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�. START _ Serial No. of Roll So . Department ['`a n leFk Office ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP , 7 -� PE.RMAIWNT RETENTION LIMITED RETENTION Date to be destroyed -- If ,limited ' Date Nicrofilm .J-ge .0 64 CONTENTS (I o t H, Pe Rp limber or nare of first document off regular contents O DY ..7�'�n • 17� ��f' 'Operator - Operator Supervisor - J I M&�EDIARY ORDER In the Melt of i. c., ..t.i - -' G 4 1 -c _; £ r t - y,... r Lots 2 and.3 Oak Terrace. Sub-Division and. all that part and parcels of lands lying between Isabel Street and Congress 2tre t which gra.-forrcerly Goa Avertue.and vacated by rssolsstion of thel;Comcon CounciOct.18, 1906, and recorded in the of ice of the Regi.ter f De rl In Bloc12; 3,, Auditor's Sub,`"4o 36: test fifty (50) Peet of Lots 1 2, 3 4 5 ;no y _ All o£'Lot 8. Eaat.15 (fifteen) feet. of .Lot 9 .All, OYsLpt 11,. except the :rest 105 .'feet A,lYoYLpt 12,- ` .: r Ha.- All that part'af Lots 13 and 14, that lie. n,. ""�'°'a"`�� line �ar°xn,irom a. point on,_the sv4th line of Lc 1 , I, "i.-if c,e °i hs S , c . ax-of same to 'i'.E, corner of Lot 30 :of PisSep. °` '. In Preecott's Addition: .1 That part of Lot 22 that lie. northeasterly,q`i " ed. line: The zest Pifty (50)feet,of 'Lot 1. , A1]-Cf Lote 1, 2;. 3, 4, 5, 24 25 and 26 e The east fifty (50) feet of Lot 29. All that part of Is a 27. and 28 that lie. nor; it awn from a 'point, on the east line of .said Lot P7, 'sixty '(60) the S.E. .'Corner of reams to.a point on went line of Lot 28,-.. ne i cf-. the LS Ccrner.of same. �' - ° In 9aat St. Paul Proper: t ' All' that part of-Lo"a 1,2, 3,' 4, 5 and 6, bio °k Sao,. =,.u'St use north of a liae'drain from: a point on the east line of saue,� 3v.•i, 'eat north of the S.E. vrner, to -a point on the weat.. line of same, 180 feet-,ncnth. ofthe S. W. Corner.- s•' All that peat of Lots 3,4, 5 and: 6, Block 10, that liae'nurtu of a line drawn from_.. a _:point on the-east-line 'o£-said block, In t north of.-the S.E. Cozn'r to :a. point on. the •vest-line of said blocky 110 _et-nor t'n of the S.i- :Corner. VAll that part of. Lots 1, 2-and 3, Terrace Plao ey that lies north of last described line.All. that part of .Lot. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6,.Block 28, that lies north of s line-dra•.rs. from the ?. E. Corner of said :hloek to a point cn -iv Cot liner of said Block- 295 Peet. Korth of the -S._T Corner -.of same, " In Robertson's Addition: - All that part of-Loto 1,-8, e i, 6, 7 si S, Block 7,'that lies I' . Corner cf Preocattla Addition to a point v e-y:71� co er Ll.ck.8 .k, .b 7 ori 1:tl 2 3t _iPp sotitlr by a n ' „L, '. a t li:e or said block, 857' sou c O, tie .c. .comer, 0P::.ZdWa, to ;a ,point_.oiY':tte rest-lips f sera elook,:.203 eoiah ei the 7J ew. corner of seas.- A11'that pax`t,p£,Lots 1, 2, 3 4� 5 ::and 6, Block 9, That lies acutil of aline dr aei"n.Pr`om a'point on the east li5e of said 203 feet eolith of the: I E,r�qrner'of,'same to a point on the West line of Lot 5, "2CO. feet south - o£ the ti;n, corner of aaid`Lot 5, and this line produced to .the v:eat''line pf said block, All :that Port ofElock-159'that lies' north' of .a line dravm..irom a, point. - on the east 'line of said block28Pfeet north .of -the southeast` cerner--rb-2 - Scilit ct'. the -lest line of same 152 feet north oftheeoutnnest corner of - In Irvine's Addition. All that part of .Lots 4, 5 and 6, .Block 197, that liessoutl. of .aline . drawn from;tbe northeast corner. of 'Lot 4, to a point 'on the scuthwast line of said block; 60 feet southeasterly from the lvest'c orner of cars, - In Block- 198.. _ All that part of Lot 20 that Ides cast of the 'seat line of Lot 15, pre-- duoed north acrooe Lot 20.. - All that part of . Lots ` le, .1716 and 19 that liesnorth of a-Iine 60 feet ocuthof- and parallel to theperthline. of Section 7.' All that part of Lots. 7 to 15'inclusive, that lice sithin tLz {oll'oia rg descrioed b-e: -{iz., b ;.;inninr.at the 7.E. corner of Lot 15, thence neat on Section line between Sections Cand 7, 72 feet, thance scuttc,catarly to a l pciht on '.rest line of Lot 10, 75 feet sou t.y, of tl;e :[. :,. corner cf. sec�.e, , thence •rest to ••.eat line of Lot 11, at pal nt 75 feet -�.•ao��th of `'. corner; ` thence,morth_on west -line o£ Lot 11, 7.1 feet to said Fecti3c line;1 thence was on Sections line to scleasteriy line of Ohio Street; thence eetyth- yresterly on said street line to aezt line of Block 198; thence eon h•an .said west line to south line of said Block; thence- east on said south .'line, to'-$,F,. corner 'of Lot 10; tierce north on •neat lire of Lot L" Y5 feet; , .her,ec r;crthe- ler] to 2 c1rt cn e-a ].ins e: 'a;. lO, L'O - nth of F.T. corner of seil Let :. thence crti, or. .lest line cf Lot feet; thence cr t an e.t line of Lot 16, 14C .`yet r.oFti of corner c£ Lot orth on said vieli:e o ct 1' to 1,jace -v:m 71 " Also an e ani t 1 rty r,.. roe r - - i of .gav "or", Aanrtrcn to ul the c Rer i c �'1 r 1 he center line c. Ohercl2 ,v,,.,ue, pre3,ced nor"neastrr,} icyca e . -lack s �I udvr Preluviuery O d ...... .....: pp d _ tCounml of tl C ty f SC Pool 1 A d the report t tl C: cr of F nnev OPonthe uhuve nvprocewenl, n d Luvmg cons fidered said report, hereby resolves 1. 'That the avid report be vnd the ..me ie hereby npp,.,ed and vd.ptod, vnd the sold Improvement I- b ... by ehereby ordered to be pe.eeeded with " Thvt the'nnture of the improvement which the Council recommends iv.."''.::.............::.:_.[.::.r...-.- 9 I t 1i on and 1 t -crt a 1recln t t ee s-. c r t ed er 'r n. t of"� u , i ecxr. for c t or -or. cu ul Oat 1S 1°C l ir. c.:i , c. „re ,,..r c_. Ic_. s cv lr 11, MS. 1 i I lock 3 !r di top ac. 36: I fifty ( ) -e_t ci Lots i, 2, 3, 4, �, S mrd 7. 111 of Lot S t ast fifteen (1 5) felt Of Int 9 cat feet. _ - A1� Of Let 1 line All that art of bots 13 and 14, that 1 c. -t -t iv drawn fisom a'.point on the s . outh line cf Lot -�t feet - st c the 'Corner ry of see to 17. corner Of Let 3C. c` Pre,cott'6 I art*r.T.- In Prescott's Addition. ..That Part of Lot 22 that lies northea y Cf 9cve deacri --• The rest fifty (50) feet_ of Lot 21. - --�All of Lot. 1, 3; 2, 4, 5, 23, 24;. 25 an, The east .fifty (SC). feet of Let 28. _ All that part of Lots 27 and 8 that 1 .crth c line t [ro-. point on tue,'east line of id Lot c7.,-si..ty ( �t .crt. i. Corner: of- same_t0.a Foi t cn :reit lfn. of Corner of same. Tn e=t. St. Paul Proper:- - All that part o£'Iots a, 2, 3,'4; 5.an ]cC 1 t:a lx :Orth of a linedrirrn from aoirt off(, the east line_ ..e, 14'eVt.rc t. f tr.s ::.E:. Cerner, to a point"'on the 'west line of a - e :.ort of the Corner. ;" ,911 tliat.part of :Lot 3, 4 , and'6, Elcck lu t t a rt o lire draryn from a point on the east 11ne of said bloc., : ' x n rtl ¢f Corner. -to a:point" or, -the-t,set-line cf said o;.och, it Oat ac �:, c. "..a .. Corner. lie, crth r -,t. i All that part of Lets'1,-2 and 3, Terrace PIaC t�':at described line.o All that part of Lots 1, 2, o; 4, 5, and 6 L1oc -c, th ea block to a rcxt'n e'line drawn from the c. E. Corner said Else •oi sard _ Point on neat line of ' . .295 feet north -.of the S.T. Corner of same. In Pcberteonts Addition. All that part -of Iota: 1. r, 3, 4, 5, 6,7 and "c, Bioek 7, that 'ties south of a line drawn from. the 1. r.. corner c£-Prescott's Addition, to a Point . on ,rest :line of said Block 651 south ofthe N.T. Corner cf senna. - -All that. part of Lots: 1, 2, 3, 4, >; 7, and 8, Block 6, that. lien -south of aline dra:'rn from a F'oint on thecast-line a' raid t1ocP, 1, sou tlr- sof the t:.E. corner of same to a point or, the. west line o3 said dock, 2..0 south of"the:_.r_corngr_of. sae:e_ - .. _. -ud -01 - t r(. sc t., e�. 1 t t c" lists 1 2, o - a lir u r r'rx - Fcir cr . 6-t ice of s &x oto- P 243 c o t,. c - the4o.nar e Cn:e to afoint on the eat line o Lat 5 e. ,....t uth _ of th07:1 C coxrer of said Lot 5 and. tnis. lire produced to the teat. line of. said 'block. - - - All that part of Block .159-thate lies north of e line dram (reel a o a on the .east line of said Block 282 feet north of. the southeast corner to a point on thes-est line of same 152 feet north or the-eeuthwe st corner of V. - In Irvine's Addition. - -'All that part of; Lots 4, 5 -.and 6, Block 1p97, that lies south cf aline drawn from the northeast corner of Let 4, to a aint cn t�e so amc. st lire of said. block:, 6C. feet southeasterly from,. the; west corner -of een.e.- of.Lot 15, Fre-. north a..i: osa Lot. duce All ,;hat Fart c.. Lots 16, -171,18 and 19 that lies north of a line 60 feet.acuth of. and parallelto the i,ifrth lire o- 5eeticc 7. A}J: that part of Lota 7 to 1e inclusive,,;,+ at lies within tl a., following . described :bounds viz.,.beginnin at the it korner Cf Lot 15 t ence_aent on Sectionlinebftseen Sec.tione b and: 7,, 72 feet, thence -scz m: t rly tor.a oint on ',test lira of Lot 12, 75 feet south of., the K.T.corner of sante, therea ,eat to scat lime o Let 11, at a point 75 feet south o oorner; thence nortfi on Deet111Lot 11, 75 feet tosaiaeetion li le thence thet on. Section -line to southeasterly line of (it, street; thence south- >eresterly on said street line to 'cat :.tins of Elock 198; thenc'id ut on -" said weet line to south line of said Block; thence east on aa routh lire, to .c j% corner of Lot 10; thence north on west line of Lot 10 6 feet; thence northeasterly to a point on weat like of. Lot 12, 120 feet north of corner of said Lot 12; g�l�,h�ee nokth on :rest line of Lot .1 0 feet; thence east to a point on ct6tVline'of Lot 16; 14C feet north of'- corner of Lot 16; 'thence north.on Said ;est line of 1,ot 16 to place of Isginning. Also an ealeulorlt forty feet glide for an overhead br11oe acrf06 91ock 2. of Dal'fr,Un,e padition to'�eot R, Paul, tho neuter line of tshioh �e the oenter 1ino of Ch6r,*o Yom, protiooa nuthoUtorly across paid �iool �ouf in �boordano� lu�i�h tha,i�luoiprl>lthoroto orttaohod ad hadod�nhl uortionad�bo�+l�nlrl�ho �';� �hp, h��on��lpoxt�,ono ohouiri rho ouEo and iiia o � , tot n ' o alteruativas, and that the estimated oast thereof is gyp..... ��� p �•�"^ r'"' ' public ` g ' pdny of Rasoly{ d Further That ahearuAt be hour 11ofa10!o'clock' nlPl I I., it, the Conuctl'Chamber of the Court House and City lull Building ill the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CoanciL.�i� ApprovedIA/ri CouncilmuflF nn worth Conno / aT�cY ovuaihumr 1 er e (,onncilmnn eCn C'o e wh dlu7or-}tela. ` i:c--z @onn B. S. A. 8-6 :.. .. _. Cit 'Irrk. A f7lzi PL^%r t"T6D OF FAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE* ON PRELI,.1(f4RT ORDER t fu the Matter of takin�r_i and <�n{Le;:tn7.n(�.luiloll -.in5 as cr'he3_lz:ru._l:or-._gfos.p -- 9 Par:: Boulevard: in West 'St. Paul Proper.- •-`'- - i Lots 2 and 3 OakTerrace Sub-Division and all that part and parcels of lands lying between I8abel,street and Congress street, which was formerly" Goff avenue and vacated by resolution of the Common Council Oct.,18,1906, and recorded in the office of the l7eGister of Deeds ilov. 10th, 1906. In Bloch 3, Auditor's Sub. 11o. 36; 7iest fifty (50) feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. All of Lot S. East fifteen (15) feet of Lot 9, All of Lot 11 except the :gest 105 feet. - Ill of Lot 12. All that. part of Lots 11 and 14, that lies northeasterly of a Iine drawn from a point on the south line of Lot 13, 105 feet east of-the S.T. corner. of same to V. C. corner:of Lot 30 of Prescott Is nddition. - In Prescott's Addition. That pert of Lot 22 that lies northeasterly of above described line. The west fifty (50) feet of Lot 21. " A'll of Lots 2, 1, 3, 41 . 5, 23, 24, 25 and 26. The east fifty (50) feet of Lot 29. , All that partof Lots 27 and 28 that lies north of"a line drawn from a' point on the east line of said Lot 27, sixty (60) feet norta of. the S.E.cora ner of same toa,point on west line of Lot 28, 70 feet north of the S.l'.. corner of same. In West St. Paul Proper: 'All that part of Lots d, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 11, that lies north of a line drawn from a point on the east line of same, 140 feet north of the - S.E.corner, to a point on the west line of same, 180 feet north of the S. corner. -I 'All that part of Cots 32 4, 5 and 6, Block 10, that lies north of a lin drawn from a pointon the east line of sand block, 180 feet north of the S.E.corner to a point on the _west line of sand block, 110 feet north of the S.'w, corner. All that part of Lots 12 2, and 3, 'Terrace Place, that lies north of last desctribed line. - All that Part of Lots 1, 2; 3,4,5 and 6, of Block 26, that-lies north of a linedrar,n fromthe iV-L.corner of said block to a point on west line .o£ said Block; 295 feet north of the S.'.v.co,ner-.of same. In 'Robertson's Addition. - All that part of Lots 1,2;,3,3,5,6;7 and 8, Block 7,- that lies south of a line drawn from the .i',.corner of Prsee tt's Addition to a paint on west line of said block 85' south' of the N.lC.corner• of same. .All that part of Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, and 8, Plock B, t}iat lies south of a linee-drawn from point oh-the east line of said block, 85' south of _ the 1: `c.corner.of &ams to anoint on the est-14--f- 2-f - south of t}:e 3,*.4i.corner of.same: All that part of Lots 1,2,3,4,5, and 6, Block 9, that lies south of a line drawn from a point on the east line of said block, 203 feet south of the N.E.corner of same to a point )n the west line of Lot 5, 200 feet south of the N.W.corner of said Lot 5, and this line produced to the vest line "of said block. All that part of Block 159 that lies north of a line drawn from a point on the east `line of said block 232"feet'north of the southeast corler to a point on the west line' of same 152 feet north of the southwest corner. of" Same. In Irvine �e Addition. All that part of Lots:4, b and 6, Blool[ 197,thatl'ies South of a line drawn from the, northeast corner of hot 41 to a point on the southwest line of said blook, 60fet 864heast'erly.from the west corner of same. in Rock X99. All that part of hot 20 that lies east of the west line ofLot 151 produoed 0Ah across hot 20,' All that part, of Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 that lies north of a line 60 feet 'south of and parallel to the north line of Section 7. All that; part of Lots 7 to 15 inclusive, that lies with the following described bounds: viz., beginning at the N.E.corner of Lot. 15, thence west on Seet`kon line between."Sections:6 and 7, 72 feet, thence southwesterly to a point on woo line of Lot 12, 75. feet south ,of theNA corner of same, thence westAo west line of Lot 11; at a point 75 feet south ofN:Wf, corner (_. the nee north on west, line. of_Lot 11,-'75 feet. to said Section line; ' thence westlan Section line to southeasterly line of Ohio Street; thence southwesterly onsaid street line to west line of Block 198; thence south on ea id west line to south line of said Block; .thence east on said south. .,line, o to S.W. corner of Lt 16; thence northon west line of Lot.-10, 65.- feet; thence northeasterly: Ito a point 'on west line of Lot 12;."120 festa - north of S.W. .corner of said Lot 12;: thence,north on'we,0t line Of Lot 12, - 20 feet; thence east to a. point on west 'line of Lot 16, 140 feet north of C.W.corner of Lot 16; thence north on said west line of Lot 16 to place of i beginning. ' a - Also.an easement forty,feet wide ,for an overhead bridge across Block 2 of Dawson's Addition to'west St. Paul, the center line of which is the s center line of Cherokee Avenue, produced northeasterly ecrdssfsaid Block 2.- . j _ ander Preliminary Order approved ----------------------.... r To tbn Council of the City St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: I! The total estimated amount of the assessment far the above { $—--- nl - The lots or parcels of Ind that may be rise sed benefits for such improvement, and thea essed valuation of I,. r"".FR; 1 cl 0 EIS CRI PTIOR LOT nLo<a 2Oi'.k !r ry ., v �UnTIOH 300 3 do 50 Irtt 01' 1' SO wn �'()1t I f I ..I (��! :IIS) i, � 1 � ` •"��I ii 1 fi•; r,l� .i (East 32 feet of'0offdve. „I I ((vacated and adjoinin P 18 do' 3650 j54 i?:at 7,,:. -Meet of Coff Ave. _ ander Preliminary Order approved ----------------------.... --_.... = To tbn Council of the City St. Paul:. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment far the above improvement is - $—--- The estimated cost per foot for. the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of Ind that may be rise sed benefits for such improvement, and thea essed valuation of .-I, Iot or parcel as Inst reported by the Assessor, arc as f.R.- 0 EIS CRI PTIOR LOT nLo<a 2Oi'.k IDDITION 1'errace Subdivision v �UnTIOH 300 3 do 50 Irtt 01' 1' SO wn �'()1t .i (East 32 feet of'0offdve. ((vacated and adjoinin P 18 do' 3650 j54 i?:at 7,,:. -Meet of Coff Ave. vacated aid adjoinin (T,xc. north 4% fret) riots 1,2,d: 3 54 ;do 1300 Fast 3"; feet'of Goff Ave. vocatcd .i�nd adjoinini,l north 40 feet of LAB, 1)2IN 64 do 7900. . 10iA6; FORM B.lAA-S A DEPARTMENT OF FINAACE 2 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE: • _ ON PRELIMIIyf� RY ORDER aesCRIPTIONLOT j AoDIT— qua ION i West 50 feet of 3 Auditors Subdivision No. 36, 8400 _ 'St. Paul, C11nn. ,West 50 feet of _ 1.2 3 I:' :. _. :.300._, West' 50 feet of 3 3 do _ ;300 fleet 50 feet of ''. 4 '. 3 do _ 300 , -� _West 50 feet of 5 1 3•', -. do_ _. .;300 West 50 feet of. •I 6 3 i. - do _- 1500 _. sect 50 feet of 7 ! 3 do _ . 800 •. a 3..� 'd0 East 15 feet Of.13 ._.._. do 100 00 _._ (Except 'Nest X105 feet) 1 3 do do 25c All that pert of Lots 13& 14 i 3 Prescotts Addition to St.,Paul. - -. 1 - that lies northeasterly of'I line drawn from a point on'' the' _ 1400 ---south line -of Lot 13, 105 feeti _ east of the Southwest corner of, _ _ _. _'!•___: _ same to North -ease -:corner pf _ Lot 30 of Prescott's Addition I - _ That part of Lot 22 that Lies do -... _ _ 1700 _ - __. northeasterly of -dne aidrawn from point on the south line of; Lot 13y -- -Y05 feat east of the outhiast j corner of same to northeast corner. �l of Lot 30, of Prescotts Additt n. - West -50 feet of 21 do 400 -1 do _ _ 100 ,.. _ do loo 3 1 '� - do _ 100 .. 4 36 a .. '..100 I p . 5 do 100 , 23 I c]o 200 ' .24. do °. 200 DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE - REPORT OF,COMMISSIONER OF•FINANCE - ON PRELIMI TRY ORDER. 251 Pre sc[Stt's Addition t, St- P-3— 250 . -. .. do - 26 " East 50 feet of 29do - lOOo - All that part of Lot. 27 & 28. - -. ""'-- than, -lies north of a line drawn from :- do--- 3700 a point on the east. line of said ' -ot ".27 sixty feet north of the - southeast corner of same to a', po lilt on west line -of Lot 28, 70 feet I - - �' north of -t:.e southwest corner :of same._ - All that: part of Lotsof 2., Block 11, 1hu ---- Ldl Gast west 's hdrth" of --a line Pro r� -.'. drawn from a point on ,the eas line of Lot 6, - 5300 - ''--- - said -block, 140 feet north- oftthe`,southeast cor- 7 per, to a. po int on the west line of Lot 1, said - - -- - - - - the isouthwest-corser :--- -- -"- block ; 100 feet north of i All that part of last L� of Lot 2, LBlock 11; 'Nc st. - - - - - .S -t :- Paul --Proper, that 11e north 0 -a line -._ -- - 400 drawn from a point on the line - said block;- 14ofeet-north'of e of Lot 6, 'southea st- ' - - - - "-- -".- -�- west corner, to apoint'_oh the ,west, line of er, Lot said block, 1II0 feet north .of the - - - '^ - southwest corner. All th- t part of Lots 3 & 4. 11 tlaL l;�a north of a line ---- - "- -- -- - Nest Sa. Paul Proper, U drawn from a _:olnt on the ',eost line of Lot 6, - said. block, feet north of, the 'southeast - - - •140 corner to a -point oa the viest cline of Lot -1, the'! southwest'.-- 5225' _ - -" —id block, ISOfeetnorth of! corner. :� All that p -rt of Lots 5 & 8 11, " ., s north of a bine St. Paul Proper, that lig - - - _est �- a point on the ea�T, lineofsaid -Lot 6-,---- drawn Froin -"-a -- - 3275 140 Feet north Of the so theast o6rner_. to a point - i on the -weot ]ine of Lot 1; said Block, 180feet - north of.. the southwest corner. All that part of'. Lot3ono Jest Paul Pro der ahatlies rah of a line fSt.rp - dawn from a pointonthe :east line of. said _block,. r -. -- 1300 -- - 180 feet north of the southeas t . corner to a point j:, on the west ne o sa � oc I, TorwL, - - , " CITT OF Sr, PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 - DEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - • - ON PRELIMINrRY ORDER ASSE5eO L Tlae K ADOI > VALUATION 5 4 ` All that, part of Lot 4, Block 10, -'nest Tics north of a line drawn from St. Paul Prop-rthat line or said block, 180 feet north of the _ 125 a point on. the east -- 'west line of said block, -southeast corner to a point on the! po 110 Peet north of the ., uthwest corner. All that p�rt f Lot. ' -lies north of aline drawna toin5 10 ---- 3350 ' WestSon Pau east line of said Block, 180 feet north of the_-- - ast point - 't on the -west line of said block," corner, to vouthe 110 feet north of the southwest corner. i All that part of ,Lot 1, Terrace Place, that lies north of a line Tigeof Block 10, '!last St. rain-. 1700 --drawn from a pont n the east Proper,, 180 feet north of the southeast corner, to e, point on _ the west line of said Block, 110 f,olt north of the s outhwcot;cornerAll . that a P'e'ace, that 110, north of a line 'east: Alock-70 Nest SL Paul Proper, a- the line of draheast corner, to a p int on the west line 1650 - a hoofttre2 180wfeetonnrtm southeast +-- north Of L?io southwest a .rner.- tilock, lI0 feet ho of said _ All rrace Pl'a ce, that lies north of a line at p '4est Bi- Pahl- 1800 - - drawn a point o the drawnfr p a east' line, Block 19 to a Point n afeet . Prop. � nort3' the Isoulicetcnorthner afi e, southwest ` - y ',--- the west line bf s-id'blbck, 110 £ All that pert of Lots 1 and 2,i Block 28, Nest SL. Paul Proper, --noir _ 1300 _ the st corner of`- -- thath-northof a line -drawn-from the said block toa--point on ..west Mina of said block,�295_ feet T-" north of the soli 7,hwest-corner ;of- same. - ,est .,t. Paul Pitoper All4that part of Lot 3, Block 28 nom cornu of -- -dr 437 5. that 12ea north o£' aline wh fid the northeast west ,line, of said block, 95 feet,,. _ said block to a point' on --north of the southwest corner hof same. All that part -of -Lot 4-, H1lock 28, "'.'•'est 5t. Paul Proper, that'!-- _ .lies north of a line drawntrio nartbeast-corner-of said;._ 1700 =- -- !frog - __.. _ ._. north '-'— _-- " oust line of said block, 295 feet blook to a pointe n :I of the southwest corner of, s me. k Z8 '+act--St.-Paul Proper, l_- Allthat pnorthfofoasl - - that lies om the northeast corner of'. line 'lino 5225 -;,.----- said blocktoa PointOne of -said.- block, 295 foot north - - '.� of the southwest coaner of same. I' _I - an or ST. PnbL 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 5 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ' ON PRELIMIN,PRY ORDER lBl - 1 t— ' DESCRIPTIONLOT—xw wo T Anon All that part of Lot 1, Block 17 Robertson's Add�t on to Ycs.t- - t Pau ,�3,hnt lies aou th of 6 line drawn i;ro the northwest, 85 feet.south of the north point da. west. lin of said Block, - 5:000 ' .of ?rescott-. Addition to a poi , - corner of ---Is, (Erccpt E—terly F 10 feet to city.) - - - _- li All that part df -Lots 2,..3 and.4 Block 7., Robertson's Addition - - to Pest St. Paul,. that lies south hof`. line drawn from the 3325north. - st o i ..point. on west -line of aid <, Block, E35 feetr southof1tHe tnort'hwest corner of .same A11 -that part -of Lot_5, Block 7, Robertson's �•ddition to i i• Addition of is line drawn from the northwest 1350- --- - p on west line, of said est Ht. Paul, t, lies s, corner of Prescott's_ ion to a! point _Block,85 feet south_of_.the R Fthw:est-Corner of same. ' All that part of LDLs 6,_7 ant S,i.Block- 7.., _Robertson' -s .Addition '- `- to %est -St. -Paul, that lie., south hof a line drawn fror the north- 1600 _ west corner of Prescotts - 'Lo_a point -_u _west line of..aid - --- -- Block, 85 feet south of tk e�northwest corner of same. - All that part of Lots l and 2,' Block 8 „Roberts n's fduitionl0 block, 203_ feet south o the Nor of a line.dra—he. from a point, on the 1800 - -- `_-- e st line f s id Bloc 5 fe'bt soutl. cof orner northwe t 11ne of said West St P. ul, that lies so+ a o a brthw�e st,. corner of am-. -- '-- - -- _ A11that part of Lo Ls 3-,-4� and_._ 5,L Block 8, Robertson's -Addition, to -West --- 6 on teSt. line, ofhsaid ies Block, , South f a line drawn from a point 7450 he 'feet .south of. .the northeast 1'-- j' corner ofsame to a point on the west line of said block 203 'feet south df tpe northwest corner of_.spme. That part of Lot 6, Block a, Rpberteon'.s .Addition to .est :a Paul, - described as-fallovrs= comTencirf; where line between Lots 5 and t, Block 8, intersects. north line; of 13ruLSemann's Brewery; thence- -'southwesterly-e.lonC northerly line's of said Brewery 37.810 feet ' tonorthwesterly corner ofsaid_Brewery, thence.. southeasterly- — : a, one westerly end of sa:id,Brc'ery 40 feet to aauthw terly < 450, .corner `hereof, thence so uthea ^.terly in_str+idht-_line to southeast - " corner "bf said Lot 6, themes northerly on line. between lots 5 and 6 to place of beLinning,- vhich;.lien south ofaline -dray^n-from- on int on the east line of saidblock, 85 feet „outh of the northeast corner of same to,a pointon the vest l--e,of_. id_block,-203 feet --- "p, south of -the-northwest corner of seine. r+l v - -S, sr, rwuu I_ 6 _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF QOMMISSIONER'OF FINANCE s ON PRELIMitrRY ORDER - - s I PTION °j That part of Lot 6, Block 8; Robertson's Addition to '^est --- - St. Paul, -(Except -tdie fgTlow ing: commenc Line of B line .on'sen lots 5 and 6, Block 8, intersects north line of line of manai's - _ -- Brewery, LHence southwesterlyalong northerlylSne bf su id F.reivery 37 8/10 feet to nortrwnsterly gorner of said Brewery thence southeasterly along w` sirerly end of said Brewery, 40 feet to southwc sterly corner Lhgreof, thence south easterly In stra lE,ht 45 0 _---line to southeast c6,6r of ',said lotL 6 -;-thence northerly on line , between lot 5, and 6, to place of boginning) which lie- south "- - of a lino drawn -from a iSodn� on'Ithe east line of Said Block, _ .85 feet south of the northeast corner of same to a point on the west- line of said -Block; 20.3_ feet -south of the northwest corner of same. All that part of Lot 7, iB1odk 8t Robertson's Addition to Nest St. __.. g jlineh of��d wd-from a Point on the the northeast corner of' same, s u east- line 1050 of said Rlock, BS feet me, to a Paul, that: lies south o a -point 0.thewest line (Jr Block; 203 feet --south of -tithe northwest--' corner of same. All: that PsouthfoLot 88,;Rortscn's !addition to '.est., St. . Paul, tha- drawn!from a- pointl ' on the east " v _Lhe northeast corner of same, 8 5 0 - _ -- =----- - to -a oint on the -+est 1'ine'of said block, 203 south of -feet 'this - of sa Ld Blo a!" 85 feet outi) o _ P nnrt hwent cornyy of -ma. Block 9, Robertson's Addition to 'est All that part of Lots 1 & 5> a kine draw: from a -point -ori the stat -Sine - west ,2ine of Lot sj 20 of the northoost corner of sort e, ton oosa id -- St.. Paul; that lies south oro £set south of the northwest corner f on theof d block, 03 feet south toethe outL line of s id Mock. 1525 Lot 5, and this line produced, _. .. _. All that part of Lots 2 & 3m Block 9, Robertson's ddition,, to 'lest _ -- T -St Paul; that lies-south'of a"1 Lo drawn from a -point on the ea' -t line of said block, 203 feet 'south of the northeast corner of sale , 3700 to a ape int on Lhe west lure o1'.. Let 5 200 feet south of the north west corner of sA1d Lot 5, and this line pro6uSell to the west line .: __...._.- i f,.. _.. - . . _._ - -_ - ___ of said block- I.. All that part of Lot 4, Block 9, Robertson's Addition to. rest —.. _ St. Paul; that lies ofla line drawn from a -point -on the - -- - -- - b£ sa id' -block 03 f t sout•le et Iseuth of the northeast" corner e' st line of s id block 103 P I of the -north east- corner f the ee, for point corner o S�Sd Lot f Lot 5, 200 feet south of the r 750 vs 5, Ind this line produced to the - e_thlinetofnsllnd lock! ins o - - -- - -- _- - "est Paul tat -lies soua 9 IR b its n's Addition to _ Part of 'at 6 $lock ,� h o4 a ].ins rawn fro a point on the east line of said blo It X03 feet South of the nortlp. St corner of _,T to point orl Lhd west line of. Lot 5, 200 feet ,13 5 0 south of ,the darthw st corner!of Laid Lot 5, andCTtthis line pro ace - - - On, of sr. PAUL7 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE v --REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE aN PRELIMIIIARY ORDER DeseR Io ..ocK w' orrloN Auu tT 'Alli that Pexce pt T`fi t.t-ta---esoi thouth 194 feet and all that P rt i -- - a - f 94 -feet, Alock l5 - Rnb t..o'z 775 - Addition to '%c st., E t - 2-1. 1 than 1Les north of a, line draw. from a pointonthe e' —t _-line -of -:said-block 282 feet north of floe i seuth: .t corner ta - point on the. west line of same, 152 feet -north of tc>he �soutl-:wrest - ooraer '-of same: - j All that part of S --t-11194 feet of lot 1 and of south 194 ' -- feet of -Lot -2,-y31 oc'_t 158-,--I1obortson's Additionto:fest St. PCu11 7,900'that lies north of _a line drain from a point on the east line drawn 1 __. - fram'-a point--o-n - MY— ems t- l3 -re iof-"$aid- block,' 282 feet north of'tha southeast corner, to a po Ant on the west line of same,152 feet 'north i -'"--of- the 'southwest - All that pert of lO inclusive, Block 159, Robertson's Additi--n to rest t --BauT;, that lies north "'of --a line drawn from --16800-"--- -";"- a paint on tha eat line of -said block, 282 feet nor tfh- of the, - - southeast -corner- Lo---a--poin t--on"thn -wrest-line -ol'-- m sae;- 152 feet_"- north of the sout k:•r. est corder ';of.. same. I 'All that part o£ -Lot -t, snd t17e F,•sterly 25 feet of that part "-nort,hwes terly o£--'Fslu ££o£-Lot'S, Block 197, Swine's Add ition i to k'%c.t r south of a lint. drawn from, the 3300 "--northwestt corner -o Feat- siuthto eas-p-,int on -the -southwest 'line - of sold bloci<, 60 Feet � ster]y from the west corner of - iS! That part soutrieastPrly of Bluff of Lots 5 : nd 6, Blocks 197, L': est .tet '�' `-t lie's-south--of--a line ,-- - 7 Irvine wee! the --to _:o tl; oh•. I, dravrn free! the no ntl�-east corner of ,hot 4, to a point on the 2700 -- southwest -line-- of --sated -block,--60-fe'et--southeasterl3 -from the -- -- ---- -'i west corner- of e s ! _ All thatpart n '-�-es rtterly -of Bluff of the westerly 25 f. I '_ A'-- ofLots-S and 6,-- Bloc -K -192, Iry ines Addition to -Fest St. PauA; -- 600 j that lies�- � .south of a 1"n_z 'ora•.in from the northe_st corner of _ a-- - -Lot 4, -to a Point -on - ti— s -ti west lineof said block, 60 feet - j� southec,terly frown tri- west cornu of All that o�rt oF._ Lot.__20 Block- .k 198, Irvue _s-Additionto 3-:L.e2t:of the st line ofLot 15, - .- 500 produced north asLotc 'All th t n r -- . _ of Lots 16 and 17, Block 198, Irvine,- - `-- -- Adddti— to V;: —t --St _ --Pani, that I' .- northof-a line 60 -- 4450— ; --- 'I feet south of x cj para1161 to the north line of Section 7. :. ,� i orAL. PAUL OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT xOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE e" - ON PRELIMIItARY. ORDER - esoRlFrloR �___ a ITION i AAAA I All 1riaL o..rt of Lots 18 and 19 Bl ck 198, Irvines .addition c'-- to West St. Paul, that lies -north 'of a line 60 feet south of -and 1904 parallel to -the nortaa�l, ine'of Section 7. _ - 7 '198 iry hies Addition to 4fest St: Paul. '125 do 300 -_9 198 do 2575 i That Part of Lot 10, Block 198, Irvines Addition to Asst St. Paul, } - lying -north of a line drawn £rpm -the nest lineofsaid lot, 65..feet -775 !. north from the so.thwest corner ofi said lot to the west line Of' _ . n,—st corner raid -Lot and --block:' } let 12, feet north --the--soot, _ , All that part of Lot 11, Block 198, Irvine's Addition to •--- "rest -St. Paul; -lying, southof•-a-hire-dravm-fro--theu-est . t line of Lot 12, 75 Feet south of the northvest corp of -same to the v:est-- line -of-said Lot 11, 75 -feet -south of -the 3 :northerly of a line drawn `2575 4 northwest corner of same, tand eon—th ofthescathwest- - on --we_,' 1-ine of Lot LO 85'_r e't n Lot Y2, 120 feet north from the -southu-estt corner ofsame. - r _..__. _ All that p:.t of Lots 12 and 13, Block 198, Irvine's Additian ' - ----- -=--to-`Yest St Paul-;- ly-inv- south a, --line -drawn from a point or, - the Section line betv:een Sectilon 6 and 7, 72 feet .vest from 'r -the northeast corner of Lot 15`, thence southwesterly to a point. ,--j- on the -west line of said Lot 12, 7.I feet south of the north- 6550 wost of ..me andnorth--of . 1-1ne drawn frornm-a - Dint -- ? _-- .' on the west line of said 'Lot 12, 140 feet north of the south- -_t, -point_.:, w. -t -line of -----west--c orner-oP--Tame-;--thence-east 'n - - Lot 16, 140 fcc1, north;of south set corner Pof"said Lot 16. - All from Let 15, and -that -part of -Lot 14, -Block-198;-Irvine s -- Addition to L est St aul, lying southeasterly of a line drawn I..-- 'n ,'the Sect'on line -bet,- Secti-ons 6 and 7, - 72 feet vest frOl the nortpe�.st corner of said Lot 15, thence 1800. ----soathv:esterly t -a --point -on the -at-line-of- Lot cAndi pond of bloc k-;- --" ---esl- feet drax-rr f �mof tae o�nthw thr ,t ---line of --said 'Let- -12, 1 40 i p i feet nort'r of the sou hwest corner, of same, thence east to a, I v:cst lime of Lot ;16 said Block, „140 feet -north - - point -on -, c -•. of the so::thwest corner of', An easement forty (40) feet 'lde for an overhead bridEe -- -- _._ w s Addition to lest t. Paul, the center line r of which ch is Dawson'^ of which is th e�center line ofi Cherolce_e .Avenue produced,_ :. northe-z;.ste rly across said Blockf TOYAL• . _ PST. PAUL _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMUrARY ORDER �-` O ' - GCSCR� TION LOT �aLoO TION V ION ¢ - - � 6 � Prescott's 4ddition to St. Paull 1 G0 - _._ 7 do 100 ` __ _.... ____ 8 .. __ .. __..-.--... .__ -- (10 100 _• do 1.00. '10 .... .. -._.. do ..100 ._:_ __. -- - 11 do 500 ' 1z ' do ioo - - do_ 13 14 1 do 15 do 100 i __..__ l Fi 100 — -- 17 i_ do _100 --- '' do ` 100 --- bio. .;..._ _ _. :20 _l I do 100 121. do 400 South 50.. feet o -f. Lots. 27 £c�f3;. do 3 1 Aud_ itor's Subdivision No. 36� t 8400 - St. Paul, ry41nn. - _. 300 �. .. 3 ,3 do 300. E. 3 do,_. _.. 300 ° t4 5 3 .' do 300- i .. .. 6 3 1 do `: 1500 .. 7. 3. - _do -_--_---- -- - --------800 _, ._ 9 , 3 � do � - � 10000 10 3' do _ 1900-. �. 15 3 do - ! % 500. -AL. nm of sr: 6wuL - - ----1' - " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - _ - 10 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF'FINANCE - . - _ ON PRELIMIrRY ORDER (B) DR.oN oN T r�o I _. - South 50 ft. of North 69 ft.l& 3 Auditor's Subdivision No. 36, 2175 1 - - _ St. .Paul-, Mind. - North 19 foot of 1G 3 do 375 l - south 50 feet of 1G 3 '' do ( $ast 50 feet of South 6 ft. : ) - - "" - - - (and Last2 feet of North 50 ft. :) 247,5 a-- ( of south 56 feat -of Lot 17-'3 -) , do .• a Exccpt East 50 feet of South i --- 6 few t and E—opt Last, 2 fret""--"- ci£ fJot�th-50 feet of south 56 ft. .,,• - , of.. :17 �3 :. .do _ .. -. 150 - 18 3 do - 2000 19 3 do 3075 ., (Hxcept Terrace Park) 1 �33 ;—t =t'. Paul Pro der. 12900. ! North -=. of (Exce2t Street) 2 '.33 do 4700 qq 'South '• of (Except Street) 2 33! �.... do 28007 ! 3133 do North 2E feet of -- ( 4 33 do - 2050.1- 050 - (Except :forth 25 feet ) 4 -33 .. (E ... pt dd'- �� 7250 S North 45 feet of Lots 1,2 & 3 154 do 7900 {t{ - i+orth 45 feet )Lot1,2,3154' s (E—pti do 1300 f- '.16 ':54 �I, do 750. 17:.54 do. 600._.. ...3650 i.. .. 8 � 54 do '','lest of Dakota Ave_ Lots 1Ac 2 63_ do - 325 ' {(Exccpt North 113 feet) 3-!11 do 800 1 - woe t 5 feet (Except North 120 ft) :, � 4 11 -- do - -- '- '"� � _. 4425 ° -- ,East 45 feet of South -100 ft.of4 ill ;-- doh - - 4325 .--- -South 100 Feet o£._ - -. L..5 ill ,.. _. do _ .. _.. ..._1300. _..iii;.._.. . South 100 feet of _ 6 ill do 4475 - .. or. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 11 ,- REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON. PREUMIlrRY ORDER - .. (B)ASUMe --_ DESCwIPT10N, o Ao�IT10N -VAIIAT.o. • .l _�6 lest St P-1- Y o ler. 2600 . . 2 26 do 3 �6` do 2304 west 2/3 6f 4 �. 20 do ._. 2050 –, East 1/3 of -4 and_ 5 26 ^_ / \ do 3500 iI !:west 2/3 of- 5 26 do _. _ 7050 .. (6 26 do < 7075.. _ q I! S—th 30 feet bf (7 26 do South 30 ft. )Lot 7 & all .(Except of _: 8 ..26. __ .-do_ - - 2150. ,..._- _26.. _. _.do _... _ .... _... 2350.. _?..._. _ lO _ _.... __ __.. _...1200._ 32 1 do _ . .- - . 1225 2 , 31E do .3600 3 32 doh _ ,._'- 1100 ( - 6900 _ (5 32 do 6 ! 32 do 50 32 do 550 i .�. ..- g 32 do 925 ! - 1 55 do 5300 2 55 f do _ -' 950 3 55 do - 950 4 55 do 2250 i _ 5 55 do - 5100 :Vest 35 feet of East 75 feet of .2-& 3 -.56 . do. _ 2150 i'fJest f.. 1,.. 2 & _._. _ 3. .' 56 i ... _. _.. do -. ..__ . . 6950 _ TOTA�. - - DEPARTMENT — FINANCE _ REPORT OP COMMISSIONER OFFINANCE 12 ON P-IMIrRY ORDER (B) - ESCRIwT ON OT.eADDITION. - East. 40 feet of 1, 2 F, 3 551.1lest St. Pau1, P—P.— - •3550 4 '56 - do 3300 - 5 56 do '- 2':50 . .. _ .6" .56 do _ 875 _ _ :..7 56 do 750 [ - 8 - 56 do -- 1675 -- .'Nest 1/3 of 9 and 10 56 do 3100 ' _ East 1/3 of 9 and - 10 56, do - 2350 West of East 2/3 of o and- 10 56 do- - 4000 Ile steT'ly 27-� feet of 6 anu T 61 do 1400 '. Easterly 37� ft. of 'A—t 75 ft. ' , .._.. _-of Lot..6 and _ _ .7 61 ..do. e_ _..i 3.00 - y -- `;Jest 35 ft. of EX.,t 75 ft. o£ Cl -7- 61 - do- - - - ,' � 15£5- --East 40 fF-et of -Lot 6 --and. - -7 .-. 61 _:. _-. do._ ;. -'_ ...5300- :._.. .8:._....61 _.... _.._.do_ .. :. 2975 :...___ C. 9 6T do _ -1 - - -E—t (10 - Cl -'do � -do - 6550 " 1/3 of Lot 1 and 2 62 9700 , .. . !'.est 2/3 of Lot 1-� nd .. 2 62 - do 7000 - 3 32 do - West 1,00 feet of - 4 62 do- 1800 East 50 f et of Lot 4 and 5 62 do 4650 West 100 feet of' .5 62 do - - 4::50 r 6 62 do- - 4500 " 7 62; do _ _... _ 650' .. _., _ 8 ... 62 do.. 775 :. 9 69. _ do 2050 i - - 10 62 do :..,...... .".. - - I TOTAL. ! o �T- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. , 13 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE PRELIMINARY ORDER .00SCRIPTIONOT - A001 TIOv VA DATION i --79 :;t ::t. Paul 2ro.)er- _ _.. _... _-. .. _...- 7350-, do ._70 -. ... ,..8_ do _7S..do _.. 1600__.. ._._ _.. 9 .'6000_. 10 79 do 700- " ' 1 78 do. -._ - 700 :.- do ;_. 2 76 2300 4 .78do 5 78 do ._77025._._. ( 6 78: do ... _ �. _... 7 78 do 8 i-78 __.. do_ _.. s J (10 78 do _ 1....84.:, do'_ _.. X500 :. �... 2 84 ado 400 � Nor Lr. � of 3 84 do - 200 -Hest 90 feet of South _ oY 3 841 do 2950 ". West 90 feet of Lots 4 and 5 84;do p _ .... ...... . 1000O� { .. ... .. .. _ �.._.. Er, St 60 feet of South < of 3 84j) do 6325 ti E—t 60 feet. of Lots 4 and 5 - 84 ) do _ --East -50 feet -of Lots r- and 1 7 --841 ' - - "do - - - . 3700- t -t-nd-- 7 ---84 ...,,.. _"... do ".... _. ___ -(ExceptEa st-50 -Feet 6 -)�-.. - __ !0_57.5- f 84; . __ _ _ do _. ...... _�_L _100.. _. _.. ".__._. _..... _.84;..do__. _. ._ .___ 200..:_ 10 ', 84 do x 400 :. . TY or sr. PAv� -' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 14 - ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIJARY ORDER '. _. (B) AoolTl $CR-TION - (Except :"est 1',0 feet)Lots 1,2&3 -85 est ✓t. dauT Proper 2760 :'Rest 100 feet or Lot. 1,.2 & 3 85 do 5300 _ - 4 85 do 100. 85 do X50' 85 do 11500.. 7 85 do- ' 8 85 do �. 2850 'rest 50 feet of Lots 9 and 10 85 do - 2260 - - East loofeet of Lots 9and. 10 85 do -. 6050 98 do 2600 '. 2 98 do ! 3400 do 2150 4, cg do - 2600 5 S6 .. do 3600 - 6 S8 do 3rpp do 16050 - i 98 do �'. East so feet of Lots 9 and 10 f;8 do 5100.., ' (Except E. st- 50 feet )9 s=od 10 98 do. .' 2750 ''.':est 100 f,et of Lots 1 and 2 99 do - 3750 - 'i East 50 feet of Lots - 1 and 2 99 do _ 1250 -. 3 99 do - 3400 4 99 do 23J0.. - _ _ do 4575 ' est �_ "�__ FO fee.t'Af Lot.,_-6 and 7 9 do 8750 (Except "est 50: feet) Lots 6& 7 99 __– •_� do __..____.— -" __—_ $500-._._-.T p pARTMEN'T oP FINANCE - 15 - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMRI/I.RY i ORDER (a) O C3CRIPTION T a OITION - ALUATION .. .East.1:00 feet of South o -f Lost 8 i- %Vest. St.. Paul.e 4OO _ and T:ast 100 feet of Lot -9 99 - - .!!North L of _ - 8 x,99 d o 1250- Clest_'50 .feet of Lots 9u'.d 10 .99. -. do _ 2200. -(.Except 'T•est. 50 feet). Lots 9 &10 :99_': -. do .1 104 - do _ 2900 - oI 'i '.2.. 104'do ,. _ ..... 300 :..-_. :3 .104. do 250. .4. 104 -_ -.-. _do. •_. :... _. 250. .5-..104 do .27.5 1 - .._... i0 104. do .750 - :7-. .104 _. _. do. _ 150 _..__. ...._. .8 104 i. do - -.1850 !... i - 9 -7!04 do _ ... 300 ... 10 10a 1 do- 650 ':':est 92 .feet. -o£ '.. _ 1 105 do - ..200 ._ :Pst 92 feet). 1 .105 do " .._1550 '..2 _ 105 j do 40A ',3' 105 _ do 2025 - 4 105 �. d9 �. ` 175 !�!5 105 uP . 1,75 105 - '; do _. 450 _... 7 105 4 - do - - S 1325 .!.. _.. -. ySoutri 3 feet sof--,8 105 do (EXCePt South -3 foot.)__ _. - 8_105 i-. do. _.. . • .x:1125,;._- ;I , . Pest -1/3 of -Lots 9 and -10 105 - _.. -. do. , .,. 1250 CITY Or CIEPARTNII N Or FINANCE _ .. 16 - -�I REPOF:tTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON—MLMIINrRY ORDER O CSORIPTION LO aL X—TIOI{ Assessmo - -- bast 2/3 of - 10 105 1,1.st St. Paul Pro e 1750 . '.:-.of Lot.1 and -' "2 115- do 175 fast of Lot 1 and ,2 - 115 do .. -. .750 . ' - 3 115 do ..: . 12:5 4 115do _.... .5 625 - 115 do _ ,. 2300 6 115 :� do _ ..115 2650 ,. 7 do .325 8 115 do _.. 1600 9 115 do 275 _ .I... 10 115 I. do. 275 fast 27,. feet ibf Lots 1 and2 116'0 do - _.,. ,.. .. - ;i _. .. ... ,) i 975 R'est 112'• feet of .Lots—1 and ', 2 116 '�) do 19est _1/3 of Lots 3, -4 and 5 116 do 200 ,Te t `;- of East 2/3 o£ Lots 3,4 5 116 ,, do - 175 _ - �East 1/3 of Lots 3, 4 and 5 116'; -do II 6 116 do ....., .. 1600 7 116. do .... 575 -_ .,116 8 j do 125 116 do _ 125.. _. of 10 116 do ". _ 725 " lO 116�.do. +1210 75' do )_ t 2 121 �) do 1275 _ 3 121 I do.. _ .. - .250 - __... ;: _...4 121 _ do _ ,.- 1350' 1', —400-- _ � TT Oe Si. PAUL .p - OEPARTMEltT OF FINANCE 17 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE ON ll,. I INgRY ORDER ' -- q esCR TION LO ADDITION vALwTION 6 121 We= -.t 8t. Pssul 400. 121 do -. -. .. ...2250_ I.. 8. ...121 .121 : do 1150 _ G -. do _ 900. 121:..... _ do -...1550. South -100 fent of Fast--_. of 122 - do 8500. .. _ South-50'f.It of i'Jor.tri--150 Teat ofi Fs'st_. 122 t do 2650 ylest 50 feet off' ;)Orth 100 fcct �. of--E.,st L-.. of .. __._ 122 "... do-... __.'. .....1450 .. _.._._ -fast 50 -feet of V.c st- 100 Taet ! ... - Of E«st I- c:f _ 122 do 1250 Gast 50 fret of N.,th 1_00rP .t 122 do 1935 . 1 131 ! - do 4960 2 131 , do 750. v 131 T .. do 1600 ) '. n 131': d o '.do 375 131 _. West.40"feet of Lo Ls ti and 7 131 j_ do -, 200 _. �_t 75 feet of . _ . _. - 6 131, do 1100 _.E.St 7.5 feet of - - _ 7 ..131 ,. ,. do fast -35. feet c,f 7^est 75. feet og' - 7 131 do.. 8.2,5- . ;youth 45 feet of F3 _ 131 -' do. 2025 - 3I orth. 5feet. of '. .. 8 1.31 ;)_ do - - 5 131 I) do 3500 10 131 '.. i do... 4400 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, 18. REPORT OF -COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY OR- DERw001 A-T- N1 1 132 Wcst St. Paul Pro9er. 450 - 2 .132. - .do 2600 - - - 3 132 - do - 400 S 4 132 do 400 5 132 do 2150 �A SokYth ,.- of East 100 feet of 6 132 do 750 - (Except South of Fast 100 f --t) 6 132 do - 250 7 132 do 350 • 8 132 do 350 - - _ 132 do 1450 - 10 13?, do 400 r1 1.38 do 400 'i 2 136 do - - 3'. 138 - do 625 - ( 4 138 -do - 5 138 do 125 6 136 do 100 7 136 - do 100 West 50 feet of e,9 and '10 138 do - �'" 1500 East 100 feet of Lots 8, 9 & 10 - 138 .do 1 -. 4950 _. f_. -.. 1 j 147.. do. 175. -... d - 147 do. 1.50. 150 - 4 147 do 100 o 147 do - ... 800 ,..-..-. - 6 ,.-147 do. - 1500.. East of Lot "D.. and all of 7 ! 147 do :.. 1750• �:..�� — _ cITY or sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' - 19 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DC SCRIPTION LOT a ADDITION 8 . �. 147 '."iest St.. Paul crop— "- 2675 - 9 147 do 1500 - 10 'f47 do loo 11 X147 do 300 12 .1471 do 100 13 '.147�. do 150 14' 147'. do 1200 (Except Eastc-•rly 50 fect)Lots 1&2148' -do loo Easterly 50 feet of Lots 1 & 2 1481, do - 3,25 . '.3-.148', do 125 4. 148' do 100 - 5 148 i do 12S - west_'. of - D do - included in Lot.6. (TI—t. part lying northerly of,—uth - -line of lot 8 Block 147 'nest St. Paul - - - - •' Proper Extended -west to ..at Tine of �� said lot 8 produced seaLh to&aid,, do 5o produc ed r.tom.ad' line. (Pur L:ofEzu; t' -'•half of Lot_ D hest 1—TE o£ C do 275 .. Sou t7-cwe stcrly part of 1- =60 f.1-t -o n --L ht line and 40 feet on lino— Part of Fust;,: _ C_ 1,) do - ,) -475 - 'j (Exce of Southwesterly part of / ) J ti Fast 60 F<-ct on Fast line i) - -_d -40T fee t, on vest :Line) C ,) do 1,Dawson's-Rearrangement of 'Lots 1 to - !lo of Plock 31, of 'se at St. Paul Proper '. 'in the City of St. Paul, Mi— 4375 - �:. ,. 2:...... '. do.1900 3 i do - 2000 -- ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE '20 ' - - ON RRELIMIVRT ORDER, (B) oGS -TiON LOT 'aADDITION -An.. � - (.4 D.—.'. 7,—rrangement ofl Lcts- 1 to . - 1J of Block 31, of 'l,,st St. Paul Proper -(. 5 : in the Gity. of -St. Paul, Vins. 9000 E - do 3350: . 7 - do 4600 :. North 30 .feet c£ �'. - - c do 1175 -- (Excerpt Nort'r. 30 fact)- 8 do 3900 - 9 do 2800 - - _ - 10 : :.. do - - 3500 11 do 700. P East .'. of - 12 i do 350 West of - _ 12 do 4450 - ,. 13 do - - - 5600 - -. 14 - do 22:. 5 . 1 �'. Oak 'Terrace Subdivision. 6150 : 1 Wickers :,ddition to St. tPaus. 075 2 do .1575 •A 3 do _. . .8350 . 4 do 5500 ' 5 do 3200 :-- 13 I I - do .. .1750 ,..: ... • - 1 Merrill's Subdivision of:the.'fezt. 207 .5 of 131-11 79, "test St. Paul. Pro per. 2 - do 2075 . 3 do 4450 !. . 4 do ... 575 do. ..1650 --da---2-4= - DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMINI�kRY ORDER - OC3GRIPTIONO DITION gLUwTION 7Aerrill E Subdivision of the 'gest 2550 c of Flock 70,'hest St. Paul'eroppr- - . g do 2300. _ - do 2700 - 1 'Pihite(s Rearr-inL--at of the 225.' - ',,lest of ?lock 122 of Test St. - - 2 Paul Proper. .. 1200 V do 10.00 f 4 do .550.. 5 do _ .'. 200 (Except Eu st 75 f'ar_t j ...6 do .. 1175 ...East 75 feet of 6 do _ _ 960. Jackson and 5idwell's :,ddit!— 100 to '..c¢t St. Paul. - - - 2 B do .. 75 .100: - 5 B do 4 '.. B do 1700 5 .. B. . do 225- . 6 B do.. 223 _- 7 B - do 3.50 _. ._ do 150 \ .'.. 9 B du 1475 . (Extent north 6 feet) ,10 B 1- - do 12200 �i North 6 feet of (;10 B do (: 1,050 _. (.11 B do .12 ! B do. 250 . - . A do 100 2 - do 200 - 3 A i do 1200 — - .TOTAL. - om or sr. FAu� �J - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON PRELIMIIIekRT ORDER - CSCRIPTION O AODIT.ION yq TION .O Jackson orad 7Bidwell's r�ddlticn to X00 - 'fest St. Paul. - - do .. 2P5 _ 8 5 do .. 125 r 9 5 do . � - 200 122`_5 - 10 5 do _ _. .. 1 4 do :, .. 250 _ 2 4 do 225 .. ''Bidwell'.s 6ddition.to '.:est St. 12 Paul, T--akota Co. in said Sate 4700 - - of minn. . - - - - Hornsby'- Subdivision of Block 137, South 41 £eet of N—th 84 feet 'Nest St, ,'aul i'ro_er. ;500 _ of Lots 1, 2 and 3 6outla 41 feet of iSor..!• 1E5 feet j v .. 275 _ of moist 128 feet of said Subdivision: North 43 Feet of Lots 1, 2 &.! 3 do_ 3375 -trio 16 £e>et wide sdjolninb on - tY:e south €c - 4 do - .2125 -- North 85' feet of Lots 5, 6 &' 7 ' do 4225 South 31;= f—t of & strip 14 '50/100 :. Feet adjoining; on the south side,! .. Lots 5, -6 and 7 do 30`25 North 38' fae.t and strii,"1.50 feet -, ide ad join in(; on t'�o north of - t- 8, g and 10 do 2000 - \ Orth 37`x: feet o8 south 78' feet! - - o£ LOtS 8, 9 and do 5 . ... So t-ja 40 Feet of Lots 8, 9& .10 '. do 1.875 11 do - _ 275 .. Sou tl: 41 feet of North 166 feetI at 128.60 feet- of said - do ' 2625 - Subd�ivision j i tFi�F2-I`e e�-o"f-SontY5-84-feE -f- f-13'& 13',:14' - '" Cm or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 23 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PREUMIN`^.RY ORDER ADDITION UATION DESCRIPTION LOT y wShuth 42 f - t of 12,13 ad 14 Honsby s SUbdiYi.i.n of Block 137, 300 ,lest St. Paul Proper. tl 1' :eherl�ood (s ftearr�niP.ent of the 200 iscuth half of Rlock 5 of Jackson -. 2' & Hidacll's. ":�ddi£inn to St. Paul -150 I 3 1 do .125 ... ,.. 4',, do 3125 do ... I( do - ._.. - 4050 h 7 do 8 j do 1 4 Tuttle's Rearranr—ent of blocks 12B 10, 11, 13 and part of _ block '4 '4 1,uackson and Ridwpll's Addition tol25 - - - '.�vlest St. Paul. 3 _ da _150 .I 4 4'., do 200 1, to do 200 . 2 to do 850 -�� 3 70 do 1£5 _. 4 10 do 725 6 5 1� do 125 _I 0 to do . 121 7 .. to do 150 _ 10 do ^ 200 .. 9 ltl do 200 10 16uo 150 _ 10 do 325 ' 12... 1.0. do 925 . 1 13 10 - do : Toa - —of Sr. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 24 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT a - ADDITION TITI ON DESCRIPTION 14 lu Tattles Rear ranGement of Blocks .12-5 ' 10, 11 and13 and Part;of :black 4, ' - Jac - 15 '.10 (kson and. Bid-11's Addition to 150 ;;esti 8t. 1G 10''x. Paul. do 200 do ...100 2 L1'i do. _.:100 I,. 3 Ill'I do. 125 4 _ll do.. - 200 5 111. !L. do . 20W . 6 11 _ do 2800 '.. 1 �.7 11 .' do.. 125 8 11''. do ,125 1. 1 13 ! do 250 .200 . _ 2 13 do .. " 3 13 do 1400 1 4 X1.13 do 200 5 113 .. do 1200 : .,.i6 13 do 1150 h _.. (Except North-62z feet) 8 and'I 7 113 do 2350 y'I Di62i> feet of 7 and '�, 8 ! 13 1 - _..- do 2300 9 ?South 40 feet of Lots 9 and 10, l�;;also-south,40 feet of Idest 351 1,13 -do i 2400 '•� ;.feet Of lot 11 !, _�. _ ,. .. -- South 40 feet of North 85 feet f ,. `Lots 0 and 10, and of the West 13 1,. do - :200 35 feet of Lot 11, - X10 11 _ +,(Except South 80 feet) g. nd1 113 "do ..275 .. I-(Except South 80 -feet of 1'i estll 113 , do. 35 feet ) 12 113 do . 150 _.. - 13--Il'S—I150--a1i- TOTAL. .. - CITY OP 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - OF COMMISSIONER OF° FINANCE 25 _ _ REPORT ON PRELI.DtARY ORDER (B) _ ................... _.-_-Y v �.00SCPIPTION' _...--. _..f.. _ _ ..-. A55C55eD LOT 'Ilocn . ADDITION _....�_..�_...- LU N 1 13 Tuttl es tle rran(,ement of blocks 150 :— - 10 11,• 13 and part of bloc:c 4, 15 135ackr on and Bidlvolls Additil:n to 150 t0est St. Paul. 200 - 16' 13!, do 16 Auditor 'a Subdivision of - 100 : I the North ' of Lot: 9, 10, & BidTells Addition to West St. : Paul 17 do. - 2100 18 do loo -. 19¢ do 100 '.. 20 do 100 _.21, t do 100 20'. do 100 !I 23.i - do loo • 551 do.. 100 54i do - 100 _. .4 do 100 A ,, do 350 5 ,.. do 7 100 _ f ;west 230 feet of South 'a of of 11idwells Addition to ;^es t - 1875 Paul, Lakota, Co. An said I state of Nlinfi• _ x„ ... Addition 'Jackson and Bidrvell!s "� tion . �--'Peet ' of Lots l and � 2 12 to ;Test fit. 4au1• � 500 6u.. East = of Lots 1 and ;( 2!_ 12 -. do". _ .... East i of North - of 3r' - dp l2 1 ; . -._. �• "est of North aOf ' � ,,� 3 12 do do - 2375 - South 1' of 3i ,,, 12 - North' of - ... __. - 4.. 12',..- do - .:. 125 South of do .. 4 _- 121.. - - I. i i TOTAL. , - clrir of sr. FwuL - - DEPARTMENT OF FIMgN 1 - 26 - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER- OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORME A (B) CSORIPTION LOT A55C55eD VALUATION . 1 .18 ; Su Ols on -a RLdrell's :;ddition275 to West �L _. p au1. _i . '.2 18 cio 25J " - 3 18 _ do _. .250. 4 18 ! d o - 250, 'I 5 18I .6:18 d o 275 .. _.. cio 5250 '7 118 ..... do 325. ., e 18 .,n dp 2925. , �., 18 C2- - 325 10 '.18', do 1900 . - '1 i19 . do .225. ,,.. 2 19 d o - 600 _. 3- :19 ' .. o 250 - 'North 40 feet Of East 20 feetof4 19 j do 175 !North 40 feet Of Veet. 130 feetof4 19 y -) do 1075 '.; South 10 feet of 4 and all of 5 19 ) do i South half of Lot -',3 'old IVIest St, Paul Proper. 700 South 50 fl, t of Lots 5 and '.,6 10 do `. 3350 North 50 feet, of South 100 feet - o£ 5 and - .6. 10 . North 63 feet of South 163 feet of : 5 sad 6 10 I do ' 3050 I ..-.. .. -. 1 127 ! cio 1050 'o ''.2 i27 - d o - 5950 27 . do 5050 _ 4 '27 _. do 950 -.. _. _.. _.. 5 27 do. 3800 i6 i27 d o 1100 DEPARTMENT OF_ FINANCE - 27' - REPORT OF COMMISSIOIVEFt OF FINANCE - • _ ON PAELIMINWRY OROER - O CSCRIPTION LOT a AOOITION q UgTipN 7 27 ., S' 2su1 P—per. - 5550 - �8 x,27. :9 do - .. 3350' .. ::. .. _.... .. G7 _. do 24750. ,.. . 10 27 d o- - _ 4400 ; forth 50 feet of South 1100 feet LB 'do - -- 3250 _ South 50 feet of 5 and ',6 :28 '. - _- do. - - - 750 28 do 2,300 _ �I8 x•28 __- _ do _. ..1650 .._. 9 . 28 -do - .. " .':. .. -2150 ...__.. - - 10 '.28 do -5175 `West 100 feet of 11, 12 & i3 28 -.- do - _ - 8800 (Except !lest 100 feet) 11, 12;13 :28 - -do - - 850 r650 '.. _.. X14 28 _` - do' - - "West 50 feet of 1 and !, 2.29 -- do - - 4150 .East l00 feet of 1 and , 2 29 do - 5850 i' -East 50- feet of 3, 4 and 5 :29 - -do - 2150 'r -(Except East 50 feet)3, 4 & i 529 -_� -do _ - - -9400 (- - 29 7 !. 29 "I - do - 1650 8 ;29 do 1700 _ i9 29.. do. .- '1775 10 29. do 7 1850 !Northerly 5 feet of Lot 2,&alirl 30 4400 (Exce Pt Mort2 30 ilei•_1y 5 fei;t) � I do 800 3 -SO do :2675 �= East 50 feet of `Nest 90 feet 5 30 ' - do 5252 �' of 4 and - cim dr sT. PwuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF' COMMISSIONEF2 OP FINANCE �� 28 E's - _ _ _ O�PRELIMIM4RY ORDER ALU -ON (Except Fast 5C Sect OF Pst,, 90ft. .Vest St. Paul 3700�v of 4 and 5 30' - 6 30 do _... _ - ( 7 30., do 23825 ( 8 30 do .. " 9 30 _ do 2150 10 30, do 5000 West 60 f -et of 6 and 7 571. - do 5650 (Except 'J:est 60 feet) 6 and 7 57 •., do 7025 _East 2/3 o£ 9 57i do 3050 i' ',Vest 1/3 of 8, 9 and 10 57' - do 2300 11 F-.st 2/3 or _ __. 8 i 57 do 6600'' East 2/3 of 10 57j do 3300' Ea -,t 1/3 of 1 and. ..2 581 do _ 24_5:.. . West 1/3 0£ East 2/3, of 1 'a -;d 2 56� do 625 61est 1/3 of 1 and 2 do 2650' 3 581. do 3025 li East 50 feet of 4 and 5 58, ,...581� do 1925 . 4_..7est boo Feet of _ - 4 do. _. - 1850 (Except Oorth 22 feet) West i �j 100 feet of _ _._..- _ i _-5 58� do 1600.......__. - -North--22 feel of West 100 Feet- o 5 SBI do - 900 1'. .. 581 3300 _.. 7 , 58. ... do- i - 1125.. 111—t of 8, 9 and _ 10 5811 do - 2525 . -- of Lot 8& �. FEast feet of Fast.. of _.. g 58', do _ _ - "_ _. 1625 -North 35 feet of F";at o£ 9 j- 58,- - - -do - 1925 - - East .- o£ :i -" cl.o_ - T orwL,. _._ --- 28754 -- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 29 REPORT_ OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINIARY ORDER ? - - lB) D CSCFIPTION O oc A001 AsSISSED y U-0 "gest 1/3 of 1 and ._ 2~'. So west St. Paul Proper.- '.1650 - : East 1/3 of 1 and 2 30 _ do -. - 3225 .Rest 1/2 of Fast 2/3 of 1 and'. 2 80 �. do 5825 3 80 do - 0200 West 2' of 4 and _ - 5 ... 80 ,. do _. 3600 East e- of 4 and ,_ _. J 80 do 1750 .: (Except West 50 feet) G and - _ ':. 7 80 '. - - do 4200 -- West 50 feet of 6 and 7 80 do 3500.. _ 1 'i "lest 40 feet Of 8,- 9 and 10 80 do 2050 (Except West 40 feet) 8 80 1 dou.. _ 1725 (Except West 40 fee t 9 80 _ do - - 1775 (Except '!lest 40 feet) _ 10 _...3 80 :, ... do _ 2725 11 Fast 1/3 of. 1, 2.. and 81 do - 700,;. West 1/3 of 1, 2 and 3 81 do 4100 .' 'd West of Fast 2/3 of 1, 2 and3 : 81 do : - 4150 �. ! West of 4 and 5 81 do - - 4000 _ ' .and. --� East of 4 5 81 ..81 do 3G50 .._ East 1/3 of6 and '. � 7. _._ do 1550 West < of Fast 2/3 of 6 and 7 81 i do 1050 !! West 1/3 of 6 and. 7 '', 81 do 1200 .� East 100 feet of 8 81 do : 450 (Except.E st. 100 feet) 8 81 do - included in 9&10', I' E,,at 50 feet of 9 and _ YO .'. 81 - do 2300 _ West 50 feet If E.st 100 feet, ;r 9 -and. .. .. 10 81 - do .2 ::5 i 6 -West 50feetof 9 and ._... 10_._1__81 ..-.. - do - - 3300 -.._. 'and -o 'Nest -1. f 1 i :. 2 - 'i. 82.1; do _. _ - 750 ._.. . { iOTA4 clm or sr. FAua- OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ - 30 ON PRELIMINY.RT OROER oes R—T— - DoT a a DITibN 101 East of 1 and � 2 82 lest t - Paul 2ropr 235 3. 82 do. 1350 • East 1/3 of 4 and 5 82 do 1425. ^:est 2/3 of 5 82 do 550 ' ',Vest 2/3 of 4 82 do 2275 61 82 do ( 3550 ( 7. 82.. do -do .. _ .... .:_ .. 8: 8.2 3600... 9• 82 do 3900 - 10 82 do `6750 (Except East 50 fect) 1 83 do - ,( 2675 East 27 feet of Lots 1 and `,( 83 do (Except East 50 feet) 2 83 do 3275, -. ''Vest 23 feet of East 50 Feet of� 1 and _ :. 2: 83 do. .... 2625. _.. _ 3 83 do .1600 -', 4 B3 - - do. _. 1800 5 83 do :. .3950 West feF t of 6 and -7: 83 do :. ..2350 .. -.. •_. West -25 feet of East 100 feet of 6 .;_nd - 7, 83 do 2175 feet of East 75 feet 7; -Wesnd40 ;.... - d 3 do - East 35 feet. of '6 and 7 83 do £350-- i' 81 83 - do _ .. 450 g., 63 - do, .. .... 500 -. 10.....83 _. - do. - :_ 1250 -West 50 fest of 1 and 21 100 - do - 2650 nr I. and 2 i 100 do I 2825 ' , CITY OP ST_ PAUL - ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - 31 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMlh"YASSEM ORDER oC R PTION LOT '.a ' ADDITION CO 1ALU-0N St. Paul groper. 1925. £ast = of :'gest 100 feet.£ 1 c 2 100 Wost do 3100 '(Er Ocpt. South 10 feet) 4 ,100: do 400 'LSou th 10 feet of 4 and all of. ' 5100 do ,. 5050. _. (6 '100: do 9550. (South or - (7 .7 100 ..,100) do 'North of do 1400 .. - __- of 8 ;100) do ., East 100 Feet o£ North of 6 100 do I 925 Wiest 50 Feet of North is of a ',100 ) .;) do I 950 _.. iV est 50 fact of 9 and 10 .100•,) do i Soutri 32 feet of Fast 100 ft..f9 100 I; do 1. 1200 -- le feet of --st 100 ft .of9 x,.100 ,) do ;Nortri East 300 fact of 10 1100 ) _ do '. 1; . Niest 50 foot of 6 and i7 x,101 ) do 1 2,525 ,Nest 50 feet of South of B �101 ,,) . do2325 it ;East 100 feet of 6 101 1,101:. do _ 'East 100 feet of- s do - 1`L75 -..- �111Ea st 100 feet of .7 1•..101 do -... ; 2775 -- 1/3 of North of a '�101!) - - ii 500 .Nest - - -- _ .Vest 50 Feet and 1O of 9 '101) i do o£ West 2�3 of 9 and 10 £ - 101'. do � 1550 ..:.._ iEo..-t..1/3-oY-. .9 :101; - _do _. i .- 112 5 East 1/3 of... 10 101 :' do 1075. 1 (Except 1/3 )1,2 -&:3 ��102 do 5050 ,Nest 1/3 of Lots 1, 2 and 3 1102 do 5000 ., - _ 'i4 1102 do 350 - oTY or sr. PAYL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 32- h" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER M)`\ D ESGRIPTION L a ADDITION 1 ION �l t— 5 102' Wit. Paul i'ro,,er. 375 Nest 1/3 of 6 and 7 102) do - Nest 1/3 of South =. of 8 102) do j -1600 East 2/3 of :.. 6 102Q do - Eas t 2/3 of - ... .. 7 .. 102) do - 4950 South o£ E�: st. 2/3 of 8 ... 102) do - North - of 8 1022 ) do _ ) .400 _... 9 102) do . 10 102_. do 356.. 1 103 do 500 2 103 ) do 2G50 East 50 feet of 3 103 ) do Nest 100 feet of _._East 3 103 _ do ; 3250 i.. :... 1/3 of 4 and. 5 103 do _. .1700 .__.._ Nest 100 feet of 4 103 do ! 2850 Kest 100 feet of 5 103 do j 2075 6 303 do 3850 7 ... 103_ do � 2100 8 10.3 ) do. 3300 - _ 9 103 ) do i10 1 103 do. - _ a _. 1450 -__ 1 117 do. t 3384 2 117_ do 3384 South of :.._._. 3 117) do North 5 feet of 4 117 - do ! 825, - North. _, of .. _ .. 3 117 _.. do ._.... . 625 '- _..- .. _.. (Except North 5 Feet) '..4 177 do .. .1875 �l t— - czT�r or sc_ Pwu� pEPARTIM£NT OF FINANCE 33 REPORT OF' COIM iVItSS10NER OF FINANCE OH PR1cLIMIN44RY ORDER (B) ' ioe mor i ^— _ - - - 6 S t . Paul Proper ! 325 = — 7 i•7e s L 7 Z-7 _ - do ' 250 .. .u5 - do (Except East 100 feet)of 9 a, 10 Z Z 7 do , 2000 East 100 feet of 9 _— _7 do 2450 East 10o feet of 10 Z Z-7 - do 215 '. jl 3- 1 Z S d o 1225 :.. 2 1 Z S - do 1 250 ✓... 3 1 Z 9 do 250 '. D do 300 do 350 ) d o - ( 400 .. d. 2225 do - .. Z � 9 .. flo t I ( III 1925 ( 10 Z 19 do _. -.. -..-. - 3- 120 do 325 See part of 9, 2 Z20 do 2625 - See part of 8, -3 120 do _ 300 - See part of 7, 4 Z2 O do ` 300 __.- .. _.. S Z 2 O do .. i 325 East of )'ikota 've. 6 320 do - 1300 , Vtest of Dakota Ave. 0 32 (D do 100 lest of Dakota ',vs. 7,8 & 9 3 2 C) do see to s 2, 3 & 4. East of Lakota "ve. - 7 12 O -� do - ' 200 - East of "ikota Ave. 8 1 2 O - U. 20V Fast of Dakota rtIIO— Ye � DEF+ARTMEM OF FINANCE 34 REPORT OF= OOMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PR ELIMIWARY ORDER - (B) O ESCRIPTION LOT at_,oOtc ADDITION - `!est o£ DaFcota Ave. _ 10 ` 120 Fest St. 2nul. Proper. .. VALUATION . 75 1 133) do .. _.:.4475. .) N—ttl, Of 2 133) do of _ 2 133 do _ 1075 -... S 133 do 325 - 4 133 do - 325 S 133 do 2J50 E 133 .. do _... - 850 _. 7 3-33) do - - 8 133) do 9 133 do 900 - 1 133 do 6525 (Except Vest 50 feet- )1 & 2 13a do - 500 -.._ i, !;est 50 feet of 1 and 2 .... 134 do _. 2875 S 134 do 2750 4 134 do _ 20 50 do..... 350 134 do _. _.. .. 450 'T .. 334, 4 do.. 1550_.. 134: do. _. .. 1725 '_..,lest 1/3 `,£ 9 and. _. 1 `. _.1 j4. _. do- 1360. ,...East 2/3 --of' .._g _.134.... do East 2/3 0£ _ 10 134 - do ,.5950. A11 that part...of Block "A", Lot..I-, ..l yin Northwes terly o£- Y Wabasl;a 5t. 135 do 400 A].1 that p«rt of Block "A" and ---o£ -Lo-ts -1. and -2, lyin5- S-tl- -f-E,e-i--- !� CITY OF - PAUL aEPAF2TMETIT 95 OF FINANCE REPORT OTr= COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OH PREL(MItkARY OR— B) o eSCRIPTI wT - SOT a>Loeee. - AO CITION -U-N 7lest tet. P¢ul Yro ger. 300 ' 'terrace Place 1725 - 1 a do 1575 . _:.... do .162= :(Private S11 eY) 7 _. --.. - do. 100 East of Lot 2 -3 :all oJC union CottaEe Company's4e.ulrungenent - - - - - o£ the 'Hest half of Block 57, 47e S - - - St. Paul Proper, @1lnnesota. 2050 ¢lest of Lot 2 �n d _. _.. _. all o£ do 1800 _. -. do-. 42100 CIO 1500 do .. 2100 do .2650 .. _ :.... do _ 1675 i,.e y er Is Subdivision of Block 60, '. -rdest :,t. peal Proper. :.. _:2600 do 4250 do '.1450 do- .6250 ". - do 3550 do. 3500 .... .. do 62.5 -do - .2925 o - do 3175 n do ,4175 :....._ do .2775 do ,.2525 7_ Z4illern 7earrsn emen t of the: north 2050'i half of Block 59,. 'lest -St• Paul; Proper -.!--r - -- :. 2 do.. 170n __ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 36 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE B ON PRELIMItRY ORDER . (B) O[SGRIPTION. 1 ADDITION VALUATVON 3 'miller's rearrangement of '•the 1350 ' - - �'.4 'north half of A1ook 59, "IeSt _ _ ..5 'St. Paul Proper. 1300 oo 1300 do 1325 . 7 '6 do 1350 ., '.. '... do. 1400 a Dawson&sRearrangement of Plock 5275 - - 59 of ,:est St. Paul, Proper,'ninn. - g do - 1450 _ _. .... .1425 10 do 11 do 1575 112 •_. ..Y3 - do 1575. ......_ _. do. 1975 .. . _. . 14 do 875 . 1 Hornsby'a Rearrangement of the 2250 •:- - - - - - - �2 -'•-Meet Half of Plock 101 of'17e3t :3 St. Paul +'roper. 2925 do. 238 4 do'.. 350 ... do. 350 .. 6 do-. 400. 1 '. Dalvson's uearrangement of Alock 350 - - -- - i 11e of West 'St. Paul Proper, `jinn.'-� 12 1 do 125 3 do 128 4 do 125 .5 '.) do .. ,. b ') do 1300 7 Ili do I I TOTAL., CITY Or sr. PAUL A 37 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - i` ON PRELIMIrrtARY ORDER (B) ------ DESCRIPTION AUDITION AASSUATIO N 8 Dalveo s. Rearr Cement of Ploc 75 'ills of West St. Paul ?roper, ;,f nu 0 do 1225 10 do .125. ,11 do _ 125 '.12 do .125- .... i i... 13 do 125 _. h - .,14 i do .350 1 ( es Smit] & ,artias RearranCement of (i.:!.Block 136 Wt Wit. Paul Fvoper3350 2do 3. p do .) 1600 - �4 ') do I Pi _ 250 5 i do do '250 6 do. ..,250 I 8 .do 1750. I I A .i,9 do 275 do .275 11 do 500 _12 do - .150 .. _ �I 13 - do 2250 1 (Except PoCe Street) .1 'Ramsey County Loan and ibuet� 50 Subdivision ubdivision. Number 2 12 do 2825 p- . 3 do _ 200 4 do 175 -. _ 5 do 1275 i %. _... Ii -6. - I. do 175 i 7 do : 1275 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 30 " REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIm*RY ORDER_ cifDESCRIPTION ITION LOT ocM 'I East 1/3 of 1 •2 and 3 C Saek6on VALUATION and Bid ell's : ddition 19 •O j to Wast St. Paul. dwest 3-/3 of 1, 2 and 3 C = do 1900 ._East 'z - of '.S' p t 2/3 of 1, 2 &..3 0. do .. ,.. 1900,. E..t 1/3 of 4, 5 and ! 6 C ! �do - .... 275 .' . 1 1 do. _ 775 ... / .,.. g I 1 ' do 3500 3', 1 do _ 950 4 _. 1 do !. 750. _.5 _ 1 do 325 :.. _.6 do _. 000 7. _.1 do _ 1050.. .. .: 8 1 do _. 150 _. •___. ' do 1400 .. 10 11 1-,., do - 250. •I ! do 3150 2 D j do 200 A .. 3 �I DI _ do 300 . 1 4.;-_D, 1 do 400 - 4.... - _ .. :. 1I_ P j do. 1975 ..... I 2 2i._ . _ do n 2400.. 3 2i _do 2250: _. 411 2I,' do 2600 5j 2i I I -do 3425 i 2 do 50 7 �I. 2 i do Sp I I s, zil do so _ 9 21 do sn . 10I, 21 do TOTAL. 50 . . eliy OF sr. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 89 OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE , _REPORT - 'ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cB) LOT a OIT A 5 VA -ON 0C904IPTION 1 3 Jackson k Bid -11's Addition '.325 ! to 7iest St. Paul. 2 3 do 2125 :. I..... - ;.3 3 do .. 'I, _ 225 . 4 3 do 225 .. 5, 3 I do 2500... .-,. ... _... -. 6. 3 L. do .....475.. ._.. _ 7 3 '.. do 300 8 3 - do , 300 ,. ,,..... 9.. 3 do .. 300 .. . 110 3 do 2225 .,, 1 ` 6 do -. _. .. 225 .... _ 225 3 6 i. do 1675 .. 6 do 2525 !.. 6 - 6 i,, - do 300 .. 7 6 li do 275 8 6...... do -' ., 2600 _. 9 6 , d0 1600. :. ,. 10 6.1... do -._ 325. 9. i.. _. do 2500 _ e :, 9 do- 2375 3 ,, 9 � do 2676 _- 4 9. do _. I _. 1525' tl -,. 5 9 do 2250 - 6 9 .. -do 2100 -. 7 B da -- TOTAL. 300 . . CITY OF ST. PADL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE 40 REPORT OF COMMISSIONEROF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - (B) DCSCRIPTION '. L TSOONADDITION VALUATION- „ .... � .. '', g 9' ; .lac son and Bid—lis ..ddition 300 -to 7lNst St. -Paul. _:. 9 9 do 300 .. .10 9 li do _ .. 325 .. ... I ''.. 1 ''. 14; do 2900 ? 14! do 325 3 14; do 300 4 141 do 300 - do _. .. 5 141 325 I .6 .I 14., _ do _ 300. 7 14I do 275 ..._ ;. :: g 14� do •_._ 275 , 14i do 300 _. .� 0do 1� 14 325 �. _.. 1 15,. _ do. 575... _. . 2 ;..15 _.. do - _ 300 i 3 15 do 2900. - .. do 4 15 300: :._... _ .... I._.. do. ,..- 5 15 :.. _.. 525 ,. 6 15,, do ...__ 100 91_15 _... do _ X76.. .._.... i I. J" g 15 do 75 9 I 151 do 75 `r _... _ 101 15 do '' _ 100.:_ .. 1 16 do 325._. ._._ 2 16 do 950..:. ' - 3 ; 16 da 300 IMI '. .�'. 4 i lF� do 2000 'I TOTAL. CITY O ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 41 ON PRELi MIN/+.RY ORDER CSO PIPTIONO oc OOITtONSED SSTON 5 16 Jackson and Bid yells Addition 3.:5 to `.est St. Paul. - ' 6 16 do 200 7 16 - -do 75 do 75' 9 do 75 -.-, ._... 10 16 do .. ... 100.. East 5 feet of Lot 2'and all: 0£1. 94c Ma—nigal & V—ney`s Rearrangement .1000. -o£ Block 17 ofJackson and--Bidv:olls 'r. (Except E. sL 5' feet) 2 . _Additon ito `;est St. Paul. _ ...1850'. 100 _.... _.3 _ do 4 do 650 - :. 5.. .. do 150 6 ! do 175 I_.... _... __. 7.: _. do.. 300 _ _. 8... do - 300. 9 do 175' 3-0 d o 175 .. 11 do 175 do _.. _ 175. do 175 it 14 do _. 300 1 -. General Rodney Smith Rearrangement 250' 2 do 225 J.',. - do 2251, _ .._... .. _ _. 4. 4,o 225 1 ... _. 5 do 225.... 6: do 250, 7 a doh. CITY OF !T. PAUL 42 . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMINAR'(,ORDER' - -_ -® PT I G Gener 1 Rodney Smith 4e rr n eient 75, a, -Ie do 75 Ali do... _ 75 do 75 .1 12 do 75 { Cast 67 fest of Lots 1 d -.-"- 1 2 7 _ Jackson and Ria+ells Addi tion 300 �. I to Nest Paul: !1 Vest 4 feet of Last-.1 9 feet) of 2 7 do-.-' 100 ; 1 -and '-iTest 21-feet of 1 and -2 r7 --do- -50 ___-i-3 . __._ -. ._.__ , 7 do- -- - -�-4 I 7 �.___. ... do__. _ !! ...I.5 7 -. _. --do- - __..__.__ i .. _. 250 7 1. _._- C--do_ �__ 75 8 --do- 7 --do-- Vlest 87-feet of Lot--9 and w—t-87- fe.t ---10 i___ 7 -- --do- - --- 75 - ---st 63 feet of Lot--9 and --I-10 i 7 I "-- -do- ------ 75 I-` ------ --' Il, 15E3-- Robertson s Addition to -750--- ! 1 '"st St. Paul. 2.I i _15,q{ .do_ i.3 15 __do. 'I .... I.S do. -do __ _- 13 5 1 .._ ___.. IT East 'of-, I _.+I_'sI n.-of-- -_._. -•5- _____.."--. do __-_. _ :- 3356 ------- - ___- .. _: ____ 7 _.-1$ -__ .___... do ... ...._ - 3750 -f..W..t 33-1-/3 fekt _of_. .__L8 ! g_5�..... _do _-_._ _ ... 2850 __ - I-East 16-2�3 feet-of-'--' a --)- ---do ---- --- I'15 I 2850 - !L'le�t 1616 273 feet of - !�'°" 9 151) !I I rwu� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 43 .' .. - ON. PREUMINARY`OROER East 33 1/3 feet of J, 1158; Bobo rtson 's Addition to.2850 ._.. -- _._. __.. _. r.! j10 1158i .,,gest-St.--Paul,-Minn... do - _ _... ., __._. '2350 .2725 l 1158" do .. .. _. _. 112 158; do _. 3025 13 13,58! do. .1775 j 114 11581 do 1250 115 !1581, do - 675 116 11581 do. 3025 ._117 _. 115811 do 2425 118 11581 do 28125 1119 1581 do 875 11581 do 6000 11 i ..12D 1 11,571 do 750 i 2 11571 do 675 ... (Except East 5 feet) 13 1157, do -.. 675 ,;East 5 feet of 1 3 11571 do 4 1157 do 3375 _I 5 1 157 1 do 1925 - __... f.. 157!1 do___. 1425 1 7 111571 _.. do _. _ 675 ! B 1157 1 do 1975 I' 1 911571 do 3475 ij10 ___. ... _T _.__... _. __.. - ' _— _. do _ 1157� 9550. 111 11571 do 5250 d, 112 ! 1571 -do 2075 113 1157 do 2575 11,Westof _-- 14 11571 do 1000 ,1 Aum 44 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS[CDP NEF2 OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORMER ��6�Q�3�= ADDITION VASLUwTON - pESCPIVTION �=i LOT Bpoc s ,East� 0 of 14 17.57 � Robert ,on's _cid It ion to � 1000 ,175 .. 157 � _ _ do i _.. 675 i.. 76. ',157 ... _. do 1525-1.. ,. 2025 i..._ _.._ _.. 16 ':157 ,..o 675 _ i19 1157 do 675 20 157 do 2100 lI(Except East 5 feet) _. 1 x;156 �, _ do. _. 4400 i� I6-st 5 feet of 1 156 Q do - .,.. 3 do 675 _ 1 4 1,156 -. _. do _. - 5675_. 5 1156 do _.. 2975- 6 !156 j do -- 615 . 7 1156 do 5025 -. do 3325... ' p 9 X156 r _ do 3275 110 1156 _.. do _... _.._ ''- 3600 I do.-..._ 3375 S .... - 112 1156 do r. 2300 __.... %V7est °: of ..._ ,7 S6 13 do 1100 _ _. II E a t 1 Of z 113 !15C5 do 1150 �. ala 1156 do 2150 j 115 1156 _ do 1900 do - Ij, 1900 1�(Except West 1II inches) 117 X156 do ! � 1475 ��1'lest 16 inches of 117 156 ! do 925 �I IlEast I CT' Or HT. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 45 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION es T ...... N ' West cl of 118 to 156 RoPbett- 1200 g - _..._. .. 19 156 YAldition do .. 2895 .2025 -i 20 156 do l 155 do 3750 2 155 do 2400 3 155 do 2700 4' 155 _. _. do 1700 5 15$ --. do 3600 _ 6I 155 do 3400 7' 15t do - 2700 ;. 8 155 do 3400 ' 91� 155 do 1000 II 10 15'' do 7700 111 155 .. _ - do - 2775 �I 12 15.E do:.2925 13 155 do _ 2225 14 155 _.do 15 f 155 do a 3825 � 18 ''--'5 do 3325 17 ; ..155 _ -- _ do ! 3325 18 155 do 232 19 155 do 1375 North 29 feet & 1� in of 0 155 do 1050 South. 29 feet &1.- inches o£I1 -north-58g feetof---� -20 :-155 -_--- do---- - —950 -- I I ._.North --29-feet & h -. inches ...of. south 584feet of 20� 155 I do 900 south 29 feet & ILI inches of i 20 I 155 do 925 �I; cm or s PAUL 46 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER O[9,C PIPTION LOT AGO TION YA N j. 199 Zrvines Additlon to- ,550 '... _.. _._ .. _. 2 lgg WeSt St. Paul.- __ do ... 500 _. 3 199 do 1575 .. ..._ .... 199 I. do 2150, �I _.. .. I. 5 199 _ _.. dam.. -- 2550 '.. A-99 do 265o do _0 I � '2g9 _.. do I II 25 n. to 199 1 do _._ 3490 do -_ 3700 .. 12 199 1!7,99 do 3950 i ._... dO _. _ 4350 _ 1 P.4 Q99 I d, _ 4650 115 �199� do � 4675 116 1199 do 1925 _. _ ... -.. II, j17 1199 do ?. 07 - 18 199 do 675 119 iln9_! __.. -'_ do..... __. 3375 _ __-.. _. . _... _. .... 20 �19g .. I.. _.. _... do '1425 !I t 1 1199 � - do 122 11991 do it .4075 !23 1199 ! do 1 1,3375 i24 111991 do .2675 I i1 125!199 d°!- _. 26 1990 do I 1 I200I do Ilf i I I Tm.� 725 �I or sr. rAua. 47 OEPARTTAENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI"ARY ORDER j�. OCSORIPTION pLOc�c� A�GITION VALUATION -2 ' 20U Iry ine s) Addition to 1 3375�� _._hest -St__. .Paul.. __.. .... �_. Ecst of 3 2010 do 1200 West 10_ feet of 4_...._ 2 O da 125 West of , 3 1 200 do 1000 (Except West 10 feet) 4 200 do 2_50 1 200 do i 1675 -.6 i 200.. do 2175 7 j 200 do - 3275 til 1 8' 200 do 2975 9 200 do 3075-! 10'x, 260 do 2975 I 11� 20',0 do : 4075 121 200..._ do .3175 I y j 131 2,00 do 1 3S,50 14' 200 do 40k5 15 2010 do 3675 j 1 16 200..- do 2275 II '! i 17 200.0" do 3650 I 16 2q0 do 3350 ..191 200.... do - 3150 20 2q0 do 1 ;_ 550 I, ! _... _. � 2q0 do. -. 1 2250 1 'Ii 221 200 do '.1850 �V, _ ! �5 200 do 3050 it 24 200 do 3200 251 2010 do 550 111 OEPARTME]NT OF FINANCE 48 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON.PRELI MIi�{ARY ORCER IBI \ �L O[SO RI�T:ON - OT - AppIT10N _, �I'LVALVAT:.ON North 115 feat cf 1 201; Irvine's Addition to North 115 feet of West 8 f`—t 2 - 2011 t_-St-c—Paul..-_.._ do .__, 4900 tr of. South 10 feet of 1 201•. doj (F,xcept North 115 feet o£ Wi Js j - 3075 c8 feet. _.._ _. _ -- - - : 2_. 201!- _. do -3 201'- 3000 .....201._ ___._ - do _-. ___ - 2700 _ d 2300 !... '-.. '-6 __ j 201' - ---__ _._ flo_._..._ __ _._ __ ...2850 .. I ill 201:;-. __._.—_____ .---do_--__— _. _.__.. -!1500 -- 'dyes t--41-.58- feet- -of9----+.-201- .- ___._._.__:... I do -... _. .__. --212 -Es'et-8l;42feet-of_.____ _-____.. ;.9._._,201;_._)_.__..__—__ do:-._-�- _-___... iI' . '_ � j ) 2100 --West. 29.08 feet -of--- --- -10--- 201- --)- ------ do -Esst-20.92 fret -of-- --. 0-1.0_., 2011 —_ -_.. do (1 .4200 1-1---201i___ __.._..___ do__._.__. 1..12-- 201}—.. .. ___- _. do -. __ 25510 ;- __..-do--_._ ___-__-__. x__'.'4400 _. -.... _ .... x_14 --I .2D1'—___—_._—_. -do___._ _____. _ ...-<. 21.50 I i 15 201' _- ___. --do. _. _.._. ._'..4900. . do. .... ._5400 ..._:. i '.1¢_.-...2.011-__.__ _ _ - __._do ... _ ..-_.._-..__ :_M 25 � .. i ...1700 - -.19_. -201- --- -'_._ . -- --- do 1 25 z _.- 20-,_20L --_____._. do 200 r I �I 21 . 1_201;_ -do -- .. - - 175 il. i I 1 .22__'.-2011-__ _._--. do --:_s-:- ,- ---150 , 1 or sr. nwuL CEP—TMQJT OFMINI 89 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMITRY ORMER DESCRIPTION LOT -COITION VALUATON 124 12011 'vv'ines Addition to !, 6001 ! 1125 do 12011 do 6 ' p _ 6 2011 do 200 South 45 feet of 1 1 1 Pl_,on, n 1000 - 1 --- -Adoitl— toN—ta5t. Paul _ North 90 feet of 1 I do u - - - 21 do :. 1650 - - -. -- — --__ do_ 9 f� -.._3050 14 1 do - 2550 -��- I 5 1 1 I) do East 1 foot of 6 1 ) do 1560 7c at 49 feet of (1 6 1 _-. do_ ._ _- .2 40 Ea: t ;,, of (j 7 j 1... do 'we st ,'-, of - 7 1 do - -i. 1975 8 1 1 do 2 00 - 9 1 do.. 2000 1 I 10 1 1 do 2100 1- ��-- _.. 11 I 1 do 700 -- _23G0 I o I q -131 1 1 do 2900 14 i__l_i ___— ---do- _: _.;:1600 L_. I! 1 2 1 '700 I _-------_---do ------� 2 2 do p. 3250 i II 3 2 1 do 2050 - 4 1 2 do 5 2 I do 1900 i -_... 6 I-2.do 7 2 do I .8650 - 50 OEPARTMES�tT OF RINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREL1Mli�i�ARY OROER ocscwivriow I �o Ao oar�oN j vwsw�. onscn. :cept West 5 feet) i4 1� P 1�on_a_ Stevens an: _K infs 3625 _ to We st St. ?dul. 9 2 do 3250 . J 10 2 do : 550 do 3150. 12 2do - ...-... 4000', -_..... 13 2.._. d - - 275. 14 2 _ do 350 2 'S do 4025 ..3 5 do 5225 n '4 '6 do 4325 do 2975 ii 16 5 do 625 do 725 ,I i8 .5 do 375 do : 300 10 '.5 do 300 _ •_ ill 5 - do t :2750 ! !12 5 do 2550 �!2Jest 10 feet of il3 5 do :- (Except es 10 feet) .. _ _ 13 5 _ _ do _ _ 250 ! .. �. do 4675 !;North iOG feet of 6 do >300 (Except_ North 100 feet) I1 .• 5 do 2700 . - _ 2 6 do _ �' 50 3 do 556 :cept West 5 feet) i4 ' o�n or sr. PAu� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 51 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER C)F FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER a T 5 feet of 4 6 I�el sen Stc ve ns and YL s -- st - � .d dit ion to Vest St. Pauli 2500. .st 45 feet of -(5 G__- _.... do 5 feet of - est - _)' _ _6 _ -do 7 6 do _ 10725_ _ I� Orth 20 feet of 8 end �6 do 1500 Except North 20 feet) 8 ar_d 9 do (5600' .._ 102575. _ _... Orth L feet of 11 6-.. � do i; 7025.. Except North 25 feet) it G I do _ .250 12 6 I do 275' Except the East 5 feet) South[ - 08 feet -- .__.. _._.__. 13 _G_ do_ - 1Outh 80 -foot -df_._.14__ I 6.. -� __ --do - 3300._.. of-south-86-Te13 .`he-East-S-Pr.et if __._ ..___ do. --- ;Except the south 108 feet) 13do (i ) ;'ast 5 !eet of north 2t. feet 9 ! 2375. If -south --108 feetof- -- 13 _ - G- ); -� -do_ (Except south -8G -feet ) - - �4 )I G"- )i - do — - __ _. IL -.-7_ do— __ � -.___._. __ ''_ 3751.. :i.. 2 9 d o 250'. 3 7 _ do 1025 �1 _ g 9 do 375I 5 7 do 1175 ' 6 7 �' do 1275 �I Uo 2275 �t - $ ,. 71 do I ..187 q1 — or sr. — 52 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINy4RY ORDER —SCRIPTIONLor C AooIo VATMASMOH - 5 7 Nolson Ste- n and Kints 250 -- --- --- -- I7 '-Addition to West -St. Paul. -- '— --- 10 do 700 Ill �7 -do 250 112 17 I do 250 --. _ --114 113 17 : _ _-. do 250 I7 I do_ 325 .. __ ll 8 - _-. _ do 1. .- 2575 _- .. 2 B do.. 2700 3 18 do 300 14 I8 do - - 300 -- (Excopt West 10 feet) 10 18 do- 1000 Hest 10 feet of 5 _..-� 18 )i do . _ i8 1250-'--- East 3o feet of 16 (Except East 30 feet) ( 6 IB do Bast 20 feet f (. ( ___ 7 z ___ l8 __ _ .. _ do _ -1250 ---- -- (Except East, 20 feet) - j7 �8 do 1175 - B 8 do .- 3000 9 8 do1925 - 325 Ill 18 I do .. 1125 _ �12 _.. ,8 I - do 113 _.. do 2075_ 14 B do 1 1950 do 300 12 (11 do _ _ 200 3; 11 1 do I 125, 4 11 do 1300. DEPARTMENT OP PINANGE 53 , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 325 ON'PRELIMII ARY ORDER E C9 H LO 5 cw 11l A IT�ONLUS Nelson, Stevens a d K1�Ls H 4100 I, .-.�-And i t ion --to W9 .t St.--P-1r 14 12 6 111 do 100 - 7 - - - '. 150 do�170d _ e 1 1 do 175 9 17.� do - i o 1 do 12.5 d022 00 ,. 121 ll� do 150 113 11 do 175 14� 1J� do 300 1 17 do ... 975 2 12 do. 250 31 12 do 250 li ----------- 4' 1l� do 250 ------ --- 5 do � 12 ---250 _.._ 6 i 12 do __ -- 559 - 7 1 12 do 3125 do 2175 -, 9 12 do 2425 do 1 325 1�� l do 325 -. 13 12 do 325 14 12 do 27 5 - -..._ -- r --- I 14 - - do - - - - '. 150 2 14 do- .. 100 3 1 14 do _ 100 ro .L. - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 54 - - ON PRELIMINi RY ORDER O AM. -A"" N ---- --- — -- --' 4i14 1 -1T Pielson, Stevens and Kings Addltloa to Plest-St. Paiul: _7 L00 5 114 1. do 100- G 114 do 100 !, 7 114 I -- do 150 - 114 ® _.. dd, 50 .,...' . 19 14! do. 25 _.. 10 I [14 do Ill 114 do.-. I 25 II 12 114 do t 5 113 14 do -- 25 _I _ _.. 14 114 I'. do 56 do 75 2 117 do 25 13117 I do 25 1171-- do 5 %.. -14 15 117 ; do 25 II 6 17 1 I da 25 17 117 do 75 17 I do 75 I,__ -,-_ - 0 17 do 25 — . — __- -.--- - 10 1171 do - 11 17 d do 25 " 12 17 do 25 1 13 17 do 25 114 117 do 75 (Except Dakota Ave.,, 1 Ilo I do 25 . CITY Or ST. PAUL 55 REPORT DEPARTM@ T OF,FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L _Ex ON PRELIMINAORDER _- ( n - ° O l A°u N I (Except Dakota Ave-) - 'I.2 to Nelson n to%I and King Addition ve 'lent St. Yaul. 50 ado ) 13 191 do ' __... 75 -' -do. '.. 'i. 4 119 do 75 ( do ).. 5 I 191 do _ _. I 75 - Southa50 feet off -North 100 fal _7. 191 - - --do - - 875 - South 50 feet of 8 -and �. 7--1 19 - _ do - 75 �- --North 50 feet Of-6and-... !; 7. 19 -.. do __.. 128 191_. do. _... ... 300 .. -(Except-Dakota —c.)9 1 191- do. _.,- .... 200 _ _ 1. _ ql do -) ll L I_. 19 )- do 375 ) 121 _ _ 19 do. -do _...) _.. I-13 19.. _..-do 14I 19 do _ 175 I, do 18'25 2 23 do 300 •,'. I,L. _3 231 do L. 300 do 950 5 231 do 1400 G 23 do 1500 I� South 35 feet of 7 231. - do '��,. 350 North 70 fect of - _..- ,. 7 23� do 750 1 j 241 do 12c) 2 24I_._ do ! 100 3 1 241 do 100 412411 do 100 it -(Except-"ikota Ave.) .... _.. � 51 241 do ... 10 cITT or sr. PAu� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 56 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA�Y-ORDER oESCRIPT-H I L .-1 AD DATION (Except "ikota Ave. )Except (11 6 241 a . {Paul. : 1 ' (i AdultLOn- - _._ toV Vest St'. � 50 -' (Except � -North-feet).1ve„)-Except-_.. (_ 7._._i. 2.41,1 __._._-do North 69 feet of Lots 6 and 7 j 24' do 325 1 Rudolph's Rearr nrement of Rlock 1650 _.. ----- 13 -,-Nelson., _. St -evens --and SML;U add. -.-.-. 2 do - 275'. 3 dd 1325 I 4 do 1325 5 do 1175 152L. 7 i I do _ 275 8 j do 2400 do 1350 101 do 1200 11� do 1550 --------- 121--- 12 1 do 2250' 131 I do - 3.350 14 do 500 1 15I_.___.L_-_-______ do 100 16 __- do. _.-. _.. 1000 __—__._ __---- 17 do 050 i do .._. 925 19 I do 350 20� 250 --- 21 I do 1300 22I do 1500 2 3 _ do 950 �.A:. .... 241 do Torw h 13001 ' - r sT_ rwut. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - 57 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAIRY ORDER - DE wIVT10N � a_O lata �' ADDITION wLUwTION .i 1 T,�rer's Re rran em nt of 51ock � 18 375 ding's tP o.s k xdd14752 n --_ to test StS 3 c -o i... 1425 ,.. _. _1375 4 _. do 1, - 5 do 275 6 - do 275 • 7 do 2750 do 650�I do 1550 ?, do 50 - 11 do 1800 12 do 5 0 IVent of Lots 13, 14 1-5'r , .._ $6 19 ) do 0 '(-Exce Pt--vVest -3--Pert-83--Ea s253 13 ��-� '. feet) do ',(Except West 3 feet E.St :) do-, - -- 17.00 -- '._ •-- '(Except'-West-.3ee t _____ _..._.. _. ..._____ -_.___ -_ _._ �,feet) 15, 16, and 17 ) do East 53 feet f 13, 14, 15 3-61:,& d I 2250 -_-- 18 do -._ X19 do 1450 . ,'. I20 ., do 1950 ill --1 Ar 61's Roarran5emcnt. '75 2 do 50 '.3 I doI� I 50 I i4 ._..._ do 50 I ___.. _.._. do 50 do �i DIn DF --.1 SB DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRFUMINA�Y ORDER 71 APPol&e Rearrangement 1 7S do 75 !� _ 19 do ., 125 _.110 I -... do_.. 300 ... do 1575 __.. _-.. �2 do zoo �lI3 do _. . 200 !. ' 4 do ! 200 ISI do � '.. 200 _.. �7 -.. do 200 do. i -. 225 II. 1 Dawson's «ddit lon to St. Paul 550 (Rxcept Alley)` do - 42001 I- - — do 32 0 (Dxcept Alley) do 2000 ( do ) d° ) soo 1, do o do'. _ do_ ) do 1 .... _ 2900 - ... _. -___ ._ do_ _ .._. 6 do 2400 �I - do 3000 do ) .3 do do 1 600 � a do 700 d 6 -_ do 600 _. i do 6050 doi 150 OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 59 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA�Y ORDER 'IS ON LOT wOM ADDITION V� TIN � .,dd it ion to St Paul 15b � �] ' 8 G do 150: g G do _. 150 oG do_. 175 j do : 625 .... ___ 112 G do 3100 .. i.3 .o I - do _. ; 3400 14 G �. do - 3225 G do 3000 do 2525 North 36 feet of 1'lest 116 feclt o1'� :L. - 3750 do L. South -20.6 feetof'lost 11b' -felt o -- ; 2 7 )I do 3675 �North 13.4 febt of Nest 115 feat of r! __. do Northt th 43 feet h 'I- etfofeu 0311feet .. .I _._ _-do- _-_ - 4600 Ea.�t 16" -"feet of Lot. yI-- _ --do. _._. ... I e^t--115 feet South -8.2"feet of J 'I of 3 7 do IDeat 40 felit of 4 and �5 I� do 425 East So feet f' best 90 feet of ;4 and _. _. _. _15 17 ;_. _. do ---.. 4150 1 --I, !7 Nest -40 feet -of --4 and 5 . i_ - - do .. . ..IG 7 do 1500 17 7 ._. do Goo Is ...I-_ do Goo _ I7 -19__ 17 �.. do 5250 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA�, ORDER AO -1. r A ! 9 N A 'Nest c of -Vac Chorlton St.- J I & 10 7- a 600 Dawson's dd ition to St Pul West of Vac. Chorlton St. do� _.adj. & _... r11 7 _. do .. 200 ---r12-.7 I.._.. do ._ _.. 450 I _.. _ ._..._ lh 7 .' 150 do i 1.1.5 7 __. _ do _. __ 200 -_ '--1\orth 25.7 12 feet -of - - -1 10 -- --- do - - l 3600 - �- ..___South24 512 feet.. of - -�-.1 !-10.1 __..--_.... do 360 .-`--2 -10 _.. __. do .._..7300 do ... _ 1700 _i.4 110-;.-_...... do___._._ ._..1900 _!(.5 it 10___ .-..__- do -__. 4075. I_ -7 110 I--- __- do ___. .._..1650 8-1-10.i-. 1 _ _.. .____ do __._-_ -_1350 .. :_..... do- --2350- _-%... 11 10.1___ __.._ -do.___..__ 225 12-'-10 do" __ :.. 355c)- - f-13 10 do - coo- - -14 0 do - 1200 - ..,.____.. _ _ -.. .. _.. !-15 ! 10 . .. -___ do- do -._ 2050 L. __I..16 1.. 10.i--. _ ... __- do-.. _._-.__ _... 1400 I 1 11 _.. do _._. -- 2350 i L__— _. do _._._ !. _2750 D Or lT. rADL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 61 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAVY ORDER IBI '¢ I LOT e ADDITION �LUAT N j D 9 ION ,4 !�11 P—son's Addition to St. Pool 1650 do 1650 _._._ _... -.._ 6 I11 i do 2100 _._ ',6 X11 I do _- ,2600 �B 11 1 do 1900 s do 2500 do 2350 11 11 do 1700 1 12 Ill do 400 ; .__... _.. ____.. I 113 I 11 I 1500 14 111 do 7.350 15 ill do - 1100 !; 116 1 11 !� do lloo i I1 114 da. -. 2250 12 114 1 do 2200 -.. 13 114 do 2,50 .p 14, 114 do 550 F I5. 114 do 550 16 14I do 600 17 114 do 2600 14 I __. .. do 2550 9:: 114 I do 2250 _ ,.. X110 114 do , $800 i ill 114 no 2325 (12 114 do :. (13 14 j do 3875 (14 114 !I do .- CIN Of 9i. PAUL OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 62 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA' y ORDER L DIT ON y N OeS TION L , 1SI, 1, Dnw ,on e %�daition So St., pa U1 1800 iq 14 do i. 1000 1 do 3275 I, do 1725 I� 3I 1;� do I 1525 '. I'. 4 15 _ do 525 5 1� ... do. .. 525 OI 15 do P 550:�� -7-1 1-1 do 150 8.1 do 175 '. _15 g lv _. do 175. ._ -... .. .. _. t- j . _.. . 10 15 -... _. .. _.. 0 _ i 11 16.. do 22 5 f do 525 16 do - 3300 do 2650 15 ._ L 1 do 6100- 10 1 do 3100 I 2i ill do rw do _ ._ 850 'i- - _.51 1 do 600 - I 1 do 3200 it 61 1f do 71 _1� do 350 do._. 3850 -9 17 do 350 _,I _ - —or—r m - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 63 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - - ON PRELIMIN ORDER d CS N k A tr10N R. J' 10 ill Danson's Addi-ticnto St Paa1.'.700 11 17 do 325 12 117 do 325 ._,I 13 117 _._._... do. 300 it -� 14 117 do 3.00, li 15 1 17 1 do 300 16 17 do 1800 l 1 3 Nelsons Stevens and Kings 500 -- East ' -1 Vac Charlton t-� --IAduition--to -"last St. -Paul. - - ._.--adj. & -2 3 _- ____ _do- _ ..500 �.. �-'- East of -Vac &1 Charlton - t di 3 . --- 3 -- --- - do 250 4 3 I ' do - 250 5 I 3 i da 450 East Vac Charlton St. -E st -Vac Charlton L -- 'i I --) ---___ J _.. 8 '._3-_ __.._._. _. ____- do _500 Vac. adJ• & -Charlton...+t-.__.- 9 do 1 .3000 101 3 do .1500 do li 121 3 do .00 1 0 4.... do .4850 t' 1_7 4 do .4326 ' _.._ 8 4 _._o d o 400 9._L.... }_L 300 I �i .. __.__—'_- 1 1 9 _.—_—do - -_ do _I... __7 375 ';' CITY OF ST. PAUL .__ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 64 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DESC R,PTION I LOT ImcH ADDITION wWMASTED TON N �. 30 feet of 2I 91i sdulinGlc'. ndditionnto - ," 31 Plest 20 feet of ( 21 91 Eget 20 1'ect of 3do I. . _.- _. ,.. ). 300 - 30 fret of', --.. 3I 9 ) do East 10 feet of .. .West 4I 91 do __ ... 350 -, - 4n feet of.. ( 4 9._- I do I 5 9i. do 3o0 OI . _... _.. 9i ._ do 300 91 do 375 I 9 do,_... 550 _... _ do 26o0 . 4I 91 ... do 2350 - 1, 9j .. do 1850 • L( 12 91 do 1100: ( 13 91 _ do 9.. .. _. do _.._ 425 - do _. 00 goo - 10 10 .__ do __. _. 2450-- __ 3. 18.: - do -_. .. 1600 I I .._.41 1t _ .._. do 350:. 7'10 .:. do i 7. lb , _—. __-.___ --do-- - 450_. ....... -.._ ._-_ _. __�-_. 8 _. _. ,_.__. do- _._..- _. 4050 A.___. _._. - .__. _. _ -.. do ___... 2825 _ .. -- 1Q iU- I --- `�-- -- do '--._- .--- 2775-_ ._. IBI "'or !T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 65 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ D CSC PI PT I ON 1 LOT 11-11 ADDITION' 12 1';0 Nelson, Stevens and I:ings- .475 raddition to .gest St. -Paul _.-. .:.. 13 �p do 2375 14.... I0 do ',. 400 _ _..... ...... 1� 15 .. . do 250 East 100 fe-t of 2, 3 and -U 15 do 5600 t past 100 feet 2 A 3i 1�5 do - 3800 .(Erse 4I 15 do - 100 -_.. 51 ills do 75 _..- (Except East 100 feet) 6�1 15 _. do included Iii 7J5 do 150 �5 do 75 d 1�5 do '.75 do _.. 150 do .150 _.. _.. _._ 12. '5 _ do.. <75 li3 ]5 11 do 950 do 75 7�6 uo - 100 2 16 do 75 4 �6 do :75 - ]�6 ! do : 75 5 14 do 75 do 75 7I 16 do '- 150 do _ POO do 150 - 7O 76 do150 I crrr or sr_ -V1 66 >DEpARTMOJT OF MNANC! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN^FlY ORDER _--- -.—TION VALUATIOM- a T 32 16; Neleon Stevcns, and Hinl,- 150 ' _ -. :.. F,dc,i ion to '.Icst St.-Paal: .. --- _ 13 16-. do 150 141 16 do 200 3- 21 do _ 200 21:. do. 1725 •:-: E¢st w, of C 3 '� 21 --.. do. -.. _ ._. 'est :`, o 3 21) do h—t '-t of 4 21) do –1 21-,• do 1375 ... � 44 £ce) Exce L '7—' t F� •. - 21' do - 25 Nest 44 feet Of ! 21 ) do ' ._.. -.... -. -.__ .. ... ). ._. ._150 (Exce Pt Test 55 feet) - 7 2L ) do Westerly 55 feet of 7 j 21 do 250 (Er.cept North 40 feet ) 8 : 21'. do 2200 Ii North 4C feet of 8 �.� 21 ) do 1100 - (Except South 110 feet 9 ' 23 ) do South 110 feet of 9 211 do _ 1975 1O. 21 do 350 - 111 21 do 1000 12•.. 27 -. _.. do _. 2600 I North 30 feet of 13 and 14 23- do 100 : South 12C feet o£ 13 21 do 2425 •, South 120 feet of _ do -- 2750 3- ?2 do 1600 do 2050 3 22 -- do 1000 . 4-,' 22 do 300 - - - r .1 PAUL. - 67 DEPARTMENT OF PINANOM - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMIN TY, ORDER b 22 Nolson, Stevens and YinCs 300 --rtd cfition-to- ":est-St-.-Paul. B 22 do -. -- ---� r_-- _. 300 7 2L 1 do 1925 . 1 Baas ?lace 10800 ''L do 13650. j 1 ISngs pels Subdivision.- 3850 -2-- do _. 2600 li 3 .._ do 425 4 do 425 5 - do 2 67 5 6 do 2675 7 do 425- 25do d, 425 9 1 do 475 - 1011 do 325 11 -.do 325 12 j do ,300 13 do - 350 14 do 350, 15 1_ do 350. 16 1 do 2650 - 1, 17 do 325 18 I do --do 3225 19 '325' ISydney Str .et to 2800 Y- - _. .-_ _.... i-:_.St.--;?aul� Y1inn- _____ - ._.- , - ..-- 2 do 2650.. 1 3 1 do 2550 : elrr or a ►Auu DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ G8 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINrY ORDER _ ' IB) G C S C R I TION � LOT eLOCK� A O O IT I O N s= A9LYATOM 4;.r 'cney Street Addition to 450 5 do 2050 p i - o 3200 7 do .. 2350 8 I do _. .. 3025 9 do__. 2400 ld, do - 2275 11� do -_ _.� 550 1 12 do 2525 1 b,inea and .;ed Le s Pear>..nLement of 3250 ;Al—k_.3._ -.. vleen<:. .��.,ddition... to... J west... 2 St. Paul. do 2800 -- 3 do 3050 j 4'; do 3050 _ 5 ! do ...:,350 6 - do ._.. 350 7j j do 3000 do --_ -- .... _ 275 m__.1425 9 1� do 225 �, 11 do 225 do 250 '. do 250 - - 14d '.1025 15 do - - 225 do 225 17 - do - 1025 - - TY Or ST. PAYL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 69 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF- FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - IB) _ ��- _ oESOR� rt LOT imC OtTtON vwLUA ' 1 Sweeney'. 7'.earran6em(nt of Lots3550 ',numbered__ l., 2., 3, 4;_..5. 6, in.__.. _ :... - 2 ! 'Blocs numbered 6, 2wc eys 3000 Addlitinn--to 47est St. Paul. 3 do 2550 - 4 do 2550 .2400 .5.. -. - do.. 6..__do 3425 1 Dauer's -tears LL ,nt. - 400 - 2 do 350 do _ _... ..350. 4 .. do .. -. 350 do - 2125.-... .. ( :6 do 7 !6) Sween ey's .iduj.ti.n to 'M1'est. - _. St.- Paul...._.... __-... do 6) ! do 10 16) do 3350 11 16) do � 1� :6 do do i 1225 -14 16 _ do - 2'�5 7 7 I NO 200 : 6 ',7 do 250. .9 i7 do 200 10 7 do 250 11 �7 do _ - 200 12 17 do 250 113 i7 do - 225 '14 17 -HL 275 CITT OF ST. PAUL - 70 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN'r ORDER IBI pDESCRIPTION I I cl{ ADDITION - TION. 1 5 Dawsons !Addition to St. Paal. 500 do 1750 _. ... -.. _. - _.... Y 5 do 4.50. ....4 . 15... do 3450 - 5 5 . .... _.... do 2650 . __._. _..._ _.._ --G do 1600. East � of alley and 7 6 do 3375 Eas+ if of alley and 8 j do 525 G East -'_ of alley and : 5 do 525 (F, c .pt North 1.0 feet) Ea-t. --i-o£ al Tay- (.as lot18) _.10 5 - _... do .... -. 425 . ,_..East :-ofa11ey and. _. - 11 5' )! _. ._ _.do _. )� 2175 _.North -.5"-feat . Of _ ..- . ...._ 10. _5. __);... __.. do..._- -East -'c-of-- alley -..a.nd _...... -12 I .5__.-_._.--.. do... ... -1525_. '._ East_. ,`-,,-of-al1.eY_and. -..--13 . 5... _; ,, do"- _ 1725.. .— Ea tof_.alley -and 1.1 _. - _.- cb._.. _. _.!. 2225:.. -. 4Y�'et':: of-alley and .._ 15 5 i _._do ._ 1100.._ of al-le� ✓ end 1G _. do 810 -- --Wsst -L�-of--alley and do __ _ -- 1125, -' '-- -Weal-,' -of-alley_and ---18 -5I-..)!- _. do__-_. )II 1200 --So thwe.sterly--5-feet �i 10 feet of Lot of Northe }0 ster1)y 5 )I do - -E st -I -of- -.. _ _..--19 5 ..-, _-_ do __. .. 550 --West c-of.. ._.. _ g' _._ do - -. - _.. �. i - 1650,_ -_ .... __.. 21 _._ _._ d0 _._. _ _.. do 5800. -- — , %3 $ do 1100 CITY OP 9T. PAUL ! - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 71 ON, PRELIMIN,rRY ORDER I OE9 N f LOT LOCK ADDIT ON VAg TIOM I 241 5 'I Daw ones Addition to St. Paul'- 1150 251 5I do 1200 261 5 do 475 271 5 do 475 281 I 5 do _ 2425 281 5 do 1925 301 5 do - 1675 711 5 do 1350 321 5 do - 500 33! 5 1 do - 1500 34I 5 ) do. 5.:1, ).-_ _.. do-.- 3600 Weof alley and 381 5 do 3500 371 5 do 5500 _.. _.. .: _. Last 2/3 of 1 and 2 8 do 4400 ...._West 1/3 of land. _.. _ ,_.2 8 .. _... do _. 1425_ -. 3 8 j do 650 1 4 8 1 do 650 1 5600 ---I 7 j 8 li do 525 8 ) do _.. .___._.._3050— do I 10 8 do S25 11 8 1 do 600 I, 12 8 do 2450 '. -' 1 131 8 do - 2700 _ QTY OF 3T- PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 72 OH 1—RELIMINq.RY ORMER .— R-1— ..."IQ. _ 4^211311TOM __.. D_wson'@ ddit.i— to St. _ _Paul-, 675 Minn. do 625 1c:, 8 ... do. ... _ _. 725. e_._ do.. _..1425 _...._ do 1425 3 9 do 1575 - do... _ _1225 9 do 1425 C. - 9 do - 1300 9 ) do 1850 ... Fast 5 feet of _ 8 9 ) do _ _ (Except _East 5 Feet )_ _. 8 _ ) do 1325 _ _ 9 9 do 5300 ZC3 9 do 1650' 1 Z 9 do - 9350 12 .do 2600 ZS 9 - do :550 3- 4 9 do 550 S 9 do 1750 Iii Z6 9 do - 1525 Z - 12 do 625 2 12 do 1575 S 12 do - - 1775 4 12 do '575: S 12 do 775 j. 12 do 3125. 1900 East 5 feet of 8 12 .eG�LL - CITY O!!T. lAUL DEPARTMMNT OF FINANCE 73 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN4RY'ORDER �S I LOT IeoCI� A111TION' OC! RIlTION ^VAWR915`G (Except 5feet) S 12 D.-n'e addition to '450 _ ... 9 , 12, .. St. Padl. .__.. do ... 2050 (Doutlas School ) , 10 12 do 1050 1p 12) do - .. .SII. )....33000 12 12,) do _do..._ _.. _ .. _.... _. _ ,. 13I 12 .._. i. 500 __.._ .. _. _.. 14 12 L_15 do _ 500 ...1450 _- west :; of 3 12.. _... - do - - ' Fast of a �� 1N 1Z do 1450 .. 16 12 - do 500 _.. L-_1 13 do...625 I 2 I.. do 575 - 3 13 do 1175 _. 41I 13.._. _. do 575 _. 5 l .. I _. _.. do.. 575 do ...- 625 __.. 7 n: do 2425 r!_.. _. do 1375 5 13I do 2625 - 10, 13, do 2325 111 1S ... do 3150 ._.. do 2050 13 13 do 2925 F.r _ 19 13, do. 2525 15 13 _.. do 4025 ..: du 2025 � 1 16 do i 1600 CIrr OF ar. PAU ."'U 741 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN+RY ORDER Y. FTION aml l-TIo R AMM."" ON - --DlaG '2 116 Doweon's Addition to 1425 I . St. -Paul. i3 1,16 1, do 21,25 - _.. 14 1G i. 1.... do 1500 - 15 !. 16 ,, e do (6 'i16 do South 2 foet of t.7 I16 do - 25 (E..cept South 2 feet)17 IG 1) do _.. - �) 2200 Fac,t 2 feet of IB 1 _G. ,) do (Except Fast 2 feet) B i1G do 2300 _.�. 19 116 'i, do _.. 2225 10 16.. do .2375 116 do .. 2700 12 116 do 500 .. - X13 116 do 450 114 16 _ do 4250 cio 450 1. 16 ,16 do 450 1 of South 2 .� / _... ! ' Bann fol, 2 & 3 1101 1 Sn�; -nd JOlivers Addition 600 '- i to est t, Paul. ..South -i/3 of -1,-2-& 3 101., _ _ do .. _ - 2200..:. _... ._Nor th_1/3 _of -1, 2 u._. )3 -101,,._.. 1 ...- 1,o. _. _... :.. ...550 ..-. i .... _.I4 I lol f _. 1 __ _ do __ _ _ ..__ .950 6 cb-_ _.. .: :Boo__ :.. I I' 6 jlol1 I - do- 1250-` .7 1101,!. _ .___ do. _. 1400 j .._..... .... _._ ._..._.. IB �lO�j...._. _ --... do .... _... 475... ., 1 19 1101 !.. _. - - do-.._ -. r - 425......_ ;_.. do- 425 CITY or l PAUL EF DEPARTMNT OFINANCE 75 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN{ RY ORDER IBl t OC9CRIPTION I LOT eIAc� AD DITI ......11 ill .101'. Bannint, and Oliver's .ddition'.1725 _.. _.. _ i ._..to -Kest St. Paul. ... North 1/3 of 12, 13, &14 1101. do 3500 South 2/3 of 12, 13 &, 14 1011 do 3950 North j; of 1, 2 and �i3 98 - do 800 South ;, of 1, 2 and 3 98 do _ 675 North.` of 4 J8. '.. do. _ ..._. _. _.. _ ), _ _. 2650 South of 4 98 ), do 5 98 do 2400 6 198 do 2400 7 x,98 do 3950 '8 98 do 1825 �9 198 do 650 y8I. do. .1100 .. Ill 198 do 2100 .. :12 ';98 ., do 1400 .... '13 11,98 do .1650 i14 198 1 do / 'i,3 1197 North 2 3 of 1, 2 .md _.... do ' 3050 •._. _- South 1/3 of 1, 2 and :3 X97 do.. 3000 :. ..114 X97 I'' do.. 475 Nast 45 feet of 5 197,E _E do :,. 2750 - ,*est 5 feet of 15 197 ) 4,._.. do 3500 _.. 8 197 )j _ _. do .. 7 !97 i do __... :: 3350- ._.South 2-of8, -9and X10 97 - _ .____. do_.._. 200. North -,-',,.-of._8,-9 and '10 �97---I __ I j I _._____. do. __.. `1100._ TY Or SA PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 76 IBI - ON PRELIMINR I OGl CRIGTION LOT OLo ! AOOtT P ION!3DATIONG!!!O '. ti ' ll 97 '. B.rIn L. V_ . nd Oddver ., AdditionF 150 _. to I.Vest St. Paul.. - .12 X97 do 150 North of 13 and .:14 '97 do 350 South Is of 13 and 14 '97 - do 2350 - 1 46 :2 do 3350 .. _... 48 do 2950 i.3 48 do. .3350 . '4 48 do .450 North c/3 of 5 ural i6 48 � - _ do 3350_ South 2/3 (Except SouthI._ - - -50 feat-) of 5 -& ' 6 148 - do 3300 South 50 feet of 5 turd :6 148 - 11 do 3100 I: 7 48 do 600 8 48 - - do - 500 9 46 do. 2550 ; 10 1 48-! do - 2650 do__. _. 450 I !12 ! 48 do - 850 .. 1 47 -do - - 2675 1 _ do 2950 3 47.- do .__.. _.... .. _....._.. -,.4 -47-- __..._. __..... do _.:.800 . . :. -South 2/3 of 5 -and.. .. __I! 6 ! 47- __do _._..'North 1/3 of 5..and. -•'.6 . 147-: - _ do. ..... _. 2375 .- --Borth-50 feet, of 7, 8, and -1..9 !.47 '��. --_ __ do _. _included..3n 10&11.-- -.--South-50 feetof- 7, a and.47 ;-- - -- - - -.. _. do - -1200 II-- -South '-z_of- N.rth-2/3 of _--- 7, 8 and 9 i 47 i- do 3000 . CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 77 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE " ON PRELIMIN rY ORDER p!lG111PTION OTIlI.00N ADDIT ON - South c of 10 947'1 A ei g and Oliver'. Addition AT N 250 I... - - - r to West St. Northc of 10 'i 471.) _... _ l .) Paul." do 2525 _ .. West ;; of Horth of 1, 11 47 ;) _ do - _ P `) !... West (Except North11 47 do 375 - Eaa, 'a of 11 47 ) d° . . 625 _ :.) 12 �, 47i) do �1!Oliver's AUu it inn to , 1450 i.. ., West St. Paul... 2 1 14 do 2025 3 14.'1, d°. 600.. _.. 4 141 do 600 .. - 5.�, 14!do 600 _. 6 14, do 2375 13:1 do . _. 2 13:' I do 19400. (I 3 13 do .. ,_.. ._.. 4 13 do... 1950. __.. 5 13.1 _-do— 600 6 1 13� do 3100 7 13! - do 3100 _ -c do 3100. i -0 East 80 feet of. 1 and 2 121 do _ 60..... (Except East 80 feet) 1 & 2 12 do 3950. _ 3 1 12i do 1550 L... _ _.. .... .. ..... _-- 4 1121, do ( 12 75. Northerly 2 feet of 5 12� do Id. jo ililg�__. A_strip .-5feet -'.v-ad on tin East of Lots 5 �.ad 16, I do 5900 u (Except Pleat 64 feet =slid except II®~ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 78 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IBI AD DITION ASLN. n' V' - F$61 E~ -T II Iesterly 64feet of 5 :.nd I teL.T 0 121K ysg �f _ v9 Oliver'. Addition to 3225 (Except Northerly 2 feet of I west St. Paul. lobs).-- _ East - of 1 — d 2 I 11I. do 3825' Aes t-; of 1 .end 2 111 - do 1875 FI ::. 3 11 _ -_ do. - 1500 _ 4 11 do 2700 .. II Vest 50 feet of 5 nd � 6�1 11l do 2225 (Except Pest 50 feet) 5 & 6 lli do 3025 . ..'Nest 60 Feet of 1 -d .1. 2. 101 _- 1900.. '.. _.. _do (V: ccpt west 60 feet) 1 10 _ _ i do 2825 rl Easterly 62 5/12 feet of 2 10l do 900 3 101 _ do 2550 4 101 do. 2300 ... 5 I 10 do 3600. ....East ,. of 6.. I. 10 do 850 -..._ _ __. west Z of 16.. lol _.. .. do 1100. �.. 1 9 .. .. do - - 575 'I strip 5 feet �ide adj. East !. ._... side &._ 2..I.9 do... 2125 -. North. .�. o£ i:3 ...)-9 _.. _.-do -_- ? II 1725 south_.;,. ofI :1 9 I -.do _ .. ._. 1075 -- Strip -euat -and ad j . and - - 14 - 9 - -- - do - 24 Strip ..-e e.st--and adj-,..and . 5- 9 ._. ...__ do _. _.._. 2325. ,. ._.___ _. �..... I 6. 9 _. _.... do_ -. '.... 1350 _. ----A-stri-n-5-feet adjoinin€;-andl� 8-. - -- -do' _.g__.�. 8 _ ... do VTT OF !T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 79 - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINr ORDER LOT r-.11 ADDITION--P�¢ V � ON Ii 0-RIPTION 7-1 14 Olivers ..-dditi.:n to 4'eat St. Paul. S.., B_�� -. do. 35350 do_ .East r of 1 ! 7 I. do 2500; Fleet L. of do 2075. . 2 7.. - doh 500 :... 7 do -.. 500 7.:� _ do. .� 1750 1625 q 1 6 ! do. p. 1100 2 6 do 1050 i - 6 do -0. h - _do - 2750 Etst._so of r. .... .feet .__East 80 feet of..do 2500 LL' (Exc.t E"'t 80. feet) P. 5 &...) _._ do y .. ..... 1 5.. do: 142500 2 _. 5_do do_._I� . �.. 2000 I �._. South-'r.:.of, 4 -I 5 _... -...do. 1150 .._ North'- of4 5_ do ,�, 500. .._ 5 i -... do .do. 205 -- I ,I 5... - L'I 00 110 i 'lest 1/3` of 1 and _ 2 4 _,. do_ _ f .375 E 2/3 of 1 and II 2 2�_ _ 4 -.do o I.. 17.00IF DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -- s0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI"RY ORDER {� ADDITION VA'LUA�13° DESCRIPTION SOT q 4 4 I. 0liver'e Addition to 1675 We at Wit. -Paul . I 5 I 4 I do 1475 .- _ 6 g' do 2475 - I West :'; of 1 and do 2950 East East of 1 ai°d 2 I 3 _ do. 19P0 3 13 i ( do 1900 i_ 1I 4 3 it 10 '. 1400 hest 2/3 of I.. 5 i.. 3 I do _. — 2750 *:u st 1 3 of 5 and 6 I 3 do „275 2775 .. West e of _. - do -... do 2900 t of 1 and 2 12 I _ root ;, of 1 amd ..2 2 do 4500 !. 3 2 I do 1800 _. 4 2 .. do 1300 _. .. I 5 2 do 1300 6 2 I do 1100 1 1. �L _.. do . 2 1 do _... : 4700 do .... 400:.. do 400 5 1 do �. 1600 _ do i 450 1 E. R. FryanSsRearran6emeot of, 400 it neYs- to35 I._3 I;7i3st St. Paul. Paul. itddi$ion ._._ _. do 10 do 5 _ do 2250,, G 6 do 350 : II i CITY OP 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 61 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMIY ORDER IBI _ L O Weicll AOOIT- V�ATON I; 7 E R.•'-'rynnts Rearranr.—ent of x400 -, -- - -' n.lock 4 of Sweoney's Addition to ;Vest St. Paul. 275 9 I do 27 10 i f do 1975 ... do 2575 12. I _ do .i 3125 is i 13 ! do 275 _... _.. 14 I, do.. 1025 15 do 250 _.. -.- 16 I . do 32'.5. _. 17 do -1825 is I �o _ 325 do 325 do �., 1100 - -_ - _- �20 21 do 325 1 Il se ... s Addittion to (Vast ' !; .y..Panl do i 225. �3 I1 do 225 do 225' 5 1 do 325 .225 I 1 do 225 —._— --IB I 1 do. 275. _.._. it I5 do -- I2 15 do 300 �135 I do 300. p' 4 5 do 225: TT or ST. CAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE d2 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. C PrrT10N I LOT -1710M A�IURTOM 5 Sweeney • s ad:litimi to 1200 L -tet. Pau1._. _ ., .__. ... _... 6 5 do 2L5' .. 7. 5 !� do 3001- do :.. 1725 .. 5 do II': 650 -. 10 5 do 1225. do 300 2 8 do 300 i... ';I _.. _.... do 225 8 i. _ _... db 250 5 8 do 1225,. ,. 6 8 do 1150 q a do zzs .. d.o. II 1650 9 t do 225' 110 $ '. do 250 (Except Soutl 50 feet of Norte -100 feet) --- it 8 "- -- do - 750 I _... 12 88 do 250 t —(Except Sout!- 50- feet of - r - - - I north100 feet) 1 3 do _ i wlu ded vithll. South 50 feet of North 100 _. fact --8f"Il- 13,- - 15 -8-�- i do - ji 2650- a-- -(Except South--50-feet of - 1 -- ,, _North 100 feet) 15 8 do ildded .ith. ll. .... North 1/3 of 14 and 16 E3 - do 1700 South z of North 2/3 of14 6,16 8 do �', 300' _ . _. I South 1/3 of 14 and 16 S I do 325 r W OF a PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 83 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN4RY ORDER o s. m I Lor ocK AoolrloN— ae,1'no'N i. 1 Morsing Rearrant, meat 450 - 12 :i do 400 I. do 2950. _ do 2650 -. .5 do 2850 .. _. 6 de - 2900 East 52 feet of I1 5 Plock 24501'. -_ - - L -Addi Lion Dawson's Re rra .I �e�ocnt of 1145 of Bannln and 01l—r d 12 Lo west SL. u1, Minn. 2125 went 10.32 feet of Lot 1 al�d I -I',. _.allof._ ... 3 - ISI do.. 2000 14 _.,- _... do 275 -- North 50 feet of5, 6-&_..'7 i do �, 500 South 45- feet of North 95 - - feet of 5, 6 & 7 do 3100 South 45 feet of 5, 6 and 17 do 2500 do - 450 do _ 300 -_. .. 10 do 200: _. _..11 I do II 200 12 do 200 __... 3 I - I_.._._. __ do ._... 200',.__ - _.I14 do 300 l 44_ I P nning and Oli, rs ddion Lo 900, - font tet. Pal. __ ti _. .. 12 44 du400 3 44 350 South of North 2/3 of 4, - ---5 and __ _.. - -.0 44-I - _. do - - _. 1726 —N _ _. _- 0 Orth 50 -feet of -4, 5 find-.�& i49-�—= -- do -- 175 CT OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 84 . ON PRELIMINA�Y ORDER IBl GCS. RIPTION I LOT p -j .COITION South 1/3 of 4, 5 and --- -- - - - 6 44 18annln6 and Olivers - to West St. Paul. -- Additioq --I 1i 375 :- ' -- North 40 feet of 17 144 I do1300 j (Except North 40 feet) -17 44 h. do _. 1950 North 30 feet of IB 44 I) do ..._ (Except North 30 feet) _- (IB X44 do 25 feet of ( 19 44 do I ..1525 .- _.( Except orth Exec 25 -feet: 9 1 - _ - 44 do 1625_ -10 44 :._.. do _... 100 - 11 42 _ ._-. do . _._ .. ...- .112 44I do -�. 900 --West 86fer,t of - - -- - 116 Olivers Addition to ;'f est;; --� 1850 St. .Paul. - _-South-64'feet (Except 86 feet) � 16 do 1175 (_ Exce t est 86 feet & 116 exceptsouthfeet I� - do I � 5175 - - I(1 _ 17I I,ionan's Re .... n F-enentoft II ---- -- - - - (- --810cke 17 -,.and 18 -,-Olive r'o 4400 - - li I(2 17 �Additilin to Plest St. Paul. ....3 17) ... __.. do �- ._. -. - 4 117 )�i do o li ( 5 117 do 6 _... 17 do 2500 I7 17 ) .. - do, 2375-_. 8 17 ) do 0 9 I10 _.. 17 do 800 17'-_. do � - 300 17 do _. I� 300 ! 12 17 GO -., 1625 -. _I 13 17 do 425 rws. CITY OMST. PAOL 85 - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMINAT'Y ORDER IBI' ` ESOP PTIONISLO_c LOT S ADDITION SUA N Li—ans (717 17 mOli ldditio to 4818 Paul. 16 '17 ) do i) 3150 Soutbf h X17 17 ��) do ' North of (117 17 do ... 3150 _.. Vii. 18 17 do _ 19 17 do �. 375 _ 20 17 _ _ do 375 ,. .. _ 121 17 ) do..3550 122 17 O._. o do - 23 23 17 _.. do 375 _. _..1124 117 L _ do 375 1 1B I _. do _.. 2325 _275 .. _ 218 do. 1 3i I) do .... _.__.. (Except Scuth 10 _ feet) 14 118 ) I) do -2450 South 10 feet of I (4 18 do ; - (5 18 do Northerly 5 feet of �6 118 do _ __.2825 South 20 feet of I6 I18 ) do North 20 feet of 7 118 ) do I:South 5 feet of (17 118 I do __ SIB 181 _ __ do 12075 (Except south 15 feet) �I9 do 1110 South 15 feet of. 9 18 . do , 18 ) do _! .2600 Cu, Or ST. PAUL ' 66 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN4,RT ORDER P DSSCRIPTION T L wcK A —1.0. s'w°Ri�ow (Ex..pt North 5 feet) �( 111 161 Lila— Rearrangement of (Block 17and18, Olivers ddltion 2625 ( 121 181 to 'neat St. Paden, 131 181)... do South y of - i 141 ) 18',) do 5475. North of _ I ( 14i lel, dO. ( ... 2500 151 18 do do 550 171 18,,) do. r lB 1Bdo 1350 J is 1B do '_ 375 d01 1 i do 2075 211. 1611I do 375 i. ..... `..2 21 18 _. _._ do_. - 2050 ...... South .° of .. do i( 231 18, _ North i. of 18) _. do _ _1 .231 do 24 18,) _. .. 2725 North 50 feet of South feet of 1and 2 21 - 'elm -'s Addition to +fest tet. diti -- -Noorth50 feet P s Datili( �( 1750 loo faet of 3 and 4 26 do South 50 feet of 3 201) do South 50 feet of 4, 5 & )_'- 6 26) do 1650 1 Nortl 50 feet of 1 to I -t� _ d° it 51 - North 50 f t if sol Lh 100 er.t 1 `� �n17 __./ 21 _ - 6. I d 2.: ' 2C1 do 300 '. (Except I,Iarion "dd. 1 __._ Except-'-mith .+ve-: ) do -- _._ 8 _2.I TT Or — PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 87 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON FRELIMIN/jRY ORDER _—� 4 ATON D CSC I O N L aLocnl ADD O N AW 7 I ➢a�_ e Addition ,est 750 ._. 1 -to _-_ . 3d. do 2000 . li Sonth 15 feet of 27 ) do North 10 feet of (i (7. _ do. j do 'I South 12 feet of f7 do r L �7 do 1950 North 13 feet of - Ir'7 do ..16 .. do 3350 South. 15 feet, of O I �) do -, ._. Norther ly 10 feet. _. (i 0 ��.7... _. do ,of (11 X27 i do 2425 i. South 5 feet of 127 I do - _ ..___ _.._. ce (firpt south 5 feet) AL2 127 I) _ dm 2750 . I) _.�1 Irl do (rxcept Street ).. ) -._. (�127 f I do - -(4 I S (IL27 do 0 85 _ outh 10 feet of - I` ( �7 do I, _ lout?, 10 feet 7 _-- do _. 675 - - ..116 117 127 do - hu I27 ) dog .5soo- -- -- - 119 27 I) do . _.. .. _._ 20 127 do j 400 I 1 21 17 do 77 1350 2227 )1 -_. do 2 I._. South it cln OF — F—L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 88 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINCRY ORDER O E5O ON OT Clt AODI ION TON m North ;,: of (27ralmes y.dd itl n to 4o t _ „tr Paul 2050 �.. .(Except west 35 feet) y24 I27 do -- ","est 35 feet of124 I27 do 100 (Except. street) - '25 127 do 400 (E..cept street).-... 111, X27 _... _ do _ 375 --(Except Street_. .27 127 - .... do I- ._300 _.(r cept Street.). 28 127 do.. _ 200 .._(Except Str,et) 127 �, _ do _... _ loo ..._ _1'Z9 30 127 L do _ �. _ I._ 125- 11 13 Langevin's 4th150 ad iticn to _2 St*co I3 � -13 13 do 2475 .._.. 4 13 _.. do 2000: 5 13 1 do 2250 _ _.6 �3 I... do 2350 (Except South 11 _.. _ 14 ). do ... ..... (Except south 2) 2 —d 3 14 ) do 900 Sootl:erly ., of 1, 2 and 13 14 do 4300 ,I 14 -.j_- _- 14 do 2700 '.. I5 i 4 do 2600'. do 2900-1 � 7 I4 doI,. 4275 (Except Forth 120 feet) 11 15 do 325 ". 0orth,120 feet of 1 15 do 4300 �2 do Boo'I. - - 13 I5 1 do'',. 4375 Ali 14 15 1 do 475 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 89 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - , uoR —RIPTION T p ADOIT ION �'- �Muw N 5 5 LanSev ins 4th Addition to 2ssu1. ,.300 .. North 10 feet of 6 5 -_.do .... South 3o feet of 113 I5 do 4600 North 20 feet of SLevena St;. I ) _... i 5 .i do �. c. _ I North 20 feet, of Stev IIS f 92L -- vac. and -- -- yI8 _ i _ _ do _ - ----Northa20 feet of Stevens - - do I. vac. and I5 I 110 5 I do .6000 South 20 fent of Stevens SLl_. do- . 875 .. vac . end - __ 6 -. o . _.- do do __ 500 _.... __._ 3 JI 6 j �. do .. 500. .: -._. .... .. .... -.. 4.. i 6 _ _.. _. -.. _- do ..... 500 f, _.._ .-..._.-.... _ .. S.. 6 I. -.. _- do .. - ,3900 ... 1 .. 16- 6 - _do ... ...500 6 - I -.__do _ _. _ - '.2175 6 do._ ._ �. - :-2825 - I. -6 do}- �.__ ._... ...._.Ill I6._t. -..__. ... do -_.... 3125. _.. _. do _. -. 725 -I-13.� 6 _.. _ do _. 3325 :. �.....___(F,xcept-so:.th 20 -feet of I. _- do 900 tevena Ave. vnc. 14 I6 I North of 1, 2 and I3 7 do 2475 .-4700 South of 1, P and L3 7 do .. I I-4 do - 3750 i5 7 do ,, 1475 CI Or - PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 90 - -" REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINtRY ORDER - BI \ —A ' ' [SCPIPTION ! ADDIT ON v°[A° 4 g�L 7nnLevins 4th Udition to 425 7 7 do 2375. South 40 feet of 1 and 2I 19 011ver's •addition to . _:. 1( So,th 40 feet of East 40 I( 1 West St. Paul. 1 450' t1 fee t of __. __ I1 3 15!_._ do II_ - --(Except-south--40 fast) 1'& 2 1�'.- doI • of -( FrcoPt East 44o - - 3150 - feet) South feet) 40 I 3 1 1�) doI ... hest 10 feet of 1( 3 1�,. -- do, _ 2075 .. South 40 feet Of 4 and ._. I( 5 1�, do :..- 1 4041I. 5I 19))) do (Except south _feet) _,. S. outh 100 feet (1'xc ;!nri�n I do .. St.)... 6 & 7 North5o feet -'of6'&I I 7I 19i do .. 750 _ . i .. _.. ...000 ._..(Except-;Jurion Add.) 1 8.1..19. .. do _._ - .- do- .. 3600 _ do -. '"° _` -. 277503 _. .. -. 1 20 do- 4200.' .._. �. I I 1 - (Ercept liar ion--hdd.) - 4 20)- "- do - .: 12200 .. _— _N ptB ,ion- Additi..n.)..I_ 5 201)_. -da _- .O. I _-. - feet of 1, 2-andl 3 I 9-Langevias -4th-••ddi tion - 975 to St. 2a ul. South 42 feet ofl 2 -and 3 9- -'--- dO-- 1 2600- - L .- - 4 9 -do 600 I do do 21'25... 1 7 19 L _.. do - 450. .... o-, do 27`0- do 1750. — OP 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 91 ON PRELIMIN f RY ORDER 7 n� AL.R°no Ndd .� T m� L-.C.vin. l 'll._.. i 43hl 2175 3 Lan evins 5th tion to St. 'Paul.. ... 11 LanEevins 4th Addition to 375 I St. Paul. ' North 2 of - 11 ido 1400 I i ` .ant: vio.- to - Paulth . dwith B-9.- included �I. L. 4th dd. < _.-. __._ _..... _. 2 - 1 - I .____.. __ ._ ft o _._ _ .... .2300 ..._ 3 1 - .. . do 2450 _(4 �_ _- . do._. -...-.Sout.h 25:85 feet of _ (I7 - 1 do 3250 .--North ...25 -..feet of..-_. _ _ .. ( .....} _-... .do-... _-...... .-.._. -_.(Extent North E5 feet.) _. flo... do ..3150 -lo k do - - so do -. _ 6'oo --- - -Commencing o Oast line -of -Cherokee i Ave. --44 01 -feet- -- - -- South of King St.; thence Sbuthl 40 feet; thence F.aet ---120 feet -of East line -of -Lo-,- 6- 1 Block -1, .La E-1.'.- -- - -- 5th Addition; thence North r EEt line o£ Lot. 5 and 2800 -6Alock-l,-Laarevins -5th-ad iton-A -- g - -feet;-thence--West ---- --- ;O 120 feet to. place of lbe .inn 3-ngy (Ping part of i.ots 5 and ----6,--Block--1-,--Langevin's-6th-�.ddition;nnd-P`rtof-Lot-? ------ - -- --- Section 7, Town 28 Ran Le 22) i ---Commencing-o-Last- 1-ine-o£C-herokeeI Ave-84.01f-eet- - - - __South of Bing Street; thence Soth !10 fcet•_;-thence - ---East-to--EasL lineof Lot -7p-!B)_oppY.-1;--i,an-nevi s -.5th- -- ---- -- Addition; thence North on LA.t 1inerof Lots 6 and --7, Rlock--1-LanEevin'-s-5th--iddition, 40 feet -thence -' West 120 feet to b.Einuing.1Parb of'Lots 6 and 7, Plock 2800 --1, Langevin .-5th=Addition 'end- art o£ Lot: 2,--sec.-71- , Sec. -7, Town 26, RanEe 22.) - Town 7 CITY OP -PAUL 92 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMIN/,RY ORDER - LOT n aaeyyeep DITION WATI N Desc N Commencing at Southeast co ner lol CherakeP Ave. _ -"and Ain[-St.;thence South -14.0) feet; -thence-E:,st ,_ 0 feet of F. sterly line of L t 5IRlock 1, Laneevin's -5th- Addition; -Lhence Northelrly� Torg-Fus to rly lige of said Lot 5, Rlock 1 0.,15 IIeet o';f",a s jortherlrll ---cornor 6hcreof;--thence tl rt�iea�te l - 00 i- ine 27 of said °.lock 1, 3 ones to V+tegly - -,lock 9,-Langevin's 4th-�,dd�itig.; -$hence line of Lot 4, North—,te.rly - named5 ll, tthsntie uth line of King St. -- the the o0 W t Vlest 9vL82 feet to p}ace of'�1f pn a ginning,(Peing-part LanZto Lot _ „ L Int '�ddltion and part - -Section 7, To,. 28, ranr;e 2 :) - - _.13 12 Langevin's 5th Addition to 2020 t Paul. 4 2 do 207511. _.--3050 -._. I5 2 do P . do 1750 do 300 2 .... do 250 10 2 do 525 I (Ill I2 do 4175 _. (12, I2 do 13 I2 do 2775.!, Commencing at Orth -western lcorrcr dd,� 4f Lot 4 lea -- ---Aleck369nnn i -ng -and -Olivers -t 44.72 feet), tj1.luth -;-thence-- - I- sr to . alone North line ---intersectl n -of ---so Nrt -l-ine-hof Ift-12y-Block 2, -- --- - --- ':- --Langevins-5th _Addit ien-produce �Ea�S,_ ----thence "es4 t.-Sa.-Lh t --co, next cf-1Lot- 32, hence to plata a ftegl'�n�liIg (tll of -__Lot 4) .-_. ____ _ ._ 3 n ,dditi�ln to 5th I ii ILangevin i - t-. -?aut . in ll.d . i 1 1 L...d 4 Li d it �5 l3 I do 5 _ 325 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 93 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI�ARY ORDER - DESCRIPTION LOT -j ADDITION LUQ N� All that pert cf-Lot F,ly1i.L '.est �f ¢ line -d' n -P "rallel Lo`the 7etj i,,ej.f id lot - _. - - fro a point on the L t rly lie Ll.ereof, 2E50 _-"49 fee' frc t -"S iluc t',]t,U:•rcr cf - .-- L.t iC,uditel .,..1. No .�.o P on the North line --of Lot 5, fcre int id I - - - - -- Y.ar lop dd Stlon, St. �_.. Payl. included 4l. .. _. -. w th- 8-L9 Olivers - .�J ''. _.I do 6200 cto 1125 .. -... do 650 '.. 5 do 500 'lt'00 :050.. dp `7arth 1/3 cr 9 I.id �.0 •!c -... Solth 1/3 of North 2/3 of � 2150 9 and .... _.. }i -South 1/3 --of 9 and - � 10.. 0- ; --- -do I � j3-_ 14 aml_. I _.Lg- ___ ..._do-- 2575 _ -South 1/3 of 14- or: -d- --- 5-1-- ----do --- 1750 -- IIF 12200 4_7_ _.....18. .. __ _do __.-. 1200 ___19 i -._ ___. do- o '�- ---do Tr or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 94 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CS ON -T 22 A..ITI.. 1,1-1- ,ddilion y33[ 4N �t raul_ 185u 23 I do t850 241 i no 1550 net ; or 1 and 2�rrincos Rearr 11;ement of Lete, 3250 _ -- an . -10;-n10 c-20 West p of 1 and 2 P111.lrj ..nd u1 ir, n :u litiont 600 c En t of 3 and 4 I i do included .lith East .: of _ -1 & 2. .. _ - --'lest 12-o£ 3 and - �- �- 4 - - - do ---included with � i !Vest '• of 1 k 2. rest of 5 and 6 do included with _. r _._ '-Pet � of 5 and - 6 � do included e ith I- ---- included li .. _ e t a of 1 ^_nd 2. ..I (7 .. do _ .. 2600 . do to do 11J do 7t,50 12 ] do South of 13f do South 50 feet of North f - -- loo fent-of--- ---NorthT/3 of 13' -3 -1 - --- do do -�- - _... idnaluded-with li-- 7 and North 50 feet of I ln�-_-I_ do North i of South 2/3 of 14� do included ith ---South 1/3 of -- :_.--_.--L(15 __ ... do ._ __-._ 3850. __J( _IG _. -do- '.. y CIrr of ST. PAUL 95 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER N4 DESCRIPTION LOT I ADDITION a n ae am ww 1113.y.� -a,. „n _��.J-,LO3 117 ( Prince sRearrae t P10, of Lots ,�1 2, 6, 7,-8, , and P1 1, �O, 2750 ' �(18� , IP'inn inf and Ol iv9er's Addition. I --- - - - -_ - '. to W.t St. Paul, Minn. i i19 do I included Ivith 14. A 120 do do. ''. .. ' �1I -,SerUer's Rearrangement of Plock 400 �2] Panning and Oliver's -adition L2 I ito ,+lest St. Paul. I 31 25 3 , 3125 -- ido 4 do 1,575 5 I do. 1575 I6 do 2325 7 do._ -. 3675 8 I do .400 - do I!� South 12 feet of _ (i ! (I 10 I do 2475 ... Northorthth 25 feet of 110 ) do )' .. ' r, 12: '. 50•fbetfof' `.'-: 11 ) 13200 do South 12t; feet of north —25 feet of do - 200 -- -North 126 feet, of- - - - 11 I - - - oo ..- 3600 do do -- ,,. 3200 .... 14 _. do - 1950 15 _.. do - 2800 (Except -North -25 feet) - -16) I - - do -- - 3900 - North:25 feet of 16� - - do .- ' i 'Auditor'sion Po.54S- 1 i St. Paul,dMinn. 2750 DEPARRTMENT O—D T OF FINvw ANCE 96 N _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - OGlC T OM ! All that part of Lot 4 AloCk --11, LauLevins 4th Adciition'lyihL s of a line; be LinnioG at a �oin on -- the .set 11.. 12.50 feet f om Lhe southeast corner thereof,!:ene 'atright an Lie 20 fect, then. so P. railel vrith the Pa_t line oflsai in the e. nuth—ly lin.-thereo f;,els I.ot 4. 1 1 All that part of Lot 5 Lu fiLevdns Addition lying E—L of e -line r to the I est line of id of rol on Easterly line thereof 4U.23 fee the Southwesterly corner of Lo {. l( " Subdivision Noi54,to a point of ti line of Lot 5, aforesaid; elsolexc includedin Ililitary Addition, Lot 5 _ 13. A 12 I 3 I 4 ADDITION VAWATON Auditors Subdivision No.54 St. Paul .7 inn. uth do 900 Ith lot 5th r-p&ra llel - npoint from - Vuditors do 2,275 Orth apt part 10, and 5. do see lot 5, Lan �e vi ns 5th Adl do 3600 do 2300 Military Addition. 3200 do .2850. 3050, do 1975 do 75 I bttawa addition. _ .4225 do 425 do. _. 3525' do 475 do ;. 2275_ _do 25 do 25 Cm OF PAUL 97 OEPARTMIDIT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OC9C PTION I SOT cK� IT ON VAASLSUEAS 1 ED ON IC Otte- Addition. 7do 505 I iE Y I do. 200 North 37 feet of 7 and I8 135 uanni t and Oliver's Addition to Aest St. Paul. -1375 South37" feet. of North " 75- foot of 7 and e -135 do - 1375 South75feet of 7 and -�8 -35-_I do - 2875 ' - -Went 40feetof [i orth'�7 'I - feet of - 19 135 1 do 50 Il I (Dawson Rearrani,e ont of Hloolf 4800 do 725 do 2�25 1.._.. X14 do' 725 I- - 15 do 755 -.. _.. IO do: 2975 .... . - _ I7) I 1 do _. _.. IB) I do .. 9 1 do 600 1 .110 1 1.. do ..._ 4200 �. .. .,11 L.,. do 5750 do 11 172 "annhf and Clivers 14350 6o Weet St. Paul. ' _2 I72 do 3600 13 172 -...._ do ..... 2400. 4 172 do 2550 _.. _.5 72. do __. 16 I72 L.. do ii 3150 172 1 do.. _ 475 Cm of — FAUN , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9e ON PRELIMINARY ORDER pC3 I N O b A IT ON AL' I'^" N L10 yBann 475 11 172 72 I rand 011VCI`.3 Additi n to 'feat 9t. Paul do. - 475 112 i 72 do 2000 , 1_ 1731 o 550:. 2 _. 73 do _ 3200 _.._ 3 173 do 500 4 93 do 4250 73 do 2500 6 73 do .. 3050 ...... 1 173 do 500. . U - 1..731 _ do - 450 73 do 150 10 73 do 450 11 73 _ do 450 12 i 3. do 475 1 74.1 do 3500 -- -- --- 2 74 do 30001 _.... ._. 13 74 I1_. do'. 2250 .... -74 i do 2150 __. �...., 5-_i 741 - do 2450 ,. i. 6. L.74 i. do r 7 174. I_. do 450 74I .. do . 400 9 74I do _. -_ 400 ., . L_.._.. _.. _ 10 74 do .. 350 , 111 74 do 400 - 12 74 I Ir do _ -... 1425 �_� QTY OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 99 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C IP N II`L A D{ON ALMA eN 1 751 C;anni L and Ot Suer s _lddjtto 3375 - 12 1751 to 7r : do 450 13 do _. 21.5o! ,.. _ 14 17,51 1 .. do ,450 [ 5 do 2650 _.. I� 11751 I.6.. 17,51 ... do . 3400 7 i 7511'.. _ do. 1900 g 17&i) do ISI_ R.:rt fo 1.2, 11, 10 and 9 1 751 do _. 1500 .i,. Vf at a of 9 and (LO 75' 1(12 do 1550 lle t of 11 and ( 751 do 1. 771.._ do 460 . �I 2 77 do .13'5 �_.. 3 771 do ... 425 . 14 1 771 do 425 5 1 7711 do 425 V _ 6 771 _.._ do t I 7 177 do 75 8 i 77 uo I. 9 1 771 do 10 fe t of 101 771 � _... I Ii 9W.il 10 f ct..of.. ...300. .. 771 do 1(121 7711 do __.. _. 275 1 781 . do 875 2 � 781 do i3"5 ,1 is -_ 13 781.. do i , 1925 I TT OP lT. PAUL DlPARTMENT OF FINANC! REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 100 ON PRELIMINARYORDER TION L 091 col - T SS AOOITION AIUU!! VA Oliver's N 335 . _. 4 781 Canni 6 and ,dditi.n to =est st. Paul.- ` Boo 7 76',) do North .- of :) 8 781) do 325 South ;`:. of 7� d° - _. ( 1 _ - 300 7Bi do 101 78' do 175 i 11! 79 _ _. do 150 121 76 _ do 1 150 1 — North 1/3 of d 2 64 do 1650, North of South 2/3 of �. 1 and 2 64; - do 170ct South -1/3 -of 1 and 21 64- - - do 1700 _ .. _ _. , "i �.. 04 d o 1800 - North 0 fey t of 4 5 E�.. 5 1 6 .. 641 do _.. ,'.. 2700 -South--50 1-11 ...f i�ortih. �- --- - - do 2850 100.fa&t f 4,5 amG 6 6 ,. ,1 South50 feet of 4,5 and G coil do 2800 7 I 6^ 3o 2000 1�.. 11 do 550 9 I 6,1, _ do _ _ _ 1475 10� 6�} do 425 1 11� 64: . _ do i 3025 r 121I G9� do ^_50 South 1/3 of(Ilse pt 'est' 10 feat) - of3)-1,2 nd __ _ .I 3 cal_.. _..... do. _ 2050_-_.:. North -1/3-.of, (Except _ Nesti_ lO Teell.__ I of 3) 1,2 and 3 G3� do 750 CITY OF SL PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 101 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w Dman ON South -2 of Forth 2/3 or 1,2 Ld i Hunninp und Oliver's -1diticn 500 3, .1 .elt 63 "(E>:cept No.fd0 to lest St. Paul. fee t. for a11cy of 3) i South 50 feet of 4 5 and 6I 63 do 1450 -(Fxcept East 10 fect6fl4 far all.", I North 100 feet of 4,5 ao� 61 63 do 400 _.. (ExceptEast 10 feet of 4 for alley) - e 6ru do 500 91 63 do 400 North 1/3 of 10,11 1 12 63 do 425 South / ' 10,11 I lI 6' y � do : 425 ,. ..outhb0 feetof lo'll axil 5n4fee fo.uth xce l 10 feet of '- 10- for alley) 12 G1 do 3975 do.... 10100 do 450 South 1/3 of 61 Gb do - 2850 __. 45fand -� st of 4 (Except 12 ) `.. _ _ ... ..... _ North 2/3 of 5 and 6 60 do 4000 North 100 feet (Exce}t Ea,Is , 12 feet) "- -' 4 I 60 — - do --- 275 - I 1. sast-l2- feet _.of... .___I-._ 4 G _. do _... . ..__ 100 1Q 60.-_ _._ do _.._ _. 450 _..'. — - - - 11II G" do 450 , .._. 12 6 __ _. do 1575 !J do Cm or 1T. PAUL _ 102 OCPART ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 4 0610 TION North 1/3 of LOT L_1 ADDITION VA""R1`N 10I 1400 Addition 2950 59 Putoilestnat. Paul. aul •s So".th 100 root of 12 and 1] 591 berth GO feet of 12 and 11i 59� do 1 1650 That part of Lot3 Sec tiorj7, Tow 28 RanLe . het!^een the No, an� so thr linas of the hereinafter deocribeditr¢e t produced to 3(350 - 4.. Smith Ave.; also -the Snutlj 50feet oLots --- f- 2 and 3 and all of Lot 1, Rlogk 2$, FanninE -. - and 011vers-Addition t--'" st St. >jaulr - -- 1 That part of Lot 3 Seetiod 7, ITo ! 2-8, RanLe 22,' -- "- - l,yi,,V south of Molt n St: 'jvdst ! of pithAve: and -. - north of -u line 50 feet north hof the -south line-- 2325 - of r dgscr�bed teAlsonlexoceptethef estended - Ea s t. south 0- .eet,) LGtena I?3, 1 and 3 and all f L. 4, lock Oliverr, addition to "let Slt: lain. �Bannin - - -- _ 1 Lot 4 Plock 23 anoioc d Olivers !ddit On a Iso e 8 rs on e,1Jch'EI nd Yineof Condon. on.C soldLot4extendednort Morton Jtreet -"- 15 23 Bann i nt and Ol iver'n -" Addition 550 1 .. _ ... .._..-to ,1,1—t St. --Paul. -G00 �G j23 do South 1/3 of 7,8 and 9 23 do II _ of South 2/3 of 7,18&9 123 do 2250 North 50 North 1/3 of _7,8 and _19 123 1 - do 2950 North 50 feet of 10 and Ill 123) do I North 50 feet of 112 I23)I do :3700 ti a. tr ion Pular piece north oIf 12'1 24I _ do South 50 feet of 10, 11. 'd12 23 do 4000 North 50"fent of South 10 fegt I of 10,11-, and -.-_ -''12 23 -_._ --. do __- .3400 I3. 149 -___- _'_'_..do 1175 ._ I 1 i North 1/3 of ' c11 OF 1, FAst. - 103 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER CSG RIFiION %,LBRT ADDITION South 1/3 of 4 and 5 49I Panni Gand Oliv rs Addition 12850 _ .. L .. . 1 to-'Cst St. ?OLLl. 5050 North ' of South 2/3 of 4k5 49'', do North _ ,,. 1/3 of 61,7 anddo 36100 __. _ j 0 h9' '. _. , South 1/3 of 6,7 and 8 _ 491 _ - _.. do 3000 North 2' of South 2/3 of 6,7 and 0 .401- do - 3700 _.49: __ _do- .1500 do 7f OO -- Snuth'"c-of North 9/3 of 16,2 501 --- do - 1075 - South 1/3 of Y end - 2 50 - -- do 2175 North 50 feet of 1-andI I 2 I 50 - - - do 23:5 — i I ! 3 i. 50 do - 450 �,.. do (46125 North 50 feet of 4 and i III. 5 i. 50 do - 2500 100 feet of 4 and - North 50 feet of South 5 0 South 50 feet of 4 and 5 I 5do _ '3050 - - - -1 -I! 7arY ,cid- is Re rranr.,—rt of 2350 i In n , •.$ok 2Z of-rannin�nnd-011vers-t 2 :Iddit ion to 'Nest St. Paul,!!'3000 amsey -0o.- ufinn. - -_ - 3 do ...36100 !, 4 do 3150 _. _. do 4300 6 do 2600 7' do 3350 do _... 450 do '3400 ._ 10) do _. _.4400 --- 1 do - I l2 do 400 CITY OP 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE -- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 104 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OEl011 PTION i O ID ADDITION y N Rearranande011 of 1A iluock-LZ of6 Lddition" to 0t. Pau l, R >,, County ; 6,inn. -- 4000 . 116 ., 17 do 3100 -. do I 4750 l n do 1 Iil. A. Pichoud addition to 600 - 2 do 5350 3375 i 4 li do - C450 5 do 650 do 700 7 do 2700 Il Friel. Reerrnntement 600' _. _... 2 I. u do 600 it 1 do 2525. +`ultons RenrranComoot of Rlock 70,' .Hui inC.:nd Olivers Addition. 2475 _..I2 I _ do - 650 -.3 : 30 I - do :._ 40 _I5 I - __ do _.... C50 _. 6 __. do -._ 3150 .. .__ i7 _�!_ _._ do ._.. - 2000 Is _I_.: ,. ... _do -: 550 do --_ 3600 -.�.. ] do 500 :.. —.1 AT. FwuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1Q5 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT cK ADD 10 ALU N �l �abersl .rs and Tckl rs Sub 1950 - -2 '. - tr-ivl`i on of - ''s1 oc'r.- 69ban� ir.6 -- ' ��, and Ol ivcrflddit Lnn. 1800 3 do 500 h do 1G00 .._1500 S. '. do - L6 do L 500 do .3525 , do.. 1Gf5 do _ 1200 -- _ -.. 10 dd,_ 400. 11 do ',, 1200 _. 12 do 1050 -.. .:31001 I do.. - do i1z - -. _114 1 •- Baj.rd s Audi t0to Sanni G 400 and^Oldiver slock, o Vit.-?ral.-. do _.. _.. - -_'..475 -.. _. r do 475 ...l 3850 '--- L58tP.snninFarndnve Ull-t 'ofBlock 850 ._ verAddition1950 -- to-'&est S.intd?au 1. - _..._. _... I_g. _ .... do _. `1,950 ..4 ---. __ do _ .2650 i- _LG - _.. _. do .....-2450 '.._. 7.. _I -_. do. _.. _. x2825 -: -... .B._ __.. do . _ , 500 -. p._ 1 __ _.... do ..._ _ _-1100 Ter° _ 1125 ii OITT .1 .11-1 106 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DescRIPTIoN LR- UM X11 (Lawton s 'i resnS men. of 1250 - - - - I 91ock-58, of oanninL and Olivnrs 12 i+dditi on to 'Nest Saint Paul. 1300 -.�.3...do _. 1400 . I74 do 525 (IL Norton's R rrantement -. .1550 North 1/3 of (12 do South 2/3 of h )� do 2950 i- North 25 feet of 3 ) -.. do South 12.52 feet of (3 do - ... -... 2150 do do X2675 ' South 12.52 fret of_ ii) I - do North 25 feet ofd. (, 3000 South 25 feet of (�7 do „ To th 12.08 fact of 17) o0 ...... _. _.. .-. ..-. c600 J.. as Past '_ of 1, 2 coc' ,3 I ISlos Icearran gement 650 If l 0 ..nd 3' li 711 �.t cr 1 e ' liticr. '.c - I11r• City of -5t Paul. 3200 I2 157 - do - r - -3400--- 3 I57 - _.. do _ 1750 __._ ... .-. _-4 __ 157 I -_ do2650 ___.. _.. ... 15-- 57 �... . _. ._ ___ do .' 2950 _.. I 16. 57_... -... do -- (T.'xcept',Nest 50 -feet) 'e.._ 57 1 do -feet) 7 -- 57 __i.. _.. .-._.do __. I 2750 - (Exceff,-''lest,-50 7 'Rest 50 feet of 7 and (8 57 - do 250o C oP . PA— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 107 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - DE9oR ON T� nl ADDITIO A55E �9 57 I Lav,ton Rrotherls Addition -- - -- to theCity .of t Poul 5775 10 157 do .do _- .. ,1 157 375 .. _. . _... 15. 157- do 375 13 157 _ _.. do. 375 114 57 do ... _. _.. 375 _1.15 157 I do.._. .575 i.. _ � �16 � 67 1 II.. _.. do _.. .� _.. . -- -.. 425 G1. do 000 _12 161 do.... 350 I'� do 1475 _. ..._. 1611 ; do -. 375 - 5 61.... _. __ da. 375 i, 6 61 do 375 7 61 do .2025: 8 161 I do 2150 o 61 1 do 2275 I10 61 do 11350 ; - ' 111 I61 do 450 112 61 do '- 450 !: I13 61 do 1400 14 61 _ do '.2350 Ij 15 61 do 450 16 I61 _ do 500 ^'I 60 D—son'eitenr E—ent of 600 I1 CO3_..anni ig_and Oliver's'.. -. 12 Addition ',.,.3, 750 13 1 - _ I do 1. 550 �'I cn, or aT. rwua. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 108 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - �1 ea TION Lo 4 DNw IDnvls s RCarr2n ement of ae EGON Yl oc korl �n GB, anuln an.O llvers Addlt i 475 North j;. of ( 5 - - II To South �'_• of 5 and all of 6 .. _ 4 do 3775 7 I do .500 8 do 450 h 9 do 1700 _ _.. __. .. L10) .. ... _.. do- - 1450 11 do ..., ., 2550 - -- 12 do 500 1 (Dawson's +rearrangement of Plock 4550' ---- -- -- -- -'67 f arming and Olivers rddition' . 2 Ito Nest 5t._ Paul, 'finn. _. - d50 .- 3 do 400 _..._.._ ....... . . .... �.h 2150 '. .._ 5 do 2950 - ..._..do 1300 - - 7 do 2700 I..a I do 2125 .. 9 do 875 10 i do _ _.. 1475 do 1225 112 do �u do 375 do 575 1 -_. ( do y'� 3050 do 3 I do 2725 4 do 375 CIn OF ST: PAUL' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 109 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION - LOT 5 eD ADDITIONALUA N (Dawson's ".earrinrement of i.ok.'1275 --- -- - _.� --76 of—anninr end 011verls ^ddition "-" l0 to Vlest St. Paul, 4+inn 375 _... _ 47 L_.. do l 5 do 275 do _.. 250,,.. 11101 250 i.. i.. 11 _do _ do .. _. 1050 - 12 do II 1100 13 _. ._.. do - 50 ._ 14 I j do 400, _ L_. P(R. f,^,cDonneh 7earranjement of 3400 .j 12I ioon ddi ti n2 tof'!iestnStG Yaul �l ilinneso to .1150,_ 3 do - 1550 I:I 4 do 1,350 do �,, 1550' i do !, 1950' SoutY. 37u Feet of 17 do 1900 . (Prce pt South 37,',fent ) 7 ) do '..1.,75 � ..... SouthVL feet ofSou I (Except L7_ feet) (S ...- _._ do -._ ry (9 I do 1 I I I 170c) do i _.1_;0 ._ do 18 0 �12 _- do 2200 E i L 1 PI,cDonnell's Rear- osomen tl 50o , 2 do 3250 3 do 450 rdINl RY or 9T. 'AUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 110 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) w CSG LOT ' II T � 10 EAI N 5 11 R. 1c0onnell's llearrnaLeve t _ 1500 G do 500. 7 do L.1550 8 I d o < Soo .._. 9 i do 3200 -. L.1� do 1 I do 500 do 50 1 f 4mith and Taylor's eubdivislon A. 1750 I. 2 do_ 150 ;. (Except L'llst 95 feet).. 31 Vo11675 .'',.. _ Eas t95 feet of _ I( 3 I _... do ( n _ do .,5600 South 3/4 of 6 do 3550 North a of -- 5 I - do,7600 5 5Q La%vton T'rothers ^dd ition to '.2250 -._- - .. _ ..the C11,1 of t. 11-1. (6 5S do �.. ( I _... _.._ .:2875 '... 1 Worth e of (7 5� do South c of 7 5 ) do 3825 _. 8 5� ) do 9 5 do 125 __.10 68 _. - - do _._ 13075 -_.. 1LI do 51 '', 375 ... .. _ --12 _ _. 54 do x,2075 1I 52 do '.. 350 11 --_ _.2 52 _. _. do _... 32� it 3 5? do :3325 4 52 do 325 OP 6T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PWANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 111 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ IBI DU 6N OC9CR ON T f O ION ton Pddtin SRI 0LI La to 22751 _Lho City of SL. Paul. 1 2025 6 52 do ... 7 ( 52I do 2425 8 ( 52' .. d° _ 4550 _ _ _. ...9 I 52� a° 660 d do 600 _.. 521 _ do 12 521 do _ � 1 131 521 do 300 14I 52I do 2050 15 521 _ _.. do _ 1300 I_16 52l do _.. 2750 II 1 51`: do 75. .. _ 2 511 d o .. 1700 p - ..__. .__._.__. _......_ _� 3 511 do 4 51 do 325 &51.I J � - _ do -.. .... fl 671 325 _. r - o50__ 2225 I -...._. 6 I 51� do 3000 1__.. 10� 51 do I T.__. ___ -- -_-. - _.L. do 51� 12 5)) do - do I 3000 i 14 sig do 2750 15 did° 600 I I I —TOTAL — CITY OF ST. FAuI. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 112 -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - a ON PRELJ[.71NARY ORDER IBI SCO T O LOT I A. -TIO. AWATON I. 5 LawtonBrothers Addition I 675', -.1 to -the city L._ -Paul _ 1 46 do 300 _. _._..2 4 do 300 �.. 3 4 do -.. .... 1500 _. . I 4 4¢ do 1000 ._. _. 51 4 do �Sp _... _.. 0 -41 _. do j' 1 2575. 7 4 do 202 do 27e6 5 _ 4y_.. do -.. I I _.. 2575 1 4¢ __.._ do 2026 4$ do I.... 2025 1, .- 40 do it 2276.. 4 do 4..__ _.._. do ,... 1025 46 _. do I 3950 _1_... II ..___..__. ._.–. ___. ....... 1� 4G - do 250. ,. �...._ _ do 175D lg 41 do III 11 (Dawson is Rearrangement oflBlock 5000 --- - ,.o5.. of �a.nnin E–.uid–f1Liv r .•...Addit ion, - - �� 2 1 to West "t Paul, Minn.075175 J.._ ... de I'. I 4I _ . - I do I I 13175 5 do 2175 . (� do 14476 ' 7 do I 3350 do .I ! 2900 '.... I I I —TOTAL — - OF SM FAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ---DZSCRlPTION--- �- LOT ADDITION LUA N 9 l Duwson's Reurran[,e moot of Block 8961 -- ----—--------- annln-and Oliver-' -55-of-Ni; on 1"- Additl2 lol Ilto 'tient St. Paul, ,inu. 00 11 do 3125 12 do 1 S50 131 do _ 1 3175 ... 141 do 1 Div e.on's Rearrangement of Block -_.3400 00 .. ---- -°-- - -��- " 53'of Panning and 011ver95 lditi S,)OI1I_-- 2 I to '4 cst St. Paul Ann. , "200 3 i 4 do do1 II 1700 00 li ..... 5) _. I do 1700 _.. .... _. . I- 6 do _._.. 