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the pZfirmration� cor orations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yncilmen ( V ) ys _.. _....... til\ - Adopted by the T roved....... . 9 orth rlichModgson I r4@81& The Broderick Company, Ivat A r Z Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, `f u Y 32948- Crane & Ordway, P. Bid Revl. �+ at u 2—,Ogg Ed. Erickson, .Bchools qlaa c A. E. Ferriss, iti'eebe� I°Y Clarence Gray, "=2052 Hughson & Whitacre, Agts., t - Melady Paper uom, gel M. N. Moffatt, 1,. .01 .30 37 103 69 42.08 109.24 104.40 3.00 30.00 481.70 201.96 36.7 7.50 �- 3E9Fr✓ National Pole Company, f� P� 342 00 Northvrestern Blaugas Company, 16.88 .u.Perks-- 12866 N. W. Elec#ric Equipment Company, 7.76 1. 3 1'1r • 1 u 502 , 56.65 1'8958 Qtayle & Kelley, Pepostry i" ReVl. u it Vi er 12450, Raymer Hardware Company, 7., It j4o& , St.Anthony Hill Auto & Carriage Works, WittIn 1'898', South Park Foundry & Machine Compa ny, i6iataiz,, ja"2 C. S. Stewart, Supt., Quane +lestern Supply company, �.:TItea., aVl. Total 2,588.52 6 1. 0 2. 5 52. 0 14. 0 2. 5 1. 0 12.3 .0 31.00 22.00 190.94 ' 888.00 16.66 COUNCIL" • � � L•tr'I�, iA ..... ............ ................. .---------- I ............... . ................. k FORM COUNCIL 25566' PILEN 0 ........................................ .. esolved, That upon the recommendation of the aommiesloner of Parks, Play - 16 grounde and public Buildings, the contract for furnishingAband con- oerts at Mounds Park, Cherokee Heights Park, Rice Park, Langford Park ending baguet 9th, is hereby and Merriam Park, beginning July speoifioations -and awarded to Chidesterle Band, in accordance withkbid submitted to the said Commissioner under date of June 19th, 1919. The band furnished by said bidder shall consist of 30 musicians and a leader, and the contractor shall be paid therefor the aggregate sum of One Thousand, One Hundred Twenty and 50/100 Dollars ($1,120.50) in instalments as f llgyre: At the and of the week ending July 5th, the sum of $140.06; 9 .•; I for the week ending July 18th, the sum of $210.10; for the week end- ing July 19th, the sum of $280.13; for the week ending July 36th, the sum of $210.10; and for the concerts on July 29th, August 1st, 2nd and 9th, the sum of:$280.12; and the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City with said Chidester's Band, in accordance with (said bid and this resolution; the bond to secure said contract being fAed at $1150.00. �4 � } U (V)NaysYeasV)CoP mendopted by e Council,...___:i.�.i_`......'•�.-•.� •"_ _._.._19 - V an 'a sworth \ ` ppr , - .........._... _ _.. IN s In favor G ller [ ............. AYOR underlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson waw C A. 9 J 6 •19 i� 77 eont sodl'hrl1 ote lf"'tlqo','� -6 MAI, Noyee FORM out-, Ir for c� article 6,to S t: gainedA , ....... Mntce d b trio CRuncil lune 26 j.919 .......................Ccaumc� O. No . ........ .. a. 0� Date I-resenlep 191 R Ived, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Oomptroller, one Lung Motor from Noyes Bros. & Cutler, for $117.00, without asking for competitive bids, as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Parks. Oper. & Mntoe. Yeas (V) C ncil en Nays YeaS (V' i C n c 0 ar sworth ar Sw S .. ..... ... T12.13aur Wunderlich JA. Mr. P sident, Hodgson FOR C. 9 3M 12-18 WN 9— 1" Adopted by the Council ......... . �Rli Approve ..... ............................................. ..... MAYOR C 1 Resolved, That the application of Ellsworth Cameron for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 536 University Ave. be and the same hereby to granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $50.00. Yeas (✓) C%uncilmin (✓) Nays k /i(� ............Against rlich Mr. Prdgson FORM . A. 9 3M 12-1a Adopted by the Council Approved PP }.J...`v�:^•..;.,...�...... ........... MAYOR °Glex 1xt ORM r ae: E5 1915 ....... - r.-.__�...' coeMca r' �y NO......i6T�`il�_........ ......... 1 Resolved, That the application of Ellsworth Cameron for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 536 University Ave. be and the same hereby to granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $50.00. Yeas (✓) C%uncilmin (✓) Nays k /i(� ............Against rlich Mr. Prdgson FORM . A. 9 3M 12-1a Adopted by the Council Approved PP }.J...`v�:^•..;.,...�...... ........... MAYOR s�ct:f ......................._,.................. ...:.. J / N( 99.0 ........................ Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of acertain contract dated April 22, 1919, between John A. Sandquist and the City of St. Paul for the curbing, filling,leviing and improving the North side of Gebrge Street from Humboldt Avenue, thence Bast 160 feet and the Bast side of Humboldt Avenue from George Street, thence North 100 feet, be and the same is hereby extended to the 20th. day of June, 1919, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, pro- vided, however, that this resolution shall: not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contraoto0 a bond consent there- to and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓) Counciliaen (V) Nays Adopted by the Council ......... :.��.... 2. •---�.9--1�j1 ••-• UI 2 Approve.. .......................................................19 .... ......................... -... MAYOR Clan Far sworth G ss eller ,1 Wunderlich Mr. esident, Hodgson PO C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ......... :.��.... 2. •---�.9--1�j1 ••-• UI 2 Approve.. .......................................................19 .... ......................... -... MAYOR r, F d lip 25 '�47o St. Paul, Minn., - - - -too - TO THE THE HONORABLE CITY COUITCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the �= to be extended to - - - - -- - - - - - - - - --- - 19 Owing to--du-���9s�1� A^`- - - - - - - - -- it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, -Ada"" Co ractor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conc ern�edn APPROVEDV�/ Antction & Repairs 9?1 -Cc acv t Commissioner of Public Torks. Chief Engineer. Subject: .......... . . ........... ........... ................. ..................I COUNCIL ­. NI . .... .. .... - --- ---- --- Resolved, That the time specified for the performance of a certain contract, dated April 1. 1919, between Gust Nelsons doing business as the Standard Stone Company and the City of St- Paul, for the curbing, filling,, leveling and improving Thomas Street from Snelling Avenu-e to Aldine Street, be and,the same is hereby extended to the 25th. day of VUna, 1919, and the proper cityeofficere are hereby auth- orized toexecuteanctamendment to said contract in accordance he;e.- with, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and affect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond cont�,,. sent thereto and file such consent in writing With the City Comptroller. Yeas (1) C4ncilr)(en (V) Nays (/_oSIIS.r .... ...... .............. Agaims' Wunderlich President, Hodgson VORWO7 A. 9 3M I 12 -IB M\ 25 i'M Adopted by the Council ...... .... Appr MAYOR �ro.v St. Paul, DGii4n. TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your honorable Body cause the time of completing contract for the- s/Cta•tst� �i{' ram/ �.Lc.�!•�.u�9 i!r/� f 1.'Cfc�c.s� 4� � - - - - - - _ to be extended/ to Owing to Pal�Pemra/----------------------------------------- - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tine for completing same be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, Contractor. C There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requirements of this office is conce., Veed,APPROVED SCpo- ttruuct on & epairs 'Vr. "Vt O' c L-� Commissioner of Publi Torks. Chief Engineer. �`.$�`ao"Yr�t�s IChn} ite¢ffeounn L'dt�dhS 1J oVetl 2 a ac a n 'the Furahetlln8 . /J o m) Ren id'` award ii eon�raet+to the COUN N ea'C�4oc cP+nDank xo¢ M . ;utlhln6 ahthradite Qpal to 5th8. . Ya nn&{buk4aae 8 d aotivltlen +01� Ute ¢t.-- .. .............-.................._.......... ..... �St dGring'the ae 'tlon of 1819 S 83? --- T011ulrad,��n acoordaaoe with olty tlpeof , - • t , 25f r gQatlogtic; and Rbaif 9oEtrl�ot iI8Y66611 ounul.� D AQ D��11ro1'mthB'�CquAcll Ju1ga 96 1918 O ..................... _r.............. _.._....... ..... _...... _.................................. Ayprevnd Jnnn 9611919 (Juke 26. Z � Date Fresented._..... ,. l Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Northern Coal & Dock Company for furnishing anthracite coal to the various bureaus and activities of the City during the season of 1919-192.0, ,. as required, in accordance with city specifications and thefr bid No.1981. Approximate total of contract $13,555.11. mils( Ali Da3i�rr lit ;with above Ye/93M.12�-j0— ilmen ✓. Nays r Adopted by the Council.... �N...M.e1._ L...°,._.....1...... y orth Approve ......... c.1..... `�'.....:._.�. ..............i91•La�s C.�/ 6r 0erlichiVlrodgsonFO12-i¢ .: �• l /r'//I�{ coin Subject: _».......... _................ _................... _..._...... . _...... Date P Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Pittsburg Coal Company for furnishing Pocahontas Mine Run coal to the various bureaus and activities of the City during the season of 1919-1920, as required, in accordance with city specifications and their bid No.1981. Approximate total of contrast A57,0,91.771. aire[ all . �peru In ooAptlott with stove Rata illtr• \ Y/A.9 il ea (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ..-.---,-2Z..•I4 ! w. 1'/. worth iii,i ,�- �;.,,, - Appro d-.....__......,_.:.�:.... z—,,..,Z.: ........�... ............MAYOR erlich Modgson '-1B : .. o n'ilha: i - 10 tha ..I ih�GRM L�aO sa 71081 7fii """'-Cou ry%�y !p�■��i yyy� 2 2517-L NO. .._.........2.5.5-73 ..... ............. Date P Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Pittsburg Coal Company for furnishing Pocahontas Mine Run coal to the various bureaus and activities of the City during the season of 1919-1920, as required, in accordance with city specifications and their bid No.1981. Approximate total of contrast A57,0,91.771. aire[ all . �peru In ooAptlott with stove Rata illtr• \ Y/A.9 il ea (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ..-.---,-2Z..•I4 ! w. 1'/. worth iii,i ,�- �;.,,, - Appro d-.....__......,_.:.�:.... z—,,..,Z.: ........�... ............MAYOR erlich Modgson '-1B : .. Cour Subject: ........ -.._.......... .................. ..... -............. .......... .............. ca ..... ........ —................. ............... .........------' •1 y COUNCIL 25L nl............................................... �L...................... e NO ......................._ -- ...--... Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasi rg Committee in awarding contract to the Great Lakes Coal & Dock Company for furnishing Youghiogheny lump coal to the various bureaus and activities of the City during the season of 1919-1920, as required, fn:-adberdance with city specifications and their bid No.1981. �Proximate total of contract $62,905.30. Yeas(✓) �ouncilmin (✓) Nays G- s / 1 ......+•weie�+�Mi /! eller J( Wunderlich Mr.resident, Hodgson A. 9 3M t2.18 Rsepiie�l all psyerc in poi9aCt, foq with sbo�® .. Adopted by the Cou ' ..... —1LN...2 T...;.;::.9.....1 ..... Appr........... .................. ` ..... ..... ............................ ...................................... / MAYOR "'. rm' - t, t 26`1,6t�F;, 4 0 %t l'i'MU X=0%t 60 t ' 0 % Ih '.'Iebrch' FORM COU: "P" i'tlFns ab may ba. d@amed,aeFesaary and �'Ppb Subject: . . . ....... . ........................................ . ... ........ ....... ii 11 7 C "Ihox C UN -L t �O ......... No . . ........... APPtoved `:Jung E6 1818 i.,;T ... ................... . ............ . ....... . .............. . .... . ....................... . . . June D resented -•a..............191..9 Resolved, That the city Comptroller be authori.zed and is hereby directed to issue a City Wwrrant in the sum of $400.00 in favor of Mayor L. C. Hodgson, for the purpose of defraying the expenses in connection with the erection and removal of a stand at Phalen Park, for the fourth of July celebration, and such deot�tions as may be deemed necessary and appropriate for such celebration, The above to be charged, to the Miscellaneous and Unforseen item of the General Fund. Yeas (%f) C /....ilmen J)'Nays I As ............ Keller / G 1 0 ..............Again" W d rlich Xr.- Pres7i.det Hodgson FORM C. A. 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council JUN 25 l�;19 ....................... Approve............. . . ................................. i .... ...... ..................................... .... MAYOR Council File No............... .gi " PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMENT and Petition.;, PREL;t;assrkRY ORDER: }nae w c Phe undersign reby proposes the makliyrotna Northryd/wfllg p c improvemegt by the. City of St. Paul, viz ry i;ont of Lot u oleoY6AddtttoY� be -. r� 1y..��� „„,�. •rh�T� A Q te. gqd 8 dlcata Aveu-_.'�-x(1�}{i ,Q-"-,�-QV"1 ...............Y�T,MAfAb AaQ,�i MOM 01 fir yeaented"k6 the COunG � ........ � - - � of �t Yau� 4r- Councilrusu -•_Block it Here oRl�aeotvaa ' t the Canna m{bQtWeen-_Haralipe..--...... Wof)li$ hag and he fe ) a A d anddviregqxed= Q � . .. ,. y a.X 4 ,?'q. Atryti4a a the x00,-..-..... ..-..... ........ .................. lalrab',)the n!¢klha , e--and f3 nd a 'rQ fnV,eatiBtite Lha abakure i -'....................................................... .............................. ........ f aced cgat .eald f .: � fhe �oxaf- parfr Dated thu. 2.--.da Junes 1 tarplanf n fi anti er 1 .... k Y J Pj( GIIII9IL ARY ORDER. ` x t- Q , aS 5 � WHEREAS, A written proposal for the i�i' ingof the following improvement, viz.: ............... Cutbin$-,_North...aide--_of, Capitol Avenue-,--,_in-_Yront-,of-.I,ot..91.... _--- Block it-„ Hersey-& Wooisey'.s Addition,-between.-Iismline................... Avenue siad' Syndioate...Aveaue....... ._ ................................ .........-.................... ..................................................................................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman......... - ........ therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To invedtigate the nature, extent and efttimated colt of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.................................... ....... ............. ...........?t................... :.................................................................................. ........._............._ ;. 5, To dtate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of F"mance. Adopted by the council.......................................................... ..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farfu rth 9 Goss Approved -..... )UN ...-._ I�f.`. � ter v Wunderieh......................_.............. ....... ......... -.... .-.....-...-.........-.........-. M or Ifntiw� Foam C A is (SM T) ar x Pe do The undersigned hereby PROPOSAL FOR WAOVEN �OE t5sretutey He to :the making of tll eNo.. ................. 74 41t by the City of St. Paul. viz.: Dated thi dw4 &.Aas .......... . ...................................... . 191 ............ ............................................. ........................ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... 0.01 + W.M.r.uAt a stme-et–Irom GOV-0 street to :e P.0 -int ;U.01 evAtZ of U.Le omuth Une Qf Zeam Str oe t .................. ................................. ............................. ............................................................................. ........................ ...................................................................................... ............................................. ha ......... ...................................................................... ................................................................................................. vm9 been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by CounCii man ....... ...... .................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inveRigate the nature, extent and eftimated colt of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. TO furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ........................ ... ...... . ......... ............................................... ............ ............. : ................................................................ .......................................................... .................... 5, To Rate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.---........ ILA .... ............ Yeas: Nays: Councilman F worth Go Approved .............. .............:...............19%....... Councilman Fo w. G .11. Wunderlich................ ........................... ................................... ............... un Mayor. M or Umish. F— C A 15 (SMI 7) . rt co -_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of......Constructin. seprer on James--St.-,_•_frog.-.Under:+o..... e•._•tc a point 185 feet Test o£anelling-_Aye.Juliet••.St•,---_frorr.._Underogd•--,pye. ................-- ......................-•---....... to a point 185 feet Rest of Snelling Ave, and on ?dacaleeter Avenue from ............................................................................................................. . Jefferson Ave. to 75 feet...north..of J.. .Iiet_-,St.._,and-,_from-.Julie..-S•t_,..._.tQ 75 f�.et...zlort.h...af...Pale o.e...St...... exd..f roai....Palaae...Bt. ......ta:..7.5...feet.-=xth--.af...damee Street, and from James St. to 75 feet north of aandop...S- ............................... ..................................... - Zn a matter .er es'mtructtn; ...- --,--- oia under Preliminary Order ...........2 t 4680 tAnvan°io-ey86 sea ... . r.1.1 B..,....12.1.9 9pen{ enae rte Suit$ Intermedia Order .............. gram unareoaa avenue r Intermediary ... ... � 'ase regia etWeeC'or snenrzr,c-n girt- iunesr ;Avaione .0 A public hearing having been had up :■'8ean Avana to rs rase ivo it upon due notice, and the Council having ree and Ynom Tgllef 'Yeatoor'.Palaca 8!:' heard all persona, objections and recomm /s Irt ep'��sp•eto, and having f>i11y considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- Censtructin ee.rer_.-on_Janes...St-,-..fror:...UnderF_ood Ave. went to be made by the said City is......................................g............. . to a point 185 feet west cf. Snelling Ave., on Juliet St, from U derrood ................................................................................................ Ave.. .to apcirt..-185.,E =t-•_^,.e.s.t-_of...Snell.1n g..Ave..--,.and.or..?�aca7,e-eter.-Aye3lue.. fr-oxa.:.J.eff ez.aos? ...A:ve .....i.o...7.5....f e.e.t---north..nf....Ju1itt...St....and ..from.. lul iet-..Z-t to,,.75,_feet--north...of.._akjg1 .C.e--. t.x...._and...from...Pal_a_Ge...S.t feet, JameySt......to...75...fee.t noxth..Of....gand.elgh...S.t—.-........................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..............:r ::' .............................. 1 ..... City Cr. Approved.................ql •3„ ., i o .�......e.........._..........., Councilman sworth Councilman ss Councilman nlancy C Counc• an underlie May Hpdgson Form B. . A. B-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT CF FINANCE / \� REPORT OF OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER constructin- sewer on James 5trc t from Underwood :,ve. to a In the Matter of -------------- — - _ point lel) feet weet of Snell int;:',ve. on Juliet Street from Underwood L e end on 'r calester venue —_-.yv_e._to-- a point 18.. feet west of Snellin vim. _ __,_ -- — - —'— --------------------------- from Jefferson we.;.to 75 feet ^lorth of Juliet Street, and from Juliet _......... ......... ---- -. .......... ----...._...........-......_ . - ,tr��et. -nd frc,m ' 7._ce S+,reet to 75 feet Street to 7t feet nortl-. of Palace -------------- -- - ------- ------- --------- ---------- -------------------------------- nnrt,h of Ja,-:,es Street and frcm J;.'.r_es Street to 75 feet north of Randolph 5t - - --------- under Preliminary Order approved — ..�at....__.l.l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 9,412.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $— 9 , 412 ------ The estimated cost per foo I'or tht; above improvement isThe lots lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1.8 7 Elmwood 75 19 7 do 50 20 7 do 25 21 7 do 25 22 7 do 25 ;i 3 7 do 25 24 7 do 25 25 7 do 25 sE 7 do 50 _27 7 do _ _ 50- - TOTAL,. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENTFINANCE IF REPORT OF CPMMISSIONtR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 2� 7 FImwoc)d 100 1- 7 do e 100 19 8 do 100 20 8 do 100 21 8 do 100 22 6 do 100 23 8 do 100 24 8 do 100 25 6 do 100 26 8 d0 100 1.7 6 do 75 16 6 do 50 15 6 do 50 14 6 do 50 13 6 do 50 12 6 do 50 11 6 do 50 10 6 do 50 9 6 do 75 8 6 do 100 7 6 do 125 6 6 do 100 14 5 do 160 13 5 d0 100 12 5 do 75 11 5 do 50 -- - — 10- do -- i TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 1OF FINANCE REPORT OF, CpMMISSIONtR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . - - -- - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 9 5 EIm.wood 50 8 5 do 50 7 5 50 13 3 do 125 19 3 do 100 100 20 3 do 21 3 do 100 22 3 do 100 2 3 do 100 243 do 100 25 3 do 100 3 do 1.0c 27 3 do 100 3 do 125 2E: 1 3 do 100 19 4 do 100 20 4 do 100 21 4 do 75 22 4 `ado 50 23 4 d° 50 24 4 do 50 25 4 do 50 26 4 do 75 17 2 do 125 16 2 do 100 15 2 do 100 ----14 - - - do __ ----- - - - YOU- IIS ', TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CpMVIS&ONtR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION yALUATION 13 2 Flmwood 100 12 2 do 100 11 2 do 100 10 2 do ].'00 9 2 do 1.00 8 2 do 100 7 2 do 125 6 2 do 100 14 1 do 75 13 1 do 75 12 1 do 50 11 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 9 1 do 50 8 1 do 75 7 1 do 100 1 2 do 150 2 do 100 3 2 do 100 4 2 do 100 5 2 do 100 13 1 do 50 18 1 do 50 17 1 do 50 16 1 do 50 15 1 do 50 '�I TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CQM%41SdIONtR OF FINANCE ON' PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 3 Elmwood 100 2 3 do 100 3 3 do 100 4 3 do 100 5 3 do 100 19 4 do 100 18 4 do 100 17 4 do 100 16 4 do 100 15 4 do 100 1 6 do 100 2 6 do 100 3 6 do 100 4 6 do 100 5 6 do 100 19 5 do 100 18 5 do 100 17 5 do 100 16 5 do 100 15 5 do 100 1 7 do 100 2 7 do 100 3 7 do 100 4 7 do 100 5 7 do 100 1.9 8 do 100 100 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL ! " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LMMIS9IONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF CO ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION ;`LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 17 8 Elmwood 100 . 16 8 do 100 15 do 100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 (Iitg of St. Paul r OSCAR CLAUSS[N. CNI[E EHoiHe[n Departmeut of 'Publir Warks J. E. cgRRO LL.....SIII..[na q M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER _. T-1— 1— qHo RCPq�na R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY .uRRO LE co.aTn c AREO JFCHSON,$VPT. H. GOCTZINOER, SUE.IOH M. 9. GRYT9gH•EHain a[n ora H.R..L.. 0111c[ E-- ­ St. Paul, Minnesota. April 14, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, Bull d in g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost dor the construction of sewer on James Street from Underwood Avenue to a point 185 feet West of Snelling Avenue, on Juliet Street from Underwood Avenue to a point 185 feat West of Snelling Avenue and on Macalester Avenue from Jefferson Avenue to 75 feet north of Juliet Street and from Juliet Street to 75 feet north of Palace Street; and from Palace Street to 75 feet north of James Street; and from James Street to 75 fe t• -north of Randolph Street, in accordance with Counotl ile No.24680, approved April 9, 1919: Approximate estimate...... $9,413.00 Cost per front foot....... 1.87 Excess inspection necessary,100.00 Assessable frontage....... 5,030.feet. Yours very truly, 0 ✓, ESS/C Chief Engineer. A_ 4 St. Paul, Pfinn ........... To the Honorable, The Council, City or St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: rte, the unlersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable 3c,uy to cause the following iLprovement to be made: ��.....r%....... St. Ave. from . e�y'` `� .O....... , 'Ave. to ..P......... $t. Ave. - y C St. Paul, Minn. .191._ To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - 'fie, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honor ble Body to ause thg_f llowi g i mpro�emexyt,o be made - from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. _ N A_ M Ey _ _ _ _ _ Q LOT BLOCK b _A�DDITION_ b � e ............... q..�...�............. b b 1 ..dbt.............. 1 b p ...........qb ............. i f d ...............� .b.. b.... RUREAU OY-IMINEERS, . ..._.......bq..q....... 4 b b ........... b b i q Iq............. b 1 b 4 RECEIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Worlts RNS F • lis° y 1 1p,r =3 e Report to Commissioner of, Finance 4 �rnl3Cit. APR 17 1919 April 16th, _ ..............191.9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._24680 approved... 9th, 19]._9..., relative to....._ ............._......_ the construction of a sewer on James Street from 'Underwood Ave. to a .-Point,...l$6 feet. west. of SaeIlIng Ave , on.. aa3.ise.t .Street.... from._Bnderwood .............................................s.. .................... Avenue to a point 18b feet west of Snelling ABe. and on Macales.er ........................................................ . ........................................t................................_ ..... Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to 75 feet north of Juliet Street and from -Juliet....St;...-to ... 7S._feet. ffOrth....of....pulau.e....zt.....,..... 8... -from 139lac..6.....St'-;.._,t.c.....75...... ft. north of James St., and from James St. to'75,ft. north of Randolph St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i$necessary front (opdesirable. 1.87 per 9,412.00 .. and the total cost thereof is $ _ ... ......_......................._........... and S. The estimated coat thereof is $__............................ . Assessable frontage 5,030 ft. Excess inspection $100.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows.: .......___...... ._. _..... ........ ................ __...................... ._.._................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is ......... ...... ....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject r' to assessment for said improvement. .............._....._...._...........__........................... __.................................._._........... Commissioner of Public Works. U COUNCIL. -- - By......... _...--..---�......................... ...... FINAL ORDER Constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six fest aide, Inthe Matter of .........................._......_........_. ............. ----- ..........--'--... or, the north side of Eaet Fourth STreet frons Gotzian Street to Atlantic .................................................................................- .............--...---............_................_. ..................- •-----•--............................................................ Street, a; _ _ nd on the South side of East Fourth Street '^etc;een Atlantic ..............._._............................._......................... ....._.......-.................... .-............... Street and Jc:nson Parkway. except where food and sufficient sidewalks noes exist.s'Nn zss7s - "' .." "" "" ..the,mAtter oi'con4tructW �a Cemee 't16 s}dewaik �slx Yeet. wide on, tt -,Ponth aide of East .Fourth at- ........_. _...- rom: Gotzlan `Street' aeet and on the soath`etbe oY E April 4, 1919. _... ---. under Preliminary Order ............... 24F28 °erPhana JohneoneParkeawgratla "' ' - IntermediaryOrder ......._........... ......................... --.....approved ......... .......... - ........... ............ -' --'--- -'- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - Co=nstructing a cement tile sidewalk,, six feet mentto be made by the said City is .... ............................................................................. ...................................................... .'ride, on,,the North side of East Fourth Street fror. Gotzian Street to .......--- .............. .— - .._.. ... ...._.......................... - '-' ................. - -- -----......... '---........... . - . .-......---'- ........ Atlar-tic Street, and on the South side of East Fourth Street between ................................................. ........-----...._----..........................._.... ............ ....................--.......................... ........... Atlantic Street s.nd Johnson Parkway. except nhere goorl and sufficient- _ -..- ........................ _.. _.. _...... _. _............................................................. sidewalks no• exit ..--------_ .... ......._.............................._....._....._.__._......._......................... ......__................. ............. ................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith." !\2 Adopted by the Council....._-..-.__..._"........_.._,.._ ............... 1�J...._. .I ,i r. �. Approved..... ..... _.._ .. 77_7171 Councilman Far sworth Councilman Oo s Councilman aaxbc Clancy �^ Councilman eller �d C. Council Wunderlich Mayor Y,od--aor. a Form B . A. 8-i. ..._............. City Cler ' a oMayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTt4ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIVr1116SIONER OF FINANCE ; \ • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of----�o-_ struyt.irf _ --ce ent__t,ile- sidewalks six* ! id-e-,---_off_-the _north _Fide Of r,- st Fourth „trc et from Gotz i ari Street to tlantiC Street, __=�_d—Qn__the-South--_s_ide of Fast Fourth Ut.rEet ietween-,tlntiC Street and _--_ ............... .-----...._----------------- _----- _---- _-------------------- --- under Preliminary Order approved-�.:�L�l--_-_ ,Lh...----- - 1_ -- - - --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hef0by reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--------------------------- 1 in C' improvement is $----------- 0- The estimated cost per oo for the above The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION F.E sterly 40 ft. of 15 17 Get.zia: s 3earr-nGes:ent 25 Of SiOels ;.dditien. 16 17 do 75 17 17 do 75 18 17 c10 800 19 17 d0 75 20 17 CIO 75 21 17 do 100 2.; 17 do 125 3 17 do 175 15 19 do 100 -� - TOTAL, ron CITY OF ST. PAUL r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMIOWIONER OF FINANCE pN PRELI1KARY ORDER OESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 14 19 F,.. rntzi,nf7�e ^evrranZen.:r_t f 75 Si'els Addition. 13 19 do 75 12 19 do 275 11 19 do 1050 10 1S do 100 9 19 do 100 8 19 do 75 7 19 do 75 6 19 do 75 5 19 do 75 4 19 do 100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and --herIeby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated............._. .....`........19 ��.._.........._....... _.._.............._........ Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 12 A `Office of the Commissioner. of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance APR ? 1919 April 1, 9 ......_....0th...__._...........19L. ....._.__. I To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No... 24628 .............approved......_. April 4th_?_................._...191.._9., relative to......._.................... .................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, sir: feet aide, on the north .. . .................................................... _........ _....................... _...... ...................................... ....... _..... ...................................................................... ..................... .................. ................... ..... side of East Fourth �t. from Gotzian Street to Atlantic Street, ............................... ........................... .......................................... .............................................. ...................... .....__..._............ ....................................... -........................................... ....._.._._..... and on ;:he south e;ide of East Fourth Street between Atlantic Street ............ ..._....................... .................... ................... ....................................................................... .............. .............. ........ .................. ................. _.................... ............................................... ......... and Johnson Parlr,rwy. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is._ ........... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 80Y per lined loot ° 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...................... _............. and the total cost thereof is $ ................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........ ..................... ................ ............... ............. _......... ........................... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ .............. ..._.................................... .................. .....__............ ..._..... ........ ..._........... _........................_......_..._...._.............. .................................. _.... _....................... ... .... 5. Said improvement is._.................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ..................... ..... ....... ....... -..._ ............... _............. ._......._................__.............._.._..:......_ 6 Commission of Public Works. • St. Paul, '.'inn., i+•".arch 17, 1919 4 Tc Honorable "'er�bere of the Council of tte city of St. Paul. y, the undersigned citizens and tax payers on East Fourth St. of the ��fPaul, petition your body to ca 8'v'Ij�} cement side,a lkC to be laid on the north aide of East - R 2- 1919 L�J1 St, from Gotzian St, to Atlantic r - t. M. N. GOSS. i4 n d 0 17 ih C s o u Th s i de o f �, y- � S �oNER OFPuauC wraKg bE �l'Ve E'P7 /1 f14//T'C 1 UUU1......................... �- ( INAL c.rWo ORDER f-" 1 , is In the Matter of........Constructir_R a cement tile sidewalk six feet in ::°:idth - .................................................................... . - I .. on...............................................................tdecf ricka-_frow_.Jeffer.qon--_to-__St.,..-C1-ir__St.reef;....Qn the south side ,f Jefferson from Fairview Ave. to.-Snelli.ng._A.!ie..-..and _ .................. ................................ ._._............................. ........................_................... . on the north side of Palace Street from Fairview Ave. to Fred_ricka _......................................._..... __..._.._.............................._................_._._............................. ....... Avenue.. except where food_, z suffitent sidewalks now exist. .......................................................... .. . 2<1558 west me :oz Freaerie7c� Aq§ . 1910. under Preliminary Order . ..... ''rom ro¢ raaa Avnau ;ta ak e- -.. ---- ..... ............ ,cre i the, South 1 b'.oY J,e¢ --""" v e, trdm- mllt g A en & a -oe th ' Intermediary Order =Per ae str ec, rrom Via- --------------------------------------- ------ ------ --.....-------- -. ••.torFreae,a..�-.--...,assn_.,, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvementr'upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said Itfity is....._.Construct..-�._--cement---ti. e-_. sidewalk... six -..f.=- width on the ,ves t side of Frederiolka fron Jefferson to St. Clair streets; ........................................................ ...-- ........._. .................... _._.__.................._................ .... ...................... _..-........... on the south side or Jefferson from Fairview A e -.._._to- Enelling_A.zre.._ �.nd ................................................................................................................._..- ._._...._-- ktreet. from...FairVi.P.X..Av-e...... .a....tc....Ex.e.de.mi aka Avenue -.-...exeFrt.. +here..00d_3nd .suffi.giert .s.i.d-e.r.�.e ks...moll'....e.Xist................... ._..__ ......... I .... ...... . _..... ..... _.._ _ ._. _. _ _ _ ... _..__.... ....... ......--_.. ... ._...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...._.... ____ _... .... f Approved......-..._....... .......... .,....... Councilman' erns orth Couneilman�s Councilman lanoy Councilman/ eller d C Council Wunderlich Mayog Hodgson Form B. . A. 8-7. 1 .�r'�r-�,_ iii.' •.?...... City Clerk. /sem .r CITY OP 7�y`���uL DEPARTMENf'' . INANCE � ,� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n r Constructin _a cement tile sidewalks six feet in width on the_ -- In the Matter of — - -- ----- —F ------------------- ------ ------------ t e south- __ - __yl�s�-side of Fredericka from Jefferson-- St. Clair ot_eets on—___-_.--_- .nd on the north side o8- _-_ _aide--of_Jefferson from F.irvie-- _,ve- tcSnellinf ____-____ p,lE..ce St. from Snellir.L .,ve. tc I?redericka :.venue. --- ------ ------------------------------ ---- mtt_ 2 �../ 2 �.----------------------- – --- - -- under Preliminary Order approved �-------------------------------------------------------- --------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated anioMegflthe assessment for the above improvement is - ----------------- -- .------------ .7� The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is ----------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 10 i:L,Cale,Ster Villas 2 75 15 10 do 300 16 9 do 300 15 9 do 275 16 4 do 250 15 4 do 275 16 3 do 275 3 do 250 15 , 15 2 Glenwood Park Addition, 300 14 2 do 275 TOTAL, CITY OF FOUL ' DEPARTMEIIW NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IB) _ ' ASSEWED II ME SC R I P T I O N LOT BLOCK A D D I T I O N VALUATION 13 2 Gl ,nwood P r'•c Addion . 275 12 2 do 275 11 2 do 775 10 2 do 275 9 2 do 275 8 2 do 475 7 2 do 275 6 2 do 275 5 2 do 275 4 2 do 275 3 2 do 275 2 2 do 275 1 2 do 300 15 1 CIO 325 14 1 do 300 13 1 do 300 ,I 12 1 do 330 11 1 do 300 (10 1 do 450 ( 9 1 do 8 1 do 300 fit ]. do 300 6 1 do 300 5 1 do 300 4 = 1 do 300 3 1 do 300 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEtff POFINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS§IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D,E S C R I PT I ON LOT BLOCK A D d 1 T I O N ASSESSED VALUATION 2 1 G1ent%ood Park kdclition 300 1 1 do 325 18 2 El rwood 400 19 2 do 325 20 2 d? 325 21. 2 do 325 22 2 do 325 23 2 do 325 24 2 do 325 25 2 do 325 26 2 do 325 27 2 do 325 2�3 2 do 400 i ? do 150 19 i do 50 20 1 do 200 21 1 do 200 2`<. 1 do 200 23 1 do 200 f:4 1 do 200 5 1 ::0 200 26 1 do 200 1 1 do 3a 3 Schultz Rearr<ngement 275 19 3 Glenwood Para :Adition. 200 20 3 do 200 __. 21 -- do _. 200._ TOTAL, _ a_: CORM B.Z.A.. 8-3B CITY OF ST. PAUL . DEPARTMENT ♦NAN%;= REPORT OF COMMISS, NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED DIS&CRI,PTION LOT BLOCK�: ADDITION VALUATION 22 3 Cienwood ?ark Addition. 200 23 3 do 200 24 3 do 200 G5 3 do 200 26 3 do 200 27 3 do 800 28 3 do 200 29 do 200 30 3 do 225 " The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated..._.........._���.:._...191....C....."........_.........................._......"..:..:.:::....r Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 y St.ftul Yanrq 8th 1919. V ` To the K norable Council 4IA8 City qf. St.paul Minn. G ,a�E�aF p o W $ Gentlemen. We the undersigned property-oarners;hereby petition your . Honorable Body to caul a the following improvements to be made: Cement sidewalks on the west side of Freericha from Ri^ ff�..,,a� in,T"""'� to St.Clair.e streets on the south aide of Jefferson ave.from Fairview r Ave,to Snelling ave.on the north side of ?allace Street.from,Fairview Ave to Fredatt cka Ave. /- --:- -----� - - - - ------ (- -- -w'="=`--�- - - ---- �'�'Y------------ NIA 2 9 N� 1919' -- --L�RS,----j - �i rip Cj j �j ---- -- -- - �----- -p ! a�� �ae:�C_ c''=1�t�!P�l_!� actc�—•t �PR W, 17 1919 , MAR 211919 PUREAa �K • J. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works �$CEIVE� ' PN 31{, \ , Report to Commissioner of Finance la y , � W so April April 10th, I 1M' To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24558 March 27th, 9 cil, known as Council File No .................... ................ approved ..... .......................... ...... ..__...... .__...................191.......... relative to........................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk six feet in width on the west ...................................... .................... side of Fredericka from Jeffersonto St. Clair St., on the south side ....... ........................... ...................................... _.................................. _.._.-....................... .............._........... _................ .._......._.......................... of Jefferson from Fairview Avenue to Snelling Avonue, and on the north...si..a.e.._..ot PaT.ac.e.....St� from....3,a3rview wc..�....t..d_...Fr.ederl.o..ka.....Ave...�......................_.... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. ............ ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 80' per lineal foot . 2. The estimated coat thereof is $ ......................__......_., and the total cost thereof 1s $...................._......_..... .......... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: i ............................... _....... ..................... _..I ............ ............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. E9 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. �t a, COUN'""""' j FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..:......Construct..-a_cerpentbloc}dr-j,y.e.Aay,----e.J, kit...-f.w.e-t.._':ide,..�r, the North•.•Aide.-_of-_Thc;r�::;�.-- t.r-e-e.t--,b-e-ginni.ng-.333-_fe.e.t... �:--at... af..:J.iltan...-... �:.. tr,�,�y, thence gest eight .. ................. ......................... ...... C•'..R No. 2y661 In the matter;oi cofistrncting :block drlvewa 'eight ..... ..... ........... .....•........- Y ghN feet a cement. '-- ............................................................... .... .. .... ...... .. d ,"'Ing _tilde of Thouias Street e.. n ... ..-.... Wide -o 9 reelL g -158 ,feet, Wast, oifiRoR _...... thence West e1 ......................................... ............. .. Preliminary' eight feet, under. ...................... ........................................... ....... ....... :APr1124 rt,';Order 24819 a 1919 PDroved: '%t Public' hearing, baying been haA........................... upop the above improve.-• .............................. .................. under PreliminaryOrder ............._x.48.1. fir' + she counhn ..... . a a. a.I....................tappxoved _...."APr... 4.,....19.19.......... -...- IntermediaryOrder.............................................................approved................................................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...__.CO.natTllIIt.. a ..aeme.nt..'.aack... LTi ,av ag.,...aight.. feet aide on the North side of iphom^s Stree.tbegins..i-ng.253.-feet_,`.`est„.of,_ Liitcn Street, thence -weeigth feet. ......................................... west .... ... --.............- - - ............................-.-..-....................................................... _.... .................................... ........................... '-.................................--' .... ....................... ....---........-..--'----'----................--- ............._..................-._...-.-........._..-...-----... .._.....-.......-------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anth�Ted and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. r Adopted by the- Council..... ... ' N 2�'_ 1� � q. IX, , ............ ...s,. .., .,: 4 _ .1............ . city Cl Approved..... ...._ ...... Mayor. Councilman sworth Councilmania Councilman �Ys¢ad�lancy Council. eller 1 Council as underlie 1 Mayo rv4hx Hpdgscn Form W S. A. 8-7. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 9F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE \� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter of.._...._ C6nat reset in.g,...q..q.gM.e.l�t.....k1.� 4..4�....4�r1.A.eKaY.......igh-t...f.e.e_t.. _WiLiL'.,......o.rl t.he...._..__ North _ s i d�.._o.f _.T}i.Rm z e ...S..trev t....b egf,n a ing...2.53... f. e.et....xes.t.... o.f...Mi-Lto.n _ Street., westeight feet.._... _....... .... ........ ... ...... .......... .................... ..... ....... _._......... .......... ._....-..... ....... ... ..... .............. .......--...... .._.............. ........ ...... .............. .............. ... ................... .... ...... ..._................__............._........ ............ ......................................... ......... _....... .... ........ --._.......... .... ........ ._ ..................... ....... . _.._._.... ..... ... ............... ............ ....... ...... ................... ............ I...... ...... _........ ......._.. ___ . _...... ...................... ..... __...... ..... ............ ................ .............. ........ _..... ....... ................. _....... ........ .... _....... ........ ........ ....... ............... _.......... ....... ----.............................................................._...............................__._._............._:............................................._......._..............................._.................... under Preliminary Order approved....._L ...... ...... ...... _...... ... ... ......_..._......_....... ....... ......... ............. ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - . - • - --- -- - - - The estimated cost pSc foot for the above improvement is $.......... -.20...... ....... ...... ..... _. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VASSESSED ALUATION West of 11 2 Jos R. Weides 5th :addition. 425 10 2 do TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /J .... / ��� ...._..191 Dated......uL./..,........_......_......................... _..._....._.. Commissioner of Finance. CORM B. s. A. ! O O Y . ����v✓«�S � �-t—cosi. �� 7--// 0 e,9s Sr L io i/ /J/" 3 33 3Jg 7--// 0 e,9s Sr L H 7-4 r. j Office of the Commissioner of Public Work�,ECE►vEo O Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 MAY 7 1919 May 6th, 1919. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24819 April 24th, 9 cil, known as Council File No... ............... .......... approved. __ ............. ................. ........... 191 ......... . relative to ............ constructing a cement block driveway, 8' wide, on the N. of .._._......._............ ......... ................__......._................ .......-S...- ... ............................._........._....... Thomas St. _beginning 253 ft. west of Milton St., thence west 8' .. .......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........_..............necessary and (or) desirable. 20¢ per square foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... .......... ._.._.............. ., and the total cost thereof is $ ............ _._......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ...................._..._.__.........__............._...........__............._...._......................__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. #. ............................................................. ................................................--- ...._.._......._:........... .................................. ....... .. _.._......_....._.......................... _.._..................... 5. Said improvement ie_....._...........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. f Con nissio ner of Public orks. C CO E N0_.............� .�..... jt y---•• ... �' Vii- �. • FINAL ORDER Constructine driveways of cec:ent cross '"alk blocks Inthe Matter of--- .......-- .. ......................—............................__................------...-•--•-------...-•••--............................. at.--the-_follgsing..-locatirre J�saie Gtreet,--_Test--_side,.- _feet .._ -Tide,._-_ ;U.Qm 1.40...f•.P-et...XuAb.-_vf..TbIteS?1t l U2.a e...N.ar..0...8....f2.9 feat farther North thence North 8 fejt, Colline StrCetl south aide six feet -.............. .. .. .............r Teat of__E.edford Street, thence_..we t._es.._zeCl.._.___............. ........ ........ ........ ... ..... ..... .. .. weYb ofcenleJfG-erose welkbl .. .............. ....... ...... the Follow ii, IZZ.he:. - O L C 4612 Sues eWest s do; whit ewii...... April 2 , 1 1.; . ander Preliminary Order ... thedoe:North,s,iee4,ana Brom "teethe"r North; .:thence rrth, Collins street. south slae{ - Intermediary Order ....... .- wIde from lzs,teet Weern --street, thence West �-8 - A public hearing having been had ur Preun gep ocaer.zatuent upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative &reto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is........C.onstruct_.dri_vev.aye... oY,..cemert...,eroge.,.u7alk.