2100 7 I do }75 8 ._ do 1700 _,1 do i do _.... .. 950 1 _ 1 _ .._._ do 1 2000 12 I do 2200 131 do 3250 li (E—opt South 21 feet) 14i 1 do 1 'i --South 21 --feet of - ---1 "-.–g ( -- ---_ do -2750 - 1 m - 750 _. IIS iill is IA Role's Rearran e ent of11850 Almk Dlo 54-,-- annln and– liver e- 2 � tiddition to Vent t Paul. i1 G001 1 _.e. do 1. 4 do 2550 � 5 I do - 11 5o ail do 3100'1 - - - r O�aOFFIN 114 " OEPARTMPNT OF PINANCE' RTM REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE' ON PRELIMItLARY ORDER ®� A D TION ..All' � Oaa CA � N I LOT I .= East of 7 I 1Yilliam �I. Bole's ..._ 8'c L L of I7 I I _. do __. . 1 500 1150 do 250 ._ 110 I d° . _ 1900 do ;350 do do - do ,000 ,3 0 _ do 2200 1 I I lf, do 17 i do 4000 ,_...... __ _..__.. _..... 18 do I 300 1 Sachos R°arralFem°nt of IIlocic 1700 - --" -- _-` X65 --of Aanhong end Oliver s1iddi,Lion 1----- 12 I I to lcst 3t. Paul. 375 ',• 3 I do 207511 4 do 2875 5 I do ^875 c 11 do 1 x.275 -- 7 do 1 3751 1 -7- I .._ do -__ I __ 425 (. do I do �— ll 11 do 360 12 I do I I ,, 850 ¢. do'. 300 CI" OF R. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Pv — �RThe Commissioner of Fiaauce further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Couucil, together with the report made to him is reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. C-ommissiouer of Finance. - - ......................... ..----------.-- _----------- _-------- v- dnT-OF ST. PAUL ry' �` 5Se�5IIl�tlt. In the matter of the assessment of benefits,, costo and experses for Paving Twelfth Street from Ceder Et. to Jackson Et., excepting the intersection of !•'innesota S , and the intersection of Hobert Et., including sewer, water and as connections -.here necessary, from street mains to property lines complete, where rot already made, also peving of alley and drivel°ray approachee and also granite curbing where not already in. 1 't �Iender Preliminary Order _-_ 823R_.. Intemmdiery Order Final Order __.... opproved_J_anuar 2Ct17__._�_ 191 Thr mens of 'n-:.fi *_vc.nnts_.aad_.e-zcenaea—___for and b. coonectioe with _ the above Improvement having been submitted to the Counul, and the Coancil haying considered eeme end found. the id ams—t satisfactory th rm=,, _ -- RESOLVED, That the said assess tNb° .j p, ;_ ��.".ell "'Peet,approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a p bl to sr, ant on the 7th 4Mjtr.i v ' m day of —liril i91 atthl 'eaa r A,'ifi the Council Chamber of the Court. Home and City Hall Bailding, in she C ty{ 'e19 t t`4094 i is is4C of Finance give notice of said me [ g required by the Charter.gn m : "he v e and place .111 the nature of she improvemenq',[he total coat thereof. sassed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the v,fire ie directed. Adopted by the Council 191 i CL/y Gty Clerk Approved Jql� /. Co-eilmarth __- - O� . �I _ - - — Hy� Glancy er Mtr61` D Wopa'Neft "- earn 1.; ------------------------------------------- ` CITY OF ST. PAUL Z i 1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT -- —, 191___ Inthematterditheaeeemmentof .'benefits, costs end expenses far the Faving Tv;elftb Street from Cedar St, to Jeckocn 2t., exceptingtl.e intersection of Vinnesota St. and the intersection of Robert Ft., including sewer, nater and gas connections where necessary, from street mains to property lines complete, where not already ®ade; also prving of alley and drive, -,ay approaches and also granite curbing ,vhere tot already in. wader Prelimirery Order 82437 , Intermediary Order Final Order _._9.,331:.._-._• approved_ Tn...uai�vAth 191-7. To the Council of the City of St. Paul ' The Commimioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following ee a statement of the ependi. [urea necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment. viz: Cost' of crm.maethm . . . . . . g._]•6 g�5,--,�, curbing h 1,30.1.72 at i.rg notice lof publ _ $_ Curbing Reset Carr of Postel cards - - . . . . . . P.rivenays 310.64 I..p�ctian fear . . . . . . _ . $____0_00_ later connections 32,C0 Amount of court cast. for confirmation - - - - $__g„6 +n ew r Cor Recti one 'rota e,. 274-05 e;CoT _ _ glfl,�i-,ZPl Said Commisai... r farther reports that he has anessed and levied the total amount a above ..cer- tained,to-wit: the ,vm of $_. 1_.357,A1_upon each and every log part or pamd of land deemed benefited by the said,improvement, and in the case of each lot. part m pamel of land in aeaord.nra with the brnefite conferred thereon; that the said nuearament hes been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tifi.d by the .ign.mra of the and Commiwionar, and made a part hereof, it the said aeeea e -t ae complated by him, .ad which is hemwah submitted to the Council for such nation thereon er may be caneid.d proper. Form n: B. lr &imairai... r•of Finance. v / By Q��/ , F 24379 6 Y " R . ' Id the manor of the.aaeaement of benefits, dc:aa:;ee, costs ii erpensee for changing the grnde of H—lire Ave. from Juno ,t. to nandolPh St., to conform to the red line on the pr file hereto attached and maas a Part hereof, the present established _rade bei.,, represented by a Blue line thereon, also the grading of said Hemline Ave. betveen the pointe aforesaid in accordance .,iith the said red line cher, established, also the grading of '.-Hemline Ave. from: Otto Ave. to Juno St, to the Present established grade. 1GG03 181=5 endo Preliminary Oxder _—_—_._.._.._-., Intermediary Order — Final Ord.r 18659 -. approved_. _._eF. t..,.._21et .. 191 7 The aveaament of'1�2g-1,-3.!lapga.,�o.. 6 &._espeneea for and in ......tion wilh the above hnprovemeni having been bmi-d m the C .... il, and the C .... A having .onaidered name and found the said a aadafactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the said auee t 1 e... X11 reape.ta approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public3`=jo t amu °Plrom ooSi:.";;�t on the 7 t'n day .f ..__IiLS1L 191-1 et the .a'A—. aV,-khe C .... il Chamber .f the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City r � °1taf°�t4P" °;,i '„e .>eioner of Fi..... give .,He. of t,eup a.na avid meeting. ne required by the Charter,ie'I Scoa �1�P•5. and plain of heating, the nature of the improvement, the total coat eh—.f. 'I .v �;et the lot or Iota of the patecular owner to whom the n.e.e is dheeted. ea :Ar� Adopted by the Council u�ppa[�+ emeot .at cwrv, ane _ OR-/ t C City Clerk. 4p - Approved �/ C.unulman arpnmrth .. Clancy Mefafl .. iYu•+�.f� L'. Form B. B. 16 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the mseaament of beneli t c, d 3. ccsts & exp On -c s for the chan.-InE the grade of F-IineA-. fr-�J��t. to nan" to coni ors: to t:,e red line on the T�rof i, hereto attlehei ani de part hare.", the present -tabli.h9d -rade bei- -p r-entedby ablue 1i- - thereon, also the ;-trading of .aid",T-line Av% 1c0t-111 the point" aforesaid in ac ,tb the said -a line he. -ta-liehed, also the gradin, of 11-11- Als. fr., Otto Ave. to Juno "t, to tro pr-ent ,2t aclish.3 trade. .ad., F�rslieoiom, Order .. .... imsmosdier, Order Final Order ..... ... ... 191-_7 To the C11161 of the City of St. Paul: The Cmomirai ... r of Finance hereby reports to the Council the 1-11-wia. as a.,,tsm,,t of the eapaodi. name necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the ab -11 imP-1- me.t. ,i.: Cost of -m—tion Cost of publishing ami- - - - Cost of postal ..rd, Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - - $-- ............ 75 .49 Amount of court caste for confirmation $ ... . ...... �5 I-. Total -pe-limrs, - . . . . . . $ ", E7R.2g- Said ca-mia,j ... r further reports that he be, mtessed and I-iM the total .-.not .a above as er twined, -wit: the amn of $-......_S.,-72.x'-each and every lot, part or panel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement. and in the ease of -h lot, Part or parcel ofland in accordance with the benefits conferred there- shot the said assessment has be.n completed, and the, here,o attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, Is the said assessment . completed by him, aad which is herewith submitted to the Council for such -ti., there,, as may be considered Proper. --Co insnce �ml sm m w. z OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER XVVVV - AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM. N. .541. AUDITED MAK .......... 6 . ...... .. ... ... R -1-d that warrants be J,.,. upon 111, City Treasury,payable out of ffic 1-6-ftu specified N.6 and in f,,,, of the persons, firms or corporations (or the amounts =et opposite their respective names as specifi«1 inihe follotring detailed statement: Y- v ) C ... jj N.p_ Adopted by the Co .il "MAR -81111-19-1— Av4,---v—d A.) MAR-8-fRif --IX— PUd b, 1 wu 11, Pmh1,kH,dg... Qlaiw Fielding & Shepley, 1,000.00 W@29 Thornton Brothers Comeenyr 3,400.00 Wewer System To to I— oe sr. �A ( OFFICE Oc.F COSIPTROLLER THEr. I 24'381 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM .r..e. ° No...... __. _._.— r..„nne,r. 540 Jo-D AUDIT 11AR ......t`I' �ER_ P Resolved thm w°rrante Le drawn upon the City Treasury, pny.bh, ous of the hereinafter specifed funds and in favor of the I--, s c et t� � pets s, firm or °rp°rations F.th°._vmown apposite their respec .e -- ns specified in the following detailed st menta me eas V Cn°°eilmea ( v C. F. na 21311- Y ( ) ov ae.m.m m i°w:: ovu ata.° MAH -g Adopted by the Council................................_:__:—_IY�— 1919 11 ovr i� -6km.T' ins° rn s z'<°°°.r' niuoa°e°.va uovo: for°ie°o non.. n MA.� t. Fai°s4enh t to°tr vn,ovv., .u° Kil#r nn,vn°av uv°° svvntr evo,vam'.•C�� sxosee _ _ _ S�f� O u^om, vv w n.es°.com°vvr, s'cvo,n,ts.tov°r,; vwson Nuyd Ikh sxa a°see `.° Mr. Presfdey; Hodgson It. iiw° v °rr ssv.smnvvr. v.yxsx - sspaem v. vA .vr. uY� v .v. srTiifis e o: -=4U71 J. Q. Adam., ry - 1.75 110409• American Linen Supply Company, - 20.58 1,0409' Amarioan Railway Express Company, 2.79 c.H.-Pe_C..-H« 1041(, Armour& Company, 4.50 - 1041= Board of Water Commissioners, 23.76- '. Q._H—A -Crib. 104321 Brown, Blodgett & Sperry Company,' 26.67 . C:-H. &•C—H.' 'T04•Y5. Burns Lumber Company, 36.67 C'.- 404.141 W. F. Buth & Company, 2.36 C... H.-.&-C..-H. '20455'. Field, Schlick & Company, 5,07 lGia: ' The Herzog Iron Works, 132.50 104}7^ Frank 0. Huebener, 61.00 Real=�4D�'Fa��$ 10436- J. W. Hulme Company, 7.25 G. -H. &-0. H. '.3.6419' H. T. Kenny & Company, 1.35 1642& Merrill, Greer & Chapman, 1,537.03 C. Hv-&-0-. H. 1042} The New York Tea Company, 7.95 j 10422^ Robinson, Ca;y & Sande Company, 27.48 G.--H....&.-L—H. 10423,_ St.Paul Gas Light Company, 10424- Schuneman & Evans, &-G.-H. 14425-. G. Sommers & Company, 10426, Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Co., C; H.-& -C.1-IL. 164B'f- Villaume Boa & Lumbar Company, 40 r 7.25 6.70 1.35 3.33 1,537.03 11.44 7.95 1.75 27.48 :tom Council Rmol on- -General Form c'.>'. 2r�f3r _ Set pole in alley north of Reaney Street, east of Ilendota Street. Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Couteil/men ( ) Nays FAWITSWORTH M I (� �JpERLICH APprov MAP. Isla J IV. �R Mr. President, H-121>„\ Mayor IV CITY PAUL, Council Resolu General Form e.z. Dart By Set one pole on the south aide of Tyler Street, west of Stryker Avenue. With necessary guys and anohore. Adopted by the Council flu —S 1919 '\ Yeas ( ) Counc lmen ( ) Nays IFA ORTH •L RUCHApproved l , Mr. Presidenf•�o ��n �� Mayor CITY F . PAUL Council Resol ---General Form r 2,1,, �_3 C.F7o ti�:33�_ Date-PresetR-Ptr— �–� 191 B One pole in the alley east of Danford Street, north of Maryland Street. With necessary gays and anchored Ycas ( ) Cou cilmen ( ) Nays FAR VR RTHA rove RARPPMr. President, - Mayor 0 CITY Of PAUL t Council Resolu --General Form S: atm- Dater en[e -- one pole oit the south side of Sherburne Ave. 183 feet west of Rice St.' north " „ „ n Charles St., 83 so;th Edmund 83 8 north 3 eouthwoet" Como Ave.. .83 due West of Rice St. n. north Viola St., 1.30 snot of Rice St. " Como' Ave. 100 " ' northeast" 83 due west of Rice St. aouth Winter St., 100 east o£ Rice St. n n n u north n n n n 100 " n �. n n With necessary guys and anchors. .m. ..... m e m•.n... c...a� .nai e.... �n.. �n� s..mnan.v�..a.00�....a... i .m. ..a. Adopted by the Council VAI,191 f Yeas ( ) Coun ihnen ( ) Nays fKR L ICH G Approve 191 y Mr. Rresident,��°'^ - /S-_ /y/l lyor Pl'.IBL19LiiB 24219 Feb. 14, 1919. order Preliminary Order........._...........................................approved........................................... ............ ....... .................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. „ Condemn and tclte _. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..........................._........._................ an easement in the land necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in ................. ............... ............ ........... _...... _...... ................. ............................................ _........................ __.__.......... _.... —_...... _ Alt.. Bo _Curt. ulevard from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Ave. radi ........in_a_C..G.R.r3nnce._.±:t h_blue orict hereto attached .and _m..de .a crt hereof ... ........... .... .. ......... the _ hatched .por tion _shoran[; the cuts and the shaded portion shovirg ............................................................................................................................ the fills. ....................................... _..:.......................... .._......................... _............... ............._............................. .....__..._..............._..._.. with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,0—:?.C...........___. Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had ou said improvement on the ...._Bth day of n _April. 191....::.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the maters of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...._M�R....r`F)09 . ........_..... 191......... O ` .......... .._...... ...... ... _V �.. APProved.........191.._..... .r Cit Clerk. Mayor. Councilman F new.orth ,C -cll.afi Keller r Comacil au McColl'-, Form Bp. A. 8 6 244387 UN ... ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ChanLjlt,L_thc Lrade of U.t. Curve Foulcv r " d from ' om iLrLont ** * ....... . . Avenue to P nceton venuo r.i in accoru—ce ith the red line on the ................................ ........................................ . ... ........... . ...... . . ...... :.,,.rt hf, o bluc line tb— 11., L:,—i.C, c�id t't, Curve .. ........ ......................................... . . . . .... .......................... ................. M. ............ l�c ulcva,d between St. Clair 'Street and FLirmourlt �',vcnuo to the **1 - ---- .......... ............... ............ - ..................... -- ............................................... . ... . ...... . established.-- Z—d. be,. —0ifi.d. ................................... . ........... . - .............................. ............ .................. under Preliminary Order -2 Iq .......................... approved ............... F`Rbo ill, 1f18...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fin— upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:i 1. That :e said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the miticrc!iif the improvement which the Council recommends is the Lr.'.jde ofMt. Curve',Boulevard fr— Sari;cnt Avenue to Princeton Avenue in .................. ............. ...................... ................................................ . ................................ . .......... . . ........ necordcrice ith the red line on theprofile hereto att—h,d and :—de .. ....... ...................................................... .... ...... ........... . ........ gf,de.b.ity� shown b blue .. line thereon; also, Lrading said f4t. Curve Bad— rd- b.t—' St. Clair .................... ........................... ............... ................. - Itreet and Pairmount Avenue to the establil-bed grade , s above modified. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cat thereof is Resolved Further, That a public besting be had on said improvement oa the......... . ............ day of ..... .. --- 191..9...,:t the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of th: Court House and City Hall Building 1, City of S!. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give ratio of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, as,his, the nature of the ;improvement, and the total Cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Con nil413 1 19L.- APprovedlsl__.. sty clerk: .. .... .. Comallnum F4.worth May.. C .. ci:- McColl' 'e Coucl Wunderlich -ayor.kx Hodgson Form B. . A. 8.6 24388 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.__C.Tdecm in talo rcb __nd _?zropri :tfn�,for;_t%:e.au�� .. ......4 ......... ... _...... use or e public perk all of Ruiler's Subdivision of Vlook 87, .................. .. ......................:........................................... Dejton & Irvine's Addition. _......_.. ................................................................................................................................................._....................................... ............. ............................ ._�i.._................................ "__..___._..............._........................ ____ ............... ................................... under Preliminary0rde'�.r...._....._2 4112 ...................approved .._Ton_..._U11.91. 4_r...................._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, ands having considered 'aid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the cold improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the menre'.. of the improvement which the Council recommends ie._..._C onde_;in^, _;r e,,,,,,-,.. and arl,rrlprir.te for the ourpose and use of a public park all of ..._..._...........:_........:_....:._ .... ........... ......_:.....:............_...........__.....-...._........................._...._....._. ------ _............._.._....... Fuller's Subdivislor. o. flock 87, Dayton & Irvine's Acuition. ._.__.........-_..._...___...__::..... _._.___........................__......................................................................................... .___..----- .........._......._.._........._......._................._......_..................._...._............._................__....................__.._...................................... .._...._.........................___._-.._....-....__............... ;....................... _..........._......,...._........... ......_......__..................... ............... ........... ....................._._.._........_............................................_.._......_......_............_............_.................................. 58,'000.00 with no alternatives, nad that the estimated cost thereof is $........._......_........._.. Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had an said improvement on the .......... ....:8 th day of .............. „_, .. 191.9....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mauner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear - mg, the nstore of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Conucil......._....J ci I?:�3.............. 191......... Approved ...._�1pR ... ... .. ...::... , 191_....... City Mayor. Clerk. t, Councilman FAInsworth z C/S�B 'Keller q . CM'Call'V C'Wunderl M8adgs on Furce6 B� ............... _p ................... — INTERMEDIARY ORDER �i avinG 'Noodlawn Avenue From St. Clair Street to Goodrich Ave. Pnvinc. Princ�t�C--mlertue....from...V';tt1r1L o- ..... C.rebin-rveew;-- g ., on "venue from Cretin —roe to. "iss hse inpS River Plvd. ...F—ung Pride svertue...Prom...Cre�tin�-awenne...tv....Y;ovd�la^rv�::venae.;........___....._ ...Pgv.in..._� i.ent. Pavin Goodrich Avenue from Cretin to 'rtisslssippi River Blvd. PavSng St.(:iair��5�$reei"'fr'orif��±"retiri SL�i•eet����Eo���!�3ssi'ssiPPi Iver v . ....PaY.ing..N_t...:.9.91'.Y.e,,,,jil nd .._from_Rc_irmount. :avenge to St. Cle it Street. including see•er, water and has cennec tions from street morns to property lines -...-0nmitlBt2re...ort...alnfl:1.rW"..._'IlAl1C..,...i..7.e.D....1AQ.1.1.1L�..17G...G.l1L:It1RL...i.^.d... }h_t:_-3111:1 t1 �, of. aalej and driveway annrrachns, where necessary. ..._..._.............__.........___..-......._......._................... .................................._............................................................._.............._... under Preliminary Orde 24GOB Jan 15, 7.919. i......................................................eppraved._._...._........._........._...................:_...... _._............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of'Finance open the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 'J. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ?. That the nature'. of the improvement which the Council recommends is..P.3ye_., ^!oedl;a!'m .venue ........ _ ................. d from St. Clair Stroet to Goodrich Avenue, .....Pave-F' 1p—ue-t Pave Princeton ,venue. from Cretin ::venue to �aississippi River Blvd. "'lave' -S rr[eat.:tiwnve...fre.,,._Cret in._5:ear-ue.._Lo._e-oeei.lev,n...e':venue-;............____...._. Pave Goodrich Avenue fro, Cretin to "ississil—i River Blvd. ......�.+....._,_B'tir"e.'"e"ti...1:'ffo:^1...CYe'tYa"StP'e'e'C...t:r,....::•I""^7"5s.1.npY...'_a''ve'r...rlvd. ave ,�k_,_purve:_Rl vd. _ from Fairmount -'venue to St.. Clair Street, includ.nG cea•er ^iter and c cocnect tuns frdn-street er mains"to proety-1"Ine5 g.1.e.t.e,....whire...ao.t._.alrfady...-:.::de,...al_so_.incl idi.a.e...curb tnt....and, the._p;vidG of', �lle and drive approaches, share ne ea ,16 yy wiih no ltemetivse, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8th Recd, further, That a public hVring he had on said improvement on the_....................................day of ................. .............. ...._...__!._............ 191........, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hell Building in the City of St. Pont. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of r - said meeting to the parents and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hen ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ss estimated. Adopted by the Cou"• Heil......._._.LiH._..:._�....."'.a _..._� 191......... (� Approved ........... .... R- �t-}+5....._.., 191... un .... City Clerk Cocilman F17rnworth Eleyor. Coanci feller Caunei en llfeCoB CIS. man Wunderlich ElB,= Hodp,—n Form a. 8.0 ', � 8 �`^'�� r1 •v ' CITY O PAUL I' COUNCIL RESOLUTI LICUOR LICENSE subject:--•--�—,,-�{) .-------------- 24:�R0 ISOLVED, That the application of the following persona }ora license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- apeotively atad, be, and tha`�.ama hereby are grantedand the City Clark ie authorised and dire.ted to ieana snoh li.enses : to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and. the payment of ;the fee required by law. - - Name of Applicant. Location. Holliatar Dlatillina Co. 82_84 East 5th. et. _ °�Ko eioa9a���6 k,l x — `sg' vn s, reiv. wnoo r aha c w 1 ts° sts) Tens (,') C u Imen (!) Nays wr wort - Adopted by the Council..--................-'.�._!>8..__... Ir Jt Ier J (/ Can - nderlin ,. \G. Preside t, wwran CITY OF ST. PAUL t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—LIQUOR LICENSE TRANSFER No. _243fll CSA _I_------•�— K RESOLVED, That the following doaignated lioeneas to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No._, From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) w,. ora wiee Rt_ Peter Swlgea 934 Rise St. No. 348 Carl J.Eroll 85 Ewt 5th,St. Joseph E.Flynn 85 East 5th,St. No. No. No. • d e. o°:70 ` — ........ m� u`°in°:e. Go-eolBie ea�o. ulna eiiroueese� e�ei o-'e°oF° i°.°nri's my°a cseoa n° co%7°n azpr. e. dsis. cr ri'ri,sviel No. No. No.. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yens (J) Co--ih mr (i) Nnys erns th Gassrd l�l',�m S� d r d-Iich �/ Mr. Preside t(3i�♦1�/��ry Adapted by me Counra__RAk."''...'? .. ... Approved........__......��fi'..._.:(...(v ).3...._..._.__i&1..., ..... CITY OFST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � e.ttn - a � Resolved, That the application of the following persona for a license to conduct be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the locations respectively indicated same are hereby, granted and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said persons upon the payment of the fee.as required by la. H IC OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURA?T, T,OCATIOII, Herman Kroening, Restaurant, 741 Edmund St„ Olson & Williams, Restaurant, 379 liabseha, S60 University, 'iathias Hoban, G. A. Rieok Restaurant, Restaurants 321 Jackson, 11ax Railing, - ,sets='t1 1648 nice St„ 420 Wabasha, St, Kozberg &. Sinykin, Restaurant, ,. 480 TTabasha, Louise colas, Anton Glissner, Restaurant, Restaurant, 308nice St., Wm. A. Kahle, Restaurant, 738'Thomas St„ Tim Gallagher, - Restaurant, 1180 E, 7th, 1175 4T, 7th, D.J, McGinley, Restaurant, 103 W. 7th, Abe '-Ioekovitz,. Al Kemmick, Restaurant, _ Restaurant: 618' University, S, D. 11acent, Restaurant, 2513. University, R, Arummord, Danner Hotel, 95'E. 3rd, 274'E, 7th, Frank Laoone, Rosabel Hotel,. 60 E. 7th,' Nobles, L, Houser, Mre, 0, Stenlund, Lumin Hotel, isvans Hotel, 48-50 17, 10th, en(V)Nays Yegs(4I/F,rn orthAdopted MAN 1919 -�.. by the Council..MAR-mlichM PHadgeson _ .. _. .._ ........ m iI f i OFFICE OF THE OMPTROLLER' AUDITED CLAIM ESOLUTION FORM b42 .i aumreo ...MARd-11-1919 ct � en R-1 that ,,..rale be drew, upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter spmifiedFf,,ds and iv favor of the - penoas, fi rporatio f the amounts eat opposite their respective nem® es spxified b, th E Mowing detailed atalemwu - FEAR' 3� 1919 vaaa { v > C.1.. c C11�y F N Adopted by the C 1.._ _..__ F%pvt h1919_-._39ia_ _ - w�c�. bfr. Preside Hodgsov-'-t°t• 91BJ li Malady Paper Com^mpp= y, pl quality Printi Camn�panyr. {'. I� Guare�bfne p n� aon i =MW A. G. Spalding, P1rygvaande tj.ffiw70 41.18 71.80 86.25 3TE9 7i-�99 12.74 CITY O 5 PAUL COUNCIL RESOL UT N—GENERAL FORM u................._._......__...._.._....._..._._.,......................._.................._.._......_.........._..._....�o _Ne L 24394 �, me NO ..... ...... ......................... ._... ....................._..............................._......................... _..................... ._.................................. March__lOth, 9 I� Detc-Presented.::::-_..:.�............-. ........191._.. U\ That ,the plane, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the ^ constructing, relaying and repairing of cement sidewallm in the entire city for the year 1919 as shall be .ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first day of November, in accordance with Chapter 280 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, be and the same are hereby approved. In u Received all PaPerlldtr 4e c a connection Awith above ea ° ,�F,•r r,gr . u L eaoy $ -. Yens ( 4j Councilmen (V) Nays CI ry Fa worth Goa........1...:hrfeves Ke er W nderlich Mr. P—ld t, Hodgson 1 Adopted by the Council...._.:..} Ak....#Il..}3t9—"'`.... el�v RAR 10 150 .............._3W ti'✓ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Subjedt:........._.....__._ ..._._........._......._.......................... _..................... ....._ ............... 24395 eo".e ripe NO ........... ......................................................_— . Date Presanted.71. 1'.Oh-3<1th!.......iel_9 R ... Wed, That the plane, specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the constructing, relaying and repairing of oement sidewalks in the portion of the city lying east of the center line of Western Avenue and northerly of the center line of Seventh Street, for the year 1919 as ahall be oriered built, relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first of November, in accordance with Chapter 280 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, be and the same are hereby approved. N 9" —n. m e yI Received all d' connection wipapers s •'�' �. 9 Ass ❑t;o th above Y—(0 Councilmen (Y) Nuys HAk 10 1919 Adopted by the Council ..... :....... _........ .......... ......._'% +.... ChIncy P wnrtb �.. APPr Goa ...._._/... In tn"or a ..._...._..._._.............. ...... ICs er /, Mc oli v .... .� Against .. J..... �_�_..,......_..... W derlich _.._.__........... w Mr. Prealde t, Hadgeon �.3 'CITY OFST. PAUL • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ..... r`.'.'sJ CEJ Subledt: _....__._.___.. ....__......._._. ........_..._......._Y caunac nyeNo..__...._...._ ........................... ........... _........ _......................... yl AM xnn,•n7t i0th 9 Y l � De csente ................._....._... 191..... 1. That the plane, specifioations and estimated quantities Resolved, submitted by the Commiesinner of Public works for the constructing, relaying and repairing of cement aidewalke in the portion of the city lying southerly of center line of Seventh Street, for the year 1919 as shall be ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Counoil prior to the first of Bovember, in accordance with Chapter 280 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, be and the same are hereby approved. Received all papers in �u m„Y� _ connection • aiith above ._. -. c d f ro I Beeo ution 1. r. Yens W Councilmen (V) N.Y. C�n Gb woRh cons In favor Iter7� nderlich 67r. Pres[d at, Hodgson NAR i� X913 Adopted by the Council......................__....._......_!'�'•'-- App- v ................._MAk._1n lais CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM efts._.... .. ..... .................. _................ ...._....._................................... ..._....... ................ _...................__...__...�.... ........_...._..... n I Date P-ented............._..._.........................191..... Izesomed, That the planes specifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the constructing, relaying and repairing of cement sidewalks in the portion of the city lying West of the center line of Western Avenue and northerly of the center line of Seventh Street, for the year 1919 as shall be ordered built, relaid or repaired by the Council prior to the first of November, in accordance with Chapter 280 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, be and the same are hereby approved. a m m y h �l Fe F rtn:ros—s a re In a tn. '. w>lb— na m PIe,s[t srM�.i Received all pavers da connection with above Aeeo uti n. Yens Councilmen (Y) Nays mn 10 1919 Adopted by the Conceit, ....._._.............. ..............__296-. G I F oreh --1 HAk 10 1919 ++! In favor ............. i�M.. 1 Kel r ,t 1 Apinat deriich D Z_...._........_. ..._....._. xr..on W Mr. Preside t, Hodgson Resolved, CITY ST. PAUL � COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM ..._................................ _..... ............. ..................... .......................... ....._f:........._. eo�ee,L 24 11g r¢.e No........._..... "_........................ .:................_..................._..._..........._....................._.................... __............ ` 15 t -Prc lined.... ............ ....._.................... ..191^.:-.. That Gigarette License No. 144, now in the name of E.J. Romans, 74G Grand Avenue, whiob expires. May 20th, 1919, be and the same hereby is transferred to Albachten and St.Glsiv, 740 Grand Avenue. ioie. `sii.nr¢vee..em�:ve. e x �r . .dd i¢ a nu¢.oasB..cla.° Al-ld L:.• a ¢.. a: taB. Y—MC 'Imen(V)Neys Adopted by the Councit...,_.___..___.hA)i_._ (�._��.��y,_ VRIercY ✓✓✓�warth Rif Go,K``e er D 'qne ol] ,....Q„.,Agoinst' - W,1kh Appr ....... ................_il .9I9......_IBi.... ............................................................................ . Mr. Pres t, Hodgen f B,wros ----------------------------------------- . ......... ... --------------------------_-it----.- 2&400 eeekie Ratifying Assessments In the motto, of tho ...ed.ment of - benefits, costs and expenses for constructinb a server on the east side of Snelling Avenue from Stanford Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. ..dm Pmbminory Ordor......._21t356__, 1--diory Ord.r _.._._22766.._ ...... , Fln.l Ordcr__23196_-- approved A public heo oon in h—i., bhed np.. the o .meni n° f�� awo and .aid n ment having 6eenrfurther con.idemd by the Council and hi, o ° ei6aei o:'a°. 'z°O 'Setif,—t , be it therefore �t" oea:r b ty,,; RESOLVED. That the ..id ...e..ment be .nd the ".. etre mfified, and the °d'h�e""°yin ..mo r, hereby ordered m be .ubmitted to the Df.tdct Conrt of th°`i c � ° °L.'r for confirmofion. n. ta`i'°'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the .ofd maea. — be end it:- n .;-et—in,d to be payable imtnllmen- n. m Doth and Query parcel of I.nd d—tbed th—in. . o Adopted by the Council - ..... _........ ._____................_.._.........._..i4t=._ . Apprnved..._......:_._Pi;ilt M.yor. PU6LI9FAiD'� .�.r CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT PORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT I. the mover of the .....coon[ of benefit., costs and e.pc..oe for ffio construction of a sewer on the east side of Snelling Avenue frorn Stanford ,venue to Jefferson Avenue. ..d- lot. odio, Final Order . .......... 191_..1.. To the Council of the City of St. Pool: The Commissioner of Finance hereby cop- to the C .... it the f.11.,i,g as a .comment of the -po,di- tor. --rily incurred .,d to be incurred to, and is o .... ti- with the making of the above improve-. mo.t. A.; C- of $11714-0_d..___.. Cost 1173-4-0-0--- C- of publishing notice $.._____7_.05...__... Co., of p. -I -d. - - - - - - - - $.._..._..___0.90__.._._ ln.pecci.n ------- 1'.P-ti.' f ... . . . . . . . . . . $._......_34.,.29_......_. A_.u., of _, __ to,confirmation$_..__.__? . 25 T-1 -p-dit.- $1.752A9 - Sod C over f.fth- -p.,t. th,t h. h --d .,d levied the tocol amount m abov ... t.i-d, t. -wit: the..m of $-.- -.1, ..d -n, lot, port or parcel of I..d doomed benefited by the ,id imp—m-, ..d i, th . .... of each lot. p- or parcel of land i, ..-d— with the benefit. -f-d thereon: th.t th. mid ... —,t h,, b-, ..mpl.tod. ..d th.t h,mto t-ts,d, iden- tified by tho .ig..Wro of the ,id C,mmi,.i ...r .,d made , p- h -.f, i, the said .--nt . completed by hi., and which i. h -with submitted to the C.u,,il f- -h .o i- th,ro- ae my b. considered proper. . ... .... . ..... .. . -.1 ... . . ... . ... .. ........ C—i..i.- of Fi...". 3v C r-, 24409_ B ratifying Assessments In the matter of the ...a..ment of benefits, costs and expenses 6a grading Payard Avenue Froin Syndicate Strcot to Hamlin ;:venue. under Preliminory Order_...... 2.0043__._, Intermediary Order _.......206,05__._.. Fival Ord-- ... r—d rder..approved _April 3rd ...... __...._..._191 A pabGe hearing having been had upon the... a..me`� er 0e°r^ ' ��it and Haid avec. meat having beenEprther <en.idered by aha Coancil, and G n �"1c°"e° e4ry.a6.facmry, ba it thereforele�.sn Her"� '° °:e e'i t`ta ..m RESOLVED, That the said ...aent be and the ratified, end. the same 1e hereby ordered to be .uhmitted to the Di.trict Couriro➢or`r;,ar,t `��. 'a°t ' •for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the .at. id ave.. q a o atnined to 6e payable / each and every Parcel of° d in_--4_L��agaal inatnllmenro a. to land de.cnued therein. - Adopted by the Coun 61 __-.- .._ F9t—• _- ..... _..... y�,.�.L_r� C�rCity Clark. Approved. _..._�_n.-�.�.�_ 19F....._ lana a. n. ra _ - .p_._... Mayor. PUBLI9t�D� — CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In,tha matter If the If benefits, ...t. and ..p.n... for the EradinG of Payard avenue from Syndicate Street t. Haml ins Avenue. ,ads, PI8imi..I, 01&1 20043__,._...._..___.. V-0-60— 1,tsmsdi.Iy Order __2.0060_..__._.-- ..—.__...., Final Ordsr . ..... . .................approved_._ Final T, the Council If tha GLY If St. PI -1: The Commi.ionsr If Finance hs,aby nap.- t. the Council lha f -Il-i -I as - -t-tsm,.t If the aspendi. nam, s.tily incsd and to be incurred for and in ..nn -i-- with she making If the above improve - man" "i.: Cast If 11—ti.n . . . $ 1.96 Cast If publishing anti as - - - - - - - $.__....._ Cast If p,at.I tarda $_-._....__ I..ps.Ii.n fee- --- - - - - - - - $_ Am.- If -It 1- 111 -Infirm-tion - - - - $_..____4..20 - ----4.20 — 1.502..14... $._.1,502.14...-- TI.I expenditures -- Said C.mmi,i,nsI further reports that ha has .,,...d and levied the total amount . above aster- Said t,i,ad, ir the eam If...,__.___upon a"h and every ]It, p"tat p.I.al If land dasansd bs.afitad by the said impI-vlm--t, and in the case -f each III, part or parcel If land in -Id.- with ,h. b fit. .far.sd IhsI..n; that aha said -assaamant has basn completed, and that hs,ato attached, id... tifi.d by the signature If the said C.mmimi ... I, and m.d, . p.,I hsra.f, is the vaid .. a.m,ktad by him, and which is herewith s.bmittad t. the Council for ...h .,tion thsr,,, ., may b. .n.idanad proper. C mm C1LL93P�'Fi�AUL. RasAuhan ratifying Assessment.S In the matter of the ...e..ment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing; on all corners at the intersection of Laurel and Herschel -Avenues. 18330 Final Order._..__18911 ander Preliminary oraer...._].6455._._._.. Int.rmeai.rr order..._...___......_........_ ...._.__. approved ._ Oct a_ 10th ..... _.... _._191 au . A public h—ti.g having been had upon the a ?1lL and ..id ...ea+ eat having been further ,—id ... d by the C...61, d l 6 frt— be it therefore � • e � e RESOLVED. That the .aid ....°° meat be and the .Iter '°°e aa"ma; i;°a° sw—, ratified, and the unoe. •amaatii`e'. ta• .ame itt hereby ordemd m b..ubmiut d to the Di°trict°TASy far eonfirm.eion. BE 1FURTHER RESOLVED. Tho, the ..fd ...e..ment be end°.i i..i; �' �ddetermined to be pay.ble in. 11—t° a. m .ach .ad .very parcel of I.nd de.crib.d th.r.in. ill... IIA{t .'. S Adopted by the Council _____.._._..__....__....__............__.W.L..._.. J//�� i&! C`_ .. city Clerk. Approved......_..___._F1.gkL�;'_15.19_._..._.19i-_ i/✓rL �/'` _—...—.—_._ M.Y., o.., PUBIA CITY OF ST.' PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION. OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191--- 1. the matter of the assumes, of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of curbing on all corners at the intersection of Laurel and Berschel Avenues. under Preliminary Order Intermediary Order _193n0._...._...__-_..__.., Final 193ng -- ---- Final Order . ....... ...... . ... ........ 191.....7_. To the Cm,iI of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Rome, hereby reports to the C .... if the following as . statement of the expendi. nn,sa necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the .,king of the above imp-s. mem, Cast of c...t..ti.n Cast of publishing notice Cost of 'o -I emd - - - 114 Impletim, fees - - - - - - Amount of court costs for -olfi—mim, Total p.mfitun- Said Commissioner further -reports that he has astessld and levied the total amount as above ..a, - tailed, -wit: the a,. of $___ 15-o s70 — —.,--upon each and ,, let, pan or poral of land dslaald beneficed by the said hopmsm. and in the case of each let. mot or p--1 of land in --d ... a with the benefits c,,f,n,d thereon; that the said assessment has been emap1sted, and that h..sto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and =ad. . pan hereof. is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is Itsnewith submitted to the Cmm,iI I— ... h lti.,thlreo, as may be emm.id ..ed proper.'�7 Commissions,, of Finance. RESOLUTION TYING AND ON RMING COND TION AND AWARDS AN TH;FOR In the matter of._conde-ingand___takinZ;_an _ease:;ient in _the,__land necessary for slopes,Ifor cuts uno fills in gracing alley in Block 1, J. J. .............. --- ................. ._....... -........... ........._............._._........................ _........................... _.................. __._ r_iPA[�(jemen t,_f rom Cleveland 6venue to Kenneth Street. _ .._....... ....... . . ...... ............... ..... t._._ under Preliminary Order ...._2..199.7,__....... approved.,T. ljY 1Qr 191p Intermediary Ord er_....... 3 A public hearing bnving been bed i i s.ann xuos- mnatian of the Iands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the vwei, ° i �aiocea °uu �msd also pan the asseawent of benefits, therefor, and the Council having duly ca. made e: eimo be it Resolved, That the taking and cave p Rr annexed °8s�;�deesribsd in the assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor ° v n. are:;. °��xie:ad.. part bereof, and the awards of damages `6qv eimc.°veno .. to the owns co. of each lends respectively foi.. ,aa."�-.,e:;°ndemnation ea at forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects rntiiisd and.euu9rmed.� Resolved farther, that the said assessment of bbneftg,_tie _end'the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to theS.)ietriob0omt for confirmation. in me Adopted by the C. -ail ......................... .... _...... ..........-....__._._......--- City C ark Mayor. '3420- F GS. I. the matter of._condemn in_g..an(i,_,taking...an,_easgmG'.riL:...in...the...land_.nacesas=y .... for...s,lope 6enn¢'s Rearran�eigen t,.from__Clevelagll _.,v„anus.--,to „lienne.Lh_F.L^.ee.t............ _— .............................................. under Preliminary Order....._.2.19.9............ .pproved...duly_1O,L91s Intermediary Order_;02.85....__._, Resolved: S1)1 . that the following improvement be and the enure is hereby ordered to be made, viz: ...acru emn- take,an_easementin _the„land :neves.orY_Dar Sl.opea,._S.on...nuYs..and__ _ fills_ in gradin[ alley_ in .6lock_1�,J._7..__Keru{a.!.5._ggagra.nLBinti. aL_SCato_ .......... Cleveland :;venue to Ifenne th Street ....................................... ............. ...................... ._........ _.._ (2) That the following land, lends or easements therein be and the same ere hereby taken, appre- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:-1he...la.li—br L.tin&_ .upoq_¢11ey,._in, Block„ 1,,,__T,:__,j,,_je-p_na.1e„Re+±cc,F?.ntamen..t,....laetleen...L.hn...poi:ats aforesaidr_to.the_extent shown upon_the.sketcAl._@tS.R.ahed._tn._L.he...repnn.t of the Commissioner of Public orks in the natter dated._i)@c,e _n.ke8.-,g.e_ ;cue. a°. sass_ 1918. it`ms 1°�.:em°O:ai°9o° n.�i:aa..._..........................._...._....__........._ ............._............_._._;._.............__..............._....... ...raI'..... VI' _%n R .d �s=m (3) That the eescesments of henefits m .:'the taking and appropriating the above land, land. or easements therein, hays. iaiasur>°nc o:Nip-obi e`m`ii;`i+ Adopted by the Couneil. ... L� s t . lA-.-, Fiuf r - Approved .. ....IS. SYaThu / io `......... ......... . J C nett n worth 31dli C nncilmav PURL1I�`s Conncilmnn o x Clancy Conneilman elle T ., Councilman' .Coll ( J Councilman under mh I yer')aria I:odgson - ' I 'NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS 1. the —t- of condemning ..d caking .. --- i. the I..d necnaary for elopes, for —e ..d fill, i, Gt.di.g alley is _'lock 1, jn j,KQnna Is Cleveland .Avenue to Kenneth Strecto , . . .... .. . .. under Preliminary Order 2�1997, approved...July 19,1918, Intermediary Order approved --.Qct__22, 1918 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice i, hereby given that . p.blic hearing will be h.d before the'C ... 61 of the City of St. Pa.i, .1 the C ... 61 Ch—bet, i. the C,— H—e i. the City of St. Paul, .. the 10th— day of '1 Fah 191 at ten .'.]..k A. M., upon the report of the C—enisei.— of Fin.. t, the ...— of damages t, be awarded to the owner or owner of the Ia.& or e-eete— therein, t, be appropriated for the above improvement. and the pe-- t. whom such —ds — p.y.ble ..d for the —hne.ti.. of such —6. also upon the ---t of benefits to property from the making of ..id i.- p—eme.t. Objections to the taking of such I—d. or easement. therein or t. the award. of el.m.g- therefor, —1 be i, —itiag ..d filed with the Council m the time h—in fixed f., ..id he -mg, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated .. , .- 1 191...— - ...... ..... .. a REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS to the matter of_._condemnigt;,..and._taking_aq_eusemenk...An tk1e Ifi.nd...nccts.ary .......f..or....tiIA.B.e.c.....Sar....cuts...;;tnd..S.i7.1s...1n..Ez'sdin6..Al1flY-..in_ ......X.enna !.s..Rens..caase!neo.G....Cron...Gle.ve.lgmod...1:.!revue__tn.�cenneth.stree.t..--- mode, Preliminary Order....._2199y„_,....., approved...T..91Y..M.r.._19.7,$ntermediery Order -23285....._.._, approved_...._...O.Gt.....2.2.,...1.318.. TO THE COUNOII. OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby repmte: That he has Sled and determined the vnice of the land, lands or emements therein taken and sppro- printed for the chore improvement and the amounts of the awards of (lamages therefor to the owners thereof respcotively, and the persons to whom snch awards are payable; that he hes elm Swed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of mid improvement, net exceeding the cost thereof, and that beecto attached is an sameement roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undee, signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commieaioner ofFinence. ......... ......................................... ;,. . h p C �:w4405 RESOLUTION RATIFYING ANDCG CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES !�MENT THEREFOR. In the matter oE.._QB.�.tAACE...-idenin,,.and_extending_7�ombra,_.avenue,_ao a „width,: of._fifty (50)...feet .at .the_junc,tion _of. Ridsewood _ Park .Addition .._and...Slayton. �_s._•�ddition._to__Ridgewood_ ParK.'................_............_..........................._._—_ ( ............................... ......................... _................ ............ ....... _......... ..... _........................................ __._ under Preliminary Order...... 2343.6. .... _..... approvedll2'A—&...1918_., Intermediary Order..__23G35.__, approved A public hearing having teen had n f' �... rp non'of the laude or easements therein, improvement, a N as � �WL'md+also upon the aeseseenent of benefits for the stove im t, avd the aws om - �s n • �. P n therefor, and the Council having duly an; .watv�'etooa ��r itard'ufh be it Resolved, That the taking add e a ..o je de bed in the annezed seeesament roll, n identified by the aignaturea of the Mayor andl h Ede Wpaet'hereof, and the awards of damages to the owner of such lands respectively for sm4 ;tz0,e ,gnigca ethm as set forth in said assesament, roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratifie.i �::'...:d _.med.ci r et,,�bt Resolved further, that the said assessment of home g,,be,md.the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Ihstrict Coact for confirmation. Beit further Resolve d tt at the said assessment be and it ie hexby� de t0ba_aarabW'1r' Adopted by the Council- ........ __....__h'iik 3i__I913..... ......... _.... , •n - ...................._._ ��,,��... City k cG (913CarxJ Approved........_.... .............._......._._..............., Mayor. Cam ilman warms cnmeilman Go. PUBEISHW C---Unaan ie d Clancy Comcilmman M Ccllor Councilmoll Councilman Wunderlich Mayo Hodgson REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • • ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter ot..4Pelling.,...w.idea.ing._¢nd..extentl.i-¢U...Lomhar..d...,;uenue--to-------- width of fifty (50) _feet ¢t the ,junction _of RidLodPod,.-['aijf„y{i�,1l,,ian_ and Slayton's _,.ddition to .......... _ __....................... under Preliminary Order.23436.............. app.vrdN0Yt,,_8,,.__19113., Intermediary Order...23fi31i..._..... approved......_Dec w._ $.,.._1918.___.. TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has Swed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefar to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to when; each awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits, to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an aseesement roll entitled as above and identified with the eig-ture of the nnder- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ��.... Commissioner of Finance. Ell C r- FINA INGS. To the raual of extend t a width of fifiY--(5D.) fe-Q. s-t—tho .D ...................................... . .... ... -- ---- . . . ......... . .... . ............. . .. . . — ------- - . . ..... ...................................... ............... . . . ...... . . .................... . ....................................................... ender Preliminary Ovd--25-43g Itoeronedhe,7 Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the asone is hereby ordered to be needs, via: Rid—wood Park. — - - -------------- ------ — ------ (2) That the following laud, lands 01, .—a are hereby taken, appre- vi. Printed and candeanned for the perpase of 1 - -QL trUawjA1Pr 91&aa of ground being that part 2, Ridgewood Park, of Let 1, Bl.ok 2 Slay t.41— ... od Park, to the nort7P.,rk h 5 (18) feet piecemeasuring fifty ( 0 eighteen -vr'r__._.__—._._._.__._._.._..._.__---- • Voro .. . . ....................................... . ... - - ------- — — - ------ - ------ (3) That the seares—te of benefits andnwavd'bfId=dgea far the taking and appropriating the above land, lands or ""'arat. therein, have been lfllgg;,P. Adopted by the Conn. ............... . . -04- V PF . ......... . . . . .......... �' city lark Approved ........ ... IQl .7 Coemailm �n Farelm Goss ortA .. ...... ... ........ . I -'j7jayor.— C-ai —all. . HS*Mft c 1. ..Y Coarril. �n Koller C.—ril. McColl C—cib, m Wunderlich Mayor Il dUX . Hodgson NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the on.1- of of fiftyJ5,O) fQ-e,t,, at .-thv jUn.Q.t.jonaf--R IdEoxn.oa.. -Park Add1Uo11-px1d-.,-- Slayton.'.e -Ada1t1on-Vo-RidEawavd nod, Preliminary Or&,23436— fi,te—edi., OTrIel-?353.5.- ------------ - TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice i, hereby gi— that , public hearing will be hod b,f.,o the Connell of the City of St. Pool, at the C ... oil Chamber, in the C.— H...e in the City of SL Poll. 11 the —I0t11— day of Va�Lch! 191_9 „ at ten o*,I,,k A. M., open the report of the C.00rnie,i—r of Ron— . to the amount of damages to be own,dM to the owner or own,, of the lend. or e—one.ts therein, to be appropriated for the above inopt.yernent, and the pe-- to whom such —d, -e payable and for the confirmation of ... h —rd, oleo open the —emment of benefits to property from the making of ..id im- P—em— Objeeti— to the taking of -.1, lands or easements therein or to the ow -ds of dotn— therefor most be in writing and filed with the Council et the time h,r,in,fi,,d for said hearing. or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Doted.._.....__............_._._._._,__.._—_, 19 L..—_ Commissioner of R.ance. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE/MENT b. N Pe tion. pod 4436- PREUMNARY ER, The underdeoed hereby propom' croaMnefth allowing poblie improvement by the City of St. Ped, vm.. aonatsaat .._9.exas.._an._Raaa...9.tx ... xom...Ranztaxd...S.treat....ta._Flandrau ........................ '-`..._._............ ,9..'kr@t _ aend...a:_te.., ....axY..... s._eewex._Yox._eanStaxY....._...................... ....8ralnage_..onLYI . n...Rannard Stxa8,t oro 1¢oaa etxeat ta. .... _... ........ .... East ¢even li8txeet. _.... :. ..... ..... ...... Dated d,;,.6th ar of.... .. Maroh,..1919,...:... ............ .................. Coumilman. PRELIM¢•TARY ORDER. C. WHEREAS A -ittm proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement. viz.: ' Bawer„on Aose,,, Street Erom�Rannerd. Street to _Flandrau:............. stra.at_::and...a_.t.emtpoxaxX...00nnaaUnB...eeAax fo.r._0..auxtAr.y.......... :.._..... Qralnage oAly .,gn._Rennard f}tseet Yrom Aoee Btreat to Eaat.Saventh etraat ................... `r P having bem preu d to the Counvl of the City of St. Paul by C000dnnux, . --t therefore, bet 'k 'RESOLVED. That the C.oov fPbge W rk' be end he u busby rd to el 7 I. To in aigete thereressity for or desimbmty of the mala g of'eid imp t Ir —fto Z To ipvemgete [he nature, ertmt and rt,maeed ma d _ d prov rot 3. To f nmuh a plmpmflo or+ketch of wd mpmvemmt. rr n v 5. from hd f H. 'r, N A— -,or m the f{!- To este beth rot d prov t asked for th p t v � f thr � a .11 t r . e a J Tor port po ell f thef reg mg m tt W theCommn'tonv of Fin Aduptzd lh mond. ........... ��....1.� �51g. 191.. - Yw: Nay': Camd manF swarth 1[I 1517 GwAap ed .......... 191......_ -: Kel M u D Wu dv4ch� ..... . Mayor Had?e.v. ^a^e0 17 th'Peb. 2919. under Preliminary Order_ ............ .-...................._............... approved ......................_........................................._............... The C-61 of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the avid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........... C— r—t._a._ae:::er :%;. ay s ide....of...:EdFecumbe Road from palvice....Str^et...to ......... . P2 int ..._.. ................................................ ..... 80 feet north of Ja!res. .with no alternatives, end that the estimated cost ........ _.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._1:I7 ...........................day of ._.._.... kPrj.i ..................___._......., 19O—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., is the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice df said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. in" the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....................fi f(._r� i:,-'f9f9" 191....._.. ,. :.. PiPk _t 'f913. 191._..... _................ ... ... .. Cih• ark. Diav Counci an Farnsworth Council en G— Council an F C61IN Clancy - Counei an -Seller O Counei an MaColl Council an Wunderlich Mayor liodL�son . Form B. S. . 8.8 2440, CO,xe............ .......... i INTERMEDIARY ORDER 7n the Metter of...Construe tinF n sew— en the '.+'e&t side of EdL-uube @o::d _ .......... _................ --- ................. .......... _............... _.................... _._.... _... _..... ....... _... _.... __._ free Pel:: ce Street, to epoir.' 80 feet nor-, of James. ......................_....................................................................................................................................._.........................__._........ ^a^e0 17 th'Peb. 2919. under Preliminary Order_ ............ .-...................._............... approved ......................_........................................._............... The C-61 of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the avid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ........... C— r—t._a._ae:::er :%;. ay s ide....of...:EdFecumbe Road from palvice....Str^et...to ......... . P2 int ..._.. ................................................ ..... 80 feet north of Ja!res. .with no alternatives, end that the estimated cost ........ _.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the._1:I7 ...........................day of ._.._.... kPrj.i ..................___._......., 19O—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., is the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice df said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. in" the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....................fi f(._r� i:,-'f9f9" 191....._.. ,. :.. PiPk _t 'f913. 191._..... _................ ... ... .. Cih• ark. Diav Counci an Farnsworth Council en G— Council an F C61IN Clancy - Counei an -Seller O Counei an MaColl Council an Wunderlich Mayor liodL�son . Form B. S. . 8.8 V c"L Yl S 17 24408 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...__C o:ls trnet.}r s, ^(.C.t�.._p,[l...Ar-aLt('_a a!—..t...flto3. Street to a ir,t 62 feet, north of Sixth Street. 0,-502 Rob. 25, 1919.. order Preliminary Order...............: The Council of the City of St. Pool having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said repart, hereby trsolves: 1. That the said. report be and the mane is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - Construct s ...cr That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends' . on Arcade street from V'-,rCaret Street to a point 62 foot north of Sixth St. with no elteruetivmm, sad that the estimated coat tbemof is $. 62 C' CC Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement an the............�.�' ..... y of ..........._A.mit ............_..............._._......., 191.__'., of the boor of 30 o'clock A. bt, in the Council Chamber o4 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Finance giva notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner, provided by the Charter, elating the time end place of hear. ins, the nature of the improvement, and the total cast thereof ea estimated. Adapted by the Couneil.........._rill�i.___1.�i.���3 Approved ............ Councilnad Farnsworth /C1ty Cler Councilma Coss Comcilma HytshcLY Cl.::ncy Councilmn Beller Cannan" MecoI O / Cooed to wundetlieh btayar l�odCson Form B. S. A. 8.6 /C1ty Cler ^c 40 0 - underPreliminary Order ...... _..._.........._..................... .._._......................................_..............._................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Cooneil reeommends • Cnns tract c .ce.^..ant m................................... ........... t the side'rralk sis feet in ^+idth clone the il—th side cf Ro<.e Street ..........................!..._............................................._.__.............................................__...._.............._.........._.._........._....__........ from ,rkwriEht Street to Cl::rg Strect. o::cept !^]:ere ecd sufficient ......................... ... ........... .............................................. ....................... ............_._................................................... ....................... silo!^st:= nou eeist. - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is }._.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .................... ......................day of April o _..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It.; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated.. Adopted by the Council- Qk(913, 191__.__ .._..._. .... .... ... ... .. Ll..:U.... �.r�..t . APProved......_.._.....fi:Sfi..._.i.!_.(�.�3......... 191......... City Clerk. ._..... .._.... ..:i�.11l`................................. Mayor. Counrdlm Farnsworth Counof] Coes Counci engplt Clsnc Council an %eller Counci an McColl Counts men wunder1kh Mayor IKdn HodEson harm B. 9. A. g-6 24209 d CO d1r�:'.evY� By. ._......... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Censtruc ti,6 a ce:cent the side'llk sits fest in ^idth. In the Matter of......._..._._........................................._......... ........ ___.__...__._.___._._._.______..._ alone,,, the_ no,_Ll_ side of Rose Street fro;c Ark—!Lht Street ........................................................................................................_......._................__..._.. to Clark St. ^c 40 0 - underPreliminary Order ...... _..._.........._..................... .._._......................................_..............._................. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Cooneil reeommends • Cnns tract c .ce.^..ant m................................... ........... t the side'rralk sis feet in ^+idth clone the il—th side cf Ro<.e Street ..........................!..._............................................._.__.............................................__...._.............._.........._.._........._....__........ from ,rkwriEht Street to Cl::rg Strect. o::cept !^]:ere ecd sufficient ......................... ... ........... .............................................. ....................... ............_._................................................... ....................... silo!^st:= nou eeist. - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is }._.0 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.. .................... ......................day of April o _..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It.; in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated.. Adopted by the Council- Qk(913, 191__.__ .._..._. .... .... ... ... .. Ll..:U.... �.r�..t . APProved......_.._.....fi:Sfi..._.i.!_.(�.�3......... 191......... City Clerk. ._..... .._.... ..:i�.11l`................................. Mayor. Counrdlm Farnsworth Counof] Coes Counci engplt Clsnc Council an %eller Counci an McColl Counts men wunder1kh Mayor IKdn HodEson harm B. 9. A. g-6 24410 •'. INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructing a .amen-. til, sid.,,.lk. six feet eide Inthe Metter oP...._......................__...._..._........._..._......._......_......._........_......___........__._..__......____. on the south side of St. Clair Street, where walks (lo not now exist, ............................... ..... .... ............................ ................................ .............. ................................. ...................... _......... _.."'—...... ....8$.._i,he...follo)yinE,10cstions: Pro❑ :^abs ter Street to Brie Strep'. ural from, Du!;eStreet thence west aoproximi tel;; 13 feet. 3 ...................................................__......._....__..............:..................................................._....t.._....._....._.....................__._..... under Preliminary Order ........... ..........................approved ..._.._yon..•.... Z.,...k^1S.r..... _...... .................. . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered cold report, hereby resolves:. 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend,i,..._C.onstruct, cement ._Lil,_� side•al ks si: feet wide on the south side of U. Chir Street, ................................._..._.................................................._............._......_......................._.......... _............. _.._... _........ ...wl:er..e._N1a.1jSp„_d,o,.nc.t...nprr, exists _at _the fo11o'eiu.leca tions: From ..:^..ek>;..ten...S.Lte=.t....to...:,.T .P..atP..ee t,_c�nd Sro;;i__iluke Scree t.__yheore lost ............................................ approximately 13:5 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..._._._.' yC./j... Resolved Further, That ablic hearing be had on said improvement ..._....._....__.day of pu provement en the ..... :'.pril 191.9....., at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. . in g, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council....._......_t•s' '+! r191 Approved._... ........... .:Ah....::.:.1..I�J...._.., 191......... '_ City e k. .... _.. ...... ......... V Z ....... Counc' Farnsworth Mayer. Council no 'Goes Council an1H"3sld'ivli Clancy Council an Keller D Council en McCall Council an Wunderlich Mayor ?"dt>” ilodEsor. Form B. S. . 8.6 .... _... _....... INTERMEDIARY ORDER Constructi'E a cement the side,valk�six felt :.ide on hethe Matter of. ...... _........................_......._...._._..........._._...._._.._._......._.__._.._._._..__..._._._—_ the south side of Carter "venue. from a point fifty feet e-st of weet line of Lot No. 30, Plock No 41, St. Anthaany Part; [forth, thence vest ....:...:..._..._.._._...._ _._ .................. _..........._..._..._...._.................................. ._................ __.._._..__..___..._. .___.........._._......_..._.................. ...... ......_............................... .................................. ..._............ ..........................:::_......_.. �...... £414 Jan. 30, 191.5. under Preliminary Order_ ...... _................... _......................approved.._......_........._........_............. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Construct a 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend. is . .......... .............. _..._.................i...... ocamenL...iile._sidet:alk._:.i.7....S.ef.L._yl ids,-.pn.,_Lhe south side _of _C?.'ter •venue,. From a_ point _fifty . fort east of .':esti i of Not No. 30 10 k Ne 41, ........__.-......... ............ _.........._............ _._........._._._..................... .................. _.......... St. Anthony Pa .............. _.._." ..—_....................... ......._.................._._.."-'_.................._......._........... ................... sufficient sider;alks novr er. ist. ........................................... ................................. ._......_...._...._._"""""'_..____........._....__....._...._........... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ............._0._80 ,�---�o—f e�F Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...........5)1b _ ................day of ....._........_A-PrA ........................... 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time sad place of heer- ing; the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. t i Adopted by the Conaeil .............. tik...:=:�....1 .h........ 191_..._.. APProved........._............... .__._._.........._.., 191......... �CitY Clerk.. Councilman Farnsworth Mayor. Councilman Goes - Conneilmen lfislancy Councilman eller6 Councilman coall Councilman underlie Mayor rA& •odzson Form B. S. A. 8-G and Preliminary Order .... ......... _.... 24075 approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .hove improvement and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i,. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvemeat which the Council recommends' Construct a cement R. �s...._.................................................. the sidewalk six feet in width on the east side of AldineStreet from ...................................................._................. _................ ..._................_......................................_........__..........._..._.._........ `�cwitt :venue tc 7:esley Avenue. except where food and sufficient side— ................. ..................................................................................................................................................._......................._........ wa.rks now exist. ' with no alternative., sad that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That apublie hearing he had on said. improvement on the......._. 9tp...................day of ........... ,,,,,.pril.__._._.__.____.____.__1_9 ..., 19 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House sad City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, mating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Comea........... ...._i,k,i._.4.u_t913..., .._, 191.__. ............:................................f. Approved.. <�.ixa1x1 r........_....... city c .... _ ..._._..... _........__................._._...................._ ...... ..... Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth Councilor Go" Comcilm HAI(myClancy Council, %eller Commilm McCall C� Comcilma Woaderlich Mayor I -x hodgson - Farm B. S. A. -0 24412 CONO.:.............................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of. .......... Caustructin€.a cement tile Sid ... lk six feet in width on the east side of Aldine Street 1!mitt Avenue to t":esley ::venue. and Preliminary Order .... ......... _.... 24075 approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .hove improvement and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i,. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvemeat which the Council recommends' Construct a cement R. �s...._.................................................. the sidewalk six feet in width on the east side of AldineStreet from ...................................................._................. _................ ..._................_......................................_........__..........._..._.._........ `�cwitt :venue tc 7:esley Avenue. except where food and sufficient side— ................. ..................................................................................................................................................._......................._........ wa.rks now exist. ' with no alternative., sad that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That apublie hearing he had on said. improvement on the......._. 9tp...................day of ........... ,,,,,.pril.__._._.__.____.____.__1_9 ..., 19 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House sad City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, mating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Comea........... ...._i,k,i._.4.u_t913..., .._, 191.__. ............:................................f. Approved.. <�.ixa1x1 r........_....... city c .... _ ..._._..... _........__................._._...................._ ...... ..... Mayor. Councilm Farnsworth Councilor Go" Comcilm HAI(myClancy Council, %eller Commilm McCall C� Comcilma Woaderlich Mayor I -x hodgson - Farm B. S. A. -0 �k1 JI COBy.IINCIL�`IIE NO—_......._....._.......... /I Q i — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....:Constructir.L_ a_ ce—nt tine sldev+alk sir, t'eet v, ids on both sides of J.Wnster Street fron i'lest Seventh Street to 2ctecunbe Road. .......................................................................................................................................................................................__._......_ 33 . , under Preliminary Order_....._`:.-.:.._...:..............................approvedPe b ........_..__._.... 17 1919. ...._........_..._...:........_........_............ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..._Construct a cerent .................... Sale sidewalk six feet :,ids on both sines of .'Zunster Street fro'- ...._..............................................................................................................................................................._...................._........... 'Best Seventh Street to EdSecunibe Roud. except '.where Eood end sufficient .........5 ideg]ks nary exist. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is f;._....'........per 1.1 neal foot. Resolved Farther, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the .._.._lO tk: ...............day of __.._.,,,,,_April,,,.,,,., , 191.._9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. It, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance glye notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mouser provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council...._ ........... i:AI`='� Wyly 191--- Approved 91.........AP➢rod ... ..... ..., 191......._ CtYCIe Councilman Farnsworth' Councilman Oars Councilman IJA#3l Clancy Council- Meller Couscilmo McColl Couscilm Wunderlich Mayor Y. Sson Form B. S. A'. .g .. .. ... rte... ... .'. 'Mayor, U �l s� X16 INTERMEDIARY ORDER ConstructinL,. a cement tile sines:alk six (6) -fest in Inthe Matter of..._...._......_......................._....__.__....................._..._........._..__................._._..._._.._._...._._....__ y,.idth _on the east _s_ ids .of. Lex_in ton .'.,yenue,_fr•o_n,,, o^!be ......... ...._... ....._......5, iB_ro oc.._I'1 a c e. -- ........._............_........ ............._..._................._................................ ._..............._._..._.. 24155 PeT. 3, 1919. order Preliminary Order................_....................................approved ._......._.__.....b......._....._.._'__...........,._............_.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the CommimiouF of Finance upon the above improvement, and having co-idered said report, hereby resolves: L That the cold report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the maid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.... Construct a cemen.............t til. slds-1k six (6) feet in �•. idthon ti:e east isde of I,;x i -L!, __._ .._._...........__.._....._...._..._....._....................................................._.._............................. ............ ...._...._...:._...._........ Avenue from Lombard _vr nue to Linwood Place., except there hood icient sid.,.1k. no, exist. with vo alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. .80__.per lineal foot. Resolved Further, That s public hcsring be had on said improvemott on the.............day of __,..._.,,_April 191:..9.; et the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Mnanec give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of beer. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il.............':; +;...:±..:::...jy{3........ 191......... Approved.... 191......... City C k. .._ ... ... ... Mayor. CouncilJAS-6 Farnsworth - Council(Joss CouncilHylell Clancy 1 CouncilBeller WunO CouncilMcCall Councilderlich Mayorh BodSson Form B. S. ------------- X4415 co FII.E N0._ ..............___......_ By.................... d „r✓' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of._...Open.ingv....U'.id—J.a&...and_.axtend.inZ...G.eAar....Stce Fourth Street to Fifth S reet to a width of Heventy-five (75) feet, _ ...................................................... ............................................ _... _.................... _._................. _._..._......_.. la .taking and condemning the. northeye,terly fifteen (15) feet..of.... .......... _. 13 RR$...2.Q.....rS.t.r.._P.aul._Pr9Re.S.................._.........._......................._............................._._..................................... 2 401 9 . , order Preliminary Order........_..._._....................._.............approved...Jan ............._.... 17 _._......_....... 1.....919 _..... ._......_...._........._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance npan the stove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby receives: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby appieved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends extend Cedar Street, from $earth Street to F'i.fth Street to a width of seventy-five (75) feet, by taking and condemning the northeasterly ....................._........................................................... ..................................................................... ............. ................. —....... fifteen_.,.UA) _feet_ -of .131oc11.20, .St. _Paul Proper.l _in accordance with blue...pr.in.t_:her..e.to.:.: ttaehed...ana.._made._a...part_here.of.e.._................_......_............................ `- with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $... 60SPQRs CO. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on, aid improvement on the. -...91h.- ................ day of 19L__.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. At., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the memaer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. .. Adopted by the CaunciL.:.......:_..i_.rii_..:;.t...1 191......... - Approved..__' .__... 191... .... '?. _ .. _.. - Mayor Council. Farnsworth Cauncilm Ouse Cohucilma 9yjjpdClancy Council. Keller Councilor u McColl Councilm Wunderlich Mayo Hodgson Form S. S. - . 8-6 1 PROPOSAL FOR IM sad Petition PRELIMINARY The underugnedhercby propene, thsm.king of the f oarit.xttot.._e._a.amaat_..ti ...Aide��t`k...e O NT 244.17 tDER. public bnProvement by the City of St. Ped, vi , res ntaf thia...:::_39tbR..d.y d......:./M%xoA,....191 ... ... --'-...................... ....191.:...... 01 /..................._.. ........._.. ... ._:............ cennm PRELIM A Y ORD R. C' z.t `Fr 7 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the m.king of the following improvement, viz.: 99R9t oa a Dement tile sidewalk.. 4z_,3eat_gide.. on._the.. D� ..Ade__.____.. _ oP- Albemerl4...Streat Yrom Front...Stre.et..:to...:E&Ub..fitreet. ....:.:._ .........: h -h, hen p—ted m the C—il of the Gty of St. Paul by Councilmen... therefor, het LVED That the Co vof Pubh Work, be nd is ye,rd L To B ease thenevrny for ordedmbdrtypf the m.kr g f id imp vem , sta 2. Tomveaigat< the mtura Ment end <rtumeed rort d d unprovemenR and the tqr. ma' 3. To fumitla a Plan, Profile or ,ketrhof id improvement. r �a oT,I ..... ....... .:.. .. .... _ n _ ._.......... To rote whether m t sad improvement n „ked for on the petition of three or more a, tete " i To report upon all d the foregoing matters to, the Commi.donv ofF ce, npeea by the coarser .......... ... mR:..:L0 1919 .._191:....._ Nay,: . worth _ CounalmanF APPro ed..:. �.... �:�l..h 191........ let 7 ec°°q undodi h ...:..... ..... � - ra oro «m PURL - 3 Geo. C. Binder, waxer Brooke BrotheremLumber Gompanys JeM Burns Lumber Compy an , 194gg Carnegie Fuel Oony, u Web" -}e4eT K. F. Dreher, $94MW Gerald Foebroke, a 36!39 A. F. Morton, Aad. ` .— 19448 Biools,, Dein k Gr PeT3cs' Pevr4ovr.. i 16s66 - 2G .6J� 2;r15-� 86.93 61.24 33.81 851.91 80.70 5.00- 20t.85 .00203.85 52.25 aRaT Z"' Bq 1+ } P A n 3� �. OFFICE OF 24418 SOLUTION FORM +---NO'""-'--- AUDITED C 543 -. .... ........... _. .. $ AUDITED PER ....... ... - Resolved that warraatst warraats be City Tress Y payable at d the hereinafter specified f,ads and[,ad. to favor`of the. r firms er corporation. far the =.1 -set -PP-the r'respecD es s speufied in the fsllowin d to}ed statement: R. 31 1 19. P_-' Y— Yee. f 1 ceaaerhaeo c v >�lax.-P— Adapted by me c 1 I . 191_ CI cy Fa worlhl` " i ria h 1 'tea o ,y{proved l i1 1915 7 K Iter tel` V �° w a l/Tol_-- eoa°i8.aa� � — M all tar a� stO >Kc aeainh 8, nfr. Presla t, Rndg.en a 3 Geo. C. Binder, waxer Brooke BrotheremLumber Gompanys JeM Burns Lumber Compy an , 194gg Carnegie Fuel Oony, u Web" -}e4eT K. F. Dreher, $94MW Gerald Foebroke, a 36!39 A. F. Morton, Aad. ` .— 19448 Biools,, Dein k Gr PeT3cs' Pevr4ovr.. i 16s66 - 2G .6J� 2;r15-� 86.93 61.24 33.81 851.91 80.70 5.00- 20t.85 .00203.85 52.25 1 " . q _IIS UM#I 1 IM lS .North western Rle�lo R4uiment Company, •_ ¢ 5:87, 130.21 Yew.—h'-Ai arm L R. - SGh°Qls - .00 4 5 .. v�rvcsbunde 21 21 ,- - - ..3M46 Western SUPP17- G.-P6bPUXM , Aap 92.20 Mmmru; Gar. Revl. 9 4 � - e Weber .4 0 9 0 C fe¢ia R. B. Whitacre ComaSZ. R - c ti 40. .60 69.00 - - Com'r-. or Education -: 7.0644 Albert Wunderlich, 6 14 151.20 1 ' I To* - k, 10646 Great Lakes Goal &Dock Oompany, 8753.50 &Sas.._ 630:38 $i 1rr�1 9 spp�er a .oa 4, 9:4 lankA a E16ygas4ada _ Q t , Tom TY 3 OFFICE O R COMPTROLLER I.i 24419 AUDITED C SOLUTION FORM - PUr ND.---- 644iat� " AUDITED .......MAN.1 .I t :...... PER .................... pJJ t Orl TrTLE Resolved that warrents be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinnfteispspecified fwd+ and in finer of the pereona, firms or corporations for the ore ... N set apposite their respective names es specified in the following detailed stoteteent: Y— 1 V ) CennrRmen ( v) Nay, ,. ,. E'm ?1 1919 Adopted by t Council_':.—...... 191_ Cl ocy r .'. F7 .-r1h p ° ctw pro d. Y1R� Z� j$ 191 _ G to De e,D K Her O ae n Cen r: Ie .slake eck'C m nderlich ma ey an c mar r eta; D .rw e At, Presid t, Hodgson - k, 10646 Great Lakes Goal &Dock Oompany, 8753.50 &Sas.._ 630:38 $i 1rr�1 9 spp�er a .oa 4, 9:4 lankA a E16ygas4ada _ Q t , Tom CITY OF T. AU_. COUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENLERAL. FORM �m '..............._......__............_................ .... _....._..._..._ 24.4 20 • nye NO...__..._......._ ..............__.. Date Presrated...__.._........__..._.__._?.......191.._. R-olved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise, in the manner pro- vided by the City Charter, for all of the material necessary for the planting and protecting of shade trees on both sides of Amherst Street Prom Princeton Street to St. Clair Street, and on both sides of St. Clair Street from Fairviev Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Final Order 121778, approved June 26th, 1918. RESOLVED FURTEER, .That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Worke for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. V. Received all papersin o, conn coon with above s dZ Aeeo N I tlY k vaL�oe vcdt�veti ii6�D19iD)fl' Yeas (4j Council -Q) Nays SI Ak 11 19 i9 Adopted by the Council _...:. ._191..:... ' cl cy HA _ 51 1913 F sworth GosAPP c ....__............_..__ ..........................191.... Kel r j\ Wderlich__....._....................._......_._...._..._... Mr. Preside t, Hodgson CITY F $. PAUL C .24421 - Counoit eolntion Yl �/� sS, tea _ _msrotrHt7.,—= z9lfr�- seen eoting shade trees on both In the matter of -Planting and prop_ sides of Amherst Street from Princeton Street to St_ Clair St_, and on both sides of St. Clear St. from Fairview Ave. to Cretin Ave. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2- - 20186 under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - - - -,Final Order June 26th, _ _ _ - 1918. Approved ----- ---._ RESOLVED, That the plena, speoifioations and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the. same \arre,hgpp erreb`yy(�approved. ,L�((,✓�/_ - Adopted by the Council -r v L"_ ` ' " ( seas ( ) Nays ( ) :. Councilman Cl oy - Fa sourth Goe i'(6 wl 1913 Bel or - -1919 Mo all Approv Vi erlioh - Mr. President Ho eon -_ r cG m Received a1T t connection withpabove. in ' ° Reso/lu�tio- C 24422 11222-'Ol-TlZ'SC1� c p CQIIII6t4 Resolutions f n•� ��� _ - _ - - _ _ _ -I ffiaroh 111h. Data Presented.- _ _ - -1919. grading Charlton Street from 17est In the matter of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - George Street to Y1est Page Street, and Stevens Street from - - - Orleans Street -to Ottawa Ave_.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 10236- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -20831 under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - - -,Final Order - - - - -- IIovember 20th- Approved-- - - - -,- - - - - - --1918. RESOLVRDi That -the. planes epeoifications and estimated quantities submitted. by the Commissioner of Publio Korke for the above named Improvement be and the same are hereby approvod. rq 1.L _1319 Adopted by the Council-. - - - - - - - - _ -1919. w ( Yeas i 1, Neye .. Councilman 1 zey.. euvrth is for r _%,i Isis - Re ell D Approv - - -1919 F7 derlloh /� /� � Mr. President, Ho gsqu (//Y�/�-� s c Iisasived�all papers In �wconnection wiW above o Aesolutio - a o y — a-i�an,o `'r CITY OF PAUL C. 01/ ' n� (;ouncil Resolu -General Fpmi2v-" ,C �� v'°f9Y' owaeiF'FilC.2Qb. „i','- F Install six poles on Hall Ave, between Prospect Ave. & Winnifred St. (Repairs to bine) Install one pole in the alley north of Case St. :west of Payne Ave., (C om.Dist) Install two poles in the alley north of Kerwin, east of Rraoy St. (C om.Diet.) Install one pole in the alley north of Summit, east of Nina Ave. (oom.Dist) iR i.m ....K. w....em�„n�... .�...o,..a. Adopted by the Council =,f`k '•.1 !913 191 Yeas ( ) Co ncilmen ( )- Nays Mc OLL � H NDERLICH H AND Approved o �191 K LER (� Mr. President, IR IN _ / Mayor PI11iLL9LDi4� --..� / v CITY OF ST. PAUL Council Resolution—General Form Xl— �� of �ci�PjlBNo. --�%°meted i 1 Install, One pole on West aide of Milford Street between Simoo Street and Albemarle Street. Two poles in the alley north of Simoo Street, east of Iilford Street. One pole on Maryland Avenue near County Road. With necessary guys and anchors. 3-8-19. ,..w, w°'w'"�..: 6°1�'.��.,,o�.°°Sn'�:�•aw;aw..;°..m..�`��tn:rt.o,�.°. °..e..: ,�,.w,�°.."m"�:,,�, Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) CO cilmen ( ) Nays FA NSWORTH GO S M OLL °11313 WNDERLICH H LAND Approve 191 K LLER �Ad Mr. President, I VIN ayr � CITY OF ST. PAUL VA V� "Council Resolution ---General Form f Br. aE n °Ke r°�tao:T- One pole on Goodhue Street just east of Duke Street. L One pole in the alley east of ldississippi Street between Cook and Larsson Streets. One pole on Pleasant Avenue at Sherman Street. One pole in the alley north of Selby Avenuem between Hilton and Victoria Streets. .°ux.:.1°o'aide::N:r;°:i".�v9a b. Adopted by the •Council i 1913 191 Yeas ( ) Cou cin ( ) Nays FA SWORTH GO Mc OLL G W DERLICH (;Air ul (313 HY AND Appy 191 ( KE LER Mr. President, IR IN Ma or CITY OF ST. PAUL T 244f? 3 Council Resolution- General For r mens of f `y� � (C h'f� �S• dtra+a Nr°a' :nu, ri �$dtc-F4eeented �Jl' vauu ion olvlxWmvv vdmwtvllv.�va .Ilm •ed.u.vuat WdrJm muauvd �u etaWNi�ve.q..nivawt•+.ad.WvaNa��u.Wmvv tvw Set three poles on the south aide of Columbus Avenue, between Clifford Street and the alley West. Set one pole in the alley north of Coltunbus Avenue, first went of Clifford Street. Set three poles in the alley meet of Baldwin Street, north of Walpole Street. Adopted by the Council 191 Yeas ( ) CounImen ( ) Nays �. WU McC LL 4t:^L ',i f919 DERLI H HYL ND 'lpp d 191 KE ER. Mr.. President, IRIN `K"' C F''; 24427 sesxaxo_.._..............._...... By, ........ ... ........................... .. .. FINAL ORDER In the Mutter of_.reconntruc.t.in&,...relaYin6.-.and ...'.e.B.aiz'.inE.._the�anenL._tlla ,S.j,d_awak-lC,,,s ix._£eet--_wide,_on_the,south_side-ot_Indiai[a- Ave nue_beginning, FiD._£`.e.e.k...eA.at...A.f..$.9 th _29b art Street, ,thence_ east 43, feet. .............. ._,.._... ..._.................._......_..............__....__............._........_...._............._..._........._.................... _...__......._..._._............_......._......... .......:......................_..............._....._.._....................._...,..........._.............. ._........._................_.__..._...._........................... ..............................._........_.....__..............._._...................... ._._..._.._...._......_......... _..................... ........._...._............. ..... under . Preliminary Order _....._R. Intermedf,ry.. Order ............................................ ......_.approved .._........_......._...... ..........._........ ........._...........__...... A public hearing having bee, had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendatiam relative thereto, and having My considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Bythe Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, ertent and kind of improve- . .. ment to be made by the said City ie...reconstrucL.,._relay....and...rapa.i th-.c.efnent._Lile_.. s id,�walk.-_s,ix-,_feet.._wide Ra_ the south _side _of _Indiana, Avenug, e,_ beginnin @Q,,, e-et-_gast,._9f., South.._Robert .Street,_thence _east,_43 _feet .. ..................._....... ......... ... . ....... ...., ._ .. f— .......... _ ... ... _ . .. ................................ ........ ... 'oc mm... .ve.ae eel ._..... _.. ... k.c�-ui cne.ce .ut ae� .ve. and the Council hereby orders said finprovcrpe a t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commimioris: ,00; n eueB�nd�m kexbY mstraated and directed to prepare plane and specifications far cold impro Qen 'c to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby__ctit cn v.«,dl. directed to proceed with the mating of said improvement in accordance therewith.•� - Adopted by the ea 11... i z city Cleric. i !71 Approved..._ ....................... ......_............... ....., ...._ `...�_ ........................ .fib! -,'Y).............. .................. Mayor. Caunailm Far.—th Council" Gass Council • H.y24xSx Clancy Coon' - 'Keller j Couneilm Mccoll T Council" Wunderlichv Mayor Hodgson Form B. S. A. 8-7. m n. cut-MENIffNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER II RLconatiuot, relay and repair the. ca:nept the ai er: alk six feet In the matter of +ide on the south side of Indiana Avenue, beginning 60 feet exit of South Robert Street, thence east 45 feet. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated mount of the assessment for.the above improvement is The estimated cost perlthot (ar the above improvement is - - - - - - S The lots or purest, of land that may be maessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - k OE CRIPTION Loch AOOITION V SE ETION s I Bs.ail 1- 6oberte Addition. � 10 16' do _ I7 d5I ... r-- i ill a i ! rAI — The ComsAissioner of Finance further reports that he he, inveatigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report there,, to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D,tcd l9l f rem a. B.la U1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor��celv$o Report to Commissioner of Finance a t.� DEC 28 1918 To the Comurissfoner of Fina an of the City of St. Pante: The Cmnmiasioner of Public Works, having had under cousiderntion the prcllminuryorder of the Conn. 23624 IIovembsr 23rd, 8 all, known as Counoil Rile No..._._____ -._approved_______...___._: -.-191..._, relative ta......_.... reoonatruoting, relaying and repairing the cement tile 'sidewalk six feet wide on the south aide of Indiana Avenue _beginning 60 feet east of`South Robert Street, thence seat 43 feet__ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: " 1. Said fmprovemcnt is-- se ec sssry and (or) desirable.. .OB V.. per square foot 8. The estimated coat thereof is 5 --.__._,and the total coat thereof is $_.___:.._____._..___,and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ ...._.__ ---.-- 3. A plan, prefile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. not pe y, subject a. Said provement fs--..-aeked for upon p tition of three e e of pro rl b'ect to asseausent for said improvement. Co of PublicWorks. COUNCIL FII.E Nn By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_c ons tructing_a,_seyier,_on._Univers„jty,-:1Y..eulx0....rnom...a...p.Qtnt._ 65._f e e t,_east.-_of,_�ednr„_Stree t,_f',o„_Robert,_Street_„_,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,_,,,- ............................................... ............... .......................... ........... .................. ..................................................................... _--"" ............................................. ......................... id n° °"' o pros.�ry°u.a a. x s a— ....._.._ .................. .._........................ ...... , a .°:nn�,_ ...mz n :e,. -.. .... ................... _.................. under Preliminary Order ._..._2397,9,,,,_.......................:uppiovkti .^.e1ralnti.:1�Y.._11th.,.._191_9.._......_.... Intermediary: Order ........... .................approved . ............... ._...._............... .........___........._.........._.. Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Connell having beard all pereom, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the __constructin6 a setvar on .University/f/.�¢enue frim a point 65 foot ep,p.t of Ged..r Street Lo..Rvbert Str. lc.. . ...f. Geo/ .......- ........ ... .......... ........... ..........................._..._...._.................... ..... ...... .................. ..... _.__. ......... -_ . __...... _ ......_.... and the Cbmcil hereby orders se improvement11 - RESOLVED FURTHER, at the c Wo bee s he y i •acts nd to prepare plans and epe ' catio mpr o t, end bm' ma to oil up at upon said approval, t pro city or mals a or out n and dit to pros of said improveme cord. therewi u Adopted a Council............_ ..r....:�:u_ ".'�9.............. 191...._.. _ .......... ._ .....:_U....._....... .. City Clerk. APpro ad........_e '.._1 t:._.� .......... PUB 191........ - Mayo . 0 mcilmm Farnsworth PUBLL9E>�D � — ' Cam d Gose Com dmm 8ellcr' `' Comeilmm Wmderlich a Maz93.7t Form B. S. A. 8-7' •+-,,.,_�__ 40- .'" T.T. 'A DEPARTMENT OF F?"pANCE DEPARTMENTREPORT OF COMMISSION 'R OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY Of DER ' _IL4 I S—or on University Avenue flIom a Point 65 feet east Of Cedar Street to Robert Street. ,,d,, P,,Iii,,u O,d,,pp--d . ... .... . .. ...... . . . . . ..... . ... . ... .............. T. the Council If thI City If St. Paul: The C...i.i—T If R.I.- h—b, follow,: Thi —.1 -tim.u,d amount of the --t for the b— improvement i. - - - , a l front Th, u,tim—d .— p., f— for the above i.PT—I-1, ie - - - - - - - - Th, 1— or parcel, If loud that my b. --d benefits f., each imp---, I.d the --d v,luotiou If each lot IT. p—Il o, I— T,p.,,Id by th. A—,... ... I. follow,: T L.— ADDITION --An.. -.-Wm.-R. Merriam's Rearrangement. I do 14 do 113 do 19725, 12 do li 110 do do -8- do 2400: a entines Subdivision A. 2600, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. ORDER DESCRIPTION Lambert & Co'—.—Addition., 8 �2 - do - -- -- l— 7- --7-28425---*: (Except feet)7 i 12 do -East -10 Soot 10 fe6t of .1 _ 7 2 do -- -- ----- -- 6 2 do- 4200 SouUniversity Ave th of iity A- �175 2 do a 5500 do 4 2 do ;5475.�- do 32 do 100 Th. C,mmi,i..,, of Fiance Furth,, report, that ha h,, imr,,tig—d all of the afom,oid mast— and hereby mbmita the f.,.g,i,g ., hi, --t th,,,,, t, the Council, t,gathcr with the report mad, I, him in ,,far - 1. aid smu.r by the, Cmmnini.— of Public W.A.. 19 11"7-- '-4miS IN Oitu of 51. 114,11 . lltyaamrni of 11uklir iflorks St. Paul, Minnesota January 34, 199. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Rorke, S u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for the construction of asewer on University Avenue from a point 65 feet East of Cedar Street to Robert Street, in accordance with Council File No. 33979, approved January 11, 1919. Approximate Estimate, 01, 095.00 Cost per front foot, 3.33 - Excess inspection necessary, 60.00 Aseseaable frontage, 330 feet. Yours very truly, IAC. ESS/C Chief Engineer. RECEIVED 9ffic Office of the Commissioner of Public W 0 Q - Report to Commissioner of Finance ]AN 2511919 Jannar8 2rth, 9 To the Commissioner of Firecall of the city of St. Paul; The Cmandeamall of Public Worse, b -'ng had under consideration till preliminary order of the Con,, - it, ke—ol a- Council File No.- 239'19npprovea._JMail- t......._._....__... the OOnst i tion of a sever On UniVGVbItY Avenue from a point 65 feet east of ae&ar Street to Robert Street and boxing investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports; 1. Said improvement DUA (or) desirable. ".32 per front foot 1,095.00 a 2. The estimated cost thereof is and the total cast thereof is $._...____._---- n, Assessable frontage330 feet Ezoess inspection neoGBOaxy 0- 0 the nature and extent of said improvement is as Wlar,.: - — ------ — .... ...... .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement in beret, attached and load, a part hereof. 4. 5. Sadlot--asked improvement i.—mIted for upon petition of three or more onvisom of property, subject to amosslarld for mid improvement. b, . . . ........ C ol� zria. of '� 'in zr an, of i Clooncommmor . a G � F`UCNEFPPL FORM .ii __.... ........ ........ 24428 Y1.,_ ..:. o...S..... _ NO.. __.... March 11th, 8 Dste Presented ...................._....--- ................191..... Fn the matter of opening+ widening and extending Raymond Ave. to a width of -sixty-six (66) feet across the right of the St. Paul & Northern Pacific Railway Co., the )Jinnes-to Transfer Railway Co., and the Great Northern Railway Co., from Raymond Place to Tainter Avenue, under Preliminary Order #23924m approved January 7th, 1919, and Intermediary bier #24186, approved February 8th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and eke tab. in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul fixes and determines the - amount of land to be taken for the above named improvement to be as follows a strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width and 160 feet more or lase in length across the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Co., the easterly line of said strip being a .straight line oonneoting the 8outhweaterly corner of Block 34 with the northwesterly corner of Block 62, St. Anthony Park. he point oftrip Blockfland 63, StsiXty-BiX (66) . Anthony Park,feet In width the easterly lines oftsaidrStripar being a straight line drawn from the southweaterly corner of Block 34 to the northwesterly corner of Block 62, St. Anthony Park. _ _ A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width and 100 feet more or.less in length across the right of way of the. Minnesota ggTransfer said Railway the0sonthwesterlyOo, the rly side comer off i Block 34,to g thenorthwesterlyht lne dr corner� of Block 62, at. Anthony Park. A strip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width and 160 feet more or lase in length across the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway. Co., the easterly line of said strip being a straight line drawn from the outhweaterlyaAnt corner Paarkfandock 34 being tothe of LotseItandy% comer St. Anthony Block 6E, St. Anthony g P Park. All in the northeast n of Section 29, Town 29 North, Range 23 Plest, St. Paul, Minnesota. Yees(L orscjcr,n(V)Neys ''11. :'- 191... Adopted by the Coun<il_.......__. .................... a sworth c O lt.fe.n �e er .......... _ ......... _ ............................... APProv.._....._..... i'�)��_ 191.... MColl ......_.._. ..Againee ndctlfch ._....... ........_.._.p............_ Mr.. , cti w. or )ie dgson , L79�D—' — _ 4l11p of 6L 11aul ,.... Drpa horat of IIubltr Morks _ 24¢28 ... -REPORT TO THE COUP?CIL- In the matter of opening, widening and extending Raymond avenue to a width of sixty-oix(66)feet across the right of the S_ Paul 6 _'orthern Pa- cifio Ry., Co., the PLinnesota Transfer Ry., Co., and the Great Northern Ry., from Raymond Place to Tainter avenue under Preliminary Order X23924, approved San.,7th,1919 and Intermediary Order (24185, approved Feb.,B 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: - The Commissionerof Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement,showing the land necessary to be taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: A strip of land sixty-six(66)feet in width and 150 feet more or lees in length across the right of way of the Great Northern P.y.,Co., the easterly line of said strip being a straight line connecting the southwesterly cor- ner of Block 34 with the northwesterly corner of Block 62, St Anthony. Park. Astrip of land sixty-six (66) feet in width across the triangular point of Block 63, St Anthony Park, the easterly line of said strip being a straight line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Blook 34 to the north- westerly.corner of Block 62, St Anthony Park. A strip of land sixty-oix (66) feet in width and 100 feet more or lees in length across the right of way of the Minnesota Transfer Ry.,Co.,,the sea erly side of said strip being straight line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Block 34, to the northwesterly corner of Block 62 St Anthony Park. A strip of land sixty-six (66)feet in width and 150'feet more or lees in length acres. the right of way of the. Northern Pacific Ry.,ro., the easterly line of said strip being a straight line drawn from the southwesterly corner of Block 34 to the northwesterly corner of Block 62, St Anthony Park and be- ing parts of Late I and K, St Anthony Park. Allin the northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Town 29 North, Range 23 west, St Paul, PLinnesota. o m�.l Dated I— OF — PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE nl ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1. the Matterof-op" widen and extend Raymond avenue to; a 4idth of sixty-six (66) feet across the Right of Way of the St. Paul & Northern Pacific Ry. Co., .... . .. ..... ------- the Vinnenota Transfer Ry. Co., and the Great Northern Ry. Co., from . ... ...... - __ .. .... ...... Raymond Place or Robbins street toTaintor avenue, St. Anthony P_rk. ..d,, P,,limin,,y Order opp--d .. . . .......... . ....... ------ To the C .... il of the City If SL Pool: e Th. C.00mi.i.— of Fi ..... hereby f,11—A: pO Th. -.1 .1i.—d amount of the . f- the above Th, otimd ...t p,, foot f,, the obov. improvement i, $ The lot. or p-4. of hod shot ..y b. --d btfit. f--1, i.nt, and the --d —1—tio, of —h lot or parcel w 1-t r.p,nod by th. A...m ar. .. follow.: a 66 -foot strip across --t land A strip 100 feet w J __'Block 63 St. Anthony.Par North East of See. 29 (Except -a 66 foot strip. rest wide lying south of Anthony Park -in the Soul of Sec. 29 Town 29, R. St. Anthony -Park Minn— I .- _1 !;77175. Li.winG described pieceof1: L ne so utli of and adjn Lhe. South West -a of-the,g _4150 i ?9,[Range 23'. 7 3)' air,, of. land 100 Idl)'oining l9lock 63 St. of.the North Seel i:_ .1 /Office of the Commissioner of Public WorksREcEIVED e(iNgtp ] 4 O n- c3 li Report to Commissioner of Finance s •.,, a 'e ]AN 10 1919 January 9th 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: _ The Commissioner of Public Works; having bad under consideration the preliminary order ofthe Conn. oil, known as Council File N,.---'approved.__Jannary 9th, _191 9_, 'relative t __ openinK,-dning d_eatending Raymond Ay—n,e toe width of eiaty-six.(66) feet serous the Right of Nay of :the St. Paul & 'Northern Paoifio Ry. 00 , the Minnesota Tranefer. Ay Co. and the-4reat-Rorthern- Ry. ,--frOm Ragmoad-P}eoe-or-Robbins-treat to.Taintor.Avenue, St. Anthony Park. and havinginvestigated the matters and things referred t.o therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i nee wary and (or) desirable., 2.. The estimated coat. thereof is and the total cost thereof is $— and the mat-. and .stent of said improvement is as follows 3. Aplan, profile or sketch of said improvement to hereto attached and mode a part hereof. not 5. Said improvement --asked for upon petition of thre more owners of property; subject to msesament For said improvement. Coin r f Public Work,. fir, --_ - - - lo -1,4 3 a c: Tp. 2 430 ............ 4 FINAL ORDER in the Matter of_.Cha PFing _the grade <SLAliey in .Block _3,-Brmv_n's-Rirst and...}.ts._eoaLiauat€on._khrarigE:...C31©oic-..g,.-S�nborrz's...Ardd- Haller....'_s._Addition_f,rom tv;iltoa, St._ to, Victorie,_Sj.ia accordance_ with ' pedfile herctG...a.L4 shed _apd d a p t l?,-roofthe, blue _:_ine,shov ing,the old established grace s.d the red line the proposed change. ...........:........ ... ...... .......... ........ ................. _...._-__............. .._..._...._..... .......... ...... ...... ..._....._.._............. _........... ..........._ 23674 December lith, 1918 under Prelrmrn ry Order ...._... pP d ' ' mtermea ory ora ... ... - - - A pabh h ann6 havm6 been hod P th�`ea� �1nS' d th Council h vivg" heanl all persons, ob�ectione end r .._ d ho o ., y�ly o—rdered the eeme; therefore, be RE50LVED By the Ceuvcil of the C ty f St � T�t^f"1rvPr�re' ..._chanl,ing _t he �, .� a8 s, afi?5 Block-.`.,__@rowp�'s. e y e ear ...... t First Addition, also gradinG said Alley 1'ri'`Nt*. ebrc' 3, Brown's First, .. ........... _.....__...... —..... _...... _......._.._......._........_._.......................................:......._..nY_m..._.._._._........._............ ........' Addition and its continuation through Block 3, Sanborn's Addition and .............._............_._........._._.................._........................................................................................_......—_------...._............_..... Block 3, _Haller's Addition from Galton St. to Victoria St. in accordance . ._._... ..... ... . _.... ........... . ..........................." .............._.._ .. . wi .Rp ofile._hereto attached. and mode.. a_part hereof,- the blue. line ......................._.........._....._..............._....................._................_...................__......_............_.................._.._.............--...... _shovring .the old eutablisl:ed grade and the red line the proposed cha4e. .............................._..................._........................... ez............_..... ...� ..... .RESOLVED T tt Com alio of licks by'and'/„R�1— of dJ,d,% toprepare pl end cifi a di rove at, aln'aubom�o pveapt"% upon said ap oval, p per ion o ' in1sL by augronze d �fr tehh nfeld g said imp v m t in eco donee therewith. e Ad ted by the Council.. .. ..11.�,n....., 191..�J.. _ nx� ' /} / � ..-_._......_..._.......... ..... ._. ... ... city Cleric Approved..._...,_......._, 191.G]... ... PA( ....__ .........._................... .....�fni�Moyer. QQ.. Councilmen For worth / PI78L3�1� � Councilman G. Clans / Councilman. y �/ Conseil— eller !!�� /C.=ilm M Coll V Corms' Wvndeelieh Mayor HodEson Fenn . S. A. &i. I i PARTMt? OF PIy,ANOC REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDfiR rade of Alle Sn '10.,} 3 ro:�r,'a Fir.tt 'Radl tiyn, I. eha Mattec of .,c•'r. cr to, .tY:e r1_3 line o Frcfi_ e her to 1ta tie1 nu � c a rt o ilr.`.e1 r de boing r re c ted by a ne.r eon 310o r; 31 nL a' -id F .)_1 1 _ k 3 r r c i� -------- h __.—_ iruati n nr ct h rck. 3 morn bad St i.en t ii ti n n3 Sta or ---- ' _ nd :?]c }. 3 all r o dddit!cn fru, iltrn „t to .ictr ria S o ._. .. .. _ .gado .b 1i 1 d and to the pr n t cet= li -e3 G aai3 r,d . ine when....... _._.___ ... r t*e rtr in3er o he alloy. _.._— _....... _—.___—..— .. under Preliminary Order PProved__......__-..._..__.._...._...._...__..__...._..__-......__. _.----- To the Council of the City of Sc Paul; The Commi..ioner of Finance he by mport. a. follow.: q - . The total eaimamd amount of the ame..ment for the -above improvement ie - The e,timM d ro.t pe, toot for the above improvement i. The lora or parcel8 of land shot moy be ame..ed benefit. for Hoch improvrmmt, end the .__d valuation of each lot or Parcel a. lest reported by for A..emor, are n. follow.: _I OCS A TI _- -- TOn TO !� AL N ON 1�Y ofaS, 11dnnm cyt Sq,heiin j- 1600 _. 7 3 _ _ :.600 6 I3 do u 5 13 _. . - do .. -. oG 0 2600 do 600 30 .,950 ao 2750 1 3 _ do 00 N_.. Ex ,apt_Eant >/10 ft) 8 3 ,_ _. L;ant 9 3/10 feet ofI 8 3 do ---73 00 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) NOVO-% ri'.t-Additi�'. to-tha iCity o, rt. p-1, T,=,,ey cc.,: SP nn. 10 3 do 4400 do 4200 7 12 3 do 3850, do 36 30 do - - 3600 (Exc. Couth 9 ft. for Alley) 4 3 Sanborno Alditj to E,t . P aul.3400, , b 8 f t. _r Alley do ic oc r— %.tb 8 ft. Nr AlleY) 2 3 ac 1000 (Exc. 2outh a ft. for alley) 3 do n600 3 do ; (-Fxc. North q ft. for I al I - eY) 6 3 do %rtb 8 feet for 111cY 7 3 I -1800o - I - ---- � --- � �j,,,th 8 f?ct for alley) 8 do r, 6 5 0 (F-. South 8 Enit for alley) 3 -3-, 1 :i,lle- A.131t1 -- n to St .4466 r,.o. - ----- 1cath 8 feet for �lle)')F 2 3 ao 1150: (F xc cath 8 f -t f -r I 111, )Ij 'T.rth f for all -y)'[ 4 3 do70 G 8 fO-t for alley)l 5 3 do --- (Exc, �:-th 1 f -t fc, -11-Y) 46 11 p. The C,mmiuioner of Fine- furtherrep-te that he hes i—tig.ted oil of the f --id m,tI.m and h—by minnite the foregoing ., Me mpmt them— to the C-61, together with the report tend. to him in mfe-- to ..id by the C.—i--io— of Nblk W-6. Doted Commimioner of Fi .. m 10� EIV ED Office of the Commissioner of Public W µP swo _3 04 Report to Commissioner of Finance DEC 27 1918 . December 26th, 6 . 19f_.. To the Commissioner of Fi:anco of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cm:ddmnthm the prcllmhnavy Order of the Conn• 23674' December 6th 161 .D 61, known as Council Filo Ohsnging the grade of alley in Block 3. Broome let Addition.; also — grade alley in Block 3 Brovinle let Add. and_ite continuation through Block 3 Sanbornse AU. and Block 3 Dallerte Add. from Idilt on Street t o-`Victoria- Street:.._.". and having nveatigatad the matters and things referred to therein, hereby repgrts: LSaid improvement .,accessory and (ur) desirable. 21¢ per front foot253.16 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-----� and the total cast thereof. is $._ _.__ and Assessable frontage 1,197 feet Eseess inspection $5.04 thevaturO cud eaten, of said im provementie ae follow 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made n part hereof. 5. Said improvement is—__----asked for uponpetition of three or more owners.of property, subject to. aeaessment for amid improvement. /tf �! Cc arimionOrf Public Vorke fi St. Paul, Minn✓`1� 4Y. .191' To the ,Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen,- - ' We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made .. . . . . •. . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. . . . . . .St. Ave. to LOT r BLOOK d ADDITION 19 ef f /1 �/iii%- .........I I .......... .I i DEC 10191; BUREAU Or EIr01J . . . . . . . . . . ! 11 i r J.......... I P �:..� f ! QHtp of St."IIUUl- . ��..�. ....a.... €1¢partmrat of'FaLltr Works 6t. Paul, Minnesota. December 19, 1918. Mr. M. A. Goss, Commissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n S. Dear Sirt I transmit herewithpreliminaryestimate of cost for change of grade and grade of Alley in Block 3 Brown's First Addition, Block 3 in Sanford's Addition and Block 3 of Baller's Addition from Milton Street to Victoria Street, in accordance with 001MOil File #23674, approved December 6, 1918: Approximate Estimate... $253.16 cost per front foot.... ..21 Excess Inspection Necessary...... 5.04 Assessable frontage.... 1,197 feet. Yours very//truly,, ESS/0 Chief Engineer. PETIT ION OF iE1X S ..QANCB. To. tris Coancil, . City of St. Paul. Gentl.eci8n"a the undersi�.;ned, bcinE ov.':iers of property effected by the proposed she bre of Erade of All in Block 3, Brown's First Aduition, also. Eradin6 said Alley in Block 3, Brown's First Addition and its continuationthrough Block 3 Janborn's Addition and Block 3, Haller's Addition from Milton Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order 23674, approved Deceinber 6th, 1916, do most strenuously oppose and" protest aEainst,,the EradinE of same on the'Lrounds that the alledEed .improvement will be. more detrimental than beneficial to our property: N %: RESIDE1•ICE DESCRIPTION OF PROFERTY 0 iJ ED Iti E:1L FT. `��...p LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONTAGE �Ouv-.-�.osc &m+w+2lfo-.�.-. ;s'C.tb' 3•(('.a.P$..�ud�....F�,iF:�.[sj�:69�Q" ....... J .. .. : STATE Ci IdNESOTA')COUNTY OF Rl',V..S,1E�Y� ) .. 1,,,:+'w., :. ;�: ` '�, beinE duly sworn on•oath deposes and says that I am one of the siEners of the above petition and I hereby certify the facts as represented above are true to the best of my' knowledr.e and. belief. a,�I-lia S o ��.2 O .y commission expires ... .... .... .... PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Ile, they undersigneds being owners of property effected by the pr: ,. posed change of grade of Alley In Block 3# Brown's First Addition, elso Frading said Alley n Block 3. Brown's First Addition and its continuation through Block 3. Sanborn's Addition and Block 3, 11aller's Addition I from Alilto. Street to Victoria rtrooto under Preliminary Order 236 74, approved i December 6th, 1918, do most strenuously oppose and pro I test against the grading of name on the grounds that the alledged improvement will be more detrimental than beneficial to our property: N I AM RESIDENCE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OVNH.D LINEAL FT. LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONTAGE . ........ .... ..... . ............... ....... VA".A-1*4. W...V.Vw4L-. . In -A A. ........... .... ... . STATE OF MINNESOTA) Be COUNTY OF RAMEY and says ths2,being duly -& ' worn on oath deposes signers of the above petition and I hereby certify the facts an represented above are true to the beat of my knowledFa and belief. mycommission ........................ R M mm = I PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE. To the CounCill aty of St. Paul. entlemeh: (,- We,the,undersigned being owners of property effected by the ' proposed change of grade of Alley In Block 3, Brown's First Addition, also grading said Alley In Block 3, Brown's First Addition and its continuation through Block 5, Sanborn's Addition and Block3p lialler's Addition from Wilton Street to Victoria Streeto under Preliminary Order 23674, approved December 6th, 1918, do most strenuously oppose and protest against the grading of same on the grounds that the alledged improvement will be more detrimental than beneficial to our property: NAME RESIDENCE DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY OWNED LINEAL FT. LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONTAGE ... ..... ................. ....... .................. ............... .... ..... ........... I .... ....... ............ ...... .............................. I ... .... ..... ................ ....... .................. ............... .... ..... ................. ....... .................. ............. .............. ....... .................. ..... I ......... ..... ...... ............. I .. ....... .......... ............... .... ..... ................ ....... .................. ............... ..... ...... ................ ....... .................. ............... .... ..... ..... ! .......... ....... .................. ................ .... ..... ................. ....... STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF R"ZEY .......... being duly sworn on oath deposes and Days that I am one of the signers or the above petition and -I hereby certify the facts as represented above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Notary My commission expires. ............... �a a S ., a FORM C�% 2443 �1 cut een 1. - 1�5 . � �uS S' .._...... ' Bio Resolved, in the matter Of oondemning and taking en easement in the land necessary for elopes, for onto and fills in grading the alley in Block 3; Brown's let Addition, and its continuation through Block 3, Sanborn 'a and Block 3, Haller'S Addition, from Bilton Street to Victoria Street, Hader Preliminary Order ;123676, approved December 6th, 1918, ---- e�Q In erary pder 424186, al� ved E�gbry 8h, 1919. \. The Commissioner Publ bio hav g an m to ....J his report and sket in t abe a matt r, be 1 9ESOiVED, the ty o St..11 P1 a ad determines the mount £ la to be taken o th abov named improv ant as nl ea 'ment P r sla ea fo outs and Pills in a upon a Ian abutt g upO t e a ey i Block 3, ronn'e at Add on, its on in ion rough Block Scuba a and look 3 Halle 's Add ions, etween the p nts afo eaaid, o the tent he up n th sketoh att he d to a repo of th Commi si er f 'Pu is 17orke 1 the matt ,date March th, 19 whi sk oh and sport ar ereby egerred o and mad a part reoP. Y/G.. (V) Nays Adopted by the Council.... LLLjjj. A Ph gson ' Qlttp of 6i. �sut . o ,,,,, v7rparlmrat of �uklic Burka 244 P7. -P.EFORT TO TH3, COL`P.OIL- In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for elopes for cute and fills in grading the alley in Block 3, Browne let Addition, and its continuance through Block 3 CanboIne and Block 3, Haller's Addition; from Milton street to Victoria street,under Preliminary Order W23675, approved Dec., 6t1i, 1918, and Intermediary Order ir24186, ap- proved February 8th, 1919. To the Council of the City of St.Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and, makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, showing by the shaded portion of said plan, the fills to be made on private property, and by the hatched portion, the cute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. Co -d -loner of Pubs o t'Jorke OTT OF sA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER_ 1 OO — C to �. the 1.,0 noco—zry for ndau..1II6 �r` i,,L 2,--t 'i. In the Mat—of,___.._.___:__..._____._._. Itjopo. .o and rill. i. of Alley it, Block 3 Fi�rat . . . ........... ------ --- — A.1dition and it. continuation thr—Ell Clock 3 2,nbo,nI. Additi— and ...... . ..... . — ...... . ........ -look 3 H,llorla 1,1.dit-Il f—LI 7ilt.. St. to 713toril' --t. -- --.- .— - .. ..... . ..... .. .. ..... . . . . .... . . ..... ---- ----- -- ............ .. ......... . .. -.— —1111 —1 . .. . .......... ... —d- P,4.i—Ty Order approved T. the C .... il of the City of St. Paul: Th. C—Omiai.— of Fi ... - hereby r-- .. fallow.: The total estimated umouut of the --m— for the b.— improvement i. Th, estimated ...t per foot for the A—g_,-_,,,_;,,,_.,,,_ The I— or p-1. of I..d that ..y be eeaeesed benefits f.r each imp---. and the neaoaed valuation of each 1,t or p-1 ae 1- sported by the A, r, are m foil—: DISIRIPTION LOT ... ADDITION IV51511150% Addititen_ to y 7 to. li—t b'itof St. P.ul, R�-,I,y C6, Yin - do 11800 3 do 2800 5 3 do 3000 II, 1 4 3 do do 2600 it 2950 13 do a?50 li 7.. . pt r"It 3/10 ft) s 3 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . The Cmmh,i ... � of Fi ..... further ,md, that he he, in tig,ted all of the fl .id amten, and hereby a.b.it. the fineg.tng .. hi- report thereon m the C-61, together with the -pmt made t, him in ,,f,,a..e t, aid nam- by the f Pbli. Work.. Dated.............!',/-. ._._._.191 %FF F- ESGNIPTION LOT �w TIONSro.,,.. ATON Firat A]diti.n to the i City of St. Paul Rweeycc; 711,1- t 2 .3 /10 feet of 8 3 do �. .T� d. -475 i10 3 do 4400 do 4260 �12 3 do ?850 do 3800 11 4 i 3 do 360J_ (Exc. South 2 fc^t for 11sy), 4 113 Saubol— tdditi.n to St. Paul ACO F,:e Sou t b 8 f t for 1)-Y) 3 13 do 1000 (7 xc South 8 feet for alley) 2 !3 do _1000 (Exc. South B feet for DD 1 e,0 1 3 do 10000 (Exc. U.rtb 8 feet for alley)' 5 3 Jo 4200 11orth 8 feet for oloy) 6 13 do 4000 1 (p— "Torth 8 feet for alley) 7 �3 do 1300 (Fxc. North 8 fart for Rlley)i 8 i3 do P1650 lr c . ',outb 3 fent for 111CY)li 3 13 IH,11.ra U-1itica to St. Paul. 4450 (E e. South 8 feat for lloY) 2 13 do 1150 't (E— South 8 feet for -1leY), 1 13 i ',to_ 14300 (Exe. North 6 fa -t for alloy)j 4 13 'to 7600 E xc. North 8 feet for a 11 a y)l 5 13 do 7800 (Exo. North 8 feet for alley)' 6 113 11, do 4650 The Cmmh,i ... � of Fi ..... further ,md, that he he, in tig,ted all of the fl .id amten, and hereby a.b.it. the fineg.tng .. hi- report thereon m the C-61, together with the -pmt made t, him in ,,f,,a..e t, aid nam- by the f Pbli. Work.. Dated.............!',/-. ._._._.191 %FF F- Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor6EcEtvED Pa 5 W P411 t2ei'CH�. Report to Commissioner of Finance ° a DEC 27 1918 December 26th, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissiener of Public Works, having had under caneidnrntion the preliminary order of the Conn. 23675 December 6th 8 oil, knorn as Couueil Filo No..._._.__.__nppr'oved.._....... ___....._._........ ........ _._..idl..._, rclulive to..._.:...__.. condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes,r for oats and fills in grading of alley in Block 3 Brown's First _ ....... ------- _-------------- Addition and its continuation through Block 3 Sanborn's Addition ---and-B3-oak 3—Etrl}gya—Addition--i'rom=:i:lbon--street—to—Yic-tore—£treat, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: - 1. Said .improvement is—_ --necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The detimnted coat thereof is $__ _, and the total coat thereof is :$_=Sh__--- ----- _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follays:.... __.__........ ..... ._....... _..______..____ .___.....__ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . Said improvement is_.__._asked for upon petition of three er more o—ars of property, subject to s .... ament for said improvement. PbIic Work .. C F ........... :...... ........ iI INTERMEDIARY ORDERS In the Matter of_Changint; the grade of Third Street from a point 200 feet ...................................................._...._................._..._........._._...__.__._...�._ vest of Sibley Street to Broadr:zy', Sibley Street from the Levee to . Tl.�,tld St,. „Psccutz__Ea.. free "Laird St. t.� P ourth St. _snd.Ro _abel_SL. ........... ....... ....... .... ......... from Third St. to Fourth St. ..................................................................................................:............ ............. .......................... ............................. _...._, ,. 242081919. 2. underPreliminary Order........................_.................._........approved..._..._......._......__.........................................._......_ ; The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. o That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is... ... �hpn�e.._the,_,t,rade_ of ,,,,,1'Jlird,,;-`,,trcet..frori _a point COO.feet -west. of: Sibley_ Street .........to Broadway, "? Sibley Street from the levee to 'Third St. 'Yacouta t from T1?rd St. ._........_........_......_......_.___._......._......._...._._..._..................._......._.._._................_................._....._........._.... _.._..._._ ,.,,,_tp__Fourth St. and Hosabel St. frons Third 8t. to Fourt}: St. .ln.._a.oa.oadance _,__, .........Th, . lflue...lina showing the old established trade) and the red linegthe proposed change.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is- ResolvedFurther, That a public hearing be had on aid, lryp,+ �t an the._.......10th ........day of ......_.ARA1.7......._.. _.........., 191.9..., at the hour. f °, ')5f the Council Chamber o4 the Court House and City Hall Building in the City df:'Sf.... e...,.. ne r<veetyommmetoner of htinance give notice of said meetingto the persons and in the manner ^.!!""�"sO°u e,reee r.d' , g the time and lace of hear. P C noo.wwe av:ei"ia'�emtin p ing, the nature o4 the improvement, end the totd_,jc� t R n is 'i :ted. - .Adopted 6y the Council ........... Y,k 11 19 9• m a 4 :y" t Approved .............. 191 Mayor. Coua Im `F - swarth � , � Council- .dose PLRtLIB1 i1L /`r /� j Conned H91avt➢t Clancy - Councilm eller Ccuncilme I 4ecoll Councilma i 1 ndencch Mayor } odgson Form.B. S. A. dt tr OFF"In p " h 8 b ?4433" AUDITED C`J � m 1vI .i FORM 546 MAR 1 , ,hot ,...cants he d,.wn upon the C)ty Treasury, payable out a( ,y� ,he becdntite p ified"fwds vndin favor al ,he �Hesolved pe , firms or corporations for the mvounts set opposite their respective Ames as specified th`-( ,lowing dpetailed stnn—nt:q Yeas ( v ) Councilmen ( v ) N.ys Adopted by the C..Ud1]_yA.-1-X191/— . - F wocth-i�(a.ec Ap eller underfich PUBLl91T�D /�� Mr. Prai any Hodgson . I Josiah H. Brinker. - tLfib 1, 6.4' uA" _Edwards & Bradford Lumber Company, 253 98 e. iamkp .53 S �0 - - 116410 IndependentOil Compaany, Co 17.33 - da"$. P. J. Kalman Company, rya. 100.0 4,04&3- E.-F. McLear, _ 161-.7 . . scpools •b. c.-W'2 ,- Dr. H. E. M01zahn, . - COmFT'QouneBl 10. '3? T M3 Northwestern Fuel Company, 640. _ �aaa4aiine. 70 .l"M-Ser. Revl. Bt: 8-:"✓to tepr. 1 709 .. - ,o:ka'-w4mes and eto. 6.89 ' Stch�ole 32 29. 10454 C. D. Sysre & Company, 943.46 . PAUL�{�! ` COUNCIL REePL ICON—GEN ERAL FORM �...eL NO. 24434 That the Commiseioner of Public corks be and he is hereby authorized and ordered to cause the section of streets mentioned in the accompanying list to be sprinkled or Oiled during the year 1919. Yens (1) Councilmen (V) Nays 7 x uer 0 ,Coll e. Msw cr w,earn eHeodgson -- Adopted by the Council.._I W A RD 1. .. _ St ... t ... From. To - Arcade Bridge -or N P & 0 Ry_ Alley N of Jessamine Arcade Maryland North North City Limits Arkwright York Cook Beaumont De Soto Payne Bedford North. Mirmehaha ' - " Bradley Sorenth North Bradley Beaumont Fauquier Bradley: Jaeeomino" Magnolia. Brunson Woodward - North Burr Collins Cook Case - Westminster Earl - Clark Whitall Case " Collins Cook Otsego Westminster Bedford Arkwright Cook. Edgerton Areeda Decatur Bedford Beaumont - De.Soto Hopkins Minnehaha Be Soto Whdtall Lawson Duchess Wella Case - Earl York Cook Edgerton Beaumont -So and of Ry Bridge Edgerton Fauquier York - -- Payne f. �. Cottage Graenbrisr-- -. Forest Bridge -or "Omaha. -By. Geranium - Fourteenth Mississippi John Gerund- Edgerton . Arcade Greenbrier, W. S._":_ ,Mdnnebaha - Fauquier _ Gi%enbrier - - Wells - - Maryland - Groves. N. S. Mississippi Williva _ Hawthorne Payne. Arcade 'Hopkins - De Soto _ Bradley ..Ivy '. Forest. - Earl -" Jenks Westminster Do Soto Jenks Jessie Payne " Tonka Greenbrier Weide Janke --Amada - Mendota. . Jeeeamine laceie. Bradley Seeeamine Edgarton Forest Taeeie. Magnolia Maryland-, - John Grove .Olmstead Lafayette Grove DeSoto - Lawecn Waatminstar Arkwright Lawson- De Soto. Burr Lasso. Jessie Forest Lookout Place Westminster -Arkwright. Magnolia Westminster Arkwright `.Magnolia '. Burr Bradley _ Magnolia Edgerton Forest ' '.Maryland Arkwright -- Mendota". .Minnehaha - Rivali Greenbrier Mississippi, E. S. Grove.: Maryland Mt. Ida Rivoli De Soto North _ De Soto.. Bedford - .Olive Grove Williams Olmstead Pine' John` 0tsago - Lafayette - Mt. Ida Partridge Brunson 200• Westerly Partridges : Brunson Bradley - Payne Beaumont- Nebraska Proble Beaumont Minnehaha Ramey .Edgerton Greenbrier. Rivoli 400'S. of Mt. Ida Idinnehaha Rose Jeeeis Forest - Seventh Grove ....Bridge over G N k N -P'rq (Ward; 1, coni):.. Edgerto6 Fo real Sin Time Cypress. ;Earl Thirteenth Eiieeieaippi Piae -Woide � lyalle : Jesska. Weide Lawson Acee We11e Edgerton - Greenbrier. Westminster .York Cale Wheolock Parkway Lake Como Lake Phalen Whit-11 Clark' -d 1.y Whitall - Edgerton Payne Waodwaxd Brunvon - Bradley York W etminater Waide. York A cads &:. .reel WARD 2'. - Arcade Conway Fourth Arcade' Sinners - - So. and of By. Bridge Atlantic Seventh >. Minnehahe. Bates MCLean - Maury - Beech ,. Seventh.. Atlantic Burne Mound Heater Cable Seventh 125':N of. Margret - Cherry'. Maris. ..Bates: ,.. .Cc ay - Mound Pk. Blvd Earl Cypress McLean Fremont `Cypress Sixth Seventh Dellvood Cable Margret Duluth `J Minnehaha Railway - Earl -. . Thorn:- Seventh R.W S of Bridge Eioheneald.S#th Seventh Eighth Maria -North Euclid Hoffman - Earl / Fauquier W and of Ry. Bridge Atlantic I/ Fifth Marie - Earl Forest McLean Railway Fourth - 275'. W of Maris - Cypreee Frank-. Beach Seventh - - - - Fremont Arcade - - Cypress - Greenbrier Minnehaha. Fauquier Basting. -Bates - Pt. Douglas Pd - - Hi -swathe. Burne 125'. South Hoffman- Claremont, River - -:HoffmanConway Seventh Hoffman _ Cherry P1irm Hope 'Margret Fourth Hudson Maris Earl McLean Cypress ', Earp _ `. McLean - Maria W Maris E Maple Has taage. - Cable -- Margret -' Cable `Atlantic Maria Mole— - He rth - Mendota Hudson Fauquier Minnehaha .' Greenbrier E City Limits Mound Burns Haetinge, - -North Maria - Cable. . Phalan Seventh N P By Plum Hoffman - Map" Pt. DouglasRdHastings - Temple Reaney Gr—brier Atlantic River Maria Hoffman - Rose Seventh Atlantic -, Seventh E and of -Bridge White Bear Ave - Stillwater - Corning -. Prosperity -� Simeon Sixth.. Seventh ' Sixth Bridge Cypress "Third. Commercial' -.__ Maria '- Third Bates Earl �- Third,. N. E. Maple -Arcade Urban Place - - Hoffman : ` �. Maris e• -Yea. Buren Pl 60, E of .Hoffman Maple Wakefield Maple Earl - White Bear -Seventh Ke -in - WARD. 3._ B,medway Third �- Grova .. Geaeda Ninth Eighth - Jackson Williue Fifth Jackson Pine Fourth'Jackson Pine Gr -o' B. S. Jackson 1Pdllius Jackson, E. S. Lave. Grove John - -Sixth Grove Locust "- sixth - Grova' " Ninth �_. Jackson Pine Ninth John.611liue. Norris Temporance -Canada �Oliv. Sixth Eighth _ -. Pirie Fourth .Grove -: Prince. - Broadway. Pine Bosabel Onion Depot Eighth Seventh - Jackson 'Grove Sibley- union Depot Harris SixthJackson Kitt... Spruce Sibley. _ Canada' `-Spruce Broadway.-,. Pine Third Jackson Broadway Third, N. S. Broadway -Pine Tenth Jackson - Pine Tenth John Grove Temperance Eighth. Ninth Temperance Tenth - - Grove fan Slyke Court Broadway - Pine Wacouta ', . union Depot - Spruoe Willis.- Sirrth– W A R D 4. -: Cedar Second Suit College Smith Cedar Eagle, E. S. .Third River Eighth. Wabasha,. Jackson. '.Eleventh.: Cedar Jackson Exchange Third - Cedar Fifth'- - Fourth .Jackson Fourth. - Summit - Jackson !'Franklin Third. Ninth Jaekson , W, S. - Leveo Thirteenth Main ISeven Camera Tenth.- V Market Third St. Peter Minna seta Third - Summit Ninth Smith - Jaekeon Pleasant Fourth Sixth Rice. 'College. Summit _ "Robert From Bridge over Mieeieeippi Summit Robert, E. S. Summit Thirteenths` Seventh - Soven Comers .... -.Jackson .Sixth Summit.. Wb. he Sixth.- - Cedar Jackson - Smith - Fourth College. St JPetar -�"' -'i. Third'-' '''6u®it Summit, S. S. - Rias Robert" Tenth Rice -- Jackson ' - .Fourth, N. S. ,Summit Seven Comers Third - Sw a Comers Jackson. Thirteenth, S. S. - Robert Jackson - Tselfth Ceder, -Jaekeon Wabaeha. So end. of Bridge 7501 Northerly Webb h. Noend of Bridge. Summit Washington - .Eagle'- _ Hill WsaWmgton -Third- St. .Peter Isvee: 'Sibley Jankson f WARD 15.' 1 Ann St.01�ir j Banfil Arbor Jefferson ' James Armstrong Drake Milton Banfit Duke Smith Bay Stewart Jeffereon Canton:: Otto Seventh Chestnut Pleasant Levee Cliff Yankee Smith p Colborne Jefferson Superior Daly, - James Jefferson Douglas Goodrich : Ramsey PC-- Goodrich Yankee Drakes - Alloy So of Lee Randolph Duke. :Cascade " Beefil - - Eagle. S. a. Third River Wilk—Elm - Franklin': Emma. .Western. Cliff Erie St. Clsir: "Cascade Exchange Wilken. Eagle' Forbse Douglas - - Exchange Franklin. Elm Eagle _ Garfield Goodrich Pleasant Goodhue Duke :, Cliff Goodrich Harrison. � Leech Grace Webster`. - :Western Harrison Goodrich 'Douglas James Clifton Wabater Jeffarson 'Hay-_ Colborne ..Juno - Milton . vim - Leer Seventh - Draken Leach Goodrich Ramsey . Levee: WilkenEagle, Lisboa PI—ant Douglas Logan:- ...cantoar.:, .eBay Mescal Douglas Wilk- Michigan Webster Western Milton. ,'Tuscarora Randolph Nugent _ Asilway - Seventh Oakland Western " .Ramsey. Oneida Seventh St.. Clair Palace" Seventh Arbor Pleasant Osceola Fourth Richmond' - Nidderhofer Goodrich HannayPloasant Wilken Randolph Lexington Toronto', - Seventh Montreal Seven Comers `Sherman Pleasant Bluff- -Smith Cliff- - 'Fourth St. Clair Lexington Avon St. Clair - '- Webster Cliff Stewart' - Otto' Tuscarora Sturgis -Western Douglas .Superior Duke Western -Fourth, S. S. College Seven Coreers Thompson oms Rey Pleasant Toronto "Randolph Grace Tuscarora Chatsworth Osceola Victoria Seventh Randolph - - Vim - Seventh Jefferson Van Minden Seventh Cliff Walnut - Pleasant Irvine Pk R around so. Osceola Tuscarora Grove t Watson Milton View _ Webster Palace - Grove - Western Emme Harrison Wilk... Bluff Ranoey Yankee Western - Dousnan W A R D 6. - Ada r -- Concord Congress Anita Concord — Congress " Annapolis. 14: S. Smith. , Cherokee -Bidwell. - Baker Delaware "- Bancroft. Concord Congress Bidwell Winifred - Delos - Cherokee Annapolis Ohio " . Chicago - 1501 W of Wsbasha Robert Clinton '" Concord Colorado,.. - Colorado Wabasha - Clinton -" Colorado Winslow Stryker, - . - Concord ": So Robert Arthur — Congress So Robert Bancroft - -.-Congress Ohio Hall Curtis -.. Oakdale 56 Robert Dearborne Stryker So Robert Delowers Annapolis, Baker . - '.Delos -Wabasha Greenwood" .._Delos Billows 2701 E of Hall -:Eston Fillmore Indiana Fdward Fillmore Water Ethel Ohio Fairfield Fairfield Belle State Fillmore Hyde State Gatos Oakdale Woodbury George Ohio So Robert George Concord . So Robert Gorman Morton Tyler - " Greenwood Delos Concord - -._-Hall Morton Prospect Terrace " --.� Indiana Hyde: State " Isabel Hall' Ohio ".Isabel So Robert State -Humboldt v Morton - - " Winnifred Kentuckyv "State Minnetonka King Cherokee Ohio Livingston. Concord- Wood =.: Livingston _ .Indiana _ Fairfield Manomin _. Cherokee .. - Morton Midway Oakdale - 2001:E of Woodbury. Morton 'Mt. Stryker So "Robert - -.Hope Page Bunker. .':Oakdale. State .Luffy _ Ohio Annapolis - Ether Orleans Page Cherokee Ottawa - Cherokee Annapolis Page Oakdale Harvard Page State.. Riverview Page Ohio Smith Plato i Wabasha Robert Robertson Indiana 2001 11 of Fairfield Robie Bellows Hall Robie Concord Andrew So. Robert No. E of Bridge Annapolis " -So. "Webashr. '.S.E. of Bridge Winnifred Smith Cherokee. Annapolis Starkey Isabel Delos State Fillmore Morrison.. - - - State Bunker Isabel State Pago So. Robert Stryker Pago " Prospect Terrace Sydney Ohio Charlton Water Starkey Public Bathe WinnifredOhio Goff Winnifred So. Robert Andrews a Winona" .Cherokee Smith Winslow Prospect .Terrace :Morton ra l� W A R D..: 1. . ,4 _ Alley Bet Victoria R:Avon Laurel'AHolly Alley : Bet.Liawood PI.& Osceola ' Avon,& Grotto Aruhdel Marshall Carroll 'Ashland . Lexington Syndicate. - 'Ashland Lexington Dale Avon St Clair Carroll Carroll, S. S. Farrington Chatsworth Cathedral Pi - Summit Nelson }' Chatsworth St. Clair Selby. Chatsworth Dayton - Carroll Dale Fairmount Carroll. .Dayton Kent Dale ,'.Dayton Victoria . St. Albans Dayton - - 'Lexington Hamline Dayton 'Lexington - Victoria: 'Dunlap Summit Marshall ' Fairmount -Dale. Chatsworth: Fairmount Lexington Chatsworth 'Farrington Nelson MarshallFarrington, W. S. Marshall Carvell Fisk Laurel Carroll Floral 300' S. of Grand2 Summit Goodrich Hemline Syndicate Goodrich Lexington Sohumeier'e Alley Grand Laxton Syndicate Griggs Summit Marshall Hague Syndicate" Dale :Hemline, E. S. Selby - Marshall Hemline, E. S. > Goodrich ... Grand Holly Victoria. Dale _ Iglehart :.Se;rington �-•, `;----i9%itigtoff'• - Kent-''Mar.hall Carroll Learo1 Syrdieate Dale Essington Linwood P1. - Carroll ;Grotto 25' a of Line-d:Pl Carroll '.'Lincoln Oakland Hemline --Linwood P1.' Kenwood -Parkway Lexington ` Louie, W. S. : Nelson Marshall U ckubin Marshall - .Carroll Marshall, S. S. _ Syndicate Laxingtoa.. Marshall - Lexington - Western Milton St. Clair Carroll - Oakland Grand Westeia Osceola ..'Chatsworth Pleasant' Oxford Marshall Iglehart Oxford St. Clair Selby _ Pleasant, N. S. - Osceola 'Western :Portland - Dale. Grigg. Selby Summit -. Hamlin... St:.'Alban. ' Pleasant Carroll -&t: Clair, N: S. Lexington - 'Avon. Summit .:Hamlin. Dale :Syndicate Goodrich Summit. 'Fourth, W. S. `.College 'Summit. ..Victoria- - Li-ood Pl. Carroll Virginia, Nelson Carroll Westeid`� Selby Dayton 'Western - Marshall Carroll _ WARD e. A16ermarle Atwater Front ` �lbaraarla Hatch L060n ��berroar�o . Gook. Mot Atwater Albemarle Farrington Aurora Rice Dale Burgess Arundel Gaultier Blair Como Dale Burgess Dale Como Cathedral Pl. Nelson , Fuller Carroll, N. S. - Dale Farrington Carroll Farrington Rice Central - Rice -Dale Charles Dale Rice Como Dale Rice v Dale; E. S. Carroll Maryland Edmund Dale Rice ✓ Elfwlt Charles 'Como Farrington Marshall Como Farrington Burgess Lawson Front Dale Rice Fuller Dale Rice Caultier2 University Como Gaultier Atwater Cook Iglehart Farrington .Rice Jay.. St. Anthony "`University Kent.-: Carroll Minnehaha Lafond Dela yam, Aice Louie, S. a. Neleo"n'= .Marshall Louie. Marshall Fuller Mackubin Carroll Minnehaha -Varion• Fuller Como , Marion Atwater Lawson Matilda ++ `�roaE: Cook MilfordGaultier Rice Minnehiha .�', Dale Como Aavouz Central Fuller Ravooa Iglehart Carroll Ravcuz Rondo St.Anthony Rice,W. 5. Larpenteur .Summit Rondo Dale Rico St, Anthony Rice Dale Sherburne - Dale - Rice Simcoe Atwater Wayzata Stinson Western Gaultier Thomas - Como Dale University Dale Rico Van Buren Como Dale Virginia Carroll Como Wayzata Gaultier Rice Western Carroll Como Western Atwater, Cook Woodbridge_ Atwater Lawson Wheelock Parkway- Lake Como Lake Phalen 1 'Acker Sylvan Mississippi Arch Rice Park' Atwater Rice Sylvan - Aurora Cedar Robert . Aurora- - Rice Park - Broadway. Grove Valley - Buffalo Acker Granite - .Capitol Heights University Pennsylvania. Canada Fourteenth Valley .. Cayuga. Cortland- Mississippi Cedar, Summit Como Central Rica, Central Terrace Central Park" Central Terrace Central Terrace Rice Park Columbia Glencoe Pennsylvania 1 Como- Rice Capitol. Heights Cook Rice' Sylvan Cortland Acker Maryland Genessee Buffalo Miseieeippi Glencoe Columbia Mississippi Granite Cortland Mississippi Grove, N. S. Jackson Mississippi Harriet Central Central Terrace Hatch Rice_ Sylvan Itlehart Rice;` Wabasha Jackson, E. S. Grove . Thirteenth Jackson Thirteenth Sycamore Jessamine Rice' Abell Fourteenth Broadway Mississippi Front,: Rice:...; Sylvan ---"L'Grisnt Broadway Minnehaha Lawson.:.rise ;. ` Sylvan Litchfield Rice "` - Sylvan _ Lyton,Pl. Rice "Sylvan Mt. Airy Warren Mississippi o Magnolia Rice...Cortland .. Manitoba - ._ Rice... Sylvan Mississippi, W 'S. Grove- Maryland Park Conteei Arch Park Syc.fore Cook Park Cook Magnolia. - Pennsylvania Mississippi, 300' W of Columbia Rice, E. S. Summit - Larpenteur - Robert, W. S. Summit Thirteenth 1- ;.Robert Thirteenth .Capitol Heights St. Peter Summit University ' -:Sherburne - Rice Cedar Summit, N. S. Rice Robert Sycamore Rico Cortland Sylvan Acker Lawson Temperance' Grove Thirteenth Thirteenth, N. S. Robert Jackson Thirteenth Jackson Mississippi Tilton Rice Wabaeha University Rice Broadway Valley Jackson Broadway Viola Rice Capitol Heights Wabasha Summit University Warren Mt. Airy Arch Winnipeg Rice Sylvan Winter Rice Capitol Heights ..Wheelock Parkway. Lake Como Lake Phalen e W A R D 10. Albert University Charles - Aldine Blair Capitol Asbury Uaiversity. Capitol Bayleeo, E. Maavel - Bnymond Baylese,'W. Cudworth Manvel. Blair Fairview P"Cal Blair Xlbert Hemline Blair Dunlap Lexington. - Bradford Long Hampden -- Blake - Raymond Gordon - Captiol - I Aldine Griggs Carter Cleveland 300' W of Gordon Charles - Snelling Lexington - Cherie. Hampden 4801 East Chalton - .Prior Tatum Commonwealth Cleveland To R Around Cemmoneealth Pk, -- Cleveland Commonwealth Dudley - Como Ave. W Snelling Hemline - Como'Ave. W Raymond Headoa - Cromwoll - University Manuel Cudworth Euatie - Saymoad - Doswell Como Saymond Edmund Lexington lajmund Simpson - Syndicate Ellis Territordal.Road Raymond EWetie University - 100' N of Cudworth Fry Blairs. Hewitt Gordon Blake: Carter (B.S.) of Park - Hemline University Y - - Hewitt - University RaymbOnd _ .Hampden Hewitt Aldine S icat� Holton Minnehaha 01 No .' 200' f Capital _ Knapp, ..Raymond, Tgferd -" Keeton Commoh—lth - Carter Langford -'Gordon Como Ay. W. - Langford Pk ?117. -.Blake' .Knapp - - Long - _ Raymond Ellie Manuel Raymond Cromwell - Minaehaha Prior Grigg. Paeoal -University - Edmund Pascal - Minnehaha ' 'deeley _ Prior University Pennock - Pusey Chalton ' Tallula Raymond University .Dudley Scudder 1 Como Ave W Blake Sheldon Minnehaha - Hewitt Sherburne Lexington Snelling Snelling- .University Gemo Me W Simpson University Hewitt Syndicate University Elmuhd - Syndicate Van Buren Seminary - Tatum Hinnehaha Ponnock - Taylor Aldine Simpson Territorial Road' Raymond Euatie Thomas: Hemline - Snelling . University, N. S. .Emerald Lexington Van Buren Wheeler Griggs - - Walker Hewitt - - G. N. By Y(deley Fry Snelling Lgngford Pk PI E. Gordon .Knapp 14 A AD 11. Y" Albert Grand- 1841 N of Summit Aldine University 4 St. Anthony - Apherst Lincoln Princeton Ashland Cleveland ' Hemline - Belida Summit St. Clair .Bayard University g. City Limit. Beacon St. Anthony University - Cambridge summit 'Princeton ' Carroll Cretin Nhaelor Carroll Pierce Snelling 'Cleveland Palace University - Como &. River Blvd Miss. River Blvd C. St.P.M & O.Ry Bridge Cretin St. Clair Summit ' - - Cretin Laurel St. Anthony - Cromwell University Habash CurfeF Hyrtl. - University Dayton Cratin Saratoga ... Dewey Summit University Faimount Prior Sao Fairviae St'. Clair University Ferdinand Carroll St. Anthony Ferania Prior Fairview - -Finn Iglehart Rob lyn Fry Railway University Fry Summit Iglehart Goodrich Snelling - Hamlin. '.Goodrich Cleveland Canova `GrandCretin Hemline 1' Hague : Fairvi.F Albert Hemline, U. S. Goodrich Grand Hamlin. Selby '. Marshall...,. .. _.... - Hemline St.Anthony University - :Herschel C. M k Ste By University Howell Summits St.Anthony . Iglehart Cretin 14heeler - - Laurer -" 'Cleveland Pascal Lexington,:1. S. Marshall Curtail " Lincoln Cretin Prior LincolnMacalester Prior Lincoln ,: Snelling Hemline Lynnhuret;. Oakley Univ.+& around Lake Iris - Lynnhura£,�E k 41" Feronie. Lake Iris Macalest�er Summit St. Clair - Marshall, N. S. Syndicate - Lexington. Marshall'. E. and of Bridge - Snelling Milwaukee Astoria - Railroad Ave MSeeieeippi.Rivar Blvd Summit Ave Cleveland . Moore. Laurel. - Torreon Park Myrtle Pelham Cr.mwell Oakley Prior Ly4nhurst Otis - Marshall Somerville Pascal Goodrich Summit .Pascal Ashland 150' Northerly Polh--I University Bridge Pierce Selby 5ummit Portland Moore Pascal Princeton Macaleeter Fairvia- , Prior- Sargent University. - Raymond University Wabash Hotlyn Terrace Park Fairviac Roblyn ' Pierce Aebury Roblyn ' Finn Cretin-: Roy St. Anthony ,-llnideraity -Saratoga Lincoln - " Dayton Selby Cretin Hemline Shield.- Fairview Aldine - Snelling -. Goodrich University - St. Anthony -.Cretin Snelling Summit' Cretin Hemline (Ward 11, coni A St. Anthony Terrace Park Wilder Univereity, S. S. Lexington Dnerald Univereity, S. S. 30o, W. of Montgomery Cleveland Vernon Princeton A. Clair Waltham Prior Dewey Wheeler Selby Summit Wheeler St. Anthony University Wilder Laurel St. Anthony ry�Lf-3� WARD 12. Argyle Front Hatch Argyle McKenty Cross -Aurora Oxford - Dale Avon Carroll Central+ Avon Aurora Lafond Blair Avon Dale. Capital Avon Grotto Carroll, N. S. Dale Chatsworth Central e. Chatsworth - Victoria Central Avon - 'Dale Charles - Dale Lexington Chatewerth - Aur Charles Chat"arth Front - - Van Slyke . Chatsworth Carroll Rondo Churchill Front - Orchard - . Churchill - UcKenty - Como Park " Como `. Front" Como. Park. Como Boulevard Como' Ave'. South - Grose Lexington:- Argyle " Dale, W. S. Carroll. Maryland Edmund Dale Lexington Fisk Carroll Rondo Front Dale Lexington Fuller:. Chatsworth Victoria ' Fuller'- Dale Fisk Grotto Carroll Minnehaha Horton Van Slyke Como Blvd - Laf cod. Dale : Hilton 'Lexington - Carroll Univar.ity stilton;' .Carroll'. Thomas Maryland St:. Albans - Dale ,`.-..Minneheha .: _-.hale .: . _.. .. Victoria "Orchard Chatsworth - Argyle Rondo Dale Lexington -. Sherburne Dale - Lexington Simon. " 24V )C. of HcKanty, Dale St..'. Albans Carroll .. Minnehaha St. Anthony - Dale - Chatsworth Thomas; - Dale Chatsworth Union': .Chatsworth Como Unidersity. Lexington - Dale Van Buren Dale Victoria Van Slyke Chatsworth Lexington Victoria Carroll Thomas Victoria Front Orchard Wheelock Parkway Lake Como Lake Phalen ��agg Ackoright Cook MarylandBurr Cook - - Magnolia ' Edgorton - Cottage N. gCity Limit. Earl Cook Ivy Foreet Geranium Maryland 7enke Neida Arcade - Cherry Hoffman i i Main Phalen N P By Stillwater Hudson Rood Hastings E City Limits Prosperity Ave Stillwater Ave Larpenteur J - w A "twara ]. eon -I Yon Minden Ridgewood Summit Ave. South 150' East Milwaukee R. R. .. (T tL UI -1l liC'0 Dousman 'Yankee Milton. St. Clair ,.at Seventh Montreal Goodrich Leech Western Emma "twara ]. eon -I Yon Minden Ridgewood Summit Ave. South 150' East Milwaukee R. R. r loabel Hall , So. Wabaeha Prospect Terrace Hall Bidwell So. Wabaeha Stryker Sidney Alley bet Grand !Lincoln- St. ,Albans 100, East Alley bat Lincoln R Goodrich Milton 100, East _ Goodrich Dunlap to ¢ Hamline S=it PortlandLexington Schurmoior'e Alley Goodrich Lincoln Geranium Rico Park Magnolia Sylvan Maryland I _ .. para A Asbury Hewitt Taylor - Albert Charles Yinnshaha Blair Pascal Albert Blair Hemline Dunlap Hemline Hewitt Taylor F Larpenteur Snelling Along Snyder Property Lafond Griggs Snelling Pascal Pillsbury Ave Edmund University Lafond Territorial Road Sherburne Aldine Snelling Snelling . Leggloni Larpenteur Simpson Hewitt Taylor Syndicate Mimund Thomas Syndicate Lafond Van Buren Seminary.. Griggs Hemline Thomas Hemline Lexington --Taylor Simpson Holton Vandalia University Charles Wesley Aldine Fry Edmund Snelling Simpson Edmund Syndicate Dunlap Ann Arbor Finn Eustis University Finn Selby Finn Roblyn Goodrich Cretin Hampden University La Salle University Moore summit Pascal summit Piero@ Selby Pillsbury Ave University River Blvd W seventh Temple Court Cretin Vandalia University Wheeler Selby Myrtle herald Walpole Baldwin Hemline garshall Hemline Hague Cretin Wabash Iglehart St. Anthony Cleveland Wabash Wabash Laurel 2001 Northerly Marshall Myrtle' Cleveland Roblyn ' R, R, Bridge Iglehart' Eustis Rairriew at. Anthony ' Selby Avon Latond Hinnehahe Aurora Lexington Oxford Como Blvd Como South Lexington Como {dark Lar penteur Thomas Lexington Chaterorth -Victoria Thomas Latond OITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM .. ti�-4A?r� .......... .... .......... ......... ....__........ cou„ ca. lxeaot�ea, That the. purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one ohly Taper attachment for Lodge and Shipley 14" Lathe #15666, from Robinson, Cary & Sands Co., for the Central High School, to cost $170.00, without asking for competitive bids, as thio article Is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Education- Special War classes. .e� 1 721. .1 Ycaa ( L7 Councilmen( V) Nays Fa swortn G s �In favor ._......... K er 7 Coll U __ Q_ Against underlich Mr. Pre eat, Hodgson Adopted. by the Council¢l,c„/J�.(.2.. �1l.y//1��...__ 1917- A APPr ._..m.QM+C.+._i.2.i'.......191q.- M oreosoted wood blocks, exoopt on that part of said fleet 3finnehaba Street between Griggs Street and Dunlap Street, which shall be paved with sheet asphalt, approved June 22nd, 1916. Meet Minnehaha Street, from the east line of Fairview Avenue to Prior Avenue ---with three and one-half (3t) inch southern pine areosoted wood blooks except on that part of said 11innehaha Street between the east line of Capitol Avenue and the west line of Tatum Avenue, which shall be paved with vitrified brick block, approved October 6th, 1916. Concord Street, from Ada Street to Annapolis Street --- with three and one-half (3-k) inch southern yellow pine creosoted wood blocks, except on that part thereof of said Concord Street from a line three hundred and forty (340) feet southeasterly of the south line of Page Street to the south line of Belvidere Street and from the south line of Lucy Street to Annapolis Street, which shall be paved with vitrified brick paving blocks, approved January the 16th, 1917. Broadway from Third Street to Fourth Street ---with sandstone, approved October let, 1917. Grand Avenue, from Oakland Avenue to the west line of Milton Street ---with three and one-half (31) inch southern pine creosoted wood. blocks, approved January 20th, 1917, Earl Street, from Hastings Avenue to Thorne Street ---with asphaltic concrete, approved January 23rd, 1917. And Whereas; said streets are occupied by the rails of the Saint Paul City Railway Company, and it is the duty of said company under the terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 1227, . to pave with the same material as that ordered by said Final Orders all those parts of said streets as lie between the rails of each track and between the lines of double tracks and for a space of two (2) feet outside the tracks. Therefore, Be It Resolved That the Saint Paul City Hallway Coompany Is here y no ed and directed by the Council of the City of Saint Paul to begin the work of paving the portion of the streets aforesaid, which it is under obligation to pave upon being notified so to do by the Commissioner of Public Works. Be It Further Resolved, That in case said Saint Paul City Railway pany e a reuse or neglect to lay and construct such paving as aforesaid after being notified by the Commissioner of Public Works, then the same shall be done by and under the direction of the City of Saint Pgul, and the expense of doing said paving shall be assessed against said company, and such amount so assessed shall be chargeable to and collected from said Saint Paul City Railway Company. Reeolved Further, That the City Clerk is hereby instructal to servethis' Resolution upon said Saint Paul airy w.iim.,, n„m,,..,.. 4mm.a4�+e,., ....- 44 ----_-, - amount ao aeeesaed enati De onargeaoie yu una uv.luuoua ituw oA Saint Paul City Railway Company. Resolved Further, That the City Clerk is hereby instruote3�o airve a Resolution upon said Saint Paul City Railway Company immediately upon its approval and-' publioatioxt' Yeas (V) Councilmen (y) Nays Adopted by Go s 6e4eer pproved..................I 1.......,...191 Ke er M oil Ap;A9 W nderlich MAYOR Mr, Presid nt, Hodgson PI11361—/S �/ _-'•^- PQNMC, A.8 ]M 6.18 /j Resolved, laMMAS, the weak of rch 24-W: has been designated as "Library Meek" during .which numero-c civic organizations will carry on a campaign to put a library- and i>? every home in St. Paul, - ba it RESOLVED, that the Ci Cotzac i1 give it. approval to this worthy public movement, and urge — -ts gang ral observance. Yeas (✓) Covncilmev U) Nays 'y� _ D Adopted by the it l�ll."�*�r`-- l.L.i...191 C us . wry / F sworth pp G. r A a.....mW4.c-G--.L..1.C..h....... 191— s _............lat X94 7 M M o ...._.._ ---- Amt W nd.rlich • Toa Mr. Preside , Hodgaov PROPOSAL FOR Reque et of Mr: Kyle. The undersigned hereby proposes the �b Coundl Rle No. _...._..._........__ MENT yn-Lr.?�? Ipi'ARY ORDER. �p the following public improvement by the City- of St. Paul. vit. m. Mereha _Avenue---to---Selby-_Avenue-.__.___......, Dated ihfa......_l.._...r..day of..7:_lyly a .............._ ---------------------- _. 191 ----- _-- ..........._ Covnuim PRELIM IN Rj� Y- ORDER• G' • C' 2 Y- WHEREAS, A written proporal for the makingorthe following impr—mens .r>=__ ........_..._Grading...H.eraahel..A¢enue...Prn_m..Mesehsll...Av F. z+ir --------------- _ -----.............._ .__..----------....... ................._. c. having been presented to the Council of a..aeso ",��'o:u i� u°� .tan--------- .------------------ ._............ . thQefo— be it°mfr e;°ma RESOLVED, That the Commissioner ' lz heby oidrsed and direeted: i 1. To m.ettfgam the new.ity for of a n fig of d impro.remwe 2. To rnven;gate the mturw erten[ and eetimsi6,m� paid `unprovemene, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plm, profile or Art l of raid imprU.69ent: ---------- ---- .---- .---- ._..............._....._._..........._..............................._......_.---- ..__..._-"'----------"-------------- *-------------- * �To state whether or not said improvement is eaked for on the petition of three or more e .S. To report upon all of the foregoing marten to the Commuaioner of F�--�- Adopted _ Yeas. _ -�� N.ya: Councilman F 'worth Gor Approved ---------- 19 _.- Hyl d K er M W dviid, ..-----.._ y _ ---------------------------------------------------------....._............ M orq. lJ, `J� ✓ g L 1)1, 244.1.,"1 G TIME OF IIE� In the matter of.._conaemn in L._and._:w441l;,, an. easeipen tiinthe,_land.................. ....... neeesea.py,. t;or„_slcpes;_._f:or,., cu Ls._and fills_,in_.Urading.,DunL:.,p„F,,Lreet,_from Unirer.�iLY...Ave...._to...T.h.R!aas.._S ree.r....................................................................................I................_.... tinder Preliminary Order 6 ............, approved ..uric.„ U1J. Inl¢rmediary Order.....105;�;1,,,,• approved ......O.Q.f1,t...� ..+..,.�.�.�1 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above improvement and to whom payable; slid also having r'a' "mr1is'kss� merit of benefit to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessm em-; 1” 1,1%, oa:Lo � liesame is hereby approved We .bin., of eu �lmpro ”' Resolved further, That a publicIf`aee i°ea xme mnB.4 ie'Qauncil upon said report and for a confrma- at b r. b. ¢va e°` �a s°�m.n xml 6:1 ihmnce, and also u the said assessment of tion of the awards of damages made by the.; •9 -fie°ior Pon benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the. .......... ._. 12.T<h................day of ...........AP.z:.i,l.. ............... .....191.9....., at ten o'clock A. M. and that the Commissioner al Muance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said bearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council.._D/L Cd. /......�. Y� n.-- ,19 .... r„ U:.. ......... ..... ^ � City CI Approveh W �7�•1.1�. .., 191 ..._ ......................................................................... .....Dta...... . Council. u Farnsworth 7 Council. Coss PUBLIC �j Council. H)Ebnv: Clancy i / Commilm Keller Council. McColl Councilm WanderPscl Mayor I llodgson .................:...................................................................y ....................... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_6opdemninL_and, Laling,_an__easemegy,_in„_the„ land,_necessary for..slnpes.,...for.._nnts._znd_S.ills...in..{;rad7.ny..➢.unlap...S.tre_]...Ssn;iJlniven=.iLy A.X.S.,,....k9...T.hA.ma5... treet........._...................... .............. ................................ _..................... __...... _.____ under Preliminary Order.___7.69.9.5........... approved._Sune._ ..ha.U�17 Intermediary Order.__1.i3;3.9.&.._.._, approved. QM.! §.•__191'7...... TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements' therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persona to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the wet thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the under signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ...................... . Commissioner of Finance. IN 6 (CrAc, 24441"11 R 01ff40"F-WM,11LAF`FK0V1NG.M WMEW�XING In the matter of U!U!Ralnil)L in U"Lailr.y la , for alo.11102.1 for cas an.0-fills ill the....LmUu�..niij ml.4.14 of L.1ata"Ll"S on I+curteenth......Street, fromL'Orien.t to F.o..u..r..t..e..e,n.t.h Street,.,,,,,,_,,,,,., .. I ................................................. ............................ under Preliminary Order .......... approved Intermediary Order.., approved J.&.16 - 2-7, The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of C. F. No, '-!—f mreinni�pk]priatmd for the above improvement damages awarded for the taking of the ta. and to whom payable; and also having ... nl UOrl,In—, lm`ment�of benefit to property from the making of under P1111 said improvement, therefore be it termeaiarr °' he uTbmitted Ills r( Resolved, That the said assessment's" a' to the ind the same is hereby approved 'asanum. the"', Resolved further, That a public hentmi; I n , .1. It— the Council upon said report and for a confirma- a, of am , aid tion of the awards of damages made by the Comt,-,Thrtd' Ief Fimum " e, and also upon the maid assessment of fS P -U.th ................._day benefits; at the Council Chat in the Court House it, ",ity, a I. .1 a on th a �,. ,11, .-,i of .......... AkCii .......................191.._9:.,at ten o'clock A. 31. anditbilt the Commissioner of Finance be and be is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as proscribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council -k� a. _191 .... ... ................. Cit Cle Approveh....�-.-- . .... ................ .................. ... ........... ...................................... N Mayor. Councilmal Farnsworth Councilmou Goss Roam Commitment Zonal Clancy 7 Councilmen Keller Comemilde. Macau Councilrew Wunderliel' Mayor PM j, EodLson ...................................................... ........................................ :.... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS [n the matter of....4.n.4.n.nSl1.txG.-ap.9....tP_Xl.ni._?n._i;.�. rl.k....ltt...tlu:...Laud...ucc�ssary foC 5loprst,,,f:or,Cut 4n fills in the lra�ln,ani,,,relay,int;,,gf,,,c,�k,Jlcs ona''ourteenth,Street, irom C,'Urii;ua Streoa,tu Pourtoolith Str�,Eti.................. made, preliminary Ord-. NS7b.............. approved_._llos.—1zt,.19,1Htarmediery Ordee....2:k1Il1.._..._, approved....._1.an.....2Z W1e....]..81,:3 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. The Commissioner of Finance hereby report.. That he has fixed and determined the value of the lend, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the emodnts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof respectively, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he bas also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat thereof, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the snder- signed, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ............................................................................................. Commissioner of Finance. ncil File No ..................... ...... PROPOSAL FOR III4PROVEMENT �)�r�9 Request o stns Mr. Kyle. pRELIMINARY O The undetrigned hereby propo the mating of the -fo wing publie 'mrpu-ovemenc by she. Gey of St. Poul, v,L, Dated ----------------- 191.._.__ / Coundlnrnn PRELIMINARY'ORDER. �- F WHEREAS. A wdttm proposal for the ..king of the following rmprovemenQ vrz.. C ._--._Donde Ag and._taking,._sn. easement in__thtj_-1.gnd neo_easery__Yg.F____________________ .............. a.1,AFse_.X.>Ir....outs...and..Yllle_.in..gxading._ He.xaohal..9vanus...from........:_............... _Marshall Avenue to Selby,_Avenue, ^. - ......_. ....... .._._ .. ... - ........ - ---------------------------- .....................:............._........._......................--------------------------_._ : ^R: ^ having been p—ted w the Coundl of the City of SL Paul by Councilman.....';"` 'therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thnt the Conud°aonv of PubU, Wmh be and he is hereby = ,,^� a x;^et 1. To inveetigece the ne«.aey for or deumbility of the maldag of said iml� _ z 2— To investigate the —I-, and tnimnted met of said improvement ^@ c{ {I net thereof. /3. To EumE.h a elan, vrofile or °ketch of uid improv ,-"''` "" emenL e _ fotlaw'vre•oth� r - _ .� ......__............................ ..................... ......_.............................. ...................... .,------- ......... ._.................................................. .:...:.................... To state whether or not said impr,V mmt is Baked Eor on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the fongaing mattem to the Commrsaroner of F - Adapted by the—cii..................................................._.191 _.._.. Yeas - Nays: C—cih n F mworth ° H d Approved_-._ ..._............_..._.._- ................._ 191.._.... - an K er u aero h --- ------------ ! .... Mayor I 'n _ M yoo ...��� >a c s 0 OFFICE 01 ESOPLTUROTLILOENR FORM CLAI 24442 11L.ND•------- I,rm11.1t f M I -IB 544 AUDITED PER.: ........................................ rtThr; Resolved that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the herchulfler specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement, Iy Yeas ( V ) Councilmen (V) Nays Adopted b n ounul _....._191-..._.. Cl ey Fa nsworth I ` C K Iter _ .._ ..._._._ • •....... .._.. vexon .,q n Dn U R nderlich 'Mr. Presid t, Hodgson j Ic F mn n°inlClihr nt Zi. r u -d a d i 109.23 }y�Fib•- Leon T. ChRmbeP^].t• Algrin D r ° u °nir ppeeuFn � .PerPRed I me .r�)Innann&. Cmm�berleln� fI89 "1. tII, loll. AdaDled by tac Cmulls. Drnr. .\PProred Dint. lII. 1919: (eaten ]5, Illi) A ea..0 .. CITY of ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM kYUt°" No..._�Z4443 rh.rsaaNrle r 548 B .........................../ ° 0� �........ MAN 1 i 1919 � Triol Ell AUDITED .......... '............. �1...... TITLE Resolved that warrants be drawn Upon the City Treasury, payable out of die hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( v ) Councilmen (v) Nuys Adopted by the Council........�....�._..'i; I"''1 191_ Clnn y A ed ........ I �.�._._.._19L._ - Far worth--iw•fe.er pprov Co Kel rod _.._..: . _....._____ MAYOR .. Mc all N derlich Mr. Preside t, Hodgson #9166 S. A. Farnawort 001111r. of Finance 10,718.75 C F sr Ef{f3 - I�71) E Ln Jrown. the lerelmfler as D t bleeo�u[ ote taro[ of lbe Declfleii [node J In �� Dereone, arm" m rorDare- uoa,tormeamo�m,.eea nomeo- calve }p�71g.7b Lou deian�u alolom�`ar:`a m me 8..1. Furn,w'orlh. Com'r. or Flnnaee, ilo,irB.t Adopted byy the Connell arM, is,:3pry, ADprm'od bloc.. 19is. tbmrvn ls,.lslsl � :. Total 1O`71fl.75 In _ _ . o�✓J cl-rr--o>-�-vzcu L - r' rye .--,m.—vE.�c++-i+L FORM 2, tf $....... ... ................... _ ......... - .........___... No......21 _ Resolved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Joseph LaRue, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, on the 30th day of November, 1918. Be it further Resolved.. that in .accordance with said agreement, the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to the said Joseph La Rue, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of One -Hundred Sixty-eight Dollars ($168.00) in partial settlement of his claim for the period of his disability. up to March lb, 1919, in accordance with the aforesaid agteement. - Yeas (4�xC ncilmen (V) Nays wV "t —hJ s s / -Coll Agaime• undenc�h Mr. Pre dent, Hodgson roan an a ,o Adopted by tfie Council........ ��. �: �-....---•�...::..'3 191..... Appr ____.... '��:3 G�SJ.PLCaCR ESOLUTION—G FORM -- ------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------ 24445 ._...\ ..... .. _....... �.........._.............____. �........._......_.__. .. Of wv a ts+a �n rs. - Resolved, That the gpllcatlon of Sivatinetz Bros., for a license to conduct a Motion Picture. Theatre at 183 E. Fairfield Avenue, be and the some hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue ouch license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, $50.00. Yeas ( L Co i — (V) Nays worth 1 In-Farer- ```��) /cell r ..........._. / �W derlirh Mr. Preside S, Hodgson >, „ "19 Adopted by the Council- _. . ........... ....... .............. 191.._ AP —cd ---------------------- ..........._......._____..------- li, ... i Rc,,IVcd, ,I CITY OF--- S----------- 1`{ '1 RESOLUTION—Ci�FO— rTI--------------------------------------------------=.--..---.......... 244! �o w� nucNO....._._._ .................. — ------------------------------ That the cigarette license No.78whioh expires July 13th.1980.now: in the name oY The Hurity Restaurant Co.1188Aast 7th,8t.be and the same hereby is 1-= nsiered to C.R.Ailliams 1188 East 7th,8t. Ili —hIIh Y.- (1) ncilmm ( V) Nnys Cl s Pa worth +�tRell r l MCC II 1/ ......_.....- Wu derlich Presiders , Hodgson Adopted by the 3 3 Ap ed. ... .__...... _..._` .. �.. _.../._..191 .... OITY OF ST. PUL („`QLTRCIL RESOLUTION— AERAL RM ....._......_...... . _...._:. .......... ......__...__....,..._,__- HeL 244?7 Date Prose�nted.... 9rd 0 + Resolved, That the grade of Cypress Street from Maryland Street to' Orange Street; Orange Street from Forest EOreet to Earl Street; and Hawthorne Street from Forest Street to Earl Street in aooardanoe with the red line on the a000mpany- ing profile and as reoommeaded by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Yeas (1) Con cilmen (V) Nays r a worth 7 Xll e alrl ........_._.. derlich Mr.+Presid t,'Hodgson rosr+o. w.• iw a la essi ...."1...�ne�i rao�pn ° '° I ` cs•r n°1e1° ,rnxo I'Ieu Adopted by the Council A .. �'.'� ......_._191... p _ C, 11/10 An' ordinance regulating the use of parks and Parkways and, of lakes„and canals therein, in and adjacent to the City Of St- Paul, and to secure the quiet, orderly and suitable use and enjoymentOfb- such parks, parkways, canal. and waterways by the People' and preocri ink -penalties for its violation. This is an emergency ordinance render- ed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safe I tY. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I. The word -Commissioner' as used in this ordinance Ss hereby defined to mean the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the terms -Parks" and -PaxkwaYs- are def I ined to mean the parks, parkways and lakes in and adjacent to the City Of St' Paul, which are under the control of the Commissioner. Section 2. ][a persOn shall be or remain in boats or canoes I or otherwise upon Lake . Phalan, pbalen Gervais canal, Lake Coma, Or any water under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner, between the hours Of eleven o1olook P. M. and day -light of the following morning, and no person shall be or remain in, or leave any vehicle in any Park between the hours of eleven o'clock P. M. and day -light of the following morn- ing, but this section shall not apply to those who without delay are traveling upon the established carriage lays of the parks and parkwa7B. Section 3. No person shall place, have or use any motor -boat, sail -boat, row -boat, canoe, Joe -boat or any conveyance of any kind on any lake or park waters, without first applying for and obtaining a pa3m;jt and numbered license tag for each boat, and Paying the following in the first, with looker and storage, fees For Gazoes, �pe; season. e -seat, Five Dollars (45-00)l for a ecand or third tier Of the oano ofhe canoe -rack, canoes, with looker and storage, in the fourth tier. pI Faux Dollars ($4.00); for row -boats, with looker and storage, On the dock, Five Dollars (05-00)' 8 ation 4. That to boat or canoe shall be kept at any Pleas except at the docks furnished by the Department of parks' and as desig- . noted by the Commissioner' Section 5. Every license tag issued shall be securely and (a) conspicuously fastened on or near the bow of the boat or canoe for which it was obtained. Section 6. No person shall keep for rent or hire any motor- boat, row -boat, sail -boat, oanoe,.ice-boat or any Rater craft upon any waters under the control of the Commissioner, and the fact that such boat or orsft was rented or hired shall be conclusive evidence that it was kept for this purpose. Section 7. No person shall keep or Buffer to remain for a longer period than one hour, any boat or canoe on any park*ray or park grounds controlled by the Commissioner, except at the docks and under regulations established by the OOIDmiBBiOneI. Seotion 8. Every boat and canoe kept on park waters shall be subjeot at all times to, inspection, and any boat or canoe not fur- nished and equipped as required by Wand this ordinance shall forfeit its permit and lioense and shall not thereafter be permitted on any park waters. Seotion 9, Applications for boat and oanoe lioenses shall be filed with the Commissioner, and shall specifically describe the boat or canoe, its furnishing and'equipment, if any, which shall be subject to inspection before the license is issued. All such licenses shall expire October 15th following the date of their issuance, and shall be issued at the office of'the Coftiesioner and a record thereof kept. Section 10. No boat or canoe shall at any time carry - passengers beyond its safe Capacity. Section 11. Occupants of boats and canoes shall maintain a sitting position so as to be able to see the, approach of other boats and thus avoid collisions with them. Section 12. Every boat and canoe shall bear a name or number in letters or character, not lase than two inches high, painted, print- ed or fastened in such manner as to be legible at a distance of at least fifty feet. No name or monogram shall be written, printed or fastened on to any boat or canoe which may for any reason be objectionable to the Commissioner. (3 ) Section 13. Ioe-boats shall not be sailed nearer than one hundred yards from places set apart and used for*ther ioe sports. Section 14, The Superintendent of Parke, under the direction of the Commissioner, may remove or cause to be removed from any park, parkway, lake shore, border or park properties, any obatruation, ,article or thing therein placed, kept or found, contrary to the pro- visions of this ordinanoe, at the expense of the owner or other per- sons responsible for such obstructions, and said Superintendent of Parke is empowered to do every act which the Chief of Police of the City of St. Paul is empowered to do by city ordinance under similar oiroumatanoea, inoludin; the We or other diapoeal of artiolea to be moved, Section 15. Any member of the park police force appointed shall have power to arrest and take before the Municipal Court of the City of St. Paul, or to imprison between the sessions ofnsaid Court, any person or persons who shall be found violating any of the pro- visions , visions of this ordinanoe. Section 16. Any person claiming to have a permit from the office of the 00mmissioner shall on request produce the same for in- opeotion. ' Seotion,17. The use of boats and canoes on the park,lakes, oanals or other waters under the jurisdiotion of the Commissioner, by whomsoever used or owned, shall be subject to the following rules: (a) No boat or canoe of 18 feet in length or under, shall be occupied by more than four (4) persona, (b) The occupants of boats and canoes shall not occupy any -position except an upright sitting one. (o) The foregoing rule shall not apply to children 'under ten (10) years of age when a000mpanied by adults. (d) 0onduot and language that are immodest, indecorous or unbeoomin,3, are prohibited. 22�, Section 18. Upon the filing with the Commissioner of a certified copy of any judgment of conviction of any occupant of a boat or canoe, for any offense against any of the provisions of this (4) lordinance, the permit to the owner of the boat or canoe docks and racks, shall be cancelled, and the oanoo or boat shall be ordered removed by the Oommisaioner from the lakes or perk waters, and no - neer permit shall be issued to such owner during the same Season. l• Section 19. Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall, on conviction thereof in the Municipal Court of the City of St. Paul, be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Workhouse for not exceeding ninety days. Section 20. This ordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinanoe rendered,neceseary for.the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 21. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. ' Passed by the Council Yeas COu Faz6sworth Gpde , RQlder MoQp31 Wugderlioh Mr. Preeldsnt (Hodgson)[Appr d /Y 0 Z--,/ ice Attest MayorC���-C City 017k .7, 1,6C. F. A. 21119—Ordlnanee No. 4071-' 'O O / � IAn ordlnanee. to secure the pule! ands / ,\ V�vr ' arderl7 use of Uio parka, "nrkwa3' -4ee and bnedn 6eaehea of the Clr n& y,'hose wltr (�under ;^rrf_ . ( C��O 2x448 An ordinanoe to seoure the quiet and orderly u�@ of the parka, parkways, lakes and bathing beaohee of I City of St, Paul, including those within and without the City, under the juriediotion of the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounde and Publio Nildingo, This Jo an emorgenoy ordinanoe renderod neoossary for tho presorvation of the publio peace, hoalth and safety, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That persons clothed only in a bathing suit are hereby prohibited from exxpposing themselves to the public view in any park, parkway,lor on any lake or other watgrs under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Parks,. Playgrounds and Public Buildings, oxoept at places designated by the Commissioner for bathing., No person shall bathe in any lake or other waters under the jurisdiction of said Commissioner exoept at plaoeo desio ated for bathing by said Commissioner. That no occupant of any vehicle while in s park or parkway, or of a boat or oanoe on waters under the control of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, shall expose himself or herself while clothed only in a bathing suit, to the puolic view. Section 3, Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. Section 4, This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for thepreservation of the public peace, health and safety, - Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication, Passed by the Council eas I o, Aur, ianoy Farnsworth n ,Goes (l %�Reller >100011 Wunderlich "+ Mr, President (Hodgson) Attest Mayo;/ City Clerk P[1BLI3�H j An ordinance to secure the quiet and orderly use of the parks, parkways, lakes and bathing beaches of the City of St. Paul, including those within and without the Oity, under the'jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and'Public Buildings. We is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. T�E.dOUROIL.OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN. Section 1. That persons clothed only ln;a bathing suit are hereby prohibited from exposing themselves to the public view in any park, parkway, or on any lake or other waters under the juria- diotion of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buli inga; except at places designated by the Commissioner for bathing.' Section a. That no 000gpant of any vehicle while in a park or parkway, or of a boat or oanoa on watero under the control of the Oommiosioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, AM ex. polo himself or herself whilo clothed only in a bathing suit, to the public view. Section 3. Any person Violating the provisions of this OrdIinanoe shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exooeding'One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonmentibr not exooeding ninety dayo., Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to bean emergency ordinance rendered'nooassary for the preaervation.of the public peace,, health and safety.. . 9eotion.8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publioation. " Passed by the 0=011 Yeas Haye Mr. Clancy, Farnsworth Goes Kellet McColl lhmderlioh Uro ,Prooldent '(Hodgeon) Approded AtteabJ Mayor R. J TYVI11'rT OF F1'. P1E1, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 24450 AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM InINCIU No. ..............'...''....._.. faro AAI6,1N1.18 ' _ . AUDITED fMM1�91 G PEN TITI.1: / He'Olved Illat 11'a"Int5 he dra11'll OlOnI the CII)TICasllr)', I)ay'alde 011( Of the hOrCinaller'sI1CCIhCd funds and in favor of the 'x5011>, firms or corporations for IIIC Unounts ert gI)OA, IhClr rCslnq fte na n's Os 111 IIIC fo I101,111e hailed 6Ntmn,at: cos (v) C—OdIO— (V ) NIuys - , AJoP1ed Lv 1he Coul c I ...:__ .._19L.___ Cln�cy nesovvxrP.s. _ I'u swarth enrnec 1pproved ...._79L. ltc ne.alvea rn! wuara leelcliievrconr u,.,r. .u� aiot. all V n�°iPnlin or — W Jerlich ,o'p1 .. )Ir. Prasideo ,Nods 1 . w compo+. Crane & Ordway Company, orT. r. oo n.olr eoa66sA. npRm¢n Eleclricr Compri 3r ^a0.60. IB�IIme CampnnY'� i 213,50 J. \V. James NnAm 011 S20. a. -110.16. Electric Comf'any, 115.70. QuA.aamY.in6 St. Paul J�NarkeY1308gsCC' ., i15.7a. Wm. 11 r. 11,1918. Scheola Appiuved 6falie 1010, (Eforch 22, ]010) }8632 Burns Lumber Company, 90,01 Pgrk'e-- 6 00 QoiR-03ttb 04 =m- Crane & Ordway Company, 213,50 QuA.aamY.in6 1,64 Scheola y 3, 5 P71iCBr 123 20 5 93 6 60 Pm -DeRr. 76 11 3 12 213 50 10534 R. T. Gourley, 34.00'. Bureau-cF�ngre. 2 85 SL;'E: 5c R. 5C g;-g-b,—Ciag, .65 3T 0-1 .00 1063fn Great lakes Coal & Dock Company, 5,786.89 ' -10636 F:offman Electric Company, - 30,80 ftrkh"a a 30637•• J. W. Hulme Company, 33.79 Schnal5 3 % �/ ' Great- Northern-Eohools 3 4 3�9 IQ53& Independent O11Company 10.46 a I • 50 Page 2 -. JaMee RaemUSsen• bibrary lzg.* St.Paul Electric Company, httrary- Playgwunds I#M Mrs, Edw, S. Wood, Sec'y., Sc}loola 14@0 Wm' J. Works, Sohoode - TsLe 1=--9 � 28'Y.7B 14v5 20.00 15.70 1 4 14 15.7Q 15.78 30.82 .m„�e1�WotiV� OFFICE 01'"TH COnIPTROLLER C r"•t.r n,rx v.te AUDITEDCL'AIh1 ESOLUTION FORM 549 — --- AUDITED If fill lq�i;I,l lr y�j' PER—.— � av TITLE �' licro�eed Ilm! u';Irrmda he drannl neon IIIc Cil}''lreadw'I', pavnhle 0111 of the hercinufler apedfled fund> and in favor of the /JmrsmE, firms or corporations for the oolourlls set opposite their respeetive names os specified in the folloviop demiled s[ntement: Secs t Y. f Counctlmbn (V) :- C r. No. ;trm_ Adoplud I the l ou ad nontrncM1 - — 171 _...... rie=ol tM1ot xnrrvn - t uPon th. Clty T' ¢ "ry p y bl !., 1d'nStyolllt lbp he',n lfto' epecleed r d rnvor or Ino PAppr 1 _. _171for .._ W oderl'c, PUBLI9FgiL1y,L= /���� 31r. I'r�ident, HoJgson tOM Armour & Company, 34.91 mouse 15,53 Water 2,35 Work4ous0 17,03 � 34,81 k6lft& Boston Cooking School Magazine Company, 1.50 Johnsnn.it.S. Library 1"69 H. C. Boyeson & Company, 8.00 PIIS.75 Library 4.00 Water 3.25 8.00 30rM Mrs. Britts, 2.00 Schools. —10M Buckbee-}dears & Company, 15.94 .16469 W. F. Buth & Company, 52.00 W&I-1 10"1' Cadmus Book Shop, 8.75 Libr g 10i6r The Capital City Lumber Company, 43.30 Mudd . Gar. Revl. .50 Schnee 17.90 g�@ygrgyy'rde 24.90 43.30 0 R.c.r-6i9"RHge #2 � I �. S I Igen Central Scientific GompE.nyp 115.44 Mach. Arts H.5 iLib CenrnUS. Lbrs�1 13. 1. 3 11 1'64-66 Central Warehouse Garage Company, 4.80 FUB-- LQ"q Chicago, Milwaukeeuar=�i& St.Paul Railway, Company, 22.79 Qne 7,3 Lary 2 dl�32 22.79 LaM citizens Ice & Fuel Companyp 87.72 SchevIv-, 14+69 Curtis & Cameron, 9.50 Gneeadeaf :Cleric Library JWQ Democrat Printing Company, .80 IeM Dennisons Manufacturing company, 7.69 Librsj7; 1QA42 Louis F. Dow Companyl 23.82 Mayor_�p Office , - 2.37 9 7' ,1C qpjj. of inance RdTice 2 50 14q*� of P. Works 4!75 Sc s 23 82 10+73 Henry A. Drear, P—k, 21.62 I4494 Electric Blue Print OompaTiyj 29.76 f hngrs. .00 00 1 :66 6.10 29 76 31.48 IA06 M Laundry, Lai—AF. Alarm .84 C ---fort Station hic'm 0 16 0 544 31. 8 lo4q-6 Field, Schlick & Company, 83.55 'qnwrm_%&ine 24.10 ,b— :10 25 73 :26 1.25 L1 83 55 10477" Hackett, Gates & Hurty Company, 2.93 104ge—A. P. Herschler, 3.45 Pra-fffftndr Rfl�--�4P�—Page #3 ,_1069$ Hinds, Hayden & E1L dredge, 3U4e0 G-eo. P. Humphrey, Fe4e3 International Time Recording Company, 4&-t� 1e488 P. W. Jackson &HCoQ mmPany, N. Kahn6tamm CompaSeanY, jt"4, Lee & Hoff Mfg. CoL mmpe� i 1e488" Leslie Ibnshower Company, G t rn.....r, n Schools lM(4 Liberty Printing�mmp�any, SohogIs Water INN 10 50 26.20 10489- Library Bureau, 16488 Joa, McDonough DompanBM► 117489 McGi1l.Warner Ceum P. Works I0M Maendler Brothers�y 113+&1, Miller Davis Print�ing_Company, 10498- Mills. St.Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway, -L1SW- g - 14493-- Minnesota Union Advo o� oP a-ttOs 1944 N. F. Morrison, 1Q4a Northern Pacifico Railway Company, lum H. Peitz & Sons,, 104&4 Perkins -Tracy Prrinttiing Company, n LiUty k75 1.82 1.50 2.04 1.00 6.00 19.77 266.92 26.20 .3,60 18,15 13.50 108.66 12.00 .77 6.00 2.47 103.46 108.00 53.65 24yS 10188. Reliance Iron Works,u 18.60 S91400,18 3.10 pyu5tation W. St. Anthony Sanitary Sewer ur,`em' 15.50 .60 10499, Republic Creosoting Company, 110.00 St, -9 -&-R• 8'25 10000 E. R. Robinson, S4brary lOWI Roller Motor Company, 9.00 Mun4a,- ar. Revl. }9&08 St.Anthony Rill Carriage & Auto Works, 19.25 ynmie•.--f}er;•-Reel , I-OW3 St.Paul Battery Company, 1.1 8.75 F 11 A 5. 3 Munic,..Zas, Revl. I 8. 5 }0b0t St.Paul',Book & Stationery Company, 124,31 5Ohoola, 4,50 11 8.34 Library. A220 Speodal-Day4choo16 124,31 1050a'St.Pau1 Glass Company, 6,50 Pol,-r-& P. ,A D rm 1&Tr St.Paul Letter Company, 1,90 dS,yem'c_Office 1060T St.Paul Motor Car Company, 94NZ 1 27 2.54 MunS.a_.Gar. Revl. 1 27- 2. 4 1459& St.Paul Stamp Works, 5 8.25 an. Adm. �0om-r. of P. Works Alarm 0 6. 0 Oti@=r. of P. Works 1 0 8 25 -10569, Schieffelin & Company, 40.00 line 1,D&U Schulenburg-Mc%ay Company, 5,65 $ohoo" 10564 Schuneman & Evans,14.54 �u&e 2 85 ` Bureau of Engrs. 59 Schools 5.10 7iat�'r 6. 0 14. 4 3VS12 Smith Book Compsn�y�, � 7.36 Res:"5'49"YegeI5 `I'r 10513" South Park Foundry & Machine Company, 4.90 .Water 1E6i4 Standard Book Company, 4.19 Libnes'y IDM Steens Printing Company# 37.50 Vir-service 17, 0 Oom!r;-of--F. Works 1. 0 Sprink-Ung 7 25 S040e119 11 50 Playgr=ds 75 37.50 10515, G. Sommers & Company,eR 8. 4 58.44 µanlC: Ga'F: "Reel. 50 0 58. 4 1051"7 Swift & Company, 123.90 Wer7¢house ' 6 20 24 20 - Sohowle• 89.10 n 4. 0 123. 0 iefte Tacke Meat Market, 5.18 gohOpls. 10519• Tri-State Telephone & Telgraph Company, 339.20 Oivi-i-&ervice.50 Gompt ler- .00 FR;eeaetb2f^, .10 .�om� im & Works1 .50 10 .20 schopae 6 .25 4 .75 n 10 .25 .. Library :20 AuL4tq rium 1 .00 Rsrks .80 25 .00 00 .20 Play" grouRtfls .00 3.10 3J9 .20 19580. G. Bross Van Dort, Llb=-ry 18.95 - JV5= Webb Publishing Company, .. - 20.00 8i1mbold.tj1,.5,..I.}brary -. - 1.0682. Oscar Wegelin, 3.14 Library. 10523 Chas. Weinhagen & Company, 25.00 RwIth, 10524. Welsbach & Company, 8.88 p l6ygrouada To tri—•^"-'8r534.2a L`r `1 5 r x elle '1j= Western Electric Company. 68.95 Hum 82 .S. Library 196e6 West Publishing Company. 6.00 19b9W H. W. Wilson Company, 36.00 1bmrz. 10528. Geo. W. Wooley, 1.00 p 1DM Wright, Barrett & Stilwell Company, 13.70 5 GMtroUer • WnT m"e 1 5 VYHisr 0 3.7 9.30 T09'80' Joseph Zoeh, Weter— To tri—•^"-'8r534.2a GITYOF PAUL —� COUNCIL RESgLA= 1= — EN ERAL FORM 1 L) cou iLesciL NO. —_ Resolved, - That the Conmdssion — of '3duc a'a ioa be, and h.. is, :Hereby :LUL%L m'' .ert ui _ _ , r. _: r .._ _,. _.. Ordinance No. 3942 as aner_dad, to appoint one School Garden Instructor at a salary not to exceed Bimiity Dollars („6.00) _>er month. a.�o el�...ro a� a Yeas ( I')�cC/ncilmen (1') Nays / cy s worth jC Ilcr 0 / Coll Ap®ct � underlieh M, P— me Hodgesan Adopted by the Council _ _. �.. 191... ST. PAUL G 11�{It ^`� COUNCIL RESO ION GENERAL FOR I t Resolved, DMe Pre..Med^^---'-"'---^'^{�� That the cigarette License NO. 16, whirb expires February let ,1921, now in the name Of J.F. Piper, 459 St. Peter Street, be and the same hereby is transferre3 tO Joseph N. Shoars, 459 St -Peter Street. yeas (I') Popncilmev (V) Nays Adopted by the Council__„_,__,,,_:_:......... �:.. __._191 .... ..........._191.... «Aron... _. Go s w nderlich t Mr. P— de , Hodgson Adopted by the Council__„_,__,,,_:_:......... �:.. __._191 .... ..........._191.... «Aron... _. Petl The undersigned hercb.T�: .__..._....Grade...Ozan.ge:_ -_ Hawthorne S -Ca Cooncil File No.'-_......_. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE6}ENT .. and �// the, making of th ' ollowine pubbc i-fo— a. by the city of -- Pool, vi - Doted thi, 13th day of.____Marb„...7.9.18 ........ .._ ........... 191 c dm.m PRELIMINARY ORDER. C • No, 2 k} 4 S WHEREAS. A -einem proposal Eor the making of the follovdng --prom ni va, .,._Grede,Orange_._Street.. Pzos_ Forest__ street to_Ecrl Street, ..._Haw.thnsna_._S y_reet__.P.rcm..For.e et Street to Fax1 Street.,._and QXpsaaw S-1; et....Yzo_ ..O.range..._8.t reot-to Maryland Str..eet.a.. .... .............. h ng been presented te, t1— Council of the City of Se Paul by Co .dlman .. _._. _...._.._ ................ __....... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That tl— Commiuiones of Public Works be end he is hueby ordered end dannad: I. To investigate tl,meeeasity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate tkae mature. e — and eatimated -ft of said improvement. end the tote] coo thereof. 3. To fumish a plana_ profile or sk—h of said improvement h/To state whether or not said improvement is asked far on the petition of three or more owners. 6 to report up— sill of the foregoing matt<m to the Commimioner d Fioena. Adopted by the countit'191._..._ Yeas: (- N.,; Coandlman F"arzis_ w'h`o _ _ - C ___. _. _......_._... 191 ....... --- Approved .... - HyX a e.. Moro e casuv. l ` Council File No..._...._._......._._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition and 2445 "PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ Hutt The undersigned heatby �opo.ea-th msk, s of n iou` w�• P � �o ne by the City of St Paul, g___,ra _ -m"�"a and •""' ehd,.,i nel.. eceaeary.Yos ......Conflamni rt talo an. .i°• ie=••.a.. F - - .... elopes Yor e,-u� � and i7,�� _a et.••.. cro•AS 4xHiiSa S.xe.9.. WR. .... .............. .. -- ... r••t...0 error ._........... St.re.>9t--to---I sr_3 --- .1�•..`I.- to m.. . s.ae...3.t rabt_^nd:m_. Strett = - C.tedth:._.......1St2z_--asy ._......_March ..1919. ..:...::. ...... ......... ... ... ... .. .. _.........._._..___....... !- Coun.ilm PRELIMINARY QIiDEJRF. G F 'VI O. a 4 WHEREAS, A wrists:, propo..l for the m.king of the ol ow.ug .improvement. viz.. _Condemning._ F,++. -a taking_ ea_. easement in the ; ae Q _neaeesery...Yor ..and..Yille... in .grading.. Orange . Street Arom...FOTeat...Bt... to Earl Stun Bt; HexthorneStreet from Forest Str. to Earl Street, ...... ..... ..... ........ .............. . -............ ........... ... .. ...... ... and,. Qypre s ___;�tseet. $x Q¢ Caef+f36e Street_ to__Marylend. Street,__ _ .__ h.vi.g been prr.ent.d eo rlae Council of the City of Sc. P.nl by C ... .............._......._.....__...__......._._.._......._..._. theref.- be it RESOLVED, That the Commfa.:oner of Publie Work. be .nd he 6 hereby ordered end di,oa d: I. To invccdg a she .-ate ,ity for or desirability of th. m.kf.g of ,aid improve L 2. To i_.aig_ the a:aatatre, __t end eeti.etod tort of ,.id improvem.nt, .nd the tnt.l soft thereof. 3. To f.mi.h e, plaza. p:-ofile or ,ketch of mid improvement. ment-... .............. .................... ..... _. _............ .................._...._....._....._-' __ ___-__-_____..._._..._..__................... ........... ............ ................. --- ........... ._........_............... ........... ............... ........ To Rote wheebaez- or nos ud improvement i. ,raked for on the petition of three or more owners. STo report upon s11 —E the forego ng matter, to the Commfe, over of F Hance. Adopted by the coundl-______________.._...:....... ....... .................. _ Y... Nsy.: G Approved_.__ .......... 19L::_...- ylaria cll�r Q 7 McColi /� w.araaQh�l........ _................... ........... ...................................... .. yor Irvias M.yor. r .nt Council Fd. N................ .._..... ._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVELOMN-r °.. — .� u The undenigotd hereby propoau th. kind... ..... t° o�e�provem.nt by the City of St. Paul. vtz. °sc rater •a.e.t...nide_.on-both ...Sides .._:_.....__. ...__._._of._HereoholAY9.=a.. from.. Mdii 1:..Avonue...-b -Selby:-Avenue._............._........._ .................................................. Dated thio._..13.t.h.._d.y of.......... oh,...1818.._._............... .---- 191._._.. Co..alm.n. PRELIM A�, ORDF,�R. C . -r. � o_ `1. 4 4 S b WHEREAS. A written p...l for the meki..a of the ff.1ll..wirir.. i—pr��ovetnent. �i— .Conetruot„_s,oement ti l e.__eidewallc_. eiz..Y a et .wide_,on both_,eidee...__,...._.._ oY Herebhel Avenue,Yrom_Marehal.l._ Avenue__to_..S97.by AyenuB, _....._..__...... having been prraented to the Council of the City of St. P.ul by Couracilrr.an- .............. .....___...................._....... _._._..... thvefara be it RESOLVED, Th.t the C,mmiaaioner of Public Work. be and he i. hereby ordered .nd directed: 1. To fnvefig.m the neceaoity for - d-imbility of the -.king of o.id i—,-- 2. To i—Wg.te the nature, .:tent and eRhn,t,d mf of .aid itoprov —t..and the total wf th-tof. 3. To fumiah a plan, profile -sketch of .aid improv.ment.. ement:................._........_...__..._........_..... ............__..................._...._............... ......:._............... --- ............. ..................................... k�oo fate whether or not ,aid fmprovemene is -ked for on the petition of three or more owners report upo..0 d the foregoing -acct.. to the Commia.ioner of Fio— Adopted by the-...iL.................._.. ................. ---191 Yens. N•y.: Cu..cil— F-.— rtlr - •1- ....... 3 CosaApproved.._._.........._....................191........ Hyl d M Q M 11 underlich // _-.....-._...-..------ M-7 ----- ....._............ ........._.._..... ............._.............. ra.m c n .a met M- Mn - M.Yoc G pUs7ittwaa� -e2.1 _/ �/ / Council File No..........___.:..__. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT -- ' 244.5; Petition. •- t+ — / _ _ \\ PR-.- The R-. The and—igoed hereby propw4 the mild! a aro o L�d6 publ+c i.oprovement by the City of St. Nul, .dz, Doral ehs._...1;3s AyC.daY of.....mea.rnn.-._ia---------- .......... ........................ ivi .., _... � Coundlm, PRELIMII fAR Ty r. Yl0 •_ '24145 414 5 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follow.ng .mprovement..iz.. ponetruot ictementi ,tile -s-de?P.e1kg_Six feet wide at„the following_..:__.. ....:....._.1.00.ationa....-_..o-.b.otb_sA-d�a....of_.Fairsiasa...AVenue_.from_Randolph._Street_ _........... to._ St.,.._c.J,.aiz.._St.z@at._.?<laid..D.zi... .oeh.._alde p-oY....Randolph....9.txe_et..:.�.Fom......._..... .............Maaalamt.ex... Amamue ..t.n.. F. az L=Ie>8...Avenue..........__..._....................._._.....__.____..............__....._._.. ha v,g been presented to the Co..eil of the City of St- Paul by Councilmnn.._..........._............... _...........__........._..._.. th—fine, be it RESOLVED, That the C:o.n.ni,uoner of Pnblie Work, be and he, i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i—idgate the necuaity for or d.irability of the making of avid improvement. 2 To inveetigace the nature, ertene and estimated cost of said improvement, and the toeal met thereof. - 3. To famish a plan. profile or aketeh of said i.nprovement. ...................... .........---- ..--------------------------------- ..--------------------------- .................................. .............._.........._.... To state whether or not said improvement i, asked Eor on she petition of � ee or more owner. To report upon all of the foregoing mattes to the Comm:..;or of F m --,q 11 1919 Adopted by the conn ill..........._- ............ ..----------------------- 191-....... - Y—: Nays: Councilman Far worth .._1WAppy—ea.. .._.._....�.......:....�. BL..__....._.._.1.9.��.. ........ .-a-e- �Myo_....... : 110 OMMIM M OEM C. r i� . .... 5' 0 -a - An ordinance approving the project of acquiring Lots one (1) to Thirteen (13) of Schneider, Young and Yorrisette's Wbdivislon of Lot Four (4) Block Talo (2) of St. pan)., North outlots, for public school purposes, ordering the acquisition Of the sante by iur&-asc Or condel.'al(LUO", and Trov"(1irc AnIch, therefor. --.-,Y 07 1,1,17 -A-JT, Council The Commissioner of �.�ucati011 '12Xin,' I'ODOI't\11 , to the 'Ou oil that Lots 1 to 15,0f, 7.6hr.eider, 'Younc and D,11)11 ill i8i011 Of 'tot vi -loci; 2 of St. Taul, i"10_t'l mtlolS, c, plat thereof on file or T-1112elr CcUlItY,� and of record' in the office of tl,,o rieec�; ec—, Villncs,ota, for iiblic .-c iuo Q6Qof D,' Thousand, s hundred Dollars Q`,2600.00), -- ix and the Comptroller having certified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the acquisition of the said lots, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for school purposes, and �Lcrji' purposes hereby orders and directs that the atic be , -.,ed for said by purchase by the committee on lands, consisting In this case of the Miayor, Purchasing Agent and Commissioner of Education, U the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for outlof the item in the Public School Fund appropriated for R7necessary'liereby eai Estate, ana,so much Of said ' d funds a;�may be is a)_)ropriated and n;ot a-'Vt for said purpose, Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication, Yeastulcilmen 4w_ Adopted by the Council iancyZ Farnsworth JGoss Approve q19 Yeller Mccoll I'lunderlich ATTEST� A th,. 'rest (Hodgson) JOHN 1. FARICY, 'Y\- CRY Clark. tate item by reft is avaliable in the Real`� 'o.r fu of the PubliP,�00 fund the money indiedtod in the foregoing,,?rdinan6. 7,7 Data"�;/ '01 wol Sb 11 . �t , Berl R'Underllch— feat poor ane man 0 •••• C. I�.;_,: nn • (U ;ers1: 161. of S3✓�c�yr6'tnnr�th.a SO An ordinance apuroving the project of acquiring Lots one (1) to six (6), Doth inclusive, in tlichaud7s ;i�bdivision of Lot five (5), Block Two (2), of St. Paul, North Outlots, for public schok purposes, ordering the acquisition of the same by purchase or condemnation, and provid- ing funds therefor. TH, COiRICT_L'OF TIE CITY OF -1,71:T ?dIIi. Dcl :' , T'tIl°, Sectirnn 1. Tho-Mtnissioner of education having reported to the Council that Lots 1 to 6 in Michaud'!s Subdivision of Lot 5, 31oc?::? of tit. Paul forth outlots,y according to flc plat 'ccreof or. i`_le ;.Id o^ _rc:,_Q in the office of the F.eCister of Dceds o_" ;am,,,cy County, hinnesot>, are recuired for public school purposes, and that tho cstinnted If ie Le sum of,One Thousand Seventy Five Dollars (091075.00), and the Comptroller havii.gcerti d that there is money available in the treasury of the City for he acquisition of the said lots, the Council hereby approves the prof ct of acquiring same for school purposes, and hereby orders and directs that the same be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Committee on Lands, consisting in this case of the 1,"ayor, Furchasing Agent and Cemaicsioncr of T'ducatier, if the same Can be so rrocured at reascr:_`le "rice, ci_d .yr cceesaid Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that event, the Council hereby orders and directs' that condemnation proceedings be instituted tinder the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the itc,:, in the ?tiLlic Scbool Nod appropriated for Feal Estate, �r.C. so :.ucl_ of .aid fwi�if; cs r:ay be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passaCe and publication. Yeas Councilmen tads Adopted by the Council Clancy Farnsworthi)10 Goss Iteller n lq A7'1nOVOd 1:100011 runderlich - - i:ir• Frest (Hodgson) —7 P.gpyN AB10Y, �_�s LeClb Cletk, a k. ne7eby cc i aL 2ila+Ile n o c . i ;ic t>lic ic,10 and t1a Loney indicated .n 'VOoi.t, o dill.ice/ %/6/ _ ,•�.tl,� %''���'��� �_G��� _ cod._'/f—�,� , ��� �/• AI IC. A-Nw 2440-0MI.ft tt NO /ld ,` ✓ jBY Alba t W d II -I An Trdi C Lo Pp 1.g "'.1 (` � j� NI ht 29) Pt LM1 T '� OrciSnansa=-1+o...•...,... ....% f M, d Luta T ,vQ%. na>tce sml'ro i2 g c )„ -ct of1cgiiriz Jts seventeen (17) and Nineteen' (19) except the twenty six ( 6) Tort': e t1c e.o_", r,ot ,enty (20) except the North Twenty six (26) feet of the "est one-half thereof, and lots Tty Ono -::iantp :oa_ (2.1), both inclusive, all in "'est Side Land and Cottage Company's Subdivision of Block Thirty six (36) of ffi•osn and Jackson's .,ddition, for ^slit scaool ;urposes, cscie.•i,i�. t;-te- rs.r �c�6.t_ort of the same by Purchase or condenmation, and providing funds t'ierefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI14T PAJL DOES OrRDAIN: Section 1 ,The Commissioner'af Education having reoorted to the Council 'that Lots 17 and 19, axe pt"the 26 North feet thereof, Lot 20 except the North 26 feet of the West one-half thereof, and Lots 21 to 24, both inclusieo, all in "lest Side Land and Cottage Company's Subdivision of Block 36 of Brown and Jackson's Add and to the City of St. Paul, ,according Registhereof n in the Register of Deeds of file theCounty'',TAinnesota,dare required cfor f public school purposes, and that the estimated value thereof is the sum of Vour.thousV, Fiy9 hundred twenty five Dollars (.94525.00), and the Comptroller i&ving, 4tified that there is money available in the treasury of the City for the ac-uisition of the said lots, 'roe Council hereby acgroves the,projedt off' squiring same for school purposes, and lieyreLso98rbyandheiConmitteetontnLands, consistindinihisacaseuofothe tiayor, Purchasing Agent end COMIlissioner of Education, if the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, thenand in that event, the Council 'hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedirSe be'instituted under the provisions of the Charter, of the City to secure 'said lots, and thst'the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the sane is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the item in the Public School Fund appropriated for Real Estate, and so :raci'of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for said purpose. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty lays after its passage and nnblication. Seas Councilmen time Adopted by the Council ClanrcY 1p19 Farnsworth Goss 1919 Anproved _ Keller McColl Plunderlich JC/ Yl�w�on/ PIJBLI9�1Zp G iir. Prest. (`Iodgson) 7 p JD N,', F 'illy Clo[k I her eb ter 'if tat t'jerq✓ is available #'the Real\Estate item// indicatod i the fore5eing ordin6nce. oft Public ch olyfun the, money ' X IM 9 dt m" e CI' i t_ L. crrr-era"QacIIL % (/ �� /- CBiAFd L4R6G@I.LL-CION—OEfQERRt–FORM i ...-__---------- ------------------- --------- - ---------------------------------- --- ... _........... .------------------------ ------------------------------------ - - BelrPeeee�rted..... - ... ..-___..--2� -- - ' �o�itie cs'ov �Il ar.r. xi: anan. tnc <mr*en : `an Resolved, - - t the City- a an a is M3athorized and direoted to onduct s t 11c se to ``- � c—•—. eery s license Y6 - ioh,18t-thy.:-' rY amount for Ck ense for said for a p io o e year from the issuano o£said" lic fie r-_9'8at said lice x}s 1 - of be issu�Q Or beoomQ vef become u complete and unt ii-'said has oo ed 1-From a Co=is mer ofr�ubllo Buildi gs" oar. id�icate i ,� t e s d ilding,an all the app atus to be, use in cttioa p e .6 itiond t be giy'!n/therein are in ;all pe - in com- lesce:�0 h . t Buixding ode of the City ofatt._Fnui tee. dfrhs f i1 ei, r he oei+ki£-Y 6-3w-i. -'City JF eh Adopted by the C 1 ........_ - .....- COUNTY OF RAMSEY. ............. ----------- ............. -------- - -- - -- --- - h resident of 0- Slate of —d i. .— t—" aAc . .... ...... ....... — --------- -- __a e-icp to Mz 4cy of ...... — ----- --------- . . ..... . .... .. .,d that he rzow <Zesxres license for said b-1--, mt smid pl,,,,, for ae y— —di C�Sit� of ��in� �ttixl DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY , BUREAU OF POLICE Maroh 15,1919, To u The Honorable The Concil Q3 The City Of St Paul. _ Gentlemenc— The attached application of Earl W. Rice for a license to conduct a Motion Picture' theatre at 755-757 Snelling Avenue, No" is for a new looation. Res Liae' Ine tor• �G'%✓.vii `//o�W �/ u ^:z2�/ GGC �G/�,�(��ji �� / `` �� ����c�� .moi ��- ,�z �-z-z� ��� �oyt�/�.��-amu �' �(/��.c�c �zs���avxvc � r ✓G� �6� G�� ��, ���� ��� „- yy � " �. UNION TEL e A M RECEIVED AT 332 ROBERT STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN. 1919 MAR 21, AM 12 �t�6 -A19CH •50 NL -. OA-.KPARK ILL. MA.gR. 2944 Lt' COMMI'SS10NER HENRY MCCOL_��J6 COURT HOUSE STPAUL MINN. .5.=d MAY'I RESPECTFULLY ASK YOU 'TO VOTE AGAINST A MOVING PICTURE HOUSE' NEAR -THE HANCOCK SCHOOL IN HAMLINE I AM NOT AGAINST -THE MOVIE•'tN MTS !PROPER PLACE BUT IT SEEMS AN ACCEPTED FACT 'THAT tT IS NOTIFOR•THE' BEST GOOD OF ASCHOOL 'TO HAVE ONE NEAR IT MRS'JEAN E ROUNDS. yifPPS 3,485.99 :75 10,PM Com_r. of Finanoa Blueau..ef Assessments 4M0 0 OFFICCOMPTROLLER,�,erL J�RESOLUTION 24462 FORM No......_.____. AUDITED C s. L AAM S. A. Farnsworth, Comrr. of Finanoe 5,623.83 25 m.Cem!s._—w-rks-Gen.Adm. 445.0 Engineers 1,446. S R. 1,47 .70 y R. 6:88 C ng.. 790:00 Br & R. 287.50 G. 1 k a 50 Spr ng 208 5,623.83 551 a -- 5 � AIu�lwml 8 a MAR 1 a 19i.:.,___ ? TY .U.lP t LLsn AU ITEo .............. PER...........................:................................: TITLE Resolved Thal warupon forl'he the City Treasury', payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firm+ or corporatounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas (J) Councilmen ( .' Adopted by the Council_..._._-.a�r:'�..._.�.tL_.!y!9__191_ op , IJ 1419 Fa 9Warth ��.t ...... proved VMATORr McC OII — Wanderlkh AbatneL ` Mr, residenl„Hodgson Resolved that. warrants be drawn u?.nnenet Orr eTreasury, sur ,WeiseInstabl end fist faros pt the penpna &me pormcerpon• too sive neme� as �per1fieed tat! that, lowing detailed statement: 8 A Farnswonts, cors',, of FlatdC0. 17,/16 11. it A, Feroeworlb, com'r. of Flnancal, 1 gt091parn.worM, Cpm'r, of Finance,.'� - & A. BYrnsworlh, Com'r..1 Samoa.; 11c9a7.10. ' xx 6 1Ymewonh, Com'r. of Flnaaca' 16edopot7a.. - A ted byy the council mar. 16 1111.! Appror.d mu, 19 1916 plarch II, lllq S. A. Farnsworth, Comtr, of Finanoe mqoA!&-U4We Ghty-dark 3,485.99 :75 10,PM Com_r. of Finanoa Blueau..ef Assessments 4M0 0 "�ecpta, 89 Dieb. Pant. -Certs. Civil Ser.We 7) Dep t. 526:6 87 0 .50 1:67 ' 3,485.9 L AAM S. A. Farnsworth, Comrr. of Finanoe 5,623.83 25 m.Cem!s._—w-rks-Gen.Adm. 445.0 Engineers 1,446. S R. 1,47 .70 y R. 6:88 C ng.. 790:00 Br & R. 287.50 G. 1 k a 50 Spr ng 208 5,623.83 37DG{6I S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, of Finanoa 04 L 59 9,120.71 3518: , 5 � AIu�lwml 8 a A. Farnsworth, Oom'r. of Finance ygrk8.0.en.-Adm. Ber,"u-of-Parke Pp A ib�P1 S. A. Farnsworth, Oom'r, of Finance O..ps+r-9ef Adm. i " -TeaL.-Iebe, Toter -- 2r, 'C'77 2.y��z 1,607.49 .2GS.]2 329.16 1*1 0 .16 1 • 50 12 .25 3 50 1, 1,607.75 Y (V4) () N.Y. - b FC worth GIT 57, PAUL 0O.— COUNCIL RES ION GENE L FORM d-lich Mn P—i Hodg—, ----------------- - - -------------------- nie No. ......... .. .......... . .......... Resolved, That then app --ti. of the following person. for & license to' 00=`i�_b respectively indicated be*- a-cl 403.4m Is Hot ale or Be .am: a her the location. to at dJ 1-01 and the City Clark is authorized and the fee as =0CIIXL=4DC'L tv., issue such I said persons upon the payment of by law. NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTET, OR, RESTAURANT.- LoCATION.- ch". Beyer. Restaurant, 501 University. 3,12-114 W. 6th, Goo "thisona Joo;ph Vobralik, Restaurant, Restaurant, 449 W. 7t33:. 117 W. 7th. Paul "so'420.11innesotgL. Restaurant, Charlie Claude, Peter Belgla, Restaurant, 924 Rice St., Restaurant, 7th, 240E. 40 E' Petachal & Freer, Restaurant 7th, Minnesota 'Aote'la 253 *TE -k_ George Hasson, M. Morgan. 410 On Mor Nan Hotels as 4r,7 ab St.• A. 9, Niles, Capitol Hotel, Theodore Towhioss Robert Hotel, 2173 University A --- Frank Schley. Boarding House. Y (V4) () N.Y. - b FC worth 0O.— d-lich Mn P—i Hodg—, rs [,Ih� C-61 Ilp--d 2'Is I >fi CIT OF _ PAUL COUNCIL RESOLSITIO IOU OR LICENSE TRANSFER \ ' RESOLVED That the -following designated-li oenses-to-se11 --- intoaioating Imcl r be transferred a indicated pursuant to applioations duly m cle therefor. - No. From (Na. e d Address) To (Name and Address) No. 263 Herman nahle 119 West 3rd,St. � Peter tdadison 11$-Waatre++ —j eee No.I - ._. No. No . No. on moo L No. Ye- r) Council,. n ( Aaented by tl,e en„ne;l _ ��'-x..15 1919 isi - — nr.— tL _... \ir. President, hh rw.on OFPIC D-GOMPTR�T•LER AUDITED RESOLUTION FORM °`'"1b A 554 er_.........- /7 AUDITED ._MAR...(..1_.1.91.9.._........ .( .Jiv 'iY' PER............................._U.�..... `................. TITLE .Resolved that warrants a drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations or the amounts set opposite their respective names ns specified in the following detailed 'W'Ta nt: Yeas ( V , Councilmen I> ays Adopted by the Council_.RR 17 IB 19 ..._......_.. clqu.g' ".P:R 17 1919 Far ortL s COV, i1�vv Mr, Pfesiden(VYorlglson C. F. No, :+fs6-- Abelracl. Resolved that warrants be drawn upon lho Cllyy Treoeury, webl0 out of lho herelneflar epednd funds and In favor or lha person', arms or corpora• Ilona for lho amounts sat opp aelta lhaU r¢a0p¢cllVe name' as 9peeln9d In the tollcalnN d¢lell¢d el'f¢monh 1. �fcleer,1161,60, Meteor Pa ¢r CampanY 119,90, P Ad pl dohayyrlthe CouncllyA"I" 11,01919. ADprovd Rac 11 1919. 1match 49, 1919) .}ebEfY' E. F. McLear, 154.50 49hoels- •36655 Malady Paper Company 13.72 tee" B. F. Goodrich Company, - 290.70 Ir Totert92 m1m.11=1 ".......o OPout, RI G d�✓F"HE COMPTROLLER 24466l•Ull,cm Na .............................. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM F'lLE ten AAll,eN t•r9 • 55S �DY......._.....//..a....t.....................:� h 1 { 1919 CIT]' ' II'TIIOLLIiIi AUDITED .Ma.....................................191........ PER ............... .......... L..:L.............. _....... ......... TITLE Resolved that rvarrant he drown upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in furor of the persons, firms or corpomtio for the amounts set opposite their respective homes as specified in the following detailed statement: yeas ( V ) Councilmen f Adopted b e Council._:Y..6....Q...- 17 7.. ....1..9._1. 9.. ..............9_ ciReq, "9... 17 PPro' 1919 _... I91 Favw6idl .._...�ir6csY �091'1 ...._. )I Y013 7 61 rlieh a F. No. 21466— Ah ten ct. Mfr. President, Hodgson Itesolvea lout rrn Pa be drnrvn ..__. ,e., I.v Tre69atY, yaYehie oat oI followera-11" of Finonce, a, A, araeworth, j1A,666.97. B, A. Ferneworth, Com'r. of Finance, j29,9A6.96. 9. A. Farns\torlh, Com', at Finance, jIB?h6Fern,wot@, cod , of Flnance, j' 9'' . !j.!A. Foinaworlh, Com'r. at Flaance, j9Adoptoo byy lh, Council alar. 17, 1919- ' 19 Approvedfe 9291919). ip�g g, A, Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance aoWe 16&8'9' S. A, Farnaworthhp Gom'r. of Finance a"L S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, of Finance Pot« -&dine 10W S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. of Finanoe S e :Alun, Heal al Statietios I ry Inep. T u7,osia Div. Dale Infrmy. 13,.2'0 Lstioratpry P. Ha* P.%aopt Station En Lio. 0 0 ,„, Mun c, Revolving 5 0 16,555,37 29,366.06 1,224,16 3,721.20 jAW S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r, of Finance 2.50 gomptroller x.29 n , Q UITI' OF 8 PAUL CJI OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER 2/� �j l'OL%l'IL 446 i AUDITED CL AID RESOLUTION FORM Nc.:............. roemA Al1,IM 7•IB 558 �[ B ................. ...... ......../.. R.F............... : .'. AUDITEDU�vj • ... �.. PEfl.....................................1.._......TITLF* t Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of•the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite, their respective names as specified in the following detailed statement: Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council..._....._." d..._ bI I! _191..._ Clei y ni'M lti IJ19 Far sworlh __._.-hrferor co v / �\ AIOR Mc oil N derlich Mr. Preside t, Hodgson No. 21191— R-1ved lhathewarrents be drawn u on the City Treasury, payable out of: - I 'the hereinafter specified funds and In A Ifavor of the persons, Arms or carp ora•' flame for the amounts eeG.o glite thele repnnerttve names m epecl0ad In the following detautd statement: S. A. Farnsworth, Coter, of Finance, .8,819.77. ^dopledby the Council Mar. 11, 1918. d E Approvefar. I8, IB18, -___jElarch p 1918) -}gig- S. A. Farnsworth, Oom'r, of Finance By649.77 .Wrrhwr - El .yam OFFICE 0 T COMPTROLLER e rn �. AUDITED CLA RESOLUTION FORM- :��:`. No..__.^._ 555 AUDITED i 19....................� PEN9 V/l_..................."..:..'.„> ' :a t;N - kllt_....x_.....:................ Resolved that xarrants be dmwn upan the City Treasury, payable out of the hereiav(ter specified funds vad he firer of be persons, firms or corporations (or the amounts set apposite their respective —ea as specified in the (allmring detailed -t .... t: Yeas Councilmen ( V) Nays '^•i9 iia 1Y 19 Adopted by Council..—._._.., Ci say .n'4 F nsworth —_.. _i,rrteer- PProe O h cCall _ -- us a underlich Ic.� cuae� M,Presid a'. Hodgsav net { ' a. :n a`";rPrx � mmaany. p°o�ati vee°8mme comv°vr. s - ntc°sr n.A me cels°�'��ri�ii. °' w ea tNer�. ne}E 99� r > Burne Lumber Company, 62.66 bp"q Farwell, Oztm,n, Kirk & Company,' .9 - 419.28 Wer3ebws e 252. 8 . 6. 6 9 00 82 50 v 6 49 pt>tpis - 9 75 - F ..^ ^..-Reel. 5 50 419.28 445[&^ Northwestern Electric Equip. Company, 85.80 -�e4 1 Court 1 50 790 1. 3 11: 0 22. 9 N 2: 5 2. 5 N 35. 85. 0 ZMM quality Printing C000m'p�any, 85.50 15. 0 0 Bb. -i6b61 Albert A. Rene, Agent rang 174.47 Toz5 " St.Pau1 Herald,223.91 OffSCSg'l"'Pftri'. osi -62 2�FORM 2409 Resolved, —,lat 1,he }'rof:er city offi-er-, are '-fe!)y autl,fi-j ana i-not—pted to i.—uc ani dra,-.' e :,,,_t j, 234a 1,1r -f—1 Ecr the .-, of ',>1.77, fags -.•1a ,It of the pe', --t I -ihc. the 3-1 tI—t c ' 2rruqjy paij into the City treaeuey tf! `00�t - of Let 2, Elect 10, ':—. tnth—y ..... ... .. .. zd;; Y— u"' N.y. Adopted by the Council 1919 191 1.1 1 11h YGO -d fi�has 1:T Mr. Pres' ent,vdgs,, 70 eaiw "r L`lt �,�(�)��, Cel-�esalniitinr-�Se>�era�--dorm tx.%,ra ;:�a Install three poles in the alley south of Seventh Street, [vest of Madison Street. .Install one pole on Jackson Place, south of Younmann Avenue. With necessary guys and anchors. Adopted by the Council �,g j8 gym' - 191 Yeas ( ) Counciltt4n ( ) Nays GOSS McC L 0 4I�A�ND pproved "�q t���� 191 RMr. President, N Mayor r j, )k o i71 y �; ' \ etT'y or ff- PAUL �s Coxn&—R-es"on---General Form Depat[RPitn.of One pole in the alley north of Jenks Street, east of Arcade Street.. One pole on Oliver Street, between Farrington Avenue and 11atilds Street. Adopted by the Council F.qH 78 1.919 Yeas ( ) Council n ( ) Nays Mr. Presid7f, IRVIN Approved' 18 1319 191 Mayor FARN ORTH Gloss/ 7,1.AOLL ERLICH ND Mr. Presid7f, IRVIN Approved' 18 1319 191 Mayor 2. J' C,-rvrrz Qr— PAUL 24,4172 ' C al Form Install two poles in the elley north of Iglehart Ave, west of Cleveland Avenue. I N With necessary guys and anchors. Ic ,j,"'zno°Yu 1-25'19. Adopted by the Council ''� =`I 191 Yeas ( ) Coon Imen ( ) Nays FYAR GOS Mc OLL O b W NDERLICH _. H LAND Approved ""'i 191 LLER Mr. President, I VIN - Mayor .V. Na 114 j - CTV )C - &^— PAUL. Counci - neral Form ent o Bureau,of Cottneil n"- DatP-Pteeenwd �fBi One pole in the alley north of Genessce Street, and oneC of Buffalo Street. With necessary guys and. anchors. ..,un:e NSW a9'o,'oe1:�.aN w.m�:ae�ee. d. .1 o '.'aeo;`.R��mY.n.e�u Adopted by the •Council '_b"�0 191 Yeas ( ) Council. n ( ) Nays FARNS ORTH 4WUDERLICH O `.;.d '�Zii5�9 Approved 191 t/�—dL�,Mr.Presidenv��, Mayor . nrmv nR nm. PAUL C, F�O 2sffry/ twM -21 ReeolutlonS lr1 �/ - - _ _ - - _ --,� E7axoh19th- .1819. grading alley in Blook 1, J. J. Kenna's- - - - In the matter of Rearran�ementZ £rem Cleveland Avenue to-%enneth Street _ - - . . - - - - - - ` - _ - - _ - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - 21996 ... under Prolludnary Order - - - - - - - -,sinal ;,rdor December 3rdt - .1918. Approved - - - IL^ .OLVijs That the plena, apoaiiiaationu mid estimated quantities submitted by the Com._laeioner of rublio 7-OTka for the above mewed improvement bo and the -(.no aro hereby approved. 1, 3.. ' 6 1919 Adopted by the Counoll - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1919. ( Yeac Counoilman ana --- - -- Lia or Q ' ell Apero - - - -1919 7I flerlloh / // / .dr. President odeoon _ 7 o e ar , ie -i. bnnection with above PET IT ION _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT yrt" ofte D°vtRD 244'5 The and r edh b yr ne iii ,bb, impm me,t by the City of St. Paul, vm. eri gn m y propose. s�'ri p; P„ ___.__._C onetruot eetrar o, gk, n, _�pvexrue _f.'m_m Hythe_._9treet, • PRELIMINARYOR ER. WHEREAS, A written pmposel for the -eking of the fo owing improvement. viz.: .__.._..._Conetruot., ......... t0...a...P.olnt..S.O....Yeet weet...of.. the weet...llue..:.of...Raymond ........... ...:....... Ave-te................................................. ......_................... .................:.._..._................ :........... .._........................... _ having been Pmaetld ta the Co dl If the City If St Paul by Council III, .................... .. ........ ......_ I therdo%be it RESOLVED Th t the Co f P bb W l be end he fa hereby ord d d diraeted: 1. To invethgate the nemnty for or desirability of the making of add isnprovmeaL 2. To invdtigatei the nature, extant and enbrmted tuft of wfd impro,onent, and the total wtt thereof. 3. To fumiah n plm, vrofde or sketch of wid vnprovemme dT t• ......................................................... To nate whether m cat wfd fmvrovemrn[ is Baked for on the Petition of dose m mme owns-. Sl*To report upon all of the foregoing 1919 matter. to the Commisdoner of Finea- +.p.R lti Adopted by the ommdl..... ..........:....._................._.........._.....191 _...... Y—: N.Y.: Comolman Farrow In - Gow APvroved............. �. $._i915.........191........ Hyl d m .Call und.lieh..........+............................................................................. Ma r Irvin Mayor. mmu.- i � c.:•. a�. vr,.— ul Fla No .......................... Pmv�^`SMENT PREth, '�e5l ER. A The nnderdgned hereby prep -.e. the ..king of following' public —ea by she City of St. Ped, viz: i of_...MESAh..._1919................................................ 191. __.. Co..4— PREI.IMIgA Y O DER. C• o 2 �- t{•') WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ranking of No fol-ing improvement. viz.: ........_....Q gnat rnot....a...o ement.._t ile....eidawelk.-six... feet wIeLe ._on. ..the—East ...sida........ ......._..._oS..:.Madison.:.Btreat...from._9Vest._.Sevent.h.. Stxeat....t.o.,Yonagman..Av.anue............. h.ving been plod to the Council of the City of SL Poul by Co.ndlmen....... .._._.....__:...:........_.r...._.._............._......:._...._. therefue, be h RESOLVED, Th.t the Commissioner d P.blic Work. be end he i. hereby ordered end directed: I.. To inv.eigete then—icy for or duimbility of the ..king of mid improvement - 2. To inveeig.te the oetur. -oot end eRhotod ma of e,id improvement, end the totel ma thereof. 3. To finnish n Alen, profile or .ket h of ..id ineprove—L t: ................................. .. ..................... ....................................... ................................. ........................ ........... ................................ ........... ........... ................................... .................. sass 7'o aete whether or not eeid improvement u eked for on the petition of three or more ownen. �To report upon ell of the foregoing mntteu to the Commiuioner of Fmmm Adopted 6Y the munuL..:._.._C.."..9.... �_h._919................191........ Yue. Nay.: ., C..ndI.—Fern. ortl, Go. Approved......_........ _.191........ Hy d K cc. 0 /y odevlieh Lit/ �if� Me' Irvin Mayor. OFFICE OF THE sCOMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM ' 557._ % •. r,� sr...._... .......__ _........._ AUDITED -MAB 1Q �9�9 clic cerl.Ttl.elt .... ..........._......................191........ ' I\ P[fl..._......__._w.... ............. ............. Resolved that werrmn, he drown upon the City Trensury, pay.hle not of the hereinafter specified foals end in f.vor of the persons, firms or en p ... tions for the .mounts set opposite their respective nems as specified in the folh—ing detailed statement: Y—( v free.°amen f v )Nays R �g wi9 ....1 Adopted by the Council___ _—___._.___19l_— CI a Fa swor� . rL6(ip1 tr -ZC �rwina C° 1 n on — 0' E1r. Prn e.t, Hodgso �I leeeS— Aechert Broth., 29640- Decker Hardware Company, Wo.,kbauae s Pla�grogxtds ~e- A. E. Ferries, waLex. "o-1 J. C. Flanagan, C.A., WAter '=WQ Leslie Donahoser Company, Assignee (h1w l i t,y n,.l„t.+no Company, war.er le646 McClain & Hedman, _ Com�S.ra,7,�er 41*44, ylce M Stationery Fire He th-Adm. Quer SahS L`iibbPeTTy rks dg-. 9r. we -t ro. 110.00 — 142.97 a'50 1.22 68.00 12.90 50.80 3.55 1.5g l.bb 142.97 30.00 87.44 182.00 . 89.75 4. 6 2. 1, 8.5 12.0 1. 5 . 5 19. 0 4, 0 1 4 5 50 9 60 7 50 ll 25 •3 I �'7 x_998.07 .jftMjr Manhattan 011 & Linsem'�rl� 92 16 92 16 54 60 R. _ -b4 72 8.70 Wmtaf� - 201.07 .05 15 12 07 � 0 s - 3.00 16.65 �yggg, M. N. Moffatt, .Wnbes' 155.48 1pyg Nicole. Dean & 6regg�evl. - 9. 8 28 8 44 0 1 25 SchmQlb— �-� 1 .48 60.64 195gg Pitteburgh Plate Olaee CompaRevl. 6.82 _. of Rngrs. . 1 Scho - 4. O Northern Schools 11 69 18 0 Lib29 17 23 1 80 60 64 28.00 y�s}g quality Printing Company.. 23.39 -19589 Raymer Hardware 0 MPany, 90 Oar. Reel. i 60 B of Engineers _ 2 24 house - 11 66 Scho ]n 2, 2 Wn rounds 2. 8 P Oo 23.9 52.18 }p,5g'L United Lead ComPm7, Z `�" .... orrucE-er-ene-eomrrae"aR 244'78 AUDIT_ D ^T "^' S—RESOLUTION FORM bbe- ............. ��� aLLt:vt �. _ � �"� ~......191........ ..:...................._....._..._t.........................._. Rw,I, 1 that warrents be drown upon the City Trevsury, payable out of the lt—invfter specified funds end in fevar of the persons, firms or corporations far the amounts set opposite their respective .emus . sp«ificd in tbv following derailed statement: Yens( w-) Councilmen ( v ) Nvys Adopted b the Council......_...._. -..__..............__.._.—.._191_— Cle ay 6f Coll �/ R nderlich M r. presitt d nt, Hodgson iPw�aa°aea���`PB,a a x9wvaoom red yo�y�t& ar.r. warar9p 5m; ,t xx. i>v> Fameworth, Com'r, of Finance 3,318.97 ;&checl4 33 P ET I T- I 0 IT Coundl File No ........................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ,, sad ►.,i, ' PRELIM..'", :Y ORDER. / The undersigned hettby proporer�tb4 making of the following pu��provemeni by the City of St. Pouf, viz; �� l Councilmen. PRELIMIN. /\1tY ORDER. WHEREAS, WHEREAS, A written propa.abfor the making of the Fellowfng improvement A., ,,., Changing _the_„grade _of,_alley 1n.,_Z,aohrieon!_e.._Additog.._Yrom_Axkwxght ....8.traet..to.._Clark gtreat.._to nonform.to the red—line .._on...the pxofile.__ ...._....._.he.xeto....attfWhed..and...me.de...a._pert...hereof.,.._tha...A rea.ent.:.aat.ab.lished......_ ... grade...being ...ohown..by...a..blu9 ..line._.thareon....aleo...gxadin8 said glleg to the .aid red Bine when eet?bliehed ' havb�g been p—ted m the C -61a the City of St. Pau by Coonnl........... ........................ ............... . ............._ lbadott, be it RESOLVED. That the Commiuianu of Public Wmkr be and he it hereby ordered and dineam: I. To invettigaea the —ity for or desirability of the making of raid improvement. Z To. invecrie•te the name, erten[ and eetim•ted we of raid improvement, and the total toe thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch of -aid improvement. 7• o crate whether or not raid Improvement it inked for onthe petition of three or more —es. �To reportupon eR of the foregoing marten to the Commiuioner of Fm��r�. Adopted by the.......... ..^ 2....... .1319,__....191.._.... Yee-. Nay.. Coved 'an Fvn Orth !9.1.9 C Approval............ 191........ H and ler ecnu Wandr lieh Me r Irvin ....... Mayor. i il File No . ........... lZ - PRO"' !"FOR IMPROVEMENT d"C' 24480 '! PRWMINARY-0 ER. The mdettied hereby propose. the m;ld,g,fthe f*ll--9p inp—000nt by the City ofSe. Nol, i,: PRELIMINAR-4 ORDER. C, � '7yb WHEREAS, A written pootonl f,, the making of ,he f.11..ri.K hop—e—t. viz.: - .......... ;tgl;r auta w1d f,1,110 Jn...gratllng Ej-lay_in Zachris.onf.s.-Additi.on from .............. Ar #ight-Atre.0-t to Qlark $troat,...- ..................... - .... ................. .......................... having been presented to the Comeil of the City of St. Paul by C—dim...- .............. .......... ................... ........... .. therefor, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Cmodbona ,fPublic W,,k, be -d he i, hereby ordered end dimeted: ---... 1. To invatipto the —ity for or desimbility of the making of,ahl hepm—t. 2. To invenigate the oetwe, ezteot eod,ithnmedl ma of,,id improvement end the t,W wit thereof. 3. To fumieh s plan, profile or eketdt of aid improvement ............................... ....... ............... r—m-ow.kef-o,m-t--- -- -- . . .... .... . . .... . To ftto not mid impant , d bpetition f or Z m. KT—pert upon ell of the forgoing m,ttm to the Adopted by the to-cil...............:- iq if) 1919 :.:.:....................................191........ Y— -N.y,: Come linen Fe— dh APProved..........._',I'!Afl 1919 ....191 end ,lht 0 M.C.11 W..do,lieh .............. .......... ................................................... eyer IrvinM.Y- Council Fla NoI. ...... ....... ... .cSea<n,mea.�ma nl mm eee...,r - _... ._ PI `"`•. m<imee°ei:°"pROVEMEN'j' •� PR�1:df�INARY ORDER. The undwened heveby pm ` i ee king of the fo0o», apo Sn-provcmene by the City of St. Paul, viz; �% ....... .......... ...................... _........_............_....._. ............._............_.. Doted this. ;f.tbt_...day af_� ...._Msroh�.._1918. .. ........................._, 191........ ........... ..... .............. .i\....r......... ... ................_........................... ..\. Councilmen. PRELIMINAR ORDER. L° • Y1,0• 2- r6 % WHEREAS, A written pmpe.al for the making o the follows; unpmvemmt. viz.: ,t takingIm ase.ement.._in... the ....l�ad..neoeas.axX...I'.ox.sloRes adinB._C]axk..Ctra.et...X.Fom...JdaxYl.asd fitret..._'. ..............t..0 Rose ....sue.at.............. .............. _............ .._............... ......_._....................... .................. ................ ._............. ........._.: ._........_..._................... ........................ ............. ..._............... ......._.......................... .................. ....................................... ........_............. ....._....... having been pmeneea m the Council of the City of St. Pao] by Councilmen..._..._ .........................._........ ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Comminioner of Public Work, be end he ie hereby ordered and directed: I. To invertigate the n—ity for or dnimbility of the making of ,aid improvement 2. To fnvedtigata ehe acme ez[anc end ertimnted nort of .aid improvcmene, end the totl rod[ thereof. 3. To fumi.h a plan, profile or .ketch of .eid impmvemenc '3. 4b fm 'd.al ' r • - ,L-_; -a-`—�•-_:_. ant :............................._........_._. .......................... ................ ...................... -............................ -................................ .......................... ................. ................................................... *- �T state whether or not said improvement i, naked for on the petition of three or more owner KT.report open all of the foregoing matter to the Cmnmieuoner of Fhouaz Adopted by the council ................_ ._191........ - Yea.. Nay.: Cawdlmen Fama h Cou Approved...:............:'.:R..1.4...�9.19........ 191....._. Hyl d e< tau 69 W ru h (/'' .._......._ M or Irvin ,�• Mayor. ........... �,,Oeii File No. O�VEMENT 24482 mxp,,UNARY ORDER.'� The ond—ipe".reby lx.po— the ki.g of the following pubh. ienp—low-t by the MY If St. P-ul, viz: Doted thb,-I/ Aib . . ........ d.y PRFLIM!gaW��- C,77 )A 2.4 Y-K'�-- WHEREAS, A written pmp ... I for the making of the following imprOvernent, vi..: Aoee Street .......... .. .. .... ..... ......... .... ..................... hoeing been P—eed to the council of the city OF St. Pool by councilooen-- theolf"e, be it RESoLVED. net the Conniin. of Public W.okI be Ind he is h—by ordered and di.dOd; I. To fnveNgnte then—;,ty for *,I,,i,,b*,Iily of the m.king of Ili' il—L 2. To involig t, the nature, extent and litinnited con of said bopm—nt, end the tote) w R thereof. 3. To fuebh plop, profile .r Attel, of ..id bdpn,-- 3. .................................. ................. F* eet, "bell" or net sail !,Pl*v—lt il I'll for On the Petition of asses It more ewnerr." t . report upon all of the foregoing onettm to the Commissioner If lFinatee. Adopted by the ctuncil .......... 191 You. N.y.: Coandleno. Feen.we 19 919 - 1 191 G., Approved 'Y Ke elf und - bell .............. m ,4.y Irvin 7 . . ...... e, ,w 3 Co..cil R. ............... . 1 PROPI:" ` a „ amus 24483 \\PRELIMINARY OR ER. ' The undersigned hereby pmpoue the of the following publio improvement by the City of St. Penl, viz; Dated Coon ma PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written pmpoeel for the making of theof the I ino vp ment, ............_C. gnat ruo.t.....a...o.0mant....tile ....aidewalk...aix_.R.o ot...An._wi dth_on...the...._........ ....... ...._ .............weat....aide ....of -Kant ... S.tr.eat...f rum_Cook_.S.traat.._tn..Front...Stre et........................_ having been presented m the Coonod of the City of St. Pool by Caundlmen..........................._.._..,.......................... ................. _.... therefore, be it RESOLVED. Thet the Commis.ioner of PobGe Work. be end be it h reby ordered and dimaed: I. To in, i igete the nmes.ity for or desirability of the meting of aid improvement. Z To fnve pte the nature, a mt end ettimeted ma of said improvement, and the toll ooft thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or Aetdr of enid impmvemmt. ........_./......._....... ..............._._.... ..........__......._..........._........_............................ -...................................................................... .__........... 3'T. To ante whether or not .aid improvement is aked for on the petition of three or more owners. J To report upon dl of the foregoing manes to the Com oiui- r of Fuwnee. I'itfl 1fl 199 .191._..._ Adopted 6r the wonul............_i................._........... Yea. Nay.. Coon/G.. Approved..:...... f:t _...._fl...1919............._....... I91Mayor. immsl�E-lm An brdiaeaoe granting to the Snelling Investment Company, a oorpers�tion, permission to construct and maintain a . stairway On Snelling avenue on the westerly side of the Liberty Bank Building. TBE COUNCIL OF TBE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby grant - ad to the Snelling Investment Company to construct and maintain a stairway three feet in width and leading down from the sidewalk on the westerly side of the Liberty Bank Building, situate on the northeast corner of Selby and Snelling avenues, all as shown by the plan hereto attached. Section S. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build I Inge is hereby authorized to issue a permit to said Snelling Investment Company for the construction of said stairway, upon said Company's compliance with the following conditions: (1) The said stairway shall be constructed under the sUpe:C- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said lioenstashall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (a) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (15,000-00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that May accrue to persons Or Property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said stairway, and said bond shall re In force and effect as long as said stair- way remains 01 7'1he said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the corporation Counsel, and shall have surety or sureties satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comptroller. (3)Said stairway shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so Order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be required by any ordinance Or law Of the City Of St. Paul. (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City OEM (a) Clark,' in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. r.... 3, TbiB ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas COu-,Y�OAN- XWS �. Clancy Farnsworth Goes McColl Wunderlich -q Mr. President (Hodgaon)& Approv 0 4� Mayor Attest y Clerk. Offtcr of GtLt Oak N.rch 15th, 1919. Has. 0. H: O'Neill, f Corporation Counsel. % L L/ K j� Dear Sir: �j lCCl11 Attached please find petition of the Snelling Investment Company for permission to build a stairway on the westerly aide of the Liberty Dank Building, Selby and Snelling Avenue., which _I granted by the Council at its meeting held this date, and referred to you to fix the amount of the bond and to prepare an ordinance to cover snore. Very :::ly your , .enc. CITY CLEC RF i ODff TO Ti '.:ID?02i43LB COL:O;i COUfCIL 07 T= CITY 05 SAI:'T PAUL: COA�Idp5510 E?oGOs Your petitioner, Snelling Investment Company, a jAnm so to corporation, renr�.seuts and state.; T;1at it is the orsn r of the Liberty n Bank F-uildinr„ a three store office builiin8, situa- ted on the no rt-lsa st corner of Sell.— and Snelling Avenues 1:1 the City of St. Paul; that said buil die,; fecas Sel-oy Avenue and has an entrance on Selby Ave_ nae and a fro;ltage of si.ty (60) feet on said street, and that it runs bads one 2ro:ldred (100) feat on Sncl- 71;10 Avenue. Taot a barber slurp :.las been -oui7 t in .,aid buil din;; on tin^ Sieh in A—Ille Com... tzar^o f, apvroxima te7y forty-five (-S) fact ::o rth of tyle soathi;est cornor of-sai:3. building, and that s•^.id birber shop is inaccessible to a ;;raat man; people vino would aatronizn- the same,because then•^ is no ea trance to saic. " ri— stop from Snelling Avenue, and To, tle ra-'1-11 til-- is no —trance on sail Seel - ]in., Avenue to sai^ barber silos, it is herd to rent Ii:d barber s)1op. .:. ... T'1at the traffic on e,ic. Snelling Ave - .near s.ai a 'mail din:;, is very mo Sera te, and that - the distance from t:1e e11 0' s,i4 :1ui1'.ing to the ..stn.rly curb of -ii Snolli:l_ Ala,—, is twenty-five feet, aid th,lt said street at said oint is provided ciiti, on ezcnptionally 'r;iee side walk. T:1at your petitions? desires to build MIII III . stairway .. westerly sire S' saia b.ilding, ppr— im, telt' " r 'Y_ t nl bentIf 11,110-t corner dij,, t',r,e (3) fe^t in Y4 i dt I e dorm from the S ids ,alk on the westerly of said Darer buil dint;, to — -,iitran— in 'said -- to r shop, which ti,y n-. to .wild it raid stair—Y -1 Uilt, —d t �,t it is 1'r, posed I, your �ntition-r to —ect around slid ---t -0 17M -I I ia��; staff i y rail i— to i't. S i, St i and is is '—ti— proposed to plata a strong [',ite .t t", to id st-ir.sy, Safe- guard. against accidents tilt -i ;,it o Scur oy re as_ of said at, irony. That Ptitisn --it . 1 a" . =its DIsn or dro,,in�, 5 t',e pro;� I.C.ti.a of fl. :a:aiditai_sy and t- the sane. T t addition. to C_ _-ins, You: r petitiJ_risviii to 7,ri d, tir^ City of St. ?cul with a5 1,-; city lose -Y IqlS-:i _i of S'id a, any—sid—t. tilt occur e t, q result staff t , i Y, for -USA s _;.qt be del -^d to b ro a ble ander the Ci -USIS.—cos. That your petitioner desires said .nen t, S.it ,-ill s 'I e �. r, - - io� Der Shoe u cdue—ta of 1. r t any .1 o s Ii -Su il ding, f— t , As use .1 tae -so, t',,t in F:iI'S3:71Your Seti Sn ell in-- In- vast," -it Company, TSpnctfully lS- . �s lea', to construct Slid stairway end mage slid i,tprove.,ent, s 2 d m ' d �, I part AUL OFFICE F THE COMPTROLLER AUDITEDS—RESOLUTION FORM ,,,,. No..�.z.._��S.r� V 559 -. -' AUDITED.. iv1Q�Iy/pL'0'1919 .._...111 Ti— PER.......................................:............................. Resolved that ...lane be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of lbe persons, firms or corporations for the amounts set opposite their respective names os specified b, the fo b—fi,� deiniled statement: Yeas ( d ) Councilmen ( V) Nvys �!.'lR 20 =j9 Adopted by the Council..._.__._ ............... -...._4I — Cla y rq 2f) n Far swarth ._._—eFrfe.ec yP+gved -—� -- Gas Kel er M all 4 h1r. Pruid I. HodgsovCII n�.rFE - - ° p�ae sa°8P. �xana.M N..zc. U..r d & Oil c.: . ) wetiar<aa a on comaPan a8nao' m.c.ae.ti mar. zo, oar,. - - : MO�uved g1ar. b ii �i918) W"; Central Presbyterian Church, - ` 60.00 9�avaeis - 1ft" Gopher Lime & Cement Company, 62.56 - 1668� Dr. Dawson Johnston, 21.35 I:ft-7 - JQ.%Gt Patterson Street Lighting Company, 4,807.54 , 1,404 ag 1G.aG7. St.Paul White Lead &-Oil Company, 58.69 eeheels - m 0 110E F oE COMPTROLLER �`r AUDITED C RESOLUTION FORM 560 y . ........ P" R—k,d a,.t wmrants be d— upon the 01, T--, payable am of the h ... m.ft- -ified funds ..d in f—, of the persons, firms or ptj..s f,, the 111— - opposite their respective nems. es specified i, the following derailed y- v C .... il— Nays 7p,d 1: .... 20 10 1919 Cl-ci F.- -h 411-4-1 App-, Ga K C.11 undeclich P—id-, H.dg- 1. wv r —d . 1V*Q9 `1m S. A. Farnsworth, COM'r. of Finance 5,473.89 Bureau Of Parka 041 3 7" 0 3. 0 0 ' ' ;r' " I Playgro de 78 0 P. Bl . 38 So a. ry Re 1 5 .0 0 -.0 0 Ph. Comfort Station 11 .60 Ph 'h a Golf Station 5 6.60 h C, 0 Bldg Revl, 7 N. Schools 2 6 6 5, .1.. -10w, Merchants National Be 39,551.20 Red�of on- -1919 A.. 000 0 G. Interest. couN.CIL.RESOL"eTION—G5NERAL FORM 24487 ... . . .. .... D— R—I-d, That the grade of alley in Elock 11 Schroeder's Addition, .from Aldine Street to Pierce Street, in w accordance with the red grade line on the oompany- ine profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. Y— (OC-61—AV) Nays jj G. 1— 1) �C C.11 -&W— W,,d,,Iich Mr t', Hodgson !' 19 Adopted by the C—dl_. no. - . mq ...... 9 20 1'19 A X7. VW° CI- OF- 9T!PR116 -J U II C�OUNC.IL_R Fcr� T pN +�C—N—AL FORM n�pU WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has declared that an emergency has arisen, rendering it necessary for,two painters to be employed more than eight hours per day; RESOLVED, That said Commissioner is hereby authorized to employ the said painters for more than eight hours per day, and the proper city officials are authorized to pay them for said extra service. aw6e °ms'ma n. a. arl ae%V .gni q. ° - naamga mm—.... 1. As:Dose°w«n CoulmenYa(IOu( i"ie3a ° o so, t°ic. Nays F Adopted by the Council 1 s .._._ /p'�amwon �o ?il log boss ..... .....Inifrrw AP o ........... ........ tBi"' ✓ oil .._ _,_..A9oiuct / A W. Pr idem,, Hodgson j yv �L t &un4- Orm Bureea°�sY" cowteil+F•i I Date"P, -TJ1 Install one pole in the alley north of Idinnehaha, east of Lexington Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. ,e.0 u.et.. e,....e,.m.. Adopted by the Council- Leas. ouncil v_"^ ( ) Councilmen TH n ICA YIRVIN Mr. Preside Appr d ^y 2C Jqr Mayor gi,,,o,.e,do C. r n' 2� yo C1I�T�V� � int' e'FD AT TL n Buroex.�uf__�� _Cwere�Po: —Da te resents Install two poles in the alley .West of Weatrainster Street, near Cottage Street. Install one pole on Cottage Street at the alley west of Weetrain- ater Street. Install one pole in the alley north of -Genesee Street, and east of Buffalo Street. WtnecessaryI°1teeo1Vea e: °%a'de r _ an�j th . Barye and Adopted by the Council v.... ( RTH /GOIS LICHMr. Presid Ap''A mo - mr Mayor C t x 110 . 1,, 4 411 ' L, 1'i A� SS L, 3� i rm 77 > Install one pole on the southwest corner of Eighth & Olive St. Install two poles in the alley east of Edgerton, just north and south of Hyacinth. Install one pole in the alley north of Hyacinth St., east of Edgerton St. With necessary guys and anchors, r^m^n^V„F •^° '^^", n^^,1'r•AA I,I . Adopted by the Council 'i .kn—( ) Counc' en FA SWORTH (7 /,c.,scN' (/// OLLDERLICH HYLAND KELLER Mr. Zt, IRVIN - r 4'°P =4 .e .. ApproveV7;" SAl �. Mayor . COUA6I�I—FcE�tTi�• c.. 1 C_�� �-��!c},s. y Installtwo poles on the south side of the alley north of Carroll Avenues west of Prior Avenue, with necessary guys and anchors. Adopted by the Council as ) Council. ( ) 3tlys FARNSORTH ., GOSS McC LL W DERLICH LAND Approve ELLER �NJ✓�-� Mr. Preside ARVIN Mayor Form aesp�Vbb.\TE.. iee s�. e.m cu u.n. iemy.e, n�:..eof o•e.�.a..o o�R...o �o..�.00�...,�•.,— .............. „...- _- _..._-._- ___ ✓ ,l+w. ...am m.mm.m..n.,...a.o-..0 a,.0 a,,. Install two poles on the north aide of Wells St. east of Walsh. Electric distribution to reach Johnson High School. �� .,e � • a�.e.ne.�.a•=m....e,.m,.m,.m.:w•ti<. ee..a.m.,....na,.n.....m. c...ai xm e..m.e.,m. Adopted by the Council a. -, Councilm FARN ORTH GOS M OLL /J UNDERLICH HYLAND Approv � � A KELLER Mr. P idents IRVIN .Mayor ,g'ss L Burequ t o. Install one pole on the S.E.Cor. of Syndicate & Carroll Aves. Install three poles on Iglehart Ave. between Griggs & Hemline. With necessary guys and anchors. Adopted by the Council - jlpag�.(/GO en ORTH LL RLICH 7 Mr. Pre i ) X -P Mayor -7() (°.17 o 241496 ... ... ................. ........ ................ INTERMEDIARY ORDERS e In the Matter of..zanal.r.:...t:na...a1.A=.y...in..: v� ;nz ._............... ..._ _ ...... 4,'1� t .. .................. ........_._................................. ................. ............. ....._..._........................ order Preliminary Order ._............. §'.''.4......................approved_.... L.- r__ 27 ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .bore improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. d.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ie._;:r 1..,..a.Ii.....Fo..m....�,.i_ .. ....... _......... with no alternatives, end that the estimated cost thereof is $..._47..1...3.7.___.. liecolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement an the..._._._l:i k:u ,,,,day of _.. ........... _Ryr11_ . . „_ , 1915,...at the hour of 10 o'clock A. U., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Is— give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the meaner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the o-� __. .. .. .. ......... ... ..........:_._ Approved .... . :;.._........ �yf...__.. City Clerk... .... ............ ......._._..._._ f¢... ....................... ii. Meyer. Councilman Fares rtb Councilman Goss PUBLISH CouncilmanH ' c 2ar.cy / Councilman eller C/u,, Metall v CWunlcri" hfForm C Y eT. PAUL COUNCIL RES - TION—GENERAL FORM 24497 V Resol-d. That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for steel reinforcing and repair of the Robert Street Bridge, as bide received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the Purchasing Agent is herety authorized to readvertiee for new bide, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. $1843. ia! 8° "fePiA cm.r.° eVln °b I i°sa'a5sl6r z Ye,s (4�ouncilm (V) Nays glary / ler Call .....,Ir Mr. reside, Hodgson Adapted by the Council..__, 1 zti li 4 AP _._...._... ::. RCITY F aT. PAUL �UNGIL ES. TIO64 N—GENERAL FORM am).dr.... ........ ..._.. NO.- 24498 circa (\✓` . Iv. p .........._... _._._.... 9.eae}veR,' Y(HEAEAS, The best interests of the City require that the provisions of Section 2 of Rule 3 of Ordinance No. 3250j, requiring that all persons admitted to anexaminationfor a position in the classified service, be residents of the City for six months next preceding the date of such examination, be waived in so fax as they apply to persona or positions classified under Graded H, Rule 2 of said ordinance;. therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That said requirement be and the same is hereby waved as to all persons and positions included in said grade*. c.wh2,1 xo. arae—n v. s.m� RT.;90 o"a n st9J.e Yeas (V') /CpUncilmon (V N.Y. Adopted by th C-61 V 1cY swo h .. � Apd ... and heh _-enwrox Mr. P siden Hodgson �/ TY F ST. PAUL / COUNN'iL RES _ S,tbfEEr_..._^^__......................_................................................................................. _ .......... cocxcic Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one hers & Pond Plano, stool and rubber cover included, for the Humboldt High School, at a net cost of $325.00, from W. J. Dyer & Bros., with the understanding that one old Kranich & Bach Piano, now located at Mound Park School is to be turned over to vendor as balance of purchase price, which is now ,$475.00 retail, without asking for competitive bide, as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby,. Charge Public Schools- Now Equipment. ream ,;, 166.'G�iJuea�t Uf o�� ga Yen. ( V7 uul en (V) Nays lI{ /nciAdopted by the Ceunc,l......._:::..:._.."'.� i... �.?.!. �....:1K..... a/ -h PPro s ......... . filer 0 McColl W+rlkh ........._..........._..._._._....__...._..__.............._._... Mr esident, Hodgson „wra Y �AuL � GOONG—R.,� GENERAL FORM aao7seE........ ..... ........ .... 24500 N"ie iexc� No. r.. .. .......191..... -H .. YfHEREAS, one. Sohn P. Larson, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured in the performance of his dutles,-Febru- ary 24th, 1919, and as a result thereof, was eo crated upon, of and not having been informed to the contrary, inourr at the Bethesda, Hospital; therefore, be it RESOLVED That the proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with the acid John P. Larson in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 467 of the General Laws of 1913 and amendatory ante, providing for the payment to said John P. Larson of reasonsofitheat the rate of injuries received 12 byrhimeasdofore aid total edisability by FURTHER RESOLVED That the proper city official: are hereby authorized topayto the said Sohn V. Larson, out of the 4forkments. Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $87.25, made up of the following items: $51.25 incurred. and paid by him to the Bethesda Hospital, and $36 for three weea disability in partial settlement of his claim for the period up to March 34th, 1919, in a000rdanoe with the aforesaid agreement. Yen (lJ Councilgien (V) Nays eller r/' McColl "'" _.._e^';^=• resid-n Hodgson Yeas (1') Councilmen ( Nays }wry ✓/F �sw tth �ss In'f*ae� eColl O ...-Ageiner Wundgfhch Mr_ resrde Hodgson Adopted by the Coun61..-...-i._.21 �A— 191:. - COUNCIL F. -GAEULE ' RoAteL FOrRatueMV97G �//%// /�• '7�. rycu No. -t5 - DPresence --- Z ..191. Resolved, i.:at Ltie elel'os itor� bond;; JC tl]C f'o7.1o'in0 bunco ., :I'cvcd as to form by t._e C—P--', icn Cour.::el and ac Lo L!ie :..:Dunt by the Sir;'rcinE Lund Committee, are herebyopp,—,,Eby the Council: 1.'r'rc han is i:at Tonal Lank ---- l, 000, 0"10.00 „utional L..b. of 165,000.30 _ C.�pit•a]. [rational Bank------ 100,000.00 , ..^cr icon Ntio^al Lank----- 50,000.00 of Ct. --- 50,000.00 Central _______________ j1a.rrvr„°ry°rm— rz°°m..a. xmI Inry amommrr a°°a° 50 0i;0 0 rvr ln°pmu°w•ms a°rva. °vvm.°a Sl-,an[,e iJ atio-+�: . ..,t. Yaul--------'- crvmm:I,ee ° v< eer vvr xwuomil°mss°olry°°k'.fr,aoa,00a.ao , no u:Iv `acu.':6n''� eisln Yeas (1') Councilmen ( Nays }wry ✓/F �sw tth �ss In'f*ae� eColl O ...-Ageiner Wundgfhch Mr_ resrde Hodgson Adopted by the Coun61..-...-i._.21 �A— 191:. - CITY V.ION—GENERAL IIT.RAIl Co,,C,, ,,So, N — GENI ............. . NO. - D—Presented t2- Resolved, It. -1. Thal Cigarette License No. 297, which expires August 26th,1919, now in the name of Mrs, C. Delenanter, 1200 ForeSt St., be and the same hereby is transferred to Janiach Bros., 1200 Forest Street. Y.. atibse (V) My.MtnAdopted by the Council.....191 I—y 119 i — th A II t C11 inst unde,lich Mt. Pr blent, Hodgson C ... 61 File No...._ ................ ( ENT eAtu The undersigned b.eby\pro �°'�tehe m.kine oY,`"(/following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, viz; PRELIMI �TqLY ORDEf$g. C' F O' 2 y- 5 O - A.Qr' WHEREAS, A written pmpo.el for the making of the following "P t. viz.: _, ,,,P..aving N.eet.ern.Ayanue_.Yrom Como.Ava,.._t.o._Univsrslty.Ava...inc.7.uding__ .._..s.e52sr.,tteter,.and..gas ._conneation_£mm_ street... Maine__to.. property _........... linea complete where„not e.7,re ady made,, al,eo inc lading, curbing„and,.,, _the ...paving...of,_alley ...and..dxivewag...approsohes.,whera.. neceasery. ...____. hoeing been pmmented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counulmon._......................_.._..._............ _......_.........._..._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commini,ma of Public Work, be end he i, hereby ordered and direeed: I. To inveRigo[e the necurity for or deaimbilhy of the making .f .ud improvement. 2. To in ftigato the nature, .,tent end eaimeted met of Hid improvcmcnt, end ebe tote) mR thereof. 3. To fumfth o plan, profile or .ketch of Heid improvement. a owing em.m;............ T To Rate whether or not cud improvement 6 inked for on the petition of three or more owners. S -To report upon ell of the foregoing matter. to the C-6,' ,,,r of Fnonm. ,q 91x'l Adopted by the council 191._..... Yea.. N.y.: Counubnen Fern, orth a 1 y Co. Approved.........__ ...._ ............. ........... .._...191.__. H Iter cColl m ��YG�J i �L...... Wunderlich .........._......•......._-......J.........._...._.................................._. M or Irvin ....,, ..M.yor. coati ��2 ” %r y _ Cooadl File No.........._`/. ° oeeOP,;::PROVEMENT The undersigned hereby piopmea the making of therfod�w'ms pnbhe improvement by be City of St. Pooh viz.; Conetruot__a._aemen �b_Ll,e,_giagK4k„e x._Yeet, wide_on ,the_ __...._.._,,,__. _, ............. .....e aet....eide of Cumq ���eae.fram74xphaxd._9txeeS...tn...ElolLSnty....___._....... �° atition'herato , .. ,......_ attechet!_street t.an a000rd.Q;°°.i ?+.it?P. ............. ..... ..... ... .... ..._._............ Dated this_. 31Qt ..day of NUXQhl 1%0, .:... ................... ...191. Counulmem PRELIMN RY. ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prop ... I for the making of the following impmvement. A- ... ..._.... CpAQtruo9 &._oQme.nt ti7,e eideWalk Qix.feet Wide_on tha._.............. ..... ................_ OG.9t.._dfd0 Of....4.omo..P�t190 from Orohard,Etreet to._MoRQntY..__...._......... ....................._......9.t,xQ.et.a....in.. &WQ-Q rdWIP 0.._W.it�I..PQ.i!Z.?.10A...kt.@.T.Q. hi..P.....tt4.t.@o�I0.8.e..._................_._.. ..... ......... .. ......... .. .... ..__...._ .... ._.......... ..._........__ ..- having been presented to the Comcil of the City of St. Paul by Coundbnan._._.............._..._...._.._........... ....... ._................. ._.. th—rune, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Comminiones of Public Works be and he la hereby ordered and directed: 1. To in.eftigate the mea.,ity for or desGability of the making of said impmvement 2. To invettig•te the .lore, extent and eftionaced loft of .aid imp—roa t. and the total loft thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvamenL 7. tionxlaNvo-toemd-;nnnnvanent:............... ......... ............................. /J ...... .. .. ... ... 9 __.. 4 To state both, or n t d p ement i, naked for on the petition of three or more owners. 0;e' To report open all of tbOme0i 1 11 matters to the Commuaioner of Finanm. Adopted by the council..................................................._......191........ Yea.. N.': Caundlmen Farm Orth Goa.......:................_. ..... .....191_..._. and eller ff�� McCall V Wundarlida........................................... ..................... aror Irvin e, 'Ciandl File N ----- P E T I T O H. PROPOSAL FOR f 'PROVEMENY.' ' �5' i PRELIMPR unit `nit°11t/ R. The nnderdgnsd hembyp es the making of (°r �t"°fdg/poblic improvement by the City of St. Psol, viz: l \ ... ...................\"'� ...... ..... .... Dsted thio alet.,dsy f ,Maroh., 1919 ,,,,,,,,, `x__,191 PRELM� ORD)ER. Ct F WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...... .......... Grade Alley Sn Blook 11 Sohriedert e.._Addition ,....... .... ,... ,,,. Yrom Aldine,Street,. to Pleroe_ Street, __„_ _..... ................_. hoeing been prcmnmd to the Coundl of tho City of St. Poul by Coondlmen ...... .........__ .._._............: . therdora be it RESOLVED, Thst the Comminioocr of Public Works be and he is kemby ordered and dimded: 1. To invedligate the oewsily for or desirability of the moking of s,,id improvement. 2. To invedtigae the rmwre, utent end ertimeted ran of eaid impmvemenq end the total wrt thereof. 3. To furnish a plop, profile or skrtrh of mid improvement •3: Ta fmnislr[hetoltawinSothcrd.tit.aod;oformotioo ektivea000id bo r—ro”t:................................ .. ..._.......__._. ....._. .. .........._.__.......__..........................._............................... ......._............. .........._............................. 9 'To ft -whether or not ..id improvtoomr is asked For on the petition of three or more owners. S'To reit upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commbsioncr of Fin... Adopted by the coondl..............:.:._:_..:.::..:........:.:........... ....19I........ Yea.. Nsys: Coundimao For,' rth .. Omr ',... ... . .:............ 191.._.. Approved....._ .._........._............... . H d y y filer Coll wnnaacth -- M or Irvin Mayor. Porm C e 11 Is. n) wa`—'-442�11/ M . - Counrd a No..._....._.__...__. PROPq .kROVEMENT ..a C.. 24' �f ej. \� PRIu' yn��iORD %1' The6mduaignedhem11ooae. the mels'a,,;'l rthe•fo ar mg p.b6o imp mvemcnt by the City of St. Pad, viz.: ,, 11 9ah;oedert dditian ., _irttoPece.._Si ......... , . .............. . n Dated this........31AA.dayof........Maraha,...1919............................__..._..._.._. h........ PRELI Pjll1'J ATR�ORDE�,L WHEREAS, A written pmp.aal fm the making off-thhee followin imp ....meat, viz.: / ng._and._telcing an__easement .in. the lend_neoessery,.__...._.. ............. Y.o.r....elopes...Yor.._auts...and..Yille. in..grading...alleX Sn._A.lao.k.................. ......... :.............. ...11..9ahroeder3.e._ Additi.nn..Yaom..Aldine...Street ....to._Plaraa...St............._.. .......... ................... ........ .. ......... ....._....._. ...._..._..._. ............_.......__ _.... having been p—,ted to the C...61 of the City of St. Pad by C.—ilme.....__..._....._..._.................................. thuefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cammia.ianu of Public Work, be end he i. hueby erdared and di,rded: I. To imeaigete the neuadty (or or deafmbflity of the m.kfng of .aid improvement. 2. To fnveftigate the n.t,m eaten[ end ecri,,t,d ma d acid improvement end the total Cort thereof. 3. To Eumidt a plan, profile or aketeh of aaid impmvemcnt. z --T f ' h t,• •ag otbr d a' r _. eat :.................................. .... ............ ... .................:........................................................... ..........................................:...................................... ................................ ......................... ...... To crate whether or not ,aid improvement is naked far on the petition of three or more owner,. . report open all of the foregoing Totten to the Commiaaioner of Mmmea_ Adopted by theea... il...................... .........._........._...._.......191........ Ycaa. - Nay,: C ... 61m.. Farm— .:." C.aa Approved.......... _._......_ :..:............... ........ 191........ HVI d Coll yor IWrvindulich ..,t: ................ _...._.................... /".. ............... May., ..... — r a, m °aar,ae , z n o 2 By UL. Resolution Ratifying Assessment.S In the macer of the assesemea, of _,. r._.._' , —t : _ - for _ 1.2 under Prelimmary Ord 3__....., inmrrnediary Order ..... .=..._.. Final Order....... 1 apptoy d t i'.d.e-........._... ...191......'_ A public hearing hamming been had upon the nssessment for the above improvement, and .aid assem- ent having been further comidered by the Council, and having been considered finally sazisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Th., the said avessmen, be and the same ;i hereby in ell mspecta ratified, and the same is hereby ordered ,o be ..limited to the Di-kt Court of the County o£ Ramsey for confirznetion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined m be payable ;n_in_.��_n. l.equai installments as to each and every parcel of land described therein. Adopted by the Coun,il _-..._ 191... �t7[.. .....i1 1: City yClerk. Approved....._......__.._..____:_.:.... -....:__........._.._...191_...._ Mayer. It PUBL1S£EU �Y/y �MulI Wmmmm ..d- Preliminary Ord " —,di,, 11,1- Final OM— — 191'_. T. the Council f the Cil, of St. P-1: Th, Commissioner of Finance h—by ,p— t, the Conned th, following as a st—m—t of th,, "p—di. ture .--ily inc—,d —d to be incurred f- and i. —ti., with the making f t6 b..e improve mens, i,: C— of C.tt of publishing notice C—t f postal cards - - - - - - $ $ I -p -ti" f— Am..nt of court costs for S. T-1 --di—I $ S.id C_h,j. further .- that he h.. ---d and levied the 1-1 amount as above aster twined, -wit: the — of benefited by the said improvement, and i. the case of tach I.t. p- or p.—I of land i. .--d— with the benefits —fi,—d thereon; that the said .,--nt has been completed. and that hereto .-6ed, iden- tified bythe signature of the said Commissioner, ..d mode . p -t hereof, i, the said ase —nt as completedby hi., .,d which is herewith submitted t. the Council f., ...h tj., thereon as ..y b. considered pt.per. oreu°r JOHN j✓ATSON 1207 PIONEER WILDING ST. PAUL, MINN.. •��� 2Y- :i. �"-., 19,%�� L� 6� Q L(. LZ Q QL Q I�CCC/` f1 t/ r �Jatsl'/ �lLl[ �/ t• OC n KOA / �- /J�f7�eLue<� , m L!�:�iiow• �° ° d-1-7 COUNCII, FILE N`O/.Q .`................... BY... C—/ -i... .. ...../ / INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof...._LF.ita.iIIL._a 11eY....3D..._111gch__}?... Loc,_:y„��g_,d;l,i Arcaoe Stree .. _t to=.,±eoto SLreeL............... . ....................................... _.....................nc................__........................................................................ _...... under Preliminary Order -..__2 SSQ......._........................approved.... ij.o v,_-` 0tl1,....1.5.1.s`i.._.............._._._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ” That the nature of the improvement which the Couucit recommends le.. L]'— e11 P,y,__ii?...:�: J, cic LOOT 00L1tjO from t i10ta sl -e . ._..-.�. _....... ...... .... . .._ .. ... ._....... .. ..... _.. ......... .. ... ............. ._._........... .... ... ...... ................................... ..._. ............ .. ............. _... ....... .._ ........... ................. _. ................ .......... ........ .........._.. ................. ...... .. ........ .......... ......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $- 'zAQ...7Q.....___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._..........._1Btlt_,,,,,,,day of ..._._.. ...... .:..pP.i1.._--- _....__._...., 191..9._., at the hem of 10 o'clock A. If., in the Council Chamber of the can't House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the marmot provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof os estimated. . Adopted by the Co 1:.�...� Approved- _._._. 191 ... 191,...... f ity Clerk C'- Mayar. Councilman Fe swarth Connell— Commilme d Clancy Council Keller Cuune' man Afceell C'o cilmsn Nunderlichv -' A yor ItIIRx Y.otitsen For B. S. A. 8-G �p 24519 COUNOIL FILE 1V0 ..........:...:..:.::.:..::.::.. - INTERMEDIARY ORDER Lt the Matter of.. a ondemnin1&_end,_ta_kind_an,.easemR,RC.._1f...S110.._1&nd..neaesnary_ f.illz i,t„ad_ing...the ...&11.aWalce,& hath—sides, ..__......51.aak_2._of,._hgckx;o�d,'s__+dd.i tion,. fromtarcads_._Stree.t„_to,,,,;7eAd.R.ta...S4Ce,C.L under Preliminary Order ............ 3.fi15.................... c ,.... .. The Comoil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the vstore of the improvement which the Council recommends ne cessar £or slo e� for cute and £11s_in,_, the._1and.............. _......Y....... ........._gratl.ing....the _alley_a1.onE..ho.th_cice .@.,. S.t'.cest__t - oo to 5t :t_, in - . sda➢ce, ” th...khe, hl!Af i,t hereto attached and,nade apart here of, the hatched portions _.shor±in the.. cuts and the shaded portions_ shoving the fills- _. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $....2➢..➢➢....._..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .........1.`d.t,h..._............. day of - _................upS.11.................._.._..., 191....@., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. FL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hell Building in Use City of St. Pant. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of acid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._........;,;':,. nl Approved.............'.::::.:....^r:::_!::.I;....... _:.., 191....... /r&WlbX en Fe sworth a s n Hybstodx Clancy 'm, I{eller an McColl Coan wnnderHe'- Wlbx Hodgson . 8-6 z � City Clerk. f....”"..."'"'"'"" ............. _. _.... stay ander Preliminary Order_......_24133.............. ............... approved ............. The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fiumaa span the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the enme is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is .hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Coanca recommends is._t.aVe Cleveland .Avenue _.____...from University Avenue _Lo.itarshall Avenue, in ludinC _seNerr .water._and ..........aS....Q.Qnne_ct ions_., from_s tree t,_mains :to property.._1,ines sample te,, where not already rade, also inc lue i n6 curb ink d the p v F of alley and _....._.drive.way_.appyoanktes.,.._Whal'e_..na.a.aS Sa,rY............................ ............ ....._........... _......................... with no alternative., End that the estimated cast thereof is $...2.5.,.4&2.2.4. Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__..._l9th.................day of ............. Apri.1...................... .._......1191._9._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the Council Chamberof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Monaco give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hem, ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............: ::':�'... 1,__1519._,._.., 191........ r,;.a �t Iola APProved........._..........._...._._....._.__.._.., 191......... Councilman Far womb, Diayor. Councilmen C s /S. &Uet Clancy ller cColl underlich iiodGson _ . 245 3- Co .INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of....pB.xlAg...C.hesa.land...lfxe..ails;,,,�1:,ala.lluixersltY-.hY.enlle...in..;,ha 11. ,...„.:_tiyenue .._includin�.sewer,_wa ter .und-. pas.counect ions._from_street :$sins _to property _lines complete [.here .no.. beady matlel .also Sncluc Ing Gul^,b_i_nL_and__t hed driveway _apprpaches,. where ander Preliminary Order_......_24133.............. ............... approved ............. The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fiumaa span the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the enme is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is .hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Coanca recommends is._t.aVe Cleveland .Avenue _.____...from University Avenue _Lo.itarshall Avenue, in ludinC _seNerr .water._and ..........aS....Q.Qnne_ct ions_., from_s tree t,_mains :to property.._1,ines sample te,, where not already rade, also inc lue i n6 curb ink d the p v F of alley and _....._.drive.way_.appyoanktes.,.._Whal'e_..na.a.aS Sa,rY............................ ............ ....._........... _......................... with no alternative., End that the estimated cast thereof is $...2.5.,.4&2.2.4. Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement on the.__..._l9th.................day of ............. Apri.1...................... .._......1191._9._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the Council Chamberof the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Monaco give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hem, ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .............: ::':�'... 1,__1519._,._.., 191........ r,;.a �t Iola APProved........._..........._...._._....._.__.._.., 191......... Councilman Far womb, Diayor. Councilmen C s /S. &Uet Clancy ller cColl underlich iiodGson _ . COUN(/1L FOILE NO..........._ .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter.of..Paving,_the,_seutherly.,side,_of. Univ„ars ity_,r�y,@p-11,C_,F,t;p�__ ........... C.1.S.yeland_Avenue,„ a;esterly.._to, connect __________Un i vers i ty _Avenue .. _... ....................................... ......... ........................................................ _.... ........... ..... ..___------- under Preliminary Order_...$.................................approved .....1"e.4r_ 1st..... ._..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report he and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. d. That the nsture of the improvement which the Council recommends ...__.__s.1de...of....Univ.erSi.tY...LY.e n0.<;...£C9.m....C.leveland._avenue.._wg.S_iS.P_lY.....S.A._o.Rt1.[1.eAt ' Avenue.e..._.............................................. _..__._........ ............................ ................................................ .......... .-.......... ..................................... .............................................................. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie $._5.r34.Q..5.ri...... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.......... 19.th................day of ........_....�+EirU............_........._._.., 191.._5.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in `the Council Chamber of the Court House sad City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. .a 21 ,`6 a Adopted by the Council........_ .............. 191........ 1 Approved. � ......:: > > ' .a..... .., 191....._. City Clerk .. ,� .. _... _ ...... fay.r. Councilman Far worth Councilman Oo Councilman MI, Clancy 7 Councilm eller - C..nrilm Alre.H Council m We derlich May. jGW Hod Eson Form B . A. 8-6 :h fiiwuat e N _rr�fmpi,w„. 4c L°.'i'lc ,25/3 s wm INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of9.anS1.C.U,01.1.1](,._8....S.CS'•:C_^.....4A._/lrundel on,_St ineon _St. from Arundel St. to d!acicub in St..t _on iY¢a kubin .... ................. .._.._._......_ ............. ........ „_St,r,,, t;rom,Dur&es.c St. to Lawson St., on Larson St. from mackub in St. to St..to _Oliver.St.t .on_Loeb S.t.. from .Layson... t tP .Ga4k SC an.0 of t. .froi LoebSt.,_to, .._St.....,CF.om__$imon _S_t. ,to. Lawson St...and .on ,Oliver.S_t. .from .Dale.St. _to Kent St., to be known as the rund 1-{ nt St. wer Syste ander Preliminary Order..........210.62.............. .............. approved . 61 r.i.l, u r ..10111.. ................ The Council of the City of St. Pant having received the report of the Commiavioner of Fierce upon the above improvement, and having comeidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the name ie hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement in hereby ordered to be greeeeded-with.-ca+.•e• Adopted by the Cauaeil.......... ........./7/�^ Approved......................:.... 1,919 _._, 191 ..... ..... hleyor. Councilman F nswarth Councilma ss Couneilme Hgim[d Clancy Council Keller Cannel an McColl'F /Y C. men Wnnderii.o hie rJmkv Hodgson Form . S.A: eC in I MEME ��s13 City of St. Paul Departu:ent of Finance. Report 0fthe Cacmissioner of Finance on d Preliminary' Orer 21062, approved >,pril 23, 1916._ In. the matter of constructing asewer on Arundrl. St. fro. Atwater St. to 8tins on..5 t.., on St it son S, from Arundel St. to Yackubin St., on 5,ac kub in St. from Burgess St. to Lawson SL onLawsonSt. fro, f..ac cub in St:. to Dale St., on .Sent St. from front St. to Oliver St.; on Loeb St. from Lawson St. to Co.!( St., on Cook St. from Loeb St. to Kent St., on Dale St. from St. .to La•.aon St. and on Cliver SL. from Dale St. to.i;ent St., Si...to be. known as the drundal-Kent St. Sewer , tr.- To the .Council, city Of St. Paul. . Gentlemen: - I have investigated the possibilities of finding property benefited to defray. the cost of the above improvement and respectfully report that the total estimated cost thereof, for the entire system, is 'j102; 953.00; cost of sewer of sufficient size to drain, ;j70,499.00; cost per front foot for the property subject to asse— ent, $8.19. :lith the exception of that property owood by the Crex Carpet Company the property proposed to be cowered is third class residence property', the majority of which can be purchased at a figure far less than the stimated�cost cf the sew , and in view of the,excessive cost ofper front foot and th.e character of the property to be assessed I am firmly of the opinion that the property cannot be found benefited to defray the cost of'.. the above improvement, and withthisobject in view I have prepared and annexed hereto an Intermediary Orders discontinuing .11 further proceedings Respectfully submitted, of f - commissioner Finance. " Office of the Com -_ F CEIVED FAR�fc IL P E,R,,,� O� Report to Commission ................_AP. ril 30th.............. __191e... To the Conunissimter of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, hnving had under consideration the preiihdnary aHer of the Conn. cit, known as Council File No.__a_1063.._.._approved._........_April._.23rQ,.._....._l91_8.., relative tn_.._...._............. .'the oonetruotion of the Arundel -Rant St. Sewer 9yetem__;_ and hnving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, Imreby repos: 1. Said intprovenwnt is. ---------- necessary and (or) desirable. - - 2. The estinmted coat thereof is.___.._..._ ..... , and the total coat thereof is :6..__103., 953..00 an11. tha nature ,ad elutant of said hupi-cat-t is as fall—c: __...._.._....... . _.._....