-.blocks at the followin, locations: Jeasie Street, Test...s_ide,...6 feet_ wide.,,..fron, ........ 14C feet North of Phitehall thence North 6 feet, and frofl. 2e feet farther ....................................................._....._..............................................._._..__._........-................................ _.............. Ncrth thence North 8 feet, Collins Street, south side, six feet wide, ................................................. - .__. ............_...._...-..............................._.._.............................._........... from.126 ft. Fest of Bedford Street, thence wept .8 f.e.-..t........................._._................... ................................................._............._....................._..__................... _....................... ..............._................__.................._........._ _.........._................. ......_......._................. ........ ............. .... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorize nd directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .................. .::................................... 1 `- .................... .....:� City Clerk Approved_ .............. Councilman F�nw Councilman 40oss f ............... 19�+,�.%:. Mayor. h 1 anoy L./ Mayr.-T. i�odgsor. Form B. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIAI-LINER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the Matter-of..—.�c nst,-uc tinL ..driveays of cement cross NE:lk-blocks at the follow P -L ...... ..... . ...... . . w......... .. ........ .... ......... ............ . ...... .1.1 ............. .................. ............ . ... .............. locations: Jessie ,trt, vest, side, fee*, ',ide, from 141 -...feet North of ........ ...... . ....... ....... . ............. .. ...... ... I ........ .. - ..... ...... . -1 ...... ................ .......... . .. . ......... . .......... . ........ ....... . 7,"ittehall thence orth 8 feet, and froin16 feet farther North -... t ..h e N.c.r-t.h ... ............ . .. .............. ...... ....... .... .. - ...... . ........ ....... ......... ... ....... ......... ......... .......... . . 8 feet : Collins Strcct, south side, 6 feet ride, frorn 126 f,('t,,it of . . . ..................... ....... .... - .... . ........... ....... ...... ....... ....... .... .. ....................... .. . ... . ............ ........ .............. ....... ............. . .... . ........... t .... .. Redfcrd Street, thence west 8 feet. ................. . ........ I .......... ..... . .... .... .. ................ — ------ - . .............. --- .... .... . ..... . . ....... ... - ------ ------- ...... ...... ..... ..... ................... ........... ........ ....... I ................... ... - ............. ......... . .. ... - ...... ...... . ............ ...... .......... ............. . ...... ....... ...... .... ............. ............... .. ........ ....... ...... .......... .... ... ........... ....... .... . ....... ..... ...... . ........ ..... ................. ......... ....... .......... ....... ....... ............ ...... ............ ............ ............ ........... ............ ........... . ....... .. ......... ................. .... . .......... .............. . .. . . . ------- .. ...... ....... ...... . ........... ....... ...... ...... . . . . ....... .................... .. ... ....... ................ ............ ........... .... . ...... .. .... ..... . ............ .. ............ ..... .......... ....... I .... ....... under Preliminary Order approved . ...... ......... . . . .. ...... ----- - -- —. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .. . . .. ... ......... . .. ....... SCI L 20 The estimated cost per inot7lor the above improvement is $ . ...... .---......_------ The ... ...... —..........The lots or parcels of land that may he assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 24 2 Fd:nund dices let. ,;iicJition. E25 West ' of N. I,';. of 5 1,vines ,d,,ition of Dut Lots. 1500 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his reoort thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Az A. Commissioner of Finance. — . ' �� ro Ifi � ti tiz � fA V✓1-1 / 7—F7 L L ST -T/ v do G� r.ES L 7-L r s - G� e" • Ai r L Office of the Commissioner of Public • Works RECEIVED k O Report to Commissioner of Finance o��I z ia,-, i'-' s :a Or, ut 0 April 11th, APR -12_ I09 .................. ... .... ......... ..... ............._... _.....1..._....... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24612 April 2nd �....................191._9..., relative to............................ cil, known as Council File No ..............._.................... approved........ ....................... ........._......... constructing driveways of cement crosswalk blocks at the following ....................................................._....._........................................................................................................................................... locations: Jessie St., 17.5., 6' wide, from 140 ft. north of T,hitehaT2; th6i de north 8'; grid froiri 26 feet fartTier norE ; thence north 8' x Collins St.�..._S._S._.,___6'._._wide. from 126..._ feet .._west. .._of._._Beclfor__..,,..,. ...... ._. Strebt, thence west 8 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........... ... ......... necessary and (or) desirable. 20V per square foot L. The estimated cost thereof is $_..... ................. ........... and the total cost thereof is 6......._..................._......_....._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is_...._not asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ........ � ................ ..... /............_........................�Public :®rk . Commissiouer J:J RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. t In the matter of._VIWA.e dKIUt €...QIld-se'aelLt in...tdhe...land...ne.cezzar.-y for ,lppes_.for._cuts.._and._f.ills...in._.gra3-in.�.._ lleg_-ip---��oyd...5.....L[nd.eTstslad' TYiird Addition .from a..p.qint...120_..feet-_east._.of-._uPnnet�},_ftve nu--.to...Pr.i0.I... Avenue. _ ------ rnva.a"t IN(- .._. No .'+ 2666 .......................... . - ......-._... ntter.of condemn' .......... .............._. under Preliminary Order .....2.4,215 .............. approved .EB.b.`.:'.0.,..-19.18, Intermediary Order.......247.61--, approved ....Agx.i ...1'k.,....1.9] 0 . The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be bad before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ............. 22nd_. ............... day of ..... .....:_July .......... .. ---------- 191..9..., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council._ ... .........:.::..._......_....---- ----................... 1 ... ----------------- . k.. City Cler/ l Approver.... --_ ......... .... ............. Tsy....... � s'r .... -- _...... - ..-----/'...---------......... Mayor. Councilman Fa orth V�� Councilman Qoss Councilman Clancy Councilman ller C ll Council. 'Wunderlic MayorI ' Hodgson NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading. Alley in Blzak_ 5., Und.er-wo. ad! 5, . Tliinft....Ad.ditian fram LL_ P-0 int - 120. feet ..east. Of ..Kenneth -A.. U)...T.rlor. iiv.enue . ........... . ....... ............ .............. .......... ........ ....... . .......... ­­­ ........................... ...................................... .. . ....... ... ........... .................... 1-1.1 .............................. .. ........ ........................... ..... .. ............. ............. ............ -- under Preliminary Order, 24.97.5._ approved F.Pt.n._U, 191.9, Intermediary Order.....2470. ............ approved.. April 14,_ 1.919 - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the .... ..................._._22n_..............._............_..._. day of 191 at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards are payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to property from the making of said im- provement. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. 191 Commissioner of Finance. 0111110 NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in Grading. Alley in Blzak_ 5., Und.er-wo. ad! 5, . Tliinft....Ad.ditian fram LL_ P-0 int - 120. feet ..east. Of ..Kenneth -A.. U)...T.rlor. iiv.enue . ........... . ....... ............ .............. .......... ........ ....... . .......... ­­­ ........................... ...................................... .. . ....... ... ........... .................... 1-1.1 .............................. .. ........ ........................... ..... .. ............. ............. ............ -- under Preliminary Order, 24.97.5._ approved F.Pt.n._U, 191.9, Intermediary Order.....2470. ............ approved.. April 14,_ 1.919 - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the .... ..................._._22n_..............._............_..._. day of 191 at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of the Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards are payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to property from the making of said im- provement. Objections to the taking of such lands or easements therein or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. 191 Commissioner of Finance. N r s � 1 St. Paul, Minnesota, July 21, 1919. , To the Honorable Council of the City of St- Paul: WHEREAS a hearing in the condemnation proceedings_ for grading an alley in Block five (5), Underwood's Third Addition from a point 120 feet east of Kenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue, is to be held at 10:00 o'clock A. M- on the 22nd day of July., 1919, and the honorable body has caused to be served upon the undersigned property owners a notice of saidhearing And requiring them to file any objections they may have to said proceeding and the taking of such lands or easements as is necessary for the grading of said alley„ Jrhe undersigned property owners in said Block five (5) hereby protest and -ob- ject to the taking of any of their lands or.easements therein for the grading -of staid alley, said alley being absolutely un- necessary, there being no traffic over the same. your petition- ers respectfully call your attention to the fact that the alley cannot be graded through to Kenneth Avenue, that Kenneth Avenue is not graded, but that the outlet of the alley is enclosed by a barb wire fence and that the grading of said alley withcut the grading of Kenneth Atenue is unnecessary and an unjust ex- pense to the undersigned. �- ITAME LOT BLOCK A D D I T I0?T XI #'J ...... fit.. ..`. ..r... .? .. 3 3 cG�' � 3 ------------------ OTiUTION OF CUUNCII, APPROV ING, A3$I,SMENT, No. 28684 i t s�.., �L matter oP the ass es9 ntCoatsa exPeses... .... ^afor renaP mom Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, CCPt3 and expenses for j Constructin6i relayini, and rer)alrif4, Cei::ent'5ldewalks, 1:8timate io. 4, Under Contract 2981 A Ycr season Of 1818- --Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21770 Jessamine :",t-, south side, beL.inninfy 140 feet east of Cortland St. thence east 80 feet- F.O. 21724 Matilda .nve-, west side, beginning at Carbon £.t. thence to Maryland t. F.O. 22291 *Aryland I" ,t., north side, beginning 102 feet west of Woodbridge thence west 8 feet. F.O. 22319 Woodbridge vt-, west side, from Carbon Bt. to South Ste F.O. 22326 Marion St., nest side, from Wayzata Ste thence south 128 feet and from a point 120 feet farther south thence south 74 feet. F.O. 22858 Fuller St., north side, from Pioe Ste thence Rest 146 feet and on west side of Ries St. from Fuller Ste thence north 116 feet. F.O. 22857 gain Ave. easterly side, beginning 32 feet south of Sixth ::t. thence south 124 feet. P.0. 23165 Fourth 11., north side, from Smith .,ve. thence east 140 feet. F-.0. 22325 Marion St., west side, from Vayaata St. thence south 128 feet and from a point 120 feet farther south thence south 74 feet. F.O. 227E+5 vest Fourth at., be6inn1n6 78 feet west of Pleasant Ave. thence vest 200 feet. F.O. 23119 College five., south side, beginning 93 feet Rest of Sixth .,t. thence west to Fourth .;t. F.O. 23123 Pleasant .eve., east sido, beginning 268 feet south of ;&est Fourth st. thence south 60 feet. F.O. 22782 Plabasha Ste, Rest side, beginning 46 feet north of Ninth St. thence north 51 feet, beginning 110 feet north of Iglehart Ave. thence north 54 feet. F.O. 22708 Aabasha Ft-, east side, from Fzohange c:t. thence south 146, feet. F.^. 22428 Wabasha St., east side, from College -Ave. to 2'Relfth St., also on Rest side from College Ave. thence north 145 feet and from a point 24 feet farther north thence north 114 feet. F.O. 22357 Ninth St. beginning at Robert St. thence east 115 feet. F.O. 22729 East Seventh Ste beginning 88 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 190 feet. F.O. 22728 Eighth ute, south side, beginning 75 feet Rest of Sibley St. thenad Rest to Jackson St. F.O. 21788 East :seventh Et. north side, between Rosabel St. and Broadway. F.O. 21789 Rosabel .`'•t., east side, between t.eventh St. and Eighth St. F.O. 21787 Broadway, Rest side, from Seventh nt. thence north 138 feet and on east side Broadway from 0eventh St. thence north to Alley. F.o. 22859 E. Eighth St., north side, beginning at Broadway thence east to Fine St: F.O. 23154 blain Ct., east side, from W. Tenth St. thence south 208 feet F.O. 23167 College Ave., south side, from ki :. Tenth St. thence weet 170 4t and on the north side of Weet Tenth St. from College Ave. thence east 90 feet. F.O. 22S19 University Ave., south side, 5e6innin8 at nice St. thence west 350. feet. 1; -=• Rherburna ,.ve:, north ..^ino, fro•s�rlon It. Zoo faet_ F.O. 21724 ma tilda Ave., vest side, be,;inning at Carbon '.t. thence to M_ Llarvland St. The assessment of benefits, co-sts and expensed far and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, acid the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 19th day of J Uly 19 1.9 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M'., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council City Clerk. Approved_.__ .................. ............................ ...................._.._,:._.. C Mayor. Councilman Farnswo h ✓ Gosg Clancy V / a •• Wunderlich May Iiw�S?t Hodgson form B. B. 16 :J -- - ---- CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 4 z �s .............................., 191... _- In the matter of the assessment of ben efi tS, CO et 8 and exp eriee8 for the ConstructlnL, ra;1a4�inL atiu rer,sztrlaj, CG;:iuflt AfLevialks, Ebticate lo. 4, sunder Contract 2981 A for aeration of 1018. --Assessable moll-- F.O. 21770 Jessasrinnj� St., south Gide, beelnnin6 140 feet east of .Cortland St. thsnds east 80 feet. F.O. 21724 Matilda Ave-, [vest side, beginning at Carbon r4. thence to d8aryland Sit. F.O. 22291 Maryland nt north side, beLixtnit ; 102 feet west of Zoodbridge thence west 6 feet. P.O. 22319 Woodbridge St., west side, from Carbon St. to South `,t. P.O.. 22325 Marion St., west side from Wayzata St. thence South 128'fect and from a point 120 lest farther south thence south 74 fest. F.O. 22858 Fuller St. north side, from F:ice Ste thence east 146 feet and on west side of mice =t. from Fuller Ste thence north 116 feet. F.O..22857;;.Msin Ave. easterly side, beginning 32 feet south of Sixth I.A. thence south 124 feet. F.O. 23165 Fourth St., north side, from Smith Ave. thence east 140 feet. F':0":`=22885 Marlon St., west side, from 5ayzata Ste thence south 126 feet and from a point 120 feet farther south thence south 74 feet. F.O. 22756 test Fourth St., beginning 78 feet Rest of ?1easant Ave. thence west 200 feet. F.O. 23119 College Ave., south side, beginning 93 feet west of Sixth St, thence west to Fourth St. P.O* 15123 Pleasant Ave., east side, beginning 268 feet south of Nest Fourth St. thence south 60 feet. F.O. 22782 Wabasha St., west side, beginning 48 feet north of Ninth St. thence north 51 feet, beginning 110 feet north of Iglehart Ave. thence north 64 feet. F.O. 128706 Wabasha St., east side, from Fxchange St. thence south 146 feet. F.O. 22428 Wabasha St., east side, from College Ave. to Twelfth st.,_8180 --- - on west side from College Ave. thenc:w from a point 24 feet fartherr'ortt' lig suet. .�, 2r 52 imth Wit. beginning at Robert .>t- I.nag east 115 feet. F.O. 22729 Last Seventh St. beginning 88 feet east of Jackson Ste thence east 190 feet. F.O. 22728 Eighth Ste, south side, be6inning 75 feet west of Sibley St. thence west to Jackson :,t. F.O. 21788 East :`seventh E.t. north side, between Roeubel Ste sad BroadwAY- F.O. 21789 Rosabei St., east side, between Seventh st.-and Eighth Ste F.O. 21767 Broadway, west .side, from .seventh St. thence north 138 feet and on east side Broadway from Seventh St. thence north to Alley- F.O. 22859 E. Eighth Ste, north imide, beginning at Aroadeal thence east to Fine St. F.O. 23154 main St., east side, from V. Tenth St. thence south 208 feet. F.O. 23167 andlonethe north sideside, ~+est¢iTeWnth Stye from College thence west CollegeAVG. thence east 90 feet. F.O. 22819 University Ave-, south Gide, beginning at RICO Ste thence west 350 feet. from F.O. 22781 Sherburne Ave., north side, Marion d t. theme east 300 feet. --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 21784 f4stilds Ave., west aide, beginning at Carbon St. thence to Maryland St. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction - - - - - - - - $ __3..43.0...9. Cost of publishing notice $...._.___.....,7.,.77,._..... Cost of postal cards $ Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $.___ __.. 68_.6. __...._... Amount of court costs for confirmation - - - - $..._._...__16._ Total expenditures $.__.353Q._..,67__..._._. Non -assessable - - - - - - - _ 57.55 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - $3TC-_ Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..__._3., SEP . 22„__..._._......._._ upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with f the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed { i by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. t rornB. B. t7 Commissioner of Finance. 1 .o C F o 25585 A--� /�' Y� Reanived that wur tractante be, araWn' 1 V J CCC' 111 a able nut of g v pon the Ctty TreaeurY B Yor corpora' the hereinafter aDeclOed funds and In 1Ut SC[L ra r favor of the Persons, it -.p ORM Flt. t: NO• ........... ................_...... AUDIT ' floss for the amoungs sypeclHedltinth he Farm A A 48,2\7-18 ' resppectlVe detailed statement: Following F. O. HuvIfgn Comp6an)'. 8643.86$__84. -inneY products ComPanY. Lamprey •—�-- North Star State Tobacco CompanY•� $25.09. Eg-11"ent Compare)'. 14. W. Elec[rlc ... .. - - .... - jb86.28. County Treasurer,�• TI: 111 I 1 M. 7, O Malley, $22.69. plate Glass Comb ) _��-- _. Pittsburgh ConlPan). i $260.03. hunt Boller TITLE St. pa $623.70. St. peal White Lead &Olt C' favor Resolved t at 1varran[s he drab $2Tier� a Com pan Y, $593s4. peopled by the Cowbell dune 2s. 1919' ut of the hereinafter epeciGed Funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the 2 ADPror'ed June za,lieis> mss as specified in the follolrm; detailed statement: }� Isis 7Hodgson l �� `a}'s _ Adopted by e anvil..._ .....__ p oled-R MAYORMr 38.42 --i2d9'3 — F. 0. Huebener, Sc 00 643.86 1209 Kinney mfg. t.ompany, a_t.�x -g ln� 12997 Lamprey ?roducts Company, 7.84 Y. b n jtee8- North Star State Tobacco Company, 25.09 Y: i+Qoiae-••-- 19959. N. Llectric Equipment Company, 85.26 Faajxw- 3. 9 5 Fir tf 5. 0 Po& F. Alarm 22. 5 11 ° 7. D iry •7 arantine •5 IvIlnnwl • 3.3 1 " 21.2 t1 a 18.0 x21130.._ Id. J. 011vialley, County Treasurer Sz�^'• GF_ 22.69 #2 c, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company$ 12,41 ,Holing yoi i»- Alarm 9.26.15 Munic. Gar. Revl. 5f 17.0 27 Sar 'workhveme . 00 8.70 P,a&rks e Revl. P. p1 moo... .00 „ 7 75 '260. 123,g&.. St.Paiil Boiler & Mfg. Company, 12tV5 St.Paul 'ihite Lead & 011 Gomgny, B l ge,�2 - 1"Q Tierney & Company, 89 �O Y�1 •95 260.03 623.70 290.47 598.84 ' � ' upon the Clty 7tessurer`�ayable outoP ���}yC the h 1 theter..speolfled,fmd. a d iu i'lV ,1 iir� fovor oP the pefaope flr a or .orpoia 1111 Ntl[. .......... f 1 �////�'''���J a`1 V°li tions for the amounts eet,oppaeIte their FILL No " I, - ( V' J Y \ lowing detailed9 tatemenfled 1h the fol- I,/0 ot- J. A. Sandq"" $2,280.00. l Q Adopted by the Counoll .i une 26, 1919. Approved Sun. 26 1919. _ (June 28, 1919) ':. .�...... ..... —_- - - JUDITED A ..... ............. ..... Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasure, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons. firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specif in e follonving detailed statement: jet men l ) Na Adopted b the ouncil Clancy: " Farnsworth ._...r to f�enr Approved _._.. _ _. _..�'S),�...._..... Goss ............ Keller._.._MAYOR vunderlich Air. P silent, Hodgson --4Q-k&,R— J. A. Sandquist, 2,280.00 Curbing Earl, Hastings to Thorn `� 6,YM 7-18 the :herein irteY=speelIQ Lunde and IV favor of the Deieone 9rme'_o corpora-: [lens for tha amounts eL opvoeite their respective names as specified to tha fol-; lowing detailed=.statement:> AUD American Llnen Supply Company, $46.38: ��tt. T. - Blood & Company, 747.73.' Board of Water Commissioners,' 82H6zC.. BoyesonCompany. 826.00. Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, $121.90. .... ...... ................ Dally Hardware Compnny $30 $3. AU D�Diebold 9aYe& Lock Compo y 52:00. Farwelr Ozmun. Kirk S Company, 56.86. Field 9chllck &Company. $147.97. Oh -11 r W. Gaskell, E13.00 Frank O. Huebener, 8131.50. -' J. W. Hnlme COmPflnY•- 582.87. J. T. Kenny &Com any. $20.26. Resoked that \carrants be M V. Kerwin. E17.5o. Ll Alfred J. Krank, EI0.00. Mnendler Hr_othetra, $26.432.75. tit' persons, firms or corporations for Melody Paper Company. 84.25. Ozone[ Chemical Company. 82.00 eas. Oil I1C1 Hien t 7—TI Pittsburgh Plate e Glass Company, ot.cll No. '��.....�....... F'1I.L .... .. r, ' I 1'IiUI 1 I IL TITI.I. e out o[ the hereinafter specified foods and in favor of the e names as specifie r the following detailed statement: Adopted b h .Ou flet I ............. ..' ^`..... _..... roc CpanY. MIN;* St. $671 37' p Farnswo $161.85' 1j. 3 floss $380.92. - Unite $28:76. ler R. s. _._ _.. AdpP �.r'a 4aneva�� Appr Wunderlich �. Presiclent, Hodgson 4 "9- American Linen Supply Company, C� -$rhe-$r—EF'• IZU7V T. L. Blood & Company, C�.-�. Zit Board of iater Commissioners, C :-$--$;a-H. }�E"t H. C. Boyeson Company, H. -jeeT3' Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, I12UY4 Daily Hardware Company, 12675 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, Itle" Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, V 1.ee" Field, Schlick & 7C7ompQ,.any, 1391+$ Chester W. Gaskell, C. . Clancy Pout Gas Light Company. Tablet & Ticket Company. tate Tel. & Telg. Compnny. d 6tates Rubber Com pang Whitacre & Company. 8 x.21. ted -by the Council „ ne -� '01Q oyed June 26. 1919. a (June 28, 7919) \l.\TUR 46.38 47.73 23.52 25.00 121.40 30.23 2.00 5.86 147.97 13.00 ot.cll No. '��.....�....... F'1I.L .... .. r, ' I 1'IiUI 1 I IL TITI.I. e out o[ the hereinafter specified foods and in favor of the e names as specifie r the following detailed statement: Adopted b h .Ou flet I ............. ..' ^`..... _..... roc CpanY. MIN;* St. $671 37' p Farnswo $161.85' 1j. 3 floss $380.92. - Unite $28:76. ler R. s. _._ _.. AdpP �.r'a 4aneva�� Appr Wunderlich �. Presiclent, Hodgson 4 "9- American Linen Supply Company, C� -$rhe-$r—EF'• IZU7V T. L. Blood & Company, C�.-�. Zit Board of iater Commissioners, C :-$--$;a-H. }�E"t H. C. Boyeson Company, H. -jeeT3' Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, I12UY4 Daily Hardware Company, 12675 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, Itle" Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, V 1.ee" Field, Schlick & 7C7ompQ,.any, 1391+$ Chester W. Gaskell, C. . Clancy Pout Gas Light Company. Tablet & Ticket Company. tate Tel. & Telg. Compnny. d 6tates Rubber Com pang Whitacre & Company. 8 x.21. ted -by the Council „ ne -� '01Q oyed June 26. 1919. a (June 28, 7919) \l.\TUR 46.38 47.73 23.52 25.00 121.40 30.23 2.00 5.86 147.97 13.00 CpanY. MIN;* St. $671 37' p Farnswo $161.85' 1j. 3 floss $380.92. - Unite $28:76. ler R. s. _._ _.. AdpP �.r'a 4aneva�� Appr Wunderlich �. Presiclent, Hodgson 4 "9- American Linen Supply Company, C� -$rhe-$r—EF'• IZU7V T. L. Blood & Company, C�.-�. Zit Board of iater Commissioners, C :-$--$;a-H. }�E"t H. C. Boyeson Company, H. -jeeT3' Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company, I12UY4 Daily Hardware Company, 12675 Diebold Safe & Lock Company, Itle" Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, V 1.ee" Field, Schlick & 7C7ompQ,.any, 1391+$ Chester W. Gaskell, C. . Clancy Pout Gas Light Company. Tablet & Ticket Company. tate Tel. & Telg. Compnny. d 6tates Rubber Com pang Whitacre & Company. 8 x.21. ted -by the Council „ ne -� '01Q oyed June 26. 1919. a (June 28, 7919) \l.\TUR 46.38 47.73 23.52 25.00 121.40 30.23 2.00 5.86 147.97 13.00 Frank 0. Huebener, _a •- �� -� 1:99 J. W. Hulme Company, ];Wjj�j J. T. Kenny & Company, C _12a@Q M. F. Kerwin, Oy--SI.P-8s•8w H. 166W Alfred J. Krank, MM4 Lamprey Products, Inc.., }Q3 Maendler Brothers, lgee& Melady Paper Company, lVeS7 Ozonet Chemical Company, C 12Q88 Peoples Coal & Ice Company, lee89 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, C rNW4r-@%—H • _ 3.L,08e St.Paul Gas Light Company, Mn The Tablet & Ticket Company, u 12ms- Tri-State Tela & Telg. Company, leeIR3 United States Rubber Company, 12DSA R. B. Whitacre & Company, G....2 h... , H. 137.50 82.87 20.25 17.50 10.00 2.75 25.43 4.25 2.00 86.07 .83 674.37 161.85 380.98 28.75 5.27 Wunder- C. F. No. 25589—B)' �� A Resolved. That the Yo;eoWlnB P1n the r / be appointed )o dg- 4 Iectlon, COUNCflfth yrecinct [the secona Wara.tor RM 111 /� _the ePeclal eleotooq s.vlz. be Paula Allen- -- 448 Marta"e..==• --- serveu ......_ - --- Arcade Street, aseral )e ectlon hnSe e1L our+uL nt the last Oen ...... ....... _f -_d to 8Ct. cji ILE �• Adoptee ed June 26.u1919.J une 2fi, 1913. -- APDr ,rune 28. 1.919) Date. resented---__ ......................._......................_ _......: .O Resolved, l/ i lv t r N Yeas (✓) Councilmen ( ) Nays 9n �p Adopted by the on it ......:..:...._�..).. ,..:.�._..._.141.- Clancy \\ Farnsworth Aowed..............._.......,..,....,,,,�..,.,,,.:;...._. �-... Goss-------'4—+ffVVr Keller McColl ..•.-r°we'.'.�`=,........_........................ . ............................................ ��"������� MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 1 ^ ° Re9¢r4ormance qty/ Rated Jun the CRYS t 1 '/fit � >� Broe. -and4 moi ec J\ Qredtn6 ° G ge {romet Cb ton St set 4 SubjeFt:.. tl ._. ....... n�uQe MaoT atr t Rt J _ ♦ ev., 9tree al�iwe71 IM N Y .couNclt 255S9 ..........-. e �E No. --........._ • 7 gin}. tthe� ^ tractor consent in wr_._-•- 'thereto and file uchtroller. 1919. in�AdnP efl hYthe Uuj ni4 Jnne 26. ? APPToted J1ne 2S. 19191 _ <JUne Resolved, That the time specified for tleperformance of a certain contract dated June 26, 1916, between Keough Broe, and the City of St. Paul for the grading of Waseca Street from Sydney Street to George Street Page Street from Charlton Street to Stryker Avenue, Idorton Street from Ohio Street to Waseca Street, Bellows Street from Sydney Street to Robie Street, Louisa Street from Bidwell Street to Stryker Avenug Elizabeth Street from Bidwell Street to Stryker Avenue, be and the same is hereby extended to the 26th. Day of Jure, 1913, and e proper city officers are hereby authorized to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractorte bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. Yeas (✓)ounci en (✓) Nay Ian Far sworth l G ss eller Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson FORM G. A. 9 3M 12-18 s �^ ^ Adopted by the C it _ _...._ __....1 ..... App ed_... C, st. Paul, Minn., - l - - -64 - - 19/9 - TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body �aiccdr f Syd.�e Sf cause the time of cop ontract for the 930 �sesaSf. rbc * Y fo C/�arqeSt FageStf•'oin e`ho�/fMo�%vnSf.Ohio f, i✓aaeca f.f"' y"f. Lae✓/aw-s.5fflom Syst�c�cstfaKo .G,Ga��'sastf�yrr� /3iili✓�//S�fo�fiy/tc..t9ys. - E/i to be extended to - - G-��--/-7 - - - - - - 19/y - Owing to -Y-C i �.'v•� 4 - - - - - - - - it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the tir,.e for completing sane be ff.ade as hereinbefore stated. Yours very truly, ell 'v� actor. There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as the requiren.ents of this office is concerneV-MI-WX APPROVE Supt /\—a Repairs r Commissioner of Publ o Torks. Chief Engineer. ,!S 1 colnacl�i° i/ l .., -------- ... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__._Gradinb z:arLaret Street from wYhite Bear Av. nue to Rut! _...._............_..._........................................................................................................ Avenue, ''white rsear Avenue from ia`argaret Street to icinr:enaha Street .. ... .... — ..................... ... and Hazel Avenue from . artaret Street to P,Jnnehaha Street. .... ...... .... ....__......_......... , C. F. No. 26690— ding StarXar� In the matter of Bra .......... .......... .............................................. Street. Prom White Bear Avenua ........................................................ Ruth Avenue; White Bear Aven-' from Margaret jtrevenue, [rome'•`.• _. ..._ _.. _. .............__.............___ Street, and Flaw .__....... _.._...._.... _........_.. ......... -- - - aret Street to Dnnnehah' Stree 2 4 369 ar PreliminarY order 24869, aP Agit 26!" 919 'd ...._.. April 26, 1919. under Preliminary Order ................................. .. .......... .... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Grade .sari aret Street That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....G....._.e........... La _.. Bear Avenue .to Ruth : venue, hite l_ear,.h_�@nue.-.-f.r.g-rn.-.,;a��a.ret . ..... Street toi'l.innehaha Street and Hazel ,venue from ;,'.... ... rinnehaha Street. 15,42G.63 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ _... .._. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemrut oil the 21s, day of July 191 g at the hour of 10o'clo 'Al., iu the Council Chamber of the Court FIouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pau]. Th le Cmamissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the iarter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-----._....._�_' Approved...... ......____..._._. _ C.... Councilman Farnsw rth Councilman laoss Councilman dClancy Councilman Her Council Wunderliell Mayor f Hodtson Forte R. . A. S -R ti7Rf t!O�ll►.� � � � � e � Q. .......... mar ti7Rf t!O�ll►.� � � � � C0111� .- Ey- %jl'J11. -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Con Iom::inl � nd tekLr �,,i :lent in the lunds necessary Inthe Matter of...`........_ ........... ................................ ---...... -�'.e�se..................................................-... for slopes for cuts and fills in I-radt nE, :ar�aret Str=et from..Wl'.i`e.__Pear _...... ........... .. ._..__ ....... Avenue to Ruta: .Lvenue, ....ite ?ear ; .erue f^r.^ .. .r aret Strest to........._.... .... ................... Vinnehaha St^. -,.t an, :azel = PnI,P fr'nn: ,:,ariaret Str et to in:ehana_.St.. ........................................... ............................ ...- ....................._. C. F. No. 25591— In the matter of condemning rod tak- ing an easement In the lanes neces- ............ ....................... ........ ............ ........ sary for slopes, far cuts and 'ills In ............................._............................. grading Margaret Street, from Whit,Bear Avenue to Ruth Avenue: White . ............ Bear Avenue from Margaret Stree[ 20 ........................................................... .............-............................Minnehahs, Street. and Hait, from Margret Street under Preliminary Order ..........`:487 J......... s_q. app pled nn elJ1 . Apr 11..2.5. 1 19......... r - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn "end tzi:e �n 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....__ ................................................ eastment inthe lands necessary for slopes f:;r cuts and fills in radinb ._ _.. _..._ .._ ..... ..... ............ cJe.r;.aret Street from Vihite ear Avenue to Ruth ';venue, White B.ear_:yv.e-..- from ":`:arEaret Street tc9innehaha Street and Eazel Avenue f om ',arLaret Street to !Vinneh&ha Str�et, in accordance 'rith blue print, hereto attached Und made a ,)arl. hereof he hatched portion shoviir,6 the cuts and the shaded portion shoe;in€ the filia. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 35.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _-2 I - - .. _ ..day of July 191 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. K. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ Approved.__.... _... _.... 1 Councilman Far" worth \ Councilman Ilo Councilman id;lancy Councilman eller • , r t_'ou"eilm Wunderlich Mayor. Fodfsor. Form P,. S A. 6-6 7 ayar. PGBLIS'1Ti'.0 -S �� Council File No. _........ . y . By.... ............ �.� 41L L. Resolution ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for graveling Tatum Ave. from Pennock St, to Tallula Ave. U,r1/1N -"'"G ' "G HENT, 26iter under Preliminary Order __1.21.fl1......_., Intermediary Order ....1..563.6.,.,,_ Final Order approved ... ...._._YaJ.-3.r.d_....... ____....__..191.._..:1.._ A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assess- ment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BEITFURT ER.RIESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in, '". •$... e..... equal installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. i Adopted by the Council Approved ..........: ..... ... _._ ... Dorm B. B. IB ,City Clerk. �...`.`..'_..........- Mayor. PUBLISfiED Fv � r3 �9 v CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT - rcl�h 191_._. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for the graveling of Tatum Ave, from Pennock St. to Tallula Ave. 1.2181 Order 1 5635 ............. ._ . _...._...._-. under Preliminary Order ---- Intermediary ---- 16267 approved..._ 114Y..._3Fd 191._..7.. Final Order ._ _......._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards Inspection fees Amount of court costs for confirmation Total expenditures $.__ ..1.,.7.93._0.0..... _l.,_3$_ $ 35.86 $ .._ 1,835.30 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascet- tained, to -wit: the sum of$_....__1_,6°35'..NQ......__.._..._... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council fore such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 ------------------ -- By L cil Approving AssessmentbS In the matter of the assessment of benefits, poets and expenses graveling Tatum Ave, from Pennock St, to Tallula Ave. for under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order 15636 ......... _. ... _......_.....,. Final Order _ _ 16267_ approved. _ May 3rd _ ___ ____ _, 191 The assessment of _ beneC.lts.,...costs .._and . expenses.____ ____. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, 1C. F. 2Gtco— Abstract. In the tatter of the assessment or RESOLVED, That the said assess¢ ncnetlte, costs and expenses for ill respects approved. gt av1�el ing Tatum Avenue, from Pen - derkPrellm1nary order 1 181 Inter- ent on the _. 26th day of RESOLVED FURTHER, That a p medlaiy order 16636, Flnal order - `- IG2G7, approved hfay 3rd, 1917. The nsaessment of benetlta, ...is and expenses for and In connection N1th June 1919.._ Rthe lied tomimprovement having been the Council Chamber of the Court and the Coun- ,cll having considered same and found 'i the Bald aeeesement eaitsfactory, there- iaalOnel Of Finance give notice of \J House and City Hall Building, in the! beR a I -d, That the said ...... meet "be and the same 1s hereby¢ in all said meeting, as required by the C11Z1eReaos approved. provrther, That public ie and place of hearing, the nature 4hearing be had n said ssessmeet on the 2G th-day of June, 1919, at the hour Inst the lot or lots of the particular of the improvement, the total cost the.f 16 dclocx e ^ x., un the eouncu owner to whom the notice is directed. „ Adopted by the Council Approved.__.._... ...... .-...: )� L�:}......._ Councilman Farnaw rth Cl ncy " Kell r / M oll V u underlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. B. 16 the amount assessed or Iota or the particular cular t the notice Is directed.: nnn ;A—CAty Clerk. re May aa, 1919. Council22, ![{_____ :. .. ........._..... ..._...... ... 1919. 2,1919 t ry 24, 1919) Mayor. A By.._...._ ....._ _.._...'._._.._[.............._...._.................... 1 Resolution Ratifying Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Tyler Street, from a point 100 feet nest of South Robert street to tiie sewer on South Robert Street, and from Gorman Avenue to a point 75 feet east of Humboldt Avenue. under Preliminary Order 20555 ,_......., Intermediary Order .. 93595......__, Final Order._._ _.2.3945....._ RnsoL..--t, ""I'rMYING ASSE �fE1XT. approved ..__._January _.7th,.................191F.No.26593— --- '"benefits. n the matter of the assessment b —oti-9 costs and expeneea for [rueting s er on Tyler 8• Prom a p Int too fee[ west of rovement, and Said assess - A public hearing having been had upon the Robert S[reeI to the sewer nn,red finally satisfactory, be it Robert Street, end from ment having been further considered by the CounCII, '&7i8 . p. point 7�s fee. therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in `t ...'..-.F:,.,,;i....._equal installments as to each and every parcel of land desc 'bed therein. Adopted by the Council r • 1. -: _ City Clerk. Approved .... _. _ _.._... _ .. _. _.......1�;...: i ........................................................ /// v , .. Mayor. Form 13. B. IS / "?57/wr ----------- _ CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191....... In the matter of the assessment of beneCits, costs r-,nd expenses for the construction of a sewer on Tyler Street, from a point 100 feet west of South Hobert Street to the sewer on South Robert Street, and from Gorman Avenue to a point 75 feet east of liumboldt Avenue. under Preliminary Order?.0.55$ _._...._ .._ ........., Intermediary Order 4 _rJ95._._._..__. _ _._............. Final Order__'39­45__ ... ... .... approved.__ .._January 7th 191__..9.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expendi- tures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with -the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction $.____..,,1..,._x_9..5,,_8.0 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - $ • Cost of postal cards $ ___ __....._....... 1...1.4 Inspection fees $ __ _ ___..._ _ 23.92 Amount of court costs for confirmation ..._.._..._...... . Total expenditures Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_1.,.225,._Q4__ .... . .. .... _....upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. '^•"=,fait �, • File No...._....__.._........ PRO SAL FOR ROVEMENT 4 . F0/ E. G. Briggs. PRELI RY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes C. F. No. ssssa— nprovement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ADtten p oval for tl Whereas hereaof' h written prop p king f the following Improvemer Reconstruct, relay and v3ReconsuucL relay and n•1<< idewalks at the following locations: file sidewalks at the feu°°n6 t/West Third Street, Nortii oma. d : �.' iY.G'�" wide, from St. Peter Street, thence east to alley, approximateU 150 feet; and on the Lvorth side of the street, 10-j feet wide, from Wabasha Street, thence West 130 feet; on the South side of the street 9* feet wide, beginning at a point 80 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East to Minnesota Street. Ramsey Street, South side, 9j- feet wide, from Seventh Street, thence West to Leech Street. East Sixth Street, South side, 10-} feet wide, from 98 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East 56 feet. West Fourth Street, South side, 10 feet wide, from 102 feet East of St. Peter Street, thence East 45 feet. Lafond street, North side, 6 feet wide, from Gaultier Street, thence West 135 feet. East Sixth Street, 6 feet wide, South side, from Maria Avenue, thence East 260 feet. �✓ Lafond Street, South side, 6 feet wide, from Marion Street to Como Ave. ,Como Avenue, south side, 8 feet wide, from Lafond Street to Clayborn. " of taie etr®st, et wide, from Wab-as ha- Street, thence West 130 feet; on the South side of the street 9} feet wide, beginning at a point 80 feet East of Cedar street, thence East to Minnesota Street. Ramsey Street, South side, 9} feet wide, from Seventh Street, thence West to Leech Street. East Sixth Street, South side, 10* feet wide, from 98 feet East of C Cedar Street, thence East 56 feet. West Fourth Street, south side. 10 feet wide, from 102 feet East of St. Peter Street, thence East 45 feet. Lafond street, 11orth side. 6 feet wide, from Gaultier Street, thence West 135 feet. East Sixth Street, 6 feet wide, South side, from Maria Avenue, thence East 250 feet. Lafond Street, South side, 6 feet wide, from Marion Street to Como Ave. Como Avenue, south side, 8 feet wide, from Lafond Street to Clayborn. t Adopted by the council._ ............::...`..:.:...:._:_:.........._....._.' "\..... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnew rth Goss Approved.._......._. ,_..'...:....:_:......-}4�\: .............. K er /) I LJ underlich..................... . _ ...... ................................. ._................ May iviw Mayor. ar Form C A IS (6M 4-1 �� ,� �✓ Council nail File No ..........:.............. it.5l'v';c:' eof, ':Tc C' g. JGG; NxgG' {.zOc• _ ,&,our 'r.a6+ .�o ,^rs:',uo.-.lr•- rJl,iil!. %CX, C -r, orT ; -+7c GI F: �,6Ct t..•'.TC G' ?, 1.0 ':�77Gx1 'r"T.66r^. ;0 X01,0 `��(. G r';Yc a;rru- e:ryG' .,zue zTe ,Ac:clnr>' ;i e* oa GI.T.0;.i i :t• I�e7-<. Cw' *J�6ItC6 �i.`,f 2{; Cr. T.G6�. 70 T,tE'1TCG' ;T.O?r IC: 'LGG.F , 0i. (`E;C,sZ. ..fit cG�' ,. ;puce �?gz� �@ T,GG�• . —,v 7 -T i G' 7Ca T CG: NTC -0 8�� S_ Ct Ear Tc 1 BCj' .: �z<.e; 20n -}Y 2TcrG' e?,6Er ATq G' �GA 6F FioTul "0 icer P oM oT Gsggi. 2;LGe4' Fr;Gucc> ,9N� ko Dated thin..._..... 26..th.day of ..._. 71:x?.9,..... ........................................ .., 191 Councilman. PRELW�-�.I/sN�J'A Y OR R. C �%3 O- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: West Third Street, North side, 10 feet wide, from St. Peter Street, thence east to alley, approximatellS 160 feet;, and on the Worth side of the street, 10} feet wide, from Wabash& Street, thence West 130 feet; on the South side of the street 9} feet wide, beginning at a point 80 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East to Minnesota Street. Ramsey Street, South side, 9} feet wide, from Seventh Street, thence j West to Leech Street. East Sixth Street. South side, 10} feet wide, from 98 feet East of Cedar Street, thence East 66 feet, West Fourth Street, South side, 10 fest wide, from 102 feet East of St. Peter Street, thence East 46 feet. Lafond street, .7orth side. 6 feet wide, from Gaultier Street, thence West 136 feet. East Sixth Street, 6 feet wide, South side, from Maria Avenue, thence East 260 feet. Lefond Street, South side, 6 feet wide, from Marion Street to Como Ave. Como Avenue, south side, 8 feet wide, from Lafond Street to Clayborn. Adopted by the council ........ .... .....' ............... Yeas: Councilman Farnswrth Goss K er I V underlieh May iwitr Form CA 15 (6M 41 ...... Nays: e� Approved.._ ............. ..._..._._...........:......__: v .......................... _.... ................................. Mayor. Council File No ........................... T Q0-3!* T"; I": rT, r il '�j.7 iq C C, T'cs'- t47(!6' :'70: ;0 (;OMO ,Orfl3i '-OLTV -jAr`-K!r1G' ;J:m7or' CC, jusoliq -�017.;37 2106' 1,T G 0- LOI K, l®r C R JO Z; :LCS; t'TCrG' 0- .� T,66.^,. 6A GJ L G'q;• 1102 r� 9p, ;W4 P Dated this 26th-1— 9 j J 7 7 �2 43 L 1) .................... ...................... -y ........... ....... .............. .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman s... . ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveftigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and eftimated coot of said improvement, and the total coft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; ......... .. . ...... ........................................ -- .............................................. ................. ............... ...... ................. ............................................................. 5, To ftate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council......_..........._..........'__. ................. Yeas: Nays: Councilman Farnsw h ' Councilman -Goss Approved -hoa Farn-w 'I Goss K er .r unde-flich ..................... ............ ... ... . ............................................... Mayor. May lv*iW Form C A 19 (SM 4-1 Council File No........_............_ PROPOSAL FOR MENT d E.G.Briggs. HOARY ORDER. C. F. No. 25595 A 'improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes Whereas, A wrltte."p-FPosal for making of the following Imp—orn,, Reconstruct................................ ..................... r Inv and air c e sldewallcs at the fo Mop wing el Reconstruct, relay and r ;,t seventh Street, North eh;sidewalks at the following locations: ^m Fronklln sines -. West Seventh Street, North side, 10 feet wide, from Franklin Street to West Fifth Street. Cedar Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from East Third Street thence North to alley, approximately 150 feet. Broadway, West side, 10* feet wide, from•Fifth Street, thence South 50 feet. East Seventh Street, North side, 11 feet wide, from Wacouta Street, thence East 78 feet. Wacouta Street, West side, 10 feet wide, from Seventh Street thence south to alley. Como Avenue, South side, 8 feet Wide, from Thomas to Rice. ,,Iglehart, South side, 6 feet wide, from 46^feet West of St. Peter Street, thence West 160 feet, and from 37 feet farther West, thence West 145 feet. Iglehart Street, North side, 6 feet �# wide, from Rios Street, thence East 70 feet. v Rice Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Avenue, thence to Iglehart Street. Selby Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point 19 feet East of the East line of Nina St� i, extended thence East 375 feet. ✓ Minnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide, from Ninth Street, thence North 12 feet. ' Ninth Street, North side, from Minnesota Street, thence West 200 feet. Minnesota Street. East side, 9} feet wide, from 4§ feet North 88 feet, and on the West side of the street from Seventh Street thence North 195 feet by 10 feet. .,. o.,r,-• ...w...r-wv,.o--zw Y eav, ane Irom J7'reet Sarther West, thence West 145 feet. Iglehart Street, North side, 6 feet sews wide, from Rice Street, 5 thence East 70 feet. 6Rice Street, Beat side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Avenue, thence to Iglehart Street. Adapt Selby Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point 19 Yea feet East of the East line of Nina JKTvst, extended thence East 375 feet, Minnesota Street, Went side, 6 feet wids,ef.Jom Ninth Strde0,a thence North 12 fest. <. Ninth Street. North side, from Minnesota Street, thence 'feet 200 feet. Minnesota Street, East side, 9* feet wide, from 4# feet North 88 feet, and on the Hest side of the street from Seventh Street .thence North 195 feet by 10 feet. Form CA 1a (aM 41 +•F'b")1.C:�i. Tfr)'Ury ,Tae" tG44�,D�t' Tf1,.tGsV• ....� ,( c Ts,e;'...s`irq or #'G6.Aiie'r @TQe, 0; j(TB:efixss; '}," kl Tk'Y_EeO.}'f4-.e;Zsf,V ;GAB;. -RTC .8 :{,Fs;. N-TmW 11OW fo t,eG'C V'CLOT7.. 5bb x;68;• !:I1.1+)-' �; •fL66 ;_LCR7 ?^T;It,*6 �?C �S ": •i2 E; 5.('' {";.; 6T.i^S t' fig+ =;11LI y..p r,. . firc6r' RC2; 27'ii6' a T,6�+ A'.7c E' "Low "TT?4F 2;L4i;rq' T7z �, ez *+1us z ;' GXEGVr; Sq CFjrucs {er t:.7pl i,AEunG' *.vr.;-_ qLQ Tes; n;Tes' psiTuz rug ',Ip 'a boTzr; Te ,^.r jRjGj:aX.+ �FL6s;• •r. ETcs ^;Lr;c+' f'aa+ eTg6' TO UwG$ MTgs' T,LCJn PnpxrT; 'JAGI r.E' ,:F;eucs jFiTGI3L; v;LG6+' IIOL;xi P..,T(;TG' 'C "{,h6, L -Mr h'7" ;G' '.LO!JJ ISTC6 YGe;' �I�GxJc6 r�ee; TQr Lss;. j.s;sz 1 �z6e; • t :sucs p,+6a; T£C ' cs+' Y; q LL^� d :L6s; tcrz ri sz ji TsgsL;' C eTg6' Q :LGG.0 x,Tq-' :,LOx:J Tec; �,sf:+ of l+' COMO WA'.V.11 ' ergs' g T,sc+ s.T(f6' ';Lora yj.-L)2 ;a C- IrTce, rz;aucc sor.;N +n 47-Tr,7• :;can;s ��Lse4' dl,ca4 FTZ:G' TO ,asT' 7c,' ' LLonr 6asu � ,YLE6; �j.`L66+' +'.'Eil c:ti .. �-t wi.' �E6+• r:reF .E.l@7Jft-.7z.ac;' yozCp 2ryc' 1) T .s h'T9G' LLOX ;,!eccnFtr or:•CF PC TGEP; II205gAsrl' j!