__.__ .- S. A plan; profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attachsdand mads a part hereof. 4. ...... _.. _. ______..__ _..._—._ _...... —___....:.._.__.__ ...... ....._____ .._.._. .._ Said improvement ie -.__:._..____.asked far upon petition of three or more owners of property,-1;3sct to a e—naent for said improvement. - .._. _ ....._—_ - C r of Public Warka' / (Mg of St. JIM Department of Ifukltr Mirka ass. c.. c.�.�E..ao....,......... Bt. YaiO.e Minn. April 30e 1918. Ilr, M. H. Goes� 0omm1ae1aner of public Works Bear Bir. - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of Cost for the Construction of the Arandel-lent Bt. Bawer System in accordance with Council Bile ft08a. approved April 23e 1918• Approximate estimate 4102,963.00 A district map. showing the drainage area, is appended. Yours very truly, 00/H. Chief Engineer HOTBt There dose not appear to be any need for a sewer on Tent Bt.. tram Hatch Bt. to pront Bt. as Called for in the petition and prelimin- err order and it would seem that this piece of sorer might be omitted from the final order. Y St.. Pool, Hann. April 30, 1918' Mr. H. N. GODS, Oommiesloner of Public Works Dear Sir, - I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of the Arundel -Fent St. Boner System in accordance with oounoil File 121062, approved April E3, 1918. Approximate estimate oloB,963.00 A dietriot map, Showing the drainage area, is appended. Yours vory truly, OO/H.� _ Ohief Engineer _ HOTS: There does not appear to be any need for a sewer an Kent St. from Satoh at. to Front St. as called for in the petition and prelimin- ary order and It would seem that this piece of sewer might be omitted from the final ordor. Y 0 0 5y �a Ir ■spa 1 1 NINE To the Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, FEB 2 J1918 City of $t. Paul, Minn. N. ,� GOS Gentlemen,— Wtp the undersigned property 04vners hereby petition you Honb11}i4e Body to cause the foilo6ng improvement to be made: qn.Dalq frqm.,Sj.�qn. Strget' �o. LalpopStreet; on. LA wpoji from Dale Cook to.Kqnt;.on Tent JEOTF.ront' tq roqk; pn. Lf) eb frpm. LAw9 on So. St. Av from . . . . . . . . . St. Ave. to St. Ave M E. LOT I BILOIK O ADDITION ADrITIO, If 'r T' 4w ATfA ME l 1 OFFICE.OF E COMPTROLLER AUDITED CI RESOLUTION FORM No•...'r�' 1-- 562 a MAP —919 ,- a r Resol'wl h t arran Le drawn upon the Guy Trev ur}, palable out of th Iaram fret speafed (u d= and m furor of the persons, firms ar corporation ( th un t pPosite th °pectire names as specified 11 f 11 n &,.ih,d <tatement: Yeas l v) Caaneilmen (v 1 3 22 1919 c. r. N.. e.cu— rldopied by the Caunml .- ...__....191_...— tx io.v..t arn.rn wvrrvmo x ClvncY tr x.ve=tnee°ra ae` `a o . pprO •.I:i Farnswo 1t°r �o<o°xrov ve v.re��.' mrwp G ant .moa `PR 7 — Kell iJ an. r.°<r M o➢ a i§ °r .. andeaiel. ynT °= ggrt=• os ra iltr. Pre dent, Hodgso r°Adds°r' n°r om . �wrooad v he � at"°rc .7L5Qh S. A. Farnsworth, Como r. of Finance 295.00 --' i7rtares't 1B6B6 Mullery Paper Box Company, 110.74 ]76'r(B6 Nase au Paper Companyr Assignee 'e•-Pritrt,4ng-Compbny, 13.50 Water - j.9 Quality Printing Company, 31.00 .Pt1Z.Ch...11aA�,t • "'8-.O{1 Com'-r,-oT-gYnance 23 _ 10508 Russell Grader Manufacturing Companyr 9.06 iLWOB St.Paul Ruling & Binding Company, Assignee 44,00 (darehants--Rrinting.-Company Schools-, Mr. IT CITY OF T. PAUL COUNCIL RE50 TION—GENERAL FORM. 4115TNO-- 2451.5- That hat the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and -hereby awards the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving Thomas St. from Snelling Ave. to Aldine St. to Standard Stone Company, for the sum of $1,144.90. Engineer's Estimate being $1,380.00. F.B. #1840. — a "Moen a nii s `o� ° eai�xl nm ii''ieo uo: s R1nei ea �iehiis �iojor. ix. ' Raceivnd alt papers SC connect t on with above Reaoluti mm $ien (v) Hays 1 R JJ Adopted by th Canal orth s _.........._Zmfevor ler YColl ' A];mtt19t I nich Hodgson - ... CITY OF ST. PAUL 1� COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENE -RAL -FhRM _.... _... x.,15 �1(� .......... .. ... r� r. -Date. PresemeC"'"�-aYa+f+`�'--•_..191..... he Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Rcsolved, That t Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving Thomas St. from Albert St. to Hanline Ave. to Standard Stone Company, for the euro of $524.80. Engineer's Estimate being $645.00. F.B. #1839. leis ep°oF matt"e as Tw:": 9iB%ema.: az: Moto. farary� zs otof Received all papers in connection with `�aaboovee Resolution-� v ,:.? •',0 1319 yeas Councilmen(V) Nays Adopted by the Council,._,_'......._._....___..._.__. r Clancy/ Fams onh APPr __.....__191... Goss Kcll r / �/ ,Againeb Mc oll --�� W nderlich Mr. Pm ant, Hodgson GT{y-p�ST� FKUL • CAbNExL RESOL UTION-GEv ^ M 517 No....._ .....__... _. 191.._. VJtotved, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving Sherburne Ave. from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave. to Standard Stone Company for the sum of $437.00. Engineer's Estimate being ,$587.00. F.B. #1838. Yeas (17 Councilmen (V) Nays Go s .. BQr — ller , cColl V ..__._Agbius4 undcrlich r. p sident, Hodgson Adopted by the Council, :..' _. 22. 191 q Appr ....191. 'i`sx aooi oo��e"^Poc° ,cao t ox<'sgeceived a 11 Pener•s in t,n a:ccve connec Yeas (17 Councilmen (V) Nays Go s .. BQr — ller , cColl V ..__._Agbius4 undcrlich r. p sident, Hodgson Adopted by the Council, :..' _. 22. 191 q Appr ....191. S � . CITY-OF"ST.-FAt1L COtiNEi1l=-R ESOLUT ION -GENE RP#,_F0EEM1I .......__. .. .._ y _1 9 8 o ncc A Rice lNmo,.... _..__... ._ _......,.... _:.... Dmx�rrcgei MV_3/2yt9..e..-..,....,..... 191..... 6-1—d, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the construction of a sewer on Doswell Ave. from Keston St, to the easterly line of Lot 26, Block 31, St. Anthony Park North to the Feyen Con-, struction Co. for the eum of $427.00. Engineer's Estimate being $425.00. F.B. #1836. / .` ot14 dgson 1 ,a r^Tg Lll a11. S° P Sae6 �. 07 4nee t, ron, �� Adopted by the Council.._ 191... ,1 Appro ... . .............191... rnrk N sl;zwao°°F N Yeas ( I') Counci(V) Nays Clnncy / .` ot14 dgson 1 ,a r^Tg Lll a11. S° P Sae6 �. 07 4nee t, ron, �� Adopted by the Council.._ 191... ,1 Appro ... . .............191... CII -O -n M1 RESOLUTION—GENE9�L FORM No Dae Pre27.7`LB..–�-�.....191.... Resolved,•That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving Aldine St. intersection with Laurel Ave. and Hague Ave. to the Standard Stone Company for the aum of ,,144.80. Engineer's Estimate being :$173.00. F,E. $1841. lioeo'm°mtenden°�°n $ �°ui118a°e ° aAo adtm°`.�ntzv iel Re.ei—i 1.i. penars in conn -t-.— > h Resolution. .- Yea MCouncilme (V)Nays Adapted by the Count I _ '^' ........191.... Clancy i1 Farns otth r. -/� 391 �Iujg,or APP __.. Gas.... I Ke er cColl ) Ag,1111 �'G � QC�� � underlich / W. P esident, Hodgson +Aron CIT�f-OF3i—P'�13L � � - COIIF'C1L RESOLUTION-GENE..xc'ry M - co�aac NO._24520 :.....191_ ... N Resolved. That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of James 8t. from Fredericka Ave. to . Underwood Ave. to Christ Johnson for the eum of $578.00. Engineer's Estimate being $628.00. F.B. #1830. ieie:no: F e n x xx. Inax�o�e°�u te.� o+�atu:rkn is. i°siei' ._._ ___: Agai-r Received a1.1 pavers in connection mit bove Reso, ion v^;9 Adapted by the Council_.._........ _.:.::.:..........:.... _.191._.. Appr '......... .:.�.. .. ...... 191.. MV -OF -ST -..-PAUL' COVNCtL RLUTION-GENERAL.-FFORM ... _4521 rye"n` NO Date Pr..mted--- -3/21/19...:'.:::...:_ 191.- R ... I-d, 91.... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Cotmait'tae and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Alley in Hlocu 2, Stone & Rogers' Addition and J, l7. 1'c111hects 3e-arrani"'ement of mock 2, Rogers' Addition, from 1.'41ton St. to Victoria A. to Christ Johnson for the eum of 3223.05, ¢,,gine.,'. Eotircte being $190.00. F.B. 41029. mw°ef i,° nto�< �reea m°°: i� of°saotn'oa°oi„°,�u �. '"n�viu veat�ar.h is 919) is Received all-Pabove cottnection with Reeolutio ' Yeas(I')Council en(Y)Nays Adopted by the Council..... 2..._ 191_.... Clan Fa worth AppVe 191 Wunderlich nnroa Mr. >�resident, Hodgson ci-'v-07- . P—L. CIIvroCit . RESOLUTION-G—-F08M .. •cevcic NO. -315,30 .. Date-8rewnled•---•w-�+�.+�,,-........ 191_,.. Keeolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Middleton Ave. from Vista Ave. to Rogers Ave, and Rogers Ave. from Otto Ave. to Race St. to Christ Johnson for the sum of 91,884.60. Engineer's Estimate being $1,765.00. F.B. #1832. �a ........... V.— tAla et il.iei 9o�E eoearo �[o Ee�i^n�i` a6p.o0..m H _ I a � ieh e.l Ycas U) Co—citmc V) Nay Clanry Famsw rth Goss Ke] r Coll onderlich Mr. F sident, Hodgson Received all papers in connection with abcve Re solution., i Adopted by the Counc 1 .:. ....191.... Approve.._. _.........._..__�._/___.�............191_. C WAUL rsOtliVCT_ RESOLUTION-GENERAL—"FORM . •6ubpNi. ... _ ~ NO 29�z.Jr.` J � � 1 Da191._.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the Grading and Improvement of Jefferson Ave. from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. to Christ Johnson for the am of „93,949.60. Engineer's Estimate being $3,695.00. F.B. #1831. :,aie "spa °e t m as N vet 10880. N lm 4 I Yees (V') Cen (V) Nay Clan F h G s l eller 'j McColl Wunderlich Mr` President, Hodgson a. _.. I ._i91avar Agai,mt Received all papers in fftio q1th;ab�ovetir_ Adopted by the Council., - 191... APP �e .... n .... 191... p CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - / �^....... 191. .. Resolved, That the Council hereby concur. in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bide were received for the Grading and Improvement of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. from Rice St. to Western Ave. and ?clarion St. from Lake Como & Phalen Ave. to a point 220 feet north, the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to readverti.e for new bide, in accordance with the provisions - of the Charter. F.B. # 1827. nia a°P° "�I`��o'nz� Bear ' wnvro ore°IMarcn°is 'sill men (V) Nays A$opted by the Council.......:.::.::. "."" _.191-" _ rth fro°K01- /7M.C.11 191 . Apaiosilich odgson CITY OF ST. PAbL - G'OVraL.- RE50LUTION—GEN IAL FORM yI - Date P,-, k.6 _.. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bide were received for graveling Tatum Ave. from Pennock St. to Tsllula Ave., the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re -advertise for new bide, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1842. Yeas (I')Councilman (I') Nays Adopted by the Uqv� 1. ......191..... Clancy Fa sworth G McColl Wunderlich �sw cf ew.'e can oft... C6C1VCn_ RESOLUTION —GE--�oRT1 .....................................:................ ....... '3.A rIY iiienci� NO. �- �-.,ir.�) Hate'Pr!' nT d.._ 37._..l..l 191.... Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and as no bide were received for the curbing, filling, leveling and improving of North side of George St. from Humboldt Ave., thence Eaet 150 feet, and East aide of Humboldt Ave.. from George St., thence North 100 feet, the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to re_ advertise for new bide, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1837. c.nez eltca u5mr - n C.— n%, Yeas (1') Council e, (I') N.y, '' '• Adapted by the Council ;191.._. Clan Fa worth .. - Gs -s^ r^•^r APProv _.........._._......_....._..._.___.,.....191. cc.11/W..d�,IkhZ cr Wunderlich Mr. resident, Hodgson pYcn C�TY'OP-ST_-P'A U L CUUWZ.'TL RESOLUTION -GE aE —Epg,(.t 2 !! R ... W,d,That. the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Couurdttee and ae no bide were received for the grading and improvement of Hemline Ave. from Nebraska Ave, to Hoyt Ave., the Purchasing Agent in hereby authorized to re -advertise for new bide, in accordance with the Provisions of the Charter. F.B. #1633. IPro nn�"�cm� Suess s. sm>Icii e. sys. Yeas( V)Counc�en(V) My, ''_+ �Q -. Adopted by the Council, :':...__.:.:. ✓/tf swotth ' ✓ oss APP ° _ _....._.....191.... r V eller 1 1ricColl-.Ageineh. undechch req M President, Hodgson CITY_ UL U gat K SC LUT ION - GE ` �n.2b Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the "ccutroller, one 21" x 5" "son Iron Body Lever Style Reducing Valve with 2-�u flange connection on inlet side and with 5" on outlet side arranged with special 10" flange, for the Humboldt High School, from Robinson, Cary & Sande Co., to cost .$118,00 net, without asking for competitive bids, as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Public Schools_ Operating & gaintenance of Bldgs. nz- nndY'� ;&I n B' ''LL 00 o! o° r 00 °��t"«t, Yeas/.1y l)N.Y. Adapted by the Council .... _191.... ' Mr.on r,6n .. n.e - .,s ITY- F ST.?AJL �� UU 7 GOlYr9 " RES UTION—GE NE RRL I CrRM ........ .. 25 :29 Date-areeaa a 1.lar. aa,' 191..._9• Resolved, That the application of the following pereoni for a license to conduct aAsteAestaurantY at the location$ w6;6" indicated be, and the Berle here>by, denied. Same not having been approved by the Chief of Polio&. NAME OF APPLICANT; HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. - Cheater Rooher, Restaurant, 10 W. Exchange, n"ro,�u°in `.G4ry t P"1"'°". Yeas(1)COaail en(V)Nays Adoisptse.Id by the Council..- 191 ��I ..._ ... - V. worth Ap cd ..... .:: I : .............391.. 7 eller( B A J / McColl tWunderlich on i}f'UL l COIC�m` VL 'yin �uE �ujretciea lENERAL FORM. no ......... ivincc Dar n Mar. V. 1.1 9. - Resolved, That the application of the following persons for a license to conduct hotels or restaurants at the looations reapgoti"ely indicated, be, and the Game are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to 'he the fee ae required issue ouch licensee to said persons upon. payment by law. of NAME OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION. C. Is Williams, Restaurant, 1168 E. 7th, 407 Minnesota Harris & Cleary, Restaurant, 3857 Wabasha Sit., Joseph Koch, Neal Kedrie, Restaurant, Restaurant, 390 Waoouta, A. Kadrle, Restaurant, 392 17acouta, Hoffman & Jette, Restaurant, 451 WabaGba, A. Biagi & Co., Restaurant, 438 Broadway, D, A. McDonough, Restaurant, 380 Como Ave „ 359 E. 7th, Gaglard & Cicola, Ernest F. Miller, Restaurant, Restaurant, 370 Jackson, Mrs. Rose Piemeisel, Rose Hotel, 435 Rosabel, 390 Wacouta, Neal Kadrie, Harold L, Glava, Hotel, Baltic Hotel, 24 W, Exchange, Yeas(1j Council en(V)Nays Adopted by the Council,_ ......... F _.......:.`..191..... 1 --hAPP _.. . 191 _ .191 .. Beller McColl .._....__ 7kgn-_• l4jundeclich - r. President' Hodgson roMpYeq xue.w.e,v.,e 1 ENE= m OFFICE OFr HE COMPTROLLER AUDITED C :RESOLUTION FORM ' 563 k-111/_ aeo—.......... . aero a..... ......._ i xr . R -1,,d that warrants he drawn upon the City Treasury, payable uut of the herel.d- specified fund= and in fav, of the per s, firm r orporn lora for the amounts =_e opposite their respectne . as specified in the following derailed sratement: son s o e t t name Yeas( V ) Councilmen ( -'"-•^ --- iswarth ruhoonenwreo ells Truen°eraorns° eosno our or naaptea b • c oaael t. -191--- 0.4 Iw_-- _ 7il0Gl;foe . leoryll c�utmoNmoma.°ooao.o.r Fo,s reo�noosrvca:ont`t�muxn�so.v`snon.ooor,.nA.ononcnnnnnoasncuaacr°otnnt.°oiori.aro n°cuor`°nnit, - r- .... _.__.. 4V Qr ror -19, Fa, i...,an,°...a. u.a :nr.m.nr0 Wn&,Ich x- -- \Ir. Presid t, HoJe=on °oa (oe n�'es�siiiv ,1066.& Jos. Haag Roofing & Cornice Company, 579.00 591—Is - }6691 Northwestern Cutting & Welding Company, 96.00 �g 59.50 95.00 1668-2 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, 296.09 SeAec19. 7 16. 3 p 32. 9 T ibr. 32 23 Audi -{gym c 213 44 296.09 TOUT ---9*I.08— JL ERAL FORM 24�•;'- n.e" No. ............................................. R ... Iv.d, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Manhattan Oil d Linsood Company to build,- erect, .construct and maintain tanks, for the storage of gasoline on Lot Five, in Block One, Lanauz's Sub -division of lots Seven, Eight, and Nine, to Bazille's Addition Of Aere Loto to the City of St. Paul, and for the storage therein to be in four underground .tank., each 600 -gallon. in capacity. This pormiaeJoe is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the .,action and construction of fire proof buildings and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building regulations of the City of St. Paul, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. rea. c✓> C::cil. (+) N.y. W 24 i?.t9 Adopted by the C...61 .........................................191...... a cy //Parva Orth APpr.-...�Md.R....1".�._�:4.I.�...____ 191..... /Goss .._..._...+7aLvw Kel r vd- icb ~ Mr. Presi at�HRdgsoa. - '' JOHN 1. I'll (offire of mita T 'rk March 14th, 1919. Hon. J. N. Clancy, ,v Comr. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Bldgs. Dear Sir: Attached please find letter from Frank B. Low, Acting Fire Marshal stating that he finds nothing to c nstitute afire hazard in connection with the eroction of the gasoline filling station at Rice and Front Ste., by the Manhattan Oil and Linseed Company. The above letter was referred to you by the Council at its meeting hold this date. Also please find herewith the original letter from the above company, copy of which was sent you yesterday. Very truly yours, CITY CLERK. HENRY DEvuN •set t ..�._ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 51FETY - 0.c N BUREAU OF FIRE PROTECTION March 14, 1919. Ron. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - I have this day made inspection of proposed site for gasoline filling, station at the South -East corner of Rice and Front Streets, where . the Manhattan 011 and Linseed Co. desires to locate. The closest building in this block is about 200 feet on either street. I find nothing there to constitute a fire hazard and would consider this location .safe to such filling station. Respectfully youreq ACTING, FIRE MARSHAL. l U OffiCP of TitLYTIML ldarch 13th, 1919. Her. Hoary McColl, Comr. of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Attached please find letter from the Bush it - Oil @ Linseed Company asking permission to install a gasoline filling station on Lot 5, in Block 1, Lan 'a Sub -division of Lot, I. B and9 to Bazillo 'e Addition of Acre Lo to to the City of St. Paul, which wa referred to you in.regard to fire haz- zard of ea e, by the Council at its meeting held this date. Very truly your., ane CITY CLERK. _lanhafian Oil and Linseed Co. - <I SOLE DISTRIBUTORS OF n TROP-ARTIC'� AUTO OIL i USED EVERYWHERE I T S A T I S F I E S PRO M P O L, E T O P O I - E Saint Paul Minneapolis March le, 1919.. 'fo The honorable The City Council,, City of St.P-1. Gentlemen: The ;ianhattanOil �: Linseea Com, any, a cor9ora- tion, having its 'A. eipal place of business at 606 4nnanlia Street, Sn the City of St.Paul, Stave Of Minnesota, hereby makes application -or permissi m and authority to install a gasoline i'filing station on Lot Five, Sr, Block One, Lanaux's Sub-aivislon of Lots Seven, Eight, ona 11ine, to Aa.ille.s gaditl on 01 Acre Lots to the City of St.Paul. 'ihe fiiiinr• station 1s to be locatea on said lot. There sre to be four unaergruuna storage tanks, each 600-gallons Sn capacity. ?,:M:iA'ITA❑ OIL & LI:ISL'ED OO:.{PA' ��A��A Be. y @ 'irens. • ..comm. a."n.r t ": � on`ino a�n�venue m L COtg a wan to eue.n a ERAL�ORM I�e cou rii Nur. `i s No 245 i$ Rested, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby rejects bid received for the Grading and Improvement of Berkeley Ave. from Syndicate Ave. to Griggs St., as the bid received wasinexcess—of the Engineer's Estimate. F.B. $1828. Adopted by the Cauncil,... ..... ...4R 24.19)9....191._.. zP ' Yeas(V)C�ouscilmen( Nays �/glanry Rarnsw h 'Gass _....... �... iniwer G )-Call Wunderlich esidrnt, Hadgson Adopted by the Cauncil,... ..... ...4R 24.19)9....191._.. zP ' UL 1 V ENERAL FORM awsu` No. ' aesom-d, That in a000rdanoe with the provisions of Ordinance No. 4055, approved June 27th, 1916, creating a free municipal employment bureau, the Mayor of the City of St. Paul is hereby authorized to appoint and employ the follo�ing named persons at the salaries hereinafter provided, to render services in connection with the Free Municipal Employment Bureau; said persons to be employed from March 22nd, 1919, to June 30th, 1919, and said salaries to be paid out of the moneys appropriated for the said Free Municipal Employ- ment Bureau: Men, e_Skille¢ and Unskilled Divie ion. 1 Superintendent, at $155.00 per month 1 Assistant Superintendent, at $14500 per month Examiner in char a of unskilled division and farm di6leion, at 125.00 per month 2 Examiners, at 9125.00 per month each 1 Junior Examiner at $100.00 per month 1 Under Clerk at 75.00 per month 1 Janitor, at $40.00 per month Women's Division. 1 Examiner in charge, at $125.00 per month B Under -1 JuniorCEx-eminert at5VS OOrperer month each month Yeas (V) 4nci1 n ( V) Nays Adopted by the Council._..__MAR 24 1919 cL� MAR 24 1919 p'e worth cCd A t /� .._...... _ eros WURaenc�h rosw, c. w.s aie eHd6s aon a _�% I�IW� ahiC V> Council''' �e: C . r c.245:35 � OF. ST. PAUL 1114m.;I -General Form 6ounei{-p{1C�IQo. Dxtr"^YTged `29'P"�'° nYInstall two poles in the alley west of S::,lvan St. north of Acker St. Install one pole on Como Phalen Ave. just east of Pascal Ave. ( Install five poles in the alley south of St.Clair Ave. west of Prior, Install one Pole in the alley south of St. Clairwest of 3''. enneth. Install one pole on Clark St. north of Brainerd. Install three poles on University Ave, west of 7ynhurst Ave. Install one pole on University Ave, east of Albert St. Install one pole on Univernity Ave. west of Dale St. With necessary guys and anchors. .nmo-m.. m....a,.m.. Nna 'hiG$ 20'1919 IAF Adopted by the Council Yeas ( ) Councilm p'ARNR ORTH Mc LL W NDERLICH Approve f1Aii 2;i 19(9 "YJ1 / YLAND KELLER Mr. Presid t, IRVIN /3 Mayor {� CITY OF ST. PAUL, �1 Council Resolution ---General Form nem Com Dom--" -ed `01— Install pole Nebraska Streetavith necessary guys One pole an Greenbrier Avenue and and anchors. City lighting. Adopted by the Council MAR 25 1919 Yeas ( ) Councilme < ( ) 4k" FARNSW RTH YHAND RLICHpprd iMAR 2Mr. PresidenMayor CITY Council Reso6zt General! Form Depactmette�f Bweea�f Gouneii-PH!'No. `L'�"�sented �1 .gam Install thirteen poles on Fry Street, between Thomas Street and Mines- bass.Strect. Install twelve poles on Aldine Street, between Thomas Street and Minne- haha Street. Installnine poles on Wheeler Avenue, between Thomas Street and ki—e- haha Street. Install ei,rnteen poles on Fairview Avior,c, between University Avenue and Minnehaha Street. Install one pole on IiewPort Avenue and Afton Road. For city lamps. ---------------------- Install eight poles in the alley north of Burgess Street, between Chats- worth Street and Lexington Avenue. . Install one pole on Winslow Avenue, between Rabic Street and Winifred Street. Electric distribution. 'Adoptedo bythe NCouncil eA •� n.,...u..a.aa..m...l"Gtl 25 to 19 •• ••••,�`o iBiM Yeas771 ( ) N-ys TH CHdl;MAR 25 !g �g Approve Mr. Mayor Couna 4al Form a Tnetall two poles on the north side of the alley north of Randolph, west of Chatewo rth. With necessary guys and anchors. All Adopted by the NCouncll- MAR 25 1919 284 Yeas ( ) Counc,lme - ( ) FARNj�,"�ORTH GOSS' UNDERLICH :�pqr;; iaig HYLAND Approve � KELLER ✓-0�-� M'./ r. P esident, IRVIN Mayor & OFFICEOFT AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM N— ... .. .. .... - a...__. ......... T.— R -1,,d 0- warrents bn drawn upon the City Treasury,payable out of the hi,.f- s—if,dfunds u.d i. favor f the , firms , corporations for the amounts set opposite their .s specified i. th, fll.,,i.g da.iW ut--t: Y— 1 1 C—dl— f V )-N— Adapted by h cam a'I KA 25 1919 F.� —1h It. ... .. K 1'r undarlich cC,dl Hodgson S. A. Famswrth, Com'r. of Finance 12,886.59 S-t-4--Z�R --605—W sGvel—t,—.& R. &58,JFG- - -5---*Ing. .-* S . 9,;left56 .B,rj4g0-E;-., & R. 2.7-75 .spr&nka-ims DD.k4,wharves etc. Eo&lxwar & Insp. To 1 i ���1• , yea _� ornce-orTxe-coafrTaor,Laa � ?,4541 a:.1 -1e AUUITEf7 CliAIl41S-RRE50LUTION"FORM......... ..... .......... _ ON -2.--, 1919 BY AUMAH OITE�.-. .. 19 Resolved fl,.t w—.— be drawn upon the City Tre.... y,Il payable out of the herein f- specified funds and in faro. of We penss, firm or c orporntions for the amounts ret opposite their —p -i,, names as specified in the fallowing detailed statement: on s Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nays Adopted11 by the C QR J lyt9 /F.— Icrm:1.�oa:r.o.x.... m.nrnn.=�s,no.r..ncm:m.tzanmeolvun•s.nogeanvmc.iTnnoa n.v°s.';woo1,°on.:wnraeu.emore.etr'n.sn''1i.arn•.zt. .c o8aoxoo1. :pci°o`1oaemnmr°,avan .c..o4.�nirr . '4�R:—2.5 '1^9q"19 Approevanon " H.ds r'lolrz•.__..— — o as 't�Em r. s, r9 .].OG03 Mrs. Moee Capistrent, W.;L ' lDG64 ,Corning & Donohue Brick Company, 148.50 16695 Crane &- Ordway Company, 34.14 en84 s, i � 2. Dooka, wharves etc. 3 9 Water :13 16666 Leeds H. Cutter, 10.00 Weiet i99CT Decker Hardware Company, 33.02 24.72 0 Lihmnwv 4.8 33 . 10668+ G. J. Gdddings, County Treasurer 114.86 meta. lO6CT' Handlon & Company, 159.89 Workhouse 49Ei0 Williams Coal Company, 358.77 Weher i To taT 1 77 gal �,o-yl o, w115C�_2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Common Council of the Cit;, of St. Paul that The St. Paul City Railway Company be authorized to lay a temporary double track on Rice Street fr.. the street railway lines on U versity Avenue to connect with the street railway linea on Rond�Street, to be used by the said The St. Paul City Railway Company during the rebuild- ing and reconstruction and repairing of the track. and roadbed of the .said The St. Paul City Railway Company on Wabasha Street in the City of St. Paul. The said The St. Paul City Railway Company shall provide proper aroesings at all street intersections where its said track is laid on Rice Street from University Avenue to Rondo Street. _ The said -St. Paul City Railway Company after the removal ,of the temporary tracks from Rice Street, shall leave the street in as good a condition as it is at the present time. The seJd St. Paul City Railway Company shall carry on all of the above work under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and to his satisfaction and approval. Yea Nays _ a� y r sw.rth MAR 25 !919 ' a �\ Adopted, by theCouncil liar lJAR t� .Coll Approve e.nde rl ich Mr, resident, Rodgson •� $n�- j ooe .j work u a a o n- �r��n� M mile Co 2f642 BH IT RHSOLVRD by the Common Council of .the City of St. Paul that The St. Paul City Railway Company be authorized to lay a temporary double track on Rice Street from the street railway lines on University Avenue to connect with the street railway linea on.Rondo "Street, to be used by the said The St. Paul City Railway Company during the rebuild- ing and reconstruatlon and repairing of the traoks and roadbed of the. said The St. Paul City. Railway Company on Wabaeha Street in. the City of St. Paul. The said The St. Paul City Railway Company shall provide proper crossings at all street intersections where its said track is laid on Rice Street from University Avenue to Rondo Street. The said St. Paul City Railway Company after the removal of the temporary tracks from Rice Street, Shall leave the street in as good a condition as it is at the present time. The said St. Paul City Railway Company shallcarry on all of the above work under the supervision and direction of the-Commisaioner - of Public Works and to hie satisfaction and approval. Yeas Rays Clancy Farnsworth Coes Adopted by the Council 1919. Seller 1919 McColl Approved Wunderlich - - - Mr. President, Hodgeon mayor. Offitr f Cht Qvrk 'c" March 24th, 1919. Has. M. H. Coes, Comr. of Public Works. Door Sir: At the meeting of, the Council held this morning, Mr. Wilson of the St. Paul City Railway Company asked f Permission to place temporary trucke, to be used for about eix weeks, on Rice St. rom University Ave. to Rondo St., and also presented form of r solution. Said resolution was roforred to you that a clause providing for tho repair of streets, if neces- sury, after the trucks are removed, might be added. Attached please find resolution presented by Mr. Wilson. Very truly yours, enc. CITY CLERK. BE IT RESOLVED by the C.—c Council of the City of St.Paul'that The St.Pau1 City Railway Company be authorized to lay a temporary double track on Rice Streetfrom the street ruflway lines on University Avenue to connect with the street railvray lines on Rondo Street, to be used by the said The St.Paul City Railway Compnny during the rebuilding and re- construction and repairing of the tracks and roadbed of the said The St. Paul City Railway Company on Fabaeha Street in the City of St.Paul. The. said The St.Paul City Railway Company shall provide proper crossings at all street intersections where its said track is laid on Rice. Street from Unive,eity Avenue to Rondo Street. moi,., %i�--,:,.�.�. �. �,..�� � ,, Oz� � -�-�,-�-•-�e �-,� J Resolved; �C rV—CF JY. PAUL n A COUNCIL U RESoI7 ZLQN—GENERAL FORM 'F\1T— ...._........._............:....__......_........................._..._................._couvciL i�A qq. I.''>> That the Cigarette License No. 9, which expires January 21st, 1921, noa in the name of Jasper Sund, 1124 Payne Avenue, be and the same hereby is transferred to Jacob Fink, 599 Wabasha St. vs" cd sia`�n'^.o vtm s. to /P,,�sid,ntl�H.dg.. n, (v) Nays MAR 25 1919 t. Adopted by the Council . .......: ........... ...... _..... I9 ... armIAA 2 1919 APP . .... .e'7*'fwnrlichadgson vwvov COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENE.RA.L-_F_QRM 245!14 rac NII'-.__...._..._..._._...._...._ �.� , Date Prescnted-...M6rah Resolved, That the grade of Ruth Avenue from Minnehaha Street to Nokomis Avenue and thealley in Block 3 Sargentts Addition. and Block 4 Midway Park Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Albert Avenue, in accordanoa with the red grade line on the accompanying profiles and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the Boma. is hereby adopted as the established grade. deBol Bolo th—N, [ k t_tk e I Yeas (1) Council -94 Y) Nays /.,'AGK..�1ller1kh Mr. Hodgson -",.. Adopted by the Council"AR 231919 MAR Appr —2, - V _.... 24545 NO..._. .. .._.... _. _... ------------- �� Dl ............ v 41FEREhS, The Commissioner of Public works has reported .� {ycdd in a oommunloation to the Council, hereto attached, that an emergency . has arisen rendering it necessary for the employee of the Bureau of Construction and Repair, of the Department of Public works, to be employed more than eight hours per day; and PHEREAS, Said communioation states the reason why it is neceseary that they be so employed; therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED That the Commiseloner of Public Works is hereby authorized to employ the employee in the Bureau of Construction and Repairs, of the Department of public Works, more than eight hours par day, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized to Pay said employee for said work. Yeea ( II CouncilmeA ✓) Naye Coll dR 2a. 919__...._..._ the Council lsl !............. 14R <a ISIS 191 (Gita of St. ]lull ,,,, ilrpurimeu[ a[lublir 3Dodw -,e...... ..,., A... o a.e.. o.o .. 245 y; St. Paul, Minnesota. March 84, 1919. Mr. M. H. Gose, Commissioner of Public Works, - B u 1 1 d i n g, Dear Sir: With further reference to my letter of March 20, on the question of emergency work, I beg to state as follows: The work required to be done by the Department of Public -Works, by the Bureau and Bridges, and Bureau of Street Construction and Repair, consisting of con- etruction and re-conetruction and repair of bridges, culverts and all classes of pavements, both old and new construction, calls for the employment of all classes of labor, both unskilled and skilled. Under the terms of the Charter all employee of the Depart- ment of Public Works working on a monthly salary, are required, if necessary under an emergency, to work more than eight hours without receiving extra oompen- sation. This means that the men having immediate charge of work, such as Superintendentsof Paving, Superintendents of Bridges, Time -keepers, Inspectors checking of, delivery of material, etc., and working.on a monthly salary basis, work during the summer season, 8, 9 or 10 hours, and some- times more, as practical necessity in carrying on the work may require from day to. day. The Superintendents are employed the year around, and during the winter season their work ie light, while .the work of Time -Keepers material men, etc., Se light at all times. All the labor, both skilled and unskilled, have been and will be .employed on an hourly base ratev mostof the skilled men being employed on a union-soale basis. In other words, there is not, and there will not be any attempt made to reduce the hourly wage scale of labor. However, .for various reasons it will be necessary to work more then eight hours during the construction or summer season. Owing to climatic conditions it ie not possible to make repairs to pavements in winter months. Mr. Goes #2. The repair of pavements usually cannot begin before the latter part of March.. At that time of the year, neo- essa.ry paving repairs have acoumulated to such an extent that in order to accomplish as much work as possible quickly, we must work as long a time as possible each day. To increase the available number of men and have more crews is not possible, as we cannot get the necessary number of -skilled men, neither have we sufficient equip2 went. Also, after the first ruoh of work is over in the spring, we would have to lay off several orews, and these men would have considerable difficulty in finding skilled labor jobs. Also, in starting and stopping the work much more time would be lost if working on an eight hour basis instead of a ten hour. On an eight hour basis, we would require a much larger organization, and the overhead ex- pense would be heavily increased. The larger organiza- tion could not be employed the year around. Thus, between the various seasons of the year we would have difficulty in keeping thing moving. Our experience h sen on this olaes of work that the labor employed pract ally insistson working ten hours per day, 1n order to 'got the benefit of a compensation 25% larger on a ten hour basis than on an eight hour basis. Under present oircumstences of labor conditions, the cost of eight hour work over that of ten hour work would be so much increased that not only repair work of all kinds, but all force account work, could not-:bedone by the City, but probably should be lot by contract, because it could be done cheaper. Aside from all of the above considerations, there are continually emergency calls on the Department to take care of sudden break -downs, accidents, settlements, eto., throughout the City that of course necessarily have to be taken care of by regular crews outside of the regular eight hour working day. Yours very truly, OC/C Chief Engineer. P.9.: As one of the details in making repairs to asphalt street$, it may and does frequently u happen that asphalt material brought from the asphalt plant ertives on the ground ath5. materiel or a few minutes before 5.00, and if would have to be wasted on account of the necessity of stopping at 5.00 P.M. a considerable lose would ensue if applied throughout the season. Offtcr of Gky crta z a. p; vin I� March 21st, 1919. Hon. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Door Sir: Attached please find letter from Co Sssio..r Cole stating that in his judgment an emergency exists is con - section -section with the carrying on of street improvements, etc. such margcncy requiring that more than night hours' work be done by certain ..ploys. of the city fare on. The matter was referred to you for proper Salm of resolution, by the Council at its meeting hold thio date. enc. Very truly Cyo ;� C� CZTY CI.� (Oug of Si. V-1d tltparfinent of Va61ir Works St. Paul, Minnesota. March 30, 1919. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council, - Gentlemen: In accordance with the PreVieiona of the Charter Section 53, referring to hours of labor, I beg to notify you that in my judgment an emergency. exists in connection with the carrying on of street improve- ments in the line of construction, re-oonstruction and repairs of paved streets and to be paved, such emergency requiring that more than eight hours' work be done by the city forces employed in the Construc- tion and Repair Department of the Department of Public Works. Such emergency is neoesaary in order to carry on the work expeditiously and in an efficient manner, and as a matter of safety, convenience and economy in the interest of the general public and all the citizens of the City of Saint Paul. Yours respectfully, OC/C lio Works. . CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM ...::......... -._.. _.. _. ...r ourvc,c No Whereas the Commissioner of Public Works has reported that -.A�eeievd- an emergency has arisen rendering it necessary for the employees of the Bureau of Construction and Repair of the Department of Public Works to be employed more than eight hours per day, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to employ the employees in the Bureau of Construction and Repairs of the Department of Public Works more than eight hours per day, and the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay said employees for said work. Yeas (11 Councilmen (I') Nays Adopted by the Council _..... ....191__. Clanry Farnsworth Goss ....... In favor APP ovcd _........... ._..__ ............191 Keller McColl .......... _.. Against Wunderlich rnnros Mr. President, Hodgson C .. cil File N*. --- �"'EAIENT 24 p PROPOSA &AIENT �Ro 24546 b -E. P IO Al Public i. .p P, St. p The ,,drr&iv,dhereby pr,p,— the ,ki,g d the . .. .............. ............. .......................... A4enue . ..... ........ ........... . ........ ............... Dwd thi .,.d,y of- W -91k, 191% .......... 191- PRELIMINA 0 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of tl k following i,provemena. v4.: �0,.Qngtm qt A...0mont-t1lo.. uAdONAik p.14 feet wide _on .,both ............. ................... aides -of Btfvfd.Crd.,Avenuo fxom...HaMline..Awmw.tQ Albert- ........... - _ ................. kya.nxtO . . ......... ............. --- ................. - -1-1- ........... - I.I.- ............................................ : ............................ hevi., b.n presented re the Council d the City of St. P-1 by C -rd . . ........ ................. ........ ....... ........ - therefore, be it RESOLVED. TI the Corateinioner of Public Works be and he i, hereby ordered end directed: I. To inveaigne< the neceadty far or du'uebihry of she making of sdd improvement 3. ..................... - io Rte ,hah,, m not mid i., --t U erked for .n the petal.. of three ar ...... r. 6 T, report upon d of the foregoing menus to the C,,,,i,,i,n, of Fi,enm Ad.pt.d by the ..ndl Yea: N� C—eu /Fq. Cove' Approved.. MAR 25 919 4" C. - H y d Hy d M M .Y r M. r Irvin Coonril File .........._.........._ r �PETI,T ION \PROPOSAti FOR IMPROVEMENT and ,�+'" � 245,17 The noder.igned hereby propmm the g `a° °O rm y y o viz: melon ekd aao n. ] 'pro t b the Cit F St. Paul, n , ConetracL a oement._y ,.__e_, `�na"m s,.e1;,. Yeet wld@.,•on, ..... Dated this 84t ..._....:.dayd .Marop 1919 ... 19L_._... PRELIMIN'RA, Y QRDER1 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of he ffo lowang improvement, vi- .... ......... Con9trµpt & A.o@@iSt t1�0..._@S4$ov-x,...e„ix Ye Bt w1d@ on ........................... bot 4....al.de.e....cR...5vaIeY..Avenµa tzom...0 ...................... Prfor....Apenµe,.._Sn._.a000rd�noe. WSth.,pattlon hereto, attegheQ,..,_.::,. haviog been prmcnted m the Co,odl of the CitY of St. Poul by Coondlman..._......_......_........................................................... therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Cammiuionu of Public Work, be and he is hereby ordered and diraaod: I. To i—ftigate the nines ity for or desirability of the making of said improvement 2. To inv itigate the nature, intent and eftiomtod can of said improvement, and the total cart thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement —:..,...nieh+hrfollovorw.other-situ d:^r,,.,,,.d.._..t: „e.to •.�a;^�•��ement:.............:.................................. o nate whether o not said improvement is asked for on the petition of tlnm or more ovmen. , To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commimioner of Finance. MAR`25._i°�9.........._....tw-...... Adopted by the cannel_.........! ............... Yms: Camel.. Funswo NEggY Goss Approved.._ v, Z� 1519 ........:..................._...:...._..'}9r'.... Hyl d 1 (l IC u caU Wnnaerc h _o��._.............. - M or Irvin Mayor. ,rr e...... ,rTr aF ,T. r..�� � /` AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM RS2— N . ..... ,P, 568 MAP," 1919 T T— R-4rd dm— p,, the City Tr—q, payable — f 0,, J—ri-ftr, =P.ifir,] f..& ..d i. f.— of the p--, firms .r —p—fi— for the sat opposite their —p -i,, — , rpmifird i, the f,11—irg detailed statement: Yeas _ V ) C.—ibrr. V N Adopted by the C-61pR z8 1919 _ - C'--ry c. '.r. NAR; Kp Zrr Mr. 1/��d-C,,&'dg— .. ..... ... -- ---- .- EL�Z. I IVM Great Lake L Uzywharves etc IV697- H. P. Hansen, 104e-, Home Broom Company, 44-1011 IQZQI- Mrs. Mary Horan, Police inggGa Ben Kern, Workhouse leTM- lamprey ProductsCompany, Po 1 ._ L -F -.—a la r m 4e7'04 Leslie DDnahower Companys 19995 Lindake, Warner & kions, Wamum a 107e9` Maendler Brothers Company, rj.a� Y07 Edward Neumanp Re-l*es 1345 1,056+86 ; 821180 00 1,29.3fil 2,293.11 30.00 45.57 33.46 17.00 4.90 19.11 33.27 211.68 95i62 • .—g 2 2 y- s + f( _ 40708 N. W. Eleotric Equipment Company, � 2y158.48 ---1.01100 5lea 39 645 Fire 47 369 S. &..a. Clog. 2O63881 ry� 3.23 1,955 92 LS�g„ 7 62 3 66 _ 2,158. .lePBP Patterson Street Lighting Company, 4,385.46 .. - -Lighting &*%Me St.Paul Gas Light Company, -4,559.81 Seb.01w 57 .16 - _ Lighting 3,98t,65 4155t.81 -TUTY Seabury &Company, 13.71 Wpi1@.0. 2• 0 2. 13. 1 -4 wilt, C. Siverson, 2.24 10 Ft5 0. S. Stewart. Supt. 1,358.00 _ 9earxfiEiae 3!f'n- W. C. Squires, P¢d,doa-, 6.72 . tgfta- Taylor Realty Company, 50.00 Lfthtkag. ' Tierney & Company, 694.25 c 287. 308. 8 1. 0 g0..trhnnan 90. 5 7 20 694 25 4*qPF®-viscosity Oil Company, cpfis'Bx';,. 43.51 Total iia T. IA OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER q AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Na ......=.::_ -__-2z 3-J--- ..... . ... . 7- .. ............ T . R..I-d ,bat .....ts be d,.— upon the City T --y, payable out of the hereinaGer specified funds ..d in f,,,, of the P--, firms .r .rP.. i— f,, the opposite their —p -iv. .— , specified in the detailedetailedY— ) Councilmen v Nays Adopted by the C-61 ? AIR 213 x.919 Clancy A- na T G. nor .00aaod iso a,s -7 o Aft- Nunderlich Z, P -id-, Hodgson le*W Am. W. Niem&np7,110.96 P�. -Ip. Rel-.- Op.ning,'widerilg and "tending J.hlo-St—et-OtC llel" Mory E. Stilmn... w-Revl--4-,Dpenlng-vwid8nlTlg 100.00 ■IMIIIIM ROLLER , N .. 5 'N -M' AUA92=Y.. UT10N FORM ........ -0--- -- A I.n...Resolved that rvarran�s L. Jrd; --.1 .21 n In—py.ble out of th, hereinafter I—iW funds and in f—I of the firmsWl—i,g d-iI,d W—Ilt: 'sP-i'e "nn, an specified in th Y— C..n,il— N.Y� Adopted Iq the C ... �fl P 191 C C11 --Y F. 'a 2 ed W W-d,nlidh 'T . mp 7. NJ President, '." P—,d-, Hodp- 10o-&—American Public Health Associations 18.00 laort—American Railway Express company, 32.29 13140 34 1.0 0 1. 3 .4 :3 .7 3.0 3. 0 95 3 32 29 4a"Z D. Appleton & Companyv 14.10 S. C. Atkin. & Company. 8.25 IGGI&. Bishop -Babcock -Becker Copanyv 56.63 jQ&jq.—R. C. Boyeson & Company, 89.20 Com;—of,Yinance 1* 5 Soboala+ ' 5 JAb 0 4- O_ Avr.-,s4-Pege4#2 6 ^ 30803'- The Buckbee Mears Com y, 40 1A09s- Burroughs Adding Machine Company, Work. 4. 9 Som4'rr.=P. Weber .. 1. 0 6. 9 i@BE3= Carnegie Fuel Compos 00 6 155 91 Wat# 695 342 86 1880*�J. W. Casein & Company, Painted form. and blanks '27. 0 pa-, 37. 0 65. O x0625 Central Scientific Company, SSh^ 10808- Chicago Art InstitutOpmbretT. iasw-- Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Co- pWC•.. - 1,DBM Chicago Great Western Railway, Scbnn]s 1g6E9-'^ Chicago, Milwqukee & St.Paul Railway Company, 0 Lib 5 ht,ing 36. 6 na pr. 12. 55 1 1063o- Cochran-SargentCompany, Pds jVr5T Crescent Creamery Company, b&M- Daily News Publiswy�rvpany, 1tl- 1Sah-1,e.14.. ,jQ&a3 Department of Co -oar p�tive Research, ]-_G. A. Diesen, t.+traro 1655, Dispatch Printing Company, 3. 4 C.pwLd.:.Ser �Soe 2. 4 3. 6 - 8o§ee2e 2. 6 11. 7"' Dunwoody Industrial Insitute, C glfl•rad,-iL$ T+brary iasp-w. J. Dyer & Brother, 1. 5 2. 6 28. q� 24. 2 4. 0 7. 0 67.33 37.50 - 6.49 342.86 65.00 27.10 3.70 166.16, 1.17 55.81 46.78 37.20 4.76 53.18 40.00 11.20 1.20 67.33 � � rPv' - -•- FraPnk %inek, � . 'IPat,Ar° 0-- 1.00 ,1afiaq, Erie City Iron Works, 41.80 }boksyehcraes-,and levees 1@e4e---Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company, -291.98 U-1-9494 Revl. 5.05 - Hureau f angrs. 3. 5 g. 1. _ 109. 1 . 0 S c oqd§ 2 55 2 Libra 104 6 4. 9 Auditorium 2.23 •Tee+ha�FWsl� . 3.35. _ - 291.98 3EE4T" Feature Film Company, 35.00 . 3,0642-- Fenatarmacher Auto Supply Company, 6.82 _ MenSo,..O�$evl. 10645—Funk & Wagnalle Company, _ LShns" 10.50 1004+- Emil Geist Jewelry Company, 3.50 1054$... Gerber & Hausler, Sabeoae 25.50 lOf4fi>-..Golden Rule, - 1.5.75 s�D4e 474Z5Humboi�ffw. Libr.- f`M7- H. R. H=tting Company, Library. 326.82 bDO Wim- Ideal Plating Works, - 1.50 Men4av+80VV7 Revl. 10949,• -Jefferson Lumber Company, 10.00. Afl"gw.eQ:_& R. 106SO= C. I. Johnson MJf�. CCookmPanys 40.11 39. L1�]gaFy.5 40. 1 PU53°,. L. Jonas Company, _ 27.80 _ Lihasry_ IT89E'- P. J. Kalman Company, 2.05.. p�.SLatboa-W:a�St:Anthony Park Sew. er - - 2068&- Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 101.00 Pe"^e 5 0 Sf.G_n�9ls 6 0 101. 0 ..Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Company, 113.25 .§c. R. 32 0 38 75 Salio9le 36 00 . two fie.,,. 6 0 -0 15 10.00 14655—Dori limb -ll,. laeee-Kindling Machin 167.89 10057_ A. C. McClurg & Company, 474.65 ioow manufacturers Supply Company,ny Park Sewer inagg, March -al- & MarthLIL� 2.70 h.,,. 106w, Merrill, Greer 30.36 1oel5t mple. St.PaUl & Sault - ate. Marie Railway, 284.46 745 5' 0 4. 11" .4 .6 19662=6je- John W. Mitchell, 2.50 IgOW"Mitsch §S Heck, 108.0 180.8 . 5 14' 0 Pag..;9pr.-4 0 1+ .. Z irSTr- Dow Morrison, 35.00 4peWNorthern Pacific Railroad Company, 42.35 lope& --Northern States Power CO.P.-Y, 1,10.27 ium 742 619.p 112P 473. �2 1,100. getVI—Worthwestern Stamp WOrk8v 6.15 0 0 C61 orka .5 L r 5 W 0 .3 1 6 r 5 hQdI&. Northwestern Tire Company, 293.49 Revl. 19OW—W. S. ;Nott CO.P..Y, 1pls in 1o69e, Noyes Brothers Revl. 10641 J. E. 01-n Company, -".i- Ravi. IA69LB-- Perkins -T MOY PrinftAAUting LC,Iompany, Bridge B..& R. ' 1 &qn. Louis H. Peter, Jt M Pioneer Electric Company, 1, .&Offs. -C. H. Preston, Schools--, mM"-Public Lighting Service Corporationo 1 9 ng-, -2957q-� Rand McNally & Company, Lib -try, &F@M� Reliance Iron & Wire Workss SM"Do"- %VVF9-- Robinson, Cary & $ando v =119 jaast- Rochester Germicide GomPan7v sahaa"- 10891�Royal Typewriter CompanYs lffftW St.Paul Auto Top Company, Revl. X40E_St.paul Boiler & Mfg. ComPanYt . Sawooke. 1V994"t.paul Book & Stationery Company, iboseq- N I 'z Y- .5 S-0 76.17 1*.00 24.00 A 1.21 10.48 4.20 1.42 0.00 I -9 i-51-0 24.44 267.25 198. 0 14. 0 1, 1. 75 267 25 5.65 4.00 1.00 519.94 20.00 16.50 433.70 14* 0 2. 0 17 . 0 44 8 1 .75 1.10 144.90 64.bo 28: O 52 0 14-4-f0 46.75 1,000.66 tee-r86T'-!lige #6 0685 St.Paul Builders Material Company, 94.00 �to.y..r.r.II Schools 3'5796. Phsiren°�Oo-1f-bta+0.iun .Watar— - _ -84.00 ''Y� St.Paul Gas Light Company, 595.58 P. B .. R. '447+98 YLiM3�9- Clog. ling .•lie& . o e racy Au ium 73:49. 45V 6 � 284- - p grounds 93 11 66 LS g Do.. harves etc. 5 0 255db0 595*68 JDL=, St.paul Machine Works, 68.42 .SZ—9-. R. 38-.5`0 Wa 8 BBPr. 82 2 Lpype, W. H. Schmelzel & Company, _ 54.34 Rawl. ie9B9- L. C. Smith & Brothers, b3, 1.50 0""'Couasel Opgrs_ari-Finance 1�t50._ a0e96-Tri-State Telephone & Telg. Company,60.05 MajEtedma Court p't. Works v 0 15. 1 40 B of Engineers :35 - S R. 3.0 5 .Clog, .00 10 Wo»s6uea 2. 0 0 60.05 2ee9l. Underwood & UnderwoodCompanys -. Likud; 70.00 10898. Villa=, Box &Lumber Company, 75.50 ' 10098-. Wales Adding Machine Company,. 1.00 Com's<r—o3linance 1,0894 Washington Foundry Company, 43.25 .Munic.._ta.(}ar. Revl. 0 - 4 *"06 Wm. L. Weber, 52.50 S'BYlaals UA696 Western Supply Company, 1 61.48 Mva4e s -ban. Revl. 11-.46 24" 7.6.BG 1 -.M WdeeC 4-. M' ti 16694Wm. Yrmgbauer, 10.00 iiLaae& 653.3 _0 'ST . PAUL EITL11 NGENECOUNCIL RC5RAL cam .:. ...... ...... .......... ... rvcic Lku.cY rated-d����+i'BB-'I9I-- xesol- , hatthe Commiesioner of Public Worke be and he is hereby authorized to ir spam an annual report in the usual form for the year 1918, and the Purchasing in is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be printed Three Hundred and Fifty (350) copies of said annual report, the - expense of ouch printing and publication to be paid out of the official Publication Account of the General Fund. Th— ws eiaeceem°� iii;, og�° ry , Yeae(4tC—cil rv�vl Nays MAR 26 X919 _ ��; Adopted by the Council 191... 1Y h MAR `'6 1919 193 s eller 7 R 'Coll tY�eRS! Yvw / .... _ ...... WundeAich Mr residf nt, Hodgson V\ solved, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Geo. H. Gerlich, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.00 per week, during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works in the City of St. Paul an the 4th day of February, 1919. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Bald agreement the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay to the said Geo. 11. Gerlich out of the Workeens Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of $54.00 in full settlement of his claim for the period of his disability, to March 20th, in accordance with the aforesaid agreement. COON CIL ti — m -NERAL FORM enotsv nl: w. ae �s_yan II the owner {,rr.or �wi�n �oeo, tt. - �Im'ii'in°a' uiu ni`sizm li-c .?4r 2 e1. o� ' r �O�t�Ae�stttted.........._._.................. _...._ 1Gi..... Yeas by the Council .e��4.. .._......................._.__191 �ZH71')NeysAdopted orth Ap ov d..- ...... NAR.._'70 19.x.!1......_._.......191 .... (�rlichodgson rnnroa CITY -0,F -ST -1 -AtJ n .� Ge�►etl�o�atit�r=- t r. vcrrc�-.. e°n"z'r�'ae"'zu'_ Date-i�eeeneea �lsr- Install one pole in the alley —st of Payne Avenue, south of larylend Street. Inetall five poles in the alley east of Macalester, north of Randolph. Install three noles in the alley west of Macalenter, north of Rand.lph. Install eleven nolee on east Seventh St. bet. Hittsen & phalen Ave, to rebuild line, - Adopted by the Councilo�Ll' 'nn •�1G Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( ) Nay, FARNSW RTH GOSS 1 McC LL u W NDERLICH YLAND KELLER r. Pres' en[, IRVIN iAunC na r I OIIH Set one pole on the east aide of Spring Street, between Elm and Sher- man Streets. Set three poles in the alley north of Denny Street, between Greenbrier and Payne Avenues. ,��...n.nn.�t..e..,...e.m...a...a...a.�... m...e..a<,.,..m,.n.....,m 1=1e..m e.. n. Adopted by the +Council au.-� 1'31" Yeas /IRVIN ( ) -N-0 - TH CH p'ppCOp Mr. Mayor 76 `LIT', a "u— CMseie+tieral� orm y f C'enneil i'i!o AIu.� Hees-Aeeeew[ed '29'i""` Th' ec poles on the north side of Syca.tore Street, near Rice Street. Two pole. on At -'tor Street, near Rice Street. Tn'o poles on Y nit. ba Street, near Rice Street. One pole on Wayzata Street, near Rice Street. One poll on Sit ohfield Street near Rice Street. Two poles on Front Street, near Rice Street. Ono pole on Hnteh Strect, nenr Rice Street. One pole on Lawson Street, near Rice Street. One pole on Cool, Street„ near Rice Street. One pole on Geranime Street, near Rice Street. One pole on Rose Street,near Rice Street. One ?ole an Carbon Street, near Hi a'. Street. Tdith necessary guys and anchors. R. IAdoptcd by the Councilor"' Yeas ( ) Councilmen GOSS Mc LL is W NDERLICH ;qnq ,�� 19� IQ4- YLAND Approve / KELLER IRVIN Mayor ems' sLaP'C OFFICE e" OF THE COMPTROLLER ' AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 570 $ W xa.. '4556 Resolved the, xm—te he dt.— upon the City Tceasary, p.yable out oC the h—i..Cier specified funds and i. favor d the pecsons, firms or corporeaoro t pp _ t their respective names as specified theC 11m d I d tate...[: Yeast )Councilmen Adopted h e C 1 i f s- i9L_ cla.cy - ge t Farn rth� a.,an.a8 e rot. App,. ed ao.ta en .r H•an. aro,,. ,t.,aaa. cColl s roi „ s�obo�r ..dedieh a 31r. P idem, Hodos q eeav ^�_ u -r, aiol ' r -1942e American Supply Company, 3 25.55 - . " 22 O 05 Audit um 50 25 55 1022[ Board of Water Commissioners, 456.44 Ali— 4,3 '�li24 42 47,94 Wolrkh yse 6 96 SchgQls 372 74 - 456 44 10222- Henry McColl, Com'r. of Public Safety, - 2,983.02 Xolice 660 92 744 90 mire 25 06 �--�,�� 17.59 P _F� & F. Alarm 37 .34 26 .16 alth - 12 .92 14 .64 Burs u of Engrs. 8.60 St & R. 2 .58 1 .47 4 .18 Sewer C. & R. 428 66 . 2,983 02 —*,-O- Nicola, Dean & Gregg, /169.13 3. 2 40.4 ' 1. 8 101. n 1. 3 S. S. Cing. 1.2 $ 1s 3.8 • e 4. 1 169. 3 r YOTS4' Pittsburgh Plate GlaeS Oompan9, 5. 4 916.05 e ne 4. 0 - F 43. 0 Bch 015 41. 0. 177. 9 - 318 5 u 318 75 L ing 1 916 05 INN Alexander Rice, _ 12.46 £e]LAe - 184436 Anna Sparechuets, 4.06 _ Pn1Soa. v - r OFFICE OF �' COMPTROLLER 6" AUDITED --ESOLUTION FORM 571 m I i0l 24!-,57 AUDITED 14f19 - TITLE Th, — f the h—l.,f- �p�ifil R—I-d th., b� d— p,. the CityTreasury, P -Y -b I f..& .,.d m f.l., of the per s, firms or orpocn ns for the amounts set opposite their respeclne names A, specified in the 1.11— , detailed h,d stj—lt: on no Yeas v ) Councilmen Adopted by the ou cit..... ..... . . —q4l. — Fa xocth sne ... . A G cone ror ...... eIbT lo M.— ---aE, .. ........ William schaue!il�yl�� 840.00 P E T I T I 0 N. PROPOSALFOR IMPROVEMENT / 24f -158 ¢r58 psd PRE,' iot° aL ty ORDE . see the,m.Iu• i'r of mer'rt�� t h the Cit of St. Paul, v V The undereieimd hereby props r ;"oe ,,,a �rti� public improvemen y Y '�: _ \3y ve:iieoie tno n Yeek...in_.P.idth._..... ............ ._........ Dated efd...._19th.....�of......ms.xoa,...lain......................... ............ �..�:...,.._.._.. ..................._......._..................._ ' /� Coundlmem ✓' PRELIMI AR O�RtDER. -- C. WHEREAS, A w.itten prop ... I for the making of the following improvement, At.: ...... conQtruot a._a..emant. on._the ......... ...., west Bide oY Frederiokg Ygom. JeYYsreon to St 91pi.x 0".0140,.._.. on the south side.__oY.,Jef4ereon £xom,_F eirview _Ape, to.9nallipg. ....................................................... ............................_fand...on._the ...north- aide....aY._PAleae....St.Yx.om..Bnelling ..Ale..to......_..._.... havine been Prexnteddm tiGg 7-ep�ii ...................._..._...... e ung t e Y of St. Paul by Coondmen.._.............. ......._........... therefore be it RESOLVED, let the Commi.sionu of public Work. be .nd he i. bueby ordued .nd d4rd d: I. To ioveftig.te the ne'aeaity for or desirability of the making of -aid improvement. 2. To invedtig-te the nature, uteet and eetimared eon of .eid bnpro —rt, end the tnt.l eon thereof. 3. To famish n plea, profile or ak,16 of said lmp'_rree, iL/T trate whether or not avid improvement fe inked for on the petition of three or more owners. (� To report upon all of the foregoing marten to the Commiasianu of Fnenm V 11Afl 27 1919 Adopted by the wunciL...............................__.......................PfF.-..... Yee.. N.ye: Coundhn.n Fem th Co.' APpmved....:.......:._MAR...'_!_!.... ........... F9F....... O Hyl d K er� AR l 'Con EAU i�[V91SE..........................._.............. ........... htnrnr. �Mny Ervin EEs; �j2� 9 ��/y. -GiT4-6F�ST:Fli11 L ' CONAtG.i✓—RC501-17TTQ I7'�-Ta EIVFRAi��-FOFFM .. WR. :.... ..... ..... ......... . . Rants _ Resolved, That a warrant for $500.00 be drawn in favor of the Commi esioner of Finance, payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the Cenral Fundto pay expenses of the City and County Legislative Committee, as per attached letter. °r�r°s�uo.os. aero °ager " �cks?f�" . t9`i Y� i (✓ Yeas (V)CauncilmNays Adopted by the Coa 27'919 App—l9f-�-- I o MAR 2i 191i` ..._.. _ ._ _ iwfwor oll env _. _..ABaitn< LiG/iTi ndarlich .._._ ._..... .o^...... Mr. Preft, Hodgson da a^lo ILJI- L ST. P UL - SO UTMR—M3 NERAL FORM ..................................... . nye NO. .......... J,4 n�,y Resolved, That the City Planning Board is hereby authorized and empowered to engage a city planning expert at an expense not exceeding the sum of 4Q2500.00, and that for the purpose of defraying such expense, said sum of X2500 is hereby appropriated and set aside out of the City Planning Account of the General Rund, the same to be disbursed for the purpose aforesaid under the direction of the said Planning Board. W%Tnrn "i scl oo oai: Ai nvng. � n iP vvro `➢��io«n'4r, tsisl"�. .+, io Yeas (4') Coupcilmen ') Nays Adopted by the Co -61, MAR 2.7...I9.I9.._hgt- vC my �E"s otth •:. ✓✓✓ PProv .ii{I A ............._rc...'._ x..___......_____..181+.-. G-Iaiaver` cColl _.............'P�mpst /.._.............................. ....... ___.... Won lrlinwron Mr, reside@, Hodgdg son E lnmnmilM ENEW _o.m.�. �emty.te�P.�. If n. CityIt St Paul y^ TEeu� yell An ordinance settling ..e claim of Nick Yurek against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THEF CITY Or PZ, PAUL DOES ORDAIN: That the .groper cit, Officers are hereby author- ized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to Nick Yurek, the sum of One Hundred Dollars MOO.00) in full -,settle- ment and satisfaction of his claim against the,City, arisingOut Of the loss of his horse, caused by said horse stepping into,a hole in the bridge on Maryland street, over Phalen Creek, on the 6th day of January, 19191 ---�7 Section 6a�idBu�of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. ,Section:, -Thli-Z�dl ne;/Il take effect and be in force thirty days after its Passage and publication. Passed by the Council Yeas ffRF- C my. Clancy Farn"Orth Goes Yeller McColl 17underlich Mr. Pre B i dent (RodgBon)7APP,5o d —J Attest <^ Mayor 7 City Clerk 7— L L 17 Ilrpnrtmgnt of Emu CnY OF 9T. PAUL 245? jos. H. K March 26th, 1919. To the Council. Gentlemen -- Herewith I transmit for your consideration an ordinance settling the claim of Nick Yurek against the City for the gum of One Hundred Dollars. After a thorough investigation of this claim, we are of the opinion that the settlement proposed is reasonable and for the best interests of the City. Yours very truly, - el. WJG-M Q� *v � 0 n.0 i kt I', M.MNIM111M v ;1-1r.67 ,- ;An Ordina n'ce to-axend Administrat ive Ordinance No -32 5 0i i,vedAugust 20th,1914, and amendments thereto, entitled A�C.r4anoe ;elating -to th: ClvI1 Service "'a'ofthe Cityort Paul,'apbroving adadopting -a and regula- 11 tions therefor." inEmergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. THE CaJNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN:- SECTION I. That Section 22 of RuleTwo (2), Grade "V, Ordinance No -325q, as amended, be and the same hereby is amended, by striking out of said Section, the following words and figures: "Superintendent of Apparatus, Assistant, $125-00 to $16o.Oon and inserting in lieu thereof, the follocdng word' and figures: uSuperintdndent of Apreratus, Assistant. $137.50 to $160.00-. SECTION II. Thin Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary fot the preservation of the Public Peace, Health and Safety. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force i..ed- iately upon its passage and publication. Y- (V) C ... cjj... (V) Nays Adapted by thv Council 191, v�G... -A. favor 'Keller McColl Ag.i— /W..deflkh 14r- President H.dg... MMI SUEV_/ m �so= p eL,13 OFIFIC, AUDI Z5�ESOLUTION FORM 572 TtTL R -1,,d that ......¢ b, d,,,,, upon the City Treasury, p,y,bl, out of the hereinafter specified f,,,d, and i, favor d d,, p—ttt, fit— , —p—ti ... f., the amounts set opposite their respective name os �ifid iv the f.11 i.g derailed statement: Y— Councilmen Nays N.. 24111— -A -h �b. —t t -.3 V"Y hlr..i H.dg,.. T- .... -.'�Jm-ut —r.. IMIVNIW21112t° W. 6 -1 Iead� re . I 19Ts H. W. Austin, Parch. Agent 231.28 Office 5 0 50 .City C 2 6 2 06 0 Com lle� 1 10 1 1 0 L 1 60 6 0 ah. Dept. 2 2 09 0 ice 3 33 72 3 7 2 2 4 28 24 2 r. 4 0 4 0 & F. Alarm 2- 0 22. 0 2 1. A 2 4 2 4 G A -a. Ad.. M 0: Gan Revl. : 3 3 Has 4: 5 20 - 0 B --u f Engineers eau 0 0: 2 0 20 - S -h Ole 3 23 11 a 1 .4 3 09 2 0 Pa s -Gen. Ad.. Par 83 " '3 W er 22 .9 17 57 231 BB 2B a*W Board of Water Co=issionera 1,170,77 • Arqory. charities 17.§2 is 114. 2 1 as ;�b 15 2 _r 50 2 aa 3 2 12 6 Muni Gar. Revl, 2 0 St. : & R. 3 6 S cho Is 1 0 432 2 Libr ry 45. 8 24. 0 '"1'6480 Florence Brigg56,,. e�678'Y Burns Lumber Company, - (JW" The Christensen Engineering Company, ^F3�an _los J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds &- Bldgs., 3 of ice 37. 0 F 61. 0 Heal 6: 0 Muni . Gar. Revl. - 3450 4 35 hools 10 00 Fo Ravi. 25 52 _ - 3456 16 82 Play§ ds 145 00 5'00 n 5 379. 0 ` 1 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., or'a Office 22'00 Sc Spal Court 5 03 Po ice 31.32 F e 44:80 He 1th 1 :00 S lois 2 .00 85.00 L1 rary 1 .00 - Pa a 42 8 - _ - 281 03 H. W. Goetanger, woTkhQ!.8@ � bwaf M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public Works ---,-w`-�pe and levees q Geo. B. Hillman e 102..8..-7 Henry McColl, Gom'r. of Public Safety of Finance f34 oiler S is 8 Lib nary 8 2 Par's 4 - For stry Revl. 7 P. ldgs. 9 2 " - Lig ting 6 7 Wat r 0 7 4 I 2.00 22.05 250.00 379.40 281.63 13.25 18.00 7.75 3,734.54 8 2 X563 00 rounds 15 25 50. 07 C .-Gen. 25 T bs. 10200 Light 25 W coons Euclid 00 , 00 e venue 250 00 1,170 77 '"1'6480 Florence Brigg56,,. e�678'Y Burns Lumber Company, - (JW" The Christensen Engineering Company, ^F3�an _los J. M. Clancy, Com'r. of Parks, Playgrounds &- Bldgs., 3 of ice 37. 0 F 61. 0 Heal 6: 0 Muni . Gar. Revl. - 3450 4 35 hools 10 00 Fo Ravi. 25 52 _ - 3456 16 82 Play§ ds 145 00 5'00 n 5 379. 0 ` 1 S. A. Farnsworth, C.P.R.F., or'a Office 22'00 Sc Spal Court 5 03 Po ice 31.32 F e 44:80 He 1th 1 :00 S lois 2 .00 85.00 L1 rary 1 .00 - Pa a 42 8 - _ - 281 03 H. W. Goetanger, woTkhQ!.8@ � bwaf M. N. Goss, Com'r. of Public Works ---,-w`-�pe and levees q Geo. B. Hillman e 102..8..-7 Henry McColl, Gom'r. of Public Safety of Finance f34 oiler S is 8 Lib nary 8 2 Par's 4 - For stry Revl. 7 P. ldgs. 9 2 " - Lig ting 6 7 Wat r 0 7 4 I 2.00 22.05 250.00 379.40 281.63 13.25 18.00 7.75 3,734.54 Rec.-5483 2 L/ 1677a'i� A. F. Morton. Supt.. Ruei4ber4am n 51.95 Northwestern Elenot Equipment Company. -152.47 is 80'60 kp - SaiieeIs 55 50 X373 _ i sa - 15 .47 - -� SCRft Pally" Printing^Compaay.F- 68.10 '. .quality - ID'*- Finan 6; 0 Uvl, Service 2: - P-- 00 _. F. alarm 5• 00 - 68 10 i9RAZ Raymer Hardware Company. 140.43 ,Ep,�j,ce 00 1,84 S'yya 17,90 4 50 pay..ie P. Alarm 1 05 . .p..Ca�CBni,StaL�ion 6 25 - C.—P�Weeks. 75 gt�nngineers 2 00 R. 6 90 8 62 42,83 60 Library - 13 158.00 F. 7. Spriggs r`., 13.25. lbT+f4` Wm. Whiteford. .. _ C8-&er►tee o -T 69T.-17 \` GITY�Q�F �ST. PAUL COUNCIL RE SOL U'�fON FORM /...._...... ... .......... 919. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one SD- 546 Steam Jacket pump, motor and' strainer, complete, for the Department of Public Works, from the Kinney Manufacturing Co., at a cost of $657.00, without asking for competitive bide, as.these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Sprinkling & 011 Fund. Yens ( t') Counci17 V) Noy. �ancy x ler v wnnaetucn .resident, Hodgson :n°ZLM ocing�. Adopted by the Council.,,__,_ MAR 28 lb,.l 191 _.. Im I °' ` •C�(ta0 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 24515 CLAIMS --RESOLUTION FORM N. ............ . .. 573 -�-z AUDITED ............... ........ ... he drawn upon the City T --y, payable out of the hereinafterspecified f..d—d i. favor of the persons, firms or corporatlons f- the ""'N se PP.,it, their —p -i,, names as specified in the following d—flM -1-1: Yeas Councilmen Nays - AdoptedC .... iL'R ii19 191 C" 'Y 1� d— F- �9 G. il Mc all ...... xwroR W& h d ..... 11. President dg_ J. 110"r Gertrude Bernier, 2.70 ,ZA@6" Burroughs Adding Company, 882.00 inanoe jog Crane & Ordway Companyp 192.45 Ajj- .51 2,4.51 a 2 .17 1 1 0 0 4 .8 8 8 18 45 192 45 Decker Hardware Company, 50.67 Police 3 00 1 73 guar ins 1 so W house 1 60 .65 g70 2 .76 .14 5 .67 10W Independent 011 Company, 24.75 Tote3"sMWAl"49 .�2 2 yG SSS .18960 Manhattan 011 Company, 708.28' —2u7.�ie 151. + u 3; 40.7 294. S. Clog. 73.7 8. B B. & Repr. �+ 7. Scho s 24.5 Pa s 7.5 46;0 ^ 46.0 Forestry Revl. 5.0 708.2 -i=ft Melady Paper Company, - 91.14 - "M Tierney & Company, 324.66 - gira_ 313; g r' 8 6���y�yytse 324. 6 163 Western Supply Company. ..Alarm le 2; 0 45 63 66.84 16 72 Pp e 1 7 66 84 Tote3"sMWAl"49 �R C �4 245616 RESOLUTION RATIFYING^ t 1 BN I NO In the matter of.._Condemningand,. tekina_an„easement.. in,___the_ lnd_ne ce ssary for slopes, for cute and fills in gradi m Berry Avenue from Charles .................... ... ............ .............. ............. ........................................... ...... ......_..z........................_............................._._..._ Street to University :ve n se 0^ an :ams se.rr wv�a�r. xwm ............ ................._......_........._...._ �reaxxo vome.aursxse ��,_.:.._.........._.._...._........._._............_.____._ ........................................................... ............................ _.............. .................... .... _.... _.......................... ,___.... _......... _.._...__. order Preliminary order ......:.22234......... aOrder.............:35.7D.., approved 918. A public hearing having been had upon the taldng and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, fee the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit. therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Received, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, end made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands respectively for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said aseessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all reep0ts ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. _ jt IJ(�yF,+x-..-'^;l�tlNli'itliEnllmaete's Adopted by the Council ..........._......................................... +fit---- ._ ........................._..... . _;:Y.�:.�J..Y......._.___.. City Clerk. Approved.._...........__....:.:'......:ii.__..:�.:.._..., PA...... _ ._.... _.................................... _.......... ..._ ...... yor. Councilman F rneworth CouneRmanx” a Comcilm ee "Clancy Councilor Beller �comei an tM Coll Counci an ,�Punderlich Mayo Hodgson 4o, 24567 ax FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. To the matter L.—nd—ing ----- - ----- - -----_--------------- - ---- ----- --------- -- - ------- - - -- ------ --- - ------ 23570 ander Preliminary Order....22239..._. app .... I�U�Bintorvnrd!.7 Ord- - ------ approved.. Eqvj 27tA,..121P. R..I,.d: (1) That the following improvement be and the some ie hereby ordered to be made, viz: and talona,_an tht Egr -d fills in.,_3ra3i ng„. D_Umis xzjtxA—u e. (2) That the following land, lands or conements therein be and the same are hereby taken, appro- priated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvementa, haj.1,&_e.Tj D_jM.Gn aY.Qx- e . . .................... . ..................... . ........ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above laod, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Commit ................ ............. City Clerk. /I Approved .. ..... ............ Im Councilman worth Cai�lman as's Cenacilea Hymdcl—cy �oama n Keller 7Coupe McColl C Co an im: a _'a Co Wumlorlis 1 M _' 1 rdr—Hodgeon Cd .ri o, 24568 RESOLUTION RATIFYING A sCondeaning and talc in; an easement in e land Iv the matter of ....................__._.....:_.._._........_.._................_._..._.............._......._........th......._..._....__.__— _ necessary for slopes, for cuts ana fills in grading Eleanor Street, ............. ................. .............--............... ..................................... ............. ......... ......... ........... ................................ .........._..._ from Seventh Street to Chat... rthStreet. _,,.,...-._._--.-__ ................:._..........._._..........._............_..............._.__...... __..._................._.,..._........_...._........_............ sisss—............_.._. ........_......._.................... .__.._.........__.......... ,mane. sr eaaauam.. m. ma- -meen,ear m. me as sea.- , m..•avea rm cuu eaa mt• m .......... _.........._......_.__.._............... enavaa.�n s.Ret. ease...._...__....__....._._._....._....._._..._._._._ :skarn under Preliminary 0rder.2199 ........... approved S u ,_ E9i_ 191Q.torauediary Order.._233_ 122-8— A 1318._. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and eonde rection of the leads or su.ements therein, for the above improvement, and the .ward. of dereages therefor, and elao upon the sesessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the laude described in the aces, ezed assessment roll, identified by the signataree of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made s part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of each Janda reepeetively for said taking and ca.demnation as set Forth f. said ..—.at roll, be end the same is hereby in all respects ratified aad ...firmed. Resolved further, that the said ae.emment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the .awe is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. teLm yar t. ••ta.d•`i Adopted by the Council _.._............ :.q....ti....... .._........ _...._._ Approved........_ ............._._.......__................_.. IG24;4� _.yor. Councilman 2—,7th Councilman K{o �/ - - Councilm an 'KeTand C l an cy Councilman eller O w_ 3 Councilman Coll f1V."'-- Comcilm.n underlich MayouQtadh Hodgson '3D C,� %' 21569 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. condemning and takin an eacement in the land necessary Inthe matter o£....................................................................................._...._...................._.............................__ far.._slcpes,__. or„_cut n,_3nd_. ;ill s._i n;,,gradin __E1, nf: t.,_._ }:4iR.._SSY.eIl4h Street to Chat ev:o rth Street. _....._._o.as aa .... oousT—cmmo o........._...um..ea.-- I{.......... .............. ................... _ order Preliminary Order -..32159 .............. approved..J..u],Y,_ a_t. l,_,-19fntermedinry Order...< 35.3......_., vlet, 1918. . xpproYed.._......_._11.0 .................._............... Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: C.R.rld.el7.'UD4 and taki nP, an easement in the land �e�ess,ry.,_for._slcpea__fo_r„_c.y_s_and_ ................ .... .... ................. ..._..... _....._ fills _in .;rad inp,_�leanor___street,,_fr�rg„Sgv (2) That the following land, lands or sesements therein be and the same are hereby take-, appre- printed and condemned far the purpose of making the said improvements, viz:.._thR._.7..3T.ld._a17.!F.t.t.1.L$ upon Eleanor street tetoi_nts.,.asores3=d,�._tc,,;thg_,ertent,__sr•omn_ ups n._t.Ce..sket c:±{.._=L_Lip_had_.kD._5he...rep-ezt...Rf.._the...C.Rmmissio:nez._nf..3.ublia._. bur. 5th.._.1.@.7.Fx.,.._..................... _..................................... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the above land, lends or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed Adopted by the Camcil............. ........ ..:.t.......:._ ............ ...:....,�- .- N City Clerk. Approved ......_ ........:........:a----- __..... ...... dl>!_._. Councilman Fa orth Coanenme- G s Councilman Clancy o�y)y;_•..,.� /�P' f Councilor fieller connaa n n1 can Count' an Wunderlich Efay Int Hodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONPHOt14 iD AND IWO In the matter of.condemning and Laking . _ . an e_a.seme..nt in ... ._. the _ .. land ..................._._._..___.._..........._..........._......._........_........._........... .......__— . necessary for elopes, for cuts and fills in grading Topping Street _..._ ............._............ ._.............. .................................... ............... .................. ................ ............................................... _...__. from O:cfo rd St. to Chatsworth Street. :,"u°s ...._........... ........... ..__........... ._............... .__ mr°:ioo °.°fro:'lag °�a�a°mi--I......_..._...... ...._..__.._.............__—_ ° Ro4a _....................... _ _............ _............- ............ _..... . under Preliminary Order.....?2073- appr.veduly 17,-,_1918_. yntermedim, Order...?35_G7____ 27, 1918. appreved_ .................................... A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the ]ands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the esesesment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duty considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the land. described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the eigrateven of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the :were of each lands respectively far said taking and condemnation as at forth in and assessment roll, be and the same is busby in all respects ratified end confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in ali respecta ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be t forth dt t d Sass W ®d __-_ -.x ' - dam: - _ in d therein ......._. �ssatsf69f811ifC �-. _ 5 Adopted by the Council....................::.........._......'.�_ ..... .._... ........ _ ....... ..... (Sty Clerk. Approved...._ ................... :................. :."......, y4L. ...._.._..........._............_................ ...._............... ..._._.._.... / Mayor. Coancilmaa raswortly/ Cmmciiman os. / Council 4 Ilex Co" an cCT fj` Cc loran' derueh V M rd iiodgson FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. condemning and taking an easement in -the land in the matter oE........................................................ ........_.................._.... _............... .. nec es sary.fcr.slopes _fo..... s.and fills _in grading -Topping _Street_ _........ ...... .. from Ox£o rd Street to C'rtat sr:orth &t re et. ....._............_._.._-----_.._...---.--..--- a 235E7 22073 JulY 17, 191�termediary Order ..................._..._. under Preliminary Order ......................_........, approved......_....._......._.....__., approved .......N.Q 7.=....21.....1.91F3..,..... R-1ved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, via: .:.d take an easement in the land necessary _for slop ee _for-cuts,and fi lle in grading. Top,�in(t_St.r set from,_dxfo.rd_St_reet___to _Chat e:^o_rth _t rest. (2) That the following land, leads or easements therein be and the same arc hereby taken, appro- the 13nd.,_a1?.utting p[ieted and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvement., vis: -..-.-........-- upon Topping Street, between the pcints aforeesid, to ,the _extentehown_ unon the sketch attached to the report of the Commissioner.. of _ Public ......... (3) That the asaeesment. of benefits and award of damage. for the tal mg and appropriating -the above land, lends or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed. Adopted by the Council ...............:.. .:R....^...:%.... ;. i........__.._., ........._ .......__......._-...T. _. City Clerk. _ Approved ....................... .... ✓ ...........................-mayor. Coancilmev Fern Orth Councilmen G_o Cl sncy - ConnCilman ?t7pr rcrrnll^T7jr/ IComcihnen eller _ Couneilma McColl Comci Wunderlich bfayor 'g; Hodgson RESOLUTION RATIFYING A AWMW In the matter of..._co_ndemni ng _and _t skins .necessary for slopes: for cute and fills in sradinc Alley in Block .................................. .................... ................................................................................. _..... __ 9, Merriam Park (Second Addition 23 n'g approved l-ov_1fii 19 18 Intermediary Ordsr.._23863.________ under Preliminary Order__ ..........:..._......_...., _ approved Dec 31, 1918. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easementa therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of dam ages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, ad the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annesed assessment roll, ideatifisd by the signatures of the Mayor and City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such laude respectively for said taking and condemnation m set forth in said seeeame-1; roll, be and the same is hereby in all reepects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. m `-e4npj,'n=�ellwnte.ae. .. ..1., x.a.a.iw,..i.a..eriMdihergn SJLAdopted by the Council : .......... .... .._..................._ ..... _ . .'✓...1�........_. ... ... City Clerk. Approved..........................:_'..._:u.r... �.:.:':...,., 4B3r....... vv ......... ._.............. ..................... ------ ........... .......__......... / Meyer. Cauncilmana worth Coaneilman Comeilman sn8x rClancy Councilmen tleor Councilma �:C Mayer �•��t��5.73 w FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter oE_condgm�i ng_and.._t akl ng_an.-.easement„._i n.,_the-_land., ne cess¢ fo r._ cutsAndfi11e-_iq-.grad ng A-2.1_gy....7.n...5.1-99k...9.,._:(io!"i=_ ._.._Rank...& eay.nd...A.ddxtz.a c.. e. xai xrsvx-.. ........................................... ...._....................__-_— _. _ ea ........_..._.._— :a:. xerr�a� �.. ... k-yiueia xiiiar�nnvp vee nuv, ra. ._... ._......_.._......._23498 .......................-_aPProve rhoV:*.15'1918 ................_......... under PreliminaryOrdar.........._.........._......• d.._...._�.......a___...._.., Intermediary Order Resolved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered to be made, viz: co na emn _ and_take _aneas ement in_the. land, ne_cs,seaFY...f.4S....$1QN.C.5.,.._SA.F....G.pS_fl._3D.d fills in &radzr g_A11 ey_ in _Blo ck_9,A,_7Lerriam,.Park Second„Addition.__,._ (2) That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the sane are hereby taken, appr. printed and condemned for the pnrpose of making the said improvements, viz: .the-land_ab_ut ti ng upon the alley. in_B1ocL• 9,_Serrie.__Park_Becond. Addition, _to .. _................ _............. _... _ _ .... ext ent,_showq_upon„_the,. eke t ch_attachcd.-_y9,,,the,_'gRp.r.ti....RS...S.hC....G91Pn11.9.a.z.pner of Puolic lYorke. in the matter dated Sanuary_28thr 1919__..,.,,,_ ...... .,_ (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damages for the taking and appropriating the. above land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and confirmed 1. I lE� _ Adopted 6y the commit ........... .::::.................._.._............... eller Cooacihnan b'n worm , Comcilman G s - Comeilman Clancy Coaneibna Coancilm McColl V ` r?f�n;yv..�.. s/�z//m Comci Nunderlich - -{- --4 Bravo Hodgson � rro a�` k ani l e". u.I Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company to build, ereot, construct and maintain tanks, for the storage of gasoline, at the southeast corner of Ninth and Minnesota Streets, known as late 5 and 6, Block 14, Robert's and Randall 'a Additidn, the storage therein to be in two undergroundtanks, each 2000 gallons in capacity. This permission in granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the erection and construction of fire proof buildings and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building resolutions of the City of St. Paul, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. Yo. (J) Cenncii.. J) Nay. .� 9 ne Adopted by the Caavcil......:-.,R.....^:.-.._..�...........1Yi Clancy Farre Orth i�LR 2� GApp ve._....................................__.............. d9L llc McColl.._...___ a$ " .................................... Wunderlich oYJ?i —F.);4. _._..�,..;..>. ron Mr. resident Hodgson MYLES MCNALLY NAY OEVLIN - •[a[cx�[P PIP[ CITY OF OF SAINT PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC eAFETY oLL.£o.. 1-1—F BUREAU AOF FIRE PROTECTION 24• March 25. 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of public Safety, St: peal, Minn. Door Sir: - In regard to the application of the Standard Oil Company, asking for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station at the S. E. Corner of Ninth and Minnesota Streets, known as Lots 5 and 6, Block 14, Roberts and Randalls Addition, to consist of 2-2000 gallon capacity storage tanks, to be buried underground. Will say that I have made inspection of the promisee and recommend that permit by granted, and that this office be notified before tanks and 1a pipes are covered for reinspection. I Respectfully yours, 1 ACTING FIRE MARSHAL. 4OHN.1L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE' NSU RANI EAND GAGE LOANS.' TO TNF RONOR.AHLF COUNCIL: Gentlemen: - 7e herebv ask for a permit to erect a gasoline filling station on lots 5 and 6 in block 14 of Robert& Randall's Add. to St. Paul, property located on the southeast corner of East Ninth Street and Minnesota Street, size of ground about 86 feet on ldinnesota by 100 feet on Ninth. The capacity of the storage will not exceed 2000 gallons. All of the storage and appurtenances thereto inside property 1'nes. The filling station will be an exact duplicate of the one recently built on the northwest corner of University Ave. and Lexington Blvd. Respectfully submitted, STANDARD O%IL 00'rPANY .,q Ry�� -March 25th,1910. COUNCIL L 24575._..:.....___..:... Revolved, That permission be and the ansa is hereby granted to the Standard 011 Company to build, erect, construct and maintain tanks, for the stor- age of gasoline, at 397-99 Font Seventh Street, known as Lots 1 and 2, G. L. Laine Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Leech's Addition, the stor- age therein to be in two underground tanks, each of 1000 -gallon capacity. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the erection and construction of fire proof bufldinge and of said storage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building resolutions of the City of St. Paul, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before thin resolution becomes operative. Yw/residttAomdgsho(,V J)Nay. Mr.n Adopted by the Covvcil.. .'16R.._2V'..-!9.19..>oy.... HEN RY DEV LIN MY ESM.NA LY F,FfcNlc - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC aAF— BU.E '. FIRER PROTECTION 2LI'w'. March 28, 1919. Ron. Henry McCall, Commissioner of Public Safety; St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the Standard 011 Company, asking for permission to erect and maintCin a gasoline filling station at 397-99 {lest Seventh Street, ]mown as Lots -1 and 2, G. L. Laine re -arrangement of part Block 4, Leechs Addition, to consist of 2-1000 gallon storage tanks, to be buried under ground. 'Will say that Ihave made inspection of premises and reoommend .that permit be granted, and that this office be nofified before tanks and pipes are covered for reinspection. 41 Yours very truly, ACTING PINE MARSHAL. JOHN L. BARNES, REAL ESTATE AND *�OdTGAGE LOANS. INSURANCE XPIA-IRTNITR UL. MINN.. U. S. A. TO TNF, qONORARLF COUNCIL' Gentlemen: We hereby ask for a PeT.it to erect q filling station on lots one and two G=orge L. Leine's Rearrangement Of a ,art of block four L6echels A I dd. to St.pauj, Property I located on West Seventh Street, commencing about 25 feet West of North Smith Ave! These lots have a frontage of about 125 feet On West Seventh.Strest. The capacity will not exceed 2coo gallons, all ofthe storage and aPPuTtenanoe s thereto inside property lines. The filling station will be an exact duplicate of the one recently built on the northwest corner of University Ave. and Lexington Blvd. Respectfully submitted, STPT1r,'_ARj) OIL rOMPANIY� NiarOh 25th, 1919. . aqa- b kvown etL FORM e V 245,76 No..--, _......... ... _........._........_._... Acvelved, That permission be and the Dame is hereby granted to the Standard Oil Company to build, erect, construct and maintain tanks, for the storage of gasoline, at the northeast corner of Beech and Arcade Streets known as Johnson's Subdivision, Lot 4�of Block 112, Lyman'. and Dayton's Addition, the storage therein to be in two underground tanks, each of 2000 gallon capacity. This permission is granted subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Safety and to the erection and construction of fire proof buildings and of said eta rage tanks in accordance with the ordinances and building resolutions of the City of St. Paul, which plane and construction shall be approved by the Building Department before this resolution becomes operative. Yea/H,dg— ea ) Nays Adopted by'Ihe a 1.._.....R._2.�3.._;319.....nf-1 rth p , A owed_..........Cu_.......^.r..._....:.............._......5lSmr. ...........-[*-rwaS ch groa MYLEe -NALLY HENRY OEYLIN er cn�iF .SNI CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC6AFETY ca uleelanen rl W BUREAUFOFc FIRENPROTECTION March 25, 1919. I Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Pub110 Safety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: - In regard to the application of the - Standard 011 Company, asking for permission to erect and maintain a gasoline filling station at the ti. E. Corner of Beech and Arcade Streets, known as Johnsons subdivision, Lot 4 of Block 112, Lymans and Daytona addition, to, consist of 2-2000 gallon capacity storage tanks, to be buried underground. Will say that I have made inspection of the promisee and recommend that permit be granted and that this office be notified before tanks and pipes are covered for reinspection. Respectfully yours, CX4aa/ex%vC ozy- ACTING FIRE MARSHAL. /I Jam_ C.F 1P ;i�T DCIIf Pt �lf.S7/ 1111 C.V/d 0. CC �ew� � e".n�ea'.:nai Ier clerelR. LICENSE Y - �— No.245 s a . 4 y D4 w ,ce; _ D _191_ RESOLVED, That then application of the following. persons fora license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be,and the same herebyare granted, and.. the City Clerk isauthorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. - Location. —Lsonmrd-$.$ohldek 1957 Ripley At _ .john Boueattet 148 So.Wabasha St. Deiia A.MoDonough - 380 Como Ave. Henry J.Gruber -t _803 Weat 7tb,Bt. Frank Lorenzd 338 Sibley St. John A Freiermuth 207 Bates Ave. it Uiem 8ohmidt ___ 1049 Payne Ave. Anton Nelson — 890 Payne AVG. Anthony Had I'm 1019 Arcade St. H�Leon Solomon 355 East 7th,8t. 1jeX d Groeeman 88 Weet 7th,8t. IIngaretti- & Fabbrini 91 Bo.Robert St. Frank A.Rueb 874 So.Wabasba St. 1199 Cortland` Sit. - Y C yyrrnswort tt� Adopted L the Council ler RApprove eld _ ',1...•-.., /� l'n crlic ai� r. 1'r side r. CI V FST. PAUL - F COUNCIL RESO TION^LIQUOR LICENSE r,< No j RESOLVED, That theapplicationof //for a li..... to sell intoxicating the following persons liquors at the locations re- spe.tivsly-indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment oP the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. - Location. Ohaunc R Harris 90 Eaet Bth.St. _Fsank-Thom. 448 St.Peter St. Wick P.Srahy 1179 East 7th.St. Conrad_HII1p,4ka 93 So.Wabaaha St. ,_ William Mueller 819 W.Dniversity Ave. _ Waltgx_y,l=endergaot Eaat 3rd,St., John Jahr— 898 Rice St. - John F.Kubeih 289 West 7th,St. _ JQeL"h_Poidinger. 599 Dal. 9t. Michaud 9row.Ino. 427 Wabasha St. _ The Minnesota_Club 4th h Washington St. Joe Schwartz 870 Rio. St. _ Henry J.lelsbh 1199 Rloe 8t. --Tfieo.Ratzman v" misal—IPPI at Yeas (:) C -ib- ) Nays Farnswol Adopted by the C .... il__. _..........._................. ...... Gose 7� _.........r, r,.•ar Kel V 9 1919 Approved.._ _.._....._. .. _._.._......-19t......... \fr. Prasb nt. COUNCI" SE TRANSFER —4, 24578 No. E).iFp.... SOLVED That the following designated license. to $01) toaiaating liquors iq.or. be transferred as indicated pursuant to applications duly made therefor. No._____— From (Name and Address) L40-59 Nick Baoaimt,n 959GaUltier St To (Nam. and Address) 959 6ault'CT St. No-59,BaymQnd3 -K.Roaahjarg, A %jaksQn SI !LO113jony-Busslj: 419-E-7th-St—1 Nn-'154,2atzi"' J G"rfln 60P Iafayzlje_j Herman _ Sq_hwkbel, 386 Jackson St. a Tony osel _-ZlQ W. 7th-51--- c,—d K,ilrman,_9Zi-E Paul Koluza, 960 Arcade St. J..eh Cicalo, 359 P. 7th St. No. No. No. Nov No. No. No. No. No. No. Y-, (J) H.-(!) V) Y. n.—th Adapted by. tbe C U1, ApI.. C.11 P p �de.t, d,,Ii,b Turan 6Zp�pe-(�V,-�nt�wle �v s�K ymefu ��" r ae.Gese'6Vee4Ea v d, ' COUNC � U E� 7AL FORM vera. �ocxcc NO.. 24519 i v e. anal ...... ._... Resolved, That the application of H. Fegelson for a e license to conduct a Pawnshop at 410 Cedar Street, be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby in- structed to issue such license upon the filing of the bond and - contract, and the payment into the City Treasury of the fee, $100.00. Yens(19Iomeii 2 n(v)Noy, ?14R `u _. d (w Adopted by the Council ... �lancy fA. oIh -R �.. .1_ ppr e..................r....._,.._..:._`._r, A ........... . . .............. 1 rlichodgson awrox C,;mv nv am. vent. 24580 40MrN31 Resolutions ml� �u_ __ _ _ _ - _ _ - -D - - - en ed ourbing. Carroll Avenue from Snelling In the matter of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Avenue to Paecal Avenue - _ - _ - _ - - - _ _ _ —- - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . - - - 21501 under Preliminary Order - - - - - - -, Final Order.- - - - - - February the 7th, Approved - - - - - - -1919. RESOLYED, That the plane, speoifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Publio Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. p;i? :Cli :j19 Adopted by the connoil Yeas ( ) Rays ( ) Oouno ilmann r eworth 0 ler (� Coll Piv:3 1319 ivnderlich Appro - - - - - - - T919 - Mr• Presi nt Hodgeott °tr Received all papers in wb� connec-tionw th ab ve 39 Aeeolution. 1 eo�eir Rosolutions �. -- - - - -- -- -- 2Y58� I�M �.�_ �o� ➢ _, ldarah 29th, X919. In the matter of ourbinZ both sidos of R_oblyn Avenue between - Cretin Avenue_and FinnAvenue, and the east aide ofwenue from Ann Arbor Street to Roblyn Avenue - _ _ _ _- - - _ _ -. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _- - 15 under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - - -, Final Order - - - - - - Jeauary-28th Approved - - - - .. - - - -1919. RESOLVED,, That the plans, specifications and estimated , quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public ',forks for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. i_ Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - - --�°'1•?? Yeas ( ) Councilmen Clano Fern forth Gos Se er d M oll derlioh Mr.. Presi ent �cdgson Nays ( ) APpr ov mayor Received all papers in .connection w h above Res 1 io� 24582 CetmeSReeolut . 67-s -- - - - - -- �. .Dawe—�reeaaaen-+-- - 1 a combined curb and gutter on Selby In the matter of - -- --- -- --------- -- - Avonue between s^inn avenue and Cretin Avenue. - _ _ _ - _ _ _ - -- - _ _ _ _ _ . _, _ _ - - - 23893_ _ _ _ under preliminary Order - - - - - - - - -• Final Order - - - - - - Approved - _JannarY_3rd• _ _ _ - .1919. RP.3CLVEDO That the plane, Opeoifloationo and uatimated quantitlee eubmitted by the Comnleedoner of Public Works far the above named' Improvement be and the same are hereby approved`. : 1 -. Adopted by the Couaoil - - - -3 -29 919 - - - - - - �• . Yeas ( ) news ( Counollman /Goeo ,.- Mr. ?roof Ont u Received s11 papers elit connection fwit (��D Raoo}��/yionlx.�--- �l /l rn m h Coun61 F.I.No. .. ..✓....._ o 24r . .�' S m nlr, oSt2cUr.RR - The'=n&nisnrd hereby proposes the meting of the -.wive public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; ..:............. .......... .... ....._......... .... 191._...... Cu ... ilm.n. .P INA Y RDERi1o.. a�4,S$3 1- WHEREAS A written p po al for thea the following improvement, viz.. ......._Conetreot._a...o.em..ent._tIle._. f e.et_.wide...cn....t.he...north...................... _ 44e of Roef3.... treet._.X.XOM..Fl6ndraU StrOet....tR...KOrMaxd $txeet......_ .____...... .................:_._..................._............._............_.........._...._._......_._........_..........._......._......................._........._................................................ ................ ........... .................................. .................. ................................ ........ ............... ......................................... ....._.......... .............. ............... h.ving beev pmrnted to the Council of the City of St. Pnul by Coundlmen_..........._._..............._............_...... ............................. therefom be it RESOLVED, Thee the Commissioner of Publk Worb be end he it hereby ordered end dircdo& I. To invettigete the veceulty for or dobabihty of the meting of r'id Fmpmvernmp 2. To invet4igate the netme, extent .rid ettimeted cart of e,id improvement, end the to1e1 cart thereof. 3. To furnish a pled, profile or .ketch of said improvement. eeid-impr—ruont:........................................................ r ..................................................................................................................... ........././....................h.th......................... $Too trate whether or not avid improvement it asked for on the petition of wee or more owner. report upon .11 .1 the foregoing mettere to the Commlmfoner of Fen Adopted by the tound4............... Y..: N°p; Counolmen Farn Orth Go ,I Approved...._.............^t' ....A._i 9............719H. Iend ler M.C.11 WundvGrh...._.. ......... ............... yor Irvin -�Ma�Yoi. cess c a r. uat s,i lil��i".r"t� Nygp . d Council File No... ....... .. ' a3a eta o e ,r'i i°e 6NT 1�5�a 24584 PRELI' d 'ZRDER, The unda ivPkhereby propeer. the en.kine of Y f p 7i g p4bl ' rmpruvement by the City of St. Paul, vil ^,IN, Co ... ih.. PRELIMINARY O DER. C°, �': 7 ` D. 2–N' Sg� Aeo t;zvS'�`f11 i g�Piee �3`fldld'61ke at the following lo- o prions: south side oY Dayton Ave 9._Yt.wide beginning at. a point 160.. ft,west of the .ireet'line oY Louie fittended thence West 150 it. south aide oY 8t. Anthony.. Ave.6...Y.t.w18a Ysom.-F.asslnaton.. Ave .thence east, 8604 et ..and.. -Prom 74 Y a Yarthep e t he]1 a east o L uie 8t ap oximatel 5 Y Faet Bid 0 e6L Tn...A9a f3 �tt Fl e.TSOm..A. �aA08 eDll kL_�181(1 tt�, .'.a0 th ida o Van wren 8�.6 fi.W a0 xrom ere am Ave., bene we 180 Yt.;iiox h ifla Of St.,.Ai th0 Y....ppyye,6...S.t...w1dR. Y. am .dey.:..8t.....thano.a....wait....835...Y.4:and._fxom..Ile ft. Yarther Wesi,thenoa west 70 eat. h.ving been Presented m the Council of the City of St. Poul by C.-O.n............ ...._:.:..:..._...................................... :................. . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cammie.ioner of Public Works be and be ie hereby ordered end diredtrd: I. To invettigete the n«eaity for or dedm68ity of the making of sud improvement 2. To invenigem the r,atme, exernt end animated oort of sold improvemene, end the ectal wrt thereof. 3. To furnith a plan, profile or eketeh of said improvement menta............ ...................... ............. .....`�. ........................_................................................................................ .....:.. ..... . ................... ...................................................... To nate wheehv or rot tud improvemertc is mkcd for on the petition of three or more owner. - report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commi.uoner of Fitwta. Adopted by the eeunrd............_......'•;ZR��....'.V:L....._I9L....._ ....... Yu.: Nays: Cowdlmen Form Orth G Approved ...................'.......: �_r9..:. �. i r�.......19I......:. H and eller cColl WmduGch............_................................................................................... M or IrvinMsy/orf ust.r PUBF,EQt C ... if File N . ................... .. . - Drks 24585 1� -'b-mby propo tb, redrin f 'fl.— P..irop .. store I t by the City If St. Nul, vis.: Doted of AAXQA.a. . ......... . -An ...... .............. 11191 Coroiloe— PRELBN4UY�(2 T, WHEREAS. A written propend for the mki,g of the following improvement. viz.: ............ -Qpvn,...xlA( en md extend-RealMn Utzeo.t tp-:A wi.4th of 66 feet......._ .............. ......... . b.o..tw.e.on..B.enson...an&..Rookwood..Avenuee. , --- - ............. ... ................. .................. ................ ......... -.1 ....................... -.1.1 ...................... ................................... ................. ........... .......... - ................ ............. .............. - ..... ...... ....................... he,i,& been pmeo,tod to the C-61 of the CitY If St. Paul by C ... A— ............... ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tht the Commiuionv of Public Works be end he is hereby ordered end di,eeted: I. To ir,:itipte the —ity for —drsi,bility of the making of odd irepm—t. 2 To in ft,te the naturr, extent sod dtire.ted coft of said ier;Io—eet. sod the to.] ma thereof. of rai, irom—sort. .. . .. ..... ...... ... . . ............ .......... .......... z ........... .................................. ............ ................ ........... ........................ ite. ,hal, or -.t mid io,� .... to � is "led for on the pelilill If -" 11 —1 To report P.. .11 of the foregoing —o— to the Croonlfi— of For—. Adopted by the —dl- ....................._-...._._..191._..... Ve" .............. -.191- yess: Nye: C .. diesere Fero: G Appro-d 191 Hyl d er rofer.. . ......... - .............. - ... . .... ............. C...dl File No. ............. The undersigned hm',x pn,pm,, the making d the fll],Xg publi, improvement by the City of St. PW, i,: Dated C—dhe.. PRELIMINjkZRY�RDFR Yt 0 '2. 4 50 t. WHEREAS. A written pmpo,,l f,, the ,king f t&followi,g EPmcnp viz.: Open,. vri' #tY.. Aan 14no q?;� MpAt 043ZTa qcyqIjk7Md.to ay!idthof e 9 tpvt b0Keem..RpndoIp.h street and J_eMY rPort,AVe—e., bye;qeI47' A44 ?3cYt4ev k.m.-PPR i44..out Elms t..o connect with e..si..d, Boulevard pe ........... A .......... having been pme,td t, the Council of the City of St. Paul by C-61 . . .... ................. tb,d,m be it RESOLVED, That the Cenun4,ioner of Public W.4, be end he i, hereby ordaed end dizeded; I. To i-eftiga, the n—ity f.—dakbility of the making c.id improvement. 2.. To fnveaieate the rotate, extent and eaimeted wrt of raid bnvmvem<nt, and the towl wrt thereof. 3. ,3. �T' to seid iprqvment; .. .. .... . .......... To ant, whether—n—. id improvement mon i, shed f,, the petition of three a r marc a m �u report , a of the hu,.i, zeat- to the Com d i— of Finance. MAR 29 1919 Adopted by the - ............ 191 Yee.: Nay.: C ... lib", Fern'fth Ge Approved......:.. 2'- 191 H end • 1. L) ,Cell W w .nd_, kh Me r Irvin _ . M.Y- .—A Yens (t� C—dllnen (V) Nnye 'T7 — eller cColl ..A6viner mderlich wide Jnty Hodgeson �N-GENERAL t� FORM 24557 ..._._....Lexa� No ... _. _......_. _. _:__.__... , Mar 29 8� Resolved, .That the application of the following'per sone fora lioease to andduot locations respectively indicated, be, the Hotels or Restaurants, at the and the ecl and directed 669 tomissue,such licensestto$ said personsyuponrthes paymentOfthe fee required by law. . I "" NAME OF APPLICANT, HOTEL OR RESTAURANT. LOCATION, Janisoh Sras. Restaurant, 1200 Forest St., 580-82 Jackson. Herman FRussell, , Restaurant,. University & Pelham, William Russell. Restaurant, 59_g E, 7th, E. E. Cleveland, W. J. Green, 'Seattle Duluth Hotel, Hotel, 443 Juwkson, Jemee MONauria, Abbot Hotel, 529 Wabaeha. 366 W. H. Gilbert, Restaurant, .Robert, 393 Robert, W. E. Fadden, Restaurant, 444 St, Peter, Chas. Maselli.3, Restaurant, go W. Summit, 0. R. Stinson, Restaurant, 305 W. 7th, Moskovitz Bros., Restaurant, 949 W. 7th, Andrew Rothmeyer, Restaurant, 48 W. Ezohange, Oliver Stokes, Hotel Stokes, Yens (t� C—dllnen (V) Nnye 'T7 — eller cColl ..A6viner mderlich wide Jnty Hodgeson M4-4 —" FOR1V1 tte� Na_245f38' .574 - > > u DmE e/ Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out .f thehereinafter specified funds and to favor of the persons, fim or corporations for the ...vats set opposite tbeir respective names as spxifid in the followingpdetailed statement: Yeas ( v ) C..ncibn®( v )- Nays Adopted by the nci1M.2J'a_:1ia7.r-191 Clenc nr worth �Strfe.et- p pryYed .'�^iG1t- �... 191_%x- 7 n McColl Nunderlieh Mr. resid-, Hadgsov t 10754•' 8.. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. of FSnsaoe 1L,564.34 C3't�i-OTflaera 3,(18332 i.e 179:8 E.�{ty-flet$ 348. 5 Oorp,-Lonnael 1381: 7 #kxa4a :-Oourt 1.720. 2 Pdreau-of^ Assess. 415. 0 Rsrdp-s .-r-Disb. 531: 6 parties 'Cert.. 72. 0 - .Gampbra3ler - 925: 3 Cds.3y.Seaadce 445. 0 G.�Sv8r�0's+R. 1.310. 0 Pu:aF>•.-Bea� t. 815: 0 I)T55 S. A. Farnsworth. Com'r. of Finance - 11,913.69 SrP-.Wor1s� Ad.. 653 33 - Beepeaw," Engineers 21008 14 1157 .90 $sae* fah R. 284.87 S...do-.S w03ag. 5131 .00 - - Edgt..b.rR. 281.50 . Oros„�fga3k.g 51.50 Sprink7,ing, 1108 :20 Wo�kkhouB a 63 25 11,913 69 Rocs ox�r-iaga-nm-... - 120,523.01 2e466 B. A. Farnsworth, of Finance hoomsr. .. 11 381 a gpee-a ta3—Ba;--Sokools A1223 Auditetitim At IE?6T S. A. Farnsworth. Oom'r. Of Finance 189. 1,607.51 - asL.s ^••_ Adm. Buzaaa-pf Perks 32 .17- . P1a8gswunds ElaHBe'. 1 607. je-;4& S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 337.$0 1.620.00 22 50 .10 1,620. 1n� ng American Supplqa46.6E ll W. -t" 5 4 30760 K. F. Dreher, l 25.80 40761 Everly, 55.63 S3I300'3n .}g769 Marion Goodman, 80.00. A'['t"liueeum 207E3 Katherine Hamilton, _ 50_.00 selwalg It teysI St.Paul Nlectric Oompany�_ 167,66 cs4hoay,B 8 80 dl. 2 .87 41, 2 53 p"n—de 7 .. 1 75.00 497.6€r Albert Salaba, t/ Art`tdus'enta• TUTUI----64G-u 575 'auoi i t R..I-d that --u be drawn upon the City Trea-u, payable ora of the hereinafter sp&ified fund= uad in favor of the y LLER - e,H-TION FORM F,... ° Na ....... / 1n� ng American Supplqa46.6E ll W. -t" 5 4 30760 K. F. Dreher, l 25.80 40761 Everly, 55.63 S3I300'3n .}g769 Marion Goodman, 80.00. A'['t"liueeum 207E3 Katherine Hamilton, _ 50_.00 selwalg It teysI St.Paul Nlectric Oompany�_ 167,66 cs4hoay,B 8 80 dl. 2 .87 41, 2 53 p"n—de 7 .. 1 75.00 497.6€r Albert Salaba, t/ Art`tdus'enta• TUTUI----64G-u 575 'auoi i t R..I-d that --u be drawn upon the City Trea-u, payable ora of the hereinafter sp&ified fund= uad in favor of the pec s, firm r corpormions for the --l- se oppmite their respective nnmu as specified in thefollowi-9qderailed -1-1:Yensa( V ) C ...ifinea ( ) Nays Adopted by t Couacilf//�.....' 3.(_i1_01� / Cl— Far sworth —. �itP Fe,et� pprot'ed. sseller . . McCall Wunderlich - M President, Hodgson - 1n� ng American Supplqa46.6E ll W. -t" 5 4 30760 K. F. Dreher, l 25.80 40761 Everly, 55.63 S3I300'3n .}g769 Marion Goodman, 80.00. A'['t"liueeum 207E3 Katherine Hamilton, _ 50_.00 selwalg It teysI St.Paul Nlectric Oompany�_ 167,66 cs4hoay,B 8 80 dl. 2 .87 41, 2 53 p"n—de 7 .. 1 75.00 497.6€r Albert Salaba, t/ Art`tdus'enta• TUTUI----64G-u AU4jTgp-6jAW,&=RKSOLUTION—FORM No . ...... 576 — ITED MAR 3 I-tk . ..... AV .......... T11 R -1,,d thm warrants he d—. upon the City T,—y, p.ybIe out of the 1-6..f- specified ( _ds ..d i. L— of the persons, fim, , po 6... f,, th, pp b,i, —p -i,, name . specified b, thf.11.,,i.g d—il,d st--V: Y- C.V.,il— N.p Adopted by the cbt- . . .. .... ...... Fa sworth G/. &,B6 bl—, //.1- ",C,I, WuHaJgsa nderlich -lo—, Board of Controls 3,551.35 2e767 Board of Control, 11,793.49 B.&rA—f-ntro-1- I Resolved, Q Met the appli ration of Lazarus Bros. for a - license to conduct a pawnshop at 167 E. 7th St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing. of the bond and Contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, 4100.00. I Yeas (J) oacilmcn (Nays 1 _............._...._._ Wmd<lich M,id-AH,dg— .h�fainrsml'. Adopted by the Council ......... _...._, 3,191 I4 rRAL FORM✓/J' I t ➢ I a �1591 _..I No. .................. Resolved, Q Met the appli ration of Lazarus Bros. for a - license to conduct a pawnshop at 167 E. 7th St. be and the same hereby is granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue such license upon the filing. of the bond and Contract and the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee, 4100.00. I Yeas (J) oacilmcn (Nays 1 _............._...._._ Wmd<lich M,id-AH,dg— .h�fainrsml'. Adopted by the Council ......... _...._, 3,191 COUNC E et6 -90 ALFORM � ! 7 m5(�.. IY ..r�.Se°pd uef rnor.°Y on.ee .rice C6'N0 .._� ....._. 9 Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public storks be and he is hereby authorized to employ in the various bureaus the follovdngc Double horse teams at 90� per hour e singl'r 11'r 50d " " Suchtvio horse teams as may be necessary for the collection and disposal of garbage at $135.00 per month Three double horse teams to collect dead animals at ;135.00 per t;uchtwo horse teams as may be necessary for sprinkling streets at $158.00 per month. Yeas ({7 u, ilmen(V ays Adopted by the Council., ncy �ernswo APpro GLoss 'Ifr4avOr Cell.__ / oil _ ..�.. - .. underlich ������� .Yio . Ss l Hy, � { An ypdinanoe.emending-admiaietretive Ordinance No. 32601- . `3.5— approved August .30, 1914, and amendments thereto, entitled, sAn• ,�,/•/ V l// administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau—of the. City of 6t. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations /? therefor:" - - ✓ THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That the said Ordinance No.. 3260}, approved._ _ August:30, 1914s and amendments thereto, be and the same is -hereby further amended by striking out in Rule II all the'following titles- . ' of positions where they occur in the grades as indicated below;: Grade Title - 0 Junior Library Assistant 7, Blue Printer ClericalAssistant Messenger Telephone Operator 2 Junior Clark Junior- Clerk.Stenograpber Junior Clerk.Typiot . _Junior stenographer.. Junior Typist Senior Library Assistant Waitress 3 Boat Cashierr Head Waitress Watchman 4. Cataloguer Children's Librarian' Reference Librarian Repairmen Utilityman--Playgrounds Ward P Foreman -- `t, 6 - Assistant House Drain Inspector Local -,Refreshment Manager Senior Bookkeeper Senior Clerk 'Senior A1erk�Stenographer / Senior Clerk -Typist: Senior S�enographsr. . SenlorTypist i a - • > Grade Title S 8 First Assistant to Division Chief --Library House Drain Inspector Street Sweeping Inspector Branch -Librarian Chief of order Division Chief of Periodidal Division General Bookkeeper 1-4 Principal Clerk Principal Stenographer Second Assistant Buyer g Auditor- ' Bridgeman - Chief of Branch Division Chief of Catalog Division - - Chief of Circulation Division Chief of. Civic Division - Chief of Fine Arte Division Chief ofJuveuile Division Chief of Reference Division Chief of school Division Chief of Teohnology Division Instructor of Training Claes--Library Searetary-Stenographer p Curb setter First Assistant Buyer Junior Accountant Superintendent of .Library Buildings 10 Assistant Librarian Section 2. That the said Ordinance No. 3250}, as emended be and the some is. herebyfurther s7nded by adding to Section 22 (Grade C) the .following positions and salary limits: Position Monthly compensation limits. minimum - Maximum Aocountent,Suuior. . . . . . 25.00 .$150.00 Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 1295,00 . $1 i Blue Printer . . . . . . . . Boat Cashier . . . . . . . . 100.00 100.00 Bookkeeper, General . . . . - 100.00 126.00 Bookkeeper, Senior . . . . . 95.00 105.00 Bridgeman . . . . . . . . 105.00 135.00 _ Buyer, First Assistant . . . ...8140.00. 8170.00 Buyer, second Assistant . . . 110.00 130.00 Cataloguer . . . . . . . . 60.00 100.00 � Chief of Branch Div}sign 105.00 7 135.00 Chief of Catalog Division 105.00 135.00 ' Chief of Circulation Division 105.00 136.00 Chief of Civic Divibion. . . . 105.00 135.00 Chief of Fine Arte Division .105.00 135.00 _ Chief of Juvenile Division 106.00 135.00 Chief of Order Division 95.00 125.00 Chief of Periodicals. Division .. 95.00 125.00 Chief of Reference Division 105.00 135.00, Chief of School Division . - 105.00 135.00 Chief of Technology Division 105.00 135.Q0 Clerk, Junior . . . . . . . . 60.00 eC.00 K Clerk, Principal.. . . . Clerk, Senior .. . . . . . 80.00 105.00 'Curb. Setter . . . . . . . . 125.00 _. 150.00 Divisio-i Chief, First Assistant to,85.00 115.00 -Lbrary. .Foreman, Concrete and Labor 116.00 125.00 Foreman, Ward .... .... 60.00 100.00 Inspector, House Drain . . . 95.00 119:00 99 Drain Inspector, As ot. House . t Inspector, street Sweeping 98.00. 115.00 Instructor 4f TrainiMg Claes-- 106.00 - 135.00 Library . Librarian, Assistant . . . . . 150.00 115.00 Librarian, Juntoh,Bfandh�*. . . 80.00 100.00 Librarian, 9quA2)1,BTR?49�="'. 95.00 125.00 `l,. - Librarian, Childrene .. 80..00 100.00 77 Librarian, Reference . . . . . $ 80,00 0100.00 Library Assistant, Junior 40.00 80.00 ' Library Assistant, Senior 60.00 80.00 .' Messenger. . . . . 40.00 60.00 `86.0000 105.00 . ..Poperniower Operator Refreshment Manager, Assistant 126.06 126.00 - Refreshment Manager, Local . . 86.00 106.00 - .Repairman . . . . . . . . . . 86.00 116.00 Screen Cleaner . . . . . . . . 70.00 90.00 Secretary -Stenographer 100.00- 126.00 Stenographer, Junior .. . . . 86.00 80.00 Stenographer, Principal . ... 90.00 116,00 ' Stenographer, Senior 88.00 Supt. of Library. Sull4ings 126.00 - 105 00 160.00' �. Telephone Operator . . . . B0.00 Typist, Junior .. . . . 60.00 70.00 Typist, Senior . . . 76.00 90.00 ' Utilityman--Playgrounds . . . 86.00 116.00 - - Waitress . . . . . . . . 60,00 60.00 Waitress, Head. . . . . 70.00 - 70.00 - - Watchmen . . . . . . . . . 86.00 96.00 Section 3. That the said Ordinance YO. 3260}1 as amended, is hereby further amended by striking out the phrase "Claes K" where -.1t occurs in the following secgions of said ordinance. _ Section 1 of Rule I4 _ Section 2 of Rule TSI Section 3 of Rule XII Se(tion 7 of Rule XII Section 4 of Rule XIII (subdivision 21) and by striking out the phrase "(Class 7)• where it ocuue in Section *6 of Aute IV. eotion A. This ordinance shall take effect and be,in force fro>d after its passage and approval. 8zcept the titles in the clerical service, the changes in titles as shown above are PecoWended at the request of the Parke, Education, and Purchasing Departments. r Yeas (✓) C ... cil— ( s Clancy -Ramew@th dGWr McColl ............. 6g•iest Wvvd-1kh Mr. President, H.dgeon -� - I hereby reogihmend mentionedamendmente'to the March 31, 1919. Adop(ed by the Council 1 / App- d� / /r 191. ZgB11.S1E" jl /�/ nvau .. tge by the Council the above- �v1oe �4� dinance . r� !�1-�h G �wC �� � �� u-�t,�-{; rel„ • �,� I o� (° l a�� Q !Vi/ ✓/J v _ s �`��:l1) gar---- r RR a=ION FORMMTZI aaesa a 577 oir� A ... s. ... Rmolved that warrants be drown upon the City Treasury, payable — of the 1-6-fter specified funds and b, favor of the persom, firms or corporations far the amounts set opposite their respective nomas as specified b, the foflmvi,g detailed statement: Yeas,( v ) C ... d en (v) Nsys Adapted by the caaaeil...._._APR_..-.�—�� claaey e . F.— orth — ca , ler facan ( roa waaaeaian Mr resid-, Hodgson ei4NibThe Barrett Company, ,36YEg1 Burne Lumber CompAny,- DaMu,� -WEarves--eIIdllevees t'tM•IC� M. G. Fossum, 394'4}1 lamprey Products Company, iG4F9^ Tierney & Compan_n72 Total ' Asa l 117.18 ,338.29 3.00 10.84 291.01 [INNIMEMI ogee J'"�4 .oe { n'tER � � 6 �� • � N ..... e 4 578. s .. a AUoIiE � en 1 N Ev ... .. .'IT )IPTIiULL�:ti Aeov�ee a cne C.uvcn Apvlt 1. -19r9. 9391 _ _ TIT>.E Resolved thnt w.r— be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund, and in f.vor d the terse s, firms carpomtiom for the .mounts set opposite their respective names as specified in the fallowing detailed sin einem: n or t Ycee ( v ) Cou.dlm Nays Adopted Ly C...cA__, ;1RR.-...-_I`19--'k9f". Onney „=R —.1. 1,19 Farasw dt..._ �SIPRI'✓1! A prow .._..._.___,........_....._-____...-._._. i9L_-_ Goss cColl --- W.ededleh Mr—ide.l, Hodgso. 1" M S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance A. Farnsworth,, Com r. of Finance WSC9t 36' T& Clara A -Old. Widow of Hans Aamold Ions 3C�iGh Society for the Prevention of Cruelty, G� 197'ir' Helen Su111van,GWidow Van do Michael n le a^ions 90ta1,—a'S0ev68•— 115.00 9,425.00 40.00 200.00 20.00 6enl ]RM 24596 .. No. --- .................. Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets: St. Clair street from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, Hazelwood Avenue frm Kerwin street to Brand street, Brand street from Hazelrood Avenue to Hager Avenue. Yex. (✓) Couo�lmeo ✓) Nnys APR ._.-1:...1419.......,.+uL... Goca ..........fi.b.+� APR 1 1919 .. �aITY°'?m WF11hN,T.rr✓Si�UL 121 pepwtmvnh Vr 'FubIivVHIihies Qurvavof \Wahe,r March o To the Fonorable, TNT;COIFMI., CITY 0, SAINT PAUL, St . Paul, !Unn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at a meeting held thio day, adopted the following resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following otreete; St. Clair street from Prior ,%venue to Cleveland Avenue, Hazelwood Avenue frcm Kerwin street to Brand street, Brand street from Hazelrrood Avenue to FagerAveuue." your sGerY truly. Encl. Secretary. n--- enera rm r 24597 Baer�+E, By ..,a. ..w an°d�""�<a I Install two .poles in the alley north of Dayton, east of Fairview Ave. wa�'�°.'�`:"�.�.. m'•.>oY;�.;S•b �.'f<, , m Lal^l9•,�<a Adopted by the Council .yeas -r— ) Councilmen/ /IRVIN LICHM . Preayor Beeeea�o'r Co 2�.5T� Date�He9lIR8E Ey �/i1 AA �f _.c�✓ii� Install one pole on Edgerton St. south of liontana Ave. Adopted by the Council .Seas ( /IRVIN TH IDH. Presi .;b L r'1'TV (lf~' cT -ISA! Tt +��Fgc3 n CO O On--^ enera . o Com�eiF�ke`2'7e. Z Date r en e ]3y J J Install one pole in the alley north. of Senks, east of Cortland. Install two poles in the alley east of Agate, north of Case .St. ' Install one pole on Seeeamine, north of Arkwright. Install two pole. on Elizabeth, weet of Ball Ave. ji ,j`""y PR'_ oI"QE591� Adopted by the Council r (.� ( ) -NET" GOSS WC L W DERLICH APR -1 I919 YLAND Ap ed __Iwo KELLER --� r. Preai nt, IRVIN PU D_-�ayor R;,,. Remit Ile I cBe1rF4erslrt[!if—�191 aY �LW1 0SS �f Install two poles on Whitall Street, between Arkwri Flit and Clark Streets Install one pole on the northwest corner of Clark and York Streets. Install one pole on the southeast corner of Clark and York Streets. . Install fourteen poles on State Street .between Floids, Street and Great Ile stern Bridge. 'Two ams poles on State Street, just north of .the. Great Western Bridge. With nece wary guys azid anchor e. For "street lighting. ..m«�,,,.,a..,.,a..mwm...a...n.�«,m«.e.m.«.,..n.u......e. c..e€if°.nC�e..��e,. m. Adopted by theCouncil OR — IS19 _yaa� 7Presidal ( ) '1Pdy9 H H A ro 'PR —i. ':319 PP Bim/ /r. Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, vrith the consent of the Comptroller, 400 special school books, from the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., for the sum of 8165,60, for the Department of Education, without asking for competitive bide, as they are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby, Charge Public Schools_ Instruction. Yens Muncilmen ) Nays VI - Adopted by the Council„__,,,SPR....-1.........._......_191.... Glancy ///kk- 1h Kel r / Coll .._........... Appro APR. —1 Isis v_. _._...._..................._............. 191.... :........................... under- .............................................. nnros Mr. P sident, Hodgson _ !rjjnT,T✓;F �'� F.R. F V ............ ( , w�fOf} nieva` NO.- _ ................... Resolved.. Thd't the Council concurs in the reo—endation of the Contract /Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for the grading by filling of North aide of East Fourth St. from West line of Johnson Parkway, thence Ea.tgl20 feet, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary material through the Purchasing Department as provided by the Charter. F.S. #1835, Yess ( qd cilmon (V) Nays r. Col l l ......._....`..1nliss`�r sndemcn Pr�a� Hodgson 10. Adopted by me CnuacllAPR--.1-191 9...... 191.__ Approv ... .. ./.y.,....... 191.... it'll w.,.os �.. I AUL COUN_S ERAL FORM - - __.:............._...::.: __.._.__........ 24603 rileNO..._._..__...... _......._._......... Dale-Presrnt Id.`.-�4/•1/-". ....... _191..... R—I-d, 1'! a CORncil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for the grading and improvement of Lawson St. from Dale St. to Kent St., and Loeb St. from Lawson St. to Cook St. to J. L. Shiely & Co., for the sum of $4,439.00, Engineer's estimate being $4,314.00. F.B. #1834. e° m nau �I`C :eSt— m.°im a n°em wl e�pn Yens (4) gooncilmeg'( V) Nays er enderlich Mr. P esidcnt, Hodgson Received all Papers iH connection W1tn above r Adopted by the Council......._kPR..._-....�...�9.)9__. 191..... App, ..._.."___...f�PR...-j...�g).9..._.... 191 _.. C%. .............. PUULiS g%6 . C unrd Pit ... ,NT \ s.r 'e Ya >A "wP ma• The undersigned hereby proposes mnkivg'af the following No improvement by the City of St. Pool, nix: Pave Fairfield. Ave om Rober t. to _State St State St. .........._. r n .._.e. ..._.... from Fillmore Ave. to St. Lawrena t end Indianan Ave. from -..Rab4r-t...St.-..to-Stata.5t.7-includ.in r-,-water._.and._gas.._ennneations.... from street mins to property es com to, where not already -mate,-eitao--inelndiag71 r - sIluy-and-d ewa'y--npproachea-and-" the oonetraotion_of curb where neoeseary. __:: _ ......... Doted this. ._let .... _d ... ....._APri .. ........:........... 10 PRELIMINARY OR ER. C 'J:� TI �' Q WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making o the follon ng improvement, viz.: Pave Fairdield Ave, from Robert St. to State St.; State St. from ._____.___.__..________.___.._ t..__._ _._...__....__..__......_-__....__._....... Fillmore Ave. to St. Lawrence St.,. end Indiana ASe. t-rom Aovert-St7- --fi -tate-ot.y inoind.ing._eowery...wete.r-end...gaa...aonnOctiona-Yrom-____.._...__. street mains to property linea complete, where not already made, ........____._______.____.....__..____....__.__.._—__..—___.._.----- .__..._..._ also including paving of alley end driverr¢y approaches and the construction- of -curbing where-neoeseary - - -- --- h vg beeo pre—ted to the C ... eil of the C ty f St. Pnvl by C 1 n � " `-���L/ p'.�-.-.� therefore, he it RESOLVED, Thnt the Commissioner of Puhlie Works be nvd he rs hereby ordered and directed 1. To investignto the necessity for or ded,.bitity of the making of svid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated "cast o[ said improvement, red the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish n plan, profile or ,ketch of said improvement. �q-�e.{nt.ml,-tffiypf}eWl'dg-ottmr'aEmand-informntierrer�Fntixeiv,nidimprovement;._.__....._.__...__-. _.__..... 11 ,1, better or t d i p o t I, ,ked f the t t f threer more owners. To p t upon all of th f regorog mrs atters to the C r of Fmonec. 1919 Adopted by the eounoil ....___.._APR ..._.....____. .-404.. .... Yens: Noy.: „ C ... rilmon F—e Orth �- Orr Approved ... .__...._..._...........................:..-.3aL.,._ nvd O} eller McColl Wunderlich._..... ..._ _ . ...... ........... ......__......__......... ....:... eyor Irvin 'I Mayor. MMM111MMINI 11c F%_ r jjc 507 31 1 24f7v)" An ordinance prohibiting the aooumulation of oombuctible waste material, and defining the po-.7ers and dutieA-of the Fire Chief of the Bureau of Fire Protection and his assistants in reference thereto, and repealin,, Ordinance No. 2975, approved April,151 1911. This is an emergency ordinanco rendered necessary for the preser I tion of the public peace, health and safety., TEE COUNCIL OF Tiff' CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIV�,_-j= Section 1. It shall bojunlawful for the vaner or owners, agent or occupants of any buildinl- n this City, to alloy or permit any ashes, waste paper, hay, straw;. rage or other w . pte material of a combustible nature, to accumulate in the baaement or,on any floor of any building, or in any hallway, court, yard or alley adjoininG any building ownedJ controlled or occupied by such persons. Section 2. It is hereby made the duty of the 73:xe Chief, Aesista,at and District -Fire Chiefs, Fire Prevention Inspectors and Fire Marshalls, and such other members of the Bureau of Fire Pro- teotion as the Fire Chief may detail for such duties, to notify" by notice in writing, persons violatirlU the provisions of SekptiOnl of this ordinance, to remove and care for such asheo,or comtuirtible xved personally, material, as the case may be; such notice to be served or by leaving a copy thereof at the residence or -place of biusine. of the person so notified, and in case the person so served,With notice as aforesaid, fails or refuses to comply with the order con- tained in such notice withintwenty-Your (24) hours after the ser- vice thereof, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viotion thereof shall bekpunished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Workhousefor not ex, oeeding ninety days. It is hereby made the duty of t� , is Fire Chief, Assistant and District Fire Chiefs,..Fire Prevention -,Inspectors, Fire 11—halls', and such other members of the Bureau of Fire Protection as the Fire Chief may detail for ouch duties, to mak- complaints to the Munioipal Court of the City,of St. Paul of all<violationo of this ordinance. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief, Assist- ant and District Fire Chiefs, Fire Prevention Inspectors, Fire liar - shells and such other membersof the Bureau of Fire Protection as thee.. Fire Chief may detail for such duties, to inspect buildinga and premises thereof for the purpose of ascertaining_ whether the provisions of this ordinance have been complied with, and to•enforce the'same. For the purpose of making said inspection, they shall have the author- ity to enter any dwelling or other building and upon any premises of said City between the hours of seven o'clock A. Id, and six o'clock P. 11 , and any person or persons interfering with such inspection by such officers shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con- viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than Twenty five Dollars, or by imprisonment in the Torlchouse for a period of not 'exceeding thirty days, Section 4. That Ordinance No.v 3975, approved April 15, 1911, and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinances rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health ani safety. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force.. immediately upon its Passage snd�p/uAblication�.''_, /) Passed by the Council Yeas' tT� Cn QM i t.'Clancy -Farnsvorth -Goes 449541st 'Mocoll / 'Nunderlioh Mr. President (Hodgson) Ap roves V City Clerk!/ p{�Ig��p��A . ■imue xumm 24f��)fi An ordinance defining the duties of Fire Prevention In- specters, and oon£errinS upon them the power and authority of police- mei�i'This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary £or the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, THC COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES OADAI7: Section 1. That it shall be the duty of Fire Prevention Inspectors and any other members of the Bureau of Fire Protection who may be detailed by the Fire Chief -for duty as such, to examine all dwellings or other buildings ani premises within the City of - St. Paul, for the purpose of aecertalning whether the provisions of all ordinances and laws relating to the care of chimneys, the storage and handlinS of explosives, and of all ordinances pertaining td precautions against dema:;ee `from fire, have been complied with, •and to enforce the same, and while in the performance of such duties, they shall have the power and authority of policemen, as defined by_' i the Charter of the City of St. Paul. Section B. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary fox the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foxce immediately upon its passage and publication. -. by,the Council, mPassed Yea. � Nwfe-� —Farnsworth —Goss 00011 - 'rerlich �^Sr President (Hodgson) Approved / - Atte t ,.Uayor ��--- City Clerx,\- mmmou 24607 I. 580 16985 Brooks Brothers Lumber Comparys Resolved d,,t —tt—be dn— p.n the City T—.u, p.yabf. out of the hereinafter specified f..& ..d i. f,— of 'the per ns, firms ac corporations f., the .,..0 set opposite ffi,in —pmU,, name as specified in the f.11.,,i.g detailed — 'I --2 1 �9 Ye C.—ii— N.y. � , Adapted CII A" —2 Fa/I. M-61F. 11 ,Bs 6 W-d.'1',h r M'. P, d."H.dgo. MW -4 IGqetN Geo. C. Binder, 8 15.03 :43 WAtAP ;5. 3 16985 Brooks Brothers Lumber Comparys 29.28 3&1'8I6- Crane & Ordway Company, Fire 38. 1 66.65 W.rkheutae 3. 0 ,Bs 6 4 8 l' 0 66 5 -14467 Denoyer-CeppertH=Pa 17.15 .S___L 1e7&6-- Otto Edstrom, Agent 22.50' -6011001� +e48q., midway Creamery Compartyp 5.00 38486Mill I City Lumber Companyt ular— 5.00 st"Ps.1 Electric 21.10 1*792-Tire Service COmPanYs F-Irs- 64.00 Total --_o45 71 m T s �Ier rune TROLLER aae,,a-te AUDl,g, ToiOLUTION FORM t"o: rtn .ie 581.—IT - Resolved that warrants be drawn upon dm City Treasury, payahle out of the hereiuofter specified (ands and m favor of the sou s or do two per s, firm corpora m for the amounts si opposite their respective names as specified i. the fali., ing detailed sm eat:. "f Yeas ( V ) Councilmen ( V ) Nays Adopted h Countil :1..__.__'..::.. 2 19 Claus . -- Fa worth pp..red_...____.__.__'_._•�---'.�_....�iflL— Go .,....... .__.___ underlich '- Al, Prat ent, Hodgson eoar,� 29,881.06 --' W?Q5— S. A. Farnsworth, Comfr. of Finance 34)494- S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance Pei1Ce� 17,187.83 - - 1Q79s' S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1.250.00 - rn 1G49Q'- S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. o£ Finance 4,524,50 - C.P S -Gen. Adm. 41333 Real -Adm. 674, 7 Vital Statietlos 172. O _ ' Food. Dairy Inep. 551. 0 Sari y Inep. 955. 0 Tuber losia 466. 0 Dale St. Infry. 86. Labora ry 152. O P. Be 125. 0 P. Com ort Station 135. Enf. Dog Licenses 76. 0 Munlc. Gar. Revl, 716 2 4,524.5 Te1sl 58,843 - v l� A P 8 IiL COy L � NERAL FORM ....,,.v-,ete. ,o AueTeuuement oiAt:l � ripe NO. ..... ..._x_. ..._.... That the proper City officials are hereby authorized to pay John V. Larson out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund the su:u of $64.75, made up of the following items: $48.75 due him for medical and surgical treatment and $16.00 for 1 week and 2 days disability, up to April 2, 1919, in final settlement of his claire for injuries received February 24, 1.919, in the performance of his duties as a police officer of the City of St. Paul Yeas (4)Cou-U— (V) Nays Adopted by the Co 1..._. APR -2. 1913 _1 — s—h A ctns Coll ......._....r.Ags'"°t ... ._'."""'.".".."" underlich Mr. P esid. Hodgson [L�! Can fil File No. ...... . PROPOS The undaaigned hereby pmp-ea the mAiq of the fd.,ov ,ublic improvement by the City of St. P.W. vie.: Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propa,d for the m,king of the fo lowinl �- g impro�"vemmt, viz.: .Oonetruot o._oement t110.._e1dOWalk,ei,.z f00t._*id0.,an...tha_weet..:.aid0....aY....._._. .H.0.110.cue._9senue._Yxom Seventh..Stxeet....to...Fi01d..AV.enu ...- - ----- having been presented to the Conan] of the City of St. Paul by Conncilmen..._............................_.........._._.......................__..._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comminio If Pnblic Work, be and he ie hueby nd—d and dimatad: I. To invenigate the newnity for or desirability of the making of bald improvement. 2. To i-aftigata the nature, extent and enimated con of ,aid improvement. and the tote] wn thumf. 3. To fureirh a plan, profile or ,keteh of ,aid improvement. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... . eTo nate whether or not ,aid improvement fa -ked for on the petition of three ar more owners. oto report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commi„ioner of Finance. Adopted by the counal.._........._,.,. _�, ........_,19fe...... Y-, Nay,: Councilman F- orth .' ........::......._...19F..... Go Approved.:._ ..... .... .............. land n Merl V 6 Wunavli h `............ . ................_....._........_........ .. Manor. yon Irvin - - - J 1 7 ✓ / Con 1 File No..c. n I IMENT r p 24+f, ,".stvAltY ORDE The onder i,ed hereby Woo .. the of the fell, - public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin: .R.onativota.c.emaat...hile_. deaalk,.... ..feet-wide.,...on-the...NOXVII .alda...oY........ —.. e.,nmzfmr,ta,iv__115.Seet. Couodl— / PRELIWN$RY ORD4R. C • 17. 7" V WHEREAS. A written proposal fin the m.k"g olLt�he/TuITJw_in mp vcmenq vi- Oonetrlgt oement.,,tap .._aidanelk,eiz_ feet ._aide.,.on_the..Noxth...eide.-of._De-.. _o.00ls..AQenue,...3rom..PaeoaI Avenua,thence- East -approzimetely-116- feet. -- h.vfnq been pruented to, the Council,f the City of St. Paul by Cond men ........................ ............................ - - themfore, be it RESOLVED. That the C,mmiuioner of Public Work. be .nd he i. hereby ordered end dimded: 1. To invenigete the neoeoh, for or de4mbility of the making of eeid improvement. 2 To invenfgate the nature, eateni end enimated wn ,f mid improvement, end the tonal wn thereof. 3. To fumi.h n plm, profile or aketd, of avid impmvemene #d-impnmmwA^........ ..... .........._..._.._........_......... ........................:...................._..................................................................:.................. ................ ..... ................................... T nate whether or not mid improvement u ,,ked far on the vttitian of twee or more owners. ?Toa a upon VI of the fore eome marten to the Comminio—F F7rmna. Adopted by the eoundf......:,: _2 +- Y— N.Y.: Coundknen Farm nb ..:. �......... �.................... G Approved......._.: ........ endll 0 McCa 111777 w,naercrk _�......_.................. ............................_......................... .. ayorlrvin Mayor. I—cn ,a On lm - PUf1L1Sl1CA_-ly nl. C .. dl File No . ......... . �INXT --,--,;MENT Pi PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby Pop— the ensking of the Z.bU�, —ror— by the City of St. Paul. As.: east A—!.ael PRELIMINAF �RDER. �IAA WHEREAS, A witte, pre"sel for the --king of Nhf III ' . 4rivelF - I 1177etl, I ConeLruat Of-octmeOt crosA-Vielkwa its feet wide_ fxOM..140_faet ,North: Of. 11altelteal thenad North 8 feet, and from 26 feet farther her West, thane West 8 feet, Street Boat , h dilk -Bi*sjX feet Wide`.-frOt-326 ft.-Myt Or Bedford theno.0 West a I 0MA: ............... ...... .... - ................. heAn been presented to the CI -61 of the GrY If St. Pool by Coon,11man.. therefore, be it REsoLvED. Thor the Conoini.ner of Public Work, be end he is bereby ordered end di,eard: 1. To in ctigte &recerity for or of the making of said improvement. , 2. To involipt, the nstore, essor end estimated eon of said improvement, end the torsi oft thereof. 3. Tfunih,plan, profile ,r.ketch .Fsaid impm,,mrne -ant—r:. selti,�d .............. .......................... ............. .......... ..... ......... ................. ...................... To ft- whether ornot said improvement is Irked far on the petition of three or more o �6�To report upon .11 of the foregoing orott— to the Cononi..i.—F Flnerne. Adopted by the council......_ —? ............. ................_79}a..... Y—: N.y.; C .. dh.- For— /GG.. App—rd ..........._............__.............._..•19A....... Hyl d 11 WP.Ike .. ... ..... - .......... . ..... .d 6b ...... ..... M or Irvin M.Yot. .Sf. ILD _u.a. Council File No n. PRELIMTNARYrORDEi The undersigned hrIrbY ItIle' the 'eking of the folio . Kbfi, ju,,n.,t by the City of St. Paul, viz-: 3qnqtVQA 4. Lent tAl.e.-IRMOMPAX &.a,,Qn,.the_west 00ep 0 Avawi k Otto Strao .t iandalPh Street. a,frOM Dated thi.— "et' d.y PRELIMINAR 0 DER. VMEREAS,A-itt..,,,...If.,th.m,kingofth-ollo �-vr rnt,'�i OU feet -01do' on the Y(Q*tpto ATOTIMP sx.0,14. ........ Oto.. having been p-rard to the Courij of the City of St. Pool by Councilmen.........._........._...._......_...._........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tht the Commie.ioner of Public Work, be and he it hereby ordered end directed: 1. To i-eltipto th.recer.ity for .,&.i,.bility of the cooking of ..id i.p1 2. To inveflipre the nature, ortenr end eftino-- con of said impement, and the total roft thereof. 3. To funrah , pl&r, profile or beech of .id i.pr-Imm, ..................................................... .................. ...' ............... ................... . Wr ,h,thrr or net rid improvement ment it orked f., on the petition of three or more —e.. the C,,,i,.ina of l'ineoce. u nel,ort upon .11 of the foregoing matters 9 � I-- , Adopted by the rouncil ... 3.....- .— ��� i ............... Y- Coundleern /Fan N.y.: ANN F R Go. Hy d IlL Wunderlich. ..... .......... ........... y .. . .. r. ............. M or Irvin PUBLISHED Jerry-11 ly Q ... il File N. -:- --o 'o PREP16UNARY-ut ORDER.z The uadandp,d hereby Plop... th\.-U-9 of the fall—in pA, i,p,,vm,,t by the City of St. Pool,viz; Dated thi . ....... Zna,--d,yd --AYXIY'...19194 .......... - ....................... -.' 191._...... PRELIMINAIlYrDER. C, AD, 2-X- 60C WHEREAS, A written pne,c.al for the —king of the C fol coving unprovehecut, I11.1110 ....... ... ..jQ,()k bOunded by UnIvexmity... Shi old%, haeme been pona.ted on the Council of the City of St. Paul by Council— thcr,f... b. it RESOLVED, That the Comcai,,i— of Public Work, be and he i, hereby ordered and dinteted: 1. To invertigate the neceuity for ar de.imbiliry of the making of .aid improvwene 2. To invertiq.m the mince, extent end ertimaeed cort of ,aid improvemme, .nd the tote) rort thereof. 3. To fumiah n plan, profile or sketch of Haid improvement. -3.. �.laoaigahA'&LGw.L-prm i 14Ys.0,6djeopoo einem; .......... ............................... ............................... ............ ............................ ....................... - ...... .... I ................. - ......................... ............... i,nam whether ormt.aid improvement isinked for o,the petition ,Fthree ormare ,wner.. g open all of the fomgoipq. maSmn to the C.mnissio.cr of Finance. Adopted by the council 49+, - Y- C .. Xdl-nF.n Ah N.Y.: a Go Approved.......... land land McColl cCell W........... ............ ............. W.-d"li'l' ,yor Irvin PMUST--090 _j.I Counul File N - ...........--., a Pki;:Pu. "`o,A°ai".Pteo.DLX. The undersigned hereby propo.e. the making of the following public i enowt by the City of St. Paul, viz., I _ ,__. .........e, for Detect PRELIMINAR RD R 4414- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing rmPwvw`wt- vix•: ...O.ondemzting...and._taking...an 0"emeatAin_tbe.._lend neaesee Y' Rar _.......:_..... ...........alopea...X.Or.-outs... MiJilla .in._greding. the. Horth end_Idouth Alley in ........:..How=(, P.ark..Additdon...in...the...blook_hounded....by..HnivareltY......shlelda...... ............dasaaa...and..Wlzaelex..A¢enuae .............. .... ......... having been presented to the Connell of the City of 5t. Paul by Couuci man ....... .................... ....._....._........ ....... .......... ....._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieaiane+ of Public Work. be and he h hereby ordered and directed: I. To invenigete the newdty for or desirability of the meking.oF said improvement. 2. To invegligate the nature, extent and enlmated wet of mid improvement, and the total wn thereof. 3. To fumfrhs plan, profile or sketch of said improvemwe ........._...................................................................................................................................................................... t� y To nate -hath- or not acid improvement fa Baked for on the petition of tkw ar more owners. S'To report upon ell of the foregoing matters w the CommiWaner of Heng- ...- r ::; ,......._.....................iw.._. Adopted by the -anal .......... ... Nara: Yea.: C—eilwen Far worth �..........._.;,�' •: CoApprov .._ ...................._........_.IW,...... rGoland l7 McColl - W _....._...........yor,...._. ere,. c a u uet .rrtyor IrvinL)u.LD PROPt P t�BEMENT 24.6 n �• Reconstruct, relay and repair cement tile sidewalks at the. ' following locations: ✓ Syoamora Street,*8outh side, -six feet wide, from Rioe Street - thence east to Park Avenue. Humboldt Avenue, East aide, portions inneedof oonetruction- �or re-oonstructioa from Page Street to Tyler Street. : Pine Street,_ West side., 14 feet wide, portions requiring re— construction toconform to ohan6e.of grade,from 7th.thenoe Soto �• `. . Dale Street, East aide,_ six feet wide,,from Fr ont -Street to, Maryland Street. "Rioe Street, both sides, -8 feet wide, from Sycamore Street thence South to Great. Northern Bridge. Wabasha Street, wait side, 12 feet wide, from Third Street thence south to theBriflge, �+Broaimately. 68 feet., /Third -Street, South side, 10¢ feet wide, from Wabaeha Street thence West 40 feet and, Yrom.56 feet fitthertweet, thence__ west 150 feet.' "• MMnnesota Street ,East side -,ten -feet wide,from 50 -feet North of. Fifth Street thence North 106 feet and. from a point 98 _ feet North. of Sixth Street,-theuoe Norio i3 to 7th.Street. Bedford Street, West side, 6 feet wide from 15 feet North of Collins Street, thence North¢0 fee. Maoalester Avarua, West side, 14'�.feet wide, from 291 feet South of Lincoln Avenue,. thence.. South 18.feet- St reet, South side, -sir feet wide, from Rioe Street thence east .to' -Park Avenue. - --• Hldt umboAvenue,, Eaat.wide,. portions inneed of construction or re—construotion from Page Street to. Tyler Street Pine Btreet';'=West aide; 14 feet wide, portions requiring re— oonetruotiohLto Conform to change of grade.from 7th.thence So to Dale Streatp, East .,side, .six feet -wide, from .Frout Street to Maryland` Street. - Rioe Street, both aides, 8feet wide, from Sycamore Street thence South to Great: Northern, Bridge. , Wabaeha Street, wait side, 12.fpet wide, -from Third Street thence eouth''to the'Brid'ge, approximately 62 feet. Third Street, South side, 10}feet wide, from Webasha Street - -thence West 40 feet and from 66 feet fatrther west thence west 150 feet. -' M1*nesota.Street,East side,ten feet wide,from 50 feet North of Fifth Street, thence North 106feet, and from a point 92 feet. North of Sixth Street, thence North It to 7th.Street. Bedford Street, West side, 6 feet wide from 75 feet North of Collins Street, thence North 40 feel. Macalester Avenue, West side, 141 feet wide, from 291 feet South of Lincoln Avenue, thence South 16 feet. 9n ` . +n eht3 ibis stt3 3a9ar@9 xts4Bx .. 3t `Ct3 1C 4 rOFit jo ass; x2s 9bts �3r1oB°. 3sa 9t ah,92tni ba.c,l zo zt P3x3 zu brzpaois �s3Td'it0�23 ��o fss3s suit qA 3ntoda�H °} 3 �T32 dSo T84m xY �nbty ,3fiaC4 03 dzoYro3soP Da3ooi3, esnt4 d99. f2 9To-tao,�; mvx ,, 61,1w.03osY a• `nf>ta oa.,,Ai fsaz a. sL3¢ Cobndl He N. - ENT .. PROP1: - .aP 1�OEMENT�� r a !. ,PRELIMINARY ORDER. andersigaed hereby propwe, C� making of the Fellowing pub" mpm.ement by the Ciry of St. Peah viz.: ATtrt NOTi ,:BDt`�FJ t_�1SS d3Y0 Jaya U3U(j ,3oa JntYxn3t Dotedeh'v. lot'........day of. Aps1�1818a, ... 191__.. 33 .ao fi 3sB 4::-SLe 7 0 ,r.r; z sotg oda 4 aB Y�afgatx BJta ^r° a9asd.. ....... ..._.. s3zen3 `fe r ur3T4 akt o q u9R 3aeTf 3 s'3 ..._. .... .. .. `33W 5913 3s93�D 3btS$ yL+ 03• 9 8YP9(f9r/ 't�3 3 'a t gbta dfuos so nsd3 L�3ns3a,A �'ott LasC6�g�' fgs24'h'gt�r'�"p3�,{''!@�asrl7 1 : - PRELIMINA YORDER. C.. in0• 3x34 q •f±,.31L..._ .Y WHEREAS, A written propo,al for the making of the allow,ne rmpd�ent, vizi having been prnented m the Caonul of the City of St. Paul by Coandmen. + _ ....... `1beefore, be it T RESOLVED, That the Cammiedonv of Public Works 6e and he fe hveby ordered and dfmn 1v.L I. To inveNgate the necvsitY for or deeirabifity of the making of said improvement. a K ar:e 1. To i-111gate the no-*. extent and animated con of ,ud impmvemrnt, and the total mrt thvmf. B 3. To famish a plan, profit k trh of an d iaapra,aaaaot. -ti;!o. .. Sf ! - ... .. .... .... Y s fi � , I� T ante whethv or net nxid inner—ment il uked for on the petition of three or more owners. c«port upon all of the Foregoing ntt to the Comminioner of Fnence. 4L 1 kdapted by the coundL �` ._ f A 1 ... Nay,: u Y— i�m Cauadlm.n Ear swarth ys1 C .. ............i9i,..... � , APPr ed . ... . d r Yl on ( V b r <ad M cau o.::_ wnnau"eh ................. May**-' r a o_i,ua2 yet J_n c s 11 an —1 - PMLISFLI:D, � /y N Ift-a 1 `q,e.V/ of oil ITv nc eT. ,PAlpt UL . f eliJ �C i<��n-GOUN 6N.-..uS—LNTILJN ORM ,e �..._ . ......... �su� NO .1 Y .... ..i eek o nate Pre. rated e°% piem1t mA a Resolved. - That, whereas, the Auditorium was heretofoT6 rented to the Ramsey County Central Committee of the Socialist .party to be used for a general meetingonthe, aet•1' / the of Sunday, April 4, 1919, and said pemsey County Central Committee did at that tine agree that there would be no objectionable ereakera at said meeting, and whereas It has been advertised that one Kate Richards O'Hare is to be the principal speaker at said meeting in direct viclatlen of the agreement shoes mentioned, therefore, be it Resolved, that unless the said Ramsey County Central Con;m.ittee do now agree to withdraw the said Kate Richards O'Hare from their program' of Sundayni+r, April 6th, 1919, the �' contract. for"the rent of the Auditorium is hereby cancelled and annulled vess(4j Councilmen III Neys Adopted by the Council72 14 9 _ /7-�7 rthS favor/�App o ed -...... .� 2..1919 ....y Against hdg son """"'"' row AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM Resolved ffi .. ...mals be d,.— upun the City T --y, p.y.bl. out of the hereinafter specified f..& ..d, in f .. of th- persons, firms or oTorati... for the amounts set opposite ffi6, —p.6,e name ns specified in the f.11.,,i.g detailed Y— C-61 V Nays Adopted by theC, � I IS19 ,9, cl.-Y Fara ....... GG ....... ... .. m C.11 kh $500.00 OFFICE 0 UdCOMPTROLLER AUDITED C-??",, -SOLUTION FORM 583 —/ T1111 Resolved that —ante be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable I -t If the hereinafter specified NIL and ie fe— If the se, pp.�ihei, p j,, persons, frzms or corporations for the a..... —_ names as specified i, the [A—i.g detailed statement: Yells Councilmen N- — -1 —, -! . —1�— Ad.pted 1, t .6 e_ e ue 1,d X11dfl'ieh 111—a 1A. ,.10296. M. E. Brandtjen .83.00 9.14" 'Roh 019 zfi—a ldbramy a.45 83.60E A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 8,895.18 'WAter 309" Harry 'C - Lawton, 21.04 G-F,-ajsA--&.1Infgr5een xogol quality Printing Company, 27.00 lm.ts'v+ Resolution of em i't A Wg% Assessment: In the mater of the �,.essment of bene_ its, osis ane. _.. .�-ems for Constructing, relaying and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate Sc. 6, Unier Contract 2802 for Season of 1917 (St. Paul Cement York. Contractor.) _ -=Assessable Roll-- F.O. 18562 Spruce St., both aide e, Yrom Sibley St.. to Canada St. F.O. 17920 Gaultier St., east"eSde, beginning at a point 60 £set south of. Edmund St.. thence. South approximately 73 feet to alley crossing. F.O. 18125 University Ave., south aide, beginning at Farrington Ave..thence we et 254 feet.- F.O.15229 Thomas St., north side, from Arundel St, to Mackubin St. F.O. 17931 We Stern Ave „ east aide, beginning at Lafond St, thence north 200 feet and on the north side -of Lafond St. beginning at Western Ava. thence east 170 feet: F.O. 18404 Lot St., south eido, beginning at Milton St, thence west to end including Lot 3, Loae 2, inning St. Addition. F.O. 18822 She Ave„ north side, beginning 116 feet east of Victoria St. thence east 118 feet. F.O. 18779 Aurora Ave„ south aide, beginning 263 feet West -of Victoria St. thence west 8 feet. F.O. 18781 Rondo St., north side, beginning 40 feet east. of Fisk St. thence east 20 feet. F.O. 17591 Milton St. east side, beginning 46 feet north of Selby Ave, thence north 38 feet. F.O. 17932 Goodrich Ave.. south side, beginning 74 feet east of Chatsworth St, thence east 150 feet. F.O. 17572 Grand Ave., south aide, beginning 112 feet west of Oxford St.. thence west 190 feet by 6 feet., beginning 110 feet eget of Dunlap St. thence east 40 feet by 4 feet., beginning 256 feet east of Snelling Ave. thence east 117 feet by 4 1/2 feet. F.O. 17573 Marion St., east side, beginning at Atwater St. thence north 59 feet and from 75 feet farther north thence north to Milford St., and on the west aide from Atwater St. to Milford St. F.O. 18548 Oliver St ., both eidee,.from Rice St. to Gaultier St. F.0.17807 Hand Ave., both aides, from Lawson St. to Geranium St. F.O. 15724 Gaultier St., east aide, between Carbon St, and South St. F.O. 18552 Crowell 6t., west eSde, from Orchard St. to Mc%enty St. F.O. 17075 Portland Ave., south aside, from Syndicate St, to HamllneAve. F.O. 15687 Univer aity Ave., both eidas beginning at Jack eon St. thence to Canode St. F.O. 19074 Princeton Ave., north side, from Cleveland Ave. to Cretin Ave. p,0, 18821 Pascal Ave., west side, from Randolph St. to Palace St. F.O. 18982 Lansing St., south aide, from Hemline Ave, to Syndicate St. F.O. 18749 Princeton Ave., south eido, from Prior Ave. to Cleveland Ave. F.O. 18549 Syndicate St., both sides, between Randolph St. and Jefferson Ave. F.O. 18402 James St., south-eSde, from Griggs St. to Syndicate It. F.O. 18401 Jame: St., north aide, from Edfrom J Road to Lexington Ave, and on Lexington Ave.., weeteide, from James St, to Randolph St. F.O. 18008 James Bt., south e1 de, -from Grigg. St. to Lexington Ave. F.O. 18560 Washington St., south side, beginning 32 feet west of Eagle St. then,, ,at 175 fast. F.O. 18694George St., both aides, from Smith St. to Cherokee Ave. F.O. 18559 Western Ave.east aide, beginning at Sturgis St. thence to Pleasant Ave., on Harrison Ave., north aide, beginning 178 feet east of Western Ave. thence east 44 feet. F.O. 18565 thenc,neast Ave.. f etsouth anddbeginningi 146?feetfeet seat sof Westernof western Ave. thence eget 9 feet. } F.O. 18006 Pascal Ave., west aide, between St. Clair St, and Stanford Ave. F.0. 18005 Summit Ave., north eSde, from Snelling Ave, to Cretin Ave. E.O. 18777 Sue St., east aide, from Fairmount Ave. to Grand Ave. Vw F.O. 18749 Princeton .Ave., south aide, from Prior Ave, to Cleveland Ave. F.O. 18780 Selby Ave „ south aide, between Cretin Ave, and Marlborough St. F.O. 7332 Aldine St., both sides, from Selby Ave, to Summit Ave. F.O. 16585 Snelling Ave., west aide, beginning at Marshall Ave. thence south 30 feet. F.O. 18750 Marshall Ave., north aide, beginning at Snelling Ave. thence - east 483 feet, and on Snelling Ave. beginning at Marshall Ave. thence north 104 feet. F.O. 17397 Chelmsford St., east side, beginning at DOswall Ave. thence to Buford St. f I t F.O. 17928 Fairview Ave., rest aide, from Grace Pias e thence north 25 feet and from Tallula Place thence south 80 feet. F,0. 18823 Lafond St., south side, from Aldine St, to Wheeler Ave, F.O. 18128 St. Anthony Ave., ecIth aide, Prom Herschel Ave. to Aldine St. F.O. 18551 Watson Ave„ north aide, between Chatsworth St. and'a point -- 234 Peet west of Milton St. F.O. 18406 Butternut Ave., south aide, from a point 234 Peet weat of Bay St. thence wast 22 feet and from a point 256 feet west of Bay St, thence west to Butternut Ave, Bridge, F.0, 18752 Unl Versl ty Ave., north aide, Prom Ric St. thence east 140 feet. F.0, 18996 Aurora Ave„ south aide, between Cedes St. and Robert St, F.O. 7532 Jackson St., east side, from Univereity .Ave, to Pennsylvania Ave. F.O. 18939 Roaabel St., west side, beginning at East Seventh St. thence south to Sixth St. -.-Non-Asseasable Roll— F.O. 17920 Gaultier St., east side, beginning at a point 60 feet south of Edmund St. thence south approximately 73 feet to alley crossing. F.0,-15248 Dunlap St., west aide, from Lincoln Ave. thence south 170 feet. F.0,18548 Oliver St., both aide e, from Rice.St. to Gaultier St. F.O.19074 Princeton Ave., north aide, from Cleveland Ave, to Cretin Ave. F.O. 18549 Syndicate St., both aide e, from Randolph St, to Jefferson Ave. F.O. 18559 Western Ave., east aide, beginning at Sturgis St, thence to Ple aaant Ave., oa Aarri eon Ave., north side, beginning 178 feet east of Western Ave, thence east 44 Peet, P.O. 18777 Sue St., east side, from Fairmount Ave, to Grand Ave. F. O, 7332 Aldine St., both sides,. from Selby Ave. to Summit Ave. F.0, 17897 Chelmsford St., east side, beginning at Doswell Ave, thence to Buford St. F.O. 18124Wheeler Ave., east aide, beginning at University Ave. thence ' north 100 ;;at. F.O. 18401 James St:, north aide, from Edgeumbe Road to Lexington Ave. and on Lexington Ave., west side, from James-St.to Randolph St. F.O. 18006 James St., south aide,- from Griggs St, to Lexington Ave, F.O. 17644 Oakland Ave., south side, beginning at Duke St, thence east 320 feet. F.O. 15687 Oniver city Ave., both sides, beginning at Jackson St, thence to Canada St, F.O. 18750 ldar ahall Ave., north aide, b �;irnin� at Sre111nE Ave. thence east -. 483 feet. F.O. 7532 Jackson St., east side, from University Ave. to Pennsyly- w� . Th .e'en fiL�, cu�..s arc. .t=c and in connection with i e assessment of �� For the above improvement having been -brained to eh= C ... sil, —d the Covnell having considered some and found the said assessment satisfantory, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That she said assessm enc be and the s,mo is hereby m all resp n approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had ..-id assessment on the.._.. __nth.._- day of n" -ay....... 191 .9.., t the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the C...ell Chamber of the Comt House and City Hall Building, is the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting, as required by the Ch -t— t.ti.g i. said nonce the time and pL « of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the panicolar owner m whom the notice n di—ted. Adopted by the C....1 19+ . .' _.:. City Clerk. Approved ........... ._ _ ._...__ ......_494c. Maror. Councilman Farnsworth \ .. C. _ / S'UBL7Sb?Frt % 7q 14 C1—cy ' Wunderlich Ma or "X HodLsnn �f/J O'l'/.ti�Vl Stec ina rA.t w �, eA..�l�(�L�(A¢nir 1x�,u.ltie� � V--sr t W..ascA�.rru!rttot�a L 246" ... .. ........... ���� .. .... r .... ....... .. Rcsolvcd, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one. Crescent Planer complete with 7} H.P. Electric Motor, for Manual Training Department of the Public Schools, from Robinson, Cary & Sande Co.,. to cost $640.00, without asking for competitive bide, as this article is patentedand no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Schools and Other Equipment. Y. (t1,C unc.1 (V) Naye 7Z —'r Fsms orth Goa -Coll ._.._........ W/underlich Mr.-sidcnt, Hodgson APR —= 1919 Adapted by the Council .90 No.. _.._".._...._._ . DeRTIlHlIIIE� �J" W�}g""- "" R—Ived, That the Purchasing -Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to. purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, three Smith Patent sleeves without gates, from the A.' P. smith 7dfg. Co., to cost $194.20 F.O.B. care factory, without asking for .competitive bide, as these articles are patented and no - advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department Fund. Adopted by the Council...._._..........._ ................. ?9 -= ISIS Approve_...._...._........_._.........._._........_"�__ /Prid derlich Mr.'iHodgson FORM 7 I nie"c" N O. _ .. .............. _...................... R -01-d, That the Purchasing Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller; one Brandt Automatic Cashier from the Brandt Manufacturing Co., price $210.00, lase value of old Brandt machine taken as part payment at $30.00, making the coat of new machine $180.00, as this article is patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water .Department. Yeas (4� Counti en (V) Nays C, F orth w � nae _�.. o McColl .......... Wunderlich Pr-idcnt, Hodgson. Adopted by the Council:._,_.......................__ RM J. t NO.._ ._...... ............................ ;7. a. re°ene `In the matter of oonstruoting a oement the sideealk, six feet wide, on the North side Of Osoeola. Avenue, from Pascal Avenue, thence East approximately 115 :East, under preliminary or fler No.34611, approved April 3, 1919, Resolved, That all orders in the above matter be and the Game are hereby oancelled, annulled and rescinded .and all prooeedings in suoh matter disoontinued. — Yeas (4) r,o+cilmen (V) Nays `.jtZid,nt, lerlich Mc.Hodgson d �t IY i1 "�f 14 AP �aAnl) r3. = i+?R -4 1219 Adopted by the Council...._..._......._..._.__.....__.._til'... ,• s �:.�Q_.........._4F.:. Approv ._.. _... *SQOnext�°t.'�3:�°as d °1$fit°4s4�et lgo Coundl FJ N - - e n b w-wo.;NT — E. G. Brlgge\. 24625 - 4 ..v • ,]n .____ Js.les atro e,�•,,,,em e —hil tmorov ement by the City of -St. Paul, viz at. ............... ............... ........... .... ... �t ^^ cnn�dlm.m PREL AR ORDE C • � 'YLO WH A «en p pont for the "kin ➢f��mon4 Heeoaet osi,re�ay ead repair a dewelke at tha Yollowing looationet B o�dxay. yfeet aide 13} itw3do iyoyt8 aide 7} true t oadifa thea ee 0 a'rs•"' ��at #e gaYL wia$ rom Dnar�eg tAezl�.�$u,i:.Y el ei; s.... o e1Re Bt.widm.irom 1,A B thence sere 1 rn eaa a fle it.wide from Ohar es lit, 9arth to.._elleyilgle art aontrh eida.B:.SL wide-isam d0O _t of h Ave, theaoe eat 106. it•iY4.A1xxyy0tr,aorth-eids,8 it.leide,irom 64 iL eaat._ai...d.mfceun:.Bt..theaoa..eastr .Aa.it«;.Grave $t.aorth aide2# Z wise,Yrom iiSaeYps3pp3 8, conn -a0t 180 i eta. hevmti ten prneoted.[o the Cowin of the Gty.fCo d :......_ ._........ ......: .... d-d.il be it RESOLVED, That the Commwioev of Public W.A. be end he i. hereby ordered end dirrcted: - - I. To fnveai¢ste the newtity for or de.imhihey of the m.kina of .dd improvement 1. To iv to the rmtme• extent end eaimated mrt of said improvement, and the total mrt thereof. I. To famish a pion, profile or,ketrh of nid improvement T e—F�I me•Mh det r--_`__ __•_.:. .: A ._ ........ _........... _.... ....... ...............: .. .I o-f..d .... ............ ... To este beth m rot d p �ont ie eked for on th pet u n of ehr - ��To repore po ell of eh f re¢ome mat«n to alit Comma f F are o 1919 Adopted by theof ..... ...... ....... i9A...... Yw: N.ys: Conned— F arth DApp —d °: 9.15....:...19t ..... H end GM cou Wwderlfrh / ....... .. ... ..Ci.—._.. ..... yor Irvin y eo•. ceute � t �y/�, a G F 'w Wl l M1eQ V'r ./ P 6 q'✓ Council F w � 111 Petition an PRELI07L ORDER. The undersignad bomb opines the making of. the folio ' bfic improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.; ........._OonetruoL._4..94..... t.._tle.._e1.449.......a....4�._1.O..et.._RSCe.,.._on.,the._B..outh.............. ... ......... eida_..ot...Dsaeala..Av e,...Y_Pneoel..Avenum'....thenad...East ....eppxoz—..._.._ Dotal this ........... 3r4.e_darofd_AP.3.h.,...AAM)................... .... . ._........_.. I9L._..... Counrilmam /] PRELIMINARY OJ��i.DFR. C_ YL a • �. �G 2- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the follow impmvc--t riz.: Conatrpot._ ace mtmt.,t.ile._el6eenik,..,a1=Ypet_.giQe ..........slde_.aY....Dsoeala..Avdkukd, .Yxom..Pdeosl..Avenue.,.._thann.d..East ...appxoz-...:.._ ..............imat a7.x...115...f.eat.................... ................... ............ .............. ..................................... ...................................................... _..:...._... :......... ................... .................. ............._..._.................................... ........_......................__.................. ...._....................... ............_.... having been premnted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counul.............. ...... ........__.................................................._... ' . therefore, be it - - RESOLVED. That the Commission. of Public Work. be and he is hemby ordered and directed: - I. To investigate the newsity for m desiubility of the making of .aid improvement. 2. To investigate the mature; e,tent and o l;mated cost of said improvement, and the total mrt thereof. 3. To fumi.h a plm, profile or.ketch of uid improvement. .................._..........._............._._..................._.... ......................._.........................._._..._.... . ......... ........._._.......... ............................._.. To date wheth. oe not uid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners A�To report upon all of the VV f-goi g matters to the, Commissioner of F m ow _4 v r 1919 - ' Adopted by the wundl.._....._"'.:.........................:..........._1191........ Yeas. N.y.: Counolmen Fm mth. r Goll —' Approved...._........_:'..:.........3._f.r.:9.........791n.... HY d D 'Call moose hGH Y ......... u om MsY r Irvin - Cy / Co.." d N ..... PETITION PRG hgi n r ,. �o,n PRELR IINZ 'Y ORD The undereimwd hen roposes the mudm of the folit ' pub6e improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz: ?.fglklo.381A 8_ .t:..isodu. ]fAfl _:Halfanth...Stxeat....to_. Ena111ne-Aeenuen_ 0.nslu0.ia8...all_naoaaear .. denteJA ........... ..... _...... ...... _._._............. .__-. _ Doted this- ...3xda..:.....der ..4x11..1H.1H...._....._.... ....... PREL[hNA Y RDER. WHEREAS, Awritten proposalforthmekineoft fallo Ysve_, Ran6olPh._,$Eraet._t.>Cual..lPa.flt..:Eevanth.. tat xaat_.to...Enalling..lvtnxne,. ..........._Sno3uA.1..Ilg...Val ...moo.eaagtU imidentale.............. ...._......_......................_......_..................._......_._ .................................... .............. _.... ...................... ....... ._.._............................. _........................ ...................... ..._..................._..._................... having been prmmted to the Council of the City of St. Pad by Coundlm.n............................_......._...._....:........_..._.................... therefore, be it - RESOLVED. Thet the C vorietioner of Public Works be and he u h by ordered end d'ueded:. I. To inveaignee then city for or dee 6 lits of the me6 g f .ofd imamvemeoc 2. To invd6pw the meme, cetent and rt .t,d coit of d iwMroomt, mrd the total wit thereof. 3. To furnish a pier,profile or sketch of said improvemme .. ....................... ........... ...... ......... .._........ .........._........ ......... ......_ ........ T it w h eh dor t d provcmert is caked fo th Pet tion f for me owner. �a report upon all of the f reg g matter to the Coreminiorr, of F mm °R -1 ISIS Adopted by the until_.:.... ._.:.._ .... +14F..._..: - Y—: Ney.: Co -Cos APP ed ...:.....err' IS.;.S .._..-4U--.. % H end .. b d Weslieh _....... ..... ......... Co—il File No. .. ... .. ......... NT 2-4628 The,drndp�orcby pf,p,,, the making of the folh,,ing public provereent by the City of St. Poul, viz.1 O.UQO.A,.and an the Atlantla Street an&. -J -.Parkway.........._ :...... . Dated tw 3rdL d 1-1919 . ............._............_..........._..,191......... PRE �4 AR ORD R. '-X� , , v re, WHEREAS, A written proosel for the lio. Id —ire; -PI-11- -Ille-eida.Malkod% 1eet.:..wid&,.Qm..the North _elft af_VAlf: FCUrtjj..8trSOt- frOM Gotmian Street to.-Atlentio. O.U.00.1i aMd-Dn the Sgtt,b...,B,a of East FQuxthStr4eet--betWaeZV -AtImatla Rtzaet and J.ohnsan-Parkiray.... .......... h,ving been presorted to the Council of the City If St. Poll by C .. dhoon.... ... ..... . .... - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cdn,,iW,n, of Public Work, be end he is hereby ordered and diredicd: I. To i .. llite the —1 ty for ,r"d,drbility of the mU,g of ,idm d ilP=roL Z To i—ftipto tho osture, ectoor and Zrold co4t of mid iprovmmt, and the total rod thereof. —3. nbh , plan, profile or sketch of eald i1weverecrL � q, I . I . .............. ...................... ............ : ................................................................... .... . ....................... I ..... . ......................................... To eat 6th or said io,pro,oroont is asked for on the petition of three or mare —cm To report upon .11 of the f—goirs mace- to the C-terchissi-cer of F --- Adopted by the coundl...... 29 tgr Y— Ny.: C,=cgmm Fu rth Cc 19t.— Approsed ................. .... ..... ..... -d 0 L e2a I W -d ........... ......................... ....... . ............... ..... . ................ M or 1,6. M.Y., A n Council File wt,^s 1 ..... PR �p e goa PREUMINARY ORDER. The undadgned hereby p'. . 'ni a the follow'm, ubtic improvement by the City of St. Peal. viz: ............................................_ ........................................ Dated thi, .sA. .y a . 6Rz71, .1918... _...... :... _ ............. PREL A Y RDER. WHEREAS, A written pmpoeeI for the making of teal awing improvement, viz.: ...._.. l3pati#g QttR....Apequ@...%l.9.@.Q1dVelau0. Av@nu4.._t.4 tb0.. M.1.eeleeiPP1.............._ ............. ..... ...................... ..... ....... ................. ............................ _...... ................... _........ -............................... ........ ..... ...................... ........................ .... .. ............... hevmg been preunted to the Coo d of the City of St. Paul by Coundlmen................. ........ ._....... . therefore. be it RESOLVED, That the Comndnioner of Puhilc Work.6eand he u hereby ordered -end directed: I. To invatipte the necnrity for or deeir bihty of the reed.g of aid impmvwenL Z To inrdti¢sm the rutin, extort and dtfmurd mrt of cud improvement; end the taW mit eh— lea-3. To furaeh a plm, W.fie or eket b a Wd improvement. :.:...:.............. _.......... ...................... .. ...... ..... f]�To rtete bether or not d pr ement i, mired for on th pet v f thr , report upon dI of the feee40ieg matt to the Crere"W n' of F-- Adopmd by the. a ........ :..... :..... . �.._ I3 i 9 .ruf:. Yeo, N.9e: Cowrii.—F rth R 4, IRC Approved 19.._..uh.,,.. Hy d:. cColl � / Wunderlich `/�^.. /...:.._ .._ Yoelrvin ...... �.i� C -61(N .............._.... td .PRO d °A and 246T PRELIA@IARY ORDER. s The onda.iptd hereby pr s the melons of the wine p. a improvement by the City d St. Peal, vit.: Oondemaing_and.ank_...,.. an._oeQemept „_,...4ne:..lnnd._nooeeegrp.,_for_._....._.......... outs.: end fill...__„_ ..._..,_ng_Otto_._Ave>.e,_Yrom_Qleva.-„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, land. Axa.A, 41....ta ta Jdtesis Ri.. Eonlasfaid, .............. _..... _........... ......_......................... .......... ......_........................... ....._......... _.......... ................ ............ ............_................ ..............., Det” tldc......_3idf....._dev ........Apsil.x.. ,1919.n .............. ........... C—cihn.n PRELIMIN RER L' . •F. n. 2 't G 3 0 WHEREAS, A written pmpord for the making of the following improvemene, va.: . _Oondemning._ead, teking...an aeeement.ln the,._l. anti peo...e..eeagy Yor.................... .......almets fax ...auto ...ead..fills... in_gsading..Otto...Avan a lrom.Qlaxa- ............. l amd..Axa.rens....to...ths...MissiesiRP1...River..:Houlsvezd............................................................ ............ heving been Preimted to the Cowd d the City of St. Pad by Coondl.............. _............. ........_............... ._........................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commiuimu d Pobhn Wor6 be end he it hereby ordered and direetd: I. To inveaigeee [he neoeniey for or de.'mabiGty of [he making of .dd improvunevt i To invetngn[e Ne nenne, eacmrt .red etehve[" mrt d said improvemen[, end she coral mrt thereof. 3. To Fumi.h a plea, profae or oketrh of .cid improvement - ... .... .. .. ... ............. ......................... '�9 , rt.0 hath or n t d P< veme,rt u eek" for on thep t tion of threee Tor port po ell of iti femi., marten to the Ce—W d F Adopted by the—.dt.... _........... .PR 12 _9 .......... t9l_...... Ym. .Nay.:. Coondhvm Funs Hy d arch p f cnu L Me r Irvin M.vor. Ccondl Fd. No. ........... ✓.. E. 0.'Brigge. PROP c 24x31 PRELIMINARY The undmeigned hereby propo,u meting of the following public , provement by the City of St.� P.W. viz: Oonet root driveways of tie nt croeswaa b k at the tollowSng looatioaet Stuagi.e...Btreet--So>ith-side.. et-�ri6e i m:.336.3eet_.weet...af...Douglae-Street theaoe:weet al feet, West 7th. eat thside 10 feet wida,from 79 feet aa"t_of"WaIV. Mrs$ twanpe-"a'set-. ��faet.,' '-Be1bY.Avdime "im5 --side8"'feat- twide.,from..800.4sat...west ...of..Hhea .av .._trhanbA._teat'._fl..Yeat ................... _.. _... ........... .. ...... .. ................ D ted thio. 3x61 deyd 1.111919 ........... ............ ..ry ....... .....:.._ ..._ - `jCo`v'ndlmen. PRELIMI A Y. ORDER.. C, r'Ad ` TG 3 WHEREAS, A written ptvpoml for the mekine the 1 owing unprovemm4 vix.:. 0onetroot__Qrivewsye _. of. oementoroeenkblocks..eheYoling,00so .... alopnot S.turgia Straet._flouth..sida fi..faet...wide ._Rrom 1fl8...faet w.o.at..:of:.A.ouglea Street. ,. thence west 21 feet; West. 7th.Street'tt south. side' 10 feet wide,from 79 feet east of -Wslent-Streetythanoe east--falx-feat;-Balby:Avenue.. North -side-6 feet wideyfrom 29.0 feat west of Wheeler Avemm,thenoe west 8 deet. _._......_...........................:........................................._......_........................_..................__...................................._...._.............._......_.........._.... , hevivg been preened to the Co dl of the City of St. Paul by Cu.dhm .... .... ..... .. ........... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commndona of Public Work, be end he is hereby oM,,ed end dve°ted. I. To invetligate the ne«edty for or dmimbility � the mJdng of aaid improvement 1 To ioveeigate the oetura e t and ettimated rort of dd improvement, and the tot,] wft thereof: 3. To fu.6h , pl-. p,bfde or ,ketch of mid improvement �Ja�o e,te h then or not d pr enc a,kcd f on th pet ti of thr r6 To report upon all of thefongoiz mater to the Communona of Finance. Adopted by the d. . .:�R 1.9 . Yw - Nero: .. /Coum,,d�F=th J^:9 Approved ..._ c 11 M Yor. 1 .Fzp' Iwo 1 111 1 1 --Fond j° r� C 1 � a PI aU 191 �oyfCgv .a. h IItlu10 h CaotteiMi'1t�Po. uY�l�� '1'9S- ey Install one pole III -the alley east of Park foe. north of Rose St. 1pstoll two poles on the north side of the alley north of Yinnehaha at. east of Winthrop St. With necessary guys and anchors.. e.tkne°wll' �nal8v..i n°ii.':'m W Adopted by the Council APR —' 19)9 *y}-: Yeas (. )4GOSS ( )i'e H HM - Mayor 33 ag �i q a i , . n l' �./II' "�,�.�5,-• ,� .,t o� o«o.a a w: 11T1 2, t 33 Install one pole on Rice St. between Summit & College. Install two poles. on 3.7th St. between Arcade & Beech. Install one pole on Oxford St. between Charles & Rdmund. Tith necessary guys and anchors. w0'ik Nivn�moln.�p�� �m�� r•"eetii�v d wlei�.lvll erci.�Ym aa�e a nu�nee �� a �v yV Iui n��11 dupevee �n.u�a •Council Necevuil.lW ItamiE�.tme Adopted by the APR —i M9 3Si. Yeas ( ) Councilin ( ) N." - FARNS ORTH MOSS McC LL V W NDERLICH Approved LAND ELLER Mr. Preside +RN4N ��, ,�,-,,•.,, RL111TJSflFA ____. Mayor - Install one pole on the south side of WBIle Street, just east of Etendota Street. With neoeesary Me and anchor$. All of.v.L UUv.�avv e.Wv.M1d�b.ue.�a�arodwa.avede.a. aLauov.d��nnbrP iammW�..er of v.El�Wiluvlhe..ve �v.,,�Mvv. .vbivNuwvme `Ievp el8.dluv d m.r.aua.v.e.Imv,W vaeRnn�eap1v11 oitie Cbbel..112eem ve.v me 'dew4ve••al.im.Pvaa ba�iivn.11 ulo �°�°'Iu.N�lbui.sea.v�vmrt o,evb uu. 1 �vm. we Adopted .by the Council gR. 1919 A" —= Yeas ( ) Councilmen ( )° Twp / Mc LL NDERLICH Approved YLAND KELLER Mayor Mr. Prc ent�'-IILS�HI�i.�a ..i�.,�yewx•eonee_ , .. _ Q OFFICE OF TRE 031PTROI.LER'� ' 2e�635 AUDITED C:9424635, F NO•r— .an,-te 585 _ A eITEe 1 �p 4.'1919 .................. ..... PEN.:...,........ _ _.. ..... T. - Resolved thot wermnls b drowe .--=da.,F:t,�.1'ceesury, payable out of the hereinafter epbcifild funds end i. favor of the persons, firms or cerporetiov LLa'. [ h f p mified in the f.11ow'n d toiled eWlao t. ve nemn m sp � 6 e Yeoel J ) Councihnev k J ) Noy. t C,i t. f �R. Adopted by th cil r �4 _ X91 S 19I— cls' 1110 eq`mkP ems.. �-- I �- Farns�cth .!um .._ _191_ ;xidr Mr. Pte+idfy(Hodssov Fernesorth. Com'r. of Finmoe - - 3,384.51 ingZ S. A. Farnsworth Comtr. of Binanoe- 5,413.eB Hnr –''rke 3-&"w58 w �a'-P13gg'PEtmds 76Q767 ni aso, .26i$C, FaneaLa3-Re'o1r'� 535.65 Phalen Comf Potation 153.65•, " 'k �bldBa.-Re91. Oreatle JW" Edith H. Robinson, - 43'.67- . O, n ora eon v e AUDI,—, 584 `Ta o i1lul — 11 rt: Resolved that warrants be dra',narr:.rEl pens ns, firms corporation for the 1N ,AN 11 Yeas ( p ) Coua61— ( V) N y 1'25 _. fire 7i FnrKsworth Ic a GPa � i� RE112F .116 Wa(deJr .6 Mr: Presidept(HOdgsoer -' �' ER �- 2�c36 FORM P,r.w Na.. -.—'— nay `t �i. #7 • ..... .... ... ..................... ,, payable out of the hereinafter specified fund, and infavor of the respective namn n specified i. the following detailed statement: Adopted by 1. _i 21 _ : I ii2_I91-- PProved 1...— IE 9 _ _.-191_ i1lul — 11 16968 Ahlberg 8earing.�o.pany, _ 5.22 -. -10805 L. L. A;esander Electric Company, Audilarlum It160r American Linen Supply Company, - 14.11 �:y 1'25 _. fire 7i 1.26 Munia. X.& ;vRe ol. low Eeo d:4.11 36906 Amerioan Railway Ezpre-- Company, 6.36 Y+lSB I .. _os 9oboole Lilgzary -42 6 "8C6 D. Appleton & COMP nnYs 22.09 - 1—ow E. C. Atkin-, - 3.36 .. Sohaolfl ' Iy666. Auto Engine Works, 48.29 ,F.irE —06 Munlay�Ba2•;^Rerl. 40.00 Vis. - 2ns6.R—em. 1G899 Bearing Servioe Company. — 14.14 Water � ' taM :Beebe Laboratories, 03, 0 2.25 leBiT T. L. Blood & Company, 410 71 23.33 WarY3eae8 -6 6--70, _ 10816 Paul L. Chapel, Folies 2 20.80 10812 Brentano's, LibrAzIr 13.95. _ 100'IZ- Brown, Blodgett & Sperry, 16.90 lv=r- John Clark CQ$PsMy, _ i go- 1.96 CC = p... Works Sy..Ca-& R. 24.00 Srheda 6.25 4.10 Water p_ .. 23.62. _Mnni,o:'ff@L+: 14 1C834 Camera Art Compy 12.00 anoyrsel. 19&15 Capital Envelops Company,. 156.26 26.53 PSPks 39T66 Water 186926 1&&Jm6 J. W. Cassin Company, - 53.00 Vis. - 2ns6.R—em. _Puh1Io Sera. Corp. 1-1.425 Water 03, 0 SO817 Central Garage, .A&Aw_ see 4.58 Munic._Ga r -Beal.. t" 4+68 _ 10816 Paul L. Chapel, Folies 20.80 1eei9', Chicago Biological Supply Bougie, 13.95. lv=r- John Clark CQ$PsMy, _ 1.96 Library" lee'm. Columbia Tool Steel Company, 24.00 iee32 Crist Book Shop, - ✓ 4.10 lg&V Bay's Prest-O-%erviceCompany, `ffevl. 23.62. _Mnni,o:'ff@L+: A - 2� ` —.4 Daytona Bluff Printing Company, i 6.25 Mynic,r&axTEevl. 2—M 6.25 s 10&26• Dispatch Printing Company, 2.60 IOM Divine Brothers, - - ` 10.20 9eh&ois 10887 W. J. Dyer & Brothers, 240.49 .klbyary :tea-= P1A7grounde d�1� E48ri9 1QAaa, East SideGroceryCompany, Schools 21.46 1Q= East Side Meet Market, 4.30 Schoms - 1A83Q Electric Blue Prin�.Company, 95.85. Works 8�W _Oom=-e�:-,P. Semols_ 449 9" 4.A0. .Pa>83'dge. Eeaka —60 .75 .. -% 1"M Electric Construction Company, blbm y 190.00 " i"&32- Electric Manufacturing Compan 2.36 evl. 10836 The Elite Laundry Company, taupe -le 15.27 18934 A. D. Ellsworth- Schects -18.24, 1"a'33 Elk Laundry Company, peiltae.. 45.99. _ - p.1_.& F. Alarm 29597 T9191 - . W"er .. _ .A�20 46.99 19856 The Emporium, 12.00 108n Essanell Electric Company, 26.20 ?tPa 9r26- Mynwj0�.6cp.-Bwl. 1.86 14.00 _ - 2".20-. f 1E888 ll, Ozmun, Kirk &Company. Farwe Farwell, it" 8763 P1114e 9v90 -M� Re nl• 26riR. . - Plsygl9tlnda. - - ri.84n - .. ForeeTl7,Revl. -. Audtlovium 8Bw88 Baaer�--. 236W95. - - 648793 bpe3en Feature Film Come 16.25 _ p7.g�grqunde ' �� YQM Field,.. Schlick & Company, a 89.28 a .. - ,Bo1z•^Be,F.- Alarm-. .. is Uib Qls 4 Water _. - ?nI-2 Firestone Tire & 81bDar Oos mpan9s I. -7.70 14642 The Fleisohmann Yenst Company, - - 1200 Woaie1SC49e 10843. Galpewell Fire AlParm Telegraph Company, 97.98 te. _4090 F. V. Garland Company, _. 16.50 e 1.50 . .19M asaylord BrotherlrSbratry.. ,. .6.25 38816 Gray Motor: Company, $evl. - . iC8 I Griggs, Cooper & Company, F—w 18700 332.75 Wia nttne. - i is 02 Wonkh .... - - - - .A 467 5&f" .. 24.e6 177.31 ''Randlon & CompaWozYi+asee _ .. '.Ree�664 ages - 2�6 3 b.. lam Wm. Harris & °ompany, 3 56 X00 88.55 - 5�0.. - 5 • 88 55 19860 Theo. G. Belle,4.10 Face,_. IeM 5pring Company' 30.15 .Highland MHydr'8`Office 1. 5 _ 1. 5 Ca�ounsel 1. 6 .. ComawroY"inance Cigi'i..�seovice 16* ,0 1. 5 Ptlrc�}sspg$.'t. 1'5 1. 5 - Com'.n.ubf'.P. Works 2. 5 3, 5 SQhoole- . - 30. .5 14988 Himebaugh & Browne, 1.67. library... - low F. 0. Huebener, .32.48 19894 Joy Brothers Motor Car Company, 11.E0 Manic..,ZO i-Revl. �13205 3CSH5 W. H. Kane, - 17.00 �. 35.80 10666 Kenny Boiler Works, 1.00 Plgy&rounds 23.07.00 ( - 4 35. 0 10EWj7 Lewis Institute, _ 57.34 Schools ;QB56 McClain & Hedmana .66.73 . COIDpS,r sr •40 2 2 Puretr."Dep't. 5. 5 2. 0 2. 0 _ 3. 6 H841}.h:6�. 104.. 2 - . Revl. Mu'�Works 0 ^ 2. 0 11. 0 - w2xkbeuse_ S4boo3s 1. 5 - • 0 .. , 5 2. 5 1. 0 3. Plagglguada 3. 7- - 4. 5 1 6 66.3 - '� (� 3 b 24.74 - IQaW6 Michaud rotherS, 0., 8' 0. R. Mickelson, 1_ �. 6.73- Wee2 C. B. Miller, 12.20 10988 Capt. John F. Miller, G.MiE., ` 13.43 _ - _ Lighj tpg 10683 .Miller & Holmes, - - - 26.50 - WosY3o+�e _ , Book Shop 1pg( Morris , 2.14 19688'^ ,Motor Age, 3,00 Munyo..Barv-Revl. _ 10660 ;H. K. Mulford Company, _ E4.93; Onw nt t„a - 1Qa=' -Nassau Paper Company, Assignee - 7.75 ' Meaake�-Print7nE"'Cifmpany, _ FSra - 1080& Nat'l. Bureau of Criminal Identification, 75.00.: - ... Poldeir-... Meter &We9 National Mete�ompanyr � _2.73 _. 10e70 New York Tea C.a awe` 19.00 10&41 Northern States Power Company, - 2,853.06: Station 1 iWeLei' B bn" North Star State Tobaoeo Company, o 44.16Wovkho 10873'. N. W. Cadik"a-.Co�,nys- .37.40 108W. Northwestern Stamp Works, 89.30 C&v4.lt8ervlc e " Alarm Hee3�Adm. • - ysaj&-Gar. Novi. W. Combs -P. Works 16.00, Libusal .3& Barks 46.00 " W94or - q" 6P= , 1QM=6 Royal Brothers & Cutler. 90"oe 3188 �,3 $01.32 He.1-th 79 3 97 80 50 46 K; 68 1425 1 75 201.32 1987Ir D. A. O'Dell Motor Car Company, 25.74 Air 14.45 9* 1. 0 .5f IGSW J. E. Olen Company, 14.40 77.52 2:88 3.%5 77.2 1eB-PB Oriental laundryCompany, 14.21 Wale, park Machine Co��,,,,,,. 17.00 jeago Quayle & Kelley, 42.85 10881Raymond Brothers. L4effry 8.00 Ig"2 Red Wing Union Stoneware Company, 6.70 I gaa3- Reed Motor Supply Company, 15.75 gunjo,.Ga%'- Revl. 1@M Remington Typewriter Company, 56.55 01".Mrk 55:�5 —1 .40-1 67..Ol W. R. Rice, mo,,U_AbxN Reel. 20886 Otto W. Robleod Comp ny, 26.53 jVggT M. Rosen & COmPanYs 169.98 IVSW St.Anthony HillMc�96 & �AutoComPan`71 16.90 vi. St.paul Boiler &Mfg- Company, 93.00 IMILMR11 IUMIIHMIII HIIIIHM I St- Paul Book & Stationery Company, N96g. 4.. -tvw SabODIA 2*00 Libr. 3&.44- Humbp&&"A.LIbr. .1.50 99160 r. J5 4841M "A" St.paul. Foundrya=l 326.65 '""22 R. 7,65 b" aand levees -Aw" r.rves -OAS 3""5 St.Paul Gas Light Company*PUI*&S- 62&.0 1,529.49 840all lMw66 Vn F. Alarm 38v94 ation lge" St.Paul Machine Works, 43.78 R. Auau-ter t- Q"4 St.Paul Real E8, 120.00 - IgA St.Paul Stamp Works, 16.40 rVI oe Mumft-.tGar- -&C P'.AjAgo. .06 IOV"- la@" Jos. 5chnabl# 2.00 10891; Carl W. Schulz 9.08 349N John E. Scopes Company, 1.00 198" Shakopee Lime & Cement UoMPSMY, 271.19 lab." ge 3G - Ingm Shotaell Johnson Company, 78.24 Wad— 75 •DD +. "" 7 2e907- SS£o Products -Cock"R - 25.84 - 1e9e2 J. Skrvepka,Muo_.. jo--GA _Revl. 2.00 - _ logo L. C. Smith Mrotheys �, C e "nce.'1936 "1 17.80 Works 1G604 R. 0. Smith Company, - _ Munic a RevL 14.75 iao65, G. Sommers & Company, 29.00 - Schools - 18988, Sterling Grocery Company, _ 49.01 1e807 .Tri-State Telephone & Tellg.0 company, 259.45 Hjjgg�fY - -. p�al Court le-"- - - - L39leiy., 89'e80 - Auditorium - i.66 PadeOe&dm. 'SAS. ... P �.aldgs : Wstsr 63,v40 1@8BB> Twin City Motor Car 1. MWAI-3 s Tv"DK United States Rubber Company, 30.40 bQ$j,Q. United Typothetae o£- Amer iOR, - .40.00 _ _ - 1eM Union Machine', Wo 8.35 " . 6,Wn Villaume Box & Lumber Company, - t 6.ee- 74.84 - - >-St3leoks. 33.9e 29-00 - Pliygaounds. P 00 —35.70 gg@N R , g.'Wedelstaed�t�C,�,o�mpanyWorks ( $— gf 4ngrs. / _ `:. - 3644• .� Wentz -& Companyl+*nR^ 18.00 n .1G9i&- Western Onion Telg. Company, - .7E.36 _ ,Office Bane1R^ Dep t. - " - Ynatce _ Aiftwl . Adm. IMTW 78P58 - 196i9'W. J. Westphal, __ 65.a4- _ 91.25 o:. evl. X14-80, InQ= Williams & Wilkins Company, 5.00 10Bi8 Gen. W. Wooley, _ 1.00 1_9919i The. Writer, ..- 4.50 ; lQjLW Yiddish Liters r Publishing Society, _ 1.00 24637 CITY OF, ST. PAUL Counoil Resolution - - -_ April 4th, -1819. Date Presented .......... . grading Berry Avenue from Charles Street In the matter of - - to iJniv�reity Gv enue _ - - - „ - --- _- . - - - -- . - -. - - - - - - ` - - - - - 23896 2_2238 under Preliminary Order -- ^ - - - - - , Pmol Order - January 3rd - - -1919• ApDra-- ved - - _ ,. RzsoLVBD, That the plans��apeoifiaaticns. and, estimated gsantitiee submitted by the Commiseieaer of'Pablia Works for theabove named Improvement be andthe same are hereby approved. r 7G�p Adopted by. the Ceunoi2 _. I- . ...1919. (Yeas) ( ) Hays ' Ooanailman pOsvevorth - I /Dose - It =11 I` J b (;;=dorlioh 1919. :,V. President Hodgson Ap ed v 44v.4o 4} n a ,Po .wy,u''Fu� -Y np e4s 04'4 iu eaa�.earw `� o ee m %r i�"�:, 1 A�� th V� UL PM Wr"Q�jbW�tDq .. Resolved, That the Furchasirgv Agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, four 42" x 4" Demountable solid rubber tires for rear wheels. Motor pumping " engine No. 18,(Firestone) from Joy Droe, for the Fire Depart ment, to cost $268.48,.without asking for competitive bide, as these articles are patented and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Fire Department Fund. 'lees (L� C uncilmen V) My. Adopted by the C nn`y /..id-t,,H.dpon ch /1 SQ, AL FORM 24639 nyeNO......._ ................................... MOM, Whereas N. P. Hansen, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul, the sum of Thirtyone and 85/100 ($31.35) Dollars,. as an Advance Payment, for -s., sewer on Hatch Street, on Lot. 5, Block 8, Weidela Rearrangement, and Whereas'the assessment for a sewer connecting with said property is the eum of Thirty and 40/100 (530.40) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved That the sum of 85/100 (S .85) Dollars be refunded to the said N. P. Hansen, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of the said N. P. Hansen for said sum, payable out of the Advance Assessment Account of the general Fund. - Yeeo(L��CouncU.. (r) N.Y. ✓ Adopted by the Council_„_...._....__.._....__„_._.....,.Y9L,. ty Orth cColl Wuuf'derlich .:_.__.... __..._..__.._ _....._.__........... Mr. -i Hodgson wnron X#ZeERET, h nyr u L y 0J�11 t•, NERAL FORM .r. ......__.......__.,...._..-.. M40 `.ttieiu coaaa� ihat., the' i0: 99e. Detr.-P9eeenteG....–�•........................—:::197_... ilf. 191.. Whereas, E. McKinnon, has heretofore paid to the City of St. Paul,, the sum of Fifty and no/100 ($50.00) Dollar., as an Advance Payment for a sewer on Hawthorne Street, on Lot 37, Block 7, Pbalen Heights Park, and Whereas the assessment for a sewer ooaneeting with said property is the sum of Forty-elz and 54/100 ($46.54) Dollars, therefore be it Resolved That the sun of Three and 46/100 ($3.46) Dollars be refunded to the said E. McKinnon, and that the proper City Officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of the said E. McKinnon for said sum payable out of the Advance Assessment Account of the General Fund. Yeas(t�Councn" (P) N.,. Adopted by the C-61, ........ Clancy Faros —h Gos.........__d.. `"".' APPr .........._......._._.__ ..............._.........IiF... / K er ichWunderl.__..._.._.._......._.._._. ._......_.. Mr. P esid<nt, Hodgson MpYes An ordinance granting to George Mathison permission to construct and maintain a canopy on the building known as No. 3-16 West Sixth street. - THE COUNCIL 9F THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to George Mathison to construct and maintain a canopy, five feet square, with rain leaderon the building known as No. 116 West Sixth street, in said City; :aid canopy to extend above the sidewalk a distance of aboutnine feet, all as shown by the plan on file in the office of the Commiseioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. Section 2. The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized to issue:.a permit to said George Mathison for the construction of said canopy, upon his complianoe with the following conditions: (1) The said canopy shall be constructed under the super- vision and direction of said Commissioner, and the said licensee shall pay the cost of inspection and of constructing the same. (2) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the eum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judg- ments, suite, costs, charges, damages and expenses that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the con- struction, maintenance, use, presence or removal of said canopy, and said bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said canopy remains or exists. The said bondtehall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, and shall have such surety or suretiesasshall be satisfactory to the Mayor, and shall be 'filed with.the City Comptroller. (3) Said canopy shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee .that may be required by any ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. .: (5) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage ofthis ordinance, file,a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, Section 3. This ordinance shftAl take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and pu cation. i Passed by the Council /T Yeas - Hay C o wn.c. ave lle;'Olancy -Feath ager Neuer McColl "Wunderlich Mr. President (Hodgson) Approve % L" ESayor Attest e p / ity Clerk �wm 11001 INEEIRE 61t. - Ft, I 0 Cl- (Y- r -A C4, ri -- - ---- ----- JOHH i. v IY (O.ffm #" &- t errk April 2nd, 1919. , Hon. 0. H. O'Neill, Corporation Counsel. Oear Sir: l! Attached pleasefind application of Goo. Mathison for a permit to erect u anopy on building known as 116 West Sixth Strost, together with plat .—ring same; also a letter from Chas. A. Hassle r, City Architect stating there are no objeetione to said canopy. The Council referred the above matter to you for proper form of ordinance , nt its mooting held this data. Very truly yours, 3 no. CITY CLERK. J. E. CORCOR11. CITY OF ST. PAUL 1goartment of Varks, plaggrounks ink public 'Builkingo OFFICE OF COMMIeeIONER J C ... I edl March 29, 1919 Hon. J. M. Clancy, Commissioner Office Dear Sir: Referring to communication from the Council in regard to canopy on building known as 116 Gest Sixth Street, drawing of which is on file in this office. The Canopy itself is 0. K., and in accordance with Mr. Mathison's cor. .unication the canopy will be provided with lain leader, which will eliminate any objection thereto. Yours very truly, City Architect H/M fp1 _--a /w -T.` `•" `y VYs ,Vim' .OFFICE OF Tac -OM): TROLLER1 Li AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 586 ., a .. ........ y - - no//yJa(i` Resolved that werionls be drnw„ upon the City Trensdry, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in furor of the peraovs, firm, or corporntio a -- �� p re names as spmified in the folio. ing d,,etaile'd stntemevt: ' Yens ( )Councilmen ( `/ - Adopted by the Council 191 1n swarth v r t.11 erlie, mv. cl ■ an+}e}s N . P—i6It, Hudgsov _.. _ - .__.:. 46984 Brooke -Bra tThei•eZush mGa�Co�mPenyr - � 995 .19) Sprinkling Great -Northern -Schools 96aee 8g5.3A 1o928" Otto Edstrom, Agent 50.00 -. lOg26 R. -:T. Gourley, Bureau,-of-Rng,ineers 2fs% 42.58 Sb.,A.=-dr--x. 2423 5,.-,&�,$- �..01ng. TIED 720 42 . 1eew Maendler Brothers, 24.98 Pay.:,Dapr. 1pa28, Northwestern Eleotric Equipment Co mPeny,. ges]cg -490.69 = `ion 48c9E - .. 6.56, 1.87, - ...• Lighti-ng 40iv27 . 5 2Ya'6i1• 4907% - 10929 -"Swan Olson,, 290.60 it ; i 109" Raymer Hardware Companyy ke 2+66 - - Sp"n6ung_ Wcse .34a _ Cnhnpj8 S -e69' - row - F FAxA§UW-RVVl- 2w6O ¢A6 gig N. C. Robineon,Olark of Met. Court 66vC4 418.35 , gSaCelRg'H96 Unf. . W"" Permr4ap+-iiw01. 418.66 jgoaz- St.Paul Eleotrip'Compa - 34.80 1. UMN Western Supply Compan d3.GG' 82.07 gp Sohosati ➢oagae�Yk.:a.�a- ...133.0 50, OFFIC E COMPTROLLER e., arr o sT AUDITED CESOLUTION FORM F,..e N..._..4.�. II...... .J-�APR 5 �-p ?, W a, N Resolved that warrants be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and in N.' of the persons, firms or corporati— Cyr the te t pp to d especti,, noon, as specified in the f.11—ing detailed statement: Y—s ( V ) c.a-ilmeo ( V Adopted b Council S 191 Te. rr c ry'v - 1ppcoved F rth wo0 C oa e. t.-.......— �R h Mc cespent, Hodgson 300— E. J. Lynch, Collector of Internal Revenue kndlActr- m_ - 118935 Merchants National Bank, `interest 669-b6°- Misoda'-Bnforseen .s90 Red -.,of -Bonds -1919 Aoct.l,000.00 ' Permr'ite. Revl. Pond- Int-.Aeot. 235.fl0. 1,898:40 ,1003fi Standard Stone Company, Ourbing intersection Laurel^A-Hersohel 10.00-, Gurbing'EdmtindjAldine and Hairline, 50:00 68*00 Toteri-aa -2',00 '40 50.00 1,898.40 50.00 CI Ti'—OF✓;S--PAUL COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM NO. -M645 Date i+rescnred. April 6 191 _191.... xcsnlvca, That the grade of Pieroe Street from Shields Avenue to univeieity Avenue in a000rdanoe with the red grade line on the a000mpanying profile, and as raeommended by the Commissioner of Publio Works, be and the same Is hereby adopted as the established grade. - Iran N0'au �'�°sar,:Ne aaa r.: jl� Wako `n'oea'm_ Yeas (1 C mcilm�(V) Nays Adopted by the Council„"jl,s,r.f.(.....191/. /ancy U/� .�Q c erns orth p ved ��{/v .r.i 191.p. ss .Irvin^° Coli `) ....._..... Agdtlfst (/,l� •e�.(/l� _....._...__..........._ --....... nnvos undcrlich - Mr. P sidnnt, Hodgson I R' n BITY'O air-rAUL ..— — 40 ,CAUNCI6_.ReseLuTtoN—N000R•L-IC6N56 � �oee��� No. ��6gf1—_ 11 J Dat-Pnscnted <---..,,,4,,,a R1 — RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons Yor a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and the same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the filing of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. - Name of Applicant. - Location. Jobn pitzl 8 F.aet 4th.Et. 8enn `el.a n a ` e(I ME �l Goss `� oll U ._........ Ala in se adcrlic� Mr. P—i ent/ Adopted by We Coundl(�t h,(1n..�.�J.,6-191...1.... /�... �V� Gp�G4liE— SE TRANSFER j RESOLVED, That the following designated licenses to sell intoxicating liquors be transferred as indi oated pursuant to applications duly .made therefor. No.— From (Name .and Address) To (Name and Address) No 77 Hi A Hie en 413 Robert 9t. William F,Rimee 413 Robert St.. No. 1.Norris Fink 306 East 7th.St Beni amin Fink 306 East 7th.St. No. No. No. No. :No. No. No. No. Nn. Scar 0 N.Y. V Adopted by '-61. erns rt V Goss — �--R�•� r��{%_ Appr ....... ...U..�r�t ..191.. cColl oadcrlicl<.. . _......... ............ ...... Mr. Pree, ent, Vim_ lCT7'4'CR�'TTPAUL . . � J 1 C RRTJITTI ®f®"a AL FORM �;ed : _.._._.._.,_....._....__......._........._..._............_..:_._:....._....._._ 24648 T Anr 6.. 9... .Resolved, - That the application of the following persona fpPr a linens to conduct indicated be, and the Hotels or Restaurants at the looattone rI nottvelH the City Clerk is aiYCthorized and directed to same are hereby, granted isaus such licensee to and said persons upon the payment of the fee as required by law. NA11t OF APPLICANT. HOTEL OR. RESTAURANT. LOCATION. J. A. Fazendin.Reetavr ant , 139 W. Central, , 419 Sibley 9t., Ben Greenberg, - 9t. James Hotel, Restaurant, - A. C. Flores, P. G. McMahon, Overland Hotel, 151 E. 3rda,St.. 15L E. 3rd St., Ste& Sibley Ste. .August Steinke, Restaurant, 3327 Charles St., Johnson Bros. Blanchett, Boarding House, Angus Hotel, Western & Selby, M. C. a nide6t, Hodgson Adapted by the Comcil_7.1H..,��._.. Resolved, That the Purchasing agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge automobile u0.n-about, completely equipped, at a cost not to exceed without asking for competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Public Safety- Police & Fire Alarm Telegraph. 1') Nays ✓< Call V .__.........".A utul.lich Mr.Pr ideny Hodgson Adopted by the Council....._:::..: �._..__71....._..._....191_... Approvcd�. ,/o . ..................._.............191.... u ERALFORM r 2464` f �r cx No ...___.... ' wvv....a wvru r xsu. Resolved, That the Purchasing agent, be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge automobile u0.n-about, completely equipped, at a cost not to exceed without asking for competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Department of Public Safety- Police & Fire Alarm Telegraph. 1') Nays ✓< Call V .__.........".A utul.lich Mr.Pr ideny Hodgson Adopted by the Council....._:::..: �._..__71....._..._....191_... Approvcd�. ,/o . ..................._.............191.... � =001 =OEM o An ordinance to amend Ordinance No. -50 - 65, ajWroved March 10, 1919, entitled "An ordinance authorizing the employment of persons for service In the Department of Education and fixing the number, title B, duties and compensation of the employee and officers connected with the public schools of the City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,* This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. .THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5065, approved March 10th, 1919, be and the same is hereby mended by striking out from Section 11 thereof the words:` -laborers, mechanics and artisans. - Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared;to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the Public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force Jichedtate).y upon its passage and piablioation. 191 Q Passed by the Council �Aa.^A el Yeas COW"11W--1Mr: Clan., Farnsworth .-Goo, KeR!R!*c -mocon -Wunderlich lie. President (Hodgson) Appro ,ma Attest may r City Clerk CF. rio ` Rn crdinanoe to-areud Ordinanoc Ga. 3Z60'z. lAngaat 20th, 1.93.h. entitled "Aa odmi.nietsative ordinemoo re- . luting -s the 01111 Nervine ousosu oi' the City of 0t. Fant. .—roving and ader:tIng rules ani re :nlatlone the rotor,">+nd amendments thore'o:.. THE OOUOGII. u"r'. T,.%01,2,1OF f T., PADI DO`IO 03DAIH: 9ootioa 1. That Sectio. 20 uf: Rule 2 of Ordiaanoe i7o. 3260x•, approved August 20th, 3.9:L4, td and the same 18 horeby amended by striking oat the following worde and figures, to -.tit: "Fainters,. 6w an hunt - Painter foreman. 6,jj.V. an. hour" - and eubetitatdnQ ��g;'pl;ade' thereof, the following words and .figures,. to -wit: "Fadrtoto, at not to oxaeed 45,�,an hour: r•" Painter foreman, at not to ex0eed.'�94•an hoa Snotion 2. This ordinance ,shall tahe uffeot and be an force J.l,udiately after Its Pausage and approval. Yeas (✓) C ... dl— (✓) N Vcm"� Yareswe+lh .dfdl.a d McCol] -A. L t ✓ Wood-Iich Mr. Plssidmt. Hodgson _ `f- rog. Adopted by,the�l`.- r. APpr,��'.__._� a TEST: JOHN 1. FAHICY, Cfuy CIC[!:. ,, / `-'s- /,;� �� � ,` I�, O v-z..L U� � S�,'-, (fir• .. i f "act— ` i , � J I "' OFFICE OF TH COMPTROLLER s..... o.,.r �. AUDITED CLAIM ESOLUTION FORM 588 • AUD ED ..APR,,..'... YIJ� .... _ ... / �� :�t._..... IT— Rooked that x ants Le d-11- upon t ity Treasury, payaLaa(ter speced fCunds and in (nvor of Lhe per ns, firms or arpor na f t t pi 1 P t - nines vs spemfied h (fl d I datemem: Yeaso( ) Caunm en ( p ) N .h c Adopted 1, the C 1 .- ... m C c ma ver — — n(eceN "N(8° Nutch sable � t, H. . Presiden, Hodgson LANyv`ine c 30997 American Supply Com 5.39 tOM S. Berglund Lumber Company, - 2,225.10 -Scheo1-e 19939 Hersey Manufacturing Company, Water 702.00 -]9940 Nicole, Dean & Gregg, Fore' ' T5 128.97 3-. r9i 3hb . - 17-.97 SP. -Oa-&9Repadr -Y.F.3:: S.-" -G3Ag . _ 9 _ SChoo3s'• 8+1Z Forestry --Raul. Water- Fav ing-BePr'. Iv+ 128-:97 TOM Northern Coal &IDrok Company,, F S4hae46 33s{0 87.66 " 109@2 St.Paul Hebrew Institute, ,9e�,evLs" Aj; " 150.00" OFFICE OFA COMPTROLLER couscrn 0 AUDITED CLAI ESOLUTION FORM 589 -<co lj-jd that --- b, dt.,- up- the City T,c ... ty, p,pble - of the h -i -f- Pecifilll f --d -d in f ... of the persons, firms or corporations (or the amounts =.et .— .� i. opposite their -I-ti- Yeas C. -A.- A&I-,l by die C-ilil 191— c FlIll I tll Cass S'lliee` / tn� P, id-, H.d,... ,1@"& S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 24.00 MmTtcj-pak-Go,-t-Sxpenaa teg" Christ Johnson P 1,700.00 arading -Brand-and-Elazolvvood 6,892.00 19845 H.rryF--Yvitlh PLM. -Imp- Revl-.•#1002. T.L&l --- 8-0� `1 GI�T: PAUL CO NCIL_RE50LUT10N—GENERAL. FORN _....__.....:......_— ............._r...........__.._.....'ouNc" No.....2�f 5..._...... Date+PLeeatted.AyLLr13:..7 :1918:'. 19".... Resolved, That Council File Ro. 14969, approved February Sl, 1917, being a resolutiondirecting the Commissioner of Public Works to pre— Cure the necessary materials and do the work by City Force As - count in the Paving of Prior Avenue from University Avenue to the North line of Minnehaha Street, be and the same is hereby annulled and rescinded. ork.M1IN bf iAll In rtb Lb 4n9I . I t0a E A I Yeas N.Y. Adopted by the Council.. ..._.. ....._191._. �lm(cy amaw APPraved. ;.. .•• - ....._191.... ...... undeAich r. P sid—, Hodgson CC: m- 0, -1 R A L FORM b. ... .. ...... .Pd 2 655 g,P,,7g11 d b3 Resolved, That Council File NO. 9356, approved October 5, 1916, being a Final Order for the paving of Prior Avarua, from University Avenue to the North line of Minn6haha Street be and the came is hereby amended by striking out the words - wMaterial to be used to be 4- Southern pine creosote wood blooks" , and in- Berting in lien thereof the following: -Material to be used .to be vitrified brick paving blook". Yeas (1jVxinc4men(V)N1y1 o. P� /id t, Hodpon f. derlich Yo Adopted by the C0=Ci1_,._.!. Approved_... 191 ............ R ... I—d, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he La hereby authorized to purchase, with the ooneent of the Comptroller, repair parts for the Cummer Asphalt Plant amounting to $318.00, without asking for competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge kublio Worke-Conetr. & Repair. sR _; IM Adopted by the C ... dl _................ ..........._........_193..... ,nom App—C52552 d_ ..... __....... _............. CA u � FORM - 1. el4 n R ... I—d, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he La hereby authorized to purchase, with the ooneent of the Comptroller, repair parts for the Cummer Asphalt Plant amounting to $318.00, without asking for competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge kublio Worke-Conetr. & Repair. sR _; IM Adopted by the C ... dl _................ ..........._........_193..... ,nom App—C52552 d_ ..... __....... _............. a. C, D'r,-e.-s..-....:.'-" Resolution RatifyingAssessments In the ..1- of the --- of benefits' coats and e'.pco— f., Oedar St. to Jaokeor, Z;t-, —32Ptilr-tthe d h f �:.otf�' , ::i,o lntoreection of Robext int connections J., a 1— nC o -or, ,, I •on hc,::,,ece-,r yalfrm tro c t Llai t ro�' _'rt I os 3_'jgt I,a n. . p - y in ilo_act U t oir dy no paving .'a;I-y and Iri,e,ay ai;j.ro.ohe3 and also L-Ititc C11r1-i---1,e— cot already , n. under P-Iinli— Order ........ . E,,,3........._. J.tldi.ry Otd—.25,83, Final Order.. --9;:51.._...._. approved a3I - -- .pp"I'd -- J'an—Y-20th--191-7 A public blaring having been had p.n the alsessa.t f., the above imp ---t, and lid 111— meat having b... further considered by the C-61, and having been .... id ... d finally aati.[—,ry, b, it th—f-a RESOLVED. That the said ......melt be and the name i. hereby in A —p— ratified, and the ,am, i, herebyordered t, b, .,bmitt,d t. the Di,t,i.t Court of the County of Banally for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Th., the ..id a--- b, sad it il h—by determined to be PaYlbIl i.- to.equal i_.jhal_ a. o each and eve y poral of land I-lth- therein. Ad.pt,d by th. C—lil City CIl.k. App—nd C ".a. a. s -s.. ae— a'. III* b117 a 21 G,6 M 5 T crrlr&�P/r8i- Resolution Ratifying Assessment.S In the —t- of the as.e.Msnl of benefits, jarna�an, eciltu , "nsco for , chanSinE the grade of '.ierl i ne Ave. frort Juno St. tt to !�Pandolph Vit., to t o 1 nf—'� t . the . rcd li " a on the profile :'--to at ao t,d and a-Cn- Par he -of, the pre '33 2 bli�hcd fradc bei, -6 reproser.teft by a blue line t-, hot ec. the P.1a thereon, ..leo the radia,; of i d j,.jljne Ave.her: a! -0 th said �-d !in h —taI afore .ajd in - cc�� ane f'. to j-. St, to the Pr' --t the "�r.jinL: of Ave. n, Otto Ave '. tablj.hed (;rade. Final Order.. under Preliminary Orde 1 '�Q3.._._ .Intermediary Order __,lEl 5 ...,........ approved -.--- I.." Sept 2l.t 191 T A hearing having been had upon the sssmsot for the above improv<menq and said ...m- .. e".eat pblic by the C—IiI. ..d hoeing been e.,.id.r,d finally mti.f,et.ry, be it eathaving been further considered therefore RESOLVED, That the said ..ae.sraso, be and the some is hereby i, all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of he Countyof Romsey for ..,fi,mati.n. BE IT _FURTYT RESOLVED. That the said ...ossmom be and it is hereby dets—i—I to be payable 57.. goal ine[allmenro as to each -1 everyparcel of land described thsrein. Adopted bYjho C .... il — ------ ----- ------- - City Clerk. Approved._ 9 Dated thi . ........ 7.111.. d.,. ............... PRFLIMI=RD - C. r-' 'A 0 - "L WHEREAS. A wittm pmpoml for the —king of the following hopr. ... rotor. viz.: . At tile wellmu ax-seat-wia .-941490 Atow E1.0.8tax 81flaot fx.om..Hamlinm AVGnU8 tQ Edge.o.=ba Road.... .............. ......................... ................. - .......... _ 1.11 1—— ........................... ............... ....................... ....................... ........................................ .......... .............. ....................... I ............ - .............. having been prevented to the Council of the City of St. PA.1 by C-6— . .. .. ... .. ....... ....................... therefore, it RESOLVED, The the Comminiona of Public Work. be and he i, hereby ordered end direded: L' To inods," the nary for or d,alrobility of the making of said improvement, 2. To i-offigeto the oelor-, e t and -ftiereted orit of mid bep—rooroe, end the t.rel eeit thereof. 3. To furerid, , pleo, profile or eket& of mid imp—mont. dietut't...................... .......... .............. .......... . ..... . ...... To erste or not said imp,, t i, eked For m the petition of three or more To report , sU of the foregoing m,ttm to the Commissioner of Finence. Adopted by the ..na ............. .......... Y- N.y.: C/omcil—Fam— Appoo,rd ............. 191 - „ace Hy , d Hyl er _ W 2 1, _Lrb or Irvin .,if .1, No..........._......._..... 'T PROPOS" T I : 'r " ITION or o"_ I— .. ze..�.j 1 M-7 r. t. or -3 C' �Pll . _o 'Dm undersi �.d hereby the or', � p d' h, L—t by the City of St. P-1. vi-: Dated thi . ........ 7.111.. d.,. ............... PRFLIMI=RD - C. r-' 'A 0 - "L WHEREAS. A wittm pmpoml for the —king of the following hopr. ... rotor. viz.: . At tile wellmu ax-seat-wia .-941490 Atow E1.0.8tax 81flaot fx.om..Hamlinm AVGnU8 tQ Edge.o.=ba Road.... .............. ......................... ................. - .......... _ 1.11 1—— ........................... ............... ....................... ....................... ........................................ .......... .............. ....................... I ............ - .............. having been prevented to the Council of the City of St. PA.1 by C-6— . .. .. ... .. ....... ....................... therefore, it RESOLVED, The the Comminiona of Public Work. be and he i, hereby ordered end direded: L' To inods," the nary for or d,alrobility of the making of said improvement, 2. To i-offigeto the oelor-, e t and -ftiereted orit of mid bep—rooroe, end the t.rel eeit thereof. 3. To furerid, , pleo, profile or eket& of mid imp—mont. dietut't...................... .......... .............. .......... . ..... . ...... To erste or not said imp,, t i, eked For m the petition of three or more To report , sU of the foregoing m,ttm to the Commissioner of Finence. Adopted by the ..na ............. .......... Y- N.y.: C/omcil—Fam— Appoo,rd ............. 191 - „ace Hy , d Hyl er _ W 2 1, _Lrb or Irvin C.Z. File N .............. so I/ Petition.240 The uderdg.ed heRb poN r - j ylpl6ve�.nt 6; -the City of St. Paul, v:z. oa u_ having be been pmmtd to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Councilmen ...... ..............._................. ........_ thedme, be ft RESOLVED, That te hCommi..ionm of Public Work. be end he u hereby ordered and directed: I. To in, (beats the nmadty fm. or desirability of the making of aid improvement. Y. To imcrtigato the atom, Went and ertimntd mit of said impmvcmme, and the total tort thereof. I. To famish n plev profile or sketch of afd'unprcvement. ........1..I....................................................................................................................................._......................... .................... ............................... T To ftm whether or not eafd imp,.,—t u naked for on the petition of throe or more mmea. To npmt upon all of the foregoing m.ttem to the Cmmweeioner of Fauna. Adopted b/d—l-.F— thooundl........... —:;191 Va.. Nays: rth Approved _ .........191...eli.... . re r lin �NT. 24661 ._ PETITION �S n t ar bm" nti Poi The or saved p pose $, ryt x n c -.t n r Ipro t by the City of St. -Paul viz: _Oonetruot n 4 ea e __' "e ae.r. nn,°ot . m iw L,palnt..la7...faet AaS.th ... rm roTom nveellesie: Nenituruezlent f of 8t. Anthony Av.. 1�e..4d .GA..:t11,C904S.TA....... .._...._ Ire. side of Univereit 6r°`T° '" °;� t to Aldine treat. ........_...._....._....._.................... ._..........Y..x.mn °i, wa.rmorov.m°"te............._.......................�............................. 'veil ............. _.......... .. ........................................ ..... _.. _............ . Dated tkis_.......Atb.......d ef......_.Ayril,...1313......_...._..._......................... 191........ C ... ibosm SPREL RY RDER. C,-'F Ylo,. z Y � 6 WHEREAS, A written proposel for the m,khrg Oonetruot a ''tear on Pie;oe., Street.. iroms..point 137.._ feet.._ no..rth.......... ............. .at_.3.t......Anthony... Avenue ...ta._Unirersity..Avenue -axion... the.,. south...eida........ ............._o.t....QAlloxmitY...Aaenue...Y.rom..P.lexos....street...to...Aldina...3t'rest...........--.............. .... .... ... ............. ......_.._.................. ._................................................ ............................. ................. .......__.............._........................ .._............ h,vivg ban presented to the Cowell of the City of St. Pool by Coundlmen.....................,........................................_......_........... therefore, be it RESOLVED. Thee the Commission" of Public Work, be end he is hueby ordered end d'veard: mee. I. To iigste the necessity fu or de,inhflity of the making of said improvement. 1. To inveeigete the nstus, Went end enimated ens of said improvement, end the total ma thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or aketrh of e,id improvement ___. A ................._ .. .. ..... ._..... .._...:_. To ftete h the, of rent mid pr vem t ked for an the petitioo of tlue awness. 15To report open ail of the forcgomg msttm to the Commusio "of Howe'. Adopted 6r the wwdL.....:...._................ 191 Yes.N,.:: . Coundhesn Fun mth Approved- :, ........... 191....... p� meceu Wondesh'dr _....:... .._..._ ....._._ M or Irvi Mayo r.—c snsr rr PAUL ' ' COUNCIL RESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM ....._......._..........................._..............__. q :..........._.....__..._................_... _....._......................... «�w<, 24662 rileNO......._......_......_._...._..._..... . ......... . DPrtl 7Lfl-s.... etre rnted�=:�� A Resolved,. In the matter of taking and condemning the following described land for Proospect Park Boulevard, under Preliminary Order 123210, approved October 16th, 1910, and Intermediary Order :'+x24377, approved larch 7th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works having submitted his report and plat in the above matter be it _�'y `iY'N+Z!'�°-`¢.�.•�L.CG,/LIiN RES01VI9, That, 27 sG end determines the amount of -o be taken for the above named impr ement to be as fo1T r �^ 17To , Subject, h ever, to the ri hte of/ ovmers their heirs aesi� to rt / extend the �ting.cav� !Wtb th - � th` •� Yintena V V of ..h6 /e TP purposes or whi it s to Yeas,(60/ lme (V)Nays Adopted by the Council._........_..........................._191..... Approved. •� .........................191.'.. __._.. ,Coll / Wund lith Mr. P esidentBsan _. wwros UNITED STATES CIR CUIT CON RT -LS, 1 EIGHTH CIRCUIT. St.Lou1s,Missourl, March 88, 1919. S. A. Farnsworth, Esq., Commissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir:- I have received today a notice that the city of at. Paul proposes to condem,�a ledge lot of property in West St. Paul. for Prospect Park Boulevard, and that assessments will be made to pay an estimated cost of 175,000-. I protest against this improve- ment and this assessment at this time. The burden of paying the regular taxes upon property in the city of St. Paul and the taxes that are being assessed and will be for some time in the future to pay the in- terest on the National debt and the expenses of Gon- tinuing war, are so great that the owners of property In St.Paul ought not to be burdened witb an unnecessary improvement as this which is proposed, -1O WAKING ROOM ST. PAUL '�PO� sf990 44- R; ;ems v 44 1� CITY OF &T. PAUL a F DEPARTMENT(NCE NCE �+� 25 193e9 Dwight H. 4lntuan, c/o.,oynu Bron. Cutler, St. clul, Minn. Dear 81r; 1{� In the matter of taking coi em inghe follow describedIan for Prospect Park Boulevard, viz: In W et St. Paul Pro Int. 2 and 3 0 k Terr a Sah-D]' en' 11 rlmt ivr vnJ ti�rcele f IanJ lying L e teat I d Conprnr nrecti w1�icL war lomterly Calf urenueaend vacated lLy rc.vlutlon of the C mon Council Um. itl.w1906, vol etre rJeJ In the ulfice of Le I\eeiner of Uadr, Nor. 10th, "I' h1 lllack 3, Anditar'e Sub. Na. 3fi: Nert fihv 150) feet of Wtr 1,c2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and T. All of Luta Fast filteen tis) feet of Int 9. Ail of Lat 11 acept the wear ]0.i feet. All of Lot 12. All tlmt t of Lair 13 u d 14 that tier nonllcveterly ul a line drawn from v poim on the youth line of Lot 13, t0.5 All amt of [hell of pare ul rune to N. L comer ^f Lot 30 of Prnmtt'e Add. In Prcaon'e AJditian: That pmt of L 122 that Il<e nonM1eanerly of abme- :1-11,ed'line. the wen fifty (501 feet of Lal 21. All of tme 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 23,14, 25 and W. The emt'finy l50) feet of Int. N. All that of lute 2] vnJ 78 that lie or 1 f e line JI. n fr 1 the rt li a of raid L 2], (601 feet nosh of the S. E .aof game to v point on Wert line of Lot 2a, ]0 tett molt of t�11 S. W. mrnn afneame. In West St. t'aul Proper: All tLvt oyt of I.ouc 1, M1, 5 mJ 6, lllack Il, that tier nonh of a line drawn (ram polo[ on Ire .t line f m 1M feet north f the 5. E tamer, to pint n the wnt line of same, 100 feet nosh of tLa S. W. comer. All that port of Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, lu-k 10, tl vt li o 1 f line d v fro F nth t line of 'J black 100 fee ooh of LeS. E. c o ap i t o the t lin of avid Llack IIO fee or1L of the 5. W.oro Allethvt of Lau 1. 2 and A, tier a PI c 1h t tic. o h f Imt der iW line , ..r nh., n ,h,. t.....�nh of a bre. .,... (..r1 the N. F_ .- .1- hlak m ...ha on Icn ere u h of the N. Iv. Na[ mh of vm<e All th tr ^� ^v( Low.lc Zrn3rn 15r 6, 'Hund 0, Bl - e, that lies m al of Ill line drva n fro a a the amt line of said block, a5 feet loath of 0,, N. E comer n( evme to a pmat on the wnt linnof said block, 203 feet a uty n the N, N. comer of evme. All that part of Lou L 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Bkck 9, that lice eauth a( line dmwn from paint an It rt line of eeid block, 203 feet eavth of the N. E comer of evme to a point on rho weer line of Wt 5, 200 feet eoutll of the N. N ea r f avid Lot 5, and tM1ie Zine produce) m the wnt line of avid black. All that pun of ➢lack 159 that lies nh of v lin A,awn from v mint on the amt line of ..id block 282 feet nonh of the somhemt comer m e r n he wnt line of same 152 fen o111 f the eamhwnt comer of mc. h, Uvina'r Addition: All that pan of Into 4, 5 and 6,, clock 19], that 11 m -1h of ^ line Aran f o h nonh< of rLo 4, to t n the tltwnt Ilnbof 'd 01 k, 60 f h-lofy fmm tM1 w t am of w. In 131.& 190: Allethvt pert d L., 20 that�It. cart of 1b. weer line a( tut 15, roduced t^o.t6 eeroee fnt 20. Ail�Lat pan of I -Ina 16, 1].10 and 19 tLat lice nartM1 o(a line 60 fen eamh of and parallel to the nonh line of stela. ]. All that -1 of Lau ] t 15 nclve "'t lin xibi^ the !alto ' tr derer'beJ Lo ndr, bcFi^nin0 t the N 1, a of Lot 1s, th n rt n Seci on lin 1 t n Sec r 6 ntd ], 72 feet, them you i 'tarty t nt li of Int 12, ]Srfa south f the N W. corner If ea e, hen at lin of Lm 11, a a p.lat]5 lett mh ^f N. then nh o wnttIin ^f Lot 11, 75 fn t void 5 li �e Len ee n Se on lie th arty li e f 0"i 5 re ^then aemhwenenly on avid t lin to w t line of mock 1901 thrn eteauth an vaidtwen lineata south line of raid Olock; thencte ever co eeid th tine, to S.rW� amer f tat 10; thence It - _ h on weer line of Lot 10 0 fat; hence nonhcmurly to v point on wnt line of !ut 12, 120 feet nonh a( S. oW. comer of .aiJ lot 12; them nonh un wrn line of Lot 12, 20 fen; thence cert to a polo[ on wen line of Lot 16, 140 fen nanL ^( S. N. cams of atm,16; hunk 2 d tt-, a Ad i ioo :t eN et Stt.11'vul,'t, avtcreline ^fowl hh ie the amen [line f.of Ch emkae Avenue, -d -d n kids, . c^nerlyammr eeid mock 2, Under Preliminary Order No. 23210, approved October 16, 1915. You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above im- prove -m; that the total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $75,000.00, necessitating as- sessments for benefits varying from $300.00 m $10.00 per lot, depending upon proximity to improvement That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, on the 7th day of April, 1919, in the City of St. Paul, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of determining the advisabilityof said improvement. S. A. FARNSWORTH, COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �. T' � W (�ItGiT10N March twenty ninth, 1919. !..S.A.F-rneworth Commissioner of Finance, St.Paul MSnneeota . Dear Sir;- ',Yhile fifteen hundred miles away and impossible to be present in person at the public hearing on April 7th 1919, in the matter of taking and condemning the described lands for Prospect Par Boulevard, let it be known and 1'et it be heard; that I am in favor of o�pg Prospect Park Boulevard, I am also in favor of Prospect Park Bou levar i Cherokee Heights Boulevard leading to Cherokee Heights Park and onward tiro gh Dakota County connecting with the Sibley Llemorial Highway to Mendota Village;in due course of time to be accomplished jointly by the Commissioners of the City of 6t Paul, the Commissioners of Ramsey County, the Commissioners of Dakota County, the State Commissi oner of Highways and the State Legislature of Minnesota . If the last 3 lines in the a paragraph in the official notice of Larch 25th describe and pertain o go at the west end of Isabel street for the purpose of connecti.rng Prosper, P_trh Bo±tlevard ,ii th Ch.rokeeHeight. Beulevird with ;:n en ement and grade such c, world be required for commercial traffic and not following the original idea Vand artistic design conforming to the natural geographical bluff lines which are the park limits; also the natural topographical earth surface hillside, slopes, ravines and curves which have been partialy carried out, an overhead bridge o£ that kind at that location would serve for no good purpose, cost much money, destroy much of the beauties of both boulevards, creating an unsightly portion t6 an established Park for which the Park Board and COM-issioner now have other plans. Mature has gracefully and beautifully connected the two Boulevards at that location in n picturesge way that will always be attractive. I am first, last and all the time unalterably oposed to an over head bridge being erected at the -nest end of Isabel street to connect Prospect Park Boulevard with. C erokee Heights Boulevard, I suggest and recommend lookouts and guard wall protections at the nothern end of all streets intersecting with Prospect Park Boulevard . I am, vary truly yours � C/o HOTEL TcASHIHCTCY a' ha.hington D . C M�MEMM St.paul, '.:inn., !,:arch 31, 1919 Honorable Mayor and City Councilman of St.Paul. Gentlemen: Allow me to respectfully petition your honorable Body to reconsider the proposed sy- stem of assesomentL of the Prospect, Park Boule- vard. Public spirit and civic pride must admit that thenatural and scenic panoramic of the "est Side Bluff in its wild and virgin state, shuld be -beautified, but to do this under the present pro- posedplan of aseessment would mean the confiscation f many homesof poor men who are struggling along to make ends meet under the high cost of living, no time fors suchyunneces spry L3ioindenaetf taxatio ne It is not a benificiary improvement, so to —oak, for the district, but an oramental lua ty for the benefit of Automobile tourists and joyriders from the Twin Cities and surrounding towns, and the ,,hole city veould profit thereby from the scenic a sate and should tlmerefore bear its share of the cost. It is admitted by manythat the Charter in this connection is arbitrary and unfair, viny not start a movement to have it amended to levy assess- ments in a more just and equitaole way, especially for such fancy, expensive and really unnecass aryimprove- menta. Again the Charter does not warrant to force such projects upon the people when a great majority are so emphatically opposed to it. It is unlawful. All vie aks is Fair Play and a Square Deal. Respectfully yours, �.lTi+ fir 461 OhioStreet Lot 13, Block 5, Dawson's Addition to Test Side, 5C foot frontage. �uut4 gibe Tommadat (nluh (Garnrc Otongceaa 6lrert and Tilolnaatan Aoenue B1. Maul, foluu•1mr.24,1919. 1[ayor L.C.Hodgson, Court ]souse, City. Dear Sir; - At a meeting of the Riverview Commercial Club the proposed PrcaPect Boulevard was thoroughly diccusoed as regards the manner of levying the aaaessnent for sate and a resolution was adopted by the Club favoring the spreading of the assessment over the entire Ward in- stead of stopping at liumboldt avenue as not• -contemplated. Kindly lay thia resolution before the Council. Thanking you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Copy to S.A.Se.rns,.vorth. Ocretary. To the Honorable St.Paul, Minn. .'Mayor.& City Council April 2nd 1919 St.Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:-- , At a meeting held at the Riverview Commercial Club, Tuesday evening April 1, the following action was takenin regard to proposed Prospect Park Boulevard: Regularly Moved and Seconded: That it is the sense of the citizens of the 6th Ward in mase meeting assembled that they are opposed to the improvement as described in Preliminary Order No. .23210, known as Prospect Park Boulevard and that a copy of this Resolution be presented to the Council on or before Monday morning April 7th. Motion carried. _ Youre truly,. Secret y *L F PETITION STATE OF h11NNE50TA 7 County of nlhe 1` Y City al Seint Ped ' To rhe }Ionarebl Lle, rhe Cvuncll of rM1e Ciry of Seint Peul, ' /lTAere Ce�r he i n ending before our H ouvr,Lle ➢ dy colo id r r n of I t' mmvnl`I nd ffi6gly k � 8mvber "Ala 'n wi L deo( Order Nov21210 ppc •N 16, 1918,' NivR he 1 T kin o d Condom 5 e m and oRi telly kvvw vnd dexribed ee ' Pro.pKr Pnh ➢vuleved"nlocemd within rhe mid Gly r. i v We, the une—„,6hivepcvnen m ” F r (lA`icl f rhe prop nen, r iding wi hin avid tham0 o inR r n160%le of die I perlvfry of J� pop • wl� cli i. ry he d for ev �5nl eby th of rhe Ch r f rhe and Ciry f r P-1, L pro N vid e prorieiy ei � jb,ny2la. orzrfWly Hvvorableie➢ody m and roto e d vllegcd i 6neb�vm requeer ovz d\ NAME DDPES Oi ONNM Twe1v.DaA..m.Ced.dN.d.emr' DESCRIPTION O A,.. STATE OF bRNNESOTA }1 CpuntY of R.— )ea. Lcipg firer duly awom, on omh deposes end m,. that eQinm is one of the peti- a herein nd knows tLe same to Le the signatures f iM1e mid rcepaiivc petitioners, herein, thnt v �f/{ea/', he tTvtmea stud etbvt thg signed Ric eve ne c'�e an owners ora n a f the property herein rcapectively t v d deed; lb., to the beat of aQiania 'nformmi d belief awd pe itioncn nre the � Jescribcd. e� p.11 Subscribed nnJ A 1919. a yn ... ........C. . M . .................. ............ N.a Pu/blw, R --Y Co., hlinn. (. �T ,fit MY commission ezpirn. i:N.q'.`.7.. ••/�� PETITION AHN F O STATE OF 1 m TE F of Re .N. JI Gty d Salm Pal e To the Hoeereble, the Comcil of the f q, of Seim Peak 1 Cnunna: n'd r i n of b t' mmonl .eed Ric dl k u "P fue' -� I i Phe he i v ucnd n¢ 6 f our Hon nLle B �y ca Y u Order No. 2i2i0 nn ed 8mobm 16, 1918, ' oivin rM1e Af r of Tnk a d Co idem ii w L de d P. rry^ f xM1 3{ m mmvnly and oerndly know and dexnbed m'�Pmepeet Perk RauleeasJ"vlvmted wvhin tM1e ..id City of St. PuW� } i lj. tbereoweuxn n¢edeleet fifyo'peonen`�50%Im(M1e yl Perlefmn�a��e(rl�the pe Ywh cheuno bedNg xi�ie mieidtolleaed event � 1 1 Pursue h P of ch aCi r [ she evd C f Sao t P �I.Dhc Ly D a 'J ellesed impmvemm4 adHr do 4 l , h ebY Pfully or Hv � ble1PHodY tv d eemd� No�13210. � -_ 1 o v � cseRlPnoN of Preovrmv � d i9 E ¢� T T.,w�..h:�..dd..J.� Adg� N.�1Pm P3'YL 1/0 �ro 2y 'f Zdr o� W 9. 3 to `f�llland� v /(Q2FG tv20.'J�i�jr° '„in �' tJCtJ IV KA a 7-^'. 8 ; -- r I a4TATE OF Y.h11N/ryI OTA tl l {o / b fi duly aw end says that vR f h herein, hat fan xi vine d h - ign i r M1ercin knows the he mgrs said adJ chat tbey eisned iLe same ae tL 'v free int and deed hvt o the Leet ( Q udvrmu� vnr nd bcl m d D e h L', or ¢gems of the praP<ny M1crein rmpeauv<ly dra<rb d SnLacr�bed .and ao io Le —hi ..day of Apdi' ................. '. Noiery Public, Ramary Co., Alinn. ' hly 0 r what .a as ' � f t _ _ 1.7_1 __ I '+671 PETITION /0 STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 County of Rnmery 1{ City of Snint PeW Ling fin[ duly sworn, vn vmh epaeee aMIne of the p To the Huvunble, the C...0 of the City of SWnt PeW. knows the ease to sigive Petit.deed; m the best of a/vnero ore thedacnbed.5 Gn mmn: Wo ere the ie no pending 6 fvm v r Hon rable Bvd`e n id tion a( h t' m Only,and Order N 2i 21U ed October 16, 19tH. aloin tM1e'Afo ra.1 TuAin n La dem 'n wi RI'ally d Land d . nn 1 le sonly and affi�mlly kau and dexribed a FPm t Park Bavlevn.d"nlvcvted within the said City of St. camWe, the und<rugacd pmi� aaero, evmprieing oar per sent 1 W % i of the pmPertY vwn<n, roid. within,aid therm!) Ow ng a levet filly per ecn 15011 f h lineal frmm�ge of th p 6 hie tv he ae d fur ea 'd the of un Ch (h idcCiy (vca i P 1 I b she d i n punuent �m H a bl B d d m d n2dR10 n M1, rupmtfully rep t o NAAf FRrlPn E Ta.�m:eM1.W ud.dd..d.w0� 6 ..dunY . APrd OF PROP W IW F.n Cv, mi— fi i ry P�bbllfg �3 r what .a as ' � f t _ _ 1.7_1 __ I '+671 STATE OF Canmy of E J /0 Ling fin[ duly sworn, vn vmh epaeee aMIne of the p herein, et Wfivvt w; nec....M1erein d hm knows the ease to sigive Petit.deed; m the best of a/vnero ore thedacnbed.5 6 ..dunY . APrd 1919 Cv, mi— fi i ry P�bbllfg y.R— T PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA �m County of Ramacy g , City of Saint Paul Te th< H....bl<a the Ce.c61 of the City of Salt P..1, Cesart_ IPh there a. end ns Lef.re your lion raLle B dy con �d I . of h mm.alyraed Ric' lly k own m "Pr<fam n ry Ord<r No.<2t$1R," . ed October ]fi, 1918, oh�n ILe "1fa r of Trki. and l.nd<m . e as folly d P.p<r " for awh. I to manly and ort crallt known .ed d—bed as sPrmp<et P.rk R.ulevard' l.cm<d within the emd Gly of St. P 1; ry 1' mW<. the ut.nde .ed petit..... e c n s� per ce t 160`i..l .f the ro yen w id ng xi hin avid ity l.i he rh<rmfl . l_', fifty ape t ISR%.j �.f Le 1 e.l fro xf Ite r xrh ch e o Le a d f .id Iltsed �m w nE the p .faihe CI 1 he e.id C f 5.i., P..I,ple br p j.. -,-d it, t ud d — b—by ureap_htUy r< r Han bt B d d . a.id mmuN DB'de. J 21 -- rwiai q.eat I.0 re ON OF PROPERTY 1 NAME AND RESIDENCE AD FSS OF OWNER .� TwNv.v6 um..ed.dh�d• Lv BW Allam Na.li� - F.aa � III SII N � 1 P r r f 5 h STATE OF \fIN OT\Ya p} I ; r Anoul> eLe �. n d d .f a A Irv.<ra ar< am 1 i 'nal ��ree `u eeea� Iha tla�'L .I rtlaa i r of the pup ➢'Ecce. carne` reit dnc'Lad. }............ ....... xnd S.bLe.ad f fore l day.f April .......... Nciary P.hli, H.mmy G• \lion. wit J PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 County d of Rem. 1} T City of st Pahl -I To the 11--ble, the C —il of the Ciiy d Seat P. G.—..: Whoa., th— ie vow pending before your ➢onamble ➢ady consideration of what N mmmanly end oMi 41ly known v "Prdimin rr Order Na. R3,R10.' yproved 8clvber 16, 1918, inedving the "dfarcer of Taking and Condemning terrain Land, and Property' for whet re co mouly and plicieuy known end d—dbed oe ' Prospers Perk Boulevard" lobated within the wid cty a( Se Pvul; mW, the undenigned petiti— comprising .isty ':.'I er ttnt (60`!0) of the praPeny owners, residing withiv said city (or the agenle ffi—d' awning at least fifty Per cent (5071 f he linevl fro i e of the p opt y whmh ie m be n s d (or °aid ellcsed imamve. I � punumt m the pmvl.ione of the Charter of tbte said Ciry of Saint Paul, I reby protist agdn 'd alleged imp amen[, a d do hereby rnyatfully :egoist your HonorAk Body to ren and veto .aid Pr �ivun.y-BidcrNo. 21210. DFSCNPOON OF FROFEFOy NAME AND RE6mENCE ADPREES OF OWNER Tovala waA e..... d.rm W �, Ad... — 1, 0 '0 /� 3 t STATE OF MINNESOTA � Cvum of m cv>> fi t J dI o 1° d ^odea t6ot v➢ionta0 the o w ono f S o0 t -. tM1vt e pkn Hoven n. t gv dt ee^ t6e'u Tree vtd deed ha he end t cy si e t same m ^ t t mons o egersis of h properly herein npectively deee ibed. mlarm�et b ofmaQi an�d /ellef( r petit macre ei sot t° � )Id4e� ✓� \.. ... .. scribed d sworn to bell me i4ie.:�.....da of APril 19........ oeblit, Romsp Co., )Ii^ ^ N mry P "mn z im r: 1 ...�y ('' �'•a✓ y 6 /[,r•ceeeta'i9no / X29 3/7Y�i+ 30 /� 3 t STATE OF MINNESOTA � Cvum of m cv>> fi t J dI o 1° d ^odea t6ot v➢ionta0 the o w ono �:- �..y .. x° ° Le u f tb and dt epvt re t w�neli sJ,`ev2nd a th it t -. tM1vt e pkn Hoven n. t gv dt ee^ t6e'u Tree vtd deed ha he end t cy si e t same m ^ t t mons o egersis of h properly herein npectively deee ibed. mlarm�et b ofmaQi an�d /ellef( r petit macre ei sot t° � )Id4e� ✓� \.. ... .. scribed d sworn to bell me i4ie.:�.....da of APril 19........ oeblit, Romsp Co., )Ii^ ^ N mry P "mn z im r: 1 ...�y ('' �'•a✓ pN( MY wmmie' PETITION OFSTATE htINNESOTA 1n CE tof Eamery 1} City d Saint PeW To the Hono.vble, the C —a d the Crry of Stant N.I. Cusrms: If'h<nvr, there ie nov endin6 Lefore >our NonoreLle Body cuneideralivn of ..hvt ie commonly end °Ricielly known m'Prelfm 0rdn Na. 29210" °pproved Snober ]L, 191x, in N.. the "dfou<r °I TaAins and CvrWemnins ceresin Landr and P,openy" for wM1ot n mmonly vnd oQmiWly know wd deecnbM ee Pro act Perk IioulmeN' located within rhe said 01, of Sr PeW; sev i� We, the unJe— ned pen ° en m n e' ep t 16071 f the proven o nen idins wi hi avid lar M1e oro �' rM1ereofl aw ns o lens[ Rfry p n i 1507a)rof ha Yliverl (ro of rh e y vLich is oche e d f aeid'ullesed 'm j • I p va the pro of °he Ch r f the aid Cit^ f rSui t P ul pi°p by p x °a�a'.nea=n impro emrn4 and do 1. hereby nrnpcct(ully .e9ueet ryour Hoaorvble eB.dy t ..d .aro Bard Peeiwwe.yB+d*-N 29810. r {[s3 o resect DESCRIPI N OF PROPERTY I NAME AN I—CE ADDRESS OF OWNER � 'I T.n�F=.v6..me..d.dlmdnm+ W 66k Adda.i._ N. taulFm F.mv y5eeu r . � fes_ � fw.r an �...f ¢t.✓ac...c . zo. � 01>.: o. _. 11 14cLJ i 199. Jn✓n.•o�+ G.J d. f o C . C.*— e?A aw f/ eS a�.'ZAWPe1�a-IP � "fs<sE�' i Tw- �? — .,✓v r, .� ✓a f Qp 50- l '?i & iu'a jvr If a 15.5. STATE OF hI1NNESOTA Su �' , r i y� Cou°ry ��y yr d 1 / vo r� >a rhvt vRivnr f. a6e M 4 1 IY .y%l1,-,iYFdl- I Le s fin J°it hry °n h j= �d reapectiv peuti°nehe 1 ` o am yea emM1 ersnxv h r vd an r a t is tmfmm d belt sWd p iu ' :.1Le em 'rM1 aQrvn ` `res red deed• by i rhe°bee of eR e t 'J awn irmt thea erred, e° he r velY dnc ib d. . yJ / �/ me tM1i d.y of A rR — /� - Sgh•crihed�%ewo mbe( a•,� .... /... Noun P°ht' Remxy r� a PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Coonay of Ramseyt / u. /y City (Saint Pou • To the Hovorabl, the Council of rM1e 0Y of Salnt P-4 GnuTme: known u "P.e!vnin ry - Whe the i now ending b fore o r Han m61e U dy c n iJ r n of what ie dammonly end oQieda Order No. 21210;' eVVproved Onoher I6. 1918, nrolvinF the "Afarter of Taping and Condemning vereain Lendr and Property" for whet II is commonly °nil oRmmlly known and dexNhed as 'Prospect Pork Omtlnard' looted waM1�n the ea'd Gty of St. Paul; �I We, the undenisned petttionem cnmpr sing sizty Per cent (fi0;:) f the prapeny owners, idin6 wr h'n said itY for the ag rhermfl owntns a lent fifty per cent ISR%) �f the li—I fromn,;e of the progeny wh ch is 'n Le es• d for aatd ellesedrtmpro . n punuent to the Prov�eiana of the Clmner of the sn'd City of Ss �t Prul henLy protest st 'd ollcsed rmprovemen, and d henLy rc «tfully request your Honorable Body ro and ve a sa�J Palmmevm0rde.* No =10. -- --- _ -f i OES MMON OF PROPERLY — f' NAME AN MCE,>o OF OWNER I dw m AAS, , No i i `I l� Gj � �� rid' �✓I ' ° � 60 ' � s p 7 7 7i/ ,� ,<��</ T � ��f��� � � `;` ✓' G (J Gil, f li (�rZ. el ID f� o kA r Iv1I , ! 1� STATE OF C \ I N UT \ 1 /� .. / Vu r^r\)- fire Jul> I vnVJ .V nR�antspe one oPf th'cpetr , i� 1 1 6 r��.��� �lf'iX�!f.. Eeina n n at6 depots ° f the 'd cea�ve e I ` ,j'. Yon he tlm dfi+ 99 ss"da h e vee. deed nd vtd a the tl toafmaQ t'c 'ofGrm ° d 1' d Pet�tmnereta the ' Yu rein r w'me. isnot �i ned the same v 1 f e oct n t t Lce tion em N d Char they^ a of the pr genu herein respectively J ecriLed. G\I/ owners er us SoM1ecribed vnd sworn m hor me thie.......yd.iof April dL/ vR/I /v'�_ (/ • r� ..�..Natary .H°m Co. Alinn. I t PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Ciiycof S. nI Pavl m (f To the Heeorah1 , the Council of the City of Saha, Paul, ^^r� G-- Whereas, Ihere m now ending before your Heeomhle Body cen,idermion of what ie commanty and oficiallY known v "Prelim' o der rve. slR;' apPra, a Belabor ]fi, 1918, involving tM1e "M1fvtter of Ta ing and Condemning nrmin L nJa a d Pmp-rN for whist manly anJ aRiclelly Wewn anJ de l,,d ae Prwpee[ Perk Hoalevord".loaned within tLe mid f'ly of 51. Paal: m{Pe, the undo fined tPeu IY I (lA7) ! Ihu erµy o iJin wi M1if ,aid for he a thereofl o Ise t 5f y P" �m� (507,) m( the lipetl cfm of II oIy hick a orLe s d f ,aid�IullegeJ impgenl o the sof the CM1vr of JIc miJ CiI> of lSoi t Peul,pLe�eby p .aid allesed i p emenl, and da hereby re, ecll(ully re e, r Hacoreble Body I rc en anJ tela euid 1'�HneMe.Y-,Oasd.r No�a23210. NAntNt'R w.Je. T=.. - m� i �zr1/GCj/Crr''7 mon r �� �' .,_- - .�7 G / 02 ,�n,wa i+'✓ -. / °77 `ter''`?l V 9 = Toa / ,'r :: yri0 J'OL•✓fY^/C{> G�'i �� �/� �,��✓(r( _ /,3 � !�%•tom r� �v/ �� ��' �� r 1 �=3D P�� � N- � Z �uav�-n,� ,i5 ,�'t,� ,J �rr Ir crG�4 11;f.��s 3l/ (. ,, /s /4 ro� 1v STATE OF MINNESOTA Ceoety of Rom,ry f llyFS .. `,Z .. being first duly ,wom, on oath deposes and,ny, Ihat hent u ane of the Peli- here.u. th.t aha o6soR herein nd knoxe the same to be the ,I,matu , f the Vi ,peclive pclitmacn, nndelI,, thry signed the ,m�e Ihei d deed; het Io the be,I of afi—i infenmtienteond belief ,aide elit�onc ere the owner, o g , f Ibe Properly her pest dy d—fibe,d. SuL,eribedv ...or a -A. day of April r a ent cin res i 1919. to a i,. ......... ...: ... ............. ............ Noiary PWdic, Ramey Co, Mien. My PETITION STATE OF hI1NNMOTA 1 Caanry of Remzey City of Solar Pvut Tv rho Honora6ld, z6v CouncR of rhe Ciiy of Seim Pval, �IT Caysr:rcg: n. Whe•eaa, :here ie naw pending before your Hanamble Body eonsideraiivn of whar is commonly and oRicidly known as "Pntimin �. Oder No. 23210." enprvved 8nober ]s, 1918. involvins rhe "Neuer of Tvkins and CoMemnins ae.win Land. and P•vpe•ry" fvr whar �e monly end vQicially kvown end deeeriLcd ae "Praepecr Park Bvulevvrd" Ivcmed wirLin �M1e said Ciiy of 5:. Peal; cvmWe, chi undersigned p<ri:ivnera, evmv� sin ::i p<r m Ib0% 1 (Ihe prvpeny owner., reeidins within avid city far rhe esenm rhereo!) o ng a Iraet fifty per cent 90) t Leylinenl cfrvmege of the prvpeny which is ro bevs_nau ged p •mea v aaid anegea,mv La ao hereby f: rheCnrvvieiona v( rM1e Cho er of rM1re aaid Ci:y^da ,Seim a ul, er 6 No. Z id ores acr(ully r neat ur HaaorvLle Hedy ro e:n a LYVm�a�af�eLrn 3� 1—ml,or eao wen .wee we E:CE..a. R .. .o: Nsa m v.am wi.,sv.+WIZI STATE OF NIINNMO—TA 1 a 3 y caa ar 1 r tI• fir dul> e J ores ant say cher R zone of rhe peri ) I� E: n Y irhar alien h gnaiu I R `d okn z rCl:e is b h j Rnv;u ez f h pec' P z ne'v o�ndezhm rl:eysign d he r free v d d h rhe L zr ofineRi ( a�aa and beQ f d� E -j r someu v(hf April 1919. No:vey Public, Bvmaey Cu.. \lion. "c \ly cvmmimion expires. . � ...�. PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA foamy of INNES City of Svint Pval 1F To the Honorable, the Council of the City of Bvim Paul, Gavnxe: k awn m "Pre(un" Wherew, here ie now Prnd,. before your Honorable Bady cowideratien of what i. commonly end officially p n' Order No. 21,210:' pp ed 8c�ober 16, 191tl,' olein the "Nv al T Ain and Co dem 'a ai L adof Si. Peul�rry for whet is only and affi�ially kao end dexribed a "Prospect Pork B -1—d" loaned within iLeruid City mWe, the unde ved- o ere m x e' t (b07c) of tphe pro idens wi hi ,vid (or he agent thereof) o Iemt fi(iyap i f50`lol god abs 1 Pefl (ron of Ra op V wlh chaurvo Le 'ideoll f d ivid allesed �d do A, o the eafN he , A. the ,vidfCilz oft.i t Pv I, hneby vNo�a21 10. eg mpro einem, ._--r... ____ r. ". _.m........... -. 1� R� „ .. d . 10 av d ReBmlwofiVFder R ANO RESIDENCE AODRM OF OWNER an�e OFSCRIPTION OF PROPFATY -- — -NAME f .Nury 7 l - _d c 7 �-`i �!'_y�llL; G: Z�v�—C_: � (f�'IG IA'1/✓\i — LA U,u -. -- q �p �✓ � �Lf/i.c 91 � -� � ��" �•' �� .0 NPTJ/(Iy1i(�t � - ,��'` i '/ ✓ �5,%�,-� r �.��. Y � � 56 ,h: STATE OF MINNESOTA. I," '� v CoantY err 1 � n� tr r ...i. L��ng tfid,siadoly L9e'orn, as ouh h pw vad mye thin a oa opfcr6e nett -dlr'h t ihve�y I d hen vin , iM1eir Ire d d en the b t of �ivni, I formaa�,J/''d 6 1' j� tla�ner�,N�u�e /rM1e a e or e< a of h properye he nn r p I,dy d c'L d F1`/•�U•_E_ vtl /......, ✓w✓y,�,W..Y✓v.a. SaLxribwo.ado before me ,M1i,.. ....day of April 1919. �Puhli�c,"Ramxy Co., \lion. Ily PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA - - CouatyofAameey City of Saint Poul To the Honorable, the Coamil of the Cay of Soiot Poal, Cgcgnxp: WArreus, Ihere ie now pending before your HonoraLle Body eomideration of who) ie rommanly vnd officially known ge "Prelimin ry Order No. 2i210." pproveJ Onober 16, 1910, involving the "dluuer aI Taking and Condemning certain -Land. and Prapeny". (or what monly oaJ officially known and described o, "Prospect Pork Ooulevord" locored wilLin the acid Cily of 51. Paul; is comW , the uadenlgaed peliuorme, comprising e'xty per cent (W%) of the property own<ra, ree3dm6wilhm sail a ly for the g - y thereof) awn ag of leas) fifty per cam (50%,1 f the I oral from ge of tL p openy wluc1, :a to be manxJ (o d.11-dt' mprovr. �. !! n pumuvnl to Ih p f 1 Ch rl f tLe ea d C ly f Smnt Pa 1. h Ly d dleged n end do p 3 hereby rcepe<Ifully equ y H ruble eBody a and vew amJ orf 9adar N —p2", ESCNPf10N OF PROPFATY - — —- D lil 5 NAME ANDRFSI�ENC -- --- -.h..m 86ed m Na tom. F.a 1 v P/Yli� ��{,yN �J�?�iL y l c�1/�,.r.���•, aeu3 °�:��,.clG.li1 e -Y" i _. _ -- �� \TE OF \1INNfSOT\ 1 v P'.tQ:fRArf... Lmng fir Julf n. on aa1h h p vad av 10l vR'vn , a apf II a peri- . `ier tLm alfi red h her n rs 4n , thea_ m I e t s pn f 'h sad rc,�ancr, area the Boner. tin, �I wilnee c e' e u ee ei a w g a r anJ ILv Ihry signed Iho same ae their free vel anJ decd; tha; I the L N ofug�GRp�iont a i Immali�n nd Lclicf ,aid •p m,nen or ut, sof Ilse property herein rnpeclively deacribrd. J hm 9 Seri d April „era m Lrmrc me Ihia...j dor ...............Nomn� Pamir. Bma,a ce.. >Aaa. c ,�„ ,.y 3. J PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Cnam1 of Rvmvey lllY i'i„ •j City of Saint Paul.-^' To the Honorable, rhe Council v( tM1e Ciiy of Soint Peul, Gn nR c: IPhrreax, rbere is now Pcndins before your HanoraLle Rody coneidermion of whv� ie commonly end aRiciolly known m "Preliminary ' OAn No. 23$lp." enproved Snober IH, 191s. invohinF the "dfmnr of Talons anJ Condemning remain LvnJv and P.."Y' !ar whet monly anJ aHieially known and dexnLed as ' Proapeer Pvrk Bovl'. loc—d within the avid City of St. Paul; u comNe, rho undersigned Pe'Rioncre, compriaing vlrty per aenr (b07) of rhe PropenY ownere, reaidins xitLin avid cirY (or the rLermf) a."" a least fi(�y per ceo� 15071 1 M1c lineal (coni se a( the Prop<ny whmh ie m m avid d for eaiJ vllesed improve. n pamaont m the provia�ona of the Ch.,- of the avid Ciry v( Svinr Pau4 hercL p ai •aiJ allesed im menr, vvd do M1meby rnpen(vlty rcqueer Yoar Honorable Body io a.d nem said ISJ�s�MeruNv.v23210. FSS OF OWNER obi DMS—ON OF PROPERTY NAME AND REgmENCE AODR TercJ.e wih..m..od.ddbd.v.m Add"so„ .me Je " b j c v xX U �_� 01K—, GL e 2 73)r ! 5' �u�l s 44 �GYaew �4- 5/e�`CA+2 %Z4 -73 4fl 10-11 I �� 60 ��oA�ir1� �G� � a•� I � i II ��'�`�8 e�tg,/1a'a'�Y�`� I I � STATE OF 11I1 1 ESOT111 fCCaly afrt �einsndrnknoul ire deed, tha i prvanvrurerayt h d ani f le i Ganem M1ermh D a d l tend tlm h ( H i e mformv n and L I f d onJ that they a ed h e ae h f 7 " / owners or nRen f h P Pent h tivelY dcacrihad. s saLxabed nna awnra m Lerore mg mi:..`!....oar of nnrii 1919. l�J VbIi,'�-vie- .......... ............... Natarr rnMic, Ramur cn.. mmi.,im r,Phe,.c ln.a, �..?,.LY.. y_3 PETITION STATEamy OF AONNESOTA 1 µ Loof a � 1 1F �j ..ley Chy o[ Sum Paul , To the Homrehlq rhd,. e Guncil v( the Ciry of Suul, nr Pa - ' :'� Gaempe: ry IFherear, than is vow PPrndin6 before your Hanomble Body eon.idmarion of whet i• commonly end oRicially Brown v "Pr f� whet ]]] Order Nv; 21210." vpproved Umotien 14, 1918, invcivivp rhe "Marren of Taking rtnd —d illhi. rnmin Londa and Properr>" 4 commonly and o6ieially knawo avd dcrerrbed as "Pm.pnE Pork Boulevard" Inaled within rhe aaiJ lily of Si. Peul; I. W, rha undeniened Pelirionm, compriain55 msrY net cent (w"I1 of rhe properly ownm, rcaidiag within ..id riry for rhe a8enra Ihereofl o na o 1<aal fifty pn cem M, of lh, lineal frovlaee of the propnly which i• to be asenud far .aid allceed improve the prov ona of the Chart ! lLc acid Ciry of Ssim P 4 hereLy proleal epoin•' void ellesed improvement, cad haeb> a anrfully reque•tf1yaur Hoa bl Body to rc n e d —..a d P Hmmary-Ordcl-No. Zi,y10 Dw O_-- — DFscr�noN of PROPFnTv NAk@AMI e•'^^FMEADDRF59MOWNFA _ A... N. lid it Fu;rpWY�+ TeNLwwbeenddisdama W /3 17 01-1 J a �, �� r' ...;�c��/� 1 ';: t.1✓��E /l r bz � r�"rGc-. �D � �j _;L- �3Will ,/y—a-1 41-93a�o-�k .tW 5' t7 eY � y C a - All, -_�_�—��- ,.. STATg pp lfICINF50TA F.r. County of j( 1 �,�( -y-h r a avrce i. ave ofd b e li- oerh depoace vndeeaye rc n be .-d knave rhe name to !heo.i room enJf lief ea d one er e l6e N. e• � t e i herein, lhal afiienr wimp d lLe s�8nalur herein Bovm deed; diol ro rlm hest of d rhe •vme ae lM1cir free om enJ anJ fl., they aienc herein rapemi"dy denribM. oxmen yr oernle of the prapeny ..a.... .... ..,,,.,.... ...... .... " . Sobecribed avd awhrn ro bel re mer ...doy v April 1919. Nalary ltibl�ic.,rR_am' C.... \lion.r� /p Atr aammia.ma a:pine.: �"�/�y.2.`�kf y`3 PETITION STATE OFBUNNFSOTA 1 m I County of of Ramxy G of im Peal To the Honorable, the Coaaca of the Cpy of Smat Paul, �t rt 1 1 Gxc°rinc IVfie.ear, IM1cre tv nvw Frndmg bc(ore your Honorable Body eoneidervuon of whet �e rommonly and oR�cially known m "Prr(unuwry 0<der A'on1y1,210:' c ed BetaLer 16,19W. vlvin the "dfmt r of T Fin and CoM 'n c a Londa nd P•o ett9" (or what 1 he mm and offi Tally h.—and a—iW m "Pm eel Pmk Boulevard' lacmea wWihin 'Lersmd Cp a( SL Peol; o ' �_ fbl sof �I e 1 °"1 fn t (GO oat h( the whmL . a . d vid �vllegcd im <on ns Doan, csm r qq n open onedins wiM1i eaid v (or 6e es y thermflW `o tn` a ad len t`6ftye1e hvn thea u t opo( `h oa f the ev J Cny f t5eont P al.°M1erthY P n' ee!d Jl d i end do ebya apeetfully x q`eew➢ ur Hon reblet`BodY n i enJHeMrcaefOJil� i. P NAME OF Wv AND RFSmENCE -RM O ER iA Twab OF RPxamON IIOPFRTY y •5 e.m...d.dde.devm gyrt Jz A a� 9✓ P Z7 12 lo 4L a�uf 8-q«lo 5 �r 5a I s � r' ..... yS•�,'1pp�...l,lli"� rY/T, ,�-Ci /3�!�'f �2. ,I,✓.L.t�% y .0 t 1Y tJ l i/ STATF,Uh' M1IINNFSOTA Coumy Re ( l 1� of 4 ' being fir July o h daps duo that af'an of the et e pane e�Maa a a¢Jtlsu:/n R.a aiaa.Lea°a°ace `i in a e a`mm ga a me eam� oa meir iree�t a.0 ana: tl' a�� h t of �aama m,Faa n aaiaw°< ore°` p ne owners or agenu of he property herein reepectively described Subsc ed end ewvrn �a before me this. ••.day Rpt -Cv of April hlinn. .� f - bl' ems hly co�mis,o e.ph .vLJ. . �19a 3 PT�TITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Covnry of Ramaey Jf 1 City at Seim PeW Ta the Honorable We C-3 of the City of Saint P.4 O WAc he is n vending b f our H .....M. Hod' e n id r ' n at h mmanl<and Hi' Ily W "Pi fI ry 0,der Non13R10, nn ed October ]5. 19t0.' Ivin rhe "Afa vol ToA4�g o d Confirm ^6 to Load, d PS terry^ f r wh u nvd^aQicielly known and dIMA d ea 'Pmapecr Pork Boulevard' nlocared wititi the mid Gry of H� PeW� mWq the M geed o m m n r (W %) f the p op o idiv 'ihi 'said Ii (o tM1�agmt , rherrofl a Irom fifianepe' i (507 )u (rho 1p Wcfro of h Pro y which :r for Le geued f wiResod' ns the pm of the Charter f the e,id Ciry IrIvi t P nb hereebycp id alleged i mr; end do 1 hereby ra xHully regneet vc Honorable Hady r and veto amd Pmlimman rOrdm N. 0. cc 1. NAME AND RESNFNCE ADDRESS OF OWNER --ON OF PROPERTY TevnLv w'vE e.m...d.dde.d.am' N>•. ,F.a - Fm WAn Sao A _ G__—_ - - I _ k I STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 t I} CCounty ofyyReYm�,e'y�l.��u`` 1 i •' ,. Y...1C.. Y l being fii,r duly sworn, on omh depo,ea and avy, cher eR�om inane of ibe peri- hmin, tbat'e mr wit. e d tM1e igneta herein vd knows the ,ams ro b< the eisnuurea of the said reapatire petiuovera, Nonere .d evd that they signed tLe acme o their free act vnd deed; that ra rhe hear of el(iania mfonvvtion nd heli said petitioners ere the , a orvnm ar esente of rhe praPerty 6crcin re,p«rively deavih<d. SubxriLed_endawam ro before me rhie...5f�dvy of April 1919. Notary Eablic, Ramxy Co., Minn. ' �, Aly rammi„ion iapir.,.:..G�Jta .z. ..L.R:z.. PETITION STATE u 0y lRflNNNESOTA 1u City of Svivt PeW 1} a( 1,7To the Hanvaable, the Council the City of Saim P-11 ti caar:r:aa: _ tiWhere here is P ending b for aur Hon raLle B dy con Ider on of h t' m oN<rand Ric vRy 4n as "Pr (im t } Order No. 83210" p ed 8nob<r 16 1919 ' olv n the "Na hms aid COndem a L oda d Pa rry" for wL mmaWy vnd art, iWly kvow and om nbed as Rt•ro nt Perk Ooulna d" toca�ed wWih n the said Gly of Si. PeW� _ o Weuvth ^Funde V ned anere, sp nt 160 i.1 of the o y n n 1 d�vF wi h ea.5m (me [he asem '- YI y. y tLereaf) o e lea t GR .. (50 1 f hettliyerl (ro at M1 whicLa e o be e d ( emd allesed im the po( vh CI f i ea d Gty f Sa� t P hplerebyrey v a 1d vllesed i p e a end do ` • i hveby arcapttt(ully aeRue� r Fio bl 0 dy t and veto avid PreLmm Oder Ne x.3 ll I I.'', � �NAM REs1°Ftace .vm, NFR rOF 6 131 35 y 7W l �ZB �7 !�J ?�J646 20 old 1 g 6 E .�i% /�Jn�.,:ti �-9 /0' / 38 7/raat•`,��' ��.-r�C�e`.' e$f �wki3o �l 7r/ti G 131 �R to i 138 9�ff%f�n��G 3- !� 11 v j�L9f7t l (GGvLr/1' 12.1 1W EX� a44 . S 'vim 66-7 !a1� 1 �1 �C3 rycxj Ix o 57D W4�wl�'v'. Il Ch 0 14 u✓ vCti d iU r d 1 >� -�� /v i 2SG}8�1 da„��itp�xtd� 4, F MINNESOTA STATE CauoOiY W.R m L� fiat duly ewa on omM1 dePaecs vnd ure tl vR m� ova of the peri ' 1 herein, ihet .Aivnt avitnnxd die ai�gneiurn herein d kvvwa tLe `era���to be thea urn t the uid r ap yeiiuvve 1 tendethnt they signed tM1e eaAe a+ IM1eir free vm end decd; that to the beat of aQ aar d Lelic[ 'dcp utivvm arc the F iant'e iv orma°on an eva ownen or eseni f the Prppeny herein —Ht lr dr ribed - S.b—lbed and sworn to before me thl—%:.... dvy of April 1919. •--i %f�a �_ .{//(� Notary PuLolic.-Rvmary Cv_ \tion¢. g w�a My PETITION STATE OF Ml NFSOTA In Cowry of Ramaey Gp of SaE P.N y��} To the Honorable tha Ca..61 of the City of SM., Pool, - r: GM—: IPhnevr, them ie vow pmding b<forc your Honorable Hody Considervtion of who: ie commonly wd oRiciAy known m'Pr.fwiwry ` Ord. No. 29$10." eFpraved 8nober 16, 1918, inenlvrnp the "dinner of Taking and Cmdemning main Londr and Prop.rri for wM1et I J,. n commoNy and o0rmvlly known and d—fibed n P mt Park O,leverd" located within the eeid Gty of Se Paul; We, rhe undrmigned petitioners, m " s " t er nr l01, l of :he prop... owners, ..aiding within said city (ar the ag<vu I i :herm(1 a mg a Imes(5071smf shcyli la(ro of t1 y which is o he u d f avid alleged im rhe pm of the Ch r f rhe emd City f SSM t P N,Pheicby id Nleged imyro em ,and do .. berehy rc ecrfNly rcRunr ow Homre6ly Body : wd ono sMd 'Xl--0rda No.n29210. OPa - '' NAME AND RESIDENCE AODRESg OF —Ell �i Ter.de wdh e....ad edhawd.er.� ER ,•. AOF Ne 1;eelFw F.o.a WHi 23 �- 3 i J/q' /3 J3 - k ..� _ 23 �- 3 i /3 J3 vJ� `fir L s.s p•+-rxt� y 13 3 — — — °lA STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 L/ County of Rams an is oQi d evoe '.": !....... ....:. Laing 6nr duly avom, on oa h depoxa wrhet wt a( rhe neti hn that ef6mr,raimnsed 6e signvtarcs herein d knows rhe same :o L n :d rcapn:i a pnwa en, a�ndethvr r vegned :he earn. their free ncr enddeeA: 6nr to the heat of eHivv (oweG6n m ee( .aid yetilivo arc the m oYJ owner. o g f rhe pmPe.y herein rnpecrively deudbed. r a cm . . ............. ..�.... Subs< ed end awom to before me rhis...?.J.dey a( Ap.il 1919. - Notary Pub�lie} Romsey G. hlinn. y �• Mr mmmiaemn PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 7w - Cy. R'mxey lYY City of Sero PeW , To the Hovare6le, tho C 6 of she Uy of Saint NW, GvL mc: Whmevr, there ie vow Pend�vg before your HonorvLle Ikdy conxldcrvnon of what m commonly and oRmielly kvown v "Pre(unin i' Order No. 2i$I0: pproved Sctober M 1910 oM.. the "tfann a/ Taking and Cond<m.mg re.mly Lnndx and Prapert)•' far whvr _ manly end oHiay known and dery bid m "Pmspnl Perk Rwlnvrd" lvcvled within the wid Gly a( St. Paul; j vmWe, the vndenigvcd petitianen, compriein66 a' tY per cent I60'i=1 of the progeny owrm. rniding wil6in avid city Ivr the a 11 thnnf) owmns -lb Inez fifty pm cent (Sd% 1 of tLc lincvl froonge of the pr.P<ny_ whmh ie to be assnxd for said Wlcecd imProva. ..-,Pula the Provieiove of the Chaser of the nid City of Svim Pvul, hereby protest agvinu vend alleged p� emm�and do F hereby rnpntfully m9unt your Honomhle Dud, 1. runt and vom void 0. -5 -J>, -, '-*�— / - [, — 1 D NAME AND RFS ENCE ADDRESS OF OWNER DFSCRIPIION OF PROPERTY �1- Te..5n.u6..a...d.dd<nd rat W Blmt Adam N. F. L) lk lJ cru 17 36 wtw UK- 12'�Tae p 6 1 / i b v srnre OF nn:vrvFsorA 1 l D L g j t r n.me CountY o ry �"c�11'!f'.^.' ..... Leiog first duly xsarn, on ovlM1 deposes and -.'I IM1vt vRivnt is one of the p<li hc+t wimees d he ignmuree herein d knows thv nme 1. Le the .isnawrn of the .aid rcxpective pelitionem, vtndethm they .. . Fe their free dd iberWhet o the Len of vRiv Mid xaid ere tLe owners o ..... of the grope y xhernn p sv.. n n pplit:�(�!�;���M. Su6xriLed end .wom to be Public, Jlam ey Co., )tion. s PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA County of Rnmecy �,rd.., City or Saint Pavl u+� ))� z, To Lhe H ... l.1lq the Council of ibe Ciiy of Saint Paul, 1 G Emc: Whereat, tM1ere ie now Pending before your HanoreMe Body eaneidermian of what is'coinmonly end oRicially known ,n a b., i Order No. 2[,210," oppprove) B<tober ffi, 1918, involving the "Afaucr o) Taking and Condemning nrwin Lnnda and Prope.ry" for whuL is vwonly end o0icinlly known end described m "PmapecL Park Boulevard" loaned wilbin the ezid City of Si. Paal; eo lVe, the andmaigned pmilionen, comprising .6ir Per cam (fA% 1 of the property owners, ..aiding whhin eeid city lar the ageno therro0 owning a Iwst fifty per ren[ 150%) f Abe lineal frontage of dhe pmpeuy which is to be assnud for said alleged improve. n pursuant Lo the pmvielooa of the Charter of the said Cily o! Saint Paul, hereby protist ogainu eoid alleged improvement and do hereby ren cctfully request your Honorable Body to re en and veto -id -P oimkb, , 9. der No. 21$10. " NAME AND RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF OWNER TovMe.'a6..m...d.dde.d.vw STATE DESCRWIION OF PROPERTY A— Na L;.d Fm lob.— ob.NE.,Sea STATE OF MINNESOTA I r I r,a CoCoone�y Iof Ramery `.�... being fire[ dnh swam, on amh depoen and m b,l aRiant is of the p n lte thin dhan as d th r h in sad o no a she Io fie Ih ores f h aid p o' en neWet Naely gn d1 he Iheir Ices a d d� d, hm the b aL of aRi !sono d 6 li f d h n, I wane ,gnat ei emne as Rn :avers vre t e ems f bte he sin resnecti.cly d e'LeIA. I ons ,n arm 'nen ec rve pe ,on e � ani e:iy o.. era or g o propanY ...: �i.�.... . . .r%........ .. _.......... � and, bebrrm. m... G...aar of April snb,<ab war„ to fats. i .........1.. Na Pub b•� .. .�.r Aly nommree,an eap,ree..1//Q,(�CJ-ll..Ln2, ./ f ?3 Y PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Coualy of Remvey City of U, Ped 111 y To the Hororabl4 the Co—fl of the G:y a( Seint Paul, /S __ Ceg F— Whmeav, there ie noW pending before yom Nvnamble Body capeidemfan of wbm n commonly end aHicielly known m "Prdun' Ord, No. 23210." appmvcd 8cto6er 16, Ipl& involving the "dlmt<r of TaAing and Coidemning rercdn Lada and Pu."y" for whet is co molly end eRicially kvown ead dncribed av "Proapmt Park Hadeverd" Ivmt<d within the amd City o[ St. Pad; mNq the poll geed peri a m omp'a B p<r t 1607=1 of the progeny o n id'ns wi hi said ity for he vgmle thmm(1 ow vs v lea t filly pe n t 1507=h vheyli t (m of tM1 P p y hick iv io Le sill vld fadr avid 11 gall Lo d m the of she Ch f :he -id CiH df ts'o ea Jain. I�ere-0�dee Names 10 <ge p w 1—by arnymtfully r t our Honorvble e0ody to r m vn ve r,A 2 w Y 1 OESCgIFF10N OF PROPERTY Ow... A". _ 3Zo gKTO m O -/o . 5' �•,E�A. �-�-t.�.,,,ti / �' arc- � "�" � � �—�. i g2/l3 S J r 6- -� 761 761 3 V tVt fi/ c�—I `t G �r 5^n-( r"rte•' ,7 q�q— G�%✓C` /yf/ G/ C `f- �� ot.v moo.ep°os� 7 C� % 'STATE F/,i�bHNNFSOTA 1 � � �7 ......P ; , ,a .V�!J.. r.:V being 6r duly w m on :h d P and soY� ih i owe( Pf the a I� e th d h m he in n`d on ales tol h o tis one ,. ptM1e u�nd that tLay goad hes their (rc e d J<ed M1a tLe be t of aQ" y�nI ermm�on vnd 6 lie( are e ownm or oge a of the pr p y ahernn rep rely deacriLed. X o m a en ami /d) 19W..d y of Ap i 1010. N P4)e, Ramsey Co., Mi- 1-c— ( lyz3• 1 ,. � i - � � � �.< r of PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA ,re Const f R.m.ey lF ;wi 0 Gry of Saim PeW �.+ To the Honorable, the CoancJ of the Gey of -.1at Peal, 6 2J ✓ ± Oft Wahne the u pend ng b fore our H ........ Rudy 'aa d r of M1 t a ^ onlr ad Hi ally kvown as "Prelim' y I . if ,Ord ON aa321 d a pp October 16, ]910,' lrm he'Al o/ ]' kin aid -d er Landr od Proyerry' (or whet I_ Ht kvown cad dexnbed ae pecr Park RonlevaN" loaned wnKn the cud Gty o[ SL Pod; I. ytt Er a ca �� be undervgned peiitianm, compnsins e�xty per cent (69%1 of the propeny owners, r<eidjns wnhm avid city (ar the eg<me t- thereofl orva�ns a levt fifty per rent 1H97o) f Jic lineal (ranmge of the prop y wh'rh i. 10 be essosed for said alleged unpmve. a purtuant the provisions of he GT n f the snW Cuy ! Smm P ul, h eby pmt Rema d ellesed impmvemm4 and 65 f y 1f bercby rc,p,tf.Uy request your Honorable Body t reject and veto .,id� ?e 210 ` f 32 _ i f FSCEIPriON ROPFATY I � — �I AME ANo RcvoENcs Aoo� or owN � i� T...dewehnw..m ..a. � OF Na.tmipws I lL- n / G � lug<.e..�� y[° i�✓ ..re,,,� y N 7yr{o xV /t " v— . I . I A � �- d,dC ,� ss ITO Y� 1-41 At�!�jt-e�.��. qq %� ' �' �4 ,/ x ST.1TE F hIINNMOTA 1 ve —1' 7 t , Ramsey I /tj �_ being firm ddY sworn, oh deposes end says that uHimt ie ane of the pcii herein, that a6wI q ss d the ,ign 1— herein ad Snows the emv...... Le the signmarea t the avid respective pctiRonere, and 6.1 thry sinned the ams a their tree act end deed; hni io the Lest of a (hrmmion and L<lief roi the awnen ar asems of the e t priitionem ere propeny herein rcapcctivilY described. ; 1919. ihNil;. M... / 1919. / na�arr r r, Ramary ca., k�� 3 .�, ,Ir ramm,aian expire -z �yz . STATE OF MINNESOTA is Coumy�f rtv:n:er 1 �!�/ x m on s 1, t YYYuf1�'� 'd `..... 6eins hr aolr h a anttaa tbnt np;nm one np thpope .trn.YL ..n ea d tl, Le in td okn s ehe a to be hPoe tov a f tM1e d Pec nentvre Jm nlrvd �M1nh�hg 'e1 d he a :Lair fne e o d decd, ha the b of nn' f e a� vnd ie( ideDp of h :y he mn reapen�vely deae 'bed rm f ..L f ....... atv of April 5 6 Led anJ awom to a re me 191%' ... Nmarr Po/b/ur. nam«r o., nand/ . Mr PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA a p Gt9 of Saivt Pad a I2 To the Havmablq the C —ii of the City of Saint P -4'-'/R` fy� s W!,,,. 'r7( '- O—.: Wh,,.. thm ia vow rnding hefare your HanorAk Body eavaider d- of whet ie commonly mid odicivlly kvowv as "Prdonfwry I' 'k Ordn No. 21$10." p8mober 16, 1918. involvin¢ the "Matter pJ TaAeng and Condemning cerrvin Lvnds orW Propercy" (or wM1vt I_ Y monly vvd .7icially known and deacrihed va Prospect Pork Boulevard' Ie<ated wnM1in the -id Clty of St. Paul: u eomWa the undetugved petitionm, compna:ng a:xty pei cent (W I7 of the propu owners, residing witbin avid ei:y (or the ag<vn po be aaeaeed for avid nllesed Improve. .�I thereof) owning et Iroet fifty per cent (5971 f the Ineal fromoga of the progeny which Is I- punuvvt the proviaipne of the Choner a( the en:d Gtl^ of Sant Pau4 hereby prpt amd alleged imprpremenr. end do 6ercLy r If0y repueat your Honorable Body m resect d veto and s-_ � �- A' AND H—CE AMM—i OF 0-1 E T.rnM.ih e...aM.dlre.dnm Pao pFSONFTION OFpFAT1' gb3 ,.. N—F- _ $�2q .�LLm�ttirnsrtioC� ✓ i,r �9 � ,�. e-7 a.7- .77 -7 i /y cvN oG'Y �Nfi-t" 'ii'i� /.�o„-..>.-�•-,y �f0 %�/w,-. lrGd.fvI/?tz ICE t7St j `7 a %Zla w+ tiw� rl /elf.. . STATE OF MINNESOTA is Coumy�f rtv:n:er 1 �!�/ x m on s 1, t YYYuf1�'� 'd `..... 6eins hr aolr h a anttaa tbnt np;nm one np thpope .trn.YL ..n ea d tl, Le in td okn s ehe a to be hPoe tov a f tM1e d Pec nentvre Jm nlrvd �M1nh�hg 'e1 d he a :Lair fne e o d decd, ha the b of nn' f e a� vnd ie( ideDp of h :y he mn reapen�vely deae 'bed rm f ..L f ....... atv of April 5 6 Led anJ awom to a re me 191%' ... Nmarr Po/b/ur. nam«r o., nand/ . Mr PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 u Gatty od f R.m«y City oft PaW Ta the Nvnvroble, the Counc'd of the City of Svivt Peul, J \ Gnrrrinc: v - Whnma. thine is vow -dins brfarc your .lvi of thle Body eomideraiian of whet is commonly end aRicieVy kvawn m "Prrlim' ry - Order N,,. ?3$10." vPPproved 8ctaber ]fi, 1918, involving the "Alarrer of Taking rtnd Condemning «main Lands and Proyerry^ for wbet j ' known described "Pmepect Park Boulevard" Ivcmrd within the sMd fiy a! St. PeW; -only end ofticivlly and m camWe, the underoisned petitioner, comprisins sixty per cent f W %) of the pro,,,y owner, —iding within said city (or the asmu _ '•f therrofl owning at Imet fifty per sent 150%) f the linevl fronivga of thv progeny which is Iv 6e aaemed for svid ellesed improve. �' pursuant io the praviaione of the Charter of iha said City of Saint Pauk hereby protest vsainx mid 0-d improvement and do h<rchy re ectfully reRueet your M.—ble Body :o r ec and veto said I'�jtntept �t i NAME AND RESIDENCE AD ES9 OF OWNEF, wi6 sam..ed odie.daam DFSC mWhnlma �, F 1 W I Ad4e. N>OtmlFw __�� �Ib I �Tw.Je ga 35 ro G So // �y�yu - - -_-_....-_ Qew+iiao ._..—__.. L STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 ' Caanty�of Reiner, -.s.�.�,w...r�.<s_l Leing fir Jely m ono L d and say that oH'an of. the t h th t eHa _ d ilurhe in d kn s the to be th pas f h and vend thin iLeysigned the their free d deed h t o the Leat of aRian infvrmmwn and belief ewd pct uonen an� he won same m act en t e t i s owners or agmu of the pmp<riy herein respmively dcscrihed �/ y Subscribed anJ ewvm to FiPfor< me this..?. ..Jay of April /� . m??!':r..l'Pf?!.............. Nm ry Public R—,,Cv., \tion N- .g„ _ Mr mmmi.,ian o G+ro:/i.. PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA CovmY of Rvmery w. 27��j b of Seivr Pvvl 6/ Tv rhe Havumbly the Council d the Ciry d Svivr Paul, n _ ry Cercnnc: ( { fA` Phneae, eM1ere ie vow pmdmg before your Hanvrvble Body cvneidermi g of whm is commonly vnd aRimelly kvown w "Prelirl. ry ;.y Ordn No. 2i21U: pproved Omoher 16, 1918, my"M.R rhe "Nmrcr of T"kmg and Coldemning re•emn Londe and Pr"Pe.p" for what commoNy and "Hicully kv"wn wd derribed w "Pmep- Pvrk B"ulevord" 1"caled welkin rhe said Cny "f Si. Paul; We, tLe undeiei SO' gned pmitionem, vompnsivR e�zry pv cem 1 W % 1 0l l6e property owven, residing wRhin said mly (or rhe e3enie Ay rhereo(1 owning yr Icor per cem 1507) f tic hnevl fromvso of iL Pop Y wh'ch is ro be vwne<d for wed vileged improve. �. 1 e , rhe pmneiane of lie 21"1of the avid Cry of Seim Pe vl, hercLy p l r ogainx.. ee�:d ellegeJ impr"vemem, and de 1 hereby vrespecttuVy reWear your Honorable Bady ro and 95 k OF O R NAME AND RESIDENCE A— Rgc WNER D RIPyION OF PROPIItiV �.[!'I Tw..l.,.vM1 a..a dedi..d.em W Bok Add�ea Ne.ImlF.a iaw Wti� I E. s l . 2ULK 7-1 91/ v� 2c�1 7 J47-Y cy�iw�nc�/ZR2�z,vf1 Z ss�� / 13 -- -ry -- - f 0 a 764.7 fiyvLuh d7G /ly., - C Z. /O 4 S t !b by 9 SZ 363/G =.y / O / 9�/ J-0 / - ;zl _ !{ t1 � � / • ST. OF hI1NNE50TA. Sas !i —s-ay.t...y.r,;�; `... Laing fir doly .� n "n o h d .nd say t6nr aQ'un of uhe t a' hereiih vlfien e d he e� a `w.her m `d okn s fe ro be ii po' f [ v 1 ecPe neFe e'nderhat rheyeigned the siheir frte v d deed ha rhe bet of vRivn e ' fornouon vnd L lief WCSp o owners or g sof the propelherei. rep wdy dwcnbed. a vrc sin S"Feeribed ............ /1` r me April 1919. m eor aY an sworn a - _ Noivy Pu�hltijr, Rvmwy Co.. \lion. J `� w�.e ]fy commission ezpirci �!1.�27�9��jk PETITION STATE OF hf1NNESOTA 1F C > of Sena Peal To the Hoaomblq a6e Council of the City of Svna Paul, CRP .— i 1 N'hereo.., lb— is now Pwdivg before your Honorable Hady consideration of what is commonly and oRicia11, known w "Pr<limin ry ( Order Na. 2321 p' Vproved ,mob, 16, 1916, invOlviT the'Afvucr of Taking and CardamnfngLands and Proparry" for whoa �.. Park Boulevard" Iocmed within she wW Gly d Se Poul, `! manly end ort'elelly known end described us Prospect omW the undersigned pelili-11. compnamR siaiy per cent (fiU%) of h p y erb r id�ng wslhm said c 1y (or the ageala h ns a Ieaaa fifV per rent I50f the (meal frontose of th Y h �a e Le eaaesxJ for saidallegcd improve. } '( p the proviaiena of the Chener of the said Gly d S1 .i Pa ,L 1 h n id nllcsed improvement, and do. _ -_E h p tf.Hy «o`rr gO ano�rebfc HodY to end ve u�d p t•aN 23210. 1 X OPI DE N� AND pF510FACE n0 k T. _.bd�..d.� .�, — 7i1%ncl`wv- sr _. s �a 6b/Q�P, 17 - ua j/,ra 7 (ro mf-P�a"° 9 Q•_B -aelo ¢� 7 /Y' z �aevY;..,/AwkG('� Nalvy Public, Hamsey Co" Minn. . 2 per_-=--- ��.Let�l�a%��'�gl)�f �r STATE OF h11NNESOTA Lein, fire duly o h J poe vnd w alma .Omer .a one of the �eai heedm aifin _ dih, uc he in td on e<heorn, un ti „ ce yf c �� Proiive pe enc uendealm they Rned he uheir fres d decd ha the L m f f d b lief 'd ra�^nen ere awnen or ag a ^f the p p yeaherein rc p vely deenibed. ff �� SuLxr^ ,Xn . i�hlLi.a....�d ....April 1919. Nalvy Public, Hamsey Co" Minn. . 2 PETITION STATE OF MINNUOTA 7 av a Seiat Pad - of Remrty )F Cily of To the Honarabla the C.o U of the Ci IT of Seinl P.e4 'G.—.: Mherem. tM1erenn i. o ending before your H.....ble Hody e...idermian of..bel ie commonly end oRicivlly known Order No. 2321 d Rici.11ydkoowo^er A,d9 qa°Ivin,P.ospecv°Perk DoulevaW loaned viihin the mid Lits -IT- W, f 5.W, the unde 'ened onm m ' m' tY 1 ((W%) f the °p rvM1Rh iemo be aag w�def a edit defgenhi. eni i. mer n m.nins . iw t fiymP n. iso1oi'i°i he R.,.] f a1 ge of lens prop y pre. m< t; a a eo pursuant to the provisions of iAe Chvrl<r a[ Ihe.vid City of Sunt Pvpk he ebTeP l ai id6dl ed ,m C hmeby reapmfolly zequeat yooc Hvnoro6le Rody io remand veto .aid rc�Bcdec Na°23210. 1 k i OF PMFEF Y NAME MD U DONCE ADDRESS OF -M TwnM wvh.,m.ud.dhwdnm a IN... F- . .®. - 11'L uN W pleel Adtm _ 1zr/3 is 9,7 162, �G6 a t '/00 70 O i 5i _40- S 9- 100.' i��Jly- �' �•`� 1� • �% � .6zs{ �:kv�rit-9 JtEaefi J- � u. -17 .366/ � e ��f � 6 r �G � �3 /sem b,o �,,�z• �`��,�•�-'` � �� �l�,e.ze-•-c= .fid ��.vr-r. Rt � .�� I ar F f,�zs.��r�„l� z. s /iaas�lks r zxlt2 rt f 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA 7 ° V.•^^.11 .. bung fir,, duly m onr h d and sm lhm °Ram ° poo e boner re . I ne a l m thm vB� n as d. h shot th<y d he f d he . eeeo h F re I< J �ec euMlhe n<it re on now .ignota deed the b i f R ( J 6 le( J tare the and ,iso ayg e owner, ° s . of the n Yah M re P« vely d<am \., S b d d sworn io L ore me th S d f April .......1 LY.✓......`.......... No�vey Po lic. Rvm<ey Ca, \tion. PETITION Cvunry R, 0, STAG MINNESOTAW3OTA Salt Pew .............. T;.T ... being 6rot duly ewom, an ..dt depnn end . the .vme a rhe .isheror<v of the mid ropecnre peumvebe _ To the Al he C.—H of the Gry of Sunt P.w, .wren or egente of the PropertY Lercin —P , ,,,,..... S.becribed.nd .w.m t�Lcf.re me ihi...: S.. �d.y.f AprR C - im, S, whmr lh u and b f a r Hon ruble Hod` eon d n of wh mm.wy d H telly k n "Prd�'vn[n ved 8mvbee 1m19 "dla nag Lnndem ury' !vr 1 Ord,, N. T3SI0 VV lQ vlvm the r Tot o d n LwWr d P xhvt I: tv eomm.dy .nd .fliciwly Imvwv end de.eMed a 'Pr.eynr Park �ouleverd' I.cmed wfthi. the void Giy of Se Peul� '.� We, the uvdeni¢ned pnttl..erv, ev ein i per yr fe0^rl o! the property owner, midivg wuhln uid chy (.r the egeni. � thmo0 owning .[ Ipe.t 6lty per cent (50701 t the Im 1 !ro ¢e of M1e pr.p<ny wWch ie r. be uvevud for rid ule¢ed wprove. J I 4 m punuen the prorieionv of the f]�ener at the e.id City of Seivr Pvuk hemhy pmimr e¢..nu .rod alleged Improvement end do P 6neby mpntfwly rcgenr yow Honore6le Hody ro e d veto emd Pjwim N. 21FI0. I 11 ADD OF N AME AND -CE OF owNFx � Tm.+su_�.vm.W.ddedum BI.. Addme PROPkRTY Ns„ •F.aI WW ti j/F�.mr l/Gt-� `-/ f 678 , Q r i STATE OF MINNESOTA Cvunry R, 0, .vye thot affiant u one of rhe pni I .............. T;.T ... being 6rot duly ewom, an ..dt depnn end . the .vme a rhe .isheror<v of the mid ropecnre peumvebe _ .... eig-- hnein, Herein nd know. ri.nen cher .flim wiinnved the bor Io the hart of iv inform D n belie[ wd Petiii.nen ore r and chat Riry e[¢ned rhe emne w tM1eir free act and dncibed. p �q/ /yrp$ /\-j{ —1 1 /f ' .wren or egente of the PropertY Lercin —P , ,,,,..... S.becribed.nd .w.m t�Lcf.re me ihi...: S.. �d.y.f AprR . - im, Notary Public, Hemuy Co.,, Mi— MY PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Cof Ramsey Cityof f Snint PaW 1 City 1 To the Hon. Wp the Council of the City of Saint P -L C-- - tWhe he i.'na rnending b for our Hon cable Body, coo id r t on of M1 t' mmonli, anJ Hie illy k ae "Pr tLn j Order No 29210 d OctoL< 6, 1918. 'nvolvin the "dfo Ain a d Co dem 'n ra Londe nd P.o rty' far whet �- nn ie molly end oBideBy know and dnecribed m 'Pro t Perk Bavlevaed"nlocated within the Wu C'ty of St. Paul he m{Fq the and gned m n e' p<rtt t iWV*l f the Pro ow c idins wi hi mid (ar sit { thereof) vs lev t fifiy<h a mi ISs'yc) ( hey li Icfront of h y which le o be d % eeid alleged �md do the �' ae'd o w the pro peof Ch r (th said Ciiy f Ba� t P uLphepebye I arcapectt(ully eHady 'J.�.+r.•-^n••�F_ hereby re9veat our Honorvble t and veto mid Pee4nea-Bede~Wgaa�.-n-.'a3� NAME [N<E axEJt UFSca paoPEH G,t GG(tL /✓i%_i aL0 d!C(.Gs .f'L! _-- / SS /Y/a O'�/cw f, SV VffQC(. ,�tY tj 3 � R4f✓.L cc.a-,� 2 SS SJ / >f, 1W /�,� 2 -- � 3 n 'Z' c J-. av ! - >f, 1W /�,� IV 15-� f5i ,. _ _`f3 Cell /� c/ v J l✓. /✓<rrrf ✓l a, r �' ✓/ ;' c C y ` n 3 f /237 7 f STATE OF 1IINNESOTA 1 I'. - rl i l CcuntY a( cA ... Lcing firer Jvly eworv, an ov6 depmn end uye that aHivnt u one opf thionei vnd kn owe the same to 6e the ei f We mid reaPeanve a m, bonen 6ercin, tM1at efivnt witnessed he ignetures herein i oe°r'W uid petition<re ore the - vnd Thal they signed the same vn their free of end deed; that to the but of aRiv 9J awnerc or vsenta u( the property herein reapemively described. �� �9(.p�� ............... Soberrihed mid sworn to before me this.. 5..- y of April 919. .. . .............. Nolaryc vmxy Co, nlinn. PuLli PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Cvomy of R 1} wl City vaintp-W( SPnW G,�rd per^ To the Honvnbla the Council of the City of Saint Pvnl, Cnccr�rvc: r Wha the nnie no VVmoiling before v r Ho.... ble Ibdy c o idcr n of 1 i' 7' and Q dP f k..- 0 'v net Order Non2331 d oHiciallyd Uct Ler Ifi, 1918. a vlvin the "No vP/ T kin a d Cardrm 'n6 ai L oda d P ou ny" f., �wh u m knv o vnd deuribed vs 'Pro -pmt Perk Rvulevard' nl--d within Jia -aid Cit of 51. Pa 1� co. Wa the and 'geed enerq m i in per nt 160%1 of th iJung wi Ll -aid lar I:e gent therm() ",ill lra t fi(%ntp I (Sa% I of il�et li 1 fro of M1 e pro yerwh �hrvi miorbe - d for -aid vli �cd L^nd da iAe p of the Cl_- f t, .id Cl, f ISoi t P . cLy v v -t id dleged i p e hereby re mtHully reque-tt y r H..... le Rody iv J vera d a23222 v vPr�wamdJ�_. p oft-. oE9CNP — OF PROP— ram..a.D > Oru — _ N'fe� rC/t,,�W G9 *r?o d Q t 94 �� • G� -c�.aJir� .3 �% (a:— +�,1�,aC/n�y � ✓'���G� � r��/� � :.,,v/wI/. L�fl� �p=�r/r� yg_ 1 67 3 �! G7 �o / _ 'til - ✓-%//�{! � � / L 1� z4✓ c �// /� / , a / / J /+.1i �"�G rn'� „ V .-` -. �✓. /1 X74- `? '.:ln -/v i y�� d 1/6 vo ?X7 17 y 2 � STATE OF \IINNFSOTA 3? 0 � /f County/�of�ms �/-fig - �(Yxn,(�ory%�'-(�-•.e—_.,vL-T Lcin6 J P and "Y' y Jrat nRim of the e� he iM1at nfinn s J Ih r Ire in a `J nkn s ehe �o Le �h u - ( e,, , id .� d that obey se o d tLc _ s iLeir fnc v J dccJ; ilry tl�c L st �u(n"Ri f atvonr vnd b I' f '�esi r. aria lite axners o ugen (tLc P Pc ysLcnrn eet P hely described. - SxL.rriLr!*o Lefor,/WApril res 1919. N-1PUL*' Itvmmy C lion. �€mac \IY commission uPiro/��'1"`�'/ll�L,� - i �. PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA j a County of Remery 1F � a„ City of Sawt Pavl v.