_G ,f ET90 1'04; IGG; MTgc* ILOM' 'E_TT.TT' :LCQ.C' ETjGWI-(; .......................... Councilman. PRE DER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the following locations: West Seventh Street, North side, 10 feet wide, from Franklin Street to West Fifth Street. Cedar Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Bast Third Street thence North to alley, approximateio 180 feet. havini Broadway, West side, 10*,' feet wide, from Fifth Street, thence there6 South 50 feet' Blast Seventh Street, North side, it feet wide, from Waoouta FStrest, thence East 78 feet. 1Wacouta Street, West side, 10 feet wide, from Seventh Street 2 thence south to alley. Como Avenue, South side, 8 feet wide, from Thomas to Rios. 3lglehart, South side, 6 feet wide, from 4& feet West of St. 4 Peter street, thence West 160 feet, and from 37 feet farther West, thence West 145 fest. Iglehart Street, North sides 6 feet tors* wide, from Rice Street, 5thenee Bast 70 feet. 6Riae Street, East side, 10 feet wide, from Summit Avenue, thence to Iglehart Street. Adoptaelby Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, beginning at a point 19 Y. feet Bast of the Bast line of Nina *tt7s t, extendiA thence East 375 feet. Minnesota Street, West side, 6 feet wide,�fom Ninth Street, thence North 12 feet. Ninth Street, North side, from Minnesota Street, thence West 200 fest. Minnesota Street. East side, 9* feet gide, from 4$ feet North 88 feet, and on the West aide of the street from Seventh Street thence North 195 feet by 10 feet. Form C A 13 (SM 41t 4%'' ,.gssacc 1�oz'�F 78� :,s@F ��. �'q. '��6�• ' � :. , 16eV E4rq otrFT,s lts.t.; 6T, apse¢ tzoTr p6jsss F ErZB6} , 1177JIi8B0.fia 8j'S,66}t •- Z5'2.f't?7C '500 tcev 1;0.,:s.. e7�rnt :ZCRJ-T:1rs?C45 + GG.I''-`;C'Uc:S rB� ��; GIJC< I.O Z+^F J r. i F'6+• .. .. awry ics; !�'7-f E•� C-2� E]"r;6 O �•6c� A'.7G6 .Tt, l..^IIT `',7I?�f,' uj'I,'�5�' oti ;c,E Etla; TTT", of "TZTer -'Tx6s,' GX'Gm-'rg Fysucs _'-4E; tld.6UrIG' Rcy--r_ ETae' B test &T^.G' f•Gt?.TUI:7u- :,. C bo7z14 /:8 ,VC 12j6J:11x4 i.r-'I.GG;' f."Tcs P -PL"';' 7;`sa+ PTgc' TO tF6F NTgs' t,7.Cm PMVT; VAsi�rs' fevcs lOZ{'ti is?:?S' {.GG+ Yr8'd hST'C' 7.0'11 7f.6 ^rZf,CF' Msa�' t1t71cc. 1'br� TIP tssf' E G6Z �.'�L6 i.' ;T: 6TJ06 1.1 Ga7- CG.P' 41J,Y ZZ^W n; as :f,G6fi {, :iZ tj.'GZ zFij6j +T¢' ',o 'vy 6Tge' f IUGS IA7tr6' 1-1.011 an, rc 1,071!'1 2FL c '� r G. y r therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: I. To invedtigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and eatimnted coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;........... ...................... ..................:...... .............................. ...._........................ ........__--- .......................................................... .............. - -- 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. r d d b th council T4h....... A opte y e _._............... Yens: Nays: Councilman Farnsw rth Goss Approved... / K er r` I� G underlichh / t May r i A Form C A 18 OM 4-1 '..;_................... M- .- ' _ Mayor. AL Counul File No ........................ PROPOSA FOR PROVEMENT 25f3dI d E.G.Briggs. PRELIMIN RY DER. 26696— Whereas, A w ltten pro ...I f.,provement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; The undersigned hereby proposes the I v miktng of the following Pmproven 2 fee, Pn six f 7.4 feet t West o- t atr t. relay and re theesiaewalks at the fou amv Reconstruct, relay sidewalks at the and � Gelb Avenue. North Ids. �ollowi»g locations: "+ feet Selby Avenue, North side, , from 174 feet West of oxford Street, thence West 12 fleet. •-'Wabasha Street, West aide, 10 feet wide, beginning 30 feet North of Tenth Street, thence North 14, feet, Arundel Street, West side, '6 feet wide, from 116 feet North of 14arshall Avenue, thence north 16 feet. Selby Avenue, North side, 13 feet wide, from 160 feet East of Western Avenue, thence East 15 feet. Carroll Avenue, North side, 6 feet wide, from 32 feet East of Ken* Street, thetas e5theeSouth sidefrom of7thefeet Streetfarther from 84 feet thence East 15 feet, and on East of Kent Street, thence East 130 feet by 6 feet, ,-"Carroll Avenue, North aide, 6 feet wide, from 197 feet East of AWundei Street, thence East 48 feet. -Selby Avenue, North side, 6}:,feet wide, from 40 feet West of St. Albans Street, thence West to Grotto Street. Grotto Street, Bast side, 6 feet gide, from Selby Avenue, thence South to Alley. -Selby .AA,venues. South side, 6 feet wide, from 66 feet West of Chatsworth Street, thence West 24 feet, and from a point 54 feet East of Arundel Street, thence East 14 feet by 8 feet, and oo 1 the. North side of the street, from 160 feet West of Kent Street thence West 64 feet by 6 feet, and' from 39 feet Best of Arundel Streit thence Bast 12 feet, and from 42 feet farther East, thence East 45 feet by 6 feet. ;; 8XWV r, -` on the South side of the owreII.r •• �-- Bait 18 feat, and 6 feet wide, from 191 feet East of East of Kent Street, thence Bast 130 feet by 6 foot* h Carroll Avenue Nortside, Arundel Street, thence Bast 48 feet. feet wide, from 40 feet West of Selby Avenue North side, 6* St, Albans streeaetthencee de, 6ef eetnt owide,tfromrSelby Avenue, theme Grotto Street, $ South to Alloys South side, 6 feet wide, from 66 feet West of Ado Selby nAvenue and from a point 54 feet jChatsworth Street, thence West 24 feet, g feet, and 016 East of Arundel Street, thencefromEast160 feet 14 feet West of Kent Street the North silo of the street,of thence West 64 feet by 6 feet, and from 89 feet Bast Bast, the Arundel 8trai'i. thence Best 12 feet, and from 42 feet farther esae East 46 feet by 6 feet. n underlich� ' .................. .......................................... . Mayo . Mayo Farm C A 13 (SM *-1 '—'7— ' sue TAOTU'd5 T6H' �gf,:Pyei Req -t' Tu .Fu6uce Ake sucs Esat �P tT 6xTd6 E'a;"TS T f ee , gTTq T,Lom 38 T s6t rysat oT taznug6j 2tLela C'd Test Pa B � � -Plie Tnos;p 8Tg6 01. tF6 B;LGG T,Lom Tg0 7se u,sat oLs suq oQ Er3at Ot VLa3Jg6T 2tLGG;' t GZTCs ryat Td ,IG GT' Aa 8 1 CTrataraoLtll 2�L66t' FF;sucs !!,Gad ST TGG41 szq ILOTQ g bOTut Afi �,Gsp 26TA� •. nsun6' ton+F aTgs' B ss� targe' T,LotII ee T.sGt ',saF oT 2ontF Fo VTTG'X'O?, nsT�tTs' ;j.�Gu06 2Loc90 24LGGf' Ess; a;qs' a T,ss¢ &Tqs T,Loty 26T- V 2t' HTPyua 2tLest' tTsvCG JkGS; ;0 OL;* 2gLGGF' sa Ot 2sTP% yeeuJ. rfs' 10L p 9Tg6' g+ T,sG$ ra;qs TLom �0 lee; M ? yT.=ggT RJPL(;G;' ;jJGTIOG ESeF 10 T,GGV' a F'88F 0'e 2sLLoTT VAGurfe) goLf)J aTg6' g >;eet mTg6 66 Lom Tad F Eger OT Re"; FLsst' ;peucG EVrat T20 T,e69 P?' g 2664' saf T? b66t' suq ou::JJ6 2011;P8Tg6 OT. $IJG 2FLGGF T,LOW gt iGG; F gtLsst' FFsvcG Eset g0 T,66t' sxTq TLow dg �6sF bgLgFsx Ega.t TTGuc6 OszLOT7 Vnsvne' TIOL;F aTg6s g :L66t mTgs' T,Lom 3S IGG; Esaf OL U6vf LA68+'6LU Vn613116' ¢TJGU06 F88t TQ lee;; 2GTP% yns17116' TAOLtV aTgG' 73 1,66t aTg6' SLOT Tg0 tGe$ Fsat 01 IrffLeTXTT Vn6urf6' {`TTGrTe a TToLtjJ TP T -66F, T 4ss� poLl� o'<. VLtfvgaT 2ty66F'.;r,se; gTq B b66t aTgG LLODt Tg 6 _ Dated this...24t.h..._....day oE..... . ...................... -- ...................... 191....._. L Councilman. PRELIMItiARY ORDER. C C' , �- Cy WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: d repair Cement tile aidewslts, at the Reconstruct, relay an following locations: six feet wide, from 174 feet West Selby A'Ienue, North side, of oxford Street, thence West feet t wide, beginning 30 fest Wabashs.Street, West aide, 10 test w14e, fast, North oi' Tenth Street, thence North 14 frm 118 fest North of Arundel Street, West side, 6 fest wide. ha. yiarshsil Avanus, thane north 16 feet. the Selby rah Avenue, North Bide, 13 feet wide, from 180 foot Bast of Western Avenue, thence Bsat 16 feet. from 32 feet Bast of Kent Carroll Avenue, North aide, 6afe et ftomd76 feet farther Bast, Street, thence Bast thence 80 fest, Bast 18 fast, and on tha.,South side of the StBef fast - from 84 fest Bast of Kent Street, thence Bast 130 fset� by 197 feat Bast of Carroll Avenue, North side, 8 feet wide. Arundel Street, thence BOB t 4faetatedo, from 40 feet West of Selby Avenue, North side, 8} St., Abana Street, thence West to Grotto Strfrom Selbyve set. Grotto Street, Bast lids, 6 feet wide. Anue, thanes South to Alloy•8outh side, 6 feet wide, from 66 feet West of Ado Selby AAvenue, sand from a point 84 feet Chatsworth street, thence West 24 feet. y and ot1 I Bast of Arundel Street, thence Beat 14 feet b 8 of K, Street the North side of the sttreet, from 160 f and from 39tfeet WegtBast ogtArundel StreMii thence West 64 feet by from 42 feet farther East, thence Bast 45 thence Bast 12 feet, foot by 6 feet. Mayo M,7nayy . F.— c e is (eat r-�v Q ,'ass �• es ' Cr Loo d5 T si Z'ezFsL Tsea���T�ucssa� ,�Q,;. ' FNs1Tas i-?II$ 'TS T se + suq T Lom 38 T sed yn89; oT, v"119sT 2FzO .riJ87JC6 h�.66� Q6 066 ' �aa�L66}' �,LO;4 Teo T ss; P--Ga; Oi V61$ ,2;LGG; FNsn?no .l•N nags zse�' F;J677c6 Rva-r T-1 : s p?. E b66O' suq 04ssp r r�:3ar t CIT 2F r�);Ts BrAOL 7.T 2;x,B6jP' jprGTJGG rfsa.9 SI : =G �. q T.Lo» s bo?u� �. 2s737. ', ffAST7ne, Pon+F a?gs' Q des; iaTge' Lzorr ee %GG; ;'.sa> oT, Oofi;jj P2FL86j'&•j>;2aF aTgs, b66; &Tqs' :,i,om 067.0% VAGI ns' ;N6uc6 2;Lss;' ;VGUGG flea; ;o CL09;0 2$L66;• 2f' V7P3ua ' Qj- T,set aTgs' ,Low0 T65; �16a °� PGTPA Vaeuns' 7.IOLfN aTgs VLm.TgsT 2;L6sg' �yGTTC8 Fsaf fib %Oev- s F rad O:L 117g, teoL -- +..axF11 a;gel. s6: mTgs TLoaJ 78.1 T V f Q �'r..__., +re4•. M'A O I.88jt♦ - - F C t)Ji i -' t'; C r. ro 1 _ , Fr J X6'1 C nr1 fi ?G r15 ;127 1 TL.TT ``I. t`_-_.lrle ".G: t,�:i 8' i3O•; - ..l Y 1-2 (TJ 7., T)�C' , G6'� 8S7C® W v ............._...._............_..._._._.._......_..__.............._...._..._................._...._....._....._..... ........................................ . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council man._...........?..._$..�� therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and direcRed: I. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. I To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; .... ......_..... .....__...._ ................................................................................................................................ 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council ................. Nays: Yeas: Councilman Farnswo h ^ (io8a Approved................: •.• Kell � - undulich .� ......... -_...................... Mayo . Mayo Porm C A 13 (6M 4-17 - �/ COUN4 P1 FINAL ORDER 2f5 -P 7 � In the Matter of PaVlrS YQX!tQn Street betK"n Sxnitn .. .Avenand Ohio S.t_r_�Iet ........ue ......... -inoluding. IseWer-j - -wa-ter--a.nd ga_s.__,cenneLct_iana fr.om Etr-emet mairle U P-r-92p.Q.rty 1 idea.0-om-plet-e. where aot. -al.rea.dy ma -d -e a,1.6.0 al1ey a-nd dr 1 v ella a Y a-_Opr�oachiaz wiLex.e r-e-cessary -- -------- ------------ ---------- _ . ......... .... . ................ .......... --- C. F. No. 25597-6Y §. A. F­w­ ------------- Iri th, matter of pavin g Morton between Smith Ave. and Ohio Including sewer, water and,ga, ................................. ............... ...................... nections from street rhalmiqO ertl' IWs complete where i 1-1 4, also, Incluill under Preliminary Order 249-50. ­ ......... . ....appr(sues .. Intermediary Order approved A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the CitY.of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- t' � I I went tobemade bythe said Citvis_pave.1—rorton Street between Smith Avenue and Ohio $tX.Ogt, including sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to .prq.pq;7ty..lines complete, where not already made, also includi g curbing ............. ......... . and paving �alley and driveway approac�Les, where and the Council herebv orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works 1beand is hereby instru / ofed and di'recte4� to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvAl; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........................ - City Clerk. Approved ............ ....... .... ... .. ..... Councilman Farnsworth Councilman Gos.s Councilman 14,X" Clancy Councilman Keller /Councilman 'WW underlie Mayor Txkx Hodgson I". rm 1. S. A. 8-7. 7/0 CITY M11� DEPARTMENT REPORT OF (?OMMISSI ON PRELIMINAI (A) :E OF FINANCE �}`�j I s �! Paving "ortcr_ Stre^t bet -x,= -n ceiti, A—ri3e e,nd nri, Stre^t, including In the Mattdr of : --------------- ---- ---- - ----- -------------------- - ------------- —---- --.....-...--- --- ----- ---- -- --- se:'.'er, "* er grid Efcs Connections fro^ e-rect rr^irs to rr('l=.rty lines 7,.-c et ;;:ere nct alr-ady made, also includin: ^urbir_` -arid pavi: J alley _-_------ —__--------------- 3.nd dr] Ve':ti'3;J-^^rG3^.h_s, ere r.ece sary. Ma 2nd,1919. under Preliminary Order approved ----------'Y-- -------- ..... ----------------------------._......------------�---------- -------------- ----------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Total T 0 T A L Cost P_ind of Paving per per Sq. Yd. Estir.ate. Fnt.Ft. 3-j In. Creosoted Block.... 14,33 $16,172. >9.48 Brick ..................... 3.95 14,753. 8.65 Asphalt.. ... 3.31 12,363. 7.25 /asphalt Concrete........... 2.70 10,084. 5.91 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION err--rs pe--rra.n -errent cf Hlocl 1, ( 9 of Bannir.� and (livers Addition -o ( 4 e •t St. °aul . 2475 South 12� fa -t of ( 1c do (Exce-t ac.�th 12' feet) 10 do 3200 th 12i feet of 11 ) io So-th 12L fe t of i;crth 5ft.11 do 200 North ;2 fe t of 11`) do 1 C 7600 1y S do io 400 do 3675 TOTAL, rl-r,.p•.'. St. Paul, P:inn. , ..'tar.o." .i.zth.......... 19 20 . To t.ne Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Linn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following iruprovement to be indefinitely .paatpaned..onacco.:t oi.present •ni6n•Friees•or•pa. no.••••••• Favi--= . West,MOTF Qn................................. St. -I= from ..Ph10...................St. -Ave. to ............. ....St. Ave. T/1-1 ����''C'Lfrrti�./...�.Y..L�!t" ►�`y "lydtC!1 to Tj J i j.�...7.�,.:.�. r . .�..� f/ . . y. ,v I �LGY.WCf9 b1 CC1 CA < vY4 I .. LY.. ..� Q �.. . V. 1 PrL� ..(P` ..4`:t r. �• ..(1. .(p� ..u....... x .. .. �. �... ..: ::....... .... St. Peti:l, T'inn.. .... .................191.. To the Honore -')le, The Council, I'll City of St. Paul, Minn. (rEntlemen: We, the undersigned property ownars, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following iruprovement to be made: .............. St. Ave. from.........................St. Ave, to .......................... ............... .....St. Ave. ��jj// It � tiLUG_x 1j _1Yii+:s � ,'d?'R.`. k.?: s iy b`^....i.. q 4/. .�}"''4"b:h,'�°4- b.. •.,�bro'6.i,',:F$-ti,:.i6.e. E ... �............ ............... , 1,f �%.� ... .. �I ... ........... ............ ........... ..... t. ...... .: J . .�l'... _ .ZZ . ,�« � Lr +'�.�� �/M9 ';'?~�'.;�:""y`"�� ..... •.'yyY' . /`:.�-�y_J//'( J/efVJjj//�r'Y �"� A•_•�.ay df(� j� g •� �� ./, . /. .Y. 1 .w''.T /;�'. r • .'. /. K/..'r'..�'.4f(. b(P &'iG-C� �Ly .e ........... ..L.`. Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 'I. . . . . .1-6 . . . . . 1 S. . . . ... . . . . . . ... �y .... .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......•... I., ... x....... 6 . ........................ CITY OF -AUL DEPARTMEAVST� FINANCE Z3-, 4"30 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARYjORDPTR (B) ` ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 'V; ADDITION VALUATIOP . Lercer4 "eafr7n,'?rr.ent of ::lC^k 2l, of Eannin,, and 0'iv-rs Additi(:n to est^t. Paul: do 1575 ..e^t 3/3 of G 3 ",liv^re Addition to ",^ t %:775 St. Paul. c.:pt 1/3 of 5- W 3) do 32'5 et 2/3 of ) ° 4 do 1400 4 d0 2 :75 5 4 do 1475 4 4 do 16'5 12. 16 Eewecrs Aiditicn to Ct. Paul, 500 13 1F do 450 14 16 do 4250 15 16 is 450 16 16 'C 450 1 ic, do 160C 2 16 do 16 3o - -` (19 "ary "c."anua P?arrange .ent Cf lock N2 cf �nr:ir,,- end (1- --jticn to Vest St. Maul ?�Il.sey Ccunty Minn. 1^) do 31C� 1r� do (17 '10 ( 400 (14 10 1 do '.35 2 do 301, 3 do 25C 4 do 31: - FORM B -A B 3 B TOTAL. Z3-, 4"30 CITY OFAS AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY11ORDCR ,I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hag investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedfl'J__.---191 vor+rn a.s.n. a -e c j Commissioner of Finance. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION •LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Beet z of 2 2 Olivers Additicn tr Te^t Z 1 00 ,1- Fa -t of 1- ? St. Paul. 4500 r io 1800 1r.5G 1 ,o 2?00 1 do 400 ? 101 '-�n�it Win.! c'iv�rs A 'iti<n 1400 to Slut Ft. T a 1. 5 101 do it "�G 5 101 is 8C-0 4 101 do 950 ticrth 1%3 of 1-2- _ 1 1 c 550 nicrth ' df >c_ th _ %3 of 1- ;- 1C1 0 500 6cuth 1/.3 of 1-2- 3 1:11 0 200 ,I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hag investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedfl'J__.---191 vor+rn a.s.n. a -e c j Commissioner of Finance. iy St. -Paul Minnesota. To the Hoa.the Commissioners of the City of St - Paul -We the undersigned, owners.of the property abutting on the North and South sides of Morton Street, between South Smith Avenue and Ohio Street, in the city of St..Paul Minnesota, do hereby respectfully petition.your honorable.. -body to cause the said Morton Street, between the points named herein, to be graveled, macadamited, or to be paved with some suitable material to be agreed upon by the owners of the said property: described as follows, to wit, OWNERS Lot Block Addition Address of owner. U i / Cl GG .`t/.. Q � � �� cis t,:><, r i , "lr•% .. a c. i .-f - � r IOU l �////j V f! � r•d/�/% l,� ''7.�-s`:r� � '. 7"sem-1�! —»- ,L1 _ { ! �' �' {,�� �� � f� ,%�'� _44 .ff U Office of. the Commissiont'r of Pubhc Works RECE[VRD Oda Report to Commissioner of Finance SSS R, .... MAY 9 1919 May 9th, 191..9. ......................................,.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, known as Council File No._24950 .approved. .............. _MY.._Z.na_.......... _.................. ..-191._9..., relative to.............................. paving Morton Street between Smith Avenue and Ohio Street ----slid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.............. _........ necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $.._XXXX ............ _.. and the total cost thereof is $... ....... . .................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................ _..................... ................................... ............................. _.................. ......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ............. .................................................. ....... _.... _........... .... _........ _.......... .............. _....... :................................ ,......................................................... ............. _.......... ....... 5. Said improvement is.._ ................................ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property; subject to assessment for said improvement. ..._.............................._............... Commissioner of P blit Works. 1 � Qlitg, of Ot. Paul OSCAR CLAUSSEN. C-1 Ev.in..n Department of Vuhltr Ularks ... ..�.... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. E. CARROLL;Suri. Ru icon wvD nerw.s R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALPRlD JACHSON. Saris X. ...;;IZER,S TAIVri'.N m. S. 0f1YTBAH'Enoin e. n1ON' G. M. XERPOLD!Orro.. ln.v een ' St. PM y,7Mi nesota. 19. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissibner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: I herewith transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving Morton Street betweep Smith Avenue and Ohio Street, including sewer,water e�1xd gas con- nections from street mains to property lines complete where not already made, also including curbing and driveway approaches, where necessary, in accordance with Council File #34950, approved May 2, 1919! r. Length 1035 Ft. WidthRdwy:38 Front1705SgYds. Add $60.00 for sewer connection and $32.00 for ii" Water connection to each lot where necessary. ' Add 65 cents for cement curb, where necessary. Total T o t a l Cost Kind of Paving per per Sq.Yd. Estimate. Fnt.Ft. 3j In.Creosoted Block.... 84.33 16,172. 9.48 Brick .................... 3.95 14,753. 8.65 Asphalt .................. 3.31 12,363. 7.25 Asphalt Concrete......... 2.70 10,084. 5.91 Yours very truly, lAC- WES/C Chief Engineer. Enolo {M Co, Form 25128 (/ ryry ( >x6alt he takeq Bovrjt anrdg tremoved anfl. everUiSeCtiunctdenaiid� OUp,d.tr', ouncil File No. Dnbuo mtereat eo rnlra9 mfi191By1ex9�RESOLVED Thnt the St.Oar Liaht C v ria - by ercctio¢ polo avd etrivain, wine thereon for theSO.ThatIv tha foilawina Oh, avd streets of eald eiq . Irietall'two poles in alley south of Hargaret Street between Cypress and N&rl etreete. With necessary guys and anchors. All o/ avc6 extensions, polni and wires elua be erected and constructed under d rdh-ti.. of the Ctq of of he of: Public Udlitlee avd 1. all thh," s-�L;ect to the proeleI.. of Ordivaace No. t124. and of ili other lawful ordiv ee l All poles ehonld bo act iv each lonpon Iv Wd alleys and rtr:et. u the aW toner of Pablie UtillHen shall deai¢vate, and shall be of each hdaht and character ae he •hill dniao<te and approve, avd ens and all each {ales shall bo takev the and removed, end such wirtt plattd undera*ound, whevnvcr the Covved shell deem that tfie p,bl:c interest so requires, and whey It. hail so order. i 19 19 Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilme FARNS RTH GOSS W DERLICHA roved JI!N i I i9 4 PP ELLER Mr. Preside , Ifti�Fli� Vit« erl,�,,�,, Mayor � alasot,loTtorrd ;� �; �lved That, y ordered a Ede I.Y . �+ p{ny le hgreby ordered and Qlt o . l tta'.etectr�ggcal Ilnee bq et '�� ' t �;. C I/•, eiTf ;elxC 9r LFr:S�� Co Form I _... DeperCtY�t Blue 7o...TilFi�l No. By REBOLV ED. Tbat the St. Paul Gaa LI¢ht Com -any i, hereby ordered "" directed to exund lu e1mb,iml lino by —ed-, Po1n and &trin¢u¢ wires thereon fm the trawmiaelon of eleetrlcty on and in the foilowiv¢ alleys and streets of ,aid city ret andt8arltwo St Bets- inalley neo ssary Says sout,2 of and anchoret between Cyprsse ommiead ha of Public Utilities All of —h ext,uslons, Polo and wbea &hall be accred and conewcted under d resolutions of the City of 8ti Pe shall be v[ auch h<I¢br lawful orae o e atuionu and in all thin¢, avd chamb.t ere ll e�L'ect to the tnovistons of Ordinance No. 2434. wd of all -thu of Ile Utilities shall desi¢oate, and ' All polis sbovld be set is eu<h Imatiou 1- nid elle>e wd street. ere the o the Couvcfl shall each Pole shell be taken do anti removed, a -d auch wires Placed voder¢r-and, b.—el deem that the hr •hall dpi¢mu avd aPRov&, and auy avd all Push, inurut eo scyubes, and whey it shall eo order. s 19 19 y N J J Aft— 33 "" Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilme (� FARNS RTH GbSS W DERLICH lea 27 1719 Approved tjj�tn� (�jtp/ ELLER Mayor Mr. Preside , IRNOW- N>;s�°�c�ot, r L' P' Nd.i36599 �y.�M lr Goetz= � Com YLeea1V=d panThat 'the 9t •`Paul 1iBf �I(� 1 I T1ght y iK ,liereby,orfletea dlrebte&.3b gxtend;lte eleotrlosl 11n ii by erecting Dhq,,tAnd etringing Wt hereon for the tranemfevlon fit �1,*rw cltY coq an8 to ane fdliowing^ A � C�� etreetd of eala�clty f.1 25 5 �1r9 Co... orm ent of �reau ncil�e No. SC By RFSGLv]iD, 1'hnt t t. Paul G. II D t Com fy ie hereby .,dyed - directed to eatevd 1 electrtml live. by emean¢ pain avd atrin¢tn¢ wiry thveon for the Lrevemiulov of eltttricty ov and in the followin¢ alleys and Wryest+ of said db: Install Two poles in tate alley south of 6th Street. between Broadway an Pine Streets. one pole in the alley east of Smith Avenue, north of Belmont Street. One pole on Uanomin Street, south of Cherokee Avenue. One pole on Myrtyle Avenue, west of Pelham Street. Three poles on Larpentuer Avenue, east of Phalen Boulevard. Commercial Distribution. With necessary guys and anchors. the suLiec moths R vi.tavet of Or�divatnudNo. R/70.1nndeof ell o h lawful ordtlnavicearmd tvoluutom of th '"', 9t�Paul ommWivvv of Publie Utilises avd ib—' - All all fiin¢e pll Doln.hvvld be set in evch l—,Jov in enid alley. and .trab as the Commi.sionv of Public Utilldn shall deei¢onte, and shall deaf such hei¢ht and hvecty a. Le +b.ill dni¢nats and apm.ve, and av> and all each lroln ehnll be mtev dowm and mmoved, and evch wire Aland uvdervound, whenever the Council shall deem tbat the ,.ac into t.n require+. and whw it ehail .o nyder. , i'b,ps 2-1 13 19 Adopted by the Council Yeas( ) �oncihnen FNSW RTH GOSS A RL CHS ,!I!N � NDE4 � _^ „ Approv ;!KELLER Mayor Mr. President, PR1rM orm ommlesot?uhlto` Vtilitiea shall esignnte atunt d.. shall he of such height c ,!� q'j. nd charact9r ae qe •shall designate' _ nci'l File No. nd approVl: and any -and a1V such ptee ahhq •he taken• down and. -Pe 1 O p goved.'awderieve—th,;pieced under ground, whenever •the :r Oovncil shall' y sem that. the puhllc lnlereat s ,,.re qui es, and when it sheat eo order That the St. Paul Gas Light C 'Adopted by the Connell Juwe $7 1819, jives by erectiv¢ Polm and s[riv¢iv¢ o1*m thereov for the RESOLVED,-Apa[roved Sune 27, 1919 ptW➢j tr.vemi..tov of electricb on nad Iv the follows ¢ 11 .(July 6, 1919) Install two poles in the alley south of Midway Avenue, east of Mount Hope Street. Install Tno.poles 6n Danforth Street south of Wheelook Parkway. Commercial distribution. rntstall two poles on Arkwright Street, north of Case Street. UV.. lighting. All of such ext<natova, polm and wirm shall be erected and c.—ded wader the dhection and sul>mhlc of the Commintene, of Public Utilities and in all thin" r utject to thaprorialovs o[ Ordinance No. 2474. aad of all ether lawful ordi... cee and .... ludo- of the Citr of 9t. Pavl. hataltet All Wim should be set iv such ..... d all s aid Poln sad hall to m. down and remlov.d of d such wtir<s Placed a aOra¢rao..d, h lever the Counetl abell ddeem that the he hall deahm to and aPWove, as I .tl;c interest so mquim. avd whey it elull so order. ?� rl �1 Adopted by the Council 2 7 Il`� Yeas ( ) Councilmen�x' ( ) N FARNSWORTH GOSS �L W DERL CH 2 ;' 7 I e Approve TELLER / Mayor Mr. President, iR'01`P1t pvf u �r�'�ee . j s C P"No 2660I�73Y N 6bea-- �,. Reaoivatj Thi<t Eqs. tdt,:Paul ,lied L1ght Company"le hereby prder d and dirOcked to extend' itb a ectrltml wlineIre. . .by;:er0oting ;DOle6 and•etringin6. ' � :trlcSty on 8nd •1n tae `tollowlnB, aReyt;, • 'therledlOA of eleC=, 8nd:=streets oEsaedd C1tY: ... . ' install _eevetiDo10e on MnrYland' Co Street WeSt of Msakubin Street y.�y� _ Cttytlt6$t1ngS Orm Install Ona pDol in the alley North ox . Mlnnehaha Qtree�? Weat oL t3armalhe; Street. t'.' r,,..u.w. '•.� - I IW By 1 9 1 r t v {?paimisaloner'%of PuOn ¢bfpnate, ¢.n� shall be 11 an¢h hetBpt RESOLVED. That the 51. Paul C Light Co and oharnCter se he eltall d¢elgnaje. tranamies SO of elec. IctyThe on and io Paul following all and apyyrovo;,', '1,; nnY..'andsudh 1lines by <recdna polo and eMv¢iv¢ wine thereon for the Itoovede OA Onen, iacea under= qround whenever th8 t'�ounell ^ satili , t; Install seven poles ohath9 DssbUC.intereor eo Te'- of Mackubin Street. p QUAdopted bY'ihe` Ceancll St�ne 8 7 x4919• no. City lighting. ,.Approved Su27, ,1919 Install one pole in the site noti19o1StStreet. west of Ger- maine Street. Commercial distribution. Install two poles in the alley south of University Avenue, east of Prior Avenue. Install one pole in the alley west of Rice Street, between South and Car- bon Streets. Commercial distribution. With necessary guys and anchors. 1 All of such earensiove, poles and wires shall be erected and conetneted under Gm dbecGon and supenision of thn Commisaiener of Public Utilities and in all things ,eWcet m We prorLiovs of Ordtvavice No. 2471. and of all ether lawful ordinances and roolutiovs "the Ci" of 9t. Paul. All poles should be wt lv such loonov in'aid alleys avd streets es the Commiesiontt of Public aiiliGo shall designate, and shall be of such h<lght ad than<ttt as I,, .hall desigvate and approve, and say sad all such poles shall be taken do— and removed. and such wlrcs n =ad tualu round, whenever the Council shall deem that the tm4l is bue eat so rubes, and whey it shall on order. Adopted by the Council -1 Yeas ( ) Councilme FARN ORTH GOS 0 UNDERLICH H*W.WDCt, KlrLLER Mr. A. � a F'No E6801 BY � N (3oee.� Reaotve��]1 }That the dC: Pavl 6as� ' ht CofpDany .le hecahy ordered an`I i .tit d to o;tet1d its el ciri@al lln "� - i eFacfing ya16Q�a iitringlag,9!.! ty on enc Stn the tollowtng'- eon Lor the. tranerntedton o+• -tn et4 ot;datd jest' on tl 1 ��� t�%� Co IS onn Bur4, aur,,; ?7r File No. IVI����tons. o! ED. baa and In the followii h' all a and ntreeu of said �jtyod directed to extend iu elatrfcal linin by erecta+¢ pole and atriv¢io¢ wirm thereon or the ng Install seven poles on Maryland Street, west of Mackubin Street. City lighting. Install one pole in the alley north of Minnehaha Street, west of Gersa mains Street. Commercial distribution. Install two poles in the allay south of University Avenue, east of Prior Avenue. Install one pole in the alley west of Rice Street, between South and Car- bon Streets. Commercial distribution. With necessary guys and anchors. All of such extrusions, Poles _d=.h .hall be erected and ca-trvcted ander the dbection and supervision of the C.Ouub,tener of Public Utilities and In ail thins rttjcct to We provisions of O[dinanes No. SAS.. and of ell other lawful ordinances and ... olu—s of the City of 9t. Pavl. All polm should be set in eue6locatlon in said alters and strmd m the Commiseiever of 1'ubl(c Util,, .hall deei¢vate, and shall be a[ such hei¢h[ sod chanctm as nca1411nteroket einrandnev and whenaii.had.11 all so rch ,olm shall be taken dawn aad removed, and each when Placed urulcm.uvd, whaaevei the Coun<il'ehsll dnm bar the Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilme ( Mr�2 . FARN ORTH GOS UNDERLICH K$LLER Or mdrw Qo� c'e. �Irrstall one pole;ob Oxford Street, between Lafond and Thomas Streets. Commercial distribution. Xith necessary guys a,nd anchors. if'it. 4}- 4 All of such ezl<nalov*. Polo ave wires shall be ere<Ud and <oa*wcled under the dfrecdo. sed sapenido. of the Commissioner of Public Utilido and In all thirsts s.bird to the provialo.. of ordiv..cc No. 7444. and of all nthtt InwtuI ordf.avc. and reeolarl"s of the City of A. Peal. All polo should be set lv each loodov iv said alleys and *tree.. an the Commissioner of Public Utilities shad desi¢vate, a.d.ball be of each height and character as 6r -Imll dai¢nam aad approve, as d a., and ail such poW shall be take. dowv god removed, rand ouch wires Placed uvder¢roand, wheaevtt the Council shall deem that the ivterestso requires, and when it *lull .o order. th$t. Paul ' �omDagr -ie herebye .ordered 3 to extend )fa electrtcat ,i�.�¢�� tlRg' p 0709?and,atrfggingip✓ { iTanamteaton ol�;''LD1-+ f - p' UNDERLICH xn tind;dln b, ln •eye feltd ' T Approved r�+1'+i . KELLER Mr. P;ident, PRiN�0+f Mayor "lam' ar ment o i Council File No. By (the St s Liifo¢ C—P and directed to extend in electrical lino by erecting Poles and etrin¢ing wires thereon for the trav*mbeio. of,p vle and'InPool the fa an .tree.. of vale ed �Irrstall one pole;ob Oxford Street, between Lafond and Thomas Streets. Commercial distribution. Xith necessary guys a,nd anchors. if'it. 4}- 4 All of such ezl<nalov*. Polo ave wires shall be ere<Ud and <oa*wcled under the dfrecdo. sed sapenido. of the Commissioner of Public Utilido and In all thirsts s.bird to the provialo.. of ordiv..cc No. 7444. and of all nthtt InwtuI ordf.avc. and reeolarl"s of the City of A. Peal. All polo should be set lv each loodov iv said alleys and *tree.. an the Commissioner of Public Utilities shad desi¢vate, a.d.ball be of each height and character as 6r -Imll dai¢nam aad approve, as d a., and ail such poW shall be take. dowv god removed, rand ouch wires Placed uvder¢roand, wheaevtt the Council shall deem that the ivterestso requires, and when it *lull .o order. Adopted by the Council i 24 I'19 Yeas ( ) Councilm ( ) `I"1'a?s`•e FARN ORTH GO UNDERLICH Approved KELLER Mr. P;ident, PRiN�0+f Mayor yet[ Ro -A A 46,tA 7-7a uu� 9 CITY OF ST. -IRA . .... --- 6 'Ye2 i 1919 Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Ti persons, 'firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite y� ;} GovtidiY7 i V Nays Clancy Farnswor Goss 4el Kell/ ..............• underlich Mr. Pres dent, Hodgson .j"@*H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent Orta Office Bloc 3.5 0031p. Co Bel 1. Municipa Court 4•' Comptro er 5! Ct mtr. n-ftec. Assess. S. Almory Puroh. Deptt. 11. 3 Polio 21. 7 Fire 5• Pol. F. Alarm 2. Heal 3. Mun . Gar. Revi. • Com r. P. Works 30• Bah ole 18. Pa B•Gen.,Adm. 4. Pa kB 13. P. Bldgs. 5.5 Wa er 30.33 172.15 -r,V 7 Board of Water Commissioners. 18 p. CK hies 30 84 Polio 1 74 Fire 5 30 Heal 18 N 1 02 Muni Gad. Aevl. .70 St. . & Repr. 1 .84 Wer Ouse •02 Lib y 3 .88 Aud orium .00 Par B 3 .72 Bur au of Playgrounds 1 .3 50 71 I COUNCIL FILE ^- TER TITLE specified funds and in favor of the e followin detailed statement: JIM, ? Mq 1_ ..... ..... .......... ............... _.1_.� A 27 MAYOR 172.15 506.71 E Res. 101 aa'"` Board of Water COmmiesi hers, 640.49 2.00 7re ng 102. 84.101. 031: 711.7 378. 6f Parke 1.00nds 5 00thony Park Pump 8.- 2 00 640 9 `Zorn 7. No Clancy,`Cgmt�r. of Parks, Plygde. 6 P. Bldge., 572.96 Bathe 30 60 z o 48 00 eau= f Parke 45 00es Revi.: 35 96 Tree: .lenting Lafond•Thomas. �.v-Hyaoih 4 4.0 572.:96 S. A. Farnsworth, GP.R.F. , 225.54 r Office 3.5 Comptr0 or 10. Pti! C}f epI t. 10.0. 0 mi so. ` 'Unf. 21. 2 Fire' 22. Hea 42. 4 N 12. 0 Wo Ouse 3.50 Se Cole 1 0 225 54 t2i11 No No Gdss, Comb. of Public Works 2,383.27 Bens"' N 6667 63 1..587 13 Sprinklin 03 Parke 07 P. Bl • ,38 Docks Nharvee etc. 2 :12 i igh. ng 2..60 Wat 6 .26 2,383 27 -2112 Henry 7[0Coll, GIQW$r. of'Public Safety 1,481.79 Com- ur.Assess. 73 $2 Comptroller 243 Police Fire Health Bureau f Sngrs. St. e & Re - . NN S r C. N& R. S ' & S. 0ing. ghting & S: Cing. S-pools tee.-�--�s•-�s 1,� Henry YoColl,:Com*r. of P. Es 2,666.12 • Library ureati arks 6.1 a 104. 9 Fofestr Revl. 18. 3 a a 10. 2 Playgr undo 706 3 P. Bi S. 31. 7 a a 178. 2 Lig ing 327. 8 758. 7 a 489. 1 W er 444. 1 P ving W. Como L 1000 63.78 a a a 130 6 3 2,66b. '2 To , • A 46,2N 7:18 _ atYe Ab�}azranfSG�byOg?pt0 dut' 256,Q "� a y Ivaco �esc B➢6 Gell {uada �qd. F�5� ��-I.' r n Isrpt oL th �44qk�aon ,.-flan - 'Ytgna: inr t1t41 :ntnPunte set:w cutszwcr2. No. ............. AUI�ITE t t.tk zapecttve iYtl`°eeta°tQeucea ORM FSr s ijte. fgllgtw,n ; data 64 i 2inrce t}�t i - �p Ited by h Coun 11 June40.-Is 8., A�'� pgDroyad Jnnq`.?7 39I9J P ;��� /- .+: ___Oil ROLLER - AUDIT D j -/ ... ...�,�' �PER..... ................. _................... ........_ . TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: II) 'n Yeas ( V �. Councthnen-(° �.•) NjrY Adopted by the u 1........._`_...._�...._�_f_._�:- i2 ................. 1�.......__ Clancy -' SIA' roved .... ............ Q .. ................. P........... Farnsworth Goss Keller MAYOR J _......_ Mr. piesident, Hodgson t 43i" Marcel Guibert, 74-4-54 rading ding 1r-SL'4"€ ei f rom Sammi t • 4 42i�0' Merchants National Bank, 20.00 0 }O310Cgi?¢atars'eIIR de aROd COU\CIL 25 1 tsFAt'gf iO been ;nr+ No.............. .......� ' rsttton8?Lo>rx . rAak ¢oe118tv�ttM elle -F r A A 46.2 K 7-.18 tLb r FbePe¢�tve . e..DP _ at �� xf`"�i�c,�ggogtyteUt4&optp@e;lty�lWoPiy,�aY.rbJ>6id.ta11 ¢FF�e��at�te7 he . . Z7__ 10 It I, TY \IPTRULLER A D A$F d Jtlwge 17-i . ... ... - TITLC Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in th Rowing detailed statement: net men ays Adopted by the nc'............... 27 '� Clancy A v d > �1d I 1 Farris rth p ..... ..__... �._....... v..a:■ 6Go -....._ .................. ........... _.................. MAYOR Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson 20.00 Carlson & Sand-,,'-ta j;.., S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance of 1,004.001.00 i u r � Ind. 1 $,10 =�Eeres 7"M goftd n'�. �Y 3,080.00 , JAU16- Keough Brothers a etc. St.Paul Gas Light Company, . 13,898.24 100.00 ornton Brothers Company, 14t 1 -- - i All, rYsmr,farr n� onn�n, � . C F No 28806 �D romeet .kj g'.fta c rf t t lle..&ldewe.lk.th ver Council File No.. - Abe � rifztc{nof the So oB mP i - CdaeW feet wide op R outhetge of Setts Peon Avenue, LF iPr Aveu. `^:i'': ANT .the �ounott o� ae Ito.. � ' Petition 2 5 nPL� RELIMONARY ORDER. The undersigq proposes the making of the following c improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: �^klti... ,da ....... aix..f.est...NJ-do ...... on...the ...south ...aide Qf..:-,TeI#.hex.saxi..Avet ue...... r..t .. rior... ..to...Fairvis>B...Ax:esus.......................... ....................................................: ........ _ .................. Dated thia........2 ......►..:day of 19, ..................................... 191......... ':��' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct... a....c ement.-..t.�.i. e.._e.14ew I.jjSs.....aix...f e.et...wid.e,....on...the....eauth...eide o f-_.Jeff.g.>39I1...Avenu.as....frora..Pr.1or...Avenue...to...Fairview ...Avenu.s.......................... ...................... ................................................................................................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.. -..- ...,S. ... -- -- ..--.......-- "" "' ""' therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemenL 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;......................................................... ................................................................................................ ............. ........................... 5. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council .. .. J ti...:....i...............................1X....... Yeas: Nays: Councilman Fernswo y Goss .. Approved ........JUl .. .....ISIS ................. 1�..... er Wunderlich.........................................- M or j;� Mayor. Form C A 29 (eM 7)'r C F No,Qoae-'- - AOaolvea Aatbh,o COn Cu horitigl Porto in. ewsrdi¢g contraot-to,the` �.. Darin ton 'Pavius! Brick, COMP"k for; i COUNCIL tuanis�fag'abbvproaimatelY E,gg.1}s.egqnar� �. yards, ot_,-v1�rIfled c19Y nuvl'nbloflca to bo ueAd. in aviag..Pslor Avanue` from � i7niveralIt �vanua to the FI6rth,.�ive at . q �... ...................... .................... Minnehah9,etre or the auniiof 37 - S ;� { ,' 82284.'.:--.Chargeermaneu,t Im]5rove cls .. ?; ment avo3vla und. 'F B. 1967 No..... ........ ,,laopEea hr tie Cou181g Jane 37 1919.; 'S.....APDroI'ed 3utte'27, , .. a . .. ... ......... ........ ._ ._„- (Ju, 6.:}9191 Date Presented191.---- Resolved at the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Gomraittee in awarding contract to the Purington Paving Brick Company for furnishing approximately 5,118 square yards of .vitrified clay paving blocks to be used in paving Prior Avenue from University Avenue to the north line of Minnehaha street - for the sum of X7,622,84, Charge Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund-r,B,1957 ROceived all peMei's is connection with gboje- Re solut-ice Yeas Z)unci lmen (✓) Nays �� ti� . Adopted by the Counci •••'• ncy Fdrnsworth A rove - . TWAII,” Keller .............. A WVP Wnndertich MAYOR - Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-19 G�OENGIL No............�iq .L.l.yd. .. Resolved, T -Y of -,7t L 7tl vva:�_),j 10 " Yeas (✓) Council en (✓) Nays Clan Far sworth G ss 14NI ` eller 1/V v _........ Q�roi� Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson FOR C. A, 9 3M 12-19 . Adopted by the Council ...... � �• ---------..+� •-••-. -. �....^` ....i.. APPro :....:.....:............ 1 ..... /............ MAYOR GA C" �71= . .................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of 9T4-41-99 0TWIse 5tr.eat fmam3ox.est Stre-et ta.-_Eax1....2tr.P_e-t, Haxth.Qxae .. Z.treet fX.Om FO-rezt Etneet_t.o...Farl StxRet--44-nd JC-Sq0r-e&8 .. St"St fr= Qrang.e SAxe_et to_.1Zaxy_1&nd_S.tr4 - . ................... 'e Yo Earl-,8treet 0, 1;1NeL2tte-' r ... .................. e.sweei � . .... ....... .................. .................................... ......................... ......................................... .................................................................................................... ...................... .............................. .............................................. ..............sen--.;---------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order pproved _P4 ............. a ................. IntermediaryOrder .. ------- - ..... .......................................... approved ............. .... ............ . ................ .......... ................ . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it a d kind of . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent an improve- ment to be made by the said City is ETA A A 0.rg _r.e.et f r o m,. F z r. e. 5t... 9.t r. a e- t tn.-Yami. A.rd Cypras-i .................................................................... ................. ........................................................... ...... .... . ..... .......................................................... .................. .......................................................... ....... - ........ ........... ........ I ...................... ............... ............................................................. ............... ............. .. ­ ........... ........... ­! ................ .......................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. t Adopted by the Council.. .......... ............... ..... ... .... ............ ................. City Clerk. Approved ............... .......... ....... ...... .... 191........ Mayor. C oil , Goss o X=.*-tclancy an Keller 6r C man Wunderlich or rpW-x Hodgson Forpt B. S. A. 8-7. ,!MITY OF -ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v REPORT OF CIV�M)SIONER OF FINANCE �� l ON RELIM ARY CORDER (! Grade OranEe•Street from P'orest Street to T_,,rl S rr:et, -------------------------------------- --- In the Matter of -- —-""'"-----�-- Street ± r� T ---f ct—f. t.n &,nl St.re.r t. end C.v mess from Crar(e Street to :'urylard Street. under Preliminary Order approved —MLX-011---1-4th-l-----1-91'6--�--- ------------------------------------------ --------- ------ ------ -------- ------- -------------- ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front / 3.37 The estimated cost pey foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION g ..4 J. R_ 'I. _ teals '''. it ion 125 1C 4 do 150 11 4 C.o 725 12 4 do 125 13 4 d 125 14 a do 150 15 1 do 150 16 n do 150 E-. St of Tnrthe::st of South - est of S ,.uthu,ect of 57150 Seeger 21 7, if,e 22 except --,rl P Ivy Streets. TOTAL, FORM S.S.A. S -S A CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON AR!ZUMIfkk RY PRDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Fest cf North est of S_uatheast " of Southlve. t of 215C .Sectior. 2,1, Tov r 29, R4nLe 22 excc-nt Ivy St,. 'a!est 4 of Nortlic. Et of Southe, Et of sout]-west of section 21,Town 29, ,,.n[e 22 except Ivy St. 1 0 J. ... x Y. , rd . Ste e's _.ddition. 325 2 6 do 2i:5 3 do 150 4 6 do 150 5 G do 150 6 6 do 150 7 G do 150 c 6 do 150 9 0 do 150 10 6 do 150 11 6 do 150 12 6 do 150 13 6 do 150 14 6 do 150 15 6 o 950 (ExcPut tr plor*.h 40 ft) 1 5) is (ErcFpt the iiort': 40 ft) 2 5) do 325 (Except the North 40 ft) 3 5) do North 40 feet of 1,2 and 3 5 do 290 All of 4 5 do 150 5 5 do 150 6 5 do 150 -- - _7 g do 150 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON T91jELIMIJ4ARY BORDER (B) ' ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION . 8 5 J. 1 • & S,. '. Stee's ;,dditic.n 75 9 5 do 75 10 5 do 100 11 5 do 200 12 5 do 175 13 5 do 175 14 5 do 225 of The ScuthR. the southe,,.,st of the s;:uthwest .', 0300 n of Sectio21, a mown 29, ,nie 2 that lies bet-,een the we=t 7.i -,e of j. i.. & E• Stee's ,ddition ..nd the e; ,; -t 1ine of Forest St.QExcept streets) 15 5 do ti25 16 ` do 175 17 5 o do 1�5 18 5 do 150 1911 do 150 20 5 do 150 21 do 100 2; 5 do 100 '23 5 do 100 24 5 do 125 1 115 do 125 26 5 do 150 27 5 do 150 28 5 do 1625 16 F do 150 ).7 6 do 150 TOTAL. (B) CITY�OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ONtFfj#-'-9IM$NARYj ORDER - ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION .. VALUATION I.. y .. • 18 6 J. i... & v. c,:—rs-dditic:n 150 19 6 do 50 20 C do 150 2). 6 do 150 22 6 do 150 S.3 6 do 150 24 0 do 150 25 G do ).50 f 26 6 do 150 27 6 do 150 20 6 do 150 29 6 do 225 30 C d.0 325 1 '7 do 325 2 7 do 22:5 3 7 do 150 4 7 do 150 5 7 do 150 G 7 do 150' 7 7 to 150 6 7 do 150 9 7 do 150 10 7 do 150 11 7 Clo 150 12 7 do 150 13 7 Cio 150 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 4PPENMIP^RYtORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION 14 7 J. A. & W..PI;. Steels Addition 150 15 7 do 150 1 8 do 225 2 8 do 125 3 8 do 12�5 4 8 do 125 5 8 do 125 6 8 do 125 7 8 do 125. 8 8 do 125 g 8 do 125 10 8 do 125 11 8 do 175 12 8 do 175 13 8 do 175 14 8 do 225 15 6 do 950 (Except the North 40 ft) 1 5 d6 325 North 40 ft. of 1 5 do 200 28 5 do 1625 1 8 do 225 28 6 do 1425 15 7 do 150 if 7 c 275 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. t77 Dated.A��' ..._..._....... ...._._...._.............. —;t_. ..191 ....�!G Commissioner of Finance. I Form 13.13. 12 FEDI 4 t9t COi:iILSS�IO'f.R OF PUBLI�Cly St. Paul, Minn., Y ..... . To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Ode, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Bzto cause the following improvement to be made: ................................ ...........................................St. Ave. . ./.:G'L.liL� . St. Ave. t0 .... G v�: from .. •••••" St. Ave. / _ r T nm x nr.nCR V V r �s �r eFLy UBc/C qq Z.�.{. St. Paul, Minn... ... ... .191I • To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Cie, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition norable Bod .to cause the following improvement to be made: . ........ Xl� from .���• ........... St. 44�e: to -- St. LOT BLOCK by . � . .. �................`... .... ..... ........................ ............................... .. ..�t ......... . ..... 799 ....... ..... ....... ' MA'R ,J � ............. 19 ........ .... ...................................... ..... ....... .......................... ......... ry....... �.......................... ........... ............. ..... .................... ............�.......................... 0 St. Paul r_inn. R rim ti �u To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. f L,. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the folloNirg improvement to be made: /-�...................................... St ..-A—. from ..... �,/�RivY. St .►a. to ....�i` /�✓�+0- �a.+.�... . :.. St . Jere. N A M E LOT U BLOCK 6 - Ar`�. %g. .......... �' .. ..%. fY`�.i.i.. !.. `... L .. .la .. € /• .. - t ..L., .� • �—/•lfi�' I ' .I «r..L��%:. _�.,fr .. (.'............... ....Y.....:7�:........................ ......�........... ....................... ......................... .. .....Y....... ............ I............ ............................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.`.� f'~ . . • L.' 1✓✓✓' r ..... �..... ....... .....MAR 1; pg�� ..... ....... I ............ ..... ....... BITE;{: t:1 'l.�otit�g!r. . ... ............ ............................p..... ....... ...... I................... ............x .......................... ........................... ............... .................._� ............................�✓ ' St. :`aul , Minn. , .... ...191. \`\; To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. �� ✓ � Gentlemen: u Wu, thE: undersigned property* owi ers, herRby„�fetition vcur honorable 3()�_y to cause the fpllo;ving improvement to be made: ......... ..... .. St. Av@. from ..eft. ....... St. ' to �/1�............. �r fi Ut E— _)( LOT _ f BLOCK .....�................... . ............................ ...:........ ......................... ...............I...._................ ........................ ...._.......... .......... ...................................... ...................................�......................... ....................... .... ... .......I................. :................ ..... �........................ .. .. ............................ .......�.......................... ................................................................. .............................................................. ..... ............ ........ x....... . ....................... ............ ............ .......................... Office of the Comji6ibner of Public Wor RECErvEp pRNq ileo- P 12 „I U Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 9 1919 April 8th, 191_ 9 ........ _. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24454 Maroh 14th, 9 oil, known as Council File No .......... ......... ................. approved........................................................................191........., relative to.............................. g..................................................................._...........a.........h.............e................. the rad of orange St. from Forest St. to Earl St.; Hawthorne St. from Forest St. to Earl St., and Cypress St. from Orange St. to Maryland..._St.................... ............... ......... ........................ .............................. ............................................................ .................................................................. .._ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvementj9 ..37 -_.necessary and (or desirable. per front foot Z. The estimated cost thereof is .................................. and the total cost thereof is j�9..z434.72 . and Assessable frontage 5760.3 feet Excess inspection $381.07 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............. _. .............................. - ................................. ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... _........... _........ ....... ..... .... .............. ......... ............................................. ..... ......_.................................................................................................................................... _..... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissio a of Public Works. Office of the Comrsibner of Public Wor s�s� �EOEIVED FpRN�y g `0 Report to Commissioner of Finance' s APR 9 1919 -April 8th, 199 ..................1.. .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24454 March 14th, 9 eil, known as Council File No.. ............. .... ...... ............ approved ......._.... ......... .................. ......... ........ . ..........191........., relative to ....... .......... .... _...._. g .................................................. _...........S......................................................................................h..............e................. the grading of .Oran a St. from Forest St. to Earl St.; Hawthorne St. from Forest St. to Earl St., end Cypress St. from Orange St. ................................. _........................._........................... ........................ ................................._....................................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..._ ....... _..........necessary and (or) desirable. $3.37 per front foot X19..a.43..4....._._.., 72 and 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .................................. and the total coat thereof is...................... Assessable frontage 5760.3 feet- Excess inspection X381.07 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................. ...._.................. .................................. ._............................... ...._.. ................................... ...................... ................................................... ................... _......... ...... _.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ................................................................ ............. ..._..................._..............._...._......._........_..._................ 5. Said improvement is ..... ..............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ._.. i ............. Commissio a of Public Works. 05CAR CLAUBSEN J. c..unuu.1...e R�hIOR ARo ..P.I.. ALFRED JACKSON. 9111. .YR.Au .I >�nRITATI.R M. 9. 0RYTeAR, EROIR ¢en G. N. NERROLD. Orroc. EN OIN [[P (Bing of k FaVI Depwai ►ent of PuBlir Ularko M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY St. Paul, Minnesota. April 3, 1919. Mr„ M. N. Goss, Commissioner Public Works, BuiVA'ing. Dear Sir* I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost for•the gradinof Orange Strae_t-from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne horne Street from Forest Street to Earl Street; and Cypress Street from Orange Street to Maryland. Street, in accordance with Council File #24454, approved March 14, 1919: Approximate estimate .... $19,434,72 Cost per front foot..... 3.37 Excess inepneaeesar 381.07 Assessable frontage..... 5760.3 feet. Yours Very ttrpuly, (� • -tA Enolo Chief Engineer. ESS/C ffW-.m��n rtiutnl�tY$xflTM )n pCM >t�r�rt�Wt�ipe � ltr`Y� ettA$t mrRs6�teser�dt,cc ri 4 ._ 8trnetoq�ggsn$ a teenPBtfeiG +irotu• All, SII ...._�.!_......................... s dex$+ 011mtt1 Lq dB ��4f66 8D FLENCIL NO.................... .. ....... ... ...... 'Dltltl6d3Taroh Yatri 1711 still -Into' mOdt6ry�7 Qrderg Na §2616! appraved ._._. ....`........ 2faY Egad: 1919 �s, ..... .................. ......... ...K . 27to Comtatdblopg4 'aatt Publto Workn; 'havinS' autiinitted rilA r9port and eketclr :Azea,`sad dat8rmlden the amount of'land I /' i tobe. takAa tor,tM Idbove namgd am+, ppravemenx�as an. Amoat dor :atopee, ' 16i' autasan$ t(lle add uHon t1ta:land. h sbutting:dpon Qr ge;5$awthorae and C Drea f%to to .;tcetween ,eho, polnt.'' thOrBagidd,,�,M the ea;anf ehnvv¢¢n ._upon ' Atha eketoh�attacried,tatbe report of the: Commlealoner o['Publta �P.o ke ld,thei! ake ,� 8ecop Jvae1, 2Ttp, }�19 'which: sto —h and:reDort are hereby rgterred' - ;to and made a part ,horboL AdoD�e$ by+ the Coudoll June 27 i918.� Resolved, i ApprWed': Junb Y7 1818 In the mat er o.l` 6 tJuly s_lsls> king an easement in the land neces8ary.for slopes, for outs and fills in grading Orange Street from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne Street from Forest Street to Earl Street and Cypress Street from Orange Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order #24456, approved March 14th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #25154, approved May 22nd, 1919. The gommissioner of Public Works having 'submitted hie report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Pani fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cute and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Orange, Hawthorne and Cypress Streets, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated June 27th, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Yeas (J) C nnc' men (✓) Nays �C/1! Adopted by the Coun ' .......... ...... ........................ S�t...... V �a y �1/ a sworth ppprov ...._.._........_' n.'....�.�._.!.: � �........_ 1�.. ss � •i�lr4d'!78'r" eller w,. .._....__....._.........-- ......... .. ...... Coll .............. �•ss'• MAYOR Wnn rlich Mr. P eside i odgson FO C. A. 9 3M f2A. 1 fid. t�C `6 NO CO �tS ad na dtl ..��r•�a��1,r,r A M,,btti.�u>;tl bndRllb tlrj QM (�� � � s8tfe��dlra FS3�ttr�e ter trp�;d�Fo��, _/�' V^:� str9et Xr$tq, 7 Fent 9tr�dht4 to. Hont' ............ . t EiLeeetr^'�and F6tlr t et,t.tttotn 1{, $n ..... oft. g/ Bmge tb rYlaa4 a un cour+c,� 8tre 41t lgdOF �T4r466 8D FILe NO. Ti'KY�d D1arc� Mth-l�3y9 �d ?161ett medlRrYs OrderlTTo E7 E513P 6PFbYed- ....../� """'"' "" "' . 3'he •Comtnieaionor,?tpptt Pkblia Glrork*?;r--- ,! h0 bavtnttbub �abted hm rBt<ott antl'sketc• , r ', 1R,tAYa matter es nnd. dgtdrmtaea thb amount of 7" e to en, for- the�'a�aebove 1oidN�nd�>flle "Ili'�anaouponer'�'.ic Tl- n'Crdilge,'BaweN e, FAL?,•-,tietweea'.�tl d�to /the re;. t n i N 1; b57kh 1 0':7 �; :ri1 a • o Resolved, In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary. for slopes, for cuts and fills in grading Orange Street from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne Street from Forest Street to Earl Street and Cypress Street from Orange Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order #24466, approved March 14th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #25154, approved May 22nd, 1919. The Gommissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement as an easement for slopes, for cuts and fills in and upon the land abutting upon Orange, Hawthorne and Cypress Streets, between the points aforesaid, to the extent shown upon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner of Public Works in the matter, dated June 27th, 1919, which sketch and report are hereby referred - to and made a part hereof. Yeas (✓) CAncifinen (✓) Nays Adopted by the /C.A, ller Coll Xrlich M odgson FqM 12-19 1'3.1.9 r MAYOR 09CAR CLAU99[N, vuar luoivaan J. a. ARROu of co it sans 'on wuo narww ALPR DJnrO,N;5U T1 T ' X. W. GOlRIXGER, 9uti ou M. 9. ORYT9AX•luaiXaaR'o a O. N, XlRROLO'O/rloe[luolXaan (Qltl( of,ot. Paul iDepartateut of Ilabltr Marks M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY, DEPUTY REPORT TO THE COUNCIL - In the matter of condemnin; and taking an easement in the land.neces- sary for slopes for cuts and fills in ;;radino Orange str,�'-t, from Forest street to Earl street: Hawthorne street, from Forwst street to Earl St., and Cypress street, from Ora^_oe street to °aiyland street, under Prelimi- nary Order n24455, approved '::`arch, 14th, 1919, and Intermediary Order #25154, approved May 22nd, 1919. To the Council of tae City of St Paul: The Comn.issioner of Public v'?o= a : '77777— CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPART, T' OFJ FINANCE REPORT OF COMMSS�NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER — CondemninE and taking an ensement in the land necessary for In the Matter of — --------------'--- slopes for cuts and fills in Era.ding Orange Strect from Forest Street to Earl Street; Hawthorne Street from forest Street to Earl Street,— Cypress Street from Orange Street to Mary1«nd Street. under Preliminary Order approved March _---------- _---- --------- ----------------------------- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: inn_nn The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $--�------------ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION ,LOT BLOCK, ADDITION VALUATION - 9 4 J. A. & W. N. Stee's 125 Addition. 10 4 do 150 11 4 do 725 12 4 do 125 13 4 do 125 14 4 do 150 15 4 do 150 16 4 do 150 East of Northeast of Southeast ` of Southwest of 57150 Section 21, Town 29, Range 22, except Earl & Ivy Streets. TOTAL, -.-- - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM I �S16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELI BWWAR-0 ORDER - ----- DESC RTPTION LOT !BLOCK; ASSESSED ADDITION - VALUATION East of Northwest a of Southeast of South.wect a Of 2150, Section 21, Town 29, ?3an�e 22, 1ixee_)t Ivy Street. west t of Northwest �� Cf Southeast I of Southwest of Section 21, Town 29, `ianLe 22, except Ivy Street. 1 6 J. A. V1. 1M. Stee's Addition 325 2 6 do 225 3 6 do 150 4 6 do 150 5 6 do 150 6 6 do 150 7 6 do 150 8 6 do 150 ' I 9 6 do 150 _.a 10 6 do 150 11 6 do 150 12 6 do 150 13 6 do 150 14 6 do 150 15 6 do 950 (Frcept the North 40 ft) 1 5 ) ) do (Except the North 40 ft) 2 5 ) do 325 (Except the North 40 ft) 3 5 ) do North 40 feet of 1,2 & 3 5 do 200 All of 4 5 do 150 5 5 i do 150 6 5. do 150 TOTAL. j CITY OF ST. PAUL " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMh BIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIOWA" ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT 13LOCKi ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7'' 5 J. A. & W. Pr.Stee's Addition 150 8 5 do 75 9 5 do 75 10 5 do 100 11 5 do 200 12 5 do 175 13 5 do 175 14 5 do 225 The South s of the southeast of"-he Soutlwest of Section 21,.Town 29, Ra.n,_e 22, that lies bet•een 6300 the west line of J. A. & Vl. V. Stee's addition and the east line of Forest St. (Except Streets) 15 5 do X25 16 5 do 175 17 5 do 175 18 5 do 150 19 5 do 150 20 5 do 150 21 5 do 100 5 do 100 23 5 do 100 24 5 do 125 :i 25. 5 do 150 26 5 do 150 27' 5 do 150 28 5 do 1625 16 6 do 150 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMf.'SI6NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIAWAF00 ORDER (B) _ _ _ _• - ---- ASSESSED D E5C RiPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION VALUATION 17 6 J. A. & W. m. Steele :,ddition 150 'I 18 6 do 150 19 6 do 250 20 6 do 150 21 6 do 150 22 6 do 150 24 6 do 150 25. 6 do 150 �6 6 jl do 150 27 6 do i50 28 6 do 150 29 6 d 225 . 30 6 do 325 1 7 do 325 2 7 do 325 N 3 7 do 150 4 7 do 150 5 7 c0 150 6 7 do 150 7 7 do 150 8 7 do 150 10 7 do 150 11 7 do 150 12 7 d0 150 s'I 13 7 do x.50 14 7 do 150 TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELI"AtV ORDER (B) _ ---- – — –' - ASSESSED D ES¢Fri PT ION LOT '.eLOCK� ADDITION VALUATION 15 7 1J. ' on. P_ & @l . M. Stee .s Addition., 1 150 8I do 225 2 8 do 125. — 3 ' 8 do 125I j__.,.. 4 8, do 125 7 -- 5 8 do 125 6do 125 _ 7 8, do 125 ;I 8 8, do 125 J ,I— - 9 8. co 125 10 8 do 125 ;t _ 11 8 do 175 12 81 do 175 13 i 8 do 175 i_.. 14 8'' do 225 J_ 15 6 ao 950 - 1G 61 do 150 i (Except the North girth 40 ft) 1 5 do 325, u - I North 40 ft. of 1 5 do 200 28 51 do 1625 1 8': do 225 P � 8: do 1425 15 7 do 150 16 7; do 275 y The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 191 e Dated.. — .__..._ ... Commissioner of Finance. Form:.13. B. 12 .. ! e' �, 6 2 cis a iQ "a'6i t Ht:§�` 'D alt:tip fm atreot�da rko ALS n4. eotrlsaY ltl � ,: ��'L` ( - t hr, erCUT fo es a d a�;Agg��e iiilll .. • h as o; 'itanet4tlset o! Itym an¢Jft thy, Ss}�ttiPIng 3. '�`..,, rlresta , .� � kaD nrls ipols I d 4 , Coni Form W. 215611 Council Fie— R LVE That the St. Pani Gm L4ht Company i, hereby ordered d dirteted to t ad ip electrical line. by ertctia¢ poles end atrin¢toa arra lltereop Sm the o. los of eleepktr e. and la the tollowine allm..and alrtete o[.aW db t Iri,tall one pole in alley west c�'-k,` rle south of Maryland Street.. Iztstall' twb poles on South Bran]difeat between Fogle and., Chestnttt' Streets,. Inetshl'one pole in alley south of Seventh Street west of Yhite Bear -Avenue. ., With ,necessary guys and anchors. For Commercial distribution. , Y; Alt of mh erten.i n. pofa and wire. shall be erected and wmtmcted voder the dhectio ed.up.n1.1- aE the Co—M..tt f PublicMiff, Rod Well thlor _u4kni p t6 prmLtose t grdign ea N 24r1. aodof all artier Lwful ordinance. and e I ti m otthe Cllr of 9t. Pavl. - Allyela ehonldbn t t h loma 1n.atd'altms.nd.trteb Rsthe CommWt f Pubile Utilities shal112=11 dell¢nate, and ahnii 6 f uch 6 i¢ht and chvmcttt -ae h. •toll dalanete and.Dprme, sad any d R.veti Dultt .lull be then down and remmed, and eueb wirer placed and taromd, who evtt the Cov.eil etiall deem thetthe pahiie toprtet eo repulrte, sad whm ft h.U.o oidtt. !� ! Adopted by,_ the' Council JUy 28 Yeas ( ) Councilm FARNS ORTH GOSS W U ERLICH ` • r Jim tits 19! 9 Appr ed LLER Mr. President or i; u Wt1"ttn& D4Igad_.1,L tn$l{IR'wyp5 / h $M1. So}' CnA tratYnWl Ala Note atQ Dkl��fr rlat'ts,� ,ln cue to1lawh6 u9y �d i otiebntrarti5eu AYe '' c�abtC$�'ti'wq.,yaw A 4 tart fTipP t , l ola++.. • WV . , j'g6` nbt°c7elfe sou 56Va _ 26&V eLf AW@aue. � uie aa�ikeCh$ak, yeenact t aad .$SffF.r r R,�n Ceaos$9 ,anlY $h�� 7Council O•p <iavl acct° %Ain the i it wine a�11to n heeb i o a e ry �d acted Co estend ita electrf<al lines h9 erecting Halo end etrio¢ina �u<• thereon [or the Install eight poles on Frankson Avenue, between Arona Avenue and Pas- cal Avenue. Install two poles on Tatum Street, north of Pennock Street. Install two poles on Jefferson Avenue, near Marwick Avenue.. Install one pole on the boulevard bear. Duluth Avenue and Hyacinth Street. Install one pole on Cascade and Erie Streets. Install fourteen poles on Street, between Wakefield Avenue and Con way Street. Install fourteen poles on Quincy Street, between Nebraska and Larpentgtur Avenues. Install one pole on w:9th St., near Montreal Avenue. Install two poles on Germaine Street near Reaney Street. Install two poles on Lawson Street, near ,Loeb Street. �. Install two poles on Gates Street, betwe'eii Woodbury and Harvals-T'Streets. Install three poles on Manomin Street, between Annapolis and Wyoming Streets. Install two poles on Charlton Street, between King and Stevens Streets. Install four poles on Waseca Street, between King and Stevens Streets.-"- Install ttenty-three treets."_Installttenty-three poles on the Upper Afton Road, east of Hazel Avenue. "lith necessary guys and anchors. �'aabJett tonehn Dr�wtalovt fOdwocadN T4S4. �:od °fall ndt6 Info, mdi<dosnca and'he d1 ti fthe imfloo sed aC C9 of 9tF PauCammirelentt ni Publ�Utilittea "d all thtn¢s heoever the Ceooeil stall deeatbitthe 5 _.c• All pots eboald b<setis eud eur�and all such Dolashalls6e blreo ao �nCona remfoved.a d:nteh w�l*wn Drente° nede�sdnd shapes oE.nch.cit andes.r that na br+ bell deden.te and yypeove, an, DnbU. bnt<rest.o rwvirw, end when it shall so order. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilmen. ( ) FARNSW TH GO' WID— U DERLICH Approve — ELLER Mayor Mr. Presid I � tdix Ebar 4e '. d.,,�W" a, 4b1 titch t„ '4yI�, c4b$hay'MI as• b"ud. qkN D ppfnpq �I� t t7�s0tbp Yor tCSe �t)iht P1Qt[&n`t"xelnPi , xklalty�t`o}t Ano ateq'-6ti4tA`i #lisep1 WIWNTeK,jAl(4l�,i}FY1%4_aY a' MAW. em Db4 I - elt 'yrt.aeoeestr`a{i.an A "F6M r; .Wavati,+,` ':Sttee$t4e�ep Streeta.`t -t* t Fd�'�+fSk]) - - q81'i�le ift"iid'�11"�C� Beet a11 .het1_'�. tegvQri_. With neC"e�e'i<;i'y gpy �$,.}tchore 41iI..p[ aeuch�.0"rggirc4aningai � gpolea 8a' ' _�w4A�w� khk'.8��ltlAnfl��M1�fC ['Vf6�{O�tltO "- lon�h�.�x4fnanqq��"'N3.+8424r6dH {4t d11, phe�lisw Vx oxdtt4angntY�hitd repolLN fitneepitty tgt; P,gUL� c � t A11'pota�� o'dl 9sb 'eeXin ci< Ions' bl�t:in �ela�na�afaih4�.tl 'ter �^tha Council F o.25-& ; --q a%q��,�suk>;�It! cn°ali r �°ndrgas,ac8i� ue e#f h i ebolm heli-bP tokeq, doyan find Ygmo' dH 4aad By - oh Wlres placed undaxkxgt{n rih`9*t Venthe ffgnnoil ahe.11 Neem that., the, RESOLVED, Tim the St. Paul Cu Light Company 1 h uhllo Ili erawt,MxequixaAj .4 W$eII Lt'. acting vola and striv¢iug wins thereon far the aavemtmion of elmtriety on and in the following alls" and tra. hm WA `o1'dii' _ 8+, Adopted�y+ 'Che G3o oti 3Cdng 29t t{d918< .ApHko6et1 Jtm'e Pf8°�819 ': L - idul% 6 1879) { Install Seven poles in Newell Park, with neosesary s and anchors. City Lighting. Install Seven poles on Kennard Street, between Seventh and Brand Streets. City Lighting. Install one pole in the alley south of Schaffer St., east of Mlatei r worth Street. With necessary guys and anchors. All of each aanva)ons, palm gad wfim ha116e reefed and comtrntted undtt the direction sed aupenteton o[ the CommW tevtt of Public Utilitlee and in all thio" evbject to Wa'proyletooe of lhdivanee No 2424. and of all etbtt lawful ordinances and reealudove of We City at &. Pavl. All polm should be wt in aveh loeatl tv mid ellen and slants se the Commissioner of Public Utilidm shall deei¢oate, and shall be of antis height and ehaneltt, as heuholl deitnate and apvrova and* and all sac6 Dole shall betaken downand removed, and such when Plead undemmond, whenever the Counc hall deem that the Public interest so revuhes, and whea it shall so order. Adopted by the Council 1J� Yeas ( ) Councilmen FARNSWO GOSS v WU ERLICH 1.)1q Approved LL] R Mayor Mr. President I'i1rL ... t .. .andtt _ .��re tgt�. d'4trhq kab . theroop nb 8'a3+eoepog'ry! wli`le®. :tve4ue�ir ' ��hyX �t 4 'j"$fit N rd eta tape .1�R MIN, to be dW�.Ra'^"tGc4prYlaC. �d i�1• � 31p �dgk;h �ryhd,' 'efL`hy3C L:T��t fact a yh��At�A Fib - IIR/�nC�.scglayg �i'.•hggt4,6n�t'�C7 9 bp#ia��a"�h��U�i q 5tie td'',�'apd• ip�B �1a<fhe PAU; 4Rr 11a ahap f`� to `4'FTd ra4lWon%r C. r(25614 0.C.�� 1:i J�xL tfdii yg�t That permission be and is hereby granted the Northern States Power Compar}y to erect poles and crossarms, and to string the necessary wires hereon, Set poles on Pleasant Avenue fromamseT Street to Grace Street f\ Said poles and wires -to beplaced and the work to be done under tge direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works, said ComparlY to Fay the cost of inspection and the engineering, and the poles and wires to be removed when requested by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, this permission is granted under and pursuant -to theterms addprovisions or Ordinance 2645, approved Dec. 26th, 106. Yeas (J) Councilme ✓) Nays rB2RlflT Farns orth Gos ..n favor --- Against Wunderlich- Mr. Pr sident, Hodgson FOR G. A. 9 3M 12-18 - nn;:a i Adopted by the Coa ......�- ............ -?.. .::.:.:.:.197 ...... q Approv � �� = .197..... MAYOR TIM t' - .. tMaY" U9-R bll�- M COUN tis 4 ti°glT,ileUskY�r ei'S �. �rxF to{d ��a a�at+wt of ast tt �y ,+e - t b: 1 dbj desp)I,vS(e bA� T 1 .meq x� °b(a wnk3ip ns 4Ab _..G .',1�► }. e='F 7k" xral. 4eii AY the Oggl �Sit}}e �!6.9Y$: uncle _ _ �4A� eazryb� aF,Fipaa a e. No... aa ... Resolved, that A. H. Warren, 645 Fairmount Avenue, is hereby appointed Judge of Election for the Special Elections to-be held Tuesday, July let, 1919, in the 4th Precinct of•the 7th Ward, in the place of Joseph Fleissner, previous- ly appointed, who is unable to serve. Yeas (✓) Councilmen Nays Adopted by the Council-.....:....: iY.. 28...'. .191...... Farnsw th 191..... ove .. .Goss—Tn'Pd7Er /� (�Ke r V (/ \ J �..................... ......... ....... MAYOR underlich IKr, P side4t, Hodgson F0 C. A. 9 3M 12-16 2,5'6- 7 '01 E I lag Y� `6Ft 1YQ V *WN", 7atnEb L;p�Ss�'%�� hmr.��ptlB�Yped S t7p ^g tli „S9ti M the 9£h Kh� e k0 �V16 �1�!}`§f@h�R � ,S 19 ����,` � psQoD.4u e.tiy 'l+n L 44 f{ VNCIL NO . ..........:..... ........ .......... Resolved, That John P. Knowles, 752 Lincoln Avenue, is hereby appointed Judge of Election for the Special Elections to be held Tuesday, July let, 1919 in the ,9th Precinct of the 7th Ward, in the place of E. H. Knowles, 752 Lincoln Avenue, previously appointed, who is unable to serve. Yeas (✓) Coancilme( ✓) Nays Adopted by the G .............. ift z _ eller 0 illfEbll- V .----------Against Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson F RM C. A. 9 3M t248 _ 191 .....k:..:...<�,.�....::.:- ---- 191..... / MAYOR CO NCI25 I t#oa 4 yy.. dove(a�r�Jni ion ie Nola NO. ...:... • .... R t � ........ _. 2 SCS_...,:.::. ......... "Resolved, That the grade of Alley in Block 1, Phalen Heights Park, from Frank Street to Orange Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (J) Councilm (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council ..........................................191...... F r orth Approved - .._....... 191..... s .........•"Is-Fogxa r � 1 e er ................................................................. ................ .............. alnSt MAYOR nnderlich M Presi eft, Hodgson FORM C. . 9 3M 12-1e; MEN r UCfL NO.................................. /$q natgdwwmllf- - 25619 Resolved, That the grade of Alloys in Block. 4, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, from Mendota -Street to K. & S. Alley and Cottage Street to Denny Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Com- missioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (V) Councilmen Nays IN9 Adopted by the Con ............................ 191 -C-h—T- Farns orth Approv .......... - F Councilmen a n _C C nS� men rth Go q Her 0 .. . ........ ........ ......... . . ...... 57 ........... t ............ MAYOR Wunderlich 'dent gso. Mr. esident, Hodgson 0 F M RM C. A. 9 /3M t2-18 1 L rt.4 r of I Jil au eo i Resolved that warrants be dra persons, firms or corporations for the e V )Nays r' Farns rth Geller O iFS� @W Wunderlich E` r. President, Hodgson aim1 Brooks BrothersLumb�ompany, aaa! !h H. C. Brown, F. E. Ford, er 121" A. P. Herschler 'EM -e jerM Independent oil Company, ,.. R. 12126 Line -A -Time Mfg- (),O„, 12127 1Q. W. Blau.gas Com�Y, OPFI COUNCIL a AUDI PILE R +� No ...... _ ._.............. e 40, I '.- I �V O 11 Y' C PTROLLER .. J i\ F+ ....: .:....: 91 ..... t/y�}.-- .� PER.. ' --`-�. .:�"" --- TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ;? 7Farnsw ) NaYs Adopted by until........ oved .. ._..... 191_......_ .........�. _ ........ -MAYOR r IIThe C. Reiss Coal any, 816.00 In the matter of grading the alley in Block 4, Sargent's Addition, from Albert Street to Hamline Avenue, under Preliminary Order (24084, approved January'27th, 1919, and lntermediaty Order #24747, approved April 14th, 19119. RESOLVED, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. � lbeeived all papers < connection with above Resolu ion. . Yeas (✓) Council en (V) Nays JUN '28 1919 .191. Adopted by the on it ............. ..............: JUN 2t3 1919 a sworth APP v ........ 19t..... ........ eller (� tel/ .......... t .. _ ............ .................. ............. ..- MAYOR 1 Wunderlich _ -Mr. resident,tHodgson .e , II ViWheroas A4Ahstn' C,:jr. No 2662 " .written Aropp sal '(br the making e tolloWtag improveIDeat. -Conirtruct ecement tme'eldggnalk, roue - Council File No ....... ..... feet wide, oaf the sore }7 l rad Et sad P74I.ts,2 1n., f- o( be"'NT � i'D C.-, � lots t. and t6, bef ' m Anantlo@@BtreeV edit p {` jeGsgrated tb�the Coupcito[ the •LMt'•) -- . Pjetition tpsulby,Cou cffman Goes chert 'tiP�.%'^'V"«fit*•.4C01mise PRELI&IINARY ()RDE The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the fol t+ public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Dated 191 2.6... and........ Councilman. PRELIMI A Y ORDER. 0. F- n U, s 2 - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Following improvement, viz.: C A!A;!A0.t...a"".cement.,"tite...eid 1); ..... our"..fa@t-.w 49," ...........aide. of."Boss _S.treet. D....fr4z}t4f 1pte,l7 #4....2.1.a4d...1Qte.26. and.......... ................ 26.,... bgtween...Atlantic...Street..and...Johnson...]'arkway..................................................... ... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.."....."" -o--%-5 ---- """` .... - ... - -"' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and diretR _ I. To invenigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tigate the nature, extent and e6timated co6t of said improvement, and the total co6t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement; . ............. ............ 5, To 6tate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council.........................................................191........ Yeas: Councilman Far orth /.Vor ler l * nderlich " Form C A is (SM M19) r- II Resolded Tbat tae -: ' M� b)1c SPorke be andil s;y: al ecfe, d�l.t Petitilftt��. PRELIMINARY The undersigned hereby proposes the of the follow Construat,_a.__aemgnt.._til:g _134 _ at._.ix ed. Council File No ........................... public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ............... Dated this..... 27.tY).a.... of......Jj]Ilt:,....191fie ...:..............................................191......... k::..... ............ ........................ Councilman. PRELR ER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: CgAAtru0;Pk..-cVnetts.._tIle ...Mid.ewalk,....six-f.e.ate...wid.e,....an..b.at)i sides........... .......... of..._ James ...Strest...from ..FrederUka...street ...to...Ifnderwood...str eet........_........ .................................................................................................................................................... . ............................ ............................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman.....- V—.--. .......-- therefore, be it IiFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total colt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to said improvement;.......................................................... ........ - 5, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council:...........':::.....moi... .::9........._....191..._ Yeas: C an arnaw Goss ler D cColl Wunderlich M 4r 4fR — Form C A Is (am 17) duct hote19—b­ b- �-A ` Iaatne are herebRyegannraantAstaaRtd tthtahe e flo�oa�ata COUNCIL ltctod be, and th� FORM M It f� the D&p1l�ent or the feq`ae lBgLLlTedFILE COUNCIL law COU No -_.__ ..... 2....... 6 Date Presented- - June28 , 191,.9 Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct Hotels or Restaurants at the loeat-cns respectively indicated be, and the same are hereby grantei, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law, , WIE OF APULICAI?T, HOTEL OP. PESTAUPAYT, LOCATTO:. T. B. McPherson, Restaurant-, 298 Sibley, Ed McDonald, Biadell Hotel, 189j E. 8th St „ H. R. Trocke, Restaurant, 377 Wabasha St„ L. A. Wimpenny, Restaurant., 187 E. 7th, Chas. F. Larson, Salvation Army Hotel, 260 E. 7th, Devitt & Anderson, Restaurant, 691 E. 3rd St., C. P. Lussier, Arlington Hotel, 197 Pt. 4th, FI. C. Jones, Restaurant, 97 E. 4th, H. R. Trocke, Restaurant, 100 E. 5th, Norman & Bergstrom, Restaurant, 221 E. 7th, Harry R. Bryant, Clarendon Hotel, 400 Wabasha St., i:irs. E. H. Komjhage, Boardinghouse, 399 i.laria Ave., Mrs. F. G. i:iargWdt, Boardinghouse, 152 Soy Wabasha, Mrs. Hannah Berru"n, 7artmouth Hotel, 493 St, Peter St.;,:,rt Ella E. Sackett, Restaurant, 694 No: Snelling,�_ Yeas (V ouncilmen (17) Nay stnsw h oss Ke r Zyl Wunderlich ZMr. resident( Hodgson RMC. A.a aM 8-18 Adopted by the Counc' ,- ._._ 1 ... .-. q.i.n.__...191...... Approv ------------- ................. ____.......... _..._191._. ..�i(/ --- SHM MAYOR - JL1LJ./r������4��/� C0UNCTL7_M'4auora oe •a"..- dull made erIE"TRANSFFR `quant -to appifcatlo 1 ,for.; 12 H,rem Gaor ,'i. 6reey, '412 Cedar tiee4 to PaRr c)r,ii Landy, -412' Cedpar 9tr8e4: No. gdoDted43Y th'8 Councn June 28, 1919. coueca �ApproYed JLne. 8i 1918 FILE 6, F""' 'Date TregglIfeW RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No. _-___--- ---- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No. 12 George DeCorsey 412 Cedar et. Patrick H.Landy 412 -Cedar St. I - No. No. ---- - No. - — ----- — - --- No. - - No. -- -- ---- — — No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. -- ----- ---- — - No. No. Yens (J) Councilmen (J lays V Adopted by the C unciL_ /t, v ...:.. ...._..._191._._.... _....... .ai Approved . ._..... ......:. ^�. ... x....._....._....191._...... Mr. — MAYOR C. F. No. 25629—Ordin... 0 . 612:}� , 2562 By J. X Clancy— T A, ordinance providing that e- .e_rkodoaeitfor the Cy ty ' /�fir �K An or inanoe providing t eight hours shall constitute day's work on any work done for the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That hereafter eight (8) hours in any twenty-four hours shall constitute a day's work on any work done for the City of St. Paul, except in cases of extraordinary emergency which may arise in time of war, or in cases where it may be necessary to work more than eight hours per day for the protection of property or human life. Section 8. That all contracts hereafter made for the doing of any work for the City of St. Paul shall be deemed and considered as made upon the basis of eight hours constituting a day's work, and it shall be unlawful for the contractor or sub-contraotor for any such work, or other person in charge thereof or any part thereof, to require or permit any laborer, mechanic or other person to work more than eight hours in any twenty-four hours in the doing of such work. Section 3. That in case thy contractor with the City for the doing of any work shall violate the provisions of this ordinance, or permit the violation thereof by. -his sub -contractor or others, he shall forfeit all rights in and to said contract and to all moneys and com- pensation to accrue thereunder, and the head of the department concern �ied is authorized and directed to take over the work and complete the same, either by hiring the necessary labor and purchasing the needed materials in the open market, or by re letting a contract for the work to the lowest responsible bidder, and 1n either case, the cost and ex- pense of finishing the work shall be charged to and paid out of the moneys due or to become due the contractor under hie contract, and in case said moneys prove insufficient, the City shall be entitled to re- cover any additional cost or expense over and above the contract price from the contractor and surety or sureties on his bond. All speoifi- cations for city work shall call attention to this ordinance by its number and title. Section 4. This ordinance shall not apply to existing con- racts nor to oases where bids have been received and the contract awarded, but a formal contract not yet executed. Section 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprison- ment in the Workhouse for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thlrty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council JUL 15 1'19 Yeas Nays !PWunancy derlioh rnsworth ss Coll Approved JUL 15 m9 iy�00%2��r1� tk2ftxac Mayor Attest61 City Cler r • �e}1�rttjt¢nt of �1�1U CITY OF ST. PAUL con N. O•NEILN.eL JOHN A. BURNS NT �iroxx.r. WILLIAM J. BIBERSON JAMES D. SWAN JOS. H. MASEK Ame 88th, 1919. To the Council- Gentlemen— pursuant to your instructions, I have drafted and herewith transmit an ordinance providing that eight hours shall constitute a day's work on any work done for the City. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Carl. � ,,,�'r -- a l�` o � /D �f o'er--- t �✓-�-�-��.: •'''SW 1q ads,, , Al , -' °� j l - St.Fau] aagLight OpmP�Ys _ .. Art M sewn ] 00 4- nr a_ 00: per. 16 21 P1 $grounds 9 00 "5'0 64 ; T' t. ' rLabs.. S'35 eta 1 ._o0. 1 00 gtone�8rdean4elle Compaw, 16 02 262 5. q Weatern Snpp1Y--CompanY,, 8,62 1�ir .Wm: J. Works, W 00 �,, 1. tpyl s 4 r V t�4 t] / t^nl w sn N Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorizes and directed to enlarge the southeast..corner of the intersection of Summit Avenue and Lexington Avenue, the cost of same not to exceed the sum of One Thousand Dollars (,$1,600.00) and to be charged to the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund and to do the said work by Force Account, Resolved, FURTHER, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside the said sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.60) out of the street Intersection Account of the General Fund to pay for the cost -of said intersection enlargement. Yeas (✓) Councilm (✓) Nays a orth os..._........ K ler ............. Against (Wunderlich Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson FORM . A.. 3M ..... !i!v .�')II, Adopted by the Council.......:.:.e:._�..!......I;.._�....191•-•-• Approved ........... -,....E;..)._ ^ .i ............. 191..... ................................................ ....... MAYOR ereh9. av-_ inree'�the rZ.-n ve,, n-Avetiof�}7M a>tm. d.ttih. 100.00) and iter ettion ¢ndto do,' -- ('D � 1-1.,, Fd ,unt _, :ouRca .the`,'.. CItY"ILE No. ... .......... ... ............. ...... tiY=authors - te-th�eollare 6 Interest-: ul FUnd to vection en-_- 914.•.191..... Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorizes and directed to enlarge the southeast..corner of the intersection of Summit Avenue and Lexington Avenue, the cost of same not to exceed the sum of One Thousand Dollars (,$1,600.00) and to be charged to the Street Intersection Account of the General Fund and to do the said work by Force Account, Resolved, FURTHER, That the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized and directed to set aside the said sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.60) out of the street Intersection Account of the General Fund to pay for the cost -of said intersection enlargement. Yeas (✓) Councilm (✓) Nays a orth os..._........ K ler ............. Against (Wunderlich Mr. Pr ident, Hodgson FORM . A.. 3M ..... !i!v .�')II, Adopted by the Council.......:.:.e:._�..!......I;.._�....191•-•-• Approved ........... -,....E;..)._ ^ .i ............. 191..... ................................................ ....... MAYOR C S, No 36634 $Y e, boas— As0lYed 'That the ComMfeafon4r Ot;, ' • Publelc Works beand he is hereFq au. tbtlrlaed nd dlre t d t spprl kfe wit,, n�,..� water. or oll Sorest Bt,eet from l -'It'"- Geranium BRreet to Marynd st eekgL FORM C during Beason nf1919. Aflopted; by the' Connell June B9, 1919. Approved June. 39. 191$19. ,. (July 5 . .... ......... ,:'.. . 19) ... ... A ^ / 1 y 5 l /a � h ..,. COUNCIL N 9.I _......Y.........._..................................... ................. 0 - Date Prese led.-. 'A '- 191..... Resolved,That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sprinkle with water or oil Forest Street from Geranium Street to Maryland Street.n� Yeas ( ou t e –"fflffer— Ste' eller Wunderlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A, 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council - -.1: 191 Approve........ _.. _.......... _.__ _......_.-_.. 191..... ..................................... ............. gain St MAYOR SCX�+ -Reao 65886-8Y L r"- "'HodBa-, I ; .. tr"hor""d nnahnS, the CoiPPtroneI,.be. transfer, hereby j'� ,."r �F r1 L• the Rume of direotb,� to 311scelianeoue an 1 ,000.00 from th'e' } �!' the General Funddt Hn oreaeen )tem o;- p;oi treat Eureau o the pwnl tp6t iint_ ORM CO th8reby, from of y,q retiovin .the same Fund'' clenoy In tha: an unngoldable deft= Adopted b,,: utter Itexq, v the Council .S°ub]CC __ .... ...._ __...._... ___...... _. ., ,=,PProved,June 80. 1918. ..._._...._ Jupe 3Q 19187 ""' �� ".' 2tm (Jul FO ENCIL NO.-�!– IL a� ..19.19..191.... - Resolved, That the Comptroller be authorized and he is hereby directed to transfer the sum of $2,000.001 from the Miso. °c Unforseen item of the General Fund to the Municipal Employment Bureau item of the same Mind, thereby releiving an unavoidable deficiency in the latter items YeasTesident, (✓) Nays !'+1rioYor, Against Mr.p FORM O-9 Adopted by the Council 191. .... Approved.._. _ .. ° _._ ........191............ _......... . . .............. _.. . ....... MAYOR INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of... . sidak. six feetwide. on ............................... -_ _.the...ttAx..th---oide of .Edmund Street, from Chatsworth Street-..to--.J.,exin .Avenue.....l ,rrira�cou°snq - ... -- ..... tIQ. F N �' 26836— yv Ia $h yin tter X eE ceFbeat .._._ .............................................................. tfle fa W61x e s a0.: do Fh .'. .. No t7t 8t0e b1. U @ �r R Ch t§w th -BU �t+t rie .... ..................................'a4 pude ..... ..... ....... ....... .. .. ................-... 4PProvdd M 2 ' i3t ^ts The Collabfl 01 At k`(y 01;$t Pt ........... taB ae6BiVed Yli RaO�tt P:' 25215 May 26, 1919. underPreliminary Order....... - ............................................approved ...................................................--------...---............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. Tliat s said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...C.onstruCt-_a--Cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on:the north side of Edmund Street, from .......................----.........------............................_...:................._.......-•----......---.............................................................. Chatsworth -.Street to Lexi�l�ton Avenue, except where good and sufficient s.idetv:.11.g now...exist... .................... .....;................ ...__.................................. ......... _....................... ...._...............................................................:;.....::.........._.............._...................__.......... .............................................................. = _.......................... _._...... with po alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof PO X70 .per .front foot. Resolved lt5ther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....__... 28th ...........day of y ... ............... _"..-_---Jul �''`----.__...-..., 191..9_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. 14., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St., Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopts$ by the Council .......... -- -- - --._., 191........ Approved ................ 191..... Councilman Goes e Councilman Roller .®eesteriffiAd' e o Councilman Wunderlich Mayor ,I y, Hodgson Form B.,8. A. 8-6 .. ..................... .......... X-Iel, 4..r . Cit Clerk. ......... ............/`... Mayor. ----------- � � IJ 21m 4� O� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Constructing a cement the sidewalk, six feet wide, on ...............................................................................'---......---.........................._............................._ t--_side..of.-.Hamline Avenue fromRandolph-utreet-_to--_Otto._.avenue. ` r ............................................... ...... ....... ............ - a�'matteF dkraun@p-t�e`uC;tGgg a�de.' 9 sidesy9llt�'o44is�C wtd9J.'QD' .................................... ... ....... ;Ni�lde of da AYenu&�-....... ....... ........... ......... ............ ..... iiudo 13h Etr `#o�A�#�[6�398 r n: P1lliir7 ryn........................................ under Preliminary Order...................................25398 June ...................approved...........................................10...,..... 1919 ----......... ................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..qonstruct a cement the sidewalk, six feet wide, on the east side Of Hamline Avenue, from .......... ................................ "............................................................ - ........................... --' ' ............... ......... Randolph Street to Otto Avenue, except where good and sufficient _ ...................................._.............................................................---._......................-----...........----....----.........._.................-.. sidewalksnow exist. ....................... ' ' ..................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................... ..................................... I ........... ....................................................................................... ...................................................................................................::.:........................................................................................... i with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $........_0.70 per front ::;...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeut on the...................day of July at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................. " 191..... . S Approved......... - _ _ . ....., 191.... Councilman Goss Councilman Kel6r Counci Wunderlich Mayo maim Hodgson Form S. A. 8-6' .............................. �... �y ......_........_Ci yClerk, y Mayor. CO{l By.........'. ......a......:.- -..... ---- r ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._Constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on ......................................................................................................_.�...�. both sides of Como Phalen Avenue fromArcade Street to Forest Street. .. ................. ................. ....-- ....._................_....................•••...................................................................................... u mattes dt conatauctlng a cep*ehtFt ' aideWatk 'qfx feat wide tin'4ibth.. ....................................... ........... .................. ......... �g pt 'tomo Btielea p7enue, ;ks+dm� adetr0atl tP For9st atraetw u de ............................... ................... Umipar9 Ordef -2490: apD�".aa �� +t 80 f:I919 '' oL SE:`PattT received the t40ar �of th r _oL Fiaad'ee:.upan .E7 :; y ..haVtna ... ___ . -. ... ..._.. ...... _. _.._ .......... .... . �n............ ............................................................................... ^�p:rePr: 24907 Apri1,30, 1919. under Preliminary Order.....................................................approved.............................:....... ............................................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on both sides of Como Phalen Avenue from ............................................ ............................ ............................................... .-............................................................... -........ Arcade Streetto Forest Street, except where good and sufficient side- ........................................ ................................................ .................... ..... ........................................................................................................... walks now exist. ................................................ .. ....................................................................................................................... ........... ._................._....................................................._......................._.......................... ....................... ............ -........... ... ..._......_....... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $....070 per front foot. .. '..................... 28th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......................................day of July 191...9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._.___ .. _ ..._._.:_..._.., 191_ Approved.._..._......_......... 191._ _.. City Clerk. _ - - ----- Mayor. in Farnsworth+' Councilman Goss Councilm tY Councilman R er s Councilm Wunderlich vow hleyor Hodgson Form B, . A. 8-6 s f 'r U INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......Constructigg a cement tile sidewalk- sixrfeet .wide__on.__._ .......................... the west side of Maflboro Avenue, from Dayton Avenue to Laurel Ave . ..................... ............................ .......------..........------................ -.......... C F No .2ter at6688 - In the matedaeiruating a cement .................................................... ... file afd¢walk etz •feet wide on the. .. ............... ................................ bleat 91da Af jl{arlbOro Avenue, ct�m�, nay'toa'Aveaue to LaurBl AVebug un .........ger'rrettmtnary Qrder 8688b aRDrr�................................................... ...... ...... .......... img 'O:S, 181Q � W a Ci-,naell of tha�.Citp ;N�-� nrf under Preliminary Order................ ............... J.1?.'le............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.........Construct--_a---ce Hent tilesidewalks six ............ ........................................ ............................................................. _................................ from Dayton Avenue to Laurel Avenue, except where good and sufficient ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ S.id.@galxs...now ex'st. ..... ....... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......0.70 der .front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......, 28th y of ...............- July............. 191 ?at the hour of JO o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...._._ .... 191. . . Approved .................. - 191..... City Clerk. _. .. _. ..... , ... _......... ......................... .........:. Mayor. Co arnswo h Councilman I oss Counei an (t� n6 Councilm Keller l� Con man Wunderlich M or Iri$ Hodgson Vo B. S. A. 6-6 .wR ............................... CONO ................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Construeting dr.ivewa+e at the following ^locations . ................ Grove St. South side 7- ft. wide from 82 feet East of Jackson St.., ---thence Ea:.t 12 ft.; East Fifth �t., North side, 10 ft. wide, .......... ... ..................... .. ................. from..1C0..1t...... Euat.. of... Ja... s on_S t •.a...thence...East...12___feet ............................. za ote mgt er -0t qnfi V F .....................o W&Y a2 tde ttologb nf±.r ........................................................ &tee8t r Yocgt �� �.,, pouth,, alga +FiS.;. ............ .___ . .... _... .. .. .. ;:,.. -..................................' 24788 t est -0t ril 24 1919. under Preliminary Order ..................... Fytin°giceeta°0zaor�tu�sla��o r ° ' .............._............ .........- om Y9a-.Fcet Feast oi;Tack The Council of the City of St. Paul having to ce East xz teeG i>f.otltg Commiasioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said repo v .,�4Z'�l 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct Drive- ". That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is. ....................................................... ways at the following locations: Grove St., south side 7Q feet ............... __........................ ................................................................................................. _.......................... ............................... wide from 82 feet EL.st of Jackson St., thence East 12 feet.; East .. ................................................ _........................... _.........................................................._.............................................._----- Fifth St., North side, 10 feet wide, from 100 feet East of .............................................. .................................................................... .......................................... ......................... ................... ............ ....Ja.CMs.on...st.�...... thence East 12 feet.. ...................................................................................... ' ........................................................................................................................... ................................................................ 0.20 per square foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...__....................... 28th ResolveuFurther, That a public heqjing be had on said improvement on the......................................day of y ............................................ ...., 191........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.____ ..::'.:...,?-''' __ 191_ _ . Approved.... ........_...._........____. Goss Councilman K er Co eColl (� Council Wunderlich �J Mayo x Hodson Form IVS. A. 8-6 _... ... ...... ....... ................. City Clerk. _....._................................................ Mayor. ----------------------------------- ~C,F U �' COUNCIL FILE NO ......................... BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...PR? Ein.&, widening and extending an east and west alley to �......................................................• a-_w.jdth--.of--twenty feet. in Kalman's Division No. .1 . , from Lexington ............................ Avenue to oxford Street and between Front Street and Stinson Street. .........................._........ --___ .......................................................................__....................................................._................ ....... -... ....... .-_........ ----­---------2bTb'sstrvert5"dunuisaera� tm.py:o� ths♦soh m a. . .... ------------------------------------------------------------ of .... ----------- - ------ . - -- - -- e4r itre May 9, 1919. under Preliminary Order..................Wrf to ..... . *oVAn eVa pie `t, , The Council of the City of St. Paul ,;fit of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered Maid report, hbfeby:resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... open, widen .and ...... extend an east and west alley to a width of twenty (20) feet; in B man.'..s....P..iyision_..No._.1,.. from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street a nd .................................................... between Front Street and Stinson Street. ......................................•-...------.----....................................................................................................................................... ................................ ................................................................................................................................................................ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $40-00, c-, Resolved Further, That a public" hearing be had on said improvement on the ............. 2.8"th............. day of July 191.- 9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council. .... ............. .... 191 ... .I Approved ....... -.......... ....... ..........._._.......-, 191..'' City Cl _ _._. ..._......... ............. Mayor. "'-E?ouncitnia"` arnew b Councilman Gos � o Counc' an Wunderlich n Ivle r Iry Hodgson /_�L Form . S. A. B•6 �n...n.w.,r................................ d� ttt � r By. ..- _- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ._Ohanging the (rade of Topping Street from. Farrington .................................---...................._. ..........4iv..enue...to. Gaultier.-Stre.e.t...........................- ............................. ....................---"-.........--- .._.....areae .................................................... the UiaA; F+! 6 Fast n g+ ........ A919181 1i9:?."D p$ t¢' 7 to of, Dh Fhb' b1L e oL th ........................................ e ...... ... ...... ... ... .. ............... 1KktT�, cb'= on th f............................ ............................. a�d'b�s47t�k ,iii ,• ._.._................................_....................... _..._....._............................................ .................................................................................... under Preliminary Order -........ _........... 24909 .................pp _... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.Chat,gi.ng,.,t,C.e...gz �.d.e...of _-.•._..Topping Street from Far::veriue to Gaultier Street to confcrm ...................._................................. ............... ....... ... to_..tbQ, red, Line on. -he profile hereto.attFched and mude..a P'trt......._.. re..of-,..,the__present established grade be shown by a blue line _-thereon.;, also buil�:in the necessary' catchbasins to provide for the ....... proper drainage of said street. ... .._..:. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $. 285...DQ... __.. 28th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvemeut on the. _..._........... ._..____..day of July191 9 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._ .........:.:.. :.---..__..., 191_... ' - ..._._ ......................... ...� Approved ......�.. t Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Fara orth Councilman Oos Councilman eller Council Wunderlich Mayor Hodgson Form B. . A. 8-6 r* F.V.VWVV ...r ............................. COUNC f ------.............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. ... Construc.t...nement...tiLe...eidaYl.Alk,...&iX...feet_.>�ids......Gn..hatil.. _s-ides-..of__Chatsworth Street, from Rondo Street to Fuller Avenue. under Preliminary Order........_......2521b .......................approved ............ .May. -.2.6,...1919....... ............ - The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct cement ?. That the.nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is........................................................ tile....S.idewalk,_._six-..feet ._wide, on both sides of Chatsworth Street, frog, Rondo Street to Fuller Avenue, except where good and sufficient __.. ......................................... _.-.._.................. .... ................................................................................... sidewalks now exist. ........ .._....................................... ........__......._............................... ..... ..... ........... ........... ...-. _........_........ __....._......... .... _....._...........................__----- ..........-.-..............._... _ _..._.............. .. ........ .._ .. ..._.__..._ . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 0.,70_pgr_ front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the. -.._..._._..29th__..-...day of July 191......., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ....................:.:...:. _............... 191.._ ._. .......... .. .. .. ...k=1,3 v,: Approved................... ........................ ......... 191......... Cit Clerk. __......_... ... ................. ............................................. Mayor. Councilman Goss Councilman .. Councilman $ er Councilm Wunderli Mayor Hodgson Form B. A. a-6 Fi- B77:_t , t .............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing a cement the sidewalk, six feet wide, on east In the Matter of... ................................................................................................................ . .......................... . . Street from Jefferson Avenue to Randolph Street and ........................ I.................................................... ------------ . ..... ....... .. ..... .. .. .............. ....... Warwicx............................................ ............... ITh C uncsPso Dthe Otly under Preliminary Order.......................25 "" ''^ a rbpcet Ploy 27. 1919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, -That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is Construct a cement ................................. tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on east side of Saratoga Street from ........._.................................................. .........................................................'--........................................................... Jefferson Avenue to Randolph Street and on south side of Jefferson Avenue _............._......._.........................._..... ............ _....._.......................................................................--•- frm._Snelling..Avenue to Marwick Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks....nQw.faxi.s.t,.....__.-_.................. _ ..... ... ._...... _.......... _.. _ _........_._._.. ..... _ _.. .._.__..- ....... ...._..... 0 70 . with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $._ ._ �....._..,P..__....er front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the29th.................... day of July 191 at , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adopted by the Council----.---....--- .,......... 191... Approved..................................... ........... 191........ Councilman Farn Councilman Goss Councilman ler v Coupe' an Wunderlich Ma r fFiS� Hodgson >• ortw s. S. A. s -s .............. ............... 't.. ............."...... F...... City Clerk. 4 t-.......... ..... Mayor. CO Ni�__N" ...:..........� ............................ ..................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....Constructing__a cement tile. -.sidewalk,. -,four• -,arid -.off•., half•. ......f ee.t ..Bride.�...o.A....xkle.. �1e � t..- s ids_.. o f.__ Benh ill._Road.,.--f romp t-,----kla it --Street---••.• on the north to the centre of the vacated alley lying and being .... _ ......................................... ................................................... between Lombard Avenue and Crescent Court onthe south. ............................. ............................................... ............. ------......_......-......--.....•-------- .. ........... _.. ........ .... C .8•.N° 22f684 o conattactfnB�= cafnen�t, .--- - •-----..._..._ .......... .... IuH BB�elde'waFtk lour end ....................................... .. . 'wide on eat P 9 t e'' -- from StG�sis kSTx'•lie 4 0° h ............ .. .._. __...... ..... ............� goad ....................................................... 252�b�e pfsins s ae��e,c nresczo ander Preliminary Order...................... ... w�eonunder rreutntnat ' .......May.._Z7......1 19. . ............ "'.'... ' pydixMs` The Council of the City of St. Paul having retie°rCommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the. said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...Construct ..cement ................................................. tile ...-.ewalk..f.our...and one-half Peet wider on the west side of ...... ............................................ Benhill..Road.,...f.mm.-St...tkl.._ .Q &he_..centrQ... f. --the ya,carte.d-_a-lley._.ly.ing.-.zxnd.._.being..betweenLombard Avenue and Crescent .... Courton the south. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._.045 per front foot..• . _.._._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..... �Ptr.....................day of July 191__9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................. 191......... _....-..._.... _.._._.......': ..::. �... Approved.... ........... . ­­ ............................... 191......... City Clerk. _ ........................... .... .......... Mayor. Councilma»—;�§W oi�h Councilman Gods /r Councilman Ilreller VWAWW Cb Crou�nc�'anWunderlich � � May f Ir�c Hodgson Form JS. A. 8-6 N cool. � ,..-m ...:..................... ry INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing sewer on 105 rtle Avenue from Montgomery Inthe Matter of ......................................... ........ ............ ..... ............ ..... -.................................. _..................... _.._..........._ ......... .....................................---..................-----.................................................................... 25314 June 3, 1919. underPrelimipary Order............._............---------..............approved....._.-_............................................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the �eport of the Co missioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby.resolvea: 1. That the raid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is -hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct sewer °. That -the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ on._Myrtle Avenue from Montgomery Street to Cleveland Avenue. .............................................._................... .................................................... ............ _................................. _....... .............. _..... _ . ------- -....._......... I.. .... ......__........ - . __.... with uo alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._.... 1300.00.._ Re4olved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__.___..._29th day of _..__ ..............July. -.__....._.....I. 1 191.8._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .................... 191 J .... ............ ./... . Approved ................................... 191......... / City Clerk. ay unc M. -an arnewo Councilman Goss y Cc man Wunderlich ayoilr I�pg Iiodgson F m B. S. At .... " ...........� .�- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........Reconstructing.,--,relaying-.and--_re-pairing,_Lhe--cement_ tiZe .......... LQ...full ... wldth.. of...preBent,. wa1k...and._a4...1.9Ca�x.A.tl.Si...X Q44liC.�11g... _._reconstruction to place same at proper trade and ingood repair, at the locations: Victoria Street, west side, from Lincoln Avenue, thence north toalley. Lincoln Avenue, north side, from Victoria Street thence west 100 feet ........ ............. _.,... ................................ .... tq! m tteFFof Fecojiatructin$ ......_....... ....... ag end ,Yepatslag ttie semen ' under Preliminary Order .................. 25235 ................... ..8pproved ..... 'deloelk ^.to tint .taw of Uk e.nd?'gt local ria reV°n- ..................... atruQUon t3 y1ale;9ame:a;� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of tL�l�r°ttone�,i�io alnance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: °*tro=chxr°m' rade."' 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......Re.corsLi:uCt,._.relay and repair the cement tile sidewalk to full width of present walk ..........................................................-........................................................................................---........-----........................------. and at locations requiring reconstruction toplace same at proper ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... grade...tali..-in..,gogd..repair,--,at. the follotving,.-locations c. Victoria Street,...w.e.s.t...side.,............. Ur}coln..---Avenue, north side, from Victoria Street thence west 100 feet. .................. ........... .. ..._... 0.07 per square foot. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is__.... _............ __... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 29th day of _...... .............J.tl.ly 191._9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the ..... _ Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted_ by the Council... .............. .......... .`_._........_._., 191......... yry Approved .................... ........... :.......... ...:._._, 191......... City Clerk ............ ..... May... Councilman Goss . Coun , ' Councilman Her PUBI.ISFIID_ /r— o l ,v\l Council Wunderlich Mayo rr#f Hodgson Form . S. A. 8-6 aF- INTERMEDIARY ORDER n the M r o Reconstructing, relaying and repairing cement the side- wal s at "e" oliww g Toca-t-img:" HahiptT2-ii--Ave:"'W'e'st"'s-Jiie; to a WI -dT - of 6-.feetfrom University Ave. thence north to Railroad .................ight of..l'la-x ......... approximately 310 feet, from Char es St. thence north pproximately 120 fe.et.,..an.d_An.-the _ south .s. d�..of.i�ampdeYl..AX.e...... from..Bradfortl...Stre.et.._thence east 114 feet and from 30 feet farther east thence east 18 feet, and €rom--a-point-.-168--fee.t:..east.-oT...Flaymoxtd.-Ave...._thence•--eas.t...I&..feet,--a-nd---€eom approximately 220 feet west of Long Ave. thence west 50 feet and from l-a0--feet-farther west ..thence west 70---feet-i Brad Ford flue: East slde-,- 6 feet wide, from Fiampden Ave.., thence so��,, iso Alley. .._.-..._... . -...-.._. .... ............................... �}yr a t� —'._ ...................... ar9............................25067 .. _ . - approvedf ;eaoneerudctmES- under Preliminary Order................ Fs tt The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the re growea�eeng1oFinance upon the 4'ar p R Wwe et.- . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby t vR # om SSnaWv 1f e i 6 -r)<IO W 'nafiroi. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approve :°_°q"4ks�sicle Nmo did improvement is..: hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 10 ottrz4' ama n�aa Reconst uct, relay 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council fS x' zea is ................................................... ,iept pe¢kkm„ and repair cement tile sidewalks at the ocations: Hampden Ave. Wsst side., to...a wi-dth---nf fr feet;-f-rom ti : thenen norttr..ty Railroad Right of Way, approximately 310 fee'aa;Charles St. thence north .approximiiteIy--i20 re'ISt;.;..ar1d t1Y1.-tiYie.._s-tiu'CYl...s-Ydg--of-'HamptY2ri-..F.'IE..:... from Bradford Street thence east 114 feet and from 30 feet farther east thence ................... ...... ...... east 18 feet and f-rom a on ve. t encs east 18...feet ...az1d....#x'9m. approximate1.--_220_..fee.t., west-..of_.-Long-.Ave,.--,thence•.,west. 50 feet and from 100 feet farther west 70 feet. Bradford Ave. East side 6 --fee.t...whd.e.,.-.fr-om..Iiampden-.Ave...,...thenae..south...to...alley.......... .._......... ......................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $......0.07 - }ger square foot. 29th ResolvAJNrther, That a public heEging be had on said improvement on the......................................day of ...........................l..................................., 191........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----------- ------- 191......... Approved._ ................ ......•._............... 191....._.. ! C' y Clerk. . .... _................................................ ...... . Mayor. L euaai�e Couacilman Goss Couno:11._�11'r C y Councilma l Counel an Wunderlich S. A. 8-6 CtJffi.I�_� tl �/ tl INTERMEDIARY ORDER Curb bothsidesof Dayton Avenue from Snelling Avenue Inthe Matter of .................... ................. ......... ..........................----•-.........................•-•---.......................-_......... tn..Saratoga Street........... ;........................................................ z th�'oA14tte� CarDing��both efd� _ _. _. Us on AvaPui frdal-iinelIIng A ...--___ .. ...... .. $�ap, 0 1 .....................................-. �i8dr247$ea ➢coved ApFueiL: rhe Co�naiolathe ofrt of tstie ._....... ............... .................., {ng r �oi¢ed Rhe. rAPo ,............................................................. .... rioner sof,�FlPnhee.*nbon o>rement�nd havfrtg tion:. ..................................................................................... ..... under Preliminary Order ....................24722 approved April 11, 1919. roved .................................................. ............................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...CurbL bo.th..:side.E of. Dayton Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Street. .......... ......... _.I................................................................ ..........................-----.......................................-----------•............................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $._603.77 _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._ 30th day of ................................. Ju=y................ , 191_9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persoha and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ._........ 191...... ... .............. "....` '.- n ..... . Approved . ................:...:_............:......, 191......... 9 City rk. ................................. .... _ Mayor. ounct man Farnswo Councilman Goss e oll (� 7.S. 'man Wunderlich H9nHodgson 4[ ForA. 8-6. t 1 F.- no, /I Co ----, ..............a G > By......... �. ...:/....�� ...."........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER sidewa1, 8.y of ecP,w, ?.C1.1ct . relay. R -' atl...epkirin ...Lhe...a.e :-t--..tile._.... at theollowing locations: souti side of Dayton Ave. 9 ft. wide beginning"at a point 150 feet west of the west line of Louis St., extended thence west 150 -f -t: south side of St:--Afi Pi ny"lwe. fi ft. wide a from Farrington -.Ave. thence east 260 feet _.... and_frem...7.i4 e.e.t_..farther...-eiks.-t tbBnas east to Louis St. approximately 520 feet.; west sicie of Western Ave. 6 feet wide ---fr-0m-Van_.bur"en..St..,....thenc.e...south..1].D...faet.r...south a-ide--af...Van---Bu-Pan---St. 6 feet wide from Western Ave., thence west 120 feet.; north side of St. Anthony -Ave-.--6-..feat--wi-de-i...€rom.--Jayz--St.--;.--thenene...weet -•E-3.5--feet- and from -138 - feet farther west, thence west 70 feet.— . . . ................ _....... - __........ -.. .................................-- under Pre 24584 ,o assso v hmmnrY. Order ................................ . a s titin °T"ibg ¢am heti .ir. 29,....1919......... The Council of the Cit of St. Paul havingreceived' 8e of va�nn Av a *eelXf above improvement, and having considered said report ee'wesstime aius $*caner of Finance upon the fgkh Anth n4;Avenvei°dti 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby ap m �yi R•in� from za+,;:d the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °.: Thet ibe.nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isRecons-truest,----re-lay--- and repair the cement tile sidewalks at the following locations; south side of Daytone=Ove.-•.-9 feet-av4de-i-..beg-im-i-rig..at-.a..-p©i-t-t...16Q--feet--wes-t of-th4e-weet line of Louis Vit., extended thence west 150 feet, ; south side of St. Antho'tly"'Ave-; 8. -feet ride.,from -Farrington--Ave.-therre-e-.east-26fi"Peet'avd from 74 feet farther east thence east to Louis St. approximately 520 feet.; west - &ii side -of Weaterri""'eve': """feet"""" v1" ' 2""" Y�oiri"'Va'ii-'Eureri""S"t':;-ttierioe""-sour&61. south_ side of Van Buren St. 6 feet wide from lxiestern Aye.., thence -.west -.-120 - ...................................... 'i ............ ......... - .. ................ . feet.; worth side of St. Antfi�oriy-"-wive. fi feet w de from Jay St., thence west 235.fe.e.,t...azld....Zmm...17.$...feet...fartrer.-west,...therc a-"west...79..f.e.et.,..................................... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.....0...08 -.. per .. square foot. 30th. Resolve��rther, That a public hearing be had 6 said improvement on the ........ ............................day of. ..................................................... _....., 191 9._, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....-----------._...:.:._..._._._......... 191....... Approved .................................................... 191......... - it__ _.......... Ier .. ......_............................�............ ....... Mayor. Cot' aa��9T et�wort� Councilman Goss Councilman er Cal d Cunderlich Mod€son rm C'FW, 2!5* . ,u B�—my - INTERMEDIARY ORDER Changing the grade of alley in Zachrison's Addition'from Inthe Matter of................................................_.............. ...................._.............. ......._ ._...._ . Arkwrijht Street to Clark Street to conform to the...red.line on the profile. ......................................................................................... ............. _....... hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established ..g.rade ___.. _.............._...................................._.............................................................•••......................_.................. .... bein.shown by a blue line thereon; also grading said alley to the said ................................................................... d reline when established and grading Clark Street from Rose Street to ........................................... ................................ ........... .............. .......................................................................................... _........ Maryland Street. ................................................................................................ °ueIT meuab cklugln the; $s[ 24750 a ro euesh �o� 1919 under Pre Order.. -•---- ..........................-......----.. �Ot Ft 0 �gm Preliminary - PP th roaY'e --•------.- ............. Council of the Cit of St. Paul having received the r her to t' City g teeor t eh+e tsea�� a83 a°snce upon the above imprpvement, and having considered said report, hereby ��'atS0.�n����`�ah 4��aei• 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approvea6 td improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....Ghanging.-.the__,grade of alj.ey...in._Zachrison!s Addition from Arkwright Street_to Clark_Street to ................................................. conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part I............................................................................................................................................................................................. hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon; .................................- ..-- ..._............_............................._._........................_........................................... ...._........... also grading said alley to the red lin_e wh§n . .... established . .. and .. gr.ading . . . Clark -...... ...................--_ -..._............._.._......__..............................._.......__......................... Street from Rose Street to Maryland Street. _,........._.... _.. ........................................................._........_......._................._..._..........._..._..._ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is .. . ...1203............09....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ........ .... 30th day of _ ..............._-_...July. ............. _.......... 191.9..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chajer, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total.cost thereof as estimated. Adted by the Council.......:. .:L .... .......... 191.-----... ,, _........... ..r-. Approved 91...City .C..l.e..r..k ..:............ ---- ........ .... .......I........ .................................... Mayor. Councilman Yojuswarty oundlraan .Goss y e er •+-- �' / underlich !.A. odgson Form In the Matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary .................................................... ........ .................... . ........................... . .......................... . . for.... slopes...for cuts and 1n..Z&chria0n.!.s Add_I:LIan_._ from Arkwright Street to Clark Street; also, Clark Street from Rose ................................ .. .................. . .............................................................................. . ...... Sheet to Maryland Street. WA4" ................................................................. ........................ ...................... -------- - ---- ah M ............................ ............................................. .......... . .......... 4 t A ..................... ..................................................................... 15 t Z . .................. ........................... '6 24968ay 3, 1919. under Preliminary Order----..._ ............................. .............approval .............................................. -The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Condemn and take an S. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........................................................ easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills inE! ding ...................................... ... . ...................... . . ........................................ ...................... ........... . .............. ........... a;kjp_y.ip..ZachrisonIs Addition from ArkwriFht Street to Clark Street; also ­ ........... .. . .............. .. ..... ­ ........... ......................................... . ..................... ..................................... ......... Clark Street fromRose Street to Maryland Street, in accordance with blue ..................................................................... ........................ ..................................... ...... ..................................... ............. print hereto attached and made a part hereof the hatched portion showing ................ ............................... ­ ­ I .................. ­ ............................. ........................................................ . .......... the cuts and 'he shaded portion showing the fills. ........................... ........................ ............... - ............................. ........... ..................... ........... ........... . ............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 25.00 vi ........ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ................30th...................... day of July ................ ..................... ............. 191.. .9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ..................................... .... ....... 191 .......... ..... ............. .... ........................ Approved ..................................................... 191 Cit Clerk. ....................... .......... _.------.I............. Mayor. f nn or Councilman Goss w C uncilman UjYj Councilman er I —/441 r7 Council Wunderlich "LOOD4 May Ix*i Hodgson Form . S. A. 8-6 A, KU rte.... ............... ' ........ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Co11atxuct1ng..cement_.. tile ...aidewalk,....aix feet....'Yliie,....on..•_.. both--_sides•.of West Seventh., Street. -from. Vista••.to--.M.ontreal, _exoept where od and sufficient sidewalks A rist _............. ....----... ep ................. -- a NT _s w@fait . na c an., �,b....................----• .................... _.................. s��� T�et°u° dca sett° ........ ............................................ ............. rcvt 1 sv �g i - ,...1 .,.E •. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... under Preliminary Order ........... 24799........... -.............. approved ................... ApTil, 24,...1919.........---..--...... IntermediaryOrder ......................................................... approved ....................... .................. ----------------- ----••-----••----•---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is------- --- netTtlOt__. cement tile _eide.4alk, ...................six feet__ ..... on both sides of West Seventh Street from Vista to ifontreal, except -----•-•---...._............................... -'-............ ---------• ..................................... I.....----- FILU-0:..09A...m?d...Quff lgMt................................. -..... .............. :.:...-•............................................. ........... ................................. .................... ................................... ............................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....... - ..: .. ...............1 191........ 1 City Clerk. ...:.,. •. �-:.:�..-......-, 191---_... Couneilm Qoss 1' Counci an $eller 9e11 Con an Wunderlich Ma Sr Lxx Hodgson Form . . A. 8-7. ............ .................................... . 11- .................. .. Mayor. �'C'VU1VliilLd�lllli y*s..•�........................ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..Constructing.-cement.... the...aide3Yalk,---.aix....feat ....wids,....on........ both -._sides --of Nest._Seventh--Street ..from 4iata...to.-_Montreal, except --- where good and sufficient sidewalk i t t,m ......................... ......_................................. ......... ........ 4« ....... ............ :................................. ........................................ ....... ................................................................... ................................. under Preliminary Order ...........24799 ........_........approved ................... Pril.- 24,...1919...................... IntermediaryOrder.............................................................. approved -------.........................----- .....--....................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is..........Construct-- cement sidewalk. six feet-_�. -ride., onb . ............................................ ........................ - .................................. . X417ex ..:g9Qa.._ Ila..s4uffl Pnt-si3ewalks._no .._exist' ---............--- - .......................... ............. ...................... .................................. -----................. ............................. ..................................... ............ ................. ... .................................................. ............. ................. .....- ...............•---.......----:...................................---.............................................................................................. .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is_hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said. improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..................... ._.'..... . .. Approved ....... _' ......... 191... Counoilm Farnsworth Councilm Ooas Countan. $eller 1 Co ilman Wunderlich Ma r 16Wx Hodgson Form . S. A. 8-7. DEPARTM -' REPORT OF COMMIS . ,IER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IAN ,constructing cement tile s4ewalk„ six f^et aide, on both sides In the Matter of of West Seventh Street from Vista to t'ontreal. --- - -------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order approved — - �- - -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $— lineal The estimated estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - -' --i ASSESSED I. DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION — ------ --- -- 8 34 West End. 300 �I 9 :34 do 32 5 1i 10 34 do 3350 V 3150 j 11 ,34 do rl2 I:34 do 350 13 34 ! do 1450 'I 650 14 34 do ,I ;II 8 29 do 3000 I ( l f ,9 29 do 29 y dodo - 2400 TOTAL, . UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURT OF APPEALS, EIGHTH CIRCUIT. 0 St. Paul, Minnesota, June 27, 1919. S. A. Farnsworth, Esq., Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: - In reference to the matter of the proposed curbing on West Seventh Street, from Vista to Montreal Avenue, I beg to be permitted to protest against the carrying out of this curbing program, on the ground that same is absolutely unnecessary, and the street and boulevard in that section are in such good con- dition that curbing is entirely non-essential, and I hereby voice my opposition against same. I am the owner of Lot 10,Blk.34. Yours truly, St: Paul, Minn., June 87, 1919. Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, oommisaioner of Finance, Dear Sir: - St. Paul, Mi nn., As I am the owner and UX payer of Lot 9 Block I 34, West End Addition, I hereby vcios sir protest against the matter of constructing a curb on West Seventh Street abutting the above mentioned property. My reason is that such an improvement at this time is wholly non-essential and unwarranted by the small nu mbar of residents in that section, and the street ulevard in that section now are in good condition and do not call for any Improve - meat such as curbing. Yours truly, St: Paul; Minn., June 37, 1919. Mr. S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Mi nn. Dear Sir: - As I am the owner and tax payer of Lot 8,Block 34, West End Addition, I hereby voice my protest against the matter of constructing a ourb,on West Seventh Street abutting the above mentioned property. My reason is that such an improvement at this time is wholly non-essential and unwarranted by -the-.small nu mber of residents in that section, and the street And boulevard in that section now are in good condition and do not call for any Improve- ment such as curbing. Yours truly, Y St. Paul, Minnesota, June 27, 1919. S. A. Farnsworth, Esq., Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:— I am the owner of Lot 9, Block 34, West End Addition, and I hereby protest against the matter of constructing a sidewalk on West Seventh Street, in front of the above mentioned property, on the ground that same is not necessary, and the small number of residents on that street in this section do not warrant such an improvement at this time. Yours truly, i �C�i 9%. Paul, ILMasotas dune til, 1916. I S. A. Farnsworth, Esq., Oommiseloner of Finance, St. Pawl, Minnesota. Dear Sirs - I am the owner of Lot S, Block 34, West End Addition, and I hereby Protoet against the matter of oonstruoting a sidewalk on West Berenth Street, in front of the above mentioned property, on the ground that Game is not necessary, and the small munber of rseidents on that street in this section do not warrant such an Improvement at this time. Yours truly, By theC"& lofthe �:�mprovemenc m necwuttuce u�eawvaw�. 3opted: bq the Council ... ...... �. :. Mayor.; alaiid Ave.,; 'Eas,t-'bide, anis feet s,....#henos-�Tn3rth:?& ieet, 3B 1".et f�lou Laurel Ave:., thenoe Horth to �--f'ee�•-w#d8.: €red-••�1•e�e�a�d Ave. •FeEJefl• - Punderlich Hodgson , S t CiiSLFUL, cEpAtxTT OFINAN.rCE.° I't 0% f-, � I I i P the Conned of the City of St.'Panl that the enoe.east_l5t fee, „Selby`Avenue North;eide 6 feet.w lIM 0.l. A, P00 // "_ Lpnblio hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dna notice; and the Conned having i`allpersona, objeetiona.and reconnuendatione relative thereto,:and havmg: Pady-conaidereii the same; lore, iia' it ' ' — - aAt tq, MQntre*l Ager?u�,,i ............................................... ,at in accordance therewith: ' . � � CITT ar a�.rrw � - • � � DEPARTMENT OF FItJANCE ' REPORT OF COMM ER OF FINANCE . ON PRE (B) _ - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION.: AssesseD -. VALUATION 10 29 West"Enid s 11 29 do- J_' ._30. `1 12 _.271, 1 _ 275 — a;� C i•�51 28 - — --- — '�4 -M 22 _ 275 ( i --El. 32�1'' i 1275 1215, - - - 18I 22L _ _ _ _ac 22 do - 1LIlIARDER• - ? _.3.� ._-_ __.._ ___ dQ_—__ .- _.._ I j3S0 6 6Jdo=--� _� I _ `340J w 5 39 - do i 1350 — 3,,_39 -- - d°-...- JI 3'0� - r j 2 3 - — do '-355,0;1- 9 jjj I for said" improvemenE;, i ;� Qoinm�set0 0f Public ?gPorks, Tug of s1. Paul oscm cuufesH, cNl.. e:oiNe.n. EiVart6at Df Fuhltr Works M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. C. CARROLL. SUPT. R. wN wins R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL/H[CJACHSON, Su.T,cT . GOCRINCCi1. Su.T'oN M. 9. lul—om' O. H. HERROL.. OIIoc. CN.iN.eP , St. Paul, Minnesota. May 13, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for ourbing both sides of West Seventh Street from Vista Street to Montreal'Avenue, in accordance with Council File No.84815,'approved April 85, 1919. Approximate estimate ........ $1132.20 , Cost per front foot........ .57 Excess inspection necessary, 33.96 Assessable frontage......... 307868. feet. Yours very /Jtruly, tLt_6t�►+ J�-�a ESS/C Chief Engineer. I ................................ C,y�v .L _ RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR. In the matter of W.D.4=1 vm).menl in ... the :UknA_-XPA-Q-"AN7 for s opjqs,. kn od Avenue to Snelling Avenue on P_a.l.a.c.e Street, from Underwood Av_e.nu.a_to.____ ................................................................. .. ......... ..... .. ... Snelling Avenue, on James Street from Underwood Avenue e n..u..e to Snelling Avenue, ............I ............................................ ...... ............................ . ....... ................. ............ ..................... and. -_o Af f e.KkQxk._AYvAu.0.? .......... ... .MAiqAle ;j_alzo.e.t. ----------- _ ------------------------ - 2 ICA-Ft�.'.URUP.f ..lein-ifur ar"'t'k- Wer 2,412 ----- ---- under Preliminary Order R.Q.13-4.5 .............. approved.. 1.,r an., e"ernentiin the .land Bary, - "o ceAt"""t' end fin.:, . to ;grant3.1f. o.'t' fr= Under - V " cod � ��esgre snall," Men -=.d gl.ce �tt* from , U. r approved.Aug.491i 12 1918. .. Uao , to , 11" A-..., .. Imm,. 4 ct� of"..11hilerwood Ave- nue to Snelling Aven%.ad.d - no gl�h%ld le,%-A1.—ue�"f treei, to a for. . =, m1er.,Pr.lt.'jg or easements therein, had Upon the to) nar:rOrder, 20946; .8 ' pr­1,ed'-AV,1,; A public hearing having been ... tnt. cl-_� r. -F, �841 . ille assessment of benefits for the above improvement, and the awards of daina An ;Fe: t t2,1M. g b' -alp &ring havin . t-. n. Fd.v ,2'. n the or :easy _ -.'�.-d th therefor, and the Council having duly considered the Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll,' identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for Said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council.---------------------- --------------------- -------------------- Approved------------------------------ ------------- .............. 191 Councilman V, sworth Councilman oea Co Council n Keller C ' Coun 'man Wunderlich May r buff Hodgson REPORT OF COMM ISSIONER OF FINANCE v1 ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter ofF.Qzldemn.i-ng..and--.taking.-.an..-eaasmexLt...in...the-.-land...nscsasar-y for elopes. for cuts _and fills in.-grading--Jaliet--_Street--.:Ej!gr Undgrg!oAd Avenue to Snelling Avenue, on Palace Street, from Underwood .Avenue to _...................... .............................. ..........----_... ---------.......................................-------.....---------............._...................---_....._ _.-----. Snelling Avenue,on James Street from Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue.-. ----------------------------------.................................................... and on Macalester Avenue, from Randolph Street to Jefferson Avenue-.---, -------------------------- ........................... .................-- under Preliminary Order 20.8.45 ............. approvedApri.1...2,.19.18.., Intermediary Order ......... approved..AALgua.t...12.....1318...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------��................................. Commissioner of Finance. .................................................................................... FINAL ORDER I CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of t.4-L.k.j..ng aj; e.%.a.eme.at ill the land—xieaaas ia r fo..r.-...-a.-.-.l Rp es.,..--fo r c-ut--a Aa4 U11.0 in gr.A".n9—j.UIj.e.t atraet from Undarwojo&-Avenue to---Snellipg-A at.rset....fxDmUndamead-Avenneto Snelling - Avenue t.Q Snelling Ayenua_.and—on Macalester- Avenue froLm P%ndo I -ph S-t-reet tG--J-ef-f-e-reen .4,ven-ueF --------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ........... approvedXtrll 9* 9-18 Int ediary Order WX".0 -------- approved Resolved: 1! , " - I x&AearY xid.emn_.and 6 L'.. '.a — e I , 'o be made, viz: 0V (1) That the following improvement take an e semqqjt...jji =C jj%na rjejOsAjit&A��lAr 5-LQpLat1ejktbr, iX1--U"6-0 ........... !� �?t,; to grading Juliet Street from Underwood.Avenue to U 'I; .......................... .. . i�% ng-Amewaa Q.a ..................................... . ................. ......... �1— I Street, from Underwood AvewA!k.-J�q �LAIUI.Ung..Ayen'Aa . . .... Qn.-Jamas Streat fz=— .............. .............. ... ...................................... Underwood Avenue to Snelling Avenue.t...&n4 o.n — .................. ...... .. .. ... .... .. .. .. .. . .. ..... .. Street to Jefferson'Avenue. (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby taken, apprG priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz: the—land abutting- upon Juliet Street, Palace Street, James Street,_P,Ad Macal stg.K�..AyjQ.n3AQ ..... 30.gt_3ffflVn ................... ........----•- ..................... . . ...... * ... . ....... apprc , xor the grpoe,. the points aforesaid. to the ex, w,".Improvementis. vAn ti ftaghsd to the' —.P�p J.H.t. ... ............................ I ............. - ............... !�etl Jz., street �S! .... .................. . F e, between Po' 0-f I'DA imel- fep 9th, 1918. ........................................... ............................ ................................ ................... ........................ ........................ ................ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council...----------- ---- .............. I ................... 191......._/-e, Approved .`------------------ ---------- - * .... ...... 191 Councilman Councilman 40 u Coun- in n Wunderlich IV INA a r ' Hodgson 0 ^ - y� aP�p �nFnBk -H4 est �A{'FOft COUNCIL No FILE fir•\/VV " ` `� r �' 'Bt�ati¢ o! ¢%QD SE.&7Qt8 _ .�a .L;jy86 Board of Controlmtrol I-ZT,U S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finanoe **ter I'L't'6T O'Neil & Preston, ng, an ord etc. =M Standard Stone Comp s� Albert t40•-Haa>r 4=36 Cement -Sulks 3. To`" --4r =z$ 3,670.60 6,287.50 409.00 4,392.66 Com (•- �t j!�$gaaf - 8.�9$'G6p�FDawortt �Iaff..&-•3'ros,4on daltL StOD� ComBBDY S4 $98`§� � 3 t JU ,� Ad�3ited b� 3T,e.CouACil S�ti��t 1919. CIT��tP LLER SUYY :� ✓ / ,: AU ITE ,pBB'rovCd :1914 ......... - TITLE out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the.: Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective :�1 Adopted by the Council_.... --' • ii 3 '; Clancy A ved....... .. Go ""Itr-faoor = ....___ .... _.._. . K ler V �underlicb Mr. P esident, Hodgson .L;jy86 Board of Controlmtrol I-ZT,U S. A. Farnsworth, Com1r. of Finanoe **ter I'L't'6T O'Neil & Preston, ng, an ord etc. =M Standard Stone Comp s� Albert t40•-Haa>r 4=36 Cement -Sulks 3. To`" --4r =z$ 3,670.60 6,287.50 409.00 4,392.66 'rrEt''i E1 Atj wuNclL�`- -'i• AFb SBC N F 4' RM FILE NU .........: ..._:............... V—A:77- ��•\ ;A9 r'oo,t. ` }�'O 44 eC'%iBt Ili �+dr,h ,�G res;7n°bteeoti�2t�1 b Iid �c .. ...... .1.1 .E A ITE,j .4.6 BA -.i� 1 1919 ITT t \1PTR()LLF.R 19191 f ` E .......................... 4 1' I .0 ; TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ys Adopted by th ncil-_.......................... ........ .... ..i--'.........— ClanGy ed CJ ............ ..... . ...................... ............... . eller __......._..._ _ titAroR Nunderlich W. esident, Hodgson Brooks BrothersLumber Company, 282.73 4nhoola, Pa k�.e. 222.4 -_ W9,1'.al'_. 5 7 lgl6g- Gopher Lime & Cement Company., • 605.00 •sewau-�•-&.�. 1 A. P. Hersehler, 882.00 IS -1 ' J. Norton, 78,00 r JrjW Albert A. Rene, Agent 170.00 ➢dunje,. gtsp1 eyment.$yr a au }E38C Mrs. Edw. S. Wood, Sealy., 30.00 $tshoo�e9 Tbta , Con.olL Nu. - . �tibt.tyy t °Ik ITE � /. _ ......� ... ...... .. ... ... .. TITL Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: ys Adopted by the Council"r q }1 ........_..........:.............._-............. - ..._ice...... - Clancy n _.__. favor pproved__......_..._._.... : _-._..,..�_L......:.. �.._.............__1- Go y"yv� Wunderlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson }13}66, Clara Aamold, Widow of Hans Aamold 40.00 "I ns Board of Control, 14,586.38 121#-1 Sooiety for the Prevention of Cruelty 200.00 ..6.FFz-Ate;-#43aa 12353 Helen Sullivan, Widow of Miohael Sullivan 20.00 n rr_ Wbd6 ._._.and—Orphans-Pensions The Dated this k4l...day Of 'bNkS"Itt. PRELIM NARY. ORDER. the making of the fa.-'::�Pmiprave - f mam Rea ---- ------ ........... ............. xCuunciff7ile No ....... ............. 25663 : vent by the City Of St- Paul viz t.t AV.anUe:to T.ayloi..Avenue 19, I&M PRELMMAIj Y YL WHEREAS, A written proposal for the --king of.thilollowing improvement, viz-: alaeo Q.f F.pko-aal Avenue . f. rom Bowitt Airlenuo to Taylox Avenue. .................................. ................................. I .................................................. I ............ ............................ ............. ......................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................... .............................. .................... ............................................................................ 4� ..................... ................... ........... ......... ............................. :;having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilman ............................................ --therefum be it ed and direded: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and he is herebyorder 1. To inveitigate the necessity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To inve6tipte the nature, extent and eftimated coft of -said improvement, and the total cot thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To furnish the following other data and information relative to cr,V#provement; .......................................................... ........................................................................................................ I ....................................... ........................................................................ 5, To itate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedbythe euuncil. ............ ............ ................. Yeas: Counan" 11,19 ................ Goss Approved ................................. Kell Goss Kell S— underlich ............... .... ......... . . .. .. .... ....... ....... .. ............... .... ayor. May 74rim Pom C A IS (5M 6- Intow t /COUNCIL I If ........ . .............. ....... espy...............dAisr''. "grtiJ 215z 5,61J. - ....... . ............. ........... . ... -- ----­---- 7" 116. NO. ..................... .8re6t1on sad rthnke to acco ds d .bfW'.n'qe .............................................................. ------ ...........'With -.the conatroctlon rt t' b it P Droved 191 fore d .. ...................... .. operative 0. Adopted �tv 3838 i 11 1,4 RZilved, That peritilasion be and the same is heroby granted to the Superior Refining Company to build, erects construct and maintain tanks, for the storage of gasoline, on the northwest corner of Ninth and Robert Streets, capacity not to exceed 2200 gallons. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Publico Safety and to the erection and construction of fire proof build-- ings and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building resolutions of the City of St. Paul, which plans and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. 4 Yeas Cou cil En Nays I 1111 -J'J 19919 Adopted by the Council . ---..••.. 191 Ian Approved . . ............... .31-!.,'.-'..9 ......... 191 o 13 L S _V_1W4KV'0_r eller 0 . W.041.1, ..... ................. ................... ............ .................... .......... .............. Wit d rlich Mr. Pr idenlwodgson FORM A.9 3M 12-13 JOHN.1. FAWICY (Off[rr of Tity Verk JAS. J. MINER CITY CLERK I Tity of tfttnt 1hut ASST. CITY CLERK Juno 27th, 1919. 2_m 61 Hon. Henry McColl, / Comr. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Attached please find the application of the Superior Refining Company for a permit to erect a gasoline and oil filling station on the northwest corner of Ninth and Robert Streets, capacit be 2200 gallons. The abovereferred to you in regard to the fire hazard, the Council /h rning. G ,(1 �/ Yours truly, P SUPERIOR REFINING COMPANY St.Paul, Minn., June 27, 19191. Council of the City of.St.jaul, St.Paul, Minnesota, Gentlemen: We hereby make application for permit to erect and main- tain a Gasoline and oil Filling Station, on the northwest corner of Ninth and Robert Streets, of this City. All tanks and equipment will be located on our own property and all filling to be done on,our property, storage capacity will be 2200 gallons, same to be installed according to city regulations. Trusting that same will meet with your early approval, beg,to remain... Very truly yours, SUPERIOR REFINING COMP( x ecoC General M nager HENRY DEVLIN FIRE CHIEF CITY OF SAINT PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY • HENRY MCCOLL. COMMISSIONER - BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION JUne 30th, Im . MYLES MCNALLY ASST CHIEF Hon, Henry Mofoll, commissioner of public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir;— In regard to the application of the Superior Refining (D. asking for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station at the N. W. corner of 9thand Robert Bt. To consist of 2200 gallons capacity storage tanks to be distributed in four tanks and to be bried under ground. Will say that I have made inspection of the premises and recommend that permit be granted and this office be notified before tanks and piped are covered for reinspeotion. Respectfully yours, rav-" Acting fire Marshal. APPLICATION DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS BUILDING PERMIT What material under footings?... _.........__........_ ....._. 1st Floor I 2nd Floor I Mrd Floor I 4th Floor I 6th Floor—I 6th Floor Hoeement I Thickness of Exterior Walls. Thickness of Interior Walls.. . Height of Stories.......... Material of Walls ....... . The undersigned hereby agrees that all the work performed and material used upon the above describ- ed building shall comply with the plans and specifications submitted to the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds, and Public Buildings, and with the above detail statement, and conform to the laws and ordinances of the City of St. Paul. NO,rr,,: This 1PDli tion and perttn}' �Inmltln g' a'nrk I thn hulldlnl; Ct 1.�-/,�' Uc n ncl /fir Address ... Architect __ �_ �. _ 7 Address L Contractor CA G ✓ Y... �� Address.......__.. the erection of a_....... / _ _ story The following is a detailed statement for I} addition to a story Il alterations and repairs to a_ _.._ _......_ __.story l, poaea, to be erected frame bnck�br1ck apd steel or concrete ddmg [o be used for /Y it � -..-- -__ P l�/Sttreet on the .. __ . ........side of... No. ..... lot_.._ _ between ..._.... _.....t. _ __.__. and _- Streets, upon Block__ __. _........ of ........... _ _.._.._ .. _ ...............Addition. Estimated cost $...._J..._ ....... Dimensions of building: Width..../.. - -. -feet, depth.. ✓-- ... - -. ---Meet, height from curb level or finished grade to highest point ................ _' _ .feet, size of cellar or basement ................ ..._..x ...........................feet Is roof to be peaked, flat or mansard? .................. .. ..._..- _ ...... _ _..._ _ ..........., covered with what materials? How will building be heated? ..........__.... ......_... What material under footings?... _.........__........_ ....._. 1st Floor I 2nd Floor I Mrd Floor I 4th Floor I 6th Floor—I 6th Floor Hoeement I Thickness of Exterior Walls. Thickness of Interior Walls.. . Height of Stories.......... Material of Walls ....... . The undersigned hereby agrees that all the work performed and material used upon the above describ- ed building shall comply with the plans and specifications submitted to the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds, and Public Buildings, and with the above detail statement, and conform to the laws and ordinances of the City of St. Paul. NO,rr,,: This 1PDli tion and perttn}' �Inmltln g' a'nrk I thn hulldlnl; Ct 1.�-/,�' Uc n ncl /fir Address ... Architect __ �_ �. _ 7 Address L Contractor CA G ✓ Y... �� Address.......__.. 4 J-OHN J. FARICY W+4trp of Ttl+'1 Tter1C .. J. MINER CITY -[RK ` SP.- F AST CL[RK City of '§�atnt that June thq y� Hon. James M. Clancy, '3 A4 Comr. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. ` Dear Sir: JUN 27 1°u19 f Attached please find copy of the application of the Superior Refining Company for a permit to erect a gasoline and oil filling station on the northwest corner of Ninth and Robert Streets, capacity to be 2200 gallons. The above matter was referred to your department as to the construction of the building, etc., by the Council at its meeting this morning. Yours truly, . W enc. CITY CLERK. 1i 5 -3 6 FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ro.11s.tr.uctin&..a se-uex Qn.-C.1-ILtfan atze.e.t f.M.U.—TAMep atme t to. . .......... ......... ............................ .. . .......................... s da 'M 66— ................. ................................................................... ................................. .. v. .............. ............ ::'mp, ............................................................................... ...................................................................... I ................... ................................................................. . .... ................ .. .............................................. ........................................... under Preliminary Order ............ �.4794 ...................... ... approved . ..... ........... ................. . .... IntermediaryOrder ............................... --- ......................... approved ----------------------------------- -------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ,heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is a sev.,er on Clifton Street from ........................ ............................................................. dames ....................... .............. ........... --------------- - -- . . ........ Street to Palace Street. ... ............... ........................................ ................................................. ..................... ............ .................................. ......................... ............................ I ............ .................................... ... ........... — ................. ................................... ....................... .................................................................. ................................................................................................................................... : ............................. ............................ .......... ................ ........ ..... ....... ....................._....................._...............................- and .............. ......................................and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials- are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Counek -------------- ------------- ------------------- Clerk. C=C, Councilor l an cy C.uucilFe%,r,Councilman U.Ierlich Mayor;JRYAn. iiqdLson Form B. S. A. 8-7. -- ------------- . ..... .............. f z PAUL DEPARTMENT bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS IC?NER OF FINANCE (1� ON PRELIMINARY'ORDER � Constructing a sever on Clifton Street fro,- James Street In the Matter of t1. o Palace Street. ------ under Preliminary Order approved ------------------ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2,456.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 3.25 front g The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION .LOT 19LOCK1 ADDITION VALUATION r 4 The Pioneet Real Estate and 60 Building Societys Subdivision of 5 Block 36 in Stinson Brown,and 1475 Ramseys #ddition to the City of 6 St. Paul County of namsey,Minnesot9. 75 7 do 11.75 975 S do 9 ' do 225 Ii 10 do 1150' west of (22 2 Rogers and Colemans SubdjVieion of Block 22 Stinson Brown and 1225 Ramseys Addition, Pest 6f 21 2 do 725 20 2 TOTAL CITY GAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIRY104DER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCKItDDITION VALUATION 19 2 Rogers and Colemans Subdivision '; 025 of Block 22 Sti ndon Brown� and, (Except East 30 fe-Pt) 18 2 Ramseys Addition. 900 17 2 do 375 is 2 do 1075 15 2 do 1375 14 2 do 1275 13 2 do 375 12 2 d6 , 1950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ............ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B -A. 5-5 C V/ Office of the Commissiotier•Rof Public Works dr FpRA! a, • <t. Fes. I(,�,� ,. Report to Commissioner of Finance 2nd, 6r"i'Y� ,- ....................................................191..: To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn - 24794 April 24th, 9 oil, known as Council File No._ ................................... approved..........._.._......_.._..._.......................................191........., relative to..............._............ constructing a sewer on Clifton Street from James Street to .._ ........... _........... _.................................... _.......... .......................................... ........................... .................. ........... ............ .................. _............ ........................... ..................... Palace Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. $3.25 per front foot 2 456.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ... .... ......................_. and the total cost thereof is $............................................, and Frontage 755 feet Excess inspection $25.00 the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... ................... ...__...._................. ......... ...._................. ........................ .___. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1 . ............... ........... ....... .......... .................. ........ ........ ........ _...... ......... ......... ...... ...... ................_................_.................__........................ ..........._......._.........................._................. 5.' Said improvement is ............... .....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commis oner of Public Works / 1 (IIttg of £►t.15anU os--ussaN. �n en EN. neon nepartment of Vubitr Norks ...... ens M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J e aunuu e� cors crion Avo neP..ina R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY n AL R[p JAOKEON.SUPi. vOtr� N. GOETZINOER, SUPT on M. 9. ORYTBNj'Eno peen one O. N. NERPOLO•Onnice Enoineen St. Paul, Minnesota. May 1, 1919. Mr. M. N. Coss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of constructing a sewer on Clifton Street from Jsmee Street to Palace Street, in accordance with Council File No.34794, approved April 34, 1919: Approximate estimate ..... $2,456.00 Cost per front foot...... 3.35 Excess inspection necessary, 35.00 Assessable frontage....... 755 feet. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. APR coK� Gac , Gentlemen, - 'We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Ho orable�.Body to cause the following improvement to be made: . . . . . . . . . .. . V . . . . . . . . . . St.-+Yn from . . . . . . . . St. Irm. to , . . . . . . . . . . . St. AM _ N` A It E _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 LOT ( BLOCK d ADDITION `' ff. - -:�t� . . . . . . . . ��i'v` �Gyit�^.� sw c:�'.. � p�•� 4 c�aG..��..:.s.r�.s.1��/Gm2���*�f ua,�to.4y ��Y� 4 d 1 NPR S 1 . v :. • Twp k ,25,F_f. In the Matter of.. . ,-csideatsx,-f:e--on_bo,th ................................................. ofFuller <,venuev,here i+Glks do w ex=stbet,heen. _.-...-_.._--,_sides-- ._ Chatsworth Street and Lexington I ............................... ....... ...................... Q: -F No 26666— '. .._........ ...In', the - °eww °p mustrueting cement' the a dflweike elxrfeet wipe oa bo ._... sldea or 1• idler ,Avenue;' where walke. ----.. ....- ... - ......... `do not 'now 'worth street, - betwegn ' +nadel+.Prenint Lexington AQenye ........ -... .......................................... ... ....... .. 'Proved "ADr1T-.24IB ttler E4838 at, 'A PUbno.,be ng .bav!bg been h'e .............. theabnv-0 fWPrbW?n1enL`.nAon; ............................................................................................................... . '-.ry .-..........wry::. r - ander Preliminary Order ..................`48.1$ ----.........._...approved ----..............a I1.1_.4-,-..,1919,,,,,_.,- IntermediaryOrder ........... ...__-_........... ................_..... approved ............._._._............._._.................... --.._........ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is.. .... C.osl.�tt t,c.t..-.ce:n,en.t...t_ile._.s,i ev.. ,lks„-s.i „_f:. et._!^:,ide, on bot49. s.icles_{.f...Full€r- wenue.,._s:. er.e..sulks...do._no.t...no-W exist,- ..._. Jets;.e.en. ..Ck:atS.4:.P.r..S.:... tre`.t...un3_Lexin.Eton.,,�Ye...._..... ..__...._.._......__............ A - ......_ - ......... - ' _. .. . - .................... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. l hI9 1 Adopted by the Council ......... ......_---:..... ...... _, 19 ...... .............................. -- --------------------. �._._r. ... City Clerk. Approved .............. . i Mayor. th Councilm :bss Councilm<k�gpCy S� Council an�T�ConGilmanlien M or Irv= ]iodLs,.n F. B. S. A. 8-7. ,Bt. Paul, Minn„ April 3, 1919. CITY OF ST. DEPA,gTMENT ONCE 1 REPORT OF COMMISS 'R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR-f-ORDER (A) Constructing cement tile sddewalks six feet wide on both sties of In the Matter of -----------—------------- ---- ------------------ ----- --------------------------- ----- Fuller" Avenue, -Fuller•Avenue, where walks do not now exist, between Chatsworth Street and Lexington Avenue. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $------------------------- lineal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $--��--- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 16 4 University Subdivision of 3200 Lots 1-2-3-& 8 Hyde Park Ramsey 15 4 Co. Minn. do 500 14 4 do 500 13 4 do '500 12 4 do 2500 11 4 do 2500 10 4 do 3575 9 4 do 500 16 2 Greven Subdivision. A. 2250 15 2 do 2150 '.. roBK B.B.A. B -B A TOTAL, CITY OF SA DEPARTMENT•ONCE REPORT OF COMMISS R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA ORDER - ASSESSED DE$C RIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 14 2 Oreves Subdivision A. 2550 13 2 do 450 11- " 12 2 do BZ5 10 2 do 1275 9 do 475 16 2 Lindemans Subdivision 375 9 and 10 of Hyde Addition.250 15 2 do 14 do 200 13 2 do 175 12 2 do 150 11 2 do 150 10 2 do 150 9 2 do 150 15 Fyde Perk 2000 1 5 University Subdivision of Lots 575 1-2-3-8 Hyde Park Ramsey Co.,1500 2 5 do 3 5 do 500 4 5 do 2500 5 5 do 500 6 5 do 2650 7 5 do 1975 8 5 . do 475 9 5 do 475 450 do 10 5 _ 11 5 do 425 12 5 do 400 TOTAL. CITY OF 5T. DEPARTMENT NCE REPORT OF COMMISS RF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER - (C) ASSESSED ADDITION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION 13 5 .University SubdiviPion of Lots 400 1-2-3-8 Hyde Park Ramsey Co. Minn. { 14 5 do 375 15 5 do 375 15 5 do 1375 i (1 3 Lindemans Subiivision of Lots 9 and 10 Hyde Park Additicn (2 3 do �3 3 90 52500 - r 4 3 do 5 3 do j S 3 do 450 7 3 do 350 8 3 do 350 16 Hyde Park 4600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 919_ -----`---- 4 ------------- - - —.._... of Finance. ---1 -- Commissioner roRM B.S.A. B-5 C s acs, � ro r/ 1- d W/0—/(- F— v L L E u J a,6 Q acs, � d J 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public RECEIVED o c3 Report to Commissioner of Finance - e - 4 MAY 7 1919 May 6th, _ .......................191.9... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: b The Commissioner of Public Works, Having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24818 April 24th, 9 .............. .................191........., relative to.. .................. oil, known as Council File No ............. .....................approv ...... ..............._.................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk six feet wide on both eid.es -................................................. I ............ _................................. ........................................... ._... .................................. of .Faller Avenne, where walks do not now exist. ............................................................................................................... st, between Chatsworth _._Street.._and.__Lezing..._on......._venn......._............_......................... _..... ................................. _... _............... ............................................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ .... ..... ..... ................... and the total cost thereof is $............... ..................... ........... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; ........................................ .................................................................... _.............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........................................................... _........... ............ _............. _. _ ..............._..................................... _ _....... ...................... 5. Said improvement is....................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. .y.......... Comnrissi nei of Public Works. —a- :-:.................................................•-• •----------------- NY COUNCIL By....... ............ rf G ...........-................. FINAL ORDER In the Matter u.v.ir1...t.u.te.. Stre_e-t...from_ the. northerly line of _St. Lawrence .. Itree+:: incluain4 sewer, water.............. ELs coru...................-- - .......rections . ........ from.sLrs.e.L...m lines. coni lete,._v_he.re__ nct--_already ...... __-.._Wadeal-so...inc' uazn curbing and paving alley and drive'ay ?BBXoacres.where necessary. - ao:aaaer—srs.Arnaw ....................... .............................. cM;tter of jiving State -. the.northBrlVkne.ot-8t eet' to ULaBB atleet, .. 7: ��er, ivateland gee-.- . .............. n m etTSl;ihere a of W lace, where not c --- - under Preliminary Order .....G4B17..... ..... approved ..... 1--7.111 =nee bu 19 .. Intermediary Order .....__ .. _........ _approved .._ ._ . ................. ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- avi _mentto.be made by the said Cityis...._-_-..-�.............................................t!nl State Street from ti:e northerly line _....._..........._......_................. of St. Lawrence Str.et to Ptah Street, including sewer, water and ........................................................... .... ._ .... _...... _.._......._._......_................................. .-............._ U.S...conne_gt.ions from. str et mains to pro_ erty lines coraolete, where .........not...alr..eady...W4d.e,._ l o.. inclucinL_curli na�JYmng alley.,and dr.ivex..y.al?9r'Qaches ain_ere nece:: rY ........................ ........._...... ................... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. t Adopted by. the Council ............ U-44..JL8AKD--- ------ -------- 1191........ 1�M. Approved .................. 11!1J.(..idA-2U._....... .., 191........ Councilm Farnsworth Councilm Goss Councilm Hyl Clancy Councilm Keller Councilm McColl Councilm Wunderlieh Mayor I 7 Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. v✓ City Clerk. Mayor. Of i N. W. PH Rp 431 C ' - WE MAKE CUSTOM FUR COATS, RUGS TANNERS R IMIFRIESSECI3 ROSES, ETC. TANNMS Or .. GENUINE OAK -TAN PIGSKIN STRIPS FOR INNERSOLES, HEELS, COUNTERS, WELTING, ETC. 233 STATE STREET ST. PAUL, MINN.......................... .:r.:f.iMa....�.....i1.'v. x........................181 9 "entlemen cf t'�- Council, Peing ' IIa`le t:, attend to to—c1aye inineti ng _egarciing of ^t-_te street I taken thio mearo to let you krcv; I ain favor of the paving, I am in favcr of "rick or eoncrete. yc." 8 re�:e2�oll-r, on IMMUM CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTS NT OF FINANCE OF 00 �IC� REPORT 1VF1 C?__W NER OF FINANCE • ON pRELENARY ORDER . Paving State street froll the JTortherlY line of St. Lawrence Stre In the Matter of to Utah $treet, under Preliminary Order approved - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Total Total Cost per Kind of raving: per Esti- front Sq. Yd. mete. foot. 32 foot Roadway: 3j" Creosoted Block.... $"4.33 $15,172. 9.81 Brick .................. 3.95 13,841. 8.95 AsphLlt ..... *"*** .... *3.31 11,598. 7.50 ;Isphalt Concrete....... 2.70 9,41,0. 6.12 4 ' 0 Fo(t ro"dv,ay: 3,"Creosoted Block.... 1x4.33 "18,394. ",11.92 Brick .................. 3.t" _i8,780. 10.85 .�SphLlt ................ 3.31 14,061. 9.09 Asphz.lt Concrete....... 2.25 11,470. 7.41 The lots or parcels of land that may be asseso!mcr -benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation oT— I each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Northerly 45 feet of 10 1 retterings and Constans Additic.n to Test St. Paul. Northerly 45 feet of 9 1 do 3975 Northerly 45 feet of T-sterly 8 fe-t of 8 1 do South Easterly 40 ft. of North Westerly 85 feet of 10 1 do South Easterly 40 feet of North Westerly 85 f-ct of do 2675 Westerly 13 feet of South Easterly 40 ft. of North We-terly 85 f-etof 8 1 do South Ea,,.terly 40 f -et of 10 1 do South Easterly 4C feet of 9 do 1450 *SOutherly 40 -feet of Weaterly 8 1 TftAL, of • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CO BSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PR7. MikkRY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Westerly 5 feet of Easterly 32 ft." K,%tterings and Const—a Fest St. Paul. ..of North Pesterly 45 feet of 8 1 -Addition to 975 .Easterly 27 feet of North 7'esterly 85 feet of 8 1 do East 10 feet of southerly feet do 25 o40 1. 7 1 do 950 6 .1 do 3100 Northerly 1/3 of 11 1) do 2700 ,Northerly 1/3 of 12...1 - do do Northerly 2 of southerly 2/3 of 11 1 ) 2900 Northerly z of southerly 2/3 of 12 1 do Easterly 10 feet of scutherly 1/3 of do 775 12 1 Northerly j of southerly 1/3 of 11 11 ) do 775 ;Northerly 2' of southerly 1/3 of 12 1 do (Except ra•;t 10 feet) do Southerly 1/6 of 11 1 775 Southerly 1/6 of 12 1 do (Except East 10 feet) 13 1 do 925 14 1 do 200 15 1 do 200 Northerly 45 feet of 10 2) do Northerly 45 feet Of 9 2 do 4250 Northerly 45 f -et of 8 2 do Easterly 8 ft. Of scutherly 40ft do 25 of Northerly 85 feet of 8 2 Southerly 40 ft. of Northerl'I 85 ft, of Lots 8-9– 10 2 do 1850 (Except Fag-terly 8 f— t) TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COrI$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRrINIIL&ARY ORDER • _____ _ ....... .. ... .. _.. _. _. ._ ASSESSED DESCRIPYION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Southerly 40.fret•of (10 - Ketteringe and Cons ar,e Addition to Test St. Paul- Southerly 4C feet of ( 9 2 do 1850 Southerly 4C feet of ( 6 2 do q 2 do 450 S 2 do 2200 11 2 do 500 12 2 do 250 13 2 do 150 14 2 do 125 15 2 do 125 16 2 do 125 (Except South 15 feet) 1 S. L. Merritts Rearrangement of 1000 10-11-12-13 Block 3, Kettering Lots Coristane Additions to Test South 15 feet of 1 ( and St. Paul. 1000 North 15 feet of 2 do (Except North 15 fe=•t) 2 do 975 3 do 350 4 do 350 5 do 850 9 3 Kitterings and Constans 125 Addition to Fest St. Paul. 8 3 do 125 7 3 do 125 6 3 do 1125 14 3 do 160 15 3 do 100 16 3 do 100 17 3 do 100 ., TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONJ&SfpIONER OF FINANCE ON PR IMI ARY ORDER (B) 12 19 do 1550 DESCRIPTION LOT.BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED' VALUATION Northerly 33 feet of 3 19 Marshalle Addition to 'Rest 1800 Southerly 17 feet of q 1c St. Paul. 2550 . Northerly 16 1/3 feet of 6 19 do 20 Southerly 33 2/3 feet of 6 1 do 1350 do 7 19 do 4000 Northerly of 10 19 30 950 Southerly z 10 19) do 1500 Easterly z of southerly z of 9 19 do 11 19 Marshalls Addition to Fest 3600 do _ St. Paul. 050 TOTAL, .:-:-__ _.::: 4 19 do 5 19 do 1300 8 to do 1450 Northerly of 15 do 950 Northerly 5 ft. of southerly 9 19 do 300 j of westerly i of (Except Northerly 5 ft. 4fdo 7lesterly ) 9 19 southerly 2 of ) 1550 Wi sterly 50 fe-t of 12 19 do (Except Westerly 50 feet) 12 19 do 1550 2 20 do 4300 Northerly 2 of 1 A do 700 Southerly z of 1 20 do 600 3 20 do 500 4 20 x do 1800 Northerly -21 of 5 20 do 2800 Southerly of 5 -0 _do 1150 Northerly 28 fejt of 6 20 do laoa (Except _..Northerly 28 feet) _ _8____20 _ do _ --_- .._.:- TOTAL, .:-:-__ _.::: -•__._ 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMJ&SPIONER OF FINANCE ON PRO&INARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - Mf- Q -- o - Lissioner of Finance. ronin es.w. a -s c _ - DESCRIPtION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 7 20 Marshalls Addition to Test 3100 St. Paul. 1 27 do 2700 2 27 do 2600 1 R. J. Reids Rearrangement of { Lots 3-4--5-6 of Block 27 of 1250 2 Marshalls Additi,n to Test. Saint Paul. 3 do { 950 4 do 5 do 925 6 do 200 7 do 200 8 do 200 9 do � 650 North 2 of 10 do South of 10 do �' 850 11 do 12 do 175 13 do 225 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated - Mf- Q -- o - Lissioner of Finance. ronin es.w. a -s c _ - r St. Pavl, Minn., .�Bx}1....22nd, 1919,191... To the Honorable, The Council, 0 U Cit of St. Paul, Minn. APK L' Y ✓l' M Gentlemen: CDIAJAJ&14! oGutBQ�SS,. " tha undersigned property cwa57s, hereby pei�6&!rg your�Honordb'le 3ouy to cauAe the- folloTing inprovewent to be wade: Pav64uent:— on State Street ........ ............ St Avg St LavPrenc e Utah top fTOII''.......................St. t0 ...................-- _ .....................St. cx n �.. VI %^F. i /,/ -fU � 5rs,•L*,.f'; `� k,•'"r��.�f'� C-.., `.,�, �... „x � r" `� J �y ,�. d`c : `.k':�`..rr - ......... ...... .......... l/.... ....... . elk �D.,... ............................... -Q1.0..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 'J .. .. .. C rt.V: .y{ - 4. Ik: • IPPR 2 5 1990 r (IIi2f►1. Paul OSCAR CLAUSSEn, Csi.. EnoiHEfny �P}iallalPat ofq(T1iIgiliq ......... M. N. GOSS, COMMISSIONER J. E. CARROLL. SOPrcrov wvO n.Pwinf R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY AL ReD 1^1 *1 H�s„rn Un.Au y. awnnwrorioM y n. . CoerzlncER, soPr. M. 9.....AU .1 ......n'ova HERROLD'OrPoce Evoiv.cw ' St. Paul, Minnesota. May 1, 1919. Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost of paving State Street from northerly line of St.Law- rence Street to Utah Street,inoluding sewer,water and gas connections from street mains to property lines oomplete,where not already made, also including curb- ing and paving alley and driveway approachas,where neoessary,in accordance with Council File No.24817, . approved April 24, 1919. -----_----- Length 913 at.WidthgStreet 60 ft.Paving Area 3504 Sq.Yds g o��,dd��eeay32 t.Front 1546 ft. AssaeBsbls�Froutge.1,546. feet. Add 65¢ per frontt foot for cement curb or $1.10 for stone:. Add $60.00 for sewer connections and $32.00 for water connection - where necessary. Total Total Cost per Kind of Paving: per Sq.Yd. Esti- - mate. front foot. 32 foot roadwayL W" Creosoted Block.... $4.33 $15,172. $9.81 Brick .................. 3.95 13,841. 8.95 Asphalt ................ 3.31 11;598. 7.50 Asphalt Concrete....... 2.70 9.460. 6.12 40 foot roadway* Creosoted Block.... $4.33 $18,394. $11.92 r" Brick 3.95 18,780. 10.85 .................. Asphalt ................ 3.31 14.061. 9.09 Asphalt Concrete....... 2.25 _ _]J ..470. 7.41 Yours verr�yj truly, l� • Com- WES/C Chief Engineer. 5y Office of the Commissioner of Public. Works R BtvE© 0 c3 w Report to Commissioner of Finance _ e'.,, ,,,•4Pz MAY 2 1919 WY 2nd, 9 ............ .............................. 191_ ..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24817approved..........APri1.... 24th,..................1919....., relative to.............................. cil, known as Council File No ..... ............................... paving State Street from northerly line of St. Lawrenoe Street . ....... _.._................. _... _.._....... _.......... _.............. ........................ _................... .._................................................................................................ _.-.......... ................................................ I............ to Uthh street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .............. ..........necessary and (or) desirable. `L. The estimated cost thereof is $........_g........, and the total cost thereof is $ ............... g ............... , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -.. ............. ..._...._......_.........__..._.._..................................._........................._......... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ........ ......... ........... ........... ........ _._..._........... ............. ........ .............. _.................. ............................... _........................... .................................. ................................................ ._..... 5. Said improvement is._ ................ _.......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Comniiisio r of Public Works. 2 dsi Tri; t .! 9 /-. r ' � U`fe"v' uatstEet - fioatta �t� _ �' ��� ttene for tha 9eJ1 ePeoifte tastllgsot re Pectiv9. hsal 4 cOUNUIL NO FJ .LXfa•. /^'�T*.r,�.to ,� det,6lteed ;86 64meat �5� tM FILE i�U�i�Ca6�" are t �'aAu�C el B� Pooki comP�nY3`^/" / 1.1 .. i v O Iglppepnard;r Z4fia ee ,a�s 148'tA ' John B�aYR I .... � 1: &htoiY rhVs4Y� 31'A4II4 h � ... .. .. ehonyeU,:M<"40}6 ri fi44 1 y UL B hy the CA}Ia✓:tl �II!'�' },�29� t.IT C')N�vC+-✓ LLGR AU I ED .-..-... �pdP),RPi•;o pd 7a1YI J51199}8) z.;`+eJ t, ...... ............................................TITLE M1n o p t�4 Y l y c he City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of.the Resolved that warrants be drawn upon t persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Adopted by the Council........ ...... FHodgson r, ........ ..... ._. .... MAYOR --- -- - 'Mr. Pr .tftq8 K. F. Dreher, C. Flanagan, C.A. 1*1,MGreat Lakes Coal &&Dock Company, }a*q4 Dean Gregg, P7, 14'x% P. J. Leonard, 12TTS W. F. Peet, WeAe" it m John Sohyf, W 1=M J. L. Shiely COmPamr ��. 1$1491 Shotwell mfg.'company, T6iaf'� ('79797 . N 418.33 4 67 .17 Vital St istios O '1tC��+,h11tA;L deiee AU 'tlatlbsrderabroaaT�s'eeE (�(��°�� reBpeC a "tie ne bi7aC1fl9 E S'iOCy COUNCIL a ' .eFORM FILE No............. _ top !n defattedLbtbm nC ±'` FB.rne-.41 1 0C ger oL b' at hCe;_ 8 V 1/ �• 8 p gg £warfk Comb o'E'3`peaoet� 0 Tuber osis Div. 8 A,,Farnbtdarth domr of Slhonce AUDI dX.SnGwarth C'n-W4,71danca,,����/ i B i�ei7lewortlt C,Qmyr Ofr.F7n6nCa y/y'q MPTROLLER '8 A'tirnevJoktp G'o�18+\!psnce Lab ratory TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: persons, t V 1 Councilme V �111Yeas ays "� �� Adopted by t ounclL.._.__...`.....-._.._.._......__......_........_.....-- Clancy . 3 Farnsworfavor rove ......__...__........_....._.........__.._..._._................. Goss er ............................................................_. . ................. MAYOR 11 RGuadoriieh President, Hodgson 191A2 S, A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance :,2193. S. A. Farnsworth, C�omffr. of Finance P jeW S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr. of Finance y,pyga S. A. Farnsworth, Com're of Finance Pota°rm 19496t•S A Farnsworth Comir. of Finance • '� Adm. 418.33 Health -A 67 .17 Vital St istios 17 .00 Dairy p. 49 .00 Sanita on Insp. 8 .50 Tuber osis Div. 472 50 Dale t. Infrmy 86 25 Lab ratory 152 50 P Baths 1,076 63 . Comfort Station 132 50 unit. Gar. Revl. 778 75 S. A. Farnsworth, Comir. of Finance 419k"Ks To 6 275.00 19,088.20 31,448.33 1,295.00 5,304.13 4,148.40 By L e ij Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, Costs a'1` expenses for oorstructing Gravel Walks on ','ounce Boulevard between F. Seventh St, and Clermont St, under Preliminary Order....._._......_10534__,,....................... .._____......____, Intermediary Order ..._........_ ...112C3 .. Final Order ... ............ X17.21....__......_......._......._. ..... ., approved ......__ July .._24th _......__....._.__....-, 191_6..... The assessment of ....._b.enefit-s., _..e..o..G.t.s....anSjE.Xp L1.8.e. e..__ .......... ._.___..for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the._ .......... 2.8—th.... _...... day of �APPROv,NG A99E99MENTH Jllly.... .._.., 191 9....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ourt . .... -- . ._ C. F:. No 26670— Absrract. In the matte -.ot the assessment: House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Com beneats c eta �dwgt�ce°Bon 4Moi`e of strutting* g5 .Boulevard. .between ' Eaet 9ev: said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the iii ,itre tand 'cie m.lo6sst 'nature 'ars Order_ 11203, Fine, p+- of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed age JR th'iufAi lots Z&e particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ..._........_'... --_..._._........-_......_._.._-.........__._..I . ___. Approved ............ _......... .......... _..^.._.......... .......... ............i9.. Councilman Clancy erk. yor. Mc oll v +l u erlich _ Mayor Hodgson MAN" Form B. B. 16 N RESOLUTION I LUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING . TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ope.ni�, iy idening a., id_ ( a z t- e ndi I 19 Lo -=t QUr.V.P,­Bnu2.e.vard..1 o zi...-a.:Ldth -of a:L9ht-.Y taCL) f eet..bet:,men Ramdol-pb.—Street and Jef f araon..Awenuej, by ext.ending-said Bo.ulavard—ous now -laid out aaras-S Tbda.-171 En ta c.onnaat jjjth..z P Jd Boulevar.d a -s n-017 j_2_jd cLut !a.-Hawthorme 0Lo.od .................................. ............. ............................... ..... ......................................................................................-- under Preliminary Order ........... approved .-I.,ax.9 Intermediary Order 2AZ9 Q.9 approved MaY LynC 111N( DINGS OND—) 25671 ldeniiir, _,,4j.g_M.U,jt CUI ve W The Commissioner or Finance having submitted his rel`d.'I'i',�O;strf.�",ty (BoTfe.VT­e�as to the amount of ut.­ damages awarded for the, 4king of the land or easements ther6iz L;4;ropriai4 for' the above improvement and to whom payable; ang also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of J said improvement, therefolt be it Resolved, That the, said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved, Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ------_------ - 25th : day of ............. . Tuly ---------- ------------ at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ............ . ..... ................. ................... .. ................... ... .. .. .....�..7.... .../...... ....... ' ......... .......a....t..y....0 Approvec----------------­---.... ......... #..1......... .. Alayor. C o unci lm an aarsns aw orh Couneilman ellCouncilman C lancy Councilman ell CCoune,4MayorI 'Hodgson C L) 256q2 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. bb In the matter of tak.11AZ a W f alopea,—for auts and MIR In—gCading the nvxth—a-aa OvAl LI.I.Q-Y ... lu Ham,axd Park Additloa_........................................... ................................................................................. . ........... . .... under Preliminary Order approved Intermediary Order....2493I approved Maj! 11 1919 RE90LIITION OF dab*cms E --A", Z.F1 75, 10=11� —WT0NJ*6GRE1)1,,— amount of The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his repot damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements there eseemonE improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefittoproperty from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the .............. S,8111 ........... day of ......... J.11.1y ............................191_...9.., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council, .............. .................... ........... ....... .................. . .. ... ... .. .... Ci Clerk. Approvec ............ .......... ......._........•.....--..........-•............. ........... ................................ Mayor. --------- .. .. ....... * . .... 1�� . ............. .......... .... Councilman arnsworth Councilman oss Couneffinifn Clancy Councilm ]Keller C c un 0 C der1liel H Ho g, s 7 -Mayor odon pp— �� p �J Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. • for to the matter of the assessment of benefit e, co and expenses _ constructing Cement Steps on Hounds Boulevard between E. Seventh St". and Clermont St. under Preliminary Order ............ 1053.4 ................._--- .......... , Intermediary Order ...........11203 Final Order ...... .......... 1172 ............... ....._................. . approved ........__Jul_y.._24th............... ...._.............-, 191_Fz_.. The assessment of .... ..........._b.ane.f.i."t.6.,--c.o.8t.a-...and.... expense.8.................. .for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered 'same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said "assessment on the. ?8 t)! ............ . ..... day of _ ... July ._..... _,_ 191._1..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A Mh%dthme Cate aoLe pt pQe n the Court No: 26673 House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the notice of said meeting, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice ` e�ouevid Clermont st�reeti sthe nature �treOY and prd r SP6SL 'of the the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessd +rt en �13oa Ftne'" "•u" q F �.:, ,�..,esuf the particular �tct owner to whom the notice is directed. Adoptedby the Council............................................................... . --- .... .... 191..._........ Approved ............ ---------------- ----- _..._..._...._..._._.... Councilman Fame orth Gose 4 Clancy Ke er Mayor rxinx C] ancy Form B. B. 19 I _...._........__..._ _ _ _.._ �17u L City Clerk. — 191...._._ a _ .................. ...... _......_....._..................... ... _..__W ayor. C, �, o , 25674 f CflERi�i� rrr F �.Tn � '. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.._CanatruP,.ur►g..cemsnt._-t.� e---�.�aeet.�� ks..mix..Yes.t...w.isle---nn._both sides of McKinley Avenue from Lake Como Phalen Avenue to Frankson , ............................. -............................................................................................. _:Avenue_-,and-_on--both-_aides .of _F..... n Avenue from McKinley _Avenue to amkine Avenue • except--where---good an sufficient..-aidewalks•_now--exist. y �C+iu¢eatt c �1 °yFms ----- ---- ----• ----...I....................................................... f under Preliminary Order ----..-_25011..................... ... appf �o�� � r� . Intermediary Order..............................................................aPPmved : - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due noticeand the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.......C-onetS'.lift...C.emelt.._til9...Eidawal.ks..-aix.. Peet .wide...on._both..sides...af...Nlcii.1DIAty Avenue- ... frpm Lotk@.:_Cc2mA._PXta�@kt,=-.1xt'zttie.._tQ Eranksan..Auenua,..and.._tzn...bQ.tkt..s.i,des-.of'-_Franiiso�-.{t.Y.enuQ:_fl'om :MC,Kin�.ay.:.::.... :;gve�u� to Hamline._t�venue.--_except-_where.•�ood_and-:suff icient__sidewa�ks-- mQ$-t-'----------------------------------------------------------------- -. -- .............................. ------------------ .................- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby. authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council..... .. .... . .............. .. V _ . i.. . n ................ ..... .... . X . .. City Clerk/""' Approved.- � .......... . 1�..... " v Mayor. Councilma YYL�ss Councilman lancy ,��s11touncilmanKell or Mayo o son O Form S A.8-7 CIT'{ F .PAUL DEPART FINANCE fa REPORT OF COM tSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Construct cement the sidewalks six feet wide on both sides_ lnthe Matter of of Mt;Kinley Avenue from Lake COMO Phalen Avenue to Frankson Avenue and on both sides of Frankson Avenue from McKinley Avenue to Hamline Avenue_ under Preliminary Order approved ---- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - �— ---- $ .70 11 The estimated cost p4ljM for the above improvement is - - ' The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED I� LOT BLOCK DESCRIPTION ADDITION VALUATION - 30 15!. Frank6one COmo Park Addition. 300 I �'300 29 15, do ill 28 15', do 300 27 15' do 300 261 15,. do 300 f�2-51 151 do 300 II 24 15, do 300 23': 15 do 300 22 15 do 300 211 15 300 ;I � TOTAL, FORM O. B.A. !-DA CITY OF ST. PAUL -DEPARJM NlOF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED =r"-- DESCRIPTION LOT rBLOGKI ADDITION VALUATION 20 15'. Franksons Como Park nddi:tion. 275 l 19 15 do 250 I; 18 15 do 225 17 15 do 175 16 15' do 325 15 15' do 325 _11 1 1 14� do 300 it 2 14'; do 300 j.. 1 3 14 do 300 -- ; 4 14 do 300 5 14 do 2550 6 14 do 300 7 14' do 325 li 8 14 do 3175 II 9 141 do 325 10 14' do 2700 11 14 do 375 12 141 do 375 I' 13 14 d0 375 _. II 14' 14 do 375 jl 15 14 do 375 16 do 375, 375 �- 17 14 do 400 y 20 16, do 550. %! 19 16' do 4025 21 17 ' do 425 �! �I 20 17 -- do---------- O ---- rno - --,.-600 — ------ 1 TOTAL. it CITY OF sT. PAUL OEPAR;P fNj OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—...... ----191z� i. ..--......... ---- -- Commissioner of Finance. IOPM l.O.A..•6 C •.� ! ASSESSED DES �RIPTION I LOT iBLOCK ADDITION iii VALUATION ` 16: 18'; Franksons Como Park Ad4Ation,550 15 18 do �, 5050 14 ' 18 '. do 550 13 18111 do 550 12 18 do 550 � I 11 1 18 do 550 101 18; do 450 i 9 � 181 do 450 181 do 450 j. i 71 18 do 450 6 18 do 400' 5 18 do 400 i 4' 181 do 400 3' 16 do 400 21 18I do 400 u I 1' 18' j I do 575 i, The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—...... ----191z� i. ..--......... ---- -- Commissioner of Finance. IOPM l.O.A..•6 C 1 MAYN.- i91S �r s St. Paul, Minn., ........ 191 To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the followin /in ovement to be,_xn ...VW. Ave. IRW Ave. to . .... ... . *W. Ave. V ..�1.. .......... ..g .,�,/ . ...................... I�i�Z°6rc" .......................... .. .... .. . ............� MAY -1. 01919..x ..... .. .... ....................... DU3EAU OF EK INEr''>:.... ,...... .......................... .......... I ............................ �� ....� ......................... ...................UtJ- 16 -1 'CL w x MAY1919 �.......�._... _ ... BUEiU'. . .. .................... . . 71 CE[VE1T Offtce of the Commissioner of Public Wo&Fr P F E .. lo._ � -3 Report to Commissioner of Finance ,�� SS ori eft OF c MAY 19 1919 May 19th, .................................... 1919.... ................... ........... -...... . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul • The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couu- 26011 1May 7th, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..... _......... ..................... approved.................. .. ............ .......................191........., relative to ................... _......... constructing a cement tile sidewalk , six feet wide, on both aides of --- ........ _................. _.... _.._............... _............... ..................................................... _............................................ ................................ of McKinley Avenue from Lake Como Phalen Avenue to Frankson Avenue, &rid tin I 6t'h shies of ytis .dh gderine from MoKiriTey Avenue...tfo........................_. ............. HemlineAvenue........................._..................._..........._....... ..................................................................................................................................................._..................................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..................... _.necessary and (or) desirable. 70V per lineal foot 1. The estimated cost thereof is $--- ------ .........._. ........... and the total cost thereof is $ ............................. ...... _........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................................. ............................ ..._......._.................................... ....... ............................................................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . ...... .............. ......... ...... .......... ......... ......... ........... ...... ...... ................................_..................................... ............................................................................ .................................... 5. Said improvement is_ ......... ................. for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject . . to assessment for said improvement. .................... _ .................. _ .. Commissi ie of Public Works. , 0 ,T- � ►. ^ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..._ onstPu9.t..a....G.ement..._t.1J_0---.s.7tiawal]�,•--six..Y.eet---wdl-e-,-..an...the West ...aide ...of...Pnatilda...Ave.nua-fr-om..A1i ve.r--Str-eeL --to---Gena-njum--Sti-ee-t;---------- exceot where good- and sufficient sidewalks sidewalks_-,now-_exi t,-_ .............................................. under Preliminary Order ........... .2492.4 ................... .... approvedpf'1, r tTj..------....May 2.y IntermediaryOrder------------------------------------------------------------ approved -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Construct a cement...tile-__sidew.4_1-k.:_........ improvement to be made by the said City is............._........-- six_feet.--wide.,---on-.,the-.-YJest.-side-..of-,t ti]da... Y.exlue...from..f.1iver...Strae.t---- toGeranium_atr.eat,...exc.ep-t...wher-e-..jaod...and.-sulfide-n-t..side-walks now ... ex -is t. ---------------------------....----------.............------------.....-------...._...-------- .. - ............................ ----------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th7ith. Adopted by the Council.......... -:.................................... , 1 ... _ J ..------------/,?- .._ City Clerk. Approved............... -..x. -..-- ............ ........, -lk" ------- Councilman Gos ncihnan ler ncy Councilman eller derikk c5 7Mayoodgson For8-7 r Mayor. CITY OF 5T. PAUL c DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM4SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREI-IiNRNARY ORDER Inthe Mat' tero�...._ Oonstruet...a,__ce�ent-_tile.._sidewalk,,......i,.--.e.e.t..W.ide.,....p.n....the._.1�esL....._.....— side of• Pdatilda_Avenue-_ from Oliver S-treet--to_,Ge-Ianium._$,tr��_t...._._................._._—_------•--.- under Preliminary Order approved ... ..... ........_...... -- ......... ........ _._ ... _..... .... _.........-.........................................................._....-- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ ..... - ..... -- .... - ----- The estimated cost Wlfor the above improvement is - - - - - �..........__•. j.Q.........._......._ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follawsr ASSESSED - DESCRIPTION LOTBLOCKADDITION VALUATION 9 .16 Auerbach and Hands Addition 325 8 16 do 250 7 16 do 175 6 16 do 175 i 5 16 do 175 4 16 do 1475 3 16 do 1475 2 16 do 975 1 16 do 1326 TOTAL, The Commissioner of Finance furthur reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated...........%.._G. ...... Commissioner ...._".T.