✓4 � ' To the Hanareb] , the Council of the Chi, of Seim Paal, CPFErma: - _ Whereas, there b naw ending before your Honorable Oody con•tdcnuon of whm ie mmmanly and officially known m "Pr far whet Order No. $lOd" eppr�edUowncr del—:bedvinnRPranpecg�oPnrit Houl�sve�d'vlacated w t6m the reeid Qty of S. Peul�� romWe, the undemimed petitioners, camprlaing •ivb per cent (6071 of the prppenY awnem, rcaidivs within said city for the agent• `. y ,1, thermOre "I" el level fd1y per cent (5070) 1 he lineal Irvm se of 16 openy which ie lv be oeze•xd for eeid vHeged improve. tha pmviaipva v( the Cl.ner of the mtd City of $mvt P-1,pM1 by p tet ora d alleged enp--ml, and. do hereby rmpttlfvlly request y- Honorable Body to and veto ea�d �i Y � NAME ANO REgmENCE AOORM OF OWNER t / RR'1'ION OF PROPERTY - iA Tw•�.,+6.,m. ud.dh.d.— lyJ I tlhk AdEm N>ImIF,n ws WI,N Se.e -_ %3r7d /(=,.,-e-..✓ � a-'`-'� / ae /6i.a.t.,i a/ frwse C! .w /.yi-s+�tz - X, un STATE OF bINNESOTA j••. t cpvmr of Ramey 1 fret duly sworn, on oarh depaxa end mye that aQiavt i. one of the pcu. herein, that aBenr wimffved the eignmure•hereiv d knave the same to he the •isnawra a[ the void rupeuive petitioners. need that thry signed the semi their free am end deed; that to the beat of a .1, iv(ormauon and belief avid pevtionm ere the ;1n, owner. ar g e a( the Prapeny herein rraptttively described. A .... .......... �...... ... Subscribed anJ .worfi to Lefary.me th' day of April 1919 %� N,i- Public, R acY Co., 3finn. ®. mmiaaian eaPirc..?..2,./Q.� 3 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 ro County of Remeey I City of Sunt PeW To rhe Honorable, the C —a of rhe City of Snint Pnal, -1 G—1— d oRmie119 kvown m "Preivainary Whnear, there fa vow Pendivg before yauc Honorvble Body consideretron of whet m commonly nn i Order No. y3$10: ppproved 8ctaber 16, 1910, involving the "Nana of Taking end Condrmning nrrarn Lvndr and Pro➢eny" far wher kvowv dexnbed ae "Prospect Perk Baulevord" locamd wuhio rM1e said City of St. PeW; i ♦? m9Wy evd oIfi, a end egeWn omme, the uvdeivgvcd petitionen, comprivivg.eiary per rout (lA71 of the property pwnerq residing within wid city Or the [hmrot) ow a 1<m[ fifty per cam (50707 ( the lineal front.of rhe properly whmh ie m be ud alleged ;mmo.<`m<m,�vvd eo ag City f Safnt Peul, M1e Ly y : f rn punuav tha pmneiom of the Gvnr of rhe hereby rnpectJully re [ uc Hvvarehle Body m veld vnd said No.n2i,910. f re vera 1!� fA Ovula wm rVN fn y-pJ6-1(w r 2 �JUIYibq vi, pp l l! i -'fdJJ '�-° UJ"r ax" fw coo w 5-AV"� eet1 ��� �_,,S,fr�,,,c�Gff�__ a f H - ! 9 v �✓ ,ax p�-yo� v 7> 3 ,3 y v V/ r� ty( _ h' A 4D— D— _0 o�'L ' I ✓I icv 7 y v,�]lOaJ G �UAnAo�v�GAi � 116) A/i�r�� /jYT 60V SUS �y0 i �� G��-t.Lol'yy�✓ rf��'yiyU ' vi i MlL 5TATEOFAIINNMOTA 1� Couv y f Rnmary J1} A ro p .i 7-t rv. a b d v� evdroen a Ibot Qivnr u Ane otbe Peti; .... Le'mg un P ti e eignew he e' when .........a P ti `d �dute c c be the the il6mtwitneae d the ei w hmem, ed the sums a their tree nct and demed��tLe[ he b t a( farmerian b<Be( e* bonen vt'a in wvernoorresenn�of the Properiyeherein respectively dneribed. ... j............ / - Sabeceibe d sworn m Lefore me his...S.... day of April 1919. / ..... R-- Ca. Natmy Public, Alive. p .. .. 319 _. _. .._ ... _... ... _.. ... .... .. ..... .. J ... 7 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA County of R se�. being fiat My Jepoace end says that aRiant ie aoe of the pcti herein, that .Hent w,m<sa d the aisnaturrn herein .J knows the same to be Jn aignawrn of Ibe said respective petitioner. atndct6et they aigncd the same vs their free act end Jeed; het to the but of aQiant'a Information and belief said petitioner are the .w.era .r .genu f the properly herein reaptttively deeerihed. ^e e (................. Subscribed and f e ............ of April c , � Public i... N- -pi . otary-pir ...... STATE OF MINEOTA nu.fiRe �� ry Ctyoy �u P.ul q,' To the Honvm6le, the Cvavcil of the Cily of Saivt Paw,' Ih e x rnd nq betvr a r Hon ruble Body con �d el on of ha m only vnd H ' tly k m "Prdun a �'- 8n.ber "Ala Londa P a rte' far �wbat . y PP 16, .Ivrn ILe r a( Trkan a d Co,dam m� xd ' Order No. 2s21 d oBicidl� know and Jtesc.— .a RProapect Park Boulevard"nlocmed wnh�n Jae ea�d Gey at St. Paul is rnmwa rh< vale 'sued elltioncr g t (6l)%f) f the repcn a .era` r idi.s wi hineaid city lar the esenta ehere.fl �' .6 e I fifty 1507or1'al aM1erl p al tr. h e Y wbia is . be na d f enid Ilmedl, id -pd apd do City P improve n v a1 . . nu nt ol,p1, by owa the vial .s w the Cba e f the ae�d P� fvcuy t In N9��18. henbpareaPtttfwlY t'M.n[ Yapr Hon ruble B.dY m test and ..Id } ESCB .S - NAME AND RE9DENCE ADDRI- OF OWNES Teanbu..eb.am. a.dadSadum _�- �_ In gbrk AdLm aliel m ' 37% !^ U 1 22 J ��°•�� L 6- STATE OF MINNESOTA County of R se�. being fiat My Jepoace end says that aRiant ie aoe of the pcti herein, that .Hent w,m<sa d the aisnaturrn herein .J knows the same to be Jn aignawrn of Ibe said respective petitioner. atndct6et they aigncd the same vs their free act end Jeed; het to the but of aQiant'a Information and belief said petitioner are the .w.era .r .genu f the properly herein reaptttively deeerihed. ^e e (................. Subscribed and f e ............ of April c , � Public i... N- -pi . otary-pir ...... T/4 PETITION STATE OFMINNESOTA County of Ramsey �,y Pf Salm Pa 3 Te the Hoaerable, he Cvvncil of the Chy of Safar Ped, Oa�Whc there vo pending before our ......ble 6.d, con id i n of h ' oNy end Ri6ay k u "Pr fim' N - 0•der No. 2S,r10" v ed 8<toba 1G, 1910.' olv"�n the "M1fa of Trlin a d Cpndemm^g L nd of 5 aPeulrrt "for wha .. only and oR�u�vlly kna n and dexribed os sPraspen Pv.k ➢culeverd"nI.-M wilhi the and Ory omWc, the -d-geed 'geed anm ce ' in e' nr fr ,f) f tPc p.opcn ow en, idivg eita of en0d nh'cls nh� gent I o ng yeti i (SO7r)c f het 1 Berl froom of h mpe r xYhichnis ie h< as ave the pquo paf the CI r f the cvid City Lid u1, he by e az idsnlle ed im rc me i, av do hereby ore -Mly rc r Hovo..bleieBody r and .eio cud n o�2i,R10. sp est )oe o re)ect NAhrE AAu nu.I—_A— Ne.lmlem — I j 8 r7 XYZ 'go r d de/ri tia. )z 1 r� �,<Lo -34"J f YZ y I v yo U 21, !o 3 i i v 9 J� /� Imo/ ink 7 STATE OF MINNESOTA 71 Co ooll� non o h d pos andeevrf tLo a' . eo ue u le rLv fiaa d th he in ntd okn hco un o be ih �gnv[u d L ( id�pereiiiion uev the rione.e re twit a eignv arca re x. t o' Bee e end the. iLcy signed the mme 1 e [ (rce act end deed: the t the b r f a@ant's info awnr+e or ae a( rhe p P n [ P tvelY dreeribed. /j �% �� col• [a a ee «r ,(1/"(� - Subrcribed ends for .::l...dvy of April 1919. "" say \lion. Notary Public, P yr 1 ' PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA CauntY of R-- f yy0 City of Saint Paul (_J.(�` y 8 6 Ta the Honorvble, the Cvundl of the City of Saint Peel, U G.": Thneaa. there u now pending before yaur Honorvble Aody consideration of whet ie commonly wd oQleivlly known m "Prefimi i'l _ Order No. 23210:' appmved 8c[aber 16, 1910, involvin8 the "Alaerer o{ Talring and Co�demnfns vermin Landr and Yroperty" far wbm monly and officially known end desmibed ns "Prospect Park Boulevard" located witLin the avid City of V. Pod; x ',[4 �e comWe, the underdened Petitionme, eomprisinR siztY Per cent (lA%) of the prop<n9 h' f., r' iding wilhin..id city (ord im gem• . I y y( r6erro(1 owmo Isom fifty per cam 15070) f the lined (rontoge of the property which ie io be --d for .vid allose prove. j} en punuanl to the provisions of the Cheney of the said City of Svint Pnul. hereLy prmesi am id alleged smpuvement, vod do t y hereby rnpectfoii, request your Honorvble Body to nnJ vmo void Pophmmeef-BedernNo. 23510. NAME AND ItFSNGOE ADDRESS OF OWNFR Twaly wM e.m..ed.ddm d.rcrt l g hp X3t Yui J -D all �/ (p Z0 STATE OF 31INNESOTA 1 ss 21 ^y.yr:pyyk[.r^ri, ....... Loins fir dnly a [L d and uy tba[ aRien[ it one vfc ue oe" he in thveda hen a th ibfrte r he in nd kno s tLeo n on a b thepoe f h and epacuve 'i1c a'nde[hat they . deed that o the beet of uQ' of •Rei oo nd belief a 'de nennare [ wilne snot [o e t .mne e e act nn � mai arta a� pmttto owner ar ascots of tLe prapeny herein reepmively de.aibd. ' SuLecribed end swum m before me [M1ie...'sl....dvy d April 1 / Notary blit R,emsp Co., Atinn. �, 31y enmmia.mn. • ESCRIPYION OF Ad.Gm PROPFATY NaLmIF.a F.®r'H'I+�Su.r S/ / r i46�'C"FCIJ !' l g hp X3t Yui J -D all �/ (p Z0 STATE OF 31INNESOTA 1 ss 21 ^y.yr:pyyk[.r^ri, ....... Loins fir dnly a [L d and uy tba[ aRien[ it one vfc ue oe" he in thveda hen a th ibfrte r he in nd kno s tLeo n on a b thepoe f h and epacuve 'i1c a'nde[hat they . deed that o the beet of uQ' of •Rei oo nd belief a 'de nennare [ wilne snot [o e t .mne e e act nn � mai arta a� pmttto owner ar ascots of tLe prapeny herein reepmively de.aibd. ' SuLecribed end swum m before me [M1ie...'sl....dvy d April 1 / Notary blit R,emsp Co., Atinn. �, 31y enmmia.mn. STATE OF MINNFSOiA jn, PETITION Copdry of Rnmeey JJ q City of PeW bl .y ^y To We Havo.rvhle, the CouvcH of IM1e Cip of Saint Peah OvnTmv: Whe.em, rhea u vow evding before your Hamrehle Oody eaneideretiov of whet is commonly and oHieielly Imawn u "Prt(im' ry orda, rva. pa,zlD," .Fprarcd 8maber 16, 1918,, inrolviag the "hfwter o/ Taking and condemning Vi Lmdn aM P.'V" (or whet is mmody vvd OePciauy kaowv and dexribed m Poepur Pnrk Boulumd" lacmed within the aid Clly. a( 51. PeW( eo Wt rbc mdenigned pniti9nm, campriew66 ' ty pu emr (60`hl Of the prapmy owner, rteidiag within eeld city for rM1e egmu Iheiroll owalog et Imar fifty per cent (bOh 7 I rhe lineal footage of the property which 0 to be minx, for mid alleged improve. m ppnpmt m the proielOve of the Chinet of rhe enid City of Saint Pvvl, hereby point egvinN mid vll<gcd imprprcmmt, and do hueby rteprotfu]Iy rtgpnt yaw Hamrebly Bady to re ut and auo mid Prclimme�-Brdey No. 21216 NAME AND REVDF AODREW OF OWNER Ty We.ilu�W.ddvdnw DE9CRR'ItON OF FR- - � I to i ofrtpeet Adds. N. L'velFr F.un WbnSme r 1919. 17.Y. .. .� .... ........... ..........�'� Minn. -tee No�vey Public, Remeey �- 44-j n r/✓r. ��f .%. LIQ .mil �;�U�tV-'n v �pG � •� .� � J I� �0 (.L'!i C„'j;�i, s jam, pyo 'y ��raa �i e� 90 • / k G w �`` y� 7 42= w61.'r�4 0 p , U r n e, '.. . .7J 94 ''Vt/WC�r--t��. f �,7C: !rt- .,GJ %l�'7 �/{�wyh'✓G{/' STATE OF MINNESOTA Co�umBq 1��`"�� to i ofrtpeet w rn ono h d end wy thvt aQ'vn he io. that e&=n Pf es doth "� hb�gtd ovduh'<eeo b hpwn h :d eciive pe. F. r wime imar o e t e xg rn t o ect n t anis ot, avian vp and �hvt tFe m d he rheic free u d rytel 'bed. tM1eab t of nRi anonreend belief id , e I eeme oe rcapectf.ely owner yr a coe of tM1e propmy erein ext, W ... de of April Sobxribed en,e..f,.y r 1919. 17.Y. .. .� .... ........... ..........�'� Minn. -tee No�vey Public, Remeey �- PETITION tT l STATE OF 1 INNESOiA �u Gty o(5 nt Ped To the Honarebl<, the Cooecil of the Ci,y of Sm,,, - Peu4 w�` ` .a. 6 P Gvv dna: (( WA—. then to vow Vrndmg b<lvre your Honorable t l '6 Order No. 23210: Prored 8cteb<r 16, 1910 I' :• VY ,e eo_llly end otPcially known end d—ibed en Rudy heof 4'. eprct Perk cvnaider Tak Boulevard f 1 monly end d L d ng e<rmm 1--d wuhin the eild tffl ly known Lundr and Property" Cny of St. PeW; u "P.eGmNap for whm 73 § y ll tpq the mdc 'svvd pe ones come' in 50` le 1 '�4 thevmfl ng ]wt fifty 1p i (50;' pure she Pro o tof the Cher f the eBody t aha 1 pnlcfn emd Cvy (6070) f t6c of th (�Snl t P ul,phep Propert ane rd�ns e Y which re o he by as Vie' wt Ain aeid d f d daallea d uey cor h�asenu 11 sed p d J ra.". • haebY ruP<etfull9.re9ueet your Honorable :r� "(I NAME AND RF9mFNOE ADDRF550F OWNER '�— Tmile w6e.me.ed.dAodar to r<�ct end ve,n emd -T+•�in..-r s.. j, , F.m WEa6e`u DESCWPylONOF PROPERLY o„ Adam. N:ImIFr --I tf it 38�L /�4_ so �tiy/wr Q.,_ 8 s7 y 30- 2 27 3 IS biz 7. o. 6<c 6ic�1 ,5-0. A,di�f /JY al 3 y ,'3 3 5-7 -- - *5d -' r/I Frb.-�,rt•4=u� -- 7— -'r�--- --------_ _ /a est 2, sE 5, gy 71 , y G I � s3 - sd - Ifs /7— 4—,- - G .fv /�oM y.0��, 5m 4«� ..Z -_loo 7tT «lam �' STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 I j a�s f Coun ,(qj7 R/eY V f lY�!'•".l.V:�'-..(.. band gndnkn 6 duly m oebth ^pau+vnd eeyf :vmen� and hvt eev / ofueP`1, pemn< p li C a,h ,, t herein, that vl6ent wine d he elgne a -d i11, frc h<r< e d &� dv Bt r wa the the bw ,o t e�gn a(e i (orm on belief idRap e,n toned ere e i e, same a act 11g a e" d he a their o e or ems al he Prapeny herein epemively ty , d c'bM.-- - ... .......... ..Q........... - Subacribvd und 919. m..... - - ........ .. . No, Public dN Romsey Co, \lion. My e.pim....%rFa•,.2.2...1.9.z3 ,g, aammi.eian �' STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 f tl Copn,Y of v �R ming fire, duly •wore, an oath dhy., and says that eFov, ie vva of the poi n here +hat afi a d th Aer end ka a the o be tM1 f ,hc 'd• ttlive pcthio c+nda+hat 11, ,,a d he e+hcir lice a d deed M1at a the heel of vrtian f d hcli l d inion a a+Le i . e - t witne isnot a eisne+wn or ^genu f the P,o— ^'herein act dy , t t i a in or a avi pe owners rapeny respec+ively described. re ap SuL 'bed and ewom+x before me 1hie...3...day of April 1919. No+ary Public, Remavy Co, Minn. jj PETITION % y§ STATE OF MINNESOTA _ Ceuaty U( tNr Jy 51 Gty of SuvPawl To the Nov—W ,he Council v[ the Gty of Sun, Panl. j O Wh h u nend� v o ton a -d f0 'ally kn u"P o 1 fl Oder No. 2i2Ui n •ed 8e,pbee 16!1919 oer o190 rc16ev "Afoy v aJ Trkrn owW Condem ns Net t�da nd popery' f r w6s1 1 is 'Pm `. commonly and oH,�leliy kvvw end dneribed a ep ttt Perk rtaulna.d" located wi+hi +he va�d G+y of 5+. Pau; i 1 i� W ^µhe g de u�ed poi vvm 66 laty pu , (60i'a) f the p v y n o n 'ding whhin said ci y (vr t6e .gmla ( W (1 e 1 fif y p i I50) �f Jrc 1 uefm a! W rh�<h u o he a a d for eeid allePed ,m �_ 3 f y mut the pmvui a o6� Glc c�a ylhe cud G,y �f Sa n- a ul,phcpieby pro,o, a u,d �ged imp ev4 and do ' hmy rmpntfully rcgpn, you Quare t lec, av ve r.✓ �a,ca� j; l xism—g hP� N M¢ANO Ao FOWNFR +1 oueea 0 Twahe.aba,.a Wedfsd.w W Bok �oPERT of N. Wlirl iae W6�Se.a` ', Addm � i / sib —3x- Eo iG SU f Thr. 414'4�g: a I�,m.� � (tom'-'�/"�P� firm' (r _L— ✓ �% t/.`�Cf�l1 3i 31 �/6>.zer y 110. 3' 39 fC �' STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 f tl Copn,Y of v �R ming fire, duly •wore, an oath dhy., and says that eFov, ie vva of the poi n here +hat afi a d th Aer end ka a the o be tM1 f ,hc 'd• ttlive pcthio c+nda+hat 11, ,,a d he e+hcir lice a d deed M1at a the heel of vrtian f d hcli l d inion a a+Le i . e - t witne isnot a eisne+wn or ^genu f the P,o— ^'herein act dy , t t i a in or a avi pe owners rapeny respec+ively described. re ap SuL 'bed and ewom+x before me 1hie...3...day of April 1919. No+ary Public, Remavy Co, Minn. PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA .,l µ County o 1V a(P.�l j To the Hvnvmhle, the Council of the Chy so o� City of Saint Paul, Carinnc: Whneas, tM1erc is now ppendins before your ItonoraLle Qody conaideralivn o(what ie commonly and artieidly kvown u "Pr (v. w6u Order ra om N...y 21 d� Iticivllydknowner d dexlribedalrinsproaPYaclrnvr Pk Ovuln�ersd'vl=ca ed v ih ng the eesid City of S, Peul;rry� eWe, the underugnN pn Hanna, I.In v.' t per nt (60'/=1 f the p�vp=tty owners, rc.id:vg within evid eiry Ivr the asenta tLerrot) o p (ry, m rISU%r) f ..id vletrovt=g=, the Progeny which u tv,Le essea�d tvr .aid vlleaed imp=vv=. ns the pmviaiona of IM1e Gar B d rhe .vid City of Saint Peu1, hereby gvinet v�d es=� rmP <meat, and da 6veby rn enfully r e t r Hvvorable Dedy to resect vnd vela wid PWimiaap�0`d�s-a'..�� N DD—N —HENCE ADDRESS OF OWNErz OF ILe some to be slur f the void rnpmie petitioverq g ca o ben of eQivm a 6clief .aid petitioners ore the �"��.... Sub critic to before m hia.J .. dey o(,k `{ 19]9. olvey Puhlie, Ramvey Co., \line. 0'�Z. MYapmmiaamn er %i a�.2.7.,../Q...7 /3 /.u�Di' 7f %b.Jot 1, S-6 ���., �—L�(9J�'a6e� � � TY�ihnG�jw �Y•t'rctFrv✓ rfv --� . /o l S o GO /7TH as -�.firrya=•-+^ W - � =fir � f -a _ i l 1 STATE fIF rrtvwu'cnTn 1 ' County of Ramaey �-GC_ Leing first du15' awom, on aa�li Je and nay ILnt aRiavt u one of She peti herein,�liet itn herein aEa t ssd�he aignvtur nd knows andclhet they sinned the mea Ilmir free acs and deed; Chet to the owners e g a of the progeny herein rcapcnively described. ILe some to be slur f the void rnpmie petitioverq g ca o ben of eQivm a 6clief .aid petitioners ore the �"��.... Sub critic to before m hia.J .. dey o(,k `{ 19]9. olvey Puhlie, Ramvey Co., \line. '�' MYapmmiaamn er %i a�.2.7.,../Q...7 PETITION STATE OF AIINNESOTA u Cowry a( Re Seiv P.7i Clty of To the Hovoreble, the C —a of the city of Seim P. -I, Gnrrmec: • Ph'.. there u vow endive befarc your Honorvble Bod9 cvvsidereiivn of whet u commonly end oHiclally known u "Prefimina Ord<r No. 73210," approved 8naber 16, 1918. invplvlvR the -Mate, al fvA'ng and Condemning certain Londa and Rap<rry" for whet u mmody end oHicielly known mddexribed u "Prospect Perk Rvulevard" located wiihiv the 'aid City of Sl. Pevl; eo We, she mdenigved petltionen, comprieinB ' s pa cml 160701 of the progeny ownen, rnidivg witbin'vfd city lar the agevse iberevfl ow lust fifty per sem (507=1 0( thv lival fronuge of the progeny which ie to Le ueeued for avid dleged impmse- vrvg yt a provisions of the Thenar of the said Ciry of Seivt Pavk h by g id alleged imprvvemem, vad da 6aeby rc'pect(WIy rcquat ywr Hvvvreble Rod, to re act vvd vela emd FytlOmmfBidervNo�vT3$!0. is sx —r _ Y I Di -ION OF ROPERTY M- A- 10 10 d 9J, �. & v ?R : % 4 -6 4,7 STATE OF MINYYNFSOTA 1 iva ..!/............... . !.1........... being fist duly ewvm, on oath depoxa and can the, effimt u ova of she peri herein, that afiam Q.e.. d the e�met herein nd know. the same tv be the eigamuree of the 'aid reapenirc pmiumen, Hoven a urea e and that they sieved the some a ihelr free x, and deed; the, io the ben of .Hie e L rmativn and belief said petit oven arc she ownen ar .genu of the prap<ny Ferein rcapectively described. ..........:.....................:.................. Subxribed end.wam tv bdvre a tbia.. ...dvy.1 April ........... /..... ........ . . .. ... Notary P Ramsey G. Alin.. t. p w®s A11 I'l IPETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Convry d R— F City of Sdvt PeW 1 t A To the Hevoreble, the Cauucd d the Gty of Sdvt Pvuk CUETIno: Mhrrrm. there ie vow pending befurc your Honarehle Bally comidervtion of whet ie rvmmonly end officidly kvowv m "Pre(imivry Order No. 21210;' apppnvcd 8cmber 16, 192 ia'1"'R the "Natter of Taking vnd Coidemning nrm Lendr and Proyerty" for wM1et n molly and o0im, knowv end described m "Pruepst Perk xoulevvrd" lviceted whhiv the emd City of St Pad; omWe; the undesdgned petidavm, mmpriein66 e' ty per cent (607) of the property owvere, rmiding withiln add city far the egmte thmm0 ownsn Imes fifty per cmt 15090) of the Rnml irtuof the grope which ie tv he eumrtd a uid ellegcd improve. punuent w the pnvlelane of the Charter of the add City of S Saint P 1, hertby protmt vind .11.11dld improvement do evd ' hemby rmpect(ully rtqumt your Novorchle Body to rc «t and veto edd�dcr Nom 210. NAME AND RFSmENCE ADDPEA OF OWNER TeWu wS e.e.ud.ddrsdum DESCRPHON OF FROPERTY W Ne lid Fr . � ti '? 7 fist S I qL i i i STATE OF MINNESOTA - caamy of x 1 �+ 4 O1/iNi. ..................... being 6.1 duly eworn, an oath &P.— vnd mye lbat aRivkPia ane of the peti h in thv� vfion n d th r he ht vd It—. v a [hv b th tar f h id spcc Nanen ere t ..im x e eignetu m re a uw to s,a end tho thcy eigved the evme e e ne uvven are yr agenm of the peeme oe tbeir free art vnd deed; that n the b t of aR�nfamt 'av and bd' (eaid peu ntM1e roe pe r to awven ropeny herein rmpemively dncribed. 1L Submibed vnd .warn rc before me th'a..5. ..dvy of April 1919. Nmery Publi R�vm�aey Co., Miivv. O % .®e hIy camminian exPiree.sf/L .Y... �. �/../!..y ✓ PETITION' SPATE ryOF WNaNNES/OTA. 1F O�h1 !'Silo! PtvlT. 1h. Huhoroblq the C =,M a Ihr Gly v( Sd l P.W. p Jing bd., YourHov bl Body d utfan of what ie mm my d H dIy kmwn u "Pretim'vury' as Order N 29,210 yyP rrd B he IQ 1918, imolriopp the Al / Ta and Cond<m�un6 lmdr and Proyerty^ for who. u. vly d aHideIly Im end dcecdbed u "P ep P k !b laord" 1«aced wiihu th Wd Gty of St Paul; ' ' � p i W Ih dWgved P Nd nen, comvtidn66 IziY Per 16091 (the proPm[y own iA d 8 Wdv raid dt9 (or the e8mu 21 _9hamO 8 at 1 Mty pa rmt 1SO9v) of the Be 1 tro a !the ProPettY w61eb L be d (or uid alleged m d^ i 3 Punumt to the pmvYlovr N tha Chatter of the Wd Gm f H1 P ul, haebY P avµ uid alleged impuvemmt e6d :he by ropeeit 41, mlout ymr Nomn6le Body to re «t d ve o uid Prt�'ueeY-roBrdcr 1 rs./ I'. NAW AND RF9mENCE A0�PE44.OF OWNER / DE9CRIPy10N OF PBOPFATr I. 11 reewwm®..a.a9va.w to e„ Wase,. NslidFwt Fviw Wm2r- S res,wlc��sne%ar /00 3J Iii .�.eBna✓ G-7 8 9 � d� �i2i �r,-it/� /0 T ^� L 7>�fr p i 'f9„ "A f7 l2/ `cJ� 1 • i , —337J�tt-en_G. — �` Az 699 il0 �✓ Vii{ � Y �� r � _ % - _ - - i lr _C%✓�-orf / i � a p3 f�'x" 1► i t�� l l STATE OF.. ESOTA Qi-q PBuuey. .. U, dcP«a d reps that e®eve u me d the Pal- an b. 0 ro tL b! ipiruiea dad tWmidu�ba-6m (eH'unW ri.oe� d b�r➢e( d d P 4e timentu�ea'the d he d�tbe ume�'.s ownm of rKv of ibe P.y herein mpectirdy deem6ed. . .• .:: .Sub bcd.end 6elwlyme thi. dry ! APriI r 1919 •. Nou.y 146t•,�1Om. �. PETITION ,TATE OF lUNNESOTA Counry at ri City Sw a Fri of To the Honocnble, the C—il a( the Cly of Saint Pvul, / Ca—Wher, the ie n ending L f v r Hon cable D dy co-idc i n of h r'e mmonly and Rig dly k v "P•dun Whot Ord,, No.'to;' vnnpr ed 8ctabe d 1918, evolving the "hfatrc. oI Taling and Condemning ,eosin Londa vrW P•operry o in commonly and oUicinlly known anJ d-6bed ae "Prospect Park Deulevard" loaned within the a id Chy of Si. P. Ne, the undeNgned petitipnere, comprising "y pec cent (GRI) of the property owner+, residing within Haid city for the ugente th"a owning n Irost fifty per cent 15R7o) t the lineal /roninsa of Ne progeny which is Io be veanud (or Haid alleged imprcve. ' n pursuant m the provuiane of rhe Chan<r of the avid City of Snint Pavl. M1e by p mer ivet id alleged. imp emenr, and dp No. hereby ren ttt(ully rc9pert your Hovdre6le Body to remand veto avid 1' do X10. -1S k rl NAME AND RESIDENCE ADDRES40F OWNER Twn�wuF.,m. e.d.dda.d.xu -PROPE DFYN PI'10 RTY. W o„ A... N>Imd F,e F.®r wAn Svc n�ndethat they signed the same o owner+ ar egenm f rhe properly herein renptttivety deembed. A ,( Subscribed and sworn io before me Ibis........ day of April �✓ eye. -�¢ iU .................. Notmy P'ueh��li/l, Re�mseY Co., \tion. wee bfr G(.C�CE �3 � /�iL'✓L� 3z �/ �t1,w-�a-,.ri /00 (�CL.%.L' R Y✓✓ s � g.• g � 1Id73�1S � i j 3-0 B STATE OF 11INNFSOTA 1^'� C—ly o,.f/R.—Y �/je/ 'l�J1 ^-P/(...... Leins fiest JutY nwarn, vn oathdeposes and any+ lb- vfio is one of the peri herein, tM1 n�anr witneeed the eignv v herein d knows the evme io be the signatures of rhe snid cnpeciive petirioven. their free acct and deed; chat In. rhe beat of vRianYs in(armvtian and belie( 'd petiiionen-ore the n�ndethat they signed the same o owner+ ar egenm f rhe properly herein renptttivety deembed. A ,( Subscribed and sworn io before me Ibis........ day of April �✓ eye. -�¢ iU .................. Notmy P'ueh��li/l, Re�mseY Co., \tion. wee bfr PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 County of Remeey- Gty of PeW .bl Te the Elanoreblq the County eE the Gty of Saivt Peul, -- I� ) � GnssTma: Phenm, therep u v mdmg hdore your Nvvvnble Body eam�demiian aE whet re cammoWy ermemmonly Zend oQ olWlyvnewrd deed&aolein the"Al er a/ TuMn arW Coidamm ng nti `Pnepec[ Perls eoaleeerd" vnd oRimally 6nowv m "Prrlimim Landr aM Prope.y' far. nhnt , :i 1 i loaned wri6i she aas / thunlW unn�g ed lue�eh(Pet� oven, 159%r1 mf eAe LPu! (rot Ib97o) f the pm ra ie o be EH C6yaftSue cud Gn of S� PeW; 'du i 6E emd i y (or Je egmt d . � a dur ryerebr�-M1ich [ryne hvmbY mpeulWlYhrcqun aw ar�ehle Bo ytho emd � - NaPP9OF alleged improaveuCird, ePvd do �; / 1 1 AME ANO RESmFNCE ADORES9 Oi OWNFA ieoeb w:h.e....d.dme.d.eme O 11 IPIION OF OPFATY Ns. .F.el � l b I Ada® �! h F i5er 1. l' a rt ✓ 0 �.,�p 5-8/ nn / IZs- AV4,1_& z u 31> �y OF MINNESOTA l 3� /vz7 i � l # e r Q-ty fB Y 7)za @ �� v Peti' �t aely ewam, ea eat�� m M1 vd knewe the came m 6e the E Hoven Le 6- 06 <Sed h nd de d that to the bot aL aRianie Evf� d and that tM1n eE� d h avfh ( onvera or Decor. (h p Y hcrc pec eEY do h d „ ✓✓�� h d pcOeeven, bch [ d re the ............... Subecrib�.d/end Beam o bdvt<Lme .....dey vE Ap... - Naan Publi/c�rtemeey Co., �M1]li�m. n im.....!��I:R:M..T�...S '®� My vommiuiov a PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1} G y v( Huor Ped Tv rhe Henexble, rhe CvuncR of rhe Ciiy of Seim —L e a STATE OF MINNESOTA } Gwsnnv; aV knowv u'Prduniv IPhe.e 2 rherc ie vow pending 6eforc lour Honorable Bady comdereuvn vl wbet ie cvmm°vly and vHmi y ry Order No. 23210:' BcrpL<r 16, Im10, xrolvmg rhe "dlatter °/ TnMng °nd Cvndemnx5 «rmx Lends Prvycrry^ for whet -; the d the gnemrn h<rcia h dh a eied rM1e sameibeir Irvcr and ° berme nd deed; rhm ry rhe beer of v:fivnie mfvrnmivn end belief avid �'�!'(w } y vPproved S _; cv We, rM1e uvd geed p v r nt 160%) f the Pro n o n di h wld coy (vr rM1e e �e mmanly vvd vffW-y known xd dumbed m P Pcpect Park Boulevard" IocPv<ed wvh�n rhe xld a, of Sv PeW; egxr rhemf) uev ng 1 m 150%1 f hvR Icfm vl h h h L d( 'd elleacd 1 pd d W I he Chvner of rhe said City of �Sv nr Peul.phereby pmree. - d lI 6 d i ear, m -q 1 Sohecnbed xd sworn ro balm me .:....dvY of April '1l M1ereby p gy.....ble iv hIy xxmn .I �V NAh1�AN CE F ,.U' m+M weEeme added. eb.t UESCBIPT N F PROPERTY .... Nn udFm F.w br c "" S0 �� u� r 1110 i STATE OF MINNESOTA } Co ntY of A Y 1 ttt hm vRivvr ie ane v( 6 dhe tmi being uly morn, an -h deM" evd soya r ere r knows rhe same �v be rhe ei0nmum of he xid reepei nvneaepuonPehe the d the gnemrn h<rcia h dh a eied rM1e sameibeir Irvcr and ° berme nd deed; rhm ry rhe beer of v:fivnie mfvrnmivn end belief avid �'�!'(w and tber they the propmiy herein rcepectively dex.ibed. _ - owners err °game of f:........:...r...;y........... Sohecnbed xd sworn ro balm me .:....dvY of April Norary lir, Rvmeey Cv. hfinn. hIy xxmn PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 7 f Rameey tea. in -p7( _. cry"a� °st P.w r ra me Honorable, the C.—H °f rhe Chy of Sum NO. • 5: ' ca�.�wP: '4 IPO .e he pple n p<nvd ng 6 (v °uc Hvnarable H d f e n Ider r vn on h r m vnI ;and rt IWIy k vv "P dim' 1 Ordn Non2321 d oHrcialldBet 6<r 16, 19113, . °lv.n he "Ala r o(T 4 n a d L id<mer m Land nd Propene" f whet .I ,e mm kvow epd d m ribed ea "Pro evt Park Houtevv.d" loaned uwn n rhe mdd Gry of Sr. PvW; enc Wgµhognd 'goad PeD ones. r'rn rP t v60'lol tr6e pr yen r veg id rM1erro() o I r fif ^P r (SOPoIa 1 iryet 1 Perl fxo of h oPe which umo hedm wadh�� a°said rdl<ecdhm t6 p cof the Ch f rha real Cliy f Sni r P ekphe Ly a id —gcd ,mpr and da �. j r, hmbq xnpnrfully xeganr ow Nonmable�"Body r and veto cud Preh.vmmrBrder N.M.— AND a "a .— } '� NAME AND RE -161—E ADDRFS50F OWNER - ayM h..,... di..duan � D�NPIION OF NsDtmITM Famr WE. Ser � �7z0 G� - - c l' GLt rr. vJt-) G Gtr % 2 3 O✓�cv 20,✓, 0 Gj 90 5� C�c.'`i.!�� � Ly' _ i �C:-(._G_-� i 'Lrl _1" _.:!_- LZCrZ/ (i� _ c5_ !Y ��_ J L ✓r"r;! �. � • fit / r C / %%�-'` /r'>/ �C',� /"v-,2 /a-• --- �rlld� �-� �<10}ter-s - r �. �.L2'/��11-.'=e'er 1 O 1\ r ltr 32Q3dF. 1 //7 STATE OF MINNESOTA 3j— _ 3i 1 lI 11yy Cr afRemecr ivg'6nt dWY eworn, vv omh depoaee and avye that el[iant ie Ove o[ the hercin, roar al6ant wi eee d rbc eigne u e i d knowe rha tome to be rhe vignarurce of rhe raid renpmive petivanm, a�ndeihar rhg eigvf l the eeme"e their free art o deed �rher to the beet of eHi.nte informerion nd belie( id petirionm ere the e ownm ore nie of rbe PropmY °hcrcin rvepeniv<IY dermibcL ' - Subxribed and ewo before me-rhic..,r�.�y o! April - 1919. �Ojs �.+ - my rommiyiaa a:phn.!.Vlf-(!l.,.OS.o'..�9�' PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA R / city d Sfdnt PeW To the Honorable, 3e Comcil of rhe City of Sdnr Peul, ' Gvm Whcnu, tM1en u v pending before your Honorable Myvauidention of wM1at ie commonly and oQicidly kvvwn u "Prelim' ry Order Ko. 23$10." aPPp ed October 16, 1918, involving rhe "Ffvuer of Taking and Cvrdemnine rands Luda and Property" for what is mmonly and officially known and dercrlbed m "Pmepect Park Hvul<verd" 1--dwithin tLe said Oily of SI. Ped; v o W, rhe ..de gvM petiliaave, -—g uivg euly. p - -vr f6R% 1 of Bic property. vwncn, teeidivg widrin said ciry.(pr the .genu Leteby rc ttally te9ueal Y— ......le may to re ttt arta veto a la i ate. lva.,Jafra. iL.-�{'N+Or"EY'A'"IP'I1�`OTN-OF " NAME AND RESIDENCE ADDRFS9 OF OWNFA T=v+�:eA.,..W edb�deem PROPERTY 11-0 N>IYmIFa ' STATE OF `ar. ra / County d Ramsey �: cl�c�.9�acco 3 q s -U XA iu•wo�' and cher IM1ey signed the same a their a dnctibcd. owners or og<ms of the Oropeny M1ercin reepeclively .P Subscribed and awom before me rhie..Y....d d April '- - .........�6!'ffK—L..... Nmary l.Publi�cf, Cho., b99finn. , C' / / 1 L) w. N� ' :•Fb_l�iJo�/tu^i2zir:</.�.�L'� My cemmusicn eaPrta..L �!r'r1� i� .. O. -- 2sdF-w r 2A+nn, it 177 me 17 z6 , Q„ /6.J1 _ =wJ;�,r G��NACcmo.H J2/4- iY 11{,b-� � 30 f-a-,j� /•ted lr Il f Ja.� En%3 �l41 I8 q' ✓��� / �l / , /99 �o eiLeF-6�i�t T. 11-0 2 H STATE OF `ar. / County d Ramsey being fist duly exam: vv oath depasn ovd cape that T., ie ane d the peti- ...t........`.•.e.... 6ercin, chat &ml rrilnuaed he �awru hnrcin nd knows rhe same ro be rhe signature+ of rhe said reepcctive peritiav rhe free vet end deed; thu lv rhe hnt of aRienis snformetiov and belie( add peritionen aR and cher IM1ey signed the same a their a dnctibcd. owners or og<ms of the Oropeny M1ercin reepeclively .P Subscribed and awom before me rhie..Y....d d April '- - .........�6!'ffK—L..... Nmary l.Publi�cf, Cho., b99finn. , �la�me�e�y y /a �e My cemmusicn eaPrta..L STATE OF TIINNFSOTA 1 / PETITION SCATS OF MINNESOTA 1 w Comfy of Remam ly City pf Seim PeW To the Honnrcbl> fba C.—H of the Ciry of Seim Peal, Cnrsmmp: WM1new, there ie now rnding brfare your Honorable Body considcrction of whm is commonly and pfi.ioy known m'Prdimpi.ry Order No. 21,21d oUiciall� 8-bry r did exn�bedI ,'b, Ar." uleverdOelocv ed wiiL ngtbereeid Cfv of St. P.ulem• for wLet ie cam WN fo uadenigncd etitiontte. comprising aiay perecmt (fi07o) of l6e properly ownerp residing within eeid city far the egeme thereo0 owning at Iwai fifty per cent M510 f the A.eel frontage of the preps, which uta be msaexd for eeid alleged impmre. the Drcvfsicaa of the Chentt of the eud Cfy of Saint Peul, lereby protest egainu eeid dl<ged �mDrovement, sod do urcspcetffWly hereby rcmeet lvm H..meblc Body to re rot and aero Bard r No. 23210. _ �. w NAM N D RESNFNCE ADORES OFOWNER AT.ou6v wiA..m...d.dku d. nt'a in ormeu h the beet o(o f C%?X DESCNPiION OF PROPERTY Notary Pu�Abyl"�R,e�me,ryG., \fin.. (9L3 �d ai .s A— W.IFm ..:eWwgmv —_—Ne ��/2�„<� �; �✓ 5 ion l vJ /trj vl+� ✓V - _ ,o STATE OF TIINNFSOTA 1 / .Cnpn Y f A ry 1F being fir ...tie duly m h d a.d say not es . e, - m ..a in n dddecdb we the o tie lh go of i m a 1' f�vad oat o e < t ..ddelhat fhry a msM heo their free owoere a g of the PrcpenYeeL—i. p ady ee n e nt'a in ormeu h the beet o(o f C%?X Subscribed e e to beforeme Wi....Jr....dey of April wom 1M. ........:............................ L........... Notary Pu�Abyl"�R,e�me,ryG., \fin.. (9L3 �d my nammittmn eapha.. L/C.'!:""e1.Z7 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA u Courcy of Rmvaey x City of Seim PeW . 11 I To the H ... n61e, the C.. dl of the City of Saint Paul, /f i G—F.: ']C WA—. them u v pending before your Nommble B.dy e.nsidermi.n of what is commonly end .HiciWly kaown v "Prelim' ry Order No.13219," eFpproved 8etober 16, 1918, involving tha "h/wt<r o/ Taking and Condemning eermrn T Z and Property" for whet y :i rs commonly and oHiciolly known end desenbed as Prospect Park —1—d" 1«aced within the said Cily of St. Paul; "y C We. the undersigned pedtiovera comprieinF e' ty ➢er cent (69701 of tM1e property --, residing within said city Ivr the agents 9 j thereof) owning o lust fifty p er crnt 159%) of he IioeW frontage of he progeny which is to be ...need for said WI<gcd impmve. ,, en p.m.ent 1Le provision of ihn Ch.ner of the said City of Sni., P 1, hereby ➢rotnt gni.m 'd alleged improvement, end do hereby rnp-f-Hy ..—t row H....Ale Hody to raj«t end -vele e.id n PDeMmmm.A>—BrdersNo. 21210. li �1 O --ON OF PROFERW NAME AND RESIDENCE AOMM OF OWNM Tvala.'vh.,m..dad#md.va id gyy—IN=L:d F.a F.®Wh.i Sea I P-�•���d` ��tfy/.ice.'` / !�� � 8' i 4 eZ �. ` STATE OF t,1INNFSOT1 �ss. f �: Co.nty of Hemgs�J h denoeee vnd eey that vQi.ntr ip.rov.e opfc`6rcp e hli Yhvt edvm the e� . h nd wa t6� some to bet e�gnm�rm of the'e.'1dd��tr.e coven. d Chet tM1g sieved the same r free ami vnd d nkat t. the Lnt .f v9lvni• forn.tivn end 6 lie( mU pnn�o ei . tin n ev m f thv pr.pmYeeL�n mp«t..e19 d vnbed. f S.bxr — .vd .wom to fv me tM1:....G .dq (April ' Nmuy Pubim, R.meey G. )firm. My PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA _ Cou." of Ramsey l City of Saint Paul To the Hoaarable, the C —fl of the City of Svat Paa4 fW - Whomy there ie nory Fendure hdore your Honorable Body comiJnrm�an of what n commonly and oHmieHy known v "Pnlunpmry 1 paler No R3RI0' pe ed 8nab<r 16, 1918 olein the "df r 1 T long a d Co dem ng nw L ndt wd P ou nl" far whet 1,� ,. mmonlr and olfi iellY know and d m nbed ee� Pro ecr Perk Bouleva d"plowtcd ohhm the mid Gty of St. Pa I�m grot i$ o Weo the underugved Dnitfonne.per nt (eon) of the ropcn neve, id�os w,thm wid city to the a • tM1errofl uvv�ine et Iwet fifty Per cent ISo7r) !the lineal (ronin: of the ProDaty which re m Le awnxd for ea�d alleged impmre. i en p the pmneione of the Chenec of tha said City of Smnt P. hereby proiat egainu wid dleged �m�pwor`y end �o hereby rcepec., re�aeet. your Nonomhle Hody to rc act end a said �21a. t NAME OF OWN AND BF —CEA Pr -OWN. ON OF OPEnTY ' O Ne IJ.d Fw F.mw WE, U9(0 // �.� � /j� �'g-f � lam• �/� 1 �D �� ��39 lis Apr �( °a� te 2I x go/ k��a So �C%.x-� J`4 'l 9ta/J/vo,�d-c 10.0.. ii' SYT o..•/t,s�t...isD l3^/ rL l 0a b eevf a/ _ ,.e ,k Asf16 -sol 9n Com(__/av— pj •Y jh SU. Z STATE OF MINNESOTA Ynty �e nm nt o M1 d sit i�d eeyvtLvt eHient � on of ibe n<u tiein .the`�a t ; /rssddtL�S, o `e tNp f M1 'd ec ems i dove the re av x'nn e e eignatu n re en own t e a�detM1m they .ped he their fre d Jeedthn t he b t of erti:n a ' fa Ian enyl belie( 'd p 'tion ownae a g ie of the p p y ahermn a vely dexribed. tet/( Sut e of April 1919cn L ar . ,......... otery Pu/blJ� /ic, emxy Co., \[inu �f ,Iy rammi.;eioa a pire...�%it�cw....2,.13. PETITION F O STATE fX.NESOTA m TE OF ( Ramsey City of Salvt', ar..r4 }? �! To the Hvuvro6le, the Cvuvcrt of the City of Sviat Paula 5 1� Gersxcc: Wo h< vvu pendfag before our Hon rahle E Qy ' v J t vn v^ h v ly d Ri elly k "P fim Order NvnR] d orticte�y 8nvber ]fi, 1918, vinn the AI vol Taksn v J Coldrm tnM M P eery' for what I ie mm Woun enJ d m ribe� ae FProepm Park B'tiv�d" 1--d vwi+Liv the ea+d Cv of 5 mPaW;m nevi i. Ne, tM1e and geed n, el i Pe t (6Uia) f the idins wi M1i said iiey (ar h— 1 tM1erev(1 v Iwt 6hyet t ISJ%) ( he li et r(ry v( h p o my which�u a be . d f avid Ilesed p ng the Frvf rhe Ch e f +he ..id City f t5n1 t P ul, h ➢rhy t acid vllesed i ➢ e ent, and Jv m to azt r v m yro+nt rvv ' `` h h tfally Hvvvrvble Ibdy tv refect end vet vaald PRhmmary6r N 2i210. ; i NAM A-RF_9IUFNCE. �e.da ER-F Xvl OFSCNPrt PROI'FRiY +M Trade wlhv,w aWa W ^, Addam OF Ns LIeW Fm - Fa.:w CTwAr h< 7 n7 1 �6-1 LI r s 13 45,0 o Itoi77°� %3- v4 'Y'S -6 It 6o y0 10 A�4 I W4-1 fiS.''` ✓'_ /-Y3 /6 %/c/ r nw3/�•Saorz� f,aa STATE OF NEIN—U.1 .1 + "s( ., .... 6eivg firer Jaly sworn, va ..,h dapvsn vvd telnodnmthat they eigaed tM1eaeme e aignaturn eoyv that ffnuo hemt brcn J Waw011 1. hthe emd p vp4leioapeertai- , as iM1eir (rte acs and deed; tM1et to the Leat of hrtiants information a helief avid he owmm or ege u of the propmiy_Lereiv respectively deemibed n Sabecribed av m tv 6elvre me hie.. 6-d, of April 919. 9 41 N�ai` PTliv Rvmuy Cv., \lion. .Fg.. hIy eammiaaian peb e�Llt,,,e...1 7,..�.9..?:.3' PETITION STATE OF hHNNFSOTA 7 u County of Ae .Y. City T of Seim oui + ' To the Honorahle, the CouncR of the City of Seier Poul. ,�� fly' , Carir�WAe he is n Vendivg before ow Honon6le Body con idcr Iron of h t k u "Prelim Order No. T3210' pp ed 8ctober 16, 191& i.' olein the "Ala r o/ T kin o d Londrmn'n un n 5 . Peul�m for whet mmonly and aHieidly knowv and daM i. vs "Prtepect Perk Oonleva�d'nlocated within the said City t ': �a ca We, the underdgned petidanme, somDdeing e�ty per esm 16071 0[ die property owners, rteiding within add city ler the egeme thamfl owvm a Iwet 6fly pas cent 1507x) f the lineal fronuge of the propertY whish ie io he aseseed for said dlegcd Improve. m pmaaant to the pnvuiave a( the Charter a( the eald City "4,. f Sda[ Pavl, hereby protest egeivN aid alleged improvement. avd do i hcrehy mpeedully squat your Hovurshle Rod, to rtjxt evd veto eatd F�ra1�OT00@ I9ylLyp ` DEKRIPOON OF PROPERTY I NAME AND EE -S -E AD— OF GONER '^/Twda.ih�u,J/m(s.Ld..dedivd.em Ne,, .im F. — U41 deU 1 Vii-ru'u � � !� ✓,-0 i,�_ l:;/ 0 all /66 r (�_ �- G s- 6-6 Gw� u �w I /� �GVi/dOwt d yit 656`Oo y �%vruw� i STATE OF MINNESOTA Coumy of mefy ,l,/J .......: ....... being hni duly ewom, an a h deposes and e,,, that affiant ie ova v( the Pni "herci that e9ient witnessed the vigneturc. Acrein d knows the ams to be gnatum of the add respective petitinnm, P,- 6.— m , end that they signed the same ee dtcir free act and deed; that io the hers v( eHivn'e in(omat on and b;:Ref add pmitionen arc the owners or eg<vu o[ the praPenY herein rcepeclively described. t\' l ! _ Subscribed end ewom to before me thi, .vJ.. A aY of April 1919. l/{i ....lkN"rb meNCo.Y.!'.".......... ��, M1fy mmmieeian PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA sa Coanty of Avmecy i -p City of Saivs Peul `y�/I,_ '1 To she Hovmablq tha Cavvcil of she GtY of S -ins Pawl. Gr . Caeer�Whe. he is vv pevdins b fv y... N.....ble ➢ dy cv,•iJ mi n of i vt' m^ o,J .�nsd a➢ic'illy ko v "P (im Order No. 23210: np ed Scmhm ]fi, 1918: y vlvin the "Ata r of T kin and Cv dem Lvndi ansd PraPlerp" far whet .`I s mmvnly and vRiciv➢y kvowa and d" ihed vs 'Prospers P.rk ➢aulevv.d" lvcaied wnh,n tRe ev,d G y co Ne; the undwgned p<titiovme, eompriaias maty pm ceps f60^.1 of slm prvpeny o near idins wnhia a Id Y o thmmf) , by a leets 6fsy per rens I50p f the livevl fmmvse of the prvpe 1 whmh is io Le assured for d v11 d y ev pursoeos iv she provisions of the Chvrser of the eeid Ciry of Suint Paul, i,e by proseas and a.c ,[ �mprvvemevt vvd do 4 hereby reapntfvlly :equcn your Hvnvreble Bvdy to re ect vnd veto eeid i' swa'a.rryWdervN. �11 10. Pl NAME ANO RUM NCE ADOREss OWN - AND — F.a F.ee. Wbise.a rAI �wn5u w.6..m...d.d6rd OF OW W ^, Pilo RO yo S3`5 l,�et,r,;,rr,,�vvl. $�/� � b- �.�""`^" 3 � /�rj3�"•�"��G aw A'"�I'=�" _ or 7J . a6as�.wd'sr �'q ao : 3-ei & � �iLVYIc'i'✓ I`k^ 40 Y s�7 i u o 4>e sM I �t�.hl STATE OF MINNESOTA 7 1, County o[ Ra J �!%�� ' being fiat Jul........ sworn, on oath deposes and says iLas affiant ie one of the peri fl.hereib, ihvts .Bn�� wY eased the si rca Lerein end th, a gv E he m iL<ir fae v d deed hat known the same to be the sigvvturee of the said ranmi.e nai0ovm o the Leet of aQivn'e f d bel' er h �/� own s nis of thty n P yahermv p« vely described. y.�v��v,���.!//��,!!-- Sahecribed v.d f,, a tk..V .day.af AP�il wom m e e m 1919. ........................., .... .... . . . ........... Nmvry Puh��li//cLL��Rre�ma�ey Cv., \�i��n�.q �J� �:7... 'c \(Y commueivn ezPiree.�'PY!,W.. /.: 1.?�.✓ PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Cowvry of Ram.w Ciry of Sun- PeW. To rhe Hovvrabla the C—a of 16 Ciry of Saint Pavl, dr Caznrnc: WM1n<m, Riub le vw Cevdivg before your fl- araLle N"--id—lm. of whet 6 commonly end orticiilly known w "P"' m ry Ordsr No. 2i$10." appproved BMober 16, 3918, involving the "MaR<r o/ TaA'ng and Cord<mnfng cuwrn Lards and P.zmp for whet mady end affici+Hy knawo and d—ibed ae Pwapect Pmk Hauluard" locoed within rhe .vd [iry of Si. Paul; romWq the rmdcrdgned pMitionere, camprivinai.ty pu cwt (0%) of the prop— ownerq dmlding wilbin..id city (or thv agwU r thereof/ owv vg a lover 6fry per cent Isom) (rhe lined (ronrvge of the prpneny which is U M asseued for "id ailcg<d improve. rhe pwvielona of the Chvrter of rbe id Chy of Suer Paul, hcrcby p+orut vgeivr d alleged prvvemwt, and do y hewrcbv my clt(allv +eweet rovr Haoo+vhle Bady to re wt and ve o eyFd $E�in°n Ordu No _T3St�_ NAME AND RF9mENCE ADD cca OF OWIJER Te..vbti6u.m..W,dd�du� ESCPIPFION OF PROPERTY . /�;4[V.:+�.'`:�(C.`:T!n L.ovg A... N>•. ,Fm r p, � ��i�,C���-GiL,%3�"�v % 7 6 � LI%i� `� a � ' L✓1'.r—�� tL�i ......... ..-. .. ....... . i N Pub IG Runwy Ca..\Sinn. �. 2lr �v5• -d -r 13 Y Al^c , y. ra �Y��li✓c��'r��i r%1C��Lv lD �'7 ✓t�Y���i�- ofD %�i,r�%y��: STATE OF MINNESOTA 76f c.. of Ram 1 /�;4[V.:+�.'`:�(C.`:T!n L.ovg m nn n rh depnsn nvdca.r� tnM e L n c«l eor rhe pMf wrt mea he ` it fine and ta`Okndnlrtne .n pw urti° i' lvi •rgvaw • d ,U f 'a V ' inners` me lbe °'wndctn°htes erhe d iene In °amp., a a<t. , the �h t me of he y he eiv res y d c'bed a e ar P+aPmr Pttlivel t rhe°b r of anra armar,an � ' Subscibed vnd ,wom tp 1 <fvie me rhi..../t....day pf April , ......... ..-. .. ....... . i N Pub IG Runwy Ca..\Sinn. �. 2lr PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA cily of Hmnt Pevl 1111} f Y T. the Hvnonblq the ComcH of the City of Svnt�Pvuk r . ' 't� d x a Cnunxv: Wherein, IM1ere is v pevdrug before your Hvmrvhle pods cvm,demtiov o(what ie commonly and aRicivlly known m "Pre!un' ry Order No. 23210;' approved Betober IS. 1918, involving the "bfvenr of Tolling and Condemning cerm[v Land, and Properq" for whet .,li'. „commonly end aH,mvlly kvown and dexri6ed ver "Pmepcct Pvrk 8aeleverd" locvt<d wvh n the ea[d Cil, of St. Pevl;' :° r i� y y We, the uvdrMgned petitionen, compneinK 1 per amt ((A7) a[ the property owven, rcng wi'avid M1in -idcilyll(or the a6enls therm!) owning vt levet fifty pe m 1507) `the linevl fromase of the proveny wLmb ie t.bid!. ore d (or ve6ed [mpmve n ppnvant tv the provleivve o[tf:e Chvner of the avid Ci,y of Svint Paul, Lereby prvtnt e:n 'd vlleged improveme ,and do Honorable Hody to ve o eeldENOV�2 1 2� 6aeby respectfully rc9vnt roar �! rejm and _ N �I AMEANO ftFSmENCE AUORFSS OF OVNER Twabv wub v.m...drddwwdrrml OF OESCRIPi'ION PROPERTY mWW:Sr W Adfm. Ns WIFm 0 E u"/- E Ld-j � � {�� �,t.Qk tv�ct- '✓` � %3 C�,.w. S-0 ' VJt-�c a�.p�. % DLirg� l3 /:4 16 � � 5 >r — �L 3 �? STATE OF \fINNFSOTA 1 jl U' CaunV of R �1,,.� i Iv ^f/�C-�!/ being fins duly ,ryom, on a h dnpo,ev vnd ,ey, that aid a of t6e,peri u as 'gn urea o Qavem. Ibvt' eHmt witnen d tM1e vignetur herein nd knvwe Ilse evme to be the et f the aid re,pmuve petiliaven, that they aimed the v,me ver (heir free am and deed; thvt to the berg of vQiavte mf rmmivn d belief d p uvnen en the end awnero yr vg< le of the prvpenr herein reape Iwdy dcacribed. _ n �fApril- ' SuLecribcd and ewom to bef a me t ........deyea 1919. .........../....... ,Nmvry Public, RnmaeY Cu -Mini. - ,�, mmmieaipp ,pir .`%il.21../%I % 3 qfr C-) i� 4 1-- 9 e I — -- ' 3 �? STATE OF \fINNFSOTA 1 jl U' CaunV of R �1,,.� i Iv ^f/�C-�!/ being fins duly ,ryom, on a h dnpo,ev vnd ,ey, that aid a of t6e,peri u as 'gn urea o Qavem. Ibvt' eHmt witnen d tM1e vignetur herein nd knvwe Ilse evme to be the et f the aid re,pmuve petiliaven, that they aimed the v,me ver (heir free am and deed; thvt to the berg of vQiavte mf rmmivn d belief d p uvnen en the end awnero yr vg< le of the prvpenr herein reape Iwdy dcacribed. _ n �fApril- ' SuLecribcd and ewom to bef a me t ........deyea 1919. .........../....... ,Nmvry Public, RnmaeY Cu -Mini. - ,�, mmmieaipp ,pir .`%il.21../%I % 3 qfr PETITION STATE OF 111NNESOTA ICT.S— Pvul To the Hov«abl% the Council of the City of S-ivt P-ul, C -r .— rh,—, there u vow pending before your Honorble Body consideration of whet it commevly and"d-Ily known u "Pretun' ry Order No. 2t$]0:' proved October 16, 1918. invvlvin8 the "A/over o/ TaAing and Condemning «rein Londa and Property' far what commonly end oRiMy kvawn end de« Kd ae "Prospect Pork Bovlevord" t«aced within the avid City a! St. Paul; u Wp the underigved Petitioner, c-mPrieine -inY Per cent (60% 1 of the PraPeny owners. —1 -dive within --id city lot, the -genu therrofl owvmg n lent fifty per cent I60'hA (the lineal "".1-1 a of the -`bp y whmh is to be useaxd for void alleged improve. _ m pury-vt to the provisi-va of the CFvner of the said City of Saint. Poul, he b -i id alleged imProvcmcnt, a -d do hereby rep«tf.By --1 your Hovoroble Body to rc n -vd veto epid eFmin.y adkr allo.v282t0. vn NAME AND REgmENCE ADDPES9 OP Owntx TwaEw.'vA..w.ed.dde.dum W I Covvty a§ Addmm N:ImelFml - .®a � -d tih id be that o& w r J tF r M1 �n `d -knu a c e-ignarm epcct�.e -id—- v e111 awvetnet tbe�y gv d their free v ed teed M1a the h- -fmcM }v( rma m and belief avid P ehev a e or vge a of h p -len I'll ec rusty d-c'bed. y J Subecr:Led ands n r bef«me'ihiGel..F:(t... day of April 1919. -- ..W....s%asw<li N. �........ / . �t - Notary Public, ftamsq Co. dtoivm Alr rommi,.mn rntrd:. !%lV..OZ!y.�l 3 �v J-tq 5-0 i � r / STATE OF AIINN'ESOTA Covvty a§ f � being 6 duly non o petl- M1 Pos and v-Yk rM1m e d vt u ane of -d tih id be that o& w r J tF r M1 �n `d -knu a c e-ignarm epcct�.e -id—- v e111 awvetnet tbe�y gv d their free v ed teed M1a the h- -fmcM }v( rma m and belief avid P ehev a e or vge a of h p -len I'll ec rusty d-c'bed. y J Subecr:Led ands n r bef«me'ihiGel..F:(t... day of April 1919. -- ..W....s%asw<li N. �........ / . �t - Notary Public, ftamsq Co. dtoivm Alr rommi,.mn rntrd:. !%lV..OZ!y.�l 3 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 ^^ STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Cit, of Seim Pez i, ' fj T. the HonoAIN rhe Comcil of lb. City of Sm.1 P.N. 1 - � " G Wherevv, lb— is now ending before yaw Honorable Hody eonsidewrion of wM1vr le commonly and o0icielly 6nowv u "Podvn' 7 oNer NN a3119.^ pFpre d 8mober 16, 1919, involving rhe "Alarcer a/ Ta g vnd Co dcmn g ceresin Lmde vW Proprn ,(or whet knows rhe wmero be r eel s m the beat of vRieni form d (mid emio r rhe y ie mmoNy end obi_H known end described w Prospect Pull Bopleverd" loaned nirhiv the wid fry of SC PeN; :Y1; �o We. the wdesvgned peii9onere, comprieinN ' ry per nmr (607) of the plepeny owner, reaidins within said airy lar the "'I i. - r6erwb owm Iwm 6hy per cent 15070) [rhe lineN (mnrvge of the prop y which is robe weaned far wid vllesed impro•n, y ' f e ponwvr to rhe p—mf of rhe Chener of he avid City a( Evinr PevL M1e eby un d Nlesed imProvcmenr, sod do - vli hereby rn eclfully re9uwr Your Honweble Body ro rc set end veto wid .93110. .... .................. ... M1nn. Nouzy P�ublic. RmnseYCo, NAME AND MIDENCE 0 'mbwdF came DESEPPrr OPERTY �` 4 IT L®IFee 1 — �f i k '�' STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 i, ' fj County of Rvm JV l//�n�� duly ewom, on ..,h deposes end u one of rhe pen ! i f d rtePccrs Pmiucu 1 - � " I Doren 6 � m v&mr w�rneseed the aignvmrea hercsn nd sod r6er signed rhe wme u rbeir (rtevcr and deed: char awnen or vgrnrs of rbe proprny M1erciv respmrively described knows rhe wmero be r eel s m the beat of vRieni form d (mid emio r rhe y Sols ed vnd ervo ro before me r6u... ...day o 1919. ' .... .................. ... M1nn. Nouzy P�ublic. RmnseYCo, „y rnmmieeion rspirw.9u,<•u...�..h� Z_3 �f PE`T'ITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 u County d Ram.n lF CItY of L., Pad Tv the Honambla th. C,.,H d thr Gty of Seim P.uk Gng nna: Wlunm, them ie vow pevdiog before Your Hanmahle Bally eaneiderdion of what i. cvmmovly end ofticidly knowv u'RAvebmrY Ordn No. 2I2I0:' apnproved October ifi, 1918, involving thr "Alvrrer pf Taking and Condemning certm'n Lara, mW Roprrry" for wbet ie v molly vnd aHicidly kvowv and deurib<d u "Prospect Park Bvvlmvrd" located within the .dd a', d St. Paul: mWe, the and geed pnitlonerq m " 55 t (60/ 1 f the id1ag within e6i1 city (vr the agmte therro(1 o mg 1<ur fifty p t (b0 J 1 of tha Iw il (m of th o r wM1�c6 u o be a d for .cid alleged wp KtfuH�� of she Q r f the .cid City f t5ei t P ul. Aepiebyep uid alleged improremeny and do Fvmeby vrn nt ur HonorableteBody to r end r to said a-....s.�T:�.---.-.-=.,�a,��n,y yra..,a...6� NAME AND REgmFNCE ADDRESS OF OWNFit TwwAe:v6 a.m<ud.dL..d.em � RTIION OF W Adis. PROPERTY N:IxaIFm FW. WAn Saws t STATE OF MINNESOTA s3f i �. Gunn a( ftemen �� bewg fust July envm, on vetE depveea vnd that aHrvnt is ave of the peri �' ° `� &�/ .Pwr' �r f kv owe the come to the e� f the said rnPyc livemmie.eOe6c f E be=rf "; . .. Sub.c,ibcd and -.— before me thi....Jg. .day Df Ap,il 19F, ............ �/. Drop ubliq Rvmu9 G., hlivv. ®, My aom—lpn 1. k ¢ t STATE OF MINNESOTA i �. Gunn a( ftemen �� bewg fust July envm, on vetE depveea vnd that aHrvnt is ave of the peri �' ° the eigvaturce heron vnd f kv owe the come to the e� f the said rnPyc livemmie.eOe6c f E be=rf "; . .. hercin, that e&ent witnceud ,e acid tionm ed the wme v their free am and d<ed;lhet to -the beat v( e((ivni e'A'nfarmotir^v end end that they 1 the p,a -Y h—iu 1e Pcctivrly dnmib d. /�� '/V/ orvvm a, egenu o 4l(� V V ....,.,.. Sub.c,ibcd and -.— before me thi....Jg. .day Df Ap,il 19F, ............ �/. Drop ubliq Rvmu9 G., hlivv. ®, My aom—lpn PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Y Caavty of Ramsey 1` City of Stant PeW 3 Ta the Honweblp thv Council of rhe City of Bainr Pau4 � �n Guc ma: Mherear. there ie now pevdivg hefore yow Hmoreble Body camidemrim of what ie commonly and o0iciaBy known u "Prdunim �- .',� Order No. 2iS10' appp ed 8ctobw 16. 1918, involving the'hfouer vl Taking and Co,demning certain Londa and Prvyerry" far wM1vt ie co movly and . lcielly known and dm bed ee Pmapmt Park Realev - 1--d within the mid C'ty of S,i_- Y mWe, the and 'fined petidavere, m 'sin ty per vt f W'l l f the pmp-y o 'dieg wi hi evld far he egrnr rhercaf) ow nee lm [ fifr ^P t IW7r) f dre li 1 fro a! h Pope Y which a orbs a,d all f , a"d ale dt end do the provieiv a .1 the Gmrer of the said City of Sum Peu4 hereby age p e n hereby vmpectfully request your Honorable Body to rem end veld. mfd�ertio�n0 10. `�� (/ OESCNPIION of Vnppih'IY A- F, 63, s 5 �!% Sir 4 7)✓aJ. /� v r� 3 i s A— e-+1 �0 4 9 s)4 1.2— 13 S-73 /Q 66 rid..•-. � wo `�° STATE Os \IINNFSOTA) Z D N+^ RAIwA,e on �i /// V.Y.K)l �,.a. being fimt duly aworv, un aaih,depmea and eeye that eRimt u eat the peu herein, that eB�nm wi m d the e,gm ur herein d kvowe the same to Le he 9-1— of the m;d mapenrve petiriovrre, tionem �v m t <e mppd be';L[ said pn-U.— ere rLc and Grat ihw ssgned the same their free act end deed; het ro tLe beet of aRievt'a 'k—l- 'k—l- ownen or ogem t the progeny M1erein rcepectively dexribed. Subs dbcdew a lhi... PJ...�Y of April r.. 19I.... rob a ... ........ � Noiery Pa li Ramsey G. Mien. ��, MY mmminion apirc ...............:.Q. ;i STATE OF MINNESOTA County of tear a aan c ov`6e h h-.,7- al6an xr/neC,l,d th r he �n rd okn ,chi , b lief dupe Trion , vrcn rhe , tionem t it ae e v v m re w ow p t a , t e usnuturt , awn rear they d le am v rheic free d dceedrhv the 6 v( uHian a ect an t in ormation on , t e e o c or egwr f h property be ein e,pwi velY J <'b d. .................... S6uribed uand w to Lefore me tbi,.. day of April. orn - "', o�ery Pv lit Rvmeey Co.. lfinn. • •tel/.a,...2.? /.Q:y 3 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA Cavnty of Rameey m. Ciiy of Saint Paul [•'1 To the Honorable, the Gu dl of the Ciiy of Salot Pavh J T Gnrn WM1ercn,, i6ere i, now prndivg before your Honorable Holy con,idermion of who[ ie commonly end olicially known m "Pre2fmin ry Order No. 21,210" pp ed 8uo6u 16, 1919, ' olvii the "Alo of Ta Ain a, d Co d<m 'n L nda d P "far xhnt-. m only and oQieivlly kvown and dexribed oe "Prwpea Park Hoaleva.d" Jowl„d wiihinsihe eaids City or S, Nul; ' omNe, the u➢d e�N ped[ionu om r is pis n I”/.1 *111 prove a re, idon wi hi said (o be a thereof) o ns 1 6ftvp i 150%) (eLe li Icfro of he pherpecLy whichcid aR s d ioipd �olfeseJ wm t6e pmvui a of the @aver a( the ,aid City of tSa nt Pau mnmre� Pro nNon210 d do hereby am wectHully regaen our Honorable Bad, to end veto eild risme Ar+o pcslorayce ADDn or 0—. Nampa po 9 Ham' 7 ff 77 e7v �2rG� J o ma• ✓ v f�(a q q w Yra:..L�J .9 Y3 so . sett 4 HMf� r �� Qi'P,S YYOtGlu-C�c��f� yo SOFfI+`�Q�q, 0 ;i STATE OF MINNESOTA County of tear a aan c ov`6e h h-.,7- al6an xr/neC,l,d th r he �n rd okn ,chi , b lief dupe Trion , vrcn rhe , tionem t it ae e v v m re w ow p t a , t e usnuturt , awn rear they d le am v rheic free d dceedrhv the 6 v( uHian a ect an t in ormation on , t e e o c or egwr f h property be ein e,pwi velY J <'b d. .................... S6uribed uand w to Lefore me tbi,.. day of April. orn - "', o�ery Pv lit Rvmeey Co.. lfinn. • •tel/.a,...2.? /.Q:y 3 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 u County of Ramsey City of Seivt Pi K/7 To the Hma. 1l the C —H of the City of Sint PP -1,17K Gne wv: Whnear, there fe vow pcoding before your H000«ble RaJy consideration of whet ie commonly end o6iciWly known u "Prelim' Order No. 26,210." appproved 8nobev 16, 1918, involving. the "Afvner of Taking and Cmdcmning cerrviry Londa and Prope.ry" for whit 'LJ mmody and o6ieielly known and deuribed es "Pm.pect Park Evulevvrd" locercd within the avid City of Si. PeW; 'e cv We, tM1e und<sdgned petidvvm, mmprieinFF i iy per cent (6070) of the prvpeny owners, rcniding wiiLiv end ei�Y (vr the egmN i -thmm0 owning et Iwt 6(p pm sent 1507) a( thv Avevl-frontage o! the progeny which is to be eeeeexd (or sold W11 -d impem«. m punumt io the provision. of the Charter of the -id Cii^o( Sent Peuk h<rcby protest agvinu avid alleged imp o wmt, e J do hereby vmpmtfuily regamt your Honorehie Body to «jeer d vein void &eiwo:�.ry BNw-Ner23Afor AME AND RF MCE ADORE OF OWNER . DESCWPfION OF PRO— � N lQ/�T�e am�b.�ebua.d.dis�dpwm �j' . ' _ _ \ .O •�//' � r7 0.611 ��¢ �i o� � .�`t��� , jv I tn— ao cf ii/rr%%7�• �� �� /yK, �� 6 � • �" 1Gy'tF i j�V,F0001 O A 7 s2 A l 7�S ��• t5� °C No 7z .o- i _ i I I STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 Courcy o4A /�(/1F\-/ ry ov ne /..- 1:.✓.,Y being fir duly h d po and ihm vR'vv of thv he th e& a d�bh iv [d kn we the iv be th t h 'd nmeuivemO�o� ..d lh rc vt m[ witve ee .tures ere v v same m their free m t some e ygvvtu taw r p 9fmation d 6c4cf n eod thv t6n •ieoed the end deed; the to the be of e6im s Nf vat peri on v the owners v g to of the prvpen> herein reepenivcly deavibed � 6obxribed ana .worn 1. halo me th' .: ?....day pf AP61 .yl� , Noluy Public R--Cv., Atinn. At, edmm,.ie—i.U:49r.Gw:: 2 3 / ` A 3 PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 u .. County of Rvmeey 1{ Ciiy of Sdpt Peul To the Homcablp th. C—a of the Gly of Saint Paul, - r Cwi mc: Wherom, then ie vow Pending before your H^vouble, Rady cone dervuon of what n commonly and oHicivlly knowv u "Prdlm' Order No. 21,219," eFproved 8etober ]fi, 1918, involnvg the "Neuer o/ Taking and Cordemvmg cerrafn Lmda and Propery' foe whet — u molly. and oltimvlly known vvd dexnbed a Proapccr Park Roulnvrd" locvted whhiv the uid City of St Pvul; �- omW, the uvd<rugned peti4poerq comprising eizt. per cent 110701 of the property owaeraresiding within sold cily.(or 16e agrnu I'. i, -. thcrcvq ^wn;ng of lust fifty pa cent 1507") f the Rvevl fmnmse of the pcopeny whicM1 u o be vueaeed (or avid vllegedti.p— punuavt iv the pmviaima of the Chvner of the avid Gty of Saint Paul, h<rcby protnt asarnu uid dieged impm emm, d do p i hereby mpcmfWlr rc9un. y... H...2bly Rady to re act end. veto enid Pr�mRr.6 No. 2i Ip. I: YZ • NAME ANO ESmFNCE -RM OF OWNER F5CIi1Pf10N OF PROP MY RA TA— --1 �t STATE OF MINNESOTA 1y Cow�of Rema l oof the ase tin ane ti _ h d e o end tbat aill—, the i e arcs nr oot p :a �i ' Sao of n�uei a a oN""aaean. hecei. a e he a ve ahs Hoven hese thvt .Rmt witvnaed m� to t mg . m� ane a tndN fm a a e ar mn of n pr^pmr ne paed.ay a.ea,wim�na enr of orm.t ae. dhea. fu^ / fir_ suh=edbed end ewoFe m bi...aY..d r of Apcil am ra t 919: ' -Noiery Public, Rem.ey Cn. blinv. 3 �e My aammie.lm Y ' da u cE G� �,=mow 1 7 3 d�wm off. 04 c 7 RGu��Ralo 0-0 5-Y9 s✓ maf'ew G 10 / �•,L+7�47r.. S"a . /L✓Gn.d--2a-fn/4'u STATE OF MINNESOTA 1y Cow�of Rema l oof the ase tin ane ti _ h d e o end tbat aill—, the i e arcs nr oot p :a �i ' Sao of n�uei a a oN""aaean. hecei. a e he a ve ahs Hoven hese thvt .Rmt witvnaed m� to t mg . m� ane a tndN fm a a e ar mn of n pr^pmr ne paed.ay a.ea,wim�na enr of orm.t ae. dhea. fu^ / fir_ suh=edbed end ewoFe m bi...aY..d r of Apcil am ra t 919: ' -Noiery Public, Rem.ey Cn. blinv. 3 �e My aammie.lm PETITION STATE OF MINNESOTA City of Smit Paul 1) ` To the Hovarahla, the covnml of the cvy f Hnint Peul, t{ 1 c Gnzmxc: �I d �') R'hnew, there ie vow nendms before your Hanorabl H dy I on a( xhat ie cammonlY evd.M6.11y kvvwa oe-Prc1vn j ld # Oder No. T3210"cd October ]fi, 1918, aloin th Af /-7 h a d Co d<n o� L nd of 5. Paul<n>" far what �- _; r �. mmonly end oQ dolly knp end d—ibed v `Pro er Park Baalnard'nlvca�<J .ruhmsthe .md City k We. the unde ed Pai a are, m qq e' ry pn t GB%) of the pro y<n ow m ,idi,s wi hi emd for he gcni '�� thermfl ox ng a In t G(y p n t (30'%1�of vhe 1 1 (n of th __y p 'L1ch �e ivnbe d (vr ea�d lvll<geJ1 rm a [' -i en punvant thee�mviero of con r f the rcj.t y df e�o ..id uI h L t et id olleged i n nd do 1: a hneby rnpnt(ully r r your H N bla aBody ioaNv. 83210. OM—ON OF PRO- -D ROPERTYAN CE AOOxr<c �a Wb. Se.w 14'6 �t a rw J 1 ' r Y t 1 STATE OF MINHFSOT.4 1 -67 2 j[(- en rhvt eQivnt ie of ,hep li ahe ! �' '. m h that vfhan n d i�h ur M1e hmag `Jro vdvlYth L M1 (th d d, h h find ee Ibeir (�e ad dee" h iheaLn ( jv �v f 1 f °`dnv x� � of h p p y<eM1e mn p .vely dnc'bed. ✓� U�,,f�j�.,,S,Ce __,_ ,. 7 nprH `rnp<a� ora r � sed ur heJ v� L m 1919...... .. .... A PETITION / STATE OF MINNESOTA County of INN Chy of To the Hamrebin, the Couhca of the City of Saivt Pavl, y^ Ga mnc: Whnea+, there ie now pending before your HonaraLle Hady consideration of whet is commonly end aQicidly known m'Prdim' Ordn No. 23210." aDp ed Sctvber 16, ]918, involving the ".ltnrn o/ Taking and Condemning nm� Lwde rd P.vynry" for xh l -) is mmonly end aHicielly kvo n end dexribed m Prcepnt Perk Ovalevard" located whlia the nld Gty at Sc Paul We, the unde sued one com n p<r t (607) f the prpPy n o din' wi M1i eaid i (me M1e egem `) f thnrot) a levet fifty tt t I50'1 )e1 (aM1et li lafm of h which u o be �d f eaid Inlleged 'm 1 P ag tLe Pm o Pot rhe CM1 n f the ..id City Sai t P o1,Ph Prb9 t' a mid alleged imprc a n, oa do her 1, ampenetfally rc9aee[�nur HonaraLle Hody to act d ve avid Ha"y o�732j0.- nn,..� T.anEe.iEew..dedda d.rm......�.. omh dePase anclndeehat A... Ne.lislFm Fide/WAn Sm.. ..... end. 1 o pri l l 'u/ S clili ®, �-- N✓%J/'�Y�F P Q a� ns j 6 STATE OF\[INN OTA 1 X11,. Courcy of ey ° � s omh dePase anclndeehat Ih o be the e'tiav eey signed the came m their !rce act end ddthto the bnt ' oianie ati ✓....................... �;,.],,d ..... end. 1 o pri s l - Noluy P/ublijc Ca, \[inn. ®, �Ramsey 'My anmminian �pin1/.6.7..7..9.z 3 r PETITION STATE OFh11NNES0TA 1 n C_'y f Romsey 1} City o1 Svi^t PnW To the HO... 61.. the Council of the City .1 Saint Pv^h Gxccrt— ep Order h'v.2i210.' Vitrth— itoved Oct Ler 6 "f- 1918 v...lvinR rhes "RVmier of T^Ain6 ond' �v only vnd articivRy knv vnd described v "Pry t Part: HvulevvrJ" loc came, the u......neJ Peiitionm, camPrisinR einY Pcr cent I "'1 of the Prep thermfl mrving v bast fifty pa cent I50'Y) f the livevl frvmage o1 the propen; n punuvnt �v Abe pmvislona pf the Chvncr o! the "IJ Ciiy of SWni Paul, LcreLy hveLy respectfully requnt your Hvnareble Redy is reject and -. evid P"v-- mpn1Y endaRid fy k.— as —da ziv idemnin" r.... Lands and Prppeny'. for wh� J wiiLin the eaid City of St. Paul; iding within avid city Ivr the vgenie wIiichni isnvr hassesse It, d for eaid vi-,, improve. 'd vlleged i n emeni, vnd dv �}teNot^232X' _— rw� — FN..� IV 7. p� g6�ju � � 123 �,c�v✓��-�,r _//la��j�, 1, y �jayf��.,d,U- y� / b>� ckl � cigc�+mr�� � a df - a 3 /OA..j,Pr+•.-� 3a f„fl 3 I z: STATE OF AfINNESOTA 7 canmr a! rtameer 1 ✓ )!�oI -/�',,�'r� lbmvg� fiat duly swum, on vmh depveo vnd says that edam is ane of the pdi. m 4ie:eio, ihol weont wu�6eea an aignatme. herWn ^a h...tnp same tp he me eign.mrre pr the ,ata ra peca.e peatipaen. vnd ihvt thry signed tM1e same m their free act and deed;'thvt to the b- u! vRianie mlormmivn vnd belie( id peiitivnen arc the ownen v g sof the prvpcny herein respenively dncribed. -13 Subscribed vnd sworn t. bd,, a this.. S, dvy o! Apr' t9t9. • .......... ......... ..�.............. Nvtvry Pub1iS Remxy Cp., Minn. 1 Aly epm.wien e.pir�l/ PETITION STATE OF MINN.OTA j County W Remery Fes /' Gty of Sew P W 1 .yp. / H,—Al, tM1H,—Al, the CdvncH of the City v[ Svwt Paul r(J,l ✓'ry CascTmc n y IOhncva, lherc i° now pending 16 19 Tour Honorable Bady can°idervi", of what ie ...IiygT and oRieielly kvown ve "P.efuni 0,&, No. T3210;' appproved 8nobex tfi, 1910, wvohivR the "dlaner o/ Taking and CoMemntng nrto.n Londa and Prop<rty" for what `1 to commonly and . WDy known end dexribed ae "Pxapect Perk Bvvlevvrd" loomed whhin the eo,d fiiy or St. Peal; - I We, the unde good pen o m ' m e' pe tr4d71[ the proven ow idiog wi hi mid i y (or the vgcni tliexoll o lav t filly p i l50^0) ( I,e� li rl fm wLicl ni a Le e d ! eoid alleged' m pun ng tRe pm of 6e Ch r f tba eoid Lily f i5vial nP P ulpFepeby pro -i- 'd allesed i p einem, and do 6vehy x enc fully x9uns o r Hovvrvhte Hady t vnd °eiv eaid•Ped vT3,R NAME OF OWNER PROPE— ANO RE M—E ADDRESS '•4••• ESCF�TION OF f �. Teenb w:b ddmd.em � i Ne lid Fwa pF.�®e,W°H�@� (lJ9 L� z�uv f73, cF3 71 % hull �i93a� s q.1 76-1 pr . 10 e", All �� ov.. 0 0 �5 6313 p A-1 6-v 27 rr rr �vni a r �iZ �qg STATE OF MINNESOTA 1 _ 3�/ /(,047 cnnm>nr /" / v'wnch'n�hatuRon _ ...j. Lcins fir duly °w n vn v h dePoe end v that vRien pfc ihnvvetr sn d he the tree n ya d e nd pkn a ince a be L aof 1 aid r o e o of he-p— n'M1e xN eM; Far the L ofmvRian 'fax, I' f n are the ensp vel d ec 14ed. ° .peivion Subecril,l vnd awarn io Id— me this.l — day of April '. 1919./� ' Nvinry Public, Remae9 Co., hlinn. ,ly °nmmiee,an eapire,...9zzag..�.a..�.Qi 3 `�� OFFICE'OMRECOMi'TROLLER � b � D 0,-0--y� 219.52 _ Ct' ASDFpEH-elzMMS- .RESOI:UTION-FORM .. t,pn,a - ' - 590 - _ U A ` Rolated that warm be drown upon the City Treasury, payabl,. out of the hereinafter specified funds bad in fmoY of the P__, firms ar ..para ,o s far the vmounts se opposite their respective nomas as specified in the following detailed stntwevt: men ( w �-— -- __.....:. { _"_ p Adopted by the C 1 ' Y/dt, ,c, en Sohoo-le - L.18- -G1.80 son ar N I�u ta4 p ae Ad t & - tYC - 36846 Brooks Brothers Lumber Company, SWW.4s 219.52 16644 Decker Adam DkeHardware Company, 302.87 - _ - 3ape2RC :-tik R. 1 7.E0- Sohoo-le - L.18- -G1.80 . *V11 .. - 34s7b 144:3'0 Rlayta+l� .96- wir 9 15.86 ' Dooks-,-yrharwee-and-levees 9.38- 368,&7- 39948• Finch, Van Slyck & MoConville, 65.91 ia-ire' Specie3.-L6y�ohoole 45�. /a ..349!9 Maendler Brothers, -,&'Asia. 48.51 39960 .Northwestern Motor Supply Company, 778.70 F -i -r— - 3eO&l Milton Rosen & Company, F l::re 1,006.0E 50996 Tire Service Compa e 133 10 ' ase #z 2 't L 6.3 " X9963 W. J. Westphal, 950.00 40.00 Im"4 B. B. Wilson, OFFICE -0F -MR -COMPTROLLER n,.bbo.0.0-te AUDITED -CL Djg--REBOi.UB1 WFORM .. Nw -^x'116 EL - r ,I --v vI TtlL. Resolved that wean be &awn'opon the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter specified rands and in favor of the persons, firms or corporations far the amounts It opposite their respective nmwes as specified in the following detailed statement: Yens Coun 'I.e. Nays Adopted by the Council Far worth 9. n Z G u lillbio x `�,8 0ller . w- fecnn , I W B B 1 b 0 > wnnaeainh esidem, Hodgson e n iitBy - -- 10685 St.Paul Tile Works, 75'00 6urbing-Maryian&b_.Payne � to-bd8enttu0 CurbislC-Alban7-x-"Hamline - t9..Sna111nE .f54.90 7 -1 -DO Xo+wi .25.00- J (- 11_'�r t l` COtf,40 FILE NO ............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...9xt ending.__eee�,er„_oa__Co©o„_Avenue__Pe at.__from, the__terminue ___ o.f...the .._eawelr-etppr4ximately 73} feet, northerly oY.the centra of Grantham St.ra.et.to._a.poSnt 15 feet_.northerly of the_opgherly_line of Lot 2 Blook..2.7..: SS......AA.L210Ay....P..ark,_No rthe.................................................................................................._._....... under Preliminary Order .......... U299 ............................. approved ............ FebggesY,_lOth_,_,_3919. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is....extend...eeWar_..Q11.._..... ,....., ...—,. x— — !hn +—ireds of the sewer anoroximately 73} feet northerly...of...the... cantr.e....o.f... Grantham,_ Street,._Qo_. a_point__15._feet__northerly of....the...amther.Z.Y._11ngof..:Lot._3.,Block 271 St. Anthony Park.Aorth. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1;_..._321.09___. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had on said improvemmit on the_........_... 5t1x ..............day of - .....__.......May ..._--- _.._.................. 191.9_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hell Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fivases give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the impmvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the l,'ouueil_.__........:..::...: ....:._. _.... 191......... Approved......_........_ ................... , 191_....... Z C; � C'lY Clerh Mayor. Couneflmar .swarth Couneilma ss Couneilma 'herd Clancy - l/ I Coun#A.', underlich MayoHodgson H, COUNCIL FILE NO ............................. By........... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...cnnatmoling...O.Wbingd,_curb,_ And.,gutter.._on.,botb,._eidee oY _ Tn1.nff.A.A.d..:Pl.;}4e.._Yrom__Lti 7 ton _5 tre e t .,to_._41 ctor S E._Street,,,,,,,,,,,,,_„_......_:__........ __,_-------- --- under Preliminary Order.........2.'k3Q.1................ .............. approved .._.Februery_9§: h . 1919 The C-61 of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded witb. - ^ That the nature of the improvement which the. Council recommends is._cgnetruct.,_cpmbSned.. .anrb....and _gutter__on._both.__eide e_._o4._LSnwood. Place .Yrom.MSlton Street_to vict or l a,Etre.et.....__..__.._....._......__.. with no alternatives, andthatthe estimated cost thereof is }....1169.70 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the... Sth...._.........day of ... _......... .. .....__...._...May._......_ ................_....., 1919...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., iu tb, Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commission, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the roamer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._._.: ....:.:_._ __-..._ _.__ 191......... � f Comcilmen a sworth Councilor (loss council lMxW Clancy Council ' Koller �-� _ Comci o Mcc,11 Counci an Nuuderlich Efayor, HodgeoII Form B. S. A. &6 .i r 191......... � � ppy _City Clem Mayor. IY —Z�' 667 COIINdrL ME -NO ::.-............. am: Br ... ....... .................. . kkMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of._._constxuct.ing...a_cam eat...t11e_.aidetfalk...aix.leat...xi.de_tla__ -the ....eaat...aide...Q.f...A.logm arle....Street fr5xm.FKont,_Stx_g,et_to,._Hatc h,,.$t under Preliminary Order 2441? .................. ._......._approved _....._... March _lOth,....1919..................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,,have improvement, and having considered said sport, hereby reeolvea: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 1s......CORBtr4lot...a...CemeAt Silo.. eidawal.k..al,x..f:.et__wide.._on_the,east _eSde,_o Albermarle:Stree! from Front Street_to Hatch Street, except wbaregoodeJlw _and sufficient deelke .. ...... _ .............._....._. no, exlst.. ........ ._..... ...._ __ _ .. ......... __._... _._.__....___ _. _........_...__......_.. ........__. ... ......_.._ ____ . ... ......... ___._... .._..._._..___ _ ...._._. ............... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $...9C...P.er.._froat foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the...... -5t4 . .day of .._........May........._......_._........__....-, 191.°....., at the hour of 10 a',lack A. M., in the Council Chnneber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the personsand in the manner aner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of lam, ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council._..._._ :.::.::...... .. '. ............ 191......... Approved .. ...... ___._....., .. 191......... /City Cletk. �r �. _nfayar. Councilman n ParvortL CounsileeN Uosast Couneilmwl"'Hvtseld Clartoy CouvcilmgriKeller Councilulpd McColl Coua::hV,. Nuhdrelieh Mayor l@VtX Hodgson Fa B. S. A. 8-6 Awls EDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....CC.na.S.r.!?.Rting,_s,_cement_._tile__eldev:elk-,....six_ feet,, wlde,_on .b.oth_zidea..o.f...Be.Y,IVY..A.Y.en a from,. Cle eland Aven a_to P Sor _Avenue. under Preliminary Order._..2i.45.4.7 ...approved ......_Larch - The Counon cil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissier of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..C.OAotr.V,A.L._.&....C.eA;ent... both aides of Berkley Avenue from _.... ...................................................................... .... ..................._.............. ..Cleveland..AVenue._to-Prior...Azenue., e1CCSP.t._Wh.ore„_good._apd.._euffi ...eiden&1ke....A9R._exi et . .................... ...._.._.................... .......................... ................... ........ ...._._............ with no aitematives, and thot the estimated cost thereof is .$..... B0—P.. fTont foot Resolved Further, That n public hearing be had on said improvement m' It's .._...__._StA._............. day of ...... .... ._May .... ........ ..._...._.._. _ ..., 1919.:.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pool. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mmaer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the imprnvement, and the total cost thereof m estimated. Adopted by the Cuuucil.__.........:....:......:.'.................. 191...... ., ............ ......... ^.. ...ix...t :1..4..41..:x......... Approved.. ... ....................191......... Cit C� k. Connenmm'V ars rth / .Mayer. couneil --3dsdtmd Clancy eomeil xeuer rannei� nMeeml coon rynn wnndemeh Alay 4mios Hodgson ' Fero. s.`A. g.e ............................................... ........................................ . C01;0C1LyF��r,E N/0...,..._...._ .................. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter. of....._cnnetmoting...a._CeMOJAt_..t.11g-_Oiden,alk,_ei _tha_.eaet....elde.,_o4., GomoPlace,from.__Orohard _Street _to _ lfc.Kenty.Street. under Preliminary Order.. ............................. approved.._.....$eS4b_21.,._191,_............ .............._.. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Cammiesioner of Finance open the above improvement, and having considered said repart, hereby resolves: o - 1. That the said report be and the same ie hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the nature of the improvement which the Coancil recommend. is....0—atrllnt...a...aement tSle sidewalk eSx feet wide on the east side of Como Place from ... ......................_._...._.___..........__....................._........................_......................._...............__....__...... ..Or.chaxd...Stxe.et.._t e.._.c750at.y_. Street, except _where good_ and.euffi.oient e.7,.dewalke now exist �' with no niternativea, and that the estimated cost tbereof is $_._.. So_. per, front foot. Beeclved Purther, That a publie hearing be had on said improvement on 1lm......_...15th___ day of ......__...May....._......__.._..._._._._., 191..9_, at the hourof 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Comcit Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona end in the mummer provided by the Ch,rter, .feting the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il..._:.:_:'........ .__ _ ......, 191........ c� �. nr-11 ApPro d.. ......... ..._ 191........ �` - Couneilmon" rth bfeyor prnewo S(Hldlimk Clancy Council MaColl Comes no wnndefli? Mayo I76if Hodgson 1,-1 B. a-0 Q II/VY COUNCIL By.. ...... .Ie� ...... .... KMEDIARY ORDER . In the Metter of..._copetru,ctipg._a__cement_tSie .sidewalk .eix Y.=_t_nld.. at ...__ the following .locations- en both aides of Fairview Avenue from . Randolph Street to St. Clair Street and on bot*. sides of Randolph Street from Nacaleeter Avenue to Fairview Avenue. ......._........_..._._.__ ....... ...... .-___.___......... ................ _................. .......................... ................ ....................... ...... __........ under Preliminary Order ._...........244,,�7.„.......................approved h.. -19 lEl°........................ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby treat... 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a_. That the nature of the improvement which the Conseil recommends is..oQ Asir-uCta...C.eAPIIt.. tile _._eldeygalkeix £set wide at the £allowing locations_ -on. both aides of Fairview Avenue £ram Randolph Street to St. Clair Street and on ..............................................................................................................................................................:......................................... ._both ...aide.a...of.-.5A?dolpA._$treet...Yroa,_Liacaleeter _Ayenue.to .Fairview _.Apellue, exoept. where_.gogd and suff ici ant _eider al ke. nowe et. with an aRavatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is *...80...per.. front foot. Resolved Further, That a publie hearing be had an said improvement an the........_....... 5th..._day of ......__. ..._._....Nay ......................._., 1919....., of the hour of 10 o',I,cl: A. M. in the Council Chansber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said m,etivg to the persons and in the mercer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total east thereof os estimated. Adopted by the C.unail....:..... 1 ................. ____.... 191....... _ � Cleric. Approved _. ...._ . . . 191........ Y .... �� mayor. Councilman b' —worth Clanoy Ifec.11 f/ - -- ;r Idab Hodgson S. A� 8-6 r ly , l 245"%1_ . C0171 CJ,i2 .. By........ ......n......lGy✓..=.................fes.............. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....A.9.C.frt,}vg_tin$„_e„_c'.meat._tlle,_eideralk, _six .Yeet.in .width on LhF._?Tgst aide.. oY Rent. Street from Cook Street to Frost Street._. ander Preliminary Ord er........... 24483 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, S;azch 19th, 1919. _.............. approved.._...._....__............_........._............_..._._...._..._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement in hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is...a.A.ne.t.gyct....a.._Qeme;lt_ tile .,_sidewalk, six feet in width on the west Bide of Kent Street from Cook .........................................................................................................................................................._...................._._........ ...Street .to_F.ront...S.txeat..._e.3Cept_,. where good.. and,_eufficSant__ s !BF 1e with an nitereatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is {._.•.AO...per front foot Resolved Further, That a publw hearing he had on said improvemeut on the.._.....Sth.„,..._..._.._day of .....__._..Ltay... , 191 8...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ Adoptedby the Council......._._....._:.:,1 .:7........_.., 191..._... App—ed..............._.................. 191....... .../�' .. QIt3 M y Councilman lworth ime fl¢3BLgx Clancy xener i y nieceu gp'tivnaaeairh Irxihxltx Hodgson X'9 9 416 72 COUNCIL FILE NO ...................... .......... By....... .... .....fes` ...... INEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofgxading..And..atlr.facing....w.i.th..gxaYel....tan_18....fnnt...roedsaya._.. on.__the„nor th.._end.._eouth.._ei de e.oY._i! idrey__Parkwayf;om.n@11.1,liz...AV?.Rke..._ .._to...Hamline...Avenue.,.._al.eo...grade....eideralk...and..hauleraxd...axea..hs taean._....... ._the.._above,_ro adwaye...and._t he...Proper tY..._linea................ _................................................. _........ under Preliminary Order ......._ 9AMP................ ---- _....approved....._December, _Sth,_ 1919..,._........_ - The Council of the City of St. Poul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the came is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^_. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend, is.....grade...and ...auriaee.. h._e lAss ...4.R._........... _.U.idRay Parkvmy from Snelling Avenue to._Hamline Avenue, also _grade_. e.1.aeFalk. agd._boulevard._area between tha _above roadways and_,:the_ , ..._.._,._„ ..propexty._linea. .. _. ___.... ......... _.._._.. ___....... __........_ _......... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Parther, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the.._..__..6th_..............day of .........__.}day ....................................... 1919....., at the hour of 10 a',look A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Cuuncil.._._.........:..;.::.....>.....:.:.... ..... 191......... .._.._.. ._.. ., ... Couvcilmay(Fe� worth � Approved. 191. . / , Afeyor. Council 1n1406MIk Clancy Couneilfeller f� Counc' Conn lmad Wunderlich Almy ima Hodgson Form B S. A.s S d I CCug= FILE NO::.:::::.-::.:.:._ ............. By.....� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the hfatter o£._c ozdemning._aad,..taking. _an,.eaeement .in .the, land eneceeeary for ._elope., for.cuts and fill in grading the service driveways along ....... ...... ......... ......... both aides of Midway Parkway from Snelling Avenue to Hemline Avenue. under Preliminary Order... ............... 23561– ............... .. approved ....._..D.e.Germ?er._5th,.._1918_.____......... _.... The Council of the City of St. Poul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having 'considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvementis hereby ordered to be proceeded with. " That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ie....._CORdemn -and take an easement in the land necessary for elope., for cute and fills in ................... ...................._............._.............................._............................ _........ ......................................... ............................. _.. grading the_eervlce driveways _ along both aides of Midway Parkway from r...... Snelling..Avenue....t.o._Hem.line_._Avenue_._in _sccordahce.with _the. blue_ print hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing .. _... _....._.................................................................................... . ..... ..... _ _...... _ _.... _.. _.........:................_.................................... the cute and the -shaded portions showing the fills. ._................._......__.._.__..._...._..._.._...__......._._................... _..._......_._.._.._.................____..........___._...__...__........... with no alternative., and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .......... :6tL.__._.....__day of .............:..May..............._._...._._._...., 191. 9..., at the ban, of 10 o'clock A. \L, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Fina ce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mmner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the hol—vern-t, and the total cost thereof as estimated - :..,.� Adopted by the CouneiL.......'. _.... _........_..:.'............. 191....... Approved .... ._. 191...... _. / /City Clark - ........... I k -i J _ .... .-. Mayor. Council W !:'T Clancy Council ' %eller Cou�ri McCoII (�CouWunderlich May(x Hodgson B. "0 im =MEN 24671 COIR70$.FII.ENO.._..._......._........_._�_-y��/J' 1, ........ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.Lrom.Ar q,_St.._ to _Hemllne_Ave__..__ .ad.r Preliminary Order .. ..._.... U.36 .................... __._ —Jul _Juty._lz A,.. _1.FlB.e.._....................__... _ The Council of the City of St. Poul hoeing received the report of the Commissioner of Finance vpoa the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..._$r8de Fat eon Ave ........................... .................. ._...................... .... ...... _....__.. .._.._____. __.__. ......_.. _._........._ _.. .....: ........ ...._.. _. _...._... .: _ ................ ... .._ ........ . ....._....__......_..._... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $:...5,.19.3..21..... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the....... 6th..____..........day of ........ _....... FLY ...................... ...... _.., 191.9—.,'at the hour of 10 o'clock A. I1., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iu the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Plnmenghm notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mmner provided by the Charter, .toting the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the imp .... occur, and the total cost thereof as estimated. -�-...:..., ' Adopted by the Council ..............:. ....'..._...`.. ._ _`_...... 191........ r � APpro d ..:_. - ...... _. ., 191........ Mayor.' Conumflecan Fi nsw rtl - CmmlilmaSyEycbemdx Clancy Coun it fIfeller r , �Couvcil tti Me .11 V . Couv �n�ph wuvderli.h May r irXMX Hodgson Form S. X e -c f / ! under Preliminary Order ........... gg03.5............ ................approved....._ ............. The Council of the City of St. Peel boring received the report of the Commiasioner of Finance span the aboverovemreere impent, and baring consided said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the amid report be and the came in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imprevement which the Couneil recommends is.._..e.o.ndemn..and._.t.aka.... grading Watson Ava. from Crigge St. to Hamline Ave in accordance with ... _.... ......._. ......... ..._.... ,, he._blue print,_hereto _attached and merle ,a.nazt hereof, the hatched portions ._showing..the_.cute_.and...the ... shaded ..port7.one_.showing the,._fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._...25..00..._. _.. Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be had on said imptovemeut on the...... _._6th ...___........day of . .._._._..._MAY- ___.__,_,___,_.____. 191_.2, at the boar of 10 o'clock A. M., in .the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of IT--, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bim, ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 5 lyl5 Adopted L3 the Cou I ..:. _- _._..._ 191...... ti ? .......... Approved....... 191 ................./._.. _._.�..i..-..�.../..t-iv Clerk Meyar. CouncilmV,5iswrtb .�..' +.1 �91�1eK Clancy Keller l(eColl �yunder]ieh "pum Hodgson A. 8-6 9467'5 COUNCID FILE No ..................._............ - 4�� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....eendelfIlli.ng...@:I1.4?...t_ .±,3FE._ ..eaeebant__ n.._the._laO.d_negs3.@.Q.@ y for_elgpes,,, Yor. cute and fills in grading Watson Ave. ............................................................................_........................._..............._..........-....... from Griggs St. to Hemline Ave. under Preliminary Order ........... gg03.5............ ................approved....._ ............. The Council of the City of St. Peel boring received the report of the Commiasioner of Finance span the aboverovemreere impent, and baring consided said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the amid report be and the came in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imprevement which the Couneil recommends is.._..e.o.ndemn..and._.t.aka.... grading Watson Ava. from Crigge St. to Hamline Ave in accordance with ... _.... ......._. ......... ..._.... ,, he._blue print,_hereto _attached and merle ,a.nazt hereof, the hatched portions ._showing..the_.cute_.and...the ... shaded ..port7.one_.showing the,._fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.._...25..00..._. _.. Resolved Further, That.a public hearing be had on said imptovemeut on the...... _._6th ...___........day of . .._._._..._MAY- ___.__,_,___,_.____. 191_.2, at the boar of 10 o'clock A. M., in .the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of IT--, give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bim, ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. 5 lyl5 Adopted L3 the Cou I ..:. _- _._..._ 191...... ti ? .......... Approved....... 191 ................./._.. _._.�..i..-..�.../..t-iv Clerk Meyar. CouncilmV,5iswrtb .�..' +.1 �91�1eK Clancy Keller l(eColl �yunder]ieh "pum Hodgson A. 8-6 COUNCMi->TENo...._....:............ _....... a By......_...__. - ..... `f"ice EDIARY ORDER in the. Matter of.....conatxnatAng...C.amb.1.1xq-d .C.uF..b„_and_,gutter,_on Avenus...Pzom._Milton._Street... to_._Chat_eaorth. Street.................................................................... and Preliminary Order ._...._24373,,,,,,,,,,,,,_............... approved .__Februapy_30th,__1919 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .he's improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolve,: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the amid improvement he bereby ordered to be proceeded with. °. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-C.Qa_@tX.q-91...Qamb.ined. curb...an.d..gltttea_on..Aecenla.Avenge...fram..3Silton...3.troat to Chateaortkr----- Street. .._ _......._. .. ........ .. ..._..: ................ ............ ._. ...._...... ..__.___ ._....... _.......... _..___. .....___.... .._........ ._ ........... . _______ ................... with no niternativss, end that the estimated cost thereof is $.1097.,12 Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._.. 6.th..._.._........day of ........_._......_MR y_..,_ ............ .._....... 191.9._., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice , of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._......__.._.._...._ .. ............... 191........ r 1 Approved- ._ ....___.. ...._......._... 191....._.. 1 C�`i ' � �� Conn 1 adf�rnew rth r '�✓ ,, Mayor. 1� Coss t >gjmtmtt Claacy c- eiljvan Keller /' hlcCollV cibeen w—&r1wh j 'r,laata Hodgson S. A. 8-a 40 l 24677 i COUN�CIIPE NOS. ..... _._............ " y ............... o INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter 11-11 Ay. to_._s_.00int_50fet_mondAvue.-__,,,_„ _ a under Preliminary Order .......... 8.4475. ............. ............... approved ..: SarchlHth,....1919...._......_:.._.......... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the neture of the improvement which the Council reeommende is.._cOnet ruct a sewer .._.qp_Dudley.__Aveau.e.._from._Rythe_ Street_to .a. po.i nt _50 feet weet.of .the: .....West. lime_.oi_Aaymond.., Avenue. _______..._....__.._.._.___................ ...._..._..................... ...._.._....... ..... with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 8..._.73.4.00____. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....__.......s t.h..............day of ......._._K%.y__..,,_.................... ....._, 191.9.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Poul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, etoting the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ...._..................... ...__........__.., 191........ Approved..._ .............. 191_....... City Clerk-���( noyor.. Councilman FVnworth .......VV Commilmery ieaax Clancy Council- Reller cannenm 'alecml nncn fl�.' Nnpdcrlich ?mayor Yii Hodgson Form H. . A. 8,6 mcil File No. .............. PR —ALTOR IMPROVEMENT/ PETT�ION o t" -1.111a_'- ffia F 24678 .....anno, by the City If St. Pool, 'i': a._ 'Ib—danov be pm'me—h.a. o—'.— ..t Datedthi . ............................... PRELIMIN LYIRD Yl o. . 2 V- > WHEREAS. A written pm,mad of f., the making t a fail, 'g improvement, ............ ....................... ........... .. . .................................................... ............................... ...................... . ................ ............. ................................. ................... ............. .............. ................. having been patented w the C"llil of the City If St. Paul by C .... il— ............ therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th., the Commia.i... of P.blie W.A. be end he it hereby ordered and di.ded: I. To imIdliante tb,.—.ity for or deambility of the ..U., If ,aid improvement. 2. To imati,,ate the nature, extent and dti—ad coft ds -id imPollonent, old the total oft thereof. 11 To fumidt ,�pl:; -file or 1,teh of ,aid feep—orman, ....................................................... To nate whether or not .eid improvement i. a,ked Eor,p�ehe petition of twee or more owners. �To report upon ell of the foregoing mneten to the Commir,ionv of Finena. Adopted by the wonoil... —191 Y—: N.y.: C.-amem Fun, Orth Co.and Appr-ed 191 MMall Iry Ueh a Irvin y.r K 4" C ... ilmo. PRELIMINARY QRDR. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Following mpllvcm=t. vizc ....Gondeming-AP4 U4ing fAn p.a ..z .,.o U gradliag PleX06,8treet lrom-RQUYM Avenue—tv- univexpOY Ayenue - .................. — .. .. ... . ... ... .................. 11 ............... I ............ I ....................... — I ..................... ..................................... - ................ having how, pmsStd to the C-61 of the City of St. Paul by C .. Am,, ................... - ............... ...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Cmi,i,,a of NMI Work. be and he is bmby ordered and dierand: I. To i-ritipt, the ow,sity for ord,,imbility of the making of.,id improvement. 7. To j,!dtipta the so,tow. Intent and efti—ed wit of said imp -1111t, I'd the total wit shared. 3. Tofuro6hapl-.profile ., .ketch ofmid improvement. ......................... ........ .......... ............ o nate whether or not on �irop— or To report upon all h foregoing marten to, the Commissioner of Finassm Adopted by the muncif.. ......... . ....... ...................191........ yess: NW: C-6-1— Farn— Goes, Approved......._.._...... . -191 L Hyl d - 7 0 - If M M or. or 1.�hs c n, C ... if Fit, No. - 24679 The unde,,iped hwab`y'p�ro of M Paul, vin, C ... ilmo. PRELIMINARY QRDR. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Following mpllvcm=t. vizc ....Gondeming-AP4 U4ing fAn p.a ..z .,.o U gradliag PleX06,8treet lrom-RQUYM Avenue—tv- univexpOY Ayenue - .................. — .. .. ... . ... ... .................. 11 ............... I ............ I ....................... — I ..................... ..................................... - ................ having how, pmsStd to the C-61 of the City of St. Paul by C .. Am,, ................... - ............... ...... . therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Cmi,i,,a of NMI Work. be and he is bmby ordered and dierand: I. To i-ritipt, the ow,sity for ord,,imbility of the making of.,id improvement. 7. To j,!dtipta the so,tow. Intent and efti—ed wit of said imp -1111t, I'd the total wit shared. 3. Tofuro6hapl-.profile ., .ketch ofmid improvement. ......................... ........ .......... ............ o nate whether or not on �irop— or To report upon all h foregoing marten to, the Commissioner of Finassm Adopted by the muncif.. ......... . ....... ...................191........ yess: NW: C-6-1— Farn— Goes, Approved......._.._...... . -191 L Hyl d - 7 0 - If M M or. or 1.�hs c n, 'PROP4,,. °n%eilENT PETITION The-daeiened hemby p .pea [h.Lr t by the City of St. Paul, vi:.; Construct. sewer oa Jam °a aaa�.ar i'..to a point 186 feet west"of"8nelling Ave.o1•°vo` am.a.t rwoode Abe.to a point n18.5 ,aeQ.i. .n ..e..a,.. .feat...wast._of....SnellinBB...Atr:.,,o-.mm°v`o<raa Avanue...3xom..JeYYaseoa..Ava. to 75 feet north of Juliel:me" = _ 'et Str.to 75 feet north of Dated thi tlFn.........deypf.6gru�;T are / Connulm.n. / -� PRELIMI�RDER. C' •Y• 7 6 {�o WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of th ll-ing im� rot, viz.: ._C.onet.ruot...e.ewar._on_Jamee_Str.from Underwood. Ave. to...a point._185. feet ... west of Snelling. Ave.,on Juliet Str.from Underwood Ave.to a point 185 —feat- west --of— Snelling -Ave:and-on-MaoAlester- Avenue -from -Jeffereoh-Ave. to 75 feet north of Juliet .Stra,end from Juliet 8tr.to 75. feet. north.. ',of ""�P�eShoti St i:��end �from�P�elaott 8tr.t6 75 `fe��`horth oJamee Sir. and ..1z0m_Jemas..Str.to.. 75 feet north... of...Randolph...Str. h.dng been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pent by C.nncilm.n..._._........._...._.........._.._.........._.._.._._..___............ thvcfore, be it / RESOLVED, That the Co n nivviona of Public Work. be .nd he i. hueby ordered and dined d: I. To fn..Rig- the oecmdey for or de,habflity of the making of .aid ienprov.ment. 2. To fnvertiga[e the rotors, extent end ertim.eed mrt of ..fd improvement, and the total cart thereof. 3. To fomfrh . plm, profile or .ketrh of °aid impmvemmt. _3.—Taf .. rdm{el . To aero whether m not void improvament is inked For on the petition of three or more owner,. $'To report upon ell of the foregoing manem to the Cmmnfeai.." of Finance. AE.pted by the council .............._......... .......... 191 y..a, aNay.: Coundlman Farn.rth - - -; , q Coes rove - Appd.._..._...::_: �........._ .... ............._ 191__.. H d Leller CoII . Wunderlich........_..................._..........._......................_......__._.......... or Irvin Mayor. unv t PW Comm I Resolutions C.r�/8 `v - QT'S a_ G /l �J •�� gct�2r on- o - - 1- h J i gre.din� Popping Street from O>d'ord Street In the metter of - - - - - - - _ - - - - _ - - to Citatsr're rth 3trcet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -2 - - - _ _ 22014 under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - - - -> "incl Order - - - - - - - - Janurry --rd -1919. Approved _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _-EaOnJVSD� Tht•t the plans, specifications and ecti:a:.ted quantities submitted by the Cormaissi oner of =oblic Slor',s for the above pained i!aprovement be a.nd the some —, herebg approved. Adopted�by the Council _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1919. YC— nciLnen ' Clanc-r rn�"'o9��°z- ^ern- Ye or, - 7;1 Coll underl ich nr. Pres' cot odgson mayor Received all,pepere in COnnectlo above Resolut' f /AGI, /1 Deeacil Resolutions yp� ;� . V� fel' 11 ��e>SS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ grading Eleanor Street from Seventh - In the matter of - - --- -- -- ---- _treet to Chats•,rorth Street - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -2 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - - - -e Final Order - - - - - - - - Deoember tithe Approved - - - - - - - - - - - -1919. RDSUDLYIDe That the planes apeoifiaatlono andestimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Worke for the above named improvement be and the Sam are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1919. yeas- ( 1 Emil�afi a6 Councilman Clan mie gun° Yarn orthN, Gose III vrA y i Ila all W derliob. - 1919. Mr. Presi nt odgeon Approved Yor __ era in E,csijed ai, ove CJ _ t ITY OF ST. PAUL 3 �-�` ""'-��•�/, COUNCIL RESOLUT ION -'GENERAL FORM HciL NO. N()83 _..........� Die-Preaenttd•--_- L91l _ Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Joseph La Rue, out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of Thirty-six Dollars ($36.00) in final settlement of his claim for injuries reoelved November 30th, 1918, while in the employ of the City of St. Paul. Ihereby recommend a above resolu- tion foi,.�ae e. !P° unia`.n s°Ioi qr Commies o ublic Safety. (V) Nays Y/—ide.t, Adopted by the Council x_._.._191_-. APP d __... 19l no=lost-h gson nn.cn 'y o. oexcc NO In the matter of paving Woodlewn Avenue, from St. Clair Street to Goodrich Avenue; Fairmount Avenue from Woodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue; Princeton Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; Sar- gent Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue; Goodrich Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Avenue to St. Clair Street; and St. Clair Street from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard, including Sewer, Water and Gas Connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not al- ready made, also Snoluding paving of alley and driveway approaches, and oonstruotiag, ourbing where necessary, under Preliminary Order $24008, ap- proved January 1, 1919. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recom- mendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same, there- fore be it Resolved, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na- ture, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to pave Woodlawn Avenue from St. Clair Street to Goodrich Avenue; Fairmount Avenue from Woodlawn Avenue to Cretin Avenue; Princeton Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; Sargent Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue; Goodrich Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; St. Clair Street from Cretin Avenue to Mississippi River Boulevard; and Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Avenue to St. Claim Street, including the necessary sewer, water and�gas oonnections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also pav- ing of alley and driveway approaches and street intersections, also cement curb and gutter where not already in. The material to be asphaltic con-. Crete on a Portland cement concrete foundation except that fibre brick pav- ing block laid flat on a Portland cement conwrete foundation shall be used in the following locations: on Goodrich Avenue from a line 132 feet East of the East line of roodlawn Avenue to a line 78 feet Test of the West line of Woodlawn Avenue; on Fairmount Avenue from the East line of Woodlawn Avenue to the West line Mount Curve Boulevard; on Princeton Avenue from the West line of Mount Curve Boulevard to a line 232 feet West of the West line of Mount Curve Boulevard; on Sargent Avenue from the West line of Mount Curve Boulevard to a line 225 feet West of the West line of Mount Curve Boulevard; on St. Clair �tPrggty �kt1@�aet line of Mount Curve Boulevard to a line 160 feet EL a Boulevard. The roadway shall be thirty (30) feet between curbs on Sargent Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Woodlawn Avenue; Fairmount Avenue from Cretin Avenue to Wood - lawn Avenue; Woodlawn Avenue from Goodrich Avenue to St. Clair Street; Mount Curve Boulevard from Fairmount Avenue to St. Clair Street, and thirty-two (32) feet between curbs on St. Clair Street from Cretin Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevard; Princeton Avenue from Cretin Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevard; Goodrich Avenue from Cretin Avenue to the Mississippi River Boulevard. The Council hereby orders said improve- ment to be made. Resolved, further, that the!Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for .aid improvement and submit awe to the Council for approval; that 'upon said approval the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Yes, (4I C .... ilos- (V) Nays Clancy 'Farnsworth Goss Keller 'McColl ,,,,Against `/ Wunderlich M -17r -i 1cot, Hodgson Adopted by the Council_y/�.. ✓�G,�..'._. _..191 f. 1991 Appr/.o/v/eJd//...��... `. EfTBLIS\HE$—�����Qy x••�p rLOFJACII+ FILE, NO y � � �I G �J I E. ._ �� :ea FINAL ORD R Pav int C'oodlz�n ', v enue from St. Clair Street to Goodrich Ale Inthe Matter bf_..........................._..............._....................................._.............................._........._......._............_._ Paving Ra irmount :i venue from 7:oodlaen :,vemte to Cretin ::venue, ...7..?"A1+Tri9._Prt7Icl:tan...Imenne...f'rom._Cretin venue_.-tn_..,�1-sRissi. ..'Ttive.r._!5Tv3. Paving Sartent Avenue from Cretin .venue to "foodls' n.;',vlrue. i'a c,? GdeHri'd'fi "Gretia'n""'to"'"?.'issT"s"s'ijYpr-7'Tver""I'.T4H'i'"'"'""'"" :...._Pas inE._SL Cl+.__ir Street from Cretin Street to ::;ississiopi .River_ clvd. svin(t. Curs vo from h`zirmount „tee t. ._...in.cliu ing...s.ex,_.r.,. a1 s..r�nd...Gas ca.anea .ns i'rszm.., .Lr. * mins.. to...Rr..enerty line s. c Implete, "here not already made, also ine 1u6inC curbing and the ...."..pay.4nigan3...dr.iue.vay...appnnacc............. .......__...... 24008 Jan.15, 1919. under Preliminary Order....._._................._....__....._........approved......_....._._.........__..........................._.................._. Intermediary Order ................ .........................................approved ._........... ... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upan due notice, and the Council having heard-'aR persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the more; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - Dave P; oedlevn P.venu. from St. Clair Street to rentto b mn,7,, by the CiIY ie...'....._........._......_.._............._................._.__...._......................................_................ 4coc�r 0_ nv e •ave Po it _unt 'sen mfr .'oodl aenue o C ti Princeton ue, ............ '., nue.._io i r.s�i; i-AverPlv3. Pave ::venue from Cre n ..._.. ?n_ue._S=r.(;ent.._4. Pn...e_Sr.4.m._pretin...;i-Yer.y;,e....t9...°fgaclav"n_1,ve��ue ..............._............ Pave Goodrich -venue fro Cretin t t sir ipni iver 1vd. ---Pave-St„ 41a4 ., ftn ...t f o Pave IAt. Curve P1vd. fro�.n I•'a;"roust ,;venue to St. Clztir Street "including ........s.e.rer,...t'ater._.:ata...Ge•s-evnnec tior::y...From -s,r .t....m ins-Uo-.xro.l3ee.Uy....}ares .—Plete, v:here not aIread, made, also incivaiug durbins and the pavan„ "'t'iftT"'flf+Tver. "avar'ouch^e;._v'tr:re-necesesr,........._....___..........._._...._._...: and the Carole I hereby orders said ,improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that mpon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance tberewith. Adoptedy ..-.� :_......._...... ......_........, 191....__ .................. ` City Gler Approved..._t_e.... Daum+ ........ .. :...'_3._........., 191........ ........................_._._........................................................ C, - ,",IF Comml%.mi Goss Clancy Councils HTIM Conn ever +, Canna'l �I can /Co aeffes Wundfrlich May- May ' oc Cson Form B. S. A. 8-7. 9t.Paul,Nirn.April 8,1919. To S.w.Furnsworth, G.,mnissioner of Finance, fit.Paul,'.'.ir.n. Ffr,- Te the owners of property fronting on Goodrich. Ave..(bet.0retin h the T'tss.River Blvd.) do hereby protest and object to the paving of said Goodrich ave.as proposed in your prel L-inary order 24008,approved Jan.15,1919: for the reason that it is unnecessary,uncalled for,and at the present time opposed to the wishes of the majority of the property owners facing on that street. owner of 1- TIB? 517.nprLSF2<P,'AR all the land on the north side of Good - Re cter rich ave.bet,.Cretin Ave.4 the river 2_ 161,J(.0 `C L ------ Tot lIfRlk.l Kings 'Caplewood Addition 3 ��ru T-7 4-1 _,Lot l3 1,31k.1 4 �, ! �r!'�}_ _T otZBlk.l -1-, Lot`/6_Blk.l „ ��.0.<T,O�- Blk.l - (/ Lot -Blk.1 _-Lo t16-Blk.I ( " fG- ///' el 9 Rte`. Indicates streets to roe paved -15,000 ft. ''" '•'FT_�_."' - Indicates property owners already signed in favor of this Paving. 7,959.78 1- cs3 i O a> S N�'e° s m •V m •�' :'A o �ob,.x. Fkgt/v l._�i w mp E .f o� 0o f xlne Y yl 0 w w RY�` i Beth.`• �KinQ: P t` Edwards BP ere DO`S � n:8 ee � .�� �O 6 BPeera L 8P DO; Do W a { A,. �. Do. Do.4 Hledhof V, Do# I a . r v , no.4l Do.m � L, c < Do.,`° Do r i i Sp r K%9- ! 4t t,.y a e8he 8 sere �� - n ^' t�• n, h i ? B or�nt S 61 BPe%re RB neje Y o V 4 ° •> b y }'x OPLBA �' o EFp Ing n POfm 1 {'• m roi is 41 V ;7 ' Poe'Cz 0%rum'i ru .,t� Kaeµft � SL IC , 1rri• 1•,� w , l Macoaor t y, 1na� a t m .rP k BPe4re Lane �, 'I i c. ape$re }-Cuec9ner f �2 Do.y A {? t 'Y'��, Kind3' A {, 'i KSnngg Kingg r P.et 2 + D0.0 Bp�ere F � �Kinl�, ep"rs f.7 iK ng- R< Doe8L e ainB : s ere `._ KeeYe F "w' ti L YS18 ers c BpSere tKe B y ° °' K ➢n� e o w M --------------- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONWQIWSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY�OR15ER - In the Mattes( Pavia V' odl,wn -.venue. from St. C1:: it ;trnl:t to Goodrich :.venue Paving Fa Srmou venue free! Wood1:�^n :.venue to Crct In :venue. 1'wv inl Princeton .+venue from Cretin Avenue to !ississip2i River Blvd. avxng .;:. ren -venue roar. Cron-ven e to ':7a od lc-.wn ..ve alae. Yavi n� Goodrich yveneu from Cretin, to�ississll�i�i river Blvd. lav lnG S�(T �.t.ro— I re n ;:ve to :"issi ss ipni :fiver, Blvd. r YavSn.� sJ.t..Curve nl vd. fron: ;Teirmcunt venue ue to St. Clair Street, ' =:ri �s connnctionsn fro: reit m ins to _...._........._......_......._... . , iricl:ud n`ecircr"vlater .....d �• r •- o*•oFcrt;; ] ines con Fle t lrrt:d,Y ^- also enc lud in,, -- on, an Pavanr Ta e -S7 ytTrivev+uY 'p".. es, :•',ere under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - S— _ The estimated cost per foot for the above i akrovement is Cost,�Fr. front ft. Total Cost. Creosoted Blocks ..... ... ........ ...... ��r.-8 ,>l 2720.24 Brick ........................... .........S.GO 8B8C4.10 nsphaltl..................... ............S:.gB 59n1. -G Asphaltic Concrete .........................'.4P 51363.12 Concrete ................................ 3.15 40327.52 The lot, or p.—Is of lead that may be assessed benefits for such improvement and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ----'_--- 11 7 I:in Cs "c.n1e ''.'r:od. — --- _ 850 10 7 do 800 9.. 7 do H00 7 ,. do, 800 '.. 7 7'' do P.CO g-7 do 000 5,. 7'do - B00 4. 7 do 800 3 7 :. do 900 _ --_ - $TL. 13 5 TT OF BT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF coMMIQSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRFUmjNAFJY OFIDER DITIONATIQ pC9CB T 2 I Kinto Ioille Wood T 1350 X10 _.. 12 j do - Boo .. _. 2 do 500 _.-.. B 2 do sco 17 12 do 400 f l ., _. _. do _ 1200 5 2 do Boo y da _.. BOG - 3 2 do 800. 2 2 I do BQO __.. ... .._ __.., _. l.. i2 - _. do 95o _ 1 8 L. do 6200 �,.. _.... _ - do .. .. 825 11 (7.0 6 do 1150, ,. 9._ 6 aO 4400 _ .� I B 3 _. ____.. do 900 I',. I 050 17 1 1 do 750 10 1 _ do 4900 17 1 do 750 18 1 do .'575 19 1 I do 3925 _.. aA Ido _ .. - 57�. 2L 1 _ do _. .575 22 1 do 1575 23 1 do ..575 — 24 1 do ...._ ',575 cln Or ST. PAUL - OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAY ORDER A TION "N OE9CY I N LO 25 1 Kir. L., .ple 'lood 3,5: 12C I1 .. do _ ._ .._500 127 1 .do 5800 ao 5o0 do 5450 '.. 30 1 � do 50 0 _ �31 _132_ 1 do 500 I: 1 do 500 _._. _._ _... 133 I1 _. do ..575 i7 13 1 do 1050 16 3 do 575 5 13 j do 575 ISI _�3. I3 l do 575 ._ 575 1 3 do i V?5 i c 4 do i 4125 16 14 do 500 17 4 do 500 9 do i.C90b 15 4 _-- do c, 50014 14 do _,. 500: _ 4 do 9000 . ..._.13 12 _.11 4 do _. 500 do 4 I._ 675 y... ' I14 _.. 4 1 do C2 CITY OP ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT.OF COrtMt$SIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFty ORDER LOT p DIT 0 DI AL N !! 1� 4I NlnS 4c�ple ,00d.500 1d 4 do. - 500 _-..- 14, 4I _... _ do _. 500 '.. .:._ 4 do I _. 500. 41 do 500. _ do 500 10 41. do _ .._ _. 625 .. 15 31 )._ do 14 3I) do .5850-...... 31 do 57512 3.I- _._ do 575 _ ... 11 31 - do _ 575 –L 1¢ 31 do 575 -_ 9I 3 ._. do 575 8I 31 - do 000 _.I. li 2�. do 1350 ' 12 21 do ' 3400 ! L.- 11 5! do 625 !_ 21 51 _... _ do _ .- 500 1 31 51 do 5750 do 500 5I 5I do 500 ..__ _ do .. 5oo. 7 5 do 3200 .-- 81 5 do i 4000 ' ._. L. 9 5i do _ 625 .. _.. do 3325 '.. "-ofsr.F Fl DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE REPORT OF COI�Ny1MISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY. QRPER ESC iP N LOTA55Lu A IoNI. 2, 1 6 Kin6s Haple ood. 600 3 6 � do 600 ... 4 6 _ do 600 f.. 5 i 6 do 600 . _ C, 'i 6 do 4100 7 .. 6. i do 4100 )last 45 feet of 8 6 do 550 '. 'Nest 5 feet of A G .. do _ d B 6, I do _.. _... '. 4400 1 7 $o 1325 L.22 7 do 3400 , _ ...... 1A 5 do 625 .I __... _.. 171 5 d, '.4300 16� 9 I do 500 15.I 5 _ do I 500 'u i 141 5 I do _..._ _.. 5004 ' _ .. _. 13 6 1 do 500 12 6 da. 4500 II11I 5 do 500 ^ . _.. �...._ 10 5 L. do ,'.., 625. 181 6 do 625 176 I do 600 16 6 do, 600 q 151 6 do _.. 600 . 1.4 � 8 do 600 ' j 13 6 I _. do G00 _' CITYOP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COrAMIySIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAF�T ORgER IB) i e5—!`V NLor TION ses +, I.uA N Kinks ltpl. wood. 600 10 6 j 150 _ do 625 2 9 do 600 . 3 '1 _L.. _.. do 600 X600 4 9 ., - do -' .. ... 1 5 9 do 600 'tl 1 6 9 do 600 n- 7 9 do X600 8 9 do 600 9 ! 9 do 625 1 p. _ .. 2 ..6 do 600 3 p I do 600 _.. _... 4 9 do X600 ij 5 6 do 600 , do. 600 7 d ! p do 600 _. ...600 u a do i;.._ do.. ,f00 10 8 _.. _ _do_ d°. 4275 .. do 500 3 1 _._ do 500'x, 4 _. I ] do 500 5 1 I do 100 CITY OF S PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CON{MI%SIONER OF FINANCE REL ON PIMINA{6Y OR4ER IEII f LOT nA111TIONVALUATION 'I 7 .. 1 !, ;a Ls r':.plr. "-cod. 500 8 I do 3200 '.. 9 1 do .500 +- l0i 1 do 1 .575 - 11 1 do 575 12 1 •. ao. ! 575 f ].3j 1 i do 575 .... 575 151 1 I 'O 575 do 4900 i l z ao. 'a.. ' I 9 5 r. n _ do 800 ` L. Gov. Lot 3 in Sec. 5. Town 28, li.>r Le 23(Sxce pt SLree Ls) • 181 9 do _. r25 j_17 9. _. do_..GOO-_. .. 16'., 9 do GOO 15 9 - do GOO In 9 do 600.. I. ... do , 600 "., - lz do 9 1 '. 600 I • 11j. a do ! G DO . 10 I .. 9 do G25 �..._. _ _.. 1...191 8.1.._ do. - ! 625 18i do GOD 171 0.; do 16 8.1.. __._. do --r— TOTAL. -1600 �._.. "' OF sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONjMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINA%l ORI?ER n .' Des C tP ON 'LOT ODITION - Luan i14 6 1KinE aple '!lood 60o (15C '�, do 600 Post or (12 3 de ;1 . i VosL 2 B ,un0 d. ^12 7 Bio l510 , l0 19 i 350 .'.. .i 3 to 350 r ! 5 3 1n 91 St. i 11 Yo_I .. . Pn47 475 iI 20 2 do 475 'I 19 I, 2 do 475 ' lE ?. do _.... 475 17 2 I do 475 16 I2 do _-. _ _ 475 I...... lu g �.. r do 475 _... 14 2I do 475 ,4.75 _. - 13 2 I o 12-do 475 ., 11 2 do _.... 171 ...... 2. .Ie 475 of 5T. PAYL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF CONIMIIi§TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAFk OR®EFI ._ S5e SSED e,SCK, ION j LOT eLoee AooIT1oN ALU 'i 7 2 St 7ol.n's 'l0 1 Ct. Paul. I R:.rre;; co. .. . 12 do 1375 1 3 L' ICir.ce I'laple ';Mocd. '621-'. . 15i 3 do 5650 9 4 _ _do,. 4125 le l 4 do 625 5 ! ..do .. 625 -. 10i, 5 ! do C25 6 I do. -3325 ' 18 � 6 do 6 5 ;'.. _.. -'do 625 t 9'I f] do _ o do K i i I is i I I i The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, _ and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, togetherwith the report made to him in reference tosaidmatterby the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—/ / O —191./7 Commissioner of Finances Office of the Commi�sioher of Public Works r�sc n ��11 tsNSly E 33 "J Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 17 1919 February 15th, 8 .. .... ....... ......... ... 19L _... . 1b the Cmandssioeer of Finers of the City of St. Poul: The Caomissionrr of Publis Works, holing had under eomiderailon the prelimivaty order of the Cosn- 24008 January 15th .....191.9 sel wai ,Paving Iii, known ns Council Pile No......:._ ................ proved.....__. .......... . Goodrleh Ave. from Cretin Ave. to ]dies River iloule4ar Fairmount Avenue from Cretin Ave. to Woodlawn Ave.. _. _._._.__... .... .._.__.. .._ — .. ......_._. .. _.. _.._.... _..._.___. Prinoeton Ave. from Cretin Ave. to tdiss River Boulevard ..........._._Sargent...A4A..._ from.Cretin Ave...._to Woodlawn Ave ._......... .........._. ......__.. at. Clair St. from Cretin Ave. to Envies River Boulevard _Woodlawa.Avs.. 3rom._St_._..0.lair_.,St to Goodrioh. Ave._ ._ _......_..._. ............... _. Mt. Carve Biyd from St. Clair St to Fairmount Ave and haviug investigated lite mutters and thiugs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement .......y and (or) desirable. 2. Tile aeaimsted east thereof is, and the total Dost thereof is }........... _._.... .... ._............., and the nature and extent of said improventott is ne ratio,,. ...._.--- --- ..............__ _.__......__. ... __... 3. APlnn, Profile or eketeh of said improvmnent is hereto nttnahad and nuulc n port hereof. i. .. .........._._. __.....__ ....._.........._ ............ .. .. __..._ .......:__ i. Said improvement ie___..._.........._....._asked for span Petition of three or more. ownets of property, ,object to assesentott for said improvement ._ _. ...... Conastat er of PnLLe Works. St. Paul, Minn., 1928. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen— We,the undersigned property Owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following Im— provements to tie made. Paying Woodlawn Ave., between St. Clair St. and Goodrich Ave. :Paving Fairmount Ave., between WoodlaWn Ave. and Cretin Ave. Paving Princeton Ave., between Cretin Ave. and Mississippi River Blvd. Paying Bargent Ave., between Cretin Ave. and Woodlawn Ave. Paving Goodrich Ave., between Cretin Ave. and Mississippi River Blvd. Paving St. Clair St., between Cretin Ave. and MISSISSIPPI River Blvd. Paying )At. Curve Bldv., between Fairmount Ave. and St. Clair St., with asphaltic concrete Z> -- - - - - - - - - KING'S MAPLE WOODI..# - - - - - - - - - - JG Y-o - PEERS, i e KING MAPLE WOOD -15,59 .1 -2- 234-56 SPEER fmited 2�. 0 IN N PEE S 't 50 SPEER 0 0`-2--O. -El"S' it'd _2 50 0 9 0 N A M E � m LOT BLOQK ADDITION o -KZICL -a - uABLE - IKOQD 50 0 -4) KING'S MAPLE WOOD 227.89 22 - 0 P- - 204-30 -7- 0 --i-0 196.55 --.1-0 --4-o 50 o --5.-o 50 0 - -5.--- 0 50 0,_-g_0 50 0 -6. - () 50 _10_0__6_0 216.26 -14-0--(L-0 50 - lz - o 50 -y6-0--6--.0 50 1 50 252_70 0 '50 5o 4 7 - 5 7 !�O 46-7 -7- 46-7 9 o o 46-7 PE:J! jfFj J, 50 -19_0._7__0 50 1 - 1 -7- 210.93 10 . 93 _12-0--7--0 202.81 -8- 170.17 o 50 --3-- S- 0 50 —Y-- 0 0 50 .5 0 0 50 0 0 50 m m �mm N y It E LOT BLOOK ADDITION TN KfSPEERS. L, it.t, K/ -8 - - - - - Li ited- - 50 -L — 0 — 0 KING -B YAPLE WOOD 5 • • o G-8PEERS, imite NG 'RS I. ed 25 e- -o -o 50 NG s R XIN 50 -0 pl -SPEERS. L' lti,dJL1 a. 50 Kl G-SPEERS U - ize !GSE S ml0 o �.17 - -6- �O tO 50 170-17 8- R i itel 50 8-, L—t d 50 G- RN ed 50 -8 ml 50 Li ited -9 e 170-17 10o 170.17 -0 --9-- 50 -1� 2 50 11-bftE 8, Ll lltt� 0 5- RIND -ft I —t, I — -8 R e o -0 50 --I� - - - - - --- - - - - - so 0 j x" j-4 -0 r o -l- o 0- -7 Aft - pi L, N' A, M E LOT BLOCK ADDITION - Front aEe R ' ?s y�/6977. .21 J Y-a'�" _ _ C"• p - p MAPLE WOOD� 7 .73 . +_KyINGG''.O O - - -moi -- c) � - - o - - ,� " �'s9•'7 -j�-- -- p&Y7 o_ -%]/r h��✓�i�j/7p - 200,68 --- i9 9 „ -------------- o --- a ---------- ---------- ----------------0---p " „ -- -- --- -------------- - ------------- p' -------------- -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- 0 --- (, =------- - - - - -- O - -- (, --- „ „BLiRti�.0 �, �n..ERS• _ ----- -_ _____ __ __ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ q -- -- -- ---- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- HJL[�RSR M 24r--r 2— No ........... - ....,._.. ...J.......... .. _ ....._. _ ................ _.___... ... Resolved, In the matter 'of condemning and taking for park purposea the folloviing deeoribed land under Prelimirlary Order 1,24112, approved January 28th, 1919, and Intermediary Order 1724388, approved :,Arab 8th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Fiorlm having submitted his report and plat in the above matter, be it EESOLVID, That the City of St. Paul hereby fixes and determines the amount of land to be taken forthe above named improvement to be as £ollrnas: All of Fuller's Sub-Division of Block 87, Dayton & Irvines Addition, except the part taken for Summit Avenue. a.I `°i �R rae.896 °Z. I - I1n� a t$ne ii tz, M ^. r9 11 Yeas(I)Coancilmen( Nays' 1. ' Adopted by the Council.... - Clancy Farnswo h ` / 'Approv ................._ ._. 1�.. ..........191 Goss P" F. 7 .16 6 . ..... .... _. ... _.. _.......__......�IYV'�/ underlich awms �" Mr. Pr idem, Hodgson Milu of 6t. Maul Uppartmrat of IlubUr Marks -F.EPOHT TO THY COU!iCIL- -In the matter of condemning and taking for park purposes the follow- ing described land under Preliminary Order '„`24112, approved Jac_ 2ctn, 1919, and Intermediary Order J,1$4388, approved :'arch Sth, 1919. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works hereby submits and makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above improvement, snowing the land necessary to b taken therefor by the shaded part of said plan, which land is more par- ticularly described as follows: All of Fullers's Sub -Division clock 87, Dayton & Irvine$' Addition,except the part taken for Surrmit avenue. Com Mi s eioner of u lic U Dated 7e ___ CATHCART & MAXFIFLD REAL ESTATE ANDINSURANCE .o. v.vn¢Sm. Pnv�oM�nx.e nv,.°r_1 7, 7.5'1G- . Tarn a'.1 n rth, 10!L. 0 j"i ne.r.o r, Ccurt House, CITY. ➢ear SL Hap resantin� Kendall, tha oc+r.ar e; Lot 1, Culvar Farringt on'a Subdivision, •ae heraby vi oro'aaly protect »ga-.nst the propoaad is. IeV— nt of conle;,ning lan.i aor para _n i'uller'e Subdivi- sion cf }bods S7, Dayton Z Irvina'a 1,d;lition to St. P_.�1, unci the tonus que❑t spread of »a aas3ruant �6k4 ac: _, j . {lyp$r sT. PAUL - DEPARTMENT F. FINANCE REPOR7 OF COIiDMI OF FINANCEON P N$R� ORDERNER tn) _.. 'drill 1D the Matterof Condemn and takeand appropriate for the gurpo ee and use of a public park all of Fuller's Subdivision of Block 87, "ayton'and Irvine'. Addition. under Preliminary Order approved ----- ---- --- To the C... eil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated am... tat the assessment for the above improvement is - - eo $ a� The estimated cost per fool for the above improvement is . . . . . . $ The lots - paTedrof land that may be assessed benefits for such impr... ammt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: for ADDITION ssEssED DESCRIPTION (Except S. E. 3 ft. of Subdivi.ion of L1ock 87 in Land .2600' F. E. 54 feet) (((5 Dayton & Irvine Addition to B.3000 6 St. Paul. �. 7 - do L 1550 B. 1700 d0 L. 3800 9 do 110 do L.2550 13 do _ 14 do 'L 4325 ; – .ons e CITY OF FAUL DEPART"T OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRCLIMINARY ORDER l lBl _ _ eseR oNADDITION 15 - Subdivision of Block P7 in L.700 "ayton k Irvin's Addition to ., 16 St. Paul. - L., 675 - '.17 do B. 3000 :. All that part of Lots 16 and 19, _ lying between the ncrthaceterly line of Let 4, and thesoutheasterly - -- line of hereinafter dee bribed part '' do L. 1650 '- of lot 3 extended to Selby Ave. also ,. B. 2400 Northwesterly 2 feet of Lot 3. All of Lot 4 and Southeasterly 3 feet' of North-sterly 54 feet of Lot 5. ,. That part lying Northwesterly '.of a line which is the northwe.-,terly do L. 150 line of Lot 4, said S.bdivision extended. to Selby Ave. of Lot.18.': - - - ' Lot 2, except northv:esterly 35.80'. .. ... ' feet thereof; also all that part : of. Lot 19, lying bet,.een the north,- terly do _L. .900 and Southeasterly line of the'.atove described part 8.1550 of Lot 2, extended to Selby Ave.; also i.Lot I. � All that part of Lot 19, lying - 'between the northwesterly and _ I. southeasterly lines of the 4hereinafter described part of '.Lot 2, do - L. 700 ' . extended to Selby Ave.; also South- b B. 2400 north-! :westerly 35.80 feet of Lot 2 i TOTAL. CITY 01 ST. PAUL DEPARikENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRVrLIMINARY ORDER (C) bESIR!PTION LOTrc ..TION As.cas.. VALUATION Subdivision of block IT -87, All that- part of Lots 18 and 19�, 1 in Da$ton & Irvin's Addition ying between the northwesterly and to St. Paul. outheazterly lines of the herein- fter described part of Lots 2 and , cztcndeed to Selby. Ave.; Also inor4h- do L. 1675 eisterly 11 feet of Lot 2, and E..Upt orth,,esterly 2 feet of Lot 3. B. 2250 Th. C.Nard.aion- of Finance further p-ts that he has investigated .11 of the aforesaid matters, and hereby -brafts, the foregoing as his report there,, to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-.-....-.__ c Or sr. FwuL DEPARTMENT OFF F COMMISSIO �s1?' O REPORT O V F FINANCE _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) LOT AD-- I LUATION --- —� 1 64 Dayton 4 Irvine's t.diitien 17000 to St. Paul. (Except 3rd Street) C4 do _ 3300 (Exce;;t 3rd Strcct) 3'.. 64 do 8000 - (P'xcent that, r rt t.n'reof, �y ick D. a, h;•r sterl.y of "Loge- ,all situp ted on s:•.id list, . br1rC 5.77 feet more or )ess; and that p,rt taken fro onenin� 1400 of 3rd Street) 4, G4 do The follovil[ 0—ribed,p vt of Lots -,i - - and 5 Kock 64, tv ton F. lry ne's �.dd it on to St. P ui; reEin �iaE 'at t,hp northe. e:'terly corner of said Lot 5, thence tli, 'a point oil - the southeasterly line thcreof '.2'L.Bf: feet f'ro V, northc:. rterl,. corner of s:. iii I•ot, 3.25 tLence on =.i. line pr•oducod 5.03 feet more or less to st" ;;•21l situ:: Levi terl., on said Lot 4, tl.rnc north e to a point, on Sell-, ,vs. 7.C6 fe 4 E:'. sterly from the aforesaid ;dor LheasterIy corner of -Lot 5, thence ':'.e:'terly Ito tietidn in6. '. Ry. CO.) I:ot 5. B. 64 do (Excopl part to City Ry. (3650 And all th:.�t Part of I.ot 4 said block lyint Morthv-esterly of the stone v.,all situated on —id I:ot b XnII 5.71 .. . feed, more or less; except thtt,pr• of said Lots lying Northe sterly of'i the follo inG described line; Commencier at the northwest t.d on the. - corner of said lot 5, thence apoint south. -.telly line thereof .22.85 feet from the northeasterly corner, thence southeasterly on same line produced 5.63'. fret more of les.^, to the aforesaid stone wall. 6 64 D:.yton k Irvine's Addition L. 9700 .,.. to St. Paul. IIS (Except Scar 57 feet 7 64 do o ) i.. .. 2800 7 64 do 6650 :. 9 b4. do - 13200 (Except Southweaterly 8 fae,t )6 'do 31900 Scuthwerterly 8 feet of'. 9 64 ) do 8400 _ TOTAL. „ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FI1 ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO�400t OF FINANCE ' ON PRErINARY ORDER oesCRIPTION ADDITION 1 Otis":arr,: nlemc nt of Lots 11, 19125 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, Block 2 64, Dayton'?: Irvine's Addition 60025 to the City of St. Paul 1 Kal❑an's Rearrangement of Lots 9500 . -1, 2, 3 and 4 o Block 59,'Dayton- -' 2 & Irvines Addition to St. Paul. 11025 3) do ) The south o.cterly of ) 10150 alley (or strip) north- ) ea. terly of lot. 3) do Northea:'torly 55 feet of 1 Culver & Farrinvton's Subdivision 8875 I St. Paul, Minn.. _ (Extent northe:.sterly 55'--1 ), feet d. 12600 r,a_t of strij) 16 fent wide): south of Lot 1 )I do (Except City's P:mt) 2 do 13000' ..... Strip and 1 59 Irvine's Enlargement of Rice 8000 and In 59 do 5400 3 59 do 6200' Southerly Vac. alley adj- cining and except Cit,'s 32 -59 do - 4200 part also that, strip lying betseen the northerly line. of said Lot an d the - south rl� line of Summit Avenue. Il.. I,f V::c i Southorl.,i alley31 9 do 4200 adjoining; also that stri lyinE betl.en the northerly line iof slid Lot 31, and the southerly- - line of Summit -Avenue. Strip in front of & North, -ie Irv.ines Enlargement of Rice. _.. of vac. all.,, adjoining and and Trvines-ddition to the 4200 7 :29 ,59. _ ! 1'or:n of -t. P:::ul(9's. 57_ to . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF 0OMMISSIqN0–R OF FINANCE ON PREkIMINARY ORDER DcscRIPT1oN SISSID ADDITION ALUATION (Rxc Pnt oouth 12 feet of 'Irvine's Rnl—L—tat of Rice :'leaf 20 feet. for public' ' u6d Irvi.e.^, Addit.Lon to the Town alley) A strip front of an.^. :of St. Puul, (9's 57 to 62 and 66.) Fast 40 feet of North -':'of - vac. alley adjoining and 28 59 4200 Strip in front of and 27 59 do 20625 25 59 do 82350 ._(2459 do ( 40275.. (E-1pt 6th Strsot) (23 59 do That part of .at 20 59 do 17500 and of 'lock 59 Dajton and ' - irvine's 'ddition lyin C, easterly of a line; Commencing a:l', a',point -- - - no nprtherly line of ColleGe -`- Ave. 20 feet, northerly frnni the - southeasterly corner of slid Lot 20, _ thence. northerly parallel to the, `--- easterly line of said Int to a p. -int on the souti—ly line of 1 - Mulberry Street. All that yart of Lot 20., 'loci. X59 Irvine& E.1 rC—ont of 15550 Rice and wine' AdditYon to the Tovm of -t ul and of'91cck 59, Dayton and Irvine. ;,daiticIn described re fo11-1 ; commencing at a point on the northerlf, like of College Ave. 140 feet`corterly: from I.!:^ easterly line c".3rd street, thence ortbaa11.11j elo-L said College Ave. to a point 20 feet'v:esterly fromthesouthe-rterly corner of said lot 20, Ithence nortk rly.. r-alle] to the uFterly line of' said lot to a point, on Ahe „outh.rly line of !:ulberry 'St.- to a pejn t 167 feet easterly from.tl,e P— terly line of arc: t.., thence salad-.erly to the point of berinning. - All that part of Lot 20„ flock 62, Irvine's. Rnlartement of Rico, 102000 and Iry Lro. 1ddit 1- to the, To:¢; of Paul alld of 41.o c 59, . Dayton r d 1 vines Addition lying v -torly of a line; C .encing at a.p-,int on tl-.e 1 ins of Coll,- .'.ve. 140 11 from the e1.terly line of 3rd `'t., thence north+.^terly to a point on the southerly line el 11alberry St. 167 fast easterly from easterly; _. line of 3rd Street. 1 61 Irvine's Rnlargec.;ent of Rice_ .19225 (Rxcent "Illy 24 feet) 2�:1 '. and Irvine's ,ddition to t.he. 11500 !•. To'.vn of. St. Paul (P's 57 to:, 62: and G6Q CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI*gR OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - • E:.sterl.y 26 feet of, 3 61 lrvi e EI I' cement of Rice 1100 :. ndlrvi es •'d<liti.�n to the (r:,xce Pt E.:r terly 26 feet) 3. C1Town of tet- daul (A's 57 to 11300 " '.62 and 66) �. fert)4� 61. do (Exon pt _o:'tcrl.y 28u 3225. . ':•'est 28' fret of -4 Cl do 2850 �.. 5 GL. do ... G til.) do 30100 Plcrthwest 5 Inchon of 7 '., 61) do (Except IJorthwest 5 ine.ho. do. 12350 - . 7 ' 61 (Except North,+csterly 30 f0eet bl' _.....-. 5475' do-. 11 ^orthmcsterly 30 fent Of 8 61' - do " - 2450 61 do .. 10225 - (Except southwesterly 24 do 1705 - 12 61 feet ) .. :. .,. 13 Eli do 10000 L. ' ( 1 O'Hal loran Re anfm ,Oment St. 6675 Paul, Kinn. _..( '( do 2 .... 3 do 112,0 1 Tu—bull's Subdivision "A". 16400 - 2 1 do Commenc iog ata Point an southerly line of 1'1el sr.nt —0.43 feet 4650_ southx es terly from northea t cornerof Lot 3 lurnbulls 5 b."F." hence southwesterly on o thdrly line of Pleasant Ave 2.0 feet, ' — - thence southecs rly at ri.Lht ant;lcs to Pleasant Ave. 97495 100 feet to sent?.easter ; line of said Lot 3 produced, thence, northeu sterly - -On said .t mentioned line 20..73100 feet, thence in a --- suh North- . G sesterly direct 91.745100 feet to place of oRice .., Ce int pert - meat - of Lots 2 and 3 Plock 62, o£-Iry ineREnlargement to Rice and'Irvines Addition. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO(40R OF FINANCE .. - ON PRELi1MINARY ORDER eiocn Asses O 09SCRIPTION LOTAOOITION , vALUA ON Cc nenct G t a "'int on sc th I. ].Inc of Pl-- t ;,In. f—t 5000 th •;t rl,/ fra- 'orth --t� 1 coon r o f Lot a, TI -.b 1 s Sb.?.' t ;nce rc f t u,.s LerlJ On ou on o L L, 1L f s nt— _.. 20 feet, Lbonc sO t .LorL -t i,et L1e5 L ]. nt v 47. A75 frit to,uth terl Iion f 'i(I Lot 3 roduc d tt nce n rtie.. tcrl,' along r,I to ...tinned li-ne ,.0.73?100 feOt., thence n rtt+^ rl. ES"..'S/100 feet to oboe of h F,in,,inL,. B^ IL Ll. rt of Lot 3 in Hilo IL1 Lv is ion, nd part Of a Lot 2 Plocl( '-,-f !.Irvin ,s E••.L"-rt,e�enC of 3ice :.nd 2 lrvincs Addition. ' - Comme::cinC, st northe:-rter]y �c oroer of Lot 5, Tur b,IA. Subdivision 5000 the c t:nl e to lj ,it�.erl 1 O of ?Io , E 'l3 -frit hence tb--cterly t ritht iLles L ilem>. L ➢ v3J/100 feet to sOuLheast rly lthe f Rid lot 1.hence northOrl al SnL is P.: st•er ly 11ne 1 .➢➢/10C t t to so to -a f. r] co ,e of s- , Lot 3 thenen. port c t:=r ly al L ,= - li lige -:iI Iet 79.F4-/100 feet to plcce of bc, i.nni.IG. --C ?art of Lot 3. ('.4 Tnrnbull's SubCily Lsion (i _ 38P. 50. .. 5 i ', do d. All•.that, p"_rt of 7 t 1 J nL R "ICO,'. nt of ra, t of Ploolc s. torly of 11 n 1 n'fro 511 ty t+:o (C ) of Iry es PnlnrCelrert a point on the soutl rlj;, line to and Iry ss alP Cticn to _ of-s''id Lot 61.1 f—t nnete'rly - �St. ?a Wb. -.14000 '.. from the t:. tern, corner - thoroOftO 0 print on the', north- e rly line of _sold Lot 48..44 fnct esterly from the nort.har stony corner Mir—, - All t.l: t rtof Lot I., Of R .rrant;e .Icr. t. Of nloc:< C2 of Trvines EOI—Er e-rnt 1 int t rly of a li3O dramn from a point on the s tthe rlj -li e of, I.et 3, C1.10/7.00 feet _ ' - - •n ertcrl'y frcr U-1 rot.tb—St,71Y O nor thereof to a point 6700 nn the nnrtbcrL, line of'�.s joi Let 4➢.44 feet v,Ictlrly frcr: the Re r .. nCe.:aent of part of Plook 62, 6500 ofTrvines P 1-r ement-toRion and 3 Iry Ines ..d;'ition to St- P:.ut 26600 :.a .�.. -do .....12350 _.. 11600 5 do .... ' CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSKOAER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1.95-1-11 N ADDITION VALUATION All that o.,rt of tet 2 and 3 31 -ex 62, Ittvi, r l—Lomont °00 . or,n l i:ie dra,V,.P'r 111-1 lith Smith and ' 1 felt >Lerly L refrom '. oul.hert, of a li. dr"en uL " r1; F.t a glcs to Pt - 't ',V-ofrom o �o -,L On v nuc 1.. " feet seu L}.rr'; fro I. .:esl erly 1-cer of T,O t` .urnb,OI S'.:h. I,' ., E;:, 1, crly 10 fl,t of Lot 3 P1 -d; G2, Trvin.s Enl.arL^lent of 7100 - - 3101 and Try Lno ;,dion to Paul. , It it 1':. 62?wines Est_,,. 8775 - Rices nd' rttticn to . (T:::cePt SI-ets) 1, C12 the T e `t aul. (-5 57 2 11102 i to C? -.Id r.G) frr.cept `,tree>.$) 7 G7,) lid - . � Of 5'St. C2) do -Part south ,1 - - ' r'lorth—i,t 40 feet of ,11t. _ 30 feet of (lU G3 do ( 3400 I - L!cr th.cr st 40 fectdf (11 62 'do V Scutt:^_ rtnr]; T^vi.::ec I:nl,.r —rnt of .4850. Ric, and T—ires Sedition to - - :the lO,n Of POnI (? C:; . 64, and G5. ..... ce"I"Una, L, atift tl rth r, t rly lire r'n cf i . CITY OF Sr. PAUL - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMI$SIOI, E OF FINANCEON REPORT PRE4MINARY ORDER 1 . lBt _ rtjjtO jy 44 felt of 2 03. Irvine- l' L: .ni F.: Try 35 fent 'If u3'�.cf 3t 1'ul ("'s G71 C4, _ ) _ G3i. do 2450 westerly 25 feet of - (T ---,t loony 36 11/12 fbet) do .. 3000- 03 ... .. S'1;].y 2p 11/1.2 ft. of '- - do 11650. N 1°ly 3f, 11/1.2 ft. of 4 G3' For oIrt of Lot 4, and f• do - 3200' and all of 5, -le PnCes', - 25 a 25 R. 25C. - - ... S'P.ly 20 feet of t. 63'.' �o_ - ,.... iJ'711g 40 feet of b 63'. do 41„�ly. 20 feet of 7 63'. do .. - ta'P1,- 40 feet of F. -c 7. 73,i alley ad;;• - a :. do G3 4225_ FurtlY-in Tlatyom 2 lrv,,Os63... do 1275 Addit. inn. . The :dorth—v terlY a feet of L t',4 -- - part of Lot 5 lyinc south terly of :I Linc frog a pc;int en 3rd Strr,et 24.33 feet no rth,,1,btP1lY lot to a -3200 ` from the ;^ost F.,terly comer of .I�id he st F. ley in said bloc., 22 feet north- - Point - ®e-terlyfrom t ,.. st so t: r11 corner If I'll lot of nice scd flein2 in 57.ocU f„ Irvine's nlarGement _ Irvi-S. - descrlbed Ip rt of i�Lot 5, K—k 63, - -. The follovlin,, Hent or. Rice nd'lrvine ,dditior Co.n e cin[,' Irvine- i'nl r[;e a es SI on tl outhrve terl 1 -nn of 3rd St 2- 3 f et id- Lot at u dr thte Lerl,-fro^t the m -t Easterly co Her of s '.a on the clic; oUld Floc::, thence sOutb-n terl, to P)Lnt - southerl corner of 3400 22 feet ,northvresterlY from th^ most rly Mont, said alley. 26.03 feet,, sold lot, thorn- nu t vm t llel Iith .he north .=.'.erly nine of thence northe„terl- PeIl on {he of resaid south,I�e torly line of, - so id to t. to a P �. It said line --.',.3.a5 feet to to betinnln2. 3rd St., thence along CITY OF — PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQN�ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Lor cn . - OeSe TION oDITION VALUATION The foPo iinE dose ib d' u. -rt of 10t5 i d 6, nine 63, 11100- I—Ino `s EnlE%.r0e:acnt to. Kice and lrvli, ' :,ddli.i�ln; Cor,cncioL at a point on the µt111': ste•ly line of , 3rd St. 47 feet 4. xthla ie ly fr-11 the ---t ::—terly corner of said Lot 5, thence norto terly long said line of 31d f.t., 33 f'"' thence nOVth-t L k•ly atr1(.ht angles to a point on the n—the. cterly line,of al ley in said block, thence " rc x.the"cterly along staid alley 3.', foot, ;.hence northo�.sterly to hcgio:,ing .. Par tIytbay ton alld Irvines 10'' 63' Irvines Enlnrge:,lent of Rlcc 4i'03 :,.ddition. and Irvine. ,dditton to the Partly in iayton oral Irvines.. 't'o'.^r. of St. 10000 - Addition. add 65.) 12 63' do 3550 13. 63 do 2550 - 1a. 63.. do 2550. 15. 63, do 76075 16. 03 do - (' 1 70 Dayton 2c lrvine's .addition St. Puol. - - 64200. .. (2 70 do 3 70 ) do 459400 - 4 70 ) do 5 70 ) do 6 70 ) do 7 70 ) do (Except Street) 0 70 - do 10'125 ( 9 70 do _.. _. 10 70 •do 42350 `. ( ( 11 7.0 do - 12 70 do 2750.. 13 70 do .. 2750 14 70 do - - —, —_ -- 5 5(y- TOTAA I CIW OF . PAUL i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOT(VFIR OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER e5c Iot 30 rind 1 also Vlalnut D Loa &•lrvi Addition St. vacated lyin[ bot aen the'. to t P-1. 90150 southerly lice of S.—it — Lind the northerl; linr'of Iry Cne Ave. produced across said St.rcet. 49) do - 3 69) do ., 60200 Northeo.,terly 10 feet of 4'. 69) do _. (i,r.cept N'fil.y 1.0 feet ) (4 69 _ do i5. E° do 80575 (6 69 do 69 do 14650 Lot 8 and strip of 8 - do 35150 lend 16 feet ,'Lida between, leis 8 and 9,also all Lhat part lyinL capterly - o£ a line p:-a11'I :•. ith 'mil 30:feet - wesl.erll' from, at ritht vntlesto the c ter of s,id strip of Let 9. All that p^rt of lot 91e d 10'nl.ek 69, D. tcn-& -' Irvine's .•dditl. n to St. 1 u1 7nunded oil the '.st by a line 30 is, t "I sterly, from, ;A r•itht and parallel with the center fine of al ley b twer:n Lots B and n a.ad bounded on the Test by a line drawn frot, a point on the sout.herlylins of S-mit Ave. 67.55 feet I', st.er Sy fro. the :'. orth,•�esterl.y corns f Lot 11 to a'. poiat on the a 0 r therly 11nc of 'rvi.;e Ave., 88.54 feet Ea.terly fromthe south—sterly - corner of said lot 11 in said block: That part of Lot 10 blo a 60 Day ten & Iry i ce'e Ado it ion to St. Paul, 1 r ,:eaterly of -.a 1. ine dra— fro point - on the southerly line of u mist Ave., 67.15 f: t ;asterly lot 11, to - int on - 33575 from the north,-ecterly'. corner of .o the northerly line of Ir—re Ave,., 66.54 feet Snr terly from Lhe southwoster].y,corner of said lot 11 ..ad all of - - -- said lot 11, '1oc!c 69,', Di_tan c'y. Irvines-dditinn to St. '.( 12 GB Dayton & irvines :,dditi.n ( 1 to St. Paul. 58500. ( 13 69 do - CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOtIE)R OF FINANCE, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT .1— ADDITION VALUATION DMICRIPTION (E ce pt`11wly^222 feet Dayton & Irvino's ^dd SUlon 5150 3l o —tarld 7.0 feetof said to St. Paul. Tlorth-71 Illy 222 feet of) :1G G9' (Except LacterlY�10', .feet) Northwesterly 222 fee 41000 of 16 6U' do Easterly 90 flat, of 171 G9 do 11500 (Ere.pt Easterly 40 feet) 17 Ga',) do .. Easterly 50 feet of if G9')I `, da .. 65825 (Except 50 ' is 69 do 2475 _..._._ So,+.etelly (Except .,ouths terlY rect do 0200. 191 G9'. - - Soutl:wes telly' 35 felt of ] f,9 do _ 10675 .- r 20 Fig do 67650. 21 69'. do 7.7450 .. :.. .. _. 2,- G9: do 3 69; do 43250. ThIlt 1wrt. of Lot 25 lYieL - Ea•,lerly of a line Ilea --n froom �:. a point o^. r.^rth'ro=ter7.y line -. " of said lot 69.76 f+et firm! do 44'350 ,y serthrst- l o per 1). "'of G9'� to .Int, ., e., 1 �r -Ad lot, -1-(T 1'cet froe F, enthe,, ei telly c.rnr^. also all of Lot 24• - All that port of Lot 25, 916th 69, Dayton & i—i .'. ^dditieo _to Paul, 1 i C Westerly of '.a lin d—,kn from a p 1.t on the nor tht`-ceterly lino of �,u: lot 79.76 feet from nor t*c n rth'++ .tell;; ,. 70275--' _ " corner, thereof to a point or the quth ,terl;j lir, of Inid Lot,' 24.08 feet fro:.: the outheaeterl cer-,er, thereof; '', also th„t pp.rt ... ” of lot 27 Li Easterly of a line dravin fro-nthe nnrthe terly' irvine corner of said Pot Lo a point i the present northerly line of. Ave. 10.27 feet fro: the —'lth uctegly corner of the aforesaid lot and I all of lot 26. TOTAL, PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIgWkR OF FINANCE ON PREVMINARY ORDER 1 ' (B) _—.-- AODITI vn1_u no A11 tht p'. rt of Lot, 7 lylnt I irly of n line dr' n Cro�ithe Lh^ r. 57275 - no h:.•�.ter� .e. nor cf . in 1 1 t,I •w. po LnL on ,t em the sowh, Lc r1Y nortt et"ly line of .Iry ine ,:vr. 10.27 frot,fr .s end th:.t of Irvine - cornu of said lot.; :'.1 su all of Pots 28 ,r.�rt adj.ini.(, lyi.r bst,vea the n scent nor thcrly' ].ins of da id Ave. and the southeusterl Y,'11n 01 said lots 28 Ord 29, all in Dayton ;:nd Irvine'. ••dditfen to „t. .'Iul. est ;, of: Llle.y Vac. Ind 1' ) Druke's Subnivision of Lot. 11. Ind 15, Plock 09, DIYU-6 and the City of 34025 (L:cept ",sterly 10.A7/100) ry ine. Addition to �' feet on ..^,u:nn:jt AVe.anQ ) St. Paul. 9.13/100 Pest. wide in rear') - - - "tent,erly 10.57/1.00 foei, on 2 1 .. Su"3t •-vc. .:ud 9.]3/100 0 . ..feet vide i 'r. I L (F c •i ..I. incl. in lot 1. cf 10000 i 2' c'1' 1.' Z. . � -:'. ,. T .. ��.�'� 11976 3 do 26475 1/2 of 13 74 Dayton el Irvine's add it inn 23400 grsterly to St. Puul. "!,sterly c of 12 71 do incl. in E of 13. V'Pst 5 fret of P;,st ',- of 1.2 74 do the folloviing: Colonel int' at a'. . - ro �4est saint on Suwn'it .'ve .> feet from _ - line of Iot 11, 91al.1 74, Daytonand Tr vines Add it len, - - thence e 11thwIst via".,: re lineofd Slu"T't �.ve. F fest, thence -north lest to --e. Line of lot 11 to i ley in rear of Lit 12, 1.3 al 74,, thence 6 f, at north - to cast along t! --e 1:ire Dt' saa le ,! thnnce southeast -riot, of befinu in C. cln or n. Pwu� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSlo;,teR OF FINANCE. - - ON PRELAMINARY ORDER ASSESSeD ' E:=rterly '. of (except strip ide on wr:a side)( 12 74 Dayton and frvi�ie's hdd it Lnn - 5 felt to St. Paul. 11 74 do 35900 (( . ( 10 74 . do _ East 17.65/100 feet of SO 73 do 2900.. (Except E>st 17.E5/100 ft)' 1�0 73 do _ 41125 - - and East 2 feet- Of virLini4 Ave. vacated. Except Easterly 20 feet of 9, 7g do _ 22300 Easterly 20 fort of 9 73 do 16450 Wrstcrly 40 feet of B 73 do 6400 Ea^tern 20 fl. : t of 8 73 ; do ... 20600 ... 14esterly 20 feet of 7 73 ) do _. . Easterly 40 feet of ( 7 '73 (to- - -. 57200 ... 6 73 - - do - 5 72) do ) 26300 ' 6: 72) do (Except Summit Place) _ ( 5 82 ( - do .7800 ( 6 82 do . _ 7. 82 do 6850 8 82 do 6100 9 82 do 13100 10 82 do ... 2300 _. ._._ .. 12 82 do 27300. North 100 feet of. - 13 82 ) ) do 13300.- East 10 feet of north 100 -feet of 14 82 ) do ' p ¢ (Fxce t lort._ 100 feet) ],.� F 14 82 do CITY or — FA - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOINLiR. OF FINANCE ON PRE4MINARY ORDER IBI oescRIPTION LOTS-AOD—ON VALUATION pest 50 feet of Korth .10c. f',.ct of to St. _u 1 (Excopt south jd,. feet) 15 - BIL South lfr. feet of 15 8.2 do - 16 82 do 17 62 do _. .. lFo . . 16 62 do ..2400 19 6E do . 240- '... - F' tit. G6v6 (33 82 do . , ( 11000 , - 35 82 do 28800 -36 82 do ' 9975. . 37 82 cc - 3850. . 38 62 do i 13850..:... 39 82 do - 3675 t ..; 41 82 do '. . 3350 (Except Zast 15 feet 1 42 82 tlo - 4875 N—t 15 feet of 14,2 B2 do 832.5 ,. cEt i, of _(43 8? do East '—. of 43 B2 ) ) do 12'L50 i 45 82 -do 10950 ._... :. (Except —11'it Place) .. 46 82 do 2. 83 do _ (Except West 25 _feet) 3. 83 do - ?'est 25 feet of 3' 83 do CIT, OF Sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOlOOR"OF FINANCE ON PRE4MINARY ORDER '.sect '- of Fj F33 Dayton & Irvine 's Addition - -- to St. Paul. 7 83 to e 83 do East of summit 21,— 9 83 do ,. Y Test of aummit Place 9 83 do 10 93 do 11 83 do 12 e3 do 13. 83 do 1.4 83 .8` do A strip 3 ft. Fide in rear &.ld do -A stria 3 ft. nide in reor &'17 :83 A str 1p 3 ft.^Lde Ln rear &.18 83 do --, 3 ft nide inr g:19 A stri ee 83 _ do A strip 3 ft. "Ill- inr ..r & 20 83 do A strip 3 ft. 'Iids in rear 8:21 83 do A strip 3 ft, wide in x,oar & 22 83 (lo -`-East 50 ft. of & strip 3 feet .rids inre— 23 83 do +lest 10 ft. of & strti) 3 feet wide in re 23 83 do (7 H. f+i. Rios's Hearr—E—ont of 49075 ( Lots 1, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of 31ook-72 --- (8 of Dayton t.nd Irvi�ies+dditinn to . Sal::t Puul. .. - ... 9 ) do 35500 10), ) do 11 do 31875 1 Steven's RearranLc mmt of Lots 1, 6y825 , 12; and 13 If IL ". Pio— icesof of' lots 1, 7, P, 9 and 10 in'Plock 72 of nujtoo & Irvine's ,dIl Ltion. to -. Saint Paud. TOTAL. CRY OF. sr. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS1014E!R'OF FINANCE ON PREI.IIMINARY ORDER -udmtor's Sul)dlvision llo. 52-, 2000 ... St. 2oul, :.,inn.. - .. .... - 2. do .3975 3, do 3275 .3800 -. 4 do .2650._ ... _ 5. '. do ,25500. ... 6 do 7: o 5900 -. 8' do .. ...3600.. 9'. do 5250 (Sxcent Southerl;; 2 feet) . 10 - do 6450 Southerly 2 feet of 10 & dll of 11 do .5900.. .. 12 ! do , - '., .8300. ... 13 _. do 14 do :. _.. _ 2oo _. ... _. „ 15 ISI do 8275 .,. 1G do I 17 do (18. do .. ( 44125 (19 do 20 do .24400. 21.. do .19400,. .i!.. do L' 24 do 23300_ ] :.. 2�6'.. do S .19750.. 2G. _.�,... do .. 21200. ——_I do---- _— TOTAL, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIOIVLIR OF FINANCE ON PRELIIMINARY ORDER -' ASSISSED De5CRIPTION LOT —.11 AD-- 1ALUAT11N 74 luditor's S„Udivisior tvo.52, 16775 St. Eal;l, %1n - - - 29 do .. 1.6150.. ., 30 do 14000 31 do Boo - `? do 13450.. .. 1 Soll:y ?lock St. Paul 'Ii.n' 1604225 tre 1nB Auditor's Snhd tv i_. 1'I;n i .2 do JSB;:5 'Ne['.t 10 feet. for•_ cto 105.`.0 .- alley to clt; (Except ^fest 10 feet for - ]0625 - '. alley t' Clty ) ^ do do 6 do 7 do B do 13900 :. _.. 9 _ do 6650 10' do 4050 do 13025 .. _. 12... do _. ... 90375. �Fxccnt t7est`2'. feet of Ncrth13 do _ - 21100 s ) 1 I Sum:.lit Villn, St. Paul, 'jinn. '13500 - I.... _. 13i S.—it Crescent 30300. l2i do_.. .. .. ;:6100.. 11• do. 43400 .101. l do -3400 ..._.. o do 31200_. I cIn of sr. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIO%IEFR OF FINANCE ON PRE4MINARY ORDER lB7 - ADDITION sses O DESCRIPTION .LOT ew[N'i AWA ON Cormenc inSt 'ort.l: e -rly clde'of Sllnnit +vr. It coutherly corner of h,.scr's to rrentrr,oi of P�'rt of -Jock 3, thence - tlorth,Octe115' u1nnS soOthwest.11yjline o,t su id Rearrun(,ement 240.55 fert to Suuthn.rine ly lf i , Sllchu t vim. thence south Westerly 30 feet to un unSle 1 su id ..vt�,'. th nee s:.therly we sterlymlion Ofro .11 ' dt"-44 Ite ent,e the cst uthe ant Interlyh pemullel sith said Sout'leest-ly 1 -ion .:05 flet nor. or less-, - to Northerly lill, of Sums t ,,ve t Once Iaortheall—erly ulonE - rt of S F, -. of S E -�, of -- Summit ve. t4 feet to Le3inprI ' Sec. 3G, Rohn 29, lt%=n!'e 23 Ind part of Lot SG, Ploc:: 3, Iry n3 Addition. 12 3 try ire's .•ddit. inn to St. 3000 . 2a If I, ,,.inn. 11 3 do 8500 10 3 do 2800 9 3 d. 5600. .. 8 3 do 8G00 ... 7 3 do 5600 Ylect 45 feet of 5 nod G ' 3 1 do . 5000 _. _. 3 do 5200 E&st 7(i feet of ` ._nd 4 3 do .10100 X11 ^-t co feet of South '• 'Joh on's Re r—L—ent of ' 8000 Of -Rezttanl;ecent 'ddi of Block l.rte of St. trc's ' ddi tion tot7le CSt; of St. 2 u7.; also r. p: r', of tF ou" t Quarter, ' South 120 feet of E:•st pf Section 3, o' Ime t nine_, 26500 GO feet of c, In R=nye 1'>.cntp t4ree. The commissioner of F vane_ further reports that hehas investigated all of theforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the cmor issioner of Public�W/�o/r/kms. Dated--U—_.___-191.("f-.. .en.....a. a . c commissioner of Finance. tAPF To. the Mayor and honorable 0ity Council of St. Paul — 0ebtlemen. We the undersigned, being interested in the -park system of this city , and especially in the further beautifying of the approaches to Summit Ave and the adjacent territory , do respectfully petition that your body do acquire and convert into a park the triangular block bounded by Fourth, Selby, and Summit Ave. JAN 291919 CATHCART & MAXFIELD REAL ESTATE ANX)INSURANCE .SM PA- MINN. Jan. 21, 1920. Mr. S. A. Farneworth, Commissioner of Finance, Court House, City. Dear Sir: Representing the Dickerman Investment Co. the owners of lot 1 of Summit Villa , lve herAy protest against the asses—ent made of 1112.84 against that proper- ty for the condemnation of property in the Sub -Division of block 87, of Dayton & Irvi b Addition to St.Paul. Y, Ver ly urs, ....,....,..ACM,...; 8..... ,. // kT s s,�yee NORT HVI HSTERN TRUST CO' IM-- a«=oee: January 21, 1920 Mr. S. A. i'arnaworth, Oo®issioner of Finance, St. Yaul, i.innesota. Deer Sir: Wo have received notice dated January 17, 1920, of assessment for benefits arising on account of the condemning for puupcsea and use of Pnblio Pur: - Subdivision of Block 87, Dayton and Irvinets Addition to St. Paul, as it applies to Lot 6, Be - arrangement of part of Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement Bioo and Irvine+s Addition. You undoubtedly realize that this property has been assessed -almost continuously for improvemonta which have benefited the city an a whole and has In no nay benefited this particular property, namely - the paving of Pleasant, the cutting of the Southeast corner of Pleasant and Fourth Streets, and new is to be assessed for improvement which benefito In no ray this property, and I wish, in behalf of the owners, to fila objection to the assessment as I fool that if the project is carried through there will be no benefit: as a matteroffset, it would be a detriment to this property for the reason that it is being used as stores and part of the public in that district will be driven out by this improvement. Yours very truly, BY .:_D.H Vice president E�Nmm =one TO ME COUNCIL OF ME CITY 01' ST. PAUL ATE) TO ME CITY CIERZ THEREOF; Gentlemen: in the matter of the condemning for park of a triangular piece of land, bounded by Neat Fourth Street, Selby Avenue., and West Summit Avenue, knew. a. Sabdivi Sion of Block Eighty-seven (87) Dayton' and Irvine's Addition to the City of St. Paul. The undersigned is'k.the owner of lot Seventeen (17) Subdivision of Block Eighty-seven (87), Dayton Z. Ir-kinn Addition to the City of St. Paul, and so condemned for a park, and has been notified to appear before the council of the City of St. Paul on the 27th day of January, 1920, at 10-00 o'clock A.m., and to make objections, if any there be, to the amount of the award mane to him as damages for the taking of his said property. The undersigned, Adobph Rauerwain, being one of the owners of the property above -described, hereby objects to the award made him on the grounds and for the reason that zaid.award is wholly inadequate. The reasonable va Ins of the property entitled belonging to the undersigned taken in the abo ve/ —PM--0-RT1ngS/1S th3 .11m og i.. u ... d ($8000.00) dollars, and the undersigned hereby demands said s um as damages for the taking of his property. To the Haycr and hcnoracio City Coancil. of St. P6t-1 - Cobtlemaw we the ur6etsigaed, being intoreated in the park system of thic city , and eeSecially in the ihrther bew-tifyirg of the approaches to Summit Ave and the to'rltc:n do reapeatthl 7 'Petition that your �cdy do acquire and convert into a park the triangular block uoz ru:d W Fourth, Selby, afC, :i—it Ave. JAN 291919 ..TO the Mayor and Honorable City Counoil of the City Of St. Paulo . To , the .undersigned Foutth Street property owners and others interested in thedevelopment of the Cityle parks and approaches, do hereby petition your honorable A body. to convert the triangular block acro6e from the Cathedral into a park , therebyj aesuring a proper approach. to both the business and residence sections. ��N� 7.2�r ���ucl�- lel r�✓�� rte /ale Y1� 8 s v4: ATO thq-Mayor and Honoraole City COuno11 of the City of 8L. Ydµlt We ,.the undersigned youlth Street property owners and otbare interested in the derelogment of the City's Parka and approaobee, do hereby petition your honorable body 00.OvftvbrL. the triangular olbok aor000 from the Cathedral into a park ; tberelpv aosurirw. a proper approeob to both the business and reeid/ennoe eeotions. np �! X, 2/r /41 .C) ivvt �ctilih tX-c.a i 7 `2 Y IF G r u� - (xx JAN 91919 , F ,,�— TO the Uayor and Honorable City Counoll of the City Of at. Fault We ,J the nndurs$4,nod MUM Otroet property owners and othbre Interested in the development of the Cityla pasAs. and. mpproubes� do hereby petition your. honorablo aourart aha tr'fanf5u�" bloat•. aorosa from 4110 . Catu od:al into a nark , tb erolyr aaourinz a proper approach to Latk.��naNB and i'p Nif nnba eentionH. p Lj "gid'/* JAN 291919 Office of the Comi&ioner of Public WorksEEcety n Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 10 1919 February 10t1i, 9 ..........._....._.............._..._.._._........_._.........191..__ i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pool: - The Commissioner of Public Works, holing had under eonsidrralian the preliminary order of the Celia - 2411P January 28th 9 eil, known as Counait File N ......__.......: approved- d...__.. ................ .....191......_.,relative tn....... .....__ .._ oondemming, taking and appropriating for the purpose and use of a publio park,_ all of _Fuller's Subdivision . of ,Blook 87., .Daytona_ _.., . .. ... ....... .. ... and Irvine's Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemnent is ................. .necessary and (a,) desirable. 8. The estimated east thereof is $_.... ......._, and the total east thereof is $...._1 XMI .... ...... ., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follo,........ .___... ....... ... _._. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is horato attached and made part hereof. 1 L. Said improvement is_. ..... .......... ......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, s,bjeet to assessment for said improvement. _ ............. Com .._..__ ..__... .___ coni f P blr.,ks. �t ............................. a liy:-f-.3`.:_........ s ORDER In tho'Matter ofle._.[rad_o._c.r...'.'":�.. �.._C.ur`tct _i\.V.Cn.:S._j..n_2r.incetnn-vr;!:ue in :-e torr+_,.,re.............. ..1�rnf ile 11"etr :, t.t �"u cud, ":..rt he:•e y,t_, .Ll�e: ^�? ...........__......._..._. ... e^r:e° ..P_^..^:."..,.... ...):. a tang ]i�F, id:creo.P_3.._R1e!: ,..LC_;;. P.:..s.:;.,id..._'.t.....cu—, oul—rd hrt—en L. Cl..ir ;;treat snd ........................................ _......._...... ..... ....... ...._..............._............._............._.........__.___........_..........._.......................... entnh7 ie'.'ed Er,:de > ':rnvc modified. ......................._._............ ......_........__............... ......._..._._..._._...__........... ..... ....._.._...................... .........._....._........... ....... ander Preliminary Order ..._...._.`..'.1.:'.' 3_.._._"""..__......approved ................�".-:. �..._7 •i..._lpi `�.e................._....... Intermediary Order ......_......__...._...._....._..__................ approved ............................... A public hearing having bee, had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all p...... bjection, and recommendations relative thereto, and Laving fully considered the samo; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precis, nature, extent and kind of improve- rh:nge t ...dos de r M1lt. t e _. —I d fro-,_.... meat m be mase by me said City s. .._ _... . S, rbc^.' ,nue 'c 7ri�tce So• ono in'^ccorcl �o� ::pith Lio rel Ti— ................ on the Cref'ile hereto tt .1. c .de r :Ir,of th, .... .......... .... ..... ... _. ... . ...._ .. ........ . ....... ......._... e stcbli: hed [,^_de beinbh I sbo^: n. hi c tereon; .. .............................. .. _.. ......... _�....'.i �. __.__._. ..__..........._._... ..._..... .. _.... ...... .... _...__.. S the Council heby order, said imp,,v,m,,t to be mad,. plong �t�o� f S ovement nn ubmi e -C cl ar eppg ,1 96 p th ` Lln n :ldupted by the C-na nos r 4.0 RrE counaaman )rare— c,,,ailm ailssa .,, ne� Caere, acus' P; ca„au as x u ta^ 7 Couvc' m Wonder / uayT. ,olr� Form . S. A. 8-i. �o1^9 i�:!'•t-„��$: 1 - cln ors FAu� OEPARTMEN;: F FIN REPORT OF COMMt F FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY L� (A) t j� 1. In the Mallen of —._.____...__.____.—----- ....------ if, _____t.. ..:..-nr. : n � -n :3P _i. �. rt I�.c t•,...f til. .1, i-:; L:. t _— I_ � .� C'.1-vo "ottlev rel-�.•�c. t1 ,.stnl led 1- ve under Preliminary Order approved —.__...._..__._.___..__._..___.._...__....................... _._...__...._._. ___............ —. To the Covvcil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fivavice hereby reports as follows: 1 .0 The total estimated amovvt of the assessment for the above improvvmevt is - - $----...---....-- .21 The estimated cost perj$oot for the above improvement is - - - - $ -------- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: to 9_. nlr rlo G25 10 5 5 do 1,_ 10 d do t2 4 an x125 10 5 w _25 1 C 1C 6 tlo 1325 1 G TOTAL. CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT F REPORT OF COMMw&OFIND N' F FINANCE ON PRELIMINAR . 14 iI-..eluded 15 ., Ki"Ls : a,le 1 3 S5 The Commissioner of Fum—o further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregaing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him iv refcrcnce to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work, i� p / Dated_...._.1/�'...............f9t9. .._...i-G...�._........ ._...___. •o.. e.e ^ e f C C Commissioner of Fiva e Office of the Commission Public WorkseECEtvED 9S c3. Report to Commissioner of Finance S MAI, 1 1919 February 26th, ,,,, 9 To the Commissioner of Piesnec of the City of St. Peal: The Cnmmiseioncr of Pnblie Works, having had under e.osid—ti.n the preliminary order of the Conu- 24216 February 14th ry9,—9 Motile to_...______ oil, known na L'auneil File N--- _ .._... .___ approve,, .._...._....._ .. ... ,hanging the __1 11 _ .. Brinoeton Ave., and grading said L1t Curve Boulevard between St. Clair Street and Fairmount Ave. and having investigated the matters and things referred to thm•em, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..............ueceseary and -(or) desirable. 31.26 per front foot 1,612.64 2. The estimated coat thereof is $_.._...___._.__, mad the total cost thereof is $.____........... .......... _.. __, and Aaees eab;e frontage 1,434 feet Excess inspeotion 036.64 the nature said est,.t of said improvement is as follow ........_... ............ _...... __ ..._._____ .....____ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. m........._asked i. Said improveent ie_..__..._n� for upon petition of three or more wvners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. / / - - I Comuuseioncr f P�hlie Wo ks. Thu of 61. Department of Iluhlir Morita St. Paul, Minnesota. February 25, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, -Commissioner of Public Works, B u i l d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost of changing the grade of Mt. Curve Boulevard from Sargent Avenue to Rtinceton Avenue, and grading Said Mt. Curve Boulevard between St Clair Street and Fairmount Avenue, in accordance with Council File No.24,218, approved February 14, 1919. Approximate estimate ..... $1,83.2.64 Coat per front foot...... 1.26 Excess Inspection Necessary........ $5.54 Assessable Frontage...... 1,434.feet We recommend that the hearing on the improvement be set for the sere.time as the hearing on Council File in4King's Maplewoodproved u Addition, 9this beifor ng one 6f1 thestreets streets involved in the paving order. It may then be determined whether the property owners will prefer to pave this street in conjunction with the other streets or postpone the paving until the street has been graded under this order. Yours very truly, W . �[iu ESS/C Chief Engineer. Git,naaneu.emenr s_I;NERAL FORM • �i�Cluvu it P�e�iaFtlrmoun w nmron� No. n:vi��s .�nn,ieeu n�..000n- mm .0 ne.otvea xmt an mneor. �o�v me nm. ne a.�omm�.a to nam Presented_ Pr11 0th ...... 191 t rn to In the matterof condemning and taking an easement R -1-d, in the lend neceseery for sl opee, for cuts and fill8 in grading 3lount Curve Avenue from N. Clair Street to FAirmount _venue, under Yreliminery Order `-24210, approved February 14th, 1919, and Intermediery Order '124386, approved Larch 8th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Corks having sub- mitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it RESOLVED, That determines. the amo t of land to be tlad eve ped in ement ne an ease" rri •.slop , for c d Pi s n end u on. t'' end e ttin o P g Cury anus, bet the po •e ¢Por , e'-' tvn� the aketc e4-t¢ahe the pis sinner o ublic in e er April 8th, 9, vrhioh -aetoh rt are pare y re erred to and made apart hereof. Yeas (V)Council en(V)Nays, r� Adopted by the Council...._....... ✓Clanc '�Fam ottli A pv _......_.__:__:__._..._____ ..............191.... If'+os ........_in-te�er xe er nn Cott V _....... .... . —� onderlich r. Pre dent, Hadgaon 7 Qltiv of St. jlaol ,.,,, Deporiwent of.$loUlie 3Porko 9LFOFT T., THIr rOU'.('rL- In ti -e «.atter of condemning and taking an easement in the land neces- sary for slopes for cute and fills in grading Yt.^,urve avenue, from It. Clair street to pairmoun.t avenue, under Frelindnary Order 124210, ap- proved Feby., 14th, 1915, and Ir.teYmediary Order ;;27380, a;prov•-d 7:arr-h 8 ti., 1919. To the Council of tie City of 5t Paul: The Commir-ior.er of public "forks ereby submits ane makes a part of this his report, a plan of the above imrrovement, shorting by the shaded portion of said plan, the fi.ls to be Wade on private property, and by the hatched portion., the jute to be made on private property, and the extent of the easement to be taken, by the figures opposite such shaded and hatched parts of such plan. 1�Comrrd esiorer of �vb lin :'lo rke . ated�j DEPART REPORT 0 1 19NER OF FINANCE ON El"'Ity ORDER (A) T,(! �aj n uo —ehe.nt in the1,n;d In the Matter of cuts od I i1 IS 11 L1111118 "I . TuPvu—Lloule—rd from St. Gir�-Lrto',t, to order Preliminary Order approved — To the C .... it of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby report, 11 fell,,,: s— The total estimated amount of the a.cs,m,.t for the above imp"Iereent is The estimated cast per feet for the above improvement is . . . . . . f;— The lots or parcel, of land that may be assessed benefits for such icaproecaar.t, and the sa—,ed valuation of each lot or parcel a, last -ported by the Assessor, are M fellow,; oescRlPTION .LOT All ft.d 625 10 9 1 KDILs :,:191- 9 do 1335 do 6^5 9 I15 do 625 10 14 do 625 9 do 4125 do 65.5. ,1,5 G do ', 2 do TOT L, 325 G Y OI !' PAUL DEPARI MENT t)F FINANCE _ REPORT OF COM��.J\(��j1�C,IONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIM. I: ARfl�' ORDER 11-11TION LoT ADDITION vnwAnory • 14 included. '.. 15, 3 Pants ole "ic f85C _ 1 3 do a5 Th. C missioner of Flmamcm further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, amd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him im reference to s,id m/attper by the Comgmissioner of Public Works. Dated .o.. e.t.a •c / Commissioner of FivartE'e. Yh/ We ; y Office of the Commissioner of Public WorWECEtvED PRIJ.0 ty O Report to Commissioner of Finance c . tics/etlEg effd rr,r 1 tris February Eathr 9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn. ' 24E19 February 14th,. 1el_9, relative to.___._.._..__.. oil, known as Council File No.._._....._..._....__approved._.....__....—..._._...__.__.__.____ _ ___condemning and takingan easement in the land necessary for elopes for outs and fills in grading Mount Curve Boulevard from St. Clair Street to Fairmount Avenue mid having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby report.: 1. Said improvement ia_----- ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ --, and the total cost thereof is $__ ........... ..__.., mid the acture and orient ofsaid improvement is as follows:......_.....___...__._............_._..._..___..._._...._....__._____....._ 3. A plan, prefile or sketch of mid improvement is hereto attacbed and made o part hereof._ d. .____—_.... . .... ......... __.._..._.._.. ...___._.._ ...._..... .. .. ....._...... ._____....__ ._..._. u. Said improvement ia_._.... ...... _—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for mid improvement. commissioner of P lic�Worke. An Ordinance authorizing The L'i.nneeota Transfer Railway Company to construct, maintain and operate spur tracks with the neceS- / Bary switches, over, across and upon Cottonwood Avenue and Fairview Avenue in the City of Saint Paul; - The Council of the City of St. Paul doesordain; ' Section 1. authority and peredssion are hereof granted unto The Moussota Transfer Railway Company and unto Walker D. Hines, Direct- or General of Railroads, (and hie successor in office,) and to either �r both, to construct, maintain and operate two spur tracks with the'• necessary switches, more -particularly described as follows; 1. A railroad track to be located on Cottonwood - venue and crossing Fairview Avenue, as opened under and purer .—at to Board File No. 29016, starting atswitch in the aa existing side track belonging t0 the Micas ota Transfer Rail- way Company on Cottonwood Avenue, approximvtely 150 feet west of the westerly line of Fairview avenue and extending thence - southeasterly along Cottonwood Avenue and crooning b'airvi aw Avenue at grade, as opened under and pursuant to Board File No. 29016, in such cancer that the center line of the proposed track shall be. parallel to and at a distance of 13 feet from the existing aide track of the Minnesota, Transfer Railway Co. track Starting at a point on Cottonwood Avenue in the existing railroad track of the 11imeoota TransferRailway - Company, at a distance approximtely 80 feet from the weSt erly - line of Fairview Avence and proceeding thence with a 17 degree curve southeaaterly along Cottonwood Avenue and crossing Fairview Avenue at the existing grade of "Fairview .ivenue, to a point such that the center line -of the. track shall be 8 feetwent of the easterly line of Fairview Avenue, no opened under and pursuant j to Board File No. 29016, and thence parallel with the said easterly line of Fairview avenue at an elevation the Same a that of the center line of the roadway of Fairview Avenue to a point 860 feet south of the center line of Toccas Street. Said tracks are shown by the yellow lines upon the annexed blueprint of the property upon which they are to be located. Section 2. The aforesaid, permission and authority are hereby granted upon and expressly subject to the following conditions, to—i": 1. That said tracks shall be laid in such manner as not to interfere with any public travel upca said street$ and said wodk is to he done under the supervision and td',the satisfaction of the C -9 -inner of Public Works. 1 2. The said Minnesota Transfer Hallway Company shall upon demand of the said Commissioner of Public yiorks, at any time plank axle street crossings that may in the future be established acroee said spur track.. 3. The work involved in the construction of the said spur. track shall be done by the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company at its own expense, and in and by its acceptance of this ordinance, It agr see that it will indemnify and save harmless said City Of St. Paul from any and all damages, claims, ..at. and expense whatsoever, in any manner arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation or re- moval of said tracks at the place aforesaid. 4. Said tracks slmll be taken up and removed frem said str..tS and the same restored to its original condition whenever the COMOn Council of the City of St. Paul shall.o order. Section 3. This ordinance shall take Offset and be in force £�pndyw after its passage, approval and publication; provided tbl t said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall, within thirty days after , being notified of the passage, approval and publication Of this ordinance, - file its written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk of said City, and if, such acceptance is not filed within the time aforesaid, then this ordinance shall be null and void. Yeas I �) Councilmen ('YNa9s Adopted by the Council - 191 I Clancy Farnsworth ApprOved _ 191.... _ Goss __ _"-_^• ��'� 0 ,�<' Mi Coli Wavderlich u ATTEST: JOHN 1. FAHICY' ASr.Prasidevf; Hodgson city Clerk. 7, , U Y 1 2. The said Minnesota Transfer Hallway Company shall upon demand of the said Commissioner of Public yiorks, at any time plank axle street crossings that may in the future be established acroee said spur track.. 3. The work involved in the construction of the said spur. track shall be done by the said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company at its own expense, and in and by its acceptance of this ordinance, It agr see that it will indemnify and save harmless said City Of St. Paul from any and all damages, claims, ..at. and expense whatsoever, in any manner arising out of the construction, maintenance, operation or re- moval of said tracks at the place aforesaid. 4. Said tracks slmll be taken up and removed frem said str..tS and the same restored to its original condition whenever the COMOn Council of the City of St. Paul shall.o order. Section 3. This ordinance shall take Offset and be in force £�pndyw after its passage, approval and publication; provided tbl t said Minnesota Transfer Railway Company shall, within thirty days after , being notified of the passage, approval and publication Of this ordinance, - file its written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk of said City, and if, such acceptance is not filed within the time aforesaid, then this ordinance shall be null and void. Yeas I �) Councilmen ('YNa9s Adopted by the Council - 191 I Clancy Farnsworth ApprOved _ 191.... _ Goss __ _"-_^• ��'� 0 ,�<' Mi Coli Wavderlich u ATTEST: JOHN 1. FAHICY' ASr.Prasidevf; Hodgson city Clerk. 7, , U .,FfCE-uF-1'nB-eoMPT-R0LLER AUDITED Ch. _ � S_RESOLUTION FORM Resolved that warrants be d,.— -P-- the City T --y, payable our of the h—i—f- 1pe6f-1 f—& ..d fa favor f the firms ,p,,.., fset opposite their p -ill - as specified i. the Wl.,mg detailed statement: person_. — y., v ) C- I.— V Nays Adopted b Clancy 1,h it l.. ed F.- orrh G -KA underlfch r. Pr idem, •19900 S. A. F—n—.,th,,. C..'of FinmcO t aeo-.Go Int: Fund-Spec.-:Cssess. -4fO 0 T.teT 345.00 , "� °`°°°l f� s('° �,y l`1`�Y, /b OFFICE OF THEaCOMPTROLLER AUDITED CLAIMS --RESOLUTION. FORM ,.... Ne•. -.2469O 594 R -1-d that warrants be d,vwn upon the City Treasury, pvynble vut of the hereinafter specified funds vvd i. Yavo, of tl�e P—."' firms a corpora ns for the ounts set opposite their —pe d- namery as specified in the fvllmcing detailed stvtement: Y— ( v ) Cou dmm (oV ) Ne Adopted by the Co CI F nsworih t A ve<I �_- McColl Nunderlich M President, Hodg=.an b Apvio t B1) 1V9?19" Crane & Ordway Company, ➢a7Aad iiR+Ci) 209.04 Dppcge-whaPvee etc. '4:85 Weg�� 12.8 u 3, 3 .877 •209+04 !9889 J. C. Flanagan, C.A., Wrier - 53.78 -1eM Geo. Landgraver, 67.00 le99e" N. W. Electric Equipment Company, -Poi-ioe 86.51 Ike 10.93 Poa & Alarm 33: L8 Gob St^ -'O -Ml R. 1'bz8b Water -2:92 8'8•".51 .10p83 Nele Olson, -•- WWers _ 141.00 T0984 Pierce Oil Corporation, _ 3,910.02 -pep}ng-N = from g • - �—it etc. 33 �=930"08� TOtsl-Y"'65488-.Vr 20999' Quality Printing Com—pany� 38.85 �1 -60 13760 Sprinkling— . 10986 J. L. Shiely Companu_h, 300.00 lbM James 5hisly, i9n Een^^ 21.44 28998' F. D. Williams Coal Company, liPe'ber� 581.03. TOtsl-Y"'65488-.Vr ORM 593 N I R..I,,d th,t warrants be d, -II upon the City Tr—q, payable out of the hereinafter specified funds and i. f. -I of the p--, firms er —p—i— for the --e- set apposite their respective names as specified i. the fallowing detailed MI: Y— C.—i Nays Adopted by it - Clancy 2, �2I.2 F.- -.rth ppr-ed — - - ------ - 191-- . . . . . ...... siarort Wunderlich .id.t, Hodgson 30964American Linen Supply teaft T. L. Blood & CoC:!a:jLX 49959 Board of Water Commissioners, 10940 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirby, C le9,01-1 Chester Gaskell� 10068.. Haskins Brothers Company, IQ"& International Chemical COmPanyt 1:0960 J. T. Kenny & Compane .. JAVA M. F. Kerwin Paper 10"6 McClain & Redman, 26864. Geo. J. McGuire, 10868 New York Tea CO 39.51 46.71 37.62 2.30 14.25 5.00 .87 7.25 13.25 15.50 1.50 1.80 f. "NW- e3 age 19Ba9' Peoples Coal & Ioe Company, C -ft. & 169-7-0 Pittsburgh Plate Glee y, 18e41_ St.Paul Gas Light Company, IAF7i St.Paul Machine Works, 16943 Frank Shoop, 16944 Tri-State Tel. & Telg• Company, .0646 Twin City 4arni�h aom any, .16946 Western union Telegraph Company, Y694R. R. B. Whitacre G 16P48 Wm. Youngbauer, Total` ., 140.35 126.38 . 964.95 .38 4.10 1.75 2.60 7.50 21.46 3.13 C AL FORM cin vtTo LmrHnnuns ......... . ..... . .. --d In thematter of Paving Earl Street from Hastings Avenue to Thum Street, with the necessary gas connections under Final Order N&. 14520, R ... 1-d That the annexed plans and specifications showing the gas con— neotions necessary to be made upon'Earl Street from Hastings Avenue to Thorn Street are hereby approved, and the CommiseLoner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the Final Order and of said plane upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company Reoe-j til papers In ConcOctiOn with above tion. Roe IT 11 Pe v in con Re Y— 01 Councilme (1) Nays Adopted by the Caunci1—'.CL/---'e' App- s-i— r. 1, � /dt,�Z�0. A F o°� oSw.; 24693 �e .._ mr«..e 8 rnlz, te,sl -D'" nz•i In the matter of paving Laurel Avenue from Lexington Avenue to 8yndioate Street with necessary gas oonneotions, under Final Order Wo.14381. .- R -1-d, That the annexed plane and specifications showing the gas connections necessary to be made upon Laurel Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Syndicate Street are hereby approved, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of the final order and of said plane upon the St. Paul Gas Light Company. Received all papers in Connection With above it.tion it C e 1 S j Yens (I) Councily%n (V) Nays Adopted by the [:lent Fe _—h APP - . 1 _.. _' 191... G s ._,.�iwrfct♦or eller /^^ McColl Wunderlich .idem, Hadgsoh •PROPI.��: - Pe �hemby ,crut r iol: The u_i �6a°r a e �1e „ n«°e'r`` ���'pmvem,,t by the MY of St. Paul, nz. Dated ' PRELIMI�- WHEREAS. A written proposal for the -,king of the following improvement viz.: .. „Donetraot @_,_gement tile_ elaet+allcs..eix feetwide,on .oR....Amaa...Avenue.,...f.rom Whita...Betar_.Avanue. -to. Haze1...Avenue ......... :._... hiving been parented to the Council of the City of St. Pool by Coundlman................_......_................._.._.._................................ therefore, be it - RESOLVED, Tha the Commissioner, of Public Work, be end he is hereby ordered end directed: I. To invettigete the newsity for or d,gorbility of the making of slid impmvement. 2. To invatig,te the netora stent end animated pna of sold improvement, end the total eoa thereof. 3. To famish aplea, profile or ilcetffi of sold imprnvemmt . .. fell .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 To ante whether or not aid improvement is o.ked for on the petition of three or mare owners. To report upon ell of the foregoing mete— to the Commissioner of F..- Adopted by she wundl.......__.......:.:::.:l....::.... ' ..1..............191........ Yee..Nays: Coondmen Fern. ortif Goes Approved:.._........ ........_...........191..._... 7 er .o c anileh /? ................................... M.y M nYor. r... cn .o mss..w i+f//sayer/ r� O FINAL ORDER C nstruc 1. ir.� a ccu!ent file sidev:al;c six feet v: ide o_ Inthe Matter of.......°.:.............._..........e..............._.._._........._............_.._....__._._............_..... ...... _..._1._.. the soutl side of Carter :venue, fro, a point fifty feet o—t of ....__............................_._..........................._._.............._..................................:........_.............._.........................._............_....._ rest line of Lot r!,_ 30, 71.—c ➢:o. 41, St. Ant*.on, Par:: North, ....._................._......_................I__.._................_._......_...........____.........__........._..............._._........_....._........_.............. then... v^est 250 feet. except 1':1,e1e ;_ood oral sufficient aid owalks now exist. ;e1aei rdwnsn-+ .�� reet...i�e. t. >.... �..e�e. n�a a4 under Preliminary Order....._£.d1c.^_...............:_-.... ._...6, u,eo..o •....n eso, r..t max, 1.9].c.._......_....._..........._....... Intermediary Order ..._...__._. _._.........._– upyioved..:..u:_.._-._....._......._............_...:........_.._...._._.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Cattail having heard all persons, objections and recommendntians relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, eatent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City is...._ Cc tr.uc.t..a...c.ementfeet.......... r, ide on the, cou th side of Carter .+ven:o fro.!. a i!o int fif.p fee? ..._............................. .. .. _........ _ .........._ _._........_ .. ..__.... ......— _... east of west lire oi' Lot No. 3e nl c1: Io ]1 _.St._ .r ony._? c.k..._._.. _p;.nnth, ,thence ; e_t. :Sp ret._ ex—pt lshere 1.0011 end uff clent __sideu-lk ..ne^:. exist ........ .. ... ........ ..__.._....... ..........._.. ........... __ ......_._. ___........ .. ............. .. _...__. .__._........ ,ad the Council hereby orders said improvement to .__.._. _._.__.___. ......_.._. _.__.. be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Weeks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pleas and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cityofficial, are hereby authorized sad directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in .....dance therewith. Adopted by the Co 1 _........ ....._ 191 ..... /1 ✓... _. ........ ._.._.4.. ....... city Cl Approved ............ _..._..., 191_...... 1 ...................1....... Mayor. Coaacilman ins rth Councilman' G s . / Councilman codCl;-nay l'U73L1Jillili�/a//p �f- Councilman eller Be-allm Coll Council en derlich Moya od son Form . S. A. 87. DEPARTI-7,11 FINANCE REPORT OF COMPAIS$IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) .. In the matter of Conr tract a Hent .tile sidewalk six feet lid, .11 i,he —'Ua ride of Carter -F.Ue, from a point :iftW feet ess.L of t line of Lot N0,30. Rlnek No. 41, St. P,. th—y P�rk Narth, thence vest 250 feet. under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of SL Paul: The Commissioner of FSanvice hereby reports as follows: The total estimated vmeunt of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ llneol •D0 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - S The lots or faced. of I that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed velection of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION —T .1... ADDITION A515VU TE D VA ON 28 1 St. Antl-.on _ ll_rtl:. 40 0 I E—t z of. r0 41do. 15501 �'Jeet of 29 41 do �0 _ 30 41 do 1 33190 I i I The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the der esaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Connell. together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pattie Works. Dated � /O 191 � Comm . of t'm.`t<. rl /67" AMIREM St. pavJ, Juan ...... 191.7 To the Honorable, The Counoil, City 0: St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Vis, the undersigned Property camera, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the gollorir.g improvement to be -ads; .................=SL. Ave. PTgm FL LB OCK N ..... ...... .. .. ........!t ................ ................. ............ ................. I ........... ....... ......................... .. .................... .... ........................... . ........... ..... .............................. ............ I .................. ...................... ...1y....... ..... ....... ........ ............................ .......................... .......................... . ........... ................. ................... I ...... .......................... ............................. ............ .......... — r.......p.' ......... ............ .............. I ...... ...... ..... ....... .......................... ............................. ..... ................ ......................... .................... ................. ........ F11 N�X11 w u 'NGINEER7 ..... ............. .... J, RECEIVED Qffice of the Commissioner of Public Works ;4 Report to Commissioner of Finance ll Ell FEB 10 1919 February 7th, 9 To the Cmnmissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pun': The Cunrdeadonc, of Public Works, Laving had under eousideretion the preliminary order of the Coon- 241347anuary 30th, 9 oil, known ns Council File Nn..___....__._..._..nPProved.._ ... 191........, telntive to ...... .... _._.__. oonstruoting a cement the sidewalk six .fee t,eide on the`eouth ei.de.. of Carter elvenne, from a point fifty_ feet . east. of west .line .of__ .._ lot $30, Blook 41, St_ Anthony _Park Horth,: thence west 860.Yeet_ and having investigated the natters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemm\t ..__. is _ —nee y and (r) ._ eeenr n o desirable. Bog per lineal foot $ S. The eathnaled cost thereof is $-------- and the total cost thereof is $.___._........ ._.......... _, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows; . ..... _._._..._............._........._._.._..__....__._....__.._......_._._._..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and rude a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is— ..—....,asked for upon petition of three or mere owners of property, subject to aesessmeut for said improvement. Cain \issionor of Ynblic orks. 24696 ........................... FINAL ORDER -nt the ell fee' in '%i"tl-- Construc' ; rL Inthe Matter of.....-- ............... - .. - - - -... .. . . ....... . ... ......... ............ . . ......................... al 'H, t orth ride of "Rose Street f— A,111,11J ht �-t— It t. C lcXll �' t - ...... ----- ...... .......... .............................. . . ........ . ......... . ................... . .......... . .. . .......... . .... ....................... exa 'h re Food a10 suf[-i-cierit %.,. --l-t. .... .. .. .... ................ .................. .................................. ,a. ..... ............ .. . . —a'a. aaa. . . . ............................. ........... ........... ... ............. ........... ........................ -a. ............................ ........... z ........................... ................ ......................... ............. . ................. ................ . ....... 24030 Ja-1- i, ,order Preliminary Older -- ............... -- .......... ........... ......... Intermediary Order pp, -d A bpublic hearing having be,, had ape, the above improvement 'Pol d" notice, and the Council having heard an p ...... objections me mad rce.ared.timm there[, and having fatly ammidcred the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cit, of St. Plot that the precise acture, extent and hied of improve - Construct a cement tjj^ sidewalk e r . walk - six x - feet . .. . in loth al -L the North side of Rose Street fro:-1-riLlat Strect -- ............. ............ toClark Street, —It Co.,! &,nd .,ffjrjt id—lks no e: ie'— ........ ........... ............................... .......... .......... .... ....... mad the Commit hereby ordere said improvement to be made. RESOLVED YURTBEER, That the Commissioner of Public W.rlm be and ie hereby im.truaUd and directed to prepare plea, ardpe,ifi,,ti..s for said improvement, and submit come to the Commit far approval; that ape, said approval, the proper city officials are hereby mutlmriud and directed to proceed with the readzing of said improvement is accordance therewith. Adopted by the Commil .......... ..... 191 - city Clark. Appravcd ............... ::;5....._..._,191..._.. ................... 7- ................. = c Ilmmm n" ,yor. C.nai--m2 d0 Councilmen eller Call,im ;.It C0 c ,dc"ich .feye oaC_ Form . S. A. B-7. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON.PRELIMINARV ORDER -_ ID the mutter of—Cone truce a cement file tide''+gall: Dix fret i "id" alone; the h—th side of Rose Street from '. .tc+rit;ht Street to Cl:.,!, Street, in accordance pith aetiti— hereto attached. under Pmlimiumy Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fimm. hereby reports as follows: Th, total estimated amount of the mssessmevt for the above improvement is - - - E lfrieal •D0 The estimvted cast, per foot for the vbove improvement is - - - - - S The lmor parcels, of laud that may he assessed benefits for such improvement. and the assessed valuation of each lot or pvrcel as last. reported by the Assessor, are os follows: D IDN crc.. I SD A TION v ION I I _ D1 Za h ieons ^9 ition_ 22lb I ...... 10 do - do 2O II 11b0,0 5 11 _ do � 0:0 .. 12 do Ii 00 1 j .. is - 14 do The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he bas investigated all of the aforesaid matters, nad hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commiseiover of Public Works. Dated cao,m�.,maer uI F�n.nee. TW lfjill 12 w // �'V Gt O� • /'Gf� auri.ct -� — 123 Hinn_, qq �i7�•.191l.. "St. Paul, ............ To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: - Ve, the undersigned Property oamers, hereby petition your H noxable Body t cause fo11 irg imprroveement to a ........... ///7�,//J .... .St.fro AeC. .... .. ............... St. kea BOC HN ALE Q p ✓� ../. ![iG�"G�"Gru-.w�l} OT ................. .. _, $t �p0. .9 .......T .... .... `................. ..... ... .......... .. .....p ..... ....... 1. ......................... .......................... ... ................... ............................. .....yy ....... .:... T....... .......................... I ............................. i.. --I .......................... i .................. ... 5.......p.........:................ ..........� .......................... .:.................�JN ........................919.......... i�GllV ...................v....:.....r...............J.:`U' . ......_... 1 ea t•y� , `�� f ECE1 F -D Office of the Commissioner of Public W ir8 wo Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 10 1219 PebruarY, 7thj.............. ..... To the Commisalmor of names of the City of St. Pend: - The Commissioner of Puhlia Work., having had under ame,ideration the lire]ladanry order of the Conn 24030 January 20th, 9 ,it, known as Commit File No___.___.._...__._.appr.... .....:................____......._.............191_._., relative ta........__._.__..... constructing a cement tile Sidewalk Sia fact wide along the north side of Rose Street from Arkwright Street to Clark Street and having iuveetigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i ms aryneal d (m') desirable, 80¢ per elifoot . _.,and. e The estimated east thereof is $_—__.._._, and the total cost thereof is q,_._._.__.._.__...._.__. the mstore and eatemt of said improvemeut is as follmvs:...---- ..._....._........._.__.......__..._....__._.._.._..__....._.....___ 3. A plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement is hereto attached and made o part hereof. a. Said improvement ie___—___.._.__asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjset to assessment for said imprayement. Cm nissiame, of Puhlia Wer s. 24697 .................... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_..... .onstruct inF_a .c e_eent _til= Bide cr lk__s_ix__ f ectin._id_tll ontl.e east side of lidine Street from f?e:^itt :venue to on'- -venue. ._......_....__.............................................._............................_....._._...._..._............__._.............._..__...._...__............_......... ..exc.ep.t Ybane...yap_d...a.nd....pu Pricie_nt...s.idevialks.._rgW.....exi,.?,..:......._....__......._....__............ s. e ae ........... �:... .... ...._..... ...... ...._... v e if ..................1 of ....... ..... ........ ,bo tinder Preliminary Order .._........._1075._...._ ............. �....pproved...._...._Jan 2S, .1915.•. .. Intermediary Order ..._..__...._______.............. :.._....__..approved _._....__..___..._......._._..._........ _.......................... A public hearing having bee. had upon the above improvement up.. due notice, and the Council having heard oil petuom, obj,ctiom and recommendatiove relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be.it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, estent and kind of improve meet to be made by the said City is ............ Construct wj th the east side of ;dine Street ........ ... .... Econ to itt. .v e to slay..f vee .._...... _ ...._.. _ .._. exceot where Food and gufficient d—Its o e i;'. and the Commil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED_ FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans sad specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that n a properafficinls are hereby authorized and directs proceed with the making Adopted b the Council.. ..therewith. of said povteaipmprov� enttiv nceoranmo ? 3 f}!3 __.............. 191...... _ _ ;. i City Clerk. -fl Approved .................... ............. 191 191........ /✓��••�,%j/ ....._.......... ......................... ... _// Mayor. -Comeamen,". swarth Comadaama s!> Cl::ncy C,:",,,uer a Ca..cnY can ennneiiil nnderilrh hlayor dbRt- /iodt;son Farm S. A. P 7. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) . _ fn the matter of Construct a cnnont the side:val% sig: feet ir width on the east side of Baine Street fro,. liev:itt .lvenuc to WesleS :venue. under Preliminary Order approved— To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amountofthe assessment for the above improvement is - - - E The estimated cost 1 s fontt for the above improvement is per provemev The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Mees+or. are as follows: , DESCRIPTION- - LOT iBLOCK - - AOOITION - V SLSUEATION j 1_j -T..�. .. 4 Bruce ?dd itlon. 00 ,._ ... 5 do 312.5 I 11 gColleCe i ?lace 'Vest Divisien.i 1975 i I ____ The Commissiever of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. ��/ �✓ `�i/�1A�4 LU✓�//UJ/t Dated 191 Commiariover of Fiwoce. Mallnuffill St. Paul, Minn.: /-y — .......1919.. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the. undereignea property ownere, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the Following impro— ent to be made:- ' from .... �7 e.W e. 11........... St. Ave. to ............ - St. Ave. y �., .ivw.. ............ (. ��-GGA ..... ...:.. ........G. ........$ . ................... .... ............ .............$ .... ��f ��{�� .. ULll�6J ,� ....... ........................ i ....... .......... ... I ......................... ... ... Ron z:;u p T .... .i.... .... .... G S ....... .T .. ..... ... ..... .................. .......... :. ............................. T T.: ...{ [ 1.... Office of the Commissioner of Public WorkSRE;cEtven F \FlNSIY Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 10 1919 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pant: The Coauutsetoner of Public Works, having had under co-ideralian the preliminary aider of the Conn - 24076 January 26th, 9 oil, known as Council File No._.__._—___approved...______......,.._......_—.._._.191.__,. relative to..�.__...—._ oonstruoting a oement tile sidewalk six feet in width on the east aide of Aldine Street. from Hewitt Avenue to Wesley Avenue. — and beviug investigated the matters sad things referred to therein, hereby report.: 1. Said improvement i.___._neceseary and (or) desirable. 80V per lineal foot xxxx 2.. The seti Bated coat thereof is $_..--, and the total net thereof is $._..._.__.___..._, and the nature and extent of void improvement N as follows: _._.__..._._....._..___..--_---- --- 3. A plan, pradle or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . Saidimprovement i —asked for upon petition of three or mare owners of property, subject - toas.eeement for said improvement. mincer of Public Works.. 24693 FINAL ORDER In the Matter o£ ........... .4II.`.•.S.PsdO.?:.i:.:o._x.._S.fl9r^._:r_._tt�._sc_i..l::;:::e_.oL.Td�:ocu=a.— Road £roc Palace Street to 'Dint 00 feet Hort:[ of J' es. as Darn• wme.�ae o9 zas e�°�,'s.rw ............... .... .__ ...... . ..... ..... ........... '^..me ... ..... .... _.. _...._. . v ` ................................ .... .. ... .. ... ... _. . 7 ander Preliminary Order ............`44_ ............................. approved ..`;�.............T.{eb. t7 1919. IntermediaryOrder.......__..__._..._........_......................_..approveed.........__.._....._........_.__............._....._.__._.._..._.. Apublic hearing having been had upan the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereovs, objections Had recommendations relative thereto, and boning fully considered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve - at to be made by the said City is......._._.... ...._......... .. _........_..__........_.._... _......_ ideo_ f ._L_d...-ecu . be Roar-. P�1: trc-t, 'in E._...rt: of ..J _............. ....—............._....._.__.. J.o_t c_&.... ... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. - RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. F9 9... ...1.9...1.9 Adopted by the a.i.l...............__ .:......... .._......: ... 919 9—._ ....._n^. Approved ............. .;.... .................... 191 4,mus, ...............C....i.t....y._..�..C...I.y......... .. Conhs - Coua.lanoss/ Canceancy - Couor eller nounoil an McCoII S. A. 8-7. REPORT 0'. OMMISSIQNER O1 FINANCE ON PRELI A ORDER I I, the matter of ' Construct a sewer on the West side of Edece—be 3oad fro^: Palate Street to a pont 80 feet earth of Jaees. ,oder Peelimi—y Order uppcoved— To the Co„til of the City of St. Paul: The Commissio r of Finance hereby reports m follows: The total estimated amount of the ase—ment.for the above improvement is _ i 563.00 The estimated costf-foot for the above im t is . . . . . S 2.68 per provemev The lots or parcels of lead that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel m lost reported by the Assessor, ere as follows: D ADDLTIIN AL uASIS ory 1 ' L..J.OLtnn Park P1,t 7. i 13(5 g ., _ do 9310 .. 3 I2 do _.. 4 12 do 340 I _. 1 -i I- < The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the afore,,id matte., and hereby submits the lumping m his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated IHI_ Comm r of Fiv�v« lmiiYO■1 St. Paul, Minn. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen, - We, the undersigned property owners hereby petition your - Honorable Body to cense th £ollowiag impro7em t to be made: St-. St. Aw - to N A 19 E I IAT I BIOCK ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ ............ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . .red eo say..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I a . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vl Office of the Commissioner of Public Works RE°eS RNw S Report to Commissioner of Finance' ; " .........'^ a "nufnPe: FEB 21 1919 FebruarY_210 tt......... __19L9. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pon': The Commissioner of Pnblie Works, Laving had under consideration the preliminmy order of the Conn. 24240 February 20th 9 ail, known ux Council Mlle Nn.. .._.... .nPProved ..... _...._._ _......101..__..,relati,a to ................__..... the oonetruotion of a sever_on the crest side of Ldgeoumbe Road from Palaoe Street to a point 80 feet north of James Street. slid having investigated tke matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ix ._..._..__..neaeeanry and (gr) desiraLle. X2.68 parr ao cost thereof is $._-- _- b mrd 8. 'Phe estimated coat thereof is $__—.._... ._........ , ad the total __........ __..... Assessable frontage 216 feet Lcoess inspeotion x60.00 tine mime and -tent of said improvement is as foltsue. ...... . _. ......_...__._......_ S. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 6. Said improvement. is._ ..... __.... ......_asked for upon petition of three or more owners of Property, subject to assessment for xaid improvemt-t. 1}� - Commissicm • of Public Works. f6itq s{Bt�aul Meparlment of'#lublti IUorks St. Paul, Minnesota. February 21, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Publio Works, B u i 1 d S n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of the cost for' construction of a sewer on the West side of Edgeoumbe Road from Palace Street to a point 80 feet north of James Street, in aacordanae with Council File No.34240, approved February 20, 1919: Approximate estimate ..... $563.00 Cost per front foot...... 3.68 Excess inspection neoessary...... 60.00 Assessable frontage....... 816 feet. Respectfully submitted, 00 lam. ft,� ESS/C Chief Engineer. FINAL ORDER C ru ti. - rL the matter f .- AL: .......... .................. ......... ......_........_...._...._!, i� a. xo. r•sos—.._..... ...... ___ ........... ....................... uen... or co�evmu i�o�o,.er m`nrrea• vom. s: `ice xor� ot........._......................._............_........... .._......................................_..........._.....__..._._........._............._...... ....,:,, .....................___...._._............_.. (i@er Preliminary Order._._.`.:.._....'430....................._........._approved......._..._........:._...._............._....._.__......._...... Intermediary Order ..... .. __. __. ......... pproved ___...... _.._. ...__. _.... A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due -tile; and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- ment to be made by the said City -•nr- t—et t. , paint 90 feet north of the intersection of the centre of Arcade Street end the northerly line of Sixth Street -pro-.... dvtled._frpm._the._Weet. ...... . ............. _............ ___....... ......____...... _.;.... and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit e,me to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby nathavuld and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accord..^ce "r 11 Adopted by the Council tf....-Li{� .., 191.:... ' /'i �•^"` .. ///VVVVIIII J- �\ �� M1„ i 1/ f~ Y re ., City Clark �� Approved`♦ft`L"`..i Farnsworth Councilman Councilman '08, ly Couneilm:y,P aL}1 nc;' Councilman Kellar ---� Councilman McCall Councilman Wuvdcrlich E[nyor4Mii E Form B. S. A. 8-7. - \� St. Paul, IU= .. .....................191... - Ta the Honorable, The C.—il, City of St. Poul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, tie un3erei,d prnp—ty —nar,, hereby petition ycur Ionorable 3,,L to cause the follo.ving izprovement to be mad'e: k -W ............ ........................ °a. - .......................... ....................... ',VI, -Office of the Commissions of••Pubhc W6rksRECpvaj f�N+r:� ' P �r�ypw ah Report to Commissioner of �Fi o9 SaeIlER Bt tv�r MAR 1 W February 28th, ---9 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pool: The Commissioner of Public Works, having tied under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn• cit, kuorvn as Council Filo No.2430E_......nnproved.......-..February, 26th,1n1_9.., relative tn.._.__......._.__.. ._.._..__...._. the construotion of a Bower on Aroade Street from Margaret Street to a point 62 feet north of Sixth Street. mrd having investigated the action and things referred to therein, hereby report.: 1. Said improvement ie.._.._.__neecseary and (or) desirable. $2.76 per front foot626.00 2. µPhe estimated cost thereof is $_:—__—___, andtbe total cost thereof is $__.__.._.—_....-.._, and Assessable frontage 228 feet ffioese inspeotion $4.00 the nature and extent of said improvement in as fall,,,$: ..... ._-_.... _..._-...._-.__.-.._._... .... _.... _... _:..---...-_._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto nitnehed and mode n port hereof. d._.......--'-".._—.....__....__.—.—...._..._.______..._--__—._..__._...._ __..._..._ a. Said improvement ie -..--_—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, aubicet to assessment for said frame-enncut. ted_... _..... yyt uer of P c Wo2ke. 0 v J Qttn of 51.;laal €Irparlmrnt of llukltr Works . St. Paul, Minnesota. February 28, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commiesior" rof Public 'Nor B, 13uiIdin g. Dear Sir: -I transmit herewith preliminary estimate o£ cost for the construction of a sewer on Arcade Street from Margaret Street to a point 68 feet north of Sixth Street, in accordance with Council File #24302, approved February 25, 1919. Approximate estimate ..... $626.00 Cost per front foot...... 2.75 Excess inspeation neo"eeary....... 4.00 Aeseseable frontage...... 228 feet. Yours very truly, 17<, (? R ✓✓9cl ESS/C Chief Engineer. I LLE6 24 �0� ` "FORM AUDIT'-ED-®Lzti*"'- awPfAAY No 597 er ;- - PER ... ....... ..... irr. 'Resolved [hat warran[r� n.r. •.�rie •P ia.a rune• • _. payable out of the I roof e, specified fonds and in favor of the persons, firms or corporat[o 4 r$g p t,va names as sP.ified tI f II roand ted statemwe: Yeas ( v ) Counmlmen ( v r a --.F m6er. g r e as Adopted h he C !....... I� i�. CI cy �Y,3e� C Approved _—.. Fa a K worth qp rON, ler M coli \7 . Preside t' Hodgson ror,' t American Supply Companyk Wal 19.88 100ft Geo. Benz & Sona, - - 350,00 Pe�4ee - �1A668 Brooke Bros. Lumber Company, 19•x.' _ warkLausa Webers ,6998-John B. Darling,M.D. 20.00 Cath.. 10&64 A. F. Morton, Supe. 57.80 Ii1&&8, Nicole, Dean & Gregg, it4Te 54.76. A4.i& Sokev3s 2—F -a DIW.1 Wh rvee-*U S0g26 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company, 33.68 n 1.62 Audht&"UM7-.UG' pads Wa T 20-.36 3098 OFFICEOXTCOMPTHOLLER AUDITED CLAIOLUTION FORM � ..,r.t. No ..... -=���r�' 598 TITLI 11-1 d thnt tvnrz u Le dznwn upon the City Treasury, poyahle out of the hereinafter specified funds and in favor of the p--, firms oz corporations for the mnounts set opposite their respectiru names ns specified in the (ollmving d-ild slntmnenl: Yeas ( V ) C ... A— (I a+xo e, -- Adapted by the C 1.. _1 lt) j, ,,9 .-191— a Fara o,th— Cos K I- )•� i — underlich � s r. Pr id.t, Hodgson i naaa S. A. Farnsworth, OOm'r- of Finance o 20,238.16 Se"r-O'. & R. trW94v3E g.rag9 �"'CI4Y�. 12i�.i�'Fc14 •i9a50 Aevl. - }7oGcsp.•phspves eto. 55+.10 551;00 &nginsertf�8c3nsP. 216 CITY OF ST. PAUL !� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM- ✓ Date Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and instructed to issue and draw a warrant in favor of A. P. Thom for the sum of 96.53, being the amount erroneously paid into the city treasury by receipt number E3046, December 30th, 1918, payable out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund interest account. ed�.TnIryT�omo,1 in. nt r n anw I ma: t 4 i%i Yeas (4✓�ouncilme (V) NaysAdoptcd by the Coundd, .. .191..__. / cy 1) n ems orth APPr ed .. _....... _........_... 191.... .oss Ke r Coll....._...._ __......._ .....�'.-. ...... \.................. underlich Mr. P esident, Hodgson CITY F ST. PAUL Q COUNCIL RESOL N—GENERAL FORM \ No. DP I._......_....._............_.__...___. ._.... Resolved, That the application of Caroline D.Camaron for a license to conduct a motion picture theatre at 393 Selby AYa.ba and the came hereby is granted and the City Clark is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the customary fee $50.00. Yeas (J)/Covncilmcv J) Nays ✓ '/Clancy Farns rth 1 Goss M�r IK er J cColi V ._.._._...-."i. Wmdcrlich sidevt, Nodgsov � of Ado ted by the Covndl.::. _� f n In d � ..................191...... 1P3 1O 1511 APP,.............................._..........................191..... " - cm.til file No._...._........_ NT PETITION " er, trl 2406 The undv.igned hereby pr,pmu th t" °���$°�°�" r �frpv mt by the City of St. Paul, vie: S` Conetruot a. �w g i-'`z feet,_piGe"oa„the,,,,_.... ....... South: aida....Qf..Carter. Avenue....thenon i4eat......__......... T,._.. _ .............alaAg._Noreh...l3ne....ar...Hlh � „i..,l':Bt,fAnt2mny...Park...North,................ ...................... ._...... D.ted tb6...._.10.th.._daY d.._ppsil.....1919............_........... ....................... . 191......... PRELIM2N R__ {t Y,1 ORDER. C -L 0-G WHEREAS, A written pmpoeel for the making of the foll,wing improvement. viz.: OoaetruoQ_e.._oement.._ti.le. aidan.alksix...re.et...nide:..aA....the .Bouth..................... ............aida_..or.._Oert er_ Avanue:... .irnm...Cordon..Ave=e.,.._theme... Nest...alang......_........... ............N�z....Rk Una ....ar.:.8laak...'E".....Bt_ ...Anthany...P.ark..N.arth...................... ..... ......................... ......... -................................................................................................................................................................................................................... heving Iron Pre.ented to the Council of the City of St. Pool by Coundlmnn......_.....___._.......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED. The the Cammini-er of Publicc Worh be end be ie hereby ordered end dhreaed: I. To inveaigate the nmadty for or dedmbility of the making of aefd impmv cent 2. To inveit;gete the nature, eclent end eithneted ma of Wd improvement, end the total mit thermf. : 3. To fumiJre plan, profile or .ketch d.efd'rnpmvemme 3. To furni.h the followi g other date and idormetion reletfve to .eid improvement•.............. __........... ........................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5, To aate whether or not Wd improvement i, eked for an the petition of three ,,more owner. b.. To xpoR upon ell o�tligfooin¢ mettve to she Commiaeioner d F enm. Adopted by the council................ ..........................................191 _...... Yee.. Nays: Coundlmm Fam. rah _ n Co.Approved............. .: L"...:..:.._..........._......:19I_...... ler McColl 0 / Yor fade ry•./5/�'.-_. McYor. Fem C A u le nt ! CoIFd�NA! ......... ...� �.i Pe�EMENT (o" " 24707 The undessi old hs -by Pm"..... anna�' '� improv <.t by the City of St. Paul, aim. lFin .._Obndgmning_en4 ta$. „, �n land neoeeeary .. ..._. " • nHlookus...e.orwaQ.nr' .n 83'sdioste...6ddltlsn_.B.o. .................... D.ted ehu...._lOth•......d.y .f......._April.a.._19193�C;a'............_,............_.. 19f........r PRELIMI AR1'� ORDER. C . �.}'lO 2.4 -?,,;7 WHEREAS, A written pmposel for the ..king of the following improvement, viz: Condemning .end .taking.. en...e asament.. in..the...land..nsos.ssary..3or......... ... Rgas Yor saute..end.Y.Slls.:.in...grading_tha._e aeterlg...NOTth and_. .. .... South Al1.ax...Sn.Hlo.ak...l.Tha....Aemlina.8yaideta._Additiau xo 3.... .... ..................................................................................................................................................................... _........................... _.. Nevins been promoted to the Council of the City of St. Poul by Counolmen........_.....__.... th"eforc, be it r - RESOLVED, Th., the Cmemirdon" of Public Works be end he it hereby ordered end dircated: I. To fnveaignm the newsfty for or ds.imbility of the .eking of said improt vemen 2. Ta invsai¢.te the ostnrn "tent end enimeted oon of said impmvemtnt, end the total sea thereof. 3. To furnish . plan, profile or sketch of esid improvement 3. To furoi.h the following other does and information rcIstive to said improvement:......................................:............ .................................. ..................... ......................................... ................. ...:.:.................. ..... ................ ............. ............. ..................................... 5. To Re, whether or net eeid imw,—ent is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To revert upon ell of the foregoing mottem to the Commissioner of Fmenes, 7 ... Adopted by the council............... :...... ._........ ......._............... ..191........ Yw: ) Neyr:. Cou;m-r.F Orth /Go Approved.__.............'........_............191eI"Mx.0oe^^^ F{oo-derlieh�./ — 0 t'U13LL•;I'.ED Coundl File No%. ............ ........ w° �t.l PRO � a I p 2470 g/ PETITION. P: a `� � The nnderd�ed hereby propoue the meld o ant by the City of St. Peal; v , T, m.e.ua°,a�tn,ar° Ara LA AAp.Aqrly North 4n uth�+°�.�, a �^� �°1.,..._Tha Aamline, Bysldia�S.e....Addikion.Fo. 3 ........................... ......_.............................. .................................... ......_:._.._.......................... ..._........_........................... ............ ............ ............ . Dated this d, of..._AQill,..._1819................................................ 191...... . Co..dlrme�a PRELIMINARY�OaR-Cp-�E�R. e�' ' Tta WHEREAS, A written peep ... I far the —king of the following improvement, viz, .Grad a ,eaetarly.North _and _Bouch - .y Allay. in .Blook 1,, The._HeaSlae ...........:........................._...._........... ..__......_......:..................... :..:.................. .....::.. .................._.._..._.._.......... ............. ................... .................. ....._.._._.... _............... ......_............. .............. ...._.._.......... .............._....._........... hnving I.- p—td m the C.—il of the City of St. Paul by Coaodlman...................... ....................... ..................... ._............. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of PabG. Work, be end he ie hereby ordered end diaded: L To invetdgete the n—ity for ,r dmimbility of the making bf ,aid improvement 2. To invertigste the netme, a twt end eeti—ted wit of raid improvement, end the tetel wit ehuwf. 3.. To fumuh-,.plan, profile or Aetch of ,gid impTueot 3 To fm f.11—in ehevdetn d ndorm,tin. rel ty . d pwveenot;. .. .... J...... ,, _i 5, To natehetber-or not rid improvement i, abed far -the petition of three or mag owner. 6:Te report upon ell of the foregoing metten W the Comh iuio of Aruna. ner ` ... Adopted by the wondl.......:.::._If.........(? 1519......................_........191......_ Yee,. "t Neye: C.—. Fm orth �,. G -dApproved.......:... .................... ._ 191..... -- ler .Calf ,/... �. ond.r / li.b M y A ...`/� Ma_......... sy iwioue Pem.au—n a . QBLISHED.- ■ 24709 Co -- . FINAL ORDER Constr ct1n� e.nent til.. sic ecc l.k six feet, c:ide on Lot.?: Inthe Matter cf_....................!!......._ ............................................r..........._._ sides of i.:a^s t.er :;tr• et from_eh.t_yeve nth,(;trec t.._to__F_dL�Su3?:.G... �Q�LR• .............................._........................................._...._........ _. .. excerpt where Lo -d —d s..fficient• siucv.alks ncr+ exist. ....... . ............................. .................... _..._............................ __..........._......_........ .......... __........ ............. _....... _.... _..__....... ... .._......................................... n. a.emr or c..ie:i ru�c or` eoin`........................... .................... __......... err v�noe.. .........._......___......_..............._._..._.._................._�'...tob.w.wn-x..w.xex..a,° oyeva.eo..a.am rveve.�. merrrom:! .._........................................... ......................_. .. w.su, ..um....... `23'' 3'i•9q••msr n�o�ma=i° 14Peh. 17 1519. under Preliminary Older .:............." ..........approvcii._....:_...................._.........._.t......._........_..._............ IntermediaryOrder .... _.................... ._........__..............._.spproved..._..__._............. ._...... ............ ..........__........ ._._.... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement neon doe notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully comddered the aame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve- menttobemade b the said Cit tons tract a cement file eide::a L� ........... r. ids on beth :ides of P.4uneter Street froc Seventh Street Lo ...................... .................. ............... .._......_....._._........_........._............_...... ........._......___.......neu....o _..... E.dl,ecumbe Ro.•d. e=e.pt where good and sufficient sid—w ]ics ld st. ..........................................................................................................._.......................................................................... ._..._._....._........._................... ................... .._..-.._................. ... _...__.... and the Council hereby orders acid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council....._....._._....._....._.._...__._._......, 191....._. C �' _._..................._�....u.,,,�......._.:..1..... wr ��.. city aa� l /a,a d..................... .....:....__....._................. 191..........................._......_......... ...ayor. an a sw th an ��an. i' 9h"d3:{/ellerfaCo11 an 7Wundm•lich im 1jodgson For. 8-7. ..P—M. FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS.r-IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the Matter of Sid ... 11, six feet I - ide b. - th - idI,o of 111nSt.1 ,t—ot I*'.'-- 17est --nth to T--,— 7—d. ,,do, Preliminary Order approved ---.---- -----------. ... ....... To the Council of the City of St Plot: The Co..i..i..e, of Finance hereby reports as fell.—: Th, total estimated amount of the assessment for throbs— improvement is 1 i.e.1 -Y .80 The estimated *,I per loot for the above improvement is . improvement1. . . . . . $ Th. lots or 1. d that ..y be --d benefits for such parrot, 'f� improvement, and the assessed va,,ti,n of each let or parcel as ],at reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 24 G Holo—ft 1000 23 6 do 250 22 6 do 2.2 6 do 600 20 d. 250 19 G •do 250 18 1; do 250 17 6 do 250 16i 6 do 250 15: C, do TOTAL. 1600 OF Aun DEPART DEPART�IF�OF FINANCE REPORT OF COrAMISIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUMITRY ORDER sea FrioN ,nor vAnunr aN lh, 6 . 1:oinecrol'L-.ddi-A-. 13. G . do 150 1 7 do 250 2 7 to ,.50 3 7 do 650 14. 7 do 1450 13. 7 do 200 .. 12. 7 : do 1500 1, 1: 7 do _ 400 , The C stoner of Fipance further reports that he h- investigated all of the foresaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-__..._. ._ 1a .191 ...._ - _ v/ _ ��%I. .......- ':.v. ..0 t...__..._ Commissioner of Ffnance. ,; ,, � .. �� /CO 3 j G.rr E �i/� .� . . G- �_ z- �_ir-�.� -.z_�i St. Paul, Lunn., ------ 191/0. -To the Honorable, The Council, _ City of St. Paul, U= - Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from .—A 7. .. , St. Ave. to .... �:-• .../.. ..... .. ...................... St. Ave. �y Office of the Comniisstoner of Public Works se Ren • � Q0.= { : x Report to Commissioner of Finance 3 IEN FEB 20 1919 Febrnary 26th,9 _____._...._.__..........._...._.........._..._...__..._.191 _ _. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pool: The Commissioner of Public Works, having bad under. consideration the preliminary order of the Coun- cil, kumv„ as Council File N................E4233 __._.......approved..... _.....Feb ....._.ruary_..._...._....._17th . _ 9......._.._391...._..., relative [n......__....___.... ooaetruoting a oement tile sidewalk six feet wide on both sides of 1ltunster Street from Meet Seventh Street to Edgeoumbe Road _ __... _... _ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ ...... .... _..necessary and (or) desirable. 80V per lineal foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $—_._—_, and the total cost thereof is $._. x ._..... _.... . and the ..turn and ..tout of said improvement is as follows: ... ..... _... ....... .... _._.... _._...... _____._...._._.__.— ...................... 3. A plan, prefile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode a part hereof..• 4. _.___....—......___.______.__.--..._.__.__..__....._._.__..._._.............___._....._.._....._..____. 5. Said improvement ie_._...__._aeked forupon petition of three or more o—am of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. of Public Works. 74. sw 4 7 0 0 FINAL ORDER In the littler¢f.._....c_onstr_uctLnL...cr.rent._t,il�._5_ia=v::�:A; the south sick of ,t. ..1-ir 2treet, ::here r:,,Iks do not nor: ex.ist� -t the ........................................................................................... ..... _................. .................. ............... ......... —... _........... _...... fc'l ov: o.._fi.Cie._`_4.F�..4':i._.n.S�...J:rR!::...Du'_:e. f _.....y.tr.•.e.a.4._'�.._P.P.&s...ys:.�....._�.ei?��.o;:a:?.:..:....].5.._l. F,_S_e.eL...................................... ....:................ ................................. ........... ................................... ........... ..................... ................................. ....................... ...... .... ................................. ....................................... ..�.:..................... ............................................ ...... _............................................... ander PrOi `00£30 T"n. 27, 1919 mrinaryOrder.....__.....:............_........._._...._.¢ppraved.._..._.......:'..`..........._.................... ..... _._------....... Intermediary Order.....__.....................................................approved._._......_:........_.................................................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. ment to be made by the said City is Construct ce-ani t,i 6p.u ao not idth on the south ride of t. C1--ir t, ;vhere �:.lkrnn .i.st, •t h,_.. ................................ _...._.. _ ....... ..?.. .. . Obi £ J'C ...the ....follnJ:-.i.a€._l.acat.lens;....._k:rrn..:....t:e.e.t._ta._L:ric._�r..�:r..i...lad...:...:...... ..from..Duke._5?se.e.t....thencc...cesisppnnr l_�tely....1:.5_.fest.-..._........................... ............. . ............_..._._....................._....._....................._................................__. _.....:..........__._..______.................._............._...__..,., ._................_.:.............._..__._.........._............ _....................... ...... ... ._._....._............. ............... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. _ RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Warks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that ..upon said approval, the praparcity officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Co 1 City Cie Approrea...�hh 1. , Isl�... �Cunncilmeu 0 Cahncilman Yd Clancy' Cones bn -Co. /�\ I11.tlN9A7 J Couneilm Wunderlich Form B. -S A. 8.2 offirC IIF Tits ( lak April 9th, 1919. N. Go.s, . Comr. of Public Rork.. Re.Sidewalks on the south side of St. Clair St. from Webster St. to Eris Street, et sl. Dear Sir: Attached plena. find Fina1 Order No. 24700, for the c netruction of eid.—Ik. on the ab— streot., which wo. laid over to grit 16 lT�„}jj d referred to you, by the Council at Ste mea >t'ng +�e1d this date. Very tru�4 yours, � f—/,(��/ anc. CITY CLERK. '( y C° o L li o� itTF J T ' s HARRY A. RAGE MAN ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW -IT PAUL April 1-th, 1919. Honorable Ll. 1'. Cons, Commissioner iNblic 'iorY.s, St. 1'anl, ldinneeota. Deur Sir 1,1y attention van call today by your de- partment to the - tter of the [— poz:ed aide walk improvement on the south side of St. Clair Street, and larticularly to the factthat in the rceuest or, retition therefor, the proposed improvement mss to start at 77ebster and extend to Colborne. The only portion of this im- provement in w:: ich my eli-tS are. intarented is Prom t%re east line of Oneida Street to Colborne. Pone of the poople eho carne to me on this m•:tter live or, either Toronto or ebster. One of tvro unrties live on Oneida ttreet, the bulk of them on Erie and one or tvo on Duke. Very truly yours, H,1H : H s Dictated bnt not revised. - /7 14 . Qitg sf St.'�laul Department of Ilublir lDarlm St. Paul, .Minnesota. April 23, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public Works, B u l l d, i n g. Dear Sir•. I have investigated the sidewalk proposition as outlined in Final Order Council File No.24700, sidewalks on St. Clair Street between •Webster Street and Duke Street. This order was placed to comply with the intent of the parties making the request and was outlined to cover same. In investigating the details of the proposed locations, I find that sidewalks extend to St. Clair Street going South on Colbourme, Duke, Erie, Oneida and Webster Streets. Pro- ceedinge, however, have been instigated with this Department to vacate Webster Street from St. Clair Street thence South to the Short Line Railroad Right of Way, Webster Street is not a oar -stop point for East bound care, and from what I can learn, St. Clair Street on the South side from Webster Street to Oneida Street is seldom used for pedestrian traffic. I would, therefore, suggest that this order be amended to read as follows: "Construct cement tile sidewalks six feet wide on the south aide of St. Clear Street where walks do not now exist at the following lo- cations - from Oneida Street to Erie Street and from Duke Street thence West approximate- ly 135 feet". The sidewalk from Erie Street thence East to the alley will be constructed on a permit. On the attached plan I have shown the present and proposed sidewalk construction, also the pres- ent oar -atop pointe. Yours very truly, Enale Sidewal gineer, EGB/C �EfflE=EEM O�o ,—MENT OF FIN4NCr., REPORT 0# COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of d t under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City Of St- Pool: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports ns follows; The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cast the above improvement is S 80 The lots ar parcels of load that may be ...eased benefits for such improvement, and the —essed -bastion of each let or pared as last reported by the Assessor, are 11 follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BL.11 ADDITION 11LYART'S. 2750 37 4 1. \.,c -6f 0CH 36 4 '„i;0 13 4 425 1` 4 L 510 12 ZVItiI.—i- S.b 'livi'i”" of 3' 2050 OT �1,1*nson Pro— and The Commissioner of Fi ... a, farther reports that he has i .... tig,ted all of the nfore.nid matte, and hereby ,.b,,iu the foregoing as his report there.. to the Coun,il, together with the rrp made to , hun in dc,c..c I. F -I t " Sr -57-7 Office Commissioner of Public WorkslIECIFIVED .0 of the Comn� Report to Commissioner of Finance,,,, ,,,.,:') FEB 10 1919 February 7th, To the Coloolisliss" of Villosee of the City of St.Ps'li: The Coss islisse, of P.blio W-111-, holejog Ils, so,,o, eessh,,stiso the perifiolsa,y .,do, of the Cann - 24086 January 27th, 9 - eil, k-- .. C.lp ollik File No, _ � - --proll'i ... - I. ... _ .....191relative to constructing a cement tile Sidewalk six feet wide on the south Side .......... . . ... ....... — .. . ............... ...... 11.11 . ..... ..........111— .... . ... .. - , of St. Clair Street, where walks do not now aAist, at the following I - - .1-1---.1 --- . ...... . . ............... locationsfrom Webster Street to Fria Street and from Duke Street _ thenoe west approximately 135 feet. sod Loving investigated the mutters and thingsefe ... I to therein, hereby reports: lell� ,,,s..,jrj mod .,) desirable. 1. S,id improvement Set xxxR 2. The sth lied cost thereof is - — told the WWI —t thereof is . . ..... .. .. and the nature _,I estest of ssaid improvement is as f-flo"': 3. A pion, profile Or -k-trh of ..id impl—ooset is hereto ottsehd uod mode a port hereof. 4 . ...... 5. Said improvement i-- .. . ........ . sked for upon jo,tiths, of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for mid improvement HARRY A. RAGE MAN ATTORNEYAND COUNSELOR AT LAW SAINT PAUL is Sion— i t'nliC Cita of St. iiRa, l.linn'Eota. Dear Bir; _ _...- �- -_ _ «. at L : r:t c• 11 7 t -:1 t' - ':_' b;; u hart t:_ :.ctt=ith st r ert li t. -!et-, 1c t I faet tl -t bec "c -f the al!sen co of + ode r+: lr or! tl:e =ont% :6de o',. Lt, �_l.,. Street. bct•;.c L:,1:c '.:t. c'r.et:: and :cr :.cverl:l blocs on ri{'�.er�si dc�Li.e re of, sfent inco nver is r.Ce to t},e yropc sty or: -c1, li v;no canthoiSt. Clair Strcot. enr line his re::o.lted, t1, s. rcann of the fact that ir: taring Cals t—trd thc, cit: , Uc, A_e or, 11;;Cd, 1 - nlly ir. t 1 tl I -•n c t'.c I in `l7.lt er, r e.1;t t c !� t I- o elle ar d :eat Clair Stract to thr :'._dc '.:ell. on t1 e nm Lh side s- tr. cr, recross th,. rt. sect: ur'l.n tC te:1:C the cit;,• -bound enr. T}:i.s, o` Co',;rcc, ¢11,1.1':', to .n 11 c:'m,c st,ect s:,.at, c: hl ch t1re SL. Street L -oin, tol.erd the city, do's not sto1,, su cls as T; eilc to r,Erie aIT. :ol.bo rr.. 0,^ oo:'r se, tte -c t}rinC, 1�`act icnll,y, al Tl ier. 1. :.', :'oi r•„ ol;posi to di.r ccl.i on to mai vents ori t.y.elnor t7'. :. i,le of t':e enr line. I nm '.cell scgvliinted -ith mac;; o^ t�.e -':idents An tt-.at sect.: on o t", city nn P. am Pnnilier e: itis t;l.e di-- trict generN 11,, , '::r List t c absence n` s s:dC k on the L'S nt11 :'ido of St. 'lair i:, in t}a n, ciany other re e;.e etc, a S1111, i::co_:t'rricnce tCetriC4 !!nd in In OP-ni On, a �:xse '.'nli! in t'f. it lC Cflti Ol'. i I'll, in .SIP SC:;Gi ty. tlt.l'.e. Ent FY'1'Potl ,E L.: 11 i:h act. on in t. .. So 61 -ing St. p�snSas9 njuol . lir. Herry A. Hageman, Attorney at Law, St. Paul, td inn. - Dear Sir- . I have received your ooawuniaation under date of �.r._ January d2, relative to sidewalks on the south aide of St. Clair Street between Webster and Colborne Streets. a .y A Final Order has been passed by the Council order- '{' JrC the oonstruation ,f a sidewalk on the south aide of St. Clair Street from Duke to. Colborne Streets, and this construction will be ,rtado this spring. I have had an order prepared and will be presented to the Council today. This order provides for the oonstruotion. of a six foot walk on the south aide of St. Clair. Street from _. Wobster to Eric Streets and from Duke Street thence went approximatod 135 fact. -- I think when these walks t+ra oonutruoted Lhe.con- dititionu of whioh you complain will be remadied. Youra vary truly. - EGH/C Commissioner of Publio Torko. lF�n 2�. L��I_J JJ IIURL J uE c uCi 'LRS, co egortrdtre ATFSk M vtY kl(m In meet to ' yp �I�rti9l9aunut e wnn .._ ...IT941.1�j 1L 7 .... e.atne n.1119. w°va°o`.�eu �iS�.'t,tvu. ri g rrrat ee _......._....__...._ _.. Resolved, ' In the matter of opening, vridening end extending Cedar Street to a width of seventy-five (75) feet, from ,ourth Street to L'ifth Street, under Preliminary Order X24019, approvod January 17th, 1919, and Intermediary Order 124415, approved March 10th, 1919. The Commissioner of Public Works havin3 submitted his report and sketch in the above matter, be it I2,-SCL=, That t 1 mount` of land to b .� i'or fee o '-- roper. - /y �c«S' Yeas/,,,d.Ic (V) Nnys Adopted by the gson (altg of 61. Elaut Drpartwent at llubltr Works -EEPOET TO THIS 00771MIL- Ir. the matter of opening, e:ideninL, ami axtendyng Cedar et,- t to a width of sevanty-five (75) fect, from Fourth_ctreet to Fifth street,un- der Preliminary Order --1124019, approved January 17th, 1919, and Interme- diary Order 121415, approved ';arch 10th, 1519. To the Council of the City of >.t Paul: Ti,e Coamissioner of Pu'olio �.orks hereby submits a.,a m.akes a part of "IS :.is report, a Flan of the above improvement, o::o�iag tce lana neuessary to be taken ti:erefor by the si.adea -part of Baia ;tan, si:ici: land is more Par- tio.aarly described as follows: The northeasterly fifteen (15) feet of Plock 20, Proper. Cornu isci or.er of blic Gated � EPARS FFINANCE REPORT OF CASIONER OF FINANCE ON P UMINARY ORDER In the matter of.pu ' t1t I ' d —1-111 rtl- 1• du ,rrct from 1, ourth Street to 1•if'th Strcet to a r: ldth oI- —vent;–five (75) feet, by taki,q ;:nd csndenninf, the northeasterly fifteen (15) feet or ploclt 2u, t. Paul under Preliminary Order approved— To the C ... oil of the City of St. Poul: The Com;nissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated.mount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - e S The lots or pmcels of land that may be assessed benefit, far such improvement, and the assessed vol -tion of enc lot or panel m Inst reported by the Assessor, are m follows: SE X20. St. P. -u1 Proper. - 11,5000 i P^ I 1 The Commissioner of Fi.... c further reports tbat he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing m his report thereon to the Council, together with the report ..do to him in refcrc.cc,to _ d atter by the Commissi... r of Public Works. n,D.'ted�-191 Comms.o r fFv.va. Y gCEIVED Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Pat,sw0 • eF t�„�Z,,,1 9y Report to Commissioner of Finance a"^^ 1AN 291919 To the Coannissioier of Ffnnnae of the City of Sl. Paul: Tile Cnmmfssioier of Publie \Yorke, having hnd under Consideration the prelimino:y onler of the. Cann- - 24019.... .._January .17th . 191..9. rel t .. t .................. ,it, known as Council File N - - PI Ved . 11 ..__. opening, widening and exte1. nd1. ing Cedar St1. ree11 t .11 from Fourth btreet . . ... __ to .__ Fifth Street, to a width of seventy-five (76)feel by taking and _.... t condemning the NB'17 fifteen (15) feet of Block 20 Pauproper. and having investigated the matters mid things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improve ent is__.. --- __..neeessary and (or) desirable. xxxx8 and and the total cost thereof is {:.__............._ ...._......, 2. The estimated coat thereof is $—._......._._..._, the nature and extent of said improvemort is as follows: 3. A plot,, profile or sketch of said in,in—eueut is hereto ntteeh,d and node u part hereof. u. Said hope ie--. — ... asked for upon petition of threw or more owners of property, subject .....--... to essessmmit far said h.,ovenmut. inner of P bI c Works. 1 ,2 24- 2 47' c ", FINAL ORDER In the Mailer of... v_ d 2 t "I' d I .................. -u- . . ......... ................ ............................ ul.—laMI'd' ................ ................ -- ............. ........................ a'. ............ ................... .......... — ............ ..................... 0— Pebr-ry Flb. 3, 1919. V.,ne bss. h.d under Preliminary Order 'e-,- I,t,mediary Order -appr-cd ............... ........ ........... ................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections end recommendation, relative thereto, and having fuUY considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council f the City of St. Pool that it,, precis, nature, extent and kind of improve - .art to be made by the said City ie— .-C' tract t I c, L is ; pix ( 13 ) - . ........ .. ......... fr-: !,-d _—d ff'i.i-t z alk^ 1 .1-1.1-1 1 .. 11 ---. - I .. ...... ..._ and the C .... it hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare, plan, and peeifi-ti... far said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that up.. avid approval, the proper city Aimls are hereby nth,ri,,d and directed to proceed with the making of said hap—memet in accordance tbecoith. Adopted by the Council 191 City Clark. .Approved.._..._............ 191 ..................... Mayor Gonambace, .th C.—cibrour a. Can",tno _C_ Z -L � C .. ar P --a all Of Tkyia i l 0 d S. A. 8-7. DEPAR�£t0F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF. FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mutter of Cons trust x. ce:�ee.t the sidewalk six (Gi feet tc l:, id tP. on the east side of Lexin Cton :.venue from Lo:,b::rd t.n i,inr:ood :lace. uadcr Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of st_ Paul: The Commissioner of I'mous a hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is I"ol mal .i1c The estimated cost pe^foot tar the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or panels of lend that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each let Or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, ore as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BL... ADDITION VALUATION 7 1 `la ytons :.I.I it, ion to ^idr,c-good G 1 do 1750, ., Rr:nl.s ;;rlc .:c!dit. inn Tlo. hi 1700 3 3 do 70 _. TOTAL. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the nf.—sid matters, nad hercby� submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public {Yorks. Datcd11 ((( Commis a of Fina New LrHw000 e P Rk o ` U Sr CSF//ij J _ ^7 g q 5f s7'8a��iL, .f of L -L y j�zf ��' St. Paul, Minn., ........ . / ....191. To the Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentleman, Vie, the unaeTBigned. property Oesers, hereby Petition your Honorable Body to cause the follcMing improvement to be made: . ......... ............ from ......... -G%I Ave—Ave—to ... ;('4� -- ....................... 64. A— ........... ...... ............... Office bf- the Cominisgioner of PubkWOrIWECEIVED spa NalY Report to Commissioner of Finance FEB 261919 Februqry. 26th, — 9 To the Cmaslis,im— of Finance of till City of St. Pool: The Ulassfi.simill, of Public Work., Isiriog had sad,., sessidernties the prelialismy order of the Celia - ail, kima. as (Imissil File Ne. 24155 _..Ppr.,,,, I February I.. . I - ................ 3rd d 9 -1 'elalive t".- .... ... . . . qqpqruotjpg a cenient tile sidewalk Six feet in width on the .... ... . ..... .. --.- I 1 .11.1-1- ...... ...... .... . . eget aide of.I.Xington Avenue from Lombard Avenue to Linwood Place .. ......... .. . - .... ...... .... . and li-isf; investigated the matters and things referred to therein, liereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, .... .. .... . --secealairy slid (or) desirable. 80V per lineal foot 2. The estimated east tlie,..f is $--.._._.....---, ad the total east tioereof is $ -all the ast.la and -trot of said imp—malst is .. follows: 3, A plus, profile or sketch of said improvement is limeto atteel—I and load, . part I—mlf. i. ....... . ... . .. ....... . ....... - 3. Said imp—mileat is__ ............ .............asked far upon petition of live, orroore owners of property, soll)jest to assessment for said i provemost. Mnsr .. sor �. �,. • S,tP.CE of MINNEczo7,A U. 4h,:- - �� A --m . 254 BremerArcade Bld'g., St. Paul, Mi—esota. Honorable S. A. Farnsworth, Commissioner of Finance, City Hall, St. Paul. Minnesota. Dear Sir Ireceived Post Card notice in the matter of constructing a cement sidewalk on the East aide of Lexing- ton Ave. from Lombard Ave. to Linwood Place. I own 130 feet on the East side of Lexington A.ve.between St. Clair end Lombard, and while I have no use for the walk, I sm in favor of this order, owing to the fact. that the people living on Lombard Ave. have to iv alk knee deep thru the mud in order to get to the Street. Cer on St. Clair St., and the same conditions exist be- tween St. Clair St. and Linwood Place. This vralk is very necessary for the people living on Lingcod Place as well as on Lombard St., and the order eh ould pass as a whole. There are approximately two hundred people a day who take the car at t: -.e interseotion of St. Clair and Lexington, and they should be able to reach that point without walk- ing thru the street. I am very much in favor of this order if it goes thru as a.vbole. It will be im.�cesible for me to be at the hear- ing on April 10th when this matter comes up, and I wish you to explain to the other members of you,honorable body the conditions that exist at this point. Thankingyou in advance for your favorable action in this matter, I remain, ' Yours very truly, Al PVH:CP N° 2471._ COU................. ........... FINAL ORDER ChanEinp the Lmdo of Third Street p fro., - .int 200 Inthe Matter of- ..... ..... ..................... .......... ...................... ....... . . . ..... ... . ..... ... . ........ - Jbley ...E�d.R2�bol St. th .... .... ....... .... d_St....t2 11.5) urth_St.j -.tg,.ohod _____.__o nd•made p! Iliq blui" . i,!E-I S -oar: i_n& the old ttM.LahLi— d &r, do.-atid LL ---d .................. - .................... . ......... ........... - --20Bi�ub. 11, 1919. under Preliminary Order ........... o. w, �. u, g . ... ........... ........... ........................ -- .......... i ne f. a Intermediary Ordersimev:atr.o.... ...... A imblklaurring having been hin. Ihn. "Zei�t. r: on due notice, and the Council having in a heard all persons, objections and recoi, having fall, considered the sures; therefore, be it u ' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City that the precise nature, extent and kind of improve. meat to be mad, by the said City is ph..[,e L— de. . f _-h L,d St t TrOc F L—" to Third St. 'aroute. ,t. froi:; 7hird ,t. to Fourth tet. and tiosabal ................................... . ..... ....... .. ............. �t. from Third F�,HFth St. in accordnee with Pr-flli�Sh . . . �t. ............................... . ..... -- . .......... - a.t.tgcl,,ed, 4n.q. madea sh01;.inL UQ--Qi,d .......... calk d d 1i gdp�R.,og A#'V!A% I.. 'jtgapgj,ji. yijjj.ed jineil "'t 'do "1'0841, � gwimte 0. , or no, eve y d or, said improvement to be made. SOL It the C i �mm Ili, rl,,, came t"21'.-iiii "itstple.. cd t to a lar a . said ba, c t and. it :so cride.tS at,,, - nal ed n'th the eking id . eased, a props isle I h shy an and air y c.ci up o a i, i 'e'socat hi cordon's f said i ro,rimmt is c -done. with. Adopted by the Council_ - . - - .- I._-.._.:._;._.__........._.., 191 Clerk. — ............... 191 . . .. . ................ iiy.c. Councilman For worth Run ' or C arrileman 0 '�m Councilman d Clancy "Im" man eller Councilman eller McColl Council McColl i Council. Wmid.rlie Com Won in.- /8-7. , Mayor ltodLSon Form, B. S A. Clerk. — ............... 191 . . .. . ................ iiy.c. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF Cd%[ASSIONER�OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) Ch::n Lint Lh. L—de at' 2hi,d SL—,ul- from I d—at 2OU 11ot —1 of 1. the Matter of ibloy --t—t from Lho ],-- to 'Piiird t- ibley �,tc—t to 1,170au—j) Elt-ot ro,, — jd Lit. to 't. fr hiLd od 1-ab.1 -1 . . ............... under P,.Ihni..ry Order approved ------__----'--'—"""—...."—_.._.._.._.__._--.--- To the Council of the City If St P-1: Th, Comrsissi.... of Finance hs -by reports 11 f11111s: Th. total estimated I...It of the assessment for the above improvement is Th, estimated cost per fact for the above improvement is Th, lots or parcels of lard that .,y b, assessed b—fits for such improvement, sod the assessed —Imti— of each lot or parcel u last reported by the Assessor, To ss follows: A55ISS91 26 St. Paul Proper. 45675 28 do �7 .2 (Except ialcy):alley).8 43275 2 do 32300 (Except MeY) (9 2 do 131050 (^-Nee. "llej) k10 :2 pt do of Sout!�Lrlyz90fl' 11 2 of do 16000 7—thurly �p f`pt of i " 23 1 f,'_ -1 to r y 5 f eeL of 11 do TOTAL. 7800 - CITY OF S PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' IONER.0F FINANCE - REPORT OF AR NOMMs ORDERRY (B) LOT LO.K VAL— ON E5CRIPTI ON 12 iiop!.inc ,.cid it ion to ::t. ?uul. 37f.50 out erly J feel of 345706 do G 1 37450 do <9 do 3795 1 29 3 do ( 3 do f 4 do i'[.92600 ( 3 3 Bio _ (( - 2 3 do (( 1 3 do ( da 4 42,390V - do 13115 10115 co 1 h 12 30 St, Paul Procter. do 49650 30 7 `d9 00 ''lo F19150 29 do 41675 1:, 1 d to St. P--1. UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF. Cd6AM1SSIONER�OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .. _..LOT Loll ADDITION . ASSESSED IALIAIIIN ( - nollslns .�Luxtaon to 5t. 2111. (5 1 uo (( 345700. (4 1 as 3 1 do 1 do _ 275000 1 1 do The Coeomjssjom,, of F .ante further reports lh t he has i.vestigaled all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report there,, to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. nat,a_..__.✓/L._.:---._Ivt._ _. Gam-( Commissioner of Finance. Otte of 01.'�uni-..., . IlepartweM of Vabik 39p6a St. Paul, Minnesota. . .February 18, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, gommissioner of Public Works, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Third Street from a point 200 feet meet of Sibley Street to Broadway t Sibley Street from the Levee to Third Street, Waooutn Street from Third Street to Fourth Street, and Rosabel Street from.Third Street to Fourth Street, in accordance with Council File No. 24208, approved February 11, 1919 - Approximate coat of filling, - excavating and replacing the pavements and sidewalks to Proposed grades...............$49,656.27 Changes in Watermsins.......... 2 120.00 - 51, 776.E 2% added for inspection....... 1 035.53 T o t a 1.......... 52,811. 0 The change of grade in the streets enumerated is by request of the Union Depot Company to enable them to carry out their plane for the new Union Depot. The total frontage affected by the proposed changes is 2,946. lineal feet. Yours very truly, J/J (l� "lam—" " ESS/C Chief Engineer. 'u P/ 01fficc of the Commissionlof Public W016ECE(vEo Report to Commissioner of Finance a,en ov t� FEB 20 1919 February 19th, 9 To the Crouched.— of Finance of the City of St. P --l: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Conn- 24208February 11th 9 ail, knmvn ne Council File Na.....__..__..._..._...._approved..........._..._....._.._____._..__....._191..._... relative ta__.._....__._ .,hanging the grade of Third St. from a point 200.feet west of Gibla. Street to Broadway, Sibley St from th�et Levee to Third St Plaoouta- :Sh._ffnm_.ThirIl�.s,.._tn_Eonrth�t�..,._and�n98abel ..r9.rrQAl.._'�p.7•rd. St..,_.__ ...._ to. Fourth St. and having investigated the mottere and thing, referred to therein, hereby reports:. 1.. Said improvement ie...__..__._.._n ..ry and (or) desirable. - y The satimuted cast thereof is and the total coat thereof is $_:-_62ja11.a0 and the nature and extent of said improvement is ns fallow.: ... _........:......___.._____._...-.______..___.. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement in hereto attached and mode n port hereof:- 4. _.___... ........... _.... ___—___..._.._.._... .. ___.._.__._ .._ ._.._._.__ _..... not S. Said improvement is_..._.._..__aeked for upon petition of three or nwre owner, of property, subject t—c-sent for said inepr venent. —_ -' _. � 1 C�aai.nsr Pnbhc Warke. I COWN. FORM . . ... ...... . No. n i_, 0 .......... - --------- . ......... 191 1 Resolved, That the iftw, Commission— Clancy, F.r.—th, K.11.,, jc C*'!' and City Engineer Oscar Claussen, are hereby instructed to attend the second Annual convention of the Mississippi Valley Waterways A�.sacu= tion to be hold in St. Louie, April 17th and 18th, 159, as delegates and representatives from this city. Resolved further, that the proper city officervird"hereby author- ized and directed to draw a city warrant for the sum Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, payable out of the Officers' Atte ing Conventions Item of the General Fund in favor of Commissioner S. . Farnsworth for the purpose of paying the expenses of said doleg%tcs to said con- vchtion. Y- U) C .. Cil... U) Nays th 7 C) ._0_... Ag.i.st Adopted by the C .... il � � ......................._._191-_.. App?42 .......... 191 rn LLER A m FORMA Na..._ 217 __f 3 600 APR 1 ... .... PER.................................................�,.........._.. Resolved chat warrants 6e drawn upon the City Treasury, payabk am of the 1-6--f- spedficdF fund, and i. favor of the p ,firms or orporat fq t pp t [h � nemn u specified in the f II d 1 d :tat ant: ° I o oto /d- 13:88 �(�Adopted dte Counml . ;{..+� .+'�.h �L�S 191 (I Approved.. /Z". 1qf Vr.o "were v4: a vt I 13686 Citizens lee & Fuel Company, 194.25,''0 Weik�teuee- iiGGI: Farwell,Ozmun, Kirk & Company, 155.77 -Beek,&, w d-39pees 23988 Northwestern Electric Equipment Company, 4,324.76 ' •ltenrle ; 6ar: Revl .-1R.:P&` 38.b6. Lig]stiag-. 33a6q• �- - 4 24;98 44e'03 Bt.Paul Herald, �armP'b 0€€#o-itai—A%b Total..— 5,036.88 382.08 69s0� 1}}T59 8 COUNCIL FILE NO.---a,�- L7L,/ 24.7', CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Apprdviflg Assessment. Wth, matter If the assessment If benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of - sewer on Eustis Street from Bayless Ave. to a point 150 feet south of centre of Bayless A— ..def Preliminary Order ....__2.2484_Intermediary Order _2372 final Ott!Irapproved_....... JanqarV-11W . ... . .. ..... — 191-9 The ..... a—It If -DjUlefit9L, -Costs and eXPPWLe§ . . . .... ... for and i. -nn-ti.n with the above improvement having been submitted t. the C-61, and the C-61 having considered — and found tha said --Inl satisfactory, therefore, b. it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby it, all I-P-ta approved. RESOLVEDFURTHER, That . p.blic hearing be had .. said .—,aaa— an day of May 191_2.,at the h.— If 10 o'clock A. M., in the C-61 Chamber If the Court House and City Hall Building, i. the City If St. Pani; that the Commissioner If Finance give —i- If said —ting. . required by the Ch-- stating i. said -ice the time and place If heating, the -- If the impt—aaaant. the total cost thereof, and the ...Int ---d against the ]It or I— If the p.,ti,,I,, .—I, to whom the —6— fa directed. Adapted by the Council .... . . . ... — 191 City Clerk. Approved _191—_ ..... ..... — C. C—eilaa.. F.. a. �A Clancy G..C_ll Wunderlich h M,Iiwx. Ho dgeon CITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT In the matter of the--semment of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of a sewer on Eustis Street from Bayless Ave. to a point 150 feet south of centre of Bayless Ave. under Preliminary Order -MR4- Intermediary Order -..23724 .-_....-__.....__..-.-, Proof Ord ...__23-993 _._...... _..... ...... _., approved January. 11th__.........__. 1919. To the Coumfl of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finmce hereby reports to the Coundl the following ne a a mement of the expendi- tures n ew, 1y incurred and to be incurred for and in moneetion with the making of the above improve- ment' va. Coat of mnstmceon - - - - - - - - $ Cost of publishing mum - - - - - - - $._......._._-._e.o.___.... Coat of postal cards - - - - - - - $- Impeetion fee- - - - _ . - $.__--...7 Amount of mart conn for confirmation - - - - $-- 6.0....-__.. Total eapmditores - - - - - - $-..-..x49..13__......_ Said C0000h.i er further repo- that he hes assessed and levied the total no, omt as above -eel- Weed, -wit: the sum of 409_13__ each and every lot, par[ or parcel of Iand deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca -e of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been c mpleted, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the sig cure of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said a-sewment es c mpleted by him, and which ie herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be coneidered proper. xoom a. s, 17 Com oxer of Finance. --------------- ------- ------ - ............................ L ...... -------- -------------------------- couNCM I�LE- NO. f CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment. I. th, -- of th. f benefits, costs and expenses for CONSTRUCTING a sewer on Syndicate —e- from Stanford :ve. to a point 144 feet south of south line of St. Clair St. ender Preliminary Order _ 2244A 1 --di., Order 23364 --233�-- Final Ord- _._.__23_Q78 — . ......., approved._ September 7th . ...... . 1918 The ---t of....benefits QQ5,t$--dexp. For ..d in with abovethe i---- having b— ..b -i -d t. the C ... 61, and the Council h—i.g considered .— ..d I ... d tha ..id .—.—t -ti-f-- th—f. ba it RESOLVED, That lh. ..id .---t be ..d the .— is hereby i. all —P— approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That , p.blic hearing b, had .. said ---t on th— I th--day of Kay_.._____......_._, 191 q , at the h.- of 10 .*,],,k A. M., i. the Council Ch— b- of th. Court H.... and City H.11 Building, i. the City of St. P..1; that the C—mi.— of Finance ,i— ..fi- of said meeting, .. req.ired by the Ch --.[.ting i. said ..ti— t6 time ..d pl..e of hearing, the -- .f the imp. --t. the 1-1 —1 thereof, ..d 16 .mount ---d g.i,,t the lot or 1— of the -particular o - he p,ttkul- - t, whom the notice i. di --d. Adapted by the C ... 61 ...... . ..... '12fc,z Z—C.'Cfctk. Approved --191--- . . . . ..... . ...... . C .... il— F.t.—.r � i /- 7 F .. W" C.. H3T& x Clancy K�l D-Coll M, Iapxxx HodLson 7 1 ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ CITYOF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT 191--- 1, the m.uer of the of benefits, costs and expenses for the construction of a savior on Syndicate Ave. from Stanford Ave. to a point 144 feet south of south I.ine of St. Clair St. -d— Preliminary OM- Intdi.ty Order Fi..I Ord- -- 2306__ , approved September 7th-_ - 191—B. T. the C .... il of the City of St. Paul: Th. C...i.i. of Finance hereby —p—t. to the C-61 the following _,_nt of the di- mree .rily i--d nd to b. incurred for and i. ....action with the -.king of the -b- i- -- C- of .... t..ti.n $ Cost of publi.hing $ 1.08 ti Cost of P. -I -d. $ I..P.,ti.. I— - - - - - - - - - - $ Amount of ., for . b____ —.7-0.— T-1 expenditure. S.id Ci..i.n further . that he h.. --d ..d Iied the total --1 - b.- , Seined, to -wit: the of -',-QO4&4 .p.. -h ..d -w I.t, pert or p--] of I..d deemed bfi-I by the ..id improvement, and in the woe of each 1.t p.,t or pnrccl of land i. —d.n— with the benefit.. conferred therm.; that the -ii a.aea.ment h., been PI—d, ..d th,t h-o attached, iden- tified by the f the..id Cis.i.n .,d m.de I part hereof -id t I,a,d is the :n.by him. -d which i. h--11, -b -i-d to the Council I— ... h action th..� may b, --idd proper. __ 7__-_.-._..-,_.-,_. a. yr C Doer of Fi..n., / -------------- ....... ------------------------- - - 1 " COUNCIL FILF. NO-_�„� CITY OF ST. PAUL U Resolution of °Council Approving Assessment. In the meaer of the ......meet of benefits, costs and expenses for Constructing, relaying and repairing Gement Sidewalks, Estimate No. 7, Under Contract 2802 for Season of 1917 (St. Paul Cement Works Contractors ) --Assessable Roll-- P.O. 16021 Jefferson Ave., both sides, from:Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. and from Warwick Ave. to Edgeumbe Road. F.O. 18007 Juno St.., north side, from Edgcumbe Road to Griggs St. F.O. 17898 Fairmount Ave., both side., between Finn AVG. and Fai�view Ave. -F.O. 18940 St. Peter St:, west Bide, beginning. at ventral Terrace thencc aoutii-63 feet. by,9 feet. : Central Terrace, south aide, beginning at St. Peter St .. thence west 125 feet by fifes t. Harriet St.,.-west-eide, beginningatCan tral Terrace thence north 26 feet,by 6 feet. - Centre1 Terrace, north side's beginning at Rice St. thence east 170 feet by.6 feet: Central Terrace, south side, beginning at. Rice St. thence east 107 -feet by 4b .feet and from 93 feet farther east, thence east 105 feet by. 4I feet. F:0. 18996 Aurora Ave.,south side between Cedar St. and Robert St. "11819Brompton St.y west sides from Doswell Ave. toChilcombe Ave. �P.0.:16595 Payne Ave., Loth sides;. from White Bear Road to Larpanteum Ave. . --Non-Assessable Roll-- -F.d. 16021 Jefferson Ave.,. both sides, from Prior Ave.: to Fairview Ave. . and from Warwick Ave. to Edgcumbe Road. ' F.O. 11898 Fairmount Ave., 'both sides, between Finn Ave. and Fairview Aver _.: F.O. 16595 Payne Ave., both sides, from White Bear P.oad to Larpenteur Ave. The ess... meet of __benefits, costs and _expenses ,:_. ........for and m connsetio. with the above mprovement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered .ams and found the said n.sessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the.aid n.se..meol be and the .ams is hereby io ell respect. approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Th.t . pubh. hearing be had on ..id nss... ment on the_.........12Sh.___d.y of ..__........ _.... . 191. 9.., nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the Council Chamber of the Coure House and City H.11 Building, in the City of St. Poul; that the Commissioner of Finn..e give .odea of . s.id meeting, a. re9.ired by the Charter, stn i.g i ..id notice the time nod place of hearing. the out... of th. impmvemcnt, she mt.1 coat thereo1 nod the nm u assessed ug.inst the lot or lot. of the p.r1-6, owns, to whom the notice i. directed. AdoptedAby the Council __:_------------ _191--, LL City Clerk. App --d _sass_-_ 191_.. A v Mayor. Councilmen Fmnmv rt6 Gom my Clancy •. Ile, �l CoII (� " Wunderlich M or UnKx Hodgson corm . a. rc Q�r ------------------------------ I -------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT — -- - - 19 1 1—ho—terofth—a-moe.—f benefits, ..Sts and expenses for the Constructing, relayinf, and repairing Cement Sidewalks, Estimate. 740. 7, Under Contract 2802 for Season of 1917 (St. Paul Cement, Works Contractors) --A-cccabla"011— F.O. 16021 -Jefferson Ave., both aides, from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. and from Warwick Ave. to E , cumbe Road. dF F.C. 18007 Juno St., north side, from Edgcumbe Road to Griggs St. F.O. 17898 Fairmount Ave., both sides, between Finn Ave. and Fairview Ave. F.O. 18940 St. Peter St., west side, inning at Central Terrace thence South 63 feet by 9 feet. Central Terrace, south side, beginning at St. Peter St. thence west 12 5 feet by 6 feet. HarrietSt" west 6 ide beginning at Central Terrace thence north 6 feet by 6 Feet. 2 Central Terrace, north side, beginning at Rice St. thence east 170 feet by 6 feet Central Terrace, south side, beginning at Rice St. thence east 107 fee by 4—j' feet and from 93 feet farther east thence t east 105 feet by 4 feet. F 18996 Aurora Ave., son It side,between Cedar St. and Robert 5t. F.O. 11819 Brompton St., wet S ide from Doswell Ave. to Chilcombe Ave. 0. 16595 Payne Ave., both sides, White Bear Road to Lappenteur Ave. F.at a , from --Non-Assessable Roll-- F.O. 1602 1 Jefferson Ave., both sides, from Prior Ave. to Fairview Ave. and from Warwick Ave. to EdScumbe Road. F.O. 17898 Fairmount Ave., both side., between Finn Ave. and Fairview Ave Ave.,F.O. 16595 Payne _both sides, from Thite Bear Road to L-Sr_penteLaj', To the C .... it of the City Of St. Pool: The Commissioner of Fire.- hereby reports to the Council the f.jI.wmg ., .statement of the .,p,,di- ,Ore. _,,aa_i]y ia—d ad to be m=arred for ..d is =onmcnon with the making Of the abo.e irnp-1- ra—, vi.: 80511.38 Co., of e...'ro.timt $ Coat of publ6hing —tics -- - - - - - 4L C- Of postai cards o1. ...... I.-Pe.ti.. fee- - - - - - - - Amount of .0-1 e. -t. for -Ofirma'i-, SoU .03__.__ Total a pe-ditu es - - - - - - - - - 242.92 No _ assessable Total... ........................... Z937 --y a - Said Commissioner farther �P,na that he has .--d .. levied the total am..., a, ab— ae— Of , , P 5 . ........ . -op-a each and —,y lot, part or parer, of ].-1 d -mod $_85Z5 tamed, -wit: the -ma beneficed by the said improvement, and in the ra-a of e.eh lot, part or parcel of land io accordance with the—o; that the said assessment Ime been —PI—d, and that he-, att,ehed, iden- the benefit, conferred as carol"—d tified by the signawre Of the said Commissioner, and made . part hereof, is the said m--Ot by him, and which ia herewith submitted to the Council far —1, ae,ion there,, a, may be —siderod P1-P11- -Cmer of mance. -------------------- - - �j,1�19 � COUNOIL PILE NO......._ .............. 13y.........._.. .. .................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metter of...cons truct Sni;_,.curb i,ng_o.Il...b.9.th._&.idea...nf...5yndicate..Aue..._.—. .,.,from Mar,Ahel.l._AY..e.to_ Carroll._A.Y.e,,.,....C..arr011,..Ae.e.....from...Syndiaata_.Ave.. to OriEgs St. and Crings Stfrom Carroll..Ave..t.v._3t.....Anthony_.6se...._. ander Preliminary Order __..._24311 ................. .pproved.........F..ebrµas'Y._2flt.h,...1313............ ._. The Commit of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolve,: 1. That the said report be and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends iscanatruc.L_aurbin fy-"on ..,ba.tkl._s.j,(:g.6Q.;V,_Synd,l,cate.._eive,agrom,.Mar@half,,..Ave.-....t.o._Garro11...Axe..,_.Lanroll .._Ay@.,_ Ave, to Gr1Egs. St._._and...Gri.ggswt.e._f.rA.l0....Ca1:L0.1].._Ave. .._to._St.r...Anthony......^.Ve............. ............. with no alt—atives, and that the estimated ,at thereof is $__1, 6y.Q., 55__ Resolved Further, That a publico hearing he had on said improvement ou the_...... 13th ............. --1 ay of ..._.......Asay.._...._.__._.._......._...._., 191.9...., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. if., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of names give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total most thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouneiL__.....:..__:._-:..._..._..____..., _. ... 1 C ..._.. ' ham.. App d.. ....... .. ._.__... 191........ J ...L.�M.l -erg... Cit y/,park. Councilman F n,worth Councilma s Councilma Ha4mttt Clancy —ellKeller Connell an M,Call _ Coons' an Wunderli i Msy Iseb= Hodgson Form S. A. 8-6 .. .."- 2'4718 CO -CSI. xo/-...............:.... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_PhN%LlnE,_the grade _ of,_Carroll,.Qve-.,._from,,,5 -._._Gr-i€Es__St.__,_ and Syndicate_Ave. _from Ip,lehart_ yfe. _to CarrollAve.in ..__a.C.g.Oxd@nce.._with_the_red _Lines _on_.the _profiles__hergtg_a.k.L.a.Cile.d._apd...made nt.._@S.Gs.had...gC.a..d.e.S._.be.in&...&.hawlti..bY....blue...lines ..__ther.e.Ca;.._a.ls4...Erad Snr. s@id.,,y@rrplleve_..,_beta.ee,R....SXAdiC.a.ta...Ase....._and..... under Preliminary Ord ...... 24309.._...._ ........................ approved ..._Pebruarl'.._26t4>....], 515..... .............. . The CounoR of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered laid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approvedand adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 9. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is..GhanEe....the-E—dE_.nf tiarroll Ave.from Syndicate Ave. to GrigEs St., and Syndicate Ave. from ......._..........................__._......................................................... _.__.................._.............._._............_...__............... _........ cordance...wit.h._tile profiles, hereto part...heranf,_..the...b.1t:e...lines._S1w�inE.._the...nld..aatebll eh- ..__e.d_.Erade__apd_the_red lines,._the,,.,proposed _chanE,e)_also „Ersdingsaid .............._._.._..._...... with no sltruetives, end that the estimated coat thereof is g...... 683..68..._... Resolved Further, Thur n public hearing be had an said improvement on the..._.. _.13th...._._.__.duy of ............_Kay.._........_.__.._..._........., 191...9.., It the hour of 10 a'etook A. M., in the Couneil Chamber of the Court Honae and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the m—I, provided by the Charter, stating the time sad pleve of hear- ing.the nutrve of the improvement, end the total coat thereof as eatimated- Adopted by the Canucil..............'.................. .... ..... 191......... . CIr /j t! ......... . Clerk. Approved _. .. .. ....... __._... 191.._:... � �fXiy )toy.,. Cann i1an Faro old, Counoiloe, Oo Cannelton,. xrA'k Clancy Couneilmnn eller Cou,rilm McCall Council an Nunderlieh Mayo -dax HodEson Foran B & A. 8 0 r 111mi 110110HE r COUNCIL FILE N/O_ ...................:.:..:...:.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....c.RnS.kCB.RtAli...?i.._s evier_on,_Gr igEs ,Street „jvacnted j_ from,__, .....Gar.roll...Avenue.._to...IElelle.r.S...eiyenue....(VPca_ ted.).................................... .............. ..... .......... ..... under. Preliminary Order........... 2430.0. a .._..._......._.........approved........._Feprury_26th,,_1919....:........ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance span the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolve.: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ;s hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement construct a saTer _. a Provement which the Council recommends is........__........_ ............................... ._...on..Or1E6s,_Street,(yacated,) from Carroll Avenueto ..IElehart Avenue .......................................................... ......... ... ............. _............................. with an alt—.tiv.e, cad that the estimated east thereof is g...__...1 r 344.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.....13th_..........._.._..day of .... .... _._..'lay..............__....._.___....., 191.9...., It the hour of 10 o'clock A. m., in the Council Chembcr of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice Ifsaid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cast thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council, - ............. ....�......... 191....... / 9 Approved.—.— ............. .... 191......... _ ..._... _.. .. Tf .,..... ro . Councilm F rth - Counciles pes Councilmen Clancy CoupeI alloy —� 'Oaaell ��/IcCell Counc�il ¢�. wuvderlich 1IeyI Hodgson J Fonn B. S. A. 9-G i Council RI! No. The uod<rugned hemby pmpo.e. the - kine of the follouing public ' provement 6y the Cfey of Sc Paul, viz.; Dated PRELIMINARY QRDEKR. C. T- rO WHEREAS, A mitten pmpo.al for the making of the following improvement. li- qpnel t s qmqllt.-Aile sift, gak,—O J66twide - Wk VtxQ—yFq0! P14A.. . ..........._90AXAI .1 00nQQrd-StXQ.Q . . ........ .. ...... ...................... I ............ ............. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. P-1 by C-neilm--.- ......... .. .......... therafe., be it RESOLVED, That the ComeniBsiona, of Public W,,k, be and he it hereby ordmd .,d dieted: I. To i—ftig.te the neetatity for ., desimbilily of the making of aid i.p---1 2. To ima4- the wwre, erten and efth—ed ma of aid improvement. and the total mft thereof 3. To = ,plan, profile or ketch of aid i,pmv,,mL I U . .. . date and .aa mU".eloi d h- ent;- ................................ ........ .............. ...................... .............. ............. ........... .................................. .......................................... ............................. To fta hth,, at net aid jeap ... aeomt i, uked for on the petition of than or more —e- kT. r,, re poo .11 of the freg .� *-.tt- to the C-m-i-ionee of Fioan— , Adopted by the oaundL.. ........ . ...... , -191 Y—: N.Y.: Councilman For -Ah G "lend "i"' "" App—ad ........... m1u Co��d.hlb 7 W W ........................... ............ ................... nd y.r IrA. a .Y.r 2"C Council File No .... .................. i. PRI •. '�� _ �� r .I 2,17' old. of The undersigned hembY am the making of the I Ilor g,p ,mmovement by the City of St. Paul, viz: ....:...........:._....Q.oaatxaat.._a...aa . t....tile..si0.ax ,..six...fee.t_.,xi4e.,._on...the ....:..._.:.......:._. ..............naxth:..aida.:.af...Almo .. is ..:3xam:.Hemline...Aeonua...to...Paeaal..Ava... ro Hatedthu 11011..d. Ayr11, lla `'„ p[ nita,ra, - Co.n PRELFMIN� �ARY QRD�� 2`- -7 WHEREAS A written Propped for the making of the falll,o—wimttnfmmovemmp Doaet!;!ot a aemeat., tjq ei.dexalk 94 feet xide,on,. _._0,14....of._Almaad 6txea4._Yxom..Hamlluo.Avenue..to._P.eaoal Avanua...... .. ........................................... r,,. having been p ted to the Council of the City of St. Paul Ems• : �---:. ............ thadare, be it RESOLVED, That the Commurionu of PubGa Works be and be fa hueby o,dued and dkeRad: L To ia'all ate the neer 11, for or desirability of the making of aid imProvernenr. S. To fnvertigete the eatum, at nt and eaimated as of eaid improvement, and the total wit thereof. 3. ToTumid, a plan, profile or 6trh of said improvement. r r._._: _____r:•:--eTaaM-.1p, menr........................................................ .... ........................ ........................... Tu Rate w hthu m,In t ohi improvement i asked for on the Petition of the a own To report umn all of the f e�amg matt W the C .. 66.nar of F' — �...._. Adopted by th d ;..,.., t �....... .191. .. Counedman Fame ah I. Con APPro at. �........ 191..._... Hy d ler 0 �j cosi wm,de cd, J riY� .:,. ..... . Ma r Irvin Meyer. 1 ' Co.nul File No ..................... PROPOSAL FOR LMPROVEMFNT 2 w�tro R. The undarigncd hereby „ e1e tin , improvement 6y the Cityof St. P.ul, vin, PRELIMII4ARY OR!T. C • F -)Z ?"I WHEREAS, A written propoe.l for the m.ki g of the folllll,.ii,g••ieopperov<menp viz,: _. Curb. both edee„of Dayton AvenueYrom Snelling avenue to ............ _....... .... Daratoga..Slize. t. ..._....._... ............_.. ..........._ .........._...... h.ving been prueoted to the Couneil of the City of St. Poul by Coundlm.n............_.._......................_..........................._..__.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha the Commiomionv of Public Work, be and he i, hereby ordered and dinned: I. To i—ftig.te the nemdty for or devimbil ty of the .king of mid improvement. 2. To invenig.te the mmtnro, extent end ertim.ted coat of mud improvement, end the totol coa th—f. 3. To fumieh a plan, profile or eketrh of mid impmvemmt .........�.!................................................................................................................................................................................. T TT nae whether or int eeid improvement ie inked for on the petition of three or. more owners. � to report upon .11 of the foregoing m.ttcn to the C -4-i— of Fn.nce. Adopted by the munal........_...:..:....!:_':...:...:.L_...........191........ Yoe.: Nry.: Coundlmto Farm mh Coes Hyla Approved....._........._:.....:....:J..............191._._.. K Q 0, Cou 7 unae ueh 1 M.y r Irvin .ror. ve,. c. vino«tt _ POm r'fr'fs t.�. ,. COU � —'>='REAL FORM � 1"sae 47 i �`� That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and hereby awards .the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving East Fifth Street from Mendota Street e to Forest Street, to Gust Lindblad, for the sum of.$550.00, engineer's estimate being $687.00. F.B. .}'1864 CoY'°a .,a"eels osutR°`n oR^- 1 '.1 oo. ;Sa a n<o n t sre. i Yeas ( 1 ¢.until en (V) Naye Y/Flan / arth ssw her i^1 4Vundejlich Mr.,P e,id_. -fodgson Received all papers In connectionnwyi-th atiove Reaolut"�� Adopted by the Council,.,_,,,: Apprd ................................................ C L I o COIII'�GIL_ OW 10��_ RM .__.......:............................. Date PresefiFcd'.-491._.. Resoled, That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the C6n6aact. Committee and hereby rejects bid received for grading and improvement of alley in Block 9, Merriam Park Second Addition. F.B. #1863 nl M o e gaol oGnl t sill ays Yeas (V/H,dV,. Adapted by the C-61 191 +'Appro191.Mr. Pr Iii IS T—M unron a�IV� CSL �l COUNCIL RESOLUTIO,_N—GFMUM "m .._.... _.