�._- ......................... ..._....._.. Commissioner of Finance. 0 St , I'sul . Yinn. , ....197 To the Honorable, Ta„ COU._loil, City of St. psu , MITM, Gentlemen .rle th . unri,�rsi,mled ?roper 07,ie3:e, hereby petition your ionorable 3n�f7 �o caaa, the fcllo:viag iLProveraent to be made: '4t. AvQ. from ' . ....... St. tea. to .. .. . ................... .., ..� .... .�j../.�...G ... �: ✓ . • , i , °��� , x . ®. .. ... ... .1........ ......... . V � ~ . ......T.... //24 ........ ..................�j..... ....... ......................... .. ................ ....�.......................... . I.......................... ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . r.......�.......................... ............ I .......... ...... r, ^ ' L ...... ........... ( J . . . .. ...%7 .......9 ................. ........ .. Y ..X....- .. y Office of the Comniiss� oner of Public Wor iCEI �PRNgW0 Report to Commissioner of Finance W a /3S Uri R`0 \ MAY 19 1919 may 19th, 9 ..................191.. _- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24924 may let, 9 cil, known as Council File No ..................................... approved ................................ - ........................................ 191.......... relative to..........._......_......... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west aide ... ................... ._..........................._............................................................................................._................................._................................................................................................................... of Matilda Avenue from Oliver Street to Geranium Street. ........................................................ .......................................... ...._............................. ...... ............................................. ....................... _.......... ............................ ........................... ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.... .... __.......... necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ... ....... ..................... _. and the total coat thereof is $.:................ ............... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ......... .................... --................ ......._._................_........................ _................. .._.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. b. Said improvement is .............................. _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commisai .......... ......................................._...,n.................................................._... ner f Public Works. COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. �- L77 �0 , FINAL ORDER In the Matter of..-...Gans.tract...a.eraent...tAle....s dei alk,...six..€.e.e.t...wide.,...An....the- w.es.L..side...-of...Wo-atrasa...AYentie...fr0ra-Aarshall.-Avenue...tQ.-Laural..Aven11je and on the east side of P.ontrose Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Laurel- _Avenue, - .-............._............................ .................... ard__on_East_-side of Otis Ave, fromMarshal1dawe. to under Preliminary Order---------------------- 4970-------.-----. Intermediary Order........................ approved ------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.Ccnstructcementti],e.--sid.�Y1l..k.i...;r-lx..f..e.e.t -wide-r---on---west---s.ide-._af_t Q.—rp o-atrveztue...f.r_Qm...Idarsh.all-.Ayenue---tD-JAurel... avenue-..and...on.,_the.-,east---side.--of-_Montrose-_Avenue.._1.from.-Dayton.-. venue.._tg Laurel..Avenue.,...and-..on....the ....eas.t...aide...o.f....0.tis----L-yenue...from..Marshal.l--- ve.. -Eo---L,aereh�Ave— except---u-he re-_.F-o0f f4-- and-- suI.Q_1 int.._gldew.aLks-.:nav¢...exist. -..... -- ..................................I..............__.................-................ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed __.-and. directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- -t,cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..__...._......................................, ...... Ij )' 0..m--�' City Clerk. Approved....................................................... .... ......... ......� �--- Mayor. unci an Farnsw th Councilman Goss Councilman Cl cy Councilman er Form ]i4: -S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT O INANCE 115 1PORT OF CgMMj ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Constructing cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west In the Matter of --- - -- ----- --- - - ----- -- - - -- ---- -- --- side of Montrose Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Laurel Avenue and on the -- --------- east side of Montrose Avenue from Dayton Avenue to.Laurel Avenue, and on the east side of Otis Avcnue from Marshall -ve. to Laurel Avenue. ..................... ..- under Preliminary Order approved ------------------ - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $—---------------- $ .70 The estimated cost per footeeoi the above improvement is - - - - -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 21 47 Desnoyer Park 2100 20 47 do 1000 19 47 do 400 18 47 do 900 17 47 do 3900 900 16 47 do 15 47 do 900 14 47 do 6300 13 47 do 900 12 47 do 975 FORM B.B.A. 0-S A fie .:..:. ......... _ - .... TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF F NANCE p_ REPORT OF COMMIS S 'ER OF FINANCE ON PRftLIMIRIf Y ORDER ASSESSED u LOT BLOCK ADDITION - VALUATION DESCRIPTION 23 59 Desnoyer Park 425 2,,-, 59 do 600 21 59 do 600 20 59 do 600 19 59 do 600 18 59 do 600 17 59 do 600 16 59 do 600 15 59 do 600 14 59 do 600 t 13 59 do 600 12 59 do 450 1 58 do 1000 2 58 do 600 3 58 do 600 - 4 58 do 600 5 58 do 600 6 58 do 600 - 7 58 do 600 8 58 do 1000 g 58 do 600 10 58 do 600 11 58 do 650 1 47 do 1200 2 47 do 1000 (Except South 16 2/10 feet)3 47 do 550 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS�ER OF FINANCE ON PRELANARY ORDER ASSESSED D.E S C R I P T I O N LOT BLOCKADDITION VALUATION South 16 2/10 feet of 3 47 Desnoyer Park 550 4 47 do 5 47 do 750 6 47 do 750 7 47 do 950 8 47 do 750 9 47 do 750 10 47 do 750 11 47 do 800 1 .59 do 325 2 59 do 600 3 59 do 600 4 59 do 600 5 .59 do 600 6 59 do 600 7 .59 do 600 8 59 do 600 9 59 do 600 .10 .59 do 600 11 59 do 550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public /Works. Dated ---- . ---�i.I�--- .L:-- �-r� - --------------------- --------------- - -- 191. -/ ----- Commissioner of Finance. ronM es.w. a -e c _ z y� m ::... G 7 T, R 6 _ 9 j." �� �i✓o. 24 9 �D a m /y v� 9' 17 k L Z-1 j." St. Paul, Minnesota. April 19, 1919. Honorable City Council, City of Saint Paul, Gentlemen: - We,, the undersigned property owners, owning property fronting upon the streets hereinafter mentioned and affected by the improvements requested, do respectfully, petition that your honorable body order and cause to be constructed sidewalks on the west side of Montrose Avenue from Marshall to Laurel, and on the east side of Montrose Avenue from Dayton to Laurel, and the east side of Otis Avenue from Marshall to Laurel. Respectfully submitted, Lot Block Desnoyer-Pais Add. 9 J1 '17 � y s/ i_ • a Alf9 4° n a 1 �!• /8 6os�l A/ ( 211, MAY 6 ?919 ?�TmrIT -J . 1-2 R, 1 VA. i� \� ;Office of the Com ss�oner of Public WAs f EF, NS , i o w 10' Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 19 1919 May 19th,, 9 791....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- May 3rd ................................1x1..9.., relative to............................. .... eil, known as Council File No._24970 ...............approved......._.__..................... constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, on the west aide ................................._........................ .............................................................................. of Montrose Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Laurel Avenue, and on t e. .............. .......................................................................................... ........................ ................... I........ east aide of Montrose Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Laurel Avenne, an ._ ........................................ ... ..... ...................................................................... . on east aide of Otis Avenue from 1aa,rahall Avenue to Laure venue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ...................... ilgaper 1 9bI 81eB1IOo'� `L. The estimated cost thereof is $_ ....... .... ..................... _. and the total cost thereof is $ .... ........ ........................ ._I......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of,said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .............................._.................................... It.......... _. I ................ :......................... 4. ... ..................._........_.....70� per lineal foot 5. Said improvement is_ .... ..... .__ ..................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commiss' ner of Publie Wor B FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ----------- Construct.,.cement,-.tile.--sidewalk.+.-.six-_feet_-,wide-,....�xl... front ._sidewalks... now ...exis.t-------------- -- „.. ....... ....... _ _. iavlaB�tie �enE.n under Preliminary Order .__..........2.49.7..4.............. ...approved .... May ..3.,- 1. h3,4U............... ......... n�,6i4 Intermediary Order .._.----_._......._...._. _...._approved ....... ....-. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Cou4il of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City -is.....Gans.trac.t... cement ._tile ...aidew.alk.,...aix..f.eet...w.ide., i1}...fr4)nt..Of....10ts.-KO.s....49.,.20. _4nr12E.,-.on... the _.nor.th...s.ide...of...S-elby..nvenue fxplq..jarlboro--Avcnue._.tq_-.Cretin Avenue, except where good and sufficient si d ew.a lks... now ......................................... . _.................................. I .............. _ ......... _.............._... ........._.............._......_...._......._......__...__._....................._......._................................---------- - .................- -------- ....................... ................ _.............. ......................... .......... ........................ ---- ................_. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work"e and is hereby instructed and directed - to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...........'..::'.... rYu�..:.. _`. ......................... . City Clerk. Approved .......... :. .:......_.'_ ..........., ...................... Mayor. Councilman Fa 4.A. ( fancy _ lei- Ma er _ J/ odgson Fo CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r/ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � ✓f b ON kEI-IMINARY ORDER / In the Matte; of.._.._ Con strue-t-i-ng...cerae.nL...#i-le-.side a.1.k.,._.s.ix....#ee-L-...w.ide.y...fin--€ront-o€........ _...... _ Lots_Nos. 19-L-_20--_send 221 onthe north--side-_of _Selby-_Avenue--_from.••.jriu>'-�.ppL52_...__.___ Avenueto CretinAvenue. _.._............_...............-_........... _._....._.......... _.....--............... ........... _._..._.. _........... _.. _..... _............................................ _ ...........--- — underPreliminary Order approved........... ......... _......__................ ....... ._......_._ ._. ............... ........... -_....... ........ .._.................... ...... ...... ....... -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - ... ..... _ ..... - .. lineal The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $........ .•..-- --...r. -S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follovm DESCRIPTION LOT atOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 19 56 Desnoyer Park 600 20 .56 do 550 22 56 do 600 TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.' �o Doted....._..<>��... ` ........._.. Commissioner of Finance. v 1 ,F -. -, � f` � r � � . _ ._ _-- _.__ d-P� - � // �/' j j �z �� ` // F �' � i � �/- ��f� � r )g St, Patil, Minn . , ..... ! To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: VJe, the undersigned property ovmers, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the folloVir_g improvement to be made: ,sa..o-.,� ...... ....... at-. Ave. from ................. J...... Ave. to . St. Ave. N A M E LOT BLOCK z... �. ........................ ��s� b76.1 ......................... �....................... . s ./.: -. .. • . G.: ..................... ...'.. ................��� 1�� ''� ........ ..... ... j¢( SAY , L i� ....p.. YY.......... ........... ;;..•.....X.......................... ............................x..... A- yY ��(....... YN...-....... xR......................... ............................Y. ...x x ..... .......9.....Y.......9.......................... yyy .. RECEIVED ' Office of the Commissioner .of Public Works F ut; c �i0 w Report to Commissioner of Finance. MAY 19 1919 May 19th, 9 ...................................... 191...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- 24974 May 3rd, 9 cil, known as Council File No .......... _......................... approved.. .... ........................................................... .........191.......... relative to ........... __.............. constructing a cement tile sidewalk, six feet wide, in front of ....... _........ _............... ......... .... _......_......_......... ................................................................... _....................... .............................................................................. _...... .........._.........................._ lots f19, 20 and 22, on the north side of Selby Avenue from ............. _................ _._........................................... _...... .... ......._..._................................................. _................................. ............. ...... _................ .................... _............ ........... _......... .............. Marlboro Avenue to Cretin Avenue. ............... _._.............. _.......... _... _............................... ..._.................................................................................................. ............................. .......................... ......................................................... find having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. 70� per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.. ................... _............ and the total cost thereof is $ ....................... _....................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ...... _............ .... . ...... .-... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4........................................................................_._........................_......._....__........................_:.......................................................................................................................... 5. Said improvement is._ .... .......................... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _..................................... C......... _................. ........._........................................... ommis. ouer f Public W ka. Co ------ -------------------------- - - - - ----------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of . s... R _.paying lglehazt Av --fr.am Waba-Blia i -Ce including sewer, rater and gas connections from street mins to pr.arLe-r.tv...lines..."nyl.at-9 y&je.r.e n o.t alrea-dy mcle R.I.s.o.-including paving of alley and driveway approaches and -constructing curbing .............. / .............. ...................................................................... -Z -- .......... -- ............... . ....... .. . ......... 26, _J.9 under Prelimina ...... ... . ry Order 10U Intermediary Order ............... ... ... . ....... .. ..... ....... aroved .4 .............. --------- - ---- - --- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature,,rjtent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is Fave.Jgl.shart Av.e... _fr.om.. ba-sha including sewer ' miller and gas connections from street mains to property linaa...C.omplete... where not. already. zmd-e al.so-Anol-uding paying of alley and dr ewa a ,pprr d �Cesa4ntogntuct ' g curbing where (_ .. ��� - .... 6.".. nC.e.sBa . .......... . ..... L.0 . .... ...... ........ �4 . ------------- ---- - -- --- . .... . ..... .... ... ..... .... . --- ........................................................ ........................... ................. .................................................................................. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making ewith of said improvement IL accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ....... - - ------ - Approved ._.../,_........._....._...........................29d....... Council- 'os" Cc.. 'il Hyl..d 7 Council an Keller 0@ffffMrfflTff-N"@e6 Co ��h M r linin Form S. A. 8-7. Inn, MHHHHi1M I111 IIYBd RNWIT 7W -1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM 0 ,M�SIONER F FINANCE 'NARY ORDER DER In the Matter,ofy.gy-44ii.47 '4 ';:P". – -Jr- 1',IV4 W. -W. .................. . . . ........ f Incluiiirig " 16 r 06,1 81 7.'14 Excludlrlg ' ' -'jjj& _4 6, 3" Creoeated :Black , Excluding' Z2- - Inc14*523 77 5 -x� 2 4IF, -11 ? Ineludng 11,850 23 ExcludingAaplialt Jt" '0 c.,�-,concrete 1 7- AS :d` 168 ca dam XeI d'U1,i nj - ' '4 2:71 A I-Yid1udin'g� 17 6 . . . . . . . . 8bna`7 ExaludirigIf 7;230 60 21 IncU'd -Th. estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ ........... . ...... The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each l6f or, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ILOT PLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION d,j- L /12 12- J 0 44 711r144 -7r- 1 .7 c) ..7 7 70 AjZed- 30 TOT� ---d,TY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FtREl NINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ VALUATION .. _ tip f` � �'yl�htfli2tJ C�fQCr-i/ids `l/,'LJ�U. TOTAL, . CITY OFST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON ARdLNINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION T, P'q "- > 1aI L 17 J`— � Q�d C7✓_U p y// !/ ) C/ a o a C�7 / s ,G c /.L..Z- TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- l/f r -------- ---191-- _>,. :.1��.. �'�t<.eLtC,/.✓ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 9.5 C CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .. •" - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE -. ON PF ELIIANARY ORDER D E SC R fl- T I ON LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • L � / dd 7�zJ_ 7 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated--- l/f r -------- ---191-- _>,. :.1��.. �'�t<.eLtC,/.✓ Commissioner of Finance. FORM B.S.A. 9.5 C Office . of the GorArdssioner of Public Works pgntmuuj of Public Porks oe Aa OLAu.sEx. CHi Ery cin eeR M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER O ...... o. Exaix EE.v R. T. GOURLEY. UE -1 e. c ROu . er cow.T.Gcnon .no Rv... AL.aS-..-.—Al— - St. Paul, Minn. Mar H. GOETIIROER..u.T. OFlo. 22, 1917. M. GRYTBA.. E.1111E.'O'• G. H. HERROLO`OFFICE Ervairy ee. Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Iglehart Ave. from Nabasha St. to Rice at. in accordance with Council File #14555, approved Jan. 26, 1917 Assessable frontage 2,251 ft. KIND OF PAVING 1 APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE (COST PER FRONT 1 1 FOOT Granite Excluding intersections 15,626.13 $6.94 Including IS 16,061.81 7.14 Sandstone Excluding ^ 13,778.31. 6.12 Including ^ ^ 141162.47 12,573;21 6.29 5.59 3-�" Creosoted Block Excluding Including ^ 12,923.77 5.74 Brick Excluding ^ 11,528.79 5.12 Including ^ 110850.23 5.27 Asphalt Excluding ^ 10,002.33 4.45 Including ^ 10,281.21 4.58 Asphalt Concrete Excluding ^ 8,435.70 3.75 Including ^ 8,670.90 3.85 Asphalt Macadam Excluding ^ 6,949.41 3.09 Including ^ 7,143.17 3.18 Macadam Excluding IS 6,105.84 2.71 Including ^ 6,276.08 2.79 Concrete Excluding ^ 7,230.60 3.21 Including ^ 71432.20 3.30 Where house service connections are not in, add to cost of each lot; For sewer, ei er side of street $27.90 For water, 3^ N. Bide of street 21.00 For water, 3�4" S. side of street 35.00 For gas, N. side of street 11.00 For gas, S. side of street 5.50 Yours very truly, JEC%M. Chief Engineer 0 v CAPITALS SURPLUS S 1.100.000 NORTITWESTERN TRUST 00111 1VY AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: GEORGE P. FLANNERY,- - - LOUISW. HILL JOHN JO. TPOOMEY, - - •..... RENSLOW P.SHERER, EVERETT H.BAILEY , JOHN J.TOOMEY - MW. L. WALLGREN, - - - CYRUS P. BROWN UGH W. M —TI N,Awiw..�s.c GEORGE P. FLA NNERY EDWARD —AVIS SAINT P.11LL,MIA'-.'ESOTA June 13th, 1917• The Honorable 4vffayor and Council of St. Paul, St. 9su1, &Iinnesota. Gentlemen: We hereby wish to file an objection to the paving of Iglehart Avenue, from Wabasha to Rice Street, which is contem- plated under order approved January 26th,1917. We represent the owners of Lot 10, Simpson's Addition, and Lots 17 and 18, Block 2, Ramsey's Addition, having a total frontage of 125 feet. Yours ver, truly, NORTHVI-; sTZRN TRUST 00.0ANX. By E F. Vice President. ATS 3MG �� 1 ...................... .............. .................................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of to LGX"9t-or---AV*--1 r --and g&a 99AnA9!A;!AgJ!Lq!n !ktK!ktt mknp tq .............. property also including lines complete. where not already made, .......... ................. .... .......................... ............. ................................................................ paving of alley and driveway approaches and constructing curbing ............... . . ................... —7— L where under, Preliminary Order I ..........................-......a roved IntermediaryOrder .......................................... ................... approved ..............I......... -------......- .............. ................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is p&V-6 lglehamt AV. 0. f X.0 M DAIA.-Aft— t.Q .. LAXinat-9n.. Aye .. -.JRqA!k1dJ,ng sewer, water and gas cOnne.c.t-icnef.r.om street mains ... . .. .. ..... . .. .. ....... ... .... .. ................ y!4ere not already made, also including .................. -- .......... .... ................................. ............ _paving of alley anti a.p.p.r0q.C.-hes and constructing curbing . - - . ............ .. .. .. .... ..... .. .. .... . .. .. .. .. ..... There necessary. ok'.14 .... . ............ . . ............. ................ "04 .................. .. . ........ % be made . ... .. ... ...... . . . ............ and the Council hereby � ere �..idi-proemeat&$� d RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to'the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the mating of said improvement in accordance therewith. I/ Adopted by the Council... - ----------- Approved.. ............. th Councilman Councilm Coune, Keller C C ayorTivim rm B. SlA. 8-7. ti Ali-; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM19SIONER OF FINANCE All&e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthe Matter of ....................... ... `'.........._...................... �.� ...... t�....._..._............_..._�.. .._._L�QiwC-.�..i4�11a_.Gf under Preliminary Order approved .... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - -$.._...._:..__.... ........... .......... ............ . KIND OF PAVING �APPRORI?dATE.jOOST PER FRONT ESTIMATE FOOT ; Granite Excluding intersections " 960,442.82 70976.94: 96.49 7.62., sandstone Inouding Excluding " " 53,295.34 62,583.78 5.72 6.72 s""CeaeeLed--Block Including Excluding " 48,633.94 5.22 - Brick Excluding " 57 109.98 44,594.06 4,79' ' Asphalt Including Excluding " " 52,366.02 38,'689.&2 5.63 4.16 Including " 45, 452,5..4 4.88 Asphalt concrete Excluding " " 3211829.80 38,316.60 3.51 4.12 Asphalt macadam Including Excluding " 26.;:880.74 2:89 Including ' Excluding " " 31,565.58 23,617.76 2 _ 2.54 -Macadam Including " 27,733.92 2.98`. Goncrate Excluding " • 27,968.40 32,842.80 3.01 3.53 Including _ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ -.- . .............. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits f or such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -LOT BLOCK ADDITION �1. ; .Y.. X 1 6 9a•t�o� ASSESSED VALUATION /o 0-D . --ez ,Z�el 9aaL TOTAL. CITY Or ST. PAUL ♦ !` 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBl DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � 94 �O �v is i0 G� O 13 v / U �3 6, -5- ,6-3 17,6- 'y 12-3 --ez ,Z�el 9aaL TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL,. - I REPORT OF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER.OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Y IBI `—___---- ~ DESCRIPTION �i `D DIT IO N -- — — VALUATION— LOT IB ADDITION —r== i a!- '7. 6.7 � ` I TOTAL, ;tronM n. n. tf t j TOTAL. -_- CITY OF ST� P^ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B)ADDITION &U V&UATIEON LOTI e DESCRIPTION LOGN I /{ 7 _ i,-0 I! i o ate. 41A& b a /0 i ......... ..... g y ,6 i i' - - 3 'S f �r9,e ------------' --- — -- =- it i I TOTAL, CITY OF ST.PPAUI• / 'r [, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- - _--= _-- ----- ASSESSED LOT, BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION 7!s- /0 5_.. I ',3 y i so 7 '7 - ---� TOTAL. R CITY OF ST. AUL / DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - ! REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 0 D -` DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AD DtT10N ASSlSSlD VALUATION A-1) °Jn �-n - .� -7 5 y`fe5_J g 77 -s , I 0—� TOTAL, t I (B) CITY OP ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i, i -_� - - -- ASSESSED LOT BLOC ADDITION VALUATION 131 3a J, .I3 3 Q 9'. 'g!3 4z 7,f7,1 I _.r TOTAL, CITY OF ST. AUL / _ .;A ! ✓t DEPARTMENT OF}- FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ` - -- - - ------ - - - - -OT BLOC - -ADDITION - _--� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION S C _ -R 1 P T 1 O N L -- - -------- _ I -VALUATION 11 3 I I g0 ! �7- �4'75 I I I , 87 131 -I I 121t I Y/ v5 D d u 1` �I ao-o TOTA4 �U i .$. CITY Or ST49AUL O DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON,PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION IT T �i } - _— _ I--�eLOC� I'� VAS UAT10N '. A&t 7.6 ii I .7 S a _ I i :... - Ii o r I� TOTAL. CITY OF 3T. AU S ,' t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF coMMI!JSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOC � - ADDITION - =-- V LUAT ON (B) _ 1 1 --_ - Oa.u,e, I 3 Il%l 3oa /9 1-7 I moi � 7 � I •rte _ 3 I TOTAL. I I� CITY OF ST. FARL ��• �,.. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIIM14SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w --_ -_ — - ADDITION ASSESSED ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK' i� VAlUAT10N VO 1 zp D ;!7 y %7 I � , 0 -7-- 7-�- / / I / Addition to qhG City Of it _ g j Y s t. Paul _ 11 Ci61 " 1r TOTAL, V I'. /3• cITT o'F sT. A&,- �Sr 1• DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON4MI§SIGNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) AD DtTION V_____ DESCRIPTION LOT 131ALUATION I ;. 1 � /I � I 1--t- J15 .__/ a 26a� --- __ _ I _ --- - y�4 l' �i /0 it i T TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesatf wyers. and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report Into 'him in x-i reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated:._.._-J''._._.. 1 Commissioner of Finance. ,Form B. B.12 - 694 of 166L VMd . ti pevar#ment of pubrm Forks 06CAR CLAY {SEN. Cxl.i Bxclx[[. M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER un.wu oP......... R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY �. u cwpROLL. {un.woP Co cuxaT.uenox AxP nvAn. ALFIICD.IACKfON. - .Y.GY 0�6wKITATIOx N W. B,*"u o' c"II.c-11 - V -4 -nn. 6. . G—AK.E..I.... 3t. Paul, M.nn. ffiar. .uwuu ......... D. N. N6RROLD. O..x:. Exolx.[R ' 22, 1917., Mr.. M. N. Gori, Commissioner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the paving of Iglehart Ave.. from Dale St. to Lexington Ave. in accordance with Council File #14554, approved Tan. 26, 1917. Assessable frontage 9,310 ft. BIND OF PAVING IAPPROXMTE ICOST PER FRONT I ESTIMATE I FOOT Granite Excluding intersections 60:j442.82 $6.49 Including ^ 70,976.,94 7.6E Sandstone Excluding ^ 43.iob44 5.72 Including ^ 62.jOM8 6.72 3" Creosoted Block Excluding ^ 49633.94 b.22 Including ^ 7�1Q9..98 6.14 Brick Excluding ^ 44y694.06 4.79 Including ^ 52;36642 5,63 Asphalt Exoluding ^ 38-;6'89..62 4.16 Including ^ 46.432.54 4.88 Asphalt concrete Excluding ^ 32,629;.80 3.51 Including^ 38j316.60 4.12 Asphalt macadam Excluding ^ 26,880:74 2,89 Including ^ 31,665,58 3.39 Macadam Excluding ^ 23;617,76 2.54 Including ^ 27,733.92 2.98 Concrete Exoluding ^ 27,968.40 3001 Including - X320842:80 •y. 3.53 Where house service connections are not in, add to cost of each lot; For sewer, either side of street 27..:90 For water, 3/4-, N. aide of street 21.0o For water, 3/4^, 3.'side'of street 35.00 For gas, Sj N. side of street 11,,.001 For gas, S. aide of street $,5.50 Yours very truly, {JI co . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.:....lianatruc.t...a-..nement-_.tile...sidewa-lk-s....six••-feet:<--vIde-,... art the North side of Seventh Street .frog! -_Faqu er..-S.tr.ee.t.._tn..Ear1 eacept...wand... suffis.i-ent---aide3yalks---XWEE--axis-L_--------••-----•--------------------••------- ........................................................................ ................... , CF' 1Yo 25688--.: .� _-.. In the matter oioQnetructingg a came -- --------------------- ttleraidaR�a1$ sl teat Wlde oa tY- N8r elde r8L t`h etaeek xrc ----------- - ........ ........ Fau441ek'a est ;ggEk" 0 8tceet. 4x, W7NeL6ez f ;WAAc r�ellcdlna lP u.-� ..........--....... .. sr'tSl9 apPrL�ltled. HaYavtH818��'. .... ry - 24949 a roved. ......1919. ................ under Preliminary Order----------- ------------------------------------- intermediary ------- -----------_ PP IntermediaryOrder-------------------------------------------------------------- approved-- ...................... -•-•-----------•--------.._--------- -- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully eonsid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is...Cons-trueting--a eemairt t1 -3e s1-dewa1:k six--teet..:wide., -.on_..the...North---aide...of---Seventh..Street--ir-am.--Faq-wi-er Stroma -t •to-Ea.r-•i--Street--except --where --g-ood----wid sa€€i4-ient a dewaik& now exist-: ...................... --------------- ..............-------......-- ------------- - ...... --........... ............... -•--------.......................................... _ _............................................... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance then with. Adopted by the Council -----` N ............ 1 L....--- J r.r, ........... ...... ----• .......................... -...... City Clerk. n 7 .:.t......---- Approved. ............. s )_. Mayor. an Farns}v th Councilman Gos Councilman C cy Councilma eller , Ma Hodgson F. B. S. A. 8-7 t L CITY.OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPO!SSIIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - In the Matter of �Struct a cenxLt�1�e sidewalk. six feet wide._�n.Shfllt4rih.-.— aide nr SPvent.h street from Faquier Street to Fart Street under Preliminary Order approved ---- —------------- --- -- -- -- ------ ---- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $—---- aa��� —�`-`1 The estimated cost perfooYlor the above improvement is - - - - - - $ .7 0 — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION -BLOCK, A D I T I N O D _- ASSESSED VALUATION V _ — �—� - - —LOT 11 J. P Gribbens Re-ar. A. 5075 i West a of ( 10 do East % of 10 do 2900 g do 4800 i 8 do 1000 t 7 do 1000 g do 900 5 do 900 g do 900 i 5 do 900 i TOTAL. j� ronn e.a.w. e•e _,�_,-tr.._.—... CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMI#ISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL:MINARY ORDER -.__- ASSESSED , DESCRIPTION LOT 1MOCKI ADDITION VALUATION 14 J.JP. Gribbens Re-arr. -A. 900 13 do 900 2 do 900 1 do 1200, 8 15 Terrys Addition (: ('7 I15 do (''6 15 do i5 115 i do ( 14 15 ', do i ('i3 15 do 26925 ( ,2 15 do (.1 15 do !1 l I, f' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pu:MA; Datee_____ ---191 --.�� - ---------------- - Commissioner of Finance. rOaro B.S.A. s -e C .._ i _ _ � �. . i � a 1 JOHN I. FARICY ffif trF ~'� (Sit 5 �Iorh JAS. J. MINER CITY L}... A.ET. CITY CLERK Titij of 'Oftint 1jani April 24th,'1919. Hox1. M. N. Goss, Comr. of Public Works. Dear Sir: Attached please find letter from W.K. Miller, Secretary, Daytona Bluff Commercial Club, requesting the Council to take action in having a sidewalk constructed on the north side of Seventh Street between Varquier and Earl Streets, which was referred to you by the Council at its meeting held this date. Very truly yours, enc. _ CITY CLERK. L MAY 5 1919 W: T. LIs]ION. pvvA�vpi' RDWARD r•. ➢fBLLRR. nxaaoaar,.vr 1. 0.➢:O&LLRft. nvwx v�asvew. '"' - B. L.000D. raugvvea R. ID.PBAi.OD.xm.vma-pap �.� ' W. R. DS[LLMft, cvv.wmwei.ar Oaptonz 361nff Commercial Club REGUT,AR DSEETLNGB . Bsooxn wxD FODRTR Dfoxnwv EVHNINf]B e j wr x�irs ' 768 to 772 least Zenentb Street Zt. Paul, Minn. A Aril 19, 1919 City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - A t the last meeting of this club a resolution was endorsed that the city council be requested to take action with view to having a sidewalk constructed on the north side of Seventh Street between Farquisr and Earl Streets. Very truly yours, Dayton Bluff Commercial Club Corresponding Secretary I ,,♦�r 1(I n�I � U�� L�I� G� M AY BUREAU ui liiGlNEERS, i - Q lit lha4 dc$wR- oeu :o mn c� 00 Fter aapP,tloy, (,.ti.l� iCPn H'+'v{ID=""RA. 0 4 y R COUNCIL FILENO.... •,It......- 1iL Fm -A ! - e �r�-At oa; ti l6fl�d' eta eRt4x i' ak 06 CI 061PTROLLER ; ..... .. ........ 19 ...... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( ) Co u +cilmen ( d ) Nays Adopted by the Council.._ ✓hoc lf i 4/J/c -------- _ ._19_1__ ----- 'an. oss .._......... —MAYOR .p i• Mr. Presiden 'Hodgson a , i Comer. 14,7.'e,5 S S. A. FarnsworthoY Finance _ R arks �.,,.v�i°svl• I P�evl i. n �1I ieawfi` �teaeton$4 ; etl apt nen, CO yra ¢ x suG�a+�j FORM bk at`,aj Rti�Apt�sx�``�� p Snb'ect o f ¢°ttdeiti Coun I-A oeHa� NO. ��6C7 � e 2 ti 'E" Y818 ........ —}w darsu=2ie�. • Date Presented.................................... .....191.._. Resolved;; That the applioation of Geo.R.Holmes for a lioense to oonduot ax Pawn - shop,at 379 Robert St.be and the same hereby is granted and the dity Clerk Sa instruo,ted to issue suoh lioense upon the filing of the bond and oontraoit and the psyment into the City Treasury of the customary fes.,ons hundred dollars. X100. fl0. Yeas (✓) C. pn Imen (✓) Nays - - IIS Adopted by the Council ................. 191 ..... n .ten �_,a am worth u w Approv................... ............................. `. 191..... Goss .In favor Kell ....... .... ...................... .. _................. MCC 11 ,...........: Against .......... MAYORWun erlich MHodgson-event. ptCOUN "M d�6�k'ge ""of'A1ath aaal two r Subjec! .....:......... ........ `proad0aa$ a't bi{a7st i9 a tyt� Qij ik81M11 ;�t�Y �- OUNaiL Fd 1.1��'J ld h� nV pix` > ......... .... .... 13�aSi+, ae. NO 6,9 Date Presented ..191..... d Resolved, That the grade of Alleynin Block -17,. Schroeder's - - Addition, from Aldine Street to Pierce Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby -adopted as the established grade. Yeas (J) ncilmea (✓) Nays 1 of I 131, Adopted by the Council ... . 191...... ncy nsworth JU:.....� . , G s ..In favor Approve ... ........... .......... 191..._ .......... Ke er Mcoll- Against ... .... :....... (— ••... ........................... ......... MAYOR Wu derlicti Mr. President, odgson FORM Co A. 9 -3M 12-18 A9' ff+' YtttaA{kt+?,Cottt t al P ,.12eaoIY y,�A0 erabr01 Ba [ ' %. a. cnoNt if46uiif u �o 01 to a CO it MRS FORM mgn' y adY a to0°1e' Snb'ect. (-:- ._ In �s,ue@tt°oa wet dflty�{WeFoc tadd�nta cot) �� s 1 a��iq' An �Gn° fahe _......_ 256E6 nc �lailie Stf� aoi7 4158 d +ZPb a edatt¢tten� e�R �ad1 nto �,}eat44 rae IVO. _............... _. f � gia, adQny dDunotl �1 $ t11 � r '.bate resented -July.. gd A ............... 1913 i"'olved, that the City Comptroller be `authorized and he is .hereby directed to issue a warrant in the) sum of 0187.20 in favor of the Sinking Fund Investment Committee to reimburse same for money advanced to defray the expenses in connection with the personal delivery of tax levy certificates of indebtedness 1919 issue in Chicago and New York, she above amount to be charged to the Miscellaneous and Unforseen Item of the General Fund. Yeas (J) o ncilmen (✓) Nays UL cy Adopted by the Council `..... � .- 191...... F sworth Go s Approved........... ........ ...........191..... ....Iti favor �t w Keer t. M o .............. Against .......... .._................................... / ............................. .. MAYOR ` W derlich Mr. Presiden , Hodgson eORM C. A 8 ,3A112.10 ��W a 8 1 ds C48 sPu Xaping.A68gb 0. >Y.Y�'ilte'�91'4b3" itthbrized tri -pnr ' altagb 'Fq{th �fti yPan$�pt �3[ Shay omp .''ttrglleY 1:61ddin yart, ;rotd Sll3r8 RM - COUN (ypy� f b qoA R i �err�p D8n o tha�s q `bf',>f3s- :: .... - kt�ibio"�i[°dofm �o`YiQ� a �� ��4 keds Icou.CIL �} 1 �saTgrk st eke o' qnu�� co,FILENO. __ ------256-_1 .......... iv. a js ybat�x5gy , 4 esented : JL13.V:191..... Resolved, That the Purchasing: Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, repair parts for Road Rollers from the Godd Roads Machinery Company, to the amount of $368.20, without asking for competitive bids, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public works, Street Construction & Repair. Yeas (J) C cilmea (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council �: - -- ---191...... cy rs a h Approved. -................... .... 191nswort oG...........In favor ..:.. K e .. .-......- --... .............. Against M4YORerlicliMr. Presiodgson ' FORM C: "A 9 3M R•1e ; - . G 1� C 4+9hCup�TO'�'1 a' t}t thb GttS• d b� �+ xg COU w 4x�.u! h��{(m d air py�,aw 3 ORM t&rR d�'fq yuF6ti6�We ipl by itNjro9n�, P[rtlN 4�om litl onE�tl.y��" melo���soo�p"py 'lti p�omad,'R. ubitc.e{eo 'ea nphredtn aM to Lropt {8 r 71R couaca NO. ------- ..... ..... :Yd..'trr aatP�Qj{aattuU�ntdk�etC CCUt� rn.e blba 1t r Pu 111 orks utr srais)r + Ju 3 1919 „« esented......2_. 191 .. Resolved,'That as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly will work an injury to the City, the Purchasing Agent be, and he is 7. hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Ane car (approximately 300 yde) of 3*" Y.,P. Creosoted Blocks, from the Republic Creosoting Company, to cost $2.13 per sq. yd. or $639,00, without asking for competitive bids. Charge Public Works_ Street Construction & Repair. Yeas (J) cilmen (✓) Nays JUL- 8 1319,,� Adopted by the Council 191 ar, worth Approv 191_... Gos ,-.-...In favor Kell McC Against.._......................................... ... MAYOR Wun rlich Mr. President/ odgson 'FORM C. A­9 3M t a w � tar �yh t PR(�P�peoaa Petition} , The undersigned hereby propoms the rlo m' oE' Ing �t�aat IarQiu Thr full _widthOOOL .................... im Yepden'c rtma Council File No...... � 'iktlia os� �y Y�� ;'• 00, It h�m,�tieFl@7g�4W'}8�lbq� ,�- 7 ublic improvement by i a St�Paul, viz.: ta.e...tea .. .. sama@::_to::..1.t.9.... 7-7 ... .... ..... ..... .- ....... .. �y ..................... 3 Council: Fl '10 .. 'r ...... 191 7 Cou oilman dmn'Ins. APR tiaxiu� au v -, out and fill i e.„n r , in3!.Xi-�Q�C 4..LR►mal.a...P.balan..:Gr�vm.:.. B.. �... r 80 evard. Avenue to MigsiseSPpi Rive . 251790 St. Paul, Minn., TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL, C I T Y. Gentlemen: would respectfully ask that your Honorable Body \� cause the time of completing contract for the - 1 ��S4rw0� �S� .Y.�n�z1H/_V �4�u/��SHtG I. ✓G.P.iJ �'C : - - - - - -' - ... �/ .t1c✓.f/-rl, /9Yt. r�.n. iii'G1.�n�.% .i -A. 37.9,& A--- &4— :. to e extended tq - - - - - - - -7x::-- --,* - -- to-- "==�`--r� OwingOwing to - - - - - -- it was not possible for to finish this contract within the time specified, hence desire to ask that the time for completing sam8 be made as hereinbefore stated. Yours very' Contractor/-/ There is no objection to having the time extended as requested, as far as theirequilreykents of this office is conq,,,2*§�"b�,,t APPROVED & Repairs omm �n,f Chief Engineer. 11L. No . ....... ...... .... FW..r1�.d-•1.:. �......::....:.... V ...................191..... In the matter of paving Locust Street from Sixth Street to Tenth Street, under Preliminary Order #18520, approved September 14th, 1917, and Final Order #25468, approved June 14th, 1919. RESOLVED, That the plans, specifications and esti- mated quantities submitted.by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thgt the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and directed to do the work by Force Account. t -- ConnBCiI" all papers Resolutin. on with above ,- Yeas (✓) Cpnn lmen ( ✓Nays j�/Clan /Warn.' orth / Goss ..............In favor Kelle McCo ........... Against WU A rlich Mr. President, Hodgson FORM C. A. 9 3M 12-18 Adopted by the Council ..._ ....................................191...... ......_ �. APP...r...o............................. .........�........... .. ........... 191 1 vA--\ ............................................................ .. MAYOR t Leved; 'cc 25'70,2 Jnlyr 3d.............191...._ d ................................ . That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby guthorized and directed to'advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter for all of the material necessary to pave Locust Street from Sixth Street to Tenth Street, under Final Order #25468, approved June 14th, 1919. (approved. SOLVED FURTHER, That the plans, specifications mates submitted by the Commissioner of Public r the above materials be and the same are hereby R00e1Ted all rape" 36 Connection with above Resolut. n. d Yeas (✓) o nci'. l�tnc am Goss Kell MCC 11 Wn Mr. President PORlA .A.9 3M1 (✓) Nays Adopted by the Council t ......191...... Approved ... _..-_...r 191..._ ":...........In favor = �' .............. Against . .. ................ . ........ MAYOR ,n RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. 25 6 . A �. J Fifth .......-.......- In the matter of....openin.�;,....i71de.>� n&..gzA.-extending...:......................_Street - from pleasant---Auemne..................JRENOOLU 10 8 �_, _. Tk _ Eommiaei0ner ot: b!lnanea ___ _ •. F., .. ..ase-ca.Kma:�y. under Preliminary Order 7.09.7 ............... approved -.00t-.,- 28 1915 Intermediary Order,; 5717,,, approvedp:_.KPr.J 1..4 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of (damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a confirma- tion of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of .benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Hous in the City of St. Paul on the....-.`.-..4th......................day Of -----_- Flugt-.-_----------------191.9...., at ten o'clock A. M. land that the. Commissioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. -,Adopted by the Council....-..------..... _ - - = - -- -- ..-., 191 - ................... -.._.....--- - ---------------------------------- ...------- -- ler Q,� City Clerk. -l1'Approveu------------ ................................... 191-....... q / _......................... .............................. ... :.............................. :Mayor. incilmarnsworth incilm Goss --- - incilm .4FY-S&cla Cy Mayor I1-odgaon rn W.Twre sneee )'ohn TV. Norton Company Real Estate Brokers SUITE 466 SHUBERT BUILDING ST. PAUL, MINN. July 29th, 1919. To The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: -- We have a postal card dated July 25th, from the Commissio4er of Finance, stating there Will be a hearing on August 4th 1919, with refer - once to the opening of We Fifth 8t., etc. and serving notice upon the owner of Lot 4 in Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice & Irvine's addition to 8t. Paul that there will probably be an assessment against that property to the amount of 476.23. We are instructed by the owner of this property to protest against this assessment, as she believes this would be of no benefit whatever to her property. ,according to her instructions in the matter, we do hereby protest against the assess- ment. Yours ery truly JOH W. RTON C0� JWN. • CITY CLUX'S OHS ST. PAUL, RAMSEY (=�., RWF -10 as;• rcr+n ,, PAH10Y, GY4 PIjg_ C. of St. Paul. $. To the Corul:on Counc' 1 n:: the Y a i Gentlenen: On behalf of Ply clients, tho Mian. naIap fax Colapany, a Minnesota corporation, (r. r". Baird SnCi rlr::cr ,%. 1eiiPr, 'we bei; b the to ente2' :Cormal pxot0at jtGainst ,hc avILLrl far ho t leixl( Y City for tide extension of 'Nest Fifth Street, pf the following describad prvptertY to X11 that ,ext of tae followine, cleicealue.ci part of lata 5 and a, Block 63, 'sxvincls En1ar�;emeYit cf Rice & IxvineIa Addit Ion. to th :c n, v :Gt. Paullyin! .forth of ii 11:Ic C't ELF -n point on fsart =i from the ticzxth the: "outh<;estar ly ciao O. !,ourth Street G�.13 :fent corner of said Block 63 to a point on the Southerly side of Pleasant Avenue '55.11 feet fro"' the North corner cf cctid Block 63, said lire boin Ciie 'outherly line of Fifth St. prociuca�l G� erly: oomi:Lncint, .at a point on the South side a_fi' Third St. b�ini` � point lock 47 'it. iVOrth'rtesterly from the NorthO;R syt carn"'r a . L.a�i �, In town 63, Irvi;,e l s �,n16 roman t of Rice & I _vine' o Addition to the t avail of St. Paul, said Iortheast corner oi said Lot 5 being the point �� In E31i1. 'rdhv're3 i=i19 dividing line bet',1e4I1 said Lot 5 un Lot -*, g said Third 'vt. 6 strike r� ,alta 'lllixd St., thence alon y Blocs,>, Third Yl e .aant Ave.. 33 ft. , thence nt right ttnGle to said i - towards r� so Tari 133 Fe;�t to an alley in th ; rear o_f said. Sots > and St . , few , 6 in said Black 63, thonce along salt, -Alley to�ardo oak St. �3 bE:inC: T-�''-rt of 'Lots 5 and 6, thence p'orthvrar�t to beginning—^ , 5arc being a puri of the following dascribed Property a: ne ilsY r;=,r Clients above mentioned, to ;it: All that Peart of tiles jolivaing dascribad part of lots a BLnlaxgeru�nt of Bice & Irvincto A:1.tition to t1'r iock 63, Ixvina�s o:C St. Paul lying Sauth cf a line: dtaam from a pont an the tem r , Southwesterly aide of Fourth Street 84.13 feet from the North corner 0 1sUjd B100k '63 1;0 U _:Oint On the Soi)tbrrly aide 02 Pleasant �5.11 feet Czopl til;: lfo:ctjj corner of said Bloc), 63, �3--id line the Southerly line of Fifth St. produced ffe torl Y: oo mwencing at point on the South si(te of Third St. being a point 47 :feetli7orthviest3rly from the Yort1110'azt corner 0' Lot 5, in Block 63, jrvijje;Ia Dilargonent e:L Eioe & Irvine's AdUtion to the to -M-1 of St. Paul, said Tlorthe,",t corner of said Lot 5 beiYV, tale Point where the Cuviaing line betvicer, said Lot 5 aml T,( -'t 4., in said Block 63, strikou :.said Thl:ed St., thence alond- suid Third St. t6-,a2:d& Plea— sant Ave. 33 it., t1lanv -U at right aes lard Znj�lar, to said TI rd St. t 133 foot 'Go an alley In tjjkri3L:u, of said Lota 5 rlYlii 6 Block 63, thence along szii�W i Alley t0ui'd, Oal St. 33 feet, thenot- llcrth!`Mrd to bo,,Irnin!,,--beinL f.,,xrt of Lots 5 6. E,,Gr the of this property there ,ja,� waarcied tri' my clients, the 'Villie-xi Duripier 'GriltR11y, G. F. Baird oncl Flmul: E. Fishox, the SlUft Of thirty—two "ai_i 30/100 6 6 32-30) dolItITS as 'Ont aLuinst Mnich '.,�onefito have been aswasee, of Two Aunared. siXtY—N—wr3n ane; W100 ("f:126,M)CO atoll: rs CIX d' -11t to )n Ei, tY--"AjC06 illus e total net I -y clients of 02 -0 ).,Oaoon t4lat the sixty-fc-ar �-��nj 62/100 (N,3'u4-' ) (1011ars, t' said award of daya"gos Is totally absolutely LuvFair and unjustified, jjon_equitWbla arid far belol.,,' the 55-tilri-ItO of -.1ana3o redo by e.lpoxta omployad by my GliBntO 1^0-C thy. Ir,"UrPOse Of ascertaining scerta'nnz the value of tjleIcoring to fror,i t,hi takia; 01 sa aforementioned -aid ai;-ard 4LLS' 1.%Uai0 ul.-Orl LL 1,qist"'Ize of fact and upon the aIili0atIQn Of jlleSal an -A arxoneous !,rincjpals of law. That this n0tI06 is �;ivon to 31tid Council --fOr the purpoGQ of xeservj,;,L 'i,jjd r,ro,,;ectin� the Gf ZUnFr N. Fi uher,t110 William D-agLplor Conp-any, . CO2:Por,;LtjQn, G. B, in ,,rid to any axad ull rro)a kuly and all .,w&rds that ray be made contrary to the legal ri y'.its cf lay clients aoove mentioned and ;:or no other purpose. ILI � Attorney for Elmer N. xls ar, The ';`ililam Duipier Company and, G. F. Buird map Now Tovzv" Ttruj" ��.jj jovt Qop Qw W&I BUNWI, Wc is "WIS — loan MY Anp 47 To i Asa 1 W." two Inc V-7.1 jS V( �117 jA_ ­A�, WaUl"Taly Up by aqloy". nj V-115 A jV.. CON! 0 A i t F. B�,OXCL An ordinance directing and ordering the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company to build and maintain a retaining wall between its tracks and Concord street, between Stations 21+70 and 20+24 • name . rendered neae"seaiy -for--t-he— pre r -tise-- pTecsx�a.