__...... ......... _.._.._..................... ....... _............_...........__. Jh�}} th�e matter of installing five light ornamental lighting system o�3fth Street .from West line of Sibley Street to East line of Jackson Street, as per blue prints attached, under Preliminary Order 15036, Final Order 19379, approved September 19, 1917. R.Mlv.d, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Oommi esioner of Public Works for the above named improvement. be and the sameare hereby approved. ora R m e.�o � Received all paper. is connection with above Rea�luti n�� / � yVJ1 U Y— IV) Caoodtro (J) Ncya Adopted by the Couocil.- .......... "........:....................191.-��� I CLnry ,Far .worth - Appr ....... .. �. ..]..... ... _..... 191..... Go . .__......_`Ev�fwar Wvvderlich 'TMLISFIED sneteer_.._,_.__.:..... ................ _......_:............................._..........._...._._...__........_......_..._.__..... 24726 NO........._......................................_.._ \� In the mater of installing. five J light ornamental lighting system.. on Sibley Street. from North line of Fourth Street to South Line of Eighth Street,. as per blue prints attached, wader Preliminary Order 15335, Final Order 17660, approved July SO-, 1917. Resolved, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner oY Publia Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. 11-10 rrom PS.°m°o m n F e.i a Yeas M C ... cilm U) Nays Clvvry Fares Orth Goa. -nwle'?ReP 7 Ke1 r 1 vvderlich W.P-M .nt Hodg.on connection wived thpabove Reno uti u Adopted byo thed C.o..—........i.l.._._._..,... Appr.:.,..._`..............i.._...�.7... .......119911._.....- . ✓� ~ v- CIITOPST.�PAUL �j M (4 000NCIL RE6OttlRelT9eNewm. FORM ' �o .0 2472'7 Date Preernfrd�.?.3.jSP1-r1A�p+,7�]8�ygy�, In thematter 0'f installing five light ornamental lighting system on Sixth Street from West line of Sibley "root to two hundred thirty-ela (236) feet fest of Sibley Street, as per blue prints attached, under Preliminary Order 6870, Final Order 8665, approv- ed January S. 1918.. Nesolved, That the plane, specifications and estimates submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named %mprovement be and the same are hereby approved, neaen etips4 a2. pap. yq sti a wi �j, abopa iD Yu (!) Couvcil v (!) Nays Clay v - Adopted by the C-61 191 sw Far arth App G s eller v 7 McColl Wvvd.Hkh ..................._..........._..........................191..... � . ................ Mr. esldevt, Hodgsov y 17Y-eFe'�-.aa.UL� coy "'ton' tiEREFtQL FORM A s.yeeF._.._._..__...—_`..::........---_...__.._........ _....... ........:....... _..... ....._......_....._.:.......... ........ ___ NO: J n the matter et installing flea flightSib osaemeeet olightiEaatng�@ystem on Fourth Street from West line or Sibley Street to East S£A6'bf Jackson Street, as per blue prints attaohed, under Preliminary Or- der $15035, FinalOrder$18379, approved September 19, 1917. Resolved, That the plane, dpeoific at Sone and estimates submitted by the Oom- mieeioner of Publio Works for the above'named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. a t.. 1'0; P muF:e° "ILIII ' nye t _ °e. (Byrn ts; tate)... Besn°o°tipel $ -- �z tj m b yaa to Y... ( V)(✓)x.y. - DF9 11. 1919 Adopted by th. C .... il ........._........... —191 h ..................� ;:-Z... I F9......... 191..... hMr. Pr. LZ An ordinance settling the claim of J. Melvin Pothen against the City of St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to J. Melvin Potben, the sum of Forty Dollars and Twenty Cents (040.20) in full settlement of his claim against the City, arising by reason of damages to his automobile, caused by the defective condition of Case street, West of Earl street, as is more Particularly set out in his oommunication to the Council under date of April 9th, 1919. Section 2. Said sum of money shall be paid to said claimant upon his execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by him in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in foro e thirty days after its passage and publication. Passed by the Council Y—AO-A 11/7 Yeas gore VV wt.'Oloy Faarznsworth 'Cos. .Re tCr 'McColl -Wunderlioh Approved Z Attest /\ Mayor City Clerk CO - NSE ,TM � No. a�e 2'%]. �3 0 4 RESOLVED, That the application of the following persons for a license to sell intoxicating liquors at the locations re- spectively indicated, be, and-tbe same hereby are granted, and the City Clerk i authorized and directed to issue such licenses to said applicants upon the Piling of the bond and the payment of the fee required by law. Name of Applicant. Location. Clement J.Minor 133 East 4th.St. Borrie Christensen 497 Wabash. St. Aaron Herz 443 St.Peter St. cndAoP.m', zn °t -_ P_ 1-.— . p w Aaa„tad by a c ,r:' APR .12 1919 ,m ce . _.. tirrtrw. inei A, e 1 APR 121919 191 -c—" Ncip 24731 C Date RESOLVED, That the Following designated licen, es to sell tin liquors be transferred as indicated pursuant to appl is ..' i ong 4ptly made therefor. No. -- From (Name and Address) To (Name and Address) No. 2Q3m.1in9Qf01t--l3-l5 Weet 9th -St- Daniel O'Toole 13-15 wast 9th.8t. No. ql?_.Eljzabath ITwin .387-RQb-ZUM— Morrie Fink 387 Robert St. No. -237-jame. Havlena 573 -We -t —7tb-St- p_icha & Thorne 573 Weat 7th'St- No. No. No. No. No. No. No. o- No. No. No. No SFX. u W- Ith A N', APR 12 1919 A,I,pi,d hy the Council G— APR 12 1913 "Y" u Sob.. COUNCIL 247 ,32 j........._........._........... 81..... ' Resolved, That Cigarette Lioense No. '8, now in the name of Anthony Lalzette,'.281} E. 7th Street, which exfiires January let, 1920, be and the same hereby is transferred to Mabel Gimgnorio, 101 •,°, 7th St. incl°; s,„n,l12. Yeas a (✓) Nays AF9 12 1919 Adopted by the C000<il......_.._..:......................_191...... Lth /F, APR 12 1919 Approvedd�'/�`/'/%/ C.......__..191..... Ree ch 'G —4-OR.'cdty._.. ...... „ T d f 24'733 an R ern,c "T« NO ne..le olire, "re.tiuearii; i�� 9 � ,em. r. nnncv, ree,.u•-' Dab'i'P� nieA����...... Resolved, -llai - ': ioatio'.. G: t'e!_:l,i';': :' aG':E fe" - ce]'— to eo..d tint. ::ot eis o:•+' �uraate thalloc=t io.^.a reul;ect ivei^ ie.-^.te3 ' and .the �dlracted s z'ae are, hero'cy, ,carte 1, an -t the Oity ClerY 10 out hoc izei an to issue s.ch 11ceraes to nail r rsone upon the cayr-,e-t of the fee au reguire;i by la.7. !'A'," OF C," LCdATI-:. Cer.ac:: ?:.:ocdferu, ralifcrnie, Hotel, 8P, ,^. 5`h Gt., ' . J, ?rediani, ?iestaurert, 294 Sibley, An;lrerr Cloon, Feet aur ant, 105u ^ 7th+ cess ie Olive, Pea taurantI 2G 1;, rxcha'r._'e, P, - -Cota•.irant, 2, r., 3rd, :: itts, Festaurart, 25 l7, 6th, aary - Jenni'n—, -ctel-Oo, .'ennings i?otel, 473 Tiabasha, 5th G 'It. Peter, I:oth aacbI- OSr ilic, Paul hotel, Fcaabei ;iotel, 274 s. 7th, endereon, anoey hotel, 384 Jsckooa, Z. • 'Cre, Oeo, ]avid—n, Festaurant, 93 T - t-, '..m. Oiot col^., P'oar il-ghouae, B54 :.a}lncrd, Jay 'tascar, P.eotaurer.t,373 Prarklir, Lse. Tlizabet it 7itz, Aestaurart, 962 ^o, rale 30„ P, H. Courtney, Pestaura.^.t, 147' i.7. 5th, F. F, 'enr.edy, :'ayall Hotel, 65 Y.F. 7th, A. J. Deis, taurart, 610 ;labaoha, Scut aora-,cs aoo, Festaurant, 450 Droa3vtay, Feu ;ersr, Festaurant, 58 8th dt,y H. D, i:ennel- ",unson, "lorence Hotel, 127 filth 188 L, loth, ':rs. P. C, Festaurant, 210 'i(, 7th, Tony Fossi, restaurant, 39C'Si. 7th, 'al'_er 2- OCLmidt, hotel, Yeas (1) Council n (P) Nays (c a APR 12 1919 Adopted by [h Council _ 191_... --h �/•� nsa ri�nee. APR 12 1919 �/ ✓Keller APP ed 191„ ' McColl V1ld�t drush W. President, id—, Hodgeson PUDL ( a 41VI J 247& c............... BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metter of., Condemning ani taking an e=. scent ix, the land nece s a ary ............................_... __...._....._......._.....__....._..._......_........._...._..........._._......_......_......... _......... for _slopes .fcr cuts and fills in grading Carroll Avenue 'oetrean 9Xn'3. to Avenu n3Crl� s St eat. ._.. ....._.. ............ under Preliminary 0raeX4310 ........ approved ... _... Feb. .. _... .... e Ceuncil of the city of St. Paull the Commissioner of Finance upon the e smprovement, nod having considl c. a: xo. z+va+wnee� k1,. That the aid report he —1 It, a'.d adapted, and the said improvement is ordered to be proceeded with. .aids. carton n.e�al. noenve cna nriam e.min,mory o.a'. improvement F—u err r., ts+s. - Conder ani take _. That the nature of the ' t ivh�ami pt ,m r'+r as,s�mmends is...._._.._._.__.._...._...........__._...... an easement in the 1-i aeces�sary for 's"cpes for cuts ani fills in ._ _._ _........__... _._._._.... ............ . _ .....:.... ... ...... ...._ .................. _... ..gradimg...0@sr.A11„.Avenue_bet;?e_en, Syn%_�=te _Avenue.and .Cri?a _St tact: _in _agr�gdance site blue print hereto atta ned and ma3e a part hereofto ........ e I ......... ......... ......... .................. ...... ,.hatc4ed..,porti,;;.n .sho:+lrg . the _ cuts and the shaded portion aho:+ing the with no alteratives, and that the estimated east thereof is $....._ ?0.0O _, ............... eselved Further, That a public hearing be had an said improvement an the._._._..1..zt.1.1......... _...day of .. _._'LAY ...................__. _................., 101... ., at the hear of 10 o'clock A. DL, in the Council Chamber of tLe curt House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmnmissioner of Fine— give notice nsaid meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chemet, stating the time and place of hear - g, a nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ns estimated. Adopted by me Canned A .R 12 ISI9 _ _._ 191 APR ? I:!? Approved ._._. ...., 101...... fit CI 1. Councilman Fe nsworth Conueiimnu t ass Ccunulma Urimrctc uClancy '� t;auncilu i I{ellir Come' an McColl D - C'ou oilman Wunderlich B. S. A. 8 6 C' O . 24 735 RESOLUTION RATIFYINGC D AWARDff .� s�rc • cscere,.. a uc GSR. Iv the matter af...._C.U:::�E��iil.LCi._i-s.11j:._i::::.: i:�: L e nec essur, c'or sloes, for ..... +- flus i:. gra:. � _un1., i>_Streat Cr:s.r. i,nlvet•s ata';.ve. ;.0 ":I:o.:��c `.trete... m __. ... .. a ,order Preliminary Order_...._i:l..`.f.�_..._.., spproved._.s'.:�.nc1.171htermediary Order. ..... =.l�=._4.._...., approved......I.G.i....._1.11.. _1:!l;/..• Kl,.p,lli, hearing having beau had upon the tkinand condemnation of the lands or easements therein, bove improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits and the Council having duly considered the same, naw therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and candemanliah of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signatures of the Mayor nad City Clerk, and made a part hereof, and the aNvarde of damages to the owners of such lands respectively far said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment ,all, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, d the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. rrqual.imtallmeMaas-taeeehparcalof Imd:desorihed. Lhmein. APR 19 1219Adapted by the Council .....__......._._...,191......_ ...._....................._-........ may. ` J Cit 1419 Approved..,., R..1 ......... 191. Y can,,ilmm,s worth oss a' Covacilm G- Council an 1a414hg.x C1:n c}' '.sFTiSiSS1':'^' (js. ( Cann ' man Keller can ail.."C 1f"eC ! ncimMWuderlich lan N.oO11 Nntt so�� a 24'736 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter of_ . . -:tip: _ : ':i .^•,t i - 'p:.a5 .................... un ivr: rsi. t.i'....:'.�.�.�. to.. .:'};o",t'.-...v�'....er:t. _......__. ......__. _ .._.... nnder prehmi—Y Older...._l is S:_.,:......_._.., npprovedSune_ 1.4._.1 y7 Intermediary Older_....._19.`�.:.:l......, solved: (1) That the following improvement be and the eame, ie hereby ordered to nde, viz:._:= _4ni.._!:.'t.'S.F'.._a'4_S�a:'p::'�[).t____iri. __......... (2) That the following land, land, ne easements therein be and the same am hereby taken, appen- pri ted and condemned for the purpose of making t9 said improvements, viz: u:�on .t ...........__..........__..__ ...........un.....R._::_...:11_orv.i:.::.+�..,.._�3...i:l:.c._^xtcn'. s.•.o�.�c L.,h aLLacl;ec r.e:.o ^t_,_�f. tl;-c C.g.; inli��n_e.r of ;:ubl_ic ;v ocp tri .._u:..e ....... ..... .... L.)......7. 1. EY ........... _.... (3) That the assessments of benefits and award of damage, for the taking and appropriating the nbo a lord, land, or easementstherein, have been ratified and r.oh—d. APA 12 (513_ aepted by the Couneil.._............ ............. 191.__.... U_ C ......... _ .. .. _.._ .. Citi Clerk. approved ... ... ... ..... ..___., 191........ . Councilman worth Covncilma ass '�ss.. Couvcilm %IylanaY.y�l'u ncy C.an eller CouY Ib Con ilman bfrcoll C ncilman Wnnderlieh V l - ��-� 24737 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND e@, r, AWA RD&W In the noutte, e ..,.n.{).[_--A;c .................. . . . — q-- in Lr.!e i of siuo'nnl::sZ'—ct, L'01'10T)tLecn . ......... .... .......... .............. . —a --a ma r . . .... .......... .......................... rime sra. ....... .... . ........... . ..... —der Preliminary 0,der....A- pp—ed.. i: Order .pp.r.P.- A path, hearing having be,. had ,pan the taking and condemnation of the land. ., easements therein, far the above ireprarrue-t, and the awards of damage, therefor, and also open the assessment of ba -fit. therefor, and the Coureil having duly considered the eam,, now therefore be it . Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the land, described in the nree-ed msewmo.t roll, identified by the mgn.t.ren of the Mayor nad City Clark, uad made , part hereof, and the ..... d, of damage, to the owners of each land, r.1,11ti'lly far said taking and e,,d,m.ation forth in said —ee—It roll, be and the anon, i, hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved f,,tl,,,, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the some ie hereby in all respects ratified, and the —o in 11"IbY ordered to be sobonitted to the District Court ill 101firalti— ay pCelAdo ZZ, Appmr,d-- ............. -lyl191.city Mayor. Co,neilma.. F ..a w orth C.—ouanoeIyp Can-ilma Keller Cei�-I"fe"al CoueiNV/derl,h muyor E -s b n MM MEE IMIME ■ E �' b c ''r Y\ 0 , 24738 c FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS. In the matter ........ _-__ .❑£.C.u' S,'.'.r.:rJ...l.0 r...elo:'........ .J.F....G+41�'vv......IAu....l..?.11.._.ip.._!:,.'.P•...a..C31.G}.Ai,,..'..l:.'d...,^...G..L.:?l.A'-=`-... . ......................... L re r t ._...__ ,awcveurrvu.. .............._..-.......__.— - unser rreun, � ' .mder Pr I,m,mrrl Order. L 7h .... , app uvea. 'f`°`..ei;:r u°aef intermediary Order_ a,. npproved..._Jo olved: (1) That the following improvement be and the same is hereby ordered o be made, viz:...11a11:: —I— ^.t.—L._Ln..........._................__.................--.-_._........_ Cd ...--...........___.........................._._...................._...___....................._._.........................................Thatthofollowing land, [anda ar e.ementa therein be and the same are bereby taken, appr. prinnd condemned for the purpoee of makingthe said improvements, viz: u�.r _,........-_... !..._:Vie.°:1. :: ort `.,.....i.^._!:!.:e �:i ;• LLer ante;: l eLrun ry'LcLh.,..._1_`..:........... .................. ................. ................ _ ..... .._........._._.......__.._ ............................ ..-.-.__...._.._........._....._..........__....................... ............. _...... ....... ...._......_............ .._......_......................__.........._._....."-- (3) That tlm 1ss mems of benefit, and award of damages far the taking and appropriating the nbo land, lands or easements therein, have been ratified and eonfirmed. OR _2 .919 Adopted LY the Council_.......___........ _. _._..........__......_..._., 191........ (� _ L' e .._ _ 1 � Cit, Ck k, ... call o lman N, 'n worth Co—H.ean Coaneilm:Hplmdx Cl.r.C� Council n allot L: /C 7 Com � man "l[eColl nn cilmnn \V,m<l.�rlial� OFFICE-OP'PFfE-CO1g"ROLLER ,'m'mD` jDUTf9—=nSOLUTION FORM-------------- '=3J- e.. -te 602no_u ., _ ,rf [tesol.ed that A.a irerF Docon er ayn ' y, re�nhle o��( a I ('or of the persons, firms or orpor °njy°ariir�i� '�_} rt mro<t ro�respm n � ' spem(cd m the falls. � detwled statement. c nn aevra. r � c nam Yeas ( V ) Councilmen I V ) N.yY .idoptcd by the L ti .'. ".'" 1 ._191__ Cla Fu ns�orth _-{n-{¢ml^ �PProy'' IBJ/,//�//�/�f� �. ^ I91...._ ''�L'7766''Iler Coll ,h v. naerlich \Ir. Prrsi t, Hoag'.. Trat9- K. F. Dreher, 98.69 Sai>ocls.. 11006 Dr.Dawson Johnston. Librarian 16.10 Library 14007 John J. O'Connor, 48.08 Poise :v I 0FR6B-4PIA4B-00MF-TR0LLER JJ AUDIITEIDr' ?Egof,&TION FORM 601 Resolved that—.— T:TL be d,,,n p., the City T, --y, payable out of fl�, 1-6.,f- speci ied f..& ..d in f.,., of the persons, firms or —p. -i— for the amounts - opposite their respective .— ., specified i, the following detailed statement: Yeas V ) uncilmen V Nays Ad I d b C-61 Clan F., K t�, , .I m — i/dH.dgO �quality Printing Company, 19.60 CYTS""OF-ST-: -PAUL— COUNCIL�RZ50LUTION—GENERAL'FORM ' R—Wed. That the Purohasing Agent be and he is hereby authorised and direoted to advertise in the manner provided by the City Charter, for all of the material neoessary to pave Prior Avenue from University Avenue to N. Line of Minnehaha Street, under Final Order$9366, approved Ootober 6th, 1916. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the plane, speoifications and estimated quantities submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above materials be and the same are hereby approved. C. V. X.. - he % °Otp .a I;U i5.r o s Yeas (0� �councilmen (I,) Nays Adopted by the Council_,_._;`,�p VClanry / -InhA' PP � ...._....__..........__. .............___...._191 Go s _.7 °1°vac . 7..derlich re 'dent, Hodgson 974 cm=A •I Resolution �,, 'r-11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .___.,_YY4th�-1919..:. / r-)1 n. J sem. Date-.'reeenced_..... .......+_.�......x.,..+. , paving Prior Avenue from University In the matter of - - - - - - _ _ - - Avenue to e e D. Line of Minnehaha. Strt _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 66 - _ - under Preliminary Order - - - - - - - . sinal Order X93 Oetober 6th _ 1916 Approved - - _ RESOLVED. Tlist the plane, epeoifioations and eatirmtod quentitice aub!nittod by the Commioeionor of Public 4iorko for the above namod improvomOIftt be and the same are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council - - - - _ _ _ - - - - _ -1919. (Yeas ( ) Daye ( ) Received all connection wi thPapers If, Councilmen -; ��� north Re. 01 tion. above 'Go �Re ler (� ✓� Coll underlich - - -1919 Lir. Proe ent odgeon Approv - - - " ^ m .:,. o F as aarN al o s`eot� ce°x°e °ciobarl Itte eto�rT a ale �uo ^ uno 0 . ed, cl 191'l.� r qiY-OF--&Tv-PAUL I COUNQIL-Rs:80hK1TMw'^CiENERAL FORM X24'7_ D'htapr....,..d+=AH.'A11,^:1{i;:1636i-�Y4k x—I-d, That Council File No.14437, approved January 16, 1917, being a Final Order for the paving of Concord Street from Ada Street to Annapolis Street be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the words, °The material to be used to be three and one-half (3D Southern Yellow Pine Creosoted Wood Blocks an a Portland cement oonorete foundation, except on a part thereof of said Concord Street from a line three hundred and forty feet (340) southeasterly of the South line of Page Street to the South line of Belvidere Street, and from the South line of Lucy Street to Annapolis Street, the material for which shall be vitrified brick paving blooks on a flortland cement concrete foundation°, and inserting in lieu thereof the following: ^The material to be used to be vitrified brick block on a.Portland cement concrete foundation'. ,. tlpc di�uiFe i taro%` 1 /id,,t,,Hodg... J) Nays Q Ado ted by the C000a> "� "_ I: �. 191...... P ➢ . ............................ .rth -�.;�191, ichgeoa 247! C 0-P Y St. Pauli I,iinneS.ta: April 10, 1919. mr. M. II. mmGoss Commissioner o. Public Clorks, B u i I d i n g. _-0 Doerr Sir; Referring to bids received for the paving of Concord Street from Oda street to Aanapolis Street. I beg to recormnend that bids received be rejected and that the work be re -advertised on neer plans and specifications to be changed to pave vri th brick instead of creosote blook in order to cheapen the improvement. Brick will make a first class improvement and as the abutting property is o: very low value. as cheap as possible an improvement would seem desirable consistent w,Jth first class construction. Resolution for changing plans and specifications is hereto attached. Yours very truly: (si, ed) o. Claussen •' Chief Engineer. OCC Enclo 61TY SOLAON PAUL' n COUNCIL RESOL ON—GENERAL FORM ..........._......_..._..._...... :. ............................................. ..............__.__ noiwnc _..t,tl1 No. _...._..___...._........___....._.......... R..vlved, That the action of the contract Commit—e in awarding the contract for steel reinforcing and repairing the Robert Street Bridge to the ILLINOIS STEM BRIDGE CM} ,CIY at u lwvp sws bid of $9,125,00, they beim the lowest re- sponeible bidder, be and the same is hereby approved. Engineer's estimate 1,38500.00 `e`ia <oo�l e n°mrz daeo d°°eW.°°i io,�°°r °r ro.r.00. rK°r a°mr a. Received all papers Sn connection with above Resolut Yea. (✓) Cemcil cv (✓) Nays i,P4 / Adopted by the Couvcil .........._ ............................191...... J Clavry - - Ap .. v .........................................................191 G ..... y o ..............Yu"fIIOET� •.� Iler Wand<rlich nwrvv r. Pr idevt. Hvde.av E h, a neve un v1uJL CGnn 'e' YERAL' FORM of [. No Dat .... .,. ....... That Council File $14576, approved January 39,1919, being a Final Order for the paving East 6th.Street from the East end of the 6th. Streetnbridge to the West line of Arcade Street and Arcade Street from the Southlineof Last 6th.Street to the South line of East 7th.Street be and the same is hereby amended by striking Out the words, "The material to be used on East 6th.Street from the East end of the 6th.Street bridge to the West line of Arcade Street to be vitrified brick paving blocks on a Portland cement concrete foundation, except on that pert thereof of said East 6th.Street from a line 150 feet easterly from Maria Avenue to the westerly 0� curb line of Bates Avenue and from the easterly curb line of Maple Street to a line 95 feet easterly from the easterly line of Eiehen- weld Avenue, the'material for which shall be sandstone paving blocks. on a Portland cement concrete foundation. The material to be used on Arcade Street from the South line of East Sixth Street to the South line of East 7th.Street to be vitrified brick paving blocks on a Portland cement concrete foundation" and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "The materiel to be used on East 6th.Street from the Seat end of the 6th.Street bridge to the West line of Arcade Street to be sheet asphalt on a Portland cement concrete foundation, except on that part there- of of said East 6th.6treet from a line 150 feet easterly from Maria Ave.to the westerly curb line of Bates Ave/ and from the easterly curb line of tri 1 �5 ;Bei ee terly from the easterly line of Eloha :,rl.' d't"�1'h30�v Z.ehell be vertical fibre paving brick laic flat on a Portland cement concrete foundation. The material to be used on Arcade Str.from the South line of East Bhh.Otreet to the South line of East 7th.Street to be sheet asphalt on a Portland cement concrete foundation. Yeas (J) Cvuv<ilme (✓) Nays V " .................. Adopted by the Council ._ —'=-�`.!. �... 191...... rib,.._... ......_...191...Appr c ....................:::........... ... ...�Isiwer „M /�id,Rodg ,St. 'al, 7 innesote. ,:pr�l 10, 1919. „ " 7ox.s' Cocuni F,sioner of B u i l d i n g D"r nir: 24'715 lith reference to the bid received for the pavirk; of ,dant Si::th m Street frh the :ant end of the 6th Street bridge to the -.'last line of -ro-de Street, and %�rc ade street frme the South line of Past 6th Street to the south line of East 7th Street. I b g to Tec onuaend that bids be rejected and no" bids be roccived on plans and from Briek enspecifications chin wed d Jand stone to Brick laid flat end sheet esphalt. This change Trill materially cheapen the con- struction end will insure a first class irnproveinent. In vic, of the lo, V_,luc of the abuttin, property this chane would anisoar to be doSirablo. ^osolution for chary -o of Plans snd snecificstdons hereto •Ltt—hoa. Yours very truly, (Signed) 0. Cleusson Chief 3ngi neer. OC/C Bnclo CITY OF ST. PAUL , COUNCIL RESO LION -GENERAL FORM. ... ,?D 1. ..... .. ...... 4'746 r Rcsol/a, That the reco,renlation of the Contract U—mitteebe, ani the ewoa Se hereby approved, and the paving; of Como .:venue. Yteat, From Sne111 ng —enue to Rayrond .avenue be and the sa.:e is hereby ordered to be done by City Force Ac cowrt and the Commissioner of Public 'Works is hereby authorized to procure the necessary materials for doing said work in the runner provided by the Charter. Charge -Permanent I—rovenent Re- volving Fund. 1':ngi ne er's setlmate *99,221.00 Yeas (✓) Covncilmev ( Nays �Glnvry Fvrnsw lh r delch Mr.PoHodso v nn a.�e iwo ii is.'io �Is�n u. irt2:I Adopted by t6 C 1..... �_� _191..... App, o .........191... (Gari( of dt. jlsul jlurrltuahlq Drpurin t 24746 'lo the llonoroble gayor ar,S Ja ncil, City of S..-aui. Gentlemen: The Contract Cormittee rea2ectful7y recommends that the paving of tomo Avenue Rest from Snelling .avenue to hayrond ;pienue, which waa advertised to be opened on harcn 31st, and on which no bids were received, be done by 'ity Bcrce as it is important that this ccork be c—ried out a„ once in order to secure the benefit of the State of :Lima aota ::puropriation in tl-e am-nt of 4t)0,617,00, which appropriation :::,y .nut be available after August 1,1919, and .ilso to ha -:•e this osvement com- pleted before the opening, o. the 1919 Statey;sair. nYYhOVF.D: TIM COfiTHe;T e01'7�-I TTEL i 1 s. C, ................._........... 21747 9 NAL ORDER In the Matter of...... ca3i^ t13-...5: 1@3'... i.n. .._......_...................... ._............................. _ a.....ser_ue.-..._......................._. ... -. .... iva m.im:.r.s.auma m.-vmv G _..._.... ....... _.. .... a< c g ..o ............. ...._ t .a ¢radar Preliminary Order...........:'-..a;,2.4_._.._.........._..approve ......approved ...........J:tinn Y._';..to.,....l.w.l;<........._._..._. (be. I"ryOrder..__,ppr...dpublie. hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having all peraove, objectionsandreeommmd.._relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; re,itythe Cmmoil ofthetyofSt.Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improveo be made by th� is_!n'.a3.'_...d.._L.r._i..t i.on_.... ._`so¢....:.Vla-rt —,%txaa La. Cpx:y.i.as...Avarut:....... ....................... .............................. ... ...................... ... and the Comcil hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commission r of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed o prepare plane and apecifieatiova for'raid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that ¢pan said approval, the proper city officials are hereby anthorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in nrourda_ therewith. pPR 14 1.919 Adopted by the Council._.._......_...._..........._..........._...._..., 191........ � , /( C'ty Clerk.y� AF, Approved............_......_..._• . ............. .._......... 1:11._..._ Mayor. Cou¢cilm a n ws th Couveilm 0 "sea Council m laud 11 snoy Come' moller . Coun m �f Coll Co cilmen'Nunderlicbo hf or>itwattx hic3gson F B. S. A. 8.7. CITY OF 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PF}ELIM;NARY ORDER In the Mail,, of J-->a-dine Y_kll--Block '__kl I t Lon f, gg _jlb QLIL— .ad,, Preliminary Order app roved To the Council of the City of St. Plot: The Commissioner of Fi,.,,, hereby reports as follows: The total estimated a....t of the assessment for the above improvement is J000 n t The estimated cast per t for the above bap--m—t is The lots or p1mll, of Mad that may be as,eased b fits for such irap--ase.t, ..d the assessed e.1 -ti.. of each let or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ...... LOT ADDITION VALUATION 1 41 2-1L, t, Addition 4200 2 4) do 3 4 do 2900 4 4 do 3150 5 4 do 400 6 4 do 400 7I 4 do 600 8 4�i, do 400 9 4 do 400 TOTAL CITY OF — PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - - t � - .cRiFT ory ^ iON VALunion ., 11'. 41 Surrents addition 400. - 12' 4 do 550. . 13 4 do 1000. 14. 4', do 550 .151 4. do .. 575. 16 '.. 4 do - 2050. 17 4. do .. 1800. 18 4, do .400 _ 19 4 do 400. 20 4: do .400. ;.21 4 . do 2400 22 4 do 1800. 23 4 do 2000. .. 24, 4';. do . 2800 25 4. do - 2800 26 . 4 �.. do ;400 27 4'I do _. . 3200. 28 1. 4,, do 600 The C sicner Of F aace further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, .ad hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference t, said matter by the Commissioner of Publics Works. ` Dated------ Commissioner of Finance. �i a �,, '14 { , PA 1. By..' ._.. _......_........_.. .......... MEDIARY ORDERS 7 r- r , o,•�,.+ i r. t'na l;ni .... sr }• In the Matter of.._c^_L.le3.R131;,._Sr Q..__3.:...Iv_.°-_:....'-.',cr..::.r.::.r....................._.._....._........... ... -,:e.S,.._ for ...�uta an:: s ir.._.j .r ".: v. .... ........_................................_.......... -. rert v !3 i`„ c frc ::_,t rt ?tr e c i- -t' ._.._....__.__...__.......___................_.............._............. _._..._._............... .:::.____._.......... ---- ............... ............ ........ ......... under Preliminary Order............'..4v°.a................._.:..... ;- PProved_....j�.'...::.'. t.�.r.._15iP The Council of the City of St..Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ........ l e,,,. r1 ^:�^..saa-� fcr alc^_.. `.r cut; s;:i `17.1a in e z.n....S.O...._l. �:. i_.....:..:.:............r....'...........__........r...::.a....r..r......................_........__............_....._........... ...,;nzirr_.11e...@-1eJ in _cek 417 `rr r �,..rtt c� frc ger*. '.treat ... ....... reto._2tt aohzd -d .................... at zh7d...p—ticrs al el :h.`....cuta ar..9....:ae....eca:ied ......... ......................................._........... ........... ..... ..................... ...... .......................... ......................... ..e... ............. --............. with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $... 25..�:-:^.. ............ Resolved Further, That n public hearing be had an said improvement an the.._..._:.._l.;tn _..._.........,;.x.i.1._....................._- 191.._x.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Home end City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissiovcr of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Chartedstating the time end place of hear- . ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. :.'Adopt d by the coo 1 ........... M -_. 4 t . dpproved .:. ... ]pi:....... City CI rk. .. nfayar. Councilman Far' arth Cauvcilmen Co Cauneilman tan'dz -fancy Commit. eller _ 7 Comeilm McColl Couael m Wunderlicb May Irvifrz�c Fed ccn Form S. A. 8-c CITT Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER yJ L1 r / GS Iv the Meller of �.9u11�Pja vnd La,`1nL_a.(Lgsselnent i�SA.LY.�-f9P�1.UpfS.y- r .,12_ o, 1T._..._ ' f'nr rlyj,^ Tilt the mutt t' I (_ fi o-� --- of,.^-yL(^t<}LL-S._.u! ��k_i Q_rLfL4J�LhQ 4.�•t ,oder Preliminary Order approved - To the Co,ocil of the City of SL P-1 The Commissioner of Fivaace hereby rcporls as follows: The total estimated amount of the osscssmcvt for the above improvement is --- The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $— The lots or parcels of land that may be ossesscd benefits for s,ch improvement, and thea ssed val,atiov of each lot or parcel os lost reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRI-01 LOT AD -TION IA 1 4 ) Suri,enta „ad it ion 4200 2 4 J]1 do 3 4 do 2900 4 4 do 3150 5 4 do 400 4 do 400 9 4 do 600 8 4 do 400 9 4 do 400 10 4... _..._.. do. __ ._ 400 TOTAL. CITY or sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11. 4. Sa,L,—tc ;, ir.ition 400. . .. 12 4 do 550 13, 4. do 1000 14 4 do .550 _ v 15. 4 �' do 575. 1G, 4. do 2050. 17 4 do 1800 . 18. 4, do 400 .. 19 4 do 400. 20, 4. do 400 21, 4. do 2400 22 4 - do-`/ _ 1800 23 4 do 2000 24 4 do _ 2800 b 4 do 2800 26, 4. do 400. _ 27 4 do 3200 20 4. do _ G00. .3-5975 The C Issfov.r Of Fivavice further reports that he has [.... Ligated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby s.bmit, the foregoi¢g as his report thercov to the. Council, together with the report made to him i¢ reference to said matter by the Commissioner Of Public WWo/rks. Dated............_k COmmissiO¢er of Fi¢avice. om ar n. PA., DEPARTWENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER . • 11 4. S- L—to :.Coition _ .400. . 12 4 _ do 550 13. 4. do 1600 - 14 4 do .550 . 15. 4 do 575 - . 16. 4. do - 205u 17 4 do 1800 18 4. do .. 400 19 4. do .. .400. 20, 4, do . 400. _ 21. 4. - do 2h00 224 do 23 h do _ 2000 24 4. .. do 2800 25, 4, do 2800 26, 4. do 400 27 4 do 3200 28 4 do 600 _ .. _..3=975.. The C Issioner of Finance further reports th t he bas inv tigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public. W-kms.. Dated(�—'..--. Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WorkhEc�cVso Wf PRN3fp \+. Report to Commissioner of Finance s WAR 4:1919. _..._...._March... 4th,..__..._......_...190.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publia Works, having had under conoid—tion the preliminary order of the Com - cit, known as Council File No,.24086,-_...approved..__....._JanuarY. 27 ,it, relative to, ......... condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, for cuts and fills in the matter of grading the alley in Block 4, Sargent's Addition from Albert Street to Hemline Avenue and Loving investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: -1. Said improvement is___.___.necesmry and (or) desirable. x]ac and the total and 'L. The estimated .at thereof is �_—__...____._, coat thereof is �.........._.._._..___._____._, the nature and esteut of said improvemeut is us follmvs:..___...___.____......._......___._..._..._---- ___...... _... ___._..__..._._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof.. 4. ._.__._ ___.--_____...____.__._._..._.._...._..__._.._.__._..._........ _.... ..._.__...._...._.._......_........... .... ._.. 5. Said improvement i—.. --- __.._----- _._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, s,bj,et to assessment for said improvement. ppp T-to--n— _r of Pnblic orke. . CITY OF T. PAUL . �y COUNCIL RESOL ION—GENERAL FORM S"Mer -< '4n - _ 24749 NO. t/� Date Preec�n a .....d�`MCi,. �w+.w19.19.._. 191..... ,U In the matter of grading Clark Street from Maryland Street to Aoee Street, under Preliminary Order 84485, approved,Maroh 19, 1919, and changing inthe 0irradeand grading alley in Zaohxlsonle Addition, under Preliminary 24479, approved March 19, 1919, Resolved, That all orders in the above matters be and the same are hereby oanoelled, annulled and reeoinded and all prooeeding is each - matter discontinued. .� l�m�l X391 .........��A a locia ul n0'� Redioly EQ d nli o d. e1In.N ^a0... e jvv bceeeivee �i`v me `Ivdedd h A c19. ISI ( t IVF ev (✓) Nays�PR Adoplcd by the Covvcil......:......... ........................191th1PR.4(�.ch.ov t ' Olitp of Bt. �Imd o - ^ F,,,,,, Depsetmeat sE'�7uhltc IDorks .. Goss. c .. o.... 24749 St. Paul, Minnesota. April 13, 1919. Mr. M. N. Goes, Commissioner of Public florks, D u 1 1 d l n g. - Dear Sir, In the atter of Preliminary Order for changing the grade and grading the alley. in Zaohrieon's Addition and grading Clark Street, Mr. Seamer reports that there will be a difficulty. in assessing the grading of Clark Street which may be overcome if the two orders are combined in one. I therefore submit herewith an order combining the two projects. Yours very truly, ESS/C Chief Engineer. F ilf. N. ........... ......._._... r,6� m a ; d i 24750 Petition f�°a,rk te�•ec.,to_.ro _-•- /� The undersigned h r�i �oporen the makip,,�e'�ore� ai; ,iW e�e'4 improvement by the City of St. Paul• via: line -Dated dia-PW,....._.day o1....... s`° acv%:_..,:,.._Il_::_1.�.�....f..., 191 _.__.. Council— ,/ �. PRELMINAR�tY,. QRDER. C • F• Yt O 7. 47 SO WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f,14am, ie�mprov'�e —T, viz.: win the uado__oY.._alley...in._2aahrleon.!.a_ Addi.tion..from..Axkwright... Street to Clark Street to oonform to the red line on the profile ----hereto- attached -and -made -&+part-hereofy-- the -present -established ------ rade bei ehoFn_by._a blua._line_ thereon; also grading said alley _ gg ` tothe'eai red line when eetatil�Ahed snd grading Clark Btreet from ........fioae...Rtreet...to Maryland.Streat.... ..._._........... ..__ ........ ............ having been pmented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Counulman...............__............................._...__._.........:...... _..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comm6sioner of Public Works be and he is hereby,,dared andddmated: I. To investigate the necadty for or desirability of the m,ki.g of ,aid improvement 2. To i-aftigate the nature. Ment end estimated wet of ,aid improvement• and the ental cot, thereof. 3. To fumids n plan, vrofile or ,ketch of uid'vnprovemwe sate whether or not said improvement i, asked for on the petition of three or mare owners. - o ,spore upon all of the foregoing matter to aha Commiuioner'd Finanm Adopted by the wundl_............._,1PR_.. 1.4..9 9_..... _........ ... Ye„ Nay,: c,rn7F- Approved.......... _: ...___...................__.191Mayor. �1 COIINOM FILE NO .............. p V ...... ................. ..:. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter f.- ........... .the grstie .of Albert :Aveaue.from. s._noint _ 129 feet south of Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Av nue Nebraska Ave. .......................................................................................................................................... .......... .....___... . fromHolton_Av=nue ,to,_Sheldon _Avenue_and. Hoyt _Avenuefrom: Alb art., Ave. ....tn_.Hamllne... Ave ....._in...ac.cord.ance.._wit4�. t.he...red...line.Sea...the...Prafiles...he.r,eto at.taclled_and._roade-._pggt hegeof.,__the,przeent setablished grade. reing. shown by nlue line thereon also grading Albert Avenue from Iake Como .-andl-1tt Phalen —Avenue to Hoyt Avenue—and Webro.ska Avenue from Albert Ave. und°mi Preilimm� eery Orde ...24X6 ... ..... pproved __ _____ ....... . The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ' above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same in hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Change. the .gr ode 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ..............._...... of Albert Avenue from a point 129 feet south of Nebraska Avenue to .......... ........... ................................. .......... ........................................................................... _................. _._.............. ....... _.__...... Hoyt Avenue. Nebraska Avenue from Holton Avenue to Sheldon Ave. and ......-..t........................_....................................e*n*._........................................................................_............................._....... Hoyt Avenue Yrors Albert Avenue to Hemline Ave. in accordance with profile hereto att aohed--- -sade—a �-ert"'hereof': -' The "ti7ue Eh'e--'"cT8 established- ede-and.-the--red-Yinnstha proaoaed ohaage....._.A.I.eo--grade—Albert Avenue Yrom Lake Coto and Phalen Ave. to Hoyt Ave. and Nebraska Ave. from Albert Ave. to Hemline Ave. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is-$..._3,"e,11.50-- Resolved ,311..z0.... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .............. 15.th........ ... day of ............._??.g1............................._..._., 191._.9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mummer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council .._. ........ 191 J . T: ^r Approved.._ J....... ..... _.... 191 ily Clerk! f/ Afayer. Coun cilmanrnswarth Couoss ConykmR Clancy Coueller CoucColl Couunderlich MayHodgcn m H. ............. _..... _.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of Grading alley in Block 11 Schroeder's Addition _._. ..__............................_._......................_.._..............__._.._.._...._...............___....__....._...._. Yrom Aldine Street to Pierce Street. under Preliesioary Order ..........._34506_ ..... _.... __.............. approved ...._ Bar• Sl, 191?a The Council of the City of St. Pool having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. mprovemen Grade alley in 2. That the nature of the s ' t which the Council recommends is...._._ ................._....:......._...._........ Block 11 Schroeder'. Addition from Aldine Street to Pierce Stre •.t. _._._..__.......___..__..___..._......._........._._..._._._......_..._..._._........._......_._.................._._......_.................. ,vith no alisnetivae, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-P19.--B.5. ................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the......._15th.___,,,_,_,_._.day of ........ _........._L3y..............._.........._.., 191.._9., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the C.— House sad City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i. the manner provided by the Charter, statin& the time end pinee of heer- hag, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Ceuneil._.................................... 191 - 1 _r r CLn Appr d .:: ........-, 191....._.. !i1 k i J _J -Ti Ca— 1 P sw t6 - Cuu eilmau Goss Cc cilmau HyzefiUx Clancy Co neilman Keller ` C aneilman NeColl /Vl C uneilman Nanderlich eyor icxiu Hodgson F r B. S. A. g-6 - 24753 CO-71- ouxcln FH.E xo................................. � Sp'1 � �� r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of........Q..A.natr..uatiag...a...cement teet-.rids,.--on t1A..N.at.._aldp.—Q.£...be.1.1.e.V.u.e Av..e.nue...Yrom..3euenth..£.txeet....t.o....:.Eleld..litanua. under Preliminary Order .............. 24610__..........__._.....approved ...__._.._.... SPr...2s._ 197..8..........._.__... The Camefl of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the came is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.._....CAABtrU.et...a...C.e9.ent tale.._sidewalk._...aia._$'a.et...Fide...._.an...the ...Teat .side ...of...B.ellsvue...Jlreaue—from Seventh Street to Field Av n e. Except—:,:hex's ..gnod....apd with no alt—tivas, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.0—E0 ............ Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the ..._...._15th y o __ MAY ............ 1 191.. 9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice, of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. - - '. -, A Adopted by the Cmrned.__ .1 ... ...... .............. 191......... ; z Approved ...... ........... .... 191......... ...... AfeYor. Council m Farnawortb Cou n tions YB�. o HX -11, Clancy Keller rlmnn McColl chJnman wnamBeqdavim Hodgson A. g -g 24754 COUNCIL FILE NO ................................. ..................................... - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of......_Conetructi n�.a _cement thesidewalk six feet._Sde.or __ ...both ...aide.e.._oi...Her.eehal...Asamue... from ...Marahn.7.l...Avenue...:to...Se1hY Avenue...._. under Preliminary Order............. .........24455._.............. .pproved .._...... ___ MaY. 14,,,. 1919.___.._.____..._. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same-ishereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.....Con .truc.t...a....._....,....:.. ......._oeQgnt-tile.._e 3@} 31k_._six. feet,xlde. on_bctheid,e.e._of,_gere.�hel._Ave,._..;. shall...Aye.......to_.Selhy,_Ave,,..._._exop t_.aheregoo3,_and, eufficient ___sldewalke...no _exist .... .......... ......._................... ._............. _............_................. ............................................. with no alt®atives, and that the est O.oer front foot. �mnted cast thereof L $............ ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on'the....._._15th day of _..................htaX._._......._..._...._....... 191__9.., at the hour of 19 o'clock A. DL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Halt Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof so estimated. n Adopted by the Ca 1 ....... Approved ` .. _ ...._. ::.. .191 Mayor Farnsworth \ ' Lasa manHywaSlcpc Clancy Plan xeuer manMecau men Wunderlich Wyss Hodgson A. 9-6 24755/ COUNCH, NILE 110._._ ........................... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..._.Conetr.AC.S.s...cement ._.S1a 2idaw..alk....aiX fe.et...alde_.on....__..._.. ......hath..e�.!i.e.—a.f.....5'.t.an:.A.rd...A.V..e....... r.4JA...H870.l.ijtH...Ame.....to Alb.ext...Av. a ................. ..... under Preliminary Order. .......2.45.A6.._....__.._............._approved.____.._.!far.....25.,_.1918....._...._....._-. The Council of the City of St. Pool having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered cold report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordeyl''ed to be proceeded with. ?. Th the ostore of the improvement which the Council recommends is...._Con9 t.ruct _a _Cement ...__.-thea _eide)ealk._slx...f.e.e ide__on__both sides of Stanford Av ..__frorc._____„_ ._..._Hemline. ..Ave. .._t o...Alb a.r t..Ave......e.X.c.@ptand anff1..^dedlt...8.ider... with no altrnatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $..........0._?Q..F..er front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.._......_15th.,,,,,,,_...... day of _..._..............._yaX......._................ ., 191..9, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Connell........::'._t....':..::...::..::.'.__.._.._. 191......... i . _.. _...... 191. _.... Counc;lm Farnsworth Conncilm n "..'s Council m Hpdvmd Clancy Cnnne;l nn Keller .tel .. Connc' man McCall ll Conn ban. Nunderlich Mayr 7d4ii1t Hodgson Form s. A. a -s � Cit CI �. Mayor. 24756 couxem FH.E xo...........__ i ,._...... INTERMEDIARY ORDER CondemninP and taking _an ea.Aement in the land nece9eary Inthe Matter of:.._._.:..............._.._......,................._..:................._._....................................._......_............_...._.__._._ far...elopee,,.#'..or.._cut@._and_._f-1]_a.._in._.g=aging_alley_. Sr._Blcck._ll _Schro�dn...'_e Aldi+i.en_from..Aldine._S.tzeet...to._E.i.ero o._.S.tze.et......._.._.__._......._.._......................._..........._. 245071 under Preliminary Order ...................................................approved .........._y..a__r. ......21,..._._......_._919. ..._._........ _... ........... ..... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is im hereby ordered to be proceeded with. improvement Condemn and take _. That the nature of the im t which the Council recommends is ................_.........._........_............... an_,eaaement in theland necessary for _elopes for cute and 'fill.... gra-ling ...all.ey...in...B.7,.R.ck,_ U._Schroeder,!_is Adniticn from__Aldine._Stre et to Plzpce._St. .._ia,sccotdarce Tith blue print hereto attached and msde a psrt ......... ......... ..... hereof the hatched portion ehcsing the cuts and the 3baded portion _............................................................................................................. _..._....................................... ........................ .................. . shoving the fille. with no altrnativae, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-AQ40 ................... Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement mt the .......... 1£th_,,,._,._,._.day of ..............._MaY....._....._....._...__......, 191..1 Q.., et the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Co 7 ::...... _. 191....... n � ' ...... APProv/K,11,, .... ....� 191........—' � r Cit CI k. x , V (-'' ... .... May m. Councilorth Council Coomeilc Clancy ComewilCouncil/ CJ Coanci{man Wnndenc�h Mayo irsimt Hodgson Fc-, BB`S. A. 8 6 colmi 4fwr I 1 10 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ............. condemning...anti...takirg._an._easement..in..the ..land._._._..._.. -neceeaazy_fer _ slopes.for_ cute ani fills. in gr ading _Albert _Avenue frog ......... ........ ..Lake... Como... and...P.halen...Avenue...to...H.oyt...Avenue...and..Eehra eka...Amanue._frcm,._. ..Alb:.) Ji _Aveaae.._to.._Hemline,_ Ave.a ................................................................................................................... order Preliminary Order..........._Z:?.202. _._...._._.__.....approved ......._...... Feb..._. 11.. _1919_,......... ............. .. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanee upon the awns improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the came is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is......_Condemn and take ........an ..eaeem.ant....i5!.._the._lend._ngceesa..rg_ for_slogee._fcr__ cut sag3fill e _ in ........gradl.ng..Alkert Avenue, frcnc Lake Como and,_Phalen Avenue to,Aoyt Ave_. .__and...Nehz.F_ek.d.. Ave..._from._A2hert.._A., ve_,__to._Haml i ne__Ave..., in....aCA4xddn.Qe...l?.i th _blue, print,. hereto attache3 and made a part hereof the hatchednortion .. .. ....... .... . _........ ......... i ......... .._..._ehowi ng.the cuta.and the shaded portion eho-lrg the fills. with no alt®eti—, and that the estimated ,at thereof is $.........35_09__.... 1 Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the........_.. 15th Any of ._..._.........._MaY ............................... 1919....., at the hoar of 10 o',lack A. M., in the Council Chambsr of the Court House end City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fi""' give notice of acid meeting to the persona and in the roamer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof ss estimated. i Adopted by the Council......_..._...._._.__.........._........., 191......._ Approved— .... ...._. ,...... .... 191........ Cit CI l.. V / .... .... 1f . . Comeilma� Farnsworth _ Councilman (loss Cougcilt an Hylmxlcz Clancy Comei(((llA55vaaan %eller Cowan McColl L: Cou Iman Wuvderlirb renor 3uvx AcdSoon S. A. d-9 ........................... 7� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Metter of. Construct Server on Roes Street from Kennard Street to ............................._....__..............._........................................._..............._._..................._....—......_ Flantir3u _Stre_e t._and ,e. to^p_ovary__cor,.nect:.ng_,.�efox ..sult.?�u......... _._.......... ,dra?,n.6e..cnly or, Kennard Street fror�R09S.§treet o Eaet Seventh St, ........... ........._ ............... .....__. under Preliminary Order................24410.............._....._.approved........._._..._..'_tar...... 10..,...1912...................... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and baring considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. mprovemen ..ruot . e _. That the nature of the ' rt which the Council reedmmende is.._ranst ...._........................�.._Pr on Rose Street from Kennard Street to Flandrau Street and a temporary connecting serer for sanitary dre.................................................................................. Rose street to East Seventh Street. ..........................._.............................................._......................... .......................... --- .................................. ................... .with no altrnativea and that the estimated cost thereof is $3,.480..00.__. 15th day of Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the..................... ._....Yay.................._..............._...._., 191..9.:., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Df, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the in,prorement, and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._......_ ::.:..:.....::.:...................... 191...... Approved—.; -..... _.. _.. 191_....... % .. _. ....... �_ .Meyer. ... _.. Councilm-1Farosw rtb \ Councilm Cross ,ones .11;. Clenry Council%eller ' Comci121. McCall l..) Co.vcil en Wunderlich afayor IrtgRxx Hodg9on Form B. - � 24759 Court House and City Ball Building in Q�1 of said meeting to the persona and in the amore, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of beer. ing, the nature of the impmvement, and the total rest thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil...... _......:. _ ..................._......... 191........ 1 la C��. —,teUNOt FII,E NO ......................._:....'` r--: .. _.r_..- ....._- _ ..:. .� Council Farnsworth INTERMEDIARY ORDER Con an Hylifdit Clancy Constructing a cement tile eidsa=_lk six feet -gids on Inthe bfetter of_..._........._......_ ................_........................:..__._..._..............................................._......_.......__._._. the Eaet s13e of Madison Street from West Seventh Street to Youngman b yon Irvivrx Hodgaon ........... S, 19 under Reliminnrg Order..........................24476.... .........._............ appra�8._..._........._.......... Ma:...._r. 1IS._ The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report be and the acme is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. That the nature of the improvement which the Cauncil recommends' ssConstruct a cement 2. ........._............................... -............ tale aidevalk six feet wide on the East Side of Madison Strleet from ..........................................................................................-........................................................................._......_._........._........... ',lest Seventh Street _to .Youngman.Avenue..exc.ent__;here.._.good_and. _sufficient faith no altarnative, and that we estimated cast thereof is �.__ '20 per, lineal foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearin be had on said improvementrot tha......__14th pu a..........._....day of .._..__M.a:i:................_._.............._..., 1IL..�..,. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Ball Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the amore, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of beer. ing, the nature of the impmvement, and the total rest thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil...... _......:. _ ..................._......... 191........ dPProvwl. .... ....... 191......... bloyar. Council Farnsworth Cou n sass Con an Hylifdit Clancy Cmm ilmau Keller o Co oilman bfcColl �1 Cc neilman Wunderlich b yon Irvivrx Hodgaon B. S. A. 8-0 24760 v GOk cooly _ � INTERMEDIARY ORDER Grading alley in Block 5 Undsrnoodts 3rd Addition from Inthe Metter of......................_....._...._..._...._..................._..........._....................................._.........._............._.__.._ -._a__poat_120._feet East of Kenneth Avenue to Prior Avenue. ..........._........_ ... ........................ ................ ..........................................................................__......._. 7,4274 Feb. 20, 1°1B. underPreliminary Order......._.................................:........._npproved........_._._.........................__._...__............._...._._... The Conacil of the City of SL Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having covaidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ^ That the nature of the imp Grade alley in _. rovemwt which the Council recotnmevde is._...._........_ ......................._......_.... Block 5 Undervoodta 3rd Addition from a pcint 1.2.0 feet eget of .x?RO.e th.._Ayeage.._t 4...9r i or.._Avenue.s.................................................................... ........................ .......__.._.. with no e11—ti—, end that the estimated coat thereof is . ............. ....... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had ou said improvement un the ...._._._...... 14th........day of ........ ....... )Y.Y............ ..... ......... .........11919_..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court Houseend City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the manner provided by the Charter, et,ti,g the time and place of hear- ing, the nstare of the improvement, and the total cost thereof es estimated. Adopted by the Council. 191...._... Approved. ...: 191........ City CI nf¢yar. Couneilmm ns�vorth Couneilman ss Councilma H97Fx.Sx Clanoy $eller h1eCb11 an Wunderlich Irltinx Hodgson A. 8-6 (� 24'761 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of:...._.Cani0ZR1ltg...sad....t.s iag._an....easeuen.4...1.a...Lbe...lgiad..necaeaary - for elopee for cute and f111e in grading alley in Blook 5 Underwoodte ............................................................................... ... ............................................................ ............._..... ........................ ___....... Addition from.a_pont_130__Yeet__eaet,_o P._genneth.._Apenus to_._Prior_„_, under Preliminary$25 Feb. 20, 1919. Ord4er._7.........................................__._.approved......__.........._.._.._........_....__._.__......_....._..._...... The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimm proveent, and having considered said report, hereby receives: 1.That the eaid report be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is b—by ordered to be proceeded with. 3.,. That the .nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is._CoIIdeIDand.t.. a ke ..aa..eaeeme.At...la_.tt!.e.__lend._neoe eear_y:_for, slopee._Ycr _cur,H„_an3_-£lila. in _ grading alley. in Block 5 Und nvood a 3rd A,ldition from a point 130 feet .. ......... ........... _............................................ ....... .... east oY Keaneth Aveaue to Prior Avenue. In accordance with blue print ....................................................................................................... _.._...................... ....................................... .............................. hereto attached and made a part hereof the hatrhed portion ehoviing the ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ cute aad the shaded portion ahoairg the fill.. ._.:................_..........._.........................._...._._........_...._._................._........................_......_..._........''_._......._.._........... ....... with no el[tnetivee, end that the estimated cost thereof is ................... Resolved Further, That a public hearing he had on said improvement on the.........._.... 14t3___....day of ........._gay......:........--- ......_....._.., 1919....., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Al., in the Cauncil Chamber of the Court Hayse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pool. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, end the total cost thereof as estimated. :o Adopted by the Council ....... 191 _. _�lr. :..... . Approved .. C,[Y Cl Mayor. Counallm Farnsworth Cauncilm n Ooss c cunacil araoS. d Clancy Co..d m Keller �Cozen men McCall Ca ilmav Wunderlich Me rl% x Hodgson Farm S. A. B -B _I 4 tr.• .---- ------ ---- - - -- n. Ceb f I jLE NO .. f 24762 By 1 � It c1�TUL 1 Approving Assessment. In the m„ner of the as:e:sment of benaf its, costs ane ..peaces For Constructing, relaying and repairing Cemont Sidewalks, Eatin.at¢ 1Jo. 1, Under Contract 2981 B. for Season of 1918 (St. Paul C—tint florke Contractors) --Assessable Roll— F.O. 20403 E. Ninth St.,.north aide, beginning 194 feet east of Jackson St. thenoe east 9j feet by 6$ feet and on the north aide of E. Ninth St. beginning 102 feet west of Sibley St. thence West 17 feet by 6; feet. - F.O. 20404 E. Tenth St., south aide, beginning 144 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 56 feet and from 74 feet farther east thence east 102 feet and from 8 feet farther east thence east 4 feet. F.O. 20141 E. Tenth St., south side, beginning at Robert St. thence west 156 feet. F.O. 20408 -Twelfth St., north aide, beginning at Robert St. thence west 112 feet. F.O. 20407 Linden St., east side, beginning 20 feet south of Arch St. thence south 72 feet by 6 fact, on the south side ofArch St. beginning 302 feet east of Linden St. thence east 42 feat by 6 feet. F.O. 19984 Rice St., east side, beginning 69 feet north of Aroh St. thenoe north 14 feet by 9 feet. F.O. 20698 Gaultier St., east side, from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave. and on the west aide of Gaultier St. from University. Ave. north. 136 feat by 6 feet. FO. 20083 Rice St., west side, beginning at Rose St. thence south 160 feet. F..O. 20683 Rice St., nest aide, beginning 25 fact north of South St. thence north 200 feet. F.O. 20875 Maryland St., north side, beginning 62 feet west of Cortland St. thence crest 26 feet. F.o. 20456 Maryland St., south side, beginning at Jessie St. thence west X162 feet and on the west side of Jessie St. beginning at Maryland St. thence south 18 feet. F.O. 12095 East Lawson St., north side, between Arkwright St. and De Sots St. F.O. 20095 Jenks St., south side, beginning 106 fast east of Payne Ave. thence east 318 feet. F.O. 20407 Linden St., east side, beginning 20 feat south of Arch St. thence south 72 feet by 6 feet, on the South side of Arch St. beginning 302 feet east of Linden St. thence east 42 fact by 6 feet. F.O. 20665 Capitol Heights, west side, beginning at Arch St. thence north 46o feet. F.O. 20513 York St., south side, beginning at Bradley St. thence east 92 feet. F.O. 20455 Minnehaba St., north side, from Jessie St. then ca east 48 feet. F.O. 20461 White Bear Ave., east side, beginning at E. Seventh St. thence north to Kerwin St. F.O. 20457 Goodhue St., south side, from W. Seventh St. thence west 192 feet. and from Ann St. thence east 128 feet. F.O. 20065 W. Sixth St., north side, beginning 114 feet .vest of College Bva. _.thane west 20 fast. r.o. -093 Aon, east side, be,;lnning SC feet south of Belson Ave. thence south 10 feet. F.O. 19292 Forest St., east side, beginning at Beech St. thence south 90 feet. --Non—Assessuble Roll-- F.O. 20456 Maryland St., south side, beLlnning at Jessie St. thence wast 162 feet and on the wast side of Jessie St. beginning at 7dn land S _ .i @r ¢ _ f e, and rn connection wish Th s9ess f - -- - - '- - - � h,"m u 1 bm i d o [he t. o• � • �I, �,d I t.•, I l .int, . dered a s and d I n men 't foaod th•: said as9er9o,eo[ s:•ti�fac[ory. �hcr=(ore, be .t RESOLVED. That the said assessmen[ be and the same is hereby .n all respec[s approved. RESOLVED FURTHER. That a public hearing be had on said assessmen[ on the- _. 14111___.day of :ay _ 191 et the hour of 10.'clod. A. M., in the C ... i,il Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, to the City of S[. Paul; that the cemmissiomr of Finance give notice of said mea mg. s required by the Charmr, stating i said notice the time and place of hearing, the nawre of the rmprovemen[, the te,.l eon[ thereof. and the am.Int asseaeed agarol[ the let or lots of the particular r eo whom the nonce is d ted. `) _ Aapptea by the canned "4 14 191 �� •� .,f_ _ .. Cit, Clerk. Approved._".. _......_..._.191..._._ c .... J.— Farnsworth q gyypy� Clancy f Wunderlich Maroc . rkH, F.olgaon -----------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY OF ST. PAUL. - OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT __.. -..... -_-_.. 191 In the—iter of the assessment of bene Tits, costs and exnensaa for the Constructing, relaying and repeirin;; C --.,=t Si res.a ca, Esti,,ate I.o. 1, Under Contract 2981 B. for Season Of 1916 (St- Paul Cement Torks ContiectGre --Assessable Roll— F.O. 20403 E. Ninth St.,,north aide, beginning 194 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 9j feet by 61j feet and on the north aide of E. Ninth St. beginning 102 feet west of Sibley St. thence Nest 17 feet by 6z feet. F.O. 20404 E. Tenth St., south side, beginning 144 feet east of Jackson St. thence east 56 feet and Prom 74 feet farther east 'thence east 102 feet and from 8 feet farther east thence east 4 feet. F.O. 20141 E. Tenth St., south side, beginning at Robert St. thence west 156 feet. F.O. 20408 Twelfth St., north side, beginning at Robert St. thence west 112 feet. F.O. 20407 Linden St., east side,beginning 20 feet south of Even St. thence south 72 feet by 6 feet, on the south aide of Arch St. beginning 302 feet east of Linden St. thence east 42 feet by 6 feet. F.O. 19984 Rice St., east side, beginning 69 feet north of Arch St. thence north 14 feet by 9 feet. F.O. 20698 Gaultier St., east side, from University Ave. to Sherburne Ave. and on the west side of Gaultier St. from University Ave.bnorth 136.feat by 6 feet. F.O. 20063 Rise St., west side, beginning at Rose St. thence south 160 feet. F.O. 20683 Rios -St., west side, beginning 25 feet north of South St. thence north 200 feet. F.O. 20675 Maryland St., north side, beginning 62 feet west of Cortland St. thenoe 'west 26 feat. F.G. 20456 Maryland St., south side, beginning at Jessie St. thence west 162feet and on the west side of Jessie St. beginning at Maryland St. thenca south 18 feet. F.O. 12095 East Lawson St., north side, between Arkrright St. and DeSota St. F.O. 20095 Jenks St., south side, beginning 106 feet east of Payne Ave. thence east 318 feet. F.O. 20407 Linden St., east side, beginning 20 feet south of Arch St. thence south 72 feet by 6 feet, on the South side of Arch St. beginning 302 feet east of Linden St. thence east 42 feet by 6 feet. F.O. 20685 Capitol Heights, west side, beginning at Arch St, thence north 460 feet. F.O. 20"13 York St., south aide, beginning at Bradley St. thence east 92 feet. F-0. 20455 Minnehaha St., north side, from Jessie St. thence east 48 feet. F.O. 20461 Yfnite Bear Ave., east side, beginning at E. Seventh St. thence north to Kerwia St. ..-. r.o. 2dt57 33,u.; 'tet po�-, couch sine, —L ., :t,,. --ice west 192 feet. and from Ann St, thence east128 feet, F.O. 20065 +�• Sixth St., north side, beginning 114 feet crest of College Ave. thence west 20 feet. F.O. 20063 Western Ave, eastside, beginning 80 feet south of Nelson Ave. _J thence south 10 feat. F.O. 19292 Forest St., east side, beginning at Beach St.. thence south 90 feet. --Non-Assessable Hall-- F.O. 20456 Maryland St., south side, beginning at Jessie St. thence west 162 feet and on the west side of Jessie St. beginning at Maryland St. thence south 18 fast. F.O. 20461 White Bear Ave, east side, beginning at E. Seventh St. titance - north to Kerwin St. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the C ... eil the following statement of the ezpendi, cores ne .tily i ... t -d and m be incurred for end in cense= ,en with. the mnkiag of the ab.- imm-- m ent. va. Cast of =enstra=enn - - - - - $ 6•j2 Cost of publishing notice - - - - - - 5.-_.......1.•.71.. _. Cost of posml cords - - - - - - $. _._.. _.j.18_..... Inspection fees - - - - - - - - - $---_. 21..2J Amount of court ants for confirmation - - - - $------,7 •-97--- Toml ozp,mht s - - - - - - - $_.. 1j05. 59._... ;Gun -6 esu sande �7.C� Total 1562.42 Said Commi,,h-,r further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above —t mined, —,it: the s„m of $ 1562.42 _„pun each and every lot, part or parcel of Innd doomed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each I -t, part or parcel of Iend m accordance with the benefits conferred thereon: that the said assessment has been c mpleted, and that hereto nu -had, id=n- tificd by the signatare of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as c mpleted by him, and which m herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereonma a y be considered propar. 1 s 17 Cam f F-.— �,.. �%�°•`•An'ordin3noo regulating �e,�=a,c.,...... uotic ",-re'.teaitSoh"'an3 -. .. use of prl4ate garages in the City of St. Paul end defining the term °PrivutaGa ge.. .4 is ordinance is hereby declared to be an enaxgenoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the pubilopeaee, health. ������--------- and safe V� Section 1. y /mac TET COUNCIL OF TSi: OITY OF ST, PiitiL. DONS 0?ipAIli: J .That by the term "Privata Garage- is meant any building or structure or portion of any building or structure, not exceeding five -hundred (500) sq. ft. in floor area, built or altered for the purpose of storing or repairing automobilea or other self propelling motor veh roles. Said sutonobile. or motor vehiolae not being stored or —paired then Sn for others t an the cooupants of the dwelling on the premises on which said garage is ionated or stored or repaired fc_ the public for hire. All garages ::hose floor area exo..4five-hundred (500) square feet or which are used for the storage or repair of automobiles or motor vehicles for others than the occupants of the dwelling on the premises on which said garage Is located or used. for thestorageor repair of sai&4uiomoblles or motor vehicles for the public for hire, shall be oonside.red to be public garages, Section 2. In determining the floor area of said garages, distances shall be measured from the inside of walls or partitions. The heightof such gar,ze from floor to ceiling shall not exceed eleven (11) feet, and in the case of a pitched roof the height shall be figured from the floor to the lowest point of the ir.toraection of —11s or partitions with the roof or ceiling. Section 5. No such garage shell be located within ten ().Q) feet of any dwelling on Ithe acme lot .upon :his;: dRei: iro gnu _45e aro looated, unless the garage is of flre-pirocf construction, or is plastered, ventilated,,. lighted and heated, as required fo:: g.'7"Lus "vithin dwellings No person, persons, firm or corporation shall hereafter, erect, construct or place any private garage or alter any building to be used for private garage purposes within thirty(30) feet of any publio street, except as hereinafter provided for garages on corner.lots, or within twenty (20) feet of any dwelling on any of the adjoining propertya except dwellings built on the opposite side of any public street or alley, other than the dwelling located on the same lot upon which such private garage is placed on the extreme rear or alley line the said garage shall not be lees than sixteen (16) feet from said corner lot line, running parallel with the street. No such garage shall be located so that when the doors of same are open they will project Into the alley or any other public roadway or passage. SECTION 4. Where. any such private garage is constructed- or altered so as to be part of a dwelling constructed or altered for the use of one family only, said garage shall have its ceiling and the walls and partitions thereof, either or fire-proof construction or it shall be plastered on approved metal lath with Portland cement or other plaster which may be approved by the Commiesioner of Public Buildings. Said plaster not to be less than one-half inch in thielmess. It shall be connected to the building proper, by not to exceed one opening and said opening shall be fitted with a standard fire door with metallic covered frame; if conneotedby a stairway to the building proper, said stairway -shall be enclosed in non-combustible walls. SECTION B. In one family dwellings heroafter constructed the basement or first floor of which is to be used as a garage shall be connected to the building proper by only one way, of egress and engrese. If connected by stairway such stairway to floor above shall be enclosed in incombustible walls and the door in such stairway enclosure or door leading to the basement or�any portion of the dwelling from such garage shall be standard fire door with metal covered frame. The ceiling over such garage room and the walls or partitions around same, if not( of fire proof construction, shall be plesteredon approved motal lath, with oemenc pl;star or other plaater which r be approved, not less V,an one-half inch in thickness, ;inero suoh private garage is placed in any dwelling except'one- Yanily dwellSn , the floor, roof and walla or partitiona >rovn:i. said garage apace shall be of fire proof construction, and the stairway, of whish there shallbeonly one, co unicating with any floor or portion of such duelling stall be fire proof and shall have a standard fire door aL Lon and botter.. of stairway with lan:ling space at top of stairway not less than three (3) feet in width; and such doors Bh--1 be arranged so as tc close automatically. There shall be uc other openings eomr..unlcating from garage with any part of thedwellin. Seaticn 6. No stoves, forges, torches orfurnz^.es shall be used, - maintained or allowed in any private garage buil�ling as part of or in or connected in any ora% aay :.^allino houao • or within twenty fact c= c.ny bulicing s nc Lights except electric inoadesoent light, properly onclossd in vapor-ti-ztt globes, protectel by :-rrevei rara __.s a'.+all be uno3 or allowed in any s,ch prjVV.%s ..very -,—h private g&r:-ee� shall be prL-iecd a_... •_n n,rcvc_i ventil ator or vent shaft,as re,nired by t; -.e Jnraaic ion:r of ?u'oiic hull. :ins and every such vantilat^_ or ventsh..ft xih'-lI. be p__v,Iaea sit.. a damper wl.th a fusible lin'r.. Section 7. Mere a Swelling is referred tc, it is to be oonstrued to mean any building or pexxtish portion of a b+, ildin o:espied or intended to be occ::pied in -hole or in part as a h- e, residence or sleeping place for one or mere human 'aeinns, either permanently or temporarily, nothin ., hoaev=r,. in this orlinanco shall prevent the finishing of one room., Sn su.h ga.-ge as led}ng apartment for a mechanic or rroikman about ti.a pramiaes. (/I Section S. All persona vlclatin�-- any of the provisions of this ordinlnoo oh." be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not oxceedir ti100. 00 or by imprisonment not to exceed 90 d:i.ys. SECTI gip; 9. All orliinanoes or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed, and all ordinances re, lating the oonet motion, alte'raticn or repair of building or etruotures or permits therefor, in the City of St. Pal, .insofar as they MY apply, and are not inconsistent vitb this ordjF,anoo are ecntinued in Pores. Section 10. This ord' .ce is horobv deolared. to be an emergency crdinaace ra dared necessary for the proservationf the public peace, healt and safety. section 11. This or :Wane stall take effeot and be in fc oa immediate r upon ita paosa._e,-:%p ro:al and publication. Y I Yea. (✓) C000cilmea r Claary ,� Farnsworth ,. Gass a,.-ra.or I '3S -Hez . McColl ...... r�gpyrt W—derlicn Mr. Pre id HH -i algae. Adopted by the Coawcll 11 jI-- NN I. FARICY, Clb Clerk. oil— lout M. C,..,,., Air..,. 4 U.� ti•...r� e y i � �..—. ���v y. e+ V �i. .s............ ........ 24'764. An ordinance approving the project of acquiring lac$$ T'nirty one (51), 7ias End Addition ,for public school purnoe es, ord'�ring the aceui- sition of the same by purchase or condemnation, and nrov.dIng funds therefor. THE CODUCIL OF T!S. CITy OF SAIPiT PAUL DOES O'tDAT_I1: Section 1 The C."i—sioner of Education having reported to the Council that Block 51, Y; est End i,dditiov, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, is required for public school purposes, and that the estimated value thereof is the sum of Two Thousand -ive hundred fifty Dollars(2550.) and the Comptroller having certified that there is money+ available in the treasury of the City for the acquisition o£ the said lots, the Council hereby approves the project of acquiring same for schoolpurposes, and hereby orders and directs t:_at the some be acquired for said purposes by purchase by the Coim:'ittee on Lands, consisting in this case of the Llayor, Purchasing Agent and Cotmnissioner of Education, i£ the same can be so procured at a reasonable price, and in case said Committee cannot procure said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the Council, then and in that 'event, the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted under the provision.of the Charter of the City to secure said lots, and that the cost and expense of acquiring same, whether by purchase or condemnation, be and the same is hereby ordered to be paidfor out of the item in the Fublic School Fund appropriated.for Real ids tate, and so much of said funds as may be necessary is hereby appropriated and set apart for ad id purpose. Section 2 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. -Seas Councilmen ii -re Adonted by the Council ' d_ /Clancy Farn—orth \^n 1319 —((�/T1T�---�— Goss v _ pproved 1919 McColl ' 'iiunderlich i JOHN JOHN 1. FAty 1 Clb. Clrk. 1-th byxertl-fy-that there.ls. availab_la in-the--i�sa14'tate In theTovOVIng-ordl- i},eut-o£ tho h�blicSchoolfund-the- money-indi:c° e Comp i�l Date / � e, �tey PUBListrED _41z U 76 t' N � ,J u -Z-:- s , { e , 0 lm�mffiffl� M�Mmm (A �:_I .'FWtTrTffEtMTPTROLLER 24765 N. . ........ 603kz/�' [r . . ..... T Resolved be d --upon the City Treasury, p.y.bb, vat of the b—i..f_ sP�ificd f-& ,.d i. f ..... f the pesonr fim"'Pi.., the pjil� their reap -n, specified ,� following --t- Yeas C...61 en Nays. Adopted by the C Cl ... / - rams'p, co/ Il 7p tc:a Wunderlich e'i d—, H.dg,. "t"t —t� "t. mbbWS S. A. Farnsworth, Oom'r. of Finance 12,380.00 77564.09 - Fund Total ------ C (' ITY—OP"9T'PAUL c0 " ERAL FORM 24` rD Resolved, that water mains be laid in the following streets: Dale street from Simon. Avenue to Lawson street, Lawson street frpm Dale street to Kent street, , Kent etreet from Lawson street to Cook street, Loeb street from Lawson street to Cook street, Stanford Avenue from Underwood Avenue to 8redericka Ave. Ct' . F. No, s,s"6—ny O K niweis" re .. from) D e okutrb et[e m aeon re rom eo re t to Und n m°irin�u'i5.tiiiul�'� Venn (✓) Couv�lm (I') Nn Fnrmw th 11, nd Ir ' ler R'un lerlich ea'A1,9 tally, zrn D — Ad"Pted by the C"..61 ........ ' �'. Is, .. 24'66 CITY 7F' ! ,,RINT VRVA, peparhrrzaOvf FubhvVhhhvs QUrvav vf,Vjaher April a 14, ' 1919. To the Honorable, TIM COUNCIL, CITY OF SAINT PAUL. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen; - The Board of Water Commissioners, at the meeting held this date, unanimously adopted the following resolution; "Resolved, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul be, and hereby is requested to authorize the laying of water mains in the following streets; Dale St, from Simon Avenue to Lawson street, Lawson street from Dale street to Rent street, Rent street from Lawson street to Cook street, Loeb street from Lawson street to Cook street, Stanford Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fredericka Ave." Very truly yours, mol. Secretary. i jlJ i i .' COUN FORM 24Td7 cw.a` No. Resafaed. ` Thmmat the Council concurs in the recomi endation of the :ntract Uoitt se and hereby rejects all bide received for paving East Sixth Street from the East end of the 6th Street Bridge to the (lest Line of Arcade street and Arcade street from the South line of East Sixth street to the South line of East Seventh street, in order that the work may be readvertised on new specifications. Icoo. r sie 9a�pP. Ieecho` -9-e 'i5t��.at stA,l Yeas (✓) Covvci ev (✓) Nays vsworth oss .....alslwcr Keiser J �e�off Wvvderlich resident. Hodgsov n Adopted by the Couvcil.....: !....-::�?._�:' �.�........191...... Appro a .......... ....�.:......_._:......".:^.:. x......_191..... � r,11, COUNCIL.RMsOLL HO -GE RAL FORM . .............._....... --_..._......_.:........................ 24768, meNO . ............................................_.._. <o a ...... Mrli..-191...... A Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the contract Committee and hereby rejects all bide received for paving Concord stredl from Ada Street to Annapolis street in order that the work may be re - advertised on new specifications. Yeas (✓) Cooped en (✓) Nays Clan Far sworlh ss 1 e11er McColl ._............7t.R 71 P wnnd.rrrh O Adopted by the Council..' -P.: �.......:..`::. ,i Approv///._11�./._/........_........ ....... _.:........ ... .-- 191..... "CIi7-OF CA 'UCLI—Rs;se T10M—GENERAL FORM 24"769 Datee Ptc€eofed......-1i. / R—I—d, That the council concurs in the recommendation of the Contraat Committee and hereby .—rds the contract for curbing, filling, leveling and improving North aide of George street from Humboldt avenue thence east 150 feet and east side Humboldt avenue from George street thence, north 100 feet to JOIN SAIB)QUIST for the lump sum bid of $194,00. Baid work to be done in strict accordance with plans, specifications, and Pormal Did No.1399, Eng.Eet, $19d. �^ ni(o"aF'a�o°ec1 s 1 Received all papers id connection with above Reso1 do . q Yeas (J) C ... d] v (J) N.Y. ^ p y '70 ..'_.:-...!?.:191...... Ado led b the Cvv -ar worth vN _......._ - .. 191..... PPr Iter D �— doll grivW wooaerlmh Mr. Pre idevt Hodgeov CnT OF ST. PAUL 1 ' S ^ FAUN L FfESO=tMOFJ-GE9ffWAX70RM `p �...................._' .... ...._........ _.......... :.._............. _........_......_................_....._....._ 247T0 DatrPren<nted—y{pp}}�j.8�• 19_ 1� Reantved, That the Council hereby approves the reco::aeend.tion of the Contract Committee and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all labor and material and planting and protecting 184 A merican .Elm trees on both sides of 5t. Clair street from Fairview avenue to Cretin and 52 .+merican Linden tree. on both sides of .ceherst street from Princeton avenue to dt.Clair street to IVAN TUGMi for the lump am bid of $1416.00. Said work to be done in accordance with plans, snecifi—tions and Formal Bid No.1891. Engineer's estimate $1468.00 Charge dermanent Improvement Revolving Fund -Tree Planting. tv mt -Titin r Hca .gem e.�[ p:namaz° haw �'s� mss" keceived all papers in "8 �e - connection with above °sir+°ie�.oan°c R.so 1 t' n. Y Yeas U) C ... 61me. ) N.Y.� Adopted by the Coo.al._`.'.:R...`15-1:'J�-9........ 191_... ancy ) F.—w rth- / Aper ._...__.. ............._............::..............191..... vvdcrlich rnrcn T/in Pre .denE, Hodgson COUNGL—RC90C0TIOF GME RAL FORM S 7 .... ......... ...... .... ......... ...._..._..._. �f 24771. ....................... Date Presevte........._................__..r_-......_._... Resolved, That the Ccuncil concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committer and hereby awards the contract for grading and improving Charlton street from West George street to West rage street, and Stevens street from Orleans street to Ottawa avenue to EEOUGH BROS. for the lump sum bid of $5800,00r said work to be done in strict accordance with plans, specifications and Formal Bid No.1889. Eng.Eet.$6026. 00. eek �to9:[v ,wt oR;��Veei��pveo Av1-`rbl.J loeou fia�9[ A' egln t�pto �Y he'�pun[IIA ¢B Oo�� Received all pyyove connection with Resolutlo Yea(JmCv (✓) Nays Adopted by the Co—CH .� Do..."..1, ^)_4.__....191_.... worth APProvcd .........:.:�':..._�.F;, ..i'^;�. y........_.... 191..... � l !/..id..t, erlich.dgso - -—� o l� CA � FORM ................ ..._:......... _.......... ._....................:: 24 T7� nw.ca No. ..................... .......................... xesotvea, That the douncil concur. in the recommondation of the Contract (;.kmities and hereby awards the contract for ' curbing, filli-g, leveling and improving Earl street from Hastings agenue to Thorn street to John A.Sandquist for the lump sum of $?380.00, said work to be done in. strict accordant wit;f plane, specifications and Forma} bid No.1886, and to be completed not later than June 10,1919. Eng.E.t.$2300.00. ". au 'r az. c6.o gal ved all papers in cannec tion with above 1 0l.'ut- i l. _1 1_ Yeas(J)Co"61m N.Y,(✓)Adapted by the Cou.cil...'�R �.V... �'.'.j1.�.._.....191...... Ctavry Far. -1h APProv ...___:...._.....:..'.....: _�:.._..._.... f91..... Go Iter ........................................._....................................... w..aedmh Mr. esid<vt, Nodgsov ciTrer�J+uL \.yf t COUNCjI R9aQLLU'^u—r' woAL FORM n ._...__.-_..._.:........................_..._............... ...-...._.............._......._.._............._ 24Y73 . No. r That the proper city officers aro hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant in favor of Helen Pain, 539 Mississippi Street for the cum of Three Dollars (03,00); same being a refundment of Female Deg License No. 260, issued March 31st, 1919. This refundment is mado on account of dog having disappeared from the Dog Pound. —s 1. _ :�umissaalp o' a Received all papers In connection with above Aesolutiga. Ycas(✓)Gouacilmev )Nays- A.oQ �'F I^19 ( Adopted by the Council .............'.:..._ -.`.................191._... [[C,,lancy yrarm rlh q --___ APProve.................._,i...l.�.l.�........._._ 191..... `waaa�airh sideut, Hodgsav �J IMPROVEMEN 2Yi%7� �p�siXe ts.DER. v v.r°m The under geed h by pr p ai oro° oa.unrh 6 pr t by the Cry f St Pe I , a� o°bo i' °` ° pvgnue to Unveretp Avenue... netrunt &ewsF..: 4n H:ayard e.:n°t m�`n°me at Doted Councilm.n PRE11 LIMINARY RD R C F n O. 2' I _I / 7— WHEREAS. A written propwal for the "k"g of the following imprdveme t va.: 111 , ...._..Rene.SruaS...ae.Wgr....on..AayeXd Avenue RFom._C r4mwe11 Ave. to University... Ape and._enla;ging...,ox rebuilding the sewer on the. south side oY.,_„ _Univereity....Ave £r4m.._Hayesd._Ayenue t0.._the. manhole..339 £eet._north weeterly_gxom the end o£ the posting eswar at Raymond Avenue.__.. hnvfng been pre,ented to the Council of the City of St Paul 6y Counulman.......___................. r thvcfore, be it RESOLVED. Ther the C—einianv of Publie Work: be and he ie hveby wdved and dirctted: 1. Te invenigate the ne—Ity for or dvimbility of the making of ,aid improvement - 2. To fnveRfgate the nemr� utent and eafmnted wet of ,afd improv ement. and the mtel wet thawf. 3. To Eurrdsh a Alen, profile or sketch of said improvement tt nti............. ..............._......._.........__ ................................................................................................................................................................................................ To aete whether or not sefd improvement i, eked for on the petition of three or more owners. ,;�To report upon all of the f,m ing matte, to the Commie,',,, d F mm Adopted by the council..........._.....:�:��._.�_"_.��:_�9_...:....191........ Yem. Nays: . Covneilmen Far., ith Cws Approved... .....":.:......'.' ............................191 Hy let cCoil11 undvlirh_............._..._....._........_................._............ Mayor.............. May r l in File C. 61 File 11 "'14 PROPO--, FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition %a: . 10 The and ig,ed h - by .,- the -ki,,'-i�rYr os di. r.ui, share by the City F St. P-1, Vie, vewaK-apprcwh , a I a where necessary PRELIMINARY =OER. L 7 5- WHERW. A written Pmp-1 For the making d the f!k&& hripi��, viz-: Paving Hemline Avenue from South, line of Grand Avenge to, north, line of GoRtirkoh I Ave. -except. the intersect ion,_oY Linooln_Ave„Lno luding sewer 444 g stxe at m4AR tq_property lines co.Plate,where not already made, also including curbing and paving of ...alley and driveway, approaches where neoessary, b.,i.g be,, p,,,,.t,d t. the C...61 d the City St. P-1 by C-eihn.- ..... . .. .... thmf"e, be it RESOLVED, Thet the C... i.,i- of Public W.,k, be ..d he i. he,eby.,d-d ..d directed: 2. T, i-bg- the nature, -nt and efthe-d eeft of,aid improvement, end the t-1 cart the -f. 3. To famish a plan, profile or ,ketch .f aaid improvement. .... ...... ............... - ....................... ............ .......... .................. T To nate whether or not mid i,p,,,,,mt i, inked for on the petition of three o, ..re ...... t�% report upon .11 of the ftetei, -1- t. the C -4,i.- of Fe... PR ''5 11,19 Adopted by the -na .. ..................... ....... 1 - , ....................191........ Y-: I Ny.: councilman "t Ah oq coin H7App-d ................... 191- - )(,let /m-11 W"nllih <. 11 - -) ' 1'vi. 4;PL�4*� ..d. PRELIMINAC . f YYL n 2. WHEREAS, A wittm Proporel for the m.king of the allowing improvement, Paving Saratoga,. A7enn9.Yr0ID Horth line of,Goodrioh Ayeoue to__f3outh.__ line_, of. 8ummit,._Ayeaue,eE4ept the interaoet34n.eY..LinoRlA Avanue_and .__....Grand..Avenue.,inaluding...BzWex.,mater...and..gas -oOnmaGtiOn8fromstreetmains .._,.. ,to...prapax_ty._lima....00mglet.e.,inchere...aot....already._made.,aleo...inoluding... curbing aad avia$ o7.laIY r1 drFs �bv°w.........._................_..._oeeeary. P una of t�,ne cay o t. au a�Q m hee,where necessary. ..................... hoeing b.m Pra=nce w e thvefora be it Ill RESOLVED, Thet the Commr,.fonu of Public Work. be .nd he ie hveby ordaed end dbedm: 1. To 1.venig.m the naadty for or de,i,ebility of the m.ki.g of .aid improvement. T. To invenigete the nature, exteot and ertimhed mrt of .ofd ImProvemeot, and th. tot.l mn thermf. 3. To n,,h o pl.n, profile or Aetoh of .aid improvement. Tom'-.t:enditJormvtion�eletive.to...aid_imPtPYemen[............ ................ ....._. .. ......._......................._....................... .._..........._.......... ................ ...._............... ............... , ........��1�..fff�............................................. i.... . 5F To rt.m whether or not wid improvement ie =eked for on the petition of three or more own.rc. To mport upon all of the foregoing motten to the Commi.ai..a of Film m Adopted by the munril................._...., .._._z....,_I........191..._._ ye- Nay.: Coun/ImF,�Ahy Approved_ ..............: zi..1.-_...lich.................................................................. M 247'76 Co ... fl File No..._......_......... PROPOSAL NT • Petition-ri o a'n�r °ralog iw' �° ant br the MY of St. Paol, tw The underaig.ed hercbY ae. the rpvR v�` ..d. PRELIMINAC . f YYL n 2. WHEREAS, A wittm Proporel for the m.king of the allowing improvement, Paving Saratoga,. A7enn9.Yr0ID Horth line of,Goodrioh Ayeoue to__f3outh.__ line_, of. 8ummit,._Ayeaue,eE4ept the interaoet34n.eY..LinoRlA Avanue_and .__....Grand..Avenue.,inaluding...BzWex.,mater...and..gas -oOnmaGtiOn8fromstreetmains .._,.. ,to...prapax_ty._lima....00mglet.e.,inchere...aot....already._made.,aleo...inoluding... curbing aad avia$ o7.laIY r1 drFs �bv°w.........._................_..._oeeeary. P una of t�,ne cay o t. au a�Q m hee,where necessary. ..................... hoeing b.m Pra=nce w e thvefora be it Ill RESOLVED, Thet the Commr,.fonu of Public Work. be .nd he ie hveby ordaed end dbedm: 1. To 1.venig.m the naadty for or de,i,ebility of the m.ki.g of .aid improvement. T. To invenigete the nature, exteot and ertimhed mrt of .ofd ImProvemeot, and th. tot.l mn thermf. 3. To n,,h o pl.n, profile or Aetoh of .aid improvement. Tom'-.t:enditJormvtion�eletive.to...aid_imPtPYemen[............ ................ ....._. .. ......._......................._....................... .._..........._.......... ................ ...._............... ............... , ........��1�..fff�............................................. i.... . 5F To rt.m whether or not wid improvement ie =eked for on the petition of three or more own.rc. To mport upon all of the foregoing motten to the Commi.ai..a of Film m Adopted by the munril................._...., .._._z....,_I........191..._._ ye- Nay.: Coun/ImF,�Ahy Approved_ ..............: zi..1.-_...lich.................................................................. M Council FIe N.-_ 0;717 PROPOSAL Petition.. by The undersigned he,eby Pwpe,e, the . ec$Pr o_?e `ro�+com�;,�si86°pr ant the City of St. P-ul**Q: Dated PRELIMINARY OR ER. ' r' Yl D , 2 ^} 7 -WffIEREA5,•A written pmpo,aI for the making of the fol o �=- I Psviag Goodrich Avenue...from East,,, line of. Snelling._ Avenue to .1940t, _Line line._ Avonue,iaOluding eener.,water...and gaa oonneot lonO.,Yrom.etzeet mains „to pxopezty line 0._oompletq,whore not.., alzesdy made.aalso.,.inolgding _.._.nurhing and..peving of..allay_.and..driveway._approaehee,ahere_.neoeaaary. having been presented to the Council of the City of Se. Paul by Councilman......._................................................_...._._.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED. Thet the Commis,ioncr of Public works be and he i, hereby ordered ..a di,eard: 1. To i-:Rigate the nee -e, for or de,i,ability of the .eking of ,aid improvement. 2. To invaigete the mtma e.tent and eni.oted wa of said i,nprovement, end the total wn tho,wf. 3. To famish a Alen, profile ar eketeh of ,aid improvement. 7-iT� i�iYh'the fallmvi,�otMertlntaand-frdmmeeiomeleefeermt-,mp,vaemme'......... ........ ........ ......_......... _..... To ante whether m net ,aid improvement is naked far on the petition of three or more owners. A!To repay upon all of the foregoing m,tter, to the Commi,,ioner of Fnence. J ..::...._-........_..........._..191........ Adopted by the counuL...._...._ ... . Yoa,: an // Nay,: C....amFarn, h _191. JJ!!!! i Co,44 Approved................._ISP•_._�_t._�9.�9........-. , 117-d K Ila M Coll D wanaeai h /................... ........._.... .. �i/ //yar.7I.X brio v,B"I'' —>`Y'"'� —� N ✓'24778 Council Fik Na....._.,....:✓..._. PROPOSAL Fd., LPROVEMENT Petition. e undeni ed hemb ro '' %P m" =.ro Th gn yp poaea thea", Wf a§.=„.1,":vve;;,;[_�pmvement by the City of Se Paul, va.; _, .n=r ".a .°amen: cit =t eo - ".° g_Avenue.a... etline of athlin._to.s. a".otv"a mm w=.x. m .oa n. ,• Oln3lag._adA9S,Aat.eF.._dnd -gaB n"r T. ,°.".nit. • _ "="=..a ° n aG.nose.Livne...Yxom...at.7esa,T,,.=•°m"°n -nn' nee _aomple.ta,>ibere...aot...e1- o mv"ai�= " rg.a .t toNr. ..__re'ady...made, alaa...inol z= „".t`.n °ei gin" �...oY_s11aX.-and...dr.ivmeay._ap- my w eF c n cmm= oe proaabee,w5gpe aeon :.m t.p==•"'^`°;;"t .o,a ,m n .a thi.__ a... ..... o.�..._..,t ," ..k"a ,o=. _.........191......... Co..cdm.n. PRELIMINARY /JRDER. 2-[ 7 7 WHEREAS, A written pr,p ml far the ..king of the following improvement, viz.: f Paving Linooln. Avenue Yrom Eaet.., line of..,_Bnelling Avenue to West line of bridge ovex._the„Q.X.A;_.At.P"Ry.Go.ta. txaaks., lnRluding_ aeWvx,.WateS._and gaa oonneatio..pa._ .rcm atre.et-maina....to...propertg...lanae... oonpleta,.whezfi-not.._al- ready..made. sl a"...including...ourbing-and_paving..of....alley...and..dri.vaway...ap- prasottee,w era ...including having been proented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Couorilmen._................................._......._...._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Commi.ai... of Public Works be end he it hveby ordered end duce.: I. To inveaig.te the newaity far or des4.bility d the m.ki,g d said improvement. 2. To inv,Rig.te the n.ture, ezteot and eRim,t,d inn d nid improvement, .nd the tot.1 met thereof. 3. To Nr iah . plan, profile ar .kach of mid improvement 'Co-Gx ' h tt r -f -t t - dawn der-- __��d-fmpreeemmt'—”" . ................................................................................................:........................................................................................... !tate whether or —mil improvement i. ".ked for on the petition of three or more owner.. T. report upon .11 d the foregoing m.ttnra to the Comminioner of Fin.nm. PR 16 1919 Adopted 6y the wunciL..............._"........._...........................191_.._.. Yeo. N.y,: Counulm.n F.rm oreh -0m App .... �., .. •' 1419.. 191.:_.._ H end % elle. d McColl Wundulich............................................................................................. Irvin P.t)nt -M.Y- M rr =I No= 24779 .An ordin=oe settling the claim of Frances Oeffler against the City of St. Paul. y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay, out of the Compromise Account of the General Fund, to Frances Oeffler, the sum of One Hundred Dollars (0100.00) in full settlement of her claim against the City, arising by reason of injuries sustained by her on the 28th day of July, 1918, when she stepped into a hole in the pavement on Vfabasha street between Fourth and Fifth street.. Section 2. Said aum of money shall be paid to the said claimant upon bar execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel, for all damages sustained by her in the manner aforesaid. Section 3. This ordinance shall take affect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. *fteaed by the Council Yeas Farnsworth Clancy Goss McColl Wundorlioh -Ir ,U,2zaajdsn*—fHvdg) Approved C) QA�— Mayor Attestt__, City Cl M EME= 24 M #_ a. grh 'tj , ng, to! I�anbattan,ojl.& Linseed CompanYs An,ordi a corporation, ourb, filling Station p ration, parlpsion to install a Minnebaba street. The Council Of the City Of St- Paul does ordain: SECTION I. That peroi a 1 4.*Y' anted' and. autbarit are hereby gr - to Manhattan 011 &;Maes ed Company, a corporation, to install Street Lot 416 (sixteen), &tilling station on "GhOu. Block #4 (iour), mmoLjjbjW-s,Additiam., SECTION II. Th. ComI80 , ions; Of Public: . war I k is hereby authorized *to issue's permit to.the .said' licensee for the installation of said filling station upon said licenseets'complTince with the following conqitions* (1) The said licen868 shall file with the CommissionerI of Public Works a plan of -said location, which shall ba subject to the approval of said Commissioner. (2) The said.filling.station shall be installed under' the suparv�leion and direction of. said Commissioner, amd,tbo said licenses shall pay' -the aoet0f inspection, if any. (3) The said: licensee shall fUTUi8b s, bond to the City of St.faul, j. the I a= of Tan Thousand Dollars (010,000-00), bonditioned to save the City Of St.Paal harmless from any and ail liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages and expense that may acarus ; to p . ersons or property on I a I acount of or arising from the construction, installation, maintenance, -operation, use, presence . or removal I Of said filling station; the said bond to remain in force and effect as long as said station remains ■�� 1� �, ���' I � _, r ;. _ ��--�_ f _ .. � i� i� l� x'10 11,.r.r;t.-� -✓ - p c . (� /r C jL'-�.. 'L �, ,.� ,, r - ! Uv' /� C.0 ....�. �.( f t.f r.:. r..l,t,..-• f� UZ,: q,.,l .:. �..-. -i r i. r, �.. v /_ r ___' ___ _ /iv_ '.Ir'.�O � O V (v � � .-i! ( �Y �Y�.c..� � �( c�� i-� = 3� � YY� a� 't. of �o . f al �'� i �-� I �L -�l.f A 1� , .. _. �'. SSI- ..`2:_�L 7��C� G 5J (1)kfire of (ITtr Galt April 10th, 1919. HAn. Henry McColl, t_ Co—lesioner of Public Safety. Ba¢r Sir: Att¢chad pleas. find two applic ratil" of the Hlnhattan Oil & Lina ad Company for permit to install L tom gasoline filline stations at the following locations: On Vinnehah¢ St., 'Let 16, Block h, Idackubin's Addi- tion, 00 -Callon capacity. On Seventh Bt., Let 11, Black h, t,nckubin's Addition, 600 -gallon capacity. Tae above apps lications w rsferrod to you regard to fire hazard, by the Council atita meatjug hold today. Very truly yours, 2,s c. `/ CITY CLERIC. JOHN ,. FAn,C, Wirt of Titg Cult JAS- MINER Tit)J 11f 0� ant Apr11 5th, 1919. He.. U. N. Cos., Comr. of Public Works. Do.r Sir: -.•-+� ' O ✓ Attached please find Ordinance No. 24781, grant- ing permission to the Manhattan Oil S Linseed Company to install n curb filling station on Seventh Street, which wan laid over on 0 Beek to May 2nd, for Tnird Re„di vg and Approval .e to form, and e ref erred�u, by the Council ut ito meting hold this data. Very truly an..CITY CLERK%fj r HENnY OE—IN ♦fai cmar cNlcr CITY.OF -SAINT PAUL _ BUREAU OFFIREPROTECTION April 3.1, 1919. Hon. Henry McColl, Commissioner of Public Safety, City. Dour Sir: - In regard to the application of the Idanhattaa 011 & Linseed Co., to establish a curb filling station on Minnehaha Street, Lot 16, Block 4, Mackubin's Addition and on 7th Street, Lot 11, Block 4, Mackubin's Addition, consisting of two (2) tanks to be buried underground, each 600 gallon capacity. I have made made inspection of same, and would recommend that permit be granted, and that this office be notified before said tanks and pipes are covered for further inspection. Sours respectfully, Q�.i ACTING FIRE 110SHAL. Tttg of O Faint Paul - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY April 10,1919. Henry CDevlin, Fire Chief, City c St.Pea l,Minn. Dear Sir: -Nil, you Flease have the Fire ILrehal investigate regarding fire hazzard, the locati:-n of a curb filling station on Miniehaha Street, Lot 16, Block 4, Maokubin's Addition and on ?th Street, Lot 11, Block 4, 2.:ackubin's1 Addition; both tanks to be six hundred (60C) gallons c4acity. As I understand it, these t�vo curb filling stations are to be located in oposite ends of the same building, the building to have frontage on 7th Street and also on Minnehaha Street, and to be used as a garage. Application for installing these tank and curb pumps has been made by the Manhattan 011 & Linseed Company. Please have report made to this office as soon as possible. Yours very truly, Comm b 'Safety. / MEG i � I � ; � � � � � � � i it T/J �l"'8FFICE-0E-TF4ECOOfFTROLLER G1 2y,78rZ - r,n sur. No............ _.:........— AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 605 __. tl— U111ED agar o IIte out of the herein f 1 f I f J ( ( lihel.eJ char warranr= Le d--ul 1 City T-1.1.1, I Lle s .paiW 1 f-11-4, J =larem t: firms or wrpormioo. (ur the nmou - - yl - I -Y irc name a person=, _ 191_ y— 1 v ) Coonmlmen 1 V ) \aIs .4Joyren Ly nc� l.ouncJ Cl.. y uban meed r ...rrnn _. cirva'c.en.arr au's.eie Farn xorrh ,.� rnn dori �rno nn.nwn amends. n _. /r U rro.(1 /N / YI!]� none roc rnn nmonn.. e.r oono.iw n ro.oenrivn nmm�. .dmmna M. un 1e1 0ll _ dewor om r. o n ce, ,si"e aaear .wo n, comr. o - -Hodgson er s'ai iso°' or o r. o d e, as.e:u.do. ° "•`° r o r. o as n. 4,215.99 S. A. Ferns wo rthr Com'r. of Finance Ne }3E`t0' mayon-'a-OSYice 3ti&.75 Oib-I+d»•rk _Oomf(p-Finance- Assessments —Q - ���-k mance- ge ,c9tiyis.-& Dieb. 54866 par}yo..�erts• ,7250 &*S-63 0 m tryblflr 444-.00 =PurCh 'Dep't. - li&r90 -t=ent Buresu Mun _EmPloym 630.00 4,S3S.99- 5,867.38 };q}+r S. A. Farnsworthy Com'r, of Finance eg&&6 - � k_ L .pujy___ '-s-lien. Adm. ' -Bu�of Engineers 1 _ 1 28b..8BQ .Bawer=C-. & Repr. 34a -2,a ...5.-&S.:- Ging. 287-50 - Br _,,&, _B • & R. G.F.-�roesw�lks 70" Sprinkllng Revl. 5,867=.38 I �Mmm 605—Fdge #2 S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 8,725.02 I SohGQ3.S 4')932-M Li 3-,42?' `ium 364.02 .B,,7.25,02 1-171V . S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,554.16 _po.ks-Gen. Ad. 2eg-1:7- B"re.—f Parke _329-.I46 Playgrounds _14e_. " 62&;03 Revl. -ev-00 IT&5,r 16 �Tte"_ S. A. Farnsworth, Com'r. of Finance 1,620.00 -T t_ Lab-. 5377M 0 9010 -Markets =Lighting gj;�50 �IH SY05- 9-" OFFICE OF THE ONIPTROLLER '41 AUDITE CLAIMS -RESOLUTION FORM- ay -1j Iq 11-1= S. A. Farns;Lrth, COmtr- Finance 17,034.39, AUDIT.. Fern. mIr. Finance, 29,487.39 607 TIV24 S. A. Farnewo th Comt r. Finance 1 1,295.00 Petr--F,t-re-Alarm bed— upon the CiIy Treasury, payable ool of sheI'lleill-fol 'P�elfi" '""d, "o r of she 00 Resoled pe__ firms or corporas�mu f .. ..... ioTheir -p -P-r— -Gen. Yens v) c.-eil.ee Clancy .e 'o oe. e._. Adopled 6, lho C.-o6l Ap,oq,ed, 'Garage Health 11 Y'R mecoll W-elerftel- Aare Al,.T - 'e-C.c� 'N"% , 1'.. ay -1j Iq 11-1= S. A. Farns;Lrth, COmtr- Finance 17,034.39, A. Fern. mIr. Finance, 29,487.39 TIV24 S. A. Farnewo th Comt r. Finance 1 1,295.00 Petr--F,t-re-Alarm 1142 1 5 S. A. Farn-orth, Comir. Finance, ;'4ty Adm. 00 3,117.70 -P-r— -Gen. 'Garage Health ay -1j Iq 7ffl OMPTROLLER j7 - N...247..81 AUI�TE'D CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 908 -:� , BY--/,— -!- iv n ��TED IPER.— -T— H—hed that warrant= be dt.— u11- the City Treasury, payable out of the hereinafter I—ifilll f—�. —1 m f—, of the s, frm or ti tj,� pjlllit� their —P -ill names askf1 in the following detailed ---t: y_ Nuys Ad,,�d by the C--il 24 -m cbjy, _...0 l__..._ 91 11 C.11 &tli6 11, Pt�f�WH.dg 11026 S. A. Farnsworth, ComIr. of Finance 3, . 320.53 Ilo S. A. Farnsworth, Gom'r. of Fine 00 5,853.54 phn}�n-Bei}r Hone a .57651"o, 46.75 BuPeau-ef-44ay-&nounda 859:36 2"o F461.05 149 -.ss pha-1,en-Go-If 248:91p P. BldgB� Revl,. 422,39 5-,85"-4 -13@e8 S. A. Farnworth, Com'r. of Finance Weber 9,153.68 im E OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLeu �• .. AUDITED CLAIMS—RESOLUTION FORM 909 G AUDITED APR Resolved that rvurranls be drawn upon the City Treasury, payable out of tha hereinufler yrccifmd f -ds and in fa... of the per=ons, firms or corpormione (or the amounts set oppostle their —pectase rumen as s1—ifiId h, thI follo.r I led --I- Y l v ) C ... Izi cn ( v ) Naffs Adapted by the Cou m I...— 1AQ as 4I9_ f,I Caaey WR 20 f9le ...- PJf _ Against hf Coll –'-- nderlich If,. Pre t, Hodg= oir... .. Vii° e�ruix`m�I°K o - y"�i aiy Pee ctr,t` , 13009- H. W. Goetzinkely, 14.25 e r�- 11eW R. T. Gourley, 20.40 B Hureau-o£-Engre. -XO `0 - 51.40 11-C31 E. W. Johnson, Supt., - 1.01 P3eyg-�e s 1-1O39 quality Printing Company, 10.75 - 5.ah."s 31033 St.Paul shite Lead & 011 Company, 29.16 Weber li@3.4 Westinghouee Electric & Mfg. Company, 123.49 TOA-61-�199.II6 �` CITY O PAUL COWNCIL RE50LUT N—GENERAL FORM C r (� .. _ ) ..__..__.. _ ...__...... J 2,4 ! gyp86 nLe Datc ve ...... .... .. _,. ,1...._191..... Resolvcd, That the grade of Alley in Block 11 Merriam Park Second Addition, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile, and as reoommended by the CoMie- sioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopt- ed as, the established grade. 'aTko{ie more`* a'n'�au�".II., cn norkw �v, vna Ne I „ I^ Yeas (J) Covvcii cv (J) Nays V Clav Adopted by thi cnaaeD........-"AFA._N�1._t...191...... th Approv 191..... _.:.._...In favor ....._...�...aa C...Ig........... .. v ........... �� _..._.. ���nraw A gaiost vvderlich . aiid—,,H-9— I... C-61 Fila N-- PROPO§AL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 24787 Petition: -Z Th, b,dmig.,d hereby .,nna, the making of th, Wl—ing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, A, Dated thi ........ .. I-Tt)Icd,y.f.— Ap.,rIla1919-- 191— Councilman. PRELIMI c- F WHEREAS, A written prop—I for the making d the following improvement., i,.: six feetwide, on bot),; sides _qf H=vQ ster—Avenue from -White Bear Avenue to. Hazel Ave� rt�a' in attmohed. . ..... ........ - --- ............................ .. having b..n 1p --d w the Council f the City of St. Paul by C ... .. .. ........ -- ..... .. ........... ... ... .. .... therefore, ba it RESOLVED, That the Commi,,i ... r of Nbli, Work. be and he i, hereby ordered and din,dcd; I. To i-aftigata the .—aity for or da.i-bility of the making of said i,pn—rfi-t. 2. To fnvertgam the nature, extent and ertimnred cast ,F ,aid'unprwemenq and the total tort thereof. 3. Tofumish a plan, pmfila,,.k,t& of..id imp,,,,,.L Ml—mg .1har d—d inf.,inatio.,al.tM to'said inpr—aa;... �'(. To nate whether or nae and improvement i. a,ked for on the petition of three or more ownem. T. mNrt upon all of the foregoing mattes t. the C.nnni.,i—r of F—n— Ad.ptad by the c .... i, APR 24...(......___191........ Nay.: C... Ga— McColl Appr—d. W.-da'I" . .............. . .. - Mayor "Z ;/ y . r . U Co..ciI Fib, N. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 24 788 igge. PRELIMINARY,ORDER. Th d sign d h eby pro the meking f th following p bl mpmvement by the City of St. Pal, viz.: Conetruot D;,}vgways a the!£gllowing loo at Sone. __..... ___......_..� Dated C Men. PRELIMII'JARY ORDER WHEREAS. A wraten pmpaaal for the making of 16 following lmpmvement, iia.: Coaetruot Driveways ELI. the following looatione: __... __.._...._. Grove.._St. 89uth...eldos71ft.wida from.. 83 Rt,Eaet of Jagkeon St.,thenoe East...Fifth._St -, Koxth.. aids, 14...Yt..w.ide,.f.rom..1QQ...Y.t.East_.. ....._oY.::Jaakaon:..St...,ehenoe..Eaet_ 12..Y.t..... __ _..... .__._.... .__........ having been pmamted to the Council of the City of St. Paul by Co cilma - ......... ...__......... shemfom, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the C—amioner of Public Warks be end he is hereby ordered end dinned: I. To i—ftigats the a—ity for or de.ir.bllity of the —king of said ia,pmvement. 2. To i—ansate the nature, extent and eaim.ted ma of .aid impmvemaq and the ental can thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvement. �3--Yrt'f�nifi E�falYowlnH' ani em :......................................_. _.._ ........... ........ ... _... .... .... ... ............ To am 6th,, not d -sens p or is s6d f., on th p,titi,n f thr or mom owns .. �"Ta report ap.. .11 of th f g g matte t th Commis er of Finance Adopted by the council....._........_��r...a34...*p.-....__'91...._.. Yem: N•y: Coandlma F.rn�.aaa 1 Approved............"}ra.. _..._.191.._._ -Hyh.d X918 McColl Wanderha L/ ... Mayoriwirt' Mayor. a PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT E. G.Hrlgge. and 24781) \ PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned hereby p ce the mekigg of the Follo ' g public improvement by the City d St. Pauli viz: A.onatruot...Dslveaaya...a the-fo sing.locations: -.. ------ 31.o1oria Htraet..,Eeat aide,r t,wide,irom._106_£t,South.of. Hague._. _._.. Avenu4.athenoB $outh 9.%t _Sglah-St.Noxth. eide,6_.ft..aide,froat _. Dated thiolf3,th...de`y of-APXU,.lyly.. ...._....._. - ..�..�.IPI.. .... / Co .dh. m PRELIMINARY,ORpER. C-' lT o zye 7 F WHEREAS, A Witt- aroposal for the making of theIlowing rmprovemenq vi=.: Construct Driveways at the_. following. locations: V.Setorla...Street.,...Eeet...side.,. .6..feet.. aide, _from,l06_.feet South.. of_.. Hague._Avenue,.thenoe South 9L fae.t.a.;....lglehart_Street- Noath oide._eix feet wide, from„36 feet Eaet of Oxford Street,. thence East 10} feet, having been presented to the Council of the City d St. Paul by Camw;lman -_ ._......... __...__... therefom, be it RESOLVED. That the Commissioner d Public Works be and he i, hereby mdrsed end di do d: L To invertigete the nece,.ity far or desirability of the malting of said imamvrment 1. To i ... Rigate the nature, extent end eRimated mA of ,aid improvement, and the total ron thereof. 3. To famish a plan, vmfile or akarh of said improvement. l�:olu=��hsluFolbwihaotherdetebskinformetivn-reFativete-said'urgnwanem-.....____._.__............ _........ _._. _. To Matewhether or not s.id improvement it asked far on the petition of than ar more owners To report n—all of the fomgoing masers to the Commissioner of F m Adopted by the council191...:._. Yem: Nay,: Councilmen � h% aApproved....._...__.._.J” McCall Wunderlich .............. .. ... ....... ___....... Maya,gs doMayor. Council File No.......__.. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT .--'2i790 Petition ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby 9,op-az.- th—eki,g of the f.jj_i,g ;pobjj I e improvement by the City of St. P-11, viz, .........._Grkde and surf soe.,wi-t grav_al alley from Fairview ,.,.._, _... Avenue to. RPWQY Avenin be e. n 5 lby Avenue-an.d.. ...Day.ton-Avem.01 all'An Bloc 2a xk 2ndAddition. ....... . ..... . . ..... ... - ...... ....... . . ......... Doted thi.- 16t4-,-de'y-of, 191 PRELIMINARY,ORDER, C - WHEREAS, A -it— P,W11-1 for the making -f`1 —following j'p'.11111t' 1— q;mgdq and pu;fcce with gravel E410Y from Tal rv'eA Avpnvp to DewQy,..Ayeuu0..bctween Selby AVenUP and ..........Dayton.Avenue, ll ,in having been pm—ted to the C-61 of the City If St. P..1 by C—ciho— the.f.,e. be it RESOLVED, Tha the Commissioner of Public Works be and he it hereby ordered and directed: L To i ... Rig,te the necessity f,, or dt,i,,bility of the making of nid improvement. 2. To i-eRig.te the netu extent and tai—ted eon of ..id improvement, end the told e.ft thereof. 3. To fmih , plop, profile or Aeteb of said hop—=nt- rb; To nate whether or na said m,,t i, .,ked f., an the petition of th5o, or more .—et. _<-I. upon upon .11 of the f—pin, m.tt— to the Cl000ilsil— of F"m". Adopted by the council...._. MR - " 191- N. y Y'! C .... il... App—.d.."', 191 Lr Kokk, L MIC.11 X Me, - -e" Wderlith 7 - .......... . ".i - F— ENT File No....._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVENT ..d 24791 PRELIMINAg ORDER. I e"�h z The -d-ig.td hereby p, I., t,,,m,ki.g o be f.li..i,g p.bli, i-pl-l-It by the City of St. P -A vi, CI-A—i- �d takin- ea,sweat-In the -land neoeSsaXY,..for__. Deed thio 160- day of •07 4- 11919,- ....... ... - 21191....... C.. PRELIMINA. QDER.j WHEREAS. A written pmp ... I f,, the making of the f.Iloi,g i,p ...... np via: Condemning_ ardtaking an easement in the land necessary for_ x_qvte and-fAlle in._grading.. Alley from Fairview Avermo_tol)awey Avenme.betwpen...$elby. Avenue anddpaytan Avenue, allin,B10031- 12, Merriam I?ar.X 5qqond AddltlQn- h.,i,g been prete.ted to the C-eil of the City of St. Pool by C .. d6e, th-f-, be it RESOLVED. Tha the C.00ni.,i.oe, of Public W.,k. be and he is hereby ordered and directed: , I. Ta inveaigate the ncceesity for or desirability of the making of said improvement � 2. To iofti,ote the nature, extent and eaheted con of said improvement, --d the t-1-1 -A thereof. 3. To famish a pion, profile or.k�tch of said impravement. To Ret, whether .r not said improvement it asked f,, ., the petiti.n of tb- or more To 'e"' upon all of the fomgomg matter. to the Commisioncr of Finance. Adopted by the council 191 ye -Noy.: Councilmen — cApproved............. 191 - Hyl -d KAte, Mec.11 Wunderlich ........... .... ....... Mayor I -i- M.Y., C—dl He No._....._.__... _.._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 241792 . and E. G. Briggs. ` 'PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the -eking ofthe following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz., Reconstruct, relay and repair oement tile sidewalks at the following locations: .Western Ave.,Eaet side,six feet wide,from Pleasant Ave.,thence South 45 feet. Exohm ge St.Weat side,six feet wide,from 50 feet South of Eagle St. thence South to Chestnut St. East Sth.St.,South s7de,10 feet wide,from Minneeota St.,thence East 100 feet. '.. Minnesota Str.East side,9} feet wide,from Sth.Str. to 9th.Str. Fuller Ave.,South side,6 feet wide,from 50 feet west of Farrington Ave.,thenoe West 22 feet. Temperance Str.-,Weet side,ll feet wide,from 10 feet South of Grove St.,thence South 14 feet. WinnEpeg Ave.,11orth aide, 6 feet wide,from 310 itdat west of Rice St. thence West 120 feet. A. yrs •"':•-"iom 50 `feet`South of Eagle St. Exchange"St.West- side;eia'feet"Wide;. thence South to Chestnut St. East Sth.St.,Scuth e1de,10 feet wide,from Minnesota St.,thence East x'100 feet. gj feet wide,from Sth.Str. to 9th.Str. Minnesota Str.Eaet side, Fuller Ave.,South side,6 feet wide,from 50 feet West of Farrington Ave.,thenoe West 22 feet. �! Temperance Str.,Weet sida,ll feet wide,from 10 feet South of Grove St.,thenoeSouth 14 feet. '. Winnipeg Ave.,BOrth side,6 feet wide,from 310 feet West of Rice St. thence West 120 feet. Adopted by the counril._._.....r: 1S. 2 } I�I°....._......__I91......_ Yeee: N y Conndlmen C.. wrcrt� `�� � r_." ADPr ed . ... _�� n _�4...... _...191....._. Fykrd Ibeft d McColl wnnaedi h........_........__.. Mayor. Mayor l,+m. ..:1% ' - - Coundl File No.......:... _..._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT j 24792. E. G. Bri a• i � y S t u• ]rJ �y C no 1 !i t p ... ......... ........ ......... . _ ...... _.. ........... Detedthi, lS.th._d,y,t Apr 1.,1919 ......._... .._...........191.__.. Councilme PRELIMII'j A,tY RDER, C" `itJ 2y i _ WHEREAS, A written propo,d For the making d threAi Iblowi`ngChp�avcmTcnt, viz.. Reconstruct, relay and repair cement the sidewalks at the following- Ilocatione: Western Ave.,Eaet side,six feet wide,from Pleasant Ave.,thenoe South 45 feet. Exchange St.West side,slx feet wide,from 50 feet South of Eagle St. thence South to Chestnut St. a East Sth.St.,South side,10 feet wide,from Miiinesota%t., thence East 100 feet. - .•:ai Hinneeota Str.East side,9j feet wide,from 8th.Str. ,to 9th.Str. Fuller Ave.,South side,6 feat wide,from 50 feet West of Farrington Ave.,thenoe West 88 feet. Temperance Str.,West eide,ll feet wide,from 10 feet South of Grove St.,thenoe9outh 14 feet. Winnipeg Ave.,ROrth side, 6 feet wide,from 310 feat west of Rios St. thence West 180 feet. 0. CJ Adopted by thecounal____.._-'.Ci._.'._....`x'................ 191 Yue: Ney,: Ceunulmen �nawert� r_•. Approved 4 Hv McColl . .......... 191..__. Wwedcrlkh ..._ ___.'." ' 1 ......_.._. Mayor I..,n Mayor. 9 , Council FjlFN-.-,- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �4r�y3 E.G.Briggs. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby Propose, the making of the following public improvement by. the City of St. Paul. vi Reoonstruot, relay ant repair, cement tile sidewalks at tho�following locations: Cleveland Ave.,Eaet side,six feet Wide,from 44 feet North of Ashland Avenue, thence North 28 feet, 38 feet farther North, thence North 4 100 feet, and from Laurel Ave., thence North to the Allay. Laurel Avenua,North Side,.6 feet wide, from Cleveland Ave.,thanoe Eaet'18 feet. Selby Ave.,North aide,'6 feet wide, from 64 feet East of Dunlap Street, thence East. 60 feet. :. Selby Ave.,North. eide,6 feet wide,from about 98 fent West of Griggs Str.,thenoe West 38 feet, from 30 feet farther Weal, thence West 70 feet, from 70 feet farther Hest thence 16 feet, and from198 feet _ West of Syndicate Ave., thenoe West 63 feet. Reconstruct, relay and repair, cement tile sidewalks'at the following locations: Cleveland Ave.,Eaetel8a,eix feet wide,irom 4f at North of Ashland Avenue, thence North 28 feet, 38 feet Yarthe North, thence North 100 feet, and from Laurel Ave., thence -North to the Alley. Laurel Avenue,Horth Side, 6 feet wide, from Cleveland Ave.,thence East 18 feet. Selby Ave.,North side, 6 feet wide, from 64 feet East of Dunlap Street, thence East 60 feet. Selby Ave.,North side,6 feat wide,Yrom about 98 feet West of Griggs Str.,thenoe West 32 feet, from 30 feet farther West, thence West 70 feet, from 70 feet farther thenoe'Rest Wthence 16 feet, and froml98 feet West of Syndicate Ave., _ Y' eats whether ar net said improvement is asked far on the petition of [Puce ar mare awnere. report upon nil of the Foregoing —1— to the Commissioner of F..--. y, n ,.. Adopted by the coundl_.._.._...,1,_�,-.Ls.-1919 ..___..._I91........ Yens. CNsys: ounulmn Y «th C— Approved_..........»'i. - ..1914....._.....191....... Nyland .�/ Kdler t] McColl Wunderlich.... _._._..................._. Mayor Ines Msror. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 2479'1 Petition. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The -d—igned hereby prop.... the making of the following Pali, in,r-enarot by the City of St. P-11. via-: Doted thi -17th!A, of C ORDER. PRELIMIN�LRY O WHEREAS, A witte. Pmp.noI far be making of the glowing Construct a eager, onClifton 'street fXom,.james he,i.a been presented to the C-oodl of the City of St- Pon' by C ... cil"' th—hn, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissions of Poblie Work, be and he i, hereby ordered and directed: I. Toi—c/ the noc—ity for or desirability of the —king of said improvement. . To inwki. gate the nature, extent and eftinn-d wit of said improvement, and the total ceft thereof. 3. To ft.i,h a pl.., profile or sketch of said imP—r--t- o Ystate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three ..a ..n... TPo. Pa. off of the foregoing o-e,a to the Commissioner of Finerne. 1919 Adopted by the -uncil 191 Year: Co-cilea- N.y,: Ga— Approved......... 191.— Hyhn,4 Kellen, �e , m'C.II 0;`. W-da,licl, May., Irvin, Moyor. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. -i"�J ✓ and Petition PRELIMINARY ORDk4. The midersigned hereby propuaq_ths making of the fs,117. iag public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ..,_Conetx11o4, _a.awer an@}aoe Stzaatfrom. Edgeoumbe._Road_ .-...._.. exiRBtaa...A90nlle. _... �.:��.� _.._. _...... -. D ted thi. 17th. .day of/April 1919......... .,:..._...._.. 1 • 191.._... \. Coundlman. PRELIMIN�JRy ORDER. WHEREAS, A wrkten pmposal for the making of the f.11—ing imp meat, In.: Construct sewer on Palace Street from Edgeoumbe Road ._-Jo ._Lexington ..Avenue.___.__ - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by C oncilmen----- themfare, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby ordered and din,ded: 1. To investigate the necessity for or dsdr.billty of the making of said improvement. 2. To invenigale the nature, e.tent and animated con of said Improvement, and the total eost thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, profile or ske sh of said improvement 9. 'vfnniish�6e{olk«in4atherdata mid-isdosmation nalativa.t-AiLip haven a�.._....._...............__..-..... ___.... T To itate nether or not d imp—son t asked for on the petition of three or more owners. '�OTo report upon all of the foregoing mptt_ to the Commissioner of Finance. : Adopted by the council...:.;.-`-�.:':...��.1�-.._..-......--.-.191— Y ... 91._Yee.Nays; CauneilmanT%ei:.mh '; zv— McCo1P Wuadedieh a_.:._....._... Mayor Irdm \d� 'atocil File No. I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Petition. ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The -da,koed h`by`atoppaa. the .eking of the following p.b1ic imp—tooeot by the GlY of St. P-11- li- Are4e end pave.alley in plook.11 Merrie* Perk Dated this day'l Ap;il" 1919' .......... 191 C ...Gilman. PRELIMINARYA RD WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fiali—iag i,pr.v,.,-', 11- pre, and psveal-leY in Blook. 11 Merriap PeX11 $eopnd Additi0n— h,,i,g be,, presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul by C ... lil.an therefore, be it MOLVED, That the Commi.aiao,, of Public Works be and be is hereby a,Ad ..d di,,dad: I. To i-afligata the _jty for ., da,i,.bilily of the making of said bop—lonlol. 2. To im,nig.te the nal—, aa,a.t and animated coal of said jenp.—ant, and the total ma thereof. 3. To f.,,A,h . plan. pt.fiia ., Aelah of said improvement. a�, itate "both ......... t i, eak,1 for on to, atill- 11 three ar more owners. _ To report p.. .11 of the I ... gaiag meteors to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the council 191 __- Yea.: Nap: C—ciho..Vag2 rh AP —ad Ka. ,zMC.111 I wonders May., 11we, C ... 61 File N .. ...... .. PROPOSAL POR IMPROVEMENT -4( 247 79 sod PRELIMINARY ORDERZ The undersigned h—by proposes the_ making of the filll—i7�,publi, improvement by theCity of St. Paul, ver.: aild.,,faking...,pn,,,!,aoQment in tbQ land necessary -for illo.pes�40z,.outs. end, fills In - < .......... .....grguling-Alley In-BlociI-1,Marxim Park Datedthi- d.y.f —"Ap. rll, �19119-- 191 .. Councilman. PRELIMINARY r�ER- WHEREAS, A ittcn p,,p.,.l for the ..king of the Fo lowing ilep—e—oq vi - Condemning _asd_ taking an easement_ in -the land,, necessary ,for glQP05, for outs and fills in, gradlng.. Allay -in -Block.. 11 -Mezriam. Park -Second Addition li.vhut been p.—led to the Council of the City nF St. Paul by C-61-- thenef.- be it RESOLVED, That the Cononi,rio— of Public Works be and he i, hereby ordered and �,-,eaad: I. To i- i no.ki., of laid improvement 2 v:ft gate the necessity for ., desirability of the a , a t.� -,be L . T.i, Rig- the nature, eate—odettioutted wft of 'lid improvement, an u. en. 3. To famish a plan. p,,fia sketch of laid in,pue-on- 3 ................. -..- 11 1 1�To ft- wboth,, or not said improvement i, ..ked for .n the petition of three - more P. eport uon- all of the f.reg,ing matter. to the C.—isai—er d Frena. Ado by thee-ocil.... e ft'S 191 ya— Nay.: C ... cihn.u� - C— App .... d-11 191— Hotl' McColl Wunderlich... .................. Me,., 111in— -yoc. I Coacil Filo No, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Mr SPenoer, and 24798 A000unt Paving PRELIMINARY ORDER. Cleveland Avenue. The undersigned hereby proposes 11 e.meking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz , __.. ........... Construct eewer, gn Cleveland AvenueYrom Robyn _ .._.._... Avenueto Univere�itiy,A`venue, and on Myrtle Avenue ._ .e _..... .......... _.._.... pfrom Cleveland Avenue tb�,HWden Avenue Died thf 21et,.day of APrl ......1919,.. __. ,191 _.. C nulm.n. PRELIMINAR ORDER. C' 0 2 `L'7 l WHEREAS, A -dean pmposal For the making of the fol o_g improvem n-, A- _._, ........_ Construot sewer on Cleveland Avamie from Roblya _._...._ _. _..__.__..... ... ....._........AvenUe...to Univeraity..AVenne. and on, Myrtle Avenue from,Oleveland Avenue to_A.empden Avenue ._,_.,_ having been pruented to tho Coonnl of the City of St. Paul by C.... ilm.n .. ° therefom, be it RESOLVED. Th.t the C^mmissionv of Public Works be and he i. hereby ordered end directed: I. To invertigate the necea.ity for or desirability of the making of said improvement. 2. To fnvertig.te the nature, extent and animated con of ,aid impmvamenq and the total mrt thexmF. 3. To fumi.h a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. -3.—Tnfnm'vh-tlsafollvwin�oeherdeecnnd•i^fomsatimrrelath£to' a3':mpFo me Ci:.._.._.:........_._.._......._._._.._...._. net 111th" or not d p t k d f- th p t t f t6 �To report upon ell of th foregoing matters to the Commi ^er of hinance a awn Adopted by the causal...........:.?;:..`.vi..^._�a...:............191 ....._. Yeas: Nayr. Councilman W 01 Approved ltp ........... .. H9fa....:.: _.._ ..I4.......... 191...._. y. MooMcColl u wpndersah fMayorJaw. M yor. ea,m cn arses .:>: Council Fie No.._.. _._... PROPOSAL ...61FJIeN.- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 2ZI799 PRELIMINARY ORDER., e making I—I Th -d gd h—lby prep h k' f h f 11 h11, itIp--eet by the City If St. P-1, viz.: eieeI I six,feat wide, on -both aides of we "t nth' Street from Vieta-to Montreal. .............. Z ........... Dated thi., 17th .d—f Avzll- PRELIMINARY OM. C �1'o 2.14 7 1 WHEREAS. A ,itte, p,.p-1 f., thIp.ki.g If the --,-copptrat-cement, tile sidewalk, six., Peet wide, on looth. @idea of.West Seventh Street from Vista to Xontreal, having been p --ted t. the C ... cii If the City If Se. P-11 by C-1161111 th,tef—, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the C—aisd.— If Public Work, be and he i, hereby ordered and di,eded; I. T, investigate the — ity for or &.4hility If the making If said aepall—It. 2. T. i ... ftig.te the nneme, extent and eRimnt,d eeft If ,.id hp—catent, and the t-1 mft thereof. 3. T. f..ih . p6e, profile ar A,teb If said improvement. .......... JJLTo note whether or not snid improvemme is inked !or on the veeitfon of three or more owners. Adopted by the ..... il, 191 ...:N.y,: Yeas: Nays: Ge—App roved..__............_: 'M�Ceal WIqderlieh MIye,4v" i,- yet. I A„ alt "I In the Matter of.....A..._..,tlaRtinL_endprotecting .st?p.de .trees on math 91des of: - Snelling from .:.•:.:•.ter Randolph to Summit. Brimhall from- apt: Saratoga from - -Randolph to Summit. Warwick from -Randolph to St. Clair. . - ----_ Randolph,. to Summit. Albert' from ° Randolph to ;Summit. , INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.....A..._..,tlaRtinL_endprotecting .st?p.de .trees on math 91des of: - Snelling from .:.•:.:•.ter Randolph to Summit. Brimhall from- Randolph to St. 01,1,. Saratoga from - -Randolph to Summit. Warwick from -Randolph to St. Clair. Pascal From Randolph,. to Summit. Albert' from ° Randolph to ;Summit. , ains frowm Bml `- Randolph to Summit. - Syndicate from- '. Randolph to Summit.- Griggs- - - • from= Randolph to Sum mit. .Dunlap from St. Clair t Summit. - South Lexington from Summit to Edgecombe Road. 00odrick from Snelling to South Lexington. Fairmont from Snelling to Lexington South. 0Sceola from -: Snelling. to South Lexington: Sargent`. from Snelling toGriggs. -. Stanford from Snelling to Evergreen Place. Lansing from Pascal to Griggs. Jefferson. from Snelling to South Lexington. Juliet from Pascal to South Lexington. Palace from - Snel ling to South Lexington. ' James Prom- Pasco. to -South Lexington. -�-tmGaeTrenmmarY lhdex............. _LSZESS_.......... ............ aPProved.... ............. _.......tieC..._.l�a.. .l �?.1.8 ................. - The Cauncil of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fine— upon the shave improvement, sad having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report be and the came is.hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ie� hereby ordered to he proceeded with. 77 ^ That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.___to..plant—nd.-pr.o.tect .shade.._tr..ces...on.._both. sides.. of . ...._..___........ . ._............._- ................. _..... ..... Snelling from Randolph to Summit. Br imh:ll from from R,.nuolgh to St. Clair. Saratoga _ from Randolph .. to Summit. - - Warwick' ',. from Randolph, to St. Clair.. -Pascal from Randclph,um .to Smit. ..Albert -.from: Randolph to Summit. Hamlin. from Rendolph to Summit. Syndicate - from .Randolph to Summit. Griggs-: from Randolph to St. Clair. .Dunlap from Goodrich to Summit. Lexington -from Summit toEdgecumbe Road. Goodrich- `--from Snellingto 'South Lexington.', - Fairmetint from Snelling toSouthLexington. ' Osceola, Osceola` -from- Sarat a to: Gr iggs. ,from .Dunlap Lexington. S.,reentfrom ford Sarato Gri gs. f o•n Sy -a to t G iegs. �i Lansing T """ Jefferson - m - pu ec 1 t from pw,sc 1 t?Grj from '. Snelling'to Syexington. Juliet fro, Pascal to Edgecumbe-R6.d. Pclass from Snelling to South Lexington. Js mss - from Pascal to South LexinEton. with no nl—ti-e, end that the estimated cost thereof is $...__.__...1Gy- Resolved Further, That n public hearing be had an acid improvement on [ he...............17Lh_-_...day of ..........:...........iV.ay...._......... _.... ...., 191- 9..., at the boar of 10 o'clock A. DI., in the Council Chomher of the C.—Rouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Peal. That the Com ni.iover of Pinauee give notice of eaid meeting to the pereona end in the meaner provided by the Charter, emtiag the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement, and the total cost thereof na estimetad. Adopted by the Council....._.....,:?ii._"::.. �1�._......, 191.-. _... Approves.: �i..2,1:.141 - ...:...., —C'onveflmatfFernewerHt 191 .. �• � e e el rh _ .... 'tt yon (7ncnMN�¢C'flagi- Counedmau #klAhd Clan ey i '. .Coanodmem Feller (Z canneam n Dteeau :% 9yyjslifID '� �/ ;. Councilman Wunderlich a I 3feyorlJ#•Vrti� Hodgson l� I Form B S. A &6 tt i END ZIICROFIL14 CERTIFICATE The Undersigned hereby certifies as follows: 1. The roll of microfilm described herein was made in the regular, course of 'business by td jh �� r' lcin accordance with the standard and apprb ed� technaques th a Rec rdak microfilm machine, i]odel M 2 of Eastman Kodak Company. 2. The roll of microfilm was made on 19 (�_ by the undersigned oo rator(s). 3. The serial number of the rcll of r mrofilm is ,rn A 4. The roll of microfilm contains photographic copies of: Ca :I nu w+ 5. The last document ohotographed on said roll of microfilm is. OJO 'I/ �-� After this certificate has been executed by the undersigned operator(s), it will be photographed on said roll of microfilm immediately after the last document. Signed: p Q T Operator Dated Jw # Y 19 z _