*.1,oY the �ub�lBaeai._�'ey` WHEREAS, The City propgsn`• t) grade, improve and pave a Concord street, and in AXI-- =1 t 2k, it will be necessary, to build and t t orng wall between it t ick -cod etreeq between Stattons 'O make a fill between in order to bring said :;+,u and zo+it PVhe e ¢s, d Pe elle nco d Streett,, a n in trte at of seta worx, a wtuaee_Ta,C$B OY the Chicago Stations 21+70 and 20i nee sarYade. otoeIDake rin 811aibetween up to t;r Grea asgtthe tracks d f the Cliicagowhere- Great Western Railroad Weatern RaUro ad company are lata tslosely parallel to said closely para11-1 to ald street, betwe saki 8tatlona, chais the eceasarY e street, between said B Lendint be g o made tthout the am ver and on to te�We aka .essary fill Cannot be said Railroad COIDpaIlY. s stations, unless the said fill is s• made without the same ported and retained; anmethod of a 1 to the tracks Of said Whereas, The Proper id porttoann P the the saidF for the Public, andto keep Railroad Company, betwfroa a:teaatheaarta!;;nlese the said fill is •acke is by the Plans prepared th,r according oto bs hereto attach dors 'of h u, supported and retained, yed, approved and Wase a _ _ no W, therefore, j WHEREAS, The prop _ellf the CltY of F' ;'3flg said portion of the r, roadway safe for the public; .,;, ti ,..; ,,D., :ej the said fill from extend- -?�tnw 5n n - ing on to said railway tracks is by Ae erection of a retaining wall, according to plans prepared therefor by the Commissioner of Public Works, hereto attaohed:and hereby adopted, approved and made a part hereof; now therefore.. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That it is hereby declared to be the,duty of the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, in order to make 4oneord street, between said stations, reasonably safe for public tMVel and to maintain the street, to build and maintain a retaining wall between Concord street and the railway tracks of said Railroad Com- pany, between Stations 21+70 and 20+24, and the said Railroad Company hereby authorized, ordered and directed to build and maintain said ,retaining wall according to said plans. M Section 2. That said Railroad Company is direct4, to begin the construction of said retaining wall.- days r � e t31 ,h}'sfic{` o N ce of a copy t reof na upon the said Railroad Company, and to complete the same with all oonvenient speed. Section 3. That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to serve a oertifisd�copy of this ordinance upon said Rail— road Company immediately upon the passage and publication thereof. Section This or _n e_ e��e— e emergency ord _ _tfi e on the a so lion Th a rdinanoe shall take effect and be in force - to passage and publication. Passed by the Council jU'_ 15 I;i9 Yeas Naps Attest Farnsworth Goes Keller McColl Wunderlich ) Approved hIL 1's IM PIIBLISFIED Mayor OSCAR CLAUS3EN, CHIP. C,...... J. CMROLL,9u ilNccnf ., All... =Z-7 U". nn0 RfnA�n! or2AN AiyN M. W. COERING.R, Suni. G. H. HERROLD, 01".. 6iI.�N [fn (Etta of fat. Haut at,swimuf of juhttr works M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER R. T. GOURLEY. Off U St. Paul, Minnesota. June 28, 1919. mr. 0. H. O'Neil, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Dear Sir: 25`! � _7 In re the widening of Concord Street in its relation to the Chicago Great Western Railway property and the proposed construction of a re- taining wall. Acting under the advice contained in your letter of May 2, 1919, I hand you herewith blue prints showing the situation in reference to the widening of said street, encroaching tracks and a complete plan in detail showing the necessary retaining wall. Trusting that this will furnish sufficient information, as mentioned in your letter, to en- able you to draw the necessary ordinance direct- ing the Railway ComparW to build the wall, I am, Yours very tru' IVES/C Commissioner of Public Works. Enclo Drpartwnt of. inw CITY OF ST. PAUL ' — I i ' co 0 ew�oeecov weeL JOHN A. BURNS' WILLIAM J. GIBERSON JAMES -SW N JOS. H. MASER May 2nd, 197-9 G Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public works. var Sir: - 'Answering yours under this date, in reference to widening Concord street in its relation to the Chicago Great Western Railway Company property, I am of the opinion that it is not within the power of the City to compel the Railway Company to build a retaining wall unless the tracks of the Company are upon the street. My re- collection of the matter is that such is not the case. The papers are not before me, and I may not be accurate in my remembrance on. that point. If, on the other hand, the tracks of the Railway Com- pany enoroach upon the public highway, and the wall is necessitated by reason of the existence of the tracks, then in my opinion it 1s the duty of the Railway Company to build and maintain a wall. I have had no recent conference with the general counsel for the Railway Company upon this matter. If the tracks of the Company encroach upon the highway, I suggest that you have plans made, showing the situation, together with the necessary retaining wall, and an ordinance can then be drawn directing the Railway Com- pany to build the wall. Yours very truly, Corporation CounBe f: _ sa. Paul, binneeota. May of 1919. mt. C. 11. 0010111, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. bez Sirt Your letter of March 13, 1918, in regard to widening Concord Street and its relation to the Chicago `treat Vestern Railway. I wish to advise that the oondemnation proceedings have been oompleted and have been confirmed by the Court, but 1n order to maintain the street at 16o full width, It will be necessary for the railway oomriany to build a plea* of retaining wall to keep the elopes from run- ning onto treir tracks. This matter you state you have taken up with Mr. A.G. Briggs #Ganoral Counsel for the Chijago Shoat 'resters► Rallway. Have you head from Mr. Briggs? Yours vwry truly, GHR/C Commlooloner of Public Forke. Dear Sirt Referrv,g to your letter of Manrch the nth. In , order to place t4,ie matter before you in more detail, I am enoloning a large scale blue print showing the situation at Concord Street and Arthur Avenue,Tlitli relation to the TIoago, Great Western Railway. It will be necessary for the City to condemn the triangular pleca outlined in red. -The piece outlined and hatched in broam i.ey be vaosted. It will etill•be neosascjry to build n retaining wall as shorn at •A° in order to support the slopes of the street and give: the required clearance for ca.eoing trains. _ This is advisable rathor tl�an to condemn more land on the westerly side of t",',e atreet and interfere with 1Yrprovaments there. The Mioago, Creat-?7oetern Rnilriay Company Clain that they esoured t`=eir Right of Way prior to thu deAloation of the streot. The over -lapping of t'leir Right of 'lay on the street is outlined in yellow. This has been used for a street for a groat mony years, refarring to tho oorrospond- once which I for:,rrarded to you *pith ,7,y letter of -Marol, the let :znd which I e� ,::.ln arcloas, under date of October the 5th, 1909, Er. I3undlett, forr:ser Croimrilealonmr of Pablic 7orl'a, in-:riting to Er. A. G. Briggs, Genernl Attorney for tbo Chlougo, Cr,,)at "'extern Rallw y Company, states that .a verbnl nt reomont had about been completed between Yr. Stiokney and myself_hereby the City wore to oonAamn the property .and build a retaining wall in such a manner e.a to allow the tracks to be ae at: present ar.d fle Chicago, Gr ;t '"extern Railway Company nan to pay the ©um of '90^.00. In Yr. P.rir al reply of October the 7th, 1909, copy of nhioh is attached, I.i-r, Srlgt is tnhina a different position in regard to the City#s rights to Concord Street, end tbaie the matter socras to have drorped ns we con find no further eorrenpondanoe. Te are about to presets n nrellwinsry order to the Council for the widening of this street, but before the asuesamont in spread. <�nd before .qe atart n:aving, trie outi;tion as to ivbo should pay for this land +rl vio should pay for the rstaining r0l ehouid be tion ur, togoWer ~kith the Railroad Company. I ri.iFht add that the width 6f th0 street gat tba angle of the retaining wall at •A• will only be 64 feet instead of 66 fe-st, aahioh is the width of the balanoe of the street, but this to all that oan be obfnined after leaving the.Pailroad Cor;rany the proper. clearance between the Nall and their traoke and not Interfering with the residence tmpxovements on the westerly aide of the street. This, however, will give us the full width required for our paved roadway and an 8 foot sine' -,'ilk which can be made to do at this point. • Vory truly yours, Cormdisaioner of Public "'orbs. rii ks _no. Uppartuttetd of Kaw CITY OF ST. PAUL O. H. O'N EILL r.[e1JOH NY A. URNS[Y. WILLIAM J. OIdERSON JAMES D. SWAN March 23r D • 1 11 JOS. H. MASEK LI, Ll(111 U Mr. M. N. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works. G Dear Sir: - Yours of the 21st inst, enclosing a map showing the situation at Concord street and Arthur avenue, with relation to the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, duly received. I agree with your suggestion that condemnation pro- ceedings should be instituted to acquire the land needed for the purpose of widening the street, not only the triangle in red on the south side of the street, but also some land which has been used for street purposes for many years within the right of way of the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, and to which the City no doubt has street rights by user. It will straighten the record, however, to condemn such part of the right of way as has been actually acquired for street purposes by such user. I have written to Mr. A. G. Briggs, General Attorney for the Railway Company, renewing the proposition made by Mr. Rundlett in 1909 to the effect that the City would allow the Railway Company to remain in occupancy of those portions of the street uponwhichits tracks are now st of located, if the Railway Company agree the retaining wall. Unless the Railroad Company agrees to this, an attempt should be made, through Council action, to compel the Company to move its tracks off the street. In case the tracks are moved, I understand that the necessity for building a wall would be ob- viated. In the meantime, I think you better proceed as suggest- ed, and introduce a preliminary order for the condemnation of the land needed to widen the street. Yours truly, Oycrmp 0"tion Counsel. ;t Go- n, �J COUNCIL FILF_i O..._........__._........: NY FINAL ORDER IntheMatterof....Paving Fairfield Are. from Robert St. to State__.St-.-i...__- State.-St-..-from..N'illrnore.--Ave......tqSt. Lawrence_.S-t-.,.,..and-_,Indi�na..Ax.e...... fron Robert ...SA ...... ta..... w.tat.e.. t .,....i.nc.l ud.ing_S.ovt.er.,_..vte..ter.._i nd...gas...nnnne.c.Lions...f-r-om str..e.et..mai-us ....t.o...prop_erly...li.aesno.t...already.._made,,_.dl-so--- includi.ng--paving._Of--.alA!!M-_end driveway app roaOes,--and--t. e__g. nS.hruc Jon --And ........ C F. No. 25706—By It. A. Farnsworth- :........................... curbingwhere.-necessary-.._.---_..-.---_-----.._........_ the Matter of paving Fairfield Av a,m Robert Street to, State Sire, 24604 ie street ftom Fillmore Ave.,91.9-.- '-....._-_..._ applOq 9t. Lawrence St., and Indlat� under Preliminary Order .............. ;,.eons from Robert Street to Ste - _t. Including sewer, water v . 1 r c rm o.tions from street m.s... Interrnd' No. 26705 Sy S. A. Farnsworth—,i..........-. ---- --. approve roveron. linea complete,Council Matter of paving Fairfield AC P ,is street from Fillmore Ave' - Ined ,:'also t ,t' and C A m Robert street to state stre�ad upon the above impro`;, - . t r, having Mt;'e raomence St'Stand to alas and recommendations relative tli2r&6*,.,,'1"0'having fully consid- ered the sai:_ n—iclur omsrstr, RESOLVED,' 131-` . -TP, 'ulicil of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is.__Paye...rUirf.ie.Id...nve-....frnm_Ao.her.t._SL....-to t State_.St.._;...State.--St.---.fro ___Fillmore_Ave-.__to-_S-t-m LA encs--.St..,.--dxtd_.Indiana Ave. from Robert St. to State St., incluai.�g sewer, water and gas ..................... _........... .... connections from street mL=ins to property lines complete,.--where-__not--,-..---_ _ ----._.................................................... . already -,made-}-. a.lso--. including-..p±v-ing _o f.-.4.1.3 ... and...dr.iy.e1v'ay.:..approanhea..and --------------- the�--Eor4sEr-uc-t-io-r1---af---cusbin-g--+here----ne�essar+y......-- -------- _. .... . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed jl and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Coun- cil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed ` to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 11(..Yr�_ .4 ........... 191..._._ Adopted by the Council ... .........._.-_ Approved.. -...__......i it'_ i_ 1 d!_Jt':...._ ......, 191 - Councilm n Farnsworth Councilm n Goss Councilm n Clancy Councilm Keller Councilm McColl Councilm Wunderlic Mayor Ho gson /Form B. S. A. -7 ,.^ r City Clerk. _......_....... ...... =-- Mayor. PUBLLSFiED�—���9'� d . C. F. No. 26705—By S. A. Farnsworth - 1 In the Matter of paving Fairfield Ave. from Robert Street to State Street; State Street from Fillmore Avenue to St. Lawrence St., and Indiana Avenue from Robert Street to State Street. Including newerwater and gas connections from etreat mains to property lines com plate, where not already made, also including paving pr—he.f and 'y then construction drivewan of curbing where necessary, under Pre- liminnry Order 24804 approved April 1, 1919. A public hearing baying been had upon the bove Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard daltIonaso elativeeC thereto. and nd ohaving fully considered the same; therefore, be It Resolved, By the. Council of the City of SL Paul that the precise nature. ex - is nt tent n dkind of Improvement to be de by the a id City Is pave Fair. field •Ave. from Robert St. to State S[. State St. from Fillmore Ave. to St.l LawrenceSt., and Indiana Ave. from' Robert St. to State St., including sew. er,water and gas cennectlone from treet I InS to property lines co - -'pTete, whe'ra. not already made, also Including'pavIng of alley and drive- way approaches and the constructlon of curbing where necessary. The ma- terial on Fairfield Ave. to be Sheet concrete paving on a o- nen r a concrete ncrete foundation, nd the Cot,ncll hereby orders Bald Improve-- mResolved further. That the Commis-� loner , Of Public Works be d is here- by Instructed and directedto prepare plane and spaecification. for said im- Councll�approval slthat me to stabs for annrovel. the ene rai tv official, oral (March ping of St. Paul lgr larlmrnt of Public Hlarhs ne AUSSeM �M16r eNO1NCr� OSCAR cL o•eue M. N. DOSS, COMMISSIONER 1 �. CAeRA�u R. T. GOURLE Y, DEPUTY / t nL.Re a ,q R. T,o.,. Iv e. M. NeRnouo•o.r „-.. era,.. r... 1,1`J �v' I/ a i C. F. No. 26705—By S. A. Farnsworth - 1 In the Matter of paving Fairfield Ave. from Robert Street to State Street; State Street from Fillmore Avenue to St. Lawrence St., and Indiana Avenue from Robert Street to State Street. Including newerwater and gas connections from etreat mains to property lines com plate, where not already made, also including paving pr—he.f and 'y then construction drivewan of curbing where necessary, under Pre- liminnry Order 24804 approved April 1, 1919. A public hearing baying been had upon the bove Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard daltIonaso elativeeC thereto. and nd ohaving fully considered the same; therefore, be It Resolved, By the. Council of the City of SL Paul that the precise nature. ex - is nt tent n dkind of Improvement to be de by the a id City Is pave Fair. field •Ave. from Robert St. to State S[. State St. from Fillmore Ave. to St.l LawrenceSt., and Indiana Ave. from' Robert St. to State St., including sew. er,water and gas cennectlone from treet I InS to property lines co - -'pTete, whe'ra. not already made, also Including'pavIng of alley and drive- way approaches and the constructlon of curbing where necessary. The ma- terial on Fairfield Ave. to be Sheet concrete paving on a o- nen r a concrete ncrete foundation, nd the Cot,ncll hereby orders Bald Improve-- mResolved further. That the Commis-� loner , Of Public Works be d is here- by Instructed and directedto prepare plane and spaecification. for said im- Councll�approval slthat me to stabs for annrovel. the ene rai tv official, oral (March CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS6FONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Paving Fairfield Avc. from Robert -_St, -__to --_State- st-..;----Stz..t-e---.S.4-.__._.--_ In the Matter of -- -- ---------- - from Fillmore Ave_ to St. Lawrence St.and-__I_ndi_na�e�__fr-on Bn-best S -t -.---to.- - t under Preliminary Order approved -- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 32 Foot Roadway: Total Pr. Front Pr. Fnt. Ft. Foot Intersec. Out. Creosote Blocks... W66,654.00 10.06 $9.33 Brick Laid Flat.. 55,804.00 8.42 7.81 Brick Laid on Edge,60,454.00 9.12 8.44 Asphaltic Concrete,41,853.00 6.31 5.85 Sheet Asphalt..... 49,603.00 7.48 6.94 New Curb- add per front foot $1.50 Reset Curb," It" " .30 40 Foot Roadway: Creosote Blocks.. $859630.00 $12.92 $12.38 Brick Laid Flat.. 71,690.00 10.81 10.34 Brick Laid on Edge,77,664.00 11.72 11.23 Asphaltic Cuncrete,53.768.00 8.11 7.77 Sheet Asphalt..... 63,725.00 9.61 9.21 The lots or parcels of land that maybe assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 8 Bazil and Roberts Addition VALUATION �6 61100 7 8 to Y'est St. Paul. 8 8 do 15500 5 8 do 2000 4 8 do 1675 South e of 3 8 do 3950 10 9 do 6500 9 9 do 2650 8 9 do 2600 FORM B.B.A. B -B A TOTAL, I . _ .'.. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSOONEM OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ----------- _ - � .1 --- --- --_ -- •- D E SCR I P T 1 O N LOT !BLOCK! +r ti 4 ADDITION „ u ASSESSED VALUATION Westerly 78"5/6 feet of 1 , 9 , Aid lA on Bo -- (2 We t St. Paul- to West St. Paul. 3625 Westerly 79. 1/3 feet of g Easterly 40 1/6 feet of 1 9)', do Westerly 79 1/3 feet of. 2 ! 9) ; do 3500 -j, 3 i 9 ', do 7100 l - i (Except Easterly 48 feet). 14 13- 9 Marshalls Addition to and strip W esterly thereof. West Saint Paul. 8200 Easterly 48 feet of 13- 14. 9 dd 3400 _.. 15, 9 do 1200 _ - and stnip Westerly thereof u i. South Westerly 37 50/100ft 12' g do 2700 Northeasterly 12 50/100 ft 12 9 do - 3400 Westerly a Of 11 9 dO Easterly s Of 11� 9 do I �(Except .Easterly 50 ft.)9-10 9 do ,;_ 4400 - P,� Northerly 10 ft. of Easterly ! ; do 4 50 feet of g Easterly 50 feet of (0 do�10, 8200" 1 !� Easterly 50 feet of (9 9 do (Except North(rly 10 feet)( 8 9 i do 2400 13St. Croix Lumber Co's Re Arrange- 2400 Addition A �C 14 ! toWestStOePaularshalls 650 I15 i i do 650 ! 16 do 650 �1 17, do 650 I'650 18 do 19,, 1 do 650 TOTAL. 71 CITY OF ST. PAUL - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " REPORT OF COM&ISSftNE!R OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT !BLOCKI � ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 20, St. Croix Lumber Co s Re Arran ement 650 . .. :. 'of Block 8 Marshalls Addition to' 21 West St. Paul. 650 22 do 650 23 do 650 24 do 850 Westerly a of Westerly e of14 7 Marshalls Addition to West 1400 St. Paul. Easterly a of Westerly of 14 7 do 2650 i, Westerly of Easterly z of 14 7 do 1350 P Easterly a of 14 7 do 2350 r_ 15, , 7 do 5500 �! 16 7 ! do 2700 13 7 do 3350 j 12 7 do 5500 Westerly 70 7/12 feet of 11 7 do 3850 Westerly 25 feet of 10'' _I 7 do 200 (Except Westerly 70 7/12 feet 11 7 do 4700 (Except Westerly -25 feet), 10 �i 7 i do 1000 " 9 7 do 1550 1 10 do 3000 3 , 10i do 4750 " Easterly 50 feet of 16 10; do — �� Northerly 32 feet of 2 10+ do .1725 Southerly 18 feet of 2 10; do - Northerly 26 feet of ) 2100 Westerly 100 feet of 16: 10) do Southerly 24 feet of Westerly'100ft. of 16, 10 do 8700 - i ITOTAL. - . CITY OF sT: PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM*ISS(ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) __. - - - -- i ---------. -_.-- _-- DESCRIPTION LOT IBLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION � j! I 4 10 Marshalls Addition to : 3350 _2500 West StaoPaul. Westerly a of 5 10 "i Westerly a of ` 6 l0l , do "i Easterly E of 5 10 do 3050 Easterly of 6 10 do _ l Westerly 50 feet of 7 10 do 700 Easterly 100 feet of 7 ' 10', do 1800 Westerly 8 of (1 11, do 6200 Westerly a of (2 11' ', do West25 feet of East 50 do feet of 1 11 West 25 feet of East 50 2750 feet of 2 ! 11) do ii East 25 feet of 1 11 do: 3550 I'(do East 25 feet of 2 11': �j North 10 feet of West 100 175 I feet of 16 11', do East 50 feet of 16' ll` do 100 ji South 40 feet of West 100 ft- _-. 2825 r2825 16 ' 11 do I 3 11, do jll ( 11650 West z of 4 11' do ;I East a of 4 111 do 1300 5 11 • do ( 5000 i 6 11 do 7 11 do 1700 j Westerly a of 1 12 do �� �'-1y--a--of----- (,-2--�-�2-F-------do----- 4950 — - —'�;— TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMAS-84ONE!R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) li DESCRIPTION _ LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION i P Easterly L•of 1 12 Marshalls Addition to West Easterly $ of ( 2 12 4300 St. Paul. Westerly a of 3 12' do 1950 Easterly a of 3 12 do 2300 15 12 do 3150 4 12' do 8000 Westerly 25 feet 5- 6 12 do _. 1950 i Easterly E of Westerly 56 feet of 5- 6 12 do 2100 (Except Westerly 50 feet) l 5- 6 12 do 11300 North 26 feet of East 85 feet j of 7 12 do 1225 !, (Except North 26 feet of -- J East 85 feet) 7 12,do 4025 6 7 do 1200 7 7 do 6900 i, 8 7 do 1300 -I!I 9 7 do 1550 -ij (Except Westerly 25 feet) • 10 7 do 1000 u Westerly 25 feet of 10 7 do 200 Westerly 70 7/12 feet of 11 7 do 3850 (Except Westerly 70 7/12ft.11 7 do 4700 It .(Except Southerly 50 ft. 4 7) •, do I I Southerly 50 feet of 4 7 do 1500 V 12 7 do 5500 li 13- 7 do 3350 � rom.��wse■ TOTAL T.y I. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISBr10NOER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ __ AssesseD _ z v LOT 'BLOCKi ADDITION VALUATION i( "- i DESCRIPTION - (Exept.Wasterly 50 ft) 6'• 12 Marshalls Addition to 11300 11 West St. Paul. ;. Easterly s of Westerly 6 12 do 2100 50 feet of 5- Westerly 25 feet of 5- 6 12 do 1950 4 12 do 8000 r.3 12 do 2300 Easterly a of North 26 feet of East do 1225 85 feet of 7 12 (Except North 26 ft. of 12 do 4025 East 85 feet) 7 15` lg'. do 2150 8 12 do 2L 75 Northerly a of 1 Southerly z of 8 12 do 2475 1, g (Except Westerly 50 feet) 9 12 do 1800 (Except Westerly 50 feet) 10 12 do I! Westerly 50 feet of 9- 10 12 do 180 0 i 14 12, do 2200 II -11 East a of 12 do 1275 — (i I 4 13 do 3450 5 13' do 1850 -... - ! 6 13 do 2375 7 13, do 2350 1do L 8 13 3900 9 131 do 1700 �! N li 3 13. do 2000 u 14 13'•, ) do 2600 li i! North a of 13 13: do I� TOTAL, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS9►,ONIIR 'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDEk (B) DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION 10.7 b 3 h%rshalls Addition to West Sai nt Paul 2 19 do 4 11 Town of Brooklynd. 3 11 do 2 11 do 1 11 do The Westerly 110 feet of that part of 5- 6 11 do 11YYi northerly of a line drawn parallel to the4outherly line of 1--t 4 from a point on the Easterly line of State St. 97 feet from the South Westerly corner of said -Lot -4. ASSESSED VALUATION , 4200 4400 1000 5800 3900 2625 The following described part of 4- 5 10 Town of Brooklynd. Beginning ata point on the Westerly line of Lot 4-39 feet Northerly fro^ the South Westerly -corner thereof thence Easterly to a point on the Evsterly line 39 feet from the South Easterly corner thence Northerly along said Easterly line 10 feet thence Westerly parallel to the southerly line of said Yot 5 to a point 110 feet from the afore Westerly line thence Northerly parallel to Westerly line of Lots 4 and 5 48 feet thence Westerly to a point on Westerly line of said. Lot 5 58 feet from beginning thence to beginning. That part of 4-5 6 10 Town of Brooklynd lying Northerly of a line drawn parallel to the southerly line of said Lot 4 from a point on the Easterly line thereof 49 feet fromthe south easterly corner (Except Westerly 110 feet) Southerly 39 feet front and rear of 4 10 Town of Brooklynd, - 3 10 do Northerly I of Westerly 2 18 do 100 feet of Southerly s of Westerly 1JOf t. of 2 10 do Westerly 100 feet of 1 10 do TOTAL, 3700 3450 2425 2050 4400 2500 2500 5925 • CITY OF ST- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMRAISSfibNO-R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION (Except Westerly 100* and Except Easterly feet 2 10 Town of Brooklynd 39 feet) 'lest 50 feet of East 87 lo� do feet of Easterly 39 feet of 2 10 do 10. do Easterly 37 feet of terly 40 feet) 6 1 Dunwell and Spencers (Except Eac Addition to Brooklynd. do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 1550 1475 2400 5400 950 4100 4650 14560 6200 1700 2100 1850 1300 4250 2350 4950 1750 2100 (Except -Easterly 40 feet) Easterly 40 feet of 5 1 do 4 1 do 3 1 do 2 1 do (Except Easterly 120 ft)' 1 do Westerly 60 feet of Easterly do ij 120 feet of Easterly 60 feet of 1 1 do rl North Testerly 37 feet oflo 21 do South Easterly 28 feet of 21 do North Westerly 65 ft OflO-� South Easterl; 25 feet of North Westerly go feet of, 21' do 9 lo - North Westerly 25 feet of the South Easterly 54 lo, 21' do feet of 9- Easterly 29 feet South Ea 10 21 do of 9- 8 21 do 7 21, do TOTAL, ASSESSED VALUATION 1550 1475 2400 5400 950 4100 4650 14560 6200 1700 2100 1850 1300 4250 2350 4950 1750 2100 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISS'IbNAR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) _ ASSESSED ' - DESCRIPTION LOT 'BLOCK! ADDITION VALUATION North Westerly 25 feet 13' 21 ! Bunwell and Spencers Addition 3675 11-12 to Brooklyn. South Easterly 25 feet of North Westerly 50 feet of do 2850 11-12- - 13' 21 North Westerly 31 feet of South Easterly 94 feet of 13 21' do 1800 11-12- North Westerly 25 1/3 feet of South Easterly 63 feet of do 3450 11-12 13' 21' South Easterly 37 2/3 ft. do 7350 of 11-12- 13 21 West z of 14 21' do 3325 a of 14 21 do 3325 East !i 15 21' do 3700 6 9 Bazil and Roberts Addition to 13900 West St. Paul. �i 7 9 do 2500 it 8 9 do 2600 South Q of 5- 4 9 do 8050 !I North w of 5- 4 g do 6975 - 3 9 do 7100 10 16 do ,i exempt. - _ 9 16. do P exempt. 8 16 do exempt. 1 16' do j 8050 2 16 do �I 3 16 do 3100 Testerly of 13- 14 10 Ills .,ddition to 2400 C:est Saint Paul. f _asterly � of Easterly 13- 14 10 , do 2500 i --- — - - - - - -- -- TOTAL. 9 CITY OP ST. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMiSaftNtR ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (e) -_ �j ----- ---.:.-_ ADDITION LOT V ALUATIO '. - -?-- DESCRIPTION ;BLOCK --_-.`_ Scutherly 37 ft. Of 15 10) Marshalls Addition to west -a Westbrly 100 ft- of ) Saint Paul. Northerly 13 feet of West- ) do 10 8700 erly 100 ft. of 15 Easterly 50 feet of Easterly do 15 10') 11 10 do 6400 Westerly 40 feet of 10- 9 10 do 1300 Easterly 30 feet of West-. 10' 10' do 2100 - ` ii erly 70 feet of South 25 feet of East 60 9 10 do 975 feet of _ North 25 feet of East 9 10 do 725'' . 60 feet of do 700' -H Westerly 50 feet of 8 10 do 3800 Easterly 100 feet of 8 10 6600 -; 13 11 do �J do 2850 12' 11, II 3850 14 11 do do 2400 15 11 1675 1 11 11 do - West a of 1475 11 11 do d East a of 3975 10 11 do do 2'100 9. 11 1750 8 1T do u r;- ( 121, 12 do 2950 ( 13 12 d0 _ 2375 Li West e of 11 12 do 1275 1T 12 do _.. East a of 2200 14 12 dd TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMR41SSVbNLR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT '.,BLOCK ASSESSED 'ADDITION VALUATION d Westerly 50 feet of 10' 12" Marshalls Addit'_on to k0st' ( Saint Paul. 1800 ii Westerly 50 feet of 9 12! do " (Except Westerly 50 feet) 10 12 do _ ) 3400 (Except Westerly 50 feet) 9 12 do 4 South a of 8 12 do 2475 North e of 8 12 do a 75 � 1 16 do 2950 2 15 do 650 3 15 do 1750 16 15 do 2200 4 15 do 3800- 800_West West50 feet of 7 15 do North E of East 100 ft.of 7 15 do 875 li South c of East 100 ft.of 7 15 do 925 3 Rochers Re-ar. St. Paul, Minn. 147 2 do 675` it I 1 do 2650 _j j 1 S.olomonti_RearranEement 2200 2 do 1700 l 3 14 Marshalls Addition to West 7000- 000Saint SaintPaul. (Except South 25 ft. of 16 14 do 3525 --ii West 100 feet) ' South 25 feet of West 100 feet of 16 14 do 3975 '. 4 14 do 7150 West 50 feet of 7 14 do r i- I TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. REPORT OF COMITAISSI '44-R OF FINANCE -- ..Fl IMINARY ORDER ----^-•-_-" � � ASSESSED LOT LOCK - ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION ` 1 i i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --- ----- - 191. _.._ --- - ... ------ - Dated Commissioner j� Commissioner of Finance. Pauli Minn• i� 3 Beulah Addition St. 2, do 134 50 1 do 1 13� Marshalls Addition to 4400 West Saint Paul. 2 131 do 800 i 3 131 do 2000 4 ", 131 do 3450 5 13, 1 do 1850 141 13' do 2600 S 6 � 13 do ' J • 2375 is i i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. --- ----- - 191. _.._ --- - ... ------ - Dated Commissioner j� Commissioner of Finance. st naul, 1'41=. To the honorable, The Council, ` city of St. Paul, Minn. MAR 21i 1919 Gentlemen: M iIN: • GQ._SS< CUMOftIONER OF PUBLIC WORK$ !?s; t .e un3ersi fined. property corners, hereby petition your Honorable 3ory to cxase the following iWprovement to be made: Paving.Streeta.Pairfield Avenue. from. Robert. Street.t4.$tet6.... Street Street. , end . 3tete , St;eet , �r4m, �'?�•1�AP?'e . t'19e r . t4 . $t * �ag?�'e�0.4BP. and Indiana Avenue from Robert Street to State Street. f3M.......... ....... .......................... P, A 1!—X—. --�•':,-»+-res-.�i�.' �;yy--gyp: c ,f�..... F r dt . . � � .... SSS .�• .�r. J ,�v � 4�•�-d �t n�.,�r C .y'!f'�"� ............ Vic. . Hr'R 1 1919 �ft�J�iJ t"� s �, BUREAU WL,, 0,i?Eri?S. fit: St. Paul, yann., ..96roh-24; 19191 191... To the Honorable, The Cou.�cil, city of St. peul; L1.1T1. Cxentlemen: ?fie, the un.,iersigned property o-rners, hereby•Petition ycur iioiorcble 3nC j to cause thg fol7_o:�ing SPrauement tovias m2d8a Pacing Streets Fsi7fielct Avenue -from Robert -Street to -state, Ave-to et:vevrrenoe •gtre�et; eet and .State -street from Fgt e o State street. nd Indiana Avenue from Robert$t. A� 1, • ........... ...........Sam K A PC E� BOCK ,"" : t� r.W' r: m ... - .. q/• .. �. a • . ! . , X91, ." �IAR '� D � .: �i�r� �G• �! ' " ! ..� ji ll f Iy vz f (� NPR l 1919 Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for e ELbreet, state street ifrom Fillmoreeld Avenue oAvenue rto St. Lawrence et to tLawrenceStreet, and Indiana Avenue from Robert Street to State Street ;r in- cluding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also and he including paving of alley and .driveway aPP council File No.84 04r,gwhere approvedeAprilr1. 1919:oordanoe with 33 Foot Roadways TotiU.L"- Foot Intersec.0ut 9.33 Creosote Blooke.... 6 ,659E.00 � 10• 7.81 Brick Laid Flat.... 55,804.00 8.48 Brick Laid on Edge, 60,454.00 9.18 8• Asphaltic Concrete, 41,853.00 6.31 5.85 Sheet Asphalt...... 49,603.00 7.48 6.94 New Curb - add per froritfcot $1.50 Reset Curb, " n a .30 40 Foot Aoadwayr Creosote Blooke.... $85,630.00 $13.93 13.38 10.34 Brick Laid Flat.... 71,690.00 10.81 11.33 Brick Laid on Edge, 77,664.00 11.73 7.77 Asphaltic Concrete, 53,768.00 9:61 9.81 sheet Asphalt.....1 63,785.00 Granite Curb in on Fairfield,Indiana with 40 foot roadway - no curb on State. There is no sewer on Indiana Avenue between South Robert Street and Eaton Street. Property in the oentre of the block has been temporarily connected with the sewer on Eaton Street but for permanent improvement a sewer should be built in the street as follower On Indiana Avenue from Eaton Street to a point 110 feet easterly of the approximately line of South $450.00 Bert Street. This sewer will cost app So Sewer of house drain connections where necessarhy632.00. $60.00. Water Service Connections, Where neoeeeary,e yours very truly, WES/C ® Engineer. n L-,- ` Ch1 Mug of OIL Maui �P}tarrWppl of Publlr �Drko OSCAR CLAUS![N, ONI[r. [Ne.N¢.n N¢¢n¢ M. N. GOSS. COMMISSIONER J. [. CARROLLr Sunr. K¢.w�n crion wNo 9enr. R. T. GOURLEY. DEPUTY ALFRED JACKSON, ' K. W. GO[TLINp[R, 9e FrleK � � � M. S. O•�RYT9AK, ENp� d ;� St. P Minnesota1, pril1919: Mr. M. N. Gose, Commissioner of Public works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for e ELbreet, state street ifrom Fillmoreeld Avenue oAvenue rto St. Lawrence et to tLawrenceStreet, and Indiana Avenue from Robert Street to State Street ;r in- cluding sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also and he including paving of alley and .driveway aPP council File No.84 04r,gwhere approvedeAprilr1. 1919:oordanoe with 33 Foot Roadways TotiU.L"- Foot Intersec.0ut 9.33 Creosote Blooke.... 6 ,659E.00 � 10• 7.81 Brick Laid Flat.... 55,804.00 8.48 Brick Laid on Edge, 60,454.00 9.18 8• Asphaltic Concrete, 41,853.00 6.31 5.85 Sheet Asphalt...... 49,603.00 7.48 6.94 New Curb - add per froritfcot $1.50 Reset Curb, " n a .30 40 Foot Aoadwayr Creosote Blooke.... $85,630.00 $13.93 13.38 10.34 Brick Laid Flat.... 71,690.00 10.81 11.33 Brick Laid on Edge, 77,664.00 11.73 7.77 Asphaltic Concrete, 53,768.00 9:61 9.81 sheet Asphalt.....1 63,785.00 Granite Curb in on Fairfield,Indiana with 40 foot roadway - no curb on State. There is no sewer on Indiana Avenue between South Robert Street and Eaton Street. Property in the oentre of the block has been temporarily connected with the sewer on Eaton Street but for permanent improvement a sewer should be built in the street as follower On Indiana Avenue from Eaton Street to a point 110 feet easterly of the approximately line of South $450.00 Bert Street. This sewer will cost app So Sewer of house drain connections where necessarhy632.00. $60.00. Water Service Connections, Where neoeeeary,e yours very truly, WES/C ® Engineer. n L-,- ` Ch1 PETITION. TO THE COi-,1109'00UNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST..` PAUL. We, the node signed, residents and property owners of that certain distriet,,ind territory covered and included in Preliminary Order #24604, approved April let, 1919, which order proposes the paving of the streets compris,d and included in the following territory, to -wits Indiana A((*enue from'?obert St. to State St; Fairfield Avenue from Robert St. to State St. and State St. from Utah to St. Lawrence: -,Street and State Street from S. Lavrrence to the Mississippi hereby respectfully protest to you Gentlemen in the execution of this order. The basis of our protest here presented is particularly as follows: The majority of ne are hard laboring, poor people, who have only succeeded in acquiring the small interest we now possess in our homes after diligent. efforts, consistent industry and considerable sacrifice to the maintenance of our families. We are, therefore, in no`position at this time to assume an extravagant responsibility. We feel that under the present labor conditions and the price of materials,. it would be unnecessarily expensive and extravagant for us at thistime to incur such a deist as would necessarily result from the proposed improvement. We know that most of us would find it extremely difficult, if not entirely impossible, to defray the expense of such an improvement, if made at this time, and we are apprehensive that if this paving is ordered and this resolution of the Council approved, it will mean the complete lossto us of our homes which represent . the result of our entire life's Work and saving. We have discussed this matter among ourselves in meetings held for the purpose and under otiber circumstances and all of the undersigned have agreed that it ie for our best interests to fore- go the institution of this improvezent for a time at least, and in view of the fact that we, beine the principal persons interested in this project and representing a majority of the property owners y, h affected thereby, we respectfully present this petition of protest tb you, whom we consider and know to be our true representatives and ones who are zealous in our welfare and conscientious in your action. (Note) It will be noted that a considerable number of the persons who have heretofore signed the petition gratifying and approving favorable action by the Council on thjrs matter, have subscribed hereto. These persons signed the approving petition laboring under a misapprehension as to the true facts and now desire to withdraw their, former approval and to otherwise express their sentiments as herein set forth. Owners. NEW 1000 74 :.Addresses. I .✓/r s Lim v --i M,1411 _ IIF T. F:fUL f" ow�.w.i reF y _.... OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER Pe - M i AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM FILE Form A i,29 ]-18 ' '- ......................... _.._. IRT /-- ` TY ' IPT A, R fill AUEt] ..-..... ER. - TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the an REsosUI - - es as specified in the following detailed statement: Y, - - ted h Council ............ 7 191....-- TG met Y C. F. No. 2670Q_AbeIracL Op y Resolved.., That "=rants , be.: drawn Clancy upon the Cityy Treasure payable out' oL U 1991 the he elnafter specified Lunds and In roved.. Lavoy of the persons arms or orpora- pp '[Iona for the amounts set oppo.Ite the,; ; 'resDectivg names as epeclded In the t 1- owlne d taped statement American Concrete dnstttute, 35-50........ _. __.... ........ Aa.erlcan Literary Asaocle, I, 5260.MAXOR American Linen SnDptY Co pany,'1.00:Arlcnn Society of Mechnnf 1 En- Amer$3}I American Supply Company. ;136.74.Architectural Book Publishing Com - son pang, E3o.a6. Architectural Forum,46;00. �y Architeetural Revi^w, 8b,00. 1 Art Institute of Chicago, $3.72. Auettn-Western Road Machlner Company, $204.86.. F. 7, Bab-ck. $32.30. Baldwln Tranafer, j10.60. ..n, on Brothers Company, E4,. irglund Lumbe C mpany; 546.00. - L sc S Ru ... 11, $161 ,� Yinder S4fi.& 00. - ttk luel Feed Compan. n: ^otor: Car CompanY,: $461 80.68.. '.. phY, $8.00. :1din g t.Farhlne Compa Comp y 3,@194, American Ooneret�itutes 1399' American Library 4saociation, 4.iLby= �3siorr American Linen Supply Company, 5 y 2. 5 2. POIL" 1. 5 1. 5 Mrsrsie:':4�• 3. 0 1 . -.r2TgV American Society of Mechanical Engineers, tetQA American Supply 00mpany, R.38. 3. 0 -t 5 If 9 00 School's 9 00 76 89 it T�'199 Architectural Book Publisking Oompany, Library l*rM Architectural Fob, 5.50 2.50 11.00 3.00 136.74 30.25 5.00 ► TIR #2 " '-MM- Architectural Review, D L Pr A++.figs . y s 1 .12268 Art Institute of Chicago, 1*1!M Austin-Western Road Machinery Company, 1.22D46, F. W. Babcock,' glaggxounds I@eeS- Baldwin Transfer, Sebaola 12906- Bannon Brothers Company, Scher 12'M Berglund Lumber Company, 12206 Best & Russell, 12220J•_ Geo. C. Binder, Munia.. Gar=* �wRevl. 12. 5 Schools- •= " " 1L25 4 XN I.;N. Bo6th Fuel & Feed Company, P I"e 1621. Bnandtjen Motor Car Company, . d."- lee&S Brentano's, r.iy 4 341AL13_ Chas. A.;Brophy, i Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Comptrolier 16"6- Capital City Lumber Company, ioo3�e 115 4 Pl�gpeeads 19146 5 6 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Co., Sr ftv-b R. 1485 9--- -S -Oing. 119 MO-19- Chicago, Milwaukee & St.Pau1 Railway, St,,, Gw_9 R. 0 Sahools 1. 4 Library 3. 0 112218 Citizens Ice & Fuel Company, 600hools 122 ,Charles W. Clark Company., 5.00 3.72 204.85 32.30 10,60 1.50'K 46.00 151.12 46.00 2.20 45.2'6 6.58 8.00 14.67 132.25 3.14 4.84 30.00 6.95 49889- Cochran -Sargent Company, g�y�'N.a-�o cN • 1. 8 21. 2 205. 7 vl. 1 581► 11 . 6 35 pha�e�e&f 8ta�bion 17 23 committee on Public Information, Y2222" COamoe Pictures, LQnsav-^ Crane & Ordway Compiny� Alarm F:� t P. Bath St. C. R. Wor ae Spr ling Eary s grounds JOW Revl. n � fr fr n .UW84 A. D. Cummings, NRevl. 39e25" Daily News Publishing Company.. ffice ry Civ ice n Fire `SZZM Decker Hardware CPMP ion I & R. B. & R. use 8 ounda aeeO4 DePree ChemicalCompany# e -T22e8- Dispatch Printing Company, Ljbraary Y2Z25 Edward C. Downinbgg, 1.75 3 46 40 1. 8 3. 4 6. 7 62. 5. 4 59. 2 2. 5 2. 4 1M. -a 2. 0 2. 6 3. 6 2. 0 . 2 6.00 1 60 8 40 10 10 4 70 75 81 9 00 27100 7124 7.92 42.00 --=. 2 752 4 50 50 60 253`93 .15 1.23 150.43 8.25 10{92 125.52 247.50 62.62 2.35 Re age 4 0 1y S'► t� t£93o- Vim. B. Duck Company, 18,.20 t@gft --East Side Meat Market, 6.28 Iga.ja-Electrio Blue Printcompany, 115.23 ks 14 43 22 38 n" n 37 28 g}� . 24 50 " 8 00 8'00 64 C. C. Emerson & Company, 147.40 wnT+lt}a nasaa 36.00 30. 0 " 58. 0 " 6. 0 p 16. 0 12234 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 292.06 Bunasan G.L.E�I�,T'S. • 5 n n 10. 0 1. 7 4. 5 S x� 14. 5 5. 0 Bridg�8ppr. 5. 8 i1 or u e ._ 13. 0 1. 5 tSLOols..,.. 2. 8 48. 5 n 113. 4 M&GUanic_Ar.ts H.S.Libr. 1. 0 5. 0 Doak►- ga�Aea etc. 10. 3 2. 4 i2S8r.r Fenstermacher Auto Supply Company, 25.68 ]. Pield, Sehlick & Company, 67.64 13. 2 2. 0 8 Spaviw Sehools 44' 4 4 3Q8W., Martin Giesen, 1.50 pi-YIPOUnds, 10L38 R. L. Gould & Company, 61.75 24=9442, . 20' .15 it .40 1 .00 ,F®la- n .00 - 3 .00 c ; RA9 #5 %8Q36^ Great Northern Railway CR PAY, n n n Gny�� 12a49 Griggs, Cooper && Company, Ws r n n n U S W Ys'706 120do 1220 6 9 5 9"'.3 16 26 39 05 30 12.90 198. dO 472.4 777.91 F. 0. Gustner, Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, gqb=,A- W. J. Haas Mfg. Company, ,ygRs&V-G&r,-.,Reel. 14&*4 Hackett, Gates & HurtY Company, ,1@94fr- Handlan & Company egg p. R. L. Hardenbeagh & Company, jy1a. G.� Revl. J. H. Held, �nri Pl��gr-ods 31ti4B Theo. G. Hells & Company, Henderson -Ames CCno--m,p.�,a/��ny, ROILy.4-- H. R. Huntting Company, 1 Illinois Steel warehouse Company, 1£858=- Jackson Piano Company, 3skoe -- 3A®53- Jameson Hevener &R Company,b89G+b A. C. Jefferson Revl. I S�'�• ioee&- Jenkins Restaurant.*i t 1Z.:b8' H. W. Jo�ms-Manville Company, and levees d)oek,,.+.It 1120 3' 20 0 3.10 192.50 777.91 3.00 80.93 21.40 4.05 172.21 24.40 .4.40 90.00 23.68 122.01 14.57 50.00- 14.76 0.0014.76 3.70 5.25 8.38 "a+3iw3�oe� #6 18 C. I. Johnson Mfg. Company, 1 � tis 1,50 Library 12258,,; Chas. Kartak, 66.00 12969` W. A. Keller, 43.40 CitT_Rrrirto �►ctmnission `32260 Lemoke & Buechner, 42.80 12261., Leslie-Donahower Company, 194.35 , ch_DepIt. 3.70 Fi »a 37. 0 SQ n 10. 0 GVr-Northern Schools 11. 0 122. 0 -• �� 9. 5 12262 Library Bureau, 245.80 I.ihr�g-- 1.220. McClain & Hedman Company, 219.93 City_;, 11.00 Zle on _� 3. 8 Comer. ofFinance- Assessments 1. 0 4. 5 NRg4' IP9p_1:t. 1. 0 12.15 Misc. Stationery ; iae. & Unf. 85. 2. ftij'e,,,�_,... _ 4 2. If 22.2 IT 6.0 It 6. � . 0 Healt%t 1.00 QmTorift 59.853 wlege4., A. C. McClurg & Company, 406.46 IQQ65 Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company, 699.09 AOi3ao-, 2. 4 n •219. 9 n 24. 0 52. 2 ion � RRevl. 24.5 S� a R. 12.2 21.5 n n 21.6 n u 72.8 c=sor r. _ * R. 94.6 s S�g. 18.4 129.36 yowse 3.97 699.09 joe m. Manhattan Rubber Mfg.-omPar]Y, 156.00 Ill'.. Merrill -Greer & uhapma.n, 14.05 Woouse 6 63 Bim' 7.42 � ��D� 7�„Minnesota Storage Battery Compviny, y la.so. 12269 - Minnesota Sporting Goods company, r 25.40 4. 5 J�sta 4TJ brary 16 . 5 p 54. 0 n 42$.80 �,Mitsoh & Heck Wagon company, 86. 5 it 32. 0 n 86. 5 n 4. 5 20. 5 64: 0 + 10. 0 C. Gar. Revl. 100. 5 If n So 5 Se er C. & R. 2• 0 Pa s If 1. 0 4. 0 Pa ing W. Como, Snelling to Raymond 7.5 H. B. Mulford Company 124.66 uv�e 23.79 1A6+D+8, H. G. Neal Company.-ath, 5.99 S. & Cing. 15.7 A orium 2.0 367.03 3 LTT Nicols, Dean & Greggs, 2.1 +. 154.3 u 45.0 n 50.3 Po . & F. Alarm. 4.8 M c. Gar. Revl. 31.7 S. + S. Cnng. 35. 28.2 Sc ole 2.5 2.4 n 1.9 n 1.1 pg�Depr. 7.2 TZ%Tr North American 'Telegraph Company, 3.54 19 .7 r, Northern Coal & ]Took Company, 1,416.93 Sekoehbs-- '40 tgeje, Northern Fire Apparatus Company, 40.80 Northern Nursery Company, 56.70 i�6g9- Northern Pacific Railroad, Wgas.e .7 06 b ]22k76_Northwestern Stamp works, ! 3. 5 __:cit Clerk 0 Com er 0 Qu.arant a Revl. 9. 0 Munk ar. Goma of P. works �• 0 Sc ols 0 L rary 5 4. 5 " 1. 5 4. 0 3. 0 5. 0 2.5 .6 Par s 10.3 Pa s 4.5 P1 ounda 7.2 '+�„„ W. S. Nott Com P an y, 4pir s "^ 4 Noyes Brothers & Cutler, 6 00 lHumb 2( 00 7 10 115 68 hs 24 25 2 50 tine 56 36 5 00 14 37 2 00 4 05 f Dog Lie. . 0 use • 2 O dt H.S.Library 81. 0 1 7 J%Mr Old Glory Mfg. Company, g�pgls J. P. Olen Company, J5. 0 Mun c. Gar. Revl. 0 u " 8 4 3 4 9 "lam Oxford University Press, L� -,A. N. Palmer, „:,.Perkins -Tracy Company, icipal Court 9.35 Fir 11.90 M oGar. Revl. 1140 Sc ois 41 75- 9 50 n 7 0 n 13. 5 n 20. 0 Spec 1 Day Schools 5„ 0 Libr 7 24. 0 It 14. 0 Forestry Revl. 7.15 . 0 58.85 .13.25, 322.33 32.46 5.10 177.50 R jeeept-S. J. Plaff, 12296- D. A. W. Pfaff, 1228a,., pilot Printing Company, rtqf-�' m - f P. Works Pioneer Decorating Company, 1=23- Reliance Iron Works, fta-ithl p unds (7- 8.50 17 15 7 49 5 5 1'9 5 11 100 .0 .00 - 0 is=&uk n V ,C. V. L1bZw14--. Robinson, Cary & Sands Company, re ic. Gar. Revl. re C. & R. S rinkling ScsOle 0 SBps ial War Classes pe I Li ary Li a P ks P ks Pa, g Depr. J!@� The Ronald PressZ2.m ganl. y Libra 'Y &.0St.Paul Battery ComPanYP F re It ic. Gar. Revl. If If 16 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company, L2&n, St.Paul Brass Foundry Company, RO-vl. 288., St.Paul Decorating Company) xua"O- 1saw- St.Paul F ElectricX-Company, & ' Alarm e4ft&.- &-s%� schOol Mech. Ar ibr. Playgrountd%.4-L I 60.00 76,13 P X75 3 25 1 .35 .91 1 0.00 9.45 4.50 0.47 5.00 4 3.81 7 0 3 7. 0 24. 5 1. 5 4 1. 9 S. 5. 0.37 .25 118.25 38 05 1-59 -71 v 4 a 40.30 34.01 81.95 195*00 112.00 549.40 433.81. 5.61 56.08 1,088.17 32.75 15.00 71,64 12'390` St.Paul Foundry ComPanY, - .,goiice St �-`C : F� R. t -12510't"-St.Paul Gas Light Company, alth Qu antine St." & R. n n Sewer & R. u n S. & S. Cing. Sprinkl g it Workhouse ,32342-_St.Paul Stamp Works, olice %.Dog ELie. BL ];,jpg--gt.Paul Welding & Mfg. ComPanY, Nr Po & F. Alarm Bri a B. & R. Parks if yeln- N. J. Sattler, Sa`lsQpls Schieff'elin & Company, j4g�3- Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, ealthn ltl P. Baths Sc ole Par s to PlaX ounds Mark is Schoenhof Book Comi.ib==, Irm8 Schuneman & Evans, Qu rantine Lib ary Play ounds QCp/� { �NtiS�D� 74.18 41.50 5. 0 26. 8 219.08 6,2 22.1 62.2 6.9 8.7 7.77 26. 3. 4 1.100 1. 72.6 M. 186.24 1 .00 1 .00 12 .55 2 45 21 24 1 00 9.05 4. 0 . 0 1. . 2.0 1.0 • 2°20 a 24.00 3.25 1. 0 12 0 12 50 26 75 32 23 1 35 1 75 1 40 50 200 13 50 3 07 4 15 7 12 3 60 8 10 95.53 9.58 41.54 E. H. Sheldon & Company„ J� �\ y5 -7-0 8.00 �Rrhnola v i"ko---John Skinner, L. IL Smith & Brothers Co., Counsel Fir 85.45 S oola ,y243e-­A. G. Spalding & Brothers, MMVeiN H.S.Library 14 50 p 19 35 P ounds 31 80 57 50 .12 n .50- ,186aO---Stearns Printing CompOny, Assignee Quality P �gmpany a e yam.. Superior Printing Company, Schools Oaftm Swift & Company, use 21,50 �. 29,21 65,20 n 16,64 1 5 r--Tacke Meat Market, sehoo" :.Thompson Yards Lumber Company, .Tire Service Company, r x�__ 1251!V- William Tricker, 32"9X—" Twin City Mission Furniture Company, H ary 12 W. H. Ulmer Company, zgr C. & R. 43250 0 Paving mo W. Snelling to nd 0 2.=2.,_ Union Brass & Metal Mfg.ompany, 3�ei5B United Engraving Company, i@@" U. S. Radiator Corporation, SLR18'82>� D. Van Nostrand Company, 15i�rn+r� irmu_ Jos. Wagner, 1.50 87.35 133.77 36.00 64.00 132.55 - 7.44 177.92 4.20 7.00 46.00 224.50 17.75 4.50 5.76 8.10 19.50 J Res. -T033 Fg '1' 2252Y"`" Rf aldorf Bindery Company, `� 10 tibrary � ti 1232 Wallblom Furniture Qompany, cho is 9 Ward Mfg. Company, GF`:-Mise:-&-44%erseen Western Badge & NNoovvlellty Company, 12Wk Western Machine Mfg. Company, ire S. & Cing. D Wharves etc. 123:11. Western Supply Company, St -C..ke R. SewLVl R. Spr Sc F: g. gazz ,WesternUnion Telegraph Company, I ce Com"F7P. Works Sc 32mn, W. J. Westphal, ,12338 West Publishing Company, Cor . Counsel L 1256 R. B. Whitacre & Company, & R. Spr ug x,Wr White Auto Company, ]i&38- Williams, Brown & Earle, Is -, 12,j39 F. D. Williams Coal Company, 12340 Winecke & Doerr, T .75 .90 .58 .80 .24 .75 15 .26 00 25 It 2,780:05 60.00 188.00 18.00 221.35 130.23 46.85 54.50 5.25 1 41.60 1.60 6.25 54.91 68.60 END 111CROFILM CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The rgll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular course of business by —� —^S—% l'o NT'4iitelaF.�/ncl�,oT in accordance with the standard and approv d technique with a Recordak microfilm machine, Model of Eastman Kodak Company. i 2. The roll of microfilm was made on e, a7 -A 196p by the undersigned operator(s). 3. The serial number of the roll of microfilm is &—,Q /f 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: 5. The last document photographed on said roll of microfilm is: C,7� �7-- / After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roil of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: Dated 13 n p Operator Sozvis -40-nv3ene 1vN011VN o-z����� T•T VIII Z•Z eie����'a`� s-zO•T VIII ��� a z�Ilia 7 �J Y b acO — 0t ~ �\ ��� p p� ooti i